Автор: Sokoloff M.  

Теги: linguistics   dictionary   hebrew language   ancient languages  

ISBN: 965-226-260-9

Год: 2002


Published with the assistance of: The Milan Roven Chair ofTalmudic Studies, Bar Ilan University The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Chair of Talmudic Culture, University of California, Berkeley The "Amos " Fund for the Encouragement of Scholars and Writers, Founded by the President of Israel The preparation of this volume was made possible in part by a grant from the Program for Research Tools and Reference Works of the United States National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent Federal agency. ISBN 965-226-260-9 © Copyright by Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Israel on acid free paper — 2002 by Graphit Press Ltd., Jerusalem Bar Ilan University Press Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel www.biu.ac.il/Press The Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4363 www.press.jhu.edu ISBN 0-8018-7233-2 Library of Congress Control Number: 2002106817 To Simone, ruta-Vy n>by nxi V>n toy nm nisi Proverbs 31:29
PREFACE The author's aim in preparing the present dictionary was twofold: 1. To provide both students and scholars with an up-to-date tool for an accurate understanding of the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic dialect of the Talmudic and the Geonic Periods. 2. To provide a comparative tool for the Aramaist and Semitic linguist by which to see the relationship between this Aramaic dialect and the other contemporary Eastern Aramaic dialects, viz. Syriac and Mandaic. Students of Rabbinic literature are mainly interested in reading and understanding texts containing Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, particularly the Babylonian Talmud, which, however, also contains much material written in several varieties of Rabbinic Hebrew. Though the Rabbinic dictionaries since the Middle Ages have traditionally combined both the Aramaic and Hebrew vocabularies of this literature in one volume, such a procedure also has its drawbacks. Indeed, I can only repeat here the words of Th. Noldeke, written over a century ago: One could tend to doubt the propriety of a dictionary of the entire old Rabbinic literature. Namely, it is anathema for linguists to find Hebrew and Aramaic together in one lexicon. But on the other hand, this entire literature, as diverse as it is, stands together. And furthermore, Hebrew and Aramaic passages in both Talmuds and in the later Midrashim stand so close that any doubt may be suppressed before practical needs. Literarisches Centralblatt fiir Deutschland 1875, p. 875 However, before such a practical two-language dictionary can be written each of the Hebrew and Aramaic linguistic strands which make up the vocabulary of this literature must first be untangled and treated individually. Moreover, in many places throughout this dictionary the author has noted similar usages between Jewish Babylonian Aramaic and Rabbinic Hebrew where each may serve as the source language for caiques in the other. With the completion of his work on the Rabbinic Aramaic dialects of Eretz Israel and Babylonia, it is the author's hope that in the coming years parallel lexicons of the Hebrew language of these two centers will appear. Only then will it be possible to combine the results into one volume which will accurately reflect the two languages of Rabbinic literature.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial assistance for the research on this work was provided to the author by the following institutions and funding bodies: The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture; the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; the Bar Ilan Research Council; the Littauer Foundation. Major funding came through a grant from the United States National Endowment for the Humanities. The computer programming for the project was carried out at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, during 1987-89, in the framework of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, under the direction of Prof. S.A. Kaufman, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. Additional programming was done at Bar Ilan University by I. Yedidya, of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, and all the programs were run on the Department's Vax computers. I should like to thank Prof. Z. Ben Hayyim, the former director of the Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language of the Academy of the Hebrew Language for providing me with an electronic version of the Aramaic portions of the Babylonian Talmud prepared for the Historical Dictionary, and Z. Bushariya, head of the Historical Dictionary's computing section, for having written the necessary programs to extract them from the complete text. Conversion of the electronic version into a form suitable for computer analysis was done by Dr. Moshe Hoshen and Dr. Dalia Hoshen. Mr. S. Yahalom checked all of the text references and saved the author from many errors. Ms. S. Butbul checked all of the references in Arabic. Mr. A. Leidner checked all of the cross references in the dictionary. Prof. Sh. Shaked, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, who for many years has devoted much of his research to Iranian loanwords in Aramaic, gave generously of his time to check all of the Iranian loanwords and to discuss problems concerning them. Prof. S.A. Kaufman and Prof. S. Friedman, Jewish Theological Seminary, Jerusalem, read through the entire text of the dictionary and provided many corrections. Prof. Y Sabar, UCLA, placed a pre-publication copy of his dictionary of Jewish Neo-Aramaic at my disposal. Dr. Y Kara permitted me to use his card file of vocalized words in Halakhot Gedolot, Ms. Paris, and the page proofs of BAYTN. As in my previous dictionary, D. Louvish read through the entire text with his keen eye in order to correct style and insure consistency. A fellowship from the Center for Judaic Studies of the University of Pennsylvania enabled the author to devote the academic year 1993-94 to work on the dictionary. Similarly, a grant through the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project enabled him to work full time on the dictionary at Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, during the academic year 1997-98. Dr. J. A. Lund of the Project staff was helpful to him in many ways during his stay there.
12 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC A few words are in order concerning the production of the book itself. Advances in computer programs over the last decade have considerably diminished both the time and cost of mutilingual printing and improved its quality. The entire text of the dictionary was input by the author using the Israeli English-Hebrew version of the DOS wordprocessing program Nota Bene ('Shapirit'), converted by the author into a multilingual version. The resulting dictionary files were then imported into an especially adapted version of the Windows desktop publishing program TAG. I should like to thank Mr. D. Weissman, the author of the TAG program, for all his assistance, as well as Mr. S. Guttman, who designed all of the fonts used in this book. Ms. M. Avisar, director of Bar Ilan University Press, and Ms. A. Lamdan, also of the Press, contributed considerably to the book's production. The dictionary is dedicated to my wife, Simone, without whose support it could not have been written. M.S. INTRODUCTION 0.0 Introduction 0.1 Jewish Babylonian Aramaic1 was the spoken and written language of the Jewish communities in parts of what are today Iraq and Iran during the Sasanian and post-Sasanian Periods (3rd-11th cents. CE), corresponding to the Amoraic, Savoraic, and Geonic Periods of Jewish chronology. Together with Syriac and Mandaic, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic forms the eastern branch of Middle Aramaic,2 which has survived to the present day in the modern Aramaic dialects spoken by Jews, Christians, and Mandeans in an area ranging from Eastern Turkey to Iran.3 1.0 Sources 1.1 The following are the sources of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: 1.1.1 The Babylonian Talmud4 - Edited during the Sasanian Period in the 5th-6th cents. CE in the various academies of Jewish Babylonia, this compendium of Jewish law and lore, which is organized as a commentary on thirty-seven of the tractates of the Mishna, is our main source for knowledge of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic5 1.1.2 Geonic Literature6 - During the post-Talmudic Period (6th- 11th cents. CE) the heads of the academies in Jewish Babylonia, called the Geonim, wrote commentaries on the Babylonian Talmud, responsa, monographs on aspects of Jewish law, and lexicographical works, much of them in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic.7 1.1.3 Writings of Anan - Anan b. David (8th cent. CE), the founder of a sect which was a forerunner of Karaism, compiled an exegetical work on the Pentateuch on the basis of 1 For a survey of this dialect, see: E.Y. Kutscher, EJ 2:278ff, w. prev. lit. For an earlier and still valuable survey, see: Rosenthal, AF 212-223. 2 For a study of the division of these dialects, see: D. Boyarin, Kearns Vol 613-649. 3 On the division of the modern dialects, see: Hoberman, Syntax 3-9, w. prev. lit. 4 For a general introduction to this text, see: EJ 15:755; Strack-Stemberger 190-224. 5 While there is still no up-to-date grammar based on manuscript materials, the following grammatical works may be consulted: Eps, Gr [see the programmatic review article of Kut, Studies 227-255 (Hebrew)]; Kara [the Yemenite manuscript tradition]; Morag [the Yemenite oral tradition of the verb]; Schlesinger, Satzlehre [syntax based mainly on the printed edition]. 6 For a general introduction to the Geonic Period and its literature, see: Brody, Geonim. A convenient description of the collections of Geonic Responsa may be found in Groner, Hai Gaon 173-187. 7 The period between the Talmudic and the Geonic Periods is referred to as the Savoraic Period which, swhile being extremely important for the crystallization of the text of the Babylonian Talmud and for the foundation of the Geonic institutions, is more or less a dark age from which little concrete data has survived. For a survey, see: Ephrati, Sevoraic Period; Brody Geonim 4-10.
14 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC his principles and beliefs. Parts of this work have survived in manuscripts from the Geniza and in substantial quotations in the works of later Karaite authors.8 1.1.4 Magical texts - By the end of the twentieth century, about two hundred and fifty Jewish magic bowls from Iraq and Iran, dating between the 5th-8th cents. CE, had been published by a number of scholars in varying degrees of accuracy, though a far greater number of bowls still remains to be published in both public and private collections.9 Though the dialect of these texts is not identical with the standard Jewish Babylonian Aramaic' ° of the literary texts and includes many archaic and dialectal features, the importance of these texts cannot be overstated, since they are the only epigraphic remains of this dialect which have survived from antiquity.'' Additionally, Harba de-Mose "The Sword of Moses", a book of magical practice, dates from this period. 1.1.5 Babylonian Masora - Many of the notes in the various Babylonian Masoretic treatises are written in the dialect of the Geonic Period.12 2.0 Lexicography of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic13 2.1 General Dictionaries of the Modern Period14 2.1.1 Modern lexicography of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic begins with J. Buxtorf's Lexicon^ and concludes with M. Jastrow's Dictionary, completed in 1903.16 All of the dictionaries published in this period attempted to include in one volume the entire Hebrew and Aramaic 8 On Anan and his work, see: L. Nemoy, Karaite Anthology, New Haven 1952 3-20. 9 For a survey of the major publications of these texts, see: AMB 13-21, supplemented now by additional texts which have been published by the same authors in MSF. The bowls in the collection of the British Museum have recently been published (see: Segal, CAMIB). Several large collections of bowls are currently in the process of being published: 1. The Iraq Museum collection, Baghdad (E. Hunter); 2. the Moussaieff collection, London (Sh. Shaked); 3. the Schoyen collection, Oslo (Sh. Shaked and D. Levene). The combined number of bowls in these collections is now over one thousand, and hence they will add much to our previous knowledge of this genre of texts. 10 Recently, the first and so-far only known bowl in standard Jewish Babylonian Aramaic was published. See: Ch. Miiller-Kessler-Th. Kwasman, Bowl. For a discussion of the various forms of Aramaic in the bowl texts, see: Ch. Miiller-Kessler, Handbook of Magic Bowls in Koine Babylonian Aramaic, Groningen 2001 [forthcoming]. 11 Rossell, Handbook, includes a grammar and glossary of the texts published until that time (1958), but in light of the fact that many of these texts were incorrectly copied and many new texts have now been published, this work is sorely out-of-date. For grammatical details, one may now consult Juusola, Peculiarities. It has been clear for a long time now that most of the Jewish incantation bowl texts [i.e. those written in Hebrew characters] were composed in a koine which contains lexical items properly belonging to Syriac or Mandaic. See, especially: Harviainen; Miiller-Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 159. 12 This material was dealt with in pioneering studies by P. Kahle, Y. Yeivin, and G. Weil. The field has recently been summarized by Ofer, BMs. 13 For a general survey, see: E.Y. Kutscher, The Present State of Research into Mishnaic Hebrew (especially Lexicography) and its Tasks, Archive 1 (1972) 3-28 [Hebrew]; English summary, pp. Ill—X. 14 The history of Talmudic lexicography from the Geonic Period to present times has yet to be written. The most important work on the earlier period is still the study in Eps, GC D-TOp. On the transmission of the lexical traditions of the Geonim to the West, see: Eps, St I 33-34. 15 This dictionary was first published in 1639 and went through a number of editions during a period of over two centuries. The last edition, edited by B. Fischer, appeared in 1868. 16 For a bibliography of lexical works on Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, see: Strack-Stemberger 160-162. INTRODUCTION 15 vocabulary of Rabbinic literature in its widest sense (viz. the various Rabbinic Hebrew dialects, the Aramaic of the various Targums, the two Talmuds, and the Midrashim). During the twentieth century, Jastrow's English work achieved a wide circulation and pre-eminence among both scholars and laymen, though in some respects (e.g. etymology) it represents a regression from the achievements of nineteenth century Talmudic lexicography. Thus, Levy in his Worterbuch extensively employed the Syriac lexicon as far as it was available to him with good results,17 and in many cases he was able to establish the correct etymology of a word or to decide between variant readings on the basis of that language.18 Though Jastrow is clearly dependent upon his predecessors, his dictionary is certainly much more than a reworking of Levy's Worterbuch into English. In many cases only the trained eye of the scholar can decide which of the two lexica is to be preferred regarding a specific lexeme. 2.1.2 The third complete dictionary from modern times, Kohut's edition of the Aruch,19 written in Rabbinic Hebrew, is both underestimated and underemployed today, for reasons which will readily be apparent. Kohut's aim was twofold: 1. To edit a critical edition of the Aruch of Nathan b. Yehiel of Rome (10th cent.); 2. to use this as a basis for writing a complete modern Rabbinic lexicon. As it stands, however, the work suffers from severe structural defects. Kohut retained the original medieval biliteral ordering of the Aruch, which also included verbs and nouns in the same, entry, and thus, for the modern reader finding a particular entry is a both time-consuming and daunting task. While his own erudite notes are often very valuable, their being interspersed among the text of the Aruch and its commentators often requires careful reading to know where one ends and the other begins. Kohut's well-known propensity to see Persian loanwords everywhere20 has added to the general perception that many of his etymologies are farfetched. On the other hand, he employed many textual sources not exploited by other lexicographers (e.g. Midrash Haggadot), quoted extensively from the variae lectionis of Rabbinowicz' Diqduqei Soferim (1865-1897) and cited many medieval scholars. Moreover, he was the only lexicographer to exploit the new Geonic sources which began to appear towards the end of the nineteenth century, especially in the later volumes of the work and in the Additamenta et Corrigenda. Nevertheless, in spite of the corrections to be found in Additamenta ad librum Aruch Completum, this work remains basically unwieldly for the modern scholar and student, though much important information may be garnered from a systematic reading of the work. 2.2 Specialized Works 2.2.1 In addition to the general Rabbinic lexica just described, a number of specialized works have been produced dealing with various aspects of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, e.g. 17 Though not stated anywhere in his introduction, he most likely used Castellus, Lexicon, the only available dictionary at the time. 18 In this he was preceded by A. Geiger, who published a series of important articles in which he utilized the Syriac lexicon. See, e.g. Jiidische Begriffe und Worte innerhalb der syrischen Literatur, ZDMG (1866) 487-492. 19 See: Kohut, AC. 20 See the extensive review of W. Bacher, ZDMG 47 (1893) 487-514, especially 501-510. Kohut's excesses were subsequently corrected by B. Geiger in AAC.
16 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC loanwords,21 Realia,22 flora and fauna,23 and terminology.24 While the quality of these works varies, much valuable lexical material which has never been incorporated in any Rabbinic dictionary is available in them, in the main since most of these works appeared after the publication of the existing dictionaries. 3.0 The Purpose of the Present Work 3.1 Since the beginning of the twentieth century no complete dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic has appeared,25 even though the results of much important textual and lexical work by various scholars have made a new comprehensive work imperative. While much material was collected in Additamenta ad librum Aruch Completum, published in 1936, even the contributions of this work remain inaccessible to a large degree to the general reader because of the enforced structure of the book, which followed the order of Aruch Completum. Moreover, since the appearance of this work, many new lexical studies have appeared in both books and in articles.26 3.2 More basically, access to the primary sources of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, especially the actual manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, is now greater than it was when all the previous dictionaries were written.27 Until quite recently, scholars almost exclusively employed the printed text of the Babylonian Talmud as the basis for their work and culled variants from the volumes of Diqduqei Soferim, as far as they were available at the time. Today, with the availability of facsimile editions of many Talmudic manuscripts28 and electronic editions of nearly all of them,29 there is convenient direct access to the original texts, and the textual basis of a modern dictionary can rest on much firmer ground. 21 Akkadian: Kaufman, AIOA; Greek: Krauss, Lehnw; Sperber, GLLT; Persian: Geiger, AAC (passim); S. Telegdi, JAs, 1935 178-256; Shaked, EIr. 22 E.g. Krauss, TalArch; id., Qadmoniot; Brand, Ceramics. 23 Low, Pfl; idem, Flora; idem, Fauna. 24 Bacher, Term. 25 The only value of Dalman, Handworterbuch, published in 1922, is for the vocalization of the Onkelos-type Targums taken from Yemenite manuscripts. It has no independent value for Jewish Babylonian Aramaic. E.Z. Melammed's '^M Ttabrb nay-'BIX \hll (Dictionnaire arameen-hebreu), Jerusalem 1992, is a didactic work geared to laymen and not a scientific dictionary. 26 The many contributions of J.N. Epstein towards the elucidation of the vocabulary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic which are now conveniently available in Eps, CG, Stl, and St2, overshadow the work of all other scholars. 27 For a list of the manuscripts, see: M. Krupp, Manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, in: S. Safrai (ed.), The Literature of the Sages, Assen/Maastricht 1987 346-365. 28 H. Strack published in facsimile the Munich Ms. of the entire Talmud in 1912 (v. Strack, Munich). L. Goldschmidt published the Hamburg Ms. of Tractate Neziqin in 1914 (v. Goldschmidt, Nez). S. Abramson published in facsimile a Spanish manuscript of 'Avoda Zara in 1957 in New York (v. Abramson, AZ). Facsimiles of the most of Talmudic manuscripts in the Vatican Library-the largest collection in the world-with the exception of those to Pesahim - were published by Makor Press in the 1960's. 29 The Academy of the Hebrew Language has prepared electronic texts of what is considered to be the most reliable manuscript of each tractate (see: E. Weissberg, 'tan TObm ta> mwu JWnOB 12 112'yV 57X0, PAHL 28-30 [1981-83] 332-345) and has recently made them available on CD-ROM (See: The Hebrew Language Historical Dictionary Project, Ancient Literature Section, Ma 'agarim, Jerusalem 2001). The Lieberman Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America has prepared to date electronic editions of ca. two hundred manuscript units [one unit equals the text of one manuscript of one tractate] which currently complement the INTRODUCTION 17 4.0 Methodology™ 4.1 General Considerations 4.1.1 Over and above all of the technical problems lies the methodological problem of a dialect dictionary vis-a-vis a text dictionary.31 The tradition of Rabbinic lexicography, starting from the Aruch, was to combine all of the various Hebrew and Aramaic lexical items found in Rabbinic literature in the widest sense, stemming from both Babylonia and Palestine, in one work.32 While this procedure is convenient for studying the bilingual Rabbinic literature, a gradual appreciation of the need to treat each language and dialect separately33 has highlighted the deficiencies in the state of Rabbinic lexicography. The following are the most salient ones: The existing dictionaries combine in one entry Babylonian, Palestinian, and Targumic Aramaic words from various periods. Since morphologically similar words even in closely related dialects can frequently differ in both meaning and nuance, their consolidation in one dictionary when unmarked is often misleading.34 The compilers of the earlier Rabbinic dictionaries sought to achieve lexical-not dialectal - completeness. It was felt that as long as a word was quoted from one dialect, there was no need to give references to it for each dialect in which it occurred. Consequently, the absence of a reference to a word in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic in the existing dictionaries does not necessarily mean that this word is not attested in that dialect.35 Since the time of the Aruch, the compilers of the dictionaries viewed themselves as text commentators as well as lexicographers. As a result, the dictionaries tend to give extended explanations of the text, beyond the necessity of its simple meaning, when it contains a difficult or rare word.36 On the other hand, most words of high frequency, even if they have a variegated semantic range, tend to be almost entirely disregarded.37 All of the previous dictionaries are based on the late (nineteenth cent.) and textually corrupt printed editions of the Babylonian Talmud.38 The availability today of nearly work done by the Academy but will eventually include all of the manuscripts. While the entire database of the Lieberman Institute can be accessed by means of a search engine which allows simple, Boolean, and wildcard searches, the CD-ROM of the Academy can only be searched for the lexico-morphologically analyzed Hebrew words, and not Aramaic. 30 See: Sok, Progress. 31 See, e.g. Eps, Stl 34. 32 Cf. Kutscher's criticism [op. cit., n. 13]. 33 The author's DJPA was the first dictionary of a Rabbinic dialect to be written along these lines. 34 This is especially the case with Dalman, Handworterbuch. 35 Many Jewish Babylonian Aramaic words, even some occurring in the printed editions are absent from the lexica. See: Sok, Progress 19533. 36 The fact that many of the explanations of the Aruch derive either from Geonic sources or from the commentaries of R. Hananel or R. Gershom may explain this phenomenon. In modern times, this tendency was continued in Levy, TMW, which explains the large size of that work. 37 The reader may compare, for example, the length of the entries of Tin vb., nnj vb., and pta vb. in the present dictionary with that of its predecessors. 38 For a history of the printing of the Talmud from the sixteenth until the twentieth century, see: Rabbinowicz,
18 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC all of the existing Talmudic manuscripts as well as many Geniza fragments39 provides an entirely new textual basis for the lexicon. The republication over the last century of critical editions of a large amount of Geonic material40 and the editing of numerous original responsa and other Geonic works, especially those discovered in the Cairo Geniza,4' has provided the lexicographer of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic with new sources, both primary and secondary, for his work. 4.1.2 Until recently it was either impossible or impractical to excerpt every instance of a lexeme in a given corpus unless it was of limited size. The compilers of the previous Rabbinic dictionaries produced their works by preparing slips with selected text references. A historical study of these dictionaries would probably show that each author built upon the work of his predecessors and added additional, newly collected, material. Notwithstanding the monumental efforts expended by the Kasowski family in producing manual concordances of all of the major texts of the Rabbinic literature, including the Babylonian Talmud,42 this procedure has been a limiting factor for every lexicographer of these texts. However, with the introduction of the electronic computer into the field of text processing, the goal of producing a Key Word in Context (KWIC) concordance of even a very large corpus to serve as a database for its semantic analysis has become a reality.43 The basis of the present dictionary was a database in the form of a KWIC of the entire corpus. 4.2 The textual components utilized for preparing this database were the following: 4.2.1 The Aramaic texts The Babylonian Talmud - The Academy of the Hebrew Language's Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language provided the author with the Aramaic portions of the entire Babylonian Talmud in electronic form, from the text editions prepared by the dictionary staff, for each tractate according to the manuscript considered to be its best overall representative.44 This raw material was reworked in the following fashion: The running text Ma'amar; M.J. Heller, Printing the Talmud, New York 1992. On the Spanish and Portuguese incunabulae, see: Dimitrovsky, SB. 39 All of these manuscripts are now accessible on microfilm in the Institute of Microfilm Manuscripts of the National and Hebrew University Library, Jerusalem, in facsimile editions, or in electronic form (see supra, n. 29), but the lack of a complete catalog of all the Talmudic Geniza fragments makes their utilization difficult. (The catalog prepared under the auspices of the Mishna Project of the Israel Academy of Sciences has not been published to date; see: Y. Sussmann, Talmud Fragments in the Cairo Geniza, Te'uda 1 [1980] 7-20 [Heb].) Several volumes of photographs of Talmudic Geniza fragments have been published (See: Katsch, GTB I, II; Golinkin, GRH). On vocalized Geniza fragments, see: Morag, VTM. The author would like to thank the Lieberman Institute, Jerusalem, for letting him utilize its extensive collection of photographs of Geniza manuscripts from various libraries. 40 E.g. Seel; HG; HP; iSGF. 41 E.g. TGHark; Geon; TGAs27/28/33/44. 42 See: C.J. & B. Kasowski, TTCV. The textual basis for this work was the Vilna edition; hence, it could not be used as the basis for the work on the present dictionary. 43 For a description of the author's similar project for producing DJPA, see: Sok, JPA Final Report; idem, The New Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: A Description of the Dictionary and its Compilation, HL, 33-35(1992) 65-78 (Hebrew). 44 See above, n. 29. On the authority of the late E.S. Rosenthal, the Academy chose Yemenite manuscripts as its INTRODUCTION 19 was divided into lines corresponding to those in the standard Vilna edition, and the Hebrew words necessary for its comprehension were added to give a coherent text. Geonic texts - The following Geonic texts were incorporated into the database: Halakhot Pesuqot,^ Se'eltot,^ Iggeret Rav Sarrira Gaon,^ the Formularies of Se'adya Gaon and Hayya Gaon,48 and a selection of the responsa, mostly from the Geniza.49 Incantation bowls and magical texts - The texts published until the 1990's were provided in electronic form by D. Sperling, who incorporated into them the important corrections and revised readings of J. N. Epstein.50 The last decade has seen a marked increase in the publication of these texts,51 not all of which could be included in the electronic database.52 In addition to the bowls, the magical text Harba de-Mose^ was also incorporated into the database. Anan's Book of Commandments - All of the survivng portions of this text both from the Geniza and from medieval Karaite books,54 were incorporated into the database. 4.3 Preparation of the Database55 4.3.1 The database was prepared by using an analytical concordancing program, designed for the use of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (CAL) Project.56 The basic components of this program are the following: Outline Lexicon - A list containing each lemma of the dictionary, its part of speech, and a gloss. Analytical Table - A list of the prefixes and suffixes occurring with verbs and nouns in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic. Morphological Parser - A program which utilizes the two previous files to give a morpho-lexical analysis of each string in the text. basic text for those tractates for which these have survived (for details on these manuscripts, see Kara 1-11). Evidence of the Yemenite tradition for other tractates was culled by the author from the extensive Aramaic quotations from the Babylonian Talmud found in Midrash Haggadol and Sefer Ha-Ma 'asim. 45 See: Brody, Geonim 217ff. 46 See: ib. 202ff. 47 See: ib. 20ff. 48 See: ib. 264 49 See above, n. 7. 50 See: Eps, Stl 329-374. 51 See above, n. 9. 52 The author has tried to include all new lexical items appearing in these texts in the dictionary. 53 This text was originally published in Gaster, HM. A new critical edition of the text (see: Harari, HM) has now been prepared with the use of additional manuscripts. 54 This text was also the subject of a lexical study by Eps, Stl 71-84. 55 A more detailed discussion of this phase of the work is given in Sok, JBA Final Report. 56 The CAL Project, directed by S. A. Kaufman, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, has been supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities since 1987. Since 1992, the present dictionary project has been included under the funding of the CAL Project. The analytical programs which were written for the CAL Project between 1987-90 were modified for the use of the present project by I. Yedidya, Bar Ilan University.
20 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC 4.3.2 With the aid of these programs, a lemfile57 was sequentially prepared from each of the sources of the dictionary, e.g. one tractate or a group of tractates. Since a large percentage of the vocabulary is extremely rare, and common words may occur in a wide variety of spellings and morphological forms, intensive manual input was also necessary to produce the final accurate version of each lemfile. After the first corrected lemfiles were produced, pair files58 were generated from them, which could be employed to speed up analysis of the new material by correctly analyzing recurring strings in new texts. The most useful derivative of the lemfiles was a KWIC concordance of the entire textbase which served as the database for the writing of the dictionary. 4.4 Comparative and Etymological Data 4.4.1 The existing dictionaries of the related Aramaic dialects were checked to provide comparative and etymological data, which were helpful both in determining the correct morphological form of the entries and in delimiting their range of meanings. All cognates in the other Eastern Aramaic dialects (Syriac, Mandaic) are cited, while data from other Aramaic dialects are only quoted either when comparative data is lacking in these two dialects or for special illustrative purposes.59 Since the Aramaic vocalization tradition of Targumic Aramaic originated in Babylonia, cognates from this dialect are quoted whenever available.60 The origin of all loanwords deriving from Akkadian, Hebrew, Persian, and Greek is given. 4.5 Secondary Literature 4.5.1 Both traditional and scientific literature dealing with Jewish Babylonian Aramaic is quite extensive, and any attempt on the part of an individual lexicographer to encompass it all is a major undertaking. In order to reduce this task to a reasonable size, no attempt was made to determine priority in the establishment of a particular meaning or form, but rather, when references are given, the author's intention is to point out to the reader an up-to-date discussion which takes into account the results of the relevant previous literature. The literature cited is limited to philological discussions only, since references to the exegetical literature properly belong to a text commentary.61 5.0 The Entries 5.1 All Aramaic common words appearing in the texts of the corpus have been included, with the following exceptions: 57 A lemfile consists of a line for each word in a source text and has four fields: Lemma - part of speech - string from text - coordinate. 58 A line in a pair file includes two consecutive words in a text, together with the lexico-morphological analysis of the first word. Such pairs comprise minimal syntactic units. 59 As a rule, cognates from the modern Eastern Aramaic dialects are not quoted, unless they can make a significant contribution to the semantic elucidation of a word. 60 Similarly, comparative material from Rabbinic Hebrew is quoted as far as possible with Babylonian vocalization from Yeivin, BV. 61 No attempt was made to include literature dealing with commentaries on the text, and as a rule, secondary INTRODUCTION 21 5.1.1 Words quoted from pre-Amoraic sources not properly belonging to Jewish Babylonian Aramaic - e.g. Megillat Ta 'anit, Aramaic citations from the Tannaitic literature, the Targumim to the Pentateuch and the Prophets.62 5.1.2 Archaic words occurring in writs6^ - While scholars have previously noted the occurrence of various dialects in the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic literature, research on this subject has not reached the point which would permit labeling all such words with certainty as archaic. However, some words in the dictionary have been labeled 'archaic' or 'dialectal', since they clearly do not belong to the mainstream of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic. 5.1.3 Personal64 and geographic65 names - Since these categories require special treatment, they have not been included in the dictionary, though gentilics derived from them have been listed. 5.1.4 Non-Aramaic words - Original non-Aramaic words have been included only when it is clear from a modification of their morphological form or from a clear semantic usage that they may be classified as loanwords and not as transcriptions. 5.2 Orthography 5.2.1 Though the orthography of the European and eastern (non-Yemenite) manuscripts is somewhat more explicit than that of the printed editions,66 more radical orthographical differences are found both in the original Geohic texts and in the Yemenite manuscripts, which derive directly from the Geonic tradition of Babylonia.67 The importance of this explicit orthography for the information it contains on the phonology of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic in the Geonic Period cannot be overstated, and these spellings have been quoted in the entries. Nevertheless, an eclectic approach, conforming more or less to the traditional orthography was felt to be more appropriate for the headwords of the entries, in order to make the use of the dictionary easier for the reader. 5.3 Vocalization 5.3.1 Previous modern dictionaries have vocalized the lexemes either on the basis of the traditional Ashkenazic pronunciation or as reconstructions based on the word's supposed etymology.68 A 'correct' reading of a Jewish Babylonian Aramaic word69 may be ascertained through a variety of methods: literature was restricted to modern authors, though much important material may be culled from traditional commentators. 62 These are generally cited in the Babylonian Talmud as «pr 3T DrWOTS or jrJMnmra. 63 See: Kutscher, Studies 417-430 [Hebrew], 64 There is as yet no comprehensive study of the personal names in the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic literature in light of the contemporary onomasticon. 65 On the GN's, see: Eshel, JS; Oppenheimer, BJ. 66 I.e. they employ more vowel letters. 67 This includes many explicit spellings without laryngeals or pharyngeals, corresponding more closely to the actual spoken language. Many examples may be found in Kara (passim). 68 It may be pointed out also here that the same applies to the vocalization of Rabbinic Hebrew in the dictionaries, which can be greatly improved on the basis of reliable manuscripts from European libraries and the Cairo Geniza (see, e.g.: Kutscher, Studies 73-168). 69 This is clearly a theoretical concept, since a reasonable goal is the determination of the probable pronunciation
22 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Explicit vocalizations in manuscripts - Sporadic vocalizations are found in both Geniza and non-Geniza Talmudic manuscripts.70 The only extensively vocalized texts of the Geonic Period are Ms. Sasoon 263 of Halakhot Pesuqof1 and the Paris Ms. (Bibliotheque Nationale 1402) of Halakhot GedolotV Explicit plene orthography - This is often helpful in determining the vocalization, especially of the internal [a] vowels.73 The Yemenite reading tradition74 - This derives directly from Babylonia of the Geonic Period and is the only tradition with any claim to authenticity.75 However, it also should be used with caution, since the Yemenites today are entirely dependent on the printed text,76 and they have also been influenced by Targumic Aramaic of the Onkelos type.77 The vocalization of Syriac78 and the plene orthography of Mandaic - These may be helpful in deciding the preferred vocalization of a word, especially when the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic texts offer equivocal evidence. The original form of loanwords borrowed from Akkadian, Persian, Greek, and Hebrew - All of these languages explicitly indicate vowels in their orthographic systems, and they are often helpful in establishing a preferred form of a loanword in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic. 5.3.2 In sum, the normalized Tiberian vocalization given for the headwords in most entries in this dictionary should thus be regarded as a guideline towards the preferred pronunciation but not as an absolute determination. 5.4 Structure of the Entries 5.4.1 An individual lexical entry is divided into the following parts: Lemma - This is the most basic form of the lexeme, e.g. a triradical root of a of the word in the Geonic Period. As is explained here, the vocalizations proposed in this dictionary have a rational basis, since they are derived from both internal and external evidence, as opposed to the mainly theoretical considerations employed in previous dictionaries. Since the Geonic Period lasted until the eleventh cent. CE, well after the end of the Talmudic Period, and Jewish Babylonian Aramaic continued to be spoken long after the Muslim conquest, it is quite possible that the evidence in our possession does not reflect the pronunciation of even late Talmudic Babylonia. 70 For the former, see: Morag VTM. 71 The lower five lines of each page are vocalized. See: S. Morag, Lesonenu 32(1968) 67-88. 72 One hundred and twenty pages of this fully vocalized manuscript have survived. See: S. Morag, PWCJS2 (1969) 89-94. 73 When spellings of this type occur, they are noted both in the entry and in the lemma. 74 For a description of this tradition and previous works on the subject, see: Morag 35-62. 75 A full-fledged study of the verb is Morag. A comprehensive study of the noun prepared by S. Morag and Y. Kara is forthcoming. Both of these studies are based on the vocalized edition of the Vilna edition according to the Yemenite tradition, prepared by R. Y. 'Amr, and from recordings of informants. 76 On deviation from the printed text in the Yemenite reading tradition, see: Morag, Ketiv and Qere 34-45. 77 On this issue, see: D. Boyarin, JNES 37 (1978) 141-160. 78 See: Brock, LS. The Syriac vocalization tradition is based on the medieval indigenous lexica, e.g. BBah and BAH. INTRODUCTION 23 verb, an emphatic form of a noun, etc. Homographs79 of each part of speech are distinguished by numbers. Since the exact vocalization of most of the nouns is not known from the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic tradition itself,80 it was not possible to follow any consistent ordering on the basis of nominal patterns. Indeed, a comparison with the dictionaries of the related dialects of Syriac and Mandaic has shown that the same groups of homographs are numbered differently by different lexicographers. Part of Speech - The following parts of speech are distinguished: adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, noun, preposition, pronoun, verbal noun. Homographs belonging to different parts of speech are numbered separately. Gloss - The English gloss given at the beginning of the entry is intended to give a general idea of the meaning of the lexeme, while more exact nuances are given in detail in the semantic section. Comparative and Etymological Data - The purpose of this section is to indicate the relationship of the lexeme to the cognates in other Aramaic dialects, starting with the closely related eastern dialects of Syriac and Mandaic, then the other Aramaic dialects, and finally other Semitic languages. The source of all loanwords is indicated. Semantic section - This section documents the various meanings and usages of each lexeme. For the more common lexemes, a morphological survey has also been given. Citation length has been kept to a minimum and additional examples are often quoted by reference only. Wherever possible, care has been taken to quote examples from a variety of sources from both the Talmudic as well as the post-Talmudic Periods. In spite of the efforts of many commentators and lexicographers over the centuries, the meanings of many lexemes are still either uncertain or unclear. Since repeating the speculations of one's predecessors, when they are based on mere conjectures or on incorrect etymological assumptions, does nothing to further the understanding of a particular lexeme, in such cases the author has simply registered his ignorance of the word's meaning. Lexical section - Unlike other Jewish Aramaic dialects, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic has been intensively scrutinized since Geonic times by the scholars who studied the Babylonian Talmud. When doubts arose, these scholars often turned to the Geonic academies in Babylonia, where Jewish Babylonian Aramaic was still a living language, to inquire into the meanings of particular words. The replies to these queries, as far as they have survived and have been published, are an invaluable repository of native lexical information, which in many cases is our only source of knowledge for a word's meaning. This material has been quoted at the end of each relevant entry in its original language. Additionally, the traditional Yemenite pronunciation is given here. Bibliography - Because of the immense literature on the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic texts, it would be foolhardy to claim that anything close to bibliographic completeness has been achieved. No attempt has been made to discuss the history of a derivation or an etymology, but rather the latest discussion known to the author is quoted 79 I.e. words whose consonantal skeletons are identical but which the author considers to be distinct from a morphological point of view. 80 I.e. from ancient vocalized texts.
24 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC where he felt it to be necessary, and the reader may follow backward from there the thread of the discussion back from there. Comments referring essentially to the text and not to the lexicon have not been included, since they properly belong in a commentary. 5.5 References 5.5.1 The following principles have been employed in providing references to the texts: References to the Babylonian Talmud are given according to the folio, side, and line of the standard Vilna edition, even though the text quoted from manuscript sources may often differ significantly from that of the printed edition. The reader may see the entire context of the default manuscript sources of the Babylonian Talmud from the CD-ROM of the Academy of the Hebrew Language and that of the other manuscripts from the Lieberman Institute database. In cases where the text is significantly different or totally lacking in the Vilna edition, e.g. passages found only in the manuscripts or censored passages, the reference reflects the place where the citation would have been had it been printed. Each text is cited according to a principal manuscript witness indicated in the Sources of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic.81 No specific indication is given when the default manuscript is the source. When a citation is quoted from a non-default source, this is indicated in the reference in the following manner, e.g.: Ber 5b(25; M), i.e. Berakhot, according to Munich Ms. 95 (and not Oxford, Ms. Opp. Add. Fol. 23, the default manuscript); Meg 1 lb(23; MGG 345:7), i.e. Megilla, according to the quotation in Midrash Haggadol, Genesis, p. 345, 1.7 (and not New York, Columbia X893-T141). When an additional reading is cited from a non-default source, this is indicated by placing the siglum of the source in square brackets following the word, e.g.: n,yltfjn Ara 21b(23) [Var: ni'Ojn TGHark 166:2] means that the variant reading to the text cited from Arakhin is cited from the collection of Geonic responsa in TGHark, p. 166, 1.2. Only published material has been employed for the Geonic sources, and this has been cited according to the pagination and line numbering of the printed Talmudic text. If a citation was republished in Otzar Hagaonim, this source is generally quoted since it is most easily accessible to the reader. However, since the material in Otzar Hagaonim covers only the tractates Berakhot-Sanhedrin, material from other tractates is cited from the original publications. When material has been published several times, a later editor may present a more accurate text, and this has been preferred.82 81 The first manuscript listed for each tractate is the default. 82 E.g., the responsa of R. Natronai Gaon have now been reedited in Brody, TRN, and hence they are cited according to this edition. ABBREVIATIONS AAC AASOR AASQ Abramson, AZ Abramson, BB Abramson, RaH abs. AC Aclr ACSup AD Addai adj. adv. AltFor af. Agnon Vol Agur AHw Ah S. Krauss et al., d?V71 ~\Y\y niBOin (Additamenta ad librum Aruch Completum), Vienna 1937 Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research W. Arnold & P. Behnstedt, Arabisch-Aramdische Sprach- beziehungen im Qalamun (Syrieri), Wiesbaden 1993 S. Abramson (ed.), 1'33 OKyb WWOn JP3 T 3713 ,mi ilTOy TOOa j?TV (Tractate Abodah Zarah of the Babylonian Talmud), New York 1957 idem, potrax "v cnsi orm ,vr\m X33 raoa ,'Vs3 Td?n (Tractate Bava Batra, translated with a commentary), Jerusalem 1958 Idem, TKbrb toujn mi 'WITS) ISO (Commentary of R. Hananel to the Talmud), Jerusalem 1995 absolute A. Kohut(ed.), ^XTT ]3 ]T\113'3T JlXB ... d?Vn Tnjr ISO (Nathan b. Yehiel, Aruch Completum sive lexicon vocabula et res, quae in libris targumicus, talmudicus et midraschicis2), Vienna 1928 Acta Iranica A. Kohut, TViyn yn (Supplement to "Aruch Completum"), Vienna 1928 v. Driver, AD G. Phillips, The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle, London 1876 adjective adverb Altorientalische Forschungen af'el B. Kurzweil (ed.), JUiy '"12? ~mob 0'"1»X» ,'tt t?3V (Yuval Shai, A Jubilee Volume dedicated to S. Y. Agnon on occasion of his Seventieth Birthday), Ramat Gan 1958 s. Buber(ed.), nx» 7nyn nso by msmn nxpi nmpn V713 tux V"t ym 3py T'3 Wyam Til (Einleitung und Erganzungen zum Aruch von Rabbi Samuel ben Jacob G'ama), Breslau 1868 W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handworterbuch, 3 vols., Wiesbaden 1965-1981 Ahiqar [OfA framework story and proverbs; cited according to TADC 1.1]
26 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC AhSy AI AIOA AIRJL AIT AJSLL Akk Albeck ALBH Alf Alon, Jews AM AMB AMD1 Anan AnanEps AnanMann AnanSch AnanSok ANES AOFCI app. appos. Ar Ara Syriac version of Ahiqar [cited according to F.C. Conybeare et al., The Story of Ahiqar, Cambridge 1913] C. Bartholomae, Altiranisches Worterbuch, Strassburg 1904 [cited by column] S. Kaufman, The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic, Chicago 1974 najm !3St£?0n y\T\W (Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law) J. A. Montgomery, Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur, Philadelphia 1913 American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures Akkadian Ch. Albeck, GTO&Tb X13» {Introduction to the Talmud, Babli and Yerushalmi), Tel Aviv 1969 P.V Mankowski, Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebrew, Winona Lake 2000 R. Isaac Alfasi G. Alon, Jews, Judaism and the Classical World, Jerusalem 1977 E.S. Drawer (ed.), Aspar Malwdsia, London 1949 J. Naveh & Sh. Shaked, Amulets and Magic Bowls, Jerusalem 1985 T. Abusch & K. van der Toorn (eds.), Mesopotamamian Magic, Textual, Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives (Ancient Magic and Divination, I), Groningen 1999 mp» 'ja1? 0'iwxnn rnxan nsoa u^sni mtm (Anan's Books of Commandments), in A. Harkavy, Aus der altesten Kardischen Gesetzbuchern (Studien und Mitteilungen aus der Kaiserlichen Offentlichen Bibliothek, VIII. 1), St. Petersburg 1903 (Sources III) Fragments of Anan published in J.N. Epstein, Tarbiz 7(1936) 289-290 (= ST1 644-651; Sources III) Fragments of Anan published in J. Mann, Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy, 1(1919) 329-353 (Sources III) Fragments of Anan published in S. Schechter, Documents of Jewish Sectaries, 2, Cambridge 1910 (Sources III) Fragments of Anan published in M.N. Sokolova, Izvestia akademii Nauk SSSR, 1928, 243-254 (Sources III) Ancient Near Eastern Studies (formerly 'Abr Nahrain) I. Eph'al & J. Naveh, Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B.C. from Idumaea, Jerusalem 1996 apparently apposition Aruch OlTiyn; v. AC) Arakhin (pny; Sources I) ABBREVIATIONS 27 Arab Archive Armen ARN ArOr As AS Asaf Assaf, Tequfat astron. ATS ATTM ATTME Audo Av Avishur, Elements AZ Azar, Syntax Arabic y'm TWISti? Unnn ]"fr'»n '3ny (Archive of the New Dictionary of Rabbinical Literature), Ramat Gan 1972+ -> Armenian S. Schechter (ed.), T,m 'an max naD!3 (Aboth de Rabbi Nathan), Vienna 1887 [A = X XnOU; B = a xnD13] Archiv Orientdlni Ms. from Aras Alei Sepher (ISO 'ty) XB1TI «]0X "ISO (The Book of Asaf, the Physician), ed. S. Muntner, Qorot, 3 (1965)-6(1972) [cited by paragraph number] S. Assaf, rmriBOl D'JVOn nsipfl (The Geonic Period and its Literature), Jerusalem 1955 astronomical E.S. Drawer (ed.), The Thousand and Twelve Questions (Alf Trisar Suialia) Berlin 1960 K. Beyer, Die aramdischen Texte vom Toten Meer, Gottingen 1984 Idem, Erganzungsband, Gottingen 1994 T. Audo, rdji«\-i» •*'*" Vi k'^vJs-u.do (Treasure of the Syriac Language), 2 vols., Losser-Holland 1985 [Reprint] Avestan Y. Avishur, JTIVrn Jpmyaw mayn (Hebrew Elements in Judaeo-Arabic), Tel Aviv-Jaffa 2001 'Avoda Zara (.TIT miaj7; Sources I) M. Azar, nroan ]Wb T3nn (The Syntax of Mishnaic Hebrew), Jerusalem 1995 b. BA Bacher, SH Bacher, Term BAli Barth, Pron BAs BASOR son/daughter of Biblical Aramaic W. Bacher (ed.), D'Unwn ISO (Sepher Haschoraschim, Wurzelworterbuch der hebraischen Sprache von Abulwalid Ibn G'andh (R. Jona), aus dem Arabischen in's Hebraische ubersetzt von Jehuda ibn Tibbon, Berlin 1896 W. Bacher, Die exegetische Terminologie der jiidischen Traditionsliteratur, 2 vols., Leipzig 1899-1905 Isho bar Ali, Syrisch-Arabische Glossen (y-n'), ed. G. Hoffmann, Kiel 1874; The Syriac-Arabic Glosses (&-s), ed. R.J.H. Gottheil, Rome 1908-1928 J. Barth, Die Pronominalbildung in den semitischen Sprachen, Leipzig 1913 Beitrdge zur Assyriologie Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
28 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC BAYTN BB BBah BDB Beer, BA Beer, BE bef. Beh Bek Ben Hayyim Vol Ber Berliner Vol Bes BH BIA BiOr BJTP BL BM Blau, GMJA Blau, Pseudo-Corrections Blau, Studies Blau Vol BM BMs BMsD S. Morag & Y. Kara, DXyn W i\lS>T\ Tni0»3 ri'^33 Jl'mx {Babylonian Aramaic in the Yemenite Tradition: The Noun), Jerusalem 2002 Bava Batra (Xim X33; Sources I) Hassan bar Bahlul, .AoAcn-ia Is^ **. .-^ nr. _^ r.. ^ ^m \ {Lexicon Syriacum auctore Hassano bar Bahlule), ed. R. Duval, 3 vols., Paris 1898-1901 F. Brown, S.R. Driver, and C.A. Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Oxford 1907 M. Beer, rbjnn "na D'pHS ,"733 'NITON {The Babylonian Amoraim, Aspects of Economic Life), Ramat Gan 1974 Idem, TlfiVmi ."titton '»'3 "?333 T?T\X] I\Win {The Babylonian Exilarchate), Tel Aviv 1976 before OfA version of the Behistun (Bisitun) inscription [cited according to TADC 2.1] Bekhorot (JTTI133; Sources I) M. Bar-Asher et al. (eds.), lJPttn O'VTp 3XT1? O'miO \Vlfy nj?n» rO'tf^ {Hebrew Language Studies Presented to Prof. Z. Ben- Hayyim), Jerusalem 1983 Berakhot (JTD13; Sources I) A. Freiman & M. Hildesheimer(eds.), Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage A. Berliner's, Frankfurt 1903 Besa (HS'3; Sources I) Biblical Hebrew Bar-Ilan, Annual of Bar-Ilan University (nJlPH ISO jp'X'IS p'xna wo"\Tm bv nmi mvm 'snaV) Bibiliotheca Orientalis A. Oppenheimer, Babylonia Judaica in the Talmudic Period, Wiesbaden 1983 British Library British Museum J. Blau, 0T3n '»' Vtf n'Tirrrrnmyn pnpn {A Grammar of Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic2), Jerusalem 1980 Idem, On Pseudo-Corrections in Some Semitic Languages, Jerusalem 1970 Idem, Jiray JVUBrt>33 O'JPy {Studies in Hebrew Linguistics), Jerusalem 1996 J. Blau Jubilee Volume [= JSAI 15], Jerusalem 1992 Bava Mesi'a (XJTXD X33; Sources I) v. Ofer, BMs Babylonian Masora on Deuteronomy, in Ofer, BMs II (Sources V) ABBREVIATIONS 29 BMsE BMsG BMsJer BMsL BMsN BMsY BMsYFr Bo Boyce Boyce Vol BQ Brand Brinner Vol Brock, Catalogue Brockelmann Brockelmann, LS Brockelmann, SG Brody, Geonim BS BSOAS BT Bukan Buxtorf, Lexicon BY Babylonian Masora on Exodus, in Ofer, BMs II (Sources V) Babylonian Masora on Genesis, in Ofer, BMs II (Sources V) Babylonian Masora on Jeremiah, in I. Yeivin, EI 16(1982) 118+ (Sources V) Babylonian Masora on Leviticus, in Ofer, BMs II (Sources V) Babylonian Masora on Numbers, in Ofer, BMs II (Sources V) Babylonian Masora quoted in Yeivin, BV (Sources V) Babylonian Masora quoted in Yeivin, Fragment (Sources V) Incantation bowl (cited by number; Sources IV) M. Boyce, A Word-list of Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian (Acta Iranica, 9a), Leiden 1977 Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce (Hommages et Opera Minora, 11), Leiden 1985 Bava Qamma (XI3[? X33; Sources I) Y. Brand, TKbm rVPBDa Dinn '!?3 {Ceramics in Talmudic Literature), Jerusalem 1953 B. Harry et al. (eds.), Judaism and Islam: Boundaries, Communication and Interaction, Essays in Honor of W.M. Brinner, Leiden 2000 S.P. Brock, Catalogue of Syriac Fragments (New Finds) in the Library of the Monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai, Athens 1995 C. Brockelmann v. LS Idem, Syrische Grammatik9, Leipzig 1962 R. Brody, The Geonim of Babylonia and the Shaping of Medieval Jewish Culture, New Haven and London 1998 Ben Sira Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Babylonian Talmud OA inscription from Bukan (Iran) [cited ace. to edition in M. Sokoloff, IEJ 49 {1999) 107+] J. Buxtorf, Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum, Basel 1640; J. Buxtorfii P., Lexicon chaldaicum, Talmudicaum et Rabbinicum, ed. B. Fischer, 2 vols., Leipzig 1875 E. Ben Yehuda, HBnnm 7\W7\ fl'iayn \wir\ ybft {A Complete Dictionary of Modern Hebrew), 16 vols., Tel Aviv 1948 CAD CAIB CAMIB The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, Chicago 1956 -> CD. Isbell, Corpus of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls, Missoula 1975 J.B. Segal, Catalogue of the Aramaic and Mandate Incantation Bowls in the British Museum, London 2000
30 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Cardahi CarmNis Castellus, Lexicon CBS CIS Cohen, Hapax coll. ConAr conj. corr. CP CPA CPD cs. CTY G. Cardahi, Al-Lobab, seu Dictionarium Syro-Arabicum, Beirut 1887-91 E. Beck(ed.), Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Carmina Nisibena, I, Louvain 1961 E. Castellus, Lexicon Syriacum, ed. J.D. Michaelis, Gottingen 1788 Catalogue of the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum [number of inscribed bowl] Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum H.R. Cohen, Biblical Hapax Legomena in the light of Akkadian and Ugaritic, Ann Arbor 1978 collective Concise Aruch (mpn ~\My) [cited from AC] conjugation corrected E.S. Drawer (ed.), The Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans, Leiden 1959 Christian Palestinian Aramaic D.N. MacKenzie, A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary, Oxford 1971 construct M. Kosovsky, 'O^IT TiaVn pwb "IX1X (Concordance to the Talmud Yerushalmi), Jerusalem 1979 —> D Double [= pa "el] DAB R. Campbell Thompson, A Dictionary of Assyrian Botany, London 1949 Dalman, Handworterbuch G. Dalman, Aramaisch-Neuhebrdisches Handworterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch, Frankfurt/Main 1922 N. Danzig, mplCS JTD^l ofawi DJ? mplOS TTD^l ISO1? X13B {Introduction to Halakhot Pesuqot with a Supplement to Halakhot Pesuqot), New York & Jerusalem 1993 B. Landsberger, The Date Palm and its By-Products according to the Cuneiform Sources, Graz 1967 V. Aptowitzer, Formularies of Decrees and Documents from a Gaonic Court, JQR, 4(1913/4) 23-49 denominative determinate H.Z. Dimitrovsky, '"723 'Tiff (S'ridei Bavli), 2 vols., New York 1979 D. Boyarin et al.(eds.), JTTtt&m 7111303 0'ipra ,0"^ moy 'p0311B'»H t"n '3113 TOri? rwa-im (Atara L'Haim, Studies in the Talmud and Medieval Rabbinic Literature in honor of Prof. H. Z. Dimitrowsky), Jerusalem 2000 Danzig, IHP Date Palm Dec denom. det. Dimitrovsky, SB Dim Vol ABBREVIATIONS 31 Disease dissim. DJD DJPA DLM DN DNWSI Dozy Dozy, Vetements Driver, AD Driver-Miles DS DSA DSD DSH DSSFYD du. I.F. Finkel & M.J. Geller(eds.), The Concept of Disease in Ancient Babylonia [forthcoming] dissimilation Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, Oxford 1955 -> M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period, Ramat Gan 1990 M.Z. Segal, fUttOn ]1ttrt> pnp (A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew), Tel Aviv 1936 divine name J. Hoftijzer & K. Jongeling, Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions, 2 vols., Leiden 1995 R.P.A. Dozy, Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes2, Leiden- Paris 1927 Idem, Dictionaire detaille des noms des vetements chez les Arabes, Amsterdam 1845 G.R. Driver, Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C.2, Oxford 1957 G.R. Driver & J.C. Miles, The Babylonian Laws, 2 vols., Oxford 1952 N.N. Rabbinowicz, 0*1310 'pllpl (Variae Lectiones in Mischnam et in Talmud Babylonicum), 16 vols., Munich 1865-1897 A. Tal, A Dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic, 2 vols., Leiden 2000 Dead Sea Discoveries Dead Sea Hebrew L.H. Schiffman et al. (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years after their Discovery, Jerusalem 2000 dual Ebeling, Glossar Ed ed. pr. EgA Egron EI EIr EIsi EIs2 E. Ebeling, Das aramdische Glossar Frahang-i-Pahlavik im Lichte der assyriologischen Forschung, Leipzig 1941 printed edition of the Babylonian Talmud editio princeps Egyptian Aramaic N. Allony(ed), 'JXISJ^X 1jW?X ^TCX SXT13 ,jrUNi1 (Ha'Egron, Kitab 'usul al-shi'r al-'ibrani ofRav Se'adya Gaori), Jerusalem 1969 Eretz Israel (Vx"W fix), Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, London, Boston & Henly, 1985 -> E.J. Brill's First Encyclopedia of Islam, 1913-1936, Leiden 1987 (Reprint) Encyclopaedia of Islam2, Leiden 1960 —>
32 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC EJ Ellis emph. EN Ephrati, Sevoraic Period Eps Eps, Gr Eps, MNM Eps, PLA Eps, PLT Eps, St Eshel, JSB etym. ex. ExR EY Fales, AECT Feghali Fekh Feldman, Mathematics Feliks, Agriculture Finkelstein Vol Encyclopaedia Judaica, 16 vols., Jerusalem 1972 Incantation bowls published by T. Ellis in A.S. Layard, Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, London 1853 [by number] emphatic Commentary of Elias of Nineveh in P. de Lagarde, Praeter- missorum libri duo, Gottingen 1879 J.E. Ephrati, 7X1P' f"lX31 7333 mTTISDl D'XTOOn TlSlpTI (The Sevoraic [sic!] Period and its Literature in Babylonia and in Eretz Israel), Petach Tikva 1973 J.N. Epstein Idem, n'733 Tl'BIX pVlpl (A Grammar of Babylonian Aramaic), Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv 1960 Idem, rUtfttn n0U7 N13» (Prolegomenon to the Text of the Mishna), Jerusalem 1948 Idem, D'NTWXn 111130? mX13» (Prolegomena ad litteras amoraicas), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1962 Idem, O'Xmi JTI1S07 mX13a (Prolegomena ad litteras tannaiticas), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1957 Idem, JTPBtf ni3W731 Tl»7Jin 1111303 D'lpTO (Studies in Talmudic Literature and Semitic Languages), 2 vols., Jerusalem 1983-1988 B.Z. Eshel, Tl»?nn DBIpm 7333 O'n.T.1 W (Jewish Settlements in Babylonia during Talmudic Times), Jerusalem 1979 etymology example Exodus Rabba •Ein Ya'aqov (apjr ]V) EM. Fales, Aramaic Epigraphs on Clay Tablets from the Neo- Assyrian Period, Rome 1986 M. Feghali, Etudes sur les emprunts syriaques dans les parlers arabes du Liban, Paris 1918 Akkadian-Aramaic bilingual inscription from Tell Fekherye [v. AKY 217+] W.M. Feldman, Rabbinic Mathematics and Astronomy, London 1931 Y. Feliks, Ti»7Jini rurcan reipra 7Xiw"px3 mfrpm (Agriculture in Palestine in the Period of the Mishna and the Talmud), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1963 Essays on the Ancient Near East, Studies in Memory of J.J. Finkelstein (Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoir ABBREVIATIONS 33 Finkel Vol FiP Fischerei Fitzmyer, GAp Fl FLT Fr Fr, AF Friedman, BM VI Friedman, BM VI Text Friedman, JMP 19), Hamden 1977 S.B. Hoenig & L.D. Stitzkin (ed.), J. Finkel Festschrift, New York 1974 H. Nyberg & B. Utas, Frahang-i-PahlavTk, Wiesbaden 1988 A. Salonen, Die Fischerei im alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen, Helsinki 1970 J. A. Fitzmyer, The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave P-, Rome 1971 H.L. Fleischer M. Goshen-Gottstein & R. Kasher, Xlpan '»inn& O'JTpW D"aixn (Fragments of Lost Targumim), 2 vols., Ramat Gan 1979-1983 S. Fraenkel Idem, Die aramdischen Fremdworter im Arabischen, Leiden 1886 S. Friedman, NJPXa K33 '733 ,1'MlNn m 13Wn p13 ,yny Tl»7r) W p13 (Talmud Arukh, BT Bava Mezi'a VI, Commentary), Jerusalem 1990 idem, pns Njrx» xaa '733 ,]'a»ixn m lovon pis ,-\ny yxbn VBV (Talmud Arukh, BT Bava Mezi'a VI, Text), Jerusalem 1996 M.A. Friedman, Jewish Marriage in Palestine, 2 vols., Tel Aviv 1981 G GAG GAp GC Geig Geller, Medicine Geller, Vademecum GELNT gen. gent. Ground [= pe 'al\ stem W. von Soden, Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik, Rome 1952 Genesis Apocryphon (v. Fitzmyer, GAp) J.N. Epstein (ed.), niTO 1107 D'J1*un WITS (The Gaonic Commentary on the Order Toharot attributed to Rav Hai Gaon2), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1982 (Sources II) B. Geiger M. Geller, 'Akkadian Medicine in the Babylonian Talmud,' A Traditional Quest, Essays in Honour of L, Jacobs, ed. D. Cohn- Sherbok, Sheffield 1991 Idem, An Akkadian Vademecum in the Babylonian Talmud, in S. Kottek et al. (eds.), From Athens to Jerusalem, Medicine in Hellenized Jewish Lore and in Early Christian Literature, Rotterdam 2000 13-32 W.F. Arndt & E.W. Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, Chicago 1957 genetive gentilic
34 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Geon GeonH Geop Gift Gignoux Gignoux, IMS Gignoux Vol Ginza Git GLLT GM GN GNBB GnK Goldenberg, Studies Goldschmidt, BT Goldschmidt, Nez Goldziher Vol Goltz, SAGH Goltz, SGMPCM Gordon Vol Gr Greenfield Greenfield, AKY L. Ginzberg (ed.), Geonica, II, New York 1909 (Sources II) Hebrew of the Geonic writings P. Lagarde, Geoponicon in sermonem syriacum versorum, Leipzig 1860 Y. Yadin, J.C. Greenfield, and A. Yardeni, A Deed of Gift in Aramaic found in Nahal Hever: Papyrus Yadin 7, EI 25(1996) 383+ [Hebrew] P. Gignoux, Glossaire des inscriptions pehlevies et parthes, London 1972 Idem, Incantations magiques syriaques, Louvain-Paris 1987 R. Gyselen (ed.), Au carrefour des religions, melanges offerts a Philippe Gignoux (Res Orientales, 7), Bures-sur-Yvette 1995 H. Petermann, Thesaurus sive Liber magnus vulgo "Liber AdamV appelatus opus Mandaeorum summi ponderis, 2 vols., Leipzig 1867 Gittin fl'BJ; Sources I) D. Sperber, Greek and Latin Legal Terms in Rabbinic Literature, Ramat Gan 1984 E.N. Adler(ed.), .TTY1' "h l"2$h H1W ISO mabn ,D'-|X» 'TJA 'jVrro'TX X'Pn {An Eleventh Century Introduction to the Hebrew Bible), Oxford 1897 geographical name E. Ebeling, Glossar zu den neubabylonischen Briefen, Munich 1953 B.M. Lewin(ed.), DTJ? 'm (Ginze Kedem), 6 vols., Haifa & Jerusalem 1922-1944 (Sources II) G. Goldenberg, Studies in Semitic Linguistics, Jerusalem 1998 L. Goldschmidt, Der babylonische Talmud2-, 12 vols., Berlin 1929-1936 Idem(ed.), Cod. Hebr. XIX Bibl. Hamb., Der Traktat Neziqin, Berlin 1913 I. Goldziher Memorial Volume, II, Jerusalem 1958 D. Goltz, Studien zur altorientalischen und griechischen Heilkunde, Wiesbaden 1974 Idem, Studien zur Geschichte der Mineralnamen in Pharmazie, Chemie und Medizin von den Anfdngen bis Paracelsus, Wiesbaden 1972 G. Rendsberg et al. (eds.), The Bible World. Essays in honor of C.H. Gordon, New York 1980 Greek J.C. Greenfield S. M. Paul et al. (eds.), Al Kanfei Yonah, Collected Studies of Jonas C. Greenfield on Semitic Philology, 2 vols., Jerusalem ABBREVIATIONS 35 GRH Groner, Hai Gaon Gross, Patterns Gs G§ GTB GTO Gulak, LDT Gulak, OS GVG Gy GY 2001 D. Golinkin, TUVn Wl 'm {Ginzei Rosh Hashanah, Manuscript Fragments of Bavli Rosh Hashanah from the Cairo Genizah), New York & Jerusalem 2000 T. Groner, The Legal Methodology of Hai Gaon, Chico 1985 B.Z. Gross, D'Zan pffboi xnp»3 f7W\ ptys Q'^pTOn (The Nominal Patterns ]i?y9 and pys in Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew), Jerusalem 1993 Ginza smald (x'rXBO XU'1) (v. Ginza) L. Ginsberg (ed.), 3 ISO ,1J?B3y27 'UJ (Geniza Studies in Memory ofS. Schechter, II), New York 1929 A.I. Katsch(ed), '^aa Tttfcn 'm {Ginze Talmud Babli), 2 vols., Jerusalem 1976-1979 A. Dodi, nraan p vana 'S-ty o'frpJiN main pnpi (The Grammar of Targum Onqelos according to Geniza Fragments), Ph.D. thesis, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 1981 A. Gulak, t\H^ OnX»» D'^YIVl D'OITBSH nix"7 TR&Tn JlTUWil '»mi 'Jl'H »Sl»an (Legal Documents in the Talmud in light of Greek Papyri and Greek and Roman Law, edited and supplemented by R. Katzoff), Jerusalem 1994 A. Gulak, ^X-ltt'a O'JTCUn nritMn nsix (A Thesaurus of Jewish Deeds), Jerusalem 1926 (Sources II) C. Brockelmann, Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen, 2 vols., Berlin 1908-1913 Ginza yamind (xr!3X' XU'l) (v. Ginza) S.A. Wertheimer(ed.), uhwc 'm (The Geniza Fragments "Ginzei Jerusalem"), Jerusalem 1981 H HAL HALOT HAp Harari, HM Hark Harviainen Hava HDJNA HG Hebrew L. Koehler & W. Baumgartner, Hebraisches und aramdisches Lexikon zum alten Testament, 2 vols., Leiden 1995 Idem, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, V: Aramaic, Leiden 2000 W. Brandenstein, Handbuch des Altpersischen, Wiesbaden 1964 Y. Harari, npTOI HEnrl mTOB ,TOOT Xain (The Sword of Moses, A New Edition and Study), Jerusalem 1997 (Sources IV) A. A. Harkavy T. Harviainen, An Aramaic Incantation Bowl from Borsippa, StOr, 51:14(1980-1) J.G. Hava, Al-Faraid, Arabic-English Dictionary, Beirut 1970 Y. Sabar, An Historical Dictionary of Jewish Neo-Aramaic, Wiesbaden 2002 E. Hildesheimer(ed.), mVm JVDbn ISO (Sefer Halakhot
36 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC HGP HGV Hilprecht Vol Hinz, IMG HK HL Hoberman, Syntax Hoffmann, Ausziige Hoffmann Vol HP HPP HPQ HTR Hubsch, AG HUCA Hurvitz, TPBH Gedolot), 3 vols., Jerusalem 1971-1987 (Sources II) 1402 tns V 3713 ,nf?ira ncbn ISO (Sefer Halachot Gedolot, Codex Paris 1402), Jerusalem 1971 [facsimile edition] T-'aroi d'oist -\wi n"w .txti jnnna 's "?y nbra nabn nso (Sefer Halakhot Gedolot, ace. to Ed. Venice 1528, other printed editions, and Manuscripts), Jerusalem 1992 (Sources II) Hilprecht Anniversary Volume, Leipzig etc. 1909 W. Hinz, Islamische Masse und Gewichte umgerechnet ins metrische System, Leiden 1970 M. Margulies, pXJ 'NTH' 3T> oni'» TTDlxp TCtfm nSO (Halachoth Kezuboth, attributed to R. Yehudai Gaon), Jerusalem 1942 Hebrew Linguistics (may IVUE^a), A Journal for Hebrew, Computational and Applied Linguistics R.D. Hoberman, The Syntax and Semantics of Verb Morphology in Modern Aramaic, New Haven 1989 G. Hoffmann, Ausziige aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer, Leipzig 1880 S. Eppenstein et al. (eds.), Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage D. Hoffmanns, Berlin 1924 S. Sasoon(ed.), V'XT pNJ 'Klin' m1? mplDS TVD^n ISO (R. Yehudai Gaon, Sefer Halachot Pesuqot [Codex Sasoon 263]), Jerusalem 1948 (Sources II) Reading of photograph of facsimile edition of HP, Maqor Publishers, Jerusalem 1971 (Hebrew; cited by page and line) Geniza Fragments of HP published in Qafih Vol 200+ Harvard Theological Review H. Hiibschmann, Armenische Grammatik, I, Leipzig 1895-7 Hebrew Union College Annual A. Hurvitz, \wV? ptf1? ]'3 (The Transition Period in Biblical Hebrew), Jerusalem 1972 Han Hat HM Hul Ibn Janah Ibn JanahHeb v. Abramson, RaH Hatra M. Gaster(ed.), TOBT N3"in (Sword of Moses), in: Studies and Texts in Folklore ... and Samaritan Archaeology, III, New York 1971 (reprint) 69-104 (Sources IV) Hullin (I'^IH; Sources I) A. Neubauer(ed.), The Book of Hebrew Roots, by Abu 'l-Walid Marwdn ibn Janah, Oxford 1875 w. Bacher(ed.) ran pvrpnn rmnaa '3»n p"?nn xin uwron iso mi'3, ]3 niV '1 3Ty pttto (Sepher Haschoraschim, Wurzel- worterbuch der hebraischen Sprache von Abulwalid Merwdn Ibn ABBREVIATIONS 37 IEJ IHP IJ IKI IM imp. imper. inf. interj. intr. Inyanot IrAn IrArab ISK ISG itpa. itpal. itpe. itpol. ittaf. Iyyunim G'andh), Berlin 1896 Israel Exploration Journal Geniza fragments in Danzig, IHP, 551-622 (Sources II) S. Shaked(ed.), JlTO'iTI OnD yrb ,np'NTI'"UNTN (Irano-Judaica, Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts with Persian Culture throughout the Ages), Jerusalem 1982 -> M. Gil, O'lBOTl nS1pfl3 WyW ma'raa (In the Kingdom of Ishmaet), 4 vols., Tel Aviv 1997 [texts cited by number] Museum number of Iraq Museum / Israel Museum imperfect imperative infinitive interjection intransitive S. Abramson, D'JttOH nnSM TTO"3y (Essays on Geonic Literature), Jerusalem 1974 Iranica Antiqua Iraqi Arabic G. Widengren, Iranisch-semitische Kulturbegegnung in par- thischer Zeit, Koln & Upladen 1960 B.M. Lewin(ed.), pNJ NTTO 3T TTUN (The Epistle of Rav Sarrira Gaon), Haifa 1921 [iSGF = 'French' recension; I$G$ = 'Spanish' recension; I$GSup = Supplements] (Sources II) itpa "al itpalpal itpe 'el itpolel ittaf'al M. Bar Asher(ed.), O'aan pP^a O'JI'y (Studies in Rabbinic Hebrew), Jerusalem 1996 J JANES JAOS JAs Jawal JBA JBL M. Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi and the Midrashic Literature, New York 1903 Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University Journal of the American Oriental Society Journal asiatique E. Sachau(ed.), <^l ^JjP> Jc ^^i\ £&\ o* <->j"H v>^ (Gawdliki's AlMu'arrab, nach der Leidener Handschrift), Leipzig 1867 Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Journal of Biblical Literature
38 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC JDS JDS2 JDS3 Jeruzalmi JESHO JJLG JMIB JNA JNES JP JPA JPMA JQR JSAI JSQ JSS JSSig JTS JudA JudP Juusola, Peculiarities K Kar KaR Kara Katz Kearns Vol Judean Desert Studies N. Lewis, Y. Yadin, & J.C. Greenfield, The Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters, II (Greek Papyri), Jerusalem 1989 [cited by number] Y. Yadin, J.C. Greenfield A. Yardeni, & B.A. Levine, ibid. Ill (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Nabatean-Aramaic Papyri), Jerusalem 2002 [cited by number] I. Jeruzalmi, Les coupes magiques arameennes de Mesopotamie, Ph.D. thesis, Universite de Paris 1963 Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient Jahrbuch der jiidisch-literarischen Gesellschaft W.S. McCullough, Jewish and Mandaean Incantation Bowls in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto 1967 Jewish Neo-Aramaic Journal of Near Eastern Studies Judeo-Persian Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period M.A. Friedman, ^KTO'3 BPV1 'U'T (Jewish Polygyny in the Middle Ages), Tel Aviv 1986 Jewish Quarterly Review Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Jewish Studies Quarterly Journal of Semitic Studies S. Shaked, Jewish Sasanian Sigillography, Gignoux Vol 239-256 [cited by number] Journal of Theological Studies Judean Aramaic Judeo Persian H. Juusola, Linguistic Peculiarities in the Aramaic Magic Bowl Texts, Helsinki 1999 C.J. & B. Kasowski, nd?TS\ ]Wb "1X1X (Thesaurus Talmudis Concordantiae Verborum), 42 vols., Jerusalem 1954-1982 Karetot (mmS; Sources I) M. Higger (ed.), ">TQT\ H^O 1130)3 (Tractate Kalla Rabbati) in idem, n"?3 JTITDOfi, New York 1936 (Sources II) Y. Kara, Wffifa D'"1pn» ,^»33n TIB^m *TO 0»i»»m T"»3JD fl'DINn (Babylonian Aramaic in the Yemenite Manuscripts of the Talmud), Jerusalem 1983 I.L. Katzenelsohn, HNISnn XlMITI TiaVm (Talmud und Medizin), Berlin 1928 Y.L. Arbeitman & A.R. Bomhard (eds.), Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics in Memory of J. Alexander ABBREVIATIONS 39 Ket Klengel Koh Korperteile Krauss, Qadmoniot Krauss, SA1 Krauss, TAr KS Kut Kut, Studies Kut, Words Lambert, BWL Land, Anecdota Syriaca 4 Lane LangSt LaSor Vol Lat LebArab Lehnw Leslau Vol Levine, Bowls Levy, TMW Levy, TW Lewy, Intr Lex Lidz, JB Lidz, ML Kearns, Amsterdam 1981 Ketubbot (1113103; Sources I) J. Klengel, Das Hausgerdt in der Misnah, Breslau 1898 A. Kohut H. Holma, Die Namen der Korperteile im Assyrisch- Babylonischen, Helsinki 1911 S. Krauss, TiaVm JlVJIBlp (Talmudic Archeology), 2 vols., Berlin, Vienna & Tel Aviv 1924-1945 Idem, Synagogale Altertiimer, Berlin & Vienna 1922 Idem, Talmudische Archdologie, 3 vols., Leipzig 1910-1912 Kiryat Sefer flSO nnp) E.Y. Kutscher Idem, rraiXSI rm3J73 nnpna (Hebrew and Aramaic Studies), Jerusalem 1977 Idem, liTrvnVUTI O'^n (Words and their History), Jerusalem 1961 W.G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Oxford 1960 J.P.N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca, IV, Leiden 1875 E.A. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, London 1863-1893 Language Studies QVD1? '"IpTO), ed. M. Bar-Asher, vols. 1-7(1985-1995) A. Tuttle(ed.), Biblical and Near Eastern Studies. Essays in honor of W.S. Lasor, Grand Rapids 1978 Latin Lebanese Arabic, dialect of Kfar Abida (v. Feghali) S. Krauss, Griechische und lateinische Lehnworter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum, II, Berlin 1899 A. Kaye (ed.), Semitic Studies in Honor of W. Leslau, Wiesbaden 1991 B. Levine, The Language of the Magical Bowls, in: J. Neusner, A History of the Jews of Babylonia, V, Leiden 1970, 343-375 J. Levy, Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim und Midraschim*, 4 vols., Berlin and Vienna 1924 Idem, Chalddisches Worterbuch iiber die Targumim und einer grossen Theil des rabbinischen Schriftthums, 2 vols., Leipzig 1867 I. Lewy, ix D'pns x»p X33 sthwrv iyobrh wnsi xisa (Introduction and Commentary to PT, BQ 1-6), Jerusalem 1960 [Reprint; German and Hebrew] lexical item M. Lidzbarski, Das Johannesbuch der Mandder (XTTH Ntt?N"n), 2 vols., Giessen 1905-15 Idem, Mandaische Liturgien, Berlin 1920
40 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Lieb Lieb, Shkiin Lieb, SLOB Lieberman Vol Lit lit. Liver Vol LJLA LMA LNVTH Low Low, Fauna Low, Flora Low, Pfl LPT LS L-S L-SSup Lucena lw. S. Lieberman Idem, J'V'jW (Shkiin, A Few Words on some Jewish Legends, Customs and Literary Sources found in Karaite and Christian Works), Jerusalem 1939 S.J. Lieberman, Sumerian Loanwords in Old Babylonian, I, Cambridge 1977 Vixtp1? roff anvm mbn brb ]vy dv ,nia^»m rrnsoa onpna piS'1? (Researches in Talmudic Literature, A Study Cbnference in Honour of the Eightieth Birthday of Shaul Lieberman), Jerusalem 1983 literature literal(ly) B. Uffenheimer(ed), biOtr TVnVlTVI mpan (Bible and Jewish History, Studies in Bible and Jewish History Dedicated to the Memory of J. Liver), Tel Aviv 1971 Late Jewish Literary Aramaic Late Mesopotamian Aramaic [dialect of Uruklnc] M. Moreshet, tnom \VSh2 EnWW "?yiSn W0p<7 (A Lexicon of the New Verbs in Tannaitic Hebrew), Ramat Gan 1980 I. Low Idem, Fauna und Mineralien der Juden, Hildesheim 1969 Idem, Die Flora der Juden, 4 vols., Vienna and Leipzig 1924-1934 Idem, Aramaische Pflanzennamen, Leipzig 1881 S. Abramson(ed.), ]l&tt 'JSin ]3 bxXBV "b "ffcbm N13a' ]Q By® (Rabbi Shmuel b. Chofni, Liber Prooemium Talmudis), Jerusalem 1990 (Sources II) C. Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum2, Halle 1928 H.G. Liddell & R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon ... with a Revised Supplement, Oxford 1996 Supplement to L-S J. Riviin, m&jrnnxn nxan p nJxo'Vx nb^p new (Bills and Contracts from Lucena [1020-1025 C.E.]), Ramat Gan 1994 (Sources II) loanword M m. Ma Maclean Mahzor Sukkot Mishna masculine Mandaic A.J. Maclean, Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac, Oxford 1901 D. Goldschmidt & Y. Frankel (eds.), mxy Taff JTOIO "lima min mam, Jerusalem 1981 ABBREVIATIONS 41 Mainzer, Jagd Mak Mai Mai, TanEng Mann marg MD MEA Meg Mei Melammed, BQ Melammed, Intr Melammed Vol Men Merkazim Merx Met metath. MGD MGE MGG MGL MGN MGWJ M. Mainzer, Uber Jagd, Fischfang und Bienenzucht bei der Juden in der tannaischen Zeit, Frankfurt/Main 1910 Makkot (JVDa; Sources I) H. Malter, '"733 Ttobn p Tl>tyT) 31300 (The Treatise Ta'anit of the Babylonian Talmud), New York 1930 Idem, The Treatise Ta'anit of the Babylonian Talmud, Philadelphia 1928 [w. English translation] The Collected Articles of J. Mann, 3 vols., Gedera 1971 margin E.S. Drawer & R. Macuch, A Mandaic Dictionary, Oxford 1963 Middle Eastern Aramaic Megilla (rfr'ja; Sources I) Me'ila (rf?'yB; Sources I) E.Z. Melammed, X"? BHSl Drill ,XBp X33 TO0B ,'"733 TlB^n IB^B (Tractate Bava Qamma, translated with a commentary), Jerusalem 1958 Idem, TXbm imscb X13B 'pnS (An Introduction to Talmudic Literature), Jerusalem 1973 Y.D. Gilat et al. (eds.), ^W JTVf7W31 mpB3 V'TII T1TISD3 D'lTJ? (Studies in Rabbinic Literature, Bible and Jewish History), Ramat Gan 1982 Menahot (JlVlM; Sources I) S. Abramson, U>mx\ JlSipJia JTlXlSrai D'TDIBS (Center and Periphery in the Geonic Period), Jerusalem 1965 A. Merx, Documents de paleographie hebraique et arabe, Leiden 1894 B.M. Lewin(ed.), pp'TJI D'BN ,ljn» m*? pp Tia^n ,ma>na (Metiboth to Mo'ed, Nashim and Neziqiri), Jerusalem 1933 metathesis s. Fish(ed.), o'-m ISO ,.ty»i 'wain nwan by bnxr\ vnrm (Midrash Haggadol on the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy), Jerusalem 1972 M. Marguiies(ed), maw nso „vnn 'wain nwan Vy>nn «ma (Midrash Haggadol on the Pentateuch, Exodus), Jerusalem 1956 M. Margulies (ed.), maw nso ,min 'win rwan by brtxi ema (Midrash Haggadol on the Pentateuch, Genesis), Jerusalem 1957 A. steinsaltz(ed-), xnp'i nso ,rnin 'Win nwan by "?nan «ma (Midrash Haggadol on the Pentateuch, Leviticus), Jerusalem 1972 z.m. Rabbinowitz(ed.), iso ,.mn 'ir/ain rrc/an by Vmn uma 131B3 (Midrash Haggadol on the Pentateuch, Numbers), Jerusalem 1972 Monatsschrift fur die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des
42 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC MH MH2 MH2b MHDA Mir MIT Mitteliranisch MM mng. MO ModArab ModMa ModSy Mo(rag) Morag, Ketiv and Qere Morag Vol Moreshet Vol Morgan, Textes Mouss MP MQ MR.SJ ms. MSF MSL Judentums Mishnaic Hebrew Mishnaic Hebrew of the Amoraic Period Mishnaic Hebrew of Babylonia of the Amoraic Period T.D. Anklesaria (ed.), The Social Code of the Parsis in Sasanian Times or Madigan i Hazar Dadistan, Part 2, Bombay 1912 Middle Iranian E. Yamauchi, Mandaic Incantation Texts, New Haven 1967 W.B. Henning, Mitteliranisch, in Handbuch der Orientalistik, Leiden 1958, 1.4,1, Iranistik 20-130 H.G. Enelow(ed), "TIXBn mm (R. I. Ibn Al-Nakawa, Menorat Ha-Maor), 4 vols., New York 1929-1932 meaning Le Monde Oriental Modern Arabic Modern Mandaic Modern Syriac Sh. Morag, min ,xi3a ,'baan Tiabnn ]wb :]»'n mioaa rranx ^yiSiTiniSm rwnn (Babylonian Aramaic: The Yemenite Tradition, Historical Aspects and Transmission, Phonology, the Verbal System), Jerusalem 1988 Idem, Tiny to J.TTTITIOIM *npBTJ "lrixto T1TISD3 nj?l 3>T)3 (Ketiv and Qere in the Post-Biblical Traditions of Jewish Communities), in JB'Tl '*03(ed. Y. Ratzabi), Tel Aviv 1967, 26-45 M. Bar-Asher(ed.), o'twia D'Tinvi Truncal mayn pcfa onpna J11B nato^ (Studies in Hebrew and Jewish Languages Presented to Sh. Morag), Jerusalem 1996 M.z. Kaddari & s. Sharvit(eds.), rvnsoai mayn pwba Dnpna mma 'a T'l to Toft O'BnpiB Tima^m (Studies in the Hebrew Language and the Talmudic Literature, Dedicated to the Memory ofM. Moreshet), Ramat Gan 1989 J. de Morgan, £tudes Linguistiques, IP Partie: Textes Mandai'tes (Mission scientifique en Perse, V), Paris 1904 Unpublished Aramaic incantation bowls in the collection of S. Moussaieff, London (Courtesy of Sh. Shaked) Middle Persian Mo 'ed Qatan flop lyiB; Sources I) J.N. Epstein & E.Z. Melammed(eds.), ]3 pyatP '31T xrfr'aa 'Km' (Mekhilta d 'Rabbi Sim'on b. Jochai), Jerusalem 1955 manuscript J. Naveh & Sh. Shaked, Magic Spells and Formulae, Jerusalem 1993 B. Landsberger et al. (eds.), Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon, ABBREVIATIONS 43 MsL" Miiller-Kessler -Kwasman, Bowl Mur MV MWA Rome 1937 -» M. Breuer (ed.), T 3T133 apy 13 "?X"iaw 'VB mvb rf?TWn miDBn rt? (The Masorah Magna to the Pentateuch by Shemuel ben Ya'aqov [Ms. n^]), 2 vols., New York 1992 [cited by book and verse] C. Miiller-Kessler &. T. Kwasman, A Unique Aramaic Incantation Bowl, JAOS 120(2000) 159-165 Texts from Wadi Murabba'at [cited ace. to TDTJD] S. Horovitz(ed), '"SH 'TB'tTIB THX nnBtf WYb ... nO'1 lima V't [Mahzor Vitry], 2 vols., Nuremberg 1923 Middle Western Aramaic N n. NA Nab NABU Naz NB NDGR Ned NH Nid NJ NN Nold Nold, Beitrage Nold, Geschichte Nold, MG N614NB Nold, NSGr Nold, Pers. St. Nold, SG Nold Vol NP NsChr nif'al noun Neo-Assyrian Nabatean Nouvelles assyriologiques breves et utilitaires Nazir (TU; Sources I) Neo-Babylonian S. Emanuel (ed.), D'pOS ,m31^T1 IByi T\Wim U>mX\ miWt) WiWtnn WK311B 'Ban TlXa D'tPITSI (Newly Discovered Geonic Responsa and Writings of Provencal Sages), Jerusalem- Cleveland 1995 Nedarim (D'TU; Sources I) Texts from Nahal Hever (cited ace. to JDS3) Nidda (7\T1; Sources I) The New Jerusalem (v. ATTM 214+; ATTMS 95+) no name [i.e. so-and-so] Th. Noldeke Idem, Beitrage zur semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Strassburg 1904 Idem, Geschichte der Perser undAraber zur Zeit der Sasaniden2, Graz 1973 Idem, Mandaische Grammatik, Halle 1875 Idem, Neue Beitrage zur semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Strassburg 1910 Idem, Grammatik des neusyrischen Sprache, Leipzig 1868 Idem, Persische Studien, Vienna 1892 Idem, Compendious Syriac Grammar, London 1904 Orientalische Studien Theodor Noldeke zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, 2 vols., Giessen 1906 New Persian R. Macuch & E. Panoussi, Neusyrische Chrestomathie,
44 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC NS NT Nyberg OA Obermeyer Oelsner Vol OfA Ofer, BMs OH OHP OHR OHT OIC OLD OLP OLZ OP Oraham OrNS OrSu o.s. OSI OSffiO Wiesbaden 1974, 1-137 [Glossary] Texts from Nahal Se'elim (Wadi Seiyal; cited by number, ace. to DJD XXVII) Novum Testamentum H.S. Nyberg, A Manual of Pehlevi, II: Glossary, Wiesbaden 1974 Old Aramaic J. Obermeyer, Die Landschaft Babyloniens im Zeitalter des Talmuds und des Gaonats, Frankfurt/Main 1929 J. Marzahn & H. Neuman (eds.), Assyriologica et Semitica, Festschrift fur J. Oelsner (AOAT 252), Munster 2000 Official Aramaic Y. Ofer, ,T3TT1 iHTUVlpy „TTm? n'733n iTTIO&n (The Babylonian Masora of the Pentateuch, its Principles and Methods), Jerusalem 2001 B.M. Lewin(ed.), 'B by DiWITSl 733 '31KA rVDWJl ,D'31XJn "1X1X Ttt57JVl "110 (Otzar ha-Gaonim, Thesaurus of the Gaonic Responsa and Commentaries, following the order of the Talmudic Tractates), 13 vols. [Ber-BM], Haifa-Jerusalem 1928-1944; H.S. Taubisch(ed.) [Sari], Jerusalem 1966 (Sources II) Idem(ed.), D'tflTSH ,B>m3n "IXIX (Otzar ha-Gaonim, Commentaries; Sources II) Idem(ed.), 7X33n 13'31 WVB ,D'31KVl 1S1X (Otzar ha-Gaonim, commentary of R. Hananel; Sources II) Idem(ed.), manwin ,0'3ixan nSIX (Otzar ha-Gaonim, Responsa; Sources II) Oriental Institute Communications The Oxford Latin Dictionary, Oxford 1982 Orientali Lovaniensia Periodica Orientalische Literaturzeitung Old Persian A.J. Oraham, Dictionary of the Stabilized and Enriched Assyrian Language and English, Chicago 1943 Orientalia (New Series) Orientalia Suecana oneself H.J.W. Drijvers, Old-Syriac (Edesseari) Inscriptions, Leiden 1972 Idem & J.F. Healey, The Old Syriac Inscriptions ofEdessa and Osrhoene, Leiden 1999 P Persian ABBREVIATIONS 45 pa. PAHL pal. PalArab Par pass.part. Patai, Seafaring PDFMP PDura pe. PED Peh Perles, EtSt Pes pf. pi. PLAr PMur PN pol. Porten, Archives pred. Preisigke prep. Preuss pres. pret. prev. Price, MQ pron. PSBA PSD PsJ PSm pa "el Proceedings of the Academy of the Hebrew Language (miTDT rrayn ]w?7 rnnpxn) palpel Palestinian Arabic Parthian passive participle R. Patai, TrQ97\ TVUBOn (Jewish Seafaring), Jerusalem 1938 M. Gil, rUWNTl rraVoinn nsipra 7X"ffir"pN (Palestine during the First Muslim Period [634-1099]), 3 vols., Tel Aviv 1983 (Sources II; texts cited by number and line) Syriac deed written in Edessa in 243 C.E. [v. OSI 55+] pe'al F. Steingass, A Comprehensive Persian - English Dictionary, London 1892 Pehlevi J. Perles, Etymologisches Studien der rabbinischen Sprache und Alterthiimer, Breslau 1871 Pesahim (DTI0S; Sources I) perfect plural A. Asbaghi, Persische Lehnworter im Arabischen, Wiesbaden 1988 Papyri from Murabba'at [cited from TDTJD] personal name polel B. Porten, Archives from Elephantine, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1968 predicate F. Preisigke, Worterbuch der grieschichen Papyruskunden, Berlin 1925-31 preposition J. Preuss, Biblisch-talmudische Medizin, Berlin 1911 present preterite previous J.J. Price, The Yemenite Ms. of Mo'edKaton, Leipzig 1920 pronoun Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology A. Sjoberg (ed.), The Sumerian Dictionary of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1984 -> Pseudo-Jonathan Targum R. Payne Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus, 2 vols., Oxford 1879-1898
46 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC PSmCom PSmSup PT PWCJS Qafih Vol QH Qid Q§ quad, quadref. Rabbinowicz, Ma'amar Rackman Vol RaH RaN RB rdg. RDQ ref. Renger Vol R.G. RH Rieger, Technologie Rimalt RISB RLOW Ros Ros, Intr Idem, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary, Oxford 1903 J.P. Margoliouth, Supplement to the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, Oxford 1927 Palestinian Talmud Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies Y Tobi(ed.), bncw> Jiaana O'ipna ,*pr mi? (Le-Rosh Yosef Texts and Studies in Judaism Dedicated to R. Y. Qafih), Jerusalem 1995 Qumran Hebrew Qiddusin (J'tflTp; Sources I) S. Wertheimer(ed.), Tttfrv nbnp (Kohelet Selomo, Geonic Responsa), Jerusalem 1899 quadriliteral quadriliteral reflexive R.N. Rabbinowicz, Tltt^m TWBTl by naxa (Essay on the Printing of the Talmud), ed. A.H. Haberman, Jerusalem 1952 M. Beer(ed.), biTW> J13Wn»31 TO^ia Dnpna (Studies in Halakha and Jewish Thought Presented to M.E. Rackman), Ramat Gan 1994 Rabbenu Hananel's commentary to the Talmud Rabbenu Nissim's commentary to the Talmud Revue Biblique reading J.H.R. Biesenthal & F. Liebrecht (eds.), D. Qimhi, D'BnWH ISO (Radicum Liber), Berlin 1847 reference B. Bock et al. (eds.), Munuscula Mesopotamia, Festschrift fur J. Renger (Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 267), Minister 1999 Rabbenu Gershom Ros Hassana (rUtfn KW"I; Sources I) P. Rieger, Versuch einer Technologie der Handwerke in der Mishnah, Breslau 1894 E.S. Rimalt, Wechselbeziehungen zwischen dem Aramaischen und dem Neubabylonischen, WZKM39(1932) 99- 122. D.M. Goodblatt, Rabbinic Instruction in Sasanian Babylonia, Leiden 1975 J. Muller(ed.), 3n$?ai rTIT» '31X1 frown (Responsen der Lehrer des Ostens und Western), Berlin 1888 E.S. Rosenthal idem, micas laipai -ixiiV-pw v 3na ,D'nos rooa ,^33 Tiatyi ITOIM (The Pesahim Codex, Babylonian Talmud, the ABBREVIATIONS 47 Ros, TI Ros Vol Rosenthal, AF Rossel, Handbook RQ Ruzicka SA Sabato, YM Salemann Salonen, Fischerei San Satzlehre SBM SCC Schaeder, IB Schemel, Kleidung Schocken Vol Schulthess, HW Schulthess, LSp sg- Shaked Shaked, Dress Shaked, EIr Shaked, Elements Facsimile ...), London 1985 Idem, 'TlB^Tin ]tf?'fi^ (For the Talmudic Dictionary - Talmudica Iranica), 77 1(1982)38-134 M. Bar-Asher & D. Rosenthal (eds.), Dnpna pip ,TlsVri npna ^wm k?"x 'sns bv r\oib snpio ^^aia D'amnai iia^na (Talmudic Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Professor E.S. Rosenthal), Jerusalem 1993 F. Rosenthal, Die aramdistische Forschung seit Th. Noldeke's Veroffentlichungen, Leiden 1939 W.H. Rossell, A Handbook of Aramaic Magical Texts, Ringwood Borough 1958 Revue de Qumran R. Ruzicka, Konsonantische Dissimilation in den semitischen Sprachen, Leipzig 1909 Samaritan Aramaic M. Sabato, jrnoa3 laipai pVss) piruo Tomb 'la'n r-ara noin (A Yemenite Manuscript of Tractate Sanhedrin and its Place in the Text Tradition), Jerusalem 1998 C. Salemann, Mittelpersisch, in W. Geiger(ed.), Grundriss der iranischen Philologie, Strassbourg 1895-1904 249-323. A. Salonen, Die Fischerei im alten Mesopotamien, Helsinki 1970 Sanhedrin fl'TPJO; Sources I) M. Schlesinger, Satzlehre der aramaischen Sprache des Babylonischen Talmuds, Leipzig 1928 E. A.W. Budge, Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics, or "The Book of Medicines," 2 vols., Oxford 1913 G. Goldenberg & Sh. Raz (eds.), Semitic and Cushitic Studies, Wiesbaden 1994 H.H. Schaeder, Iranische Beitrage, I, Halle 1930 S. Schemel, Die Kleidung der Juden im Zeitalter der Mischnah, Berlin 1912 S. Y. Agnon et al. (eds.), ]'J? '^J? (Alei Ayin, The Zalman Schocken Jubilee Volume), Tel Aviv 1952 Fr. Schulthess, Homonyme Wurzeln im Syrischen, Berlin 1900 Idem, Lexicon Syropalaestinum, Berlin 1903 singular Sh. Shaked Idem, Items of Dress and other Objects in Commom Use: Iranian Loanwords in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, U 3 (1994) 106-117 Idem, Iranian Loanwords in Middle Aramaic, EIr 2 259-261 Idem, Iranian Elements in Middle Aramaic: Some Particles and Verbs, Medioiranica (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 48),
48 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Shaked, Food Shaked, Irano-Aramaica Shaked, Notes Shaked, Study Shivtiel Vol SIB Siggel SJLA SM SMel SMiq s.o. Sok Sok, JBA Final Report Sok, JPA Final Report Sok, Mutual Elucidation Sok, Progress Sophocles Louvain 1993 147-156 Idem, Food and Drink: Iranian Terms in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, Proceedings of a Conference on Bilingualism in Iranian Culture held in Bamberg 1991 [forthcoming] Idem, Irano-Aramaica: On Some Legal, Administrative and Economic Terms, Corolla Iranica, Papers in honour of D.N. MacKenzie, Frankfurt/Main 1991 167-175 Idem, Notes on the Pahlavi Amulet and Sasanian Courts of Law, Bulletin of the Asia Institute, NS, 7(1993) 165-172 Idem, A Persian House of Study, A King's Secretary: Indo- Aramaic Notes, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung. 48(1995) 171-186 I. Gluska & T. Kessar(eds.), JTOyn ytthl D'lpTO ^X'ME/ 130 Tinyn nmoaai {Y. Shivtiel Book, Studies in the Hebrew Language and in the Linguistic Traditions of the Jewish Communities), Tel Aviv 1992 V Hamilton, Syriac Incantation Bowls, Ph.D. thesis, Brandeis University 1971 A. Siggel, Arabisch-Deutsches Worterbuch der Stoffe (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fur Orient- forschung, Publication, No. 1), Berlin 1950 Standard Jewish Literary Aramaic M. Gaster(ed), TlVttya ISO {The Exempla of the Rabbis), London 1924 W. Bacher, Ein hebraisch-persisches Worterbuch aus dem vierzehnten Jahrhundert (nx'^an ISO p O'Blj?1?), Strassburg 1900 (Hebrew section cited by page and line; SMelG - German section cited by page; Sources II) S. Assaf(ed), niJTOp&n ISO {Sefer ha-miqso'ot), Jerusalem 1947 someone M. Sokoloff Idem, A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic {RT-21038- 89), Final Report Submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities, December 1992 Idem, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, Final Report Submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities, Grant No. RT-1774-81, September 1986 Idem, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic and Syriac: Mutual Elucidation, VI Symposium Syriacum 1992 (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 247), Rome 1994 401-408 Idem, The Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, Progress and Prospects, in Studia Aramaica 189-195 E.A. Sophocles, Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine ABBREVIATIONS 49 Sophos Sot SOZ Sperber Sperber, Culture Sperber, Magic Sperber, Money Sperber, Nautica SRAG SRR SRSG SSHai SSHaiGr SSSad s.t. St STA STage Steinberg Steiner, Fricative Laterals StG Period, Cambridge & Leipzig 1914 J. Landsberger(ed.), OISIOT N'^na, Die Fabeln des Sophos, Posen 1859 Sota (HDIO; Sources I) XD1T ti?W "HO {The Smaller Order of the World), ed. A. Neubauer, Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles and Chronological Notes, Oxford 1895, II, 68-73 (Sources II) D. Sperber Idem, TKbm ,!3,3 "TXIW'-pXa main main {Material Culture in Eretz-Israel during the Talmudic Period), Jerusalem 1993 Idem, Magic and Folklore in Rabbinic Literature, Ramat Gan 1994 Idem, Roman Palestine 200-400, Money and Prices, Ramat Gan 1974 Idem, Nautica Talmudica, Ramat Gan 1986 D. Goldschmidt(ed.), pX! may ai TTO (The Order of Prayers of Rav 'Amram Gaon), Jerusalem 1971 (Sources II) K.J. Bruns & E. Sachau, Syrisch-romische Rechtsbucher, Leipzig 1880 I. Davidson et al. (eds.), pXJ, H'lJR) T\ TITO {Siddur R. Saadja Gaon, Kitab G'amV as-Salawat wat-Tasdblh), Jerusalem 1978 (reprint; Sources II) S. Assaf (ed.), pXA VTTW na 'Xfl ai"? imDWI ISO {The Book of Shetaroth [Formulary] ofR. Hai Gaon), Jerusalem 1930 (Sources II) T Groner, CWttOfaP nlm '"lBOa, AS 15 (1989) 31-33 (Fragment of SSHai) M. Ben Sasson, 3,"Q-f? immm mtyTl ISOa WVW {Fragments from Saadya's Sefer Ha-edut Ve Ha-Shetarot, AIRJL 11-12 (1984/6) 135-278 (Sources II) something v. Eps, St K. Kahan(ed-), D'XmaXI O'XiTl "HD {Seder Tannaim weAmoraim), Frankfiirt/Main 1935 Y. Ratzabi (ed.), 'AXIl ISO, in Y. Ka'sher(ed.), na*?W miTl, 29 87-90 (Sources V) A. Steinberg, 1^3 WUai "na'jna miVinsa D'pns {Chapters in the Pathology of the Talmud), Jerusalem 1975 R. Steiner, The Case for Fricative-Laterals in Proto-Semitic, New Haven 1977 S. Morag & I. Ben-Ami (eds.), nrai T\W npntt {Studies in Geniza and Sephardi Heritage presented to S.D. Goitein), Jerusalem 1981
50 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Stol, Beer StOr Stack, Munich Strack-Stemberger Studia Aramaica subst. Suk Sum Sy SYes Syh Syr Arab § Sab saf. Seel SM ST St Svu M. Stol, Beer in Neo-Babylonian Times, in L. Milano(ed.), Drinking in Ancient Societies {History of the Ancient Near East, Studies VI), Padua 1994 155-183 Studia Orientalia (Helsinki) H.L. Stack, Der Babylonische Talmud nach der einzigen vollstdndigen Handschrift Miinchen Codex Hebraicus 95 ..., Leiden 1912. H.L. Stack & G. Stemberger, Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash2, Minneapolis 1992 M. J. Geller et al. (eds.), Studia Aramaica, New Sources and New Approaches, Oxford 1995 substantive Sukka (H31D; Sources I) Sumerian Syriac Commentary of R. Sa'adiah Gaon to Sefer Yesira, in M. Lambert, 'IXSa^X 3XJ13 TDSJ1, Paris 1891 Syrohexaplaric version Syrian Arabic saf'el Sabbat {TOW; Sources I) saf'el S.K. Mirsky (ed.), pXl 'Xnx 311 nvfow (Sheeltoth de Rav Ahai Gaon), 5 vols., Jerusalem 1960-1977; ed. R.N. Berlin, Jerusalem 1948 (Sources II) R. Bezalel Ashkenazi, nxaipa ntJ'ff (printed in Vilna ed. of BT) Y. Fischel(ed.), 2naiem 1JW ISO {Sa'arei Tesuva, Geonic Responsa), Leipzig 1848 Simmusa de-Tefillin (pV'Sm XWia'W; Sources II) Sevu'ot (myiatf; Sources I) TA TAD Tal Tallqvist Talshir, Fauna S. Lieberman(ed.), xriSDW {The Tosefta), New York 1956- 1988 {Zera'im-Bav'a Batra); S. Zuckermandel, XHSDW, Jerusalem 1970 (reprint) {Sanhedrin- 'Uqsiri) Targumic Aramaic of Onkelos-Jonathan type B. Porten & A. Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt, 4 vols. [A-D], Jerusalem 1986- 1999 A. Tal, rraixn '3'j Vbsa mayai d'jtoxi D'x'ajV cminn \wb {The Language of the Targum of the Former Prophets and its Position within the Aramaic Dialects), Tel Aviv 1975 K.L. Tallqvist, Assyrian Personal Names, Helsinki 1914 D. Talshir, 'anawn bv 'aixn maim D"nn 'tya maw {The ABBREVIATIONS 51 Tarn Tanh TaS TDTJD Tel Tern Tg TGAs27 TGAs28 TGAs33 TGAs42 TGCas TGCor TGDr46 TGDr49 TgEstFr TGHark TGKis TGMus TGQed TGWeisz Nomenclature of the Fauna in the Samaritan Targum), Jerusalem 1981 Tamid (Tan; Sources I) Midrash Tanhuma (Xainan) J. Mann, Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature, I, Cincinnati 1931 A. Yardeni, A Textbook of Aramaic, Hebrew and Nabataean Documentary Texts from the Judaean Desert and Related Material, 2 vols. [A, B], Jerusalem 2000 S. Telegdi, Essai sur la phonetique des emprunts iraniens en arameen talmudique, JAs 1935 177-256 Temura (minxi; Sources I) Targum S. Assaf(ed.), D'aixan nianwi (Geonic Responsa), Jerusalem 1927 (ace. to pagination of separate edition; Sources II) Idem (ed.), "?lP31"n Tina D'33ixan niaiwn {Gaonic Responsa from Geniza Mss.), Jerusalem 1928 (Sources II) Idem(ed.), D'3ixan miSDa {Gaonica), Jerusalem 1933 (Sources II) Idem(ed.), O'JIXin maiWl {Responsa Geonica), Jerusalem 1942 (Sources II) D. Cassel(ed.), D'liaip D'31XJ TTDllWl (Ancient Geonic Responsa), Berlin 1848 (Sources II) N. Coronel(ed.), D'TMn TVnuwi (Geonic Responsa), Vienna 1871 (Sources II) E. Hurwitz(ed.), mv TOOti? D'JIXIH 'WlTSa D'TIW (Fragments from Geonic Commentaries to Tractate Sabbat), Part I, Hadarom 46(1978) 123-227 (Sources II) Idem, naw TGOrb D'JIXJn 'WITSa anrw (Fragments from Geonic Commentaries to Tractate Sabbat), Part II, Hadarom 49(1980) 67-117 (Sources II) R. Kasher & M. Klein, New Fragments of Targum to Esther from the Cairo Genizah, HUCA 61 (1990) 89-124 A. Harkavy(ed.), 133 'XH 311 XT1W 31 lin'31 D'31X1 .ia3 |113T 'DXSVx pflS' '1 aim {Responsen der Geonim, zumeist aus dem X.-XI. Jahrhhundert), Berlin 1887 (Sources II) C.H. Kis(ed.), D'JlXJn imVDI\ {Gdoni Responsumok), Budapest 1912 (Sources II) Y. Mussafia(ed.), Q'aiXJH mawn (Geonic Responsa), Lyck 1824 (Sources II) A. Harkavy, WW D5 D'Win, HaQedem 2 (1908) 82-90 (Sources II) M. Weisz(ed.), D'llXin mawn nnJiia anrw (Geonic
52 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC TJ TKet TMHP TO Tobi, TY tr. trad. translit. TRN Tur Sinai Vol Uruklnc Var vb. v.n. VTM Responsa) in Festschrift zum 50 jahrigen Bestehen der Franz- Josef-Landesrabbiner Schule in Budapest, Budapest 1927 (Sources II) A. Sperber (ed.), O'X'ajV |JUT* DU1T1 (The Former/Latter Prophets according to Targum Jonathan), 2 vols., Leiden 1959-1962 Targum to the Ketuvim I. Davidson, rbyorm n'PXT ly cnipn '37D jata »rsm wwn ixix (Thesaurus of Mediaeval Hebrew Poetry2-), 4 vols., New York 1970 A. Sperber (ed.), miJlV DlbpjlX Oinn (Targum Onkelos), Leiden 1959 Y. Tobi, JB'/n liaVm ^ (7"Ae Ja/wwrf /« tewew), Tel Aviv 1963 transitive tradition, traditional transliteration R. Brody(ed.), pxa 'K1?',! 13 'JUVIM 31 JTOltWl (Teshuvot Rav Natronai bar Hilai Gaon), Jerusalem - Cleveland 1994 M. Haran & B.Z. Luria(eds.), frrton Xipan *ij?IT7 mam 'aiOIS ruff n'ysp ib nxbab wiib t\"i tod1? mia ,'n nso (N.H. Tur Sinai Jubilee Volume), Jerusalem 1960 Aramaic Cuneiform Incantation from Uruk (v. M.J. Geller, JEOL 35-36 [1997-2000] 127-143) variant verb verbal noun Sh. Morag, Vocalised Talmudic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Geniza Collections, I, Taylor-Schechter Old Series, Cambridge 1988 [cited by number] w. WA Wald Wehizhir Wehr Weiss Wieder, FJL with Western Aramaic M. Wald, Die arabischen Glossen in den Schriften der Geonim, Oxford 1935 J.M. Freimann (ed.), Tilim ISO (Wehishir, opus continens Midraschim et Halachoth ... auctore Rabi Chefez Aluf), 2 vols., Tel Aviv 1964 (reprint) H. Wehr, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, Wiesbaden 1961 R. Weiss, 3VX ISOV 'iTIXn Oinm (The Aramaic Targum of Job), Tel Aviv 1979 N. Wieder, 3iya31 m?»3 nb'Bm noiJ rVHWmn (The Formation of ABBREVIATIONS 53 WKAS w/o w. ref. WZKM Jewish Liturgy in the East and in the West), 2 vols., Jerusalem 1998 M. Ullmann(ed.), Worterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache, Wiesbaden 1970 —> without with reference Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes XHev/Se Yalon, Yalon, Intr Studies Yalon Mem Vol Yalon Vol Yardeni, Script YBC Yeivin, Yeivin, Yeivin, BV Fragment Masorah Yeivin Vol Yequm Purqan Yev YK Yom Yona Aramaic documents from Nahal Hever and Nahal Se'elim (Wadi Seiyal), published by A. Yardeni in DJD XXVII and TDTJD Y. 'Amr(ed.), mn ip'3 ... p'Tl mioa '3 "?y Ipua .'bas 7\lfrn 'T7H nay pHX f'3 rpy> Tym (Babylonian Talmud vocalized according to the Yemenite Oral Tradition), 20 vols., Jerusalem 1980 H. Yalon, nVDlX] Tlp'^1 X13a (Introduction to the Vocalization of the Mishna), Jerusalem 1964 Idem, ywh 'pns (Studies in the Hebrew Language), Jerusalem 1971 E. Y Kutscher et al. (eds.), ]T7' 'if? ]rDT ISO (H Yalon Memorial Volume), Ramat Gan 1974 S. Lieberman et al.(eds.), pV> fUJI ISO (H Yalon Jubilee Volume), Jerusalem 1963 A. Yardeni, The Book of Hebrew Script, Jerusalem 1997 Yale Babylonian Collection I. Yeivin, ^>aan np'33 nsprwan jmayn ]wbn rnioa (The Hebrew Language Tradition as Reflected in the Babylonian Vocalization), 2 vols., Jerusalem 1985 Idem, oibpnx DinnVi xnpab '"733 vmoa -naTia yep (A Fragment of a Masoretic Treatise to the Pentateuch and Targum Onkelos), Yalon Mem Vol 99-1631 Idem, Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah, Missoula 1990 M. Bar Asher(ed.), J'3» bXTW*? bam ISO (/. Yeivin Festschrift [= LangSt 5-6]), Jerusalem 1992 Prayer for the heads of the Babylonian community (Sources II) Yevamot (TmV; Sources I) S. Lieberman, T0WS3 'aV^lTH (Hayerushalmi Kiphshuto), Jerusalem 1934 Yoma (NaT*; Sources I) M. Yona, nay-TTD^anx pV^a (Aramaic-Kurdish-Hebrew Dictionary), Jerusalem 1999 ZA Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie
54 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC ZDMG Zev Zimmern Zlotnick, TM ZSLM Zuckermann Babylonian Texts (Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes, VIII), Wiesbaden 1985 Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft Zevahim (DTQT; Sources I) H. Zimmern, Akkadische Fremdworter als Beweis fur babylonischen Kultureinfluss, Leipzig 1917 D. Zlotnick (ed.), The Tractate "Mourning", New Haven & London 1966 R. Macuch, Zur Sprache and Literatur der Mandder, Berlin & New York 1976 B. Zuckermann, Ueber talmudische Miinzen und Gewichte, Breslau 1862 SIGNS () [ ] (> { } {{ }} r -i i V < > + @ // * # Optional additional vowel letter Defective portion in manuscript source (e.g. hole) Editorial addition Editorial deletion Deletion in manuscript source Partially restored letters See entry Verbal root Loanword from Loanword into Divides manuscript string into two words Combines two strings in manuscript into one word Parallel As opposed to Number Sub-entry THE SOURCES OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC I. The Babylonian Talmud Tractate Abbr. Berakhot Ber Sabbat Sab 'Eruvin Er Pesahim Pes Ros Hassana RH Yoma Yom Manuscript Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) Florence III 7-9 Munich 95 Paris 671,4 Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) Munich 95 Vatican 108 Vatican 127 Vatican 487 Vatican 109 [2b-91a; 95a-101b] Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) [2a; 91a-95a; 10lb-105a] Munich 95 Vatican 127 New York, JTS Rab 1623 (EMC 271) New York, JTS Rab 1608 (ENA 850) New York, Columbia X893-T141 Munich 95 Munich 6 Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) Vatican 109 Vatican 125 Vatican 134 New York, JTS Rab 218 (EMC 270) [2a-18a] Munich 140 [18a-28a] New York, JTS Rab 1608 (ENA 850) [28a-35a] London, BL Harley 5508 (400) Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) Munich 95 Munich 6 Abbr. O F M P O M V V15 V21 V o M V15 El E2 C M Mi O Vi VH yn Ei M2 E2 L O M Mi
56 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Sukka Suk Besa Bes Ta 'anit Tan Megilla Meg Mo 'ed Qatan MQ Hagiga Hag New York, JTS Rab 218 (EMC 270) New York, JTS Rab 1608 (ENA 850) London, BL Harley 5508 (400) Munich 95 Vatican 134 Oxford, heb. e.51 (2677) New York, JTS Rab 218 (EMC 270) New York, JTS Rab 1608 (ENA 850) Munich 95 Munich 140 Gottingen 3 London, BL Harley 5508 (400) Munich 95 Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) Vatican 109 Vatican 134 Jerusalem, Yad Harav Herzog [2a-25b] Gottingen 3 [25b-30a] London, BL Harley 5508 (400) Munich 95 Munich 140 Vatican 134 [30a-31a] Vatican 487 Oxford, Opp. Add. Fol. 23 (366) New York, Columbia X893-T141 Gottingen 3 London, BL Harley 5508 (400) Munich 95 Munich 140 New York, Columbia X893-T141 [2a-28a] Gottingen 3 [28a-29a] London, BL Harley 5508 (400) Munich 95 Munich 140 Vatican 108 Vatican 134 Munich 6 [2a-26a] E' E2 L M V17 09 E> E2 M M2 G L M O Vi \\7 He G L M M2 V" V21 o c G L M M2 C G L M M2 V V17 Mi SOURCES 57 Yevamot Yev Ketubbot Ket Nedarim Nazir Sota Ned Naz Sot Gittin Git Gottingen 3 [26a-27a] London, BL Harley 5508(400) Munich 95 Vatican 171 Vatican 111 [2a-48b] Munich 141 [48b-122b] Cambridge, Add. 3207 Munich 95 Moscow, Lenin 594 Oxford, Opp. 248(367) St. Petersburg, Firkowich 187 [31b-32a; 32b; 34b; 36a-38a; 39a 40a-42a; 44a-46b; 48b-50b; 51a- 52a; 53b-55b; 56a-58b; 60a-61b 63b-65b; 67a-69a; 69b; 70b-97a 97b; 98a; 98b; 99a; 99b-102a: 102b; 103a-109b; 109b-110a: 110a-112a Vatican 130 [2a-31b; 32a; 32b-34b 34b-36a; 38a-39a; 39a-39b; 40a 42a-44a; 46b-48b; 50b; 52a-53b 55b-56a; 58b-60a; 61b-63b; 65b- 67a; 69a; 69b; 70a-70b; 97a-97b; 98a; 98b; 99a; 99b; 102a-102b; 103a; 106a; 110a; 112a-112b Vatican 113 [109b] Vatican 112 Munich 95 Vatican 487 [2a-20b] Munich 95 [21b-91b] Moscow, Guenzburg 1134 Vatican 110 Munich 95 Moscow, Guenzburg 1134 Vatican 110 Oxford, heb. d.20 (2675,2) [3b- 13a; 13b-16b; 18a-26b; 28a-30b; 35b-39a; 45b-49b] Vatican 110 [2a-3b; 13a-13b; 16b- 18a; 27a-27b; 30b-35b; 39a-45b] Munich 95 Vatican 130 Aras 969 G L M V20 V3 M3 Ca M Mo' 02 Fr \\6 V5 \M2 M V21 M Mo V2 M Mo V2 Q8 V2 M \\6 As
58 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Qiddusin Bava Qamma Bava Mesia Bava Batra Sanhedrin Makkot Sevu 'ot Avoda Zara Horayot Zevahim Qid BQ BM BB San Mak Svu AZ Hor Zev St. Petersburg, Firkowich I 187 Munich 95 Oxford, Opp. 038(368) Vatican 127 Vatican 140 Vatican 111 Munich 95 Oxford, Opp. 248(367) Hamburg 165 Madrid, Escorial G-I-3 Florence 8 Munich 95 Hamburg 165 Florence 8 Madrid, Escorial G-I-3 Munich 95 Vatican 114 Vatican 115 Hamburg 165 Madrid, Escorial G-I-3 Florence 9 Munich 95 Paris 1337 Vatican 115 Jerusalem, Yad Harav Herzog Florence 9 Karlsruhe 9 (Reuchlin 2) Munich 95 Jerusalem, Yad Harav Herzog Munich 95 Vatican 140 Vatican 156 Florence 9 Munich 95 Paris 1337 New York, JTS Rab 0015 Munich 95 Paris 1337 Munich 95 New York, Columbia X893-T141 Munich 95 Vatican 118 Vatican 119 Fr M 03 Vis V~18 V3 M 02 H Es F' M H F» Es M V22 V23 H Es F2 M Pi V22 He F2 K M He M V18 V19 F2 M Pi J M P' M C M V8 V9 SOURCES 59 Menahot Men Hullin Hul Bekhorot Bek 'Arakhin Temura Ara Tern Karetot Kar Me 'ila Mei Tatnid Tarn Vatican 121 Paris, AIU H147A [2a-lla; 29b- 30a; 38b-109a] Vatican 120 [lla-29b; 30b-38a; 109a-110a] Munich 95 Vatican 118 Vatican 122 [three scribes] Vatican 121 Vatican 123 Hamburg 169 Munich 95 Florence 7 [12a-61a] Vatican 120 [2a-12a] Vatican 119 London, BL Add. 25717(402) Munich 95 Vatican 120 London, BL Add. 25717(402) Munich 95 Oxford, Opp. 726(370) Florence 7 Munich 95 Paris, AIU H147A Vatican 119 Vatican 120 Oxford, heb. b.l (2673) [4a-6a; 18a-28b] Florence 7 [2a-4a; 6a-18a] Vatican 119 Vatican 120 London, BL Add. 25717(402) Munich 95 Florence 7 Vatican 119 Vatican 120 Oxford, 370 (Opp. 726) Munich 95 Ed. Venice Florence 7 Vatican 120 Munich 95 Ed. Venice yii P2 yio M V8 V12 V'i V13 H2 M F yio V9 Li M yio Li M Ot F M P2 V9 yio 06 F V9 yio L' M F V9 yio 04 M Ed F yio M Ed
60 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Nidda Nid II. The Geonic Literature 1. Responsa Vatican 113 [2a-50a] Munich 95 [50a-73a] Vatican 111 Vatican 127 Geon L. Ginzberg (ed.), Geonica, II, New York 1909 GnK B.M. Lewinfed .). DID 'm (Ginze Kedem). 6 vols.. Vs M V3 V15 Haifa & Jerusalem iSg NDGR OH TGAs27 TGAs28 TGAs33 TGAs42 TGCas TGCor TGDr46 TGDr49 TGHark TGKis TGMus TGQed TGWeisz 1922-1944 B.M. Lewin(ed.), pXJ XTTO T\ TVttX (The Epistle of Rav Sarrira Gaon), Haifa 1921 [iSGF = 'French' recension; iSGS = 'Spanish' recension; I§GSup = Supplements] s. Emanuel (ed.), o'ttMTSi epos ,maiiwi pyi nrennn o'Jixn rrniiwi D'JUMnn 03X3113 'OSn JlXa (7Vew/y Discovered Geonic Responsa and Writings of Provengal Sages), Jerusalem-Cleveland 1995 B.M. Lewin(ed), TJO 'S 7? 0,T2m'Sl 733 '31X5 TViailWl ,D'I»«n 1X1X Tl&7Jin (Otzar ha-Gaonim, Thesaurus of the Gaonic Responsa and Commentaries, following the order of the Talmudic Tractates), 13 vols. [Ber-BM], Haifa-Jerusalem 1928-1944; H.S. Taubisch (ed.) [San], Jerusalem 1966 (Hebrew) S. Assaf(ed), wmx\ TPOWD (Geonic Responsa), Jerusalem 1927 [ace. to pagination of separate edition] Idem (ed.), "nrtt"n "\\T\Ti D'Jlxan TVnWJl (Gaonic Responsa from Geniza Mss.), Jerusalem 1928 S. Idem(ed.), wmxn TlVlBOa (Gaonica), Jerusalem 1933 S. Idem(ed.), D'JIXJH jrnrwi (Responsa Geonica), Jerusalem 1942 D. Cassel(ed.), D'JiaTp D'JINU JTOWJ1 (Ancient Geonic Responsa), Berlin 1848 N. Coronel(ed.), OMIXin JTiailWl (Geonic Responsa), Vienna 1871 E. Hurwitz(ed.), rav rao»7 O'TttUn 'WlTSa WTHV (Fragments from Geonic Commentaries to Tractate Sabbat), Part I, Hadarom 46(1978) 123-227 Idem, TOV 7D0B7 O'JlXJn 'KNTSa O'TTO (Fragments from Geonic Commentaries to Tractate Sabbat), Part II, Hadarom 49(1980) 67-117 A. Harkavy(ed.), "\ aim ua 'xn an m'lif 3i mrrai D'aixj naa par '0XB7X priX' (Responsen der Geonim, zumeist aus dem X.-XI Jahrhundert), Berlin 1887 C.H. Kis(ed.), D'JIXJn TTOltttfl (Gaoni Responsumok), Budapest 1912 Y. Mussafia(ed.), WYMX\ TPOWT\ (Geonic Responsa), Lyck 1824 A.E. Harkavy(ed), WW m WWTn, HaQedem 2(1908) 82-90 M. Weisz(ed.), wmXK ITDHWl - mXTQ WVW (Geonic Responsa in Festschrift zum 50 jahrigen Bestehen der Franz-Josef-Landesrabbiner SOURCES 61 Schule in Budapest), Budapest 1927 TRN R. Brody(ed.), pXl 'XV'H na 'X3T1M an JYI3TCm (Teshuvot Rav Natronai bar Hilai Gaon), Jerusalem-Cleveland 1994 2. Legal Compendia HG E. Hildesheimer(ed.), ni7VM JYD7n nSD (Se/er Halakhot Gedolot), 3 vols., Jerusalem 1971-1987 #P S. Sasoon (ed.), 7"XT pXJ 'XTITT 317 mpiOS 71137n ISO (R. Yehudai Gaon, Sefer Halachot Pesuqot [Codex Sasoon 263]), Jerusalem 1948 KaR M. Higger(ed), 'mi H73 nana (Tractate Kalla Rabbati) in idem, nVa mriaoa, New York 1936 Seel S. K. Mirsky (ed.), pXl WX an niJ17X» (Sheeltoth de Rav Ahai Gaon), 5 vols., Jerusalem 1960-1977 ST Simmusa de-Tefillin (= HG1 488-496) 3. Formularies and documents Gulak, OS A. Gulak, 7XTO'3 tnvUH Tmmm nXlX (A Thesaurus of Jewish Deeds), Jerusalem 1926 Lucena J. Rivlin, rTOjrnnxn nxan 1» nJX0'7X n^np nD» (£«//,* aw</ Contracts from Lucena [1020-1025 C.E.]), Ramat Gan 1994 PDFMP M. Gil, rUTCNOn TH3701»n nSlprn 7XTO'"pN (Palestine During the First Muslim Period [634-1099]), 3 vols., Tel Aviv 1983 SSHai S. Assaf (ed.), pXJ XT"IP 13 'Nil 317 miDE/n ISO (7%e 5ooA: ofShetaroth [Formulary] ofR. Hai Gaon), Jerusalem 1930 SSSad M. Ben Sasson, Fragments from Saadya's Sefer Ha-'Edut weha- Shetarot, AIRJL 11-12(1984/6) 135-278 4. Historical texts SOZ KBIT 071J; mo (The Smaller Order of the World), ed. A. Neubauer, Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles and Chronological Notes, Oxford 1895, II, 68-73 5. Lexical Works GC J.N. Epstein (ed.), J11TID "1107 O'ilXJH WITS (The Gaonic Commentary on the Order Toharot attributed to Rav Hai Gaon2), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1982 LPT S. Abramson(ed.), pXJ '33in p 7X1KW "17 '11»7nn X13a' p D'pnB (7ta66z Shmuel b. Chofni, Liber Prooemium Talmudis), Jerusalem 1990 SMel W. Bacher, Ein hebrdisch-persisches Worterbuch aus dem vierzehnten Jahrhundert (nX^BH ISO p 0'Dip7), Strassburg 1900 6. Liturgy SiL4G D. Goldschmidt(ed.), pxi may 3T TTO (The Order of Prayers of Rav 'Amram Gaon), Jerusalem 1971 SRSG I. Davidson et al. (eds.), pXJ iT1J?0 an ino (Siddur R. Saadja Gaon, Kitab G'amV as-Salawat wat-Tasabih), Jerusalem 1978
62 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC Yequm Purqan Prayer for the heads of the Babylonian community (quoted ace. to MV 172) HI. Writings of Anan Anan A. Harkavy (ed.), N1p» '33^ O'llWin mSOH nBOB B'^Sni T12?H (Anan's Books of Commandments), in Aus der dltesten Kardischen Gesetzbuchern (Studien und Mitteilungen aus der Kaiserlichen Offentlichen Bibliothek, VIII. 1), St. Petersburg 1903 AnanEps Fragments of Anan published by J.N. Epstein, Tarbiz 7(1936) 289-290 [=5/5 644-651] AnanMann Fragments of Anan published by J. Mann, Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy, 1(1919) 329-353 AnanSch Fragments of Anan published by S. Schechter, Documents of Jewish Sectaries, 2, Cambridge 1910 AnanSok IV. Magical Texts 1. Bowls Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Fragments of Anan pub SSSR, 1928, 243-254 Source CBS 8693 CBS 2945 CBS 2963 CBS 2923 CBS 2952 CBS 2916 CBS 16007 D. Myhrman, Hilprecht Vol 342+ CBS 9013 CBS 9010 CBS 16014 CBS 16022 Ellis 1 CBS 9009 CBS 8694 CBS 16917 CBS 16807 CBS 2920 Publication AIT 1 (CAIB 1); Eps, Stl 330 AIT 2 (CAIB 2); Eps, Stl 331 AIT 3 (CAIB 8; Eps, Stl 333 AIT 4; Eps, Stl 333 AIT 5 (CAIB 10); Eps, Stl 334 AIT 6 (CAIB 11); Eps, Stl 334 AIT 7a (CAIB 3); Eps, Stl 334 AIT 7b (CAIB 4); Eps, Stl 334 AIT 8 (CAIB 12); Eps, Stl 336; Levine, Bowls 347 AIT 9 (CAIB 15); Eps, Stl 337 AIT 10 (CAIB 16); Eps, Stl 339 AIT 11a (CAIB 17); Eps, Stl 339 AIT lib; Eps, Stl 339; Jeruzalmi 65; CAMIB 13A AIT 12 (CAIB 23); Eps, Stl 341 AIT 13 (CAIB 25); Eps, Stl 342; Levine, Bowls 351 AIT 14 (CAIB 9); Eps, Stl 344 AIT 15 (CAIB 26); Eps, Stl 344 AIT 16 (CAIB 24); Eps, Stl 345; 63 CBS 2922 CBS 8695 CBS 16018 CBS 16023 CBS 16054 CBS 16006 CBS 16090 CBS 2926 CBS 16009 CBS 3997 CBS 16041 CBS 2972 CBS 16055 CBS 16096 Geller A Geller B Geller C; BM 139524 Geller D K3449 Pearson Bowl Aaron Bowl A Aaron Bowl B Aaron Bowl E Jewish Museum Bowl Gordon 1 Gordon 2 Gordon 3 Gordon 4 Gordon 5 Gordon 7 Gordon 6 Gordon 8 Gordon 10 Gordon 11 Gordon A Gordon B Gordon C Gordon D Levine, Bowls 353 AIT 17 (CAIB 13); Eps, Stl 345 AIT 18 (CAIB 20); Eps, Stl 346 AIT 19 (CAIB 21); Eps, Stl 347 AIT 20 (CAIB 27); Eps, Stl 348 AIT 21 (CAIB 28); Eps, Stl 348 AIT 22 (CAIB 29); Eps, Stl 349 AIT 23 (CAIB 30); Eps, Stl 349 AIT 24 (CAIB 32); Eps, Stl 349 AIT 25 (CAIB 34); Eps, Stl 349 AIT 26 (CAIB 35); Eps, Stl 350 AIT 27 (CAIB 6); Eps, Stl 350 AIT 28 (CAIB 36); Eps, Stl 351 AIT 29 (CAIB 37); Eps, Stl 352 AIT 30 (CAIB 38); Eps, Stl 353 M. Geller, Gordon Vol 49 Geller, ib. 51 Geller, ib. 54; CAMIB 23A Geller, ib. 58 Geller, ib. 60 (AICB 63); M. Schwab, PSBA 13(1891) 594; Jeruzalmi 6 M. Geller, OLP 17(1986) 101 Geller, ib. 107 Geller, ib. 108 Geller, ib. 114 Geller, ib. 117 C.H. Gordon, OrNS 10(1941) 117 (CAIB 33) Gordon, ib. 119 Gordon, ib. 120 (CAIB 31) Gordon, ib. 121 (CAIB 40) Gordon, ib. 123 (CAIB 41) Gordon, ib. 27 (CAIB 42) Gordon, ib. 124 (CAIB 43) Gordon, ib. 129 (CAIB 44) Gordon, ib. 272 (CAIB 45) C.H. Gordon OrNS 20(1951) 273 (CAIB 7) C.H. Gordon, ArOr 6(1934) 321 (CAIB 47) Gordon, ib. (CAIB 48) Gordon, ib. 326 (CAIB 52) Gordon, ib. 328 (CAIB 52)
64 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Gordon E Gordon G Gordon H Gordon K Gordon L IM9737 BM 136204 Moriah I A (ROM 907.1.1) B (ROM 907.1.2) HU 1401 HU 1399 HU 1402 IM 80.1.1 IM 80.1.2 IM 80.1.3 IM 69.20.265 Barakat Bowl Jew. Hist. Museum, Belgrade, No. 242/1 JNUL, Heb. 4<> 6079 Metropolitan Museum, No. 86.11.259 Klagsbald Bowl Fiorella Cottier-Angeli Collection, Geneva Herschler Collection, Bene Beraq Leonard A. Wolfe Collection, Jerusalem Einhorn Collection, Tel Aviv Einhorn Collection, Tel Aviv Einhorn Collection, Tel Aviv Einhorn Collection, Tel Aviv Alexander L. Wolfe Gordon, ib. 331 (CAIB 50) Gordon, ib. 457 (CAIB 19) C.H. Gordon, ArOr 9(1937) 86 (CAIB 53) Gordon, ib. 92 (CAIB 14) Gordon, ib. 93 (CAIB 56) C.H. Gordon, AASOR 14(1934) 141 C.H. Gordon, OrNS 20(1951) 306; CAMIB 68A C.H. Gordon, OrNS 53(1984) 220 JMIB 3; Levine, Bowls 345; v. Harviainen 106 JMIB 6 AMB2 AMB3 AMB4 AMB5 AMB6 AMB7 AMB 8; M. Narkiss, Tarbiz 6(1934) 107 AMB 9 AMB 11 AMB 12a AMB 12b AMB 13 AMB 14 AMB 15 AMB 18 AMB 19 AMB 20 AMB 21 AMB 22 AMB 23 65 Collection, Jerusalem Geoffrey Cope Collection, Herzlia Smithsonian Institution Leonard A. Wolfe Collection, Jerusalem BN, K 3450 BM 91723 BM 91766 BM 91765 BM 91751 Istanbul 5361 Istanbul 5363 Istanbul 5366 Istanbul 5370 Louvre (w/o cat. no.) Nehavand Bowl YBC 2359 YBC 2393 De Menil Bowl Orient. Inst. N-IV Nippur (11 N78) Borsippa Bowl Hermitage Hermitage Hermitage Hermitage BM 91710 ZRL48 Istanbul 9731 IM 9726 BM 91727 Wiseman Bowl Allard Pierson Museum IMCn-3 Berlin Museum 2422 AMB 24 AMB 25 AMB 26 Jeruzalmi 25 (CAIB 64) Jeruzalmi 40; CAMIB 34A (CAIB 65) Jeruzalmi 77; Ellis 5; CAMIB 14A Jeruzalmi 92; CAMIB 26A Jeruzalmi 101; Gordon, OrNS 10(1941) 341; CAMIB 38A Jeruzalmi 115 (CAIB 67); v. AMB 13210 Jeruzalmi 128 (CAIB 69) Jeruzalmi 141 (CAIB 70) Jeruzalmi 153 (CAIB 71) Jeruzalmi 160 (CAIB 72) E.M. Yamauchi, JAOS 85 (1965) 514; v. Geller.OIP 17(1986) 104+ J. Obermann, AJSLL 47 (1940) 6 (CAIB 61) Obermann, ib. 17 C. Isbell, BASOR 223(1974) 18+ Isbell, ib. 23 S.A. Kaufman, OIC 22(1975) 151 T. Harviainen, StOr 51 (1981) 4 A. A. Borisov, Epigrafika Vostoka 19 (1969) 7 A. Borisov, ib. 10 A. Borisov, ib. 11 A. Borisov, ib. 12 M. Schwab, PSBA 12(1890) 300 [v. AIT 168]; CAMIB 13A C.H. Gordon, LaSor Vol 233 Gordon, ib. 233 E. Hunter, Iraq 62 (2000) 140 Ellis 3; CAMIB 9A M. Geller, BSOAS 39(1976) 426 K. Smelik, BiOr 35(1978) 175 F. Franco, Mesopotamia, 13/14(1978/9) 246 J. Wohlstein, ZA 8(1893) 328 [corrected
66 DICTIONARY OF JEWISH BABYLONIAN ARAMAIC 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 lb., 2416 lb., 2426 IM 1149880 (18 N 18) Mousaieff, Bowl 1 Moussaieff, Bowl 6 BM 135563 Moussaieff, Bowl 6 Moussaieff, Bowl 163 VA 2492 BM 91713 BM 91758 BM 91764 BM 91745 BM 91742 BM 127396 BM 01760 BM 91707 BM 103359 BM 91735 BM 91776 BM 91729 BM 91771 BM 91767 BM 91763 BM 103357 BM 91770 BM 108820 BM 103360 BM 103355 BM 108819 Moussaieff, Bowl 2 Schoyen Coll., Ms. 1928/47 Moussaief, Bowl 2 from parallels] Wohlstein, ZA 9(1894) 11 [corrected from parallels] Wohlstein, ib. 27; 121 [corrected from parallels] [unpublished; courtesy of E. Hunter; v. Studia Aramaica 61+] Sh. Shaked, JSQ 2(1995) 207-211 Shaked, ib. 211-216 Ch. Miiller-Kessler & Th. Kwasman, JAOS 120(2000) 159-165; CAMIB 49A Sh. Shaked, AMD1 188 D. Levene, JSQ 6(1999) 283-308 Unpublished [v. Ch. Miiller-Kessler, loc. cit.] CAMIB 1A CAMIB 2A CAMIB 4A CAMIB 5A; CH. Gordon, OrNS 10(1941) 339-340 [v. AMB 136] CAMIB 19A CAMIB 21A CAMIB 24A CAMIB 28A CAMIB 33A CAMIB 35A CAMIB 36A CAMIB 37A CAMIB 39A [v. Ch. Miiller-Kessler BSOAS 61 (1999) 113] CAMIB 40A CAMIB 41A CAMIB 42A CAMIB 43A CAMIB 45A CAMIB 46A CAMIB 48A CAMIB 66A Sh. Shaked, AMD1 192 Shaked, ib. 193 v. Shaked, Study 180 SOURCES 67 2. Texts HM Y. Harari, npnai nimn mTra ,nWOT xmn {The Sword of Moses, A New Edition and Study), Jerusalem 1997 23-47 HMGas M. Gaster(ed.), rKPBT Nam (Sword of Moses), in Studies and Texts in Folklore ... and Samaritan Archaeology, III, New York 1971 (reprint) 69-104 V. Masoretic Texts BMs Y. Ofer, n'DITl rTTYUTlpj; ,7\f]rb n'^aan rmo»n (The Babylonian Masora of the Pentateuch, its Principles and Methods), Jerusalem 2001 BMsJer Babylonian Masora on Jeremiah, in I. Yeivin, EI 16(1982) 118+ BMSYFr I. Yeivin, OlVpJIN DirinVl XIpD1? ^33 WICK) "TO'TO y»p (A Fragment of a Masoretic Treatise to the Pentateuch and Targum Onkelos), Yalon Mem Vol 99 -163 STage Y Ratzabi (ed.), 'JXT1 "ISO, in Y. Kasher(ed.), naVw mm, 29 87-90
f N 71 N X "N prep, on, before, concerning, by means of (< "?X* < 4- by, w. doubling of fol. consonant; for suf. forms -"Vy, v. 4- by-4- irnx, 'Xi3x, 'xisx -a, "imx, 3jk, 'xiix, h xnyix, xsnx, 'iinx [I Tin], x"nx, 'T"x, xs'^x, xa"?x conj., 'xax, Vibbx, disx [4- xbib], Tpisx, -x mm 't») I. alone: 1. on, upon: xmn max im '"?pl roast them [i.e. the olive stones] upon a new spade AZ 28a(30); 'xa oiop'Vi xs'jai xu '3X 3'rr mm WlVl X3'X1 he was sitting on the royal treasury. Let him divine what is under him Git 68b(36); 'ynXX mmriX place it on the ground ib. 24a(16); XJWI1X n'T niX he placed his hand on the siphon AZ 72b(27); I'J'yX XT 3T11X he placed a hand on his eye Men 64b(32); DTim xpimx Dp he stood on the irrigation device (to imitate trembling) and signed BB 167a(31); 'aXI H'SIDX rvb '1X11 IXaD it is considered as if he is carrying it on his shoulder Meg 8a(19); TO1 'IHX H3D1X he mounted it upon two horses Ket 55b(7); Qid 75a(35); Hul 57a(35); H'SXX "?M (the ox) fell face downward [lit. on its face] BQ 53a(13); 2. by, at: X'yiZttX '1 '31 xy"?'pX XWXp m,1 XPlrU I was standing in pain at the chamber of PN's house Ber 22a(59); BM 84b(24); BB 58a(7); X33X 'X133 3'T1'1 he sat outside by the door Ned 91b(13); X33X '»'p Tin they used to stand at the door BM 84b(24); X33X PTX 'IXp '3 when someone cries out at the door (to be admitted) Sab 140b (30); Xi'1 I'l'Vl X33X 3'n'1? let him sit at the gate and judge the case BB 58a(35); 3. concerning, with respect to, because of: X3'X X':m XHX m '3nai there is (someone) who transmits it concerning what is learnt (in a barraita) Bes 24a(46); IBTl'X XB10X IBJl'X 'X it was only said with respect to the final clause ib. 13b(26); 1J1'3 3Tin pSD"11 XpPX GN was destroyed because of a shaft of a carriage Git 55b(52); 4. by means of: 1131 xnirmx Xian m>131 Til XWU all the wine is drawn out by means of the siphon and the small siphon AZ 72b (32); 5. according to: X^pJl 1013X XD'3'3 a fe.-fish weighs according to (the size of) its stomach BM 79b(31); 3T7X ~\VS1 'i1312?a 1> XT30 xb 31113'» "]"? naV since you are not of PN's opinion, why do you want to pledge yourself according to PN's opinion? BQ 106a(27); II. as a verbal complement: a. 4- V"?3X itpe.: to mourn over s.o./s.t.; b. 4- Vl#"7TX pe., mng. II. 1: to have sexual intercourse; c. 4- V"p3 pa., mng. 2b: to recite a blessing over s.t.; d. 4- Vlin pa., mng. 1; itpa., mng. 2: to search for s.t.; e. 4- ^3in itpa., mng. Id: to be liable for s.t.; f. 4- V?in pe., usage b: to take effect on s.t.; g. 4- VpTn af, mng. 3; to take possession from s.o.; h. 4- VlE/n pe., pass.part., usage b: to be suspect concerning s.t.; i. 4- Vtftfn pe., mng. 4: to take s.t. into consideration; j. 4- V'SO pa., mng. 1: to increase s.t.; k. 4- Vl#*]1D pe., mng. 1: to bang on s.t.; 1. 4- VT13 af., usage b: to proclaim concerning s.o.; m. 4- Vt3V7 pe., usage b: to curse s.o.; n. 4- Vino af., mng. lb: to testify about s.t.; o. 4- V"|BD pe., mng. 3: to rely upon s.o.; p. 4- Vl3y pe., mng. 3: to transgress s.t.; q. 4- VlVs pe., mng. 6: to differ over s.t.; r. 4- VlpS pa., mng, 3: to give a last testament to s.o.; s. 4- Vmp pe., mng. 11.15: to understand; t. 4- Vmp af., mng. II. 1: to reduce in size or quantity; u. 4- VlSp pe., usage lb: to be particular about s.t.; v. 4- Vl#'1p pe., mng. 7: to apply a biblical verse to s.o.; w. 4- V'BI pe., mng. 9: to impose upon s.o.; mng. 11: to attribute to s.o.; x. 4- V2#'in af., mng. b.l: to stipulate concerning s.o.; III. in idiomatic expressions: a. 4- Vl#1in itpa., mng. 3 + Xnri'SX: to beg; b.
3K T 72 1#K3K T - 4- VarP pe., mng. 9a + TIT to invest in s.t.; c. 4- VlDB pe., mng. 4 + "PSJ: to risk one's life for s.t.; d. 4- V1?1?? pe., mng. l.d.2 pTITX p'BJl b»y]: to repeatedly seek out money; 3. in var. phrases: a. "X "Jiyi aware, conscious: I XJiyi mng. lb; b. "X mm 'TB analogous to: 4- XTB II. conj.; c. "WBJX upon oneself: 4- Xtfs: mng. 6.C.1; d. 'Wp "X difficult for s.o.: 4- '2?p adj., mng. 4b Lit: Eps, Gr 132+, rejects the etym. from Akk ana proposed by E. Perles [v. OLZ 21(1918) 65+]. The form [n'33 -] 7T3X which appears in DSS [v. 13W» n'3K Mur 42:4] and in MH [v. Eps, MNM 1258+] is unrelated to the present entry [v. Kut, Studies 67; 238, w. prev. lit.]; Voc: KBTW VTM 68. 3N n.m. Av, the eleventh month (Sy vsjiV LS 1, Ma 2#3X MD 1) sg. XJ'1 m1? Jl'XI VxiBP 13 'Xn 3X3 '11 '1.13 a Jew who has a lawsuit with a pagan in Av Tan 29b(2); 3X1? n'1? ponBI pB'T sometimes they diminish /lv (to twenty-nine days) Bek 58a(20); RH 2b(35); »6. 3a(18); BM 83b(50) Y: 3K Tan ib. 1#N3K, w. suf. "13N, pi. K71fl3K n.m. father, common factor, pi. parents, forefathers (4- Jin'X xsx, X3X ri'3, pax -a, xsx ra, 'nan xax '31; ta X3X TO Gen 44:19 [GTO 83], Sy rd^.K', "(OB', pi. K'^cfiijr*', rCoiiirc' LS 1, Ma X3X, 3#3X, "13X, pi. XTOnxax MD 1) sg.det. X3X San 104a(28); w. suf, lsg. 3X Yev 97b(ll) [cf. Sy ^t^, Ma 3X Nold, MG 175]; BB 159a(5); 2m. •px Ber 13b(46); 3m. m3X Ket 61a(6); 'ni3X BQ 110b(18); HP 58:14; '13X Pes 13b(37); AnanSch 20:6; f. X.113X Tan 7a(54); max Ber 18b(45); lpl. pax Ber 18b(14; P); Ket 92a(15; V*); XJ13X BM 34b(10); S&W 265b:18; p!3X Pes 31a(14); 2m. 13iax Pes 31a(22); p313X Yev 37b(39); f. pl3X Bo 9:4; 3m. ini3X Zev 6a(8); pni3X Tan 21a(45); pl.det. xnmx BB 31a(27); w. suf, lsg. 'J1.13X Tan 23a(45); 'XA13X HP 89:14; 2m. 1fln3X San 46b(58); f. '3'Jin3X SSHai 3a(ll); 3m. .TAiax BB 169a(19); lpl. ]A13X Pes 50b(51); j'A13X 55 7a(47); XilTOX So 82:8; 2m. 13'Tin3X Pes 50b(52); 3m. ITJimx Meg 15a(l); pnA13X Ned 37b(5);-1. father, sire: a. general: 1) people: sg. X13 '3TB XV X3X Xax '3TB X13 a son confers merit to a father. A father does not confer merit to a son San 104a(28); BQ 88b(45); Hut 44b(29); 'nxi IX X3X1 (is she the creditor) of the father or of the brothers? Ket 69a(36); |XB ni3X p'yi' 'a X1H do we know who his father is? Yev 100b(17); Qid 3ib(43); xa"?n3 m"? 'tnxi'x max xnx his father came (and) appeared to him in a dream Tan 24b(42); n'BXI max Tj7ia X"?T X131 Xinn a certain man who was not honoring his father and mother Hul 110b(3); H13X |B mnx his paternal brother BB 159b(21); '3D T.1T 'XB3 m3X with what (commandment) was your father exceedingly careful? Sab 118b(54); XH13X p,1 Haman, her father Meg 16a(28); p!3X Dni3X Abraham, their father Tan 21a(45); pi. lin V?'X ]'B"p ]'Jin3X if our fathers were still alive TGHark 171:21; 2) animals: XIBn 'X.11 m3X X'010 'X.11 .113X1 the sire of this one is a donkey. The sire of that one is a horse Hul 79a(24); b. in form X3X my/our father: 1) my father [Sy reijprc' LS 1, JPA X3X DJPA 31, mng. l.b.2]: 'TlV X3X1 TO'» "*? XPIS'a my father explained it to me Er 80b(34); 'yiaj .T1? yBIB X3X my father used to actually swallow it Pes 74b (44); X3X Xin nXBI my father is a deceiver Meg 13b(8) // BB 123a(39); '1XB X3X my father, my lord San 5a(28); Ber 29b(9); Gi( 35a(38); Qid 31b(45); 2) our father: ]'iyx (')xna X3X yi' does our father know of this suffering of ours? Ber 18b(14) [P: ]13X]; XID'B p 3.1 ,13X .13X our Father! Our Father! Give us rain Tan 23b(37); 2. pi. parents: Xnn3X 'j?tn3 in the parents' possession BB 31a(26); yu'1 pnnn3X the parents of the children Ned 37b(5); SSHai 3a(12); 3. pi. forefathers: 'A13X '"? "bfltn '3'n '3 just as my forefathers planted (a carob tree) for me Tan 23a(45); 13Tin3X in'ty iV'Sp 133 your forefathers already accepted (this) upon themselves Pes 50b(52; C); Ket 20a(14); BB 31a(8); iSGF 92:16; 4. common factor [Sy, PSm 5, mng. 2b]: sg. D1 'nbiai pni3X the common factor of all of them [i.e. the laws] is (that of) blood Sab 22a(30); 5. as a PN [Sy relsiK' PSm 5; v. Albeck, Index 669+]: ^XlBBn H13X X3X 13 X3X Ber 18b(45); VxiBffl ni3X1 .113X X3X PN, PN2's grandfather Pes 103a(4); 13 n'BT 3m m3X X3X X3X Sab 56b(44) On the doubling of the bet in K3K on analogy to XHK, v. Kut, K3ST K3K Words 2; Y: N3X Er 94a(6; BAYTN 98). - K3NT N3N n.m. paternal grandfather (Ma 3X1 X3X MD 1) sg. m3X1 X3X your paternal grandfather Er 21a(29); '13X1 X3X BB 47a(18); X3X1 max Hul 49a(25); pni3X1 X3X Yev 62a(50); HP5i:\5; N3X X3X Anan 120:3; Meg 12b(22; G) - N»'K"T K3N n.m. maternal grandfather (4- xa''x) sg. 'a'xi ni3x »pv» ma'xi xa'x 'xi nn'a if his [i.e. Phineas'] maternal grandmother is from Joseph, (then) his maternal grandfather is from Jethro Sot 43a(16); BB 110a(l); max 'BX 3m XBPB la'XT your maternal grandfather said in the name of PN San 8a(48) // Hul 93a(43); AnanSch 18:15 2#N3K, K3JT n.m. thicket, forest (< X3V; 4- Vl#'3y; Sy <<A-L LS 514; cf. Ma 1#X3X darkness MD 1) sg. rX3X" X3y H'1? mn '©X 3T X'A'»3 PN had a thicket in GN MQ 12b(34) [double rdg.]; Ned 62b(9); X3(niy .T1? mn x:in 3T Xinm XTUX PN had a thicket along the bank of the canal BM 107b(49) [F'Es: X3X]; KIITI! X3X a thicket (of) z.-reeds Ket 79a(36); H3X mai miB XJ"I3 n'1313 1?,T,,7 out of the forest itself it [i.e. the handle] will go into the ax (to cut down the forest) San 39b(40) Expl. RaH: p "vVntJ DytJl D'jpt Vn3 '31? OHR Ket 60:2; Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: X3S BM 107b(49; BAYTN 133). 3#N3N n.m. growing fruit (TA X3X TO Gen 4:3, Sy rcAr? LS 1, Ma X'3'3y pi. MD 340) sg. m3X3 y"?nx xm xn n'3X3 y"?xixn xn this (refers) to where it became wormy in its fruit growing phase (and) that to where it did not become wormy in its fruit growing phase Hul 67b(8) [* 4- XTS mng. l.b. 12: fruit picked from the tree] Y: 3'3K Hul ib. DN3N n.m. loan (< MP abam CPD 1 [cf. NP warn PED 1453]) sg. HTtVtn [m1?] XJami [oxjxi :text] Dxaxi main Vd y(3n)nsia17 we have given him permission to claim all debts and loan(s) GS 296:2; ib. 37:11!; TGAs28 29:18; XJVh (D>(D)X3X nxpa part of our loan Agur 17:10; ib. 13 Expl. H: rmta Agur 17:14; Lit: Ginzberg, G§2 632. 1#13S, miK vb. to be lost, perish (4- Xm3X, 1#13N Vl30; Sy zuprt LS 1, Ma 3# 13X, mx MD 3) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to be lost: 'TIT XD^X 13X x"?jai xnp 13X (if) the handle of the sickle was lost, the thousand zuzim were (also) lost BM 82a(16) [Var: mn xs'jx ixix xVjbt xnp ixix HP 76:13]; xmx X:ff'n3 ]13X before they are lost, I search (for them) Sab 152a(10; Ar [AC 2:37]) [v. Af]; pon 'axi 111XT ]Xa3 a deficiency (in the incense) is as if it was lost Zev 110a(15); piXTI X31BB 111X1 PN's money was lost TGHark 111:35; pass.part. xnayT xa'Vjs x:ri3T xcjin n'b tixt |xa one who lost a linen thread in a wool garment Nid 61b(21; HGP 53b: 18); ib. 271:24; 277:36; 278:6; 'XI T1X IX 3'11'B if it is stolen or lost HP 83:7; 2. to perish, die: psrittB x"71 paXT by bin woe for the ones who perish and are not found [i.e. who have died and cannot be replaced] San 11 la(37); m'Vi in'"?y 'am txb '-\ 'ys mn PN was praying concerning them that they should die Ber 10a(7) [F: iniB'm]; xaty ]B VT3X (the demons) perished from the world Bo 10:7; ib. 94:12; 3. w. mb to lose s.t: mw 'jryb p'Voi nans m1? xisxt t^bt sometimes he loses an animal, and he ascends (the date palm) to look for it AZ 61a(20); ]XB 'TB mri'3 ]ti rvb mXT someone who lost something from his house TGHark 161:23; 111X1 X1I3C? Xinn n'1? he lost that document SSSad 235:9; 4. w. "'iV'y KflVy to become faint: p'3 '"?xa x'rp] mo'a mib'y xa"?y (i)nnixi since he became faint (from the heat of the bath) he is incapacitated and cannot pray TGDr49 94:3 Pa. 1. to lose s.t.: n'13X1 m1?!1? n'plDT Xmi mnnsab a man who locked his door and lost his key San 113a(58); 2. to destroy: miH3XT "p 'TO inbiab do you want me to destroy all of them? Git 57b(17) Af. to lose s.t.: XWna (]naix xm@(I7)y before I lose (something), I search (for it) Sab 152a(10) [v. Pe., mng. 1]; nBXT T31B xp 'maiXT 131B T31X pT 'Ett'X (it is) a seller who indeed loses. As people say: "(If) he has sold, he has lost" BM 51a(31) Itpe., w. -V, p to lose s.t.: '3 Xtf3m n'V mri'X 'm (PN) lost a large intestine in the storehouse of jars Hul 95b(39); ib. 41; 43; '31 mnJlSB n'1? IIJI'X Xirrm (PN) lost the keys of the school Yev 73
2#13N 74 T?S 113b(40; Geon 337:8) [4- Vo31 itpa., mng. 2]; //GJ 65:20; iTKS ITUl'S HP 43:29 The phrase '(IMIIIIX '3 Ar [AC 1:47] in an unclear popular saying is explained by RaH as O'laTKil ]'3 [v. Ar, op.cit.]; Lit: Eps, Stl 6074; S. Friedman, AS 9(1981) 1632. 2# 13N I Vl3J? Vb. n.f. havdala, a prayer recited to mark the end of the Sabbath or a festival (< MH2 nViax J 2; 4 Vna af.) sg. xrvrnxi mrvp qiddus and havdala Sab 69b(35); Tan 24a(46); Ned 49b(33); Ate 3b(31); Pes 113a(30); 'jn'13 "?'l XJT713X1? KT1T H'b perhaps he needs a z«z (to buy wine) for havdala BM 42a(31) Y: XflVpx Tan ib.(BAYTN 280) KJVJ3N n.f. lost object (4 Vl#13X; TA xfiT3X TO Ex 22:8, Sy nf&ru^K', Nest «'&xjpr<' LS 2) sg. X1TT3X1 xV73 the rule concerning a lost object bm 23a(49); xry myaca xrrax n,!? nnnx'i? to return a lost object to him on general impression ib. 24a(2); HOblib XD13X '113X1 ]JX 'XD1S IX1? we are not Persians who say: "A lost object (belongs) to the king" ib. 28b(13); 20; Hul 95b(46) Y: xrrrQfl BA/ 24a(2; BAYTN 178) '1.138 4 '1,13 prep. K313N*, abs. 313N n.m. flute (TA X313X TO Gen 4:21 [GTO 482], Sy rKL^cy^r? LS 1, Ma X213HX MD 21) sg.abs. 1!3I 'in1? 313X (the sound of) a flute is music for nobles Yom 20b(17) Y: 313X Yom ib.(BAYTN 65) [NP3TI13N 4- xpnrax n.] l#NVl3N n.m. city gate (< Akk abullu CAD A/1 82, AIOA 32; 4- nx"?13X, XV|3XT X23; TA Xfi'9l3X pi. TJ Jer 50:26, Hat "?13X DNWSI 5, Pal ■?3X PAT 334, Sy Kiic^K' LS 2, Ma xVlSX MD 3) sg. xis'o iy x^iaxa i3i 'X"m ]wd if, for instance, the men form a partition from the city gate to the ... Ket 17a(48) // Meg 29a(9); pi. '"713X 10@'1T1 twelve city gates San 96b(16); 'in Xnnm '"713X the city gates of GN Er 6b(9); i& 22; Yom lla(ll) Geon. expl.: pwtol ... '313,1 1313 MBS piprfr 711X130 Vb mj>n miTll 'rxynw Ar [OHP Er 85:19], i.e. vjj^ alleys; Y: X^3X BB 58a(35; BAYTN 66). 2# *6l3K, pi. '^13N n.m. member of the city council (nisbe-fovm deriv. < PooVf| city council Lehnw 140; cf. Pal X*713 PAT 346, DNWSI 147, rdAcu^ ls 62) sg. xdVb '3i rwi xV'Va 'ai xinn '1'DIBD'XXI '"713XX a certain payment of the coronation tax which the royal officials imposed upon the members of the city council and the strategoiBB 143a(39; P1); TDIDO'Xl XJbs '"713X XjVs half upon the members of the city council and half upon the strategoi ib; 41; 43 n.m. perh. gate watchman (nisbe-foxm < I l#xVl3X) pi. "X"713X Nid 67b(20; MHP 136:19) First opinion of Rashi; Y: 'K^ ib.(BAYTN 322). [tWJTDK 4 pn3Xl adj.] *U"T3N, K3"TBK, N3'TBN n.m. buckle (< Mir *abzen [cf. NP awzln PED 120, > Arab ^JJI Wehr 57; JNA X31T3X 'avzuna HDJNA s.v; 4 XJ"T3, TITIS X'Vd) pi. T'I3X Sab 57b(22; Ar [AC 1:1]) [expl. MH TlSDiB Mib. 6:1; Van 'J"TSX O.Ar (AC 1:209); TTBX TRN 594:4] Lit: Geig, AAC 1, s.v. ,ax; Y: XJ'TOX BAYTN 305. X133T3N n.m. bath attendant (< MP *abzangar [< MP abzan bath + -gar actor suffix CPD 4]; 4 mm) pi. xnfa iz/xi '3i 'ijj<xT>nx}3x the bath attendants of the exilarch's house MQ 12b(17; HP 179:12) Lit: Eps, GC 8912. [JlpTSK 4 Vpt3 af] N1T3K, N1P3N n.m. appurtenance (< MP abzar#\ instrument, spice CPD 4, > Arab jtjji spices Fr, AF 37, PLAr 3) pi. in'1T3X "?31 1,13'X they [i.e. the seven Noahide commandments] and all their appurtenances San 74b (25); ^Sl 1*715/ xmt3X a burnt offering and all its appurtenances Men 73b(34; P2Ar [AC 1:5]) Geon. expl.: Ipllpll pnrBl \7i?V tfnm p TGWeisz 80:7; Lit: Geig, AAC 2; Tel 1. The mng. spice is not found in JBA and the Geon. expl. is based on its use also in Judeo-P [v. AAC ib.]; Y: W"1I3K San ib. [KB3N I XDDX n.] '3K 4- Visy p'3N 4- ]T3X '3 n. 1T'3N, "INT'3K adj. free, released (< MP abezar nnrgN CPD 3; 4 n'1T'3X) sg.m. w. V'Tltfr pa. to release from an obligation: n'n'pJl rprVHSl mri'X31 mra mm'1? pi 'ris1? nxt'3x rrrrwi I have cleared it, quit its claim, cleansed it, and released it concerning this NN and his heirs (who will come) after him SSHai 5a(7); ib. 5b(7); SSSad 202b:13; 'Vy3 mm S"3 'S TV Tl'W 'WSJ 'OXaT xn'ap xrunai x'inii -im» "73a ixt'sx of my own free will I have released NN, who was my husband, from all mohar, dowry, and former gift TGAs33 210:18; ib. 20 n'"!T'3N, n'1NT'3K n.f. quittance, release (< MP *abezareh [< abezar + abstract suf -eh CPD 3; MPar *abecar without obligation]; 4 "ir3X; Sy K'Av=r<', rc'AU? LS 65) sg. W1? TO'rDT nnXT'SXl the quittance that I drew up for him S$Hai 17a(5); ib. 9a(17); "IB© H'1? n'31131 ]n nni'3X ib. 5b(2); 11; 6b(2); 16b(14); SSSad 263:16; Geon 182:13; ib. 251:7; TGHark 166:27; j6. 167:4; PDFMP 391:12; ib. 604:2 For the text of this document, v.: SSHai 22+; Merx 16+; for a H version ['IX'B IBB], v. PDFMP 275; Lit: S.M. Stern, JJS 15 [1964] 141+; Shaked, BiOr 45(1988) 159; Greenfield [& I. Gershevitch], Greenfield, AKY 500+. t6'3N n.m. mourner (1VV3X; Sy kIL^jk' LS 2,*Ma'l#xV'3y MD 340, Arab jJ Fr, AF 270) sg. xb'SX '3 the house of the mourner MQ 27b(38) // BB 116a(17; F2H!); Sot 35a(31)! [4 V4# n3 af.] Y: *6'3X MQ ib.(BAYTN 164) NniV'SN n.f. mourning (4- V"?3X; LJLA xni"?'3X TLam 2:5, Sy rc'&o \ ; -pr^ LS 2) sg. JTO XSJX3 'JVYJ'SX mm X1? XS^X X^3 Xm^SX in her presence [i.e. when she is a mourner] practice mourning. Not in her presence do not practice mourning Ket 4b(25) // MQ 20b(38); HP 16:14 Y: Knfc'3K Ket ib.(BAYTN 175) [N30'3N I X3DDX n.] blH vb. to mourn (4 X^'SX, XmV'aX, x"73X; Sy Ajpry LS 2, Ma V3X MD 4) Pe.: "?13X x"?T DTOB D^iyiT "?5? because they did not mourn for GN Git 57a(43); pass.part. ]im3'V3 I'V'aX mourning in their hearts Bo 71:7 Itpe/a. id. [w. by, "X over s.o./s.t.]: rVsX'V let them mourn San 47b(10); H'^y V'SXna Xpl 3'H'l K33K he was sitting and mourning over him [i.e. the infant] Sab 136a(47); DfoPVTX XaV'SXH XpT I am mourning over GN BQ 59b(3) [Var: x£tfx'» HGP 16a: 18]; i& 4; Tan 22a(20) V3N conj. but, however (< LBH, MH "73X HAL 1) ft xi,!? 'tis m "?3X 'Ttt m x"?t xVx ]nax x"?i n3 we only said this in a case where he does not carry anything. But (if) he carries something there is no objection to it Ber 8b(29); ib. 25a(26); Er 29b(l); Pes 105a(14); Meg 19a(56); Git 74a(37); BM 29b(45); AZ 28a(43); Men 31b(6); Hul 53a(44); X1?! 1»X "?3X n'31 ,T^ WapT D1B«5 X1H XaVys X713H X»'X »nSX because he retains it with him. But (if) he made a statement and did not put it aside, say: It is merely speech RH 6a(23); D'SI if? 'Om XpT X3'n V3X but where the public treads on it Er 8a(32); Yom 2b(10); Bes 4a(40); Yev 9b(8); Sot 26b(18); BB 6a(36); Svu 41a(2); Zev 49a(35); Kar 19a(23); //P 47:7; i& 81:14; 88:3; 112:4; TG/Zarfc 34:13; ib. 38:26; 84:16; 103:31; 162:2; 188:37; TGAs42 30:3; it 103:3; Geon 28:11; Z?GF 32:8; ib. 44:20; 73:18; f? TDX tni nnVm XS^n "?3X but milk which pagans milked is forbidden to us Anan 3:10; ib. 16:19; 23:12; 41:13; 57:13; 79:12; 108:9; 117:16 The common occurrence of this word in Anan shows conclusively that this is a lw. where it frequently occurs in JBA in entirely A contexts. For a discussion of the similar syntax of this word in MH, v. Azar, Syntax 272+. n.m. mourning (1 V"73X; TA X?3X TO Gen 5o':io, Sy rdiLarf LS 2, Ma X'Vay pi. lamentations MD 340) sg. mV3X «v>pm the mourning for him [i.e. Moses] was grievous MQ 21a(36) Y: a'£>& MQ ib.(BAYTN 73) pBrfraK 4 xtifox n.] N33X n.f. stone, rock (TA X33X TO Gen 28:18, Sy rcL=,r? LS 3, Ma X33X MD 4) 1. stone: sg. BQ 53a(47); Hul 18a(4) [of the altar]; pi. '33X XJ13131 '32X1 xmDH small stones and large stones Tarn 26b(24); ]"B»» X"?T '33X unsmoothed stones BB 3a(42) [expl. MH b'13. Mib. 1:1]; '33X T'DtfOT smoothed stones ib. [expl. MH Jl'tJ Mib.]; 'SDXT '33X stones of ... BB 69a(2) [expl. MH TOlff yVD wam Mib. 4:8]; H33X its [i.e. the 75
J72X 76 xnmaN T t ; ■* -: property's] stones SSHai 6a(5); 2. rock: sg. XJ3X xVniDT stibnite rock Qid 12a(37); pl.cs. 'J3X X-W-ffll X©'© X7ril3 rocks of stibnite, i.-marble, and w.-marble Suk 51b(24); BB 4a(24) Y: X33K BQ 53a(47; BAYTN 74). [xtusk i xm n.] ySN vb. to hurry (< jny* w. dissim. -y-y > -5?-X; QA jny ATTM 651, TA y3X af., itpe. J 182 [s.v. yy3!]) Af. to bring quickly: '7l"l y3"l in -\2 Xrwa1? may He quickly bring the Messiah, the son of David iSGF 122:1 Lit: Fitzmyer, GAp 127 [etym.]. j?3K, j?HN, j?1iy vb. to attach, cling, embrace (4- Xnp3X, Vpsn; QA psy ATTM 662, Sy «n -i u, .n«\ \ to embrace, cling LS 212, 539, Ma pBX MD 32) Pe. (e/): a. in a physical sense: p3'a trf? p'3Xl vf? 7"yai he inserts them [i.e. the fringes into the hole of the garment] and firmly attaches them Men 42a(28); ib. 31; 'B Xp3[Xl] mia nnai the opening of his penis clings to it [i.e. the discharged fluid] Anan 44:19; pass.part. Trrbpm rPXinx p'IXT (the get) was attached to his loin, and she took it Git 78a(31; HG2 157:50) [Var: plXl OHT ib. 195:27; ,Tnm il'7 p'lyi OHR ib. 50:5; ,TS"in(3) ,T7 p'(l)n)Xl ib. 8 (v. Geon. comm., infra)]; b. esp. of idolatry: "IJ13 m lp'3Xl after they embraced it San 63b(53; K) [He: ip'31X1]; ib. 64a(6); H3 p'3Xl X1H p3'!31 T"y3 he is firmly attached to idolatry AZ 14b(8); ib. 9; 10; 17a(55); 33a(l; J) RaH [usage a): pTVD VlKto pm BJrt ,TTO ]1J3 OHR ib. 8; Lit: Eps, Stl 76. Nj?3N n.m. dust (TA Xj?3!< TO Dt 28:24[GTO 503], Sy rc'fi-.rc' LS 3) sg. '031 xp3X p'70 mn xai'V n'7 the dust used to rise up and conceal the sun Ket 106a(24); Qid 70b(32); "3X1 XJ1BX 'Xin 1'03<1>{&} Xp3X XJ1X1 Vsn I saw (in a dream) that PN's residence collapsed, and dust (from it) came and covered me Ber 56a(47); Yom 87a(44); BB 24b (40) Y: Xj?3X Ket ib.(BAYTN 74) XTipiX, pi. NTINpaN n.f. socket, loop (4 Vp3X) 1. socket: sg. Er llb(19) // Men 33a(7) [of a lintel; expl. MH TS 13'H ib.]; 2. loop: pi. XTlXp3X if? Jl'X (the whip) had loops (to adjust its length) Mak 23a(19); XJip3X3 'piBXl '7l'y VXT\ (regarding) the rf.-bed, there is inserting in and out (of the ropes) in the loops San 20b (7) // 'nxp3X3 Ned 56b(17) Geon. expl.: Tin 13W IBj? 013 ]'B3 Vl3 '^3 TIB'WU XnpX nVin nS'OOl GC 20:6 [expl. MH ,ims MKel 11:2]; >pj?»Bn Wn fl7in TI 13 )'0'J3BB? OHP Er 87:12 [mng. 1]; nyiST py1? ]31 'Bio TT3 '3 nyix-in nx P'»bw oipo m tvk xnxpx mj?7B b» XTXj? K3J B1B7 n? P)'Bp7» T>3 '31 X3'TX X317 ,17 'j?B» rf? Ar [AC 1:16] [mng. 2]; Lit: Klengel, Hausgerate 294; Krauss, TAr 1:338494; ib. 395141; AAC 5, w. lit.; Y: Xripx Er llb(19; BAYTN 47). 13K prep, on top of (< MP abar#\ on, over CPD i; 4- XTirax, pnax, u>rrx&, n3xa) xrc? n3X xan? clay on top of clay Tom 29a(5; OHT ib. 15:7); 'p7lll 13X3 with the sacks on top (of the ass) Sab 154b(25; RaH) [= Ar (AC 3:337, s.v. i n3ri)]; WTUm W)inx 'TC>(1)X3 in the cracks (of the wheat) one on top of the other Pes 40a(2; OHT ib. 41:6) Geon. expl.: 31 ty W1TB1XVI 'DIB ]W73 13X OHT Yom 15:8; ,1^878 B'pBH 71X 1'lllXW 0'73n 'p71J T3X GnK5 170:21; RaH: rbyo'l XW1 Xp^XlM 13X 183 I'Oia p 13X ]W^8; Lit: Eps, OHT Pes ib.\ - "13X13 prep, outside of w. suf. XinST X3Xa nn3@xa 3T H'3 yAJl a clay vessel which a gonorrheal man touched on its outer side Anan 48:18 [* mi1?]; i& 21 NISN, N1S3N, Niay n.m. lead (I X13XT S'»; TA X13X TO Ex 15:10, Sy k4-4'«' LS 3, Ma l#XnX3X MD 1, Akk abaru A CAD A/1 36) sg. X13X3 ni'DDI Kinn nn» place it in a kettle and cover it with lead Yom 69b(26) // X1X3X3 San 64a(17); X13X3 nO'KStJD'1?! let him close it up with lead Sab 66b(40); Git 19a(40) [used as ink; v. infra]; X13XT1 X^HDT Xmain a bead of iron and lead HM 43:24; XIS'XT X0D a plate of lead ib. 44:15; flo 21:10; by [X13X -] X13y '3 '3'JTI n,3''^ be situated like lead on his heart ib. 142:4 [cf. Ma ]1,TX3'7 Vy X1X3X MD 1] Geon. expl.: !OX3X fl'l KP3X XI'] 'BJTflBT '3 mBiy KTX3X OHT Git 32:8 [v. TO Num 31:22]; 3TD1 X1X3XT XpO'B VpBT K1X3X NrfrlBS ib.; Y: X13X K)m ib. 'N^SN 4- 'X13 adv. T - - NITTOK n.m. tower (4 13X; cf. NP barwara, NanaK 77 asK warwara, etc. upper chamber, gallery PED 180, 1465) pi. 'TXnaXI 'pClp palaces and towers Sab Ua(8; OAr [AC 1:17]); 'ma TCI miT3X3 they [i.e. the different sized wine flasks] were placed one on top of the other [lit. as towers, in order to balance the load] BB 24b(3) [v. RaH (AC 1:18)] Geon. expl.: X'B J>1B X'B tyj' Kim 'DIB BOX OnXTOX TGDr 144:15, i.e. Arab .^ JjJ .^ Ji«; expl. Ar: riBW 'mi3X XW 'DIB IW^l Tyn OHP Sab 4:33; Lit: Geig, AAC 334, s.v. -a-B; Tel 2; Y: nypX BB ib.(BAYTN 245). KSnaN n.f. Nile fish (< dppauic; Lehnw 7; Sy , ^ . >^-i -..• BAli 1:93) sg. xn» xan3X the Nile fish is permitted Suk 18a(36; E2) Geon. expl.: mB XTI1 ]T\ 'IP 'W^3 OH Suk 110:23; Lit: Low, Fauna 13; Y: XBV13X Suk ib. "l^liaN, Jl&naN n.m. a dish made of flour, honey, and oil (etym. unkn.; 4- XS'3fl) sg. Xfia'p -|En-|3X 'Tayi Xni^ai X»3m flour, honey, and oil which are prepared as an '.-dish Ber 37a(26) Geon. expl.: I'^BSBI ]mx pnyn W311 n^lOT yOWOW ]0V l'X'3B -\W-QK mix I'-lipi XlTp f'3n int imx TGWeisz 89b:15 [Var.: WTQX HG1 93:14]; Lit: AAC 6, s.v. 'XP3X; Tel 4; Shaked [orally] accepts Henning's opinion that this is not MP 'plwsk. ]'naN n.m. saddle covering (< MP *abarzen on top of the saddle [< abar#\ on top of [4- 13X] + zenWl saddle CPD 99]; cf. MP maskabarzen royal pavilion CPD 55; I 2#XI"I3) sg. Xnp'ya 1'T"I3X XXlltfn XDWa originally a hide, now a saddle covering BQ 66b(32) Geon. expl.: X310X 'lVy 11WT X3»» 'B p"B 1"3B D'^S] H3Xiyn xnp X333 b's: xim j'nsx xim x<i)»nu n"B3 ibbi gc 69:8, i.e. Sjii- wrap, covering; RaH: ]lwV31 JB'BB H03B XWl I'nax ]'n3X nxnp: 'DIB OHR BQ 68:6; Lit: Geig, AAC 314, s.v. 23Xy; Y: l'n3X BQ ib.(305). Dit^naN n.m. silk (< MP abresom CPD 4; Sy •pcix-.-i^n' LS 3, Ma DXWI3X, QTOn3X MD 5) sg. mtnaxi Xmiin silk trade TGHark 277:12; TRN573-.T Geon. expl.: 4- ltXIptfU. D'3"iai< adv. partially (roasted) (< MP abar nem half way Geig, AAC 6; 4- "I3X prep.) sg.m. Pes 41a(33; V14) [quoted as a P word to expl. BH X3 Ex 12:9] Lit: Shaked, Food [forthcoming]; Y: 0'ri3X i'A.(BAYTN 305). l#KmaN, NTUOaN n.f. thyme, wild marjoram (< NP abar Nold, apud Flora 2:95; 4- pltfaiti) sg. Sab 128a(46) [expl. MH 31PX ib.]; AZ 29a(14) [in a medication]; ib. 16 Geon. expl.: 1T5? 'BB?' '^3, i.e. ^£ Artemisia herba alba Siggel 47. Lit: Low, Flora ib.; Pfl 135: not to be equated w. Sy K'iiT-=.K' LS 3; Y: XfTOX Sab ib.(BAYTN 169). - Jan "13 NmaN n.f. a plant (etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 109b(ll) [expl. MH 31TX Lev 14:4] The mng. of 1BH 13 is unkn.; Lit: Low, Flora 2:95. - aan 13 Nni3N n.f. a plant (etym. unkn.; 4- xnrn xna, pitfaitf) sg. Sab I09b(ii) [expl. MH ]i'3iT'X M§ab 14:3] The mng. of J1113 is unkn.; Lit: Low, Flora 2:95. 2#Nm3K4-2#Xm3n. Mltf3X, N3'ti>3N, N11^'3N, N3't^'3N n.m. roasted ears of grain (wheat or barley; etym. unkn.) sg. X3W3XT X3Xn 'XPI a pitcher of roasted ears of grain Pes 40a(ll) [V14: XJW3X]; Xnap X3'W3XT flour of roasted ears of grain ib. 39b(40); TGAs42 161:6; Meg 7b(4) Geon. expl.: XJ'»3X 'BTX yithl Bmy» ^B 'bpi GnK5 175:9; 'Ty»T p 'B'm p xnxs'BT 'bs'tn xn'nw x:w3x "b hgi 280:76; Y: X11B'3X Meg ib.(BAYTN 272). NDB'aN n.m. sprouting of caper bush (etym. unkn.; 4- 3#xmtf) pi. 'D1WK OHT Ber 85:24 Lit: Flora 1:324. "in3N 4- -\m prep. 2JN prep, because of, by means of, on account of, on top of, conj. because, since (< 3J + "X; Ma X'3aXJX, X'3JXJX MD 5, Sy •-«\>-V y" LS 123; 4- l#XmiX, X3J, xmA) I. prep.: 1. upon: n'3jx ana'ai rrynp'a1? •(? 'y3'x you should have torn it [i.e. the document] and written upon it BM 18a(16); Ket 89b(39); mJX TUX MXV 11H XmiX^ in the evening they used to place the payment upon it [i.e. the she-ass] Tan 24a(21); 2. because of, on account of: 7l"a'X 31X because of their (edible) pits Sab 29a(30); 31X 1,17- 7»7»» 7XiaB; XIIB'T PN used to carry them (on the Sabbath) on account of the bread ib. 143a(28); Bes 21b(22); JVHpr 3JX because of his heavy weight Yev 105b(19); ypB ypBa n'DDn 31X nxnnn the lower (membrane) will actually split because of its softness Hul 56a(17); 1H3 WnVKtl WITD'WI 31X he handles them because of their importance BM
"UN 78 N1UN t ~: 21b(28); iT»S3 fU X1BE? 31X (PN) died on account of religious persecution ib. 86a(6); im>D Tin 31X all of them together ib. 99b(6); 3. by means of, by virtue of: "|BD'BJ 31X by means of your swiftness Sab 130b(34); 'ypipa 31X •fytfrVQ n'1? 'IpX he transferred (potential) possession to him of movable goods by virtue of real estate BB 44b(ll); ib. 77b(9); SSHai 2b(4); 31X ipnS'Vl Vl'jnx let (the trees) be redeemed by virtue of their field Ara 14a(44) // BB 72b(13); II. conj. because, since: XVTU '"Ip'B 'DIB'Bt 31X because (people) become filthy (from traveling, a person) may sometimes go down (into the pool) Sab 8b(24); xaia m n'3© mnx tumi 3ix since they gore each other they commonly have a blemish Bek 25b(47); San 43a(37); Zev 35a(3); AW 17a(44) Y: 3?X Ber 2a(30; BAYTN 336). T^N vb. to tie, bind (Ma T1X MD 5) Pe. a. lit.: in1? T1X mm l"yx even though he ties them [i.e. the attached branches] again Suk 13a(ll); pass.part. 'X11B HBip XTlXi l"yx even though the basket is 'tied from within' [i.e. is in the direction of the private domain] Sab 91b(33); 'TJX yzVD 'XIIB the straps are tied from within ib. 92a(3); Suk 13a(6); ib. 13b(3); b. fig.: pass.part. ]1'3 X'Bi 171011X3 n'3 XTlXi since she is bound to him (by a levirate bond) she is like his betrothed Yev 52b(3); ib. 58b(36); Ket 64a(24); Git 83b(16) NTJN n.m. perh. carrying pole (etym. unkn.) sg. XD3XO) raft xtixs rm xiixa vtvb x"7iH3 nn let the ones who carry on a stick carry on a pole. Let the ones who carry on a pole carry on (their) shoulder Bes 30a(5); XT1X3 rm 'W (porters) who were carrying on a pole BM 83a(25) Geon. expl.: 1. BIB; 2. w'Tira Tfim Jlft JWUB O'Bro OHP Sab 91:9. The mng. is taken from the context. Lit: Friedman, BM VI:403+; Voc: X11X VTM 110; Y: xpx Bes ib.fBAYTN 74). N^HN, N3NTJN n.m. Asa foetida (< NP angudan PED 114; Sy nd.sx^K' LS 3, Arab ul^l Siggel 17) sg. AZ 29a(14) [in a list of spices]; X1X11XT Xip'y a root of Asa foetida HP 204:10 [cf. Sy rdjrtAnr'n pc'-ud^. PSmSup 2] Geon. expl.: IXIJJX n"B3 X2X1JX TGHark 23:7; Lit: Fl, TMW 1:278; Flora 3:454; Pfl 36; Tel 6; Y: XJIIX AZ ib.(BAYTN 213). NnSlJlN n.f. derision (4- Vmi) pi. pnriXBIlX iSgf's&a NrnAN, pi. NAN^N n.f. Aggada, Haggada {< MH2 mix J 11; JPA mix DJPA 34) 1. Aggada, homiletic story: sg. xrtV'B ID f? XB'V XmiX3 speak to us on an Aggadic subject Tan 7a(25); BQ 60b(31); XmiX wn 1H3X "\ PN used to expound the Aggada Sot 40a(33) [* 4- xnyatf mng. lb]; Hul 92a(41); So/ 49a(37); 5a« 100a(47); Sab 89a(45); TmiX3 'D3 V'l go (and) write in your Aggada ... Hul 60b(29); ib. 26; pi. San 38b(52); '»p xnxiix moa mm pama xinn a certain one of the scholars who used to recite the Aggadot before him Suk 53a(39) // XmiX Er 21b(15) // Yom 38b(23); 5er 10a(31); Meg 27a(40); p^ na"? -] '^a1? mnx-uxi xjxn nan xix why (should I compete) with PN in his Aggadot? Suk 52b(38); xriXllX ISO a book of Aggadot Ber 23a(54; OHP ib. 110:8); XmiXi X1SD Git 60a(22) // 7ew 14b(16); BM 116a(30) // 55 52a(28) // Svu 46b(16); 3T3T XmiX "ISO the book of Aggadot of the be rav San 57b(2); 2. Haggada of Passover: sg. xV'^m XmiX the Haggada and Hallel Pes 115b(18); ib. 116b(29); HP 15:3 Lit: Bacher 44; Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62 [1999] 46 [mng. 2]; Y: XmJX Ton 7a(25; BAYTN 284). fUN n. (uncertain) sg. niX '»riB p yiffDD xb ]33m H1X1 '<J)XaV2n do not neglect to state the ... of the pious and the ... of the scholars TGAs28 76:2 Lit: Assaf, TGAs28, ib.2, suggests: grief. NTIJN n.m. (uncertain; 4- xnanx) sg. -pniX 'XB how are you? OHT Qid 38:8(Ar) [lit. what is your ...?] Expl. OHT ib.: "I'tfyo ,101 -\TV HOI. 'NUN 4- 'XU adv. [NTUN 4- XUX n.] N"TUN n.f. kiln-fired brick (< Akk agurru CAD A/1 160, AIOA 33; Sy re'4ei\i<' f. LS 5; 4- XXI) pi. iTVUXI XX13 with (its) lime and its bricks £r?(Ar [AC 1:27, s.v. TlllX; 2:341]) [not found in mss.]; ,TVI1X1 .1X11 SS/faj 6a(5; O) [of a property]; xtki)('}X3 'nnajn 3i Vy «]x mix N'JN t : t 79 TIN ]"Ttf 'ni'lTen even though he arranged the kiln- fired bricks into a pile and he interspaced them, they are permitted (to be carried) HG1 195:55 = TGDr49 108:1; Pl'TUXi XSXD a layer of bricks Inyanot 227:14 [expl. MH2 XB^B'n BB 6a(29)] RaH: 'TUX \"1p1 JllBHW 0':3^ Sab 81a(30). NJJN, K»JW, pi. NnNJJN n.m. furrow (< X'liy; TA fl'liy TJ Ezek 17:7, Ma X'lX, X'HX MD 5 [s.v. 2# XIX], 10, MH Drily Yeivin, BV 1054) sg. X'lxV xbDD '3 like a mound to a furrow Ber 6a(7; FOHT ib. 12:8); nXB 'in1? X'<1)U)X pn let this furrow be pe'a Ned 6b(16); '3 wrb n'1? 'WO xp X'lX (Scripture) compares the womb to a furrow Anan 114:13 [cf. Drm D'aVn ">W ib. 12]; i& 15; 17; XOmST X'liy furrow of the vineyard Seel 117:79(Var); pi. nnX'lX SSHai 6b(7) Geon. expl.: ... K3X13 'mX IW^a 'np.T Til Dlj» X'JX B1TS1 X'lX Xlpn XyTXa I'aTXST nnwa DniX OHT Ber 12:9; Lit: AAC 7; Y: X;J1X Ned ib.(BAYTN 143). NT}N n.m. hired laborer (4- VllX, XmTlX; TA XT1X TO Lev 19:13, Sy pc'-UlA^' LS 5, Ma XTiy MD 6 [s.v. 1#11X], 341) sg. XT1XT X11X the wage of the hired laborer Sab 150b(8); pi. 'Xn xbnV 'T1X niXT ]xa one who hires laborers for drawing water BM 77a(6); ib. 76b(35); 92a(30); San 73a(32) Y: XTJX Sab ib.(52). NniTJN n.f. rental (4 XT1X; Sy K'^o-i^r*' LS 5) sg. ix nmrtm lX?s 12 'bs rn nri'xi XJ11T1X3 it [i.e. the field] is in the possession of NN b. NN2 through robbery or rental SSHai 19a(17) NSIJlN n.m. marsh, swamp (< Akk agammu marsh CAD A/1 142, AIOA 33 < Sum agam SLOB 140; 4- xaiXT xblinri; TA J'aiX pi. TJ Is 35:7, Sy rdk^rf LS 4, Ma XaiX, XaXlX MD 5) a. general: sg. imVl XB1X3 'tn'3 W33 IplS IH'Vy TWbl b-'rb go out (and) make trodden down areas in the marsh so that we can go and sit upon them tomorrow Er 34b(20); Ber 57a(50); Sab 156b(5); xaixai xaiX^ piy Xm3@D1sV he fled to the marsh and from the marsh to GN BM 86a(ll); ib. 26; mmv HIV xaiX3 (the Angel of Death) caused a commotion in the marsh ib. 86a(32; SM 145:5); XJT'TIB 'W xaiXT bitter herbs of the marsh Suk 13a(16; M); ib. 25; AZ 38a(24; J) [containing locusts]; "]31 mn '81X3 'Ip V'Dp your teacher was one who used to cut down reeds in the marshes [i.e. was not versed in the Oral Law] Sab 95a(19); Bek 8b(28); b. a grazing place for cattle: sg. mn xaixb H'1? XJpnya I would have chased it away [i.e. the ox] to the marsh BQ 40b(3); ib. 45a(15); 41a(25); pi. WCaiX 'M Til D1»a because (the ox) spends time among the marshes Sab 77b(27); c. containing fish and birds: sg. XB1X 'SpXT ,mi3(T)(3) the swamp overflowed with fish BM 12b(18); XaiX3 'B'pi (HX'XI) 1'XTXI} '3D fishermen's huts situated in a marsh Tan 22a(47); Xaixa NT'S mV 'TO xn a hunter used to bring PN (quail) from the marsh Yom 75b(24); d. as part of a GN: sg. 'pBOT XB1X Yev 121a(20); XB1X XnpXT San 38b(2) Voc: X»?X VTM 82; Y: XBJX BM 12b(18; BAYTN 74). Him, N3NJN n.m. basin, bowl (perh. < Akk agannu a large bowl CAD A/1 142; LMA ag- gan-nu Uruklnc 5, TA '11X pi. TJ IK 7:41, Pal ]1X PAT 334, DNWSI 10 [inscribed on the object], Sy rcU^ LS 4, Ma X'lXlX pi. MD 5) a. general: sg. rftfim X1X1X a basin of cress Sab 110a(31); xrom XBDX X11X a basin on the opening of a jug AZ 31a(30); X11X '3 'BT bib a chicken coop is similar to a basin [i.e. it is round] TGAs42 158:13; pi. XTpi '11X basins of bitumen BM 69b(17); HP 14:6; '1X1X SMel 42:1; VUVW IHllX1? they threw away their bowls Bo 78:16; b. used for kneading: sg. nJD'O ... X1X1XT n31 X1X1XT the side/rim of the basin Pes 45b(14; C); X1$X HP 39:12(HPP 54:18); Tan 25a(5); pi. '1X1X Pes 30b(40); wbl '1X1X basins for kneading HP 25:2; c. w. var. liquids: pi. XBTI '11X bowls of blood Bo 84:12 [cf. Ma: IX'yVa XBH X'JXIX MD ib.]; ]in'lta '11X you pour wine into bowls ib. 78:18 [cf. Ma: X'3X1X X1TXB MD ib.] Lit: Kaufman, AIOA 33, does not consider this a loan from Akk; Y: XMX Sab 110a(31; 230). "UN vb. to hire, rent (1 XT1X, 1#X11X, 2#X11X; Sy ■U^k' LS 4, Ma 1# niX MD 6) Pe. (a/u) 1. to hire: a. workmen: tya D'3n by2 "ni'1?! '3'n '3 n'm3 so that the owner should hire him against
1#N1JS 80 t : - his will Svu 45a(53); BM 77a(27); ib. 76b(35) [i XT1X]; BQ 99a(21) // BM 112a(40; V22) [4- XWD'3]; ib. 83a(26; MGE 515:22) [porters]; Git 73a(35) [1 HX31X]; b. animals: '»V nxa mix he hired it [i.e. the cow] for one hundred days BM 35b(24); AZ 15a(10); nan "TUX hire donkeys Gi( 73a(37); Tan 24a(20; M2); 2. to rent: "11X '3 XJI'3 2?TX when someone rents a house /?// 7b(ll); BM 101b(ll); .Tl'tt nOHiniX px we rented it from him BB 29a(34); xVl XfflM xmxi xw 'aVy '"?id mxi3 >b 'mma now that I do not profit, I rent it [i.e. the property] at (the rate) that everyone rents BM 65a(27); -U'rf? Wain to rent (the pagan's share of the property) from his wife Er 80a(39) Af. 1. to hire for s.o. else: D'tylS +> "lllX b'T go (and) hire workmen for me BM 76a(6); ib. 92a(30); 2. to hire out: a. workmen: p'triD mn njmxi yvsi pliai we would have made an effort and hired ourselves out for four (zuzim) ib. 76a(20); ib. 12b(2); b. animals: "IHXI X"131 Xinn man1? Xixan n'"? a certain man who hired out a donkey to another Ket 27b(2) // Bek 36a(19); BM 97a(28); nillX^" ife 116a(25); 3. to rent out: a. property: "T7 [XIX "111X =] xmix I shall rent you (a place to live) BB 7a(2); BM 103a(5); ib. 116b(42); Meg 26b(15; M2) [synagogue; 4- Vptfa quad., mng. 1]; TSri n'1? 111X1 he rented out a courtyard to him BM 65a(21); 1*7 111X ~\TW\ rent us your share in the property Er 63b(23); AZ 21a(42); 'bsb n'W? a'ff D'TllX n»3 ITa1? I rented it out to NN to dwell in it SSHai 8a(13); Geon 162:4; XTO»6 55//ai 6b(15); Dec 5:10; X"nn 'V 111X1 X131 XU1 nrntJ1? rm3rT7 a certain man who rented out a mill to another for grinding Ket 103a(3); Pes 50b(37); n'31X 111X1 X131 Xinn a certain man who rented out his boat AZ 62b(l 1; J); b. other: X»Y>3 XD'WS3 'TIT "ma mn Xan 31 PN used to rent out money for (a fee of) a small coin per day BM 69b(6); n'V WllllX I rented it [i.e. a garment] to him ib. 6a(32; RaH) Itpe. 1. to profit, benefit [cf. MH 132/1 J 1576]: TUITX 'Ilin'X they surely profited (by being released from the ritual obligation) BQ 38a(22) // AZ 2b(56); Yev 92b(10); Naz 15a(12); San 81a(10); 2. to hire o.s. out: nj?31X3 llri'ai X3'X1 X7T7J13 llJI'ai X3'X1 one hires oneself out for four (zuzim) and another does so for three BM 76a(18); ib. 112b(13); BB 91b(15); 5v« 45a(54); Fom 20b(22); 3. w. 'b to hire s.o.: 'V lliri'X xn'TIXI <')tylS3 I shall hire you as laborers (according to the conditions) of biblical law [lit. be hired by me as laborers of the Torah] BM 83b(6) [v. Ps 104:23] Ittaf. to be rented out: niWJ?3 Xlllirai isn a courtyard which is rented out for ten (zuzim) ib. 65a(21) 1#N"1JN, cs. "I1N n.m. rent, hire, wage, fee, compensation, profit, reward (4- VllX; TA X11X TJ Zee 8:10, Sy rfk^ LS 4, Ma X11X MD 6) 1. rent: sg.es. XJV3 11X rent of the house BM 73b(3); BB 29a(37); det. X71'31 X11X ^«a« 10:29; XIIX^ xa'pl IXfl a courtyard that is available for rent BM 64b(12); Bg 20a(43); 'SIDIX1? '•? ri'Vl X11X3 1'Vj? I may not raise its [i.e. the property's] rent SSHai 8a(16); 2. hire: sg. X11D1 X11X hire and (compensation for) destruction BM 69b(39) [concerning a boat]; 3. wage: sg.es. X11D1 11X wage of a watchman BB 4b(33); 'xV'BS 11X the wage of my loss of time ib.; HP 49:26; det. X-UXX ft Xl'SDI Xrijnx on the assumption that you had increased our wage BM 77a(24); DWD 1'31 X11X Tfb Jl'XI because he owes him his wage ib. 118a(32); 93b(32); Anan 10:28; vh 3n V'T m'HX go (and) give them their wage BM 83a(30); 7a« 24a(21); Git 62a(16); ,4Z 62b(12); 4. fee: sg.es. Xl'1 11X fee for rendering judgment Ket l05a(34); det. n'Jins Vym nmx V'psn he takes its fee [i.e. for the use of the vessel], and he takes its depreciation (charge) BM 70a(ll) [4- 1#XXWS]; n'HX n'^ 3n V>T go (and) pay him his fee San 109b(27); Ber 56a(ll; MGG 703:7); ib. 54(MGG 706:12); "713X1 XpTO3 XJT7-31 DTC? mix flay a carcass in the market and earn [lit. eat] its fee Pes 113a(7); 5. payment: sg.es. "UX '"? 1D1 payment of 'wait for me' [i.e. an advance payment received for goods to be delivered in the future which is prohibited as interest] BM 63b(30); ib. 73a(20); BB 87a(9); San 25b(35); '"? ID -IAX HP 50:17; 6. profit: sg.abs. llVs 'X 2# *n*K XTDS13 Tr71J1 nn 11X3 if (regarding) profit (the partner gets) half, regarding loss (he bears) two thirds BM 68b(47); TGHark 271:9; 7. reward: sg. ... xwm xpi'si xnx ... xpm n^si mix ... xmp'rw x"ao '31 xnx ... xi3o xnyawi 'nix XJnplX xn'iym X11X the reward of (attending) the kalla is (for the pressure of) overcrowding. The reward of (attending) the public lecture is (for) running (to it). The reward of a legal tradition is (from deriving it by) logical argument. The reward of (visiting) the house of mourning is (for observing) silence. The reward for a fast day is (for dispensing) charity Ber 6b(26); Qid 61b(24); X11X V3JM1 pX'1? n"D3'11 let us overcome our desire and receive a reward AZ 17b(2); San 64a(ll); XW'Bl X11X a great reward TGHark 207:28; ib. 165:14 Voc: iSii HGP 26b:7; VTslk ib. 26b:17; Y: XnJX Ber 9b(39; BAYTN 74). 2# N^?£ n.m. employer, hirer (4- V"I1X pe. part.; Ma x-iix MD 6, s.v. i# iix) pi. byt nxpiy nno 'V>T IH'llflX lying witnesses who are of low esteem in their employers' (view) San 29a(33) [3# N1>N 4- X11X n.] KJVUK n.f. name of a demon (1 KTJ'X 13 s.v. 1#X13 mng. 12) sg. Bo 61:4; ib. 6; 7 "IS (< "1 iy) 4- 1J? conj. D«*nN, NanK 4- xnn n.] 'SmK 4- '3H adv. NJnK n. oven (4- 'in '3) pi. '111X n'BIS 'DTD Xlin the ... of his mouth are ovens of fire Bo 78:5 Lit: AMB 206. HNKIVTN adj., n. Roman (lit. Edomite; Sy rdL^ieaf*' PSm 35) n., sg.m. nxanx xinn xnx n'pm a certain Roman came (and) pushed him Ber 62a(24) On the use of MH 'BITX as a designation of a Roman in Rabbinic literature, v, e.g. EJ 6 379+. KJTITTK 4- xniTHX n. 'IN vb. to pass over (< 1 Vhj?; Ma 1# XIX af. to bring over, make pass MD 6) Pa. to bring over: "nx n'HXT "ina the Mishna (speaks of a case) NOBIS. where (the rooster) actually brought it over BQ 19b(25); ib. 22a(16); 98a(9); Bes 39a(28) N'lN*, pi. KniHK n.m. high water (Ma XHJ7 Gy 9:7; cf. Akk edit high water, edit tdmati high water of the sea CAD E 35) pi. XQ'T 'nxnx high waters of the sea BB 4a(27) [Var: xmiTX TGAs42 156:21] // X'aT xnxmx Suk 51b(26) [cf. Ma: im'xixis xn? n'^bi im'xaxax' x'n'i their seas are peaceful and there is no high water in them Gy ib.] Lit: Eps, PLA 199 [contra 2#X'1!7 MD 341]; AIOA 47; Y; XnilTX BB ib.(BAYTN 193). n.m. perh. monster (etym. unkn.) pi. XD'T ,!7HX sea monsters BB 74b(23; Ar [AC 1:34]) [expl. BH DTMl Gen 1:21; Var: Xtt' ^HJ? H] Y: id-'IS /i.(BAYTN 64). Xrill'lN n.f. glory (< xniTin*; Sy K'ii'oTJSoj LS 172) sg. niTO XTimXT XniTnX3 you will die in the glory of the Torah Ber 56b(12; MGG 708:9) [P: Yin3] Y: mrm Ber ib. Xrn3!N n.f. reminder (4- V"I31; TA nfTDIX TO Lev'2:2, JPA ,TD1X DJPA 35, MH2 m3TX J 37) sg. XW1TD1 IX XTTDIXT K^rn pw p a scribal addition between the lines containing a reminder or an explanation TGHark 138:6 In RH 18b(44), this word is quoted from Megillat Ta'anit. t6"7N n. (uncertain) sg. prf?lX mnn under their ... Bo 84:9 N'nx 4- xVn tj? conj. NJV71N n.f. woman who gives birth (WlX (metath. < 4- Vl1?'); 4- xm"?'; Ma 2# xn^XlX'' MD 184) sg. Xn1?' X^l x"73naH 'n'VlX 'S like a woman giving birth who is in travail but does not give birth Bo 15:11 Lit: Eps, Stl 344; B. Levine, Bowls 352, suggests 'the locked one' (< Akk edelu). DIN vb. to cut into pieces (< 4 Vain) Pe., pass.part. 'a^XT '"IHS fishes cut into pieces Bes 24b(30) Lit: Levy, TMW 1:28. N0B1N n.m. steel (< rx8&na<; L-S 20; Sy 81
"I NnjHK 82 KJUTTN T : T ; - docv^rc'^K' LS 6, Ma 2#XDX» MD 248 [metanalysis < XOXltf]) sg. X'31 XD81X1 XK/U1? a garment of pure steel 5o 2:2; ib. 29:5; 52:3 Lit: AMB 131. "I UnyiH conj. 4 Xfljn n. [TTK vb. 4 V4#-|TT vb.] "HN n.m. ,4</ar, the sixth month (< Akk Addaru AIOA 114; Sy iaiV LS 6) sg. RH 8a(25); Saw 18b(36); Tft^ 87:5; ib. 98:13; TJXT XnT VI the first day of the month of Adar Meg 29b(7); Git 34a(41); HP 185:7; TGAs42 42:5; nx"? may'Vl let him add a day to Adar San 13b(8); TTX1 'DAD 'in |1E?X*1 'XpT ^aar which one says without qualification is the first (one) Ned 63a(18); "nx X-irn the latter [i.e. intercalated] AdarRH6b(24) [cf. OfA nnx YIX AOFCI 11:1] Y: TJX Meg ib. 1#KTIK, lOXTN n.m. a type of tree (< Akk adaru an indigenous tree CAD A/1 102; Sy K'in«' a large tree LS 6, MH2 TJX Bes 15b[40]) sg. XTTX RH 23a(13; GRH 13:16) [expl. MH Dmp Ke8po<; ib., given as one of the four types of nx-tree]; X1XTX San 108b(30) [expl. BH nDi-'SX Gen 6:14]; m@{')-m "KJ?! X1X1X (the tree is called) '. because it lasts forever Bes 15b(40; MGG 159:6); XYJX T1DX leaf of an '.-tree Git 69b(52; OHT ib. 154:9) [in a potion; for similar use in Mesopotamian medicine, v. CAD ib., mng. c]; X1X1XT X'» infusion of the '.-tree ib. 54(OHT ib. 10) Lit: Flora 3:21. The etym. < iceSpoc; ib. should be rejected since the phonetic change k > ' is unknown in JBA; Y: NTTX Git 69b(52; BAYTN 74). 2#NT7N n.m. curved thin fish bone(?) sg. '3H xa,!7 H-\lHt? for a fish bone (stuck in the throat) let him say thus Sab 67a(49; OAr [AC 1:32)] Geon. comm.: 'TX '1W1 p 1'Bipyi Jl1?!? 11X1X3 WV JllBXy 'W I'tawn oy yotn yx mx 'B -pjiV ow: oftwi on dxi ]'jn Drrwxi tjhj3 fyr: kW 13» nraiapy 'jbb trn 607: l. Y: XTIK ib. (BAYTN 164). N/nan^N, K3NTTK adv. on the contrary (< [nra] xn + n + -X lit. upon what is greater [than it]; cf. JPA ,"U» naTTT/X3TT DJPA 517) a. alone: miiK ... "ia-r? rvb mn m"ny xianoa "13T> ,Tb mn IVU'JX it is logical that he should have included cases of the uncircumcised. On the contrary! He should have included cases of 'onen Yev 71a(18); Qid 79a(28); Svu 34a(16); AZ 51b(25); Hul 135b(26); Nid 40a(41); b. w. preced. X"V 'S^D: 'TT'» ixn JB naTTX X"V 'B^a p'S3 how can this be so? On the contrary! (If it is) from the side, he exits moving about Sot 44a(6); X2XYIX X'1? 'B^J BB 175a(13; HP 52:21); lev 102a(43); c. fol. by X3B'X/[n3B'X =] TOB'X xnanoa: 'ya xb o'xm van xnanoa nas'x nanix np'TO X'ya nO'XD X1?! I"J? TITB on the contrary! Reverse it! It is reasonable that leaven which becomes repulsive (by decay) does not require fracturing. Idolatry which does not become repulsive requires crushing Pes 28a(21); Sab 20a(41); Er 28b(9); BQ 84b(38); lev 32b(35); Ara 6a(33) Geon. expl.: Vh IX 'jKp'l TUXl 'TAX LPT 146:9; Lit: Bacher 1. While this word is always spelled with 'alef in the edd., the orthography in the mss. is overwhelmingly with he; Y: X3T1X Ber 27a(41). ptt'TTK 4- xanx n.] [ntvtjk 4- x-nx n.] NflpllNI n.f. 'adraxta, a document issued by the court after having issued a r/'r/a-docunient which permits a creditor to seize a debtor's property from a purchaser to whom the debtor sold it after the receipt of a loan (4 V2#Tn af, xstcj) sg. xb 'x»p ]w rrbn n'CO'JX XJ13TTX p'aTD during the first thirty day period we do not write an '.-document against his property BQ 112b(38); ib. 40; 42; XJIBTTX p'am Hb ,!7t^>»»X we do not write an '.- document against movable property ib. 46; 'WX na'rn tbp lxb "pmmx ... rava '3'n "pra-nx ^ xnnaxs 'arm xnamx 'rm show me how your '.-document is written. Your '.-document is not written properly. Let the '.-document be void and let (the ketubba) be collected from (the day of) the proclamation Ket 104b(36); Xmmx X'BOT TJ7 m'V until the '.-document comes into his possession BM 16a(26); ib. 35b(8); XJDTTX ^51 x'n xxdttx IXs? xbtb1? mayipi na 'to abi any '.-document in which it is not written: "We have tfTN 83 ix torn the ?w/a-document," is not a (valid) '.- document BB 169a(16); n'by 13JD1 XlTpB XT XnaiTX we ordered them to write an '.- document concerning him Dec 5:7; ib. 12; SSSad 254:13; pi. '33 IX1?! XnX3YIXl XJlXt^n n&tt ina'J ]iyTD writs of final adjudication and '.- documents which are not collectable TGHark 216:5; BM 16b(52; OHT ib. 37:15) Geon. expl.: XrDYlX 'BO' X1H1 pWlVx 3Xn3 S§Sad 253b:5, i.e. jUJI v^§ document of attaching/overtaking; X135 xnX31W <xn)3nix Tt'x^ p'sns n'Vy n'xi 'xo 3'n' xVi xjt p npsi H'D3':X OHT BM 37:17; TRN 663:13; for the text of the document, v. Gulak, OS 331; TRN ib.; Lit: G. Khan, Aram 6 [1994] 214+; Shaked, Irano-Aramaica 167+, suggests a deriv. < OP *adraxla meaning poss. a legal document relating to a debtor; Voc: X?OYIX HGP 17a:3; Y: XfDYIX Ket 104b(39; BAYTN 280). crm i Vi#^b?t, *J2#wvi vb. mnx 4 mn pron. xannK I xmnx n. NT'llJIK n.m. stable master (< Mir *axwaryar [cf. MP axwarr stable + -yar (< -rfar) keeper CPD 14, 24]; cf. Sy \k*>k t-j^k' stable master LS 27 [Lex]) sg. 'YI n'TT,nX PN's stable master Sab 113b(47) // BM 85a(9); XaXT nnX'TinX 13 T1X you are the son of my father's stable master Meg 12b(22) Lit: Geig, AAC 12; Tel 8; Y: fl'TlffiX Sab ib.(BAYTN 305). W'HN, KTHN, H'nN pron. f. to which one? (< X"n + "X; I XTn s.v. ]'Tn) a. in phrase X"nx 'Xp to which one (of the clauses in the Mishna) does (the Tanna) refer? Ket 28b(38); ib. 67a(18); Sab 150b(42; V); Er 51b(5; O); Yev 19b(38; O2); b. generally shortened to X"nX, etc.: Sab 146b(22); Er 33a(13); Git 76a(36); X31T xn X"nx to which one does this (statement) of PN (refer)? Qid 73b(15); BM 34b(32); Svu 43b(l); Bek 23b(34); XTnX ]15?ttB? '3TT Xn to which one does this (statement) of PN (refer)? Ket 88a(34; HP 116:12, Geon 390:9); HG1 81:45; 'TnX Men 30b(19; GM 24:26) [glossed: 'TO "?y "B]; LPT 147:5 Lit: Bacher 1; Voc; X^'fix HP 174:3(HPP 271:18); Y: X'MK Ket 28b(38; BAYTN 339). sV'nK n.m. (uncertain) sg. xV'nx ^"yVn 'D'n '3 niuV Xmm ""X^an in order that the should admit light within it San 108b(31) N3'i1K n.m. unripe date (< xrnx* < Akk uhinnu fresh, green dates AHw 1404; 4 XJmrn; JudA 'TOX T§vi 7:14[198:41], Sy kiIuk', rdirdw LS 12, 208, Ma XJ'X MD 328, s.v. 2#Xi'D) sg. xrnx Xpmo a red unripe date Suk 35b(45; M2); Hul 46b(l); XTltt xrnx a bitter unripe date BM 113b(28); pi. 'TOXT XT13'p a cluster of unripe dates BB 5a(5); San 26b(46); 'p'"7B? 'J'HX boiled unripe dates AZ 38b(46); ^07 90:74 Geon. expl. [AZ ib.]: piljl 1\ZJ\ ]'p'D81 D'3TO man 'JB ]'X'3B imnw i'»y: pi nun be; n'B nx I'noi oin onay o':nui mix 113BI1I8 1013 ''X1p31 TGCas 42a(24), i.e. ^jJ^ >^ cooked unripe date berries; TIB^n \m'?2 1013 tal 1013 DTtyi 10^87 'IB ':MX OHP Er 92:14 [cf. jli ... rtliiiK' BBah 105:9]; SMelG 572; Lit: Flora 2:341+. vb. to constitute a covering (Ma Vnx etpa. to overshadow MD 9) Af.: "7'nXD Xp Xn(1) does (the board), in fact, not constitute a covering (with regard to defilement)? Er 31a(5) i#kVhn4 lsx^mxn. 2#t6i1K4 2#Xl7mXn. n.m.pl. dealer in alkaline plants (nisbe-form < 4 lSX^HlX) pi. "iVnX Ned 91b(l); 5W81a(35) Voc: "ftnx HGP 29a:27. KJJ'anK n.f. benefit, assistance (4 Vl#'3n; cf. Sy K'&ordjjm LS 178, MH nx5n Yeivin, BV 905) sg. in'mnx X3np'» the benefit from them is immediate Qid 8a(17); 'XmanX X3np» Ket 67b(40; V5); Qid 46a(36; O2); Tan 23b(34; L); fnmanx -] xmanx XIV'BJ the benefit from it is great Yev 4b(13); ib. 22 "inK 4 Vi#inx IN conj. or, whether, if (4 'X; Sy oi? or LS 7, Ma iy or, if MD 342) 1. or, whether: a. alone: TOX IX 'TO is it permitted or forbidden? BM 72b(38); fXO id IX p» does it protect or not? Hul 46b(2); "ITT IX 'B<0>{») X:"m is what I shall live more or what I have lived? Tan 25a(40); XV?3» IX "T7 X5?'D© ©1TB3 did you hear it [i.e. the tradition] explicitly or by inference? Er 46a(9); 'nnrx"? ix 'rnsV ix na X'jtVb1? man' I have
l#N3iN 84 N331X* given to NN, my son, or to my daughter, or to my wife HP 53:17; ib. 110:18; 200:10; b. in seq. IX ... IX whether/either ... or [Sy orf ... ore' LS ib., mng. 2, Ma 1J7 ... iy MD ib.]: xn IX XH IX either this one or that one BQ 3a(26); 'IpP X3X IX •SpV 1,TX IX either I lied or he lied Yev 55b(33); BQ 59b(8); -p'a TO, 3'0J IX 'Vj IX either go into exile or marry a woman of your own kind Yev 45a(48); 'V 130 inViD IX 'V l»m VT>D IX either all of them love me, or all of them hate me Ket 105b(24); W2b n'^D IX 13'»V n'^13 IX he will be either entirely positive or entirely negative Sab 156a(27); ib. 44; XBm1? IX XJIB'X1? IX whether to the north or to the south Bes 4a(12); n'V XpDDa 'nXT xb IX 'nXl IX m he is in doubt as to whether a get puts aside (a levirate bond) or not Yev 51a(l); HM 43:14; c. in seq. IX ... '»: p'tf'ri 'a Hb IX 313T^> are we apprehensive about a fly or not? BB 166b(14); ]Vbr\ X1? IX p'Vn '» do we assume (that he caused the perforation) or not? Hul 49a(19); d. in phrase xa"?'T IX or perhaps [cf. Nold, SG §373]: KoVn IX H"J XH1 p'^TX 1DK 1*13 TJ xm "btX ,!?D "iro do we follow (the status) of the nut and it is, in fact, at rest? Or do we perhaps follow the vessel, and, it, in fact, moves? Sab 100a(3); Yom 31a(13); Hag 4a(6); Yev 102a(58); San 112a(2); Zev 75b(ll); 2. if [cf. BH OX if, whether, either-or HAL 58+, Akk summa id. CAD S/3 275+]: a. general: xV '5?3 IX '3X '373 IX '3X if he wants, he eats. If he does not want, he does not eat Suk 27a(18); Tl'Xa ,tV np3!27 IX if you leave it [i.e. the animal] alone it will die Pes llb(ll); n'31 PTX X3'X IX 'X» MX 1X1 if he is thirsty, what (should he do)? If there is someone with him ... ib. 112a(24); .T033 ipsa '573 1X1 lia since if he wants he can declare his property ownerless Suk 35b(19); nn 'W X3»m 3J13 1X1 if the Merciful One had written these two (verses) Zev 9b(6); n'3 J?T x"7 '3 n'V V'3X 1X1 if he eats it [i.e. a y~W] unwittingly [lit. when he does not know about it] Anan 55:7; 'BXJTW pin Tin IX if there were two partners TGAs42 29:21; T13'X IX D'^E? X1?! 'TIT n'1? mm if it became clear that he had money and he did not pay TGHark 106:7; ib. 6:12; 37:6; 206:22; 228:11; b. in var. expressions: 1) 'a: IX alternatively: Pes 14a(31); RH 30a(49); Suk 41a(41); Tan lla(l); Yev 64b(45); Zev 104b(34); Anan 10:29; 2) '3n IX if so: Ber 23a(20); Pes 8a(35); Tan 13a(20); A/eg 5b(47); pn IX TGHark 40:33; 3) XB'X n'Jtt IX if you want, say ...: Pes 23b(16); RH 4a(35); Zev 2a(24); 4) xn'J/xa'1? IX if we say: Pes 8a(41); RH 5b(12); 7ev 93a(25); Zev 13b(37); 5) Xp^O IX xnjn if it occurs (to you): Pes 12a(26); ib. 85a(36); Zev 15a(3); TGHark 205:36; 6) max IX xaVB?3 if you say: "It is all right...": Pes 33b(18); ib. 90b(30) On mng. Id. cf. Sy: x-"" ^n t-^aojt ^i ^ 0 ^j-ije-^j «u^ . \ u ■ i n t \ m K* -*t Va ore' J_u K* \ M ^A_a_iaajJa . i \ v ^n_2vA ^AuaAvj «*^jftia re'AiHAr^ kLitjuk' are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or perhaps do we need like others that letters of recommendation should be written to you for us? 2Cor 3:1; mng. 2 is found esp. in Geon. texts and in the Y mss. of BT and but has completely disappeared from the other traditions. Lit: Nold, MG 208; Kara 44+ [mng. 2]; Y: SxBer 12b(30). l#N3iN n.m. underworld spirit (< BH 2#31X HAL 19; TA 31X TJ Is 29:4) sg. only in phrase N'BB N31X necromancer (4- xaD): X'ao X31X xrm ^xtwt mpox rrn how did the necromancer bring up Samuel with necromancy? Sab 152b (47); ]3'13 n'V'ai 3H3 X'atJ X31X the necromancer is false, and his words are false Ber 59a(15; MGE 148:5); X'ao X31X '3 the house of a necromancer Ber 59a(l 1) Y: K31X Sab ib.(BAYTN 22). 2# N31N n.m. bosom (< X31J?*; Sy ndiio-v LS 503, JPA 2#3in DJPA 189) sg. n'31X3 '"?'a 'J,TI this refers (to where the phylacteries) are in his bosom///5 38:12; ST 494:64 [SVSIN I 2#XI731X n., X"?3X n.] NJ3W, pi. NX1J31N n.f. perh. projection (perh. < Akk ubanu finger, lobe of an organ AHw 1399, mng. 7, 8) pi. Xrfr'a X'*?n X3'Vt Xri331X3 the matter is dependent on the 'projections' of the heart Meg 24b(9; L); xrU31X3 nXJ'JH 'r'lW iVn X3'^H the sinews of the eyes are suspended from the 'projections' of the heart AZ 28b(38; Ed) Lit: M. Geller, BiOr 43 [1986] 740; id., Medicine 105; Y: X7IH1X AZ ib.(BAYTN 198). HWIIlt 85 t : [N3S31N 4- X3SD1X] Ktf 31K, Kt&Bin, Ktf IBM n.m. mold (< XtfB/3iy*; I VtfDJ?; cf. Sy rdiAj^ spotted (of sheep) LS 509) sg. XW31X1 Xan3 moldy bread Pes 40a(21; TGAs42 161:8) [Var: nWBin E2; nwiBn C] Lit: Low, Flora 1:40. N'JIN 4- XnX n. K"71N n.m. firebrand (Sy k'W LS 8, Ma 2#XT1X, Xliy MD 10) pi. 'iy'3' 'TX '"in two dry firebrands San 93a(49; F2) [I XOJ'p mng. 2] Y: '11N San ib.(BAYTN 17). KTHK n.m. flock or wad (of wool, etc.; < X1115?*; Sy rC:wo_i. LS 511, MH2 XTX, !XTJ7 OHP §ab 5:4, TGDr49 100:14) a. general: sg. X1? WV1 XaiD3 X111X »TK p'ln'"? a person should not plug a flock (of wool) into the mouth of a bottle (on the Sabbath) Sab 141a(38); X<T)n,TIX X1&5H a flock of wool HM 39:18; ib. 5; p'VpBfl n'1? 13'^pi ... xmixs n'V p'a-n xnj?'33 xmis XH11X1? we take a small amount (of the tekhelet dye) in an eggshell, place it on a wad (of wool), and burn the wad Men 42b(35; MGN 255:10); ipwa ifr-l X-IJT X(1>ri)TlX a flock of unbeaten wool (dyed) by pomegranate (juice) AZ 28b(23); n'JTlX "?y JlrlBT in(1){nnX3 XJ/3X1 a dyer with a flock of wool placed on his ear TGDr49 94:17 [cf. MH: utx by x(i)ci)'xm xxv yaxn arnb 23a(15)]; b. esp. as filling for a pillow or bolster: sg. "?S3 X'10 '3a XTttX the flock (of wool) fell out of the pillow Ber 56a(48); Sab 48a(21); pi. BB 58a(22; P1); BM 26a(7)!; 'Xl>nnNT XnXXT>lll a handful of flocks of wool Qid 12a(34; HG2 206:12 [Var]); n'TTIX '113'a Xpl its flocks (of wool) will be scattered Ber 56a(46; MGG 705:9) Geon. expl.: mwaVx l»n KHD '31 X111K OHP Ber 105:20, i.e. Sj^i^l jii stuffing of a leather pillow; HX-|J>J1 V'13 XTX p mop ,13'nn rpio I'as xwi xtjix 'aix pwVa xip:i x<i>ni'y jibo mnsBa ^W3 imx rmxw D'jbj naxa ix ijiwbh p ix loxn [mix I'yaix naim (Jii) boa bxyoB' 'ba nxifi] nVn ina Ar [OHP Sab 5:4] + RaH Sab 90b; Voc: X11X Egron 182; Y: XTHX Sab 141a(38; BAYTN 143). XH1S n.m. a container (< Akk udu pi. metal containers and utensils AHw 1402, mng. 2) sg. Tl'Tl X'llX an '.-container of denars BM 28b(ll;Es)[H:Xp3-IX] Y: X;ilX BM ib.(BAYTN 143). NJVliN n.f. document of debtor's declaration (i.e. op-oXovia; 4- V'T af; MH2 n'Tn BB 40a[2]) sg. xn '3T xixiy1? "?33 m 'td mm xri'mx x'nn a certain '.-document which was written with every term of the court San 29b(57); XJVTIX 'Xn P'3rO ab T^ai p'nrD paT sometimes we write the '.-document and sometimes we do not ib. 35; XJVTIX3 in3,3p't?1 let him give him possession of it [i.e. the money of his debt] by means of an '.-document BB 149a(22); 23; TGHark 276:29 Lit: Gulak, LDT 12; Y: NrriiX BB 149a(22; BAYTN 38). 1#K3TIK n.m./f. ear (1 XJ1X; TA xStix TO Ex 29:20', Ma X3T1J? MD 342, Sy rdiarj' f. LS 6) a. general: sg. yyn Xna'T ya^T X1TX may the ear that heard music be torn off Sot 48a(42); ,!7X TTX inmb ,T3T1X the other listens attentively [lit. inclines his ear] to the oral tradition Hag 1 lb(30) [4- Viff'Vx pe.]; x'»a n3 xiTixV wp '3x72; in^ia Xn'VlDT all fluids can harm the ear except for the fluid of a kidney AZ 28b(15); ib. 23; XJTIX 3'S1? iT3T1X by Tiax for an earache say over his ear ... HM 37:19; ib. 43:16; BQ 86a(7); Xiam TOTIX «]DV 3m the ear of PN's donkey Qid 33a(33); pi. n'JTIX1? n'aiB maipi XT'TD xaj7 an impetuous nation which placed its mouth before its ears Ket 112a(45) [w. ref. to yBir/ri nty/l Ex 24:7] // Sab 88a(54; M); \\Ipym x"?1113V pTiX you have ears and do not hear Bo 71:4 [cf. Ps 115:6 and Ma TaX^X1?! X'my llbnyi MD ib.]; ib. 48:1 [I VtthD pa., mng. 2]; 71:7; H'JTIX ]'Tp' mi he was deaf [lit. his ears were heavy] Sot 13a(28); Bek 3b(37); Pes 113a(14) [4- Nmsba mng. 1]; Bek 53a(36) [of an animal]; b. parts: sg. n'mx VI the top of his ear BQ 86a(24); .THIXT XVI the inner part of his ear AZ 28b(17) The classical form of this word w. dalet only refers to the physical ear, while the specific JBA form 4- X31X also has extended mngs; Y: MUX Sot 48a(42; BAYTN 143). [2# KniN 4- X1T1X n.] [«nilK 4- XTT1X n.] 1# K^riW, mbTWH, K"?nN n.m. an alkaline plant, alkali (< Akk uhulu alkaline plant AHw 1404; 4- nxrVnX, V3#y?n; LJLA X^nx Tg2Job 9:30, Sy rf \ wi^, rcliioorc' LS 12) 1. an alkaline plant:
2# »6niN t : 86 BftlN sg. xVniX So* 50b(12) [component of 4 2# XT13]; XixVlr) xVmx worm-colored '.-plant «& 110b(35) // xaxbin xVnx /-(Z 28b(2); xax^irt x^nx g// 69b(9); 2. alkali: sg. X^riX &»& 90a(18) [expl. MH nnia Mib. 9:5]; xVnX '313 nn two types of alkali ib.; BQ 85a(50) [in a medication] Geon. expl.: saltwort [4- JxViri]; Lit: Flora 1:644+; Y: xV.IX Sab 90a(18; BAYTN 74). 2# K^iliN, N^."IK n.m. tent (BH 1# ^'X HAL 18; cf. JPA V'HX DJPA 37) sg. 'ixn '133 '3,1» TX3 X^mx less than such [i.e. ten handbreadths] it is also a tent Slot 10b(33); ib. 1 la(2); X"?mx "WO Xp he destroys the structure [lit. tent] Bes 30b(3); ib. 32b(40); rrm '3xn x^nix1? Vy x1? "iiy^x "i pn would not enter a tent in which (those sick with inx-1) were sitting Ket 77b(24; MGG 226:8) [Fr: X"?nx]; 5g 82b(26) Y: X^nw ftss 30b(3; BAYTN 143). KTHX, mmK, KTK.Tin n.m. a net trap for birds or fish (< Akk huharu bird trap CAD H 224; JPA-ITCT DJPA 160) pi. nfllX Git 60b(49) [Van nmx OHR ib. 39:25); '"HIX blJ'BV to weave net traps MQ lla(4) [Var: nxmn HP 177:17] Expl. At: om ... Vpi iv nvm p r"i»y p '-imx im ''b mix o'tranniMi rrsa jvtioo r-M ppyi rfam'a) d'ixi nea^a D'3rn DH1M pira niBiyn IN D'SIiI AC 1:43; Rati: TpB^X 'TliTIX, i.e. Jjiill traps. The mng. of the word is also clear from the // in PT MQ 81b(5); Lit: N. Waldman, JANES 6 [1974] 25; Y: 'THIN MQ ib.(BAYTN 143). TUN 4 Vl#TOX vb. KJT1N n.f. goose (< Akk usu#2 < Sum uz AHw 1438; Ma XTX1X f. MD 9, Sy rrto LS 184, Arab jj>> jj Wehr 34; 4- XI11X 13) sg. XT1T3 XI11X 'XJD'X rDIHPX X^l a goose was sought for one zuz and was not found Sot 48a(48); Ket 27a(45); XT11X 5?31X3 mH HXn xn?3 a goose (is sold) for a zuz, (and) its lung (used medicinally) for four Hul 49a(15); XTTIXi XBTJS XT11X1 xn»» fat of the goose in the wing of the goose Yom 84a(24) II AZ 28a(28) [used as a medicine]; XB1J3 'b *]"W1 XT11X1 he rubs it on [i.e. the ointment] with a goose feather Git 86a(ll); pi. "j'Xin ]TH 'TllX 'M pm D'» ^ 11J?3 X'D3 |n3;it27»1 since our geese are found in the water, they are like water fowl Hul 56b(l); 1.TD11 "linn 'IHX "|JiT? M'TIT) VTOawa we saw those geese whose wings dropped off from (the weight of) their fat BB 73b(33) Lit: FI, TMW 1:279; Y: XT11X Sot 48a(48; BAYTN 74). I011X n.m. station (for travelers; cf. MP awahan T T- v fortified place CPD 13, Armen avan small town, village Hubsch, AG 112; 4 XnSJTIX; Sy ndj'ooK- house, inn to spend the night LS 7, Ma X3X1X quarter MD 9, Armen avan Hubsch, AG 112) sg. '311X1 X311X "?3 each and every station Naz 7a(16); xanxV XJllxa from one station to another AZ 65a(46); Tan lla(l) Lit: Tel 9; F. Rundgren, OrSu 14/15 [1965-6] 75+; Greenfield, IJ 1 [1982] 10+; Friedman, BM VI:192; on the GN XJUX, v. Eshel, JSB 12; Y: XJ11N Tan ib.(BAYTN 75). NIMllN n.m. trader (< MP awahan [4 XJ11X] + -kara traveler, i.e. one who travels from one station to another Shaked, Irano-Aramaica 172) pi. 'TOJllX VUn those traders Suk 30a(29; E2M2); 'T3111X Tib ITU '3 110 «]1D at last when the traders cut it off [i.e. the myrtle] ib. 30b(3); 5(E2M2) Geon. expl.: OKI xbsi <'3-i>y <p>wV3i _ x'wi n'3 bv ymbv niVabK OHP Suk 112:9, i.e. OjJlill ^jj i5iij; Lit: Shaked, ib., rejects deriv. of Geig, AAC 13; Y: nMIX Suk 30b(3; BAYTN 296). PUS 1 Vp3X Vb. inilN, K1N1X n.m. pile of loose bricks (< Akk amaru brick pile CAD A/2 4) sg. 'JS'Vt X111X Er 34b(42); X1X1X Bes 31b(25; Rashi ms.) [v. DS, ad loc.]; ib. 36a(18; Rashi ms.); WTOy 1X1 XHX1X3 if he arranged them [i.e. the kiln-dried bricks] in a pile TGDr49 107:16 = X11(1){')X3 HG1 195:56! Geon. expl.: p'Nl IflX '3J 'jy inx trim D':^ 'B 'H'Vl K-«<1>X imp 'oib pw^a ,11 ^>sx ni in m '3J b>y m niiow -iai tai ]"i:a jnNlN Ar [OHP Er 93:25], i.e. MP abarag superior CPD 1; Lit: S. Kaufman, Lesonenu 36 [1972] 29. Shaked, Study 175+, has recently suggested an etym. from MP *awwar, NP bam 'wall' from an earlier *abi-vara, a-vara [cf. Hubsch, AG 22]. Even in the mss. this word is reg. spelled NT1N under the influence of the common word I NT1N. [nilN 4Wl#13X vb.] EhlN vb. to make a noise or a sound, be noticeable (denom. < Mir *awac [cf. MP awaz voice CPD 13]; i Xtfrx) Pe. (a/) 1. to make a noise: a. alone: 1,T7 yttflVli Kb y"3 W11XT |TO N'TIN 87 NT1N T "-: since everyone was making noise, they could not hear Ber 50a(37); '3p 'r3 WllX (the Angel of Death) made a noise among the reeds BM 86a(32; Ar [AC 1:48]); r,)3,?'X T3 K?11X VlX"1 (the Angel of Death) went and made a noise among the trees Sab 30b(5); XP1XT XinUl a troop (of soldiers) which was making noise Ber 58a(29; OHP ib. 106:7) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 'ana 1P1X XpT Xin nrilSTS they make a noise out of fear of it Hul 53b(3); I'TIH '^HX the residents (of the courtyard) make noise Er 48a(45; O) [v. RaH]; wra xdix r\b nns: -ni m^ a lung which when you inflate it makes a noticeable sound HP 200:13(HPQ 201:20); ]yyv 'X X^llXT HXn 'XH Xtt?llX XS'na (as to) an (inflated) lung which makes a sound, if we know from where it makes the sound Hul 46b(5); ib. 8; 47b(40); b. w. ty at s.o.: TTnan y"3 rvby aniX everyone shouted at him: -pi3»n! Ber 50a(41); Ket 50b(4); 2. to be noticeable: XJlV'a XWllXT the matter will be noticeable Er 97b(3); MQ 12b(49) [= GeonH X'Dmsa TW31 HR 131:6]; 'Xnp 'W11X the verses are noticeable (by their large number) RH 35a(14; Ar [AC 1:48]); pass.part. UWQ fm x(e;,"13 to) nnsT x'nn ©nsa n,I7 xehxt since these cases are noticeable to him (by their number; v. MBB 8:1), he explains that with which he begins first Ned 2b(28); XEHX xbl XH1 Kb ib. 30 Geon. expl.: ]«'X' in OHP Ber 106:7, i.e. 5ji~«j jii a troop which clangs [jJ.IV] (its weapons); Lit: Geig, AAC 14; Shaked, Elements 154. N'TIX, X'OIN n.m. a certain measure in the dialect of Pumbeditha (etym. unkn.) sg. XTX X'TIX U^Dl an '.-measure and a half '.-measure 5e?29a(3)[V17:.X'01X] Geon. expl.: 1. Jl'WP; 2. XWDIn i.e. one sixth or one fifth Ar [AC 1:49]; Y: NJTW ife(BAYTN 143). Nb"T1K4-l#XI7''mXn. Kf^i'TIK n.m. expenses, support money, capital (< Mir *uzenaq [cf. MP uzenag expense, cost CPD 85]) 1. expenses: sg. XprilX V<l)C)p2; n^lS nx msyi take the expenses and do all of it BB 6b(28); 2. support money: sg. Xpj'TlX 'piSJn y\r\b p'bdi na xriT3 xnT inrcb to dispense support to the orphans month by month (in an amount) sufficient for them Dec 9:14; ib. 7; XprilX nby (x:)(nj?lpSJnai I shall make him pay support Geon 213:19; ib. 23; pi. Iin'pmx S$Hai 17b(10); ib. 17a(18); 3. capital: sg. ,TV Tfbl ]Hti XJiri'X 3DraV XpJ'tlX one who does not have the capital to marry a woman Seel 5:6; mill ^0 '3131 TOTO XprilX TOyai to sell a Torah scroll to create capital with its money ib. 9; 13; TOJTa XTDOn1? Xprm to create the funds for the eulogy ib. 14:39; HG1 451:32(Var); ib. 433:57(Var) Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 199; id., AAC 16; Tel 10; Eps, Stl 103+; Y: NJM'tN BB 6b(28; BAYTN 210). [NVTIN 4 X"?T'X n.l N3T1S n.m. bathtub (< Mir *awzan [cf. MP, NP abzan bath CPD 4, PED 8]; I X1J1I3X; Sy rdii'orV' etc. LS 8, kIho ib. 184, mng. 2) sg. XIT1X Xmoa '3 X'aT a tub of water in the bathhouse Ber 22a(55); X'ai XM'ITIX Sab 157b(6; HG1 243:91 [Var]); TOi ,tV XTinn X'BT X3T1X a tub of water into which the menstruous woman descends GnK2 21:14 Geon. expl.: X'BI WI1N XITO fmo ^>» 'B3N TD3 f33 'B3N 'B Jtl '1 'XI JT'B3 l<l>n fl'OTXS GC 89:4, i.e. Arab o~£- [cf. ModSy xoda large vessel for water Maclean 84], ojj [cf, Sy — — jjx^a-s.^ ocn ... rilsit BBah 664:16]; on the rdg. w. zayin, cf.: N3T1X Vbx ]3 WN 13HB0 ta3 X'OT XJllX V'l 3Ti1 «'3T 3n3Bl 3T 'BO 3T TiyaV pi ril3'B'ri 'OIJ pi f'!3 Agur 19:10 [contra Ar (AC 1:45, s.v. XJ11X)]; Lit: Low, WZKM 25 [1911] 187; Eps, GC 8912; GCIntr 61. KT'BTIK 4- 1# XT'SWIX n. NITW n.m. (uncertain) sg. Jimp '1 Vy naX' JTIXTIX he should recite over the four corners of his... HM 41:16 sanniN, f. 'nnrnx I xmnx pron. KT1K n.m. air, climate, space (< a6f|p L-S 30, Lehnw 17; JPA TUX DJPA 38, MH T11X Yeivin, BV 896; cf. Sy ■iri'rV' LS 1) 1. air: sg. xp XTlXtt '3T it grows [i.e. gets its nourishment] from the air£r 28b(10); Tern 31a(l 1); pr» 'jnxa 13T '3T» 'y\H1i xVl 'pr 'Tixa (mushrooms) do indeed grow out of the ground, (but) they actually draw their nourishment from the air and not from the ground Ned 55b(13) // Ber 40b(41); Sab 15b(2) [* 4 Xtfll ground]; Git 8b(9); VsVsa XT1X the air
KP'IK 88 D31K T mixes up (the saps of the tree) Git 22a(29) II BB 27b(ll); Hul 75a(25); Er 102a(40); K'^TOT fl'3 'J'3 T3T XT1X D3 t?*V» since (the pot) is raised (above the stove) the air in between dominates Sab 37a(44); Pes 30b(42); Suk 36a(10); 7ev 75b(38); Hul 93b(4); Mrf 55a(23); 2. climate: sg. D'3ni3 Vx-lW pXT XT1X the climate of Eretz Israel makes one wise BB 158b(14); 3. space, cavity: sg. XO'J 'Xmi Xd 'Xm XT1X space of this side and of that side Er 10b(9); Sab 100b(35); XJtai XT1X the (internal) space of the vessel AZ 71b(5); Zev 92b(35); 4. blank space: sg. KTb-'XQ-l XT1X the blank space of the (leather) sheet Git 20b(12); xp ]'»H XT1X 'Trl'aV X'jm "p Vxaen XT1X X'ln that (scriptural section) which should face the blank space on the right side (of the leather) faces the blank space on the left Men 35a(7) On the form of this word w. waw which reflects its original digamma, v. H.B. Rosen, JSS 8[1963] 67; Voc: XT1X Suk 3a(l; O9); Y: XT1X j6.(BAYTN 241). KtP'IN n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'WIXI XTin^'XI 'X'XI 'DSm5o37:l 1#«V?M< n.m. food (I Vl^DX; TA ,t931X TO Lev l:i6, Sy KliaoK' LS 17) sg. X"?D1X Xlp^a xVdix xnism originally it was food and now it is food Sab 19b(5) // ib. 145b(10); 118a(26); x"731X X1H mD'XT (an egg) is food which has been broken off Bes 2a(13); Hul 14b(24); mB'»7 irwa xb x"?3ix "to1? irrriD xVsixs we may indeed take pains (to prepare) the food. We indeed may not make (it) into food Sab 155a(25); Hul 36b(42); Men 102a(38); Ber 36a(32); Yom 80b(31);5M42b(15) Y: X^31X Sab 145b(10; BAYTN 144). n.m. a fullers' vessel (etym. uncertain; cf. Sy k't^.ds r«l«-Lae\-a BBah 875:9) sg. rrcmna Vb? to nsp x"?(3)(3nx 'xn X'ai the fullers' vessel is like the coulter of the plow Sab 123b(14); San 92a(7) [expl. MH ppia ni333 WIX ib. 5]; «]ri01 nXXpT X"7(3)(311X WX n'tt^nx he brought the fullers' vessel and overturned (it) on his head ib. 104a(25); H"na nSpT "7<3)(3nX3 he struck him with the fullers' vessel Ned 23a(12) Geon. expl.: ,13 ^lll "|1TX n:|7 TOX131 nyVl HSJ7T X^IX inn mill ty D'B 0ai3 OHT Sab 117:17; OHP ib. 79:28; X^IX pip 'xns niy»i pipiv fxyV vi"T3 nam °?n3 iv 'Vs nxpi D'b>3n TO IBS1? ]'l»p3B 1'0313»31 D'MJp tD'3]p3 3j7p3D1] 1" ^>W xVsix vnx in po-iiBi c'jnjn Vy nnsj vnnn jrpjai mix pis ]'nM3>JlDl pBJnai 0'1J3 TRN 632:1; Lit: Eps, Stl 43+, emended the text to X^31X, and this is followed here, since it seems likely in light of the Sy parallel; however, the tradition of the mss. and the Geon. responsa overwhelmingly have the rdg. xtalX, and X^31X is essentially found only in the edd.; Y: xtalX Sab 123b(14). n.m. dimness of the eye (< Akk uklu#\ darkness AHw 1406 [rt. ekelu to be dark]; Ma X'nVoy XJ'X a dimmed eye MD 349, s.v. xboy) sg. xVdix *\m ... x^ix n"?nn the beginning/the end [i.e. an advanced stage] of dimness of the eye Bes 22a(46) // AZ 28b(39) [in a list of eye afflictions] Geon. expl.: By» T'THMl rhv 3X3.1 T^ll nmse ]'y X^31X >nD OHP Bes 55:10. This word occurs among a list of eye diseases and may poss. refer to a cataract or a type of blindness [contra M. Geller, BiOr 43 (1986) 741]; Y: xVaiX Bes ib. n.m. multitude, crowd of people, troops (< 6x^.o<; Lehnw 18; Sy «j»c«_Lar<' LS 18; mng. 2: JPA l'DT731X DJPA 38, mng. 2) 1. multitude, crowd of people: sg. 'WSJT ]V>3 W3<')»n X0,!?31X3 IDTiasn since your wisdom is great, you are considered as a multitude Ber 5 8b (3 8); "XpT imx "b ,T>rD»X *]D1' 12 pnS' 3T 'tM'XI X0V73X3 PN found PN2 situated among a multitude of people Pes 72a(10) // Ket 50a(41); 2. pi. troops: n'V ]«n'ai ">vrfn. 'oiVsx mwai they sent troops : investigators and brought him Ber 44a(19; MGD 711:18) [double rdg.] Lit: S. Friedman, Ros Vol 413, points out that there is no authority for the spelling of this word with zayin [contra J 25]; Y: X0&3X BAYTN 242. D31X, DK31N, f. KflMlK, 'n»31N adj. black, n. pupil, algae (V03X; i Dtt'X, Xa3y; TA D31X TOv Lev 13:31, Sy rd^uLrc' LS 18, Ma xa3iy MD 343) I. adj. black: a. objects: sg.m. XaX31X X'DS black bucket! Meg 14b(49) [+ //'s; 1 1#XV1S]; XB31X XB?13V a black garment Nid 20a(15); Ket 107b(41) // Pes 30b(24) // AZ 33b(36) [4- X'JIp]; HM 44:2 [4- Xlia]; f. 'nasiX1? Xria31X a black (grape) for a black (pustule) AZ 28a(41); pl.m. 'aX31X 'JXOa black shoes Tan 22a(13); BQ 59b(l); Nid 20a(17); Sab 147a(3); f. nan 3» KS31K T T xna31X seven black dates ib. 109b (16); b. animals: sg.m. Xni'n 13 Xa31X rm X831X 31T XH1 mil did not this (case) of PN, in fact, concern a black (cat)? It was a black one born of a white one BQ 80b(18); Sab 77b(18); 'a31X3 XTI'n Xmp"? Xirn3 Xa31X1 a white (spot) on black (skin) and a black one on white is a defect (in an animal) Git 68a(7); Men 3a(51); Ate 31b(15); f. xna31X TQ Xna31X xmJl» a black cat(f.) born of a black one(f.) 5er 6a(15); Tia31X xn^linn a black hen Git 67b(24); BM 86b(29); 'nasiX XT'? a black goat 5e£ 8b(40); i& 39 [i 1#XAI]; c. skin complexion: sg.m. Bek 45b(27) [expl. MH '©IS Mib. 7:8]; "TV X311 Q31X ^013 311 XX1J a short person, his belly is large, dark-skinned, and his teeth are large Ned 50b(18); f. Tia31X xrra a dark-skinned daughter MQ 9b(46; V); pl.m. ^22 'a31X dark-skinned children Ket 60b(55); II. n. 1. pupil of the eye [Sy *?' • v'i pdSa.acipc' PSmSup 17]: sg.m. X'TX3 XH X331X3 XH this refers (to a defect) in the pupil, that to the red area of the eye Nid 23a(33) // Bek 40a(44; Ar [AC 7:44]F[corr.]); 2. a type of algae or moss: sg.f. 'rim Xna31X algae of ditches Sab 20b(37; M) [Var: Xrma3X Ar (AC 1:78); I XJtfUtf]; '31XT Xna31X algae of boats ib.(38; M) [Var: Xrma3X Ar (AC ib.)]; 3. pl.det.m. black spots: 'asiX 'a31X various black spots (on the lung) Hul 46b(32) On the neg. connotation of a dark skin complexion, cf. "llinn nnni-m»'7 run Tan 23b(49) [* nB'Wl]; RaH: ^P line? X031X "Bl l'y Ar [AC 7:44] [mng. II.l]; Geon. expl. [mng. II.2]: 'TO3X X'm xTOi3»Ti 'X'-im 'xn:uw jm1? pwis '3txt xnosxi 'X'im XW '3iy ]W*72 nawi O^n '» "?y» XpiT TRN 574:3 [mng. of Arab gloss uncertain; v. Brody ib.]. Lit: Low, Flora 1:15; note also the spelling TOy HP 199:5; Y: XB31X Sab 77b(18; BAYTN 267). NS31N, K9K31K n.m. saddle (I V2#*pX; Sy rtliioK' LS 19, > Arab ijlii Fr, AF 105) sg. Kb XD31X 'PJ'X 'Vl^ia people do not lend a saddle 7ev 120b(7) // BM 27b(20); xnan ^np -p3n I'SJ1? tt?ia XS31X (if) your friend called you a donkey, prepare a saddle for your back BQ 92b (16); BB 45a(13); XS31XT msn holding of a saddle Er 27a(22); XDX31X TGAs42 24:2; SMe/ 42:4 Geon. expl. [Er ib.]: riT ma 3'311 msi XB3XT X13J 33TB 1#K»1K n'by (what is) riding of a man on the saddle? While riding a man places his hand upon it Ar [AC 1:82]; Y: XB31X BQ ib.(BAYTN 267). K3X31K n.m. fatigue, pressure (VpN < I Vfpy(?); cf. Ma X'VXXSX it chagrins me MD 17) sg. X3X31X Jiana rfrirt one who is sick because of fatigue Sab 106b(37; OAr [AC 1:83]); X3S31X nVtJp fatigue killed it [i.e. the cow] BM 36b(42; Ar [AC ib.]); ib. 78a(26; Ar [AC ib.]) Lit: Friedman, BM VI:13541. In the mass., the kaf is generally corrupted to bet, e.g. XJXX31X BM 78a(26; H). N^IN, N^^N n.m. (uncertain; perh. < X^IJ?*; i ~jy?y; cf. Sy ■«* VV v entrance, beginning LS 524) sg. fryisi xm xVVixs ni3 xn"?n '^yai xn xV^1X3 XTI3 in this (case) is where they bring three kors (of olives) in ... [to the press]; that one is where they bring one kor in ... BM 105a(36) [Var: xV?X Ar (AC 1:96)] Y: xVVlX BM ib.(BAYTN 144). XtiblX n.m. thick part, strength (< xa^lj?*; I VnVx; cf. Sy rdia-So-i. renewed youth LS 528) 1. thick part: sg. XaVlX1? XJIBlpa from the thin part (of the umbilical cord) to the thick part Sab 134a(32; Ar [AC 1:97]); 2. strength: sg. 'KB ■pa 'Xm .TaViX why is this (opinion) preferable to that one? [lit. what is the strength of this one over that one?] Er 29a(31); Sab 157a(12); Yev 14b(7); AZ 36b(10); Hul 73b(22); Kar 4a(29); Nid 8a(7) Lit: Bacher, Term 6; Y: Xa'jlX Sab ib.(BAYTN 144). n.m. traditional teaching (V^VX; TA xfsVlX TO Dt ll:2[GTO 559], JPA ls"?1X DJPA 39) sg. xJsbixT n'a»a 'ax ia pa 3i 'axi pn said in the name of the traditional teaching Er 67a(38) [Var: 'sb'-X M, PN of an Amora] Lit: Bacher 8; Y: XJB^X Er ib.(BAYTN 273). 1#SB1N n.m. barley flour (etym. unkn.) sg. xaiXT Xn'aaip mold of barley flour Pes 42a(35) [an ingredient of MH 'V?an nni3 Mib. 3:1]; HG1 274:65 Geon. expl.: iy jo-a wix i'P3'ai mix I'tajaw Dmyw nap xw nril3 Uaa ]'»iyi fBynaB TGHark 179:10. Lit: Geig, AAC 200, s.v. 2"inB, is skeptical about connecting this word with NP umaj barley porridge PED 122. The connection proposed w. Sy rcLsoor!' [v. Low, Pfl 374] is unlikely; Y: XaiX Pes ib.(BAYTN 17). 89
2# K»1N 90 l#NSaiN 2# NaiK n.f. lobe of the lung (4- XJ1X mng. 3) sg. TWTI XaiX Geon 27:1; pnDi xaiXI X31X XTB1D iyi IH'ap'ya a (large) lobe and a (small) lobe which adhere to each other from their root to their end [i.e. their entire length] Geon 27:17; ib. 19; pi. x^xatn xim xran 'aix 'mn the two lobes of the right side and the one of the left TGHark 159:31; ib. 20 Lit: BY 102, s.v. 2#01K. NJiaiN, KJKTQIK n.m. estimate, assumption (4- ^l#iax; MH2 naix J 26) 1. estimate, assessment: sg. X31B1X '573 Vl"U an adult requires an estimate (concerning the amount of time until the next feeding) Yev 114a(31); 'V xrf? XiXiaiX why do I need an estimate (of how many lashes he can bear)? San 10a(42); XJH 'm xnaiX an estimate by the court (concerning the injury) BQ 9ia(i); xn"?n '3i xrraixa mwy m xnaix 'jxe? an estimate by ten (men) is different from an estimate by three (men) Ara 19b(43); Svu 42a(34; F2); XJXiaiX HP 57:12 [* xnrTCPa measurement]; XJiaixV JlTll he is in the category of estimation (with regard to valuation) Ara 20a(13); Xiiaai XIIBIX an estimate in regard to monetary matters Yom 83a(17); pi. ':xi»1X 'in two assessments [i.e. two biblical phrases regarding an assessment of a fatal injury] San 78b(22); TGHark 98:24; 2. assumption: sg. "?'TK XHD1X *ini he follows an assumption (concerning his intention) Ket 55a(24); ib. 68a(44); BB 27b(34); ib. 132a(18) Voc: X3101K HGP 12b:14; Y: MiaiK Yev 114a(31; BAYTN 266). NJaiN, K3K»1K n.m. artisan, bloodletter, T T 7 ' 7 circumciser, barber (< Akk ummdnu AHw 1415, s.v. ummianu, AIOA 109; 4- xniMlX; TA xSaMx TO Dt 27:16[GTO 478], Sy rcd^.oK' LS 25, Ma XJX&iy MD 344) 1. artisan: sg. X3X3 NJXaiXi the door of an artisan San 29a(29); 2. expert: sg. XJaiX Xri3t3 an expert slaughterer NDGR 240:8; 3. bloodletter: sg. BM 97a(20) // ib. 109a(47) // BB 21b(10) [in a list of professions]; Sab 156a(44) [in a list of professions characterized as DT TWX spiller of blood ib.]; Ber 64a(9) // Hor 14a(14); Tan 21b(32); XJXaiX X'3^9 so-and-so the bloodletter San 26a(3); XiaiX H'1? 'BXW the bloodletter will let (the blood) flow from him Sab 129a(50); '■?pE? xaaix rmp 'an' Tin '»x am xnoii nai na'ax na'BXV Xn'Bp Xiip n'V PN, PN2, and PN3 were seated before the bloodletter. They took the first vessel (of blood) from PN Nid 20a(4); XJTp X3B1XT the bloodletter's vessel Mak 16b(26); XiBlXT XSDn the bloodletter's sherd Git 69a(13); XJB1X^> 'tn (a pottery vessel) is suitable for a bloodletter (to collect blood) BB 20b (3); XJB1X V'TOl a bloodletter who circumcises HG1 216:68 [v. mng. 4]; pi. BB 23a(l); 'JBIXI 'Jip Sab 154b(8); 4. circumciser: sg. fa x"?T XJB1X 'xn X1H 11330 a circumciser who does not suck (the blood) is a danger Sab 133b(33; V); 5. barber: pi. 'JXB1X Vr?13 all the barbers Meg 16a(18) The mng. of this word is uncertain in the phrase XJ81XT NO'S San 48a(6) [in a mnemonic; expl. as r^'Sn 13 n'nV IXtfyw 0'3 XjniKl TGWeisz 80b:2]. The major usage of this word in JBA as 'bloodletter' does not seem to be found in the other A dialects. Note, however, that in the fol. Sy text, the mng. of this word is 'surgeon': J-urc" ■jns-ira ore" rf'Ai \ *ig <->n ri_fi^»rc' ^fLTUajiu ._»:* tea .en_i ^eyJr*' K'-wiua «Ac\ \,*w r£jc_lT_^A cni_£a_x~n cna\o-ir^_» ocr> i<1jljt_^ .\ ^ n •** * Tr**" .-ia ro-U^a Lagarde, Did. Ap. 47:14. Y: NM1X Ber 64a(9; BAYTN 269). NJTIjaiN n.f. skill, profession (< Akk ummdnutu AHw 1414; 4- X3B1X, xniMlX "?J?3; TA miSlX cs. TO Ex 35:33, Sy k'&c.-i-^ic.k' LS 25) sg. xm mail XnaP3 Xm:aiX (if) one saw a skill (being performed) on the Sabbath, and he learnt it Sab 103a(10); Mak 8b(27); VP'niMlX X"?'t their profession is debased Qid 82a(38) Y: KJTU0W Sab ib.lBAYTN 291). ISNXaiN n.f. piece, morsel (< XSaiy*; Sy pc'I^tso.v f. morsel LS 531, K'T-co-ian V, 'a. rd^aJUiAa PSm 2915, Ma XXBiy m. morsel, fragment MD 344) a. bread: sg. V»3X1 'im 'Vl n'Bl XXB1X n'np:n xanj perhaps while he was eating bread, a piece choked him and he died Kar 7a(49); Ber 45a(l; F); Svu 13b(2); XJHX mix xa^aV XSaiX Xl^'a^ it is usual to throw a morsel to a dog &6 155b(37); j& 140a(34); BM 71a(45) // ^Z 22b(26); 5an 109b(39; MGG 312:7) [He: 2# NSaiK t ; 91 t : XnD'TJ; HM 43:7; gW 30a(35); Xpl 'inaT pa»n 'bncai n'saixb n'V naa xnan 'anp1? "?"y sometimes when he is going (into the wine cellar) to bring wine, he puts down his piece (of bread) and forgets (to take it) Seel 93:15; ib. 106:38; HG1 116:90; ib. 77:62(Var); SRAG 116:127 [unleavened bread]; b. meat: sg. X103T XXaiX San 39a(13); Sab 140b(22) [4- xpnx]; Ber 44b(38); Pes 74b(23; M1); BB 22a(44; P1); xn'tya XSaiX a fine piece Hul 44b(32; V"); i'& 48a(48); 93b(12; V"); 107b(12); X3p'T xa'^X XXaiX a piece (of meat) on an empty stomach Sab 109b(18); Xrr7'»1 XSaiX "?3X (if) one ate a piece (of meat) and salt Yom 80b(27); XSaiX H'"? n3S he prepared a piece (of meat) for him Tern 8b(27; Seel 46:92) [F: XlO'a TOp"? WX]; HG3 218:56; ib. 61; pi. 'Xaix yv seven pieces (of meat) Git 69a(9) Lit: Nold, MG 7; Eps, Stl 116+. Usage b may have been influenced by MP xamiz [h'myc] pickled meat CPD 93. Some of the refs. in this usage may poss. belong to 2# Kxaut; Y: KSBW Sab 155b(37; BAYTN 144). 2#KX»ttt, NS»N n.m. a certain dish t : ' t : t containing meat (< MP amiz side dish, vegetables CPD 8; Sy pc^jsiV a dish made from raw meat LS 26, BBah 192:1) sg. xmx na 'JXB7 XXaixV 'tn<1)nj 73m a duck is different because it is tender and suitable for a meat dish Sab 128a(53); ib. 142b(43); XSaixa TO'B "ja'aV to eat from it [i.e. the deer] in an '.-dish Hul 59a(13); ib. 113a(39); XXax HP 206:11(HPP 307:21); Seel 81:13 Lit: Geig, AAC 32; Eps, Stl 116+; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]. XliaW, pi. 'aiN n.f. nation, people (Sy K'iCbaoK' LS 24) sg.abs. naiX XTri one nation Ara 14a(5); det. H'naiXT Xnaia the leader of his nation Ket 17a(20) // San 14a(47); iSGF 110:11; pl.es. xa"7y 'aiX the nations of the world TGAs33 211:3; det. '131X 'mn two nations Ara 14a(5); Sab 32a(15; MGG 439:3) Y: rrnBW Ket ib.(BAYTN 200). N31N n.f. ear, handle, lobe, gill (< 4- 1# K111X w. assim. of -d-\ 4- 2#X»1X, xn'313'y; Peh ideog. X'lIX pi. FiP 10:10) 1. ear: a. of humans: 1) general: sg. ?mx& p'BJ xpi X»nn 'Xtn I saw a maggot going out of his ear BM 84b(22); AZ 28b (23); pi. n'jnxa rxn'n'' p'sai iy •>nv in:v '-\ PN used to drink until vapor came out of his ears Sab 129a(40; OM); 'X11X3 VlD'1?! x"?p TCb let the report come and reach my ears Git 35a(45); RH 30a(9) [4- xnypn]; 2) pi. w. VpS3 af. [mng. uncertain; v. note]: "I'llXtt 3T -f? xap'Sa I shall ... you [lit. I shall take PN out of your ears] San 8a(3); Yev 60b(53); Ket 54b(9; V*); BB 11 la(27); Hul 132b(14); b. of animals: sg. xVaja X31X from a camel (even) an ear (is valuable) Svu llb(26); San 109b(16); Hul 59b(24); H'JIX ttn the top of its [i.e. a grasshopper's] ear AZ 38a(23); pi. H'JIX 13T3T its ears are large Hul 79a(38); ib. 38a(3); San 106a(55); 2. handle (of a vessel) [cf. Sy rChUi^if pi. handles LS 6, mng. 3, Akk uz/jw AHw 1448, mng. C.l]: sg. XJIX Xp'n the handle of a skin-bottle Git 69b(48); '21X X3Sm the handle of a pitcher Sab 108a(l); 3. lobe (of the lung) [cf. nX'TT XTO HG3 145:21; ib. 152:14]: pi. 'XT> H1? n'X '31X TIVW the lung has five lobes Hul 47a(5); nxm '31X 'mn '3n mn? ]'3'n0i two lobes (of the lung) which adhere to each other ib. 46b(34); 47b(6) [i X3W'n mng. 2]; TGHark 159:24; Geon 27:2; 4. gill (of a fish): pi. XJXfw <DW){Bno»'Jl Kb .T32?a V'l'1? xVl ,T3!Xa X"?X skin a g.-fish only from its gills, lest its skin be ruined San 100b(16) Expl. Ar [mng. l.a.2]: 1. ~]V HiTOVO K3K I shall excommunicate you; 2. ■pO'B '3N I shall cause you suffering AC 1:133; Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: pi pN iya»a<3)D) OHT Git 158:7, i.e. jj oil; Voc: TiW HPP 60:21; Y: Ki« fful 59b(24; BAYTN 159). SJT31K n.f. (etym. unkn.) sg., only in phrase 'W NJT31K to delay exacting retribution X1?! ]xa -]n>2Kb n'^tt?'1? xV amn xaVai xn'Jix1? .ttto the one [i.e. God] who did not delay exacting retribution for the King of Edom will not delay exacting retribution for you BB 22a(34) A connection w. JPA iT'JIX, MH nXJVI 'fraudulent dealings' DJPA 40 seems unlikely in view of the large disparity in mng. between them; Y: KlJ'JlK ib. (BAYTN 38). N031N n.m. unavoidable accident, unforeseen circumstance, compulsion (4- Vo:X; TA x6lX TJ 2K 4:1, JPA MIX DJPA 40, MH l'65lX pi. Yeivin, BV 859) 1. unavoidable accident, unforeseen circumstance: sg. n'SBH XM1X an unavoidable
KpaiN 92 Nrisis accident which is common Ket 2b(38); Ned 27b(6); BQ 114a(15); 5M 70b(9) // Bek 16b(l 1) [4- xVlt]; flP 77:29; 7ev 100a(13); nVxttf Jljma n'D31X3 3'TI'X from the time of the borrowing he was responsible for an unavoidable accident concerning it Ket 34b(26); Qid 47b(26); BM 96a(13); XITTIXT XD31X an unforeseen circumstance of the journey ib. 73a(12); Qid 53b(17); ^B'a1? X'Xa x"n X031X X3'X1 X3TI1 Wmi X'V'Vn if there is an unforeseen circumstance so that she cannot immerse herself on the night preceding [lit. of] the eighth (day) HP 136:15; 2. compulsion: sg.abs. 13X31 nana 031X3 X^3 'B?B3 of my own free will without compulsion SSHai 4a(5); SSSad 185:30; det. ]1'3 'Jj?Bl nBl rt'D31X 33X V'Bp X\n since he will be killed, he decides to transfer (his property) under compulsion Git 55b(49); n'D31X3 ,T3 ]3'jn' px 'bsi we know that NN was under compulsion BB 40a(i); 'nrnn xo3ixa rreram xosix '3xw his own personal compulsion [i.e. need of money] is different from compulsion by others [i.e. use of force] ib. 47b(21); TGHark 165:18; X3'"n X031X X031X TOW compulsion of the heart is considered compulsion ib. 74:31; 164:26; 166:16 Voc: XOJIX HPP 214:20; Y: XW1X BA/70b(15; BAYTN 144). NpJIN n.m. (uncertain; 4- xp31J7) sg. l'3(T){in Xp31X 1<1>{'}3T'^ XXaiX let the one who bought a piece (of meat) buy a ... Sab 140b(22) [Var: Xp31J7 Ar (AC 6:226)] Geon. expl.: Wrw DlpO XW1 pjiy IXIsV I'lip '3"IJ7 'V3 AC ib., i.e. jU. The expl. of xpXW'IX Ber 44b(37) as tyXS pXV OHP ib. 113:11, i.e. jUc young she-goat, jc.Li goat, must refer to the above pass, in Sab; Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: XjMW ib. (BAYTN 144). 01N vb. to soil, make dirty (perh. sec. rt. < VoiJl; 4- Vi#oaoa, Vi#2?sb; 4- xrrctoeto) Pa.: OippVoi 'lajf? in*? 'Dial '3fi'l (the ravens) used to go up, sit (on the date palms), and soil the dates (with blood) BB 23a(2; HG2 445:45); pass.part. .TO'^3 00){')X&1 (the rope) was soiled with batter BQ 18a(5) [Var: DTUW F'Ar (AC 3:256)]; '31 'ra xona xa"?'i rwsn 'svy1? xsnx xVsd when she immerses herself, she should inspect herself, lest she be somewhat dirty HP 136:19 // HG3 343:43(Var); ib. 355:90; Seel 113:13(Var); 'T» D(1X)(Xl)a BQ 82a(37) [com to: OllDa] Itpa. to be soiled, dirty: 1,T3X» 'Dlina Xp Xfll their clothes, in fact, become soiled (from the blood) Zev 35a(17; V") // Pes 65b(9; V); Sab 75b(5); xro rry-o ]xonn'a xp nn his feet became dirty from the mud ib. 46a(33); 113b(l 1) [clothes]; 124b(39) [shoes]; Yom 53a(49) [threshold]; ib. 59a(30); 'T» OlOTXI X3TI1 Seel 104:79(Var) Lit: Eps, Stl 120, connects this rt. w. Sy x-cyX to besmear LS 272. Mo 17448 suggests that this is a sec. rt. < 0X». 1#N'01N, pi. '01K n.m. perh. nostril (etym. unkn.) sg. XlflBi XJTl X'DIXX XT (placing) the hand on the nostril is a step to fear Pes 112a(4; M1) [4- xjd]; rr1? xb'jn xmra xia-fr n'b X3'?m fi'ai IT01X3 X3'B n"?3X we saw a certain fish into whose nostril an '.?.-worm entered, and it died BB 73b(16); X"01X3 Jl'1? ],!7"yi D'X3 D3'a (the fish) is sound asleep, and (the parasitic worms) enter into (its) nostril #u/ 67b(22) [v. HG3 195:15]; pi. 'D1X XriX'TUn nostrils of (lion) cubs Sab 67a(31) Lit: Bacher, ZDMG 47 [1893] 509, rejects all prev. etyms; Y: '!DW BB ib.(BAYTN 144). 2# K'OIN 4- X'TIX n. ktVboik 4- xtVbox n. KTl'JpDlN, Nn'apOin n.f. a type of wood (etym. unkn.) sg. XJVjpoiXT x"?ai a plank bridge of '.-wood San 67b(33; HeAr [AC 1:197]); pi. XTlX'jpDim XrMp a bow of /i-wood HM 42:6 Lit: Eps, Stl 45; Flora 4:142; Sperber, Nautica 11. 'SIN 4- XflBlX n. N'SIN 4- l#X'Binn. SriSIX, pi. 'SIN n.f. stump of the palm branch (< Akk uppuWl AHw 1424, mng. 4, Landsberger, Date Palm 35; Sy *jJS r^hv^arf BBah 85:1 [v. Low infra]) sg. Suk 32a(20); "p '3D3 XX1B1XX VI I have written a waw on a stump for you Zev 19b(14; V11) // 'Xp XT1B1XX T'XI Hul 16a(15; M) [mng. uncertain]; XJ1B1X '3 X'aiT HX'1 a lung similar to a stump //«/ 47b(2) [= GeonH bv T\Y\n "7pT Wehizhirl 84:1]; ib. 4 [4- ri'B3]; ib. 5 [i 2# i'ns, jrtf ]; pi. 'to xp mm xnsi xinn1? n"in nan ]"WX1 Hbp^lb 'SIX he saw a certain man who KflMTK 93 t •• : was throwing stumps (at a date palm) and they caused the dates to fall off Git 61a(8; O3); X3HB 'B1XT a chain of palm stumps BM 30b(16; Es) [v. Geon. expl.]; Hul 105a(37); Xm»'3 rX'"(]l»,Sl xnnaa 'Dix '3 irrr» x^sisais xnrrx x'nm (may) the misfortune that befalls me be great if I (have not) caused (children) of theirs to be carried downstream like stumps in the river AZ 26a(29) [v. RaH]; XTT'CHB 'BIX Persian stumps Ber 44b(47; P) Geon. expl.: ^xyaw p»Va I'XlpTO ip1?V I'ST^I? 'BIX I'Tl'W XflBlX nnxn 'BIX 'OIX ]W'?2 J'XllpI ans^X OHT Ber 104:23, i.e. ojS stump of palm branch Hava 649 [-1 2#X31D]; OHP ib. 113:12; WW npTf pi 313 'BIX '^xyDW jwbo 'B1XT X3nB i,tw 'is 1.TW183 imx injim mpu'n^ nimns ins p»iy ^pi1?© D'On 'JS ty 1'BWI J'BS OHT BM 54:13; Lit: Flora 2:326+; Voc: XJ1B1X VTM 162; Y: XflBIX BAYTN 36. NTUXIN 4- Xnj?3SX n. '121j?iN, 'HJ71N v.n. a cantillation sign corresponding to zaqef (lit. erecting; 1 Vmp af. inf.) sg. BMsG 6:8 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 104. NJPIN, pi. "PIN n.m. a small weight (< ooyKia = Lat uncia Lehnw 22; Sy r^ i n \t\rf LS 30, > Arab i&\ Fr, AF 201) pi. "piX Xrl'tt? KnVlO six '.-weights of fine flour Ber 44b(18; Ar [AC 2:284]) [4- XD"p] 013'^piN n.m. the great sea (< cbKeavoq Lehnw 25; Sy isonlrCJ-nnr? LS 9) sg. D13"p1X3 X'a 'T'J lyii the water in the great sea is constantly moving Er 46a(3); ib. 22b(3) Y: DirjpiX Er 46a(3). NnapiN n.f. answer, solution (4- Vmp af.) pi. 'Jn XnxaplXI 'pTl'B these solutions and answers TGHark 50:21; XfiXaplX H»3 nM'piXl we solved it in several ways GS 80:18; 'J731X W1W*? XDXaplX to give four answers to it TGHark 48:32; TGAs42 63:11; OHT Er 72:21; pnnxapiX ISGF 58:4 NOpIN, KOplJ? n.m. corner area (Vopy, s.v. 4- V^pJ? pe., mng. 2: to twist; cf. Sy pdaa_j_n_Sb. contorted LS 543, Ma XD'3J? confounded MD 349) pi. bra n3'3 'OpIX nb JVXT X3'n "73 wherever it has corner areas, it is a large vivarium Sab 106b(26) [Var: 'DpiJ? 'DpiX Ar (AC 6:249)] II Bes 24a(23; Ar [AC ib.]) Expl. Ar: JTP1T AC ib. KJ31W, N3N311N, Naailj; n.m. papyrus reed (4 4# XB'lff; Sy rf \ Mr? LS 45, > Akk urbanu AHw 1428 [NA, LB]; I 'SI) pi. 'JX311X ^'anX3 GC 19:6 [expl. MH '»? MKel 10:4]; '33^X1 '3p reeds and papyrus reeds Sab 101a(ll); San 82b (28); '3311X1 XB'IX a hut of papyrus reeds BM 42a(40) [Var: '3311jn XB'IS HG2 377:62(HGP 23a:ll)]; BB 6a(38); 'Bnx '3H '3X311XT Suk 13b(4; HP 26:29); GC 94:5 Geon. expl.: 'TO 'yaw IW^Sl X81J 'W311X GnK5 168:1, i.e. U;#; TGAs42 165:22; X3311X TSJ Eps, St2 354:2; Lit: Low, Flora 1:566+; Voc: 'JXrilX VTM 41; Y: 'J3HX Sab ib.(BAYTN 266). NnaniK*, pi. 'SIIN n.m. layer of bricks (perh. < Akk urubatu#\, urbatu keystone AHw 1436) pi. 'mix '3'3 n'THS'1? let him smear it between the layers of bricks Git 69b(35) [v. Geon. expl.]; 'XH '3TIX '3'3T X3'30 the knife which is between the layers of bricks Sab 50b(42); BM 42a(32; F1); riBB '31X '3'3 between the layers one handbreadth BB 3a(50; TGAs42 156:18) [v. Geon. expl.] Geon. expl.: x:3 ^X 71XBX0 p mps^ he pastes it between the rows [cjlii.] of the building OHT Git 157:18; XH'V? XW''? p 'X01B ]"J'3 TGAs42 ib. 19; Lit: Eps, Stl 46+; AIOA 109. The exact form of this word, however, is uncertain since there are many varr. in the mss., e.g.: '3"nx, '31X [v. AC 1:34]. N'TllN n.pl. (uncertain) X'TllXT 'p» Ket 67a(37; Ar [AC 1:315, s.v. 2TOX]) [V5: 'p0 x'nnaoi] NJ'^TIN, Kami n.m. bramble (< *awurdinnu < Akk amurdinnu, murdinnu CAD A/2 90) sg. (n)X3'Tll X3'XT X3'n Sab 67a(10); X3miXT 'r>0 thorns of the bramble //M 40:12 [glossed by Arab £^j£ boxthorn Siggel 54]; '3'm '3'3 X'yi it grazes among the brambles BQ 80a(38) l#NV'niN, K^'TIN n.m. gazelle (< vfrny* [dimin. of X^JIJ/*] w. dissim. of-zz- > -rz-]; JPA Vliy DJPA 398, Sy t<JL>}o_s. LS 519, LJLA X"7"XT X?'T"I1X TgCant 2:9, Akk uzalu gazelle kid AHw 362, s.v. huzalu, Arab Jl> Wehr 672) sg. ,Tav 13 xam x"?'t11X a newborn aurochs BB
2# vfrrm 94 K5pK rrnx 73b(6; P'Ar [AC 1:277]) [Var: xV'TIX H (corr.)] // Zev 113b(21); San 108b(35; He [corr.]) Lit: Nold, MG 118; AAC 66. The form X^niX appears also as a corruption in JPA texts [v. J 33]; Y: X^I"HX BAYTN 270. 2# K^'TTIK 4- X"?nx n. i#NrniN, xniN, cs. rniK, pi. Knrnto n.f. road, journey, manner (4- VmX; TA XmiX TO Ex 4:24, Sy reUjiorc' LS 47) 1. road, path: a. general: sg. 'TVinX XfrTIX another road Qid 66a(19); ^Z48b(24); na D'O XV XmiX3 'aj?D 'XB TJXOB why did you not wear your shoes on the road? Tan 23b(26); 'Tin 'ina XmiX3 'VlXp mn they were walking on the road together Ket 62a(20); Sab 51b(44); K>m 83b(27); gW 81a(7); BQ 81b(22); mm X'Tl XUT7 HTCTn '3 'J?D 'XB1 iTfnixV TiTpOX XHTlXa '?D Xp why when you saw a certain drunkard who was straying off the road did you set him straight upon the road? Git 68b (32); 'J?Xt?1 XnTIX3 V'lXT jXD1? for someone who is walking on the road and strays off HM 41:15; pi. SSHai 6b(10); b. w. a GN: sg. XHTiX nips "Vm Ket 27b(5) // BM 81b(15) // Bek 36a(20); 2. journey: sg. 'm Xrya xp xmixV I need them for the journey Hag 5a(17); Sab 75b(i3); wfnixa inviB;i xrrxn you are now tired from your journey San 95a(22); X'TX ITUTlV XmiX bo a lion accompanied them the entire journey BQ 116a(27); xmiX3 TIX H1H '3 when he used to come from a journey Er 65a(44); Hag 5b(45); XB1H fnV«n XriTiX a half day journey TGAs28 26:8; XOTIXa pSTT 'jm ]Xa 'XHl one who wants to set out on a journey Kar 5b(54); Ber 30a(45); XmiXT XriTB the effort of the journey Qid 53b(16); ib. 17 [4- XMIX mng. 1]; Sab 87a(4) [4- XtiViri mng. 1]; XpVTI ]nilX our journey is far Suk 52a(54); Ket 67b(46); pi. 'psa XflmiX Bo 71:10; 3. manner, way: a. general: sg.cs. ran miX3 Ta nnxi warn him in the manner of the law Dec 1:6; ib. 2:8; det. mn by mwd? '3T nxnTl XmiX PN ordered the Mishna in this manner iSGF 31:1; ib. 26:19; 39:3; XmiX '3 XflxV'XEH in the usual manner of the responsa [i.e. w/o using the real names of the parties] TGHark 275:24; pi. rra'XT XXimiX EttWa xV'X a foal (which) upsets the ways of its mother BB 9b(9); pa rrjirnx yipm ttrax vmn xVi I did not see anyone whose ways were trusty like this one Suk 44b(26); niXWT XJlXflTiX TW those (improper) ways of the office of the Nasi iSGF 92:17; ib. 52:10; b. w. pron. suf: sg. IX1? "l& il'miX it is not your manner (to do such a thing) Er 68a(8); XVI nmiX XH nmiX IX1? l"1p (damage by means of a) horn is not its usual manner. This [i.e. with its tail] is its usual manner BQ 19b(l 1); ATe/31b(8); San 55a(7); AZ 49b(42); Bek 2a(20); c. w. fol. inf. [cf. DJPA 42, mng. b.3]: sg. XlVs 1J? bvti? nvnix ixV 'sd braV rrrnix it is usual for (a field) to go down in value up to half. It is not usual for it to go down in value by more BQ 7b(5); ib. 19b(44); 56b(15); Ned 72b(14); BB 168a(2); AZ 63b(8); Hul 4b(41); Ara 20a(54); d. in var. phrases: 1) Xrfr'BT XmiX the usual case [lit. the manner of the thing]: San 20b(49); Hor 5a(46); Nid 22a(31); 'JripT X'H Xrfr'BH XmiX it is the usual case which (the Tanna) learns Er 82a(27); Suk 10a(31); BQ 56b(19); Hul 52b(32); 2) XIpT XmiX the usual manner of Scripture [i.e. the biblical idiom]: XVI XnpT XmiX 'XH BM 96a(20) [w. ref. to Ex 22:13]; BQ 109b(8); BB 147a(21); Zev 92b(6); Tern 7a(9); 3) THIX '3 in the usual manner: iTrVTIX '3 'JOB! he was walking in his usual manner BQ 32a(28); Xp nvnix '3 n"XB when he dies a natural death [lit. in his usual manner] San 47a(49); ib. 70b(34); Zev 31b(32); VPmiX '3 WD they used to put on their shoes (on a fast day) in their usual manner Tan 12b(13); MQ 13b(38); Sot 9b(ll) Lit: Bacher 16; Voc: VPlrrix HPP 280:14; Y: UniiX Pes 3a(3; BAYTN 164). - xjnx rniN, kin mix, Kjnin km-iik n.m. proper behavior, usual behavior (caique < MH Hx VI J 323; ^ WW *• ProPer behavior: sg. a. alone: XJHX mix 1X^1 it was not proper behavior San 17a(42); ib. 97a(39); Svh 30a(37); b'TSp 'JTIX mix he instructs us in proper behavior Nid 64b(36); Ber 7a(31); /& 49a(51); MQ 25a(47); ^Z 4b(32); BM 71a(35); ift. 84b(27); XJHX mix IX1? mWJ?B TX3 less than ten (men for the ma'amad) is unbefitting Meg 23b(27); b. w. fol. inf.: inrxi 'xnax X3"?a arra"? x-ix mix ixV 'XII it is not proper for the king to sit outside and njhk bs rnix 95 xn'niN t ; t for them (to sit) inside RH 8b(13); X3?"IX mix IX1? ntjnsa Dins "OTXV it is not befitting to bring less than a peruta Kar 10b(33); 2. usual or customary behavior: sg. XIEPaV XJHX mix XaW> XXB1X it is usual to throw a morsel to a dog Sab 155b(37); XbVu BTC'X pawa1? XJHXl XmiX XPBP1X3 X3E?ai a person customarily leaves an (empty) pitcher and a hide in an inn Yom 12a(25) // Meg 26a(42); RH 31b(46); Hag 13b(48); /1Z 10b(29) Lit: Bacher 41; N£-|X mix Ber 7a(31). - N^IN V3 rniN n.m. sexual intercourse (Sy «liiK' cnion pdoieiK' LS 48, S.V. rdwiorc', mng. 10, MH fix TVl BY 1001]: sg. CSj'^y Vya XJ?nX Va miX3 to have sexual intercourse with you SSHai 2a(l 1) [lit. to enter upon you as the way of the world] Lit: Friedman, JMP 178. — "rniK 3SS prep, in an incidental manner (4- aix; cf. MH wstj 'sb MSuk 2:1) aax xnb'a p J?a»a Xp H'miX he informs us of (this) matter in an incidental manner Zev 19a(30); Ber 2a(30); Er 104a(5); RH 15a(8); Suk 21b(31); Bes 40a(38); Qid 69a(29); 5W 52a(31); Hul 83a(25); ^ra 14a(l) Y: -rrilX 3JX Ber ib. 2# KPH1K n.m. guest (< MH mix J 33; euph. for a one day fever; i 2# xmx; JPA 2# mix DJPA 42) sg. '■? ybp'XT xmixV x'an xna jstix lend me a pitcher of water for a 'guest' who has chanced to come, to me Sab 66b(44); 'V J/Vp'XT 'XmiXT VtX rravai am nwa my 'guest' who happened to come to me, came and went on the same day ib. 45 Y: xrnix Sab ib.(BAYTN 165). l#NniN n.m. stall for cattle (perh. < Akk uru#\ AHw 1435, AIOA 109; TA xniX TJ Is 1:3, Sy rdiiopc', pi. rc'ii'oiorc' LS 48) sg. B7n n'mxa x'oio1? n'V nxwi V'sji xnin the ox runs and falls, and (its owner) places a horse in its stall San 98b(42) [prov.]; xniX XJaa1? to build a stall MQ 10b(4) Lit: AAC 67, s.v. N'lX; Y: XplN Mg ib.(BAYTN 145). 2# KpIN n.m. west (< Akk amurru west, west wind CAD A/2 92, AIOA 34, 143; Sy \t<J\\o.rf SIB 1:7) sg. BB 25a(48; P1) [expl. as fP T1X the space of God ib.]; xmxa m» witnesses in the west g/rf 12b (6; Ar [AC 1:46]) Expl. At: xmx aiyan d» ptno jwta -] B"Va "s AC ib. 47; expl. RaH: 3-IJHS3 ... !fl'11X3 OHR Qid 16:27 [v. Tos. ib.]. As pointed out by S.A. Kaufman, LeSonenu 36 [1072] 3234, the ending X'" here is unusual since the Akk word does not end in -u [v. also I X'l?13n]. The P word intended here is uncertain [v. Geig, AAC 14]; Y: xnw Qid ib.(BAYTN 145). J""11N n.m. teaching (4- V'T, pis ia) sg. abs. 'Xri'^ri |X"T1X a threefold teaching [i.e. the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Writings] Sab 88a(14) The sg.m.abs. form of the adj. here shows that this word cannot be identical with the fol. entry as assumed by the commentators. KJVniK n.f. Torah scroll, the Torah, Jewish law (4- V'T; TA XJI'TX TO Dt 17:18[GTO 133], JPA T'-IIX DJPA 42, > Sy rCSLiorc' LS 49, > Ma xn'XTiy MD 346) 1. Torah scroll: XXina Xjnx by xnmx the Torah scroll is placed on the ground Ned 14b(5); xrVTIXT 'TBD I'yaP seventy Torah scrolls BB 14a(14); QV KTrmb nb np Xp '" he calls the Torah scroll 'the name of God' {2S 6:2] Anan 14:6; 2. the Torah, the written law: sg. a. alone: \>1V nbrtb XmiX 'pDa they complete (the reading of) the Torah in three years Meg 29b(34); Ket 10b(40); Qid 56b(42); TO '713T ]T3 X^mxa since 'sword' (as a means of execution) is written in the Torah San 52b(34) [cf. a"in '3^ Dt 13:16]; Men 41a(17); XJTTIX1 ,!7'a words of the Torah Anan 25:10; '"11X3 "ITITpBT '3'n '3 just as I commanded you in the Torah ib. 28:3; b. w. a designation: rWUt XJP'TiX ISO the book of the Torah of Moses Yev 39b(39); Sab 116b(6); SSHai 13a(20); HP 163:31; p'V'l ]iyi wrm the 'Torah of the Gospel' Sab 116b(7); c. w. other parts of the Bible: 'a'TOI 'X'33 'TT'TX the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Ketuvim Qid 49a(38); Er 17a(5); d. in masoretic notes: Xri'TX ISO BMsYFr 140:2; ib. 142:3; XTTniXT XIS'O ib. 147:8; (Xfl")TiXT BMsG 20:5; BMsYFr 151:1; XmiX Vl3 BMsG 19:29; BMsE 22:8; 3. the Torah as Jewish law: sg. a. study: xnma n'flmx nrm pana xaiix it is his (study of) Torah which causes a s.m. his excitement Tan 4a(5); XJVTIXV "p^n 'XH this
*???>» W KfWK K„?^ 97 K^m strength of yours is for (the study of) the Torah BM 84a(40); JUTB XTTTIXI XJTITIXa you will die in the glory of the (study of) the Torah Ber 56b(12; MGG 708:9); VlTX Xpi XJV'TIX ipaitf XpO'y"? they abandoned (the study of) the Torah and went into business Ket 69b(35); X1XB2/ XTVTIXI religious persecution of (the study of) the Torah I$GF 87:1; pi. xb ]'JU3 p2>3 1'rP'TlX yWO are our teachings of the Torah worthy (but) our daughters are unworthy (for you)? Qid 71b(7); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) ViaJ pe.: V'PJT '3'1 '3 V333 XTl'IIX HOVi so that he should go to learn Torah in GN Yom 87b(14); Anan 13:12; 2) VoiJ pe.: XnmX3 D'll he studies the Torah San 88b(34); Anan 24:6; 3) V«pn pa.: ^lyb ]U'D'in XTDSD3 xri'TiX3 sharpen your sons [i.e. make them clever] in the Torah like a sword ib. 24:13 [w. ref. to 1'nV °??3©1 Dt 6:7]; 4) Vl3y pe.: "731 'ip'X 'II 'It?' XTl'IIX T3y X"71 any Jew who does not observe Jewish law was called a pagan /& 7:8; 5) Vpoy pe., itpe. [JPA rwnxa poyna/poy DJPA 414]: xnmX3 'X^33 'poy xVl and (yet) the Babylonians do not study the Torah Pes 88a(5) // Tan 9b(26); Sot 21a(29); xmixa 'poy'B Xp K>m 9b(38) Lit: Nold, MG 134; ib., n. 4; Voc: KfrniX HGP 29b:28; xMlX HPP 246:17 [v. also I. Ben-David, Lesonenu 46(1982) 147]; Y: NJTniX BAYTN 202. — Nn'^litn adj. Pentateuchal, having Pentateuchal authority (* 4- pail) 1. Pentateuchal: X3'X X31D 'X'SJI "?3X XnniXT 'V'a 'M this refers to Pentateuchal (verses) [i.e. that there are only five ambiguous verses], but there are many (ambiguous) Prophetic (verses) Yom 52b(5); 13y '3'n31X1 'X'3HX XJTTIXIX "IB you have transgressed (the laws) of the Torah, Prophets, and Ketuvim BB 8a(5); XXT'IIX "?3 by 13yi Dec 5:5; Kin XITTIX1 1'DU XnT wm (the prohibition of fasting) on the first day of the month itself is Pentateuchal Tan 17b(41); XJVTIX1 'Jill p311 X1T\ Ktf-a Xfl'TIXI ('XWVl (the Tanna) learnt the Rabbinic law (first) and (then) he learns the Pentateuchal one. Let him learn the Pentateuchal law first RH 12a(16); XJVnXI XIIO'X a Pentateuchal prohibition Pes 92b(5); ip'SO Xn"11X1 a doubtful matter in a Pentateuchal law Yev 31a(29); XJV'TIXI Xy^'O a Pentateuchal sela Bek 50a(9); xrP'TlXI XTiajntf the (hypothecary) obligation is a Pentateuchal one Qid 13b(8); pail XW1? ... XTT'TIXI XJ2/'1? biblical /Rabbinic Hebrew Qid 2b(3); 2. having Pentateuchal authority: a. alone: "b XXl'IIXIX xmiXI 'B11 TXB he raises an objection from one law having Pentateuchal authority to another one according to PN Er 35b(29); XmiXI ^VD p31 "U'j?m "73 U'pn whatever the scholars ordained, they ordained (with a force) similar to Pentateuchal authority Yom 31a(2) // Pes 30b(33) // Yev lla(23) // Git 65a(l) // Bek 54a(13); b. * pan having Rabbinical authority: xm XJl'TiXI XH pan this has Pentateuchal authority and that Rabbinical authority Pes 30b(32); Yev 113b(26); P'V'pa xV 'jrnixia "73X pana jrV'pa '31 we only rule leniently in a case of Rabbinical authority. We do not rule leniently in a case of Pentateuchal authority Hul 4b(6); XXl'llXI '"7B '31 X'nx iamm xnmxi bax p3-m pan xrmxn Xri'llXI x"7D3B p3"n these matters [i.e. that one commandment does not invalidate another] are (in the case of) one having Pentateuchal authority and another having Pentateuchal authority (or) one having Rabbinical authority and another having Rabbinical authority. But (in the case of) one having Pentateuchal authority and one having Rabbinic authority, the one having Rabbinical authority comes (and) annuls the one having Pentateuchal authority Pes 115a(15); Bes 5b(13); Hor lla(54); Bek 30a(21); c. in phrase XJ1"T1X1B: XrvilXia rvmy wbv p a thirteen year old boy (must fast) by Pentateuchal authority Yom 82a(ll); 131? XJB XrvilXia X113p how do you know that burial is required by Pentateuchal authority? San 46b(35); Yev 82a(15); Svu 31a(36);MW61b(22) Lit: Bacher 2. NSTIN n.m. length (4 Vl#"pX; TA X311X TO Gen 6:15, Sy relMorc' LS 49, Ma X31iy MD 346) sg. ro-nx 'oib nm poy its length is twenty-two parasangs Meg 6a(34); Ket 112a(2); XII nSB n'311X ?'* the length of the (high priest's) frontlet is a handbreadth Anan 10:6; ib. 12; 9:7; 'XII 1B3 xViyi X3TIX how much was the length of the wagon? Sab 98a(9); ib. 22; X'11 nsnxV lypBI XJTQn a certain jug (of wine) which split along its length AZ 60b(l); Kan 1'311X1 most of its [i.e. the bone's] length HP 206:8(HPP 307:17); xV'BD X311X1 XW33 XP'3 one bunch is like (another) bunch (in circumference) and the length is of itself [i.e. some are longer than others] Sab 140b(9); 'X -paixV 1"1Wn if you plant it across its length Yev 63a(29) Y: X311X Sab ib.(BAYTN 145). [nX3"iiN 1 xna-nx n.] NriDIIK, pi. NriNSniN n.f. power of attorney (cf. I V2#"|1X af, mng. 2) sg. xVl X71311X "?3 XWB 13 ri'V ~[VSfr p'SXI '311 ]M ^T n'3 XaTI3 any power of attorney in which is not written: "Go (and) take legal action, acquire possession, and remove for yourself" has no substance BQ 70a(10) [but cf. TGHark 93:32]; P'3n3 '1BX X1? ''tD^BBX xrD"HX we do not say: "We may write a power of attorney for movable goods" Svu 33b(18); X-'BXT XJV>:pX p3 XT13TIX power of attorney is like a transfer of ownership TGAs42 8:9; xroTix n,!? s'.tt nnai nnan imaT ]xbt rr1? rrx xrinx wvx imai nVina1? 'j/xsi ybvm HT\W\ one who legally empowers another, reconsiders after giving him power of attorney, desires to annul it, and empowers another person, has the right (to do so) HP 66:29; GS 188:11; SSHai 9a(l); SSSad 160:7; pi. XJ1X3T1X TGAs42 8:26; xnX'JpX p \tPiV XIIXSTIX powers of attorney are different from transfers of ownership TGHark 93:30; ib. 33; 94:5 For the Geonic text of the xrOTIX 1BW, v. SSHai 32+; OHT Qid 64+; Lit: Harkavy, TGHark 90*; 359; Y: xwyita BAYTN 202. NOmiN, K0S3T1K n.m. distaff (> Arab o-U> Fr, AF 94) pi. OTIS Sab 91b(41); "?a '(X)0<X)3TIX pan GC 57:6 [expl. MH X'tf'X MKel 21:1] Geon. comm.: 1'jnv UX J'K Wiwa l'»3y yi"W 'a^ ITO^ai inwB ix n»s in,,7S' ina1? imx I'wiyw D^p w D'xy x"?x 'o^nix xsV'B1? 'Din n'ra xnsi po nswiai nra inix nxwu nwxm I'yi'ym I'xiwpa -|-ix ]rh wi Q'Vsnn nsipa na m i'jx ixxbji OHP Sab 49:26; D'Sy ini ^l^'frl I'XlW'p1? ]'an y\V 'MIX "Bl pty'jn ina nnxn fxnifi inwo ix im irfVj? ptnw o'Jp ix racial ">T3 ]nix nxei: n»xm o'jxiy mmni noxjny ^xyaw nsW fOin pa ib. 22(Ar), i.e. iitfjc, pi. u^!>; Lit: GC 57IS; Rieger, Technologie 15l0; Y: 'WTIX 5aA ib.(BAYTN 266). SJ^")1N, tMK^I! n.m. a dove or pigeon (< Akk amurs/sanu dove, pigeon CAD A/2 95, ursanuWl AHw 1434; Sy k*< y ip LS 186, > Arab o^jj Fr, af 118) sg. xsjoa 'iXJT xax H'nawx x:x©-iix Xffla'm my father [i.e. Noah] found the '.-bird lying in the side room of the ark San 108b(47) [Var: XJWTI OH San 541:12] Geon. expl.: xin w i'bi [a"y a"|? i^in] D'asn naxw 'j'on xn OH San 541:8; IXWTfrx naDX TD KJXBll ib. 9, i.e. <^\ jlL jLijJll; Lit: A AC 14; AlOA 34; Y: XJ'W-llX San ib.(BAYTN 270). NrniK n.f. night (etym. uncertain; cf. MH TiX [""?] night of ... MPesK 1:1) a. alone: sg. Ber 3b(28) [expl. BH *\V1 Prov 7:9, w. ref. to IS 30:17]; Pes 2a(26) [expl. MH 1iX MPes 1:1]; ^3 xixan n,!? vr» nn xrnix each night they would cast out to it [i.e. the lion] a donkey BQ 116a(27); xmiXT 'IHS ... xmiXTB IsV aside from that [i.e. the meal] of the night, together with that of the night Sab 117b(56); pi. pmn xrmx two nights HG1 283:7; b. as opp. to the day: sg. 1) * xaB' daytime: Meg 4a(24); Sab 138a(39); 2) * XISS morning: Yev 109a(17); Tan 6b(23); c. in phrase y">ru: x"1 xrnix the night between x and y: i 2#TIJ3 mng. 2b; d. w. prep, used adverbally: sg. 1) XJYTIX3: a) alone: (1) at night: XTTHXa ^3 V?XB they used to pray in them [i.e. the phylacteries] at night Men 36a(27); (2) last night: XBinri3 XIVTIX3 ]31 JTIH xV you were not with us last night in the study hall BQ 20a(41) [= H wax AZ 37a(8)]; BB 51a(12); Zev 2b(4; Ed); AZ 76b(20); Nid 63a(4); b) * X1SS1? the next morning: \TWb '3,1 ]1T\V '1 'BX xmiX3 1'3 111 at night PN said so. The next morning he retracted Sab 76a(14); ib. 136b(4); MQ 9a(43); BM 84b(6); BB 30b(15); ib. 151a(25); c) * XniBlpa at dawn: Bek 31b(18); 2) XmiX1?: a) tonight: 1,3'B r\b 'J?3 Xp Xrnix1?! 13 ]"y pID go (and) study it [i.e. the tradition on the matter], for tonight he will ask you it Git 27a(17); Yev 61b(9) // BM 20b(2) // BB 172b(3); IliBTXI Xnn'X X'1,1 XrillX1? XIBX'B XI'I1? a certain woman whom they had subpoenaed to court in the morning for that night [lit. from the morning to the night] BQ 113a(15; HP 82:12); b) at night [* XBT 'Vl3,
»3tflX 98 l#NT'Bt£MN t • : xisx3, xibxb]: 'mTixb xr3i lm xiw xmixV inVx PN permitted them to smell (it) immediately at night Er 40a(13); Bes 27a(4); Pes 93b(27); Yom 19a(31); #«/ 60b(22); AW 29b(20); TOO ^'1 xrmirtn XBV 'VlD xm'3'5? 135? ^(1){'(3X1 do (your) work all day, and at night go, make an effort, and eat BQ 87b(21; F1); RH 21a(16); Tan 24a(20); X3'31 vf? K"W XTPllxV inVx Timx1? PN permitted them to smell (it) immediately at night Er 40a(13); Bes 27a(4); Pes 93b(27); Yom 19a(31); #w/ 60b(22); Nid 29b(20); m» Vn XJinxVl XBV '^13 XTlT3'y 135? Xl)('13X1 do (your) work all day, and at night go, make an effort, and eat BQ 87b(21; F1); RH 21a(16); Tan 24a(20); X1BX3 XBri 13 'BX11 mB'X inrmra xrrro6i xan 13 ^ib noB'jV inrraro XBrl 13 X3piJ? SI1? PN's mother assigned her property to PN in the morning, and at night she assigned it to PN2 Ket 94b(18); 3) XJlllXB from nightfall: XJlllXB XBV to every day from nightfall 5M 84b(2); XJTTIXB H,!7 ^'OB'X 1E?3 the meat became unfit from nightfall Pes 71a(42); Meg 7b(30); Zev 12a(23); Kar 18b(31); fier 3b(27) [* H m>^ msn middle of the night]; 1J71 X1TTIXB X1BX overnight [lit. from night until morning] Git 69b(26); Men 43a(l); ib. 89a(38); 4) xmiXf1?) 15? until nightfall: XITTIX 15? H,!7 1WJ let him wait until nightfall Yom 84b(33); 15? XJTXm X1BXB inato XJ1TIX from this morning until tomorrow night Ber 3b(34); xmiX1? 7? ltoa X1? they do not pray until nightfall ib. 27a(41); Sab 136a(43) Lit: Nold, NB 83, expl. this usage as J~. from H H1W 'light'; S. Friedman [forthcoming]; Voc: xrhix HPP 308:19; xfnix 28b:3; Y: KBTW Ber 3a(18; BAYTN 145). '3B71K n. (word in charm formula) pUDl '1111 '3E7131 '32nx X1? &/> 67b(l; OAr [AC 2:234, s.v. 11]) Lit: Geig, AAC 69, rejects P derivs.; Y: '3t>X Sab ib. KBStflN, KBNBtflN, NB3#K n.m. shoemaker (< Akk askapu leatherworker CAD A/2 442, AIOA 39; I XJ1B3PX, XBlffX, 1# XJTin; Hat *p2?X DNWSI 123, Sy ^^rV LS 777, > Arab i-iliil Fr, AF 256) a. general: sg. Xinm mjW Tito xpi 'ixoa'V T3jr xbswix^ 'axp mm xi3i 'It? 3E? 'V he heard a certain man say to a shoemaker: "Make me shoes which will last for seven years" Git 68b(16; AsSM 76:25); pi. 'B3W1X 'ItJpl T"D13 in the case of (straps of shoes of) Arabs which the shoemakers knot (in a permanent fashion) Sab 112a(16); 'BX3ETIX SMel 42:8; 'S3WX Pes 42b(28); b. tools: I X3in mng. 2, i# xrnn, i# xDna, xms Voc: 'B3IOTK VTM 116; Y: XMW1X G<7 ib. l#NT'SfiftN, KT'BtfN, NT'BTIN n.m. inn, lodging, hospitality (< MP aspin] hospitality, inn CPD 12; Sy ^\ *■*•<' LS 53, Ma XU'BtP, Xtl'BPX MD 471 [var. of XU'BB;]) 1. inn: a. general: sg. ,11.11 XPBP1X XU11? XpriO'lB yto'X ITS the messenger happened to come to a certain inn where he was staying BM 86a(15); Sot 47a(35); San 67b(35); ib. 101a(37); 107b(26); AZ 70a(14); Hul 7a(46); /fra 16a(6); Xl.1.1 1DB XPBW1X li>3 XJ1311 they arrived at a certain place (and) sought an inn Yom 83b(31); b. in proverbs: sg. -|pbe?ix 'so yb xirnais (if) one of gn accompanied you, change your inn (for fear of being robbed) //«/ 127a(31); 2. lodging, residence: sg. a. general: ia ,1,!7 'T>B m,1 XBV to mPBPX IV ^XiaB/V X3piy PN used to accompany PN2 every day to his lodging MQ 16b(23); Sot 40a(40); Yom 12a(26) // Meg 26a(42) [i 1#XBV)1]; BM 24a(l); ib. 71a(44) // /*Z 22b(23); Gtt 44b(22) [* i l#xri'3]; mm X13U "lis 'in -\nb jrx am xpbehx d'jm they had two beds for a man who took up lodging there San 109b(31; MGG 311:11); XPB1PX ib. 107b(26; SM 181:5); mt'BBMX '^ 'inx show me his residence Er 74a(22) // ib. 85b(3); b. in a fig. or metaph. sense: X3H pat X3,1 PJBt XVpi ,11,1 XPBtflX (the fire of the altar) took up its abode sometimes here (and) sometimes there Zev 61b(20); Slim"? xaty xnm xpbwx xato 'x,n -|pbwx 3'n'1?! ^n'3 XTl'S may your house be destroyed, and may your place of lodging be inhabited, for this world is the place of lodging, and that world [i.e. the grave] is the home MQ 9b(ll); 3. w. VniT/V]m pe. to extend hospitality: sg. X'V'to (n3)(3nCab X5?3 XPBBnX n,!7 13iT X^l he wanted to spend the night, but they did not extend him hospitality Ber 60b(56) [P: XPBT1X]; XT'BWIX '3m X*71 Git 2#NT'BfihK 99 N3'!N 57a(28; V18) [expl. GN tt?'3 133 ib.; lit. evil village]); Qid 29b(37; O2); SOZ 72:19 Lit: Geig, WZKM 44[1937] 1951; id., AAC 71; Tel 26; Y: Xt'SWW Ber 60b(55; BAYTN 270). 2# KT'BtflN n.m. landlord (< nXPBWIX* nisbe- form; I XJt'B^lX) sg. '113 'D'1B3 XlB'jnwa mn 'XTB5S1X I used to be a partner (in the Hanukka lights) with my landlord by means of coins Sab 23a(15); Er 53b(21); Qid 76b(26); '3XB nwb xV m1? 'inn1? n'T'B^IX1? one should not send (one's) clothes to one's landlord to wash for him Sab 140b(26) NJBT'BfiftN, K3N3I'B#1N, N33T'Btf'X n.m. t t : • : landlord, host (< MP *aspanjakan [> Arm; v. Hiibsch, AG 109, < Mir *aspanjan; I XriJBT'BtilX; Flat pTBWX DNWSI 125, Sy rrU^T.^, k'i^i'\t.k' LS 53, MH2 pt'B»1X J 36) 1. landlord: sg. 311 miBI'BWIX XBB PN's landlord Bes 4a(42); ib. 37; 12b(40); Yom 78a(25); Qid 69a(10); BM 51a(5); mjSt'BW'X Hul 132b(8; HPP 60:18); X3X3t'B»X San 7b (49); miBPBWIX TO1? XD'3 D'^lffX 'TJ?n PN handed over a money bag to his landlord's daughter Ber 18b(39); 2. host: sg. XyiXI xmiX (n>,»rB^lX,7 X3VB1 XB^<1)I')J W'3'X pSE/'aV a person customarily leaves an (empty) pitcher and a hide for his host Yom 12a(25; L); 13 n'MOPBtt'X his host's son Zev 18b(7); Er 63a(l 1) Lit: Geig, WZKM 44[1937] 1961; Tel 27; Y: X»t'9»W BAYTN 314. NriJST'SBftK n.f. landlady (I X33PBB>1X) sg. mmSPBWlX '31 'tit 1'pBX 'Tyn PN deposited money with his landlady Ber 18b(39; MGG 805:12) fcUT'Bt&IN n.m. landlord (1 2#XPB#1X) sg. XJPB»1X Er 53b(21; RaH [AC 2:229, s.v. ,131]) Nranis n.f. question (I Vsixi af.) sg. xnsmxi xman 3ii TGHark 42:2; pi. prtrixsmxi ]implTBl their questions and solutions I$GF 58:3 KJTN n. (uncertain; I XJl'ttt) sg. XltXI X1T1 piece of... Ket 71b(lS) Expl. Ar: 1UX AC 2:356, s.v. TU; n'313I mvnn AC 5:18, s.v. XnV; Lit: Geig, AAC 14, 131, s.v. fra. [Its I V'ltX Vb.] SltN I V'ltX vb., note 'HIN vb. to come forward, follow (etym. uncertain) Quad. 1. to come forward: llpl p'3 XlXtX pB3 m1? as soon as they called him he went out Mei 17b(20; T-S Fl,l 45, Ar [AC 2:125, s.v. P'ton p]) [but v. i XIX']; rX1XtX"' UltXI) BM 103a(32); 2. esp. w. -ayuV to follow his/their (previous) approach ...: 'axi mBJ/D1? X31 XltXl X31 PN followed his previous approach. As PN says ... Ber 36b(43); Sab 5b(10); p31 HtXl H'ayDV ^X'tol p ]iya© ]311 VrWVh the scholars followed their opinion and PN followed his opinion Er 87b(23); Sab 116b(26) frxiBW]; Pes 82b(33) [pnv '1]; Suk 20a(33) [Wpb p \ym '1]; Bes 36a(19) [pns' '1]; g/W 63b(43) [XIDn 31]; BB 87b(23) [nnm '1]; 11'ayB1? HtXl 5er 9a(40); Sab 34b(32); Pei 29a(25); Yev 72b(41); Qid 80a(19); 5g51b(47);//«/69b(37) Geon. expl.: I?1X'7X n^ip ''jX IX^S yjni LPT 146:10; Lit: M. Weiss, BIA 20-21 [1983] 102+; S. Friedman, Yeivin Vol 327+, w. prev. lit., has thoroughly dealt w. the etym. of this form, but his conclusion that 'ItX is a phonetic var. of the common rt. Vl#^lX is very unlikely in light of the fact that the l-d interchange is not found otherwise in JBA. Note also that the rt. proposed here acts synchronically like the III—jv" rts. in JBA, i.e. XTtX:VtTX :: XTlX:inX. In several places in TB, however, we find this rt. where we would expect V?tX, e.g. X1TX ITTjnrt }V3 WniO'xa when he sowed them [i.e. the wheat seeds in the cow dung], their repulsiveness disappeared Men 69a(39); Hul 76b(4) [and v. also Friedman, op.cit., 338+]. However, in light of the preponderance of V?1X in parallel expressions, these instances should be viewed as contaminations. The mng. of this rt. in sntX °7BJ It n'^y n^b 'mi 'X BM I16b(42) is unclear. Shaked suggests [orally] that this word is eq. to BA X11X HALOT 1808 and translates N1IX pBJ he came out openly; Voc: x™HGP2b:10; VITXib. 3b:37. NrnniN n.f. legal injunction (lit. warning; < MH rrintx Yeivin, bv 992; 4- Vint) sg. mrnntxi XDia its injunction is from here Pes 48a(13) [fol. by Pentateuchal verse]; San 56a(12); Mak 22a(7); Svu 20b(18); Tern 4a(3) Y: n'ri-iritX Mak ib.(BAYTN 285). !tN vb. to make erect (of ears; perh. < tty*; cf. Sy wv LS 518, Ma PX to strengthen MD 12) Pa.: '11X 'tltlX1? to make the ears erect Hul 38a(2; V12) 'miVutVtx N3'IN n.m. seed (< XJ'tn*; MH2 ]'tn lichen AC
NJl'TK 3:357) sg. XfTISI X3'TX Tl[1X 'ip U'SWVsi] in our language [i.e. spoken Aramaic] it [i.e. MH J'D'ISp] is called 'the seed of the caper' TGAs28 181:14 Geon. expl.: jxiyi )Dp xinso DmywVw in D'D'nVc jni xina I'm 1'tn mpj XW CfVav niltfy1? Wj?in X1? Geon 246:31; Lit: Low, Flora 1:25 NJVIK n.f. sweating(?) sg. |» XJl'TX pi XTTOX p X31X 5o 26:2 Mng. of entire passage is doubtful. I # VlN, 'IX vb. to go, travel, disappear, happen (4- xVtX, V'lTX; Sy cA\V LS 10, Ma ls'jTX MD 12) Pe. (a/e),'pf. lsg. 'btX 5er 24a(10); ri'VTX 5o 2:2; 2m. JlVlX Zev 96b(5); 3m. *7TX & 60a(19); f. X"7TX San 93a(40); rf?TX BQ 83a(32); lpl. T7TX Bes 30a(26); 3m. V7TX 5a* 33b(31); "?1TX BM 6a(31); imp. lsg. Vtx 5er 16a(7); 2m. V'm #/7 13a(2); //A/45:18; f. '"?T'J1 ATe? 54a(46; V5); 3m. V'T'3 fom 87b(4); f. b'T'Jl Ket 47a(27); lpl. V'T'3 Tan 25a(8); V'T^ Afeg 3a(43); 2m. ibt'Jl £e/ 48b(14); pbm^o 88:11; ]lbm HMGas 94:6; 3m. lVl'3 5A/ 70a(7); Anan 15:23; imper. 2sg.m. V'T MQ 9b(8); V'T'X g/W 25a(4); f. 'V'T M*/ 66b(34); 'V'T'X 5A/ 84b(10; F1); 2pl.m. Y>'T Er 63b(24); 5M 86a(18); ib'T'X Bek 30b(35); 5o 13:8; inf. bva Nid 45a(6); part. lsg. X3*7'?X G;7 56b(21); 2m. JlVlX Pes 73a(10); 3m. V'TX 7a/z 23a(51); f. x"?TX BB 73b(23); lpl. 13'VlX Men 64a(35); 2m. OTVTX Ket 91a(40); 3m. '^tX Ket 69b(35); f. pXS. BM 73a(10); forms w/o lamed: pf. lsg. 'X*7TX BB 73b(42) [= 'XIX*; v. Eps, Gr 59]; 3m. XIX Pes II lb(17); BQ 117a(38; GTB2 201:14); XtX HGP 39b: 19; imp. lsg. TX Git 56a(37; SM 43:20); BQ 103a(20; HP 51:2); 'T'X 7/GP lb:32; 3m. T1? BQ 38a(35; MGG 380:4); f. TJl Aef 104b(39); #P 163:16; lpl. 'T'3 Pa? 7a(23); imper. 2sg.m. 'J Pes 104b(3); San 109b(30; MGG 312:3); Kef 60a(12; TGHark 99:15 [v. n.l]); 'f M?P 42a:33; part. lsg. X3'TX Bo 6:6; 3m. 'IX 5er 59a(l 1; MGE 148:1); BM 75b(47; MGE 526:6); w. assim. of zayin: part. 3sg.f. X"?X Suk 49b(5); lpl. ]3'Vx S«£ 39b(15); Men 23b(12; Fl,l 75); 2m. W'Vx SwA: 30a(29);-1, alone: 1. to go, walk: V'T'X xV IX 'TX -^rshe^Ld I go or not go? Qid 70a(32); BQ 23b(32); ^^fc.ft^X I did not go Pes 104b(7); JTX» xb i#Vtn rV7TX you cannot go 7am 32a(44); ni VlXI iy 'lbl n'E?B3 by the time he went, PN had died Sab 139a(48); V'Tl Xlin "7ipw take the ox and go BQ 46b(l); V'TX mn 'WB'2? '3 *731 he used to go every Friday (to his house) Ket 62b(24); XKibyb V?TX '3,1 these (birds) went elsewhere Bes lla(7); Yev 115b(8); X13'nx 'VlXI '3X0 old men walking with the aid of [lit. on] a staff BM 21b(36) [expl. MH Tlitfim MPea 8:1] // 7a« 6b(7); b. w. fol. prep.: 1) -im(X): 1) general: ma ixn1? niJ13X "?IX he followed her to the cemetery Ber 18b(40); 113X "I 'inv 'n nnm Vtxi V'pc? mn PN was moving along and following PN2 ib. 24b(46); Er 30a(27); BQ 17a(10); b. in a fig. sense: xVtX X'3y "im XJTHJ? poverty follows a poor man ib. 92a(52) [+ //'s; 4- xnny usage b]; m"? '3,m 'xa im pVtx ]in3'VV they follow what pleases their heart AnanSch 26:5; 2) "3: XmiX3 V'TX Xp mn he was walking on the road Ber 53b(28); Er 53b(43); Tan 23a(43); Hag 5b(46); Ket 62a(20); HM 41:15; 3) 'b: X'DX '3*7 *7'TX Xin X3'3 n'1? 3'X31 one who is in pain goes to the doctor's house BQ 46b(19); AZ 25b(32); 7V7TX1 myi xriTl'X X'nn XJT3 Xinnb a certain woman who entered and went into a certain house BQ 83a(32); 3) '33(V): n'331? "riTX they went to him 7a« 23a(55); VlTX 1X3131331 n'JTU '331? they went to PN's daughter San 93a(39); Yom 87b(4); Ket 63a(12); 55 163a(8); 4) 'Spf1?): )ri3 'm n'apV VtX he went before PN Pes 62b(18); ib. 73a(10); 7ev 122a(2); BQ 117b(18); c. w. a fol. vb.: 1) asyndetically [cf. OfA 31p "?TX he approached Ah 94, Sy A\rC rdjoj ^c\^rV rdirV I am going fishing John 21:3; v. PSm 106]: insx "n map max Vtx he went (and) said it before PN Er 54b(51); Ket 40b (46); ,TWS3 rm ,TnDl£?X "?IX he went (and) found that he had died Pes 3b(47); 3'Jl' VlX 31 '33 yw 'ID'-in he went (and) sat (learning) twelve years in the be rav Ket 62b(34); Ara 16a(7); Xrl'WX X'nn 'mn ttTI' 1VTX they went (and) sat under a certain wall 7an 21a(4); "?'T n'1? J?3n2?X go (and) swear to him Ned 25a(13); X'SbS1? n'Vop V'T go (and) kill so-and-so Pes 25b(12); Qid 59a(16); BQ 115a(25); San 95a(52); '2?'3 'X3D3 }VQ n'5?JS n'VTK I went (and) attacked the evil enemies Bo 29:5; ib. 52:10; 2) 1#"?TN 101 i#Vtn syndetically: (a) general: V>TX xp mm X131 Xinn 1BX1 a certain person who used to go and say San 7a(2l); xsVa '3 xsmp va 'jid'xi Vtx I shall go and inform on them to the authorities Git 56a(5); Qid 32a(21); Hul 57b(41); BB 33b(14); 3) inf.: n'"in3 'SIIDSX1? 'Xm3 "\ "?IX PN went to join him RH 22b(13); HpnS'aV VlX he went to inspect her Yev 105b(29); Qid 59a(ll); BB 40b(19); San 106a(55); (b) esp. w. V'JIX pe.: (1) pos.: TIXT V>1X n'DT3 he can go and return on the same day Suk 27b(38); ]'TIX1 XrlTiy l^TXT 79 until the caravans go and return BQ 112b(49); T1X1 "7'TXT 'nn3 as he was moving around Ket 105b(35); XinnV n"m n'Dp Tixpi "?'tXp mm X13J he saw a certain man who was moving around in front of him Bek 51b(17); MQ 24a(42); (2) neg.: xVl "?'TX X131 'Xn TIX this man will go and not return Sab 156b(6); X'rlX X"?1 xVtXT XnnV n^ 'Yl woe for one (thing) which goes and does not come back Sab 152a(ll); innV xm X3TXn "?'! go today and return tomorrow BB 140b(3); '"?TX Vt'a fbm '3n WX1 does virginity actually go away and return? Nid 45a(6); 2. to travel: a. on land: 'n'rw X1? xnsnV Xmna 'VtXT 'E/X3'X people do not usually travel from one place to another (on Sabbaths and holidays) MQ 12a(7); mn Xin X3a'T X57"D Xinn 'in3 X3"?'TX I was once traveling with a certain Arab RH 26b(24); 'yoi X13TO3 "?'TX1 X3T13 he was traveling in the desert and lost (his) way Anan 37:3; 'PTX XniS xVaJ3 xa"?'T perhaps he traveled on a fast-running camel Yev 116a(l 5); b. by sea: X03& x"?3 xVlXT XS^'xV n1? '11 woe to the boat which travels without (paying) the impost AZ 10b(45); D'3 rfrlXT XsV'X3 like a ship which traveled on the sea Er 53b(20) [cf. TA XS'3 X"?TX1 XS"?X TJ Jon 1:3]; BB 73b(24); 111 xri3'SD3 'VlXp they were traveling by boat Hor 10a(46) [cf. Akk ina elippi lillikunu let them travel by boat CAD E 94]; BB 74a(44); Sab 81b(41) // Hul 105b(37); Bek 27a(28); HP 9:22; Anan 37:8; HM 45:18; 3. to disappear, vanish [w. ■% mrrcmp n^ xVtx 3rn m1? "?tx (if its) writing disappeared, its holiness (also) disappeared Sab 116a(24); n'3'a iVlX (the pains) vanished from him BM 85a(18); V'TXT 33 Vy «1X X'Vp XpaiD even though the red color disappears (from the metallic ember) it (still) can burn TGAs42 159:8; 4. to die [w. 'V, Sy, LS ib., mng. 3, DJPA 45, mng. 4]: X3'BX10a mm X133 n^ btX n'3a the man whom I feared has died MQ 24a(31); 'aVy1? l"?TX they have died Yev 76b(2) [Rashi: ma]; XatyV n'V ^TXI HG3 119:83; 5. to be dropped (of a subject, matter): 133X "?'!'"? let (the matter) of Abner be dropped San 49a(9); 6. to move on: (plj/nsna VlXT "?3 Xa"?V the more the world moves on the more licentious it becomes KaR 204:59; 7. to flow (of water; cf. TA X'^T3 pi. TO Ex 15:8 [H D'Vp]): 33 *731 'Sana XV irnVrn as long as (the water) is flowing it does not cause leavening Pes 40a(ll); BM 117a(38) [4- Voan pe.]; 8. to happen, occur: 'T XIX 'Xa 'Tn go (and) see what happened Ket 104a(12; MGG 872:7); 9. to be current (of prices; cf. Akk mahlrat illaku the current price CAD A/1 310): f?TX '1S133 ny31X V7TX XTI03 XJl'K; in GN, four seahs go for (a zuz). In GN2, six seahs go for (a zuz) BM 73a(10); II. w. preps. 1. w. by/'H to have sexual intercourse, copulate [cf. Akk ana sinnisti alaku CAD A/1 321]: a. humans [cf. DJPA 44, mng. 1.6.b]: 'B/3 p2?y '3n 'n"3'a Xin by b'lX 'X if he has sexual intercourse with one of these twenty women HG2 35:81; ib. 36:97; b. animals: xrvVya ,1Bn3 by "?TX (the animal) copulated with a normal cow Hul 69a(21; H2); 2. w. by to beset or attack s.o. [Sy A-s. AW to attack PSm 107]: X3TX.1 bvab ina m'^y is it permitted to beset them today (to collect the debt)? MQ 10b(38); "?y pVtX'1 piimi 11,T311^a Vjn ]in'3135? they will attack again their practitioners and their scatterers Bo 55:8; ib. 142:3; 7; 3. w. "3 to go for, be of value: X*?TX Xpl XT1I3 'lyBH 'T13 ,iy31X four grivs of barley go for a zuz BM 65a(9); 4. w. 1J13 to follow: ^ITX xn'32H iri3 ]331 the scholars followed what was common Sab 78a(9); rwmr\ 1T13 ]331 VrtX the scholars followed taking root (of the plant) RH 13b(ll); Ket 45b(2); n311 1113 "?'TX ]Xa who follows the majority? BM 24a(36); BB 93b(3); '1 V'TX xri'm iri3 'nn' PN follows the criterion of appearance Men 23b(l); III. fol. another vb. to continue to do s.t. [cf. DJPA 44, mng. l.g.2]: "?3 V'T'Ill "nn '3'1 will (the animal) continue to live
2#VTN 102 t • : t ~: so long? Hul 38a(25); Yev 50b(33); Git 78b(18); "Xn 'VlD b'T'JI iyt5S: na'X ny until when shall we continue to suffer so much? Tan 25a(8); Xp mn Xma "7'TXI p'Vo he was continuing to ascend the ladder Hag 5b(20); *\0V "13 Xnx 31 V'TXI T&nD'lU mnnx -o pnx' m pru am msnax pn was continuously leaning upon the shoulder of PN2, his nephew Sab 140a(45); ny V'TXI m"? '03'ai '^X3n he continues to wear it until it wears out Ket 79b(20); Ber 26a(47); 5M 103a(20); San 7a(27); i& 96b(17); Hul 27a(18); '3 X3n 1»X VtVi awn'1? X"?3n should the Tanna continue to enumerate like a peddler? Git 33a(2) [+ H's; 4- xVsn]; Naz 21a(13); IV. in terminological usage: ... xn xVtX )Xfc3 with whom does this (opinion/statement of PN) agree [lit. go]?: ]X»3 X31 'mi XH X^TX with whom does what PN says agree? Sab 40a(28); Meg 4b(47); XH X"?TX ]xa3 X'Jm with whom does what is learnt (in a barraita) agree? Er 26b(10); Pes 45b(26); Qid 62b(33); am ''nyaw XH X"?IX ]XB3 with whom does this legal tradition of PN agree? Ned 88b(l); BB 153b(5) Itpe. to depart: X©aw X3'X IX m1? V'W1» xb he cannot depart until there is sunlight Pes 93b(27) On the loss of final tamed, v. Eps, Gr 58+; on the assim. of -zl- > -11- in this root in the imp. and part., cf. Sy r»At«/, ^o-Vreli Eps ib.; Kara 78; on the imper. form 'I, cf. ModSy ze Nold, NSG 253; Lit: S. Abramson, Archive 2 [1974] 10+ [Pe., mng. I.2.b]; Lieb, Studies 33842 [1.7]; Bacher 3 [Pe„ mng. III]. 2# VTK vb. to spin, twist (< 4- V?TJ?; 4- X'VJJX, xVt'X, xnVt'X; Sy Av^ LS 519, kIA-vjpc' net ib. 10, Ma 3#"71X MD 12) Pe.: 'a 'VtHXT '"ns'p "l"?TX balls of thread which are spun [lit. they spin] at the spinners BM 24b(48) Lit: Nold, MG 582. n.m. deceased person (4- Vl#^>TX pe., part.det., mng. 1.4) sg. xVtx"7 nV '1 woe to the deceased person! MQ 28b(l 1) n.m. spinner of thread or string (4- V2#"?IX) pi. "V7TX 5A/24b(48) Y: '^TX BM ib. [ktotn 4- xnarn n.] K"HN n.m. (uncertain) sg. XJV'Xl X"1TX ... and tree Bo 78:12 Perh. an error for XHX or XT1X. NriK, w. suf. "inN n.m. brother, sibling, another of the same type (4- Xnx XIXTX, xnx 13, Xnx m, Xaxt xnx na, XmnX; TA XnS TO Gen 24:29, Sy kIjjk', -ojjk' LS 10, Ma xnx, "VIX MD 8) sg. w. suf.: lsg. 'nx Ket 60a(9); nx Yev 97b(3); 2m. -pnx Anan 12:4; 3m. mnx AZ 1 lb(20); lpl. X3WX Yev 37b(35); 2m. pWX ib. 38;- 1. brother, sibling: a. general: sg. xnx p31tn 3'3Bn XVP a certain person who died and left a brother Svu 48b(14); DX mnXT 'ino OT "?'T go (and) bring witnesses that you are his brother Ket 27b(33) // BM 39b(32); XJS'T Hiiai mnx the brother of our master [i.e. Jacob] is a falsifier AZ llb(20); nxV iTD^Dp you have killed my brother BM 59b(43); pi. Tin 'TO 'Xjawi V?n PN and PN2 were brothers Sot 21a(43); Anan 107:9; '3X 'nx nxi X3X 'nx "pXl XiXI 'nx m3X1 I and you are siblings. I and your father are siblings. I and your mother are siblings Yev 97b(17; O2) [a riddle]; XJTUn 33X 'ami 'nx at the doorway of a tavern, there are brothers and friends Sab 32a(ll; Ar [AC 2:4]); mn iTnXI XB1T omax XaVl perhaps Abraham was the youngest of his brothers San 69b(37); T0X1 Xnnx1? 'aiorx1? napj1? a female is forbidden to marry her brothers AnanSch 35:13; ]m fimnx "?3 pm3X all their paternal brothers Anan 94:14; b. in PN's: sg. XTDn x"?D 3TI mnx mim 3T Ber 5b(38); bm 13 'TX» 3m mnx X3T Sab 154a(l 1); Bes 15b(42); MQ 28a(34); Ket 50b(16); ib. 85b(16); AZ 39a(44); 2. another of the same type: sg. mnx V'SDT xVp'T a date palm which supports another one Er 51a(7); MQ lla(38) Voc: Xnx HPP 242:19; ninK ib. 202:17; Y: Xnx BAYTN 3. - N3in Hm, Him n.m. paternal uncle (< nx X3X; I X3nx '31, X3'3n; TA minx TJ Jer 32:7; cf. also pn nsnx J 19) sg. mV mn X3xn xnx in he had one uncle BB 118b(31); pi. X3XT T1X nn 'nV mn they had two uncles ib. 35; HP 72:25; 71X n'3X ]ai n'3X paternal uncles AnanSch 21:10 Expl. Ar: '31 OXn ]S 3Xn TO TWxV pip>» TO TH XVI <S>l'ianK axn p oxn 'nx tox1? imp -p nan xanx Ar [AC 2:45, s.v. 'a 'nan xax]. Note also the pn 'latnx [< 'laxi xnx] J 39. - Ka'NT NnN n.m. maternal uncle (4- xa'X) sg. iTtt'XI ninx 5Af 85a(25) pi. xa'XT 'nx ib. 39b(2) tons 103 -'-rin*6 xariN 4- xsxT xnx 1T\H vb. to hold, seize, close, lock up (Sy ruwK' LS 11, Ma inx MD 8) Pe. (a/u) 1. to hold: ins n'T3 n,!? he held him by his hand San 107b(26); X31p l^syi X3np 'JXa pnxi they hold instruments of war and make war HM 44:13; 2. to seize (of a disease; cf. Akk aftazu to seize, said of diseases and demons CAD A/1 175, mng. lc; cf. 1 Vopi pe., mng. 4, MH mx pe. J 39): XlbS nn T^b Xinx apoplexy will seize him Pes 11 lb(2); ib. 11 la(32); Yom 83b(27); Hag 3b(48); yev 64b(20) [4- xri'iuoD]; xri'3133 xsVa1? nnn'1?! n'rj?T let (the blindness [4- 1# XTT3^ pi.]) seize the dog in the pupil of its eye Git 69a(12) [As: xaba1? x'iVs1? nn^i]; mn' iim xyti may trembling seize him Bo 74:5; 3. to close, shut: nnsm iimni 'n'x Vrm let her go, close (the door), and open (it) Git 77b(17); X331? nnnx n'in3 he shut the door behind him San 26a(57); AZ 69b(10); TGHark 272:27; "SX3 XWlV mnx he shut the door in front of him [lit. in his face] AZ 70a(5); HSX3 X2H rff llH'n (the inner court) may shut the door before it [i.e. the outer court] Er 75b(10); ib. 9; 59b(22); n'lnx D33 I shut the gates Bo 139:14; 4. to lock up: ]Vb TnXT ]X& HTfb^ ^,^,^!71', ••VVb one who locks up the demons, dews, and liliths Bo 12:4; XV3 ... DX man m"? in ]wi xnnx"?i (x)nai1? -iD'ia^i twnb if he wanted to lock up and to tie up a man and a woman so that they should be together HM 36:20; Bo 95:4; pass.part. Xnn 'niX nmxi m'OX nnW3 you, evil spirit, are bound and shut up ib. 28:3; 5. w. ]Ty to produce an optical illusion [cf. mh2 trryn nx mx J 39, Ma tsnx1? xtx md 230]: yry -iWtb HM 37:3; ib. 44:26 Itpe. (e) 1. intr. to shut, close: XJiTPxV V"JM Dm n'SiXS X33 Tnnr,"'Xl (the hen) was running into the interior room and the door shut in front of it [i.e. the pursuing cat] Hul 52b(41); Bo 11:2; 2. to be shut, shut up: XDlt X131D3 Xinn'a (the door) is shut by a small bolt Bo 113:6; 'XB *?D xn'3 xinm x©t n'Vj? rnn'ai whatever (goods) are shut up by the door of that house [i.e. are physically present in the house] TGHark 105:25; ib. 11; 23; 3. to shut o.s. up: "pr 3T nnn'XI monaa PN shut himself up in GN iSGF 118:14(Var) tWTMN, NJNinK n.m. willow twig (JPA pinx DJPA 46) sg. Sab 20a(36) [expl. BH nx Jer 36:23]; ib. 20b(34) [expl. MH ]TXn n^'n? Mib. 2:1; v. l. 35]; nanwx xainx 'ya ]xa mV 'axi xinn Xnaiy a certain person who called out to them: "Who wants X3inx?" It turned out to be a willow ib. 37 [Var: xnsnx nsnisxi xjxinx 'yxa }xa trn 573:5] Lit: Low, Flora 1:571; 3:330+; Y: X31WX Sab ib.(BAYTN 229). '"liriN prep, behind (4- Vl#"inX; Ma xmnx MD 9) nnam 'ia mnx xnwx '33 mm "m, xinn a certain man who was building a wall behind the windows of another (blocking his view) BB 7a(i8); xiuan 3m map '3'a an mnx xbd an a'n> PN was sitting behind PN2 (and) in front of PN3 Nid 27a(35); Er 43b(39); Pes 37b(34); BQ 102a(24); ib. 116b(53); BB 152a(22); AZ 6b(50); Hul 16a(l 1); ib. 137b(33); Hor 13b(47); 'Xp mm 'Vsa xpi nmnx xax -a mm' "\ PN was standing behind him and was praying Ber 27a(44); n'a^'3 WW 'V^l mnx D'XpT "?X'3jn in the name of DN who stands behind the spheres (?) of the .sun Bo 120:49; Sab 108b(26) Lit: Nold, MG 194; Y: aninx Pes 37b(34; BAYTN 336). - "'"linNV prep, behind (4- mX7\ TA "pinx1? TO Gen 19:17, Ma "limy1? MD 343) 1. behind: 'TOT nmnx1? vb he used to place them [i.e. the tied up coins] over his shoulder [lit. behind him] Ket 67b(48); Ber 24b(22); Sab 66b(44); 'Xp mn mirofc nmnx1? he used to stand far behind him Yom 53a(46); 2. backwards: a. general: yip nmnx1? mynp1? mmnxi he rent his garment and turned its torn piece backwards Ket 104a(13); Ber 43a(l); Pes 3b(48); Vail TSnn'Xl n'BXX VS3T mmnx"? it fell on its face, turned over, and fell backwards BQ 53a(14); Jimmi pnmnx1? psnn'l lin'jnay by yfrnn let them turn back and attack again their practitioners Bo 55:8; '^T©1? xnXT *?D rmnxb mm rb 'ixn ma everyone who came to ask about him would see her and turn backwards San 110a(l) [cf. Ma: ixmny1? mxin he turned backwards MD ib.]; Ned 50a(22); 'mnx1? 101 (the snake) turned backwards AZ 30a(34); mn
ninxa 104 xruonx t : t : ~ nmnxV n'Sins he had a seizure [lit. his face turned backwards] BM 86a(17) [4- NB1S1S]; SOZ 72:25; b. w. V'yD to underestimate: 4- V'yD pe., mng. lb Lit: Nold, MG 197; Y: ninx1? Ber 24b(22). - '"linxa, ninN ]!3 prep, behind (4- 1» prep.; MH2 mnxa J 39) 'vps mnx p yaw he heard from behind his house Ned 50a(16); '71X7 pan 'xnyiX lxVl mnxa sometimes he comes from behind me without my knowing it Qid 33b(22); Er 13b(17); Sab 110b(4; M); BB 93a(10); Hul 91a(37); "wip IB'XB minxa behind her is the word of PN So 85:3 Y: niTOi p Wed ib. - ninx ^j; prep. (4- by prep.) 'mi panyw •vrm |13'3J '"MIX Vy your hair is disheveled and thrown behind your back Bo 116:4 XtPinX n.m. (uncertain) sg. Bo 16:4 XTTinX n.m.coll. brothers (4- WIN; Sy rt'&n-or*' LS 10) sg. XJinnnx IT1? na'V let the brothers say to him BB 12b(41; V22) Lit: Eps, PLA 229. [Xfl'Tnx 4- xrmn n.] T1X vb. to stitch together, attach (< MH 2# 'TO LNVTH 101; 4- XflX'a) Pa.: xriN'a Ttxai because (the bell) is stitched (into the garment) [lit. he stitches the stitching] Sab 58a(44) "]nX vb. to laugh (< 7157* < metath. "]yn, w. dissim. -'-h- > -'-h-; 4- Vl#"rin; QA "[yn ATTM 584, Ma -|nx, -|ny pe., af. MD 9) Pe. [w. ■2/-b/-by at s.o./s.t.]: -pnxi '33 npi rrm he saw that (his father) was crying and laughing Ber 18b (48); XDin y»wm -]na^ x"?l (the words) X*?l ■pa1? (written in a get for "paV xVl) imply 'laughing' [instead of 'going'] Git 85b(39); nsT in'1? x1?! '3'n '3 xrfra na xa'xi nax xrrVa H^y lan'Vl 'Xim I made a statement, and I shall make a statement concerning it so that later generations will not come and laugh at it Sab 75b (4) Af. id. [w. m2/mby at s.o./s.t.]: a. general: T3y -|'riN 'JP 32H 'JXDa I')'1? make me shoes that will last [lit. of] seven years. He laughed Git 68b(8); "I'nxi H'J'y 3py nns Jacob opened his eyes and laughed Sot 13a(31); J7T x"71 "im H'^ '3TIX I laughed at you and you did not know San 103a(37) [* 'X33 I cried]; rOTIX XayB 'xai why did you laugh? Ber 18b(49); xayD 'KB H'by 13'nx rrVy i3'nn x1? xnV'a 'ax nm xnsi... (rrVy) rrnx they laughed at him. Why did they laugh at him? (If) a great man makes a statement do not laugh at him ib. 19b(30) // Git 55b(19) // Nid 50b(13); Bes 38b(2); A/en 74a(27); Nid 27a(40); H"Tn '3 xinrr? rrrKBiBirn rrno'B Xs? rrb 'ax ynx mirr 3n ixV n'V 'ax n'3 rcna xp 'bj 'Dinx xbx xisj XJDTIB xp -pH3 when PN saw him he laughed. He said to him: "Is it not enough that you excommunicated me, but do you also have to laugh heartily at me?' He said to him: "I am not laughing at you" MQ 17a(19); 'DT "l Thy "|'riB nby -|'na 'aye 'xa xrjn 'na PN was ridiculing it [i.e. PN2's statement]. Why was he ridiculing it? Er 48a(l); 'X11,T '3 '3{'l'na Xp '3inx the Jews are indeed ridiculing me Tan 21a(44); Git 47a(17)!; BQ 117a(49); b. in phrase X3nyB3 T\by 13riB they used to laugh at it [i.e. the statement] in Eretz Israel: Yev 88a(28); Naz 42a(8); BQ 102b(ll); BB 16b(30); San 17b(28); Svu 26a(40); Zev 15a(18); ib. 62a(35); Kar 4a(60) Lit: Nold, MG 732; Sole, TgJob 114. As in Ma, the af. in JBA is a metanalytical secondary form. . xnt^nx 4- xrcVn n. X1DMX, XianX n.m. number, account (< Mir *ahmar [> Armen hamar Hiibsch, AG 178; cf. MP amar reckoning CPD 7], NP hamar PED 1507; cf. the first element in Sy T_\rr-T_iororc' one who collects tribute LS 7; 4- Ximx, na'H) 1.' number: sg. nnanx1? XXh n312?Bl he attains the (correct) number (of the year) AZ 9a(14; Ar [AC 1:57]) [P'J: main1?]; 2. account: sg. "panx 'XB how are you? [lit. what is your account?] OHT Qid 38:8 [responsum of Saadia, said to be a phrase in spoken JBA] Geon. expl.: pv nwyo [3"y 33 1'WlTp] K'Tn -fflVl yoTU 13X inn.TX n'MX "73 nwy» pip OHT ib. 6; Lit: Tel 11; Geig, AAC 17;GCIntr33. xrnonx, abs. xaonx, Pi. xrixaonx n.f. inheritance (Vpn; TA XJOnX TO Lev 14:34) sg.abs. H1J3 X:onXl p"?in \\rb n^l they will have i#-inx 105 xannx no share and inheritance in it SSSad 266:11; ib. 202b: 18; pi. XriXJOnx '-|13y3 removing of inheritances BB 133b(30; Inyanot 190:22) // '3 xrnonx may //>.(H) // Ket 53a(3) On HTUOnxa Zev 54a(10), quoted from a Targum of Gen 49:27, v. i xrm»; Y: xruonx Ket ib.(BAYTN 285). l#inX, "inX vb. to tarry, postpone (4- mnx, xinx, nxinx, xm'-inx, xrinx, xiin'x, nmxa; Sy tjjok' to tarry, w. &kl to stay LS 13, PSm 126) Pe. to tarry: 1JTOX mnx ro '1H3 -inxa"7 H'V TDXT he is forbidden to tarry with the daughter of his wife's sister Anan 105:22 Pa. 1. to tarry, be late: 1T1X xVl 'inXB XByD 'X» XJTXn ]iy\ why do the scholars tarry and not come now? Meg 7b(28); 2. to postpone, delay, do something later: a. alone: 'anpxV lnV'JI 'X la'lpX mnx1? inVm 'Xl lTnx if you generally make (the meal) early, make (it) late. If you generally make (it) late, make (it) early Sab 119a(45; MGE 414:13); Kar 20a(27); Yom 20b(2) // Zev 86b(9); TGHark 43:10; pass.part. -inxa'lV "inxaT the latter part (of the first verse forms an analogy) with the latter part (of the second verse) Bek 26b(28); b. w. dir. obj.: UWQ mnm mTU1? n"? inxa XpT because he is delaying the ritually clean Naziriteship Ned 4a(7); M'1? X3"inxa ^ I shall not postpone it [i.e. the payment] SSHai 14b(9); TlJnnXT Kin XJmxi it is we who delayed it [i.e. the writing of the document] HP 67:8; TGAs42 180:5; c. used adverbially w. fol. vb.: "inxa 1B1 'SXD1 D'lp "TO 'SXD1 one feeds (the servant) first, and the other feeds (him) afterwards Ket 61a(51); p'Tlxai 7b p'psa we delay its exit [i.e. of the Sabbath or the holiday] HP 23:8 [cf. H'8? pnnxa Xai' 'piSX Ber 52a(25)]; npViai XTIXa IDT 31T mri'3T PN's wife used to light (the lamp for the Sabbath) late [i.e. just before dark] Sab 23b(31); 3. to place at a later time or position: mnx 'irixa XpT 'X if (the witnesses) indeed place (the injury) later BQ 74a(9); n1? inxa minx1? rrb xn'n ]xai one who wants to order it [i.e. the tractate] in a later position may do so ISGF 32:7; ib. 19:3; 33:21; 34:2; 'aiV nmn -inxi nxis1? ns'm Dnpx (Scripture) placed 'washing' before 'excrement' and placed 'rinsing' after 'blood' Anan 27:8 [v. Is 4:4] itpa. l. to tarry: pi -nyv xVx mnxri'x1? b wbi X3'ri"ai X3"?'TXT I only need to tarry for the amount of time to go and bring (the money) TGHark 151:16; 2. to be delayed: -inXJVXT l"yx X1DW 13J13 X"?l even though (its writing) was delayed, and they did not write the document (when the act took place) ib. 102:13; 40:21; 43:9 Lit: Eps, Stl 78 [Pe.]; on Nid 30b(25), v. i Vmn itpa., mng. 2. 2# inX vb. to be sexually aroused (TA "1PIX pe. TJ Jer 5:8, Sy im-±, -jotk' LS 514, 7, MH 2# inx LNVTH 101) Itpe.: "p xnnri'B I am sexually aroused by you AZ 18a(52) [spoken to a woman assumed to be a prostitute; but cf. 4- Vmn itpa., mng. la] Lit: Yalon, Studies 293. xinx*, f. xnnnx adj. last (4- Vi#-inx, x-inav; Sy rdJ-UuS' LS 13), only sg.f. SMinnKI adv. last: xrmnXT vrra Vl which one of them [i.e. the Tannaitic traditions] (was stated) last? Men 52a(9; V10); Hul 86b(12; MV11); xnnmn Xfl'ap the former (version was stated) last ib. 10; XrmnXT xmm the latter (version was stated) last ib. 12 ilXnnX adj. responsible (caique < Akk arku guarantor [lit. the one who stands behind the debtor] CAD A/2 290, mng. 2; 4- Vl#-|riX, xm'-inx; MH 1'nnx Yeivin, BV 1047, JPA 2#"inx djpa 47) pl.m.abs. rx[-inx] ivp pnViD all of them will be responsible SSHai 2b(5) Lit: Greenfield, AKY 212. XflVinX n.f. responsibility for indemnity (4- nxinX; cf. MH ninnx Yeivin, BV 1060) sg. 'ari'X xm'-inx xn"?anx the responsibility for indemnity for a widow (who sold property) is upon the orphans Ket 97a(17); ib. 19; Dec 10:22; 'mnnX3 3"iT?T 'DTI '3 m Varw^ he may use it [i.e. the sela] in order that he should be responsible for it Ara 6a(35); '3'3t tW m'Xnnxi 'X"?y ]'V'X I am responsible for indemnity of the writ of this sale SSHai 6a(17); ib. 2b(2); 12a(l); 14a(2); 18b(l); HP 101:27; TGAs42 78:25 xannx, xannix, f. 'rnnx, 'nnnix, nnix
Nn»-|nN 106 1BK t ; t : ~ pi.m. 'annx, 'annix, f. ntt'sip*, Kn»ainiK r .. ..T. T 7 ,. „T. 7 T T, TT: t ? T T , TT. adj. another (I Vl#"VlX, XinXDV; TA fiJTIX TO Dt 28:32[GTO 558], 'imx TO Lev 18:9[GTO 564], Sy rdJT-uK', f. K'&H-orV, pl.m. ^otjok', rc,&-Ls4jjr<''LS 13, Nold,' SG §146, Ma xmin, f. xwnn, pl.m. x'j'-nn, xnx'r-nn MD 137, Nold, MG 185+) a. alone: sg.m. X1H X3'inX 'Xn this is another one Ber 53a(12); f. XT1 WiniX XH SuA: 27b(10); pl.m. in'TO ':nnx XD'X there are others with them Er 73a(33); Bes 10b(20); f. VTX XriX'nnxa he (did not look) at other (men's wives) BB 16a(40); p'OIB Xn"3inx do they add others [i.e. new prohibitions]? RH 18b(50); b. w. preced. n.: sg.m. Xmnx Wi'X another person San 59b(18); xmnx X32/3 mb on the following Sunday Nid 1 la(25); Xmnx T» another thing Sab 27a(30); XJnniX T» Fes 26a(44); X"lp Xi'-imx another biblical verse RH 13b(2); f. 'Xl'inx XriDDH another tractate Sab 3b(3); XJB'T Tinnx another time ib. 140a(29); Tinmx XnXB another town BM 75b(47; MGE 526:6); pl.m. '3 TiniX nnVn three other people MQ 16a(33); f. 'n'^inx \>W ■'!0@vrr\T\ another twelve years Ned 50a(20); XnX'iimX '^a MQ 15b(33) Lit: Eps, Gr 1.30; Voc: xJhnS HPP 43:19; 'nnnft HPP 54:19; xflX'tfriX ib. 309:30; Y: Xr-inX Ber 53a(l 1; BAYTN 269). NJTOinS n.f. anathema (4- Vmn af.) sg. Dec 4:1 [title of document]; XT xnainx rt'Vy 13n31 rTJl' XDinx1? they have written this anathema concerning him to put a ban upon him ib. 8; 15; XJiainXl xma© excommunication and anathema TGHark 234:14; ib. 161:20; XJiaitt pD'ty XJJVna XnainXl xnTUl I impose upon you an excommunication, court oath, and anathema Bo 2:6; ib. 29:9; 52:9 The XJlDinN was placed on the individual after he disregarded the I xrOB [for the text of the proclamation, v. Dec 4:5+; OHT MQ 17:21+]. xnnx, xnKnN, pi. «rmns n.f. sister (4- is xnnx, xnnx ra-, TA ymx to Lev 18:11, Sy rt&Jj, pi. pc'^Sjok' LS 10, Ma xnxnx, pi. XJIXKXjnx MD 8) a. general: sg. 5M39b(13); n'X 'Xia iWVpt Xnnx 'V I have a sister who is older than I Meg 13b(12) // BB 123a(40); XTSttH 'Jinx 'XJB my sister who is more beautiful than I BM 84a(41); xaX@nXTT nCTl X3X HTinX I am the sister of the one whom I am carrying Yev 97b (3); AZ I7a(23); x'D3 xpi n'nnx x'nx wp1? wh vbn .Tap PN became ill (and) his sister came crying before him BM 84a(45); ib. 59b(41) // Sab 116a(49); nnxnXT XnSJ1? 'SlorxV nwx1? nb TDK a woman is forbidden to be married to her sister's husband Anan 105:18; VOX rWHl nnxnxi nm3 the daughter and sister of his father's wife AnanSok 1:24; pi. pn1? p'OH Xnxinx yVi \TT\T\ T1X two sisters who are married to two brothers HP 157:19; 'Xmnx Sab 57a(22); inxinx Anan 99:14; (n)TinnX VlVo all of her sisters Yev 32b(6); rra'XT H'TlXinX his mother's sisters AnanSch 21:9; TPniinX "73 all of their sisters Anan 104:5; b. w. PN: sg. XSS 13 'OX 'IT H'nnX Xef 56b(38); H'TinX n'mBDX nDB? ]3 \\ytiV PN's sister concealed him Sot 47a(35) // 5a« 107b(26); Ket 67b(27); 55 100b(18); li. 151a(34); pi. 'I1D XDXinX 'TBI PN and PN2 are (twin) sisters Yev 66a(l; TGHark 234:23) Voc: Xnfix HPP 242:19; Y: XJiriX BB 123a(40; BAYTN 3). N213N, NSUn n.m. pole, scriber (4- pjana; etym. unkn.) 1. pole: pi. Sab 98a(21) [w. ref. to poles mounted on the wagons used in the tabernacle]; 2. in phrase '1S0T N313X scriber (used for incising lines): sg. nSDT X3DX xVa the width of the scriber Men 32a(7; M) [Var: mDri §T 496:17, OHPSuk 97:11] Geon. expl.: OHB 'vmpn m ]K p»02JB ira ■?» piBJT '3BX "B V?b' x^ ijm1? rfrayn *7y /imp 'to ixio raa orum oht §ab 93:16 [mng. 1]; [l'3aD]nB O'BXT 'IB V> B'l ^na ^B 131 '3B'N GnK5 167:9; Wis iv mv ':B3 i'bxt ':b3 xin ^ns ^b xibdt xsbx mjrrn JIX 13 ppm )nBlDl Ittur 2:24b [mng. 2]; Y: 'J73BX Sab ib.(BAYTN 305). VSR, IBSlK prep, on account of, part. interrogative particle (< 4- "?1Dax) I. prep, on account of, necessitated by: a. fol. V"1I1 pe.: njnc? 1DX H32;n ma' 1X© p'lTJ do we make a decree for the rest of the days of the year on account of seven (days)? Yom 10b(5); Pes 58b(15); Bes 18a(7); Hag 19a(ll); AZ 38b(50); Hul 85b(37); 'BpT Dl 1DX nV'yn -IX13T BJ "lltr,7 n'j'yS let us decree (the necessity of) a ge? following cohabitation on account of a get preceding cohabitation Yev 53b(7); Ket 99a(12); Hul 3ib(5); xabjn xn^'y rax x^'^t xri'V'y ran N31DN t ~: 107 NOillDN it is a decree (concerning) an upper room of marble necessitated by (the need to deal with) an upper room of any kind Sab 29b(29); RH 21 a(7); BQ llb(2); b. fol. Voap pe.: TOX XTJin p'OJj? XIICX we penalize what is permissible on account of what is forbidden BM 72a(23); Sab 3b(33); Yev 90a(24); BQ 30b(4); c. fol. V'JIl pe.: X(3)H 1I3X 'Tin ]3I1 we learnt that case on account of this one Svu 32a(12); 'tfn 1D»X XD'D Kin he learnt the latter clause on account of the former one Hul 68a(30); Ket 72b(38); II. part. interrogative particle before nouns or pronouns introducing a rhetorical question: 1DBX P'X XJanm npn IX1? mXIX bo are not all of the commandments the decrees of the Merciful One? Anan 6:19; X'H 'mDlT xrfj'a HXT TOX is fear (of God) an insignificant matter? Ber 33b(46); TOX X1U 'XH '3 Xfimxa mm mt id did Moses not indicate in the Torah in such a manner? Tan 9a(20); Meg 12a(ll); Yev 76a(16); Qid 33a(29); San 33a(17); AZ 28b(35); ^ra 23a(36); ]3X TOX D'Dain '33 D'J-irrcmxn ]Xyr do we understand (the words) D'aSTI 'J3 D'nn^nxn [Est 8:10]? A/eg 18a(40); Xl'DXp TBBH X3J?T X1? XjX TOX do I not know that I am saying (the interpretation) properly? 5A/84a(51) Lit: Bacher 4; Geiger, AAC 18; Satzlehre 155+ [mng. II]; Y: 1BX Ber 9a(41; BAYTN 336). N31DN, N31B n.m. strap, rope (TA 'HUTOX pi. TO Ex 39:40, Ma X'jTOX MD 13, Sy kIj-^k' thongs LS 269) sg. 'DXT X3TO '3 ]1313T 'Xth I saw (in a dream) that they had bound me with a rope of myrtles Ber 56b(17; MGG 707:13[Var]) [F: XDXT X3TO3 Xi3n3ai]; pi. XarrOT 'jTOX linen ropes RH 23a(30) Lit: S. Fraenkel, ZA 22 [1909] 253. The Sy form is prob. a mistake for «lio-l„«"; Y: 'JWX RH ib.(BAYTN 66). DUN (sec. rt. < 4- Voats) 4- xao'X n. NOON, N»D?, pi. '»»N, NnnapN n.f. thigh, foundation wall (< XBoV lit. bone; Sy ^^\, «■', pi. rc'^»J|(rj: thigh, side LS 520, Ma XttBX, pi. X'BDX thigh, side MD 13) 1. thigh: a. animal: sg. X&DX 15?1 XriTOT nS3» from the skull of the brain to the thigh Hul 54a(10); xSttf HP 208:13(HPP 305:21); X1W3T XaBX a thigh of meat BB 88a(l 1); Er 29b(44); XttBXT 'X X3S1T 'X (meat) either of the rib or of the thigh BM 23b(12; Ar [AC 1:62]); XBDXT X3in fat of the thigh Bek 30a(l); xnV'ri xVljn X»DX the thigh of a three- year old calf Meg 7a(53); xat?X <i>n)'p» Xpl he was removing the veins from the thigh Hul 96a(21); BB 74b(19); X»DX '"? X'Vt Xin one (goose) lifted up (its) thigh to me ib. 73b(35); 'XH XBDX1 Xp13 the joint of the thigh bone Hul 42b(18); pi. mm '3'31 Xt?na goat's wool from between the thighs (of the animal) Sab 49a(10); SH1p7 p"pT 'BOX thighs (of an animal) which are designated as a gift Hul 8a(35; M); xmp3 'BEjn removal of the veins of the thighs HG3 155:35; ib. 36; xn^'3T XnnatSX inn certain thighs of meat Hul 97b (5); XmBDX 'mil two thighs San 59b(40; F2) [H: XJ1XSDX]; b. human: sg. rvwy Git 69b(47; OHT Git 154:1) [4- xnrroa]; n'Btsx xn3 im iT»bx xns in n'1? ran they tied one (tree) to one thigh of his, and one (tree) to his other thigh Ber 56b(2; MGG 707:6); mn'T H'BBjn 'Vfri let him hang (the silver plate) on his thigh and descend (into the fire) HM 40:14; ib. 39:4!; 2. foundation wall(?): pi. man Tbva yshycn XmaBX certain foundation walls which are incorporated into the Tigris Er 57b(37; ORaHAr [AC 1:62]) [Var: XnnBDy V'Ar (AC 6:186)] Geon. expl.: m3B .TBB? OHT Git 158:4, i.e. iiii [mng. 1]; expl. RaH: nnya 103 l»m JTO'T [mng. 2]; Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: X?DX Meg 7a(53; BAYTN 75). N3BK n. a bird (etym. unkn.) pi. DIpB 'JDX1 '3D» "■731X ViaxV 1JH3W the i.-birds and '.-birds are eaten where it is customary Hul 63a(12) [Var: 'X3T1X MGL 255:3] *]DN vb. to turn back (< »)Dy*; Sy ■» \ v LS 520, Ma 1#«]DX MD 13) Pe.: XB/'V «]TOXT ]'3Bt Dnn TOXB1 sometimes the dough turns back and reaches there [i.e. the rim] Pes 45b(15; E2C) 1BN vb. 4- V2# IDS? vb. KJ.T1BK 4- XlTinx n. K0J)1»N, K3N3TIDN n.m. a plant (etym. unkn.) sg. T13T "ix 'ip 'aim xojnDX 'ix 'ip ijjiwVs in our language [i.e. spoken Aramaic] it is called XOmtJX, and the Arabs call it jjijj [i.e.
NS-10K 108 'N strawberry blight Siggel 74] TGAs28 181:12 [expl. MH I13T M§vi 9:1] = XlXmBX Sura 2 [1955-6] 302:3 NS-lttN, KBTBK, KS"1B n.m./f. leaf, lower part, season (TA XS1D TO Lev 26:36, Ma XSTBX MD 13, Sy KlitX LS 290) 1. leaf: a. general: sg. '"1XS Tin X£nBX3 'XI if (the damage is) on the leaf, it regenerates BB 18b(10); pi. XVI 'S1DX pn mmn 'sx"? in xiV'xs ^psn two leaves which emerge from the tree, one opposite the other Anan 9:16; ib. 13; 20; b. of particular trees: sg. XTIXT XD1DX leaf of an '.-tree Git 69b(52); X1XT xy'XB XSIBX xysa the middle row (of the crocus and) the middle leaf (of it) Nid 20a(38); XS1D X0X1 myrtle leaf Ket 77b(22; MGG 226:6); Sab 146b(33); xnxjn XS1BX bay leaf Git 69b(24; V16[corr.]) [Var: XIJH XSnD Ar (AC 6:256)]; HM 46:1; pl.abs. Xrvn p-lDX olive leaves ib. 41:1; det. 'S1BX 5mA: 37b(4) [myrtle]; n'STDX pm I'TIBI its [i.e. the wild myrtle's] leaves which are large and wide HP 32:31(HPP 43:20); ib. 33:3; TIIDIDX yvwSl HXV'J XDn ... lettuce whose leaves are flat HM 41:20; 'HIBIDX T»(')a3 DX ]SS381 if its leaves are withered and bent over ib. 4; x"?1D3 WT121 'nxpi 'SIB nmn three leaves of gourds which are dried in the shade AZ 28b(10); 2. perh. season: pi. 'SIB XTlVri 13 X"lBn wine of three seasons [i.e. three year old wine] Sab 129a (41) [cf. Rashi] Y: XB1B BAYTN 84. - 'Tnn NS1DN n.m. flap of nostril (I XTm; Sy K'H-ijaJa f^T-X, LS ib., mng. 2) sg. XSItJX n'Tnh nbxwi the left flap of his nostril Ber 55b(40) - XlTDn NS1DN n.m. flap of the phallus (I xmmi) pi. rrron 'snox pn the two flaps of the penis Anan 85:15 'N conj. if, whether (< |'X; i IX, 13'X; Sy ^tf LS 27, Ma l#p MD 146) 1. if: a. fol. by a non-verbal phrase: xV XS"0 'X XS"D IxV xnSD 'X X1SD if one is a scholar, then one is not a highwayman. If one is a highwayman, then one is not a scholar AZ 17b(33); 'XT XJins x"7 X"UX 'X X"UX xV xnns if there is a fee, there (should) not (be) a depreciation (charge). If there is a depreciation (charge), there (should) not (be) a fee BM 70a(ll); xa,!7 xnV'B IT1? jratn X3'X 'X 'V if there is someone who has heard the matter, let him tell me Ber 5b(40); Sab 110a(15); BM 42b(i7); AZ I2b(i8); xrnis ]xnn> mn nx ix1? 'x P'Wpl were it not for you, we would have sat a bit longer and (then) have gotten up BQ 10b(12); n"? '"ip mn 3"in M6 'XI for if not [i.e. if Scripture did not intend to teach us the place of slaughtering], it would have called it 'sword' [and not rf73XB Gen 22:10] AnanSch 24:25; IX1? 'XT XB^p mn X1? "On were it not so, it would not have endured San 108b(32); Anan 76:24; XJX pinx 'X XTUH ,!7 13n if I am your brother, give me a portion Yev 37b(38); 'X '3Vb p'B vnsn wra 'X 'Sisn ]ra 'sVa 13TB if the governors (come) from you, the kings (come) from us. If the kings (come) from you, the governors (come) from us Meg 12a(15; G) II AZ 8b(22); 'BJ 'X alternatively Ket 80b(16) [I 'ZM usage e.l.a]; X2?n X'Wp VJ?l 'X if so, the first part of the Mishna is difficult Ber 27a(13) [4- VJH mng. l.a.2]; b. fol. by a verbal phrase: 1) pf: "lan'X '3n "iBn'X 'X if it was said, it was said in this manner Sab 39b(16); 'XT nann man jryBIPX for if he informed us about the summer ... ib. 8b(21); Meg 29b(39); BM 31a(51); 2) part.: 'nnx 7V SOT' "|3 mm 'X 'Xja XTSttH if you repent [i.e. stop being a highwayman], I shall give you (in marriage) my sister who is more beautiful than I BM 84a(41); 13W3 mmn X3BI wyT 'X if you know the date of the document, write (it) BB 171b(31); X3JH' 'X xtf»Xtt xV-XI Xiyr if I know-fine. And if not-I shall ask San 8a(17); X"13 m1? JTX-X1?! nXB 'X if he dies and he does not have a son Anan 107:5; T3J7 XV 'J?3 'X T3J? '573 'X if he wishes he does (it). If he wishes he does not do (it) BM 10b(46); '©nax ,!7D3 '"Pm 'VB3 'X if the haughty cease to exist (among the Jews), the magian priests will cease to exist (among the Persians) San 98a(37) // Sab 139a(24); '3 tVTy IrVjm "?3 ^ WDt 'X if you best me, do whatever you want to me Bek 8b(24); Xin l&Vp 13 m1? V'Bp 'X if he kills him he is liable for execution Mak 10b(28); n'Jtt 'X Tl3m xnvj VJnnx'? if you want to destroy the "t 'N 109 *03'K t : house of your friend HM 43:9; 3) imp.: ,TBlpn 'X IV1? ~\yc if your dove will overtake my dove San 25a(3l); yo mV 'ana jxb T3 moprx 'x if I shall hold him in my hand, who can snatch him away from me? Hag 15b(18); Vjn XB'n ib 'XT for if you do not say so ... Er 2a(31); Yom 56b(15); Yev 102b(46); BM 5b(4); Yev 45a(43); 2. 'X ... 'X either/whether ... or: xmn'B 'X xmn 'X either a friend or death Tan 23a(53) // BB 16b(24); 13 'X jmxi yrbn 13 'X Tbm yrbn either thirty-three or thirty-four years old San 106b(6); n,!? XpSDB rmn' "I3 'X pi: 'X he was in doubt whether it is according to the scholars or according to PN BB 127b(3); BM 18b(46); 'X n'TT 'X XJJTP xVl n'3m I do not know whether it is his or his master's Nid 10b(7); Sab 139b(l); Git 6a(47); Svu 46b(21) Lit: Satzlehre 271+. This word is occasionally joined enclitically to a fol. word, esp. in Y mss., e.g. 'Sn1, max' [v. Kara 45]; '3,T Gcon 340:15; i/T 154:6 [expl. as '3rt IX OXpn]; Y: 'X Ber 18b(l 1; BAYTN 338). — "7 'N conj. if (the case is) that... (-1 "T mng. 1.5) mm xnnx XS^T 'X if (the case is) that there is no one else with him Er 70a(17); 'X '"W 'Xll n33D XS'XT if (the case is) that there is a danger, it is certainly permitted Yom 49a(23); Bes 26b(27); Yev 61b(32); Ket 101a(25); BQ 32b(35); BB 97b(16) Lit: Satzlehre 273+. - "7 IN1? 'X conj. were it not that ... (4 IxV, IXV'X; Ma -I Kb? MD 350, Nold, MG 478+) 'X in1? ]jnax xV ... xnmxa nu;a innaxi ixV were it not that Moses had said them in the Torah, we could not have said them Ber 33b(43); Mi1? 'X 5?T mn X3a DWXT were it not that (the number of the wings) had been reduced how would he have known? Hag 13b(46); XBOn 7V 'Xb"!! IXs? 'X nrrm xmna nmwa 'a were it not that i had lifted up the oyster shell for you, would you have found the pearl under it? Yev 92b(27) [+ //'s; 4-1# xson mng. 2]; n'1? 'oaa mn m1? mxi ix1? 'x -mnB?V nnxanVl were it not that he had confessed to him, he would have brought him and his donkey to the s.-official BB 47a(15); 'XTm IxV 'X xmy mn XV XW: '3a were it not that she had seen (this) in her family home, she would not have done (it) Hul 110a(18; V1'); Sab 60b(50); Meg lla(48); Yev 17a(22); Git 45a(28); BM 85a(21); AZ 20b(23); Bek 37a(32) Lit: Nold, MG 479'. 'N, »H interj. woe! (MH2 M J 343; cf. Sy &«? LS 7) 'ISO 'VBT X3X 'X woe! A basket which is full of books! [metaph. for one who knows the entire Tannaitic tradition by heart] Meg 28b(39; M) [Var: xn G]; XT>ia m xnxmm xnVia 'x XXlX'Tim woe! A midwife of Jewesses, the daughter of a midwife of Jewesses AZ\ 26a(26) [Var: VI Eps, St2 562:2, 9] Lit: Eps, Gr 143. "'N 4- n'X particle SJI'3'K I XnT3'y n. N^a'X, abs. n3N n.m. limb, arm, male sexual organ (Sy rt'-Uarc' arm BBah 19:21, Ma 2#Xmj? arm MD 341; mng. 2: OfA n"73X = MP ker penis FiP 10:36, DNWSI 7, MH2 "I3X J 9) 1. limb: sg.abs. 13X "I3X n"7SD he applied a (depilatory) paste on her one limb at a time Sab 80b(14) // MQ 9b(46); det. KWYI Xm'X the limb of the flesh [i.e. the amount on it] Yom 25b(27; L); 2. arm: sg. "mi nxai ma's in3 xmj im nxa stw n'lS'X in3 X^31 he saved one hundred and one men with his one arm and one hundred and one men with his other arm Ber 60a(53); mm'X "?y XBW"? his [i.e. Reuben's severed] arm entered the sarcophagus Sot 7b(38; V2) // BQ 92a(49; Es) // Mak llb(10; Ed); mVxBttn X13'X his left arm Sab 90b(24) [cf. Ma x"?xaDT X135? MD ib.]; xra'T X-13'X his right arm Bo 59:10; pi. won liTy*l3 'ins in'mx they wash their arms together with their feet Anan 33:11; ib. 35:3; 36:15; Xlisnx 'mn mm'X his arms are two hammers Bo 78:5; 3. male sexual organ: sg. 'yaw "n n,_l3X pp njwn ra nans 'or 'm PN's penis was the size of ajug of nine qabs 5A/84a(13; F1); /'& 16 Lit: Eps, Stl 74; id., St2 813 [mng. 1]; D. Boyarin, Carnal Israel, Berkeley 1993 197+ [Mng. 2]; Y: X-JTX BAYTN 139. XHa'N adv. certainly (< Mir *ebar [cf. MP ewar certain(ly), assured(ly) CPD 31, JudP >pV ib.]) nx X3"?a Xm'X you are certainly a king Git 56b(i); xm'x mV 'ax ann vpb m mn x1? was pn
mu'x no "I'N not there? He said to him: "Certainly" BQ 117a(39); BM 8b(17); 'ax 'Xin XJX IX1? n'1? .T1»X Jl'in /1X m3'X nV she said to him: "Was it not I?" He said to her: "Certainly, it was you" BB 168a(4); ib. 46a(23; F2); Hul 59b(33); ib. 42; MQ 7b(17); Svu 10a(29) Geon. expl.: p ffl»yx Trarfr "RJIXW D1X3 D'W J131OT13 J7I JW1? '^a Vxyw pwVai ma'X la'wo xini x^> ix TGKis i.i:i2, i.e. J& Wald 16; Lit: AAC 5; Y: X}3'X Git ib.(BAYTN 332). NIU'K n.m. (uncertain) sg. XTU'X '3 X'Tn 'Xn 'aXl r. is like a ... Tan 25b(38; Geon 345:8) NVa'N n.m. perh. city gate (Ma 1# X^IX MD 5; 1 2#x"71) pi. 'S3 '^'X1? (uncertain) BB 8a(24; TGAs42 157:11) [+ mss.; v. DS ib. 29s] But H: XBJ 'bj1? ib; BM 108a(10). NIS'N, abs. "lA'N n.m. roof, ledge, upper portion (< Akk igaru wall CAD I 34, AIOA 57; 1 '"U'X '31, Xll'X '33, s.v. 1#X13 mng. 12; LMA ig-ga-ri Uruklnc 1, TA XIIX TJ Jos 2:6, Sy rc'-L^rf' LS 5, Ma xnxiiy pi. MD 353, > Arab jll.1, jLdl Fr, AF 25) 1. roof: sg.abs. m "irxa Xfip'ay XT3^ from a high roof to a deep pit /fag 5b(37) [metaph. of a great downfall]; det. Pes 113a(17) [4 X3p usage e]; Sab 98b(20); 55 59a(10); Men 64b(27); HM 46:9; .Tll'Xl nfl'tyl its upper story and its roof SSHai 6a(7); X^'Vm X"I1X3 J?ps (the din of) the Hallel split the roof Pes 85b(34); g/rf 63b(38) [4- VrlBI pa./af.]; p0 "]mnr« sm 'TO1 XIIX1? go up to the roof and throw the ladder down from under you Ber 33a(15) // Pes 112b(17); San 26a(35); p'"70 Xl'ai VS31 Xll'X1? he went up to the roof, jumped off, and died Tan 29a(43); Ket 103b(14); Pes 112b(16); Yom 75b(25); Meg 16a(27); Qid 40a(14); BB 3b(41); Hul 56b(56); 5o 112:6; i& 139:6; Xll'X |» SHOT '"ITm'X (the animal) rolled down completely from the roof HP 202:9(HPP 304:17); ib. 12; '31 Xll'XX '»"p lin XDB/'J3 they were standing on the roof of the synagogue Nid 13a(47); Yom 28b(38); AZ 26a(52); Hul 51a(13); TWB'X X"U'X3 3'rl' mn n'lPBJ J131 n'TIWa he was sitting on the roof, it collapsed under him, and he died Ket 62b(17); X"U'Xl DIB the edge of the roof Ber 63a(33); Er 100a(14) [4- XaiB'X]; 2. perh. ledge: sg. X371' mn X"U'X ty KW3 'aip she was sitting in front of the wall on the ledge San 95a(45; SM 112:23); Xll'X XTICH the ledge [rampart?] of the (city) wall ib. 109b (40); 3. horizontal portion (of a letter) [4- 1#X33 mng. 3, XJJ]: pi. mrxV W^TO "7TX XO'IIBI T'lltfl XT iT'W '31 he proceeded to remove the horizontal portions of the bet (in the word XD'"nB3), made it into a waw, and made it into XD'YIBI 'and the vineyard' BB 167a(17; HP 67:23) Y: XIJ'X Pes 85b(34; BAYTN 253). Nrna'N n.f. letter, legal document (< Akk egirtu letter, legal document [NA] CAD E 45, AIOA 48; TA xrftSx TJ 2K 5:5, Sy re'&i-J^K' LS 5, Ma Xm'JUy MD 353; mng. 2: OA XDD3 NmiX contract concerning silver DNWSI 12) 1. letter: sg. pnv "IT .T&ffS X3iyaa XJTIIX 'XJ1X a letter came from Eretz Israel in the name of PN Sab 115a(7); BB 41b(12); San 29a(3); X3TD mn 'aTr? XJTll'X there was a letter written to Rome AZ I7b(50); xnp'a xVn xmrxa "WB'a xVn xa"?n a dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read Ber 55b(19); San 82a(55) [+ ll\ I xmp]; BM 114a(4); Tern 14a(44); 2. legal document, writ: sg.cs. 1'pUlP mix writ of divorce SSHai 3a(17); Bo 10:10; det. XDB '3 XJTU'X1? naniraV when he was about to sign the document Yom 77a(36); ib. 43; Xjnx 'jpi X3'1? xmJ'X3 x"?X one can only acquire possession of a field by means of a legal document .8.8 54b(10) On the defective spelling in SSHai ib., V. OHT Git 197:16; Y: Xfnj'X Sab 115a(7; BAYTN 289). NTN n. perh. fate (< BH TX HAL 38) pl.cs. 'TX mv the fates of heaven Bo 78:14; ib. 20 'TX pron. m. this (< 4 ]'TX, m'X) only in 'TX 'TX1 this one and that one: X"liy'tt? in 'TXT 'TX Xin this one and that one are the same measure Sot 4a(29); Pes 53a(23); XJl'llXI 'TX1 'TX this one and that one are Pentateuchal injunctions San 41b(24); Sab 80b(25); Yom 30b(19); Meg 7b(50); BQ 106a(25); BB 57b(7); ^Z 66a(28); Bek 26a(32) Geon. expl.: mm XTI m ITT "^X^X 1033 'TNI 'TX LPT 146:14; Lit: Eps, Gr 23; Nold, MG 921; Voc: 'TX San 38b(27; He); 'TX HGP 19b: 10; Y: 'TX Pes ib.(BAYTN 342). H'N 111 '.TS ]'TK pron. which one (< ]'T'n; dial, form; JPA p'VI DJPA 162; 4- 'n) D3n 'ipn'D p'X which one is called a wise man? 7am 32a(23); ib. 24; 26 Y: fTX Tam ib. 'TJ'l'S pron. m./f. that, the other, remainder (< -p/TT + 'X; 4- 'TX) 1. that, the other: a. alone: m. -|TX1 and the other one? Er 41b(28); Hag 26b(l 1); San 57a(7); '13X1 "P'X nriB the other one began speaking and said Pes 3b(23) [# in]; Meg 23b(37); ^'X D"a in D3"OTX "?'T, perhaps by the time one (brother) performs the levirate marriage the other will die Yev 26a(32); Pes 62a(31) [* Xinn]; f. ^TXl XH Xin one is this, and the other ... BB 144a(33); ib. 150b(32); 1TX X'3n another (Tannaitic source) is learnt Yom llb(31); XB'OT 1TX1 that (case) of the final section (of the Mishna) Male 14a(31); HXW3 "ft -nflOn ^TXl you will be permitted to derive benefit from that one [i.e. wine jug] AZ 49b(25); mm' 'IT "p'X that (statement) of PN Sab 6b(7); b. m., w. fol. n.: XO'l -jTX the other side Er 8b(ll) [* XD'l in]; BM 84a(40); Meg 12b (51) [4- 2#XD'A mng. 2]; X^B "1TX the other half Hul 79b(40); Git 73a(2); BQ 53a(36); BM 39b(23); X3X2/'V -JTX the other version Suk 7a(24); Yev 46a(41); XD^y T'X the other world [i.e. the world to come] Hag 15a(25); ]'pTD "]TX3 in another chapter of our (Mishna) Tan 14a(10); 2. remainder, rest: XBttTB -|TX1 and the rest (of the Torah) is the explanation (of this rule) Sab 31a(30); n'"73n3 n'Vn'J ni3tn -p'Xl let her sell the rest of it [i.e. her ketubba] to him (in compensation) for his injury BQ 89b(17) Lit: Barth, Pron 77; Voc: rrx HPP 245:17; "1TX HGP 36a:18; Y: i]TX Gil 77b(36; BAYTN 342). P'N 4- XJTy n. tUVn'K, NaiTM'N n.m./f. an inner closed room (< MP andaron inside, within CPD 9 [cf. NP andarun PED 109]; Pal JVTCX PAT 335, DNWSI 19, TA irVix TJ Jud 3:24 [H Tin], Sy riioiiiK' LS 6, Ma Xirnjy MD 353, > Arab ujj Ji PLAr 7) sg. '33 j?3ix n'"? ma xn-mx 'xn an inner room which has four doors Men 34a(7; M); xarrrx xinn"? xnns rvb n'ns mm (a certain synagogue) whose entrance faced a certain inner room Meg 26b (40); X33"7 X1D1 XJTTH'X^ H'Ty H'BX3 he brought him into the inner room and closed the door before him BM 86a(25); Hul 52b(41); BQ 85b(19); ib. 91b(12); Meg 26b(39); x'n xri'^ya ximrx 3n m xmosx (is not) the exedra of the be rav a proper inner room? Men 33b(36); XtVbDIXT XJm'XT (an incantation) of the inner room, of the vaulted chamber Bo 14:13 [indicates where the bowl should be placed] Lit: Fl, TW 1:12; Tel 7; Y: XjiTI'X Meg 26b(39; BAYTN 305). in'N pron. he, it (< reduplicated imn* [GVG 1:304], w. dissim. -u-u- > -i-u-\ cf. Sy cuncn LS 172; i Xin, im) a. as subj.: 1) general: .TV TJJH n'tt/Bi"? Vl'X what he made for himself Sab 58a(5); H'DU lH'X he himself ib. 109b(38); lH'X X1H it is he Er 54a(51); V'nia ln'X IX1?! X'JD X1? must he circumcise? Pes 7b(4); San 42a(46); ln'X I'ja n»3 how long did he reign? Meg 1 lb(54); IX IpV ln'X IX 'Ipfi? XJX either I lied or he lied Yev 55b(33); Sab 156a(26); Git 83a(32); 5M42b(6); 55 41a(23); ib. 73b(24); ]3'3n' mn ln'Xl X3XT 'am' 'm n'»p I and he were sitting in front of PN Nid 25b(44); XpJTlB 'ln'V ln'X XmrXT WTp let the reader of the letter be the messenger (who delivers it) BM 83b(32) [prov.]; 2) in cleft sentences: n'PSJX T0BXT XW in'N it is he who caused damage to himself Ket 3a(29); Xin ln'X n'\£?B3 *1'03» Xpl it is he who puts himself to shame Sot 32b(38); Git 32a(21); Zev 49a(35); Hul 94b(37); '31V 1W H'V X'"U1»X1 Xin ln'X mi3J? it is for him [i.e. the priest] that the Sabbath was permitted with regard to Temple worship San 51a(9); b. as obj.: x"?l ]rm ln'X XV ]3'3?3 n'llX we do not want either it or its reward Yom 69b(19); San 94b(38); 'TB BTJ'X 1'3T» '3T T3T» n'»'»»n tal ln'X a person only sells something (together) with all of its implements BB 78b(12; P1); c. in prep, phrase: VTX x"73 without him BQ 10a(46) This pron. only occurs in JBA of BT, and except for the examples quoted, it is only employed as the subj. of a nominal or verbal phrase. Lit: Barth, Pron 14, understood "'X as a demonstrative prefix, but this was rejected by Kut, Studies 213 [Heb]; Voc: i,TX HGP 23a:18; Y: W'X Sab 58a(5; BAYTN 341). 'H'N pron. she, it (< reduplicated 'ri'n* [GVG 1:304], w. dissim. -u-u- > -i-u-; 4- X'n, 'mi) a. in nominal phrases: 1) as subject: 'TX 'Xa nxon
Nittn'N 112 NSB'N what is (the reference to) a sin offering? Pes 45a(3); Suk 16a(7); Yom 19b(43); 2) w. copula X'H: X'.1 '.TX is it identical? [lit. is it it?] Suk 35b(6); X'H '.TX IX1? is it not identical? £5 167b(38); XT! 'TX Xim Xin 73 (do we say): "Each one is, in fact, she?" Ket 27a(47); b. in verbal phrases: xma Xim ',TX 'XSntt/X she and one daughter were captured BM 39b(10); '3'n 'TX X'3Jna how can she prophecy? Meg 14b(17); xaa'na TPX she is believed Yev 65a(20); XT3X X1? TOS3 'H'X it [i.e. the idolatry] did not save itself AZ 41b(6); X13y HTT 'H'X it [i.e. the ban] will do its (job) A/0 17a(54); 7ev 91a(9); G/7 49b(28); Qid 73a(29); Afa/c 16a(38); Mrf 69a(39) This form of the pron. is employed only as the subject of verbal or nominal phrases; Voc: 'n'X San 41a(22; BAYTN 341). man'K 4- x-ianx n. N^i'N n.m. noise (4- Vtfnx) sg. xm xaVys xwrx ]'330an '11STD 'J'3 X3'X1 it is merely the noise (of the air) between the bronchia which are entangled HP 200:16 iOJt'N n.m. messenger (< OP asgdndes H. Happ, Glotta 40 [1962] 198+, Turfan IM'ty Geig, AAC 14; TA pM pi. TJ IS 6:21, Sy rC^unf LS 9, Ma XTJXltfX MD 40, ZSLM 38) sg. XTO'X 'y3"IN3 Xaty yOBI XT7p a swift messenger [i.e. Elijah] who traverses the world in four (steps) TGHark 189:26 There is no connection bet. this word and Akk Asgondu, a PN [v. CAD A/2 427, AIOA 38]. 'T'N, ll'N adv. then, at all events (< NP zihe bravo, well done PED 631; 4-'T) a. alone: '7 '»'X mn '3'n X13iyi XSIJ n'X tell me then, what was the essence of the case [lit. how the essence of the case was] Git 39b(39); Ket 63a(13); BQ 27b(25); BM 70a(8); BB 32b(32); Hul 51a(15); DX TX ]7 XS'X you tell us then AZ 4a(41); BB 74a(24); b. in phrase m'» TX: TX '7 V2IWX nna n3TD1 nrra swear to me at all events that (the animal) died naturally BM 98b(8); Sab 138b(16); ib. 125a(31)!; Ned 81a(39) Lit: Eps, Stl 201; Y: 'T'X BAYTN 338. Kb>T'N, K^t'y, pi. 'Vt'N n.m. net trap, net (< xVry; i 2#7TX; Sy kISuj. LS 519, rdiu.K' ib. 10, Ma X7Ty net for trapping birds or animals MD 347) sg. nD'j? '3ipai X7I'X a net whose knots are close together Hul 51b(34) [i.e. of high density; v. Geon 270:21]; ,T1Dp J'pinai X7T'X a net whose knots are tight Geon 270:18; pi. ib. 3; Git 60b(49) [i xttix]; 'Vry A/g iia(6); nana '7T'X3 X-1107 n7 p'OD PN used to divide up GN with nets Er 8a(23; O); TGAs42 164:4 Geon. expl.: H33W GnK5 171:15, i.e. <iii net, snare [v. Koh, ACSup 684]; expl. Ar: .T'lB^W J'Binn p f'Wyn nniXO |HW 'Wx OHP Er 85:27. Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: xW'X Hul ib.(BAYTN 108). XrhVX n.f. bunch (4- V2# 7TX) pi. '13'X1 Xn7T'X farmers' bunches £V 28b(53) Knai'K 4- xnarn n. XIT'X n.m. coarse inexpensive garment (cf. Sy rc4u.«' belt LS 10, BBah 122:24 [= Arab jljl]; 4- i# xmx) sg. 'ipx 'xa 'T'X xa?y jvu xJTxn XT1I 13 !XT1X3 now people use coarse garments. What are 'IPX? A coarse garment costing a zuz Seel 15:15(Var) tnin'N n.m. delay (4- Vl#inX; LJLA TirVX TgPs 89:52) sg. X'TOX'inOniX X73 without delay SSHai 4a(\6) NBB'N n.m. stoppage (4- VDDX, sec. rt. < VaatJ; cf. Sy Klin ,\^ LS 14) sg. TU3 XaB'X Dpi X378 a stoppage [i.e. dam] formed on the royal canal Qid 70b(33) Y: XOBX Qid ib.(BAYTN 75). NSD'N, KSND'K n.m. fold, depression, curved part (< XBD'y*; cf. TA ~|SWy your bosom TO Ex 4:6; cf. Sy ."^ v to turn back LS 520, Ma 1#«]DX MD 13) 1. fold, depression: pi. 'J'3 'BXD'X between the depressions [i.e. the holes in the cheese] AZ 35b(39; TGHark 23:20) [Var: 'B'DX P1; 'BX'B'X GnK5 136:21]; '31 'SD'X 'J'3 XD'Oarm '03 between the folds of the reticulum and the omasum HG3 161:4; 2. curved part: pi. T3jnn '-ibid bym '3 n'3 'box inn D'xpn xmax 'BBX ]'"W the nut which is composed of two curved parts [i.e. the shells] is like the nail cutter which was made of two curved parts Anan 87:11 Geon. expl.: ri"B3 JlXpoy'PX J'2 TGHark ib., i.e. ^lliijl ^ small depressions Wald 48; Lit: Eps, Stl 78; Y: 'BB'X AZ ib.(BAYTN 108). lOB'N 113 N|^ NIU'N n.m. a type of sale document (4- V2# 1»y) a. alone: pi. ntJ'X HP 72:27; b. w. •\/3rD pe.: sg. rf? Tl'X X"?p XIB'X TD (if) they drew up an '.-document it is publicized BB 29b(12); c. w. Vl33? pe.: nb n'X abp XID'X T3y (if) an '.-document is made, it is publicly known BM 39b(5; V"); ib. 8 "7 'I."*?* 'T^ conJ- because, since (< 'T + "X; 4- XT, 'T ^ prep.) a. w. fol. non-verbal phrase: nariX 'manx lUin 'TX since (the limb) is small, it was completely dissolved Bek 45a(46); 'T'X xy"?3 X3'D"n since (the meal offering) is soft it absorbs Zev 98a(15); X'JD xVt Xin XS'XT 'T'X vbv x"?3 since one (animal) must (bear) three Bek 20b(27); ib. 13a(29); 5o? 34b(49); ^ra 13b(35); b. w. fol. verbal phrase: 1) pf: ]im 'T'X ima mns 'aj xs'D xan ^'td nvn since we leamt in the first part of the Mishna concerning the size of an olive, (the Tanna) learnt also in the last part concerning less than an olive Ber 47b (41); Pes 7b(16); RH 33b(9); Qid 65a(22); BQ 10a(30); 2) part.: TJl'a Xiiaa p'DJ XpT 'T'X since the money leaves his possession Qid 50b(3); 'jm 'TX 'ircnb since he wants to learn ... Naz 21a(26); 5A/62a(13);//w/109b(4) Lit: Bacher 4; Y: T$ &A 109b(24; BAYTN 336). 1# «V"N n.m. ship's 'ram' (BH 1#V'X HAL 38) sg. 'rU'SOT 'T'X Ned 50a(32) Lit: Sperber, Nautica 51; Y: X^'X Ned ib.(75). 2# nV"N n.m. deer (4- XJIT'X; TA XTX TO Dt 14:5,TSy rdiL.K' LS 15, Ma XTX MD 15) sg. XT'XT XJTIT semen of a deer £eA: 7b(25); XTX AnanSch 24:1! KnV'**< n.f. hind (4- 2# xV"X; TA XirTX pi. TJ Jer 14':5, Sy k'^Ijk' LS 15, Ma XJ1XTX pi. MD 15) sg. xrrT'XD V'^pT 'VnSJ Naphtali who is swift like a hind Sot 13a(26) [w. ref. to Gen 49:21]; 'Xn XnT'X 1T13 V'TXT Xin XT'Xn XJ?1T semen of a deer which copulates with a hind Bek 7b(25) Y: XrrW Sot ib.(BAYTN 231). D"N vb. to threaten (< MH2 D"X J 50) Pa. 'Xai lin'^y 'aT'X1? ]r"iax XriTa what statement do we say to threaten them [i.e. the witnesses]? Seel 62:10 [cf. o'Tyn Vy ra"xa RH 20a(35)] T*S n.m. /^var, the eighth month (< Akk Ijjaru AIOA 114; Sy iJn" LS 16, Ma 2#1X'X MD 14) sg. nroy nuy xna; xinm T'X (the scholars) indeed added a day to lyyar of that year Sab 87b(12); T'X iy in1? X31B3a X3X I shall wait for them until lyyar BM 73a(37); T'Xl XnT ttPI the first day of the month of lyyar Sab 87b(l 1); RH 3a(19); Aef 95a(l); iSGF 117:14 Y: T;x &A 87b(12). ■S]'N conj. that (introducing direct speech, in writs only; caique < MP ku = Peh Ideog 'yk FiP 25:4 [v. Nyberg 120, mng. 4.d]; Sy yy.K' LS 14, Ma nx'x MD 14) rv>T3j7 xn'^s na xri'^B tx 'Hn 13 xnXT XT p XD'l that NN received a ^ef from the hand of PN G/? 35a(48); SSHai 3a(8); /& 4b(16); 12a(16); 13b(13); SSSad 175:12; Dec 10:3 Lit: Kut, Studies 140; Y: TX Git ib. NS'N particle of existence there is, is possible (< X3 Tl'X; 4- Tl'X, X3'1?; Ma l#X3y MD 348) 1. there is: a. alone: X3'X Xm there is, in fact, (such a case) BQ 10a(44); ib. 56a(12); b. w. fol. n.: 1) alone: X31T X3'X there is a majority Hul 28b(43); mp^ai )iaa X3'Xn X3'n "73 wherever there is a monetary (penalty) and lashes Ket 32a(7); X3'n n'1? 'am 'Ta X3'Xn where there is something similar to it Hul 85a(33); XfiTa X3'XT nil'X DX X"?p rb TVb if it is (the case) that there is something [i.e. a blemished pedigree], it is not publicized Qid 76a(36); Wipan n'3 X3'XT Xnitfn now that there is a Temple Suk 41a(35); ]ani na3 Xp1E?3 X3'X XiX '3 how many PN's like me are there in the marketplace? Qid 33a(45); 131 *p 1"W3 X3'X '13J such and such (a number of) men are with us BM 94a(l); X3'X '331 01^1 on "?'T X3n are there perhaps-heaven forbid-robbers here? BB 74a(31); X3'X Xn"Cnp 'mn there are two difficulties Hul 32b(9); T1X3 X:ma X3'X 7X11S' there is pestilence in Eretz Israel Tan 21b(29); in'ra Xin xnxa XS'X is there one town (completely populated) by them [i.e. the Jews]? Meg 13b (43); naVw XS'X xm is there not, in fact, Solomon? Meg 1 lb(l); 'XTT3 X13J X3'X there is a man among the Jews BM 86a(7); '3 X3'X ]Xa "n who is there in PN's household (who will hear
K13'K 114 kts'n me)? Yev 121b(39); 2) w. mn [cf. i TVX usage a.2]: n'lV'y xVd XD'X mn there was dew on it Sab 147a(9); pi in XD'X mn there was one with us ib. I56b(l2); 'wrx ,!?3x nm 'dVd iron xd'X mn there were certain dogs that used to eat people AZ 18b(2); Ket 103b(13); BB 32b(31); Hul 7a(39); Xlioa iVsm ]XD XD'X mn xVl there was no one who was outstanding (in knowledge) in GN iSGF 107:9; c. w. fol. pron.: XiX XD'XI n"in'n X1? do not recite it [i.e. niiy MSot 9:15] because I exist [lit. there is I] Sot 49b(55); xn 'Di XD'X xn there is, in fact, also this [i.e. another difference] Yom 8b(4); Tinnx XD'X xn there is, in fact, another (difference) San 36b(ll); 'in XD'X Xm there are, in fact, these ib. 89a(49); d. w. fol. adv.: 'D,1 XD'X '3n XD'Xl there is this way and there is that way [i.e. two interpretations] Meg 10b(23); XD'X '121 '3n is there such a thing? BQ lla(12); e. w. fol. prep, phrase: in"i3 XD'X "DxV X3"l p XD'X 'XD what (difference) is there between PN and PN2? (The difference) between them is ... Ket 30b(15); Kill 'Xn 'D XD'X 'Bl is there such a case? BQ 35a(8); TOT xyp"l3 XD'Xl TiyT xV XyiXD XD'Xl you do not know what there is on the earth. Can you know what there is in heaven? San 39a(18); f. w. fol. "1-phrase: 1) alone: lrf? 'JV'tn XD'X 'X Dnn XJIS'I if there is someone who will bring them bread there Er 73a(43); '"l»Xi XD'X some say [lit. there are those who say] Pes 112b(7) [and passim; cf. JPA p»XT n'X DJPA 56]; XD'X XilD 3'm xVl XD'Xl xriDX 3'n'l there are some who pay the poll tax and there are others who do not pay the poll tax Yom 77a(46); Suk 53a(44); Yev 64b(42); XD10X rf? 'illOT XD'X there is someone who transmits it [i.e. the statement of PN ib.] on the concluding part (of the Mishna) Bes 28a(23) [and passim]; Meg 30b(10); Qid 73a(18); BQ 16a(28); yap xVl xnD i?BI»1 XD'X Xna there may be someone who hears about this and does not hear about that Qid 81a(18); BB 145a(40); ]']© ]'y32? 'iXJT XD'X is there someone who can sleep for seventy years? Tan 23a(43); 2) w. a fol. n.: X1DP3 n'3 TlD mn na 'J?TT 'ino XD'X there are witnesses who know what was written in the deed BQ 98b(l); X"l»n 'TH2?ai 'Iffi'X XD'X xV"DT XiSD there are people who send wine in a I measuring vessel Bes 29a(39); X7IXD XD'X Dnn1? xanpHT (if) there is a town which is close to there MQ 12a(4); 2. w. fol. inf. is possible, may: -|»'»V XD'X 'XD what can one say? [lit. what is there to say?] Sab 6a(16) [and passim]; XD'X -pS'H1? it is possible to refute Pes 23b(19); Oinn XyoaV XD'X X1? nDia xyvtfr XD'X one may make a mistake in the Targum. One does not make a mistake in the blessing Meg 32a(8); ib. 27b(8); Suk 38b(l); Yev 53b(17); Ned 14a(6); Zev 17a(l); Ara 30b(2); Anan 10:18 Lit: Satzlehre 141+. Since this word acts as a pseudo-vb. it has formed the quasi-inf. JOna; cf. X3'X X3'» nn'13 KTD'X there is indeed a prohibition HP 11:8 [v. Eps, Stl 97]; Voc: XD'X HPP 40:20; Y: X3'X BQ 2a(9; BAYTN 332). *03'N (uncertain) HG1 94:38 13'N part, if, indeed ... (< ID + 'X; i 'X, ID, 'D interj.) introducing irrealis conditional sentence in pf: 'XiaV pni'DD 'XI1X X1? Xni»n ID'X if, indeed, I had not come now, you would have endangered my son Ber 25b(52); -p '"IBX xV '3'DW ID'X if, indeed, I had died, I could not have told you Yev 46a(27) // Sab 152b(33) // BM 73b(26); Bes 4b(l); Hag 5b(41); Yev 65b(48); BB 87a(32); ib. llla(32); San 107a(26) Lit: Ros, Yalon Vol 31060 w. prev. lit. [who analyzes the form as < 13 -)'X]; Satzlehre 278+; Eps, Gr 141; Voc: 13'X BM 73b(26; Oxf, heb. d.45) [Ros, op. cit.]; Y: B'X BAYTN 338. D13'N adj. black (I VoDX, DD1X; Ma xaiDy MD 349) sg.m. XaiD'X X'JIS black water bucket! Pes 88a(44) [+ //'s; 4- 1# X'nS; pejorative appellation] NTO'K n.m. shrine spirit (< Akk ekurru temple CAD E 70; Ma XTIDy MD 349, rang, b, AIT 349) pi. XlV'TX '"IID'X ©aD'm ^lD'D because I am going to subdue shrine spirits Bo 52:11 JlSD(')N4Wl#«px N"13'N n.m. farm laborer (< Akk ikkaru CAD I/J49, AIOA 58; I nxiD'X; TA XID'X TJ Is 21:10, Sy nf'-tir^ LS 20, Ma X1XDJ? MD 349) pi. XnD'X T3T *n PN's farm laborers San 26b (45; HGP 39a:24) [Var: '"IXD'X VTM 108; n'ID'X K; 'nnD'X RaH; 'O'nx HeRashi (v. comm.)]; 'ID'XT xrv>T'X farmers' bunches Er 28b(53) I Y: nyx Er ib.(BAYTN 253). T T T 115 rV'N nsnS'N adj. of a farmer (4- XID'X) pl.f. 'mn xn""D'X Xnxsn two farmer's loaves Er 82b(39; O) 1# KV'N, NV»y n.m. foal (< xW; Sy rdJL^ LS 516) sg. n'JJ'XT xnmiX VWa xb'X a foal (which) upsets the ways of its mother BB 9a(53); ib. 9b(9); Xian "13 xV'y donkey foal Sab 110b(37); pi. '1D1T '"7'y small foals ib. 155a(36) Lit: Eps, PLA 220; Y: Xb'X BAYTN 8. n.m. a parasitic worm (etym. unkn.) sg. 'Di'jn X^'X an '.-worm of grapes Sab 90a(47; MTRN 622:7) [O: xV"X] Geon expl.: IBM p»'<W>3 D'3V JW'VriBB T\f?V\ TRN 623:1; Y: X^'X Sab ib. 1# K^'K conj. if not (< X1? J'X; 1 X"?X; Sy rdW LS 20, mng. 1) a. alone or w. '1: 'Dn N13'n xV'X if you do not say so San 105b(44); mVop "?'T "p XiV'tsp XV'XI X'iVD1? go (and) kill so-and-so, and if not, I shall kill you Pes 25b(12); Ket 50b(24); ib. 76b(ll); Mak 3a(6); TGHark 165:18; ib. 166:16; 271:27; p'sn n»'X Vd x"?'X1 x1? "l&'n1? pi 'Vb p'na ... yip ab id x-mv XiV'IS and if not, whenever the document is presented untorn, NN is believed in saying: "I have not been paid" SSHai 4b(5); TGHark 35:8; b. in seq. xV'X ... 'X/1X: X»'i iT3J t?'l'X XD'X IX n'PSi1? in'X XI3'i X"?'X1 m"? if there is someone with him let him recite (it) to him. And if not, let him recite (it) to himself Pes 112a(25); "WSX 'X n'2/sna vrx rb 'ixa x"?'xi m> 'ixa mtib n'V if its owner could afford it he would (re)build it. And if not, (PN) would (re)build it at his own expense Tan 20b(44); XiV'XP xV'Xl XiJH' XiJH' 'X if I know-fine. And if not, I shall ask San 8a(17); ib. 96b(28); Meg 3a(43); Xi'»X X»J?tJ 'V n'X 1XT '3 XiYin XV'XI ID1? if I have an explanation I shall state it to you. And if not, I shall retract BB 130b(27; TGHark 175:26); TGHark 159:12; HP 100:22 Lit: Eps, Stl 165; Voc: x5'X HPP 257:21. 2# KV'N i X"7X conj. ISV'K adv. only, conj. if not (4 x"?X, "T IX1? 'X; Ma' "I lX^y MD 350, Sy rdi ^jf PSm 250) I. adv. after a negation only [= x"?X]: X1? XnSDT tt^mp DlpD3 1X"?'X H'1? li'nna we only place a Torah scroll in a holy place Anan 23:28; XDTIX1 nst? 1X"?'X 'lXn X1? XniSXT the length of the forehead is only a handbreadth ib. 10:12; 5:10; 14:4; 33:7; AnanSch 23:23; ib. 24:6; 27:11; II. conj. if not: 4- l#x"?'X Knb»N I xn"7X ?V'N conj. if, whereas (< V> 'X; Sy o-W LS 21, SG § 375) 1. if (w. fol. irrealis clause in pf): JTD nynn nswnax 3"n'ia mVy 3'ir?n x"?i p'ns/x iV'xt since if he were silent and did not think about it he would be culpable for his (original) thought of sowing Sab 91a(26); 2. whereas: li'ina Xp ]iXl •pto mn 'D mim dt rrxi myna no'^n i'spiy3 XlO'a 'nx mn n'iXDa we study thirteen literary units in the (Tractate) 'Uqsin, whereas when PN would (merely) remove his shoe it would rain Ber 20a(8); '0» Kb 130 311 'DM n3D ]15W '1 T?'X1 for whereas PN is of the opinion (that) it heals, and PN2 is of the opinion (that) it does not heal Sab lllb(12); X3ny '"J7 TTCinb Kb 1'TIXT ]Xn I'j'Xl whereas one who lent to another by means of a guarantor Seel 33:2; ib. 38:1; 51:44; 71:30 [and passim in this text] Passim in Seel; Lit: Eps, Stl 90. Nll^'N n.m. aloe (< XlVy*; Sy rCo.lrc', ,fLL^ LS 21, 526, Ma K'Xlty MD 351) sg. Git 69b(45) [in a medicinal recipe] RaH: DB12 "ftx ty^a '8: XTfr'X, i.e. jjli OHR Git 45:24 [v. Nold, NB 434]; Lit: AAC 25, w. lit.; Nold, MG 582; Low, Flora 2:149+; Y: X1>'X ifefBAYTN 108). K^V'N n.m. dirge (V'Vx; Sy rclLW LS 20) sg. in"DlB3 rf? bsn Xin Xvbyi X'V'X it was merely a dirge that came out of their mouth Ara 1 lb(53); ib. 12a(14) Y: X'^'X Ara ib.(BAYTN 108). K3'^'N n.m. thumb (Ma XiX'Vy MD 351, TA ll'^X TO Ex 29:20) sg. Xi'^'XI nnBlB his thumbnail Git 69a(35); J?31X Xn"mXT nst? Xi""7'X3 a Pentateuchal handbreadth is four times the width of a thumb Men 41b(28; Seel 154:13); XiXliCV-X GC 30:7 pron. these (archaic and dialectal; BA 1'Vx HALOT 1814; 4- 'i.1; Ma py MD 351,
ir* 116 T JPA ]"V'X, ]'V>X DJPA 153, Sy ^xAm LS 177) a. in BT: 1) in an incantation: X'3x"Va p'X these angels Sab 67a(25); 2) in legal documents: X'03J 1'V'X this property Ket 104b(38); X'JW nVltfan l^'X at the end of these years BB 35b(15); T3T ]V'X this sale /A. 61b(12); XHnxa ]^>'X these are its borders ib. 63a(4; P1); b. in post-Talmudic lit.: 1) general: '"1X1 ]'Vx these generations I$GF 62:1; XflX'T3 ]'V'X these barraitot ib. 43:4; '^713 'W p'X all these years tf>. 89:7; HP 185:30; Xin '^a p'X p one of these things Anan 16:9; ifc 23:16; 51:8; '"?'» '"7'X 7TC7//a«t 165:16; p'X XnX^'XK/ these questions fC^i 93b: 1; ib. 67:26; 2) incantations: ]'Vx 'SX^a these angels 5o 67:8; ]'^'X 'TI'J these vows 5o 94a: 10; //A/ 46:16; 3) legal documents: p'X XnxV'XW these questions TGHark 32:6; i& 156:23; p'X Xnxnya© these legal traditions /& 190:1; frv. ^3 'ayt? all these reasons ib. 276:9; 190:6; 268:8; SSHai lla(21); p'X T3T ib. 6a(13); p^'X Jimo 'nT all these months ib. 8a(17); 18a(12); Dec 10:11; mn nm finpVin 30'a1? ij?m t'j'x these (people) who want to take their portion together TGHark 171:19 Y: ]'Vx Sab 67a(25; BAYTN 342). ^V'K adv. further on (< MH "I^X Yeivin, BV 1127) a. in phrase T>'X1 ](X)3'B [4- 1#]X3]; b. other: "]V'X1 H'XBna from his sins and further on Yev 55a(48) dV'K, '»"?'N, 'aaV'N adj., n. mute (TA XO'Vx TOv Ex 4:11, BH oVx HAL 56) I. adj. mute: pl.m. jXTBIBa pV'X inn' they will be mute in their mouths Bo 71:7; II. n. mute person: pl.m. '3m n'ni33'B?3 nm 'aV'x '-in vun two certain mutes who were in PN's neighborhood Hag 3a(12); Ma'Vx 5o 78:19 Y: 'nW Hag ib.(BAYTN 249). Ki^'N n.m. tree (TA X?7'X TO Dt 20:19, Sy rdJL.K' LS 15, Ma XJXty MD 351) sg. X3'H mm xjV'xV mmx xts1? m1? nVp© '3i xjTjm p'SB if when you take its fruit, the tree remains (viable) and produces fruit again Ber 40a(57); XlV'X "'rax ... XJ^'X 'fcTllX to repair the tree, to strengthen the tree AZ 50b(19) [+ //'s; 4- V2#'"I3 af, mng. 1]; msil XlV'X J?VnXi XH this refers to where the tree itself became wormy //«/ 67b(9); "1^"X ~npy uproot your tree BB 37a(10); Meg 16a(44); X^'Xi m'rn the strength of the tree BB 73b(14); Git 68a(45); XlV'Xi 'S"lDXi DOT TJ7D3 p'ltfBia because the leaves of the tree sprout of themselves Anan 9:20; ib. 17; mBV3 XlV'Xl XT1X in the form of a cedar and a tree Bo 78:12; pi. ']V'X MBUI 'tf>'X '^pH 'j'j'XI 'VpH date palms and (other) trees-date palms (are preferable); trees and vines-trees (are preferable) Ket 79a(35); BB 69b(15); .SStfa/' 6b(8); '3^>*n 'J^'X trees which blossom 5er 43b(10; F) // /?// lla(41); T1P3 'n"S1 D'pai 'iV'Xa he takes and brings seeds from trees Git 68b(27); Sab 30b(5) [4- VtiTlX pe., mng. 1]; &A 67a(21) [4 H'31]; Sot 35a(33); HM 41:7 Y: '£'X Ber 43b(10; BAYTN 137). NSV'N n.f. boat, ship (< Akk elippu f. CAD E 9o', AIOA 48; TA XS"?X f. TJ Jo 1:3, Sy ptiiArc' f. LS 22, Ma XdVti Gs 80:10) sg. XSV-X1? rf? 'Tl XD3a X"?3 xVtXT woe to the boat which travels without (having paid) the toll AZ 10b(45); XS^'XS D'3 n"?IXT like a ship which sailed on the sea Er 53b(20); Xa'3 XS'j'X X^'B1? to detain a ship at sea HM 42:15 Lit: Eps, Stl 330 [Ma form]; Y: XbVx Er ib.(BAYTN 109). n.m. branch (4- XfTO'S; Sy ^ rc'^ai k'^o k'&A-.k' KtxLjpc' large branch of a tree BBah 130:18, Ma xnxiVx offshoots, branches MD 19, pi. of XlVx, MH nin'Vx MPar 3:9) pi. p 3'n'i nwsa mn XJlllVx xmiVx he used to break off and give us branches Bes 33b(22); p'pm xnxiV'X vh n'Xl mu3 n'V p'nai nixss '" rrnx -rc?x n'nx in^y n"31 they have groups of branches on which is engraved TliX3S '" .THX IVX n^H [cf. Ex 3:18], and we would strike it [i.e. the wave] within it, and it would subside BB 73a(19) [F2: xmr7X3] Lit: Eps, GC 10429; D. Boyarin, Moreshet Vol 39+; Y: Xfll^X BAYTN 181. Nia'N, pi. Knnia'N, 'B'N n.f. mother, stone of a fruit (I xb'xt xax, xa'XT xnx, xa'x m; ta xa'x TOv Gen 3:20, Sy i^-i3r<', pi. K'&dLwrc', nc-oi-^arc' LS 23, Ma 1#XS5/ MD 352) w. suf: lsg. D'X ^Z 28b(13); 2m. -ja'X Yev 106a(35); t • : t • 117 na'N -pa'X ib. 63b(3); 3m. H'B'X Ber 31b(47); f. na'X 55 80a(9); 2pl.m. llS'a'X Bo 9:6; f. p'a'X ». 19:10; 3m. pn^'X i& 3:3; 'H'ax //P 40:8;- 1. mother: a. humans: 1) general: sg. D'X 'V max my mother used to say to me Ber 39b(3); Sab 133b(37); Yom 78b(34); MQ 18b(51); Ket 39b(ll); Men 68b(22); X'33 X<p){nn H'»'X X'TIX n'ap his mother came and was crying before him Ber 31b(47); Sab 134a(31) [4- XJl"1^]; XriDI1? Xa'XT the curse of a mother Bo 59:1; pi. 'M'K 'pil'T the mothers of the children Qid 82a(9; M); 2) w. PN's: sg. xsVa ni3i»T n'a'x t'a-nms'x pn, the mother of King, PN2 BB 8a(55); i& 91a(29); xan n3 'ax-n n'a'x T&r 94b(i7); xnou am n'a'x ,T31D m BB 151a(18); Ber 40a(41); 5aA 134a(22); BQ 88a(53); XTO'l^T ia'X HDiy Orpah, your mother, the evil one San 95a(52); RH 33b(25); ]13'a'X mn^S Bo 9:7; 3) in provs.: sg. XJT13 H31J? -p na'X '13iy3 as the acts of her mother, so are the acts of the daughter Ket 63a(18); H'a'X n'"l3p'n may his mother bury him [i.e. he will die prematurely] Tan 31a(13) // BB 121b(13); b. animals: sg. nna mm H'a'X H'TirV'T its mother gave birth to it and then died Hul 38b(4); H'a'X 3IX H'b 'in Xnp'ya the firstborn was originally fit because of its mother Bes 26b(37); Hag 15b(49) [4- 'pi]; BB 9b(l) [i ^VW pa.]; ib. 80a(6) [I V2#I13X itpa.]; H'a'X 1J13 V'l follow its mother Bek 6a(51); HP 207:1; Anan 63:21; 2. pit or stone of fruit: pi. xnX"aiX3 'H"a'X 31X ]"Tm V'XIH since the Aramean (dates) are usable because of their (edible) pits Sab 29a(30) [cf. Ar (AC 1:291, s.v. 2D1X)] // ib. 143a(27) Voc: XO'X HPP 308:17; Y: KB'X MQ 9b(33; BAYTN 133). - Na'KT KS'N n.f. maternal grandmother sg. •nrra H'a'Xi 'a'x *pm H'a'XT hisx 'x if his maternal grandfather is from Joseph, his maternal grandmother is from Jethro Sot 43a(15; V2); Bek 17a(22) - 'Iian Na'X n.f. paternal grandmother (lit. great mother) sg. T13T HBX Yev 21b(24) Expi. Ar: rax nx!? 103 rf? np 'nan xnx Tax dx1? ac 2:45. NStt'X n.m. the vowel qames (lit. closing [of the mouth]); 4- V?ax) sg. BMsY 54:15 Lit: Morag, Lesonenu 38 [1974] 60+. l#Nn»'S n.m. lamb (4- xma'X; TA Xnax TO" Ex 12:3, Sy K'i^K' LS 26, Ma xmaj? MD 352) sg.abs. (niXOan'X"? ia'X a lamb to be slaughtered Er 53b(14) [in the 'Galilean' dialect]; det. Xia'X "X' lamb('s meat) is better Kar 28b(8) // 'X' Xnax Pes 57a(43); XaiST Xia'X a lamb of a fast [i.e. an emaciated one] Tern 29a(6); Ber 62a(28); Bek 35a(35); HP 43:30; pi. mm XB?'"I3 ]X10a T? 'IB'X the goats walk first and then the lambs Sab 77b(23); Ket 41b(22) // BQ 15b(22); 5an 110a(9); Zev 77a(12); '313T na'X large lambs Hul 53a(8); xriX^'a 'T{{'}}1 IH'ia'XI their lambs (had) fleece of fine wool San 97a(36) Y: XIB'X Pes 57a(43; BAYTN 249). 2#K"ia'N n.m. bandage (etym. unkn.; cf. 4- xiay) sg. xaa'T im xia'x noxi <i)cn» in^ia in "It5p1 in '"llff IH'X all of them untie and tie the bandage(s) at the same time. (The Messiah) unties one and ties one San 98a(49; Ar [AC 1:127]) Expl. Ar: p'TOB VyW D'TBpn AC ib. 3# Nntt'N n.m. saying (4- ViaX; Ma Xiaj? MD 353) sg. nya'ltfl Xia'X3 by saying and hearing Bo 124:13 [cf. Ma X»'2n X1DJ? MD ib.] Lit.: Ch. Muller-Kessler, Aram 11/12(1999-2000) 306. K3"I!3'K 4- XJ-ia'X '33 Knna'N n.f. ewe (1 i#xia'x; ta xrnax tov Le'v'5:6)sg. //«/51a(34) As a PN, v. &n 52b(5); Y: XrnWK Hul ib.(BAYTN 249). Jia'N adv. when, anytime (< Akk immati CAD M/l 410, AIOA 58; 4- "T (')na'X "73; TA 'flS'X TOv Ex 8:5, Sy ,^sr<' LS 27, Ma Jixay MD 352) 1. when: a. alone: Pes 100b(10); Yom 12b(9); Suk 33b(9); BQ 67b(3); 5on 57a(28); b. in an interrogative clause: 'XH 3"n'a Xp na'X nDS isyab X131 when does this man (who is outside Jerusalem) become obligated to perform the Paschal sacrifice? Pes 93b(27); Ket 45b(16); mi XpT na'X D'Xpi when did it take place that he vowed? Er 43b (20); Xn'TO TIN na'X when will the Messiah come? San 98a(48); RH 21a(27); X13'n linV 'am X"7 na'X when did they not give them straw? Anan 80:17; ib. 23:17; "mi
t : ■■ 118 VI3'N ria'x n^'V mxn j?t mn '» did David know (exactly) when it was midnight? Ber 3b(36); Pes 70b(2); jA. 98a(ll); c. w. preced. prep.: ria'X 1J? "XH 'bis V'T'Jl lyDXJ until when should we continue to afflict ourselves so much? Tan 25a(8); BQ 52a(24); BM 106b(9); V'jra Xp Il»nrt> when is he improperly using sacred property? RH 28a(27); Yom 6a(23); Ned 48b(ll); *7'3X na'XB 'TD from when does he consume the usufruct? BM 35b(7); Ket 43b(30); &« 58b(27); ^Z 8b(6); 2. anytime: X'V'1?! nn»P IX IIB'Xl nnW DIP1? (does he refer) to rejoicing anytime or rejoicing at night? Pes 71a(17); H»'X1 nX13D XH is this wheat of anytime? [i.e. at any stage of its growth] RH 16a(5) Voc: J1B;X HPP 236:17; Y: fflS'X San 47b(15; He); JIB'X Ber 57a(17). Kri»'K n.f. fear, awe (TA xria'X TO Ex 15:16, JPA nB'X DJPA 50) sg. a. general: 'am jnps XI1B'X3 mmiXB isya8? the Merciful One commanded us to perform His commandments in fear Anan 12:14; ib. 17; 23:12; XI1»'X3 3'H' he sat in an awe Sab 30b(37); '^IDX "|ria'X xVsJl xa"?5? fear of you will fall upon everyone Ber 56a(31; MGG 704:5); n'11'3 'WXX Wlfi'X XBTD1? to inculcate fear in his wife Sab 105b(42); b. w. nom. modifier: X'BEH XIIB'X fear of God Sab 156b(34); XIllDVai XJia'X fear of the government AZ 65a(14); .T3TJ XJia'X fear of his master BQ 28a(20); Ket 28a(41); TGDr49 95:15 Y: xriS'K Sab ib.(BAYTN 34). ]'N interj. yes (Sy ^ LS 15, Ma 2# |'J? MD 348) 1'X V'X he said to him: "Yes" Ber 49b (19); Sab 54a(ll); Qid 13a(33); Svu 47a(28); n»X1 Xini 1'X ]'X it is when they say: "Yes, yes" Meg 32a(28); Qid 31b(5); mn pn J'X yes. So it was RH 17a(51); '33 '3il 1'X yes. It is indeed so [lit. yes, so also] Sab 82b(16); Yev 86a(43); Qid 32b(54); Mak 18b(6); pn D,l 1'X Georc 239:2 [4- On usage b]; X1? "pn fX ':n are these (which are stated in the Pentateuch) yes [i.e. essential] and those no? Hag llb(4); Sab 127a(52); Er 28a(15); X1? '"in J'X in one yes, two no Yom 26b(27); ,TT3 X'STI X1?! ]'X yes and no, and he was undecided concerning it Sab 113a(25); ib. 116a(44); BM 14b(12); Qid 65a(30) Lit: Satzlehre 153; Y: |'X Ber 61(48). - 'J'N interj. is it not (so)? (< X'n J'X) 'axm TX min' 3T is it not (so)? Did not PN, in fact, say ... Sab 139a(56); Pes 49a(37); Bes 25b(39); Git 59b(34);55 116a(17) NSJ'N, N33X n.m. louse's egg, nit (sec. form < 4- X33; 4- XDT) sg. D'Xpi [X'n =] ''n 'X3J'X 'Xna '!U'31 '3p'J?3 from the live louse's egg that is located at the root of the hair Naz 39a(15); ib. 18; 19; X3J'X3 'HWJl he looks like [i.e. as small as] a nit Tan 22a(50; LAr [AC 1:136]) Geon. expl.: Htm ]WU» X33X Jl» B81 Xim D'y^lll J'83 TITp xswn jus man irtpya x^>x nana pis] irxi cph>j> om nana pip 'jiy nw^ai ... 'Wip3 x^x inn p nmx i'b'jw rw IXinp ny'jlJlV, i.e. o'jj? OHP Pes 141:7; Lit: Geig, AAC 35; Y: X3J'X Naz ib.(BAYTN 109). [■UJ'N I nrx n.] [JHJ'N* n.m. a small amount (< Mir *anday [cf. MP andak little, few CPD 9]) sg. Git 58a(20) [text: -nrx] Lit: TMW 1:104, 567; Geig, AAC 35, s.v. WX, cautiously deals w. this suggestion]. irtf'N pron.m. they (< 4- JU'X; 4- VU'J) a. in nom. phrases: 1) as subj.: 1T11? WS they can be (agents) for us BM 71b(37); nifrn '3 WX they are three San 93a(44); ]J>8 '©'BJ I.IJ'X they [i.e. the demons] are more numerous than we Ber 6a(6); ib. 8a(51); n\Pa 'BP»p lrU'X XH they are, in fact, older than he Bes 27a(22); Meg 3a(40); &j« 94a(l); RH 17a(27); VT> IPX x"?p TTU'X they are publicly known Git 18a(6); San 75b(13); 'Vn inrx 'mVj wn '31 'SU'XB perhaps they are from the members of the exilarch's household Git 31b(46); 2) as pred.: VU'X IX1? 0'"?'X1 D'lS 'B^'ll irD'X D'E>33 perhaps the oxen and the rams (mentioned in Lev 28:18 and Num 28:27) are not the same, (but) the lambs are the same Men 45b(28); 3) as copula: IrU'J WJ'X 'W these are the very same ones Bes 10b(13); xrf?n m'X lin 'TI1J7 there were three rich men Git 56a(21); D'U inj'X "WJ7 '33 pagans are authorized to compel (a divorce) ib. 88b(10); Pes 27b(14); b. in verbal *3V* 119 #»a»K phrases: 1) conjugated vbs.: "I1U1 lni'X WX they came and decreed Sab 14b(27); Er 68a(9); Pes 94a(26); Suk 43a(8); AZ 2b(41); Wi WX 13'WX1 they were the very ones [i.e. coins] which were stolen HP 83:20; InMl OTX V?p2r: liTWHa let them take (the ashes) and put (them) on their heads Tan 15b(45); 2) fol. inf.: ,3rnXI7 "irU'X so that they should be liable for punishment Yev 34a(24); H'TT X71X3a IHJ'X 'ai^B?1? that they should (also) pay his share San 30a(27) Lit: Eps, Gr 21; Voc: TO'X HGP 38b: 11; Y: W?>t Meg 3a(40; BAYTN 341). 'Ha'K pron.f. they (< 1 p'X; 4- VU'J) XpT 'X 'nrx ]3D5?a if they hinder Ae/ 2b(8); Yev 110b(39) Y: WX Tev 34a(25; BAYTN 341). IWN pron.m. they (archaic and dialectal; 4- inrX; BA T13K HALOT 1817, Sy .jj-irc' Nold, SG § 63 [enclitic], Ma Jim Nold, MG § 75) a. in BT: 1) in non-verbal phrases: a) as subj.: |3X 'pITT 113'Xl 'WlSp we are old people, and they are young ones Bek 8b(22); 'Mil firXT '11T nxa V31X nxa four hundred zuzim which are eight hundred [i.e. eight hundred is written in the ketubba] BM 104b(13); Bek 50a(7); fU'X W'J'K n3T '.TIDM n'3 ]'3iy a man's property is a surety for him BB 174a(23) // Bek 48b(26); b) as pred.: ]U'X ]Xai ll'VtSSXI WIS® who are they? PN and PN2 Gi'.r 57b(20); BB 75a(24); Meg 18a(40); c) as copula: ■prX X3H 13JP13 '33 D'J?tt?11 T^Dt? T» are fools and the wicked capable of rendering judgment? Ket 105a(44); Naz 47b(23); Pes 75b(13); Hul 63a(52); 2) in verbal phrases: Xnan3 ]'3I1' ]1iXT rrmnx they sit like wine on its lees Meg 12b (29); JTIDT 'lax yU'XI 1'TIXT nax ](1)3'X they say that he lent, and the others say that he repaid Svu 41b(41); Hul 47a(4); Mei 17b(40); b. in post-Talmudic texts: 1) in non-verbal phrases: a) as subj.: prx T^'D3 they are annulled SSHai 16a(3); ]U'X 3?31X by "11X0 '33 IxVl they are incapable of walking on all fours Anan 66:19; IX1? pj'X X3'a in they are not of one type ib. 57:1; b) as copula: fU'X 'Ta 1XV msa the commandments are nothing Anan 13:16; AnanSch 21:7; I'Vxi 'X!t{'}3-irn XI1X13T ]irx these are the teachers of the students TGHark 107:20; ib. 48:7; 84:30; 166:19; 2) in verbal phrases: IJDp n«30 n»31 'M linHI13T ]33"11 jll'X Xnai3 they and also the scholars after them established many logical deductions in the Talmud iSGF 71:7; pil" ]irx n'llDlpD'XI ri'ITlH fnon let them come and guard his residence and doorstep Bo 56:11; )13'X HXin ]'Vna they can circumcise each other Anan 79:2; 'HXTn T^Dp ]U'X1 they kill each other HM 44:22; ib. 46:18 Lit: Eps, Gr 21; Y: 1«'X BAYTN 341. f'3'N pron. f. they (archaic and dialectal; 4- 'Hl'X; BA 1'3X HALOT 1817, Sy ^rj' Nold, SG §63 [enclitic], Ma ]'J'n Nold, MG § 75) a. as subj.: n'3 13"iy px mn -\11 'mVll a person's feet are his surety Suk 53a(17) // Bek 48a(19); Hul 47a(4; HP 199:9); ]Tt3B p'X they are exempt HP 13:15; ib. 8:6; b. as copula: ]TX XIl'j'B Xin mim 1111X81 commandments and the Torah are one [i.e. the same] thing Anan 14:8; ib. 6:20; 15:6; 99:14; TGHark 36:14; ife 38:24 B"3'N, B"3N n.m.abs. someone, person (4- XtfrX; Ma ©'3J? MD 353, Sy *Jk' LS 31, mng. 2, TA »58 TO Dt ll:6[GTO 51]; cf. OfA »'X [v. AIOA 78243]) a. alone: BWX nxp'ti nin '3 3'3C Kin XMT Xin when a person became sick for the first time [lit. once] he would die San 107b(36); X1?! XirraB n'2?B3 12?'3'X p'Voa '3 Xn'DW when a person removes himself from something which is not common Ket 83b(ll); XV Xp'BO1? n'^S3 WTX Il'na a person does not put himself in a doubtful position Qid 64b(31); Sab 8b(22); Suk 46b(33); Aferf 21a(16); 5g 27b(31); BB 31a(19); i/or 12a(41); Hul 8b(36); XV 8T3X ^ 'tsa no one can reach you Bo 125:9; 16. 3; 5; xnmx T»n »'J'X a man who has learnt the Torah Anan 13:12; B'J'X D1» anyone HP 54:1; fCtf/a/* 99:36; b. w. det. adj. [cf. Sy *JS' rt'T;-!, Ma Xl^'3 W3J? Nold, MG 317] or demonstrative pron.: X'"75?B 2?'3'X an exemplary person Ber 10a(51); mn XXU VTH X3in 3T PN was a short person Meg 27b(45); XM'TO »TX a reliable person G(7 52b(31); XS'pD B?'3'X a powerful person 5M 64a(2); X30 VWK an old man Saw 95b(55); Xa^X »'3'X a violent person
tf'J'K 8?'3»K 120 BM 39b(33); XII X37T3 P'3'X 'XI this man is a robber 5g 96b(28); IffTK NUT ... W'3'X "X,1 this/that man TGHark 203:22; //P 79:18; c. fol. by an adjectival clause: XB7yi W3'X a common person Pes 52a(10); fl# 22b(18); Yev 121a(34) [* ]331B X311X]; BM 19a(7); TBX1 W'3'X a person who is wealthy BQ 62a(35); 2?'3'X ... y'3X1 W'3'X y'3X X71 a modest/immodest person Svu 46b(8); pi. '»7J?T 'B>3'X Qid 80b(45) [* 0'B3n 'TB7;i] Lit: Nold, MG 151'; Satzlehre 49; Voc: BWX HPP 201:19; Y: B'3'K BAYTN 252. - tf'3'N tf'J'N n.m. each person (Ma 27'3y Wty MD 354, Sy xiV x-i*' LS 31, Nold, SG §146) sg. rmjnV W'3'X W'3'X each person according to his opinion Ber 45b(46); BM 74a(4); 1tf'3'X tt?'3'X 7'TX I'lXBn 1713 each person follows his donkey [i.e. if the donkey belongs to a pagan, the donkey driver is also assumed to be a pagan] ib. 32b(44); rrn'D'WD ET3'X B?'3'X each person according to his importance BB 145b(14); 73 '1'311 Jlixai 1'7 T3V n'11,17 W'3'X P'3'X each person performs most commandments by himself Anan 21:1; yi'B W'3'X W'3'X1 XXID'1 y'T it is clearly known that the bread belongs to each (particular) person BM 23a(ll); ib. 21b(52; V») ^3'N 4- -|3,1 pron. Y: T|3'X G// 18b(10; BAYTN 342). NBPJ'N, XE>X3'N n.m. man, pi. people, parents (4- tf'3'X, -tiJ'N 13; TA 2/3X TO Lev 13:2, Sy rdiJK' LS 31, Ma XPX3X MD 24) 1. man: sg. 'tt?3'X3 ,T7 '»TX 11'7X XflX Elijah came to him in the guise of a man Ned 50a(9); pi. 1"11'1 iy 'W3'X7 until they become engaged/married [lit. will be to men; v. Eps, MNM 183] Ket 53b(12); pi. OTi ii'iin1? '1331 xran ,T7 xi'sy mn in'1W7 he made a place (of incarceration) separately for men and separately for women Tan 21b(36); '2N'1 nan XT1B17 the curses of men and women 5e> 67:4; ib. 71:6!; 2. pi. people: "|3,1 'B?X3'X those people A/g 27b (27); '3'inx '2>X3'X other people Sa/j 5b(9); 17y» X71 'P3'X disreputable people BM 73b(30); 'W3'X X3'X XJiyw "]H3 'B'pl there are people who wake up at that hour Ber 8b(45); ib. 36a(29); 'W3'X 'T3y xy3'X3 'K;13'I31 people are likely to get divorced discretely Ket 23a(23); ipiy'31 'tttt'X 1,13'?n'3 X71 1,T3'B so that people should not see them and flee from them BQ 79b(16); '7"y X71 X31'y3 7Xy 'W3'X he entered at a time that people do not enter BM 93b(18); Git 66a(46); 5A/ 17a(41); San 97a(40); AZ 26a(5); //m/ 60a(19); 'WX3'X l'y3B'D nnan in 'B1T1X7B people will abstain from lending money to each other TGHark 109:16; ib. 196:21; 'W3'X '113X1 13"1 this is what people say Ber 43b(18) [followed by proverbial saying; v. the alphabetical list in AC 1:160+]; 'PX3'X1 Xlp' the honor of people San 16b(l 1) // Ber 4a(7; P); 'P3'X1 X311 most people Bek 45a(38); 3. someone: sg. 1'133 n'7 D'p V1K 737 ri'7B everyone is certain concerning a garment (w. ref. to its value) BM 52b(18); 2/3'X 7Dp»7 ri'y3 DX if you want to kill someone HM 42:5; J1'y3 DX X2/3X 'yi1BX7 if you want to make someone sick ib. 43:13; 38:14; 4. pi. parents [4- XW3 '3; cf. Sy ^mtik' yovecov Lk 21:18 [Cur]; v. PSm 283]: '33 X137 '»3'X lip 'B do parents call a (single) son 'sons'? 55 143b(16); '13y VTK/3'X 117 their parents do it for them [i.e. put on their children's shoes] Yom 78b(26); 5. residents, citizens: 1,1713 XriBI 'W3'X all of the residents of the town San 97a(42) Y: 'OT'X Ber 2b(3; BAYTN 252). — Nfl'3 'tP3'N n.m.pl. members of the house- T " " T ' r hold, wife (mng. 1: JPA ,iri"3 'B?3X DJPA 67; mng. 2: 4- 'XJ13 '33, XJV31, XfifTX) 1. members of the household: H'TYO 'K/3'X 73 .Stf/fai 8a(18); ]l,in'3 'K?3'X 73 5o 7:15; i& 4:2; 33:15; 39:4; 81:5; 2. wife: 'Xri'3 'W3'X3 "]7»'X1 7'PX I shall go and consult with my wife Ber 27b(50; F); X71' 'X71'3 'E?3'X p32?B7 '7 IWS'X it is impossible for me divorce my wife Yev 115a(42); '73pB Xp X7 'XJV3 'E?3'X 'X7y my wife is unacceptable to me Tan 23b(49); l'ri'3 'W3'XX XJIB'X X»1'»7 to inculcate fear in his wife Sab 105b(42); X»1 ■Tn'3 'B73X1 XSP157 XnV'Sn he attached tekhelet- dyed fringes to his wife's apron Suk lla(38) // Men 43a(29); Sot 2b(41); ib. 47b(43); Ket 63a(22); Ned 50b(28); 55 98a(18); AZ 39a(41); A/W 12b(2); ib. 67b(48) KninS'N, abs. Wi'N n.f. matrimony [lit. NTin3'N 121 No-pi NaaittS'K wifehood; 4- X^n'X; EA1J13X DNWSI 86, TA WX TO Gen 12:19, JPA irTX, IrU'X DJPA 56) sg. a. general: XTTOWX OWD n'U X'n,17 n'bstJX (PN's slave) ritually immersed a certain pagan woman to marry her [lit. for matrimony] Yev 45b(33); xninrx die/? xnain xinn n'pis a certain Palmyrene redeemed (a maidservant) to marry her [lit. for the sake of matrimony] Git 38a(37); b. sg.abs. in archaic usage in writs: 1J"U'X7 '7 'Xll be my wife [lit. be to me in wifehood] SSHai 2a(6); ib. 13a(21); SSSad 232:19 Lit: Friedman, JMP 1:155+; Y: WJ'K BAYTN 202. Nnru'N 4- xjiti'x n. NIO'N n.m. pillow (I X'lD '3; TA 'HIIDX TOv Gen 28:11, Sy tK'-uvr? LS 32, Ma XlXOy MD 354) sg. pO'X 7y 'Xpi X1D1I Xian a small donkey which was standing on our pillow Ber 56a(39; SM 141:23, Ed) Y: n?'!< Ber ib.(BAYTN 137). NIWN n.m. prohibition, prohibited object, spell (< MH 110'X Yeivin, BV 956; I VlDX; JPA HD'X DJPA 51; TA 11DX TJ Ezek 3:25, Ma XTlOy MD 354) 1. prohibition, prohibited act: a. general: sg. XIID'X X3'X1 X1,1 13311 XIID'X X3'7 Xri'llXI there is a Rabbinic prohibition. There is no Pentateuchal prohibition Sab 46b(29); X31 XIID'X ... X7'7p XIID'X a minor/major prohibition Er 32b(9); ''110'X Tan its prohibition is stringent Naz 37b (29); Xpl 'in XX133D1 XIID'X n'lltf see that you are permitting a prohibited and (mortally) dangerous act Yev 64b(35); Hul 9b(2); Xiam"? XIID'X pSO a doubtful case of a prohibition (is judged) in a restrictive fashion Hul 9b(3); XHD'XI Xian prohibited wine AZ 73a(9); pi. '110'X 'in two prohibitions Yev 8a(24); Hor 7b(7); Zev 74a(35); '11D'X3 313 '3771 the law is according to PN in matters of prohibition Nid 24b(18); b. esp. in matters of prohibited sexual behavior: sg. X7 'XBX X11D'X3 XTiri'X -|,1 Xy'3S why are you not modest in the prohibition (against promiscuous sexual behavior)? BB 58a(25); XIID'XI XByB D'yDI 7113 an adult (pagan) who has experienced sexual promiscuity [lit. tasted the forbidden taste] Ket lla(12); XIID'X 13 13yn'X X7 'X if a prohibited act was not done to her AZ 18a(50); ib. 10b(4); Git 38a(49); Tan 22a(16); Ned 91b(12); BB 58a(25); c. w. var. vbs.: 1) V3,13 pe.: 31,131 X3M1 3113 XIID'X where they followed the practice of prohibition it was followed AZ 14b(42); 2) Vl3y pe.: XIID'X 13y X7 he did not perform a prohibited act Hul 82a(25); XIID'X X13y X71 M'X she who did not perform a prohibited act Ket 54a(3); 3) V«]pri pe.: W'XI XIID'X 1'pm '3',1 '3 VJVDVlp 3D3B7 just as the prohibition for a man to marry his female relatives is serious Anan 97:19; 2. prohibited object: sg. XTri'l p'3E> X7 XIID'X 7'3X1 (a person) does not abandon a permitted thing and eat a prohibited one Git 37b(25) // Hul 4b(4); ,T3'y3 X110'X7 XD'XI X3',1 where the prohibited object was in its natural state Bes 4b(20); XIID'X '7 DSD you have prepared a prohibited (food) for me Hul 96a(23); 3. spell, binding: sg. XK?'3 X110'X3 ]137 X310X XTiai I bind you with an evil and cruel spell Bo 4:4; ib. 50:5; 52:17; 63:1; 81:2; H'110'X ]'B W3'X p'D3 X7 no one goes out of its spell ib. 21:14; X3133 [TIO'X 7y -] 11D'X7X for the binding of DN ib. 13:4; 20:4; 62:2; 111:4; pi. '110'X ib. 37:6 Lit.: Ch. Muller-Kessler, AltOr 28 [2001] 35056; Voc: HTM HPP 209:19; Y: KIW'X Git 2b(10; BAYTN 255). NrniO'N, pi. KJVniO'K n.f. bundle (4- VlDX; Ma Xlioy bond MD 354) sg. XTWBI xri'UD'X a bundle of (reeds of) GN BB 7a(17) [Var: '3p'1 xn'HO'X TGAs42 157:8]; pi. xri'UD'X X71im bundles of mustard (stalks) Bes 12b(41); ib. 13a(9); 30b(7); X1101 xriX'IIDX '31 Suk 13b(2) Voc: KflXniD'X VTM 41; Y: XTPHW'K Suk ib.(BAYTN 290). NSaiBO'N, NSMIBS'N n.m. a tight opening between internal organs (< at6p.axo<; Lehnw 78; Sy <<LAjMou\rso<<' LS 33) in fol. phrases: — N0"D"I KSDiUS'K n.m. opening of the rumen (4- XD13; cf. Sy r£li»-U» >cu£> PSmSup 259) sg. XD131 X3B1DSX Hul 50b(8; H2) [expl. MH 0131 TTa'3S1 Mib. 3:1; Var: X0131 XSaiJID'X V11] Lit: TuM 188. Cf. Sy: rdSLSaa-o ,-^3 Klioaco ■>■»» nljco ,eo rfby 1 *7n \ rc^ » liLa 3 *>_i. \i_aAiK* rt'iiftjjso 3-1 ^ao-3 rdjm co-^ - " • ^-.-» ■•A. , s, ^^ acnA *** " **<" \ *"*' r^^sn-^. r^-lvi-O >CDCirc''La ^-f^ aaA_A_l •** ^ ^ ore' r^ooi-A
N3'VT NSOiUXN 122 1#N*ID'N r ■ : t : :' i^jftuiii ocn cn_^9A_fii ~ «~ \« v \ this member [i.e. the 'stomach'] was divided by the ancients into three parts with three natures. The first part which begins from the palate and descends to it they called the 'stomach' (rda_iae\_\7_D0rc'), (and) that portion which is attached to it they called the 'belly' (-jao-S KlfDT_fi) or 'stomach' (nl^aA). They called the entire portion until the end of its lower mouth [i.e. anus] the 'belly' (rdaoT-a) Budge, SBM 267:2+. - Nl'Vl NSKrittSN n.m. opening of the stomach (4- X3'1? mng. 2) sg. AZ 29a(12) [expl. MH 'bp'llX 'hook' ib.] Expl. RaH: myn'jX 'my Jierta XiMlDOX, i.e. S3»ill. Perh. the expl. refers to the resemblance of this part of the body to a hook. Nl'tJipp'N n.m. high community official (< o-TpctTiyyoc; Lehnw 83; Pal X'^p1? JB1B0X high official of the colony PAT 341, DNWSI 87, Sy rc'^JL.xi-aa rd\. \j\ \ mrf SRR 6:15) pi. XU1 'J'b-ibo'xxi '"7i3xx xs-ja '3i nun xV'Vs 'ai a certain payment of the coronation tax which the royal officials imposed upon the members of the city council and the strategoi BB 143a(39; P1) [Var: 'rBTIBXX TGAs42 148:25]; XJ"?S 'Vl3X XlVs 'J'BIBO'Xl half upon the members of the city council and half upon the strategoi ib.; 40; 43 Geon. expl.: "fim "]Tt Vy pinnn lV'X TGAs42 ib.; Lit: Alon, Jews 458+. On the semantic shift in Gr from commander > high official, v. GELNT 947. NDSISO'K I XJlBlpD'X n. n.f. salve (< aTtA/nviov, Lat splenium Lehnw 90; Sy r^ \ \, \ °> mrf LS 36) sg. '3'3 VlVlSI (X)JY>:i,?B0'X a salve for all wounds Sab 133b(37) Lit: Eps, PLA 211; Y: XJVJ-JBOX Sab ib.(BAYTN 312). NJ?Bp'N n.m. goblet (metath. < aicu(po<; Lehnw 92; Sy k" K n mrc* LS 37) sg. XBD31 XpBD'X a silver goblet Git 14a(51; V18) Y: KjJBD'X Git ib.(BAYTN 246). KjJtt'lSp'N n.m. aromatic herb (< Mir *isprahmaq [cf. MP sprahmag CPD 76]; i HXtf DIBO'X; Sy rd-a^o-tajjor*-, rf n "vsi ^ mrf LS 37, Ma xpaXIDSxri MD 480) pi. X13DJ? XMHI '©X 3T1 'paiSOXa n3TOX1 a certain mouse that was found in the aromatic herbs of PN Bes 36b(19) // Sab 121b(ll); Men 43b(49) Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 201; id., AAC 48; Tel 23; Nyberg 178, s.v. spram; Pfl 152; ISK 102; Low, Flora 2:81; Eps, Stl 48; Y: 'j?S-|B0X Sab ib.(BAYTN 315). '17J1pO'N n.m.pl. a game played with tokens (etym. unkn.) a. the game: "mr la '3 pnn '3 'Jl'^B'X '"llJlpO'XS when you were in the school of PN you played the '.-game Qid 21b(38); b. the tokens thereof: 'TUlpOX n'1? 3m 'X if he gave them (tokens of) the '.-game Ned 25a(7); 'TIT mtf in1? p'DXl mV 3,T 'TUipDX he gave him (tokens of) the '.-game and called them zuzim Svu 29a(35; F2) RaH: I'tnyi enn naw yma nyuvn a o'praaB p>inw x"b prm iVxb n'v'iv ix onwy uaa I'wiyi Vuy y^>o yiiD pix yil IVflWOl OHR Qid 20:1; Lit: Geig, AAC 50, rejects all prev. expls. and etyms.; cf. also Low, Lehnw 96; Y: nWpDX BAYTN 315. NflBipO'N, NTIBISO'N n.f. threshold (< Akk askuppatu slab, threshold CAD A/2 333, AIOA 37; Ma XJlBipoy, XTlBipo MD 335, Sy rc'&_a<?_o_tt>r<' LS 35, > Arab ilLil Fr, AF 19) sg. Xai *]0V 31 '31 XmspO'X X0WB the threshold of PN's house became soiled with blood Yom 53a(49); n'fl'31 XriBipox the threshold of his house HM 42:11; Bo 58:3; nriBipD'X X1,1 ib. 10:11; 23:1; 24:2; 33:7; 56:7; 64:5; 75:1; 93:1; finriS'DO'X by pill (the demons) tread on their thresholds ib. 6:4; 112:9; 125:5 Y: XriBlj?0X Yom ib. N'npO'N n.f. sailyard (< ia<TO>Kepaia Sperber, Nautica 132; i XDXip; Sy kLit-djck' mast LS 37, Ma X'Tpo mast MD 336) sg. BB 73a(7; P1) [expl. MH 11W Mib. 5:1]; ,TWBJ X^Tl XD^'X Dp xay3Di x'-ipo'xa xaV'sa... xtu'boi xnpcxs pn got up (and) suspended himself from the sailyard of the boat (and said:) ... "I shall jump off from the sailyard and drown" Ket 69b(36) // Tan 21a(23; V17); 'BB X11X xVpW X'lpO'X KTB8H p'3 since (its) sailyard is better, (the boat) gets a greater hiring fee BM 69b(38; Es) Y: Xpj?0X Ket ib.(BAYTN 301). 1#K"10'K n.m. genius, angel (etym. uncertain) sg. "?'33 xrvnyi xno'x maw Tp: 'titot x-icx maitf the name of the angel of sustenance is Tp3; the name of the angel of poverty is ^'33 Pes lllb(41); xa'1 XID'X the genius of the sea Hul 2# NIO'N T T 123 t t : 4ib(3); insax m1? 3'xrxi xnxi piV nncx n'paw the genius left Dagon and it went and sat down on the threshold AZ 41b(12); X31 XID'X ]11BB'a n'01131 Metatron, the great angel of His throne Bo 56:11; ib. 61:13; 99:2; WIST XID'X "?X'311 DN, the genius of the Persians Yom 77a(25; M) [L: 'XD1B1 X1B?]; XD'TIXI XID'X ... 'X1D31 XIO'X the angel of the Chaldeans/the Torah ib. 57:3; X3B mO'X a good angel ib. 47:10 Lit: Geig, AAC 51, rejects all prev. expl.; on this word in the Y tradition, v. MGG 31:1, note; Y: NTO'KPas ib.(BAYTN 137). 2#K'ip,K n.m. punishment, charm (lit. binding; I V-I0X; TA 10'X TO Num 30:3, Sy K'-Lirj' punishment LS 37, mng. 5, Ma 1# X1X0X MD 28; mng. 2: PSmSup 29, SIB 17:1, Ma 1#X1XDX MD 28) 1. punishment: sg. p1?* mm XID'X inV iTO D'V they had a punishment that they would crucify him San 109b(35); 2. charm: sg. XIO'X X13p1 the charm of the grave Bo 69:2; ib. 3:1; 38:7; 83:2; XP'3 XIO'X an evil charm ib. 4:3; XJTU'DO'ai X-I0X a charm of poverty ib. 18:10; 35:9; pl.abs. pO'X P3P seventy charms ib. 57:6; cs. xaty '10'X eternal charms ib. 37:3; det. "tfp '10'X strong charms ib. 119:17 3#K10'N n.m. issar, a Roman copper coin (< daadpiov [= Lat as] Lehnw 37; Pal 10X PAT 341, DNWSI 92, Sy rc'i^K' LS 38) sg.abs. mi 10'X n'Via m3B3 1B3 'n'B3 pr»U there were .many bloated from hunger in GN for the want of an issar Tan 19b(7) II BB 91b(14); pi. Tlp"X1 Xn '10'X VlTI X.1 '10'X this (case dealt) where the issars went up in value, that one where the issars went down in value Qid 12a(29) Y: XTO'X BAYTN 140. KTTJIO'N n.m. parral (i.e. collar of the mast; < *to"to8eipr| Sperber, Nautica 131, 41) sg. XIBp XT1TO'X3 'IBpl the knot which one ties through the parral Sab 112a(2; O.Ar [AC 1:204]) [Var: XTinO'X TRN 630:12]; ib. 26; 28 Nniinp'K n.m. a portion of the lower leg (LJLA XTIVlbx Weiss 94 [Tg2Jb], Ma XIXlDOy, XlXiriO leg, foot MD 355, 338) sg. XJHX iy XlimO'X 'X.1 J1T13 the '.-portion (of the leg) reaches the ground Ara 19b(27) // XllilO'X Yev 103a(29); 'T3yi Xn XinjlO'X3 (the mezuza) is placed like the '.- portion of the leg [i.e. bent] Men 33a(17) [# I l#xnD'0mng. la] Geon. expl.: n'TO ]Mi 'OXTI D1X1 xyT31 XpW '3 XnXWO'X '3 'jbis n'xrn 3J °?y ix qipi o'jiys niiim nxisi \rn TpT ,1:1:1 t>3 meo TGAs28 68:16 = GC 36:9 [i ]M]; Lit: Geig, AAC 52, discusses the P etym. offered by Fl, TMW 1:134: NP ustuvar, MP ostowar firm, stable, but rejects it. Shaked, Study 176, suggests a deriv. < MP *ast-bara- 'the bones' carrier' and compares MP and NP astuxwan 'bone.* The translation given here follows both the Geon. expl. and the Ma mng., but ace. to Katz 264, the term refers to the ankle bone; Sperber, Culture 70+: os calcis [opinion of Rav Papa]; talus [opinion of Rav Ashi]; Y: XTKB'X Ara 19b(27; BAYTN 306). NTriO'N n.f. stater (a coin; < MP ster CPD 77 < axatfip Lehnw 98; Sy rC*i_.A:t_a>r<' f. four zuzim, seqel LS 38) sg. '?& HXa XTDDX a stater (equals) one hundred me'as BM 102b(13) // BB 105b(3); XT/10'X Xtltl X^B1? llpl '2/PX 'T3jn people are apt to call half a zuz a stater Qid iib(26); xnn xa-?D xino'x nasi how much is a stater? Half a zuz Ket 64a(30); ib. [expl. MH •pjppS-lB Mib. 5:7]; X'lp BP3 «T3 xnVa XTDD'X a stater in an (empty) bottle makes the sound 'kis kis" BM 85b(9) [i.e. a scholar among fools is noticeable]; Suk 22b(28); Ket 105a(26); Hul 105a(35); pi. 'B'ffD 'IDO'X 'simple' staters Sab 119a(ll) // Hul 44b(7) [Rashi: provincial]; XnX'OUD 'TTOX Syrian staters Bek 49b(32; MGN 28:1); Suk 22b(28); 'TDO'X ->T\-[T\ Vpna XI'S fine gold of the weight of two staters Git 58a(13); XDXp'Jiy p'XI XJIXl'SI 'TriOX worn- out staters [expl.:] which are old Ket 93b(26; TGHark 51:11); BB 167a(2); Hul 105a(43); Mm 'Vxpna -jntt;}? IX'in 'TnO'X ©an these five staters [= D'J/^O] are equivalent to twenty mitqals TGHark 37:28 Lit: Geig, AAC 53; on its value, v. Zuckermandel 27; Voc: XTlTf'X VTM 41; Y: "rr»X Git 14a(21; BAYTN 238). NariO'N, NaNflO'N n.f. north wind (< Akk istanu f. north, north wind CAD I/J 268, AIOA 60; Sy kLs^Ldok' LS 38, Ma XIXDOJ?, XlXriD m./f. MD 338, MH2 jriCX IS Ket 23a[47]) sg. xai' XITIO'XI a day of the north wind Sab 116b(42); Er 65a(29) // X"lXri0X Meg 28b(27); XJTO'X XJlB'in a fierce north wind Ber 59a(51) On the f. gender in Akk, v. CAD ib. 269b; Y: XJJWX Ber ib.(BAYTN 214).
t : : N-lflO'N, pi. KmnO'K, nnO'N n.f. female t;; ■ ' r TT.; .7 ••;: spirit (< Akk istar(t)u goddess CAD I/J 271, AIOA 60; Sy pM^k', pi. k'M^-ick' LS 38, Ma i# xTnoy, pi. xnxTnoy MD 355) sg. x-ino'x XlI'Vl the spirit PN Bo 78:15; pi. xnX-|J10'X ib. 21:6; 46:5; 78:14; xriX3p'3 XDX-inO'X '3»n eight female spirits i& 21:9; 2:7; 29:11; 36:10; 115:3; 85:8; XJ13p'3 '"IXIOX "73 ifc 103a: 11 NSIB'N n.m. window (Sy rd_boo °> ^or^ window LS 26) sg. p'"?o mm "3X1? mm xbpn xmn Xll'Xi XD1D'X3 a certain date palm belonging to PN which was growing through the skylight [lit. window of the roof] Er 100a(14); XTTT "?33 XD"IS'X3 light came in through the window Qid 81a(35; Ar [AC l:217],V3[corr.]) RaH: wnp 'Va W? xim iran -Jim nans ohr Qid 51:2. The etym. < £p.<fxop.a Fr, AF 141, is accepted by Brockelmann, LS, ib., but rejected by Geig, AAC 55; Y: XSIB'X Er ib.(BAYTN 304). NBB'N n.m. opposite, reverse (I V"|SX; Sy rdA^m LS 180) 1. opposite, reverse: sg. X3B'X 'XD (if it is) the opposite, what (is the law)? Er lla(l); Ket 4a(7); BB 145b(31); 1JU nt'Jl x"7 X3S'X do not follow a reversible (statement) [i.e. one that can be interpreted in opposite manners] Ket 48b(15) // Qid 46a(10) // Kar 17b(24); 2. used adverbially, w. var. vbs. in an opposite or a reverse manner: 1) VlDX pe., itpe.: mDX X3B'X f? you stated (it) to us in an opposite manner Yom 78a(34); Meg 30b(15); Qid 53b(14); Hul 19a(23); BM 76b(l); 2) V'JIX af.: 1X1""? 'D3 lTU'X '3B'X they should bring (the sacrifices) in a reverse manner Hor 8a(50) // Yev 9a(47); 3) V'Jtt itpe.: n'1? 'ya'D X3S'X he should (phrase the statement) in the reverse order San 42a(40); Hor 2a(48); 4) Va03 pe.: nV 3'03 Xp X3S'X X3T1 Km the Tanna, in fact, holds an opposite opinion Kwi 76b(31); 5) Vl3D itpe.: >l Xmx usage c; 6) Viay pe.: p'D'p3 pnsy X3B'X we can do:hold (the stated conditions) in an opposite manner Er 21a(19) [double rdg.]; 7) VyDti pe.: p'yDtf X3B'X TP1? we have heard him (concerning this tradition) in an opposite manner Er 79a(2); Ber 17b (25); Yom 14b(8); Pes 55a(3); Ket 24a(17); BM 100b(17); San 21a(13); 8) V'lD pe., pa.: pXHl "[371 X3S'X did we not learn (it) in an opposite -IPB'K t ; manner? Git 69a(28); BM 93a(42); Ara 29a(21); X'3J1 X3S'X XJV"I3 the barraita learns the opposite [i.e. transposes the names] BQ 96b(41); Ket 51b(39); PDB'X '3riD XyTVUD 'D'l 3T PN from GN transmits it in an opposite manner [i.e. he reverses the tradents] RH 20a(40; GRH 10:17); p'3flD X3S'X Tfrb '3"1 px we transmit the tradition of the judges of the Diaspora in an opposite manner BB 71a(l); Er 36b(16); Bek 5a(9) Lit: Bacher 15; Voc: nSfl'K HPP 35:19; Voc: nSB'X VTM 98; Y: X?B'X Er 3a(45; BAYTN 304). N3"IB'N 4 xansn ItfB'N adv. possible (JPA IM'X DJPA 53, MH "l^D'X Yeivin, BV 982) 1. possible: a. w/o negation: 1) alone: TOB'X "WBX1 X3'H where it is possible, it is possible BQ 84a(12); "Xn 'Vl3 "IWDXI so much and (is it only) possible (that I would be born in a better era?) Tan 25a(40); 2) w. fol. verbal phrase: a) part.: ,!? "IS'DI "HPB'X 'Xm3 perhaps he can annul my vows for me Ket 63a(12); m'n inx"? X303'D Xpl "WB'X perhaps she will be married to another today Git 84a(13); XD'3 1,1*7 wmil'Di "WB'X perhaps a miracle will take place for them Qid 29b(37); Pes 89b(50); Tan 17b(3); b) imp.: XlV?D yjion "pDl '3D "IWBX perhaps from me and you there will be success [i.e. with the progeny] Ber 10a(50; MGL 588:12); c) inf.: VT7 "WB'X XH 13yD"? "TOB'X 'XD 'lay layD1? what can one do? (If) they, in fact, could have done (something) they would have done (it) BQ 38a(37); rmpn1? TOB'X it is possible to remove the tithe from it Yom 83a(39); Naz 14a(7); b. w. negation: 1) alone: "NPB'X X^> it is impossible Svu 15b(14); Hul 130b(2); xVl ]T*3 TOD'X since it is impossible Git 60a(23); X1? DJin "IWB'X X3H "HtfB'X in that case it is impossible. In this case it is possible Sab 134a(17); 2) w. fol. inf.: n'ffVD 'in'ttV n'V "WB'X xVr X3TI where it is impossible for one (kind) to become like the other Men 23b(10); .T'WXl mDD1? "WSX xVt it is impossible to go to the trouble to bring it BM 95a(6); 2. w. 'b to afford s.t: XJV7'D T35H JXD n'^ TOB'X X1?! one who has to let blood and cannot afford it [i.e. to buy wine] Sab 129a(44); 124 1#KX'N 125 N'TN nay '3'n mV irax xVt '3nmx nn "tobx id you can afford (to buy) other (knives). How should others who cannot afford (to buy) act? Pes 30b(15); I1? IttB'X X1? pX irf? "WB'Xl X1H ]'JTOX our forefathers could afford (to miss the fair). We cannot afford (it) ib. 50b(52; E2); wb "TOBX 'X n'«;B3iD irrx r\b '3X3 xV'xi rb '3X3 mh if its owner could afford it he would (re)build it. And if not, (PN) would (re)build it at his own expense Tan 20b(44) Y: -IWBX Pes 89b(50). 1#KS'N, NXN n.m. algae (< XVy*; i VpX; MH2 D'3tt? nsy PT Sab 6a[29]) sg. X3'DT XX'X X"IH3 13DT wet algae which dams up the canal Git 69b(29) RaH: iVb D'Vya x-im lain -sua 'jijw awy xxx "b OHR ib. 45:20; Lit: Low, Flora 4:145; Y: KX'X Gil ib.(BAYTN 133). 2# NS'K n.m. (uncertain) sg. XS'X n'3 'im 3"yx even though it [i.e. the beer] has ... Ket 100b(38; FrAr [AC 1:248]) [Var: XXX HP 121:31] For var. explanations, v. AC ib. NSPS'N n.m. bench (i Xri3BXD) sg. "?0BD '3X0 'D 'B?3'X '1DXT X3BX'X IX ]33T TIDXT is (the Hebrew term) ^DSD which the scholars said or (the Aramaic term) X3tJX'X which people say distasteful? Qid 70a (3 8) [I XD'BlpX]; X33D1? H3BXX to build a bench MQ 10b (5) [Var: mt50X Ar (AC 1:167)]; pi. '3BXXX "71TXT they walked on the benches Pes 65b(18) [Var: '3BXXX 110DT Ar (AC ib.)] // Zev 35a(25; V8) This word is app. not the same as the common NaOX'X Lehnw 118 occurring in MH texts; Y: X3BX'X Qid ib.(BAYTN 247). [Nm&X'K I X713DXD n.] K^BX'K, NVtJSIN, nVbDIN, pi. ]1iVB0W n.m. garment (< axoXfi Lehnw 120; Sy ^ V \ ™-f LS 33, Ma x"?DXy MD 356) sg. xrf7'»T xVtJX'X a garment of fine wool Yev 66b(31) [Var: X"?DX1X HP 102:20; xVtJOIX TGAs28 54:29]; MQ 28b(14); BM 17a(20); San 44a(32); pi. pVoDIX SAfl7a(20; HP 78:17) Geon. expl.: rfhuv ms'^n nil -p 'p: nax 'jb ji^o 'pb nwa TGWeisz 80:15; Y: (6DXX Mg 28b(14; BAYTN 214). NVailBS'K n.m. part of the millstone (< mpofiiXoc, Lehnw 121; I 4#xnDX; MH V'3i"lDDX MBBK 4:3, ^BDX Yeivin, BV 1071, Pal b'SIBDX pine nut PAT 341, DNWSI 87, Sy v? . \ -.oi \ mrf LS 34) sg. X'nm (n)'173nBX'X Ket 69a(42) Geon. expl.: [Tfflpn 13 VfllW D1|?S] trn'TH nax TRN 644:11; GC 134:6; OHR Ket 53:26; Y: X^anipX'N Ket ib.(BAYTN 314). NBS'N n.m. (uncertain; cf. Akk husabu a part or product of the date palm CAD H 258, mng. 2) sg. xVmm XSX'X ... of a date Git 89a(50) [Var: XXSX Ar (AC 1:253) = OHR ib. 55:8] NXS'N, NXNX'N, NSSN, NXNXN n.m. pressure, squeezing (< XXX'y*; I V^XX) sg. XXXX'X 33X n'^ 'pTD (the snakes) harm him because of the pressure (he exerts by standing on them) Yev 121b(l) // XXX'X Ber 33a(12); XXX'X "im T1XT (the juice of the grapes) flows due to the pressure (of the pile) Sab 144b(33); BM 40a(45); 'D3 '3H XXXXX 3JX iVdxHD these also can be eaten through squeezing out (of the brine) MQ 1 la(34); "?'3X1 'XXXX ym rvb nay they squeezed it out [i.e. the fish] for him sixty times and he ate (it) ib. 35 [Var: 'XXX'X SMel 42:11] Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: XXX'X Ber 33a(12; BAYTN 109). NIS'N 1 x-ix'y Kp'N n.m. goat (etym. unkn.) sg. XD'Vltf Xp'X X'3Dri3 (the skin of) a castrated goat for eight (coins) Sab 152a(22; RaH) [Var: np'y OM; Xp'y Ar(AC 1:254)] Expl. RaH: D'BD3 nJTOM O'X'3 pn: VT\ liy. The Ar's interpretation of this word as 'goat' has no basis, and it is poss. a phonetic var. of "lp'y [v. also Koh, op.cit., note]. N'TN, K'HN n.m. perh. designation, conclusive argument (I Vl#'1X) sg. '3iy '3m X'TX 'XD 'D3 D'31D D'D' '3iyi n\mv '3iy l^'DX D'riOS why does the Tanna (only) designate [lit. what is the designation which he learns] the eve of Passover? (He should include) also even the eve of the Sabbath and the eve of holidays Pes 50b(5); Ber 16a(39); Sab 66b(16); Bes 8a(20); Yev 86a(42); Ned 19b(15); BQ 45b(42); San 25b(45); Men 108b(12); Hul 120a(21); Xn rWWTD XH X'TX 'TD DJTX13 is this the (same) designation (in both cases)? Each deals with a different matter [lit. this is as it is, that is as it is] Er 70a(25); Yev 84b(38); Git 33a(6); Svu 20b(23); Zev 113b(4);
T 126 n'N Hul 127b(30); X'TX X1? xn QWa 'X if because of this, it is not a conclusive argument Yom 74a(34); Yev llla(30); BQ 98b(49); Hul 98a(15); 5e£ 60b(33) Geon. expl.: K'B Vip^K X1H f-inyx ^1 n;")X did one come in contact with the other? LPT 147:3. K#'N n.f. fire, inflammation (4- xntt'X; OA 2#B?X DNWSI 121) 1. fire: sg. H^D'H XW'X may fire consume him Men 53a(32); 2. inflammation: sg. inn XWX inflammation of the bones Ber 32a(38) // Git 70a(16)! [expl. MH masy bv vx ib.] N"Dtf'N n. field (< Akk iskaru tax, field on which /.-work is done CAD I/J 244, mngs. 4, 5; AIOA 59; Sy k'jAy.k' LS 52, TA I'XnDWX pi. TJ Is 5:10) pi. VT-DW'Xn 'M'Vx the ... in their fields Bo 78:19 Y: XB'X BAYTN 8. 'JTOtP'N n.pl. a creeping animal (etym. unkn.) Hul 63a<29; Ar [AC 7:210, s.v. 'XlBip]) Lit:'Geig, AAC70. NSBTK, NStf'J? n.m. spell, incantation (4* ^X; Sy rdi.t.K' LS 53) sg. Xai'T XSW'X XJ'W []n]'T>m XSl&'Xl the incantation of the sea and the incantation of Leviathan, the sea monster Bo 2:3 // ib. 29:8 // ib. 52:6; XSW'y i& 86:4; pi. 'StSX /& 36:6 NMT'Btf'N 4- xast'sizhx n. Nflf % NTlKtf'N n.f. fire, fever (4- Xti'X; TA XBf'X TOv Gen 15:17, Sy k'&JLk' fever LS 52, Ma XriXlZ/y fire, fever MD 357, Akk isatu fire, abscess, inflammation CAD I/J 227) 1. fire: sg.abs. XW'Xl pWJ torches of fire 5Af 85b(30; EsF1); det. ,&* 67a(23) [v. infra, mng. 2]; Xffltf'X XJlTj?' burning fire 5o 3:6; ib. 16:7; 72:4; 109:5; 2. fever: sg. XfODO '"113*01 XnE/'X fever and bloodletting are a danger AZ 29a(3); /'& 28b(41); Aterf 41a(40) [4 xpjTVB]; '2/p XW'01 XnW'X XB'pia a fever of winter is more severe than that of summer Yom 29a(3); n'lUT XflXW'X X'lX the fever sustained the lion (in the ark) [i.e. it did not eat food] San 108b(46); Yev 71b(15); ib. 17; '31 p npnyi nniyi towa mian"? xwx n'n*arn '3'n xn'jibs "is x'^Vs1? xnwx mrann p pmaip 'maip p pnym just as you saw the fire of PN, PN2, and PN3, and it fled from before them, so may you see the fever of NN b. NN2, and it will flee from before them Sab 67a(24); xnitf'X [pi] XTVny pi from fever and shivering Bo 89:7; ib. 132:10; HM 41:14; Pes 25b(19) [4- Tax]; AZ 28a(8); X»T 713 XJWX a one-day fever Sab 66b(37) [cf. Sy Klioo.. b^r? PSm 411]; Saw 47b(19); nxn'"?n xnK/'X three-day fever Sab 67a(l) [cf. Sy k'^I^ k'xjjk'^ k'Av^.k' ^jJSocL. PSm ib.] Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: mpM nTOXyVw BX '31 XWOT XTIB'X TV"118 nvi> Vnl xain '^yow yw^l OHT Yom 15:3, i.e. Jil; ufrs Vstx] iTn xVi xnwxa rf?in rm nrra nvroa '-(xn] oh San 541:5; Y: XJW'X AZ 28a(8; BAYTN 32). NBNTltf'N n.m. (uncertain) sg. xaVya XBX'nWX XIH it is merely a ... AZ 41a(16; P'J[corr.] TGHark 23:33) [expl. MH nyao ib.] Geon. expl.: o'^i mi's i»wi mamm mnnw itib oisnoisx NSX'TVaWN Xlp: JV3H tya^B JinXlXl TGHark ib.; but note also: ],i D'wi n'-inxa ni'Bffii nx pvua law Vra py xa"nB'x 'aiB'Jl ly1? 'B1?! 10B1 TGAs28 142:9, i.e. It. timone pole, shaft [v. Koh, AC 6:704; Sy rd-SaJJ»-*_K' ship's captain LS 812], While phonetically difficult [cf.. LS ib.], this word may poss. be < Akk salammu administrative official CAD S/2 185, AIOA 101, > Ma XBX71XB MD 446; Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 472; H.S. Nyberg, MO 26/27 [1932/3] 256 [Ir etym.]; Y: XBWX AZ ib.(BAYTN 273). NJlSlpJW'N n.f. a type of demon (lit. blow; 4- V«lpB?; Ma xnsip'tt? MD 463) sg. Bo 18:10; ib. 35:8; 54:6 JVN, -Tl'K, ">K part, there is (4- X3'X, X3'1?, rrt>; Sy &.3T* LS 16, Ma n'J? MD 348) a. w. pers. poss.suff. expressing existence: 1) alone: sg.m. n'TTX XD'n where is he [i.e. his abode]? Git 68a(33); Meg 19a(27); BQ 69b(38); WVS Term va xc/n rrrvx xs'Dia n'jrxi it is clear that he was (still alive). Since from the latter part (of the Mishna) he is (alive), so also in the former part he is (still alive) Er 70a(24); Yom 85a(16); San 54b(47); Ara 4a(44); f. TU'H'Hpj nJVX DX1 nO'^DH OfV if it is (the case), let us advance them [i.e. the towns] to the day of the assembly Meg 4b(3); Yev 115b(22); BQ 12b(28); BM 43a(37); VxiWlV nri'X PN's opinion is valid [lit. it is for that of PN] 5M20a(l); AZ 68a(17); n'3J nn'X 'D X"?DX X1? when she is with him [i.e. while he is JVN 127 Tl'N still alive] she may not eat (teruma) San 51a(23); AnanSch 18:24; Vxittn 'TO nri'X 13 when (Eretz Israel) is in the possession of the Jews ib. 23:29; TITO nn'X -I13S3 nri'XT XriTia "?D1 any matter which is (an obligation) for a community is (an obligation) for an individual Pes 69b(2); 'Ta nri'XTJ Xn nn'XTJ Xn X'TX is this the (same) designation (in both cases)? Each deals with a different matter [lit. this is as it is, that is as it is] Er 70a(25); lpl. UK\ pjTX X3H ^rrxi '3TI '3 just as we are here [i.e. in this world], so we are there [i.e. in the world to come] Pes 50a(13); 2m. '3 T?'ff3 133ri'X when you are in GN Yev 116a(17); 3m. '33J?B lnan'K '3 when they are there they are indispensable Pes 77b(19); Git 29b(29); 113JTXT X3Xa3 D'yiT1? there are seeds in the vessel Anan 50:13; iSGF 59:15; f. mxa 'nJD'X XTI'I'S 'in HTWn iy IWXnn the j.-palms (of GN) exist from (the time of) Adam until now Ber 31a(40; F); TUri'X XjnX3 '3n '.WX Kyp-ia 'Jni these are in the sky (and) those are on earth Hag 12b(47); 2) w. fol. rel. clause: nV n'1? Xrfr'a X3'XT nn'X DX xbp if it is (the case) that there is something [i.e. a blemished pedigree], it is not publicized Qid 76a(36); Xrib'aV T^ Jl'X X"?p p'^DT nn'X 'X if it is (the case) that he came up (from the water) the incident is publicized Yev 121b(47); Gi( 18b(2); Qid 76b(26); H'1? na"? IT? 130 X"?T HD'X DX n"3JT>aV if it is (the case) that he does not have that opinion, why does he have to learn it? Er 9b(22); ib. 75b(36); b. w. mn [Geonic; cf. JPA nnn ri'x djpa 55, mng. c.i]: ]a X3"?a rm mn 'X3V 'sVa there was a king among the Greek kings TGHark 190:14; 'Tin 'T13 'iUri'K mn xV 'n^lS all of them were not together HG2 73:8; ]1'3 yybst xnxi3T ^3n^ 'yxa^; pn itx mm since there were scholar disciples of those Rabbis who differ iSGF 29:20; ib. 15:5; 'XIiyTJ n'X mm m"? 3n'a^ I had intended to give (it) to him TGHark 35:13; c. w. complement: 1) "3: (a) to contain, have: p3T in3 Jl'X are there scholars among them? Meg 13b(42); Xltf'S n'3 Jl'X '31 when it [i.e. the cooked dish] contains meat Sab 37b(50); Pes 4b(6); Meg 6b(36); BQ 51b(27); San 96b(48); Men 29b(52); Bek 8b(13); (b) to concern, apply: XTDS n'3 rl'X »aj X132? a loss applies also to the s.-beverage MQ 12a(48); in"?13 '3 11311'X all of these (things) apply to me Ber 56b(21); BM 108b(3); Bek 9b(22); nri'3» .TO Jl'X nsxbaa it concerns abstention from work Anan 82:13; 2) "Y. (a) to have, possess: (1) expressing possession: J1? 1'3T xVl n'^ n'X 'XT if I have [lit. he has] (money) and do not buy (it) for you Er 100b(49); Bes 8b(2); X'an3 CV Jl'X -] 'TX XTinp '"7'X I have villages. I have vineyards Suk 44b (21) [v. Geon. expl.]; X'pDIDpa '033 ~p Jl'X do you have property in GN? Ber 56b(22); xnil'X X'nn "3X 13 '3'3 3m xyiX3 X"?pi nV ITX mm a certain woman who had a date palm in PN's field BB 137b(12); 'J1XT miyb '3'3a f? n'X do we have a share in you in the world to come? ib. 73b(34; MGG 52:12); Yom 75b(3); Suk 33b(29); Git 44b(2i); BQ 40b(ii); 'imi pm> n'xi ]inrrp ^3 pnV all the property that they have or will have Bo 6:10; ib. 76:8; 'VwixV T1? n'X he has (something) to lend Ket 105b(10); .TO n'X mm '31p nn (the fish) had two horns BB 74a(40); in n'3a xnxi1?! ->m-\ ^mV n'x mm they had exilarchs from the House of David I$GF 73:17; ib. 105:13; (2) expressing a connection, situation, or intrinsic property: 'XJ8 X»'B;pT xnnx 'V n'X I have a sister who is older than I Meg 13b(12); nra D'W n'1? n'X he has children from her Er 41b(29); -nrw '"? n'X I have witnesses Ket 27b(34); 'V n'X X3H I have a lawsuit Ket 105b(27); X3TS lnV n'X m^lsV all of them have a refutation Yom 85b(15); Er 29b(43); XJTX.m 'ai' |'nn ]V n'X! now that we have two days [i.e. celebrate the holiday for two days] Meg 31a(8); Naz 14a(3); (3) expressing holding an opinion: n'1? n'XTJ ITa^l TO n'XTJ naV each one according to his opinion Ber 21b(20; F); Suk 28b(19); Sot 15a(7); San 90a(31); Yom 6a(10); (b) w. inf. must, be required to: Wnb TV n'X you must say Sab 144b(25); Yom 36a(15); Gif 24b(35); BM 7a(i); dis1? isi'aVi xmib n'V n'x xaxaa in "731 'txm 'Xa each one of us is required to sell and buy according what is proper SSHai 9b(13); (c) in idiomatic expressions: (1) x"?p mX7 n'X to be publicly known: Er 3a(37); Yev 109a(16); Sot 6b(29); BQ 33b(9); Hul 42a(l); (2) ty/'Sr1? n'X to owe: 4- -'3A prep., mng. 6; Vy mng. 7; (3) n'X
K»'J1'K 128 Nnx nri'N "T "V to agree w. s.o.'s opinion: 3m IT1? n'X ID new am mV n^ nai new you agree with PN's opinion. He does not agree with PN's opinion Er 65a(21); Sab 28b(38); Naz 62b(29); 5M 57a(30) Geon. expl.: '■? »' O'n'Tl 'V »' TJ> 'V'X Xfl'Tl 'Vx xnnp OH Suk 112:17; Lit: Satzlehre 140+; Goldenberg, Studies 545+; Y: JTX £r 100b(49; BAYTN 332). NS'Tl'K I Vnax itpe. "rari'N, Vans adv. yesterday, day before (TA Vanx TOv Ex 4:10, Sy (jjL^W LS 827, Ma Vxany md 358) 'an '■? max bamx ix1? xm did you not, in fact, tell me so yesterday? Sab 31a(25); XJTXm 2iyb 'ran'XT 3iy ]'3 between yesterday evening and this evening Pes 108a(13; M1) [expl. BH tra-iyri ]'3 Ex 12:6]; AZ 76a(28); Bes 2b(21); Meg 31a(45); 'jamxa .m 'BX 'XT nj'Va n1? nVoB'X if he baked it the day before it became invalid by remaining overnight Men 5ia(3); mn 'Vvw -innVi 'm mn Vanxa 'ax "i m^> "?"\!?a PN used to check (for a blemish on a firstborn animal) on the day before (the holiday), and on the next day he would merely inquire about them Bes 27a(34); Er 15a(5); RH 23a(8); AZ 28b(30) KpTl'N n.m. fringe, thread (Sy K±A-j&i_>rc', K'klnruv, pi. rciJJrui., rdJS^A. LS 55, 512, 554; cf. Akk itqu fleece AHw 404) sg. J'Dinn r?'X DPI npn'X 'BIX '^a the name of these threads in Aramaic is Kpn'X GC 74:1 [expl. MH pon '8U MKel 29:1 and expl. as Arab Jii.] Lit: Eps, Stl 74'; for its use also in H contexts, v. GC ib. 74:5; 75:1; 3; 6; 90:9; 91:1 NJW'K, NJIM'K, cs. Jffl'K, pi. '#3 n.f. woman, wife, mate (I xmnrx, xn'3 'tfJ'X, 'tfj '3; LMA «e-se-e Uruklnc 37, TA Xjfijn'X TOv Gen 25:1, Sy rc'^&lK', pi. rdij LS 31, 450, Ma xnay, pi. X'lW MD 354) 1. woman: a. general: sg. n"tn XW xnn'X 130 WpV £"1 PN saw him (and) thought that he was a woman BM 84a(40); 'Xn X'Vn X'tm xnn'X a woman who sees a snake Sab 110a(22); XJ"T 'apV 'XnXT xnn'X X'nn a certain woman who came before a judge Er 53b(16); X1H33 Xnn'X nyatS a woman is drowning in the river Sot 21b(18); Yev 100a(22); BM 67a(ll); San 67b(38); Xin xnn'X SSHai 12a(17); Xnn'X xn'JTT a wicked woman Bo 54:7; xnnrx X'nn g;W 9a(6); pi. 'U?jV "psw 'Xn your beauty belongs to women BM 84a(40); nV?t5j? 'KW X13J a man whom women killed ib. 97a(10); nna X"tt?n (')pnDX the country of Africa of women Tam 32b(6); wiMib nan xnan mV xvsy mn ITTin^ 'K?m he made a place (of incarceration) separately for men and separately for women Tan 21b(36); Wl nan xnDlV the curses of men and women Bo 67:4; ib. 71:6; 2. wife: sg. man X1? 'nnnx xnnx aiwm innx your wife will not die and you will (not) marry another woman MQ 9b(23); Ber 56a(25); XXU T,nmx your wife is short BM 59a(30); Bo 7:15; ib. 14:11; 27:1; XJX H'nn'XT nma I am his stepdaughter Yev 97b (12); 'TS3 nn'X^ xnbm a third for my wife regarding the fruits BB 132b(17) [in a testament]; n':Vs 'nnj'X NN, my wife SSHai 13b(13); ib. 14a(8); Yev 116a(6); Ned 91b(12); Bo 10:4; ib. 82:1; pl.es. '"131 'E>3 married women ^«an 98:16; det. 't>j 1'mn two wives Ber 56b(20); pnai xaa ]li"HM'^ |'3,T1 pD'A ]'T2/ just as demons write gets and give (them) to their wives Bo 13:7; 3. in euph. phrase Knn'X Tn/KTin I, you [cf. Xinn tray, i i#xnai mng. 4]: xnn'X in nn'a xpi 'n woe, for I am dying BB 151b(10; P1); mn 'X» xnn'X X'nm n^y what will become of me (in my old age)? Yev 65b(42); xnn'X fl xy'3X Kb 'Sax XT10'X3 why are you not modest in the prohibition (against promiscuous sexual behavior)? BB 58a(25); -|,m xnttf'3 ]VSi !]Tinn xnn'X may my misfortunes be many AZ 26a(28; J); 4. mate: sg. nnxnJX 3<3>xn bm a camel (which) copulates with its mate OHP Ber 105:12 Voc: xfWx HPP 54:18; Y: xnn'X Tan 21a(36; BAYTN 199). - N3N nri'N n.f. stepmother (4- 1#X3X; Sy ^A* ^&i«' PSm 287, JPA '13XT H'nn'X PT Ber 5c[4l]) sg. xax nn'x mV mn pnv 'm n^ip xar "?a XSn xanx mm PN's relative had a stepmother who needed a doctor every day Ket 52b(16); ib. 54b(3); Tan 20a(38; Mai 79:20[Var]) [4- XS^Ij? mng. 3a]; '13X nnfX] his stepmother AnanSch 18:27; '13XT xnn'X ib. 20:3 - Hm TirPN n.f. sister-in-law (4- xnx; Sy ,ac«-or^ h\<klr<' PSm 287) sg. x"n am mnan 'XIH 'inx nn'X 'nsna xanx PN's mother-in-law t t : - 129 i#Vdn was (also) his sister-in-law Ket 104b(20); xnnx mnXT his sister-in-law Anan 102:21 K3K13K n.m. table (< MP xwan CPD 95; 4- xuiniax) sg. xarrn x:xXa)(a)XT xyna a leg of a table of gold Tan 25a(10; Yal) [v. DS, ad loc, other mss.: xmns]; 'yna xn^m x:xxa)(aix a three-legged table ib. GnK5 171:6: 1X13X W 'DIB ]wbl ]rbwV; Lit: Mai 11 la, note to 1.2. ]tf'TON I i©'nxia n. JOaailSN, nKaaX13 n.m. table steward (< MP ttjt:-7 t;t: v xwan table CPD 95 + actor suf. -gar [cf. NP xwangar cook, table decker PED 481]; I X3X13X) sg.abs. XaVaT -IIIDX "7'TXI 1'Vn mn the royal steward was passing back and forth Ket 61a(52) [Var: XaVai 1J3X13 Ar (AC 4:205)]; pi. niJTDX Xm"7J wn '31 the stewards of the exilarch's household MQ 12a(17; Rashi, ed. Venice) [Var: '(-l)nilinax C [X'M]; nWX(ia)(T3}X HG1 419:65; ni3(13)(T3)X HR 131:28; nM(X13){TX3)X HP 179:12] Geon. expl.: n»» (^(nalx'PSI 1X13X 1BW '01B ymil ]ri71VV ... txjmcd inVwn iy nnaa xij>j p's1? ixs GnK5 171:6; ]thvv IKS -KX^am JXllSX 'DIB l^a OHT MQ 13:23; Lit: Geig, AAC 19, s.v. XJ:niBX; Tel 14. Nj?3"1113N n.m. pavilion in a garden (< MP *xwarnaq sumptuous building [cf. NP xwarangah name of a famous palace, magnificent edifice PED 484], > Arab xawarnaq Nold, Geschichte 793; MH2 D'a^aVu; 'pjTDX Tan 14b[31]; Meg 5b[53]) sg. mm XpnVDX Xinn X3nD133 xm1?! V"b a certain pavilion which the exilarch had in a garden Er 25b(18) Geon. expl.: D'aVa ymv yyD X31p IX XniD3X TV3 Xj73Tl<3)niX DTisn yxaxa maiyi pVw oins -yva oht ib. 17: i; ohp Tan 59:26; Lit: Geig, AAC 21. NJT113N n. a surgical instrument (etym. unkn.) sg. xmiax 'ma mn he brought an '.-instrument 5A/83b(49; SM 64:1) Mng. derived from context. Kt13N i XT13 n. HN1T3N adj. cruel (JPA "nT3X DJPA 56) sg.m. nX-|T3X HIV a cruel demon HMGas 94:1 ND3N n.m. a dish made of flour and herbs, steeped in milk and sprinkled with wine (etym. uncertain) sg. 'JP'BI XB3X 'XH that '.-dish of the Arabs AZ 34b(2; Ar [AC 1:75]) [Var: XD3X EdJ; v. Abramson, AZ 180, but corr. to XD3X] Geon. expl.: 'Siy^X il^K 7I"B31 Kin 133 xyX'B ND3X TGHark 23:18 = GnK5 135:1, i.e. ,^>JI J^i Arabian whey; ]'X'3a D.T'jy -|o: i" <pim ibm ]mx imwi cswyi na[7 Ar [AC ib.]; Lit: AAC 21; Low, Flora 1:113. '3N vb. i Vl#Vax vb. n.f. eating, use of property (< MH n?'3X Yeivin, BV 886; i Vltt^ax) 1. eating: sg. mnV'ax na'B/ai ]Va since his eating is extended (over time) Kar 12b(48); 2. use of property: sg. "jnV'aX m*13 "7'T go (and) clarify your use of the property [i.e. that you had possession of the property for three years] BB 29b(24) // ib. 159b(36); pi. XnxVoX nna"7 xnxV'ax 'piX place the (witnesses confirming) uses against the (witnesses denying) uses ib. 31a(26); 28(HP 89:25) Y: -jnypx BB ib.(BAYTN 172). 1# 73N, '3N vb. to eat, devour, consume, enjoy usufruct (4- lsx^aix, xnVax, xVa'a, xn"7iaa, 2#xnV'ama, V'axi tid, 3#x"?an, V?ay; Sy cLsk' LS 17, Ma 1#"?3X MD 16) Pe. (a/u), pf. lsg. '"73X Yev 66a(40); n'VaX Sab 140b(12); 2m. n^ax Sab 109a(18); 3m. "?ax Mak 16b(18); H'VaX 5M72a(29); f. nnbax San 108b(46); lpl. X^ax BB 146b(2); 3m. Viax Git 67b(44); nfox Yev 121b(43); imp. lsg. "713'X San 95a(39); 2m. "?ia'n Er 36a(38); 3m. *7\yh Git 61b(27); "713'J Er 29b(45); f. Viavi Yev 70a(5); lpl. Vl3'3 RH 30a(44); 2m. ybvr\ Sab 140b(28); 3m. lVa'3 MQ 9a(22); V,yb^1 Tan 25a(20); imper. 2sg.m. "713'X Ber 62b(6); "713 Hag 15b(33); H'^SX Sab 118a(17; M); f. 'Vd'X Bo 72:8; 2pl.m. "|Vdx San 39a(14); inf. "ja'a1? Sab 140b(18); TO'Vaa Bes 4a(39); part. lsg. xaVox Ned 16a(26); 2m. n"?3X BM 101a(5); 3m. V-3X Men 59a(31); f. x"7ax HP 105:9; lpl. p'Vax Sab 136a(44); 2m. pnOVsX Anan 71:7; 3m. '"?3X Bes 7a(28); f. f?3X Ket lllb(50); forms w/o final lamed: imp. lsg. 13'X BB 33a(ll; HG2 454:92); 3m. ia'3 Git 69b(17; OHT ib. 153:5); lpl. 13'3 Suk 41a(33); flo 125:8; part. sg.m. '3X Suk 27a(19); Bo 125:9;-1. to eat:
1# 130 1#^JK a. humans: 1) alone: X3a'ytJl XJ^'SX "73'B X3X Xlll'm xayD I am indeed eating, and I taste a taste of leprosy Git 68a(4); b'DXl ri'33a 13'X PN used to bite and eat (bread of pagans) AZ 35b(50); x3V'3xp xsanna X3*?'3X xp inria idx am I eating from their (property)? I am eating from that of the Merciful One Ket 67b(25); Qid 47a(24); Tan 23a(45); Anan 18:9; 2) w. dir. obj.: '3'XJl b'SX Xp ,11,1 he was eating figs Sab 90a (49); 'XXllTflyS xVl XpT '*?3X 'XflV3y3 XV X3X I ate eat vegetables neither when I was poor nor when I was rich Sab 140b(12; V); XTS ^3'a1? to eat fruit BB 33b(17); 13s? m^V 'IIP! xVmn "?13 eat a ?.-date and throw out its skin Hag 15b(33); byvh 'D'm xanb to eat wheat bread AnanSch 10:28; , nxrj i(o)m)xi xp'3a xpi' '^jx x^i 'xn the | reason that they do not eat vegetables from the bunch which a gardener binds Hul 105b(35); Sab 82a(3); 3) w. Vvitf pe.: 4- V'TW pe., mng. lc; b. animals: Tl'ai ^>3n'X1 '133y ^SX (the cat) ate the mice, became sick, and died BM 97a(ll); BQ 48a(i6); ]33ii Mxoa b'sx xp mm X3*?3 xinn a certain dog that used to eat the scholars' shoes MQ 17a(55); b'3X|? ,TP"ia Xllfi the ox eats from its threshing Git 62a(3) // Hul 6b(12; V") [prov.]; £> 81a(33); BB 23a(l); 2. to devour: '3'1 1,131^3'3 let the wolves devour them Tan 25a(20); nraVl X301? X'lX ,Tfc}'3 let the lion devour the old man and his son Ket 72b(25); Mak 1 la(41); Ber 60b(57); Sab 110a(4); Sg 15b(22); XDn1? '"1113 mtax the fish devoured PN Yev 121b(43); AZ 18b(2); 3. to destroy, consume: a. person: rwitoxi ^>atPna X113 pS3 a fire came out of the hasmal and consumed him Hag 13a(49); ,1'^3'Jl XtP'X may fire consume him Men 53a(32); b. money: ]Tia ^DVl xyiX rfox 'XT if the ground will destroy (the money), let it destroy (that) belonging to us Ber 18b(52); 4. to squander: 'XE?3 JT31 X30T31? rb rtox Xp she is squandering the fruits of the labor of my family estate Yev 117a(29); /*. 39; 'ari'(l) 1,1'TIT I^D'J should they squander Ihe orphans' money? BM 70a(33); 5. to enjoy the usufruct [of a field, etc.; caique < Akk akalu G CAD A/1 252, mng. 2c; JudA *?3X JDS3 7:14]: Ipm" ">1V rtoxi 'X if he enjoyed its usufruct [i.e. of the field] of the years of the hazaqa Ket 17b(20); BB 30b(5); ib. 33a(ll; HG2 454:92); 33b(9); 50b(20); BM 110a(23)!; xyiX i?13,,7 XpOt? 3',T1 JXB let the one who pays the land tax enjoy the usufruct of the field BB 54b(17); ib. 54a(20); X*?p H'ty X3'X ,11,1 'Bfl'l xynx b'3X Xpi there was a rumor concerning him that he was enjoying the usufruct of the orphans' field ib. 32b(31); XTU3B?» 'X,1 XJV333 X^X *713'3 X8? 'p^Oai X171X3 concerning mortgaged property, in a place where they remove (the creditor immediately from its possession on payment of the debt), he should enjoy the usufruct (of the field) only against a deduction (from the annual debt) BM 67b(3); 6. in idiomatic expressions: a. to irritate [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2, Akk akalu G to irritate CAD A/1 255, mng. 6]: ,1'V *?'3X Xp [,1'izmn '3 =] iTEnirU the place of the sore of his eye is irritating him Svu 6b(34; Ar [AC 3:506]); b. w. X13X to earn a fee: 4- 1#X"UX mng. 4; c. w. NXIlp to inform on s.o.: 4- l#XXTlp; d. w. KTI'3'1 to enjoy usury: 4- XJl'3'1 mng. c Af. to give to eat, feed: a. alone: ('V) 'in 'T1^> X113 X*?31X1 xy"D Xl,1,1 I saw a certain Arab who fed it [i.e. the camel] a kor (of fodder) &j6 155b(16); ib. 108a(40); 145b(16); 109b(35) [4- xriiEto usage dj; nanru rri>i3ix^> 'fix xa^'i XJV11X1 he may perhaps be apt to feed her Pentateuchal teruma Yev 113a(10); b. w. V'pltf af.: 1,13'pPXl irU'VsiX he gave them food and drink Tan 21b(42); MQ 27a(22); m(')n3 K1W "pptPX mC>n3 mam IDJ'^OIX I fed you select meat and gave you select wine to drink Bo 58:10 Itpe. (e) 1. to be eaten: 'X,1 ,7(,)n)3n,l?T Niyi X,T "abvb Xllfi may it be (His) will that this ox should be eaten in peace Nid 33b(24); Zev 56b(5); Xyj'S3 X^Xfi'ai naim teruma which is eaten in private Ket 24b(27); Men 84b(27); XMHl xunyri 'T Vy xbx xVsrra xb m^ui xrmn that lowest one of all of the them [i.e. the loaves] can only be eaten in combination (with other food) Yom 75b(23); Pes 84a(8); AZ 76a(23); Bek 16a(26); AnanSch 3:18; 2. to be consumed, used up: "IEH3 'am b'axrra rmai nvrrern pip's '^DXri'a n{'IT","'(a)1 a deposit is consumed in its owner's possession [i.e. he bears the loss], while 131 NT103N this (money) is consumed in her [i.e. the betrothed woman's] possession Qid 59a(41) [cf. MH2: myan toxru ib. 39]; lmis in1? •faxpx 'xi XnyW X'nn3 'Ta JWa P'D xVl if all (the money) was used up and nothing remained of it at that time HP 115:18; ib. 15; 3. w. mtf to eat: linVap ,!7 V'3H'ai '3TI V3 you accepted me just as I eat [i.e. a large amount] Pes 89b(21; C); lXX'^fBNIX id1? xenp'a x"?i X3i» x(i)(i}pwa lsri'sV WpD3 X1? Xl»np 'XH31131? '(3){3)Jl'ai by the time that you go to your house, the lamp will be extinguished, you will not recite the qiddus, you will eat, and with this qiddus [i.e. previously recited elsewhere] you will not fulfill your obligation ib. 101a(20; C); n'1? V'SXJIQ X1? he cannot eat Seel 139:27; H3'a H'1? "?'3XX1»1 'y3 he wants to eat from it ib. 145:18 Expl. of Hai Gaon [Pe., mng. 6a]: <,1)IJl!'Wmn '3 JUT '011 '3,11 ,rnB3i «WTn jvop: 'six jw'js py ni'iso B'"T3 ,tV V'sk [xp] xp 'aix nw^s noix xs'sn jnim lsmnw oix b>w nrB3 mpo ■^ 'J'SX Xp JWXin '3 H'1? TOX ... n'V VOX QS 11[16:2 = Ar (AC ib.)]; Lit: Pfl 92. n.m. a type of worm (lit. mud eater; 4- X3'B; Sy rdLar*' gnawing worm PSmSup 17, rd-i\ ,-Lok' earth worms BBah 1959:17) sg. H'1? x"7'yi X111D Xinn1? H'^ X3'Tm n'ai ,T01X3 X3'tJ m>3X we saw a certain fish into whose nostril an './.-worm entered, and it died BB 73b(16) Lit: Low, Lehnw 264; Y: XJ'B jfax BB ib. [2# VSN 4- V?13 Vb.] kV3K, nVsIN, N^SIjr n.m. mallet, blow of a mallet (Akk akkullu a hammer-like tool CAD A/1 276, Sy rdS.aK' LS 17, Ma 2#X*73X mace, club MD 17) 1. mallet: sg. rfox1? JPVm 'ail because its head is similar to a mallet Bek 43b (7) [expl. MH lfr'3 Mib. 7:1]; X311? X"7<3)(3)1X '3 like a mallet to a branch(?) San 28b(15) [comparison of the father of the groom to the father of the bride; 4- 2# X31]; XrVn ,131 X*73X the great mallet of splendor Bo 124:13; 2. blow of a mallet: pi. x"?3iy3 '^siy nxa m inai ]xas it is as if they hit it with a hundred blows of a mallet [i.e. your argument has been previously refuted] BB 85b(5) // Ket 53a(23) Geon. expl.: moVl 1B31 B'BB XW 'BTX ]whl X^3iy '3 WT iw1? te wb 1031 Tnxs ]mx I'ypwi mwn rtx 13 ro]»w jw1? 'b:x3 »' ]3 i'b^x Dipos j'j'yi pry mpas psfrx inoixw ^333 rwsy D'nbnni ... x°73x 'oix ^^ x'jsy 'sixw dps 'btx x^3x wn m 13 )'3»b ino1? j'xmpi 'dtx ym^i yr*n [...] maw '131 Xtayi OH San 236:27; Lit: Eps, Stl 45; S. Friedman, Ros Vol 430122; Y: X^SIX, X^3X BAYTN 144. paVSK 4- X3"?3 n.] n.m. a workman whose job requires physical strength (etym. unkn.) pi. 'Wl^OX BM 77a(16) Lit: S. Friedman, Ros Vol 421+. K'^SN n.m. (uncertain) sg. H'1? 'ip X'^DXl Bo 72:3 Lit: AMB 170. N3"?3N 4- X3"73 n. D3N 4- D31X adj., D13'X adj. Kmi»3K n.pl. 4- D31X n., mng. II.2 ["I!33N4-V2#ia3vb.] NITIMN n.f. a type of demon pi. Bo 120:3; ib. 20 K03K n.m. word used in charm formula (etym. unkn.) sg. xnVlUin rXT)03X ... a hen Git 69a(8) Lit: Geig, AAC 22; Y: XD3X Git ib. N1103N n.f. exedra, a room open like a portico and furnished with seats (< fe^eSpa Low, Lehnw 44; 4- XTVdDX; TA X11D3X TJ Jud 3:23, Pal X1103X PAT 337, DNWSI 52, Sy rc4n m ^ LS 18) sg. Er 25b(l); 31 '31 X11D3X an exedra of the be rav Men 33b(36) // BB 1 lb(7); XJl'ail miD3X a Roman exedra Men ib. // BB llb(8); ib. 135b(19) Geon. expl.: X1TO3X rPOlX 'T^BOIX Xl,1 in Xni03Xl XT'TBO'X 'D3n \«f? TGAs28 67:20; Y: nYIMX Pes 8a(9). N303N n.m. axle (< a^cov Low, Lehnw 48; Sy ^jjiLorc', rC±so-£iar<? LS 19) only in phrase 'NT1JT NJ03N weavers' pin [TA ]'X'1lil ]D3X TJ IS 17:7] sg. Sab 151b(48; OAr [AC 1:80]) Lit: Geig, AAC 23; Y: X303X Sab ib.(BAYTN 213). W303N n.m. stranger (< %ivoc, Lehnw 48; Sy rdiifio.oK' LS 338) sg. X'3D3X 'JTX H1H '31 whenever a stranger used to come San 109b(35) NJ103N n. (uncertain) sg. XKH'X '331 XJ103X the ... of people HMGas 94:2
1#«)3K 132 N^ 1# »]3N vb. to have regard (4- V2#Vs3, V2#riB3; Sy J_s: fl &4-*r? LS 19) Pe., only in pf. 3sg.f. impersonal form "V 7183(')K to be concerned, care about: n'J'B n'1? rS3'X 'XB IBrU 311 what is PN concerned about it? 5er 62a(39); Tan 25a(17); Ket 14b(24); 'b nS3'X x"?l X3'BX XJX I say (the words arn arn), and I am unconcerned [i.e. it does not affect me] Tan 5b(43); Meg 15a(23); Ket 57b(49); nH T1B3'X X1? rtB3'B is he not actually concerned (about it)? Git 62a(24); Qid 50a(37); xiiaax n,!? riB3'x x"n xin 'xn n'13m this is the person who is unconcerned about someone else's money BM 24a(8); 71B3y xb •\7b TGHark 82:4; ib. 151:15; 7/04.r42 43:25; Geon 266:23 Lit: Geig, AAC 23; Fl, TMW 2:454 [Pe. inf. form JIBD'S]. 2#*pN vb. to ride sidesaddle (denom. < 4- XB31X) Pe.: «p'a X^T Xn «p'B1 XH this refers to riding sidesaddle and that to not riding sidesaddle Nid 14a(4; V5Ar [AC 4:78, s.v. 2# pit?]) NB3N n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'S3X1 '33X stones of ... BB 69a(2) [expl. MH ?mtf> ]ntf D'jaxn Mib. 4:8]; /& 4; 17 V the var. expl. in Ar, s.v. flS AC 3:285 [= RaH San 26b]; s.v. iropx AC 1:14. N'S3N n.m. paralysis (?) (4- V'S3) sg. blB' X'B3X1 rt'1? may paralysis attack him Bo 74:10 Lit: AMB 179. 13N vb. I V2# 135? vb. KA13N 4- Xl-13 n. NJTinSK n.f. proclamation (MH2 HTOX J 65; 4- Vri3) a. general: sg. '("l)(p)Trrt> xnrDX is this a proclamation (concerning the 'eruv) forever? Er 64a(3); SSHaiGr 31:1 [not XJinaX!; concerning a woman's right to marry]; b. esp. preceding a sale of property [cf. Nab T113 TDTJDB 73]: sg. p'jaTB iTTOj?^ 'riB^l Xro^ XTin3X X"?3 for the poll tax, alimony, and burial we may sell (property) without a proclamation Ket 87a(21) // ib. 100b(27) // Git 52b(l 1) // BM 108b(19); XJirDX 'BV days of the proclamation ib. 16a(28); 35b(10); Ara 22a(30); Ket 104b(40); XnnsXT '033 property of (the sale of) the proclamation ib. 100b(33); pi. ]xVnn&T iy XJ1XT13X until the proclamations begin BM 16a(28; TGHark 161:4) Y: XriT-pN Er 64a(3; BAYTN 280). 'J13N, VO'K adv. still, yet (< ? + ]JO iy Nold, MG 202; Ma X'"UX3X etc. while as yet MD 16, SA "I0H still DSA 26) a. alone: Xia'ab 'XB '713X1 and still, what (reason is there) to state it? BM 103a(38); XB'p ,17)3113 '713X (the animal) still stands in its place BB 75b (48); xpir mn '713'X he was still a young man San 14a(21); IW IB1? TDK ye?71 IB^l according to one there are still six (qabs) and according to the other there are nine Er 82b(44); X'JJVT '31? 'b 'ya'B '713X1 but I still need (this verse) according to what is learnt ... Yev 68b(5); BM lla(35); Yev 4b(21); So? 46a(21); BQ 29b(51); //«/ 63b(4); Ara 9a(5); b. w. negation: .Tr?'y Tllb'SX xb'n X*7 '713'X the period of mourning has not yet taken effect for him MQ 23b(23); Xin X*7 VOX 'BIT 'BT he had not yet seen short days AZ 8a(26); Sab 107b(ll); <n'){l}JWia p(1)(')B: x"7 '713X1 they have not yet left his possession BQ 76a(24); Pes 7b(31); Ket 41a(41); Sot 19b(40); Tern 27a(27); Anan 21:14; ib. 56:23; HP 114:21 Y: TON SeA 88a(55). nVn, nV'X conj. but, only (< Kb ]X; 4- l#x"?'X, lX^'X, X1?; Sy rdW LS 20, Ma lttxby MD 350) 1. but, rather: a. alone: n"n '1 '3X711 XH xVx but that which PN learns San 28a(30); Zev 36a(26); Nid 13a(35); "lB'B1? "r> 71'X 'XB x"?X but what do you have to say? Sab 144b(6); Pes 84b(23); X*7X T3yX '3',1 but how should I act? Qid 71b(29); nnro xo"n nivr x"?x wraia xjx ix1? it was not I who wrote it, but PN, the tailor, wrote it BB 164b(31); HtiW X3'^3 X^'X iyD3 x"?l UWa X1? XJiaVlP XTiyiai not in negligence, nor in error, but with a sound and sober mind SSSad 175:13; b. w. fol. subordinate clause: IBTl'X '3,1 IBJl'X 'X if it was said, it was said in this manner Sab 3 9b (16); Yom 28a(5); X'Wp Xn X'Pp 'X X"7X but if it is difficult, this is difficult Er 45a(13); 130 'X x"?X Wpb WIS rb but if he agrees with PN Ket 35b(16); n,I7 "?'3X1 7I"B 'B^'l X*?X but perhaps (the locust) will die and he will eat it Sab K3b>N 133 'pilVN 90b(34); Er 104a(45); Gi( 35a(33); X71X '3 x"?X 'ax ]'31 but when PN came he said Sab 76a(17); 'I'Vs '3 xVx but they only differ ... Pes 31a(2); Yev 104b(20); XJB'T n3}711 Tin'TI x"71 '3'n '3 xVx 'JTinX but so that she should not collect again at another time BM 18a(18); 01' 'aims 13 xV'X rf?'ai 'raw but when the eighth day of circumcision falls ... Anan 77:2; 2. in seq. xVx ... D'Wi6 only: may 'r3 x"?x iVsa nn x1? they used to pray only between the pillars (of the synagogue) Ber 30b(13); x"7X X'V'1? '13'X X^> Xnrw"? the night was created only for sleep Er 65a(33); XWan x"7X H3 X1W xV he sowed only five (measures of seed) in it BM 56b(42); X"?X pax x"7 nra 'plSX1? we said (this) only when it is to her disadvantage [lit. (in a case of) taking (something) away from her] San 28b(17); n,!7 D'1? Xlfil nyWJl xVx he has only nine (sheep) and it BM 6b(2i); pnxi nsa "?y xV'x f's mnaV xVi so that the headplate should only be on Aaron's forehead Anan 10:21; xV'X 'Ta DW H'3 pay X1? n'3'a XTO'a they do not do anything in it except to wash from it ib. 34:21; 49:23; 68:3; 103:29; X*7 'yplpB'a X"?'X X'3} she only collects (her ketubba) from landed property HP 103:31; ib. 166:3; 3. in var. phrases: a.... Ii6 k!?K hence [lit. but is it not ...]: W"M X3'X ^Jin lX^ x"7X hence they differ with respect to a cat [lit. but is it not a cat which is between them?] Sab 51b(38); b. ... 'xa kVk but what...?: mnn mnn 'xa x"?x ]TH but what is Targum? Our Targum [i.e. the authorized one of Babylonia] Qid 49a(37); x"?X m'Dliy 'Xa but what is their extra measure? BB 88b(25); la'B1? •(? D'X 'Xa X*7X but what do you have to say? BQ 66b(12) Lit: Satzlehre 276+; Y: kVx Yom 13b(5). K3"?N n.m. (uncertain) sg. Bo 53:3 jVN vb. to stammer (metath. < VlX1? [4- *Jxb]; Ma J^X MD 19) Pe.: H'W'Va r'jX (the child) used to stammer in his speech Hag 15b(8; Oxf, Ms. 2826.31) Lit: M. Kister, Ros Vol 434. NrfrN, NH^'N n.m. God (4- 'rfr'X D'3; TA XH?X TODt 33:26, Sy rfci^ LS 21, Ma xnx"?X MD 18) a. sg. God of Israel: 1) in statements by non-Jews: TOpl^T 'X1VTH Xn"?X TVmvb x"?T xria (let them scatter my ashes) so that the God of the Jews should not find me [lit. him] and bring me [lit. him] to court (in judgment) Git 56b(46); Meg 13b(41); n'3t'W1 X3T Xrfrx 13"n XJSlDa mb this is the great God who saved Noah from the flood San 96a(15); Xai XnVx"? ti?V well-being to the great God ib. 47 [v. Da 2:45]; 49; XIH X3X31 13'rfrx your God is a thief ib. 39a(4); 16; 39; lS'rfrx1? Xan1? niasn xrya I want to offer food to your God Hul 60a(6); ib. 59b(42); 'My TXai Xnbx God of PN, answer me AZ 18a(54); ib. 18b (3); 2) in magic texts: sg. XW'ip Xn"?X the holy God Bo 18:5; xrf?X1 n'BW'3 X3"l in the name of the great God ib. 7:4; 8:4; Xin Xb'mi Xia'l xan xrfrx He is the great, strong, and fearsome God ib. 31:12; 96:8; xnVxi H'OTD God's throne ib. 18:7; b. pagan god: sg. n"Vp X1133 WTbvfr he burnt his god in fire San 93a(34); pi. '13H 'nVx 1'D'W sixty male gods Bo 21:8; /& 46:4; 'n"?'X1 n3T XT'TX Xnja DN, the great one of the gods ib. 78:3; c. sg. in phrase Xrf?xa by God!: 131? M'JO Xn'jxa by God! I hate you [i.e. the Babylonians] Yom 9b(41) This word is rare in BT and is used esp. by non-Jews. The term generally used by Jews is 4- XJUIVl; Y: WrfrK Meg 13b(41; BAYTN 47). xmi^N 4- xnV'x n. Vl^>K n.m. Elul, the twelfth month (< Akk Elulu AIOA 115; Sy Acd(j)rc' LS 20, Ma VlVy MD 351) sg. blVx"? n'V 'laya xaV'T perhaps they will add a day to Elul Bes 6a(5) // ib. 22b(3); RH 19b(12); 'jl'jXX 'psn 11'31 since (the messengers) go out concerning Elul ib. 11; nWJll VlVxi 'TD the fruits of £/m/ and 7ii« Bek 38b(56); X"?3T 'HT "?lVxi *nx the months of the kalla are ^4cfar and Elul ISGF 87:5; ib. 119:15 Y: W?X «// ib. Dlb>K 4- D'^X adj. [NSai^N 4- X3Jr? n.] n.m. sedan chair (etym. uncertain) sg. 'nn1? in1? 'ansa nn xidit *iai nana 'pllbxa KVim xnawa they used to carry PN and PN2 together on their shoulders in a sedan chair
"t ns'Vn 134 t<n>bt< t ■ ~: on the Sabbath of the rigla Bes 25b(41); ib. 39; 40 Lit: Geig, AAC 27, suggests: < MP abrang splendor CPD 4. Shaked, Irano-Aramaica 172, rejects this deriv. on phonetic and semantic grounds and suggests either *ulenaq/*alvanaq < Olr *eredva-na-ka that which is held or lifted up or *eredva-nai-ka that which carries while being raised; Y: 'gllty Bes ib.(BAYTN 211). "T N3'V«, "3'V« 4 XT'? adj. strong, thick, compelling, authorized (4- Vtftx, XXna'Vx, D^X adj.; Ma XS'Vy MD 351; cf. Sy ^ 4,. V v youth LS 528) 1. strong, powerful: sg.m. 13J D'VxT Vd whoever is stronger prevails (in a case which cannot be judicially decided) Git 60b(38) // BB 34b(7); pl.m. O'jnra 'fc'Vx mpT are vegetables more powerful than seeds (in extracting nourishment from the ground)? Pes 39b(5); 2. thick: a. alone: sg.m. '"?5?n '3D xVrDa D'^Xi mm the thicker the paint-stick, the better it is &A 151b(49); b. * pp, «K>p: sg.m. Sab 134a(32) [an infant]; BQ 55a(25) [a camel's neck]; Bek 40b(16) [tail of a kid]; f. xV 'ratoa "?3X 'xiropa ^'a 'am this refers to a thin (needle), but with a thick one it is not so Hul 48b(36; V11) [V12: Tittup]; pl.m. XpT 'HJ'^X 'J'SB 'rtjp «pff» he pulls out the thin (onions) from among the thick ones BM 89a(21); ■'frx "i-nx1? 'ai'jx 'ran Top V'Bp V'pir; he prunes the thin (branches) from among the thick ones to improve the condition of the trees MQ 10b(25; Sidra 9 158:8); Sab 105a(34) [threads; 4 V2#ino pe., mng. 2]; BQ 119b(5); Men 38b(28); BB 69a(21) [reeds]; Hul 76a(32) [bunch of sinews]; f. Xntt'^Xl Xn XXirtspa XH this (refers) to the thin (teeth of the comb and) that to the thick ones Yev 43a(23); 3. compelling, valid, effective: sg.m. PHX Tira1? "inim "?p Q'^X 'a is an a fortiori argument compelling to reject a rival wife? ib. llb(52); Ket 14a(26); TOV ran |JrDWI 103 TO p 'DUX HB33 D^X we have found that the effect of (purchase by means of) a writ is more compelling in many ways than the effect of (purchase by means of) money TGHark 276:34; Geon 163:8; f. p'jnaa XH XH'^X 'a is this (barraita) more valid than our Mishna? Er 89b(8); Yom 80a(43); BM 34a(43); Ara 20b(14); "IB/pX^ TVb xa,!?X "JJia it is more compelling for him to raise a contradiction to our Mishna (from another one) BM 18b(25); XIDBH XJl^a xa'bx the matter of the document is valid Ket 101b(43); pl.m. "pi pa 'a^x rvnnm xia'a^ is that to say that (the law of) ritual purity is more effective than that of libated wine? AZ 70b (20); Zev 97a(49); VTXiV 'JHO 'a'^XT O'TJ? valid witnesses can impair the validity of a document BB 154b(33); 4. authorized: sg.f. TO flT Xa'Vx 'a X1? 'X Vftv VI'X .Tl»^ .T3X is she authorized like her father [lit. is her hand authorized like the hand of her father] to designate an agent or not? Qid 44b (13); pl.m. Xiiaa 'jnpSX1? 'D^X XH '3 a court is authorized to confiscate money BB 171a(l); G/?36b(26) Lit: S. Abramson, LeSonenu .19 [1954] 66+; Voc: U^k HGP lb:6; Y: D'Vx BQ 55a(25; BAYTN 53). NfflS'VN n.f. violent manner (4 D'^X, D^X; cf. Sy r^&VvJsxjJLi- youthful vigor LS 528) sg. ]X» rmra waV wb tdx rnsn ma xjh n'1? ma XJTlB'^xa it is forbidden for one who has a legal case with another to deal with him in a violent manner Seel 2:2 ]'^N 4 p'X pron. adj. narrow (VpX pe., pass.part; Sy k'^IAk' LS 23, Ma p>N MD 21, s.v. px) sg.f. X<n)X'Vx xriDH a narrow place TGHark 159:24 NH'Vk, pi. Nn"^>N n.f. animal's fat tail, ear flap (TA xfj'^X TO Ex 29:22, Sy rehLAr? LS 21, Ma l#xn'^X, 2#Xrrt>X tail fat, ear flap MD 20) 1. animal's fat tail: sg. n'n'^Xl ?T3"m n'3Pa its skin, fat, and fat tail Hul 127a(29) [metaph. usage indicating totality of the populace]; BM 69a(22); pi. VT'JT^X pwb Hbt '3T1 '3 so that their [i.e. the rams'] tails should not become infected Sab 54b(22); XHX'VxS V'DXT one who eats animals' tails Pes 114a(8); XTl'VxT XDIl the bone of the animal's fat tail [i.e. the pelvis] HG3 156:39; 2. ear flap: sg. 'XTirmi xail XJTIN rfra nb@p,'wi xnysT xrVra xnaa yaw i3i xjrbx rfrn yaw1? xbi p'rro miixa rfr'jr^i xxr'r'x fib Xll'Jl b'BJI the whole ear is bone and its bottom part is the flap, so that when a man hears a word of grievance, he should take that flap and put it K3i03^K t : ~ " 135 chx into his ear so that he should not hear and a quarrel will occur Geon 240:9 [cf. Ket 5b(8)+] In light of the Geonic passage, the separation of the entries in MD 21 into WRIpVk [incorrectly glossed 'upper part'] and 2#XJVI7X should be corrected; Voc: KJV^S HGP 27b:16; Y: RntyPes 114a(8; BAYTN 181). JOiop7K n.m. diagonal (< Xo£6v Lehnw 54; MH fioa^x ib.) sg. nm xnax xyiana xnax bo XJlOS^xa 'Win the diagonal in every square of (a side of) one cubit, is one and two-fifths cubits Er 57a(22) // ib. 76b(7) // Sulc 8a(8) // BB 101b(9); ib. 102a(20); TGAs28 206b:21 Y: MTOsVx Er ib.(BAYTN 306). adj. of Alexandria (nisbe-form < GN 'AA,E^av8pia Lehnw 56; Sy rdi^ < w >v W PSm 209) sg.f. xmiio^x naip Alexandrian gum Arabic Sab 110a(46; Oxf., c.27, 13) V?N 4 V?"?J7 vb. *6Vn I xVVix n. KTbbx i xnVty n. dVn vb. to grow thick (4- Xa"71X, D'^X, Xma'Vx, d?H adj.; cf. Sy >i_i. pa. to be youthful LS 528) Pe. (u/ ): BlVxi xVpH a (thin) date palm and it grew thick BB 124a(20; Geon 61:20); ib. 135b(7; V22) Pa. 1. to support, strengthen: vbpb rpa^X 'HTW he greatly strengthened the (previous) report Yev 25a(26); n'ri^'a1? xaVx 'aib'X he greatly strengthened his matter Qid 43a(44); ]33n HinVx "7V3T XniSyB?1? the scholars strengthened the husband's control (over his wife) Ket 59b(12) // Ned 86b(4) // BQ 90a(3); Yev 56a(10); 2. to overpower: \Tbpb H'1? D'Vx 'DH iVsXI even so (his cry of pain) overpowered their sound BM 85a(ll; SM 66:24); p,1 ir fraVx the evil inclination overpowered him Sab 156b(36) Itpa. to be robust: D^X'XI D'jn (the thigh) came together and became robust BB 74b (20; M) Lit: Abramson, BB 146:675, note [thematic vowel of pe.]. D?N, DS7N adj. violent, powerful, n.m. violent or powerful person (4 D'^X) I. adj. violent: sg.m. XVI XaVx Vm he is a violent person BM 39b(34); Hul 39b(43); xaxVx TGAs28 24b:7; X1? Sin xax'rXI rvb Xfyy I cannot cope with him because he is violent SSSad 260b:6; II. n. violent or powerful person: sg.m. xaxVx Xliin MQ 17a(56); ib. 17b(3); pl.m. inVlD1?! "ft XJ'H '3H "pin 'aVx so do I judge you and all violent people like you BM 39b(37) // Ket 27b(38); X7TD^»3 l^m •>mbK powerful people who are connected with the government TGAs42 23:21 Voc: VBiH VTM 92; Y: KoVx Ket 3b(39; BAYTN 231). N»Vn conj. why (< naV + "X; Ma 3# XH^X MD 21) pna 31 'ax xabx why does PN say ...? BB 29a(8); Pes 30b(5); Sg 116a(10) NttVK adv. therefore (etym. uncertain) '3/T xa"?X therefore, (the dead) know (what goes on here) Ber 18b(38); ]ynn X1? xa"7X therefore, we do not make a decree Suk 9b(21); X3T n30p xa"?X therefore, PN is of the opinion ... Ket 2b(16); TOT! '»rx 'J?1S xaVx therefore, people do pay (a loan) on the same day (that the loan was made) BM 17a(40); Tan 5b(33); MQ 16b(19); BB 71a(22); San 45a(13); AZ 9a(6); Nid 13a(52); /5GF 24:7; ib. 35:8; /4nan 29:7; i& 51:23; AnanEps 286:20 Geon. expl.: '131 H3 ]N3 1|? 'Kl '131 '13 )13' t[? 'K LPT 146:17; Lit: Bacher 64; Y: KD7N 7bn 5b(33; BAYTN 388). NVaVx, '^« conj. if... indeed, if... not (MH2 VXVaVx J 72; cf. JPA X/'blV'X DJPA 49) 1. w. fol. vb. if... indeed: "O Xlp 'XIT? inx H'lffm 'I7a,7''X XDn Hb n'in3@T3 3py if PN had indeed expounded this verse according to PN2, his sororal grandson, he would not have sinned Qid 39b(47); irv>s "ity 'vrn n'aan1? nnu x'ra1?^ xa1?'^ if they had indeed lashed PN, PN2, and PN3 they would have worshiped the idol Ket 33b(22); Er 13b(17); Meg 7a(43); ^Z 13b(37); 2. w. fol. n. if... not: pnoi xanpyi xxpiy xVa^xi Xaty D"pna mn X1? ^Oa"? rcb if it were not for the stinger of Scorpio which 'stings' Orion, the world could not exist Ber 58b(53); Meg 3a(32) // MQ 28b(33); Meg 13a(l); Sot 21a(38); Hul 92a(44) Lit: Satzlehre 276; AAC 26; on the pos. and neg. usages of this word in both H and A texts, v. the many exx. quoted in BY 2501, where the etym. is also discussed; Y: '^D^X Ber 6a(5). 0VK, oVy vb. to bite, bite off (metath. < Vdj?"7;
*)bx 136 nn^N Ma 2#0!7X pa. to bite MD 21, Sy .m \ \ pe., pa. to bite, eat LS 369) Pe. (a/ ): XV D^KT XIW Xinn XplJ'l a certain ox which bit off a child's hand BQ 84a(44); 'b 5^31 "? <D){0}'Vx 'S3 3T PN used to bite it off and swallow it Git 70a(38); '38 ,-|":p .T1? <D)(D}'to< from the time that he bites it, he acquired possession of it Ket 30b(26); TPObyi m'tPJl let him bite it [i.e. the gall bladder] and throw it away Ber 44b(26) [Var: XIB/'ai oV'D T-S Fl,l 111; v. VTM 26]; Kill D"?X r?'BX even if he bit a palm branch (it is considered as if he ate) Seel 185:49 Expl. Ar: TOODW 05^1183 oton OHP BQ 145:29. *]^>*C vb. to teach, elucidate (4- V*)^', X3D^D; Sy cidrf' LS 22, Ma ^X MD 21)Pa. 1. to teach: IS^: '»VD T,3'B pSJI the one who comes out of you [i.e. your son] will teach you understanding Yev 63a(45); Xip'tf msbx did they teach her a lie? Yev 116b(12; O2); pii ]b *)'!?' let our master teach us Geon 45:8 [= MH U1T ma1?' TanhA passim]; ib. 231:18; rG-4^2 79b:23; pDl^X1? miXB "73 'B?'1? to teach the Jews all the commandments Anan 22:13; ib. 20; 23; 26; 23:5; XniP-in1? '«nn XD^a X'n she teaches witchcraft to the sorceresses Bo 90:4; ib. 91:3; 12? "?3 n'5?3 DX1 TTm na -|m I'1?' X'a©3i if you want any angel in heaven to teach you what is in his control HM 45:16; 2. to elucidate a biblical passage [caique < Mina"? pi. J 712]: KnpaV -ov i3p •'trbxb to elucidate (from) "13$ (of the Nazirite [Num 6:3] to) "DP of the Temple [Lev 10:9] Naz 4a(7); D2tt nx "yiOSib .TBl'jxV to elucidate (the law) of one who curses God Pes 93b(8); Nid 19b(22); 3. pass.part. accustomed, used to [Sy ■» V •»■ PSm 213]: xnna Xb '"?3n XbVBt (a woman) who is accustomed to bereavements is not ashamed (of additional ones) Ket 62a(27) Lit: Eps, Stl 91 [mng. 2]; on XJB^X Anan 72:7, v. Harkavy, ib.\ 17N n.m. alef, the first letter of the alphabet (Sy isAk' LS 22) sg. -piXXl ^X iVx the two successive alefs [lit. alef alef] of ^"l-tXX [Is 45:5] Sab 103b(24); Sot 31a(5) [4- IS1?]; BMsN 32:24 Y: -y^X &6 ib. n.m. alphabet, alphabetic acrostic (Sy K'di i-a *°k_W LS 22) 1. alphabet: sg. xraxp xa^jra xn'3 xsVx 3W31? I said: "Let him merely write the letters of the alphabet" BB 168b(26); Ber 4b(36); 2. alphabetic acrostic: sg. XniJim '"7'Bl Xn'3 ^X an alphabetic acrostic or words of a liturgical expansion (of a fixed prayer) OHTBer 33:19 Y: n'3 >]Vn .Ber ib. NS^i* num. thousand (TA I'B^X pi. TO Ex 38':29, Sy rdiAr<' LS 22, Ma XD"?X MD 21) sg. XBVXX XB^X X'lm XnB a town which is 1,000x1,000 (cubits) Er 56b(31); 'Onsi XS"?X 1,000 parasangs Pes 94a(13); 'Tit XflVx 1,000 zuzim Ket 91b(4); BM 82a(14); nxap HSbn the first thousand (years) AZ 10a(10); XB"?X T\W the year 1,000 (of the Seleucid Era) iSGF 105:11; pi. 'B^X 'inx 'B^X 'in 2,000x2,000 (cubits) £r 56b(14); 'J» 'S'jX XJl'W 6,000 years &« 97a(53); 'Tail 'B^X IDgWBn 15,000 cubits Suk 53b(9); 'TaVn 'Jit 1'S^X '3nxi pt£/y 24,000 pairs of students Ned 50a(23); 'S"D 'B'bttf 'sVx ,1X8 100,000 (soldiers) with drawn swords Git 57a(23); 5e£ 8b(31); 1'S^X 'B'PX ^XB in one of countless thousands San 39a(37) Y: XB^X Ber 6a(8; BAYTN 330). XDSpIN n.m. high Persian dignitary (< Peh hlgwpt chief of taxes Gignoux 23, MPar hrkpty ib. 52; Ma xnX3Xpnx MD 39, JPA D3ipnx DJPA 77, Pal MiTX PAT 343, DNWSI 103, Sy rdV^-VK LS 921> PSmSuP 34> Gr dpKandTT|<; L-SSup 50, (Lpyani%-\\c„ L-S 235) sg. xmVj em xosp^xi xV'stti xsVb the king, the r.-official, the '.-official, and the exilarch Svu 6b(3i); ib. 29; rb r\b 'nx xnn T3 ppj xMp'rx the '.-official took me by my hand, (and) the smell (of power) came to my hand Zev 96b(4; V") [C: XBBpnX] Lit: O. Szemerenyi, Aclr 5 [1975] 367+; Geig, AAC 27; Tel 15; Beer, BE 2639; XM^X Svu 6b(31). ITbX, irby adv. immediately (< "MX by [cf. MaSxnx by on the spot MD 42]; 4- XinX) xmiX^ ~)T\bx 'nmxV XJ'3n inV XIK; PN permitted them to smell (it) immediately at night Er 40a(14); H'by jVs irbx he was immediately at variance with him San 110a(13); Git 76b(3; V18); Tarn 32b(19); ]J'3n3 nnVx we write (the subpoena) "\rbtf? 137 NJTtjaaN immediately HP 81:28; Seel 130:37(Var); OHT Ber 76:9; TGHark 108:21; ib. 170:18; TGAs28 76:5; TGAs42 57:26; /5GF 111:13; ^'tXl XTl'XI nxnVx mm 3'D31 he may go and marry a proselyte immediately after she has converted OHP Yev 270:17; HM 45:22; inVy So 72:9 Voc: nff?X HGP 24a:25; Lit: Eps, Stl 126; S. Friedman, Lesonenu 58 [1994] 50+. - "IFlV^V adv. immediately (< -\rbx + 'b; i Xin; JudA inx by MGitK 3:3; cf. Sy m^uoca A^ immediately PSm 836, Ma finsna, hnDll1? MD 104) Qip'Vl nn^X1? n'pDS'Vl let him stop it immediately and get up Ber 25a(5); ~\rbxb lVll they will immediately go into exile San 7a(13); xrnnwa 'xi xts'i 'inV nn'jx'? o'n nria1? xroa 'x XD'i 'lnV inVxV xrnx xbi tst 'j'n'jn xsn if I reach overseas let it immediately be a (valid) get. If I remain here thirty days and do not come, let it immediately be a (valid) get Git 76b(12); ib. 39; BQ 112b(42); xVl Xmtoa XIB'3 XjV'pitf 'XT •\r\bxb '»1 X13'n' if I take meat from a butcher and do not pay him immediately Yom 8 6a (3 2); 'on a'H'i iai -\rbxb n"ai yr mn 'xt if he knew that he would die, he would have immediately decided to give the get Ned 27b(l); mrS"l«ft ~\T\bxb let him burn them immediately Men 46b(26); Sab 117b(48); Pes 56a(ll); Ned 7b(17); Qid 38a(2); BQ 112b(43); BM 50a(4); BB 29a(13); ,4Z37a(19); Tern 29b(2); xnw'33 "731 •\T\bxb n'3 n'ai»n ijt nn'ns wb x'Tm every congregation which sees this decree of excommunication should immediately excommunicate (him) by means of it Dec 3:13 Y: -Vb*) Ber 25a(5; BAYTN 332). adv. immediately (cf. Sy ro<ki><r>n «i» immediately LS 152, mng. 5) n'l^'y'niTTi n"?n "inVxa the Naziriteship took effect upon him immediately Ned 4a(5); ib. 3b(24); ]xnv nnVx'a ^Xl©'1? 'aiM'X^ they are permitted to be married to Jews immediately HP 143:6(HPP 224:19); ib. 82:10 Lit: S. Friedman, LeSonenu 58 [1994] 49+; Voc: "iflws HGP 17a:4; Y: TTfrxn Ned ib.(BAYTN 332). DN conj. if, whether (JudA DX JDS3 10:10, MKetK 4:8, TA DX TO Lev 1:10 [and passim], BH OX HAL 58) a. in BT: 11H f?2m nn'X DX if it is (so) that they are spices ... Bes 14a(27); DX •'irfb rbsi nn'X if it is (so) that he differs, let (the Tanna) learn (it) g/c/49a(31); Er 9b(21); Pes 10b(35); BM 80b(4); AZ 33a(13); 1SS3 Tin DX ma' jbm if an ox can die in the morning in snow San 18b(37); Ara 22b(31; HP 121:18); b. in Geon. texts: mina x"?3x xn:n3 xnn'x xd'x dxi if there is a priest's daughter she may consume the priestly gifts HP 43:27; p Xl'JS byo niXT DXI Xnxn if (the business deal) is profitable he takes half of the profit ib. 49:24; 66:4; 201:11; c. in magic texts: x:'T n'3 p xi3i nxasV n'j?3 dx if you want to release a man from prison HM 42:1; ib. 43:4; 9; 45:18; n3pil DX 13T DX whether male or female Bo 13:5; ib. 52:5; 109:4 Since this word is also extremely common in TA but is essentially not attested in the non-Jewish A dialects, the assumption that it is a loanword from H is likely. The reason for its use alongside the more typical 'K is unclear. Lit: Kutscher, Studies 52 [Heb]; Y: OX Er 9b(21). 'N!3N conj. why (< 4- l#'Xtt + "X; 4- mb r\ab\ Ma IBx' MD 22) a. alone: Sab 48a(9); Suk 52a(14); Yev 119a(10); BQ 35b(43); BB 71b(6); Tarn 26b(26); Anan 41:17; ib. 63:2; 97:10; 'XBX1 BQ 91a(39); BB 172b(18); Ara 27b(15); Kb 'XBX why not? Naz 8a(27); Git 29a(14); AZ 6b(37); b. w. fol. non-verbal phrase: 'XH '"?13 'XBX why all this? Ber 49a(40); BM 85a(38); San 75a(13); c. w. fol. verbal phrase: 'X13X n3n' 'XBX why are you sitting outside? Ber 18b(47); p'nw 'XBX why was he silent? RH 15b(22); Bes 6a(16); Yev 39b(21); BM 22a(40); Svu 30a(52); AZ 4a(38); Hul 107b(33) Lit: Eps, Stl 76, 106 [usage a]; Voc: 'X6S HPP 39:19; Y: 'XBX RH 15b(22; BAYTN 336). NniaaX, KniaaN n.m. crowd, multitude (< MP *ambuh [cf. NP anbuh multitude PED 104]) sg. nnra 'nx mm xmsax 'tn mn '3 whenever he saw a crowd that was following him Yom 87a(3) // San 7b(32); Tan 24b(17); 'TBD1 Xni3ax a multitude of teachers Suk 55a(22) Lit: Tel 16; XriiaSX Yom 87a(3; BAYTN 245). Nn'paaN n.f. bathtub (< euPcnf] Lehnw 59; MH 'D5ax Yeivin, BV 1070) sg. Sab 40b(43)
t t ; - 138 2#T»N NT3J3N, N733N n.m. storehouse, granary (< Mir *ambar [cf. MP hambar CPD 40]; Sy k't-SW h^=> LS 24, > Arab jlil Fr, AF 136, PLAr 27) sg. XTOm X73BX wine storehouse Ket 105a(37; MGE 539:6) [V': NT<2)0}3K XTom]; pi. naiX imiD1? Wbp lap they went (and) burnt all of the granaries Git 56a(31; MGD 626:25) Lit: Geig, AAC 30; Tel 17; Y: T3D& Ket ib.(BAYTN 213). NTimpN n.m. nut (perh. < Mir *amgdz [> Armen engoiz Hiibsch, AG 133]; Ma XTUJX MD 25; cf. BH TUX HAL 10, Peh goz walnut CPD 37, Sy K'i'cO^, rc'&io-J^LS 108) sg. Sab 109b(20); Anan 87:8; ib. U;HG1 95:49; XTUBX 7IJP1W about the size of a nut Git 69a(39); ib. 41; ubsi 'mBX(3>{3) XT11BX about (the size of) one and a half nuts [lit. a nut and half a nut] ib. 59a(29); XT1J8X '3 XT3JH (the phylactery) is made (round) like a nut Meg 24b(42) // Men 35a(39); xmBXTI XiXBim XXffiVp the peel/shell of a pomegranate or a nut HP 36:16; XTUBXi XriP'B nut oil Anan 85:20; HM 40:1; pi. Hul 59a(8); [31 X13] 7\b XtfpnpB mn X3p,1?3 'max XTOn PN's daughter used to rattle nuts in a bowl (against demons) Ber 62b(29; G§ 96:17); 'max XJl'^B XJX I shall distribute nuts (to the children) BM 60a(40) // BB 21b(25); Yom 84b(34; Ar [AC 8:21]) [4 V3#tf3K; pa.]; 5e£ 30a(5); 'max nVy mxia1? xsxi xxirnp x'btb my father's bald head seems suitable for breaking nuts upon it Ber 10b(10; MGL 588:23); '713X1 TUBX Anan 72:2 Lit: Geig, AAC 30; LS 108, w. lit.; Low, Flora 2:29+; ISK 89; Y: XjiaaX Ber 10b(10; BAYTN 245). NBhJBN n.m. magian priest (< OP magus HAp 130; 4-' XXltflJBX, 2# XTJrt; Sy rdicOyJw LS 374, Ma X"Xl£mXB pi. MD 238; MH2 '©UBX J 75) sg. J'DXm r'XB"" J7T x"?l XPllBX ]'DX7 the magian priest mumbles (a charm) and does not know what he is mumbling Sot 22a(7); XtfUBX X1.T1 XX17J7B B'718 Xp mm a certain magian priest who was exhuming (bodies) from a (burial) cave BB 58a(18); San 39a(29); Yom 35a(2) // Hul 62b(34); pi. 'EHIBX '"?D3 '771' 'VtJ3 'X if the haughty cease to exist (among the Jews), the magian priests will cease to exist (among the Persians) San 98a(37) // Sab 139a(24); IB'pjXIXl 'PUBX*? 'XT1.T '<J)3 the Jewish children were taken by the magian priests iSGS 97:9 Geon. expl.: Win 'J'JX pi nOJ inn» 0"cnB l^X OHT Sab 141:12; Lit: Geig, AAC 30; Tel 18; Y: XVUQK Yom 35a(2; BAYTN 242). Nfl#W»K n.f. magianism (4- XEhJBX; Sy pc'&o-xJcl^c* LS 374) sg. Sab 75a(6) [explained ib. as blasphemy (4- XB1TA) or sorcery (4 'Bnn)] Geon. expl.: jan 1'wusnw naiai Vx ^yaw fieto njnun nti 1'xiy bip I'X'xia [xbx] d,tb3 -m vx'xib pxi ppjvro jjniyo p^a nwyni JTia'yn imnn OHP Sab 34:4, i.e. i-ijij recitation of prayer of Zoroastrians [v. Greenfield, Finkel Vol 658]. p!3K 4 pa adv. 1#7DN vb. to estimate, appraise (< Akk (imitta) emedu to assess the amount of a tax CAD E 142 [< PS *'md], AIOA 49; 4 XJTB1X, XTiaX, Tax) Pe. (e/) 1. to estimate, guess: nTTBXT ma 'BV X'JBXlV if, for instance, they estimated his (period of recovery) at eight days Yom 84b (17); Git 12b(22); Mak 22b(21); p'TBX TB'8 ]3K "?'i "7'3pa 'XB Xs? 'XI ... ^'3pa 'XB 'X perhaps we indeed gauge whether he can accept (the corporal punishment) or not BQ 84a(25); ib. 85b(36); 91a(32); Tmax 'am I estimated you(r willingness to give) for such (an amount) Bek 61a(35) // Ket 100a(14); 7\b Tax Xm IX1? 'X TPVSJb if he had not gauged himself ... Ned 8b(16); n'JTax we did not estimate him Ket 68a(51); lru'bxren irU'TPyi VirTfiXi pa if, for instance, they estimated (the yield of the grain), tithed it, and replanted it [i.e. the remainder] Men 70a(l); xm X^D'B*? X'XBI 7WS1 Xiax TB'B 'XT nail ]'03T8 (the animal) certainly gauged well for itself that it could jump down and its bones would not break HP 202:12; 2. to appraise: XH moy '3 .TITax a group of ten (men), in fact, appraised him Ara 19b(46); ib. 20a(l); 20b(l); pass.part. 'Xpl TBX XH he, in fact, remains appraised ib. 20a(8) Lit: Kut, Studies 407+ [Heb]. 2# T»K vb. to submerge oneself (< Tfiy* [PS *gmd]; 4 HXTiax, 'XTiaX 73; Sy x^i. LS 529, Ma Taj; af. to baptize MD 352) Pe ( /u): mm'1?! K#TT»K 139 t t ~: xaty vrbrn ©'"7m 75? rrnxix iy x'a3 Dip'Vi 3<'){1}XT^1 pO'1?! Ta'Vl Xt'l1?'? let him go down (to the river) and stand in the water until he is faint, and let him submerge himself, ascend, and sit down Git 67b(26; As); 0)71 X'B3 (T)(1}B'B!? 7*7X1 nma by X'B '(7){Ti35n iy he should submerge himself in running water until the water runs over all of him Anan 52:9 Lit: AAC 31; Eps, Stl 76. stfnaN 4- xtfna n. [NV78K (uncertain) XmBXi XJ11 'XH Sab 155a(ll; Ar [AC 1:115]) [M: xVtbx] Geon. expl.: n»J>03 HJ'frD II GnK5 170:23. From the context a form deriving from V^T is expected; cf. X'Vrai X1YI ib.(0).] NXlinpN n.f. service of a maidservant (4 l#XXiaX; Sy k'^oco.^k' LS 24) sg. HlpIS XXlinax DB*1? they redeemed her for service as a maidservant Git 38a(23; V16HP[Eps, Stl 66:25]); i"&(26); mmnaX3 XTWa OHT Yev 39:12 K71MN n.m. estimate (4 Vl#7fiX) sg. l"73' x"?l XTiaX 'XH 'bisp1? they could not accept this estimate TGAs27 69:3 n*ni»N n.m. diver (4 V2#T0X ^oZ-form + gent, ending; Sy rtki^nS. diver LS 529) 4 73 'XTBX n. KTl»N4 2#XTlBn. N7iMN, pi. 'NliMN, '"TON n.m. speaker, Amora (4 Vnax 9a.ro/-f0rm; 4 xaamxia; Sy rc'AojaarV speaker, orator LS 26, JPA max DJPA 62) 1. speaker (for a scholar giving an exposition or discourse): a. general: sg. 3'X1' mn 'PX 3T 73 TOT 'tfx an 'ax 'an nniaxi na xsx 'ax vrx xpmss PN b. PN2 was giving a public lecture. He said: "My father, my master (said ...)," and his speaker said: "Thus PN2 (said ...)" Qid 31b(46) [Ed.: mn tf'Yt; cf.: naix xmaxm ©mm yor vrvtvw am VXf? ExR 8:3]; XTiaX1? 'X1"X NiXlV XaVj? 'VlS TOX 'X1"X does everyone listen to the Tanna [i.e. the transmitter of the Oral Law]? They listen to the speaker Hul 15a(35); H'i'a n'maxV niBBE?'1? let them remove his speaker from him ib. 84b(26; Ar [AC 1:128]); pi. 'XTiaX To'Vxn em mn xnn st PN was expounding with (the aid of) thirteen speakers Ket 106a(22); b. w. Vmp: 1) pe.: sg. W'TTI "by Xmax "Xpi XlD^a you will become the head of the academic session, and a speaker will stand beside you and expound Ber 56a(39; SM 141:24); MBnXlB '3Bn3 73 mifP "t "by 0'plX XmBX3 H'^y Dp ©'pb O appoint PN, PN2's expositor as your (speaker). He served as his speaker San 7b(21); Yom 20b(15); 2) af.: sg. mn ©mi rrby XmBX pni 3T D'plX PN then placed a speaker alongside him and expounded Er 16b(47); ib. 104a(27); Tan 8a(40); Git 43a(36); BB 127a(17); San 44a(51); Zev 94b(18); vb 31 xii73» bi©b nnsn1? X3» xai'a n'^'j? xmax a'pia PN did not appoint a speaker alongside him from (the time of) the banquet until the next day because of drunkenness Bes 4a(45) [+ //'s; 4 XBV xat) mng. 2]; MQ 21a(24); c. w. the name of a particular scholar: sg. XTOn 3m H'TIBX Yom 49a(4); 1.73X '71 H'TIBX Sot 40a(23); 2. Amora, a scholar of the post-Tannaitic period who developed the discussion in the Talmud: pi. ,73103 rPXTD 'a'p max in"?13 all the Amoraim agree with him concerning the sukka Suk 45b(53); 'TT1X 'J'VST 'TB'X '7X11 "XaXl '7X1 two Tannaim and two Amoraim who differ with each other San 33a(19); Ber 49a(44); '7X1 H3 'J'^B '2~\yai 'X71BX two Amoraim in Eretz Israel differ regarding it Sab 21b(23); Ber 22a(46); ib. 22b(4); Meg 15b(44); 'X71BX ]*b*> X1? XXIX'JXIBTa OCJirVD X1? '83 since the barraitot do not differ, the Amoraim also do not differ BQ 14a(28); Hag 8b(23); Ket 57a(24); XS'^Xl l,TJ'i max XXiya© \X\V 'm the legal tradition (is a difference of opinion of) Amoraim and (both) according to PN Men 52b(23); Sab 112b(18); Yev 16b(5); BB 129a(23); Svu 40b(12); Hul 34b(9); max XXl'TiaiDT the Amoraim of GN San 17b(23); ]331 max Rabbis-Amoraim ISGF 43:3; ib. 55:19; 60:9; TGHark 126:27; OHT Suk 17:9; '"tt'l 'XmaXT (memorial) festivals of the Amoraim OHT Yev 241:12 [4 X^l'T note]; 3. an official at the Geonic court: pi. 'X7IBX1 'ISO pi the scholars, scribes, and 'speakers' Dec 2:3 Lit: V Aptowitzer, JQR 4 [1913/4] 38 [mng. 3]; Y: X11DX Yom 20b(15; BAYTN 244). ntniSS adj., n. Amorite (4 DXTIBX 73; BH '7BX HAL 65) n., pl.m. 'X7IBXT xpTB Chapter of the
1B»K 140 i»k (Practice of the) Amorites [= T§ab, ch. 6-7] Sab 67a(45; M); la'rn xnmpj in1? nay 'max wx )ina the Amorites came, made hollowed out areas (in the side of the mountain) for themselves, and settled down in them Ber 54a(51) Geon. expl.: °?y JVPIW lV» m':»B» X>X XVI O'TIBX fHBW (6 D'TIBX '3Y1 TRN 606;8; Lit: Lieb, TK 3:79; Y: IXliaK Ber ib.(318) "IBBN 11DX part., ^>H5BX conj. w. suf. -niwaN prep, on account of, conj. because (< VlDS + 'X; I U?X, VlD'B, W?D, -JT? DWB; LJLA ^>1!5BX Weiss 307[Tg2Jb], Sy A\,«*>, <i*\<r? LS 382, Ma blDi'BX MD 22) I. prep, on account of: a. general: XT1T (^)IDBX *p 13HX xVi on account of the z«z which they did not give you Ber 56a(57; MGG 707:5); b. in phrase '3.1 VlDBX on account of this: Pes 3 la(25); Naz 25a(5); 50 71a(40); ib. 106b(2); ^Z 9a(9); ATar 15a(34); TGHark 45:18; '3H +"?@1DBX Ned 29b(3); Svu 12a(5) [and commonly in Ed]; c. w. suf.: xnxi xvi nai nnViuax x-itrai jryr yra we really know that it rained because of you Tan 23b(20); rrnVraax xnvn noBa m xar ^3i they were wasting (the meat of) an animal every day because of him Ket 67b(19); Tp'Viai n'Jl{')V@H:BX they light (the lamp) because of him HG1 68:19; II. w. "7 conj. because: VltJBX X3Wn<1> Xinxa '3JV1 because they dwell in a place of darkness Zev 60b(26; V") Lit: Geig, AAC 31; Eps, Stl 106; Y: "7W0K Zev ib.(BAYTN 336). T!3N adj. wealthy (I Vl#lBX pe., pass.part.) sg.m. Tax xVt xk?"b "a m xjyn I know that PN is not wealthy Ket 85b(6); ib. 12; Gi( 52b(15); BB 8b(36); XVI TBX1 ff'J'X 'X JJ'Tn XS031 X03 Jl'V 'Vl'aV we see if he is a person who is wealthy enough to have a silver cup BQ 62a(35); ib. 117b(26); BM 108b(30); Svu 46b(2i); poa'B x^> rax xjwm J"yx (who can say that) even though he is rich now, he will not become poor TGHark 151:21; ib. 14; Ta'X ib. 99:34; f. TJTO XTaX 'X if your daughter is rich BB 52a(8); pl.m. '3'3B1 H'BXl 'JB'nB 'ffXa'X trustworthy, rich, and humble men TGHark 99:31 Y: T8N Ket 49b(23). ]♦»« n. Amen (< H ]BX HAL 62, J 77; Sy fj^rV LS 25, Ma fax MD 22) sg.m. flo 30:2; i& 58:8; rf?o rpa]x fax ib. 1:6 Nfl'SK n.f. darkness (< xjid'bx* < xrnray*; cf. Sy k'&o-X,"-^ LS 530) sg. Bo 72:4 Lit: AMB 170. xrhm i xrfravi n. f »N, pj? vb. to close the eyes (< fay; 4- XXa'X; Ma fax MD 22, Sy iJJ»-v LS 530, MH fay LNVTH 266; 4- Vfya) Pe.: nns'ai fa'aV xma is it permitted to close and open the eyes? Sab 108b(28; M) [O: fay'B1?]; WIS! fax ib. 38 [O: fay]; nnsi fay Xpn Bes 22a(54); fB'B1? Seel lll:10(ed.)[Var:faya,7ib.] Lit: Eps, Stl 121; id., MNM 281; AAC 32. The citation in Ar [AC 6:217): VtXl IT? f»y >Diy Xn<'>Vw XTn rf? 13m V3 everyone who saw her [i.e. the wife of On b. Peleth] stripped naked would close his eyes and go away, is in JPA and hence cannot derive from San 110a(l) as indicated by Koh ib. Note, however, that fay is otherwise unattested in JPA. For another quote from this interpolation, v. 1 V2# J10X. NX»Ki2#XXB1Xn. KJHS&K* n.m. middle, cs. only in: - ySS!<a prep, in the middle of ... (I VyXB, 'yS'aa; MH y£a'*d Yeivin, BV 990) a. spatial: XpO'S ysaxn in the middle of the section Pes 117a(50); iT03J y*BX3 XyiXT Xina a g.-measure field in the middle of his property BM 108a(41); b. temporal: .TjTr?X yXBX3 in the middle of his prayer Ber 29a(47) Y: ySBXS Pes ib. "I»N vb. to say, recite, tell (4 3#XHB'X, xmax, yatrai na'B, xna'B; Sy -ti**' LS 26, Ma i# nax MD 23) Pe. (a/a,u), pf. lsg. nax Yom 81b(41); nnax Kar 25b(38); nmax Sab 22a(14); 2m. max San 95b(56); niriBX Er 41a(43); 3m. nax Ber 56a(55); max San 112a(42); f. max Er 29b(42); lpl. pax Nid 17a(16); xnax Yev 39b(34); jrax Anan 16:12; AnanSch 5:16; TGHark 40:32; 2m. fijnax ib. 158:30; 3m. max Yev 103b(19); nnBX Yom 65b(16); imp. lsg. "1B1X Ned 51a(13); Seel 37:109(Var); GC 68:8; TRN 565:10; 2m. IB'Jl Pes 104b(10); mB'Jl Hag 19a(12); 3m. "IB" BB 5b(ll); na'V HP 130:10; lpl. nB'J BM 42a(48; HP 83:15); nna'i Pes -|»N 141 -|»N 56a(24); TOnB'a Meg 21b(24); 2m. TIB'n AZ 1 la(3); ina'Tl 5fi 39a(4); 3m. TIB'1? Ket 92a(14); Tia'i //ag 3b(26); imper. 2sg.m. ■na'X Pes 7a(35); n»'X Bes 8b(10); f. nax SAf 84b(l 1; Es); 2pl.m. na'X Bek 30b(35); inf. "la'a ^Z 58b(l); na'aV 5e5 21b(13); Xna'D1? Svu 41b(32); part, lsg.m. XilDX BB 33a(2; HP 121:23); f. xnax Bo 125:6; 2m. maxp Ket 104b(18); 3m. IBXp Anan 73:6; f. maxp Hul 110a(8); lpl. pnaxp BQ 55a(16); 2m. imax Git 57b(9); 3m. naxp Hag 17b(12); f. pax MQ 28b(ll); pass.part. sg.m. Tax Geon 271:3; Anan 20:9; T»'X TGHark 33:3; f. XTax ib. 268:30; XTa'X ib. 50:12; pl.f. p'ax Geon 266:13; Anan 47:2; p'fc'X TGHark 45:21; w/o final r: pf. 3sg.m. Xax Anan 21:19; SeelG [v. Eps, Stl 100]; pr1? X&X =] H'Vax ^na« 34:8; TGAs42 13:23; /& 25; ff> XSK =] l"?BX i/j. 22:19; [31 Xax =] 3iax ib. 31:4; imp. lsg. X3X1 Xa'X Pes 117b(31); BM 45a(7); 2m. xa'JI ib. 109a(27); 3m. xa'1? Tan 5b(35); X3'3 G;7 45a(33); Xd" Tan 9a(5); lpl. xa'3 5er 31a(7); xa^'X Torn 7b(14); m^ Hul 140b(42); imper. 2sg.m. XB'X Bes 27b(6); part. lsg. xrax Mak 21b(22); Xraxp Sab 86b(5); X:»X XIX Nid 48a(8); x:6x HGP la: 12; 3m. xax Xp 5mA: 44b(24); ^na« 28:1; XBX ib. 13:15;- 1. to say, tell: a. general: mm xri'Vya xnV'a ~p xa'x xn max 'ax come (and) I shall tell you a superior statement that your father used to say AZ 31b(32); Hul 47a(ll); "p nax Xrivm Xtfn X3X1 ■jV nax -\V>-\ X3X did I say to you 'the head of the animal'? I said to you 'your head' Bek 8b(i6); rwa maxT xirrn npyi... ^n how do they annul the matter which Moses said? Yom 69b(42); laxp 'KB X3yT nin x"7 I did not know what he was saying MQ 28b(33); Sab 129b(32); H'V xrax mn Dm 'Xin 'X if I had been there I would have said to him ... RH 26b(5); Meg 15a(23); Sot 40a(16); AZ lla(3); 'V max Jr?Jl "l"? X^BX n"?n you said three (things) to me. I shall say three (things) to you Sab 152a(27); Xm maxi Xin T1X are you not, in fact, the one who said ...? Er 57b(18); m»X DTim ... JTIBX you said ... and you said again Pes 55b(31); X131 Xinn nrna1? max mm inrrsi'? 'yam a certain man who heard his wife saying to her daughter BB 58a(24); max mSl Xp '3 as she was jumping (off the roof) she said ib. 3b(41); Xp 'XB yatfl JVX ^'t nax go, listen, and hear what (the spirits) are saying Pes 11 lb(23; V); xnp'ya pnBX13 as we used to say originally AZ 33a(28); IJinBX X31D WTOm you say that you are very wise Ber 56a(7); San 90b(56); max "nrm Wl the witnesses came (and) said Yev 116a(9); X3'T Jl'S nax H31 the 'great court' states Qid 65b(9); Xnn max mm a certain (woman) who used to say AZ 26a(26); b. in legal contexts and terminology: 1) pf.: p"l mBX 'yD 'Xa why did the scholars say ... BM 27b(37); paXT XH that which we said Sab 26b(2); xnyaiff xn1? max 3i vsm d"3 '3 when he was drowsy and falling asleep, PN said this legal tradition Yev 24b(25); 2) imp.: inx XB'Il '31 TIU lHVX even if you say: "They came (and) decreed ..." Sab 14b(25) [I 1#"0 mng. 3]; XB^'X Xin Xp'SD m\T 'm> if we should say that it is according to PN, it is a doubtful case ib. 35a(28); XTOrf? pvm mB'JI X3B1 whence do you say that we take suspicion into consideration? Pes 13a(37); rnB'JI X3B1 RH2Sb{20; GRH 21:21); 3) imper. [v. Eps, Gr 63+]: X13iyi X31J TX 'V 'B'X mn 'STl tell me, in fact, what was the essence of the case Git 39b(39); Xa'X JTy3'X if you desire, say (so) Sab 50b(7); Bes 14b(5); Yev 71b(42); Xa'JI'ya'Xl San 30a(46) [and passim]; XS1D Xa'X recite the latter part (of the Mishna) BQ 48b(35); nax 'a 'xnpa "lins xjx naxT ma'x say that I said (to you that he was knowledgeable) concerning oral traditions. Did I say (this) concerning biblical verses? AZ 4a(39); "IB'X TXB 'T; nn Jiyasn say that you heard PN BB 141b(14); 4) inf.: pnaxp la'a we truly say Seel 26:89; ib. 15:71; 51:81; Geon 381:3; HG2 74:19; pai max na'B the scholars actually said Seel 117:90; na'B1? X3'X 'XB what can one say? [lit. what is there to say?] Sab 6a(16) [and passim]; miyxh 'KB fan 'X =] 'an' if so, why state it? [lit. what is it to say?] RH 22b(14); 5) part.: XBX Xp (Scripture) says^«a« 17:9; ib. 24:8 [andpassim]; XrBX XJiyi xp"?0 it might have occurred to me to say [< XnyiX XpVo*; lit. it enters the mind. I say] Zev 40a(13); Yom 46a(12); Meg 17b(16); 'X X3'BX mn X'nna if from that (case), I would have
1#KJPI!?N 142 2#nmx said ... BQ 33a(43); 1BX1 |XB the one who says Pes 84b(6); Meg 26b(18); San 3a(24) [and passim]; '©3'X '1BX1 13'M this is what people say Ber 43b(18) [fol. by a proverbial saying; v. the alphabetical list in AC 1:160+]; '1BX sVb '1 '31 those of PN's school say Yom 38b(48); 111,1' '11 naxi wayo1? pan ... 'axi mayo1? pn, according to his reason says ..., and the scholars, according to their reason, say ... Yom 10b(14); X3iyB3 '1BX they say in Eretz Israel Ber 14b (8); 13 if? '1BX1 (some) say it anonymously [lit. they say it only] Yom 44a(26) [I 1#'13]; 2. to recite: a. general; *^D31 ,1T© '1BX (the angels) recite a song and cease to exist Hag 14a(l 1); xn'V© XTnil laxi X113'X1 the prayer leader positioned himself to lead the prayer and recited Pes 117b (40); '3 VxiB©1 ri'&j? in'IBX when I recited it [i.e. the legal tradition] in the presence of PN Sab 22a(14); b. esp. an incantation [cf. JPA 1BX pe., mng. 4, DJPA 63]: xrfr'a max she recited an incantation Sab 81b(43); Xny'31 xnD'^p by 11BX Xnayjl recite over the shell of an ostrich egg HM 38:16; ib. 39:1; bllb I'n'31? xnxi 1&X1 nB 1BX he recited an incantation [lit. he said what he said] and traveled to his home in GN OHT Ber 46:6; ib. 8 Itpe. to be said, stated, recited: ]3 y©l,T '11 XI ian'X xW>3» x"?x ian'X ©itss ix"? 'lV this (tradition) of PN was not stated explicitly but was stated by inference Ber 9a(7); 311 XB©B ian'X pm it was stated in PN's name Pes 108a(18); 'XI Xia lari'X if it was stated in this (case) Sab 73a(25); xb ian'X xbi X3'n lari'x lan'xi xs'n lan'X where it was stated it was in effect [lit. stated]. Where it was not stated it was not in effect Er 47a(4); Bes 13b(26); Yev 69b(43); 'X ian'X '3n ian'X if it was stated, it was stated so BQ 48b (12); lian'X 1,1'lin both of them were stated Tan 4b(24); X1DX3 pWTXI xnnyB© '3,1 X1103 Xion ail n'Bp Xn3©3 the legal traditions which were recited on the Sabbath in the morning before PN in GN Er 43a(37); Anan 47:2; "3X 'DX pn: ai XB'n'Xl PN said, and it was said [i.e. transmitted alternatively]: PN2 Yom 19b(49); Bes 6a(32); Hag 2b(23); BM 47b(6); 'IBn'B ]Xiyi ©1p ymbl ll'iaxil xna'naa they are still recited in the academy in the Holy Tongue [i.e. Hebrew] TGHark 189:22 Geon. expl.: Vlp: frl ... XB'1? LPT 155:15, i.e. imp. Ipl.; xa'X •?ip i^x nnn mnxi nopj3 xb'x Vipx >f7xbx nnn rropH ib. 146:19, i.e. XB'X imp. lsg., xa'X imper. sg.2m.; I'OTUB DT131 xavos xw xems '31 (mfirtm asua nai 13 j'Vin j'x nan'x i:x nyiawn mix nx 13 D':na vn x^i nm mpan nx D'ana me TGHark 138:11; Lit: Eps, Gr 61+ [morph.]; Eps, SI1 92 [TIB'X imper.], 93 [XlB'aV], 100 [XBX, XB'B, xan'X, XB'n'X]; Bacher 12; A. Marmorstein, Tarbiz, 17[1946] 68+ [>B1 tamt]; Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62 [1999] 52 [niB'X and IB" are both H]. l#Nfl»K, pi. KflnSN n.f. maidservant t;-7 r tt:_ , (i XJlinax; Sy k'&.Sok', pi. rf'^'ci^sK' LS 24, Ma xnax, pi. xnxnax MD 23) sg. xnax xm,i ]'mm )'y©n na mm a certain maidservant who was ninety-two years old Sab 152a(38); ,1B'p mn Xn'3 X©33 Xp ,1'nax his maidservant was in the process of sweeping out the house BM 85a(17); Sab 32a(6) [I Voil pe., mng. 2]; RH 26b(8) // Meg 18a(41); Ket 103a(47); Git 38a(48); AZ 30a(24); xbi runas xnax ,1'nri'xV an'i xiaj i1Jiairi33 X3V13 a man who gave a maidservant to his wife as a present, but it was not written in her ketubba HP 105:6; ib. 46:1; SSHai 7a(8); AnanSch 13:14; pi. xnxnax 'mn pmax jvr? pa© their father bequeathed them two maidservants BB 13b(26); Ket 80b(7); ID'p '31 XnnBX the maidservants of the imperial household Ket 17a(18);/#> 114:28; Bo 56:7 Y: xnax Qid 8b(7; BAYTN 29). 2# Nrias, pi. i'sn, xnnm, xmm n.f. cubit (Sy k'&jmk', pi. rd-bit^ LS 24, Ma X'ax pi. MD 21, s.v. 2#xax) a. measure of length: sg. xnax ^3 X3i03!?xa '©am nm xnax xyiana the diagonal in every square of (a side of) one cubit, is one and two-fifths cubits Er 57a(21) [+ ll's; I HinoDbtt]; nb tvti xb xnax xm xVi \n since (its thickness) is not a cubit, he disregards it Yom 3ib(4); x^si 'nax xm nas ©ipi x'ms how much is the width of the board? 1 1/2 cubits Sab 98a(ll); xnaxi Xlbs 1/2 cubit ib. 12; Yom 16a(31); BB 27a(9) [v. comm.]; pl.abs. ]'BX ~\vy ten cubits (in height) Ber 54b(26); BB 3a(52); det. xnxnax yvm fifty cubits BQ 83a(37) // BB 23a(20); BM 107b(46); xnxax Hul 59b(26; V11); Seel 51:l(Teuda 15 187:20); b. measure of area: 3# KJlttN 143 t»33K sg. n'V V'aDa mn '3'n xnaxs xnax how can one immerse (a table which is) a (square) cubit in (a miqwe which is also a (square) cubit? Pes 109b(5); 3'n' xnaxa X13J a man can sit in (the space of a square) cubit Suk 7b(43); Men 98b(5); pi. ]'ax I'S'JX 1©3? xn'© 16,000 (square) cubits Er 56b(23); 'an' xnxnax 'mm nai nnVn three men can sit in two (square) cubits Suk 8a(13) Y: XTOX BM 107b(46; BAYTN 186). 3# NUttK n.f. penis (< MH2 nax J 75) sg. xnx 3'3©1 n'naXX n'pIO Xlia'T a wasp came, stung him on his penis, and he died MQ 17a(32) 4# NJ18N n.f. lower millstone (< Akk ummatu [sa eri] lower millstone CAD E 323 [Lex], AHw 1415, mng. 8; I X^IIDX'X) sg. X'nil Xnax the lower millstone Ber 18b(50; MGG 806:9) [cf. MH2 D'nnn nax Er 89a(26)] IN adv. where (dialectal; JPA ],1, ]X DJPA 166) ]X iniinVsO X'n ]X1 "inasn X'n where is your wisdom, and where is your intelligence? Sab 30a(ll) K3N, fUN pron. I (Sy rdrc' LS 27, Ma X3X MD 24) a. in non-verbal phrases: 1) subj.: Xin X3X it is I [lit. I am he] Tan 23a(51); Ket 63a(15); XH X3X here am I BQ 90b(19); X3"7a X3X I am the king MQ 26a(34); Hag 4b(39); San 93a(48); XIX XJVI 311 am PN Pes 86b(18); X"n 13 ]'3X x"? X3X I am not PN Qid 44a(44); 'XI ... X:X 131 X13J 'X XIX 'pill 'Ipa if I (shall become) a great man/an elementary school teacher Yev 21b(8); xn©1 15? X3X IB lxV until now I was not 'sir'? Ber 47a(6); Sab 79a(7); Pes 113a(8); 01 XJX ]'jna "73 ©'13 I, blood, am the main cause [lit. at the top] of all illnesses BB 58b(10); 2) copula: ©l©B@01©a XJX XJX I am from GN Qid 72a(13); BM 16b(28); X3X x:noi x:x XTai x"?x X3X XD'sn x*7i xix nxin x1? X3X I am neither one who demonstrates nor a wise man. But I am one who has learnt (the legal traditions) and who arranges (them) Pes 105b(10); XJX 1M 13 xVl X3X 1M X1? X3X I am neither a 'carpenter' nor the 'son of a carpenter' AZ 50b(4); Hul 93a(9); X3X XaVa 'B3 X3X X3X I am also a king Git 57a(19; MGD 622:7); Yev 101b(42); 7am 32b(13); 3) in appos. to a pron. suf: nna1? 'xim 'xni'V xVi 'iVs x:x '"? n'^i neither I nor my heirs after me may retract SSHai 5a(17); ib. 5b(6); lla(8); b. in verbal phrases: 1) w. pf: 'Xin X3X it was I [lit. I was] Qid 81b(15); ib. 44a(41); BM 76b(32); BB 168a(4); ina XIX 'Xin X3©3 I was born on Sunday Sab 156a(25); 'xoxn'x x"?i •'tM? 'nrmay xjx I did all these things and was not cured Yom 84a(24) // AZ 28a(28); 2) w. imp.: n'ai1? X:X V'T'X I shall go to him Yom 87a(48); X3X Viy'X I shall enter Hag 5b(40); XIX "|"0X I can heal you BQ 85a(51); BB 7a(l); XyiX1? mn'X X3X I shall go down to the field BM 15b(37); 3) w. part.: 'Jtt'Xj? X3X I am ready to do so [lit. standing] Ket 2a(32); XIX 'max XJl'Vs I shall distribute nuts (to the children) BM 60a(40); 'X©D1 Xl'Da X3X I shall heal myself BQ 85a(53); X3X xraxp I say Pes 2b(41); 13X X33n' I am sitting Bo 125:1; X3X n'"? ]13V XnnD I shall not open for you ib. 76:4; 4) w. pass.part.: xn'3 113 X3n'3© X3X I am usually [lit. found] at home Ket 67b (40); c. extraposited element in casus pendens: nxi 'X©B©n Xjrap XJX ^©'B©n XJ?'3p XV my usage (of the courtyard) is fixed [i.e. at a set time]. Your usage is not fixed BB 2b(36);'"? JPB© '3H X3X I have heard it so [i.e. I have a tradition] Ber 10a(37); 311 'Tttbro X3X '"? XT3D I am of the same opinion as PN's students Pes 103a(34); '*? n'X XinD in X3X I have one witness Svu 31a(17); Men 29b(37); niD X3X ]np'TX m'1 your cow caused me damage BQ 46b(31); d. in cleft sentences: 'V XB"p1 Xin X3X Xny© it is I who has a propitious moment Tan 21a(14); -\b I'mn'l X3X lxV was it not I who gave it to you? Bek 36b(15); e. after preps.: I ]1J3 prep., mng. I.a, '3 prep. mng. lb Lit: Satzlehre 11+ [as copula]. In the phrase x:X Vl Er 3a(14) this pron. seems to be exceptionally used as an ace. form; however, this is prob. a corruption of ]X^1* lift me up [i.e. Vl (imper. of I V'^1 pa., mng. 4) w. lsg. ace. pron.; cf. Ma JX'Vxt Nold, MG 285:5] which was misinterpreted as 'JX Vt* > X«t °71; Voc: X5x HPP 235:21; Y: X3X Ber 2b(51; BAYTN 341). N33N I X33'X n. J33K n.m.abs. liquid measure (later P form < 4- l#XpS3X; i X13J) sg. 133X pQ3X BB 58b(15) Y: J33X BB ib. N333N n.m. wine (later P form < I 2# pBJX) sg.
xpo'-UN 144 I'?*? X13(1){1)X ia T\Vt? will you drink wine? Qid 70a(41) [O2: 131X] Lit: Geig, AAC 35; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]. Nj?0'"TJN n.m. (an official) pi. BB 55a(19) Lit: i. < MP *handesak official in carge of tax collectors Geig, AAC 36; 2. < Olr *ham-daisa-ka- relating to a document [cf. MP desag document CPD 26] Y.A. Solodukho, Sovetskoe Vostokovedenie 5 [1948] 65; Shaked, Irano-Aramaica 171; Y: 70"i:X BB ib. NS'13N n.m. temple (etym. unkn.; I XJ11BX) sg. rrai ''S'11X3 rrrrnai (the hornet) stung him on his temple and he died Sab 80b(31) Geon. expl.: D'JBH yiXJ>» 01j» mil J1XX VxyoW' ]ltto 'S'-HXl [D'JBn] 110 ly [niJ3] Vo -\TV 110 p TUn p OHP Sab 39:24, i.e. ^li^ol temples; Lehnw 64 suggests a Gr etym. KB"nJX, NBNYI3N n.m. statue, bust t t : : - ' * (< dvSpidt;, -dvTot; Lehnw 65; Sy ** \ « ;^i *f LS 28, Pal D11X PAT 335, DNWSI 20) sg. Xtfl Wb T101 XBX111X he saw a statue and bowed down to it San 61b(38) // Xtnil'X &6 72b(30) // XD111X ATar 3a(56); 3'fl'l «]Bn XJW'33 '3 X1H1 XD111X ,13 lD'piXI Xyiirm a certain synagogue of ... in GN in which they set up a statue RH 24b(37) // ,4Z 43b(27); pi. X'UBIX "?3 npynx all the statues were pulled down MQ 25b(39) Note that as in Pal, the assimilation -nt- > -It- occurs; Y: XBTUX «//24b(37; BAYTN 301). N013NI n.m. violent person (4- VoiX ^5?o/-form; TA J'OllX pi. TJ Jer 6:6) sg. XII X013X 'U DJ10 any pagan is (considered) a violent person BB 45a(16; HGP 2b:25) [Van XMX HEs]; TGAs28 35:19; TGAs42 24:4; ,T01X1 XD11X XIIXI a violent person came and attacked him HP 208:13(HPP 310:18); pi. n'1? 'MX 'VlXl 'DUX 'JWl violent people will hear (about him and) will go (and) attack him Ara 16a(9; MGL 383:16); TGAs42 23:10; ib. 18; 20; TG/Zar/t 118:18; Geon 267:4 NJT13N, NJ13N n.f. type of jar (perh. < Akk unutu utensil AHw 1422) sg. XTO'ai XTTUX an '.-jar of oil Bo 125:11 [// Xrwai xia ib. 112:10]; XJ13X xroai Men 78a(20; V10) Lit: Ch. Muller-Kessler, ANES 36 [1999] 169+. The traditional expl. as a loaf of congealed oil [cf. Ar: Drr> ]'B3 ^Uy wnp ]UV ■pv Drf? U".1 AC 1:162; v. Eps, Stl 37] should now be rejected. M3X vb. to sigh (4- Xnnm; Sy okuV pe., etpe. LS 28, Ma niX etpa. MD 26) Itpe.: a. alone: '3 niTl'X 'plOS 'X.1 XDa when he reached this verse he sighed Sab 152a(44); Ber 58b(9); ib. 13; b. preceded by i Vlll pe. [v. ib., mng. 7]: niJl'X Til Xion 31 PN wailed (and) sighed ;'A. 8 [cf. Ma xixrrai tax: Gs 49:18]; ra rr1? Tpw xpi ma nnirra xp 'xax rrV 'ax nixrxi while he was cutting his hair, he wailed and sighed. He said to him: "Why are you sighing?" Meg 16a(20); BM 66a(12); San 39a(17) Geon. expl.: <1)|-|)run OHP Ber 106:8, i.e. i|i [^ V]. N3I13N pron. we (archaic and dialectal; 4- |1X; BA Xin'lX HALOT 1818, TA XiniX TO Gen 43:8) a. in writs: Xpna "?y XlOTin 'TW XiniX we, the witnesses, signed on the erasure BB 164a(10); pi ]Wo m 'inw xinix rb xuroi we, the witnesses, wrote this /w'HH-document for her SSHai 13a(13); ib. 15a(15); 17a(15); XU"yi xri '33 xiaip •arr nm psn xinix we and the scholars who were sitting before us in the court investigated the matter Dec 9:7; TGHark 117:15; SSSad 230:23; ib. 204:8; b. in Geonic texts: X*7 XiniX XI1? yw we have not heard it TGHark 38:27; ib. 101:27; 277:6; 159:11; 195:33; TGAs28 99:10; TGAs42 52:18; Geon 230:27; XM1X 'XiriD131 '33 ]a lxVl we are not from the sons of PN /SGF93:1; ib. 51:23; 60:15; XiniX X13J13 we have written Bo 1:14 Y: XttUX BB 164a(10; BAYTN 341). n.m.abs. a bucket (< &vtA.iov Lehnw 71; > Arab jLti Fr, AF 65) sg. BB 58b(15) [contains 1/4 log] Not to be connected w. i S^Vl [v. Nold apud Fr, AF 66]. N"13'3N n.m. a type of coin (etym. unkn.) sg. Xll'lXl XpX'3 Xll'1 an n.-denar and a ... BM 46b(25) Lit: Lehnw 63, s.v. X-MX. ]n3'3K interj. (word in a charm formula) Sab 109b(34) ]'3K adj. delicate (V]1X pe., pass.part.; cf. Sy re* pe. to sigh LS 27) sg.f, only in phrase K3'3K Tljn fastidious [cf. MH2 riyin '3'3X J 85]: XIX 'XflVT XJ'JX I am fastidious Ber 24b(24); Yom N30'3N 145 03N 30a(20); ib. 22; SwA: 29a(13; M2); BB 23a(9; Es); Hul 112a(25) Y: KJ'W Hul ib.(Mo 239). N30'3S n.m. woven material (I ^1-pi, 1# XDD'3) sg. &6 59b(l 1) [of a wreath; * I Xnpnx]; ib. 15; 38 RaH: riDOB IwVa ]'Bin; Y: KSO'JN: 5aA ib. BT3N i W'J'X n. ~\}X i -\m pron. K33N n.m. tin (Akk annaku CAD A/2 127, Sy pciAjk' LS 29, Ma X33X MD 27, > Arab ^i Fr, AF 153) sg. Bo 78:11; X3IXT XOt? a plate of tin HM4V.9 ]1H vb. 4- |'3X adj. 13N pron. we (I X:n3X; JPA pX DJPA 66, Ma I'lX, ]3/3X MD 27, Sy ^Lu LS 28) a. in non-verbal phrases: 1) subj.: x"?S2/3 pxi X^IS IH'X it [i.e. the fish] was (swimming) against the current and we were (sailing) with the current BB 73b(25; HP1); 'in '3 pXl nrfrn '3 inrx they are three and we are two San 93a(44); 'TIO pX we are witnesses Ber 17b(39); X»»H 'tylS ]JX we are day laborers £r 65a(39); ^ra 10b(25); IDMa p'"?5?a pX we are better than you Pes 87b(42); Bek 8b(l 1); BM 83a(29); San 28b(35); 2) as copula: D"3j;n T pX ]3X we are agents of the poor BQ 36b(39); '3 px ]3X 'Tlil we are all alike Ber 45b(46); Suk 10b(16); San 33a(17); 3) after ]1J3: px pJ3 xnani XTO^ I1? xn^t^T like us who frequently have meat and wine (to eat) Sab 119a(42); Tan 14b(16); b. in verbal phrases: 1) w. pf: pn px we learnt Sab 65a(35); ib. 93a(25); 'a: ]3X X30'Sn HlTiil XTlsnna we also seized (it) from the swift current of the river Ket 85a(7); px H'J'a nC)n)3-|lX we rented it from him BB 29a(34); 2) w. imp.: 'JJl'l 'a: px «]X we also should learn ... Sab 66a(12); mil 111131 Dip'l ]3X1 mil1? should we take it upon ourselves to make a secondary decree? Sab 1 lb(3); px 'trr: let us see BM 8b(16); BB 28b(6); Hul 85b(39); 3) w. part.: P'pJW ]3X XpTO 'H'X 'X if she is silent, are we (to remain) silent? Yev 65a(17); rfrll '3'H ]1X ll'lfia XDS'X we transmit the tradition of the judges of the Diaspora in an opposite manner BB 70b(21); ib. 136a(29); Er 54b(52); Pes 30b(14); BQ 108b(28); c. as an extrapolated element in a casus pendens: XJTblia bxiai^l 3T f? ll'pn ]1X "7333 PN and PN2 instituted a 'valuable object' [i.e. the liyiim-prayer] for us in Babylonia Ber 33b(28; P); pvnn '3'n px how did you see us? Pes 50a(13); San 93a(41); fi XT30 p313 px we are of the same opinion as the scholars Er 67a(8); Pes 50b(52); G;7 40a(52); Qid 13a(13); bmw px 11H3 'IID 'SOI 11,13 the Jews are with us and the Book of the Law is with us AZ 8b (24) Y: ]3X Meg 18a(40; BAYTN 341). D3K vb. to force, constrain, prevent (4- XD11X, X0UX; Sy .-oajy to compel LS 30, TA MX to seize TJ 2S 23:21) Pe. (a/) 1. to force, compel: a. alone: Xjnx H'V 'JinTb »n' MX '^S 13 'Vd NN b. NN2 forced me to sell him (my) field SSHai 16b(20); TGHark 166:8; pass.part. D'lX OK) he is certainly compelled [i.e. acts involuntarily] Er 99a(37); Yev 91a(45); D'lXI IX1? 'X W'l'X T3I1 "73 T3TB mn X1? anything that a person sold, were he not compelled (to do so for need of money) he would not have sold BB 47b(20); 13 'WSl myi3 XID'IX X1? of my own free will not being compelled SSSad 223:25; 0'3'X X*71 X1H1 this is (a case) where he was not under compulsion TGHark 178:16; BM 86b(26) [of animals]; b. w. fol. vb.: nVsDXl nrran riMX her friend compelled her to immerse herself Hul 31b(43); pass.part. "lVs^ XIH D'lX he is compelled to recite the tefilla HGI 40:41; TGHark 166:31; 2. to attack: I'DIXI XD11X XJ1X1 a violent person came and attacked him HP 208:13; 'MX ^TXl 'DUX 'yatfl n'1? violent people will hear (about him and) will go (and) attack him Ara 16a(9; MGL 383:16); 3. to induce, motivate, urge: niMX 'TIT 'XH 'a^ll perhaps the (extra) money motivated this one (to sell to another) AZ 72a(24); Ket 53a(26); BQ 89b (29); TMX ~p!? nx your mind induced you (to swear falsely) Svu 26a(38); T3yi iTWSl MX1 msp3 mi3y he urges himself on and does the act quickly Svu 17a(28); 4. to constrain, overpower: iTMPBl M'a1? rp1? 'yS'X he should have constrained himself (from looking) BB 57b(21; F2); H'1? 'MX n'll'y his appointments used to constrain him (from performing the priestly benediction) Hul
l#Kj?BJK 146 TUN 133a(23; MGD 412:14); X'ntt'B TOIX (his) drinking has overpowered him Git 68b(12); 5. to seize by force: '313 mi 013X they seized certain drinking bowls by force AZ 33b(25); '03X xp mi 'tffrXT XnXJHX they were seizing fields of people by force BB 168b(14); ib. 45a(14); BQ 116b(49); AZ 33a(33); 6. pass.part. to be unavoidably prevented [denom. < I XD31X]: X1? 'M 'O'ax 'an '0'3X these are prevented (from coming), those are not prevented RH 35a(24); BB 40b(5); Git 29b(43); /&< 2a(30) [by being sick]; Ned 27b(6) [by the stoppage of the ferry]; Naz 23a(50) // Hor 10b(38) [by being drunk] Itpe. (e) 1. to meet with an unforeseen accident: 1'BV ">rf?7l 113 O'an'X he met with an unforeseen accident within thirty days Git 29b(42); 2. to be prevented: OUn'XI X1H 'OWN they were actually prevented (from passing the wine jugs in front of me) Ket 16b(44; V5); RH 23a(8); 3. to be seized, taken away by force: 'nan O'anx TT.TT 'Tn3 on returning, his donkey was seized Ned 31b(9); in ]3't3'pa in D'JJia 'XT p'3 if one (document) is seized, we (still) hold another in our possession BB 168b(17); '31 ]V2 1BXT 13T13 'BlVtt W5?3 Dana since if it is seized you are required to pay, it is considered as yours Pes 5b (46); 'oan'ap rrniena 'oan'B '3 (the money) is taken away only in his [i.e. the borrower's] possession Qid 47b(21); Svu 41b(34); Wbv T3 'TIT 10'an'XT the money was seized from the messenger HP 84:1; ib. 49:23 Lit: Low, OLZ 12 [1904] 115. The rdg. TOJ'aV Tan 22a(18; Ed) is most likely a corruption for naiwtf? [v. Mai 91:2], and hence the mng. 'to rape' is not attested for this it in JBA. [Hom I xoiax n.] l#Nj?BIN n.m. large cup, liquid measure (< MP ? [cf. Armen empak drinking cup Hubsch, AG 153241]; archaic form of i I33X; Ma xpsxax cup MD 24, Sy rd-n_iJ=Ur</, ^ " • -»*~~? distilling apparatus LS 27, 24) 1. large cup: sg.abs. psax BB 58b(15) [quoted from a purported inscription on a gate in Cappadocia]; det. mam xpsax a large cup of wine HM 39:16; 2. liquid measure: sg. X"n XlBn(T) XpB3X an '.-measure of unmixed wine Gi( 69b(8); ib. 9 Geon. expl.: ton too ,T3W KB IKipa IWVTI TW pNSJX NpBJN OHT Git 157:8, i.e. JBA KpBJX in IrArab or P is jlijl and is equal to the Arab JLj [v. Hinz, IHG 27+]. Lit: Geig, AAC 35, s.v. J3JX; ISK 89; Tel 20; Snaked, Food [forthcoming]; Y: pMX BB ib.(BAYTN 213). 2#Nj?BJK n.m. wine unmixed with water (< MP *anapak [> Armen anapak Hubsch, AG 97], Avestan anapa- adj. unmixed [of wine] AI 123; archaic form of I XI33X) sg. xpsax xnff'B to drink unmixed wine BM 86a(48); Qid 70a(41; O2); Hul 94a(16) [* Xl'ia XTan wine mixed with water ib.]; yBffa T'n xpsax '. means 'raw' [i.e. unmixed] (wine) ib. 19 Lit: Geig, AAC 35, s.v. J3JX; ISK 89; Tel 20; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]; KJBJK BAYTN 213. N11p3N n.m. a bird (etym. unkn.) pi. 'TpIXl X3X a basket of '.-birds Hul 57a(3) [Var: 'Tipn Ar (AC 5:384)] Geon. expl.: JVU31? JlVVmsn WSS31 XVI DTJ toffl XY1 "ITO >|iy TBlffl XVW '-lliJJ'K Kyi -p DV Vjn Rashi, ad loc.; expl. Ar: OTPton 13J1TOW rtlBiy AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 40. KnpJK 4- xnpay n. "WlfifaN n.m. Sal ammoniac (< NP nausadur PED 1434; Sy iearclaLrdiK', io:ux_oJ«' LS 31) sg. 'Vl3 "? V>tt?3 T.TO3X *rm r'31"' when the iSa/ ammoniac boils, the entire (mixture) is cooked GiY 69a(43); X(pn){np)D'B '3 Tn(E?a)(atf)XT sal ammoniac about the size of a pistachio ib.(4l) Lit: Geig, AAC 285; Tel 100; Y: Tntf"} Gif ib. fi3N pron. you (sg.m.; archaic and dialectal; i nx; BA MX qere HALOT 1819, Sy 1hJ# LS 31) nna3n XVT |X naVe? nax you, Solomon, where is your wisdom? Sab 30a(ll); Ket 77b(31); Aferf 91b(9); njmim '"? naa'na nax I believe you with an oath5A/36b(10); Tan 29a(l); BM67a(14); ». 109b(20); 55 50b(20); Atot 2b(39); Kar 18b(17); msyaV I1? TOX naXT you are forbidden to do it Anan 6:1; ib. 24:14; 69:17; "?B TJ "?B naxi SSHai 3b(9); ib. 14a(18); -]r>B nax you, be the head of the academy! I$GF 85:14 Lit: Eps, Gr 20; Y JUKI BAYTN 341. NroN 4, xmax n. 'ri3N pron. you (sg.f.; archaic; Sy ,&-!«' LS 31) XnV? 'nax you, lilith Bo 9:8; i& 19:3; 58:6; 'nax nnS'pn xn'T1?! nJTO'3 Xmi you, evil spirit and TJF13K strong lilith ib. 28:3; 77:1; 88:9; 101:3; 'nax 'Vb m n'3r>D you, NN, daughter of NN SSHai 3a(10); SfiSW 223:25 J'MK pron. you (pl.f.; archaic and dialectal; Sy j-.kjr^LS 31) Bo 107:3 HW n.m. myrtle shrub, myrtle branches (Akk asuA CAD A/2 342, Sy rdi*' LS 31) 1. myrtle shrub: sg. a. general: 55 80b(39) [expl. BH 0TJ Is 41:19]; TIXp X0X1 H'BW XDX 'B^'n '3 'Xp XDX TV1? a myrtle standing among the willows-its name is a myrtle and it is called a myrtle San 44a(5); XDX niBT the shape of a myrtle Bo 78:12; b. species: X1XB XDX the Egyptian myrtle Suk 33a(3); XTI XDX r.-myrtle Pes 56a(9) [i RT\]; c. parts: XOXT XB1B a myrtle leaf Hul 47b(l); 5a6 146b(33); Xef 77b(22; MGG 226:6); XjI'BW X0XT a branch of a myrtle shrub Qid 12b(15); d. in medicinal use: XDX xnVin a third part myrtle Sab 50b(12); 2. coll. myrtle branches: n'MSXT X3^a '3 XDX you brought myrtle branches to the palace Ber 9b(39); Bes 6a(12); XDXT 'axia nn two pieces of myrtle branches &zi> 33b(41); XDX 'arT'n)'ai myrtle branches and palm fronds ib. 110a(9); 150b(27); xaj?»im XDX the myrtle branches of the /i.-bundle Suk 31a(l); XDXT xaiD a load of myrtle branches Ber 56b(18); xnB'S X0XT a mat of myrtle branches Qid 12b(29; O2); Nid 37a(4) Lit: Low, Flora, 2:258+; Voc: S8S HPP 41:20; Y: N0N Sab 50b(12; BAYTN 3). KflVrnOK n.f. testimony (4- VnnD) sg. 'Xa H'nnnDX what is his testimony? Tern 18b(16); Yev 64b(29) Y: n'ffliriDN Yev ib.(BAYTN 286). '3/310N v.n. (uncertain) Xpia' '3/31DX Sab 123a(43; Ar [AC 1:164]) [O: '31DX] Geon. expl.: .inVlta IX '^33 Via pp^V WV3D3 Trtn nXK 'TB ya^H na ixynw psii xpi:' "b Xj7ir '3iox ''B nxpo TGDr46 208:15; expl. RaH: m TWin ,TO'»B pil'n ■?» |nn rfny ^B1JP3 ... jju'nn K'pow o'sysi n^iyn nnix rip'jDBi rss rrivonsx ■Wl* ''B 1TDS D'JlXJn U'TllSIl OHP ib. 79:18. The form is clearly an af. inf. [of what V ?]; for trad, expls., v. Rashi ad loc. NS10K, NflBlON n.m. vestibule (< Akk asuppu, asuptu portico CAD A/2 349, AIOA 38; QA !XB1DX, XBDX ATTM 519, Sy ^Ai^sok LS 35) K»U0K t t : ■ sg. H'n'3T XB10X the vestibule of his house BQ 104b(16; TGHark 93:28) [Var: H'n'31 XnBIDX HP 66:17; H: XB'DX; v. also It's: BM 46a(14); BB 150b(28)]; n'BIX XB10X an Aramean vestibule TGAs42 157:9 [expl. MH nj?2? n'3 MBB 1:5, and expl. as Arab j^)* j]; Xa3n' 'D1DX3 I am sitting in my portico Bo 125:2 Geon. expl.: 051 OMll'bm'jN 71"»3 X1p31 Sn iv iy» T1'3 Kim T» V? )nip Agur 28:17 [= OHP BQ 159:12], i.e. jjlij, > ij?..[?]; Lit: Kut, Studies 342+ [Heb]; Greenfield, JAOS 89 [1969] 133; Y: XB'OX BQ 104b(16). «rW0K, abs. ION, pl. NJINVIOK n.f. remedy, tt' T,r T,t;T *" cure, healing (i Vl# 'DX; TA1DX TO Gen 3:6, Sy rc'&oj-ajr*', pl. K'&.L&ri' LS 32, Ma 1# XniDX, pl. XnXIXOX MD 28) a. general: sg. H'niDX 'Xa what is its remedy? Ket 50a(28); ib. 77b(18); Git 67b(21); /(Z28a(42); ib. 29a(12); 'axp \am X'ln XniDX H'^ n'1?! n'1? he refers to the snake of the scholars (which bit him) for which there is no cure ib. 27b(25); TBI. Min XmOXT XnV'B he had learnt a remedy Tan 20b(48); XI5?T 'V>B V3 n"?n 'ana 131? ITmox I know the remedy for all things except for these three BM 113b(26); Xnn TT by 'TT n'mOXI PN's cure will be through him ib. 86a(l); 1? 13J?1 XBT "fr bpvi XTiX H'V 3H XniDX give him (his) fee because he let blood for you and cured you San 109b(18); pl. *?D BTTJ ian Xax ]X1DX I, wine, am the main cause of all cures BB 58b(ll); TmiOX 'XB what are its remedies? Git 86a(9); b. in incantation texts: sg.abs. IDXV rf? 'TT XJPBp ]'in this amulet which will be for healing Bo 70:1; ib. 96:2; Bo 142:12 [I XtSW]; det. X'BB? ]a XniDX healing from Heaven ib. 12:1; 14:1; 18:1; 19:12; 26:3; 35:1; 39:4; 68:1; 99:1 Y: XniOX Sab U0a(6; BAYTN 31). pOBlBON I X3B1B0'X n.] NttBON, K&XI3DK n.m. steel (1 XB1B0; Sy rd^ilii-torc' LS 33, Ma XB1BBX1J7 steel, spear MD 345 [var. s.v. XBiaDS], > Arab ftLll Dozy 653) sg. XVTIB1? XBXBDX steel (attached) to iron Ber 62b(3; OHP ib. 106:22) [Var: XBtJOX, XBDXX Ar(AC 1:170)] Geon. expl.: TinW yxn OHP ib., i.e. ^i»-ll D+>^ sharpening of iron; Lit: Geig, AAC 42; Low, Fauna 198+. 147
1#'0N 148 NnrpN [nthbon I K-mnox n.] l#'ON vb. to heal, cure (4- XIllOX, X'OX; Sy H"!*' LS 32, Ma 1#X0X pa. MD 27) Pa.: a. w/o obj.: n'pn 'OBI his spittle heals (the eye) BB I26b(34); loan X'aa niV 'V^rai ioa T'pw Va '77D'B x"71 all potions cure and are unabsorbed, except for water which cures and is absorbed Sab 78a(21); ib. 66b(12); 109a(27); llla(25); ,T'0B XD3U/ p'VnB it can cure and we desecrate the Sabbath Yom 49a(25; E1); '1 TIB mm X3'H "?D ]iyBB> 'I 'Da mn "lTyVx wherever PN would strike, PN2 would heal Sab 33b(40); "10X "na "l'n 'X X'y3'B if (God) actually resurrects (the dead), is it necessary (to write) healing? San 91b(41) // Pes 68a(51); BQ 86a(l 1); X'OB does it cure? Yom 49a(25); b. w. obj.: 1) people: 'XPBJ XJ'DB XJX I shall heal myself BQ 85a(53); yb Xi'OB 'X '"? rQOJ'B if I cure you, will you be married to me? Ket 61b(13); ^'lDX1? OHT Sab 98:6; 2) diseases: )'3'31 J':n'tf HXDX1? to heal boils and sores Sab 67a(26); Ned 49a(26); #Af 40:5 Itpa. to be cured: X1?! TlVlD1? TUTmy X3X 'XDJl'X I did all these things and was not cured Yom 84a(24) // AZ 28a(29); XB'in XBD ri? myi 'BT nitf^a '0JTX1 they made a potent medicine for him, and he was cured in three days Git 12b(23); BM 86a(20); //«/ 57a(2); n'1? Xiay 'DJl'Xl 'XV7'B she recited a charm for him, and he was cured San 101a(39; K); ln'Vy 'am '31 Xy31 lDTl'Xl PN prayed for them, and they were cured Hag 3a(18); 5er 6a(21); Ket 62b(37); 55 9b(27); San 107b (21); 'DJl'X X^l "73X (if the animal) ate (them) and was not cured Bek 39a(15); JTy3 DX y"lB' X1? aim 'Om riVJinnn1? if you want him to be cured of hemorrhoids and not to be sick again HM 43:20; 'JS3 m -\W1V1 XinV X'BE/ ]B XJllOX XTlVaSBl XJV1?'1? ja ,T8» 'Bn"l3 'O'Tl'm healing from heaven for PN that she should be cured by the grace of Heaven from the lilith and the m.-demon.8o 12:1; ib. 26:2; 59:1 2# 'ON 4- V-IDX vb. N?0N, pi. NATION n.m. doctor, physician (< Akk asu A CAD A/2 344, AIOA 37; 1 Vl#'0X; TA X'OX TO Ex 21:19, pi. xfilOX TO Gen 50:2, Sy rdi-EoK', pi. rt'hikJok' LS 31, Ma X'OX, pi. XT1X1X0X MD 28) a. general: sg. X'OX 'inn ''SI1? ty '"10XV he went in to a certain doctor to cure him Ned 49a(24); ]1BT X'OX a doctor (who heals) gratis BQ 85a(51) [cf. Sy r^»:i ^..W CarmNis VI: 1:1]; Xp'm X'OX a distant doctor [lit. a far-off doctor] i& 52; X'OX ]TU 12 PN, the physician Pes 52a(3); &rZ> 133b(38); BM 85b(48); &« 99b(53); AZ 28b(14); pi. X"nBlB Xn(n){")DX expert doctors OHT Ket 224:11; j?m '"fr n'1? ]"081 XT1110X physicians who can heal PN Git 56b(22); b. w. ref. to God or an angel: sg. 'arm X3T X'DX XT1X1DX 'IB -|B»3 in Your name, the Master of remedies, the great physician of mercy Bo 3:1; ib. 7:2; 8:2; 21:1; 29:2; rn3"l X'OX"1 "7XST ib. 89:5; X3T X1D ]V10D'B X31 mox 'ipn'BT DN, the great angel, who is called the great healer ib. 63:5 Lit: Sole, Mutual Elucidation 405 [on p»l X'DX]; Voc: X'OX HGP 15a:26; Y: x;0X Ned 49a(24; BAYTN 75); pi. xrfflOX Git 56b(22; BAYTN ib.). NrU'ON, Nfl'ON n.f. mortar, rib joint (< Akk esittu A mortar [sic!] CAD E 337, w. dissim. of -tt- > -nt- AIOA 50; Sy k"&j»k/ LS 38, expl. by rc'^.DXio, uj^ BBah 139416) 1. mortar: sg. Er 102a(33); Sab 77b(33) [4- Ton mng. 1]; Xpb'n KJU'OXa 'larvm 'DTI /*. is wheat kernels which are crushed in a mortar Ber 37a(26; P) [4- 2#Xp"?'n]; XTU'OXa nyw Ian '3B from the time that they put the barley in the mortar Ket 8a(37) // AZ 8b(7; J) [Var: XJVDX3 OHT Ket 28:24, 'rU'0X3 HP 110:6]; '"73m Xrl'OXl X3313 a pestle and a mortar for (grinding) spices Hul 105b(24); X3pT H3 D'to X"?T X»nn XJTOK a bronze mortar which does not corrode Nid 3 6b (49) [play on PN 'DX]; XOTJI XJl'OX -l3(riB)T xVllST X3313 an iron pestle which breaks a bronze mortar Nid 36b(50); Xyip 'lnxi mVy Dipi Xn'OX 'S3 overturn the mortar, stand on it, and show the tear (of mourning) MQ 22b(48); Ket 49b(18); Er 87a(12); 2. fig. rib joint: sg. XJV0X1 XJ313 rib and rib joint [lit. 'pestle' and 'mortar'] Hul 52a(32); ib. 30; pi. XriX'DX HG3 156:40 Geon. expl.: IVBTBD xn'OIIIX GnK5 173:12. Lit: S.A. Kaufman, Lesonenu 36 [1972] 30+, points out that the corn Akk mng. is mortar and not pestle [so CAD ib.; Geig, AAC 45, also incorrectly translates the Sy as 'ty!]; Y: Xfirpx Ket 49b(18; BAYTN 172); XJT0N Er 102a(33). NITON 149 NT>gON [N30'0N 4-2#X3D'On.] [NS'ON 4- XB10X n.] NJT0N 4- xrU'DXn. TON adj. forbidden, n.m. captive (4- VlDX pass.part.; TA TDX TO Gen 40:3; cf. Sy r?\ : •*-<*' LS 37) 4- VnDX pe., pass.part., D'3 'TDX NnSON n.m. diphtheria (?; 4- xrTDOX; MH2 xidox J 94) sg. 'morn "?y n,!? ^id' xiddx may diphtheria attack him on his pharynx Bo 74:9; X13DX3 '01' '13 'yBW "\ n'^y B"1? PN used to curse him with diphtheria Nid 20a(51) Lit: Preuss 179+. NJnOON n.f. diphtheria (?; 4- X1DDX) sg. HM 37:8 NflSttDN n.f. reliance, scriptural 'support' of a Rabbinic law, a type of surety for payment of indebtedness (4- V*]B0 af.) 1. reliance: sg. lH'Vy ln'TDBDX they rely upon it [i.e. money] Ket 67a(39) [lit. their reliance is upon them]; ib. 40; 2. scriptural 'support' of a Rabbinic law: sg. XrDBOX n"7 3'0Jp xnp Xm does he not, in fact, cite the biblical verse? (It is merely) a 'support' Mei ilb(33); 'atya xraaox xipi pama it is (an ordinance) of the scholars, and the biblical verse is merely a 'support' Ber 41b(7); Er 4b(8); X1BJ XB^y3 XTOB0X Xlpl r\b 'TBJ they learnt it as a tradition, and the biblical verse is merely a 'support' Pes 81b(18); Yom 74a(31); Suk 28b(19); Tan 27a(3); Yev 24a(7); San 83a(9); AZ 38a(l); Zev 32a(25); Hul 64b(2); Men 92b(37); 3. 'asmaxta, a type of surety for payment of indebtedness, promise [4- V"|B0 af., mng. 4]: sg. X'3p xV xroaox 'ax 'avaai x'Jp xraaox nax x:x I said: "An '.-stipulation is legally binding." PN said: "An '.-stipulation is not legally binding" BM 66a(32); ib. 73b(44); 104b(27); BB 173b(32); San 24b(45); Ned 27b(16); pi. xVll XTOBOXD X"?T '1Btt?T 'OSDD neither like '.-stipulations, nor like templates of documents [i.e. it is legally binding] BB 44b(14); XDXDBDX3 x"?T TGHark 34:30; ib. 93:19; 216:7; SSHai 2b(7); ib. 5b(8); 14a(4); '3m lin'Vy p'3B0 xVl XB^ys XnX3B0X these are merely '.-stipulations, and we do not rely upon them TGHark 128:6; XT1X3B0X1 '"?'B "73 all kinds of promises ib. 106:6 Lit: S. Albeck, Law of Property 317+ [mng. 1]; Bacher 13 [mng. 2]; Voc; XM»Di< HGP 40a:4; Y: XMaoX Pes 81b(18; BAYTN 2800). 1# N30N n.m. thornbush (TA X30X TOv Ex 3:2) sg. 'A'x "73B nn'3jn nwa ix^ xaox xiox thornbush, thornbush! It is not because you are the tallest of all the trees ... Sab 67a(21); '^Jl'XT nJ0X3 TWti? who revealed himself to Moses in the thornbush Bo 59:17 Y: XJDX Sab ib.fBAYTN 210). 2# N30N, pi. '30N, NniaON n.m. Dilmun date (< Akk asnu CAD PJ2 338; OfA ]'30X pi. DNWSI 89) sg. X30XT xnX'ltfp the stones of a Dilmun date AZ 28b(6) [in a medical recipe; cf. CAD ib., usage c]; X3DXT XTV1 scrapings of a Dilmun date /JZ28a(38; Ar [AC 2:356]); pi. 'IBn '30X1 dates and Dilmun dates Pes 107a(23) [used for making beer]; XTVUOXT (XTI'l) scrapings of Dilmun dates Sab 109b(23; GnK5 169:1) [M: xn'jox] Geon. expl.: 0'TirW Dnan TGAs42 164:2 [on Pes ib.]; bv ]Vx ]VD Vim TTITB ]'-OJ'3» Jim GnK5 ib.; Lit: Stol, Beer 160. 3# NJ0N n.m. storehouse (?; V]0X; Sy kIajok' LS 35) pi. in'30X3 '30 ViDp'3 let us kill the old men in their storehouses Bo 78:19 The Tg form given in J 95 is not corroborated by Sperber's ed. «]0N vb. to gather (< H «]DN HAL 71, J 95) Pe.: in"? T'n'ai 'soxi in'3a 'sn ":y '"71x1 the poor go, borrow money from them, gather (the Sabbatical produce), and bring (it) to them San 26a(9) [expl. MH n'yaBT 'SOIX Mib. 3:3] N3TS0N n.m. white lead (< MIr *ispedak < MIr *spedak [cf. MP spedag white (of egg) CPD 76, NP sapeda white lead PED 653]; Sy rdaa i ^ mr? LS 35, > Arab c'-^i white lead Goltz, SGMPCM 246) sg. Git 69b(45) [in a medicinal recipe] Geon. expl.: TO '3730 Xim JXTBDX OHT Git 157:21 [v. also TRN 620:15]; GC 15:7; but cf. RaH: IW^a ]71<X)tlX! Xim 'n >p3 'any OHR ib. 46:1, i.e. jjiO mercury; Lit: Geig, AAC 45, 289; Tel 21. NTVSON, NT^BOIN n.m. vaulted chamber t ■ : : ■ ' (< 4fcdi5iov Lehnw 90; 4- XTJ03X; Sy
KripspK 150 "ION K'n . \ «N mw' LS 36, LJLA XT^SOIX TgPs 57:1) sg. XT'jSOX n"»a in the vaulted chamber accrued to one (as his part of the inheritance) BB 7a(33); XtVboxt xaiB the entrance of the vaulted chamber ib. 34; 41; XT^BOlXi Bo 14:13 [4- XJVTC'X]; pi. Mi '3t H'^SO'K 1tT>dV in1? XJPTn I have seen all the vaulted chambers of your house Men 33b(33) Geon. expl.: 110^71 yxhl XT^BOIX XVW nTIODX em'Bl GC 196:6; Jie^ XTJMX J1WX 'T^BOIX XVI in KTJD3K1 XT'jBD'X 'D3rl TGAs28 67:21; Lit: Krauss, TAr 1:363s49; Y: XT7B0X BB 7a(33;BAYTN312). NflOSOK n.f. alfalfa (< MP aspast clover, alfalfa CPD 12 [< OP as/w horse + asti fodder]; Sy rc^i m <\ m< ^A; ,», » ^ » ls 36, 582; cf. Akk aspasta an edible garden plant CAD A/2 338) sg. a. general: XUDBOX1? XJHX V>2p XDS IT PN leased a field (to raise) alfalfa BM 109a(23); ib. 106b(30); XnDSDXT H"WO a garden bed of alfalfa BB 37b(15); BM 109a(28); XT1DS0X "jtSpi 1X13 'Xn one who cuts down alfalfa Sab 73b(15); San 74b(18) [food for animals]; Sab 155b(10; M); Er 44b(12); Yev 121b(49); BB 20b(41); Seel 44:96; xfiDBOX HP 202:12(HPP 304:20); 'TD nVn n"?3X XJ1DB0X ]113 pi' I'nVna (if) he consumed three crops from it [i.e. the field] in thirty days, such as alfalfa BB 28b(22); b. w. designations: X"IP3 XriODOXI alfalfa seed San 93a(30); XrvrriB XTIOBOXI long stalks of alfalfa BQ 20a(24); xnp'J? XTipriy XT10B0X1 a root of old alfalfa Git 69a(19) Geon. expl.: npviy ruBn n»'wn 'pxx xnp'ny Knosoxi xnxp'y OHT Git 155:12, i.e. *S£c- SjLj iiijiU J^.1 root of an old green trefoil plant; XIBOB jni 'BBOX X1T'3 WD OH San 489:2; Lit: Geig, AAC 46; Tel 22; Low, Flora 2:464. If the proposed OP etym. is correct, then a connection w. NB aspastu edible garden plant is doubtful [v. CAD ib. 338]; Y: xriDBON Sab 155b(10;BAYTN280). N^aiSON n.m. quince (Sy ** V- \j * ™<f LS 36, Peh ideog. X^lVsD FiP 4:18, > Arab JfjLi PLAr 161) pi. ^IISDX GC 140:4(0) = ib. 204:24 [expl. MHpmD MUqs 1:6] Lit: Low, Flora 3:242+. N111B0N n.coll. (unclear) sg. TTi X(1)(,nSD,X XV1X 'tt?'Vl£/a his ... comes on Tuesday Ket 3b(28) [Var: hlTTBOX OHT ib. 5:2] Geon. expl.: JB^wW 3Tlpa OHT ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 47, rejects Gr and P derivations. *6pippx, sVeipo n.m. finger bone, blow from snapping finger (< o-kot&^ti finger bone L-S 1617, mng. 5, Lehnw 95; Sy •* V \~ ™ f*^ staff LS 37) 1. finger bone: sg. X*7BlpOX XpW 'XJllDX jXTIHI he took his finger bone and hit me on my forehead Tan 25a(44; MGG 828:9) [Var: x"?DipD3 ^ pit? M2; 4- ylp-KI pe., mng. 1]; 2. blow from snapping finger: pi. ,!7DlpOX ]TW T'naj let him hit him sixty blows from his finger AZ 28a(42) Note, however, Geon. expl.: "[3 ... 'XJ11BXN X^Blptn ('Xlfr pnB mai raa nmx bbibi una by lyaxx mx <\nw x'pBipo bits wx psbi xin -n-ni... te+^y Jjii] nyaxxa ,mpi "x iTan nx mXD by '^Bipoa man nil OHT Tan 33:3; Y: xVBipOX AZ ib.(BAYTN 303). NlpON n.m. a type of locust (< daKapi<; Schuithess, ZA 19 [1905] 126; Sy rC-Uuorc' [sic!] LS 37 [Lex]) sg. Hul 65a(36; MGL 259:16,Ar [AC 1:198]) [expl. MH "?n? Tib. 3:25; Var: XIpSX HG3 192:6; XTJDX V12] The expl. of Eps, Stl 37+, should now be rejected; Y: XlpOX BAYTN 214. "ION, 'ON vb. to bind, imprison, bind with a spell, forbid (4- XTIO'X, XJVTID'X, 2# XIO'X, TDX, XrnOX, 'TDX Tl'3, XlOXa; Sy ■UbK' LS 37, Ma "IDX MD 29) Pe. (a/a) 1. to tie, bind: a. general: '"IBM "IDXT "iyDX» xpi nVTm ]1'3 when they saw that he was in pain and was tying and loosening (the bandage on his circumcision) BM 86b(50); iT'TIBI xyi33 nnox x"?Amn VCX he brought a cock (and) tied it to the foot of his bed San 105b(32); Sab 110a(19); MQ 16a(21); Git 69a(6); HXrj 10X1 XW'DB XpT vegetables from a bunch which a gardener tied (together) Hul 105b(35); b. belt on loins: x:rroi X3J1B lOXT ]XB rPSirn one who ties a linen cord on his loins BM 113b(27); x:"»n lO'D1? Xmnno is it an effort to tie (his) belt? Sab 10a(5); Ber 60b(36); Meg 27b(44; G) [4- xm]; ^na« 85:20; 2. to imprison, incarcerate: inmn1? X'131 X310X1 inmnb X'lSJI I imprison the men and the women separately Tan 22a(15); 3. to bind with a spell: X31X XTin^ nmox she bound that boat with a spell Sab 81b(43) // Hul 105b(38); ps"? xnox XTiai XK/'3 xmO'X3 I bind you with an evil and cruel spell Bo 4:4; ib. 50:5; 63:1; pre moxi KJ10N 151 KliariDN X^tlBI XOTJ niD'Xa I have bound you with a bond of bronze and iron Bo 17:7; pass.part. prwsa prraTim ]WTDX p'DX ]OTTDX you are subdued (and) bound. Bound, you are bound and sealed Bo 4:1; ib. 18:8; 35:6; 52:17; 76:9; 4. to forbid, prohibit [caique < MH IDX J 98; JPA 1DX DJPA 68, mng. 2; w. mb, mX?y upon s.o.]: XDIS'IB XJSrn nDX Xp the Merciful One forbids licentiousness Yev 55b(18); nnOXl nn '3 1DX1 (if) two (witnesses) had come (afterwards) we would have forbidden her Yev 92a(14); Qid 13b(25) [I Vl#'-Itf pe., mng. 4]; X3"l HIDX Xnm33 nba'tt1? n'pTnsa PN of GN forbade eating it with the /t.-dish Pes 76b(32); Zev 95b(26); 'Sn '»pa X"lp IDX 1DU;Xt xnnXT Scripture forbade his wife's sister before this Anan 105:14; ib. 101:3; xr-ltf X"ntPB X1?! X31DX lO'D X1? X3X1 I neither explicitly forbid (it) nor explicitly permit (it) AZ 40a(33); 'IE? bxiwi IDX 3T PN forbids (it) and PN2 permits (it) Sab 19b (19); XDX 3T '12? "?S1Dtt?1 [IDX =] ib. 146b(36); Meg 26b(22); AZ 32a(12); Hul 52a(10); xniO'X ~pV TOniDX DVybT I have forbidden them to you forever AZ 33b(20); in'1?? IDX X1? 'a did he not forbid (it) to them? Er 68b(51); Hinx nDX (the people) forbid (access to the areas) upon each other Er 84b(15); n'T3 lnrBp'a1? n,!? nox they forbade him to hold them [i.e. the phylacteries] in his hand Ber 23b(20); X131X 7b ]n0X1 do we prohibit her to her husband? Git 88b(36); "ia Vr? ID'1? forbid (it) to them Er 40a(15; O); pass.part. a. alone: sg.m. TDX IX n» is it permitted or forbidden? BM 72b(38); AZ 39a(22); TDX nO'a ia pi na p according to you and him it is absolutely forbidden Pes 23b(27); f. XTDX //P 202:10(HPP 304:18); XTDX 'a TPVP na3m is Greek wisdom forbidden? BQ 82b(41); nms XTDX 'H'XI U'OT XTDX 'HJ since she is forbidden, her rival wife is also forbidden Yev 10a(28); pl.m. 'T0X 'piT the yellow ones are forbidden AZ 33b(35); f. 'CU "73 ]TDX '"131 all married women [lit. wives of men] are forbidden AnanSch 18:25; b. w. fol. 'b: J1TDX 'V you are forbidden, to me San 22a(32); XTDX '"in '31? she is forbidden to two [i.e. to marry two men] Er 100b(41); c. w. fol. inf.: TDK T3 'yiSPS breaking eggs is forbidden Sab 109a(15); Er 104a(40); ntysV 'pipiTX1? XTDX she is forbidden to have sexual relations with her husband Anan 60:23; ib. 71:24; 100:16; 5. to stop diarrhea: ID'a1? Git 69b (27) [v. Geon. expl. infra] Itpe.(a) 1. to be bound, tied: XTJ'T X1HH -KMl'X DJIXn Dpn'XT that ram that was placed there was bound Anan 75:21; 2. to be imprisoned: llDJT'X xnv>i wxn p nxa xaim xpir na tj nxa x:3i llBp 13 X'ttnwai PN, PN2, the son of the exilarch, and PN3 were imprisoned iSGF 96:15; 3. to be closed: 'xVsST Xn^'JD "73 pOD'X all the synagogues of the Babylonians were closed iSGF 97:8; 4. to be bound with a spell: TWV XVim n'3 linnorrai ri3T with that great name with which you are bound Bo 33:17; ib. 21:14; 5. to be forbidden: a. of a person: ""Xm "IDJVa 'S irr>D3 non,(a){X) when he is forbidden for this one, he is forbidden for all of them Naz 62b(12); Yev 33a(6); XTWab innDTl'X you were forbidden to drink Pes 103b(4; C); b. of an act: ah niDD'X xnorva it is not explicitly forbidden AZ 52a(13); in1? norPXT f? XJai how do we know that (sexual intercourse) was forbidden to them? San 108b(36); Ket 75a(l 1); Nid 23a(48); V»Un IDD'n ~by may benefit from me be forbidden to you Ned 23a(19) Geon. expl.: xmWOHTGit 157:13, i.e. lili stopping it up [i.e. the bowels; cf. Akk eselu to be constipated CAD E 329]. kj-iok I xno NJinON n.f. band(?), bundle (4- VlDX) sg. Xriann njnXT xm0(X>T the sealing of the band of the earth Bo 106:11 Lit: Harviainen 17. [lanoK 4- Vnao] na'nox 4- Vn:o SniariON, Km3B0K n.m. provincial chief (< Mir *ostandar [< ostan province + -dar holder; cf. NP ostan PED 120]; > Sy rc'4-UiuiBcirc' LS 38, > Arab jliiiil) sg. XTttflOX Iff'aT the chief of GN Qid 72b(ll; Ar [AC l:206],Ed) [O2: XTUD0X]; n32?3T XTI3TOX Git 80b(3; Ar [AC ib.]) Cf. GN X':in0X Ket 11 la(29) [lit. government seat]; Lit: Geig, AAC 52; Hoffmann, Auszuge, 93832; Christensen 139; Tel 12;
NJ7N T T 152 1#KSK T ~ Y: XTraoX BAYTN 315. [npnoN 4- Vi#npo vb.] NJ7N n.m. wood (TA XJ/X TO Lev 14:4, JPA yx djpa 68) sg. 'ysxx pnx 'yaxx pn xao xyx a good piece of wood, two finger-widths by two finger-widths 57 488:1; ib. 489:10 «1N conj. even, also, moreover (4- iVsX; TA *]X TO Num 16:13, Sy carV LS 38, Ma «]X MD 30) a. in non-verbal phrases: 'I'm XTIE? X3X ^X I, too (dealt with it according to) the discretion of the judges Ket 94b(26); X1? px «]X 'Xin xb XJX I was not (there). We also (were) not (there) Qid 44a(41); b. in verbal phrases: 1) bef. a pron.: «]X xrjn mi px even we also learnt (in a Tannaitic source) Sab 93a(25); Pes 35a(5); Yom 25b(21); Hul 125a(39); 'V X'^p Xp 'T11? «]X even I had difficulty with it Ber 49b(13); AZ 51a(17); Sab 109a(12); xyiX1? ,T0TDB bsi XVI «)X even he fell from his throne to the ground Hul 59b(36); Sab 124b(4); Meg 12a(2); MW 67b(13); ]1X1X «]X n'JV IB'inX you, also, excommunicate him stringently Dec 4:9; *f?tn IX BTISOT ]K» «)X even one who separates (the priests) or teaches Anan 22:19; 2) bef. a n.: |m X1? 'BJ 'B1B1 xn 1X1 X3Xn we also do not judge a case of a vow ib. 14:19; 'bllM1? mBJ '»: xVltta «]X even concerning also a cooked item, finish cooking (it) ib. 71:21; c. bef. an adv.: DIED TOH IX ]'3 x©'3 nth pis'i pnyi Vmr xn xbk; pn so moreover now by means of the great name may the evil dew fear, flee, and go out Bo 3:11; ib. 9:15; "?S "?y I'^'X '3(')3T +mi ]B 'V TTOX X1? «]X1 XaVya DyiB DIB/ pi ['^B 13] moreover I have not retained anything at all anywhere from the price of this sale regarding NN [i.e. he owes me nothing] SSHai 6a(12) Y: >|N Sab 93a(25). - I? b% *]N, ajVySN conj. even though (JPA Sltysx DJPA 68) a. fol. by non-verbal phrase: Xin X31BB IX1? Xffltfm 1"5?X even though now it has no monetary value [lit. it is not money] BQ 105a(20); 'B'^XI l"yx even though they are thick BB 69a(14); Ber 44a(32); Hul 76b(l); Zev 91a(10); b. fol. by verbal phrase: nbl 3J Vy *]X 'yaw even though I did not hear Hag 3a(28); pan niBXn l"yx even though the scholars said BB 71a(23); San 48a(15); //«/ 56a(14); 31 by «]X xnat> nV'm 'apa x^irra ,na b'nnxn even though he began it from the weekday before the Sabbath takes effect Anan 69:12; ib. 6:6; 25:13; HP 201:15; 7/G//a/* 86:23; ib. 165:6; aityBX Geon 182:28 Generally abbreviated I"yN; Y: 3J ty IX Ber ib. - 'S 7J7 *]K prep., conj. even though (< MH J 99; JPA 'S by IX DJPA 69) I. prep.: p B"yxi even so /JgF 44:14; i& 39:12; 73:16; II. conj.: B"yx ni?b '03'3 "7 ir7T even though the borrower does not have property Git 50a(3); p'aox X7n B"yx even though (the meat) did not become red Pes 74b(41); Suk 36b(3); £r 99a(23); Yev 102a(38) 1# KSN, KMK, pi. '?N, 'SIN n.m./f. face, ways, front side, surface (4- 'SXn 'jail; Sy Kl£ar<', rCkrf LS 39, Ma X'SJX MD 27) 1. pi. face, countenance: a. general: 'ntSIT 'SX1 'anan 'SX a large face (of a man) and a small face (of a cherub) Suk 5b(15) // /Yag 13b(39); ib. 48; K?v 106b(34); Kef 61b(l) [4- Vl#Tlin pe.]; 5a« 96a(52); Sot 45b(41); n'BX '©a '3 when he washes his face Ber 60b(42); Sab 133b(39); Tarn 32b(ll) [4, Vl#nt5 pe., mng. 3]; San 104a(24) [4- Vl»aa pe., mng. 5]; Anan 19:17 [4- V"U0 pe.]; BQ 85b(20) [4- Vppn pe.]; xn Xnan7 HSXT xn XnB7 HDXT this refers to when (the animal)'s face is to the field, that to when its face is to the town BM 3la(28); b. in idiomatic expressions w. var. vbs.: I) Vl# "px af. to be forebearing: ,TSX "pxa n'(n)U)'n 'an He is forebearing in collecting what is His [i.e. punishment] BQ 50a(48); 2) V"lin af. to turn one's face, to face: 'SX Tina X71 'W33 'a? he does not face the synagogue Ber 6b(29); Sab 62b(24); ib. 104a(22); BM 25a(19) [of a basket]; "Xn -\TT\b 'SX mna DX if he turns (his) face towards you he will live HM 43:15; TO'B n'BX nna TTnXT Xay a people whose master has turned His countenance from it Hag 5b(13); Sot 39a(21); Er 94a(6); Pes 86b(30); K>w 73a(28); BB 59b(15); A/g 22a(10); SOZ 72:25; 3) VlTin af. to shame publicly: 'BJX 'niWX 5M 58b(49); 4) V'tn pe. to greet s.o. [lit. see the face]: X37B 'SX 'tn'B7 to greet the king Ber C)'SN3 153 ''SN NVa 9b(40); 5) -X/7y 7B3 pe. to fall downward, prostrate o.s.: (a) general: "|'Snn'X1 n'BXX "?S3 nmnx1? 'PSJI (the ox) fell face downward, overturned, and fell on its back BQ 53a(13); Ket 63a(9); (b) prostrating o.s. in prayer: "7DJT rpnaWX rrsJX bj? he found him lying prostrated Tan 9b(5); Meg 22b(25); Sot 22a(32); Qid 81b(9); BM 59b(42); AnanMann 4r:16; 6) V"!3D af. to be friendly [MH2 D'JS T3DH J 951]: 'SX V\b 130X X1? he was not friendly to them Tan 23b(l); 7) V^ap af. to greet s.o. [Sy rdiW .\ -n nr^ LS 642, mng. 2]: ,TSX 'biapx1? Sab 108a(32); Xn'^l friVn Xai' b? n3'3© 'SX 'VapaT 'P'1X thirty-six righteous men who greet the Divine Presence every day San 97b(41) // Suk 45b(31); Hag 5b(40); 2. front side: sg. X13J 'sVa HBX its [i.e. the lung's] front side facing the man (examining it) Hul 47a(6; V11); HP 201:1; 3. surface: sg. xrf?naT XSX the surface of the leather sheet OHTSab 73:28; ib. 74:3; 8; pi. XnX'nmX 'SX the other surfaces ib. 14; 4. way, manner, means [archaic and dialectal]: sg. 'Xm XSX Xin aTD 'X,11 'TXm '3 !mnx XSX (Xin) a'na this (interpretation) is written in one way and that is written in another way as is fitting ISGF 52:3; ib. 49:19; xs:x in imn prxi xsjx in xartn x^n:xT hb rrx there is something which we regard in one manner, and which they regard in another manner OHT Ket 134:4; XS3XB H'3 Tin'a1? ]71U T1X 'XT XJ'tnx if the giver comes to retract in another way TGHark 35:11; ib. 47:17; XDJX nV Tfbl nri'a 'Tya xV'X XSl'a1? she has no means of collecting (her ketubba) except through witnesses of the death (of her husband) TGAs42 21:21; ib. 63:18; 91:11; 14; pl.cs. XroV'n 'SX nD'^Tl thirteen ways (of interpreting) the misnayot Ned 4\a(l9); ib. 21; det. XJTrum 'SJX ^3 all kinds of business TGAs33 209b:5; SSHai 5a(6); iSGF 36:10; ?m 'a'an "nm 'm 'vb 'sx x'aans fpxb nam 'a'sx 'SX X"3ari3 TIT PN expounded Ps 79 in eight ways. Another version: Ps 119 in eight ways Qid 31b(8); 'SX X'jan Ber 4b(36) [w. ref. to the eightfold acrostic Ps 119]; 'SX nrfrn three ways AnanSch 25:9; 'B2X TO3 TGHark 98:5; ib. 276:34; 164:16 Y: 'SK Qid 29b(46; BAYTN 98). - (')'SNa, (")'S3N3 prep, before, in the presence of (Sy $£r<L± LS 39, s.v. nixari' mng. 6, Ma X'S:X3 MD 27) a. w/o suf.: '1TO 'BX3 before witnesses Ket 77b(6); Ned 45a(l); "7TX xrfrn 'SX3 n'yiS he went (and) paid him in front of three (people) Svu 42a(32); b. w. suf: lsg. 'XSX3 Ber 20a(26; MGG 826:12); 2m. -|BX3 ib. 56a(21); 3m. n'BX3 MQ 20b(50); H'BJXa AZ 41a(21); 'mSJX3. SSHai 12b(5); f. HBX3 Er 75b(9); HB3X3 Ned 7b(18); lpl. X3XB3X3 SSHai 4b(16); 3m. VTBX3 Yev 67a(35); pn'SX3 5.?//a/ 9a(15);- n'B3X3 X'aiX 'tan Hb do not shame a pagan in his [i.e. a proselyte's] presence San 94a(39); H'BXa Xaa1? X1D1 he closed the door before him BM 86a(25); AZ 70a(12); Er 75b(9); Sg 112a(38); HBX3 T]b lapT (the thieves) stood in front of it [i.e. the animal] ib. 56b(2); ]y'JS T'inn 13'131 'BX3 you should be modest (even) in the presence of your husbands Sab 140b(28; O); X3BJX3 Tlim Ximntt? testimony which was in our presence S$Hai 14b(4); Dec 9:19; xmn'XT 1XS3 'aXT 1.TS3X3 it is as if it were clarified in their presence TGHark 111:26; f?TX xpi3 "|SX3 fOTBl X'131^3 (your daughters) will seem to you as if they are going into captivity Ber 56a(21); c. in phrase "»BJ 'B(3)X3 by ... self: XH^ nb 'iTim X3'X TOBJ 'BX3 XTiya© there is someone who transmits this legal tradition by itself [i.e. w/o the name of a tradent] Sab 54a(21); Ket llb(8); Nid 29a(13); ib. 68a(36); TVDtil 'SX3 Xim Xin "?3 X3TI3 each one (of these statements) is written separately (in Scripture) San 56b(54); Ber 49a(31); VTOBJ 'BX3 TOip'V let them be consecrated separately (from the field) BB 103a(2); ib. 90b(7); 'BX3 miSB XBT1 XBV "73 Xin n'2?B3 every single day is a separate commandment Suk 45b(48); Pes 110a(l); Htn T\V21 'BX3 X'3n Xin each (tractate) was learnt independently ISGF 32:5 Y: H'BXa Gil 38a(45; Mo 220). — "'SK N?3 prep, not in the presence of ... (4- x"?a mng. 2) man Kb nSX XV3 when not in her presence do not practice (mourning) MQ 20b(38) // Ket 4b (25); 33J in'BX3 abl milBTXI 'ino 1T1X1 witnesses came and proved them [i.e. the
(")'SN> 154 T -: previous set of witnesses] false that he had not stolen in their [i.e. the previous set's] presence BQ 75b(37) - O'SKV, '5^ PreP- towards, opposite (Sy •i&r<S LS 39, mng. 7) 1. towards, at: 'BX^> in man one towards the other Anan 9:13; 'BXV HXin towards each other ib. 83:20; 88:1; Seel 128:7(Var); n'Bxb wm XpBJ his wife went out towards him Tan 23b(6); Ket 17a(18); ib. 63a(6); AW 50a(25); BQ 104b(17); BM 46a(14); San 14a(46); Hul 7b(14); 5o 125:6; mm Xiaa Xin n'SXV CITiXp he saw a ferry coming towards him Hul 95b(12); 5S llla(37); lin'BX1? 'Iff throw towards them HM 43:4; H'BXV '»nj xp mi (the lions) were roaring at him San 59b(40); VDpX X3^a 'Bxb they acted brazenly towards the king Bek 9a(4); 2. opposite: 4- Voip pe., mng. 11.12 - '3^3 prep, towards (< 'BX^O*; 4- X"1?; MH '£#5 Yeivin, BV 946) X'Ma XW 'B*73 V?BX XBXW boldness is effective even towards Heaven San 105a(53); Tan 22b(19); Ber 34a(l) [+ //'s; 4- xnrnn]; na 'SV3 towards the outside Tarn 27a(19) [expl. MH lOliBb ib.]; 5M25a(19); //«/ 43b(45); Nid 26a(13) Y: 'sV? Ber ib. - 'SK !?J7 prep, in front of, upon (4- by; Sy .\ \ li* LS 39) 1. in front of: Ned3la(3l) [4- XJ'3T mng. 1]; 2. upon: HSX by Bo 38:3 ib. 100:6; 115:7 2# NBN n.m. hyena (< XJ?BX* < xysy* [cf. BH irax HAL 936, Arab ^ Wehr 535]; 4- 2#XBT; Ma 2# XSX MD 30, Sy rt. < ^ LS 42, TA X'j?BX pi. TJ IS 13:18) sg. BQ 16a(46) [expl. by 4- XHB1 ib.]; ib. 47 [expl. MH yi3X ib.]; X13H XBXT X3TO the hide of a male hyena Yom 84a(9; E1) Geon. expl.: eny jitrtGi xna: lrirota mix pip orarov xbx B'non nx noons x'm niny naxn I'Vsyatr jwtai oVrn OHT Yom 34:9, i.e. el4-j£ <JJJ jackal; Lit: Nold, MG 582; Geig, AAC 53; Y: XBX Yom ib.(3). NHSN n.f. mansion, large house (< OP apadana palace, audience hall HAp 104; Akk appadan(u) colonnaded audience hall CAD A/2 178, TA n'nDX TJ Jer 43:10[Var], Sy ndin-StV f. LS 40, > Arab o*. pi. u1^' Fr, AF 27) a. general: sg. 'Bin xnVp'px XHBX KM! XIU Xinn a certain man who built a mansion on a garbage dump of orphans BQ 21a(25); MQ 12a(9); BB 25b(48); £A/35a(33); &6 77b(35) [expl. ib. as j'T xnri'BX on this entrance]; KJl"T3 XHBXT X7WX ^>SJ the outer wall of the mansion collapsed Er 25b(14); Ber 56a(47); n'TTBX X"J"J mn his house used to shake (from the pounding) BB 25b(49); X^ltJ n'HBXi the shade of his mansion Ket 62a(36); pi. 'HBX f3171 a courtyard of large houses BB 98b(19) [expl. MH Ti'mp ib.]; ib. 6b(3); IT'JTBX Ae/ 97a(34); ib. 50b(24); n'Ona xniST "bp^p by xma@DlDT 'HBX ty X^l 13TI dwell in the garbage dumps of GN and not in the mansions of GN2 Kar 6a(12) // Hor 12a(45); 'HBX 'inn 7T&4j2tf 58:27; b. in GN's: sg. nniEH xnBX 5M 86a(12) Geon. expl.: TOW <n>inn«3 XT1 nT3 nrfown XH8X OHT BQ 10:28; Lit: Geig, AAC 53; Kut, Studies 174 [Heb]; Tel 24; on the semantic shift here, cf. Ma xVsTl homestead MD 143, originally palace; Eshel, JSB 23+ [usage b]; Voc: XJiSS HPP 280:19; Y: XJ19X Ber 56a(47; BAYTN 302). NniSN n. (uncertain) TX niBX Bo 36:9; ib. 8 N31BN n.m. a type of demon (lit. one who overturns; 4 Vt^X qatol-form) pi. '31BX Bo 36:6; ib. 8; 9 "B1BN prep. 4- XaiB n. 'J71SN v.n. end, exit (lit. dismissal, taking out; 4- VpBJ af. inf., mng. 11.14) only in fol. phrases: — KTiV 'j?iBK n.m. dismissal of a (holy) day (4- xai') X»T 'piBXa xai' 'Vl'y '3Xff the ushering in of a (holy) day is different from the dismissal of a (holy) day Pes 105b(13) // Ber 52a(23) Y: X»i' 'jTIBX Ber ib. — Nri3K? '(71SX n.m. Saturday night (caique < MH TWO 'XXiD MBerK 2:5; 4- X;i3ff; cf. Sy r^y S t ; n 4 S> LS 440, JPA nmw 'p(l)S DJPA 443) sg. Sab 118a(13); ib. 119b(24); 13 XTUff 'piBX3 3119 DT ybpna when a holiday falls on Saturday night TGAs28 186b:l; Anan 71:16 Y: Xfiat? '£19$ 5a6 118a(13). NJTIBK n.f. forehead (< Akk putu AHw 884, AIOA 85; 4- XB'"UX; Sy re'&o.aK' LS 39, Ma l#xniBX MD 30) sg. Sab 80b(28) [expl. MH 'BH3X M§ab 8:4]; .TVIIBX XT H'1? mm XlsVl Sa"IBN 155 ^'SN H'V xVtJpl lest she place her hand on his forehead and kill him AZ 26a(25); pail Xlrt>33 XTp 'rl'X nTilBXS he brought bitumen in a rag and stuck (it) on his forehead Yev 120a(39); XIl'SIS pB31 n'TVIBXa Xlin a 'branch' of fire went out from his forehead Tan 25a(37); ib. 44; XDIBXT X311X1 nBB lxV'X 'lXH Kb the length of the forehead is only a handbreadth Anan 10:12; Ber 44a(16); Sab 110b(38);Pe.? 112a(5) Geon. expl.: XVTS Jims TGAs28 165:29; Voc: n'lWBX VTM 26; Y: XJ11BX Pes ib.(66). S3"tBN, N3'!BS 4- X3"T3X n. NjnBN n.m. haughtiness (4- V2#tnS; cf. Sy K'CuLa LS 562) sg. ln'tnBX VSII ]T3 since their haughtiness is great Pes 50b(39; E2Vl7Ar [AC 1:210]); '■?!» XpT ln'tnBX (the biblical text) which discloses their haughtiness San 57a(4; Ar [AC 6:307]) Geon. expl.: JB3 'y 'wVa WTO GnK5 176:4, i.e. jli boasting; Lit: Geig, AAC 54; Y: WtnBX Pes ib.(BAYTN 208). KFnOSK n.f. haftara, the prophetic portion read after the Pentateuchal reading (caique < MH2 mosn J 360; 4- VntsB af.) sg. pa xrnDBXT in (the benediction) of the haftara is in pa Pes 117b(23); OHT Meg 66:18; pi. xmOBX nBD3 'XH •T3 np'a1? TDX it is forbidden to read in the scroll of the haftarot (on the Sabbath) Git 60a(17) [Var: XJ1(X>1{X)DBX ISO MGE 715:19] Y: xrnOBX BAYTN 280. 'BK vb. to bake (4- XH"DX; Sy rCLvf LS 39, Ma i# xsx MD 30) Pe.: xinns xs'a"? "jyi xnri'x x'nn XJV3 a certain woman who went in to bake (bread) in a certain house BQ 48a(15) // Sab 63b(4); 'bltm XS'a XJ?T mn Xin one (maidservant) knew how to bake and to cook BB 13b(26); Anan 70:8; ib. 71:23; 'BX mn Xai' bll in'3'D in ]V\b each day one of them used to bake for (all of) them BM 81a(35); n"B'aVl n'antjaV to grind it and to bake it AZ 65b(30); Bes 21a(39); 13'BXl ]3'tt?''? we were kneading and baking BB 73b(22); Tib WBXp VlM TH are you baking it in the weekday manner? Men 95b(31); Xl'Bp Xt'Bp TBXT ]V\1 ytn 'Wl our women are accustomed to bake (for Passover) one q.- measure at a time Pes 48b(4); Ber 58b(14); 'XI XpBB "75? n"SX if he baked it [i.e. the unleavened bread] on the /.-surface HP 15:14; ib. 39:4; prai n"7 ]31BX '313 we bake it in two loaves AnanSch 11:13; pass.part. Vari'Xa Tib 'BX 'XI if it had been baked from the day before Men 50b(46) 'BN n.pl. 4- 1# XBX n. [N-ITBN I X-ITB n.] n'BN adj. (uncertain) sg. XDB1X3 Xn'BXT (a lung) which is ... like a palm stump Hul 47b(4; HP 200:2) SBiip'SN, NSntriBN, NBIIDBK n.m. trustee, guardian, agent (< enitponoq Lehnw 104, GLLT 56; Sy rdloi \ , ^rf, rdlo-t\rix' procurator, guardian LS 40) 1. trustee, administrator: sg. XBTID'B'X D'plXl 3'3ir;i (the witness) died (and the court) appointed a trustee (over his estate) Ket 109b(9); ^'3' ... XBTIDBX Kb IX xrinx 'TIDBX Xin "lja1? (after the owner's death) can an administrator appoint another administrator (in his stead) or not? Geon 101b: 16; 2. guardian: sg. H'1? p'aplB Xl'jS TI'Xl XplJ'V XBnDlBX we appoint a guardian for the (orphaned) child over the other half (of the property) BM 39b(18); 'an'T XSV1D1BX Xinn a certain guardian of orphans ib. 42b(9); '5?3S Diaj? mn 'am XBTID'BX PN, the dyer, was the guardian of orphans Git 52b(12); ib. 52a(28); SSHai 17a(ll); ib. 18a(l); Dec 9:6; 3. agent: sg. XBTIB'BX 'bn 13 '"7B1? D'V'ap I have accepted NN as (my) agent SSHai 9a(2); ib. 21 Lit: S. Assaf, TGAs27:433 [mng. 3]; Voc: KffTOBX HGP 23a:20; Y: XBTIOBX Ket 109b(9; BAYTN 303). KniBi-KJ'SK n.f. guardianship (Sy ^A,'? c,A-i Y ; ^ LS 40) sg. XniBTItJ'BX 1D1? a document of guardianship SSHai 17a(15); Xl'lpl xniBno'Bxs Dp'a"7 maD"Bi rcb xryrwxi mir lin^'T we called him, spoke with him, and persuaded him to assume their guardianship [i.e. of the orphans] SSHai 17b (4) Nri"SN n.f. baker (4- V'BX; Sy k'SLlIk' LS 39, Ma X"XSX pi. MD 30) pi. X71"BX \>W sixty bakers Ber 58b(13) Y: Xn^BX Ber ib.(BAYTN 75). ^'BS adj. overturned (4- V"]BX pe., pass.part.; Sy
mi'S'SN 156 1SK kIAjl^co LS 179, Ma "|'By MD 31) pl.m. 'TXn 'a('}fl)BX overturned secrets Bo 112:6 NTPB'SN n.m. a high official (etym. unkn.) sg. xmi D'pi xnvs'sx xnrs'sx 'ap xnu trpi xnsi XOSn 'ap the n.-official holds a fire before the '.-official. The '.-official holds a fire before the commander AZ 1 la(7) Y: IMPB'B AZ ib. NIlp'BN n.m. blasphemous person (A form < 'E7tiKO0po<; Epicurean Lehnw 107; Sy «j»oi«_a_i-arc', pi. KJj-jjHo.-n «<SrC/ PSm 344) pi. pan nyxan mp'sx 'n'aw blasphemous people who vex the scholars are common Ned 23a(17) "]SK vb. to turn over, reverse, destroy (4- X39'X, X31SX, 1'SX, VlBH, V"|Sn; Ma "|SX MD 31, Sy v^Sxn LS 179) Pe. (a/u) 1. to turn around, overturn, turn inside out: ini'^Bp TPbllob ,T33X vfr'D^ he turned around his sandal, (and) he killed all of them [i.e. the doorkeepers] Bek 8b(19); ini'3SX "ax by PN came (and) turned them [i.e. the bricks] around (to a north-south orientation) Ber 61b(58); n'pnai .T3DX he turned it [i.e. the oesophagus] over and inspected it Hul 43b(4); XiaV rroSX he overturned the vessel Yom 48a(4); pass.part. XXlDlV p'SX the curse demons are overturned Bo 62:1; 2. to reverse: a. general: nV xis'bx xpn xin xix... nV -px rrna x"n ^m 'a when PN, his son, grew up, he used to reverse (his father's instructions) to her [i.e. his wife]. (He said to him:) "It is I who reverses (them) to her" Yev 63a(43); Git 67b(31); Ket 23b(24); iTT7'y xnV OT3BX do you reverse the legal decision against him? ib. 64a(l); BQ 74a(l); pass.part. "]S'a "J'SXl (the case) is completely reversed [i.e. the dog by leaping and the kid by adhesion] BQ 22a(3); b. w. regard to an explanation of a biblical or Tannaitic text: "pS'X XIX let me reverse (it) [i.e. three witnesses for a simple document and two for a double document] BB 160b(3); Pes 95a(36); Tan 13a(l); Yev 97a(38); Svu 26a(29); Yom 33a(22); Yev 75a(21); Men 74a(35); pDB'X =] H3S'X reverse it BM 58b(i); Men 93a(6); xnanoa xas'x/.nas'x reverse it! It is reasonable ... Pes 28a(21) [add. exx., s.v. X3T1X usage c]; n,B'a "TlB'l let us completely reverse (it) Svu 8b(14); Zev 51b(3); c. the names of tradents, esp. in contradictory Tannaitic sources: XTl'na 'apa ]'n'ina "pS'l 'Xax "ana 'apa xrrna1? TTSBfix namx why should we reverse (the tradents of) our Mishna because of the barraita? Just the opposite. Reverse the barraita because of the Mishna BQ 96b(42); n'tn 'xai xjrnju niB'x mnx ]"»p (x)(])jrina XTl'ap "|1B'X XTinna IiasXT the barraitot contradict each other. Reverse (the tradents in) the latter one. Why do you reverse the latter? Reverse the former Ber 25b(42); Sab 59a(14); Er 37b(9); Pes 5b(35); Ket 10a(18); Men 25b(15); Hul 49b(9); 'i? XOH 'm XOTT "\b mtT 'TJ -pa'X pm' "rib nasox xrrcna rasxn rrm 'xai mi,T reverse (the opinion) of PN to that of PN2 and that of PN2 to that of PN. Why do you reverse the barraita? Reverse (the opinion) of PN3 BQ 69a(28); ... TISVl Xs? cbyb ... "|1B'X reverse (the tradents). Do not reverse at all. It remains as we originally reversed AZ 26b(33); ib. 27a(8); Ber 17b(32); Pes 49b(41); Ket 36b(55); San 42a(42); -|'SX -|S'a yb V~\ PN actually reverses (the tradents) Tern 33a(34); BM 102b(26); TBXTB1 'Mil VxiBP from the fact that PN reverses (the tradents) and learns ib. 8b (12); niTOl iTDBX 'aina an Wlrf? they reversed [i.e. the tradition of the tradents] and sent it to PN Git 59a(32); Qid 44b(30); 3. to destroy, overthrow: 'jTXT □nob "|B'a^> (Gabriel) went to destroy Sodom BM 86b(53); XBtyV n'3SXn n> xm do you want me to destroy the world? Tan 25a(39; Ed); pass.part. Hjnx na'DX the land is destroyed Bo 43:1; 4. to shift (an oath to a legal opponent): na X15PT rmiarcx xai nasx xnjnawx xTwrn I know that she is suspect regarding an oath. PN shifted it over to her legal opponent Ket 85a(30); "|9'B 'ynv p'asx nb xir'mxna njnarc (concerning) the shifting of an oath, we do not shift an oath in a Pentateuchal matter Svu 41 a(5); TGHark 161:15; 5. intr. to move around: '3SX XBty ,!?iaT p'3T Jttin'B since everyone is moving around (the wine barrels) he is apprehensive AZ 31b(7) [RaH: 'VlX inxi] [Pa. I Vnsn pe.] >?SN 157 KIOSK Itpe. (e) 1. to be overturned: njmn H'V X3'BI1'X '^Sin the strap of his phylacteries was overturned [i.e. the black side faced downward] MQ 25a(45); Men 35b(21); lH'jna niBTl'X MQ 25b(20) [I l#xyi3, note]; 2. to be reversed, change places: XJI'UIB^ X3BrJT'» xbl X'10 xb the barraita [i.e. its tradents] must be reversed BQ 69a(30); 'Bl'T XTITO B'pl n'"? X3BJl'an 'T'X since (the dates of the month) would be reversed [i.e. from the fourteenth backwards], he employs the order of days (of the week) Meg 4b(19); "pSJVX '31S;i'Xl (the birds) indeed changed places Bes 10b(13); 3. to be destroyed: XaVy -]'Bri'B the world is destroyed TGHark 208:4 Lit: Eps, MNM 589+ [Pe., mng. lb,c]. ^>BK vb. to be dark (4- "?BX adj., x"7BX; MH ^BX hif. LNVTH 104) Af. to obscure light: Xp 'XVy TV7BXB you are obscuring my light (by your construction) BB 7a(19); ib. 34 VbK, nxVBK adj. late, n. late crop (i V?BX; TA xftfBX' TO Ex 9:32, BH "?'SX HAL 76, Ma X"xVBX MD 31) I. adj. late: sg.m. X*7SX XJHT late sowing [i.e. at the end of winter] RH 16a(14; E2); pl.m. '"?BX Hag 25a(19) [of olives]; AZ 75a(16) // Nid 65b(4); Tan 3b(27) [of clouds fol. rain; * lin]; Bek 57b(37) [of animals which give birth between Passover and Shavuot]; f. XTIX'VSX RH 8a(16) [of conceiving sheep; cf. TW>'SX PT RH 56d(17)]; II. n. late blooming crop: sg.m. "7X1B2? X"7BX iy in1? 'HK/a PN used to hold them back until (the time of) the late crop BB 90b (21); x"7BX XBin "tub to make a late blooming crop an early blooming one MQ 6b(23); BM 106b(21) Geon. expi.: mix imp >pinn 1W3 ik 'ywm yxnxa snuw nai kVbx TGWeisz 87b: 1; Y: xVbN BAYTN 75. ib'BN, iV'SN adv. even, conj. even if (< tVx) IX; JPAri) V?'BX DJPA 70, MH2 l'j'BX J 103) I. adv. even: a. fol. by a n.: Dm ma pan iV'BX even the scholars concede in that case Sab 94a(21); l^'BXn in1? p'Vra pao'an '^a even things which are buried [i.e. treasures] will be revealed to them Git 56b(35); b. fol. by an inf.: xb '81 "WpX l^'BXT llffp'X moreover they [i.e. the men of Jericho] were not also even able to have an erection Zev 116b(l); Pes 55a(42); c. fol. by an adv.: 1) iV(')BX 'an even so: Pes 55a(48); RH 27a(28); Meg 5a(36); Qid 64b(30); BM 91b(10); Svu 31a(19); 2) nay'T I^OSX even after the fact: Afe^ 19b(43); Kev 102a(19); 3) Xai» I^OSN even many: Er 45a(10); Pes 110b(14); Yev 44a(ll); BM 21a(26); Kar 13a(38); II. conj. even if: iV'BX WT\b nais even if its mouth is downward Pes 74b(16); X5?nxx Tina I^BX even if (the phylacteries) are placed on the ground Bes 15a(39); BQ 16b(21); Yev 72b(51); 'n xa'Tl l^BX min' even if you say: It is PN('s opinion) Yom lla(5); Bes 12b(36); BQ 12b(13); BB 68a(22); na'py 'n ina'^ l"?BX BQ 91a(4); Sab 50a(43); XJllEn nBID ]V an' l"?'BX even if a scribe gave us permission (to make a correction) TGHark 230:2; //P 30:2; Anan 60:3 The form l^BK occurs exclusively in Ms. H of Neziqin, as well as in other mss. [e.g. the Y mss.]. NWBN, N1"I3S n.f. upper part (of a shoe, etc.; I l#XriBX; Akk panatu front side AHw 818, Sy •*")£ ' f- back of the hand, upper leather of a shoe LS 578) a. general: sg. xmn Xnan xniBX '"?p'n let him burn (the tube) on the upper side of a new spade AZ 28b(26); b. esp. of a shoe: sg. D1»» byii XniBX TVb mm because the upper part (of his shoe) is (in the category of) V^a Yev 102a(31; Ar [AC 1:221]) [w. ref. to fan Vj?a Dt 25:9; Var: XJ11B M3Ar (X"0)]; pi. XT11BX 'B'O Xani "3X PN and PN2 used to put on the upper parts (of their shoes on a fast day) Tan 12b(ll; M2); jn»X X1?! na ]b ri'1? xnpnxa bin xnisxa x"?x we only stated (concerning patches) regarding the upper parts (of the shoes), but we do not consider it regarding the laces Ber 43b(48) Voc: KJUB VTM 26; Y: Km? BAYTN 187, XmB ib. 30. 'jTiOSK n.m. name of a Babylonian accentual sign (i VpOB af. inf.) BMsE 32:18; BMsN 4:23; BMsJer 23:39 Lit: Yeivin, EI 16 [1982] 121, note. 1'fl30SN n.m. vermouth (< dvJiivOiov absinthe Lehnw 111; JPA TU'rU'OBX DJPA 71) sg. AZ 30a(49) [expl. MH na ib.] Lit: Low, Flora 1:99, 388. tnOBN, KTOBK n.m. halter, cord (< Mir *afsar [cf.*NP afsar PED 82]; Sy K'Uy LS 41,
«]BN 158 K>??1?K > Arab jliu. camel halter Fr, AF 115) a. general: sg. H1DBX Yev 46a(22; OHT ib. 107:18) [4- XTVIpBX mng. 1]; b. w. V3TT af. to give lashes: .tstox xidbx ,!7 a'ma xibit ia pn used to give him lashes [lit. place a halter on his shoulders] (to one who spread rumors) Qid 81a(21); b. fig. in phrase XJHX1 XTDSX possession of the field: sg. Xin XJHX1 'T0BX1 1BW '3» a deed is different because it is possession of the field Qid 27a(15); B£53b(8;P') Lit: Geig, AAC 57; Shaked, Elements 148; Tel 25; Y: X"I0BX BAYTN214. *]BK 4- V*1SJ/ vb. fSH, yty vb. to treat hides with gall nuts (denom. < I XXBX) Pe.: pass.part. x"?1 n'ba xVl rmp xVl f'BJ? (ixa is a hide) which is neither salted, nor treated with gall nuts, nor floured Sab 79a(34) II Meg 19a(2) // Git 22a(33); JX'BXia ib. 19b(33) [to prevent forgery]; Men 31b(9) Pa. id.: nail pTTO n'SlBjrt> 1T1X '31 when they are engaged in treating it with gall nuts, they work hard TGHark 226:14 NXBK, NXSJT n.m. gall nut (4- VfSX; Sy rc^ar^, rf^J^i. LS 42, 539) pi. 3'T131 OIXIXBX1? inV '[1T1] X'B3 he soaks the gall nuts and writes with (their) solution TGAs28 17:22 [expl. MH J'^'B 'a Git 19a(43)]; 'SB? AnanSch 3:16; 'XBJ? 'ap ,1XB one hundred qabs of gall nuts 5vw 42a(l) [Var: 'XBX HP 126:15; v. ib. 125:34] Geon. expl.: ]ty')lllD 'lp M'3-l)( 'V3 'XBy GC 140:6; but RaH: nTDn "?» ,"U'5n} X"B D'^nW X*70 ^S "B OHR Git 55:8; Lit: Low, Flora 1:631+; Nold, MG 582; Voc: 'XB# HGP 12a:23; Y: XXBX Sab 104b(21; BAYTN 76). NfflpBK n.f. neck, upper part of the date palm (4- XpTIBH; TA n'fflpS TJ IS 4:18, Ma XTlipB MD 377) i. neck: sg. n'mpsxa rnosx n-b i<i>nw they placed a rope on his neck Yev 46a(22; OHT ib. 107:18); nrnpsx1? TOX1 ]'3 between its head and its neck AnanSch 24:7; ib. 15; 17; We/ 48:141; XTll'm XTVIpBX the animal's neck IHP 611:6; ». 10; 14; 613b:16; XTVipsxi 'pi'TB the arteries of the neck HG3 156:44; 2. upper part of the date palm: sg. nbpil XTVIpBX Xn Suk 13a(5) Lit: Eps apud Low, Flora 3:23* [contra Flora 2:327]; Voc: XllipBX HPQ 219:16; VTM 41; Y: XflipBX Suk ib.(BAYTN 286). NflJTpBN n.f. suspension (caique < MH2 nypsn J 362; 4- Vi# j?ps) sg. xvi xa'jai nnypsx Tryaw the sabbatical year is a 'royal suspension' [i.e. by scriptural decree] BM 106a(43); ib. 109a(22) Y: XfiypBX BM 106a(43; BAYTN 280). l#NJTTlj?BN n.f. ownerlessness (4- Vl#"lpS) sg. X',1 XTTIIpBX Vai'a xp^OI XpT vegetables and mangel-wurzels are in a state of ownerlessness in the Jubilee year BM 109a(18) 2#NJTnj??N, KJTiTj?BK n.f. irreverence (4- V2# ipB) sg. 1TV7X1? XTVnpBX1? (he is excommunicated) for irreverence immediately MQ 16a(27); ib. 32; XTVIip?BX 'triTl'B 'a X3TI1 'XH '3 does such a case seem to be irreverence? Er 63a(30); Ket 60b(28); XVI XTTlipBX 'B3 X311 'XH '3 San 100a(12); Tarn 27b(47); Dpi 1'"? ]3'113B XTVnp@'BX3 we give him lashes because he remained irreverent Geon 201:18; TGAs42 165:11! Lit: Lehnw 113; Y: XfflTpBK Ket ib.(287). *OBK n.m. marsh (< Akk apparu reed marsh CAD A/2 179, AIOA 35; JPA 1BX DJPA 71) sg. HP 68:25 NDHSN 4-1# xtibtix n. KT'IBN n.m. perh. row of bricks (< MP ?; > Arab jjjil Fr, AF 22, PLAr 24) sg. BB 6a(27) Geon. expl.: mpnn nrm yi....]yv mipn mnv inx -pi: Inyanot 227:13; '<-|>nmx bricks TGAs42 157:4; Lit: Geig, AAC 59, points out that no exact MP eq. occurs and compares MP frasp entrance beam, MP farasb, ifrasb ceiling beam; Y: XP1BX BB ib.(238). V1BK n.m. praise (< MP dfrin CPD 5, Par pryn Gignoux 46 [cf. NP afirin, afrln PED 82]) sg. W'p1? «TT> n"0!33 pBX let us bring praise to PN 5M119a(17; V22) Lit: Geig, AAC 59; Y: ]V)BX BAYTN 306. NttDIBN n.m. balsam tree, balsam (< A D03/Di£n w. dissim. of -ss- > -rs- Low, Lehnw 116 [not < Gr]; Sy rdia_a>-i<?_aK' LS 43, Ma xatms MD 369) 1. balsam tree: sg. «/7 23a(20) // BB 80b(39; Es) [expl. BH ]1SW fj? Is 41:19]; (X'31) XBD1BX 1,13 'Vniyi they will plant along Xj?D-lBK them [i.e. the Tigris and Euphrates] balsam tree(s) Tan 25a(43); 2. balsam: sg. X'31 XB01BX pure balsam Hor llb(43); Kar 5b(28); XTOB XDD1BX1 balsam oil Sab 26a(4) [cf. Ma XW'B XnoilBI MD ib.]; ^Z28b(19; M); San 109a(46; MGG 310:13); Ber 43a(53; OHP ib. 113:2); HG1 138:42 Geon. expl.: ]X0^3 OHP ib., i.e. j^i Lit: Flora 1:302+; Steiner, Fricative Laterals 123+; Y: XDD1BX RH ib.(BAYTN 296). Kj?pnBK n.m. peach (< rceprjiKov Lehnw 493; Sy J n.w^ LS 603) sg. Ket 112a(4) Lit: Flora 3:161; Y: XJ7D1BX Ket ib.(BAYTN 296). TplBK adv. on the back (< 4- "X + Akk purqidam AHw 881, AIOA 84; 4- ppiB, VipiB) rpisx 'in ]xax D"1? 'iV ]a yt?in' "\ PN used to denounce anyone who used to lie on his back (while sleeping) Ber 13b(48; F) // Nid 14a(6); BB 74a(l) Geon. expl.: V't 'xn 3t "b pi rvVya 'sVa v:bi to *?y aawn Ar [AC 6:447]; Y: Tj?1BX BB ib.(BAYTN 306). KH^nSK n.f. setting aside (4- VchB; TA xfiWIB^ TO Ex 25:2) sg. AnanSch 4:17 XpatPBN n.m. a dish made of meat, beets, and beans (etym. unkn.; < P ?) sg. '3'B Tajn X3'm Xpatt?BXa m'3Bp where he included [lit. made] in the '.-dish different types of beans HG1 103:66; SMe/48:145 P expl.: S'll^l THUSl hVM '31113 SMel ib.; Lit: Low, Flora 2:413. 'b>3'n Nnt^BN n.f.pl. wild grapes (Sy rr'io^a K'iviarj' Vitis vinifera silvestris LS 43, mng. 2) SMel 48:146 P expl.: M13 t'18 mountainous grapes; Lit: Low, Pfl 91. l#NnBN n.f. upper room (perh. < Akk aptu window, or (bit) appati portico CAD A/2 183, 197, AIOA 35; 4- XJ13BX) sg. BB 60a(8) [expl. MH ,t;VX Mib. 3:7]; ib. 61a(7) [expl. MH 3?'r Mib. 4:1]; 8; XX1BX 'mm xn2/'33 '33 in the synagogue which is under the upper room Hul 92a(52) Geon. expl.: ty xipn nwi xnpri 13 mpai nnx rn iV ww mx XrlBX JlX1j?:i n'3,T 'XH TGAs42 137c: 15; Y: XMX BB 60a(8). 2#«nBN n.f. bread (< 4- XTTB) sg. H'la 713 NS'SN t • ~: XJ1BX 'Xm blessed is the Master of this bread Ber 40b(5; Ar [AC 1:246]) NJ73XX, pi. NnjraSN n.f. finger (4- Vy3X, XJljnXX, X^yaSX J1'3; TA XJ/aSX TO Ex 31:18, Ma X3SJ?, pi. XnX3S5? MD 355, Sy 2# rr'< -!«,, pi. -^v ■^, rc'iLLa^ LS 620) sg. n'yasxa Vp'tt/ n'aiB3 rv^ n3X he took (a bit of food) on his finger and placed it in his mouth Ket 61b(l); pi. XTp1? xny3SX3 like fingers (sticking) into bitumen Er 53a(38; O); n'^5?3SX |'mn his two fingers Ber 56a(55); nTI5?3SX tt?an X^a his full five fingers' worth AZ 29a(19); ]J73tt XpT xai n'ny3XX his fingers were bleeding profusely [lit. making blood flow forth] Sab 88a(54; M); Ket 61b(6); Ned 49b(ll); ib. 21 Y: XrdnXX Sab ib. Nn5n?«> Xnj73S1N, NnaSIK n.f. finger (4- xyaxx; jpa nnyaxx det. djpa 72) sg. nspt rrriyaSX1? he raised up his finger Bek 8b(35); IJiyaxiXa Xp3B2/13 a signet ring on her finger HP 138:18; 'JTID1T il'riyaSX ... TOT\ "^j;3XX his large/small finger AZ 29a(20); xnj?3XX «]13 l^xa^l xriTyT bend the small finger of your left hand #M 45:6; ib. 46:7; XJ13X1X Er 53a(38; Ar [AC 1:249, s.v. JHXX, X"0]) [Var: XTDSX ISGF 64:3] xrosN 4- xnyasx N11SN, pi. KTIIISN n.f. a plant (lit. sprout [< Akk asitu; v. infra]) pi. XTl"tin XT111SX prickly '.-plants Er 26b(36) [expl. MH I'Vapl? Mib. 2:6] Geon. expl.: pox xni pinai D'unan 'wxt 10313 tH ixo ay nax 'jKyOB' ''JS OHP Er 90:27, i.e. a cactus-like euphorbia plant [Arabic word unkn.]; Lit: Low, Pfl 109; Flora 1:606; Y: XflllXX £Hb.(BAYTN 181). - N^p'TI KIIXN, pi. NTTI1XN n.f. young sprout of the date palm (< Akk asitum [gisimmarum] AHw 1475, s.v. wasitu) sg. Ket 50a(31) [given in solution as an antidote for a bee sting]; Pes 39a(10; E2) [expl. MH .13'arnn Mib. 2:6]; pi. X^p'll XT1X1SX ib.(El) KS'SN, KX'Xj; n.m. a type of pot (< XS'SJ?; i'VfXX; MH yky Yeivin, BV 892; cf. Sy rr'^o^rV' kneading trough LS 44, > Arab o~i^\ Fr, AF 69) sg. XlDini XS'SX a pot of A.-fish BB 159
NTTSK 160 tfipS 144a(29); TV1? WW X03 '31 <X)P)X'Xy xVpitf H'WIX she took the chamber pot (and) poured it out on his head Meg 16a(28) Lit: Brand 403; Y: XX'XX BAYTN 53. Nri'XN, pi. KJIN'XN, KTV'XX n.f. row (etym. unkn.) pi. '3S1J "IC'ITl '33 NTO'SN flVn three rows containing twelve vines (each) BB 12a(34) [Var: XX1"X1X Ar (AC 1:253)]; ib. 41b(2) Expl. Ar: nVYW AC 1:253. NnnVSN n.f. success (4- V2# rfrX; cf. TA nfrinSxx' TJ Is 33:20) sg. xrf?'a X'Vxi Xnrr7XX3 the matter is dependent on success San 25b(5) NttlBXN n.m. arrow (< aTOn(o|i.a L-S 1649; Ma xaiaBX, xaiDDSiy, etc. MD 345, Sy pd5xi^» LS 468) pi. X^PBT 'aiaxx iron arrows Bo 78:14 fXN, fSy vb. to press, squeeze (< py; 4 XX'XX, 1#XX'X, XXX'X; Sy^-il to compress LS 539) Pe.: [1]'DX i^XyaV it is forbidden to squeeze them [i.e. dates] MQ 10b(30; Sidra 9 158:12) [C: TOX TU'X'a]; in"? r'N Xpl he was squeezing them [i.e. his fingers] Sab 88a(54) Itpa. to be pressed together: "IX'TIXI (the mountains) were pressed together Ber 54b(4; OHPib. 105:13) Geon. expl.: UM'iHXl OHP ib., i.e. -U~- VII. KSSN 4 XXX'X n. l#nSN vb. to store up (< BH "IXX HAL 79; 4 xnxx) Pe. (/u): yyv ri?n 'ts '"? mxx store the fruit for me for three years BB 90b(34) 2# 12SN vb. 4 V-ixy N1XN, mxy, cs. "1XK, 1XJT n.m. one who stores up (4- Vl# 1XX pe., part.) sg.cs. 'TS nxx TOO PN, the storer of fruit Yom 83a(l; M) [M2: "IXV] '1SN, '"INXK n.m.pl. spices (Sy k't^k' LS 44) nXXI XBn1? bread (made) with 'spices HG1 117:12(Var); '1XXX ib. 327:11; HG3 219:80; '3Xa '1SX1 'bsm dishes for condiments and spices HP 25:3 [cf. f^nV© O'Vd HR 23:25]; 7Y14^2 160:8; '"IXCIlXX K'>n)j7'T! they pound spices OHTKet 29:8; nX'X SMel 46:61; <6. 48:152 Lit: Low, Flora 1:717; id., Hoffmann Vol 120; Eps, Stl 252; Geig, AAC 2, s.v. -|T3X; Abramson, Inyanot 238. KFD^XK n.f. 'asraxta, a conclusion based on a tons-argument (4 V"pX pe., mng. 1) sg. xm -naVrn xnx3-ixxT mra nans pnaxpn xnonxx 'W'Vp 'P'SO 'piVo1? JX'nxi concerning the 'asraxta, we use the term [lit. say] ri3HX in most cases of 'asraxta of the Talmud which come to settle minor doubts TGHark 34:16; XH 13'"IXX XrD-lXX ib. 18; 26; XJT7'a ^ XfD-lXX WiS '813 l'Tl'3na3 XTD'Xl in the gemara they explained an 'asraxta for each matter stated in our Mishna ib. 41:21; iSGF 53:11; ///> 191:11; pi. xriXDIXX TGHark 34:16 nsaaipN*, N'SlpN n.m. cupola, dome (< MP gumbad dome CPD 38 [cf. NP gimbad arch, dome PED 1098]; Ma X3aip MD 408, Sy t^^bo-o LS 640, > Arab *$ Fr, AF 288) sg. ixwa xp mm xnxv?'1? -n ra-nn '"7 'Tn 'ttV XIinaT nx(33)(33npx I, myself, saw Hormiz, the son of liliths, who was jumping on the cupola of GN BB 73a(28) [Var: XTIKH n.X331pX XD'p3 mm XTinai Ar (AC 7:59); X'SlpX Ar (AC 1:259)] The form of the word here is based on D'^IJOaw JWajlpN TKel BM 8:2 [58014]; Lit: Geig, AAC 62. [NnnpN 4- xri'np n.] NOipN n. (unclear) sg. XOipx riK/B ...-oil HM 41:17 Gloss ib.: 'Y3 i.e. jj^i. gillyflower Wehr 267. NSJlpK n.m. splinter (4- V«]p3) pi. "?'p©T jxa 'XH 'B'Via 'SIpX one who removes splinters from garments Sab 75b(24) Geon. expl.: D'Xy '-Q'Bl 'pO'B 1'OD Xf....] p'XW Dn31 'BlpX "ran Dy I'nXJW TRN 613:3; OHP Sab 35:24; on rt., v. Fr, AF 237'; Y:'Bipx Safe ib. B/ipN, Pipy" adj. hard, stale (< ©Ipy; 4- VtfpX;. JNA anpy 'a<jrH.sa thick [of a liquid] HDJNA s.v.; cf. Sy r^T n \ erection of penis LS 544) 1. hard: sg.m. XCTpX Sot 4b(l) [* 4 T31]; //w/ 105a(15); pl.m. 'Enpxi H^l p» a creeping animal and carrion which are hard Nid 22b (21) [* T3TJ DT ib.]; f. XTWipy 'yi3 hard pustules HG3 151:88(Var) [quoted from Hai Gaon in S. Ibn Jama', TOVW JToVn] = XTO'py Ar [AC 4:49, s.v. 130]); 2. stale: sg.m. XB/lpX KM stale bread Ket 39b(15); XB?1pX 'TJNEn Xan3 stale barley bread gW 62a(2) [Var: XI&lpV ,"|5'0T Man1? MGN 556:6] Y: KBipK &r ib.(BAYTN 66). XfllDpX n.f. smoke-producing fuel (4- V2# nDp) sg! inisra xrnopx x'ien inrrm xVm mn his wife usually put smoke-producing fuel in the oven (to give the appearance of baking) Tan 24b(55; M2) Y: xrnBjJX Tan ib.(BAYTN 281). D'pN adj. crooked (< D'p5?*; 4- Vapy pe., pass, part.) sg.m. pn'mp1? ]Wya Q'pX their 'foot' [i.e. the letters waw, etc.] is crooked on their front side STage 88 JO'VpK n.m. key (< kXeTSci [ace. of K^ei<;] Lehnw 123; 4- XT^pXI X33, l#xnnsa; Sy p>'xj-Ldk' LS 667, Ma XT^pX MD 34, > Arab ijlil Fr, AF 15) a. general: sg. '3'X '31 XI'VpX the key of the storehouse of firewood Git 56a(28; MGD 626:21); XT"?pXT X33 (wooden) handle of a key Sab 89b(53); Men 57a(20); pi. 'T^px rbn all the keys Git 56a(27); Pes 119a(31) // San 110a(42); b. fig. usage: sg. XltjaT XT'jpx the 'key' of rain San 113a(44); D'^an n'nm XT^pX the 'key' of resurrection ib. 52 Y: XTVpX San ib.(BAYTN 235). NriVi?*? «f- remission (4- VVVp) sg. Dec 6:1 (title); xrrns by xt xnVpx rrb isnsi they wrote him this remission on the decree of excommunication ib. 5; 6; 9 SSpX n.m. top part (< dKur, L-S 51; Sy kL^ldk' stature LS 45, PSm 3529) sg. xapx [Xn]1D1 top part of the caper TGWeisz 89b: 14 [expl. MH 1'0'ISp] Geon. expl.: ]W^i mix imp inn 'ny ]wta 1'onsp 'rani (Xn]nBT KBpK 'OIK IW^ai 1(a3)D3)^X 103 D^KyaB' TGWeisz ib., i.e. jjiil >1j unripe portion of the caper; Lit: Eps, TGAs28 18118. ]pH vb. (uncertain; 4- XmpX; cf. Sy rCLo to become dark in color LS 674b) Pe. perh. to become green (?): ]1pX1 "inm they became dark/green in color again Tan 19a(46); '3'"IX X1? TIpXT Git 30a(38) Expl. RaH: nv,lV Tim 'to inipT1? mn lipK "B OHR Git 19:8; Lit: Low, Lehnw 124. The deriv. and mng. are uncertain. KJVnpN, pi. KJV»:p« n.f. transfer of ownership, deed of transfer (4- Vl#'3p af; MH2 '"ID© 2# NipN riX3pn BM 13a[l]) 1. transfer of ownership: sg. X'axi Xn'3pX ]113 xromx power of attorney is like a transfer of ownership TGAs42 8:9; XJT3pX Xm'ai complete transfer of ownership TGHark 94:1; 'XVI XniXlp'DS xn'3pX IX1? it was not a contracted transfer of ownership TGAs42 61:11; pi. XnXp'DS XriX'jpX OHT Qid 71:15; xriX3TIX XTlX'3pX p 1X'31£/ powers of attorney are different from transfers of ownership TGHark 93:30; 2. deeds of transfer: pi. xnX'3px BB 136a(23); '3H XpllW inariiyaT xri"3pX deeds of transfer which are found in the street BM 16b(21); '1WP XriX'3px55 172a(5) In a list of Babylonian holidays in AZ 1 lb(27; J), a certain XIl'lpK is listed [v. the discussion of B. Bokser, JAOS 95(1975) 262]. Note, however, the Geon. tradition which associates it w. the word here: 1TOW DV W1X VTTO n:ip DiXB DV KWipX 'O'T ... T'^^ I'lBTOT toK 1'nWl l'X31 31D 01' TGHark 22:18 [v. ACSup 42. The explanation of Krauss, AAC 63, is untenable]; Y: xrrjpx BB 136a(23; BAYTN 188). NnapN n.f. (uncertain; 4- V]px) sg. XJT?'a XD3pX X'H ... is something Tan 19a(46) // Git 30a(38) Cf. expl. RaH: npin )Wi KTUpX inx ''B OHR Git 19:8 [= Ar (AC 1:257)]; Lit: Low, Lehnw 124. N'ppK n.m. acacia (extract used as a medicine; < dtKaida Lehnw 125; Sy w'mn^ LS 45) sg. Git 69b(45; OHT ib. 157:20, Ar [AC 1:259]) [V18: X'pipx] Geon. expl.: TOM XVV p*Oy 'JXS XBo' '13 OHT ib.; Lit: Low, Flora 2:388; Y: x;ppN Git ib.(BAYTN 208). 1# K"ipN, Kipj? n.m. fort (< aKpa Lehnw 125; TA xVpn 2S 23:14, Sy rc'-uorc' LS 45, Ma l#XipX MD 34, > Arab Jii. Fr, AF 233) a. general: pi. 'ipX '3H' ... HK?3'X '33 people (who) dwell in forts Bo 71:9; b. as first component of GN's [cf. 4- l#xm'3]: sg. xaiXI XIpX Qid 72a(39); BB 127a(19); AZ 39a(33); San 38b(2; F2); X'3nim Xnpx S5 73b(12); '313T XnpX /om lla(12); XnX13^T XnpX MQ 10b(37) // 5M 73b(18); Dip'Vtn XIpX MaJt 10a(22); XIpX 'P33^im Qid 71b(47; O2); 'p33Vim XIpV Meg 6a(33)//&< 112a(l) Lit: BJTP, index, s.v. aqra; Eshel, JSB 29+; Hoffmann, Auszuge, n. 763; Y: xnpx BM 86a(l 1; BAYTN 223). 2# SIpN n.m. metal instrument (etym. unkn.) 161
'tops 162 2# N31K pi. X^nsn 'IpX "|an certain iron '.-instruments Pes 118b(17; E'C) [Ed: npn] 'N1(7N adv. incidentally (4- V2#'np; cf. Ma l#X'Tp mishap, strife MD 412) a. general: Xinn Xin xaVj?3 'XIpX that was merely incidental Meg 26a(ll); Yom 23a(48); 7ev 64b(32); Saw 25b(37);^Z33b(17); Tern 18a(42); Tarn 32a(19); b. in phrase 'XIpXT temporary: 'XIpXI p JT3 a temporary court RH 29b(44); 'XnpXT X'JODX a temporary dwelling v4ra 16b(46) Y: 'inpx fom ib. KpllpN n.m. frog (< Xpnpy*; 4- XTlplipX; Sy K^io-uo-s: LS 544 [Lex], Arab jjk Hava 488) sg. Ar [AC 1:261] Expl. Ar: H3T ynSX AC ib. KripnpK n.f. frog (< xnpnpy*; 4- xpnpx, xnpnpns) sg. mm xnpnpx 'xn 'V 'in 'tt^ X'JTIJm Xipx '^""{a) I saw a frog that was in [corr.: like] the Fort of GN BB 73b(ll); *7XW xnna xiayi xnp-npx "?y X3'm xsnpy xin^ rrm PN saw a certain scorpion which was sitting on a frog and was crossing a river Ned 41a(34; Ar [AC 1:261]) Expl. Ar: n3p: ynsra AC ib.; Lit: Low, Fauna 53+; id., Lehnw 125; Y: Xnpnpx BB ib.(BAYTN 287). NJl'ipK n.f. creature (4- l#xrmp; Ma l#xmp MD 416, mng. b) pi. prmnpx Bo 63:7 NB'SlpX, NB'BUN n.f. couch (< Kpdpaxo.;, Lat grabatus Lehnw 570; 4- X3DX'X) sg. XJSa1? XD'Dnpx to build a couch MQ 10b(5) [Var: XD'S-UX HP 176:27]; XB'BlpX 113 n'X3 are you resting on the couch? Qid 70a(37; MGD 24:14) For the doublets w. q-g, cf. XBBpVx-MnX, KOip-XOU; Y: XB'Bip MQ ib.(BAYTN 236). #i?N vb. to become hard (< B?py*; 4- WipX adj.) Pe.: W'pXI -nm ]1'3 since it will become hard again Sab 74b(15; OM) [Var: t^ipx T7nXT TGDr46 169:10] UtXyA n.m. decoy bird (< Akk arm CAD A/2 305, AIOA 36; 4- XW3E?; Sy K'irc' LS 45) sg. &« 25a(32) [expl. MH D'J1' 'n'TSS Mib. 3:3]; ». 25b(26) Geon. expl.: WWB1 »'13 XTX x'jx ]3 U'X 7)Vl3 XIX oraro -|»X KVtav OH ib. San 203:32; Lit: D. Weisberg, HUCA 39 [1968] 76+. 2# NIK 4- Xjnx n. [3# N"IN 4- xns n.] 31N vb. 4- V3# 3"iy l#Na"1N, tony n.m. lamb (< X31J/; Sy 5# KlS-uSj LS 546, JNA 2# X31X ';>Z>a HDNJA 13) sg.m. X31X1 X'1X3 'Xty jWI I consider you to be like 'the lion and the lamb' BQ 85a(51; Oxf., heb. c.23) [i.e. there is complete incompatibility between the two of us]; X'nX3 fnixmjn BB 168a(29; HP 68:31) [cf. the first expl. in Ar (AC 1:267): byi VXW JTmy 3X13 rrana]; xsnx xnxs BM l0lb(36) Lit: S. Friedman, Tarbiz 67 [1998] 245+. Though this word is traditionally connected w. VsiX pe. to lie in wait [v. Ar: N"B 3"IX 'HX3 ib.], this is unlikely, since this rt. is known from H [v. HAL 80] but is unknown from any other A dialect. The phrase derives from a proverb entitled nlj-irc'o ^ ->■* »• t^ > \A 'the shepherd, the lamb, and the lion' which is found in the Syriac Aesop collection [v. Sophos 25]. 2# JOIN, NSIj; n.f. boat, ship, bowl (< X31J/; 4- (H)xinX; Ma 1#X31X f. boat MD 35, Sy 7# p^t-^ f- bowl LS 546i MH ^5ny Yeivin, BV 898) 1. boat, ship: a. general: sg. X31X X'HH 13JH X'raa'? 'XJIXI X0"-ll»n a certain boat (with a cargo of) muries which arrived at the port of GN AZ 34b(13); ib. 14; XjTTOX 'itPZ max X31X(^)n} she recited an incantation (and) bound the boat (with a spell) Hul 105b(38) // Sab 81b(43); ,T3-IX 'X3D may your [lit. his] ship sink! BB 153a(26) [a curse; 4- VjDD note]; Pes 40b(l); fCWyi XJT'ajl X31X the second boat of the (floating) bridge Qid 72a(7; Ar [AC 1:267]) // Git 6a(34; V18) [cf. Sy rda-W* rc'-UA.PSm 796]; Tan 21a(23) [4- XOXip]; Er 102a(36) [4- 5#XB'3]; Pes lllb(9); BM 101b(29; Es); BB 34b(l); Ket 84b(37); AZ 62b(l 1); pi. nS13 XJDttfi '31X Xy3K?a seven (pieces of) pitch from seven boats Sab 67a(5); '31X1 Xn»31X algae of boats ib. 20b(38; M); Tan 24b(29); Ket 97a(37); BM 72b(28); b. w. var. vbs. pertaining to travel: sg. X31X3 '"7TX xp Tin they were traveling in a boat Sab 81b(41); BQ 113b(32); AZ 30a(32); Bek 27a(28); X31J73 l,TTlrl ITIX Xp lin the two of them were coming by boat Ber 56a(49; MGG 706:1); (rpyriK it BM 108a(2); X31X3 3'TIX' one who is traveling in a boat Tan lla(l) [cf. Sy rdaAn^ja cjJu PSm 1642]; AZ 70a(29); 2. bowl: sg. X'31 X3iy a bowl of water See/11 l:5(Var); pi. ('^(n')1? XBpaa '31X3 n'a'X his mother used to collect them [i.e. the wheat] in bowls Pes 40b(l; E2) [Var: '3T»0 M1; "311X3 E'C] Lit: Nolo, MG 582; Fr, AF 218; Eps, GC 3724; Voc: X3TX HGP lb:3; Y: X31X Ket 84b(37; BAYTN 76). (n)Ka^N, pi. '?a"lN n.m. boatman (nisbe-form < 12#X3nx) sg. x"n 'A'n X3nxT xnt': the shout of the boatman is X"n 'jV'n Pes 112b(19); pi. "31X 1UX they hired boatmen Git 73a(35; OHT ib. 165:15) [Var: "131X HG3 85:88; Ed: 'nVa] Lit: R. Patai, Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times, Jerusalem 1938 51 [Heb; on Pes ib.]. tOianN, tOiany n.m. darkness (< X3131J?; cf. Sy 10# »^3tj*. to set [of the sun] LS 546) sg., only in phrase NIVUT K3131N darkness of eyesight [i.e. blindness]: Pes lllb(35; E2V17) [Var: WUiy E'Rah] Lit: Geig, AAC 64, s.v. 43nX; Nold, MG 582. Vanx vb. to sift (< "73-15;*; 4- x^snx; Sy J^=>-u: LS 547; cf. Arab J2> Wehr 669) Quad.: l"yxi V'Sna Xpl ,!?X3nX 'XrXT even though he brought sieves and was sifting (the sand) BM 26b(31); inr'jsnapi San 39a(21; M) Lit: Nold, MG 582. The Lat etym. in Lehnw 125 should be rejected. KVanN, N^N31K n.m. sieve (< XV31J?*; 4- VV31X; Sy r^V-^-U LS 547, TA x53iy TJ Am 9:9 [Var: xVsiX], JNA xVx31X 'irbala HDJNA s.v., > Akk arballu CAD A/2 239, Arab JU> Wehr 669) sg. 'Bran H'^ai X"7X31X 'JTX he brought a sieve and filled it with apples San 39a(21); 'pxV X*7X31X3 nan b'SXi ]Xtt one who eats dates from a sieve receives lashes ib. 89b(10) // Mak 20b(29); s'Ojnm 'vr? nVa'aV -nm xVX3nX 'l^yi it is permitted to salt (meat) upon a mat and upon a sieve HG3 212:75; pi. 'Vxanx £M26b(31)[4W731X] Voc: X?31X HGP 22a:24; Y: K^3T(J San ib.(BAYTN 238). KjraiN, f. yans, 'jra-iK, w. suf. -'PiyanN, Pi. TVanN num. four, forty (4- njmx '3 s.v. 1# '3, nxsrai, xnym, rai num., V3#j?3n; Sy io?1« • v t-^^-' LS 708, Ma 4#X31X, CTK MD 36, ModSy arbi Maclean 19) sg.m. njmx Tip'1? nj?3"iX let them read four (verses) at a time Meg 21b(47); njmx njmxs rravra they 'pulled' it [i.e. acquired possession of the wine] at four (zuzim a jug) Git 52a(43); Svu 42a(3); nySIX 'an 'XTTIS these four latter {zuzim) BQ 115a(37); nj?2?T 'Til njmx four grivs of barley BM 65a(9); f. J?3nx by "11X0 >a3 (animals) which walk on all fours Anan 66:19; jmXX «pxyi he folded (the mattress) in four MQ 25a(26); J?3nx Xian 'an nxa four hundred vats of wine Ber 5b(37); 'V31X Tbn three (and) four AZ 75a(5); Sab 73a(20); '5?3nx XSS 31 "?3X PN ate four (loaves of bread) Pes 89b(40); 'jmxi xVxV 'y31X xVx'jX1? four (loaves) for a large piece of leather and four (loaves) for a small piece BB 5a(15; HG2 438:19); Sab 97b(46); 'J?31X 13 four year old (child) BB 60a(14); 'JW 'jmxi 1'ioy twenty- four hours RH 20b(14); w. suff. vr'njmx HG2 429:47; T3'ny31X Bo 9:3; pi. pp TJ?3"IX forty years Sab 151b(47); XllX'ayri TJ?3"1X forty fasts MQ 25a(46); 'y31X1 ]'3niX forty-four Sab 98b(29); 'BUS X'aaJTI I'ysnx forty-eight perutot Kar 10b (25); 'aam TJT31X ]nxa two hundred and forty-eight Bo 59:14 Lit: Eps, Gr 125; Voc: ry3-|X HPP 56:18; 'SXlS ib. 20; Y: XyriX Meg 21b(47; BAYTN 328). - noanx, 10'3-in, f. npanx, na'anx num. fourteen, fourteenth (Sy imi-airi', f. i r^ v A; v ■p-i*- Nold, SG 93, Ma 1XDX3nX Nold, MG 188) 1. fourteen: m. W 1D31X fourteen days //P 135:3; /4«an 51:15; ib. 64:4; 5g 25a(15); 5a« 13b(8); nD@'31Xl nxa one hundred and fourteen (people) San 17b(39); f. 'a© '1D31X fourteen years iSGF 89:5; 'J?13© 'in '1D31X fourteen (years) are two sabbatical cycles Ara 12b(4); Meg 17a(ll); '1D'31X it subtract fourteen (years) San 69b(52); 2. fourteenth: m. -|0'31X 'nia nO'Vm xmix the night between the thirteenth and the fourteenth Ber 4a (15); DV ]D'a3 10'31X the fourteenth of Nisan Anan 82:4; 1D31X 'a3 people required (to read the Megilld) on the fourteenth (of Adar) Tan 18b (7); Meg 2b(30); ib. llb(54); RH 21a(28); Pes 55a(33); "1D@'31X Meg 5b (44)
Natya Njn-iN 164 NO'I.IK Lit: Eps, Gr 127; Voc: nSSlX HPP 212:19; Y: lO'SIX BAYTN 329. - N3tfa K5?a"lK, XS?3"IX n.m. Wednesday (I X3W; Sy rf S y -> r? < -,W LS 708, Ma X3XttttXn X3"IX MD 36) sg. Sab 87a(l); ib. 87b(36); 129b(9); ^ra llb(52); HP 185:27; /5GF 95:10; xy3"IX Git 77a(21); &2> 87b(36; M); Pes 106a(30) NnaiN 4 i#xm-iy n. J1K vb. to weave (BH 1"1X HAL 81) Pe.: X3'X Tia n'1? 'JIX! Tia laxTT Xmn is there a place where they place a dead body while they weave a garment [i.e. a shroud] for it? San 48b(17) JIN n.m.abs. best part (Van; LJLA JIN PsJ Gen 45:18, TgPs 45:14) sg.cs. only, in phrase 1B1P "73 1'03J J1X all the best property SSHai 4a(17); (Z>. 8a(7); 14a(3); SSSad 188:10 KaiinN, abs. fmiN n.m. purple wool (< Akk argamannu red purple wool CAD A/2 253, AIOA 35; TA Xlii-ix TO Ex 25:4, Sy rdj'^irc' LS 46) sg.abs. pinxi yvyzb garments of purple wool Tarn 32a(42) Y: J11J-IX Tarn ib.(BAYTN 306). 1#KT]N, NTTJT n.m. mushroom (< XTiy; Sy 1# k'A-uv LS 547) sg. Ninny Anan 3:8; pi. 'TIN AZ 38a(8); 'TINT xV'ttnn a cooked dish of mushrooms Ket 61a(46); ]'3'ria H(rX"'hy 731 "iwyaa all mushrooms are subject to tithes AnanSch 3:14; '3'Bn '"PX moist mushrooms //GJ 219:76;//G/ 141:94 Lit: Low, Flora 1:34; Eps, Stl 79; Voc: 'ITX HGP 58a:28; Y: 'T1X AZ ib.(BAYTN 76). 2# N*n$, N1JON n.m. ship's mast (< XTiy*; Sy 4# K'nii. LS 547, Ma 2# X1X1X punt pole MD 35) sg. BB 73a(8) [expl. MH 03 Mib. 5:1; Var: X1X1X HP 97:30, TGHark 108:8'] Lit: Nold, MG 582; Lidz, Jb 2:157 [contra Sperber, Nautica 232]; Sok, Mutual Elucidation 406; Voc: XIXIX i6.(HGP 4b:28). Na^N n.m. a measure (EA mix DNWSI 103, Sy rd^niK' LS 46, Ma xmnx MD 36, NB ardabu CAD A/2 241, > apTdRn Lehnw 127, > Arab iyi Wehr 13) sg. X3TIX xpina mm which had a capacity of an '.-measure Er 102a(33; V'Ar [AC 1:274]) Geon. expl.: HX0 jrmnw ^ X<3)lpmK GnK5 173:12. Lit: Geig, AAC 64; Driver, AD 69, contends that it is of OP origin, but the original word is not documented from this period; Y: X3T1X BAYTN 215. N^N^"1N n.m. Iamb (< X7'ny*; Sy k^t->: Audo 2:263, T<Hi±i ib., LS 738, JPA 7'"ny PT Pes 37d[(38]) pi. X'7T1J1 '7X'TIX lambs and pigeons Pes 119b(32) [expl. MH pap'SX Mib. 10:8]; X'7nJ1 '7@ms Ber 47a(36; OAr [AC 1:273]) Lit: Eps, St2 831+, gives add. textual evidence and shows that this word has no connection w. i 1# XTTN. n.m. builder, stone mason (< Akk arad ekalli designation of a profession associated with building [lit. slave of the palace] CAD A/2 211, mng. 2b [NB], AIOA 35; Hat X73TIX mason IIH 1:2, Sy rdLaniK', r? \■ * ,*\r? builder LS 46, Ma X73'TIX master-builder MD 36) pi. 'XH '73'TlXi nX'TO a partition of the builders Er 26a(8) [v. also DS, ib. 95']; H3T nD'3T '73'TIX na7yi the builders of the great house of the world Bo 127:6 Lit: Geig, AAC 64+, discusses this word extensively and argues for a OP etym.; Aggoula, IIH 1; Y: X^O'lIX BAYTN 215. n.m. a dish made of flour and other ingredients (< MP *ardulag [> NP ardula milk pottage, gruel PED 36; cf. MP ard flour CPD 11]; Sy J^irc' LS 47) sg. XTO'pi X'B "731 J7T1X1 the '.-dish and all flour (mixed with) water HG1 103:64; SMel 49:159 [expl. as MH HTin] Lit: Geig, AAC 65. mm 4- xti-ij? NTVIN n.m. rice (Sy KViorc', rdci LS 722, Gr opu^a Lehnw 26) sg. Pes 114b(25); "Xpn '3 '33 XmxB Xrbn 'BmBX7 J1HJ the people of GN used to remove halla from rice ib. 50b(53); X"n Xtnx 03'a D'X31 raw rice which one usually chews Ber 37a(27); n'm'm ,1'J'a 0"3 Xthx (if) he chews some of the rice in its raw state HP 191:4(HPP 293:20); ib. 13 Lit: Flora 1:730+; Y: Xjnx Pes 114b(25; BAYTN 66). NO'llN n.m. rope, cord (< MP arwes rope CPD 11) sg. nnXlXS XO'TIN ,T7 VSI they placed a rope on his neck Yev 46a(22) [Var: XTriO HG1 jOVlK 165 2# NnSTIK 218:42(Var)]; X1H XO'TIX J13yi (the term) n'3JJ [Ex 28:14] is a cord Anan 8:19; noVIN ib. 20; 9:5 Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 52; id., AAC 66; Y: ,V011X Yev 46a(22). [n«an« 4- nxm-i adj.] NJi"lN n.m. ark of the Covenant, coffin (TA XJVlN TO Ex 25:10, Sy rdsoirV', rd-i^ LS 50, Ma X3XTIX MD 37) 1. ark of the Covenant: sg. 7X-IW 'ap 'J0a XJTIX the ark was traveling before the Israelites Ber 54b(2); 2. coffin: sg. IpDa '3 ■OH n'7 nBD nmb n'JVlN when they brought his coffin there [i.e. to Eretz Israel from Babylonia], they eulogized him so Meg 6a(9); Qid 31b(36); MQ 25a(48; Ed) Y: XJTIX BAYTN 71. [>1\1H 4- X31H n.] NTlpnN n.f. piece of cloth (< xnpn < i xnypil; 4- Vypl; Sy ^y v A-i^^ K'dvA.o-Di LS 744, Ma XD'pn MD 431) sg. Sab 59b(12) [ref. to a coronet]; ib. 13; 37 Y: Xrf 1TX Sab ib. nVIK n.pl. curses (in Lev 26 and Dt 28; < BH -inx pi.; jpa imix djpa 74) xipi DJBia xp mn HT1X3 X31H am n^p (PN) was reading with a stammer [lit. was stammering and reading] in the (biblical passages of) the 'curses' before PN2 Meg31b(30; G) Y: n™ Meg ib. NT1N n.m. cedar, pine (TA xn$ TO Lev 14:4, Sy K'\ir</ LS 47, Ma 1#XPX MD 37) 1. cedar: sg. RH 23a(19) [expl. BH fix Is 41:19] // BB 80b(39); BM 108a(2); Git 57a(45); XPX3 yV3'X he was swallowed up into a cedar tree [i.e. was miraculously hidden in it] San 101a(32); Yev 49b(22); xnx yps 3T ^t xnxx th p,]?D n'jnnna (the Angel of Death) went up (and) sat on the cedar of the be rav, (and) the cedar split from under him MQ 28a(48) // Mak 10a(33); BM 20b(6); San 101a(33); Yev 64b(21); Bo 6:11; XnXT 'pD'S pieces of cedar Er 3a(35; O) [Palestinian expl. of xniv>»X ib.]; pi. 'PX fin Ber 56b(2); X'TIX "?3 npyriX all the cedars were uprooted MQ 25b(37); SOZ 72:22; Sab 157a(5) [i Xm©X]; 2. pine: sg. XT1XT X3W pine wool [4- X31D]; XT1XT 'TB pine cones [lit. fruits] AZ 14a(7) [expl. MH I'V'SriDSX Mib. 1:5; cf. Sy rCrtrt'x K'ircLa PSm 373]; HG1 95:60 [expl. H "ISIl'S ib. < Arab jjji^ stone pine] Lit: Low, Pfl 56+; Flora 3:20+; 40+; Y: X11X Ber 56b(2; BAYTN 76). iTIN, inN n.m. (uncertain) sg. San 46b(37; OH ib. 361:7) [Var: "|PX OH ib. 13] Gloss ib.(He): VTK 13S?T 'ata; perh. a box or covering over the dead body [v. Ar (AC 1:271, s.v. TJ1K)]. S^nN, nVnTIN, N^OIJ? n.m. hammock (^'x'Jny*; Sy 2# Kli^'-u; LS 548 [dimin. < t<j»-v^], TA "70-iy TJ Is 1:8, > Arab Jlj> Fr, AF 138; 4- X"?Dny) sg. X"?xnx '3 T3yT (the roof) is made like a hammock Er 25b(2) [Var: x"?T"IX Ar (AC 1:277),0; xVoiy Tos] Y: X>PX BAYTN 215. !"l>OT"1N adj. a species of wheat (Akk arsanu a kind of groats CAD A/2 306) pl.f. 't3'n 3B> Xri"3TnX seven (stalks) of '.-wheat Git 70a(2; V18) Geon. expl.: a'jX ]n OXjmVx ]0 of a hard type of nourishment OHT ib. 158:22. The problematic "XinXT '31X Tan 24b(29) [v. the many varr. in Mai] may be related. For another explanation, v. Low, Flora 1:730; 4:159: id., ZA 21 [1907] 206+. J'3T"1X adj. important (< MP arzariig worthy CPD 11; 4- ym) sg.m. J'iflX ]VW they made me important Tarn 32b(14; Oxf., heb. d.24) [F: xwwn 3wrr»] Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 61 [1992] 224. 1# NriSnN, NnnSN n.f. an herb toxic to cattle (4- XS'hn; cf. Sy relatf LS 723, mng. 3) sg. 'XD 'To 'rrn xnsnx man do what is poison (for cattle)? '. [gloss: which is fruit] BQ 47b(27) [v. varr. in AC 1:278]; BB 20a(12) [Var: XJIDSX H[Marg],Ar (AC 1:237)]; xriSITX SMelG 1308] Lit: Low, Pfl 205; Flora 2:366+; Geig, AAC 59, 66. 2# NnSPN n.f. hammer (4- Xrisna; TA xM"lS< TJ Jud'4:21, Sy rc'^La.rtK' LS 723, Ma JUXSXnx MD 37) sg. XflDH XflSTIX the smith's hammer Meg 25a(37); Ber 34a(2; P); Git 56b(41); TGDr49 105:14; pi. XriDTIX 'rnn n'13'X his arms are two hammers Bo 78:5 Y: xriBITX Meg ib.(BAYTN 281).
N31P3 Nya-lS 164 KO'lIN T ■ • t •• ; - Lit: Eps, Gr 127; Voc: -|65nx HPP 212:19; Y: 1D'31X BAYTN 329. - N3P3 Njra-IN, KjniN n.m. Wednesday (4- X3W; Sy r^SY-. Kii^jit^ LS 708, Ma X3XW3XH XmX MD 36) sg. 5aZ> 87a(l); 16. 87b(36); 129b(9); Am llb(52); ///> 185:27; iSGF 95:10; xy31X G/Y 77a(21); Sab 87b(36; M); Pay 106a(30) KT131N 4 i#xrmy n. a"IN vb. to weave (BH anx HAL 81) Pe.: XD'X 1J2 rvb TiX\ Jl» 1»XTT xran is there a place where they place a dead body while they weave a garment [i.e. a shroud] for it? San 48b(17) J.1K n.m.abs. best part (Van; LJLA nx PsJ Gen 45:18, TgPs 45:14) sg.cs. only, in phrase ns© Vd 1'03J aiX all the best property £$Ha/ 4a(17); ». 8a(7); 14a(3); SSSad 188:10 XaiinN, abs. jnnx n.m. purple wool (< Akk argamannu red purple wool CAD A/2 253, AIOA 35; TA xarhx TO Ex 25:4, Sy rdi'<L\iK' LS 46) sg.abs. jimXT ytrd? garments of purple wool Tarn 32a(42) Y: niJTK 7am ib.(BAYTN 306). 1#NT)N, Nliy n.m. mushroom (< X*ny; Sy 1# rC\\^. LS 547) sg. XKiny Anan 3:8; pi. nm /fZ 38a(8); 'T1X1 X^nn a cooked dish of mushrooms £ef 61a(46); p'rlB HCX^nj? "?D1 "iwya3 all mushrooms are subject to tithes AnanSch 3:14; '3'B1 'nii moist mushrooms //G5 219:76;//G7 141:94 Lit: Low, Flora 1:34; Eps, Stl 79; Voc: "ITX HGP 58a:28; Y: 'T1X AZ ib.(BAYTN 76). 2# KT1N, tnH~\K n.m. ship's mast (< XTiy*; Sy 4# rCn-U. LS 547, Ma 2# XlXnX punt pole MD 35) sg. BB 73a(8) [expl. MH 03 Mib. 5:1; Van X1X1X HP 97:30, TGHark 108:8'] Lit: Nold, MG 582; Lidz, Jb 2:157 [contra Sperber, Nautica 232]; Sok, Mutual Elucidation 406; Voc: xliOX i7j.(HGP 4b:28). N3T1K n.m. a measure (EA 3"HX DNWSI 103, Sy r<L^a-irc' LS 46, Ma X3T1X MD 36, NB ardabu CAD A/2 241, > apxdpi] Lehnw 127, > Arab ijj) Wehr 13) sg. X3TIX XpTritt mm which had a capacity of an '.-measure Er 102a(33; V'Ar [AC 1:274]) Geon. expl.: nxo jrmnw 'to X(3)(p>ITlX GnK5 173:12. Lit: Geig, AAC 64; Driver, AD 69, contends that it is of OP origin, but the original word is not documented from this period; Y: XTpX BAYTN 215. nVnHIN n.m. lamb (< xV'Tiy*; Sy KlSa-L^ Audo 2:263, rdSksA ib., LS 738, JPA b'Tiy PT Pes 37d[(38]) pi. X'Vmi ^X'TIX lambs and pigeons Pes 119b(32) [expl. MH Jiap'SX Mib. 10:8]; X'Vmi '7gH1K Ber 47a(36; OAr [AC 1:273]) Lit: Eps, St2 831+, gives add. textual evidence and shows that this word has no connection w. J- 1#KTTN. '1"1N n.m. builder, stone mason (< Akk arad ekalli designation of a profession associated with building [lit. slave of the palace] CAD A/2 211, mng. 2b [NB], AIOA 35; Hat K^ariX mason IIH 1:2, Sy rf \ w*, KlLo^rriK' builder LS 46, Ma X^'-nx master-builder MD 36) pi. 'XH 'ta'TTXI nma a partition of the builders Er 26a(8) [v. also DS, ib. 95s]; mi rWPm '7DT1X nftbyi the builders of the great house of the world Bo 127:6 Lit: Geig, AAC 64+, discusses this word extensively and argues for a OP etym.; Aggoula, IIH 1; Y: xto'lIX BAYTN 215. n.m. a dish made of flour and other ingredients (< MP *ardulag [> NP ardula milk pottage, gruel PED 36; cf. MP ard flour CPD 11]; Sy ^nirc' LS 47) sg. xna'pi X'» "731 aVnxi the '.-dish and all flour (mixed with) water HG1 103:64; SMel 49:159 [expl. as MH rrmn] Lit: Geig, AAC 65. KTTIK 4- XTny NniN n.m. rice (Sy rcViorc', rden LS 722, Gr opu^a Lehnw 26) sg. Pes 114b(25); "XHri '3 ^3 xrnxa xrbn vowavb aina the people of GN used to remove halla from rice ib. 50b(53); X"n XJnX DO'D O'XSi raw rice which one usually chews Ber 37a(27); frnvru ,TJ'» 0"3 (tint (if) he chews some of the rice in its raw state HP 191:4(HPP 293:20); ib. 13 Lit: Flora 1:730+; Y: Xinx Pes H4b(25; BAYTN 66). ND'VIN n.m. rope, cord (< MP arwes rope CPD 11) sg. mxiS3 XDT1X Kb flit they placed a rope on his neck Yev 46a(22) [Var: XTT10 HG1 saiix 165 2# KBST1K 218:42(Var)]; XVI XD'TIX J13yi (the term) ri3j? [Ex 28:14] is a cord Anan 8:19; nortX ib. 20; 9:5 Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 52; id., AAC 66; Y: rPOVIX Yev 46a(22). [nxaviN 4- nxan adj.] N311N n.m. ark of the Covenant, coffin (TA xaViX TO Ex 25:10, Sy rdJoirV, rdj-irr' LS 50, Ma XaXTlX MD 37) 1. ark of the Covenant: sg. ■?X"lf 'ap 'aoa xailX the ark was traveling before the Israelites Ber 54b(2); 2. coffin: sg. ipoa '3 •OH IT1? nDD Cmb iranx when they brought his coffin there [i.e. to Eretz Israel from Babylonia], they eulogized him so Meg 6a(9); Qid 31b(36); MQ 25a(48; Ed) Y: XJilX BAYTN 71. fans I xain n.] NXipTlN n.f. piece of cloth (< xnpll < 4- xnypn; 4- Vyp"l; Sy rc'iLi-picvrc', rc'ii.i.tx-D-i LS 744, Ma Xri'pn MD 431) sg. Sab 59b(12) [ref. to a coronet]; ib. 13; 37 Y: XfifnX Sab ib. '"I11K n.pl. curses (in Lev 26 and Dt 28; < BH nnxpi.; JPA pvix djpa 74) xnpi nama xp mn miX3 xaiil 3"n rr»p (PN) was reading with a stammer [lit. was stammering and reading] in the (biblical passages of) the 'curses' before PN2 Meg31b(30;G) Y: nilX Meg ib. NT"1N n.m. cedar, pine (TA xhx TO Lev 14:4, Sy kMk' LS 47, Ma l#xnx MD 37) 1. cedar: sg. RH 23a(19) [expl. BH fix Is 41:19] // BB 80b(39); BM 108a(2); Git 57a(45); XPX3 ybYX he was swallowed up into a cedar tree [i.e. was miraculously hidden in it] San 101a(32); Yev 49b(22); XT1X 5?pS 3T '31 XPXX 3'n' p,l?D iTTlinna (the Angel of Death) went up (and) sat on the cedar of the be rav, (and) the cedar split from under him MQ 28a(48) // Mak 10a(33); BM 20b(6); San 101a(33); Yev 64b(21); Bo 6:11; NPXT 'pD'B pieces of cedar Er 3a(35; O) [Palestinian expl. of X-irr7l3X ib.]; pi. 'PX pn Ber 56b(2); X'PX V3 npynx all the cedars were uprooted MQ 25b(37); SOZ 72:22; Sab 157a(5) [I xnWX]; 2. pine: sg. XT1X1 X3W pine wool [4- X31D]; XPXT 'TS pine cones [lit. fruits] AZ 14a(7) [expl. MH p/aViBXX Mib. 1:5; cf. Sy ^irc'n K'iKla PSm 373]'; HG1 95:60 [expl. H n313'S ib. < Arab jjji^ stone pine] Lit: Low, Pfl 56+; Flora 3:20+; 40+; Y: XITX Ber 56b(2; BAYTN 76). 1T1N, "]T-|N n.m. (uncertain) sg. San 46b(37; OH ib. 361:7) [Var: -px OH ib. 13] Gloss ib.(He): pX 12yi 'alto; perh. a box or covering over the dead body [v. Ar (AC 1:271, s.v. UTX)]. K^PK, K^NnK, xVoiy n.m. hammock (^xVnj?*; Sy 2# rcli-(-u: LS 548 [dimin. < rdxo-il], TA Voiy TJ Is 1:8, > Arab Jlj> Fr, AF 138; 4- xVony) sg. XaXTlX '3 T3J?1 (the roof) is made like a hammock Er 25b(2) [Var: x'rnx Ar (AC 1:277),0; X^Oiy Tos] Y: X^PX BAYTN 215. !"IN3HN adj. a species of wheat (Akk arsanu a kind of groats CAD A/2 306) pl.f. 'D'n 32? XlPariX. seven (stalks) of '.-wheat Git 70a(2; V18) Geon. expl.: 3to p DXyD^X p of a hard type of nourishment OHT ib. 158:22. The problematic "X3HXT '31X Tan 24b(29) [v. the many varr. in Mai] may be related. For another explanation, v. Low, Flora 1:730; 4:159: id., ZA 21 [1907] 206+. a'3!1K adj. important (< MP arzanlg worthy CPD 11; 4- 3'tf n) sg.m. a'anx ]VW they made me important Tarn 32b(14; Oxf., heb. d.24) [F: xas'^n swn'a] Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 61 [1992] 224. 1# KflSriK, NJinSK n.f. an herb toxic to cattle (4- XsVlH; cf. Sy rdisi LS 723, mng. 3) sg. 'X» n's 'a'm xnsiix man no what is poison (for cattle)? '. [gloss: which is fruit] BQ 47b(27) [v. varr. in AC 1:278]; BB 20a(12) [Var: XJiriSX H[Marg],Ar (AC 1:237)]; XnsnTX SMelG 1308] Lit: Low, Pfl 205; Flora 2:366+; Geig, AAC 59, 66. 2# NnsnX n.f. hammer (4- XJisna; TA xrisnx TJ Jud 4:21, Sy K'dLanrV LS 723, Ma xaxsxnx MD 37) sg. Xnsai XriDHX the smith's hammer Meg 25a(37); Ber 34a(2; P); Git 56b(41); TGDr49 105:14; pi. XDDPX 'mn n'13'X his arms are two hammers Bo 78:5 Y: xriBtTX Meg ib.(BAYTN 281).
rnN* 166 t ; - mN* vb. to travel, depart (4 1# xmiX; Sy ouirc' pa. to depart LS 48) 4- 2#XmX l#NrnN n.m. half brick (< Akk arhu C CAD A/2 264, AIOA 36; Sy rd-oii*" LS 48) sg. Xn'33 Xmxi 'M'V 32H a house of seven bricks and a half brick [i.e. having a wall 7 1/2 bricks thick] Sab 129a(51); ib. 52; XTUJ13 Xmx nV "7S3 a half brick of hers fell (from its wall) into the oven Bes 32b(33; Ar [AC 1:279]); pi. 'mx 55 3a(43) [expl. MH I'DSD ib.]; /i. 45; 47; TTIX 'Vsn the half bricks will fall BQ 21b(36) Lit: AAC 66; Y: XniX BAYTN 76. 2#NIV1N n.m. traveller, guest (4- VmX; Sy rclvrir*' guest LS 48) only in phrase Nn"lN NmSI n.m. transient guest (lit. guest and flier; 4-rns adj.) sg. OHTKet 198:26; ib. 34; pi. nfyy 'msi ^rvxb vmnx xnnx ^ I brought in to you another woman [i.e. a maidservant] (to take care) of transient guests Ket 61a(28; V5); Nn'3 WBJ TllST TIIX O^'BJ the larger the house, the more transient guests there are i&(29); 64b(34); 35 Y: '0191 WiX Ket 61a(28). oVSBIN n. (a plant) sg. HM 40:16 1#'1N vb. to stipulate, designate, discuss (perh. < ny*; 4- X'TX; cf. Sy k'-va. pe. to comprehend LS 545, mng. 8; etpe. to be understood ib., mng. 2) Pe. to stipulate: nx Xp"M 7b 'IX Xp 'Xa Tib (since the answer is clear,) what is the one who stipulates it (in fact) stipulating? BB 17b(48); ib. 147a(8); Yom 30b(13); rb nxpTI nV ■"tap 'Xn yev 14a(31); ATef 16a(8); Git 61b(16); Mrf 64a(17) Af. to designate, stipulate [w. "3]: Xp XJiaaa 'T'fi Xp Xs? X03p3 'T'» he designates (cases) involving money, (but) he does not designate (cases) involving a fine BQ 4b(33); Yom 61a(l); BM 55a(51); Nid 30a(16); Kar 14a(39); IX1? 'X x1? 'M in'x nyw 'Dim 'T'xt xap xan1? n'yasn H3 'T'» mn if he had not heard that the first Tanna had stipulated bands of hair, he too would not have stipulated it Sab 57b(7); Tan 13b(45); Meg 6b(55); 'T'» XpT X1H "VlOlAX he stipulates (the priests duties) Yom 15a(26); bbl p'T'Xia from the fact that we stipulated dung BQ 30b(20) Geon. expl.: rf7 'IX NJ7T1 X'TX ,TO ,13-VI f y I'XB 'SIX ]TO^31 n1? nx xj? 'xo ohp Ket 26:4; .man t'jb xn pyx wx nn'x LPT 147:1, i.e. to come to mind; JX3 ]X X'TX XV X,1 DTOB IX ,13 pyrr [to] tb niwi xbs xti 3303 ib. 148:17; tf? nx xpi xniiny Xlin XS ib. 151:4, i.e. to raise an objection; Lit: Bacher 17; M. Weiss, Tarbiz 51 [1982] 547+; M. Assis, Lesonenu 56[1992] 31+, w. lit. The Y tradition interprets the af. forms as itpa. [v. Mo 85]. In spite of the var. suggestions from Geonic times to the present, the terms in this entry cannot be definitely defined or translated, and the above glosses are intended only to convey the general mng. of the phrases. Voc: 'T*D HPP 252:17; Y: X;i?X San 25a(45); 'TB ib. 49b(14); 'Y8 Kar 4a(20; Mo 85). 2# '"IN vb. to raise (cf. Sy k'-U. LS 545, mng. 1) Pe.: TCVnb n""IX he raised his fist San 7a(31; TGHark 108:7, TGCas 42a[33, ms.]) Geon. expl.: DJ71 H'TO^ n"1X ... ,131,1 ]'"y ]'X» 'SIX iwbsi OHP Ket 26:4; IT rix D'ln TGCas ib.; Lit: Eps, Stl 160. 3# HN vb. 4- VjTlX vb. KnK, pi. NflinN, 'IK n.m. lion (4- X»1X 13; TA XHX TO Num 24:9, pi. jinx TJ Is 30:6, Sy rcLi-iK*, pi. k'&AJHk' LS 48, Ma l#xnx, pi. XXIXIXnx MD 37) a. general: sg. DVUI X,_IX Xinn XmSJ?a3 a certain lion which was roaring in the wine press (shed) AZ 70a(38); bxyi Xnx yiiV he heard a lion and entered (the town) BM 93b(19); Ket 30a(21); San 108b(46) [4- xnti'X]; la'.TJX V'JID X'lX^ your God is compared to a lion Hul 59b(28; V11); mx n'Vy "7B3 a lion attacked him Ber 54a(34); Sab 151b(32); ]'33 by '3T X'lX the lion is couched by the gates Bo 112:5; n'VaXI X'"IX a lion devoured him AZ 26a(9); Mak lla(41); Ber 60b(57); Ket 72b(25); BQ 85a(51) [4- 1#X3"IX]; XS'ai Xnx mounted on a lion 5o 78:15; 'xV>y '3T XHX the lion of GN tfw/ 59b(23) [expl. 4- onj'B ib.]; nnx "|Wa a lion's hide /W 44:26; pi. rcsab 'an: xp nm xmnx -pn n'3 iyjs certain lions attacked him and were roaring at him San 59b(39); xnthih XOJIX an unavoidable accident involving lions Nid 67b(17; HPP 214:21) [but v. 4- 2#xmx]; 'TX1 'SplpX on the heads of lions Sab 67a(31) [from an incantation]; 'TTX Bo 78:12; b. metaphorically: sg. 'V nj?31X 'XnSDX X'"IX you have made a 'lion' [i.e. an undesirable person] lie down on the border of my (field) BQ 114a(14); JWQli "ft 'max Xnx I removed the imminent danger [lit. chased the lion away] from the border of your field (by purchasing from a pagan) BM 108b (8); Tiraab 'axp 'TS Xnx he says it to remove an imminent danger from himself Ned 62b (8) [avoiding a tax collector]; rr?Bp xV'Bp X'"IX you killed a dead lion [i.e. the act was worthless] San 96b(21); Er 78b(10) // Svu 22b(40) [4- Vl#jm pe.] Voc: x'lX HGP 17b:12; Y: XJ1X BQ 116a(27; BAYTN 76). 1#T1N adj. tall, long (4- Vl#-pN, xnVs'j'S xnanx; TA T,nx TJ Ezek 17:3, Sy vy/if LS 49, Ma xanx MD 37) 1. tall: a. general: sg.m. inn xnxian 3'dt xsnx xsn nm xanx in nra two certain (men), one tall and the other short. The tall one was riding a donkey BM 81b(5); ib. 27b(17); xanx X31 X131 a great (and) tall man Sab 59b(21) // Ket 103b(25); b. w. PN's: sg.m. "\ xanx Xnx Sab llla(19); Ket 104b(20); X3X xanx Hul 137b(31); 2. long: a. spatial: sg.m. 'Xn n'pp "|nx this one's [i.e. the goose's] neck is long BQ 55a(24) [4- Dl! mng. 1.3]; "pXT DJH» something long HM 44:1; 5e*43b(13) [4- VVSti]; xanx Sab 140b(8); BQ 50b(37); Zev 28b(15); f. Xn31JJ XTianx Xnm B"a why is the ox's tail long? Sab 77b(26); pl.m. ... 'paiD yv 'anx 'XJD'ptt; s.-birds whose legs are long (and) red Hul 63a(2); b. temporal: m. X£rr> ina W2V in^ia 1SXT Xa'IX all seven (days of Sukkot) are considered as one long day Suk 45b(49) // Bes 30b(46; L); f. .TTlV'tt xanx his case [i.e. retrieving his money] is (now) drawn-out TGAs42 164:19; X'n Xronx 'XiaiB nVia it is all one long (period of) impurity Kar 9b(10); Ber 4b(30); Bes 30b(46); Ket 37b(4); Naz 14a(17); nVsn xnanx nVixj... xnanx a long nV'sn/nVixa Ber 4b(30; P); 3. in phrase XTO'IK Xnai3 'iong' blessing, i.e. one which begins and concludes with the word flia [caique < MH nailX (nan?) MBerK 1:4]: sg. wj xnanx xnana xnn >nVia ail of them are (considered as) one 'long' blessing Pes 103b(15) [v. RaH]; pi. XTianx XTPV six 'long' blessings Ket 8a(41) Y: Xil'IX BAYTN 53. - ]'Bj?l T^N adj. rectangular (lit. long and thin; 4- j'Bp adj.; SJLA ]a'Bpi ]anx GAp 20:5 [of fingers], Ma Xl'BXll X3'"iy MD 75; cf. Akk sa kisassu qatan(SlG)-ma u arik(GlD2)-ma he has a Ntf'-IK T ' * T thin but long neck CAD Q 173): sg.m. 'TO 'XT 'am 'na 'Xi "7ij?a ^ay iVsx xrax mn 3'ao xjam 1'Bpl "|nx Xl'DX mn yi3T if the Merciful One had written (only) a'SD [cf. Ex 28:16], I would have said: "Even (if the altar) was merely rounded." And if the Merciful One had (only) written J713T [ib. 27:1], I would have said: "(Even) rectangular" Zev 62b(34); «px» OT I'Bpi "pXT y"?oa n'1? a rectangular (piece of hide) which has the area of a sela Hul 55b(37); Er 22a(39) [pit]; ib. 88b(4) [courtyard]; pl.m. 'anXT '81' Tin 'J'Spl those days of the 'graves' [lit. rectangles, ref. to the shape of the grave] Er 65a(38) While the phrase ]'B|71 yiX is attested in other A dialects the special mng. 'rectangular' in JBA is not attested in any other A dialect. The mng. of the text "Bpi "TXS1 '8'X Ned 38a(24; V2) is unclear; Y: if IX Er 88b(4). 2# TIN adj. proper, fit (BA Y% HALOT 1825) sg.m. T1X X1? TCb 'ax -px is it proper? He said to him: "It is improper" Suk 44b(23); BM 75a(30); Vaa na 'ai'Vi Tiitn y\H pi nana iow\ ubyb I'VT TIX3 this deed of a gift is proper and valid to gain entitlement by it in all courts forever SSHai 7b(4); ib. 15b(19); 16a(4); Geon 171:3 Y: i)'1X Suk ib. [NonN 4- x^nx n.] NTllOnN n.f. (uncertain) sg. Bo 75:4 NBHN, [NO'IN] n.m. tenant farmer (< Akk erresu CAD E 305, AIOA 49; 4- xmtfnx; cf. JPA, MH2 D'-IX DJPA 74, > Arab ^J Fr, AF 128) sg. isyn^a xyix nxa"? xwnx'a tenant farmer is subjugated to the owner of the field BM 69a(28); Xn3j?nt2/a X^nxV XynX the field is pledged to the tenant farmer (until the crops are ripe) ib. 73a(34); XlVs XtfnX byvi X17IX3 Xn XnVin bywi XlriX3 xm this refers to a place where the tenant farmer takes half (of the crop) and that to a place where he takes a third ib. 110a(37); 109b(9); Han m'ap1? XBT1X 'n'X 'Ham the tenant farmer brought dates and pomegranates before them ib. 22a(38); Xin XtfHX T3y xp rcvsn xnynx x»nxi he is a tenant farmer, and a tenant farmer acts for his own sake ^Z21b(15); ib. 61b(26); 5g 92a(6); ib. 119a(3); 5M69a(19); ib. 74b(35); 103b(35); Ket 105b(32; 167
T ■ T 168 3#*pK MGE 537:5); pi. Tin XTJTB H'Wnx IDX mn '31 liT? WHpa when his tenant farmers used to come from the field he would recite the qiddus (over the wine) again for them RH 29b(5); BM i06b(io); ,Tjmrt> 'ernx 'Jinn wrx ray xV pTIIPl a person is not likely to remain silent while tenant farmers seize his field BB 46b(ll); 'Bnx yftob-\ 'CrTX Tlirortn to assign tenant farmers to work (on the field) and to remove tenant farmers SSHai 6b(15); 'SPIN 'BMBX^ xrya I want (him) to increase (the number of) tenant farmers BB 12b (47) Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 468. The form w. sin [borrowed from the Babylonian dialect of Akk] is consistently found in all of the better mss. of BT and in the Geon. tradition and is the correct form in JBA [contra AIOA, op. cit.]. The form KO'TX was borrowed from the Assyrian dialect of Akk into Western Aramaic [cf. SA O'TX DSA 64, CPA OQ-A"ij< Schulthess, LSp 18] is a corruption introduced into JBA from the common MH form D>-ix J 120; Y: xonx Hag 25b(40; BAYTN 105). KJTltfnK, [NniO'-IN] n.f. tenancy (< Akk arisutu CAD E 306; I XKT-IX) sg. Xp rwiwnx T3y (the pagan) is working his (own) tenancy AZ 21b(ll); ib. 12; 22a(l); BQ 113b(42; F1) The term survived in late H in the phrase 013 71WIK Lucena 104:2; Y: xriWIX AZ ib.(BAYTN 175). 1# Nfl'IK n.f. branch canal (< Akk arittu canal branching off at a right angle CAD A/2 268, AIOA 36; TA X'frix pi. TO Ex 8:1) sg. 'nnx 'xV-n the canal of the water drawers BQ 50b(51); ib. 51a(21); 61a(34); Hul 107a(6); bsi IX pens rrwy xmx xp'ay ix ... xfrnxi if (an animal) fell into a canal, (and) if the canal is ten handbreadths deep HP 202:10(HPP 304:17) RaH: u"m D'nso 'i npiny x'm -ran p era lamcm otct nnx TOX OHR BQ 59:30; Y: XJinx BQ 50b(51; BAYTN 172). 2#NJV-1N, KJiny, pi. NJVnN n.f. chill, cold (< xrvny [V2#ny]; I xrvn-iy; jpa nmy det. DJPA 419, s.v. 2#rmy, Sy rdJ-iA! adj. cold LS 545; 4- xrvny) sg. nwa 'xran 'aan ^atjt& XJVnx to bathe on the eighth day (in daytime) because of the cold Nid 67b(17; V5M); ruWX nnnyi fever and shivering Bo 132:10 Cf. however the Geon. rdg.: XTVinxl XD31X DTOB Nid ii.(HP 136:18) [J, N'TX]. 3# Nnnx 4- xrrynx n. 1#"V1K vb. to be long, lengthen (i X3TIX, 1# J1X; JPA "pX af. #1, #2 DJPA 75, Sy ^k' pa. to lengthen, drag on in time, af. to lengthen LS 49, Ma fix pe. MD 37) Af.#l 1. to lengthen: a. general: p»VT3 -pXD he lengthens the d.-walls Er 19b (16); "fl lanxm '3n '3 so that you should live longer [lit. lengthen (your) life] Ber 8a(19); b. w. 4- 1#XBX mng. 1, xnn mng. 5b to be forbearing: n'JH '311 iTBX TOXS He is patient and will collect His judgment BQ 50a(48); *px» .Tnn «&(H) [v. PT Seq 48d(32) + //'s]; 2. to extend In time: X31D "px& Xp mm n"in he saw that he was taking a long time (in pronouncing inx) Ber 13b(33); -pxa xpi XJIMH 3T7 ,T'in rnvfrxa he saw that PN was taking a long time in his tefilla Sab 10a(15) [cf. Sy ^icv^b ^omiiSJ^ PSmCom 29] Af.#2 1. to lengthen: "M 7mm 'DM '3 so that you should live longer [lit. lengthen (your) life] Er 54a(10); Ber 8a(19; P); iSGF 71:6; ?T31V>1 1'ptl'Bn Y"V>1 piTTVI 1"'V> (in the get) he should lengthen the waw of piTJl and the waw of pia'ttf G7< 85b(37); 2. to legally empower, give power of attorney [denom. < I XJ13TIX]: ]Nin man "piai one who legally empowers another HP 66:28; ib. 30; OHT Qid 72:2 [cf. GeonH: VJVJTIX ib. 90:21]; rG/l.s42 8:1; i& 14 2#T1>t vb. to soften, dress skins (sec. rt. < 4- VpT af.; cf. Sy v$ pa. to soften LS 730) Pe. 1. to soften: n'103^ rvb mx Xp mn he was softening up his flesh Sab 33b(45; MGG 584:6,M) [4- Vjjn pe.]; X"a3 TV& in1? -pxi he softens them well [i.e. the hard leather goods] in water Seel 104:139; ib. 143; 2. to dress, prepare (of skins): 'V'lJ XJ3nxi ... '3D XJT'Xl I shall catch deer and prepare the parchments BM 85b(22; F'Ed) // XJTTja XJ3nxi /fe< 103b(43) [leather sheets] Lit: Eps, Stl 120. 3# TIN vb. to knead (< -py*; Sy u^-U LS 548) Pe.: ami man m1? *pxn xn sin nsxi xin -pxn xn nSXI D'V this (refers to a case) where he kneaded and baked, that to where another kneaded for him, gave (it) to him, and he baked (it) Men 56a(41) wnaiK 169 i#xnx NrQDIK n.f. uppermost layer of clay around a field (4- V33-1, 2#XTJVJ, XDSB) sg. BM 103b(34) Mng. based on expl. Ar [AC 1:288]. ['3"IN 4- XJ13TIX n.] p-|X 4- ]3-iy n. xmwiK 4- xrvua-iy n. [N03-IN 4- X301X n.] i#nsaix, xaiN, abs. 'nsin, f. xri'aix, plm/'NaiN adj.', n. pagan (4-' XrVHTIX; TA '^IX TO Lev 25:47, Sy rdi^sir*' LS 50) I. adj.: sg.m. HXanx X^'Sp a pagan tavern keeper Sab 51a(25); MQ 12b(28); Hul lllb(28); II. n.: sg.m.abs. SSHai 5b (4); det. bwb ma'1?! 'J73T ]Xa 'Xn xaixa let one who wishes to die smear a salve on his eyes by means of a pagan Nid 55b(39); Pes 113a(13); San 96a(12); X»nx in HG1 264:30; ib. 265:31; HP 49:28; 'Tan xV 'YI Xlltfy iy X1TJ n'ap X'aiX do not shame a pagan in the presence of a proselyte until the tenth generation San 94a(39; F2); HXanx '3 a pagan's house AZ 30a(45); OHT Git 44:24; nxanx 13 the son of a pagan Yev 45b(37); f. XTVanx "13 ib; pl.m. Sab 139a(55); AZ 31b(34); Men 42a(9); SSSad 268:11; x"?X3T "Xmx pagans of the rural area AZ lla(26; TGHark 22:16,RaH) [4- 2#x"?3]; X'S13'3 'XaiXT an assembly of pagans Git lla(24) [sitting as a legal body]; 'XanXT '3D the elders of the pagans Qid 33a(42); 'X»nXT NID'K; 'XH i.- beverage of the pagans AZ 31b(24); ib. 33b(29); 34b(3); 35b(52); 39a(37); 75a(10); TGAs28 192:13; 'Xanxi 'XTim Jews and pagans Bo 136:7 Y: iWlX Sab 51a(25; BAYTN 318). 2#nNaiK, f. KH'SIN adj. Syrian, Aramean (nisbe-form < GN CHX; TA nxfinx TO Gen 25:20, Sy nilSs-W LS 50) sg.m. HXaiX xVp'T a Syrian date palm BQ 59a(46); pl.f. XJV'anx nan Syrian dates Sab 143a(26); ib. 29a(29) [having edible stones] The distinction bet. this entry and the prev. one is based on the vocalization tradition found in TA and Sy; however, since there is no explicit spelling HXDXTX*, it remains uncertain; Y: nXBIN BQ ib. tOTI'SIN n.f. pagan state (4- l#nxa"IX; cf. Sy rtlSi-Sr? pagan LS 50) sg. ]VYHriX3 p'ln '3 when we were (still) in our pagan state AZ 70a(33) [M: 'ni'» 'XIH '3]; Vrim 31 "?y ^X HTITaiXS even though he was circumcised when he was in his pagan state IHP 584:11 bftlX vb. to widow (denom. < 4- xrf?anx; 4- xVaiX, xmVanX; Sy •A-^k' quad., quadref. LS 735, Ma "?anx quad. MD 38) QuadRef. to become widowed: xVi mbyb XrlX^S -]riXi3 p'DJl "1311? T'n'Vl ^aixn'1? you will marry off your daughters [lit. you will produce from your daughters daughters-in-law to the world], and they will not become widowed and come (to live again) with you MQ 9b(17; Sidra 9 148:6) *6a"!N n.m. widower (1 V?»TX; Sy rslLisiK' LS 735, Ma x"?aiX MD 38) sg. 3'Dn xVanxi XJr?"in3 a widower who is married to a woman who has not given birth HG2 501:26 NJYlVtt"!!*, abs. iVSHN n.f. widowhood, unmarried state (4- VVaix; TA l^aiX TJ Is 47:8, Sy rc'&cAjwiK' LS 735) 1. widowhood: sg. X1JT1 man XmVaiX the widowhood for her husband is prolonged HP 117:16 = HG2 249:26; 2. unmarried state: sg.abs. T?aiX 3H'aV» VI ]B 1TVI& 3D it is preferable (for a woman) to dwell in matrimony than to dwell in an unmarried state Yev 118b(38) // Ket 75a(17) // Qid 7a(35) // ib. 41a(23) // BQ llla(2) [cf. I^anx 3'JVX xb TJ Is ib.] Geon. expl.: JllTn' lVOTX OHT Yev 233:19 [mng. 2]; cf. also Akk almanutu lack of support by a male householder CAD A/1 362, mng. 2; Y: <hpiX Yev ib.(BAYTN 279). Nrfr»"lN n.f. widow (4- V?aiX; TA X?aiX TO Ge'n 38:11, Sy k'^A-^j-tk' LS 735, Ma XTlVxaiX MD 38) a. general: sg. X3"?D 'Sin x"7 XJlVanX a widow should not raise a dog BM 71a(43) // AZ 22b(22); WX Xninnx XnVaiX the responsibility for indemnity for a widow (who sold property) is upon the orphans Ket 97a(17); ib. 54a(37); xajV XJlVaiX 13 an orphan, the son of a widow San 109a(51) // Nid 69a(34); Git 35a(24); XriVaiX '3 the house of a widow AZ 30a(45); b. in a fig. sense: xnVaiX mm xmi H31D happy is the year that Tevet is a widow [i.e. w/o rain] Tan 6b(28) Y: Xrfra-IX Tan ib.(BAYTN 281). 1#N3-|K 4-XJinn.
t : : - 170 njhn [2# WIN I XJnx n.] N33"1N n.m. hare (TA xarif? TO Lev 11:6, Sy KliLsipc' LS 50, Ma 3X:")X MD 38) sg. N331X X'TI an uncooked hare Ned 65a(9) N[?31X, Nj?311N n.m. money bag, membrane (< &pvaid<; Lehnw 133; Sy rdjuiorc' f. LS 50) 1. money bag: sg. 'XflXl npiXT XpJIX Xinn xm3@D1Db a certain money bag of alms which was brought to GN BQ 93a(43); ib. 117b(28); 'Tim Xpj"IX a money bag of denars Ber 53b(27; P); 5M 28b(ll); BB 8a(56); pi. "ITD: XM© "?H mm XmTDJB 'pJ-lXl perhaps the (way of) guarding money bags is different from the (way of) guarding (loose) denars BM 44a(22); Ket 67a(38); nam 73-IX BB 10b(50) [Var: 'pmx MGE 643:1]; 2. in tcm»1 NpJIX membrane of the brain [cf. Sy riJta^n r^ k \-\<yc LS 809, mng. 4]: sg. rryO^B1? Nyn xV?BB X'jp "7B21 ri'mm XplIX^ a pipe fell from the ceiling and almost pierced the membrane of his brain Ber 19a(8) Y: XjMIK Ber 53b(28; BAYTN 215). 01N vb. to betroth (Ma D1X MD 38) Pe.: HDIXT rtBl he betrothed her and died Yev 64b(45); Anan 110:21; Ket 53b(17; V5); pass.part. ,tV XOnx 'X n'naan xnnx m if the daughter of the sister of his sister-in-law is betrothed to him Anan 109:9 Itpe. to be betrothed: 'Onxn'X Yev 43b(16); HP 110:19; 'DTOTX TO a betrothable woman G// 43a(43) N01N n.m. poison (JPA onx DJPA 76) sg. HM 43:23 N301N* n.m. barley groats (< x:D"iy* [cf. MH2 Itny Ber 37a(22)]; I l#xtoin; Sy KLi^irc' LS 51) sg. nV 'sxi ny©T x:o<-i>(a)x<T> x-rart vra n'U3 he brings leaven of barley groats [gloss: barley] and bakes it [i.e. the tekhelet] in it Men 43a(5) Lit: Eps, Stl 38; AAC 67, s.v. XtniX; Low, Flora 1:716 [pTy]; for the identification, v. nytn xb>Win ... ]Diy >*ra Ned 41b(4) and KlLiiK'... B'ltu BBah 780:19; Y: XJOTX Afen ib. JHN, 'IN vb. to occur, take place (< Vyiy*; Sy vxirc' LS 51) Itpe., w. XJlb'a a matter occurred [euph. for the death of a close relative]: H3T xrfra TO xyin'X a close relative of PN died Afg 26b(45) [Var: X'Trpx HP 170:27]; j& 18a(3); fler 46b(10); /J// 34a(52; M); &e/(Eps, St2 20:10) Lit: Eps, Stl 177. NjnN, N1N;, pi. KnjHK n.f. earth, land, ground, field (i xjnx mix, xrvy-ix, xyix na, y-Vra, xy-ix na, xyixi xw na, xyixi xno; TA Xjhx TO Gen 1:22, Sy rdiV LS 51, Ma l#XpiX, pi. XnxnxpiX MD 39) 1. earth (in a cosmic sense): a. general: sg. XJHX ,_H bo all the inhabitants of the earth San 100b(39); rVOVa XyiX the earthly kingdom [i.e. of the Davidic dynasty] Ber 49a(51); 'in 'DID JlVn XYyb xyiXB it is three parasangs from the earth to the dark cloud BB 75b(26); ,T>b XXSpi XD'J TV1? T3ynx Xjnx a miracle took place for him and the earth contracted San 95a(45); XJHX pspm JVys DX "jaip if you want the earth to contract before you HM 43:19; b. //1 xyp"l, X"Btf mng. 1: sg. XttJ XyiX ]B X'BE? WlSriXT as much as the sky was separated from the earth HMGas 94:10; Dinri ja xyp"l on W xy*lX from the lowest part of the earth [lit. the abyss of the earth] and up to the highest part of the sky SSHai 6b(l 1); XJ»m "p3 xyp-n xrvo^B pa xvixt xmaba xnai blessed is the Merciful One who created the earthly kingdom similar to the heavenly kingdom Ber 58a(43); xjrpia Tin xy-iX3 xsi in"? namxi he placed one wing on the earth and one in the sky Git 68b(40); XyixV X'BW p Til? rrapiX he placed David between the sky and the earth San 95a(48); Bek 8b(34); X3'X7 nyr X1? Xyixa X3'XT nyT XJ'pna you do not know what there is on earth. Can you know what there is in heaven? San 39a(i8); x'Bwa pnrra njnxa yntKnyj let them be bound on earth and sealed in heaven Bo 21:15; 2. land, country: a. general: sg. JOT^n XBV ]a pyiX ]a from the day that you went into exile from your land Sab 116b(6); Meg 26b(2); BQ 93a(9); 'TS X13y x"?T xrf?33B xynx a 'bound' land that does not produce fruit Sab 54a(15) [expl. GN Via? IK 9:13]; X3Wm XyiX a land of darkness [i.e. Babylonia] Men 52a(27) [+ It's; i X3Wn mng. 1]; XIXHH 'W'Wp the elders of the land [i.e. Eretz Israel] Pes 113b(8); b. w. GN's: Xl'l'BO KynK 171 2#NfljT1K sg. bHlVI XyiX the Land of Israel Meg 22a(49); Ket llla(21); nnSBI Xy-\X Land of Egypt So( 13a(25); DnoT XJ?nX Land of Sodom Sab 67a(27); 3. earth (in a concrete sense), ground, soil: sg. n'mri XJHX n'1? xnn the ground under him became wide for him [i.e. it opened up to let him hide] San 95a(39); XJHX3 '"?X3 X1STO 'XH this beauty will waste away in the ground [i.e. the grave] AZ 20a(33) // Ber 5b(33); xaD'jV n'XJ?T XJ?1X3 he stuck the lance into the ground San 95a(46); AZ 76b(16); Xjnxa pin hollow out (a space) in the ground BB 7a(3); 'JHXB 131 '3TB 'jnxa X^l 'pj' 'T1XB p3'B (mushrooms) do indeed grow out of the ground, (but) they actually draw their nourishment from the air and not from the ground Ned 55b(13) // Ber 40b(41); XJHX "ID-lV to loosen the soil (of the field by plowing) MQ 2b(13); Ned 41b(38); BB 17b(27); XJia'BO XJHX X'H it is compact earth Sab 100b(38); msyi XM njnxi it [i.e. the property], its earth, and its soil SSHai 6a(5); 4. ground, lowest level, bottom: sg. xjnxx rramxi n'lxn"? icp rcbpv the emperor took his crown and placed it on the ground Gi( 57a(18); ib. 68b(17); AZ 71b(8); 'X.1 WU XJ?"IX ty XinriCX the '.-portion (of the leg) reaches the ground Ara 19b(28) // Yev 103a(29); XyixV XIA'XB r\V,V they threw it from the roof to the ground Ket 104a(ll); Tan 3b(42); Pes 101a(10); Qid 40a(14); Hul 51a(42); iy pjOl XJHX "?J? p'SX ]'p31T they bow down until their faces touch the ground Anan 19:18; Tcb bS3T xjnx xdb xVi j'w ya© nai 'an xa'sn the ax of the carpenters' shop descended (in the sea) for seven years and did not reach the bottom BB 73b(31); Ber 37b(44) [I l#X3ia]; 5. field, arable land [LS ib., mng. 4, Ma xnxnxpnx xriXIWHl fields and deserts MD ib.]: a. general: sg. Xjnx Xin one field Ket 69a(31); Tinnx Xjnx another field BM 16a(17); XIIB1? XanpBT XJ?nx a field which is close to the town Ket 80b(15); Gi( 73a(20); m'3T xnyix xjnx 1'priBT ]xa 'xn one who prepares a field for the sake of a threshing floor MQ 10b(13); Xjnx p'312n ]KB one who bequeaths a field Ket 50b(5); X2?nx"? Xjnx X13yri2;a the field is pledged to the tenant farmer (until the crops are ripe) BM 73a(34); ib. 104b(23); 108b(33); SSHai 7a(15); pt TK\ '3 XIX when he was buying a field Qid 26a(15; TGAs28 37:27); Xjnx Vo"1*? XpOD a'H'T ]XB let the one who pays the land tax receive the usufruct of the field BB 54b(17); "jSTrrn xrj?3 'Xjnx I want my field to be manured BM 103b(5); rpjnx"? H'b 3nai someone who is plowing his field BB 36b(10); Xjnxi xyniV Xjnx Tab a field for sowing and a field for (building) houses BM 108b(34); XJ'J?3 'Xynxi 'DTI I want the wheat .of my field ib. 105a(20); pi. 'mn xnxyiX two fields BB 61b(38); ib. 168b(14); BQ 116b(49); BM 106a(25); XB^y 'biai XJiyiX "?T everyone's fields decreased in value BQ 7a(31); b. w. measures: xynXT xmj a g.-measure of land ib. 96a(8); xyiXT Xl'Dp a plot of land BM 75b(41) Y: Xjnx Ber 18b(52; BAYTN 76). - n'vao Kynx i rmx> n. Kri'yiK, Nri'lN n.f. lowest part, bottom (4- xyix mng. 4) sg.cs. XBirm rrynx the lowest part of the abyss BB 63b(8); det. rwynx SSHai llb(15); X3BT XH'yiX the bottom of the vessel AZ 71b(6); Yom 48a(5) // X1BT xnnx Men 1 la(29); n'mai xn'ynx the bottom part of his skull Ket 77b(21) Y: xn'yiK Ket ib. P"IK 4 Vpny vb. l#Nri|T1K, NnpnST n.f. shoe thong (< XXipny; I 2#Xrip1; TA Xl6a r\p-\f TO Gen 14:23, Sy 4# rCiLai^ LS 550, Ma 2#Xpnx*, pi. X'plX MD 39) sg. XJXDBT XDpny San 74b(l); BB 21a(21); 5vu 30b(20); xnpiX Ifev 102a(31) pi. XnpiX Ber 43b(49) Geon. expl.: iyi TDTW] OlJITl XJX0S1 xn|7"lX TGAs42 169:1; TGWeisz 80:3; Nold, MG 582; Y: xri^X Yev 102a(31; BAYTN 182). 2# NriplK n.f. fluke worm (cf. i xpny) sg. Sab 109bO8;' TRN 628:5) [Var: XJipny Ar (AC 6:275); O: XDpTX; M: XIIXpiX pi.] Geon. expl.: [pipl] B'yiVl y\ft nam DlxVe WX1S3 XS11» p» Snp^>X an D'Vxyotr' mix TRN 628:5, i.e. {-Jill ili pumpkin seed; xV Vw fxi pw"? TP mnixw nj?1?!? 'yaw 'B^a now nai1? xVl yi^a1? GnK5 168:27. Low, Lehnw 134, rejects a Gr derivation; Y: xrijTlX BAYTN 182.
NUN 172 l#KJTtfN ntin, jmy, pi. kjikitik, »mmy n.m. sack (< XY1?; Sy pc'i-ui. [text: W'a-ii], expl. as rdJ-i^K' ^itIi ijl5iJI BAli 1:5282, BBah 981:21, > Arab 13154. Fr, AF 203) sg. n<"l>nwiy OZ/r 50 8:22; pi. XJ3'm XJll(-|)(inx ID'Vn thirteen sacks of straw .SVk 29b(4) // Ned 25a(49)!; !OTTIX OHP Ned 84:23 Geon. expl.: TMltfa X1TO mCOnil <to)'J) J1"D jwta J'y "731 iTW<l>niy OHT BQ ib„ i.e. i)i>i [v. Eps, ib."*]. The // in PT Svu 34b(28) has <f>l)'l^nB basket DJPA 428; Lit: Sok, Mutual Elucidation 406. l#K>V8hK, pi. KJlN'firiN n.f. power of attorney (4- V2#'2h; MH2 nXBTin J 369) pi. ]J3n 1'Vpa XJ1X3-I1X1 XriX'ttHXS the Rabbis are lenient in various types of powers of attorney TGHark 93:22 2#K71'BhK, NTTI'HhK n.f. an advance meal (which must be repaid later; lit. a benefit; 4- Vl#'Bh, XJSniB; Ma niTBnx his loan Jbl 55:3; cf. Sy ,_jc_irc' to give a gift LS 745) pi. XH Xljmsi XH XfiX'WIXS this refers to advance meals, that to the repayment meal MQ 22b (22; HP 168:19) [Var: XJTBnX HG1 434:66] Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 121; Eps, Stl 49, compares Ma: 13 x'-mp n'a X'lxn x:x-iibi Vem j'tnxn x'mobiw when the groomsmen prepare the advance meal in Sheol, and the repayment meal is in the cemetery Jbl 114:6. XtPN n. word in charm formula XlVs XltfX XJlVMin rX"'(')03X Git 69a(8) IBM vb. to spill out, shed (Sy aire' LS 52, Ma tox MD 40) Pe. l. to spill out: jirwa^ 'yra (X'VTIOT XJ13173 he must spill out (the water) in a raised place HP 14:6; 2. to shed (of blood): D1 TE?X "I3J a man (who) sheds blood Sab 156a(43) Itpe. to be spilled out: Xpi xronwai nxn X'»i XT133 rr>D XTOXri'a a lung all of which is in a state that is spilled out like a pitcher of water HP 200:17 [cf. Hul 47b(41)]; X'»'»n TWTTXT the hot water was spilled out Seel 10:131(Eps, Stl 104:24); ib. 39:41 Lit: Eps, Stl 104. NITttfN n.f. fir tree {Abies; < Akk asuhu CAD A/2 478; Ma 1# XiTRPX MD 40, Arab CJi, Wehr 492) pi. TTOX1 'nx cedars and fir trees Sab 157a(5) // fles 30a(40; V17) [cf. Ma: ]» XT7X rbJ13 J» V'Sp XHWXl p'ly 'XrU'J a cedar was torn from my garden and a fir was felled from its garden bed MD ib.] Geon. expl.: WW D3"C pw^ -] V"^ Xipi Xl.11 XVI XV 'nWK 1» ny tiito x"7X nx I'as xini nuum mrson 'nn r>»iy pni nxn ja taio -mi' Kim nxn Ar [OHP Bes 58:27]; Lit: Low, Flora 3:39; Pfl 60. This is most likely a loanword since the Akk word is borrowed from Sum where it may also not be native [v. CAD supra]; Y: 'niWX Sab ib.(BAYTN 66). Ji#K, J'tfK adj. hard (< p/HZ/y*; Sy t:-v' LS 552, Ma X'jWX MD 41) sg.m. ]WK Hul 122a(37; V") [* 4- "pi]; ib. 136b(15); pl.m. ib. 76a(31); 'J1W(')X3 XH '3'3-Q XH this refers to soft (gourds) and that to hard ones Ned 49a(26) [cf. Ma x'wx Dxiip i» x'^rra jrm x'aipnx' Gs 3:13]; x:wxt row «ix 'jiwxi prrn na just as carobs which are hard, so fodder which is hard Sab 155a(36); ib. 155b(6) Lit: Nold, MG 40; 582. Ar [AC 1:319] reads always ymt; Y: XJiWX BAYTN 66. "lWK 4-Vl#"ltfX Vb. NJintfN n.m. an ailment (4- XJin©) sg. //M 39:1 KtP'PK 4-2#Xtf'B?n. lttNJVPN, pi. NriN'tfN n.f. wall (< Akk asitu B metal part or decoration of a door CAD A/2 441, AIOA 37; Hat Jl'tfX DNWSI 123, Ma XJWX wall MD 40, Sy r?hi+x-& column LS 52, > Arab *iJ column Fr, AF 11) sg. mm '131 Xinn ,T"l3m '13 'linx XJVPX '33 a certain man who was building a wall behind the windows of another (blocking his view) BB 7a(18); ib. 34; TGAs28 25:15; Xri"-|3 xnSXi xri'WX the outer wall of the mansion Er 25b(13); Ber 56a(45; MSM 142:17); XTl'K/X H'V piSTTXl the wall split for him ib. 54a(39); Xl^Sl xmn Xj"?S XTHPX Xin Xp'Jiy a partly new (and) partly old wall BB 7a(23); xnj/'jn XTVWX X'm a certain unsound wall Tan 20b(25); ib. 21a(5); jnirn x"7 maoi 'xn'ttfx jnrrn xV 'aa xax 'xmyx you are of the opinion: "My wall should not become unsound." I also (am of the opinion): "My wall should not become unsound" BB 6b(29); ib. 6a(30); 7a(21); 59a(5); pi. nnX'WX SSHai 6a(5) [of a property]; ib. 1 lb(14); ]-\rWO! nVT3Txn"lMrt> TO'in he saw 2# KlVtfN 173 1»N that the walls of his house had become black Ber 28a(32); XJlX'WXl XJVW the blackness of the walls BQ 20b(28); BM 117b(14) Lit: Nold, MG 113; Y: NJTWX Ber 54a(39; BAYTN 27). 2#Kn't?«, pi. NflN'^N n.f. metal plaque (perh. < Akk asitu B metal part or decoration of a door CAD A/2 441) pi. p'pn XDX'ltfX f? Tl'Xl TIl^J? we have metal plaques on which is engraved ... BB 73a(19; MGG 32:1) Arab expl.: Tin ll'KBS i.e. Jj-ii j<Jli^. metal plates [v. 1B0 ni'^jian mgg ib.1]. l#{tD33t^N n.f. eulogy delivered up to a year following the death of the deceased (I Vl#33W) sg. 'TJ n'J133^X PN's eulogy Ket 103b(12; V5); ib. 13 Geon. expl.: O'Mj? p D'^nJ ]'3 O'SSn !'XJW ]31 1BBJW H'W: 1'TBoa VVwa ix 3X3 ix jinna ix jvoa ix T'X3 ix ]0'n nesa ox XJ133WK '3»n ison dwi nix 'jw ns'w1?! ifttav na'wa wix TRN 424:2. The Talmudic text Ket ib. refers to a eulogy delivered a year after the death of the deceased [cf. rdg. ib. 14(MGG 873:6): .TO xV XBV Sinn ,TO XJ1W ,1^131 0313 Xinn]. Lit: G. Alon, Lesonenu 16 [1949] 144+; Y: ,TJ133»N Ket ib.(BAYTN281). 2# Knasfi^N I xnsstix n. NriS3S7K, Nri33S;N n.f. shoemaking (I XB3EhX; cf Sy K'&o.a-a-*--^ LS 777) sg. XnS32;Xl X3'3D shoemaking knife BM 116a(16; Ar [AC 6:53, s.v. ]'3D], X"0) [H: XriSDiyXT X1'3D]; Sab 123b(15) Geon. expl.: nn'3T b>X ]'30 GnK5 169:14, i.e. S^jjjII jji- knife for a sacrificial animal; Y: Xri3?BX Sab ib.(BAYTN 281). Nri3^N, pi. '3^N n.f. testicle (Sy ^^T.r^, pl.'rV^T rf LS 52) pi. HM 38:9 1# vhtiK, Xbtin n.m. rope, a measure (< Akk aslu A rope CAD A/2 447, AIOA 39; OfA X7W. surface measure DNWSI 124, ftm AOFCI 191, Sy ^ V v .^ LS 53, Ma x"?tt?X MD 41, > Arab Jii Fr, AF 93) 1. rope: a. general: pi. Xn'riaT b'J^a 'btt^XS (the animal) is pulled by ropes from above Suk 23a(43); '^X '1BT8 to twist ropes SH/fc 16a(6; M2); b. for towing a boat [cf. CAD ib., mng. l.a]: pi. '^X3 n1? n^a (PN) towed it [i.e. the boat] with ropes Ket 85a(3); xbm 'mnax BM 107b(48) [along a canal]; ib. 53; XTT1' X"?2?X an extra tow rope ib. 79b(14; F1); c. for measuring [cf. CAD ib., mng. l.b]: pi. WE/ai 'Vk;x 1J1"X bring ropes and measure Bek 8b(36); d. used fig. for authoritative traditions: pi. '313T '"7WX3 X'^m (the matter) originates from great men [lit. is hung on large ropes] Bes 27a(19) // BB 31b(25) // AZ 7b(36); Ket 67a(37); 2. a measure of length [cf. CAD, ib., mng. 2]: sg. 'pma ]D'33 '■wx nn 'pma n^nsi x"?iyx m xnsn xinna in Nisan (the boats) are at a distance of one '.- measure from that place, and in Tisri they are at a distance of two '.-measures BQ 116b(24) Expl. Ar: mnn ]» o'^n j'wiyw wi oiaap ix [nwsa 1'Biyw b>3n nj'BD.I nx ]n pSWWl ^>pl ^B AC 1:316. Note that since the A word for 'tamarisk' is ^JIX* [cf. Arab JSl, Sy rdAW Pfl 65], the derivation of '3131 ,r?»X from BH ^WX should be rejected [v. Eps, PLA 259, contra Low, Flora 3:400], and the form X°?»X TJ IS 22:6 should thus be considered a Hebraism. This is poss. the mng. in 'Vl'ltm IpBX x:i.1 31 X.11 did PN not, in fact, declare the ... ownerless? BQ 30b(41) [M: ''nfflX; v. Geon. expl., OHP ib. 128:22]; Y: X^BX BQ ib.(BAYTN 76). 2# nVb;« n.m. a rush (< Akk aslu B CAD A/2 449) pi. xnp'ny X'lisn '^©X rushes of (the mattress of) an old bed Git 69a(19) [in a medical recipe; cf. Akk ersu asli mattress filled with rushes CAD E 316] Geon. expl.: BX1B B"l?3 xniBI X^BX OHT Git 155:13, i.e. l^D? ••• n.m. an alkaline substance (i XlVllff; MH &Vii M§abK 9:5; cf. Akk aslaku fuller, washerman CAD A/2 445) sg. ,T»» xfim it is called '. Nid 62a(21) [expl. MH l^X Mib. 9:5; i VpS3 af, mng. I.a.4; Var: XJxVltfX GC 115:3] Lit: Low, Pfl 305; Flora 1:648+; Y: X})m Nid ib.(BAYTN 215). Nfia^K n.f. a type of demon (4- Vd1?©; Sy ^x,'Ci'v v <* sib 200, Ma xnxax'jwx, xnaxbxK; MD 41, 442) sg. Bo 35:8; ib. 49:9; 75:4; 94a:6; pi. 38:9; 43:1; 80:6; 120:2 *pK, *p$ vb. to cast a spell (denom. < Akk asipu exorcist CAD A/2 431, AIOA 38; 4- XDtf'X, xn'S^X; Sy ,<s yrf LS 53, Ma ^X MD 41) Pe.: X3'3J1 [in'jT1?! XSiy'Xl xai'T XS2?'X3 p1? X3S'12;X I shall cast upon you a spell of the sea and a spell of Leviathan, the sea monster Bo 2:3; ib. 29:8; 52:6; pass.part. ]'S'rwy"' /& 86:1 [KStPN n.m. (uncertain; 4- XS3B?1X) sg. XTl'l
KTlfitfK 174 xntfx XSWX1 scraping of ... Ket 77b(18; RaH.Ar [AC 2:356], MGG 226:2) [but NB3WT XTl'l Ar (OHR ib. 59:3)] Geon. expl.: 0,1 D'3»yi {DHI D'380 XBB'XI KTTJ1 XJT'XI KTTJ [T031? "IBBX 'XI TRN 646:3; expl. Ar: ]Q JTm 1'B3W1XW ,10 nmy.1 AC ib.; Lit: AAC 71.] SOlStf N 4- X-IStt/X n. KT'StfN 4- 1# XT'DPIX n. Nl|t#N n.m. mender of garments (< Akk isparu weaver CAD I/J 255, AIOA 59; Sy K'-ii.x-rf' tailor BBah 310:24) pi. nSPX1? '3X13 in1? Iran' 'STI how do we give (womens') garments to the menders? AZ 20b(17; Ar [AC 1:322]) [J: niBPX]; X*B»1X rG£W9 94:16 Expl. Ar: O'TOil 'JpJllK? pniX AC ib.; Y: niSBX AZ ib. HatfStfK n.m. (uncertain) sg. TUIJ'an xn u p 'tbi T3i now n,I7 13jdi '"ueraerxV rU3BT they sold them to the ..., and wrote him a deed of a complete sale from the court of GN TGAs28 23b:18; ib. 24:19; 26; H'V 'BT7WV 1'3'riB 71'ty 1T0SX1 'XB '©BWXV they are required to pay the ... the loss they caused him TGAs28 24b:8 Lit: H.Z. Hirschberg, A History of the Jews in North Africa, 1, Leiden 1974 219, deals with the above responsa and translates here 'cook' from P. But this is incorrect, since this should be aspaz [courtesy Sh. Shaked]. NpiptfN n.m. fictitious word for nyi3P 'oath' sg. DV73 'DX X1? xpiptfX (if he said) '., he said nothing Ned 10b(28) Y: KjJlptfK BAYTN 242. KflVpTB7N n.f. deed of sale (4- V2# bpti; cf. Akk masqaltu payment CAD M/l 382) sg. 12 H31 Win XJlbpiSXXl XyilBX run in PN signed on a m.- document and on a deed of sale BB 48b(15); ib. 17; 18; 19 Expl. Rashi: HTSBH 1D»; Y: Xrfrj?»X BB ib.(BAYTN 281). 1#"TC7N vb. run, make haste (?; etym. unknown) Pe.: H"n TTC7X run quickly Ber 57b(56) [P: WliTl]; Git 34a(29); X"H T,1£?X X"H "TUtfX &»i 119a(12) Lit: N61d, MG 2291 [2pl.m. imper.]. 2#1&K vb. to strengthen, believe (sec. rt. < 4- Vvttf af; 4- 'x-wx, i#xmtfx) Pa. 1. to strengthen: 1"WXB ... nan dates strengthen Ket 10b(48) // Git 70a(14); 2. to believe [Sy i_£, af. LS 803, mng. 4]: "WXJ1 xV injnt TO T13n JVB (if you were told that) your friend has died, believe; that he became rich, do not believe Git 30b(7) Af. to strengthen: bVTlB nriT Vri "RP"X 'X rn'bwx if I can make my strength exceed that of PN, I shall abolish it Git 36b(31) RaH: ro V? 1'JJVIW pVHB OHR Git 46:23 [mng. 1]. 'Nlt^N n.m. credit, outstanding credit (4- V2# ItiX, 2# XJYltiX) sg. 'Xllt/X f? IPX we have outstanding credit 55 22a(21); 'XI^X IJTipjn iy 13TH until you abrogate your outstanding credit ib. 22; BM 63b(34); D"jyV 'X"WX3 3,T he gave (merchandise) on credit to poor people TGHark 99:32; ib. 23; S$Hai 9b(17); i& 17a(18); •'313T1? 'X11£;X3 to sell on credit TGHark 100:9; "73 'T1X X1? pSD 'JIX pBD "X"WX it is doubtful whether all outstanding credit will be repaid [lit. come] or not Pes 113a(21) [expl. as Djn'B 3'J1'J1 X1? 'X"IK/X3 do not give anything on credit TGHark 100:1]; 'X-I2/X Xlfin 73X1 he lost that outstanding credit TGHark 99:32; 'XTOX1 J113in debts and outstanding credit SSHai 17b(8) Since the voc. tradition of this word and its usage is as a sg. n., its gram, form is uncertain. Voc: 'X'TOX HPP 71:18; Y: 'lOBX BM 63b(34). l#Nri"1t^N n.f. strength, certification of a document (4- V2#-ll»X, 'XltfX, V"nti af.; mng. 1: Ma l#nXE/X well, thoroughly MD 39; mng. 2: MH2 ]'3"TI JTWX J 130) 1. strength: sg. Git 62a(39) [spoken as encouragement to workers]; 2. certification of a document: sg. DHy ]'3 XJTWxV between the witnesses and the certification (on the document) BB 163a(16); ib. 19; 23; 'PTI xm»X 'Xn the certification of the judges Ket 21b(13) [= MH2 DT'in JT1E/X PT Git 50c(29)]; li. 85a(48); Git 26b(33); Lucena 240:3 Expl. RaH: 181X ,Til HI ps'llV X°?X lpmvi lTM D3rD 1W" OHR Git 41:9 [mng. 1]; Geon. expl.: nnWWI 0V|7 TGAs42 150:22 [mng. 2]; Voc: XfilBX" HGP 44a:29; Y: XniBX BAYTN 284. 2# NITON n.f. (uncertain; 4- 'XltiX) sg. XJV12/X '^3101 ... for ^.-garments Grt 14a(43) Expl. Ar: credit, bundle AC 1:323, s.v. 21WX; v. also Agur 35:5. NfltPK n.m. perh. bottom, lowest part, hold TpriftK 175 ins (Vjintf; Sy ^<L^tf LS 810, rdaArc'a k'Jo.k' PSm 411) sg. XJ1WX3 XJ?3BT X31X X'nn a certain boat which sank (in the canal) up to its hold Pes 40b (2) [Ed: XJW'ri] Mng. uncertain. [twines 4- xauiti n.] [Na'JWK 4- xaxwx n.] IpriB/N adv. last year, previous year (cf. Akk saddagda, etc. last year CAD S/l 38; Sy (,)n-i>ai-x_r5' LS 53) ipnm nwn e?xt xnx nnyxi he came on New Year's day last year and vexed him Ber 27b (45); IpJTtf'Xia 'Jl"1? let him bring (barley) from that of the previous year Men 84a(18); Sab 87b(36); Bes 5b(24); RH 30a(44); Pej78b(57);5«A:41a(33) Lit: AIOA 96, w. prev. lit. [loan from Amorite]; Y: 1|?n»X Pes 3b(52). JIN pron. you (sg.m.; Sy dVJrc' LS 31, Ma 1# J1X3X MD 24; 4- IUX) a. in non-verbal phrases: 1) subj.: Tbn JIX you are from GN Pes 62b(22); m 'XV33 you are a Babylonian Hul 50a(10); Mib JIX nxai you are not a deceiver BM 28b(34); X3X nx you are PN Yom 87a(50); Ber 62a(16); Git 56a(53); 'nx DX1 X3X I and you are brothers Yev 97b(15); XTaVn nx you are the apprentice San 109b(53); 2) pred.: T1X ]XB who are you? Qid 81b(ll); 3) as a copula: JIX 'TT 'X13 JIX you are my own son Yev 37b(27); ib. 30; 36; in 13 JIX JIX ID'33 you hold a deed written on the first of Nisan [lit. you are the son of the first of Nisan] Ket 95a(2); b. in verbal phrases: 1) w. pf.: X1H JIX maXT you are the one who said BB 125a(3); JIX "\VSlb JIBIl you brought it upon yourself San 107a(42); 2) w. imp.: 'V 'j'UJlJl X1? "pil JIX you, yourself, will not be lent to me BM 94b(8); ,'y3,31 J1X1XIX 'am let the two of us [lit. I and you] pray Ber 31b(48); 3) w. imper.: XJ1 "?1j; JIX you, come in (to the school) Svu 34b(5); JIX XB'X you, say! AZ 1 la(15); San 19a(50); 4) w. part.: 'V imy JIX Xlp' are you honoring me? Ber 48a(25); JIX 31T XJlJiyau/ JTCHSB you make a distinction in PN's legal traditions Hul 57a(36); XWBDB X3X rhpV J1X1 shall I fatten (the animal), and will you take (the increase in value)? BQ 65a(12); c. as an extraposited unit: "l"? XT3DT JIX you who are of this opinion RH 34b(14); Bek 44b(12); ~pb nx "|03X your heart induced you (to swear falsely) Svu 26a(38); d. after ]1JD: nx ]1J3 IX1? not like you Pes 113b(2) Y: fix BAYTN 341. l#KnS, pi. KnKlflK n.m. letter (Sy rc^rV, pi. rc'AiSiMV LS 53, Ma 2# XJ1X, pi. XJ1X1J1X MD 42) pi. XJ1X1J1XT XJV3 XS"7X "73 the whole alphabet of letters HG1 491:34; yn XTTI 'HiniJIX the letters of this spell Bo 133:7; XJ1(1>C1J1X linfV'X Bo 80:8 [2# xm I xnr n.] im, y\m, prUK pron. you (pl.m.; TA ]1J1X TO Gen 29:4, Sy ^o^lIk' LS 31, ModMa ]1J1X MD 25, s.v. 11J1X3X) a. in non-verbal phrases: 3"J?X pnx WVpi ]1J1X 1331T even though you are scholars:you are experienced Ber 46b(20) [double rdg.]; Sot 31a(29); ]1J1X ^Tm you are young BB 142b(36); 7\jbr\ XH 1HX1 X3X I and you are, in fact, three Pes 110a(32); I'B'Sn J1J1X you are wise Qid 33b(36); b. in verbal phrases: 1) w. pf.: 'X031X3 fmyT pJi:X1 you knew about my difficult straits SSHai 16b(14); 2) w. imp.: ]1J1X1 XITa DT13DJ1 xb could you not elucidate it from this? Ket 60b(38); 3) w. imper.: 'Xra 1J?3 ]1J1X you, ask me BQ 59b(7); 'Bl ]1J1X 13T1B 'XTO X3X 'TIB MVO I drank from yours. You, also, drink from mine San 67b(36); iTrr> WW 11J13X *]X1 you, also, excommunicate him Dec 3:9; ib. 4:9; 6:6; TGHark 84:14; 4) w. part.: rf? W3J1B '3n 1J1X nb ]r3Jia XSS'X ]1X you transmit it in this manner, (and) we transmit it in an opposite manner Bek 5a(8); Er 54b(52); Tan 7b(13); 5M47a(28); Hul 48a(15; H2); jlJlX ^ WJl'S 'X if you listen to me San 30a(26); RH 21a(26); Tan 7a(54); Ket 27b(38); BQ 99b(26); 'mVy ^2tib W3'OT ]1J1X 'Bm you are (sufficiently) important to pray for him Tan 15b(42); T'jDpi piJ?B1 I'D'1?© J1J1X 'Tiff "?3 j'pDBI you rule, blind, kill, and remove all the demons Bo 33:9; ib. 17; 43:4; 48:5; 52:17; 60:4; 70:7; 112:7; c. as an extraposited unit: ]1J1X n'3 1T3J? OTy3T na "?3 you, do whatever you want with him Ber 58a(41); Sab 37b(34); 1J1X mnx IJlHSp x"7 13'S11 you, yourselves, are not particular about each other BM 37a(41); pjlX \>R-W pXT XJID'XX IIJTSJIH you who live along
N3WN T 176 TIN the north of Eretz Israel BB 25b(33); 'XB3 )WX in1? W'13n with what do you moderate them [i.e. vegetables]? Ber 44b(45); San 108b(44); ]WX XniaVai XnB'X 13'Vy n'X you have the fear of the government upon you AZ 65a(14); Hul 107a(l); 'V W'V'XW ]WX I have borrowed you [lit. you are loaned to me] BM 97a(24; V22); d. after pi3:1113 Xliy'W 13V 'anna X1?! ]WX like you who have never seen the size (of an Italian as) Hul 54b(13) Lit: Eps, Gr 21; Y: \vii Ber 46b(20; BAYTN 341). NJIJIN n.m. oven, furnace (< Akk atunu, utunu kiln, furnace AHw 1445, AIOA 110; 4- X1WX '3; TA Xling TO Ex 19:18(Var), Sy rdja&t? LS 55, Ma X1WX MD 43, > Arab oJ' Fr, AF 26) sg. Kin X-113 XS'll mm X1WX Xinn a certain oven in which the fire [i.e. the coals] had been raked Ket 67b(38); XJWX1? 'J13'0 X1W1 '11 a pagan who threw a coulter into an oven AZ 38a(29); Sab 74b(l 1); XlinXT HB1S the mouth of a furnace Bo 135:3 Y: tam Ket ib.(BAYTN 161)r NflVrmN n.f. beginning (4- VVnfl; MH2 rfrnxiil J 371) sg. X'H HT3OT nnVnnX H3'll kidnapping is the beginning of selling (the victim) San 86b(17); xmimST XnVnnX the beginning of retribution Tan 29a(35; M2); lyiBl xnVnnx the beginning of the holiday Sot 41b(l); RH 10b(22); Meg 17b(43); Sot 2b(29) Y: Syrinx Tan ib.(BAYTN 281). TIN vb. to come, be deduced, be apt (4- X"Jia, 'X1XT XaVy; Sy re'dW LS 54, Ma l#Xnx, af. X'n'X, JX'TW etc. MD 41+) Pe., pf. lsg. 'Xnx BB 74a(8); TI'TlK Sab 116b(ll); 2m. Tl'nx Sab 152a(7); 3m. XDX MQ 17a(31); f. 'Xnx Ket 67b(37); nnx Yev 105b(28); SSHai 13a(8); lpl. 1XT1X Zev 73a(15); 2m. lD'IlX Git 56b(20); 3m. mx Tan 7a(55); f. jxnx Qid 81a(34); imp. lsg. 'Jim fler 16a(8); 2m. UK 'IW1 5M 105a(26); 3m. T'i Sa« 113a(49); Tl'V Meg 7b(23); TV" San 98b(8); SSHai 5b(4); f. 'n'n Meg 28a(45); lpl. W'l 7a« 25a(52); 2m. WJ15er 35b(25); 3m. W'1? //«/118a(20); ]W" Yom 71b(8); imper. 2sg.m. xn Ket 85b(31); f. 'II £r 53b(15); 'XJl ib.(M); 2pl.m. in BB 22a(43); 5a« 100a(4); lira Tan 23b(l); inf. xn'BV torn 77b(22); 'n'B1? San 96b(52); part. lsg. XJ'nx BB 118b(l); 2m. Jl'IlX Svu 32b(7); 3m. T1K Tan 21b(33); f. XTX San 7b(16); lpl. irilX BB 73b(19); 2m. WAX Xp Er 21a(27); 3m. WX 7ev 100a(19); f. ]XWX San 75a(37); l'WX Meg 27b(46);- 1. to come: a. alone: X1WX xV 'X 1'BT 1'JlVn iyi p'a if I do not come within thirty days from now Ket 3a(24); irm'n Xlpy'X XHX1X by the time that he came his wife had become infertile ib. 62b(35); Git 56a(36); WX nB'X xn'WB when will the Messiah come? San 98a(48); Xn'TKaDlS1? WX1 'X3iy IHIH certain Arabs who came to GN BB 168b(14); X31X X'nn 13J/T xV'Bl"? 'XnXT X0T1OT a certain boat (with a cargo of) fish brine which came to the port of GN AZ 34b(i3); an map"? ijixt now '-in imn IDT two certain writs which came before PN Ket 94b(29); xynni1? ]XT1XT Xfl"3W -|in certain women captives who came to GN Qid 81a(34); m'anx xVl Ti" let (the Messiah) come, and let me not see him San 98b(8); b. fol. asyndetically by another vb.: xVlinrf? H'VSX X111W XI1X a cat came (and) ate the rooster Ber 60b(57); XJ1X n'3"ll he went (and) seized it Sab 148a(4); XriX n"D3 Xp3X dust (from it) came (and) covered him Yom 87a(44); lend? !Tr?"W WX they came (and) asked PN Ber 45b(47); Er 40a(18); '311 WX mail the robbers came (and) stole it BQ 93a(44); ■pita Vipwn WW Xs? 'Xax why do you not come (and) take your food? San 108b(48); xnyw "\rd? '■? pyxw WW xV she will not come (and) trouble me later on Yev 117b(6); 'in XJl come (and) see Ber 30b(10) [4- V'Tn pe., mng. 5b]; yaw Xfl come (and) hear Yev 80a(21) [4- Vyatf pe., mng. 6.b.l]; lH'Vy '33ya Xna '13 lriX the local (merchants) came (and) prevented them (from selling) BB 22a(12); c. w. ref. to texts: Xnx 'XB*? xnp for what purpose did the biblical verse come? Pes 96b(33); Suk 28b(19); BM 30a(44); Hul 27a(21); XriXT XIH '3n"7 xnp "Xn this verse came for this purpose Zev 36a(12); XJ1X XXl'ina XlOri 31 ll'yiawxV did PN come to inform us about the Mishna? RH 8a(42); '3m> flWXl xnWH now that you have come to such a point Ber 15a(50) [4- xnwn mng. II]; xnx nwyaV nsVn bxiaw Jl'yiaWX1? PN('s statement) came to inform us of the law in practice Sab 54a(48); Ket 71a(3); Qid TIN 177 TIN 74a(28); AZ 29b(45); d. w. var. preps.: 1) "IH3: 4- "W3 mng. 3b; 2) ■"?: passim; 3) '31V: I '3lV mng. 2b; 4) 'apV: I 'BpV usage a.2; 5) Vy: '3mx H'Vy XpJlD'lS xnx in the meantime a messenger came to him Git 56b(14); 6) '»p: 4- 'ap usage I.b.2; e. w. xa"?ya from elsewhere: 4- KaVya usage c; 2. to run or flow (of blood, etc.): TIXT xaiV XTnia for blood which runs from a nostril Git 69a(16) [cf. Akk summa ina appisu damu illaku if blood runs from his nose CAD D 77; v. Geller, Vademecum 19]; ib. 26 [from the mouth]; 'B"l n'Tna xai 'nxi n'333 'Ttt he places something between his molars, and blood flows from his gums/(Z28a(26)// Yom 84a(27; Ar [AC 3:136]); rrra xai 'nxi xsin xnna mon (the term) h. (designates) a wound of the body from which blood flows Anan 15:3; ib. 1; AnanSch 27:8; 'HXT XSS'X "in3 (the juice of the grapes) flows due to the pressure (of the pile) Sab 144b(33); 3. fol.another vb. to occur gradually: ion Xnxi "ion xnxi it gradually diminished Nid 2b(13); ntn 'Xnxi nin 'Xnxi she gradually saw (it) /Z>.(14); 4. w. "a to be a descendant of s.o.: Xp *pvi xyniB Xl'nx I am a descendant of Joseph Sot 36b(18); BB H8b(i); x"n "ii Vd'sx ]3 n'D£3wa 'nx mn "\ in 'nx xyaw p inira 'nx Ket 62b(29); Meg 16a(41); Qid 70b(19); BB 3b(42); 5. to ultimately be: a. in phrase 'T1? 'UK xaV'T lest it ultimately be [4- xaV'T mng. 2; 'T1? usage c]: X1? 'tV 'nx xaV'T xw«n xaisa xiiix wrx pnn'1? nOTID a person should not plug a flock of wool into the mouth of a bottle (on the Sabbath) lest he ultimately squeeze it Sab 141a(38); b. in phrase 'nx ... rDB the ultimate source is [4- xni3]: K'nxp XIDW roa npin the ultimate source of the presumed status (concerning the field) is the writ San 23b(31); 6. to be deduced, derived, based: a. general: 'n'n X'nx X1? XtriB nx nwxn 'n'n 'n'n 'na 'mna xin (if) it cannot be deduced from one case, let one be deduced from two. What is (the case from which) it should be deduced? (If) it were deduced from a brother's wife ... Yev 54a(45; O2); Zev 50a(10); WlBn DX1 X'nx X2?X"na (the punishment of incest with) his mother-in-law's mother is derived by biblical interpretation San 76b(21); Zev 13b(22); xrf?'a laim "?p3 X'nXT a matter which is derived a fortiori Yom 43a(16); MQ 3b(4); XH 'n'n XD'na on what is this based? [lit. from where will this come?] BQ 73a(35) [4- XD'H mng. I.b.2]; b. ace. to rule of nw HTTl: nn3 n'13 X'nx a 'covenant' [v. n'")3 niX Gen 17:11] is derived from a 'covenant' [v. oViy n'la Ex 31:16] Sab 132a(20); Hag llb(2); BQ 84a(35); Kar 5a(37); 7. w. fol. inf. to be apt, likely: "ln'xV 'nx X1? nVsi 'XT pX "ln'xV max 'nx V'si 'x iximi in if a stone falls (from the child's hand, the father) is not apt to fetch (it). If a denar falls, the father is apt to fetch (it) Sab 142a(3); ib. 57a(16); 'JIN mV mo xV 'XI "las'? if you do not permit him, he is apt to extinguish (it) Yom 85a(26); Bes 7b(44); X'nx "niX1? she is likely to make a legal decision (for herself) Yev 66a(40); "lSl'xV WX XV they are not likely to quarrel Ket 50a(54); XV xVnn'B xVl |T3 H'a xyB'BV 'nx since (its sanctity) is not degraded he is not likely to err regarding it Bek 27a(7); 8. w. Vy to attack [v. Af, mng. 5; JPA ■b 'nx DJPA 80; cf. Ma "V xnx MD 42]: 'nXT V3 H'1? XlV'Bp xmnnaa 'xVy I would kill anyone who attacks me during a break-in San 72b(2); '3 13'Vy WX when they attacked you ib. 108b(49); 109a(49); 'W'3 'Win 'Vy WX evil sorcerers attacked me Bo 125:5; ib. 78:16; 9. w. 'b to befall [in oath formula; JPA "Vy Tl" DJPA 80, mng. 2; v. Lieb, Greek 9252]: a. as a curse: 'n'n "laiX '"l3yT 'V may it befall me since I have transgressed what you (have instructed) Bes 36b(12); Sab 135a(27); AZ 29a(46); b. as a blessing: '11 'TI3 XmsniW 'T3y x"?T 'V 'n'n may it befall me since I have never made a partnership with a pagan Meg 28a(45); 'VDp xVl 'V 'n'n 'Viya nXTPl'1? may it befall me since I have never killed a Jew MQ 26a(26; L); HTin'tiW xVt 'V TITl p31B X311S1? may it befall me since I have never excommunicated a s.m. MQ 17a(48); Sab 118b(50); Bek 30a(33); Ara 16a(14); 10. in phrase "V ]XnX refers to [lit. we have come to]: mm naiV ]Xnx XSIO the latter clause refers to (the study of) the words of the Torah Sab lla(38); BQ 89b(24); BB 4b(19); plV ]XnX Vx'VBl p pyaw this refers to PN('s view) Er 16b(l); Hag 19b(7); Ket 75b(10); pan1? ]Xnx
xbsm t t : • 178 NnunariN '1BX1 this refers to (the view of) the Rabbis who say ... BQ 14a(37); AZ 74b(33); 11. w. »T^ to come to s.o.'s attention: 4- 'T^ usage d; 12. w. var. nouns.: a. w. NIB'S to rain: 4- XIB'B usage b; b. w. ttl,ii to engage in a lawsuit: 4- XJH mng. 2.b.l; c. w. XflJ'tP to fall asleep: 4- xnrtf Af., #1: pf. lsg. 'xn'X Tan 22a(18); "n'X Pes 88b(48); 'ffffS Bo 10:7; 2m. fflfl! Mei 21b(ll); inari'ITK San 95b(55); 3m. OT Aef 61b(ll); W San 19b(24); TOWX G;? 68a(31); f. 'Xn'X Mz/fc 5b(7); 'XH-X //P 151:5(HPP 236:19); X'Tl'X TGHark 39:1; nX'n'X iff 114:17; lpl. p'n'X Pe« 107a(15); 3m. WX Pej 88a(2); WX &A 50b(20); WX AZ 31b(20); ?1WX Gtf 14b(7); imp. lsg. XWX [= X3X 'n"X] Ket 105b(39); 3m. Tl"1? Sab 110b(38); Vl'XJ 5M 84a(19; MGG 827:6); w:^Z28a(39); lpl. 'n"1? Git 67b(31); 3m. W"1? //or 8a(49); f. ]«n'J fan 25a(20); imper. 2sg.m. 'H"X £V 15a(40); inWX 3W 41b(38); inf. "WX1? //ag 7a(16); "W'X Pes 70a(l); Anan 8:6; part, lsg.m. xm"B Bes lla(31); xm'B Mf 79a(48); 2m. JOT'O 0;'rf 4b(34); Jwm Pes 18a(41); 3m. 'ff'D 7ev 74b(5); 'n'XB ATef 100b(38); 'TO AZ 10b(13); lpl. P'n"B A/e« 42b(32); 3m. 1TT"f3 7ev 9a(41); f. ]X"n'» &6 148b(8); #2 [cf. Nold, MG 243; Kutscher, Studies 5721; S. Morag, Ben Hayyim Vol 353]: pf. 3sg.m. H"nx Bek 36b(24) [cf. Pal 'nx PAT 278:4, Ma 1XV1X MG 286:18]; f. 'XJ1X HP 151:24(HPP 237:20); X"nX Git 64b(35); 3pl.m. 1'nx Ber 31b(42); ,11'nx BM 85b(46) [cf. Ma Jl'nx MG 286:5]; f. l"nx i& 106a(52); imp. 3sg.m. nnTQ Hag 25a(5); 3pl.m. nrna Mf 84a(48); inf. "WX /Vaz 12b(31); "in*?? HP 26:10(HPP 32:18); WWX1? Sab 61b(27); part. 3sg.m. 'nap [= »na xp] Svu 37a(3); f. X'na #«r 10b(28) [cf. Ma X'nXB MG 262:18]; Anan 61:22; lpl. p"na HP 200:10; 3m. "TO Pes 50a(23); f. f'na Svu 14b(27) [cf. Ma J'nxa MG 243:26];- 1. to bring: ,1'lV'y xmsnDl XJXB W"X bring a vessel and place it upside-down on top of it [i.e. the spittle] Sab 121b(39); Sot 13a(25); Hul 104b(35); TO'JB'JI "ISO WJ1 let us bring a Torah scroll and count them [i.e. the letters] Qid 30a(45); xn'Byn xny'3 'n"1? let him bring an ostrich egg Sab 110b(19); Git 69b(5); AZ 28b(25); n'T3 xn'iTO 'n'Xl xnx he came and brought a Tannaitic tradition with him ib. 50a(37); nx XJV1X1 .T'XI 'n"X bring proof that you are our brother Yev 37b(35); BQ 36a(17); BB 24b(31); '0VlB \>m nvnD ni'nx they brought him (and) struck him with sixty fire-strikes BM 85b(46); 2. to make s.o. come: mm '3'E?n inrrfjDpi mib vunvrxi siyai the important people of east and west whose sons you made come (to fight) and caused their death San 95b (55); 3. to carry: max y31X "W'X1? 'nxi D'3in TWO he is apt to carry (it) four cubits in a public domain Sab 52a(8); ib. 57a(16); 141a(22); 4. to deduce: 7\b n'n"a X3'na from where do you deduce it? BQ 18b(14); BM 35a(4); BB 109a(15); San 34a(45); Zev 62b(18); laim bp2 nV 'n'a he deduces it by means of an a fortiori argument Pes 23b(16); 5. w. by to inflict upon s.o.: b'bpi XS^B in"1?? XJ'n"B X'3t53 I shall inflict upon them a king who is swift like a deer Ket llla(38); n'y3 ]'11D" '31 "py "in'xV do you want to inflict suffering upon yourself? Ber 60a(39); X1H "p3 XCHlp 'n'Xl XJ'Jn .1'ty m1?'^ the Holy One, Blessed be He, inflicted a serpent upon him at night iSGF 95:2; 6. to include [caique < MH X'3H Bacher 1:8]: 13 rxm my vsnv 'a "wx1? 'xa "wx1? bin pin (the word) Van (in MHag 1:1 comes) to include what? To include one who is partially a slave and partially a freeman Hag 2a(14); Sab 27a(24); Meg 22b(7); Ket 110b(29); Git 78a(25); Hul 54a(26); Nid 51b(54); 7. w. H'V to make s.o. liable [caique < MH 'I'V X'3n J 144]: i '1'V mng. 2 Lit: Bacher 18. n.m. bunch of grapes (dial.; TA X^DHX TO Num 13:24) pi. X,!?3nx 'am 11'y3' x'"?3nx ]'a"pna x1? x'"?y 'Va^'xi x'"?y "?y let the bunches of grapes pray for the leaves. For were it not for the leaves the bunches of grapes could not exist Hul 92a(44) [Var: X'"?3n'X HP 33:20; quoted in a prov. from Eretz Israel] Y: X??3m Hul ib.(BAYTN 229). KriWnariN n.f. astonishment (4- Vl#HBn; cf. Sy K^oJcn-^Jw BBah 2071:15) sg. xn(i:)(ainanx TGHark 215:6 [expl. 4- X"1? 'SV3] snnans t : t : 179 KannK t : ~ srinanK n.f. query (4- Vi#nan; jpa xnanx DJPa' 81) sg. «i(')Bn x'an xm pax x'wipn "?3X xnnanX3 but in an interrogative statement, (we) say X'3n xm ['is it not learned?'] quickly as a query OHT Yom 10:7; pi. pnxnanx their queries ISGF 58:4 mm I x:kx n. NnBj7nN n.f. objection (< 4- V*lpn af, v.n.) sg. 'TX 311 n'13 XWV 3TJ XnSpnX objection of PN Hag 9b(12); BB 129a(4); TGHark 105:30; ib. 123:11 Y: Kn0i?ns Hag ib. NiriN, N*in, abs./cs. "U1K, pi. NniinriK n.m. place (1 xinx 13, nn^xcV), inbx'a; TA xnni< to Gen 22:3, Sy K'-iW, pi. k'^o^k' LS 55, Ma XnnX, pi. XnX1X"WX MD 44) I. n.m. place: a. w. ref. to a site or position: sg.cs. ]1!T33B?'a n'3 "inX the place of their sleeping area Bo 10:8; b. w. ref. to part of the body: H'nna inX "?y X»'X recite over the place of his wound HM 38:14; det. "]'*>nx T3 1'^nx "1'3 your place is in you [i.e. do not spread] Sab 67a(27); c. w. ref. to a city, locality: sg. Xinx Xinn 'V 'tn 'Tl1? I, myself, saw that place Git 57a(29); Er 55b(34); Pes 93b(31); 31T X"inX Xinn1? y"?p'X PN chanced to come to a certain place Sab 146b(42); RH 21a(8); Ket H2a(4); AZ 39a(3i); "?xiat;T "inx xynnna xm mn GN was, in fact, PN's place Sab 116b(19); Hul 53b(ll); Pes 30a(19); Hul 110a(26); y"?p'X pnx"? TO'KIX PN chanced to come to our place Pes 107a(ll); Nid 36a(32); '3 iai nnnx '3 10 mnx each one (ruled) according to his locality Yom 55a(41); Ned 49a(14); BM 40a(50); Hul 66a(26); *]btm Kb X"inX3 Xinx one place (name) is not interchanged with another (in a writ) Git Ua(23); '"?S xnnx such-and-such a place SSHai 14b (16); ]imnXT '3H their local judges Anan 16:5; XinXT Xinaa the local custom TGHark 100:11; pi. inn xnmnx they are (the customs of various) places Git 89a(46); Xnxnnx TGHark 206:13; d. w. ref. to a country: sg.cs. X3iya inx the Maghrib TGHark 167:19; ib. 32:8; det. Xinx X31tt?m a place of darkness [i.e. Babylonia] Pes 34b(14) [+ //'s; 4- XSltfn mng. 1]; e. in a fig. sense: mnX3 'piXI nra in deduce (to our unelucidated case by nitt? ni'Tl) from it [i.e. from the other elucidated case] and place (it) on its own basis [lit. in its place] BQ 25b(41); San 75b(20); Nid 43b(47); nnnX3 ?TO30»3 'X if (he is proficient) in his tractate [i.e. the one which he is studying] - (he may be appointed) in his town Sab 114a(39) Y: XTTiK Yom 86b(32; BAYTN 77). - "I (K)iriN conj. place where (cf. BA "I nnx HALOT 1829, Sy -* &#/-* rf&rk' PSm 425, Ma -1 Xinx MD 44; v. Nold, MG 451') abs. (archaic): n'J'T rvb xbn Xi'T '1XBT nnX3 in the place where the armed person hung up his weapon San 103a(39) // BM 84b(34); "inX1? ,Tn' l"?31B ]1ST\b 'ysnBT (his feet) bring him there to the place where he is requested Suk 53a(18); X'DID TIT X1?! -inX3 -|13pi bury (the sherd) in a place where a horse does not tread HM 42:10; det. "?rai xpsax xn^'Bi xnsn msa1? »rnai xinx X131^> a place where they customarily eat a meal, drink unmixed wine, and go to the field BM 86a(47); pao i'y3na ian ian rr'n xinxs in a place where there is no wine, there medicines are needed BB 58b(14; F2); Ket 99b(2); £M67a(29); BB 89b(33); Bo 76:7 KarinK, KaMiriN, HirVSH n.m./f. etrog, citron (< Mir *atrung [cf. MP wadrang (w'tlng) citron CPD 86, NP turunj orange PED 297, utrujj (< Ar) ib. 12]; TA 1'ilinx pi. TO Lev 23:40, MH I'limS Yeivin, BV 990, Sy kL^o-vA,, k!>(o-v\k' m./f. LS 287, Ma XUim MD 490, ModSy ijjcoio^ orange Maclean 318) sg. mnx 'B/rx naxi3 xmnx ix pan mnpi3 etrog [i.e. in Hebrew] as the scholars called it or etruga [i.e. in Aramaic] as people say Qid 70a(40) [but XllltJX ib.(MGD 24:17)]; ib. 39; IB VlS'1? xnn niais xn"?n xwnnx 'xi ixa... V'x xwnn'x eat an etrungal He said to him: "One who says etrunga (has) a third-part of haughtiness" ib. 38(02); xmnx miBT ]Xa 'Xn one who smells an etrog Ber 43b(9); Sab 109b(31); 5«A:35b(45); AZ 59b(3); ib. 76b(14); XJIinX 'piDS to cut an etrog Anan 72:1; XJ11DX1 ~\Vl the g.-portion of the etrog HG1 101:42; XJIinxi im HP 190:1; Xn'Vn X111DX a sweet etrog Sab 109b(31; M); pi.
*????* is© iw-vik ■ — — __ t ; t : - ln'inB'Xa 'aVy '"?13 man all of them stoned him with their citrons Qid 73a(18) Lit: Low, Flora 3:279+. The pronunciation with n is stated to be an affected pronunciation. Lit: I. Ben-David, Lesonenu 46(1982) 76+; Voc: XJY»"riX HGP 56b: 18; (UT1BX VTM 45; Y: XJJVW* BAYTN 304. Nfl'H^ nf- warning (caique < MH2 room J 371; 4- Vl#nil) sg. 'n""WX X*?3 Xb p'OJjTT we punish them without warning Hul 132b(32) Y: Nlvnnx Hul ib. -3 181 2 "3 prep, in, during, by means of, with regard to (I si, x'ira, "i inn, xatfa in etc., Vnru, -d; Sy -:= LS 56, Ma "3 MD 44) w. suff.: lsg. '3 Ket 67b(37); 2m. T3 Nid 36b(46); f. "p Qid 12b(3); 3m. rT3 Sab 62b(18); Anan 47:17; f. m Meg 23a(20); lpl. p Git 56b(7); 2m. 133 San 70b(33); p3 Bo 7:10; 3m. 1H3 Sab 119a(22); pru Anan 5:19; f. 'H3 Ber 51a(42); pn3 Bo 6:7;- I. w. fol. n. 1. in, on, at [spatial]: rl'V IPX lim XTH m313 'V'S he saw that he had cracks in (the skin of) his back Sab 33b(45); ITT3 xnam XD3 wpi he is holding a cup of wine in his hand Ber 12a(24); mtlXS ITU a young goat (may be maimed) in its ears Bek 35a(34); XsVai XDSD3 in the king's archive [lit. chest] BM 73b(27); mn XJTTVm X131J7 there was a case in GN Ket 50b(22); xswai xsVu btk pswaV xjnxi xnmx XPSW1X3 a person customarily leaves an (empty) jug and a hide at an inn Yom 12a(25); mn 3TT nxisa Xinn3 aw PN was sitting in a certain alley Er I5a(39); in1? 'inoa x1? xiVsi xnax3 n3A nn two men cannot walk past each other in (the space of) 1 1/2 cubits Men 98b(5; V10); Xp mn X"ma3 XiV'TX I was traveling in the desert BB 73b(33); 2. in, during [temporal]: Httm mti? XpTS3 the next day he expounded it in a public lecture AZ 28a(22); n,!? 1110 n^aTS xVj?n bow down to a fox in its time [i.e. when it is successful] Meg 16b(24); xmnnB3 'xVy TIXT V3 n'V XJ^'Dp I would kill anyone who attacks me during a break-in San 72b(2); STlia TOP 31 XD'n xino3 xwaw x'oai X3'n xD"p3 psnV x"?1D (Xl'OaT PN used to place the students in the summer where the sun reached, (and) in the winter where the shade reached Sab 119a(47; M); 'aa'SI XriXlV'Vs lioa n,TI they used to travel during the nighttimes and the daytimes BM 28a(38); W X1D5?3 milO1? 'yxai XITIIX he would ordinarily travel it in ten days San 95a(l 1); TC1T\ W nn"?n3 TI301 W nnbna he learnt it [i.e. Torat Kohanim] in three days and derived it logically in three days Yev 72b(19; I§GF 42:6); 2. by means of, with [instrumental]: "pWS3 ''pi XT15;13©3 clear yourself with an oath Ket 87a(29); Xp"V3 n"? W331 he preserves its freshness [i.e. of the D'J'SIJI Lev 6:14] by means of vegetables Men 50b(47); X135?a3 <n)(X)'ira 135? Up he was crossing (the river) with him by means of the ferry Ber 56a(49); nXlV'03 x"?1 nrrnra by means of another and not by means of a piece of wood Yev 63b(16); ,T31 X7U3 X^p'aV XJlVm it is a mighty deed to burn his master's grave) with fire Hag 15b(17); 'ja'03 maJX he taught it [i.e. the Torah] by means of mnemonic notes Er 21b(48); XaT yaa Xbl XlV'CD 13V xma I shall strike you with a thorn which does not cause blood to flow forth [i.e. I shall excommunicate you] Ket 91a(40); XDU3 nX&Tj? X13J ]a Xps:i she is divorced from her first husband by means of a get HP 128:21; 13ina X'BST DIM because (seeds) grow by means of water Anan 5:18; 3. in, with, with regard to, concerning: ^'p'Oy 'Xas X3n what are we dealing with in this case? Ber 20b(37); >xa3 X13J Xinm H'n in what (manner) is your punishment (after death)? Git 56b(49); naxpi 'X»3 mV Xm he is satisfied with what they say BQ 73b(32); x"?133 "I3J he excels with regard to everything Hul 54a(19); JTpS xVl UWa 'aiaS because he is not an expert in bodily defects San 5b(4); WITD n,!? n3D Kin "XH X1H3 mVy rVsi [Xim =] X1H3 this Tanna agrees with him in one case and differs with him in another Suk 33b(33); X13D3 DJim 'I'Vs 'Xnp3 nan TVs in this case they differ concerning (the
KJN3 182 "U0TX3 interpretation of) biblical verses. In that case they differ concerning a logical deduction Ber 49b(33); 4. to form adverbs [s.v. n.]: 4- xmiX3, -inx "?D3, xpnm, xmm, xnaii "?33, mn 'ins, nan, 'an ixV3, 'xn3, nnba, 'yx'»3, xnyx'»3, xnin'M, iiD3, ^loaV, xarm, x"7iy3, xatys, tfiTsn, x'omss, xyrxs, xtf'-n, ms 'nt£?3, 'urn, xpitta, mbtii, xbsvz, natf Vaa s.v. xnti, x-viro; 5. in compound preps.: 4- yx»X3, 'SX3, 'BX x"?3 s.v. i#xbx, U3, -13, -nans, ts, x^s, -nrto, era xjdidm, -ry3, -sp'ys, ixixs, xtstfips, xy'Dps, 'Xp3, ti'13; II. as a verbal complement: a. 4- Vl#"?TK pe., mng. I.l.b.2: to walk on; b. 4- V71X pe. to laugh at s.o.; c. 4- Vl#'1X af. to stipulate; d. 4- Vtt?B3 pe. to kick s.o.; e. 4- V^ll pe. to denigrate; f. 4- V"1U pe., mng. 4: to decree; g. 4- -\/l# '11 itpa. to fight, incite; h. 4- Vpll pe. mng. 1: to examine: i. 4- V'BI itpa., mng. 3: to appear in the guise of s.o.; j. 4- Vehl pe., mng. 1: to interpret Scripture on s.t.; k. 4- Vl# KWI pe.: to be unmindful of s.t.; 1. 4- V2#'J1 af, mng. 2: to affect s.o.; m. 4- V"|Sn pa., mng. 4: to curl (of hair); n. 4- VlIT itpe., mng. 2: to take care of s.t.; o. 4- VVVt pal., mng. 1: to treat s.o. w. disrespect; p. 4- V3in itpa., mng. lc: to be obligated for s.t.; q. 4- V'W pe., mng. 1: to raise a point concerning s.t.; r. 4- VpTn af, mng. 3: to take possession of s.t.; s. 4- Vl#'Bn pe., mng. 2: to harm s.o.; t. 4- V«]Sn pe., mng. 2: to rub against s.t.; u. 4- VV?t5 itpa.: to play w. s.t.; v. 4- V2#^DB itpe., mng. 1: to take care of s.o.; w. 4- Vyi' pe., mng. 3: to be aware of s.t.; x. 4- VtttfQ itpa., mng. 1: to urge; y. 4- Vjm pe., mng. 1: to touch s.t.; z. 4- VniJ af, mng. 1: to place upon; aa. 4- V]"y pa., mng. 1: to look at; bb. 4- V]"y pa., mng. 2: to investigate; cc. 4- VVVy pe., mng. l.b.l: to enter into s.t.; dd. 4- Vpoy pe., mng. 2, itpe., mng. 2: to deal w. s.t.; ee. 4- VyiS pe., mng. 1: to meet s.o.; ff. i VlVs pe., mng. 2: to have a share of s.t.; gg. 4- VaVd pe., mng. 6: to differ about s.t.; hh. 4- VyiffS pe., mng. 1: to be negligent w. s.t.; ii. 4- VyKJB pe., mng. 3: to harm s.o.; jj. 4- VpriB pe., mng. 1: to hurl at s.o.; kk. 4- Vmp pa., mng. 1: to fulfill in s.o.; 11. 4- Vl#n3E? itpa., mng. 2: to praise s.o.; mm. 4- Vmtf to take notice of s.o.; nn. 4- VtfBtf itpa.: to make use of s.t.; 00. 4- Visytt; quadref, mng. 1: to enslave s.o.; pp. 4- Vlptf pa., mng. 2: to deceive s.o.; qq. 4- Vl#Tin pe.: to be astonished at s.t.; rr. 4- V,I7n pe., mng. 7: to make dependent on s.o.; ss. 4- Vl#'1Jl af: to warn s.o.; III. in idiomatic expressions: a. 4- Vl#^TX mng. II.3: to be of value; b. 4- Vl#1in pe., mng. 8b: to retract; c. 4- Vl#'"in pe., mng. II.6: to be innocent; d. 4- V"]Sn pa., mng. 5: to deal w. s.t.; e. 4- V"|Sn pa., mng. 6: to argue in s.o.'s favor; f. 4- VlZ?2?n pe., mng. 3: to be ill with s.t.; g. 4- VniB pe., mng. 4: to prepare s.t.; h. 4- Van' pe., mng. 6: to penetrate into; i. 4- V'BD pe., mng. 8: to cause to reach; j. 4- Vl#nru pe., mng. 8: to penetrate; k. 4- V?S3 pe., mng. 5: to fall upon, attack; 1. 4- V"?S3 pe., mng. 6: to be placed upon s.o.; m. 4- VpBl pe., mng. 1.11: to fulfill one's obligation; n. 4- V2#'J0 pa., mng. 3: to engage in s.t.; o. 4- VlSpVo pe., mng. 9: to happen, occur; p. 4- VVVy pe., mng. 6: to deal w. s.t.; q. 4- VyjB pe., mng. 2: to get to, reach; r. 4- VyJS pe., mng. 3: to attack s.o.; s. 4- Voip pe., mng. 1.6: to deal w. s.t.; t. 4- Vmp pe., mng. II. 1: to be located; u. 4- Vmp pe., mng. II.2: to maintain; v. 4- Vmp pe., mng. II.4: to ascertain; w. 4- Vmp pe., mng. II.5: to be in possession of s.t.; x. 4- Vmp pe., mng. II.7: to have a value; y. Van' pe./af. + "3+ XJl'jyfl mng. lb: to fast; IV. in var. phrases: a. '3 n'X to contain, have: 4- ITX usage c.l; b. XTl^'la -3 X1?'? it is debasing for ...: 4- V^Vr pe., mng. lb; c. JV1? ■3 to not contain: 4- XT'1? usage a.3.a; d. X'lD ...'3 enough, sufficient: 4- Vl#'JD pe., mng. 2; e. V'JI ■3 usual, frequent: 4- V?n pe., usage a N1N3 4- X33 n. [NJ1K3 4- XJIS n.] 11N3* n.m. wine (< MP badag wine, must CPD 16) 4- nx3"tt Lit: Geig, WZKM 44(1937] 55+; id., AAC 72; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]. The phrase J(t>niM nan [so Ar (AC 2:3, s.v. 11X3)] is a quasi-A translation of the original MP I IIIC'U. "WHSa, pi. 1*^1X3 n.m. falconer (< Mir *bazyar [< MP baz falcon CPD 18 + -yar (< -dar) + Mir pi. -an; cf. NP bazyar PED 146]; 1 XT3, PIXT3; cf. Sy K'-ti-.vi LS 65) pi. X(')010 ]X1X'TX31 the falconers' horse Sab 94a(23; Ar [AC 3:2853]) 'K3 183 X33 T T Geon. expl.: pip mBiy pa pi mtem 13 XSV31 fM "9 -pi pp ptai T'txa 'tns 'ta mix py pa poiyn tnxm txa mix fixw1? pinra d'ous urb wi [xnxnxa mix pip irixa nnv ixa pnpm rcntm msiyn ac ib.; Lit: Fi, tmw 1:284. '«3 4- V'y3 vb. Ktf'N3 n.m. sick person (4- VtfX3 pe., part, det.; JPaV'3, K?'X3 DJPA 96) sg.m. WX13 "laD1? in!3 HT\2V2 X^'XS Dip p XTin is it permitted to extinguish a burning lamp in the presence of a sick person on the Sabbath? Sab 30a(10); Xff'X3 X'ytfin 'Tl xyV'pa mn there was a sick person in PN's chamber Ber 22a(59; Ar [AC 2:4]); pl.m. 'ff'X3 Geon 119:24 [* 'Xn3 ib. 25] S^N3 4-2#XI73n. ysaN3 prep. 4- xysax n. 0'0N3 n.m. (uncertain) sg. HG1 138:38 (')'BK3 4- 1# XSX n. NpN3 4- 2# Xpl3 n. 1# J"1N3, nn3 n.m. horse (< MP barag mount, horse CPD 17; JPA 2#pn3 DJPA 115) sg. TWJ 'T1 wa X'OIO XiX n,!? let me send him my horse San 98a(45; He.MGG 687:16,Ar [AC 2:200, s.v. ,Xpi3, X"D]) [Rashi: J1X3 X'010 AZ 30a, s.v. 'B nxs] The word X'010 is an A gloss in the text for the original P word; Lit: Geig, AAC 73. [2# 11N3 4- nX3 n., -Q n.] B^N3, t^'3 vb. to be sick, displeased (1 Xti'X3, tf'3; JPA 1£?X3 itpe. to be sick DJPA 83) Pe. 1. to be sick: BT»K3 13"?n 31 PN is sick Ned 40a(l) [but ^n ib. 39b(44)]; 2. w. mX7 impersonal to be displeased: X71» XH3 Vth B'3T he is displeased in this town BM 75b(46) Itpe. to be sick: pass.part. T©X3D1 pjmB unwell and sick Bo 71:7 Lit: D. Bronznick, Lesonenu 41 (1977) 17163. N33, K3K3, cs. 33 n.m./f. door, gate, court, section (< Akk babu gate, door, item CAD B 14, AIOA 40; LMA si-ip-pa-a di a-ba-ba-a' doorpost Urukinc 2, Ma 1#X3X3 gate, section MD 45, > Arab ^U Fr, AF 14; 4- xyiTl) 1. door: a. alone: pi. mpSXl '3X3 0113 they hacked down the doors and removed it [i.e. the bed] MQ 25a(32); '33 y31X PP1? mn XJTTUX 'XH an inner room which has four doors Men 34a(7; M); b. w. var. qualifiers: sg. HTl'Vyi X3X3 the door of its upper room Tan 24a(30); ''7TO X33 the door of his house Ned 31b(13); AZ 10b(14); man '31 X33 the door of his father-in-law's house Yev 52a(24); xn '31 X33 the courtroom door BQ 113a(3); X3XB1X1 X3X3 the door of a bloodletter/artisan San 29a(29); c. w. var. vbs.: 1) VinK pe. to shut, close: mro X331? n'inx he shut the door behind him ib. 26a(57); AZ 47a(6); TGHark 272:27; 2) V«11D pe. to knock: X3X3X XS1K mn she was knocking on the door Tan 25a(3); Er 104a(32); MQ 28a(49); 3) Vsri' pe. to sit [w. "?y, "X at, by]: X33X 'X"I33 3'm he sat outside by the door Ned 91b(13); Yom 84b(34); San 109b(55); Hul 99b(22); ib. 95b(13); Bo 125:1; 4) Vmj? pe. to stand [w. "X at, by]: X33X 'Xp X3'D a sectarian is standing [i.e. waiting] at the door Hul 87a(24); Er llb(25); BM 84b(24); BB 58a(7); Men 53a(29); 5) ^"\p pe. to cry out, call [w. 'X at; cf. Akk baba sasii CAD S/2 156]: sg. tt'J'X 'ixp '3 X33X when someone cries out at the door (to be admitted) Sab 140b(30); Hag 5a(l); Ket 103a(47); Ned 50a(10); Qid 31b(4); BQ 33a(16); pi. '33X 'IXpl "7'TK Xp mn he used to go around and cry out at the doors BM 84a(51); 2. doorway: sg.cs. XJVUn 33 the doorway of a tavern Sab 32a(10; MGG 438:17) det. XTVUm X33 AZ 31b(17)]; X3X33 H'TIB p'Sl Xp mn X1? the bed could not get through the doorway MQ 25a(28); 3. gate: a. alone: sg. mpSXl X3X3 PI'1? inriD open the (city) gate for him and let him go out Git 56a(52; MGD 627:16); Ket 62a(37); nriSB3 XltflJ X33X (if) on opening there is rain on the gate [i.e. if it rains in the morning] Ber 59a(37; F) // Tan 6b (26; L); b. parts thereof: sg. X331 '1310 Xy3© seven bolts of a gate Sab 67a(5); X331 '©'1 the top of the gate Ned 66b(37); X331 H'D'D doorpost of the gate Git 68b(52); c. w. var. qualifiers: sg.cs. XIDfl 33 the gate of the sheepfold Sab 32a(9; MGG 438:16); det. xnS3 '31 X33 the gate of the smithy Git 56b(41); xnitOT X33 the gate of the walled city Tarn 32b(4); d. w. GN: X33 X'pDiapi BB 58b(14); "?ixe; '33 the gates of Sheol Bo 143:7; e. esp. as a place of judgment:
NViaXT N33 T -; - T T 184 .1*633 T T ; T Xl'T p'Vl X33X YWb let him sit at the gate and judge the case BB 58a(35); 4. sluice gate: sg. X3X3 in riDS he opened one sluice gate MQ 10b (24); pi. '3X3 nn ib. 23; 5. court, courtroom: sg. XmVl tm X33V wmpai 'J"l 'IVDtn you are closer to the court of the exilarch where judges are ubiquitous BB 65a(21); Dec 7:3; ib. 2:4; X33i Xl'H judge of the court iSGF 98:4; ib. 112:11; X33 'TBO the court scribes Dec 2:1; 6. f. section of a literary work [cf. Akk babu item CAD B 26, mng. 6, MP dar door, chapter CPD 24]: a. general: sg. X33 "in Yev 3a(9); XS'DT X33 ... Ktrn X33 first/last section (of the Mishna) Sab 3a(l); Yev 18b(30); ib. 19b(10); AZ 68b(9); TGAs42 67:18; pi. Win Ti"Bp '3X3 the two first sections (of the Mishna) Ned 31a(10); Nid 45b(19); '3X3 T\Tbt\ 'in these three sections ^Z 68b(8); &rf> 36b(14); Bes 26b(8); }fev 9b(8); b. esp. in Geon. lit. a ten chapter section of the Tractate Neziqin or Kelim: sg. X»p X33 GC 69:8; i& 133:6; XVH XBIT "?IUn rp'IM XBp X33 g^ 18:7 [i.e. BQ, ch. 10]; X3X3 XJVyx'a the middle section GC 20:3 [i.e. chaps. 11 -20 of Mishna Kelim}; X3X33 GC 118:10 [w. ref. to BB, ch. 4]; '»rm X3X3 a section of a supplication prayer TGHark 189:21; pi. '3X3 iym the 'sections' of Neziqin iSGF 33:1; '»X13 '3X33 as we say in the (tractate of the) 'sections' GC 186b:2 [w. ref. to BM 84a(44)]; 7. m./f. set (ofshofar blasts): sg. X3X3 in /tf/"33b(21); X33 xn'n^n X3X3 ... 'xi'in X33 ... xivaip first, second, third set HP 19:21; pi. '3X3 in'jIO all the sets RH 33b(20); HP 19:29 Cf. also: X33 'Vx33 Aferf91b(13; Ar [AC 2:4, s.v. 33]), expl. ib.: lywn JIB'3; on the confusion of this word w. the PN X33, v. D. Sperling, JAOS 115(1995) 205+. Lit: Geig, AAC 73; Voc: xM HGP 29a:24; Y: X33 BAYTN 4. - NV13N1 N33 n.m. city gate (< Akk bab abullim CAD A/1 84 [OAkk, Nuzi]; 4- l#xVl3X) sg. BB 58a(35) Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 467. - NTVj7N"T N33 n.m. keyhole (4- xvbpx) sg. Men 57a(20; P2V10Ar [AC 7:98, s.v. T>p]) - NnwVa-T/N^aT KM n.m. royal court (cf. BA X^B JHJI Da 2:49) sg. XD^Bi X33 fler 58a(44; SM 32:28); XjTDVbi X3X3 OZ/So/ 271:1 Lit: H. Wehr, Islam 39 [1964] 247+. - NrO'Jia"! N33 n.m. Geonic court (lit. gate of the academy; 4 X33 mng. 5, 1# XrOTIB, XH '3; GeonH n3'tf'n 1JW BY 7363, Ar nvttthx 3X3 Mann, TaS2 67:9) sg. X3X31? XlBTp"? ipsi "XH X1311 X31K1T XIH '31? XrO'IlBT (these questions) have been brought out before us to the Geonic court, to the court of our master and teacher, PN TGHark 76:14; ib. 149:5; 156:23; 276:26; 277:9; TGAs27 23:12; TGAs28 3:10; TGAs42 93b:3 Lit: A. Aptowitzer, JQR 4 [1913] 36. — N"iri3 33 n.m.cs. opening of the canal (caique < Akk bab nari CAD B 23, mng. 3; i l#X"ini; cf. Sy rdJLiwa iv'inl^ *±-\b\ PSm 4506) sg. Xini 331 XJ1MX 'Xn hash (of fish caught at) the opening of the canal Suk 18a(40; E2) // AZ 39a(13) Lit: Sperber, IrAn 8 [1968] 70+; Eshel, JSB 43. riN^M, abs. 't633 adj., n. Babylonian (TA 'X'ttS TJ Jos 7:21,' Sy nLiA^J, PSm 444) I. adj.: a. w. ref. to Jews: sg.abs.m. /1X 'X^33 you are Babylonian Hul 50a(10); Sab 60b(51); det. '1 nx"733 ]T\: BB 73a(15); Ket 106a(25); pl.m. pan 'X^33 our Babylonian scholar-colleagues Git 78b(14); Pes 89b(50); Wed 49b(4); Zev 30b(19); //«/ 45a(23); 'xVaa 'p'm "U'2? contrived Babylonian solutions Tern 21a(3); f. XrP'Vaa 'WD Babylonian bunches Sab 147a(32) [4- XK?'3]; Sab 81a(30) [1 XfllEhp]; b. w. ref. to a demon: sg.f. xrm XJV'rSS1? I resemble the 'Babylonian' 5o 125:3; II. n.: a. w. ref. to Jews: pl.m. 'pOJ/ xVl XnmX3 'XV33 and the Babylonians do not study the Torah! Pes 88a(5) // Tan 9b(27); Sab 60b(51); 'X"?33T xns'tf i.-beverage of the Babylonians ib. 110a(42); 145b(17); RH 21a(3); San 96b (44); 'X"?33T XIlBn'l consolations of the Babylonians BQ 38a(36); iSGF 97:8; 'jtf>33 'XlffSD stupid Babylonians Foot 57a(25) [+ //'s; 4 nXB/SB]; b. w. ref. to pagans: pl.m. 'XOns X^ xiyr xmna xij?t 'x^aa x"?i xiyT I know neither Persians nor Babylonians. I know the NJ3 T T Tannaitic tradition Ber 46b(33); 'XB 'xV33T what are (the holidays) of the Babylonians? AZ llb(26) Lit: I. Ben-David, Lesonenu 38 [1974] 153+ [Voc]; Muller- Kessler-Kwasman 162 [mng. l.b]; Y: rwfaj BB 73a(15; BAYTN 318). N53, NJN3 n.m. rural area adjoining a city (< MP bay garden, orchard CPD 16; OfA 13 domain, fief DNWSI 143, Sy tO^i garden LS 57, Ma X1X3 garden MD 46) sg. 'TTT 3T3 '13 X1X33 students of the be rav who live in a rural district Pes 8b(14); Er 73a(38); X1X3 p'pmB Xs? 'BJTH X5?"IX3 we do not presume that the (entire) rural district is a field of the orphans BM 22b(25); BB 29a(29); X1X3T nan most of the rural area BM 105b(38); ib. 106a(14); X1X3 'DU'llVxT a rural area of violent people Qid 59a(18); X13 '13 residents of a rural district Git 58b(27); Bes 21a(38); TGAs28 37:9; pi. T>1 xi3 ins x"?x r?Bp xb in(i)'xi 'is inbiDB r^upi go and cut down trees from all the rural areas. They only cut down trees in one rural area BQ 113b(39; F1); BB 68a(31) [* 4- XiTllll]; ib. 34; '1X3 '"TO1B inin those guardians of the rural areas BM 73a(27); '1X3 'pOS parcels of land of the rural areas BB 68b(15) [4- '"71'3]; nBDB '1X3 'concealed' rural districts [i.e. which avoided paying taxes] ib. 54b(15; Es) Geon. expl.: XJ3 VU'X XJ1S TIB the outskirts of the town are b. TGHark 86:27 [expl. ,TTB TBB 3:5; i XTW]; 'JK3 'IBID •Q.1 "731 O'jni D'noBO Eps, St2 327:24; Lit: Geig, AAC 72, points out that the semantic range of the P word has been enlarged in JBA and this is reflected also in Sy [cf. BBah 355:4]; Tel 28; Shaked, EIr 3; Y: 'JX3 BM 73a(27; BAYTN 4). SaiJS n.m. a demon (< Ir *bagadana- temple, > deity Shaked, Boyce Vol 514+; Sy rdsrU^a SIB 1:10, Ma X1X1113X MD 3) sg.abs. ni'3 "73 Bo 116:7; pl.det. '1113T X3T xna the great lord of the b.-demons ib. 21:6 Lit: C. Muller-Kessler, JAOS 116 [1996] 19316. This word is also used as a GN [e.g. Bo 12:2; ib. 13:4; 20:4], ilKJVm adj. of GN sg.m. nxmi3 pn an Ber 54b(52); Ket 7b(26); BB 142b(21) // Zev 92a(9) Lit: AAC 74; Eshel, JSB 49. 1J3 I 11 prep. [N'V'J3 i XnVll n.] ms 1#H13 vb. to be weak, bruise, harm (i Vl# IIS; Sy "Ui^a pe. to be weak LS 58, mng. 5) Pe. (a/ ): xVp n1? 1131 nV XU/pT X1H tt^p'B she indeed grew old, and her voice became weak BB 167b(39) Af. 1. to bruise: 113a fS8 X3'V 'XT if there is no mat, (the rope fill in the bed) can bruise (her) Ket 65a(42; M); rb 113a 'TI13X TOSmi will a tube (inserted into her uterus) actually bruise her? Nid 66a(20; Ar [AC 2:12]) [Var: 111B milX AC ib., X"D; i VlDS af., mng. 4]; 2. to harm: IX Xnm l"73naT xnan ins xrxi ix x»T3 oaoa'ai xns'x I'imaXT 'XD yn X3'X X1?! an animal or a bird which is soiled in blood, or which has a place where they are injured, and no one knows what harmed them HP 203:12 [= GeonH ]n>rwr\ HR 145:15]; pass.part. pl3» X*7T 31 by «]X even though (the hens) are not harmed ib. 14 [= GeonH 1'JinitflB HR 145:16] Ittaf. to be harmed: -I13JTX xVl VdXI n3JH X3'm if he transgressed and ate (the possibly poisoned animal) and was not harmed HP 204:14 [= GeonH pn Wehizhir2 92:15] 2# 1JQ vb. to mature (MH "113 LNVTH 108) Pe. (a/ ): X-113 Xbl X3'D1'X X3'D3'X X*?1 X113 (if) she matured and was not married (or) was married and had not matured Ket 53b(5); Tjn nmiop'B XB'p n'DWTa X113T from her youth and until she matures she stays in his custody HP 108:24; ib. 117:31; 152:16; X113 xVi XB31 as long as she has not matured ib. 108:21 "13 i "1 conj. [13V73 4- 13'IS n.] -nans 4- xron n. xnn3 4- xiins n. m3 vb. to be cheerful (4 xmn'13; cf. Sy rdjiao-a cheerfulness LS 59) Pe., pass.part.: 4-nna Af. to cheer s.o. up: n'njn X3'Syi IP'l'X ]l'Tn 'D n'V p'maa when we see someone whose disposition is sad, we cheer him up Tan 22a(26; M2); Ned 50b(43); ib. 51a(4); n'WSl 'nnsx1? to cheer himself up HGl 392:62 ['K'13 4- l#'T3adv.] 185
ma 186 i#im D.'73 adj. cheerful, joyous (4- Vma pass.part.) a. alone: sg.m. '3'3n3 .T3 XJnm DXin X1? (n)'"7XE;'X7 my uncle was not in a cheerful mood towards me so that I could ask him Hul 32a(17); f. xnsi 'ins xnjn xnna mn xm xnri'x x'nn a certain woman who showed displeasure towards (her) husband Ned 91b(4; V2); pl.m. 'ma WJ'N PN we are joyous people Tan 22a(26) [Var: 'T3i 'nna v17]; b. esp. foi. V'tn pe. [4- a'sy]: n"tn ma mm he saw that he was cheerful Suk 53a(22; M2); mnjn xnna mm mn'tn I saw that he was in a cheerful mood Sab 77b(22); Ber 31a(3; F); /& 30b(47)! Nffln'ia n.f. mirth (4- Vma; cf. Sy kLO^o^s LS 59) sg. xmrnai xrfm a mirthful statement Sab 30b(37) // Pes 117a(39); TVb mn» Xp mn Xmmaa he was replying to him in a mirthful manner BB 9b(22); 50 17b(5); Ber 55a(50) Y: Krnma SB ib.(BAYTN 175). K'H3 n.m. liar (V'T3 qattal-form; MH2 'X13 J 138) sg. mn X"13 Xinn that (bird) was a liar Hul 63a(37) [»3»H3 4-2#X3"I'3n.] Vna prep, because of, conj. in order that (archaic and dialectal; 4- mtr"\; TA "?H3 TO Gen 6:3, JPA V'13 DJPA 85) I. prep.: Tl'XT main m3 X313X by H'V because of the debt which our father owed him SSSad 265b: 16; 'mnx1? xapixV Vh3 "7X*lW'a XSIS XJfl'a in order to perpetuate a name for his brother, the deceased, in the Jewish people HP 163:32; TGHark 272:8; II. conj.: V'13 'rW'JD '31? im'ia ]"D»X1 because they brought their sons to the synagogue Ber 17a(48; P) Nfllp'73 n.f. examination (in connection with slaughtering animals; i Vl#pl3; cf. Sy rdii^a ls 60) sg. mm xin "?a p xmpns 7-ixa x:na 3n PN used to require an examination it [i.e. the knife] between each one (of the slaughterings) Hul 10b (15); xmj?'ia ,t"7 n'X (the bird) has an examination (to determine its fitness) ib. 56a(37); 47a(2) [cf. HP 199:8]; 48a(17); Geon 30:15 Y: Nnipna //«/ 10b(15; BAYTN 175). [nK3j?H3 4- XJpJ-tfT n.] vb. to abstain, separate, recite havdala (4- xrf713X; Ma "713 pa., itpa. MD 52) Pe. 1. to abstain: m3 'D V'X X1?! XjV'13 ]'X V'X rtn3 TO IB are you abstaining (from work)? He said: "Yes, I am abstaining." And he did not say to him: "Is the master abstaining?" Ber 27b(8) // Er 40b(28); nax^a ]» b'!X3 X3XTJT Xinn ]TO from that time he abstains from work Geon 266:18; 2. to separate or distance o.s.: rf?12 Xp (')XSpT 'X13 what occurred that she separates herself (from other men)? Sot 2b(45); pass.part. V'13 blSTO n'3D he indeed keeps his distance from it Pes 6a(32); ib. 1 la(l 1); nr» 'BN'X Vui no'X!3T T"JH idolatry which is repulsive and people distance themselves from it Bes 39a(21); Git 53b(36); BM 102a(24); Hul 116b(14); HP 6:6 Af. to recite havdala [denom. < 4- xnVl3X]: n'ty p'Vraa '"max we can definitely recite havdala over it [i.e. beer] Pes 107a(26); ib. 103b(16); 105a(18); Ber 33b(3); Sab 150b(37) *6l3 4- "\ conj. l#j?13 vb. to examine, search, predict (4- Xmpna; Sy 1# *s>^=> LS 59) Pe. (a/u) 1. to examine, test, check: a. general: T\b p'13 p13a he thoroughly inspects her (for blemishes by means of his relatives) Ket 57b(46); "?IX np13 "?'T npia'Sab go (and) inspect her. He went to inspect her Yev 105b(29); Ket 60a(12); Qid 76a(34); n»3 n'3 X3p'13 we tested you Pes lllb(24; V); XTO3 rf? 'p13 xyiTUa in GN they used to examine (the knife) with water Hul 17b(20; V11); ib. 29; 3b(ll); Ket 61b(5); Git 68b(44); p'pT3 XIH XTO3 n'1? we test it [i.e. the document] with an extract of pomegranate (peels) ib. 19b(46) [to bring to light faded writing]; Men 35a(18); XJ'JD vrtnb inrnpnsn 'a'n 'D larpnsa1? I want to test you just as I tested them San 93a(43); pass.part. p3T '"7 'p'13 X*7 I have not scrutinized the scholars Tan 23b(30) [Var: 'b wp'13 kV M2]; b. w. "WSJ: ,TWM p'13 mn ]'»!' I'fl^n *7a he used to test himself every thirty days (to see if fire would not burn him) BM 85a(50); 'tnm ni£?S3 pnan nman"? let (the blind woman) inspect herself (for menstrual blood) and show (it) to another woman Nid 13b(40); HP 137:20; c. of a terefa: p'na tm 2#jT73 187 ma XBnaa p'13 nm XT3 one examines with the hand and another examines with a needle Hul 56a(25); ib. 43b(2); 76b(10); TGHark 159:18; d. of asota: in"mx 'a 'pns xp pax xto 'pna 'ai the water only tests the stomach according to its path Sot 9b(ll); ib. 20b(24); 2. to search: '331 pi3 he searched and removed (the corpse) Naz 65b(l); X1SSS pTO'J let him search (for the hames) from the morning Pes 4a(18); 3. euph. w. mVtl to defecate: 'Xfl'3 IW 'V n'X mXOD 'H3 jmXl D'TO? 'X©S3 xsp'ns xiansn xa'n Vai xwma '3VI have twenty-four privies between my house and the school, and wherever I need to I defecate Ber 55a(19) [cf. Ned 49b(37)]; Hor 13b(37); mn 'TOW Xrf?p3 n'WD: p'13 PN used to defecate with (the aid of) a stalk Ned 50b(28; V2Ar [AC 7:98]) Pa. l. to investigate [w. nna, ty]: nnna ipi3 mbtJpl Xin 'in mnaWXI they investigated him, found that he was a pagan, and killed him Pes 3b(42); ib. 4a(i2); na jimrys 'ixm 'a psxy n'"in3 Tpnsa they do as they see fit when they are investigating him TGHark 84:19; ib. 117:20; 2. to predict [cf. TA p'lSa xpla" TO Gen 44:15 (H vnr ©Hi) and Sy, PSm 453]: Xiaa3 p'13 31 xpira p'na 'nr 'm xiD'oa p'n3 'jxtow PN predicted by means of a ferry. PN2 predicted by means of a book. PN3 predicted by means of a child Hul 95b(23) Itpe. to be tested, examined: 'pia'B XD'n n3J1 where are men tested? &* 32a(12); Mg 28b(16); 1'pnaai ly xntswa ra«i x"7i (if) you do not adjudicate the writ until the (witnesses) are examined TGHark 109:15 2# p13 vb. to make a breach, insert (4- HpT2; mng. 1: Ma l#pia MD 52, Akk bataqu to cut through, pierce CAD B 161; mng. 2: Ma 2#pna MD ib.) Pe. 1. to make a breach: XWn"? n"m mn-133 xina1? xsina p'na mm xnan he saw a certain man who was making a breach in a fence of palm leaves to look at his daughter Tan 24a(17) [4- Vl#na mng. 3]; 2. to insert [4- Vpns pe., mng. 3]: Xn'Jnaa 'iV pna PN inserted it into his (copy of) the Mishna Yev 10a(30; O2) // npn3l5A/48a(45;F') Lit: Eps, MNM 700 [mng. 2]. "113 vb. to scatter, spread, take root (4- XTna; Sy i:Lr> LS 60, Ma ma to scatter, sprinkle MD 52) Pe. (a/a) 1. to spread (on a sore or wound): n'l^'y mai rf? 'Vpl burn it [i.e. the cord] and spread (the ashes) on it [i.e. the sore] AZ 28b(5); ib. 10; mn Xao [T\b =] Xb ma 'XT if they spread (medicine) on it (the animal) will live Hul 54a(34) [cf. Sy rd^i^o en . \ \ io-=> PSm 454]; 2. to take root: mX3 xmi mX3 TtxaT whichever (tree) takes root will grow [lit. take root], and whichever does not take root, (let it be for firewood) BB 102b(14; Q§ 72:17) [4- VlSB pe., mng. l]; n'yaw 'apa icnsn nwsx ]a dx x"7x (it is forbidden to plant in the sixth year) unless it is possible for (the plant) to take root before the sabbatical year Seel 129:22(Var); XTT3 ]>J)bl\b it takes root in thirty (days) ib. 26(Var); 27(Var); 3. to catch fire: X'331 Xlli xma X1? xa^'T perhaps the fire will not take hold, and it will be extinguished Seel 72:2 Pa. 1. to scatter: O^iyn mriTl J731X3 131? KITTM I shall scatter you to the four corners of the earth Tan 3b(9); AZ 10b(41); ib. 53b(40); Sinn"? ni'Vp TO' 3WX n'aD'pV mm31 xmj burn me and spread my ash upon the seven seas Git 56b(46); Yom 84a(14); AZ 62b(14); RH 26b(13) // Meg 18a(43); xabj? '"7133 TT3»1 mn'3 y\T\01 'Km I saw (in a dream) that they were tearing down my [lit. his] house and were scattering (it) in the entire world Ber 56a(46; P); pass.part. 'T13a Ber 58b(56) [of stars in a constellation]; ib. 47b(53); 2. to sprinkle: xawan [xi"]an ppb 'nsjn 'jxa ©(iX'isD'V xm n'^y kto nXi>liial? they make the minor a leather belt (for use) in sprinkling water, so that (his) garments should not be soaked TGAs42 166:9 [expl. 4- Jtatia; cf. Ma XTOT XJXTO'n a belt of water MD 145] Itpa. 1. to be disbanded: '"ina'X ITO'1? let (the two witnesses) merely be disbanded Git 33b(44); San 8a(54); 2. to be scattered, disseminated: Xin 'TTO'XT Xi©'"7 it is a term denoting being scattered (to the wind) AZ 44a(26) [expl. BH DXiff'1 2S 5:21, w. ref. to OXWfl PITT] Dntn Is 41:16]; n'miX 'm3'» xpi its flocks (of wool) will be scattered Ber 56a(46; MGG 705:9); Tnxnyaw ima'a your legal traditions will be (widely)
nna 188 K'lna disseminated ib. 47(MGG 705:13); Bo 55:2; 3. to be dissipated: ptt?XYJ mnD VP in1? mH the days of purification of the first (child) were dissipated HP 135:17; 4. to catch fire: Wip kV rvfrrrra pru pma py-ii pma x1? pix pma p!3B (loose) reeds catch fire (from one another in an oven). (If) he tied them together, they do not catch fire. Kernels (of fruit) catch fire. (If) he placed them in woven baskets they do not catch fire Sab 20a(42) Lit: Eps, Stl 112. 'Ttn3 prep, with, towards, conj. while (< pq + "3 [< pn*. pi. of 4- l#in num.pl.; cf. 'TO TGAs42 34b:2]; cf. Akk adi B together with CAD A/1 121; 4- 'in1?, Tin, ay prep.; Ma X'1,T3X MD 4; cf. MH2 "D B? BY 4541) w. suf: lsg. 'XTO Hag 4b(30); 2m. Tina AZ 10b(15); 3m. ,TTO Suk 44b(37); f. nTO /toa« 106:6; lpl. pm Yev 37b(30); 2m. 13'TO MQ 22a(8); 3m. 1.TTO 5g 98b(27); f. VPTO 5e/fc 20b(28);- I. prep. 1. with, together with: a. general: TOT ln'TO you are with them San 17a(l); mm XJ'in I want to be [lit. I am] with him Ket 77b(l); X*?1 pm <1>{')J1XP x"?l ]TO 'V3K they do not eat with us, and they do not drink with us Meg 13b(44); in 'ina xn inV itxt 'snw nm 'nx nn 'n two brothers or two partners who have a court case with someone Ket 94a(13); TO1? '"IpW HTO 'TO '"? why do I have to deal with lying witnesses? BB 31b(6); XD'D mn ^X'^BJ ]3T 'TO PN had bread with him [lit. with PN (in his baggage) there was bread] Hor 10a(46); Pes 43a(14); 'Xai Xn"?'Bl xrf?'a 'TO T3J?nm salt and what is made with salt Anan 86:22; b. w. var. vbs.: XnV'a n'1? mn '3 V1H 'TO when he had a complaint [lit. word] with someone Yom 87a(47); ITHm "|V mn 'KB VU'JlVopi what did you have against them that you cut them down [i.e. the cedars]? SOZ 72:24; rVXl'tt 'TT'XTO are you quarreling with me? BM 85b(19); 'XTO WJ73 'XB what do you want with me? San 5a(26); nTO 1,TX 'jmPX he spoke with him Meg 16a(41); Yom 9b(46); Anan 14:15; XTUT XTiay n'TO Bpi Bp he arose and a pillar of fire arose together with him MQ 25a(47); 2. towards [4- 'TO1? mng. 2]: X3B XB1H X'M 'TO towards the evening of the holiday Bes 27b(3); Er I 43a(38); Anan 29:26; 3. next to: 'TO iTaniXl X'W> TD xnan '"?'B he placed him next to the town gate the whole night SOZ 72:18; II. conj. while [w. fol. part.]: T]Siyb n"Wl 'AOB XpT 'TO H'B'X while he was walking he saw Orpah, his mother San 95a(45); ib. 96a(9); XSiy n'3 VT\V\ niST 'in3 he slaughtered a bird with it [i.e. the arrow] while it was in flight Hul 30b(39); ib. 53a(35); vmsya xnsy bpv 'xixpn 'to while coming (to the boat) he took some of their earth [lit. earth from their earth] Bek 8b(45); ib. 36a(33); Bes 8b(14); Tan 22a(2); Ned 31b(8); Afaz 50b(ll); Git 14a(44); i& 56a(9); 68a(l); Tarn 32b(8) Lit.: Nold, MG 59, note; Voc: 'Tl5 HPP 43:19; Y: 'in? Tan 24b(37; BAYTN 336). - '7.n3N prep, at the time of (4 "X; Ma X'Trax MD 4) xmP 'tyBT X'iD 'TOX at evening time on Friday BM 75b(40); ib. 49a(49; HP 84:5) prep, corresponding to, against, towards (4- 'TV?) 1. corresponding to, against: 'arn nrf?n 'ina"? mt?s nrfrn three exemptions corresponding to three liabilities Zev 39a(19); Yev 31a(41; O2); X'Va XnT 'TO1? XTDn XnT ^1 remove one deficient month [i.e. having twenty- nine days] corresponding to one full month Ara 9a(15); ib. 19; 'B"p Tin Bm> 'TO1? (the basins) corresponded in height with the bread Men 96a(47); xVwa xinn n'TO1? m1? ]jny»a we measure it against that cooked dish Seel 24:2; ib. 51:49(Var); 2. towards: X'iD 'TO1? towards evening Yom 19a(34; L); Anan 27:5 Lit: Eps, Stl 106; Y: ni?1? Pes 8a(ll). tt'ina adv. explicitly, directly, openly (< X'TO*; 4- 'TO, l#in num., lSX'TO) 1. explicitly: a. general: '1BI2H n'BWB nan'Xl p'3 'XTIBXa 3TT .TBWI X'TO since it was said explicitly in the name of PN, while in the name of PN2 there is a (disagreement) of Amoraim Yev 18b(7); Hag 3b(26); AZ 10b(l); TGHark 40:32; ib. 44:23; b. w. ref. to a biblical verse: 'TO X'TO arms) nax udjw -»aVn x1? ina it is explicitly written concerning them: "You should not wear £., wool and linen" [Dt 22:11] Sab 27a(25); ib. I 133b(30); Pes 66a(42); Yev llb(12); 5M K^Tia 189 *£« 61a(38); BB 9b(20); 5e£ 14b(17); c. w. ref. to a Tannaitic statement: m"? 'JXTl xp X'TO Xn (the Tanna), in fact, learns it explicitly MQ 5a(34); Git 4b(16); BQ 50b(33); Hor 2b(24); Zev 20b(29); Men 12b(47); Hul 31a(24); /Ira 25a(3); x1? X'TO 'to x"?t 'anp X'TO raTOt xrrra xan '3J1p the Tanna learns a matter which is written explicitly (in Scripture). He does not learn a matter which is not written explicitly Qid 5b(19); BM 95b(l); San 75a(23); X'TO n":J1'Vl let (the Tanna) learn it explicitly BQ 4a(14); Qid 67a(l4); ,T? "•ana X'TO px n"? irnna '3n pnx you transmit it so [i.e. anonymously]. We transmit it explicitly [i.e. in the name of a tradent] Yev 18b(12); Sab 4a(20); BQ 78b(8); BB 19a(ll); Hul 126a(26); 2. directly: X*7T ]T3 X'in3 in1? 'JJ1DS since they cannot walk (in it) directly [i.e. in a straight line] Sab 7a(15); 3. openly: X'TO rbpwb let Him take it openly [i.e. the rib from Adam while he was awake] San 39a(13); ib. 15 Lit: Bacher 46; AAC 156, s.v. X'Tl; Y: xnna Ber 26a(37; BAYTN 332). N^'iia n.m. small amount (4- VTO; cf. Sy rsi.tn_=. quiet LS 61) sg. B'TD3T x"?'n3 a small amount of bikkurim AnanSch 12:5; "piB pmB X"?'n3 TlBXn removed slightly from the path of truth TGAs27 68:12 Lit: Eps, apud Assaf, TGAs27 68'. ^•na vb. to hurry (4- X"?'n3; BA Vn3 itpe. HALOT 1832) Itpe.: T7'n3Jl'Xl l^lT move and hurry Bo 51:4 pJ^na n. two-pointed compass, fork (4- X3DX; etym. unkn.) 1. two-pointed compass: sg. Tajn p3Bn33 (the top of the lulav) is formed like a two-pointed compass Suk 32a(3; M2); p:(B)na GC49:1 [expl. MH pDinn MKel 16:8]; 2. fork: sg. p^anai '3'3Da with knives and a fork BM 25b(31) Geon. expl.: v'ry vnBivw mip> Tith i1!^ 'rnrav nywa i?aan3 '3f>': Q'nBio 13 j'wiyw ^na ■?» 'Vs1? nam crivi p^n': ma m mynn 13 i'3nn vnw ni p:on3 I'tny D"on9 vm i^i? 'bibtw miyo '3mx i» xini myps nn'T iyj' x1?* (n>(nin,Bl7i nws1?!; lit^s p inx I'mpi... ]rf?w 'aj^yc nitsf po mos inx I'K'sow 1'XDXIB 'DIB OHT Suk 38:3, i.e. NP paran nails driven through anything and then clenched at the points PED 240; 'B j?Mn33 onsen 'Bitjnw 13 D'3pjnw 'Vs i:"m iostn x3Dn ohp Suk 97:11; ib. 112:11 [drawing]; OHR BM 39:17 [mng. 1]; 1»»1 D'pn '3 inx pra yvi xinw yvm n"D3 GC 49:2, i.e. o*ijW double sticker [cf. Sy: uPjW rf* i i^ ;'i *n an instrument for extracting BBah 1057:6] [mng. 2]; Lit: Eps, GC 498; Geig, AAC 415, s.v. prfllJl, rejects the P etyms. suggested by Eps, ib.4; Shaked, Dress 110. nna 4-1# nxa n. "p'*ina, "p'lna prep, instead of (< Ir *vihriq [cf. MP *guhng' equivalent CPD 36]; 4- Tom; cf. Sy nLL-Km^p part, portion LS 61) xmi X7IX j'p'ina a man has come in our stead Ara 27b(36); 'Xp'TO X"?m TH X131 '■? 13n give me a man who is a water drawer instead of me Ket 105a(39; FrAr [AC 3:248]); ''Xp'TO XTin'X "p n'V'S? I brought in for you a woman in my stead (to do the work) ib. 61a(20; V5Ar [AC 3:248]); nV>yX (n),pnna 'onsi xicx ^x'an1? they brought PN, the genius of the Persians, instead of him [i.e. Gabriel] Yom 77a(30; M) Lit: Koh, AC 2:25; Shaked, Elements 150; Geig, AAC 78, rejects the etyms. proposed by Fl, TMW 1:78, and Perles, EtSt 49. pina vb. to separate (4- -p'TO) Itpa. to separate o.s.: n'3B J'pTOn'B H'33'tt/l his neighbors separate themselves off from him Bo 141:8 Tina vb. to be ashamed (4- XXinna; Sy b\m-^ LS 61, Ma nna MD 54) Pe.: na'a ri'na mi xnb'a niBKl Blip say first something of which you are ashamed BQ 92b(20; MGG 404:1); '"?3n XS"?aT xnn3 X1? (a woman) who is used to bereavements is not ashamed (of additional ones) Ket 62a(27) Expl. Ar [Ket ib.]: n»2 n^ ]'X n^lSB nvrb jvraftnn AC 8:225. xrinna n.f. shame.(4- Vira; ta infins tj is 20:30, Sy ^^oijp LS 62, Ma xmmxa MD 46) sg. liTTKia 'xVl'X their shame was revealed Hul 56b(26; H2); pi. XriXIinaT '3X0 shameful elders [lit. elders of shames] San 102b(37; TGHark 145:10) Geon. expl.: HS'^D btffl n»13 Vb D'JpT TGHark ib.; Y: mPTtl BAYTN 182. K'313 n.m. oven, cooking place (< Akk bubu part of a kiln CAD B 300 [Lex]; Sy rf . -■o-a large brick on which to bake bread BBah 362:20) sg. Pes 30b(l 1) // Zev 95b(37); XTO! nan "?3X 31
i#Nn'aia 190 oiatoa t ■ : X'aia1? XJT'Pp PN ate dates and threw the stones into the oven Sab 29a(25) Lit: Geig, AAC 74; Fr, AF 23; AIOA 43; Brand 74; Rashi quotes mss. which read 1 'DJ1 '3. i#Kivan, Nrraa n.f. pupil of eye (ta raa ]inry TO Dt 32:10, Sy rf (. sn r^bL^A LS 62, PSm 442) sg. m'jn XJI'SIS Grt 69a(12) [Var: XJTaa Ar (AC 2:9)] Geon. expl.: ]yiV pfaw TITO yX»X3» ]Bp TITO TRN 615:6; Y: X1V33 G// ib.(BAYTN 30). 2#Nn'313, N7V33 n. channel (< NA &£« drainage opening in a wall CAD B 297, s.v. 6?'w, AIOA 43; Sy i<LL=>o_^, pi. n^wLse^, rciAjuia, pi. rt'&S A ; -., LS 62) Sg. XTI'SIS X'ai a water channel Hul 85b(42; V12) [Var: X'aiXri'33 Ar (AC 2:10)] Y: X)V3i3 Hul ib.(BAYTN 38). Nfiaia n.f. (uncertain; 4- X3m) sg. KJ13ia '1BHJ1 ... of garden beds &j2> 110b(41); pi. nxwai xnxinaa i&(Oxf., c. 27,14) Rdg. and mng. unclear. 'NHS 4- 'KIT adv. [KBWI3 4- XBB13 n.] NtJtJia n.m. spark (VtJDS; cf. Sy rdi^s. spark LS 66) pi. XTU1 '0013 sparks of fire BM 85a(37; F1); 5er 58a(36; OAr AC 2:40]) [Var: 'DXDia SMel 42:15] Nri'pia, NJl'B'a n.f. caper (etym. unkn.) sg. XJTD13 "m XrilBI XS'^ iftpitfl they removed the blossom of a caper shrub, and it recovered to a caper 5e/- 36b(37; Ar [AC 1:44]); pi. xn'013 2V seven capers Hul 59a(8; Ar [AC ib.]) Geon. expl.: O'JIJM pi '»TX Jl«rt>a XJVD13 l'X"lj7:n p ni3<l)'3K Jliyn1? ilOVTO ns p3 «n» TGHark 196:27; Lit: L6w, Flora 1:326; Y: XJVB13 Hul ib.(BAYTN 36). NBBia n.m. terebinth (TA xS»13 TJ Is 1:30, Sy K'k^V-? LS 67) pi. 'DD13 BB 80b(41) // 'apn fltf 23a(23; GRH 13:19) [expl. MH D'lfrx ib.] Lit: Low, Flora 1:194; Y: '0B13 RH ib.(BAYTN 145). [KJB13 4- X»t313 n.] [N'313 4- X'aia n.] N3313, N1N313 n.m. pestle, rib (< Akk bukanu pestle CAD B 308, AIOA 45; Sy r<lAo^=> LS I 73) 1. pestle: sg. X3X313 Sab 77b(33; Ar [AC 2:90]) [expl. as 133X1 X13 come and I shall strike it ib.]; Er 102a(29); XJ313 bp the sound of a pestle Bes 14a(25); '^am Xri'OXI XJ313 a pestle and a mortar for (grinding) spices Hul 105b (24); XPrUI XJl'DX 13<Jia>1 X^TISI XJ313 an iron pestle which breaks a brazen mortar Nid 36b(50) [Var: X3X313 MGL 447:21]; pi. '3X313 BQ 93b(22) [made of wood]; 2. rib: sg. XD'OXl X3313 rib and rib joint [lit. 'pestle' and 'mortar'] Hul 52a(32) [Var: X3X313 GC 81:6] Lit: Geig, AAC 91; Y: XJX313 BAYTN 160. 1#*0313 n.m. firstborn (4- Vl33, Xm3ia, XTVTDia; TA X1313 TO Ex 12:29, Sy rc'A-oc^ LS 73, Ma X1313 MD 55) a. human: sg. X1313 n'^ lip X"7 X3X1 X"730 X1313 1'^ <l>C)"lp XB'XI xVs'O X1313 the firstborn of the mother is called 'foolish' firstborn [i.e. lacking privileges of the firstborn]. The firstborn of the father is not called 'foolish' firstborn BB 126b(31); X1313 13 X1313 firstborn son of a firstborn son ib. 34; X1313 nnscn the firstborn of a maidservant AnanSch 7:19[Marg]; b. animal: sg. Meg 31a(41) [in mnemonic phrase, w. ref. to Ex 13:2]; 111 pllX '"I X1313 1'"7 PN had a firstborn (animal) Bek 36a(32); ib. 36b(ll); Bes 27a(7); Sab 145b(6) // Bek 36a(8); Hul 44b(29); Tern 8b(28); pi. '1313 1X'K?3 '31 the firstborn (animals) of the exilarch's estate Bes 27a(32); AnanSch 9:12 Voc: XT313 VTM 57; Y: XYJH BAYTN 145. 2#N"1313 n.m. the lowest layer in a clay dam (etym. unkn.; 4- XJ1331X, XfiSB) sg. BM 103b(34) Expl. Rashi; Y: XTJ13 BM ib. NJTrDte n.f. primogeniture (4- 1#X1313; Sy rc'^c.-UcuSD LS 73) sg. xm-iCl}30>3 HG3 292:52 Nrinpia n.f. firstborn (4- 1# X1313) sg. m XI11313 XJ11313 firstborn female (cat) of a firstborn one Ber 6a(16) Y: XJV1313 Ber ib.(BAYTN 145). n.m. ravenous hunger (< (3ouXiuo(; Lehnw 141; Sy u»<^J*ijAo_^ LS 76) sg. I'lflX 'DT '~b DiaVl3 a ravenous hunger seized PN Yom 83b(27) I Y: DioVlS Yom ib. t : 191 T T NPVlB n.m. lump of glass (< pa>A.o<; Lehnw 141; Sy rVrYi\o-=3 LS 76, JPA Dl"?ia DJPA 87) sg. Sab 154b(12; Rashi ms. [DS ad loc.]) [Var: XDI^S Ar (AC 2:101)] Geon. expl.: [71>313! =] ri'3130 V» ,"nj?'5> GnK5 170:20. Lit: Brand, Glass 156+, who disagrees on the etym. N,T713 n.m. a tax (4- 2#xn'U; etym. unkn.) sg. XJIBH XJ131 Xl'PISS '•b'a '3ni this refers to the 6.-tax and the poll tax of the (current) year BQ 113b(43; EsAr [AC 2:105]) [H: xyiX "7'33] RaH: flKn DO 'l'rs pxn Vw OHR ib. 105:3; Lit: Beer, BA 22823, w. prev. lit. The etym. proposed by L. Ginzberg [v. AAC 93, s.v. 3"1^3] is difficult on phonetic grounds, and the Sy cognate rc'-iAftja LS 63 proposed by Sperber, apud Beer, means simply 'clump.' Y: NlVia BAYTN 145. [JOTS 4 l#X313n.] N3313, K333 n.m. base, basis, place, garden bed (< Mir *bunak [cf. MP bunag (bwnk) abode CPD 20, NP biin foundation PED 208]; 4- XD313, 1# X'33; Sy kT k \o-= base LS 79, Ma X3313 base, foundation MD 56, garden bed Gs 111:16 [// XriVJ]) 1. base, foundation: sg. XllSttf T\»b H(33>U3H3 "ina Xl?"yI71 let him bring a spit and pass it (through the spine) from the base HG3 140:66; iri? 'Jia pri r<V>(1}m X3313 mm 'XT Xiaj if the foundation of the two houses belonged to one man TGAs33 109:7; 2. basis: sg. XnyBKH X3:ia Tim this is the basis of the law TGAs27 92:30; yyfr Xip'jn T^JTOI ,1<3a){33}ia 'Xp VidVd the basis and the main point of our Mishna refers to the matter of carrying OHT Suk 57:26; TGHark 278:7 [4- X'D13]; 3. proper place: pi. ]in'3ai33 Tinxr x:n T"yi mv he learnt (the laws of) the Sabbath and idolatry in their proper places Kar 3b(28; Os§M); ib. 31; 4. garden bed: pi. '333 MQ 4b(7; Ar [AC 2:125],GC 77:6) [expl. MH n\>X\y Mib. 1:1] P expl.: 'IB X'3313 113 1«:13 SMel 50:197. The form ,T3:3 HG3 157:50 indicating a part of the loin of an animal may belong here; Lit: Eps, GC 7719; AAC 95. JO013 n.m. willful negligence (4- V'03, Vl#'T3; JPA n"013 DJPA 87, > MH2 X'013 BQ 116b[10; H]; cf. Ma X3X'013 MD 56, Sy r^A<? . ^ -A LS 79) sg. X3313 TVb ri'Vl 'Xia X'D<1){3}3 willful negligence which has no basis TGHark 278:7; mV O'Vwx x'D<i>('}a x"?a ye\ryar 'ixm 'x»i I shall pay to him what they are responsible for without willful negligence SSSad 274:2 Geon. expl.: 'WW SSSad 275:8, i.e. o!£; Xy'BB OHT BQ 110:17. NB013, pi. 'Wpia n.m. spice, fragrance (4- VDD3; Ma Xabia, pi. X'JXaop MD 56, Sy i^Sanrn, pi. rC *x\ m ^>, ",)V"»^ LS 80) pi. 'ixaoia OHP Ber 63:8 tOJnpiQ n.m. garden (< Mir *bostan [cf. MP boyestan CPD 19, NP bostan, *bustan PED 207]; Sy rdihLsocyza LS 82, Ma XJXDDia MD 56; cf. PN 'XJXnoia IKI la: 10) sg. Sab 30b(4; M); Meg 16a(44) [containing trees]; '11X1 X3J1013 a garden of cedars SOZ 72:22; BM 22a(38); X3TO13 XIHH X31BX1 X1U1? T»0 mm a certain garden that was close to the wall of a house Er 25b (12); XU1 xaroiaa mbi vr~b mm xpamisx a certain pavilion which the exilarch had in the garden ib. 19; pi. 'Jnoiai 'D'HS vineyards and gardens BM 39b(40); BB 61b(41) Lit: Low, Flora 4:264; Tel 30; Y: NJ1TO3 Sab ib.(BAYTN 263). K(7r)P13, NpTlPa n.f. jug (< Mir *bastuk [cf. NP bastu small glazed earthenware vessel PED 186], > Arab iij^ PLAr 50; Sy rCA^m-p LS 82) sg. xmm xpnoia a jug of honey Hul 49b(25; Ar [AC 2:136]) [Var: XpWD'a H2]; pi. 7nDX3>{a}3 Bes 3 3b (3 7) [containing dry figs] Lit: Geig, AAC 97, w. prev. Lit; Tel 33; Y: KpriDlS BAYTN 263. NriSNa, KJlia, pi. '»gia, "W n.f. abscess (Vj?13; Ma xma*, pi. X71X3X1 X'13 large boils MD 55; cf. XJXrm ib. 57) sg. XWI3 nnsa1? to lance an abscess San 84b(40; Ar [AC 2:137]) [Var: XTTI3 HeTGHark 102:24, HGP 48b:5)]; pi. 'mn '3,1 'lin1? ]{')3'a01 nx'11 'S?ia two abscesses of a lung which are next to each other Hul 47a(l) [Var: mmV ]3'aoi "X3 Tnin HP 199:7]; n'x '3 nxna "ia 13 when there are abscesses in the lung TGHark 159:5 Geon. expl.: p'TDXl "13 '3 Xni3 K,1 TGHark 102:24; ib. 33; riljmysx p? 'yi3 ]1J3 'na'X ib. 158:35; Y: '»« BAYTN 18. HXSIS n.m. maker of linen cloth (nisbe-form < XS13*; cf. Sy «1^<?-^ of fine linen LS 63) pi. 'XS13 Sot 48a(46; Seel [Eps, Stl 438:20]) Lit: Eps, note ib.
xa'sia S3'S13 n.m. a plant, lamp (< Akk businu, businnu a plant, lamp wick, bit businni lamp CAD B 348; mng. 1: Peh ideog. XJ'Xia = MP xiyar cucumber FiP 4:24 [v. ib. 67], TA X*TX13 pi. TO Num 11:5, Sy KiL^o-a mullein LS 63, Ma xa'Xtt MD 56; mng. 2: TA rxi3 TJ IS 3:3, JPA TX13 DJPA 88) 1. a plant (perh. of the cucumber family): sg.abs. mn pis a new b.- plant HM 41:3; det. JPT n'BBpB xrxia (the nature of) the b.-plant is recognizable from its break Ber 48a(9); mp>» 2D XJ'Xia a 2>.-plant is better than a gourd Ket 83b(9) // Suk 56b(3) // Tern 9a(l); pi. TXia Meg 12b(l) // So? 10a(24) [* '"iXp; in a proverb; 4- '3 prep.]; 'V 'TTX 'V'? 'Jiw nn ,I7 'x'ttw '^tx 'rxia pn (the Babylonian husband said to his Palestinian wife:) "Go (and) bring me two bosine" [i.e. gourds]. She went and brought him two lamps Ned 66b(35) [cf. JPA l'S13 supra]; 2. lamp: sg. xrxia XTI77 a burning lamp [lit. a lamp of fire] Sab 30a(10); XTinn X3'X13 'lamp of light' Ket 17a(20) // San 14a(47) [honorific designation of a scholar] Lit: Geig, AAC 99; Low, Flora 1:534. For a discussion of the phrase XTIY! XJ'X13 Pes 94b(15) and a suggested emendation, v. Ros, Tarbiz 57 [1988] 3+; Voc: XJ'Xa VTM 27; Y: XJ'XiS San 14a(47; BAYTN 163). Kn»X», pi. KJVW3, KJ1»X'3 n.f. a small boat (MH2 7TX13 BBT73a[15], > Arab £—ji Fr, AF 217) pi. ierm X7T"X13 the Z>.-boats of GN 55 73a(16; F2) [expl. MH TOVT TBB 4:1]; XTttTX'O &rf> 101a(7) Geon. expl.: man pV «?'l D'0JX3 iVn1? XDXX'3 00 J'Wiy tim o'm y?n Krrai d'toj o'-im nvwy pryp"ij>i rtirnm nrx o'oa isniw Y?'bxi yivv d'D3 nsra pwvni mvft o'bhj TO3B: OHP Sab 64:8; 'M1? ITDhlQV JTUBp rrU'BO XrPS13 1'0»ji db roV? rvfrD' mVrra pxw 1'Dyio era mpas nfrmn rtrpi pVi ns'33 "bx racial rf?p x'm n«a^ I'xxvi naepa ... JVm Ar [AC 2:153; v. OHT ib.]; 7TO»p J113'Ty XnX'X'3 GnK5 168:1. Lit: Sperber, Nautica 2713; Flora 1:582; Y: xrix^xa bb ib. 1# K^SW, kVs3 n.m. onion (4- V?X3; TA '5X13 pi. TONum 11:5, Sy r^^ LS 86) pi. '"7X13 Qid 62a(2); 'Vx3 //P 190:9 Lit: Low, Flora 2:125+; Y: ^X3 gi'rf ib. 2# K^Xia n.m. young shoot of reed (4- V"?X3) sg. xin x^xiai 'wb (d){d)ix 'xm ynwa 'xa what KjM'rtia proves that DJX is a term (meaning) reed? Qid 62b(31; V3Ar [AC 1:23], s.v. Dix) [Van XJ^Xia Ar (AC 7:392, s.v. VXB)] Lit: Low, Flora 1:667 [contra 2:126], l#Nj?13 n.m. jar (OfA l#p3 DNWSI 186, Sy riLac^i jar with a cut-off top BBah 373:1, Gr PoKoq; cf. BH pap? HAL 143) pi. 'pno 'pl3 empty jars BB 7a(14) // ib. 151b(19) // AZ 37b(34) // Hul 5Qb(l) [metaph. for a meaningless statement] Lit: Lehnw 142; Brand 75; Y: Xj?W BAYTN 159. 2# N|?ia, K|?3 n.m. joint (etym. unkn.) sg. 'xn xaDXl Xpl3 the joint of the thigh (bone) Hul 42b(18); ib. 54a(48); 54b(9) [Var: xpX3 'XH XaBJH HP 204:15(HPP 306:16)] Y: Xp« #«/ 42b(18; BAYTN 159). "113 vb. to lie fallow (4- 1# XTI3, T'3; Sy \jL LS 63) Af. to leave fallow: Xjnxb nb xnaia 'X X7T771 131X 'tit XS"?X "|V XiS'n' X'j'jBi if I leave NN's field fallow, I shall give you one thousand zuzim. He left a third fallow BM 104b(24; Es); '1X3 '"mm X171X3 in a place where they leave fields fallow BB 29a(25); jnn XD'Xl "13ian X3'XT some leave the field fallow, and some sow (it) ib. 26; !XT31X7 SSHai 6b(17) Itpa. to lie fallow: T'ajtfVT M'V Xn'JT ]X» 'XH n*J?lX one who wants his field to lie fallow BM 107a(2) 1#K"113 n.m. uncultivated land (4- VT13; Sy «4cJ=i LS 63, Ma X113 MD 56) sg. BB 168a(19) Y: X113 BAYTN 18. 2#Km3 n.m. (unclear) sg. XlriX Xn'iJna Bp3 H'T 1TXX XSDm Xni31 m' he held a pearl in one hand, and a ... of a shell in his other hand Sab 140b(31) [Var: XlPa Ar (AC 2:34), expl. as a precious stone; XTD Rashi, expl. as pudendum] [3# NTI3 4- XT3 n.] 01H13 n.m. a disease (etym. unkn.) sg. HM 40:8 pKpTTQ 4- X-lpH-rTO n.] Nj?3'ni3 n.m. perh. turban (Ma Xprm3 turban MD 57, Sy kLo-ijt_=i head covering, legging LS 96) sg. Sab 77b(35) [expl. as 'pi nt "Via this cistern is empty ib.] 192 s'Bna 193 ma The mng. given is based on the poss. etym. connections. Lit: Nold, MG 202; on a poss. MP etym., v. Geig, AAC 103; 1SK 91. AIOA 81, rejects the suggested Akk connection w. parsigu turban AHw 836 on phonetic grounds; Y: Kj?3'T "113 Sab ib. N'13^13 n.m. spear blade, spear (< ppurca, Lat verutum Lehnw 145) sg. XTOn <n3)fra)»V VIS X"!3"lXa)f3)a is it permissible to make a bung- hole in a (wine) jug with a spear blade (on the Sabbath)? Sab 146a(36) [v. RaH]; X'tJ-Vm Xnp the handle of the spear San 27b(l) Geon. expl.: non^W *?n3 TGAs42 168:8; flj? X'Dni31 «n|7 3xx: '^xyDW pw'jai ]nnx Dy ]mx j'nw non^nn 'B3X» yxiv lilt TGHark 144:16, i.e. _>*1L v^ handle of a dagger; Y: X;tni3 Sab ib.(BAYTN 263). K'-lia, pi. Nri'nia, KnNna n.m. reed mat T: * TTT ' TTT (< Akk buru reed mat CAD B 339, AIOA 45; Sy Klivi-^, pi. rK'hi^ik^ LS 95, Ma xm3 MD 57, MH2 xma Suk 20b(28), > NP buriya PED 206, PLAr 62 > ModArab id.) sg. X'<n)n)13 ^T3 TrPttiapya 13'mxi they rolled up a reed mat and placed (it) in its [i.e. the alley's] crooked portion Er 8a(24); ib. 102a(40); Bek 8b(42); nan X'llSXT dates which are on a reed mat (for drying) BM 67b(26) // Ket 50b(34; V5); HG3 212:74!; pi. xnxvTO TGDr49 105:9 [expl. MH nr>xns Sab ioib(i2)]; xnxmsT yxbi curtains of reed mats GC 55:9 [expl. MH 711X3)3 Nid 67a(3)]; XTlXTTm "X^S OHT Sab 64:12; '3H XTinaT XllXns mats of GN Suk 20b(26) Expl.: XHXnia X^xna SMel 51:240 [v. supra]; Lit: Eps, GC 55 ; AAC 77, s.v. X'TQ; on the use of reed mats for roofing [v. Suk ib.], cf. Akk bita usallal u bura ina muhhi parisati addi I was roofing the house and have placed the reed mats over the lath (on the roof beams) CAD B 340; Voc: x'TO HGP 27a:38. l#N3ni3 n.m. knee-shaped pole of a plough (Sy rdoio-ia LS 96, mng. 3 [Lex], > ModArab <4ji) sg. mnX3 X3-I13 GC 60:1 [expl. MH TTjia MKel21:2] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 56; GC 602. 2# K3113 n. tree branch (etym. unkn.) pi. Ir?7i x"?ai irr? xpma id in"ra 'D-va a plank bridge cannot support three branches of them Tarn 30a(3; Ar [AC 8:167, s.v. ]1D1^]F) Expl. Ar: D'Bjy AC ib. For '3113 MQ 4b(7; C), v. I X3J13. NJ1D113, abs. N3113 n.f. perh. confusion, doubt (etym. unkn.) sg. xrDTI3 'Xa ... X3113 XH this is a confusion. What is the confusion? Svu 12b(5) ///fer 63b(21)////«/88b( 16) Geon. expl.: Xin 'PXp'l 'jn33B lp 10B' 1p X3113 XnblX *7ip3B .ITn Xim 3VX wby LPT 148:24, i.e. ii II to fill with doubt; SJJi. confusion; Lit: Eps, GC 602, relates it to the twisted shape of I 1#X3TI3; Voc X3-I13 HGP 42b:37; Y: XTO113 BAYTN 198. NS113 n.f. type of pot (Sy r<liijio_ij clay pot LS 97, Arab iijj Wehr 55) sg. xVVn XH113 stone 6.-pot SMel 50:203; pi. K77J1 '(Ximi3 "-am XK/rU'D stone &-pots are considered like bronze HP 16:4 = '0113 HG1 288:11; Xfip'Jiy 'ailS ->X\ old [i.e. used] &-pots OHT Pes 31:14 Lit: AAC 107. nitSOIIS adj., n. of Borsippa (nwrVform < GN •pOTD < Akk Barsip Eshel, JSB 50+) n., sg.f. Xrai XTl'SOTO1? I resemble the 'Borsippean' GN Bo 125:2 Lit: Miiller-Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 162. '3#13 n. (word in charm formula) Sab 67b(l; OAr [AC 2:234, s.v. 13]) n.m. ripening, cooked state (4- V?^3; Sy t<ti.o-i3 LS 99) 1. ripening [< Akk buslu ripening (of dates) CAD B 351]: pl.cs. ^t^n X"iai3 ripened /t.-dates Ber 40b(42) [expl. MH niVriiJ Mib. 6:3; < Akk *busul kimri; 4- 1# Xiai3]; ib. 44; 46; 50; 41a(3); 2. cooked state: sg. xnVlJl 'TO xn^W Xn"?a xn^in xbiyin a third (of the fish) in a cooked state, a third prepared by salting [i.e. pickled], a third by roasting MQ lla(36); 3. (uncertain): sg. XV&133 Dm Sab 79a(39) [of a hide] Geon. expl.: i 1# X1D13 [mng. 1]; rt>n ^1 X1TO 103 3iyW Tiyn tm nt7j?i »3' m^it *?y ix 'spwa ^y lmx pwaVowB idb:i ^1731 Ar [AC 2:206] [mng. 3]; Y: '^13 Ber 40b(42; BAYTN 146). J113 vb. to spend the night, remain overnight (1 rr"3, XJV3; Sy ^ LS 63, Ma 7113 MD 57) Pe. (a/i) 1. to spend the night: a. general: Tr>3 X3H spend the night here Er 52a(31); 7131 "?TX X"IVT Xinri3 he went and spent the night at a certain inn Tan 21a(42) // San 109a(2); ib. 63b(21); Ber 60b(56; P); Qid 29b(38); 7T"31 '71X XJliyjas he used to come to spend the night in the synagogue Er 74b(6; M); ib. 73a(38; Ed); 171X1 Xin 713'aV X71J71X Xlp'ya they originally came with the intention of spending the night BQ
114b(54); ri"3 X3TI ... 133@Vp3 J13 xVlJ? XDX '3 TO when PN came he spent the night at GN. Where are you spending the night? San 63b(22); inmjma xaVy 'Vis in'3'3 let everyone spend the night fasting [lit. in their fast] Tan 24b(31); X1?! mo X131 V'TiX he did not recite the havdala and spent the night fasting Pes 107a(12) [literary borrowing; v. Dan 6:19]; b. in a fig. sense: 713 X3H *?D3 X3'7 (if) a lawsuit has lain (dormant) overnight, the lawsuit has ceased to exist San 95a(27); 2. to remain overnight (of a corpse): linaw na«n w nn rwab maw awn "tob'x mVi it is impossible because of a corpse which remains overnight (unburied) the two days of a Sabbath of complete rest [i.e. the Sabbath and the Day of Atonement] OHT RH 35:26 Af. to keep s.t. overnight: Xp TH 17133 DTOB1 fltb iT1? maa does one keep a corpse overnight for the honor of a living person? San 47a(12) NJT13 4 Xnyi3 n. NTS* n.m. falcon (< MP baz hawk, falcon CPD 18); Sy r?v±, ,\-=> LS 63, Ma 2#X1X3 MD 46) 4- "IX'1X3, HXT3 ' Lit: Talshir, Fauna 242. I"INT3 n.m. falconer (nisbe-form < I X13) 4- TJE? 'X13 T3T3 vb. to squander (V2# TT3; Sy vj=>v^> LS 64) Pal.: X31BB llVs1? mi313 Dp he went (and) squandered half of the money Ket 67b(46; V5) N33T3 n.m. customs collector (< Mir *bajban [< MP ba] tax CPD 16 + -ban guard ib. 17]; NP bajban revenue collector PED 136) sg. Xinn X3313 BB 167a(8; Es[corr.],Ar [AC 2:32]) [Var: X33'J3 HHP 67:31] Geon. exp].: fTCI T8TO TGAs42 151:8; expl. Ar: ty n:iann D'SYI naiy iv OJon AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 79; Tel 31; Y: XJ'3T3 BAYTN 235. NT1T3 n.m. plunderer (Vl#113; Sy K'iov^j LS 64) pi. 'Jim '11131 'T113 plunderers and plunderers of plunderers Ket 112b(6) [expl. perh. lysV mm Is 6:13; but cf: PI3J1I3 XHT )'ill3 nla^T TJ ib. 24:16]//San 94a(29) Geon. expl.: Iiy INU'l 01X 'M V?V inp'l D'^TO 1X13'» iy D'VyiOT 71X 1113'1 O'-WK B'V^TO OH San 489:28; Y: '1113 San ib. 1 # 'T3 vb. to debase (4- X3TTa, X'D13; JPA '13 DJPA 89, Sy ^ m -. LS 79, Ma XD3 MD 67) Pe.: pass.part. sg.f. XTlV'B X'13 the matter is debased Tern 7a(44); ib. 30b(55) [cf. 4- V'l] Pa. 1. to show contempt: ]33T1 Xtfbv '13BT ]XB1 one who shows contempt for a messenger of the scholars Yev 52a(20); msa "113 showing contempt for a commandment Sab 22a(38); Ned 65a(13); Meg 13b(45); San 64a(35); 2. to shame: n'B3X3 X'BIX '13fl X1? m XIDJ? 73 XTI'J do not shame a pagan in the presence of a tenth generation descendant of a proselyte jTj. 94a(39); T'PI Va'13 n"TT3V '7W myaiiy '307 it is permitted to shame one whose reputation is unsavory with gitnel and sin Meg 25b(42) [cf. OHP ib. 81:12]; X'0mB3 m»BJ '1313 xpi he shames himself in public San 26b(39) Itpa. 1. to be shamed: '13'B xb 'XH1 '13'13 'X,7 this one [i.e. who needs clothes] is shamed, and that one [i.e. who needs food] is not shamed BB 9a(23); 2. to be humiliated: xn'3 X1? iri'X7 '3'H '3 na'37 mV xri'3 Xs? 'B3 mcnr 'n'm {{'arm)) m1? just as does he not want her [i.e. his wife] to be humiliated (in court), so he does not want her heirs to be humiliated Ket 97b (24; V5) Lit: Eps, PLA 142 [Pe.]. 2#'T3 vb. to perforate, divide (4- Vyi3, X57P3; Ma X13 MD 57, Sy ^.\_i3 LS 64) Pe. to perforate: pass.part. X"!2 '3 xrma if the gallbladder is perforated IHP 616:13; ib. 14; 15 Pa. to divide: "11X3 '137 X1H1 this (refers to where) he actually divided [i.e. ate the usufruct from a different field each year] BB 37a(5) 1#K31'T3 4-X31'l'3n. [2#N3VT3 4- l#X3"l'3n.] X3"T3 n.m. a hair covering or clasp (4- X3"iax) pi. '3"13 Sab 57b(38) [expl. MH xa'BX'X garland (o-tenna) Tib. 4:7 and expl. by 4- 'fins X'^3] Lit: AAC 1, s.v. 3X; Y: 'Ji'l '3 Sab ib. "I N3»'T3 4- X3B'l n. J/T3 vb. to pierce, split (4- XJ/1'3, V2#'13; Sy ^.u^ LS 64, Ma X13 MD 57) Pe. 1. to pierce: J7T3 apt X1H X3'307 XB7in it is the point of the I knife that pierces (the slips) San 56a(19); ib. 16; 18; J713 X^J XSIDB a stylus pierces a rock AZ 22b(18); J?13 J/13'B XDnB a needle indeed pierces (the skin) Hul 31a(22); ib. 17b(8) [4- l#XEhia]; 49a(i2); KpanixV nynaV xysi xV?bb x'3p Vbsi iTnim a pipe fell from the ceiling and nearly pierced the membrane of his brain Ber 19a(8; MGG 807:8); Ket 77b(22; MGG 226:5); 2. to split: pass.part. X^TVT JH3 the bucket is split Hul 107a(9); HP 200:13; ib. 201:10; }H3 T7D '3 your pillow is split Ber 56a(46; MGG 705:9) Itpe. to be split: mnS'ff 5?13'X "?'3XpT '7H3 while it was eating its lip was split Bek 36a(34); BM 97a(4) [a bucket]; H3T13 ri?W Hina1? 1C;BX XV X'JXT '30'J pn 13H 'jrnnBT X"?'X it is impossible for it to be proper sexual intercourse unless those two sides of the 'furrow' [i.e. the womb] are not split Anan 114:17 pT3 vb. to scatter, sow, shine (Sy ^ni^ pe., pa. LS 64, Ma pi3 MD 58) Pe. (a/u) 1. to scatter: pnaT XWb a term (designating) scattering Yom 22b(8; Ar [AC 2:34]) [expl. BH pi3 IS 11:8]; pi3 'tj mi '■?'} pa pia '3in nm xnsy pa he scattered dust at them, and it turned into swords. He scattered chaff at them, and it turned into arrows San 108b(50; Ar [AC 2:33]); H'SXa pi!31 rwai XriDlpOX by IX scatter (the earth) in front of him or on the threshold of his house HM 42:10; 2. to sow [Sy, PSm 505]: 'J?3"IX p!3B '3 X"?7"im '*I1'3 'l'"U like (the area of) the sowing of forty grivs of mustard seed BB 73a(22; MEsH!) [Var: p'l'3'a Ar (AC 2:33)] Af. 1. to shine: J1pl3X (its eye) shone [i.e. it became blind] BM 78b (31) [expl. MH np'-on Mib. 6:3]; 2. perh. to see: xa'jDT XJV7'n3 npi3X I saw regarding the king's fine wool ib. Itpe. to be scattered: p!3'BT 'T» something which is scattered Yom 22b(8) [expl. BH p.13 IS 11:8; L: Yia'ai'TB] Lit: Friedman, BM VL145+, w. prev. lit. [mng. of Af.]; Lieb, TK 9:25119. N1T3, iat'3, abs. ITS, pi. nt'3, '3^3, '31]'3, '31-IT3, '3'inT'3 n.m. seed (< Xyni 13 [cf. Sy i± t<lLV seed LS 92]; 4- l#X3ni; Ma XT1X3, XTX3, pi. X'JX"I1X3, X'JIIlXa seed MD 46, 47, Peh X713 = MP torn seed FiP 4:5 [v. ib. 65], > Arab jjj seeds Fr, AF 138; cf. Sy t^\-=> linseed oil LS 65) sg.cs. XaXD'3 1131 ... xrf?'^ 113 fenugreek seed, linseed AZ 38b(33; TGHark 23:24) [expl. as ]TWS yill ... ]T)bT\ ym TGHark ib.]; det. X113 tafrbytn xim xjjtst xnm xosnai ^.(P1); XIpT XT1'3 pumpkin seed Sab 103a(20; M); Xll'3 KT)U1 rocket seed Git 69b(25) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; X710B0XT X11'3 alfalfa seed San 93a(29); X1H Klibyt X113T for it is merely seed Pes 51b(15); Xni3 3'H' XWnX the tenant farmer gives the seed BM 74b(35; Es); ib.(i6); bsil ]T3 Xni3 "?B3 when a seed has fallen it has fallen (and will sprout) ib. 105a(22; HEs); Tarn 30a(2; V10); BB 18b(10; GTB2 216:5); ib.(\6; GTB2 216:12); pi. ni'3 Hul 51b(38) [of flax]; '3113 aiya f\0V 3T '111 PN used to mix seeds and sow Qid 39a(43; O2); '3113 ma ITCH seeds had been put in it [i.e. the utensil] BQ 19a(4); 'Jll'a Hul 60b(22); '3X11'3 Bes 15a(5; V17); 'iV'XD '371'3 Tl"ai B'pJI 'mpl DHH '7«?1 he takes and brings seeds from trees, he sows (them) there, and they sprout Git 68b(27) [Var: 'mi'3 SM 77:11, '31713 SMel 66:754] Geon. expl.: Till in 113 OHT Git 157:11, i.e. _w>j*JI jji; X1SDD yn 'BBDX KIT'S inn OH San 489:2; Lit: Nold, MG 55; id., NB 57; Y: Xnt'3 San 93a(29; BAYTN 139). [N31T3 4- X113 n.] N^in3 n.m. stirrer (4- Vtfm; Sy «LLimA co'al shovel LS 66) sg. ma Tim X73 '3 'imai XB?iri3 (the demon) looks like a jug in which a stirrer turns around Pes lllb(27); pl.cs. 'ttnrn X7D stirrers of a jug i/>.(TGAs42 164:12) Y: XBra Pes ib.(BAYTN 77). T>n3 adj. chosen, choice, select (4- Vtt13 pe., pass.part., xrwna; TA XTI13 TJ 2S 21:6, Sy r?\ . .j -■ LS 65, Ma TH3 MD 53) sg.m. XTO3 Tpwx rn0>na mam iiac^six niona he fed you choice meat and gave you choice wine to drink Bo 58:11; pl.m. p'na ... px"?a chosen angels ib. 48:5; 'Tna '3XB XBD3T '111 good, select silver zuzim SSHai 4a(7); ib. 9; TGAs27 33:14 NflTrn n.f.pl. the Tractate 'Ediyot (lit. the 'Choice Ones'; 4- Tn3; MH2 mrm J 155; cf. Ma xirrm ma temple MD 63) xrwrm ]3m V'xin
•ra 196 KJTB3 T • T ITTIIS since we have learnt in 'Ediyot like him Ber 27a(27); ib. 39; Qid 54b(49); Bek 26a(25) Geon. expl.: nny fOOD XH3 ITT xm'ra LPT 149:16; RaH: nnnaia n'ma^n pw xrrvna nxnpj wry rooa xrrrna Hiran too JVB31JM OHR Ber 32:26. Lit: Eps, MNM 992 [pseudo-translation of JYTTy as if pronounced nVTJ*, pi. of n'T?]; Y: KflTna fler 27a(27; BAYTN 172). IMS vb. to choose (4- "ITU, xrvTrl3; Sy i »j -n pe. LS 65, Ma 1#TI3 MD 53) Pe. ( /a): Tia KJ11 po X3'aB?W go up a level (and) choose a best man Yev 63a(37); 'III 'Jn ,!7 Irl3 choose these znzwn for me HP 79:25 Pa. to choose, select: nwia XianX 'TIT 'an' 713B3 n'^ '"insai they invest the money for wine in Tisri and select it in Tevet BM 73b(14); ]Xai Vox ix p'2E;i nnaai Vwi irnai n's .tV pipai 3Bia rpai'3 hnaT 'Xa1? n'V one to whom they bring fruit and he chooses and eats or chooses and leaves or eats it, what he chose for that day is all right TGDr49 99:7 "j?nrn 4- -pnna prep. t?na vb. to stir, shake, search (4- XBhrU; Akk buhhusu to stir CAD B 185, s.v. be'esu, Sy r ■'« *-■ to stir, agitate LS 66, Ma BHia to search MD 54) Pe. 1. to stir: X"ITp ]Vm ]W1 3YT nvU3 TT'Ta PN's daughters used to stir the (boiling) pot with their hands Git 45a(36); ib. 49; '»Dri 'Vai XYJpfl) XB^na in the language of the scholars [i.e. JBA] 'she stirs the bowl' GC 143:1 // ib. 130:2 [expl. rmpa nD'jai MMakh 5:11 and expl. as Arab jSSJI tfljis]; rwnTl let him stir it Git 69b(l; OHT ib. 156:8) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; Sab I40a(i3); 2. to shake: erra xp man -jxVd xnx 'jV'Xa the Angel of Death came (and) was shaking the trees Sab 30b(5; M); 3. to search [w. by for s.o.J: KlVVa pax x"nx before they are lost, I search (for them) ib. 152a(10; Ar [AC 2:37]); 21lb n'V XJrDWI XWrm iy until I can search and find the thief BM 5b(36; V22); ib. 86a(22; Es); 'B?n3 Xp '3 niM X3'n XJH3 3T 'J?T X1? iT»SJ nJT mrawx n,!?y they did not know where PN was. While searching for him, they found out that he had died BQ 117a(50); ib. 97b(13); 'tfnai 'T3 'TO H'Vy they will search for it in many wells/pits Ber 56a(38; MGG 704:16) Geon. expl.: i13")ru OHT Git ib., i.e. lilji to set in motion; Lit: Geig, AAC 81. NB3, KBN3 n.m. a thorn back fish (< p6Vro<;, P<m<; Lehnw 136) pi. 'B3 'B3 AZ 39a(34) [local designation of 4- xmnx; Var: '15X3 M] Lit: Low, Fauna 13; Y: 'WO AZ ib. N31B3 n.m. bundle, bunch (etym. unknown) pi. 'JIM T3J? NJJT3 flax made into bunches Hul 51b(38; V11) [Kroua 4- xn'tja n.] nU3 vb. to trust, assure (< BH 1# nD3 HAL 116) Pe.: H'1? XiVO' !"ya nua Xpl "TXin since he trusts in idolatry, I can overcome him Tan 22b(6) Af. to assure: n^> 'p£>» 'XII mnuaXT |V3 since they assured him, they will certainly release him (from prison) Pes 91a(ll; C); 7)3XVl "fr "|ro3X TIXT XatyV he assured for you and your father the world to come San 98a(51) 7'B3 adj. void, annulled, eliminated (4- V?D3 ?a«f/-form; Sy -^ V-; \ 7. LS 67) sg.m. XB'l Xin X^'B3 it is a void ge? S&fcw 15a(20); ib. 15b(10); pl.m. ]UX p'D3 SS/fai 5b(13); 16. 16a(3); SSSad 244:25; Dec 10:18; pi'3» pTTTD ],17,D31 all of them [i.e. the magical acts] are annulled and void Bo 56:10; ib. 90b:3; xV) '3'Wl 'V'BS they are important and are not annulled Zev 72a(6); f. n'mwnai n3J xn' ntnaitm ixa 'xn p'tsa 'nr?y p»nan "?a 'axn 'd'xi f7'B3 one who (is born) under Saturn is a man whose intentions will be eliminated. Some say: Whatever people think about him will be eliminated Sab 156a(41) NV'tja n.m. loss of time (4- V?B3; cf. Sy •s i V \ -^ idleness LS 66, Ma X3x"7D13 MD 54) sg. 'Xb'DS "IAX the wage of my loss of time Ket 105a(38); ib. 34; 35; rD1!3 X^T X^'BS 'V>a 'M rDIDT X^'B3 XJ"lp this refers to an unproven loss of time. With regard to PN, it is a proven loss of time Ket 105a(37) Y: K^B? Ket ib. N3'p3 adj.f. pregnant (4- V]B3; Sy •«'': \ - LS 67, Ma l'BX3 MD 47) sg. 10 XriZMlX XJlVjJIin XXU'tJS when a black hen is pregnant BM 86b(30; MGG 296:3) [F1: xn'JD3; H: Xn'JtJ3 D3] Nfl'B3 n.f. type of container (Sy r^Ai'» \ -n jug ■?t33 197 '?^P? LS 66, > Arab ^ti: PLAr 38; cf. Akk batu a platter or container CAD B 178, NP badiya large deep jug ped 141) sg. <i)i]imx imp nin 'Vsm n'DX3 Vxyaiff'' iw"73i xnomtn 'atxa this utensil [i.e. O'SD M§ab 17:6] is called b. in Aramaic and 65r/ya in Arabic TGHark 104:30 Lit: DNWSI 150; Fr, AF 73; GClntr 29. "?t33 vb. to cease, cease to exist, be invalid (4- b'03 adj., X^'En, XJV03, xVlD'a; Sy ,\ \,-» LS 66, Ma VD3 MD 58) Pe. (e/e) 1. to cease, abstain: 3m man V'DS PN's sexual desire ceased Sab 152a(44); X1? TOX» ^'D3 H'3m nns» V'DS (if he has children) he may abstain from procreation. He may not abstain from (living with) a wife Yev 61b(49); 2. to cease to exist, vanish: 'ttmax 'VB3 'TH' ,!?D3 'X if the haughty cease to exist (among the Jews), the magian priests will cease to exist (among the Persians) San 98a(37) // Sab 139a(24); '"7D31 HT© nax (the angels) recite a song of praise and cease to exist Hag 14a(l 1); xn VD3 KH n3 (if) a lawsuit has lain dormant overnight, the lawsuit has ceased to exist San 95a(27); -|Vmn3 ]a l^BS'T "]TUt>J ra that (those demons) should vanish from PN Bo 13:2; n'n'3 ]'» IplSI 1^'Da vanish and go out of his house ib. 7:15; Tpiyi I'pSJ TyVaD'ai I'bosi they go out, flee, vanish, and are smitten ib. 64:19; 3. to be idle: Xp 'am 'Ornx ITpwa "7'D3 in the meantime he is idle from doing business 5M32b(9); 4. to be invalid, void, annulled: XD'J V,D3''1? let the get be annulled Git 34a(19); yau/a V'tm'1? Vb31 xna'aV should it be said that "?D3 (in the barraita) means 'it will be annulled'? ib. 32a(29); H3TI3 I^BS'JI let them be annulled by the majority Zev 72a(5); Hul 100a(2); ^'D3 X1? «]^X3 l"?SX pTM "b WW n3T V31 anything for which there are means to permit it is not annulled even by a thousand times (its quantity) Bes 3b(22); nVettT XT3y XmiSI the figure (on the coin) is apt to be annulled BM 45b(16) [v. Rashi]; Ket 3b(20); "laV rryTIX ]Xa HT\yn n"7D31 10'p rpaT 'Xnv who has informed PN that the emperor has died and the decree has been annulled? Sab 33b(35); HP 166:7; iSGF 95:4; ,!?B3 X^l '3'OT n'Vo 'SI1? n'X'S fringes relative to a garment are significant and are not annulled Sab 139b(12); Hag 26b(29); Zev 73a(16); V'BXS XTiana n,!7 V'B3a TD when he annuls it [i.e. the moda'a] orally it is void TGHark 139:10; i& 113:18; 166:1; 167:2 Pa. 1. to make void, annul: 'TITX1? rrnyn ]T>3 nV V'DS '''riDS 'Xll since his intention was to convert, he surely made it [i.e. the idolatry] null and void AZ 64a(25); Sab 112b(37); Er 67a(23); Hul 121a(19); V'EQ X1? ,TI7 V'DSaT J"yx even though he makes (the homes) void it is not void Pes 45b(12); ib. 6b(54); '3aV ID'TITOI ib'Ba l^'T in go (and) annul your domain for the sake of one person Er 63b(24); XD'l ^'D31 ]Xai one who annulled a get Yev 52a(19); Git 32a(16); Ara 21b(25); SSHai 9b(2); TGHark 139:12; ^a xV x"7p they do not nullify a rumor Git 81a(ll); Xnxiim nriXIDT 'VlDS1? to annul verifications and proofs SSHai 9a(13); Dec 10:18; 2. to abolish, shut down: xrvfr'aob m"?D3 they abolished ritual immersion Ber 22a(42); Git 36b(17); ,1?1B3,7 XD3B/ to abolish the Sabbath iSGF 95:1; H^IBS1? xnnssDiB1? ns T"paT ]xa 'iraVi n'ona"? to shut down (the academy of) GN and whoever remains in it should come to GN2 ib. 117:4; 3. to remove: xnawna '^sai X3'1?1? 'Vya 'jxo'3 •'in the A:.-dish is beneficial for the heart and removes (bad) thoughts Er 29b(42); nrp3 ;ai nra xot? nbva xn TTUVJ D3 "]n3in3T I have removed you from her and from the house of PN Bo 13:6; ib. 8:13 Af. to cause s.o. to be idle: X211p (np "toxi xm'i XB,p3 xvrv naj ■•sbn -lO'Vn V'oaa xpT XWDa they slandered him that he caused 12,000 men to be idle, one month in the summer and one month in the winter iSGS 87:3 Itpe. 1. to be idle: 'Tia "llVx1?! 'blDS'xV p"na X3DK/ they are required to be idle (from the study of Torah) and to accompany the corpse (for burial) Geon 121:19; 2. to be removed: nrri xxiV'1? '333 Tia -p-nvj p nra pmn'n boan'm Xri'jaaai may the lilith and the m.-demon depart, be removed, and be far away from PN Bo 12:2 '3Vp3 n.pl.m. idlers (4- VVB3; TA I'tftoS pi. TO Ex 5:8; cf. Sy "'^Xt idle LS 67) P1- ,Tn i713 Xpwa X3'X '^03 naa go out and see how many idlers there are outside Ber 17b(41); Pes 51b(25); ib. 55a(16)
l»a 198 2#'3 The sg. form is nowhere attested in the Jewish A or H dialects. Lit: Gross, Patterns 57; Y: X^B3 Ber ib.(BAYTN 229). ]t33 vb. to be pregnant (4- XJPD3 adj., XJB3, XmB3; Sy y\, -. LS 67, Ma ]D3 MD 58) Pe.: Him Bo 84:14 The mng. here is uncertain [v. MSF 130]. 1# N3U3 n. womb (4- V]B3; TA X3D3 Ju 13:5] sg. 'axi XJB33 'XWX1 XJ'll >]"3 I would bend my head over in my mother's womb OHT Ber 46:12 2#K3t33 n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.) pi. '3CJ3//H/63a(ll) Y: XJB3 Hul ib.(BAYTN 77). K3|l3p3 n.f. pregnant woman (4- V]D3 pe., parti.det; Sy rr" ( \, 7., rc^' \\ -, LS 67, Ma XrU'»X3 MD 47) sg. xmV'1 xmD33 concerning a pregnant woman and one who gives birth Bo 78:12 N1B3 n.m. a measure (etym. unkn.) sg. XlVaD XTim X1D3 a full b.-measure in an ox Hul 50b(3; V»V12Ar [AC 2:43]); pi. XTIJ13 '1D3 J731X A. 76a(30; V") Expi. Ar: -mxi D':i x"aw] am nine 'w^a Nine '3 >nB3 n""i ''B . myaxx 'i xno3 wrna lrra km n^ap -ny AC ib. #B3 vb. to kick, stomp (4- XWD'3, Vwm; Ma WB3 MD 59) Pe.: a. w. dir. obj.: p'Tn Xp xm 1WD31 nrtMl do we not, in fact, see that (an animal) bites and kicks? Ber 61a(ll); man XJ1X XJ1W1? nwtJ31 the ass came and kicked over the lamp Sab 116b(15); b. w. "3 s.o./s.t.: n'3 WB3 he kicked him (as a rebuke) Sab 156a(10); Svu 30b(27); ,T3 ,1WB3 £r 54a(l); H3 WB31 X131 Xl.in (n'13m) nriSD33 a certain man who kicked another's money chest BQ 62a(27) Pa. to stomp: 'W1B31? ,1'IIXI he hired him to stomp (on the cloth to soften it) BQ 99a(21; Es); ib. 23 1# '3 n. group of ... (etym. uncertain; perh. 4- '3 prep, or i 1#XJV>3 cs.) w. fol. num.: a. two [cf. '"lira perh. with two (hands) TSab 6:17]: pri'3 Kar 24a(18); nri'31 xmill X',1,1 a certain well belonging to two people 5g 27b(26); nrai X^TS TU? the fortune of two people (in business) is better (than that of one) BM 105a(14); nri'3 1J1X1 mwnDXl two (witnesses) came and contradicted him [i.e. the previous witness] Yev 93b(26); Xinn nn'3 n'ty Win mm X1BW a certain writ upon which two (witnesses) were signed BB 57a(l; HPP 202:17); nra nty TXJ'a Xp Tim (a certain trap) over which two people were quarreling BQ ll7a(28); wvaib xo'i "Dra'1? )yra nn '3 let two of you write a gef for his wife Git 66a (44); nn '3 'n peJ llla(24); Git 52a(3l); nra man 5M 117a(18); 'J'lnx nra two others Yom 83a(15); b. three: KnVn '3 '3,1 A/g 16a(32); '3 'jnnx njr>n Afg I6a(43); '3 pxi nrfrn '3 wx nn they are three and we are two San 93a(44); xjT>n '3i xaiaixa n~m 'ai xnaix 'jxw the estimate of ten (men) is different from the estimate of three (men) Ara 19b(43); Git 71b(34); AW45a(2); 55 106b(20); San 25b(45); /fZ 72a(25); c. four: ,1J/31X '3 AZ 72a(26); d. five: XWan '3 HG2 144:7; e. ten: may '3 T,'J3a he assembles together ten (men) /foa/i 112:3; ,1iwy3 ib. 113:15; 5er 30a(51); '3 '"? WX pIB niwy go out (and) bring me a group often (men) BB 142b(21); Sab 152b(l); Er 63b(28); So? 47a(35); BQ 60b(28); 55 12b(17); San 39a(35); Zev 92a(10); Men 40a(6); f. hundred: '3 p'ln 'D ,11Wy ,1iwy I'1? p'BK'lipba nxa when we were a group of a hundred, we used to gather ten (pieces of fruit) apiece for him Ber 44a(ll); Yom 83a(22); Yev 88a(12) Lit: Nold, MG 1944, derives this mng. from i '3 prep. [e.g. '3 'in as 'zwei zusammen' etc.]. This, however, is uncertain, and an alternative possibility is that the present word in an expanded semantic development of '3 house of, cs. of I l#xn'3; Voc: 'W3HGP25b:l. — 'SflTiP '3 n.m. partnership (lit. group of partners; 4- XBTIIW) sg. XTIp X1? 'DJ1W '31 XITp xa'an X^l a pot of a partnership is lukewarm [lit. neither cold nor hot] Er 3a(50) // BB 24b(24) Y: 'ffiTllW 'J Er ib. 2#'3, T1'3 n.m. bet, the second letter of the alphabet (Sy b^? LS 56) sg. '33 31 n'"7 'Wai Rav pronounces it [i.e. 1B13p MYom 1:6] clearly with bet Yom 19b(25); XfiVn tfb 3WJ mm Xin.1 ,i"iwi xi n"iw '3i nnrx1? -mrbpv "?ix xo'iisa XO'IIBI a certain person who had (a deed) in which was written XD'11B3 XfiVn 'a third part in a vineyard.' He proceeded to remove the upper 3#'3 199 -!3'3 portions of the bet (in the word X0'11B3), made it into a waw, and made it into XO'IIBI 'and the vineyard' BB 167a(17; HP 67:23); BMsG 19:33; BMsN 32:1; fl'3 n'B BQ 55a(16) [letters seen in a dream] Lit: Ros, TI50; 11340 3# '3 1 1# XJI'3 n. cs. '3 adj. good, better (< Mir *bi [cf. MP weh CPD 89, NP bih PED 209]) only as first element in GN's, e.g. TW11X '3 Git 6a(36); 113© '3 Ber 59b(ll) Lit: Eshel, JSB 36. '3 prep, between, among (< 4- ]'3 prep.; 4- 1#'3 n.) a. general: may '3 -]WXlV nwtn I saw your head between the pillars Yev 78a(49); X371X XIX 'niD '3 "Xp p3ia a s.m. went (and) was standing among the caper shrubs Pes lllb(17); 'am '3 'Jill among the prickly shrubs and the thistles San 94a(50); TX13 '3 iTOTPX '•y '3 IH'X he is among the gourds, and his wife is among the b. -plants Sot 10a(24) // Meg 12a(48) [prov.; i.e. both of them are sexually promiscuous]; b. area between: XE?n 'pTS '3 (the area) between the 'joints' of the head Mak 21a(9); X3pi 'pi'B '3 (the area) between the 'joints' of the beard i'2>.(10) Lit: Eps, Gr 137. - Nraij? '3 adv. in the meridian (4- XJip; lit. between the corners) "Xp XDXJPp '3 n>V at the sixth (hour, the sun) is in the meridian Pes 12b(18) Y: Nr0-Ij?3 Pes ib. - '33'tf '3 Sab 109b(24) The mng. of this phrase and its exact rdg. are uncertain; v. Ar, AC 8:8, s.v. 53B; Geig, AAC 389; Y: '33'B '3 Sab ib. - '#P't? '3, '#8#'3 n.m. Friday evening (lit. twilight; 4- Xtf&'tf; cf. Sy ^tmy. ^_i^p Ex 30:8 [H D'3iyn ti], MH immvn ]'3 J1602) sg. 'Iin '1H3 isra Xp Tin WP '3 "73 they used to quarrel among themselves every Friday evening Git 52a(31); n'ri'31? '31 'T1X mn 'E»a'» '3 "?3 PN used to come home every Friday evening Ket 103a(46); ib. 62b(24; V5); '£>att> '31 ms'tt; Vp the sound of the shofars of Friday evening AZ 70a(30) [indicating the onset of the Sabbath]; ■'bynb -[in1? xim 'xa xraw 'tyaa ^i^a^i xs'a1? xra© 'piBxbi xrau;1?! '»an; '3Vi xnsa; (one is required) to bake and to cook from Friday what they will have (to eat) on Friday, Friday evening, the Sabbath, and Saturday night Anan 71:15; Xratyi X1BS31 'WnW'331 on Friday evening and on Sabbath morning ib. 38:14; AnanMann 2v:10; WW (]1'3 nnn t>2p^ WW '3 I^B'1?! they could have immersed themselves on Friday evening and received the Torah on Friday evening Sab 86b(6) [* XmttH X1BS ib. 8]; ri? X'BIJl'X 'Wa'B/ '33 n^'SD her immersion (for her menstrual cycle) fell on Friday night HP 136:23 [= GeonH KM 3iy HR 103:25] = HG3 343:46; NDGR 87:1; Wtf '31 XWH'p the qiddus-prayer of Friday evening Ber 43b(54) // 5afe 113b(15); xV (xnawi) 'tyaws^i xnb'a m"? xccsi xsni n'T?'y 'dip1? xian n^ 'aina if the matter is clear to him that no wine will be available to him on Friday evening over which to make the qiddus IHP 562:11 [fol. by XraiS 'Vyai xnnra Friday afternoon ib. 12; v. ib. 331]; WW '31 X'^ Friday night Yom 29b(16) // Men 100b(l); pi. WW '3 Xrf?n three Friday evenings Git 52a(32) This phrase app. derives from an original NrOEH ,2?0,C? '3* 'twilight of the Sabbath' [i.e. Friday evening]. From the exx. in the texts, it is clear that a period of time in the evening is meant, though its exact extent cannot be determined. In light of the JBA form, there seems to be no reason to doubt the authenticity of the Sy form [contra LS 68, s.v. rslx-SaH Ju-ra; id., GVG 2:58]; Y: '»nt? '3 Ket 103a(46). N'3 n.m. bee (uncertain) sg. X'31 XW311 bee honey HG1 101:32 The P etym. given by Eps, Stl 249, is incorrect. N3'3 n.m. canal (?) pi. '3'3 xVl xa' a sea without canals Bo 78:6 '3'3 n.f. sister (< Mir *bibi [cf. NP bibi lady, wife PED 215]) sg. '3'3 {'3D <')(l}rr>D1 DW OninV IIXp m^p because all of them [i.e. the wife of the mother's or father's brother] are called 'older sister' Yev 21b(24; OHT ib. 30:25) Lit: Ros, YalonVol29123. 13'3 n.m. vivarium (< PiP&piov, Lat vivarium Lehnw 148) sg. 1331? nCW'PIW'1? XD^aX '3XT1 "?3 n'"?3X X*7 133^ m'lW let them put anyone who bests the king (in a dispute) into the vivarium\
"T3 200 kj/ps They put him into the vivarium, and (the wild animal) did not devour him San 39a(33) Y: XT3'3 BAYTN 140. -T3, -I NT3 4. XT n. njn'3 n. (uncertain) sg. nyra max1? m? mx DTI JU'iaa D'"inXi XT3 his father has ... in the possession of others overseas TGAs28 28b: 17; nyXT33tf>. 30b: 16 The rdg. nyT3 is also possible. NJ7T3 n.m. torrent of water (< Akk bitqu opening [sluice] of a canal, diverting of water CAD B 277; cf. butuqtu flood, sluice channel ib. 356; I V2# pT3; cf. Ma XpT3 breach MD 59) a. alone: sg. NpTJT XTIJX a channel of a torrent San 7a(19); pi. 'pT3 TP3W torrents are common £> 21a(18); b. w. V?p© to carry (away of a torrent): 1) Pe.: ,TjriX3 Xp73 Vp«/ XJTO 3T a torrent carried away (the crops) in PN's field BB 41a(24) [cf. Akk: butuqtum surdutum makkura usarda the sweeping flood swept away the property CAD ib. 357]; ib. 15; H'jnxa XpT3i XTU'X xpP XTn he saw that a channel of a torrent carried away (the crops) in his field Hul 105a(41); X'm Xp3 XIIX TIHy Hy? rbpV a torrent of water came (and) carried away the best land BM 66b(34) [cf. Akk me butuqti CAD ib.]; xpT3 bpVti IHP 597:5 [= GeonH *pwi) iru HR 6:19]; 2) Af.: ]Xa 'XH x'ai xj7T»3 rrVy V'pwxi man rriBDi one who tied up another and caused a torrent of water to carry him away Hul 16a(8; V") // San 77b(37); 3) Itpe.: X"m XpT3 V'prW'Xi J113 W '3'H IT? XpOHT ,TTH7 X1H n31D '3H "Vm J"yx XJHX3 r? x'n njn xrra xne>n nrnwai rrrvrn mn ponty what are the circumstances (concerning "?5? T13a njnn MBer 9:5)? If, for instance, a torrent swept through a field. Even though it is afterwards good for him [i.e. the owner], since it deposits alluvial soil all around and improves it, nevertheless now it is bad for him Ber 60a(20; P) Geon. expi.: in nYmh nan an xj>T3i xirx^> 'axi x-u'n 'xn TGAs42 153:14. Lit: Geig, AAC 78; Y: XjTra San 7a(19; BAYTN 109). N31'3 n.m. type of head covering (etym. unkn.; 4- XJ1330) sg. BB 146a(30; HP'SMel 50:208) K'31'3 n.m. an unclean bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(33) 1# NT'3 n.m. booty (Vl# TT3; TA XT'3 TJ Nah 3:1, Sy rc'&U? LS 64, Ma X71P3 MD 60) sg. Bo 5:3 2# Nt'3 4- XJrt'3 n. NJT'3 n.m. bundle (etym. unkn.) sg. T3JM SIM X1P3 straw and it is made into a bundle Hul 52a(2; VnAr [AC 2:32]) Expl. Ar: nV'3n AC ib. [N31P3 i xyt'3 n.] N3i'T'3, N3VT3 n.m. disgrace, type of demon (4- Vl#'T3; JPA ]1'T3 DJPA 89, MH2 ]i'J3 Gross, Patterns 15; cf. Sy rdLLm^p LS 79) 1. disgrace: sg. .Tsui xrna 'so .t? «py wrm xira a person prefers (avoidance of) disgrace over (preservation of) his bodily comfort San 45a(32); ib. 34; X1H mS3 0W» IX X1H X3TT3 0W» mi3p is burial because of disgrace or because of atonement? ib. 46b(41); Naz 29a(17); pi. Tin?!} 'JTP31 "Wp all the harsh statements and disgraces TGAs28 27b:5; 2. type of demon: sg. XJTP3 Bo 106:5 Y: XJi'13 BAYTN 260. '7P3 n.m.pl. suburbs (JPA 7"T3 DJPA 89) 'Xa '1X3 703 ... 'VP3 'Xa '7P3 Xn'TW what is ,TT»» [TBB 3:5]? Suburbs. What are 'suburbs'? Parcels of land of the rural areas BB 68b(15) Y: 'Vl'3 BB ib.(BAYTN 109). KJJT'3, NT'3, pi. 'J/T'3, 'P?» '3T3, '31T'3 n.m. crevice, crack, perforation, hole, tear (4- \Vl3, V2#'!3, XDP3; Ma 4#X1X3, XJ1P3 crevice, hole MD 46, 60, Sy «lLu? LS 64, rfui cracks around the eyes PSmSup 51)1. crevice: sg. 'inx x-imp ma p'sa xp mm xyp3 '? he showed me a crevice out of which smoke was emerging San 110a(54) // BB 74a(20); pi. '13 '171 two crevices San 110a(54; Ar [AC 2:30]); 2. crack: sg. nnXT XJ?P33 she stuck it into the crack Sab 156b(23; V); XEH3 XJTT3 H'3 mm there was a crack in the door AZ 70a(5); ». 7; //«/ 95b(14; V11); 3. perforation: sg. xjh'i /fl> 201:12(HPP 303:21); XP3 HPQ 222:2; X(P)CI}3 b'TKl X'T3 '3 X3'7 'XU 'X7JT7 when the stomach is perforated, and NfiT'3 201 r? the perforation reaches the inner /.-parts IHP 616:14; 4. hole, slit: pi. 'piDXI 'Vl$?X iTO'» '3XP)('T)33 (regarding) the bed frame there is inserting (of the ropes) in and out of the slits Ned 56b(16; Ar [AC 2:31]) // San 20b(6; Ar [AC ib.]) [HeF2: '3133]; UWtt\ XT1X DIM 'J1P3 H'3 T3JH xVsn he makes holes in it [i.e. the chicken coop] for air and wind TGAs42 158:13; S. tear: pi. ,J?T3 '5N3 rrT,r3"'({17)l rVXT XWISV a garment which has various tears (for inserting a scalpel) Tan 21b(37) Lit: Geig, AAC 1, s.v. ,3N; 79; Y: Kyi? Hul 95b(l4; BAYTN 109). NJIT'3 n.f. crevice (4- XJ?P3) sg. XDP3 wm San 110a(54; Ar [AC 2:31]) N^n'3 n.m. armpit (metath. < XTPtf '3; JPA JV3 H"n'» DJPA 95; cf. Sy r^uT. armpit LS 768, rdi_u_=i curve ib. 66 [Lex]) sg. 'OT3 'mn 'rOTTIX she placed it under (her) armpit 5an 39a(14; M); ,TOT3 TiM) nip Wpl 3T 'N.TI a gonorrheal man is holding a reed under his armpit HG3 260:27 = Ar [AC 2:37] [expl. 3T"?2? IBaip Nid 43a(l)]; pi. 'mm iT«?n'3 rrmn xximxi n'2;n'3 'mn xi3i3 m(n)ni in a man (this means) under his armpits; in a woman, under her armpit or under her breast GC 96:5 [expl. MH D'DBp MNeg 6:8] Lit: TMW 1:210; Y: NOT? San ib. N^tS'3 n.m. abolition, annulment (< MH VlD'3 Yeivin, BV 956; 4- V"?t33) sg.cs. Xjma "?1D'3 annulment of a moda'a TGHark 139:9; SSSad 161:12; Geon 251:5; det. xVlD'3 1'jy1? concerning the annulment (of idolatry) AZ 47b(21); Vria 'a xb ix xap xjnia nos'aV xVid'3 "xn is this annulment effective to impair the validity of the first m.-document or not? TGHark 164:26 Y: KOTO'S BAYTN 225. Nttto'3 n.m. stomping (4- VtfD3 pa.; Ma xnttnB'3 kick MD 60, Sy ^y\?^ LS 68) sg. man nya3 X^O'3 XiyD'3 'WD'31? he hired him for stompings (on the cloth for softening), each stomping for a me'ah BQ 99a(21) // BM 112a(40; V22) Geon. expl.: [XtJ'yla XWB'a W1TB1 Inyanot 203b: 11; Y: XWB'3 BAYTN 109. N'^3 interj. injustice (< (Ma GLLT 68; Sy ^ • -^ LS 68, JPA n"3 DJPA 95) X"3 X"3 injustice, injustice! Yom 69b(17) // San 64a(8) [expl. BH bm Vip3 Ip^Pl Neh 9:4]; 7ev 97b(10) Y: VT3 Yom ib. T*3 adj. uncultivated, fallow, n. uncultivated field (I V-113 qattal-form; Sy k'-U^j LS 63; cf. TA T3 bm TO Dt 21:4) I. adj.: pl.m. 'T'3 xVl 'S'3nn the /.-fields are not fallow Tan 6b (29; O); II. n.: sg.m. X1X'3 p'DS'X an uncultivated field was interposed BM 105b(40; Es); xnx'33 in (the case of) a fallow field BB 168a(19; TGAs42 151:11) [P1: XYX'n33] Geon. expl.: yv nTQOT 'B^a OHT Tan 10:4. JV»3 adj. having Iain overnight (4- Vm3 qattal- form) pl.m. 'iax TIX'3 X'B3 X3X I said: "With water having lain overnight" Pes 42a(19; C); HP 14:2 l?'3 n.m. lord (< Akk belu CAD B 191; Ma 2#V'3 MD 60) sg. 'nVx b'3 »'J'X V'3 lord of mankind (?), lord of the gods Bo 36:10 — '38"? 7'3 n.m.cs. one who knows foreign languages (< Akk bel lisani CAD L 215 [NA]; 1 XJEpV) sg. ^Wb "7('1'3 Men 65a(9) [expl. BH 1$>3 Neh 7:7] Lit: M. Fuchs, Lesonenu 41 [1977] 75. K'aiV'3 4- X31'"?'3 N3V7'3 n.m. seal in a ring' (etym. unkn.) sg. X3T7'3 X"D ... XpJSWin X'3lV'3 seal of a signet ring Git 58a(16; Ar [AC 2:99]) Expl. Ar: njntj 'tv onin AC ib. [cf. NpjBtmT m-m at ib.(V18)]; Lit: Krauss, TAr 1:661953 [no etym.]; Y: KJV1?? Git ib.(Mo 109). NOiM'3 n.m. pedestal for an idol (< pco^o*; Lehnw 150, w. dissim. of -o-o- > -i-o-\ MH2 Dia'3 J 162, Sy r^ m ^no^=> LS 78) sg. 3'Tl'X xa'JS XDia'3X he sat down on a broken pedestal AZ 53b(44) Y: XBB'3 BAYTN 165. ]'3 prep, between, whether (4- '3 prep., '3'3 prep., X'3'3, -ni'3, -m'3B; Sy A, i . -A h\ * -p LS 68, Ma "nX3'3, ri'3 MD 61) only in sequences: a. "V ... pa between x and y [cf. Ma: nV'T X':'3X 11X1X3X7 between him and Abatur MD 4; Nold, MG 362]: 'aVy 'Via1? H'1?'! ]<2 between him and
1#N3'3 202 'J'3 '3'3 everyone else Ket 77b(38); X}T\xb X'a© p between the sky and the ground San 95a(48); Tan 25b(39); b. p ... pwhether/either ... or: 1) w. fol. n./pron./adj.: '»J pi '131 |'3 whether men or women Suk 28a(42); X11J "?3 pi XJTO |'3 X"liy'3i either a lamp or any burning fire Anan 69:19; ,T'I3 p31 Kin p whether with it [i.e. the laver] or with its water ib. 35:16; p X831X |'3 XpTP p Xivn whether black or white or yellow AZ 33b(36); 2) w. fol. vb./Jl'X: p p'O H3 Jl'N ]'3 P'O m fl'V whether it has an identifying sign or does not have an identifying sign BM 22b(16); BB 174b(44); XI'VrlXT pi J1TO33 XT^rwn |'3 JTUT3 whether she was born legitimately or illegitimately Anan 99:3; 3) w. fol. prep.: p yyvb yi 'TlV whether according to me or according to you Git 83b(12); BQ 3b(14); Hor 13b(42); XyiXl 'J'3T3 pi 'T1X3T 'J'3T3 p whether in the sale of houses or in the sale of a field SSHai 7a(20); XBB'3 pi X'^'Vs p whether by night or by day BB 6b(19); lib pi naV p whether according to you or him Ara 22a(44); p XiainV p xVip^ whether (he decided the law) in a lenient fashion or in a strict one Nid 24b(18); •hvhvti ]0 pi 'ypipBB p whether from real estate or from movable articles SSHai 4a(19); p xnSJI pi xnil'Xi whether of a woman or of a man5o 56:10 Y: ]'3 £r 9a(39; BAYTN 336). 1#N3'3 n.m. tamarisk (< Akk binu A CAD B 239; Sy * \ , -> LS 69, Ma 2#XJ'3 MD 61) sg. Git 68b(48) [in a medical prescription]; '3 XpS'J XJ'3 '3 nDX'Jl xnx may he burst like a cedar and be split open like a tamarisk Bo 6:11 Geon. expl.: VriN <JV>D31 'TOX Kin Xr3 OHT Git 154:24, i.e. Lpl [v. also Ibn Janah 70+]; cf. Sy: jlj* ^^s-s.^ ■•..-■ JjVI _m-.-U„ ,j^> BBah 384:10; Lit: Geig, AAC 86; Low, Flora 3:329; 402; for the use of parts of the binu in medical prescriptions, v. CAD ib. 241; Y: XJ'3 Git ib.(BAYTN 13). 2# K3'3 n.m. leech (Ma 4# XJ'3 MD 61) pi. 'J'3 X'BI aquatic leeches Git 69b(30; OHT ib. 157:15) Geon. expl.: XB 'JX pby OHT ib., i.e. «lill jk; Y: XW '1'3 G/V ib.(BAYTN 133). [3#X3'3 4- l#XJ13n.] '3'3, w. suf. "'J'S prep, between, among (4- p prep., -'J'3»; Sy ,; i ■p LS 68, Ma X'J'3, X'J'3X MD 61, 4) 1. between: may 'J'3 'D"U1 '3rl' 11H they were sitting and studying between the pillars Sab 10a(24); in"J'3 X"I1B H3J a mountain rose up between them Hul 7b(24); in"J'3 3TP1 p'TWl Vy (the lion) entered, was silent, and settled down among them ib. 53a(48); in'J'3 X3'X IH'J'3 'XB xnaV 31i?ai XIHJ what is (the legal difference) between them? A river which is close to a town is (the legal difference) between them Er 55b(42); Sab 116b(42); Pes 82a(17); Yev 64b(45); BB 174b(l); 2. among: XD'jrw XJTJ^D 'J'3 XroniZ/BT Gfyceria fluitans found among papyrus reeds Pes 35a(29; CE1); p'SJ '3 XJ11X3 'WJ'X 'J'3 3TP when he goes out (and) sits among people in a group BQ 60b(ll); 'XBB1 "jy 'J'3 n'WBJ he used to make his presence known among the poor Ket 67b(48); San 98a(49); Git 19b(55); ib. 69b(35); ',TJ'3 HOJ? (the midwife) stood among them [i.e. the other women] AZ 26a(39); ib. 42; pn'J'3 'pDBi 'xa VdT 'VspB whatever (the three of them) will decide among themselves they will accept TGHark 100:34; ib. 275:26 Y: 'J'3 &6 10a(23; BAYTN 336). - '3'3 'J'3, '3'31 '3'3 adv. in the meantime, in-between, n. in-between object (cf. MH2 DT1W J 163) I. adv. 1. in the meantime [temporal]: 'J'3 'J'3 "?n l"yx even though its value declined in the meantime BM 55a(46); 'j'3 'J'3 nsn'Xi xpu'V rrj'y n'V 3'X3i the child's eyes hurt him, and he recovered in the meantime Yev 71b(7); 33JPX X1? 'J'3 'J'3 XJ'y3'B 'X if in the meantime, I am requested (to redeem the Jews) I shall not be held back San 98a(49); Bes 14b(43); Yev 8a(6); BM 113b(46); BB 164b(5); 2. in between [spatial]: a. alone: 'J'3 'J'3 Xim X3'Xm is there not, in fact, a space in between? Suk 23a(43); 'J'3 'J'3 nmil X3'Xi there is elevated ground in between AZ 50a(19); 'J'3 "IB nV 'TO '3 'J'31 when you divide it [i.e. the width of a cubit] among the spaces [lit. place it in between] Sab 98a(12); XB'p mn 'J'3 'J'3 it was located in between RH 23b(5); ^ra 19b(47); b. w. "T: 3TT1 '3'3^> 203 NT13'3 t : 'J'3 'J'3T "]'Xn H'V he gives him the difference (between the value of the two documents) BM 7b(46) [lit. that which is in between]; n'V Sn'B1? 'J'3 'J'3T to give him the difference [i.e. the money in between the two values] Bes 7a(5; M); T1DX 'J'3 'J'3T XH that which is in between [i.e. in the stream of liquid between the two vessels] is forbidden AZ 72b(7); 'J'3 'J'3T XT1X H3 B'TO the air which is in between dominates Sab 37a(44); 'J'3 'J'3T arm the wall which is in between Er 94a(4); Yom 22a(39); MQ 6a(17); BM 104b(36); BB 14b(5); Hul 46b(14); Men 99a(4); II. n. in-between object: 'J'3 'J'3 Xinn 'IPX 31T H'Bp1? XnXT a certain (pair of lungs with) an in-between (lobe) which was brought before PN Hul 47a(14) Voc: '3'3 '5'a HGP 28a:2; Y: 'J'3' 'J'3 l^v 25a(l 1). - '3'3V prep, among, between (Sy h\ > -p \ PSm 470) iTV3'» 'J'31? "7Xy 3T PN entered among its ears of grain Yev 63a(31); '3T 'J'31? XTT1' nSD an extra handbreadth between the courses (of the wall) BB 3a(45) [I 1#X3T] Y: ^l) BB ib. - '3'3» prep, from among (< i 'J'3; TA "|J'3D TO Ex 23:25) a. w/o suf: 'J'3B 'J'Dp «]'TOa XpT 'B'^X he pulls out the thin (onions) from among the thick ones BM 89a(21); Ber 54b(7); Anan 6:23; b. w. suf: m'J'3B xrf?'» pSJ the matter went out (for discussion?) from among them Sab 121b(33); BQ 19b(8); Hul 45a(27); 'niST'Jl ]13'J'3B rebuke him [i.e. the banned person] from among you Dec 4:13 Y: ':'3B Ber ib. X'3'3, pi. NnilJ'3 n.m. intermediate position, intermediate row (nisbe-form < 4- p prep.; JPA "J'3 intermediate row DJPA 96) 1. intermediate position: sg. X'J'3a X'JIX it is derived from the intermediate position [i.e. from a combination of the two extreme cases] Sab 132b(37); Bes 20a(24); Hul 114a(33); X'J'3B 'TITII Zev 107b(l); ib. 5; 2. intermediate row: pi. xrm<J'>Ul)3B TH3 XTOBT leeks from the intermediate rows of the garden bed Sab 110b(41; Ar [AC 2:215]) Expl. Ar: njny yxOXO AC ib. [mng. 2]. 1#K1V3'3, pi. KrP3'3 n.f. a fish (Sy r^&" i \ v ^> LS 69; cf. Akk binlt/binut nuni fish eggs, roe CAD B 244, MSL 8/2 105) sg. *]1p! XT1'J'3 hang up a b.-fish BM 59b(51); XD'J'3 X'HH X1D3 'TI3 X'IB'XT a certain 6.-fish that was roasted with meat Pes 76b(31); Git 69b(39); Xn'J'3 "73XT XlXBm an ass which ate a 6.-fish BQ 19b(42); xVpn H0n3X xri'J'3 a i.-fish weighs according to (the size of) its stomach BM 79b(30) [v. Friedman, BM VI:193]; Ned 20b(24; V2); BB 133b(16); Mak 16b(18; G§ 402:11) [i X313 '3]; pi. xrP'J'3 32; seven &-fish Bes 28a(17; V17) Geon. expl.: ,T33 Wl <\iyn D3DD xrrT3 OHT Git 157:18, i.e. (jjj; Lit: Low, Fauna 5+: poss. a type of carp: Cyprinus Binny, Barbus Binny; Fl, TMW 1:285; MSL ib.: The aram b. ... has no connection unless the traditional translation is completely wrong; Y: XJV3'3 Gil ib.(BAYTN 33). 2#Nn'3'3 n.f. seed (etym. unkn.) sg. -imT'Vl rryaV *? X3pja X<B)!7l Xn'J'3B let him be careful of a seed lest it pierce his intestines Git 69b(26); BB 18b(16) [Var: X1T3 GTB2 216:12; * XD1D] Rashi: ynm yyo.. TIS'S prep, between (4- p; Sy (-)A. \ . -A LS 68, Ma 'nXJ'3 MD 61) in'HJ'3 Xn'^tt? X3T 'pIX x"7 PN did not place a messenger between them Ket 28a(26); ib. 23; Mak 6b(32); ]nXJ'3 mm 'Xa "733 ]y3 nyi XBVy 'ai' p in all that was between us from time immemorial until now SSHai 5a(14); ib. 9b(6); 10b(5) Nri3'3, pi. '3'3 n.f. individual hair (TA HJ3 XnyD TJ Jud 20:16, Ma 1#XJ'3 MD 61) a. general: sg. H'J'B XHJ'3 B'BriB;'X a hair slipped out of it Yom 69b(24) // San 64a(16); BM 84b(21); X3Vna XHJ'3 VlTO'B drawing a hair out of milk Ber 8a(32; Ar [AC 2:55]); XDJ'3 Xin HP 137:1; 'nj'3i "tm top of a hair Naz 39a(19); 'riJ'3T '3p'y root of a hair ib. 20; 'W'TI xnJ'3B 'Xyn3T xnSID lyi from a hair of my head to a toenail of my foot Sab 140a(29; V) [merism for the entire body; 4- X1B1D mng. 2]; AZ 38b(35); Bo 21:19; pi. X3D X3V3T XJIXipiB 'J'3 'TV seven hairs of an old dog's beard Sab 67a(6); b. fig. of plants [I 'J'3T XpmB]: pi. 'JB'1 D1ST 'J'3 'hairs' of a pomegranate blossom Seel 117:16 = HG3 395:7 Lit: Flora 3:92 [usage b]; Y: X1VJ3 Ber 8a(32; BAYTN 38).
1#N0'3 204 Nrira 1# NO'S n.m. a container (< ^f\aaa Lehnw 151; Sy k*& m ; ^ LS 69) sg. Men 57b(31) From the context, this word is H in the fol. passages: Men 7a(8); ib. 24a(l); Geon. expl.: nWs ]'» [nXD '3 -] DXO'3 XW1 on'? nxo nsxn ix nxo n^'aow Vo ix ■jptne ix tgas42 57:23; Y: XD'3 BAYTN 13. [2# N0'3 4 'D'D n.] N»10'3 4- Xai03 n. '0'3 n.pl. grasses with hard thorns (4- '0'3; etym. unkn.) '0'3 'VsNT Dlttfa because (the camels) eat grasses with hard thorns Sab 77b (26; Ar [AC 2:130]) Geon. expl.: "IBB'X 'XI 1J1V3 O'Wp O'Xlp ]H3 WW D'3»y '0'3 Q'^DJ VsKZJ p T3 ]tniX7 TRN 615:3 [v. AC ib.]. nto's 4 xifera n. NAIAD'S n.f. bedding, mattress, carpet (< Mir *bistarak [cf. MP wistarag bedding, cover CPD 91, NP bistar PED 185; Ma XpTnoxa, XpTnOO couch MD 49, Sy ndjai Jt_ol^d something of the clothes of the betrothed LS 82 [Lex]) 1. bedding, mattress: sg. Yev 63a(35) [* 4 xa'1?! garment]; Np-IJIM XyT mn Xim one (maidservant) knew (how to work) with bedding BB 13b(27); pi, '1X» '3X3!31 '''pTnoon items of bedding and cushions SSHai 2a(16) [in a trousseau list]; p 'pinoa TBI pi various types of bedding of such-and-such an amount ib. 18b (15); <l>n{'}V "pi lnrpffXl ini'^SlX 'plJlO'a he fed them, gave them drink, and spread out bedding for them Tan 21b(42); 'in ]X'1» HD3 'pinca how much are these mattresses worth? ib. 22a(3); 'pnn03 131? TTX do you have mattresses? BB 58a(24); 2. carpet: pi. 3VT mn 'pmoa y3©X (PN) used to sit on seven carpets BQ 117a(46; Es); 'piTlOa \>TVV ma JVX XJT3 "?31 each room (on the boat) has sixty carpets Bek 8b(i3); tfnrm xtw m1? 'p-inca m1? rro they placed carpets for him against the wall of GN San 95a(13); 'pin03 ]in3 'W131 3110111 'T1W1 the d.-brooms and the n.-broom with which they sweep carpets HG1 194:35; TGDr49 107:7 Geon. expl.: 0BX3B O'XHpjn 0'p"m03 nvhw\ OHT Ket 283:19, i.e. ^LiL carpets; Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 121+; Geig, AAC 97+, rejects any connection w. Sy ^ "-«Ai ™ -. bride's ornaments LS 82, and takes our word as borrowed < wastarag clothing CPD 88 [In MD, the two mngs. are combined into one entry, but they should be separated]; Sperber, Magic 150; Tel 34; Shaked, JSA1 7 [1986] 7818; Y: '|rWD'3 Tan 21b(42; BAYTN 307). 1 StOWS n.m. removal (< MH 1iyv3 Yeivin, BV 958; 4 Vl#iy3; TA liya TJ Is 17:6) sg. ]»T Xliya time of the removal (of the leavened foods) Pes 6b(55; V1") Y: iniy'S Pes ib. 2# NT,J7'3 n.m. burning (4 V2# iy3) sg. X1iy3 WX1 burning by fire Anan 69:14; ib. 15; Kill Xliyai burning fire ib. 70:1 Nrnys n.m. fear (4 Vnya, xmnya) sg. 'ana I^IX Xpl Xin mmya they make noise out of fear of it Hul 53b(3) Y: rrniny? //«/ ib. N'jr'S 4- x'ya n. Nnjr'3, Kfl'3, abs. NJT'S, pi. 'J/'S n.f. egg, eggshell, pi. testicles (4 'yai X'»; TA ]'jr*3 pi. TO Dt 22:6, Sy rc'ft \ . 71 egg, testicle, pi. rc'S T> LS 69, Ma l#xn'3,'pl. K"3 MD 64) 1. egg: a. general: sg. x"71 nVirr? XJiy'3 'XyS'X n3WX an egg was sought for a sick person and was not found Yom 69b(30) // San 64a(21); '1 !XT1'S pi mam PN bought an egg (from a pagan) AZ 13b(29; JfMarg]) [v. Abramson, AZ 152]; Bes 33a(l); Xnni33 XJiya an egg in a A.-dish Er 62b(22) // .Kef 60b(27); Yom 78b(36); xnya 'wtyren xnya xnaaa xnya x'lOnira an egg in Ammi copticum, an egg in cumin, and an egg in sesame seeds Git 69b(18) [in a medical recipe]; BQ 55a(27) [4 ltxVn'E/]; pi. Er 101a(19); Pes 74b(19); Suk 53a(32); Ket 61a(l); #h/ 59a(7); pi. xa'rra 'ya M1? 1103 the eggs have lost (their) form Pes 55b(25); 'jra nVn three eggs Git 69b(18); 'ya 'yisys breaking eggs 5a6 109a(15); 'y33 'aim1? to console (a mourner on his return from the cemetery) with eggs BB 16b(44); b. of var. birds: sg. 1) hen [4 1#X1I]: (a) general: nm>lllin na nnya egg, daughter of a hen Bo 84:3; (b) w. var. designations: sg. Ber 44b(17) [4 btiXO]; pi. X13'n T2 inseminated eggs [lit. eggs of a male (rooster)] Bes 7a(6); Bo 92:4 [4- -m»]; Ber 56b(21) [4- *fbp, p-'bv]; 2) ostrich: 4 Xn'Sjn; 3) p. -bird: i X'nS; 4) dove: 4 X^SIX; 5) 5-bird: 4 xmS'X; c. of an animal: pi. 'jra Bek 7b(24) [said to be secretions of the _y.-deer; xrnn^? 205 NTS T " 4 3#xVn]; d. as a measure of capacity [caique < MH2 nx'3 Ber 49b(35)]: sg. Xnyai X»»'n one-fifth of an egg HP 39:3; pl.abs. noa'BTI IDXS j'ya two hundred and seventeen eggs Er 83a(16) [= one modius]; 2. eggshell: sg.abs. xya "?5? ana write on an eggshell HM 43:24 [cf. K;iB,!7p XnyaT an eggshell ib. 81:33]; det. 'miS ]rVptt?1 x(i)("imxa nV irayoi xnyaa we take a small amount of (the tekhelet dye) inside an eggshell and examine it with a wad of wool Men 42b(34); Xnya "lia rmi X<S){J/llS-n a chick which died in the eggshell Bek 8b(41); 3. pi. testicles: Hul 93a(38); XTlV'OT Ta crushed testicles ;'&(54; V"); 93b(6); XH11 'ya ''in testicles of a goat ib. 8 Voc: myi HPP 56:19, pi. i»'5 ib.; Y: Nny'3 Be/- 44b(17; BAYTN 35). Nrnnjr'a n.f. fear, dread (4 Vnyj, xmya, Xrinyj) sg. MQ 28a(41); So? 25a(25); C«? 68b(46); X'Bna Xmnya ri'as XinS fear inhibits (a woman's menstrual flow, and) dread loosens (it) Sot 20b(39; V2) // Nid 71a(14); 'X» X3ni 'riinya ... x^'Vi xmnya ... xa'x xmnya nr3«n 'mnya ... mani what fear is there here? Fear of the night, fear of his teacher, fear of the Divine Presence Nid 13a(53); X'XH Xmnya fear of water Sab 41a(12); "l&n IxVai 'mnya fear of the Angel of Death Nid 71a(ll); tnjn Xmnya fear of witnesses BQ 75a(31) Y: xniny'S Git 68b(46). NniiS'3 n.f. shortage of food (4 Visa; TA xn-rixa TJ Jer 17:8) sg. xmrix'a xinix xini X1S3 Xnnax xni'in (bringing food from) one canal to another [lit. from a canal to a canal] is a shortage; (from) one province to another is a famine Tan 19b(l); ib. 2; 'Xim xnTIXa X'nm Xjninia a certain shortage which occurred in GN Ket 97a(33); ib. 40; 42 Y: X1TTO3 Tan 19b(l; BAYTN 203). Nn"S'3 4 xmsia n. Nj?'3 n.m. rift, crevice (< xyp'3*; Sy rt i. n ^ LS 590, Ma xp'B MD 371) sg. Sab 147b(48; RaH) [O: np('>{1}3] Expl. Ar: DyVsiO \y nyf>3 np'3 AC 6:347, s.v. 0*78. xnp'3 n.f. hut, type (I xnpy 'a, xnp'a n/ia, xnypa; Ma xmp'a*, pi. xnx'p's MD 62 [v. note infra]) 1. hut: sg. Sab 77b(31) [expl. as 4 '3 Xnpy house of distress ib.]; 'npas xVl 'n'33 in my house, but not in my hut Ket 54a(17); 2. metaph. type: sg. xnp'3 Xin» "IpW (the letters of) nplP are of one type Sab 104a(35; TGAs42 68:27) [4 1# Xyi3 usage d.2] Geon. expl.: max yaix ^y mox y3ix k^k nnn 1'Kiff ]Bp JT3 xnpy'3 (nnix xiip nD's1?) max w'tod x^'X nbyo1? ,toj I'xi Kin IX Dipo nDl^O TRN 615:8; OHT Ket 147:20+ [mng. 1]; XJiyf"3 Nino n»X V7'K3 TGAs42 ib. [mng. 2]; Lit: Eps, St2 835, compares Ma: 1'IXH XDX'p^ X'/1X3 its houses will become huts Gy 387:23; Y: xnp'3 Sab 77b(31; BAYTN 335). T3 4 l#xna n. NTS n.f. well, cistern, pit, cavity (< xnxa*; TA XT3 TO Gen 16:14, Sy K'irdjp, r^^ ;-i LS 56, Ma 1#XT3 MD 62) 1. well: sg'. n'l'D iwm XTa X'D a well from which you drank water BQ 92b(48); Xian3 XT3 f? D'X we have a well in the field Bek 8b(36); XTOIDai IX fym X'D water of a spring or a well Anan 49:4; pi. 'T3 'T3 many wells Ber 56a(38; MGG 704:16) [4- Vtfm pe., mng. 3]; 'yisai 'T3 "73 all wells and springs SSHai 6b(9); 2. pit, cistern: a. general: sg. XIX mnn3WX "p'aa mn I found my ox in your pit BQ 13a(41); /*. 53a(48); Sab 66b(15) [4- Xms]; Bes 39b(22); XT3T X»1S the edge of the pit BB 175b(43) // Ara 7a(17); XT3T 'isn the sides of the cistern Hul 67a(39); xnp'By XT3 a deep pit Hag 5b (37); X'» m'^ai XT3 '"? X13 he dug a pit for himself and filled it with water Git 68a(34); ib. 42; BQ 31b(3); TGHark 86:17 [for use by a tanner]; XT3 X'tt X,!?a the pit was full of water BM 85a(23); '1'3I xV'x'B "fi 'I'ai XT3 I sold you a cistern. I did not sell you the water BB 79b(17; P1) [w. ref. to MH 713 ib.]; n'TOMHan X'B ib. 99a(26); X'aT XT3 TGAs42 166:15; pi. 'Ta yiV seven pits San 7a(25); 'yi^ai TO pits and ditches SSHai 6a(6); b. in a fig. sense: XT33 XD13 "7S1 the rumen fell into the pit [i.e. the identification of ma'isn O-an MHul 3:1 is unclear] Hul 50b(ll); 3. cavity: sg. XipT XT3 the cavity of the gourd Sab 103a(20; Ar [AC 2:169]) While H distinguishes lexically bet. mng. 1 pX3] and mng. 2 [113], in A, because of the phonetic identity of these two words,
n«m 206 &6l#'3 T it is often difficult to determine which is meant; Y: XT3 BQ 92a(48; BAYTN 14). HNT2 adj. of GN sg.m. nXT3 ]T)1 Ket 75a(36); nXT3 iTfiT Git 34a(23); ib. 35a(45) N1TTT3 n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'J11T3 Pas 74a(18; TGAs42 162:12) [textual rdg. w/o context] N11T3 n.m. clarification (< MH 1113 Yeivin, bv 959) sg. xirran miT3 ty ap'aV iwym you asked (us) to clarify [lit. to deal with its clarification] the matter TGHark 35:31; ib. 38:2; 39:6 [K3"T3 4- XXT3] N1VT3, pi. XJVn'3 n.f. alley (< Akk biritu alley CAD B 252, mng. 1, AIOA 44; Sy k'&Jtj^ pi. LS 88, Ma 1# X'T3, pi. xnX'T3 MD 62) pi. 1311 xnx'1331 'pW3 sit in the streets and in the alleys BB 40b(16; Es) [cf. Akk suqani u bireti CAD ib. [NA], Ma WT31 X'pW Gy 224:21]; yw 'Sri' nnxn'31 xruip those who sit in the streets, corners, and alleys Bo 71:9 Lit: Eps, St2 835; id., PLA 267; Ch. Muller-Kessler, Aram 11/12(1999-2000) 304+; Y: Nn'H3 BAYTN 284. N3T3 n.f. knee (TA pm5-|3 pi. TJ Jud 7:8; cf. Sy «liicv^3 LS 96, Ma 1# X3713 MD 57) pi. Mn WfWl 'DTa knees which were weary Ber 6a(10); mm '3T3X p'lT mn we used to recline on each other's knees Pes 108a(37; V14); BB 74a(l); X331 H3T331 xVs: nBX VjH who falls on her face and bends over on her knees Bo 115:7; ,TD-|3 X"7DEM his knees are low San 88b(33) [an expression of humility] Y: '37a ftj ib.(BAYTN 110). 13T3 n. a type of rice (< NP form/' PED 179 + pi. -an; Sy \j-Ud LS 97, Arab jlw Siggel 19) pi. ]XX1T3 OHTBer 91:16 Lit: Low, Flora 1:732. NXT3, N2H3 n.m. hole (4- Vfn) pi. 'm D'nm Tl'Siax he seals them [i.e. the jars] on their holes ^Z74b(36; J) [P': iT'ro] Lit: Eps, Stl 116; Y: XXT3 BAYTN 165. l#NriT3 n.f. citadel (Sy k^-U^d LS 69) sg., only as first element of GN's [cf. 4- l#X"lpX]: 'Xin Xm'3 Qid 72a(35); X'DCH XT1T3 ib. 37; nirran XJ1T3 Meg 21b(30; G) Lit: Eshel, JSB 75+; cf. LBH Tran ]VW Est 1:2 and Akk birlu w. GN's; v. CAD B 261; Y: KIT)'? Qid ib. 2# KJ1T3 4- XT1T3 TO n. $'3 adj. bad, evil, foul, n. evil, evil person (4- VlPX3 pe., pass.part., xniy'3, XTJ tf'3, s.v. i 1#XTJ mng. 2; TA tf'3 TO Num 20:19, Sy r^Y;-i LS 57, Ma W'3 MD 63) I. adj. 1. bad: sg.abs.m. V2 poy ]'1 this (was) a bad deal 50 99b(54); tf'3'Dr a bad day 0« 39b(24) [* or 3D]; det. XBP3 Xa"?n a bad dream 5er 55a(48); X£>'3 X-13 a bad son ATef 53a(4); AZ 4a(36); pl.m. 'WS '37 bad sorts of things Ber 32a(17); 2. wrong, evil: a. general: sg.abs.m. KT3 DJ/TH rmy you did something wrong Bek 51b(19) [cf. Akk minima lemnu CAD L 121]; det. KV2 XVT the evil dew Bo 3:2; XBT3 XTW an evil demon HM 46:2; Xtf'3 XW^> slander MQ 16a(12) [cf. JPA 12/'3 l^'V DJPA 283, mng. 5a]; Meg 13b(40); Am 15b(49); Nid 61a(45); Xttf'3 XJ'J? the evil eye Ber 20a(31); So? 36b(18); BM 84a(33); pl.m.abs. pP'S J'ttnn evil magic 5o 5:2; ]'BP3 I'p'JB evil w.-demons z'Z>. 8:12; det. 'EP3 'j?'t» /'& 7:14; f. "73 XW3 xrt"1? evil liliths ib. 9:2; nriXBTS Tin evil spirits /i. 64:11; b. w. PN: XBr>3 pn BQ 37a(3); /'& 115a(25); 5e£ 50b(24); 3. foul: pl.m. 'ttr>3 X'» foul water HP 204:9 [caique < MH D'jnn Op MBerK 3:5]; 4. unproductive: sg.m. XIP'3 xVpi an unproductive date palm 50 92b(39); S5 69b(15); II. n. 1. evil, bad thing: sg.m.abs. ly'nV 3D ]'3 5?T xVl naV ,T^> '<X1)(1X)1 woe to you who do not know (the difference) between good and evil San 103a(37); tt"3 13jn one who does evil ib. 7a(25); det. X3D 'in '13 XW3 can a bad thing turn into a good thing? Sab 129a(46); 2. evil person: sg.m. XK/'3 '"in xb X3D a good person does not become an evil one Ber 29a(7) Voc: XW'3 HGP 15a:21; Y: W'3 San 7a(26; BAYTN 9). n.m. cooking, cooked dish (< MH2 ■?W'3 J 198; 4- V?tt>3) 1. cooking: sg. X3ns Xlim Xia?33 xVltt»3 xn'TB salt needs cooking like meat of an ox Sab 42b(12); Ned 41b(6); xVllP'3 'Slip accelerating the cooking AZ JVltf'3 207 Nlfl-Il Klfc"3 38a(36); XETOS X^lfcOb n'3»m (Scripture) considered cooking like baking Anan 71:19; Bes 27a(l); 2. cooked dish: sg. Xim xVlB'3 "p that last cooked dish Meg 7b(12); 11311 nvmn '3n "im H1J3 xVlB'J n'1? afterwards they rinsed it off [i.e. the plate] and placed a cooked dish in it Hul lllb(39);Pe.s27a(27) Y: XVW'3 ftj ib.(BAYTN 255). nit^'3 adv. with displeasure (lit. in an evil manner; 4- xmtf'3) mn ItyVx 'I1? H"Tn mn he looked again at PN with displeasure Ae/ 25b (24) // Mak 5b(13); Pej 53b(42; V'V17); BB 164b(30);Mrf26b(35) Y: IlW>'a BAYTN 332. STUB'S, abs. ^'3 n.m. evil, wickedness, deleterious statement (4- 2T3 adj., mtf'n; TA W'3 TO Gen 41:19, Sy k'&o t ; -> LS 57, Ma XDW3 MD 63) 1. evil,,wickedness: sg. abs. X1? W3V Xin not one thing for wickedness Sab 156a(25); F37 iT^O i'& 27; det. 131? X'tm X3'J? ypS'V xnW33 may the eye which looks at you with wickedness rupture AZ 65a(20); D071DB mn xnwsV he was well known for (his) wickedness BQ 115a(27); nVW33 'ina Xpill X13J Xinn you will (only) show your wickedness AZ 17b(48); Bo 127:26; 2. coll. deleterious statements: irrap Otinax ]riW3B they state (many) of our deleterious statements before them Men 52a(32; M) [* 4- xm3'D mng. 3] Y: XnW'3 AZ ib.(BAYTN 332). Nrit^'3 n.f. evil, misfortune (4- tf'3; TA xfwi TO Gen 19:19, Sy rfhir,-, LS 57) 1. evil, wickedness: sg. XD^'33 DDISB he is well known for (his) wickedness BQ 115a(27; HP 86:15) [4- xniers]; xrny'3 n^y x:mwa I shall send him evil HMGas 94:5; 2. misfortune: sg. '»X X3lV XnB?'33 n,!7 he told it [i.e. the dream interpretation] to PN as misfortune Ber 56a(19); pi. xnrrx nm xn^'3 ]w>si !)Tinn may my misfortunes be many AZ 26a(28; J); mTi 'SVn nxa XJIXIS'S a hundred misfortunes have passed him by San 7a(21) Y: XfW'3 BAYTN 32. lOtP'3, Nn0'3 n.m. flesh, meat (4- pfcP3; TA XnD3 TO Dt 12:23, Sy ^wn LS 82, Ma X1D'3 MD 62) 1. flesh: sg. X"n n'IB/3 p,!70l »'3'X X3'X X"n men p,!7D X1?! tt»'rx X3'X1 some people's flesh heals quickly, and other people's flesh does not heal quickly BQ 84a(34); X"n X1033 XDnas like a needle in living flesh San 48b (45) [the feeling of gout]; xbnST 'pno»3 13'niff'3V Xjp'ID I shall lacerate your flesh with iron combs BM 86a(22); Git 57b(l 1) // San 96b(29); 1'3n Xp mn nni^sb n'V he was rubbing his flesh (to soften it) Sab 33b(45); n,-W33 J?J3 it touches his flesh Anan 45:24; 2. meat: a. general: sg. X1BT3 ,!7 3n give me meat Qid 70a(27); Tern 8b(27); 'XT Xn3Da X1^'3 XJ'rpW if I take meat from a butcher K>m 86a(31); •HW,I71 nrfif Xn»'3 'n'^1 naiJX let him bring fat meat and place it on the coals Sab 110a(31); ib. 18b(35); 140b(13); X"W3 Xn'"?a salted meat BB 74b(35); Hul 97b(5); 3"m X"W3 yVsi X3in the (forbidden) fat flows (from above), and the meat absorbs (it) Hul 8b(37); X1D3T XSaiX a piece of meat San 39a(14); xaDX XTO3T a thigh of meat BB 88a(12); xVip'T Xntt?m a basket of meat Hul 98a(20); b. specific animals: sg. X'3DT XW3 the flesh of a deer Er 39b(22); San 105a(51); X'ln X-TCT3 young goat's meat Sab 18b (24); XTUY7 X1tt?3 meat of an ox BQ 72a(l); 3. body [cf. Sy y.t-i\ r^i m ^ n-a rt'om Heb 5:7]: sg. b^yi ]>TT\ '3 ^3D'tt '3D X'as H'^IS IFFl he is required to immerse himself so that his whole body enters the water Anan 52:14; AnanSch 27:3; ib. 8 Voc: >riD'3 HPP 70:21; Y: KTO3 Ber 56a(33; BAYTN 110). - XM71! tatP'3 n.m. human being (lit. flesh and blood; 4- XB1; Sy KLSaao k'-\-qq-=> Mat 16:17, MH2 mi -it>3 J199) sg. imya 'axm n'in 'jxe? xam XnfSnV in'rj?» Dnx 'M^ pigs are different, since their intestines are similar to those of a human being : their intestines to those of flesh and blood Tan 21b(27) [double rdg.]; 'TV mVlD xam X12731? xVi man ix^a (let) all of me [lit. him] (be given over to) the Angel of Death and not to a human being BM 86a(33; SM 145:6); mn in"»mi inniys1? im n3D (the wind mso) would have killed their human beings [i.e. the Israelites] Sab 129b(23); X13TI XnW3T X<n>VlVll a human skull Tarn 32b(18); HG3 349:8; X1D'3 p 'DSan
n<?'? 208 i#Nn'a T " xail that which is hidden from a human being('s knowledge) HP 50:3; ib. 139:3 The phrase XOT1 X"I0'3 occurs also in Ma [v. MD 62], but it is used in a literal and not in an idiomatic sense. Cf. also in the internal parallel: (TOT ]» 'XJW'Xl mw'3 p ^lS'X eat of his flesh and drink of his blood [i.e. consume the entire body] Bo 72:8 [v. Ch. Miiller-Kessler, Aram 11/12(1999-2000) 302+ for the Ma phrase and its Meopotamian background]. ]lfr'3 adj. stout (4- Xlfc?'3; Sy rdj-Lo-^ LS 82) pl.m. '31P'3 '33 stout sons Ket 61a(4) Y: 'JIB'S Ket ib. 1# Kfl'3, cs. '3, JV3, pi. 'A3, 'flK3 n.m. house, estate, room, household, 'school', compartment for phylactery, first element in GN's (4- Xn'3 'E>3'X, 1# '3, Xfl'3 "13, nxm, '37, 1# "n'31, xn'3 '18; TA xfl'3 TO Ex 12:3, ]'h5 ib. Dt 6:11, Sy rc^ i ■^1, cs. & »-3 pi. rc'&.i LS 69, Ma xn'X3, cs. n'3, pi. X'nX3 MD 47) 1. house, estate: a. general: sg.cs. 31in *o"?» 'X3' '3 the house [i.e. palace] of PN, the king, was destroyed AZ 50a(23); MQ 9b(ll); Hag 5b(4); '31? 'Xnxi lixa (the she-ass) went to its master's house Tan 24a(21); fi/¥ 36b(25); Hul 105a(38); det. X1? ini'13 X*71 m'33 neither in her house nor in her dwelling Bo 19:11; i& 2:5; 76:8; -pi'33 n3fl' 13 when you are residing in your house Anan 24:16 [expl. iri'33 ^n3£>3 Dt 6:7]; pi. 'A3 3E> seven houses Git 69a(9); BAf 39b(3); BB 62a(l); 'nX3 SST/a; 7a(20); TQ 'ixa the owner of the houses B/V/ 108b(32); b. parts thereof: 4- xnDipO'X, XS10X, l#xn't>X, X33 mng. lb, Xllttb mng. 2, X^'S1?, l#Xti'#, l#xn'1t>; c. used as adv.: 1) in cs. [v. Satzlehre 116]: X313 31 '3 ]3'11 '3 when we were in PN's house Ber 39a(27); Bes 21b(23); man '3 ira1? X3nm I'an ixbi a son-in-law does not usually dwell in his father-in-law's house BB 98b(i0); "irronx '3 xian 13'nix x*?'bii pns '31 the people of the household of PN, the /-.-official, put wine in the house of their tenant farmers AZ 61b(26); Qid 50a(19); BB 22a(43); 2) in phrase X1331 xn'33 within and without [lit. in the house and in the field]: SSHai 2b(3); ib. 8a(8); Dec 5:9; 2. room, chamber, cabin [cf. Akk bitu CAD B 291, mng. 3]: a. in a house: sg. 'Vxa X1? "?Xiat> X13'W ,T3 n'XI Xn'33 PN would not pray in a room in which there was an intoxicating beverage Er 65a(45); Xp'T 3'E>3 xVl XD'H xn'33 XJHIE? '^TU let him light a lamp in a room where the wind does not blow Kar 5b(52) // Hor 12a(36); X111 'B'm X3T3 a certain (storage) room of wheat AZ 65b(22; J); ib. 70a(3); X131 '1 xn'3 a dark room &w 5b(54); pi. 'X13 'n33 XI 'X1J 'n33 XI this is in the 'inner chambers' (of heaven, and) that is in the 'outer chambers' Hag 5b(29) [4- ,1X11]; '03 '3'ni low rooms Sab 43a(2); b. in a boat: pi. 'X13 pjl'tf 13 n'XI Xril'SD a boat which has sixty cabins Bek 8b(13) [cf. Akk bit elippi CAD B 292]; 3. household: sg. cs. On '31 TJiy the rich people of my father-in-law's household Tan 23b(48); det. 1VT3X TpSaiX xnilB "111 IPS'X it is possible that he will live a bit until he gives a last testament concerning his household AZ 12b(15); T3JT nTI'1? TTTPlb 13X1 he does not arrange the affairs of his household Yom 87a(l); 4. royal house, House: sg.cs. V1X Xp '"?y n'3ia they are descendants of the House of Eli San 14a(37); 'X31BSm n'31 X13J? 0111111 Herod was a slave of the House of the Hasmoneans BB 3b(38); Qid 70b(20); 5. 'school' [4- 31 '3, '3 ]331]: sg.cs. '3'3n '3 my uncle's 'school' Pes 117a(8); Mak lla(25); '31 '31 X3X'383 'XII X3X I was present at the count in the 'school' of PN San 36a(15); X31 '31 1'1113D (the Tractate) Sanhedrin of the 'school' of PN San 41b(18); '3D X3WX '31 the elders of the 'school' of GN Bek 8b(9); ]3J? 31 '31 X3n (one) of the 'school' of PN learnt Ket llla(18); VxyDtf' '1 '31 X3n #ag 12b(4); 6. cs. place, area [cf. Akk bitu CAD B 292, mng. 5]: a. KT1JJ3XX Jl'3 n.m. area of the fingers (4- XJttXX) sg. Bo 78:16; b. 1113 '3 n.m. place for slaughtering (on the neck; lit. place of 'blessed ...') sg. "|113 •'i? 3(')ip»1 X3'1 the place close to the slaughtering Ber 44b(38) [cf. OHP ib. 113:12; OHR ib. 56:7 = Ar [AC 5:368, s.v. ,tfD3]; c. 'in '3 n.m. place for pots (4- X111) sg. Sab 41a(38) [expl. MH '?'D3X Mib. 3:4]; ib. 39; d. NTH '3 n.m. (uncertain; 4- 2#XTH) sg. XT'1 '3 1"iai3 (uncertain) RH 9b(20; E2) [expl. BH1111 Lev 25:10]; e. 'Vp'1 '3 n.m. place where palms grow (4- X^p'1; Sy KlLS:; hy^^p PSm 484) sg. ''jp'l '3 XJHX a field (for) date palms BB 69b(13); f. &1 »3 n.m. irrigated area (4- V'Vr ]T3K '3 209 '33 '3 pe., xm"?1) sg. Xai' 1^X1 '<3)01 the area (of a field) irrigated in a day BB 12a(29; Es); g. '3 'B^'P n.m. area of ferns (4- 3# XsV'n) sg. 'TX13 '3H 'D^'n '31 k.-animals of the area of the ferns Hul 62b(13; Ar [AC 4:313, s.v. ,313]); '3 'xp X0X 'sV'n a myrtle located in the area of the ferns San 44a(5); Sab 77b(27); h. nrf?n '3 n.m. sandy area (4- xVn pi., mng. 2) sg. mm crni ]xa Oqixn XnxVn '3 n'V D'HtV X'Tn one who is being pursued by a snake should run in a sandy area Sab ll0a(22); rrra Vsn nnsn1? n"tm ixa 'xn [XnxVn '3 =] xnxVrn XT1T one who saw someone else's zuz fall in a sandy area 5M 26b(28); i. '3 xyt3ia, Kn5?3ia '3 n.m. place for lying down (4- xnjma; Sy Kii-i-U*> &-^? PSm 489; v. Friedman, BM VI:14721) sg. Kxa'XH)] H'ysia '3 rwm the place where its head lies BB 73b(9); X331D1 n'Jljma '3 the place where the star lies ib. 73a(22); j. Xnns '3 n.m. place of a wake (4- xnna; BH ntna ri'3 Jer 16:5) sg. '3 3'rr ixai K»n3 xntia who presides [lit. sits at the head (of the table)] at a place of wake? Ket 69a(46); ib. 48; k. KWS '3 n.m. area of a garden bed (4- XlXtfa) sg. 'nxi31 XltS'a '3 a garden bed of leeks Sab 67a(32); 1. 'V'B '3 n.m. place of crevices (4- 2# xV'S) sg. '3V X^S'^ '12/1 ]XD 'XP 111 'V'S one who sows turnips in the place of crevices of a proselyte('s field) BB 54a(l); m. '3 Xpp'S n.m. place of a cut (4- Xpo'9) pi. XO'X X,11 "?'5?V H'pO'B '3"7 H'V p'ODI ini'pO'S '3 are there not, in fact, cuts [i.e. on the wooden spit of the Passover sacrifice] ? (It refers to a case where) he made the cuts go out (of the animal) in its upper part Pes 74a(18); Hul 112a(2) [in a vegetable]; n. '1'!P Jl'3 n.m. place of demons (4- XTti) sg. Bo 78:21; 7. compartment of a phylactery: sg. in xn'3 Ber 6a(52); ST 491:28; pi. 'X8 '113 1X2/3 113 'TO what is written in the other compartments (of God's) phylactery)? Ber 6a(52); San 89a(4); Zev 37b(33); 8. cs. first element in GN's: 'XaiX '3, 'Klin '3, '313 '3, '3 'XD1S [v. Eshel, JSB 51+] On mng. 2b, v. Sperber, Nautica 76; Voc: XrVa HGP 2b:2; Y: XJV3 BAYTN 14. - p'3N '3 n. (uncertain) sg. '3V VlX XV 31 ]T3X PN does not go to ... Sab 116a(45); ib. 152a(7)//^Z17b(39) Geon. expl.: .Tit ,Tny n'3 bv pW GnK5 169:8. Lit: Geig, AAC 84, w. lit., rejects all prev. attempts to derive this word from P and suggests that the etym. is prob. A; Shaked, Study 171+, 183, suggests a deriv. < Ir \d)beydan < P baydan temple. The term refers to a place of religious instruction and discussion. - N'TIN '3 n.m. perh. connecting channel (4- '3 '11X') sg. ['11X' xorr.] X'llX '3 T3J? Xlff'IX the tenant farmer makes the connecting channel BM 103b(37) - 'H^'N Jl'3 n.m. temple (4- XlVX; Sy b^? rc'ckir^' PSm 480, Ma X'nxVx n'3 MD 63) sg. VrV'X n'3 Bo 67:5; ib. 129:5; pi. 'iV'XI TI3 ib. 78:16 - XpVX H'3 n.m. prison (cf. JPA 'pj'JX DJPA 65) sg. H'pj'X 1T3 p X13J IXISIXI1? to release a man from prison HM 40:20 - 'I'OS X1'3 n.m. prison (4- VlDX; Sy ^ i -p rc/Tjj»r<' LS 37) sg. Ber 62a(27); n>33 "?'Bxil 'JV'ai 'TDX one who is thrown into prison and is tortured Anan 37:5 - N3VIK '3 n.m. oven (4- XJlflX) sg. BM 74a(28) - K13 n'3 n.m. olive press (caique < MH n'3 131 Yeivin, BV 787; Sy K'i^i LS 59) pl.cs. 'n3 '13 TGHark 86:9 - 'jri^3 '3, '5T'V3 '3 n.m. chasm, whirlpool (4- XyrV3) 1. chasm: sg. mpl 'yiVa '3 the chasm of Korah BB 74a(20); 2. perh. whirlpool: sg. 'D 'yta '3a x'ai xns x"?a ybi ^b xrWn when he came to the whirlpool he filled a jar of water from the whirlpool Bek 9a(l) [but v. Tos, ad loc.]; ib. 6 This expression may also occur in 'MW 'y'ja '3 Wa'Jl' '3313 '3 I dwell in the place of the stars. I ... in the chasm Pes I I2a(19; E'C); Y: 'Xft? '3 Bek ib.(BAYTN 107). - '33 '3, '3X3'3, '33S'3 n.m. bathhouse (< '3 + Pa^cOveTov Lehnw 159; Sy rd-L=> LS 78; 4- 2# 1X33) sg. ,1'nOXl '33 '31? n'V"j; he brought him into the bathhouse and washed him Sab 33b(44); '33 '31 X'aa lJWXl they drank from the water of the bathhouse ib. 41a(26); 110b(30); 140a(28); Xtina3 X'O 113 '^laV '33 '31? '"?TX1 '31 those who go to the bathhouse to draw water in
naa 'a 210 KJH '3 T it in GN Er 104a(48); 'H'l XWD piy he fled (and) hid in the bathhouse Qid 39b(54); n'nD'X H'mna '3X3 '3 the bathhouse (floor) collapsed from under him Ket 62a(39) // Ber 60a(52); pi. Xn330 '33 '3 llVlD all bathhouses are a danger ^Z 28b(41); Meg 16a(18) Y: '33 '3 Ber ib.(BAYTN 4). - H33 '3 n.m. men's section of the house (4- i# xisj) sg. 'wj '3s? nai '3B 'X3a 'V i3S'V let them remove my clothes for me from the men's section to the women's section Er 68a(28) Y: '131 '3 Er ib. - '313 '3 n.m. logs (4- 1# X311) sg. ,Tl3yi xVpi '31J '3 (if he cut down) a date palm and made it into logs BQ 96a (23) Y: '315 '3 BQ ib. - N-Tl '3, NT33 '3 n.m. treasury, storehouse (4- 1#XU; Sy <<t^ &-^? LS 70, Ma XT3'I n'3 MD 63) sg. XU '3V Viyi' enter into the treasury Mei 17b(22); Bek 5a(33); X3"?B1 XTI '3 the royal treasury Git 68b(36); Sab 63a(6); XDVbi Xm '3 7an 21a(47) // San 109a(14); Sab 63a(6) [4- nxaXBX]; ]1,1X1 XU '3 Aaron's treasury Yom 51b(9); '3ami nu '3 the Merciful One's treasury [i.e. of the Temple] /M 139a(42) Lit: A. Hurvitz, EI 24 [1994] 78+; Y: XJJ '3 RH 6a(23); KU1 '3 San 109a(14). - xmn '3 4- xmu - '?'J '3 n.m. perh. deep water (lit. place of waves; 4- 'V'J) sg. 'V'l '31 'JlVj.1 Xn33 a basket of g.-fish from deep(?) water Ket 105b(44); Ber 44b(36; F) Y: 'Vj '3 Ket ib. - N333 (n)'3, KJNJJ '3 n.m. wedding chamber (4- X331; Sy rd^L^ ^_=. LS 122, Ma n'3 X3X31 MD 63) sg. X311 IT331 '3V '3B I'V V>"y XJ1W 'X111 H'13 they brought the utensils into the wedding chamber of his son, PN, where there was a lamp Pes 101a(14) [Var: X3131. '3V V14]; T1'3 X3X31 Ned 50b(37); ib. 38; '3V xV"yi xav XVIH 13X31 that day on which she will enter the marriage chamber Sab 156b(20) Y: rrai '3 Pes ib. - KJTUnj '3 n.m. place for a well (4- xmm) sg. X'J"?S1 Xmill '3 'XI the place of NN's well BB 56a(9); BM 103a(24) Y: XJIWIA '3 BM ib. - TIKI '3, "1NTT '3 n.m. court (4- 11X1) sg. '3 11X1 BQ 114a(3; HP 82:23) [* i XnO'lB]; ]V3 V'3pi V'TX xVl 1X111 n'3 X3'X1 since there is a court, and he does not go and complain Git 58b(20); 1X11 '3V X3»'T 'V XB'p3 I have been summoned to the court AZ 26a(52); D'U 1X11 '3 gentile court TGHark 111:28; ib. 33; Xnxa Vd IxV 1X11 '3 H3 n'X Xnxai not every single town has a court TGAs42 23:14; 11X1 '31 X3'1 the judgment of the court ib. 16; 21; 1X1X1 '3 //GP 17b:9 Note in a H context: ^ITl VXD \whv X^l TX1T3 Oip&l 1J11K3 ]'X1 V7T1J TO OHT Git 124:24, glossed by Ar D'Uxn judge. Lit: Shaked, Notes 168, suggests that the phrase *be dawar may be a late MP form corresponding to the earlier pad-dadwar '(acting) through, or on behalf of, the judge,' i.e. an auxiliary judge; Y: 1X1H '3 Git 58b(20). - 'JH '3 n.m. oven, stove (4- X111X; Sy rO^car*' stove LS 5, Ma X111X, XS11 fire-oven MD 7) sg. Hul 11 lb(3); 'J11 '3V XllStt? p X1W3 "?S31 XD'11 'jn '3i xaia n'V yV3 pnaxi xiw'3 xinn tox if the meat fell from the spit into the oven, that meat is forbidden, for we say (that) it absorbed some of the blood of the oven HG3 213:88 Lit: Low, Lehnw 186; Y: 'JH '3 Hul ib. - NJH '3, NJH'3, NJH Jl'S, pi. 'JH '3 n.m.coll. court (4- X3'1, Xn3'nB1 X33, xn'Vlff, ; Akk bit dini CAD D 156 [NB], TA X3'1 n'3 TO Dt 25:7, Sy r<lL.n di_»_=> LS 70, Ma SH n'3 MD 63) a. general: sg. xVltt/'B 112H X3'1 n'3 the court that permitted oil (of pagans) Ket 2b(28); 1'Siy Ipl xVl 1,1 X3'1 '3 it was the court that did not investigate properly ib. 104b(50); im X3'1 '3 'p'1 XV X3'1 '3 one court does not investigate (the decision of another) court BB 138b(30); X3'1 '3 X31B8 'yipsxV 'B'Vx a court is authorized to confiscate money ib. 171a(l); X3'1 n'3 'XII '3B0 XV 'initfX the court certainly does not rely on the witnesses HP 71:27; X3'1 ri'3 |3'y3p we establish a court Anan 116:4; XMIpV lll'IIJI WX X3'1 JV3V the two of them came before us to the court SSHai 9b(5); X3'1 ri'31? Vl'a to go to court Anan 111:26; ib. 115:2; pn'nxai Xn Jl'a the court of their town ib. 16:3; Svu 30b(39); '31 X33 '3T '3 ; S3'1 the courtroom door BQ 113a(3); X3'T3 BQ 89b(3; Oxf, c.21, 36); ib. 90a(3; Oxf., c.23, 15); PDFMP 604:15; pl.abs. 1'n 'T1X3 SSHai 5b(3); det. M'l '3 '1T1 two courts BB 131b(9); b. w. modifiers: sg. X31 Xi'1 '3 the great [i.e. heavenly] court Sot 22b(17); HxV'S? X3'1 fl'3 the upper [i.e. heavenly] court Dec 7:13; xap Xi'1 '3 the first court San 42a(37); 'Tim XJ'1 T1'3 a new [i.e. inexperienced] court Git 66b(35); H31 XJ'1 n'3 '1BX the 'great court' states Qid 65b(9); c. w. PN: "3X 13 '3'3 311 X3'1 '33 Ket 85a(42); 311 X3'1 '3 X3in BB 172a(31); jam 311 X3'1 '3 San 31a(52); H'1570 1331113iai Xn ri'3 TGHark 277:9 Y: X2"! '3 BM 70a(24). - '31 '3 n.m. storehouse of jars (4- 1# X31) sg. '31 '3 XW313 il'V 13T1'X (PN) lost the large intestine in the storehouse of jars Hul 95b(39) - KST '3 n.m. oil press (4- 1# XS1) sg. 10WB XII XS1 '3V 'Vl'jn iasa does it not, in fact, lack piling up and bringing (of the olives) into the oil press? BM 74a(24) Y: 'B1 '3 BM ib. - '"H '3, HT3 n.m. threshing floor, granary (< '1TX '3*; TA '11X n'3 TJ 2S 24:16; cf. Sy k'-Uk' LS 6) 1. threshing floor: sg. ]XB 'X,1 '1T31 XJ1J/1X X5?1X ]'pnai one who prepares the field for the sake of a threshing floor MQ 10b(13); '1T3 1D3 the watchman of the threshing floor BQ 59b(27); '1T31 XTWim sweeping up of the threshing floor BM 21b(17); ib. 63b(20); '3X X33B?in '11 on the threshing floor there is an accounting Sab 32a(10; M); Er 24a(40); Tan 3b(30); BB 54a(13); 2. granary: sg. 'nV Xp'Vo 'n'31? 'B'n the wheat has reached the granary HP 48:14; 3. in phrase HI '33 at threshing time [cf. Akk ina adrati at threshing time CAD A/1 130]: sg. i3Ti mi'DB? ubrmn xVi '3'n '3 m '33 13'sn Xnj?^ X'nn 1J? busy yourself at threshing time so that your wage will not be paid until that time BM 73a(27) Y: "11 '3 Er 24a(41; BAYTN 1). - N^V'il '3 n.m. wedding house (4- xVlV'H) sg. 'V'a xVlVn '31 XIJX the reward of (coming to) the wedding house is (for) words (of congratulations) Ber 6b(27); na xsxi xViVn '3 yva mn xsd 3i 1#NJ"T '3 H'13 PN was serving drink at the wedding house of PN2, his son Qid 32b(8); Sab 110a(9); Er 54a(14);yVerf51a(9) Y: K^lVil'? Sab ib. - yim '3, 'p'Tnn'3 n.m. guardhouse (4- VpTIH; 'Nab' Ujj> confinement, custody Jawal 52:7) sg. Men 33b(37) [Var: 'p'tll'3 TGAs28 67:18] Expi.: iyw rni 'ninD dti31 -ani mns ijrw n'3 tgas28 ib.; Lit: Eps, Stl 124; Y: 'gTVJ'? BAYTN 303. - TV"! n'3 n.m. womb (4- XlVl) sg. l"?l n'3 XJ1J1X1 the woman's womb HM 39:17 - K"ty\ '3 n.m. school (Sy rfki.c, ^^=> LS 71, jpa ijm n'3 djpa 93) sg. na xnV'a ya'^xi V'i'x Xiyil '3a 31 I shall go and hear the matter (emanating) from the be rav : school Ber 24b(30; F); ib. 16a(8; IKI 24:16) - H"11 '3 n.m. a small area of a specific size (lit. house of...; 4- 1#X111, XX131p) a. anteroom: sg. BB 98b(18) [expl. MH 1'Vp'ltp Mib. 6:4; v. R.G. infra]; ]a"pi '111 '3 H'lXIS iy "ri'1 nTOK/X ''ap many maiT he found him sitting up to his neck <in ...> in the anteroom, and naked prostitutes were standing before him AZ 65a(l 1); b. area of a field: sg. '1111 '3 n'V 'Ipl X1.11 X'3Vs(1) that is in a case where it [i.e. the garden bed] is called a b.w. of NN BB 69a(31) Expl. R.G.: nVsvhn mn ^uyi D'bnx i'cniB» pjra mi '3 xr3ip in: nnn xn'B 'id uth www i'oiibi tjbi ^sa xin ipiai nsipo D'lP 13W3 D'33W1 AC 4:96. In the AZ passage, roses can hardly be meant, and Rashi's interpretation ['a bath of rose (water)'] is not justified by the text; Y: 'Till '3 BB ib. [- NJTTI '3 4- '111 '3 n.] -1# NJ"T '3, NJ"I'3 n.m. prison (Ma Xi'XI n'3 MD 63; cf. MP zendan prison CPD 99; 4- X3pi3T) sg. X3"t '31 X33 the gate of a prison Er 1 lb(25; Ar [AC 3:287]); X3"T'3 33 Sab 32a(ll; Ar [AC ib.]) [Var: X3'T '3 33 MGG 438:17]; X13J nX3DV X3't n'3 ]a to release a man from prison HM 42:1; ib. 44:7 Expl. Ar: ^Wian n'33 IX 03»n ri'33 AC 2:4; Lit: Geig, AAC 79, s.v. '3V13, rejects the deriv. of this phrase as lit. house of chain [cf. Ma 1#XJ'XI MD 158, mng. b; v. Lidz, Jb2 295; Eps, Stl 50] since zen does not have this mng. in MP [but cf. MP zanjir chain CPD 98]; Y: XJ"J '3 BAYTN 55. 211
2# N3"T '3 212 '3313 '3 - 2# K3"T '3 n.m. storehouse (i 2# X3"T, X3't; cf. Sy KlLj ^aj=. armory LS 70) sg. XJI<'>(1}'T '3 X37I31 the royal storehouse Ber 56a(31); ib. 32 Lit: Geig, AAC 79+; Shaked, EIr 261: perh. an A-P combination be zena house of weapons [I 2# X3"J] [- Np'T '3 n.m. perh. ventilation (4- 1# Xp'T) sg. BB 75a(38) [gloss in HEs] Read w. P1: Xp'J 1.13 'Vyi '13 windows through which air enters.] - NHH '3 n.m. bosom, chest (I X'lfl; Sy ^ .7. rctiruu LS 71, Ma 1#X'1X1 MD 116) sg. p'SX ri"(i){?)n '3a" wrami (x)po'i he took the subpoena document out of his bosom Qid 70b(8); pi. VTVn '3 their(f) bosoms Sab 13a(43) Lit: Nold, MG 1941, connects the first element of this compound w. 4. '3 prep.; Y: .Tin '3 Qid ib. - KtfTIM '3*, NKhn '3 n.m. perh. place of sore in the eye (cf. Sy rdi-io-o sore throat LS 259) sg. 1'7 7'3X Xp [TB/lin '3 -] I'tr/Urn the place of the sore in his eye is irritating him Svu 6b(34; Ar [AC 3:506]) [V": rmira] Expl. of Hai Gaon: rrt V3K Dip] <n){nl'»XTn '3 ]331 '01J '3m ni'sa mpo nvirai xbth nxipa 'Bix jwta yy wna v",ma inx ... n'1? 'rax xp 'a-ix irota mix xs'sn ysim ranvw oix iv •p ^'SX xp -pwxin '3 n'^ QS 16:2 [= Ar (AC ib.); Var.: Wins Geon 57:14]. - Nrnari '3 n.m. tavern (4- xnun) sg. &* 32a(10) [M: Xmun 33] - Nri3p '3 n.m. slaughterhouse (4- xn3D; cf. Sy r^ij-^V ii_i-=» kitchen LS 71) sg. ]31T» XII XH3B '3 Xlim XW1 since, in fact, an ox's head is sold in a slaughterhouse Ara 4b (49); '31 XP5? Xri3D a goat of the slaughterhouse Meg 3a(44); 55 88a(ll);5e/t8b(14) Y: TQB '3 Meg ib. - '1113 '3 n.m. apparatus for roasting (4- Vl# '10; cf. Sy rdi^^X LS 269) sg. HG1 327:10 = "X1CJ <')(1)3 #P 25:2 - N»t? '3, N'ttB '3, NaytJ '3 n.m. house of mourning (lit. house of the spirit(s) of the dead; i x»d) sg. xay» rP7 7X©»7 sxnxi vrVx Vix XBXD '3 '7VP7 Elijah and Ahab went to console : to console in the house of mourning San 113a(34) [double rdg.]; XXVipW X''DB '31 X11X the reward of the house of mourning is (for) the silence Ber 6b(26) [Var: X»J?D '3 OHT ib. 13:2] In OHT 13:1+ there is a long responsum which explains the etym. of this phrase from i XnytJ; Y: X;»B '3 San ib. - 'TIN' '3 n.m. perh. channel (4- X'TIX 'a) sg. '11X' '3 T3J7 XD'IX a tenant farmer makes a channel BM 103b(37; V22H[corr.!], Ar [AC 4:104]!) Lit: Koh, AC 1:47, s.v. '111X; Y: 'liX' '3 BAYTN 72. - NT J1'3, pi. »T '3 n.m. area of hands, handle, sleeve (4- XT; MH2 T TO Sab 65a[12]) 1. area of the hands: pi. '3X n'n(1>nX7 pVlll 111 '1'T PN used to kiss his sisters on their hands AZ 17a(23) // Sab 13a(42); 2. handle: sg. XT TO n'»1X3 GC 60:6 [expl. MH 7ir plow handle MKel 21:2]; 3. sleeve: sg. XT '31 XSp'T erect portion of the sleeve TGHark 214:15 [expl. JBA n'1'1 XSp'T Ber 55b(36)]; pi. Bes 23a(12); ib. 15 Geon. expl.: eninn wxn wix DBinw nenna *?» py GC ib. [mng. 2]; CD'JX fl'3-iy IW'JS Xlpjfl T fl'3 Xl.ll TGHark 214:15, i.e. £ill [mng. 3; 4- l#XHD'p]; Y: 1,1"T '3 &6 ib.(BAYTN 2). - NB733 '3 n.m. type of field (etym. unkn.) sg. Qid 62b(40) [* 4- X'ptf '3] Poss. a rain-watered field; Y: XW3'3 '3 Qid ib. - '313 '3 n.m. tavern (lit. house of drinking bowls (of wine); 4- 1#X313) sg. '313 '3 1'pifc mm he used to dance in a tavern BQ 86a(12); ib. 97a(20); '313 '3 Tp1» 13 Pes 49a(49; C) This word has no connection w. the GN '313 '3 BJ 83+. - '1113 '3 n.m. wooden frame in a wall (4- 2#XTD pi.) sg. BB 6a(28; TGAs42 157:2) [Var: '1X13 '3 TGHark 154:23] Geon. expl.: '113 im T3J7 XJ3'1 in3 TGAs42 ib.; Lit: Eps, PLA 207. - '3313 '3 n.m. place of (the visibility of) the stars (4- X3313) sg. XMV1' '3313 '3 I dwell in the place of the stars Pes 112a(19); n'3JlX7){VTi '3313 '3 XTOfl V31XX 1"11B7 let him place his bed on four jugs in the place of the stars [i.e. outside] Sab 110a(18); '3313 '3 ,T7 '7J11 hang it [i.e. the jug] in the place of the stars AZ 29a(24; J) [P1: '3313 'mn] The phrase is most likely an idiom for an open area; Y: '3313 '3 Sab ib. '113 '3 213 N313 '3 t t : - '113 '3 n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'S7T1 '31 'TX13 '31 'TOX '113 '31 '1W ^.-animals of the area of the ferns are permitted. (Those) of the ... are forbidden Hul 62b(13; Ar [AC 4:313, s.v. 1313]) Expl. Ar: IBy 'Vti AC ib. - N'D*I13 '3 n.m. a type of chair (4- X'0113) sg. a. in connection w. marriage: '7J73 7J?3'» W133 N'0113 '3X '371113 nm in GN they first have sexual intercourse and then they seat (the bride) on the b.k.-chair Yev 110a(22); ib. 18; b. in connection w. a surgical procedure: '3X n'3mx ]'13 S?31^ T71X1 yip'XI '0113 they placed him [i.e. the tumtum] on the b.k.-chair, he was cut open [i.e. his testicles descended into his scrotum], and he had seven sons ib. 83b(14) Y: XJOIH '3 Yev 110a(22; BAYTN 264). - N0'3 '3, pi. 'NO'3 'ri3 n.m. privy (caique < MH vD'3fi fl'3 Yeivin, BV 963) sg. '31 'S'Sy XD3 chamber pots Meg 16a(28); pi. Ber 2faQ!>\ Ed); ib. 55a(19; P) Y: X03H fl'3 Meg ib. - '1'3 '3 n.m. space of an oven (4- 'T3) sg. Sab 41a(38); ib. 39 Y: 'T3 '3 Sab ib.(BAYTN 11). - Nrit^'as (n)'3, kw'jm, pi. Nntf"?3 'ns, NW'33 ri'3 n.f. synagogue (4- 1# Xniff'33; JPA nW'33 ri'3 DJPA 93, Sy rc'&Jt-nJ-a ivjLjp LS 70, > Arab i^Z Fr, AF 275) a. general: sg. 'Blpa Xrliy'33 '37 'SIPTOI they go to the synagogue early in the morning and late at night Ber 8a(18); Git 19b(57); Tan 16a(19); BB 21a(34); 7X1E?' 57KM Xni»'33 '33 "17S Vp the Jew heard the sound of praying in the synagogue AZ 70a(25); X7'J1 X111 XriW33 '31 a certain ruin-mound of a synagogue [i.e. where it used to be] Meg 26b(2); 1190 D1D1 xnW33 '33 n'n737 PN eulogized his daughter-in- law in the synagogue Meg 28b(34); Ber 17a(48) [* 1 P31 '3]; Meg 26b(50); 'WXD "lVS7 '57X3 131 1'T Xriiy'ja ri'33 when he wants to pray he washes his hands in the synagogue Anan 36:15; ib. 21:24; AnanSch 17:4; xp'W XTOJ3 '3 N',11 a certain old synagogue Meg 26b(6); XrittPW '3 Tl'inx another synagogue Hag 15a(45); BB 3b(19); Qid 73b(7); 'J131 XJWJ3 '3 the large synagogue SOZ 72:20; xnB?'3337 11TIX1 they brought him to the synagogue GS 37:14; pi. TI3 Xniy'W TGHark 84:23; xm'33 n'31 '17'X ri'3 temples and synagogues Bo 67:5; b. portions: sg. xrffi/'13 '31 xnil'S the entrance of the synagogue Ber 47a(5); XT]Wn '31 Xll'X the roof of the synagogue Nid 13a(47); Xni^aa '31 '33'7 bricks of the synagogue Meg 26b(16); XTliy33 '31 'S'S mats of the synagogue BB 8b(52; Es); 313'X XTW13 '37 XVffi? he donated a lamp to the synagogue Ara 6b(16); c. w. a GN or PN: sg. '3 ]iy»1 'n^'33 Sab 139a(56); Vsill xriWID '3 Meg 29a(23); X'Ona Xnm Xnu;i3 '3 BB 3b(33); '3 XV11133 3'Tl'l «12?1 XTVDn RH 24b(36); AZ 43b(26); 1311 '3X1 xniff'33 '3 Ber 50a(40); Er 61b(28); Tan 26a(2); ]15?ai [XIW13 '3 -] Xn©333 Zev 118b(ll); '10'pi XITC/'JO '3 Yev 65b(39); '3 7X'm Xniy'33 Er 21a(27); pi. XTW'H T13 ID'Vn X'13D3 thirteen synagogues in GN Ber 8a(44) Y: XnW'33 (ni'3 Git 19b(57). - N?» ri1B;33 '3 n.m. reservoir (4- V2# ©33) sg. liiyix i»i xi3Va x'a mmo '3 niiea they used to make the reservoir flow outside their field (onto the roads) San 109a(43; MGG 309:19) - '03 '3, '0X3 '3 n.m. one of the stomachs of a ruminant (caique < MH2 mOISI TO J 623; 1 1#X03, V003) sg. X7'?3in '03 '3 '03 '3 X7'7311 the h.-stomach is (now) the b.k. -stomach, and the fc.yfc.-stomach is (now) the A.-stomach Sab 36a(12) // Suk 34a(36); '03 '3» XpS3 ,1111 XT1311 X111 X7'73@inV a certain duct which goes out from the b.k.-stomach to the /i.-stomach Hul 58b(18); '0X3 '31 X3aiD the thick part of the b.k.-stomach HP 201:9(HPP 303.: 18); '0X3'3 HPQ 222:2 Y: '03 '3 Sab ib. - N313 '3, N3N13 '3 n.m. plowed field (4- 1# X313) sg. Yom 43b(6; L); Hul 63a(36; H2); Yom 43b(7) // Nid 65b(30); X3X13 '31 Xrl'3'3 a &-fish of the plowed field (which is infested with creeping animals) Mak 16b(18; GS 402:12) [v. note, supra]; X313 '31 'rfrp rhT\ three stalks of a plowed field Git 69b(l) [v. supra]; pi. '313 '3 Hul 62b(13) Geon. expl.: pi )ny TOD'l nnB3 D'D 1033' 1,111 T^'Ba'? T\m O'O ^3 13 D'b'IMl B'DH WX3 CWH 11"TO3 D'OH WVJTI I'll imx nxipji V"ix3 yniBDi p» own pi imx imox 'nan
NjnV 'a 214 '}?X'» '3 X3X13 '31 X71T3 G§ 402:12; '5 ]D 'BXJ1X 'ty MX Vx 3X:n 3X13 ^X 3Xin p yxopx the vessel should stand on a tripod of three pieces of soil of a plowed field OHT Git 156:11. Lit: Low, Fauna 5; Y: X313 '3 Mak 16b(18). [- NJTlV '3 4 Kyi"? 13 n.] - NASI? '3 n.m. a portion of the loins of an animal (perh. place of joining; 4 V^sV, XDSlV; Ma XrlXSlV joints MD 234) sg. xnsO)(')V '3 HG3 156:40 Cf. XJlxnBBX IB"1?! xnsil the place where the thighs are joined MGWJ67[1923] 136. - NTja '3 n.m. watercourse (4- 1# XIIB) pi. 'Jil V331 ma 'a the watercourses of GN Sab 145b(34; MAr [AC 2:51]) // Bek 44b(27; Ar [AC ib.]) - NtfTta '3, Ntfima '3 n.m. school (lit. study hall; caique < MH ©Trail n'3 MSabK 16:1, EniB Yeivin, BV 1009; 4 XtthlB 1»'1; JPA E/ma JV3 DJPA 94) a. general: sg. '3 WD1 n'"l31 1ITX VtX XttmB he and his son went and hid in the school Sab 33b(28); XK/mB '3 XO'l 'V D3TX (PN) lost a get in the school Git 27b(22); xV XPXTJB '3 TOX xn'Diy a woman is not usually present in the school MQ I8a(29); 'a x<')Vxa mm nVim x'nn 'ffl' 'TJ HV)11i a certain virgin who was praying in PN's school Sot 22a(32); XttniB '33 MTTI as they learn (in a barraita) in the school Yev 92a(5); XttniB '3 1B1S3 n'TiriyBW XBT V3 we state his legal traditions every day in the school MQ 25a(20); XEmB '3V IB'lpXI U'ltfnX go to the school late at night and early in the morning Ber 8a(19); pi. 'KniB '3 '-lO'Vn thirteen schools //ag 15b(ll); b. in var. phrases: 1) XKniB '3 pia "|31 J"H3 they make decisions so in the school according to me Pes 105b(12); ib. 33a(34); Suk 7a(3); 2) XE/Tia '33 "IIBX 'SB what did they say in the school? Er 47a(24); Yev 42b(12); gW 44a(41); Bek 3a(51); 3) XKma '3 V'XW XriX he came (and) asked in the school Sab 95a(20); ib. 140a(40); RH 26b(2); Git 60a(10); Sa« 64a(38); c. w. var. vbs.: 1) VVtx pe.: XK/mB '3V Vtx nax XpT p3"lV inj'ya© he went to the school (and) heard the scholars saying Tan 23a(50); ib. 24a(31); Ned 49b(37); 2) V'TIX pe., af: X1?! nJJ Xttma '3V pa-l 1J1X it got late, and the scholars did not come to the school Meg 7b(28); Er 28b(55); BB 74a(8); XEma '3V TUTTX he brought them to the school Hul 55b(25); 3) V'DB af: 'KHIB '3 XpirV 'V 'BBB1 iy until he would bring the child to the school Qid 30a(37); Ket 23a(42); 4) VpDJ pe., af: XBHIB '3V VxiBW pM EHI! PN went out to the school and expounded Sab 156b(17); Ber 58a(48; MGE 144:14); Hag 5b(47); XBmB '3a ITBT "T? mpSX they removed PN from the school BB 23b(21); //or 13b(50); 5) VVVy pe., pa.: Xttma '3V Vy xV "ITyVx 'I PN did not enter the school Er 47a(24); Hag 3a(15); Yev 42b(ll); Qid 44a(40); Bek 3a(50); "iV mV'y XKmB '3V H'BT they admitted PN into the school BB 165b(35); Men 33a(15) Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 97+, discusses this term in detail and shows that it is the preferred term in pericopae about or attributed to scholars of Eretz Israel, while the term 1 31 '3 was preferred by the Babylonians; Y: XBhlO '3 San 95a(44; BAYTN251). - NT'Htt '3 n.m. place where the circumcision feast is held (4 xV'HB) sg. '3V yVp'X X3'3n 31 -p31 xV'HB PN happened to be at the place of the circumcision feast and made a blessing Ket 8a(42) Y: X^np '3 Ket ib. - N3JTia JV3 n.m. study house (4- X3ma, l#xn3'na; Pal 3ma J13 Semitica 47 [1947] 68:8, Sy t<L~}incL^3 b\ i t> dwelling PSm 488) sg. xsn xsma n'33 'yVx '-ib nontVw I asked PN in the great study house Bek 5b(5) Lit: RISB 7622; Y: X3nio JV3 Bek ib. - N-JM J1'3 n.m. watercourse (4 X'a) sg. X'B JV3 Xicai watercourse for rain SSHai 6a(8) - 'nV'a '3 n.m. salt store (4- 1# xnV'B) sg. Pes 8a(39);/fZ33a(31) Voc: 'ffr'S '3 Pes ib.(HPP 7:17); Y: 'nVa '3 AZ ib. n.m. channel where water enters (4 VVVy, X'a) sg. SSHai 6b (9) - N*a pS'P Jl'3 n.m. channel where water exits (4 VpBJ, X'a) sg. .sS/fai 6b(10) - 'JTS'a '3 adv. in the middle (4 VyXB, 'yX'BS, s.v. nxyX'B; cf. Ma X'X'aV to the middle MD 269) a. temporal: 'yx'B3 TI'X 'X if he brought (proof saVa '3 2 of maturity) in the middle [i.e. during his Naziriteship] Naz 30a(5); b. spatial: nV D'plB 'XI 'yX'BS if he sets it [i.e. the side wall] up in the middle Er 16b(29); 'yXB '3 mm 'Xpi the gold is located in the middle (of the garment) BM 7a(-36); ib. 7b(36; Es); Ket 31b(10); San 64b(23); Kar 6b(41); 'X'a'3 SMel 50:211 Y: 'XX'O? Xer ib. - N3^» '3 n.m. palace, authorities (lit. house of the king; 4- XD^B; Sy rdiA-bb &->^p PSm 489) 1. palace: sg. X3"?B '3 XDX Jl'dBXT you brought myrtle branches to the palace Ber 9b(39); San 109a(16); BM 83b(31); 2. authorities, government: sg. im "?1D'X1 V'T'X X3"?B '3 XSlip I shall go and inform on them to the authorities Git 56a(6); Ber 58a(38); BM 86a(7); X3"?a 'n xn^'B xyanwx >\Kb the authorities finally heard the matter [lit. the matter was heard in the palace] AZ 18b(5); Pes 57b(3) Y: XS^n '3 Ber 56a(57). - Nninoa '3, NrilOa '3 n.m. bathhouse (4- 2# xmnoa, 2# xmoa) sg. xmnoa 's TGHark 23:23; Xmoa '3 X'BT XitlX S'TT mn he was sitting in a tub of water in the bathhouse Ber 22a(55); Git 67b(33); XIVIOB '3 3'n' "\7\ X"n 'T PN was sitting in the bathhouse Qid 33a(21); Hul 45b(32); Sab 140a(27) II AZ 30a(8); .tV X3"?'31B XmDB 'S1? rrnrn n'JXB I shall carry for him his clothes behind him to the bathhouse Er 27b(ll) //5A/41a(15)//5'an62b(44) Y: XiTinop '3 Qid ib.(BAYTN 191); XrlTOS '3 Ber ib. - Nrnsya '3 n.m. press-room (4 xrnxyB) sg. BM 23b(43; Es); ib. 74a(20) Y: xrrayn '3 bm ib. - KnpSa '3 n.m. anus (4 XJlpBB; lit. place of excrement) sg. HTipSB '3 y'T X"?T Xpir 'XH an infant whose anus is not recognizable Sab 134a(25) Geon. expl.: 1BUS "731 X'XTOW Dipa [,T|?nBB :text] iTjyBS <'3> GnK5 169:25. - NISa '3 n.m. boundary, boundary area (4- 1# XIS'B; Ma X'TTB J1'3 frontier, borderland MD 64) pi. nxa '3 mn^B YI.TJ he should completely detour around the boundaries BQ 1S1S3 '3 81b(33); ib. 34; •'IXB '3 W"T 'DB (he acquires possession) from the time that he treads on the boundaries BM 14b(3); '"IS'B n V'SXl ri'SW 13'X XI1BT PN used to bite and eat at the border areas of the town AZ 3 5b (50) Y: '1SB '3 BQ ib. - NBHpa '3 n.m. the Temple (4 XtthpB; TA n'3 X^ipfi TO Dt 33:19, Sy «LLx.aSn Iuj=> LS 649, Ma X'EHXpB n'3 MD 64) sg. '3 nin '3 XiyipB when the Temple was in existence Meg 16a(13); XttnpB '3 3'in '3B from the time that the Temple was destroyed AZ 3b (29); '3T 'IB XttHpB the utensils of the Temple Meg llb(43); ib. 55; iSGF 72:17 Y: XWlpa n'3 San 95a(20). - K33B;a n'3, NMt^'a X1'3 n.m. sleeping area, bedroom (4 X3D1£?a; Sy r^Ajajx^n ^ . -p PSm 490) sg. n'33iya ri'S'^o 21:3; ib. 33:15; n'3 pn'33WB ib. 11:7; (n)'33tt/B m iSGF 96:12; n'3 rP332TB Bo 33:20; ib. 44:5; 59:14; 64:5 - N(n)5?3"ia '3 n. I 1#XJV3 mng. 6i - '"13,3 '3 n.m. carpenters' shop (4 1# X"IM) sg. '113 'ST Xl'Sn an ax of a carpenters' shop BB 73b(30) - N113 '3 n.m. temple of a (Persian) fire cult (4- XTD; Sy k4o-s *\_<u=i LS 70) sg. A^ec? 62b(10; V2) - KnKjn '3 n.m. brewery (4- Xn'tj; lit. house of vats) sg. [X311D :marg.] XTIX'TJ '31? -|1l'?''n3 nan Bim (if you have) dates in the looped portion of your cloak [i.e. a surplus], run to the brewery (with them before they spoil) Pes 113a(18) - KnS3 '3 n.m. smithy (4- XnS3) sg. xnDJ '31 X33 the gate of the smithy Git 56b(41); XriDl '3T X'B water of a smithy ib. 69b(40) Geon. expl.: lXin'JX J1'3 OHT Git 157:19, i.e. JliUI ^; Y: XriB? '3 Gil 56b(41). - 1S1S3 '3 n.m. (uncertain) pi. ■\5-\Vl '3V VxiBP V'TX XV PN did not go to ... Sab 116a(45) [* 4 '3 ]T3X]; 'SnsJ '31 X13©V '1BT1 '3H these dates are for i.-beverage of ... Er 80a(2) Geon. expl.: lit '3y ri'3 'BIX'J n'3 GnK5 173:1. Lit: Geig, AAC 84, s.v. 1T3K '3, rejects all proposed P etyms. and suggests an A origin; Shaked, Study 173+, suggests a deriv.
xwi 'a T T from Par "nasrayift Nazarene; Y: 'BIX? '3 Sab ib. - Ml '3, Ntf3'3, KB7K3 n'3 n.m. family home, estate (< X$3'X '3 lit. house of a parent; 4- Xtf 3'X mng. 4; Sy {\r i> Jvj-sd household LS 72, Ma TOX3X n'3 home, family dwelling MD 63) 1. family home: sg. '33 '3W Pam pwy 7\TQ1 nvi I have maintained her for twenty-five years in her family home Ket 104b (27); ,TO3'3 ib. 70b (15); mi '3^ N^TX Nnax she became upset (and) went to her family home BM 84b(8; Ar [AC 1:126]); Ket 49a(l); Bes 29b(16) // Hul 110a(19); BB 12b(38); '3PP 3T7 iTIM '3 PN's family home Sab 23b(28); WV1 '3 Jfev 35a(39); 2. family estate: sg. n'31 X30TJ1? H7 n"7DX Xp 'NW3 she is squandering the fruits of the labor of my family estate Yev 117a(29); W3 D'3T '03'3 the property of my family estate &r6 116b(4); X©3'3a X3H 1«/ya a tithe which comes from (her) family estate Qid 24a(10); Yev 66a(41); Xrin'X rWi n'3 p X3iaa nnnn a woman who inherited money from her family estate HP 53:20; X'3H3 7W1 ^3 p nxWXi the dowry which she brought from her family estate TGHark 36:2; rwta n'3 ib. 35:29; "ff3 n'3 TG^S 53b:4 Lit: Nold, ZDMG 40 [1886] 7403; Eps, PLA 229; Y: Xfo '3 &* 116b(4). — 'C73 '3 n.m. women's part of the house (i Xnn'X; Sy <JL}_ Avjl^, PSm 491) sg. '*? US'"? Vffl '31? '13 J '3D 'X3a let them remove for me my clothes from the men's part to the women's part of the house Er 68a(29) Y: '»: '3 Er ib. - nN'frJ '3 n.m.coll. House of the Nasi or t ■ : exilarch (4- nx'fc/J, HX'feN '31) 1. House of the Nasi: sg. HX'EU '31 Xna'N fear of the House of the Nasi Sab 122a (9); nXTM '31 XrWS the entrance of the House of the Nasi Ket 34a(13); MQ 24b(l9); xnx3na rr1? njipa mn '3 -iryVx n b'piy mn X1? nN'BU '3a when they used to send PN presents from the House of the Nasi PN did not take (them) Meg 28a(32) // Hul 44b(42); "\ mn nX'P3 '31 X3nn |*3n PN was a relative by marriage of the House of the Nasi MQ 25b(24); Yom 78a(ll); Hul 124a(46); 2. House of the 'N^ipO '3 exilarch: sg. HX'BN '31 Xnp' the honor of the House of the exilarch Qid 70a(33) Lit: Beer, BE 6+; Y: .IX'fcU '3 Ket 65b(29). — N330 '3 n.m. prison (etym. unkn.) sg. TOX mn X3303 he was confined in a prison £r 21b(25; SM 115:20); X'a 31"ia X33D '3 D3"ia xa71 »"n he was concerned lest the prison be damaged by the excessive water (and he would escape) ib. 28(SM 115:21) - KH0 '3, KHD3, pi. IWPH0 '3, NJlinO'3 t;t ■•' ' *^ ttt; ■■' ttt:- n.m. pillow (< '10'X + '3; 4- X'TO, XID'X; Sy "" '^ *** T f*: '<'S-«»t<' ^i i •p], pi. rC'&'nfi-flo-Xp LS 80, Ma XnXD'3 MD 62) sg. {,1WH X3'3ia X7 n'r)13T3 X33'Sna X"?T na3 X'10@'3X I do not lay my head down on the pillow until I thoroughly evaluate the claims in his favor Sab 119a(3; M); X'10@'31 X'TIS the bed and the pillow ib. 118a(28) // BB 9a(37); bs: X'T0@'3» NTT1X the flock (of wool) fell out of the pillow Ber 56a(48); Sab 48a(22); X'lD '3X nnnxi mnSDlD1? n"?pitf he took his phylactery and placed it on the pillow MQ 26a(40); Ket 61a(43); ,T3niXl H'Oap H'tJpJ n"10@'3 (ni'mn he took him, tied him, and placed him under his pillow San 95a(39) [Var:-'3 mo F2; X'TO '3 Ar (AC 7:120, s.v. B»p)]; BM 85b(50); pi. Xn"T0@'3 vm Sab 124b(12; V) [Van xmn0'3 HG1 194:3l(Var)] Geon. expl.: mwa^K Wrt X'TO '31 XTT1X OHP Ber 105:20, i.e. '<,jjLA\ j-ii stuffing of a leather pillow. Lit: Geig, AAC 85; Krauss, TAr 1:392'12; Voc: XH63 HPP 216:21; Y: KHB '3 Sab 146b(36). - N3T10 '3 n.m. brewery (4- X3110) sg. X3110 '31? tJVPl run to the brewery Pes 113a(18; V14) Y: XJ1W J1'3 Pes ib. - NIH'P '3 n.m. winter house (4- XWO; Sy K'oiv^o & .r. PSm 492) sg. xidit nai nana XW03 Xt5"p '31 XD"p3 XWD '3 1331 '1J1D PN and PN2 used to tear down and build a winter house (used for prayers) in the summer and a summer house in the winter BB 3b(24; Es) Y: KllJVO '3 BB ib. - '^VipO '3 n.m. polishers' shop (4- HX^lpD) sg. 'X'jipD '3D XSD3T XDD 'XT'? let him bring a silver cup from the polishers' shop BM 84a(20) 216 K»a ni3j; n'3 T * " - N»» '113J? T1'3 n.m. watercourse (i Vl35? pa., X'a ni35?) sg. X'B ni3y n'3 SSHai 1 lb(16; O) - KJI'V'XT '? n-m- upper floor (4- l#xn'V>5/) sg. Xn'Vy '3a X"?p pS3 a voice came forth from the upper floor BM 84b(24) J1'3 n.m. grave, pi. cemetery (lit. eternal'abode; 4- Xaty; Pal oty n3 PAT 397, DNWSI 160, mng. u, Sy rdiJAi b^=> sepulcher LS 70, JPA Dty n'3 DJPA 95) sg. liai n'a^y n'31? neS'X ,TJ?"ia he died as a result of his illness BB 153a(34) [in a writ]; SSHai 8b(15); SSSad 215:6; TGAs42 156:3; pl.abs. Paty n'3 San 19a(38) Geon. expl.: 7m I'a^y n'31'xnpiw ;vn3pn i'j'k pa^y i'33 xwo i3f>,7 n's^y n'S1? iDBn'x n'yna « oh San 148:4. Lit: J.C. Greenfield-A. Yardeni, IEJ 25 [1996] 397; A. Hurvitz, Maarav 8 [1993] 59+; Y: 'nty ri'3 BB ib. - '"llXy '3 n.m. wine/oil press (4- Visy) sg. mXJ/ '3T X3ip the corner of the press BQ 27b(i9; f1); nisj; '3 xnsniyaT xn'3D3 n3 a pregnant ... which is found in the press BM 86b(30) - Nnpj; '3 n.m. place of trouble (4- xnpy, xnp'3)'sg. Sab 77b(31) [expl. as 4- xnp'3 ib.] Geon. expl.: XVI 1i Dip» into Knpy'3 TGAs28 164:11; Y: '3 XJIpJf 5a6 ib. - NJS '3, 'JS3 n.m. bit, halter (4- XJS) sg. '133 XVT-IDT an iron bit Sab 51b(20) - NlplS '3 n.m. perh. anus (etym. unkn.) sg. nnpis '3X i3'n3Bi nyu?i xa'an ]3'n"a we bring warm barley (bread) and place it on his anus Yev 76a(12) Expl. Rashi; Y: nj?1S '3 Yev ib. - TPS '3 n. (uncertain) TlTl 'ms '3 Pes lllb(15); ib. 16 Y: Xrn? '3 Pes ib. - 'pt^S '3 n. (uncertain; 4- X'p© '3) sg. '3X1 '3T yWB it grows in ... Sab 21a(12; RDQ, s.v. py) [Var: 'pttfinai MRashi; 'p^3n31 Ar (AC 3:15); X'pW '3 O] This diff. word and its varr. have been discussed by Koh ib., who prefers the above rdg., but his P etym. should be rejected [v. Geig, AAC 137, s.v. J7IW1]. - N11S '3, N1N1X '3 n.m. neck area, collar (4- X-lllX; MH2 IXlsn n'3 Sab 48a[23]) 1. neck area: sg. Xp13 XT33 X1N1S '3T xV^m n'T'S'Vl let him tie it [i.e. a piece of salt] in the space of the neck area (of the garment) with a yellow cord Sab 66b(39) // AZ 28b(3) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 2. collar: sg. nniS'3 "ino X[a]V'T Wm he is apprehensive lest he tear open the collar (on the Sabbath) OHT Sab 50:17 Geon. expl.: WX"in JW»n DipO OHT ib. 50:14. — '3'S '3 n.m. storehouse of firewood (4- '3'S) sg. Pes 8a(39); '3'S '31 XT^pX the key of the storehouse of firewood Git 56a(28; MGD 626:21); Yom 75b(24) Y: '3'X '3 Pes 8a(39). — K13|? '3, '"13p '3 n.m. cemetery (4- l#X13p; Pal X113p n3 PAT 346, Sy nr'io -. n a OSIEO 267, rc'Hft -^..n i\_^p LS 72, Ma X'13ip n'3 MD 64) sg.'xi3p '3 Tan 21b(21); X13p n'3 X3n' (the demon that) dwells in the cemetery HMGas 94:2; HM 46:5; n3p '3 nno m3rfr iT1? I'asxi xinn a certain person who hid witnesses against another in a cemetery San 29b (8); '3 TO'-api TO'^p "7't '13p go, burn it [i.e. the wheat], and bury it in a cemetery /4Z62b(13); Yev 86b(13); BM 107b(4); '13p n'3 VTItn xmfll] the spirit residing in the cemetery Bo 74:14; ib. 119:23; 123:6 — '"lip '3 n.m. place where beams are placed (4- 2#XTIp) sg. BB 98b(25) [Es: nmp '3; P'Ed: '113 '3] — NB"p '3 n.m. summer house (4- XD"p; Sy rf V,'. rS ^p PSm 495) sg. BB 3b(24; Es) [4- X1WD '3] Y: XB'^p '3 BB ib. — "lO'j? '? nm- imperial house(hold), government (4- 10'p, no'p '31; Sy PSm 496) 1. imperial house(hold): sg. mn '3 n'ssx1? iD'p '3T xnnax ps3 no'p ^b 'nx when he used to come to the imperial house, the maidservants of the imperial household went out to greet him Ket 17a(18) // San 14a(46); '3T Xlp' "lO'p the honor of the imperial house Sot 40a(41); Yom 73a(30); Hag 5b(12); 2. government: sg. "7'ix 'as xin is iD'p '3*7 'mVsV m n'K 'xi nVD(a)l if he has to bribe the government he will 217
'Ti?'? 218 1?31 '3 also go and bribe (it) Ber 27b(48; F); Yev 65b(36); BB 10a(27);5a« 108b(53); ib. 109a(18) Voc: nO'f> '31 VTM 95a; Y: "ID'j? '3 Hag 5b(12). — 'Tj? '3 n.m. bitumen storehouse (4- 1# XTp) sg. Pes 8a(39) Voc: n'j?'3ii.(HPP7:l7) — NXSj? fi'3 n.m. jumping platform (4- Vl#ysp) sg. Geon 3:6 [expl. 4- xmiwa] — 31 '3, 3T3 n.m. be rav, place of elementary or advanced instruction (4- 31, s.v. X31, '3 13 31, 31 '31 XIS'O) a. elementary school: sg. '1p V'T 3T33 go (and) learn to read (Scripture) in the be rav San 33b(25) [i.e. get a basic education] // Hor 4a(43) // Kar 13b(41); Xip xV 31 '3 ''SX nU» Manoah did not even learn to read (Scripture) in the be rav Ber 61a(47) // Er 18b (26); '31 Xpi3' 31 an elementary school pupil [lit. child of the be rav] ib. 28b(7); Tan 23b(36); b. place of academic activity: sg. 1) general: VU'JirDWX 'laxpl '3fi'1 31 '31 P311? I found the students of the be rav sitting and saying Bes 19a(7); Ket 90b(22); BQ 85a(29); Nid 47a(12); "fr '27'ipa 'X im ... 3i '33 'jw 10'in 3'ri' ^ix ... 3i '31? rfrrx 31 '33 xn"3inx '32/ 10'in 3'ri' ^IK if I become betrothed to you will you go (to study) in the be rav? He went to study in the be rav for twelve years. He went again (and) studied for another twelve years in the be rav Ket 62b(50); ib. 37; 63a(20); X32/n xri'BV XI.IS X1X33 'I'll 3T3 '33 3T3V XBipi should the students of the be rav who live in the rural district come to the be rav at night and at dawn? Pes 8b(15); mi '3 X311 31 3i '3» pi rrtoy 'rrai rpsa map1? X3'i 'nx when a court case used to come before PN, he used to gather together and bring ten students from the be rav San 7b(15) // Hor 3b(33); V'TXl 31 '3 n'Vl33 Tfbp its sound carried in the entire be rav Yom 19b(43); X1? '1E?n 'BV31 ]D'3 '8V3 X7W XblD 13'31Ta3 IIIDTI x"?1 '371 '3 31 '31? WJ1 do not come to the be rav during the months [lit. in the days] of Nisan and Tisri so that you should not be bothered with your sustenance during the whole year Ber 35b(25); XWlia '3S '71X ,111 '3 '1'T '3X rrrX^nx1? p©3B mi 31 '3» when he used to come from the study house : be rav [double rdg.] he used to kiss his sisters on their hands AZ 17a(23); 2) as part of an additional designation [4- 31 '3 13, s.v. 4- 1#X13, 31 '31 XIS'D, s.v. 4- XIS'D]: 31 '31 '3D the scholars of the be rav BQ 75a(39); 3T31 XTVUX ISO the book of Aggadot of the be rav San 57b(2); Mak 10a(33) [4- XT1X]; Men 33b(36) // BB llb(7) [4- X1103X]; 'S'2 '31 31 '31 mats of the be rav Ber 25a(25); 'VU3 31 '31 'K'lSp the fullers of the be rav are idle Tan 29b(i4); nxwa 'ixa/a 3i '3i 'ru'iV nin1? yir 3i PN used to sow the vegetable garden of the be rav in various garden beds ]Qid 39a(50; O2) Gaon. expl.: niWYTO TO GC 133:3; Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 108+, deals w. the individual passages and shows that the exact physical nature designated by the term cannot be determined; Y: 3-1 '3 Ber llb(25; Mo 263). - ... '3l/3n '3 n.m. the beta (home?/school?) of PN (4- 31/'31) sg. a. general: 'SS 3T3 ]3'1,1 '3 when we were in the beta of PN RH 29b(4); ]331 'S3 31 '31 the scholars of the beta of PN Suk 46a(25); 'B/X 31 '31 ]331 ib. 26; mnDDa '3pna Xp nnn' 31'3 D'190 they were repairing the coverings of the (Torah) scrolls in the beta of PN San 100a(10); b. esp. the amora Rav: 3T3 '18X 3i 'ax x"?x 3T3 'iax X3in 3i 'ax xm X3in 3i X313B1 (the statement:) "They say in the beta of Rav" (refers to) PN. Does not PN, in fact, say: "They say in the beta of Rav?" Rather say: "(It refers to) PN2" ib. 17b(26); 311,1'aWB 31 '3 'iax they say in the beta of Rav in the name of Rav Sab 85a(23); Pes 7b(30); Yev 83b(l 1); Ket 6a(l); BM 102b(13); BB 80b(38); Hul 30b(17); X31D'p 31 '31 a small room of the beta of Rav Sab 66a(14) Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 126+. — ]331 '3 n.m. place of advanced instruction (lit. house of the students; 4- ]331 mng. 2) sg. 'xa ]3311 Xri'3 1331 '3 what is be rabbanan? The 'school' of the scholars Meg 28b(20); "13riX31 p3i '3a inxi iy lmsj1? pD3ai psi '3 oxiirru by enabling their(f.) sons to learn the oral tradition in the be rabbanan and they wait for their husbands until they come from the be rabbanan Ber 17a(48) [// XEHia '3 Sot 21a(34)]; TDX XrW33 'lb ]331 '38 '12/ 1331 TjV XTO33 '3a it is permitted (to transform) a synagogue into a HI '3 219 »33 be rabbanan. It is forbidden (to transform) a be rabbanan into a synagogue Meg 26b(49); mn 1331 '3 p'TB Xim there was a certain demon in the be rabbanan Qid 29b(36); '3 pum ]331 piop1? 1331 the scholars gathered them [i.e. the barraitot] and learnt them in the be rabbanan ISGF 39:11; (6. 46:18 Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 108+; Y: 1J3T '3 Ber 17a(48). - n*l '3 n.m. area for plowing (4- 111) sg. Ill '3 Xav (area of a field) that can be plowed in one day BB 12a(24; F2Es) Lit: Eps, PLA 227 [other expl.]. - Wnn '3 n.m. mill house, mill (4- XTl'l; Sy r" i nj ^ t -p mill PSm 496) 1. mill house: sg. >|r71 "3X1 X711 '3 PN's mill house leaked Bes 36b(9); ib. 12; XTl'l '3 X£>aB/ai IXa 'XI one(f.) who has sexual intercourse in a mill house Ket 60b(52); 2. mill: sg. '13 T131 XTl'l '3 mill of the olive presses TGHark 86:9 Y: XTl-l '3 Bes 36b(9). tP'"l '3 n.m. exilarch's house or estate (4- xrvfa i»'i, xnV7i tf'i '3i) sg. '31? 'nxi ixa "?d XJIV?} n whoever comes to the exilarch's house Er 40a(3); Ber 50a(36); Pes 103a(30); Sab 62b(13); Xm1?; W'l '31? y'jp'X X31 PN happened to come to the exilarch's house MQ lla(35); Ber 40a(12); Sab 24a(10); AZ 72b(36); ©'1 '31 XMl'D XHV7J, the entrance of the exilarch's house Sab 126b(10); Bes 23a(10); MQ 24b(21); Hul 84b(23); p'SfcD xmbi W'l '31 XSriX ]3X we rely on the table of the exilarch's house (to continue our meal) Ber 42a(26); Er 39b(18); Hul 97b(5); X3'1 IX1? ,T3'1 XJir>l 2/'1 '3D XrlWI B'p3 X1? 'X if he does not take judicial authorization from the house of the exilarch, his judgment is void San 5a(6); rrnyaws xrrr7j ip'i '3 xi3iy lay ian3 si PN decided the case in the exilarch's house according to his legal tradition Er llb(23); SOZ 72:20 Y: xrnVs v-n '? Sab 62b(i3). - KTlBtf '3 n.m. perh. top part (4- X11D2?) sg. xainn IJ? ,1'nSB? '3& I'1? '3p (one who buys a date palm) acquires ownership of it from its top up to the abyss BB 37b(21; RaH [TGAs42 218:33]) [Var: n'HS'^a Ar (AC 8:130)] All mss.: rP^lB'BO; Lit: TGAs42 ib., n. 6. - NJj?fi? '3 n.m. irrigated field (4- 2#X'ptt>, '3 'P«?S; TA X'6l X'pii? ri'3 TO Gen 30:38, Sy K'in; ivjLjp PSm 498) sg. '31 X'pttf '3X1 (Jonas' ricinus) grows on an irrigated field Sab 21a(12); X'pitf ri'3 HM 41:8; X'DI X'piS fl'3 SSHai 6b(6); Qid 62b(41) Lit: Eps, SSHai 2620. - '"liD '3 n.m. place for keeping cattle (4- 1# Xliri; Sy rc'Hoii ivj^p PSm 498) sg. Er 26a(15) Y: nin '3 Er ib. - H1VT) '3 n.m. straw storage shed (4- X33TI) sg. Er 60a(26); BQ 117a(32); (1)(]}31 111 '1WD3 '33'J1 '3 they used to sleep in the straw storage shed in the winter Ned 50a(6) - '"1J3J1 '3 n.m. storehouse for dates (4- XTliari) sg. Pes 8a(39) Y: 'inn '3 Pes ib. - 'Sri '3, "SJl'3 n.m. stove, fireplace (4- X'Bri; Sy r? V *.b\ Ai . •-, LS 830, Ma X'Bri'3 pi. cooking vessels MD 64,' s.v. XDJl'3) sg. 1331 'V3 "Sn3 a stove in JPA GC 100:6 [expl. MH VSB MNeg 12:5 and expl. as Arab uj^ (4- X3133)]; Xim 'SJ1 '3X 3'H'l in a case where it is placed upon the stove Ber 39a(40; F) // Er 29a(7; O); D1E/a X'DJl '3X 1"11 because (a rooster) sits alongside a stove Sab 77b(29; Ar [AC 8:257]); '31 X113T1 'SJ1 an oven and a stove Anan 49:5; HP 25:2 Lit: Eps, GC 10018; Geig, AAC 86; HAL 93, s.v. JtotiX [Sem. etym.]; Voc: 'Sri '3 VTM 27; Y: 'BP '3 Ber 39a(40). 2# NT1'3 4- xny'3 n. Nrn'ri'3 4- ivr adj. N3ri'3 4- X3I1B n. '133 4- 2# '13 adv. '33 vb. to cry, weep (4- X'33, XJI'33; Sy rLk^a LS 73, Ma X33 MD 64) Pe.: ri'D3 Xp 'X»X why are you crying? Ber 5b(29); Hag 15b(43); Hul 107b(33); 'yai pjU Xpi '33 xp mi he was crying and shedding [lit. were falling] tears Sab 33b(45); SOZ 72:20; '33 Xlp 'XH 'DB '3 whenever he would come to this verse he would cry Hag 4b(17); San 103b(41); '33 Xpi 1"tn
N'33 220 Nyfta "I'nXl he saw him crying and laughing Ber 18b(48); Tan 25a(36); Yev 122b(8); ,T»'N X'TO iTHp X'33 X(p)W(1 his mother came and was crying before him Ber 31b(47); Git 39b(40); BM 84a(46); BB 151a(36); San 95a(41) NJ33 n.m. (professional) weeper (4- V'33 pe. part.) pi. X"33 133 did the weepers weep (for naught)? Tan 5b(39; M) p3 4- p adv. T33 adj. early flowering (4- Vl33; JPA T33 DJPA 103) sg.m. p" X1R3 typ^l TD3 OX if an early flowering and a late flowering (plant) sprout together San 18b (3 5) Y: T33 San ib.(BAYTN 234). Nffll'33 n.f. birthright (4- Vl33; TA -\ftrni TO Gen 25:31, Sy rc'&cuj ; «v -> LS 74) sg. n'WB3a Spy1? n'fllTSaV 133T (Esau) sold his birthright to Jacob of his own accord Ber 7b(17); ib. 21; 713 '33T 'a 'XTIID'PB 'XniTOaaV '33P! granted that I have sold my birthright. Did I sell my plain heir's right? Sot 13a(22); ib. 23 Y: XrrtT?3 Sot ib.(BAYTN 177). KH'33 n.f. crying (4- V'33; TA rprVoa TO Gen 50:4, Ma Xri'33 MD 65, Sy «* •• *■ -^ LS 73) sg. fTO'33 Vp the sound of His crying Mannl 348b:9 = OHP Ber 92:21; Bo 106:3 ^33 4- XV73 n. 133 vb. to give birth to a firstborn (4- 1# X1313, T33, xnil'33, X133; MH 133 hif. J 170, Sy •Uxj= etpa. to be firstborn LS 74) Pa.: nri'X DX1 'T33 X*71 nn'X DX ... !T331 if it were the case that (the animal) had/had not given birth to a firstborn Bek 21b(20) N133 n.m. firstborn (4- Vl33; cf. Sy ^ji-f. first fruits LS 74) pi. 'W11BX1 H'331 '133 pIB'B 111'yai '133 to redeem the firstborn of their sons and to set aside the firstborn of their cattle AnanSch 13:12; '13X3 ib. 13 1# t<Va, pi. 'KVa n.m. curtain (< pi}Xov Lehnw 235; Sy KlSMo LS 185) pl.abs. xnxi1131 PxVa curtains of reed mats GC 55:9 [expl. MH XllXBa Nid 67a(3)]; det. X33X 'X"733 3'm 1X13 p'Vo the adulterer went out and sat among the curtains by the door Ned 91b(13; V2) [but v. 4- 'X13]; Cl'xVs 'V'3T11 'V'lTI Xnxi1131 curtains of reed mats, of straw, and of baskets TGAs28 12:19 Lit: Eps, GC 5619; AAC 165, s.v. rrW n.m. rural or open area (< 4- 2# X13; 4- xVaiW; Ma 2# xVx3 MD 48) sg. xVx31 'Py wild goats Hul 80a(31) [lit. goats of an open area]; XVX31 "XaiX pagans of the rural area AZ lla(26; TGHark 22:16,RaH) [expl. as mi31»3K?1 TtWtnV O'lJ TGHark ib. 17] Lit: Geig, AAC 72; Abramson, AZ xix; Y: nVx? //«/ ib. Vbl 4- xV adv. [iIKV? adj. of GN pi. g/rf 70b(35) Rashi: mnBBO IK niBipa Jll»». Lit: Eshel, JSB 77; Y: 'K^3 girf ib.] 'BN NV3 4- 1#XBX '3.11*63 4- 'an adv. ^3^3 vb. to mix up (VVV3 pal.; 4- V?313, XJl'VaVsa; Sy A^NS LS 74, Ma bbl MD 66) Pal. 1. to mix up: VsVsa XT1X the air mixes up (the saps of the tree) Git 22a(29) // BB 27b(l 1); pass.part. ]V3^3ai DIPS because (the colors of the eye) are mixed up Bek 44a(23); 'V3V373 Hul 26b(8) [of different liquids]; 2. (uncertain): nnV'aVsi n^pi BW13 xp'T V'Xyi the wind entered into the oesophagus and trachea (of the slaughtered animal) and ... it OHT Yev 238:6 Itpal. 1. to be mixed up: n'yiT VsVs'tt the offspring (of the animal) is mixed up [i.e. it is from both the father and the mother] Hul 69a(25); ib. 27; 2. to be disturbed: 111X13 VsVS'V may your table be disturbed MQ 9b(l 1) [oracular statement]; ib. 22 [K:6a 4-3#xj"?sn.] NBlVs n.m. oak (Sy 4# t<X<^p LS 75, Ma Xlr?X3 MD 48) pi. 'BV73 RH 23a(23; GRH 13:19) [expl. MH D'31»7K ib.] // BB 80b(41) Lit: Low, Flora 1:624+; Y: 'M1?? RH ib.(BAYTN 244). Nj71^3 n.m. throat, chasm (4- VyVa, 'yT>3 '3; cf. Sy rdio-L=> hook LS 77) 1. perh. throat: sg. yVa' xV '33 13 min'1 n'yV73 may PN's throat not swallow Bo 74:9; 2. chasm, ditch [cf. GN nyiVa 11A1 San 108a(30)]: pi. mpi 'yiVa the chasms of T T 221 srVa Korah Sa« 110a(53); 'yiVai 'T3 pits and ditches SStfa/ 6a(6) Y: 'X'^? ■s'a" ib- KBh^3 n.m. searcher (4- V©V3; TA PtfiVa pi. TJ Ze'p 1:12) sg. Xtt^'lVs GC 39:4 [w. ref. to Vpa 0"ltfr3n MKel 15:4]; pi. 'PlVa nX'lM '31 '11B?ai n'V OTB1 (the officials) of the House of the Nasi used to send out searchers, and they would bring him Ber 44a(20); Nid 52a(44) Y: XEh?3 BAYTN 208. OnnVa 4- nnV adv. 12^3 vb. to be prominent, protrude (Sy 1# - Y V -» etpe. to have prominent eyes LS 75) Pe., pass.part. [* yV3]: VT xVl 'BB XD'^a 'XI this protrudes too much and is not recognizable #w/45b(38); 'B'^a ib. 76a(31) Y: 'B'V? Hul ib. 1# 'Va vb. to waste away, wear out (4- XJl'^3; Sy }\ -. LS 74, Ma 2#x"?3 MD 65) Pe. 1. to waste away: X5?"IK3 'Vx3 X1BW 'Xil this beauty will waste away in the ground [i.e. the grave] AZ 20a(33) // Ber 5b(33); 2. to wear out: ,1'^ 'D3'»1 '"?X31 iy V'TXI he continues to wear it until it wears out Ket 79b(20) // ib. 101a(34); '3B '311 l"?31 p311 the garments of the scholars which wore out Ber 6a(l 1); Sab 33b(33); Meg 26b(36); BB 146a(29) Pa. to wear s.o. out: 'm'X3 ITI'V xV 31 '3 13"" rn'3X» X"^3'ai 'mn a student of the be rav should not sit on a new mat because it wears out his clothes Sab 140b(25) Itpe. to be worn out: '3X» 1,3n in1? 1^3'X 'XI if those garments were worn out HP 115:15 2# 'Va vb. to stun, hurry (< ',lV3*; Sy ?OT V -p to terrify, hasten LS 75) Pe. 1. to stun: 'Vx3 "3X 'niB '"?X3 XBB 31 '3(1)(1)'1 PN used to stun flies. PN2 used to stun flying insects Nid 17a(8); 2. to hurry: 1,1'BX1? ^'Iia IDT 31 V'lXI '"7X3 PN was hurriedly coming (and) moving about toward them ib. 26b(28; M) Lit: Geig, AAC 72. 3# 'Va vb. 4- VyVs vb. NJrVa n.f. rag (4- Vltt'Vs; Sy rt'X . V -. LS 74, Ma XJl'Vs MD 66) sg. xn'V33 XTp Tl'X he brought bitumen in a rag Yev 120a (3 9); XTV^S XJIB'W n'V ri'XT a rag that has a border Sab 134a(23); XD1B1 xn'^3 a rag of a cover Hul 8b(17); Qid 48b(52)!; XDX3ipi xn'^3 a linen rag HM 46:4; pi. X3Xn'D1 X^X'^a ]'mn two linen rags Anan 85:2.1; ib. 26:22; 27:19 Y: KJVta Sab 134a(23; BAYTN 27). D^3 vb. to stop up (Sy > V -> LS 76, Ma D^a MD 66) Pe. ( /u): X3X"?^3 D'"7X31 'X» V'piy he removes what stops up the spigot HG1 127:65; lin'3'V3 XEU'X '33V D'Vs X111 "jX'ttVs DN, who stops up people in their hearts Bo 127:26; ib. 29; ]'aVai ib. 1:11; n'rp iar>3 stop him up Bo 145:2 0^3 vb. perh. to cram, stick in (Ma 0*73 MD 66) Pe. (a/ ): XS&1X n'V 0^3 he crammed a piece (of bread into his mouth) Hul 107b(l 1; M) [Var: dV3 V"Vl2H2Rashi] Rdg. uncertain; cf. Ma: pS'KOlBa ... proVwi he crammed them into your mouths MD ib. S?V3, '^3 vb. to swallow, absorb (4- xyi"?3, XnyVsS; Sy -v V ^ to swallow, be struck LS 76, Ma l#xV3 MD 64) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to swallow, devour: 5?V3 OiXlVVi n'3B3V X3"73 a dog devours excrement for its hunger BQ 92b(37); yVa Xp XJ13'BdV (the fish) was devouring the boat BB 74b(13); ib. 73b(13); Bek 7b(37); Sab 119a(23); ib. 109b(35); Ber 56b(15); Ket 61b(12) [saliva]; Ned 25a(49); iSGF 95:3; XJHX pmybl the earth swallowed them up San 110a(l); 2. to absorb: X1ET3 yV31 X31D 3"11 the (forbidden) fat flows (from above), and the meat absorbs (it) Hul 8b(37); 'yV3 'XT) 'JT'ISI&I Tl"im 1,lV '3'tn I see that (the vessels) exude, and since they exude they certainly absorb AZ 34a(2) // Pes 30b(27); D'Vb XV bVb'» yVa yV3'D (the meat) will certainly absorb (the milk, but) it will definitely not discharge (it) Hul 108b(ll); ib. llla(12); AZ 76a(7); pass.part. 'yV3 yV3'& D'3y3 D'» water is completely absorbed in the clouds Er 45b(46); Pes 33b(20); 3. to engulf: mVl3 in3'yV31 tirtrm xun xin {{ranyVaii one door of GN engulfed all of them [i.e. the steel axes] San 96b(9); n'yVsaV nnm 10m (the gates) ran after him to engulf him Sab 30a(36); 4. w. 'sVip/'sVu to receive blows [caique < Mir *cob xwardan;
aftn 222 '33 lit. to devour the rod (NP cub xwurdan to be thrashed PED 401); Sy A, v \ --.i rthiLZ-^i Zee 13:6]: a. general: ny^>3 'SblA 'in you will receive two blows Ber 56a(43); b. in a fig. sense: 'sVlp nty 'B'3Xa '5?V3 '3XB I received 'good blows' from PN [i.e. he censured me] for it Ara 22a(13) // Men 7a(19) [Var: 'XV3 HP 120:17]; 5. pass.part. sunken in, depressed [* D'"?3]: sg.m. xy'T xVl XJ/'Vs 'XH this is depressed and is not recognizable //«/ 45b(37); 'jr'ja »'fc 76a(31) Af. 1. to include, lump together [cf. MH2 5?Va hif. J 174]: a. food: *713'X X3X1 'V 'J/V3X put (the maggots) together (with the fish) for me and I shall eat (them) Hul 67b (24); 'Tin '1,13 inV jrtoa he lumps them [i.e. the ingredients] together Zev 95b(l); b. money: y^SX "]3J 'D'WS P'3'X «]'?' '3 n'^> when a person borrows coins from you, include (it in the amount) BM 64a(8); n'V yVsxi XTJV XT1T he included an extra zwz for him [i.e. he paid him five instead of four so that the seller should quickly leave] BQ 113b(29); 2. to incorporate: pass.part. y"?3B '31 when (the fourth boundary of the field) is incorporated (within the adjoining two boundaries) BB 62b(17); ]fria Er 21a(31) [towns]; ib. 57b(37) [foundation (?) walls]; 3. to inculcate: X'33n '"I '"? y"?3X XJlV'B XH PN inculcated this matter in me Men 17a(24) [// Itpe., mng. 3] Itpe. 1. to be swallowed up, blend into one another: XT1X3 yV3'X he was swallowed up into a cedar tree [i.e. was miraculously hidden in it] San 101a(32); Yev 49b(22); 'JTX3 Xp mm WI '3 'yr?3'X when she saw that he was about to be swallowed up (into the ground) San 110a(l); VP'pTn Oy^rmi their joints [i.e. of the animals's horn] blend into one another Hul 59b(14); lp9'3 xVl n'3'1? 113 []y*?2T\n =] fl>3JTJl n'OlS ja "131? may (his evil words) be swallowed up in his heart and not go out of his mouth Bo 127:13; 2. to be absorbed: n'3 jrtanc xV VOX irm its [i.e. the infant's] blood has not yet been absorbed in it Sab 134a(33); 3. w. m,t to be inculcated (of knowledge): '^ XJ/Vs'X XJlV'B Xn X313BH 31T xeni^a '3 I was inculcated in this matter in PN's school Ber 24b(13) [// Af., mng. 3]; 4. to be smitten: rpjn l'pS3 HriXP'3 'mi n3'B I'ytafl'ai the evil spirits go out, flee, and are smitten from her Bo 64:13; ib. 3:7 Lit: Shaked apud D. Boyarin, Tarbiz 50 [1981] 191 [Pe., mng. 4]. tf!?3 vb. (Sy yV-> LS 78) 4- XtflV3 n. (njDujm i xnitsa n. 'j/raa, 'X'M3 I nxyra adj. nspaa I xnxp n. "1 ia3 prep, in the category of, instead of (< 4- 2#X1B*; i Vila, VVD3) 1H3 X3,Tn X3p,!? XT'"?B1 a gold bowl as if it were (gold-plated) bronze BQ 113b(28); rV{('))B3 XBDX1 X3"in XJUDT fat of the thigh instead of that of the ileum Bek 30a(l); ib. 7; 133 n'V 3H' nS'lD rr>U3-in 'DlflEn he gave him a to-e/a hen instead of a properly slaughtered one Hul 94a(16; V") [V12: oipas] Y: 1»3 BAYTN 337. l#nK33, pi. 'N33 n.m. builder (4- V'33, X'133, l#nX33, l#Xri"33; Sy r<L±Lp LS 79, Ma X'X3X3 MD 48) pi. 'ITO T3 'X33 (will) the builders (of the Temple) [i.e. the Persians] (be delivered) into the hand of the destroyers [i.e. the Romans]? Yom 10a(36) [Var: "133 L] 2#riN33, abs. 'N33 n.m. bath attendant (< *p<x(>.a)veu<; Lehnw 159; 4- '33 '3; LJLA X'33 TgEstFr 6:11 [p. 97]; cf. Sy r?\Lp *pavidpio<; LS 78) sg.abs. "IS01 'X33 T\Vmh XT\V7\ let them now make him a bath attendant and a barber Meg I6a(l8; M2); pi.det. mVDVi 'X33 vb-ti? in3'-inox '3B1X she concealed all the bath attendants and all the barbers ib.(G) KJ133 n.m. builder (i V'33 qatoMoxm) pi. "133 Yom 10a(36;L) [I 1#,1X33] '3133 n.m. a Persian festival AZ 1 lb(27) Lit.: B.M. Bokser, JAOS 95 [1975] 262. '33 vb. to build (4- l#nX33, X'133, X3"33, l#xn"33, 2#XI1"33; Sy xLLzd LS 78, Ma X33 MD 66) Pe., pf. 3sg.m. X33 Men 33a(9); n"33 Suk 51b(23); lpl. ]3'33 AZ 2b(41); 3m. 133 MQ 12a(9); imp. lsg. '33'X Git 68b(24); X3X n"33'X BB 7a(l); 3m. n'^'V BB 6b(42); inf. X33'B AZ X3"33 ■ t t : • . _ 2b(41); part. lsg. X3'33 BB 7a(35); 2m. Tl'33 BB 4a(19); 3m. '3X3 Tan 20b(44);- X33T X13J Xinn 'BJl'1 XTlVp'pX X31SX a certain man who built a mansion on the garbage dump of orphans BQ 21a(25); p'33 X33'a pXI EHpan T1'3 lino 1H3'X they [i.e. the Romans] destroyed the Temple and we [i.e. the Persians] actually built (it) AZ 2b(41); 'nna -[irh n'saa1? mp ma-ua pcaa xp mn they were sawing beams from its bones to build those towns BB 73b(19); XriB/33 '3 '3X3 Xp mn he was building a synagogue Meg 26b (6); '"7DSD inV 133 they built benches for them BM 84b(40); MQ 10b(3); Git 68b(24); Svu 15b(ll); Men 33a(9); Mei 14b(ll) Itpe. 1. to be built: H'1? '3?3'X H'TT -I0'31X3 X2/lpa '3 "133'xV the Temple was supposed to have been built in his fourteenth (regnal year) Meg llb(55); RH 30a(45); 2. to have progeny: xnsj "xrva "m'x"? xnri'x x'nn x'3t x1? xaV'T perhaps I shall not merit to have progeny from this man HP 100:10; TGHark 37:8 On 'ian» Zev 54a(10), quoted from a Targum of Gen 49:27, v. i srma. N3"33 n.m. building, construction (I V'33; TA X?33 TJ Ezek 40:5, Sy KlLLu=> LS 78, Ma X3X'3'3 construction MD 61, MH f'3'3 Yeivin, BV 1043, Gross, Patterns 44) 1. building: sg. X3'333 V'y'ja '13 "I1? X3T3V11 shall make windows for you above in the building BB 7a(23); pi. H3X'33 its [i.e. the courtyard's] buildings SSHai 6a(5; O); 2. construction: sg. Tl'TOXT '33'1? '3H X3"33a bricks that remained from the construction Sab 124b(35) // Bes 31b(27) [Var: XnX'3'3B nmil'XT '33'"? '3rt IHP 594b:8]; Sab 103a(2); Er 15a(36); Pes 86a(28) // Men 98a(i8); X3'333 n'5?p© x1? xin X3'333 wypv ria'pir? Solomon imbedded it [i.e. the wood] into the construction. He [i.e. Darius] did not imbed it into the construction RH 4a(19); X3X'331 n'Jl'jnX its [i.e. the wall's] lower part and construction SSHai llb(15); Xrfran X3'3'3 mnn destruction instead of construction Bo 18:6; ib. 35:5; pi. Iin '3"33 nrbn there are three (phases of) construction Sab 102b(24) Y: tern Er 15a(36; BAYTN 251). '03 l#Nri"33 n.f. hairdresser (lit. builder; I V'33, l#nX3T3;'jPA m'33 DJPA 106) pi. pip D'H '3133 Xn"33 XrT'yVp1? in the 'cities of the sea' they call hairdressers XJ1"33 Sab 95a(5; M) // Ber 61a(35; P) // Er 18a(54) // Nid 45b(30) [// PT Sab 12c(60)] Geon. expl.: HDWXO Xn'M xn'y^p OHP Ber 106:20, i.e. iiuili hairdresser; Y: xri'!J3 Nid ib.(BAYTN 203). 2#NT1"33 n.f. building, construction (< XI13"33*; i V'33; cf. Sy nr* *\ -> LS 78, MA XD'33 MD 67) sg. Sab 124b(35; IHP 594b:8) [4- X3"33 mng. 2] S333 4- X3313 n. 03, 03 NiT adv. indeed (< NP bas PED 184; ModSy ■""-' bas Maclean 35, Ma 1#DXS, OXDXn, O'SXn MD 361) <0>(DI3 ^Xl and also indeed TGHark 198:5; (0)10)3 HnAnan 65:21; XH D(3)(31 ib. 23; 1Sri3X Xin Xin ^2yt? ©S -f? 'J/3'X you should indeed have taken (them across the bridge) one by one on your shoulder BM 93b(36; HGH 392:29) Lit: Eps, Stl 77; Shaked, Elements 149. 3303, 3.30'B n.m. polipodium (a fern; < Mir *basbayag [< MP bas many + *bay foot + -ag CPD 88 (was), 67 (pay)]; cf. NP baspaya PED 185, > Arab ^lilj BBah 1211:21, PLAr 51) sg. n'3 xaiai xrw 'tyaa m3'pia 3303 pi "hnn pi xn32/3 xVn similarly he crushes cress and polipodium on Friday and puts vinegar in it on the Sabbath (to make it edible) HG1 225:16; 3DD'D ib. 104:79 Lit: Geig, AAC 96; Pfl 268; Flora 1:12. 0303 4- VpS3 vb. NJ3103, N?i10'3 n.m. sweet food, sweetness (4- VDD3; Sy rd^am-ia delight LS 81, Ma XB013 fragrant odor MD 56) 1. sweet food: sg. I'in'32? XB1D31? xmn room (in the stomach) for a sweet thing (always) exists Er 82b(42) // Meg 7b(16)!; 2. sweetness: sg. n'aiD'31? Bo 87:1 [of wine; i.e. not becoming sour] '»103 4- VdD3 pa. »]103 4- XS1D n. '03 vb. to be negligent (4- X'013; Sy k'w^ to 223
D'03 224 *jn despise, scorn LS 79, Ma XD3 to despise, trample MD 67) Pe.: mb +xoa rvanx jwto paix "pv- Kim X'ito n'V +X03 'M IK DlJ'a^ X'jto xm'3(')Cl)y as one says in Aramaic: "So-and-so was negligent in causing ..." or else: "So-and-so was negligent in this case" OHT BQ 110:18 [expl. I X'013] The translation of tpnfi X'oa they trampled upon their horns Bo 78:16 which is based upon a Ma mng. is unsure. D'03 adj. sweet, pleasant (4- Vo03; Sy rdSa ;m^ LS 81, Ma 0'0X3 MD 48) 1. sweet: sg.m. "pan D'03 your wine is sweet Ber 56a(34); D'oa xto xs'xi cost xd'xt yr xaVy 'toa x-ian (as to) wine, everyone knows that there is that which is sweet and that which is not sweet BM 69b(3); ib. 60a(32; F'); Ret lllb(44); Bo 87:5; Pes 107a(30) [s. -beverage]; 2. pleasing, pleasant: sg.m. XBV3 "xto3T xV'P<an)(3:ni 0'03 X31J7DT X3T how pleasing is the cooked dish of the Babylonians on the Great Day [i.e. the Day of Atonement] of (the calculation) of Eretz Israel RH 21a(2); Ned 49b(13); m'lK D'031 xtf>TOT (GN) is high, and its air is pleasant Ret 104a(l); n'lTH D'03 its smell is pleasant Men 74a(36); xp'rn jrnixi xaomoa ynn our company is pleasant and our way is far Suk 52a(54) Y: D'03 RH ib. NJ303 n.m. load (perh. < 4- XttTO; 4- 1# xn0'3) sg. XJX303 xrm mm I was carrying the load Meg 18a(47) [M2: XJX3D3] // X330'3 RH 26b(25; GRH 18:34) [OEd: X31D] DOS vb. to be pleasing, cheerful, intoxicated (4- XB013, XB1D3, D'03; Sem *bsm HAL 156, Sy >ifn-i LS 80, Ma D03 MD 67) Pe. (e/ ) to be pleasing, w. ~b to please [cf. Sy - i >■ «y» — PSm 548]: 'V 'nruci xnana 'V d'D3t frya '■? nan X3"?na '"? D'D31 T,T»3 wink at me with Your eyes which were more pleasing to me than wine. Show me Your teeth which were more pleasing to me than milk Ret 11 lb(45) [expl. of Gen 49:12] Pa. to make cheerful: xVp 'B103 to make a cheerful sound Suk 51a(48) [of instrumental music]; AZ 47a(38); Ara lla(10); Meg 32a(32; G) Itpa. to become intoxicated: XWJX 3'TI'B ira1? pn mix p yr xto ly xmsa 'moa'xb '3*nB a person is required to become intoxicated on Purim until he cannot distinguish between 'Cursed is Hainan' and 'Blessed is Mordecai' Meg 7b(18); D1D3'X ib. 20; San 38a(7); VU'Wri 'B03'BT ]XB3 pXTl I saw that they [i.e. the dead of the Sinai Desert] appeared as if they were intoxicated BB 73b(42; Es) Lit: Geig, AAC 97. Npnoa 4- xpnoi3 n. 573573 vb. to bubble (Vyy3; Sy ,v w,v ^x~> LS 82 [Lex], MH y3y3 LNVTH 113) Pal.: 'yuy3 XaiT bubbling up of blood Bek 21b(l 1) sVay3 4- toy adv. *niyS n.m. torch (4- V2# iy3; TA "liya TO Gen 15:17) pl.abs. XWXT piya torches of fire BM 85b(30; EsF1) Y: (Cli»3 BAYTN 107. DJ?3 vb. to kick (Sy ,\,;S LS 83) Pe.: xp '3 n'3 tsya p'^D as he was mounting (the horse), he kicked him Meg 16a(24); -]3 XJB'ys I shall kick you San 91a(25) Pa. id.: XJTTCn TV fl'1? '3 'Biya1? you do not have permission to kick me BQ 24b(33) [w. ref. to the owner's cow]; ib. 32a(22); AZ 3b(3) '573, 'N3 vb. to ask, require, want, be about to do something (4- X'y3; Sy •* <" — LS 82, Ma XX3 MD 44) Pe., forms of V'Xa: part. lsg. X3"3 BQ 117a(48; GTB2 201:22); 2m. JVX3 RH 4a(12); 3m. "X3 Pes 34a(38); f. X"3 Pes 113a(21); lpl. pn xp Pes 110b(43);-1. to ask [w. p of s.o.]: xyS'D rb iya they, indeed, ask it Ber 2b(5); lyxs mn "ys nxa ysnx they asked four hundred questions San 106b(38); 'yS'BV Xm31 "y3 is it an exceptional thing to ask questions? ib. 39; XTlVa 'XM 'ya ask me something BQ 40a(31); nDWB T7n n'yai nna after he asked it, he then explained it San 43a(27); Qid 25a(7); XH mim aia nan rrra xya pn, in fact, asked (this question) of PN2 £r 41b(l); Pes 17a(6); G// l ib(i2); Zev 25b(i l); T,ra xnn an m> 'ya xmix1? tonight PN will ask you about it BB 172b(3); 2. to ask for s.t.: Tip 'ya'aV xtott "7TX the camel went to ask for horns San 106a(55); 'XJ'a 'ya 225 '573 -p ]J1X1 'T1 ask me (for something) and I shall give (it) to you Git 56b(21); 3. to require, need, have to: a. w. dir. obj.: x"?'3Tl XnB 'ya it requires a spade and a basket Er 35a(46); ib. 77b(3); 'nV xrya Xp xmiX1? I need them for the journey Hag 5a(i7); 'TI3T& 'yai 'Tn' nai 'ya x'V'to Klin at night it requires extra men and it requires flaming torches MQ 12b(48; V); X'y3 'D'm X3to '3'XT '3to frW a storehouse of wheat requires sixty storehouses of firewood (for fuel) Git 56a(29; Ar [AC 4:235]); Hul 110a(9); Tan 9b(15); b. w. fol. inf.: "133'xV xrya I need to relieve myself Ber 62a(45); 'iVyV 'Tri' 'BV 'ya mx»a he needs additional days to inspect his articles BM 28a(43); X'HH3 'XIS^ pS'a1? 'ya I'priXT xron he must go out to that place which he prepared Anan 30:25; ib. 52:14; AnanSch 24:19; 4. to want, desire, seek: a. alone: xV xrya I do not want (it) BM 101a(46); to D'3m 'y3T na3 TBI! 'yai na he acquires as much wisdom as he wants. He learns as much as he wants Sab 90b(26); 'y3T 'Xa T3y he does whatever he wants AZ 69b(7); rf? Xi'y3T na'X Vd nV Xj'p'pu; whenever I want it I can take it ib. 53b(6); Pes 103a(33); Ned 51a(l); "n 'y3T n'32;'V3 n'a 'y3T H'JlP'to he who wants, lives through his tongue. He who wants, dies though his tongue Ara 15b(48); XB'X Jl'y3'X if you desire, say (so) Sab 50b(7); Bes 14b(5); Yev 71b(42); xa'Jl'y3'X1 San 30a(46) [andpassim]; b. w. dir. obj.: XSaiX la 'ya Xs? do you not want a piece? Hul 48a(47); xrya ID'mtoT xVl 13'ip' X1? I seek neither your honor nor your debasement BQ 102b(44); "mDVa fl'llB X3to 'y3T "731?! can the king bestow his kingship on whomever he desires? Hor llb(37); Xnri'X 'y3T X131 'XH a man who wants a woman (as his wife) Bek 8b(25); 13'im iri'yaT 1XB m'X 'W ]iriX you, also, bring whomever you want with you San 93a(44); c. w. fol. inf.: imp'1? X3ba 'yX3 Xp the king wants to honor you Meg 16a(16); xriBDin laxtb Xry3 ID'ra I want to learn wisdom from you Bek 8b(23); Xto-in3 '3B'V to^'a1? xrya I want to eat tongues with mustard Hul 133a(28); miaoV iy3 they wanted to endanger him Hul 91b(30; V"); n'V xaoinn1? x'ys xax ri'V I do not want to be married to him Yev 107b(49) [in a writ]; d. w. fol. "I + imp.: topxi 'Xya xV 'Viap 1 did not want to accept (anything) at all Ret 105b(48); ]Xa 'xn ma'to 'yaT one who wants to die Nid 55b(39); Ret 78b(45); xV 'xi mpoya ntoa 'x yvn 'yai he wants to know if he will be successful in his business or not (in the coming year) Rar 5b(53); mS3'n 'ya n'VD3 'Xm this one wants to deny all of it BQ I07a(5); xaVyV mi xjx 'DT'xt xrya 'J1XT I want myself and my generation to merit the world to come Er 54b(50); Hul 59b(41); 1XB XTH liriX1? mn'T 'y3T one who wants to descend into a fiery furnace HM 40:13; D'rV 'y31 I'm one who is awake and wants to sleep Er 104a(37); 5. to summon: xa^B '"? 'ya xp xV 'XBX n'311? why does the king not summon me to him? Git 68b(ll) [cf. Ma: fiBXIip m3X 1xV"X3 ID when your father summons you before him Gy 203:6]; 'a^a "|V 'y3T Dip get up, for the king summons you AZ 65a(18); 6. to be about to happen [BA ntoprn"? ... iy31 Da 2:13, TA XS^XI XlSiixV X'y3 TJ Jon 1:4, ModSy bit (< t^_=j -*) Nold, NSGr 295]: 'yX3 xp mm mri '3 'yiVs'X when she saw that he was about to be swallowed up (into the ground) San 110a(l); VpC? mtopaV Xy31 XTOSO he took (his) sword and was about to kill him BB 21b(5); rwti? Xy3 '3 when he was about to die Git 56b(45; MGD 728:17); BB 74b(l; P1) [4- VtJB© pe., mng. 2]; ib. 9(MGG 51:3); Suk 53a(41) // Mak lla(43); Hul 87a(24) [i V4#'i3]; rry(t)a'B,7 xyai xtooa x'3p "?s>an n'mm XpriX1? a reed (bundle) fell from the ceiling and nearly pierced the membrane of his brain Ber 19a(8); 7. w. fol. inf. should, supposed to: 'in nxa ya© -ionaV iyai xaVn inV xm he saw a dream that they were supposed to lose seven hundred denars (that year) BB 10a(26); 'ar rrwys mru'so xjvb 'y3i xnsi xinn my boat was supposed to come in ten days Suk 51b(38); 8. w. 'am to pray: 4- 'am mng. 3b; 9. in phrase 'ya 'N» what is it doing ...? [lit. what does it want ...]: 'ya 'Xa 'T3 -pBW what is your writ doing in my possession? BB 70a(30); Xpsn |T3 rrai x'y3 'xa nnaaa miy:a n'b since she was freed from his (control) in na'arut, what is she doing with him in bagrut"? Qid 4a(44); San
N??? 226 N$3 82b(28); X31 rrys 'Xa what are you doing here? Git 55b(56); MQ 9b(8); xyiX 'X,13 ri'ya 'xa what are you doing in this field? BB 30b(4); X'ya 'Xa 'X3V31 XB1B3 "|T what is your hand doing in my dog's mouth? BQ 23b(13) Itpe., forms of V'X3: pf. 3m. in1? '3'X Pes 70a(14); W^'3'X AZ 22b(38; Oxf., heb. d.63) [v. Abramson, AZ 167]; IHP 591b:5; f. "3'X #P 84:11; ib. 91:19; in1? X'3'X Ar [AC 6:124, s.v. 210]; imp. 3sg.f. -]b '3TI Per 25b(36); inf. "13'X 5g 43b(20; Oxf., heb. c.21, 28); part. 3sg.m. '3'a SwA: 9a(9);- 1. w. "V to ask: Xp "iy3'X n'DII X31 .T1? X'y3a PN himself was really asking it BQ 43b(20); "iy3'X la1? n'1? 'jnn actually ask it (instead of making a statement) Pas 86b(12); Git 29b(19); in1? X'ya'X they asked it Ber 21b(21); Pes 17b(39); Yev 80a(21) [andpassim]; X'y3'X '3 p X'y3'X1 Xin '3,1 p we only asked it in this manner BQ 52b(17); 'V X'y3'a Xp '3 when I raise a question about it Sab 116a(24); XB'£>31 XJlV'a xan 13 'ar? n'1? x'y3'a sm? n'1? a matter which is clear to PN is a question for PN2 Hor 2a(37); 2. to be required, needed [archaic, dialectal]: a. alone: pao pyana pn ian rrtn xinxa in a place where there is no wine, there medicines are needed BB 58b(14; F2); Ned 50b(27); Xi'ya'a 'X 33JTX xV '3'3 'J'3 if I am needed in the meantime, I shall not be delayed San 98a(50); Hag 4b(30); 'n'naV X'J/arra (the knife of the Angel of Death) is required for (the fate of) human beings Ket 77b(30; V5); b. w. fol. inf.: '31 nyrxs laya8? n'V 'yarra vay he is required to do (a charitable deed) only inconspicuously Seel 3:59; ib. 2:2; 8:22; 29; 31; Geon 373:11; c. w. fol. ■b: 'jail'S 'Xa 1'ia1? for what does his master need him? Git 12a(15); 'V 'J?3'» Xl,1,1 I require that one Yom 67b(3); 'V '3'a Xlin Pes 95a(20); 3. to be sought: a. alone: n'3 'y3'a X^ (the pure flour) was not sought in it [i.e. it was readily available] MQ 28a(30); xVl nVin1? xny'3 'Xy3'X naniP'X an egg was sought for a sick person and was not found Yom 69b(30); Sot 48a(48); Ber 56a(38); Bo 94:13; b. w. ]B: 'XJa <l>('iyaa xp I am seeking them [lit. they are sought by me] Suk 53a(20); inrrrapx dai 'xm 0)piy3xi xa'.i I found them where I sought them ib. 22 [Var: ■mrbpv am 'Xia lysrrxi xa'na M]; 4. w. •\ + inf. should, ought to: x*?i mn an nnnxa '3H 13yaV ,1'V 'y3'X he was in PN's place and should not have acted in this manner Sab 19b(26); moa DO'a1? la1? I'1? 'y3'X you should have put on shoes Yom 78a(16); rr1? 'ya'X nwa nnnxi '3'n '3 n'mnx1? he should have recapitulated it as Moses recapitulated it San 81a(30); 5. part, f.sg., impers. there is a question: X'y3'B pIS'a p'tWltf BWB we can, in fact, slaughter (it). Is there a question concerning redeeming (it)? 5e£41a(8); X'y3'B X1? there is no question Sab 81b(32); Ket 87b(21); 5M41a(3); 6. part, f.sg., impers. to be necessary, in phrase xbtt ... K»JD'» i6 not only ... but: X'yS'B X1? '■? piyx 'liyx xVx 'V ]1313 X*?1 '3113 not only did they not even bless me, but they caused me considerable aggravation MQ 9b(13); Ber 42b(37); Sab 82a(38); Pes 15b(33); 7. part, m.sg., impers. it is proper: TOX 3'0J1 ]XB "?3 n,!? 'yana x1?! aoaaV n'V 'ysnai n'"?'i m*3'X3 x1? 'a: rroxi na 'ax xbi xnnx rraiwx1? rax1? n'1? 'yana x"?i nra'xa x"?'x 'siorx1? n1? 'yana ■T3 X'3X xVl ixa1? naiOJXV n'axV anyone who marries a woman (does so) of his own free will, for it is proper for him to marry (whom he wants) and improper for his father to marry him off to a woman he does not want. And it is also proper for a woman to be married only according to her own free will, and it is improper for her father to marry her off to someone whom she does not want Anan 113:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 95 [Itpe.]. N$3, K'JT'3, pi. "#3, "y'3 n.m. question, supplication (4- V'y3; cf. Sy rf"i\ fi suppliant LS 83) l. question: sg. n'lx^y x'ya 'ya xpi owa because he asks a question about it San 10a(13); xan 13 'an X'ya PN's question AZ 47a(30); X'ya p 'ya'X("!)(H the question which we asked Hul 70a(45); pya 1J",1 this is our question Ber 12a(43); ib. 25b(42); BQ 86a(8); pri'yai ]13»y3 the question which you have asked TGAs27 16:6; X'y'3 pn TGHark 161:26; X'y3 X'n,1 iSGS 57:15; TGHark 192:13; TGAs42 64:27; ib. 66:4; pi. "y3 nxa y31X four hundred questions Hag "I KJTJ73 227 N3'T ^>'J/3 15b(46) // San 106b(38) [i Xm31 mng. 2]; "y'31 n'3'a )y3'aT questions which are asked of him I$GF62:\4; ib. 66:16; 2. supplication: pi. inVl3 "y31 'am all the prayers and supplications [i.e. personal prayers] TGHark 188:31 Y: !Py3 Pes 60a(25; BAYTN 77). -1 N3TST3 I X3Ty n. -3'J?3 I l#X3'y n. NT^3 n.m. cattle (I 2#nX13 adj.; TA XTy3 TO Gen 31:9, Sy rc'i ; s -. LS 85) sg. H'y3 QX XTy3 IX Xnm VDp'a1? if you want to kill an ox or cattle HM 43:6; XTjm X31T KTya "?3 all large or small cattle Bo 56:7; X3X0M XTya unclean cattle ib. 119:29; xyiXT XTya the cattle of the earth Dec 7:15; pi. D'xVa p'JD 'ysiX8? ]b TDX1 we are forbidden to mate our cattle as kil'ayim Anan 4:14; in'Tya AnanSch 13:13 JT573 4* Vliya pe., pass.part. ^J?3 vb. to have sexual intercourse (4- X^ya; Sy • V v -» LS 84) Pe. (e/): a. alone: ,!?ya X3X I had sexual intercourse (with a goose in a dream) Ber 57a(39); naW3 V?'SX "?'ya 'Xa "?ya X1? 'XT if he had not had sexual intercourse (until then with his bride) he may do so even on the Sabbath Ket 6b(l); Qid 9b(22); Nid 46a(44); nVt -ltt?S'X 'X "?'yai in'J'a in (piy) "ipy it is impossible that one of them [i.e. the soldiers] did not go aside and have sexual intercourse Ket 27a(38); "?'y3T ]1'3 n'XJnV n'"?nx '"?inx as soon as he had sexual intercourse he completely annulled his stipulation Yev 110a(12); '3X '37Via "11,11 'Vys "?y3'a 1^133 X'0113 in GN they first have sexual intercourse and then seat (the bride) on the b.k. -chair ib. 21; HP 100:17; b. w. dir. obj.: n'ax Xy'ETI X131J X1H.1 "?y3 that evil man had sexual intercourse with his mother Ber 56b(14; MGG 707:9); Xian *?y3 he copulated with a she-ass ib. 58a(39); nVya X1? 'X mri'13 ISO T1X X1? if he did not have sexual intercourse with her he does not need (to write) a writ of divorce Anan 118:25; AnanSch 31:11; Yev 45a(34) Itpe. (e) 1. id. (of a woman): n"?'y3'X1 p'3 na,13 HIT n1? X'ln as soon as the daughter of a priest had sexual intercourse (with a pagan) she became a 'stranger' [i.e. disqualified from consecrated objects; v. Lev 22:12] Bek 47a(55); TGHark 107:10; 2. to be deflowered: '11S31 xai'3 XJIMI xynn:3 xnVim naa 'n1? x^'ya'x today, on the Day of Atonement, many virgins were deflowered in GN! Yom 19b(52) *6j;a n.m. husband, fructifier (I V?y3; TA '^3 TO Gen 30:18, Sy rdLi.jp LS 83, Ma 2# X"?'3 MD 60) 1. husband: sg. 0X1 nbys XII he is my mother's husband Yev 97b(l); X1,11 n^^in)) X3X1 dxi n"?ya xini (ni^ya ia xim *?ya xim 3x n'liri'XI nni3 my brother who is my father. He is my husband and he is my husband's son. He is my mother's husband, and I am his wife's daughter ib. 11 [riddle]; n"?y3» XI TOD this one deviated from her husband San 67a(28) // Sab 104b(25) [expl. PN X1t?D (p) ib., i.e. Jesus]; Ned 91a(12); Ber 56b(22); n'C?s: Tinj '"?y3 '"?S p,11 NN, my husband, died SSHai 12a(18); Dec 9:2; HP 131:27; Tbyib 'pipiTX1? XTDX she is forbidden to have sexual relations with her husband Anan 60:23; Bo 3:3; ib. 9:13; pi. p'OX P'"?y3 Anan 94:18; ib. 105:6; 2. fructifier: sg. XyiXI n"?y3 XID'a rain is the fructifer of the field Tan 6b(18) [cf. MH "?yan ,112/ a field sufficiently watered by rain (i.e. not irrigated) MBBK 3:1; v. J 182] Lit: Kut, Words 13 [mng. 2]; Y: Xty? BAYTN 77. - NlTiaaiN b»jra n.m. artisan (4- XrVIJBIX) pi. xrvuaix 'Vya TGAs33 214:8 - KU1 ?'Sa n.m. enemy, foe (< Akk bel dababi legal adversary, enemy CAD D 3, AIOA 42; TA Xa31 V>ya TO Dt 32:27, Sy .• -^ ^.i W - LS 83, Ma xaxai^'a etc. MD 60) sg. X131 X1,1,11 XXap 13 X331 "?'y31 XXap ,1'ami a certain man whose friend (was named) Qamsa and whose enemy (was named) Bar Qamsa Git 55b(53); pi. 'B'pn '331^3 strong enemies Bo 36:8; ib. 37:6; 'Tia '33l"?'y3 cruel foes ib. 29:6; 2:3 Y: KHT *m Git 55b(53). - Nan ^"y3 n.m. legal adversary (< Akk bel dini CAD D 155, AIOA 42; 4- X3'1; Sy rclLn \ \ -» LS 84, Ma X3'l"?'3 MD 60) sg. ^1X1 n'3'1 Vys1? n'D"S1 he went and satisfied his legal adversary MQ 14b (3 9); Vys1? n'D"S1 n'3'1 ^'Spi
xain Vya 228 Tsa '373 n'3'1 he accepted his judgment and satisfied NN, his legal adversary Dec 6:4; /& 4:7; 5:4; Anan 16:21; aiJlJID'X '31 ,T3'1 7J73 XTm ]V3 iTXUyD as soon as his legal adversary saw so, his claims were suppressed Ket 106a(3); ib. 85a(43); Qid 70b(18); p'1 7'J/3 Pes 112b(33; C); TGAs28 6:29; TGHark 83:25 Y: fl'l"! tya ter 106a(3). - N3in ?i73 n.m. creditor (< MH 3in 7J/3 MMQK 9:9, 3in Yeivin, BV 759; 4- l#X3in, na X3W) sg. ,T3in 7J/37 'B17B/7 to pay his creditor TGHark 83:33 X»Vj/3 4- xaty n. 1# 1JT3 vb. to remove (4-1# X11J?'3; Sy i\-i pa. to remove, destroy LS 85) Pa.: '331 XTBn 11J/3 X7'n remove the soldiers' leaven Pes 5b(45); ib. 6a(4); RH 2U(27); HP 8:3; ib. 13:15 2#nya vb. to burn (4- 2#x-iijra, xnjn; Ma 2#"IX3 MD 49) Af. to kindle a fire: J11BX 'XI x7in'B n'3ij?3X '3 73X toxi xin xrntn niynx?i 'B1 TSE? if you say that kindling a fire on the Sabbath is forbidden, but when we kindled it from the weekday it is proper Anan 69:6 nj73 vb. to be frightened (4- XJllJ/'3, XJllJiy'3, XJ1J1J/3; Sy 1# A. v -. LS 85) Pe., pass.part. 1. frightened: 'lining 'J1X X1? JVJ/31 ]1'3 since he is frightened he is not apt to contemplate (impure thoughts) Sab 41a(l 1); '303B X1? 'Jl'3/31 ]T3 since (the pagan soldiers) are frightened, they do not make the wine nesekh ib. 10 // Nid 13a(52); Pes 8a(20); JVl'J/31 ]'3»? sometimes you are frightened BB 59b(15); XJl'5/31 XJ17' '32/ PN is different, since she is frightened (of falling) Bes 25b(40); Nid 66b(23); Sot 47a(4); 2. terrifying: iTimPBWl XJl'3/3 its use is terrifying Er 61a(26) Pa. to frighten, terrify: 'J11J/3 ,T7 Jl'J/38 nil he used to really frighten him Ket 106a(7); Meg 29a(30); Sab 110b(4); Nid 66a(28); Xp 'J113/3 'linx 'J13/3B they really frighten each other Hul 53a(49); 5g 91a(26); Qid 24b(39); p'30 'V 31 xrmX3 '7 J1J1J/3B X71 give me your knife so that you will not frighten me on the journey Ket 77b (27); XB7y 'J11J/37 to terrify the world Qid 76b(46) // San 21a(43) Itpe. (e) to be frightened: XO'l pa 1'7 'HI Jl'5?3'ai he sees it [i.e. the comet] from the other side and is frightened Ber 58b(49); Meg 3a(42); JliyS'X 'aytJ 'Xa why were they frightened? San 94a(5); Jl'yS'XI ]B /& 6; /fef 106a(8; Ar [AC 8:194, s.v. 73J1]) Snnya n.f. terror, fear (4- Vnjn, XJ11J15T3; Sy ^^ v -. ls 85) sg. n?'sx ,tjijij/38i xjix napa (the goring ox) came in front of it [i.e. the pregnant cow], and out of terror of it she miscarried BB 93a(9; HP1); Xins X'BIB XJ1J1J/3 Jl'BXX terror loosens (a woman's menstrual flow). Fear inhibits (it) Sot 20b(39; MGL 420:3, TGAs28 183:10); Pes 10b(37); San 94b(38); 7B31 1J1J1J/3 fear of a camel Pes 3a(40); XJ1J1J/3 X'7'71 fear of the night ib. 3b(2) tf 1TS3 4- XBhTB n. JlS'lSa, Jansa n.m. a type of pastry (< NP *paprinj [cf. NP papris- he sprinkles, scatters PED 236 [Shaked orally]) sg. 37102/3 pi 33'1S3 ,1'an77 1'7 J'13J/ &-pastry from n. -flour (which) they make as its bread OHT Pes 36:20 = 331193 GC 143:10 [expl. D'33DO Pes 37a(31)] Lit: Eps, GC 14325. pX3, 0303 vb. to emit bubbles (MH2 pX3 J 183; cf. Sy .wpM^ to tear, cut up LS 80) Pal.: "ID XX3X3B 'X if (the lung) emits bubbles, it is terefa Hul 46b(7); ib. 47b(30) [cf. Xp'T XpBBl HP 200:11]; TGHark 159:30; XD3D3a Hul 46b(9); ib. 14 [1X3 prep. near(?) XJ1B X'3l7p +1X3 near the town of GN Yev 115b(31) Very uncertain; perh. a corruption of i 1X1X3] 1K1X3 4- K111X n. 'S3 4- Vl# 'XB vb. TX3 adj., adv. less (4- VlX3 pe. pass.part., 1XTX3, XJ11TX3; 4- Jl'HB; Sy rc'-L.^D LS 86, Ma TX3 MD 68) I. adj.: sg.f. XTX31 XJ171J13 X3'7 mx av ,i3'a xtx3i ,i3B7x X3'7 nj?3tt/a there is no virgin who is less than seven [i.e. has less than seven days of a marriage celebration], and no widow who is less than one day Ket 7b(7); pl.f. X3J1 '3Jlpia |TS3 ,183 how many (years) are nsi'sa* t t • : 229 1X3 lacking from what the Tanna reports? AZ 9a(20); Meg llb(50; LG); II. adv.: 'X,1B 'SD1 'Xna TX3 less than this and more than that Yom 35a(7); Suk 10b(33); Qid 17a(21); 5M21a(27); ib. 84b(19); Svu 23b(ll); TS3 XJ1'3 13X1 B/'3'X T3$7 X1? 'av ]'J17J1B a person is not apt to rent a house for less than thirty days RH 7b(10); Mak 3b(35); XJ7BB TX3 less than half Yom 18a(3); Men 97b(16); Meg 23b(26); TVV 13a TX3 less than six years old Ket 50a(19); 1XB TX3 IX XB7X TX3 X1313 in TX3 IX less one thousand or less one hundred or less one man San 95b(31); TX3 ywan in forty-nine Sot 36b(22) [V2: '33]; XJ111S TX3 a bit less BQ 7b(24); BM 77a(43) Y: YX3 Sab 19a(40; BAYTN 53). HNTXa*, KTX3 adj. one who writes with defective spelling (4- TX3 + gent, ending) sg.m. nxSDin X3J11 XTX3 X1S0 the (Bible) scribe is the one who writes with defective spelling, and the Tanna is the one who writes plene AZ 9a(14) // ib. 9b (4) Expl. Ar: 18X1? '1 )bl TWO pJO 110713 3W31? X1j?a artlDn jrUD ■Wn >&i nxVa nawi auia1? unia sojin °?3N 'i x^s AC 6:112. KJTITX3 n.f. deficiency (4- TX3; Sy rc'Ain-u.^-^ LS 86, Ma xmi'X3 MD 68) sg. n'mi'S3 'Xai in'3a what was his deficiency to them? Meg 16b(25) Y: FI'm-PX3 Meg ib.(BAYTN 175). 7X3 vb. to branch apart (phon. var. of 4- V7XB; 4- l#X?Xn, 2#xV213; cf. JPA 2#"?S3 division DJPA 109) Itpe./Itpa.: xVl ]1BX xV 'B3 yVjni ,13 p rrb (xniT) xmr Vissx Vsx xrni "jissx we only said also regarding the leaves (of the onion, that they are poisonous) when they have not branched apart a span. But if they have branched apart a span there is no objection to it Er 29b(l; O) But cf. expl. Ar: IBXya ^lxa^l mas'? D'tiaBW AC 6:393, s.v. "res. STX3 vb. to break (4- V3#'1tt>; MH2 5?S3 J 184) Pe.: a. of bread at the beginning of the meal: Xin J/S31 'Jim B'p31 (PN) who takes two (loaves) and breaks one Ber 39b(26) // Sab 117b(50); '1 ,TJIWIP Wbvb I'1? 5?S3 XTt PN used to break it for the whole meal Ber ib. // Sab ib.; ib. 140b (14); b. other: 131in Xpi3' J/S3 mi 13 X3T13 'myn tiji 75/ rxtt/3iT* xna/ai xoin tis mm 1 remember when a child would break a carob pod, and a stream of oil [Var: honey] would flow on his two arms BB 91b(17; EsF2) 1X3 vb. to be diminished, diminish (4- XJlllS'3, TX3, 1XT33, XJ11TS3; Sy t^d LS 86, Ma 1X3 MD 68) Pe. (a/u) 1. to be diminished, wanting: a. alone: '3aJl ]1S3 ,183 how many (years) are wanting? Eight Meg llb(50) [4- TS3 mng. I]; X3'V 1S31 mw 1103 in his final years when his mental powers declined [lit. the heart was diminished] Tern 16a(3); 1'3tt/B X1S3 XJTC/ a year is diminished from his years AZ 26a(10; J) [Var: XTS3 P'Ar (AC 2:360, s.v. 11113)]; b. w. "7: ]V3 W-\WV H'7 1X3 n'J13'5/137 ,T7 JlVp^l when you remove its [i.e. the olive's] stone, its (minimum) size is diminished Ber 39a(l); Pes 33b(7); '17 117 '1X31 pW V3 1DB7 (if) Levi is below, (the tribes) are diminished even more so Sot 36b(l 1); Hor 6b(6); Yom 21a(30); ib. 26a(37); '3 ^10 «11D 11? 11X3 HXaiD 'BV ia '7ia in the final analysis, when you deduct the days of (menstrual) impurity (the term of pregnancy) is wanting RH lla(50); Kar 3a(29); ib. 31; TGHark 277:13; 2. to deduct, reduce, remove: X3'3»a 11X3'71 1'3£> '3am TJ/31X let him subtract forty-eight years from the reckoning AZ 9b(2; J); XII 1X3'B rX3'3B 'Xia"1 1X3'7 xVl he should not actually deduct from the amount (of fifteen selas) Qid 17a(20); Nid 65a(14); Xin '1X3 ]331 1J1X1 the Rabbis came (and) reduced one (of the forty Pentateuchal stripes) Mak 22b(10) [cf. Sy pfrvju t-.^-^ ^^ -rirf 2Cor 11:24]; XJIJ/IX X13X ]B 'V 1JT1X31 (I hired you) on the assumption that you would reduce (your) wage for me BM 77a(38); DJ/IB DTO 1'3'B X31X3 xVl XB7J/3 I shall not deduct anything at all from it [i.e. the dowry] SSHai 18b(17); pass.part. 4 TX3 Pa. 1. to diminish, reduce: '11X3 1X31 he actually diminished (the size of the altar) Zev 58a(31); p '1X31 'XI the reason that I reduced (the sum that I take) from you BM 103b(22) [* 4- V2#'SD pa., mng. 1]; Er 5b(8); Zev 37b(30); D'j/Vo 2/ana rvb ixsri X7 im in 73 do not give each one (of the priests fleece) worth less than
'•ma 230 'spa five selas Hul 137b(16); 2. to shorten: ]Xa 'xn n,a,,?J!? ri'lSlT one who shortened his garment Men 37b(37); ib. 42a(23) 'TlSa adj. of Basra (nisbe-form < GN ,T1X3 HG3 398:3) sg.m. XTIXa ]WXf 3T TGAs42 44:26 Lit: Danzig, IHP 17821, w. prev. lit. l#Kj?3, NpN3 n.m. gnat (4- l#XJip3; Akk ifl^w CAD B 101, Sy rdi_i LS 87) sg. JVVl Xai' "13 Xp3 there is no one-day-old gnat Hul 58b(2); ib. 5; Xp3"? rrb l^n X^nST 'JXa p'2? iTMTipa they hung sixty manes of iron on the small horn of a gnat ib. 9(H2); pi. 'pxa Suk 26a(34); 'pX3 'Wia"^)^ 'J?ai it wants to drive away the gnats Sab 77b(27) Y: Njpa //«/ 58b(9; BAYTN 98). 2# Kp3 I 2# Xpi3 n. n.m. staff (< Lat. baculus Lehnw 162; Sy rdta-lo n -i« LS 87 [not ^ ™ V n~ -,]) pi. 'oVipa(a) rb ->vpn they hold it [i.e. the carcass] with staffs Zev 105a(18; Ar [AC 7:105, s.v. 3oVp]) [Var: 'oVipaa Ed; 'D^pa V11] Y: 'pVipa Zev ib.(BAYTN 156). 'pa vb. to inquire into, search for, examine (4- JTp3; Sy i^n-i LS 87, Ma xp3 MD 68) Pe. 1. to inquire into: ray Xp 'X» 113X3 'p3 "7'T go (and) see [lit. inquire into] how your father is faring BM 84b(l 1; Es) [H: 'Ul]; n'J'1 'X» 'p3 V»T go (and) see how he is faring [lit. what his judgment is] Pes 3b(47; V1); 2. to search for s.t: xmiS XJX n^va Xti?-I 'p3'X 'PX I shall go (and) search for (flour). Perhaps I shall find a small amount Git 56a(37; MGD 626:29); X33CW 'pS'V '713W3 3'32n let him search for the corpse of one who died on the Sabbath ib. 69b(36); 3. to examine: "pa J7T X1?! "IB3 ,T3 p'p3 we examined you and you did not know (how to say) jnaPes lllb(24) Pa. to search for s.o.: X3m n,!? JTXl X"I31 p'paa XD'IS we search for a man who has broken (pieces of) gold BM 70a(26); ib. 34 ?'Pa. J?'pS> 'p3 adJ- expert, well-known (4- V'pa, V2# ypB, Xmrp3) 1. expert: sg.m. 'Bl "ffinpaa "1 ypa is PN expert on double documents? BB 164b(9); 'Bias yps xVl Diwa because he is not expert concerning bodily defects San 5b(4); ib. 8; pl.m. Jinon3 'X'p3 lHJ'X P'X'ps xb ]3K rmrri they are expert in defective and plene spellings, but we are not expert Qid 30a(46; O2); JlVVn nnona XJypSi Er 13a(31; HGP 48a:37); 'jrpfl C)VrS11 H»3T XJHB1X |"]J?"? 'DO concerning an estimate, the more (people) there are, the more expert they are Svu 42a(34; F2); XB1E?3 'J?'p3 they are expert in evaluation Ket 100b(30); n»ll»3 ]"p3i 'PXJ'X SSSad 255:23 // lOV'psn Dec 10:8; J'X'pai '©XJ'X pJl XJiniPBa two men who are expert at surveying TG^ii 211:11; TGHark 109:6; 2. well-known: pl.m. 'XS3 xnp'ya pja'os -] ''oa 'jrpai pan ••iv 'pOH3 'J?'p3 the scholars are different because they are well-known by the signs (which they use as their signatures). Initially, in what way did they become well-known? Through documents Git 36a(27); VffiVl 'ypsn ]33T UXV the scholars are different since they are well known by their names Yev 37b(16) Lit: Yalon, Studies 315; Y: 'X'i?3 Qid 30a(46; BAYTN 105). NrnjT'pa n.f. expertise (4- yp3) sg. Ber 46b(21) NVpa, N^'pa n.m. type of bean {Vicia Zaba; JNA baqille pi. HDJNA s.v., ModSy ^.U>, buqllta, pi. r^\ n -> buqliMaclean 37) sg. JHTB1? X"7p3 to sow a Z>.-bean TGDr49 105:19; pi. '*7'p3 HP 190:11 = //G7 99:16 [in a list of types of beans] Geon. expl.: 1'0'^3 HG3 196:40; Lit: Low, Flora 2:501; Eps, St2 551:20, note. NJV'Spa 4- XBp adj., mng. II. 1 J/pa vb. to cross over (H J?pa HAL 143, J 186, Pe., mng. 2) Pe.: D'3T ,T3 'ypa xpi the public crosses over it Er 6a(16); ib. 20a(30) Nri^pa, pi. ]'Vpa n.f. valley (Vyp3; 4- XJlp'3; BA nJ7p3 HALOT 1837, Sy *^' v f, * LS 590, Ma XJIXpXD pi. MD 362) sg. xnyp'3 XinB TGAs42 68:27 [expl. 4- XJip'3]; pl.abs. ^IX DX1 piD3 IX pp33 J1X if you travel in valleys or mountains HM 45:10 'Spa, w. suf. "mspa prep, in the presence of, on account of (Sy^. n ^->, ^y. n >-i on account of LS 686) 1. in the presence o'f: XJaip yawl 'JlP ipa 231 i#xna n'lH ^'ya '^s 'sps xna'nm X333 he should come and heed us in the Geonic court in the presence of NN, his legal adversary Dec 1:5; ib. 2:7; 3:5; 9:13! [text: 1»p3]; TGAs33 213:19; SSHai 5b(5)! [text: 'Jj?3]; 'Sp3 xmSMW X313yi 'IXin we made a partnership in each other's presence of SSSad 205:12; xVl "?13X' X1? EN'XT n'msp3 nn^' no one should either eat or drink in his company Dec 3:10 = TGAs33 214:7; 2. on account of: HTllSpS XDT'K)1?! 1TB1?! to bring a suit and to take possession on his account SSHai 17b(13); Xn'?!!/'? ]yb07 iy pnn(l>sp3 in-IOl make an effort on their [i.e. the litigants'] account until they come to an amicable settlement Dec 1:3 Lit: V Aptowitzer, JQR 4 [1913] 32. Hp3 vb. to flog (etym. unkn.) Pa.: mip3 Kar lla(10; Ibn Janah 106:11) [expl. BH rvips Lev 19:20] Ar expl.: ij2il Ibn Janah ib. I#&np3 n.f. herd (TA np3 TO Dt 7:13, Sy ■sk r/-A f. LS 88, Ma X1pX3 MD 49) sg. XTin "pp33 "p JI'X X3nJ3 you have a goring ox in your herd BQ 24b(ll); -\lp2 nVo ib. 12; vfry HIH irr> in 1'3 XTim Xnp3 a herd of oxen could pass through [lit. enter] between the two of them [lit. one and the other] BM 84a(6) Y: IHj» BQ ib.(BAYTN 77). 2# top?, KINpa n.m. herdsman (Sy K'i A 7, LS 88,' Ma X"IXpX3 MD 49) sg. XSTIDIDX XWH xnpsV nnoa ''an,17 xtiii inV 13tt 'ann a certain guardian of orphans who bought an ox for the orphans (and) entrusted it to a herdsman BM 42b(10); ib. 13; 16; 24; Ket 84b(23) [Var: X1Xp3 OHT ib. 260:14]; pi. npail 'Tin Xiat the song of the draggers of the boats and the herdsmen Sot 48a(46) [Var: nxp3 Seel(St2 438:19)] Geon. expl.: 1p3 'yn NDGR 62:3; Y: xyi Ket 84b(23;BAYTN 226). Nripa n.f. she-gnat (4- l#xp3) sg. XTip3 'Xia'X CPVO 'VB XpaV the she-gnat quarreled with the he-gnat for seven years Hul 58b(4) Y: XTIj?3 Hul ib.(BAYTN 98). ^a, 1N3 n.m. permission, authority (< Mir *bar [cf. NP bar free access, license PED 141) 12 X*?3 ^'jn Xn n33 '"rjn xn this refers to the ones who enter (before the Divine Presence) with permission (and) that to the ones who enter without permission Suk 45b(33) // San 97b(47) [cf. lena I'V'jn p'JO PT Er 23b(47); v. DJPA 530, s.v. TCn, mng. 2b] Geon. expl.: MWna r'7'|5"f 'a 1X33 °H San 505:5; Ar [AC 2:164, s.v. p3]; Lit: Geig, AAC 102, s.v. pa; Shaked, Study 179+; Y: 13 BAYTN 3. 1# JOB, abs./cs. "13, pi. '33 n.m. son, offspring, descendant, having ability, being of age, resident of (TA 13 TO Gen 4:25, X13 TO Lev 12:6, pi. |'ia Ex 20:5, Sy rc't^i, cs. T_d>, pi. rdL^D LS 88, Ma 1# X13, pi. X'33 MD 68) sg. w. suf: lsg. n3 Yev 97b(3); AZ 26a(52; HG3 268:56); T3 Ber 5b(17) [cf. Sy ,-U=> Nold, SG §146]; na ^Z 10a(45); 'Xn3 7ev 37b(27) [cf. Ma 'X-13 MD 175]; 2m. -pa Sot 49a(52); f. "p3 Sab 156b(33); 3m. nna Ket lllb(46); f. H13 Suk 46a(18); pi., lsg. 'X33 BM 84a(46; MGG 829:6); "33 Tan 23a(46); 2m. -\a Ber 56a(20); f. 'D"33 Sab 151b(42); 3m. m3 San 96a(17); f. H33 San 97a(40); 5o 12:9; 3pl.m. in'33 5M 12b(2); f. vna //P 143:8;-1. son: a. general: sg.abs. ...131 p3W X1? he did not leave a son S.S7/a; 12a(18); det. X"I3 in"? 'OSJ in"?D all my possessions are for one son BB 58a(27); X13 ,T^ TTX X1?! n'OT ]Xa one who dies and does not have a son Anan 106:21; ma X'ttna Xs? Xtt'X a mother does not forget her son BB 36a(28); Xtt'tfj? nna his older son ib. 40b(20); X3D X131? X»'3 X13B from a bad son to a good son ib. 133b(31); pi. abs. pa pn two sons Ber 56a(42); && 23b(37); 555arf 268:8; Bo 14:3; cs. 'Tny '33 ... "35? '33 sons of the poor/rich Tan 24a(49); inn '33 'ma '33 the sons of my daughter are my sons Yev 62b(ll); Ket 60b(53); ma '13 Hul 95b(17; V"); det. lip 'a '33 X131? 'Ett'X do parents call a (single) son 'sons'? BB 143b(16); Meg 14b(50); b. in filiation: 1) identified by father's title: sg.cs. "13 J1X X3XT nnxmnx you are the son of my father's stable master Meg 12b (22); XiJl'a 13 the son of the deceased one Yev 37b(27); X1J13 "13 the son of the latter [i.e. second] one Yev 42a(32); 2) w. son's title: sg.cs. in 13 in an only (son), the son of an only (son) Git 48a(50); ib. 54a(ll) // Bek
l#KTa 232 1#KT3 T ■ t ; 30a(33) [4- 1#X1"1 mng. 2]; X133 13 X131 an authority the son of an authority MQ 25b(4); AZ 50b(3) [4- 1#X1J3 usage b]; San 52a(7) [4- JPBh]; ib. 96b(13) [4- XHTtf]; xrf?aiX "13 Xam an orphan, the son of a widow /&. 109a(51) // Nid 69a(34); 3) w. father's PN only: sg.cs. XIX 13 nxmra PN, the surveyor Er 56b(21); a'P'Vx 13 Ket 54a(44); 13n 13 5M29b(18); w. suf. 'T71 ,T13 Yev 97b(20); IP'p1? Bm nn3 £e/ 11 lb(46); pl.cs. X"n '1 '33 5er 18b(13); Xapiy ID '33 /M 43b(35); 4) w. son's name: sg.cs. KTflis "13 X'3^S 7om 84a(10); Grt 69a(26); SSHai 3b(8); T'ann xnXT?'1? 13 BB 73a(27; P1); 'B'13X 13 pnr 31 £> 89a(20); X3X 13 XSS 31 BM 73b(24) [and passim]; w. pron. suf. y2?l,T 311 ,T13 X31,1 31 Sab 89a(44); 'TX 311 n'13 XWV 31 BM 80a(7) [and passim]; pl.cs. XIDrl 31 '33 Xtf'ttp 1)31 XpT3' 18 Pes 107a(10); 2. descendant: sg.cs. ]inx 13 a descendant of Aaron Yom 71b(10); pl.cs. H31 WX Xp 'Vy '33a "3X1 PN and PN2 are descendants of Eli Yev 105a(41); San 52a(32); 3. offspring, young of an animal: a. xV?13 dove: sg. "I'm X"??1I 13 '3XP a young dove is different because it is soft Hul 76b(49); Pes 76a(44); TGAs28 43b: 1; b. X'3D deer: sg. X'3D 13 Xinn jwxi aio m'3 Tsn'xi xmto b?'i 'aV xnxi a certain young deer which came to the residence of the exilarch, which had been caught on the first day (of the holiday) Er 39b(18); ib. 37; Hul 59a(10); c. X3T pigeon: sg. VB31 .131' 13 Xinn XDD31 X1D^> a certain young pigeon which fell into a fc.-vessel of kamkha ib. 112a(9); ma X31 "?DVt5Kn X3T13X X3'3D PN used to place a knife on a young pigeon and carry (it) Sab 142b(39); d. Xian donkey: sg. Xian 13 (if) [described as '3JI n,!?p having a deep voice] Hul 79a(37); ib. (39) [described as n'n3133 ]1B1?11 1'31X 131311 having large ears and a short tails]; Xian 13 x"?'y donkey foal Sab 110b(37); 13 'Xm X1»m X'OID 13 'Xm XnOlOl Xian this one is the offspring of a stallion and a she-ass, and that one is the offspring of an ass and a mare Hul 79a(12); e. XS3 falcon: sg. XS3 13 rf? O'm XIB'Xl a bird which a young falcon clawed HP 203:10; ib. 205:3; f. XMDIO mare: sg. XJ1D1D 13 young of a mare Hul 79a(37) [described as H'Vp «|'3X having a shrill voice]; /i.(40) [described as n'J1313J 1313111 H'31X ptJin having small ears and small tails]; g. cat: sg.cs. Xll'n 13 X831X a black (cat) born of a white one BQ 80b(19); 4. cs. small (of an object): a. sg. 13 XniJ a small pond MQ 8b(15) [v. Geig, A AC 117]; b. pi. XJTC/'X '33 slight fevers HM 41:14; c. sg. XITff 13 small wall Pes 86a(30) [expl. BH .lain Lam 2:8; Sy rf 4<ot- -U=> PSm 598, > Arab Jj>iL, Tarbiz 23(1952) 243+]; 5. cs. having ability [w. fol. inf.]: sg. '1T71X 13 one capable of having children Yev 76a(40); Tern 17b(44); 3'3P Xin 'mux 131 yia a gravely ill person who is able to make a bequest BB 131a(4); '1S3H yF mi ni3T H'V '319n 13 is PN, one for whom a defence can be devised? San 43a(42); 131 'Ta Xl,1 nrcya n'3 iay» something with which it is capable of doing a deed Sab 50a(44); 131 'TOa 'in ya»a is xVi ©in "?ax xin yawa because he is capable of hearing. But a deaf person who is incapable of hearing ... Ned 73a(6); pl.cs. '33 '1T?1X Yev 76a(40); HP 115:10 = HG2 245:58; ]13'X X3'113J?'a '33 IX1? they are not able to render judgment BQ 90b(32); Ket 105a(4); D'Vya 'atoa Xin XlUytJ 13 -m x"?X 113'3 xnjyD '33 given that owners can make a plea. But can an ox make a plea? BQ 45a(23); 6. cs. being liable, subject: Xin '31iy 13 Bin p "SX even a one-month old child can be the subject of evaluation Naz 62b (18); in3'3 'ITtfy 13 IX1? nye/n nine (sheep) are not (an instance) liable for tithes BM 6b (23); ib. 25; 26; Pes 42b(16); 'Viaj? 13 ]ri?Vl V?aa Xin nXDlD this implies that a table is susceptible to impurity Men 96b(10); pl.cs. '33 IX1? 'ari'l in3'3 msa 13y8 the orphans are not subject to performing a commandment BB 174a(28); p3'x i'3<'>nn '33 ix^i i3'n nan ni3i xnx'*?3i the worn-out clothes of a menstruous and a gonorrheal woman which are not washable Anan 27:19; 7. cs. being of age: sg. X8T 13 Xp3 rcb there is no one-day-old gnat Hul 58b(2); HP 57:32; XII© 13 one-year old Pes 112b(42) [cf. Akk mar satti CAD S/2 205, Sy rc'&Ii. \± PSm 598, TA TpM 13" TO Num 6:12]; ib. 42; rVJW 13 X33'3 a one-year old twig ib. 74a(17); xn» 13 X3T1 n'"71 there is no one-year old fly Hul 58b(3); 'SIB xrfrn 13 Xian wine of three jrqs 13 seasons [i.e. three-year old wine] Sab 129a(41) [cf. Rashi]; VW 13D1 'J731X 133 about four or five years old Er 82a(41); 1331 Tl'W 133 X3'im y3W I was about six or seven years old BM 16b(20); Ber 28a(5); 'xVd 1'V'oa Tin 13 X31'n3 XplEO '1D@'3an 1331 '103'P 133 XnX'^Dl I remember when young boys and girls of about seventeen or eighteen used to play (together) outside BB 91b(23); '71171 '33 pan 13 seventy- eight years old Zev 118b(47) // Ara 13a(25); 13 Vxyaw n'V nin nas how old was PN? Meg 17a(5); Zev 118b(47); 8. cs. document of: sg. 13 riX p'33 njwni p»JI you hold a document written on [lit. of] the twenty-ninth of Nisan Ket 94b(34); ib. 95a(2); nxa 13 ID© a document (in the amount) of one hundred zuzim BB 172a(13); 9. cs. resident of: a. w. a designated area: 1) XinX: pi. Xinx '33 residents of a place Bo 78:9 [Sy rtkhyr? \=> LS 89]; 2) X33: pi. XJ3 '3a residents of a rural district Git 58b(27); Bes 21a(38); Git 58b(22); 3) nxiaa: 13X nX13B 13 33J?a 'SB X*7 n'PS31 nX13a a resident of an alley cannot prevent (another) resident of the same alley (from competing with him) BB 21b(38); ib. 13; 40; pi. nxi3B '33 ib. 60a(28) [cf. MH2 '13a '33 Er 69a(5)]; 4) XTina: pi. XTina '33 residents of a district Sab 12a(29) [* xnx'"7pn '33; but v. K 7:524 where the phrase refers to a resident of the GN XTina]; 5) Xna: sg. xnxa 13 resident of a town Yev 109b(8) [cf. Akk mar ali, mar mati CAD ib., Ma Xnxa X'33 MD 256]; 13X XTO 13 D3ya Xna (the property of) one resident of a town can be seized for (payment of taxes of) another resident BQ 113b(42); XTID 13X XTia 13 3'3J?a 'Sa Tl'inx a resident of one town can prevent a resident of another town (from competing with him) BB 21b(36); pi. ib. 8a(47) // San 112a(25) [* XJia 'an'; 4- X3I1']; Sab 23a(47); Ket 49b(16); BM 77a(9); BB 22a(12); iTJlXa '33 his fellow townsmen Meg 27a(46); Tan 24a(42); Ket 105b(20); 6) X1J'3: pi. max V31X X11'3 '331 X13'3X1 four cubits along the channel belong to those living along the channel BM 107b(45); 7) xpW: pi. n'pTtf '33 people of the same street/quarter TGHark 84:12; b. w. GN [Akk mar GN CAD ib.]: 1) general: sg. x"?'1?} 13 NTlT*t 13 a Galilean Sab 80b (29); Vxitf'1 xyiX 13 Ket 112a(31); HP 98:4; "733 13 'inn a certain Babylonian Ned 66b(30); pi. ni3'3 '33 Tan 14b(15); X'Dna XTO '33 Ket 55a(6); D3Xp '33 TGHark 169:17; 2) esp. X3iya Eretz Israel: sg. V331? y"?p'X1 X3iya 13 Xinm a certain inhabitant of Eretz Israel who happened to be in Babylonia Pes 43a(13) [cf. JPA n3iya 13 DJPA 99]; Ket 8a(41); X3iya 13 XS'bnn 31 Git 52b(38); Ber 55a(45); BM 7a(21); San 20a(54); 13 mm' 31 X3iya Suk 52a(i5); pi. xsiya '33 n'1? vfom ■?XiaK;i niSX1? the inhabitants of Eretz Israel sent (a letter) to PN's father (in Babylonia) BM 90a(52); Ber 44b(13); Meg 29b(34); Qid 71b(30); BQ 102b(40); BM 90b(3); Hul 50b(25); HG3 17:1; 10. cs. having value, worth, amount: sg. XT1T13 X11X a coarse garment worth a zuz MQ 27b(15); ib. 12a(49); Ber 44b(35); Xp3113 worth a danak Zev 48a(31); Bek 1 la(2); pi. Xl'ail '33 XTB1J (gourds) each a cubit (in length) BM 64a(14); 11. cs. being worthy: sg. 'nxi xaVy 13 one who is worthy of the world to come Tan 22a(13); 12. cs. type of demon: a. '11'X 13 epilepsy demon (lit. son of roofs; 1 Xll'X, xni3X, 'U'X '31; Sy rc'-U^rj' t-^> demon of lunacy LS 89, Ma X'1X13y 13 MD 353): sg. 13 Vib^p '13'X the swift b.'.-demon Bo 47:10; pi. '33 '13'X ib. 47:9; 53:2; 'Illlpl'X '33 ib. 59:2; b. pi. 'VlD '33 TB [lit. sons of shadows] ib. 31:9 [v. Eps, Stl 353]; c. pi. xms'jlD '33 ib. 59:5 [1 xn'3"?D]; d. sg. 1'av 13 [lit. son of days] ib. 47:12; e. pi. xaa' '33 ib. 64:21; f. pi. X'"?'1? '33 [cf. Sy rdilA yl^ PSm 590] ib.; g. pi. T>ma '33 [lit. sons of death] Bo 61:2; h. sg. xVs'3 13 ib. 31:7 [lit. one of a stillbirth; MH2 D'VS3 p Bek 44b(36)]; pi. '"?S3 '33 ib. 59:12 Lit: Satzlehre 89+; Y: Xl? Sab 116b(5; BAYTN 1). - ]D3K 13 n.m.cs. one having (important) ancestors (4- 1#X3X; JPA "3X 13 DJPA 97, MH ni3X p ARNA 14:32) sg. Men 53a(30); ib. (31) Lit: Lieb, TK. 5:I06268; Y: ]rn? 13 Men ib. - NIK 13 4- 2# XTT3 n. - KJ11K 13 n.m.cs. duck (4- XtllX) sg. b'TXl V'B© 'S'B'a XyiX3 n'3'yi XtllX 13 the duck goes continually downstream, and its eyes squint at the 233
1'niN ia 234 an 'a ia ground (for food) BQ 92b(23); Sab 128a(51); ib. 53; Pes 74b(8); 5es 32b(34); Svw 30b(16); Hul 28a(49) - 1'^IN 13 n.m.cs. scholar (I ]"11X) sg. 13 131 X1,1 ]X"11X he is a scholarly man Sab 31b(10); Xin 1"11X 131 ,1'apa Dip'3 let us arise before him since he is a scholar G;7 31b(31); ATef 85b(31); Men 53a(30) [* 4- p3X 13] Voc: I. Ben-David, Lesonenu 46 [1982] 148; ]';iix/x;iix 13 &6 31b(10). - NnN 13 n.m. fraternal nephew (4- Xnx, 13 xnnx) sg.cs. nvinx 13 xim n"n 'it mnx 13 31 X"n '11 PN who was both the fraternal and sororal nephew of PN2 Pes 4a(l) // MQ 20a(52) // San 5a(40); mn 'WX 13 IX1? 311 ib. 39 Lit: Ros, Yalon Vol 294; Y: mnx 13 Pes ib. - NTinN "13, pi. NnnX '33 n.m.cs. sororal nephew (4- xnnx, xnx 13; jpa nnnx -13 DJPA 97) sg. Pes 4a(l) [//'s; 4- xnx 13]; 13 XJTlVl B/X1 pnX' '3'3 311 H'TinX PN, the exilarch, the sororal nephew of PN2 Yev 115b(24); Sab 140a(46); Git 56a(44); xVx'1 innx 13 (if) your nephew is a af.-official Yom 18a(28); BQ 92b(46; MGG 265:14); BM 93b(37); pi. p ]1T\V '11 I'TinX '33 X11113 Wag 3a(14); BB 10a(25); Zev 62b(l) Lit: A. Schremer, Zion 60 [1995] 5+, has now shown that in a number of the above passages this term refers to a relative who is not specifically a nephew, and it is often used in a negative sense; Y: iVnrttt 13 MQ 20a(53). - N31»'N '33 n.m.pl.cs. (unclear) RH 18a(44; O) [expl. MH flia '33 Mib. 1:2] RaH: D'B33 '33. This interpretation is based on a connection w. 1 1#X1S'X, but there is no other evidence for this mng. from other A dialects. Lit: Geig, AAC 33; S. Friedman, Sidra 12(1996) 11918; Y: XJ1?N 'J3 RH ib. - b/j'n ia, wm ia, pi. kh;3'n '33, '33 Nfi7N3'N n.m.cs. human being, person (4- Xtfrx; TA W3X 13 TJ Mic 5:6, Sy rdiJ-v=> LS 89, Ma XWX3(X) 13 MD 24) sg.abs. 13 ]'1 rcb K73X this one is not a human being ■&& 112b(30) // Er 24a(33); tt/3'X 13 Bo 8:13; 13 IX^ lin^OIXl W3'X the one who eats them [i.e. the entrails] is not a human being Mei 20b(13) // Ned 54b(12)!; Suk 53a(23) [4- l#3iy]; pi. '33 DJ? 13'B 13J?'l Xtt?3'X let him do kindness for people Tarn 32a(32); TG^2S 78:15; Bo 27:5; //>. 38:1; 71:2; 86:6; HMGas 94:3; XWX3'X '33 SS&h/ 213:5; '33 Hiyi3'X Bo 59:6 Y: tf'J'X 13 Suk 53a(23). — 'NliSN 13 n.m.cs. diver (lit. sons of divers; 4- V2# 1SX, nxnax; Sy K'x^n-L diver LS 529) sg. "WX1? 'Xliax 13 rmi a diver descended to bring (it) BB 74b(l); ib. 8; IDpl 'X1TOX 13 JW31 XJV0D3 X3JV01 '31DX a diver descends and ties linen ropes to the coral RH 23a(30; Ar [AC 5:84],GRH 13:22) Arab gloss in MG [BB ib.(MGG 50:18)]: fXVa'w, i.e. ^.I^in [ace. to ms.; v. ACSup 34]; Y: 'XltoX 13 RH ib.(BAYTN 322). - !1N1i»N 13 n.m.cs. Amorite (4- nxiiax) sg. Ket 112a(30) Y: flXliBX 13 Ket ib. — N'^IN 13 n.m.cs. a powerful person (lit. son of a lion; 4- X'lX) sg. Yom 78a(27); Suk 43b(30); Hag 14a(8) This expression has no connection w. i ]"*11N "D. n.m./f.cs. member of a class (4- XTlp'3 mng. 2) sg.f. nnp'3 T13 Yev 84a(38) [ref. to the fol. case in the Mishna]; pl.m. '33 VlVlD in3'3 TO Xnp3 they are all of the same class Men 24b(22); ib. (28); fl3'X XIip'3 Xin '33 Mei 17b (40) Y: X7lp'3 'J3 Men ib. - 31 '3 13, pi. 31 '3 '33 n.m.cs. student in the be rav (i 31 '3) sg. 31 '3 13 '1,1 "?'! go (and) be a student of the be rav Ned 50a(13; V2); 13 'Xn XriS'1 I'1? XWS3 X^l 31 '3 a student of the be rav who does not have much bread Sab 140b(14); ib. 21; XXT3J/ri3 3'JIX'I 31 '3 13 'XH a student of the be rav who is fasting Tan llb(6); im 31 '3 13 Xav a student of the be rav for one day Hag 5b(46); rmwa xnau; 3i 'a is 3"n'a (is) ra 31 '3 13 n'awa lim n'WS3 when a student of the fee rav was liable for a ban, (PN) would (first) excommunicate himself and then would excommunicate the student of the be rav Ned 7b(23); Pes 52a(12); Ber 58a(28); Er 74b(3); Ket 74a(21); Git 61b(26); j& 89a(47); BM 24a(6); /1Z 22b(23); //«/ 6b(4); pi. X1X33 'TT1 3T3 '33 students of the be rav who live in a rural district Nlfc'3 13 235 2# Njnt 13 Pay 8b(14); Ber 21a(42); Er 40b(34); ib. 73a(38); BM 72b(38) Lit: RISB 114+; Y: 31 '3 13 Sab 140b(14). [- Xlfr'3 13 Bes 15a(20; Ar [AC 2:346, s.v. Read ace. to V17: X1W313] — NJV3 13 n.m.cs. member of a household (4- 1# Xri'3; Sy r^^p i_=> LS 90) sg. HTl'3 13 San 31b(39) [ref. to Moses] Y: ,TJ13 13 San ib. [i.e. PN Bitya; v. RaH, Rashi], — N13 13 n.m.cs. grandson (Sy K'-v^a -vi PSm 584,'Ma X13 13 MD 69) a. general: sg. n'"7 mn X1? IX '33 X13 13"? 'EN'X Up '» X13 131 X13 he had a son and a grandson. Do people call (their) grandson sons or not? BB 143b(24); T3V la'ttX X13 13 ,1'"? PN's grandson died MQ 20b(49); 13 D"p'a n'13 his grandson is alive Tan 23a(49); 'X 'Xa ]33ia '311S 113 13 m,1 what if your grandson were a s.m.l Ned 48b(3); Yev 75b(19); San 95a(49) [4- 1#XTp]; Hul 11 lb(38); BB 143b(24); iSGF 112:5; pi. ,133 '33 her grandsons AnanSch 18:1; b. in PN's: sg. n3n 13 13 ,131 Ber 53b(28); Pes 51a(40); 0T71B3X '11 n'13 13 niJJ? '1 Men 53a(27) Y: X13 13 Tan 23a(49). — K13 13 13 n.m.cs. great grandson sg. 1,TX l'3"n h'13(1) ''13 13 n'13 13 ,T13 he, his son, his grandson, (and) his great grandson are required (to make the blessing) Ber 54a(41) — NJTI3 13, pi. KRIS '33, SMS '33 n.m.cs. t-: -» r T-; ■■;' tt: •■: sororal grandson (4- l#xni3) sg. 13 X3X 1,13 1DX X3X "]ni3 am I your son? I am your sororal grandson Sot 49a(51); XOm n'^13 13 xan BM 86a(5); Tan 23b(36); Ned 22a(3); Qid 39b(48); pi. 1H3'3 '33 T113 '33 my sororal grandchildren are my children Yev 62b(ll); 7113 '33 Hul 95b(17; MGG 395:11); 311 n'7113 '33 Suk 44b(17); Hag 3a(13); BB 51b(13); Hul 92a(17); ,17133 '33 Anan 100:17 Y: n'ni3 13So,r49a(51). — 'ND3 '33 n.f.pl.cs. wives (lit. members of the households; 4- XJV3 'B?3,X; JPA nri"3 '33 DJPA 98, s.v. "313) pi. Pes 48b(3; RaH) [expl. JBA '3n ]T1 '»3 ib.] Lit: Lieb, Alon Vol 23216. - KT1"T3 13 n.m.cs. type of jester (4- 1# xn'U) sg. xn"I3 131 X'DIO (wooden) horse of the jester GC 40:1 [expl. MH !3131D MKel 15:6] Lit: Eps, GC 404, 167. - K333 '33 n.m.pl.cs. wedding guests (4- X33J; Sy pcd<=>J^ji ,mSis PSm 584) Er 40a(12) [i VlU pe.]; ib. 44b(5); XT11 iy X333 '33 11H3 wedding guests were in the habit (of eating) up to a zuz BB 145b(12; F2P') Y: WJl'J3£r40a(12). - N3,rI 13 n.m.cs. a person who is liable for adjudication, punishment (4- X3'1) sg. TGHark 84:13; OH Sot 270:26; TGDH9 99:8; ib. 100:9 - N'Tin 13 n.m.cs. species of hawk (etym. unkn.; Ma 2#X'1Xn vulture MD 116) sg. Hul 63a(43; Ar [AC 8:169],MGL 259:15) [expl. 4- Xp'31W] Lit: Geig, AAC 404, s.v. XfJlW. - '3H 13 n.m.cs. one who is able, capable (4- '3,1, '3n ri3) only w. neg. a. general: 13 IxV 'XI Xin '3,1 if he is unable Sab 23b(39); Yom 64a(4; L); Meg 28b(31); b. w. ref. to sexual relations: Xin 'Dn 13 ix"71 ppb BIS except for a minor who is incapable Yev lllb(42); ib. 79b(48); Sot 26a(45; V2) [of a eunuch] - NA1T 13, N1TT 13 n.m.cs. colleague (4- XJ1T, 1# X11I; Sy i<l4?> ^ LS 90, mng. 3) sg. 'OT '11 n'lIT 131? ,1'p3«;ia since PN left his colleague [i.e. the other scholar stated his opinion by himself] Yev 60b(7); ib. 83a(5); in ]'3 XJUlVs n'AIT 13V a dispute between one colleague and another iSGF 62:16; 'lit '33 ib. 84:13(Var) Y: fl'Jil 13 Yev 60b(7). - 1# NJ^It 13 n.m.cs. arable field (caique < NB mar zeri acreage measured by the amount of seed required CAD Z 93, AHw 1521; 4- lSXJHT, mng. 4) sg. n'3 XTX1 Xyit 131 xyitl 'ai3 "?31 all vineyards and various arable fields that are in it SSHai 6b (9) Contra CAD, op.cit, this mng. is not attested in Sy. The diff. bet. xyi! and xyit 13 here is unclear [i l#Xyit mng. 4] - 2# Njnt 13 n.m.cs. place suitable for sowing
N'Vin 13 236 Vtflfr' 13 T : •• r ; • (4- 2#XSHT) sg. BB 29b(15); ib. 16; pi. XJHT '33 /& 103a(9) 13 n.m.cs. membranous portion of the windpipe between the cartilaginous rings (4-3#X'Vin)sg. fliti/50a(36) Expl. Rashi; Y: frtlfl 13 Hul ib. n.m.cs. recipient of a portion (4- xpVin) sg. BB 143a(32) — K31-'n 13, pi. N31TI '33 n.m.cs. one under an obligation (4- X31'n) sg. Ber 21a(44); BQ 74a(12); BM 6h{22); ib. 10b(32); Hul 135b(16); pi. Suk 8b(22); BM 10b(34) Y: X3Vril3Ber 21a(44). — N^'n 13*, pi. *6'n '33 n.m.cs. soldier, type of demon (Sy rdlLj -i^i PSm 587; 4- ltx'rn) 1. soldier: pi. XTin»T x"?'n '33 the soldiers of GN Tan 21a(l); xV'n '331 '3X» the soldiers' garments Sab 147b(29); xV'n '331 XT»n the soldiers' leaven Pes 30a(10); xV'n '331 xnap the soldiers' flour Bes 21a(39); #u/ 94b(27); 2. type of demon: pl.cs. rDWn '^Tl '33 'soldiers of darkness' Bo 78:9 Y: N^n 'J3 Tan 21a(l). — NXM'rl 13 n.m.cs. fatty tissue on the straight side of the stomach of a ruminant (* 4- X2DT!; Ma l#XXD'n MD 146) sg. D'JID XXB'n 13 b.h.-UX can stop up (a hole) Hul 49b(40); ib. 38; 41 Geon. expl.: up itvti tywi xxan psi .i'1? np rmpn iyv 3°?n XXnn 13 ]»1 "^ OHT Pes 72:10; Y: XXS'n 13 #«/ ib. — Kfin 13 n.m.cs. son of a father-in-law t -: (4- i#xan) sg. n'»T an man ia bq H2a(37); pi. X3|?1J? im man '33 San 28b(43) Y man -a 50 ib. — l#N10n 13 n.m.cs. derived from wine (4- i#xi»n) sg. xinn ia abn xnV'n x,n X3X in that matter I am 'wine vinegar' [lit. vinegar the son of wine; i.e. inferior to my father] Hul 105a(26); ib. 31 Y: loan 13 Hul ib. — 2#N1Sin 13 n.m.cs. donkey driver (4- 3#Xian)'sg. Ber 59a(37) // Tan 6b(27) — 'in 13, 'IKfl 13,1'Tiri 13, pi. 'in '33 n.m.cs. nobleman, freeman, unmortgaged property (4- Xin, xnil'n; Sy rc'Hndju -Ui LS 89, Ma 13 X'TXH MD 69, TA pin' 13 TO Ex 21:5) 1. nobleman: sg. '"ixn 13s? NJlV'»i xVtJX'X Wv '1X11 Vlbvn Sheol is a garment of fine wool for a nobleman whose provisions have run out MQ 28b(14; OHT ib. 55:15); 2. freeman: sg. San 52b (41) [* X13J?]; pin 13 XIX X,1 behold, you are a freeman SSHai 14a(19); pi. !'in '33 Git 12a(37); 3. unmortgaged property [caique < MH2 pin '33 1'0D3 J 439]: pi. Xaj'!3 'in '3313 '33 he can indeed collect from unmortgaged property BM 12b(43) [* '13JWD]; Ket 91a(7); Git lla(27); BM 14b(20); BB 169b(12) Voc: 'IXrl '33 SRSG 136:23; 'ifi '33 HGP 31b:6; Y: 1'lin '33 Ket 91a(7). - N31t#n '33 n.m.pl.cs. evildoers (lit. sons of darkness) Bo 134:6 - "NIB 13 n.m.cs. utensil placed under a roast (4- X'llB) sg. HP 25:2 [= GeonH XinXl n'3!3E? 'Va '"?SH HR 23:24] - 'NIP' 13 n.mxs. Jew (4- nXTliT; JPA "Tin' 13 DJPA 99) pi. 'Xtim '33 r'''pi3' Jewish children ISGF 97:9 - '331' 13, '33'13 n.mxs. a large bird (4- XXIIS'X mng. 2; etym. unkn.) sg. '33V "13 Suk 5b(l; M2) [O: '33'13] Lit: AAC 104. This word occurs in both forms also in H context in Yom 80a(12) and Bek 57b(12); Y: '33V 13 BAYTN 166. - "81' 13 n.m.cs. on the same day (4- XQT, X13 X&V; Sy m^»oJ i-di Dt 24:15, PSm 588, mng. 1) sg. mn TOP 13 Xinn that (sowing of the flax) was on the same day (as the reading of the Megilla) Meg 5b(29); n'BT 13 ]33ia Xinn n'a'Xl'X 1BX '!'13 X3lb a certain one of the scholars asked PN on the same day concerning shearings of wool Sab 49b(47); ,T»r 13 X&'ll xV'TUX a newborn aurochs (born) on the same day BB 73b(6; P'Ar [AC 1:277]) // lev 113b(21) Y: -Oi' 13 Meg 5b(29). - N»? '33 n.m.cs. dolphins (4- XD') pi. Bek 8a(2) [expl. MH 1'3'sVn TBek 1:11 (535:10)]; Bo 142:13 Lit: Low, Fauna 14. - ViOfr' 13 n.mxs. Jew (4- bxito' X13; Sy t^> N1B13 '33 237 N1?3 13 A-irc'-Lorc' PSm 581, JPA Vxittf' 13 DJPA 99) sg. 3X3 'u 'ina X3'T n'V xrxi "jxiw ia 'xn a Jew who has a court case with a pagan in (the month of) Av Tan 29b(l); Meg 25b(40); 5er 56b(15); }fev 121b(49); BQ 113b(48); BB 45a(8); San 74b(17); biC\V 13 ^>'nXOT VxiET 131 it is a Jew who circumcises a Jew Anan 78:20; 13 "Xn man bvrw -\ib xixan pan "7Xiw a Jew who sold a donkey to another Jew TGAs42 23:8; TGAs28 25:22; Z/P 49:28; ib. 143:18; Dec 5:12 - K1B13 '33 n.m.pl.cs. (uncertain; 4- 2#X1B13) 5M70a(l); ib.(3) Expl. Rashi: nj'SO '^3; Y: K1S13 '33 BM ib. 13 n.m.cs. one who attends the kalla (4- n$D mng. 2) pi. mo '33 5£> 113a(26) Also Ber 57a(50) in H; Y: nV? 13 BQ ib. - Nflttf'33 13 n.m.cs. member of the synagogue (4- 1# XXTC/'3D) pi. XXW3D '33 TGAs33 213:14 - NXW1313 13 n.mxs. small weasel (4- l#xrffih313) pi. XXW1313 '33 TGHark 190:28 13 n.m.cs. board used to keep the jaw of an animal in place (4- Xyi1?, V"pn) sg. Sab 54b(16) Y: V$to 13 Sab ib. - 'NI'V 13 n.m.cs. Levite (4- nXV^; Sy \jp <<-.k\ Neh 13:13 [H D'l'pri ]1i]) sg- 131? Dip& 13S nxi'1? make way for the Levite Ket 77b(30; Vs) [w. ref. to R. Joshua b. Levi]; ib. 31; 32 - l6'n» 13 n.m.cs. one fit to be circumcised (4- V^na) sg. Yev 71a(49) Y: xV'na 13 rev ib. n.m.cs. belonging to a zodiacal station (4- xVlKi) pi. Xin n'"7I)3 13 XnV» XnV '^'1 perhaps concerning this matter he has his [i.e. the other's] zodiacal station BB 12b(3); pi. 'rf?'T 1H3'3 x"?T» 1T\ '33 in'TID perhaps the two of them belong to the same zodiacal station ib. 12a(45) Lit: TMW 1:258; Y: fltya 13 BB ib. - Nmmia 13, Kn'31in» 13 n.m.cs. a town official (4- V'in; cf. Sy rdijo-jjjsa one who points out LS 220) sg. BB 68a(25) [expl. MH "ID3D Mib. 4:7]; ib. 26; 28; 68b(3); 5; 7 Geon. expl.: 0'I7XW yw^l 1711K 1'KllpB .11 Xn«':(l>l'lina 131 Wl 'aiX W'l TIJ TGHark 105:6, i.e. (Djijf, ^ guide Wald 30; Y: xrniina 13 BB 68a(25; BAYTN 288). — '113JF1 B'TO 13 n.m.cs. rakish man (lit. son of one who heats ovens; 4- Vl#DHn) sg. Pes 49a(49) — N3'M 13 n.m.cs. one belonging to the same group (4- X3'», X3'» ra) sg. Vcon n'3'ia m "?a Xin n'3'D 13 'Xm anyone who is a member of the same group [i.e. an idol worshiper] can annul (idolatry), and this one [i.e. the resident alien] is a member of the same group AZ 64b(5); X3W X1? n'3'a na ixV "?opT X3W x"7i n'3'a ia Vopi it makes no difference whether he killed one who was a member of his own group or one who was not a member of his own group Mak 9a(15); Svu 5b(24) Y: n'3'B 13 Svu ib. - NlS'tt 13, pi. NIS'S '33, '31X'B '33 n.m.cs. neighbor on adjoining property (4- 1#X1S'D; cf. NA bel misri neighbor CAD M/2 115, Sy \j=> pd^jfuu^ PSm 599) sg. ,tV ami xira ia xnxi 'TIT nplVV the neighbor came and gave the buyer money TGAs42 28:25; ib. 78:15; 79:27; TGHark 151:9; X1XH 13T X3'T the law of pre-emption [i.e. the right of a neighbor to have the first option to buy an adjoining field] BM 68a(10); ib. 108a(30); 108b(12); BB 5a(13); pi. '33 y31X '3n XIS'S four neighbors BM 108b (3 7) [Var: '3a '3-lS'D HP 93:3]; ib. 107a(16) Y: Xl?»13te/44a(15). — '33'S 1\1Wft 13 n.m.cs. perh. flatterer (lit. son of one who licks the platters; 4- V"]rf7, X33'S) sg. Pes 49a(50) Y: '33'B -|n^a 13 Pes ib. - '3^j;a '33 n.m.cs. intestines (JPA TVD '33 DJPA 99) pi.' '3'ya '33 HP 199:1(HPP 301:18) - KTVItfa 13, pi. Nnxntya '33 n.mxs. t ■ : - -'i TT::- ... (uncertain; 4- xm©») pi. xnX'liya '33 n'ty 1J1X H13BT1 the ... came and struck him BM 107b(47) There are many varr. to this text [e.g. WIM F1; X'lOB Es]. - NtiWS 13 n.m. substantive matter (4- Xlff^B) sg.cs. XWa "131 'Tft something of substance Svu 25a(6); XVWO n IXVt 'T» ib. (7) — N1J3 13, abs. 1S3 13 n.mxs. carpenter (lit.
ru is 238 NVtJj? 13 son of a carpenter; 4- 1# X133) a. lit.: sg. 131 X3'Xn X1J3 a carpenter's ax BB 73b(30; P1); b. fig. for a scholar: sg.abs. 133 13 X1?! X3X "IM X1? X3X I am neither a 'carpenter' nor the 'son of a carpenter' AZ 50b(4) Y: xijj -n SS ife — rfl 13 n.m.cs. Noahide, pagan (caique < MH n: p J 893) pi. m '33 San 59a(26) — NT3 13 n.m.cs. small yoke, righteous person (4- 1#XT3; cf. Sy pc'xjlJ i-di sharing the same yoke, fellow student LS 91) 1. small yoke: sg. Sab 54b(41) [expl. MH p»'i Mib. 5:4]; 2. righteous person [lit. one who bears the yoke]: pi. I'BD XT3 '33V they entice the righteous Bo 1:9 Lit: Eps, StI 330 [mng. 2]; Y: XT: 13 Aii i*. — WI0'33 13 n.m.cs. animal posthumously born after its mother is slaughtered (lit. son of the slaughtered one; 4- Vo33 pe., pass.part. f.det.) sg. rax nowa "'TV) xno'33ia 'xii xinn that is certainly a posthumously born animal and is permitted by its mother's slaughtering HP 206:15 - Nfi'»J?3 13 n.m.cs. ostrich (4- XfrajM; Sy rd^a-Li ^Ld LS 435) sg. xnrayj 13 xnx nyV3aV an ostrich came to swallow it MQ 26a(40) Y: NJVOyj 13 MQ ib. — l#NnS3 13 n.m.cs. name of a bird (etym. unkn.)sg.//«/62b(18) - 2# NnS3 13 n.m.cs. 4- xnS3 T - - Referring to R. Yohanan b. Nappaha. - >^S3 13, '7KS3 13 n.m.cs. the Messiah (lit. son of clouds; < vecpeXn Lehnw 365) sg. XJTDE7 'ax 'Vxs3 -a ]xa n'V 'ax 'Vxd3 ia 'nx na'xV iV n'V 'ax n'V mp 'Vxs3 ia n't?ai n'V 'ax n'E/a n'V ]'X did you hear when the 'son of clouds' will come? He said to him: "Who is the 'son of clouds'?" He said to him: "The Messiah." He said to him: "Do you call the Messiah the 'son of clouds'?" He said to him: "Yes" San 96b(57) Y: '^BJ 13 San ib. - ilN't^J 13 n.m.cs. member of the family of the Nasi (4- nX'W3) pi. ,1X'fc/3 '3a iSGF 83:2; Geon 83:7 — Nttl'D '33 n.m.pl.cs. students of the back rows in the school or academy (4- XTH ]331 xaroi) 'an nraro '33 n'V two xtt 'iV maao 'a when they ordained PN, his fellow backbenchers (in the school) sang to him so San 14a(43); '33 XTai'D ib. 44; 'ai'O '33 Mannl 2189(T-S 20.183); xai'D '(3)31 T132? Merkazim 57:9 [letter of Sarrira] Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 49[1980] 52+. — NMD 13 n.m.cs. authoritative or trustworthy one (4- XDao mng. 2) sg. 13 XJV3X '1 Xin XDao Git 6b(24; V15); Qid 44a(43; O2) — NJVa# 13 n.m.cs. associate, fellow (BH JTay HAL 799) sg. 1'3y xVl "I'rl'ay 131? n'Jl'ip (if) you called to your fellow, and he did not respond to you BQ 92b(46) — 7'PMJ? 13 n.m.cs. descendant of pagans (4- 'aay) pl.abs. ]'aay '33 o"?©? ]in» let the descendants of the pagans come in peace Yom 71b(8); ib. (9) Y: pay 13 Yom ib. — Tins 13, 'TINS 13 n.m.cs. (laudatory appellation; i 2# xnns) sg. Ber 43a(38) [Van 13 TIXS TRN 564:4]; Sab 3b(l); i& 29a(25); Naz 59a(26) Geon. expl.: '3313113 TRN ib.; WIS 13 Sab 3b(l). — '|?1'9 '33 n.m.pl.cs. students, scholars (4- XpTS mng. 6) /&/ 62a(28) [expl. MH D'Vj'B Mib. 5:6]; (6.(33) Expl. Ar: pVi prim nun tiny? p^in nv toaw casn Tobn DJ1'33 AC 4:28, s.v. 2I7"»; Y: 'j?T3 '33 AT« ib. — nmits is n.m.cs. opponent in an argument (4- xmiVs) sg. n'miVs i3 ns'py 'i pn, his opponent BM 37b(23) -X: fMIJ^S 13 SAf ib. 13 n.m.cs. liable for execution (4- 1# xVtSp) sg. Xin xVup 131 X131 a man who is liable for execution San 61a(8); ib. 15b(8); 37b(17); 78b(8); 88b(38); xVDp 13 1'V V'Bp 'XT Xin if he kills him he is liable for execution Mak 10b(28); Ber 58a(39); 5g 42b(ll; F1); Svu 7b(33); //«/ 139a(l) Y: sVdj? 13 Sg 42b(5). xnii? "I? 239 137 — Nnij? 13 n.m.cs. bald person (4- mp adj.) sg. &jM52a(29) Y: Nflli? 13 5o6 ib. — Ktl/j? 13 n.m.cs. a civil official (4- Xtip) sg. xnxan XE?p 13 Xinn a certain 6. g.-official of the town Pes lllb(20); BB 110b(l); n»p 13 Xinn XJl'IsaiSI a certain b.q.-official of GN Sab 110a(l) Y: X»j? 13 Sab ib.(BAYTN 2). — 1331 '33 n.m.pl.cs. scholars (4- ]331) ]331 '33 XrO'riai the scholars of the academy ISGF 117:12; ib. 120:16; n'Dnai 1331T pn'33 the scholars of GN/& 117:16 — '3131 13 n.m.cs. important person (lit. son of important people; 4- 31 pi.) sg. MQ 28b(14) 13 n.m.cs. one who attends a festival (4- X^'l) pi. X"?n '33 BQ 113a(26) — rOI 13 n.m.cs. prince (4- n31) sg. n31 xV nx nDI 13 X*71 you are neither a king nor a prince BB 4a(22) Y: K3113 BB ib. — '8113 n.m.cs. son of important people (4- D1 adj.)sg. A/2 28b(13) Y: 'HI 13 MQ ib. — WZV& 13 n.m.cs. minor diversionary canal (4- 2#'x'31tf) sg. Git 60b(46; Ar [OHP ib. 241:6]) Geon. expl.: ^k jmo p 'j'pjm Vinii Wyov iwVa s'to 13 "b pnyion i3i waw'jai [^j^ ^JJ ^ji o- JjI^j Jj>^] ysia nx ix imx p'oai dim joV7» man 'a to p»» '3 oipa1? mpaa dx rmemn oifan lmx inx oipa °7X 13 p^in vn» oipaa pn 13 xip rwyi in:n 'a nspa1? nxi x'aw xip n»y: irun 'a 'js'? X'JW OHP ib. 241:2; Lit: AAC 109. — iOW 13 n.m.cs. one who is subject to an attack of insanity (4- X'CW) sg. 'DD3X mm 'TB 'D3'3 ]'31 X'D© 131 X'BW 13 '31 it is analogous to the property of the estate of one who is subject to an attack of insanity. One subject to an attack of insanity sold property Ret 20a(9) // Yev 31a(38) Y: x;BW 13 Kel ib. — N1W 13 n.m.cs. matter pertaining to a writ (4- XIDti;) pi. X1BW '33 BQ 79b(l) - NTS? 13 n.m.cs. type of demon (4- XTiy) sg. Hul 105b(53) Y: XT© 13 Hul ib. - 'Ilin 13 n.m.cs. fattened ox (4- Xinn) sg. (13! 'IXin (13) AZ 16a(35) [lit. soon of the ones who fatten an ox] Gloss ib.: DDB *7V 1W. - Nn'n 13 n.m.cs. vapor (4- Xn'n) sg. +13 X(n)ini'n GC 136:11 = xn('>(1in 13 ib. 200b:3 [expl. MH ]'»n nirrn mty 1:2] Lit: Eps, GC ib., note. 2#K13, N13 n.m.cs. field, outer part (Vl13; 4- 'X13, 'X13V, 2# XV3, V3# '13; Sy n'-Li LS 88) 1. field: sg. X1331 XIl'33 within and without [lit. in the house and in the field] SSHai 2b(3); ib. 8a(8); Dec 5:9; 2. outer part: sg. X131? X13 Sab 78a(28) [mnemonic sign] Y: X13 BAYTN 7. - p 13, "3'73 13 prep, except for, outside of (TA -a 13 TO Gen 14:24, Sy ^ t_=iA LS 88, Ma ]a 1X31? MD 228) 1. except for: X3a'5?B X1?! nVism xwii'pi xVoniVm 'oa ysixa 13 xian I do not taste wine except for the four cups of Hallel [i.e. on Pesah], qiddus, and havdala Ber 55a(18); T"5n XrVDX'Va 13 XTDX X1113S'1? "73 X'lltfl all irreverence is forbidden except for irreverence towards idolatry which is permitted San 63b(29) // Meg 25b(36); AZ 7b(36); Men 66a(27); Bek 23b(33); Tarn 27b(48); n3'a 13 X'nm except for that one Yev 43a(10); Sab 50b(23); Svu 37a(16); Nid 5b(27); Hul 29b(42); 2. outside of: xnV?D)3B 13 X^D'a '3xa eating vessels (are kept) outside the sukka Suk 48a(25); XYin ]a 13 outside of the convolution HP 201:19; rrtrwa pm n'UD ]'a 13 outside of PN's body Bo 21:15 Y: 1» 13 Ber 38a(44). — 13?, N137 adv. outside, outwards (Sy t-=jA LS 88, Ma 1X31? MD 228) 1. outside: a. general: 13V m'rroawn ail most of their [i.e. the shops'] use is outside BB 67a(16); b. w. VpS3 pe: 1) "3X X13V pS3 PN went outside Ber 48a(7); Hul 57b(43); Ber 24a(5); 2) in statements of censure:
X13V -]'X1p np pis go out (and) recite your biblical verses outside Ber 30b(6) // Yev 40a(49) // Ket 56a(7); X131? 'JJ1 p13 go out (and) learn (this Tannaitic tradition) outside [i.e. it is not authentic] Sab 106a(6) // Yom 43b(ll) // Yev 77b(22) // BQ 34b(46) // San 62a(8); 2. outwards: 13^ XJlp 'XI if the hilt is outwards [i.e. sticking out of the wall] BM 26a(6) [* 4- 1X11? mng. 2]; £r 97a(16); 55 19b(39); #w/ 48b(36) Y: -a) Ber 24a(6). - -a ■«* prep, outside, except for (4- p 13, "13^; Sy jjbo -Ui-1 LS 88, Ma p 1X31? MD 228) 1. outside: XrO^MB 13^ ^33 p'3J1 xV do not remove yourself outside of (the limits of) the traditional law RH 13a(10) // Sot 16b(31); inn XO'IIBB 131? bin XJS111 'E73K/ certain branches of a vine which were hanging outside a vineyard BQ 113b(32); xrW»»'a 131? outside the sukka HP 25:2; Xrffi'a 13V pis go out of the town HM 42:9; 2. except for: a. w. fol. n.: lbl\ 'X1B 13V except for these three (cases) Pes 101a(23); '171 XJTX.IB 13V W two days with the exception of today Yev 62a(23); Pes 68b(36); M# 25b(36); Gtf 83a(28); BB 69b(14); #«/ 105a(16); /4/ww 24:7; b. w. pron. suf: 'X3'B 13V except for me iSGF 83:14; "p'a 13V &6 58a(14); ,1T1 ru'8 13V except for it Hul 98a(37); TO'B 13V Slip X3'X xVl nB13'V there is no relative except for him to perform the levirate marriage Anan 115:1 Y: iUTO -13^ Ber 30b(l). adv. from without, from the outside a. in a physical sense: 13Vb XJIpV H'V *]"31 he bends the corner (of the facing) from without BB 4a(48); ib. 4b(l); £/• 8b(38) [4- VjV» usage a]; Sf/fai 6a(10); ]13'Vy XfiX 13V'B X1311 a man has attacked you from without Bo 78:16; b. in an amount of money: 13V& P'Vk/ IX VlVa P'Vtf is it a third 'from within' [i.e. of the original amount, viz. 33 1/3%] or a third 'from without' [i.e. the combined amount, i.e. 50%]? BQ 9b(5); BM 53b(36); ib. 54a(7); Men 77a(36); TGHark38:\2 Voc: iSb'a HPP 57:18; Y: "0^8 &• 8b(38). 3#N13 n., in Nttim N13 n.m. a portion of the garlic (4- l#Xttin) sg. Sab 139b(24); Tan 25a(35) Geon. expl.: mrbx in GnK5 170:6, i.e. ,-jiJI >Ji; Expl. RaH 240 'OTSK [Sab ib.]: DW WX"I. Nia, f. Kfl'?1!? adj. external, outer, wild, n. outsider (< .1X13*; 4- V113, 2# X"13, 1# XJTT3, X13 xVAUIfi; TA .1X13 TJ 2K 16:18, Sy rdi-Li LS 88, Ma 1#X'X1X3 MD 50) I. adj. 1. external: sg.m. X13 XJ71 the 'external' Tanna [i.e. of a barraita] RH 33b(21); A/g 17b(35); Qid 22b(30); 50 119b(44); 5M 52a(10); pl.f. J1'3 WlTff 'JYITM 'J73 xn'13 ni'J I,!1? (')(1)Dp:n since they wander away, it requires extra guarding BQ 57a(15) [4- lsxIJ'J mng. 2b]; 2. outer: sg.m. X13 XIW the outer row Bek 38b(l) [4- 2#X1in]; Git 69b(51) [4- 1#X1B'X]; X13 XTCWWri the 'outer bridge' iSGF 103:10 [section of Baghdad]; f. Xn"13 XaiSXI XJl'E/X the outer wall of the mansion Er 25b(14); ]XJ10'J01 XTl'll JXTID'AO XJV13 Inner GN and Outer GN Yom 10a(ll) [expl. GN's X3ri3D1 ... rtf)3D Gen 10:7]; pl.m. 'JT3 'X13 'outer chambers' Hag 5b(29) [4- .1XU]; '1XB 'X13 the outer borders (of the house) BB 61b(l; P1); 'XVI 'X13 'p1»3 XJX I was far away on business [lit. I was on outer business deals] BB 30a(17; P1) [Var: "X13 'J31K7 outer residences HP 88:25]; Zev 52a(l); 3. wild [cf. BA X13 m>n HALOT 1838]: I XlJltf, xVlJJI/l; II. n. outer one, outsider: sg.f. Men 35a(l) [4- nxii mng. II]; pl.m. 1H3 HUxV "X13V XXIJa Jl'Xl the 'outsiders' [* ]J31] have a custom to lengthen them [i.e. the blessings] OHT Pes 107:21; ib. 23 Y: NTS Git 68b(26; Mo 8644). N7N13 4-2#X113n. I#n»n3adj. 4-X13 2#HN13 adj. domestic (<,1XTJ73*; 4- XTJ?3; Ma XT3 XVH MD 62, s.v. 2#XT3) pl.f. ... XJV'13 'I'J? XJ1"13 'Vf! domestic goats/animals Hul 47a(16; V"§M); ib. 43b(22); 58b(20) Lit: Y. Kara, QafuV Vol 224320. 'N13 adv. outside (4- 2#X13; Sy dvjrc'i-i LS 88) X23X 'X133 vm «]X1J p'Vo the adulterer went up and sat outside at the door Ned 91b(13); Zev 77a(3); 'X13T H38 an external sore AZ 28a(12); Yom 47b(8); Kar 14a(28); Hul 70a(16) Y:'N53Zev51b(3;Mo 114). - 'K13K adv. outside (< 'X13 + 'X) a. alone: 1) -» 'N13N T " ~ in nom. phrase: 'X13X XnS'1 -|'1D mm he used to eat his meal outside Er 74b(5); 'X13X IHJrl'XIS when (the D'llS'K) are outside (the Temple court) Zev 90a(7); Men 47b(9); Tern 10b(4); Naz l7b(3); n3 'nDi^T 'xi3X xnxwn ixnn<:)n rr1? mn 'ai^aw he had certain sheds outside (of the press room) where they used to spread sesame seeds out (to dry) BB 68a(5); 'X13X rf? TUpriD T you prepare a place for defecation outside Anan 31:12; ib. 30:3; 2) w. var. vbs.: a) Vsri' pe.: IX1? 'X13X X3Va 3JTaV Xjnx mix it is not proper behavior for the king to sit outside AZ 2b(14) // RH 8b(13); Ber 18b(47); Ket 106a(8); San 26b(43); 'X13X 3T1'T X1VD the laver which is situated outside Anan 35:14; b) VDIp pe.: 'XH 'X13X "XpT the one who is already born [lit. the one who is located outside (the womb)] Yev 67b(16); ib. 44a(30) [in a fig. sense]; c) V'Ttf pe.: 'X13X iT'TOl he used to throw it outside Ber 57b(57); MQ 4b(19); d) VnD© af: 'X13X nDWS miJ1? "7"5?D (if) he finds (the animal) outside he brings (it) inside it [i.e. the stable] BM 32a(29); b. * 'xu, 'xux, 'xu»: nxaiDi 'xu niiV'x xaVi 'X13X perhaps the trees are inside and the uncleanness is outside MQ 5b(42); Zev 15a(5); Men 81a(12); 'X13X XiXI 'X11X XaVj/ '"713 everyone is inside and I am outside Qid 81a(49); mm 'X13XB 'im from the outside it is ten (handbreadths high) BQ 51a(18) [* 'X1MJ ib. 19] Y: 'XH3X Gil 69a(14; Mo 86). - "» 'N'toN prep, outside (4- ]» 13) 'X13X XnVVDa'a outside the sukka HP 25:3(HPP 30:18); H1113 nniin xrona 'X13X outside the place in which you are encamped Anan 28:11 [expl. bh nana1? fina Dt 23:13]; xainn p 'xnsx outside the limit ib. 29:3; 28:11 - 'N1^, 'K13KV adv. outside (4- 2#X13; Ma 'X1X3X1? MD 50, s.v. 'X1X3) '32/13 mbl] "7"371 'X121? im 'XII1? (the board) goes in three handbreadths inside and one outside Suk 14b(53); ib. 19a(27); Zev 15a(10); Kom 31a(9); 'X131? VtXI p331 he went outside BB 31a(14); Anan 30:25 [expl. BH Tin Dt 23:13]; ib. 31:14; 32:6; AZ 72b(18); TPi psn XB1J H3 T3m XTlTn i?313 'X13X1? an animal in which a bone is broken, and it protrudes outside (of the flesh) HP 206:6; '"7DJ1 'X13V THP1 xVn they take the sand and remove it outside (of the boat) RH 23a(31); Ber 58b(17); 'XISXV 'aiB'BT '311 the feathers which are cut to the outside Hul 31a(l) Y: waVZev 15a(10). - 'N^asa adv. outside, from without (Ma p 'xixs md 50) 'xisxa ina"i32?V inrapix he placed their captors outside Ket 23a(42); Xa"?1 'X13Xa T3J?1 ,T13n TIX perhaps another will come and build from without BB 4a(48); Bnttn 'X13Xa he cut (his trachea and oesophagus) outside Git 70b(34); 'X13X8 113 DO rf? XB'K/I m)> x"?Dpl (the wet nurse) rubs poison on the teat from the outside, and she kills it [i.e. the nursing child] AZ 26a(40); Sab 85a(24); Yom 76b(30); Ket 64b(28); Git 69a(14); BQ 22b(3); BB 14b(l 1); Mid 43a(9); Kar 14a(24) Y: 'XISKa Sab ib. 'T3 13 n.m. (uncertain) MQ 28b(15) Both the text and mng. of the phrase are uncertain; cf. OHP ib. 72+. V313 vb. to dishevel (of hair; < 4- VVsVs w. dissim. of -/-/- > -r-l-\ i Xri'^^a) QuadRef. to be disheveled: V313'J xVl ma 1'IDI [XD33D] a net with which her hair is- tied up so that it should not be disheveled GC 184:7 Lit: Eps, GC 1847. n. (uncertain) sg. 'V'V'3 "?313 bp the voice of a ... at night Bo 38:6 // VuVn Bo 131:1 Lit: M. Geller, OLP 17 [1986] 105: wolf. j?3H3 vb. to spray water, squirt (JNA p313 to splash HDNJA 25, Yona 219; cf. LJLA p313 Tg2Jb 27:23 [(Ar [AC 4:316; H pltf]) Quad.: xm xspi: 'xn x'B Tp3i<3)(3(a 'x ptm m jrnsai T3 X3'xi xin xaVys xb?tx ypnaa x"?'xi 'idi '2?31 ]'330ai '31S3'D we blow into it [i.e. the lung] and see: If the water squirts it is definitely a hole and (the animal) is terefa. If it does not squirt, it is merely the noise (of the air) between the branchiae which are entangled and it is permitted HP 200:15 = HG3 148:55 [cf. JNA: 'Vx lVp3113a Xp he splashed water upon me Yona ib.]; 'X 241
i#Nm t : ~ 242 2# NT13 H'1? int? Xp31(3)(3)a if it squirts, he declares it terefa ib. 149:72 1#NT)3 n.m. ice (4- XT131 XS'3; Sy 1# rc'n-tjp LS 95, Ma X11X3 hail, ice MD 50, Lidz, ML 90") sg. "73D1 X113 'I'll inn he broke up icicles and immersed himself Ber 18b(7; OAr [AC 2:262]) [w. ref. to 2S 23:20; cf. Ma XT1X31 X'lXIXl icicles Gy 317:11]; X33J?3 pi31 XS'pn Xp13 Xn31 'I'll 13;iai the strong lightning which flashes in the cloud and breaks the icicle(s) ib. 59a(25; Ar [AC ib.]); "73713 ,T/13'3Itf 1M!1 ]» X1131 X113 the one who placed His Divine Presence in the temple of fire and ice .80 16:3 [cf. Ma X1131 X11X3 Gy 314:17]; X1131 ]'33J7 clouds of ice [i.e. hail] ib. 129:10; X1131 ybm streams of ice ib. 136:16 Though the correct rdg. in Ber 59a(25) is uncertain [v. DS, ad loc, n. 3; AC 2:262], the mng. of the word seems assured. Y: XTI3 Ber 18b(7). 2# NT13, N1N13, KTN 13 n.m. cosmetic lotion made of an alkali plant, myrtle, and violets (etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 50b (12) [Var: X1X13 SMel 42:16, XIX 13 Ar (AC 2:172)] The composition of this substance is given in Sab ib. as: XTlVfi ^J'O xrib/ll XOX xrf?lJll xVniX a third '.-plant, a third myrtles, and a third violets; Y: X'W'p Sab ib.(BAYTN 41). 3# S113 n.m. an unclean bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b (15) Y: X1-I3 Hul ib.(BAYTN 77). l#pV13 adj. strong (etym. unkn.; 4- 2#XT3) sg.m. Xpi13 mw strong twisted rope Git 69a(6) [Var: Xp113 X<n)lT1|'E/ OHT ib. 155:6] Geon. expl.: p'm 'ran OHT ib., i.e. jjj) JJi. 2#pl13, |T13 adj. yellow, n. cataract (4- Vl#p13) I. adj. yellow: sg.m. Xp113 XT1 a yellow cord AZ 28b(4; TGHark 22:30) [P1: Xp13]; Xp13 XT1 Sab 67a(8); II. n.m. Npi3, f. Nnpm, Tipi13 cataract [< 'r)p!13 (Xl'y) shiny(?) eye; Ma XTlplin X3'X, X3'X by XTipTYD MD 57, 70]: sg.m. Xpi3 Bek 38b(9; V9); f. X'a XJWa 'npllS1? 'lyp XJ7X3 drinking water in a plate causes a cataract Pes lllb(42); Git 69a(l); mi Xnp113 the spirit of the cataract Bo 123:4; XT\yrab HMZT.U Geon. expl.: n"B31 7ipi3 yi3X X1TO mrtw Wan ]» Bin IDXX'jX TGHark ib., i.e. >J=Vl yellow [mng. I]; XIX 'Tlpna npnan ^ra py Vx nmpx if the eye became white, like npnan [MBM 6:2] OHT Git 155:3; OHR ib. 44:20 [mng. II]; Lit: Friedman, BM VI 1453; Geller, Vademecum 18 [mng. II]. The mng. of Xp-Q 'V/IB 3W seven wicks of ... AZ 28b(22; M) is uncertain; Y: 'Jlpna Pes lllb(42; BAYTN 317). xmi3 4- xnns n. 113 vb. to bore a hole, pierce through (4- l#Xn3, Xfi'3T13, Vf13; TA 113 TJ IS 18:11) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to bore a hole: XSS'13 ni'l'Iim mi3 mpaim X"?I1S1 he bored it with a pick of iron, and they left it inside of it Sab 103a(4); ib. 146a(36) [4- X'CH13]; (D'law) 'Iffr 11131 'Tin Hbt Himn Xmi1? ,1113 xVl that he did not bore a hole in it [i.e. the wine jug] below opposite the lees, or that he did not bore a hole in it towards the south wind HP 87:13 = HG2 482:19; Seel 93:14(Var); 2. to pierce through: I13'a I'1? T'131 he pierces him through completely (with a sword) San 52b(39); ib. 76b(39); Hul 8a(29) [w. a spit] Pa. to pierce: 1'*7 |3'I13ai XlV'O p'Jl'S we bring a thorn and pierce it [i.e. the pustule] Hul 47a(3); XTVnVtn n'PBJX I'T<3)0}a he pierces himself with thorns Git 84a(20) [4- Vlin af.] Lit: Eps, Stl 116. 1#NT13, NIN13 n.m. bung-hole (4- Vl13; Sy rc^T-=> perforation BBah 433:4 [= *? V\ -.]) sg. X)T3m XI13 the bung-hole of the jug Yev 75b(41); ,13'a XI13 Vp/lWXI xn'3n X',11 a certain jug whose bung-hole (cover) was removed AZ 59b(17) [Var: XIX13 HGP 56b:27]; ib. 19; 60a(2); X311 XT13 bung-hole of a vat Sab 139b(24); BB 98a(24); ,TIX133 Xmi'p xrUOT Xl»m X3X1 the bung-hole of a vat of wine in which a mass of bitumen is placed OHT Sab 151:22 Voc: XJVam XH3 Yev ib. [Lesonenu 45(1981) 187 (fragment of Egron)]; Y: XP3 AZ 59b(17; BAYTN 109). 2#NT13 n.m. strap, cord, strip (4- ]'T13X) sg. XlVn X'DID1? xpaiO XT133 like a red strap for a white horse Hag 9b (3 7) [// JPA XpaiD xpiy PRK 242:1]; pi. 1"ia '1^'y pop'ai '113 cords which are tied on her hair Seel 113:41; 'P33 I'1? V'pttH he removes it [i.e. the leather] in strips Sab 117a(18) Lit: AAC 106; Eps, Stl 122; Y: Xp3 Hag 9b(37; BAYTN 77). M'T-O 243 2#na NJ'TIS n.m. small measure, drinking vessel (4- 'ITTSW; etym. uncertain; > Arab cajjt small drinking vessel made of palm leaves Fr, AF 208) 1. small measure: sg. Kin'!1? X3'I13 a small measure (of urine is an antidote for the sting of) a wasp Sab 109b(33; M); 2. drinking vessel: pi. '3'T13 Ar [OHP Ket 37:22] Geon. expl.: /lT3ia °7p pp 131 Xn@13 TRN 628:12; Lit: Geig, AAC 106; Y: XJ'na Sab ib.(BAYTN 235). bra I Wns vb. [rubra 4- xVns n.] Sn'3T"l3 n.f. tapping, boring (4- Vt13) pi. 'D1 xn"3T13 the cost of the borings (of the wine barrels) BM 99b(33; HEsAr [AC 2:188]); ib. 40b(5; EsH!) Y: Xn'Jtia BAYTN 279. ni3 vb. to flee, remove, evade (< BH l#ni3 HAL 149; SA ni3 pe. DSA 112; 4- Vpiy) Pe. (a/ ): Hyii?b ni3 T1X X'DS?1? ni3 -|13X your father fled to GN. You, flee to GN2 BM 84a(4) [Ed: p'iy ... piy]; BQ 91a(7) Af. 1. to remove from s.o.'s possession: 'mi3X n'J'B I'1? ni3D Xp he actually wants to remove it [i.e. the field] from his possession BM 72b(15); ni3i» nvyib ra'nism x'j?3i xnxi'x x'nn a certain woman who wanted to remove her property from her husband's possession Ket 78b(45); BQ 88b(46); ib. 47; 2. w. mVll to evade: 1»X1 n'2?Dl ni3D he evades (the problem) and says TGAs28 16:13 [cf. MH2 1»sy n'13» J 192]; 3. w. K'lK to remove an imminent danger [lit. to chase a lion away]: -]1XBB "(? 'ni3X X'lX I removed the imminent danger from the border of your field (by purchasing from a pagan) BM 108b(8); Ned 33a(23) [by paying s.o.'s debt]; ib. 62b(8) [avoiding a tax collector] KITIS, NnN"l3 n.m. buck (Sy rcUvUi LS 96, Ma'x'HXIXS pi. MD 50, 2#XinX£) ib. 360) sg. BQ 20a(l); ib. 48a(16); Xni31 (meat) of a buck Sab 18b(25); ib. 31; Xni31 XIW'1 the head of a buck ib. 110b (40); Xni31 XJT>Vd the kidney of a buck AZ 28b(15); Xni31 IX X1D11 XipiSI X»ip the membrane of the brain of a ram or a buck HM 41:14; xnX13 SMel 42:17; xnxip XTOTQ a hornless buck San 63b(45) [expl. BH X»'B;x 2K 17:30]; 15?31X3 Xmp xni3 a hornless buck is worth four (coins) Sab 152a(22) Lit: Geig, AAC 106 [not < P]; Tel 35; Shaked, EIr260; Y: Xrn? Bg20a(l; BAYTN 78). sVt313 n.m. a head covering (etym. unkn.) sg. HG1 196:77 [expl. 4- X1"D] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 49179, connects this word w. 'Nab' <l±*ji lit. son of a shadow Jawal 29:9, but the mng. of the word is not given there. 1#'13 vb. to create (4- X'13; Sy K'A-a LS 94, Ma X13 MD 69) Pe.: Xaty 11X3 'P'lS 1J7X3 'X if the righteous wish, they can create the world San 65b(39); ib. 67b(25); I'1? ibpi I'V 11X3 '11,1 irM1?! the next day they create him again, and they burn him Git 57a(2; MGD 728:27); Ber 52b(51); ib. 58a(43); RH 18a(48); mbyb ,1'DSXI -p Xn'l NC'I'a 1"13'X1 do you want me to destroy the world and create it anew? Tan 25a(39); X131 ]a HjnXI X'Stt? the One who created the sky and the earth Bo 2:2; ib. 29:5; 88:6 Itpe. 1. to be created: a. general: 113'a XDT "73 IIJ'1 TUB 'DxVa 'Sbx ID'^n 13,000 angels are created each day from the river of fire Hag 14a(10); xrU'2?V x"?X H^1? '13'X X1? the night was only created for sleep Er 65a(32); ib. 27b(53); Ber 61a(17); Sab 156a(29); Ned 39b(22); Qid 65b(40) [4- l#Xip»]; San 98b(45); ^Z28b(14); Hul 27b(38); b. in a miraculous fashion: B/Tiin'X x'ai xryi X3ii'n inV '13'xi xci irr1? a miracle took place for them and a carob tree and a spring of water were created for them Sab 33b(31); Ber 54a(37; MGE 146:14); 2. w. 'b to create: '13'a I'1? '"7DX1 Xnbn X"?1'57 in1? they created a three- year old calf and they ate it San 65b(43) 2# '13 vb. to become strong, healthy, oversize (4- '13 adj.; JPA 2# '13 DJPA 112, MH '13 hif. J 192) Pe. 1. to become strong, fit, healthy: a. alone: nX'131 XII XTO1 it was now that she became healthy Yev 65a(19); '1X3 1'V 'TOa '31 rOX^a T3J?1 when he retains it [i.e. the ox] it becomes fit and can do work AZ 16a(35); ]X'13 D'33 "]in those lice (in the garments) regain their strength Pes 112b(26); b. w. Vnn pe.: 'S3 "T1 '1X3 nn WTD his (animal) also becomes weak
3#na 244 '"!? (and) then regains its strength AZ 30b(40); )pT na Tin x"71 an old (animal) which does not regain its strength again Bek 41a(28); xVl p'31 ]1'3 X3n "73X X'"I3 X"lin XT1X H3 WbV X'"I3 XTin X1? XT1X m BnWfffilx'?)! since the air does not affect it [i.e. an internal organ] it may regain its fitness. But in this case since the air affects it, it does not regain its fitness Suk 36a(10); Hul 46b(17); ib. 31; 55b(26); 58a(21); 93b(4); 2. to be oversize: in'TIJl Xm'"l3 T\m& 'X X"l3a 'V3 if it is because of (the animal's) obesity, both of them [i.e. the eyes] need to be oversize 5e£3b(31) Af. 1. to strengthen: Xj"?'X "TDK to strengthen the tree MQ 3a(28) // Suk 44b(32) // AZ 50b(20); 2. to make healthy: n'tfBJ "ia ina '"I3':i make yourself healthy with it [i.e. the money he returned to him] Tan 21b(41); BQ 36b(37); BM 84b(5; SM 64:22); 3. to fatten: inV 'X Wm +'X mwnsx in1? 'x xin xns 'xi mnax if he was lean, he said to them: "Fatten him up." If he was fat, he said to them: "Make him lean" Nid 47b(34) // Yev 97a(23) // BB 155b(ll) Itpe. 1. to be wholesome: OWO na'BT "13 Vo'l? Xin Xn3131 eat (of the meat) because it is wholesome, since it comes from a firstborn Tern 8b(28); 2. w. 'b to get well: Utiby TFb '{X)"I3'X he got well BM 84b(5; F1); Seel 100:3; Yev 80a(6) Lit: Eps, Stl 119 [Itpe., mng. 2], 3# '"13 vb. to remove, penetrate, separate (denom. < i 2# X"I3; Sy ,-usi to separate LS 88, Ma '"13 pa., itpa. MD 69 [listed s.v. X"l3, but v. LS ib.!]) Pa. to remove, take away: M"T3 XJTCK1 V'T go, now, (and) take it away! Git 34a(8; HP 62:27) Af. 1. to permeate: '"I3X X1? "?3X '"I3XT '"?'» 'im XV this refers to where (the blood) permeated (the loaf). But (if) it did not permeate-no Hul 112a(20); 2. to penetrate: nam 'T» n'3 f! 'X TVb if he inserted something into it [i.e. the nostril] which penetrates it ib. 93b(24; Ar [AC 3:115]); napu '"na x"?t a J by >|x xaprai nxn 'XllV even though the hole of a lung which is perforated does not penetrate to the inside HP 201:13 Itpe. to separate o.s.: n"IBB 'X"I3'X1 because it became separated from its owner Nid 50b (14) [expl. 4- xns x^inn ib.] 4# '13 vb. to eat a meal (MH '"13 hif. J 192) Pe.: XIS'D1? '5?3 mn '3 when he was about to partake of a meal (after fasting three days) Hul 87a (24); RH 21a(16; GRHIntr 59); Git 56a(41); xVl ps x"7i3 xm^b nm 'ar nn vprnb "ircs'x it is impossible to go through two days and two nights without eating Seel 126:36; nnoi *?I')3X1 X"l3i even though he ate a meal, ate, and drank ib. 75:13 Af. to give a meal: T1X 'mn 'V<a)PlX H3S Tin '3 '"13B nn they used to give a meal to the mourners only under the cedar trees Sot 35a(31) 5#'H3 vb. to quit a claim (< Arab Ijj, IjjI Wehr 49; JudA '13 af. JDS3 7:26, 69; cf. SA '13 itpe. to be clear of guilt DSA 114) Pa.: rrmai n'71'X31 anna nTi-i'V pi 'jVs"? -ixrax n'rriEn .tti'jmi I have cleared it, quit its claim, cleansed it, and released it concerning this NN and his heirs (who will come) after him S$Hai 5a(6); n"1"iaV ib. 5b(7); 6a(19); 18b(l); SSSad 187:16; 202b:12 Lit: Kut, Studies 424 [Heb]; Greenfield, AKY 498+. '13 adj. strong, fat, certain (I V2#na, Xm(X)'"l3; MH2 X'"I3 J 192) 1. strong, healthy: sg.m. Ket 50a(37) [* i WTO mng. 2]; X*71 Xin px n'^nn1? pina '13 it is our eyesight which is not strong enough to see it BB 84a(18); X'"I3 XllrU (his) eyesight (was) strong Qid 24b (49) [* I tiVO]; rrbm '"13 his destiny is sound Tan 29b(3) [* yn]; jna yiv "?3x xin nxsi xini this is when he is healthy, but if he is mortally ill HP 59:30; TGAs42 33:24; f. '3D X'"I3 XTin'Xt XSWQ because a woman is stronger San 69b(29); pl.m. 'X'"I3 '33 healthy sons Ket 61a(l); 'X'"I3 'pir healthy children Geon 119:25; 2. fat: sg.m. Mrf 47b(34) [+ //'s; 4- V2# '"13 af, mng. 3]; f. 01TO 'SB XJ'BPl X'"13"I because (this egg) is fatter fies 7a(ll) [double rdg.]; pl.f. xnxna 5g 118b(39) [of sheep]; 3. certain: sg.m. '"1X3 (it is) certain Svu 42b(19); Xin ]B1EH 'V '1X3 I am certain that it is fat Yev 88a(7); f. XT131 X'13 it is certain and clear TGAs42 61:5 Y: T!? Ket 61a(l; BAYTN 274). vtra t : t Nn3 n.m. creator (I Vl#'"13 pe. part.; Sy r<LioT-i LS 94, Ma X'T1X3 MD 50) sg. Tn3"I n'n(1)"l(1l3J the might of your creator BB 73a(25;MGG 31:15) '31'n3 n.m.pl. outlaws (< Akk baranu rebel CAD B 103, aioa 41) 'tt n'xras'Bn nm 'ma man TXB certain outlaws who were in PN's neighborhood Ber 10a(4); San 37a(27); Tan 23b(34; M2); ib. 24a(42; V17); B?'"l X"lp'D X3X □Vwm '3T13 PN, the chief of the outlaws of Jerusalem Git 56a(44); ib. 29; 56b(7) Geon. expl.: nxpl OHP Ber 107:13, i.e. cli} insolent; D'XnB pilO n'jIDB mian OHP Git 239:21; Y: 'Jin? fler 10a(4; BAYTN 260). NJ1V13, Nmxna n.f. strength, obesity (4 na adj.) 1. strength: sg.cs. n'SU m'")3 his bodily strength TGAs28 3:7; det. "?xatt?3 x"?nnx Xmn3 the strength developed in (his) left (hand) Bek 45b(20); WlVTa n'lB/T nana an animal whose strength is fit AnanSch 23:25; 2. obesity: sg. Yev 97a(23) [* I XriTO'ns]; 55 155b(13) // Nid 47b(36); Xm'IT xmna excessive obesity Bek 3b(30); 3. perh. willpower: sg. nana XTin Xp xmna she retracts (from drinking the potion) because of (her) willpower Sot 19b(39; V2); msaT xmna the willpower of (properly performing) a commandment OHT Yevl\:\l Y: xnma baytn 190. i#Kn'na, xnna, Pi. Knxna n.f. banaita, a TIT"' 'r TTT- ' Tannaitic tradition which was not included in the Mishna (< XiT'ia [XIl'M] external Mishna; I Xn3 adj., det.f; JPA 2#n'n3 det. DJPA 113) a. alone: sg. H'V ya«? xV Xmna he had not heard (this) barraita Sab 19b(12); Er 19b(12); G;? 45a(l); Ara 30a(l); Xnn33 '33 XT\bl\ three sections in the barraita Bes 26b(8); .IDS'X xn'13 X'JJl the barraita learns the opposite [i.e. transposes the names] Suk 19b(l 1); Sg 96b(41); xn"13a p"T bxiatt; PN makes an inference from a barraita Svu 38a(16); BB 95b(19); pi. '3n 'n"?1D XriX'13 all of these barraitot TGHark 103:22; xnxna prx nsoi xnsoi xnsoim xnxna ("]>{]) am I'ilDp1?! ]11-\ 13m those barraitot of the Tosefta, Sifra, and Sifre are barraitot which the Rabbis learnt and collected iSGF 27:9; ib. 30:15; 40:1; ■via 47:11; 57:13; b. * fn'ina: sg. yn'jnaa pm XJT133 X3'3ni we learnt (it) in our Mishna and we learnt (it) in a barraita BQ 92b(40); 'axn '©X 31 XJinax TJTJJia PN points out a contradiction between our Mishna and a barraita Zev 115a(27); BM 18b(13); AZ 16b(7) Geon. expl.: X^B pn W3 iniiK K1? U'ruwoa \TV.V Dnai ^ax xnxna ix^fB 'an owm p nuix'n x^x mrw ux TGHark 103:28; Voc: xfl^S HPP 35:19; Y: Xfin? Ber 31a(27; BAYTN 226). 2# Xri""13, abs. irna n.f. natural state, person (i xnxn'3 na; TA xfina TJ Ezek 1:14, Sy K'^L.-tia, pi. rc'iUT^. LS 94, Ma 1#XX1X'T3 MD 62) 1. natural state [lit. creation]: sg. DX1 nn"?sai V'rn n'jmaa if (the lettuce) is in its natural state you should go, and you will be successful HM 42:1; 2. person: sg.abs. p'3W xV nna "731? "n 'O'X PN makes life impossible [lit. does not leave life] for any person BM 92a(26); pi.det. xrvnab x(')5?3naT n'Vn'j nsn give it to him [i.e. the knife to the Angel of Death], for it is required for (killing) people Ket 77b(30); Tan 24a(19); BM 85a(21); AZ 20b(24); XTinai "n people's lives [i.e. matters of health] Sab 82a(ll) Y: Xfipa BAYTN 193. ^I'^a adj. blessed (4- V"|"13 pe., pass.part; TA Ti3 TO Gen 9:26, Sy Kli^-ua LS 96, Ma JIS MD 70) sg.m. xnsn 'xm nna x»rn ins blessed is the Merciful One, the Master of this bread Ber 40b(24); ib. 54b(53); 3n' 'T X2»m I'la 'Xn'"?n ]X'niX blessed is the Merciful One who gave a threefold teaching Sab 88a(14); ib. 46b(5); Qbvb y>na 713 blessed is your coming in peace Ket 17a(20) // San 14a(47); nW yia Xin T"I3 XltfllpT blessed is the name of the Holy One, Blessed be He Seel 1:56; ib. 73:32; 108:8; 138:17; Xin "pa 'TOVx Bo 54:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 91 [Seel]; Y: ip"!3 Ber 40b(24). T"13 adj. set apart, clear, truthful (i Vina; Sy r^-U-via LS 88) 1. set apart: sg.m. T13 X1? nnaa rm faip nna xan mn paip the handful of the meal offering is not set apart. In this case [i.e. with the showbread], the handful is set apart Men 8a(12); ib. llb(37); 2. clear, certain: sg.m. 'Xai xaarD "133 xaV "lnai we have already written to 245
nna 246 xaiia rraia you what is clear to us iSGF 105:15; ]b T13 X*71 Kin jxa it is unclear to us who it is TGHark 82:5; ib. 106:33; f. XJT>'» XT13 the matter is certain i'& 40:1; 45:34; 48:11; 193:27; XM XnT13 X7r?'» i& 203:7; 272:17; pl.m. 'TT3 '»?» distinct reasons ib. 276:23; f. p'13 XJISOim 'b'Bl the matters of the Tosefta are clear iSGS 34:13; 3. truthful [caique < Arab jjjii]: pl.m. bvrwa m 'psa xVl imap 'T131 HTO3 X^'X (the Muslim courts) do not take away money from a Jew except by means of witnesses who are truthful before them TGAs42 23:10; ib. 14 Y: T-13 Men 8a(12). 'T13 interj. word used in incantation (shortened form < 4- 1# XTT30 pl.) Pas 112a(26) ///4Z12b(22) Lit: Geig, AAC 108; Y: 'T1? Pes ib. Ntfna 4- xtf'i n. Nn'13/Nn'ia n.f. perh. mistake (etym. uncertain) sg. XM XJV13 'IPX 3YJ X(1)m this (statement) of PN is, in fact, a mistake }fev 82a(23); Pes lla(17); Zev 100b(19); Xmi3 Yev 21a(24); Afew 95b(24); /Tar 14a(51); XTVTU 5A/ 9a(32); /& 71b(31); 39; BB 101b(8); 145a(39) Geon. expl.: ]V IIXsVk ^>B(«^K VlpVx ,12 ITT 13X^K1 ... XTl'ia 3NlxVx LPT 149:19 [v. Abramson, ib. 139]; expl. An lytW Dlp» nniTj nax k^n iyo 'oi^i djtojV in x1? rafcn ran s^i own XM Jl'llX'n TOT 'OlVa Ar [AC 2:166], i.e. 1 Vn3 pa. The exact form and mng. of this word are uncertain. The form Xnn3 is found in Tractate Neziqin, ace. to HEsP2, as well as in other mss. and in the printed editions, but this may be a later etymologizing correction from V'13. Lit: Bacher, Term 2:20; S. Friedman [forthcoming]; Y: WTil Sab 27a(31). "p3 vb. to bless, recite a blessing (4- *|'13, X/1313; Sy v\t-13 pa. LS 96, Ma "p3 pa. MD 70) Pe.: I "|'13 Pa. 1. to bless s.o.: a. by God: n'313'1? X3»m X'iVs1? may the Merciful One bless NN Ara 16a(8); iSGF 110:9; b. by humans: xVr '3113 ,!? ]1313 they did not even bless me MQ 9b(13); XObft Ul'Tl H'3131 bwi Daniel whom Darius, the king, blessed Ber 7a(16); 2. to recite a blessing: a. alone: ia TIS'1? recite the blessing Ber 46a(7); -|'131 *|1l»n recite the blessing (of grace after meals) quickly [i.e. before another does it] ib. 53b(42); p'313fc X1? '3113 we do not indeed recite a blessing (on the sukka) Suk 47a(15); 3'Dam 310,1 -p3'bl let him recite the blessing 3'B».TI 31D,1 San 42a(3); RH 28b(30); Meg 21b(44); Ket 8a(30); AW 49b(41); Men 43b(50); '3113 lima 'J7X3 he is required to recite a blessing again HP 188:5; ib. 208:9; /i/ian 17:22; b. w. "X/ty upon s.t.: ]J'313a xb mx filJlTa '3'» X113 rrfr'y we do not recite upon rice the blessing for baked items Ber 37a(27); Pay 107a(36); TPb TIBN mty 113tt he recites a blessing upon it and drinks it Er 40b (27); Anan 18:9; c. w. ~b for s.o.: p T13 recite a blessing for us Ber 48a(28); 3. euph. to blaspheme [cf. BH JI3 pi. IK 21:10; etc. HAL 153, mng. 6]: XJXW'1? '31131 an expression of blaspheming San 56a(l 1) [w. ref. to 3j7'3 Lev 24:16] Itpa. to be blessed: lfin'31 "pawn '371 '3 so that his wife should be blessed Ber 51b(5; P); ■pSJltt iTS'313 XTU a river is blessed from its banks Sab 65b(6) [+ //'s; 4- 2#XS'3 mng. 1] Nrpia, pl. NJ1K313 n.f. blessing, grace after the meal (4- V"p3; Ma XT13T3, etc. MD 63, Sy rc'&.oio-a LS 96) 1. blessing: sg. XJlEfil 13'X X71313 XTO pJUB if, indeed, (I had not come) now, you would have deprived me of this blessing Hag 5b(41); VU'J XTD'IX XJ1313 Xin ">rfra all of them are (considered as) one 'long' blessing Pes I03b(i5) [v. RaH]; nvip iu'3i3i xrois -\m Vxittf'b n'3 he blessed you with the blessing with which God blessed the Jews MQ 9b(26); Meg 27b(46); pl. 7U'3 XT1X313 'mis "pn all of those (statements) are blessings MQ 9b(15); 2. esp. grace after the meal [caique < MH2 H313 (I'lrlX1?) Ber 41b(21)]: sg. XJ13133 VtVo lpB'Jl Xm1?! B?m let them all fulfill their obligation with the exilarch's grace Ber 50a(37); ]b 'J.0 X*7 XT1313 X^3 we must have a grace ib. 48a(21); XD3 Xri3131 the cup (of wine) of the grace ib. 51b(8); Pes 103a(28); Suk 49b(14; M2); Ber 51b(17) [4- XJ33] Y: Rmi2 Ber 34a(24; BAYTN 193). — N31TM D?13 n.f.cs. grace after the meal (caique < MH jteri rB")3 MSotK 7:1, J 195) sg. Ber 43a(2); ib. 39; 46b(48); 49a(39); 51b(6) Y: SUiRl mil Ber 43a(2). ma D13 vb. perh. to weave (cf. Arab fji to twist a rope Wehr 55) Pe.: 'J by mvivn 3HT 1!5in J'S'OaXTC} the gold threads of the chain [v. Ex 28:14] are woven threefold Anan 8:22 Itpe. to be woven: D'(n3)n3),» '1 by nonx "731 each cord (of the fringes) is woven threefold ib. 20 Lit: Eps, Stl 74. Because of the fact that the form is emended here and the it is attested only in Arab, this entry is doubtful. Ona conj. but (perh. < X» + 13; TA ar\2 TO Gen 7:23, Sy y,\j=> LS 97) a. BT [archaic]: X3D D13 '»X 13 'XTim but the elder of the Jews says so ... BB 58b(3); b. Geon.: 'p-'Tib J1X -px D13 but you need to learn Seel 1:49; ib. 2:25; 74:23 [and passim in this text]; SOZ 84:12 The phrase in Seeltot is often abbreviated to T1X 0"O, e.g. Seel 65:21; ib. 103:44; or just DTJ Geon 372:6; TGHark 191:26 [v. Eps, Stl 90]; Y: ETO Hul 56a(22). DO")? n.m. pleurisy (< Mir *barsam [cf. NP bar breast + sam swelling, disease PED 166, 643]; Sy n^u»l3 LS 97, Ma DXD1X3 MD 51, > Arab fUy3 PLAr 44) sg. (DXDlonS1? Git 69a(41) [followed by a medication]; DDISV 'WpCO 01WB DD13V '«?]? XTliyB (one should not drink froth) because it causes pleurisy. Drinking (it) causes pleurisy Hul 105b(31); ib. 33 Lit: Fl, TMW 1:288; Geig, AAC 107; Tel 36; Y: DDia Git ib.(BAYTN 223). pa vb. to bore (4- VtT3, XST3; Sy^i^D LS 98) Pa.: X"S1£;T iy msi31 they bored a hole in it [i.e. the barrel] until it poured out (the wine onto his hand) AZ 59b(6; JAr [AC 2:198]) Lit: Eps, Stl 116. pna vb. to flash (4- 2#pro adj., xnpro, i# xpns, Xnp-13; Sy ^oi^j LS 98, Ma pi3 MD 70) Pe.: XHjn pin XS'pn Xpi3 strong lightning which flashes in the cloud Ber 59a(27; F); Bo 14:8 [4- XpH3] [p13 4- l#pT13n.] l#Ni?"ia n.m. lightning flash (4- Vpi3; Sy rCJi\A LS 98> Ma ^P"1'3 MD 63) sg. Xp13 X3as?3 pntn XS'pIl a powerful lightning flash which strikes in the cloud Ber 59a(25); Xp13 nXTrl' an individual lightning flash ib. 32 [expl. MH D'pns Mib. 9:2]; XTim Xpi3 white lightning ma ib.; Xpn3 ^ ]7"I3 flashing like lightning Bo 14:8; pl.abs. pp-Q ib. 78:5 Y: Xjn? Ber 59a(25; BAYTN 78). 2# Npia n.m. (uncertain; perh. balustrade, attic; cf. Ma l#Xp1X3 pen, stable MD 51) sg. XITI '31H 31 '3 mm XpnX3 a certain ... which was in PN's house Er 15a(44); xV^n Kpll hollow ... BB 61a(7; HHP 94:27) Geon. expl.: V? nmB ,1XT DX1 W2B20 Wn 1H1 HDini T»ljm ^JO a I'wonwai TinV nns TGAs42 138:4; 'ynw jwba xpna njlBDOM'IN GnK5 171:21, i.e. H\jLj,\ column. Lit: Geig, AAC 108: perh. < P; v. Fl, Levy 1:288. 3#xpna 4- i#nx3n. NflplpIS n.f. frog (< XDpTipX 13; 4- XripTlpX) sg. BB 74b(15; MGG 51:6) [in mnemonic] NJlp13 n.f. type of demon (lit. cataract; Ma xrmp'ji xnsxr piT3 MD 62) pl. X13H xnpns Xn31p'31 the male and female fa-demons Bo 88:2; ib. 5; 7; 9 113 vb. to set aside, choose, clarify (4- TH3; BH 1#TI3 HAL 155) Pe. (a/u) 1. to set aside: m"l3,!7 3*73 nns1? IT'ra m let him set aside one of them [i.e. the lambs] as equivalent to a dog Bek 57a(12); XTU3 '(^niW'Jl 'TIT H$mX 111331 let him set aside four zuzim and throw (them) into the river Yom 55b(18); 2. to prove: 1113 ^l inV'OX go (and) prove your use of the property [i.e. that you had possession of the property for three years] BB 29b(24) // ib. 159b(36) Pa. 1. to choose: XJ'inx xn '3 im 11131 '^tX they went and chose another court for themselves San 23a(26); 2. to clarify: mils'? KTb ."Wa 'HIS1? '3'X 'W\m it is not possible to clarify (a case of the husband's) death. It is possible to clarify (a case of) divorce Ket 22b(35); 'J3X '31 xirra1? nb Tisa mn inabi p'i3 mn "jari'xa pn used to check (for a blemish on a firstborn animal) on the day before (the festival), and on the following day he would clarify the matter Bes 27a(34; HP 5:15); iSGF 57:4; TGHark 106:12; ib. 192:2; n'JXSPin mis'? to clarify his account ib. 275:33; X3"? mm clarify it for us NDGR 97:17; pass.part. XTV?a X"M X113a 131 when this matter is clarified ib. 225:2; 3. to quit a claim [4- V5#'i3 pa.]: mnosowi rvrrrpsi mn'S's I 247
i#Kma t ~ : 248 Nnnx na T t -; indemnified him, quit his claim, and satisfied him TGHark 186:31 Itpa. to be clear, clarified: XjV VianXl it was clear to us SSHai 13a(12); SSSad 268:7; TGAs42 72c:5; ib. 79b:24; Geon 270:7; 'Tffy n'V TO'Xl it was clear to him (that this animal was) the tenth (and was designated for the tithe) Bek 59a(14); ib. 59b(10); MQ 10b(39; Sidra 9 158:18); JVO in'saxs x-ran'xi ixb:j xrn '33 xn^a XTian'XT 'BXn since the matter was clarified in court, it is as if it were clarified in their presence TGHark 111:26; ib. 112:1; 167:10; TGAs42 70:24; ib. 78:20 Lit: Kut, Studies 424 [Heb; Pa., mng. 3], i#Nrna, abs. nna, cs. na, pi. una n.f. daughter (4- Xm3 na; TA Xfria TO Gen 30:21, Via" Lev 18:9, pi. xflfr ib. 6:1, Sy rc^-up, cs. in\^p, pi. K'&isi LS 93, Ma xnxn3, cs. nxn3, pi. xnXM MD 70) sg.abs. ma Sftfai 5b(4); cs. J13 5er 6a(16); det. xma Meg 12b (43); pl.abs. pa Ket 23a(44); cs. 7U3 HP 143:8; det. XDXJia BM 39b(ll);- 1. daughter: a. general: sg. 'T xma .TV X'ln X3'pj? PN had a daughter Sab 156b(19); MQ 9b(46); nnon xV '!3i Xm3 l^SX 'am the Merciful One did not also make him want even for a daughter BB 141a(21); xVpH Trrf? a date palm is for my daughter Ket 109b(34); BB 132b(16); nvroV X'iTU pTa"? to purchase a dowry for his daughter Tan 24a(25); 'Xma 3'0J xn come (and) marry my daughter Qid 71b(5); -10'pH n'm3 the emperor's daughter Tan 7a(53); Sa« 93a(39); ATe/ 61a(5); n'"?1 Xni3 /*na« 101:4; pl.abs. ]J3 J?3W seven daughters Yev 83b(15); pj'X l"-|lBn pa they are the daughters of a scholar Ket 23a(44; V5); det. XJiaO XVCT XJ1X33 nbn rf? X'lm a certain old woman who had three daughters BM 39b(10); JU3 '3'3 *7Bp PN killed my daughters Afg 9b(48; Sidra 9 152:2); "|nJ3 J731P your seven daughters Pay 116a(8); Ber 56a(20); ]»ru 3m .TOM Gi/ 45a(36); Sa6 65a(36); ATe/ 23a(45); ]*ffiO X1? ]'rU3 ]"HW |'n"TIX are our teachings of the Torah worthy (and) our daughters are unworthy (for you)? Qid 71b(7); Bo 64:20; ib. 78:8; b. in PN's: sg.cs. 713 XD'i'rS XrV^S Git 35a(48); S$Hai 13a(17); na "]inm '3P1B 5o 5:1; i& 13:3; 24:1; 54:2 [and passim in these texts]; 2. cs. in var. phrases: a. having the ability, capable: sg. X'n 'OTW'X X13 a betrothable woman Git 43a(43); ib. 78a(38); XfllTM rai tsn XTI a courtyard which can be guarded BM 81b(34); X'n EHpB T\2~l nana an animal which can become sanctified /Ira 5b(13); Tl'inx Xnn'X '33 na another woman capable of having children HG2 239:67; b. being of age: sg. W xrbl) na three days old Git 67b(22) [of a fever]; X'J»n D3 W ^«an 57:24; xntt? n3 a year old So/ 43b (47); p»<nXB m one hundred years old AZ 28b(25) [of a tube]; Sab 152a(38); c. of a particular place: sg. XTWB J13 X'nn a certain woman of GN Ket 54a(31); Xlina m X^J the n.-measure of GN Git 69a(42); d. having the property, being in the category: sg. X'n X'ntPB TU noviX is a betrothed woman in the category of drinking (the potion of the sota)l Yev 58a(30); ib. 110a(44); Ket 36b (9); X'n X31V1 n3 IX'n she is not obligated [lit. in the category of obligation] Suk 42a(25); BM 10b(33); ]ljn'D ra a woman entitled to receive payment ib. 7b(26); Hul 81b(2); ib. 123b(14); Bek 12b(15); Ara 8b(10); Men 41a(31); e. having the length, capacity: sg. Xl"tt pax "WS Va a ten-cubit long ax Ber 54b(27); 'TD '"in T13 Xffrn a basket with a capacity of two kors Sab 35a(3); BB 90b(5); f. having the value: XpJT na having the value of a danak Svu 37a(l 8); Kar 22b(27); 3. cs. as first element of PN's [cf. P names ending in -duxt Justi 492]: ma 3py 31 apjr mn Sab I03a(45); Wyav kh rra na Suk 46a(18); Xion 3T n3 Ket 65a(32) Y: Nfflf Sab 156b(19; BAYTN 1). - N3N ri3 n.f. paternal sister (4- 1#X3X; Sy ^arc' diT^> PSm 579) sg. ]'3] H'B'Xl '13X na ]'3 n'B'X n3 X*?l '13X [na whether a paternal and maternal sister (or) whether a paternal sister and not a maternal sister AnanSch 19:5; ib. 6 - NHN n? n.f. fraternal niece (4- xnx) sg. na mnxVev 97b(9; O2) Y: mnx rna Yev ib. - Katn NnX na n.f. daughter of a fraternal uncle (I xnx) sg. #P 147:9 - KnriN na n.f. sororal niece (4- xnnx) sg. na XJX "J'nnx I am your sororal niece Yev 97b(6); 'XT n»'n na ; mna xnnx rab n'V a'on wk/x1? n1? xn'3 if his wife wants him to marry her sororal niece together with her Anan 106:4; ib. 105:25; 109:8; 12; 14 - XE'N na n.f. maternal sister (4- XB'X) sg. n3 n'a'X AnanSch 19:6 - SDK ma n.f.pl. myrtle berries (Sy ^1= rdJo^ Pfl' 50, LS 94, MH2 Din nU3 PT Orla 60c[64]) HG1 95:47 Lit: Eps, Stl 250. - N5HN n3 n.f. gout (lit. daughter of the earth; 4- XJHX) sg. Sab 65a(30) [expl. MH n'3'X M§ab 6:6] Y: X!HN n? 5aft ib. - NnT3 n3 n.f. channel (< Akk bintu, birtu balk bet. fields and gardens CAD B 252) sg. xm'3 n33 inrpOBT he divided them [i.e. the water] into the channel Hul 106a(21); ib. 22; 28 Expl. Rashi: OV D'JIB OTKll IXp fnn; Y: XHT3 n? Hul ib.(BAYTN 35). - H12 na n.f. granddaughter (Sy r^-vra b\\^s PSm 584) sg. 3'D3 xpn »3 n'1? mn mVa ns a'oa 'xi n'"l3 n3 if he marries the daughter of his daughter-in-law, it is as if he married his granddaughter AnanSok 1:23 - Nn"ia n3 n.f. sororal granddaughter (I i# xnns) sg. n'sax nsmx n'ms nib n'Vpa; he took his granddaughter and placed her on his shoulders Qid 81b(46); nn"13 n3 xn,!7',,7 DS^n XnV? WTBo 12:6; ib. 13:5; 20:5; 58:11; 62:3 Y: Xrn? 71? Qid ib. - Knt^W na n.f. small siphon (i xnitm) sg. AZ 72b(26); jfe 32 - '3n na n.f. one who is capable (I '3n "13, '3n) sg. X'n 'Dn m nan3 XIX a decoy? Are cattle capable (of bringing other animals)? San 25b(26); X'n 'Dn n3 IX1? n3 a daughter is not capable of (carrying out) such a thing BB 110b(16) Y: '35 Jia San ib. - X»V na n.f. same day (i 'Kir 12; Sy h\\^p rd±«oJ PSm 588) sg. xav na xnraj cheese (made) on the same day Sab 134a(19); n3 XnwX njji'S na xaT a fever of the same day Sab 66b(37); San 47b(19); XTDX XBT nai J?'T J/Ta it is certainly known that an egg (laid) on the same day is prohibited Bes 4b(7); Yom 69b(30; MGG 130:3); XBT n3 ns'3 by 3inD write on an egg (laid) on the same day HM 45:22; HMGas 94:9; nw n3 AnanSch 7:3 Lit: TMW 1:275; Y: XDV ra 5ai ib. - 'TNI!?' na, pi. ^N1&' n33 n.f. Jewish woman (I Vxiitf' "13) sg. VXIW na SDJ'a1?! with regard to marrying a Jewish woman HP 45:15; pi. ]X'nX '3 Vaua1? "7X"W n33 when Jewish women come to immerse themselves BM 84a(30; MGG 826:13); 5er20a(23; MGG 826:10) - Nian Kara n3 n.f. a bird (lit. daughter of a wine pourer; I Xian XJ1B) sg. Hul 63a(l) Y xisn xj?» na //«/ ib. - NVja na n.f. destined woman (I xVta) sg. 'Xn n'Via n3 rrb x'anna r,a3'' cxat this one also has a woman destined for him Bek 8b (27) Y: Nty? 713 Bek ib. - Wa na n.f. one who belongs to the same group or type (I XJ'», X3'» n3) sg. n3 a'OJT 'X n3'a if (the Egyptian proselyte) married (a woman) of the same group Yev 78a(2); ib. 45a(48); 110b(49); nra m xn3J'y a grape of the same type AZ 28a(40) - NS^a n3 n.f. princess (4- XD^B) sg. TO TOi XD^a he married a princess BB 3b (46); Sot 12b(14) - KT3 na n.f. portion of weaving apparatus (4. i#xtj, 2#xmD) sg. xim xtj mi 'mn X"XlD){'3)3 two (threads) in the weaving apparatus and one in the pole Sab 105a(44) [- Nn'aj/3 na 1 xn>nyi 12 n.] - M'jr n3, NS'j; nS n.f. pupil of the eye, hole in the millstone (4- 1# XJ'5?) 1. pupil of the eye: sg. XJPy nB Bo 123:4; 2. hole in the millstone: sg. MQ 10a(40) [w. ref. to expl. of MH ]T3D» Mib. 1:9 as widening of the hole through which the wheat flows; 4- Vnm af, mng. 1]; ib. 47 Y: KJ'X na MQ ib.(BAYTN 15). - K57TX na, NTS n3 n.f. hair along the 249
KVp J13 250 npt^a temple (4- XJH'X) sg. && 80b(22) [expl. MH VdV-S Mib. 8:4(Bab.); v. infra]; ib. 25; BB 60b(42) [Var: NTS m Ar (AC 2:212), ace. to Geon. resp.] Geon. expl.: i»[» rn"»o r>n mye rfly^ip rwxEO kvtx <ro> xin]w <ino to nx'aai xyrs u:a pmjmsV ,i:tik p oyio iai inx ny^ip nrxi xyrx na [xipi xim] nyo lmx nx nno[i... van Ci'jb um win rft'DB] x'jx TRN 619:5; pi inx mpa rrxn onoi Xyi'X ra XIpJl Bin IM OHP Sab 39:26; Y: xyiX na BB ib. - N^j? 03 n.f. voice, sound (4- wxbp; Sy b\\± pdti LS 94, MH2 Vlp m J 200) sg. X*?p A3 xpBJ rrV '1/3X1 a voice went out and said to him Ket 77b(29); BB 3b(39); /& 73b(30); San 96b(13); /& 20; 5o 18:10 Lit: Lieb, Greek 294+; Y: X^j? 713 Ket 77b(29). - man K'Jltf 713 n.m. a forbidden bird (lit. t : - t : t - v daughter of one who drinks wine) sg. Hul 62b (36) Y: XIDn XVW> J13 Hul ib. - KiTJI D3 n.f. hole (in a barrel) for sniffing/smelling (4- XrTTI 13, XHTI) sg. AZ 66b(5) Y: X,Tn ra AZ ib.(BAYTN 13). 2#Nri13, NDN13 n.m. juniper (Sy rc'ii'o-vja LS 98, Akk burasu CAD B 326) sg. RH 23a(20) // BB 80b(40) [expl. MH tt?113 ib.; Var: XT1X13 MGE 575:20]; X71X13 'JD'D xa' «pX on the seashore there are branches of the juniper tree Pes 4a(12; OHT ib. 3:6); X71X13X AZ 29a(14; P'TGHark23:7) Geon. expl.: VmxVx Jl"Bai Brian 1» X3 XVI XflKiax TGHark 23:7, i.e. JJjVl; OHP Pes 137:14; Lit: Low, Flora 3:33+; Y: XflXia Pes 4a(12; BAYTN 41). 'iK;a 4- »itf adj. Vfi/3 vb. to cook, roast, suppurate (4- x"72h3, xVltf'3, "71&3S, X^'ttttrl; Sy Ay-, to boil, melt LS 99, Ma VW3 to cook, boil, roast MD 71) Pe., pass.part. 1. cooked: ,11,1 H'3 "|'Bn» .TH Xs? 'XT xnjra xiro "rcn xp xnwm 'yw 'mm bw if he had not turned it over it would have been cooked in two hours. Now it is cooked in one hour AZ 38a(35); Git 69a(43) [4- irTOJX]; ^>'»3 xVl b'ttn partially cooked &Z> 18b(21); £>• 29a(l); San 70a(21); 2. roasted, baked: TS2? 'j'lW xVxaVl lest (the flour) not be roasted well Pes 39b(41); AZ 38a(33) // Men 57a(7) [4- V-]D,1 pa., mng. 1]; b'tM Xs?! ^'»3 partially baked TO^« 160:15 [expl. MH HI HSa Pes 37a(38)]; xV'tttt X1?! Xrffl'1 TSW bread that is not baked well HP 15:15 Pa. 1. to cook: Xri32;3 mip 'V ^'12?3 cook me a potful (of food) on the Sabbath Yev 121b(50); Bes 14a(13); Ber 37a(27); HP 15:9; pn ^V2 'msVo cook two lentils AW 66b(33); G// 69a(33); /4Z 76a(24); Hul 98b(4); '"71P31 X^'V San 69a(10) [expl. BH ir Ex 21:14, w. ref. to in Gen 25:29]; 'VllWl XD'B to bake and to cook 55 13b(26); Anan 71:13; TOVn HM X12T3T Xy3'1 ''bwib 'y3 how much milk is required (to cook) a quarter (of a /#/«) of meat? Hul 110a(9); pass.part. 'SX Ol blP3'» 'D ... xmx rice when cooked and when baked HP 191:13; 2. to boil: y»n'» rr^> '^iwaix while they are boiling it, it becomes leaven Pes 39b(35); pass.part. Xian X^3a boiled wine AZ 30a(22) [cf. MH2 ]" bBnaa AZ 29b(53)]; 3. to suppurate: 'blEtt1? Git 69a(37) [of a pustule] Itpa. 1. to be cooked: .T3 xVcnnai xra'fc "73 n,!7 ■'tp ^3X1 Xnsn (the 7a«/ia) calls anything in which bread can be cooked 'a cooked dish' AW49a(l 9; V2); 2. to be boiled: b'tWXI aim miD'X n'1? ypB because (the wine) was boiled its prohibition was canceled AZ 29b(52) Geon. expl.: JXXJX "7X OHT Git 155:22, i.e. jrUJl suppuration [Pa., mng. 3]. The mng. of this rt. in X:X0 '^lWaV AZ 38a(30) is unclear since the mng. of the object heated, the xrO'O [peg, plowshare, etc.] and the material from which it is made [cf. Rashi, RaH] cannot be determined. NaVtfa i xaVtf nj?S?3 vb. to recognize, claim (Ma 1ptt?3 to search, recognize MD 71, LJLA "lptt?3 Weiss 94[Tg2Jb]) Quad. 1. to recognize: XJT^S p31 nnp»3 X^l 1,T13p l^n n'msxs he stuck a rag on his forehead, passed in front of them, and they did not recognize him Yev 120a(40; 02Ar [AC 2:208]) [Var: mjmSTWX M3Ar (ib., X"D)]; nnpK/3 H"in wyi mroonx he opened his eyes wide, saw him, (and) recognized him Bek 36b(14; L1) [cf. Tos ad loc. and Ma 1Xptt?X31 Jim MD ib.]; H'b ipitfSa X1?! (Abraham) does not recognize him (since he hid his circumcision) Er 19a(33); 2. to claim: '■'VW X*7X np«/3» Xp x"7"JB ^3 251 iri3 'DD xyi 'Xn since he only claims fifty (of the one hundred zuzim), this (claim) is severely worsened 5Ani6b(30;F'M) Lit: Geig, AAC 109, rejects P etym.; Shaked, Elements 151, suggests poss. P etym.; Ros, TI 9534. $$3 n.m.abs. Syrian rue (Peganum harmala; I X3PS, X-I3P; Sy t<l±^p LS 98, Asaf 155:49) sg. W©3 "px p Tl'1? this (bread) does not need Syrian rue (as a condiment) Ber 40a(15) Lit: Low, Flora 3:509; Y: &V3 Ber ib. -|(P3 vb. to proclaim (JPA TO3 DJPA 116) Pa.: bx-\Wt7 X'33 in1? -«2?3&p 'XH what is the prophet proclaiming to Israel? RH 4a(32) nSflS*, pi. K»?I3, 'Nri3, n.m. layman (nwie- form < 'ri3* [4- l#xn'3 pi.] Nold, MG 142; Ma X"XriX3 X'1311 married men MD 51) pi. ]a TOO? XinXT X'TIS ten of the laymen of the place Anan 113:16; ib. 20; 116:6; pVD 'XTO all of the laymen TG^2« 76:3; TG^s27 33:13; 'XKJ IpOSI pnT3 the laymen decided among themselves TG//a/-A: 275:26; ib. 29; 31; 276:6; /5GF 111:2 Lit: B.M. Lewin, iSGIntr XXIII; I§G 111". [KJllWa 4- X'3'3 n.] n.f. virgin, woman who has not given birth (TA Xfl^im TO Gen 24:16, Sy K'&Ae,^ LS 99) 1. virgin: sg. njDPa XT231 XDI?in3 XD'1? there is no virgin who is less than seven [i.e. has less than seven days of a marriage celebration] Ket 7b(7); ib. 16b(43); XJlVlJU 'JV?S TO HTfibs NN, daughter of NN2, the virgin SSHai 2a(4); xi"?' x"?i xtanan xnVin3 xnirxi x"7p the voice of a virgin woman who is in travail and does not give birth Bo 15:9; pi. XnxVim na3 Yom 19b(52; MGG 116:15); HP 41:4; 2. woman who has not given birth [cf. MH mVim D'WJ MRS J 44:14; nVim ^x-«r ra HG3 293:64]: sg. s'on x"?a-ixi XflVira a widower who is married to a woman who has not given birth HG2 501:26; pi. rpx *X1 xraim ••m iB?ya nsu m©y rrV if he has ten firstborns from ten women who have not (previously) given birth HG3 290:19; XJlVira '33 sons of women who have not (previously) given birth Bo 78:10 Lit: N.Z. Hildesheimer, HG3 290'; Y: abvn BAYTN 179. 1T13 prep, after, behind, conj. after (1 Xira; TA -ira* TO Gen 10:32, Sy i^-i LS 56, Ma nXDX3 MD 51) I. prep., w. suff.: lsg. 'Xira BQ 36b(22); 2m. lira AZ 10b(10); 3m. mra Er 27b(40); lpl. XJnra SSHai 12a(2); 3m. pnra Dec 10:20; IIT'-im Ket 67b(38);- 1. after: a. spatial: 'Dip"? 'Blp"? "ira gleaners after the gleaners 5A/21b(37) [expl. MH rritfiaj MPea 8:1] // Ta« 6b(8); H'lHX nnra X331? he closed the gate after him San 26a(57); W)Ta TQ1 it is written (in Scripture) after it Pes 49a(45); Yom 38b(26); |umo X1? xnran "ira Xin xriXSOa1? he did not recite the tractates one after the other iSGF 32:4; b. temporal: HTO.V 1X13 after the Sabbath Pes 106a(30) // Git 77a(20); XTVO TIT lOnn "im after a full year AZ 34a(24); mn naVu;i IM 1713 nil' Jonah was after David and Solomon 7bn 17a(10); X"UJ1 ira X"lin (selling to) one dealer after another BB 91a(9); XID'a 1T13T xp'T wind following rain Tan 3b(32); XJ3T irm XWtl XiB't a fixed time and a fixed time after (another) fixed time BQ 113a(13); 3'TT XTiyWI xnyK; ^3 "im after each and every time that he has a gonorrheic discharge Anan 24:28; /& 39:3; 77:19; iSGF 61:3; rt. 77:15; 89:15; 'Xira 'XriT my heirs after me SSHai 8b(2); c. in adverbial phrases: 'DH 'apa 'DH "ira IX beforehand or afterwards Sab 129b(30); Ket 69a(25); San 93a(4); Hul lllb(39); p "IDS afterwards BB 40b(21); S$Sad 209:10; HM 42:10; 2. according to: im XJ'30 'SX3C? iri3 XD'31 XXip (the ownership of) a knife is according to (where) the handle (lies), a money bag is according to (where) the laces (lie) BM 26a(3); 3. w. var. vbs.: a. Vl#"?tX pe. to follow, pursue [Sy iivia .A^ PSm 626]: 1) general: V'TX nnxan im wrx wrx each person follows his donkey [i.e. if the donkey belongs to a pagan, the donkey driver is also assumed to be a pagan] BM 32b(44); KTVny x"7TX X'jy "W3 poverty follows a poor man BQ 92a(52) [+ //'s; 4- xm'jy]; 'VlX X3iy ira they pursue the guarantor (first) BB 173b(10); V'TX XS11 XE/'111131 XiX 'Xtn I saw that the body follows the head [i.e. one should follow one's predecessors] Er 41a(27); 2) in legal contexts: 11311 im p,!?TX 'a JllttM T13 do we follow the majority in capital cases? San 69a(28);
t : - - t 252 -inaV - t : xrra«n nm pan Vitx xrrap x*7i xn'32n xnb'a "?3 xVlp"? (in) any matter which is (both) frequent and infrequent [i.e. it has a frequent and infrequent use], the scholars followed the frequent (one even) for leniency Sab 78a(9); Pes 26a(2); Yom 83a(17); Yev 117b(32); ina *?'! 11D3/K1i?'y!3 follow the original/final status Ket 52a(34); BQ 17b(48); Pes 7a(37); b. V'JIX pe. to follow [Sy -\hy^= j^rc' PSm 626]: XJ11 ''JTia p13B? 'X"im forsake our Mishna and follow me [i.e. my opinion] BQ 36b(22); Kar 19b(49); "pD Xp mn ■Tina X'TTI 'T1X1 (when she removed the garment from the slit) the snake was adhering and following it Sab 156b (25); c. Vp13 pa. to investigate: 4- Vl#p13 pa., mng. 1; d. V3JI pe. to steal from s.o.: 4- V3JA pe., mng. 1; e. V*HJ pe., pass.part. to be enticed: 4- Vmi pe., mng. 3; f. V'yD pe. to go astray after s.o. else's beliefs: 4-V 'yD pe., mng. 4; g. V*]E?a itpe. to be attracted to s.o.: 4- Vl# "]©a itpe., mng. 3; h. VpDJ pe. to go out after s.o.: mm pSJ liul 7b(21); Ket 67b(38); i. V]"y pa. to search: 4- V]"y pa., mng. 7; j. -Hf? pe. to enter behind: XOiy "ITO irrt"y xVl lriX you who do not enter behind the bier MQ 22a(10); Ber 62a(14); k. V*]T1 pe. to pursue: [lapi =] laipl .mm 1ST11 they set out and pursued him Bo 76:6; 1. VtJ.TI pe. to run: XX'nS x"?aA mm Dm a licentious camel ran after him 5er 54a(38); Sab 30a(35); /fZ 18b(ll); #u/ 52b(40); m. V'Ttf to place in a category: 4- Vl# HIP pe., mng. I.8d; n. V"n© pa. to send for s.o. [4- "W3X usage b; Sy ■\b^D i:vx. PSm 626]: mm 'wiv TIE? he sent a messenger for him Qid 66a(18); II. conj.: "im HDWB mn X'yai after he asked it, he then explained it Sab 23b(17); Qid 9b(3); San I0a(i6); yan xp "?y3 xnx xmo xa'am nm after the grandmother died, the husband came claiming (the property) BB 125b(3); San 30b(ll); Hul 91b(16); Nid 36b(45); im pnv '1 'an '»X '"?xai after PN used to pray the tefilla, he used to say so ... Ber 16b(46); "im ISOa"? X3'na '01' Ttyyo X'3X"n (a menstruous woman) is required to count seven days after she is clean Anan 42:7; ib. 77:4; AnanSch 21:12; ISGF 19:17; ib. 121:3 Y: "TO S«- 16b(43; BAYTN 336). - Nri3t? "1713 n.m. Sunday (caique < MH TIX TWBn MMegK 1:1, GeonH HR 64:15; 4- xmtf) Krat? "im1? xmtt 'tyaai from Friday to Sunday BQ 113a(24) Y: XJiatf ina 5g ib. - "WaT n.m. the following, next one (Sy crndrJ/n'lCh 26:10, JPA nrm DJPA 139) a. alone: mraTI n'lmil and the next one [i.e. verse] and the next one HP 182:23; b. w. an antecedent: XpO'S »n nnmT n' "\V?T\ the following iT'l^bn. is (written at) the beginning of a biblical section Pes 117a(52); yotfrl 'inx nnrBI snat^l ,TapT it was beneficial for the previous and following seven year periods Git 17b (20); pnnmi pan the scholars after them I$GF7l:S - ""irBN prep, behind, after (< 4- im + 'X; Ma "ixnxax MD 2) a. w. vbs. of motion: 'PTX WSJ ra ma isn1? mmx she died, (and) he followed her to the cemetery Ber 18b(40); Git 45a(9); Qid 31b(28); XTina1? mmx xnx he followed him to GN Ned 78a(29); '013 nnbn n'imx D,m he ran after him three parasangs AZ 15b(50); Sab 106b(23); n'imx KJm'V .TSBp he jumped into the Jordan behind him BM 84a(40; SM 146:25); 'XimX xm [J'TI'JTia -] ''JTttJ piae? forsake our Mishna and follow me [i.e. my opinion] BQ 15b(48); Yom 87a(46); Men 37b(44); Bek 12a(33); //«/ 105b(26); b. w. other vbs.: 'JJ-|» Xp n'imx they gossip about him Tan 5b(22); Yev 34b(30); pammx i?^vh xVi ma*n 'dm '3 so that they should be occupied (with the burial) and not inquire about you Sot 35a(25); 10'p ~\~W n'imx 'Xaim X13U the emperor sent a troop of soldiers after him AZ lla(2); BM 86a(10); Git 69b(13); 7ev27b(6) Y: annax ay 45a(9). — nn37 prep., conj. after (Sy i& A \ LS 56) I. prep.: xnw 'flT 10'in im1? after a full year 7om 84a(14); Xiyiai X*?in im1? after the intermediate days MQ 10b(35); #w/ 58b(l); Yev 121a(6); 5/tf 66b(7); 'DH im1? afterwards Aw 6b(50); San 67b(31); #P 114:21; Anan 26:25; II. conj.: 1) w. pf.: firiST imV after he began to speak Sab 30b(36) [* m 'apa]; «|'T1X1 im1? after he -man 253 Knna borrowed (the money) Pes 30b(46); pS^T imV after he went out BB 26b(2); £V 28a(33); Yev 37b(36); G/? 19b(54); £>W61b(20); BM83b(41); AZ 58a(28); Men 93b(48); 2) w. imp.: nm1? rryawm after he heard it 5a6 51a(15); im1? 'Vpw X1? ia:W@'Dns a'nn,VT after the protocol of investigation is signed, they do not take (a bribe) Git 28b(27); 3) w. part.: maa 'xa b>'3Xl nm1?! what blessing does he make after he eats? Anan 18:24; rh WHJai imV after he divorces her ib. 106:14; 67:12 Y: Ira1? Sab 30b(36). - nriap, "HIS \0 prep, after, behind (Sy ^x> ■\&Jz LS 56) 1. after: msn ym Iran 13TX 'XI if he remembered after (the prayer) .msn yoVD Ber 29b(l); X3H "ia p'^DT XDV 1H3S the day after you immigrated here //«/ 57a(42); D^tP'a im )a xnty after the completion of a year TGHark 155:2; 1'3H im p afterwards iSGF 59:5; rG^52S 32b: 13; 2. behind: piD ]'y'T TlTim ]a the mountains shake behind him Bo 7:12 Nina, n*ona, f. srrnna, pi. 'Nina adj. last, t:t tt:t' T:r;Tr -t:t j 7 latter, hind, n. last one, latter one, the Tractate Bava Batra (4- im + gent, ending; Ma X'XiriX3 MD 51) I. adj. 1. last, latter, later: a. general: sg.m. X1J13 mx the latter [i.e. intercalated] Adar RH 6b(24); Xim xav the last day (of one's life) Git 47a(ll); pl.m. 'X"im 'ilff'V the last phrases Qid 6a(l; O2); 'Xim nXT later generations Sab 75b(4); 'Xnna in"mia their [i.e. the slaves'] last owners Git 40a(43); 'Xim X'B the last water (for washing the hands after a meal) Hul 105b(17) [= MH2 D'innKOI) D'a Ber 46b(30)]; AZ 75a(8) [used to rinse a vat]; b. * Xap former: sg.m. X"ina xaW'V ... xap x:2?'V former/latter version Pes 45a(39); Tan 30a(19); Git 46a(9); Bek 36b(8); Xim x:n latter Tanna BB 93b(19) [* X:n xap ib. 14; cf. JPA X"inx X'MH DJPA 47]; XV XH xap kV?^ X"im xV'ja 'ai the latter general statement is not, in fact, similar to the former one BQ 64a(24) // Zev 4b(31) // nxim X^3 'BT xV HXaip XV731? Kar 21a(12); '33 ]'pn Xnm XJ'T '31 XBp xn the latter court made its ordinance according to the former one BB 13 lb(9); ib. 157b(24) [4- l#Xinna mng. 1]; San 30b(31); Hul 29b(41); pl.m. 'Xim p31 the latter scholars Git 4b(9) [* xap x:n]; AZ 7b(13); Bek 41b(13); "x-im1? nan 'xap iaa-i ipaw xayo 'xa why did the earlier (scholars) leave a large amount for the later ones (to explain)? iSGF 7:8; "Xim XriXUI the later teachers TGHark 38:26; f. 'J731X xm'ap 'yaiX ... xmnm the four latter/former cases (of impurity) Svu 14b(29); 2. hind: pl.f. xnxnna njna its [i.e. the animal's] hind legs HP 206:14; II. n. last one, later one: a. general: sg.m. xnm "im 't follow the last (batch of dough) Pes 7a(37); BM 26a(12); f. nn»n XH'a xri'im let the last (stone of the idolatry) then be permitted AZ 51a(24); pl.m. mm iriXT 'Xim the later ones who will come after you AZ 10b(10); b. * xap former one: sg.m. 'm xap 'H yr ]xa 'im who knows which one [i.e. the vow] is the former one and which one is latter one? Ned 90a(16); San 30b(30); XVI XimV nyaw 13 it is a son born at seven (months) of the latter [i.e. second] one [* XVI xapV nyisn 13 it is a son born at nine (months) of the former [i.e. first] one] Yev 42a(26); 'EHTp IX1? Ximi '2/ITp XBpT that of the former one is a betrothal. That of the latter one is not a betrothal ib. 30b(33); Git 50b(18); BM i9b(34); f. xrvapa '■? xs'iy xnx"-im I prefer the latter (legal tradition of PN) to the former Sab 10b(36); pl.m. "XapV ma 'Xim the latter ones concede to the former ones Yev 9ia(i6); max xV 'xysa (max) 'x-inai 'xap we state (the names of) the first and last (tradents). We do not state the (names of) the middle ones Naz 56b(42); f. 'rvmm 'yaix ... 'ri"ap yaix the four former/latter legal traditions Svu 14b(31); 3. sg.m. the Tractate Bava Batra [< Xim (X33); cf. X2X3 (i.e. 'X3 'S3 = X1DX3 X3X3) GC 118:10]: Xim G5 425b:l; ib. 428b: 10; 429b:7 Voc: nSnna HPP 203:17; Y: K1T\1 Git 47a(l 1; BAYTN 78). [BTia vb. (uncertain; 4- VtfrD) Pa.: BrQB Hul 7b(23; Rashi); p'2?ma* Svu 30b(37; Rashi) Expl. Rashi: TXSn]
ruuNJt 254 'as a HNINI n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'NJNI gW 70b (3 5) [in a list of professions] 1»N1 n.f.abs. vomit (< 1BJ71*; VDyi; Sy rdikicO^vomit LS 127) sg. iavb 1BX1 PN has vomit (and therefore cannot eat the liver) Hul llla(16) Expl. Ar: ly'JH HXpn Til Kin vyaa VpbljJB AC 2:306; Y: 1DXJ //»/ ib. l#K3iN5 n.m. Gaon, head of the Academy in Babylonia (perh. shortened < GeonH rfl'BP VtT) 3py ]1X1 TGHark 88:21) pi. "XBp '11X1 the earlier Geonim TGHark 39:5 Lit: BY 662; Brody, Geonim 49. 2#NnNl n.m. (uncertain) pi. '11X1 Bo 78:15 J101X1 n.m. watchman (< P ?) sg. OHTBM21:\ K35, n.m. back, top, side, body (V2#311*; i 31X, -'31; TA '31 TJ Is 50:6, Sy rf S ^ abs. .^T\ LS 123, Ma 1#X31X1 MD 77) 1. back, dorsum: sg. pi1? wia xsDix xian pp "pan (if) your friend called you a donkey, prepare a saddle for your back BQ 92b(16); BM 52a(14); Xiam X31 the back of a donkey Pes 52a(30); Sab 154b(22); Hag 17a(2); 1,'SnJl'Xl X11131 ,131 On the fish's dorsum became hot, and it turned itself over BB 73b(22); San 10a(44); H'313 'V'D ,T7 ri'X 11,11 Kin he saw that he had cracks in (the skin of) his back Sab 33b(45); Mak 23a(17); ,1311 n'17B the middle of its back Hul 51a(49); *]DV 311 inri'31 xn7inai xsix Knap X7,n mi PN's wife used to sift flour (on a holiday) on the back of the sieve Bes 29b(12); ib. 14; p'31 linx behind your back Bo 9:3; ib. 19:5; 2. top: sg. XJ7131 X31 the top of the foot Yom 78a(17); Anan 88:2; Sab 109a(28); Xn'3m 131 the top of the jug AZ 70b (3); Sab 98a(22); 3. side: sg. X1X1X1 131 the side of the basin Pes 45b(14; C); X1W31 131 a side of meat Hul 95b(41); 4. body: sg. X1311 ,T31X on the man's body Yom 14a(44) Y: "|3J BQ 92b(16; BAYTN 98). The forms .Tyoi X.TO, JVlflXilU Anan 88:5 may poss. belong here. — '31 prep, next to, with, in the place of, towards (i X31 pl.cs.; JPA C)31 DJPA 118) w. suf: lsg. 'X31 Bek 8b(25); 2m. -|31 Ket 92a(15); f. pi,4Z63a(9); 3m. 1'31 Er 35a(48); f. ,131 Yev 63b(10); lpl. ]31 Anan 14:15; 2m. 13'31 BB 33a(3); 3m. 1,T31 BM 73a(9); 1,1"31 Ket 63b(28);- 1. next to: '177 P'l'X ,T7 mn X71 n'31 3'TTB7 PN did not have anyone to sit next to him [i.e. to be a co-director of the study session] Sab 59b(25); San 109b(36); 1"U1 '17 p'3W X71 'Tin '31 he did not let them [i.e. his daughters] lie next to each other (in bed) Sab 65a(34); xra«n xibx3 'im '3i 'now '»i binw (v/finVia all the Jews are also found together on Sabbath morning Er 59a(22); BM 20b(23); Anan 107:3; 2. with, together with: ,T31 ini'33J/ he detained them with him BB 12b(16); San 109b(16); X1? XBWm xmiX3 ]31 Jl'1,1 you were not with us last night in the study hall BQ 20a(41); Pes 99a(16); .T-I3n '31 'TIT 1'pBXI X131 Xinn a certain man who deposited money with another BM 42a(40); Ber 18b(42); Yev 115b(3); 131 j?3W '7B7I5B J113X our (late) father left movable property with you Pes 31a(15); 'X31 n'Tl'7 XTlB/n (the money) is not with me now BM 16b(41); 'll'l 103W 1.T31 2?S seventeen denars (out of the seven hundred) remained with them BB 10a(26); Anan 10:28; 3. in the place of (Fr. chez): "pi 1'7 ri'X X311 I have a path in your place [i.e. through your field] Yev 37b(46) // Ket 109b(31); 13 ]iy ... X»V X1,1,1 mn ]31 Xlina X"n on that day PN from GN was in our place Yev 116a(ll); '3'BO 1111 'an1 1,11,1 XJ130 X'nn '31 certain orphans who were '317 255 'ai/21 73; supported at a certain old woman's place Git 52a(37; As); 'Xm 'Xn '31 'XI 3'niBI XD'n '7'B 'in 'Xn '31 this refers to a case where each one can put (wine) in the other's place [lit. this one with that and that one with this] AZ 61b(28); 4. to the place of, towards: pi IB 'JlX X7 '?D 'Xa why do you not come to us (to eat)? Git 67b(36); '31 7'T p'a1? '5?T1 3X1B1 liay go to the place of Ammon and Moab who know how to judge (capital crimes) Meg 12b(28); Ket 15a(17); BQ 81b(27); AZ 28a(18); AnanSch 24:19; n'31 IWV 31 7TX PN went to his place Ket 69a(46); Bek 31a(13); AZ 7b(33); 5. in favor of: 13J/1 W'l'X X3'X 'B1 n'njns X71 'X31 xm3'D is there anyone who has done a kindness to me [lit. in my favor] and I have not repaid him? Meg 15b(52); 7'nX '7WX n'31 he completely relinquished (the right to the property) in his favor BB 47a(26); ib. 60a(28); BM 26b (17); ib. 51a(34); Git 58b(21); 6. in conjunction with: 'T1 XI113T '31 iniST '7 xn'l X7 I do not want your verdict to be in conjunction with my verdict BB 168a(28); '31 17 'IXJipi UW1S Xl'11 XJ1X371 because he learns it together in conjunction with the traditional laws of judgment [i.e. in the Tractate Sanhedrin] San 34b(37); 7. in phrase ''31 '7 Jl'K to owe: ,T31 ,1'7 ri'X XUBa he owes him money BM 79b(12); BB 33a(8); Qid 28a(14); Git 14a(28); Anan 10:29; San 19b(25); HP 64:6; ib. 123:8; TGAs42 102:11; Anan 12:2; T.31 '7 ri'X Xp'UBI X3p you owe me a qab of safflower Gi/ 14a(12); BQ 104a(38) Y: '31 BAYTN 336. prep, near, with regard to, to (JPA 317 DJPA 277, Sy .-^J^A adv. LS 123) 1. near, next to, at: XJl'31 <n)'317 IB Dip'1? stand next to (my) house Sab 152b(43); in'l'B in '317 3ipB it is closer to one of them BM 7a(37); X13 'mix1? ma X3B31 X13 '311? Xn"?aT is it permitted to place a A:.-vessel of salt next to a A:.-vessel of kamkhal Hul 112a(5); n'311? X3"?a 'V 'S?3 Xp X"7 'XBX why does the king not summon me to him? Git 68b(ll); 'TIT '3lV n'Tiyi X3npan XpW a child who is fond of money [lit. whose mind is close to money] ib. 40a(52); 2, to the place where s.o./s.t. is located [w. vbs. of motion; v. DJPA ib., usage a]: a. V"7TX pe.: "1X1131311 nTTD '311? VlTX they went to PN's daughter San 93a(39); ib. 95b(55); Zev 96b(3); Bek 45b(57); '3lV pTX ©Ipan T1'31 'IX'1 they go to the judges of the Temple Anan 16:5; b. V'TTX pe.: 311 '3lV 1XT1X '31 mm' when we came to PN Ber 39a(30); MQ 9b(12); San 113b(l); c. Vim pe.: mwb X"71 -\llb inilin'1?! 'n(')ni131 their husbands will not die and (your daughters) will (not) return to you MQ 9b(19); d. V'BB pe.: XIX'1 '311? XBB '3 when he came to the judge San 109b(38); Ket 63a(8); Git 58a(20); BB llla(38); ipia fjDT '3lV m'DBX '3^ they brought it [i.e. the fish] to PN who honors the Sabbaths Sab 119a(24); Er 63a(12); e. VpSl pe.: nSl1? n'TlBX XpBl his maidservant went out to him Ket 103a(47); f. Vp*70 pe.: p'^D n'3l"7 "3X PN went up to him (to the roof) Hul 51a(14); g. ^Ibby pe.: priV '1 n'311? ^y PN went to visit him [lit. went in to him] Ber 5b(19); Yev 96b(31); Qid 22b(48); AZ 58a(3); h. V3ip pe.: '1'1 'Bp n'311? ina3' X31p his yevama approaches him before the judges Anan 116:25; ib. 34:2; i. V"TW pa.: n'311? p311 X11T 1111P they sent a pair of scholars to him BB 12b(15); Meg 14b(20); Hul 53b(9); 3. with regard to: ,113X1 '7'B '3lb Xin ]Vp with regard to the words of his father he is a minor Svu 42a(48); Ber 33b(48); Er 63a(8); 311 1'3lV 'IBW n'3 111 PN retracted his opinion with regard to PN2 Hul 76b(41); Sab 40a(l); Men 79a(34); 'in XyS'D X3m '3lV XBD3 silver with regard to gold is (considered) coinage BM 44b (7); 11T1 '311? ptt? VdI even more so with regard to anything else TGHark 45:35 Y: ^i) Ber 8b(24). — '3?!?, '33, ]!3 prep, from next to, from the property of (Sy. ~-» ^>^> LS 123) 1. from next to: -|3ia pma far from you AnanSch 27:25; <n)(X)inX '31 ]B xpmai xron a place which is far away from his brother Anan 107:4; 2. from the property of: H'31 ]B xan"7 Vs'aV to eat bread from his property AnanSch 14:27; ib. 15:1 - '3J /3J ?J? prep, on top of, by means of (I '31 prep.; Sy ■ — V\.V v LS 123) 1. on top of: 'J73'X n'31 Vy 3ri3'ai I'yip'a -p you should have torn it and written on top of it ... TGAs42 28:11; SSHai 4b(4); SSSad 198:18; 2. by means of:
2#K3a 256 i#'aa XJHX 31 "75? ,1'*? lll'lipx1? to acquire possession of them for him by means of land HP 66:2; 31 byi nwben nvi'Bnx xi xrona I have authorized him and empowered him by means of this present TGAs33 211:25 2# K3J 4- X331 n. 32J vb. to bend, bend over (Ma 331 pc, etpe. MD 79, MH 331 LNVTH 115; cf. Sy rC.A ;.-. y^ hunchback LS 100) Pe.: pass.part. xn<Pp '3 ]"Ob XJ3'X1 I am bent over to you like a bow Bo 29:6; ib. 2:4; 52:8; D'»B X^l 3'1 im one that bends and does not straighten Bo 142:12 Lit.: Eps, Stl 332. N335, N3N31, VQ1, pi. '3331 n.m. tuft of fiber (Ma X3X31 MD 79, MH n55i Yeivin, BV 904) sg. Xiajn 1331 tuft of wool Ber 8a(31) [Var: X31 Xiajn OHP ib. 108:12]; i& 9b(30); BB 74a(21) // 5a« 110a(54; HeMGN 280:1); X3X31 Git 68a(42; SM 76:11); pi. Xiajn '331 ib. 68a(43); 69a(20) Y: X33JBAYTN41. H3J vb. to rise up, lift up (4- fl'31, Xiail, V2# '31; MH Ml LNVTH 115) Pe. to rise up, be raised: 1'P'l nan "3X1? X31 1"in PN saw that PN2's head was raised Hor 14a(16); XTIB n31 in"3'3 a mountain rose up between them Hul 7b(24); pass.part. ni'^JO ,13113 M'31 were they simply raised like upper chambers? Tarn 26b(2) Af. 1. to raise, lift up: a. general: 'BB Tiai'1? let us raise it up [i.e. the place of stoning] more San 45a(47) IIBQ 51a(10); Men 96a(46); '113 1,1'lin mnaiX '111 the two of them lifted it up [i.e. the lost object] together BM 2b(18); ib. 8a(34); mn X1WB 'nam Xp they were lifting up the table (to remove it) Pes 115b(30); ,131X1 ni'im ]XB 'X,1 X11J?a X13'1 one whom they saw lifting up a ram from the flock (to steal it) BQ 118b(3); b. as an act of acquiring possession: '30'03 lll'MlX 'XT nip if he raised them [i.e. the dates] in the spadices, he acquired ppssession BM 67b(27); ib. 8a(22); Ket 30b(21); BB 88a(ll); ^Z42a(24); c. of the lulav, etc.: n'V pBl n'naiXI ]T>3 as soon as he lifted it up he fulfilled his obligation Pes 7b(14); Suk 37b(21); ib. 42a(2); 44a(13); d. in connection w. offerings: ],13 ,1'b ,13ia the priest raises it up Men 7a(26); 2. to give precedence: IWyaa ,1A131X1 (the sin offering) gave it precedence over the tithe Zev 90b(24) Irpe. to rise up: ini'lp'11 lMlfi'Vl ]px *\m V'T 1'0'D 13 'l1? go (and) beat upon my nest, so that (the birds) should rise up, and PN will acquire possession of them Hul 142a(4; M) [Nmiaa 4- 2# xm-ai n.] 1#'3J vb. to collect (4- X'31, xni'31, XJ"311; Sy 1^-71 V^LS 100, Ma X31 MD 79) Pe.: a. money: '3i jar n'a n'^ii 'Mjwaa '31 pi rra n'xi xibpi '"in '138 with a dated deed he can collect from mortgaged property. With an undated one he can (only) collect from unmortgaged property BM 7b(44); X'31 na'Xa X'31 '3 when she collects (the ketubba), from when [i.e. from which date] can she collect? Ket 43b(30); BM 12b(43); '3M '3 'nnnx xia'i n'a nsini nnn x'n so that she should not collect again with it [i.e. her ketubba] at another time Ket 89b(39); ib. 104b(40); S$Hai 9a(14); pass.part. 'ai X'311 ]X»3 it is considered as if it were collected BM 110b(5); b. other: ,1'<tylp '311 n'BX 1,'IXa He is forebearing in collecting what is His [i.e. punishment] BQ 50a(48) [Es: 1'V'I; cf. PT Seq 48d(32) + It's; v. DJPA 75] Af. 1. to authorize s.o. to collect: 'Ipnai |"1 "?3 1"1 .T»» X1? pa ]1»» l'J'8 |131'1 p1? any judge against whom a lawsuit is brought and they authorize (the plaintiffs) to collect money from him in the lawsuit is not called a judge BB 58b(2); 13'1'a 13'nBX1? Xl'3ia Xs? 'XI TTinN retract (your decision), and if not, I shall authorize (the plaintiffs) to collect from your estates [lit. large houses] BQ 12a(6); '310 vh 31 XnVaiX1? 13W3 PN would not authorize collection of the ketubba for a widow (from the orphans) Git 35a(23); BM 104b(5); xV "131X ,1'J'a jl'aia we do not actually authorize to collect from it Svu 48b(19); "7333 n'3ia Xp 'Dip can you authorize the collection of fines in GN? BQ 84b(20); 'J"1 131X1 Xjni,113 X131J7 11,1 Xjninil there was a case in GN and the judges of GN authorized (the daughters) to collect (maintenance from movable property) Ket 2#'3J 257 Vaa 50b(22) // BQ 12a(4); BB 143a(36); BM 66b(3l); xnr>i rcxn xnx3'na rnm nwxi 'Vobusa nvH nsinsi ni3in 'tya "laixV pn'iM the two (heads of) the academies and the exilarch agreed among themselves to authorize to collect from debtors and for a woman's ketubba from movable property OHT Ket 213:10; 2. to make s.o. pay: I'V jn'JI'X xn 1,lV '31X1 ]V3 since (the treasurer) made them [i.e. each one] pay (the money for the sacrifice), it was, in fact, known to him (that the court had retracted) Hor 3b(46) Itpe. to be collected: X1? "131X 131 X31'» 'Sfl'l 13ia orphans may indeed collect (a debt), but (a debt) cannot be collected at all (from them) Ket 110a(37); Jini'lS '31'& ]1113X p 'ai'BI 'Xai what can be collected from their father can be collected from them [i.e. the orphans] TGAs42 11:11; GnKl 72:4 2# '31 vb. to correct a document (< 4- VM1; cf. MH 1'3?a MMegK 2:2) Af.: 'BB 13 'aim Nid 65b(20; Ed) [V5: 'liai] The rdg. is doubtful and not supported by the mss.; Lit: M. Bar Asher, Ben Hayyim Vol 105+. 3# '3J, vb. to prevail (< 4- Vl31) Pe.: pn X31 wmwnx XS^aa Haman prevailed over King Ahasuerus Meg 15a(25); IX1?'? X3"7a X31 nxnnn XSya^ia the upper king [i.e. God] has prevailed over the lower king [i.e. Ahasuerus] ib. [euphemistic statement] '31. prep. 4- Xai n. W3? n.m. collection (4- Vl#'31; Sy ^; ~. ^ selection LS 100) sg. X'J/3 X"31 31X bo every 'upon' [i.e. a loan] requires collection (before it is considered actual property) Pes 113a(21; E2) [Var: X"3 "31 E1; X"3 '31 TGHark 99:36] Y: x;3J Pes ib.(BAYTN 78). Pl'aa adj. tall, high (4- Vl31 pe., pass.part; H ni31 J 204) sg.m. XDITa V.b X1'311 ]V3 since (the bundle of wheat) is tall it is not trampled down BM 23a(3); BB 3a(53); Vaa Jll'311 DWa IX^ 'iV'X it is not because you [i.e. the thornbush] are taller than all the trees Sab 67a(21); f. ni'31 x"713 TTWy JlDBia in a case in which the porch is not ten (handbreadths) high Er 60a(3); Yom 1 lb(18); Zev 55b(28); pl.m. TT31 Sab 7a(27); Suk 10b(29) NJ1T31 n.f. collection of taxes (4- Vl#'31; MH ni'31 office of tax collector J 206; cf. Sy MH "31 tax collector J 206, r^^oj^a-J^election LS 100) sg. '32? IDca'^n XJ1T31 lay he collected taxes for thirteen years San 25b(47) [F2: XT1T11] Y: XJW35 San ib.(BAYTN 190). N3»33l n.m. eyelid (TA '5'31 TO Lev 14:9, Sy *"?;'•? V. P'- LS 102> Ma xr3J MD 79) Pl n'i'31 n'1? iniDI IPpn'X he became old, and his eyelids drooped BQ 117a(48); 'WTO '5?3 11,1 '31 XBD31 rx"?nDa3'' ,T1'31 I'1? r>ia 111 when he wanted to see they used to raise his eyelids with a silver paint-stick ib.; '3'31 '"? V?1 raise up my eyelids ib. In spite of the fact that the A cognates mean 'eyebrow,' the use of the paint-stick to keep the eye open in the BQ passage only fits the meaning 'eyelid.' Note that Akk kappi ini means 'the region of the eyebrow, the eyelid and the eyelashes' CAD K 187; Y: a'J'3? BQ ib.(BAYTN 211). Knr??, pl. '3»3a, 'HW n.f. cheese (Sy K'aLriuV, pl. rclLSeu^LS 102) sg. m XW31 X'Vya xai' cheese of the same day is good Sab 134a(19; M); pl. '1'31 'in.two cheeses Bek 8b(40); '13111'"? '11!/ai he makes it [i.e. the milk] into cheeses TGDr49 103:19 [expl. MH plan Sab 95a(18)] vb. to knead dough, prepare fodder, mix, be created (4- x"?311, x"?31, V?311; Sy A -p \^T £ 101, Ma "?31 MD 79, MH "731 LNVTH 117) Pe. (a/u) 1. to knead dough: xmtfas pail XTOp XflV'ai xn"T1 flour which one kneads with olive oil and salt TGAs42 161:4; pass.part. Vol nma (flour and water) boiled (and) kneaded [expl. i l#Xn'1B ib.; v. RaH]; 2. to prepare fodder: 'lin1? ^'31 Xlin1? V'31 he prepares fodder for an ox (or) he prepares fodder for oxen [i.e. both require the same effort] BM 69a(l 8) // Ber 40a(4; F); Sab 156a(10); Xlin n1? "7'31 111 he used to prepare bran as fodder for it [i.e. the animal] San 108b(46); 3. to mix: n'^31'Vl '»p'ai D'D clay before he mixes it Sab 79a(28) [cf. Sy: -V -» \^> rdi^ John 9:6]; ib. 31; '111 '113 lll'^l'1?! let
T T - 258 1#N13J him mix them [i.e. wine and lentil porridge] together Git 70a(19); V<3)33 XTl'DP fri\ 11.11 by concerning (those people) who used to mix s. in Babylonia Sab 156a(21; OM); (X>Tri n»133 Vl331 mix (the burnt date stones) in olive oil HM 43:21; 4. intr. to be spontaneously generated, created: 1'Vaj n'3'B (those worms) are spontaneously generated from it [i.e. the animal's flesh] Hul 67b (19) [cf. Ma: x'i'SXS p'X3'B XJl'VlJl a worm is generated from them MD 80]; l'V33 Xp'3 '3m pal Xp these (worms) are only spontaneously generated (in the fish) ib. 30; ]<')V3n 0'XIK/ X'pWB p IK x"?3ixa creeping things which are spontaneously generated from food or from drink Seel 99:13(Var); nnij "?'33 na'X miSX when is the chick created from the egg? Tern 31a(22; R.G., xr-inx xw>b); xV inb) <x)moa xVi naai xin xa"?5?3 xiay "T33 xpi x3Tjni ^'33 as long as (the egg) is not putrid, (the chick) is not created. When it is created, it is merely dust HG1 367:6; 5. to create: X3'31 XST ,T3 '"71331 create in him blood and sores Bo 142:4 Itpe. to be mixed: Kirn XaVaT xps'3 'JV'3 X(BD)(DB}33 V'31'bl let him bring the excrement of a white dog, and let it be mixed with a solution of dates Git 69b(4); ib. 69a(40) [earth and honey]; "7'33'B Sab 78a(40) [of clay] Lit: Greenfield, AKY 690+; Eps, Stl 1:119 [Pe., mng. 4]. n.m. one who prepares fodder (4- V!?33 qattal-form; JNA X^a'J Yona 72, MH2 "?33 J 207; cf. Ma ^'axi sculptor, maker MD 73, Sy rdi<?>_SL^%LS ioi) sg. V'aj xpi nx'u?3 '3i xVaA 'IIJI1? 'SOI the one who prepares fodder of the House of the Nasi who was preparing fodder and providing food for the oxen Sab 156a(9) Y: X^3J Sab ib.(BAYTN 231). HNJnj/aa adj., n. Gibeonite n., pl.m. 'X3iy33 Qid 70*b(36) "13J vb. to prevail, excel, be strong (4- V3#'33, 1#X133, 2#Xmi33, 1#X1313, 13'3; Sy -Ui\LS 102, Ma 133 MD 80) Pe. 1. to prevail: nx'ry 133 nxnn ... 133 the upper/lower (layer) prevails Pes 76a(3) [concerning the heating or cooling of two layers in contact]; 133 D'^XI bD whoever is more powerful will prevail (in a case which cannot be judicially decided) Git 60b(38) // BB 34b(7) [v. infra]; 2. to excel: 133 Xin 133 ]XB nVD3 in what does he excel? He excels with regard to everything Hul 54a(19) Af. to make strong: 'plHX NIBn 1133X make the wine strong on the young men [i.e. let it affect their senses] San 3 8a (6); I'Via1? mi33'V X'BW pi X^'y1? xW? X31B1 may they excessively strengthen from heaven our master's [i.e. the Gaon's] fortune Dec 2:4 Itpe. to become powerful: X31D X31.1 31 133'X1 PN became very powerful iSGF 84:6; 'na3n,X!? nby TGHark 207:18 Cf. the incipit of a Geonic responsum: "HIO IN "13} Qjt?R1 ^3 Inyanot 217:15, i.e. pf. or part. l#N13a, JrnW, abs. "13*, pi. '"13?, naia, abs. 1'iaa, 1'iaw n.m. man, husband (4- Vl33, '3 '133, l#xnil33; LMA pi. ga-ba-re-e Uruklnc 37, TA X133 TO Gen 4:1, Sy rc'-UaJ^, abs. tJl\ LS 102, Ma X13X3, pi. X'1313 MD 73, 82) sg.abs. 133 Pes 50a(28); det. X133 RH 21a(17) [and passim]; X1313 Tan 5b(34); pl.abs. p33 Bo 7:17; pail Ber 56a(20); det. '133 Qid 76a(34); '1313 Git 45a(45);- 1. man: a. general: sg.abs. 133 (1B1 ]'1313 ]a what (difference) is a man from (other) men? San 65b(25); 'n p ms 133 man, mouth, this, alive Er 53b(22) [cryptic manner of expressing 4- 2#XT'BEhX]; det. X133 HB what a man! Yev 17a(22); X1313 X13 X31 PN created a man San 65b(40); XTW'Xl X133 fi1B13 in the form of a man and a woman Bo 7:15; X133 Xinn a certain man BB 60a(30) [and passim); X1313 Xinn Tan 24b(35); X133 1,1B the man became (ritually) clean Ber 2b(l); X133 Xip the man called Yom 20b(12) [expl. MH 133H JlX'ip Mib. 1:8]; X133 •ft 'B'bitfX X133 ''b wbVK you handed over a man [i.e. the debtor] to me (and) I handed over a man to you (to repay his debt) BB 173b(9); X133 "max1? to prove the efficacy of the man Sab 6ib(4); iryrwn rvxa abi xi33 naa X3'nx xp I'TQ X3'1 my ultimate source (for the grain) is a man against whom you cannot make a claim [i.e. the pagan] Bek 1 lb(7); X1331 XBP a man's name Yom 22b(8); XJW'Xia mp X1331 xVlD^'D migration of a man is more difficult than that of a woman Ket 28a(12) // San 26a(55); Tl'jn DX 2# snaj 259 2# KnT133 X3'T JV3 p X133 nxisV if you want to release a man from prison HM 42:1; pl.abs. p313 San 65b(25) [v. supra]; det. '13133 n'1? 1BTX 'DX'ja the angels appeared to him in the guise of men ib. 96a(4); 'rl'DW xV '133 '33*7 '133 men do not frequently visit (other) men [lit. are not frequent] Yev 26a(19); '133 nyaw seven men (who read a Torah portion) HP 185:5; BMsG 10:2; b. w. var. modifiers: sg.abs. ]13H 133 a merchant Pes 50a(28); ]T31 133 a quarrelsome man Sab 156a(28); det. X'VyB X133 a fine man Dec 9:9; X3D XpBlO X133 a ruddy old man SOZ 72:23; XHy X133 a strong man San 7a(20); X1331 'tfl X3X X3yiD see that I am a man who repays his debt Sab 79a(7); X31Bp X133 a hot-tempered man BQ 87b(31); X31 X133 a great man Ber 47a(38); Pes 113a(8); Yev 21b(8); MQ llb(34); AZ 7b(33); Zev 100b(28); pi. '3131 '133 'in two great men Er 65b(10); c. as an indef. pron.: Xs?! V\b -pa'Vl X133 Vb mn they did not have anyone to make the blessing for them Ber 48a(19); 'X X'llV X'llV pn X133 if he is a someone who buys (oxen) for plowing, (this ox is) for plowing BQ 46a(23); BB 58a(30); d. in archaic and proverbial usages: sg.abs. 'in |BJ1 133 TPb~i X171X3 133 in a place where there is no man, be a man Ber 63a(32); det. r,Tl'1DB xVl Dim 'Dim ym> "|1D X1BSB1 X133V sixty runners ran and could not overtake a man who ate a meal in the morning BM 107b (29) // BQ 92b(4); 'K?31 X133 X3"1 X1?! XJ'1 xb m^Dp for a man whom women killed there is neither judgment nor judge BM 97a(10); pi. p'Wpl XrlOT '1331? ]3'1D1T H1H '3 'pmV when we were young (we wanted) to become men. Now that we have grown old (we want) to become children BQ 92b(53); 2. husband: sg. inri'ai1? nEH31 X133 Xinn a certain husband who divorced his wife Pes 110b(15); '31 '3'3 mri'SI1? XD'3 pITI X133 X1HH a certain husband who threw a get to his wife among the vats Git 19b(55); X133 X3'5?3 I want a husband Qid 31b(25); 'JTinX XTlrl'X 303 H133 VtX her husband went (and) married another woman Ket 80b (7); H1313 '1H3 'lin'TlX1? '1© H13 it is permitted for a menstruous woman to be together in one room with her husband San 37a(22); X133 X3B2nttn (a woman) whose husband is an 'ant' Ket 75a(18); HBX1 X133 her mother's husband Anan 103:18; pl.abs. 1'XYin' p313 Jewish husbands SSHai 13b(19); det. p313 'iy these (men) are our husbands Git 45a(45; O3); 1D"133 'BX3 ]5?'3S Win you should be modest (even) in the presence of your husbands Sab 140b(28); in'1331? pB3» they wait for their husbands Ber 17a(48); 3. authority: sg. 13 X133 X133 an authority the son of an authority MQ 25b(4); rrai xp X133X X133 you are raising a contradiction between one authority and another Er 82a(l); pi. '133 x"?3 nV '3Jia ]'3X 13 X"n 31 PN transmits it without (additional) authorities Ket 6a(12); 4. sg. in phrase X133 Xinn euph. for 1st or 2nd pers. pron. I, you [lit. that man; JPA H133 Xinn DJPA 120, mng. 2b; cf. XJin'X X'n,1; 4- xrui'X mng. 3]: a. 1st pers.: Xnri na X133 Xinn n'Vy what will become of me? BB 142b(25); Kb xp 'as 'ainx xVx xi33 xinnV n'niaiaiyi rrnonj n'3 313'na is it not enough that you excommunicated me, but do you also have to laugh heartily at me? MQ 17a(20); X3'Bnoa 3'in3D3 13JH '3M '3 X1313 Xin,13 n'3 T33H I am afraid that He will act against me just as He acted against PN San 96b(12); Xinn X13131? ni13pn xb do not bury me ib. 48b(42); 107a(50); b. 2nd pers.: 'XB3 X133 Xinm n'3'1 by what means is your punishment (after death)? Git 56b(49); Xinn n'm©'33 'ina xpni X133 you will (only) show your wickedness AZ 17b(48); X133 Xinm n'DWBS in (a bottle made) of your skin Suk 48b(26); '13B nysix x"?x xa"?y 'xns 'b n'V xi33 xinn rva '3 'TB13 indeed, when you die, you will only have four cubits in this world Git 68b(21) Lit: E.Z. Melamed, de Vries Vol 131+ [mng. 4]; Voc: rrfaS HPP 203:17; naj Sol 48a(49; BAYTN 146). 2# K13J 4- 1# X1313 n. l#NlYn3J n.f. manhood (4- 1#X133; Sy rc'^cv-Ua^LS 102) sg. xb i"?na xb D'isa3 Vxiiy in'mi333 X1?! m'niD1T3 the Jews in Egypt were not circumcised either in their youth or in their manhood Anan 86:17; AnanEps 286:5 2#Nrm31 n.m. mighty deed, superior act (4-13'3, 1#X1313; cf. Sy k'&At 71 y^LS 102, s.v.
*m 260 N'T* T ; - rc'iic.-UauJ^mng. 3, Ma XT!XnX3Xa MD 72) 1. mighty deed: sg. n'3n XTD3 X^p'aV XJWnS it is a mighty deed to burn his masterfs grave) in fire Hag 15b(17); 71m rr;i(1)"lfl)3a your master's mighty deed BB 73a(25; MGG 31:15); 2. superior act: sg. "5H')3 XyS'aV XJTTUa is it a superior act to ask questions? San 106b(39; I$GF 68:17); 'mm anna1? xnrnHI is it a superior act to complete the blessing with two (endings)? Ber 49a(22) Voc: xnms VTM 95a. NJ5 n.m. top part of a letter (< MH2 a? upper portion J 209, mng. 2; i Xll'X mng. 3) sg. ,Tj?n» XDmSI .T'ltfl iTJTDl X1'3T H'JA8? he erased the top part of the bet and its bottom part (in the word X0'TIB3) and made it XO'TIBI BB 167a(17; F2); n'm TOl the top part of the het Men 29b(30; v">) [4-V2#non] X8JJ, NEJia n.m. a type of bean (cf. Sy reLbao-^, rdi*.^ bean LS 120) pi. 'X"a 'aaa (the mice) gnaw beans Hor 13a(50; Ar [AC 2:233]) [Var: 'ana TGHark 87:24] Geon. expl.: trtlKl p D'NXWn minTO D'Wpn D'^lBfl TGHark ib.; Lit: Low, Flora 2:491. 1# NT? n.m. genius, luck (TA ia TO Gen 30:11, Sy rc'ij^LS 104, Ma l#XTXa MD 73) 1. genius, god of fortune: sg. n'D'nb Xia X3'XT XH this refers to a case where the house has its genius San 92a(46; M) [v. BR 833:3; Var: '»XT XWI Xfl'3T Xlf'ia1? He]; im Xia1? to the genius of the mountain Hul 40a(9); nna 5o 127:16; 2. luck, sg. in phrase XII tf'3 unfortunate one [lit. bad of luck; Sy rs'i^ x-; .-j PSm 649, JPA Xia tf'3 DJPA 120]: sg. Xia »'31 XSIJia from the fat of the unfortunate (animal) San 105a(51; KAr [AC 4:328]) Geon. expl.: HTOy 131JD Win n'3 ^» '?ra'? (X>JI'31 IHlVl WO mi OH San 483:23 [mng. 1]; JH rfjID 1V2 TO l^Kl ib. 528:29 [mng. 2]. On the syntax of the phrase in mng. 2 [cs. adj. + n.], v. Nold, SG 162 [contra Satzlehre 86]. The mng. of HJ "U Sab 67b(l) is uncertain [cf. Ar: 'Via 13WI "Wto 'Wa MBJVl AC 2:234]; Y: lOJ San 105a(51; BAYTN 98) 2# NTJ n.m. perh. weaving (4- Vila; Sy rrti^ LS 104, mng. 1) sg. X*m X01J7 a g.-bed Ned 56a(21) // San 20a(44) [lit. bed of weaving; expl. MH mri Mib. 7:5]; MQ 27a(28) V Geon. expl., s.v. 1 HOiy. TW vb. to cut off (4- 2#Xia, 1#XTU, XTna, XTTO, 3#XT3; BA TU pe. HALOT 1842, Sy nj^ to cut off, weave LS 103, Ma TU af. MD 80) Pe. ( /u): rr? imb XOX to cut off myrtle branches for her [i.e. the bridefs canopy)] Sab 150b(28); IVllb xa'Va iT^ to cut off a garment for him [i.e. shrouds for a corpse] ib. 31(Ar [AC 2:237]) // <i)h}a'aV Bes 6a(i2); xarfr n'3 Wyi TP'" win cut open your sack and put bread in it Sab 152a(17) The mng. and the correct rdg. of ,T'1J Nid 36b(45) [Var: ,TTTJ Ar (AC 7:30, s.v. 2»«)] are uncertain [v. Rashi], 1#NTU, H1H11 n.m. thread (4- Vt73; Sy rrtij^LS 104, mng. 2, Ma 2#XTXia strip MD 80, 'Nab' kuddad Jawal 42, MH2 ]'T1J Men 42b[23; Geon 331:5], > Arab jlIj.Fr, AF 256) sg. "dri 'xnsx1? n^vpb nip&b xpian pi"?n 'xn n'3'» XTX(1)n)a p'31B let them place the knot of the child's tunic on the outside, lest a thread from it stick (to the child's penis) Sab 134a(21); pi. WirXl nj'& 'lO)h)a '"? wro twist threads for me from it [i.e. from the mill], and I shall sew it Bek 8b(37); TWb 'TXTa wa to weave threads for fringes Anan 7:17; i& 8:15 Lit: Eps, Stl 73; Y: VTTa Sab ib. 2# NTTS n.m. wormwood (4- 4# XT3; Sy rc'jirL^ LS 104) sg. rrixnsxi xna wormwood and it's ash HM 46:3 [NTm i TO. adj.] na 4- Viia vb., note NHJ, pi. 'H3 n.m. young goat, kid (TA XHO" TO Gen 38:20, Sy rdirO^LS 104, Ma XHXa MD 73) sg. n'a"JlX3 X'la a young goat (may be maimed) in its ears Bek 35a(34); XT1113 xna a young goat worth a zuzBer 44b(35); ib. 62a(28); BQ 22a(4); Hul 51a(25); HP 44:1; Xna7 W3 young goat's meat Sab 18b(24); 'X' X'la young goat('s meat) is better Pes 57a(42) // Kar 28b(8); X'lJT 'JT3 'an testicles of a young goat #«/ 93b(8); XTXTH X'la a mangy young goat Bek 44a(43); pi. "ia Krf?I\ STia 261 t : t : three young goats M</ 113b(16); "li 'D (he will shear all your hair) like young goats San 110a(7; HMGN 269:2) Y: N;iJ Ber ib.(BAYTN 78). NTTJ n.m. incision, wound (I Vm) sg. XIHai Xin "p13Xn the rt. na [v. Vn'arUI Dt 14:1] means 'to incise' AnanSch 27:12 [4- V2#p3n]; Tiytf? D'a'V T3 niTlpl XTia to make an incision and a bald spot between the eyes ib. 17 Nrfr'75 n.m. twisted thread (1 V2#Vll; TA Jl'Ma TJ Is 5:18, Sy k'^LL.xA^ LS 105, Ma X(n)Vna MD 80) sg. Xrfrna Xin Anan 10:1; [Xn]Vnai xn1?'!! VdT X311X the length of each twisted thread ib. 9:7; 4; 8; xrfrnai 'Bin nnVn the three (individual) threads of the twisted thread AnanSch 25:8; pi. XJlxVHa f?n these twisted threads Anan 9:3; ib. 8:15; JTOpa j;3W 5?3W'3 linn'j'ias 'aan 'aarai ]inmrx3 I took seven times seven in their fringes and eight times eight in their twisted threads Bo 117:3 NTia n.m. fence (i Vl#TlJ, xnmU; TA XT1J TO Num 22:24, MH TU Yeivin, BV 922) sg. a. literal: H'SHX1? XTia 18 ma,!7 fence in your field BQ 23b(33); b. fig. of a preventive Rabbinical law: X'TTa ji'IJIS x"?T we do not make a breach in a 'fence' TG^S 192:11 [caique < MH2 pB nia J 215] Y: XT1J Bg ift. (BAYTN 165). l#bHl vb. to grow up (Ma 2#Via MD 81) Pe. (a/): '^Htt H'1? X3D"Sa "?Ha '31? when (the child) grows up I shall compensate him from my own (property) BQ 84a(44); '^iai ly in"? IDi'V let him wait for them until they grow up Ara 22b(10); H'-Q 'a'3X Via '3 when PN, his son, grew up Sab 119b(25); Yev 63a(43); Ket 1 la(25); Sot 49a(50); BQ 39b(3); 5A/ 85a(28); HG3 291:30; 3'0a x"71 bin (PN) who had grown up and had not married Qid 71b(15); Vnxai lyi XVIX Vy l^nxil until (the p^) grows up and creeps upon the ground Anan 55:3; AnanSch 3:24; 'Vial iy ina^'D1? T0XT it is forbidden to eat them [i.e. the fowls] until they grow up Anan 66:24 Pa. to raise, rear: 'piTl xViaa ana PN who raises children H"g 4b(39) 2# 7ia vb. to twine, weave, plait hair (i xxfrna, i#xVia, 2#x"?ia; Sy Ax^to plait, form LS 104, Ma l#V7a MD 80) Pe. (a/u) to twine, weave: a. tampon: XJV7TID "?na31 let him weave a tampon G/f 69a(20); Sab 119a(16) [I XXl^ns mng. 1]; b. thread: Men 39b(l) [I xrfr'an mng. 3]; c. rope: Pes 82a(22) [4 xnW'W]; d. chain: Anan 8:12 [4- XIDTi mng. 1]; e. wreath: Git 7a(42) [4- xV'Vd mng. 3]; f. /u/av-bundle: Xay^lH 'ViaT nan those who plait the /i.-bundle Suk 37a(23; E2) [I Xaytfin]; g. net: MQ lla(4) [4- XTVIX]; BM 85b(21) [4- X3tia]; h. sieve: MQ lla(8) [4- XJlVna]; i. corselet: ib. 7 [4- 2# xman, mng. 2] Pa. to plait the hair [Sy pa., LS ib., Ma Via 'anxp to plait locks MD 80, 403]: a. obj. person: nruiba X'Sn nb 1'ViaaT iri3l after they plait her (hair), it becomes loose from below Naz 39a(23); X'tM xViaa DnB PN, who plaits women('s hair) Sab 104b(25) // Hag 4b(38) // San 67a(28); b. obj. hair: n'ta xVnaa 131 when she plaits her hair HP 136:26 [cf. Ma: f\imb xnVxia nVna MD 80] Lit: Eps, Stl 73. 1#N^1J, abs. V'lJ n.m. one who twines or T ; T ' " T plaits (4- V2#Via pe. part.; Ma xV'V3T X^lXa MD 80) sg.cs. xn 'a"?y3 'Wo "?na one who merely plaits wreaths AZ 41a(15); r,xa,"'T 'Wo Vna KDVa one who plaits the wreaths of King Yannai BB 133b(15) 2# Hb-fi, n.m. twisting, plaiting (4 ^2# Via; Sy KiiiL^LS 105) sg. nS'XT x"?ia the twisting of the fringes AnanSch 25:5 DTl vb. 4- xana n., Vrnia vb. NKm, cs. DXTS n.m. hewn stalk (VDia; 4- X1T11; cf. Sy pdioxA^cut off palm branches LS 105) sg.cs. XTm DXia hewn stalk of a thistle [artichoke plant?] Git 70a(37; OHT ib. 159:1) Y: K»1J BAYTN 78. KSna, KSTW, XSX111 n.m. rim (TJ «]na 2K 16:17, Sy i<Aj^LS 105) sg. HV-'bl XSaia a rim of dough Git 69a(35); ^Z 76b(l; HP 15:20); XSlia Wb T?bl Xni this applies when it [i.e. the mat] does not have a rim Suk 20b(25); ri'XT ]'3 'axT tsw nn V'pr«»'xi p xsxnia n'1? whether
T" 262 via (the utensil) has a rim or whether it was removed, it is fine (for the wall of the sukka) HP 28:19; n'sxiu ib. 17 Y: KBfW Su* ib.(BAYTN 274). «pa vb. to denigrate (4- XDB11X, XB1T1; Sy ^aH-^pa. LS 105, Ma mi MD 81) Pa. [w. -3]: 1,13X '"1 ,13 TUB PN used to denigrate it [i.e. the opinion] Sab 62b(17); Qid 71b(25); San 3b(46); /& 40b(24); /fZ 35a(25); ll'in '1 ,13 HUB /& 43a(26) Geon. expl.: rfr»3 ^KITOV JTOta <|11 nB'IJ JW1? yy W1TS1 iTdtom p IK ... my pa tns no lnsa "pup 'Mi trai ret <pwi <]hj» pnix mnnn its nmm -m Vy oix oht Sab 61:6, i.e. tjii to row a boat. Nfll n.m. wing, feather, bird (4- 1#XB1; TA 'Bll TO Ex 19:4, Ma 1#XB1X1 wing, limb, winged creature MD 74, Sy rciA^LS 128) 1. wing: sg. XB11 '*? X'1?! Xim one lifted up (its) wing BB 73b(34); pi. nn"?Wl (n)'Bll n1? '31 let it grow its wings back and send it away Hul 141b(19); in'iaUtfB m'Bll 11/iri 'T11X "|M geese whose wings dropped off from (the weight of) their fat BB 73b(33); nBll '"in its two wings HP 205:11; 2. feather: sg. Hul 46b(6); XT11X1 XB11 a goose feather Fom 84a(24); G7? 86a(ll); AZ 28a(28); Hul 22b(24); pi. 'X13X1? 'B-|B'B1 'Bll the feathers which are cut to the outside ib. 31a(l); TGZW0 99:12 [4- Vcatf pe., mng. 3]; 3. bird [< XB1X1 OB'S); cf. Ma XB1X1 IXB'S winged bird MD ib.]: sg. rntnx xsn 3'rr mn ib'bx a bird alighted on PN's head Ket 105b(28) Lit: Nold, MG 774; Voc: xBil HGP 32b:35; Y: XS1? //«/ 22b(24; BAYTN 78). 1# Trl vb. to fence in (4- XT11, OTTO; BH "111 pe. HAL 173) Pe. (a/u) a. lit.: XT11 1Z3 T1'7 TyiX1? fence in your field BQ 23b(33); Xlll mil rrV'T X1?! XJ/1X3 he constructed [lit. fenced in] a wall in a field that did not belong to him BB 41a(15); ib. 25; 5M 101a(47); ib. 109a(31); Till 'I'm 'BTM3 n'V he fences it in with thorns and thistles AZ 47b(ll); X31"1 Till fence in most (of it) Er 15b(37; O); pBI Till tyll he may lock, fence in, or make a breach S$Hai 1 la(15) [cf. BB 52b(28)]; b. fig.: xrft'B TU'B to enact a measure to prevent inappropriate practices [lit. to fence in the matter; cf. MH nXlB "111 J 214] Yev 90b(8); ib. 27; San 46a(18); TG/Zar/t 150:14 [2# "HJ vb. to cut off fruit from the date palm (4- VlTl pe., mng. 2; MH mi LNVTH 119) Pe.: n'V x'jvi mi xp mn in xar one day pn was cutting off (the fruit of) his date palm BB 5a(4); ib. 2 Lit: Eps, PLA 203] 3# TU vb. to distinguish oneself (4- V2# mil; MH2 mi hitpa. J 215) Itpa.: p1? 'mp3Kn 'XB 1'3 'TllX1? jinnnsi what they left for their successors in which to distinguish themselves ISGF 67:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 109120, offers an Arab cognate. 4#"m 4Wi#-mi vb. [#"71 vb. to heap up (MH BH1 J 215) Pe. Bmil BQ 59b(27; Ed) This form is not attested in the tnss.] Kj?1ina, Kpnma n.m. chair, litter (< Mir *gahwarak [> Armen gahaworak chair, litter Hiibsch, AG 125; cf. MP gahwarag cot, cradle CPD 34, Ma X1X1.1X1 MD 74 [< NP gahwara PED 1074]) 1. chair: sg. Xpimi GC 14:6 [expl. MH iTVWij? MKel 4:3]; 2. litter: sg. 'TJ XpTr.ll X"n BM 85b(35; F1) [H: Xpimi]; X3'3H XB<1)'3 X3H11 XpT1113 n'1? 1'pBB on a cloudy day they used to bring him out in a golden litter Tan 20b(42); Git 31b(43); BM 73b(31); pi. 1,T>D 'p-imi ib. 85b (36) in spite of the fact that the spelling XpTinA occurs only once, it has been employed as the lemma here, since it corresponds to the orig. P form. Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 202; id., AAC 117; GC 1418; Tel 38; Y: Xj?TTO BM ib.(BAYTN 263). Bna, UrU vb. to erase (4- XDn'l; Ma D.11 MD 81) Pe.: pass.part. Xni V'X T>B7ia B',11 Tian IBB V'X ,T7'Bm i"i tj'nn xmi X3i py dmi i"i "?"x mn'x he said to him: "(The words) Tan IDS [Ex 13:13] are erased from your phylacteries." He said to him: "It is, in fact, (there)!" He said to him: "The waw is erased." PN looked and saw that the waw of his phylacteries was erased Ber 56a(40) [Var: D'ni Ar (AC 2:271)] 'ill, VU adj. intense, deep, n.m. red fluid (Ma X'nXl XDWn intense darkness MD 74) I. adj. nna 263 ta'ia intense or deep red: sg.m. X'n'l XpBID deep red Bek 45b(30) [expl. MH Tim ib.]; X'nXl Xlll a deep red rose BM 84a(21; SM 146:18); X'Tl XpBID 5e/t 45b(27) [expl. MH pnV ib.; but v. 1. 30!; Var: X'm Ar (AC 2:272); X'n'l V9]; II. n. red fluid: sg.m. X'ni xV'S 'X if the red fluid (in the kidney) is clear HG3 167:88 Expl. Ar: "im'3 Q11K AC ib. The translation 'horrid' for the Ma word [MD ib.] should be corrected; Y: XWJ Bek ib. Til vb. to extinguish (cf. Sy imA^ af. to obscure, dim LS 107) Af.: Xl-ffi?1? n'm(l>(l}X (the wind) extinguished the lamp Ber 60b(57; SM 110:3) [O: n"33] ia, INa prep, within (Sy cO^LS 107, mng. 2, JPA u djpa 121; 4- 'Xii, xna, nxm, V'li) Occurs only w. preced. preps. - iaa, "liaa prep, within, in (Sy oJ^=> LS 107, mng. 3b, Ma '1X13 MD 51) w. suf.: 2sg.m. 7113 HP 50:3; 3m. n'1113 BM 10b(3); f. mi!3 San 112a(43); 3pl.m. m"113 Tern 6b(19);- a. temporal: n'lB'T 113 jnBT B/'l'X T3J? a person is likely to repay (his debt) within its designated time [i.e. before its due date] BB 5a(25); 113 l'»T I'rfrn within thirty days Sab 129a(26); b. spatial: 'Xn'3 113 'xty 'pma Xpl they light (the Hanukka lamp) for me within my house ib. 23a(16); XT XniTia 113 TVI"© X1? 'Xl^Dl1? DyTHI I have not retained anything for myself in this gift SSHai 7a(21); n'113 3TI'1 p'^D he went up and sat within it [i.e. the oven] Qid 40a(10); 'OT 'aV'11 n'113 n'1? 3'n' mn perhaps he had made a mark in it [i.e. the slaughtered bird] Hul 4a(14); c. w. var. vbs.: xwan 'iun xa'1?! in"ii3 mVaV n^ 3'n'i nj?31X3 he gave the creditor for them [i.e. the zuzim] a cloak which was worth five zuzim (as interest) on four Tern 6b(19); n'113 '"7 0'p IB I am certain of you(r nature) AZ 76b(18); BM 52b(20); San 72b(5); m'T ni!3 Xlp'ya pn3'11 let him examine her from the beginning Ket 10b (10) Y: to3 Ber 8a(41). - lxaV, va1?, ia> adv. inside, inwards, therein (TA Vf? TO Ex 28:26[Var], Sy ^ LS 107) 1. inside: "?'3X IX1? Tim 31 '3 "13 the student of the be rav who is inside [i.e. your guest] does not eat (the liver) Hul 11 la(14; V11); IXlV H'aiB 'XI if its opening is inside AZ 31a(37); BB 67a(16); 2. inwards: 1Xl"7 Xnp 'X if the handle is inwards [i.e. in the wall] BM 26a(6; V22); Hul 48b(36); ib. 49a(3); 1X11? T3J?1?! let him make (the corner) inwards [i.e. on his own side] BB 4a(48); 3. therein: IH1? X3B xai' 'XEXV TIXT vnOQ (if) there is a ferry which is coming towards me, there is a good omen therein Hul 95b(13) Y: V)i Hul ib. - iaV prep, into, within (Sy <x^ LS 107, Ma II1? MD 230) a. alone: 1l"7 '"mpi 'Tip 11*7 'B'&n 'B'an hot water into cold and cold into hot Pes llla(2); Xian II1? xVn vinegar (which fell) into wine AZ 66a(32); ib. 73a(10); xri'3 llV XJ1 come into the house MQ 28a(43); II1? n'TIT 13'mxi n3T Xa' DIl^B they overtook him within pelagos, the great sea Bo 76:6; ib. 15:10; 109:5; b. w. suf.: H'l'B ^WT<X)ttn mil"? "?XJ7 he entered into it [i.e. the split in the wall] and was saved from it [i.e. the wild camel] Ber 54a(39); Sab 7a(12); V7'BX XBI'3 p»T foy nil"? p'Bll "?"J? even if he goes in and out of it [i.e. the sukka] ten times a day HP 30:2; Xri'3T mil1? ini'DBXI 'IXOa1? "yiVtf remove my shoes and bring them into the house Qid 22b (49); n'ub D'xittn ntswE/ V'sxn xinsi xixa a clay vessel into which a slaughtered creeping animal fell Anan 48:20; ib. 23; 24:4 Y: Ufr Pes 110b(3) — ia'M prep, within, out of, as a result of, conj. since, n. legal rule (< 11 ]B; TA 1113 TO Gen 19:29, Sy cO^^ prep. LS 107, JPA 11 p prep., conj. DJPA 314) I. prep. 1. within: 11B x"?liy xVliy lia XjnST ... xyi3'1 a circle (inscribed) within a square, a square (inscribed) within a circle Suk 8a(4); 'XJl'31 H'lia from within my house Bes 14a(25); Men 90a(24); 2. out of: J?31X 'ian lia four (cubits) out of eight Er 50a(5); 'rnn n"?n ii'a two out of three (rows) BB 41b(3); BM 32a(i); AZ 72a(25); xn'sn iia xnam xri'3n XnE/BT (the value of) a jug of wine out of (that of) a jug of oil San 31a(16); 3. as a result of: maVy m1? i&B'x mjna nai he died as a result of his illness BB 153a(34); SSSad 215:6; SSHai 8b(15); 'yilB ll'B 'pBll 'yiia protests resulting from protests SSSad 244:24; 4. by means of: 'in
vaVa t : • 264 1#N3U T n'V X'y3'a Kp Sin U'3 he asks one (question) by means of another AZ 52a(49); Ned 7a(22); Tern 9b(17); Mei 3a(9); II. conj. since: U'BI xav 'bra1? »m 'xxprvx m»a»n p^ 'xxp;rxi since it was set aside at twilight, it was set aside also for the entire day (of the Sabbath) Sab 43a(20); Suk 35b(19); Bes 31b(14); Hag 25b(32); Yev 10a(28); Ned 88b(16); BM 5b(21); AfaA: 22a(32); Hor 6a(33); AnanSch 25:3; III. n. a legal rule according to which a person's statement is accepted as true since (ll'») if he were lying he could have employed a more effective argument: 11'a '"1J1 ... 11'a in one /H.-argument, two w.-arguments 5M 9b(32); Tern llb(31); 1J'» Km Aef 16a(47); XD'X lia 'X8 what m.-argument is there? Ket 12b(39); pnBX U'a we invoke the m.-argument Zev 108a(25); BQ 52b(38); &« 24a(10) Y: ir» &6 43a(20). adv. from within, from the inside (Sy eO^i ^n LS 107) a. in a physical sense: 1'lVa XT3'H the recognizability (of the beam should be) from within Er 8b(38); SSHai 6a(9); b. in an amount of money: IX TlVa wbv "Obtt W'VtP is it a third 'from within' [i.e. of the original amount, viz. 33 1/3%] or a third 'from without' [i.e. of the combined amount, viz. 50%]? BQ 9b(4); lXl^a BM 53b(36); ib. 54a(7); TGHark 38:12 Y: l'l^O £r ib. ♦KM adv. inside (4-11) a. general: XD'Xi X^D "pn 'XII that half (of the members of the Sanhedrin) who are inside San 14b(16); ib. 109b(55); Ket 103a(48); Sot 45a(21); Mak 12b(12); lev 105a(15); Nid 42b(4); b. * 'xmX: rillV'X xaVl 'X13X nXBlBI 'XII perhaps the trees are inside and the uncleanness is outside MQ 5b(42); RH 8b(13); Zev 15a(5); Men 81a(12); Zev 77a(3); c. w. "\ internal, on the inside [* 'X13TJ: "Xin 'XT if the (defect of the slave) is internal Ket 57b(49); Yom 47b(7); Men 24a(29); Hul 70a(24) Y: 'XU &« 109b(55; BAYTN 225). - 'N13N adv. inside (4- 'X) X1X1 'X11X Xaty 'Via 'X"13X everyone is inside and I am outside Qid 81a(49); mtjrt' J^in "?"ya Xp 'X11X 'X if (the waving) is inside (the sanctuary), he is bringing unconsecrated food into the Temple court Hul 130b(l; M) Y: 'XUX ffu! ib. - 'NWV adv. inside, within 'XllV V"jn "TC?B'X pnsai he can go inside and unload (the animal there) BB 1 lb(4); ib. 19; rf? ma '3'H 'XII1? ^''y '3 when (the high priest) enters, how does he place it [i.e. the censer]? Yom 47a(17); 7Vbl\ *7"yi 'Xia1? im 'XII1? '3W1D (the board) goes in three handbreadths inside and one outside Suk 14b(53); ib. 19a(27); Zev 15a(10); 5e£ 8b(19); 'XII1? X3'1? 3'pl'a 13 when the heart is punctured within HP 198:20; ib. 201:16 Y: 'Xl»^ K>m 31a(9). — 'NWa adv. on the inside, from inside 3'jrV) 'xisxa xmnx ff'rxi 'xua vrx let him sit on the inside, and another person on the outside Git 69a(i3); 'xiaa 'jxanii 'xua 'ixa-i(i) nawx xix he went (and) found guards on the inside and guards on the outside (of the entrance) Bek 8b(18; V9); Sab 92a(3); Er 14a(51); Git 20b(3); BQ 51a(19); ib. 60b(10); 55 7b(29); ib. 160b(33); San 52a(34) Y: 'K«p San ib. n.m. sack (< Mir *juwalak [cf. NP gwviw/ PED 1101, Jawal 49:1]; Sy rdAA«_^ LS 109, Ma xp^XIl MD 81, > Arab Jilji Jawal 48:14, PLAr 100) sg. xp^XIl 'V 13H give me the sack Tan 23b(42; Ar [AC 2:219]); pi. 'pVlll 13n fastening of the sacks (across the ass's back) Sab 154b(25) [Var: 'pVlll 13X3 Ar (AC 3:337, s.v. 13n); i 13X]; Suk 20b(13); ib. 20 Geon. expl.: TyV ^V D'fB OH Suk 112:2; Lit: Geig, AAC 111; Tel 37; Y: 'gVll? Sab ib.(BAYTN 274). l#N3ia n.f. log, piece (4- '311 '3, 1#XX1311; Ma 2# X311 MD 82) 1. log: pi. m3J/1 X^p'T1? ,Tp0S niK?3 Vinay '311 ... 'ail (if) he cut down a date palm and made it into logs, logs-(and) made them into beams BQ 96a(23; Es); 2. piece [perh. < trunk (of body)]: pi. '311 '3113 TO'a pBll (the snake) went out from him in many pieces Sab 109b(40); ib. 38; 'mm '<T)n}Xffl p'DST X'l'n '311 a snake that was cut and thrown in two pieces I ib. 156b(10) 2# N2U 265 i#tnia T Geon. expl.: JlB'Tin OHP BQ 155:12; Y: '313 Sab 156b(10; Mo 87). 2#K3U n.m. (uncertain; MH2 pin J1131 Nid 23b(27); I Xip'T mng. 2) pi., in phrase '311 Kip'V! lower sides of the chin: MQ 24a(26; M2) Geon. expl.: OBinn p rfrya'? ii nB'usn nwtfrn byv Tytm mi tyi d.tb ty reason nxj> p'ma» rny trx-u D^xyawi DX;V?X DniX pipl orfrw OBinn, i.e. f lil a veil over the lower part of the face OHT MQ 39:7; Y: "31J ib. HN311 adj., n. of GN (unkn. GN) n., pl.m. 'X311 'XCSD stupid people of GN Ber 17b(18); Qid 70b(36) [equated w. Gibeonites] Geon. expl.: '-WIXB bpiriTV WTID 1X3 ^33 mnx XW Dips !"NJ15 !'3ii D'^xyaw imx pimp j'tvi !,x:u nxnp: 'jxtoj oht Ber 44:4 [v. TGHark 379]; Y: 'K3« girf ib. Nn3ia n.m. height, elevated ground (1 VrI31; BH nil HAL 164) 1. height: sg. 'xa nnail what is its height? Zev 55b(24; V"); ib. 59b(17); 'xp D'nso nwan 'in 'x nnsii3 max 'anx ba mriaT for every four cubits in height of hewn stone, if (the wall) has five handbreadths (width), it will stand BB 3a(51); 'Wl'X 'B?Bn»8 '.13113 people use its [i.e. the wall's] height Er 77a(26); Tan 20b(24); 2. elevated ground: sg. T3 nn311 X3'X '1'3 there is elevated ground in between AZ 50a(19) Y: XiTOJ Er ib.(BAYTN 146). N3"3ia, N3N'3U n.m. collection (I Vl#'31) sg. X3X'311 nona (the debts) are not yet collected [lit. are lacking collection] BB 140a(22); Ket 43a(35); Yev 66b(37); San 29b(49); HP 53:22; X1DW 'Xp XIX'3111? a writ exists for collection BM 103a(10); X'31T ]XaD XB'p XlX'Sll^T ]T3 XJHX 'ai since a field is collectible, it is considered as if it is collected ib. 110b(10); XIX'3111? 'ip take possession (of the field) for the collection (of your debt) ib. 66b(23) Y: Kl"3« San ib.(BAYTN 266). NT'3W n.m. jujube (< Arab »!3^ Siggel 54) pi. 'T'311 HG1 97:86 Lit: Low, Flora 3:253. K^3W n.m. dough (I V731; Ma XV3U form MD 82V sg. xm 'aVys xVsn xin xan1? mao 'a do you think that it is bread? It is merely dough Ber 38a(3) Y: X^3W Ber ib.(BAYTN 146). 'J311 i xni'31 n. 1#N"131J, N13J n.m. potency, strength (4- Vial, 2#xmnai; cf. Sy K'^o-i-ijJ!^ strength LS 102) sg. nnail 3m ntt/a 'IXW Moses is different, since his potency is greater AZ 8a(2); Nid 25b(30); |im yiw\ rvonn nnan vsi naa how much greater is his potency than (that of) Moses and the sixty myriads (at the Red Sea)? Hul 7a(42; MGG 611:18); najn n'131 31 naD nXTn'3 how great is his strength that he can act (in this manner) according (to the opinion of) one individual Yev 104a(17) Y: nTJW AZ ib. 2#N13U 4- l#X131n. lttKnSW, NOSH n.f. tube, small log, duct (dimin. < 4- 1#K311; Sy pc'^jifO^hollowed out reed used to extinguish candles LS 100 [Lex], Ma KT1D11 container, cylinder MD 85) 1. tube, cylindrical container: sg. 12/aa XD311 GC 104:10 [i.e. in its lit. mng.; expl. MH DnsiSlf? MPar 5:4]; Sab 146b(15); xVnST X71311 an iron tube Ber 6a(18; F); XOT1T Xmil a bronze tube Sab 66b(40); ib. 90b(23); Yom 84a(15); X'ipT XH311 a reed tube BM 102a(l); AZ 28b(25); 'XD311 K^mai my tube of kohl Ber 18b (41); ST 496:11 [for mezuza]; XnS113 'am Xl'O ]a XTO^m 30 take a worm from clay and place (it) in a tube HM AA:6; 2. small log: sg. <T? lllffai rb ]'p'm XT1311 xV'(n)IB?)l«; a small log which is hollowed out and made into a pipe BQ 67a(7; GC 118:10) [expl. MH Tirx ib.]; 3. duct: sg. X71311 X(')(1inn X^'Vsin1? '03 '3B XpSl mm a certain duct which goes out from the Z>±-stomach to the h.-stomach Hul 58b(18; H2); yiT TO.ym XJ1311 semen duct Yev 75b(46) Lit: Eps, GC 11818; AAC 113; Low, Lehnw 168; in MD ib., this word was conflated w. KJ1B1J net [= Sy rdacO^LS 110, K-A^a^PSm 687 (Lex)]; Y: X713U Sab 146b(15; BAYTN 200). 2#KrOU n.f. hill(?) sg. Bo 72:7 Nam 4- xan n. ltfNTO, KTOa n.m. wall, side (Sy 2# ^o^ LS 104, Ma 3#XT11 MD 82) 1. wall: sg. BB
2# NT15 266 xna T- 2a(18) [expl. MH nrn» Mib. 1:1; * I xruT7B mng. 1]; Er 25b(17);'Ber 51a(44); Sab 149a(12; V) [I xiDtf]; rvxa xtu^> ... 'bx -nna ox if (the sick person) turns (his) face to the wall he will die HM 43:16; '3'3 '3'31 XTU the wall in between Er 94a(4); 5g 23b(35); BB 41a(16) [4- Vl#TU pe.]; XTU TT'tV'S/ T1T31 "7'T go and let us push a wall upon them Ket 69b(35); 'Tff rm XTU 'm n'T7'y push a large wall (and) pull (it) down upon him BQ 92b(46); Tan 24a(51) [i VD3ri pa., mng. 2]; X3TSX1 XTU the wall of a house Er 25b(13); 'TTljn XTU the wall (to keep out) the wild asses BB 36a(ll); XTUX '2mm mW3 a beam which they place on the wall TGAs42 157:3 [expl. 4- Xtrtwn BB 6a(29)]; pi. 'X13 'TJU internal walls Er 25b(15); 2. side: sg. xrU'SOT XTU the side of the ship HG3 121:25 [expl. MH rU'BOH '3Bi Hul 41b(16)] The fol. pass, may poss. belong here: '1TB ins'1? Ml V.T1 '3 '*niJ 'B"m may the great court punish the ones who rub against the walls Sot 22b(18; OsAr [AC 3:462]) [v. expl. Ar, AC ib.; Rashi, however, connects it w. I Mill]; Y: XTO Sab 149a(12; BAYTN 159). 2# NTO n.m. leather bottle, leather bag (Sy ^cO^leather bottle LS 108, Ma 2#XTU leather bag MD 82, > Akk gudu CAD G 120) 1. leather bottle: sg. XTU T]^ ]TWD~I XTJJ. Xinm H'SWa X'a il'3 p'^DI it is your skin which we shall make into a leather bottle, and we shall draw water with it Suk 48b(27; Ar [AC 2:239]); 2. leather bag: sg. X3"i3 m xna xtu -itjtVx ^pw pn took the leather bag (and) hit the judge with it San 109b(28; MGG 312:2) [4- l#xrr»n usage b] Y: Xlia Suk ib.(BAYTN 22). 3#NTIJ 4-2#XTln. KTT1J n.m. cutting (4- VT13) sg. XTTU ]'3D a cutting knife 5o 78:16 Kfim 4- xai'J. n. X3T1J, N3N115 n.m. a type of garment (4- 2#XTJ3; cf. Sy rd^o-S^ garment PSm 674 [Lex], ModSy rc'mo.^ Maclean 46) sg. 31 X3TU W>d!? ]iy PN used to wear a g.-garment Sab 119a(14; MO!) [Var: XT315 Ar (AC 2:317)] Geon. expl.: MXTO '8 ]N3 linm [X"0 B"3B O'^S] K131S nt 'B iTniO JV"B31 pan 'B'Va GC 75:9, i.e. ij'±^; expl. Ar: 0'1J3 D'Tinw AC ib.; Lit: Eps, GC 7529; Fr, AF 46; Geig, AAC 126 [< P rt. gund- to dress]; Y: KliU Sab ib. xsiu 4- xsru n. Nil'ITM n.f. small hedge (4- XTTi + xn'' [dimin. ending]) sg. '3pl XJVTTU a small hedge of reeds Er 19b(39); ;'/>. 40; 41 Y: xn'Tm £r ife XBHto n.m. heap (VtfTJ; cf. Sy Kli_,x^ pile LS 106) sg. XEnil1? Xinn that refers to the heap Er 14b (14); m xrV>171 WTO 'XH the heap constitutes one-third (of the entire amount) ib. 15 Y: XtHU Er ib. (BAYTN 146). l#KjTI3. n.m. rumbling, earthquake (< XITU* < xruu*; 4- Vl#rM; Sy kLjj«_^ [dial, form of rcijj-icOj LS 125, mng. 5, BAli 1, 2790, BBah 462:23, Ma XTO, X3HXJ XTU, X3J X.TU MD 82, 81, 95; cf. Akk guhhu coughing fit CAD G 125) sg. Ber 59a(10) [expl. MH JTIJhT Mib. 9:2]; ib. 15; nmj IT3J there was a rumbling sound ib. 11 Lit: N61d, MG 52; Geig, AAC 117; Y: Km Ber ib. 2# NHia n.m. pool (< XrTU*; 4- Vmi, XTU 13, s.v. 1#X*I3 mng. 4a; cf. Sy rdJjcO^ streaming LS 108) sg. MQ 8b(16; Ar [OHP ib. 64:21]) [expl. MH J13TJ3 ib.; C: nX1.T5] Expl. Ar: nnan m vani lupinm Nron ohp ib.; Lit: Kut, Studies 431+ [Heb], suggests < Akk kimahu grave CAD K 370, AIOA 64; but v. ib. , on the problematic nature of the deriv. of the JBA forms; Y: XTrii BAYTN 22. "11115 n.m. substance, essence (< MP gohr CPD 36, > Arab jij* Hava 102) sg. mp'jn n^T "ITU its essence and main point TGHark 207:10; ttj'3 "inn m (myMi) D'3'ru o'3ijm the Gibeonites, Netinim, and Canaanites are, in essence, the same HG2 522:42; ib. 37 Lit: Geig, AAC 117. i#Kj?Tm 4-xp-nrun. [2# N,?imj 4- XJ7TU n.] NN5 n.m. inner part (4- 15, HX115; TA XT3 TO Ex 29:13, Sy k'^LS 107, Ma 1#X1X3 MD 74) sg. Xllb X13 Sab 78a(28) [mnemonic sign]; X3ai H'lJ the inner part of the vessel ^Z72b(9); ib. 16; XTO .T3TIX1 the inner part of his ear ib. 28b(17); X11J xnvm the inner part of the animal Git 69a(13); pi. T1XT xaVyV Xp"?in 13'133 l"? n'X shall we have T T - . — a share in your inner parts [i.e. of the geese] in the world to come? BB 73b(34) Y: NU BAYTN 98. ntOl? adj. inner, n. inner part (4 XTU + gent, ending; TA HXU TJ IK 6:27(Var), Sy rcU^LS 107, Ma X'XIXJ MD 74) I. adj.: sg.m. X'lJ XID'S inner retention of urine Git 69b(55) [4-1# Xltt'S]; f. xnna IXriD'lDI XJVIl ]Xno»10 Inner GN and Outer GN Yom 10a(ll) [expl. BH ... KTOQ XaraDl Gen 10:7]; pl.m. TI33 Xn 'XII T133 XH 'X13 this is in the 'inner chambers' (of heaven), and that is in the 'outer chambers' Hag 5b(29); ib. 13a(l); Qid 33a(27); Zev 52a(l); BB 29b(23) // ib. 159b(35) [4- XBIti]; 'XII '^"WU internal walls £r 25b(15); 7ow 21a(34); II. inner part: sg.f. xn'TllV Tl"131 XTT'131? 'ri'HJ (if he switched) the 'inner' (scriptural section of the phylacteries) with the 'outer' one or the 'outer' one with the 'inner' one Men 35a(l); pl.f. Xn Xri"1J3 Xn 'n"T33 Yev 43a(17) [w. ref. to teeth of a comb]; XnX'XIJH XnX'XIJ the innermost (rows of barrels) Pes 8b(41); XT3V xrT'll1? XTU a wall is made for its inner sides Er 25b(17) Voc: 'K« VTM 121; Y: Wj Qid 33a(27). l#Knia, KTN1J n.m. stick, branch, trunk, wood (< Avest *gawaza- staff for leading cattle AI 511; 4- xntll; Sy r^WL^ staff LS 108, Ma XtXIXJ staff, rod MD 74, GeonH IXU OHT Pes 78:21, MH m'TXIl MPes 4:8 [Geonic rdg.]) 1. stick: sg. Ket 27a(41); 2. branch, stem: sg. '3T p'sa mm xttu1? hti'x xtb1? n^p© when you remove the fruit the branch remains (viable) which produces fruit again Ber 40a(57; F) [O: XJV'X]; TinmOT XTX1J a stem of marjoram Git 69b(2; OHT ib. 156:9); XTXW XBD'p resin of the stem AZ 35b(10) // Nid 8b(15); pi. pmi f?'X "?31 '1X11 l'B/'"D1 XW03 n'BIB any tree whose leaves fall off in the winter and whose branches remain HG1 93:26(Var); 3. trunk of a tree: sg. X1TJ 'XH xtxiix wrx n'n'rob xV X3n"7i xsa1? x'Vtht wrx n'n'ri'}'? x^x pTx vf? nm owa x^>p'i<T> xtux rryna nan'1? x1? p'^o oi x^p'To m1? xtxnx XTina ns1? <X>(D}'3pX nan'1? Xbx one should not place a ladder raised on both sides [i.e. in the form of an inverted V] on the trunk of a date palm, because this forms 'sides' (and is forbidden on the Sabbath), but one may place (it) on a stem extending from a date palm. When he ascends (the ladder) he should not place his feet on the trunk, but he should place (them) on the branch extending from the trunk Sab 155a(U); n'BU l^'XT XJ3'0T.B1 XTXTU the trunk and the ... of the tree itself ib. 154b(31); 4. wood, piece of wood: sg. BQ 22b(23) // ib. 59b(34); H3 pOBT T"yV XTTU he cut wood with it [i.e. the slaughtering knife] for idolatry Hul 8b(4; V11); XTX1J H'3 fen TOT X33X (a hole bored into) a large stone into which a piece of wood is inserted TGHark 86:13; ntXIJ TGDr49 94:17 [expl. MH DD'p Sab llb(21)]; XTXin '3X8 wooden utensils Anan 44:8; ib. 58:8; HTXIJ SSHai 6a(6); pi. '1J1 'T1U xnVn two (or) three pieces of wood NDGR 180:12; TRN 366:1 (Var); 'TXU SSHai lla(10; O) Geon. expl.: TOOK nan TinKBTD TOW3 tinaiOl KIXU OHT Git 156:9, i.e. jjiLi> iiii [mng. 2]; 1X13 fll'lKU K^K X1H ]3 ibl ]wii imx imp i(j)I')k ]nn o'np^n 'iy\ mfrx 'Pipwp ]m 'tSU 'DTK OHT Pes 78:17 [mng. 3]; pip fmB :read] '3ny 'V^2 KIX1J nmp1? Ar [AC 2:262], i.e. NP gawaz large wooden mortar PED 1100; Lit: Geig, AAC 119; Y: KTO BQ 22b(23). 2#KTVU am. eunuch (TA XTX11 TJ IK 22:9(Ar [AC 2:256, H O'TD]) sg. XTXTJ X1HH Sab 152a(19; Ar [AC ib.]) [O: mm]; 'TXU TT0B ]ttni 31 PN used to send eunuchs Qid 33a(44; Ar [AC ib.]) [V3: 'XTU]; TV*} ma Xpl 'TX1U WX the eunuchs came and were beating him Meg 28a(25; CAr [AC ib.]) [G: 'XT11] Y: xnj BAYTN 41. 3#NTTU n.m. perh. receptacle for valuables (etym. uncertain) sg. XT1X1 ]ai (PN became rich also) from the g. -receptacle Ned 50a(34); x"?1 'a' «p by '1X15, 'W irDWX they only found a g. -receptacle on the sea shore (after the shipwreck) ib. 35; "inra ni'ina nin 'po'j? n'^isi XT115 all the merchandise had been placed in that g. -receptacle ib. 37 Lit: Sperber, Nautica 157 , w. prev. lit. This word may perh. be identical w. i 1#X111J and refer to a wooden chest. K5115, N315 n.m. color, kind (4- 5115, X3115 'Xn '3, XIl'Tri; Sy kIjcO^LS 109, Ma XJ1X5 MD 75) 1. color: sg. n'1W3T Xill the color of his flesh BQ 85b(18); pi. '315 Xnx(1>{'lin XnX(1){')Tn various
i#m 268 eraVia colors : colors Hul 46b(32; HP 199:6) [double rdg.]; 'Ill '111 various colors TGAs28 143:15 [cf. Sy fOK-S^ ^^PSm 683, Ma X'llXl X'llXl MD ib.]; 2. kind, sort: sg. lHJ'J X1U in 'CT these (liabilities) are of one kind BQ 108a(30); pl.abs. pill San 98a(46) [4- T3]; pill Va 5o 8:15; cs. nn Til '1111 two kinds of a fence £r 19b(38); ii. 20a(l); RH 12a(20); 7ev 40a(15); BQ 114a(46); BM 8b(34); ^Z 39b(9); Zev 97a(25); //«/ 58b(47); Nid 62a(19); TG/forA: 207:9; i& 45:28; 3. (uncertain): pi. 'SB xVl ,TPnX '3111 "WX 'jm '131D"lp inna ""ina he wants to show the ... on his head, but he cannot show because of those cracks BQ 86a(12) Y: Mil? Git 69b (54). 1# T1A vb. to cease, pass away (Sy to-^LS 108) Pe.: xannoxi xjw ran iy nsro by nvujnj nap XJHX she carried him on her shoulders until the time passed and the earth (which had opened to swallow Korah's company) closed up San 110a(l) [2# m 1 VlTl vb.] nNra 4- 2# xmi n. NVjia n.m. young dove (4- X^TIl 13, s.v. 1#X"I3 mng. 3a; JPA bm DJPA 122; cf. Sy rdl^oi LS 188) sg. 3-1*7 (6m H'V VstJ X30 r>axn PN, the elder, put a dough paste on a pigeon for PN2 .Pes 74b(5; C); X'bnil 'Vx'TlX lambs and pigeons ». 119b(32) [expl. MH pip'SX Mib. 10:8]; 5er 47a(36) Lit: Talshir, Fauna 51; Y: X^liJ ftj ib.(BAYTN 163). NatW n.m. hyperbole (4- Vo?l; JPA naiTl DJPA 125, Sy K'&oJMouJ^boldness LS 112) sg. xani 'inp (the Tannd) employs a hyperbole Bes 4a(24); xaill Xn'ina the barraita is a hyperbole /ira lla(7; L1); Er 2b(23); //u/ 90b(17); xa?U xa"?5?3 it is merely a hyperbole flil/ 38a(24); ib. 104b(30) Geon. expl.: 'K3n psi OHP Bes 51:2; Lit: Bacher 25; Low, Lehnw 168 [not Gr]; Y: KB1U SM 38a(24; BAYTN 146). NnilJ n.f. perh. branch (4- l#Xmi) sg. TRN 572:5 [expl. 4- XTXT] 'IS vb. to move something inward (denom. < 4- 11; Sy ,cO^ to bring in LS 107) Pa.: m'U 'SB ■'tlVirb'l '3'n '3 XmiS move it [i.e. the 'erav] inward a bit so that more (area) should be permitted Er 61b(29) *6»ia n.m. a type of parchment (MH2 ^'ll J 221) pi. 'Vni XlSnxi ... '3B XlT'Xl I shall catch deer and prepare the g.-parchments (for their skins) BM 85b(22; F'Ed); 'b^llXl ty H'njn his intention was in regard to the g. -parchments Ned 14b(7); San 28b(l) Lit: M. Glatzer, Sefunot 19 [1989] 186+, has shown that °?'1I was relatively thick and was written on the hair side; Y: ^'la San ib.(BAYTN 105). NSVia n.m. emmer (Sy KlAIo^LS 117) sg. PeV35a(18) [expl. MH ]'a013 Mib. 2:5] // Men 70b(l) Lit: M. Kislev, LeSonenu 37 [1973] 87+ [contra Low, Flora 2:439]; Fl, TMW 1:434; Y: XaVu Pes ib.(BAYTN 146). NnVaVia n.f. skull, capitation tax (TA xfiVliVli TO Ex 16:16, BH nVi^J HAL 183) 1. skull: sg. mn XTbfin Tam 32b(15); ib. 17; San 82a(24) // ib. 104a(36); 39; 42; 2. capitation tax: sg. «]0D Xn^ll money of the capitation tax BB 8a(19) // Ned 62b(5; V2) [expl. BA T?3 Ez 7:24]; Yev 17a(23) Y: XB7171 Yev ib.(BAYTN 291). NnVia n.m. brightness, glow (Va7l < V2# n1?!; cf. Sy . u\ \^pa./af. to show clearly, ottL^so clear LS 118, PSmSup 75) sg. 'Xp nn XnVU3 XTm XIH xmTITl he was standing in the brightness, and it was the ray that he saw Pes 13a(l; Ar [AC 3:275, s.v. 2TIT]) // San 42a(28; F2Ar [AC ib.]); pi. X'V'Vt 'm>U the glows of the night Tan 3b(40; M2Ar [AC 2:294]!) The rdgs. X'17'J, X'7'J, X'7U, etc. in the other mss. are corruptions based on the common Vltf'^J; Y: 'rfr'J Tan ib. n.m. unformed shape (MH D^ii Yeivin, BV 851, Sy rdikl^ rocky place LS 118) pi. 'aVll &A 52b(36) //1& 123a(41) [ref. to a solid piece of metal] The phrase XTDipn XOVlJ San 95a(23) is a metanalyzed form of the original MP Jinn1?-!!* [4. nnioV'J], which was not understood by the scribe and was partially translated into A; for another ex. of this phenomenon, v. 1 J1X2; Y: 'J^a Sab ib.(BAYTN 146). n.m. a type of tree (etym. unkn.) sg. San i#nsVw 269 l#NWa t : 108b(30) // RH 23a(14; L) [expl. BH IS'ST'S? Gen 6:14] Lit: Low, Flora 3:22: cedar; J. Perles, MGWJ 15 [1866] 152: Salix balchia < NP gulamus species of willow PED 1095 [v. Geig, AAC 124]; note, however, the var. rdgs. in RH ib.: 11 traVu M2; WB7U JIT A. This may indicate that the orig. word was wa^JIT* [cf. -I XP73DT]; Y: W'»7U San ib.(BAYTN 274). l#NSVia n.m. jug (4- ^Iwpl; > Arab <-£* empty barrel Fr, AF 169) sg. p3W»I? XJHX1 xmiX XT'DW1X3 X3U/81 XsVll Wl'X a person customarily leaves an (empty) jug and a hide in an inn Yom 12a(25) // Meg 26a(42); "9ro Vy 'sVll bpv he put a jug on his shoulder Ned 49b(38); BM 40b(4); AZ 65b(2); pi. BB 71a(19); AZ 74b(35); 'SVll *l"i "3X PN used to make an enclosure of jugs Qid 81a(33); 'sVll3 niD'aV to prepare jugs Hag 25b(40); 'ypDT 'n'3B?1 'mn 'sVll new jugs which frequently burst Sab 42b(30); H'1? 'mi 'IVn '£)VlJ3 XimV they used to put the wine in unglazed jugs AZ 32a(8; J) [4- "lTrl adj., mng. 1.4]; 'DD1X1 'MTTC? 'SVll dark and black jugs ib. 34b(3; Ed); "XmXT 'sVn jugs of pagans TGAs28 192:10 Expl. Ar: Bin "?w am ]7\ im DH3i ni'sn 'bVui ':pap "b ac 2:302; Lit: Brand 81; Y: KB^IJ Yom 12a(25; BAYTN 146). 2# KS^U 4- XBVip n. KJlVia, pi. 'TlVia n.m. cloak (VVVj; Sy K'RlcO^, pi. k4oA.ls 115) sg- Sob 77b(34) [w. popular etym. as 3'ril '"71 uncover (it) and sit (upon it) Ar (AC 2:278)]; 'X' n'Jv?in 'X' XIH he is suitable, and his cloak is suitable BB 11 la(38); Xirm xnVll a golden [i.e. gold trimmed] cloak BM 85a(26); pi. 'bpw 13"JT>11 did I take your cloaks? Bes 38b(3) It is clear from the m. gender and the pi. form that this word was understood in JBA as a <?«//-form of rt>l*; Y: Krfru Sab ib.(BAYTN 200). lftNSia n.m. depression, cavity (4- VqBI; Sy K'^_i73fLA^LS 120) sg. XaiJ T3J? Xp XH1 is he not, in fact, making a depression? Bes 8a(l) Most occurrences of this word occur in H context; Y: xaiJ Ber ib. 2# XDia n.m. gum Arabic (< Lat gummi OLD 470, s.v. cummi; 4- l#XBlp; Ma X'»ll gum, secretion MD 83) sg. Meg 18b(51; CMV 45:9) [expl. MH DlSip MSab 12:4] xmaia, pi. naia n.f. live coal (Sy K'&icvj*^, pi. k'H^73^av_LS 121, Ma X'"l»ll pi. MD 83, Akk gumdru cad G 133) sg. rrty xmau rum 'a1?'! n'1? 'Vpl perhaps he will place a live coal on it [i.e. the skull bone] and char it (so that it splits open) Hul lla(18); Pes 84b(20); pi. VUn1? pin ■JK'n Xp mm '"iail we saw those coals which were still glowing [lit. alive] BB 74b(21; Es) [P2: mm 'OT^n Xp]; nam XOD a bowl of coals Sab 134a(28); naiJX 'TO'Vl T\rKiV xnw'3 Tl"1?! let him bring fatty meat and place it on the coals ib. 110a(31); naiJX H"TO Hul 93b(19; V") // HTinX nailX Pes 74b(26); naUX XpaiD 'W'3 red meat on coals Git 67b(21); ib. 28; 32; 70a(7); Sab 18b(36); ib. 134a(17); Bes 23a(9); Xlin nail coals of fire //M40:16 [cf. Ma: XIUT Xnail MD ib.]; xanm nail coals of broom BB 74b(22) Lit: Low, WZKM 10[1896] 135; Y: xrrpu Pes 84b(19; BAYTN 198). N33ia n.m. theft (4- V311; Sy re' S icQ^LS 124, Ma X31U MD 84) sg. Xypn3 X3111 X3'X 'a is there theft in heaven? BB 74a(31; TGHark 190:22); xV'Ul X31U theft and robbery Geon 154:10; ib. 13 J3ia n.m. color (< MP gonag CPD 37; 4- Xllll) sg. mi "IXTH "13 a donkey of a thousand colors San 98a(45; M,GS 400:15) [4- ID] Geon. expl.: D'JU 011J <pK 1KW lion H3 OH San 516:8; Lit: Geig, AAC 73, s.v. JIM. 1# >n:ia, NlNlia n.f./m. troop of soldiers (cf. MP gund#l CPD 38, Sy 1# t^io^f. LS 104, Ma Kllll MD 84, > Arab jk Fr, AF 238, PLAr 93) sg. XJl"ap X1111 l"7n the first troop passed by Ber 58a(29); XW1XT Xllll a troop (of soldiers) which was making noise ;'6.(OHP ib. 106:7); X1111 'rinnx another troop AZ lla(3); 'Xam XTM a troop of soldiers Git 57a(17) [Var: X1X311 MGD 622:4]; 'WnST Xllll a troop of horsemen BM 86a(33; Es); XB'm '1311 the troop of Hema [an angel] Ned 32a(14); pl.abs. by 'am I'llll ]'Snoa lin'Diy (the demons) are cast down as troops and thrown on their beds Bo 7:17; det. yvsit D1B?B n'1111 because His troops are numerous Hul 60a(8) [Var: n'TVrV'n V"] Expl. RaH: 1X11 '3iy ]W*?2 ]31 ^'n 'B OHR Git 37:6; Lit: Geig,
2# mm 270 K9M T AAC 126, states that it is impossible to decide if the word is Sem. or P; Y: xpu Ber ib.(BAYTN 147). 2# maia 4- wto n. 3# J0313 4- 1# XTO n. N^V'iaiJ n.m. left-handed person (4- xnwp; cf. Sy rdLiijrrio.^ ambidextrous LS 132, rdlio.^ left-handed BBah 462:4) sg. OHT Git 204:13(Ar) Geon. expl.: OHT ib. [i Jr^-HlJ]; G§ 423:22; Lit: Low, Pfl 417; Eps, St2 552:23, note. JVVl3ia adv. in a 'left-handed' fashion (4- X'lhaia) lann n'Viaia 'Vh perhaps they signed in a 'left-handed' fashion Cj? 87b(12; V18); ib. 17 Geon. expl.: n'Viiu taw imp uaipaa rrt-uu onWtn xa» onn n-'b'iJia ncx xsVn k^tjii mix imp towa b'xawam cum Vxawa OHT ib. 204:12; ri'Viru bxaw1? jmp 'anx jib1? tow uian Vnnoi ama tnxw pn pi xtos^x n"ta -paxa rrtnm xnp: 'iv ana -pia iro' tjk D'Vwai ib. 18, i.e. .tjiiii. While the mng. of this word is clear from the Geonic tradition, its exact connotation here [viz. from left to right, with the left hand] remains uncertain; Y: jrt'HU Git ib.(BAYTN 274). [NTUia 4- XTJTU n.] NT»*naia, Nomaia n.m. low fence (< 4- x-mu + -XI' [dimin. ending]) sg. Xp XT'THin xmiB X3T3JT I am making a bit of a small/low fence Qid 70a(36; 02Seel 43:73) [Var: HO'TUia MGD 24:12] Lit: Eps, Stl 109; AAC 127; Y: XXinTOJ BAYTN 291. [xnmaia 4- xr-mii n.] )ia'3ia n. all kinds (< Mir gundgun [cf. Manichean P gwnggwn Boyce 43) "[TIT1 Ta "73 pr,',na Tp'tMl all kinds of varied spirits and harmful spirits Bo 152:10 Lit: Shaked, Study 180. l#Dia vb. to be arrogant, familiar, intimate (MH 0U J 224) Pe. 1. to be arrogant: mm n"Tn 0'a he saw that he was being arrogant San 8a(2) [F2: 0"1]; n'Jljn 01 he has become arrogant Ber 47a(4); 2. to be familiar: H'3 O'll OT'K X3'X 'XT TCI D'l xn if he was a person who was familiar with him, then (in this particular case) he was familiar with him (and left off the title Rabbi) Ket 85b(26); Qid 33a(40); ib. 81a(29); 3. to be intimate: Tins 'Cn VlV (])(X)3'Tn Xp we see that (the betrothed couple) is intimate with each other Ket 28a(25); Yev 11 lb(51) 2# 013 vb. to meet (< Akk gdsu A to go, come CAD G 58, AIOA 51; Ma 1#013 to meet MD 84) Pe. (a/ ): TO 03 '1X1 byv '3 as he was coming along the way, he met him Pes 110b(23); 'TO iT3 0") ODi b'TXT while he is walking, he may actually meet him Git 65b(6; As) [1 VyJB pe., mng. 1] This root may perh. be etymologically the same as the prev. one. For Ol'a1? HG1 8:69, read Wlfr [i Voaj pe., mng. 2]. NpOia, N(70a n.m. a drinking vessel (cf. NP jausak earthenware bottle PED 378) pi. 'poll HG1 327:12 // 'j?01 HP 25:4(HPP 30:19) *\W vb. to prostitute oneself (JPA «]11 pe. DJPA 124) Pe.: HM^ HJISJ 'XaVltf '3pi 'B^p 'ina PN prostituted herself before (?) her mother for a paltry sum [lit. for peels of reeds] San 82b (29) Geon. expl.: nsxaaw "to nax nx 'm^iw raw n:p *?» ns'b'p dj? rb iwn nipn ns'bpai rowin nrxi nax '»3 Ar [OH ib. 447:2]. XSW n.m. body, self, the previous subject (TA H'Sli TJ IS 21:10, JPA «yiJ DJPA 124) 1. body: a. general: sg. XBU in one body Yev 87a(46); n"3 "?B31 XD'n XB13 where the body falls it comes to rest Sof 45b(40); n'B13B n'UTH p^BX'Xl TV until his head will be split lengthwise from his body Ber 56b(3); Ara 7a(31); XB131 XrinB ,TTnn n'3'a xai 'riXT (the term) #. (designates) a wound of the body from which blood flows Anan 15:3; XBU! X-iyx personal affliction [lit. affliction of the body] Yom 23a(ll); Sab 86b(21) // Nid 34b(ll) [4- Vl#Van pe., mng. 1]; 7ev 118a(30); nxnsu xbij isV'V xVi 'dti '3 so that (his daughters) should not join themselves to another body Sab 65b(2); NB13 iT^D the entire body Anan 117:1; Pes 42b(5); ftW 37:5; 'XB13 n'VlB my entire body Tan 16a(19); Sab 129a(34); VWX X'H iTBia his wife is (equivalent to) his body Ket 66a(27); Men 93b(15); .TB1JQ W"B X1?! pTI '3 1OT DW so that no defilement remains in his body Anan 32:21; nyVim nana j^rr n'sia may his body become wormy with maggot(s) and worm(s) Dec 7:12; JV J'pjWl iT3 I'D1?^ prx n'SIl they will overpower him and will torment his body HM 46:18; b. in proverbs: NB1J ]iyt3,17 gasia t : niS p5?B,17 x"?l let the body bear (the consumed foods), and do not let the bed bear (them) [i.e. do not lie down until they are digested] MQ 1 la(40); ■?'m xbii in nnai xjx 'xrn I saw that the body follows the head [i.e. one should follow one's predecessors] Er 41a(27); 2. essence: sg. XB1J in one essence BB 134b(27); X1315H n'BU the essence of the case AW42b(15); Ket 63a(13); GU 39b(39); BB 32b(32); pn^naT XB1J the essence of our Mishna Nid 45b(42); pi. inra 'B1J nr they [i.e. aB/in and T32?] are two essences Qid 4a(39); BB 134b(27); Zev 82b(30); Hul 74b(46); Tern 20a(19); 3. w. suf. pron. self [in appositional usage for emphasis]: a. people: Xp"! !1B1J X'H xaorai she, herself, marries after careful investigation [lit. investigates and gets married] Yev 93b (20); a'n'i ~im xp vm xnjnx n'BU xm he, himself, decides to give (her the get) in compliance with her (desire) BM 66a(18); San 61b(33); Xin XJB'T H'Bia Xiia our master, himself, is a falsifier AZ 1 lb(21); ib. 51a(42); xV "jBU J1X '!? V'lPnn you, yourself, will not be lent to me BM 94b(9); 'Tinx WlBp X*7 tt'Bia WX you, yourselves, are not particular about each other BM 37a(41); irTBU im'X they, themselves 55 54b(15); Svu 23b(15); tri? H'1? TDK lH'Bia 'nxi !VnXT xnilX aoaa1? it is forbidden for one of the brothers themselves to marry the wife of his brother Anan 107:11; b. objects: XTS J^riXT XH n'BU XJV'X yVriXT XH n'BU this refers to where the fruit itself became wormy, that to where the tree itself became wormy Hul 67b(9); n'BU XTB1 np'X fl'T the fruit itself was called an olive Ber 35b(39); H'SU1? Xip in *?1 remove one biblical verse for itself [i.e. for the plain meaning] Zev 38a(l); Meg 23b(37); San 4a(28); RH 13b(2); c. in legal terminology: 1) in appos.: [MBI! =] XBU XH X'lffp this, itself, is difficult [i.e. there is an internal contradiction] Ber 8b(42); Pes 84a(5); Hul 5a(33); ~h Tirf? XBU X'H why do I (need) it itself? Ket 24a(8); Sab 150b(7); Er 99a(44); 5«* 6b(7); 7ev 21b(20); BB 119b(3); 5a« 45b(5); 2) w. 3sg.f. suf. pron. HB1J itself, an editorial term indicating that the following discussion returns to a previously mentioned subject: (a) general: Sab 28a(20); Suk 25b(13); Ket 15a(26); 5g 18b(18); r« XB1J //«/ 46b(14); (b) Mishna [v. Eps, MNM 907]: Yom 15a(27); ^e? 63b(5); AZ 37a(31) Lit: Bacher 26; Y: XB1J 5aft 65b(2; BAYTN 18). N3Sia n.m. grape vine (4- '3B11 'a, X3B15 nay, XJ311 rfrti; TA XJBli TJ Ezek 17:7, Ma XJB11 MD 84, Sy K'Sla-^, pi. kIa^^A^LS 128) sg. XJBU 2?n3 the vine deteriorated BQ 59a(35); ran XJBin 'Ca© certain branches of a vine 16. 113b(32); X3B11 'n1?© the last fruits [lit. the end] of the grape vine [expl. MH ]'3BiJ MDem 1:1] Ber 40b(49); HG3 283:93; pi. MBU 5g 92a(3); ;6. 7 // BB 69b(17); '3B1J lO'in '33 XHX'SX rlVn three rows containing twelve vines (each) BB 12a(34); 'jV'X '3B1J1 'aV'X trees and vines-trees (are preferable) ATe/ 79a(35) The exact mng. of ni,,7T X'Jt X3B1J Bo 78:17 is uncertain; Y: XJB1J BQ ib.(BAYTN 147). sVsia 4- x"?Bip n. NHSia n.m. inflorescence of palms (4- 3# X1B13; Sy K'-ii^LS 129, Ma X1XB11 MD 84) pi. •HSU in"7 lipi '3D'3T DV3B3 the male inflorescences of the torn out portions of palms which are called g. HG1 98:4(Ar [AC 5:354, s.v. ]D3]) [4- 'jriO'3] Lit: Flora 2:335. Knnsia n.f. sulfur (4- xma'3) sg. xmsia n'3 p^TTI xn^'Xl may sulfur and fire burn in him Bo 74:3 xnsia 4- i#xmii n. pia adj. short, n. short person (< lf\p* w. dissim. of q-s > g-s; i Vysp, V^X}; Ma f>i little MD 92, s.v. 2#XXn, Dip short ib. 408, s.v. l#X01p) I. short: sg.m. m.1 XX11 W'3'X X3in 31 PN was a short person Meg 27b(45); Ned 50b (18); pn "inxi 1B11 his body-that it is tall or short BM 27b (17) [concerning identification of a deceased person]; ib. 81b(5); San 109b(32); f. XX11 inn'X your wife is short BM 59a(30); pl.m. 'paid yo 'XII (if the bird's) thighs are short and red Hul 63a(5); II. short person: pl.m. 'Xn 'BX3 '3nx tall people in front of short ones Sof 38b(48) The dissim. q-s > g-s is common in Ma [v. Nold, MG §41], but is generally not found in JBA; Y: flJ Ber 31b(39); XS1J 271
1#TU 272 Ni?*™ Meg 27b(45; BAYTN 78). 1#T1J vb. to prostitute oneself, commit adultery (4 Kill; Sy -U^to be adulterous LS 110, Ma 1#TI1 MD 85) Pe. 1. to prostitute oneself: 'TSpV Xl^BBI '1XDTTJ XT1 she prostitutes herself for pomegranates and distributes (them) to the sick OHT Git 197:26; 2. to commit adultery: 'X ywa~\ mi'X 31J13'1 X1?! max 3V131 X"?X pnj -] rni he should not write (in the get) mi'X [i.e. plene yod] since it means 'if she committed adultery', but he should write Xl-llX (defectively) Git 85b(33; OHT Git 197:16) [expl. as JBA ri'lT 'X OHT Git 27] The proverb quoted by the Gaon from an unknown source in JBA is paralleled by the JPA proverb: NJ^SOl plira XB'J N'B'i? VR 56:3 and Ar [AC 2:343, X"0] // XT'J PRK 161:9 and At [AC ib.]. Note also: X13y Xpl XTJ ,TDin XJ113 ,T^> ,Tin NTJU ,"rt TIB XTKJ'X (Antoninus) had a daughter named Cyr' who acted promiscuously. (Rabbi Judah, the Prince) sent to him rocket AZ 10b(4), i.e. NT1 U Gyr' has prostituted herself [v. Ar (AC ib.)]. [2#11J Vb. 4 V3#m Vb.] Nil* n.m. fornication, adultery (4 Vl#"l11; Sy rc'icO^LS 110, Ma 1#X-I1X1 MD 75) sg. IX mil 'isnx iwVn x-iin xixw1? mi'x 3vix3 if he writes mi'X [i.e. />/e«e yorf] it is a term (derived) from X"lll which in Aramaic is fornication OHT Git 197:25 NaniS n.m. sock (cf. NP gorab short socks PED 1102; Sy Kl=iici_^LS 130) sg. pB'Kr? H'V n» '» X3"I113 is he permitted (on the Day of Atonement) to go out wearing [lit. with] a sock? Seel 189:8; pi. 'nil D'O 'XT if he puts on socks Anan 117:6; n'lOla 'im H'STll *\-bvtb to remove his socks together with his shoes ib. 25; 14; <311J mxOD SMel 52:261 [expl. as NP 3111] Lit: Fl, TMW 1:436; Eps, Stl 130. N'SIIA n.m. clamor (V'lTl; Sy rciij^a^ LS 131) sg. X-ll'XT X'nil clamor of the roof Bo 106:6 NTVsflia, KTVjIJt n.m. head of a turnip (< y0770X1810v Lehnw 183; Asaf I'TlllVl AsVen 151) sg. XriB'1?! XT'jnuV ,TB>n 'BTJ his head resembles the head of a turnip Bek 43b (8) [expl. MH ]fisb Mib. 7:1]; pi. XTIS'1?! 'Thrill N"?na heads of turnips in vinegar Ket 61a(47); 'in nan xdtd ini'ms xnB'1?! oixiT^ni (if) he chopped heads of turnips into large piece(s) Ber 39a(28; F); ib. 56a(43; MGG 705:3) [Van W1 mnsV Ar (AC 2:350, X"D)] Lit: Pfl 241; Y: 'T>»1J Ber ib.(BAYTN 300). KJJTIS n.m. a musical instrument (etym. unkn.) sg. X117I1 X*73t5 a t.g. -instrument Ara 10b(46; Ar [AC 3:240]) [expl. MH !D'7mn ib.] Lit: Lehnw 169, 221, s.v. O'^IXTtn; AAC 130. NmiW*, pi. '?")« n.f. a type of basket (< yopyaOoi; L-S 364; Sy rc'iv^iftA,. narrow necked basket for catching fish LS 131, MH 'inim type of basket Lehnw 182) pi. 'Ill) 'in 'XKHXT g.-baskets of the pagans AZ 75a(10; P'Ar [AC 2:349]) Geon. expl.: T(l>{'m -T71 p lVl a bucket (made) of the hide of an ox GS 159b:2; Y: TM AZ ib.fBAYTN 147). [Nn'TM 4- xnmn n.] Knia, pi. INinW n.m. lion cub (Sy rdJ-teO^LS 130, Ma X'lll MD 85) sg. X3,Tn X'TIl a golden lion cub X>m 84a(17); XT1TT X'"M a lion cub of fire ib. 69b(22) // San 64a(14); pl.abs. 'pn ixr-lll ib. 95a(52) Y: xn« BAYTN 147. NIVIM, pi. Nfrnia n.f. female cub (of a lion, dog, etc.; Ma XTI'TIl MD 85, Sy nr^-i^LS 130) sg. piB xrmi "]3 Xn31 "?iy X3"?3 13 n31 (if) a dog barks at you-enter; (if) a bitch barks at you-go out Er 86a(24); pi. XJIX'Tin 'D1X nostrils of (lion) cubs Sab 67a(31); 'ITTO1T xn"Tll small bitches ib. 155b(7); XJI'lD'p XnX'7113 xbbtS'm she plays with wooden cubs Ket 61b(30; V5) [Var: XJT'lO'p Xn'mi3 Ar (AC 5:388, s.v. Terni)];5o 141:13 Geon. expl.: [msiy "?»i jtou] bv pp in Nnnu tgas42 40:10; Y: XflX'niJ Sab ib.(BAYTN 144). KJjnia n.m. unripe fruit (< Mir *gurak [cf. NP yoragi unripeness of fruit PED 898]; A "pil juice of unripe grapes Asaf 106) pi. n"?"l5n 'pill unripe fruits of 'orla Pes 25b(16); Naz 34b(42; Ar [AC 2:377]) [expl. MH ns "?3 ib. 30] Expl. Ar: 131S ^3 °?W13 xVw 'IB AC ib.; Lit: Fl, TMW 1:432; Low, Flora 2:343; Geig, AAC 133; Y: xpiU BAYTN 147. T NBHJ n.m. ground (4 Vtftfl; Sy rdi_J^ bottom LS 135, mng. 2; cf. JPA EMI clod DJPA 124) sg. VITl X"7 'T1XX 11T1 XW11X X'1103 they decreed (uncleanness) with regard to the ground in Syria, (but) not with regard to the air Git 8b (9); Naz 55a(2; MoV2); *\vwi XW11X "TIT1 1.11'X 1J1X ai"?3 X^l XT1XX1 they came and decreed with regard to (teruma touching unclean) ground that he should burn (it); with regard to the air-nothing Sab 15b(l); pi. in'WU3 (crocuses) attached to [lit.: in] their clods Nid 20a(39) Geon. expl.: !OBy OHP Sab 6:12; Y: mu Sab ib.(BAYTN 18). XatyiJ n.m. body (Sy nd^ut-o-^LS 136, Ma XaWl, Xlatf'l MD 92) sg. n'»2;il31 (n>'-1193 in his self and his body Bo 120:18 ['MBm i XpDlffll n.] NiJJBB'IJ n.m. signet ring, sealing (< Mir *angus(t)-panak lit. finger protector [cf. MP angustban finger-guard CPD 10]; Ma xpiX32Hl ring, seal MD 86; 4- XplBnOI) 1. signet ring: sg. XplSWin Xiv'rs seal of a signet ring Git 58a(16; Ar [AC 2:99]); ib. 57a(22; MGD 622:13); HG3 243:8; rmj?3S1X3 XplSEm a signet ring on her finger HP 138:17(HPP 217:17); xpiStt/in Xy3'B stamp of the signet ring San 95a(23; MGG 406:1) [gloss for original 4- ITHEr?'!; v. ACSup 26]; X^TIBT XplSWll an iron signet ring Ber 6a(18; F); pi. X3ITn 'piSB/11 signet rings of gold Geon 213:31; 2. seal, sealing: sg. X11'D3 n"0D'»1 XplBWm H'anm X^Vn (the pit) is covered with a flint rock and he sealed it with a seal Git 68a(36); ib. 38; 46; XJ1T71 m xpiBlffll the exilarch's seal OHT Ket 212:28; pi. Wtim'bl 'plflBTll TXl'tt? let him seal it with sixty sealings Sab 66b(41); ib. 90b(24) Lit: Geig, AAC 134; Tel 47; Y: 'p:BOTl Sab ib.(BAYTN 305). KpSfi/ia n.m. woolen cloth, bed cover (i XnpBT>l; Sy r<"\ Y.o-^, rC-JLnijt.0^ woolen cloth with long nap LS 137) pi. 'pBWIl Git 70b(41; Ar [AC 2:383],HG2 178:7[Var]) Geon. expl.: inx 1J3 mV'XBa ''B ... p"B B"DB a^] ppa'frp nay nax iv xim d'obm mn' bw moa xim mrta 'pawn nay GC 76:5; Lit: Geig, AAC 134, rejects proposed P etyms. l#*nj?am n.m. a type of silk (4 DTC/'-QX, m XT11B, l#nXTB?; etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 20b(28) [expl. MH^SMib. 2:1] Geon. expl.: p'nD] I'i'ai p3 ipKTwi \yvm xoaon] xnp»u I'ja l^anT XJB'pai] [jij^.] Tin 'aiy jw^a tobi p [nin]s xtw pa w i'ay pa wi'tppi] inn v Dnj['ixa pjwa x^x 0TOi]ax [mi'l ]'TJ 'JB3] po Wl 1HX t:3 TRN 572:6; Lit: Geig, ACC 134; Y: XIpBU Sab ib.(BAYTN 263). 2# tnpvn i xnpu;i3 n. HWM, n.f. siphon (4 XTTChl J13; etym. unkn.) sg. 133TJ XW"73 Xn^lX'll GC 17:7 [expl. MH np'1'13 MKel 9:2]; Xrltt?U3 Xian p'DXT X131 Xinn Xnwil nm a certain man who took out wine (from a vat) with a siphon and a small siphon /1Z 72b(26); ib. 27; 32 Expl. Ar: nsD3 nwxi p <\sm ip:p las nanx xmi itdisi ^v njp fin1? p'n nx x'xiaw iy tb3 nsxwi ip'i ip:p"? ncaaai nm iVia ip:pn ^a n'^xa naxw X'n a"nxi AC 2:384; cf. also: nawi xbx [x"y ip 'Ty] piyn p j'B'bo 'naxia piy piww in pix ny oin '^aa wi njpn w np'j'oi n'aiata iw GC 17:7; Y: xnw'j /(Z /A. l#Kja, KJ'J n.m. treasury (assim. < OP *ganza- HA*p 120 [cf. MP gan] CPD 35]; 4 Vtll, Xtl '3, X-I3T1; Sy rc'l^ LS 111, OfA XI11 AD 10:5, Ma l#XTl'l MD 90) sg. XD^OT XT'l the royal treasury Ber 56a(54); Xtn IX "|T1 (is it paid for) from yours [i.e. your money] or from the treasury? Hor 9a(l2) Lit: Driver, AD 77; Y: Xm San 109a(14). 2# NtJ n.m. perh. wasp (MH2 Tl Ar infra) sg. H3T 'tl 2?'p"lp!3 Xlin 3T "13 PN used to drive away the wasps Nid 17a(8; V5Ar [AC 2:261],RaH [v. Tos, ad loc.]) Lit: TMW 1:316 [but v. J 424, s.v. tin]. XISTJ n.m. treasurer (< OP *ganza-bara- HAp 120; 4 XTIT11, l#Xtl; BA 13T1 HAL 1686, Sy Pc'-UpC^ LS 111, Ma X-13'tlXl MD 77, Akk ganzabaru CAD G 43) sg. 'T3I1^ n"B»X '"?'I go (and) bring it to the treasurers BB 133b(18; HEs) Lit: Shaked, Elements 149; Y: '13JJ BB ib.(BAYTN 253). TTJ vb. to cut off, shear wool, eliminate (4 I'll, XT1, xnt'l, V'Tl; Sy vJ^LS 111, Ma ttl MD 86) Pe. (a/u) 1. to cut off: a. parts of plants, trees: X3D X»V3 XDX D'll <1>rft im Xlll '13 1H1H certain wedding guests for whom pagans cut off myrtles on the holiday Er 40a(13); Bes 6a(12); flO 1101 273
'Tl 274 KflTia nSHIX n7 111 <')3 at last when the traders cut it off [i.e. the myrtle] Suk 30b(3; E2); Tll'l X7 X1JWW3 X3'717 tf('}(1)lX a person should not cut off the lulav in the /(.-bundle ib. 37b(6); U'1'1 i'fe 30a(30); b. portions of a document: ,T7 PX1 '?'! XDVD7 n'7 p'nai X7'J?7 perhaps he will cut it off [i.e. the document] on top and erase the portion covered with dots BB 163a(25); n'3n'1 pi? n"Tl n'7i"U he cut off the date (in the get) and gave it to her Git 17b(16); ib. 87b(37); BB 161a(9); c. parts of the body: Vl'IfO 'TB II he cut something after them [i.e. his fingernails] Nid 17a(30); Xinn n'S17 (I)ni'in a certain (bird) whose feathers they had cut off Hul 141b(18); San 106a(55; MGN 271:21) [ears]; ib. 109b(32) [legs]; BQ 78b(24) [horn]; d. hair: -|I'lXi X1BDB '7 Tl'X ?'I go (and) bring me scissors so that I can cut you(r hair) San 96a(2); n'ip'1? 1111 they cut off his beard BB 58a(21); e. other objects: man T1X n'7 P'll the other one comes and trims it off [i.e. the protrusion of the wall] ib. 4a(49); Zev 54b(l); Sab 150b(31) [garment]; Zev 18b(12) [belt]; 2. to shear sheep: n'7 3TP7 m X3'm where he sheared (the sheep), let him give (it) to him [i.e. the priest] Hul 135a(26); n'7 3'T1'71 Tll'7 pTIS'7 let him redeem (it), shear (it), and give (it) to him ib. 35; T1'B7 ib. 138a(47); nil'71 let him shear it Bek 25a(31); BQ 78b(25); 3. to eliminate, omit: Vbp W7p'B IX I"l U'B 7J73 does a husband completely eliminate (his wife's vow) or does he partially reduce (it)? Ned 68a(8); ib. 71b(2); Naz 21b(7) [* 1 VlpJ? pe., mng. 3]; (11,17 TlPSa 'X in nc)'ii'B7 tik 'a: 'rwn niTTi'B? 'nx xns'i T"l X7 "ma in T"l nVna if you make him speak too much, he is apt to omit it [i.e. a portion]. Now also he is apt to omit it! He may omit one out of three (portions). He does not omit one out of two (portions) Git 3a(27); ib. 35b(20) 'tt vb. to detour around (4- Vni, 2#XTVT1, 3#xn'Tl; cf. Sy ,vA^pa. to deprive LS 111, Ma X'lXl to detour Lidz, JB 143:9) Pa.: xpi yav 17 'II n'17'5? XT1X he heard that (the spirit) was attacking him, (and) he detoured around it Pes lllb(18); "111 n? "1117/6. 17(C) Lit: Eps, Stl 310. T'TA adj. fractured, n.m. piece, chunk (4- VlTl pe., pass.part.) I. adj. fractured: pl.m. 'I'll 'IB fractured vessels Yom 78b(37); II. n. piece, chunk: pl.m.cs. XT13 Til pieces of ice Ber 18b(7; OAr [AC 2:262]) [4- 1#XT13]; ib. 59a(25; Ar [AC ib.]) Y: T'U Yom ib. NT'TJ n.m. fist (etym. uncertain; cf. I XX'Xl) 1. fist: sg. n'PTl? n"1X he raised his fist San 7a(31; TGHark 108:7, TGCas 42a[33]) [4- V2#'1X pe.]; 2. in phrase ,TPU7 1'13J1 he modified his opinion [lit. he broke his fist]: 13'py '1 man XH1 n'T'117 did not PN, in fact, modify his opinion? BQ 42b(22); ib. 5a(6) Geon. expl.: 1BT1JX m NOT OH San 57:8 [mng. 1]; Lit: Eps, Stl 332; Y: n'PW BQ ib. Nb"TJ n.m. robbery (4- V?U) sg. X7'T11 X3J11 theft and robbery Geon 154:10 'TTJ n.m.pl. shears (4- VlTl) X7T1S1 'Til iron shears BQ 81b(28) Expl. Ar: MO frlS ^3 tyVWO «H OHP ib. 143:10. NDSTT1 n.m.pl. court appointed officers who carry out judgment (< Til officer + Mir *pati lord [cf. Mir -bed CPD 18]; cf. Sy ht'KjU^ *-."i Bedjan, Act Mart 2:609[bot.], LS 113, Ma X"XTT1 those who exact penalties MD 86) pi. 'BSTJ1 Sab 139a(24) // San 98a(38) [* '1"1]; 'B31@'T1 Tan 20a(36) [in a list of officials] Geon. expl.: pw 'Mil?} GnK5 170:6, i.e. Ly,JJal [sg. J^i] sharp thieves; DIN '1313 030 D'3W l"3Jn V7X TSBTOlMniJ OHT Sab 141:13; Lit: Geig, AAC 118, s.v. 7n, gives a detailed disc, of the etym.; Tel 44; Y: 'BBTT? Sab 139a(24; BAYTN 307). KflTTJ n.f. decree, court oath with imprecation (4- VlTl; TA XTl'l TO Gen 47:26, Sy k'SvLjU^ decree LS 112, Ma XTIT/ITI circumcision MD 86) 1. decree, ordinance: a. of God: sg. n7 V'usai 'am '5?3 xtitu xitu 'bi 'xi if, alternatively, I make a decree, he will pray and abolish it San 94b(38); pi'lBI XTlTTl the decree of their master Bo 1:9; b. of demons: sg. XTT1 I'TITUI 7Xrw» 131 I'SET'ST' in the name of DN whose decree is a decree ib. 7:13; c. of the scholars: sg. XJ1TT1 Xin Sab 15b(3); Yom 1 la(6); AZ 35a(20); pi. p31 11111 XriXTTl 73 all the decrees which the Rabbis made TGAs42 5:30; d. 1#WTO 275 DTI of foreign governments: sg. Xll"Bp XJ1TT1 the first decree Gi( 55b(47); XJ1TT1 ,17031 10'p Tl'B the emperor has died and the decree has been annulled Sab 33b(35); Sot 12b(27); iSGF 95:4; ij?3i 7X"itf'7 in? xiynai'? 'jnia xjtvti 'in '3i n? '7D3B1 'am when they made a decree, they would inform me, and I would inform the Jews, and they would pray and abolish it Tan 22a(21); ib. 23; 2. court oath with imprecation: sg. 1'7'x n'T? idb X7i xtitti xitb? pixi a"n'a xnXTl nxin a"p NN is required to take upon himself a court oath that these one hundred and forty denars of profit have not come into his possession TGHark 272:23 [cf. GeonH nX'tfJ XJlTU TGAs42 74b:3]; xnTT13 'J?att? J73n^aT NN swears with a court oath ib. 277:27; 202:23; 278:7; x7i njnap x?3 n'aiD na'aa rpVro n"? pn'i xma© X71 XTITU they give it to him on his own recognizance without an oath, a court oath, or a (threat of) excommunication ib. 1:20; SSHai 5a(20); TGAs33 41b:4; SSSad 199:26; XJiyi3tt IB 'US'© 1B1 xriTIl ]ai (we exempt the guardian) from oaths, court oaths, and shofars [i.e. threats of excommunication] Dec 9:16; X7 XlXTm nisi? nxpi xtitu nV ]riy»a miri nsoa jrya&a P'naWBI n'SJXa we do not impose now an oath with a.Torah scroll, (but) we impose upon him a court oath, the shofars sound before him, and we threaten him with excommunication Geon 154:31; XJlBinxi XJITUI XTiatt excommunication, court oath, and anathema Bo 2:6; ib. 29:9 Lit: G. Libson, AIRJL 5 [1978] 79+ [mng. 2]; Y: XnTU BAYTN 178. 1#KH'U, KJl'm n.f. a female demon (4- 13 xn"U) pi. (i>{')D'Brwxi x'n xnx'Ti "pn in'l'B inTIIIDID it is those female demons whose horses fell out from under them Pes 113a(l; E2) Lit: Eps, GC 167. 2# NJl'Ta n.f. capitation tax (4 V'll, X1713; Sy nr'iL.v^LS 111, > MP gazidag CPD 36, > Arab "<ij* Fr, AF 283) sg. XJ12H Xn'Tl the capitation tax of the (current) year BQ 113b(43) [glossed: X113 poll tax]; pi. ptf V2V XJIX'Il X311 he collected capitation taxes seven years SOZ 73:5 Lit: G. Widengren, IrAn 1 [1961] 153. Since this word appears in Sy first in Moslem Period, Brockelmann, LS ib., takes it as a lw. < Arab [cf. also Nold apud Fr ib.]; however, since it appears already in BT, it is most likely original in A and a loan in Arab. 3# KJHJ, pi. Kn"tJ n.f. path (4- V'Tl) pi. 'B1J/B7 xnx'Tl to exclude paths Pes 19b(28) [Var: xn"Tl V17]; Xn»U '3'XT 5M99a(20; F1) [Es: KTIX'TI] Geon. expl.: TO»n Dlj?B Ar [OHP Pes 142:16]. 71J vb. to steal, rob (1 X?'U, X27U, KT1137M; Ma 7U MD 86, Sy viL^fmetath.] LS 117) Pe. (a/): nnana xnam xn'an 7in ixb 'xn one who stole a jug of wine from another BQ 65a(20); ib. 96a(21); 104a(l); BM 99b(4); rP7M 7T1B ib. 64a(3); San 59a(6); Hul 6b(10); K'37S l>n NN robbbed me RH 26b(2) [4- V2#?3p]; 7111 7111 'X 7111K7 7111X7 'X if they stole they stole (and they are robbers). If they did not steal they did not steal (and they are not robbers) BQ 94b(33); '73 '7'T X5HX7 IX '7'T XTT37 n'?Tl pT this so-and-so stole my house or my field SSSad 260b:3; "xm n'7J? 7'7B1 n'7in xn77DBT KIWI a beam of the .suto which he stole and over which he made a roof HP 31:27 [v. Suk 31a(22)]; ib. 83:23; rG^2« 22b:15; TGAs42 23:15; //GJ 287:60 K3^ta, S3N7TJ n.m. robber (4- V?T1, xmi7Tl; MH l?l5 Yeivin, BV 1045, f?lil Gross, Patterns 59+) sg. Xin XJ7T1 W'l'K 'Xn this man is a robber BQ 96b(28); Xin X17T1 X'37D so-and-so is a robber BB 30b(6); X27T1 mnp'7 X7T n'7 Xn'l he does not want to be called a robber BM 16a(5) // ib. 72b(14); pi. '1X7T1 'TJl two robbers San 26b(34); BQ 79b(14); SS 100a(6); Dec 7:18 Voc: K59tJ HGP 2a: 10 [v. Gross 6023]; Y: KJ^TJ BB ib. KJlW^ta n.f. robbery (4- X27T1; cf. Sy ^■V^IS 118). sg. Xmi?I13 VU'70S they declared them unfit (as witnesses) on the grounds of robbery BQ 73a(3); San 27a(12); n'7 nnm 'mi?T13 you suspected him of robbery BM 6a(34); XJVU7m lyij? he protested because of robbery Ket 21b(43); San 23b(13); TGHark 207:18; XniTlX3 IX nT1117T13 '73 "13 '73 T3 nri'XI it [i.e. the field] is in the possession of NN b. NN2 through robbery or rental SSHai 19a(16) Y: xnuVtl San ib.(BAYTN 286). DTI vb. to threaten, exaggerate (4 XBI11; Sy ■joi-S^to cut off, threaten LS 111, Ma Dll to
nu 276 pi threaten MD 87) Pe. 1. to threaten: fS'XT) T3jn Tay x*?i d'tj 'bi xan Tt?p x1?! trm wrx a person is apt to threaten and not to cut down (the tree). In this case also he threatens and does not act Svu 46a(44); 2. to exaggerate: D'U Xp X1? DJin D'Tl Xp X3H in that case he does not exaggerate. In this case he is exaggerating BM 104b(29; Es) [H: xnTir xriTa 'axpn ... xjitt xrf?B 'axp x1?] *]TJ vb. to anger (< ISp*; cf. Sy i£^n etpe. to be vexed LS 687, Ma «|X3 to cut down MD 96) Itpe. to be angered: XBtya *p)3 'DT when there is anger in the world (against the inhabitants) AZ 55a(30; Ar [AC 2:267]) Expl. Ar: X»Vya NWl'T X3'X '3 AC ib.; Lit: AAC 120. *iT3 vb. to shear, cut off fruit, decree (4- 'TIS, WITT J, Xmil, V?nB; Sy iS-^LS 112, Ma 1T3 MD 87) Pe. (a/u) 1. to shear: 'TT33 IpB/1? irUTITTl x"?HBl I would have shorn your legs with iron shears [i.e. excommunicated you] BQ 81b(28); 2. to cut off (the fruit of a date palm) [I Vtu pe.]: win n»D xjttt xtjx xtt'xpT xnbn x'nn T3a how much fruit can you cut from a certain ?.-palm alongside the Jordan River? Ket 112a(31; MGD 711:9V5); T33H X'^ST xVpi1? .TITIX bTH TT1 xVl x"?pT 1TJ1 »'3'X TXn X1? ... '"?iT3 I shall go (and) cut off the fruit of NN's date palm which he sold to me. A person is not so impertinent as to cut off the fruit of a date palm not belonging to him BB 33b(14); MQ 10b(30) [I vftmn mng. 2]; pass.part. PTT11 nan dates and they are cut off HP 114:20; 3. to be circumcised [JPA "W3 DJPA 126, mng. 2]: "1T3 'XJa'B a'Di COV Shechem marries and Mabugai is circumcised Mak lla(40) [Palestinian prov.; v. BR 961:5]; 4. to decree [w. "3]: a. alone: pa"l T1T1 the scholars decreed Er 98a(19); Hag 24a(3); Mak 20a(20); Pes lla(37); XJU» 'Vlt»V TUT' 1T3 PN decreed to abolish the Sabbath I$GF 94:13; 'XB JT313T ^3 nxaiD T,3m ma Till XBytJ why did the scholars decree that glass objects can acquire impurity? Sab 15b(22); Pes 16a(18); Kwi 78b(33); MY/ 34a(21); b. w. a dir. obj.: Tan 22a(21) [I XJITU mng. Id]; XJIX'jyn -\0@^n Til he decreed thirteen fast days Tan 14b(l) [cf. Sy <vv»\-^ r^nas IK 21:9]; i& 21b(24); Meg 27a(46); £e? 106a(14); Xn 1DX Xn p'Tl we decree this on account of that AZ 3 8b (50); mil T.T331 Dlp'3 J3X1 mil1? should we take it upon ourselves to make a secondary decree? Sab llb(3); 5. to impose a court oath [denom. < I XJITU mng. 2]: T(D){onxa tniib IX TyiaWX1? to adjure him or to impose a court oath upon him SSHai 17b (16); Bo 31:10 Kmn, pi. XlimTJ. n.f. stone slab (4- VlTJ; cf. Sy rc'&Tj^ partition wall LS 112, mng. 5) pi. xxmoxaV ma 'p"?cn xrrmwm xrnu stone slabs (in front) of the bench on which they go up to the bench Tarn 26b(21); 'IXpT XJ1XTJ stone slabs where there are reeds Sab 50b(44; Ar [OHP ib. 22:9]) Geon. expl.: o'jjw pan rrn» ix o':p am pan 'aa-u p v am OHP ib.; Y: Nrnta Tarn ib. una i Vom vb. K37TI3, n.m. name of a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(18; V'Ar [AC 2:271]) [Var: Xl^TA MGL 255:8] pna adj. low (< 1'Hl*; I V]nj; Sy ^ctl^LS 106) pl.m. 'ITU 'na low rooms Sab 43a(2) Y: "JTO Sab ib. Tna adj. blind (< TnJ*; Sy k'-Loi^LS 107) pl.m. D'7BX D'Tiaa TTI D1K/B 'Tnn 'XT, the reason that they are blind is because they live in dark houses Ber 59b(17; OAr [AC 2:271]) KjariJ n.m. jester (V"]ni; cf. Sy rdo^JoX.- rdilAjucO^LS 113, Ma X3nX3B, XJXBnXlB MD 257) sg. XIH X3X3ni IS'.TM your God is a jester San 39a(39) Y: jam San ib. On J vb. to sigh (etym. unkn.) Pa.: Ty rr? DTU lyjVXn he was sighing at him until he awoke Qid 31b(7) [Var: TITy ]TU he was bending over him O2]; tpb: nn ty rrmax trru wm he sighed after him repeatedly until he died BM 84a(52; MGG829:14,SM 147:13) Expl. in ni'Vj-ffln ISO MGG ib., note: "inx l'ty mXIlOl JXV7 n'H WD. ]f11 vb. to bend down (< A pi*; 4- |'ni; EA pj. DNWSI 215, Sy^oO^LS 106, Ma lttTHl [e/o] na'5 ; MD 81) Pe. (e/e): a. w. '»p, ty: Tap ]'nj TH he used to bend down in front of it [i.e. the bed] AZ 10b(28); Tty TpTI 1'nn 'Xm the fact that he bends down and straightens up at his side Sot 40a(25); nV Wirfrm I'm XSU iriTX (if) your wife is short, bend down and she will whisper it (to you) BM 59a(31); b. asyndetically w. another vb.: '7W I'm Xpl X3D Xinm n"Tn he saw a certain old man who was bending down (and) drinking Pes 106a(23); 'BXpT Tyaitf Tty 1'nJ he bent down over him (and) heard him say Tan 22b(20); ]TU naiV ^ WVib he bent down (and) whispered to PN BB 32b(l); San 7b(21); c. syndetically w. another vb.: TyTJX ]WT 'iV n'p^ll 1'nj he bent down and kissed PN on his foot Ket 49b(42); mn Tronx TyVx 'n D'Npl j'ni PN used to remain standing bent over in his place Yom 53a(46; MGL 566:11); Ket 31a(10); Git 57b(45); BM 59b(26); BB 27b(42); Men 70a(23) "I3'3l, K"n3'a adj. strong, important, n. strong person (I Vial, 2# xmnaj; TA xnS'i TO Gen 36:24, Sy -vAi^adj., rc'iAiJ^n.m. LS 103, mngs. 1,2, Ma T3XJ MD 73) I. adj. 1. strong, mighty: sg.m. mn XTi'l XTJ11 he was a strong man HG3 116:41; ib. 110:73; XTJ'l XHTX the mighty God Bo 21:13; pl.abs. I'TJ'l pal San 100b(29); 2. important: pl.f. XJttna,l XnaVn important laws SuK 38b(l) // 5er 31a(58); Xnxixai XnxaV'n TGHark 276:23; II. n.strong man, hero: sg.m. X13'l XT xmstt inai ]Xa 'XH one who (is born) on Sunday will be a hero Sab 156a(24); '•TV Vy B^IP Xin'T1 Xna'J op'n PN, the hero, who rules over the demons Bo 13:6; ib. 58:4; pl.m. xanpa 1,'nxrr yinVD na'i "73 all of the heroes who are victorious in war ib. 70:8; 71:4 Y: XIVO'5 Suk 38b(l; BAYTN 253). n.m. (astronomical) sphere (< I X^l; Sy rdl^^LS 103, mng. 5, Ma X"?1T1 MIT 22:132) pi. X'aitf ,"?1,J the spheres of the sky Bo 6:11 l#NTa, NIN'S n.m. nerve, tendon, fiber T • 7 T T : (i VT'l; Sy K'a-iAjierve, fiber of a root LS 114, Ma 4# XTA MD 89) 1. nerve, tendon: sg. XT1 ao XnB,l?T X'aa Oiaoi take a tendon and soak it in 2#NTJ T • turnip water HM 44:3; ib. 38:2; pi. 'Tl '1,T Pes 83b(8); ]irpOD1 TIX'! "7y TVBlV T'nai he struck his camel on its tendons and cut them OHT Yev 237:28; 2. fiber, cord: sg. XT>C>)n)l<T) XT J XTDB a cord of untanned leather OHT Yev 201:3; pi. X'am 'Tl the fibers of the r.-plant Sab 109b(20) [but Var: 'TJ TRN 627:9] Y: Xl'l /•«■ ib.(BAYTN 9). - K^a("T) NTJ n.m. sciatic nerve (I V3# '#3; TA X%3 XTj'tO Gen 32:32, Sy ^ir;XLS 126, JPA X'I£?n XT J DJPA 361) sg. X'BH XT1 //G3 155:36; //M 39:2; ina lin 1'aX 13 XBB ai '■aT ^Dpl X^n XT13 (the servants) of the house of PN used to strike on the sciatic nerve (of the animal) and kill (it) Hul 54a(27); XJinaDX imn iTisi xTia xmVi »n 'a xnVa'XT xnwai those thighs of meat which were salted in the house of the exilarch with the sciatic nerve in them ib. 97b(6) Y: X;b: XTl Hul ib. 2# NTA, N"m, pi. '3Ta n.m. shore, bank, edge (I XT.TJ; Ma 2#XT3 riverbank MD 88; cf. BH T"U*, pi. rriHJ bank HAL 171)1. shore, bank: a. general: sg. XT,!1? n0)f}'HW1 the water cast it [i.e. the large fish] onto the shore BB 73b(17); 'S xiaax xnn Tyiai xtjx xin Tyns mn when his one foot was on the (river)bank, and his other foot on the ferry Qid 70b(25); Ber 56a(50); AZ 69b(8); pi. yaix(I7)(a} in1? 'im xtj ina D'xpT ]iJ3 'inn'a 'in 'ina ^'S'x xinn p^o w '3Ti if, for instance, he is standing on one bank (of the body of water) and can see the four banks so that if a certain person alights on (one of) these banks he can be seen Yev 121a(20; Seel 177:7) [expl. MH •110 Dn"? VTV D'a ib.]; b. w. XTT3 bank of a river/canal: sg. Er 24b(10); Tan 20b(24); Ket 62b(40); BM 108a(3; F1); X3"?a inn XTI3 the bank of the royal canal Sab 108a(29); Tan 24b(25); Qid 33a(34); BM 93a(43); T13T XT1 X3"?a Git 73a(35); BM 106b(23; Es); X3TH XT3 the bank of the Jordan Ket 112a(31; V'«MGD 711:9); c. w. XB'/xri'an seashore: sg. XB'T XTJ Dnon the shore of the Dead Sea Sab 108b(27); Hul 60a(9; V11) [I 4#XTai]; 2. edge: sg. XT33 nyaiX X'W XTJXI XIH X'W (if the animal) is in 7
3# KTJ 278 *ni»a the pit it is worth one zuz. (If) it is on (its) edge it is worth four BQ lla(9) The form with yod has been preferred on the basis of the Ma evidence; Y: KTi BAYTN 134. 3#NTS, HIM, n.m.coll. planks of a bridge, space between planks (4- Vtu) 1. planks of a bridge: xVan XTUX -pIBX'X (PN) had (to urinate) while on the planks of the bridge Bek 44b(i3) [4-2#K"?m]; xVan xfonn'a bsri? xjn he was about to jump off the planks of the bridge Suk 52a(54); Dj? Dpi ]VD Xblin XTllV 'axi (a quarrel) is like the planks of a bridge. When they have stabilized, they remain so San 7a(19); Sab 100b(24; V); 2. space between planks of a bridge [metaph. of a small amount]: X^Bll XTID like (the space between) the plank(s) of the bridge Hag 15a(17) [w. ref. to space bet. the upper and lower primeval waters]; XTD'O '3 pxi XIBlV XT13 concerning the oral tradition we are like a peg in (the space between) planks [i.e. our knowledge is small] Er 53a(38); 'Ta 'T'tt? X1? XTU3 XT13'0 "BX WSJ1? I did not leave anything for myself, even a peg in (the space between) planks [i.e. a tiny amount] Ket 53a(14) [4# NTJ n.m. wormwood Only in H context; v. Sab 87a(47)] Jnn'a n.m. embankment (4- 2# XT1; TA PTlTi TJ Is 38:12, MH2 TIT1 J 235) pi. 'TrTJ H'V Tl'Xi it has embankments Sab 41a(l); Er 6a(18); ib. 12b(l) Y: 'in'J Sab ib. NSH'J n.m. blasphemy (4- V*pj; TA VBTli pi. TJ IS 2:3[Var], JPA «]1T1 pi. DJPA 127, Sy rdi*o_^LS 106, Ma XSTJXa MD 73) sg. IPX 'XB xin XBirn 'xbnn xnan: '3i 'V why do I need the consolations of the Babylonian (Jews) which are a blasphemy? BQ 38a(36; Es); pi. 'SITS &6 75a(7) [expi. 4- xnumax] Y: XS1TJ flg ib. N!3T3l, N»"I1J n.m. frond of the date palm (VoiJ; Akk gidmu bunch of dates CAD G 66, Date Palm 49, Ma XOT'l cutting from a tree, branches MD 89, Sy rdio-i-^ cut off palm branches LS 105 [Lex]) sg. rvi\>ni xai'l a frond in his date palm Gtt 37a(18; As) [Van XBTU Ar (AC 2:245)]; iriXl XDX3D1? iT'ITSI X^HBDVl "7TX1 ^IBpl 'ian the date frond went and struck the date stalk, knocked off the dates, and they killed (a person) Mak 8a(9) [Var: XIUTU Ar (AC ib.)]; ,arT{("l)),n XOX myrtle branches and date fronds Sab 110a(9) [Var: '»"m Ar (AC ib.)] Geon. expl.: D'-KMl^B my XVO)n\li iT'nai GS 401:19; Lit: Low, Flora 2:327; Geig, AAC 116; Y: '»TJ Sab ib.(BAYTN 110). in"!'* n.m. donkey (4- XiVTVl; MH2 TlT'l J 237) pi. '<"TC>fVI}'l "\2 X^y donkey foal Sab 110b(37; GnK5 169:5) [Ed: X1»n] Geon. expl.: ninnx 13 TJ7 GnK5 ib. NJrlTa, N31Ta n.m. donkey foal (< yai'8apiov small donkey Preisigke s.v; 4- XTT'A; MH mmiJ TBM 5:8 [89:20]) sg. '1B1T '3TITJ 3'D"I mm he was riding a small donkey foal Ned 41a(32; MAr [AC 2:249]); pi. '33 rrV Tin xiam xai "?j? xa-m 'JX(YI)(T1}'1 (a pregnant woman) who treads on the blood of a donkey will have children (who are similar to) donkey foals Ket 60b(53; Ar [AC 2:360) [J, XMm] Geon. expl.: VTO p Ty HG1 456:51. Lit: Lieb, TK 9:213, w. prev. lit.; Y: XJhV? BAYTN 260. NUTS n.f. goat (Sy rcii:O^LS 104, Ma X'lXJ MD 73) sg. nrn'J .Bo 40:1 NBH'S, NBITJ n.m. erasure, scraped section (4- jmi) sg. nwinixa xnaV'na XD'i 3tdt xavn XBIV1 n'3 fi'XI if a get is written properly with regard to its letters, but it has an erasure HG2 173:17; XOTl SMel 38:61; XBITA by 3TD written over an erasure PDFMP 544:44 Lit: Perles, EtSt 8, note. Dfl'a n.f. Gehenna (< MH DXTl Yeivin, BV 1065; JPA Orni, mm DJPA 121, Sy rdi'crl^ LS 106, Ma DXJmi MD 83) sg. Sab 39a(33); Yev 63b(22); Qid 81a(9); DJim XTU the fire of Gehenna BM 85a(50); MH'n Xnri'S the entrance of Gehenna BB 84a(26); QITH XJ'T the judgment of Gehenna Er 19a(32); 'rnn pjlTTl X1? Din'J do not inherit two Gehennas 7om 72b(37) Y: wn'l Sab ib. iOi-'a n.m. stranger, proselyte (4- Vt'J, xmi'l; xmva 279 1#N0"J TA XTI'i TO Ex 23:9, Sy k'-W^LS 110) 1. stranger: sg. X'BIS 'Btt?3 XTPll XJHX3 X3'S' the permanent resident is on earth and the stranger is in the highest sky! Er 9a(29) // Yom 47a(24) // BQ 42a(13) [prov.; v. PT Hag 76a(10)]; 2. proselyte: sg. 'TT Xnoy "13 XTI'I a descendant of a proselyte after ten generations [lit. a proselyte of ten generations] San 94a(38); T'l'X xV rf?iy» "in'TB XT)'} no proselyte was ever converted from them Ber 17b(19; P); XTW TIO'X PN, the proselyte ^Z 70a(33); Qid 76b(26); /toa« .81:4 Y: xni'5 I&m ib.(BAYTN 261). SHI 1»a n.f. proselyte (4- XTI'I) sg. XJVTPJ X'HH Seit 3b(32); smi'J 3Tom XV do not marry a proselyte Pes 112b(8) // Ber 8b(23) [expl. MH rrmx ntra Vy i3E?^ bxi ib.] Y: Krni'J Ser ib. (BAYTN 261). NHTJ n.f. pagan status (4- xnvaiX; MH2 m'J Yev 62a[02]; abstract < MH '11 J 220) sg. p'3n' xm'is nbsxi nVrxi nnsins n"? do we give her ketubba to her so that she will go and consume it in pagan status? Ket lla(24); i&(34); 'X1H 'D TITJ3 when I was (still) in my pagan status AZ 70a(33; M) KJ'a n.m. fleece (4- Vni; Sy r^l^LS 111) pl.cs. xnxV'a 't'l IH'ia'X their lambs (had) fleeces of fine wool San 97 a (3 6) NTIT'? n.m. trimming (< MH riPJ.*; 4- Vm) sg. V'T J7Ta Xlin trimming is clearly recognizable BB 4a(49) Y: KtH'J Bfi ib.(BAYTN 141). l#Knt'J n.m. a guard placed on an animal's leg (etym. uncertain) sg. XIT'lV H1? H3J?1 they make it [i.e. the strap] as a leg guard(?) Sab 54b(18) cf. Geon. expl.: l. xnn x^w 'is .T3'py by nyixi ix rrtDD nplt':; 2. nyiXT OHP Sab 24:5. [2# Knra 4- 'tu n.] [nwa 4- Tni adj.] Kttm 4- XDH'J n. twVri'a 4- xa^ni n. KD'J, cs. Ba n.m. document, ^e? (< Akk gittu document or deed written on parchment CAD G 113, mng. 3 [NB], AIOA 52; Sy Kli^will LS 113, Ma 3# XD'l document MD 89, TA dS TO Dt 24:1) 1. document, deed: a. alone: sg. HDjnB 'X rXB'lV'' IX-IBWVl n'ynp'DV "ft '5?3'X had you paid it, you would have torn the deed [corr.: document] (as a sign of invalidation) BM 18a(14); 'niijnp'T pi XB'J ib. 17 [quotation from a legal document]; b. w. designation: sg.cs. m piBD divorce document SSHai 3a(16) [v. mng. 2]; det. 'riTTm XB'J document of manumission Qid 70b(34); Yev 46a(26); HP 45:10; XD'J nS'"?m halisa document Yev 106b (22); 2. esp. get, divorce document: a. general: sg.det. mn lX^T XB'J3 nanra she is divorced with a get which is not hers Git 87b(35); /& 85b(26); X31BS 'D'13 nV I shall divorce her with a ge< Qid 64b(3); Ber 56b (20); JD'J 'WX show (us) your ge? Ket 22b(36); i& 89b(2i); h1? 3rDT j?na 3'db; xinn inn'311? XB'l a certain gravely ill person who drew up a get for his wife SA/ 66a(12); ib. 101b(31); SSHai 3b(10); 'B'J Tltt?lP 3T HDnxXI X3nnx PN required (him to give) her another get Git 34a(19); X'tya XD'J a valid ge? AZ 37a(27); i/P 128:10; TG/ZarA: 130:6; pi. TH'Tim 'B'l nm 'D'l the ge/5 of both of them are valid Yom 13b(10); Git 87b(33); b. in magical texts: sg. XD'in xypi3 rby inai xons naw innsi they wrote her name in the get and announced concerning her in the firmament by the get ...Bo 70:7; ib. 13:7; 20:8; mSV r» XjV 7TrU XD'J a ge/ has descended to us from the sky ib. 9:7; '^IpB/ 'DB'J take your get ib. 28:6; 58:11 For the Geonic text of the get, v. S§Hai 17+; Y: XB'J Yev 52a(19; BAYTN 134). T'a vb. to hamstring (denom. < 4- 1# XT1; Sy x^LS 114) Pa.: XTDBO HpVl XJP'B mm n'Vaj1? n'T'Jl a certain Arab who took a sword and hamstrung his camel Yev 120b(25; O2) // San 67b(30) l#N0"a n.m.coll. band of marauders or robbeVs (Sy rdai_O^LS 114, Ma XD'Xl MD 76) XD'l "|"75? "?S3 DX if a band of marauders attacks you HM 45:7; XDX'J ]a XTl'3 QVmb to seal a house from marauders ib. 46:10; <1){'}-|jW1 1'3»T OTUb <'){l}Wl X0"1 inxi it sometimes happens
2#KD»j 280 run1?'* that marauders will come and enter there BB 7b(43; Es); xina1? r\viv KD"i xnx x^'V x'nm XJ1B that night marauders came and captured (the inhabitants of) that town Ber 60b (58) Y: XOJ'J Ber ib.(BAYTN 47). 2# K0**$ n.m. perh. robber (Sy v? rri i ^robber LS 114) sg. X0"1{1) X0"J robber! Robber! Hul 18b(31; Ar [AC 2:325]) [V11: XD"1 XO'l] Used as a term of approbation for a scholar who was too lenient concerning a type of slaughtering. pj 4- Vps vb. *1"J vb. to convert someone to Judaism (denom. < i Xim, XTTTM; JPA T'J DJPA 127, Sy iojL^K' to be proselytized LS 110) Pa.: m"! 'ITU he actually converted her Yev 76a(45); Sab 3la(25); San 99b(31) Itpa. to be converted to Judaism: 1J13 D'U I'T'MWn after proselytes are converted ^nan 79:15; 'IITX^ nnyn JT>3 mi'J when a (prospective) proselyte has decided to be converted Yev 35a(22); JNW ?13M1 3m XT'J'X Rahab was converted and Joshua married her Meg 14b(49); Git 56a(20); San 96b(30); AZ 10b(31); /A. 20a(33); HP 46:9; ib. 143:6 1# XV'J n.m. straw, chaff (4- x^'l XsVti; TA '?i TO Ex 5:12, Sy rdlj^LS 115, Ma lsxb'J MD 90) a. general: sg. xV'J my p'STYM we place straw upon it [i.e. the suspected perforation of the lung] Hul 46b(6); HWI11 X1?'! wheat straw Grt 69a(27) IIHul 56b(l); pi. 5e.s 14b(22); '1X12/ mm nn mi ^'J ... ma he used to throw pieces of straw from it and they would turn into arrows Tan 21a(46) // San 108b(51); OHT Sab 64:12; HG3 212:75; b. metaph. for easy questions: sg. '131 W» 'riXB'm X'j'ja .TV XJ'&TJ the man whom we can indeed repulse with easy questions [lit. throw wheat straw at him] Nid 26b(31; M) Geon. expl.: tnij? ]Wil Wj? XJlBm X1?'! OHT Git 155:15; Voc: x5'j HPP 302:19; Y: xW Hul 56b(l; BAYTN 134). 2#kV'S n.m. clay (< MP gil CPD 36; 4- nmaV'i, x^n xrua, xre) Geon. expl.: Vl '3 XJ'Bl TGHark 144:27. 1# HN^'a adj. of the same age (MH2 V'l J 238) pl.m. "X1?'! 'a'^iy nn two young men of the same age Zev 116b (18) Expl. Rashi. 2#HN^'J adj. (uncertain) sg.m. nx1?'! XDn ... lettuce HM 41:20 >6j^'A i xW>l n. n.m. scab, layer, hide, sole (4- hbl, mrfrx, Sy rc'ilj^skin, hide LS 117, > Akk gildu CAD G 71) 1. scab: pi. HX'I 'XH 'm'l 'm'S 'p'OXI a lung which produced various kinds of scabs Hul 46b(32); 2. layer: pi. .11B1 xm 'iV'? 'iV'? 'Kpi "TO since this [i.e. the horn] of a cow exists as various layers RH 26a(37; GRH 18:11); 3. hide, leather: sg. XlV('){l}J<1) XTJ XTBS a cord of untanned leather OHT Yev 201:3; pi. 'TBS •'irx untanned hides Pes 119a(31; C) // San 110a(42); 'miV 'in pV oil is suitable for (treating) hides BM 38b(l) [Es: 'Xl"?'^; 4- nXlV'l]; 4. perh. sole: sg. Ber 43a(48; Rashi) Voc: XlV? VTM 26; Y: KT>'J Ber ib. fttnV'? n.m. leather worker (4- Vmi, xm'J) pi. 'XlV'JI XpW the quarter of the leather workers MQ 27a(30) // Saw 20a(54); BM 24b(31) // #u/ 48b(l); 'Xlbj 50? 48a(47; OH ib. 271:29); BM 38b(l; Es) Geon. expl.: 'poim 0'Win D'OIUH OH Sot ib.; NDGR 62:4; Y: 'xf7'J San ib. NnV*. NJNlb"A n.m. a small fish (Sy reLwJL^ LS 117) sg. rrcixa xbx xjxiVi <BW>{wio}rn xV ?T3E*& V'T'1? X1?! skin a g.-fish only from its gills, so that its skin should not be ruined San 100b(15) [Van XJXlV'J TGHark 145:14]; Xjm'i XI3H the g.-fish of the sea BB 73b (27; Es); alibi ''0n» XriM X'10 a putrid g.-fish of GN /for 12a(45); pi. 'JXI1?! my 'IBB1? X3X1 XTimj? X'BI my father's bald head seems (suitable) to fry g.-fish upon it Ber 10b(10; MGL 588:22) [F: 'Jm'J]; TpVb 'Jlh salted g.-fish Tarn 32b(8; V10); X^J '31 'Jm'l g.-fish of deep (?) water Ber 44b(36) Geon. expl.: IXXnVx 1JH ]B '3IX.1 OHP Ber 113:11, i.e. ^jU [= Sy kL^sko BBah 623:1]; Lit.: Low, Fauna 6+; Y: 'Jl1?'? Ber 10b(10; BAYTN 247). nNtV'A n. (uncertain) sg. HM 38:12 K»i^a 281 KM'J JO'l^'J n.m. uncovered area, uncovered food (<MH 'lV'J Yeivin, BV 959, J 238; 4- >/2# 'Vj) sg. 1. uncovered area: sg. ri3TB1 N'lV'J, the uncovered area of the altar [i.e. where the gold surface is visible; v. RaH] Yom 59a(36; L); 2. gilluy, drink or food left uncovered overnight and suspected of having been poisoned by a snake: sg. a. liquids: Sab 109b(27); //«/49b(34); X'V?'! ]B TTlPVl let him be careful about gilluy Git 69b(8); AZ 30a(45); 'XB1 X'V?'! X'l^'l OWB x'lV'j xVx lm ir"?ia vn ]ia xrvm x,iV,i xa^'x mb l^'Via 'a: ]:x nvnm (beer of pagans is forbidden) because of gilluy. Gilluy of what? If we say: Gilluy of brewing vats, we also leave them uncovered. Rather gilluy of jugs. We also leave them uncovered ib. 31b(ll); 26; Sab 109b(33); b. other: X^A1? XTU30 XpTTC/ XI31J1 'XH pounded garlic is a danger concerning gilluy Bes 7b(10) Geon. expl.: XBW38 XKO T\V p OHT Git 157:1, i.e. il,JSi. »U uncovered water; Y: mV'y Sab 32b(32). 'V'J n.m.pl. waves (4- l#x"71; Ma XaX' X'^n waves of the sea, X'B X'V'J MD 90) 4- ,I7''l '3 n.m. seal impression on clay, bulla (< Mir *gil-muhrag [< MP gil clay + muhrag gem used in seal rings CPD 36, 56; 4- 2#XI7',J, xpjschi, xpima, xrnain; Ma xnmifr'i pi. projectiles MD 90) sg. Tfb lD'3'a im m bl tmb H^'a JirKgiXa^U ^b each one of you should bring me tomorrow from it [i.e. the wall] (a piece the size of) a bulla San 95a(23; F2) [Var: lima®1?!')'! GS 426:14; maVn Ar (AC 2:298); XpJSttin Xy3'B MGG 406:1 (gloss)]; pi. 'Ml xrawa lnj'Vts'jDV tox onma©1?^ it is forbidden to carry bullae on the Sabbath HG1 237:57 Geon. expl.: labnil Vj '3 X:'BT 1B11? -]nX T\m 'X inniDiaVj vnv B'&'ro Dnin mia©1?'! xx»3 Dnin 'ens iiw^a <jtiiai) iwjt I'xw 'si pjiy p ms'ja nwna '3 io'o ^^^ naiy1? ^wu ronsn Tnn nBTO WX l'33y» W? TGHark 144:27 [v. note, ib. 366]; P expl.: .Tinia ^i SMelG 73, i.e. gilmuhra ball of clay PED 1095; expl. Ar: Xi'DT XJD'B AC ib.; Lit: Koh, ACSup 36; Geig, AAC 124; Tel 46; Y: JT? 'O^IJ San 95a(23). N^lBtt'J n.m. use of numerical value of letters, writing in code (< yeconetpia Lehnw 171) 1. use of numerical value of letters: sg. X'lDa'JQ V7 lixn nniyi \vt?n the numerical value (of the letters of the word) VV [Is 30:18] is thirty-six Suk 45b(32); Yom 54a(13); Naz 5a(38); 5aw 100a(48); //or llb(33) // Kar 5b(7); 2. writing in code: sg. pm 31JDX xnoa'JQ (the words) were written for them in code San 22a(21) Lit: Bacher 27; Y: XnBO'J Ber 8a(30). n.m. gimel, third letter of the alphabet (Sy ^i-ba-S^Nold, NB 129) sg. "7BU3 rVVlb n» ]'B?1 it is permitted to denigrate him with gimel and sin Meg 25b(42) [cf. OHP ib. 81:12]; iTTD 78'J1 the leg of the gimel Sab 104a(19); ib. 21; 22; !VauA*sLm£x 34:14 Y: te'J 5oft ib. K^a'S n.m. arrangement (V^»J) sg. m1? mn '11,1 '1,13 xVa'l (PN and PN2) had an agreement with each other MQ llb(32); mVai1? mpDS he abrogated his agreement z'6.(34) Cf. RaH: 'BflW TO; Y: X^OJ Mg ib. nNi'S n.m. vegetable gardener (V3#pJ; Ma X'Xn MD 90; cf. Sy r<iL^ LS 122) a. as grower: sg. nXJ'S 10X1 XETOB XpT a vegetable from a bunch which a gardener binds Hul 105b(35); ib. 40; &?& 82a(3); ib. 110b(42); BM 36a(37); b. as dealer: sg. nXU1? 'TIT 3',T1 ]X» 'XH 'IXpX one who gives money to a gardener for gourds ib. 64a(i3); pi. xJ32nn iisjn 'xri imn 'lin 'ins certain gardeners who calculated among themselves Git 14a(20); Tan 20b(45) Y: nxj'J Sab 82a(3; BAYTN 322). nK3'J adj. (uncertain) sg.m. nxn XVI Bo 57:4 Nn23'J n.m. slag of iron (Sy k/t_3«1i-^, r<\~-, \ \LS> 124) sg. Git 86a(9; V18) [used in a remedy] Lit: Low, Flora 3:502**. OSWTJ'l n.m. a nocturnal demon (haplog. < KovdvOpumcK; Lehnw 179; Sy u»<?\-a<vv\-i_p LS 677) sg. minx ODTTW'l a g.-demon seized him Hag 3b(48) Geon. expl.: njn nn OlBliail OHT Hag 1:9; Y: DB'TO? Hag ib. NTl'313'J 4- xn'llW n. NnS'a n.f. vegetable garden (V3#]3J; TA xfm TOGen 2:8, Ma xnri MD 91, Sy rc'^ii LS
i#NO'a T • 282 1#NTJ T ' 122) sg. XTU'a XTIH Yev 86b(l 1); Tan 9b(15); Hul 60b(22); '"IX^a 'HXU/a 3T '31 'TWJb film' JHT m PN used to sow the vegetable garden of the be rav in various garden beds Qid 39a(50; O2); ib. 81b(ll); BB 8b(43); 54a(26); AZ 10a(47); ib. 49a(36) Y: xm'S /(Z 10a(47; BAYTN 196). 1#N0'J n.m. brother-in-law (Sy rtlmj^, rcLta!^ LS 114, 4, JPA D'lX DJPA 34) pi. lim 'D'l '"in nVy 'DTin two brothers-in-law were signed upon it San 28b(31); px 'ai 'CTO ]3K TIX1 we are brothers and also brothers-in-law ib. 34 Y: '5'» San ib.(BAYTN 9). 2#N0'J, pi. 'D'J, »3B'a n.m./f. side, manner (< Akk gwiw [< gj'/i«] hip, flank CAD G 73, AIOA 52; Sy r^m^side, flank LS 126, Ma 'XiXO'J ITJl-in my two(f.) cheeks MD 91, s.v. 2#X0'J, TA 1'OOi TJ pi. Is 60:4) 1. side: a. general: sg. XO'J inb n'JjntJ 'Vm its [i.e. the tree's] fruit is suspended to one side BM 107a(23); XJ1H3@D1ST XD'l Tl the other side of GN Sab 110a(4); RH 23b(6); Ber 58b(49); nin XO'J "|TX» X"l3a the ferry was on the other side Ket 112a(44); xriTT XO'J Tpxb miETl he jumped to the other side of the Jordan BM 84a(40); BQ 32a(25); XD'i XVirn "7S3 TITO he jumped (and) fell to that side [i.e. into heaven] ib. 77b(27); rrb 'Tm XJHXX H'V mai Vp"?pm XO'l TPX he sees that the other side is damaged and he places it on the ground Er 20b(16); '"? 3'X31 'D'J 'XH the side (of the head) which hurts him Git 68b(51); in VTf XO'J one side (of the head) shriveled TGAs42 164:8; pi. 'O'l nfl two sides BB 54a(6); 'JO'l '"in Hul 17b(23; Seel 108:24); n'SXD'i pn //P 201:10(HPP 303:18); rG^S 207:22; pn "pn X'IXT '30'1 those two sides of the 'furrow' [i.e. the womb] Anan 114:17; ib. 10; b. in var. phrases: 1) Xtn 'XH ... XO'J 'xn this side ... that side: WS xo'j 'xm jwm xci 'xn1? yu/n in1? nine (handbreadths) remained on each side Sab 98b(20); £•/- 10b(9); ib. 98b(31); torn 46a(l); Git 69a(22); 5es 31b(14); Xev 17a(19); San 64b(23); /fZ 70a(7); Zev 120a(14); Anan 9:12; 2) in XO'J in ... XO'J one side ... the other side: >]pa XO'J ina n^Jll XO'J ina ms T1? the Euphrates surrounds it [i.e. Babylon] on one side and the Tigris on the other side Er 22b(3); Tan 23b(14); BB 13a(l); Hul 52a(35); 3) XO'JX adv. on the side: XO'JX 3'rt' mm 'l1?^ (n)'nDWX he found PN who was sitting on the side Ber 18b(46; P); Bek 44b(29); 2. manner, sense: sg. XO'J m'X1? n3TJX on the contrary, in the opposite sense Pes 110a(28); Meg 12b(51); Men 95a(14); yii? pn XO'J infer the opposite sense Git 39b(10); ib. 22; xo'j 'xn1? xaiVi xon 'x^ "ax1? n^ xd'b/s pn explained it one manner and PN2 in another manner BQ 86a(15); XO'J yb nr» BlPD'i let him deduce from it in another manner Yev 74a(20); BQ 101a(22) Lit: Low, Lehnw 172+; Y: XO'J Nid 66a(38; Mo 267). 3#N0'1 n.m. type of demon (Ma 1#X0'J MD 91) sg. ^ym Xtn the g.-demon of the paths Bo 106:6; ib. 78:6; pi. 6:2; 14:9; 34:5; 36:12 [4#XO'a4- l#X0"Jn.] ]N10'a n.pl. type of date (< Arab o!>-i> very ripe and soft dates Siggel 27) G$ 314:16 = HG1 90:74 P expl.: XOTD 3Xn II'IXTO'J stalk of the date SMel 52:266; Lit: Flora 4:326. N-IBO'J 4- X-IBDJ n. NBlS'a n.m. extension, projection (V^Sl; 4- XpBJ; LJLA «)W'l J 241 [PsJ; H mapl?]) pi. 'SW'J XD'XI D1tt?a because there are extensions (on the wall) Er 25b(10); ib. 87b(23); 89b(20); 25 RaH: mx'rras maitwro ffrm ,-nn jriuVn d'^x pjQ; Y: wj Er ib.(BAYTN 255). 1# KT3L n.m. arrow, shaft (4- HXTJ, V3# ni; TA Tl TJ Is 37:33, Sy r^irO^LS 100, Ma 1#XT1 MD 92) 1. arrow: sg. XT J mb p'13 !m X31 XS'^nil 13 3XV <"l)('3)b PN used to inspect an arrow for PN2 (with which he slaughtered a bird by shooting at it) Hul 30b(38); XpJVS XJ3P 3J13 XTJ3 X1BH PN wrote a slip and shot (it) with an arrow San 26a(48); Ned 76b(22); Git 56a(16); XTJ H'3 p'JW he shot an arrow at him [i.e. Satan] San 95a(37); ib. 107a(20); XJDEH xrj;3 XTJ an arrow in Satan's eye [i.e. he has no control over me] Qid 81a(47) // ib. 30a(l) // Suk 38a(4) // ntm 283 1#K0T3 t : - Men 62a(40); XTjV for (an injury caused by) an arrow Git 69b(5) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; Yev 114b(39); Pes 28a(10) [i HXTJ]; pi. HXW mm 'Tl nm '^'1 ... H'ja he used to throw pieces of straw from it and they would turn into arrows Tan 21a(46)//&zn 108b(51); RH24a(l); Tan 25a(44) [I V3#ni pa.]; BM 60b(ll) [4- Va^S pa.]; ,TTJ 'p'DB pOS'a iT3 X1B?T XJTJrST when he shot at it, his arrows were completely stopped [i.e. his initial action was incapable of causing damage and he is not liable] San 77b (8) // BQ 26b (3 5) [I Vuritf pe., mng. II.l]; 2. shaft: sg. XTJ Xn,l7'l!?T the shaft of an arrowhead Git 69b(5; V16Ar [AC 5:28],OHT ib. 156:23) [I xrrbb]; 3. pi. only in a fig. sense in n'TJ, 'Tl delayed damage caused by a direct consequence of a person's action [lit. his arrows; cf. usage of MH2 VXn BQ 22a(6)]: <n)'T3Q W 'T 'ma PN agrees in a case which is a direct consequence of his action BM 117a(37); BB 22b(34); ib. 25b(47); 50; 26a(5) [Es: n'TJQ; F2: TTT 'TJl]; lin'jlDI n»Tl 'JXTtt I'^X all of those matters (stated above) are a direct consequence of this action TGAs28 198b:7; XTJ1 XBX11 IX XT1 a direct consequence or an indirect effect of a direct consequence ib. 203b: 19; xaxiA iTJ'ai iPTl Tirmib. 201b:2; TaS 571:4 Geon. expl.: DHD H3XXX injury from an arrow OHT Git 156:21, i.e. ,4^ iiL^i; nea1? jdbh nDsnoi nan dj> 'jbiw pro 'wyn jax OHR ib. 45:12; Y: XTJ fti 28a(9; V14); XVI Gil 69a(5; BAYTN 134). [2#KTA4-2#XTJn.] nSTJ n.m. arrow maker (nisbe < 4- 1# XTJ) sg. ^'Dp'tt n'TJl nXTl the arrow maker is killed by his (own) arrow Pes 28a(9; M1) Y: HXTJ Pes ib.(BAYTN 322). xxa-pj 4- xom n. l#NlTa, Nina n.m. scrapings (4- VfU) sg. XV3H xn'a scrapings of a cynodon AZ 28a(38; Ar [AC 2:356],TGHark 22:26); XD^XT XTI'a scrapings of... Ket 77b(18; RaH,Ar [AC 2:356]) [Var: XTia MGG 226:1]; Sab 109b(23) [of Dilmun dates; 4- 2# XJOX] Geon. expl.: I ifry; Y: Xinj AZ ib.(BAYTN 111). [2# NiTa, Nina 4- xt-ij n.] Dwrm 4- xanra n.] Nni'a n.m. weaver (4- HXTIl) sg. XHTl in /4Z 26a(8) Y: XJ1T5 /(Z ib. NaiTa n.m. gypsum (JPA 2#TA DJPA 128) sg. TGAs42 162:15 [expl. 4- XXI] NfflTa n.f. (uncertain; etym. unkn.) sg. 'nVlWlri 'niTJ u«m 'bsxi 'onm nrtn 'tox 'aaxi the marsh hen is forbidden. They saw it preying and eating ... Hul 62b(30; M) // Nid 50b(20) [Var: XrVYU Ar (AC 2:378)] Lit.: Low, ZA 22(1909) 25, suggests removing li'TIl and reading 4- XTVTJ; Y: XJTIT5 Hul ib.(BAYTN 34). NJVTa n.f. murry/lamprey (< Akk giritu eellike fish Fischerei 185+; Ma xrrpa MD 92, Sy rc'^L.-iv^LS 129, > Arab duj^ Fr, AF 121) sg. Xmi3T X3iy,!7 xri'Tl the murry (is forbidden, but) the tongue of a fish (having an identical taste is permitted) Hul 109b(37); Geon 340:22 [expl. 4- XJTBIB Pes 24a(42) and expl. by Arab ^] Lit: Low, Fauna 6; id., ZA 22 [1909] 85+; Y: XJTIT5 Hul ib. l#N01'a, pi. 'OTa, '3N0Ta n.m. learning, study, reciting, textual tradition (4- Vl# 0"U) 1. learning, study: sg. XDTJ1? x"?X X1TD ns'X xV the moon was only created (to provide light) for study Er 65a(34); xmpj'1 XDT1 learning of youth Sab 21b(12); iSGF 110:9; rroiaa TTO1 'Vriisai he is engrossed in his study and forgets BM 75b(42); Git 6a(21); Er 68a(8); ]J3TI |T3 in'Onaa lTlB^ X1? VU'l since they are scholars they should not be disturbed in their study BB 22a(l 1); TinX1? niDI n'DIJ p'32? xV he does not forsake his study to make an effort for others ib. 144a(8); TDIJ1? D'lp 'anp he rose up very early for his study BM 83b(28); ri'DIJa W^n m '3 when he was tired from his study Ber 28a(48) // Er 28b(4); XDTJ 'aipixV to preserve one's learning (from being forgotten) Meg 6b (12); 2. reciting, recitation: sg. TOW p'JW mn X*7T XDTJa he did not cease [lit. his mouth was not silent] from reciting (the oral tradition) MQ 28a(48) // Sab 30b(3) // BM 86a(32) // Mak 10a(33); X0TJ3 ]'5nr ]7VO S"5?X even though they know (the Book of Esther) by heart OHT Meg
2#K0TX 284 1#K»| 43:19; Disa XOTCXl)" XJTT1 T>13 I'rOTi'a xin 'xa x-is'o wian 'yv xVi xin xnxiai it is known that the (Talmudic) recitation of our entire academy is from the mouth of the scholars, and most of them do not know what a book is OHT Yev 71:13; ]TO XTSJ3 pn X3'Vi 3J Vy *\m x'n Tarn p'yaw pn xV'x ps-n xotj. p'Vo xVi ]J3TJ XOTJ. "lytJX1? X1?! xrfra even though it is not so in the gemara, since the recitation of the students is only in accord so, we accept that the matter is so, in order not to cause an error in the recitation of the students TGAs28 209:19; TGAs42 37:21; 3. textual tradition: sg. xpT lTn xo-ra pysp'n1? ft'pnxi mp'so vn <nxn) nixm they saw that there are uncertainties concerning them, and they had to insert them [i.e. explanations] into the textual tradition I§GF 63:6; xaVy 'VlSl XOTJ '3n so is everyone's textual tradition TGHark 5:28; ib. 229:5; 107:16; Geon 169:22; xrfr'a XTQri'a XOTJ pn31 the matter is clarified with this textual tradition TGAs42 70:23; ib. 37:20; 89:2; TGAs28 127:1 [followed by the text]; pi. 'DTI H133 Otf7/ ran 35:23 The exact mng. of 'B>ya X0T1 Men 92b(14) is unclear; Y: XDTJ Soft 21b(12; BAYTN 111). 2# KOTJ n.m. ground flour (4- V3# D1J, XXiriJ, XXIJ; Ma X'D'ni XflXOni MD 97) sg. H3J? TO ■X0TJ3 X©'V3 XW'SJT a thick loaf of bread which has much dough : ground flour Pes 37a(13; Ar [AC 2:377]) [double rdg.; E'5: rxrU3"'] N30TJ n.m. fruits of labor (4- V2# Oil) sg. Xp 'XB7J Jl'31 X30TJ1? ,T> ,T>3X she is squandering the fruits of the labor of my family estate Yev 117a(29) [Var: XJOTJ Ar (AC 2:371)]; DXT XJOIJ the fruits of my mother's labor ib. 39; 'X3DTJ ib. 38 Y: XJOTJ Yev 117a(29; BAYTN 247). KXT1 4- 2# XOTJ n. &>J I Vtitf J vb. KT#»a n.m. bridge (< Akk gisru B CAD G 107, AIOA 52; I VltiJ.; TA 'Tffj TJ Nah 2:7, Sy rc'ti.J^, rc'4-xj-^.LS 137) a. general: sg. 1D13 '3 'Vaj XSp XTO'l when they reached the bridge, the camels stopped MQ 25b(l); ib. 6b(48); Gj? 6a(35); XJJlD'3Bn XTtf'J bridge of the overnight lodging 5er 59b(13); pi. '"12/J 'TOll 'VpT '"70pT 1iT"?y p'Tjyi they cut down date palms, make bridges, and we cross over them BQ 113b (36); Sab 67a(3); b. w. a GN: sg. xyTVin XIW'J //«/ 50b(37); Qid 71b(47); pi. JJJXl '"WJ 'in two bridges of GN fi5 73b(l) Y: XTOJ Ber ib.(BAYTN 111). l#Kri^'a n.f. feeling, touch (4- VtftfJ; Sy rc'&.s^LS 136) sg. //«/ 47b(4; M) [* 4- KJTWl mng. 2]; XWI T/13 "7'TXT he follows the feeling (of the animal's hide) ib. 122b(33) // XTO<'>{1}1 Sab 107b(17); nxt^m XXWJ the feeling of the lizard ib; HGQ 200:5 Y: XfflS'J Sab 107b(17; BAYTN 111). [2# KW* i XTWK n.] 1# Xm n.f. inhabited world (< NP giti PED 1108 < MP gefig material world CPD 36; i 'JXTJ) sg. 5o 86:4 Lit: Geig, AAC 135; MSF 133; Snaked, Study 180. 2#NJ1'S n. (uncertain) pi. n'TTO TTJ D'tt pagans who judge with ... BQ 114a(32) [corr.: nni'J3; Es: TI"J3; T1'J3 RaH.Ar (AC 2:386)] Geon. expl.: 'B maixn ]'TW 'B1? TO1TB1 '019 pw^a XVI Nfflll'JI Drf? i'xw s"yxi iTtpb iy mis pai mix o'njn1? awn nx yairo Kin 3HW miHJ njr'T OHT ib. 106:19 [= Hai Gaon, np» 1B0 naani, p. 32]. Lit: E. Spicehandler, HUCA 26 [1955] 346+, discusses this word in detail and rejects the possibility of a P lw. Snaked, Notes 17033, suggests that the phrase TI'J2 may be semantically equivalent to JBA HXbyi merely [4. 1#XJI'J], and the phrase would refer to the pagans who judge in a casual manner. 'JNfl'a n.pl.m. villagers (< MP getlg material world CPD 36 + -an [P pi. ending] + ': [A pi. ending]; i 1#XX1'J) TIXp 11H 'JXn'J '3m these villagers used to read ... TGHark 103:14(Sefer ha-'Ittim; text: 'SXTO) Expl. Ar: DnB3 'WW AC 6:189, s.v. toy; v. Koh, ACSup 64; OHT Ned 36K; AAC 135, s.v. fl'J. l#KVj, Nb'NJ n.m. wave (4- 'V'A; Sy 1# rdlj^ LS 114, TA X8* '9j TJ Zee 10:11, Ma 2#XVJX MD 5) sg. XrO'SO J?3DaT xVl 'XH a wave which can sink a ship BB 73a(17; F2) [Var: x"?Xl MGG 31:12]; ib. 20; xVn Tail the height of the wave 2#K^a 285 nVj ib. 21; 23; x"7J VU'tfVm a wave tore it [i.e. the water] away AZ 59a(4); pi. 'Vj 'a'X '"?J XD'XT ]1'3 mVs2/X since there are waves (in the lake), say: "The waves carried him downstream" Yev 121a(25; O2) Y: XVMZ ib(BAYTN 99). 2#N^5, N^«* n.m. door (4- X^J'X) sg. X13J n'nnDa"? T13X1 TVa1? n'plDT a man who locked his door and lost his key San 113a(58); pi. lpTIB p-IB'tf 'WX in'*? X1?! '"?J lock the doors so that people should not come and disturb us AZ 58a(3); Ber 28a(38) [Var: 'Vxj SM 120:21]; BQ 112a(38) The exact mng. of the phrase XB1 ,l7l'7 BM 108a(10) // BB 8a(25) is uncertain; Voc: M VTM 45; Y: 'V? Ber ib. [N^'aVa 4- xtiii n.] \?aVj vb. to put up with, roll (4- X^jfa, VjVja; Sy A^i-J^LS 117, Ma VllJ MD 96, MH2 VjVj J 244) Pal. to put up with [MH2 DJ? VlVl J 244]: x1? idtixi xmn Tins 'V'jVj irmx x1? xn'xn iy "|1H3 V'^J'XT Xl'Sa until now you did not forbid me benefit with a vow, (and) I put up with you. Now that you have forbidden me benefit with a vow, I cannot put up with you Ket 70b(15; V5) Itpal. 1. intr. to roll: xpi TTn mtni 'XpT o'3-in mvi? Tmn nwna ^aVana (in a case where the sheaf) is located in a private domain and rolls from the private domain into the public domain BQ 20a(17); 2. to be rolled up: X1H p'1 xyyn xTiru 'trirvai ^snicnai it is the 'curtain' [i.e. the lowest heaven; v. Hag 12b(24)] which is rolled up, and the light of the firmament is seen Ber 58b(49); 3. fig. w. XTiV'a the matter continued to be dealt with [lit. rolled]: ^31'X 'ax "TT Tap"? 'XDai Xrf?a the matter continued to be dealt with and (eventually) came before PN BM 40a(3); BQ 115a(40); Git 73a(25); Zev 99b(6); Hul 43b(41) NVaVa, NVa^ia, KVn'S n.m. irrigation wheel, celestial sphere (4- VVJ1?!, xbvi, x"?'Vj; TA *?f?i TJ Ezek 1:15, Ma xVaiXl MD 78, Sy rdL^iJ^ wheel, cycle [astron.] LS 103, Ma X'VJIXJ, X'VlTl MD 78) 1. irrigation wheel: sg. TO'ax i&Xbn xba'a1? KIP PN permitted drawing water (on the Sabbath) by means of an irrigation wheel Er 104a(48); T1? 'J?pt?a Ttn X1?!1?! an irrigation wheel with which they used to lower it [i.e. the laver into a cistern] Yom 37a(50) [expl. MH 'J3ia Mib. 3:10]; x"?Vn Zev 21b(17) [V": xVlVlS]; 2. celestial sphere: sg. xVlVjD 1'nXT '33J? '335? (the clashing of) the various clouds which come in the celestial sphere Ber 59a(22) [expl. MH D'ajn Mib. 9:2]; TrOTT? xV'lVl Tin the celestial sphere will return to its (original) place BB 74a(33); pi. Tattf 'jnn '^:6j the celestial spheres of the gates of heaven Bo 133:7; ib. 120:50! [text: 'Vi1?! Xtfa©]; Xliys 'Vj1?^ ib. 78:5 Y: xW?J SS 74a(33; BAYTN 215). - Na'J7T K^a^S n.m. eyeball (4- 1# XJ'jr) sg. SS 73b(18;Es);"xaTi xm»'3T XJ'JH X^'A the eyeball of a human being 7am 32b(17; V10); xrjn xV<a>Va //p 139:3 = 'niry x1?!1?! 7/Gi 349:8 T?a vb. to have a covering (4- XT>1, nxT>J, XT^i; cf. Sy *J_^to freeze LS 117) Itpe. to be covered with scabs: X1'HX3 T"?JXi nX'T 'XH XpaiD a lung which was covered with scabs like a red date Hul 46b(15); ib. 32; '3 T-VlXT XJTIDX X31HX Suk 35b(45) Cf. the Geon. expls. in OHT Suk 47:13; OHP ib. 99:14. Ht'ii, I XY>1 n.] ['m^a 4- xnVu n.] n.m. mattress (< KepPiKdpiov, Lat cervicarium Lehnw 176; 4- XpStflJ; cf. Sy rrJinl-i\n LS 667, MH2 ppST?} Lehnw ib.) pi. 'ipSTtt Git 70b(41; V18) Cf. TRN 593:1; Y: n^BlVj Git ib.(BAYTN 298). Kffl^a, pi. WJNlVa n.f. exile (4 Vl#'"?J; TA fit Tj'Am 1:6, Sy ^cAj^LS 116, Ma xni^S MD 93) 4- xrvfri «?n Voc: xfliM HGP 34b:10; Y: XrilVj Sab 115b(15; BAYTN 31). n?a vb. to cut or shave the hair (< BH rV?J pi. HAL 185, J 247) Pa.: Viin 2*W 'mW? n'1? 'V3'X he should have cut his hair the day before the festival MQ 17b(16); Naz 17b(ll); ib. 30b(16); 21; TnVia n(')ninx 'rav 'Vyan 'nsx p onirrfafr X'lS ty n^ia 'SB X1? Xin his brothers may cut their hair (already) on Friday morning. He cannot cut his hair until the evening ib. 5a(29); Trto'Vl
xiwbi 286 2#'"?1 WTT XJiysaV let him shave the hair off the middle of (the sick person's) head Git 67b(24); Sab 110b(37) n.m. amulet charm (< Lat ligatura) pi. mtSXVl Sab 103b(25) Lit: Sperber, Magic 71+; Y: nw'rj Sab ib.(BAYTN 242). 1#'^J vb. to emigrate, withdraw (4- XJIlVj, X'Vl; Sy «il^LS 115, mng. 7, Ma xVj MD 92) Pe. 1. to emigrate, go into exile: iVVD 'xVj X1? 'WXrx I did not emigrate like (others) emigrated Pes 49a(43); '^'j rrwn xmpri rrV ma xs'n ^rV XV Xmpn n,!? Tl'Vl where he has the remedy of returning, he should go into exile (to the city of refuge. Where) he does not have the remedy (of returning) [e.g. a high priest who accidentally killed someone], he should not go into exile San 18a(40); Mak 2b(10); 'VpV N13J Sinn a\^b let me [lit. that man] go into exile Ber 56a(52); AZ 8b(55); m l"?n X71WB na"? excluding the year in which they went into exile Ara 12a(35); Wl'B ]3K bvp^b xrnim p JI'V ]rVvi from the day that we went into exile we do not have permission to inflict capital punishment Ber 58a(41); Sab 116b(6); 2. to withdraw: '31? XIUZ/33 '3B fan X11W23 (in a case) where they withdraw from one synagogue to another Tan 16a(19) Af. to exile: ■pnyiXB Vx-W1? mfaxi he exiled the Jews from their land Yom 69b(18) // San 64a(9); Ara 12b(19); San 94a(47); "faxi X3B?'V a term referring to sending into exile BQ 38a(19) [w. ref. to -irn Hab 3:6] 2#,!?J vb. to uncover, reveal (4- X"!1?'!; Sy rdA_\, LS 115, Ma xVl MD 92) Pe. 1. to uncover, expose: faai HIV1? a term (referring) to exposing (of the new moon) RH2lb(2&) [expl. MH ^V?3 Mib. 1:5]; 2. to reveal, make known: pass.part. xnV'B H'1? xfa *\\ob finally, the matter became known to him Yev 65b(48); '»j? xfal 'jbtib nm xin ya xwiip God knows [lit. it is revealed before God] that (the Jews) believe Sab 97a(10); "J»J7 XJPTl xfa it is revealed and known to You San 107a(29) [= MH2 yah yiTl 'fa Ber 17a(10)] Pa. 1. to uncover, expose: a. general: H'fa X-inn n'rlDtfX he uncovered it [i.e. the pit] (and) found that it (contained) wine Git 68a(46); AZ 31b(12); Sab 67b(30); X3J10X (X)'nx X1SX31 X'B^V H'V X'VlBI the north wind comes in the morning and exposes the sky [i.e. blows away the clouds] Ber 59a(51; F); Er 65a(17); BB 51a(31); AZ 38a(24; J) [of a marsh]; b. parts of the body: Dlpl '03 fal 3'TI (when defecating) sit (first) and (then) expose, cover (first) and (then) stand up Tarn 27b(37); Sab 77b(33; M); "fal 'iwb a phrase indicating exposure ib. 53b(49) [expl. MH ri\my Mib. 5:2]; xn'aa x-iim bsi rrjniV nfa he uncovered his arm (and) light fell in the room Ber 5b(27); Git 31b(48); n'ttm "fa HTipStt? xV she did not permit him to bare his head Sab 156b(33) [cf. Sy rdi-.T rdl^PSm 716]; Ned 30b(16); p|iy-l3 «iVj uncovering his foot (in the halisa ceremony) Yev 102a(52); Hag 13b(48); pass.part. 1'fa'B Sab 77b(24) [back parts of sheep]; 2. to reveal, disclose: a. general [w. dir. obj./Vy s.t.]: xfaai m '"15?XBp they will torture her and she will reveal (our location) Sab 33b(31; M); n'V fa iTIPDi he revealed himself to him Qid 81b(6); lb faa Xpl 'J?T inrx nm 'PS'X perhaps they knew and will reveal to you Git 68a(31); Yom 84a(21); AZ 35a(23); BM 85b(46); 55 31a(20); Nid 66a(37); 'ty Tlfaa x"7T '"? JHTOX swear to me that you will not reveal concerning me [i.e. what I did] Ned 65a(10); 1'fa'B 'ITIX T'301 p'3 'Ttnx since (the two sisters-in-law) hate each other (if a brother-in-law has intercourse with one of them) they inform on one another Qid 81b(39); pass.part. X'03B X'0381 xfa» X'VlBI what is revealed is revealed. What is hidden is hidden Sot 22b(17); b. w. "TOnX: .Tnjnx fa n,!? XIT3 'xmi he revealed his intention that he wants it in this manner AZ 48a(32) [4- XJIJH mng. 6a]; 3. to indicate, explain: X1H1 Xlrn XHm fa TlVlD1? ]'in the Merciful One indicated in one case, and the same applies to all of them San 57a(20); Sab 27a(5); Pes 75a(16); Yev 55a(50); Mak 12a(19); &jr 23b(15); xVl 'XB1 fa fan 'Xa fa X*7 fa what (the Merciful One) indicated He indicated. What He did not reveal He did not reveal MQ 7b(20); Qid 20b(36); Zev 7b(44); x:n XWn "faV XS1D he learnt the latter clause (of the Mishna) to reveal (the meaning of) the former t : ~ 287 Ntt'V? one BM 10a(9); Er 70a(37); Qid 8a(45); 5g 98b(49); #«/ 98a(15); ib. 113a(15); 'am 'J13 my "fa1? mi3n the Merciful One wrote mi3ri [Ex 21:25] to explain it [i.e. .T13 ib.] BQ 84b(36); Kar 9a(44); TGAs42 70:25; 4. to study the Oral Law: a. w. X/130a [cf. GeonH: rOOB 115? ofaai JTinX I§GSup 28:12]: '33 ... XrOOB fal HUT '33 xb Vixk; ... xrooa fa in ... xrooa fa xVt Vfa XJ130B fa the inhabitants of Judea who studied the Oral Law ... The inhabitants of Galilee who did not study the Oral Law ... David who studied the Oral Law ... Saul who did not study the Oral Law Er 53a(45); 13 J?"p rW mum ]Tm 'bm fVinm mtJ I1?! questions which came (to the academy) on Hanukka (in the year 1,)170 (of the Seleucid Era) when they learnt Yoma, ch. 4, and Yevamot, ch. 4 TGAs28 70b: 1 Itpa. 1. to be uncovered, exposed: a. parts of the body: njHT 'V^X her arm was uncovered Ket 65a(32); Naz 59a(22) [armpit]; b. fruit: TllTD ,a"p1 ibvaT fruits which are always exposed (on the tree) Bes 3a(13); c. food [4- X"^'! mng. 2]: xVieaa xian nb 'Vrx x^n 'in .Tnax PN's maidservant's boiled wine was uncovered (overnight) AZ 30a(24); Hul 49b(25); 2. to become revealed, known: iT'Wll '(X^l'X she was revealed (in her bath) and he saw her San 107a(20); HT'DTim 'xVj'X their shame was revealed Hul 56b(26; H2); xnV'a 'XVVX the matter was revealed Pes 31a(4); Ket 23a(44); BQ 73a(14); AZ 58a(29); Er 82a(28); Mei 4a(7); "73 "iVlX1? XT3JH XriV'a anything which is apt to be revealed RH 22b(19); Bes 16a(26); Yev 93b(19); Bek 36a(48); vb pVl'S pBtTBT 'V'13 iV'SXT even things which are buried [i.e. treasures] will be revealed to them Git 56b(35); ]B1 'VjBT 'XB ^3 ]1i 'Vl'8 Xbl 'Xa from whatever is revealed or is not revealed SSHai llb(21) Lit: Gafni, JBTE 215155 w. lit.; Eps, PLT 16438 [Pa., mng. 4]. The exact mng. of a'31 'Vj MQ 27b(51) is uncertain. v.n. revelation of intention (4- xnjh) sg. x'n xm'a xona xnjn "lVj revelation of intention concerning a ge/ is equivalent to the act (itself) Git 34a(27); ib. 13; 39 Y: xnjn '.Vn ar ib. v.n. self-evident statement (lit. revelation of a matter; I 1# XJl^B) XflV'a "iVj XIH 'Vj?3 it is merely a self-evident statement Aj2? 22a(2); BQ 2b(13); 5A/32a(6); 55 39b(10); San 76a(24); 5vm 9b(2); ^ra 20b(3) Y: KJlVa '^| B5 ib. N^Va*, pi. NrmTV? n. exile (4- Vl#'"?l pe., part.) pi. XniVl '33 xm^A exiles sons of exiles Hul 60b(44) [H2M: xmiVj] Expl. Rashi: D'1?!: 'J3 D'^U; Y: XnilVj //"' ib. Nl'V? n.m. ice (4- Vt?1; Sy rc'ijLl^LS 117) sg. XT1?; 'HUimO iVll nit? a mountain (is covered with) snow, its surroundings are ice Sab 152a(8) Y: I'tV? Sab ib.(BAYTN 54). N1?'^ n.m. perh. cycle (4- xV^J) sg.cs. XBV p DVy !?',71,71 1'T from this day until the cycle of eternity Bo 27:7 nNV'Va adj., n. Galilean (JPA "V-V* DJPA 130) I. adj.: sg.m. nxV'bl 'DV 'T &i6 46a(23); Xnx 21 nxV'Vi .4Z 3b(29; J); nx'?.,,71 131J? 5an 70a(39); Hul 27b(34; V11); II. n.: sg.m. nx1?'1?! X1HH &6 31b(39) [+ //'s; 4- Vy prep., mng. 4] Y: nxV?J &6 31b(39; BAYTN 318). Na'Va, pi. '»'■?*, 'aNaVia n.f. garment, cloak (TA D'^J TO Gen 25:25[Var], Sy i<A . V ^LS 118 [Lex], Akk gulenu a coat CAD G 127) a. general: sg. Sab 77b(34) [expl. as MH 13 nvyw dVus one who becomes in it like a shapeless mass ib.]; m3T1 XB'1?} 331 XW3 ]3n the evil PN stole a garment and sold it BQ 115a(24); 'B'Vj 'Jinnx another garment Men 41a(17); X3X"T bpV Dmi n,B,17J the judge took his (own) garment and ran San 109b (3 8); ^'XT 'SID n'a'1?;1? H'^B he filled his cloak with leaves of trees BM 114b(l 1); 'Vp ,T3 '33'X Ta'^A l^iyiX lend me your garment to sleep in it for a while Sab 110b(43); ib. 150b(31); Er 96b(25); Tan 23b(25); Men 37b(37) [4- VnS3 pa., mng. 2]; //or 13a(50) [4- VfSl pe.]; G/f 73a(40) // Ket 85a(9) [4- V2# nVa? af, mng. l]; xi'S's isya"? 'am inpsi IB'VjS the Merciful One commanded us to make fringes on our garment Anan 7:13; wbl CIS ■WBIEH XrpX he spread his cloak over a nest of ants Hul 57b (42); 'XSIIBT xwbi the cloak of the
i#N^a 288 im t t ; experts on animal defects ib. 49a(8); byi XB'"?1B .TBJ13 from the cloak which is on his shoulders BQ 1 lb(28) [in a legal document]; SSHai 4a(19); XB'^n Xllp the corner of the garment Men 42a(22); AnanSch 25:27; pi. lTO'Vj 1.11? 3H V'T go (and) give them their garments BM 83a(28); Hag 15a(17); Ket 106a(23) [4- VfDl pe., mng. 1]; 'JXBVu GiV 73a(40; SMel 243) [Var: 'IXB^l HGHild 501:19]; Svu 41a(36; TGAs28 6:22); b. w. material: sg. 'ibjh xb'Vis xirrn 'Din 'mi one who attaches a linen thread to a woolen garment Mrf 61b(21); XB'1?! ... X1BJH XB'bl XlJl'31 a woolen/linen garment 5v« 6b(38); nVsfl n'Vl31 XB'Vl a garment which is entirely of tekhelet-dyed wool San 110a(12) [cf. 'Br>13 .IBp/ll n^ Ezek 27:24]; Men 39a(41); AnanSch 25:26; '3Dim 'B^l embroidered(?) garment JVerf 49b(40) Lit: Geig, AAC 115, s.v. JTTU; Eps, Stl 168 [pi.]; Voc: x8'!?i HGP 27a: 1; KO'V? VTM 92; Y: nT?'1?? &A 45b(41; BAYTN 54). 1# KVVa, nVnVj n.f. rock, stone (I XJlV71; Akk galalu pebble, stone CAD G 11, BA V?l HALOT 1845, Ma UtKbxbl f. stone, rock, hailstone MD 93; cf. Sy rdlS-^adj. round LS 115) 1. rock: sg.abs. V7xn run X*U'B a large flint rock Bo 78:14; det. XIX'tV n'JHB X^xVl "jptf he took a rock (and) injured the judge San 109b(28); VT3 xVVl X3rDB a stylus pierces a rock AZ 22b(18); xVxVl HM 42:16; xttll Xll't? GiV 68a(35); 2. stone (as material): sg. Xin.Tt xVVl'T X31 X13'<n)B that large idol spirit of stone Bo 117:5; ib. 113:4; XV711 XB113 a stone &-pot SM 50:203; pi. X^ll '13113 HG1 288:11 = HP 16:4; 3. stone-shaped object: a. hailstone: sg. X'BW ]B X'XIX 13 xV?!1? for a hailstone when it comes from the sky HM 43:24; xV1?! 'XnXl ri'maV n'(n){p)0Bl a hailstone came and split its skull Hul 63a(36) [4- VoDB pe.]; b. salt (4- nXlV?!, lttXnb'D; cf. Ma: X^ll Xl'ni XTlp'lXB a pounded compound of henna and rock salt MD 93): pl.cs. xnV'B 'V?l 'JTU1 two pieces of rock salt H«/112a(32) Y: X^J AZ 22b(18; BAYTN 41). 2# Xbb* n.m. excrement (TA XW1X npBB 'Wi TJ Ezek 4:12, MH2 D'^l J 250) pi. n'lBS1? X3"?3 ybl (')(X}V71 a dog devours excrement for its hunger BQ 92b(37) [Es: 'V?l] Y: 'V?J Bg ib.(BAYTN 102). HKaVVa adj. stone-shaped (I l#xV71 mng. 3) sg.f. xm^l xnV'B rock salt [lit. stoned-shaped salt] Hul 113a(29); Qid 62a(l); AZ 28b(25) The mng. of XmV?! HBO a ... bed &ii 47b(3) is uncertain; cf. ;V7'J bt? HBIJ PT Sab 13c(13) also Ar: Xn'^J HB'D AC 2:276, explained as < 4- 2# xV'J; Y: XJT:'?'?? Qid ib.(BAYTN 296). Nn^Va n.f. stone (4- l#xV?l; Ma X/^X1?! MD 93)'sg. XTlVVn Xn"n a bag and a stone Gtt 47a(10; V16Ar [AC 2:283]) Nna'TJ n.f. valley (JPA rrabi DJPA 130, mng. 2) sg. HMGas 94:13 [* X"I1B] l#*]Va vb. to carve out (4- 1#XbVi1; Sy 1# ^-t\.LS 119, Ma *f71 MD 94) Pe.: ,inpT'J73 B/11BB 0© nVy I'Vll TXT by the seal on which is engraved and carved the Ineffable Name Bo 12:9 2#t\by vb. to shell, husk (Sy 2# .»V \tn shell, husk LS 119) Itpe. to be shelled, husked: lxb 'X XB^l'B .Tin X1? X'B in3 X1P1 if he had not made water flow over them [i.e. the husks], they [i.e. the emmer] could not have been shelled MQ 13b(33) [RaH: lB^lBl] NBA n.m. perh. time (etym. unkn.) sg. U"n XB1 Xinn3 'Bin'Bl that is when it [i.e. the Pentateuchal reading KiPJl '3 Ex 30:11] occurs at that time Meg 29b(33; MLAr [AC 2:306]) [Var: Kill GAr (AC ib.)]; XB1 Xinn3 'BinB 'a ib. Dam vb. to stammer (4- VoBl, VoiV, VlV7; JPA 01B1 DJPA 131, MH Dial LNVTH 123) Pal.: mn rrxr'n dibib xpir xinn that child used to stammer in his speech Hag 15b(8); Meg 31b(30; G) iaa vb. to contract, shrink (4- 1B1 adj.; Sy xJs^LS 120) Pe. (e/): a. intr.: X1N0B <1)(1)'B1 X3H3 X1X1 (his) shoe shrunk and (his) foot withered Pes llla(21) [Var (pi.): '1X0B 11B1 Ar (AC 2:307), HG3 325:8]; n'Vj? mw pro ]B?3 X1B1 when there are no inhabitants on it, (the land) contracts Git 57a(31; MGD 622:27, Ar [AC 2:307]); b. tr.: n'V Xiai n'3 X'yBl n"?3XT ]T3 D^ll H'V ""X^DB/Sl since (the animal) eats and lows with 289 ntuVaa its oesophagus, it contracts it and expands it Hul 43a(37) [Var: n'V xnnai Ar (AC 2:307)] ISA adj. shrunk, contracted (4- Vlfil) sg.m. Xiai Xt?a3 shrunk felt Yom 69a(24; M2Ar [AC 2:307]) II Bes 15a(2) // Tarn 27b(15) Y: vrmi Bes ib. '»A n.m.abs. plant fiber (JPA '131 DJPA 131; 4- XJ3T1X) sg. Geon 239:23 [expl. MH nB'Pn J 510]; 'B13 TBp mm Xinn1? Xtn he saw a certain person who was tied with (a rope made of) plant fiber Er 102a(20); '0» '»* plant fiber (on a wound) heals ib. 104a(6) Lit: Flora 1:569+. Krnb"»a sg.cs., only in NIDI! TllV'pa n.f. charity (caique < MH ion JVrV'IM MPeaK 1:1; 4- 3#x"?m; JPA ion ryfraa DJPA 132) sg. Pes 113a(20) Tfia adj. complete (4- VlBl pe., pass.part.; Sy K'U-in^ LS 121, Ma TBI MD 94) sg.m. XYB1 X3X3"71B a complete purchase TGAs28 115:14; S$Hai 7a(5); ib. llb(8); f. <n)(nWlB nTBJ a complete gift ib. 7a(17); XHTBl Xri'ipx a complete transfer of ownership TGHark 94:1; pl.m. 1'TBl Dec 10:14; 'TBI '3'3I a complete sale TGAs28 23b:18; TC/1^2 88:16 NTpa n.m. one who has learnt (4- VnBl pe., mng. 4b) sg. XJX XJT7D1 XIX XTBJ I am one who has learnt (the legal traditions) and who arranges (them) Pes 105b(ll) Vaa vb. 4- xmV'Bi n., 3# xVai n. l#NVaa n.m./f. camel (TA x5ai TO Lev 11:4, Sy rdLn^m.lt LS 120, Ma x"?au MD 83) a. general: sg. 'XJin x"?Bl 3'31 '3 XJ7X"» 1'Vni an Arab passed by below mounted on a camel Tan 22b(50); Pes 112b(18) [4- xnn]; BM 86a(40); BB 74a(3); Bo 107:7; n'"?Bl ,T3 xV'pn'X his camel stumbled on it BQ 29a(23); BB 74a(5); Yev 120b(26); TGAs28 15b:2; n'TQUl X1D1T xVBl D"» why is the camel's tail small? Sab 77b(25); x"7Bl XnXIS a fast-running camel Male 5a(31); x"?Bl XS'IB a licentious camel Ber 54a(38); xVbi X5?"B xVbh nXDIS a Persian camel and an Arab camel BQ 55a(25); pi. Bo 56:13; KIWI 1DB '3 '7B1 XBp when they reached the bridge, the camels stopped MQ 25b(l); BM 38b(2) // Sab 154b(19) [4- Xtf'ID]; b. w. ref. to a load: sg. Q1S1? X^n'ltf x"?Bl the load is according to the (size of the) camel Ket 67a(4) [+ ll's; I Xin'to]; pl.cs. ]iyo xriS'lD 'p'SO '^BJ ID'^n thirteen camel-load(s of questions about) doubtful cases of terefas Hul 95b(30; V"); XWXT! ,!?B1 nXB J?31X four hundred camel (load)s of exegetical interpretation Pes 62b(43); c. in sayings: sg. Xlpl X3px '1B3 x"?Bl a camel in GN can dance on a q^-measure [i.e. anything is possible] Yev 45a(42); X31X X"?B1B from a camel (even) an ear (is valuable) Svu 1 lb(26); n'JlxV ln^Bp 'lip yTlib xVBl "7TX the camel went to ask for horns, (and) they cut off its ears San 106a(55); pi. 'J'5/BT '3X0 'Vai 'BPB1 'llin '3B?B there are many old camels which carry the hides of dromedaries San 52a(48) Y: X^OJ Ber 54a(38; BAYTN 79). 2#NVaa n.f. plank bridge (lit. beam; Sy r<" \ **Q^ beam of wood LS 120, mng. 2a; cf. Akk gamlu hooked or curved staff CAD G 34) a. general: sg. BB 21a(36) [* 4- XTm'n mng. 1]; MQ 6b(48) [* i Xniy'l, 2#XTS'B mng. 1]; San 67b(33; HeAr [AC 1:197]) [4- XD'apoiX]; rh>T\ Xbm in1? XptnB X"7 in"ra '3T13 a plank bridge cannot support three branches of them Tarn 30a(3; Ar [AC 8:167, s.v. ]ltnff]f); b. w. GN: sg. vm xVbix xm'n nsya nin (PN) was moving animals across the plank bridge of GN BM 93b(33); c. in phrase xVan XT1 planks of a plank bridge: 4- 3#XT1 Geon. expl.: inn nx r^y paiy© nwj I'as xbon xto tgas42 153:16; nnip 1BJ ib. 18; Lit: Nold, apud Fr, AF 228, takes this word to be a metaphorical extension of the animal name; Y: xVa? BM ib.(BAYTN 79). 3# N^aa, sg.abs., only in 1'ipn 7'aa n.m. one who performs charitable acts (4 XlDn JllV'Bl; cf. JPA XHOfl b'Bl PT Pea 15d[34]) sg. ]XB 1'ion b'Bi 131 xn' xnniya x^Bnsi one who (is born) on Thursday will be a man who performs charitable deeds Sab 156a(31) n*6aa 4- nxiVai n. adj. large-sized (of insects; Sy ^' V- *^ )^ pi. large ants LS 120, s.v. r^V^Ta^, mng. 2c, MH2 p^Bl Gross, Patterns
am 290 isi 140) sg.m. X&m Kimwo a large ant Sab 66b(39; Ar [AC 2:310]); [O: nx"?ai XJBffBW]; Yev 76a(24); f. xmVaJ Xri'fflDn a large beetle AZ 28b(18; P'TGHark 23:4) Geon. expl.: TOTTX rrtjll nmaa nVnJ WMfca TGHark 23:4; Y: KlT#aj AZ ib.(BAYTN 229). Dai vb. to cut off, mumble (4 Vojaj, 1# XBU; Sy -joJ^LS 120) Pe. (/u) 1. to cut off: 'Ittl D1J cut (the fat off) and throw (it) away #u/ 50a(10); I'1? D'XJ 'OX 3T PN used to cut it off [i.e. the top part of the kidney] ib. 92b(39); 96a(21); 2. to mumble: n'"?'B3 DJ'B1? ,T^> 'JD'B xVl he should not mumble his words Seel 161:19(Var) = HG1 8:69' Itpe. to be cut off [cf. Eps, Gr 86]: 'BIl'X dlJ'X ''JB'O 'lV>ya (the chin) was completely cut off (from the bone) above the vital organs Hul 44a(29) [* i Vipy itpe., mng. 3]; Bek 44a(50) [* I Vlpy itpe.; w. ref. to an animal's horns] Lit: Eps, Stl 128 [Pe., mng. 2]. ym, »aj vb. to swallow (MH x/yaj lnvth 124; cf. Sy ui-iaj^to dive LS 121) Pa.: '01 'WX1 he swallowed and drank Zev 74b(17); X"?n yBJ'Vl XBU fSB1? let him suck the bone and swallow the vinegar Sab 109b(22); AZ 12b(12); 'yiBJ H'^ yaJB X3X my father used to actually swallow it Pes 74b(44); Suk 49b(14) "MJ vb. to finish, learn, decide (4- TBI, XTBJ, X1BJ, naiV;'Sy TJWLAja/u,a) LS 121, Ma 1#1BJ MD 94) Pe. (a/u,a) 1. intr. to be finished, completed: .11BJ VbjtKB XJTX.1 xYrri'BI nX'3 an egg which is laid today was completed yesterday Bes 2b(21); nD X18J Xpl XJ1'y3 when the (baking of the) bread is finished AZ 49b(12); Hul 8b(2i); rra isya1? tjxb ibj x"?i xaxa Va XJll'3'y any vessel which was not completely finished in order to perform work with it Anan 51:5; Xyt'3 IBJ 'X if the perforation was completed HP 201:12; 2. tr. to finish, complete: n'miyo nan 1713 after he had finished his meal Ber 42a(19); ]XB inj'IBJI who finished them [i.e. the utensils]? Hag 23a(26); XJ1X1 'TX na x"?'nriX man niPB she [i.e. Zipporah] began it [i.e. the circumcision] and Moses came and completed it AZ 27a(39); TD'a1? T1? man X71B1 bread which you finish baking Anan 71:20; .TriT3'^ man he finished his work HP 83:6; X^'H nail he completes the Hallel ib. 15:6; 3. intr. to be learnt: 'Tina ]1BJ '8 can (the two sin offerings) be learnt from one another? Zev 8a(24); Ket 39b(36); TO'B llBlVl "[in in'1?! let those (cases) come and let them be learnt from it [i.e. unleavened bread] Sab 131b(34); x"?T XW lri'X TJB IBJ n'tt>3 ^ax .tVVdB IBJ it cannot be learnt from its general rule, but its general rule can be learnt from it Zev 49a(35); 4. tr. to learn, be knowledgeable: a. active: 1) alone: y31X n'^ XJfl 18J xVl 'J8'T nXB he repeated it to him [i.e. the lesson to his pupil] four hundred times, and he did not learn Er 54b(47; O); Yom 29a(4) [I mn adj.]; Drina Xn'T'B Tft-Ob 18J'1? 18J 'X if he learns, let him learn the entire matter from there Sot 44b(49); Hul 99a(5); 18J X1? 'JWTCttJ xVl X3'1 "?31 wherever one cannot talk one cannot learn Hag 3a(12); "na* TT KBITS 11'Xl and that [i.e. the rest of the Torah] is the explanation (of this rule). Go (and) learn (it) Sab 31a(30); ff'J'X IBJ'1?! 130'V nm a person should (first) learn the tradition and afterwards deduce it logically Sab 63a(27); l"?na Xni'3 Itfy in31 ]ri8J we learn that they were circumcised on the eleventh of the month (of Nisan) Anan 81:24; 2) w. dir. obj.: a) general: rfrna xbtu 'ya^B nxa rbn xibj mm Xni31 nXB (PN's wife) who used to learn three hundred logical conclusions in one day from three hundred masters Pes 62b (25); XrVUBlX XTn mail X713B3 (if) one saw a skill (being performed) on the Sabbath and he learnt it Sab 103a(10); 'aV'H 'SX 10'^Jl IBJ '1 PN learnt thirteen ways (of interpreting) the misnayot Ned 41a(19); Xrfr'B XH 'XJ'B 11BJ learn this matter from me Meg 28b(47); AZ 16b(26); Git 68a(37) [I 2# xra'flB]; 13'ra xnasin nana1? xrjm I want to learn wisdom from you Bek 8b(23) [cf. Ma: nJlBiain ftrcb miXBXJ he learnt all the wisdom Gy 56:7; v. MD 95]; Jl'y3 "]Tb "?yi ■p"? pm rnajai xmixi 'tb1? iu'ibjb1? you should learn by heart the words of the Torah which you will teach to your sons Anan 24:22; Yom 87b(14); b) esp. w. XIBJ: I XIBJ mng. l.c, XJIIIBT; 3) w. ]B, 'BIBB from s.o.: TJ'B IBJ "ITO'B -\m 29i im "IBJ X^ he learnt (much) from them. He did not learn (much) from him Er 53a(29); DrnaXB ]3K nBJ'JI 1p'3 should we, in fact, learn from Abraham? Yom 28b(ll); mm im '3'H TXB '11 nnxi n'BlSB how did PN learn Torah from the mouth of 'after? Hag 15b(26); Pes 52b(26); Bes 27a(15) // Hul 50a(22); Anan 10:18; b. pass.part., lsg. X3TBJ Ber 43a(2); 2m. 71TB1 5a« 102b(8); lpl. XU'TBJ TGHark 195:33; 2m. WTB1 Pes 66a(47);- 1) alone: T85 Xs? 'X TBI 'X 3?V x"71 he does not know if he has learnt (the laws of sehita) or not Hul 12a(9); TBI x"?l T18JX he taught him and he did not learn Sot 36b(54); XTB1 'XI xm'3'y X13JT1 xm'aj? if she has learnt a trade and works at it HP 105:8 [= GeonH njni' DX1 rvroj/V naxba hr 79:35]; 'rax Taoi tbj 'Tb 'in X1? T3D x"?l TBJ this refers to one who has learnt and can make logical deductions. But one who has learnt but cannot make logical deductions-no Hor 2b(4); San 5a(4); 'ISO DJ10 'TBJ 181'B T'll scribes of judges are, in general, knowledgeable Git 2b(14); 'TBI there is a tradition [lit. they have learnt] Ber 29a(6); Bes 7a(41); AZ 9a(19); Zev 54b(19); 2) w. dir. obj.: 'm 'T81 '3m they learnt them in this manner Yom 44b(10); XJX'T Xlin1? 18piX HX'^3 '31 tb xVi TBI mn xVi 'ixrn xapina (the officials) of the house of the Nasi appointed for (a bribe of a) t.-measure of denars a certain judge who had not learnt anything San 7b(20); 'OK ai noV yr mn x*7i xn'sna xnV tbj mn ]t\i ia nemCIS1? PN had learnt this barraita but did not know how to explain it BB 121a(3); xrr>'B TBJ mn XniDKI he had learnt a remedy Tan 20b(48); X\b 'TBJ X1TD 'na in which class did they learn them [i.e. the sin offerings]? Tern 16b(6); xnmx TBJ1 W'J'X a man who has learnt the Torah Anan 13:12; XIS'01 xroVvi 'TBJ lin 'IS'Dl they learnt misnayot, Sifra, and Sifre Hog 3a(18); XJTBJ mn 1'JP 'ID 'MD 13 XJ'in '3 XliaVn n'^13^ by the time I was eighteen years old, I had learnt the entire talmud Sab 63a(25); 5. to decide, undertake: a. alone: 1BJB x"?l TJ'B ]11BJn do not surely decide (a case) on the basis of it [i.e. my written decision] BB 130b(28); b. w. fol. vb.: mn'l JIIBJ X*7 you did not decide to give (the redemption money unequivocally) Bek 51b(18); Ned 27b(l); BM 66a(18); 18J n'tt?DJ T3y2?81 he undertakes to be responsible ib. 94a(32); 'jp'"71 IIBJ'^I '3'1 '3 so that he will undertake to transfer ownership ib. 47a(32); 16a(32); San 25a(39; F2); SSHai 16b(5); c. w. XJ'1: 1) intr. to be decided (of judgment): 1BJ xVl il'J'1 its judgment has not (yet) been decided Hul 139a(l); Git 28b(23); 2) tr. to pass judgment: mo Vpyi? '1BJ lin IBJB ^lO they would have indeed finally passed judgment on it BQ 45a(19); ib. 91a(2); MQ 14b(35); San 35a(22); 6. to derive a law by comparison of biblical terms: 'JpT 18J myn 'JpTB 'JpT he derives the law by comparison of (the words) 'jpT [v. TjpT Dt 21:2; niyn 'jpt Lev 4:15] Sot 44b(48); S^lVa n1? 1BJ X3',1B '31 rb 18J D'Bn TD'JB lX rb IBJ from where does PN derive it? Does he derive it from lulavl Or does he derive it from the libation of water? Tan 2b(8); £>2b(15); girf20b(23);5M95a(21);M?n 8a(2); 7. to be derived of a law by comparison of biblical terms: '1118 'IBJ IBJ'B they are indeed derived from one another Svu 9b (2 8) Pa. to destroy [Sy xio\pa- LS 122, mng. 3, Ma 1#1BJ MD 94]: niBJ1?! nXJ^ to change it [i.e. the building] and to destroy it )51(6 V|J; ib. 7a(7) Af. 1. to teach: a. general: I'1? '18JB Xp 'TBJX they are actually teaching him BQ 37a(53) [* i V"?Xtf pa., mng. 1]; Anan 7:16; 1J31? pJ'IBJX teach them to your sons ib. 24:9 [expl. BH TJaV DriJ32h Dt 6:7]; 37:22; AnanSch 27:16; 'JB'D3 11BJX he taught it [i.e. the Torah] by means of mnemonic notes Er 21b(48); ib. 15b(34); Hag 13a(47); 'IBJ xVl 1,1s? p'IBJB Xpl we teach them and they do not learn Yom 57a(38); Sot 36b(54) [v. Pe., mng. 4.b.l]; BM 84a(41); Anan 23:13; T3yn '3'11.18JX Xri come (and) I shall teach you how to act (to catch a thief) BM 83b(24); 'IBJ T1BSX XD come (and) I shall teach you a tradition //«/ 45b(38); 'IBJB xp 'V 11DSB1 'CJ'X1? xnjytJ they teach claims to people, and they cause me a (monetary) loss BB 149a(24); O'JWXI [XiV] 11BJX pn the earlier scholars taught us so TGAs42 65:5; b. a trade or business: XpD'y n'IBJX he taught him business Qid 30b(41); Pes 113a(15); 2. to provide a basis
mm t t ; 292 m»a t t ; for deriving a law from biblical terms: ~(W rwonV 1W TE? 'TBIX1? (the superfluous word) TW [i.e. fnc? Dt 5:14] is to provide a basis for deriving a law by the comparison 'ox-ox' with muzzling BQ 54b(48); Zev 49b(25) Itpe. to be learnt: Xn ]B KM xnai'B MIH x"7 1X1 if this one was not learnt from that one TGHark 34:25 Lit: Bacher 28+. K1UA, mKttl n.m. tradition, gemara, completion (4- Vnai; Sy rc'-i^k^perfection LS 121, Ma 2# Knail MD 83) 1. tradition: sg. a. w. ref. to a body of traditions: DVTI IDD'Ht? 31X NB^'T "pai 1^ perhaps by means of your swiftness your tradition came back to you quickly Sab 130b(34); xnai 'Binnx to review the oral tradition Suk 28b(44) [* I Voni pe., mng. la: to recite]; "\ m1? psnex mnai ns'py pn was in doubt concerning his tradition Er 7a(24) // RH 14b(15) // Yev 15a(28); mty np"xn Xin iTlBl TyVx "l PN had forgotten his tradition Pes 69a(32) // AZ 46b(27) [i Vnpy itpe., mng. 5]; an rr»IM'K mnxBiV an nnamx ... nnxai1? pn forgot his tradition. PN recalled his tradition San 82a(l); nnai n,!? niDnx1? to recall his tradition to him AZ 46b(28); Men 7a(22); #u/ 103b(27); San 82b(45); £r 53a(38; M) [i XWO mng. 1]; 55 145b (28) [I x'trn na]; xnai1? mmx 'Vs nrx the other listens attentively to the oral tradition Hag llb(31); pi. pmxai iSGF 58:16; b. w. ref. to specific traditions: xnxai -pina Tixn n^ni poy the twenty-three (years of the reign) of PN is a tradition Meg llb(41); Mak 23b(43); Pes 94a(13); BQ 82b(31); BB 3a(46); AZ 25a(23); Men 63a(13); xnxai 'nViai all of them [i.e. the miracles mentioned] are a tradition San 92b(50); Sab 55b(13); BB 17a(26); T1? inVc xnai they sent him a tradition (concerning this law) BQ 61a(6); TBI final an PN had his own tradition (that the Mishna was corrupt) Ara 29a(22); "Xn XVI xnai this is the tradition HP 118:14(Geon 386:7) [= GeonH TXbn nil HR 88:10; v. also Ket 64a(7; M); OHT Ket 194:10]; HG3 36:23; c. w. Vnai: (l) pe. act.: baynv> 'm map1? xnx xnp'ys xnai naia^ at first he came to PN to learn the tradition Sot 20a(49); Sab 106b(31) [i xmiBT]; (2) pe. pass.part.: Tf? 'TBI xnxai they learnt it [i.e. the law] as a tradition Pes 82b(18); ib. 81b(17); Sab 96b(40); Yom 71b(39); Tan 17b(30); MQ 5a(41) // Zev 18b(47); San 47a(37); ib. 53a(3); 'TBll Xin xnai Ber 54b(20); xnai an T\b TBI PN learnt it as a tradition Er 38b(14); Tan 2b(15); RH 4a(34); Zev 13a(4); VSJWIXI1X1T xnya© nao nn xV naoa »tbi n,n xnxai Doeg and Ahitophel learnt the tradition, (but) they did not actually make logical deductions of legal matters San 106b(43); (3) af.: 'nBl JIBIX xn come (and) I shall teach you a tradition Hul 45b(38); d. in phrase xnan mapa/xBiz/B (anonymously) in the name of the tradition: Pes 115a(10); Yom 14b(23); ib. 33a(4); Qid 53a(35); Yev 86a(5; O2); BQ 61a(14); e. * Xnao logical deduction [cf. infra (c)]: xV xnao X1TB1 xnai XiyT I learnt it from tradition (and) do not know it from a logical deduction Yom 33a(42); 'np'yB xnx xa'Vx Dp'a1? 'xb'x xVia na'py 'm map1? xnx 'm n'apV xnx mm xnai nan Vxyap' 'm Tap1? xnao naDl na'py initially he came (to study) to PN. When he could not understand (his) argumentation he came to PN2 and learnt the tradition. He came back before PN and derived (the law) by logical deduction Er 13a(37) // Sot 20a(50); Bek 20a(36); Xn303 X'"?m xrf?'B 'B^a raw xV xnan xin xnai xVx "n1? it is all right concerning a matter that is dependent on a logical deduction. But it is a tradition, and he has not received the tradition Git 6b(32); xnaoa 'TB 'in '"jya nan nna xnaia ^ax this [i.e. that one should learn from many teachers] refers to logical deduction. But as to the tradition, it is preferable from one teacher AZ 19a(50); T3 Tfbl 'XBT xnxao ]B .TV p'pSina xnxai we derive whatever does not have a tradition by logical deduction ISGF 44:19; f. * xnp biblical verse: myOB Toy xnxaia mio nn^i piiai "xnpa ni'D© nyoi the divine presence made ten journeys-from biblical verses. Corresponding to them the Sanhedrin went into exile (to ten places) - from tradition RH 31a(43); Naz 25b(12); Svu 19b(37); Hul 27a(27); Kar 19a(23); 2. in Geon. lit. gemara, those portions of the Oral Law which contain the naiV \ discussions of the Amoraim on the Mishna: sg. a. general: X1TT Xnai our [i.e. the Babylonian] gemara TGHark 157:19; x"?l xn'inaa X1? nn-V xnXBia it is neither in the Mishna nor in the gemara ib. 39:7; 44:25; Geon 231:3; xVl l"yx xira X'n n"?api xnaia xa/nD'a even though it is not explicitly mentioned in the gemara and it is a tradition which we possess TGHark 228:17; TGAs28 209:18; iSGF 19:10; XnBl Xp'ny Xnoil an old book of the gemara TGHark 164:18; nna XnBl after the Talmud(ic Period) ib. 36:10; pm xnXBlT X'llO such is the course of the gemara ib. 95:36; b. w. Vj?3p pe. to make an integral part thereof: xnaia 'Bin1? Wjnp do you insert this in the gemaral Er 32b(31); XnXBia piysp'SV iSGF 63:4; ib. 17; c. w. designations: xana maa'T Xnai ISGF 7:5 [i.e. Yev, ch. 6]; nrwn rf?sm xnai ib. 75:19 [i.e. Ber, ch. 4]; n'lpi niVXHT XnBl TGHark 39:28 [i.e. Qid, ch. 1]; mxmm XnXBl *]10 iSGF 14:23 [i.e. Hor 13b]; TTJT XnBl HGP 60a:5; 3. completion, only in phrases: 4- 'nBl1?, XnBl 7$; 4. ripening: sg.es. 'TS nBl ripening of the fruit £r28b(ll);£er36b(15;F) Lit: Bacher 31+; id., HUCA 1 [1904] 26+; Melammed, Intr 326+; Danzig, IHP 310+; Y: KTM BAYTN 41. - '"laiV, '"IN»3^ adv. entirely, completely (< nnai1?* in its entirety; cf. Sy t-^j-^ LS 121) yaws nxai1? my (the word) my [Dt 13:17] implies in its entirety [i.e. everything connected with the city] San 113a(16); Ket llb(39); ib. 95a(37); nBlV T'BD x"?n he did not blind him completely Qid 24b(51); p"?DBT WX may x"7 nBl1? TE/Bl a person is not apt to renounce his claim (to a property) completely Er 26b(31); nai1? tbipbb xnp1? n'b xpsai r\w rrrn x'nx a mi» nTTl-argument can come and remove a biblical verse from its plain sense completely Ket 3 8b (14); nmb rrmrrVttft n'V© npyn dwb because the messenger disassociated himself entirely from his task BM 76b(8); Yev 24a(28); Git 53a(19); BQ 33a(9); Hor 4b(19); Zev 9b(5); Hul lla(13) Y: nniV Sab 72b(33). - Nnai iy_ adv. entirely, completely (1 iy) X3H XnBl ny n'laiX1? Xin by rights (she may) collect 1#K33J T T ~ it [i.e. her ketubba] completely HP 100:16; TGAs42 79b:4; SSSad 201:24; ib. 266:9; Dec 5:12 Lit: M.A. Friedman, LeSonenu 34 [1970] 74. [mim i Vnai pe.] ^ttJ vb. to bend down (etym. unkn.; cf. Akk kamasu, sec. rt. < kanasu to bend down CAD K 144, mng. 2) Pe.: IxVl nwb n,!7 »'B1T p»'I n'nynx sometimes (the animal) used to bend its head down and he was unaware of it [i.e. the change in color] Yom 67a(28; V17) 331 vb. to steal, abduct (i X31U, 1#X311, xmsii, i#xmui, xms'ii; Sy . -. j y^ ls 124, Ma ail MD 95) Pe. (a/u) 1. to steal: a. alone: 'XI nbSB X*7 a'll if he steals he will not be successful Sab 156a (3 7); mail '311 lnx thieves came (and) stole it BQ 93a(44); Ber 18b(51); X311 aiPB she certainly steals Git 62a(l); xna'T T,3'B '311 XnW "jl'B 'ail did I steal an ox from you? Did I steal a ram from you? BQ 65b(36); nn 'V WXl 3111 xynD steal and bring me a leg (of an animal) Git 67b(38); 3U1,,7 x'n 'D'n '3 so that he should not steal Ned 85a(7) // Qid 58b(18); 311 Xn33y IX1? 311 Xmn x"?X the mouse did not steal, but the hole stole Git 45a(7) [+ //'s; 4- xmn mng. 1]; San 22a(33) [i Xia1?©]; BQ 67b(21); ib. 115a(24) [1 XB'bl]; San 26b(45); AZ 17b(31); b. w. nna from s.o.: Ber 5b(43) [I 1#X311]; 2. to abduct: lnnsi1? IX'nw 'Sll ^m •'Vl 'in women whom thieves abducted are permitted to their husbands Kef 51b(36; V5) Pa. to deceive: Yev 91a(38) [+ //'s; i 1#X311, mng. 2] Itpe. (e) 1. to be stolen: XS03T XD3 T1? 3'llX XPBB71XB a silver goblet belonging to him was stolen from the inn BM 24a(5); ib. 34a(l); Git 68a(l); Xliaa H'V 'Bl1?© 'y3 S'llB 'XT ]V0 since if it is stolen he has to pay him money BQ 105b(l); 5M36a(41); ib. 42a(47); San 72a(33); TGHark 162:3; 2. to be robbed: 3111'X 'aill'X they were certainly robbed BM 97a(36) 1#N231, K3K33 n.m. thief, cunning person (4 VaVl; TA X311 TO Ex 22:1, Sy rdAi^LS 124, Ma X3X1X1 MD 77) 1. thief: a. general: sg. Xin X3X11 lD'nVx your God is a thief San 39a(4); 293
2# X33a 294 2# *rm Xrr X331 TT3 your son will be a thief &6 156b(33); X'10 X33a a lazy thief BM 93b(55); pi. '3X11 'baXTD n3'3 "IE/3 roasted meat like that which thieves eat San 70a(21); ib. 109a(49); ran xmSBID1? iriXi '335. certain thieves who came to GN /1Z 70a(42); "7331 '333 thieves of GN /A. 26a(10) [* ^XTO' T"nX3K/ I'DO'V]; '33a «m the chief of the thieves Sab 156a(27); Ket 51b(36; V5) [4- V33J pe., mng. 2]; Er 21a(23); BQ 93a(44); 55 74a(31); Hul 51a(43); rGZ/arA: 100:13; rG/fc42 23:18; b. in sayings: sg. im D'ye XBy» 33a X33J he stole from the thief (and) tasted the taste (of theft) Ber 5b(43); WUTX ^'>{llDp'» Xs? X3X3a Jr>JlXl a thief may not be executed for two or three (thefts if he is not caught) San 7a(23); X3»m XirXCll DID by X333 '"ip on the edge of a roof (even) a thief calls out (in prayer) to the Merciful One Ber 63a(33); 2. cunning person: sg. "]b na"? '3131 X33J cunning person, why do you have to deceive (in the manner that you state the tradition)? Yev 91a(38) II Ket 19a(14)// BB 133a(9) Y: '3H BM 83b(19; BAYTN 231). 2# N233 sg., only in 1J1DT K333 n.m. an animal which lays eggs (etym. unkn.) sg. mn nniX 'X'31 "iriOT X331 JlXIpSI the eggs of a certain animal which is called g.d. OHT Pes 17:15 3# N233 sg„ only in KTO^I K333 (uncertain; lit. the ... of the butcher; 4- Xn3t?, xrVUDS) sg. 'BDyi Xn3t3T X3311 the ... of the thighs HG3 155:35 The term refers to a portion of meat in the animal's thigh. KJTiaaa n.f. robbery, theft (4- ^331, l#Xmi31) sg. Xni3333 rmo i? p'S3 you will have a reputation for robbery Ber 56a(31; GTB1 16:16); DCnSB mn x"7 XJY03a3 he was not well known for robbery 5g 115a(28; HP 86:15); TGHark 207:16; ib. 18 Voc: Nfrnii HGP 17b:20. l#TT3a, ma vb. to roll (Sy ■ixj.^K' LS 124, JNA gndr HDJNA 36 [cf. ModSy i:vxa Nold, NSGr 39, Oraham 229], > IrArab gandar Avishur, Elements 269+) Quad. 1. to roll s.t.: "■XBYlD'p X'nnn TUl'31 let him roll (the tampon) in that ash Git 69a(24) [in a medical recipe; Var: n'Tm'3 OHT Git 158:4 (v. Geon. expl. infra)]; '3B'T ]TI'K? ''"ma'Vl let him roll it [i.e. the bread] sixty times ib. 47(V18); H3'B TO Xri33'y T1'3 Tlby 113131 let him bring a grape of the same type and roll (it) over it [i.e. the pustule] AZ 28a(40; Ar [AC 2:318]) [M: Tm'Vl; P1: T(T)n}a'31]; 2. to impel forward: Tvnnx xrora p»bu) x'B nmaa the water impelled him forward and he went up [i.e. ashore] in another place HP 147:23 QuadRef. 1. to roll down: 'T1X1 TTaa'ttT rafi'T "WX1? sometimes it rolls down, and he is apt to carry (it) Er 85b(20); Sab 141a(35) // ib. 148b(9) // Bes 30a(25); ib. 27; TO1? 'Tn3J'X TI31'X1 (the animal) rolled completely into the pit BQ 51a(24); HP 202:9; XB1T X3p(1){D) X3T X3p "7W1? V'TXl TUl'B the big qab and the small qab continue to roll down to Sheol ... Yev 17a(34) [proverb]; x"7D'S3 "7B31 XB1 Tiaa'X the get rolled down and fell onto the board (in the courtyard) Git 77b(41; Vl8MAr [AC 2:318]) [v. also Rashi, Sab 80a(28), s.v. xVo'S]; Tarn 27a(52); 2. to roll oneself: X"Oy3 Tm'B X3X ~Q X"n '~\ PN used to roll himself in the earth (when he came to Eretz Israel) Ket 112b (2); XBD'p3 'Tmaxi m'^pa 'y3 (the ox) wants to burn it [i.e. the pen] and to roll itself in the ash (to soothe a bite) BQ 35a(6); xri'3'3'3 X"n31'B (the woman) rolls herself (in the ritual bath) like a fish HG3 358:34 [= GeonH 113 T133 naxy V>lbiT\ GnK4 8:24] Geon. expl.: nnm' OHT Git 158:4, i.e. £jLi 2# "Hiii, lia vb. to lord oneself, be presumptuous (< 4- ^3# Til w. dissim. of -dd- > -nd-) QuadRef. / itpa.: xin '-mii'xn yra^ rpya -[by '"rTWa'Xb 'y3 Xpi do you want to know if (Moses) wants actually to lord himself over you? San 110a(12); 'Xty XYI31B Xp she is lording herself over me Tan 23b(50; Ed) [Var: X"ni@'Bp Mai 103:8(Var)]; H'TOTO n'3 '"Tmi'xV IKVl I did not write it [i.e. the explanation] to be presumptuous TGAs42 52:16; [nrjirx1? TOXT [xp xjnan rrby nrii'B no -]-naixV ... rvby n'3'a I\bpV it is forbidden to lord yourself over him ... to teach you that if you lord yourself over him, you will take interest from him AnanSch 27:27; ib. 28:2 Lit: Eps, Stl 109. i#xri3«a 295 i#'ja l#NrOUa n.f. robbery (4- ^331, Xni331; Sy K-&_=>oJ-^LS 124, Ma Xn3131 MD 96) a. alone: DDTIDB X1? XraillV he is not well known for robbery BQ 115a(28; F1); b. w. Vl3y pe.: sg. VlTX p» 1'mni ]'1»y Xn3131 TO.? they went (and) committed robbery for twenty-two years AZ 26a(6) Y: H'naUJ AZ 44b(25). 2# Knaiaa n.f. tail (etym. unkn.) sg. p'DS mm p n'V a33H' nax rraix ix nnam xixam xnsiia1? n1? xmpT iy they used to say (to) one who would cut off the tail of another's ass or its ear: "Give it to him until it grows back" San 109b(15; MGG 311:8); xnin o"» ... .Traisi xnwt x"?aa u"a X^3131 XJ13'nX why is the camel's tail small? Why is the ox's tail long? Sab 77b(26); Hul 79a(38); X3"731 Xn3131 a dog's tail MQ 17a(54; M) Y: n'I)3«J Sab 77b(26; BAYTN 203). NJI'Siaa, Nima'a, pi. KnN^Ma n.f. garden (V3#pi; MH2 xri'aia'a J 258) sg. xmm BB 68a(31) [expl. MH frVTO ib.]; xn'313'a 5er 43b(8); Er 28b(l); ^Z 7b(33); pi. XDX'313a ](3)31Ta gardens are sold BB 68a(33); TGHark 215:15 Voc: XJVfUJ pi. VTM 26; Y: Kfl'JUS Ber ib.(BAYTN 180). KriUa n.f. disgrace (4- V2# '3a; MH 11135 Yeivin, BV 1055; cf. Sy rdLicu^LS 123, Ma l#XMia MD 84) sg. 'p'lXi xni313 Hip 'yn^D does the Bible speak of the disgrace of the righteous? San 93b(49); Sot 35a(12); Bek 45b(4) Y: XJTUa San ib.(BAYTN 28). t3a vb. to hide, cache (denom. < T3J treasure [cf. HALOT 1846]; 4- 1#XU, X11T31; Sy VJ-^etpe. LS 125) Pe.: XTD ]3T XISOV H1T31T a"yx even though they hid [i.e. suppressed] Ecclesiasticus San ioob(40); maa xVx xiupn n1? wbi its [i.e. the idolatry of the Jew] only remedy is to cache it HG3 245:44 Itpe. 1. to hide o.s.: X&Vy 'VlD 'T3a,a Tin all of them were hiding themselves ib. 26a(l; K); 2. to be hidden away: in^ "px ma X*7 nnnVl ]V3 T3a'X1 nnayi Xin ny«? since they did not need it [i.e. the /n'«-measure] for (later) generations, they made it for the occasion, and it was hidden away Men 88a(28) KHITaa n.m. guard of the treasury (< MP ganjwar CPD 35; 4- Vna, X13T1; Sy k'Ac.U-J^LS 125) sg. maa xa^ai irmn am the guard of the royal treasury came to him Ber 56a(54; T-S F9, 59); nV?Bpi X"I1T31I7 in"X they brought the guard of the treasury and executed him ib. 56(T-S ib.) This form is a later borrowing from MP as opp. to earlier 1 &03IJ < OP. i#ma vb. to rumble (4- V3#'ia, xnirrja, 1# xma; Sy ooi^LS 125, Ma 3# X33 MD 95) Pe. (a/ ): nma n3J there was a rumbling sound Ber 59a(ll);/& 12; 14 Pa. to utter a rumbling or trembling sound: Xin 'ni3a RH 33b(27) [expl. the sound D'Tatt of the shofar; *■ 4- Wr pa.]; ib. 34a(48); HP 19:20; n3aa 'maa \XW-\1 a person first actually utters a trembling sound RH 34a(53; M2HP 19:28) 2# naa vb. to castrate (etym. unkn.; mng. from context) Pe.: ]TI3ai 'XaiX '331T nw '3n oxen which the pagans steal and castrate BM 90b(l; HF'&e/ 122:19) l#'3a vb. to lie down, sleep (Sy 2# rdLj^LS 123, Ma 1#X33 MD 95) Pe. 1. to lie down: vblX X^B'^3 '3Xai bxia^V ,Tn3»X PN found PN2 lying in the sunlight Sab 129a(46); Yom 19a(32); Ket 62a(35); iaD'8 lin'Vy [...] X'331 '3XB "?31 all garments upon which (an impure woman) lies become unclean AnanSch 33:7; 13JT 'E/3'X X3'X Xny© fa there are some people who lie down (to sleep) at that time Ber 9a(2); BM 93b(4); BB 74a(l); Svu 15b(30); Yom 78b(31); Ber 59a(37) // Tan 6b(27) [4- V"]3a pe., mng. 3]; HP 189:3; San 108b(47) [4- X3B11X]; Ber 13b(48) // Nid 14a(6) [4- TpiSX]; 'TO '3a l"3ai 'n1? p'32; X"?1 he did not let them [i.e. his daughters] lie next to each other (in bed) Sab 65a(34); San 109b(33) [4- 2#xms]; Meg 27b(46); rows miiT 'aa mn ni3XT n^XBl^a mptm ni3XT PN was lying on his father's right and PN2 on his father's left (in the burial cave) MQ 25a(46); BM 84b(20); Bo 142:12; 2. to sleep: yw pyatf '3X11 X3'X 'X» what? Can someone sleep for seventy years? Tan 23a(43); X311 Xin VXTX he drank (the wine), became intoxicated, and fell asleep Git 68a(50); X33X '3n X13y XinnV np'Vl "rP^ let him go and
2#'W 296 t t : call that slave who is sleeping by the door AZ 10b(19); SOZ 72:26; 11X1 xVn"? '"?TX ,TCT '3 XT1D7 XXlXpiX when they came to the festival, they used to sleep on the alluvial ground of GN Suk 26a(17); ib. 26a(33); 19b(9); Ned 50a(6); Pes 112b(21); -p3'X ,!7p .T3 MI'S "pU'Vl ]bvr\X n'3 XJ1 lend me your garment to sleep in it for a while. He wrapped himself (and) slept in it Sab 110b(43); Git 70a(20); Jia'p 131 n(')3C}l ID when you go to sleep and when you wake up Anan 24:19 [expl. BH ^aipSl 133031 Dt 6:7]; K>m 22a(27) Af. to lay s.o./s.t. down: W^y T1X Trill Xjnx Vy '"? iT'liai you lie down upon them [i.e. the bolsters] and make me lie down (to sleep) on the ground Ket 65a(47); Yev 63a(33; O2); 'V n'Vl .T7 "IllX^ 'yTaI have nothing upon which to lay her down Ned 50a(ll); Git 67b(30); San 109b(32); 'XirV'Sn T»UX lay me down (after my death) in my upper chamber BM 84b(18); ib. 85b(41); T31 '11X1 Xno TB WX1 take something putrid and lay (it) down next to you (on the litter) Git 56a(48); HG3 121:23(Var) [of an animal] While a distinction has been made between the two mngs. of this rt. in the pe. stem, the exact mng. in many exx. cannot be determined with certainty from the context. 2# '33 vb. to disgrace (1 Xrilll; Sy 3# »jJ^LS 123, Ma 2#XU pa. MD 95) Itpa. to look repulsive: n'3 X"1VB1 'TB 'TBI anything by which she looks repulsive Sab 65a(23); X1H Dm 'Jinm 'llJrn X3H iTBxV niinn xbl in that case she should not look repulsive before him. In this case let her be excessively repulsive Ket 65b(16; V5); rrsX3 n'U'B Xb Nid 12b(l); ib. 17a(44) 3#'3J vb. to rumble (of an earthquake; < 4- Vl# Ml; Ma 3# XU MD 95) Pe.: Xnil XU (the earth) rumbled Ber 59a(ll; FM); ib. 12 Cf. Ma: KJllJ ffoxil n:r>3 there was groaning in his heart MD 82. NfflS'ja n.f. deception, fallacy (< MH2 JTD'Jl [Jljn] PT San 24a[l]); 4- ^311) sg. ... .TrrO'U 'XB X3nB n'rm'll what is his deception? His deception is from here AZ 44b(25); ib. 35 Y: xna'H BAYTN 203. XJIWaa n.f. grumbling sound (4- Vl#mi; cf. Sy rc"&'? u;i V^fearful thing LS 125, Ma XHX1U MD 83) sg. n'mn'ii "?p yarwxi bsn xnn xinn a certain ox that fell, and the sound of its grumbling was heard Hul 51b(l 1) Y: flTjVMJ W ib.(BAYTN 175). 1#]3J vb. to protect (4- XW8; Sy ^af. LS 122) Af.: a. general: m'Vy 1UB1 D1B?B because (the shields) protect them AZ 15b(58); ib. 16a(10); ]'ia ixb 'Xm 1'IB 'Xn this one [i.e. an artificial foot] protects (the leg) and that one [i.e. a cloth covering] does not Yev 103a(15); nxV'J? l'ia nxnn 3'prx xb nxnn 3'prx (if) the outer membrane (of the lung) was pierced (but) the inner (one) was not pierced, the inner (one) protects (it) Hul 46a(35); ib. 46b(2); 119b(8); b. by spiritual action: Vr> X11X1 Xin '3m nTVDT it was PN's merit that protected them Ket 103a(52); Tan 22a(10); 5b/ 21a(10); San 93a(45); Ara 32b(47); XUB xb '111X will (the Torah) not actually protect (me)? Ket 77b(25); xbl XlTy3 xVXB XV 'VlXX XUB '311X p'Dy when he is not fulfilling (a commandment) it does really protect (him) but does not actually save (him) Sot 21a(27); ib. 30; Ber 31a(8); Qid 39b(43) Itpe. to be protected: X1? 'Wl O'U'IXB 'UB 'in tra'ixa xub 'iux 'ai xm D'3'ixa ma these (walled cities) are protected from enemies, and those are not protected from enemies. This (city) [i.e. Tiberias] is also indeed protected from enemies Meg 5b(51) 2# ]3J vb. to construct a bridal canopy (denom. < I xm) Pe.: ,tV omi'i xp mn 'ox "n 'ax 'i "rrx xixu '"? w'j'nK [in1? 'ax] -ity'rx '-v? xm Xiyi n'3B Xrfj'B J?a©X PN and PN2 were constructing a bridal canopy for PN3. He said to them: "Until you build the bridal canopy for me, I shall go (and) hear the matter (emanating) from the school" Ber 16a(6; IKI 24:15) [Var: iy xm '■? pn'in M] 3# T3A vb. 4- nxn n., xni'i n., xn'iui n. K333, K313S n.m. bridal canopy (< Akk ganunu A living quarters CAD G 42, mng. 2, AIOA 51; 4- V2#p, Xlll '3, xm '33; Ma XIXU canopy, wedding chamber MD 95, TA flH TJ Is 4:5, Sy t : 297 am rdJ^i^LS 122) sg. T3yi in1? 'X"p 'M'B lin 131 XIXU inV when they were getting married, they would cut them down [i.e. the trees] and make them into a bridal canopy Git 57a(46) [P: X11U]; •\rfix "b Km n,!? inop nn they were constructing the bridal canopy for PN Ber I6a(6); x"M 'Vn'x rp^n 'nV'cm xn3i xinn n'MI3 at the end of a certain man's wedding feast his bridal canopy caught fire Yev 115a(10) Y: XJH Ber ib.(BAYTN 41). K03a n.m. type, sort (< ykvoc, L-S 344; Pal DJ1 PAT 354, DNWSI 230, Sy rcLrkiJ^LS 125, Ma XM'l MD 91, LJLA !XDD'aJ [PsJ] Lehnw 180) sg. X031 'XH TGHark 207:13; Xrinx X01J i'& 8 Note that though this word also occurs in the western dialects of SA and CPA, it is never found in JPA. K1D0S, NIUO'J, n.m. (uncertain; etym. unkn.) a. w. Vl3J/ pe. to cut or split s.t. across its width: sg.- XIBCJ m3y he split it across its width Hul 124a(24) [of an oven; * 4- Vl#pVx pe.]; .T1? T3y X^DA he splits him across his width (with a sword) San 52b(39); b. w. V'Tltf pa. id.: r?wb x"?T "IDO'1 that he should not split it [i.e. the animal] across its width Hul 27a(21); AZ 13b(5) Geon. expl.: in KVTO3 O'lvb mrmv NIDBJ may inn TGWeisz 82b: l; ma»J w pins ntsnwj tbv nana pi vjm i^b'jw tnn 'ta KntJBJ now rf?:n GC 11:5; Lit: Brand, Ceramics 88+ [connection w. MH mDM] w. prev. lit.; Y: xnpo'J Sab 95b(15; BAYTN 247). 1JW vb. to rebuke (Sy -Ul^LS 128) Pe. (/a): 1DW3 n'3 "iyJ3 Xiam may the Merciful One rebuke Satan Qid 81b(8; Ed) l#NSa n.m. wing, feather (4- XBTJ; Sy r<l4j^ LS 128, Ma XBX1 MD 78) 1. wing: sg. XS1 in Git 68b(39); Hul 52a(18); XS1 nB'S winged bird HG3 117:51; pi. 'SJ nn Hul 52a(18); ip'JT "WS'X nsn '3p'y3 it is possible for (the bird) to raise itself on the roots of its wings [i.e. the joints where they are attached to the body] ib. 13; 2. feather: pi. fTBlV (tyirm Xinn a certain (bird) whose feathers they had cut off ib. 141b(18) Y: 3'9J Git ib.(BAYTN 99). 2# NSJ. n. (uncertain) sg. XBl ^b BM 108a(10) //5S8a(25) Lit: Eps, PLA 214, suggests connecting w. ModSy nlAj^cave Maclean 55, in the mng. tunnel. Y: X?a BM ib. 3# NS? n.m. love (< &Y<XJcr|) sg. 'XaiTT nsj by the love [i.e. the goddess Isis] of the Romans Pes 87b(45) [a term of oath] Lit: Lieb, Greek 108+; Y: XB1 Pes ib. 4# NBJ. n. (uncertain) sg. X,]?31JVI XB13 Cm he ran with a ... and a /.-rope Ned 89b(18) Expl. At: pi AC 2:338; Pseudo-Rashi: 0^10; connect perh. w. Akk qappatu basket/agricultural utensil CAD Q 92. NXJ n.m. lime (< Akk gassu B gypsum, whitewash CAD G 54; Hat fj DNWSI 231, Sy k'^ LS 129, > Arab J-i Fr, AF 10) sg. miJXI XXJ3 with (its) lime and its bricks Er ?(Ar [AC 1:27, s.v. mux; 2:341, s.v. XXI]) [not found in mss.]; TGAs42 162:15 [expl. MH TO Pes 75a(26)]; nxil n33'Vl its [i.e. the property's] bricks and its lime SSHai 6a(5; O) Expl. At: fSXl j?m 1'33 AC ib.; Lit: Goltz, SGMPCM 74; Eps, in SSHai 258. NX'XJ. n.m. perh. arms (4- XT'Il) sg. x"7PBT XS'Xl ... of iron Bo 2:1; X^flBT XDX'Sl i&(3) fSJ vb. to bite, gnaw (< 4- ^TSp; 4- fll) Pe.: ''BX T'J XnaT XJ'BHP ''BX 'r'J 'B'VJ (the mice) gnaw even garments. They gnaw even the blade of a spade Hor 13a(50) IN^l adj. expensive, at a high price (< MP garan heavy CPD 35; Ma 1#1X1VMD 96, JNA pi giran HDJNA 37) sg., only in phrase mb Op ]X"1J to increase in value: sg.m. |X"ll ]xb ISp the value of (the gold denars) increased HP 47:5 = HG2 382:18(Var) [= GeonH VY-pin HR 37:31]; )X-|J n'1? Dpi Dim Vol 469:16 Voc: ]xrii HGP 23b: 12; Lit: Shaked apud M.A. Friedman, Dim Vol 471. 313 vb. to seize, plunder (4- 2# X311; Ma 1# 311 to rob, plunder MD 96) Pe. 1. to seize: a. property: n'3-|l XI1X .T311 "p'T go (and) seize it [i.e. his garment]. He went (and) seized it Sab 148a(3); Trail XF12 X1?! did I not seize you [your garment?] by right? ib. 8; 113© '3T "VTO ni3"M XD"?» PN's royal officials sent (people) to seize it [i.e. his possessions] Hag 5b(5); b. people [w. "3]: 'BD in3 iani'3 X"7T '1?',T perhaps so that
i#Nana 298 K3-iana t t : : - they should not seize them often (to demand ransom) Git 45a(32); "]3 'Siai they will seize you Ber 56a(8; M); inV '3na xp lnx they came (and) were seizing them (for non-payment of a debt) Git 46b(41); 2. to plunder: Ber 60b(58; RaH) [4 2# xana] Lit: Shaked, Elements 151+, discusses suggestions of P etym. l#N3ia, N3K"U n.m. jug, bottle (TA yini pi. TJ IS* 2*5:18, Sy rdil^LS 130; cf. Akkgurabu A bag CAD G 136, mng. 1) a. general: sg. Bo 119:20; b. for wine: sg. X"l»m Km &rf> 10b(36); Pes 36b(40) [expl. BH ntf'tiX 2S 6:19]; ib. 52b(19); 5es 12b(38); Meg 7a(53); pl.cs. 'ail mom ib. 7b(l); c. for oil: pi. Xfltt/a '3XU r>XTC? sixty jugs of oil 55 73b(18; MGG 51:16) Lit: D. Shapira, IJ 4[1999] 134 [Iranian etym.]; Y: X311 Pes ib.(BAYTN 79). 2#N3nj n.m. troop (4- Vail) sg. Xail XXIX Xna1? mill X'V^a a troop came at night and plundered the town Ber 60b(58) [RaH: X37ia OHR ib. 67:28] 3# KX1? n.m. leprosy (TA X3ia TO Dt 28:27, Sy nd4>T-J^LS 130) sg. X[ai]ia Bo 74:13 [in a list of diseases] ^3ia vb. to roll, knead (< I V*?aa w. dissim. of -bb- > -rb-) QuadRef.: Vnaai Xiayi XTTIX T!h xttDj? xinna ^2-ia.m x-iam x^m waoai xxt>xib let him bring a tuft of wool, twist it into a tampon, let it be dipped in wine vinegar, and be rolled in that ash Git 69a(21; Ar [AC 2:349],Rashi!) K7VIS"I1, pi. KlWUna n.f well (etym. unkn.; 4- 'a xxiiana, xxna-ia tfn) sg. nxran smn x'.in a certain well belonging to two people BQ 27b(26); ■T^ 'JXa X1? Vsi XXVUna 'XH ptfIX (he said:) "Lend me a well." (If) it collapses, he does not have to (re)build it BM 103a(23); pi. HI3D V'TXl ,-1X3 rpjnxa XXlXiaia he continues to dig many wells in his field ib. 25 Note the Geon. expl.: "l(l){'m TM ]» lVr a bucket from an ox skin OHP BQ 128:3 [= GS 159b:2], i.e. jii, which may reflect the rdg. KIWll in/(Z56b(3; P1) for 'Willi ib.(I) [v. Ginzberg, GS 2:155]; Lit: AAC 131; Y: NrmiJ BQ ib.(BAYTN 190). n.m. rocket (Eruca sativa; < Akk girgiru CAD E 43, s.v. egingiru; Sy rc'i.jL^tJ^LS 131) a. general: sg. KT11) rrb TIB he sent him rocket AZ 10b(5) [4- Vl#"lia pe., note]; b. in medicinal use: 'tya 'TT7 >)X XTaia ,!7 rocket is also beneficial for me Sab 109a(12) [for eyes; Var: X^m OHT ib. 98:11]; XTm HXJnxa rocket growing between fields Yom 18b(7; Rashi) [expl. XlP'X 2K 4:39; for eyes]; XTJin Xlfa rocket seed Gi'f 69b(25) [v. Geon. expl., OHTib. 157:12] Geon. expl.: Till 'any TWfal ... "?333 O^SKliI pT 'JtM inx, i.e. jj^ OHT Sab ib.; I'm ^N OHT Gif 157:12; Lit: Low, Flora 1:491; on the use of rocket in Mesopotamian and Roman medicine for eye diseases, v. DAB 212; Y: XT!")! Sab 109a(12; BAYTN 235). NriB/'ana n.f. pure clay (< XXltf'atfa* w. dissim. of -s-s- > -r-s-; I Vwa; TA XXW'H TJ IK 7:46 [H naix], Sy k'AvxJ^tu^ pure clay BBah 514:18, LS* 131 [Lex], MH tiria MSviK 3:7, > P iiula-ja. Jawal 123:3, > Arab u*?j*-, o43* sealing clay Fr, AF 252) sg. XTWOnini "?3XT X"13a Xinn a certain person who ate clay Sab 113b(22); Ket 60b(54); HpTl XXW'ana IT?3X she ate clay and spat Yev 106b(34); XJWana im intSI they plastered them [i.e. the jars] with clay AZ 38b(34; TGHark 23:26); BM 40a(52) [used for making jars]; TJin XBTlp 'Vd Xa'iri "\ PN used to break a particle of clay Nid 20a(51) [used as a color standard for menstrual blood] RaH: ra xxi'31 win ]U3 D-in 'ta uaa j'wiyw nsyn dw OHR BM 59:32; Lit: Geig, AAC 131; A. Tal, Lesonenu 37 [1973] 303+. Shaked [orally] suggests a deriv. < MP "gil-xisl brick clay [cf. Nl'tS f:n Da 2:41]; Y: XflB'riJ AZ ib.(BAYTN 292). NT^ana 4- xTVa-na NOaia, N^aia, NSaTa n.m. type of gnat (4- xnTD; Sy rdta^tJ^, k^-ju\t-^, etc. LS 131, > Arab o*?Jf Hava 84) sg. XDann XriTO gnat(s) Suk 26a(36; E2) [Var: XXlTn HP 30:27; cf. Sy: rc'rn i \H_\n W ii n BBah 750:20]; XriTO XX1T11 5g 82b(30; Es) P expl.: '310 -Ktn» TOS X' Ola T3 XXJ-ll SMel 52:292, i.e. a fly and mosquito of the field; Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 123+; Eps, St2 819. Naiana n.m. excessive drinker (4- xmnni; MH pana Yeivin, BV 1046, ]nnia Gross, Patterns 117, Sy rdi-U^LS 103) sg. XDT by X3Tn 'anana '33 nV Tin XT»m (a woman) who treads on the juice of wine will have children who are Mrna-iaia 299 saina excessive drinkers Ket 60b(53; Ar [AC 2:352]); xmnaiai 'Ta 'arm 'anna 'aa 'aiaia excessive drinkers, the sons of excessive drinkers, who love excessive drinking KaR 263:36 In the passage from Ket, the word man was read hamra. For another interpretation where this word was read as hemdrd, v. I KJTITJ; Lit: Low, Flora 1:150. NnWiana n.f. excessive drinking (4- xailia; Sy K'&co-Ut-^LS 103) sg. KaR 263:37 Krna"ia n.f. throat (Sy rc^i4^<LS 103, Ma xnxixaaxa MD 77, H niJIJ trachea HAL 194, J 265) sg. xfhSia" Xp^BStt ID when the throat (of the animal) is split lengthwise HP 198:19(HPP 301:17); rrmanaa n'pn 'Dan'i may his spittle coagulate in his throat Bo 74:3; ib. 9 Lit.: Korperteile 42. "Ha vb. to scrape, stimulate the appetite (4- i#XTra, xTia, nxTia, na, xni, xnnna, xmnaa; Sy ^jl\_LS 132) Pe. 1. to scrape: '31 X"lXp 'Tia X3T (the people) of PN's household used to scrape a gourd Sab 115a(5); pass.part. 'xnxv? 'xV'ya -mn xri(ia){os)DXT xiTa a scraping of Dilmun dates which is scraped from top to bottom ib. 109b (23); 2. to stimulate the appetite: a. alone: THa Tiaa X"ian wine really stimulates the appetite Pes 107b(21); Yom 83b(22); b. w. Xa'V stomach [4- XT1? mng. 2]: '3 'XSV? rrna'ai '3'n in order to stimulate my appetite Pes 107b(19); Sab 140b(13) The refs. in mng. 2 are uncertain since there is confusion in the mss. and the early authorities bet. this rt. and the rt. I Y1J [v. Rashi San 112a, s.v. 'TTJ; Ar, s.v. TU and Koh's note]. Nina, NIKna n.m. scraping (4- Vna; cf. Sy K'^ni-J^LS 132) sg. x"?3nDT X1XH1 scraping [i.e. smoothing] of the s.-garment BQ 99a(18); BM ll2a(38); MQ 23a(23); 'ya xnaxa x'ya tn XlXia the scraping of the top part of the intestines is required (for the length) of a cubit Hid 93a(23; Seel [ST2 427:10]); XTia Er 19b(9; RaH) [of a tree; i.e. w/o leaves] Expl. Ar: talKl iprfr AC 2:355; Y: V.T\1 BAYTN 41. riK^ia n.m. weaver (4- XaTTa; TA I'KHTa pi. TJ JudY6:14, Sy KLiin-i^LS 132, JPA "TU DJPA 135, MH Tia MKelK 12:4) pi. "Mil nnV 313X HT>3p XV Xriisn 'XTTa1? (the sound of) a flute is music for nobles. But as for weavers-they did not accept it now Yom 20b(17); 'XTOT Sot 48a(47) [4- HXTra]; 'XinaT x:03X the weavers' pin Sab 151b(48) Y: HX7-IJ BAYTN 322. NSITia n.m. remnant, stump (4 VoTia; MH telTia MPar 11:9, J 265; cf. Sy rd^u^. separation of a joint LS 105) pi. TW'"^! XH miTU -HWX X"?T XH WnJ this (refers to) where stumps (of the eyebrows) remained, and that to where stumps did not remain Bek 44a(31) Y: 'Bin? Bek ib.(BAYTN 242). ma vb. to split open (cf. Sy ,a-v4^to be lacking LS 132) Quad.: 1TO 'Tia "ITU xtfri perhaps he split them completely Naz 4b(47; V2Ar [AC 2:357], Rashi) [Var: OTTia »mi §M ib.] Expl. Ar: pa yju ljw it ^iai 'nVn mra uvsn ypaa ,Tn ac ib. This rt. should perh. be connected w. 4 VdTU. DTia vb. to chop off (< ^DTa w. dissim. of -dd- > -rd-\ I X&ma, V'Tia; Sy ^HtJ^k' to be mutilated LS 132 [Lex], MH2b DTia J 266, MH DTa J 213) QuadRef. to be chopped off: DTia'XT 'BITOH (the fringes) were completely chopped off Men 39a(12); ib. 38b(22) [expl. MH ViaiTia ib.]; Geon 335:7 fi^Tia vb. to gnaw bones (4- V2#D"ia; Sy ica-iA^ to gnaw LS 132 [Lex], > LebArab kardes Feghali 39) Quad.: iVidx in "3x 'a 'ana ixiownaalx X3XT '3 xa'air? Xn03 before you gnaw bones in PN's school, come (and) eat fat meat in PN2's school BB 22a(42; MGL 699:7) [Var: ixi,B?(T)"iaaTX HR.G.; wwaiamx Rashi (v. DS, loc. cit., n. T)] Cf. Sy: flLjJI eLillil KliiinA^ rf^o-s. BAH 2, 209:6. Greenfield, AKY 886, points out that the Sy rt. should not be connected with Ugaritic grds. [Nxrana 4- xxrma n.] 'SttTia n.pl. (uncertain) BB 89b(l) V comm. ad loc. for var. expl. Naiia n.m. throat (TA lira TJ Is 58:1, BH 1111 hal' 194) sg. yao mnaa »(')(iiax ysca a person is fully satiated (drinking wine) from his throat [i.e. by gulping it down] Suk 49b(13) Y: .TjVlJ Suk ib.(BAYTN 72).
m:™ 300 Knnna N13na n.m. (unclear) pi. '"HITO XpTnai NJTIXl a field which contains ... BM 80a(9; F'H) Geon. expl.: Ijryn TJW'Jl ft'Xn fxp': ]lft» np'y ft'X 'WW '■HlTl p ppyni Winon MX 33y»l pK3 TGAs28 240:32; Ar: pmi '3 -] '"HriM AC 2:12, expl. as plS31 ]'CnB3 nyiT pX; Lit: Geig, AAC 76, suggests a connection w. A Vl# "ITU, but this is unlikely; Friedman, BM VI:204. [N'OTU n. n'OTU X'"ia 5o 33:12 Lit: M. Geller, Gordon Vol 51 '2, suggests < yEpouoia, but this is unlikely.] 1#'1S vb. to attract, incite, contend, have sexual desire (i l#X"fl'n; Sy ,t-^LS 129) Pe. to attract [w. '3]: b'TKI 'maX3 1"U 'pin Dm miaxs mb nn 'nnu 'jnV inb <w>{n}3«?»i in that case the children desire nuts, and he goes and cajoles the children of the butchers and attracts them with nuts Bek 30a(5) [translation conjectural] Pa. to stir up, let loose: "pm X3JT1& 1W xV '1WX do not stir up pestilence against us [lit. those people] San 97a(43) Itpa. [w. "3] 1. to fight, contend: VU nj'X "?'I go (and) fight against them Git 56b(48); xVaVxi vn '-ii'XT pn rV'na mn xb nxV Vixw n'Vop Vx"lW3 if Saul had killed Agag, Haman, who contended against the Jews, would not have been born Meg 13a(4); AZ 10a(48); 2. to deter, counter: inn nj'tt xVn 1H3 n'X (if) there is vinegar in it [i.e. the cress] it deters them [i.e. the snakes] AZ 30b(8); 3. to incite, stir up [w. "3 against]: ]DD VU '"IPX! '"in '3 VUn two certain people whom Satan incited against each other Git 52a(31); n'WSJ3 ym IS' nra xpi DTOa because he stirs up the evil inclination against himself Nid 13b(2); ]VV ,T3 "TU'X1? 'TO xaV'l perhaps he is apt to incite Satan against himself Er 26a(31; O) // Suk 38a(6) // Men 62a(41); 4. to have sexual desire: XTIJITB TO. ni'BI ]V3 XJ?3 since a dog has sexual desire for her she will be afraid BM 71a(44) // AZ 22b(25); Sot 8a(39) // San 45a(20); /A. 64a(22) // Yom 69b(33); 5. to be infected: ]V3 'ira xmx'» X3'X1 since there are caravans (which bring the pestilence), it can be infected (by the pestilence) Tan 21b(32) Y: n?X San 64a(22; Mo 85). 2# ,m\3, vb. to shave the head (< 4- Vj?"ll pe., mng. 2; JNA XII to shave HDJNA 37) Pe.: n'JVU XDIX1? (if) you shaved the head of a pagan San 96a(12; OH ib. 491:10); pass.part. xm» '"U the skull is shaved MsLm Ex 34:14 [i.e. the top right of the letter res-lit. head-in "inx [ib.] is rounded in order not to appear to be a dalet] Geon. expl.: [D'U1? :read] Oil1? rift'l ib.; Lit: L. Ginzberg, G5 2:396. 3# '1J vb. to shoot an arrow (denom. < 4- 1#XTJ) Pa. [w. "3 at s.o.]: 'TJ 13 VU they shot arrows at you Tan 25a(44) On 1H3 'Tl "111 Naz 4b(47), v. I V'TU. N3'1J 4- 1#XVU n. V~\3, adj. alone, adv. merely (4- V"TU, n'l'-U1?; Ma XTIl scant, mere MD 96, Sy i^vjt-^ distinct LS 132) I. adj.: sg.m. XT1J X0"1 rf.-dish alone Ber 36b(53); 7ev 3b(46); ib. 83b(34); Mrf 34b(44); NT"U '"lp Vy3 one who has experienced merely a nocturnal emission Ber 21b(55); f. ni2/ '13 xriT-U n'tfj/l is merely making (the image) permitted? RH 24b(28) // AZ 43b(19); Bes 37a(14); Yev 6b(33); Kef 73b(18); Sot 32b(16); Svw 23a(29); //h/ 13a(l); Nid 30a(18); pl.m. 'TIJ TIXV '3"na those who have transgressed ordinary prohibitions Yev 79b(47) [* "iXEn y\xb prohibitions of incest]; Hul 2b(21); TGHark 111:17; II. adv.: XT11 Via DX (it is as if he said) merely: "If I die" AZ 37a(31) Y: VI? Ser ib.(BAYTN 54). - n'TIJl1? adv. by itself n'TllV nCITI'Xi 'T» JVUWa something which exists [i.e. has grown] by itself from the sixth year (of the sabbatical cycle) Pes 51b(15; C) NT1J, KIT* n.m. stump, piece (4- V"PU) sg. xVp'tT HP) the stump of a date palm Pes lllb(l; TGAs42 164:7) [Var: X^pTI XTQ C]; x"?pm X<1)TJX 3VP mn he was sitting on the stump of a date palm BM 86a(27); X1TXT X1T1 piece of glass(?) ATef 77b(18) Geon. expl.: Nip'?2 Ml XU1 xVft 'pDST KD'H X^jVn ,TTH xv-ii Ninn TGAs42 ib.; vain ia& 'y 'tftsi nsftp ft rx» ^pi GnK5 173:10, i.e. -i>?J» denuded, bare. Kr)n'*13l n.f. friction (during sexual intercourse; i#Nina 301 i#Dia 4, VtU; cf. Sy r^^-iA^ scrapings LS 132) sg. }fev 75b(41; O2) [but M3: Xnm, corr.: Xivrmi] Y: XJniT-lJ ifev ib.(BAYTN 175). 1#NV15, N3'ia n.m. ^r/v, a dry measure, measure, measure of land (< MP griw#3 a grain measure CPD 37, Par gtyw, grbn Gignoux 51 = modius Driver, AD 60; Sy k'o-.t.^, ^•^ .-i \^T.S 132, 130) 1. griv, a grain measure [= MH nXD (4- X71X0 note); cf. Sy: K'^irsLo njo KLiaLj-i^BBah 887:9]: sg. XVU in San 96a(6); Er 29b(37) [dates]; Pes 32a(10); Xinn n'^a'D*? *nn 'W Km that g.-measure (of teruma) also reverts to its state of tevel Yev 89b(l 1); V»3 'I'll she cooked a g.-measure (of lentils) Ned 66b(34) [4- 2#XVU]; pl.cs. 'D'n 'VIJ ]'V3TX forty g.-measures of wheat AM 50b(44); 'sVx XTl'iy 'imJ 6,000 g.-measures Er 14b(13) [= 2,000 baths = 6,000 se'afo]; '1H1 XnVn 13 X3X a basket of three g.-measures capacity Er 30a(32); Git 69b(52); 5A/ 65a(9); BB 73a(22); //F 39:11; '3'-U SMelG 73; TG/4^2 165:22; 2. measure: sg. 'J^'pltf 'a'j;3T XVU V33T I shall take (the wheat) in whatever measure that I desire Ned 51a(l); ^"31 XVII iTT3 Wpll Xim (the prohibition) is when (Serapis is depicted as) holding a measure in his hand and is measuring AZ 43a(10) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 3. measure of land [= MH nxp TVa]: sg. XjnXT XVU a g.-measure of land BQ 96a(8); BM 15b(12) [F1: X3m]; ib. 108a(40) Geon. expl.: mxs oBio mix '3 wiTB m'3 xvij wpn xim unftl D^iyn DX pVrft man nip 1T3 VV TGHark 24:1; Lit: Geig, AAC 132; Sperber, Money 2419; Eps, Stl 165; Voc: TTJ HPP 67:18; Xl'iJ HGP 25a:ll; 'pj VTM 92; Y: Kpj Pes 32a(10; BAYTN 54) [v. Y. Kara, Shivtiel Vol 198+]. 2#Kina n.m. neck (< MP griw#l CPD 37; 4- 1X3V1J) sg. XVII '"ritn cook a neck (of an animal for my meal) Ned 66b(34) [4- 1#XTHJ, mng. 1] Lit: D. Sperling, JAOS 115 [1995] 208. The wife from Eretz Israel confused the two Ir loanwords in JBA and cooked the wrong dish for her Babylonian husband. ]N21'"1J n.m. neck-guard (< MP griwban neck- guard, gorget CPD 37; 4- 2#XVU) sg. TTTO X1?! ]X3X')"IJ rfb a neck-guard does not encircle it [i.e. the collar] TRN 588:3 JPIA adj. inferior, less (4- Vjni pe., pass.part., xmyni; Sy rcii^-v^LS 134) sg.m. mViDT xym Xnrn X'^'O the worst of all of them is white f.-wine Git 70a(27); nynj X"l»n TGAs28 10:28; TGHark 113:19; Yom 75b(22) [* 4- '^a mng. 5]; pl.f. xnx,!7ya3 xn xnynia xn this refers to inferior (wheat), that to superior Pes 48a(35) Y: ynj Men 108b (31). NniyiS n.f. inferior status, disadvantage (4-J?,"lJ; cf. Sy K'iio^j-U^ haircut LS 134) 1. inferior status: sg. rrplllDT nmyni 'Xtt what is (the basis) of the inferior status of the innkeeper? Yev 122b(l); ib. 24b(l); Hul 5b(12; V11); 2. disadvantage: sg. a. general: X'n Kfliyil AZ 61b(16; J); xmyni^ TTin two (items) as a disadvantage BQ 99b(45); b. in phrase XJVljm'lV for the worse, unfavorably [* KDl'tyaV]: 'in^'X 'VlDD XniJTllV 'T2?3 XDV^ya"? (if the yeast) changed for the better it is permitted; for the worse, it is unfit Men 43a(6); Ket 75a(37); X^Tl xmjmiV rvb imsis rrb rrv mn he used to interpret it [i.e. the dream] unfavorably for one who did not pay him Ber 56a(12; MGG 703:8) Y: xrnynj AZ ib.(BAYTN 175). NflS'ia, KHOna, pi. ]Xna n.f. loaf of bread or cake (4- XS1J, 2#XDTJ; TA jSni pi. TO Lev 7:12, Sy k'A<s_.-Us,LS 135, Akkgaristu CAD G 51) pl.abs. IX'll I'mn n'3 blDX eat two loaves with it [i.e. the fish] San 100b(17) [quote from 'Ben Sira'] Y: HT-iX BAYTN 54. 1# D1J vb. to be the cause of something, cause (4- 2# Kara; cf. Sy 1# >i\.t0 cut off. determine LS 133) Pe. 1. to be the cause of s.t.: fi xaai D'"!! xaitfl how do we know that a name is a cause of something? Ber 7b(24); Er 74b(7); XIDrl Dm nnxaT X^ia the fortune of the owner of the wine is the determining factor (of its quality, souring, etc.) BB 98a(16); Nid lla(18); ib. 37a(13); BQ 9b(31) [4- l#xra'S mng. 2]; ib. 60a(l); Suk 10a(21); Hul 75a(27); Wa1? 'am X3X 'alia I was the cause for Mordecai to come [i.e. to be born] Meg 12b(50; GL); Xp 'XJia 'am XJX TIN I was the cause. He is my descendant i&(He); 2. to cause, bring upon: a. general: nTrUmry XDT 'Xim '"? XB11 xran "n PN's humility was the
2#D1J 302 Krma t • ; - cause that I inspected (menstrual) blood Nid 20b(5); ??b D'U Xpi Xin axn JHJ the father's semen causes it [i.e. the prohibition] Hul 114b(10); b^rwb xnj/X in1? mil he caused trouble for the Jews Meg 13a(2); I)V?p XBmi 71,x? xani ywW perhaps PN's curse caused it San 90b (2); rf? tni jXB X"l3n what causes the calamity? ^Z 2a(12); -[VSlb nail TO "T> Oil ]B1 who brought it upon you? You brought it upon yourself San 107a(42); Bes 27b(9); Pes 68b(45); Ket 61b(37); 55 144b(8); Tern 29a(19); /4ra I5a(i7); b. w. xnV'B: i"3n2/'xi xn"?'a in1? xani in"T13 'n'X 'Xanitf'Xl the turn of events caused them to be captured, and she was captured with them Git 45a(38); T3 bKW pn$7Bn nB'X "?31 ]imaiya p3$n XnV'B flrf? XB11 D'U whenever the Jews are mixed among the pagans the turn of events causes them to act like them [lit. their actions] Anan 7:6; 'pl^nOX1? p^V ]'B"in '"?'B "?3 na by pay[n x1?] p'ry pa x'stn '"?'a do not do for the deceased any matters which will cause the words of Heaven to depart from between your eyes AnanSch 27:13 2# D*ll vb. to gnaw bones (denom. < 4- 1# xmi; 4- VtiTll; Sy 2# ^.-iJ^ etpe. LS 133) Pa.: "3X '3 'am WB1JB1K before you gnaw bones in PN's school BB 22a(42; F2P') 3# Oil vb. to turn the knife outside the prescribed area during slaughtering (caique < MH 3#mi hif. LNVTH 130; 4- XnBniB) Af.: xoiabips wipb rvb nmai xnrn wrw~i ixa one who is slaughtering an animal and turns the knife to the windpipe like a calamus HG3 114:25 1#N»"11 n.m. bone, self (J, V2#D"ll, XTl'mi, xani xiail; TA xmi TO Ex 12:46, Sy kI^j-v^ LS 133, Ma X13T1 MD 92) 1. bone: sg. XBIl p Ta nXTWJH this is the bone of my tenth son Ber 5b(17) // BB 116a(15) [v. TGHark 214:23]; n"7B XB"I1 XB"I1 he salts one bone at a time Bes 1 lb(7); //«/ 132b(34); X"n XB11 a raw bone &i 18b(22); ib. 109b(22); Yom 87a(51); Pes 112b(29); MQ 28b(12); XBIl m 13n'X a bone (of his) was broken on it Git 68b(2); XBin xn3('W bone fracture Anan 15:12 [expl. "DtP Lev 24:4]; HM 46:3; pi. .Tail 'ITU1? to strengthen his bones Yev 102b(32) [expl. BH f^n? T^?5?1 Is 58:11]; "p"!! O'OBB breaking your bones 5o 7:17; HP 202:13 [4- Vd31 itpa., mng. 3]; XmtfBai X'B3 pjn n'B"113 may (the curses) enter into his bones like water and oil Dec 7:16; BB 22a(42) [4- Vtftll quad.]; Git 70a(16) [4- Xtf'X mng. 2]; Xp mn 'lip .TBIIB poiB they were sawing beams from its [i.e. the fish's] bones BB 73b(19); 2. self, sg. only in phrase n'miV [JPA mail1? DJPA 136, s.v. mi, mng. 2d]: sg. 13JH Xin H'miV 13 JH 'XB he does what he does by himself [i.e. it is his singular opinion] Ber 48a(Sl); Sab 38b(9); Tan 14b(5); MQ 25b(32) Voc: naiS HPP 304:21; Y: Xtn? Moi 8a(9; BAYTN 79). 2#Kana, NBini n.m. indirect effect (4- Vi# Dm) sg. x"? xatya xann xin xaVys xani S'TPB it is merely an indirect effect, and one is not held responsible (in torts) for an indirect effect BQ 48b(14); ib. 60a(17); Bes 27b(10); BB 22b(36); San 77b(39) // Hul 16a(10); Sab 120b(47) [* MH .T'fe/y a direct action]; XBXIl n'Tll an indirect effect of a direct consequence TGAs28 201b:2; pi. 'mn Xl'l ]'XTT ]XB one who makes a judgment (of liability) in cases of indirect effects Ket 86a(ll) [v. Geon. expl.]; BQ 98b(13); ib. 117b(20); Bek 28b(26); 'BXni SMel 43:20 Geon. expl.: tn llion n'^ 01J xV'X Ml'S Tlhn fbl 11J3 OHT BQ 75:24; WTJ HGP 18b:21; Y: XO"U &ft ib.(BAYTN 41). N7'»ia n.m. cubit (TA xl'mi TJ Jud 3:16, Sy K'i-vioT-J^, rc'a-j-iKcio-^ cubit, elbow LS 133) sg. XTB11 3Xn xm X"71B3 a shadow which is not shorter than a cubit Pes lllb(34; M); "p X23'm XTB"ll XTmi 'la I shall give you (gourds) each a cubit (in length) BM 64a(15); pi. TV'B '3 '13B 'rail njnnx x"?x xa"?y 'xm 'b n>b xnsi xinn indeed, when you die, you will only have four cubits in this world Git 68b(22); Sab 110a(16); SSHai 9a(3); Anan 30:13; 'TB11 J'TO 13 XH1S a bed of sixty cubits (width) San 7a(33); Suk 53b (9); xnonmm 'Tail 'sVx xtt?an 5,ooo (square) cubits in surface area units Er 23b(4); TGAs28 205b:6 The Ma form T18TU* quoted in LS ib. does not exist [v. MD 86]; Y: iO'rnj Pes ib. RJT»")a 303 2#011 KJTail n.f. small bone (< I 1# xail + XJl'- [dimin. ending]) sg. xm'yi XrVail a very small bone Hul 103b(l 1; Ar [AC 2:363) 1 # Oil vb. to study by means of oral recitation (4- 1# XDTl, 1# XD"ll, HXOni) Pe. (e/u) 1. to study by means of oral repetition: a. general: '0'")1 xV I was unable to study Er 65a(30); D(l)l'ni'V nD2?BT l"yxi 1£?'3'X a person should study even though he forgets AZ 19a(32); l(3>in)"J3 n»!X 1H3 IDIl'n '3'H '3 min teach your sons (the words of the) Torah so that they should study them Ber 13b(29) [w. ref. to Dt 11:18]; '"iDlxV xnmxa O-U'B1?! to teach and to study the Torah Anan 24:18; TGDr49 108:20; Hag 15b(15); San 88b(34); Ber 8a(51); ib. 38b(43); Tan 10b(35) [*■ i V]"y pa., mng. 3]; Hor 13b(49); Anan 24:25; Suk 28b(44) [4- Vom af, mng. 2]; /&/ 103b(ll) [4- VlDD pe., mng. 2]; Geo« 121:16; pass.part. Xl'inx X3'X1 0'in 'pin '"lp» 'XH 'SB D'"in (if) there is one schoolteacher who is learned, and there is another who more learned BB 21a(39); ib. 41 [* i VpTC pe., mng. la]; b. w. indication of place of study: 113 XID'11 mn KVna XJl^'13 113 X1'"?SB1 xn'3 previously I used to study at home and pray in the synagogue Ber 8a(41) // Meg 19a(34; G); Ber 30b(14); Sab 10a(24); n'ni'13 D'll xp mn in KB!' one day he was studying in his garden Qid 81b(l 1); 3'JI'I ^TX xim mi xim om i"a»m n'ri'V'y mnx he went and sat down behind PN's upper room and studied (it) again and again Hor 13b(48); '31 K'BT Xim by lOTIl xnyBW pn'Oll study a legal tradition only alongside a river of (running) water Kar 6a(10) // Hor 12a(43); c. preceded by Van' pe.: 3i '33 0'ixi xpi 3'ri' mn xion am pn was sitting and studying in the be rav Mak 10a(32); xav n'Via onn a'n' mn xna^n xar Va every Sabbath he used to sit and study the whole day Sab 30b(l); ib. 156b(35); 1,Y'n'-inx iy '3fl' Tin 'Dili XBV '^la xVna they used to sit (in the cave while covered) up to their necks in sand the entire day and study ib. 33b(32); Ber 56a(44; MGG 705:5); Suk 29a(3); MQ 16a(47); Qid 81b(36); BM 86a(27); d. w. fol. obj.: irU'OllJ man©: they were forgotten. Let them study them (again) AZ 8b(48); 'nV ii'Dii n'an xnx'^ya '"?'b 'in we study the superior subjects in it [i.e. Ecclesiasticus] San 100b(41); 2. to know by heart: XJiyBP JTBBn p'D m^ D'nil ]13m as soon as he hears the legal traditions of the scholars and knows them by heart Ber 47b (31); pass.part. JO'11 Dll'a (the texts of tefillin and mezuzot) are well known by heart Men 32b(15) // Meg 18b(51) [of the chapters of ]; 3. to recite by heart: DTll'11 Xl'inx XpTB3 let him recite (a prayer) in another section Ber 20b(58); XWn'^S O'll Xp mm one who was reciting (the tradition) in a whisper Er 53b(46); 4. to recite a textual tradition [4- V^DE? pe., mng. 6]: Xn3TlB3 pan '011 '3'n how do the students recite the textual tradition in the academy (in this Mishna)? TGHark 199:34; TGAs42 15:6; ib. 22:5; 37:21; 70:21; 24; OHT Meg 52:23; Geon 121:19; ib. 169:9; 0'IXl XB'p X1X2?'1? he recites (it) in an abbreviated version TGHark 50:17; xaiSD Dnxi p3na in ^31 n'3m each one of the students used to recite (the barraitot) according to what his teacher said iSgf 42:14; xiefa xsn xnyaw1? n'snsa1? xnn ms1? x^ns'a xp xm ai "?y «]xi pan r\b 'oni xpn X0T1 we have seen fit to write the legal tradition itself in the wording of the textual tradition which the students recite, even though it is not explicable according to this textual tradition OHP Ber 95:21; 'nrmi'B1? TGHark 103:22 [of barraitot}; ib. 137:30; 157:36; 209:13; 5. to have a written textual tradition: IV nrfrn '0111 "|2m l'"3X'ni T"in'Jia those whose textual tradition (in the get) is ]"'W'n and p'3X'n with three yods ib. 229:15 Af. to teach: "mx ns n'DVUxVl n'DpV'B1? 13'"lt?X'X they had to collect it [i.e. the tradition] and to teach it in a unified fashion ISGF 59:6; Anan 23:13 Itpe. 1. to be studied: ]B X1TH pni'a XT130B pi 'mo xn© ]^>'X (this is) the entire (list) of the tractates which are studied at the present day of the six orders (of the Mishna) OHT Ned 8X; 2. to be given as a textual version: pn Tby jV'T xnai 0'11'B 'IB?'1? our gemara has two textual versions in this matter ib. 8:25 2# Oil vb. to toil, labor (4- X1DT1) Pe.: Xl^'ap Xin'jSI XlO'nil Xinnoi that I shall work, toil,
3#0-U 304 NW'jn? labor, and serve SSHai 14b(7) Li!: Eps, SSHai 4416. 3# Oil vb. to break into pieces (< fcni*; I 2#X0T1; Sy .-tox^pa. LS 134, Ma Oil MD 97) Pa.: 'ail W'Onam 157 before you break bones into pieces (for the marrow) BB 22a(41; Ar [AC 2:3704,SM 147:29]) This may, however, be only a secondary rdg., corr. from wwiJEnx* < lrPBn-uaiN [1 Vwvu]. ^KOia, N0N"U, pi. 'OTJ, 'iOia n.m. oral transmitter of the Talmudic text (4- Vl#D11 qattal-form; I nXDIJ, l#Xin) pi. 'OXI! rft 'OPin] 1'tmx D'lEtt H'ram X3H the oral transmitters transmit it here [i.e. Ket, ch. 9], but its place is in BM, ch. 1 TGAs42 27:2; '1X2T1? '"in f'j'XI nrfra maVm 'ox-11 p pan 'ra pbxm these two textual readings which vary among the scholars are due only to the oral transmitters of the Talmud OHT BQ 7:25; JU'X pK'pa 1X^7 'icndl they are oral transmitters who are not well-versed in the tradition OHP Sab 59:14; TGCas 26b(36); '0X11 p3"l TGQed 84:4 Lit: S. Assaf, TGAs27 132; Eps, Stl 202; id., PLA 140+. 2# N0"U n.m. spelt (Sy rd»i_^LS 134, mng. 2) sg. XOIl XTm V'SH X83 like spelt falls from an ox Bo 142:9 nNOIJ n.m. oral transmitter of the Talmudic text (i Vl#0Tl, XO-U) pi. 'XOin XSB'E? the slipshod recitation of the oral transmitters OHT Meg 7:4; D'nB33tt? 'XDIl the transmitters in the villages ib. 7:6; xm 'XD1J J'EttnTO X31D1 XJlb'a the oral transmitters of the text are extremely corrupt in this matter NDGR 102:1 [='DXT1 OHT BQ 94:6] 1H1 vb. to be inferior, shave the head, reduce (i JP"U, xmy-U; Sy ^i^LS 134, Ma X'TXl pnwi MD 97, s.v. Vtu [jni* > nyi* > nxi]) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to be inferior: Tram maa JH1 '81 is it inferior to salt and z.? Ber 36a(27); Naz 66a(5); Tern 3b(43); '1D3 pi Viya jm X1? Xim that one [i.e. one who is unclean or away from Jerusalem] is not inferior to one who is uncircumcised or a pagan Pes 28b(42); Suk 3b(15); BQ 25a(31); Mak 15a(36); Hid 55a(44); xyil JTI113 is she actually worse off? BB 133a(20); Ket 102b(38); Git 51a(20); 2. to shave the head [JPA jni pe. DJPA 137; I V2# '-11]: n'V 'Vrrx .t1? jni xpi 'irn. H'3pl3 XTU (if) while he was shaving (the pagan's) head, his beard caught fire San 96a(9); ,1'V -\3W\ xaixV n'V JlJTU (if) you shaved the pagan's head, and he was pleased ib. 12; ]Xai 'Vd n,!? V'pCT 31 "?y «]x mis'-iV m1? jnn one who shaves his head even though he cuts all of it off HP 139:19 = HG3 367:10(HGP 60a: 14); pass.part. Naz 57b(25; HP 139:26) [I V3#ip3 mng. 4] Pa. to reduce, deduct, diminish: xroVvi 'XJ1X nSDX nna'plXI n'B?'1?©1? nnjTU the traditional law came, reduced (the size of) the third (wall of the sukka), and fixed it at a handbreadth Suk 6b(18) // San 4a(29); TOTIS 1? nVtXI njTUOT she can continually deduct (the debt) until (only) aperuta (remains) Qid 1 lb(30); xp 'jmi mxiS IXPJH mflD n,!? ym (if a letter of the alphabet) is 'closed' [i.e. ~j*]f ]□] and he made it 'open' [i.e. DDXia] he actually diminishes it(s sanctity) Sab 104a(3); BQ llb(19); xnx 'jmiV (Scripture) came to diminish (the requirement for a firstborn) Bek 3a(29) Itpe. to become inferior: JHl'X 'yni'X did it actually become inferior? Tern 13b(9) Itpa. 1. to be reduced, deducted: Xjni'a TITO xVlXl XBOia XHl Xps:i (the debt of) his daughter (sold as a maidservant) is reduced (as time passes) and she goes out (free), but this [i.e. a usurious loan] continues to increase Qid 20a(50) // Ara 30b(27); ntJVlS iy jni'Jl let it be reduced until a peruta Qid llb(33); n'V X'Va Xm n»0T H'1? njni'la X1? HIE? as long as a year has not been completed concerning it [i.e. the consecration of the field], he cannot deduct it [i.e. the relative amount to the next Jubilee year] Ara 25a(2); 2. to be diminished: JHia H1? 'Bl XTTQ ,TV n'X 1ST TCQV also when he has a daughter, his name [i.e. posterity] is not diminished Anan 110:18 XriJ'jn?, pi. '3'jnJ n.f. stone (of fruit; MH2b nrjni Yom 79a[l], pi. 1'3'jni Sab 40a[2], J 271) sg. rr-nyw nh ixa n'nrjniV nh rftpvi ]vd when you remove its [i.e. the olive's] stone, its (minimum) size is reduced Ber 38b(54); ib. rpl 305 N-iwa 39a(4); pi. xrvanx onam 'ry-ii 'jn stones of Aramean dates Sab 143a(26; M) In all MH1 ms. sources, the form of this word is ru'y^A; Y: ttria'JH? BAYTN 313. rpl vb. to rake an oven, scrape clean (JPA Til DJPA 137, Sy ^i\_'° carry away LS 134, Ma 1#TU to carry away, scrape clean MD 97) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to rake an oven: nTlSIJl XTUn "IIP she heated up the oven and raked it Sab 109b(30); pass.part. xin xtu xsni mm xnnx xinna Viy they entered into a certain oven in which the fire [i.e. the coals] had been raked Ket 67b(38); 2. to scrape clean: xnain rfriaV miDIl lap they scraped clean the entire ruin San 109a(18; MGG 239:3) NX-U n.m. dough (I Krfimi, 2#XDT3) sg. ■"XSnia"1 HWVa rrarsn it has much dough Pes 37a(13) [double rdg.] T1J vb. to drag, draw off (i XTU; Sy t^LS 129, Ma TU to drag MD 97) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to drag, pull: "ia xV'yV Voso ixnj msai xmis w-\ ri'DT the archisynagogos of GN dragged the bench before PN Sab 29b(30); ib. 27; man 'V^b inx nan n'V mi mm xm nan he saw a pig dragging the tongue of a great man Qid 39b(49); 2. to draw off (of a liquid): rfC^'Vl n'YU'V let him draw it [i.e. the blood] off (the altar) and cover it Hul 83b(25); pass.part. xnan mm T-ll xniyiJ nai XWUX all the wine is drawn off by means of the siphon and the small siphon AZ 72b(32); 3. pass.part., w. "1J13 to be drawn after s.o. or s.t: p(')T"U irr-ina px we are drawn after them [i.e. are subject to their actions] Tan 24a(38); TH 1T\2 'Tin "W> lnVlD1? mm he saw that all the Jews were drawn after David BM 85a(6; F1); 'OT HSUS Til H'SIl nri31 V'XIH since (the excrement) is drawn out of its body, it is like its body BQ 18b(30); 4. pass.part., w. 1J13 to be enticed: innm "I'll he is enticed by them San 61b(16); 'T-ll VTPM iri3 they are enticed by themselves ib. 112a(5) Itpe. w. 1713 to be drawn after s.o.: ITU'l X1?! n'"iri3 so that they should not be drawn after him Ber63b(12) On .T'-U Nid 36b(45), v. Rashi ad loc. and Koh, AC 2;347, s.v. Nina n.m. dragging (4- Vmi; Sy k/4"U<LS 129) sg., only in phrase N"113l 3JN adv. by association, incidentally (4- 31X prep.) 31X XVtn X3D: XTIl he mentions it incidentally BM 4b(47; Es); Svu 40b(9); «fe(29); Zev 1 lb(29; V11) Y: Nn-IJ 3JK Svu ib.(BAYTN 42). 2HJ vb. to divorce (< MH #-|l to divorce J 273; Sy t-^-\. Pa- t0 drive out LS 135) Pa-: n3D:i niffnn he married her and divorced her BM 85a(38); Wlia 'SB X1? '©Til he cannot in any manner effect a divorce Yev 113b(7); Git 24b(28); Wl'aiV 7W\X1 Xmi XTO1 a certain husband who divorced his wife Pes 110b(15); BB 174b(27); Ara 23b(16); 'KHiai X31D HSp lim XT273 they were very fastidious and used to divorce their wives (for an insignificant matter) BB 160b(26); fflWUB T«tt I'mn you will divorce two wives Ber 56a(43); TV ]3'S31X x"71 n'nxi'X1? nvmb Xnai1? we do not compel him to divorce his wife HP 100:6; ib. 128:9; X'J/a Xp XVI n^ni1? she wants (him) to divorce her OHT Ket 230:30 Itpa. to be divorced: KHl'XI a'Dl'X she was married and divorced Ket 78b(46); rOWXT HTT M&\ XD'13 rrcni'm it turned out that she was divorced with a get that was not hers Git 87b(35); XlZHl'a X1? m'V XU'l 'Dai ljn she is not divorced until the get comes into her possession Qid 44b(5); rrcnVOT '3'n ^3 ©11'Jl let her be divorced in any manner Git 63a(14) KPJ n. (uncertain) sg. RH 23a(19; E1) [expl. BHDiri Is 41:19; cf. Ed: XDX] NllUn n.m. beam (< Akk gusiiru CAD G 144, AlOA 53; I XITCto; OfA "Wl DNWSI 236, Sy k^c*-*-^ LS 137) sg. xnVVoaT xitoi "xn a beam of the sukka Suk 31a(22; HP 31:27); pi. '1W1 Mg 12b(46; HPP 279:17); '1TO1 'ia X31
nyghtfta 306 spim PN used to count the beams Pes 110a(13; C); noiT 'ITOJ TO'najn 'anan 'TTC/1 (if he stole) large beams and made them into small beams BQ 96a(24) [corr.: niM]; Gi7 67b(35; OHR Git 44:10) Expl. RaH: Trip ]ni ]X inx miMI THUD OHR ib.; Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 469; Y: XlitM BAYTN 107. HNtj/itPJ, n.m. sounder of a depth (I VwJ qatol-tbrm + gent, ending; cf. Sy rdjco-x-^spy LS 136) pi. a. of the ground: Tl'aen X3TXm 'XWTO1 now that sounders (in the ground) are common BM 42a(32); b. of water: '"JTX WW3 nap the sounders go before it Sab 100b (42) [cf. Ma WWII flBlxn WXJ he plumbed its height and depth MD 97] Lit: Kaufman, AIOA 51, rejects the suggested connection w. Akk. gasTsu stake; Y: 'XtfTO? BM ib.(BAYTN 107). "jt^J., JtPJ n.m. portion of a plant (etym. uncertain) sg. XJinDXl "|1P1 g.-portion of the etrog HGl 101:42; XJinnxn 1W3 HP 190:1; KPHST 3tfJ g.-portion of the caper shrub ib.; SMel 53:303 Lit: Geig, AAC 133, rejects Low's P deriv. [v. Flora 3:280], but cannot suggest a plausible etym.; v. also Eps, Stl 249. N»«n I XB'WD n. *)Btt vb. (uncertain; i Vl#»|ti3) Itpe./Itpa.: H'1? XDP1X Men 50b(46; Ar [AC 2:382) [Var: xde/3'x] Lit: AAC 134. "itfj. vb. to make a bridge (denom. < I Xnitf'3) Pe.: in'ty p'-iajn n»i 'nmi 'VpT 'Vopi they cut down date palms, make bridges, and we cross over them Sg 113b(36) tflin vb. to feel, touch {I Xtfll, l#XJTO'l, xm'j-u, nmwi; Sy ?j^ls 135, Ma vm MD 97) Pe., pass.part. w. ""? [in a fig. sense]: rf? Win Xiys she felt the suffering Yev 117b (6) [4 Vtfn pe., mng. 2] Pa. id. [in a physical sense]: H'3 Jl'XI IT'in n'EWl XWBB he felt him (and) saw that there was substance in him Sab 152b(42); BB 11 la(38); Git 67b(44) KpTJU. n.m. (uncertain) sg. San 107a(20; OH ib. 536:19) Geon. expl.: Twa jjh by mm yaw na nx nx-iw ito .xjnm na na D'ani n'Vya rf7£>:i xrfrn ty nwpa pnn Vuy Tra *»: xjiVn OH ib. [For the var. Xjruu, v. ACIntr XVIII] "1 307 "7 1 "1, "I conj. that, so that, because, rel. pron. who, which, the one who, the one that, genitive marker of, the one of (Sy -n Nold § 357+, Ma -T MD 491+; 4- '3.TIX, X3TJX, xmiX usage c, -n xa'Vx, xrvan, nayxn, xm, -tt, -Vn, -nnan, na, xVra, xim Vs, ]dt Vd, -id1?, xwn jxa, xaty TIX1) I. Conj. 1. that [subordinate clause]: a. as subj.: p'n'ST p '11 woe to us that we shall die! Ber 31a(6);xmx>m rf? Xn'J xV he does not want her to be disgraced Ket 48a(31); )3ni' 'TT O'TlOm nniDX 'BXn Xin let it be clarified that PN is the one who says they are forbidden AZ 59a(5); b. as obj.: nitt'1?! '3W ]XB 'Xn one who wants to die Nid 55b(39) [I V'JD pe., mng. 4d]; X3"?D na ym wmti? nm inai xnxn yi3w PN heard that an important man had come to his town Ket 63a(ii); rrnjn xrrn mm n'mn I saw that he was in a cheerful mood Sab 77b(22); ]1JVtn ''JljnaiffX "laypT you saw that he is breaking his oath Ned 65a(14); 'Tim 'D"JT in1? <|)IXI3'm Xp we see that (the betrothed couple) is intimate with each other Ket 28a(25); mnDE/XI rmta Ipna Xin 'in they investigated him and found that he was a pagan Pes 3b(42); m Hpt n'nDPX xnx he came (and) found him expounding (Scripture) Sab 148a(4); c. in place of the inf.: yTS 'TJIJ? xnsy lim the righteous will eventually become earth [i.e. die] Sab 152b(39); 'Wrx1? npn *7TI 'nay he frequently calls (other) people slaves Qid 70b(16); Xt'Sp Xt'Sp j'SXn ]iru ]n'T 'P3 our women are accustomed to bake one ^.-measure at a time (for Passover) Pes 48b(3); xVn W'i'X T3J? X3'n '33 X"?X n'JUJHJ 'Via a person is unlikely to reveal his claims except in court BB 31a(19) [I Vnay pe., mng. 12]; 2. so that [Sy, Nold, SG § 366]: a. w. imp.: '3B'Xn m3B'p1X stop them [i.e. the stars] so that I can count (them) San 39a(21); -pna V'JXn 'V aay'X wait for me so that I can go with you Ket 62b(38); miwi xn'35/n nxa a'rv T3'B Vaan XmaVn (PN) fasted one hundred days so that he would forget the talmud of GN BM 85a(48) [and passim]; b. w. part.: J1'J?a ri'XB 'X XWS-tf X1? im 'Dnn if you can pray so that I should not die again BQ 117b(7); 3. because: X*7 Xmyri ]a 'V'n tf'Vnn XJV'3' I cannot (mount the horse) because I [lit. my strength] am weak from the fast Meg 16a(23); Xabx tf'J'xn n'i'a ISriOBI Xin (my witnesses) are afraid of him because he is a violent man BM 39b(33); VpttH xnJX n'1? an XniDX "p nayi xan -p give him (his) fee because he let blood for you and cured you San 109b(18); 72m xVm na 'JX» a young dove is different because it is soft Hul 76b(49); XI12?nn Viy»3 laip XnDB 'fix let us get up and go in because it will rain now Tan 9b(23) [andpassim]; 4. introducing direct speech or a narrative [BA "I HALOT 1851, mng. 3b, Sy -a Nold, SG §367, Ma H MG 469]: a. direct speech: 1) in BT [rare]: tf'JX n'V XB'3 xV 'TB -p X33',Tn XpU'1? a person should not say to a child: "I shall give you something" Suk 46b(36); XiX X3nan xa'n X1? do not say: "I am a priest" Pes 113a(8); n"DJ71 Viyn ~p XJ'BXp 'a 1DX did I say to you: "Enter and coerce him?" Ket 53a(9; M); txb 'n 'in xnn n'*7 'ax x1? 'ayo 'xa X'n why did I not say to him: "According to whom is this? It is according to PN" Kar 18a(31); X3TB1? 'JD 'V'TI ]'nax they say: "Perhaps he wants to lie down" Mei 14b(15); naan xnB'a1? n,!7'n Vm vrvpi (that is) to say: "The older (the snake) becomes, the weaker is its strength" AZ 30b(20); Suk 28a(42); Ket 45a(5); xVr p ymnp ]3'nt3 he informs us: "We do not make a decree" Pes 21a(14); Hag 19a(10); Yev 105b(44); San 23a(47); Zev 12b(19); 2) in later lit.: vfo max
'1 308 "1 niBXI na VD3 ]B',ia nxi they said to him: "You are believed in all that you say" TGHark 268:7; -pi 'V pin x:xi xh 'a 'ap xa'Vi xn '31? 'n'V let him come to the court and say to the court: "I have a trip before me" Geon 101:22; ib. 213:21; 267:3!; HG1 113:48; HG2 145:9; ib. 165:80; 91; HP 64:24; paynai nxa waVn x"?i sax xpi and (Scripture) says: "Do not wear garments which are made ..." Anan 5:12; ib. 24:12; 30:16; AnanSch 21:7; Bo 125:7; b. narrative: xV?Da mi inna 'ipsa nn xav Vdi 'im mm nan'x Xn30 X'nm it was said by inference: Certain gardeners who every day used to deposit their spades with a certain old woman BM 38a(37); Xn rpisrsttix mV xcd o'Visx n'yn yaw come (and) hear: PN handed over a money bag to his landlord's daughter Ber 18b(39); D'n pT X3nD1 n'2 *]Sbai this document is sewn and attached to it TGHark 276:12; ... WlW n'31 p"nai the Jews are required 5ee/ 1:1 [and passim]; T0X1 nnan p in "prraVi 'm'B'? "7x12?' n'aiV pb Jews are forbidden to steal or to snatch one from another ib. 4:1; 6:1; 25:1; 29:1 [and passim in this text]; 5. in compound conjunctions: 4- '1 31X, nx s.v. iy, n xnyix, n 'x, n 'i"x, n ixV 'x, n nn'x, n xVaVx, n bitsax, n aa Vy *]x, ty ix "1 'S, "13, "1 VH3, "1 '113, "1 ]aT3, "1 1B3, •i xarys s.v. tarry, n -inn, n xaVn, -i xdm, "1 'D'H, "1 XTOn, "I pB'T, "1 p3, "1 ]'J3, ]1'D -n, n na'x ^d, "i X3'n "?d, n 'D'n Vd, -i xaD Vd, n ixaD s.v. 2#]xa, "i ibd, n im1?, n msV, n mxa, n -inxa m, -na, -i nana, n ivb, Vid'b "i, n iy, "i xjry, n ty, n nja Vy, n dw ty, "1 Dy, "1 'ap; II. Relative pron. 1. personal who, he who, the one who: a. alone: nnisna "n 'yai TOP^O Il'a 'y31 he who wants, lives by his tongue. He who wants, dies by his tongue Ara 15b(48); 'an ttb xan kVi xan Xan '1 the one who saw-saw. The one who did not see-will not see AZ llb(15); OW1? 'y31 "I'm one who is awake and wants to sleep Er 104a(37); xV'y1? Tp'jOT XTfih ]'nnm those who 'go upward' [i.e. to Eretz Israel], and those who 'go downward' [i.e. to Babylonia] BQ 23b(36); '1BX1 XD'X some say [lit. there are those who say] Pes 112b(7); 'p3'V 'ram 3'D©1 X3D{']2? let him search for a corpse of one who died on the Sabbath Git 69b(36); mina xn "lynwx1? xrsa [xVn* =] xVi XT3 in the possession of one whom I cannot sue BQ 45a(16); b. w. an antecedent: 1) pron. [4- "1 "?D, "I ]XB]: xn'3^ n'3-inXT 'Xn the one who destroyed the Temple Yom 69b(17); ]XD 'xn W'"?m one who is weak Ber 55b(40); 1111 '31 X11X3 certain (porters) who were carrying on a pole BM 83a(25); '113 pp"7in SD'a*? iy31 p'x '111 these (people) who want to take their portion together TGHark 171:19; 2) n.: (a) general: Xinn 'Bn'1 XIlVp'pX X319X XJ31 X131 a certain man who built a mansion on the garbage dump of orphans BQ 21a(25); xnn'X 'y31 X13J 'xn a man who wants a woman (as his wife) Bek 8b(25); IXrai 'Tinj 'JO 'in Win two certain blind men who where quarreling Ber 56a(44); Xinn xVi i'xit xa© Vyv mm %Tni33'wa xsox'jonis Xtntt? V3pa a certain philosopher in their neighborhood who had acquired a reputation that he judges (cases) and does not take a bribe Sab 116b(l); Xin XDn xryn XpT X-m the man whom I need is here BM 86a(21); (b) w. an extrapolated element: XTU '"?n'X n'Vl^'n 'n"?'l£;3T X131 Xinn n'33 J3 at the end of a certain man's wedding feast his bridal canopy caught fire Yev 115a(10); Xinn X31D ,T03'3 n'1? 'W'S: lvn n'ni33'2?3 '11 a certain pagan in his neighborhood who had a very large estate Sab 119a(21); (c) w. fol. abs. adj. [v. Satzlehre 87; cf. Sy, Nold, SG §204A]: IP'rx Xin p'nan a trustworthy man Svu 46b(22); W'J'X y'JX X"?T W'3'X ... y:ST a modest/immodest person ib. 8; TaXT WVX a person who is wealthy BQ 62a(35); y'3ST X3a a dyed garment Sab 19a(35; M); xn'am 'n'p'a Vd any peculiar thing Hul 75b(24); ]Dl»naT xnnya© obscure [lit. darkened] legal traditions Pes 34b(15) [+ //'s; ■I V"]2?n af.]; 2. impersonal which, that which: a. w/o an antecedent: T\b X'a*n XD'X there is (something) which is similar to it Sab 74a(l) [I xd'x mng. if]; '-iw 'xnnV n'n:n 'xb'yb p'Von that which goes upwards [i.e. roots which stick out of the ground]. That which goes downward is permitted Er 100a(l 1); XiT3y XS'nyn I am doing (something) which is better Qid 70b(18); 'an' wn IX1?! 'VDXT orphans who consume what is "T3______ not theirs BM 70a(7); b. w. an antecedent: 1) pron. [4- "113"H, "I "?D, 2# 'T ]Xa "7D, "I 'XD, 'Tfi "!]: paXT xn what we said Sab 26b(2) [I Xn pron., usage a.4]; 2) n.: 'Tam n31£?T 'IX1? the prohibitions of the Sabbath which are stringent Yev 6a(17); KDDa xVn xVtSO XsV'X a boat which travels without (having paid) the impost AZ 10b(45); "iVj'X1? XTDyi xnV'a a matter which is apt to be revealed Sab 10b(24); mm Xn"Vya 'V'a "I13X T3y excellent things which your father used to do Ber 12a(51); "|13X n'DX'jn xnXDI1? the curses with which your father cursed me [lit. him] San 48b(36); in'TB n'SBT "in '3nV 'in look at these breasts of mine from which you sucked BB 9b(26; F2); 3. in var. usages: a. in cleft sentences: m3 Tim Xin pDII it is the scholars who decreed concerning them Ber 25a(40) [i Xin usage c]; b. to express emphasis [v. Satzlehre 218+; cf. NB: PN u PN2 sa ana ahames iqbu PN and PN2 said to each other CAD Q 27b; v. E.S. Rimalt, WZKM 39(1932) 112]: XJn 'Xn 'D '8XT T\ PN states like this Tanna [lit. PN who states ...] Pes 73b(31); X3n 'X,T 'D xbl I'n'jna our Mishna is not according to this Tanna Meg 2b(32); 21 m"Tin '"iaxn "7Xia^1 PN and PN2 state together Ber 33a(54); 3TI 'Ta'mD '13yn X3X I acted like PN's pupils Pes 103b(ll); c. in phrase XVTI 'I this applies when ...: XDTU n'1? Tfbl Xim this applies when it [i.e. the mat] does not have a rim Suk 20b(25) [4- Xin usage d]; HI. Genitive marker the one of, that one of, of: a. w/o an antecedent: 1) the one of, those of [4- ... '31, "fl'21, "W21]: 'nxi IX X3XT (is she the creditor) of the father or of the brothers? Ket 69a(36); BB 126b(31); 2) that one of, what: in"r3 XD'X XW'Wp "3X1 that (ruling) of PN, the elder, is between them Ket 94a(8); 'laun 113X1 xr"?S that (opinion) of PN's father differs AZ 20b(22); p'laxp xV 'Xl'n'1 we do not state (the opinions) of individual authorities BQ 81b(51); in:'3 xaa'1 they are (the result of study) of the daytime Er 65a(35); IX maxi IX 113X1 it is either that of its father or that of its mother Suk 56b(30); XIID'XI y"?3 XTn'11 y"?3 xV does it absorb (only) a permitted thing [lit. that of permission], (but) does it not absorb a forbidden thing? Hul 98a(22); IX 'S<D)ial X3"m "7? n"ni 'V 'ax "m is what I shall live more or what I have lived? He said to him: "What you have lived" Tan 25a(40); XniOTID VlpW take (land) according to the current value [lit. like that of now] BQ 7b(8); b. w. antecedent in split genetive phrases of [cf. Sy, Nold SG §205B+; Ma, MG 313+]: 1) noun phrase: 1) first component is: a) det. n. [4- xsxi X3X, xbxi X3X, xyixi xmix, xnx X3xi, xa'xi xnx, 'i'n:i xsidx, xb'xi x»'x, XD1D1 XDaiDD'X, XD'Vl XDaiDD'X, xVp'11 X11SX, xVlDXI X33, XI'VpXI X33, XniDVai X33, X33 xn3'nai, x"?an xin, x'^ji xtj, xryi tb&\ xitb/i XDin, xiyiai x^in, xi3 xi:wi xsVn, xa"i xnan, xd'Vi/x^di x^sib, xi'ii xav, xai' xns'Di, X3nn dV^it, xii3i xs'3, x:m'D xinn, 'mm/'i'3i xpma, xD'n xna, xisxi x'a, 'y'3i x'a, xiim x'a, xpV'Di x'a, xiDiyi nna, 'jpi X2s:, xinai/x'ai/xyixi xno, 3i '2i xis'o, xmai xao, 'Dpnpi/xa'i xi'y, x'jsi/xin xoiy, X'V'Vi/xavi xj'js, xwn xnrs, xVpm xms'x, xai'oi mn 1:21, xisnpi xnn, 'sxi nan, x:aw xnai, xan xnn, x2'Vi x'Vn, xaixi xb'iinn]: iT!£?SJ1 X13D his own logical deduction Ket 2b(40); X:XDim XDD a hash of A.-fish Pes 112a(30); XSDD1 XDD a silver cup AZ 75b(47); "Xin '111 xnn"?S the dispute of these Tannaim San 87b(37); X2X1 'am a father's love Sot 49a(48) [and passim]; onm ]321D XD11 ITyVx '1 PN in this case [lit. of here] is like the scholars of that case [lit. of there] Zev 110a(42); XHB1X xnwm current estimate [lit. of now] BB 27b(34); b) n. w. poss. suf.: X2D1 n'BE? the name of an elder Qid 71a(44); T1B1 I'nDE; the praises of your Master Ber 33b(42); "BK? n'31 I.T'ayD the reason of the School of PN Ket 61b(35); in'piniB '311 the document of these (people) 5A/73b(27); c) prep. w. poss. suf. [4- '1 xnyix, "1 X3'Vx, "1 XB1SX]: 2111'niD like PN Yev 112a(33); map"? ,13'py '11 before PN Er 13a(37); ]3311 11'Bp before the scholars Bes 19a (14) Lit: Satzlehre 66+ [genitive phrases], 206+ [relative clauses]; Eps, Stl 88+ [mng. 1.4] prep, in the case of, in that of, conj. in a case where (< "l + -3) I. prep, in the case of, in that of: pana ... xnmxia in the 309
Nl 310 l^nxi case of a biblical/rabbinical (injunction) £V 37b(35); Pes 14a(42); fles 5b(13); Svu 41a(20); Xfiai3 XI X13113 XI this refers to a case (of a mouse) of a field and that to one of a town AZ 68b(37); Ber 12a(25); &?Z> 12b(46); Mg 1 la(23); 'l^Ba Np bxWISl they are in disagreement concerning the opinion of PN 5Af 82a(13); Hul 54a(47); 'Sima p'Si "3X PN used to go out (on the Day of Atonement) in (sandals made) of palm leaves Yom 78b(9); I'M KITO I'1? Dj? he received (the punishment) that was greater than it [i.e. the lesser one] Mak 16a(36); Git 52b(42); II. conj. in a case where: n'1B3 1111 n'btlia in a case where he robbed him and afterwards denied it BM 11 la(34); max x"713 Xltf'1 the first part (of the Mishna deals) with a case where he did not make a public declaration Ket 100b(16); XMH n,I7 p'"70a 'Xai3 that one is a case where he can pay it [i.e. his obligation] Pes 6a(10); X"?ia BniB/X131 ... VTWK in a case where (the trees) did not take root/took root Git 22a(14); x"7T3 mwy 710B70 niraj in a case in which the porch is not ten (handbreadths) high Er 60a(3); x"?T3 na Vinx (in a case) in which they did not warn him San 41a(19); X'JJl x"713 X'JJl 'Vn he makes something which was not (specifically) learnt dependent on something which was (specifically) learnt Sab 22a(23); Ber 14b(52); Er 15a(44); ib. 28b(27); Svu 17a(18); ». 43b(24); //«/ 5b(26); /& 51b(23) NT pron. this (f; archaic and dialectal; 4- XI pron., XII; BA XT HALOT 1847, JPA m DJPA 153) a. in BT: X'l nnx XII XT this and that are one thing Sab 52b(20); Git 64b(27); 5M 41b(8); Xpy XT this is a misfortune &« 26a(43); XT byi linman on this is their refutation AZ 2b(49); ATef 77a(45); BB 23b(20); //«/ 57b(30); XT pa in such a case [lit. like this] BM 101a(38); TM'X XT ,!?an when will this be finished? Sab 77b (31) [expl. 4- l#xn"?'Dira ib.]; X"?T1 1'3 '"713 H'3 XTT 1'3 TO ITa XT he who has this [i.e. knowledge] has everything. He who does not have this, what does he have? Ned 41a(6) [quoted as a Palestinian proverb]; XT XyiX this field BM 67b(18) [in a writ]; BB 169a(25); b. in Geonic legal texts: XT NmirD this ketubba SSHai 2a(21); XT XJVnno this testimony ib. 4b(13); XT XJ1TT this property ib. 6a(4); 12b(l); SSSad 212:7; xnainx XT this anathema Dec 4:8; ib. 5:14; 6:6 Y: NT BAYTN 342. SKI vb. to be anxious, concerned (H JXT pe. HAL 199, J 275) Pe.: X31I3 XTl^'ai nVy VXT mi he was very anxious about the matter Sab 156b(21); ib. 86b(21) // Nid 34b(ll) [4- Vl#Van pe., mng. 1]; pat '1"1 nn the scholars were concerned (about his sudden death) MQ 28a(25); rxi m'1? x"?i '3'n 'a VxiiP' bv ]sm Vy non rrwi the Torah has consideration for the body of Jews, so that one should not be anxious Kar 25a(46) N1N1, HI HI interj. camel driver's call (onomatopoeic word) XTXT x"?mT Kiin the camel driver's call is 'dada' Pes 112b(18) [A: XT XT] 'MINT 4- Voyi pa. Iltn, "1*01 n.m. judge (< Mir *dawar [cf. NP dawar PED 502] < MP dadwar CPD 23 [cf. Turfan daywar (d'ywr)] < OP *databara- [cf. BA TariT HALOT 1856]) sg. only in phrase 4- 71X1 'a Geon. expl.: DBW OHP Git 240:4; Lit: Geig, AAC 139; Shaked, Elements 149; E. Spicehandler, HUCA 26 [1955] 340+, who deals w. the problem of the MP form, points out that the NP form has a in the first syllable in contrast to the Talm. orthography which almost always indicates this vowel in the second syllable. Note, however, the rare spelling "I1KT HP 82:20; TGAs42 23:20; 21 from the Geonic Period which corresponds to the NP form. The mng. of the phonetically closer Turfan form d'ywr is not entirely clear. In light of the consistent spelling in all Talmudic and Geonic texts, an emendation to im* as suggested by Geig is unlikely. 'N1 vb. to fly (BH HXT pe. HAL 199) Pe.: ]1XT lin'J'p^ X'IB/J let the eagles fly to their nests Er 53b(18) [Van py3' AC 6:211; quoted as ]wb naan] Expl. Ar: OH'3,7 a'TB^m ID1?' AC ib. T33Pin, 13J/H, K3KH 4- Vl3y itpe. |t#'"lN1 n. possession (< MP darisn preservation, maintenance CPD 25, s. v. dastari) sg. 1'Jtf I'jmx 'X01S1 )2/'1X1 possession of the Persians (to acquire ownership) is forty years BB 55a(10) Lit: Ros, Tarbiz40[1971] 187. [ami 4- xnr n.] 311 nwpl '31 331 vb. to murmur (cf. Ma 33T to accuse(?) MD 101) Pe.: ]331 XpT in"nil9»V VU'tn he saw their lips murmuring Ar [AC 3:3, s.v. 33T] The Talmudic source is unknown [v. Koh, AC ib.]. K33T 4- xaaT V>jn n. N3131 n.m. tambourine (Sy rdao ^» \ H, K^surnrc' musical instrument LS 161, 46, Ma X'313-IXT MD 101, Arab &ty* Wehr 276) sg. Sot 49b(22; GC 417[Var]) Lit: Eps, GC 41", 167; Low, Lehnw 42; TMW 4:412, s.v. rDUl Kpi31 n.m. glue (4- Vp31; Sy rt-bi^zi, KliftjbH LS 139, > Arab jjili birdlime Fr, AF 120; cf. MH p3T M$ab 8:4) sg. Hul 52a(10; V12Ar [AC 3:7]); 1(13 Xpi313 ,77 p'XI XJlllD'S nSJ a small bird which is captured (by putting) glue on one wing HP 205:10 XT131 n.m. leadership (4- Vl31; Sy rfkAx LS 140) sg. mut? xma'ra na'ixi the kingdom needs his leadership TGAs27 15:3; ib. 4 1#'31 vb. (< Vri3T; Ma X3T MD 101) Itpe. to be slaughtered: XIIJl '<3){3}T>» -poyi xmiia nTr>33 X7IJ1 '<3){3)Va I'poyi fl'TOSti ... "|n'33 from the profit of your business transaction an ox will be slaughtered in your house (out of joy). Because of the loss of his business transaction an ox will be slaughtered in his house (for sustenance) Ber 56a(17; MGG 704:2) An alternative emendation is '3(/l)nra will be eaten [4- V^DX itpe., mng. 3] 2#'31 vb. Pa. (uncertain): X1? '3H1 "13T iy3 '3H "iaT lya these (birds) want to ... and those do not want to ... Bes 24a(38; GAr [AC 3:2]); ib. 39; Sab 106b(34)' Geon. expl.: "13T X8W1 ... ITS1? 311X T'XHW jm pV 37IXW l»"na Ar [AC ib.]. '31! n.m. belonging to, associated with (lit. of the house/household of; 4- 1#XXT3 cs.; Sy ivjoaa, h^^Ti ^Am LS 72, mng. IX.b; cf. Akk sa bit kili prison official CAD B 361) in fol. phrases: - ... 'in, JVin n.m.coll. w. fol. PN members of a household Xttb X3»» ITO'V 1BXW XBS 3T '3T those of PN's household used to pour out s.- beverage from one vessel to another Sab 139b(43); n»X V??->V '1 '3T those of PN's household say Yom 38b(48); '3 IPX 3T '3T ]3aT 'BpT THIS when the scholars of PN's household go down (to the river) they stand upright Sab 41a(17); mp ri'3T the members of PN's household Bo 127:24; ib. 143:4 — 'J13T N3N '3/1 n.f. paternal grandmother (4- 1#X3X) sg. 7ev'21b(27; AC 2:45]) — N3I1N '3,I n.f. aunt by marriage (lit. of the house of the uncle; 4- X3riX) sg. (X^iariX '31 Yev 21b(31; Ar [AC 2:45], s.v. 'X13T X3X '3) Expl. Ar: '3T DXH ]0 3XH 'nK nmi plf>» 103 in SW <K){'l3nX 3xn ]a am 'nx nvtb imp -p mi xsnx AC ib. — '"lS'K 'ST n.m.coll. rooftop demons (lit. those belonging to the rooftops; 4- XTVX, 'TJ'X Ta, s.v. 1# XT3 mng. 12a) 'Sltf'") nj'X '31 rooftop demons are rispe [i.e. BH D'DEh; v. HAL 1210] Pes lllb(16; C) — Njmt '31 n.m.pl. a type of demons (lit. those belonging to the z.-reeds; 4- Xmil) xmil '31 'TIP those belonging the z.-reeds are s.-demons Pes lllb(15); ib. 19; 22 — ^Klt?' TT31 n.m.coll. Jews (< n'31 [X»y] ■7XHP') xna©i xai'3 tira"? Witr ri'ai ]'3"nai the Jews are required to rest on the Sabbath Seel 1:1; ib. 3:36; 6:1; 10:1 [and passim in this text]; HG2 190:2 Lit: Eps, Stl 90. — N37J3 '31 n.m.coll. royal officials (lit. those of the palace; 4- xa'ra) '31 MV1 xV'^a 'B1 Xinn '3'DIDDXXl '"713XX X3"?a a certain payment of the coronation tax which the royal officials imposed upon the members of the city council and the strategoi BB 143a(38; P1); XD^a 1132? '31 1112/ main PN's royal officials sent people to seize it [i.e. his possessions] Hag 5b(5) — nN't^3 '31 n.m.coll. officials of the House of the Nasi or exilarch (4- nN'fctt '3) a) Nasi: '71 nX'EU '31 mawa 2py PN in the name of the officials of the House of the Nasi Hul 98a(30) [halakhic tradition]; irrai 'B/r>3 HX'Un '3T '11£>ai n'^> the officials of the House of the Nasi used to send out searchers and would bring him Ber 44a(19); Til 'DUX nX'Pi '31 the officials of the
io'i? '3i 312 pai House of the Nasi were violent people Geon 267:4; nx'tfj '31 mV pyxa xp mn mi3 '3a si (the officials) of the House of the A/as/ were vexing PN, his son Tan 23b(46); <1)1T3 IX'Ett '31 X71'3y]1 the officials of the House of the Nasi declared a fast day Tan 24a(35); lapiX nX'E?3 '31 '1X3'11 X3p1TO X3X'1 Xinrf? the officials the House of the Nasi appointed a certain judge for (a bribe of) a t.-measure of denars San 7b(20); BB 89a(16); b) exilarch: nX'P3 '31 X3"?'1 XJllSXl ]13'X our forefathers are members of the House of the exilarch ISGS 92:16; iSGF 60:13; ]nma mm X'2?3 Xl'313 he was related by marriage to the members of the House of the exilarch ib. 102:16 — "1D'J7 ''Vt n.m.coll. government officials (lit. those of the emperor's palace; 4 10'p, ID'p '3) lil'J'B mJ^pff 10'p '31 mc the government officials sent people to take it [i.e. the money] from them BB 10a(27) Lit: Beer, BE 85+. - KJIlVa BT1 '3/1 n.m.coll. officials or members of the House of the exilarch (4- tf'1 xm^, xnto tfn '3) 'OBma xnfo wn '31 'an XaVy '"?13X officials of the House of the exilarch are punished [lit. seized] for everyonefs sins) Sab 54b(54); MQ 25a(48); Xivfa tf'1 '31 mnDB/X niE>3n the officials of the House of the exilarch found him (and) incarcerated him Er llb(25); ff'i '3i 'axe/ xnv>3 2?n '3i"7... vrm pra 31 xm ins nrn1 x1? xp'aaV m"33 '3m '3'ai xnrw did PN not, in fact, permit (women) of the exilarch's House (to remarry)? (The women) of the House of exilarch are different. From when they hand over their children to wet nurse(s, the latter) do not retract Ket 60b(37); Git 31b(45); ib. 67b(29); BQ 59b(2) T31 n.m. scribe (< MP dibir CPD 26 [MPar ideog. spr' Gignoux 63], Turfan dbyr Boyce 34) T31 X1SD1? 'X01S HXp )XB3 according to what do the Persians call the scribe dibTrl AZ 24b(53) Lit: Geig, AAC 136+; Tel 48. 1# TCll n.f. wife (< 4- -Jl'3 + "1; 4- XJl'3 '2/3'X mng. 2) almost exclusively w. 3sg.m. suf. pron. inri'3i his wife sg. X3X3 ms'ab mri'3i xp'^o n'JV^'yi his wife went up to open the door of the upper chamber Tan 24a(29); Xipy'X XT1X1X inil'31 by the time that he came his wife had become infertile Ket 62b(35); jam 31 n30X inH'3T^ PN permitted his wife to remarry Yev 121b(46); '31 '3'3 VUl'3lV XD'3 pITI X133 X1,1,1 a certain husband who threw a get to his wife among the vats Git 19b(55); Sab 12b(49); BM 84b(5); BB 141b(7); Ara 16b(41); inri'31 Xfcin "3X1 PN, the wife of PN2 Ket 65a(29); BM 59b(41); Sab 59b(l); max "|ri'31 your wife will say Ber 56a(23) On this construction w. the rel. pron. "1, cf. Akk sa ekalli queen (BA *7JW HALOT 1991]. No satisfactory explanation for the unusual ending tr [instead of the expected form iiwai*] has been offered; Voc: mm HPP 216:20; Y: Vtfi'31 Mo 115114; BAYTN 77. 2# -JT31 4- '31 j?31 vb. to adhere, touch (4- Xp131, Xp3'1; Sy ■ n^ LS 139, Ma p31 MD 101) Pe. (/u) 1. to adhere, stick: ]lV?a' X1?! |in'B1D3 Jin^tf'V pl3T let their tongue adhere to their mouth so that they should be unable to speak Bo 71:10; p311 ^33 XDin Xim wherever that stream adheres (to the lung) Geon 27:14; pass.part. n'3 'p'31 p3TB (the members of the group) are firmly joined to it [i.e. the Paschal sacrifice] Pes 60b (32); TGHark 159:29; '11,1'a 'p'311 X3'n where (the leaves) are joined to each other HP 32:9; 2. to touch, reach: XyiX Vj? p'BX l'p311 15? p301 they bow down until their faces touch the ground Anan 19:17 [cf. Sy: rciiirsi^i «_dl_=>:\ he prostrated himself on the ground PSm 809] Pa. to stick, paste to s.t.: m^ '13J? 'a^jn mpm^ they do it [i.e. add flour] merely to cause it to stick together Ber 39a(37) [v. Itpe./a.]; H'p31 X301 n'3S13 pip1? he stuck the handful (of the flour) to the (inner) side of the vessel Men lla(27) // Yom 48a(l); AZ 28a(30) // Yom 84a(26) [4- y?J/ pa., mng. 4]; Yev 120a(39); AZ 28b(ll); Ber 40a(41); pass.part. XTl'^Dip X'n.l m'^IBl 711310 D'33X n3 p3ia mm a certain basket on which were stuck precious stones and pearls BB 74a(46) [4- Vy3D itpe.] Itpe./Itpa. 1. to stick to s.t., be stuck: <1),13 nm in'133 m^ TP3131 XTW'313 they soak pure clay in them [i.e. the pots], and (the seeds) stick to it "I3T__ inside them AZ 38b(34); X1X<1>(1)3 p'3ia 'aV'1 H'3'a lest a thread from it stick (to the child's penis) Sab 134a(21); 133 'p3TX XTpi X3p3 'I'D was I stuck to you with a qab of bitumen? San 29a(5); 2. to be stuck together, joined together: m5 '13yi X1^ 'pl3TXV they do it so that it should 'be stuck together Ber 39a(37; P); p3TX1 ]1'3 p3TX once it has been joined together it remains so Git 60a(31); 1,13'Vcpi 'lin 'in3 '11B ip'3TX the mountains were joined together and killed them Ber 54b(4); 3. to be connected, cling: ma 1.13 'p13TXb is it permissible to be connected to them? Git 56b(48); Pes 49a(39) [4- l#xyiT mng. 3]; Sab 113b(37); n3 1p'31X1 1713 after they clung to it [i.e. idolatry] San 63b(53) [4- Vp3X pe., usage b] 131 vb. to take, act (4 X1131, X71131, X313ia; Sy ii, LS 139, Ma 131 MD 102) Pe. (a/a) 1. to take s.o.: nr>"yi 'I1?1? 11131 they took PN and brought him mBer 18b(50); Sab 152b(l; M); "?'t DJin l^'B'1? X'^Bl 'bo 131 go, take boys and girls, (and) let them play there Yev 114a(l); Zev 116b(18); Pes 113a(l); Ket 8b(15); ib. 20b(25); 112a(44); BB 168a(7); 2. to act: XBy 'Xa 'in piD 131 go out (and) see how the people act Er 14b(35) // Ber 45a(4) // Men 35b(8); 3. w. -'rV'y to take precedence over s.o.: 7X18B/ X3'X XI I'lV'S? 1311 mn X3,131 there is, in fact, PN who was a priest and took precedence over him Meg 22a(50; G); 4. to apply [caique < MH 313 pe. J 880]: ^XH£P(3){1} X131 XTD^n pi so the halakha applies to the Jews Seel 170:62; '313a 131'a 71131X3(3} to apply the customs of the Geonate iSGF 99:12 Pa. to lead: -|7iaiX 131X11 13T71 may you be worthy to lead your people iSGF 110:11; '11311? bfC\W to lead the Jews ib. 121:17 Af. to give s.o. precedence: '1131X maipXIS 131^71 13y n'131X1»1 1'131X since (the biblical verse) placed him first [v. Gen 35:29], (this shows that Ishmael) did indeed give him [i.e. Jacob] precedence. Since he gave him precedence this shows that he repented BB 16b(55); .T131X I'ty he gave him precedence over himself BQ 80b(5); B/TT1 X3piy X331*7 Xion 31 n'131X PN gave precedence to PN2, and (the latter) NP31 expounded Pes 115b(8) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; Bes 21b(27); ib. 29a(44); Tan 13b(26); MQ 24b(26); Sot 39a(21); Nid 66a(48); ,T131X 131 Dm? p'"?D miVy X'W3 when the exilarch gave him [i.e. the other] precedence over him (as Gaon), he immigrated to Eretz Israel iSGF 103:13; ib. 78:14; 109:16 Itpa. to conduct o.s., live: m3rV{(0}}a TOD mm ni"?aiX how long will you conduct yourself in 'living widowhood' [cf. 2S 20:3] ? Ket 63a(l) [M: rnsia] Geon. expl. [Af.]: rfrnn vm ]3 wpiy naarb r\w\ xion 31 \m VIB'? D'212 SHTI OHT Pes 152:18; Lit: Eps, Stl 22+. S131 n.m. field (4 X131&; Sy rc'-t^n LS 140, Ma 2# X13X1 MD 98) a. general: sg. '3'131 XiriX xisib Vrai xpssx xnti?'ai xnsn "\ioiib a place where they customarily eat a meal, drink wine, and go out to the field BM 86a(48); ib. 106b(10); RH 29b (5); X1313 'TS ]"? ri'XI we have fruit in the field Tan 4b(27); ib. 23a(55); X1311 X13Dy a field mouse AZ 68b(37); Ber 60b(56); V'STIBI "73 mi'SI D'yita !X13T» anything which is eaten of the field, of seeds and fruit AnanSch 3:18; pi. D'XVD ]'131 yiTa to sow our fields with kil'ayim Anan 4:15; b. * XJia town: sg. '"73310 lin XJia3 '31iy Itn X1313 in the town they see roosters. In the field they see ravens Sab 35b(12); ib. 155b(39); Meg 32a(28); BQ lla(13); BM 31a(28); Bek 8b(36); X1311 X31in ... XJiai X31in a ruined building of a town/field Ket 13b(10); 3'm Xna 'blllp'pX X131 '^ippS V'3X1 one who eats of the sea rocket of the field will sit on the garbage dumps of the town Pes 114a(9); Xa'pl 11313 Xa'pl Xlia3 (the curse demon) which exists both in the town and in the field Bo 38:3; ib. 67:5; 100:5; 129:4; 130:2 Y: KT31 BAYTN 42. [X31131 4 XmiDI n.] ND"13rI n.f. despoiling (of animals, property; 4 Vl31; TA XrVdl TO Num 31:11, Sy k^t-^ LS 140) sg. XD131 mn X11D3 there was a despoiling in GN Tan 21b(18) Lit: Geig, AAC 137. There is no etym. basis to equate this A term w. H 12J [so Rashi]; Y: miYI Tan ib.(BAYTN 169). N8731 4 Xttbn n.
"irm 314 im "11131 4- -im prep. xVai n.m. liar (^11; Sy rdliji lying LS 141> Ma X*?X1X1 schemer, deceiver MD 98) sg. X^VJ 5/T nnara one liar knows another AZ 22b(\9; Ar [AC3:16],J[Marg],Tos) Lit: S. Abramson, Lesonenu 36 [1972] 127. Jil vb. to be like '■dagan' (i.e. piled up like grain; denom. < BH \r\ HAL 205; cf. Ma "in etpe. to be heaped, piled up MD 102) Itpe./Itpa. [cf. SA ]X1 etpe. DSA 169]: ]1T» "?D jm 'IB'S1? 'BWB shall we say that (biblical) dagan means every (species) which is like dagan"? Ned 55a(7); 11TX X1? 'Xm pTX 'XH this one was like dagan (and liable to tithes), and that one was not like dagan Ber 47b(2) [v. Num 18:27] // Sab 127b(51) // Er 31b(15) // Pes 35b(21) // Bes 13b(21) in vb. (uncertain) Pe.: mm bsi "in (the animal) ... and fell behind it Hul 51a(26) Perh. to be upset, frightened [v. Geig, AAC 138]; missing in Ar [AC 1:217, s.v. XIB'K]. [nil i x'-m n.] m vb. to pull, move about (BH, MH2 'TT hitpa. HAL 205, J 281) Pa.: ]J'TI» "TTT we may indeed pull (the animals) Sab 128b(24) Itpa. to move about: D'EHp TTT^ xVl '3'H '3 so that the boards should not move about ib. 99a(17); p'DJ 'ITB he exits moving about Sot 44a(7; OsRashi); 11TX "VJTX (the birds) indeed moved about (on the ground) Bes 1 la(14); i& 17; BB 24a(2); Xll'X ]» X'^Bl X"<1>nnxi (the animal) moved about and jumped from the roof HP 202:12 m n.f. mother (ModSy rc'nn c/ac/f mother Maclean 61 [Kurdish]) sg. 'Ml HX1 grandmother }fev 21b(27; TGAs28 50b: 19) [Var: 'mi'XT! TGCas 18b(35)] Lit: Eps, Stl 194. NiTI conj. because (4- "J; JPA xm DJPA 139) Tan 9a(44) [+ //'s; given as equiv. of BH '3] Y: Kill Kw ib- K3H1 n.m. gold (TA X±ri TO Ex 36:39, Sy r^pmH LS 142, Ma X3nX1, X3nt MD 98, 157) sg. a. as material: XD031 xam gold and silver San 107b(21); Pes 86a(28); ib. 116a(47; M1); Git 56a(42); AnanSch 12:12; X3'1B X3m broken gold Kef 67a(34); x'rwn X3.TT forged gold £§#« 2a(15); 'SD31 'ami 'JXB gold and silver vessels AW 50b(ll); Tan 7a(54; L); 7am 32b(16; V10); Xt'Vsi ^733 X3nm X3p"7 a gold bowl as if it were (gold-plated) bronze BQ U3b(28; Es); *13D xama rP'SWa? he thought to cover it over [i.e. the Temple] with gold BB 4a(26; MGD 400:3); Git 31b(43) [4- xp-nru mng. 2]; 5M 85a(26) [4- xmn]; Yom 84a(17) [4- X'-IU]; Tarn 31b(23) [4- XX1H mng. 3]; Ber 56a(9) [4- l#XnDin mng. 1]; Tarn 32a(42) [4- X3'M]; Tarn 32b(l) [4- XBHJ]; 5er 56a(4) [4- XHms]; Tan 25a(10) [4- X1WB mng. 1]; &6 116b(2) [4- V.TW mng. 2]; b. as currency: 'in *pn x"7T xam xjn'D m «pm xsoa XTB silver which is current is considered coin. Gold which is not current is considered produce [i.e. merchandise] 5A/44b(l); XamT 'Bns small gold coins BB 166a(l); Hul 54b(15); Xam nri gold c/enara AW 38a(42); SSHai 4a(8) Lit: A. Hurvitz, Liver Vol 248+ [on phrase NB031 Mm]; Voc: X3rrf HGP 23b: 12; Y: X?,T1 BAYTN 80. TIT vb. to be light or faint (JPA vn af. DJPA 140, MH ',m pi. LNVTH 132) Af. to make lighter or fainter: 'ST n,!? VTHX XnSp "13 '311 n^ ipOCliny they made it [i.e. the menstrual blood] lighter for PN, and he declared (it) clean. They made it darker for him, and he declared (it) clean Nid 20a(34) ]'rn adj., n. fat, succulent (4- Vpi; Sy r<LL>mi LS 143) I. adj. succulent: pl.m. ('Xlirm 'BIBj? succulent grapes TGAs42 161:1 [expl. BH VstiX "IB'sn Song 1:14]; II. n. fat person: sg.m. 31"lp pTXl xrm <'3)fU}:iV come near a fat person (and) become fat Svu 47b(13) Y: K}'iT[ S™ ib.(BAYTN 54). [KTOiavn 4- xrrnrn n.] ]m vb. to become fat (4- I'm, xami; Sy ^jr>a LS 143, Ma 2#pT MD 103) Itpe.: pTX Svu 47b(13) [4- I'm mng. 1]; pv 7a5 28:16 [4- XOT1]; pTX VlJ? \\rcyv\ DX if you are wasted, enter (and) become fat Bo 112:7; ib. 113:9; 0W» i#-um 315 xann n'BU piai because his body becomes fat TGHark 208:18 ltf-lim 4-71X1 n. 2#nsn 4-V2#*in vb. an vb. to flow out, discharge (4- 2#Xai1, 2#xa'l, X31T; Sy ^m LS 144, Ma an MD 103) Pe. 1. to flow out: a. blood: TYO X3'XT 1T3 3"T 3TB 'jn^naT nB'nwn since there is the place of the slaughtering which is hollow, (the blood) continuously flows out Pes 74b(l); ib. 25; Hul 93b(23); Nid 22a(30) [w. ref. to PISH 31T air '3 Lev 15:25]; ,"U'» 3"m Tim m (menstrual) blood which regularly flows out from her Anan 114:4; ITOT rvb 3T their blood flowed out HPQ 223b:5; #GJ 219:71; b. fat: jrtoi X3"1T1 a"T7 X1W3 the (forbidden) fat flows (from above), and the meat absorbs (it) Hul 8b(36); c. fluid: X'B "73 np'a J7B1 p'TT any fluid which flows is called yBT OflP Ber 93:1; 2. to discharge, drip: a. blood: 'a'T 3T» ''110 '3 when (the meat) is roasted (the veins) continuously discharge (blood) Hul 133a(10); Pes 74b(25) // Hul 93b(19) [4- XTlStf mng. 1]; b. gonorrheal discharge: XpT XJ15NP3 3T S'^T when one afflicted with gonorrhea discharges (fluid) Anan 25:5; AnanSch 33:8; c. mucus: D'TrU P""!! his nostrils drip mucus Ket 77b(16) [one of the signs of |J1X"l-disease] 1# N3H n.f. bear (TA X311 TJ Is 11:7, Sy rdii? LS 138) sg. X3113 in1? 'BVX VTX he went to them in the guise of a bear BM 85b(47); X31T liTl X1X3T this [i.e. the Persian] is a moving bear Qid 72a(3i); pi. '3113 ]XJoai in"aoin im 'spn nwa because (the sheep) raise up their noses and walk like bears Sab 53b(45) Y: X311 Qid ib.(BAYTN 159). 2# K3n n.m. flowing (4- \3TI; Sy rxt3oH issue, flow LS 144) sg. XT»m X311 flowing of wine [i.e. juice of grapes] Mann2 348b: 12 = NDGR 226:5 [expl. BH ^»1 Ex 22:28; cf. Sy: pc'-U^jj ctiyU v\jl k!±3o:w BBah 73:14] [K^an 4- xaVn n.] Nl^an, NB;3T n.m. honey, syrup (1 nX3#3H; TA Xfon TJ Jud 14:8, Ma X»3TT MD 103, Sy rdi-ijj LS 140) 1. honey: sg. 'V lBT»Vn X1? XWan3 do not knead (the dough) with honey for me Pes 36a(32; M1); Yom 83b(25); W1t?E>'J1 XC3H3 let him smear them [i.e. the barley cakes] with honey Git 69b(17); San 109b(40; MGG 312:10); XBTCTTa XJJ'S rue in honey AZ 28a(39; Ar [AC 6:293]); XWTn 'IlVlOS X1S?W wax is the unfit part of honey Sab 20b(42); SWm XDin a stream of honey 55 91b(20); X1?! X1W31T ]'13 rTliaa p>B[3] like honey which has not been taken out of its hive Anan 3:7; Ber 36b(54); Sab 109b(32); Pes 88a(4); AZ 29a(24); Hul 59a(9); 5e^ 7b(9); X2/3T i/P 24:3; Xivn '»3T7 clear [lit. white] honey G;? 69a(42) [cf. Sum lal.babbar CAD D 163; PSD B 27, 29]; 2. syrup: sg. XP3n nam date syrup 5er 38a(9) [cf. Akk disip suluppTCAD D 163, MH tnBJl tt?3T Flora 2:348, Arab oJj]; 'J'Xna X12/31T «1'W Xpi syrup was dripping from the figs Ket 11 lb(50) Y: XWJH Yom 83b(25; BAYTN 147). nxa^an, f. Nn'a^an adj. honeyed (4- xttrn; Sy rdlLLpa LS 141, MH ]'3^311 honeyed pastries Yeivin, BV 1043, Gross, Patterns 126, |«nn honey crop J 282) sg. XJniWTT XrU'S^n honeyed galbanum Git 69a(41) Geon. expl.: 'jaV Vx Voy OHT ib. 156:5, i.e. ^Jiill J^i milky honey; Y: XJTJtfrn Git ib.(BAYTN 236). Nptfan 4- 'jWB '3 n. 'an 4- 'm '3 n. Kin n.m./f. kettle, pot (4- 'in '3; TA XllT TJ 2K 4:38, Sy rrtca LS 144, Ma 1#XTTC MD 104, Akk dudu CAD D 170) sg. "IB '331 HIM Xinm X3piy a certain kettle belonging to PN's sons BM 70a(9; F1) // AZ 76a(40); ni'D31 X1H3 ni'TO X13X3 place it in a kettle and cover it with lead Yom 69b(26) // San 64a(17); #P 15:19; pi. mi 50 101a(l) [4- X1S3]; Ae/ 77a(38; Vs) [4- xVtfn]; '■ma pnV nxw D'ajn 's^b? 'ttot xaVyi xjnaai D'na pi-Ktf S"J?X it is the general custom that (people) bring bags of locusts and dump them into the kettles even though most of them are dead Geon 45:12 Y: "pt BQ ib.(BAYTN 18). Nann n.m. fat (4- Vim; Sy rdimctt LS 143) sg. xann 'SaV 3npT p pT one who approaches fat
Ej7rm 316 1#TIW will become fat TaS 28:16 [poem of Hisdai ibn Saprut; paraphrase of §vu 47b(13)] Lit: AAC 139. Npilffi, NpniT n.m. pole, stick (Sy rcLocon BBah 1744:7, > Arab 3*3 Fr, AF 282) 1. pole used for carrying loads: sg. TIT1? Xpnna TIT! xVm3 let the ones who carry with a pole carry with a stick Bes 30a(3) [Var: Xpnn v. infta]; 2. stick: sg. Xpnn San 7b(39; Yal ms.) [v. DS, loc cit., n. ••] Lit: Lieb, TK 3:229; Friedman, BM VL402263. The rdg. w. he appears in a supercommentary on Maimonides' Code quoted by Friedman, op. cit. ttbm, NVil n.m. bucket (4- V'Vr; QA xVn Aquarius 4Q318 2:9, Sy rdSoH LS 145, Ma 1#X"71XT MD 98, TA Vn TJ Is 40:15, > MP dol CPD 26; cf. Akk dalu A bucket CAD D 56) a. general: sg. x"?m BM 103b(36) [in a list of agricultural implements]; x"?n ^Xttn X"I3J Xinn mania a certain man who borrowed a bucket from another ib. 97a(3); X13JT XfTDB TiHpl vfrm a bucket (of poured water) whose ultimate source is human power Hul 107a(8); xVin JW3 the bucket is broken ib. 9; xVrn "WXV "HPSXi it was possible to bring (water from the main canal) in a bucket BM 104a(l); mm xb\nb n^b p'DSl he brings out the bucket with him (with food for the animals) Er 20b(i6); rvv>-\ by xVn xinn n'1? 'ani he places that bucket on his head HM 37:16; b. w. V'Vl pe. to draw water for irrigation [cf. Akk dalu vb. CAD ib.; Ma: I'VXT XIXTH X"?1X13 I draw (water) in a white bucket MD ib.]: 1) general: xVn 'Vxi he draws water BQ 85b (24); ^xna X"?m Afg 4a(43; Fl,l 69); X^H ('Xl'Vl X31H 3TI 'xp'<"i>{"j}na xVm •>bn xi3i 'V ran ... mn PN was a water drawer ... Give me a man who is a water drawer instead of me Ket 105a(39); X9T73 X*7T 'XT if he drew water in a bucket HP 137:10(HPP 215:20); 2) perh. in a fig. sense of a clever person: xVrfl Vm 'xVt drawers of water who draw water Yev 97b(7; O2) [cf. expl. Ar: 'Vn mpiay nrasn AC 3:64] Lit: Geig, AAC 139; Voc: x5ll HGP 28b:5; X^ll! VTM 45; Y: xVll BA/ 97a(3; BAYTN 80). Kj7in, Npn n.m. exactitude, adv. exactly (4- Vpll; cf. Sy kLdoH observation LS 146) I. n. exactitude: sg. JHU XpT ... Xpm1? JWU xVt Xpm"? he does not attempt/attempts precision [lit. enter/enters into exactitude] (with his statement) Naz 7b(l; V2); 'X'33 'ri"TlX npi (15?) Xp1H3 '3'rai until he reads the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Writings with exactitude Qid 49a(39); II. adv. exactly, precisely, specifically: a. alone: Xpm XB10 'JXTa1? 'J?3 XpT (the Tanna) wants to learn the latter part of the Mishna precisely Yev 84b(6); Git 74b(13); BM 34a(48); £vh 36a(51); Pay 92b(24); Xtf'Bn Wlb Xpm XJTJnX specifically a garment whose benefit is great Yev 4b(13); "in Xpn precisely a rfenar 55 146a(13); 5er 56b(51); Sab 50a(38); Gj? 1 lb(3); HP 64:2; b. w. negation: Xpm 1XV IX Xpm (is the expression 'one hundred times his value' used here) exactly or loosely? [lit. not exactly] Git 44a(41); Bek 3a(15); Ned 73a(13); XTTO HV?3 Xpm IX1? xap Xpm the latter general statement (is used) exactly. The former general statement is used loosely Er 28a(10); Svu 32a(12); Zev 4b(l); Qid 5b(34) [* 4- n30J '13] Lit: Bacher 38; Voc: XpYi HPP 257:21; xpil HGP 31a:30; Y: Xpil Git 1 lb(3; BAYTN 80). Ipll? adj. exact, n.m. accurate one (4- VpTJ) I. adj.: sg.m. n'3ri3 XJpm X1SD 'Xn an accurate scribe wrote this one [i.e. the document] AZ 10a(4); X»'pi XJXpn XJXnaa an exact and enduring custom TGAs42 71:4; pl.m. '3pm '"IBD Men 29b(30); 'jpm p3T accurate scholars GnKl 16:10; 6WT Meg 7:10; NDGR 159:15; MXpn mxm (those who are) fastidious (in observing) the commandments OHT Sab 76:18; II. n. accurate one: pl.m. 'jpm H3 '»"0OT mw» because the accurate (transmitters of the text) conclude it [i.e. the Mishna; followed by an additional statement] Yev 43a(24) l#nin, "lNH n.m. mail carrier (4- V2#"m qattal-form) sg.abs. xbl Xn XW33 nxn V'3p1 Xn Xn)33 "ixn y3p this refers to where a mail carrier is situated in the town, that to where a mail carrier is not situated in the town Sab 19a(20) Lit: Geig, AAC 139; Geon. expl.: yap I'D' riTU pSM -^11 nrmxa tcrram aro^x d'^oji 'ty O'xpbix Vi-frx lni xnaa ixn ixn 'tan petal [,^4*] 'ana w "oi ita '^>x iVa p Qs 89:8, 2#"im 317 t : i.e. mail carrier. 2# Tin 4- V2# -in vb. 1# Nfihn n.m. treading (4- Vtin; Sy rdi.oi LS 148) sg. XlPm DWa because of the treading (of the field) Sab 81b(ll; V); BB 22b(17; F2) ib. 24; 'tt?m n,!? 'OpT 'wa '1» a field for which treading is detrimental ib. 64b(15; M) Y: XWH Sab ib.(BAYTN 147). 2#Nt^m n.m. habit (4- Vtfn, 1#X3TD) sg. Wpl iTl^m he keeps his regular habit Ber 16a(15; Ar [AC 3:32]) [Var: h'EWT OHP ib. 20:15]; ^TXl VPb W>pi mm (the boatman) continually maintains his regular habit (in steering) BQ 116b(26) Expl. RaH: mTDl 111181 HlVtt Ar [AC ib.]; Lit: Geig, AAC 139. [nam i -urn n.] l#Npnn n.m. pressure, distress (4- Vpm; TA Xpnn TO Ex 3:9, Sy rd_A peg shaking LS 149) 1. pressure, compulsion: sg. a. objects: Xpnn Xr3DT the pressure of the knife Hul 8b(14); Xpnn 3J "?5? XpDST (the knife) cuts by applying pressure Bes 28b(15); 3JX p'SJT X'5?aT Xpltt? Xpnn a fatty secretion of the intestines which can be removed by (applying) pressure MQ 22a(23) // Hul 50a(13); b. people: IT73T Xpnn 'Km the pressure (of overcrowding) at the fcz//a-assembly Ber 6a(9); ib. 6b(26; F); c. in phrase ,Tprm 'xai 'Jibs '"IT what compelled so-and-so ...?: 'Xai ]3 'ryVx "id Tn'jna1? naipix1? xti 'm rrpnn 3py what compelled PN to interpret our (anonymous) Mishna according to PN2? Er 88b(12); Sab 146a(25); Pes 14b(3); Yev 24b(40); Naz 18b(5); gW 63a(34); BQ 29b(37); 55 98a(8); d. in adv. phrase Xpmi3 with difficulty [* xmi"i3 with ease]: xpnns H3 '^'j? m xnp'ya Xfira xril^m at first they used to enter it [i.e. the breach] with difficulty and now (they can do so) with ease BB 53a(18); Hul 50b(40); 2. financial pressure or distress [4- *Jpm pe., mng. 4b]: sg. XllS'ST Xpnn financial pressure on the public Git 45a(32) [4- xmtJ]; Ket 67b(24); rX,Tf XJ'im X'^p Xpnna |UX we see that (the orphans) are, in fact, in great financial distress S$Hai 18a(9) Y: Kj?nn Ket ib.(BAYTN 147). 2# Npnn 4- xpnn n. 1#'H vb. to be miserable (4- K'll; Sy ,on LS 143, Ma xn MD 103) Itpe.: '»«pi YITtn 1"J?X in1? B'pn X1H 'aVys XIB'S even though (the rams) remain miserable, it is merely fever that has seized them Hul 51a(41; V") [Voc: TiTO VTM 81] 2# 'H vb. to look (etym. unkn.) Pe.: n"Tn "3X Siya1? '1XT xpi xaiV PN saw PN2 who was looking to the west Sab 35a(13); ib. 16; XSn^ TJ xsn1? m (the watchman) looks here (and) looks there [i.e. in both directions] Tarn 26b(19); in 113W3YT n'aiS1? look at the your teacher's mouth Kar 6a(8; Ar [AC 3:29]) [O6: im] Lit: Geig, AAC 139, rejects proposed P etym. WW n.m. grief (4- Vl#TI; Sy rdJoa LS 143) sg. xm iinrc bop ]'T3'i psn is'^s xm V'yn x1? do not let grief enter your heart, for grief has killed strong men San 100b(27) [quoted from 'Ben Sira'] Y: X,'ll San ib.(BAYTN 103). [V'n4- i#x"?n] 1# in vb. to extinguish (< ^T* < ~]J?1; Sy i^a.^ af. LS 161, Ma 1XT af. to expel MD 99) Af.: WX ■TSnxb xaty '^>13 they all came to extinguish it Qid 81a(37; OHR ib. 51:5); XTIjrm 3J ^ «]X nanV 'ya xnsa; xV'm 'apa xVn'a even though the burning is from the weekday before the Sabbath begins, he is required to extinguish it Anan 69:16 RaH: 133 JDWB3 135H 1»3 WDD1? "B OHR ib. [2# "]n vb. 4- -Jppi vb.] ^H n.m. place (Vipi; 1 xnan; Sy uyja LS 152, Ma -jn MD 104) sg.abs. ]bs ~\TI a certain place Ber 18b(41); Ket 105b(38); BM 81a(26) Lit: Nold, MG 156, note; Y: -|H Ber ib.(BAYTN 25). NHH, N3N3VT n.m. platform (4- XJ31T »n, xran; TA pn TJ Ezek 42:12, JPA pn DJPA 141, > Arab o& shop Fr, AF 188) sg. rrb J?3p '313T1? XJX311 he set up a platform to sell //P 43:14 N0DT7 n.m. commander (< 8o6£, SouKai;, Lat I dux Lehnw 188; Sy ou^ LS 153) sg. XTTS'DX
N'OIDSH 318 i#kVvi T X31»atf? X03111 XD311 'ap X113 »'p3 the '.-official holds the fire before the commander and the commander to the governor AZ 1 la(7) Y: XMFI AZ ib.(BAYTN 148). N'OlOSn n.m. an official (etym. unkn.) sg. Meg 27a(40; M2L) [expl. by pop. etym. as JBA X2HS XTiai rider of the town ib. 41, as if < JBA in place + X'010 horse; 4- XtflB] Y: &P0W3V! Meg ib. N3'13!n, cs. ]"13W n.m. remembrance, record (4- Vl31; EA fiat, Nab p-|Dn, etc. DNWSI 330, TA far] TO Ex 13:9, Sy niiioon LS 153, Ma X31311 MD 104) 1. remembrance: sg. I'iVs 'Dm 'ap '©'V X31311 xVpnai half a shekel is a remembrance for the Jews before the Merciful One AnanSch 17:7 [w. ref. to "fraff Ex 30:16]; Bo 30:5; 2. record, memorandum [legal usage]: sg.cs. X3D3X3 mi 'nans nana in a record of the matters which were before us BB 136a(27; P1); San 29b(57; K); SSSad 217:13 Y: KJ-pVT BAYTN 266. Kn»31?n n.f. man-like woman (4- X13'1) sg. mV' X^l XJV31311 a man-like woman who cannot give birth Ket lla(l) [expl. MH 7Ht>K ib.] Y: jvrpvr Xer ib. KflSW, pi. KJIKSW, KflKlSW, VOW n.f. place (V*p1; I JI1; Ta'xSii TJ IK 14:28,' Sy rc'&i.ea, pi. rc'iio^oa LS 152, PSm 836, Ma 1# XID11, pi. XJ1XJ1311 MD 104) 1. place, location: a. general: sg. xaia nnVl XT1311 a place (on the animal) which according to us is a blemish Git 56a(ll); il'a X31"11 XJ1311 -h nh I do not have a place in which to live BB 7a(2); py pa 'XJ1311 '"? 'lnx show me my place in Paradise Ket 77b(26); 111 ITDII1? J"E?lp our (original) difficulty remains [lit. returns to its place] Yom 13a(21); Pes 80a(20); Men 14a(8); Hul 59b(38); I'TOIIX Dip remain in your place BQ 33a(18); Mak lla(44); Yev 105b(37); I'nail '37T m x"?l they did not know where he was [lit. his place] BM 86a(37); pi. XriXD'ya XT1X1311 few places iSGF 29:8; ib. 41:5; XJ1X311 183 many places TGHark 51:18; Geon 233:6; TGAs42 23:19; 'J1311 naa 7G.& 60:7; b. w. ref. to a settlement: sg. X'111? Xtsa Xnail he arrived at a certain place San 100a(34); xnan1? xnana 'Vixi 'tt/x3'x 'rra» x"7 people do not frequently go from one place to another (on Sabbaths and holidays) MQ 12a(8); f?3 XJ1311 such-and-such a place BM 93b(55); BB 73b(39); Men 64b(28); S§Hai 5b(20); 'iTHX XrDII another place BM 21b(39); San 99b(52); Bek 50a(25); XJlp'm XJ1311 a far-off place HP 9:22; TGAs42 102:10; pi. xnxa'nai X71X311 the places of the academies iSGF 40:9; 2. session (of a court): sg. X3'i 'aa xnan 'yapi iy p'sna x"? we do not write (a document of a debtor's admission) until they fix a session in court San 29b(40); Xnra""n yapa1? '3"1 '3'IX the judges have to fix a session }fev 101b(35); OHT Yev 209:16; 3. case, situation [caique < Arab o&>]- sg. Xfiail XH '31 such a case TGHark 103:13; 4. in adv. phrases: a. Xnan Vaa everywhere: Ber 4b(13); Ned 41a(16); Am 32b(49); /f«a/j 24:7; ib. 35:23; 111:24; b. KTiam as a pausal form [lit. in place]: sg. D'atf xnaiia tTSf OHT Ned 35:15 [w. ref. to DVJtfil Gen 1:1 * D?aw ib. 8] Voc: KKSH VTM 64; xfoh HPP 215:17; Y: KPcm BAYTN 36. - "DSna prep, instead of (4- Xfiail; Sy Jiioxs PSm 835) .Trona VVSV he served instead of him Yom 77a(29) [4 -p'113] l#Vn vb. to move about (4- Vl#VrVl; Sy 1# iAo* af. LS 144) Itpe.: 10V 31 V'TXI '"7X3 11'BX1? b'lia PN was hurriedly coming (and) moving about toward them Nid 26b(28; M) 2#?n vb. perh. to serve, wait upon (4- X^"1; Sy 3# .Aon pa. to serve, attend LS 145) Pa.: 1131 "7'IIJl xVl sell (your property) and do not serve (others) Yev 63a(34; Ar [AC 3:67]) The expl. here is, however, not in accordance w. Ar = RaH [i Vi#Vnpe.]. l#NVn n.m. craft (< Akk dullu CAD D 173, mng. 3) sg.cs., only in phrase 'T ^11 n.m. handicraft (caique < Akk dullu qate [NB] ib. 176; QA Km' bl GAp 20:7) 3'IT X1D3 X133 0^71»<»){X} H'T Vliai the carpenter sits in (his) stock and is requited by his handicraft Pes 28a(9) [cf. Akk naggarutu dullu qatesu the carpenter's craft, his own handicraft CAD ib. 176]; 1XT3 Wbwa 1'T Wm "7'Dp'a 1'1'13 the arrow maker 2# K"?n 319 i#]n is killed with his (own) arrow and is requited by his handicraft ib. lO(M'); 8(GC 118:8) Lit: D. Boyarin, Moreshet Vol 38+. Though some mss. read Wl n'T, the clear deriv. from the Akk phrase indicates that the rdg. rrv Vn is correct. On the connection bet. QA and JBA, v. H.L. Ginsberg and S. Lieberman, JNES 18 [1959] 147. 2# *6n n.m. drawing water for irrigation (4- V'Vl, x"?111; cf. Akk dalu B irrigation with water [drawn from a well] CAD D 57) sg. ]X13 'XH X^ll1? 'T1X 13X1 one who hires day workers for drawing water BM 77a(6; V22Es) [F1: X^IItV] 3# vbn 4- xVm n. NaVn n.m. plane tree (Akk dulbu CAD D 172, Sy r?k\cp. LS 155, Ma xaVll MD 104; cf. TA pVl TO Gen 30:37) sg. Suk 32b(44); pi. 'aVll RH 23a(25) [expl. MH 0'31&1J7 ib.] // BB 81a(2) Lit: Low, Flora 3:66; for a discussion of the unclear SOVn 'JNJl Ber 40b(49) [expl. nspw nija MDem 1:1], v. Low, ib. 1:278; Y: iq^n Suk ib. N^-H, NVNVn n.m. thread (4- Vl#y?1; Sy T T ' T T x ' ■* rdlca thread LS 154) pi. 'Vx^ll "iriDI a'Tl'l 'Dill XpTC?3 he used to sit and wind threads in the marketplace of Rome Hul 60a(19) Y: '^Tl tful ib.(BAYTN 148). on, 'an 4- Vojn vb. Njan, pi. 'Van n.m. similar thing (4- V'ai; Sy rd-Lioon LS 156) 1. similar thing: sg. 'aa prp'am xnanaia small weasels and the like TGHark 190:28; '1313 VT»m maiip "73 all female relatives similar (in their familial connections) to the male ones Anan 102:14; ib. 94:21; |l,T»n "?ai Xl'aai Xia'B/l Xia[n] wine, s.-beverage, n.-drink, and all the like ib. 48:2; ib. 47:20; 50:2; pi. ]1J'X "Dll they are similar matters TGHark 45:9; TGAs42 64:11; fDISI ri'Xl "an "D11 I'OWXDl rrm»1 there are some (scholars) who detail, enlarge, and explain all types of similar matters iSGF 18:22; ib. 43:8[Var]; 2. sg. in phrase "1 K'»n similar to, analogous to: V51 Xat51 X'an similar to one who is defiled by a corpse Yev 74b(7); Sab 53a(53); Sot 29a(13); Qid 12a(l); XITIMI X'ail XIIO'XI a prohibition analogous to a permitted action BM 22b(15); Pes 26b(6); Qid 19a(8); BQ 34b(51); BM 106a(35); Mak 8a(35); Anan 15:4; ib. 25:23; 116:29 Y: XW BAYTN 148. 1# |H vb. to judge, bring suit, deduce (4- X3"1, xi'i, xman, xnria, V]"i; Sy ^o^ LS 145, Ma ]11 MD 104) Pe. (u) 1. to judge: a. alone: '3,1 "l"? [XJ'n =] X2"11 shall judge you in this manner BM 39b(36) // XJ'XI Ket 27b(37); ib. 105b(41); ia prai,!? xn'a x1? ypn*? I do not want you to actually judge (my case) Ket 105b(45); '3"1 'a"1 '3H x"?SE?1 incompetent judges judge in this way BB 29a(36); T1 '3TI inj'X irb 13'3'11 Mib 'X if we cannot judge them [i.e. kings], how can they judge? San 19a(46); pi '3'H 1» 'in Xp do you see how he judged me? Ket 104b(34; V5); pi '31 Mib -|ai 'law PN, your teacher, did not judge me in this manner Ned 50b(17); BQ 12a(3); b. w. obj. XJ'1: "31 13'1 judge my lawsuits Pes 4a(9; V17); '8131 X3'1 ]'K11 ]Xa one who makes a judgment (of liability) in cases of indirect effects Ket 86a(l 1); X3'1 fi J13"T1 XT1J?1X XJI'IIXI on the understanding that you would judge us according to the Pentateuchal law San 6a(10); Ket 105b(17); Ned 66b(38); Bek 35b(38); xVopi X3'1 ]3'3'1 X^l X31M1 now that we do not judge a capital case Anan 14:10; ib. 15:12; 2. to bring suit [Sy, LS ib., mng. 4; JPA, DJPA 141, mng. 2]: X3"11 X3'13 Dip'XI X3'5?3 X1? [X3"11 =] I do not want to go to court and to bring a lawsuit Sab 148b(30); X3T'ai ]X1'a bringing a suit and entering a plea SSHai 5a(ll); ib. 17b(13); Dec 9:13; 3. w. ]S to deduce: rU'fi ]11 13'ai deduce from it and from it [i.e. from another elucidated case to the present unelucidated case by 112? nT?3 in every respect] Svu 31b(10); Yev 78b(20); BQ 25b(41); San 75b(20); lev 91b(24); Men 107a(27); Hul 120b(24); milX3 'piXI ,13'B pi deduce from it [i.e. from the other elucidated case to our unelucidated case by 112/ 1TTJ] and establish it in its place [i.e. make the analogy in only one point] BQ 25b(40); Svu 31a(42); Men 62a(44); Hul 120b(29); ]T7ib llV X'ya'X they should have deduced (an a fortiori argument) Pes 66a(48) [Pa. 1 Vp'1]
2#]H 320 pn Itpe. to be judged: 'pTISin 'XI Va XB"pi flKian xia'a"? xjhipbi nxian xn pn»x na'x nty njn xnna »n 'in ... xmrra xn im grain that is already standing. When were all of these destinies which have (already) passed over it judged? Do we, in fact, say that grain that is sown is judged only once? It is judged twice RH 16a(7; E2); tf'X J1PX1 X11D'X3 >BJ pJl'V let him be judged also on the prohibition of a married woman San 81a(49); TGHark 276:10 2# ]H vb. (uncertain) Itpe.: 'BX pilB X1? 'aWl x1? 'xi pna pna 'X lmra fr^pp ^ppa m1? ln'Vro n^ pmna perhaps (the area dug out) is not ... He said to him: "First, we take it from them. If it is ..., it is ... If not, we shall give it back to them" BB 8a(22); 'Xm pi'B 'Xm PJBT pi'B X1? ib. 12a(44; TGHark 26:11); X1? X'T3 pi'B TGAs42 157:11 Lit:Eps, PLA214. KJBTT 4- 2# XJS1 n. O'JSn n. sweet bay (< Soupvf) L-S 371; 4- 1#X3S1; Sy ^LSrc'i LS 162, .™.<<Wi BBah 527:3) sg.//M 46:1 Lit: Low, Flora 2:120. pVT, 'ST vb. to insert, stick in (< 4- Vpyi; I V'XI, XX'1, f*n *f\bv; Ma 2#fl1 MD 100) Pe. (u): .1X1 mm n*hw\ ,1X1 (if) he inserted it in, pulled it out, and inserted it in (again) Sab 50b(40); XJTP33 nriXI she stuck it into the crack ib. 156b(23; MGD 323:2); 'JUl XrO'O bpV by\ nx<i)hi 'm by xVi nx(i>m he took a peg, stuck it in below, and it did not go in. He stuck it in above and it went in Bek 8b(26); n'3 p 'X 'TB if he inserted something into it [i.e. the nostril] Hul 93b(24); XJ1T3 xnarfr H"X1 he stuck the spear into the Jordan BM 84a(40); Xs? 's-iid nnm dwb xwina xs^iV wrx prV a person should not insert a /«/av into the h.-bundle because the leaves will fall off Suk 37a(3; E1) Lit: AC3:115+;N61d, MG 582. pn vb. to be exact, infer, investigate (4- Xpin, 1pm, i#xpn, x'pn; xpvi, pn, xpn, 2#xpi, Xplipi; Sy 2# .jkwi LS 146, Ma 2# j?TT MD 105) Pe. (u) 1. to be precise, examine carefully: a. alone: CHI X"71 p'XI im p'XI xVl O'll in one (teacher) is learned but is not precise, and another is precise but not learned BB 21a(41); Bek 46a(7); Ber 33b(22) // Pes 52b(26); X311XT J"J?X pi pil pa pVab miTTIX IX1? |»18 even though a s.m. is not generally precise, since he was precise (in his statement about the woman) it is accepted BB 168a(5); ib. 148b(12); pi X1? he was not precise Suk 32b(31); b. w. "3: TO pra W3 prn W3 let him examine it [i.e. the water] carefully and then drink Pes 112a(21); p"1 nil TXB '1 XBE73 PN was careful about (a person's) name Yom 83b(31; L); c. w. fol. vb.: xp"1 1313 XVI X3WB1 she herself marries after careful investigation [Lit investigates and gets married] Yev 93b(20); 37131 nxip pi the biblical verse wrote precisely Anan 67:20; ib. 108:20; 2. pass.part. exact, in accord: Xp'1 'BJ PJnnB our Mishna is also exact [i.e. the deduction can be made from it internally] Sab 155b(30); Pes 99a(13); Bes 27a(30); Yev 38b(37); BQ 55b(39); Men 77a(36); .TJTD xn'13 311 n'Jlia pVXTlB xp'1 pni' '11 our Mishna is in accord with PN, the barraita with PN2 Kwn 64b(2); MTipi 'BJ xp'1 it is also in accord with what (the Tanna) learns Bes 27b(31); Taw 14a(3); }fev 79b(31); BQ 14a(24); //«/ 67b(10); 'rial VM Xp'1 it is also in accord with what is written (in Scripture) Meg 6a(35); So( 12a(l); BM 86b(54); San 24a(32); XV 'Xip 'p'1 1B3 xVl 'p'1 1B3 the verses are not in accord with (the interpretation of) either this one or that one BQ 3b(41); AZ 7b(43); Xp'1 XipB exact reading OHT Ned 35:12; 3. to make an inference, infer: p"1 Xp .IITI' ?U1PB 'JUBH 31 XP'IB pil'*? XS'Oa p"11Xl PN makes his inference from a redundant Mishna. But before he infers from the latter clause let him infer from the former one Nid 45b(41); Ket 31b(29); BQ 37a(21); Svu 38a(16); XTTI' KWb p"1 he makes an inference from a superfluous term BB 138b(8) // Ara 19a(37); W1? 'p"1 they infer the (exact pronunciation of the) terms (as significant) Er 53b(4; O); 'Xip 'p"1 they make an inference (from the proper interpretation of the) biblical verses Git 31b(57); ib. 65b(28); BQ 99b(26); 4. to investigate: a. alone: rfrjl I13B/X1 pi pSJ he went out, investigated, and found three (cases) Ber 19a(18); Yev 105a(26); Ket 81b(30); BM 18b(3); Zev 58a(33); p"1 pTB he investigates (the husband's intentions) thoroughly Git 3a(6); b. w. -iro: ma xn '3 vn x1? xn 'a ina xn '3 'p'T DH5? (one) court does not investigate (another) court. A court does investigate witnesses BB 138b(31); Pes 12a(3); Ket 86b(28); TGHark 109:19 Af. to look: XBH3 p'llX he looked at the door Hul 95b(14; Vl2Ar [AC 1:37]); BM 67a(2) Pal. to be precise [MH 2#pipi LNVTH 136]: 'X pn XV 'XH 'bia P'plpl if we had been so precise we would not have learnt (anything) Er 48a(35); mayo Ip'SJm iTJIplpm they were precise in it and elicited its reason iSGF 47:2; ib. 17:21; 19:13; 57:19; TGAs28 199b:2; XJX31Pira XJpipIl we were precise in the account SSSad 208b:7; ■'p-iipib TGHark 276:5; ib. 41:30 Lit: Bacher 38. l#Npn, pi. 'pn, '3pn n.m. implication, implied opinion (4- Vpn, XpiH) sg. 'BXm H'pn xa'.TB xan ia from where is PN's implication? BM 8a(33; Geon 103:19,F'); MQ 9a(14; Sidra 9 140:18); XpnB by implication TGHark 8:30; X*7 la nnaraV xa'x xV'x xnna xna'B inna tb'x XpTS urn Xnj/BEn Xpn no such statement is made exactly, but one can learn it by implication from the legal tradition of the beginning of the chapter ib. 33:3; X'H Xpn 1XV it is not an implied opinion ib. 44:22; xpn I'lH TGAs42 36:18; Xpn Xnb'B XJlV'BT the implication of each and every word ISGF 53:5; OHP Ket 4:6; TaS 591b:l 1; pi. ITHJIBT 'pn implied opinions of our Mishna ISGF 50:13; '3Xpn ib. 56:21 Lit: Eps, Stl 152. 2# xpn 4- xpm n. KJpn, pi. '^i?n n.m. conclusion (4- Vpn) sg. 'j^B'B xp pinna xm x'pna in"nm the two of them differ concerning the conclusion from this Mishna of ours Ket 31b(26); BQ 108a(36); X'pn "<inen Sab 37b(24); X3T! m'pn PN's conclusion Sab 27b(3); Yev 4b(38); BQ 74a(17); BM 8a(33); Hor 6a(29); TG^27 23:23; pi. Tinx "pn /^GF 62:13; ("im> I'Xmi "pn conclusions and demonstrations ib. 67:1 Y: N;pn BAYTN 148. X"ipn, KINpn n.m. bundle (of reeds, etc.; etym. unkn.) pi. 'JpT '"IXpn 'JH bundles of reeds Suk 13a(9; OH Suk lll:15,Seel 191:8) [RaH: 'npn]; 7hw 29b(16) Geon. expl.: nniJK l'»V3 DJK3 D'3p p'Oynw Dips ':pi 'IXpn jinx r\ii 1*713 inpy: Tnf>y:»3i jvituk OH Suk ib. [cf. expl. of RaH; v. also Ar (AC 3:127)]; Y: npil Tarn ib.lBAYTN 148). l#nn vb. to dwell, live (4- 4#XTn, 2#XniH, 1#XTH, 2#XT'1, Xm"1, 1#XT1, 2#KT1, XTVTH, i#xm, xnm, xmna; Sy ion LS 147, Ma i#nn MD 105) Pe. (u): 'x^y in Tn mm nn '3 inn 'XJin im two certain people one (of whom) was dwelling above and one below BB 6b(41); Xinn yw y31X xn^'ya xmpl mi a certain man who dwelt in GN in an upper room for four years ib. 41b(14); AZ 70a(9); '3 TPB1? XJJim mam lxVl man a son-in-law does not usually dwell in his father-in-law's house BB 98b(10); 'Tnn 'XHl Q'^BX D'naa nm Dl»a the reason that they are blind is because they live in dark houses Ber 59b(18; OAr [AC 2:271]); XJT'TT xnan 'V n'1? H'a I do not have a place in which to live BB 7a(2); Tan 24a(45; L); '131 nn n'3 '1"11 nX13B ]3313 '3131 an alley in which two great men like you [lit. the scholars] dwell Er 68a(6); ib. 74b(l); XJX33 n'TI 3T3 '33 students of the be rav who live in the rural district Pes 8b (14); TX1 'JTVl 113 yiV I'yaiX X1 Xmp3 I have been dwelling now in this town for forty years Suk 44b(25); ll^B nx xpiirua nvr\ you are from GN and you dwell, in GN2 Pes 62b(22); Xn^a'a IX ITB1? 'X' XB'3 is it better to dwell on the sea or on land? Tarn 32a(32); X'DX nv^l XIIB3 lliri x"7 do not dwell in a town whose leader is a doctor Pes 113a(2; M1); SSHai 6a(14); ib. 8a(17); Anan 14:15; ib. 107:5; AnanSch 22:7; ib. 28:29 [read: <1)|D)TBb] Af. to provide a dwelling for s.o.: n'llIX by "|3J msmxi concerning providing a dwelling and a residence for him [i.e. a poor Israelite] with you AnanSch 28:27 Itpe. w. mb to dwell [v. Satzlehre 46]: X^l p'Vo 'b mJl'X he traveled to Eretz Israel and did not
2#-rn 322 Km dwell (there) Qid 50a(26); BB 7a(3); Tm'B 1S1J3 n'1? -nrra x1? np'jn rrb he can dwell in its bough. He cannot dwell in its root Mak 12a(49) 2#Yf1 vb. to go around, overtake (4- l#irn, l#xmnB; cf. Arab jjj to move around Wehr 298) Pa. 1. to go from one place to another: '3 xruna Van xrmnD "?'aiai sm -ixna like the porter (who) goes from one place to another and transports merchandise in the entire province RH 9b(20; Ar [AC 3:134]); 2. to overtake, reach: rvb Tina xbi 'xnna xnrn a'3i '3 x«ns dwi a rider was moving swiftly, while mounted on an animal below, and he was unable to overtake him BB 73a(29; Es) [H: TVb V'V xVl]; xVl Dim ]VPV ma NnsXlaT X13J1? mm sixty (men) ran and could not overtake a man who ate in the morning BQ 92b(4; OHT Yom 11:1) [Var: mim Ar (AC 3:134); H: ,TPE»»] // ib. 107b(23; Ar [AC ib.]); .Tmnxi mnm 'aix rnmn iiyzb iptx 'ya iai when someone wants to say: "I have overtaken him" he says n'JTVn [lsg.pf. w. 3sg.m. pron.suf.] or rrmnx [v. Afel] OHT Yom 10:23; X*7 X1T33 'X n,V "ima if (you refer) to the seed (of the mustard plant, the bee) does not reach it BB 18b(10; GTB2 216:5); ib. 19a(l; GTB2 216:12) Af. to overtake: mnmx OHT Yom ib. [v. Pa., mng. 2] Lit: Koh, AC 3:134+. 3# in vb. to make an enclosure (denom. < 4- 1#XTT) Pa.: 'Jj? TH X31 'BVlJ TH "3X PN used to make an enclosure of jugs. PN2 used to make an enclosure of reeds Qid 81a(33) [v. Ar (AC 3:138, s.v. 6YT)]; 'TT 'TTm 'n those who make enclosures (for cattle) BQ 113b (44) Expl. RaH: fr? p»:» ,N!CT OHR BQ 105:26. 4# in vb. to carry, bear (sec. rt. < I V2# m; 4- 4#XTn, 2#XT'T; Ma 2#TVT MD 105) Pe.: n'Jiyoa rmxa"? mV ~nm he bears his burden for his master San 63b(48; HeMGD 268:14) [expl. PN^»m:X2K 17:31] The Ma rt. can be seen in forms, e.g. XTX1 part., HTTJ imp., iiin imper. [MD 113, s.v. NTT]. l#Nin n.m. burden (< Xjnn*; 4- a/4#1Tt) sg. Xi'Vl xm Xl'Vl 'X if you lift up the burden, I shall lift (it) up (with you) BQ 92a(51; F1) [Var: 'Km my burden OHP ib. 154:29, H!] Geon. expl.: 'WO OHP ib.; Y: XW BAYTN 18. 2# Kin n.m. town (< Akk duru city wall, component of names of parts of the body CAD D 192; 4- Xin n», 1#XTtT) sg., only as first element of GN's [cf. Zadok, GN 121+]: xm 'JWl Qid 70b(36; V302Rashi) [lit. the village of the netinim]; Pes 40a(17); xmjm XTVT £> 7b(6) [lit. the town of the shepherds] Lit: Eshel, JSB 93+; Y: XIH Pes 40a(17; BAYTN 18). — '3't£ *1T7 n.m.cs. row of teeth (< Akk dur sinnl CAD D 197 [lit. wall of teeth]; 4- XJ'tf; Sy rc'-Un tOJL^ LS 147) sg. Sab 65a(18; OHT ib. 63:2) [6: 'jp in] Geon. expl.: I IMT11; Lit: T. Kwasman, NABU 1999 60; Y: '3'thn &6 ib.(BAYTN 269). 3# Kin n.m. pearl (JPA m DJPA 142, Arab ;jJ Wehr'275) sg. Meg 12a(37; CG) [expl. BH Y1 Est 1:6] 4# NTH n.m. dwelling (4- Vl# TH; Ma XTiXt, in cs. MD 99, 105) sg. bw 3303 .Tin 'liTJI may his dwelling be in ... Bo 34:13 iVHyn n.m. lees (< NP <fan»7 PED 511 [cf. NP gloss mn SMelG 73]; 4- K'TO; Ma X'Tin lees, dregs MD 106, > Arab ^jjj Fr, AF 148) sg. Xiam X'TTTT lees of wine Tan 22a(18); AZ 34a(24); ib. 32a(2); rrnrnx xnana prr> ]uxi they sit like wine on its lees Meg 12b(29) [w. ref. to VTOD by. Xin DpiBh Jer 48:11] Geon. expl.: '3iy lisfol 1/1 IriX fill O'TBtf X'<-|)TO X'Tin "S 'Tin pif> Ar [OHP Tan 61:17]; Lit: Flora 1:96; Geig, AAC 151; Y: K'¥T!" Tan ib.(BAYTN 263). JO'TH n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'I'm 5o 86:2 NJVpTn n.f. half-ripe date (etym. unkn.) sg. Xrn<p-|){-li?m SMel 53:318; pi. TGAs42 163:11 [expl. as«rt"TTD(?)] P expl.: DX3 D'J 'Xa"ll3 half-ripe date SMel ib. B/T7 vb. to tread, thresh (4- l#X2?in, 2#X2?m, Xtf'H, 1#XW"T, xnti'1, Tt&TWI, XKhTd; Sy *.«.* LS 148, Ma W MD 106) Pe. 1. to tread underfoot, trample: BTJ'BI XBl 'ab 'Vl'jn n»3B "Urai piling up (olives), bringing (them) into the oil press, treading underfoot, and flowing (of the 123 'm i#nn oil to the pit) BM 74a(25); ib. 20 [of grapes]; X1TB1 WTB treading underfoot and winnowing ib. 15; AZ 56b(14; J); nX'BX 2?"l 'SB (he acquires possession) from the time that he treads on the boundaries Ket 93a(4) // BQ 9a(4) // BM 14b(3); IVWm rPiWaa'JI may they suppress him and trample him Bo 127:28; pass.part. ]'W33 TO'TTI ]'Bn suppressed, trampled, and stomped ib. 48:2; ib. 63:8; 86:1; 2. to thresh: XT'5? XWT 1TT1 XDpllpT a wooden threshing instrument with which they thresh the field Zev 116b(32; V11) // AZ 24b(13) // Men 22a(18); #G3 393:61 Itpe. to be trampled: 'EnXlB Xp XH (the graves on the outside) will, in fact, be trampled BB 101a(ll; H[corr.]EsRaH) 1# T\M vb. to exude (< nyi*, denom. rt. < xnjn* perspiration [V2#yT*]; Sy iv^a to sweat LS 162) Pe.: vrv\ '•'raa n'Hi y"?a ]'3BBoa y»n j"yxi even though it is smeared with ointments, it absorbs and exudes like an earthen vessel OHT Pes 29:15 Pa. id.: '^ 'XII T1"1B1B1 'rnBT Vib 'Tin I see that (the vessels) exude, and since they exude they can certainly absorb AZ 34a(l) // Pes 30b(27; V17Ar [AC 3:54]) [E'C: vn&l] Geon. expl.: x1? ilrx ]nmnsB ]'S'b ]'s'd ym ,'X'xin 'nnn 'xsi I'n'-TO I'Xn I'J^n TGAs28 143:30; Lit: Eps, PLA 177. 2#JVn vb. to make dots with ink (denom. < 4- xni'T; 4- Vt)TO) Pa.: H'1? JVTOI he makes dots on it [i.e. the blank portion of the document] BB 163a(21; Ar [AC 3:40]) Expl. ib.: mwx1? D'lyn p in Vw D'npi n»iy Nj?ri!n n.m. family (< Mir *diitak family [cf. MP dudag CPD 28]) sg. ,Tpm(1)("l}3 XS'pt T?b «f pn Xn'JOnia «]ipt (n>,,7 XB'3 X"? one should not say to someone in whose family there is a hanged person: "Hang up the fish!" BM 59b(51; V22); aorm piyab n,!7 'jDrvB xnirx aorB1? 'ysi ]xb m ri'XT xpnnB awV 'ip'1? xVi on"BT xpnna Xm^'DS one who wants to marry a woman should investigate and marry from a family which has a traceable genealogy, so that he should not chance to marry (someone) from a family which has a defect (in its genealogy) Seel 171:1 // ib. 43:1; 153:33; "pprm H'VlD your entire family Bo 124:20 Lit: Geig, AAC 141; Eps, Stl 109; Tel 50. Tin adj. separate (< MP jud separate, jud az apart from CPD 47) I. adj. separate [used adverbially in prep, phrases]: Tin '31^ pE? "731 even more so with regard to anything else TGHark 45:35; Tim IX XITD^Ba r>m 'BX^X powerful people who are connected with the government or something else TGAs42 23:21; ib. 33:13; Tim X1? not in any other way OHT RH 40:25; II. prep. fol. by ,8 apart from: vn ]B Tin wpV TGHark 34:13; ib. 38:29; 50:23; 103:31; 155:26; H3'B TltTJI D^aS mXJWB the Mishnayot in Tractate Kelim and elsewhere [lit. apart from it] ib. 118:12; 206:21; TGAs28 206b:7; OSTPB "731X ]B Tin something apart from food OHT Pes 53:31; OHT Ned 20:19!; TGAs42 29:34; ISGF 47:10 Geon. expl.: .ibV xin ysn ixVi wo xa'py 'n p in naiDi wtm xVa inax n(i)i xm n'ons xrtV'ai (n^na in xVx dix '33 xrrma xn^'ai 'yx'ts 'nnxis [J£] (T)nu 'ai 'naxi [?]n'yj X'D OHT Git 191:4; Lit: Shaked, Elements 150; Koh, AC 3:279, s.v. nit; ACSup 10. "ItMH adj. different (< MP juttar different CPD 47) irTTB "IDin'»: in p rm we have one (case) also which is different from them iSG 127:23; imjm X1? nDXt>{,)Ti do not act differently OHT Pes 54:16; XH'jn' X1? l'3n ]B "l&im we do not know anything different from this OHT Yev Lit: Shaked, Elements 150. rn num. ten (< MP dah CPD 23) xrTBa rrrPX (m) nn) miyyV r\pi nXOIS in the Persian system of counting they call ten dah Bek 60a(30) Lit: Geig, AAC 179, s.v. pn. 'm vb. to push aside, supersede, reject (I TH adj., XnviT, Sy t<_un LS 148, Ma xm MD 102) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to push aside, push away, set aside: a. in a literal sense: XJWJJ^ 'E/p rPTlTB pushing it [i.e. the froth] away leads to poverty Hul 105b(32); n,1!7,5/ 'TO nan XTIl 'm push a large wall (and) pull (it) down upon him BQ 92b(46); xrrTix ipaun xtij innV'y mi ^t go and let us push a wall upon them because they have
vn 324 Vm abandoned (the study of) the Torah Ket 69b(35); b. in a fig. sense: XJlD'm t&>Xl H'V p'mi X131 a man whom we can push aside with easy questions [lit. straw of wheat] Nid 26b(30); m'KI D'T3 TfiDSi Xm he pushed himself away of his own volition (by his apostasy) San 47a(40) // Zev 12b(7); xp VPX K3n rf? Til Xpl Kin BAH fitya ni£?Si X'm it is he who pushes away a woman who has a ge<. In this case [i.e. with ]1X'B] it is she who pushes herself away Yev 107b (17); pass.part. TUB IDS'B IK 'm XnTB is (his sacrifice) temporarily set aside or is he completely exempted? Hor 9a(ll); 2. to postpone: mv "im1? nV p'm we postpone it [i.e. the sacrifice] until after the Sabbath Meg 5a(34); D3iK -pna xnywV n*V xrm xpi xnra I am actually postponing it [i.e. the sale] for the moment because of compulsion TGHark 166:11; SSHai 16b(2); 3. to supersede, override, take precedence: TOO inxil Tan p nOD p ]WDVH f? XJB nXBlB TIXTI Tan we found that both the Passover and daily sacrifices override the Sabbath. How do we know that the daily sacrifice overrides uncleanness? Pes 66b(45); ib. 69b(33); Tan 28b(3); Yev 7a(19); Yom 51a(9); X'TIXI pan X'mi xmiXI the biblical (law) comes and supersedes the Rabbinical one Sab 128b(18); Naz 29b(17); Ket 40a(5) Pa. l. to put s.o. off: "p xrma xp »im ixVi I am not merely putting you off (with an excuse) Sab 8b(14); Hag 19a(24); Yev 62b(ll); fig 99a(12); Hul 31b(19); 2. to reject: XnV "?'TX n'V imai maWB he goes to this mismar and they reject him Yev 101a(18); Bek 48b(40); Ket 109b(37); BM 34b(6); Tern 8a(23); 3. to postpone: n»m«^ x"?1 .T'imV ,l? XT'1?! I can neither postpone it [i.e. payment of the dowry] nor delay it SSHai 18b(18) Itpe./Itpa. 1. to be rejected: ,1'V K'ni'KI X3M KJl'3 'Kna in a case where (the yevamd) was completely rejected from the house [i.e. she could not marry the second brother] Yev 30a(39); K13J 'apa X131 'HTB 'ai is one man rejected on account of (another) man? Tan 5b(30); m'KI jl'3 'm'K since it was rejected it remains so Sot 15b(35); RH 5a(14); Men 21a(24); Zev 12b(16); I wai n'Vy Kn rps'ai pan sometimes judgment is decreed upon him, and he is rejected AZ 4b(35); 'KnTX xrOI'Xl K'nn that answer was rejected TGAs42 37:17; 2. to be refuted: f? XHX vitbi »btb 'nxtrm xV'ia n'1? xran 'iaa the man whom we can indeed repulse with easy questions [lit. throw wheat straw at him] has come to us and he is refuted Nid 26b(31; M) *m adj. rejected (4 V'm pe., pass.part.) sg.m. Kin X"m X131 he is a rejected [i.e. unfit] man Ber 23a(6) 7'rn adj. fearsome (4- VVm pe., pass.part.; TA x5'li'l TO Dt 10:17, Sy rf V , uH LS 149, Ma V>m MD 103) sg.m. xV'mi K"I3'J X31 KI^K the great, strong, and fearsome God Bo 31:12; ib. 71:9; pl.m. 'Win ib. 75:4 p'lTC adj. contrived (I ^pni pe., pass.part.) sg.m. "ft XJ'JttB Xs? Kp'm K"i:2; I do not answer you a contrived answer Ket 42b(12); pi. "U'P 'P'm BQ 36a(18) // ib. 106a(25) // Tern 21a(3) Lit: Bacher 39. Nri'ni, pi. KJUHn n.f. delay, rejection (I V'm; cf. MH2 iTm J 292) 1. delay: sg. K"?31 KTVm xVs XJ11.TO without delay or pause SSHai 4a(15); 2. rejection (of an argument): sg. TGAs42 63:13; pi. xri"m ib. 13; ]^'M n'JlX'm his rejections are invalid TaS 570b:9; jinflX'm iSGF 58:3 ton vb. to fear, revere (4 V'm, XJllVm; Sy -V -«i LS 148, Ma Vm MD 103) Pe. (e/a) 1. to be afraid, fear: a. alone: Vmn X1? rbvp X*7 'X if you did not murder do not be afraid San 32b(41); Sab 63b(6); BM 84b(18); BB 10a(28); b. w. dir. obj.: Xin 1'XD'H V'm nun he is a sin-fearing man Sab 31b(9); c. w. fol. |B, Dip ft): XJ1B1? Wl ]KB 'K,1 XW3 XJ'ya V'mi one who enters a town and is afraid of the evil eye Ber 55b(35); 11'pSXI X3',1 'oaxnai ix 'awa kbV'1 V'mi 'in n'V if money was deposited with him, and he is afraid lest it will be stolen or seized by force HP 84:4; ib. 66:30; 130:9; 204:11; iSGF 120:23; TGHark 161:35; X'Bff ft) V'm God-fearing SSHai 17b(2); i3i n'ra V[*]m xma ixVai xai urn xin pn pi 'maip p yVarwi pnyi V'm n'jv yaw [p]nyi Vim' -prann ia 'iiik ftim n'BKip this Ktotori 325 pm is the great name of the Angel of Death. When he hears it he is afraid, flees, is swallowed up from before him, and he will be afraid and flee from before PN Bo 3:6; 2. to revere [w. p s.o.]: -p'B 'aVy 'Via 'Vnn mn xro'na cm you will head the academic session and everyone will revere you Ber 56a(31); pa"lB V'mi one who reveres the scholars Sab 23b (3 8) Pa. to frighten: 'Y1B1 'Vm frighten and make bitter Bo 72:8; ib. 141:13; pass.part. pniBl ftVm fearing and frightened ib. 1:12 N^lVrn n.m. scarecrow (Sy kIScAjuH LS 149, mng. 2, Ma X'VlVnxi pi. hobgoblins MD 98) pi. XB^yS 'Vl^ma X'JOI it is sufficient merely with scarecrows BB 27b(45); Bo 33:6; ib. 18 Cf. RaH quoted in Tos, ad loc; Y: tyVni BB ib.(BAYTN 242). Nril!?n'1 n.f. fear, reverence (I V?m; cf. Sy rfklJu:; LS 149, Ma XriVim MD 103) sg.cs. X'a© niVm fear of Heaven AnanSch 26:14; OHTMQ 24:12' Om vb. to press (I XDni; Ma D'HI trampled MD 103, JPA vm DJPA 144) Pe. ( /u): pm ]XB 'X.1 H'yiaV n'OmaV TIS one who submits to halisa must press his leg (on the ground) Yev 103a(16) [I Vpn pa., mng. 1]; ib. 102a(47); H'yi3 DiniJI 'yiK3 let him press his legs on the ground Ber 5ia(44); rrfry n'yia [Dim'1? :text] oim'1? xV (one who is slaughtering a rooster) should not press his foot upon it Sab 128b(25; M) [v. DS ad loc, n. 3] Pa. id.: 'Dim"? OHT Yev 209:19 [after corr.] N0m n.m. pressure (4- Voni) sg. X0m D1S/B because of pressure (on the fetus) Yev 42a(49; V3Ar [AC 3:35]) [O2: KDin'1] «im vb. to push (BH «]ni HAL 210) Pe. (a/ ): nmnnV Xrivn nni'ism one animal pushed another BM 93b(34); H'SnTB1? iya they wanted to push him Git 56a(51); nV KSm Knil the wind pushed it [i.e. the animal] HP 202:9 Pa. id.: n'yaw T]b minima Kp im his attendants were pushing her away Ket 63a(9; V5) ^m I Vpi vb. pm vb. to push, pressure, constrict (I Kpmi, p'm; Sy ^n-ux LS 149) Pe. (a/) 1. to push: KJ1X ,Tpm nXBIIX Xinn a certain 'Edomite' came (and) pushed him Ber 62b(24); D'31 'pmi 1'JaTI miJ1? 'V"yi sometimes crowds push and enter inside Sab 7a(l 1); Ket 31b(20); BB 7b(39); BM 10b(14); ib. 84b(6); 3TI'1 nnsn1? p'mi X3313 n'Tl3n3 a star which pushes another and settles into its place Ber 58b(48; MGE 147:10); ipm xp ]J1) "131 n'Vn PN's legs are pushing [i.e. it is his time to succeed you] MQ 28a(46); 2. to pressure: '"? ]'pm Kp they are pressuring me (that I should support them) Tan 23b (49); xV n'JIpmn do not press the issue [lit. pressure it] San 97a(52); 3. w. Vaip af. to establish a meaning by necessity: xmriB ]K)p1B1 ]rpm 'BytJ '"IJ13 we establish (the interpretation) of the Mishna by necessity according to two explanations Men 55a(24) // Qid 63b(6); H'psiff ,T2/S) 'pIBI p^m Kim KIpV leave the biblical verse alone since it establishes its own meaning by necessity (and is not subject to contradiction) Nid 33a(49) // Qid 68a(34; O2) // Pes 59b(36; Ed); 4. pass.part. constricted: inTWBEm Xj?'m their [i.e. the two towns'] use (of the qarpaf) is cramped Er 55b(8); ib. 9; xp'm XJ1311 the place is constricted TGHark 159:24; XBty nil')!1? p'mi (the animal's) space is constricted BQ 18b(28); 'aby inV p'mi '1Biy3 when they are standing the space (for the passage of their urine) is constricted Nid 59b(39); ib. 45; 'B^y p'm 'yD 'XB 'XI 'V13 1X1 'KlV why is the space of the waw so constricted? BB 167a(24); Kp'm xnV'JB 'X1,1 'XI nVis xrni»K smdb1? xnan n3 mn kVi if the sheet was constricted and there was not a place in it to write the entire certification Lucena 240:3; 5. pass.part. w. Krfr'B +. '"? to be poor [i l#xpmi mng. 2]: K31B XJI^'B inV Xp'm mn they were very poor Tan 21a(2) [lit. their status was greatly constricted; v. Itpe., mng. 3] Hul 133a(24); ib. 132b(9; MGD 411:8); BM 114b(9; EsV22); BB 174b(22; Es) Itpe. 1. to press one against the other: '3'n '3 O'KHp IpnTb xVl so that the boards (of the wagons) should not press against each other Sab 99a(14); 2. to do out of necessity: X3J'3'1S xV Kpmn xpn 'xn 'pimx^i pvab we do not have to
'1 326 tna«i make a fine distinction or one out of necessity TGAs27 37:3; 3. to be short (of funds) [v. Pe., mng. 5]: iTJW'7 Xpm'a Xpi lin Xpi )V3 when they saw that the Temple treasury was becoming short of funds Men 51b(45) Lit: Bacher 39. H I M conj. This OfA form occurs only in JBA legal texts where its usage is archaic, e.g. S$ffai 3a(13); ib. 5b(10); 12a(17); 17a(16). [nax'T 4- i#xj"tn.] 1 # K3H n.m. wolf (4- XTU'T; TA xfn TJ Is 11:6, Sy rdirc'Ti, nd-=i_»:i LS 137, Ma X3H MD 106) sg. Hul 75b(31); X3'7 /ffg 205:13; /#> 203:9; <X>3H 7p the sound of a wolf Bo 100:11; pi. 'X irrnpa 'an p'rvj x"? 'xi 'an vuiba'j posa xp if (the goats) are causing a loss, let the wolves devour them. If not, let them bring the wolves (impaled) on their horns Tan 25a(20); 'TJ7 ]'TlXi Vrnpa '3(')(in the goats brought wolves (impaled) on their horns BM 106a(53) Y: KJ'l BAYTN 14. 2# N3H n.m. discharge (-1- Van; cf. Sy rdAin flux LS 144) 4- X3H X'10 n. Nlia'":! n.m. statement, speech (< MH TDh Ye'ivin, BV 957; JPA man DJPA 144) 1. statement, speech, utterance: sg. XD7J?3 XTI3n Xin it is merely an utterance RH 6a(24); XTI3n X'n XJlV'a an utterance is meaningful [lit. a thing] San 61a(35); 'XT13T3 n'T)3H his utterance is like my utterance SSHai 9a(20); ib. 19a(4); X1? VU'X nmans 'B"p they do not keep their word Bek l3b(44); Qid 65a(l8); nm XTiana nma -ion'/n let her daughter be forbidden (to her relatives) by her [i.e. the mother's] statement ib. 21; XTD'TX TDD Xp nnn he relies on his utterance Git 63a(27); BM 76b(5); ini'l'S?1? 'tfj? XYi3n speech is harmful for the eyes Ned 41a(39; V2); n»sa 'X n."U'B7 'XIX XT13H {1)717 if you make him speak too much, he is apt to omit it [i.e. a portion] Git 3a(27); Yev 107b(49); TGHark 85:27; "713 nnnn the complete statement Naz llb(22); Xp mian fins he harmonizes his statement Kar 12a(30); n'TI3'T7 H'7 jna Xp he impairs the validity of his statement Qid 64a(35); TTOX mn '3 XJ?'31£ni n?'3Xi XTi3'T7 he compared the (scriptural) statement of eating and being satiated [i.e. fljnftn nV?Xl Dt 6:11] to itself/)««! 17:19; »& 20:16; nxmp xtona nman1? Trawc he changed his statement from the previous statement ib. 64:7; 5A/ 23b(56); 2. written statement: sg. pat rv?n pn nman1? nmna he should repeat his written statement two (or) three times (in the writ to prevent a forgery) BB 167a(14); 3. w. V'Jtf pa. to distort one's word: 4- VlS'JW pa., mng. 5 Voc: irifa'i HGP 12a:15; Y: !Ora"T BAYTN 255. Nna'T n.m. sacrifice, Passover, holiday (Vna"i; 4- x'na'I; TA I'nST pi. TJ Gen 46:1, Sy rdu'j; sacrifice LS 138, Ma 2#X3.T1 feast MD 107) 1. sacrifice: sg. xnan '"7 in wk onaii 'xm 'xaa Xin from what (do we know) that (the verse) '"V in in'X Umm [Num 29:12] refers to a sacrifice? /fag 10b(4); 2. Passover: sg. Xrm )B XmXJ?7 from Passover to Shavuot Pes 42b(21) // Sab 110a(45); ib. 147b(36); 3. holiday: sg. xnan ID']! the holiday of Nisan [i.e. Passover] HP 180:28; pi. X'7DBn X'nan the holidays [i.e. the first two days] of Sukkot ib. 182:23 Yixnaibaytn in. Njja"! n.m. joining (4- Vp31; Sy rC k -a LS 139, Ma xpan MD 106) sg. xin -\m xpan 'xn the joining (of the two passages) is your (assumption) Mei 16b (14; Ar [AC 3:7]) [F: xpm] NrO'T n.f. she-wolf (4- 1#X3'T; Sy K'jLarf'ri LS 138) sg. nmm '33 T33 his molars are the molars of a she-wolf Bo 78:4 pan 4- p-iy n. N?V,I n.m. carrying stick (cf. BH ^JT standard HAL 205) sg. vm x-ux3 nr? xVma mi XS3X{a} T1T7 XTAX3 let the ones who carry with a stick carry with a pole. Let the ones who carry with a pole carry on (their) shoulder Bes 30a(4); .1713 D7WB X?J'T3 rm (porters) who carry with a stick pay all of it [i.e. the damage] BM 83a(26) Lit: Friedman, BM VL403+; X^JT Bes 30a(4; BAYTN 111). Nli'T n.m. denotation of stress on the ultimate t : syllable (etym. uncert.) sg. BMsYFr 150:12 vtiyi. 327 ■vib Lit: Yeivin, BV 246+. The etym. proposed by S. Morag, LeSonenu 38 [1974] 55+, has been shown to be incorrect by D. Talshir, ib., 48/9(1984/5] 16+. Ntfo'i nm- daseS c^1"1 \y- JpA m~i Pe-to provide w. dages DJPA 139]; cf. Sy *_£n to pierce LS 142) sg. KVXn '3 BMsG 19:33 [w. ref. to the second bet in TIMtfa Gen 19:33, ace. to the Bab. tradition]; XBttn DB ib. 22:2 Lit: Yeivin, BV 333. "TH pron. possessive pronoun (< "T + M Nold, MG 3322; 4- XT, "7'T; JPA "H DJPA 145, ModMa -TT MD 107) lsg. •'Tl Hag 10a(24); 'XTI Tan 24a(9); 2m. ITT BQ 46b(31); f. Tin Ket 61a(21); 3m. TTT Sab 13a(43); f. HTT BM 31a(51); lpl. ]m Bek 44a(26); 2m. 13TT San 67b(36); 3m. WTH Ber 8a(51); f. Mm Ket 2b(14); //P 115:1;- a. used independently: 1) alone: Xin MM T713 all of it is mine Bek 18a(39); 13T1B XDny nn mine [i.e. my opinion] is better than yours Hag 10a(24); 'TT '7 lani13T1 T?ip«7 take yours and give me mine BQ 28a(49); BB 46b(4); Xiaiy mn nna I was involved in [lit. in mine was] a case AZ 39a(43); pxi 1HTTJ lTU'X )TT3 they are engaged in theirs [i.e. their study] and we are (engaged) in ours Ber 8a(51); XIX 13TTB 'Xfltt? I drank from yours [i.e. your water] San 67b(36); m'T71 HT13 TTT? p3"l mDipi H'Tia the scholars penalized him concerning what was hers and her concerning what was his Ket 101a(31); m'T> TTT p between him and her Ber 48a(24); WBlb T\MM ]'3 X12VM Tjy he made a reckoning by himself Git 14a(24); 13TT XH3K/ 'IDia X"?T your (children) who will not observe the Sabbath AZ 26a(47); 2) w. negation: nnn 1X"?T 'Ta something which is not his Ara 21a(37); Mm 1X"?T '"73XT 'an' orphans who consume what is not theirs BM 70a(7); nm X^T xama XV it will not give suck to one that is not hers Bek 24a(18); b. w. a preceding n.: 1) in Aramaic: M^l XT IWT\n my signature BB 167a(27); nm XiyS her pain BM 31a(51); X3I1 ]m our Tanna [i.e. of our Mishna] Sab 148a(7); mn X"?T X131 a man who is not hers [i.e. her husband] Er 100b(40); 2) in Hebrew: Tin nnSU/ her maidservant Aer 27b(21); nnn nxis his testament Sot 28a(19); c. in apposition to a pron. suff. for emphasis: 1) w. a n.: HX MM 'X"13 T1X you are my own son Yev 37b(27); 13TT 13'13J your own husbands Yev 108a(30); VTIM ITTa with their own hands [i.e. of their own volition] Suk 30b(4); TT! Taw his own name Git 87b(2); (2) w. a prep.: Xianoa MM '71113 it is reasonable that (the law) is according to me MQ 2b(12); 'XJ'a 'T1 from me Ket 53a(15); 'TT 'Xap in my presence [lit. before me] San 27a(47); MM 'Xina n'SJ'D are you quarreling with me? BM 85b(19); Xiam on nm n"?J? the Merciful One cared about her San 55b(20); TMM TJ3 Xip'ya pna'31 let him examine (her) in this very manner from the beginning Ket 10b(10); mn rU'B 13"? except for it Hul 98a(37); TTT H'TTiaX TT follow it Bek 12a(33) Lit.: Satzlehre 75+; Nold, MG 3351. prep, prepositional intensifier, according to (4- m\ 'm1?; Sy -i_.Ti Nold, SG §225B, Ma -TT? Nold, MG 334) 1. prepositional intensifier [i.e. for my part, etc.]: a. in place of -?: nnn1? xo'j 2?'mri'x t,tt>t '3'n '3 XD'J Wn-|JVX 'a3 just as a miracle occurred for you, a miracle also occurred for him Yev 115a(5); b. together w. mX7 [Nold, MG 335']: 1) dat. pron.: xa'n ?3x vrpT> ix ,ttt> ix n'1? n'XT xs'n '^a 'in 'laita imn? X7i nnn7 x?(xi n'7 ri'7i this refers to where one-either he or they-has (money). But where one-either he or they-does not have (money), they are sold (into slavery) Mak 2b(42); xnytt? '7 Xtt'p MM1? a (propitious) time has come for me BB 12b(13); 2) in "7 7'Dp-syntagm: 'TT? nil'T ^yp 'V 'in I, myself, saw Jonah's g.-plant Sab 21a(ll); Yev 120b(24); Ket lllb(53); Git 4a(17); 7X1DW 1BT ,TJ'B 'V X^IS'D 'TT? PN explained it to me Ket 54a(19); BB 38b(14); AZ 28b(31); '7 XT30 'TT? I was of the opinion Tern 18b(44); Kar lla(34); X71 im'T? 1,T? Xn'H '3'n HTT? n1? Xn'3 where they were willing, and she was not willing Qid 61b(31); im'T? XB7J? ]7 ?'an xaVy in? 7'3n X1? our weather [i.e. in Babylonia] is hot. Theirs [i.e. in Eretz Israel] is not hot RH 20a(27); ib. 21a(29); c. fol. an obj. pron. suff.: im'T? mr7Xiy'71 let him ask them Nid 12b(5); im'T? mmpTJi '3'n '3 •oaynn? xrya I want to test you just as I tested them San 93a(43);
K3T1 t : 328 T T ~ pm iTRMp Sin .TTI1?! it is he whom the scholars punished BM 101a(34); MQ 13a(15); lni'SD'J Vnrb let us compel them Yev 39a(45); Yom 22b(4); 'TtV |n»a31 iy nyatf xVl you will not be satisfied until you have subdued me Git 68b(23); pinx x-iibs1? 'rnn ]vi? "\ yim '3 pn only taught (it) to us with two (cases) of exemption Yev 33a(32); Zev 30b(32); 2. according to: xaia ix1? xrrf? xaia jttVt xron a place (in the animal) which according to us is a blemish (and) according to them [i.e. the Romans] is not a blemish Git 56a(12); "]TtV maxi according to you who said Pes 46b(15); Ber 52b(10); Er 91b(23); BQ 95a(25); Zev 77b(l 1); TOB ra^H "pnV according to you who infers from Sinai Yom 4a(5) Lit: Nold, MG 3351; Y: 'ft? Ber 13b(42). N3T1 n.m. fly (< X3TJ1*; i xraTT; Ma X»3T1 pi. MD 106, JNA xm didwa HDJNA s.v., ModSy rc'onn Nold, NSGr 102) sg. 13 X3TH ir^l KTW there is'no year-old fly Hul 58b(3); V'3X mn p'TOI iTJTIBK X3(1>ni'1 3'JIH 1J7 PN used to eat until a fly would alight on his forehead and slip off Ber 44a(16); XaiOXin H'1? "?"? XTrlS 3T iTTrua a fly entered PN's nostril SOZ 73:1; p»X wanin "?y xafXin in ;m the Davidic House depicts a fly on its seals ib.; pi. XTT n,!7 TIX1 ?nV'y '3T1 1B7I rraiBB saliva flows out of his mouth, and flies alight upon him Ket 77b(17); Nid 17a(8) [i V2#^>a pe., mng. 1] Lit: Nold, MG 78; Y: X3T"! BAYTN 111. Krai'T n.f. fly (I X3T1) sg. 'B'3 T3T XrOTI a fly between the sheaves Git 86b(18; RaH,Ed) [expl. MH2 rrxnp ib.] RaH: Dnay pt? pi3T OHR Git 54:2. ['3VTT 4 'jm n.] VI n.m./f. kite (milvus; i xrVH; Sy ,o_.H f. LS 150) sg. X-W3 "?pKn TH xm a certain kite which took (a piece of) meat BM 24b(34); xnO)(ina 'mrn m the bile of a white kite Ket 50a(29) Lit: Kut, Archive 2 [1974] 97; Y: i'T BAYTN 165. NV'T n.m. dew, a type of demon (< MP dew CPD 26; Sy k'AjH LS 150, Ma XVXl MD 99) a. alone: sg. Bo 21:16; iA. 58:3; XW3 Xl'T the evil rfew ib. 3:2; XTOpUl X13H XTT "731 any male or female dew ib. 83:4; pl.abs. J'lH "?3 ib. 8:6; 52:17; 33:10; 35:10; 64:19; det. XJVTX 1'1 ^33'a1? I go to subdue the dews ib. 2:6; 29:10; 6:1; 35:6; 78:7; 'BP3 'TH V3 i& 106:12; b. w. a name: sg. Q-UBOX XVT ib. 57:4; XTH 0111X i'& 78:17 Lit: AIT 286; AMB 268. [-IBVT 4- 1t}in adj.] NpV'l n.m. deduction, implication (4- Vpll, i# xpn) sg. iryawx1? xnx 'rnnon xpm xnrt st PN came to let us know the deduction of the Mishna Ket 17b(30); Svu 29b(46; V19) The rdg. here is uncertain since the form I NjJVT is found in this phrase in many other passages; Y: Xj?ri Ket ib.(BAYTN 255). [NTlj?lH 4- Xj7Jin n.] I#*nr7, pi. ni'1, 'N"li«T n.m. resident (4- Vi#"in, xth na;'sy rCi«-* LS 147) pi. -|n mn San 109a(16) // 'XTPl man Tan 21a(43) Y: '(firi Tan ib.(BAYTN 322). 2#KTFT n.m. inn (1 Vl#in, 2#XT1; cf. Sy K'i_.H LS 147) sg. XTTT XinH3 J131 VlX he went and spent the night at a certain inn Tan 21a(42) // San 109a(2) Knt"I, NDVT n.f. ink (4- V2#rm; TA X?vn TJ Jer 36:18, Sy rftio^x LS 152, Ma XJTH MD 107) sg. Sab 104b(16) [expl. MH P Mib. 12:4] // Git 19a(15); BB 164a(3; Es); Hul 47b(7); xdvtt xnimn ... xdt>tt xmros paleness/darkness of ink Nid 20a(10); X3TI3 XTm3 (a leather sheet) written with ink HG1 406:54; KJVTn BnrWB 'XT if he draws (the trace lines on the leather sheet) with ink HG2 144:9 Y: XJin Hul ib.(BAYTN 28). Noim i xorn n. [Npni'T 4- xpnn n.] ^V'H' K^NH n.m. official, servant (< Akk dajalu inspector CAD D 27, mng. b; 4- V2# Wl; cf. Sy AjK to serve, rdl5L.ii» servant LS 145) 1. type of official: sg. xVx'T -|nnx 13 (if) your nephew is a d.-official Yom 18a(28); X^'H XIX PN, the c/.-official Ber 53b(17); Sab 148a(3); 5g 119a(13); Nid 25a(2); 2. servant: sg. Tim Xim r» 329 PS0"1 X^XH 1H3 provided that the servant went around to them Pes 86b(37) Geon. expl.: inn mum wiTn nw dxw man bv wav x^k't GnK5 176:18; Lit: AIOA 45; Low, Lehnw 197; Voc: K5XH HGP 19a: 15; Y: X^l Yom ib.(BAYTN 227). ]"T vb. to judge (denom. < i Km; I Vl#]n, X3"l, V]"l) Pe.: n,3"Ta!7 -pX X1?! there is no need to judge him Meg 14b(l); nM'Ta1? 'BXaT iy until (the time) comes to judge it RH 16a(15); x:H ''V.Tb 'n mr'TJ 'S'H how should the judges judge this case? BM 42b(ll); BB 34a(l); 5v« 47a(29); gW 74a(8); Ml p'bl X33X 3'n'b let him sit at the gate and judge the case BB 58a(35) [Var: p'J MGE 144:8]; San 35a(22) The synchronic existence of this rt. is derived from the inf. form WTilV which in JBA can only be analyzed as a pe. form. Since there are no unequivocal pa. forms other forms which can be attributed to this rt. have been given here. Forms with only one yod should not be taken as coming from the historical rt. f~\ since this was replaced already in the OfA Periodin all of the A dialects by ]M. The phrase iTl'TJ ]V0 Hag 15b(14) seems to be a conflation of the historical and secondary rt. Ni'-n, K3KH, abs. I'-H n.m. judge (i Vl#p, XJTU'H; TA Xi'n TO Dt 25:2, Sy r<liH LS 145, Ma 1# XlX'XT MD 99) sg.abs. pi? npnm ]"1 "73 T'T n'ac? x1? pa )iaa rrrn pn any judge against whom a lawsuit is brought and they authorize to collect from him money in a lawsuit is not called a judge BB 58b(l) [quoted from an inscription]; det. XJ'H DTTJX ]X3 what is (the meaning of) O'rfrx [IS 2:25]? A judge Yom 87a(36); Bmi 7m*?l X3X"T btfV the judge took his (own) garment and ran San 109b(38); XpT 'KB X1H0 THOa X1? Xr'T rnoa a witness does not testify to what the judge testifies Ket 21a(44); 'XH XH ITa1? ^03 ThW b->itWl X3"T a judge who (regularly) borrows objects is unfit to judge a case ib. 105b(8; V5); rVrUI Xin XJ'H ]ra '1 XJm XpaiJ/V PN is a judge, and he delves to the bottom of the case BQ 53a(36); X3X3T XJXH the judge of the academy iSGF 112:10; pi. nibn 'in XJH '33 '3DH '3X'1 three judges who were sitting in court San 8a(40); Xnr?! ttTTT X331? wmpai T'l Tl'SBn you are close to the exilarch's court where judges are ubiquitous BB 65a(22); ^'B1? bx-w ]in3 rnn xran "?33 'n ijubb xxvrVj? we appoint judges for minor matters wherever there are Jews Anan 111:24; 'Xrr7 TH mi"TJ '3'H XJ'T how should the judges judge this case? BM 42b(12); 'JXm Xmya the burial cave of the judges MQ 17a(33); &tf 21b(13) [4- l#xm#X mng. 2]; 55 133b(5) [1 XJlXXn]; G;Y 2b(14) [4- 1#X1D0 mng. 1]; Git 36b(28) [4- XUViy]; BB 35a(l) [4- H1W usage b]; ib. 29a(36) [4- xVstf mng. 1]; '10'pT T1 the judges of GN £/- 76b(9); Ket 50b(22); &n 17b(18) Voc: N3X*1 HPP 73:20; Y: x:'!T BAYTN 227. KnU'»^ n.f. judgeship (4- xr'1; Sy rc'ii'ojJH LS 145) sg. XJTUX'YT XpnS' certificate (of permission) of judgeship OUT MQ 24:10 NO"1! n.m./f. coarsely pounded wheat or barley eaten alone or mixed with honey (Sy J^yji ... rdmJa LS 151, BBah 623:25) sg. Ned 49b (19) // Tarn 27b (48); XD'Tl X3J'D a plate of the rf.-dish Tan 24b(44); Sab 37b(52); 'aj XO'Hl XTlS^'a X1? the rf.-dish is also not smeared (on bread) Bes 16a(44); AZ 38a(9) [not eaten w. bread]; XTI} XD"T the d.-dxsh alone [i.e. w/o honey; v. expl. Ar infra] Ber 36b(53); I'JW XD"T HlTp T'3n a rf.-dish like a cooked dish in a pot /& 37a(26) [contains honey; v. ib.]; Bes 14b(2); □'03 HTiysxxs 'D"T it is pleasant for one to eat the d.-dish with one's fingers Ned 49b(12); )Hn ■>-ijren 'D'm 'anVs 'ts'n "Va'a1? 'tya '3'n 'on X3T 'D'na nyirm 'ij?»na 'D'm ix ny^i 'arr?a 'CDria ''b'SX how is it preferable to eat the rf.-dish? (Of) wheat with wheat bread (and of) barley with barley bread? Or of wheat with barley (bread) and of barley with wheat (bread)? PN used to eat it with 'O'On ib. 6; 15; 21 Expl. Ar [RaH?]: 'trtoi Vll 31Ty ail XT1J niBI'ltl NO'T KD'in bwmw AC 3:51, i.e. <^j> [v. BBah supra]. This dish was made either of wheat or barley and could not be smeared on bread; however, one could add honey to it. If it was pounded too thin it was considered inedible [v. Bes 14b (3)]; Y: XD'H Tan 24b(44; BAYTN 42). pSO'H n.m. carriage (< Mir *despak [< OP *dvai-aspaka (carriage drawn by) two horses; > Armen despak carriage Hubsch, AG 140]; cf. Sy «Lxi-a-ca_>L^> ISK 32112) sg. pS0"TJ Xpu/X "IJTO 31"in PN was destroyed because of a carriage shaft Git 57a(44); pBO'HT Xj?tt ISri'X the
Ni?0'H 330 xnp'T. carriage shaft broke ib. 46; 'V ^"y<a> '3 pSO""!} Nrr"T3)3 when you hitch the mules for me to the carriage Hul 79a(45) Expl. RaH: D'ajTBl D1K '33 1711X p«mB H33-IN JU3 NCOT ill 1110,133 OHR Git 36:24; Lit: Geig, AAC 141, points out that as in Hul ib., also ace. to an Armen text, the pBO'H was pulled by mules; Y: pBO'7 BAYTN 250. Kj?0'^, NpDN'T n.m. official document, letter (etym. uncertain) 1. official document: sg. D'pJT Vmn ]Hn n'3» XpO'T he holds a document from the high court BQ 112b(26); BB 167a(10; HP 67:32); xrvn'BTT XpO'T subpoena document Qid 70a(31) [Var: XpOT Ar (AC 3:100)]; ib. 70b(8); pi. o'Jin mn 70"T3 (PN) used to sign (this way only) on official documents Git 88a(14); ib. 36a(28); yob TTCH p,T npD'T iV'Sp accect this document which (PN) has sent you Bo 135:7; 2. letter: a. official: pi. 'pc(l)n)X mro'Vl ■pSO'Vl ip'1? ,pD,(l)CllK let him write it in official (public) letters. Can we really rely on official letters? Men 40a(13); ib. 40b(l); b. private: sg. ... ]1X1 (ffl'ap SpOH nprr let this letter be read before the Gaon ... SOZ 78:13; XpD'T 7rb 3J13 he wrote him a letter Seel 86:38; /'& 39; TON 'pO'T ariD'a1? it is forbidden to write private letters (on the intermediate days) HP 179:25(HPP 281:17) = HG1 420:77; 'pOX'T OHT Git 12:7; npCPT rVaj? yti? TTWT pn receive this letter which (PN) has sent to you Bo 135:7 Geon. expl.: DlV» rfrTflM D3n ^XN 3/VDB OIKa 3713 b>3 'pON'l pii V'OK'T i'xnp:i nitn nmx pw ]H3 nxvsi jnai xwa -pirn W on'T Jiiann lyivw '13 'p'oxn ty own1? piaw frn im TGHark 185:24; Lit: Low, Lehnw 208, rejects the proposed Gr etym. since the word only appears in JBA. On a poss. P etym., v. Geig, AAC 145; Eps, Stl 115 [mng. 2b]; Y: xpO'T BAYTN 210. [sp"T i Vpn vb.] 1#NTH n.m. inhabitant, proselyte (4- Vl#T,T, NTH '2, Xm"T; TA TH TO Dt 23:8, Sy K'-Uri LS 147, Ma XTX'XT MD 99) 1. inhabitant: pl.es. Njnx 'TT "?D all the inhabitants of the earth San 100b (3 9); det. HTT x"?Dpa XJHX 'J3 sons of a land (that) kills its inhabitants Bo 78:10; 2. proselyte: sg. XTVP'T "13 XT1! a proselyte the son of a proselyte (f.) Git 54a(l 1) // 5e£ 30a(33) Y: NTT Beit ib.(BAYTN 231). [2# NT'T n.m. perh. porter (qattal-form < sec. rt. 4- V4# TIT; 4- N'TT, V2# 'TI) sg. XT'T '3 T"TaT3 (uncertain) RH 9b(20; E2M2) Expl. Ar: nana b33 minon T^iai minon x»w *73on fiT»a IWD^OHP ib. 79:17.] N01''H n.f. proselyte (I Vl#T,T) sg. 4- 1#XT"T Y: XriTT tot 30a(33; BAYTN 231). NfiTH n.m. threshing (i VtthT; TA W'T TJ Is 28:18, Sy r<LiJx trampling underfoot LS 148) sg. T3Np n'CP'TO XTfl the ox eats from what it threshes [lit. its threshing] Git 62a(3) // Hul 6b(12; V") [prov.] Y: Kt>;i G/f ib.(BAYTN 48). Ji"T 4- Vnn NJl'H n.f. kite (milvus; 4- VT; Sy K'dvjH LS 150, Ma xri'T MD 109) sg. Ket 50a(29; V16) K3,aI n. fan-shaped branch of the date palm (< Akk diku cut off [lit. killed] CAD D 140) pi. "D^a '(^M3)'"' 'BUD to project the branches outward BB 4b(5) Geon. expl.: man1?!!; JVn33» 'D'T TGAs42 156:22. For the use of this term in Akk texts, v. CAD ib., lex. section; for var. other rdgs., v. DS ad loc. '3H i ->yi na Nip''!, abs. 1ST n.m. male, ram (4- XTTJ-DIT; TA XT3T TJ Lev 27:3, Sy k'-Lm LS 153, Ma ITDH MD 107) 1. male: a. animal: sg. 'jra NTD'TT inseminated eggs [lit. eggs of a male (rooster)] Bes 7a(6); XTJH XSX male hyena Yom 84a(9); b. demon, god: sg.abs. TOjru DX IDT DX whether a male or female (lilith) Bo 13:5; ib. 73:7; det. XTJH ^b male /.-demons /'/>. 9:2; Va Vai xropui xtd't XVT "?3i xnap-m xts't xr© "?di xmpiji xtjh xn,l?''!7 Vai xnap'ui x-ct xjdo xmpin xns'T xmaim xnm xrfasa any male or female demon, or any male or female dew, or any male or female satan, or any male or female lilith, or any male or female m.-demon, or any spirit, or any male or female amulet spirit ib. 83:3; pi. 'TJ'T ',T;X pri'lP sixty male gods ib. 21:8; 'TJTIS XraplJl nan male or female idol spirits ib. 48:1; 56:13; 59:2; c. date palm: sg. XID'T] X1S13 Tra XnaplJ1? PUB! he brings the pollen of the male (palm) and places it on the female Pes 56a(12) -■th 331 t : [expl. MH D'VpT 1'3'aia Mib. 4:8]; xVpm Xia3 XID'T a web of a male date palm HM 40:11; 2. ram: sg. "jra '331 Xia'T did I steal a ram from you? BQ 65b(36); RH 26a(43) [w. ref. to "?ar Ex 19:13; I xV'3V mng. 3]; IT21NT HVTm ]X» 'XH XTIJ/a XTJ'T one whom they saw lifting up a ram from the flock (to steal it) BQ 118b(3); Anan 75:21; xaaix Xna'T a black ram Men 3a(51; M); Xra'T Xia'TI Xa»XT X-|W3 meat of the right thigh of a ram £r 29b(44); pi. 'W 'nao1? nDH 31T they gave rams to the Jewish butchers (for slaughtering) Hul 39b(39); ib. 51a(43); 55b(24); Er 47b(33); 102a(39); San 72a(33); lev 77a(12) Y: vrm. Yom 84a(9; BAYTN 111). "7,rI pron. possessive pronoun (rare and dial.; < mb> + ->r, i -Tf, -VnS; Sy -L.a LS 150, Ma "Vh MD 107) a. used independently: 'TT iV'" "]^H 'V'Ti (some of) your (fruit) is mine, and some of mine is yours BM 107a(15); V'li 'aV 'V'TJ H'V X:D"Da when (the child) will grow up I shall compensate him from my own (property) BQ 84a(44); ^n•'1?',^,? 'Vn yi NTDH a distinction between my (office) and theirs Hor 13b(42); 'ai rrV'HX n,1?''T he points out a contradiction between two of his statements [lit. he throws this one of his on that one of his] Kar 3b(21); fTl nV'i ]a 'xVy nV'yam x'ana this is the dowry belonging to her which she brought in to me SSHai 13b(21); 'V'T Xl"?Sl T^T XjVs half belonging to him and half belonging to me ib. 1 la(5); T1?'! x"?T TIWI T^'T xVl ^>'DX he eats and drinks what does not belong to him Sab 156a(40); r\>b XT n'Vn la this (punishment came) to him from his own ib. 80b(31); b. w. a preceding n.: 1) general: H'V'T xrixyix irfria all of his fields BQ 116b(49); X3HT1 XSD3 T^ID H'Vh all of his silver and gold 7am 32b(16); xVpT rrV'T x"?T a date palm not belonging to him BB 33b(16); Tlbl 'nx their(f) brothers WP 112:7; iTVn iTIlVT his own opinion Anan 13:9; Ta'S'SS T^T of his own free will ib. 109:21; tVh X3iy his guarantor SSHai 8a(5); 2) fol. a H word: nV'H TT nwa her handiwork Yev 90b(39); ]2ip nV'T her sacrifice Anan 51:26; ib. 97:27; 106:22; rrV'T nVXT his proofs TGHark 192:2; T^'T 3in his debt Dec 5:12 Lit: Nold, MG 3322. — "7'7? prep, prepositional intensifier, according to (esp. Geonic; 4- "TtV; Ma 'b^ib Nold, MG 334) 1. prepositional intensifier [i.e. for my part, etc.]: a. in place of ""7: 'V'T1? Xlbs piX-iV n'V'T1? XlVsi half for me and half for NN SSHai 10b(16); 'V'T1? TSH'T he gave it to me SSSad 237:10; TGHark 5:24; ;7>. 229:16; -|W7 'ITn ITin"? it will be only for you Anan 28:10; b. together w. 'b: 1) obj. pron.: mSX1? .T^OpT 'NT tV'T1? TV ^'Bpl the one which killed your [lit. his] father can (also) kill you [lit. him] Pes lllb(14); 2) dat. pron.: TW7 -\b TDX it is forbidden to you AnanSch 14:23; 3) in V'Dp "V-syntagm: XTTO XITT ^ 'Tri 'b'T1? I, myself, saw that place Er 55b(34) // Pes 93b(31); c. fol. an obj. pron. suff.: n'3iaa "?J? T'VhV iTM'H (a gravely ill person) could write a trust clause concerning his money Geon 102b: 19; 2. according to: xraXT 'V'T1? NaVen that is fine according to me that I say ... lev 113b(6); Suk 29a(13); xVt -fn^ l"? X'Wp according to you for whom it is not difficult ... TGHark 207:21 Y: 'Vt'? Ned 50a(20). conj. perhaps, lest, unless (Sy ><!±kAH LS 372, Nold, SG §373, Ma xaW MD 341) 1. perhaps: a. alone: yva ^ 3,T '83 XriWH qrai *ra xn^a xy"noa xa^n now also give me your daughter (in marriage). Perhaps from me and from you there will be success [i.e. with the progeny] Ber 10a(50); iriDl NrUJHJ 'IXn KaV'T XJ'T perhaps he will accept the claim and refute the judgment Sab 9b(24); 'SB paiO T.BTT nvn 'Xa 'SD paiD T13m XDT XaV'T why is your blood redder [i.e. your life more valuable]? Perhaps the blood of another is redder Yom 82b(5) [+ //'s; 4- paiO mng. 1.1]; rva xntt;n xaVn perhaps now he will die Ned 3b(25); H'3 13'T3y NIT) XH XaV'T perhaps we do this and that against him [i.e. impose two punishments] Svu 37a(7); xaVn 'Ttt?'1? rrb piai rvb Tnna perhaps (the pagan) will cut it [i.e. the meat] and sell it to a Jew Hul 94a(3) [and passim]; b. fol. by H ErrTOl DPI: xa"?T X'aw 'sVa xn^'a 'axp wiys 3ix a\bm on perhaps, heaven forbid, he is saying something
NSV'I 332 «?'<! against God [lit. heaven] because of his pain Tan 22b(19); Ber 28a(15); BB 16a(25); 2. w. V'JIX part. sg.m. lest: X31S3 X111X W'l'X p'11'V Xs? 1DM0 '1'V TX xaV'l NBHP1 a person should not plug a flock of wool into the mouth of an i.-bottle (on the Sabbath) lest he ultimately squeeze it Sab 141a(38); Q1'3 nwyV 'TIN xaV'1 31B (it is forbidden) lest he ultimately remove tithes on the holiday Hag 8a(19); TIN xa^'l 11T1 JTOTira cnn 'VlSIX1? it is a (preventative) decree lest a deaf man ultimately feed a deaf woman (teruma) Yev 113a(7); X'JIX 'a1?'! 1113 iUVX DX1 1,Tl'y3 Xll'VlSDX1? if that is so, let us decree (against it) lest she ultimately immerse them [i.e. her clothes] by themselves Bes 18a(26); XTlVna TIX XB^'I IB'E? «)1D3 Itf'l'X 3/13'l X1? T\W 1S?1 1'3 'Sl'tV one should not write (the numbers) from 'three' (lbft) to 'ten' ("Wy) at the end of a line (in a deed) lest (someone) will ultimately falsify it (by adding the pi. p") SSSad 189:5; 3. w. "I unless: 1BX1 TpSI rDJTCP&l 'KIT Xa^'l ]in"? nom unless it is certain that it turned out that he ordered and said that (the securities) were reduced TGHark 268:22; KM Xni'13 XllV'B "pVin pi'iin ixmai xaV'i ny w ji'asx xV xnmxiai therefore, it is a certain matter that in a Pentateuchal law we do not shift an oath (from one party to the other) unless both of them agree ib. 203:8; xi'i n'33 .tt rnann xpm(ri>'Bi xaVi unless his signature is recognized by the court TGCas 4b(24); ib. 30b(16); 39b(10); TGAs27 68:26 Lit: Satzlehre 259+; Eps, Gr 142 [mng. 3]; Voc: kS^'T HPP 230:20; Y: NE^'l BAYTN 338. NS^J n.m. dripping (4- V^l; Sy rzAAx LS 155) sg. Yom 28b(46) [in a mnemonic phrase] Y: Ktb'l Yom ib.(BAYTN 111). )SV'T adj. dripping-eyed (4- V*]Vl) pi. 'IXB^'I '13 dripping-eyed children Ket 60b(54) Y: 'Jp^n Ket ib.(BAYTN 247). N'JlJa"! n.m. comparison (I V'BI) sg. 'SIX pi"ia'TI their forms of comparison iSGF 50:1 XJ/WT n.m. a mixture of teruma and hullirt (< MH yi»'1 J 300) sg. Hag 25b(37); |33n 'yiBH a fi?.-mixture according to the scholars Nid 47a(6) Lit: Greenfield, AKY 590, w. prev. lit.; Y: yiST Nid ib. Vl.i IT pron. this (m.; archaic and dialectal; 4- Nil; TA p TJ Is 6:3, JPA 1[']1 DJPA 153) a. general: T3 IXTWyi xail pi this is the bone of my tenth son Ber 5b(17) // BB 116a(15); ]M n,!? 1OT3 "pis this (bread) does not need Syrian rue (as a condiment) Ber 40a(15); 1MX 13 pi JVV this one is not a human &* 112b(30) // Er 24a(33); W'3 poy pi this (was) a bad deal BQ 99b (54); '11 pi Dip' 13 yfj woe to this one when that one will arise AZ 1 lb(18); Ber 38b(44); A/erf49a(25); Ate 59a(24); San 18b(36); D^yVl ]M XBT ]!3 from this day and forever Bo 6:11; »& 8:6; 27:7; 64:26; b. in writs: yBltfBI pil 3inD,,7 X1? XD'l 3'riDI ]Xa 'X,1 ]11 'Vx Xl'1 one who writes a ge.r should not write I'll (plene) which means 'law' but ]T) (defective) GiY 85b(32) [v. OHT ib. 197:15]; X'1111 pil lV'1 p 'Xty nV'yill this is the dowry belonging to her which she brought in to me SSHai 13b(20) Y: J"! BAYTN 342. — ]'Ti3 adv. so, in this manner (dialectal; JPA lOiD djpa 251) vbfto ybfta pis [ixV =] vb '1P1T3 do they not recite a parable so in Jerusalem? Ket 66b(40); Hul 107b(l); ]'131 Xl'M J?3fl we saw that he made a claim in this manner Dec 7:8 - ]'7.3n adv. in this manner, thus (archaic and dialectal; 4- '3,1; JPA 10131 DJPA 164) 'Vs J13 'Vs max pi311 Xiaip"? nnx NN b. NN2 came before us and she said thus ... Dec 10:3; XIs? lax P131 IMIB ]3 WW Bo 19:10 NJ'^J, abs. pi n.m. law, lawsuit, judgment, court (4- Vl#pi; 4- Xl'1 '3, Xl'1 V'y3, Xl'1 13, Xl'TT KBV, Xl'1 pOB; TA Xl'1 TO Gen 18:25, Sy KiL* LS 145, Ma 1#N1'T MD 108) 1. law: a. general: sg. '31 Xl'1 is the law so? BB 29b(25); ib. 159b(32); ,T1'13 'X,n 1'1'13 'XI each one according to the law applicable to him BM 82b(22); p'1 X1'13 it? p'1'1 we judge her according to our [i.e. Jewish] law San 57b(40); X1'13 MX X37B 113271 XIX I and 'King Shapur' [i.e. Samuel] are brothers regarding the law [i.e. of equal authority] BQ 96b(28); X1'13 xnDSI Xl'1 X't^npl the law of the Paschal sacrifice is like the law of qodashim Anan 72:5; XJ1137B1 Xl'1 S£! Xl'1 the law of the government is binding [lit. the law] Git 10b(30) // BQ 113a(34) // San 25b(40); BM 30b(39) [I xriD'ia]; pi. \vm ,T1'1 "73 all the laws of the breastplate AnanSch 25:7; b. w. Vya© pe. to obey the law: Xl'1 yaiP one who obeys he law BM 70a(35); ,T333 Xl'1 y&W'B1? X"n'B7 X11B1 to come to heed the law in our master's court Dec 2:7; ib. 3:4; 2. lawsuit: sg. a. general: abs. x1? pi3 paa n'l'a pain pi1? Mpnai p'i "?3 ]"1 1'B2? any judge against whom a lawsuit is brought and they authorize to collect money from him in the lawsuit is not considered a judge BB 58b(2) [quoted from an inscription]; det. 13 'XI 3X3 '11 '113 Xl'1 n'V JVX1 VxilZ?' a Jew who has a lawsuit with a pagan in Av Tan 29b(2); San 3b(19); ib. 95a(27) [I VrVO pe., mng. 1]; pl.abs. pi'1 "73 all lawsuits SSHai 16a(5); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V'TIX pe. to engage in a lawsuit: '1J1'3 1X1X '31 X1'13 irap1? when two people are engaged before him in a lawsuit Ket 105a(38); XDX 3111'lST'BWX 1'ap1? Xl'lV PN's landlord came before him in a lawsuit San 7b(48); Sab 10a(23); 2) V'STO itpa. to sue s.o.: 11"1,13 Xl'1 "lyni^'X1? Tl'Xa X71 '3M '3 so that you cannot sue them Yev 37b(47); Bek iib(8); i'ii3 xi'i "lyrwxV xrsa xVi xra in the possession of one whom I cannot sue BQ 45a(16); ib. 8b(41); 3. case: sg. rP3 pi"J?ai iy 'X1'13 ]131 until the scholars investigate my case BM 17a(15); MQ 17a(26); San 27a(44); riMll Xl'11 xpaiyV he delves to the bottom of the case BQ 53a(37) // BM 117b(37); 'ari"1 Xl'1 QMS 11,1 1'Bp the case of the orphans was spread out before him (for judgment) Ket 105b(50); X111 31 ,1'ap"? Xl'1 TX 111 '3 when a court case used to come before PN San 7b(14) // Hor 3b(32); 4. judgment, decision: a. general: Xl"1 X1?! Xl'1 xV there is neither judgment nor judge BM 97a(11) [cf. JPA: P'I D'Vl pi TV1? BR 252:7]; XrHOVl Xl'11 the traditional laws of judgment [i.e. in the Tractate Sanhedrin] San 34b(37); Dll'11 Xl'1 the judgment of Gehenna Er 19a(32); Xl'1 IX1? H'1'1 his judgment is void San 5a(6); Xl'lV Xiri'XS X1? I shall not obey the judgment BB 40a(13); MQ 14b(23); BQ 113a(10); San 29a(7); ib. 6b(56) [* MH mi»S compromise]; Xl'1 111 ... Xl'1 Dp the judgment remained in force [lit. stood]. The K3«I judgment was reversed Yev 37b(39); San 42a(42) [I VD3n pe., mng. 2]; b. w. var. vbs.: 1) Vial pe. to pass judgment: 4- VlBl pe., mng. 5c; 2) V]11 pe., Vp'1 pe. to render judgment: xnJVSX 3'J1" Xl'1 pxi Xpl he was sitting at the entrance and rendering judgment Ber 58a(44); Xl'1 pXTT ]Xa 'aill one who makes a judgment (of liability) in cases of indirect effects Ket 86a(ll); BQ 58b(32); San 5a(21); Anan 14:10; nil"Tl '3M Xl'1 'XI1? '1"1 how should the judges judge this case? BM 42b(ll); 3) V]3T pe. to avoid a court case by paying for what one is legally entitled to [lit. to buy a judgment]: I'l'l ]'3H ©'1'X T35? a person is apt to avoid his court case BB 30b(16); 4) Vl3y pe. to render a (favorable) decision, render judgment [cf. Akk dinam epesu CAD E 206]: n'tt/BlV Xl'1 W'l'X T3y xV a person may not render a (favorable) decision for himself [i.e. take the law into his own hands] BQ 27b (37); '13 IXs? ]11'X Xl'1 13ya they are incapable of rendering judgment ib. 90b(32); 5) VpDB to render judgment: pe. V'3pa X1?! Xl'1 1'3 ppDBI ]X» someone for whom they render a judgment, and he does not accept (it) Anan 16:11; itpe. p'DBM'X Xl'11'3 Dec 6:2; 6) V?3p pa. to accept judgment: 11311 Xl'1 1'Vy V'3p X1? he did not accept the judgment of the Rabbis Dec 5:5; c. in phrase 'Xa ,T1'1: I'l'l 'Xa 'p3 go (and) see [lit. inquire] how he is faring [lit. what his judgment is] Pes 3b(47; V); 5. punishment: sg. XBIt Xl'11 X31 Xl'1 a major punishment and a minor punishment Qid 43a(30); 'XB3 X131 X1,1,11 I'l'l by what means is your punishment (after death)? Git 56b(49); 6. court (in judgment): sg., w. var. vbs.: a. V3JT pe. to sit: 'Vl3 X1'13 '311' 111 X1M 31 13 1311 'ion 31 xai' PN and PN2 were sitting (in judgment) in court the entire day Sab 10a(25); BQ 96b(27); b. Vnm pe. to go to court: Wll 13"1D2? ia"p 1^'T Xl'l"7 go, confirm your deeds, and go to court Ket 19a(17); Svu 31a(29); c. VpSl pe. to go out to court: Xl'lV p'Sl 111 '3 31 when PN used to go out to court Yom 86b(53); Er 65a(27); d. Vmp pe. to go to court, af. to take to court: Xl'y3 nb [Xl'M] =] Xl"11 X1'13 Dip'XI I do not want to go to court and to bring a lawsuit Sab 148b(30); pX 'nx xnn 'xi3 'nn^xV xi'i3 'xpi "?3i iryr 'a 333
xriWH 334 l#*6lj?H do we know that everyone who is in court is coming to testify concerning the (same) ox? BQ 24b(6); BM 116a(18); Mak 5b(47); TTTOVh x'n X3'T3 rrapV>T 'XTIH'T Xrfrx so that the God of the Jews should not find me [lit. him] and bring me [lit. him] to court in judgment Git 56b(46); e. Vjnn pe. to make a claim: X1'T3 H'l'jnnXl I shall make a claim against him in court BM 51a(14); BB 39a(l); Git 55b(50); XS'03T 'tflTj? '33 Xl'T1? n'573n'aV in the case of betrothal where she is reluctant to make a claim against him in court ib. 74a(41); BB 151a(37; F2); SSHai 9a(12); Dec 7:2; 7. argument [MH H J 310, mng. 2]: iTl'Vl fll'tt Xl'T let the argument return to its initial point Mak 19a(25) [cf. MH2 pT Tim Ber 35a(38)]; lev 10b(16); Men 6a(3); Hul 115b(39); 8. right: sg. a. in phrase "T ton N3'T it is by right that [MH2 mV X1H ]'T Pes 54b (7); Yom 67b(18)]: ,T"? '-ISX1 pIXT '33 '"?!XT Kin Xl'T "|31 p3B/ 'VtJ^Ba |113X liyac?1? it is by right that the sons of NN can go and say to NN2: "Our (late) father left movable property with you" Pes 31a(13); BM 105a(9); BB 45a(10); TGHark 228:15; b. in phrase Kl'in by right [cf. MH2 ]'T3 "T X1T BM 62a(12); Zev 89b(32)]: X1'T3 X1?! Trail did I not seize it by right? Sab 148a(8) Voc: XJH HPP 235:21; Y: HI"! Sab 10a(23; BAYTN 9). KnU«I n.m. judicial right (4- Vl#]H; Sy k'^oj-.i LS 145) sg. XIXTIBT xnil'T the judicial right of the custom OHT Meg 49:3 Nll'l, NTNl'T n.m. the gold denar, dirham (< Snvdpiov, Lat denarius Lehnw 207; 4- XT1T; Sy rC\L>7i LS 160, Ma 1#XTX1'T MD 108, > MP denar'CPD 26, > Arab jILj Fr, AF 191, PLAr 130) a. general: sg. XTl'T H'1? X'lriXT xnn'X X'TT X"n 'TV a certain woman who showed a denar to PN (for appraisal) BQ 99b(52) [Var: XTXl'T Oxf., b.io, 33]; rmv 3'rai xtxi't n'b 3'n' xtsii "?d n'Vy every man would give him a Jenar and write his name upon it San 109b(34; MGG 312:4); pi. 'T3H HXa J?3W seven hundred rfe«ara 55 10a(26); San 29b(20) [4- XT33J7]; HP 47:11; b. w. designations: sg. X'OTO XTl'T ... X'3Tj; XTl'T an Arabian/Syrian denar 5efc 49b(32); XTl'T XlX'TOp a Caesarean denar AZ 6b(21); XTl'T TXl'TTID a Gordian denar Hul 54b(14); Bek 50a(l) // AZ 52b(32; J) [4- X1"TT,T X1"T»]; 5M 46b(25) [4- Xj7X'3]; pl.abs. f^Opm ]'3XD y\Vl good and full-weight denars BM 44b(16); cs. X3TT 'Tl'T gold denars Ned 38a(42); det. 'Tl'T 'l"TD'p Kef 67b(46); "xVya '3XB 'Tl'T good and impeccable denars S$Hai 14b(8); c. w. containers or measures: pi. 'Tl'TT XplTX a purse of denars Ber 53b(27; P); 55 10b(50); XTTX 'Tim a money bag of denars TGHark 271:12; 'Tl'TT X3pTJl a ^.-measure of denars Yom 18a(22) // Yev 61a(25); 'Tl'TT xrr^'j/ an '.-measure of denars BB 133b(14); 'Tl'T X^B nVDPX he found it [i.e. the beam] full of denars Ber 56b(24); Ned 50a(36) [a hollowed-out stick]; 2. dirham: sg. "?3 xtxi'tt xVxpna rrvyw xnn mi the amount of each (silver) zuz is the mitqal of the dirham [i.e. the ratio 10:7] TGHark 37:17 [4- X^pna mng. 2a] Lit: Zuckermann 17+. The gold denar was worth 25x the value of the silver denar [v. BB 42b(36)]; Voc: HJn HGP 7b:29; Y: 'TT1fliW44b(16; BAYTN 140). NIO'T n.m. (uncertain) sg. Vy '1D'(T>{1) 'TOT T'WT (PN) who places a ... on his head Qid 30a(30) Geon. expl.: *m LPT 160:33, i.e. Jij filth; Rashi: pD; Y: XJ0"1 gW ib.(BAYTN 112). Nj7rip''1, NpNriO'T n.m. handle (< Mir *dastak [cf. MP dast hand, dastag bunch, group CPD 25]; Sy KLi^j»i handle LS 161, TA XpiiOT TJ Jud 3:22) sg. OHP Ber 108:7 [expl. XTW1 'TinxV (Vtwi)] Lit: Geig, AAC 146. T3JTH 4- VT3J? itpe. NS'T n.m. an eye pain (4- VflT; Ma 1# XX'T MD 108) sg. Bes 22a(45) // AZ 28b(38; J) Geon. expl.: xx'-n mn xipji T5/2 mxxvn man xx'ti xti ohp Bes 55:10. p'T 4- VpIT pe., pass.part. Np'T n.m. perh. piece (4- VppT/VpIT; Sy rdAJa crushing LS 146 [V2# udm]) pi. X3TDT 'p'T pieces of fat BM 83b(50) [corn to '"jip'T] l#NVlp,,;T n.m. a type of basket (4- TXVlp'T; etym. unkn.) a. general: sg. x"71p'T3 T"Sn he covered it [i.e. the fish] with a d.-basket AZ 39a(28); Vy ''Bnoi 'TS133 T'TID X3T 'Vip'T ^ ''ETT he took a large ^.-basket, smeared it with pitch, and placed it upside-down on his head Ned 51a(l); Sab 110a(12); xVip'Vt XB1S the opening of the d.-basket Bes 28b(l); pi. XTW XDS 3T 'Vlp'T 'BlVxV PN2 permitted painting baskets (for sale) BM 60b(12); Qid 40a(13); BB 22a(12); b. objects contained in it: 1) water: sg. X'aT x"?1p'T Pes 40a(3; E2); Hul 32b(24); 2) wine: pi. '"jp'T 'XBTXT d.-baskets of pagans AZ 75a(32; M); 3) meat: sg. x'jip'"13 XTW'3 //«/ 74b(35); /*. 98a(20) [v. Geon. expl. in AC 3:123, s.v. VpT]; Bek 12a(17); 4) fat: pi. X3TJ1T 'Vlp'T 'Vip'T many d.-baskets (full) of fat BM 83b(50; Es); 5) fodder: sg. X*71p'T3 NTuVJ X»'T the ox's head is in a d. -basket (of fodder) Pes 112b (16) // Ber 33a(15); 6) excrement(?) [4-2#X'Tn*]: Pes 110a(36; M'TGAs42 164:4); Bo 55:3; c. in proverbs: sg. V'Slff xVip'TI Xa'Xl X'T she falls asleep, and (her) d.-basket goes downstream [i.e. laziness leads to loss] San 7a(29) [4- V?52? pe., mng. l]; x1? xVip'T T'Txisa 'in'V xsVa nx"?pn 'x ri'ni though a field worker may become a king, the rf.-basket is not lowered from his neck [i.e. he retains his former base conduct] Meg 7b(5) Geon. expl.: niOip njllK I'Klip [n^XyajWl D'i^W HBip X^lfT TGAs28 185:4; pipl D'2ipj D'JJ? bw D'taa ... ^>ip>H3 l^'lO riB»3 'S3 TXKlj? D'^XysW' TGWeisz 86b:8, i.e. s>^»}i, pi. j—Iji date basket Hava 609 [v. Eps, GC 1612]. For: ^ip'13 Xom 78b(9; Ar [AC 3:123)], read: '^lSna [4 Xri713]; Y: X^|7«| BAYTN 137. [2# N"?ip'T 4- xVp'T n.] nN^p'T n.m. basket maker/seller (4- l#xVip'T + gent, ending) sg. XpwV '"?ipT iri'XT 'xVlpT 1T1T V33T certain basket makers/sellers who brought baskets to the market of GN BB 22a(l 1) Y: 'XT/lpl BB ib. N^P'T, pi. 'Vp'l, NriVp'T n.m./f. date palm, insignificant matter (I 'Vp'T '3, xV'lTl, xriTB'S X^p'TT, X33'T; TA f'JpT pi. TO Ex 15:27, Sy <^Ld:i f. LS 164, Ma X^p'T, xVp'T MD 109, 167) 1. date palm: a. general: sg. ,T3'» V'3KT xVp'T 'Tan a date palm from which he can eat dates BQ 87b(34) // BB 52a(ll; P1); n"?3XT xnri'X X'TT ]'!«? n"?n xn'WDra x"?p'T a certain woman who enjoyed the usufruct of a date palm for three xipn t': years by cutting off (the branches) ib. 54a(20); X3p ]'57DT xVpT 'XT a date palm which bears a qab (of dates) ib. 26a(32) // BQ 91b(37); p 'XT 'Tan TnXl xVpTV XD'S XTiyT one who threw a clod at a date palm, and caused the dates to fall off Mak 8a(5) // Sab 73b(31); Qid 9a(10); AZ 57a(7); Fev 75a(47); x"?p'T 'mn 3'n'1 D'Tl xp he was studying and sitting under a date palm Sab 156b(36); Er 51a(7); X^p'T XIX X^p'TV T'psn "7TX XTiy ypSI he went (and) embraced the date palm. The date palm withered and the demon burst Pes 110b(25); BB 5a(4) [4- V2# T73 pe.]; San 30b(35) [4- VlpT pe., mng. 6; Vl# 'Tl^ pe., mng. 1.6]; MQ 10b(25) [4- Vnws pa.]; 5g 113b(30) [4- Vl#nVx pa.]; 5vw 46a(43) [4- Wop pe., mng. 3b]; A:er 10b(54) [4- X3T1 usage a]; pi. '^p'TV X'lm XJ?TX a field which is suitable for date palms BB 69b(13); 'Vp'T 'iVs 'Tn two halves of date palms [i.e. both owned in partnership] Ket 109b(42); BM 108b(34); MQ 25b(42) [4- a/2# ]1?D pe., mng. 3]; xnVp'T 'mn Sab 110a(40); b. w. designations: sg. nxaTX x'rp'T a Syrian date palm BQ 59a(45); TXDTS x"?p'T a Persian date palm ib. 46; xVpT Xltf'3 X*7pT ... X3D a productive/non-productive [lit. good/bad] date palm BB 69b(14); X^p'T X3.TTT a date palm of gold Ber 55b(56); x"?pT XpxaiD a red date palm Ket 77b(19; MGG 226:3); c. parts: 1) xmpSX upper part: sg. Suk 13a(6); 2) XTTU trunk: sg. Sab 155a(12); 3) XTIXX young sprout: sg. Ket 50a(31); 4) X311 log: pi. BQ 96a(23); 5) XTT3 stump: sg. BM 86a(27); 6) xVnna soft stalk: sg. Ket 77b(19); 7) XT31 web: sg. Er 58a(14); 8) XlV'D thorn: pi. Sab 67a(2); 9) XTp'S? root: sg. Suk 31a(42); 10) XrTO'D cut off branch: sg. Sab 109b(25); 11) XTIp terminal bud: sg. Ber 36a(35); 12) XW'T cs. top part: sg. Qid 81a(44); pi. Sab 35b(ll); 13) Xn'XTX tt?'T top of the branch: sg. Qid 81b(13); 2. sg. in phrase X»^y3 X^p'T insignificant matter: BB 123a(17); Men 56b(13); Tern 7a(32) Geon. expl.: n^iynw nxons x'jpi xini bpT ya xini 'rs xafp "b ©WDl I'jlpl X1H nxmx X'jpil pwi OHR BQ 62:33; Lit: Low, Flora 2:316; Voc: x5p'l HPP 303:17; HGP la:23; Y: X^p'T Mak 8a(5; BAYTN 112). Nip'T, abs. IpT n.m. beard, chin (4- Xllp'T, IPT^T, lpT35/; TA XipT TO Lev 13:30, Ma Xip'T 335
NH1?H tt1: 336 xnTl MD 109, Sy «LLai, abs. ^n LS 164; mng. 2: Arab o*> chin Wehr 309) 1. beard: sg. fi'X xbl |pT jin'VD) (women) who do not have a beard Naz 57b(20); X3pH T1? pS31 his beard grew out OHT Yev 175:15; mp'13 n'OSfl he grabbed him by his beard 55 58a(19); San 96a(13); to. 100b(39); A/a£ 21a(10) [4- XpTS mng. 2]; btXT .TJp'T^ n'y3S he went (and) dyed his beard BM 60b (17); ib. 21; mp'TT iT'TD VdV 1DBW1 they tore out all the hair of his beard SOZ 72:19; 'J'3 '3<tf X30 X3"?31 XilKlpiB seven hairs of an old dog's beard Sab 67a(6) [M: Xjp'lB]; pi. ''3D ]'y3X 13 ]in'3p'l when the old men dye their beards Naz 39a(26); 2. chin: sg. XJpm '31J lower sides of the chin MQ 24a(27; M2) [4- 2# X31S] Y: ,T3j?«t San ib.(BAYTN 112). JOJj?'!, N3NJJ7T n.m. adult (lit. bearded person; 4- Xip'l; Sy rdiion LS 164, JNA XJXJpi bearded man HDJNA s.v.; cf. Akk ziqnanu CAD Z 125) pi. p'BpiB X1? 'JX3p"rt> 01ST1D1SX we do not appoint a guardian for adults BM 39a(34) [Var: 'Mp'T ErF23]; ib. 70a(13) RaH: l|?l Vya Vro DIN1? OHR ib. 58:25; Y: ':jp"T S/W 39a(34; BAYTN 248). l#JO"I n.m. shed for animals (i V3#TIT; TA XTT TJ Mi 2:12) sg. 'TT 'TTDI 'IT certain (people) who make sheds (for cattle) BQ 113b(44); 1TT13 ,Tn in1? pi31£?'J X*71 we shall not spare a living being in their sheds Bo 78:19 2#NT1 n.m. dwelling place (4- Vl#TTI, 2#XT,'1; Sy K'-L.n LS 147) sg. XTT XLTI3 D3 he spent the night in that dwelling place San 109a(16); ib. 18 [rtNTT n. a plant (etym. unkn.) sg. HXTT *pDX Git 69a(24; OHT ib. 157:9) Geon. expl.: n'2KT1 bM >pyri nwiffn jni OHT ib.; however, ace. to Flora 4:160, the text is corrupt, and the corr. rdg. is (Oyi [v. AC 6:256, s.v. 7iy and 4 xiy]. NSTI, NS^I, cs. *]Tt n.f. road, manner (4- Vl#Tn; Ma l#X3Tn MD 109) 1. road, path: sg. 'Xl'inx X3T1 another road AZ 48b(27); Pes llla(28); Ber 51a(43); BQ 29a(21); BB 12a(9); Fev 37b(46); X3T13 n'JDB 731 when you are walking on the road Anan 24:17 [expl. BH TH3 1*13^31 Dt 6:7]; to. 20; 'yDl X131»3 V'lXI X3T13 one who was traveling in the desert and lost (his) way to. 37:4; pi. 'D11 DinnO'X 'BITlfiO'X the roads were completely blocked RH 23b(10; E2) [E1: '3T1]; 2. manner: sg. a. alone: T3T1 KM it is his manner BQ 117a(50; LPT 151:5) [v. infra]; nri'X '3H Xrfr'Bl X3TT the manner of the act [i.e. urination of a male] is so Ber 23b(17); 'in X'^bs HX'3T TOTTI the usual manner of sexual intercourse is at night Ket 56a(28) // Nid 64b(36); b. w. fol. inf. usually [MH ^Tr J 323]: Tp3 'JiniyxV n'3Tn 'TB something whose habit it is to urinate on a wall [i.e. a dog] BB 19b(21); BQ 9b(27); T3T1 IX1? "I3TO mD'B1? ,T3TH IBn niD'Bb a donkey driver usually goes to the trouble (to purchase food). A hirer does not usually go to the trouble AZ 65a(46); BM 79b(23); BB 144a(13); Sab 59b(8); Bek 25b(45); man '3 TPrf? XJJim rTOTT IXVt a son-in-law does not usually dwell in his father-in-law's house BB 98b(10); g/rf22a(49); 5Af 30b(8); TG^25 8b:3; Anan 45:18; AnanSch 6:24; c. in phrase X3T7 '3 in the normal manner [cf. MH 13173 MSab 19:5]: X3TT '3 .Tjnai n'T XPBbV to wash his hands and feet in the usual manner Anan 26:6; to. 26; 33:3; d. in phrase "1 X31H '3 just as [cf. 'V TV73 J 323]: X3T1 LTD .f>iy^ n3 ]'Bnrwm X3T7 '31 nV'3xV ]'DnJll£?8 just as they are slaughtered for a burnt offering, in that manner are they slaughtered for eating AnanSch 24:10; 3. cs. by way of: n'tt/'T T,Ti p'SJT 'X if the fetus goes out head first [lit. by way of its head] Hul 70a(30) Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: HBBn m INT yXNiraVx fya >B ,T3T1 LPT 151:5; Lit: Eps, Gr 10717. Note also the qitl-forms esp. in the Bab. trad, of H, e.g. D3TI, pi'i, etc. [Yeivin, BV 824]; Y: xrn Ket 109b(31; BAYTN 80). Xnyi. n.f. dwelling (4- Vl#T,"I, XJTH; TA niTT pi. f J Jer 9:9) sg. XyYrTl wiTI n'1? n'"?T by "73n T3J7 xmH1? woe to him who does not have a dwelling and makes a gate for his dwelling Sab 31b(4) // Yom 72b(36) [proverb]; 'J3TD Kb XJV1H 'WJ'X people do not sell (their) dwelling BB 3b(30; P1); Pes 114a(7); nVTH ]'B1 n'ri'3 I'D from his house and from his dwelling Bo 7:6; to. 14:12; 19:7; 31:6; 44:5; 53:4; 56:3; 64:20; 79:3; 88:11 Y: KJ1T1 BAYTN 32. t : [nNiP'T 4-1# xnti'n n.] NltP'l n.m. oats (Akk disarm wild growing cereal CAD D 160, Sy rc'-i*-*, rc'-Lz-oH LS 169, Arab !>%j Siggel 36) sg. Pes 35a(18; V14) // Men 70b(l) [expl. MH ps'lff MPes 2:5] Lit: Flora 1:689. The forms X"IO'T Pes ib.(E'SMe!G 30), K101T ib.(C) are influenced by Ar [v. Low ib.; Kara 81]; Y: (OtfT BAYTN 32. 1HXW1, Krittn n.f. field (< MP dost plain, open ground CPD 25; Ma l#XrilP'T MD 109, Sy rc'^Lt.H LS 169, > Arab iiii.3 desert, plain PLAr 124) sg. Xnan 'a/"!! XDpmpT XT'y a wooden threshing instrument with which they thresh the field Zev 116b(32; V11) // XTOT AZ 24b(13; J) // XTO'T Men 22a(18; MV10); XTltt/ns nTI'XT pi one who is in the field IHP 558b:4 = HG1 264:29(Var); -arwib n"7T'yi naon'tt1? tdk it is forbidden to muzzle it and to bring it into the field HG3 393:67 [cf. Ma: X'Tl'Vx XTO'T> ffrlX take him alone into the desert MD 109]; ib. 394:68 Lit: Geig, AAC 153; ISK 92; Greenfield-Shaked, in Greenfield, AKY 346+; Y: NITO'I Zev ib. [2# XftWn i X2?"T n.] [n*rn I xnn n.] "JinST >l -mi3 prep. 1# '3T vb. to be ritually clean, pure (4- '3T adj.; Sy ,jj:\ LS 152, Ma X3T, X3I MD 109) Pe.: 131 '3XT XWQV X3ny when the sun sets he is ritually clean Anan 27:6; X'3TT "1T13 njnitf IBDa1? X3'n» she is required to count seven (days) after she is ritually clean to. 42:14; 13XT ib. 45:4; '3XTI TlXOl X'JS1? he washes himself and is ritually clean in the evening to. 58:18 Pa. 1. to ritually cleanse, purify: X13J ,!? 3n Xmitya '"? '3TDT give me a man who will ritually cleanse my wine press (from ~|D3 ]") AZ 74b(15); TCVS1 '3iaT X1H it is because he purifies himself (that he is called holy) Tan 1 la(49); "13TT 'Wb a term of purifying Nid 31b(10) [w. ref. to XBn Ps 51:7]; TUp1? y\T?lb to purify them before Him AnanSch 17:8; 2. to declare ritually clean: "13 ■oil n'V lponiay '3Ti rvb inns xnsp they made it [i.e. the menstrual blood] lighter for PN, and he ~ai declared (it) clean. They made it darker for him, and he declared it clean Nid 20a(34); nb '311 ib. 20b(36); 44; 3. to prepare in purity: pils X'TJn x"7'^J3 the haverim prepare (oil and wine) in purity in Galilee Hag 25a(14) // Nid 6b(l 1); 4. to clear of claims [in defension clause; caique < Akk zukku CAD Z 30+]: '3TX1 'SW'Xl lp'X XJIX p'X '3'3T p(')(ina'Xl I shall undertake to satisfy, cleanse, and clear this sale (of claims) BM 15a(32);5S//ai6a(19) Itpa. to be purified, fig. w. X»V of the day [i Vl#TID pe., mng. 2, X»T mng. 1]: 3ny'X NaT '3TX1 XB;aK/ the sun set and the day was purified Ber 2b(4) 2# '3T vb. to be crushed (of the testicles; denom. < H X3T Dm?] Dt 23:2) Itpe.: 1X'3TX Seel 170:12 3# '3T i VVJT vb. '3/1 adj. pure, clean (4- Vl#'3T pe., pass.part.; Sy Kla* LS 152, Ma X'3XT MD 99) sg.m. XaoiSX X'31 pure balsam Tan 25a(43); Hor llb(43); Kar 5b(28); X'3T XTO pure fire Bo 2:2; XOfclXT Wab X'3T a garment of pure steel to.; 29:5; 52:3; pl.m. ]'3T ... ]'3X"7B pure angels to. 48:5 Y: K7I!'37 Yom 76b(22). T3T 4- <-cn pe., pass.part. 131, '3T vb. to mention, remember, recall (4- xrranx, wrjn; Sy ■u.?1'' t^^ af- etPe- LS 153, Ma TJT pe., af. etpe. MD 110) Pe. 1. to mention s.t. [w. xaP; v. Eps, MNM 608+]: ]X» WetaiT\pyaV 13T who mentioned it/them? [lit. their name; i.e. what is its connection with the matter at hand?] Sab 57a(9); Bes 7b(10); Meg 28b(8); San 29a(42); BB llb(42); ]'p'T "731 lin'a^ xai3[T x"?m] iin'ae; xra-n t©'3 Tp'tai all the various evil demons whose names we have mentioned or have not mentioned Bo 31:9; to. 52:11; 76:7; pass.part. V'yV T3TI XlffB 'TiVb NN, the deceased, mentioned above SSSad 269:23; to. 268:18; dVw1? ]'T3T may they be mentioned for well-being TGHark 27:11; 2. pass.part. to remember [v. Itpe., mng. 1]: 'ai T3T -I3TJ1 H'WSJX he pays attention to it and remembers BM 113a(l); Xrv?'B X'iTI1? IB T3T do 337
srii-pi 338 '*6to you remember that matter? Qid 70b(25); Svu 45b(4); Sab 12a(15); Git 22b(6); BM 112b(24); San 29b(4); Hul 75b(24); K3TDT XV n'mprs X3T31 n'nTO'E?p3 I do not remember (anything) of his childhood. I do remember (something) of his old age Tan 20b(41); Pes 116a(8); BM 16b(20) Af. 1. to recall, remind: 'DX 3TI xnV'8 im31X you recalled to me PN's statement Ber 38a(19); Sot 46b(40); Men 21a(29); AZ 46b(28) [4- Xiai mng. la]; 'linx '"I3ia they remind each other Sab 147b(10); Er 3a(43); Ket 20a(38); 2. to mention: a. alone: 1DTJ3 n,!7 TDia '31 when they mention (it) to him he recalls (it) Yev 54a(29) // Meg 18b(34) // Nid 63a(13); ib. 24b(36); MQ 24a(34); 1D1X lax KWm the Merciful One says: "Mention (them)" RH 32a(9); "Dial 'DJ ]Q xmV'VpS X]"I'"11X also one who mentions the Torah in a disparaging manner Anan 13:26; ib. 14:9; 25:4; AnanSch 25:3; <73. 6; 9; rG^S 202b: 15; TGHark 38:29; [X"n 131X =] "n X31X (Scripture) mentioned immediately Anan 65:18; xDDi p'aw <ri')n3Txi pwa rpntai ]'pn *?3i pn X033 ]\mv JT1DTX xVl'l pn Bo 16:6 [v. Pe., mng. 1]; ib. 78:17; //G7 400:30 [4- MUMl]; b. w. xaw [v. Pe., mng. 1]: na© "ID1X ]Xa who mentioned it? RH 15a(41) [cf. Ma: 1X315? P'Xaw MD ib.]; Pes 69b(38); Suk 37b(28); riST TftW 1DTO he mentions bread Ber 40b (15); Yev 103b(5); 3. to recite in prayer [caique < MH IDT hif. J 400]: ansa JIX'X' 'T1D1X to recite the third paragraph of the sema '-prayer Ber 14b(23) [cf. Dnsa riX'S' p'Dta MBer 1:5]; ib. 49a (42); Sab 24a(10); tetf 62a(22); SM 85b(45); Anan 20:6; AnanSch 25:3; Jl'lDia 'DM XTl'jym xmVs how do we recite the prayer for the fast day? Tan 13b(26) Itpe. 1. to remember, recall: "ima 1DVX 'XI nVsn yaw if he remembered after (the prayer) 7\bST\ yaw 5er 29b(l); MQ 20b(50); Mei 21a(24); XaVwV TIDVb X3Bm may the Merciful One.remember you for well-being Sab 12b(13); nnxaiV 31 n'"l3TX PN recalled his tradition Sa/i 82a(4); ib. 82b(44); r:w prw ly xrvnno xn IDia xV 'DD IDia (a person) can, in fact, recall evidence for sixty years. He cannot recall longer I (than that) Ket 20b(28; V5); ib. 3; Meg 12b(26); IDTa Xpi Xin n'lyx it is his grief that he recalls BB 147a(9); fle£ 35a(31); Ber 44b(8); 2. to be mentioned: IDT 3"lV n'aitf "1DTX his name was mentioned to PN Ber 28b(l) Geon. expl.: 'OT^X Kin 131 p LPT 157:2; Lit: Eps, Sti 77. Nrmpi n.f. male genitals, part of a ram's horn, source (Mng. 1: Sy rc'^i'ccuojj male gender LS 153; mng. 2: JPA rirrnDT det. DJPA 177; mng. 3: MH2 nnDT J 400) 1. male genitals: sg. rvrmDY? n'V [p'Xn =] +p@'XH he carves out its male genitals [i.e. of the animal] Bek 29b(16); 2. narrow part of a ram's horn: sg. n'pm rPJTVlDlD, he drilled it in the </.-part of the ram's horn RH 27b(32; HP 21:21) [i Vppn pe., mng. 3]; ■fPTrnDCOm 'lV'ya Bek 44a(51); 3. source: sg. T10 Xp Xinn XmiDlV he is bowing down to the source of the river AZ 47a(45); Xan "TrTlDT X133 the liver is the source of blood Bek 55a(47; V9); ms X'ai 'T\rat the Euphrates is the source of water ib. 48 Lit: Lieb, JQR 36 [1946] 321 [mng. 3]. bl (uncertain) Via Vi Suk 56b(2) Rashi derives from 4- V'1?! pa.; RaH from I "Vh n.m. high position (4- V'Vl) sg., only in phrase adv. upstream, against the current [cf. Akk elis upstream CAD E 97]: pxi x"m ln'X xVsisa it [i.e. the fish] was (swimming) against the current and we were (sailing) with the current BB 73b(25; HP1) [Ed: XS'pTD] Rashi, ad loc, correctly points out that since on the high seas there is no current, the terminology used here is anomalous and is borrowed from that of river or canal traffic. n.m. drawer of water (4- V'Vt qattal-fovm) pi. xVn yV*n 'X1?! drawers of water who draw water Yev 97b(7); 'xVn 'mx the canal of the water drawers BQ 50b(51); ib. 61a(34); Hul 107a(6) Y: 'X,H Yev ib.(BAYTN 323). '*6t adv. above (4- V'Vi) ... rramx 'xVconn H'amx 'Xnm he placed it above/below Sab 8b(4) - 'N^a adv. above (4- V^l, xVl) 3'T13T X3T1 I 'xViai "?m3X where it is written on the wall and On 339 »*I above Sab 149a(3); ib. 24; 'xVia n'V p'DS V?'Xi if he cuts it from above Hul 76a(18; V") Y: '>TB Sab ib. fit vb. to skip, skip over (< H jVl J 308) Pe. ( /u): JtViV sVn 'aXT IxaVl according to the one who says that he skips (verses), let him skip Meg 22a(26) Pa. 1. id.: iVia xp xm does he not, in fact, skip (from one place to another in the Torah reading)? Yom 69b(44) // Meg 24a(13); '1171 iVn Tan 27b(40); i& 28b(25) [in Hallet]; Suk 55a(29); 2. to move by steps: in in 'Mil l^ia xpi (the Tanna) moves (in a descending fashion) by steps and learns each one separately Git 82a(l) [v. Tib. 6:9] l#Vl"?T vb. to tear away (4- Vl#Vn; MH Wri LNVTH 133) Itpal. to be torn away: X3H 'Vn^TX ibi^TXT in this case (the vital organs) were completely torn away Hul 44a(34; Ar [AC 3:66],Vl2[corr.]) V DS, ad loc., n. 0. 2#Vl^T vb. to become degenerated, diminished (VV71; Sy 2# AAa etpa. to be diminished LS 154) Itpal.: *|01' 3T in'Il'Xl naiV rrrfr'a nViVrxi n'onaa PN shut himself up in GN and became completely diminished (in power) ISGF 118:14; ib. 116:17 NJTto, abs. iVl, pi. NrmVl n.f. irrigation (4- V'"?1; Akk dalutu drawing of water CAD D 59) sg.abs. 4- iVi '3, s.v. 1# XXl'3 mng. 6f; pi. rbr\ XJlXn1?! three irrigations Git 74b(34; V16) [Var: XJlXl^T TGHark 17:9) Y: xrrfH BAYJN 182. vb. to lift up, draw water, raise up, deduct (4- vVi '3, 2# xVn, xVi, nx"?i, 'xVi, xmVi, 'xVia, 'Via, xVm; Sy rdi^ LS 154, Ma X1?! MD 110) Pe. 1. to lift up: X1? xV 'XI xrVl/-Kim n'Vi 'X XJ'^T if you lift up (the burden) with me I shall lift up (with you). If not, I shall not lift up (with you) BQ 92b(51; MGG 265:18); BB 73b(35); Ket 77b(27); BM 30b(L7); ('^Ta'in1? 'Vtj let him lift them [i.e. the rooster's] feet up completely Sab 128b(26); n,,!7T lift it up [i.e. the cloak] Ber 18a(42); Tan 23b(5; M); 2. to draw water: "73 wra in 'Vt mn xai' every day one of them used to draw water BQ 27b(27); Yev 97b(7) [4- x"?m mng. 2]; Git 74b(34); X'a 1H3 'ViaV Er 104a(48) Pa. 1. to blow up (of wind) [intr.]: XS5?T '^1 a storm wind blew up BM 86a(40); 2. to raise, lift up: a. objects: mxa1? 'nJ'^T he lifted up his garments Tan 23b(5; L); San 94a(50); Sot 13a(30); BQ 86b(ll); S5 35b(8); ib. 73a(21); n'jiyu "lV^ to lift up his load BM 97a(29); ruiyoi xnV'n n'snD1? wvsib wrx '^ibi nnyo 'in a load which a person can raise by himself to his shoulder is a third of a load (which he can carry if placed there by another) Sot 34a(39); Hul 53b(45) [1 xrf?'n]; n'wii n'lVib n'1? 'i&n ]td since he is permitted to raise it [i.e. the lamp] and to lower it HP 6:6; b. parts of the body: '^ in '3'3J raise my eyelids up for me BQ 117a(48); n"tn n'J'y '"7T he raised up his eyes (and) saw him Yom 87a(50); Sab 156b(36); Pes 113b(6); Bes 27b(4); Hul 60a(2); XT 'l^l raising his hand Anan 20:11; fin'T l"?il 5o 94a:8; X111D Xinn '"?il n'2?'T a certain fish raised its head BB 74a(34); Yev 92b(27) [+ //'s; 4- l#XSDn mng. 2a]; c. w. a fol. vb.: TPb p'DSl 'Vra he cuts it off at a higher point Hul 76a(18); Bek 8b(26) [4- Vfn pe.]; 3. to move s.t. upstream: 'XD1S ni"1?! the Persians moved it [i.e. the bridge] upstream] Qid 72a(l); 4. to deduct, remit, remove: »av ia 'Via 'D nxaiD when you deduct the days of (menstrual) impurity RH 1 la(50); IlVn 'n Tl'Vna '3 when you deduct these three (trumpet blasts) Suk 54a(28; M2); XlVs"? T\Vn they deducted half of it [i.e. the coronation tax] BB 8a(41); WD Jl'3n im n^an bt 'Ityi X'^an in1? deduct five (treasurers) of the Temple Mount (and) eight of the Temple Court remain Tarn 27a(38); ln'Vj/ JlE/jy xVl pwy Vl deduct twenty (years) for which you do not punish Sab 89b(36); Er 56b(24); Pes 79b(45); Suk 6b(20); 5g 51a(18); 5A/ 40b(l); San 103a(9); Vl3 Vl deduct for deduct [i.e. take less loaves now and give less the following week] Suk 56b(2); XnD 'Vl he remitted the poll tax Meg 13a(48; G) [cf. Est 2:18]; ftxbl :read] X3X bt XDna remove me [i.e. my opinion] from here Er 3a(14) [Rashi: p'a 'ja'in; 4- X3X note]; 5. perh. to give comfort: "iVn XTDOm K11X the reward
Nfll?'^ of a eulogy is for giving comfort (to the listeners) Ber 6b(26) [cf. YJV7Y X^YI Ket 72a(9) (barraita; v. TMeg 3:16)]; 6. to hold in suspension [caique < MH 'Vn pe., J 1671, mng. 2]: X'VyjI nb X'SX H8? X'^pi 31D DV 'XXiaV iy T> she bakes it [i.e. the dough], leaves it [i.e. the halla] in suspension until the end of the holiday, and (then) burns it HG3 284:23 Af. to train a climbing plant [caique < MH 'Vr hif. J 309]: Y7T JXYia ]XUn 019X1 they train it [i.e. the ^/^ayo/j-plant] to climb on the entrance ofshedsSaZ>21a(13) Itpa. 1. to be lifted up: ]b~m DB'X when are (the curtains) lifted up? Men 95a(39); 2. to rise, grow tall: X'TTBl xyy X'^YBl XB31 as (the boat) rises (from the sea bottom) it uproots (the coral) and brings (it) RH 23a(32); XYXp ,!?YX 'BV 'TPX the sun rose (and) the sick person recovered BB 16b(39; F2); Hbpi '3 ^0J7 ,!?YB your business activity will grow tall like a date palm Ber 56a(36; MGG 704:14); Xpl lYta XJ7T X'aV VU'ffl pnVn xspim t?ybi omsoiai lsxts they saw that the water was rising, increasing, and continuing to rise in a powerful way Sab 108a(29; OHT Sab 97:23); 3. to go upstream: a. alone: y"?13 ,!?YX Xnnsb XDBi ty he went upstream in its entirety [i.e. to the river's source] until he came to the entrance (of Paradise) Tarn 32b(l 1); 4. to recover [cf. Ma: XJIXWD'J p'j'D X"T?XY> to relieve all injuries MD 111]: XBty YV 'Vnn lin they saw that he had recovered Ber 54b(52) [F: nSJlX; 4- Vnsn itpe.]; BB 16b(39; F2) [v. supra, mng. 2]; 5. to blow up of wind [v. Pa., mng. 1]: ]V3 'YJ3'B1 Xp'T 1H3 'Vr»1 when the wind blows up at them and they are scattered Bes 31a(16) On the Pa. imper. V(X)1, cf. Ma ton [v. Nold, MG 34; MD I! 1, s.v. mVri]. Nrip'VT n.f. blaze (< MH np'Vl J 310; 4- VpYI; TA xfip^T TO Ex 22:5; cf. Sy rdAA;; LS 155) a. general: sg. XJlp'^T mn DXYpYYJ there was a fire in GN Tan 21b(21); b. in a fig. sense pe., mng. 2]: sg. 'p^YO Jl'Snoa XV are you not afraid of the blaze [i.e. the wrath of the scholar]? Nid 36b(47) Y: Xripto] Tan ib.(BAYTN 178). i40 Util t : l#Vri vb. to weave (4- xW>TT; Sy 1# An LS 154) Pe. ( /u): VlYTl x"71 ]'3T sell and do not weave Yev 63a(34; M3OHR ib. 317:2) 2#tt>1 vb. 4-V2#riri vb. *]Vt (u/ ) vb. to drip, leak (4- XDY1, Jsb'T; Sy isJu LS 155) Pe. (u/) 1. to drip: TO'y p^T his eyes drip &tf 77b(16); 2. to leak: "3X1 XTP '3 IiVt PN's mill house leaked Bes 36b(9); '1133 'S^YI VPSttn 'mn in new houses, which frequently leak Sab 43a(6) p?T vb. to burn, be incensed, light a lamp (4- xnp'YI; Sy ..ait LS 155, Ma pbt MD 111) Pe. ( /a) 1. intr. to burn: p^YTl XTWXl xmsiSl Y3 may sulfur and fire burn within him Bo 74:3; ib. 5; 2. impers. to be incensed [w. "3]: nnbv 'xa iT3 Xp1?! xp 'XH 'VlST Y1? what (message) did she send to him that he was so incensed at it? Meg 12b(21) [expl. BH 13 .TJX? 1narn Est 1:12] Af. to light a lamp: a. alone: «]0T 3YJ l,i;i'31 npVtai XTIxa PN's wife used to light (the lamp for the Sabbath) late [i.e. just before dark] Sab 23b(31); 'X/1'3 1J3 'xVj? 'p"nB xpi they light (the Hanukka lamp) for me within my house ib. 23a(16); 21b(15); 22b(33); 23a(50); 28b(43); b. w. an obj.: XIW p'VlX he lit the lamp ib. 122b(2); 35b(ll); Git 57a(22); Saw 77a(18); Pes 59a(24) JlV?, V"7, pi. KIUT^I n.m. dalet, the fourth letter of the alphabet (Sy iiAa Nold, Beitr 129) sg. Tr?Tl Xjn3 the 'leg' of the dalet Sab 104a(21) [Var: Vn XJH3 V21]; ib. 22; TVrn XAXD the protruding part of the dalet Er 13a(32) [Var: XJfl VTT HGP 48a:38] // So/ 20a(45) [I XJJ1 mng. 2]; bt 5MjD 5:4; "?Xi MsZ,m Lev 15:3; pi. XWl1?! ST 492:48 Y: tin Er ib. NKH, abs. Dl n.m. blood, hemorrhage, capital crime (4- XBY X"lfr'3; TA xm TO Ex 7:17, Sy rd^sri LS 156, Ma 1#XB1, XBT MD ill, 168) 1. blood: a. general: sg.abs. m Y2?X YJA a man who sheds blood Sab 156a(43); m X3X XfllB bo W'13 I, blood, am the chief cause of death BB 58b(6) [quoted from an inscription]; det. 'TlXi XBT? X17UB for nosebleed [lit. blood which flows from BTST • a nostril] Git 69a(15); ib. 26; Anan 15:3; XBT> XWYI for blood (flowing) from the head Git 68b(48) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; XBT> X'» 13'SnrTX the water was transformed into blood BB 74b(l 1); Git 67b(34); ]inx '^rrf> 1YB1 mil their blood flowed to the wadis of GN Ber 54b(5); Sab 134a(33) [4- Vy"?3 itpe., mng. 2]; Bek 21b(ll) [4- Vy3J?3 quad.]; San 109a(50) [4- XriS'D]; HP 203:17 [4- Vl#0»oa pal.]; Ket 91a(41) [4 Vj?33 af.]; Saw 109b(18) [i VpS3 af, mng. II.2]; Sab 129b(7) [4- 1#X0YS mng. 1]; Hul 43b(6) [4- XOIlp]; Yev 64b(43) [4- Voap pe., mng. 2]; San 96b(25) [4- Vnm pe., mng. 1]; Pes 74b(42) [4- xp,,-1W mng. 1]; MQ 25b(37) [4- VySB? pe.]; MQ 10b(6) [4- V?pK; pe., mng. 3b]; b. menstrual: 'TJ/^X "T7 H'ap1? XBT XTIXT XrilTX X'nm a certain woman who brought (menstrual) blood to PN Nid 20b (18); XET Ta ]VW sixty types of (menstrual) blood BM 84b(13); Mrf 20b(29); xai Wab to examine (menstrual) blood ib. 20a(8); 20b(33); X3at x"?3 xaT X"Jm XT\nxb for a woman who becomes menstruous at an unexpected time HM 38:16; Anan 114:19; c. metaph. of life: Tl'TH 'Xa 'db paio ii3m xai xaVn 'so paio -|aiT why is your blood redder [i.e. why is your life more valuable]? Perhaps the blood of another is redder Yom 82b(5) [+ //'s; 4- paiO mng. 1.1]; "]aT> rmw 'ya 'inn I wouldhave valued your 'blood' at two me'as Qid 81a(43); Pes 112b(48); 2. perh. internal hemorrhage: sg. Bes 22a(45) // AZ 28b(38) [in a list of eye diseases]; Bo 105:4; 3. capital punishment: sg. XaiX HSp .Tin X1?! (the Persians) were not meticulous about capital punishment BQ 117a(36; HGP 18b: 16) [i.e. they gave the Jews autonomy]; 4. fig. sg., in phrase mam Km juice of wine: Ket 60b(53; Ar [AC 2:352, s.v. "U1J]) [cf. BH: 035$rDT Gen 49:11; 4- XJ-Uil] Geon. expl.: DKT Vk p nv H^K DT ^X OHT Git 154:22; Lit: Ros, TI 55 [mng. 3]; Voc: XBT HPP 70:21; Y: HOT BAYTN 1. D"I»T vb. to mumble (Vaai; Ma man, mn MD 111,113) Pal.: prma xp nm n'nnso1? 'naitn we saw his lips mumbling 5er 58a(42; MGE 144:5) [Var: pTOYa ib.] KSIJiT n.m. one who is asleep (1 V"]BT qatol- 'an form) pi. 13J1 'aD(3)(31'ai ]XaD '3iaYI they are asleep like those who are intoxicated and are lying down BB 73b (42) *,Tj\m, abs. iai, pi. KniOlM n.f. form, figure (4- V'a'l; TA Yiiiai TO Gen 5:3, Ma xmai, 1BT MD 111, Sy K'^o^an, pi. rs'ii'S-ian LS 156) a. species: sg.abs. TOT 1BY3 y\7\b jBYBI (the demons) appear to them in various forms Bo 34:4 [cf. Ma: 1BT 1813 MD ib.; v. Nold, MG 301]; "733 1BT ib. 7:15; 88:10; cs. 'YJJ1? 1£?rx 'JD1? I'BYBI 'T31 maTJ ,B/3!?1 '»3 mai3 they appear to people-to men in the form of women and to women in the form of men ib. 1:12; 7:14; 78:12; X'lTI JTIBT X^BBT XJlh'X a woman who miscarries a (foetus in) the form of an snake HP 139:2; det. X7T»JD XniBY3 in an unsavory form Bo 78:11; pi. YaiTTB nilXiaiS it takes on (different) forms ib. 81:1; 39:1; b. individual: sg. XfliaT? mppn HTTIX 'XBIYI 'nriSX ''Xa "n they brought him (and) carved the figure of PN on the gate of the lictors AZ 18b(8) Y: mm: BAYTN 28. 'ttl vb. to be similar, consider, compare (4- x'an, x"ia'n, xmai, xr'ai; Sy <<J3* ls 156, Ma XBT MD 111) Pe. 1. to be similar, like: a. general: XBID*? XBTT 'BXT xV the former part (of the Mishna) is not similar to the latter part Meg 19b (31); XBp X1?^^ X-IJ13 X'J'JS 'BXT X1? the latter general rule is not similar to the former one Zev 4b(31); XYW371 Q'^D xVl ]XB3 3m H'BIS 'BT PN's mouth is similar to (that of) one who has not eaten a cooked dish [i.e. you act like one who has never before had sexual intercourse] Ber 62a(15) // Hag 5b(24); XPISTr? 'BY! XK5 X1HH a certain species which is similar to the A.-fish AZ 39a(23); xnV xVx X'BT xb XH this (case) is similar only to that one [i.e. the following] ib. 71a(12); ?T^ 'BYI Xybl XD'H 'Ya 'jn this refers to a case where there is nothing similar to it Er 51a(25); xnp'riy p'BT '3'm xnmn ym 'sti what are new (straps of phylacteries) like? What are old ones like? Men 35a(46); 'Yin1? ]"BYI Vr\T\ -\m certain two (women) who are similar (in status) to each other Yev 22a(l); HXYlV 1BXT lYJ/ISI 1YY their hands and their feet are similar to each other 341
'»T 342 'OT Anan 56:13 [i.e. they walk on all fours]; X'BH XlTO'n XWaVai XttnaV? (the prepuce) resembles the 'garment' with which the wheat spike enshrouds (the stalk) ib. 84:23; 'in1? TO'y ]"mi 'YI'D its [i.e. the fish's] eyes were like two moons BB 74a(36); b. in impersonal phrases: 1) '371 'axi what is it like? [lit. how is it similar?]: Sab 8b(3); Meg 18a(30); San 48b(45); Zev 20b(22) [and passim]; 2) '81 YBtf it is all right: Ber 13b(48); &A 120a(25); fe 66b(9); A/eg 27a(16); Yev 43b(16); /f«an 4:5; ib. 72:2 [and passim}; 'BX1 YStf XJ13BD XpU' 'SISV it is all right to swaddle a baby on the Sabbath Sab 66b(28); '81 YStf X31D H'1? '3"3 X,1 (if), in fact, (his teeth) hurt him a lot it is all right (to gargle vinegar on the Sabbath) AZ 28a(16); Hul 93a(22); Nid 20a(47); 3) '81'8 is it similar? [i.e. how can one compare the two cases?]: Sab 97b(44); Bes 22a(51); Ket 59a(46); BM 40a(2); Afe« 13b(30); 4) 'B113 from conjecture: DIPS '8X113 IYI8X1 because she speaks from conjecture (concerning her husband's death) Yev 114b(36); ib. 115a(2); 116a(26); 2. w. '3 to be considered as [Sy k'tj vyri" rc'om rd-ion he resembled fire SG § 364C; cf. Ma 73 X'BXI XJVXn she resembles an animal MD 226]: a. alone: '81 'yp1pa3 X13y a slave is considered as real estate BQ 12a(20); San 29b(48); 7\yiV in"713 TOX1 X3'"IX xav in3 all seven (days of Sukkot) are considered as one long day Suk 45b(49); ^3 '81 X*?31X3 xVaiX 'TI2?3X anything which is for making food fit (to eat) is considered as food Yom 80b(31); Yev 103a(33); b. w. -ty: 'ai )X8 'J1JVX 'B1J3 'Vy whom do I consider as my (own) body? My wife Ket 67b(37); X'"IX3 'xVy JVOT X31X1 I consider you to be like 'the lion and the lamb' BQ 85a(51; Oxf., heb. c.23) [i 1#X3"1X]; c. in phrase 'B1 ..."1 ]XB3 considered as if ...: I "I ]XB3 s.v. 2# ]X» pron. Pa. to compare: a. objects: 'ai'X x"?l ,ivai they compared it [i.e. the earth] and it was not similar San 109a(18); 'OT'Vl piTO1?! 'Jl'-inx XflV'JB 'Jl'Vl let him bring another sheet, erase (it), and compared 164a(22); b. legal cases: XJlV'a '81B1 XJlV'BV he compares one case to another Yev 109b(28); Ber 19a(40); ^D1? 7\b Il'Biai TflTf 'XB EHpn JlVnnV n'81'3 B?1pn why do you compare it to 'final' heqdesl Let him compare it to 'original' heqdes BM 55a(7); MQ 14a(29); Ket llb(21); BQ 7b(13; F1); Saw 78a(14); Hul 55b(13); Ara 33a(27); Anan 117:5; Tl'aiB xp '8 X71J301? XHD'X can you compare a (religious) prohibition to a (mortal) danger? Hul 9b (2); X1? H'V'I Ip'y (Varj^isanbl fT'lBI1? yi' he does not know how to compare it (to similar cases) and to derive its basic principle /■?GF44:13; ib. 53:13 Itpe. 1. to be similar, resemble: 18TX1 im'B'pX he compared them [i.e. the entrails], and they were similar Hul 50a(29) [I Vl# rpi af.]; D1 W'X 'BTX X1?! 07131 they brought blood of the sacrifices and it was not similar Git 57b(9); San 109a(18) [v. Pa.]; X3W? 'ai'XI H'BX '3TWX1 his countenance changed and resembled a dog ib. 96a(52); 2. w. -»BX3 to seem: paiJ1? -|m3 pDMl X'13tf3 iVTX Xp13 "|SX3 pDISl your daughters will marry men, and they will seem to you as if they are going into captivity Ber 56a(21); 3. to appear in the guise of s.o., assume the form of s.o. [w. "3/"3; Sy -^ y^nx etpa. LS 157, mng. 2b]: a. alone (of demons): 3P 13 X3'3fi3 ,1'V 'BTX 'P'l it appeared to him in the guise of a seven- headed serpent Qid 29b(38; O2); "1BTX '83 1,13'X 18T8 they also actually appear in the guise of humans Git 66a(25; V18); Yev 122a(30); f'BTBl '■131 mai3 ^mbi'»: mais nsi1? isrx '33b they appear to people - to men in the form of women and to women in the form of men Bo 1:12 [cf. Ma xnaia ibixs I'axra MD ill]; prr? pi'ai lai 18T3 they appear to them in various forms ib. 34:4; b. esp. w. preced. vb.: 1) God: ,1"3p xnx X3D 2T3'X3 T-imob il'V 'BTX the Holy One, Blessed be He, came to PN in the guise of an old man San 95b(55); 2) Satan, Angel of Death: XT1X X'3B3 H'1? 'BTX ]Dtt Satan came to him in the guise of a deer ib. 95a(37); 107a(18); MQ 28a(49); Qid 81a(41); 3) angels: 'SX^B1? X3'Tn TlxVab lai'XI I saw angels in the guise of sailors Tan 24b(25); Meg 16a(44); 4) Elijah: lil'Vx *pn Ny"B3 n'V 'BTX Elijah passed by him in the guise of an Arab Ber 6b(29); &6 109b(39); Tan 21a(45); AW 50a(9); BM 85b(47); &j/j 109a(9); /(Z 17b(45) 343 i#xn Lit: Satzlehre 253+; Bacher 39; Eps, Stl 335 [Itpa., mng. 3]. 'Ml n.m.pl. price, value, payment (cf. Akk dame blood money CAD D 79, mng. 2b; OfA flit DNWSI 252, LJLA 1'ai TgLam 5:4, Sy rdi-Sb*, ^jL^s* LS 156, Ma X'BI MD 112) 1. price, value, money: a. alone: cs. X'Tl '81 the price of (an ox for) plowing BQ 46a(25); '81 X'VyB XTin the price of a fit ox ib. 36a(10); '3H X3'»p 'BT 'I1T 1'lPBn fifty z«z/w are the price of the plot of land Ket 91b(35); det. 'B13 ip'X it went up in price BQ 101a(32); WTp xV 'B3 in'X 'Bl1? X^X it [i.e. the embryo] also is only holy for its value Tern 1 la(44); BB 44a(5); AZ 13b(13); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V'DB af.: "ItJBXI D'2?ip '^ST1? IWBT to sell qodashim and to bring their monetary equivalent AnanSch 14:8; 2) VfSp pe.: pass.part. ITBT 'S'p its price is fixed BB 88a(10); 3) Vd'jB/ pa.: cs. rT>"ttrt> XT1J1 'BT D'1?^ V't go (and) pay the price of the ox to its owner Hul 43b(44); BQ 48a(17); 4) VVptt pe.: '13113V lTl'VpP WX you have taken the money for yourself (in place of the deposit) ib. 108b(25); 113b(41); 2. payment [4- xV'Vs mng. 4]: a. alone: H'Vn'J n'mi(1)X 'B13 I rented it to him for a payment BM 6a(32); Qid 26b(26); in1? yBB/B 'ai xVs this means for them (coveting to get s.o. else's property) 'without payment' BM 5b(46) [expl. BH 1'anri X1? Ex 20:14]; b. w. Van' pe./V]T13 pe. to pay: 371' pan '131 371' xV ]bn "?'p2?1 'B1 a hamsan [i.e. extortioner] pays and takes (the object). A gazlan [i.e. robber] does not pay BQ 62a(37); "f? X33'H'1 xrnw x:V'3Xpi 'XB 'ai I shall pay you for what I eat and drink Git 55b(57); Yom 86a(32); BQ 119a(39);55 58a(33) Y: '01 Suk 31a(12; BAYTN 1). NJ'^l n.m. form, image (I V'BI; BH ]i'B1* HAL 217) pl.abs. T3'B'13 n'Bin'BI xn»'3 xmi an evil spirit which appears in (all kinds of) forms Bo 88:3; ib. 9; ]'12/'3 TX'MU'BI VD3 in all evil images ib. 107:7 NiJS'aT n. bellows (< Mir *damenak [cf. MP damenag fan CPD 24]) pi. 'pJ'BII 'pxip braziers and bellows San 74b(14) [Var: 'pTIXp 'pXCliOniBTi He] Geon. expl.: D1J>»» D^rtJ Wlrf? l'Biy[W ^D] ... 'pj'»<l>ni Dips!? OH San 426:26; Lit: Ros, TI 83109; for a detailed discussion of this word and its context, v. ib. 41, and 81+, nn. 98-115; Y: XjH'OT BAYTN 210. "pi vb. to lie (i XD1B1; Sy uyion LS 157, mng. 3) Pe. (/u): yiar xnrn Vi&3 xin'D3i (if the ox) can lie at noon in the shade of the fig tree San 18b(38); in'Vy -pTab im (the garments) are suitable for lying upon them Bes 14b (41) [4- V-|DB pe., mng. 2]; X1T3 'V'3n X19y3 ]13»T X311 n'Vl31 may the damages of a vow-demon of every place lie in the dust Bo 68:2 yai vb. to shed tears (4- XnyBI; Sy .-i^^an pe., pa. LS 158) Af. to cause to shed tears: xyaiBI 1'3'y (the demon) causes eyes to shed tears Bo 59:8 P I p pron. Snyai, pi. 'jrai n.f. tear, tearing (I VyBI; TA nriyBI TJ Is 38:5, Sy pfiL^iM, pi. r^s -wa LS 158, Ma XB'1, pi. X'B'1 MD 107) 1. tear: sg. nrya XnyBI ri'nx she shed a tear from her eye Ket 62b(l7); pi. 'yai 'lopi 'nay wnx the pillars of GN shed tears MQ 25b(36); '33 Xp mn 'yai pnj Xpl he was crying and tears were falling Sab 33b(46); 'yBII X(')T<l)pnip a ^r.-vessel of tears SOZ 72:20; 2. tearing: sg. Bes 22a(45) // AZ 28b(39) [in a list of eye afflictions]; 'XH X"nn I'l© ]'yanx iy XnyBI tearing is reversible [i.e. does not damage the eyes] until (the age of) forty Sab 151b(47); Bo 105:4 Y: XJiyin Kel ib.(BAYTN 193). 1#N31 n.m. a clay vessel used for storing liquids, vat (< Akk dannv. vat mostly used for storing s.-beverage, wine, etc. CAD D 99 [NB], AIOA 46; 4 '31 '3; Sy kIsK LS 159, Ma 1#XJX1 MD 100, > Arab 65 Fr, AF 169) a. size: sg. 1BT X313 '113 X'iBm l'y31X they put forty-eight k.- measures into a vat 5Af 40a(53); b. parts: sg. D1S Xil opening of the vat Ber 56a(34); X311 XB1S BQ 20a(l); X311 X713 bung-hole of a vat Sab 139b(25) [I 1#XP3]; c. contents: sg. x"?m X31 a vat of vinegar Yom 28b(46) [in a mnemonic phrase]; pl.cs. X1BPI '31 HXB yanx four hundred vats of wine Ber 5b(38); ib. 51b(16); BM 83a(20); ib. 106b(34); AZ 60a(8); det. XTl'31 wnr\ '31 T3 xri3ni£?X1 a certain young girl who was
2#KH 344 wnpn found among the vats (of wine) ib. 70b(l); 61b(32); 70a(40) Lit: Brand 103+; Y: Ml Yom ib.(BAYTN 99). 2#K3T n.m. perh. branch (cf. Sy rdi'H pi. branches LS 159, mng. 2) sg. X317 X7(3)(3}1X '3 like a mallet to an branch San 28b(15) [comparison of the father of the groom to the father of the bride; 1 X73X mng. 2] Lit: Eps, St2 814. Nn pron. this (archaic; 4- p, J31; BA HJT HALOT 1854) a. w. n.: X31 X3713 this document SSHai 14b(15); XH n"P3 this credit SSSad 266:1; X21 Xn'JlS this summons TGAs33 214:13; b. in adv. phrase X31 Jl&np p previously [4- p nmp]: X31 naip p 'ftfUX Tl'in '1 that you were previously my wife SSHai 3a(12); ib. 14a(19); SSSad 223:26 [nXil, pi. 'N3T n. of GN pl.m. Qid 70b(35) Rashi: m\SVa IK niBipa mow; Lit: Eshel, JSB 97.] N3n n.m. tail (TA n'33l TO Ex 4:4, Sy i<Juoa taiU extremity LS 159, Ma X33H end, limit MD 108, 113, s.v. 3X31) sg., in phrase DT3J13 a] '3313 adv. at its end [cf. Ma: X33H7 XD7X1 V"\ p MD ib.]: '3313 '7 W3m» Xj7 X7WH you seat me now at (its) end [i.e. of the row] San 37a(32) [* iT»'T3] Y: '331 San ib.(BAYTN 80). rWT vb. to shine (4- XrUlfc; Sy oai^ LS 159, Ma l#im [metath.], l#X3l MD 102, 112) Pe.: rUTI33 njnxnx} iy Xtttt'P as the sun shines on the earth Bo 72:7 firnn n.m. a demon (cf. Manichean MP dn 'h an ailment + -ica- S. Shaked, Boyce Vol 521; Ma 2T3X1 MD 100) sg. Bo 21:16; ib. 78:21; 83:9; 122:3 Lit: C. Miiller-Kessler, Oelsner Vol 311+. ]3f pron. this (archaic and dialectal; 4- X31; TA )31 TO Gen 25:32) a. in writs in BT: ]M X»T p DbyVl from this day and forever Git 85b(44; O3); ]31 X313T this seller BM 15a(34); p Xt3'3 this document ib. 18a(17); ]J1 XTBV this document BB 171b(28); b. in Geonic texts: p X0'3 PXTI ]31 '37S T3 this capital is in the possession of this NN SSHai 9b(9); p TGVQ WV this ketubba document ib. 14a(3); 9b(3); p xyiia this protest document ib. 15b(5); 18a(l); TGHark 84:\4; ib. 268:1; Z>ec 3:8; i'& 10:12; c. in magic texts: p D7l5?7l p X»T> from this day and forever Bo 7:16; ib. 14:12; 43:2 Y: BAYTN 342. *tj?3'!T n.m. danak, a sixth of a denar, a sixth (<TMIr *dank [cf. MP dang FiP 16:7]; i 331titi, XTiyia; Sy reLnj-\ LS 160, Ma l#xp3X1 1/6 dram, sixth of anything MD 100) 1. danak, a sixth of a denar [= me'ah]: sg. Xp Xp311 H'STIX Xp31 n'3'» 7'pP he lent him a danak, and he takes a rfano* from him BM 60b(33); p"p 11H Xlp'ya xp3i3 pwyi nxia vb i»"p 110371 xprs nxa there were originally one hundred (perutas) in a danak, and finally there were one hundred and twenty (perutas) in a danak ib. 36; Xp313 TJX XT1T3 7'3X (if) he is hired for a danak, will he eat for a zi/z? [i.e. a cfewar] i& 92a(39); 39b(24); Xplt "13 xmtSD an sacrificial animal worth a danak Bek lla(2; L1); Svu 37a(19); X3,Tn Xpn a gold rfawo* TGHark 38:3; xpn xnVvi one-third Awa£ BM 39b(23); xp31 137S one-half danak TGHark 37:29; pi. 'pj'T HX» one hundred rfanafo #// 26a(47) [said to be equivalent in Arabia to np'frj? nx» Gen 33:19]; 2. a sixth: sg. Xim xy3'1 Xpn a quarter (of what remains after having paid the tenant farmer) which is a sixth (of the entire amount) BM 109b(17); Yev 38a(16); 7"jn X3'n Xp3'l IX Xjnn where (the grain) had developed a quarter or a sixth tf# 13a(28); XpJT 1J7S one-twelfth [i.e. one-half of one-sixth] BM 109b(18); Sab 35a(2); Xpn '33 p»y 19 5/6 [i.e. twenty less one-sixth] Bek 50a(5); pi. ]'J17J1 yn pm xnVm 33 1/3 (zuzim) HP 58:7 Geon. expl.: tTDTJ KpJI HKJIK PJ73 "IBl1? U'JISTp ]'b'JT "IWK3 1'nvw jn ids row dk .Nj?n nvwn to pmp Knran njmti tf>W KpH KlpJ WWW KV1 WK >|03 DK1 nn^l KJ731 lmx I'KTip TGHark 201:14; Lit: Geig, AAC 145; id., WZKM 26[1912] 299; Tel 51; Voc: Kj?:1 HPP 57:19; Y: KjOT Yev ib.(BAYTN 111). KJnpm, NmpO'T n.f. landed estate (< Mir *dastkart [cf. MP dast(a)gird estate CPD 25]; Sy rc'di-Ln-ajn J.B. Chabot, Synodes nestoriens, Paris 1902 44:22) a. general: sg XTTIpO'T inn Meg 16a(6); Xm1?! »m xmpDT the exilarch's minm 345 Nrij?l landed estate £r 59a(19); 1X1K/3T XDipOT /& 22(M) [GN]; '73JH xmpDT a landed estate of slaves (who work it) Git 40a(42; Geon 82:17); b. as GN: Xrnp01» 'TOT1 3T 5a6 93a(32; V); 5o? 6b(9); Git 28b(4) Lit: Geig, AAC 146 [esp. w. ref. to Git ib.], 385; ib., WZKM 42 [1935] 123+; as GN: Dast-kart, v. Nyberg 59; Tel 52; BJTP 115+; Eshel, JSB 95+; Y: xrnj?0! Gil ib.(BAYTN 281). "Hind n.m. a type of broom (etym. unkn.) sg. miriDT D'IST n'ln he saw him spreading a broom (on the mouth of the jug) Sab 48a(7; Ar [AC 6:26, s.v. -no]) [Var: "IXTIXIOX O, XTTI0 M]; pi. minO'T HG1 194:35 [I 31X13] = I'PTJinDI TGDr49 107:7 [expl. MH mi33fi Sab 124b(15)] Lit: Geig, AAC 146, discusses poss. etyms.; Y: "rnntn BAYTN 307. pWO^, plDOT n.m. authority (< MP dastwar authority, minister CPD 25 + ]"; cf. dastwarih authority ib.) sg. ]l"iroH3 B'p3T that he holds (the land) by authority Qid 60b(53); ,T7 'ID ?n» 1TU1013 it is sufficient concerning a field (that he have) authority Ara 28a(20) Lit: Geig, AAC 145, states that the exact P form is uncertain because of the ending 1"; Tel 53; Y: pw»1 BAYTN 307. lttNanp'1!, 8387101, KanOH n.m./f. a portion of food sent to guests at a meal (< Mir ?; Sy rdi&jcrt LS 161) sg. XJTI7J W'T X3n0T 1H7 YIP the exilarch sent them a portion of food Ber 42a(24; Ar [AC 3:105]); 'K/X 3T7 n'DpV pDS X3J1DT he threw a portion of food in front of PN ib. 50b(29; Ed); n'7H'3 13H '7 ITOm X3XX1DT pn give him this portion of food which you gave me Sab 156b(29); ?mi03 X3n3T X3riD'T a portion of food wrapped in his scarf Git 68a(2); ib. 67b(43) [4- xr»n] For the Sy vocalization, v. BBah 585:8; on the mng., v. ib. 2003:19, S.V. B'\nr: ; I -i \ rd-=<n-»4i_>i:» K'JvJJSO iSrc'n r<-}&isox p^_»i_n^J>a^ ,<b rc'iioi.sc-. The H translation of our word is given as 7VUB [text: JVUJW] in a Se'elta [v. Eps, Stl 239:31]; Y: KttOT BAYTN 216. 2# N3J10T 4 X3TOT n. KpSBflOT n.m. glove (< Mir *dastpanak [cf. MP dast hand + panag guard CPD 25, 64; NP dast-bana PED 522]; 4- Xp3Stfl3) pi. 'p3Sn@(0)(Dn OHP Sab 77:14 [expl. MH rpxo MKel 29:2] Geon. expl.: nijmK W3 p3 wi 'j'xxn tjt d'th fa ywi'rav OHP Sab ib; Lit: Eps, GCIntr 21; GC 7615. DP, DK*T vb. to be suspect, raise a suspicion (etym. unkn.) Pe. 1. to be suspect (of illicit sexual relations): pass.part. D'T mn DTB Xinn n'riBrra that one was quite suspect concerning his mother-in-law Qid 12b(25; HP 109:10) // DXT Yev 52a(25); X»7S?a XD"T she is suspect from elsewhere [i.e. with strangers] ib. 69b(35; O2); 73 XD7J?»{!3){3) XD'T X7T 1"})X .T3'D XD'IT X3'H wherever she is suspect from him even though she is not suspect from elsewhere ib. 40(O2); 2. to raise a suspicion: mP3X fl' X7B371 Djn'»7 |3T to raise a suspicion and to invalidate this quittance SSHai 5b(ll) [document]; OjnOMlttJ? XC?'3 X7D371 TGCas 2a(40) [get]; <D){X}yTa7 ]'7'X '3'3T I? X7D371 Dec 10:17 [sale of property] Pa. id.: XJ7D1 X&V Xn» '»1X1 raising a doubt in a town (lasts) for a day and a half MQ 18b(51; Seel 42:83) [= MH2 TTy r«y)&<y)T Nid 66a(34; Geon 372b:4); Var: 'am HP 133:3] Lit: Eps, Stl 108. Yy"l, JTH vb. to stick, insert (4- Vpi, V'XI; TA pn pa. TO Gen 30:38, Sy ^-il* LS 161) Pe.: xyiX3 ]'3»t 1»y nxyi he stuck it into the ground ten times AZ 76b(15); H'Smi rrnanx n'3131 he wrapped it around his spear and stuck it (in the crevice) BB 74a(22); X3HX3 X30'37 ,TSyi he stuck the lance into the ground San 95a(46) [4- 2#X30'3]; Xyt'33 HD'SyT Xn333»7 rbpv she took the cloak (and) stuck it in the crack Sab 156b(23); ib. 34a(5); Git 68b(39; SM 78:1); pass.part. pj?T GC 81:2 [expl. MH 31rVin MOh 1:3] Nflyi n.f. knowledge, mind, disposition, intention, opinion (4- VyT; JPA nyi, det. nwi DJPA 148, H l#n$n HAL 219, J 316; cf. Sy k'^xj LS 296, Ma X11X1X', XJmX' MD 184) 1. knowledge, sg. in phrase "'Vy "Jiyi aware, conscious: 'X1H "|7y 'XJiyT I was conscious of you Yev 34b(31); H'17'y rpnyn XXIT n33 in the case of a small lamp of which he was aware Sab 44a(26); ]7y inyil "|7y ]XiyT we are aware of you and you are aware of us Ber 64a(29; Ed) [in completion formula for a tractate]; 2. mind,
"I NflSHN 346 -T NnjnK sense: a general: sg. XW'jp XJ15H a weak mind yev 113a(40); 'Xnjn xV'X xV my mind is not lucid Er 64a(16); XailX 'xna XTljn ,T3 mn X1? X"lp'5?a ]33"ia this s.m. was devoid of sense from the beginning Git 37b(20); Xin V.TWVO XJIJH his mind is confused ib. 70b(27); xna'^W XTljn a sober [lit. a complete] mind SSHai 14a(18); H'Vy ,Tjn3»l n'Tljni he is of sound mind [lit. his sense and mind are upon him] SSSad 213:4; b. w. var. vbs.: 1) Vc^Tl pe., af. to be/make distraught: HVljn ItfVn he was distraught Sab 51b(45); iTJljrrt> .TJW'Vnx you made him distraught Ber 18b(47); Hul 94b(36); 2) Van' pe. to pay attention: •'yam Vl'Jljn ,3ri» in1? |3'3m ]V2 since they like them [i.e. Hallel and the Megilla] very much, they pay attention and hear Meg 21b(7); 3) Van' pa. to put s.o. at ease: 4- Van' pa., mng. 1, ittaf.; 4) V]113 pa. to direct the mind: X3'13a X3'Xa XDjn I can direct my mind [i.e. concentrate] Ber 17b(35); 5) VnD3 af. to take one's mind off s.t: '3 n'ra ,Tnjn no'3 nbl '3V1 so that he should not take his mind off it ib. 51b(4); 6) V-]»0 pe. to rely: in"!1?'}; XJ1JH X3ao she relies upon them Qid 8b(24) [i V-|£>0 pe., mng. 5]; 3. disposition, mood, temper: a. general: sg. wrx p'tn '3 tfb p'rma iTTljn xa'Sjn when we see someone whose disposition is sad, we cheer him up Tan 22a(26; M2); n'JIjn xrm mm he was in a cheerful mood Sab 77b(22); rrnjn 03 he has become arrogant Ber 47a(4); n'JIjn mi "inaV after he calmed down BM 83b(41); Men 93b(49); n'nyn •'-n-ip'xV cooling off his temper Ket 5a(25); b. in phrase "OjV "njn Xpma/Xaipa to be fond of/dislike s.t./s.o. [lit. disposition is close to/far from ...]: 'TIT '311? n'fljn X3np»T Xpi3' a child who is fond of money Git 40a(52); n'JIjn X3*lp'a naiV he is very fond of her San 28b(22); Qid 8b(26); ,1'Jljn Xj?rn» he dislikes him San 29a(13); 4. intention, purpose: sg. n'JIjn '"IVl'X1? it (was) his intention to convert to Judaism AZ 64a(24); X^'T XjnjlX E/'3'Xn n'JIjn a person's intention is for the low price BM 74b (20); npJT'aV VPJljm D'mx '3XP guests are different since their intention is to change (their location) Ber 43a(22); ]"ina 'BTIBS'X1? "|'J1jn 'X8 is it your intention to join us (for a quorum)? ib. 47a(34); Pes 39a(26); Ket 7a(12); xnyib XJ/aw T3jn Xin n'2?B3n the servant is acting of his own accord Pes 103b(18); Git 23a(5); n'JIjn1? n'Jl'Tm j'13'a Xp minVT I saw that his (actual) intention was that he intended to sharpen it Bes 28b(3); Ket 69a(34); Men 36b(25); 5. opinion: sg. X3Bm XJljn 'Xna tVi'1? may the Merciful One save us from that opinion Sab 84b(5); Ket 45b(10) [I V*?X3 af.]; BB 41b(21); X'H mxa n'Vn n'Jljnai in his own opinion it is a commandment Anan 13:8; 6. w. var. vbs.: a. V2#'^J pa. to reveal one's intention: 'xnai rrb xn'3 'xnm n'jijnx '^j n'1? xn'3 X1? he revealed his intention that he wants it in this (manner) and does not want it in that (manner) AZ 48a(32); Er 88a(28; M); BM 42b(33); BB 151a(24); b. VpS3 pe., af. to appease: xar -hyai n'jijnx n'V ps3 xnx x1? '*)1B'3i he did not come. He went out to appease him on the eve of the Day of Atonement Yom 87a(48); n'Jljnx n'1? 'piBX1? xnx he came to seek appeasement for him Ber 28b(2); D"1B"I XJH xjiiVj »m xjijn(x)(a) xj'an1? 'pisx1? pn wanted to seek appeasement for PN2 from the exilarch Yom 78a(15); c. VpVo pe., af. + "X to come/bring to mind [cf. OA 331? by p"?0 Sefire III 14, JPA by pbo DJPA 380, mng. 10b]: 'xa"?l Xlp'J/a J'JIjnx p,!?Dl according to our original opinion Sab 97b(35); Kin 'TV1T -|Jljn XpVo 'X if your opinion is (that Vf'jn in the term nxVm Dt 25:9 means) 'to strengthen' Yev 102b(32); Meg 19b(25); X3'»X XJljn XpVo it might have occurred to me to say [< XJljnX XpVo* lit. it enters the mind. I say ...] Zev 40a(13); Yom 46a(12); Meg 17b(16) [and passim]; '^>S31 n'Jljnx 'plOX 'J73'Xi vnx he should have brought to mind (the possibility) that the half bricks would fall BQ 21b(36); BB 95a(ll); TGHark 167:1 Lit: N. Berggriin, LeSonenu 40 [1976] 66 [on Jtfijn Xj^O (< xnSHX Xp^O)]; Bacher 141; Voc: xfijn HGP 18a:9; Y: xriy^I BAYTN 29. - "I KfijnN, "WTN prep, for the sake of, in compliance with, conj. on the understanding that (4- XJljn) I. prep. 1. for the sake of: a. w. fol. n.: XVJIST XJljnX 'W3'X 'J?D3 ]13X people plant the radish plant for the sake of the round radish Ber 36a(35) // Er 28b(49); XJHXl XJljnX for the -nn^jJ^ '■ sake of the field MQ 10b(14); XJljnX 'pbTQ '3 'pVia nam they light (the lamp) only for the sake of the majority Sab 122b(l); XD'^n XJljnX in3'B'J? he folded them over [i.e. the strings] for the sake of the garment Er 96b(27); P'BD Xp 'a 'axp n'PB3i XJljnX X3TD "m\ when (Haman) was speaking at length [v. Est 6:7+], he was speaking for his own sake Meg 7a(47); AZ 52b(44); "Xn jrru 'am xnyix "xm rcna '3m xnjnx this one [i.e. the creditor] entered into the agreement with such an intention and that one [i.e. the wife] with such [i.e. another] intention Ket 86a(18; HP 103:24); BB 145b(3); b. w. fol. inf.: pvm '31 ]bWM n'^DsV XnjHX he only lent (the garment) to me for the sake of wearing it Tan 23b(26); '3 -pb'apT xin xnat ••spm xnyix "irVap we only accepted you (to the group) for the sake of preparing the sacrifice Pes 89b(7); XTllTm XD'l wb"Knb xnyix nay 'VbV wb n'anaT a document of manumission which I wrote for NN, my slave, with the intention of annulling it S$Hai 15b(17); c. w. pron. suf.: I XDjn mng- 6a; 2. in compliance with: Xp 133TI Xnjnx Bnp»1 ]Xa lyipa one who betroths does so in compliance with the scholars Yev 90b(14); XriJHX n'SU Xin 3'iTl *iaj Xp m'1 he himself decides to give (her the get) in compliance with her (desire) BM 66a(18); Meg 26a(18); II. conj. on the understanding that: XXIJHX llllVj? -\b X^'ap '3 XTimXT XJH ]b ru"in we only accepted you on the understanding that you would judge us according to the Pentateuchal law San 6a(10); X1JXX ]b rPSBT XJljnX (we agreed to work for you) on the understanding that you had increased our wage BM 77a(23); mana xnan b^pt ]xa vsvbn 'an xmisb rrb 'Daan xnynx one who received wine on commission from another on the understanding that he would bring it to the market of GN BB 98a(26) Y: "I KflinX Ber 36a(35). — "flSHN ItfV prep, unaware [cf. Akk ina la ide unwittingly CAD I/J 29, Sy i<^.^ , -. rdia PSm 1560]: 'Xriynx IXV I was unaware of it Sab 95a(35) [v. Rashi]; Ber 26a(9); Bes 22a(25); Men 35b(23); IX^ WrXT n'ty X'BT X*7T Xn^'B ^3 iTJIjnx a person is not aware of anything which t : - is not incumbent upon him Svu 34b(16); "ITnTPX ynytii IX^I Xin jJXI 'inri'X (the new moon) was actually, in fact, visible, but we were unaware (of it) Ara 9a(16); Ket 60b(45); IX1? -"tWb 'Bn ]'3 'WX1 m'nynx people are unaware (of the difference) between wheat (flour) and barley (flour) BB 56b(24) - "ri5n!? prep, of one's own will (4- -m(1)3 by) TTO Vys nm VWrn in (one paid me) of my own will and the other (paid me) against my will Qid 74a(2); ib. 15a(32); BM 2b(ll); ib. 65b(38); Ket 53a(8); San 24b(47) - rl'riyiV adv. for one's self TTO'tt in D'lpi n'nyn1? "I,-131 one of them went ahead and said grace for himself Ber 50a(38); W'3'X DJim IS Wtyib WWl (if) each one tied up and sealed (the money) for himself BM 74a(5) [F1: rran^] lfNSl n.m. board, plank, column (perh. < Akk dappu wooden board CAD D 106 [but v. AIOA 46]; I XST '3; TA xsi TO Ex 26:17, Sy rdan board, page of a book LS 162, > Arab *li Fr, AF 251) 1. board, plank: sg. XBT n3WX *7TX nn XniS'na he went (and) found a plank from Noah's ark San 96a(14); BB 14b(10); 2. column (of a scroll): sg. rmnx XST 3'fl' Xp Xn one column, in fact, rests upon another Meg 27a(26) The mng. of this word in the phrase 'BT 'BT iTa Jl'KT B"yK (the citron is permitted) even though (it) has ... Suk 36b(3) [Var: 1'BT 1'Bl mayi he made it ... AC 3:109] is uncertain; Y: K9T 99. 2# NST n.m. hyena (sec. form < 4- 2# XSX) sg. Xiam XSm X3K/a hide of a male hyena Yom 84a(9; OHT ib. 34:12) Geon. expl.: I'tnil 1W ]31 XBT OHT ib. ]ST vb. to strike (4- X'llBI; Akk dapanu to knock down CAD D 104, MH ]ST to force LNVTH 135) Pe. (a/ ): ,TUBTI XDXnB/a '33 n'Vj? 1DX the ... attacked him and struck him BM 107b(47); DWfi rmSTl Git 34a(22; As) Geon. expl.: Iran 'nV73 H13B11B1TB "p OHT Git 62:24. 1# N3ST n.m. laurel or bay tree, bay (< Sacpvn Lehnw 215; 4- D'3Bn; Sy ^J-arf'H LS 162) a. general: X3Bm XlS'ltf i.-beverage of (the wood of) the laurel tree Pes 56a(9; M1); b. esp. w. 347
2#K3in 348 ppi 4- XXin mng. 2b, as a fence: sg. XXim WTtt"! XinX XJB11 a place where they are accustomed (to build a fence) of palm branch(es) and laurel tree(s) BB 4a(37); MQ 7a(12); ,1Xlri3 m"? B'pJI XJB11 he holds it [i.e. the empty space] with (a fence of) palm branch(es) and laurel tree(s) Suk 23a(44); ib. 24b(29); 33; 25a(10) Lit: Low, Flora 2:122; Y: NJBT Suk ib.(BAYTN 80). 2#N3BT, K3BH, pi. NIUS}, '3BH n.f. side, wall, rib (Sy rdlaH, pi. rc'&iaH f. LS 162, mngs. 1, 2, Ma &USTT side, rib MD 105) 1. side: sg. X3D1 XiBI the side of the vessel Men 7a(12); ib. lla(27); Xwi 48a(l); ,13'BOI XJB11 the side of a boat &* 100b(45); pi. XT31 '3BTT the sides of the cistern Hul 67a(39); 'JSH '^'X 'Sri? T35TI he makes the trees into sides (of the sukka) SeelG(Stl 405:35); 2. wall: sg. X3B11 Xn<3)(3}'0 the peg of the wall Git 32a(2); pi. xnXJBI »'»n five walls Zev 37b(36); 3. rib [I XpBI]: sg. 'X Xa»X1 'X XJBTJ (meat) either of the rib or of the thigh 5M23b(ll; Ar [AC 1:62]); xnvm XJB1 the animal's rib HP 201:1 Geon. expl.: nay XJB1 TGAs42 156:21 [4- 1#N13'V]; cf. Brand 108; Y: fl'JOT Yom ib. N'liST n.m. ruffian (4 V]B1) pi. Xp "UB1 m»a nma he is frightened by the ruffians Git 34a(22; Vl8RaH) Y: T3OT Gi/ ib. Nj?BT n.m. rib (VpBI) sg. 5A/23b(l 1; Es); pBD Xn311 XM13 XpBT> mV they push the rib aside in that place TGHark 159:28; pi. 'pBI GC 80:12 [expl. as H my1?*]; #G3 156:45 j?lj?BT interj. (word in a charm formula) mil m\VO\ T3n BH n'1,1 pipBI pIpDI DH you were cursed you were cursed, broken, and banned Sab 67a(29) NptPBT 4 'pE/S '3 n. pram 4 xrxm n.] '2H vb. to stick in (< yxi* < metath. 4 Vfjn) 4Vpi 1# Nj?^ n.m. pupil (lit. child; 4 Vppi, pm) sg. hdh x1?! "p-fr jwim 'i nH rayV 'xa what should PN do to his pupil that he should not become lazy? Naz 59b(26) Lit: Eps, St2 815. 2#N|TT n.m. barrier (4 Vpn; cf. Sy rdioH watchtower LS 146) pi. Xatyl 'pi bm HIV 'Xa 15731X1 how is this different from all barriers, in general, which are four (handbreadths in height)? Er 61a(25) This word, however, may be an artificial A pi. form, since the sg. is always written fipi [v. ib. 59b(26); 60a(6)]; Y: '|H Er ib. Nj?!lrIj7,I n.m. fine point, explicit conclusion (4 Vpll pal.; MH2 pnpi J 318) 1. fine point: pi. 'pnpi jH'X 1310 p'lpl x"?1 }"J?X even though the scribe did not employ these fine points (in writing the get) TGHark 130:8; 2. explicit conclusion: pi. xnb'a xm 'pnpi nasi nan XnV'a X.lV .T'lmVl mpnsb there are quite a number of explicit conclusions in this matter to settle or to refute this matter TGHark 227:1; I$GF 8:12; TGAs42 65:5 ptpl 4- Vpn pal. pljp/t adj., n. very small (4 Vppl, pill; Sy rdon-nji small LS 163) n.pl.f. xnplpl very small pieces Hul 51b(38; V11) [* 4 xnpl] Y: xrifljrj Hul ib.(BAYTN 313). [NTIpT 4 xmpi n.] n.m. cleaning (in water; V^pl; Sy «* \, on rslLia cleaning or soaking of wheat in water BBah 588:12) sg. X'ai X^pi cleaning (of wheat) in water Pes 40a(3; C) [Var: xVp'1 E'V'Ar (AC 3:125)] Lit: Low, Flora 2:317'. 2# Hbpl 4 X^p'1 n. ppl vb. to grind, pound, beat (4 Xp'1, Vplpl, l#Xp1, Xnpl; Sy von LS 163, Ma ppl MD 113) Pe. (a/u) 1. to grind, pound, pulverize: a. abs.: '333 pll grind with the molars Sab 152a (15); nV3X1 Xp"11 because it grinds and eats ib. 155a(41) [expl. MH npi (TOiTO) small animal ib.; cf. npia ,f>3X Da 7:19]; ib. 141a(3); b. w. obj.: 1) food, condiments: Xlri Xin pTa HB^B '(3){X}n ■HO Xi'301 Xnp3 it is permitted (on the Sabbath) to pulverize peppercorns one by one with the hilt of a knife ib. 141a(18); pill "T7XX HXX np"1 '3 when you pound (salt), tilt (the container) on its side and pound (it) Bes 14a(24; V1); VU'pTT^l ,rHP,I?T X"ian3 let him pound them [i.e. safflower seeds] into the wine and drink Git 70a(39); BB 25b(49) [I XDK/aW mng. 2]; HM 43:23; pass.part. '3D p"T mm n"Tri he saw that it [i.e. X0"T] was pounded fine [lit. much] Bes 14b(4); 2) pigments: 1H3 J?3S1 inrilll inrpm he pounded them, soaked them, and dyed with them BQ 101a(14); 3) lime: p"T VX\T\ pn Xinm xnriX3 in a place where the one who purchases (the lime) is the one who pulverizes it BM 74a(33); pTa ib. 32; 2. to beat: TIS pTa1? X"IE? H31 PN permitted beating coarse garments (to give them a better appearance) ib. 60b(ll; F1); VTW 'mm 3T lyia^lP l"?in3 xari'3 p(l)n)'aV PN permitted beating flax on the intermediate days MQ 10b(9; Sidra 9 156:15); pass.part. f'SJ xVl pm X3T1'3 flax which is beaten but not hackled Suk 12b(13); &6 20b(25); //«/ 51b(37) 1|?T vb. to stab (Sy -vm LS 164, Ma npT MD 113) Pe.: mipma"? iys 'nmsV IDa '3 when they reached the entrance, they wanted to stab him (to see if he was dead) Git 56a(51) [H"\pi 4-2#xnpxn.] NJIi?! n.f. powder, dust (I *<lppT, Sy rc'^-ua dust LS 163; cf. Ma xnxpT small pieces MD 113) pi. 'B?rx xprai xnpi k'jtk xp mn dust (from the flax) used to go and injure people BB 26a(3; Es); Hul 5lb(3S) [tlplpl] Y: m?l Hul ib.(BAYTN 187). 1»1 "IT n. (fictitious names) 1B1 m "?3 ]a SSHai 5a(8; O) Lit: Eps, SSHai 238. l#Sni, X1X-I, pi. 'TT, NrilT n.m. row, line, generation (i Vmi; TA xm TO Gen 15:16, Sy k'-\^ procession, generation LS 147, Ma 1#X"IXT age MD 100, > IrArab dara, daga Avishur, Elements 244+) 1. row: a. general: sg. nxriTl X1T the lower row Sab 98a(9); xap Xm the first row Suk 45b(24) // San 97b(43); von XTT a row of women Ket 60a(12); n3JT KT1 a row of men Hul 1 la(l); 'ilXT xm a row of the lobes (of the lung) 1#NTJ /&. 47a(13); iTBin'OT Xm the row of its blow [i.e. its paw marks were in a row] ib. 53a(45); 119b (21); XySS XS1BX Xyxa XnXT the middle row (of the crocus and its) middle leaf Nid 20a(38); pl.cs. xmvn m iD'ian n'1? mnx eighteen rows of white hair encircled him [i.e. his head] Ber 28a(5); 'J'tf »m non'E? sixteen rows of teeth Hul 60b(31) [i 'J'tf mi]; det. HI HD two rows (of tables) Men 98b(39; V10); HX1 HX1 many rows (of stones?) Meg 12a(37) [expl. BH 11 Est 1:6]; b. of the school/academy [cf. GeonH lin 'Bl^X IKI 15:3]: sg. xrOTM .131 X1X1 the great row in the academy iSGF 120:18; OHT Ket 162:6; X1J13 XII ... xap XII the first/last row BQ 117a(42; F1); pl.'Xlra HX1 Sab 75b(3); y3P HI seven rows BQ 117a(42; F1); X3n2X iV'Xa XJ111 (')3Hp as if we are close in rank [lit. close of rows] TGAs42 52:18; 2. line: sg. Xim p ]31X1 lmi^y xn xim iy 3pyi xm (the words) pixi )3 are on one line and 1J? 3pJ?' are on another line above them BB 161a(12); XII1? XII ]'3 I'V ,!?n he suspends it [i.e. the additional letter] between one line and the other OHT Git 200:19; pi. HX1 WX1 XDTITai the beginning of the lines of the mezuza BMsD 6:4 [cf. Men 31b, w. ref. to writing the words fixn ty Dt 9:21 at the beg. of the line]; 3. generation: sg. X113 'in1? 'X X113 in1? 'X either for one in a generation or two in a generation Ket 17a(27); XII X1,113 nm 'X had you been in that generation San 102b(13); Yev 17a(10); Ara 17a(10); "pXTl fix you and your generation Er 54b(50); X1X1 1J131 X1X1 generation after generation iSGF 69:10; ib. 62:1; 1J? X3X in1? XrjH HTlb l"?ai I tend to them until they complete the generation [i.e. their allotted time] Hag 5a(6); pl.cs. 'a"?5? HI1? for future generations Git 36b(18); Bo 19:1; det. HX1 pn two generations HP 143:9; Zev 113b(40); ISGF 74:13; 13 Xll'J HI X10J? a descendant of a proselyte after ten generations [lit. a proselyte of ten generations] San 94a (3 8); HI 1W3'X have the (later) generations become more reliable? Yev 39b(44); Hul 93b(42); HI HI many generations Tern 15b(53); 4. lineage: sg. XII j'jBn'X the lineage was separated Yev 21b(48); 5. (uncertain): sg. '1 mm ,1W Sot 19a(21; V2) // Qid 36b(8)
'"HIlV 350 PT" Lit: Koh, AC 3:138 [mng. 5]; Voc: XT1 HGP 42a:33; '1x1 HPP 224:21; Y: X?T G<r 68b(48; BAYTN 7). adv. forever (Sy ^H^riA PSm 855, Ma XnXTIXT? MD 100, s.v. 1#X-IX1) xn?n3X '("l){pmT7 is this a proclamation (concerning the 'en/v) forever? Er 64a(3); "Xpn X1X1X 'TKffiWfr (the tree is called) '. because it lasts forever Bes 15b(40; MGG 159:6) Expl. Rashi: pan mTlT? ^'yiO 1! Tiran '31 Er ib. [2#«n i l#X7Hn.] [3# KIT! I XT1 n.] [NPlKTr- n. TD'tflXTJ Bo 4:5 Lit: Eps, Stl 333. This rdg. is now rejected by Shaked, Study 180, in favor of prtnm of your heads.] SJai'l, N3N3T7 n.m. guard, doorkeeper (< Mir *darban [< MP dar door + -panag guardian CPD 24, 64, > Armen darapan Htibsch, AG 137; cf. NP darbdn porter, warder PED 508]) pi. XIX 'x-nn 'jxaTn nma 'Jxai(i) nawx he went (and) found guards on the inside and guards on the outside (of the entrance) Bek 8b(18; V9) [Var: '313TT Ar (AC 3:140)] Lit: Geig, AAC 150; Tel 56; Shaked, EIr 260; Y: 'X:3T[ Bek ib.(BAYTN 323). Xyn n.m. ladder, step, level (TA yjrfi pi. TO Ex 20:23, Sy rO£iH LS 165, Ma X1T1 MD 109) 1. ladder: sg. Sab 77b(30) // Ket 10b(54) [pop. etym. as H li Tri a way to the roof]; p'^O Xp mn mmna xm jrns'xi myo o'arwx onn xma he was ascending the ladder and was reciting. His foot slipped and the ladder collapsed from under him Sab 30b(6); ib. 118b(54); 155a(ll); Hag 5b(20) // San 11 lb(4); Ket 62a(41); Qid 81a(26); BB 10a(29); San 26a(36); ^Z 57a(7); Xlixb po imnna Km 'TCI go up to the roof and throw the ladder down from under you Ber 33a(15) // Pes 112b(17); 2. staircase, stairs: sg. ny n'p3» xm 71'nn he let him alone until he descended the staircase Er 52a(31); XlTTSia} '^D Xp mn he was going up the stairs Ket 62a(42); 3. step: sg. X"0TD^ xm a step for the pedestal Meg 26b(36); yenh xm np'y its root is a step to its foliage Mak 12b(17); 4. level, degree: sg. mm xrawiw (i)n)na xm po xrorx 3'on xm go down a rank and marry a woman. Go up a rank (and) choose a best man }fev 63a(37); nffnx na nsn^ nV'poa nV p'poa xm in just as we raise (the penalty for) a betrothed (priest's daughter) one degree from stoning to burning ... San 51b(6); TGAs42 10:28; pi. 'JTT X3XY> 'b'T pa 'm between me and PN there are various levels [i.e. a great difference] 55 22a(30; MGL 699:1); 5. prelude: sg. XJY1DXX XT' XinsV xm XJSX XT XJUltfb xm (placing) the hand on the jaw is a step to fear. (Placing) the hand on the forehead is a step to sleep Pes 112a(5) Y: KIT! BAYTN 80. [m 4- V'tt vb.] mi vb. to cause to drip, slant (etym. unkn.) Quad. 1. to cause to drip: "p'X T> XTay X1? xarr nwya jw3 ps-n xw-ix xrrewn uim ignorant person! Did not your mother do for you the dripping of oil on the head(s) of the scholars at the time of the event [i.e. the marriage]? Ket 17b(9); ib. 7; 13; 2. to slant: 'JTTV1 n[1Tfl]l TGAs28 196:9 [of a wall] Geon. expl.: ]OVT\ np"T Ar [AC 3:143] [mng. 1]; Lit: Fl, TMW 1:444. PTT!> pfHT adj. small, n. child, young person (< i pTpT w. dissim. of -q-q- > -r-q-; l Vppl, l#Xp7, Xripl, 'p-m nptt; OfA dar-da-qe-e Uruklnc 11, Hat xpm pi. DNWSI 260, Sy rsLraH* LS 166 [Lex], Ma X'prm, xnxp'TTI, X'JIpITT young children pi. MD 109, > Arab jjj3 small [camels] Nold, MG 1851) I. 1. small: pl.m. 'pITTl 'ansn 'BO'S large and small presses Bo 121:15; ib. 136:6; 2. having less experience: pl.m. "Vi "D'ra jrwrcpn yna xra^m xcfps jinx 'prm D'ra xroVn it is clear that the law is according to us because we are more experienced than you, and the law is not according to you because you are less experienced BB 142b(36; P1); II. n. 1. child: sg.m./f. Xnpnm Xprm a boy and a girl ib. 58:4; pl.m./f. XJlXpi-lTI ym ib. 63:4 [cf. Ma 'pTnXT XJlXp-rm MIT 21:5]; 71:6; 122:5; 151:9; 'pjm xnprmi ib. 62:4; xuma 'a1? 'n'xn ym wx children have come to the school today Sab 104a(15); 'piTT xVu» OHO PN who raises children Hag 4b(39); 'pm na Tip x"n 'V'D 'Ml Knpm 351 this refers to where children do not read in it [i.e. the synagogue] BQ 60b(28); Pes 116a(40); Bek 30a(5); SSSad 268:8; 2. young person: a. general: pl.m. 'pTTT ]13'X1 'W'B/p jax we are old people, and they are young ones Bek 8b (22) [cf. Hat XplTTl Ktrvp pi. IIH 336:5; 343:3]; XJIPn 'pTTT7 p'ltfpl now that we have grown old (we want) to be young people BQ 92b(54); Sab 89b(31) [* '3D]; 'pjTOXJH 1^ SOZ 73:5; b. w. ref. to junior scholars: sg. "jyiDX arm xb XpITT XJT>'a X.T> maxn ny young man! Do not sit down on your feet [perh. crosslegged] until you tell me this matter Sot 19a(21); pi. 'pvm XXiy!3E7 'B'*in the legal tradition of the young men is clever Sab 142b(40); 'Tl '3}1? 'J'TJ Xaty '"7131 myip 'pTTl iai 'pTT73 did the young men tear it [i.e. the document]? In matters of law all are young men with regard to me BM 66a(28); Sab 145b(27); Pes 35a(39); Yev 85a(21); Git \\b(21); San 38a(6); c. w. ref. to demons: p'SnsT'a"' ]13'pTlrTV from your older ones to your younger ones Bo 150:4; ib. 70:4 Lit: Eps, St2 815; on Er 64a(3), v. i XTI; Y: 'j?7"n Gil 36a(8; BAYTN 216). «npTn, Knpnn i pnm adj. N1rI"1';I n.m. thistle (Centaurea; i XB11, 1J33, 'mm xpma; Sy rc^Hji pi. LS 166) sg.cs. DX1J xmm hewn stalk of a thistle [artichoke plant?] Gr?70a(37; OHT ib. 159:1) Geon. expl.: bsi "py'l min ^X 'B 1131D *7X TTTt in mm DXIJ niVsxi 'jsti joiy n'^y tjh pay oht ib. 159:1 [= xin xyitt mix D'sbpn D'Xip Dn'ty »' ins 'jaai xi|?n mira i3i:n iiii 13W3W no O'talXl Bacher, SH 115:18], i.e. j*& artichoke; Lit: Low, Flora 1:406+; Y: KITH Gil ib.(BAYTN 216). K&Vn n.m. south, Darom, the southern region of Palestine around Lydda (4- nxttm, Vam; TA Xfiril TO Num 34:3, JPA DTT1 DJPA 155) 1. south: sg. Bes 4a(12); Bo 51:3; ib. 119:10; 2. Darom: sg. X13TTT13 xnx 'T X/1X '31 when PN came from Darom Yev 57a(40); Suk 54a(16); BQ 42a(35) Lit: J. Schwartz, Jewish Settlement in Judaea, Jerusalem 1986 207+ [Heb]. ilKaVn adj., n. inhabitant of Darom (4- X»m + gent, ending; JPA "am DJPA 155) n., pl.m. y^LT 'TI n'a^a una 'X»m the inhabitants of Darom transmit in the name of PN BB 96a(16); Zev 22b(33) YnXOhl BAYTN 318. ]Vn n.m. gift (< Sc&pov Lehnw 194; i XV1S) sg. no'p 'a1? ym 'mr^V ynr\ micjs'x in xar one day they had to send a gift [i.e. a bribe] to the emperor's palace San 108b(53) flOWI n.f. truth (< MP drust right, healthy CPD 28; Ma XDlOm uprightness MD 114, ModSy *i-i»o-w Nold, NSGr 386; cf. Sy x^^vjoo-w LS 167 < MP drustabed chief physician CPD 28) sg. T-ltfl D'p TIDim xn yir\ this secret is truth, sure and fast Bo 15:8; nam Mibl T13'»i Xia'B 'Km Xin this statement which it is clear that it is not true OHT Yev 71:10 Lit: Eps, Stl 343. SpJISm n.m. a type of receptacle (< Ir ?; v. infra) sg., pi. nST'T? n'3TO in3'3 'piTBim 'SU '.T713 xnmxn Xpnsm n'SU »im all bodies are receptacles. Fortunate is he who will be worthy and his body will be a receptacle of the Torah San 99b (12) [Var: 'p/ism, XpJTBTI Ar (AC 3:161)] Geon. expl.: p»lj>l pn 13 pniJ D1X '331 liy ^W bnJ 0'3 imp 'jxynip'i xfrem xnpji jmx yaxn1? -\m on'ano 'jy lmx IX'On mix OH San 518:37, i.e. o1^- Lit: Shaked, Study 181, suggests an Ir deriv. < OP *draw-pataka- 'the preserved harvest' > 'granary'; Y: XjjrisnT San ib.(BAYTN 298). apm i xpm n. 1# 'HT vb. to winnow, scatter (Sy re'-w LS 165, Ma 2#KTT MD 113) Pe. to winnow: xm'tt BM 74a(15) Pa. to scatter: "mn HW,t? a term of scattering AZ 44a(26; Ar [AC 3:135]) [expl. BH nXBH 2S 5:21, w. ref. to TA TIJ^B^n) xniYi ]irT7Jl TJ Is 41:16(Ar), MT DXBm mil Qnw]; .T1? VriS'Vl n'm'1?! let him shake it and scatter it Sab 66b (41) 2#'*n vb. to carry, bear, sustain (< VyTT < denom. i XyYJ; I V4#mn, 2#XT,1, m; Ma l#xm MD 113, Sy .^-vi af. LS 168) Pe. 1. to carry: .TBTO TflX n'3iyD xm he carried his load on one shoulder Tan 23b(2); Anan 61:9; n'TinX X2X@'nXTi 'Xm Xax I am the sister of the one whom I am carrying Yev 97b(4); ib. 8; Ber
xm 352 am T T ~ 61a(49); BB 100a(24); Meg 28a(18); ib. 18a(46) [4- XJ30]; Bes 30a(4) [4- Xpnil mng. 1]; BM 83a(25) [4- X11X]; #«/ 7a(37); #P 76:8; Xp 111) Xfi03 XJ'n I was carrying a bag fttf 26b(25); '3 B'ina 'yro1? 'n? mnpn x"? xiam xiran wn when you carry a jug of wine do not call a pagan to assist you AZ 60a(10); ib. 32a(9); Hul 105b(44); Sab 148a(32); '1XTT nX7BJ XaBPBW 'TO a large ant which is carrying something ib. 66b(40); 'JXBttniP m'-)<n>{"l}l the ants carried it away HG3 387:42; nnVajV n? '1XTT ]XB one who carries its nevela Anan 59:3; ib. 45:22; ATef 60a(15); Hul 105a(37); 2. to bear: '3XW pX n1? '1X1 mil nV nn'n (the crown) had a lodestone which bore it(s weight) AZ 44a(39); 3. to sustain: xnVn xV'x nnV 'ixi x"? xpcy tiod dx X3X'T if the business deal registered a loss, the borrower sustains only one-third of the loss HP 49:24; ib. 27; ,1TB T1X1 'XB X'M3 pTBI 'XB 731 mm? 1TX iT7 '1X1 he must sustain solely whatever is lost of whatever he buys on credit TGHark 271:24; ib. 272:4; 278:2; c. fig.: XIBn 73 xn xnan ix1? x'B xnVn in Vy nxi x"?t any wine which cannot sustain (an admixture of) three times as much water is not wine Sab 77a(4) // Er 29b(22) // BB 96b(l 1); 4. w. fol. vb. to proceed: 7iy'X 'iix XJB'pBIX before I detour around, I shall proceed to enter (directly) Ber 62b (46; L) // Meg 29a(41; G) [expl. MH.n'niMj? MBer 9:5 by notarikon; v. Geon. expl. infra] Af. to stretch out the arm or hand: Xlin 'T7X nby rbpV Xpl n'T '« a certain pagan stretched out his hand and was taking it AZ 59b(3; J) [Var: npan m '1VX he stretched out his hand and clinched it HG3 259:20(Var); P1: XTO] Itpe. to be carried: rVID1B3 '1TB1 XJTO "73 every load which is carried on poles Sab 92a(31) Geon. expl.: TJX3X 71JPX 'TBi OHP Ber 106:24, i.e. j± III to set out, enter [Pe., mng. 4]. NJ11 n.m. porter (4- V2#'T1 qattal-form; 4- 2# xi"i) sg. 733 xnnno 7'3iai xm ixna '3 Xfina like the porter (who) goes from one place to another and transports merchandise in the entire province RH 9b(20; Ar [AC 3:134]) [expl. BH liTl Lev 25:10] Expl. ib.: nnan Vaa n-roion I'Voi minon xwwa Vaon p-i'»a TinoV; Y: XJTI BAYTN 80. Nj?'"11* n.m. royal official (< Mir *darik, darly courtier [cf. MP dar palace, darlgbed palace superintendent CPD 24]; Sy kISJj-w [sic!] LS 165) sg. .T33X X37B1 Xp('){1)n «|'7n X7l a royal official does not pass by his gate Ket 62a(36; Ar [AC3:161]V16) Lit: Geig, AAC 152 [contra Fr, ZDMG 51 (1897) 681]. 1 # "JTT vb. to tread, trample, overtake (4- X3T1; Sy u\i:i [a/o] LS 166, Ma "pi [e/e] MD 114) Pe. (e/u) to tread, trample: X71 1T\K2 T)3p1 X'010 Til bury (the sherd) in a place where a horse does not tread HM 42:10; Ket 60b(53) [4- XJITT'l, XJini]; p71B13CX 7y pill they [i.e. the demons] tread on their thresholds Bo 6:4 // ib. 34:4; fill? Pes lllb(5); '17 Til ib. 33b(27) [grapes]; 'J?'3T 'S'7p3 "jnB treading on eggshells ib. 112b(24); pass.part. nS'TB "73 p'TTl XJllJlCXl all the idol demons and female spirits are trampled Bo 48:2; X33X XlBn I'V X3'm .Tin n'jn31 he saw that a donkey had trodden on the top of his foot Sab 109a(28) Af. 1. to overtake: n'3TiX X1?! (he ran after him) and did not overtake him Ket 60b(25) // AZ I5b(5i); nan xb' oubs xb n'Jir "omxi they overtook him in the middle of Pelagos, the great sea Bo 76:6; 2. to trample: '7 1311B1 1J1X XJ)BM now they will come and trample me AZ 31b(8; P'RaH) Itpe. to be trampled: mnn ... TllJI'll B?'33ri'3 pn'71'1 may (PN) be pressed and trampled under their legs Bo 127:12 2# "pi vb. to give someone power to seize property in lieu of a debt (4- XH3T1X; > Arab 4jJ IV to claim a right to the possession of landed property G. Khan, Aram 6 [1994] 214+) Af.: ly '■? D'sn x'B© "?3 mnn ,T7 mai 'xa 73i n'3B JHSBl whatever he gives to him as power to seize property under heaven, he may seize for me until he is paid by him SSSad 254:13 N311 4- X3T1 n. Dll vb. to turn southward (denom. < 4- XBllI; MH am hif. lnvth 137) Af.: firrarn pnx IB'TTX 'Bmx "7X1©' pXT XJIB'XX you who dwell sail 353 win to the north of Eretz Israel, turn completely southward (when praying) BB 25b(33) Nil! n.m. parasitic worm (etym. unkn.; Sy r£j-ta PSm 953, MH2 XJTI Sab 75a[l], Arab Oj^ Dozy 1:437) pi. '1W3i '111 parasitic worms of the flesh (of animals) Hul 67b(22; M) Expl. Ar: tryaan nanan 'wxiaw D'yVm ac 3:156; Lit: Eps, GC 1067; Y: SUV! BAYTN 80. Oil vb. to tread, press, claw (JPA DTI DJPA 156, MH 011 LNVTH 137, Sy r-^ LS 168) Pe. 1. to tread: D'ST n*7 'Dm the public treads upon it Sab 7a(15); ib. 26; 8a(14); Er 8a(32); ib. 92a(30); 2. to press: yv X7l DlTT 'nt?l j'iB'T sometimes he pauses and presses (with the knife when slaughtering an animal) and he is unaware Hul 9a(14); '17 Cll Xp he presses them [i.e. the mattresses] together Nid 32b(38); 3. to claw: n'1'7 IpOSI 0'm (the cat) was clawing and they cut off its paws Hul 53a(34); ib. 35; 62a(14); 73 XlVn IX xVyn IX XUW ]M0 O'lll 'XB whatever claws such as a cat, or a fox, or a mole HP 203:11; ib. 205:3 Itpe. 1. to be trampled: XOITBI because (the sheaves) are trampled BM 23a(l); 2. to be clawed: pm'X '011TX XBV'T perhaps (the hens) were severely clawed HP 203:14; ib. 18 Geon. expl. [Pe., mng. 2]: Npi NmB D'XJH p3 'Bin '3'n .10Y! a-a'i rm xnaei xaie xsnn mn no'nen waoi Knrn1? n1? cnw P'db's watf? iT'rui n'oaai 'Dpai wao 'l^y .tt1? ncmi XM't Nina Wlipsx HG3 110:72. [yn 4-Vi#'yn vb.] Njrn, NJTKn n.m. arm (4- V2#'ll; TA XJ711 To'Num 6:19, Sy rdi4a LS 168, Ma Xll MD 114) sg. n'yxiT? n'Vl he uncovered his arm Ber 5b(27; MGG 827:13) // n'jniV Git 31b(48; As); Ket 65a(32); 1'yna ]'^'SD naB '3 when he puts phylacteries on his arm Ber 60b(39); xym (the phylactery) of the arm Yom 33b(8; E2) [^ 4- xriStJID]; Ber 6b(l); TGAs28 67:4; xnBpip D'lffp DlBXy prxi xyxm the skull and the arm which are hard bones TGHark 107:28; pi. pn n'ynin his two arms BB 91b(18) Y: xyYI Kom 33b(8; BAYTN 48). 1'Sll, '3'Sll n.m. cinnamon (< Mir *dar-cen, *dar i cemQc) [> Armen daricenik Hiibsch, AG 137; NP dar [f] cm, dar aril lit. Chinese wood PED 496]; Sy j-J-j^A LS 168; cf. Ma p China MD 394) sg. pn Sab 65a(19; TRN 601:6) [Var: p<!X)(Xin O, TXinil M]; TXlxn GC 144:7 [expl. MH !0Bn MUqs 3:5]; TGAs42 174b:2 Geon. expl.: pane tsd pi ]'x fiso j'Kan D'nai I'xnii xVai:i xVajJi •I'B'a'' jm Tnva xm in mytji icnaa wnw 'ab i'»iyw \wbi lawi xin anxi i'j'x 'S'Vp1? ti'stn] csy ■?» niaTin1? nan ':'J@TI Cany) TRN ib., i.e. i^^jlj. Lit: Low, Flora 2:112; 3:498; Geig, AAC 152; Y: XJlXni BAYTN 242. N3ij?n n.m. serpent (< Sp&Kcov Lehnw 218; Sy rdjoj^a LS 168) sg. n'OBW xaipn xinn xnx n'WanV a certain serpent came (and) tore out his intestines Ber 62b(24) // Git 57a(21); ib. 56b(13; SM 44:18) 111 vb. to argue, censure (4- 2# X1TI; Sy 1# in pe., pa. to fight bravely, strive LS 165) Pe.: X*71 pn{J1W33 ]in'n do not argue in their house Bo 8:16 Pa. id.: piTTI xVl Bo 7:16 Lit: Eps, Stl 335. l#Sin, N1N11 n.m. gum (4- 2#xm) pi. 'ri'X nnna p'aii xnn xnx'^p bring olive pits and stick (them) on his gums Yom 84a(26); 'VB 'Bl n'ma xan TIKI n'333 he places something between his molars, and blood flows from his gums AZ 28a(26) // Yom 84a(27; Ar [AC 3:136]); '111 TRN 601:3 Geon. expl.: Dlpa ... '"IT! rU'XI D'3'W Vw ]yy T» nn 'j'w in 'aix iw^a rawi ,t:'b ni^iriBW trn ib.; TGWeisz 83:9. 2#Kin, N1N11 n.m. contested interest, suspicion (4- VfTi; Sy rc'ii dispute, struggle LS' 165) sg. XaiaBT xm contested interest in the money Ket 23b(45); BM 2b(30); BB 35b(l); Svu 41a(2); XaiaBT X1X11 TGHark 15:31 // Geon 287:9; nXBIDT Xm suspicion of uncleanness Nid 6a(22) Lit: Eps, PLA 261; Geig, AAC 153; Voc: XTXTI HGP lb:12; Y: XYn BB ib.(BAYTN 42). $11 vb. to interpret or expound Scripture or the law (4- mm, X3«711; JPA «m DJPA 156, Sy r-jx LS 168, Ma Em MD 114) Pe. (a/u) 1. to interpret or expound privately: a. Scripture: 1) alone: ]3'tt»ll lffn»7 X3'X1 X3'H 73 wherever it is
nfri 354 Ntfhl possible to interpret Scripture we do so Pes 24b(2) // Bek 6b(44) // Hul 118b(10); ©111 'XB what did they expound? Tan 30b(37) [fol. by verse]; BB 21a(7); PlTTl HWX Xip they found a biblical verse and expounded (it) AZ 52b(24); Men 77a(31); Ara 27a(l); Zev 69b(25); Xip 'It'll Xp N1VI' they interpret a superfluous verse 5g 84a(19); NISp 13 12H1 5er 63a(30); Sab 22a(3); Fom 81b(39); Sot 4b(6); /1Z 33b(36); ff'11 xpi 3TP1 nTDPX he found him sitting and interpreting San 100a(35); ib. 102a(56); Sab 30b(49); BB 75a(26); "jawa 13'PII we interpret in your name Bes 28a(33); 2) w. dir. obj.: '13 '11 Will X3'py according to PN who expounds waws Yev 68b(15); Naz 7b(8); D'HX 'ffTT xb ]331 D'flX W'11 lyVx '1 the scholars do not expound the occurrences of (the word) UK. PN expounds the occurrences of (the word) JIN Nid 35a(30); San 49a(13); Xipi n'ayD em he expounds the reason of the biblical verse Sot 8a(16); 'CII ]331 'DX1S1 ^xbo the scholars interpret (by the principle of) general rules and particular cases San 45b(52); Svu 4b(9); ,1'na ]3 ITy^X "b I'1? ,11,1 xson ma emi xrnna Kip 'xna enra^ PN could have interpreted a 'pearl' [i.e. a valuable interpretation] regarding this verse, but (instead) he interpreted regarding it an 'oyster shell' [i.e. a worthless one] Yev 94a(34) [v. Mib. 10:3, w. ref. to Lev 21:7]; 3) w. "3: 1,13 P 1TO ©'371 xb inViaa DyVaa "13V do not excessively expound to their (detriment) in all cases except for Balaam San 106b(ll); bmm EPTT mm Xpl3' Xinn a certain young man who was expounding on V»2?n [Ezek 1:4] Hag 13a(49); &rf 7b(14); BQ 49a(34); Zev 8a(21); 2) the law: 'If 031X1 11*7 PITT'1?! let one interpret for them [i.e. the women] that in a case of compulsion it is permitted Ket 3b(18); Suk 34b(24); in1? K>vmi iiyaw 'ia iaV X3tm xbxi and if not, I shall interpret (the law) for you according to PN. Let him interpret (it) for them (so)! Pes 30a(18); 2. to interpret or expound publicly: a. Scripture: X3VX,1 TOI3 em 'X8 what did Moses expound today? San 110a(9); '1 E>TT XmVj W'l '31 xnn'BX xnS3 pnS' PN expounded at the entrance of the exilarch's house Sab 126b(9); ib. 155b(33); £e/65b(28); g;W31a(24); Hul 84b(23); ©111 yinxb '1D1T IS) yVp'X PN chanced to come to our place and he expounded Nid 36a(32); fill Xtma '31? Vxiatf pS3 PN went out to the school and expounded Sab 156b(17); Hag 5b(47); AZ 10b(46); Pes 115b(9) [I Vl31 af.]; '11B'X3 «]0V 31,112/11 PN expounded it in GN San 109a(48); Sab 133b(38); b. the law: X31.1 31 'X118X 10'bxia 2?'11 mn PN used to expound with (the aid of) thirteen speakers Ket 106a(22); Er 104a(27); Git 43a(36); Hul 100a(12); 1,13X '1 xnyaisa cm x"n 'i xrmx cm PN was expounding aggada. PN2 was expounding the legal tradition Sot 40a(32); Tern 14b(16); '31 xrmx xnViri xnyao xnVin mpi'ss cm tx» 'Vna Xn"?W PN used to expound at his public lecture one-third legal tradition, one-third aggada, (and) one-third parables San 38b(51) [I xpi'S mng. 5]; ib. 102b(10); Hul 15a(32); piS p'aya rf? cm ps3 ... craya i,t? enn go (and) expound for them 'One appoints [market officials]'. He went and expounded 'One appoints [market officials]' BB 89a(17); X33B? XJ1X13'1 '10@'brfr P'11 mn PN was expounding to 130,000 (people) &/« 26a(46); p'EHI X'llSa nDDn ni3b,13 from Purim we expound the laws of Passover San 12b(45) Itpe. to be expounded: rvb t/mi ]XB xpiOS 'X,1 n'B'oV ii'cna n'V cm t/nru ''Em n'S'oa E>'1T8 (according to) the one who expounds this verse [i.e. Ps 119:126] in reverse-it is expoundable. (According to) the one who expounds it from beginning to end-it is expoundable Ber 60a(34) Lit: Bacher 42. NtPTI, NH7XT7 n.m. exegetical interpretation of Scripture (4- VtfTJ; Sy rdiin LS 168, Ma xv xm MD 114) sg. xvx-n bm nxa y3ix four hundred camel (load)s of exegetical interpretation Pes 62b(43); Xl,1 Xl'ri' Xip ,1'VlDI mn Xttm1? Xin KTTI'I p'31 the entire verse is superfluous, and since it is superfluous it was for exegetical interpretation San 71b(l); H'VlDI V'Xin xt>xm xrtV'a 'aj ,13 3'nD xnxi xin xcxn1? xip since the entire verse came for exegetical interpretation, (Scripture) also writes in it an 355 2# vatin (additional) statement for exegetical interpretation ib. 55a(24) // Yev 54b(27); ib. 70b(34); Meg 2b(48); ib. 3a(44); 8a(38); San 2ib(28); m"? X3'3n xtma x"nxi xnV'a Va (the Tanna) prefers any matter which is derived from an exegetical interpretation Yev 3a(6); Naz 2b(3); BQ 17b(ll); BB 108b(2); Zev 48a(3); 'OV mi X3'inX XW111? Xip 'XnV 'V p'sai 'V'Vin according to PN who utilizes this verse for another exegetical interpretation Qid 5a(21); ib. 56b(49); Pes 22b(33); BQ 41b(ll); San 64b(19); Hor 8a(39); pi. 'Xlpl '»X11 73GF 39:1; 'WX11 '1T0 nyaiXI exegetical interpretations of the four books [i.e. the halakhic midrashim on Ex-Dt] TGHark 135:20 Lit: Bacher 42; Y: XWYr BB 108b(3; BAYTN 112). IWt&TJ n.m. darshan, one who publicly expounds Scripture (4 Vtthl; JPA ]Erm DJPA 142, MH ]fc>11, TEhil Gross, Patterns 61) pi. X"3tm Suk 38b(17) KITH n.f. residence, property, courtyard (i'^m, xni'1; TA Xilll TO Ex 27:12 [H IXn], Sy re'&'w house, courtyard LS 147, Ma XmXI dwelling MD 101) 1. residence, property: sg. X*? xaVy 'VlS XT1T1 H'V '8X1 X3T] 130 ia xrni m1? 'axi 'i'Vs '3 yaca 'mi n'Vs yair/a xsoam iao iai yaca 'na if he said to him XT1T1, everyone agrees that it means rooms. When do they disagree? (If) he said to him xmi. This one is of the opinion that it means 'rooms' [i.e. the entire property], and the other is of the opinion that it means a 'courtyard' BB 67a(17); mxVs xrtxaa '■? rvxi xrm pns n^ n'3'an '"?S XH3113 I sold him for it [i.e. the stated amount of money] the property which I own in such-and- such a town, in such-and-such a place SSHai 5b(20); ib. 6a(4); 7a(15); 7b(12); lla(5); 18a(ll); SSSad 203:3; ib. 210:7; f? TDK "p^m "?33 xn3£>3 xny'3i xii3 Vd ]'3i xxvd p psca1? "?X1C1 XJin therefore we are forbidden to leave either a lamp or any burning fire on the Sabbath in any Jewish residence Anan 70:1; 131X piXI Xne/3 'TIT ]31 p3 liyapV xrm NN rented a property to NN2 for a certain amount of money for a year TGHark 154:33; ib. 276:22; 277:4; TGAs28 25:14; ib. 116:10; TGAs33 211:9; Bo 33:18; ib. 58:8; 2. courtyard: sg. BB 67a(17) [v. mng. 1] It is clear from the references in SSHai which are taken from a T1N3T 'J'S! 1BW 'document of the sale of estates' that the term XJlYt includes the entire property, since the document specifies that-among other things-the earth, rooms, courtyards, water canals, etc. are included in the sale; in other passages, however, the living quarters only may be intended; Y: XJVn Sab 31b(4; BAYTN 30). NGH n.m. door, doorway (< NA *dassu [GAG §34d] < Akk daltu CAD D 52, AIOA 45; I X13y, XfcHI X113'S; EA PI DNWSI 262, TA X^l TO Gen 19:6, Ma X2/'1 MD 109) 1. door: sg. XJ1"31 XB/1 the door of the house Ber 56a(41; P); TGHark 105:12; Xltflia '3<1){b) XW1 the door of the school Ber 28a(39); San 97a(38); Hul 95b(i4); n"? 'Vpw ms 'i '33 mm xmz> x'nn XW1X nV 11tt?1 mi»y3 a certain beam which was in PN's house (which) ten men used to take and place (as a bolt) on the door Er 102a(32); ]T3 XWT7 n'V 'Vxa Xpi n"Tm when he saw that he was pushing aside the door Ket 67b(38); mnXI "SX3 XflV he shut the door in front of him AZ 70a(5); Er 75b(10); {{Truncal) lH^IS HS'yVsi dVcITI Xf 1 Xin one door of GN engulfed all of them [i.e. the steel axes] San 96b(9); xVnSI X£H an iron door Bo 113:5; pi. vtn y31X Ber 58b(16); 'W11 xnxi3'p frameworks of doors MQ lla(27); 2. doorway: sg. XKHX '3'3 ia T1X 313'D' PN was sitting at the doorway Hul 47a(9); ib. 11; Sab 77b(30) // Ket 10b(54) [pop. etym. as UV 1,11 he trod there] Ace. to Rashi, the mng. of this word in the passage 'ttn '^fl XBH3 set up [lit. hang] the ... first Men 33a(ll; M) is 'doorpost'. In Sab 112a(5), Rashi reads: ^"D^ 'H"V1 and translates D'WIB T/D, used here figuratively w. reg. to bands for tying a garment; however, Ms. O reads: 'WKI, and the interpretation is unclear; Y: N8H Ber 56a(41; BAYTN 99). 1# N3B^ n.m. gift, present (< MP dasn CPD 25; EA ]Vn AD 2:4, Sy K'Jr.a LS 169; I X3B>1TB) sg. X3C11S 'Xn^ X3C1 'XH is this gift deserving of this return gift? San 94b(36) Geon. expl.: II rf7iys'? HI rrjnB TGHark 144:31; ntb ni py no TGWeisz 81:18; Lit: Geig, AAC 153; Nyberg 59; Tel 58.; Y: XJB"I San ib. 2# N3^T I J3»1 n.
J3BH 356 T T Mtin, Hlpl n.m. dagger (< MP dasnag CPD 25 [cf NP' 'rfaiwa PED 527]; Sy \-a_x-H LS 169 [Lex]) sg. rams nm U«n a double-edged dagger BM 84a(44; MGG 829:2, Geon 239:21) [expl. MH ]1'1S ib. 42 {barraita); cf. Sy rc'i.im oxjlSioA piH^ BBah 598:1]; XMWin x"?ia a sickle : dagger GC 28:6 [double rdg.; expl. MH IVJSMKel 13:1] Expl.: li« rot) XW K3W(1)ni SMel 75:1041, i.e. jiii. a dagger. Lit: Geig, AAC 319, s.v. VPJB; Eps, GC 2813. l##Bn vb. to be unmindful of something, indifferent (Sy 1# oe_ jrc* [j_H af.] to neglect LS 169, JPA Wl DJPA 157) Pe. [w. "31: 1!3 'JXP ■T3 tm X3piy PN is different because he was unmindful of it Sab 140a(30); D'3T ,T3 WXTI ]TO since most people became indifferent to it ib. 129b(15); H'3 vn ,T3 »Tt ]V3 since (the mosquito) became indifferent to it [i.e. the clanging of the hammer] it paid no attention to it Git 56b(43; MGD 728:16); Er 79b(10); Sot 7a(31); BM 58b(52); Hul 4b(20); H3 ]XH xn we have, in fact, become unmindful of it Ket 62a(26); wn xV mx Vd nxaitss vn jnixa HX01B3 a leper is indifferent to ritual impurity. People in general are not indifferent to ritual impurity Yom 30b(31) Lit: Schulthess, HW 20. 2# t£t£7 vb. to close (the ears; Sy 2# y. jjrc' [x-H af] to close (the ears) LS 169, mng. 3) Af.: iT31D 27HX1 ywtn pb fortunate is he who heard (disparaging comments) and closed (his ears) San 7a(21) Geon. expl.: [ft(K)<y Wl WB-in y»WW '» '1WN OH ib. 57:7; Lit: Schulthess, HW 20. [nNXlEH i l#OTTn.] N3nt&T n.f. menstruous woman (< MP dastan t t ; - v menstruation, menstruous CPD 25; Ma XJIN'MUUMO pi. menstruating women MD 101) sg. H1TW1 mi1? 'XD1S l"lj? ]Xa3 according to what do the Persians call a menstruous woman dastan? AZ 24b(54; Ar [AC 3:169]); XJX K1IW1 I am a menstruous woman ib. 18a(51; Ar [AC ib.]); Sab 110a(29; M.Oxf, c.27, 13,Ar [AC ib.]); Tan 22a(19; Ar [AC ib.]OM2) Lit: Geig, AAC 154. Note, however, the form KMOroi, e.g. AZ 18a(51; P1); Sab 110a(29; O); Y: XHKH Sab ib.(BAYTN 216). 'JOfltf 1 adj. menstruous (I XJ/lEh) sg.f. Xfiypn XJWItn Knn'XT the rag of a menstruous woman Bo 139:12 Nr^ n.f. law (< OP data HAp 115; Sy t^'n LS 169) sg.cs. Vx-M' TU3 mo according to the law of Jewish women Bo 10:10 n SH pron.f. this, that (< I XT! hada w. loss of intervocalic d; I HXn, 2#'Xn, y\) a. as subst.: 1) alone: X3TI3 XDT! xn where is this written (in Scripture)? Git 58a(18); X'H xnW3E/a Xn this is a corrupted version Qid 47b(7); XH 'W (according to) who(m) is this? &Z> 55b(17) [4- '»]; XH '3 like this [i.e. the following incident] /& 66b(21); Pes 106a(27); Hag 4b(37); Ket 27b(26); 55 8b(36); 2) *■ XH: Xm xn this and that Pes 82a(3); XH X"?3 XH this one without the other Nid 70b(26); Ber 40a(41); Nid 14a(5); XH IX XH IX either this one or that one BQ 3a(26); XH 1DX XH pnu we decree this on account of that AZ 38b(50); X»Vh ■T3 innj? Xm XH perhaps we do this and that against him [i.e. impose two punishments] Svu 37a(7); in1? xm ]V XH this is for us [i.e. in Babylonia], and that is for them [i.e. in Eretz Israel] Ber 44a(56); rWX13 XH nriWD XH each one deals with a different matter [lit. this is as it is, that is as it is] Er 70a(25); XH xny>-U3 XH Xnx'Vyas this refers to inferior (wheat), that to superior Pes 48a(35); 'pTijn xn 'mm XH this (refers) to new things, that to old ones Sab 48a(26); xn prffll XH TOD he dipped this (finger) and sucked that one AZ 18b(13); 3) * J]: i "p usage b; 4) w. fol. rel. pron.: XJV1 31 13 nam Xn this (tradition) of PN Sab 34a(26); paxn xn what we said Sab 26b(2); X'jm Xnx nV 'inai X3'X there is (someone) who transmits it concerning what is learnt (in a barraita) Bes 24a(46); b. as an adj. [rare]: XJIITX xn this woman MQ 16b(26); Wl^H xn this matter Yev 58a(24); Git 26b(22); Xmna xn this Tannaitic source Ket 52a(46); X,T am "nyatt? this legal tradition of PN Ned 88b(l) Note the spelling .TOBy [NHX •] vm Git 69b(46; OHT ib. 154:1); Y: Xil Ber 5a(29; BAYTN 342). NH, "H presentative particle in fact, lo (1 X3n, Dm; Sy rt'ro LS 169, Ma Xn MD 115) 1. in fact: a. alone: 1) bef. vb.: m X1? Xn it did not, in fact, come to rest Sab 80a(18); pnax Xn we, in fact, say Er 20b(23); n"?y narvx Xn it was, in fact, stated concerning it Bes 10a(34); BB 17b(35); Hul 137b(12); xmO'xa "|Sna Xp Xn he is, in fact, dealing with a prohibited object Bes 4b(13); xn "3X nVj? D"1? PN, in fact, used to denounce it [i.e. this ruling] MQ 12b(37); f? yawa Xp xn he, in fact, informs us San 10a(3); n"? XJlpa "lip Xn he can, in fact, surely warn her [i.e. his betrothed] Sot 24a(24) // ib. 25a(10); "Xn x"7 XVPa xn he will certainly, in fact, not live Yev 120b(14); 2) bef. n.: "fjy T^ST ]33T xn there are, in fact, scholars who disagree with you Ber 9a(13); X3TTI X3'X XTIO'X Xn Xa'Vn Xin there is no obligation. There is, in fact, a prohibition Sab lllb(42); xn 'yn Hno XD'X there are, in fact, witnesses who know ... Qid 12a(39); 3) bef. pron.: XJX Xn ]13V XlV'Bp I am, in fact, going to kill you 7am 32a(39); p»y Vxiaiyi 3m xn1? xrpai mn xax xn yiV I'Tfim I, in fact, learnt this (tradition) of PN and PN2 for twenty-two years Ket 60b(29); rprn •'VVp Wrx Xn they are, in fact, older than he Bes 27a(22); Nid 8b(l); 4) in seq. Kn ... XayD ... (X1?) the reason is ... (if), in fact, ... (not) ...: n'apa xja'xp 'xai xm xn n'an x:xn 'yo the reason is that I am his teacher. Were he, in fact, my teacher, I would have stood up in his presence Qid 33b(27); xsaixV 'in x"7 xn xsaixV 'im 'ayo the reason is that it is suitable for the '.-dish. Were it, in fact, unsuitable for the '.-dish ... Sab 142b(44);.gK/ 56b(l); BB 2b(2); Svu 22b(37); Bek 7b(37); 5) in seq. '3n IX1? xn ... XayD the reason is ... otherwise [lit. (if), in fact, it is not so]: xrax mn 'an ixV xn ... xayD the reason is... Otherwise, I would have said ... Sot 24b(4); Qid 17b(25); San 21b(23); Men 21a(ll); 6) in phrase
xn 358 i#'Kn xn'Jn it is, in fact, satisfactory: 4- Wl mng. 3; b. w. preced. "1: 1) bef. PN: 3113 mil XlDn 3T Xm T'apwapn w^xi xrvr>i am '3*7 ij^p'X xjin did PN and PN2 not, in fact, happen to be at the exilarch's house and drink by means of the q.- vessel? Sab 62b(13); Bes 30a(10); Git 60b(22); BB 143a(35); ... IjyVx mn XfTI ... JN&IT mn XH1 xm ... bixw mn xm D'jpt nn xm ... orus ma xm "71XW mn was there not, in fact, Joshua (who combined learning and leadership) etc. San 36a(22); 2) bef. vb.: 'JJlj? Xm does he not, in fact, learn ...? 55 3b(13); Meg 18a(36); Tern 30a(8); 'J'^B JVS'H Xm do they not, in fact, surely disagree? Zev 30b(3); Qid 28a(9); 3) bef. pron.: rnvi Xin nx Xm are you not, in fact, the one who permits (it)? AZ 34b(32); ]rij7 "I3T ]3X X.TI do we not, in fact, read 1ST [Dt 25:19]? BB 21b(2); pn |JX Xm did we not, in fact, learn? Pes 48a(37); Meg 22b(5); 5a« 113a(l); Hul 109b(2); maXT Xin nx xm are you not, in fact, the one who said ...? Er 57b(18); ib. 81a(32); 2. in time expressions lo [cf. Sy: ■ •'v >-i i *i "" v i<*«n uy>i i -i-i Gen 31:41 (v. PSm 959), Ma pn Xn X'JW X'B^X Gy 156:7]: '»"p bxim 7130 'W per 1'mni pipy xn xion a-n xnawa the butchers of GN have been under PN's ban for lo twenty-two years Hul 132b(25); X1DW XJD'pj Xm 'M? 'jranx xn mra 'V xran I, in fact, hold a deed that I bought it from him for lo four years ago BB 30b(18); ib. 73b(30; MGG 52:8); AZ 38b(30); G# 57b(13); X3XT ''«ma '3V IS 'nx X^ 'J?D 'XD ]'BV I'nVn xn why have you not come to my father's school lo thirty days? Ned 81a(25); X.TT 'nx X1? 'JW n»3 he has not come for lo many years MQ 17a(30) [cf. Ma: yw XM Xn Gy 156:6]; Qid 81b(10); 3. in summations equals, adds up to, makes: warn j'j/anx xn yim \>Tbm 'jan 8 + 37 = 45 Meg llb(39); ib. 25; 17a(ll); 5an 17b (36); ynry xn xisai j'rnni xyarcn yasn pt? ]'mm (thirteen years) and seven of plenty and two of famine makes twenty-two years Ber 55b(7); nrf?n xn WX1 XJX I and you (pi.) make three Pes 110a(33) Y: m Ber 4b(29). Nil interj. here is ...!, behold! (4- l#7l; Sy pc'm ls 169, Ma xn md 115) r-\Tyb^ 'n xm x"?i$? xn xara Ta x:n 3T xm xyrvm 'j"i xm here is pn, here is PN2, here are the judges of GN, and here is PN3 BQ 12a(7); Pes 20b(13); 'lV 13 xm XJ1X Xn here am I and here is PN Tan 25a(46); BQ 90b (19); xrai'Jl Xm X13J xn here is the man and here is the objection BM 16a(37); Tap ru» Xn behold, (the coin) is placed before you BQ 98a(6); -\ipip xm -pan Xn here is your wine and here is your vessel (which caused it to sour) BB 98a(5); pin n3 nx xn behold, you are a freeman SSHai 14a(19) '"ISn pron.f. this, that (archaic and dialectal; 4- 'iy, xti, 2#'xn; Sy rfam ls 171) nsu nxn X'B?p this itself is difficult Pes 84a(5); ib. 85b(21); Suk 19b(23); ib. 32b(52); Er 88a(19; GS 79b:6); SeeIG (St2 453:10); xnx n3 '1X111 m3XT this is the daughter of his paternal uncle HP 147:9; OHT Yev 133:3 Lit: Eps, Gr 24; id., Sl2, ib., note. l#'Nn, "NH pron.m. this (< pn hdden w. loss of final n and intervocalic d; 4- U"n, 'Xn ,!?1D; Ma 3#'Xn MD 118 [rare]) 1. this: a. as subst.: 1) alone: n'BIl1? n'1? 'jn'» 'Xn this is needed for itself [i.e. to be interpreted literally] Meg 2a(30); p3"ia 'XH this one of the scholars ib. 25a(19); 'Xn '3 Xnai X3'X is there a man like this one? San 96a(46); 2) * 'Xfl: p'B: 'Xm V"y 'Xn this one recedes and that one protrudes Sab 98b(15); 'Xn X'il 'Bin 'Xn XM X*7ip this one is a lenient ruling. That one is a stringent ruling Git 3a(18); Er 31b(15); Pes 8a(20); Yom 56b(21); BB 9a(29); ib. 73b(2); San 42a(27); 'Xn IX1? 'Xm 'Xn lX^ 'xn this one is not that one and that one is not this one Qid 32b(53); 'XH x"73 'xm 'Xn x"?3 'Xn one without the other [lit. this without that and that without this] Men 8a(47); 'Xn '3J 'xm 'Xn '3J 'Xn this one in that one('s place) and that one in this one('s place) AZ 61b(28); 'Xn IX 'Xn IX either this (mark) or that Nid 48b(8); Dlim 'XH ... X3m 'Xn this one here, that one there Pes 93b(10); Xin 'XH mam xjiaax n,!? nss'x xVt this is the one, since he is unconcerned about someone else's money BM 24a(8); 3) * TXn: "Xm -|"Xn that one and this one [i.e. both the previous and present verses] San 4b(4); "XnV vfopm T'Xn 3n give that T T 359 T*" one and take this one ib. 113a(55); XJani 3in3'3 1"Xn 'J7X3 X1?! "XH let the Merciful One write this one, and He does not need that one Zev 49a(33); 2) w. fol. rel. pron.: (a) alone: 'Xn xn'sV msinXT the one who destroyed the Temple Yom 69b(17); xax Xpi "Xn this which (Scripture) says Anan 103:14; (b) in phrase "I ]Xa 'XH one who: 4- ]xa; b. as an adj.: 1) alone: xV?3 'Xn this rule Sab 147a(35); X3n 'Xn this Tanna Qid 3 7b (12); Xn3D 'XH this logical deduction Suk 24b(14); Hag 5a(ll); Yev 38a(12); Xnp "Xn this biblical verse Zev 82a(23); HP 132:8; TGHark 37:10; Anan 29:17; ib. 48:15; xnmx1? iV'n 'XH this strength of yours is for the Torah BM 84a(40); 2) * 'xn: Tirfr xioir; 'xm mn1? xi»» 'xn this deed is separate and that deed is separate Qid 23a(23); XD'l 'Xmi XD'J 'Xm XT1X space on this side and on that side Er 10b (9); 3) * "pxn: 'X»1 XJE/'V TXnV '3C?",,7 'Xn p X3'X what is (the difference) between this phrase and that phrase? Nid 3b(3); "xn ix xin xri xi'a^ n'Vyi -j'xn na Xin X3'T n'31? nn^yi just as that n'1?^! [Dt 17:8] (means) to a court, so does this nrfryi [ib. 25:7] (mean) to a court Anan 115:23; AnanSch 26:9; HP 89:9; 2. as an expression of generality: 'Xn xnn'x 'i^np1? 'rmi psia xsiis a s.m. who goes to betroth a woman 55 168a(6); XIS'IS 'XH '"Itt/ 'XaiXT i.-beverage of the pagans is permitted AZ 31b(23); Men 34a(7); //«/ 42b(18); /4ra 19b(27) Lit: Nold, MG 90 and n.2 [etym.]; Kara 127 [voc. in Y]; Satzlehre 83+; Voc: Hfl HGP 23b:23; "K.1 HPP 43:18; Y: "Xn 5an 29a(13; He); :m BAYTN 342. - 'K» 'NiT adv. what then? (lit. this is what?; 4- l#'Xa) Er 9b(20); Zev 91b(17); Nid 41a(7) [and passim] Y: 'K»;xrt/'ei9a(ll). 2#'Nn pron.f. this (< 4- HXn «5^e w. loss of intervocalic d; i Xn) 1. this: XyiX 'Xns n'JD 'XB what are you doing in this field? BB 29b(21); ib. 30a(16); 169a(10); xnsn 'Km nna T"13 blessed is the master of this bread Ber 40b(22); 2. expression of generality: xnJ3Pa 'Xn a mortgage BM 67b(2); XJip'T 'Xn the z.-animal San 108b(45) [4- 2# Xnp'T]; Xnj?ns 'XH an open wound AZ 28a(36); ib. 72a(6); 'J"T7 Xm»X 'XH the certification of the judges /fe? 21b(13) While this form is amply attested in the best mss. [e.g. H, He, P], it is not mentioned in the grammars since it was probably thought to be a corruption of the identical m. form. KH'Kn, K3X1T1 adv. now, today (< 4- 'xn XITJ?) 1. now: a. general: Xin inx IX1? XJTXn 1DX is He not one now? Pes 50a(31); 'rD T1XW ]XaD X"ian XH'Xn according to whom do the priests drink wine nowadays [i.e. after the destruction of the Temple]? Tan 17a(27); Meg 31a(14); Hag 22a(40); Ned 49b(l); Qid 71b(3); 5M 42a(31); 55 168a(10); ^Z 16a(9); X3XT.1 MQ lla(27); XlXT'n //F 114:14(Geon 386:7); SSSad 260b:6; X3XTH Geon 154:30; Anan 4:6; j'& 14:10; AnanSch 23:26; b. in phrase XJTNn IV: x"7 'XDX 'XS^ 'Txn ty n'nx why did you not come to me until now? Git 56a(53); XiTXn 1J71 Xar Xinn p from that day until now Ket 104b(36); Sab 10b(20); RH 7a(44); Hag 26a(33); Ket 23a(39); Gi? 12b(2); BQ 28a(18); 5M 73b(4); 55 7a(40); AZ 8b(23); TG/ZarA: 202:17; 2. today: a. alone: XJTXn ntt;a tm 'Xa what did Moses expound today? San 110a(9); Xn31£? X3TXm naX' '»1 who can say that today is the Sabbath? ib. 65b(27); X3iya3 mi Xav XlTn today is the Day of Atonement in Eretz Israel RH 21a(4); '»V 'in XiTXna "13V two days with the exception of today Yev 62a(23); Pes 50b(22) [* Xav bo]; Sab 104a(15); BQ 117a(39); BM 85b(40); in XiXTXn X"iai5?3 Xav today is one day in (the counting of) the 'omer SRSG 154:21; b. * Tia1?: 4- imb; c. w. a time expression: XJTXm X'V''1? last night [lit. the night of today] Sab 87a(13); XJTXm 'mix tonight Ber 3b(34); XJTXm XnDS this morning ib; Xrrxm 3"iy this evening Pes 108a(13; M1) Lit: Low, HUCA 11 [1936] 193+; Voc: K31'n HGP 18b:16; Y: KJTKn Mo 114. "i]»Nn, T'Nn pron.m. that, that one (< 4- 'Xn pron. + -|"; 4- 71; Ma l*HXn this m./f. MD 120) a. as subst.: 1) alone: 'SO paiD "p'XrTT xaT xa^'T perhaps that one's blood is redder San 74a(44); DV^a XpT 1'Xm (according to the value of the field) of that one who pays [i.e. who caused the damage] BQ 6b(39); ib. 48a(35); in"?13 TTX inrj "]'Xm all of those other (stones) belong to
□K.1 360 Nrun that (person) BM 116b (31); '"? XUaVJB TUX nyiaw 'V jbmb x1? -px.i nyiawa I trust you with an oath. I do not trust that one with an oath BM 36b(ll); Sab 20a(10); Ned 36b(19); BB 144b(38); AZ 21a(40); 2) * 'X.1: I 1#'X1 mng. l.a.3; b. as an adj.: xnp'B "|'Xn that seeing person Grt 69a(14); XBp 7X.1 that first one BQ 37b(28); Xl'DD 1,'X.I that loss 5M 105a(4); ib. 53a(21); X3T1 "pxn that Tanna ib. 53a(44; M); DS'.mx T'X.1 □Tim that (word) DS'rfrx which is there [i.e. Is 40:9] Anan 13:3; I'Xn1? 'J©'1? 'M p X3'X 'Sal '3C?,I7 what is the difference between these phrases and that phrase? Nid 3a(45) Lit: Nold, MG 91; Barth, Pron 108; Voc: fift HGP 29a:36; Y: ■00} AZ ib.(BAYTN 342). a&n 4- an adv. *6an, xbmn, K^an, vbmn n.m. hot air, vapor, unhealthy air, heat (4- V4#"73n; Sy rdJLam powder LS 170, Ma l#x"?3Xn MD 115) 1. hot air: sg. VtoV 'Pp X*73.1 hot air is harmful to a wall BB 18a(19) [Van X^n Ar (AC 3:333)]; /& I9a(i8); ttxb xVxsn nb p'Vo xp hot air rises from the other (basin) Sab 37a(44); Git 69b(54); 2. vapor: sg. X^Xin lp'SXl 13"B1S TOD open your mouths (in the bathhouse) and expel the vapor (of the perspiration) Sab 41a(25); ib. 147b(37); x"?3,1 '8191 the vapor of the mouth Nid 63a(20); 3. unhealthy air: sg. 'XT ... Tl'B x"?3n3 'X ]3K 'Tm Tl'a XD3A3 let us see whether it died from unhealthy air or from a blow BQ 51b(34); ib. 50b(36); n'"?Bp XBAX1 x"73n the unhealthy 'marsh air' [i.e. methane] killed it BM 36b(18; F1); Zev 113b (8); rrojrorc xtoan Vvuib x1? xjxip x*?3 without the lamp the unhealthy air would not have grown strong at that time (and killed him) San 77a(21); Sab 146a(56) [* 4- XT1X; Van X^3n TGAs42 158:14]; ib. 95a(33); 4. heat: sg. 'xm Xin n'1W31 xV3,1 'T3JH the reason that (the urine) is turbid is (due to) the heat of its [i.e. the donkey's] flesh Bek 7a(51); X*73na ]b '^p mn we would have been burnt by the heat BB 73a(23); nin)D3rr? n'1? V'osar n"?3n vixi anp xcnn the blow (of the heated spit) precedes, and the heat comes and nullifies the blow Hul 8a(20); ib. 22 [Van xVxsn GTB2 248:2]; Sab 38b(48); ib. 40b(3); 48a(l) Y: K^3n Sab 37a(44; BAYTN 80). N13H, tntnn, Nian n.m. darkness (< i 3# X*13n; Sy k'-IAjj LS 212, Ma 1# X1X3X.1 MD 115) sg. 'jxoa x"?3 xnxsns ,tV Vtj x1? he should not walk around in the dark without shoes Pes 112b(28); X13n3 VtnSTt 'SI8? nan 'TF'X bring Lybian donkeys that can trek in the dark 7am 32a(47); X13.1 '1 XT1'3 a dark room Kar 5b(54) // X131.11 xn'3 Hor 12a(39); X13m XT1311 a dark place HG1 316:38 = Seel 189:9(Var); X13.1 p'jn X'1?'1? 'Ip'BI Xin the time of darkness is called night Anan 77:26; ib. 5; 23; X1X31 We/ 43:26 Lit: Nold, MG 61; Eps, Stl 130; Low, Hoffmann Vol 124; Geig, AAC 155; Y: Kim Hor ib.(BAYTN 80). 'JH vb. to meditate, scheme (Sy rd-J^o LS 170, Ma Xin MD 130) Pe.: 1. to meditate: 'V JinTIBTT ]1.13 '11X1 nasn -nyv the gates of wisdom will be opened for me, and I shall meditate in them HM 45:22; 2. to scheme against s.o. [w. by; cf. Sy As? etpa. PSm 966]: by IjnjH HlTl Dlp'1 ]Xai !VV XJ'JBI X'U'B someone who will arise, scheme, and contest the appointment which we have made SSSad 268:14 N31B3H n.m. prefect, governor (< f|YEu<uv Lehnw 219; Sy rCii^n-^L,)m LS 171) sg. xaip1? xjiasni xmirb XD311 the commander (takes the fire) to the governor, and the governor to the comes AZ 1 la(8) Y: Wiari AZ ib.(BAYTN 245). Kran, pi. '?(K)n, 'Jxn, 'rn n.f. thistle (^ag/ camelorum; < XTUn*; Sy k'^jj, pi. tO^jS LS 219, Ma X'JX.1 pi. MD 115, MH XIX Flora' 2:416, Akk e/agu A thorny plant CAD E 47) pi. a. alone: p'330a xb 'JIX.13 we do not cover the sukka with thistles Suk 13a(3) [Var: 'JXn HP 26:23]; 'Ml SMel 39:78; *JH 5a« 94a(50); b. together w. XTIBT',1 pi.: 'I'm 'am prickly shrubs and thistles Sab 7a(26); ib. 107b(46); Er 17a(46); Tan 23b(27); 5g 81a(16); AZ 47b(12) Lit: Flora, loc.cit. The forms with _>W, sz vera, are formed on analogy to 'StM which often occurs together w. this word [v. Flora ib.]; Voc: 'JXn VTM 41; Y: 'J'fJ Sab 7a(26; BAYTN 141). KffaVi Mmn 361 _ KiraVi xrian, Pi. xri»ain nr\ n.f. Palestinian carob tree (lit. Roman thistle; I nxaTI; Sy rdiSsca rO^j LS 219) sg. Sab HOb(ll); pi. xn^an '<a)llixn BB 83b(12; Es) Geon. expl.: ta' fnx 'JW 31in <XlT"an> ')n Seel(Eps, St2 398:4) [cf. 'DKW'JS 31« GC 203:21, i.e. ^lill vjyi, expl. MH trannn MUqsin 1:6]; TGAs28 168:19 [as restored by Eps, infra]; on Sy, v. BBah 716:16: rdj-^ioT ^i*1 ri^jo k'JiAjj ,aH3 ^ftcnXion K^T-p ^fvJoaa rd^aHoT ^s>-ir^ rdiA_»pf'o kIXt-d- Lit: Eps, GC 20321; cf. Low, Pfl 105; Y: KJVOn xriJ'H &6 ib. Sin pron. this (f; archaic and dialectal; i 'IXn, Xn pron.; Sy ,ro K'nro Nold, SG §67, JPA mn DJPA 153, s.v. f]l) a. in BT: max Xin San 67b(12); Ned 57b(13); XTI3 X1?! Xin3 XV neither in this (matter) nor in that one Kar 17a(9); "Xn xins n,!?y J'Vsi xins n'nns n'1? nso xan this 7an«a agrees with him on this and differs with him on that Suk 33b(34); Xin OWJn ma'3 X'nn nann ma'S that one (refers to) the rainy season, this one to the dry [lit. sunny] season Kar 23a(48); b. in later texts: Xrm Xin this property sSHai lla(18); Xjfr'B Xin this matter TGHark 159:23; XTllDflW X1.1 this partnership ib. 272:34; XD311 Xin this place Anan 28:6; ib. 108:9; Xin XJW'M this synagogue iSGF 73:7; I\2 1,nTa Kin 'X3X3So7:10;i'6. 1:5 Y: tm BAYTN 342. 'Tjn, nUtn pron. each other (< 'lin* < 'imn* [redup. pi. of I l#in]; Ma X'lXin MD 131, Sy rc'riiUi LS 215) a. obj. of vb.: 'lin Up'1? let them [i.e. gold and silver] acquire each other BM 45b(23); mn 'wnsa xpi xin 'iznnsx (the witnesses) completely contradict each other's testimony San 69a(32); 'lin '33J?a '31337 they completely invalidate each other Men 38b(2); 'IXin I'Vna pj'X they circumcise each other Anan 79:3; 'lin ]13X pVop'1 n'5?3 DX if you want them to kill each other HM 44:20; b. w. prep.: 1) 'linx, 'lin by upon each other, one upon the other [Sy rc'Hijj -V y PSm 1196]: a) in non-verbal clauses: xrhsran x"7 x:xiVis pna 'ixin by ]vf? ri'Vi they do not have a claim against each other in this division (of property) ... SSSad 203:5; TGAs33 211:13; b) in verbal clauses: 'TWX Xnnyaw lari'X the legal traditions were stated with reference to one another Men 43a(19) [Var: Tian'x 'ixinx xnxyiair? mgn 256:11]; Qid 65a(25); 'IXinX ]P^33 x"?1 we shall not deceive each other SSHai 10a(5); 'linx \YVbs XV we do not disagree with each other Ket 57a(22); IX'Pp Xb 'linx xn"3na the barraitot do not contradict each other Er 3a(17); Qid 2b(19); Zev I00a(22); 'imx xnx'ina 'ai x:'3i pn used to point out contradictions between Tannaitic traditions BM 81a(12); Sab 54b(36) [4- Vmi pa.]; Men 14b(4) [4- V33y pa., mng. 5]; Naz 20a(30) [I Vtfn3 af., mng. 4]; BM 76a(5) [4- V'^B af., mng. 2]; 2) 'IXin '1.13 adv. together, simultaneously [Sy rc'jin u -p PSm 1196, Ma X'1Xin(')3 MD 131]: a)'together, with each other: Xin in '11.1 '1.13 'isnai p'3 since (the layers of the shofar) are bonded together it is (considered) as one RH 26a(42; GRH 18:14); 'in3 IrU'Vai'Vl 'lin let him mix them [i.e. wine and lentil porridge] together Git 70a(19); '111 '1.13 1S3'X they quarreled with each other Git 52a(31); 1,113 'lin '1.13 xriD'1 they ate a meal together Ber 45b(43); ib. 55b(28); ]3'in 'IXin 'in3 we were together Geon 256:3; Sab 110a(48); Meg 7b(17); MQ llb(33) [4- x"?a'J]; Hag llb(31); BM 31b(36); Svu 30b(33); b) simultaneously, at the same time: ITJlBlM p'S3 '11,1 'in3 LlVlS all of them died simultaneously Meg 16b(33); T\2V JX'TIX xp 'lin 'in3 nxaiDl the Sabbath and defilement come simultaneously Sab 91b(4); Meg 30a(31); Naz 43a(4); Hul 40b(2); Kar 23b(22); 'lin 'in3 yriWlib V.bl not to marry (the two of) them at the same time Anan 105:13; 3) '111 ^Ub) to each other: X3T13 'lin '3J IDa they come together at the weaver's beam Sab 96b(37); 'lin '31 'n'3P 'BJ bH"W> <l){'in^l3 Xri3©1 X1SS3 all the Jews are also found together on Sabbath morning Er 59a(22); ib. 20b(44); xp 'lin '31 'inn'B they become related to each other by marriage Ket 102b(13); Sab 65a(34); Ned 2b(4); Git 64a(12); BM 34a(48); Tarn 26b(19); 4) 'lin '3, 'IXin '3 like each other, all alike [Ma 13 X'IXI.1 MD 131, JNA niX13X 'ixdade HDJNA s.v.]: ]iX 'lin '3 pX we are all alike Ber 45b(46); VU'J 'lin '3 lnVlS they are all alike Hul 13b(16); TO3 'lin '3 ln'llJll the two of them are alike Yev
i#N-inn 362 Kiuin T T ___ T T ~ 11 lb(39); 'Tin '3 1T7S'7 let them divide (it) alike [i.e. equally] Bek 18a(33); Ber 54b(38); Er 69b(25); gW 75a(55); BB 109a(7); San 34b(21); 'Tin '3 n3133 jinavn their obligation for a blessing (in both cases) is the same Anan 18:17; Toiot nxm '3 nV'si pnVisi pna nxm C31 Dm nxip they also circumcise each other because Scripture considered them alike with regard to circumcision ib. 79:8; 17:20; 20:24; 47:13; 98:6; AnanSch 14:2; ib. 19:11; 5) 'TP7, nxm1? to each other [Ma X'1Xin7 MD 131, Sy K'fixAii, h\<A r^H^-u PSm 1196]: 'Tin1? ]X'B1 X7 XTI (these cases) are, in fact, not similar to each other San 40b(5); Yev 22a(l); Ber 59a(24); Pas 24a(36); 5M llla(9); BB 106b(13); AZ 71a(17); 13X11 '1Xin7 ]%17131 p'yi31 T1.TT the hands and feet of all of them resemble each other Anan 56:6; ib. 57:2; HP 62:1; p'QXI JliaTIp 731 D'31ip "73 '1in7 all male and female relatives who are forbidden to each other Anan 98:8; '773 'in 'in ini'1 'Tin? '3'B01 these are two general rules which are close to one another (in Scripture) Zev 44a(38); Hul 47a(l); Mg 25b(3); San 42a(14); Afen 57b(27); 6) 'Tin 'in? towards one another [Ma X'lXin TlXl? MD 131, Sy K'Ha-o h\k\ PSm 1136]: 'Tin 'in? 13TTT 1'Ett prim 'in two certain women who were sitting facing each other Pes llla(27); Sab 96b(32; M); Qid 46b(15); 7) 'Tina from one another [Ma X'lXin p MD 131, Sy nCjiA-o ^ PSm 1196]: ]131 'IDS'B mn '3 'Tina when the scholars used to take leave of each other Yom 71a(26); Er 64a(26); Tan 5b(44); Git 76b(9); mna 'SD3'a X?l they are not ashamed of each other Qid 80b(42); 'S?' «!?'» 'Tina (the two cases) indeed complement each other Bek 43a(ll) [lit. they learn from each other; cf. jpa xin p ns?' x'nm x'nn p ns7' xm DJPA 241]; Pes 23a(41); Zev 8a(32); Kar 4a(42); ib. 26b(2); San 40b(3); 'Tina nail Sab I3ib(48); Svu 9b(28); 'Tina 'pr x? xmim xn?an five (different species in a garden bed) of six (square handbreadths) do not draw nourishment from each other Sab 85a(2); D'X73 '©11SX7 'lima to separate kil'ayim from each other Anan 6:24; ib. 51:3; RH 21a(l3) [i VpOS pa., mng. 2]; Hag 12a(50); San 46a(l); 8) other: nm "Xin 'in TBI X3'7X '1'7S1 "niBX two Tannaim or two Amoraim who differ with each other('s opinion) San 6a(16); 'IXin '*p3 xniSTlW KlTjyi we made a partnership in the presence of each other SSSad 205:12; '1X1,1 'DX? WX1 '3in 'in (in scissors) two blades which come towards one another Anan 83:20; ib. 88:1 Lit: Nold, MG 59, note; 3492 [poss. Ir influence]; 'Tin nnS HGP 27b: 15; Y: TJI1 &»6 99b(27; Mo 234). l#NTnn n.m. peddler, itinerant worker (I Vl#"l*in qatol-form; Sy rc'iotuj mendicant LS 217) 1. peddler: pi. '7'B nnna from peddlers-words [i.e. gossip] Ber 51b(18; OP); 2. itinerant worker: pi. nnna n7 jnn X313 a plowed field that he sows with itinerant workers BB 12a(28; Es) Lit: Eps, PLA 228. 2# KYfJfl 4- XTin n. T T nn vb. (uncertain) Pa.: "Tin 'im 7X1W XflXl the Jew came and ... AZ 38b(15; JRaH) [Var: "TWX nnx HG3 216:36] The vb. refers to an action connected w. the baking of bread; Lit: Abramson, AZ 186. I'ln pron. this (m.; archaic and dialectal; i l#'Xn; JPA lp]in DJPA 153) a. in BT: pn X-131 this man BB 143b(5); Naz 10b(17); Xip pn this verse Ned 16b(18); pn X'7'73 Xl'in 'Xa 'XaV'na what shall I see tonight in my dream? Ber 56a(2); b. in later texts: ,1ByD Xin p.Tl xrfr'BI this is the reason of the matter TGHark 44:23; ib. 106:33; 151:13; XTCW pn this document SSHai 4b(4); mill'X 13 1XT1' pn Bo 7:15; ib. 64:13; ni"ipi nri'3 pn this house and property of his ib. 27:6 Y: Hri BAYTN 342. Din vb. (denom. < 1 XB11; 4- Vdix; Sy >am LS 172, TA Din pa. TJ Jud 14:6) Pa. to dismember: m7"jn main 'ann xaVn perhaps they completely dismembered it [i.e. the fowl] and placed it in (the pot) AZ 38b(39); n'Bimi 'ann n'p3X71 should we actually dismember it [i.e. the corpse] and remove it (from the house)? Er 30a(8); Git 67b(39) [4 XBT1 mng. 1] NS'Iii n.m. limb, member (< MPar handam ISK pin 363 i#*nn 93; I VoiH; BA Din HALOT 1857, Sy «L£>ii<p LS 172, Ma xaxTJXn MD 124) 1. limb: pi. '372/a n'Bin its [i.e. the infant's] limbs are well set Qid 73b(l; OHR ib. 48:7); xm'm 'am '7 TOiniX! dismember the limbs of the animal for me Git 67b(39); 2. member: pl.cs. '1BJTI l'J?31X )riXB n'Jiaip 'am the two hundred and forty-eight members of his body Bo 59:14; ib. 44:6; 90a:3; 120:47; mnaip 'am nxa nVn the three hundred members of his body ib. 106:11 Y: wnG/Vib.(BAYTN81). plT\, pin vb. to plug, fit snugly, make tight (< pin; cf. MH2 pin pi. to force J 426) Pa.: K7 xnroi maiS3 xnxss vrx p'm'i a person should not plug the mouth of a k.-pitcher with fibers (on the Sabbath) Sab 139b(42); ib. I4ia(37); xBTo n'pnnV tdk xri"in xnaioa 'xn X3D it is forbidden to fit a plug hole of the brewing vats snugly (with a cloth) on a holiday ib. 11 lb(l) // Ket 6a(6) // Bek 25a(3); pass.part. pina X71 IX pinai is it (a case) where (the toothpick) is squeezed tightly or not? Sot 4a(38); Sab 65a(17); ib. 138b(15); Er 102b(6); Mak 7b(45) [rung of a ladder]; XJl'am xaiSX X7(l)p'1 omn 'in x1? pm'a xV omn i,im Dmn m pimai DJIin "|in3 a basket fitted snugly over the mouth of a jug constitutes a seal within a seal. (If) it is not fitted snugly, it does not constitute a seal within a seal AZ 31a(33); Sab 120b(51); Hul 49b(17); Yev 102a(37); n'Top pinai X?1'X a net whose knots are tight Geon 270:18; mn 'plin pm'a (the table) was fitted together tightly [i.e. of its parts] Pes 109b(4; C) Itpa. to become tight: 'plin'X X'»3 XID'pi pm'a a knot becomes extremely tight in water Hag 2lb(l) The form K^0>I'M3 pim p'3 Sab 78b(14) [v. TRN 617:5] is difficult since this rt. is not otherwise attested in pe.; Y: pnrin Sab 65a(28; Mo 83). l#"n!"l, lin vb. to return, be restored, surround, complete a cycle, repeat, repent (< Tin; I i#xmn, xnn, xmn, xniin, ximn, 1# xmma, Vim; Sy iHjo LS 216, Ma 1# nn MD 131) Pe. (a/a) 1. to return, come back: XJ/3 Una? he wanted to return San 95b(6); xpi 'in31 D'lJTX 'TlXl im while he was coming back he was unavoidably delayed BM 81a(27); xn© 7'1'7 xntff 1in'71 XT!© 33J?'71 let (the messenger) travel for a year, remain for a year, and return in a year BB 4a(19); n'ri'37 11,1 he will return to his home Hor 12a(40) // Kar 6a(3); Ber 53b(31); mn n'Tian? X7'171 the celestial sphere will return to its (original) place BB 74a(33); ]"2?ip mn our (original) difficulty remains as it was [lit. returns to its place] Pes 80a(19); Suk 53b(l); mnaiia Dp Xainn mn the abyss reverted back into its (original) place Mak 1 la(47); msj/7 mm return to your dust [i.e. die before your time; cf. Gen 3:19] San 65b(42); Tan 24a(19); mn 7'1 xa?5? XinnV go (and) return to that world MQ 28a(40); Ber 59b(4) [I xmma]; inia'7 X7 1,317 inimn'71 nOlinai their husbands will not die and (your daughters) will (not) return to you MQ 9b(19); Mak 19a(25) [I Xl'1 mng. 7]; San 110a(l) [I mnX7 mng. 2a]; pn3TlB7 mm they returned to their academy iSGF 103:1; X7 31H1 D7iy7i ]ii xar ]'a iin'7j? immn do not come back to them again from this day and forever Bo 9:16; 2. to be restored, returned, revert: mn Xian mm X?n the vinegar reverted to become wine Ber 5b (44); '2?aP '31 XOT'pa n'7 XTin (his lost eyesight) is restored to him by the qiddus- prayer of Friday evening Ber 43b(54); n7 XTM XD"Bp xn7'D7 it reverts to its original state Sab 37b(4); n'73'D7 mn it reverts to its state of tevel Yev 89a(19); Ket 49a(l); 111,1 Him TV3 since they reverted to their original state they are suitable Sot 15b(32); \>1V 1'5?31X 1J? xnyai 'X,1 Kim tearing until (the age of) forty is reversible [i.e. does not damage the eyes] Sab 151b(47); mn mn'B (the hair) will certainly be restored BQ 86a(9); ib. 91b(25); 94a(56); BM 109b(2); 'X im 'T1 '73? n'l'a npsa if you take it [i.e. the field] from him, it devolves upon me [i.e. I am responsible to compensate him] ib. 14a(29); 'Tin ma? X11SX xmm inna? 'S'3 the rings are restored to their owner, and the mansion is restored to its owner ib. 5a(34); 66b(48); Ket 97a(36); gW47b(32); BM 16b(29) [I X8TO mng. 3]; 3. to surround, encompass, encircle: a. alone: win rb mm xao px xinn1? xi'im we saw
i#-nn 364 i#mn a certain precious stone which a sea-monster was encircling BB 74b(8; P1); NaiBX mm KTI'3 XTDTll like a row (of loaves) which encircles the opening of the oven Tan 22b(27); '371? 'Sin n"71BX mm I saw (in a dream) ravens which were encircling her bed Ber 56b(19); pin XJlX'na the sides (of the basket) surround (the reed) Er 33b(15); pass.part. [cf. Sy tj^-u surrounded PSm 1203, Ma Tin MD 132]: mn n'myaV XJ3y n'V XTin a snake had encircled (the entrance of) his burial cave BM 84b(32; Es); BQ l I7b(i; HEsF1); '3 'aipy m1? pin mm 'im XJlXTI'n 'IXBn I saw that scorpions had encircled it [i.e. Mt. Sinai] like white asses BB 74a(13; EsMGE 43:15); b. w. fol. vb.: 4- V2#3iy pe., usage b; 4. to come around, detour: Tim@'3 X3iyB3 XJ1S0 whenever a professional eulogizer comes around in Eretz Israel MQ 8a(34); mn'3 'IXB '3 Tin'B he should completely detour around the boundaries BQ 81b(33); ib. 34; 5. to turn around: a. alone: n'3 mm X13 '3 'tn'Bl XWU13 (the demon) looks like a jug in which a stirrer turns around Pes lllb(27; C); b. w. 'mns1?: 4- 'Tins'? mng. 2; 6. to complete a cycle (of heavenly bodies): .TITO^X X1?! xV:6'l mn the celestial sphere completed its cycle, and I did not find it [i.e. my basket] BB 74a(30) [cf. Ma: fU'Tinx X'Vn'jVl he made the spheres complete their cycles ATS 1:243]; mm ptt 'Mm \nvy V3 XTlina every twenty-eight years when the (solar) cycle returns to its starting point Ber 59b(4); 7. to do s.t. again, repeat [Sy mj^unj -truu-W he will marry her again Dt 24:4, PSm 1203, mng. 4, Ma X"X31 1X1X.1 he will pray again MD 132; cf. Akk tdru G AHw 1333, mng. II.6]: a. w. fol. vb.: xWl XTin she asks again Nid 6b(36); Tin n'Vy ID'nx they laughed at him again Bes 38b(3); BB 12b(16); p'nxi p'TW '3 SF1? the following year when we came again ib. 73b(18); 58a(20); HP 19:22; PtfSJa D"pjl mna let us fulfill again in ourselves Ket 69b(36); Yev 105a(22); Meg 29a(41); nmn'J nrtl let him take her back (in marriage) again BB 174b(25) // Ara 23a(35); mn 'BXp 3171 he says again BQ 64a(27) [double rdg.]; 'S'D 'mn X*7 (the roots) are not bent back again Er 100a(19); mn Xp XJTl'Bl TITS X3'X1 X3'n "73 '3m wherever it is necessary to learn it again, (the Tanna) learns it again Bek 43b(29); 3"nna VnB'B 1XinB7 he is obligated to be circumcised again Anan 84:11; HG3 341:3; ib. 357:27; mn 'IBM DT3I nxp he reads again (from the Torah) Num 29:17-19 HP 183:3; ,13 'Dm mn'1 (any demon) that will harm her again Bo 117:5; ib. 55:8; b. in seq. vb.-mn-vb.: '3X71 mm 'JX71 (the Tanna) learns and does so again Kar 22a(21); max nmm ... max you said ... and you said again Pes 55b(31); 'BIBn'X mn '83 'BIBn'X 73 n'32? xV n'nyu?3 any kind of sexual arousal (with ejaculation) followed also again shortly by sexual arousal is uncommon Nid 43a(20); 8. 3sg.m. part, used impersonally then, afterwards: a. alone: nana mm 'tt'73 01X first man and then animal [v. Gen 7:23: 37l'B? X1H X717'ai xmix 7Xattf7 mm pa'1? the usual thing is to give (something) into the right (hand) and then into the left Yom 53b(12); b. w. fol. vb.: 1) pf.: 7>a *pv an 7>a mm ]>w ]'inm p»y nai pn headed the academic session for twenty-two years and afterwards PN2 headed it Hor 14a(13); nns XJ71 mine? x:n mm (x>Ema many the Tanna began first with the evening prayer and afterwards learnt the morning prayer Ber 2a(25); X'yai "ina nDtt/D Tin after he asked it, he then explained it Sab 23b(17); Git 82b(21); Qid 9b(3); 2) imp.: xix pp'x mm 'xnm 'X7'y ix<i)i'ip'7 let those above and below (me) cut down (their sections of the forest), and then I shall cut down (mine) BM 107b(50); n©ip'7 mm ntl'Vl let him shear it and afterwards sanctify it Bek 25a(31); mm n'Dniff'J Tpia'J let him slaughter it and afterwards inspect it Hul 28b(l); 3) part.: nana iy D1XB] Ber 61a(23) [4- Xtf'73 mng. 2b]; mm '©ipai X771X3 '7a0B in a place where they (first) betroth and afterwards send gifts Qid 50b(26); '1,1E?B '3 nn'3DX ■nrvtm mm .73HX when they testify concerning robbery and afterwards testify concerning the slaughtering of an animal BQ 73a(32); imra 'ai i7<i)i')ptf 'ii7 xTon wV"3 '3 177 171'7"3 mm when you measure out wine to a pagan, (first) take the payment from them and then you can measure (it) out to them AZ 71a(23); Naz 55b(5); Sot 18b(28); X'JB mm l#-nn 365 1#TT?1 D"p3 nyaw afterwards she counts seven clean (days) HG3 355:90; 'aip mm ln'jriDI VJ'V WK» (the priests) wash their hands and feet and afterwards approach (the altar) Anan 34:3; ib. 25:13; 36:13; 115:3; 9. to retract, renege [cf. Akk tdru G AHw 1333, mng. II.3]: a. alone: 'XT pmn x"? pxi mn 'xa x1? mma1? -*ya if he wants to retract he cannot do so (since there are witnesses), and we do not retract Qid 65b(38); b. esp. w. -a [cf. mh -a nm J 446]: ma mm la mn 31 retract, for PN has retracted Nid 36b(46); I3'7iyBWB 133 inmn did you renege from your legal tradition? Suk 10b(15); X3'XB X7 TT.T8 '3 X3mn I am certainly unable to retract (concerning the gift) BM 19b(39); '3 'Tin I have retracted (my opinion) Pes 39a(30); Kin Tin'a n'3 Tim he is indeed retracting (concerning his vow) Men 103a(33); Hul 11 lb(43); mn Yffl» 'BX n'3 mn X7 'BX X7 ma (if the laborer) made a statement, he has indeed retracted. (If) he did not make a statement, he has not retracted BQ 116b(36); Ara 6a(ll); TGHark 32:16; 10. to repent, do penance: a. alone: X33'n' "|3 JTTin 'X 'Jinx "|7 if you repent [i.e. stop being a highwayman], I shall give you my sister (in marriage) BM 84a(41); mxn IX X7Dp 3"nB1 )XB1 n'i'B p'7apB X7 if someone who is liable for the death penalty does penance we do not accept (it) from him Anan 16:19; b. w. X7131'71, MH naiWia [caique < MH2 nawxn "lin Er 19a(20)]: San 37a(28) [4- xrarn mng. 3]; narama mni \n since they repented Ber 10a(10); 11. to sift flour [cf. ta xVanya pinai xaa TJ Am 9:9; 4- Vi# 'jti pe., mng. 6]: xyrvua pri,T({pi!) xnVina naa how many sieves there are in GN that sift flour Bes 29b(ll) [4- V2#ipi pe.]; 12. w. tOTTin round about: 4- HTlfl; 13. w. NS1X1S to have a seizure: 4- XSIX1B; 14. w. "S'ya to return to its original state: 4- "2'?3 usage c Pa. 1. to go about, go around: mm X717TX X'.in nr:n 'm myxis 'mna xisy 7p©B7 xmna xp a certain woman who used to go about (as a beggar?) in order take earth from under PN's feet (for magical purposes) San 67b(16); 2. to search for s.o. or s.t. [w. 'K/Vj?; cf. MH ?y 7W1 BY 1497]: a. people: '3X XJI'3 TJ xan 31 Tina xp mn nxa PN was searching for a hundred people (for a zimmuri) Ber 50a(34); 'III "1TX Tina XT! *\ psm PN used to search for various pairs of scholars Sab 119b(l); 3X H'3a "WX1 'inn1? XJ'inx to search and to bring (ritually clean people) from another bet av Yom 6b(19); Mak 5b(18); b. objects: X'BX TinBT ]Xa B"1? X"?13? xmVs |TJ?3 PN used to curse one who would search for water during the time of the tefilla Ber I5a(i4); nwa man n"?'3D 'or "\ nnnV 'J'^s '3 mxa ixV man n"?'3K 'mo imi ]i'mna x1?! P'TinBI when do they differ? Concerning searching (for reed grass). PN (is of the opinion): "Immersion in its proper time is a commandment and we do not search." The scholars are of the opinion: "Immersion in its proper time is not a commandment and we search" Yom 88a(19); Sab 23a(19); ib. 120b(56); Ber 53b(21; F); Pes 114b(26); Suk 32b(50); Ket 36b(21); c. prooftexts: xtio'x1? xip rf? 3'ori xT-mnx mna (the Tanna) is searching for a permission and he cites a verse of prohibition Pes 5b(40; V1); 'Xn XBB'1? Xip 3'D3 Xpi X'V'Vx mna Xp X:n the Tanna is searching (for a verse) concerning the night and he cites a verse concerning the day ib. 106a(14; V1); n'ty 'Tin n'V r\rb why does he have to search (for a biblical verse) for him? Pes 69b(18); 7? nth '3TSX 'Tin why are you searching for objections (from a barraita)1 Hul 76b(37; V11); Nid 65b(24); RH 6b(ll); Git 4a(10); 3. to pursue, follow [w. "imx]: XVW xnnyn xt» nnnax mna xp mm a certain (person) whom the angel of poverty was pursuing Hul I05b(26); '^iD3 xb'x mnax mna xp xma n^B'3 since he does not pursue it [i.e. the stolen idolatry], say that he actually annulled it AZ 53b(8); 4. to go through or review (one's study): xm'xn lam xrn'Jia 'xa mn»i xn come (and) let us review whatever literary unit that they studied today BQ 117a(39); Ber 38b(42) [+ //'s; 4- xrioVn mng. 2b]; xtx 371 'ina xxiyac? mna he used to review the legal tradition with PN BB 22a(47; MGL 699:12) [H: BVITO]; ]Vbn 'V 3'Dy W'Kbrb mmnxi iy par give me a respite of thirty days until I can review my talmud Ket 77b(34); MQ 28a(44); n'Via <X>in')TIBtol mxm
i#Tin 366 i#Tin ''W \Tbr\2 he went through the entire Talmud in thirty years [i.e. sixty tractates at the semi-annual kalla sessions] iSGF 94:3 Af. 1. to return s.t.: irrVm nmnx return it to them BB 33a(ll); BM 26a(30); X3TX1? minx"? XJ'y my'3D3 p3"IB to return (the object) to a s.m. on the basis of (an identification from an) imprecise description ib. 23b(53); ,Tnp n'1? Tina he returns its handle to him (when the spade is unusable) ib. 103a(21); Tinai bywi b'n mn he used to take (the redemption money) and return (it) Bek 51b(17); ,T7 ,TTnnX7 n'y3 'wn XJ13PB Il'y'3B?a you are required to return the surety of a Jew to him in the Sabbatical year Anan 12:8; nnaiT? minx he returned it to its (original) place BM 43b(41); Hul 59b(38); 2. to remarry a divorced wife [Ma mn to marry MD 131; cf. MH2 lrwru Tinan Yev iib(i6)]: nmnxi nwn he divorced her and remarried her Ket 102b(35); HP 144:11; X1SX3 3'3»1 x;niX7 XTinXI he remarried her at night and died in the morning Yev 109a(17; O2); 3. to take or carry around: 'X7ina -lO'-mx nmnx he carried him [i.e. the infant] around to twelve circumcisers Sab 135a(25); 'XT73 ID'VriX n'BX n'TTTinX his mother carried him around to thirteen astrologers Sab 156b(33; TGHark 207:31); 4. to make go around, make travel a circuit: ny3P nmn71 n'Vy 'JB'l let him make it [i.e. the jug] go around seven times over him ib. 66b(44); XT13 n3TllX 'n'Vy mV Tina xpi xm1? n'7j?pi wi he placed her in a row of women, took the male child, and was making him go around them Ket 60a(13; v5); xnn an1? nmnxi n'Vxaw1? xss 3T> nmnx ■TrB'7 yiPim 3m nna he made PN go around to his left side and made PN2 go around to his right side Pes lllb(30) [cf. Ma: TXJ'BX'7 nmnx MD ib.]; nnVpa iE?3a m,tj in1? xmna pr pfrn 73 every thirty days Gehenna makes them travel a circuit (through it) like meat in a pot BB 74a(26); anyaa n'7 xaayia xmna I shall make (Jupiter) travel a circuit (and) place it in the west Sab 156b(l); 5. to encircle, surround: XTitf n'7 mna XpJVT he encircles it [i.e. the field] with a wall and an impediment BM 107b(l) [cf. Ma: nnmnx X'Tltf X3TO I encircled it with seven walls MD 132]; n'aiS7 Kirn xmn X7'7a n'7 ti.tji let him encircle its [i.e. the silver cup's] rim with a wreath of white rose(s) BM 84a(21); BB 4a(l); AZ 76a(40); Xtf"7n XSHl mn'71 let him place a rim of dough around (the tooth) Git 69a(35); .TTIBX nmn'71 nV'nj XBD'p 'n"7 let him bring sifted ash and place it around his bed Ber 6a(13); lp'7D X71 XTU mnx fire surrounded (them) and they did not go up Bo 139:5; 6. to restore to the original state: a. people: nmnx restore her (to the living) Hag 4b(40); BQ 92a(22); XJ1XT iy liYJ'TinX ITBT until Jeremiah came and restored them [i.e. the ten exiled tribes] Ara 12b(20); mm 7X'7BI pT> 'nmnx they restored PN again (to the position of Nasi) iSGF 75:15; ib. 105:14; b. other: nDTJI 7D7 nmn'71 let him restore the dew of blessing Tan 3b (3); '-innX7 XTO Xion 31 xna^a X'10 '31? '(n)Cimx PN permitted restoring flocks of wool to a pillow on the Sabbath Sab 48a(21); Men 100a(38); 'X71B7'SB rf? xmna I can restore it [i.e. the lost Law] from my argumentation Ket 103b(41) // BM 85b(19); linn "naixn 'sx 'ya» mm ''ap x"n 'n pn restored to him those seven ways (of interpreting the misnayot) which he had taught him JVerf41a(21); c. legal status in Scripture: xnp nmnx mn Scripture restored it [i.e. the Pentateuchal commandment of unleavened bread] again [v. Ex 12:18] Pes 120a(21); Sab 28a(16); ib. 132a(36; M); nmnx X1? X,Ta X'nna (Scripture) did not, however, restore it explicitly BM 48a(34); Zev 49b(5); 7. to reverse, turn around: X3'py "1 71X 'TJ'p 'a1? n'nri'S1? nmnxi PN went and reversed its [i.e. garden's] entrance towards the cemetery Yev 86b(13); n'1? XTinBI r,V(X)BlS nr'nl7 XBUOB n3J she 'prepares her mouth' for him and turns her back to him [i.e. she curses him and refuses to have sexual intercourse] Yev 63b(10); 8. to twist: mnx xma Tl'JXlBl our Mishna deals with a case where he did not twist (the bird's neck) Hul 20a(3; V11); 9. to answer, reply [cf. MH 3'tfn J 1528]: a. alone: .T7 XJTina XJXT ]j?3'» permit me to answer him San 38b(49); ib. 39a(6); 91a(l); n'7 mnx 'am 'ax 'am did they speak and reply to him so? ib. 52b(14); J?T1 )XB "X.T mn'V jinx ana 'ra? minx1? let one like pn who 367 lUTIil knows how to reply to the sectarians reply ib. 38b(44); Ber 13b(50); BB 9b(21); Mak 6b(33); Hul 43a(13); ib. 124a(46); b. w. XrUlTl: '7 DlpJ XJUTO "]7 Ximnai 'BT xnbn XJB'l allot me three days time, and I shall give you an answer Hul 87a(22); c. w. Xiao: nnnx7 yr xVi 'iyi n,!? nxp X*iaD they call to him and he answers, but he is unable to respond logically Tan 12a(l) [+ //'s; I Vl#'iy pe.; expl. i Vmi itpal.]; 10. to recapitulate, repeat: p DX mna xp mw XB71 nisa nmnxn 'D'n 'a nnnx7 n'V 'ya'x perhaps (Ezekiel) is recapitulating (the laws of the) Torah! If so, he should have recapitulated as Moses did (in Deuteronomy) San 81a(30); nmnj ]'JBl 71771 pn n'Tfl'T? let him repeat his written statement two (or) three times (in the document to prevent a forgery) BB 167a(14); Ned 72b(15); 11. in idiomatic phrases: a. w. 'SX to face [cf. Ma: ixnnxax1? x'anxm X3X37 ns:x MD ib.]: l) alone: 7XT0' n'SX mna the Jew faces away AZ 12a(4); ib. 7a(4); Ber 51a(44); Pes 86b(20); BB 59b(14); 2) w. "7, '317, 'B73, 'SX1? towards: mna X'"I1B7 n'BX he faces towards the bed Sab 62b(24); Ber 6b(29); mpn mixn mna 'bs?d 'xa WTI n'317 why does the 'protrusion' of the qof face towards the res? Sab 104a(31); n'SX mna 'TS '373 (the opening of the basket) faces the fruit 5A/25a(21); X31»m 'SX1? pn'BX mnxi they faced towards the darkness Bo 127:18; 3) w. ]B away from: n'l'B n'BX TIB TL1X1 XBy a nation whose master has turned His countenance from it Hag 5b(13); Qid 73b(32); n'SX mna XBJTD 'XB1 ^B'lB n"?m why does the dalet face away from the gimell Sab 104a(22); ib. 30; 4) w. 'Tinx1? backwards: n'TinxV n'SX mn(X) he had a seizure [lit. his face turned backwards] BM 114b(13); nyn'xi nmnx1? in'saxV inrmnxi he caused him to have a seizure and he awoke SOZ 72:25; b. w. NmyB to retract an error: xmj?D pmna 'ai do we retract an error? Ber 27b(15); c. w. X131J/ o reverse a legal decision: 4- XTJiy mng. 2.b.l Itpe. 1. w. fol. vb. to do s.t. afterwards: mn'XT 13TX1 he remembered afterwards Sab 4a(ll; Ed); Ipri'X mn@'XT (her menstrual) period afterwards became regular [lit. it afterwards became fixed] Nid 12b(16); 2. to be restored: n'TiBVll mnxi his talmud (that he had forgotten) was restored BB 9b(27; P'F2); 3. to encircle: xrnrn m no':an n'1? mnxi eighteen rows of white hair encircled him [i.e. his head] Ber 28a(5); XJOJPa 'D3'X1 XJT3TOB n'V Xm.TX a mound of earth encircled him, and he was hidden from sight Tan 23a(46) [cf. Ma ... xnw }VPV nVnxnnX sixty walls surrounded him MD ib.] Itpa. 1. to search [w. "X for s.o.J: '33K mnx l"?'t 'XBp 13'nna go (and) search for the sons of your former owners Git 40a(44); 2. to go around as a peddler: x1? 'yiap'x1? ?3x nnnx1? '"?'B '3m this refers to peddling on a circuit, but doing (business) on a permanent basis is not (allowed) BB 22a(6; Es) [cf. nn"5?3 pinarl pan ib.]; 3. to beg [w. x/'nrrsx; cf. MH D'nnsn "?y mna BY 1497; Sy i:\jj pe., mng. 5, LS ib., Ma mn pe. MD 132]: 'nnsx mna mm x':y xinn a certain poor man who used to go around begging BB 9a(39); mn'a X1? xrttl'BX nnnx he does not actually beg Sab 151b(41); '("DTI Xs?! 1TOX nnnxb1 wdttt r:a "?ax minx1? his wife who is not accustomed to beg, but his sons who are accustomed to beg Qid 22a(50) Ittaf. to be returned: ixm TinJI'm Xin X'33 TOX nnri'Tl X1? X'33 (IWX) should the wife of a prophet [i.e. Abraham] be returned, but one who is not the wife of a prophet should not be returned? Mak 9b(l) Lit: Bacher 46; Satzlehre 182+ [mngs. 7, 8]. The mng. of the fol. passages is uncertain: 1. nitm rf? JT1 BB 12a(28) [v. Tos ad loc.]; 2. X3B Nnva rr> 'Tina ivn xrnVn n»a vb 'xin Sab 47b(3); 3. ''inn MVOl 'nayi p'3 Nid 61b(l8; V5M). mn 4- xnnnx n. KTin, Knnn n.m. convolution (4- Vl#Tin, t t-: t t l#XfUa; Sy rc'ia.u circle, surrounding LS 217, Ma xnxnn circuit MD 131) sg. ix a'prB na xmn p "13 XI133 IX XCana when either the large intestine or the ileum is pierced outside the convolution HP 201:19; Xruai XTK1 ib. 202:1; xraan xmn 'Xn Hul 48b(28); ib. 113a(31) Y:!C1inWu;ib.(BAYTN81). KJTin, f. KJVJYTn adj., n. one who reneges or retracts (< nxmn*; i Vl#Tin pe., mng. 8; cf. MH pin Gross, Patterns 62) n., sg.m. ~\V51 '112;
tomn 368 Kin X3Yin to make yourself a reneger A^e? 53a(17); f. NJPaTin n,!7 np'V xVn so that they should not call her 'the one who retracts' ib. 97a(25) Y: xril'Tin Ket 53a(l7). Kimn n.f. answer, reply (4- Vlin af, mng. 8) pi. Krirrb xnxmn ma rrnna xpi you give several answers of a permissive nature GS 179:19 .Jin n.m. a type of worm (etym. unkn.) sg. nn 'Mm the /i.-worm of pomegranates Sab 90a(48) Geon. expl.: B^-lp1? n]3inna ]nW3 I'y^Jinw ny^W TRN 623:3; Y: an Sab ib. Sinn, inn pron. m. that one, a certain one (4- Xin; Ma inxn MD 116, Sy ocb LS 172) 1. that one: a. as a subst.: Xin Xa"?y3 'X"lpX Xinn that one was merely by chance Meg 26a(ll); in'X Xinn n'VD3 he annulled that one [i.e. the get] Git 34a(21); H'TT xwfr ,T'2£p TIP X'1?'^ he sent (someone) at night to cut down his own (branches) 55 60b(l; F2); 'Biya1? "•*? 'y3'a Xinn "7U I need that one to exclude robbery BQ 67a(23); Sab 132a(29); BM lla(33); b. as an adj.: 1) general: XJTXn nyi Xar X1.TI ]1i from that day until now Ket 104b(35); xaty Xinn that world [i.e. the grave] MQ 9b(20); XinN Xinn '"? 'tn 'T11? I, myself, saw that place Git 57a(29); XTI'3 inn that laver /f/ja/j 34:20; ib. 33:4; 65:5; AnanSch 28:12; ,T3 IWKWTOT H31 .1»» Xinn3 with that great name with which you are bound Bo 33:17; 2) in phrase X13J Xinn I, you [lit. that man]: 4- 1# X131, mng. 5; 2. a certain one: a. as a subst.: Xim 3"n n'JTKWEn mm Xinn a certain man who was in PN's neighborhood Meg 24b(30); yitfVP 'Tl n'ap"7 xriXT Xinn a certain man who came before PN Ket 25b(10); "m Xinn ]'3tf yn-lN XJP^'jn X;wp3 a certain man who dwelt in GN in an upper room for four years BB 41b(13); inn'311? XB'l T72H Xinn a certain man who sent a ge? to his wife Git 29b(41); ]J3*i» Xinn a certain one of the scholars BQ 94b(8); b. as an adj.: 'nw ym xpn X30 xinns ,T'in he saw a certain old man who was bending down (and) drinking Pes 106a (22); X':y Xinn a certain poor man BB 9a(39); nxanx Xinn a certain 'Edomite' Ber 62b(24); ,T31 by mbn 3'rn XlllD Xinn a certain fish which had a sandy area on its dorsum BB 73b(21); ma'an -psrwnn xpir Xinn a certain infant whose hot water (necessary for its circumcision) had been spilled out Er 67b(37) [and passim] Lit: Satzlehre 83+; Voc: xinn HGP 24b:4; Y: XWn Meg 26a(l 1; BAYTN 342). N'iin, 'Hil pron. f. that one, a certain one (4- x'n; Ma ynxn, xmxn md 116, Noid, mg 338+, Sy ,cb LS 174) 1. that one: a. as a subst.: X'n 'OV '1 X'nn that (case) is (according to) PN San 27a(40); X'nn X'lXl '3 when that (barraita) is learnt ... [i.e. it refers to ...] Er lla(25); BQ 99b (51); -f? xma X',T13 I concede to you in that (case) Suk 18b(5); Git 19a(4); '3Vn X'nna XIX n'1? X33"na I certainly impose a liability upon him [i.e. the owner of the cow] in that (case) BQ 24b(32); BM 118a(17); Hag 17b(10); Men 78b(17); X'nm nra n3 except for that one Yev 43a(10); Nid 5b(27); ,T3 Tin NVTOT 'Xaai from what (do you know) that he retracted from that? 5A/99b(23); Sab 27a(23); BB 137a(20); b. as an adj. [Ma XXlian ynxn Nold, MG 338]: 1) general: XTia X'nn IDa '3 when they came to that town Hag 5b(38); myv X'nn that hour San 105b(33); Men 41a(38); BQ 72b(20); XTVO X'nn that year MQ 12b(43); mbiyi nsnj? 'nn that breaking of the neck of the heifer AnanSch 8:10; 2) in phrase Xnri'X X'nn I, you: 4- XJ17PX mng. 3; 2. a certain one: a. as a subst.: 'OX 3T7 map1? 'XJ1XT X'nn a certain woman who came before PN Yev 34b(31); Ket 60a(10); Git 89a(50); b. as an adj.: X'nn XJIJVX a certain woman Ber 56b(22); Er 25a(40); XTJDy X'nn a certain mouse Bes 36b(18); X'nn Xjnx a certain field BB 159b(30); mn XJ'Dp 13 XTirj X'nn n'V PN had a certain garden Tan 9b(l5); '3n xixwV "?33 n3 ">ra mm xmix x'nn Xi'T a certain '.-document which was written with every term of the court San 29b(57) Lit: Satzlehre 83+; Voc: X'nn HGP 28a:6. in in interj. (sound of a cow) Pes 112b(17; E2) [Van-.: xin, xnn, mn] Nin pron. he, it (4- VPN, Xinn, Xim V3, VPJ; Sy ocn LS 172, Ma in MD 133) a. in nom. phrases: 1) subj.: 'X31 Xin he is my teacher Qid 33b(27); Xin "13 Xin nx he is my brother. He is my son Yev -1 V'Nifl 369 -1 V'xin 97b(3); 'X' Xin it is fitting BB 11 la(37); Xin XD"?a he is a king San 104a(41); AZ llb(15); xnri'X Xin he is a woman BM 84a(40); Xin Xinm 'X if he is excitable person Qid 8b(19); BM 42a(31); Xin Xinx IxV he is not our brother BB 135a(24); AZ 76b(i8); xin pnisx cm-axn xisya mbi perhaps it is from the earth of Abraham, their father Tan 21a(45); 2) pred.: Xin XIX it is I [lit. I am he] Ket 63a(15); Tan 24a(5); Xin VPX it is he Er 54a(51); Xin X1HJ it is a tradition Git 6b(33); 3) copula: biyan '3in Xin XIN I am PN Tan 23a(49); Nid 36b(47); nxi'1? 13 Xin JlX are you PN? Ket 77b(31; MGG 227:5); Xin Xip© X3T>y the raven is a liar Git 45a(41); BB 123a(39); 'Xn Xin 'ntya XSDn X1B2? this document is merely a sherd [i.e. of no value] Git 10b(29); "VI3X DIT'J Xin XjV'X pruning is for strengthening the tree AZ 50b(20); Pes 2a(ll); Yom 76b(2); BQ 12b(5); Xin XD'l IXV XU'l Xinn that get is invalid HP 128:11; b. in verbal phrases: 1) w. pf.: p'TX Xin iTWBJ he caused himself damage BQ 27b(12); Xin n'"?Dp he killed it Hul 35b(28); SOZ 72:30; 2) w. part.: 1B?S Xim D'^n Xin does (the same person) dream and interpret a dream? Yom 28b(38); rf7 pnsa Xim 7\b 3'ma Xin he raises the objection and he solves it Sab 145a(3); ib. 21a(45); c. w. fol. "I: 1) in cleft sentences: a) general [v. Satzlehre 221+]: Xin pa ]im X'DX 'TOT a doctor who is gratis is worth nothing BQ 85a(52); in3 Vim Xin P311 it is the scholars who decreed concerning them Ber 25a(40); Yom 74a(9); Git 3a(17); TGHark 202:33; Xin VPaiS mV 3'X3 XpT it is their mouth which distresses them Yev 104b(20); inV XWXT Xin '31T n'TIIST it was PN's merit that protected them Ket 103a(52); xnyiff '"? xa"pi Xin X3X it is I who has a propitious moment Tan 21a(14); Yev 63a(44); 5M65a(50); San 101b(15); ma©a TTiaXT Xin W. pni' 'm it is you who said in PN's name Er 12a(31); n'WB3X TOBXT Xin m'X it is he who caused himself damage Ket 3a(29) [4- in'X usage a.2]; n'^nab imna n3 xVn xin ]:x it is our eyesight which is not strong enough to see it BB 84a(18); Ara 9a(16); Anan 9:21; Xin VU'XI nnsyT it was they who made it Meg 26a(23); Hul 94b(28); mj'x X3n mn vh xrinx wrx 'isa lim Xin now then, there was no one else here. It was they who were (here) BM 26a(27); Xin nV'ya X3'X xniDX xn XS'^n there is no me 'ila, but there is, in fact, a prohibition Pes 26a(20); Xin 'Dn ]b 'y3'XT it was in this manner that we asked it ib. 89b(32); wpn'XT xin "inxn Vsb B/pri'x '3 it was compared only in respect to delay in payment [v. Dt 23:22] Ned 6b(22); TDXT Xin X31J 'Xn '3 xmra 13yaV it is in this manner that it is forbidden to work on the Sabbath Anan 71:24; p'sa xVn xin xin xxr-nxn nsas is it only with unleavened bread (which is tithed) according to Pentateuchal law that he does not fulfill his obligation? Pes 39b(30); rVfll Xin Xin X3n 'Xm mXT 'Tl n'Vy it is this Tanna who disagrees with PN San 8b(13); p'^DXT Xin Xin JllSai it is unleavened bread which we eat AnanSch 10:26; '"? Hya xpn Xin Xnwn it is now that they are declaring my ox a mu'ad BQ 24a(30) [4- XJTC/n mng. I.e]; b) w. tautological infinitive [cf. Sy • V Y " c,m '^ V " ^"' v- Goldenberg, Studies 50+]: p'^nsa '"?n3X n'by p'cnpa xVn xm 'wnp n'^y we cannot actually recite qiddus over it [i.e. beer], but we can indeed recite havdala over it Pes i07a(25); xpT xin 'Bioix n'rvx xma xnn Dnn xnn Tbia xpT xin mVix xsn rrby «]'oia in that case the odor is present anyway (and) he is simply adding to it. In this case it is actually producing an odor Bes 23a(6); 'll'jn'NI "1133 "X,T 'V '3'3 vVri'Xn Xin this is a. firstborn (animal) which was certainly born among Jews AnanSch 6:11; Mg 27a(38); BM 90a(48); Bek 32b(21); d. in phrase "\ Xim this applies when: 'tn nbl Xim xnn'DI XWa'W n'1? this applies when he does not see the sun and the moon Sab 66b(13); D'Vn Xim XB11J n'^ this applies when it [i.e. the mat] does not have a rim Suk 20b(25); BB 44b(13); AZ 30b(12); //«/48a(28); TGHark 178:16 Y: Kin Sab 82a(27; BAYTN 341). 'I ^>'Kin conj. since (< MH2 "7'Xin J 336; 4-'"pVn; JPA V'Xin DJPA 160) a. w. fol. nom. phrase: Xin X13y31 V'Xin since he is like a slave BQ 84a(43); mypl3a3 in'TS 31X1 V'Xin 'D'n '3X\P 1BT (ears of) wheat are different, since because of their fissures they are considered split AZ
x^ain 370 'in 65b(35); b. w. fol. verbal phrase: YIB'Xl YXin Xa?y TJ'xa X132 Xinn lb since I was banished from that world [i.e. the world to come] Hag 15a(24); in2'p3W'X X0'2 '7 BPmJTXl YXin since a miracle took place for me I shall leave them alone Git 57a(21); Ber 23a(54); BQ 7b(4); /A. 89a(10); AZ 31b(27); Zev 48b(16); /toan 20:7; iSGF 90:21 Lit: Bacher46; Satzlehre 268; Y: °?'Xin &6 llla(34). N^'^ain, N^'^ain n.m. a stomach of a ruminant (etym. unkn.) sg. '03 '3 '03 '3 XY^Sin XY^ain the A.-stomach is (now) the A.A:.-stomach and the b.k.-stomach is (now) the A.-stomach Sab 36a(12) // XY73W Suk 34a(36); mm XJ1312 Xinn X7'73@in7 ""OS '38 XpS2 a certain duct which goes out from the A.&.-stomach to the h.-stomach Hul 58b(i8); "vtn '0x3 '37 X7'73in a'pra na when the /;.-stomach is pierced to the b.k- stomach (the animal) is permissible HP 199:3 Y: xWavI Sab ib.(BAYTN 270). HiyiTl n.m. dromedary (perh. < euyevfig Sy pdi\om rdl^aJ^LS 171) pi. '22in '31tfa hides of dromedaries San 52a(48) Lit: Nold, Persische Studien 2:43; Geig, AAC 155; Y: 'JJffl San ib. Dmin 4 ximn n.] KJTTVl, KJKTTV1 am. circumference (4- Vi# Yin; Ma x2XYiin nxnn MD 131,135, s.v. 1# Tin) a. alone: sg. XTTIpn X2XYIin circumference of the city Ibn JanahHeb 117'° [unknown Rabbinic source]; b. in phrase "2YJin Yin round about: sg. nnawai vnrnm Yin ]toyp y1? xpoan it produces alluvium round about it and it makes it [i.e. the field] more valuable Ber 60a(21; P); xVt (n)'2XYTin Yin 'plSX7 to exclude (the area) round about [i.e. the sore] which is not (required) Sab 77b(14); Pes 76a(19; V17); n'2Y!in Yin XaiYJH the area around the 'eruv Seel 53:4(Var); ib. 120:25; Yin {tatri) {xmni n1? mna 'x X)iyi3n (Var)X2Y!m if flesh surrounds round about the abscess HG3 153:15 P expl.: 'Yy nxm'J 13K TM niK-rnn SMel 55:363, i.e. gird abar gird; Lit: Eps, Stl 111; Y: WTTC1 &/> ib.(BAYTN 266). mmn I xnmx n. N3Uin n.m. perh. embroidery (perh. < X3Din*; cf. Sy rc^' -. \, u >73 rclL^^o LS 227 [H ru'TO 0'OB Gen 37:3]) pi. '3Bim 'a'71 embroidered(?) garment Aferf49b(40) [Var: '3D'n Ar (AC 3:197)] Lit: Schemel, Kleidung 406; Y: '3Din Ned ib. 'in vb. to be, become, exist (4- XJTVn, XT» mng. 4; Sy rc'om LS 173, Ma Xin MD 134) Pe., pf. lsg. 'Xin 5e? 24b(23); mn SSHai 12a(18); Tl'IH fam 32b(5); SSSad 239:12; 2m. Tim 5a« 102b(13); f. Tim SSHai 3a(12); 3m. mn Kef 67b(36); f. 'Xin £V 42a(30); Din &?2> 26a(3); lpl. P'ln 5e.? 21b(23); ]Nin &j6 156a(26; MGG 65:15); pin //P 12:3; X2'in S5 165b(34); SSHai 12a(16); 2m. Win Sab 119a(10); )Win Qid 21b(38); 3m. lin Ket 112a(14); f. X'ln BM 39b(10); l"lin Qid 12a(18); ]X'in Sab 98b(25); imp. lsg. 'W'X 5M 8a(43); 2m. 'mvi Nid 33b(15); f. ]"'inn SSHai 3a(13) [v. TGHark 229:6]; 3m. '1Y7 55 9a(50); ,£§#«/ 14a(8); '1Y2 Suk 30b(2); ',12 Yom 14a(ll); 'in' S.fr/ai 3a(16); X.T .&* 156a(24); 'Y 5o 70:1; f. 'inn San 46b(47); Anan 28:5; Xmi BB 142b(26); 'mn Bo 1:4; 3pl.m. 11Y7 San 6a(30); 11,T 55 142b(24); ]im Bo21:\;HM 36:20; f. 1"11Y7 Er 4a(2); T'lY /fe/ 53b(12); imper. 2m. 'in Ned 50a(13); f. 'Xin SSHai 13a(21); 2pl.m. Tin San 29b(38); inf. 'imaV Yom 87b(13); mna1? Anan 25:18; part. lsg. xrin BB 40b(19); 2m. fl'in Ber 56a(39); 3m. 'in BQ 55a(ll); 'lxn Zev 91b(40); Anan 61:18; f. X'ln San 7a(15); 3pl.m. lixn Suk 18a(10); f. ]"V1 Ned 5b(2);-1, alone: 1. to be: a. general: 'Xin 'X X2X had I been (there) Ket 94a(22); BM 76b (29); 'Xin X2X IX1? it was not I BB 167b(37); 'Xin 'X 'XY3 X2'3D were there a knife in my hand Hag 15b(12); ]X'in '2an nn'X DX1 if it is (also a Noahide commandment), there are eight San 74b (24); mm P'm '3 when we were ten Er 30a(30); mn mm 'Xa what was-was Yom 5b(19); G/7 80a(30); //or 10b(39); 'am '3n IX1? mn was it not such and such? Ket 20b(4); 'JTOXT YPyx 72 mm ]'3'n p it changed from how that it was when it was tithed AnanSch 5:21; mn Xm mbv was there not, in fact, Solomon? Git 59a(l3); 'am* "n rrmaaipa mm x'ao xinn a 'in 37i m certain blind man who was in PN's neighborhood Nid 50a(13); X"3y Xinn X3'X mn there was a certain poor man Ket 67b(43); 'in nB3 man im how much is Mt. Tabor? BB 73b(8); 'lnV Xlia^ai may he be under the ban Ket 69a(45); AZ 26a(5); 'nil xny let it be (so) Pes 53b(45); b. in clause final position as copula [v. Satzlehre 14+]: Xinn mn IBTf XX12?33 '3 that synagogue was small Meg 26a(23); mn xa'an xav Xinn that day was hot BM 86a(44); mn Xnp© H^m '^'na PN was a liar Sab 152a(38); mn X31 X131 he was a great man MQ llb(34); mn DS'X mpm '13'a now, then, when was PN? San 99a(15); lin nn there were two Tan 28b(50); //w/ 107b(8); 'ra ]WB? lin xnan there are sixty types of wine Git 70a(26); 2. to become, turn into: pan T3"Vin Win the two of you will become scholars Ber 48a(8; F); X'tttt riX 'inm you will become the nasi Hor 13b(46); wb X'ln ]Xa who will become (a wife) for me for one day? Yom 18b(10) // Yev 37b(15); 'V-I ... .YM nx» mm 'YJ lim he used to throw pieces of straw from it and they would turn into arrows Tan 21a(46) // San 108b(51); 3. to exist, come into existence [cf. Ma: nia'aa DXira Vd Xini everything came into being through his word Gy 333:21]: lin X1?! pff "73 Vb lim lin the ones who did not (ever) exist will exist. How much more so those who (previously) existed San 91a(25); 'Jtf 'S^X XY2? xa^J? 'lxn the world will exist for six thousand years RH 31a(24) // San 97a(53); 'Xin mma it [i.e. the alternate form of each letter in the 3SS3H series] was surely in existence Sab 104a(7); 1"J?X lin lY'Via lin Xs? mrxn even though they [i.e. the proselytes] did not exist, their guardian angels surely existed Sab 146a(5; M); yixn p 'lxm "73 whatever comes into existence from the earth AnanSch 30:4; 4. to be born [cf. Ma nay8? Xin he was born to his mother MD 134, JNA 'in HDJNA s.v.]: 'Xin X3W3 nna XJX I was born on Sunday Sab 156a(25); ma' XJTJIZ/a XY Xn32?3T ]XS 'Xn one who will be born on the Sabbath will die on the Sabbath ib. 33; 5. to stay, last, pass: 'in YT 'e/iy 'Yi 'yVx '"i 'ap yw I'mn mn Vtx an@'aa go stay in the be rav. He went (and) stayed for two years in the presence of PN, and PN2 [i.e. he learnt from them] Ned 50a(13); mn p© yaiff X3D3 the famine lasted seven years San 29a(29); mn 'av xn^ri (the period in between) lasted three days Anan 81:1; D'Xa 'ai' nVn lin '3 after [lit. when there were] three days he would die (of starvation) San 109b(34); '-ID'Vn n'8? mn nJTia 31 XyTini (n)(XI'tn X^n 'm PN had not seen GN for thirteen years Qid 70b(24); X'JBn n3 X'lm ny '81' until it is eight days old Anan 57:24; AnanSch 23:9; 6. 3sg.m. imp. 'nj granted [lit. let it be]: X3'X YD'X X3'1? rfryiil 'HJ granted that there is no me'ila. There is a prohibition Pes 56b(9); Yom 14a(ll); Naz 4b(27); BQ 71a(3); Men 102b(17); II. w. var. preps.: 1. w. ""? to be married [cf. Ma JlXin X13XJ1? she was married MD 134]: x1? 'xi -b xrin 7032 'nVis b nsns 'x ~p X2'in xV if you assign all of your property to me I shall be married to you. If not, I shall not be married to you BB 40b(19); X'lm p3T Ymai X1321? the daughter of a priest who gets married to a man AnanSch 15:3; lro'X1? '"? 'Xim be my wife SSHai 13a(21); 2. w. mb to comprise, add up to: XDiya in"? lin they comprise a minority Pes 79b(44); 10'2an in1? lim they add up to eighteen San 21a(31); Yom 72a(2); Bek 8b(6); TGHark 37:30; iSGF 94:6; 3. w. -1? to occur: mn xnaw '^ya Y'xn xm' vn m1? the first day of the month of Iyyar occurred on a Friday Sab 87b(40); 4. w. mt? to become, turn into: 'S1?! T?3ri '3 in1? lin Xt?sya when it becomes moldy, they become like spices Men 23b(48); in1? lin Xn Xisy they will, in fact, turn into earth San 90b(56); ysn n'7 mm p'31 since he turned into an evil person Anan 16:16; xynx ni'lV X'ln n©92 'SX3 xn3'B;n it forms a significant field by itself BB 95a(3); XJl'31? 1DXV 'in' n3J13 ]'nn XDXD 13 TO3-I231? let this writing become a healing for the house, for PN Bo 97:1; ib. 70:1; 81:5; 5. w. -t> + inf. should: nsya"? n"? mn 'xa what should she have done? Yev 91b(6); BM 93a(44); ansa1? r\b mn 'Xa what should he have written? San 40b(16); 6. w. "3 to raise a point, discuss [cf. JPA "3 'in to deal/treat with DJPA 161, mng. 4]: XS3 3T ,YJ 'lXn PN raises a point concerning it Ket 101a(24); Sab 112a(33); Ned 38b(6); AZ 51a(36); n3 p'ini we raise a point
'in 372 'in concerning it Ber 35b(40); Sab 5b(5); Yom 34b(15); Suk 33a(16); Naz 36a(ll); BB 78b(8); San 36b(20); Me« 18b(2); H3 <]l)im3 <tf>>131 nana 3*11 ms "131 '3'Vx all of it as we discussed concerning it according to PN or PN2 Naz 16b(6; V2); xai'D3 pm 13 XnyB12/3 ]33n H3 IXn XJ71 the scholars were discussing the legal tradition while at the concluding session GnK4 28:12; 7. w. xV + '3 to be innocent: '3 mn xVl '^ JTTOn 'Tl8? they suspected me, but I was innocent [lit. it was not in me] MQ 18b(50) // Sab 118b(38); 8. w. by to become of s.o./s.t. [cf. Ma nxm 'X"?JH VIXB what has happened to me Gy 162:5; v. NoTd, MG 414]: xnmx xmm nby inn 'xa what will become of me (in my old age)? Yev 65b (42); BB 40b(20); ib. 142b(26); ']'»» T7J7 imn n» what will become of us from the sectarians? Hag 5b(18); Hul 5a(4); nty in 'KB what is the solution of the matter? [lit. what will be concerning it?] Sab 22b(19); Yom 49a(41); Yev 80a(34); Svu 34b(38); HI. w. 'b to have: a. w. indeclinable Vin pe. [Ma mb X1H Nold, MG 419; cf. also BH -b ,Tn Blau, Studies 151+]: mn xb '13 mV he did not have sons A/eg 14b(50) [cf. Ma X'13 nxo'in n"?Xin Gy 170:17]; MQ 25b(25); '1 Xni3 m1? mn X3'py PN had a daughter && 156b(19; MGD 323:1); ^'aV '1'OT '33 n'1? mn X1? he did not have molars and teeth to eat with BM 42b(10); BB 22b(37); b. w. declinable Vm pe.: n'V X1JHD1 'V imx as soon as I have (the money), •I shall pay him BQ 107a(9); Tfb Tin 'in 3T PN had denars BA/44b(19); n'V in X3XT 'nx nn he had two paternal uncles 55 118b(32); £r 102a(39); BQ 117b(4); mn ,tV Tin he had (children) and they died Ber 5b (16); X8V Xinn .T»D1 ni n'V mm the same day that he begat (a child) he died MQ 25b(26); xnn'xa '13 n'1? in 'n'nnx he had children from another woman TGHark 37:3 [cf. Ma: ni'8 JTJ'inmB ffrni'l X'13 he will have children born to him by her MD 134]; 'ni3 'TBff '13 'nV in'1?! '3'n '3 so that they(f.) will have beautiful children like me BM 84a(31); Ket 60b(52); San 106b(35); Anan 28:5; TBT? ftm Jin1? n'Xt ]inni3 "73 all the daughters which they have or will have Bo 3:8; ib. 27:1; 76:8; XSD3T X03 .T1? ima1? to have a silver cup BQ 62a(35); IV. in compound tenses w. fol. part, [v. Satzlehre 42+]: a. pf.: 1) w. indeclinable mn [cf. Ma Xin + part. MG 383; 3843]: lsg. mn Xiyan? I used to hear Er 75a(7); Xiax mn I would have said BQ 3a(25); X1JH' mn 'X had I known BM 73b(7); n'3 XIT'T mm nXTlB the alley in which I used to live Er 74b(l); 2m. nj?T mn you knew Hor 10a(48); BB 30a(19); mnt: mn you were occupied San 108b(48); 3m. V"? mn he used to enter BQ 17a(ll); «]'Dnp mm nxi'V Xinn Xnma a certain Levite who used to snatch priestly gifts Hul 131a(18); Bek 46a(5); f. X'nn X'nw mm XT'y a certain goat which was drinking Git 69b(4i); xn"?3i3 xwib mm xnn'x x'nn Xp1tt?3 a certain woman who was wearing a head-covering in the street Ber 20a(17); Pes 106b(4); Yom 78a(16); XS'11 mm X1WX Xinn Xin Xmi a certain oven in which the fire [i.e. the coals] had been raked Ket 67b(38); X3'D1 mn she was married Yev 108a(28); mn '3Xn mWWl XT3J? the chain was made in this manner Anan 8:18; lpl. p'3m mn we were sitting Bes 24b(20); 2m. W'TBl mn X^ you did not have a tradition (of a nw mn) Pes 66a(47); Naz 32b(14); 3m. 'B'p mn they were standing Suk 53a(18); mn 'VtXp they were walking Ket 62a(20); f. p'Dl mn they were married Yev 108a(31); psy 1X8 mn X1? 'T8 they were unable to do anything Anan 81:26; 2) w. declinable 3pers. forms: 3f. XJH' mm xV she did not know Hul 139b(35); mm IX1? 'XI ]b X3npa xni'SD were it not that the boat was close to us BB 73b(22); lpl. U'13J? in '3n we used to act so Pes 103a(31); 3m. 'VtX Xp in they were traveling Ber 30a(8); m"a in '3 when they used to bring Sab 156b(42); xmiy03 '3m in they were sitting at a meal Pes 103b(5); f. in XnT'2/ in'3U? caravans were frequent BM 28a(38); Sab 46a(33); yb»y lim njHB '3lVl they used to enter into the presence of Pharaoh Anan 80:26; b. imp. [very rare]: 1'XT in'1? X8?! '3'n '3 so that one should not be anxious Kar 25a(46); c. other: D,!? mm be cursed Sab 67a(29) [cf. Sy: ,\ Avjk' t^rclS ivjpcop curse me Nold, SG § 260]; d. w. particle of existence n'X/X3'X mn: I X3'X usage b.2; n'X mng. b.2 For diff. analyses of mng. II.6, v. E.S. Rosenthal quoted in D. T T" „ Boyarin, Teuda 4 [1986] 125; Bacher, Term 48. nSin n.m. perh. one who expounds (i Vin pe., mng. II.6, qattal-form) sg. N^l XIX nxin xV XIX XIX xa'3n I am neither one who demonstrates nor a wise man Pes 105b(10) [Var: nxnn EJM'V'V'tAr [AC 3:355]) N'lH, pi. "VI n.m. perh. discussion of an argument (i Vm pe., mng. II.6) sg. 31T Xin ■?Xiai£?1 the discussion of PN and PN2 Ber 20a(10) // X"in San 106b(41); X3m "3XT mm BB 134a(25) // Suk 28a(29; M2); X1? XnyaB/ 'Xn n"in WSl xVl Xp'ay this legal tradition is neither deep nor is its exposition great Geon 104:19; GC 96:2; pi. "in "?3 TGAs27 36:16; ynpTI "in expositions and explicit conclusions iSGF 8:12; ib. 67:l(Var) "]in vb. to go (archaic; BA "pn pe. HALOT 1859, TA mn TO Gen 20:13) Pe.: bj? xaoimx1? -piib n31 (she is permitted) to go (and) to be married to any man HP 150:14; SSHai 3a(14); SSSad 230:26; mn xyisV n^ 'Vxn x"?i ina1? 3na ixi if he writes -ptib (in the get; v. Git 85b[39]) and does not suspend the leg of the he (making a het so that it is now read "]ns^ 'to laugh') TGHark 5:32 [4- Vl#mn] •^sVin, ^31 V'Kin, ^sV'n adv. therefore (i -i V'xm) n'siao1? mnsi n''ni<i)('ip^ ins pbm therefore, he has to give it an acrid taste and has to make it thick Pes 116a(ll); RH 16a(13); San 86a(14); Zev 43b(2); HP 19:20; ib. 77:13; TGHark 116:33; ib. 164:11; 206:13; TGAs28 116:9; TGAs42 33:23; Anan 12:7; ib. 32:26; 90:12; '12/a 'X» nb "pi V'XIH therefore, he cannot change (the animal's status) Kar 27b(30); 13*?'n Yom 20b(5); Naz 37b(30); Git 29a(43); San 113a(5); TGAs28 16:14; ib. 54:19; Geon 27:4; TGHark 101:18; ib. 271:22; Anan 22:14; ib. 38:5; 81:4; 110:25 Lit: A. Harkavy, Anan 197; AAC 158; Y: T|3^I Ber llb(37). Din vb. to gird a belt (denom. < 4- Xl"an) Pe.: niX'a(')nin D"Xn '3 when he girds his belt Ber 60b(36; OHP ib. 106:19); D'n mm Xnn a r.-belt which (PN) used to gird OHP Sab 48:14 [cf. Meg 27b(44)] NSin Geon. expl.: ,TWJI3 njm' OHP Ber 106:19, i.e. sjlJ>) $& Wald 34. "lin interj. here it is for ...! (< Arab Ui Wehr 1035; JNA Klin hona HDJNA s.v.) nwip'ai T1VI n'113 'V here it is for you(f.), and you are betrothed to me with it HP 107:7 [= GeonH mp HR 82:9]; ib. 12 [= GeonH T> nn ib. 16] NSin, KSin, pi. 'Slil n.m. leaf of a palm branch, fence of palm leaves (< XXlfl; 4- Xl'SW; Sy rc^e>-y LS 222, Ma XSiy leaves, foliage MD 344, "'MH 1'Xin T§ab 8:9 [31:22], TGHark 185:20, > Arab o*J- Fr, AF 146; cf. Akk hussu reed hut or fence CAD H 260) 1. leaf of a palm branch [cf. MH bpibv fin TNeg 1:5 (618:16)]: a. general: sg. Sab 77b(32) [expl. as deriv. < MH nS'Xn separation]; XXm nn3 p'^DT KT^b '(X)n a lulav which ends in one palm leaf [i.e. is not paired] Suk 32a(7); 'p'3TT X3'n nsim X31 X'nn 'TLTD that spine of the palm leaf where the (two leaves) are attached to each other HP 32:9; BQ 92a(40) [i 2#X3"I3]; Ned 49b(22) [used for eating; 1 X0"1]; Xpm' XXin a green palm leaf Sab 109b(30); Yev 64b(21); Ket 61b(17); pl.abs. j'^pT 1'Sim I'^Xm date palms, /.-palms, and palm leaves BB 69b(7); det. n'13na X31?!1? bin ]X» X'Din inmsyi 'Sin 'Sm n'13J?1 one who stole a lulav from another and made (individual) leaves of palm branches out of it, leaves of palm branches and made A.-material out of them BQ 96a(26) [i 2#X'Sm]; HP 32:7; Suk 37b(7); b. woven into var. objects: pi. 'Xima p'Dl "3X PN used to go out (on the Day of Atonement) in (sandals made) of palm leaves Yom 78b(9) [I xnV)3]; 'Sim 'ixa vessels (made) of palm leaves HM44A7; GC 43:6 [i X31ff1]; 2. fence of palm leaves: a. alone: sg. mm X1311 Xinn1? n"tn n'n"l33 XmaV XSin3 p'13 he saw a certain man who was making a breach in a fence of palm leaves to look at his daughter Tan 24a(17); Ned 91b(l 1) [I Vers pe., mng. 1]; Tn3 '15TO ]"to in XSim XD'l barley was strewn on that side of the fence of palm leaves Bes 27b(7) [Var: ,TTinx XSim behind the fence HP 5:18]; pi. 'Sin SSHai 6b(8); b. w. X1BT laurel tree: I 1#X1B1; 3. a cord made from palm leaves [I 2#X'Sm, X"ntth0]: sg. XpTT XSin a cord for (tying up) vegetables Sab 373
rorein 374 Tl 140b(3); xami XXin a (palm leaf type of) cord (made) of gold (thread) 7am 31b(23) [used for tying up a sacrificial lamb] Lit: Flora 2:328; Nold, MG 61; Y: XXVI Suk 32a(7; Mo 109). HNSin adj. (uncertain) sg.m. m nXXin you are ... Qid 58b(l) Expl. ib. 2(02): -|'nil3 'Xj? 'JXIHO 'OX 21 PN of GN agrees with you. '3Xin nm.pl. unpounded and uncrushed flax stalks (MH ]IWS unn TSuk 1:5 [256:10]) 'in Kin 'JSin i?<')inn x"71 (if the flax) is soaked and not pounded it is h. Suk 12b(14) [4- Win] Lit: Lieb, TK 4:838; Y: '3XW Suk ib. K^Hlf! n.m. reed mat (< Akk hurdu A reed mat CAD H 250, AIOA 57; i VTtfl; Ma XTTin reed MD 137, > Arab ^jji, i/jji roof of reeds Jawal 52:11, Fr, af 149) pi. p'tnx x"7 minV pnnx minV p'TriX me/a1? nilPD1? (if) he had acquired the prescriptive right (to place) reed mats (on his neighbor's wall), he did not have the right for beams; for beams, he had the right for reed mats BB 6a(30); ib. 7a(40; P1); "1TCD1 X^HS '(TtyTJlini iron, beams, and reed mats S$Hai lla(10); CI'Tlin 'Tin the reed mats are laid BB 3b(27; TGAs42 156:20) [F2: '"Pin r'T1,V] Lit: S.A. Kaufman, Lesonenu, 37 [1973] 102; Nold, MG 60; Eps, PLA 197; Y: XTflTI BAYTN 148. xbvin 11# x^tiin n. ,ipVi n.m.pl. partially processed flax between the stalk and fiber stage (MH2 ]Win J 341) 'X x"?i '-in xaVn ix ... n^ ,-ip win f>sj xbi p"T n^ np Win 'Bl p"! if he pounds (the flax) and does not card (it) is called h. ... If perhaps he soaks (it) and does not pound it is also called h. Suk 12b(13; E2) Geon. expl.: Kin TO JHV 'rx ISXy 'JWini OHT ib. 21:9; Y: 'J«>*1 £w£ ib. N3J?Bhn n.m. a bundle of the lulav with the other species (< BH xrjTOftn [v. Jer 31:6]; cf. Sy rf'\ \ y ore' palm branch PSm 1639) sg. Suk 37a(27); ib. 34a(26); 37b(4); 33b(29); Mp'1? X1? xap xao xara xpir1? xwin wrx a person should not transfer ownership of an h.-bundle to a child on the first day of the holiday ib. 46b(33); I XJyenn -h-^1 man those who plait the «.-bundle ib. 37a(23; E2); pi. VTBU '"lMTUn 'iyittin the A.-bundles of the traders themselves ib. 30b(4; E2) Lit: Low, Flora 3:330. The usage is a transfer from the first word of a prayer recited in the procession with the lulav on Sukkot [v. Mahzor Sukkot 169]; Y: (UytfVl Suk 31a(l). TNTH adj. mangy, scabby (< TXtn*; Sy \U» LS 223) sg.m. XTXtn X'Tl a mangy young goat Bek 44a(43) Nrmn 4- xrmn n. X|?'Tn, Np'T'n n.m. damage (< MH2 pro J 344; 4- Vl#pU) sg. Xp'TVl n'Vo the entire damage Sg 53a(33); xpTn u"?S half of the damage ib. 35; Xp'TVI isra the damage is noticeable i& 97a (44); xp'ro xitro xp'rn 'xnV xp'rn 'xn w x1?! dwb xVnm Xp'T'H XS10 XJ1X1B1 because this damage is unlike that damage. The former part (of the Mishna deals with) damage caused by wetness, the latter part with damage caused by vapor BB 19a(17); Xp'in yap damage is a fixed aspect Pes 8b(ll); Qid 39b(45); Tay Xp xptVl he causes damage BQ 53a(24) Y: XjJ'lH Pes ib.(BAYTN 241). [twain 4- xwt n.] [Nmaatn 4- xmrai n.] [nam 4- 3# XD3 note] "Ijn num. thousand (< MP hazar CPD 43; 4- "O) ]'3TI1 "IIH "IXD a donkey of a thousand colors San 98a(46) Geon. expl.: D'JIJ 1J1J "^X nxin linn 13 OH ib. 516:8; Lit: Geig, AAC 73, s.v. 3TIX3. 'il n.m. he, the fifth letter of the alphabet (Sy rc'ro LS 169) anya VI ,Ta 'SD1 (Scripture) added a ne in (the word) a^n [Lev 16:26] Anan 43:1; «i. 55:12; 86:21; VI Pes 5a(31); 5M?£ 23:30 On the interchange of h-h in JBA, cf: D1|TO TN» ^Slff ]1'3 '3 pson n»3i Tjiit ptto nrryn *?33 ]x lyi >-rara jtoVi 'mx \vir> 3P D'^xyBB' dibtdb mma >]X D'lin pi Vxiw p ^sn XIH 131TD 'OTX mown OHP Ned 90:19; Y: XH Pes 5a(31). 'H pron. m./f. which one (< 4- j'TH, XTH w. loss of intervocalic d; i X"nX; Ma "XH Nold, MG 94; cf. sy ixiL.r*', f. k'xjk' ls 15) m. ywin1 'n 'n which PN? Pei 15a(5); &A 4b(14); Meg 16a(5); 1#'H 375 K^TI Pej 117b (8); 'nna 'm xap 'n yr ]xa who knows which one is first and which one is last? Med 90a(17); San 52b(19); AZ 17b(35); V»y 'na through which one (of the gates) does he enter? Sab 31b(3); inTa 'n which one of them? Yom 2b(20) [cf. Ma X'iaxn Nold, MG ib.]; Hag 13b(43); Git 88a(9); BB 133b(31); Hul 86b(4); f. TI'D 'na from which one can it be inferred? ib. 114a(33); Bek 43a(46); '?TO 'H mWTX 'iTl 'HI mXWl 'n'J 'iTI m"?iya which one [i.e. which type of case] is betrothed women, which one is non- virgins, and which one is married women? Yev 42b (7); Tiaaix xtuh 'm Tiirn xnan 'n which (egg) is of a white hen, and which one is of a black hen? Bek 8b(39); Ket 2a(l 1) Y: 'fj Ber 10a(16; BAYTN 339). 1#T1 interj., only in phrase "^'H interj. here it is for you! (< T> VI; JPA l^Vl DJPA 163) "^>V1 'Tit nyaix here are four zuzim for you 5M 64a(32); |'B?an 'in l^VI here are these fifty (zuzim) ib. 4a(35) Y: -ft'3 BW ib. 2#T! interj. 4- 'X interj. N'n, 'H pron. she, it (4- VTX, XVin, Vl'J; Sy ,cd LS 174, Ma yn MD 151) a. in nom. phrases: 1) subj.: X'Wp XD1J XVI it itself is difficult Ber 53a(17); Yev 21b(20); XVI '01' '11 it is PN [i.e. the law agrees with his opinion] Pes 60a(18); Suk 3a(15); X'n XJlVvi 1XV it is nothing [i.e. the objection is w/o any basis] BM 6b(24); Men 12b(18); 'XI XM Xfircx if she [i.e. the guilty party] is a woman Anan 14:14; 2) pred.: XVI XVI it is the same [i.e. it also is forbidden] Pes 38a(16) [Ed: "|n lrvi]; Sab llb(2) // Er 99a(43); RH 29b(32); Git 84a(42); BB 12b(35); rVTOM 'm xyTinaa in GN which is his place (of residence) iSGF 79:10; 3) copula: X'n VTX is it identical? [lit. is it it?] Suk 35b(6); "irvurfrao XVI ]X1 "jnaan XVt ]X where is your wisdom? Where is your intelligence? Sab 30a(l 1); XVI 'T pJWTia our Mishna is (according to) PN Bes 10b(22); Suk 19b(14); Yom 3b(53); XVI xn33D XnyiS 'Xn an open wound is a (mortal) danger /1Z 28a(36); Pes 25b(19); xnwaiffa XB^'T XVI perhaps (the Tannaitic tradition) is a corrupted version Sab 121b(23); b. in verbal phrases [rare]: 1) w. pf: XVI Xa'OJPX X1?! J"yx even though she was not married Yev 120a(2); 2) w. part.: nyT idl XVI yTB Xnwn she does not actually know now Ket 57b(14); Qid 44b(4); Ara 7a(42) Y: X',1 Sab 122a(27; BAYTN 341). ]'Tn m., NT!1 f. which one (archaic and dialectal; 4- X'VIX, VI; JPA ]TV1, m'Vl DJPA 162) m. Tern 9b(14); Kar 4a(40); f. XTH Bek 43a(25); TGHark 277:4; Seel 28:33; ib. 36:32; 59:22; 82:2; 98:2; 152:45 Lit: Eps, Gr 30; id., Stl 96; Y: p. '3 Kar '*>■ NffiTI n.f. existence (artificial A word from H Vnvi; I V'in; cf. Sy r<h\c^am creation PSm 988) sg. niffl nwn» from the lamb while it is (still) in existence Pes 89a(46; E'RaH) [expl. nttlB HfaEx 12:4] Expl. Ar: nwm wn mn pu x1?* pi bs .ntn Tri'ima ac 3:376 [v. Koh, ib. n. 6]. snarn, Knarx, Pi. 'arn, 'arn n.f. prickly shrub (< Mir *hezm [cf. MP ezm firewood CPD 31, NP hezam PED 1521]; Ma X'BTVl MD 143, Sy rd^JsU.cn/rf'aT-SoVjro, K^jVjK' LS 174, 10) a. alone: sg. xmipa xn^ai xnain^ n^ 'VopT the prickly shrub is cut down and the (parasitic) dodder dies Er 28b(15; O) [Var: xnBT'X TRN 627:4]; b. pi. together w. 4- xmn pi.: 'BTVia ]3VJ30a id 'ixna paaoa we cover the sukka with prickly shrubs. We do not cover the sukka with thistles Suk 13a(3) [Var: 'BTVl HP 26:22]; Tin 'JVtl 'BlVia n'1? it was fenced around with prickly shrubs and thistles AZ 47b(12); Sab 7a(26); Er 17a(46) II BQ 81a(16); Tan 23b(4); San 94a(50) Lit: Geig, AAC 157; Low, Flora 2:415, rejects P deriv.; Voc: '8P VTM 41; Y: XnniTI Er ib.; TBTCJ &6 ib.(BAYTN 112). Nnt'n 4-1# xitvi n. X3»'n 4- xio'n n. "n 4- V"n vb. N"n pron. 4- X'VIX pron. N'jn, "II adv. quickly (QA VI GAp 20:29, SA VI Ds'a 203, JNA X'Vl hayya HDJNA s.v., Arab l5i come on! Wehr 1041) tJlpBp X'M X'Vl very quickly there is a dispute Sab 130a(39); ,TV11TOX run quickly Ber 57b(56) [4 Vl#"ltfX]; Git
: t 376 «?n 34a(30); N"H m»X X"n 1W Sab 119a(12); '3 X"n laOp^pl)1?! '3'n so that they should get up quickly /*. 47; ma'JVT '3'n '3 J1TI1ST 'Van nb WB1 KM let him add to the bundles of faggots so that she should die quickly Pes 75a(46) [M1: X"n]; p-'bo xbi vwk xs'xi x«n rrwa p'Vcn errx X3'x K'TI n'lEtt some people's flesh heals quickly, and other people's flesh does not heal quickly BQ 84a(34); Sab 134b(24); X"n p3y they work quickly Zev 35a(3; V11); "n X3TX1 (Scripture) mentioned immediately Anan 65:18; ib. 27 Lit: Levy, TMW 1:464; Eps, Stl 77; Kut, Studies 1466; Y: X'jn Ci; 34a(30). «»n, U'H m., '3"n f. pron. this is, that is (< xm/xin inn; 4- i# 'xn; Ma irxn, unxn md 120, 116) 1. this is: a. alone: mvuns 13".1 this is their disagreement 5es 4a(10); liTW Wn this is their name Hul 64b(15); XtfH 'JVI '3H 'X if so, this is (identical with) the first part (of the barraita) Kar 27a(24) [cf. Tib. 4:9]; 71 TV! they are identical [lit. this one is that one] Sab 14a(13); Yev 28b(10); Men llb(36); '1'H mo *|10 "jn in the final analysis they are the same San 81a(4); ns ty lrn this is (as reading) by heart Meg 18a(28); b. w. fol. "J: 'Bin n»X1 im this is what people say Sot 10a(21); Svu llb(25); ycnnn mVy xnp TBp xpi mm this is what Scripture is particular about Joshua Ara 32b(48); c. in phrase "I 'Xn U'Tt: rrbib n^Dpi "Xn lrn TIK this is the one who killed Goliath, my brother San 95a(38); X7V3V ,T3inXT 'Xn 13'n 1XV is this not the one who destroyed the Temple? Yom 69b (17); 2. that is [impers. usage expressing identity bet. subj. and pred.]: a. alone: mim '"I 'ap XJn U«n PN is the first Tanna Ket 53b(32); xap ran lrn trasn 5M 74a(47); 55 3ib(3i); prx pmn '33 ixVi lrn nan mn xnx'Va the worn-out clothes of a menstruant and a gonorrheal woman, i.e. those which are not washable Anan 27:19; ib. 34:17; by 'TS1 D'TIX nSID V>p» U'm nXTI (the text states) D'mx [Jos 5:2] since they rub against each other ['TX], i.e. a nail cutter ib. 83:20; 107:11; nV'Bl DT "Xm rrraa xasrn xaxi mxV wn Vji ty ,tV pnocn the blood of circumcision which we smear on his leg, i.e. nix1? 'as a sign' [Gen 17:11], which the Merciful One stated concerning circumcision ib. 87:19; b. in seq. VU'V! ... VU"n to express identity: b"yi 1KI pSJT 1371 the one [i.e. the mouse] that goes out is the (same) one that goes in (afterwards) Pes 10b(23); p'PB 13'n ?133» IJ'H one who attaches an (evil) epithet is (as) one who shames (another) BM 58b(52); nam '371 bit '371 'foot' and 'cattle' are the same [i.e. they are prone to do damage] BQ 17b(l) Cf. also: pn'l "n -] ln'J'fl CC 51:6; Lit: Eps, Gr 23; Satzlehre 13; Voc: lrn HGP 23b:27; Y: U"n 5er 2b(43; BAYTN 342). IJ'il prep, like (i TX, '3) X<V)JB Tn like a sickle 5o 69:4 JO'H adv. where, conj. where, if (4- "T X371 '3, "1 X371 "?3; Sy rdL.K' LS 14, Ma 2#X3Xn MD 120, TA n5'X TJ Jer 3:3, MH2 pTJ J 345) I. adv. where: a. alone: 1) non-verbal phrases: Xin X37J where is he? Er 65b(26); San 95a(44); Zev 54b(13); TJl'X X3M Git 68a(33); X3M KWpb 13 nx PN, where are you? BM 84a(52); Meg 27b(44); Yev 106a(35); San 39a(16); 2) verbal phrases: 7471' X371 TIT where is the money located? Ber 18b(40); Sab 96b(2); X37J Jiyaff '1 'Xp what is PN referring to? [lit. where does PN stand?] Er 105a(22); Zev 113b(19); na rv»3 X371 where do you spend the night? San 63b(21); X3'n ITUVlDpx where did they burn them on the altar? Pes 96a(10); TOTiruX X3'n X3yT XV I do not know where I placed them BM 35a(31); Men 98b(39); Anan 5:15; ib. 43:11; b: w. var. preps.: 1) X371X: D'Xp X3MX to what does he refer? Er 51b(5); Yom 20a(15; L); 2) X37V7 [Sy K^rdi PSm 148]: TirpX XTnb to where (in my prayer) should I return? Ber 24b(47); 'X.T p'J/T Xm by XS'rf? 'Xm "73? XS'rf? we do not know to where this one entered and to where that one entered Pes 9b(43); Hag 13b(10); Yev 20a(13); San 65b(22); 3) X37JB [Sy rt-L,* ^ PSm ib., Ma X3Xn p MD ib.]: DX X3'na from where are you? Pes 62b(20); San 113a(47); Bek 8b(41); "73 H3B Vfr p'lm X371B 'X311 now then, from where do we learn all these conditions? Git 75a(27); X37IB Xn 'Jl'Jl on what is this based? [lit. from where will this come?] BQ 73a(35); Pes 95a(14); Yom 62b(6); Hul 66a(20); 4) X3'n iy [Sy rdi«H_v '371 377 NIl^'H rd-i->«iA' PSm ib.]: xyTVU X3'n TJH until where is GN? Ket 54a(34); II. conj. 1. where: XS'n ni^DX Xb liySX xbl X3M l&SX niySXT where it is possible it is possible. Where it impossible it is impossible Pes 80a(43); Er 47a(3); Qid 20b(36); V.Y1 'Tin '3T X3'n where they are all alike Yev 14a(ll); XTOS X3'XT X3'n where there is a loss BQ 27b(34); ib. 84a(10); nnS3T X3M where he denied it Svu 33b(19); xp'T YV1 tfri X3'n where the wind does not blow Kar 5b(52); X3M ltm ])VW XB' XpoaT see where the sea produces alluvial soil Zev 116b(18); Hul 93b(33); Qid 42a(10); BQ 41a(47); Anan 47:9; AnanSch 4:7; npim 'ys 'sn xin n»i xs'n ja n^ pmai 'S'n '3T ,T3X3'B? n»l X3'n p just as (this place needs) to be far from where he resides, so is he required to remove it from where his neighbor resides Anan 28:15; 2. if [lit. (in the case) where; in protasis of case law]: prx TVb pna XpT ni2?y '3 HTbl X3M fpDXa Xp xb if there are not ten people to make him [i.e. the bridegroom] joyful he does not join them Seel 16:48; ,tV p'Oya ,T> En:ia xVl X3'm iTmi3 "?y3 if he does not divorce her, we compel him (to do so) against his will ib. 18:5; 17:7; 20:20 [and passim in this text]; HP 48:11; ib. 58:14; 101:3; 136:10; HG3 49:60 Lit: Eps, Stl 90 [mng. 2]; Voc: MV1 HPP 54:20; HGP lb:25; Y: X3VJ BAYTN 332. '3'n, f'3'n adv. how, conj. how that (< ps'n*; I "I ">yr\ '3, "\ 'S'H ^3; JPA -]p]* DJPA 163, Sy -a_>K/ adv., -a pcLLAjk' conj. LS 15; cf. Ma l#yrxn MD 119) I. adv. a. interrogative: 1) impersonal: 'aT 'S'n what are the circumstances? [lit. how does it compare?] Sab 4a(10) [and passim]; TSy1? 'O'n how should we act? Er 24b(10) [and passim]; 2) w. explicit subj.: O'n T]b nn3B?a how can you find it? [i.e. such a case] Pes 27a(39) [and passim]; VP8T X3'XT D1pa31 'n'X X'33na 'S'n in a place where Jeremiah is how can she [i.e. Hulda] prophesy? Meg 14b(16); '3'n xnp'ny i"ai '3'ni xnmn i"ai what are new (straps of phylacteries) like? What are old ones like? Men 35a(46); X'aT '3'H Tmsv 'Xn what are the circumstances of a maidservant? Git 64b(33); XX"ina '3'n Xn^na how can the barraita be interpreted? BQ 10b (9; F1); p'3;D '3'H ara'a how do we actually write (the judgment)? San 30a(22); n"7 irvyax '3'n xn^'sn xn how do you dye the tekhelet-woo\l Men 42b(31); '©a 1'3'm iTT how does he wash his hands? Anan 33:3; miyab piys o'n xnp xax 'pi nx'x how we are supposed to make fringes about which Scripture speaks? ib. 8:11; rr73XT 'a 13'3 ['3'n =] 'STl how shall we eat what you eat? Bo 125:8; b. indirect question: mn '3'n X13iyT XS1J TX ,!7 'B'X tell me, indeed, what the essence of the case was [lit. how the essence of the case was] Git 39b(39); Xin'ab «py p-ina i'3'ni iin"iam 'sax p'm p'n i'3'n np'y1? to see how their laws are, and how the types of comparison are, and how we return a 'branch' to a 'root' iSGF49:21; II. conj.: 'JTllPXT -|B/yX 13 mm pvi ]a it changed from how that it was when it was tithed AnanSch 5:21 Voc: 'y'n HPP 43:19; HGP 44b:34; Y: '3'n Ber 4b(31; BAYTN 339). n.m. the Temple, temple, homestead (Akk ekallu palace CAD E 52 [v. AIOA 27], TA X95'h' TJ IK 6:3, Sy i^ V A .,m palace, temple LS 174, Ma x"?3'n MD 143, > Arab JSii Fr, AF 274) 1. the Temple, temple: sg. a. general: cs. p ximi xma ^oma n'ru'3» 'toxt the one who placed His Divine Presence in the temple of fire and ice Bo 16:3; ib. 122:9; b. of Jerusalem: det. X"?3'n XB8T iy V'lXI "Top he continued to kill until he reached the Temple San 96b(18); xbyn ri'^p X'Vp you burnt a burnt Temple ib. 21; 64a(9) // Yom 69b(17); c. as an oath: Qid7la(2l; Ed); 2. homestead: sg. pi nTTH pi n'n'3 p n'^S'n from his house, his courtyard, and his homestead Bo 122:9 [cf. Ma rfcrn mn nn'3^ MIT 22:3] Lit: Friedman, BM VI Text 1023 [mng. Ic]; Y: Kta'n Qid ib.(BAYTN 139). N^'n 4- 2# xVm n. N331?',-!, N3N2^'n n.m. ivy (< X3X3"?m*; Sy rc*{ AAo Cardahi 1:407, ^t^U., LS 210) sg. ]J3n 'Brt>3 X3X3V'n GC 87:2 [expl. MH DiDV MOh 8:1]; X33"?'n Geon 239:22 [expl. MH D'Tiy1? Sab 90a(14)] Lit:GC874; Flora 1:221. n. looped portion of a cloak used for
K317'H 378 Kris'? VI carrying (Vt71; Ma 1# T71 to loop up MD 148, ljla nn?'n nrVm Tg2Est 1:2) sg. -]n?'ia nan Dim XTlX'Tl '37 (if you have) dates in the looped portion of your cloak [i.e. a surplus], run to the brewery (with them before they spoil) Pes 113a(18) Geon. expl.: wip n'Df1? -nnm n'BM n'B'^J opn -|Ti^(n>ipi3 ... n^n>ipi npn nm 'D(')iiin rra mi th m mi n'O'^jn TGAs42 164:16; cf. Ma: "I^NUXD mDXJl fl'l^KHB "13 when you loop up and knot your stole MD ib. MlV'n n.m. walking (< MH2 "\tw\ J 346; I V"|71) sg. T3J7 X317'17 1X7 XII (the lime- maker's sandal) is not, in fact, made for walking Sab 66a(31); ib. 148a(33); Yev 104a(4); W'Ba xp 1317M3 he increased its walking (distance) Sab 113b(10); Bes 30a(14); Er 10b(21) The mng. of this word in Er 57a(20) is unclear; Y: KDlV'H Sab ib.(BAYTN 256). n.m. festivity, wedding feast (V?71; 4- '3 X717'1, X3B XBT mng. 2; Ma 1#X717'1 nuptials, wedding MD 144, Sy rdSo-Lu banquet, esp. wedding feast LS 231, BH ff^n HAL 235) 1. feast: a. general: pi. 'll'm '7171 feasts and dances Git 57a(24); b. w. Vl3J? pe.: sg.cs. in X717'1 T3J? Va 717'1 'tfl'N naxia Xav (when a person finishes building his house) he makes a feast for a day. As people say: "The feast of the houses" Seel 1:4; NDGR 199:6; det. Xmil'ltfl Xrwi313 X'3D1 X-lwa» X7V7'1 my a weasel and a cat made a feast from the flesh of a deer San 105a(51); ib. 109b(36); 2. esp. wedding feast: a. general: sg. X717'13 TDXWX1 1:311 X11T X1111 '17 ]3 JW11' '11 1'131 a certain pair of scholars who became intoxicated at the wedding feast of PN's son Ber 9a(9); X717'1 7p the sound of a wedding feast BM 36a(40); '17'2/31 X131 X111 1'1113 Kill '7T1'X 1'717'1 at the end of a certain man's wedding feast his bridal canopy caught fire Yev 115a(10); Ket 8a(30); AZ 8b(l); pi. ]WT\W '?17n sixty wedding feasts MQ 28a(30); b. w. Viay pe.: nna? xViV'n isy xisn m3 ia pn made a wedding feast for his son Ber 30b(50); ib. 31a(2); Afe/50b(36) Lit: Eps, Stl 103; Y: xVtol Ber 31a(2; BAYTN 256). N7'7'n 4. xWi n. IsV'n 4- -p?n adv. KTlDV'n n.f. halakha, traditional law, purpose, section of the law, pi. Tannaitic traditions (miSnayot, barraitot) (< MH 137ri, ri37,i Yeivin, BV 927; 4- VlVl; JPA 13*71, det. 1T137'1 DJPA 165, TA Xfl371 TJ 2K 11:14; cf. Sy rc^-aA'co going, walking LS 176) 1. halakha, law, traditional law: a. general: sg. XJ137'm and the law is ... Qid 9a(16); Ket 100a(7); //«/ 67b(21); 'Xa Xri37'1 what is the law? Er 14b(34); Ber 33b(l); Meg 22a(39); Xri3?'1 '31 such is the law AZ 67a(7; J); 311 ,1'mi3 Xri37'1 the law is according to PN Ket 43b(ll); Nid 36a(32); Hul 93b(16); 10X1 IXaa xn3711 the law is according to the one who prohibits AZ 33b(12); XJ137'1 311 I'JVD Xri37'1 IX I'Tina is the law according to you or is the law according to PN? Er 90b(4); Qid 6b(39); Hul 43a(41); "J1TD XJl37'n Jl'71 the law is not according to him Ket 8a(41); Git 77a(25); Svu 38b(45); Xn'©a7 XJD?n the law is for (the era of) the Messiah San 51b(15); Zev 45a(l); XJ137'nX XroV'l X'K/p one traditional law contradicts (another) traditional law Qid 59b(34); Sab 24b(5); Bek lla(ll); injni Xn37'1 'XllX flDDX ina'plXl 7W72/7 the traditional law came, reduced the third (wall of the sukka), and fixed it(s size) at a handbreadth Suk 6b(17) // San 4a(3i); xro7m xa'Vx xnyaw n'V xp7o mn X7 his legal tradition was not in accord with the traditional law Sot 7b(42); X3'7X Xnyaw 'plOX XJ137'm to make the legal tradition in accord with the traditional law Yom 26a(17); XX137'1 n? 'TBI they have learnt the traditional law Qid 37a(23); Sab 97a(44); Ned 8a(21); Naz 30b(15); BQ 3b(25); Svu 33a(38); 137 "psi p'Sfl X7 XTiaV'ia do not remove yourself outside (the limits of) the traditional law RH 13a(10) // Sot 16b(31); X713W7 'mi XrO?1 (this is) a significant law for the Sabbath Sab 12a(17); pi. xnXsV'l Ml lll'l are these traditional laws? BM 112b(4); XJia?'n 'mn two laws Er 71b(19); HP 63:9; JUlXia'l Xn371 important laws Suk 38b(l) // Ber 31a(58); XI1X1X31 X71X37'1 TGHark 276:23; XnXp'OB xriX37'1 decided laws BQ 102a(49; Oxf, b.10, 35); AZ 7a(19); xm XJ1X371 the traditional laws of judgment [i.e. in the Tractate K"n '37'n 379 l»'n Sanhedrin] San 34b(37); Z$GF 48:4; b. as opp. to Xip biblical verse: sg. 1B7 Xlp X'n '3?'m inxa '7 since it is a traditional law, why do I need a biblical verse? Nid 32b(27); "]'1t3X'Xl Xlp 'IDX'Xl '37'1 a biblical verse was needed and a traditional law was needed Bek 16a(40); pi. Xipi lll'l 'naV'l X87J?a xnaaDX they are traditional laws and the biblical verse is merely a support Er 4b(7) [cf. Nid 32a(37)]; MQ 4a(5); Nid 72b(36); X3M1 'Xlpa XnxaV'l ]T'B1 where the traditional laws are hinted at in the biblical verses iSGF 39:2; 2. legal discussion: sg. xai'a xm?'x xna'j'n xans XJnCXI legal discussion requires clarity (of mind) like a day of the north wind Er 65a(28) [// XJiyaw Meg 28b(26)]; 3. purpose: sg. 'Xa1? Xna^M for what purpose (is a date given for the new year of kings in MRH 1:1)? RH 2a(8); Er 46b(18); Yev 24b(l); BQ 9a(13); Zev 40a(23); xaam in^'ana vtrdrn 'xaV for what purpose did the Merciful One write them (in Scripture)? Yom 79b(25); Hag 17a(27); Zev 50a(4); Hul 118a(34); 'am TO'lVs 'Tia^l 'Xa"? for what purpose did the Merciful One divide them? BQ 5b (7); 4. pi. Tannaitic traditions [i.e. misnayot, barraitot; JPA 13^1 DJPA ib., mng. 2, MH2 V?X rvoVn I'jiero Sot 22a(i9)]: pi. yis *? nyis '3 'ns^'l um nn 'a (IPBXa pay me only before two people who can recite misnayot Svu 41b(34); ib. 38; Meg 28b(38); Hag 3a(18); Ned 8a(18); /& 89b(18); Qid 49b(3); '3"?'1 'SX 107'n thirteen ways (of interpreting) the misnayot Ned 41a(19); ISGF 21:16; ib. 30:13; 5. section of the Mishna [JPA 1371 DJPA ib., mng. 2]: sg. 1T131 XJ1371 XJ1371 one section of the Mishna after another ib. 7:3; pi. ''JJ1B1 xnX37'1 the sections of the Mishna of our [i.e. Rabbi's] Mishna ib. 16:14; Xn37'1 XrOOai xrDDa 731 'piSI the sections and the chapters of the Mishna of each tractate ib. 32:8; 'ipi ii3i isim it •muwa x'i xnxsV'i the halakhot are our Mishna which R. Judah, the Prince, codified TGHark 135:22; ib. 23 [* i XBht]; /5GF 50:11; X^XSV'I 'Din Mil XiaA 'I'ayDI the gemara of these two sections of the Mishna and their reasons TGHark 209:19; Geon 63:15; X1ia7n '17 fl'7 XJ1371 J17T1 'in these three sections of the Mishna [i.e. MYevK 14:8-10] do not have talmud Yev 114b(29) [editorial note]; 6. pi. legal compendium [cf. GeonH Xri7'a xn m37n3 XTa'XI TGHark 36:32; mplDS 111371, niVra m37i]: 'nxi7 xnx37'i ]'?'X3 pnsisxi "Xap we found in legal compendia of the earlier Geonim TGHark 39:5; 7. sg.cs. in phrase "naV'ia according to the way, in the manner of: xaVyi 'amn 73 naVm in the manner of all the inhabitants of the world SSHai 8a(17); 'XI 1'T137'13 XD'l 3'na'X if the get was written in its (proper) way Geon 169:11; TGHark 276:24 Lit: I.T. Abusch, HTR 80 [1987] 15+ [poss. connection w. Akk alaktu]; Bacher 55 [mng. 1]; Eps, MNM 999+; B.M. Lewin, ISGF 711 [mng. 4]; Danzig, IHP 243+ [mng. 6]; Voc: Kn5>n HPP 40:21; NnS>n HGP 27b:5; Bristol VTM 92; Y: xnsVn Ber 22b(20; BAYTN 193). N'T! '3771 interj. sound of a ship Pes 112a(19) Many varr. in mss. [v. DS ad loc] snoipV'n 4- xxioip'Vn n. Nt37a'n n.m. (uncertain) sg. n'3 ninai J"J?X1 XD7aM even though he places ... in it BB 6a(29; F2) Geon. expl.: 1. mortar: 10WW O'Brl mix [T'O 1"B ntolX] na'iya ri'mxa Whm GC 85:2 [cf. Sy 1# ndA^ls* mortar LS 391, > Arab iiL. Fr, AF 10]; 2. beam: N111X '3mm rniM TGAs42 157:3; 3. row of bricks: I'lniJKT XBN0 Inyanot 227:14; Lit: Eps, GC 855. sn7»'n, Nn7an, xrhnx n.f. ginger (etym. uncertain) sg. '1111@'3a XTIX1 xnVa'l xn ginger which comes from India Ber 36b(50; L) // XJlVan Yom 81b(32); xn?ax GC 145:1 [expl. 4- I'XII] Geon. expl.: 'j'aMI OHP Ber 112:5, i.e. Jjjiij; Lit: Low, Flora 3:503, derives it from the pass.part. ^'On* [cf. Sy .Uy wrap, pack LS 239], i.e. the wrapped object [viz. ginger]; Y: xnVs'il BAYTN 194. 1»TI vb. to believe, trust (4- XTllia'l, ]a'na adj., Xia'ia; BA ]»'1 HALOT 1815, s.v. lax, Sy ri5_,ro LS 175, Ma ]'a'Xn MD 22, s.v. px) Quad. 1. to believe, trust: 'la'ia 'IWl they do indeed trust (him) Sab 17b (7); 'X1I13 nyaiX n'la'n 'He'll he completely trusted him regarding the four latter (zuzim) BQ 115a(40); Hul 133b(8); nia'1 X7 they did not believe him Tan 23a(50); Ket 28a(43); Qid 63b(33); Svu 41b(3); l'ia'111 X'ln iaa mV? ir?a let the lender believe the borrower regarding how much it is worth BM
nnuavi 380 nynyn 35a(24); Git 64a(15); "ft XllB'na xV WX xV 'XT if they do not come I shall not believe you BB 170a(45); XlXlB'nB ib. 33a(7; HG2 454:91); pass.part. a. alone: 'IBVIB 'T>"inX |B'nB x"7 Xin he is not believed. Are the others believed? BB I59a(i8); nira '3 p'na 'iia'n nyiaB?"? 'X if it concerns an oath he is actually believed like two (witnesses) San 23a(46); BB 70b(2); Yev 77a(9); Git 28b(39); AZ 17b(27); TG^aryt 268:12; \TX XlB'na she is believed }fev 65a(20); X1?! 11'a nannx 'ai 'iB'na x1? s;ipx 'ibmb since they are also not believed concerning strict sanctity they are not believed concerning teruma Hag 25a(19); BQ 114a(5); BB 159a(19); b. w. 'Y. T> ]B'nB 'X if you believe him Qid 66a(21); BM 3a(34); 'X "p XlB'nB if you believe her BB 52a(6; P1); 'V JIlB'nB I believe you Svu 42a(26); BQ 1 lb(24; M); 2. to write a trust clause (J1UBXJ 1BV) in a document: 'XB "?33 'W11X XmVs1? nJU'B'iTJ nTOIJD "102/3 3T13T I have written a trust clause for my wife concerning all that is written in the ketubba-document TGHark 1:25; f?V\ X^ '31X13 "1DW3 WV27] "731? I'lXllB'n1? (people) do not generally write a trust clause for women in the ketubba-document ib. 22 [cf. GeonH: by ni'BXn1? nraiTO ib. 25]; 7^*53 41b:19; pass.part. 'S '3 'B "Vy ]B'na NN b. NN2 is trusted by me (that he has not received payment of his obligation) TGAs33 41b:l; ib. 4; fn3] HB1B 1B'B3 ,T3 XlB'nB . 'TIS "Vy she is trusted concerning it according to her utterance by me in my lifetime TGHark 1:27; SSHai 4b(6) QuadRef. to be believed: inx iy pnipb one witness should be believed (concerning the woman) Sot 2b(14) The trust clause in a document entitled the party who was owed money or to whom an obligation was owed [e.g. a ketubba- payment] to state that the payment had not been paid in full or in part and to be believed by the other party without being required to take any type of oath [v. TGHark ib.; SSHai 21 and n. 18]. The text of the nuax] "IBB has been partially preserved in SSHaiGr 32+. KfflM'n n.f. faith, trustworthiness (4- V]B'n; Sy rc'k<>AA.,cr. LS 175, Ma xmiXB'Xn MD 120) 1. faith, belief: sg. a. general: XDIlB'n inV Jl'V '3 when they do not have faith Qid 36a(40); ]B"p 'X '?Umnx TT'TiriBTn if they maintain their faith I shall return them (from captivity) Git 45 a (44); b. in oaths: xniJB'fl by the faith (of God)! Sab 10b(8); Bo 31:12; X'BBH XmiB'n by the faith in God SSHai 10a(4); XJW'X X'nm XT3 XJVUB'n I maintain by oath [lit. faith in that woman's hand] Ber 55a(18) // Ned 49b(32); TT3 XmiB'n I maintain by oath [lit. faith in your hand] San 38b(47); 2. trustworthiness, trust: sg. n'1? xn'l rrJTUB'nS Dip'1?! he wants to maintain his trustworthiness BM 15b(50); ib. 16a(2); 25; 72b(i4); nns irrrvnavn iap \>sv inn "nvy 1H3 myrWX x"?l VXTtf' they maintained their trustworthiness to the Jews for twenty-two years and did not subjugate them AZ 8b(32); n'Jlp3W inUB'TT^ have you forsaken your trust (by not watching the children? BB 8b(43; Es); D-b H3J?3 XmiB'n slaves cannot be trusted BM 86b(49; F1); XDitfipi nmxnm xxvubvi trustworthiness, integrity, and honesty S$Hai 10a(6); ib. 10b(4); lla(10) Y: XJlUaVt Qid 36a(40; BAYTN 203). NX»'n 4- xxa'n n. "Itt'fl n.m. account (< Mir *emar [cf. MP dinar CPD 7, NP hamar PED 1507]; 4- XTBnX) sg. X1?! IXB'n X^l nXp'D without dispute or account SSSad 202b:19; SSHai 5a(10; O) Lit: Shaked, Archive 1 [1972] 112; cf. OHT Pes 74, n.J. NJ'n i 2# xrn n. NTJTI n.m. a plant (etym. unkn.) sg. Bek 37b(42) [expl. MH ni'Bh? Mib. 6:1] Lit: Flora 2:486; Y: Xp'H Bek ib. iCM'n n.m. endive (Cichorium Endivia L.\ Sy kLstjo? LS 178, Ma X3'"[l'n MD 146, > Arab »Uj5* Siggel 72, Gr evtoPov L-S 578) sg. Pes 39a(8) Lit: Flora 1:418; Pfl 255; Y: '3^11 Pes ib.(BAYTN 216). nxn?»n adj. Indian (< Mir *hindu < MP hindug CPD'43 [cf. NP hindu PED an Indian 1514; Sy rc!io:u<T> LS 178, Ma X"X111'n MD 146, TA nxiTfi TJ Jer 13:23; cf. also 11'n pX TGHark 185:20; Kpiim XBrf? bread of India Ber 37b[46; F]) a. general: sg.m. nxnrn mi?F '1 PN, the Indian BB 74b(6); Qid 22b(47); nxnin x"?nB steel AZ 16a(9) [lit. Indian iron; I xVllD]; X13J? pm 381 K3H T T nxnan an Indian slave SSHai 7a(l); pl.m. J'Bnn J'XTHVI Indian sorcery Bo 56:9; b. in GN: pi. '3 'Xlll'n India Yom 81b(33) // 1U1 '3 Ber 36b(51) [cf. Sy rsLjoaJ'o? *OLjp 2Ch 21:16, H T'ty D'tflS] Lit: Geig, AAC 160 [not borrowed from Gr]; Y: ilXVUVI AZ ib.(BAYTN318). JUTI 4- fll'X pron. KWU'il, KTOirn n.f. partially ripened fruit (< xrrni'n; 4- xrnx) sg. xivni'm xman partially ripened date Ket 61a(48) [Var: xn'lll'n Ar (AC 3:442)]; Sot 49a(43) Geon. expl.: *?»3V pWintW 7Y1TB ^B DTD'S 'PB n'jnn tkb1? j'3 onnn1? i'3 xmi:n 'mx ]wta nnw imp pviiTB niTB OHT Ket 186:3; Lit: Flora 2:342. P'H 4- ]TX pron. ]13'a'n pron. these (< prx XH) D'yiT ]UTm /4«an 6:15 NO'O'il n.m. consuetudinai oath (< MH2 TID'H J 349) sg. TGHark 202:33 N3,Tn, tOTn n.m. dust (< XlTn; Ma XJTH dust MD 147; cf. Sy \i_u to rub, polish LS 255) sg., only in phrase N8VT NJTn dust of a sunbeam (4- XBV mng. 3): ,TBW IDX1? XB1H XlTn 'xm the dust of a sunbeam is called /a Yom 20b(38) [w. ref. to rr> Dan 4:32; Var: XlTn TGAs33 225:53]; 'OB XBTt XlTn ]Hn the dust of a sunbeam heals Ned 8b(16) Geon. expl.: np iniy iioys jtx-ui is Dipaa o»: nann nixws (OTH KITH n'1? OHT ib. 5:21; Lit: Flora 3:73; Y: KfTIJ Xom ib. KTri'n, NTJin n.m. permission (< MH2 "irfn J 349; 4- Vim) a. actions: sg. ,T^ Tiy XTrrm n3 he prefers the power of permission (instead of prohibition) Er 72b(16); Bes 2b(15); Git 74b(6); X-IJTn "mxb X"riX she is apt to make a legal decision (for herself to swear falsely) ib. 35a(20); Svu 48b(26); Yev 45a(46); b. objects: sg. XTJTm y*?2 Kb XT.0'Xt ybl does it absorb (only) a permitted thing, (but) does it not absorb a forbidden thing? Hul 98a(22); ib. lllb(23); 4a(36) // AZ 39b(21); Yev 20a(6); Tern 27a(15); XTJTm XTon permitted wine AZ 73a(10); xnyw XTIl'iTI the time when it is permitted Hul 8b(23); XTJim X'BUS a permitted gathering Sab 60b(6); Yev llla(32); Ned 12a(16); San 100a(3); AZ 73a(18); pi. 'Tm 'in 7ev 74a(20) Voc: XT'n'H HPP 254:18; Y: XTfn 5aA 142b(14; BAYTN 241). "]7\ pron.f. that one, that, certain (< 4- xn pron. + "]-; ^ TKH; Ma l#ixn m./f. MD 120) 1. that one, that: a. as a subst.: 1) alone: "p 'l"n they are identical [lit. this is that one] Sab 37b(10); Yom 47b(30); BB 64b(ll); jn in that (matter) Sab 73a(25); //^ 17b(12); Yev 23b(29); g'rf 64b (3 3); San 23b (7); n'1? X3'2/n ]3iy83 'Xim J\ he takes into consideration that one [i.e. a type of work] which was in the tabernacle Sab 96b(21); BQ 17b(10); J\ X'2?p that (barraita) contradicts it BM 76b(33); ni'B XWV\n J] that one who is older than she Qid 65a(6); 2) * xn, J\: -pi 'Xaa ]i21 xm mvr 'T from what (do you know) that that (Tannaitic statement) is (according to) PN and this one is (according to) the scholars? Hor 2b(53); XT30 313 X,13 Xl'BX mn J] ]3'yaiPX 'XT n,!7 if (the Tannd) had imparted a tradition to us about that (case), I would have said that in this (case) he is of the opinion of PN Meg 29b(39); Yev 77b(12); AZ 37a(5); Men 24a(16); -|,T) J\ n'1? XB"I1 those two acts [lit. that one and that one] caused it Suk 53a(30); c. as an adj.: XDyiff in that hour Ber 8b(45); XTT'ap Ji that first (clause of the Mishna) Qid 64b(32); BM 37b(34); San 26a(26); Men 92b(3); 2. certain: nn33'iy *p XriB?'3 a certain evil neighbor Tan 25a(l); "]n Xnri'X I [lit. a certain woman] Yev 65b (44) Lit: N61d, MG 90. The occasional use of this form w. m. nouns [e.g. »'> in Sab 57a(23); XO'J -pa IX XD'J inn gW 30a(45)] may poss. point to its use also as a m. pron. as in Ma; Y: ^n Sab 14b(2). N3ri, N3NH adv. here (< X3 XH; 4- Xn interj., X3 adv.; Ma l#X3n MD 120, Sy rc£-\<h LS 183) a. general: 1) alone (rare): X3n X3'X '311 are there robbers here? BB 74a(31); X3n 1'IBTI X3n ]'1BI sometimes here and sometimes there [i.e. one place and another] Meg 29a(25); '■? HB X3H '"? na Dm what difference does it make [lit. what is it to me] either here or there? BM 36b(31); 2) w. var. preps.: a) X3,T>: X3.T> "|iaT ]B who invited you here? San 109b(37); in1? XTinB ]W yi\bl\ "73 X3nV Dl'n'l every thirty days Gehenna makes them go around to here ib. 110b(l); X3'X X3n"7 "?'!
pan 382 ^n Vmyv X3'X XanV V'Tl XTiy'tf consider it this way [lit. go to here] and it is a measure. Consider it that way and it is a measure Sab 91a(18); X1TI JOn1?! XSrf? X'^TBI a ladder which is raised on both sides [i.e. in the form of an inverted V; lit. to here and to here] Sab 155a(ll); GC 60:7; b) XDn»: X3na in'tfBl 1p'"70 'pnO they have completely removed themselves from here Er 60a(17); c) X3nV IT- X3nV ny XTTaV Tl'ya lV'X if you wanted to come to here BM 79a(18); b. esp. w. ref. to Babylonia [* OJin Eretz Israel]: xan mil here they explained Tan 10b(45; M2) [cf. Rashi]; Pes 42b(25); RH 18a(44); Ned 38b(20); bb 74b(23); onn m"? nso xan vrx a'aw '3 when a (great) man dies here, they lament him there Meg 6a(7; M); San 5a(15) [I Dim usage b.2]; XSn1? OTniH 'mm pVia all the emigrants who moved here iSGF 61:18; ib. 59:17; GC 105:11; c. w. ref. to textual locations: 1) alone: '1 xana xjwiD "xn1? xnns nV nns inn' pn composed apetiha on this scriptural reading from here [biblical verse follows] Meg 10b(33); xaxi X3Xn (Scripture) says here Anan 65:14; ib. 75:5; 87:22; X3na n'jnntXl its injunction is from here Pes 48a(13) [fol. by Pentateuchal verse]; San 56a(12); X3na nV 'n"B Sim a Tanna derives it from here Ara lla(44); xan XBa '3 when he reached this phrase [lit. here] (he explained as follows) Yom 20b(15); X3,T!: xam p'lriB our Mishna here [i.e. under discussion] Yom 15a(15); Yev 31a(29); Svu 32a(ll); Xam T>,"ftx "Xn this (word) Vn'Vx of here [i.e. Lev 24:15] Anan 13:6; ;'Z>. 31:22; 2) * XDH: xVOB X3ni XDH (the mole) disqualifies in both cases [lit. here and here] Ket 75a(28); XDH X12? 'XB1 XDH X3W 'XB wherein are the two cases different? [lit. what was different here, and what was different here?] Ber 49b(12); rf? ysrcina xsna pnx n"? p'ma xsna px we derive it from here [i.e. Job 24:19]. You derive it from there [i.e. Dt 11:17] Tan 7b(13) // Ber 55a(46); Meg 9b(49); Yev 25a(36); Men 45a(7); Bek 43a(34); 3) * UK\: DTim ]Hi: X3m Ty'px '1 PN in this case [lit. of here] is like the scholars of that case [lit. of there] Zev 110a(42); Xltf 'XB ... onn xiw 'xai... xan Yev H3b(25) Voc: x5,i HPP 221:19; HGP lb:9; Y: X3H Ber 21a(45; BAYTN 332). 1'lSn I p pron. 'DH, '3XH, ],3D adv. in this manner, thus, such, so, strong (< 4- pan w. loss of final -n and intervocalic d; I 'an 13, 'an D3; Sy ^cJj LS 175; 4- XJlB/n) 1. in this manner, thus, such, so: a. '3n (BT, Anan): 1) in verbal clauses: (a) alone: '3n Xiaiy mn such was the case AZ 18b(6); 'an X3X xraxp I say it so Hor 2b(6); Nid 17b(13); mom '3Hp 'am XIDna (the Tannaitic source) is actually truncated and (the Tanna) learns so BB 145a(13); 'aayx x"? 'an mayn xiyr mn 'x had i known that you act in this manner, I would not have remained away (so long) Hul 106a(2); IBJI'X 'X nBJVX 'an if it was said, it was said in this manner Sab 39b(16); Yom 28a(5); Qid 32b(32); Meg 10b(23); j? ym 'an xV73 TV y'BW 'X you have only heard the rule in this manner Yom 50a(34); Zev 62b(17); 'axn ... (XltyVa^) I speak so Bo 125:8; 'an '83 X'lll it is also learnt so in a Tannaitic source Yom 5b(5); (b) * 'an: ]'3H X131 'an1?! 'anV a man who buys (oxen) for such and such [i.e. both for ploughing and meat] BB 92a(9); 'an pnv Txi 'an 'mnaa 'ixm xrwn nay 'an nnyni nay 'an layi now that (the Tanna) learns in a barraita in this manner and PN says (it) in that manner, the one who acts in this manner does so (properly), and the one who acts in that manner does so (properly) Sab 61a(15); rh p'lna 'an px ,m> wans 'an inx you transmit it in this manner, (and) we transmit it in that manner BB 136a(29); Bek 5a(8); xVl XTOn •on ik"?i 'an ix*7 'ro^'n nari'x now that the law has not been stated either in this way or that way [lit. neither so or neither so] Ket 64a(4); 2) w. 'X: XW1 X'Pp 'an 'X if so, the first part of the Mishna is difficult Ber 27a(13); 'XB 'an 'X Xia'aV if so, what is there to say? Sab 48a(19); Yom 49b(22); Ned 62a(29); BQ 76a(12); '3T Pes 7b(33); S«£ 24b(29); Zev 20b(36); 3) fol. prep.: •'vp 'an 'Bpai 'an im1? '^yan xin -irfrxV rr>TW is drinking immediately (after bloodletting) which is beneficial, but afterwards or beforehand is it harmful? Sab 129b(28); T1? 'ax '3n inn afterwards he said to him Er 67b(42); '3n "inaV wi 'an 383 NTt^an " T : " T t ■■ : - nTDWX afterwards he found him Tan 9a (16); MQ 18b(35); BQ 74b(39); '3Xn OVtm because of this Anan 46:1; Sab 105a(48); BM 6b(\9); 'an "Jioax on account of this Pes 31a(25); 4) in var. phrases: a) 'Bl 'an in this manner also: XJl3»a XJIUBIX Xtn 3"n'aT '»3 '3n mail (if) one saw a skill (being performed) on the Sabbath and learnt it, is he in this manner also guilty (of violating the Sabbath)? Sab 103a(10); '3,1 xatya XIX'J rf? an' x"7DST 'aa (if) he had merely given her [i.e. the yevama] a blank sheet, did he in this manner also disqualify her? Yev 52a(45); Ned 30a(4); BB 11 lb(4) [andpassim]; 'Q3 'an ]'X yes, it is so also Bes 22b(19); Ket 12b(35); AZ 37a(24); Nid 32b(9) [and passim]; b. pn [Geonic]: in'ayDl Xin pn their reason is so TGHark 5:30; pn XJ'tn we have seen so ib. 25:18 [formulaic beginning of Geonic responsa]; 43:29; 102:14; TGAs28 24:29; TGAs42 41:14 [and passim]; xVl X3'T 1'an xVl xn ]'an the law is neither in this manner nor in that manner TGHark 203:27; pm "XJJl in"713 i:n all of the Tannaim transmit in this manner ib. 107:22; Xp pm Xm'nj pnai Xinaj? such is our custom and so do we act Geon 231:4; 2. strong [1 'an "U]: '3m nnxa '31 n'3aO'rf7 ia^ 'b naV since (you are) strong, why do I have to support you? Ket 62a(43) [Var: '31 'Xn 'Vl3 HQ "?'m inxa Ar (AC 3:388); I b'n adj.] Voc: '3,1 HGP 19b: 18; Y: '3,1 Meg 16a(18; C). - 'pni 'an adv. such-and-such (4- '131 '13, ]3 pi; Sy rdLaroo rdiam PSm 1007) Tan 22a(3); Me^ 29a(25); npya mn '3m 'an the case was such-and-such Tan 24a(15); Ket 63a(13); Qid 81b(14); San 97a(41); mn 'am 'an Ber 56a(57); Ned 51a(10); ATer 69b(l); ib. 20b(4); 56a(15); 'an Tay 'am he does such-and-such Ara 16b(29); TGHark 111:31; RH 16a(34); MQ 9b(14); 7a« 19b(12) — 'arnS, 'an Ij; adv. meanwhile, in the meantime (I iy) a. alone: y»m' '1 «in» '3mx XWTVl '3<1>(V) Xtt?lX in the meantime, PN knocked on the door of the school Ber 28a(39); xna'naV 'n xnx '3,mx in the meantime PN came to the yeshiva Yev 105b(17); Tan 22a(12); Ket 67b(27); Git 31b(33); Qid 70b(18); BB 22a(51); b. w. '3,11: max XriX 'am 'amx in the meantime his father came Ber 18b(48); yattf 'am '3,mx 'JIXpT Kin nailXl in the meantime he heard that it was his coffin that was coming Qid 31b(35); n'1? fl'jai rcb nino 'am 'amx in the meantime you will destroy it and rebuild it BB 4a(19); XJ0XT XnX'12/p TTl '3m 'amx in the meantime let him bring stones of a Dilmun date AZ 28b(5); Sab 117a(12); Bes 36b(12); Meg 16a(18); Git 7a(40); BQ 80b(6); BB 160b(26); Hul 43b(41); c repeated: 'm n'ws} xn'3 'an iyi 'axn ly xa^n X3X perhaps in the meantime PN will die BQ 104b(10; HP 66:13); 'an XBM 'amxi 'amxi in the meantime he should say in this manner Pes H6a(7); xnx x"?i nu 'amxi 'amx in the meantime it got late, and he did not come BB 22a(51;MGL 699:15) Y: 'DHIX Ber 18b (46). - 'an inVs adv. without such, in any event (I IX1?) 'ai 'an IxVa without such [i.e. being martyrs] also (they are worthy of the world to come) BB 10b(28); n'V nns 'an IxVa "SXT even in any event he would have opened it [i.e. the jug] Hul 94a(27); Pes 50a(16); Yev Ulb(43); Ket 47a(26; M); San 13a(6) - 'an Va I xVia pron. NT?n, NT3'n n.m. distinction (< MH2 13'n J 345; i Vnai) a. alone: sg. Xin xa"?ya XT3'n it is merely a distinction Sab 101b(29); D'X DTin 'bV2 n^ Il'X XT3'n 'Xa xan XT3'n n'1? it is all right in that case (since) there is a distinction. What distinction is there in this case? Git 62a(28); Sab 153b(36); Er 8b(37); '>H p XT3n 'ina1? 'y3 xV m'"?'^ should there not be a distinction between me and them? Hor 13a(42); Pes 46b(22); Yom 2a(23); Qid 78b(41); Hag 23a(49); b. w. Vnay pe. to make a distinction: sg. XT3'n ]iaT in3 nay the scholars made a distinction concerning them [i.e. glassware] Sab 16a(20); San 19a(12); Bek 38a(31); ib. 58a(28); Nid 34a(18); pi. 'Tan nn imay we make two distinctions Sh£ 55a(2; M2); Zev 21b(20; V") Y: XT31 &6 ib.(BAYTN 241). NTtPan n.m. required act, approval (< MH "llban Yeivin, BV 991; 4- Vlffla) 1. required act
xaVaVn 384 on or accompaniment: a. for a sacrifice: sg. p'3 Xin -HP3T XTKOn ariri since bread is a required accompaniment of the meat (of the sacrifice) BQ 13b (6); b. for ritual impurity: sg. 'Xm XTP3n an accompaniment of what (kind of liquid can enable ritual impurity)? BB 97a(22); c. for slaughtering: xpsip iTl'lDTO Xnrn XpDl '31 the life force only left (the animal) according to the proper act Hul 19b(2; M); 2. approval: sg. trilB'Sn DTI XTBOfl nV linSWXl we found approval for it [i.e. the use of the left hand] on the Day of Atonement Zev 68b (8) Y: XTtfan BQ ib.(BAYTN 239). n.m. tuberous spore {Euphorbia Apios L.\ < XlVaVn*; cf. Sy plant names w. kLslLu milk LS 232) sg. X3xW>n Geon 239:22 [expl. MH D'Sab'H Sab 90a(13)] Lit: Flora 1:597, 606; Eps, GC 874. X^'Vn, K^Vl n.m. Hallel (i.e. Ps 113-118; < MH V?n J 353) sg. Pes 85b(34); i& 115b(18); 118a(30); xV'Vn np Xpn Xtn he noticed them reciting the Hallel (on the first day of the month) Tan 28b(23); X1?! xW>n X"I13'X ]V13 VlXpi W3 'TOJ on the days on which the congregation recites the Hallel but does not complete it HP 37:11; xW>M i& 36:28; xW'.T7 X0X3 the cup (of wine drunk during the recitation) of the Hallel ib. 15:6; nxnxfc xV'Vn the 'Egyptian' #a/fe/ Ser 56a(48; F) [Rashi: recited on Passover; Var: XnXBxW"nMGG 706:1] Y: vtfrn Meg 14a(25; BAYTN 241). NpT?'?n n-m- myrobalan (Terminalia chebula; < Mir *hatilak [cf. MP halilag CPD 39, NP halila PED 1507]; Sy kVuVAcp LS 177) pi. 'pV'm #G7 97:90 Lit: Low, Pfl 129. l'Vn> 'V'7 pron. these (< I'V'X xn; dialectal; Ma 1'Vxn MD 121; 4- -fm, 'in) a. as a subst.: I'm 1('}3J13 X1?! ]n"\p these (words) are read and not written [lit. they read ... write] Ned 37b(28) [i V3713 pe., mng. lb]; 'm vfra all of these (things) Pes 21a(35); ln'BU 1'ttnp x"7T Kin ]'m these, themselves, do not become holy Tern lla(40); 7'Vm 1'Vn these (vows) and those Ned 79b(10); b. as an adj.: "Xnp 'Vn these biblical verses Pes 23b(23); "X1J1 'Vn these Tannaim ib. 21a(43); ]'3» j'ysnx I'm these forty years Naz 5a(31); /ft. 19b(15); 'b'B pn these matters &w 4b(52); /ft. 24a(19); n'Ona Xri» '33 I'm these people of GN 5er 17b (20); '1X» I'm these utensils ^waw 51:9; XTIX1?'"!! pn these twisted threads ib. 9:3; 47:9; p'» y3tt> I'm these seven words Bo 6:7; ib. 11:4; 21:14; 34:7; 67:7; I'm 'I'D X5?31X these four species HP 33:31; /ft. 57:32; 186:11; 'TIT pm these zuzim SSSad 198:17; /ft. 235:12; 'Dn I'm this wheat &e/ 117:74; /ft. 165:17 Lit: Eps, Stl 96; Y: pfcl *A/90a(52; BAYTN 342). xri'^n 4- 'm adj. iVn vb. to walk around (4- X3r?'n, XTdV'H; Sy t^icn pa. LS 177, Ma T,m pa. MD 148) Pa.: n'3 '31m1? to walk around in it [i.e. another's field] BM 10b(4); xpi»3 'mVn ty T,mB mn 13 while he was walking around on his feet in the street BB 154a(20) [in a legal text]; SSSad 213:5 ifyn pron. those (< 4- 'Vn pron. + "\m; 4- Tin; Sy wyckAm, uy4«i> LS 177) a. as a subst.: X3'XT "|m 'XIJ those which are inside Zev 105a(15); Anan 100:10; b. as an adj.: 'nyp -)m that barley BA/ 106a(6); X'D "|m that water Anan 25:19; '1X» T,m those clothes ib. 45:19; 48:5; 6; '13 "|m those windows rG4s2« 25:15; ib. 23b: 16; 28:23; 31b:4; 192:21 Lit: Eps, Stl 165. OH, ONn, On adv. also (< MP ham CPD 39; Ma l#DXn MD 122, JNA Dn ham HDJNA s.v., ModSy -pacn ham Maclean 77) a. alone: X3'n n'^Dpn inn: mss Dn rra x^i nnx pxs n"nan if he struck him with a stone (in the execution) and he did not die, he should execute him a second time also by means of it [i.e. the same stone] San 43a(8); in'1'B n'Bl'3 Dn DmP'D 'yX3 xpi he wants to slaughter (one) of them also on the same day HP 44:2 // ib. 207:12; 51:15; 186:15; 191:2; Dn '3713 X1NW'1? 'Xn3 they used to write them [i.e. the benedictions] also in this language [i.e. Aramaic] TGHark 188:35; ib. 82:18'; 159:28; Dn ib. 207:14; Geon 318:10; ib. 394:4; HG1 251:56; ib. 379:11; HG3 65:37; TGAs28 158b:ll; TGAs42 29:17; TGCas 5a(19)!; DXn OHT Er 31:23; '3 Dn wan t t : X'DDH mi (the new mother) also defiles (objects) like a menstruant Anan 51:16; ib. 43:9; 50:9; 62:25; 65:23; 79:7; 80:8; Dn ib. 32:13; b. in phrase q)'3n Dn: imp '3n Dn Nipr,S'' "VID^ on the following day [i.e. the second day of the holiday] we indeed also read in this manner [i.e. the same Pentateuchal reading] Meg 31a(35); '3n Dm 'DXT 11X1 'XTin' 3"lV pnDWX also in this manner we found that PN said ... TGHark 37:27; ib. 44:11; 85:20; .T1? XT3D pn Dn ]»ni 3T ^Xl even PN is also of the same opinion TGAs28 7:25; Seel 31:36; ib. 32:26; 55:21(Var); 17:15 [text: □m]; SSSad 249:5; HP 128:20; ib. 192:4; TGAs27 66:14; TGAs42 29:16; /ft. 43:16; Geon 239:2; pn Dn Tl"D3 1BB?1 it [i.e. MH pS"IB] is also called so in Arabic [i.e. jij-] GC 81:7; /ft. 102:10; 137:2; 'in Vy n^si nbai xm i'3'n '3 am D'yiT Vya ny mna 'ys x'a iin 'sxn an D'yiT also just as this carrion falls on these seeds, so also in this manner that water must be in a position [lit. until it is] above the seeds Anan 50:10; ib. 51:14; 69:17 Lit: Danzig, IHP 56295 w. lit.; OH HGP 45b:26; Eps, Stl 81, 107, 170, 183; AAC 159. K3'V?n, Nl'^'n n.m. belt (< Mir hatnyan ISK 94 [cf. NP Yimyan PED 1512]; I Vom, X3'M; TA Kran TO Ex 39:29, Sy r< \ i Sam, rdii-bojo) LS 177, Ma XlX'H'n MD 145) sg. n'l'Dn 1DX '3 when he ties his belt Ber 60b(36; P) [Var: n'lX'aOnin OHP ib. 106:19]; Sab 10a(5); }VD n'l"an ^ *r\W\ when he has untied his belt ib. 9b(33); Xl'a',1 '1^'y Xiap a q'.-belt on top of an /i.-belt ib. 59b(39); 'T -|lX'am XJTC/3133 "IDpi 1'ID'p tie seven knots in the fringes of your belt HM 43:17; ib. 45:19; Er 94a(7); Meg 27b(44); BQ 119b(12); Zev 19a(3) [4- 'Via mng. 1]; X3Wan [Xl"]an a leather belt 7/04.^2 166:9; pi. 'IX'an nn two belts 5a6 59b(39) Lit: Geig, AAC 159; Tel 60; Y: M'TO Sab ib. [pl»n 4- pians n.] D»n vb. to think (4- Vl#00n; Sy vco-bocn to meditate, muse upon LS 177) Pe.: pan they think Bo 1:10 [context unclear] Lit: Eps, Stl 331. [N3n pron. this (< Sy rdjm LS 178) [XD3] XlXn Kj?ipian this cup Bo 60:1; naV'S nin this is the image ib. 81:1; na"?'Snin ib. 39:1] nin vb. to make equal with a standard, coincide, overlap (< MP handaz to plan, allot [pres. stem of handaxtan] CPD 42; 4- XTTin, Vy"?p itpe.; Ma HIX to recite, measure MD 25) Quad, to make equal with a standard: pass.part. X1? x-mx2 "sx xm xVi vh 'nina Vax mina abi pax Tnnan we said only when they [i.e. the vessels] were not made equal with a standard, but if they are made equal with a standard, this is not so. Even where they are made equal with a standard ... BB 89b(36; M) [v. DS, ad loc, n. Tl; Var: <'T){T'ninOT NDGR 102:12] QuadRef. 1. to coincide, overlap: ITTin'XT pi3 XJ13B? '"?yai nu/an nv^&v d'3id D'B' 'iw inV if, for instance, the two days of the Diaspora holiday coincided with Thursday and Friday IHP 603:8 = XT)nnin@'XT HG1 370:63(Var) [v. Danzig, IHP 603435]; 'mn 'Tn3 I'ninan I'la'T sometimes (the two holes in the throat) may overlap each other Hul 43a(38) [Var: 'mn 'ins msipi 'a"pi 'ninm H2]; 2. to happen to come: <T){]mn'X1 X3'm Xrisn Xm1? if he happened to come to a certain place HGV 618:23; XTOVh nin'X* Agur 38:11 [text: p3-r? Xlin 'X; expl. as xy^p'XI XDB 183 ib.] Lit: Geig, AAC 161. Nnin n.m. measure (< MIr *handdza [cf. MP Yandazag CPD 42, NP andaza PED 108]; 4- Vnin; Sy i^wm LS 178, Ma XTX11X MD 25 [< NP], > Arab jljii measure PLAr 269) sg. 130 nnm3 yvtn men darn up (your cistern) completely and irrigate (your garden plot) by measure Git 60b(36); x"7 X<T){inin 'in xm na3 byv as long as he does not see the measure (the buyer) will not accept (it) BB 89b(36) Expl. RaH: MX 1B3 nnx K^Tm niTO3 OHR Git 39:15; Lit: Geig, AAC 161; Y: XITO Git ib.(BAYTN 216). Nplplin n.m. type of clover (Sy rctiio-oxJm LS' 178, Asaf 155:62, Arab jjik Siggel 30) pi. 'Xna 'piplin Median clover Er 28a(29; O) Geon. expl.: inipipiXnjinieixi^x n"B2i 'i?ii?i:'n iirxi m':im OHP Er 91:10 [cf. Arab 'p(l)l'ljrWJ OHT Git 159:3, expl. nvniTU Git 70a(52)]; Lit: Flora 2:473+; Y: 'glplJil Er ib.(BAYTN 307). 385
man : t 386 2# 'an man, f. 'Han pron. those, certain (< '/ma'X xn; I pan) 1. those: a. as a subst.: m. '3'TX "px» man (both of) those (verses) are definitely necessary 5g 50a(13); Men 10a(3); lap X1? 'KIT man those certainly cannot acquire possession BB 142b(27); Svu 42a(15); 'B'l '3J13T man those who write gets Git 84b(31; As); Qid lla(7); ^Z 64a(20); See/ 99:13; f. ma'a mViy 'nan those are burnt offerings Zev 9b(39); p'DJP D'DEOS 'nan those (women) are dealing with sorcery Pes llla(28; E2); b. as an adj.: m. 'TIT man that money [Lit those coins] Ned 25a(14); 'Xap man those previous (scholars) ISGF 51:20; ib. 69:17; mo man those witnesses Seel 83:32; 'T13 man mVl3 all those houses ib. 120:23; f. 'X"733n XTlX'ana man those Tannaitic statements of the Babylonians iSGF 41:1; 2. certain: m. '1DB? nn man two certain writs Ket 94b(28); 'ai"?S1 'aY7S man two certain individuals BQ 75b(37); '"?pT man certain date palms BB 26a(28); fler 10a(4); Pes 50a(17); //ag 3a(12); Grt 52a(37); BQ 113b(32); BB 22a(ll); Hul 39b(39); Nid 61a(45); f. 'T$? man certain goats Ket lllb(50; HP 90:21,MGD 125:16); man Xn"13W certain captives /& 23a(38; V5) Lit: Eps, Gr 24; Voc: irm HGP 39a:25; viin ib. 2a:4; Y: mi Aa 45a(9; BAYTN 342). pan pron.m. those (4- man; Sy ^ LS 179) maa Jiam 'BTin pan those sorcerers and those dispersers Bo 61:6 J'JSTJn n.m. council, assembly (< MP hanjaman CPD 42, Par hnzmny Gignoux 52, Peh 'ncmny ib. 16; Sy poucn LS 178, Ma jxaitfiaxn MD 124) sg. 1'DTam m'a 'Xai what is it? (The law of) a council HP 64:3 [expl. i XflO'ja] = HG3 30:14 [Var: 'Xa'iam members of the council HG3 ib.(Var)]; p'Tam X3'T SMel 55:384 Lit: Ros, IT 9837; ib. 10070, w. lit. l#'3n vb. to please, benefit (4- XD'anx, X:i"an; Sy pdj'cD LS 178, Ma l#xan MD 150) Pe., impers. w. mb to please [Ma rfrxnxan it pleased him MD ib.]: TJ13 yblX T3 )6'X 'E/a'X <1){')JN5 X1?! pn3'V7 n'1? 'am 'Xa people only err when they follow what pleases their heart AnanSch 26:5 [expl. bh oaaa1? nnx: rrmri xb) Num 15:39]; x"?i n'a'a byab ~\b 'an you will have no pleasure eating from it Ber 56a(16; MGG 704:2); •p X'an Xp XnX'a-llS you like the j.-dish MQ 20b (40) Af. 1. to do good, help, benefit [w. mb\: ia,TX 'xa |aan ]b how did the scholars benefit us? San 99b(50); RH 16b(26); £A/ 84a(44); AZ 14b(33); //or l3b(54); "ana xb nxi i1? 'j'jnan xax 'aba ix1? '*? I am not a king who can benefit you, and you cannot benefit me Ned 24a(23); n'V X'anx 'xa Vnj ]T3T n'rilVs how did the high priest's prayer benefit him? Yom 53b(24); Sab 30b(43); Tan 24b(47); 5g 53a(39); 2. to avail, be effective: X'ana X'a© 'sVd V7SX XBXin boldness is effective even towards Heaven San 105a(53); 'anx 'anx 'Xa rvb 'Dm 'Xa 'SIDIX1? what did (the verse) avail? It availed to add whatever is similar to it Naz 35b(ll); mica 'anxi XTpa 'anx the traditional reading (of XUTp Lev 4:25 as pi.) is effective. The traditional (defective) orthography (of JiaTp) is effective Zev 37b(29); BQ 6b(40); 'am una 'lai is prayer efficacious? Ber 60a(30); '3n»T lia namV 'aa 'ana xmb since (the post) is effective for (the alley of) the town it is effective also for the open area Er 24b(19); ib. 10b(44); Ber 43a(25); Zev 104b(29); Tern 4b(35); TGHark 2:27; 3. to enhance: 'Xanx ]'SD18b TOO 1DX 'Xanx xb ]'T»JV7 did the Sabbath (only) enhance the additional sacrifices, (but) did not enhance the daily sacrifices? Zev 91a(2) Itpe. 1. to benefit [w. )» from s.o./s.t.]: xn 'Xa'a ri'anri'X you, in fact, benefited from me BQ 20b(l); Ned 24a(ll); "lanri'X Ta nCipiS'a 13 Xin n'a'a when (the fruit of the fourth year) is redeemed, it is in the category of s.o.'s being able to benefit from it BQ 69a(l 1); Pes 21b(14); xb 'nby 'xna 'annxn 'V 'n'a 1 do not want to benefit (from material wealth) in this world Ned 50a(2); Hag 15a(25); Sab 120a(31); HG3 395:1; 2. to enjoy: -pm rnrra n'a'a bytf? 'an'n x"7i you will have no (particular) enjoyment eating from it from the joy of your heart Ber 56a(17) [-1 Pe.] 2#'3H vb. to adhere, affect adversely (cf. Ma 2#'an [< ian] pa. to caress, embrace MD 150, denom < xaxn lap, embrace ib. 124) Pa. 1. to adhere [w. "3 to s.t.]: XTUna X'ntJ '3 ,T3 X'anai the ban) adheres to him like grease in an oven 'an " T MQ 17a(50); 2. to affect adversely [w. -3 s.o./s.t.]: rraam xmis xma -p x'anx 'aj?o 'xa V73 xnia irn X'anx xV 'n?yi'»'» why did the fire affect you a bit, and the fire did not affect Hannaniah, Mishael, and Azariah at all? San 93a(47); nmra xp mm avtm ,T3 n'ana xp nm id '11X rf^saa she was unable to affect him (with the witchcraft) because he used to guard himself against pairs Pes 110b(18); Mei 7a(8) '|in, 'JNn pron. these, certain ones (<^n < I T^n; i T"7'X, ian) 1. these, those: a. alone: 1) as a subst.: ma'a ma'X 'an these are the very same ones Bes 10b(13); ma'a n"7Dp '33 'an these are liable for the death penalty Bek 41a(34); 2) as an adj.: "XTp 'axn these biblical verses Zev 101a(15); p3T 'an these scholars San 100a(8) [v. Rashi]; XXlX'Wp 'an bl all these questions Yev 77a(l); ,!7'a ['an Xaa =] 'anaa from where (do we know) these (matters)? Yev 9a(8) [fol. by a prooftext or Tannaitic source]; Svu 14b(45); Hul 117a(5); '"?'a 'an this refers ... Ber lla(41) [and passim]; Anan 8:8; '"?'» T\bl\ 'an these three matters Git 38b(14); XJinjHJW 'an "?3 all of these legal traditions Ber 42a(29); 'an ]X'TO na3 'pTriD'3 how much are these mattresses worth? Tan 22a(3); 'axa 'an 12m1? Dip put on these clothes right away Meg 16a(16; G); b. * 'an these ... those: ma'a n'TT 'am 'an these and those belong to him Ket 104b(47); 'anx roaoT TTTri 'Xa 'anx "]iao why do you rely on these? Rely on those BQ 72b(24); 'ana 'SB IX 'ana TXa less than these (drinks) or more than those Svu 23b(ll); 'anx ym xb 'am 'anx 'pta 'an these [i.e. flax water] damage those [i.e. vegetables], but not vice versa [lit. those do not damage these] BB 18b(9); 1D3'a 'am nm 'an these are exposed and those are covered Meg 5b(50); fpsa Xai' "73 in ^tsp'ai 'ana 'am 'ana 'an lyas xaVy ^rmb 'an'a nm 'an'a each day they go out to destroy the world. They attack each other, and one of these and one of those is killed ib. 6b(5); Mak 5b(22); Sab 53b(44); Er 13a(41); RH 35a(24); Hag 5a(18); ib. llb(3); Yev 21a(18); c. * -|an: 4- Tan mng. 2; 2. certain ones: a. as a subst.: nm 'an xnixa certain (porters) who were carrying on a pole BM 83a(25); Er 104a(48); a'P'Vx ~a '3T 'an "W certain (people) of the House of PN Git 14a(4); b. as an adj.: nm xmino3 'jhh nn '3 'an two certain people who know testimony for someone Ket 20a(37); xa'n mV ri'xn 'snw nm 'nx nn 'an nn nn3 two certain brothers or two partners who have a court case with someone ib. 94a(12); 'an Xan '33 '3m 'axn nnVn a certain three judges who were sitting in court San 8a(39); Ber 50a(38); 3. general determination of members of a group: xana xb2 'pnsD 'pn3B '^ax 'xons 'an the Persians eat all kinds of meat dishes without bread Er 29b(49); m'T '3D 'an '"7 naXT its [i.e. the town's] elders told me Er 59b(32); 'a'3D 'an XriD'S3 mV Wnsy '3'n how do we treat knives for Passover? Pes 30b(13); 1"-TC/ '33J '3an '»a 'an in""13aV women whom thieves abducted are permitted to their husbands Ket 51b(36); Suk 53a(41); AZ 33b(29) Lit: Satzlehre 83+; Voc: '5,1 HPP 32:21; HGP 56a:5; Y: ':,T BAYTN 342. [Nff'an n.f. benefit (i Vl#'an; TA nxan TJ Jer 16:19, JPA n"an DJPA 166, Sy rc'^'oKLom LS 178) sg. '■•by y"3T 'T1"an nonn may benefit from everyone be forbidden to me Ned 89b (17) Prob. read 1 KJl'm] "!]an, *]Kan, ^SN, ^a'N pron. those, certain ones (<T-i l^n pron., 'an; Ma yaxn MD 125) 1. those: a. as a subst.: 1) alone: ma'a D'TWy Tan those (people) are rich Er 51b(30; O); ]2?'Sa T,an those are greater (in number) Yev 70b(17); T,am m'S^ in favor of those BM 26b(17); Xflp'TO T,a'X those [i.e. the straps] are old ones Men 35b(2); Bek 20b(26); Mei 15b(36); ma'a yxm m^lS T,a'X all of those (stones) belong to that (person) BM 116b(31); BB 135a(21); Hul 84a(33; V"); Men 55b(13); 'Vd nrb y,X such-and-such (a number of days) of month NN Dec 2:8; ib. 3:5; 8:2; 2) * 'an: X*7 T,an ]'X 'an are these yes [i.e. are the ones stated in the Pentateuch essential] and those not? Hag iib(4); 'an xnmxn tm n» -jam x'an xrimXT '3n 'aa similar to those. Just as those are Pentateuchal (injunctions), so these are also Pentateuchal Zev 57b(23); BM 21b(40); San 46b(47); Men 60b(45); Hul 93a(35); Nid 48a(i3); bnp np'x xb ttx bnp np'xn xm 'an 387
psan 388 n,sn these were called a congregation. Those were not called a congregation Hor 3a(36); b. as an adj.: W "pn those days Er 65a(38); '3Xa yam those garments Anan 89:4; ib. 43:2; X'a TJH that water *. 50:11; T"inx "pH those others TGHark 112:6; See/ 36:4; /'& 41:69; 101:26; ySD TJn those doubtful cases iSGF 18:3; WW -|3n those two (cases) Sab 102b(41); Naz 10a(26); 2. certain ones: a. general: 'TaVn 'HTl "pn two certain disciples Pes 3b (15); TJ? "pn certain goats Tan 25a(19); XTP32/ "pn certain female captives Qid 81a(33); BM 84b(9); San 109a(16); b. euph. in phrase 'Wrx TJil us [lit. those people] San 97a(43); <Z>. 99a(2) Lit: Eps, Stl 96+; id. Gr 26+; Voc: -pfi HGP 19a: 19; Y: 1?n gW 81a(33; 342). pSIl n.m. confirmation of a document (lit. he produced [the document] or it was produced; < OfA pSJ haf./hof., pf. 3sg.m. [cf. DNWSI 743, mng. 2]) sg. j?BW 13 3W3 X"?T Xa'n where the confirmation is not written in it [i.e. the document] BM 16b(44); ib. 7b(3) Geon. expl.: ,T3 p'OBl XMIp1? fB3 ]11 X37D ,T3 3T01 p3 j?B3n nwp1? xin n'31? pB'a1? -px jxijn la^a (mjn x-i»» ix^i xn OHT ib. 37:19. Note also the similar Ma form i1p(')B»CT he brought it out Gy 262:6 which occurs occurs occasionally in the Ginza [v. MD 304], Lit: Kut, Studies 417 [Heb]; Y: pwn BM 16b(44; BAYTN 223). Kflj?B3n n.f. expenses (4- Vj?S3 haf. inf. [archaic]; 4- xnpS3) sg.cs. 'T JlpBM my expenses BM 105a(27) KS3H n.m. sprouting (< MH pfi Yeivin, BV 629) sg. XTST XXW sprouting of the fruit Men 69a(5) oon 4- Vi#oon vb. KTBOil, KTBON n.m. eulogy (< MH ISOn MQK 3:8; 4- yllSO, XTDD) sg. »m Xip' XTBOn '33ttn Xixp' IX X1H is a eulogy an honor for the living or an honor for the dead? San 46b(49); 'XTSOn ,l7 DTIX arouse emotions for me (among the crowd) in my eulogy Sab 153a(5); Ber 6b(26); Meg 28b(32); MQ 25b(21); XTBOX [.JTTBl AnanSch 27:11 Y: XIBOri Ber ib.(BAYTN 239). ssn 4- xsrn n. N'sn 4- 2# x'Bin n. "]Sn vb. to overturn, interchange, turn inside out, deal with (4- V"|SX, 'DISH 13 s.v. 1# X13 mng. 5, Visri; Sy uy&m LS 179) Pe. (a/u) 1. to overturn, turn over: -|Dm Kin 'atya ,33,17 xap the first one merely overturned bricks BB 53b(19); V.yd? rP3Bn he overturned the vessel Men lla(28); pass.part. Xn"?'» jxa'sm D110 Xa'SH GN is overturned, and the statements about it are reversed Sab 108b(23); '3'Bn XlBtB]'! XJHX XS'Sn xwrx 'ja Viai xn(v)3ro xa'sn 'Vtai '3aia the earth and sky are overturned. All the stars and constellations are overturned. The discourse of all people is overturned Bo 67:2; 2. to interchange, reverse: ]'»'» r?b XWBH Xry3 'XT "jxaw1? if I want I can interchange (the sandal) from the right (foot) to the left Sab 112a(27); rpV "|SH "ira1? the next day he reversed it [i.e. the order of the letters] ib. 31a(25); X"IBJ? n^ p'SSH IT1? ]Tby X*71 we interchanged the earth for him but could not outsmart him BB 73b(41) Pa. 1. to overturn, turn over: X7U'X3 'SISH1? to turn (the meat over the fire) on the hook Mei 10a(9); Svu 17b(3); Sab 29a(34); Er 98a(37); 'XT V'tn mn X1? n'3 ym x"7 if he had not turned it over it would not have been cooked AZ 38a(33) // Men 57a(6); V'y1? <X)nw n'OBiT'Vl let him turn it upside down [lit. overturn the bottom part upward] Git 69b(6); 'B'3 'DBPia TO! those (who) overturn sheaves Pes 40a(38); plXI px^a ny31tf Hjnxi X'aw psnai seven angels who go and overturn heaven and earth Bo 120:11; Git 35a(43) [4- X'OTD mng. 1]; pass.part. TBna 'XH "|Sna X*? 'Xm this one [i.e. the female fetus] is overturned, and that one [i.e. the male fetus] is not overturned Nid 31a(15); 2. to interchange, reverse: n"? "pna mn he used to reverse it [i.e. what his father told him to tell his mother] Yev 63a(43); Ket 110a(19) [4- l#xmtja]; 3. to turn inside out: XJW33 rrasm he turned it [i.e. the shofar] inside out like a linen garment RH 27b(20); rrpa'Vi asm1? nosrf? -nm let him afterwards turn the oesophagus inside out and inspect it Hul 28b(5); 4. w. "3 to curl (of hair): n"T»3 TBna Xp Him X131 Xinn a certain man who was curling his hair Meg 18a(45) // RH KTOSH 389 Tin 26b(17) [expl. MH2 ^oVo ib.]; 5. w. "3 to deal w. s.t, negotiate: 'V'M I'DHJI x"71 Xrv7'3J3 "I'SH deal with a carcass, but do not deal in words [i.e. gossip] Pes 113a(6; V17); 'T1T3 "]Bna Xpl he was negotiating for money BM 66b(13) [cf. Sy: r^'VfrTv -> ^jL^am^-bo rt'HA^ PSm 1038]; ib. 73a(27); Bes 4b(13) [4- XH pron.]; mn "?TJ 3T XyiX Wnm 7SH» PN was negotiating for a certain field Qid 59a(22); KpD'ya '31SH to deal in merchandise Yev 63a(31); 6. w. "3 to thoroughly evaluate s.o.'s claims: Sab 119a(3; M) [4- XJYDT mng. l.b.l] Itpe. (e) 1. to overturn o.s.: X1TD1 H31 Dn "I'DrUTXI the fish's back became hot, and it overturned itself BB 73b(22); VbJI I'Bnri'Xl n'mnxV (the animal) overturned itself and fell backwards BQ 53a(13); 2. to be turned over: '31 Xnyw Xim Vsya r\1 jsm when (the sacrifice) is turned over it is consumed in one hour Svu 17b(10); 3. to be changed, transformed: XmV X'» lS'Dnn'X the water was transformed into blood BB 74b(l 1); Git 67b(34) Geon. expl.: ]V1,'7 D'nayn TIN J'DBTOB 'DBHO GnK5 175:14 [Pa., mng. 1]. NTOBn n.m. loss (< MH 1DSH MAvK 2:1; 4- Viod, xi'ds) sg. 'nVin nn iixs uVd 'x XTDBH3 if (regarding) profit (the partner gets) half, regarding loss (he bears) two thirds BM 68b(47); HP 175:16; X3TOm XV0BH a monetary loss AZ 12a(36) Y: XTOBH BQ 115b(20; BAYTN 239). NTJ7BH n.m. state of ownerlessness, lawlessness (< MH IpBH Yeivin, BV 991; 4- Vl#TpB) 1. state of ownerlessness: sg. XJX Xr3T Xp XTpBna I acquire ownership (of the honey) from (its) state of ownerlessness BQ 115b(8); TGHark 196:7; Ber 40b(51); Yom 75a(21); Hul 105b(51); Ned 42b(15); Xipsm 113 XW it is an ownerless cistern Bes 39a(35); 2. licentiousness, sexual promiscuity: sg. '11 n,!? xn'I XTpB'rn a pagan is satisfied with licentiousness Ket' 11 a(10); Git 13a(10) Y: X-IRBH Ber 40b(51; BAYTN 239). ND^BH n.m. governor (< enapxoc; Lehnw 231; Sy rda-uaco LS 182, Nab 2#-|"IBn DNWSI 292) pi. |3'a 'dVs i3'ra 'x 'a^a ]3'a 'ansn dtb 'x 'STBri if the governors are from you, the kings are from us. If the kings are from you, the governors are from us Meg 12a(15; G) // AZ 8b(22); Svu 6b(23) Y: 'D-IBri AZ ib.(BAYTN 209). NpXIBn n.m. (uncertain) sg. mpJlBiia m'na he struck him with his ... San 39a(36; F2M); SOZ 72:24 Lit: Geig, AAC 61; Shaked [orally] compares NP purtak hammer; Eps, apud Low, Flora 3:23 , suggests equating this word w. I XJTipBX neck; Y: .TpJlBn San ib. NB'j?n n.m. circumference (< MH Ipn* [cf. lBj?'n MKelK 17:8]; 4- Vl#«]p3) sg. XS^X XB'pm 'OTB the circumference is one thousand parasangs Yom 10a(12); XTrr HB'pn ^ rwiJ riX you caused me (to erect) a greater circumference (for fencing) BQ 20b(13); H'B'pm X3T1 most of its [i.e. the bone's] circumference HP 206:8 Y: XB'gn BQ ib.(BAYTN 241). Ny'|?n n.m. heqqeS, a comparison of two biblical laws which have a common principle (< MH2 l»pn* J 349; 4- Vtfp3) sg. a. general: *py Xtt'pn heqqes is preferable Zev 48a(26); '1'^B Xtt?'pn3 they differ regarding (the application) of heqqes San 85b(37); n,!7 'yana Xiypn"? it is necessary for heqqes Kar 4b(30); Xlp 'Jnxi Xitf'pT! '3HX the heqqes was effective and the biblical verse was effective (concerning the prohibition of fat) Bek 15a(37); b. w. V'TIX pe., af: TIX XBTprn it is derived by heqqes Zev 41a(12); Yev 8a(13); vra mp'ya X3J1 "Xm Xiypn3 the Tanna derives it initially by heqqes RH 34a(10); Kar 3b(37); c. w. VpB3 pe., af.: xpS3 XW'p'na rvh he derives it by heqqes BQ 63b(30); Xiypna X"lp n'pSX the biblical verse excluded it from heqqes Pes 120b(34) [* nmnx]; Kar 22b (21) Lit: Bacher 58; Y: XB'jjri Pes 24a(36; BAYTN 241). ppn 4- Vppn vb. Tin vb. to lay reeds (denom. < 4- XTTn) Pe.: pass.part. {TTYin 'Tin the reed mats are laid BB 3b(27; TGAs42 156:20) [F2: 'Tlin ""Hnn"']
Ksrnn 390 xia-in SSmn n.m. oleander (< poSoSdcpvi) Lehnw 233; Sy ^«^m LS 183) sg. Pes 39a(32; C) Lit: Pfl 130; Y: >pTl'3 Pes ib. XTirnn, *ornn n.m. thought (4- V-in-in; ba Tim HALOT 1861, Sy rc'-Unm LS 183, Ma l#XnXTl MD 152) a. general: sg. XTimn ,1'V bm H'aVa a thought came into his mind Meg 15b(50); pl.abs. ]'BP3 pmn evil thoughts Bo 88:10; ib. 58:8; b. esp. of an impure (e.g. sexual or idolatrous) nature: sg. 'V1? 'Xl'V xVn '3'n '3 XTimn so that he should not arrive at thoughts of idolatry) Qid 39b(43; O2); Vnn mm' 'T7 xmn-inV 'wn x"? pam x-m-in1? PN takes a thought (of sexual desire) into consideration, but the scholars do not Sot 8a(31) // San 45a(12) Y: XTMin 5a« ib.(BAYTN 254). imri vb. to think, meditate (Vm; 4 X"m"in; Sy imiro LS 183) Pal. 1. to think: a. general: T1TI Xtm XttT ,!?13 he thought (about it) the entire day and saw (it in his dream) Ber 56a(5); ib. 9; 57a(21); b. esp. of impure thoughts: XV Xl'jm ]1'3 '"limn1? 'J1X since he is frightened, he is not apt to think (impure thoughts) Sab 41a(ll); 2. w. -a'^a) to meditate: naiwn inyi ina'Va ivrti they meditated and repented San 37a(30); noa '3 iTJljnn XJlV'a (Wa^ail Tnin pnV when (Jacob) came to Haran, he meditated about the matter San 95b(3) [double rdg.]; 'Boa1? "p'1? TrTVU XV IS' 'ajV let your mind not think of straying towards the (evil) inclination Anan 27:25 Nn'lin n.m. profit, material comfort (4- Vmn) 1. profit: sg. MQ 2a(30) [* 4- XVOS]; 2. material comfort: sg. tV «py irm nn'nn nn'inn pyV concerning material comfort, he prefers his daughter's material comfort BB 141a(10); Ket 43a(13); Git 74b(32) Lit: I. Ben-David, Lesonenu 42 [1978] 274+; Y: OTTO BAYTN 239. n.m. a wild-growing bitter plant (perh. colocynth) pi. 'Vx^pinn TRN 629:2 [expl. 4- 1133]; OHP Sab 46:22(RaH) [expl. MH p'l Sab 87a(47) and expl. as Arab '^M<n)(n), i.e. jMi colocynth Siggel 30] Lit: Flora 4:149. NB'TTl n.f. a bitter herb (4- l#xnST1X; Ma XBiriXH bitter herb MD 127) sg. Pes 39a(32; C); xmna XS'nn the bitter /i.-herb Bo 125:4; ib. 9 Geon. expl.: nvyipB bitter gourds TGAs42 161:4; Lit: Low, Flora 2:367. j?TTI vb. to confine, incarcerate (4- 'p'Tin '3, Vpm; Ma pro to fetter MD 153, > Arab jJu*, jj^ Fr, AF 281, Jawal 52) Quad.: n'pnm XJmrxa he confined him in an inner room BQ 85b(19); ib. 91b(12); '131' nrfrn mpnn they incarcerated it [i.e. the evil inclination] three days Yom 69b(29); pass.part. j?nn'» mm '13J 'inn 'in 'nJl'Xl Xin 'JV33 a certain man who was confined together with a woman [lit. he and a woman] in a room Ned 91b(10); XBtya yinm n'nawj ma xpnnai xin it is his soul which is merely completely incarcerated [i.e. he is clinically dead] Seel 120:29 Etym.: 1. pjn > pin* , w. dissim. of -zz- > -rz- [Nold, MG 60]; 2. denom. of Mir *fra-zek > *hra-zek [cf. 1 XlBin] prison, punishment [Snaked, Elements 152+]. Np'rnn n.m. removal, putting far away (< MH2 prnn J 367) sg. Pes 2b(42) '3U?nn n.m.pl. (uncertain) Bo 106:9 xaain, «a«mn, josmn n.m. command, order, authority (< MPar *hraman command [> Armen hraman Hiibsch, AG 182; cf. MP framan order CPD 32]; 4- XJamp; LJLA XMT1 J 368 [PsJ, Tg2Jb]; but cf. Ma XJXBXnS, XJXailD MD 378, 368) 1. command, order: sg. xaain X3baT royal command Git 57b(45); BM 84a(3); Hul 57b(44); X3"?an Xixam SMel 43:27; '3Xain<3) .Tixmm his command is like my command SSHai 9a(20); PDFMP 604:6; XiXHTl p ri'ai an order of the court SSHai 18a(15); TGAs27 69:11; XJ&nTT XM"in "?y lajn he transgressed the Merciful One's command Tern 4b(37; Ar [AC 3:246]); xnV'y xVa X'ttEH XJXann (infertility) is a Heavenly order without reason TGHark 37:12; ib. 99:31; OHT Ket 224:15; 2. authority: sg. '3a XWTin D'pj X°7 '3 xn f XT Xpi X3"?a he judges without having taken authority from the palace Ber 58a(38; MGE 143:11) [O: xm«n] Lit: Geig, AAC 163; Tel 62; Snaked, EIr 260; on the phonetic N3T1 391 Kntfn change fr > hr, cf. also Sy rc'is-^ioj LS 184 = MP varzug framahar = Armen vazurg hramatar grand vizier Hiibsch, AG ib.; v. Wikander, Studia Linguistica 2 [1948] 48+. The mng. of m XWin il'V Jl'X mm TGHark 155:29 is unclear; Y: XjaTI BAYTN 216, XMT1 ib. 266. Win, *«"IK n.m. type of malva (perh. < XJXin* < XJjnn*; cf. Sy rdLLoi LS 722) pi. 'inn malva (leaves) Sab 35b(13; Ar [AC 3:246]) [Var: '3X1X etc.; v. DS ad loc.]; pi. 'DX Bo 78:12 Geon. expl.: [..jwx crx-npi tea rati 'lsaw pT xim x:<-r)n]x Geon 128:17; Lit: Low, Pfl 307; Flora 2:228+; 4:156; Lehnw 234; AAC 164; Y: WTI BAYTN 42. l#tOUin n.m. thistle (Loranthus Acaciae Zucc.) sg. Sab 110b(ll; Ar [AC 3:246]) Lit: Geig, AAC 164, rejects P etym. of Low, Pfl 247; Flora 2:217. 2# NJ13"in n.m. name of a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(18; Ar [AC 3:246]) [Var: Xlllin, ."Win; v. DS ad loc] N30VI, N3K0nn n.m. a small fish (Sy r<lLi-Ui fish found around rocks LS 257 [Lex]) sg. V31? xao-ini xnswi nana isV 'Vya xpmy 'V'a old age is beneficial for all things except for dates, s.-beverage, and h.-fish BB 91b(48); XiDin 3D 'S'3 'am Xnni3 ]a "73'a"? X'TO it is better to eat putrid A.-fish than the £.-dish which ... Kar 6a(13); XiDim XS'SX a pot of A.-fish BB 144a(29); XiXOim XD3 a hash of /i.-fish Pes 112a(30); Sab 118b(18); Suk 44b(40); BB 60b(41); Bes 16a(51) // AZ 38a(14); SMel 43:28 Lit: Fauna 8; Y: XJOiri AZ ib.(BAYTN 216). nXlSin adj., n. of GN n., pl.m. 'X3S"in BM 84a(17); Sab 127a(30) Y: 'XJSnri Sab ib. S(?riS"in n.m. perh. event, occurrence (etym. unkn.) sg. X*?13 IT xVop XBm XpriSin a bloody destiny is killing all Bo 78:22; pi. nj? 'priSin na3 '3m in"l17'y how many events have passed over these (old men)! Qid 33a(43); njn 'prism 'in "?3 nVy all these events which passed over it [i.e. the produce of the field] RH 16a(6; M2) Expl. Ar: O'jn D'Wt AC 3:247; expl. Rashi: J1VWI nixipa; Lit: Geig, AAC 164, rejects all prev. proposed P derivations; v. also Shaked, Dress 114; Y: 'jMlS'in Qid ib.(BAYTN 301). Nn^n adv. now, conj. now that (< XJlJ/tf xn; 4- xmn '3n, xny©; Ma i#xwxn md 128, "I xn©xn ib., Sy rdii LS 184, -n nd_x~<r, Nold, MG 4531) I. adv. now: a. alone: 'XTI Xri2?n XsVa 'J1X the king is certainly coming now Ber 58a(32); na D'Xp HTWn now you will get up Er 54b(48); Ket 62b(15); "13 xVl 1'Jl'jna XH'l Xritt/n yc?in' let us say now that our Mishna is not according to PN Pes 77b(22); IDB xVepV XTlE?n n'©S3 now he has risked his life Git 38a(21); b. w. foi. adv.: i) nma/xma xnwn: nma vtrmm p'3 "?'TX B'm 'DX D'll since now, at any rate, (the animal) is running to and fro Bek 12a(17); Er 25a(19); Ket 23a(47); BQ 19a(35); 2) '33 XJWfl: "JJT13 '"? 3n 'a3 XJl2;n now, also, give me your daughter (in marriage) Ber 10a(50); 'a: xrwn Xlplffai X'TIX now also she will come and lie Ket 27b(26); Gi( 12b(2); BQ 96a(23); BB 4a(51); 3) X"?jy3 XriOT now quickly: Bo 145:1; c. as opp. to temporal phrases: 1) Xip'ya: XWn X32?a Xlp'ya I'TISX originally a hide, now a saddle covering BQ 66b(32); X1? Xlp'jra ]'X XT\m now [i.e. immediately before the execution] yes, originally [i.e. at a previous time] no San 43a(42); J"yx ■ totid xi» mn xnp'yai ]T3 nuns x'w xV xnwm 'aiVtt? '5?3 even though now it is not worth a peruta, since it was originally worth a peruto he is required to pay BQ 105a(22); Sab 19b(5); Meg 27b(7); 5S 104a(21); Nid 44a(28); 2) X2TXH iy. n'V i^'Vsia xn©n n'3'pa;xi n'^'aix x1? X3Txn Tyn n'"7 p'pwai until now we had not given him food and drink, (whereas) now we are giving him food and drink MQ 27a(22); Xriwn XVVSOX XiTXn iy XiimiX until now it was an exedra. Now it is an inner room BB 7a(41); BQ 28a(19); d. in legal phrases: l) ... nai xrwn: xmn Dnn nai xr»£?n n'Watt?n now, whereas in that case where its [i.e. the road's] use is easy ... Er 22b(36); XJWn 'TIT n'V 3'm xpT T3ia nai now, whereas in the case of a seller to whom he gives money ... BB 53a(3); San 39a(37); AZ 68b(12); Hut 82b(26); 2) X'ys'a ... xni^n: minx ^xw Vxir/'a xnwn X'y3'a now he can indeed extend greetings. Is there a question with regard to returning (a greeting)? Ber 13b(50); Sab 115a(27); RH 32b(48); Git 42a(15); AZ 26b(15); e. in cleft sentences beg. "i xin xrwn: 'iya xpn xin arwr\
t ; t •* t 392 ~ T "h it is now that they are declaring my ox a mu 'ad BQ 24a(30); Yom 42a(35); Git 19b(48); BB 171b(25); Nid 2b(23); f. w. preps.: 1) XTOmD: XJ12?rn3 "?1p>K? take (land) according to the current value [lit. like that of now] BQ 7b (8); Hor 3a(39); 2) xrwn 'a: xrwn 'd ina1? iy -it?rs I shall wait until tomorrow at the same hour [lit. like now] BB 74a(33); Sab 119a(24); BQ 65b(35); 3) XXWHa [Sy r<i*,ro ^ PSm 1055]: XJIK/na EmpTI let it become consecrated from now on Ara 5b(15); Tan 8b(32); Ket 59b(12); BM 22a(4); '^S )DI 7jn XfflT/na from now until such- and-such a time SS/fa/ 14b(8); 4) xriE?n ly [Sy kU.(d :\-^ PSm 1055]: X3X ID IX1? xrWM TJ? until now (was) I not 'sir'? Ber 47a(6); Meg 13b(16); Ket 70b(16); BQ 37a(56); &w 43b(45); 5) iy ran'? [Sy ptix,cnA rdi»^. PSm 1055]: xinna xmn1? iy xai' from that day until now BB 33a(17); II. conj. now that: TIT '"? JVVt XTWH now that I do not have money BM 15b(l 1); Xrion 'DPI^ 7TJ1XT now that you have come to such a point Ber 15a(50); Yom 21b(14); /fef 5a(20); BM 90a(27); //«/ I29b(35); pail? xb n"?Dpi xrron now that you have killed the scholars Ber 48a(20); -pro Vn"?A'XT xrxa x1? pmxT xrron now that you have forbidden me benefit with a vow, I cannot put up with you Ket 70b(16; V5); Pes 90a(17); RH 34a(12); Yev 66a(41); BQ 19b(41) Voc: xftori HPP 41:20; XTOH HGP 27b: 12; Y: xn»fl Ber 10a(50; BAYTN 333). - Knt^n '3n adv. so now!, what then! (4 'an) &* 24b(10); Er 13b(2); K>/n 14a(6); Kef 14a(14); G(Y 32b(21); gW 32a(52); BQ 88a(42); 5vm 42a(16); fleA: 36b(21); Hul 45b(8) The phrase introduces an argument showing that an apparent comparison is logically inconsistent; Y: mm 'SI Ber 21a(44). nnn, Onxn adv. there (< Din xn; 4- XH interj., DTI, ]BT\; Ma DXnxn MD 128) a. general: 1) alone: 'X Dm 'Xin had I been there (when the matter was discussed) ... BM 102b(10); Naz 32b(14); Ara 29a(30); Dm 'JD 'XB DyVai what was Balaam doing there? San 106a(53); Dm a'TPXI VrXl I shall go and sit there Er 68a(29); Dm Dipi T1X XII 'TB XBTI X1?! you, come, stand there, and do not I say anything Svu 31a(18); Dm ■pniDV IT1?"? V>T go (and) bring in your bed there Bes 36b(10); Meg 26b(42); Ket 31b(20); "I X3m '"? Tip "\ Dm "h Tip there [i.e. among the highwaymen] they called me rabbi and here [i.e. among the scholars] they call me rabbi BM 84a(44); 2) w. var. preps.: a) Dm1?: 13? ITjrVx Dm1? yVp'X DrnSX Eliezer, Abraham's servant, happened to come there [i.e. Sodom] San 109b(33); Git 52a(32); Qid 70b(24); Dm1? X31pB1 XX1XB XD'X (if) there is a town which is close to there MQ 12a(4); Ket 85b(7); b) DWS: XBinn in1? pvwa '31 in1? p'rroa Dma do we measure the Sabbath limit for them only from there? Er 73a(40); Dma p'DS'X it was torn away from there [i.e. at that place in our journey] Men 37b(45); b. esp. w. ref. to Eretz Israel [* X3H Babylonia]: nBX Dm 'there' they say Mak lla(40); om»1 X3H1? X3HB ami caw xam xniBn x'jna am1? xsnai Dm1? 'XB xa.lV Dma X*?X ppina from 'here' to 'here' [i.e. within Babylonia], from 'there' to 'there' [i.e. within Eretz Israel], and from 'here' to 'there' [i.e. from Babylonia to Eretz Israel] authorization (to judge) is effective, for 'here' is D3tt [Gen 49:10] and 'there' is ppinB [ib.]. But from 'there' to 'here' what [is the law]? San 5a(15); DJVf? JlpVo '3 when you travel there Bes 25b(35); Meg 7b(ll); Ket 75a(46); AZ 14b(34); c. w. ref. to textual locations: 1) biblical: y'xn Dmi DSTlVx that (word) DD'rtVx which is there [i.e. Is 40:9] Anan 13:3; DJlxn XBX1 (Scripture) says there ib. 62:11; Dnxn 3T131 it is written there ib. 76:15; 83:1; AnanSch 7:17; 'TO Dm BB 9a(25); DHiaXI miatf TTDB Xpi XII X"33 Dm there [i.e. Neh 9:7] it is the prophet who relates the praise of Abraham Ber 13a(30); 2) Rabbinic: (a) alone: Dm 'itf it is different in that case Sab 148b(44); Yom 74a(10); Ket 42b(24); Hul 95a(7); (b) * XDH: nvmx X3.1 nvniX IX1? DDI in that case it is not the usual manner. In this case it is the usual manner Sab 123b(l); mpOBX Dm 1331 HipOSX X1? X3n pan in that case [MEr 2:1] the scholars interrupted him [i.e. PN's two opinions]. In this case [Mib. 2:5] the scholars did not interrupt him Er 23a(36); n'BVx 'BV7X Dill nn'Vi xnV'aa rra Dp nax iB'a xan xVp1? in that nnn - T 393 arin case he greatly strengthened the (previous) case [v. the barraita 1. 39] he learns Dip BM report. In this case they indeed say: "He 34a(45); BB 60b(21); San 57b(33); AZ 76a(7); ascertained the matter and it was groundless" Yev Zev 77b(13); Hul 7a(43) [and passim] 25a(26); Dip 'JXlp X31 Dip 'Jflp X1? Dm in that Voc: ahfl HGP 23a:3; Y: Drin Ber 13a(25; BAYTN 333). case [v. MBM 3:1] he does not learn Dip. In this
-1 394 wia "1, "'1 conj. and (I XrilBl xniX, XB11 Xlitf'3, '3,1 'Dm, XBV1 XBV "73, '131 '13, pi p, 1'31 ,T3'B, TJO "7'3X1; Sy -o LS 184, Ma "1 MD 184) 1. and: a. in conjunctive use: 1) bet. nouns: x"7'X '11 px '1 XTinnn Vdi PN, PN2 and the entire collegium Ket 33b(38); Svu 6b(31); 'ST njmxi I'JTE/l PINS JlVn three hundred and sixty-four days Yom 20a(5); ]33'1 pa sons and daughters 5o 3:10; ib. 1:10; 67:4 [and passim]; 2) bet. verbal phrases: X3X '331 W'l 11'Xl '3"?» I headed the academic session, and he became the head of the robbers Sab 156a(26) [and passim]; c. in phrase ... "B 1J71: XJ7'p1 D11 1J/1 NSirm JVjnxB from the lowest part of the abyss and up to the highest part of the sky BB 63b(8) [I iy mng. 1.4]; 2. as indicator of interrogative phrase: 1')V31 "131 Xll did not (Pharaoh's daughter), in fact, actually raise him? Meg 13a(14); xnbyb X311 11,1 "7X1,1 'P3X1 do the people of GN constitute a majority of the world? Sab 92a(42); 3'JT X3M1 where does (the Messiah) sit? San 91a(48); Ber 48a(5); "n HD3 J?T 'Bl does one know how long he will live? AZ 19b(3); '131 ttlXp '111 '113 JIIBX TVXB can you say that (the two prohibitions) come simultaneously? Hul 89b(28); 3. in epexegetical phrases: X131J? 11,1 X13 ypSl there was a case that the k.-vessel burst BM 40a(45); Ara 7a(43); Ket 50b(22) Lit: Satzlehre 185+. The orthography -'1 in the magic bowl texts reflects the Bab. pronunciation [v. Eps, Stl 330+; Yeivin, BV 1152]; Voc: Kill HGP la:20; 101 ib. 20a: 16. |J'"iaNl adj. valid, trustworthy (< MP wabangan trustworthy, authorized CPD 85) pl.m. '3J'13X1 'pima valid documents [i.e. bearing seals of officials and not of private individuals] Er 62a(33; Ar [AC 5:96]) [O: '3X11X3X1] Geon. expl.: 1'rffrB ],11 XVI 'CHB \mi "XJTQXl GnK5 172:24. Lit: M. Macuch, IJ 4 [1999] 92+, has shown that the JBA phrase corresponds to MP muhr i wdwangan and wawangan muhran 'valid seals' in the Sasanian Lawbook; Geig, WZK.M 44 [1937] 52+; id., AAC 249, s.v. jrm; Shaked, EIr 261. 'too adv. appropriate, necessary (Sy rdlo LS 185) sg. 1'311 X1J1X3 X113 XII^'B^ '"7X1 xV it is not appropriate (for a disciple) to annul a vow in the place of his teacher Ned 8b(6; Ar [AC 3:253]) [Var: 'y3JVB HG2 299:68]; fillO X*71 D^n "73 every dream needs a fast Ber 55a(47) Expl. Ar: "px AC ib.; Lit: AAC 165. 'Nil adv. certainly, definitely, obvious (JPA "in DJPA 169) 1. certainly, definitely: 'X111 X3,1 ,T3 11,1 Xp Ytrpa in this case where (the seller) definitely completely retracts BB 105a(10); 'XII 'W3'X 'iaxi people certainly say Ber 31a(40); XSVa 'OX 'XII XTOI the king is now certainly coming ib. 58a(32); X3"7'3DB 'XII 'blSD I may certainly dip (each slice in salt) Sab 108b(20); xa"?n3 '3W J'jntP 'Xll certainly seventy years (have passed) as a dream Tan 23a(48); 'Xll 'X XWS3 bvp if he definitely killed a person San 27a(44); X3*7a lib Jl'^ 'X111 '31 these (ants) definitely do not have a king Hul 57b(44); 'X111 p TOX it is certainly forbidden to us Anan 73:12; AnanSch 27:22; '101 Xll X3pi3 'Xll it is certainly a hole and terefa HP 200:15; ib. 47:15; 72:8; 2. obvious [= JBA XB'WS]: nilBl XWBWS naplX 'Xll 135?1 Xll XmjTWB ... 'ai 'X it is obvious: (If the watchman) put it in the sun and it died. Alternatively: he acted negligently Seel 20:3; ib. 42:96; 54:48; 58:14; 82:14; 117:15 Lit: Eps, Stl 90 [mng. 2]; Voc: 'fi HGP 33a:38; Y: 'XT! Ber 2b(15). - W13 adv. certainly 'Xai X3'X 'X113 X,11 there are certainly, in fact, deceivers BM 3a(31); X,11 nxaip i3n 7x1 n'l^'j; iwya mwy 'xii3 for that first haver, in fact, certainly gives a tithe for it Er 32b(l); BQ 91a(32); TGHark 193:27; ib. 272:13 11 - 11, INI, I'l, Kl, pi- '11 n.m. waw, sixth letter (Sy oo, nrt-o LS 184) sg. XTJT 11 an additional waw BB I67a(22; Es); xs'pr '3 rrnnaB1? -px xnm ii one should elongate the waw of Vaizatha [v. Est 9:9] like a gallows post Meg 16b(34); BM 54b(18); TpiS'PI VlVl piTJll 1"'T7 n'3111?! he should lengthen the waw of pil'Jl and the waw of I'plS'E? (in the get to prevent confusion with yod) Git 85b(37) [Var: XI HG2 189:87, 1X1 TGHark 5:29]; XI 1"1K7 '31 n'll'jfc VU'^W VtX XD'IISl iT'llffl he proceeded to remove the horizontal portions of the bet (in the word X0'11S3), made it a waw, and made it into XD'IIBl BB 167a(18; HP 67:23); tt'TT x"7 11 (PN) does not expound an (extra) waw San 14a(57) // 1X1 Sot 6b(33); TGHark 103:20; 1X1 Yom 45b(12) // Yev 72b(15); Xll Geon 170:4; l'l Sot 31a(6); xVl XI xVl XI X1? (x:ani) 31)13'3 let the Merciful One write neither waw nor he Pes 5a(31); la^m XI 111 that waw of laVn [Lev 3:9] Anan 10:10; X3'1 "?3 X3X'S1D XI X3'X1 wherever there is an additional waw ib. 18; 13:22; 61:3; 106:12; AnanEps 287:14; WXa XI the middle waw (of MBip31) BMsG 19:33; pi. '11 ©'111 1X»"?1 according to the one who expounds waws San 21a(32); Yom 45b(12); Yev 68b(15); BMsE 23:31; lTXn lin 131 ysb np x"?i 'ii '3rf7 prf? pay xp D'isioi when they saw that the scribes used to make these waws but did not read them TGHark 103:16 [expl. MH D'IDID 'IIB'5? Ned 37b(22)] Lit: Eps, Stl 79; Y: 1X1 Ber 56a(40). '11, "1 interj. woe! (Sy ,o LS 185, Ma 'XI MD 155) a. alone: '11 'XI 1'yBtt he heard him say: "Woe!" Git 52a(33); X1313 "1 XJl'33 "1 woe in the house! Woe in the field! [i.e. everywhere] Meg 16a(46); XIVl'X 71 nri'a Xpi '1 woe, for I am dying BB 151b(9; P1); X131 X111 J1"XB Xp '1 HP 60:7 [v. BB 151b(44)]; b. w. "ty'ty: DX p1? 'XI \\rb ]113yn Dyi'B woe to you if you do anything to them! Bo 52:5; p'Jl'BI p '11 woe to us that we shall die! Ber 31a(6); x"73 x"?TX1 XdV'x'? 1*7 '11 X03B woe to the boat which travels without (having paid) the toll! AZ 10b(44); ib. llb(18); MQ 28b(ll); Yev 121b(41); BM 23a(49); San 91a(24); ib. 103a(37)!; 'T113'"7y '1 '1 woe to you, dewsl Bo 78:20 1#KT11 t : - Voc: '1 HGP 21b:30; Y: '11 BAYTN 340. KflOll n.f. menstrual period (MH inoi MNedK 9:9) pi. ll'TIDll pPBXpl 'B?3 '3'X1 there are women who change their menstrual periods Ket 2b(5) Y: VTPOI Ket ib.(BAYTN 81). KJll'l n.m. confessional prayer (< MH '1T1 Yeivin, BV 959) sg. Xll 'XH n"11'l Ip'y this is the main portion of the confessional prayer Yom 87b(41); ib. 34; n'JlV?X "im la'a"? y\1 Kb 3W X'11'1 he is not required to recite the confessional prayer again after his tefilla HP 23:24 Y: Xjni Yom ib.(BAYTN 256). [fl'Vl 4- X3l"7 n.] KlVl n.m. fetus, young of an animal (4-1*71 Tl'3; TAKlW TO Gen 20:18, MH 1?1 Yeivin, BV 934) 1. fetus: sg. 1*7113 133 I have already miscarried [lit. my fetus has moved] Sab 63b(8) // BQ 83a(34); m^l rf? IpJOTX she miscarried [lit. her fetus was torn out] Sab 63b(5); Nid 42b(16) [I V?TK]; HM 40:1; 2. young of an animal: sg. 'ar man iy mbi Drwa"? tdx xtVh xnvn it is forbidden to slaughter the young of an animal which has given birth until the eighth day HP 206:1 The unusual use of this word in the abs. form in JBA [e.g. "V>1 X'tya Yev 37a(7); rPT iVl p'SXl HG3 364:1] may actually indicate that it is not A but a Iw. from H; Y: iVl Sab ib. 1#KT11 n.m. rose, red wool (< Mir *ward [perh. < OP vareBa- AI 1369, > Armen ward Hubsch 244, > Arab jjj Siggel 73, > MP gul CPD 38]; I '111 '3; TA Xlli TJ Ezek 27:24 [Var], Sy rc'nio LS 186, Ma X11X1 MD 155) 1. rose: sg. Xll'n Xim a white rose Git 68b (50); Xmp3' X11111 xV'Vs youth is a wreath of rose(s) Sab 152a(13); Xll'n X1111 xV'^S a white rose garland BM 84a(21) [cf. Ma X11X1 X^'Vs Jb 77:10; Var: XpaiO Xim a red rose Es, XMXJ X111 a deep red rose SM 146:18]; X111 rwa rose oil HM 37:8; pi. py ]11 '11(1){'11X XS"?n XlSXa in the morning (the sun) passes over the roses of Paradise BB 84a(25); 2. red wool: sg. OHT Sab 89:5 [expl. MH 111 Ket 72b(10)] Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: "OIX rfctol Til 1J11K pif> onxn ]l«n '3 xm mix pip dttk ins OHT Sab ib. [cf. tenxi x'wax'? 395
2# nth 396 Np'm X'mxtn they wear (garments of) red wool and silk Jb 83:15, and cf. Lidz, Jb 873]; Lit: Geig, AAC 166; Flora 3:194+; Tel 63; Lehnw 237; Y: NTn BB 69a(24; BAYTN 81). 2#NTT) n.m. perh. lung (perh. < Akk ur'udu trachiae AHw 1436; cf. Sy K'ijio artery, nerve LS 186) 4- NTrm wvi'3, xjrnry Lit: Korperteile 43. mm I xr-nix n. nW'm adj. of GN (I nxJTStf) sg.m. 7JX nxn-ii Bes 27a(32); nxr-ni x:rn ai Git 64b (30) Lit: BJ 461+. The form pin, JXTm Git 64b(36) seems to be a var. form; Y: nW'TTl Git ib. (BAYTN 318). NX'XIl n.m. new-born chick (Sy rc^io, rr^-e^ip LS 186, Ma XX'SIXI MD 156; cf. Arab cWjj to lay eggs Hava 864) sg. ;rm X(r)(yi)ni Xriya 113 a chick that died inside the eggshell Bek 8b (41) [Var: XX1S-I1 Ed, nrn Ar (AC 7:299)] Lit: S. Fraenkel, ZA 22 [1909] 206+; Eps, Stl 30, 38; AAC 166. N3tf "11 n.m. belt (< MP *warsak [cf. NP barsak I belt PED 175]; Sy fe ... * K r -i(=.){a} BBah 925:21) sg. ,ir» XDttnil ion he grabbed the belt from her Qid 13a(17); pi. i& 16; 5M 51a(12) Geon. expl.: N',11 ONT'n N1TO '3WTI 1'03 'XVI ]0 TO1TB1 SOW© totJNW 'sto mun GC 43:6(Ar [AC 3:137, s.v. 5YI]); OHP Qid 206:16; Lit: Geig, AAC 166; Low, Lehnw 238, correctly emended BBah ib., but this was not incorporated in LS 349 [however, v. Eps, Stl 32]; Y: 'SBT] BM ib.(BAYTN 209). k:b;ti I xiuhix n. NOEM n.m. oesophagus (JPA DWT1 DJPA 170, Sy r<i\; t ; LS 310) sg. xap'y i'a nmxa rr1? en© XtJWlV .TV p'OEH iy X'jp"? XJBTVt he slaughters it from its neck between the root of the tongue to the trachea until he cuts through the oesophagus AnanSch 24:24; ib. 29 p'Jll adj. old (MH pvil J 376) sg.m. xp'JTl Bo 47:12 [uncertain context] Np'Jll n.m. dish made with flour, olive oil and salt (etym. unkn.) sg. Pes 39b(38); ib. 39 Geon. expl.: xnV'Bi xri"n mvva ytyjn xnnp np'm vbm TGAs42 161:4; deriv. uncertain; Y: XpVIl Pes ib.(BAYTN 54). NTNT 397 K3»?t NTNT, NT NT interj. sound of a lion (onomatopoeic) XTXT Pes 112b(18; E2) [E1: XTXT; C: nil HI] KTNT n.m. dried branches (Ma XTXI foliage MD 158) sg. Sab 20b(l\) Geon. expl.: m&K Vw >py Geon 320:20; Lit: Flora 1:14; 4:46; AAC 167; Y: KIN! Sab ib.(BAYTN 4). 13T vb. (uncertain) Pe.: 'TXIl pan 5o 79:6 NJ13T n.m. lizard (etym. and corr. form unkn.) pi. Nid 56a(31; Ed) [Var: '1I3T Ar (AC 3:264); V5M: '3'3T] In light of the great uncertainty of the rdg., the deriv. of Koh [AC ib.], fol. by Low, Fauna 72, should be rejected [v. Geig, AAC 167]; Y: 'JUT Nid ib.(BAYTN 67). N313T n.m. buyer (i Vpt; Sy rdi^i LS 187) sg. X313T rvby ysp X"?T 'T» something which a buyer does not rush to acquire Er 29b(40) // Pes 32a(17); Nid 8b(42); BQ 7b(30); ib. 89a(35; Oxf, c.21, 36); AZ 24b(7; J); 5M 15a(33) [in a writ]; 5g 115a(24); 7*&4s42 78:21; TGHark 86:21; See/ 130:3 [* 4- XUam]; i& 4; pi. »ya Oninxaa i'an nxna 'x\ib rawx x"?i nx»3 maft he wants to sell (a small field) for one hundred (zuzim) and he did not find buyers for one hundred and sold (a larger one) for two hundred 5A/78a(l; V23) [cf. Rashi: ppV> rf? XS» X>l]; ib. 81a(30) Geon. expl.: DIN '33 31» npa XVTO Vawa X3137 H'Vy f'Bp ma WIN I'tipiVl l'ty pXBip TGWeisz 82b:6; Voc: Mia? HGP 24a: 10. Nffl3T n.f. gonorrheal issue (< H 31 J 377 + Xm-; cf. MH n5'I, nS'T Yeivin, BV 754) sg. 131 rPJYQU 31 yi3 when a zav touches his gonorrheal issue Anan 49:30; X'»3 n'JTiaPlTS 3T D'Xp 131 I'VDT when a zav stands in his state of gonorrhea in the water of a spring Anan 58:15 1#KJT3T 4-X113Tn. 2#NJC3t am. (uncertain) '1T3TX '"lSJl XlXriX 'plS'ZJ our brothers, the merchants, ... are tested MQ 28b(16; Ar [AC 3:264]) [Var: 'piTXT C; tyl '313T RaH; '1'aiXi TGWeisz 86:4; 'JXT3 XTXI, X13TX1 R. Selomo b. ha-Yatom (OHP MQ 73:15, 17) [expl. ib. as p'p lamentations] Geon. expl.: 1. 13p3 niiVl ivi XJT3 D'^inn; 2. p'rp ty OHP ib.; I'pi33 p'p ■?» U'nK TGWeisz ib.; expl. Ar: O'-imtJ U'nx 7\>~ai P'J'p tyv AC 3:264]. On this basis, S. Krauss suggests translating: our brothers, the merchants are tested on the basis of the laments (which are said over them) [v. AAC 167, s.v. 2# '1137], n3I vb. to sacrifice (< BH mt pe., pi. HAL 251; I Vupst) Pe.: Vsx x1? Vd'h rut n3T» 'aV'i perhaps (Ahab) really sacrificed, (but Jehoshaphat) did not actually eat Hul 4b(29); ib. 44; 45; 52; 56; 57 nwt 1 xns't n. '3T I V]3T vb. XV'ST n.f. basket (< Akk zabbilu, zanbilu A CAD Z 6, AIOA 111; Sy «> V : -M, ■• V . -^ «j LS 187, 201, GeonH nbm n^at GC 53:3 [expl. MH rf?Sip» MKel 19:10], > Arab J^j, J^j Fr, AF 78, JNA X^aDT zambila HDJNA s.v.) sg. X1» x"7'3T1 a spade and a basket Er 35a(46) [4- 1#X1)3 note]; BM 103b(36); San 96b(44); x"?'31 iy mbv Xnnna until the last basket (of earth thrown into the grave) is completed Ber 8a(34; Ar [AC 3:265]); pi. '"ran X1» Tan 21b(20); XU'Jl 'b'STS irbpiy ny^l 'Cn IX we take straw or wheat or barley in baskets TGDr49 108:20; 'JH 'BBim '^>'3T baskets (used to store) books of the Pentateuch Meg 26b(37); OHT Sab 64:13; //G7 344:50 Lit: Geig, AAC 167; GC 5313; Y: K^'3! Tan ib. K3'3T n.m. merchandise, pi. sale (4 V]3T, X33'T;
t : • : 398 PT TA ]'i'3T pi. TO Lev 25:14, Sy «* ;i. -,, LS 187) 1. merchandise: sg. n'3'3T3 XTOS 'Ttt '87H perhaps he will see a loss in his merchandise Sab 9b(21); 'DH n'13H Xm ,T1'3T 'W n83 J7T JH'8 •Taj Vnx '7inx rr? 'a-inxn xiot tmm he knows quite well how much his merchandise is worth, and the reason that he sold it thus [i.e. cheaply] is because of (other) merchandise which he chanced upon and he completely forwent in its favor BM 51 a(34); (n)'SX Vy 'fiTT '3'3T unsaleable merchandise [lit. which is place in front of him] Ned 31a(31); 'S'ln '3'3T 'quick' merchandise [i.e. which sells quickly] ib. 36; Pes 113a(16) [4- X13'T]; 2. pi. sale: a. alone: 'VST n'l'3T his sale is valid [lit. is a sale] BB 155b(34); ib. 125a(5); Ket 81b(18); Qid 4a(51); BQ 62a(39); BB 55a(ll); 55/fai 18a(18); Dec 10:18; lin xV '3'3T '3'3T BM 72a(31); 113 TTT'tf X1? 'XP937 Oyiai 1'7'X '3'3I I have not retained anything for myself in this sale SSHai 6b(12); p'X '1'3T 71' XlD'VnXI ]11 'VsV we have made this sale permanent to NN ib. 18b(5); BB 40b(5); ib. 42a(7); 61b(ll); '1'3T Xyixn '1'3T ... T1X3T sale of houses/a field SSHai 7a(20); 'VoVoBT '1'3T sale of movable objects HP 154:4; '13yi '1'3T sale of slaves ■Sftfai 6b(20); '1'3T7 XIBtf deed of sale g/rf 9a(24) [v. TJ Jer 32:11]; Git 86a(4); SSHai 6a(17); '1'3T T>n that sale r&4.r2S 28:23; TGHark 155:11; b. w. Vmn pe. to be withdrawn, invalidated: '1'3T 'Tin X7'X '3'3T 'Tin can the sale be invalidated or not? Ket 97a(28); '1'3T 'Tin X1? Ara 29b(38); i*. 35; Git 44b(39) For the Geonic text of the sale document, v. SSHai 24+. Lit.: Friedman, BM VI Text 205 [mng. 1]; Voc: \i'3T HPP 240:18; 'J'3T HGP 27a:28; Y: 'J'3T Pes 32a(17; BAYTN 55). NfiJ'3T n.f. purchase (4- V)3T; Sy re'&IjL=« LS 187) sg. xni'3T3 ,T7 wpi DUP8 because he is certain (of the value of) the purchase BM 51a(29); TGHark 201:14; XX11'3T '81 the money of the purchase Anan 10:27; Xin XDIOT |3I he made a purchase //P 79:16; X113'T3 XiniDl xniOTI we were engaged in business dealings [lit. sale and purchase] SSHai 9b(10) [4- X113'T] On WU'31 BM 77b(47; F1), v. Friedman, BM VI Text 155; Voc: XW3T HGP 24a: 17; Y: KrU'31 BM ib.(BAYTN 172). ^3T vb. to manure (4- xVj'T; Sy .V ^< LS 187) Pa.: 1H3 VlTB X8Vt perhaps he will manure with them^Z62b(15; J) Itpa. to be manured: "73T3 VllT'XI xni'l X'nn T"yi a certain garden which was manured with manure of idolatry ib. 49a(37); 7lirm Xl'5?3 'xyiX I want my field to be manured BM 103b (5) Hvbn 1 xrVaat n. J3T, '3! vb. to buy, pa. to sell (4- X113T, X1'3T, Xni'3T, X113'I, X13'T, X313ta; Sy ^ pe., pa. LS 187, Ma ]3T pe., pa. MD 161) Pe. (a/u) to buy: a. general: X3I X3T1 1X87 for whom he has bought he has bought BM 74a(5; AS 9:17]) [H: pTI]; ]3T X1W3 ni'8 he bought some of its meat [i.e. of a suspected terefa which was permitted] Hul 44b(28); AZ 75b(38); n'Jj? X113T (if) you have bought, you have acquired (something) BM 51a(31); niU3T "|1'8 I bought it from you BB 45b(12); XH87 X3'B01 XyiX pTD X7 do not buy a field that is close to a town BM 107a(27); 7'T 'X3'ipa X5HX '7 ]13t go (and) buy me a field from my relatives ib. 67a(12); 'X,l7 '7,11 ,113T V'T ■TttBlV ,113T 7TX XyiX go (and) buy that field for me. He went (and) bought it for himself Qid 59a(16); n'3'8 pT'B7 'XIX he is apt to buy from him Hul 94b (6); Xj?1E?B 'B'H 1,7 X13'3T I shall buy wheat for you from the market BM 105a(19); Er 100b(48); b. w. Xl'1 to avoid a court case by paying for what one is legally entitled to [lit. to buy a judgment]: ]'3T1 B'l'K T3y ... "I'l ]13PX n'1'1 I shall avoid my court case. A person is apt to avoid his court case BB 30b(16) Pa., forms w/o final nun: imp. 3sg.f. '3PJ1 BQ 89a(26; Oxf., c.21, 36); imper. 2sg.m. '3T Pes 113a(16); part. 3sg.m. '318 Hul 138b(l);- to sell: a. general: n'03'l7 ini'13T1 X131 Xinn a certain man who sold his property Qid 49b(50); XT3 '1'3T X7 X'B 1,7 '1'3T I sold you a cistern. I did not sell (you) water BB 79b(17); X13y pn3 ,1'7 JV3'3T1 1X111,1 I sold him an Indian slave for it [i.e. the money] SSHai 6b(21); I'TllS pt7l W'l'xV xn'l Xri'3'13 lit'1? xVl a man prefers to sell his daughter (as a maidservant) and not to borrow on interest Ara 30b(27; O4) // Qid 20a(49); ]m 'XH msn1? X^pT n'V ]'3taT one who sells a date palm to another BB 37b(20); piai fin Xnin a 1#N1T 399 2#'1T TT ^ .^ businessman who buys and sells BM 74b(28); ib. 40b(37) // BB 90a(24) // Men 77a(29); bvti? in'miX '3 XplWS •'liaT1?! to go to sell in the market as their usual manner MQ 13b(38); SSHai 18a(9); AnanSch 14:8; '113T T13 IX^T nitjp a minor girl who cannot effect a sale Ket 69b(31); b. w. ■»S1: 'XllV1? iT^Dl T>3n X131 Xinn a certain man who sold himself to the gladiators Git 46b(46); n'ltfBl ptai V'TX xari xav Vd he will go every single day and sell himself (into slavery) Qid 15b(35) Itpa. to be sold: a. objects: X1311D 'HSIT'X 'XI if (the field) is actually sold Ara 29b(31); VTX1X piT'X by the time he went (to the market) it was sold Git 56a(34); XJW3 pita mm XpO'V Xinn 'D^X certain merchandise which was being sold for six thousand (denars) MQ 10b(34); b. people: n35? 13J/3 pnfKI 3111 'r'T go, steal, and be sold as a Hebrew slave Qid 69a(13); (TV mn) WX 'X li'33ita x"7 '»i ]ix niinia mn if you had (money), would you be sold (as a slave)? So, too, we shall not be sold Mak 2b(40) 1#N1T, KmT, pi. 'JT, NHKlT n.m.,f. cock, hen (< Mir *za*g[> Aimenjag Hubsch, AG 185, NP zaq young of anything PED 606]; Sy Kl\i, f. rfiLXj LS 188, Ma X1XT, f. XfllXt MD 157) sg.f. TiBsix xmn 'm 'mvn xnit(n) 'n which (egg) is of a white hen, and which is of a black hen? Bek 8b(39); xniT WtWl |X» one who slaughters a hen TGAs28 43b: 1; ib. 44:24; HG3 190:21; pl.m. '1XT TGAs42 158:14; f. xfixSl "W9 ten hens HP 207:22(HPP 309:19); xnxin XDDIW a coop of hens ib. 203:13 Lit: Geig, AAC 169; Y: Kmi Bek ib.(BAYTN 99). 2# Nit n.m. (unclear) sg. Xlt Qn3 [1]ixm 'SI'S? [expl. 'DHDT '3rj7 Naz 34b(43)] TGAs28 58:2 [3#N1T 4-2#XTln.] 11T vb. to be transparent (I Xn'lIT; Ma I'll clear MD 162) Pe., pass.part.: XTPn XJ1T '3 1'T (the glazing on the roasted hen) is transparent like a silvered zuz Pes 74b(9) [i.e. it did not absorb blood from it; v. TGAs42 162:13]; ib. 12; 14; 3nj?i tup xmiytsn rvyyb rn xs'n where (the skin) is transparent, let him cut it crosswise with a barley grain Sab 134a(25); 'I't Hul 16b(27; V11) [offish innards]; mm x"?n 1"J7X 'I'll P'3 when (the tendons) are transparent, even though they are not translucent ib. 76b(l; V11); X3VTI n'ii3 n'su 'trni'tt xpi ira i"n xvnb wibi if he is wearing a garment which is completely transparent, and his body is visible within it HG1 38:16; 1"T SMel 56:413 Y: J'l Pes 74b(9; Mo 238). TIT vb. phon. var. of 4- VllO vb. 1# 'IT vb. to recline, lie down (perh. < VllT; Ma 2#X1T MD 162) Pe. 1. to recline: 'DTDX p'H mn TTHl we used to recline on each other's knees Pes 108a(37); mVj? Xll'la1? 'Tfi n'J73 X1? do you not want something upon which to recline (while eating)? Git 47a(20; M); San 85b(44); Vox 131 V3'81 XIT'8 yn nxa when he eats unleavened bread he should recline and eat HP 13:13; 2. to lie down: ]VPVy Xltl XIPBV 'J73 'V>T perhaps he wants to lie down, and he lay down upon them Mei 14b(l 1); X1TB X1H BQ 10b(14) [v. Rashi and DS, ad loc, n. X]; »n«V>7 Xlfa1? ]"Tn they are fit for lying down upon them Sab 48a(20); ib. 124b(35); 142b(42; Marg); Bes 10a(19); ib. 31b(28); 3. perh. to faint: 'Xin ny On n1? 13V he did (this) so to her until she fainted Ket 61b(13) Af. to lay down: ,183 X'TO 'SX {ni'Wn Xl'lta X1? n'JYDT3 XlD'SnB xVl I do not lay my head down on the pillow until I thoroughly evaluate the claims in his favor Sab 119a(3; M) 2# 'IT vb. to be sufficient (phon. var. of 4- Vltt'lO vb.) Pe., part., in impersonal use only: a. alone: X'lT XnVim TIT nri3 it is sufficient in 2 1/3 months San 69a(26); b. w. "V sg.m. '1XT ~\X1 n31B7m 'nV 'IXt X1? 'in n3iwri3 m7 repentance suffices for those [i.e. incest offences]. Repentance does not suffice for these [i.e. false measures] BB 88b(25; HP 98:34); n? 'ixf X7 ]1X'83 mi'un does not suffice for her HP 153:12(HPP 239:21); Geon 358:5; SSSad 242b:2; SMel 56:403; c. in phrase xVl 'IT X7 must, obligatory: 13J7 xVl X'lT X7 must he transgress? San 18b(5); n'7 V"y xVl X'lT '8 must he enter it [i.e. the forest]? Mak 8a(46) Lit: Eps, Stl 132; on the phonetic shift, cf. Modern Ma 1#N3T MD 162 < classical XJD [4- 2#'J0]; Voc: K,'5l VTM 27.
t • : Nrinint n.f. crimson (TA xfi'iini TJ Is 1:18, Sy rc'kj-uuui LS 194) sg. KJmnn XBin crimson thread Git 69b(49) Geon. expl.: fay B'3 OHT Git 158:7, i.e. j*% J4i crimson thread; Y: xrnilt Git ib.(BAYTN 203). TIT 4- X'iTT n. pe., pass.part. Dm vb. to be foul smelling (4- xami, xain'I; Sy ><** etpa. LS 190) Itpa.: 'XT3i 'SXa Xiamia X1? I shall not become foul smelling for my husband (by breast feeding a pagan's baby) AZ 26a(49) "lilt vb. to be careful, warn (4- xmniX; Sy 2# -iroi pa., etpe. LS 190, Ma 1#TII MD 163) Pe., pass.part. w. "3 careful [Sy -ia k'-vjcoi LS ib., mng. 1]: Till n'JTIxaTa HXan a deceiver is careful in his deceit BB I67b(35); T,ii inra man -ma1? iT3 after he completed it [i.e. the vessel] he is particularly careful with it (concerning ritual purity) Hag 23a(33); Ber 47b(15); Pes 85a(54); Bes 18a(10); Qid 69b(21); 55 173a(22); //«/ 105b(27);Afc/57a(14) Af. 1. to warn, admonish: X^l XHXTITX 3j?y ItJX xnx TIIX did Jacob warn (his sons) regarding this and did not warn (them) regarding that? Ket 30a(22); 'am 1,T> mm Xp XH 'aV the Merciful One admonishes the court BQ 33a(49); ib. 112a(9); BM 51a(30); San 59b(16); Anan 6:22; ib. 97:15; TGHark 275:35; )mari x"?T "PJmiX IX1? did I not warn you not to cheer me up? Ned 51a(4); 2. to put in charge, take care of: n""lj7 'am n""ip xaan xnxixax nnnixi x-nmV 'am X'V'^T XXlXIxax nnniXl xawn"? the Merciful One summoned the light and put it in charge over the commandments of the daytime. The Merciful One summoned the darkness and put it in charge over the commandments of the nighttime Pes 2a(24) Itpe. 1. to be careful, beware [w. "a of s.t.]: '-mawa TITtX be careful of i.-blindness Pes 112a(25) // AZ 12b(22); Pes lllb(13); Bes 32b(35) [4- X3VOT]; Gi/69b(8) [4- X''T>i mng. 2]; ib. 26 [4- 2#Xirra]; BB 135b(24); AZ 28b(24); 2. w. "3 to take care of s.t., guard s.t. [Sy, etpe., mng. 2]: '(ji)-iji mom errx "vnia xirap xrw ■vnia ib 'so -imia 'as rbn -mia a man guards 00 NilT T his deeds the first year, guards them the second (year, and) guards them also the third (year). He does not guard (them) more BB 29a(15); '31 ina x-imia 'sc? ini'J 'in m xrax had I told her that it [i.e. the money] was mine, she would have guarded it more BM 42b(5); ma ,Tna Xp m X1? 'IIX mttfSia -imi'» Xp mm 01©a she was unable to affect him (with the witchcraft) because he used to guard himself against pairs Pes 110b(19) [cf. Sy ^o <\ r «\v ^i ,~n \ c\-\m^\rC Dt 4:15, Ma IXnxiTyj TOBXJ3 MD ib.]; ib. 21; 3. w. -1? to protect: n'TO'al? "lmt'JT Xtf'^l XSJIi TTiTVi let him put a rim of dough around (his thumb) to protect his flesh Git 69a(36) tmnm 4- x-inni n. Kinnt n.m. ray, flash (V2# mi; 4- 1# X1TI; Sy rc'-Uicoj LS 190, Ma 1#X'T"V1XT pi. rays MD 157) sg. m:B p'SJI XTTIT Xinm a certain ray that used to emanate from him BM 84a(23; MGG 827:8) [Var: mini M]; pi. xm Tinn 'xp xmiia he was standing in the brightness, and he saw the rays Pes 13a(l; M1) [Var: '"lrai V14; XTW1T Ar (AC 3:275)] // pi. 'TO San 42a(28; TGAs42 169:38) [Var: 'Tmi F2; XTnm Ar [AC ib.] Geon. expl.: mam p,1 TGAs42 169:38; Lit: Geig, AAC 169, rejects P etym; Y: 'lTOt &Wib.(BAYTN 254). N31T n.m. gonorrheal discharge (< H ail HAL 255, J 383; 4 Van; cf. Sy rdJjori LS 144, JPA an DJPA 140) sg. -pita Dip cease from your gonorrheal discharge Sab 110b(2); ib. 5; 7; 10 Since the original A rt. is i Van, the JBA form should have been N3VT*; Y: Tf2m Sab ib. KJIT n.m. pair (< £e0yo<; L-S 754; 4- XilT TJ, 1# Xlll, Villi, Xi'T; TA ill TJ 2K 9:25, Sy rd^o) LS 191) a. general: sg. pan XilT Xinn a certain pair of scholars Ber 9a(8); Ket 105b(35); BB 12b (15); Bek 3ia(i4); xiii 'xna im xiii 'xna in one from this pair and one from that pair Ber 22b(27); pi.cs. 'raVn 'in j'dVx 'anxi pw 24,000 pairs of students Ned 50a(24); b. garments: sg. xVaiOT Xiii a pair of leg coverings [i.e. pants] BM 116a(30); pl.cs. 'ixoa 'ill XJT>ri three pairs of shoes Ket 65b(3) In light of the massive evidence for I 1# Kill in JBA, the actual existence of KJ1I is doubtful, and its occurrence in the texts may sn'aii be attributed to its contamination from other Jewish A dialects and MH known to the copyists [v. Nold, MG 416]; Y: NJ.it Meg 7a(15; BAYTN 22). NJTaiT n.f. glass (4- Viil, XilX, XJT313T; Sy k'^vjl^o.^ LS 188, Ma XJl'lXiTX, XJTiXlT, XJVIXiT MD 12, 162; cf. Akk zakakatu glass, glaze CAD Z 15) sg. XJl'iin Xip' JX&1 XD3 'JTTIVn a goblet of ... : of translucent glass [double rdg.; 4- XTpia] Ber 31a(3) [cf. Ma X'iXa XITlXilXT MD 12, Sy rc'di-O^Ai* «Li«L>3 PSm 1081]; Git 68b(28); 5M29b(49; Es); XJTill XJran Roman glass Hul 84b(14; MGD 160:11) Lit: AIOA 112; Y: XJVliT BAYTN 38. [Ill 4- Tin adj.] nil 4- Vmi vb. NianiT n.m./f. filth, foul smell (1 Voni; Ma xami MD 164, Sy t<,bi<^am\ stink LS 190) 1. filth, dirt: sg. H'ami W'SiT XDDH Jl'3 a privy whose filth is great Sab 10b(l); Yom lla(45); ib. 30a(12); xami mayV to remove the dirt (in the dish) Ber 39a(44) // AZ 38b(56); Ber 53a(38); Naz 28b(18); Hul 105b(17); Nid 52b(47); 2. foul smell, stink: sg. H'i'a XaniT XpDD xV 'X XpDD 'X if the foul smell (of the fish skin) ceases or not Sab 108a(27); 3. sensuality, lust [MH2 nami J 384]: sg. Kami H3 'TO XpT (Sisera) was inserting sensuality into her (by copulating with her) Yev 103b(7) For xaWBH XaniT Yom 28b(46; RaH.Ed), v. I xn'!; Y: XOni! Ber 39a(44; BAYTN 64). 1#N11T, NIT n.m. pair, scissors, pi. even numbers (< 4- Xiii; 4- XIII T3; Ma X1XI spouse, wife MD 157, JNA XXII zo'a pair HDJNA s.v., > Arab jj scissors Fr, AF 107) 1. pair [JPA 2# ill DJPA 173, mng. 1]: a. general: pi. 'Ill inn IpDy D'BWaa those pairs (of women) are dealing in sorcery Pes llla(28; M); '111 '111 sets of pairs (of phylacteries) Er 97a(39) [expl. MH D'jia? Mib. 10:1]; 'II mVlD all of them are pairs TaS 601b: 1; b. of scholars: sg. XIII 'XH 5«it4b(37; Ar [AC 3:276]); a"Tn ]ti1 XIII a pair (of scholars) from GN Nid 21b(30; Ar [AC 3:277]) [v. Rashi]; ■pm XIII a pair of scholars Yom 85b(20); Tan 21b(41); San 43a(36); pi. pam '111 'II various pairs of scholars Sab 119b(l); Er 37a(7); Ket 'TH? 71a(36; Ar [AC 3:276]); c. of a garment [cf. Sy rc'^i-iiia Klioj Gen 45:22 (H Q'Tia JliS'^n), JPA 2#'ilT pi. DJPA 173, mng. 3]: sg. X"?3-I0T XIII a pair of leg coverings [i.e. pants?] BB 52a(27) [+ //'s; 4- 2#xVa-|0]; d. of shoes: sg. X11T X1HH 'VliDT Sab 112a(18); 'paTi '<1>{T}1I TOan five pairs of «.-shoes Yev 102b(2); 2. scissors: sg. n"ia n'1? b'pv xpi n'jraa xni 'jtx "?ix ito (Haman) sent someone to go and bring scissors from his house to cut his [i.e. Mordecai's] hair Meg 16a(18; He) [Var: XTO VT^X XJ1X Xlll 'V TP1? Xlll n'V I do not have scissors. Elijah came and placed scissors for him M]; 3. pi. even numbers: 'iix 'aaa 't»t xaVa 'XTaiyx DN, the king of the demons, is appointed over even numbered (things) Pes 110a(27); 'IIX 'TBp xb Xanyaa 'IIX 'Tsp XJ/miHia in Eretz Israel they are not particular about even numbered things. In GN, they are particular about even numbered things Pes 110b(4); ib. 11; 34; '1113 D'TXa 'Xp Mars appears at even (hours) Sab 129b(14; Ar [AC 3:276]); 'IT 1IT713 all even numbered (things) TaS 601b: 1 Lit: Nold, MG416; AAC 169; Eps, MNM 16 [mng. l.b]; Y: 'lit Sab 129b(14; BAYTN 23). 2# Kill n.m. boat (etym. unkn.) sg. X(1>(I)1T AZ 59b(3; M) [in scribal mnemonic w. ref. to X3TX ib. 70a(29)]; pi. 'in '3XT3 mats of boats Sab 19b(20; OHT ib. 19:5) // '(1)1)11 ib. 156b(41; Rashi) Geon. expl.: ]7VIX pij? 'It ntnx jw'ja niJ'BOT TRN 570:6; Lit: Fr, AF 922; Low, Hoffmann Vol 128; Abramson, AZ XXI. illl vb. to yoke together (denom. < 4- XilT; Sy \oj LS 191) Pa.: TOa'a"? D'X^S 1'11'T X3'm 3"n'a XV i'liaT Xinn JlTpa if he yoked together two heterogeneous animals [v. TKil 5:11] to pull a wagon, the one who yokes together is not liable Geon 239:16 Tilt vb. to prepare (4- 'TUT, xmill; Sy aoj LS 191, Ma Til MD 164) Pa.: xmill m 1T11T prepare shrouds for her AZ 17a(40) [Var: XJTOTa T\b imt3 J]; rxmill H'V mif RH 17a(51; M2) [Var: Was EO] 'T11T, 'TK1T n.m.pl. provisions (4- Villi, xmill; TA'i'ili pi. TO Gen 42:25, Sy rrt<M LS 191, Ma 401
Nrmi? 402 NUT X1X1XT provisions MD 157) l.TTn3 T,X'T1X '1X1T did (the locusts) bring provisions with them? Tan 21b(25); 'Wp '1X1T1 Xnp'm XmiX the journey is far and the provisions are few Ket 67b(46; MGD 320:14); mV laV^i nin nn1? xnxV'a xVoxx ^vw .TIIIT borrow a garment of fine wool for a nobleman who has used up his provisions MQ 28b(15) [v. infra] Geon. expl.: jnaxi vVy Jiuipu wan rrtow |vr pas Vjn m cnx Tjiuira "byo pin pV rfra to xtorx nap TGWeisz 86:2. Y: Kill! Tan ib.(BAYTN 48). Kri"J11I, Nmai n.f. shrouds (euph. usage; lit. provisions; 4- Villi, Hilt; Ma xmxiXT provisions md 157) Pi. ©TO'n ... rra irxV xmu m1? ena'n ri2?S3V XJT71T does she want to prepare shrouds for another dead (son)/herself? MQ 27b(32); 1J1'3X XJ11X1T n'1? prepare shrouds for him RH 17a(51); Nid 37a(l); xmilT nb TTT1T prepare shrouds for her /fZ 17a(40) [Var: XJVT3T J; 4- VnT pa.]; RH 17a(51; M2); KJITIT n'1? 'Knawa1? to prepare shrouds for him Er 41b(33) [i Vmx pe., mng. 1] Expl. Ar: p'lSJl AC 3:278; Y: xrnij A/(2 ib.(BAYTN 170). Nil!!* n.m. handful (4- Vl#"llT; Sy k'-Un LS 194, mng. 3) sg. H(1)n)lXT X"IXKT>(1I a handful of flocks of wool Qid 12a(34; HG2 206:12[Var]) Expl. Ar: TOTS totyw 'ta pip 131 ^3 13 p'waw pw OHP ib. 206:4, i.e. Jjj-.. Since this mng. is not otherwise attested for this word either in JBA nor in the other eastern A dialects, the suggestion of S. Fraenkel, in Rieger, Technologie 3M, given here seems preferable. Tit vb. to move, budge (MH TIT LNVTH 147) Pe. (u) intr. to budge: nj'a T1T'71 xVl X'n 'xaw JV3 (the decision) is according to Beit Shammai and do not budge from it Suk 3a(16); rU'B TT'a1? X3'1?! one cannot budge from it OHT Ket 298:3 Af. tr. to move s.t.: 'Xa vb 'TITIX^ 'J/3 'XT in1? T'(n>(1T)a if he wants to move them [i.e. the lamps], he can move them Men 88b(25) On Hul 38a(2), v. 1 VtlX. KHT n.m. zuz, pi. money (< Akk zuzu half-shekel CAD Z 170, AIOA 114; 4- X"n'"I; TA XT1T TJ IS 9:8, Sy pC\c>s drachma [coin, weight], dirhem, pi. money LS 191, Ma XT1T pi. MD 164) 1. z«z, the Sasanian drachm: a. as a coin: sg. XT1T IT1? 3m X'JJ?1? he gave the poor man a zhz //ag 5a(43); Ned 7a(3); XT1TT Xl^S X"iri0'X ."11331 how much is a stater! Half a zuz ATe? 64a(30); BQ 36b(36); Bek 50b(26); XIII '£30 an extra zuz BM 77a(27); Vsnoa X1? XTin XmiSX ''BXT he would not even look upon a figure (stamped) on the zuz AZ 50a(31) // Pas 104a(24); pi. XBCtf bill ]xa 'X.I X3D3 inr-nyi 'in ... 'tit n'"nyi m-ona one who stole a piece of cast metal from another and made it into zuzim, zuzim and made them into a piece of cast metal BQ 96b (11); p»y Dip Tip'XT X.1 XTin 1'rnm I'nVn Dip Vin xn xnt3 xysnxi in this case (the issars) rose in value (and) were twenty- four to the zuz. In that case they depreciated (and) were thirty-two to the zuz Qid 12a(31; O2); pat X"D'"I3 n'TIT l"?xa XV sometimes his (silver) zuzim do not amount to a (gold) denar BM45b(l); "|'Xn Xin 13X01 'TIT «]D3 b^V that silver shekel [Gen 23:16] is zuzim which are current AnanSch 17:10; 'TIT nxa 5?3"IX four hundred zuzim Ber 20a(22); Ket 98a(18); 'TIT nxa IWD six hundred zuzim BB 166b(16); 'TIT XsVxone thousand zuzim BM 82a(14); SSSad 235:10; b. as a weight: sg. VpTlS XT1T a ZMZ-weight Sab 110a(47); pi. ny3"IX bpTta XT'B 'TIT gold of the weight of four zuzim AZ llb(13); c. w. designations: sg. X")Vn XT1T a silvered zuz Sab 66b(37) [i l#"l1'n adj., mng. 2]; XB'in XT1T a 'quick' zuz [i.e. payment in cash] Ket 100b(38); p'DJ xVl n'ln3 X3Xa XT1T X3'X nin he had an underweight zuz with him which was not acceptable for payment Bek 51a(l) // BQ 37a(5); pi. 'V'pn 'T1T1 '3X0 'TIT good zuzim and full-weight zuzim BM 108b(26); 'mn 'TIT new zuzim TGHark 51:12; 'B'WB 'TIT 'simple' zuzim Ket 65b(6); 'TIT '"I'n3 '3X0 XBD31 good (and) select silver zuzim SSfiai 4a(6); 'yx'01 'TIT zuzim of the Arabs TGHark 37:33; ib. 38:1; d. in price equivalents for goods or services: sg. "7333 KW31TT XJS 'ba XT1T3 a basketful of honey in GN for a zuz [i.e. honey is very cheap] Tan 9b(25) // Pas 88a(4); XT1T3 'O'm '1X0 nxai one hundred se'ahs of wheat for a zuz Sot 48a(47); BM 65a(9); XTO3 X1W0 XT1T3 X13131 XT1T3 a log in the town (costs) a zuz and in the field a zwz BQ lla(13); "IDDX rr?Ja XT1T3 "iai mOV XT1T3 (the cost of writing) an Esther scroll is a zuz, and (the cost of writing) your document is a zuz! BB 155b(30); '0"IB nicy KTI'TIT 403 "lt?1T 'TIT '"TO '013 "10'in XT1T3 (rental of a donkey for) ten parasangs for one zuz, for eleven parasangs, two zuzim Hag 9b(32); "itfBa XT1T n'1? 3'n'1 ]Xa X3D1? n'aV'n .TV he used to interpret a dream positively for one who paid him a zmz Ber 56a(l 1); 'X"?'B3 "UX NT1T '"7 13n give me a zuz, the wage of my loss of time Ket 105a(38); e. in proverbs: sg. Jinrfra n"ITID'X3 V^a XT1T3 a hole about (the size of) a zuz above (casts a shadow the size of) about a stater below Suk 22b(28); pi. rroV 'TIT nxa J?3"IX X'31i: a dowry (worth) four hundred zuzim for my daughter Ket 54a(48); 'TIT XB^X X'lBH xrnna a pearl worth one thousand zuzim Qid 26b(7); 2. pi. money: 'TIT '3JV X3'n where is the money located? Ber 18b (40); DpJ T,XBa 'TIT from whom did he take money? BM 2b(10) // Qid 74a(l); X3npai Xpir 'TIT 'SlV n'njn a child who is fond of money Git 40a(52); X37V3X 'TIT 3n' X3.13 3"l PN invested money in flax BQ 103a(17); "j'pitf Xp 'T1T3 'Tin Xni1"l3 (if) he takes money for money for a profit BM 62b(36); 'T1T3 n'0"B1 he compensated him with money Ket 92a(13); 'XT1T "h 3.T give me my money BM 42a(45); XJ'Itt? x"? '133 'XT1T11 do not invest my money for nothing BQ 103a(7); '"7 3n —[TIT "?1ptt?l VHOV give me my writ and take your money BB 171b(ll); BQ 23b(39); B/TXI n'TIT xriTIOBD n'V 1T3J? a person's money did his brokerage [i.e. he needs no middleman] BM 63b (17); 'T1TX p'BJI "7"y Xpl he frequents (the buyer's house) for (his) money ib. 77b (48) Lit: D. Goodblatt, JESHO 22 [1979] 241, w. lit.; Voc: XtlT HPP 57:18; Xril HGP 32a:40; Y: Kill Qid 12a(31; BAYTN 18). xnmt 4- xri'Tin n. flit, Hit vb. to arouse, decorate (4- Xn'T; Sy «jj} pe. to put in motion, stir, pa. to celebrate, adorn LS 192; cf. Ma X.TT shaking MD 165) Pe. to stir, arouse: pass.part. n'Jiyi Xn'T Xp nin his mind was in an aroused state San 96b (20) Pa. to decorate: T9BTO l,'n"t'a I'T'a) ,TT'a they decorate his hair beautifully Bo 15:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 343 [Pa.]. BIT, 'Bit adj. small, young, short, n. insignificant person (< 4- 101T; Sy Kli£oj LS 192 [Lex], Ma XOIT MD 164) I. adj. 1. small, minor: sg.m. X:"J X01TT XOIT XpO'y a minor business deal whose (possible) loss is small Ket 66b(17); X3XH XOIT a small pitcher Sab 148a(33); X01T X'0"I13 a small pedestal for the Torah scroll Meg 26b(36); Yev 7a(21); ib. 17a(33); Qid 43a(30); BM 106a(53); BB 60a(16); ib. 150a(17); Bek 5a(47) [4- X01B mng. 2]; Kar 3b(50); XOIT l.T^X "110 the small Seder Eliyahu Ket 106a(10); 2. young: a. general: sg.m. mn n'nxi XDiT on-nx xaVi perhaps Abraham was the youngest of his brothers San 69b(37); b. w. PN: sg.m. XJUian 3"l XOIT Ber 31a(5); Bes 29b(8); Ket 69a(40); X31 'BIT Bes 32b(41); BQ 108b(42); Zev 24a(23); 'BIT X3'3"l Ket 100b(39); 3. short: sg.m. "|nx 'Xn n'pXp XOIT 'Xm n'pp this one's [i.e. the goose's] neck is long, and that one's [i.e. the wild goose's] neck is short BQ 55a(25); f. n'T1313J (X)(1)01T its tail is short Hul 79a(37; Seel 116:44); pl.m. W '01T short days AZ 8a(26); 4. weak: XOIT X*7p a low [lit. weak] sound] MQ lla(24); sg.m. II. n. insignificant person: sg.m. 133 JVXI 'Oil ''BX 'Jl'a n"na even an insignificant person who is among you can revive the dead AZ 10b(24; M) Y: XD1I Sab 148a(34; BAYTN 18). "IU1T vb. to be insignificant, become small (4- "ID1T adj., xnriOIT; Ma "I01XT quad. MD 165, s.v. 10T) Quad, to be insignificant: n'V X1D1T XH1 2"b this (was) an insignificant (matter) for PN Tan 21b(20) QuadRef. 1. to become small: '"lOIIT'ai iy until (the egg) becomes small Ned 50b(24) [Var: XIDIT'at Ar (AC 3:284)]; 2. to be insignificant: n'ry3 "lOIT'X n"Tn '3 when he saw it [i.e. Jerusalem], it appeared insignificant to him San 95a(14; Ar [AC 3:285]) [Var: n'J'y3 TO3 "pnx HeMGG 405:17] Lit: M. Dietrich, BiOr 24 [1967] 296. "IDIT, "IBT, f. 'rintJIT, pl.f. NHNnnpt adj. small, insignificant, young, n. young person, insignificant person (4- VlDIT, 01T, xmiBIT, TJ?T; Ma x'rnxDS, 'rnxosy f. MD 392, 355, Sy rc'iV LS 194 [Lex]) I. 1. small, little: a. general: sg.m. mn "I01T XrittND '3 Xinn that synagogue was small Meg 26a(23); BB 14b(35) [I V031 itpa., mng. 1]; Bek 45a(46) [4- Vma
Kjvrat t : 404 1» itpe.]; X"ID1T X31BB a small amount of money TGAs27 45:13; f. rnUlM X1B1T xVfiJ B"B why is the camel's tail small? Sab 77b (25); Xaip'O X1B111 close and small ib. 10b (46); f. XJTDVl 'moil a small ark Meg 26b(36); pl.m. noiT 'Vy small foals 3aZ> 155a(36); f. KnxnDIT Zev 63a(4) [of fingers]; b. * WSJ large: sg.m. 'XH WSJ 'Xn "ID1T this one is large. That one is small Yom 56b(16); Sab 80b(24); XliyWJ TOIII XHTD3 ©'33 in terms of the effort (picking out the refuse) is great. In terms of the amount it is small Bes 14b (17); nrfr "H51T1 irf? WSJ (the load) is (too) big for one person and (too) small for two persons BM 83a(26); c. * an great: sg.m. ]iy X1D1I a small sin [* nan] Pas 7b(51); f. rrnyaXX 'moil his small finger /42 29a(21) [* 'T131]; Zev 15a(30); //«/ 79a(38; M); pl.m. Xn '3n3"l3 Xn '"IBITa this refers to large (vegetables and) that to small ones Ber 57b(45); Sab 96a(l); BM 28b(48); Mak 16b(32); noill '313T MQ 10b(20) // S5 54a(10); BQ 42a(l); f. xmoil 'J3X small stones Tarn 26b(24) [* XJ13-I31]; 2. few: pl.abs.f. in^'Q ptJIT their matters are few Svu 3a(10); det. OTIBIT && 155b(8) [4- xnnu]; 3. young: sg.m. IDinx 3'3WT ... XToVn Xinn a certain pupil who died while he was still young Hag 5a(21; L); f. nj'O X101T one younger than she Qid 64b(32); '3 J1"ID1T when you were young Qid 12b(3); pl.m. '3 ]J'"1B1T mn when we were young 5g 92b(53); f. xnxn-lDT XDXJ3 young daughters HP 105:10; 4. insignificant: sg.m. l,J3n3 in3 'T1DT 'KB 1&1T 'B is what is written concerning the scholars insignificant? Hag 5b(43); Sot 5a(42); £>W 30a(32); Bek 12a(49); X'rt 'mOIT xrf?'0 nXT 1&X is fear (of God) an insignificant matter? Ber 33b(46); Meg 25a(30); 5. as PN: X101T "IKS So 141:3; Bes 8a(15); Gi'/ 38a(36); Men 35b(21); II. n. 1. young person: sg.m. n'nXT X"IB1T the youngest one of his brothers Yom 10a(34) [expl. BH IXSn 'TJ/? Jer 49:20]; pl.m. '"1B1T 'D^B '01 ,3"I3T 'BpB do the younger (sons) reign before the older ones? Hor llb(46); 2. insignificant person: pl.m. Tl'B ma 133 rl'XT nt31T ''SXT XJJH' I know that even the most insignificant ones who are among you can revive the dead AZ 10b(24) [Var: '01T M]; BB 51b(14) Lit: Kut, Studies 44265 [Heb; blend of TJ?T and Biyt]; Nold, MG 154 [f. form TflDlT]; Voc: -|6lT HGP 29b:22; KlDlt ib. 27a:36; Y: TOT &6 77b(26; BAYTN 160). NnnplI n.f. youth (4- 1B1T) sg. l,Tn(l>"lDin Anan 86:17'[^4- l#XJVn3J] KJl'lT n.f. corner (TA XjW pi. TO Ex 38:5, Sy r/iCoi LS 190, Ma XJVX1XT MD 157, > Arab =4j!3 Fr, AF 11, 168) sg. inn'311 XD'IT XH3 1,TX Dp XJV1T Xn3 he stood in this corner, and his wife (stood) in that corner Tan 23b(15; M2); pl.cs. n'Jl'3 IWT J?3HX the four corners of his house Bo 4:2; ib. 78:16; 88:11 Lit: AlOA 90; Y: XJT1T Tan ib. KVH n.m. low price (4- VV?T; JPA VlT DJPA 174) sg. BM 64b(2; EsF1) [* 4- Xipv mng. 3]; Xn x"?m X0J1X n,!?y b»3pl this is where he took upon himself (a loss) due to an unavoidable accident or a reduction in price ib. 70b(9; EsF1); 11; 14 // Bek 16b(12); XJ1WH xVin H'"? 3n give it to him according to the current low price BB 104a(22); ib. 24 Ms. H uses everywhere (6'T. Voc: K?il HGP 26b:35; X^l! VTM 92; Y: N^T BB ib.(BAYTN 18). [N^IT 4- xV?n n.] JIT vb. to nourish, sustain, support (4- 2# XJ"T, XJ1TB; Sy o LS 192, Ma JIT pa. MD 165) Pe. (u) 1. to nourish, sustain: 'J"T JT'B 'BJ nan dates also indeed nourish Ber 12a(45); ib. 35b(40); 39a(27); Er 30a(26); .TIUT XJ1XWX X'lX the fever sustained the lion (in the ark) San 108b(46); Yev 71 b( 15); 2. to support, provide maintenance: a. general: nyW '0713 [xr| =] XJ"T XJX I shall support (the city) with wheat and barley Git 56a(26); ntt/J '33 'JE? WJm p&y nJXT he supported her in her paternal home twenty-five years Ket 104b(21); n,!? 'J"T xV '33 ]r» they do not actually also support him Bes 32b(14; L); Naz 3a(16); 1,1T'X1 SSHai 2a(6); HP 163:30; b. esp. for orphaned daughters: ''poVDOB jfa1? to support (them) from movable properly Ket 50b(25); i& 9; 18; HP 112:7 Itpe. to be maintained, supported: TCb mm nj?JX3 'JITJIX^ he should have received support in private San 26b (3 8); KIOTO Xp ri'THQ she is supported from his (estate) Ket 43a(10); ib. KJV31T T ' 405 N-nan T ' 68b(27); 49b(22); Ned 83b(ll); XJXOTB Xp mm nbya 'OS'J'B n'JlJVX his wife was maintained from her (deceased) husband's property HP 105:11; ib. 117:19 NlT3iT n.f. belt (< (,&vr\ Lehnw 244; JPA nfi'JlT det. DJPA 174, Sy ,j<m LS 192) sg. nDXl nOT(J){T}1T he fastened his belt Meg 16a(19) JT1T vb. to move, shake (4- 1# xyi, VtlJ?; Sy ^.(, ^.Ui.j LS 193, Ma l#xm, X1T MD 162, 164) Pe.: pits I'JH wnia ]W KO' J?t 'niOlp ]0T the sea shook before him and the mountains shake behind him Bo 7:12; ib. 8:12; 28:5 Af. 1. to make s.t. shake: "?D JT {'OTTTIBI J?T01 ilTlQIp 'Oin (the demon) which makes all the members of his body shake and tremble Bo 59:3; ib. 118:5; 2. to loosen a hold on s.t.: nro pjHH "10 H3yoi 'Pin that they should remove from him magic spells and evil magical practices ib. 51:1 Itpe. to be removed: TO'O ppDrm liymm you should be removed and taken out from him Bo 59:13 Itpal. 1. to tremble, be moved: mVlS yTJHTB 'XSU my whole body trembles Tan 16a(18); 'X0X1 'X'sjix xynx xyiyiT(x)(a} xVt xrin^x^x xm xytyiTX what was the difference that the earth did not shake for (the translation) of the Pentateuch, (but) for (the translation) of the Prophets the earth shook? Meg 3a(27); Dpi yiJ/ITX «10T ana "1X1 W2"Ct even PN was moved and got up in public ... iSGF 111:11; 2. to remove oneself: lyTjnPX pro IplSI remove yourselves and go out from them5o 112:8; ib. 7:5; 8:5 j?lT vb. (uncertain; cf. Sy u»t af. to fan LS 194) Pa.: 'Vna n1? Ip'II l"?'. go (and) ... udders for her Hul 109b(40; H2) Expl. Ar: aWin JB K^B *?KX\ laty let the udder remain full with milk AC 3:279 [cf. Tos ad loc.]; Rashi: 1TIBW place on a spit. lj?lT, JNplT adj. afflicted with dropsy (< XJpT* dropsy; cf. Sy rclinv i<LLo_d\ kind of dropsy PSmSup 115, rdiioj inflammation LS 194) pl.m. 'axpit 'XO'IX '3n pagans afflicted with dropsy AZ 31b(34) Y: 'JXjJl! AZ ib.(BAYTN 160). 1#TIT vb. to hold tightly, press together (4- X111T, T'T, XT't; Sy ^p^ to hold tightly in the hand LS 194) Pe., pass.part: TT X1S0T '0'tt?SX he holds tightly onto the coins of the scribe BM 16b(42) [v. infra]; ['S-|B]X prf? X0in3 yd? ]rTt1 'Tin "?y we press the two ends together by means of a fringe Anan 9:9 Geon. expl.: 33iyo XVI IBTO1?© mya iy OHT BM 37:22; Lit: Eps, Stl 74. 2# *11T vb. to have a certain defect of the eyes (etym. unkn.) Pa., pass.part.: HTJ? pITOT one whose eyes have the z.-defect Bek 44a(29; L1) [Var: piTOT Ar (AC 3:279); expl. MH TIT ib.] Expl. Ar: Viy pffUDW ''B AC ib. "IDT 4- nDIT adj. 't part, now, then (< NP zi, zihT long live PED 631; i 'T'X) '! 'V 'O'X tell me now Ket 69a(50); ib. 86a(27); 104b(26); Pes 106a(21) [text: IT]; BQ 59b(12); 'T 'V 110X Bes 27b(6; Geon 364:14); Jin'O 'T 'V mx concede to me, at least, now Yom 30b(29) // Yev 67a(28); n5?01» Xp 'XO 'I n'XX listen then! What do you hear? San 110a(55) This enclitic element always appears in the second position of a phrase after an imper. vb. Lit: Eps, Stl 201; id., Gr 141; Y: 'I San ib.(He). [N^na'T 4- xb'ai n.] tOWT n.m. sale (4- V]3T; cf. Ma X313XT selling MD 157, Sy *lLLo,\ LS 187) sg. 'TIT pn a*?m X3T X313'T 'OT he paid the money, the price of this sale SSSad 266:8; Xnr3T1 X313'T3 XJmtJI we were engaged in business dealings [lit. sale and purchase] SSHai 9b(10); ib. 8a(14)! Kni3'T n.m. hornet (4- xmia'T; Ma XliaO'T MD 166, Arab j_>£j Wehr 382) a. the insect: sg. xnx a'3^1 n'DOXX n'pIO Xlia'T a hornet came, stung him on his penis, and he died MQ 17a(31); Hag 5a(51); Ket 50a(30); xb X'nO xm3'T y"?3T ]X0 'XH "n a person who swallows a hornet will certainly not live AZ 12b(13); ib. 17b(37); 'J?ai ]XO 'XH Xaipyi X713'T nOSO1? one who wants to bind a hornet and a scorpion (by magical means) Kar 3b(61) // San 65a(35); pi. 'TO'! San 109b(40); b. w. ref. to its sting: sg. XTn'T1? XJ'PS a small
xmn'T t : • 406 i#ntpt measure (of urine is an antidote to the sting of a) hornet Sab 109b(33; M); AZ 28b(40); 42 Voc: XIU'T HP 208:14(HPP 310:20); Y: XTITT AZ ib.(BAYTN 138). Krni3't n.f. hornet (4- XTO'T) sg. xmi3'T 'XriX XTItn by 3'JVX a hornet came and alighted on the warp AZ 17b(36); Meg 14b(40) [given as the mng. of the name of the prophetess mi3TJ Y: KflTO'l BAYTN 204. [Kma'T 4- x/vni] Kna'T, Nnai n.m. sacrifice (< BH l#ri3J HAL 251; 4- xn3'1) sg. ,TD11 Xn3'T the sacrifice itself Zev 36a(28); ib. 29a(33); 90a(12); 'nnx Xn3'T another sacrifice Men 46b(19); ib. 20; Yom 27a(18); Tern 14a(16); Pes 80b(38); j& 89b(7); /inan 73:10 Y: xrO'T Zev 29a(33; BAYTN 112). N?3't n.m. excrement, manure (4- V"?3t; Sy re* V -n LS 187) 1. excrement: sg. WDJ1 ]Xa 'Xn Xin D"ya '^ln x"?3'T one whose excrement is excessive has a bowel sickness Sot 42b(53); 2. manure: sg. n'Jl'TO XJX xV3'T "Xn 1»X did I place this manure (in the heap)? TGAs28 33b:2; ib. 4; 5; 7 Y: a'ta'I So/ ib. K33'I n.m. purchase, buying, merchandise (4- VpT, XJ'3T; Sy i^-La) LS 187, Ma 2#XJ3'T MD 165) 1. purchase, buying: sg. ,tV 'ai/ia 'XT 1H3 ]'3T xnm ,T3 n'XT XJ3'T if he has the opportunity for a purchase which has a profit he may buy with it BM 43a(21); 2. merchandise, goods: sg. '3T 1,J3'T "]jrQ ty xVimX while the sand is still on your legs sell your merchandise Pes 113a(16) [Van T,3'3T E2M'V14]; n'J'a "7J7P rvai mrys xwtV mri'xi xw? pns nsyaV 'tit "772; 'TIT -pm X33'T "Xm y'Tl (if) he took money from him to produce merchandise with it, the merchandise is in existence, he died, and it is known that the merchandise was acquired with this money HP 51:8; 'SB 'W mn 'Vh HOT X31B my merchandise was worth much more TGAs28 22b: 14; ib. 23b:9; 30b:9; '"l»a(p>(D,l XnrS03 X33'T ,T3 1'rUOT boxes in which merchandise is placed on a boat TGHark 86:14; ib. 44:10; 155:19; 27; 272:26; 30; 35; 3. in phrase X313T1 X33'T business dealings [lit. buying and selling; cf. Sy: rdLiscrtci rdi_=\ PSm 1076, Ma -piSXTl "|XJ3'T MD ib.]: sg. X313'T1 X33'T Pes 113a(16; TGAs42 164:15); [Var: <X)(')33n '"7'B XJ13T1 matters of business dealings E'C]; X33'H mn JlH'Ta XJ1BB1 XID'Tl business dealings and money were in their control TGAs28 6:10 Voc: XJl'i HGP28a:19. N3'T n.m. a type of garment (4- XJ1T; Sy rd^o) LS 191, mng. l) sg. ny yb 'oan •(? xarat xrt 1'yi3 I shall buy you a z.-garment which reaches to your feet Er 100b(48; OM); pi. 'lit SMel 56:407 [expl. by NP TIN'S cadar PED 383] In spite of the fact that this word is etym. equivalent to Kill, the ms. tradition is strongly w. yod; Y: KJ'I BAYTN 9. Nn'TU'T n.f. a type of demon sg. Bo 86:2 ilN3TT adj. wicked (V2# lit; Ma XJXTT MD 165) sg.f. xmrn xra'pm xrw'3 hiT an evil, powerful, and wicked >>.-demon So 120:33; xnri'X XJVOTT a wicked woman ib. 54:7; pl.f. TNI XnX'J'II wicked spirits j'A. 52:10; nflX'JTT nam wicked amulet spirits ib. 7:14; 8:6; 34:5; 78:17; 86:10; xn'JTT 'EU wicked women ib. 100:11 On the phrase XJT1 TflX^'K Bo 125:10, v. Miiller- Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 163. NiTT, NM'T n.m. perh. radiance (4- Vnit) sg. xn'T Xtt?a'WB 'tt?p XltfBETJ the radiance of the sun is more intense than the sun Yom 28b(46) [Var: xn'T OHT ib. 14:16, Ar (AC 3:272)] Geon. expl.: own [nix iTbjs HMa nay x^i nan mow oipa X,TT 1'iOpJ DM TNSVB OHT ib.; Y: X,Tt K>m ib.(BAYTN 9). NHiri't n.m. covering plants with rancid oil (< MH2 DITT J 391; 'I VOHT) pi. 'ai.Tt AZ 50b(28; P'M) Y: KBIT! BAYTN 141. frPH'T n.m. brightness, glow (V'nt; cf. Sy K'^'o-.m) ls 189) sg. ism 'tnai Tjyn xin x'n't '83 Xin (the comet's) brightness passes through, and it appears as if it also passes through Ber 58b(48; Ar [AC 3:273]) l#Nin't n.m. light (4- XTT.11, XTPD; Sy rC^cDj light LS 190a, mng. 2, Ma 2# Xixnt splendor MD 163) sg. xaiS'X3 XTH "7S3 light came in through 2# KTPT 407 1#K3»T the window Qid 81a(35; Ar [AC 1:217], V3[corr.]) 2# NIH'T n.m. venom, anger (< MP zahr poison, venom CPD 97; Sy rc4er>) LS 190b, Ma XTiTT venom, anger MD 166) 1. venom: sg. n,!7 Jl'X '^p X^l Xin't (the cat) has venom, but it does not destroy Hul 52b(43); ib. 54a(4); 'TO O'Tn 15? nnn't 'to ybvn nns ... (n)nn't while it is clawing it injects its venom. While it is pulling (its paw) out it injects its venom ib. 53a(36) [cf. Ma -|XTn't X'TO MD ib.]; AZ 30b(23); ib. 31b(27); Nid 55b(41); 2. fig. anger [cf. BH nan HAL 313]: sg. XTPt 'Va'X he was filled with anger Git 45b(35); X"in't3 nap she arose in anger Ber 51b(16) Lit: Geig, AAC 169; Tel 65; ISK 106; Y: XT.T1 fful 52b(43; BAYTN 113). 3# Nl/Tt n.m. perh. landed estate (4- XYin't) pi. 'in't BB 61b(41) Expl. Rashi. N"n!TT n. tax collector (perh. < Mir *zinhar-bar one who carries a document of safety Shaked, EIr 260; i 3#x-n't) pi. xjnx <i)('U3n nin't 'an XpDB1? tax collectors who sold a field in lieu (of payment of) the land tax BB 55a(10) Ace. to Ar [AC 3:275, s.v. K"iai] this word is < P, but v. Geig, AAC 169; Y: Hhni BB ib. Nl'T n.m. glow, splendor, radiance (< NB *ziwu <Akk zTmu CAD Z 119, AIOA 113; TA Tt TJ IK 6:37, Sy rCL.\ LS 195, Ma Xl't MD 166) 1. glow: sg. xin X331D i3y3 'trinai isyi xin n'i'i it is (Orion's) glow which has passed by (in the sky), and it appears as if a star had passed by Ber 58b(48) [cf. CAD ib. 121, mng. 2: glow (of stars)]; 2. splendor: sg.abs. 7\"h l'Tlb to the splendrous one San 31b(39; F2); det. nVo nyiXT m'T3 XVI3 the whole world shines in his splendor Bo 78:20; ib. 7:5; 3. radiance: sg. Vr? mn Xinn 'l^'X1? XVT that (month) in which the trees have radiance RH lla(40; E2) [expl. the BH month name 1']] Y: n'rl Ber 58b(48; BAYTN 9). l#N31'T4-2#x:"In. 2# N3VT n.m. crownlet (on letters; 4- Vf!) pi. 'BtJl '3l'T HTbm pnVlDI all of them [i.e. the aforementioned letters] have three crownlets and more 57/491:35 [and passim on this page] This Geonic interpretation of the word follows the later notion that this is also its mng. in MH in the passage: m'JllX yiV X"l Vivyv 1'JVl TWbv niD'-IX Men 29b(27) and refers to crownlets attached to the top of the letters; however, for the original mng. of this root see Yardeni, Script, s.v. I i/|"I [courtesy 1. Penkower]; Y: XJVl BAYTN 256. KSl'T n.m. forgery (4- V«T"T, *|'T) sg. X1DW 'Xn Xin XSVt this document is a forgery BB 32b(l); ib. 9; Ket 36b(14); XSVft |Wm because we are wary of a forgery (of a seal ring) BM 27b(28); AZ 69b(37) Y: KBl'I AZ ib.(BAYTN 256). ]T\y\ adj. proud (TA ]jli''l TJ Is 14:12; MH2 ]m'T J 392) sg.m. IXXll'T "131 a proud man Sab 156a(36); pl.m. '3X1TT '33 proud children Ket 61a(3) Y: ljJV! Sab ib.(BAYTN 274). Xt'T n.m. projection from a building (TA XT'f TJ IK 6:5 [H yr], Sy k'um projecting part of a roof LS 195, mng. 2) sg.'xinn n'1? mm xnsj xinn Q'3in nw\b p'S3 mm XT'T a certain man who had a certain projection which extended (from his house) into the public domain BB 60a(26; P1); Xlinai Xl't a projection (balcony?) of GN BM 83a( 17); SSHai llb(16) Voc: XT'T HGP 3b:13; Y: XH BB ib.(BAYTN 10). sri'T 1 xn'i n. ]"T vb. to write the top of a letter in a particular fashion (denom. < 4- 2#X3VT) Pa.: xn '31"T 'y3 X1?! xn 'JT"T 'y3T this refers to where he needs to write the tops of the letters (in this fashion), that to where he does not need to write the tops of the letters (in this fashion) Sab 105a(2); pass.part. '3"ta xbl STage 88; ib. 89 On the interpretation of this vb., cf. the discussion of Yardeni, Script 210; for another expl., v. Lieb, TK 3:178. 1#K3'*T, N3N'T n.m. loss (< MP zyan loss, damage CPD 100, Turfan ]X'I, ]X»T Geig, infra; Ma 2#X3'XT MD 158, JNA X3X'T zyana HDJNA s.v.) sg. tt/'B3T nm 'pcy ... X3"J xtsin xdii xpey X3"T a minor business deal whose (possible) loss is small, a major business deal whose (possible)
2# N3"T 408 urn loss is large Ket 66b(17) [* i xmn mng. 4]; '3 n"DaV x"?i xm xr'T X3"i xmn rr'tM'V xbi '3m 'ya XV xnill so that his profit should not turn into a loss for him. Is (the purpose of the law) that he should not incur a loss? Does he not need (to make) a profit? Men 77a(28); XJX'T pi xnxil pi SSHai 5a(5); XJXIOim XJX'T loss and deficit ib. 6a(21); 10b(12); 18b(3); PDMFP 544:20; 'X 1,1.13 X3'11 XJX'T 1> 'BXB if you incur a loss, I shall sustain (it) with you HP 63:22; ib. 26; 28; 33; 49:24; TGAs28 78:24; TGHark 272:7; pi. 'IX'T SSHai 10b(5) Lit: ISK 106; Geig, AAC 80, 171; Tel 67; Voc: MX*T HGP 25b:22; Y: Xjrj «e/ 66b(17). 2#Na»T, NSN'T n.m. provisions (I V]1T, 'a 2#XJ"T; Sy rc'^jJs LS 192, TA IJl'T TO Ex 21:10) sg. x:x'T n'V o'yo x"n ysnwai vr? b'axi XJ1TB XB'X x"7X xnjn XpVo XJX'T he eats them, and he swears that he did not eat any provisions (XJX'T). Do you really mean X3X'T? Say rather XilTB Ber 44a(14; MGD 711:15) [O: X3"T]; XJl'T £r 30a(34) 3# N3"T 4- xrt n. 1"! vb. to falsify, adulterate, forge (denom. < 4- 2#XS'T; 4- XBl'T, «]'T, XM'T, XTVUB'T; Sy ^aujj LS 195) Pa. 1. to falsify: 1'3 11,1 1X371 "?'1 1'71B"T1 perhaps there was a condition in it [i.e. the get], and she falsified it Git 22b(4); *?31 *1"TB1 "?'TX X1B0 '3J^ 1X"7 «|"T»1 anyone who (wishes to) falsify (a document) does not go to a scribe and falsify [i.e. he does it by himself] BB 163a(7); ib. 167a(29); HP 67:21; SSSad 189:6; TGHark 272:19; 2. to adulterate: 1,"TB1 mo Xs? he does not make an effort to adulterate it [i.e. the vinegar] AZ 29b(49); ib. 39b(6); 3. w. Va713 pe. to forge: 37131 1"! 'BV'T he actually forged (the witnesses' handwriting) Ket 36b(21); Vl 'yai 'XB 3'7131 f]''TB perhaps he forges what he wants BB 162a(5); ib. 163a(18); 167a(13) T't adj. pressing (4- Vl#11T; JPA T'T DJPA 175) sg.m. XT'T Xixya pressing vat AZ 60a(16; JP1); 7/Gtfa/-/t 86:10 NT^T, tON'T n.m. an object used by fullers for pressing (4- Vl#TIT) pi. 'IX'T Sab 123a(ll) Geon. expl.: 'te] 17VIN ]'D'33D1 TON Tiy'W "|nN f y ]n^ V NIX'! NTX'T mp'Jl 12J^> '13 OHT Sab 117:2; p3 l'»313@N» 'IN'! o'yaixw -irmi pa3B» -inx trta roaia trn 631:7; y n".j &>* ib. ['KD't i X'3'T n.] N'3'T, N'3T n.m. cleaning (4- V'3T) sg. ]XB "XI X'3'T ■'SIDT one who cleans up (a dirty area) MQ 10b(17; HP 177:5); X'31 BB 54a(8; HAr [AC 3:289]) Y: N,'3'T BB ib.(BAYTN 113). 7't adj. cheap, vulgar (4- VbVl pe., pass.part., XTTrTT; Sy r^\.\) LS 197, Ma "7'bXT MD 159) 1. cheap, reduced in value: sg.m. XTp' mm XTlltM ^'Tl Xlp'ya it was originally expensive and now it is cheap BB 104a(21); 5M44b(31); X13J x"?'T a man reduced in value Ara 19b(35) [* i n'3W]; X^'T Xyin low market price BM 74b(21); 2. vulgar: sg.m. X1?'! tf'J'X a vulgar person ;6. 9b(2) [e.g. a slave or a drunkard; v. Geon 104b:4]; pl.m. 'V'T ll'ISCIX tyl 'IXpW '110 lying witnesses who are of low esteem in the eyes of their employers San 29a(33) Y: ■?'! BM ib.(BAYTN 10). N>T 4- xVlT n. NfllT'T n.f. defamation, debasement (4- ^'T; Sy k'^'cuIjlAj ls 197) sg. irua'rx xm1?'? ]"rjrt> XB'iy his widow is preferable concerning (prevention of) debasement Ket 43a(20); ib. 66a(23); X71V?'T 01PB ib. 103b(6); Yev 100a(23); Ned 66b(16); San 48a(46); 13'71V>'T X1?! 13'ip' X1? XJ'ya I seek neither your honor nor your debasement BQ 102b(44); '7131 'Til1?'! a great debasement Ned 66b(18); jMIB X311X1 X71T7'T defamation of a y.m. BM 84b(23); Mak 24a(41); XJ'1 '31 X7Vr?'T defamation of the court BB 31b(13); ib. 32a(9); Meg 28a(19); Zev 75b(12) Voc: XJYfr'T HGP la:2; Y: NTH1?'! yev 100a(23; BAYTN 34). Nn"?'t i xnbr n. KllV'I, XTbl, KTb-VX n.m. type of vessel (etym. unkn.) sg. XJ'DT X(n)(n(17''! a 2.-vessel of clay Yev 46a(24) [Var: NJI^T Ar (AC 3:294); XJlVirX G§ 247:12; XJlVo OHT Yev 107:19] KS'T n. nostril (Sy KHaoi beak, snout LS 192) pi. xtidt 'nana nro x'a "b't 'irina TOX'isisri K3a'T 409 N3»'T t : • T ! water cascaded from its two nostrils like the two river crossings of GN BB 74a(37; M) Y: XB'T BAYTN 10. K3M'T, NJ»T, cs. ]»} n.m./f. time, date, subpoena to appear in court (< Akk simanu season, time CAD S 268, AIOA 91; JPA ]at DJPA 178, TA x5at TO Ex 9:5; cf. Sy rdLaj LS 187, PSm 1077, Ma l#XWt MD 165) 1. appointed time, fixed time, moment: a. general: sg.cs. X31T1 pi the time of the obligation [i.e. when one is obliged to do something] RH 28a(7); Suk 25b(10); Meg 5a(33); Qid 33a(31); Kar 8a(34); det. XJB'T XDB the time has come San 96b(14); Ket 110a(34); AZ 10a(3); XBD1 XBD boi Xin n'Ja'T every course of stones is its time [i.e. to pay the worker] BB 5b(6); X'H fTJHT XBT '"?13 the whole day is its time [i.e. for the blessing] RH 28b(30); Tan 2b(39); XWI 11131 XWT1 Xia'T a fixed time and a fixed time after (another) fixed time BQ 113a(13); MQ 16a(10); yiBI ^3'X T3JT rnai 1J3 a person is likely to repay (his debt) within its designated time [i.e. before its due date] BB 5a(25); pi. T,TJ»T 'a1?^ xp '111 '113 their time limits [i.e. for the two different sacrifices] will expire together AZ 76a(30); b. in var. phrases: 1) "3813 in its (proper) time: X1JV03 TIX Xp ma'TS (the rain) comes in its (proper) time in the winter Tan 24b(38); TOO n'»n x"?J?n n^> bow to a fox in its time Meg 16b(24) [i VlJO pe.]; Qid 55b(9); Hul 105b(50); Anan 77:17; 2) "J»'T X"?3 not in its (proper) time: ^'IXI '3'X '81 n'JB'T x"?3 does someone die not in his time? Hag 4b(37; L); XV HMT x"?3 X'jp 13813 xnsaDX 'XI X'3p an '.-stipulation on its due date [lit. in its time] is legally binding. It is not binding before its due date BM 66b(4); BQ 91b(39); XJinx1? X3BT X"?3 XBT X"im for a woman whose menstrual period comes at an unexpected time HM 38:16; 3) XJB'T irU together, at the same time [lit. at one time]: ITlXp XiB'T H3 'ara1? WX '3 they only come to collect at the same time Ket 110a(28) [V5: '111 '113]; Naz 58a(ll); San 98a(49); Am 20a(l); J181 XlH't H3 i'tBBI he plastered her (entire body) at the same time and she died Sab 80b(17); nil X3B1 ina mini 1BD3 lin"? the words nilJII 1303 [Dt 29:20] are together [i.e. connected by a conjunctive accent] and 111 [ib.] is by itself BMsYFr 143:5; ib. 157:4; 4) Xia'T Xina immediately: XH3 JinBI X1121? "?B31 X3BT (the sela) fell into the fire and became debased immediately BM 52b(6) [* XJTTIS XmiB bit by bit]; I'VpiV XD3 "|V X331' Xp '3 XBJ?D 'XB X3BT Xiri3 IB why when I give you a cup (of wine) do you take it immediately? Pes 86b(25); Yom 57a(9; M); 2. time, occasion: sg. Xin X3B'T nj'BOa XJV'TX Xp mi I was once traveling on a boat BB 74a(34); Ber 24a(9); Pes 112b(47); Meg 18a(46); XB1'3 XJB'1 Xin x"?X X3TXD xV I only inspect (my property) once a day //«/ 105a(33); Yev 96a(l 1); BB 136b(5); Men 41a(8); 11,111 x"71 'D'lnx XM'T 1'3 131m so that she should not collect again with it another time Ket 89b(40); 'im XM'T tfVn'B1? 'Bm JW'bx XJ?3 PN prayed that one could become sick once or twice (and recover) San 107b(37); pl.abs. pM'T 'MJ1 eight times Sot 10b(51); 1'X'ID 1,'M'T many times Ber llb(24); Hul 103b(32); Zev 94a(32); TGHark 277:23; det. 'MT '171 twice Zev 97a(25); XJI^n 'in 'MT two (or) three times Pes 7a(35); AnanSch 10:27; 3. date: sg. 131713 X1DKH XMT 171'jn' 'X if you know the date of the document, write (it).5fi 171b(31); 4. subpoena to appear in court at a fixed time: a. w. V31' pe.: 'aiBX XMT P'31' •"''aa'ttl xaiBXI xnri'XI we can give (him) a summons orally by means of a woman or neighbors BQ 112b(56); T'31? XM'T I'V 3',T he gives him a subpoena to court Seel 147:1; b. Vop3 pe.: 1X11 '31? XM'T '"? XCJ'pl I have been summoned to the court AZ 26a(52); c. w. Vj?3p pe., af., itpe.: 5?3p yiBJI XM'T '"? ysp '83 XT12M l'M'13 X71X x"?1 XJB'T ''"? now also, give me a subpoena for me to pay. He gave him a subpoena and he did not come at the proper time Hul 105b(48); BQ 113a(12); XB^B tt'l'X '71X 1^>BX Xri '31? XMT 1'"? y3p81 even if any person at all comes and subpoenas him to court BB 58b(l); Ket 41b(26); XM'T (TV1?) ySpTl'X Dec 3:4; d. w. Vmp pa.: 1'MT 'VlDaVl 1'3BT 'BTp1? to confirm subpoenas and to annul subpoenas SSHai 9a(13) Lit: Eps, Stl 127; Yeivin, Fragment 109, points out that the phrase is often abbreviated to ina [mng. l.b.3]; Voc: N3»t HGP
"1 !»?? 410 NDS'T t : • 31a:7; Y: NJO'T Sab 10a(2; BAYTN 113). - "I 1»T3 conj. when (1 KJa'I; Sy -n rdljai^a PSm 1077) nos xd'Vi pn ... nos xs'xi pin when there is/is not a Paschal sacrifice Pes 120a(l8); Hul 138b(27); ttnpan JT3 X3'X1 pi3 unpen nn xd'x xVt pn ... o'xp when the Temple exists/does not exist Anan 115:26; ]BT3 prill1? XDD' pn nnTIBT when this decree of excommunication reaches you Dec 3:9 — I'JP'T adv. sometimes (lit. there are times; JPA 1'M'T DJPA 178, s.v. pi, mng. l.b) a. alone: p»'T xm map nina -o xnx mi xss m 'in' in pn and PN2 used to sit sometimes before PN3 Ket 85a(31); b. w. fol. "1: 3*131 ]0'33 iT3'» 1,'J'l I'M! '"HW13 XnBW m1? sometimes he borrows from him in Nisan and writes him the document in Tisri BB 171b(22); miPB3 'VlXX1? T3yi pan sometimes he is apt (to use the weapon) to save himself AZ 15b(56); Yev 94a(30); Aer 65a(46); Git 36a(16); 5e£ 17b(10); c. repeated: X1? pa'Il p'"70 ]'M'T p'^0 sometimes (the oracular inquiry) was conclusive and sometimes it was not Sot 48b(6); Ket 75a(33); Nid 47b(35); Meg 29a(25) adv. subsequently (cf. Sy i&_=i xlLiaj PSm 1078) 'SNpi 3'n'l mnSPX I'M!1? subsequently he found him sitting and saying Sab 130b(22) NIS'T 4- X-TOI n. N3'T, N3"T n.m. weapon (< MP zen#\ CPD 99, Av zaena- AI 1650; 4- 2#X3"I '3, X3'I 'TO; TA ]'I TO Gen 41:44, Sy pdLj LS 195, Ma l#xrXI MD 158) sg. 1X3 T1S0 T>y in DX (even) if your weapon is upon you, (nevertheless) your book is here [i.e. your genealogy is known to us] BB 4a(21) [Var: -p"! Ar (AC 3:287); v. infra]; '31 1H3 'Vop lirr? Wbv when their weapon is finished (in battle), they kill with them [i.e. their shields] AZ 16a(2); ib. 4; H'1? x"?n X3'T nxm TTiX3 n'3'J in the place where the armed person hung up his weapon San 103a(39) // BM 84b(35); n'J'T X^'bri n'S33 his weapon is in his uplifted hand Bo 112:5; narf?ai xn '3 'joa '^n1? ]inV 'ana xpn (Scripture) compares shoes to a weapon of war Anan 117:5; i'& 8 Geon. expl.: -JOXya rmx pISIOl 0'3to» Tty "P"I 'tot* '"Byx ■p p -p x*7i nay p iiy nnxw yiT )X3 -pin' nso m -f?» nrem AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 171; Tel 66. KflW'T n.f. prostitution (4- V'JT; Sy K'&cuxji LS 200, Ma XJIVJXT MD 160) sg. XTYU'Il XniJ'n '33 children of lust and prostitution Bo 78:10 1#NJ7'T n.m. trembling (4- VyiT; cf. Sy Kli.o) LS 193) sg. Bo 74:5 [2# NJW n.m. perspiration (< H ny'T J 395) sg. Se/- 38a(10); ib. 43b(44); Hul 99b(16) In spite of the form w. alef, the spelling w. zayin and the contexts indicate that this word is H.] *]'T adj. false, forged (I V*)"T, KBTI; cf. Sy pdLirc'} LS 195) sg.m. Kin XS'I XIDW it is a forged document BB 32b(l; P1) [* X'"?ya]; X1B© XS'I <6.(HGP la:ll); /A. 9 [= GeonH ipv 1VV, I'MDWHR 69:10] Lit: Eps, PLA 260. 1#NB'T n.m. eyelash, hair (Sy rc^-aj, rc'&.S}, pi. r<laj hair LS 203, Ma XSXT, pi. X'3XBXI eyelash, eyelid MD 160) 1. eyelash: pi. '2?'B:i n'D'I one who has many eyelashes Bek 44a(30) [expl. MH pl^ ib.]; 2. hair: sg.abs. I'l m1? ]Tp I'1?! a lock of decorated hair Bo 14:5 Lit: Eps, Stl 341 [mng. 2]; Y: ,TB'I Bek ib. 2#NS'I n.m. falsity (< Akk ze'pu, zipu mold, cast coin CAD Z 86; 4- V«1"T, XB'n K'I13; Sy Klarc'} falsity, i^ar^sn false, fraudulent LS 195, Ma XS'I MD 167) pl.abs. 1'B'I Bo 82:6; ib. 7:13 Lit: AIOA 113; MSF 126. iOB'T, K3NS'T n.m. falsifier (1 V«]"t; Sy rdiirr'j LS 195, Ma XJXB'T MD 167) sg. 'mnx - Xin X3S'T X31DT our master's brother [i.e. Esau, Jacob's brother] is a falsifier AZ llb(15) [Var: X:XB'T MGG 486:2]; ib. 21; 'xan n'V '3nx 'Xa n'm:B'I3 XiS'I1?! 'ixan3 what did the deceiver gain by his deceit and the falsifier by his falseness? ib. 17 Y: XJB"! AZ 1 lb(20; BAYTN 229). NriUB'T n.f. falseness (4- Vt"T; Sy rc'iioA^rc'; Ls' 195) sg. mrrus'i AZ l ib(l7) [4- xas'i] Y: 3'nUB"! AZ ib.(BAYTN 286). KriB'T n.f. pitch (TA xfisi TO Ex 2:3, Sy rc'SLas LS 203) sg. Sab 20b(40) [expl. MH T1BT Mib" l#Kj?,T 2:1]; xns'n xnViDB xaxncy tar is the unfit part of pitch ib. 42 Y: XriB'T Sab ib.(BAYTN 113). 1# N|?'T n.m. wind, stream of air, flatus, demon (poss. < Akk ziqu A wind, draft CAD Z 133 [cf. AIOA 114]; Sy rdi^ LS 195, Ma Xp'I MD 167; 4- Xp'I '3) 1. wind, draft: sg. XIB'a "irm Xp'I wind following rain Tan 3b(32); Xp'ia imi'31 he should be careful of a draft AZ 28b(24) [cf. Ma: "ixnxim Xp'I pi AM 103:1]; 'tV'B3 'J?'' a strong wind Ned 28b(6); Sab 18b(14); n"33 Xp'I XDOX XXW1? the wind came (and) extinguished the lamp Ber 60b(57); Xp'I 3'KU xVi X3'n where the wind does not blow Kar 5b(52) [for add. exx., v. 4- V32U pe., V2#'1P3 pe.]; Hul 46b(29) [4- VtJ1?^ pe.]; ib. 60a(10) [4- Vl#tt?33 pe.]; 'Vll Xp'I XriX n'3Xa"? Xb the wind came and lifted up his clothes BQ 86b(10); Bes 31a(16); Pes 110b(l) [4- Vms pa., mng. 2]; Sab 119a(23) [4- VniB af, mng. 2]; ib. 129a(51); Xp'IT nan dates (detached by) the wind Ber 40b(42) [expl. MH Jvr>313 Mib. 6:3]; BM 22b(22); 2. stream of air: sg. xniBB Xp'I '^ai a bellows full of air Tan 12a(17); xV Xp'I "p31 N3iri ^n^ one should not sit where the air is turbulent Sab 129a(50); JH3 J?I3'a p'B3 Xp 'Xnn1? Xp'Il nX'm Xaxip the membrane of the lung is completely torn and a stream of air goes out downward HP 200:13; ib. 8; TGAs28 15b:5; 3. flatus [Ma ib., mng. c; cf. Akk saru CAD §/2 138, mng. 3b]: sg. xp'lV Xp"?'D mangel- wurzel (is good) for flatus AZ 28b(41); 4. type of demon: sg. Xp'TBl Xp'I a z.-demon and an w.-demon Bo 88:4; pl.abs. ]'»'3 TP'iai ]'p'T "73 all z.-demons and evil w.-demons ib. 16:5; 23:2; 45:2; 82:10 Lit: Eps, Stl 18+ [mng. 1], This word is semantically eq. to I Xnn; Voc: XJ7;T HPP 302:18; HGP 16a:22; Y: Kj7't Ber 59a(26; BAYTN 10). 2# NJ?'T n.f. skin-bottle (TA ]'pi pi. TJ Jos 9:4, Sy rclij f. LS 203) sg. AZ 60a(ll); ib. 15; Xp'I Xiam a wineskin Git 68a(42) [cf. NA ziqqu sa karani CAD Z 129, s.v. ziqqu B); X*7m Xp'I a skin-bottle of vinegar BB 74b(2); Xp'H XJ1X the handle of a skin-bottle Git 69b (49); X'^D p Xp'I m'On ]'3 a skin-bottle whether full or empty AZ 60a(i5); pi. xiinai xpno'13 fit; mm 'pn man 2# NTip'T certain skin-bottles which were lying (on the ground) in the district of GN Er 44b(8); AZ 33a(34); Xiam 'p'T skin-bottles of wine BB 24a(32); 'P'l nsai XB'in X<')^'B full strength .'.-wine which bursts skin-bottles AZ 30a(49); ib. 65b(5) Y: Xi?'MZ60a(15; BAYTN 134). Nj?li?'I* n.m., pi., only in phrase "lUT 1'pip'T sparks (4- X113; JPA Tin 1'pip'I DJPA 176) abs. 'tj wsh 3-n n'aisa im Tpip'i Tps:i sparks were going out from PN's mouth to PN2's mouth Hul 137b(33; V"); BM 85b(30) Y: tm l'i?ip'I Hul ib.(BAYTN 256). NSp'T, NBpI n.m. erect position, straight arm, hanging, the cantillation sign zaqef(i V^pl; cf. Sy K'&o.ajLj^ raising of the hand, crucifixion LS 204) 1. erect position: sg. X3W3XT X3Sn 'Xn TDX XBp'I 'Ttf XSn'D a pitcher of roasted ears of grain (in) an overturned position is permitted; (in) an erect position it is forbidden Pes 40a(12; CM1); TIO'T XBp'I the erect position of the base Zev 52a(5); 2. straight arm: sg. XBpJ Bip3'3 mra'3 n'Vxai^Ti n'bxai^s n'3'a'i let him hold his straight right arm in his left (sleeve) and that of the left arm in his right (sleeve) Ber 55b(36) // XBpi Pes 110a(32) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 3. (case of) hanging: sg. n'Xlpm XBp'I n'1? 1,'pn one in whose family there has been a (case of) hanging BM 59b(50); 4. the cantillation sign zaqef: sg. (XB)p'I BMsYFr Dt 32:13 Geon. expl.: T n'3 XW1 XW XT 'ai XBj?'T n3TOT XTT XBp'I ixen it rran it x'xiowa [^i] <o>iodVx miy jw^a xnpn XBp'I XlHl lBplIl 1D33B T TPlbv 3mn TGHark 214:15 [mng. 2]; Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 104 [mng. 4]; Y: XBp'I BAYTN 113. 1 # Nflp'I n.f. goad (< Akk ziqtu A barb, point CAD Z 132; Sy k'^-d). LS 204, Ma 2#Xn'X3XT MD 158) pi. f? Xp'DB xnp'l "|31 "|3 such-and-such a number of goads are allotted to us BM 94a(2; HAr [AC 3:317]) Lit: Eps, Stl 310; St2 833. 2# KJlp'T, Nn'pT n.f. an animal (etym. unkn.) sg. ,T73X 'Xa X3X 5?T mn X"7 XJip'l 'Xn my father [i.e. Noah] did not know what the z.-animal ate San 108b(45; HeMGG 172:10) [Var: xri'pl Ar (AC 3:316), Xri'p'I OH San 540:19] 411
N1TT 412 Knot T T Geon. expl.: n:xao 1S3 [|Dj?] "]iy, i.e. SjUJ. quail OH ib.; the discussion of Low, Fauna 88, is inconclusive; Y: KJVJ7T San ib. KTW n.m. a hard reed (J- XJITIT) sg. XTl'p 'Jp] TRN 625:12 [expl. MH pit Titian Sab 103a(23)] Geon. expl.: xvn tripb nam win pyrin diVn inx ow riY wi neyaa awni una Vea^i [...] t^j-ii nana Vsxai mx taxa n-np TRN ib. NTTT n.m. bundle, bunch (4- Vnt) sg. XTTT 'Xrt 'JpT a bunch of reeds &?& 8b(28); Yev 101b(39); ib. 41 The mng. here is derived from lit 'to gird' although this mng. is unattested in JBA [but v. DJPA 182, s.v. HI mng. 2]; Y: NITt Sab ib. N9TT n.m. a disease (perh. inflammation; 4- Vl# «1"1T; cf. Sy rdiis a skin disease LS 207) sg. Sab 67a (3 8) [// XJl'33y shivering fit PT Sab 8c(37)] Geon. expl.: msn nwy: 13 miiw Dips wixi m nana xaw nyx ]'i?mn maa nam TRN 606:3; Y: KBTI &j6 ib.(BAYTN 113). 1# KTTT, KJV'T n.m. olive, olive tree, olive orchard, olive oil (TA XJVT TO Gen 8:11, Sy k'SLj LS 195, Ma xri'XT MD 158) 1. olive: a. general: sg. KTfn XTlX'E?p olive pits Yom 84a(26) /MZ28a(30); 7/«/49a(12); XD'TT XWa olive oil [4- xntf'a mng. l.b.5]; pi. Ned 68a(10); Tl'I 'rrnrrn raw olives HP 192:3; pit? nxjn ina1? Tl'T1? after they press the olives TGHark 86:9; TW 'ri^B salted olives [i.e. in brine] /*«an 47:19; b. as a measure [cf. MH D'T3 J 397]: sg. XD"T '3 XnDS an olive-sized piece of the Paschal lamb Pes 85b(34); XSim xrt'T'3 an olive-sized piece of fat Hul 98a(19); pi. 'jrn 'i>B yibl) thirty half olive-sized pieces ib. 24; 2. olive tree: sg. Git 68b(49); XD't1? XJl'n XnitfB 'XpWXT 'XU1 I saw (in a dream) that I irrigated an olive tree with olive oil Ber 56b(14; MGG 707:9); Suk 32b(43); <x>rrn piex olive leaves hm 40:17; xyap xinn XJVT Xinn ]B a certain amulet from (wood of) a certain olive tree ib. 39:3; 3. pi. olive orchard [archaic; JPA n"T pi. DJPA 175, mng. 3]: X'B13 '^'X X'Tl'T f^ Jl'X >] 'b'X I have vineyards. I have olive orchards Suk 44b(22); ib. 27 [// X'BT3]; 4. pi. olive oil [Sy, BBah 688:9, > Arab c^'j Fr, AF 148]: pi. TM3 'D'm XB'Bn XBn: fresh bread of wheat in olive oil Yom 76b(22; M'MLOHP ib. 58:22) [expl. nffian On1? Da 10:3] Lit: Flora 2:286+; Voc: xM HPP 303:17; Y: Nrl't Sab 23a(21; BAYTN 14). [2# ktvt 4- xnr n.] 'X3T adj., n. person successful in a legal case (4-'V'3T; TA nX3I TO Num 5:19, Sy rdiij LS 196, Ma X'X3XT MD 158) n.sg.m. Bo 78:7; ib. 22 [8JT313T n.f. glass (4- Xmit) sg. XJ1W1 XJT313T Roman glass //«/ 84b (14); VHPn XTV313T white [i.e. translucent] glass G/f 68b(28; SM 77:13) Perh. a corruption from H.] NTVI3T, abs. 131, pi. NJrTOT n.f. merit, benefit, tt' T7r tt;t ' ' verdict in favor, claim (4- V'3T; TA xrilDT TO Dt 6:25, Sy rc'&'a^' LS 196, Ma xrVDXT, pi. XDX1X3XT MD 158) 1. merit: a. general: sg. »n XJr7'B X,!?ri XJTI3I3 X1? '31TB1 'J3 life, children, and livelihood are not dependent on merit MQ 28a(27); ^IX/1'X rmi3T3 they were saved by his merit San 93a(33); Tan 21b(19); Ket 63b(27); bVTW pXT XJTI3T the merit of Eretz Israel RH 16b(26); Tern 29a(18); /fra 32b(51); n'JTI3T XP'BJ 7^>y XJJBT his merit is great so that it will protect us San 93a(45); Tan 22a(10); Ket 103a(52); Ara 32b(48); pi. biCWn XJ1TI3T the merits of the Jews Hag 15a(20); ib. 23; 'XnVDTB 'V 13JB XB^H 'JlXT XB8?^ lest some of my merits for the world to come will be deducted from me Sab 140a(29); b. w. var. vbs.: sg. 1) w. V"]Sn pa. to argue in one's favor [lit. to turn over the merit]: 'SISH1? 5?Ti 'XH 'am XJ113T3 one who knows how to argue in favor of the orphans Ket 109b(20); Sab 56a(22); ib. 119a(3); Qid 76b(34); Dec 9:12; SSSad 268:10; 2) w. V'TPI pe. to see the merit of s.o.'s claim: XD13T TVb 'Tn X1? .TV 'JOT one does not see the merit of the claim of one he hates Ket 105b(19); RH 26a(7); Git 29a(3); San 17a(50); 3) w. V'Sri pa. to protect [lit. to place merit over s.o.]: XJVI3I H'ty 'Dna he protects him (from the claim that he touched the wine) AZ 61b(31); 4) w. Vt3J? pe. to find merit in one's claim: T3J7B^ Xni3T n,!7 San 17a(50); 2. benefit: sg. XIYDT 'XB what benefit is there (concerning such a woman)? Ket 10b(29); 3. writ of a favorable verdict: sg. 'NJTDT ,!7 3W3 write out for me my writ of a favorable verdict Ket 85a(45); xm X1? 'TT xrVDT '31 ITTDT ^ I do not want your *3T 413 »3t favorable verdict to be next to mine (in the writ) BB 168a(28); 'ni3t (X)yip his z.-writ was torn Qid 74a(8); pi. XXH '31? n'T1X13T D'SDXi X13J a man who deposited his z.-writs with the court Ned 27a(19; TGHark 178:15); "TOT l^M'1? let his z.-writs be voided Ned 27b(17); ib. 27a(20); 4. title of rights: sg.abs. n'X"!1?! 13I1? as a title of rights and as proof SSHai 5b(15); ib. 12b(10); 19a(18); SSSad 204:13; TGHark 117:16; pl.det. xnNlini xnX13I titles of rights and proofs S$Hai 9a(13); ib. 17b(13); xnxi3H >1XW'? ^3 all terms of titles of rights ib. 4a(3); TGHark 165:30 Lit: Friedman, JMP 2:162 [mng. 4]; Voc: NTOt HGP 38b: 1; Y: XTOT Ber 10a(50; BAYTN 31). '3t vb. to be worthy, entitled, victorious in a dispute, acquire possession (4- X'S'T, Xni3I, 'X3T; Sy rdai LS 195, Ma X3T MD 168) Pe. 1. to be worthy, have merit: m&TXI Dm"? pDXI '3TX maT rraisa XnyaiS1? may I be worthy to travel there [i.e. to Eretz Israel] and to learn the legal tradition from the mouth of its possessor Bes 27a(15) // MQ 22a(24) // Nid 48a(17) // Hul 50a(22); San 98b(9); XJVapa '33 ,!? 11,1 'X3T 'X had I been worthy, I would have had children from (my) first (wife) Yev 64b(17); Sab 21b(10); Hag 13a(39); San 108b(44); f>3T 'Xa3 for what are (women) worthy of divine grace? Ber 17a(48); Er 54b(50); n'TiyaW3 '3'3 31 H3 H3t PN had the merit concerning (the transmission of) this legal tradition Nid 25b(44); Bek 60a(12); 'i 13T xV innxi nvai xnsn the place which Moses and Aaron did not have the merit (to enter) Ket 112a(46); HP 100:10; 'Vtt rDT'T? n'31B XJT'TIXI Xprism fortunate is he who is worthy and is a receptacle of the Torah San 99b(13); ISGF 110:11; 2. to be entitled to s.t.: 131 Xp '3 13T Xp ni3J ]Vbvii they are only entitled (to sacred property as guests) from the divine table BQ 12b(16); Bes 21a(19); Qid 52b(39); San 112b(51); Ara 24b(2); Yom 26a(30); 3. intr. to be victorious in a legal dispute or plea: ]xa*l "ina^ '3t Xp X3TXH yvm one who loses a case today may be victorious tomorrow Ket 105b(23); •\V*>& P'SXI '3T1 p "7'T go, bring a suit, be victorious, and take possession for yourself BQ 70a(10) [in a writ]; I'TH V1X3 "?33 ,T3 113tH D^iy"? so that they should always be victorious in their plea in all courts SSHai 5b(2); ib. 7b(2); 16a(5); 4. intr. to enter a plea [cf. Akk zaku D to cleanse, clear of impurities CAD Z 28]: |Tabl IITTQ X3T'aVl to bring a court case and to enter a plea against them ib. 9a(12); 5a(ll); 17b(13); 5. w. "X, "V to best s.o. in a dispute: '3xn ^3 ■Q31? ^(^){')•,^e;,'? XS^ax let them put anyone who bests the king (in a dispute) into the vivarium\ San 39a(33); AZ 10b(43); ,T-|»V n"3I XT3y the slave bested his master San 107a(30); ^ IJl'ST 'X '3 lT3'y wy3T ^3 if you best me, do whatever you want to me Bek 8b(24); ITJPVn '1 in33t XH3 ]i2lb PN bested the scholars in this matter Qid 18a(33); Hul 31b(39); Nid 52b(44); 6. to take or acquire possession: '83 '3T n'WSi1? '3n 1JI31 !TH3r6 since he can acquire possession for himself he can also acquire possession for another Git 12a(3) // BM 8a(15); Ned 88b(16); n'3 X3i Tin mpsxi xtin xjbs r^b sn' he gave him a half zuz and he declared it ownerless. He retook possession of it BM 30b(18); Sab 120a(29); BQ 115b(8); ib. 49a(38); Hul 134b(16); rr1? X'3I Vil TISn '31 'X» 1.TXT X3'H V3 wherever he can take possession, his courtyard can also take possession for him BM 102a(49) // Hul 141b(33); xruna f? '3T acquire possession for us of the priestly gifts ib. 133a(27); Dec 9:6 Pa. 1. to confer merit, make s.o. worthy: X13 X13 '3Ta X1? X3X X3X '3TB a son confers merit to a father. A father does not confer merit to a son San 104a(28); ]1VT3 bXI©' 'TOT1? HIT? HST'I may He make us worthy to lead the Jewish people properly I$GF 121:17; TGHark 104:7; Dec 2:9; 2. to grant, entitle: XIH nri3 '3T8 X1DE? 'DT 'T can PN grant the document to two people? Pes 78a(29) [i.e. to the claimant and the defendant (v. infra); used fig. of his agreement w. two differing opinions]; XMm rf? '3T XTJl' T the Merciful One entitled her to an additional arm [i.e. of her father to receive a get] Git 64b(12); Ket 47a(9); BQ 49a(41); BM 92a(35); Men 22a(l); AnanSch 26:15; 3. to clear away (of rubbish): 1,XB "Xn X'3'T '3TBT one who cleans up (a dirty area) MQ 10b(17; HP 177:5) // BB 54a(8)
N'aVt* 414 Wt Geon. expl.: '(CT^l 'Xn'?'Dl1? yi Wfrm "WW TGAs42 163:3; expl. RaH [Pa., mng. 2]: ypipn nfWl bpoa MQ ib.. [KnvttT I xrrnai n.] N'3^T* n. fritter, pancake (< P za/fi>(>5 PED 620; Sy rf \ -i \\ LS 197 [Lex], Arab '^H'j PLAr 146) pi. n»nb<T){1} ]'7n GC 149:16 [expl. D'JIB'O MKel5:l] Lit.: Eps, GC 154. ll?!r! nm- thin-bearded man (< ]p1 7T; I xVp'l, Ipliy; JPA lpT7T DJPA 177; cf. Ma fHj?'T 7'7XT his beard is scanty MD 159) sg.abs. ]p1@7T ]W\p a thin-bearded man is one who murmurs San 100b(36) [quoted from 'Ben Sira'] Geon. expl.: •?? UpiB '0 -|BD-ilJ> !J[71 'b] OH San 524:3; Y: Wpl 5*0/1 ib. n.m. sprinkler (4- Vn7T) pi., only in a fig. sense: 'XnrJTI 'XWlJa 'sweepers and sprinklers' Hul 60a(13; V11) [i.e. winds and rains; cf. Ma X'7lT7n X'7E?'33 I swept and sprinkled Gs 84:19] Y: 'Xm1?; Hul ib.(BAYTN 323). n.m. lowering of the value (4- V77T pal., mng. 2) pi. n'3 p'7T7TB X7 '^IT^T nm we do not establish two lowerings of its value [i.e. of the coin with respect to the tithe] BM 52b(45) [Var: 'V'T F'Es] •?!■?! 4- VV?T pal. f7\\\ adj. gluttonous (V2#77T; cf. BH 1#77T pe. HAL 261) pl.m. 'J1X7T7T ':a gluttonous children Ket 60b(54) Y: 'jM?; Ket ib.(BAYTN 299). nVl vb. to sprinkle (4- nxmVl, Xri7T; Sy mX\ LS 197, Ma mT MD 168, 7HT ib. 163) Pa.: xp mm ]W T" n'Bp TI7TB they were sprinkling old wine before him Ket 67b(44; MGD 320:11) [4- Vl# «]7T pe.]; XJV3 ri7T8i one who sprinkles water in the room TGDr49 103:19 [expl. MH plan Sab 95a(22)]; XJl'IT Xy3"IX3 X37il in"? IT7T he sprinkled fat for them in the four corners Bo 78:16 Af. id.: xjnx xnn by x'a prx rfrix -in»7i the next day sprinkle that water on that field HM 44:4; ib. 46:9 NnVT, Nro6t n.m. sprinkling (4- Vri7T; Sy r<-l£$i LS 198; cf. Ma X'VnXT pi. MD 157) sg. xnnaa xnawa xmT x-w na'ax pn permitted sprinkling on the Sabbath in GN &£ 95a(29) [Var: XnX7T HG1 180:43]; xnX7T SMel 43:29; Xntsai xn?'T a rain shower Meg 28b(24) Y: Hip''} Sab ib. vb. to debase, become cheap, disgrace (4- X71J, 7'T, XrVI7'T, N^IT^T; Sy »ij LS 196, Ma 77T MD 168, MH 71T LNVTH 148) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to disgrace, debase: xrVD7B3 X7'T (Vashti) is disgracing the kingdom Meg 12b(25); pass.part. a. general: sg.f. in'TTUaiX X7'T their profession is debased Qid 82a(38); HX1X3 XB7y '713 'BJX3 7'T (the idolatry) is debased in everyone's sight like excrement AZ 4la(20); ib. 70a(2); X7'T X1? X7p'1 xm'a xV'T xnp'ya ma 7y3 ... xm'a (being a tree) a date palm is not intrinsically debased. A blemished (animal) is initially intrinsically debased Tern 7a(43; M); b. in phrase xV'T XJT7'» '3 it is debasing for ...: sg.f. xm'B p X7'T ■Oil '7Tm it is debasing for us that you(f.) should go in such a manner (to court) Ket 54a(45); ib. 70b(19); Svu 30b(39); HP 62:5; XJr>'8 ,T3 X7'H Dn3B/7 n7B'B7 it is debasing for him to worship broken pieces (of idolatry) AZ 53b(46); ib. 18a(49); Qid 32a(15); Git 38a(47); 5A/ 72b(34); Men 67b(7); c. in phrase XJ17'B "7 X1?'! to debase: Xm'B 1,17 X7'T they debased it Git 80b(8) [* 4- rratf]; 2. to become cheap, decrease in value: ru'tt 'Jp fisp J17T (if merchandise) has become inexpensive, quickly acquire some of it Ber 63a(31; Ar [AC 3:293]); 'TS '7'T Xp xm has fruit, in fact, not become cheap? 5g 97b(33); 7T X87y '7131 XJiyiX everyone's fields decreased in value ib. 7a(31); 46b(25); xm'3'y 7T the cost of the labor has gone down BM 77a(35); IX X"ip' 'X 'XJTTCna X7'T whether it decreases in value, it is in my possession [i.e. the gain or loss is mine] ib. 64a(34); 108a(36); 71T ... 1j?(')'X Grt 52a(46); g/rf 12a(30); TGHark 46:30; 3. pass.part. wanton, lascivious [Sy rdS-iAj LS 197, mng. 4; f. whore LS ib.]: n'7 X7'T she is lascivious with him Git 13a(10; V18) Pal. [JPA 7T7T DJPA 178; cf. Sy \<jxAj to cut short (< \A\* < Avl\*) LS 197] 1. to treat with disrespect, contempt [w. "3]: X71 m'Bm TOO n71T7T7 TIX the Sabbath which is severe [i.e. the ltffo punishment for its violation], and one is not apt to treat it with disrespect Bes 2b(7); ib. 15a(43); Ber 45b(55); Sab 23a(44); Er 40a(31); RH 7a(42); Hag 5b(39); MQ 18a(6); Ket 23a(40); BM 107b(41); AZ 10b(23); Hul 133a(14); 1X7T 'an xmaVaT 'Jxa3 'VitViV xyix mix it is improper to treat royal garments with disrespect in this way Meg 16a(17); Ket 10b(13); San 104a(41); AZ 10b(29); 2. to establish a low price [denom. < 4- Kbv]: 'J& n»ya3 P'VtVtD we may establish a low value with respect to the second tithe [i.e. of the coin with respect to the tithe] BM 52b(40; V22); jrVlVta X1? 'bit1?! ^T\l n'3 we do not establish two lowerings of its value ib. 52b(45) Af. r>'TX/-?'nx] 1. to disgrace: XTVfr'1 "TCH3 "7'T n'VtlX xm Xin perhaps it is because of disgrace. Did he not, in fact, disgrace him? BQ 86b(18; F1) [H: n'V'TX]; 2. to act with contempt, denigrate: <'-71TX) Cfr'TXI xmaVas V'TIXl he acted with serious contempt for the authorities Pes 57b(2); "Wya '3J ]Vbm we may denigrate the tithe BM 52b(41); 3. to lower the price: 'X ]3'tn ]'3Tai Win Xp xaby 'Vial1?) we see if everyone sells at a lower price ib. 108a(36); BB 155b(38); 1'3H -7'IX '-71TX TIT XS^Xa XyiX ]'3H -73 anyone who buys a field for a thousand zaz/m certainly sold (movable goods) at a lower price in order to buy BM 77b(35; F1); xpi xin 'Vinx xnyw xnni liT3J '7T1B at that time they actually lower (the wage) for them ib. 73a(30); 73b(20); Mg 6a(37); Xlp'ya n'31 17'TX1 Xm'3'jr Vn the cost of labor went down, and they had initially lowered the price with him BM 77a(41); X»W3 '33taT X1T1X3 'SD H'3J '7Tia y70 IT? a'nn Xan in a place where they sell by estimate they lower the price greatly for him if he gives him a sela Ket 99b(3; V5) // '7TBM?; 21b(15) Itpe. 1. to be disgraced: 7'TJl'm ,T7 xm X1? he does not want her to be disgraced Ket 53b(18); BB 139a(18); ib. 141a(26); XD'l nV -TWtn ]1'D1 rb pisai n'sxa xVTrra xnn'm as soon as he sends her a writ of manumission, she becomes disgraced in his [i.e. the pagan's] sight, and he permits her to be redeemed Git 38a(44); Sot 47b(44); 2. to be reduced in value: X7T '3'n '3 n;i'»t n'033 17TJT7 so that his property should not be reduced in value BB 42a(8); BM 66b(18) In ISGF 116:17, the rdg. tfrfn\l (Var) should be preferred over X'ri'7-ITX [1 V2* 17l'>l] 1#1-?T vb. to sprinkle (Sy 1# i«4\ pe. LS 198) Pa.: ]tr 1" H'ap 'S7Ta xpT he was sprinkling old wine before him Ket 67b(44) [4- Vri7T pe.] 2# «]Vt vb. to decorate (Sy 2# i°Jh LS 198) Pe-: pass.part. «]'7T 1'T a lock of decorated hair 5o 14:5 Lit: Eps, St 1 341. XJ'VaOT n.m. type of cedar (cf. LJLA XP73B TgCant 3:9) sg. San 108b(30; HeAr [AC 3:296]) [expl. BH H -iSr'Sy Gen 6:14] // RH 23a(14; GRH 13:16) Lit: Flora 3:22. Nimat n.f. (uncertain; 4- ViaT) sg. Iiai Xiai xnn xriTIBT (unclear) Sab 106b(32); ib. 113a(5); Er 60a(37); Bes 24a(29); AZ 32b(7) Geon. expl.: x1? ixi wim ns^n i1? rnoj xn 'J'^s nm1? xxan dx 'J'bB XV xn ^•'Vb OHP Sab 70:7(Ar); Lit: Bacher, Term 2:31; Y: Xfniai Sab 106b(32). DTttT vb. to make a musical type of sound (VdBT; Ma 2#D8T pe. to clang, etpa. to resound MD 169, Sy 1# -p\ af. LS 198) Pal.: 'BITBn X7p a musical type of sound Er 104a(37) The sound is produced in order to aid a person fall asleep [cf. the description in OHP ib. 104]. N3'»T n.m. invited guest (4- V]aT; TA X^i'aT pi. TJ IS 9:22, Sy rdi^n LS 199) sg. H'-nXi 'l'»T 'ITiTab the guest who urged the host by a vow Ned 24a(30); ib. 29 Y: xrai Ned ib. NrnJ'MT n.f. subpoena (4- VpT; Sy i^iitoiiji LS 199) sg. Xmran xpon subpoena document Qid 70a(31; V3Ar [AC 3:100, s.\. poi]); ib.(&)'- Y: XJllJ'at BAYTN 175. NJVBT n.f. type of gruel or soup (< £,(£>nbc, Lehnw 243; 4- X3B3; Sy nd±Aj<M LS 192, MH2 Tl'aiT Ber 36a(28; P) sg. X3a37 •'tKpt IrlX ri'XI XJTBT there is a place where they call £.-dish XT-TOT HG1 100:25 Geon. expl.: mnpn nn'm by rr?iyn ixpn xinw n'an OHP Ned 96:1. 415
1#DBT 416 1»T 1# DttI vb. to bear false testimony (BH D8I pe. HAL 262) Af. to prove a witness false: '110 171X1 333 11'BX3 x"?1 113181X1 witnesses came and proved them [i.e. the previous set of witnesses] to be false that he had not stolen in their [i.e. the previous set's] presence BQ 75b(37); San 10a(31); 113'8IX1 113'3SX1 (the second set of witnesses) reversed their testimony and proved them false BQ 73b(35; Es); 'J1X1 JH'1 X3'X XB^I llV D'18 perhaps there is someone who knows (the time and place) and can come to prove them false San 43a(42) Ittaf. to be proven a false witness: in DIJVX 11'38 one of them was proven to be a false witness Mak 3a(6); 'DTDQ Xpl XTIJW X'1,181 ]1'3 x'jv nrux diiitx 'Bina xpi nn'3t?x ''rosai Kin Dimx XV r'»Wl'B xp since it is (only) from that time that they are proven false that they are declared unfit-concerning slaughtering where they are proven false they were considered false witnesses; (however,) concerning stealing where they are not proven false they were not considered false witnesses BQ 73a(41); ib. 74a(19); San 27b(14) 2# D»I vb. to muzzle (i X88T, X8P8; Sy 2# -p) LS 199, Ma 1#D8T MD 169) Itpe.: DI'83 DI'31 1OT3 may he bound by a muzzle of bronze 11:6 [cf. Ma: X^nxST XBX813 D'Bliy he was muzzled with an iron muzzle MD ib.] Lit.: AMB 155. On the grammatical form, v. Eps, Gr 86. N8!3T, NBNBT n.m. muzzle, camel's nose-ring (i V2#D8I; TA 081 TJ Is 37:29, Sy «L±s^3\ i<A_iPx^j camel's nose-ring LS 199, mng. 3, BBah 692:18, Ma x"78131 XBX8T MD 169) 1. muzzle: sg. "MX X"?1 X8X81 X133 Xinn*3 "?D3 13'X xrft'a xn '3 had a muzzle only been placed on me I would not have said such a thing! [expl. BH ■'S-12j;!-,?3 'rial Ps 17:3] San 107a(26) [Var: 'X81S3 X88I a muzzle on my mouth OH San 536:24]; 2. camel's nose-ring: sg. 'mrn XJlpX3 X^nST X88I3 a white female camel with an iron nose-ring Sab 51b(18) [expl. MH DDH3 1pX3 Mib. 5:1]; X88I3 'IBpi X-K3p a knot which one ties (with the guide rope) through the nose-ring ib. lllb(25) [expl. MH D'VaJI 1tfp Mib. 15:1]; n'S13 X88I1 XIDp the knot of the nose-ring itself ib. 27 Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: bom DD1IH ]':JVU» 0X81 XBXDT GnK5 169:6, i.e. flij nose rope of the camel; !xax^>X lniX pip b^1? 1J11X pip Vxj/BWl OH San 536:24 [mng. of terms unkn.]; pipi lira pwipi Van [j'X'3]»i naeva ■■fruy [W pjru Vbj] [Xn]OT lfllX TRN 630:9; Y: X»»T &ft 11 lb(28; BAYTN 48). ]MT vb. to invite, prepare, designate, summon (I xrat, xjvu'bt, xjaaia; Sy ^i pa. ls 199, Ma iai pa. MD 169) Pa. 1. to invite: n'ru'BTI DIE/a 1'113 ]8lV IflOX because Esther invited Haman with him Meg 19a(49); 1'8T81 X'303X 'fix mn '31 pn3'8 in I'1? whenever a stranger would come and one of them would invite him (into his home) San 109b(35); X3nb 1381 JX8 who invited you here? ib. 37; Ned 51a(8); Meg 28a(33) // #«/ 44b(43); 2. to assemble people for a zimmun: ]B1^1 111'V let him gather (them) together again for a zimmun (after each has said grace separately) Ber 45b(48) Af. 1. to prepare, set aside: n^lO^ rh )'BI81 XJlpB he prepares (the earth) of the entire open area (to cover the blood) Hul 31a(6); pass.part. ITl'lVl n'aiS1? JBTBl (the fish) is prepared for the mouth of the Leviathan BB 74a(41); 2. to designate: 'V'Sfl 13 1X1 ^Sfb ,T38TX1 X1110 'Xn a scarf which he designated for the phylacteries, and he had (actually) tied the phylacteries in it Ber 23b(29) // San 48a(l 1); xV{1} 1'nyi '"73 J'BIX n'JIjn '"?3 X1? ]'8IX (if) he designated (them), he revealed his intention. (If) he did not designate (them), he did not reveal his intention Bes 26b(52); pass.part. nTI'31 XXiann1? XD3 ]'11 1818 this bowl is designated for the sealing of his house Bo 9:1; ib. 3:1; 49:1; 84:1; 72:1; 3. to summon, subpoena: X3'1 '31? '318TX to subpoena to court San 8a(39) [expl. MH JIB'T ib. 37]; ''38IX '11 ''BpV '3'lV he subpoenaed him for judgment before PN Ned 50b(34); RH 31b(13); MQ 16a(7); BQ 15b(26); San 29b(41); 4. to invite (for a meal, etc.): '"?y "38IX 'XT if he invited him for it [i.e. to eat that loaf] Ned 34b(10); ''MIX X1? 'isp 131? he did not invite PN ib. 50b(39); 24a(30); 5. to count for a zimmun: 1'V ]'8TX nV XS'bnn 13 X'W3B 311? he did not count PN for a 417 Krmi zwm/mhh 5er 47b(29); in'ty ]18IX they counted them for a zimmun ib. 50b(2); 50a(38) Itpe. 1. to be designated: XTl'^S n'^> pim let NN be designated for me MQ 18b(33); 1,3'Bltfl "\T\yv may your hour be designated for you (for good luck) AZ 34b(37); 2. to be summoned: ^X"IBT Y~ti& xn1? maiia you are summoned for judgment to Eretz Israel Sab 110a(21) xaai I xaan n. -i»t vb. to sing (4- xiai, xmaia, xnmai; Sy tjw ls 199, Ma nai MD 169) Pe.: ]"3jn '133 ('Xinai miyaa to n3i ]"ijn 'wj ]nai xnisns '»i (if) men sing and women respond it is licentiousness. (If) women sing and men respond it is like fire to tow Sot 48a(48) Pa. id.: xnmx3 "7'ixi naia xp n'a'Vi bpv xrn '3n the one whose cloak the court has taken sings and goes his way [lit. on the road] San 7a(27) tn»I, N"1N»I, Kia'I, abs. 1131 n.m. music, song (^Viai;TTA S6i TJ Ezek 33:32, Sy K/iij9^ LS 200, Ma l#XnX8I MD 169) 1. music: sg.abs. 181 nnV 313X (the sound of) a flute is music for nobles Yom 20b(i7); det. npyri xna'i ya^n xmx may the ear that hears music be torn off Sot 48a(42); ib. 43 [4 X3Tin mng. 2]; 'Jan XTB'T instrumental music Git 7a(24; V18); xaisn XTB'I vocal music ib. 25; 2. song: sg. npsm HJUn X18I the song of the draggers of the boats and the herdsmen Sot 48a(46); X1X8T ib. 47(TGHark 28:1); OHT Git 9:9; xna'H 'piDD the 'verses of song' [i.e. Pss 145-150] Sab 118b(31) While there seem to be two diff. patterns for this n. in JBA, since it is difficult to distinguish between them ace. to the ms. traditions, they have been combined here into one entry; Y: X}ai BAYTN 48. 1!, |?T n.m. zayin, the seventh letter of the alphabet (< *zayn; Sy ^j, ,j LS 186) sg. ]1 TGHark 10:17; ]X1 BMsG 18:20; ]'l ib. 24:5 K3T n.m. sort, species (< OP zana- HAp 157 [cf. MPar zanakWl Nyberg 229]; EA 1#]1 DNWSI 333, TA nil TO Lev 11:14, Sy rd\ LS 200, Ma 1#]XT MD 159) pi. 'EP3 '31 <n)'DT3 x"78 his stomach is full of bad sorts of things Ber 32a(17) [Var: x»'3 X3T Ar (AC 3:303); cf. Sy rdij'\ r-s-z* malicious PSm 1139]; '31 '31 various sorts (of spices) BQ 16b(37) [expl. D'3T 2Ch 16:14; cf. Sy ^ ^\i PSm ib., Ma X'3I X'3T MD ib.] Lit: Geig 173; Tel 69; Y: KJ7 BAYTN 1. 'N3I adj. fornicating (I V'3T; TA rxff pi. TJ Jer 9:l', Sy pcliJj LS 200, Ma 'X3X1 MD 159) sg.m.abs. 'X311 TDJ? n33 a rich and fornicating man Sab 156a(29) [archaic]; det.f. XTT3T xn"78 fornication Anon 104:8 Y: 'K31 Sab ib. HNaat, nNJa'T adj. Negro (lit. one of Senegal; <NP zangi PED 627 [cf. MP zangig CPD 98]; TA 'X33'I TNMarg Gen 10:7, Ma X'3X'J3XT pi. MD 160, > Arab ^j Fl, TMW 1:563) sg. X13J? ,1X331 a Negro slave S$Hai 7a(l; Var); pi. '31 "X33T HP 46:9 // HG2 521:25; ib. 26 Lit: Danzig, IHP 234+, w. prev. lit.; Geig, AAC 173. It is extremely doubtful that this word should be equated w. 'XJ! Qid 70b(35) as was done in OHT Qid 174:20; iVoc: "xSli HGP 36b:39. nV'3313T n.m. ginger (< Sanskrit srhgavera Geig, AAC 173; Sy .V ;-i Vjj, i^\-i^ LS 201) sg. X"?'333T 03 (if) he chewed ginger Ber 36b(44.) // Yom 81b(24); Sab 65a(19); Meg 7b(7); x"?'333I X3't31 moist ginger Pes 42b(3); HP 190:5 Geon. comm.: 'JTSD \7f\ ]'X fWO 0'X3H WOI fXTIl xVaUl I'B'a' jni Tnva xin in loyoi lonas vrm 'd1? 1'wiyw j'loo D'Xy VB TOTtf? nan xV'3J:i TRN 601:6; Lit: Flora 3:501+; Y: XV'SMI Ber ib.(BAYTN 300). Naijanai* n.m. jailer (< MIr *zendanakan [< MP zendan prison CPD 99 + -akan actor suf.]; Sy ■ -■»H« rdLn-ix^* [text: r^.»,n ii »:»] LS 201; I 1#X3"T '3) sg. X3p(3>(1}131 Tan 22a(15; Ar [AC 3:305]),Ed) [M2: X3pi3I] Lit: Geig, AAC 174; Tel 70; Shaked, EIr 259; for add. varr., v. Mai. In light of the Sy form, read perh. X'jMIT [text: 'Xp'lJT] /A.(He); Y: XJi?VUl Tan ib.(BAYTN 308). NJ1UT n.f. fornication (4 V'3I, XT113'T, XAT3T; QA xni3l" ATTM 569, Sy rc^c^' LS 200, Ma xni'3XT MD 160) sg. '3D 733V inxi 1'Vxi xn"?x XJ113T the God of these (people) who came to you hates fornication San 93a(41; SM 21:1); Xri'33 Xn<1>l'}3T fornication in the home Sot 3b(27); XX113T ]ai '83 1X13 D31 his granddaughter who (is the result) of fornication is also (forbidden to him) Anan 100:7; AnanSch 26:12 Y: XJVUI Sot ib.(BAYTN 28).
'3T 418 1PT 'JT vb. to act promiscuously (i XJVIJ'T, 'X3T, XJTUT, XJ1V:T; Sy ,_>i pa. LS 200, Ma Hit MD 169) Pa.: a. single women: '"7TX113TM '3('}n "73 do they continually act so promiscuously? Qid 73a(34); Ket 36b(15); ib. 45b(15); p'yr X^l 'XJH H'UB 'X3T ]XB3 a single woman who acted promiscuously, and we do not know with whom she acted promiscuously TGHark 107:8; HP 44:27; HG2 95:24; b. married women: 'X3T "13T she acted very promiscuously Sot 26a(42); Yev llb(15); Ket 81a(22); JiX'in XW XB^ya 'Win she merely acted very promiscuously (and is not considered married) HP 128:22; ib. 142:4; 9; Xpl 'XD1S '3"?B fl'aa JXJTB they were acting promiscuously in the residence of the Persian kings SOZ 73:6 NJTI'31 n.f. promiscuity (i XTTIJT; Sy rc'&o-i-ri' LS 200, Ma xni'JXT MD 160) sg. XTliaJl pjrt> XJVPJT1 concerning theft and promiscuousness TGHark 207A6; ib. 18; 21 [KTT3I 4- xnilT n.] yiyi 4- Vyu itpai. TJjPT, TT adj. small, young (archaic and dialectal for 'i noil; Viyi; BA T?I HALOT 1866, TA NTS'! TO Gen 1:16, JPA TJ/T DJPA 180, Sy rc'io-M LS 202) 1. small: a. general: sg.m. ^31 XTJ7T1 X3T7 XTJ73 all cattle, large and small Bo 56:7; f. XflTyt XrK'Xlia-U a very small bone //«/ 103b(ll); ■yJXaBH XJlTyi TT1 IJiyaXX your small finger of your left hand HM 44:25; i'& 46:7; 2. young: pl.m. 'Tyt 'an' p3E?l ?r»Ba rU rua^Xl he died and left behind young orphans and a widow S$Hai 17a(17); Dec 10:4; 3. in PN's and GN's: sg.m. XTT, 'Tyt passim; XTJN -|Ty"?X 5g 59a(46); '11131 XVyi X13'y 55 91a(33; P1) [identified w. BH D'liy? fix] Y: KTJt BAYTN 64. NSyi n.m. storm wind, rage (V^yt; cf. Sy k'&o °> ; s \ flaring up of fire LS 202) 1. storm wind: sg. Ber 59a(28; P) [expl. MH Jlinn Mib. 9:2]; 'in xV X'Wa XByt there is no storm wind at night ib.; X'M XDJ?T H'ty D'Xpl XJU'SDa V'TXI ]'J3 if, for instance, he was traveling on a ship and a storm wind came upon him in the water Anan 37:8; XByt '"n a storm wind blew up BM 86a(40); XSyT n3 the storm wind grew calm ib. 43(F>); iSGF 98:17; 2. rage: sg. H'SyTB XB' m the sea grew calm from its rage BM 59b(41) [cf. TtoJH isyjaovi Jon 1:15] Y: XSyi Ber 59a(28; BAYTN 81). j?J?I vb. to shout (Sy .jo-m LS 202) Pe.: 'pyn 5o 33:12; ;& 16 NniSI, abs. 1ST n.f. loan (I V«1T'; JPA 1ST DJPA 181) sg.abs. 'TIT ]31 |3 TCH31 1ST3 such-and-such an amount of zuzim as a loan and debt SSHai 14b(l 1); /& 4a(9; Var); S&W 237:11 NflST n. pitch (TA XSni TO Ex 2:3, Sy rf'&ai LS 203) sg. GC 124:3 [expl. MH AST MMiq 9:5] l#NS'i?I n.m. gallows, cross (< Akk zaqipu stake CAD Z 58, AIOA 112; i V*)pT; Ma 2# XSp'T pillory MD 167) 1. gallows: sg. a. general: Dp '33 Xpl n'S'pI 'Jlin he stood under his gallows and was crying BM 83b(44); XsVm XS'pi the royal gallows OHT Qid 199:10; b. w. V>)pT itpe. [cf. Akk ana zaqipi uzaqqip I impaled on stakes CAD ib.]: IS'piTX XD'pT XTrU Vr>D all of them were hanged on one gallows Meg 16b(35); ib. 34; 2. stake, w. Vp*?0 af. to impale [cf. Akk ana zaqipi sulii CAD E 128, mng. 8f ]: mpOXl ni'JlX XS'pTV they brought him and impaled him on the gallows AZ 18b(6); 3. cross [< Sy <^ ■* • ™\ cross LS 204, mng. 7]: sg. ""X^an 1T/33T Win n'a^31 H'S'pT3 X^'aiyi in the name of PN, who subdues 'the height and depth' by his cross Bo 127:29 Y: KB'j?J Meg 16b(35; BAYTN 55). 2# KB'pT n.m. high position (4- V*]pT) sg., in phrase NB'pn upstream BB 73b(25; Ed) [I xbl] Sj7'pT n.f. sexual intercourse (i VppT itpe., mng. 3) sg. nssa np 'ina p pi xp'piiai p p J1T13T "llinai whether from sexual intercourse or from having [lit. seeing] a nocturnal emission, he wipes off and washes (his) penis (from the semen) Anan 27:2; ib. 29:10; 13 [NTj?T 4 Xlp'0 n.] li?T vb. to be old (< BH ]j?T pe., hif. HAL 266) Af. 1. to make old: Win '1X3 '31 XJlX'VlB '3H pjptX the high places of GN (and) GN2 have made me feel old Er 56a(ll); 2. to become old: xrfrxix xa"p x(nn){nnisi rupta '3 when (a woman) grows old and depreciates she is valued at a third (of her original value) Ara 19a(2); HJpTX ri? has she not grown old? Nid 47a(49); irpTX XH in1? (the sacrificial animals) have, in fact, grown old Zev 59a(34; V") t]j?T vb. to stand erect, set up, hang (denom. < i 1#XD'PT; i XDp'I, l#XB'pT, 2#XS'pT, XJlSpta, Va^S; Sy *£^n\ LS 204, Ma ipt MD 169) Pe. (a/u) 1. to stand upright or erect [MH «lpl J 410, mng. 3]: 'Bpl '71113 '3 when they go down (to the river) they stand upright Sab 41a(17); ib. 16 [* I V#'mpi pe.]; *|'j?i '3 xirns j/13 yi3 rm '3 X'KTins 1'pl he used to bow down only like a thorn. He used to stand up only like a snake Ber 12b(l) [v. CAD Z 54, mng. If]; Sot 40a(25) [* i V]m pe., usage a]; Er 33a(2); pass.part. [Sy rcL*-a\ LS 204, mng. 1]: X3H 1'pt xVl W33 Dm 1'pTl d"?1D in that case there is a ramp and it is not perpendicular. In this case there is a ladder and it is perpendicular Suk 52b(51); 2. to set up, erect: nspil XBT nspTl rX''{(n))ai (if) he threw it [i.e. the bundle of reeds] down and set it up again and again Sab 8b(29); Bek 8b(18); MQ 26b(46) [of a couch; * i V'S3 pe., mng. 2]; If'lpT "?TX nV TAD1 xna'a^ he went, set up a brick, and bowed down to it San 107b(27) // Sot 47a(35); HXW Iptl iTj;a» Dp his servant arose and set up the candelabrum Bes 22a(22); 3. to hang up an object: BM 59b(51) [v. infra, mng. 4]; 4. to hang or impale a person: HlSpn rraVrn 3^ H"W "7333 he saw in his dream that they hanged PN in GN Yom 87b(ll); BM 83b(43); 'IX^'y XHlBptl X"TO they impaled her on the wall San 109b(40; MGG 312:10); Ber 56a(56; MGG 707:4); Hag 5b(18); pass.part. [Sy nf * , n\ LS 204, mng. 6]: lipt n'1? xa'3 x"7 n'npxi>ni3 xs'pt n^ Tpn XJl'3'3 one should not say to someone in whose family there is a hanged person: "Hang up the fish!" BM 59b(51; F'H); 5. to raise upward: in"at5in inV 'Spn (the sheep) raise up their noses Sab 53b(45); n'nyasx1? HSpT he raised up his finger Bek 8b(35); X'ntt/1? IJ'y «lipT raise up your eyes to the sky HM 45:10; 6. to plant a tree [caique < Akk zaqapi (sa gisimmari) planting (of date palms) CAD Z 52]: vft WDpTl '"?pT lmtn you pull down date palms and plant them (anew) San 30b(35); 7. to append another sum to a monetary obligation [MH IpT J 409, mng. 2]: xnocn rb 'ami xaipx xmn n'b 'spn they append the (assumed) profit to the principal and write it in the (promissory) note BM 68a(13) [expl. MH 'XJJina '1DW the promissory notes of the people of GN ib.] Itpe. (e) to be hanged: ID'plTX XS'pt Xina 1.tVd all of them were hanged on one gallows Meg 16b (3 5) The exact mng. of this rt. in the fol. passage is unclear: n'BJJI 1'pn dtob xjii^j v-\ '31 'wjyo nil "xm xnx'i wm^ (...) X3in I'M 1311K he 'set up' the coffin and came. The reason the members of the exilarch's household are not punished is because he 'set up' PN's coffin MQ 25a(48) [v. ISGF 85; ib. App. XXI]. KB|?T I XBp'I n. ppT vb. to obligate, be obliged to deal with, take care of, have sexual intercourse (i Xp'pl; JPA ppT DJPA 181, MH ppt pe., nif. LNVTH 155) Pe.: p'pT 'B3 ppt'B (a bastard brother of the deceased) also indeed obligates (the widow for yibbum and halisa) Yev 22b(l) Itpe. 1. to be obliged to deal w. s.t./s.o. [w. ~b]: nb mm ]'3x na 'am an ma1? ]m rrV lp'pirx '''Til the scholars were obliged to deal with PN's son, and they annulled his vow Ned 77b(10) // Sab 157a(55); ib. 46b(16); Ned 20a(22); ib. 22b (21); XJ'T Tl'a TCb 'ppiT'BT n»" 'a who may say that (three men) will be obliged to deal with him [i.e. the convert] as a court? Qid 62b(2); Ket 28a(15); ]1'3 rfr ]3'ppita X1? 'M 'pipiTX »3H 'X lioa1? n^ 'piT'a xnp'ya rb irp^^nirxn if so, we should not also actually be obliged to deal with her at all. Since we dealt with her initially, we shall deal with her at the end (as well) Ara 22a(33); ib. 22b(31); Dec 9:18; m?l X1? WHO 'am 'DaaV XJp'p-ira formerly I did not constrain [lit. deal with] the property of the orphans (to collect a debt) Ara 22a(50); 'V xmi 'arr '3tnai '03: j'V'x ]a I'aatai ]m b iippir'?i ]'"7'X I want the Rabbis to deal with me and to sell part of this property so that these orphans will be supported Dec 10:5; 2. to attend to s.o.
T?t 420 sns'nt [w. -by. ^x ... nn ppirx xb xbb am .Tap1? xnx man nn 'ppira x"? 'a: 'jnnx nn p'pTra ^ nD (the poor man) came before PN. He did not attend to him. If you do not attend to him, others also will not attend to him. Should he die? BB 9a(39); 3. to have sexual intercourse [w. 'b s.o.J: rf? Ip'pTTXl O'XTIB n'DW Dm licentious people are common there, and they had sexual intercourse with her Ket 36b(19); p'pTTXi 'X pnp mpaV byab nn tox irwxb if he had sexual intercourse with his wife, he is forbidden to enter a holy place Anan 29:21; ib. 9; 30:6; 60:23; l£/l"llK?nxV n,!7 np'plTXI (Esther) had sexual intercourse with Ahasuerus Seel 44:93; XJUVXl rvaib 'pipiix1? n1? tox noi nV xynp x"n a woman whose menstrual cycle is irregular is forbidden to have sexual intercourse with her husband HP 138:20; OHT Ber 46:4; ib. 1 "lj?T vb. to rejoice, stand up straight (4- V# "ipOl; Ma tpi itpe. to rejoice ib. 170; 4- VipD; cf. Akk zaqaru to build high CAD Z 55, MH ipt LNVTH 156) Itpe. 1. to rejoice: 1JW1 "713X1 TIplT'X 'A-Rtf IpniXI they rejoiced, ate, drank, and lit lamps Git 57a(22); 2. to stand up straight: XnplPX she stood up straight Nid 17b(17); ib. 57b(47) Lit: AAC 175; Low, OLZ 15 [1912] 557. WIT n.m. (uncertain) pi. pip lypix Er 53b(23) [quoted as TKQU \wb] '3"IT vb. to be shaken (Ma X3B1T, X331T quadref. MD 171) QuadRef.: "13TTI'X^ T1X Vr lest (the cup of water) be shaken Yom 78a(25; LAr [AC 1:51])- Expl. Ar: D'»,l ]0 D'TTU O'tan 0'yjy:nOT3 '3TTTOT 01BB ''B jna pexan oix °?w rwn ty psm piraw AC ib. NJIJIT n.m. yellow, gold colored object (< MP zargon CPD 98; 4- ]tni 'a s.v. "a; Sy rdioj^j)'* ls 206) sg. 'rfrx1? sunt prfrxV xjui xaoaa XJWID'X^ XJIJnil handing over a zargona to the gods and a zargona to the goddesses 5o 78:15 Lit: Fl, TMW 1:564; AMB 212. TIT vb. to trim, nip (of shoots) (MH TIT pe., pa. LNVTH 156; cf. Sy *-\\ to constrict, suffocate LS 206) Pa.: XT3 ]SSpa ]T1P& Vil ''33? grapes are also trimmed : cut off by hand Ned 61b(27; V2V21) [double rdg.; but I Vm pa.] NT1T n.m. armor (< Mir *zrah [< Avest zraha- Al'i703; cf. MP zreh#2 CPD 99]; Sy re'nij LS 206, > Arab jjj coat of mail PLAr 142) sg. Sab 62a(ll) [expl. MH ]Vja Mib. 6:2] Lit: Geig, AAC 176; Tel 72; Shaked, EIr 261; Y: Kill Sab ib.(BAYTN 81). NJ1VII n.f. a hard reed (< xmity*; 4- X1TT, m XJ1T1I; Sy «.i.«ill ojj pc'^'Hi'vA: BBah 1425:20, MH TIT Low infra) sg. nXTrr XJlTin X'jp a single z.-reed flM 43:19; ib. 4; gW 73b(6); pi. XJ1TIT X3X a thicket (of) z.-reeds Ket 79a(36); 'JTX XD(i)nni '(2>(3) 'M'X he went and defecated among the z.-reeds Pes lllb(21); ib. 8; 19; imp xnnr HI z.-reeds sprouted on it BM 109a(31) Geon. expl.: jto^i xrmn '3p wk peto wits i3i piny nawnV o'trai D'sin o':pn C^-jii m-^] 'chxb axp 'Vxynw Q'Bpm l'3TOn fl jri'JI J'TITIK ]J'&(» Jill [.jV^] 'CO^X ]'X-|J>J f» w '3 yn pwn p rysi pitx ]'xnp>:i xrrni j'xipi ins jnpnun pt^n xin nn pii pi»» wi p-iix TGHark 10:20, i.e. Persian/Nabatean reed Lane 7:2529; Siggel 59; Lit: Flora 1:669; 3:253+; Y: XriTIT Ket ib.(BAYTN 169). Ill vb. to arouse, strengthen (4- XTTT, PIT, Xflltni; Sy \-\\ pa. to arm LS 206, Ma nt MD 170) Pa. 1. to arouse, encourage: X'JIXp .TTTIT1? she comes to encourage him (to marry her) Qid 60b(39); l,TWM 'tTIT1? lrf? 'WX they should have aroused themselves Pes 65a(5); Ket 70a(7); Ned 8a(4); 2. to arm: Xin 'tilt (strapping on the sandal) is (a term of) 'arming' Yev 102b(25) [expl. BH ns^n Dt 25:9, w. ref. to corixa isVnn Num 31:3; cf. TO ib.: folh lint]; ib. 32; pass.part. nia 'HIT it is securely armed Bo 4:6 [of a house in a magical sense]; 3. to strengthen: .Tail TnT1? to strengthen his bones Yev 102b(31) [expl. BH ns1?!! Dt ib., w. ref. to ybw f^PW. Is 58:11] Itpa. to be diligent: 'SB niT'a (the high priest) is more diligent Yom 13a(15) KnS'flT, KB'TIT n.m. flow of water (cf. MH2 «|m to flow J 412, Sy K'ila-jii' violent flow of water LS 207) sg. .T^j; X'BT xns'm xnx a flow of water struck him Yom 87a(45; O) [Var: 'S'nt X'ai M] Y: 'B'nt Yom ib. P'-IT 421 1#K?1! •jmi 4- imt 'a n., s.v. "a T'nt adj. swift, diligent, valiant (4- Vl"IT, Xflini; Sy rfij-is LS 206, Ma tnt MD 170) 1. swift: sg.m. Xlp'ya '»ai nn '1©a because he swiftly washes his hands from the beginning Hul 107b(14); XP"IT 7W1B the swift horseman Yev 121b(41); pl.m. X'<')(1}n pay rmn IXX because (the priests) are swift (and) they work quickly Zev 35a(3); 2. diligent: sg.m. XJanai XTnT X13A a diligent and trustworthy man SSSad 268:12; pl.m. W3 'inn yyn 'BDn n'B^n scholars who are knowledgeable and diligent TGAs42 5:33; 3. valiant: sg.m. nt yTWa in one more valiant than sixty BB 91a(25); pl.m. Tin 'rVn strong and valiant Bo 21:13 [of demons; cf. Ma f^n nt MD ib.] KrnT'"!T n.f. swiftness, diligence (4 mi; Sy k'&oU-^ LS 206) 1. swiftness: sg. vi'mmi 31X TBniya Xin nayT in wake of their [i.e. the priests'] swiftness when they work (the blood) is spilt Pes 65a(30); 2. diligence: sg. nwnT Xin nmSXT it is Abraham's diligence Hul 16a(16); SSHai 17b (2) [quality of a guardian] Y: irrm'-IT W ib.(BAYTN 175). Nj?13nt n.m. water bucket, irrigation device (< Akk zuruqqu primitive apparatus for drawing water for irrigation CAD Z 167, AIOA 114; Sy ^cloc^J^^ water bucket OLP 9 [1978] 99, Ma XpUIXT MD 161, > Arab jjijj water-drawing apparatus Fr, AF 134+) 1. water bucket: sg. XpiriP, X"?m c?.-bucket and z.-bucket BM 103b(37) [cf. Ma X"?1X11 XpunXT MD ib.]; xpUIT maxp she said: "A water bucket (made from the animal's hide)" BB 58a(34); 2. irrigation device: sg. Dnm XplJITX Dp he stood on the irrigation device (to imitate trembling) and signed ib. 167a(31) [Var: T131 VSp XpinTX I stood on the irrigation device and imitated (it) HP 68:6] Lit: S. Brock, OLP, op.cit. [The deriv. of Ros, Yalon Vol 30453, should be rejected]; Y: Nj?i:ni BB 58a(34; BAYTN 243). 5HT vb. to sow, contain semen (4- l#Xjni, 2#Xjni, Xri'jni; Sy ^» LS 207, Ma 1#X1T MD 170) Pe. (a/a) 1. to sow: 'JDa Xn'JT'SWS IjnT IpIS XJinX go out (and) sow in the Sabbatical year because of the annona-tax San 26a(14); Meg 26b(3); Ket 103b(42); Qid 39a(43); BM 106b(9); jnn XS'XI -I31B1 XD'Xl some leave the field fallow, and some sow (it) BB 29a(26); TO8 lixn 'yiTI 'SID XpT they saw people who were plowing and sowing Sab 33b(36); BQ 96b(22); BM I06b(3i) [4- Vi#izhn pe.]; mip inrjnn inmsm "iaiy^ he reaped them and sowed them before the (bringing of) the 'omer ib. 56b(52) // Men 69a(13); inWIO'Xa X1TX inryiTT ]V3 when he sowed them, their repulsiveness (because of the cow dung) disappeared ib. 39; X*71 jntn X1JH Tl' "Iixnn may it be (His) will (that) you should sow and not reap MQ 9b(10); XSin Wl Dnp'3 he should sow the early blooming crop early RH 16a(14); SSHai 6b(16); pass.part. xn 5?nn Xn yni abl this refers to where it is sown (and) that to where it is not sown Sab 79a(27); 2. to contain semen: ]""W l$ni X^ 'XI p'OX ]y\1 'X if (the testicles of the kid) contain semen they are forbidden. If they do not contain semen they are permitted Hul 93b(9) Af. to inseminate: Xjnta X1?! Xin 'jmtX (the semen) does not actually impregnate Nid 43a(38) Itpe. 1. to be sown: Hbt XXlWl OIXJJH I\bn liTJ'S y~fTm three Palestinian carob trees between which nothing is sown BB 83b(12); Er 93a(23); fSmra Xbl mis fruits which are not sown Anan 50:3; AnanSch 3:13; ib. 8:11; 2. to be impregnated, conceived: xtox mb^i nj/i xyma m \a nby±i 'plpnJXV from the time that she is impregnated until she gives birth she is forbidden to have sexual intercourse with her husband Anan 60:22; 'yiTTTX jmtaT IXs?! this does not refer to when (the firstborn) was actually conceived AnanSch 6:9 l#Ky*)T n.m. seed, semen, offspring, arable land (i VyiT, 1# XJHT 13, X1T3; TA X5nf TO Dt 22:9, Sy i<jUj LS 207, Ma XTt MD 167) 1. seed: sg. rrty xyit yniia xbi p'n '3 so that no seed is sown upon it AnanSch 8:11; 2. semen: sg. XyiT n3 p'SlT X3'D1» -|~n by means of cohabitation in which semen goes out into her AnanSch 31:12; 3. offspring, descendants: sg. y^in'1? XyiT rvb mn 'Bl did Joshua have descendants? Meg 14b(50); San 95b(16); XTO X1? 'ma xinn n'1? 'in:i n'yits p'3Txi linx1? nn
2# Njnt t t; 422 Kfl-IT Aaron does not want me to be connected with his offspring, that he should have a son-in-law like me Pes 49a(39); m"3'a nbwn NjriT 'Xa TiyT X71 you do not know which of their offspring will be successful Ket 53a(5); BB 133b(31); TSEH XJHT 'JVD offspring that are beautiful like me Ber 20a(29; F); nmn» X31H 317 xyiT n'7 D"p'X X1? no offspring of PN from PN2 survived BQ 80a(41); BM 108a(8); Xjni p'3W K"?1 (he will die) and not leave offspring HP 147:15; /A. 45:3; SSHai I4b(i); X7 njnt1? pan nioap xnicx xtijh tpx ]331 ni03p the scholars penalized (the woman) who performed a forbidden act. The scholars did not penalize her offspring Yev 91a(10); MQ 13a(12); X3'J1X Xp *)01H Xjnta X3X I am from the descendants of Joseph Ber 20a(31) [I VtJ7ttf pe., mng. 1]; iSGF 60:15; &A 67a(27); Yev 94a(23); gW 44b(32); G/? 59b(42); Mak 2a(22); 5e£ 56b(12); Am 16b(30); #k/ 69a(26) [I V?373 pal., mng. 1]; H113 X5TIT n'X X71 JH'l 1J? until he knows that (he has) no offspring in her [i.e. she is not pregnant] Anan 119:7; pi. pi JVTTrP "73 ]» prpyiT from all their heirs and descendants 5o 112:9; ib. 48:3; 4. arable land (caique < Akk zeru CAD Z 93, mng. 2b): sg. 131 XJHTl 'ana 731 n'3 Jl'XI xyiT all vineyards, and various arable fields that are in it SSHai 6b (9) Voc: XjHt HGP 19a:18; Y: XyiT BB 118b(l; BAYTN 81). 2#Kjni n.m. sowing (I VjHT, 2#XJTIT 13; Sy rdi^ LS 207) sg. XB-in Xjni ... X7SX XJHT late sowing ... early sowing RH 16a(14; E2); "IH3 JHT XJHT he carried out the sowing with them BQ 96b(23); X3T1T7 Xjnx a field for sowing BM 108b(34); BB 12a(25) NJT3HT n.f. family (i Vjnt; TA n'ii'jhf TO Num 27:4, Sy nr'ALL^) pi. LS 207) sg. pjVjTIT Bo 1:8; pi. Xn"j?m 'ji-Bl two families Qid 70b(31) Y: XJV'SP! Qid ib.(BAYTN 188). l#r\1f vb. (uncertain; poss. to inflame; 4- XDTT; cf. Ma XTIXWJ? riSTT the fire became fierce MD 171, Sy <<Ak\ skin disease LS 207) Pe. ( /u): I'll «pra X7T19 (when making a cut) an iron instrument ... Yev 76a(25) // //«/ 77a(25); AZ 28b(28); Sab 134a(25); *\rvn X71 xnna VaVl for any wound that it should not become ... HM 39:12 Geon. expl.: HWpl n»p> »na >pKT "p™ TGHark 23:6 [unclear]. 2# *]"IT vb. to grab (cf. Sy ^d-\\ to press LS 205) Pe.: n'SIW n'7 'Tm 73 let everyone who sees it [i.e. the image] grab it AZ 18b(10; Ar [AC 3:325],SM 190:7!) Expl. Ar: .TBTBJ K"0 1KWJT ''B AC ib. j?"IT vb. to throw, sprinkle (Sy ^>i\ LS 207) Pe. (a/u) 1. to throw: piT'» vf? pnn 'a7'11 perhaps he may indeed throw them [i.e. the books of Scripture from one domain to another] Er 98a(30); '31 '3'3 inn'317 XB'l pin X131 XU1 a certain husband who threw a get to his wife among the vats (of wine) Git 19b(55); ib. 26b (11); ,Ta'7J7 ,T7 p'1T (if) he throws away his garment Sab 124b(45); ib. 97b(46); 100b(24); Pes 83b(18) [V14: n"1B/3]; 'niSX7 pill throw in front of him HM 40:5; 2. to spit out s.t: TlW'ltf 31 n'3©'73 in1? pm xss 3i noa mnx in1? p'Tt PN used to spit them out [i.e. the date stones] behind the couch. PN2 used to spit them out with his tongue Sab 143a(35); X3'P3 ,T1S1»7 l,13'7pW TOplTl he cut his fingernails with his teeth and spit them out MQ 18a(22); Ber 36a(51); 3. to sprinkle (of blood): pl']ai p'ltl pa a priest who sprinkles its blood AnanSch 9:17; p'pltl p'WW n'17'J? we slaughter (the sacrifice) and sprinkle (the blood) on his account Pes 90b(38); ms» pIT '3?3 +'X1 n'pira7 it is a commandment to sprinkle it [i.e. the blood], and if he desires he may sprinkle (it) Men 101b(46); BQ 76b(17); Mei 4a(7); pass.part. nmi X7 01 p'1T X71 n»3 1B?3 as long as the blood has not been sprinkled the meat is not permitted Hul 81a(35) Itpe. 1. to be thrown: XV 'Jim X73 'jniXI 1'7 'p*nia he cannot throw it four cubits without (it going at least) two (cubits) Sab 73a(21); ib. 97b(46); 2. to be sprinkled: '3 ipjWXI 'JH' X71 P'TTTX Q'7j;3 nxaiB3 01 p'llTX they did not know that the blood was only sprinkled last year when the owners (of the Passover sacrifice) were unclean Pes 78b(57); ib. 88b(36); Naz 28b(l); Tern 22b (23) NrHT n.f. span (TA xfrlf TJ Is 40:12, Sy rc'&ij KDT T T —--— LS 208, Ma XJ1TT MD 168) sg. p»X X7 'H3 ]'7$?31 H3 p Ji'7 (xrni) xjiit 71X3X bax xmi bissx xVt we did not say regarding the leaves (of the onion, that they are poisonous) except when they have not branched apart a span. But if they have branched apart a span there is no objection to it Er 29b(l; O); XJT1T XJT1T '33 mwj7 TTWy ten (gourds) each a span in length BM 64a(14) Y: X1T1T BM ib.(BAYTN 81). NDT TT NDT, NH'T n.m. a saponid plant (Limoniastrum; SyV&i' LS 194, Arab islj BBah 104:24, zeto ZDMG 65 [1911] 342) sg. XDX(!)(1) Nid 62a(18; GC 114:8) [expl. MH n'")13 Mib. 9:6; Var: XnX(;)ni M; xn'I Ar (AC 3:326)] Sy expl.: en Vl s \ «u « \ ^ac* c\m pcLoiftj ... rdju«A->3 rc'Aio^ rt'T-oiorao rt* \ nrc^^ pdlAjKlA en -t in *ao ri'W iu«L»j-iK'o BBah 1088:19; Lit: Low, Flora 3:69; Eps, GC 11425; AAC 177. 423
n'Nn 424 oan n '1'Nn n.m.pl. reeds (4- 2# XJlVn; Sy K'Hndjj LS 208) p3'X ypip 'VlTI Cll'TXn reeds are products of the ground TGAs28 164:9; !'VX"l tf>. 7 [Var: "in Ar [AC 3:4204] Lit: Low, AAC 186, s.v. xrfrn. a3n vb. to prefer something, love (4- 3'3n, xrra'sn, xitotj; Sy i# .-■ 6 LS 208, Ma nan MD 129) Pe., pass.part. 1. w. -by/'b to prefer: par x/is'ix wnpa xns-i m1? X3'3n mm par xnanx impa xnan mV 3'3n mm sometimes when he preferred bread, he would sanctify over bread. Sometimes when he preferred wine, he would sanctify over wine Pes 106b(4); 'TX naipX m"7 X3'3m since (the Tanna) preferred it, he placed it first (in the Mishna) RH 12a(17); Yev 30a(21); .T1? X3'3ri XltfTia X'TIXI Xjft'B bj (the Tanna) prefers any matter which is derived from an exegetical interpretation Yev 3a(6); Naz 2b(3); BQ 17b(14); BB 108b(2); Zev 48a(3); 2. to like: H1? p'"© 'St? mty X3'3m 'T'Xl since he likes it [i.e. the field], he redeems it for more Ara 27a(34); BM 101a(35); '3m im> ]3'3rn p'3 'yawl imnjn since they like them [i.e. Hallel and the Megilla] very much, they pay attention and hear Meg 21b(7); fl// 27a(23); &A 10b(33) Pa. to love, cherish: ]133mi pam' p3xVa p3'X xaD ra "pi3»rn n> ppanTl] may these angels have compassion for, love, and embrace PN Bo 15:4; msa '313f1 cherishing a commandment Sab I30a(i8); 33nap '3ian xruna mom xarra 'xn msa does a priest who grabs the priestly gifts really cherish the commandment? Hul 133a(13); m1? p'33na xaT ">Wy we cherish the advancing the start of the day (of the Sabbath) Pes 105b(14) Itpa. to be cherished: X1D33 "|p0'5/ 33n'B your business will be cherished like meat Ber 56a(36; MGG 704:11) Y: M'ln BM 101a(35; StG 157). N^'3n n.m. interest (< Akk hubullu CAD H 216, mng. 2, AIOA 56; I V3# "?3n; TA X^713'ri TO Ex 22:24, Ma X'VUT MD 129, Sy 4# kLL^o-u ls 211) sg. x'Vun xy(-i)niai xma '3 xma death is the same for all, but illness is an addition MQ 28b(16) [lit. death is like death but illness is interest] Geon. expl.: nVnw '^toi 'ton xVa dob i»3 -pix '^lm na» 'a VOVO Vy fl'SIl -[Wll OHP ib. 73:21. As pointed out by S.A. Kaufman, LeSonenu 36 [1072] 3234, the ending X'' here is unusual since the Akk word does not end in -it [v. also 4- 2# X'llX]; Y: (rtn'n MQ ib.(BAYTN 262). NJTVOn, pi. NJINIian n.f. society, collegium of scholars (4- V"l3n; JPA mian DJPA 184) 1. society: pi. X3'X xnX"l13n there are societies (for burial) MQ 27b(29); Xnxa XlVsa X*n ^>'» '3H xnxmanai m3'X3 this refers to where the town is not divided into groups of people and societies (who deal with burial) HP 165:2; 2. collegium of scholars: coll. XTTTnn V31 x'TX '11 pX '"\ PN and PN2 and the entire collegium Ket 33b(38); BQ 71a(14); pnv '13 n"?13 XTVTnn m(3)(3|n the entire collegium united according to PN's opinion Qid 44a(42); '33 Xn(m)(Tl}3n does the collegium also (oppose me)? Yev 96b(36) Lit: M. Beer, Zion 47 [1982] 178+; Y: SUVVnn Ket ib.(BAYTN 67). NBhan n.m. apple (Sy r<Jt-c>±-u LS 213) sg. Ket 60b(5i); x»<i)c)3n ix xan/ix miai ixa 'xn one who smells an etrog or an apple Ber 43b(9); pi. 'Itf13n iT'^ai xVX31X VTX he brought a sieve and filled it with apples San 39a(21) Lit: Flora 3:240+; Y: KtiUn Ber ib. Ban vb. to strike, throw down (4- XD3n, XO'3n, XD3na; Sy ,\-fr u pe., pa. LS 209, Ma D3H MD 129) Pe. ( /a) 1. to strike: nnspV 1»3ri l"?'T Kt»n t t -: 425 l#NI?'3n ]1313XT go (and) strike your father's grave BB 58a(27) [but v. Pa., mng. 1]; rrb XD'3n XT1313a he has struck the 'ditch' [i.e. he has previously had sexual relations; v. OHP ib. 9:25] Ket 10a(32); 2. perh. to mash: TODan he mashed it [i.e. the barley] Hul 7b(l); 3. to dismantle: pass.part. TO'Sri X1SX31 Xa"pi XTJ3 XmiXtt X"a"fl at night (the canopy) remains stretched out, and in the morning it is dismantled and laid down Sab 138a(40); 'aO>f!) D'3ri Suk 22a(29) [w. ref. to crisscrossed sticks of "|30 assumed to be at the same height; cf. 'ai 'X^Bfla B('){1)3n 'XrtflX OHT Suk 29:20] Pa. 1. to strike : TT3 x"71 t?'3ri B'3ri he struck (the willow) repeatedly (against the ground) and did not recite a blessing Suk 44b (18) [v. OHT ib. 65:24: J?pip3 nitiX psirw miy ]"iyb; but Rashi: yi35?'3 yttf?]; 1D'3n BB 58a(27; EsP1) [v. Pe., mng. 1]; 2. to throw down: XTlJa pm 1B'3n XJ?1X"7 throw PN down from the wall to the ground Tan 24a(51) [glossed: rTHtn]; Xliy'a '3 rrnosn 'J1X13T I threw him down in a garden bed of leeks Sab 67a(32); ,TBX3 inrt53n he threw them [i.e. his cut nails] before him MQ 18a(10); "im'IW D3I1 he threw (the nuts and) flung them down (on his bald head) Ber 10b(10; MGL 588:23); pass.part. ]B3na '01311 '83 'mi3 all of them [i.e. the virgins who are not blind] may also actually have been thrown down (and lost their virginity) Ket 36b(5) Itpe. to be struck: HD3n'a 13 XJHX1 XT31 'shaking' of the ground when it is struck TGAs28 203:17 NMn, KttNnn n.m. blow (i VB3n; Sy ^ \ -7 ... LS 209) sg. m^ "j'osai m>an 'nxi arip x»3n n{n)D3n"7 the blow (of the heated spit) precedes, and the heat comes and nullifies the blow Hul 8a(20); "?'D3a XBX3n '71X1 Wip X"?X3n xab'T x"?X3n perhaps the heat precedes, and the blow comes (and) nullifies the heat ib.(22; GTB2 248:2); BQ 50b(49); ib. 54; 53a(ll); Xt53n3 'X "?S3 if (the lower floor) fell because of the blow BM 116b (6) [* iXD3n] Y: NB3n Hul ib.(BAYTN 81). 1#'3H vb. to hide (Ma X3n MD 128) Itpa. to hide oneself: X1H 331 'EU'Xa '3n'BT ]V0 since (the armed highwayman) hides himself from people, he is a thief BQ 57a(36); m1? irin ]T3T 'loai "13n '3na 'rrren since (the Angel of Death) does not have permission, he proceeds furtively [lit. he hides himself well and walks] BQ 60b(26) 2# '3n vb. to lower one's voice (cf. ,\n rst^auo Audo 1:300) Pe.: '3n3 (3ri3) 'On be silent! Let him lower his voice Bo 15:10 Lit: Eps, Stl 344. 3'an adj., n. beloved (4- V33I1 qattll-form, Xni3'3n; TA 3'3fi TO Dt 7:6, Sy • -7 : ^ ;'. LS 209, Ma 3'3Xn MD 115) n.pl.m. "Tp'1 "3'3n my beloved and dear ones Dec 1:1 [in a salutation]; ib. 3:3; 4:2 N3'3n n.m. paternal uncle (perh. < X3X nX; JPA 2#3'3n djpa 184; i xsxt xnx) sg. 'Jan nax 'an my uncle said thus Mak 3b(36; HPP 201:20); Er 12b(44); Ket 52a(46); Ned 76b(21); 5M76b(29); az 74b(20); x"7i303 ^m 's'snb mmam ix1? 'x 'SX3W mb ri'XT had I not seen my uncle who arranged a halisa ceremony with a sandal which had laces Yev 102a(35); '3'3m map X3a'Xp .TH I was attending my uncle BB 41b(20) Geon. expl.: '3'3n V3X 'nX1? mx naiX TGCas 18b(39). Since this term is only used by Rab w. ref. to R. Hiyya, his father's brother [v. Ros, Yalon Vol 292+; A. Schremer, Zion 60(1995) 5+; 81'] it may poss. be a lw. from JPA; Y: '3'3IJ AZ ib.(BAYTN 236). Nni3'3l1 n.f. love, fondness (4- 3'3n; Sy k'&o -i ; -h ;j LS 209) 1. love: sg. Xri13'3n DHT3X1 the love of Abraham 55 100a(18); Git 36b(40) // Sab 88b(10; M) [of God]; Ara 16b(37); 2. fondness: sg. mni3'3n 33X xai' 'Vl'J? H'1? ]3'Dlpa because of (our) fondness for it [i.e. the holy day], we usher it in early Ber 52a(24); Yom 24b(43); ib. 25b(13) Y: KrlH'jn Sab ib.(BAYTN 287). NB'an n.m. club (4- ^D3n) sg. l"?(l)(')ptt> l"?'I p313X(1) 'n3'p"7 niB3n 'D'3n go, take clubs, (and) strike your father's grave BB 58a(27; M) l#N^'an n.m. damage, loss (4- Vl#"?3n; Sy 3# rdlAju LS 210, Ma xVX3H MD 128) sg. 'inx (n)',7'3n 'IB; x"n X3» f? show us a utensil that is not worth the damage it causes [lit. its damage]
2# Kb'3rl t • -; 426 i#ban Bek 8b(42); ib. 43; pl.cs. XTl'l 'b'3n the damages of a vow-demon Bo 68:2 Lit: AMB 150. 2#N7'3n n.m. one who is injured (4- Vl#ban pe., pass.part.) pi. nb'3nb "1 A/g 28b(12; OHT ib. 55:11) Geon. expl.: -pm imiV HI1? IK OHT ib. 12; but RaH: 'a1? 'IX V?xx jnpsn oto?^ jdjui p»i»» xiro [4- V3#Van]. NS'3n, cs. J"3n, n.m. dish of flour, honey, and oil (Vpn; 4- xxu'n, Voan; Ma xrsn kind of porridge MD 129, Sy rc^.; -i », pi. ^ ^ ? — ..T cake LS 212, mng. 3 [H Jl'll'SX Ex 16:31], > Arab o**£ a sweet dish Fr, AF 36) sg.cs. fan NTI'P a cooked A.-dish [lit. of a pot] Ber 36b(52); ib. 54; det. ;i'T3 plTB ,T3 H'Xl XX'3n 'XH a A.-dish which has olive-sized pieces Ber 37b(20; F) // Men 75b(20; V10) The definition given here is based on the equation of this word w. i "|Wrox, the recipe for which is given in a Geon. comm., s.v. The Sy term is defined similarly; cf. Audo 1:304: bImj. i^iaiiv In Ket 80a(2) and BM 99b(5), read I NX13'n [contra Flora 2:347]; Y: Xrail BAYTN 55. KJT3n, pi. NJW3I1 n.f. jug (< Akk ASM [SB, NB] small earthen jug for storage CAD H 20 [cf. Akk habu A to draw water or wine ib. 19]; Sy rfft . -p o LS 209, Nisa XXVM Gignoux 53, MH n'afi Yeivin, BV 1053, J 419, > Arab i^\L Fr, AF 168) a. general: sg. XT3 X13b nb Tip nam xiabi xia xivanb nb np xoiyai xrran xmnbi XJTan a majority call a k. -vessel kadda and a A-vessel havita. A minority call a #.-vessel tefcfa and a fc.-vessel /icrvi'to Sg 27a(42) [v. Mib. 3:1]; xri'an T3jn ]X» 'XH one who makes a jug (on the Sabbath) Sab 74b (17); 'X13 Iff? XnBJH XIl'3n C)xia iri? vraci) xrram 'xna inb 'itixt xrran a jug of earth for one son of mine; a jug of flocks of wool for one son of mine; a jug of bones for one son of mine BB 58a(21; P2) [a riddle]; xrran Xria'lS a broken jug Pes 106a(8); XJT3n XTin n3"nxb HJ/pDT a certain jug which split along its length ^Z60a(22); Pes 110b(6); pi. xriX"an 'mn two jugs Sab 110a(30); XaiB XXT'an many (wine) jugs AZ 70b(l 1); b. parts: sg. XTOm xna the bung-hole of the jug Yev 75b(41); AZ 59b(17); Sab 146a(36); XD'am XaiB the mouth of the jug BQ 115b(39); AZ 31a(32); xri'am .ITU the inside of the jug ib. 72b(16); c. for var. liquids: sg. 1) wine: sg. BQ 65a(20); BM 43a(33); ib. 64a(33); 83a(27); Ber 56a(36; MGG 704:15); Pes 110b(5); Git 69b(44); San 31a(16); ^Z49b(23); ib. 60a(10); Hul 105b(44); 2) i.-beverage [I X13'tf]: sg. AZ 31b(12); ib. 68b(23); pi. xflX'3f1 MQ 12a(46; HPP 278:18); 3) oil: sg. San 31a(16); 4) vinegar: Er 68a(14); d. for solids [rare]: sg. IX'an xn'arUl ]"in ]31 p xm was there not, in fact, such-and-such (an amount of sesame), and was it not placed in a jug? Yev 115b(5) Lit: AIOA 53 [relation w. Akk unclear]; Brand 111+. In spite of the fact that the BQ passage would seem to indicate that this word is identical w. N13, from the textual refs. it is clear that the X/l'an was nearly always used for liquids and the (OS always for solids; Voc: xfrifi HGP 29b:15; xn'in VTM 92; Y: Xivan BM 99b(30; BAYTN 30). l#73n vb. to become sick, injure (4- l#xb'3n, 2#xb'3n, ^an interj., i#xb3n, xiVan, xrfran, xVana, x:b3na, unburn-, Sy 3# .v-a.. ls 210, Ma ?an MD 129) Pe. (e/u) 1. to become sick: a. alone: ITCH b'3n X2/'bb nb3X (the animal) ate the dough, became sick, and died BQ 48a(16); BM 97a(12; Es) [i Itpe.]; b. w. XBTi: ''1"TT biCW b'3n xb nana 'I'h xbn d'u vr'su b'an msaa in'Bll the body of Jews who are concerned about (fulfilling) commandments becomes sick (and their semen loses its potency). The body of pagans who are not concerned about (fulfilling) commandments does not become sick Sab 86b(21) // Nid 34b(ll); Sab 86b(23) // AZ 31b(36); 2. to injure [MH Van pe. J 420]: 'XT na Van 'xa xb na ban'a 'in if (the father) wants to injure her, he may not injure her BQ 87a(34); a'rr "su "3T b'an "a-ib rrb '3,t T-inx n'3 'ban ''Tib n'b (if) others injure him [i.e. the slave], they pay his master. If his master himself injures him, does he pay him [i.e. the slave]? Git 42b(20; As); BQ 89a(37); TGAs28 102b:9; Geon 103:1; 7ian'X xb I shall not injure Bo 76:8 Pa. to injure: X?3n»T XTl'n ?3 any animal which injures HM 43:2; '33 Tt> xVana'T XJW'a Xnn niPU'K an evil spirit which harms people Bo 59:9; ib. 1:10; 64:3; 7:16; pass.part. Nron ]1H3 Jl'X 2#7an 427 xo?n plWl (the animals) have a place where they are injured HP 203:12 Itpe. to become sick: n'ai ^n'XI '133J7 "73X (the cat) ate mice, became sick, and died 5M97a(12) 2#?3I1 vb. to be in travail (Sy 1# A 71 o LS 210, mng. 2, Ma x"?3axna Xri'Xn convulsed laboring woman MD 129, s.v. bsn) Pa.: x"?p XT1?' xVl KbanB'T xnbina xnri'XT the voice of a virgin woman who is in travail and does not give birth Bo 15:9; ib. 11 3# 7311 vb. to take a surety (denom. < I X'bian; BH 2#"?3n HAL 274, MH ban J 419) Pe.: XVIH mana XXiasWXT Xrao bsm X13J a certain man who took a shoemaking knife as security from another BM 116a (16) 4#Van vb. to be hot (< Vb3,1*, denom. < 4- xban) Pe.: pass.part. xaby ib b'an p'lb XBby inb b'3n Xb VlTlb our weather (in Babylonia) is hot; theirs (in Eretz Israel) is not hot RH 20a(27) ban interj. woe! (4- Vl#bsn; Nab, Pal 4#b3n DNWSI 345, Sy AA*> LS 210, s.v. r^K », mng. 3, Ma bxan MD 128) xbi paxT bj? ban I'nani^a woe for the ones who perish and are not found [i.e. who have died and cannot be replaced] San llla(37); XJ1TT n'b ri'bT by ban woe upon one who does not have a dwelling Sab 31b(3) // Yom 72b(35); "ID'p iby ban woe upon you, emperor Git 57b(45) Y: bail Sab ib. l#N^an, SbNan n.m. injury, ruin (4- Vl#b3n; TA KbSnTJ Jon 2:7, Sy 3# k'Ku LS 210, Ma Xbxsn MD 128) 1. injury: sg. BQ 84a(14); ib. 87b(36); in'SU3 xnys inb rem Xbsn an injury in which they have pain in their body ib. 28; xbx3n XTin an injury of fire San 93b(47) [expl. BA ban Dan 3:25]; ib. 48; n'ban3 n'b.TJ n33in -|TX1 let her sell the rest of it [i.e. her ketubba] to him (in compensation) for his injury BQ 89b(17) [Var: H'bX3na Oxf., c.21, 36]; Yom 84b(33); TGAs28 102b:9; KW2 xbxsn ba any evil injury Bo 7:16; 2. ruin: sg. xbxsnb nowa b'i'b xbn so that its skin should not be ruined San 100b (16) Y: X'wn San ib.(BAYTN 81). 2# Nban n.m. rope (TA xb3fi TJ 2S 8:2[Var], Sy 2# rdA^Lji LS 210, Ma 2#xb3Xn MD 115) sg. Ber 57a(48); Sab 54b(2); xn3ST xbsn fiber rope Tarn 30a(l); TGHark 208:6; ib. 7; pi. '1XST 'ban ropes of palm-band ^Z75a(33); nXDH 'ban ropes of bran Bek 8b(36); X'ms ibxDT Trm XIDXa 'bana in a place where they customarily fill the bed with ropes Ket 65a(42) Y: X'WI Ber ib.(BAYTN 81). 3# xban n.m. heat (< 4- xban) 4- V4#ban [4# xban 4- xban] toban n.m. type of demon (lit. destroyer; 4-Vl#ban; cf. Sy 3# r^ V S ; j LS 211, Ma xbX3axn MD 123) pl.abs. 1'3'ban Bo 100:13 Nnban n.f. destruction, injury (4- Vl#ban; Ma XJlVxaaxn MD 123, Sy 3# pdiAju LS 210) sg. Bo 12:4; ib. 18:6; xriban '3Xba angels of destruction ib. 49:8 pn vb. perh. to be left over (Sy ■ *i» etpa. to cease LS 211) Itpe.: 'ran'XI ba'a xbl not to eat and to be left over HG1 189:59; nb ib'BI ib'T Tivii x'aT n'3sn3 pn'an rvrn ryn mnn n'boa ]3n'ii n'3'a >)itrn xnwai n'm:x3 pn'ai in^'a go and put it in the basket of bread so that he will eat from it and it will be left over; in his pitcher of water so that he will drink from it and it will be left over; from his flask of oil so that he will rub from it and it will be left over Bo 125:11 The translation of these two passages is uncertain. oan vb. to crush (4- xosn, Vpn; mh2 osn, yan J 420, Sy^ <., LS 211, Ma fan MD 130) Pe.: Dana D'am (its head) is completely crushed Bek 43b(12) [expl. MH Bipw ib.; cf. MH2 nbllbwi nana noanw Hul 42b(27)] Itpe. to be crushed, broken: Xn'3 D'anx the (lower) room was crushed [i.e. structurally damaged] BB 6b(42; HG2 440:57) [HP1: oan'X] Lit: Eps, PLA 210; Friedman, BM VI Text 228+. K03I1 n.m. crush, pressure (4- Voan; Sy r<\ -i u crowd, throng LS 211) sg. bDJ XD3n3 'X if (the lower floor) fell because of pressure BM 116b(6) [* 4- XB3n]; ib.($) Lit: Eps, PLA 180; Y: XMn BM ib.(BAYTN 82).
pan 428 i#xnan t : - pn vb. to press 4- Voan, xran, xmn l#pan vb. to embrace, clinch, enfold (Sy • n^.. LS 212, Ma pan MD 130) Pe. 1. to embrace: nWD n'npan (the prostitute) embraced him (and) enfolded him AZ 18b(14; SM 190:10); iipan'[i] pan'i panT px"?a prx xao na "]n:»na n' may these angels have compassion for, love, and embrace PN Bo 15:4; 2. to clinch, enfold: npan '11 Xinn XflX a certain pagan came (and) clinched it [i.e. the broken wine jug] AZ 60b(2); xVp'lb H'pan ^TX he went (and) enfolded the date palm Pes 110b(24); ib. lllb(18) 2# pan vb. to scratch, make an incision (< pin*; cf. Sy r?b\ -^ »^an rdJio-u drawn lines BBah 729:24) Pa.: Xin fl'piaxn XTin the rt. "TO [v. Dt 14:1] means 'making an incision' AnanSch 27:12; ib. 1; 7; 11 Lit: Eps, Stl 81. l#ian vb. to gang together, attach, connect, associate (4- xmian, nan, i#x-ian, xinan, xnnan, xman; Sy t_=uo pa. LS 212, Ma i#-nn MD 130) Pe. to gang together, unite: n'ty "run m'JDpl '"laay the mice ganged together against it [i.e. the cat] and killed it BM 97a(6); 11<3>{3}n pnv '13 n^lS xmian the entire collegium united according to PN's opinion Qid 44a(42); '"1311 nV 'p")B1 'ITIX (the people) unite together and redeem her Git 38a(42) Pa. to attach, bond together: XJHX3 nnan he attached it to the ground Er 77a(39); Sab 125a(24); nnan X3'B3 man 1X1 if he connected it [i.e. the stolen beam] with clay, it has become permanent [lit. he connected it] Suk 31a(27); Er 8a(27) [by means of a pin]; pass.part. X"l3na X3'B3 BB 69a(24) [of a stone]; 'TI3 nana"! )T3 Xin in 'lin since (the layers of the shofar) are bonded together it is (considered) as one RH 26a(42; GRH 18:14); Sab 122b(24); Naz 51a(23) Itpa. 1. to be attached, connected: xVt 1"J?X 'OT nan'BI ]Xaa "13n'a even though there is no connection (between the parts of the bell) it is as if there is a connection Sab 58b(27); ib. 83b(9); "I3n'a "On'ai ]V3 since there is a connection (regarding uncleanness inside the vessel), there is a connection (also outside it) Men 24a(30); Xian'tt Hpl Xin man'X (the planting) becomes securely attached (to the ground) ib. 70a(13; V10); 2. to join together, associate w. s.o.: nana X1TO3 '3311 rrmv ten people can join together and steal a beam Qid 80b(41); V'XEn nn "lannai n'H^a (no one should) associate with him or inquire about his well-being Dec 3:11; ]3'nH2?a ■Tina "lan^T ]Xa bDb we excommunicate anyone who associates with him TGHark 83:34 2# ian vb. to wound (denom. < H niian Yeivin, BV 963; cf. Sy rc^-uiuu LS 212) Pa.: pass.part. -|3n'» man IX TpS IpO'a D1 is (virginal) blood actually retained (in the womb) or is it the direct result of a wound? Ket 5b(13); ib. 6a(16); Sab 133b(34) [blood of a circumcision] 3#ian vb. 4- Vi#-innpa. 4#nan vb. to be dark (Ma 2#nan MD 130) 4- xian, nana 13n n.m.abs. perh. fastening (4- Vl# nan; I -|3X) sg.cs. 'p"7111 13n fastening of the sacks (across the ass's back) Sab 154b(24) 1 # Nian, pi. '"1311 n.m. friend, haver, a scholar, another (I Vi#"ian, xman, xnnan, xman; TA •fah TO Lev 19:18, Sy rc'i -■ o LS 212, Ma l#X"!3Xn MD 115) 1. friend, companion: sg. wb n'x xian -pam xnam .t1? n'x xian "pan your friend has a friend, and your friend's friend has a friend [i.e. there is no claim of ignorance] Ket 110a(12) // BB 28b(12) // Ara 16a(3); "pan ")13XT X"l3n IX your friend or your father's friend San 102b(6); xnW'a 'X Xian 'X either a friend or death Tan 23a(52) II BB 16b(24); Xian ~|"»ip -pan 731*7 WO XSD1X (if) your friend called you a donkey, prepare a saddle for your back BQ 92b(16); Git 30b(6); 'Xian BrrTO 13*7 »<l)(')TTX I shall expound (the verse) for you as my friend expounded it Sab 80b(30); AZ 13b(32); pi. nnan 31'XT Job's friends BB 16b(24); Qid 29b(51); 2. haver, a scholar-colleague [caique < MH "I3n J 421; JPA "OH DJPA 185, mng. 3]: a. general: sg. Xn3"13"l3 ],13n 7D3 our colleague has gotten involved in serious matters Bes 25a(7); pi. "ina7 X'"l3n3 nnS3 we will begin tomorrow with the 2# *nan 429 Nrnan haverim San 102b(4); '17 xnan n'7 mnx 'Xa 'Tin' "13 'DT what did the haverim retort to PN? Hul 43a(13); Sab 29b(28); BB 165b(4); AZ 23b(5); X7'713 p1» xnan the haverim prepare (oil and wine) in purity in Galilee Hag 25a(14) // Nid 6b(10); Svu 17b(12); Er 13b(17) [4- Vnn pa., usage b]; //«/ 82a(9) [4- ^303 pe., mng. 3f]; 'X733 T"l3n '3n our Babylonian scholar- colleagues Sab 9b(32); Pes 89b(50); fl//20a(19); G;/ 78b(14); b. w. a PN: sg. pan X3W Qid 47a(37); Xei 69a(43); Git 52b(18); pan XTJ?T 55 157a(35); pan XnSD Sab 124a(28); nxpa x-rni xa'an xian d'03 an -ia -ntn xnxb'xz? some of the questions which PN, the wise (and) intelligent scholar, sent TGHark 105:8; pi. n'J/Win X'nan ]1il XT5/T PN, the younger, of the haverim Tan 24a(39); Hul 12b(12); 3. other, another: a. people: 1) alone: sg. nnna nnan XD'X 'X if there is someone else with him Sab 110a(15); Xinn nnan '31 mT T-psXI X131 a certain man who deposited money with another BM 42a(40); San 29b(5); 'BB paiD "Jiam Xai XaVl perhaps the other one's blood is redder Pes 25b(14); '3D ~|"?yT T3yn xV "j-isn1? do not do to another what you dislike Sab 31a(29); pan 'ipx teach Scripture to another Ket 103b(44); xnn'xV n'V 'nxai IXa X"?sai mam one who strikes another's wife and she miscarries San 109b(14); n'lam xa'"?3 another's cloak BM 24a(7); BB 4a(48); \Vft nwi nrra -\mb nnam xnnx in aoiaV it is permissible for one of them [i.e. the brothers] to marry the other's wife after his death Anan 107:10; 'SX1? in nnan one towards the other ib. 9:14; 11:3; mV in nnan with one another HM 36:20; 'S3X3 p nmn1? pi n'"l3n either in the presence of another or alone SSHai 9b(14); ib. 5a(9); 2) in apposition: sg. nnan nxiaa 13 another resident of the alley BB 21b(14); nnan Xi'in another sea monster ib. 74b(ll); nnan 'TO* another Jew BQ 113b(48); pi. "|ian 'a"?X mVo all other violent people like you BM 39b(37) // Ket 27b(38); "33 nnan the other prophets San 89b(ll; K); b. objects: nnan by "in "?S31 one fell upon the other Tan 28b(50); nnan1? X3B xai'a from (the time of) the banquet until the next day Bes 4a(45); "73 xttt xi3i n'V 'so nnana xn^'a n'V 'sbt every (holiday) which has something additional over another has an additional man (to read in the Torah)Meg22b(18) Voc: nnafi HPP 209:19; nnan HGP 23b:8; Y: vran BB 16b (24). 2# K"nan, KINan n.m. charmer, magian priest {I XtfUaX; Sy rc'-iAjj LS 212, JPA 2#13n DJPA 186, MH2 inn J 422) 1. charmer: sg. Bo 33:16 [removes demons]; pi. ib. 75:4; 2. magian priest: sg. in'apa xxvob (xiVpw x-ian xnx 'amx in the meantime, a magian priest came (and) took the lamp away from their presence Git 17a(l) [Var: mxan MGD 717:15]; pi. bl£> nan WX the magian priests came to Babylonia Yev 63b(32); Git 17a(8) [Var: nxan MGD 717:20]; ma xnawa nan 'ap'a xraum xnv ''jibVbV is it permitted to move a Hanukka lamp on the Sabbath from the presence of the magian priests? Sab 45a(8); p'W'n nan X3'XT X3TXn now that there are magian priests we are apprehensive Bes 6a(13) [Var: nxan Geon 220:2]; DX X"13n pi you are a creation of [lit. from] the magians San 65b(41) Lit: Geig, AAC 178, rejects attempts at P etym.; Ros, TI 38, 7123; Y: nan Sab ib.(BAYTN 231). 3# Kian I xnsn n. K3inan n.m. perh. association (4- l#X"ian) sg. "pl-orf?! ~ranb to your friend and association Tan 25a(43; MGG 828:8) Kinan n.m. (uncertain) sg. "pl-l3nVl -|"l3nV ~\b for you, your friend, and your ... Pes 118b(46); Ket 65a(40) Lit: L. Goldschmidt, TMW 2:537. This word is poss. a redup. of i l#(nan, but its exact mng. cannot be determined. KJTnan n.f. companionship (4- l#X13n; Sy ^x^ -..; ls 212) sg. x'aij? 'sVa xnnan is there companionship towards God? [i.e. may one act with familiarity towards God?] Ber 34a(l) // Meg 25a(37) // BB 16a(38) Y: xrvnan Ber ib.(BAYTN 190). Krnan n.f. friend, other (4- 1# Xian; TA nfrrin TO Ex 11:2, Sy «"&-\ -p» LS 212, Ma xnxiX3Xn pi. MD 115) 1. friend: sg. mm X'nn nn"13n"? max a certain (woman) who used to say
tfan 430 i#in to her friend AZ 26a(26); Er 53b(19); RH 26b(21); Ned 6b(8); /M 110a(8); 'TB X3'X 'X '■? X13J71 'Xman X'ln if there is something (needed), my friend will see and do (it) for me Sab 128b(43); 2. other, another: a. general: sg. xni'3nx mmx nxu'3> ^pE? he took a brick (and) placed it on another Git 68b(13); Yev 63b(16) [4- lSXnV'O]; Yom 33a(31); Nid 13b(40); pi. paw XnX^nV XnXll (by removing the stones from the statue of Mercury) he leaves room for other (rock)s San 64a(40); b. in seq. ... Sin nrran one... (an)other: wx nmsm xV?3B xm one was said by inference from another Er 20a(38) // Meg 29b(41) // Yev 88b(26); M1? mWBl nmana xm n'l'V he washes his hands one against the other Anan 25:17; jp^OT 'My 'mil nrfon 'BX^> xm two clouds which rise up-one towards one another Ber 59a(33); ]U'110 X^> xmnn -im Xin XnxSDB1? he did not recite the tractates one after the other iSGF 32:4; pi. 1J1X nV X1P3 nriXlin the others came (and) broke the spell for her San 67b(37) Voc: X?niri HGP 2a: 15; Y: ajVl'an RH 26b(21; BAYTN 82). tinn vb. to imprison (Sy r-jrt> LS 213, Ma P3,l MD 130) Pe.: 'BV nrf?n nwan they imprisoned it for three days San 64a(20); »& 78b(12); Er llb(25);B0 59b(5) The rdg. »'am Va //«/ 52a(8; Ar [AC 3:343]) is most likely a corruption of D'am quoted ib., X"0; Y: X»n BAYTN 99. i#xan n.m. holiday (4- Vjm, xmn, xrn; Sy rsi^ Ls 213) sg. ximi nnosi xaaip the sacrifice of Passover and that of the holiday Anan 72:17; Hag I0b(9; L) [Hm] [2#Wn^2#K13'nn.] Jjn vb. to celebrate a holiday (4- 1#XM, xmn, XVn, l#Xirn, 3#XJJ'n; MH Jin pe. J 424) Pe. (u): 'Xap Xin mm WP1 V?3X eat, drink, and celebrate the holiday before me Hag 10b(9; L); /&(5) '"lUn (uncertain) 'Tiara 'n nj?3K7 SAfeE 22:11 Lit: Y. Ofer, BMs 43957. T3in adj. lame (4- 1MB; LMA f. ha-gi-ir-ta-a' Uruklnc 16, TA Tin TO Lev 21:18, Sy K'i-O^jj LS 214) sg.m. xtm DjiVa mn ]>iv rhm yrbn 13 nXDO1? tHUS n'fl' VDp 13 Balaam, the lame, was thirty-three years old when Phineas, the robber, killed him San 106b(9) Y: XYjn BAYTN 55. Nmn n.f. festival (4- 1# Xin) sg. 'JP'Bl xmn the festival of the Arabs AZ llb(40) Y: NJWMZ ib.(BAYTN 187). 1# in, f. Kin num. one, certain (4- '"TO, X'1,13, m, Til, 'in1?; Sy n-«i, rCivu LS 215, Ma 1X1, Xin MD 116) 1. one: a. as a subst.: 1) alone: m. in X3X1 nrbn VH'X they are three and I am one San 93a(48); xrf?n 'ina in one out of two (or) three Yev 48b(41); Zev 90a(32); ina nm 'im in one (acts) as two and two as one Ber 44b(7); Yev 28b(10); 1,1'TB in one of them Yev lllb(38); Qid 62a(16); BB 94b(10); Svu 26a(38); in XJX ^pv I took one San 109b(10); in '3D IMp'1? let them penalize (him) one (amount) more [i.e. eleven times the animal's price] Git 44a(51) // Bek 3a(i9); f. 'jiaixb xin rbrb xin vnrt> xm one into two (pieces), one into three, one into four MQ 13b(36); Qid 5a(31); Xim 'E/Bn fifty- one (blasts) Suk 54a(25); Xin '33 ]'»»n forty- nine (perutas) BM 99b(8); 2) in seq. in ... m one ... (an)other: a) w. conjunctive waw. m. xyix mi Tim mi the field belongs to one and the houses to another ib. 108b(32); '1X2? im 1DX in one forbids and another permits AZ 32a(13); Qid 73a(l); BQ 67b(24); f. Xina irnTD ri? 130 an Xina n'^JI 1'Vsi PN has the same opinion as he in one case and differs with him in another Git 86b(24); BQ 77b(26); Hul 87a(3); b) w. var. preps.: (l) -1? ... p: 'ois nxa xmb xm fa between one and the other there are one hundred parasangs Yom 10a(ll); Qid 71b(45); (2) "a: Xin X'HX X1? Xina one cannot be derived from the other BQ 5a(40); Bek 43a(46); (3) ll'»: U'B 'in TCb X'ya'a Xp Xin he asks one question by means of another AZ 52a(50); Ned 7a(22); Tern 9b(17); Mei 3a(9); (4) 'ap(a): Xin 'ap in one (portion) in front of one (animal) Sab 156a(18); BQ 96b(44); 3) * X13n: n'lsrf? in n'1? '»X one said to the other Ber 18b(14); Git 31b(31); in X^'nxi Vw Va nTin1? we have forgiven each other any negligence SSSad 205:4; SSHai 1 lb(19); 'ina in safta in 431 sin? H'lan one with the other Anan 6:13; 4) in var. phrases: a) in in one apiece, one at a time [Sy aji xjj LS ib.; v. Satzlehre 51]: m. in ^TWti HSlpa in they can be carried one at a time in a basket Sab 127a(28) [* pn fin two at a time]; in im 'in two (threads) singly Yom 72a(19); f. Xin Xin 'nV IDpB im afterwards he burns them one at a time Pes 64b(30); SM93b(36); Xm Xin na 'nai '3 each one (the number of inquiries) is as (Scripture) wrote San 40b(l); b) im m ^3 each one [Sy oju xjo ii-a PSm 1194]: m. "73 "?IX n'TOVia Dpi mi m each (tree) went and returned to its original position Ber 56b(3); ib. 55b(28); Sab 127a(43); Pes 89a(2); Yev 98b(33); BQ 67b(16); f. n'1? xa'"7 Xim xm *73X let him recite it over each one Sab 110b(16); Pes 48a(17); Mak 20b(6); c) n'lin1? in m (V3) (each) one by himself/itself: I'linV in in nrEHSX he kept each one of them [i.e. the elements of UDJW] separate Anan 6:11; ib. 47:14; Naz 47b(23) [* Tin '1,13]; HP 33:35; 1'linV mi m "?3 each one by himself Ber 62a(25); Suk 31b(8); AZ 29a(20); Tarn 26a(30); d) ... pn in ty twice as much, etc.: 4- Vy mng. 1.8; b. as an adj.: 1) alone: m. X13 in one son Zev 118b(22); Xin© in one witness BQ 114a(l); XBV mi 31 'a 13 a student of the be rav for one day Hag 5b(46); f. XH3DB xm one tractate BQ 102a(47); xma xm one daughter BM 39b(10); XflV'B Xin one matter Men 48a(31); 2) in seq. in ... m one ... (an)other: m. m3 TX Dp xn'"?j?i xo'j ina txi xn'V'yi xo'j he stood on one side of the upper room, and she (stood) on the other side of the upper room Tan 23b(14); 3) in adv. time expressions: a) XJM'l m once: in in XJB'I one (amulet being effective) once Sab 61b(7); b) XM'l ma together: 4- X3»'I mng. l.b.3; c) X3XH Xina immediately: 4- XiB'T mng. l.b.4; d) m XMT once [*■ xai' m one day; v. supra]: Git 56b(40); AZ 18b(9); Hul 105a(36); e) XJiy© Xin for a (single) hour: Er 19a(32); Git 57a(35); BM 30b(51); Anan 42:5; 2. certain: xnx m n'"7 nil 'nx H'att?! he had a certain brother whose name was 'nx BB 167a(21); in W'H'X a certain person Meg 15b(51); m 'ma XJ'l n'V mn he had a court case with a certain person Svu 30b(25); xav Xinn xao m DOIliai'X a certain old man was trampled that day AZ 17b(42); 'Xlin'3 in X13J X3'X there is a certain man among the Jews Ber 58a(38); 3. first [in date formula]: p'33 m the first of Nisan Ket 95a(2) Voc: ifi HPP 57:20; xin HGP 29b:33; Y: in Gil 68b(50; BAYTN 328); Kin BQ 58a(l3; ib. 138). - N3tl?a in n.m. Sunday (4- X3tf; Sy ^jj ^•tv-^ LS 215, Ma X3XW3Xn MD 115) sg. 'Xn X32?3 m31 IXa one who (is born) on Sunday Sab I56a(23; V); ina n'bDp'Vi xnaws mn1? nnaj'1? X3E73 let them 'ender his judgment on the Sabbath and execute him on Sunday San 35a(28); Er 43b(16); Pes 106a(29); Git 87a(15); Nid lla(15); T3X H'a H'Sl X3273 m Xinn a certain Sunday on which his father died Ned 12a(14); X31»3 m X31B many Sundays ib. 16; X3B?3 in xnnx the following Sunday Nid lla(25); ma I'mW1? T32? from your Sunday to your Sabbath [i.e. prepare for the Sabbath from the beginning of the week] Bas 16a(19) Y: N3B3 in Mo 25534. - "in in, Kin Xnn adv. one by one (Sy :vjj xjj LS 215, Ma'ixn ixn MD 116) in in ri"3a 'x if you counted one at a time TGHark 157:2; ib.(\8); TPb ]J'1BX Xin xm we estimate it [i.e. all the injuries] one by one BQ 85b(37) Y: in in Sab 67a(7); Xin Kin ib. 14la(18). - ipin, no'nn, -\W ^, f. npnn, np'-in num. eleven (4- Xli/5?; Sy im\jjj SG 93, Ma IXD'lXn Nold, MG 188) 1. eleven: m. "Wy m Kar 6b(26); HP 185:29; Bo 115:8; IDJIin ib. 67:6; 'in 10@im HXB TPV (the numerical value of mm) is 611 Mak 24a(l); '013 ID'm eleven .rasangs Hag 9b(32); f. '10in BQ 81b(40); Meg 1 lb(54); San 40b(22); Ara 12a(30); ?10@'m Zev 58b(18); xnxia'l 'lO@m 110,000 San 26a(47); 2. eleventh: m. 10@ma ima na'Xl when were they circumcised? On the eleventh (of Nisan) Yev 71b(24); p'33 "Wy ina imai naniff'X Anan 82:3; ib. 77:3; 'l^na 10'in RH 21a(2) Y: no in San ib. - Kin? adv. together (TA xm3 TO Gen 13:6, Sy K'xixoR' LS 17) a. general: W'pVl T33 DX P" xma if an early flowering and late flowering
2#in 432 Pin (plant) sprout together San 18b(35); lnriJT^ XinD ln^D let him learn them all together AZ 76a(16); Qid 6a(6); Tarn 32a(36) [4- Vins]; iSGF 64:11; b. in legal usage: ]Wy Xin3 XTTOl X"I3 the son and the daughter will inherit together Sab 116b(8) [quoted from a 'gospel']; nrftfl 3JVI»3 XJ'in XinD we were in a session of three (judges) together San 30a(2); S&W 265b: 13; TGHark 277:25; 7/a4.s« 29:26 Y: Kin? /fZ ib. [2# in 4- m num.] in in interj. (word in a charm) Sab 67a(7; OM) Tin vb. to sharpen, hone (4- XTin; JPA, MH2 Tin pa. DJPA 188, J 425) Pa.: a. in a lit. sense: *?B1 TDD mn XTITl (if) the ox has fallen, sharpen the knives Sab 32a(6) [prov.]; b. in a fig. sense, w. ref. to the mind [4- V*pn pa.]: 'mn1? 'B3 X3TI X$?3i Kin "3X1? PN also wanted to sharpen PN2('s acumen) Meg 25a(21) // Ber 33b(40) // Hul 43b(6) // Nid 4b(30); Meg 6b(l 1); pass.part. 'X,l 'X"l3nB smnm xas'ljn the reason that I am better : more quick-witted [double rdg.] than my fellow (students) £r 13b(16); ib. 18; Yev 14a(12); iSgs 13:18; n'nnyaw pinai ms p ntyVx PN whose legal traditions are more honed 5A/ 84a(48); Sab 82a(5); £>- 65a(35); Ket 62b(46); gW 29b (34) Klin, NJTnn n.f. joy (4- V'ln; TA xtlfi TO Gen 31:27, Sy K^n_»i LS 216, Ma l#xnxn MD 116) sg. "p^H mm joy of your heart Ber 56a(17); X3'"n xnn ifc(28; sm 141:31); inrmnV x'w XO'DJ they made their joy gloomy Bo 78:17 Y: Klin Ber ib.(BAYTN 82). Kmnn n.f. bride (4- V'ln; Ma xmrn, xrvnxn bride MD 141, Sy K'&ccvji LS 216) sg. XTin rf? nna xp mm xmnn a certain bride whom they were making joyous Git 68b(6); ib.(33); X3X XBTB mm xmnn I am the bride who has returned from today Qid 81b(12; Ar [AC 3:347]) The translation of the passage from Qid is uncertain; Y: NJlYnn Git ib. 'in vb. to rejoice (4- Xlin, XXVITm; Sy ,:uo LS 215, Ma 1#XTI MD 130) Pe.: nn Xp Xlfl'B they greatly rejoice Git 57a(23); Suk 25b(27); ]X!31 ''by ''"tiV1? 'V '3DT let the one who hates me rejoice over me Ber 55b(42) // Ned 40a(18); Meg 10b(42); San 39b(7); ib. 19a(20); T^S3 'Kin rejoice, my soul Pes 68b(48) Pa. to make s.o. joyous: Git 68b(6) [4- xmnn] The exact mng. of this word in 'ini H1?,! "73X' HI"?» nDB 13X if this one's writ was lost, should that one benefit? ... BB I71b(18); Bes 38b(2) is uncertain [Rashi's interpretation (nOB'l) should be rejected on syntactic grounds, since the preceding vb. is imp.]. **Hn' P1- 'H^ nm- chest> breast (4- X'in '3, XJ'tf note; TA X'ln TO Ex 29:27, Ma l#X'lxn breast, chest MD 116, Sy rdixji chest LS 216) 1. chest: sg. X3t5"? X"l3:n X'in n"in his chest is the chest of an evil man Bo 78:5; 2. breast, teat: pi. 'in I.TTB Xl'SBi "in 'in"? look at these breasts of mine from which you sucked BB 9b(26; F2) [cf. Ma ]"X'lXn their(f.) breasts MD ib.]; "in X3S'iy XfllBi xaD3 I shall rub my breasts with poison AZ 26a(40; St2 562:10); xaVm 'J'XTIB XW311 «]'M 'mn '"TO 3nyai XT'ina honey was dripping from the figs and milk from their [i.e. the goats'] teats and was mixing together Ket 11 lb(51); GC 96:5! Y: NJ-m BAYTN 82. NlNJin, N2""in n.m. of Adiabene (Sy KiiAjxjj PSm 1202) sg. X3X'in 3py BB 26b(6; TGAs29 204b:2) [Ed.: X3"in] Lit: DS, ad loc, n. V; Y: N3"iri BB ib. pin 4- Vp-rn vb. HNpin adj. (a derisive appellation; perh. thorny one) sg. nxpin Er 101a(20; Ar [AC 3:349]) [w. ref. to pim D31D Mic 7:4; Var: nxpin O; xprn V] Expl. Ar: pp1? nan AC ib.; Y: HNjVin Er ib.(BAYTN 323). nn 4- Vi# mn vb. finn vb. to be new (< MH2 win J 427; 4- Vmn) Pa. 1. to make a new thing: nV 'BmnV 'JTSDX'X pi XJ131JD TQV I desired to make this new marriage contract for her (to replace the lost one) SSHai 13b(16); 2. to originate (a new interpretation): TsxyCfy'll xiaiy 'ayo I'tnnai they originate new reasons for the decision that he makes iSGF 62:13; ib. 67:2 mn 433 am Itpa. to be originated (of a new interpretation): ]'Enn'Bi 'p'SD doubtful cases which are interpreted anew iSGF 66:16; TGAs33 41b:9 mn vb. to promulgate a new ruling (4- mn adj., Vtthn; JPA mn DJPA 188, Sy ^:\-o pa. to make new LS 217, Ma l#mn MD 132) Pa.: XiV'3' X3X XJTHD 'a XJmna 'XI 'min1? I can promulgate a new ruling. If I promulgate a new ruling, shall I be confused? Ber 29b(24); '3am rmn the Merciful One promulgated a new ruling Ket 45a(16) Lit: Bacher 64. mn, f. «mn, 'mn, pi.m. 'mn, f. Knmn, --:7 » : - ■■ ) ~ r ' T - 7 t t : - 7 'riin adj. new (4- Vmn; TA mn TO Num 6:3, xmfi ib. Dt 24:5, Sy ^xju, k'&Sjj LS 217, Ma xmxn, f. x'mxn MD 116) sg.m. pvijn mn (whether) new or old Git 86a(8); mn ]'X13 a new 6.-plant HM 41:3; xmn Xia a new spade GiY 70a(2); RH 20b(16); xmn XIISJ? new grain AnanSch 10:5; xmm» 'B?p Xp'Jiya 1B1H learning in something old [i.e. restoring forgotten knowledge] is more difficult than (learning) in something new [i.e. previously unlearnt knowledge] Yom 29a(5) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; f. XBDn Xmn a new sherd HM 41:4; 'mn XT13 a new pitcher AZ 29a(24); Tim XWaV a new legal tradition Sab 10b(29); 'mn Xm'a a new thing Tern 14b(14); 'mn XTW a new year MQ 9b(12; VL) [cf. Ma X'rmxn xm'W MD 116]; ib. 23a(24; Ar [AC 3:218]) [4- xnxwn]; 'mn xaiJ xnsn a new butcher's block Bes 1 la(25); pl.m. 'mn new (wood) Men 22a(12) [* 'P'ny]; BM 60b(15); 'T13 'mn new houses Sab 43a(6); 'mn '3'S new firewood Zev 116b(19); BQ 96b(14); Zev 20b(9); Hul 142a(2); f. 'mn '"7'a Ket 62a(26); Xlimn Men 35a(46) [phylacteries]; Pes 30b(16) [knives] Geon. expl.: vty nwp la'po -\iyt mm> ma1?;! dix Timwa n^nnsV IIS'1? Bin'w OHT Yom 15:6. The exact mng. of the phrase mn ty mn Tiy K>m 19b(44) which is given to explain finx Mib. 1:7 is unclear; Lit: Nold, MG 154 [f. form]; Voc: 'rnn HGP 56a:19; xSin ib. 20a:3; Y: JHTI Ber 28a(51); Kflln Meg 26b(17; Mo 88, BAYTN 42); 'frill Ket 62a(26; ib.). Sin vb. to be obligated, subject, liable (4- i#x3in, xmin, xsvn, 3"n; Sy ,iu LS 218, Ma 3in MD 134) Pa. 1. to obligate or impose a liability: a. financial: '»X 'n n'3'm X131J? mn Xiam XTl'3n there was a case and PN obligated him for a jug of wine San 31a(15); Xp 'Xax n'1? ri3"na for what do you impose upon him a liability? BM 43a(41); X33"na '3171 X'n,13 X3X n'V I certainly impose a liability upon him [i.e. the owner of the cow] in that (case) BQ 24b(32); XpU'1? n'V rU"nrB'' Xp xm are you not, in fact, imposing a monetary loss upon the child? ib. 84a(43); n3"na xp xVi V'xin xnnns nyi3i» xm XlPain n'3"n'n XV'SD n'1? since the last oath, in fact, does not obligate him for a double payment, should it obligate him for an (additional) fifth? ib. 108a(5); 'BrW1? n'3"m he obligated him to pay BB 88a(13); Xm3 'BT wbvb X3T n3"n PN obligated him to pay the cost of the buck ib. 48a(17); Ned 31b(9); San 31a(50); X13J 'STn"? Xpt3 "liVs to obligate a man for half damages BQ 24b(7); b. religious: 'mn '31'n1? IX Xin '3TnV to obligate him for one (sacrifice) or to obligate him for two Sab 72b(34); p3ma wa'TT1? let him make them liable according to Rabbinical law Ber 20b (20); 'ynrwxV ]ymb n'1? ]r3'na "IBS'BI do we require NN to take an oath and to become released (from an obligation)? TGHark 202:15; 2. pass.part. subject to, liable for (a religious, legal injunction, etc.): a. alone: ]XB1 "lna*? 3"na XJTXn '3T XpT one who is victorious today may lose a case tomorrow Ket 105b(24); b. w. foi. n.: xVop 3'na xr«!?'3D n'3V "7"jn tixipt ]xb one who drinks (an intoxicating beverage) and enters a synagogue is liable for capital punishment Anan 22:2; "?D1 xVnS XPmi XDDD1 nC?JT»n 3"na fnxa fiyim silver, copper, iron, and anything which is produced from the earth is subject to a tithe AnanSch 3:12; XJH ]'3"naT XriJ/E? Xin Dirw those who are subject to the judgment of Gehenna for an hour Er 19a(32); c. w. fol. inf.: yyiib '3"n'B '3T>n they are definitely required to rend (as a sign of mourning) MQ 25a(5); plXX^ m"n'B '3Tn XTl'mXIS by Pentateuchal law you are definitely required to save me Qid 8b(33; O2); mnriB 13 '3113^ 113'naT byii1? you are required to recite a blessing when you begin to eat Anan 17:20; ib. 43:5; X3'nB X'3"H "IJ13 nj?3© "ISDaV (a menstruous woman) is
i#K3in 434 twin required to count seven (days) after she is ritually clean ib. 42:13; '-innx1? 3'TiB he is required to return (it) HP 88:3; H'V 'Blto?1? mm' 3"na n'SIBB ]B liyBW*? NN is required to pay NN2 (the increase in value) from his own money TGHark 204:27 Itpa. 1. to be obligated, subject to liability: a. alone: n'TP1? 13 ]XB who then will be obligated? Ara 3b(8); 13'Ti'1? wy '33 the descendants of Esau should be obligated (for circumcision) San 59b(19); nDS Xpl '3»n'a Xpl XJ1BB3 nS3 Xp in'^DJ they deny monetary responsibility since they are subject to liability (for theft), and they release themselves BM 36a(10); b. w. dfr. obj.: X3TT XJH '3 nyi3£> X3"n'X1 XTUTX X'nn a certain woman who became obligated for an oath in PN's court Ket 85a(28); Svu 25b(38); Men 55b(13); Kar 8a(49); XTp'ya Xi'l '3"n'BT T,jn those who are originally liable to a sentence (of death) San 47a(52); c. w. fol. "3: Wl'TinX Dip 1H3 m"n'X you have become obligated for them [i.e. the goats]. Get up and return them (to their owner) BM 30b(5); 'B3 '3n X3X .T3 X33"nai '3'n '3 J1X n'3 J13"n'B just as I am obligated to him, so also are you obligated to him Qid 8b(35; O2); d. w. -X: 3"n'B X1? p3TtX 3"n'B1 X1H XJl'TUHX it is for Pentateuchal laws that he is liable (and is considered an apostate). He is not liable for Rabbinical ones Hor lla(54); Sab 96b(15); Pes 64a(17); e. w. fol. inf.: XTJ nm niXB "?3 X3XV "liyiib every commandment which a son is required to do for (his) father Qid 29a(23); JIS'X mxra nos Tjya1? xnaa 'xn a'Trn xp when does this man (who is outside Jerusalem) become obligated to do the Paschal sacrifice? Pes 93b(27); xrocn xars ru'iaV tow n'3i p"nai the Jews are required to rest on the day of the Sabbath Seel 1:1 [and passim in this text]; TGAs42 162:6; T1? \Tttb 3"nXi XI1BB wbv xto D'^H 3in to/S1? he did not pay the money that he was obligated to give to his creditor Dec 6:2; VnB'B IXinrf? 3"nnn he is obligated to be circumcised again Anan 84:11; 2. to obligate o.s.: x'3tw rrtna n'V wto?1? rtoyn fwrupxi )3T I have obligated myself as of now to pay him this entire dowry SSHai 18b(16); 3. to be punished: f? 'JOT ]xa 3"n'X 13 Kflttn now then [i.e. if this had occurred] I [lit. the one whom we hate] would have been punished ... BB 10a(30) The orthography of the texts shows a free interchange bet. the pa. pass.part, and the itpa. w/o the poss. of being able to differentiate bet. them in many cases from a semantic point of view. l#K3in n.m. sin, debt (4- V31H, X31P1 "?y3, n» X3in;'TA pin pi. TJ IS 13:1, Sy rdjpS-ji LS 218, Ma X31Xn MD 117) 1. sin: sg. XS'Xl toxin plB'71 X1? X3in "Xn '3 since there is such a sin, do not go out (to war) San 95a(53); mm 'px1? n'3W3 he receives corporal punishment along with him for his sin Anan 16:17; pi. mvf? pWl toner "?3 ,>3in,?1 X33into may He forgive his sins, our sins, and the sins of all the Jews TGHark 234:13; 2. debt: sg.cs. Xtt'M XJIBB 3in a large monetary debt SSHai 16b(13); det. ,T3in3 n'3J he collected it as his debt BM 16a(15); ri'Xi ,T3in X313X to? n'V the debt which our father owed him SSSad 265b: 16; n'3W3 'IXI1? n'3,T» to give to NN for his debt TGAs42 102:12 Y: Win BM 16a(15; BAYTN 23). 2#N3in n.m. a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(17; MGL 255:7) Y: X3in Hul ib.(BAYTN 19). Nxain 4- xs'sn n. Nrain n.f. guilt, obligation, debt (4- Vain; TA Xmill TJ Ezek 18:7, Sy rc'&.io-ji LS 218, Ma XnX31xn pi. MD 117) 1. guilt: sg. tf'J'X *Tl"a xtol X3H '3 n'H3W a person does not bring his own guilt to court [i.e. does not incriminate himself] BM 28b(35; Es); 2. obligation: a. general: sg.cs. X7I X133 J13in is it an obligation (incumbent upon) the man? Men 41a(18); ib. 27; b. w. VpSJ pe., af. + 'T to fulfill an obligation [caique < MH imin 't x'xin/xx' J 429]: sg. nvnin 'T n'a jtbj he fulfills his obligation through it Pes 38a(39); HP 14:10; ib. 15:10; 33:31; 'T in1? XJp'SBI 1iTTl3in I cause them to fulfill their obligation Tan 24a(46); 3. debt: pl.cs. 'mm 'yiS the ones who pay my debts SSHai 5b(5) Y: xrain BM 28b(35; BAYTN 38). NJin n.m. an unclean bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(17) Tin 435 inn Y: WW Hul ib.(BAYTN 19). iin I nnV adv. Nlin n.m. apex, edge (lit. point; 4- Vlin; MH2 Tin J 430) 1. apex: sg. xy313T XTW apex of the thyroid cartilage Hul 18b(30; Vl3Ar [AC 3:347, s.v. 2in]); 2. edge: sg. XTinx n1? WOT he brings it [i.e. the piece of wood] edgewise [lit. on edge] Er 31a(6); 'B'p lin IT'linX (the planks) were standing on their edge Sab 98a(14); ib. 101a(6) Y: XW1 Hul ib.(BAYTN 159). Kplin n.m. step (of a staircase; perh. < Akk huqu A rung of a ladder CAD H 243, AIOA 57; Sy rdioji LS 222) pi. 'pnn T3yp 3"yxi even though he makes steps Yom 84b(29; E1) [Var: 'pin C; KIT! Ed] llin, Han vb. to become white, wash, clarify (I i# TiTi, xnmn, xrnnna; Sy icU> LS 223, Ma Tin MD 137) Pe. (a/a) 1. to become white: xtoimm rrntoro xmm xjrya when the cock's crest becomes white San 105b(27) // Ber 7a(27) // AZ 4b(29); lin'a'3 '3p'y m(1)(')n the roots of the (dyed) strands (of the hair of their beards) become white Naz 39a(26); 'DD Tiin'n '3'n '3 so that (the grave marker) should be whiter BQ 69a(15); 2. to be lighter in color, pale: XpT 'Xm xaTH X&22 Xmn the fact that (the sun) is lighter in color at midday BB 84a(17); IB1? 'tt>X 31 T'Tn n'SX nnm XlOlt PN saw that PN2's face had become pale Ket 61b(l; V5); 3. to understand: Winn X1? you do not understand Qid 39a(38; O2) Pa. 1. to wash or rinse off s.t.: a. parts of the body: in1? wnoi X3XB3 x'a "nxv rrr I'dx© '3'm yww ^ nmnna xin ,ttV *m innai x'as ryvb X'aa how does he wash his hands? He puts water in a vessel, immerses his hands in the water, and washes his hands one against the other while they are in the water Anan 25:16; niiy1? mrf? 'y3T ITHPnai nxisa X'a3 he must wash his sexual organ with water from excrement and urine ib. 32:20; 27; 26:10; 27:27; 33:2; T& p'tolB TJ1 X'a3 T>BT XBtV m ]3nina when we circumcise him, we rinse off the blood of circumcision with water ib. 85:18; ,T1J2 ,T81S Tiinm he rinses his mouth with(?) it GC 72:5 [expl. MH XBil1? X7H ib.]; b. clothes: X'XnO1? X'XnO f3 H'JXB TinBT he washes his clothes between each washing (of the body) Anan 89:11 [expl. BH aipKV 10331 Ex 19:11]; ib. 3; 45:3; 61:14; 64:26; 65:4!; AnanSch 33:8; HG2 489:27(Var); 7'XC"1? vb 3T '3 TJ 'XH m minV XfSB;iX<1?)ni n'3Xa a student of the be rav should not give over his clothes to (his) landlord to wash (them) for him Sab 140b(26); in1? Tina Tin 'SiO'a 'XT if they become dirty he washes them again ib. 48b(12); Pes 112b(25); BQ 93b(32) [* 4- V'TJ3 quad.]; c. other objects: xnonn ins "?s: in1? nnnai minna while they were rinsing them off [i.e. the salted fish] a (pleasant) odor came over them Tarn 32b(8); TOX TBW n,!? Tiinai TSC n'1? n"?ai ty (the meat) is forbidden until he salts it well and rinses it off well HG3 211:65; ib. 217:48; NDGR 163:2; "713 niJ3 xtotf'3 n'"? IBTi niTiin '3n afterwards they rinsed it off [i.e. the plate] and placed a cooked dish in it Hul lllb(39); '3X1X T3 pinai X'B XWbl 'yspl water with which they rinse off basins and kneading troughs HP 14:6; ib. 15:17; 2. to bleach, make white: n'ipH1? .TTiin tox he went and bleached his beard white (after he had dyed it) BM 60b(20); XDnn XB0 n,!? C>lim'K1 nnW'31? ■"nnim'' he brought him a strong medicine, and made his skin white [i.e. leprous] BQ 85b(17; F1) [v. OHR ib.- 88:1: Dlpan noyjl 131?; Var: n'i<i){iinxi M; ■"nmnxv tsc? •'piox'? n'Tffs"? H (4- Vp"?D af., mng. 18)]; 3. to explain: pn 'ton 'Yflrr? yT aom ixa ^3 ixto not everyone one who is wise knows how to explain things so ISGF 29:10; ib. 10:1; 23:14; 31:4 Af. 1. to make white: v. Pa., mng. 2; 2. w. 'S3K to shame publicly [caique < MH D'JS pVn J 690]: 'SIX minx BM 58b(49) Itpa. 1. to be washed: X'83 TnnB Dm '3'n '3T just as blood is washed with water Anan 26:14; 2. to be clarified: DID1? X3i:an 3TI XnaniXI 'BXT 'XaV n'yi'O1? X-linrrxn since PN's question was clarified in order to help him in what he said ... TGHark 42:3; xrfr'B XTinTVXl the matter was clarified TGAs42 28:5
i#n«nn T T 436 t : Lit: B.M. Lewin, ISG It)" [Pa., mng. 3]. l#nSTln adj. resident of Be-Hoza'e (i.e. Huzistan; gentilic < GN 'XTin '2 BJTP 71+) sg.m. nXTW nran '1 MQ 20a(44); Pes 9a(22); BM 88a(9); AZ 41b(29); ,1XTin 'XJ31 Bes 15b(42); pl.m. 'XTin '33 'in two residents of GN Aferf 22a(37) Y: nxiin BM ib.(BAYTN 318). [2#nKTin adj. (unclear; i IXin n.) sg.m. xb XIX nxnn I am not a ... Pes 105b(10; E2M'V'V14Ar [AC 3:355]) In spite of the massive evidence for this form in the mss., its grammatical form and mng. are unclear, and it is not known from the related A dialects.] Nj?TW, NpNTin n.m. right of possession (4- Vpm, xp?n) sg. ayra aw rppxnra xVi n'113 rrb rrb-\ he has nothing in it or in its right of possession SSHai llb(5); ib. 7b(l); pi. ib. 6a(9); 12a(2) mn vb. to be friendly (Sy .jucLu to be glad LS 219) Pe.: xrshnn ra wais1? nb Timnn xVi do not be friendly with PN Bo 19:11; /'A.(16) Lit: Eps, Stl 345. Nnin n.m. thorn (TA xfhri TJ 2K 14:9, Sy ndi^ju LS 226) I 'mm Xp'TI» Y: 'nin G« 70a(37). Bin, '»n vb. to sew (4- XDin, XD'71; Sy • \ ■"< LS 220, Ma DIH MD 135) Pe. (a/ ): rvb D"n X:'31 Dn'D PN used to sew it thoroughly [i.e. the fringe to the garment when he gave it to a fuller] Men 41b(23); TlWblb ,1"Dm ]X» 'XI one who sewed (the edge of) his garment ib. 37b(40); n'V vmb WVMb to sew his garment Seel 111:28; 7U'b(')jn '0JVX1 n'O'lS1? n"Dm "r'ya1? he put his intestines back in, sewed up his stomach, and he was healed Hul 57a(2); inV OTI 'X»1X1 xnxbm 'X^ipi injn '1XX1 '"73n3 certain d.-baskets and /i.-baskets of the pagans (whose openings) they sew up with ropes of palm-bands AZ 75a(33); ,1BXm nBX3 1X1 if he bent it over [i.e. the h.-basket] and sewed it up Sab 74b(20; TGAs42 3:24) [v. ib. 2:2 and Pa.]; pass.part. n'3 IsVai DTI pi X3J13 this document, sewn and joined to it TGHark 276:13 Pa. id.: 'V 13113 in1? '»X ,1D"n XT371 X7P1 T> JVX ,1D"n'Xl nra '1<1>{1}:» we have a mill which is broken. Sew it up! He said to them: "Twist threads for me from it [i.e. from the mill], and I shall sew it" Bek 8b(37); n'MIDb n'D"n 'XI if he sewed its [i.e. the basket's] mouth Sab 74b(20) [v. Pe.] Nttffl n.m. thread, fringe, shoelace, sinew, length of a line (4- Vein, X1TO1 XBW; TA XDlli TO Gen 14:23, Sy k1\;<>ju LS 220, Ma XD1XH MD 117) 1. thread: sg. xn'Thlll XDin crimson thread Git 69b(49); BB 74a(4) [4- xrfj'an mng. 2]; XJn'31 'Bin linen thread Nid 61b(21); xV» X^m XDin a thread-breadth of sand BB 73a(25; Es); pi. Sab 65a(34) [placed in the ear lobe; expl. MH fpin Mib. 6:6]; xrfr'UI 'Bin nrbn the three strings of the twisted thread AnanSch 25:8; 13 nra 'Din '11: nb 5TC3 when he breaks it [i.e. partially baked bread] threads (of dough) stretch out from it HP 15:15; 2. sisit, show fringe on a garment: sg. by ['S1B]X prf? XBin3 p,lV ]ri'Tl 'Till we press the two ends together by means of a fringe Anan 9:9; pi. 'Bin 7rb TPb'V iTTn he saw that it [i.e. the garment] did not have fringes Hul 110a(34); 'Dim XJip the corner (of the garment) with the fringes Men 37b(44); ,TDW lXXp cut off his fringes Dec 4:10; 3. shoelace: sg. TVb p'OB'N XDin his shoelace broke Sab 118b(55); pi. Xinn 'Bin TU'imxi xVi 'dxsix 'ixoa o'tn xiau a certain man who was wearing black shoes and did not attach laces Tan 22a(13); ib. 20; 4. sinew: pi. x"?SD3 n3 fl'X 'Bin TWan there are five sinews in the loin Hul 93a(25); ib. 76b(3); pi 'Dim Xirdb NttIA the sinews between each bone HG3 155:34; 5. stream of a viscous liquid: sg. XDin xnitfZn a stream of fat BB 73b(34); ib. 91b(18); 20 [honey]; Yev 75b(l) [pus]; Geon 27:13; BB 74a(21) [smoke]; 6. length of a line: sg. XDin Xrvrm nrfrm J'Xfrn a line 33 1/3 (cubits) long TGAs28 206b: 19; rwm uyvn 'ixn nxu XDim ,1X» 1X13 XDim the inner length [i.e. the circumference of the inner circle] is ninety-six (cubits) and the outer length is one hundred ib. 22 Y: HOW Sab 118b(55; BAYTN 19). [N3t3W 4- l#X3Snn.] NBpin n.m. nose (MH DDin Yeivin, BV 856) pi. ltftOPOT ; in"BDW inb 'BpTI 'IWa because (the sheep) lift up their noses Sab 53b(45) Y: W'BDW Sab ib.(BAYTN 149). l#N"lBffl n.m. staff, blow of a staff, rib of a plant'(4- Vi#iDn, xiDn»; TA ,1'iDin TO Num 17:17, Sy k'-Uo?-" LS 228, Ma XIDin MD 135) 1. staff: sg. X1Bin3 Xm XT3 X,T this refers to (shaking out of the garment) by hand and that with a staff BM 29b(42); XIBin XJW'X in X'J73 Xb ,1113pV X1D1 Tb do I [lit. that woman] not need a staff for my hand and a spade for burial? Yev 65b(45); Ket 64a(20); X3111 X1BW a staff of gold Ber 56a(9); xmiBOl XIDin a staff of blind men ib. 31b(23; F) [M: Xni'DOl]; Sab 155b(38); 'IDin my staff San 7b (3 9) [as part of the equipment of a judge]; 2. blow of a staff: sg. XIDin D'Vw 'XI n3H n'l"?DX if the blow of the staff ended on the middle of its [i.e. the animal's] back Hul 51b(15); 3. rib of a plant: sg. n'fij?xm XIDin its [i.e. the lulav's] middle rib HP 32:15 [expl. MH TITO aWtt? Suk 32b(14)] Y: tnom Sab 109b(26; BAYTN 149). - N'VI NIBin, H'NI K-ltSin n.m. a plant of the polygonum family (cf. Sy k!JlA.t ,t_\,«xjo Equisetum ramosissimum LS 228) sg. Sab 109b(26; OAr [AC 3:374, 1:4]) [expl. 4- X'TD»n ib.] Geon. expl.: 'yXT 'JX 3133K 'jNyaB' y\thl VnpVt Sin ivy OHP ib. 7i:2i(Ar), i.e. ^$1 mj£'; 'xa h'xt x]Borrn wron laxya ksvw awy n'XT xnoin 'xai n'KT xnuin [,tst xdbw [... I'JBiyi Uaipaa TRN 628:10; Lit: Low, Flora 1:354. 2# NIBin 4- X-lDn n. ritttfl adj. hunchbacked (Sy rdi'i \ » LS 228) sg.m. X3X1DW "inx n3T a hunchbacked pig Sab 110b(41) Geon. expl.: laUD myB [Tin :rd.] 11W GnK5 169:6 [= Ar (AC 3:375)]; miBfl i? VV Tin Ar [AC ib.]; Y: NriDin Sab ib.(BAYTN 263). 'in, 'ID vb. to raise a point, make a sign, show, demonstrate, mention (4- XJTUina 13; Sy ,cuu LS 220, Ma Xin MD 134) Pe. pass.part. proper: 'im '371 '3 ]mb ym\ he used to inform them as was proper iSG 10:2(Var) [I§GS: 'im] Af. 1. to make a sign (as a means of non-verbal communication) [cf. MH2 1T3n ]!»» nxin BQ 'in 117a(21)]: "inx 'inXT he made a clear sign (concerning a field to be confiscated) BQ 117b(22) [Var: "inx 'inXT HP 85:2]; ib. 117a(22); xrinai xrVTO I shall make a clear sign ib. 32(HP 85:19); 'X»1 '"? 'inx '3n "p 'WX 'X» rfb "inx '3H TCb n'inx what sign did he make to you? He made a sign in this manner to me. And what sign did you make to him? I made a sign in this manner to him Hag 5b(14); n'T3 "linx 'inx he made a clear sign with his hand Pes 57b(l) // Kar 28b(9); Sab 102b(43); Er 15a(41); 'inx n'T>y he pointed it out Bek 59a(15); Ber 48a(6); n'j;3B;3 nnsn1? mV "inx1? rvb td'xt he is forbidden to indicate to another in the Sabbatical year (that he owes him money) Anan 11:7; 2. to show: py ]J3 'XJT3TT 'b 'inx show me my place in Paradise Ket 77b(26); Bek 8b(17); Er 21a(30); ib. 85b(3); '13y '3'n XX1'13@D1B1 'XM1 "p 'inx Xri come (and) I shall show you how the swindlers of GN act&8 46a(19); ib. 73b(42); 74a(12); Bek 8b(16); "\WW2 '■? 'linxi show me Your teeth Ket lllb(44); n'b X'inxi ■'Xbn Xlib^l perhaps (the heavenly creature) exposed (its legs) and showed him Hag I3b(46); xin rvb x'inxn xnn'x x'nn X"n '~b a certain woman who showed a denar to PN (for appraisal) BQ 99b(52); 'inm ]X» 'Xn xrvV'ja mo3 'in'1? xb xjh '3 xt mann one who has to show (his) signature in court should not show (it by signing) at the bottom of a sheet BB 167a(5) [Var: '1,131 Xrf7n»3 'XW'J xb HP 67:29]; '^©n'a n'1? rnnzn xrjn I want you to show him to me San 39a(18); Git 67b(37); 5ei 37a(32); n'D^'nS rrV linx they showed him in his dream Git 52a(29; HP 55:29); linx 13 pn'iyiTD X33n31 X'ttiy ]S Xlb we have written their explanations as we were shown [lit. they showed us] from heaven TGHark 149:8; ib. 76:17; TGAs28 3:10; iSGF 4:14; X31? 11,1X1 '3 TGHark 32:9; n'1? 'W»1 1J? D3nV until he shows it to a scholar Seel 46:15; //G5 295:13; 3. to demonstrate: ni'p 'inx 'lb y^D'XI '1 ')3p PN demonstrated bowing before PN2 and became lame Tan 25a(51) [+ //'s; 4- VltyVD itpe./itpa., mng. 1]; Yom 15a(44); 19b(43); Sab 106a(16); Men 35b(14); 4. to clarify: mm' 31 'ina PN used to clarify (the matter) Git 59a(23); Ber 47b(54); BM 7a(24); 437
i#-]in 438 t -: : t Mak 21a(9); Bek 44a(26); Ilia 'ai "Xip JlXpai linV Vm linV pWljn some of the verses also clarify that oppression and robbery are distinct matters TGAs42 14:36; 5. pass.part. manifest, clear: XflV'a X'ina the matter is clear TGHark 98:19 [cf. GeonH: D'131 fXIB ib. 5:16]; ib. 208:17; 7/G/4.S2S 21:29; TGAs42 41:35; Geow 101b:3; XTlV'a IP'VIB rGtfartt 104:1; 6. w. 'BN to greet: X3Va 'BX "linxV to greet the king 5er 58a(27) Itpe. 1. to appear: ;raV'ru ,1'V 'WTX he appeared to him in his dream Sab 152b(2; HP 172:6); 2. to be manifest: xai13 mriB it is manifest above [i.e. in heaven] OHP Ber 93:10 Lit: Abramson, Inyanot 194s [Pa., mng. 5]. l#"lin vb. to laugh at, make fun of (back formation from pseudo-Af. < "|'nX; TA "]W pa. J 432; I V"|riX, X3W) Pa.: '3 rD»na Xp 7P» ydu are just laughing at me San 26b(2); '3"nap '3WX 'Xlim '3 the Jews are making fun of me ifc. 109a(7; M) // Tan 21a(44); G& 85b(39) [4- X3in] In both exx., there is no correlation between the conjugated vb. and the inf. form 2#iin4V-|3nvb. *Oin n.m. laughter, ridicule (4- Vl# ~|in; TA xSlri TJ Jud 16:27) sg. rtJ73B? xV ,TJpi3 X111 1'V 'Vri'X 1'3a X3W light a fire in his [i.e. the pagan's] beard (and) you will not stop laughing at him San 96a(13); XBV 'Vl3 maisa X3in pDS xVl laughter did not cease from his mouth the entire day Ber '9b(44; F); 'D'X 13W 'Xa what kind of ridicule is there? Svu 34b(19; F2); Zev 15a(28); "|ri»V X1?! XDin y»WOT-(he should) not (write in the get) yxb (instead of "|naV) which implies laughter Grt85b(39); TGHark 229:10; Geon 169:19; X3W xVlVtJl laughter and jest Er 68a(ll; V'Ar [AC 4:34]) [cf. Ma X'VxVxtJ'ai X'3.1X1 Gy 129:15] Y: X?1n fler 9b(44; BAYTN 23). Nnasin I xnasn n. Tin vb. to take effect, develop (MH Vw pe. J 432) Pe. (u) to take effect: a. alone: xV"n rtt'xV when does it take effect? Zev 30a(14); V"m >T» xmixa something which takes effect from nighttime RH 7b(29); 'V"n Vn'a Ned 75a(19) [of vows]; Hul 103a(14); n'Vy xV"n 'B XJU 'X,1 '31 mj'JX does 'aninut apply to him in such a case? Yom I4a(i0); 'apa xVima ,13 V'nnxi a J Vy «ix X713W xV'm even though he began it from the weekday before the Sabbath takes effect Anan 69:12; b. w. "X/Vy: X2WB 131 'TBX V"m 'TB something which takes effect on something of substance Svu 25a(5); Qid 12b(21); Mak 22a(30); Kar 2b(18); Tern 25a(21); ... 1'Vy Vin'V yiBBV let (the prohibition) take effect upon him from the inception AZ 63a(l); Pes 98b(8); Kar 28a(41) Itpe. to develop: 1'3 'V'nnxi XII XniWTO it is weakness which developed in him Yev 79b(50); Git 70b(26); pB'3 nV xVnnx xnwro the weakness developed in his right hand Bek 45b(19); Men 69a(40) [of seeds] n.m. weekday, pi. hullin, unconsecrated food (4- Vl# Wn; mng. 1: TA xVlll TO Lev 10:10; mng. 2: TA ]'Vw TJ IS 21:5, MH ]'Vin Yeivin, BV 802) 1. weekday: sg. xVima XIUB 'pOX to remove from the fire while it is still weekday Anan 71:22; ib. 69:7; Meg 30b(10); 2. pi. hullin, unconsecrated food: 'Vim snr» 1,13 liraV Tixi (the priest) is apt to treat them in the manner of hullin Bek 27a(10); 'bin1? TU'pnS'il let him redeem them [i.e. the loaves] (so that they become) hullin Pes 13b(24); I'Vya lDBW TlXBn 'VwV pIS'Jl a sin offering whose owner died should revert to hullin BQ 110b(43); BM 57b(13); Naz 21b(24); Sot 6b(3); 'Vim 1" wine of hullin Kar 8b(29); xVtH Xim 'Vim 'VDJ 'rnn nanm two ladles of (wine of) hullin and one ladle of (wine of) teruma Bek 27a(16); DOa 'X,1 Xin 'Vim XJP'V (the word) DOB [Dt 16:10] is a term of hullin Hag 8a(22); Svu 26b(29); Bek 14a(23);MV/41a(9) Y: '^n Pes 13b(24; BAYTN 160). - N'jj/iai xVin, pi. insta"] 'ton n.m. intermediate days of the holiday (caique < MH lyiaVti iVin MMegK 4:2, J 433; -I xiyia) sg. MQ 10a(49); ib. 12a(8); 12b(42); 18b(4); HP 175:15; pi. XiyiBI 'Vin MQ lla(27; CHP 17:26); ib. 10b(35;HP 177:11); Seel 192:4 The pi. form is prob. the corr. rdg. also for KTJMBT l^lfl HP tnftn ; 177:17; ib. 178:5; 180:24; 184:7; etc.; Y: XISJUH x'fin MQ 10a(49). jqVin n.m. mole (4- VlVn; Sy nc'iAcm LS 233) sg! Pas 9b(17); XlVn #P 203:11 Y: xf7in Pes ib. lttN'Vin n.m. sweetness, sweet food, mead (4- Vl#'Vn; TA X^Vn TJ Jud 14:14; mng. 3: Sy rdiAo-o wine, mead LS 234) 1. sweetness: sg. nmaV V'D3a xpi n'3 V"y n"Vin 3ix xaVi lest because of its sweetness, (the harosef) will penetrate it [i.e. the maror] and nullify its bitterness Pes 115b (7); XTST X'Vin (natural) sweetness of the fruit Men 87a(10; V10); X'Vin XWa'ttH sweetness of (the fruit dried in) the sun ib.; 2. sweet food: sg. Meg 7b(9) [* 4- XSnin mng. 2]; 3. mead: sg. AZ 30a(49) [expl. MH pWB ib.] Y: «fm AZ ib.(BAYTN 149). 2#K'Vin n.m. weakness, sickness (4- V2#'Vrt) sg. X'Vin nV X2?'Sai X3TXm now that weakness is prevalent Hor 13b(38); XmiXT X'Vin the weakness of (traveling on) the road Yev 71b(23) [O2: X»Vin]; ib. 42 [3# N'^in n.m. cartilaginous ring (4- X'Vin n3, xri"Vn) Despite the fact that this word is consistently written with alef, its consistent occurrence in H contexts and its pi. form Jll'Vin shows that it is not an A word.] NWVin n.m. recovery (V3#oVn; 4- D'Vn; Sy rdLwAcuij LS 235) sg. XJaVim xmOX health and recovery Bo 51:1 Ki?^in, Np*6in, abs. pVin n.m. share (4- 13 XpVin, VpVn; TA xpVlli TO Gen 47:22; cf. Sy ■^ A V .. fate LS 237, Ma l#xpV'H MD 145) sg.abs. X'33 Dlpa3 X'VdV pVin D'X the (already born) child has an (additional) share (in the inheritance) beside the sons (who are as yet unborn) BB 142b (28); XlDnXl pVin a share and an inheritance SSSad 266:11; det. n'nxja 1DXB H'pVini his portion and share SSHai 1 lb(10); D'X 'T1XT xaVj/V XpVin 13'1A3 ]V do we have a share in you in the world to come? BB 73b(35); in xpxVin TGHark 269:2; ib. 203:21; pl.abs. pVs 1'pVin nj?31xV 'D3'3V ]inV they divide the property for them into four shares HP 57:34; det. pn xnxn ]a 'pxVin two shares [i.e. 2/3] of the profit t : sSSad 207:7; pi pixiV 'pxVin xnVri p xpVm in one share of the three shares is for NN TGHark 278:1 Y: Xj^in BB 30a(49; BAYTN 161). N3i?^n n.m. portion (4- VpVn) sg. XJXpVin Vaa SSHai 1 lb(12) n.m. weakness, sickness (4- Vtt?Vn; TA xdV'in TJ Is 40:23; cf. Sy k'&o y V » LS 238) 1. weakness: sg. BM 80b(9); Vlll 1.131 XB?Vin the weakness of the high priest Yom 20b(7); ib. 36a(16); 45a(15); Zev 20a(29); XmiXI XB/Vin weakness from the journey Sab 87a(4); Hag 6a(ll); 2. sickness: a. general: sg. U'3X 3pJ?' 1J? xwVin mm 'am xy3 ipy xnx xwVw mn xV until Jacob, our father, there was no sickness (before death). Jacob came, prayed, and there was sickness BM 87a(42); XtfVin lV *3ttl 12?in ©XI the first day and the second day (of the month) are (days of) sickness Sab 129b (19); piS'X xV XwVwa he was not spared from sickness Git 35a(44); ''tfVin «]'pn 'n"1Tl3 during the last (three hours of the day) his sickness intensifies Ned 40a(37); Naz 66a(15); b. in phrase XE?Vin X3'Vl 'sickness of the heart': Ber 40a(35); Er 29b(43); Git 69b(18) Y: Ktfm Sab 86b(41; BAYTN 149). mm n.m. heat (4- Vl#Dan; Sy rZAxyu LS 238) sg. 'Sia Xain O'ap Xlip cold constricts (and) heat loosens OHT Ber 130:23(Ar) ]'0»in n.pl. (uncertain; 4- XDiailD) I'Dain ]a xV TOailB ]a xVl (do not ordain for us) either from ... or ... Ket 17a(16) Expl. Ar: nB'On IwV )'0'»n OHT Ket 55:24. lttNIDin n.m. restrictive measure, greater severity (4- Vian; JPA 4#iain DJPA 191) 1. restrictive measure: a. alone: sg. ... 131 Xiain XDlt Xiain a major/minor restrictive measure Yev 7a(2i); pi. Vxiawi 1'iaim 311 nnain the restrictive measures of PN and PN2 Er 6b(30); ib. 80a(37); Hul 43b(37); 'lain 'in two restrictive measures Ket 82a(5); b. * xVlp: 4- l# xVlp usage b; c. in adv. phrase XiawV in a strict fashion: XiainV X311 XiainV X31 T3yi he acted in this case and in that case in a strict fashion Er 7a(26); 439
2# Kiain 440 Nrnain mavt? 'Xa© ma in1? mm Beit Shammai had a strict opinion Yom 80b(2); Pas 52a(22); xp'SO X-iain1? 'mmxi a doubtful matter in a Pentateuchal law (is decided) in a strict fashion Yev 31a(29); Xiain1? XIID'X pSD a doubtful matter concerning a prohibition (is decided) in a strict fashion Hul 9b(3); Mrf 25a(42); d. * xVipV: 4- l#x"?1p usage c; 2. greater severity: sg. N"IJ3in T"jn the greater severity of idolatry AZ 52a(51); Xiam 'xai what greater severity is there? Svu 37a(ll);&w 50a(5) Voc: XIBin HPP 5:20; Y: Iflffln ftw 1 la(26; BAYTN 160). 2# Niain J, xianx n. Nfliain, pi. '"lain n.f. small stone, bead, seal stone, ring, wheel, vertebra, amulet, amulet spirit (perh. metath. < Mir *muhr- [cf. MP muhr seal, muhrag bead, vertebra, piece CPD 56, NP muhra coral beads, stone found in head of serpent, iron or bone polishing instrument, counter in various games, muhra 'i pust backbone PED 1354]; 4- xp-ima, nm&V'U; Pal nan element or material of construction PAT 366, Sy rc'^vviocLJu, pi. k'tjsoojj wheel, stone of necklace, joint of column, vertebra, gem, amulet LS 241, Ma l#xmxam, pi. Xnaw bead, amulet, charm, [amulefj-spirit MD 135, JNA xmaia xumirta bead HDJNA s.v.) 1. small stone, bead: a. stone: sg. n'J'» XpBH xmain a (bladder) stone which has gone out of him Git 69b(51); b. bead: pV'ST xmain bead [i.e. cake] of malabathrum Sab 62a(33; V) [expl. MH n"?ai3 Mib. 6:3]; Git 69b(45); c. of a necklace: pi. 'an 'bl nam GC 25:1 [expl. MH rrri>in MKel 11:8 and expl. as Arab jji]; XJYUnn nam XiVOTlS pia he was selling small chains : beads [double rdg.] in a shop Qid 9a(l) [4- xmans]; d. in a fig. sense: pi.cs. 'am xnx'ana nam nvv a-i D'pja pn used to gather together the 'beads' [i.e. fragments] of the barraitot and learn (them as one unit) AZ 42b(36) [v. Eps, MNM 360]; Sab 138a(2); Men 43a(19); 2. seal stone, seal gem: sg. by 3TDT xs'^nn na n'©-i©a rrmain on his seal stone was written: PN b. PN2 iSGF 102:4; NDGR 161:1; pi. xnXTO-n nam yanx the four seal stones of the heads (of the academies) OHT Ket 212:29 [v. ib. 213*]; 3. ring: a. for lacing a sandal: sg. xmama m:'X 'IDpT with the ring with which they tie (the laces of the sandal) Sab 112a(16); psn XWI X2?naT XJTiama a certain person who went out with a ring of an m.-sandal Er 69a(24); MQ 12b(27); Yev 102a(38); b. of a windpipe: sg. TO1 xmam the 'large ring' HG3 116:39 [i.e. the cricoid cartilage; caique < MH2 nVvnn nyaD Hul 45a(24)]; c. other: xmam '•'b maya you pass an (iron) ring over it Ket 10b(2) [expl. MH fl.TJ ib.; v. Geon. expl. infra]; xnaxil Hbr\S1 Xmam a ring of iron and lead HM 43:24; 4. wheel: sg. BB 67b(14) [expl. MH %bi Mib. 4:5, part of the olive press]; n'mama n'1? yppaT he makes it [i.e. the laver] descend with its wheel Zev 21b(16; V11) [expl. MH '331a Mib. 3:10; 4- X^i mng. 1]; 5. vertebra, joint: sg. pi) XTtttH XDin p'DS'Xl XJTlBmV (xmam the spinal cord was broken between one vertebra and another HP 202:15 [= GeonH xnirf? X'Vm p Wehizhir2 90:3]; pi. xaVya xin V?'sx rrnvn nam p <x)(inon la when even merely one of the vertebrae of (the animal's) spine is missing HP 203:4; aKH xaipy nam a scorpion of seven joints Git 69a(l); 6. amulet: sg. xns'tspi xmam amulet of ... Sab 57b(20) [expl. MH niSDID Mib. 6:1]; 7. amulet spirit: sg. mxi xnansi xmaim ©mm xim xt© nniD by demon, dew, d.-demon, amulet spirit, and idol spirit which are on his body Bo 21:16; XnapiTl Xian xmam male or female amulet spirit ib. 83:5; pl.abs. plain ib. 59:7; det. nam XDXSra evil amulet spirits ib. 52:10; 6:2; 18:8; 34:5; 78:17 Geon. expl.: run VDJ1 'JlVx nxx(n>lffl *?R OHT Git 158:11, i.e. [*5j\jLa] iL^L gallstone [mng. la); D'»»3 'JTa 13 VTV IBj? jn m Yorr? OHR Git 46:3 [mng. lb]; nyrr 1'V'Bi xmain V\aW n"D3 OHT Git 157:23 [mng. lb; Arab unkn.]; bv '!» pn O'aa ptflyan D'nws x'jiaaw ant TRN 598:5 [mng. lb]; -nm j?"ya 'ya idt xrnairn i'V"yai niyixi vr>i3 pass ''B mna 'ya iai xrnaim 'xnaxa Top OHP Sab 73:18 [RaH; mng. 3a]; nyao no'aaa mix piaw inx "nan *?y p'ayow fvi'jn ''si pi^pai] rrVpxa xnpn nysom Vxp^x x-ij>: Vxyaw '^ai insnsV Krnain may prrw -pa'7'7 ... irVxx yir m nail OHT Tan 42:26, i.e. JlLill, ULl^. [mng. 3c; cf. OHT MQ 37:20]; oyr 'yx'D ito^s inii?w trwan 13 p^nau px xmain OHP Ket 64:12, i.e. ^ II to smooth; pa 3yi p lay 1B1JW iw'in ]'ya VTn OHR Git 44:22 [mng. 5]; Lit: Geig, AAC 188 [contra Fraenkel, AF 161]; Eps, Stl 3922; Voc: xmain HPQ 204:1, t : 441 i#Njsin nam ib. 205:10; Y: toy«m BB 67b(14; BAYTN 199). Sfi;ain, Nfi^a'n num. fifth, a book of the Pe'ntateuch (4- xri'iffam, xir?am, xtfan; TA H'^Din TO Lev 5:16, Sy rdiioo-u LS 242, ModSy xumsT Maclean 102; mng. 2: caique < MH W»m Yeivin, BV 857) 1. fifth: sg. BQ 108a(18); TTWSm "ISO "pX he needs to add a fifth to it(s value) AnanSch 4:13; ib. 20; 15:7; -dm Xiyam IX IXJ^a Xisam a fifth 'from within' [i.e. of the starting price] or a fifth 'from without' [i.e. of the final price] BM 53b(36); Xtffiin XWim a fifth of a fifth [i.e. 1/25] i& 54b(15); X2?am 'SJ "lOa'B? sixteen and four-fifths £r 76b(7); xnyaT Xt&a'li one-fifth of an egg HP 40:21(HPP 56:19); ib. 39:3; pi. Xjnana xnax "73 XJIDabxa 'Plain nm xnax the diagonal in every square of (a side of) one cubit, is one and two-fifths cubits Er 57a(21) [+ //'s; 4- XilDaVx]; '©am nnVlll r\rbT\ three and three-fifths Suk 32b(26); 2. a book of the Pentateuch: sg. lari n'©ain the Book of Numbers AnanSch 29:9; pi. '©aim 'V'at 'an baskets (used to store) books of the Pentateuch Meg 26b(38); rwiin '©am the five books of the Pentateuch Ket 103b(44)//5M85b(23) On var. u-i in this fraction, cf. i xn'jlfl-Xn'j'n; Y: XWain BM 54b(15; BAYTN 149). [Nrwain n. 4- xxruham] 1# Nfiain n.f. heat (4- Vl#Dan; Sy pd^scuj LS 238, Ma 2# xna'n MD 146) sg. xnam n'xiam XniJT his heat is the heat of fire Bo 78:4 2#Nnain n.m. (uncertain) sg. XJiaim Xnp'J? root of ... Git 69a(37) Geon. expl.: 1010 ^X 3T 'XTiain OHT Git 155:20, i.e. (j.jill 4>j licorice rob; Lit: Flora 1:375. Din vb. to be concerned, care (4- "V on; Sy«m » LS 221, Ma Din MD 136) Pe. (u), w. /'by -'iV'y about/for s.o./s.t: wby 'X3»m on the Merciful One cared about them [i.e. the animals] San 55a(39); ib. 55b(20); 5g 15a(31); Pes 92b(14); Sab 10b(46); g/rf 35a(44); Men 89a(29); /far I0b(23); n'ma by\ nna Vyi xnai D"n 'a(')n 'XTT 'X'jJ? 0"n X1? will a man who does not care about his son and daughter care about me? Tan 24a(9); Ber 56a(52); rf?y 0"n xypS Xa^T he is concerned about it [i.e. the pot] lest it burst (from the heat) Zev 95b(37); Hul 123a(35) DIM interj, (uncertain) Din Din Ber 62a(51) [spoken against demons which attack a person while defecating] SSOin n.m. reduction (by wear and tear; V"pn; cf. Sy kLq_£»cuj restraint LS 246) sg. X30in X©nn reduction of the copper BM 70a(14) Y: X30W BM ib.(BAYTN 149). xmsoin, xn'asVin, xmason n.f. (a skin disease; TA XJl'JBOn TO Dt 28:27[Rashi, Sab infra]; cf. Sy rdLL&^-M testaceous LS 252) sg. xmDOin1? 'Tip cold water for the h.-disease AZ 29a(l; J) [Var: XTl'M'jin P'Ar (AC 3:409)]; Xtspj XJIUDOn tvb the h.-disease seizes him Sab 134a(l) Y: Kn'JBOrl Sab ib.(BAYTN 279). xri'apoin 4- xir:poix n. XaiOin, N3S"l0in n.m. deficiency, deficit (I Vion; TA H'inoin TO.Dt 15:8, Sy Kli-Uoo-u LS 248, Ma XMnoin MD 136) 1. deficiency: sg. xnxnna njnaa xainvi xanom a deficiency or an excess (in length) in its hind legs HP 206:14; 2. monetary deficit or loss: sg. XJXIOim XJX'T loss and deficit SSHai 6a(21); ib. 10b(12); Xp'TH XJXnDim damage and deficit TGHark 268:6; ib. 9; 11; 'jxmin inn xm nxT xaxnom by\ he will sustain 2/3 of any loss ib. 272:4; 270:31; 277:19; 25; pi. 'JXIDin IX 'iX'I SSHai 10b(6) [pjin 4- V«isn] NSIM n.m. rubbing, scraping (4- V^sn) pi. '3H1 IH'TT 'Sina ibaT l^am '3a the garments of the scholars which wore out from their [i.e. the demons'] rubbings Ber 6a(11) l#K^Sin, K'BIH, N'SIN am. foam, froth (Ma x'sixn MD 117, 136) sg. xnan©XT xn'ai xmn HT3 X'Sin Wpl mm ':i 'ra a certain young girl who was found among the (wine) vats who was holding froth in her hand AZ 70b(2) [J: X'SIX]; XmO'Xa OWIi X'Sin VW xVt 'Xn the reason he does not drink foam is because of repulsiveness Hul 105b(30; Ar [AC 2:197, s.v. DDia]); "73 X'Sin
2# N'Sin 442 Kjnnin pal GC 136:6 [expl. MH pO'll nnvn MTY 1:1 and expl. as BH «|Xj? Hos 10:7] Lit: Eps, GC 13616. 2#N'Bin, N'BTl, K'B'H n.m. material made from split palm leaves (etym. unkn.) sg. 'ail X'SVD since it is like ^.-material Suk 32a(9; E2) [Var: X'B'n HP 32:7; X'Sn Ar (AC 3:232); X'B'n o9]; mttFV mayi x'Bin x'Bin inriayi 'sin (one who stole) leaves of palm branches and made /i.-material out of them, ^.-material and made rope out of it BQ 96a(27) Geon. expl.: X'B.1 fNipj mPBil p pjVUVS iTW'tnB pmi Ar [AC ib.]; Lit: Flora 2:329; Y: XJBin Bg ib.(BAYTN 149). tOBin n.m. handful (I V]Sn; TA pyiWl pi. TO Ex 9:8, Sy rdiacuu LS 250, Ma XJD1H MD 136) pi. Xma'B 'X3Bin 'Va my full handfuls of goodness Sab 62b (28) NtfBin 4- XW31X n. fin vb. to connect, fasten (Sy ^ LS 221, Ma VW MD 137, MH pn LNVTH 159) Pe.: xV pm ffl does not the straw (in the trench between the two courtyards) connect (them together as one)? Er 78b(32); V"n X1? X1? 'X V"n H'Voa 'X if he nullified it (as straw) it connects; if not, it does not connect ib. 36; Tj? xViaxa 'TJ3 Tin |133 XT3'0 if, for instance, the men form a partition from the city gate to the ... Ket 17a(48) // Meg 29a(9) In MD ib., two diff. rts. [fin, fsn] have been incorrectly combined. Thus, in Xlimy ]VXXn they built a booth (of reeds), the correct rt. is fin [cf. Akk Ijasasu to build a reed structure CAD rj 130; v. M. Dietrich BiOr 24(1966) 296]. NXin 4- xxin n. KSSin n.m. boldness, insolence (4- V*]Xn; Sy «Lis<y» LS 251, TA «|$in TJ Jer 3:3, Ma XDDin MD 136) sg. X'3na X'aw 'B"7D V7BX XBXW boldness is effective even towards Heaven San 105a(52); XVI XJXD x"?T XTlttVa XSXin boldness is kingship without a crown ib. 53; HTTP XBXW excessive insolence 55 155b(32); G<7 36b(35); 4ra 15b(51); X3©'1? IX. XVI XBXim X3P'1? X»Viy XVI xmn'31 is '. a term of insolence or a term of convenience? ib. 35(As) Y: XBXW San ib.(BAYTN 150). [pin 4- Vppn vb.] loin n.m. hole (4- Vi#-nn, xrnin; ta xnin tj 2K 12:10, Sy k'-Uju LS 253) 1. hole: sg. 1Kb km x-nn x-iaaj? ixb no 331 xtm xVx 333 xiaay n'V the mouse did not steal, but the hole stole. But were it not for the mouse, what could the hole do? Git 45a(7) // Qid 56b(3) II Am 30a(9); 2. pi. perh. a mesh fabric or lace: 'Tin 'Tin Meg 12a(31) [expl. BH TOT Est 1:6] Y: lOin BAYTN 23. KSHin n.m. ruined building, ruin, ruinous result (4 Vain; Sy rdi.io.0 LS 254, Ma l#Xamn MD 137, TA 3TU1 TJ Ezek 29:10, X3TH ib. 9) 1. ruined building: sg. nn»l X3Tin nty bsi a ruined building collapsed upon her and she died BB 146b(2); XT3T1 X3TinV "WIl XXiai HaTinV "in one (statement) is for a ruined building of a town, and the other is for a ruined building of a field Ket 13b(10); 2. ruin: sg. naiin XD'aa XTO'I XD'Oa (if) there is song in a house, (there will be) ruin on its threshold Sot 48a(43); ib. 45; 3. ruinous result [w. VpBJ pe.]: sg. X3Tin M'» p'B3 a ruinous result will go out of it Sab 29b(29); Git 66b(47); 55 171b(3);^m 12a(17); Yev 105a(22); e/d46b(13) Y: X3-Wn Sab ib.(BAYTN 150). J03"WI n.m. destruction (4- Vain; TA X33T)n TJ Is 34:11, Ma X3X3T1M MD 137, Sy rdLi-Ui LS 254, MH lain Yeivin, BV 1045, pTin Gross, Patterns 53) a. general: sg. otom X33Tin San 96b(45); b. w. ref. to biblical books dealing w. the destruction of Jerusalem: sg. n'BID D'a^ttT ]TD xiaTin n'»n Vxpmi x33Tin rvVo nwi xsanin X33Tin p'aao xnana n'Via .tjtch xnans n'Bioi XTOUV Xrian31 K33TOT> since the end of Kings is 'destruction,' all of Jeremiah is 'destruction,' the beginning of (the Book of) Ezekiel is 'destruction', and its end is 'consolation,' and all [sic!] of (the Book of) Isaiah [i.e. chaps. 41-66] is 'consolation,' we connect 'destruction' with 'destruction' and 'consolation' with 'consolation' BB 14b(36) [expl. the order of biblical books: Kings - Jeremiah - Ezekiel - Isaiah] Y: Xjrnn BB ib.(BAYTN 268). NroTin i xru-in n. xj-nn 443 T T NVlin n.m. stepson (< MH2 JTin J 439; IxruTin; jpa 3Tin djpa 192) sg. mn 1371 n'mn he was the stepson of Kenaz Sot 1 lb(51) // Tern 16a(34) Y: xnw BAYTN 150. Nmiin n.f. stepdaughter (< MH2 HJTin J 439; 4- X3Tin; JPA niTin DJPA 192) sg. Sot 43b(52) Y: xnfWI Sot ib.(BAYTN 150). NBT-in n.m. sharpness, pungency, ingenuity (1 V«pn; Sy 1# rdi-ta-u LS 258) 1. point, sharpness: sg. X3'DDT XBTin the point of the knife San 56a(19); Hul 17b(7); ib. 112b(4); 2. pungent object, pungency: sg. Meg 7b(9) [* i lSX'Vin mng. 2]; X'bna xn'Jf>m H'BTin 33X XJT13'3ai£/ H'1? because of the pungency of Asa joetida, the fattiness (on the pagan's knife) 'sweetens' it [i.e. makes it less pungent] AZ 39a(38); Sab 108b(19) [radish]; '»3 p'3B?l n'DTina it also leaves behind (in the vessel) part of its pungency TGAs42 160:10; 3. ingenuity, acumen: sg. XJW3ltf XSTin msb (the magnitude of) an error is according to (one's) ingenuity Git 20b(22) // BM 96b(2) // Nid 33b(2); H'BTin 33X H3 ]"J? X1? because of his ingenuity, he did not study it carefully Er 90a(5) // BB 116b(l); ib. 144b(8); Hul 110b(8); .TBTItt DID1? im in "73 each one (of the children) according to his acumen Ket 60a(6) // Git 59a(25) Voc: ,TB-nn HPP 240:19; Y: XB1W San 56a(19; BAYTN 150). XSTin n.m. crack, rift (4- VvTn; cf. MH V'"1" Yeivin, BV 890) sg. XXTin3 X'BTl (the needle) is placed in the crack (of the rock) Sab 99b (14) N$iin 4- xtfTin 'a n. Kmin n.f. hole, cavity (4- Vl#Tin, XTin) sg. xriTin1? "7"jn tJ'an^X (the monkey) escaped and entered the hole Ned 50b(4; V2); Tm ]Xa3 'in'a X3"333 Xrmn it appears as if he drilled a hole in the building Sab 103a(2; M); jvrmina 'am and throw in their hole (?) HM 43:1 Y: xrnin BAYTN 39. t&in 4- Vwn vb. While there may, in fact, be a rt. lbVl [cf. the very rare Sy x~x> LS 223], the complete conflation of all of its forms w. tftm places its independent existence in doubt. Therefore, all forms are included s.v. #27n. Kfihn 11# xwn n. NJat^in, N3tt31^in n.m. account, reckoning, calculation, numerical value (4- Vaittfl; TA iT33!2nn TO Gen 39:11, Sy «lLLx-cuj LS 261, Ma X3X3PV1 MD 138; cf. BH, MH ]Vyr\ Gross, Patterns 26+) 1. account: sg. XVI XBtya X33E?in it is merely an account (of the measurements) Yom 17b(8); Sab 32a(10); HJ7TST X331»in the charity account Ket 67b(45); ]31XT H'by V'Sp n'3X312nn 'p1Bx"7 NN took upon himself to produce his account (of the business transactions) TGHark 276:7; ib. 275:35; 34:32; SSHai 5b(l; O); 2. reckoning: sg. in'33Bnnx ]331 laaoi the scholars relied on their (own) reckoning (concerning the intercalary month) San 18b(42); ib. 12b(47) // RH 7a(43); XVI 'a^jn X332;m XfllPH J?TT now he merely knows the reckoning (of the intercalary months) Hul 95b(29); Meg 12a(3); 3. accounting, calculation, w. Vl3J? pe.: 'X3'J 1H3H 'Tin ma X33«;in 131J?T certain gardeners who made a reckoning among themselves Git 14a(20); Yom 86a(35); 'X»> "?3T X3X32;in X3T3J71 X3XT3 JTX(T we have calculated all that is in our possession SSHai 10a(3); Dec 9:5; 4. numerical value [cf. JPA piznn DJPA 193, mng. 2]: apy pm 1'yattn 'xa ''33©n3 the numerical value of (the word) 3py [Gen 26:5] is one hundred and seventy-two Ned 32a(48); ib. 32b(l) Y: XJ3BW Sab 32a(10; BAYTN 268). NJ^in n.m. suspicion (4- VltfrT) sg. S$Hai 18V(2) [K3»in 4- KTV&n n.] l#*6tjnn, K^in n.m. barley groats (4- Vl#Vl£>n, X30TX; TA vbmn TJ Ezek 27:17 [Rashi], Sy kLSLLu LS 263, mng. 2; Akk haslatu pi. groats cad H 141) sg. x"7© ... nnb m\yv ,T7 ITp X^ltfin nriD'^pS a moist barley corn without its husk is called barley groats Yom 79a(7; Ar [AC 3:515]); xVwim X3p a qab of barley groats San 27a(48); X^Win '"73XT TJ? VI3H ins vst\ xpi x^im nna xnx xyrvm certain goats which used to eat barley groats in GN. The owner of the barley groats came and seized them
tbrm 444 'in BB 36a(29) // BM 116a(22) [Var: x"?Knn HP 90:22]; xVltfin SMel 39:81; Hul 51a(26); 'tow X'3J W'TT 'p'Jiy '-Ijriyi old barley groats at the top of the sieve Ned 41b(5) [expl. MH ]0"iy ib.]; 31 <n)'Vl2nn ipsa HIM PN declared his barley groats ownerless BQ 30b(41; F'Es) [Var: 'V'ttm H] Geon. expl.: n'rwiani mroVDa Dmyw TGHark 144:18; |0iy D"nT> [fB^ttW DHWBbB TGAs42 168:7; Lit: Flora 1:716; Y: ^Ertn BQ 30b(41; BAYTN 150). [2# Ktoin 4- 2# xVtiX n.] NVmn n.m. bale (MH "?riin MKelK 16:5, J 441) sg. GC46:4(Ar [OHT Sab 19h]) NKiriin, abs. D(')mn n.m. seal (I Vonn; Sy Klis^-o LS 264, Ma xariXH MD 128) sg.cs. irOTD D'mn the seal of his throne Bo 64:15; ib. 17:9; pi.det. wamn Vy xstonn in n'3i p"s the members of the Davidic House engrave a fly on their seals SOZ 73:1 Nljn n.m. vision (4- V'tn; TA Klin TO Gen 29:17, Sy k'ouj LS 224, Ma Xlt'n MD 142) sg. 5o 64:24; pi. XBBH '0)m visions of the day li. 58:8 NJVllTn n.f.pl. type of sore (Sy rc'&JHoui LS 226, Arab jj j\lL scrofula Wehr 263) sg. HM 38:9 Nfflin, Kmm, pi. NJIIlin n.f. appearance, color, legal proof (i V'tn, Xmm; Ma xmtn MD 139) 1. appearance: sg. Xrmru xbyrf? n'^ 'tol Xp he connects the food with (its) appearance AnanSch 26:11; 2. color: sg. 'rttX 'mm iru we follow the color (of the water) Hul 26a(15); xmtnx lmisp are you particular about the color (of the water)? ib. 107a(19); 21; xmm TlS'XI the color (of the dye) separated Men 43a(10); ib. 15!; xmm SMel 39:82; pi. X/rmn XJlTltn various colors Hul 46b(32; V") [Var: xnx<l)('}m XJlX<"l>('im HP 199:6]; XJlXltn ib. 107a(19; MGL 427:9); X3'n nX"IB3 xrrmn rb Il'Xi where there are (various) colors (we go) according to the appearance Zev 79a(l 1); ib. 9; 3. legal proof [caique < MH n'JXI J1436]: pi. nnxist '^di1?! xnxitm xnxist wpVi Xnxiini to confirm verifications and proofs and to annul verifications and proofs S$Hai 9a(13); ib. 17b(13); TGAs33 212:4; XJlX<lt){'l}m (XnX'inxi) Dec 10:16 Y: xrmri baytn 28. NH'Tin, Nfl'Tltn, Nfl'TlT n.f. a skin disease (Sy rf'^jilo LS 224, TA ]Tm pi. TO Lev 21:20) sg. Git 70a(l; V16Ar [AC 3:356]) [Var: xmnm V18; Xrvnt OHT ib. 158:21]; Bo 119:19; HM 38:3 Geon. expl.: n"D2 nTIp OHT ib., i.e. eUji a skin disease; id., HM ib. [gloss]; Y: xri'Tin Git ib.(BAYTN 204). 'Tn vb. to see, look at, inspect, be visible, fit (I xtm, xmm, 'tn adj., xmm, xwn, V2#'an; Sy rfLu LS 224, Ma 1#XTH MD 138) Pe., pf. lsg. 'Xtn BB 73b(42); Nid 20b(5); "]mm BQ 90b(22); mmm Sab 77b(22); inrmtn Yom 78a(ll); 2m. mm Sab 59a(14); -|mm San 108b(48); pmm BB 10b(24); 3m. Xtn Tan 23a(47); ,T'tn AZ 75b(48); OTtn Sar 95a(51); f. 'Xtn Ket 104a(6); ntn Nid 2b(24); n'JUn San 101a(38); vumtn RH 26b(9); lpl. p'tn Ber 58b(34); pm Hul 53b(19; HP 203:16); ]tn Ber 56a(33; GTB1 16:16); xrm TGHark 86:22; Dec 3:7; XU'tn TGHark 101:27; .TJ'tn 5e/t 7b(38); 2m. lTl'tn BQ 117a(50; F1); yirrtn iSGF 32:1; 3m. ltn Men 51b(46); nvm BQ 118b(3); VUltn Sab 108a(29); imp. lsg. 'tn'X Yom 75b(24); 2m. 'Win MQ 9b(12); 3m. 'in'1? BB 168b(16); Win'3 BM 116b(10); lpl. 'in'J g;V/ 74a(l); px 'in'1?! Nid 39a(46); 2m. ltnjl 5er 62b(10); 3m. m'tn'1? Sab 67a(42); imper. sg. 2m. 'tn Er 60a(18); f. 'Xtn Ned 6b(8); BM 84b(ll; SM 65:12); pi. 2m. Itn Ned 27b(5); inf. 'tmaV Yev 101b(3); Xtn'B Pes 69b(27); n"tn'B tf# 17a(51); TO'ima1? Ber 6a(15); part. lsg. XJ'm Ber 56a(2); 2m. mm &fe 48a(9); 3m. 'txn Meg 3a(42); f X"tn Ket 11 la(34); X'tn Anan 42:3; lpl. p'tn Svu 46b(21); XM"tn rG#a«t 160:10; rGAs42 23:5; 2m. Win 55 130b(26); pm'tn Suk 14b(42); 3m. Itxn San 34a(31); f. ]X'tn Nid 31b(44); pass.part. [i 'tn adj.] 3sg.m. 'txn Tan 22b(49);- 1. to see: a. general: 1) active: Xtn'B Xtm one who really saw (it) Ber 59b(34); IS'Tl^X1? 'tn'Xl XJ'jn I want to see your God Hul 5 9b (41); Xtm Xni3 XXTI X31T XB13X XJ13'1? a certain buck that saw turnips on the top of a vat BQ 20a(l); Xtm nXBTI Xtnn Xll'XB "JSJH xn3J Xinn1? a certain Roman who saw a certain man who fell from a roof Hul 56b(55); ypB'1? XJYItf'33 -\±> X'tm XJ'5? may the eye which looks at you with wickedness rupture AZ 65a(19); T31 ,11'tm 'tHO 'V Tl'X I have witnesses that they saw him with you BB 445 'in 46a(22); nnpW3 n"tn n'}"?1? inJ'OSnx he opened his eyes wide, saw him, (and) recognized him Bek 36b(14; L1); 2) qetil I- syntagm [cf. Sy ^yu uyi- you saw them PSm 1233, Ma N'^'tn I saw them Nold, MG 382; v. Satzlehre 45]: X3T1 Tnnx •>W nO'in n,!7 X'tn mn Xbl PN's sister whom he had not seen for twelve years Ket 67b(27); 'TV? H3VT ]Vpy 'V 'tn I, myself, saw Jonah's g.-plant Sab 21a(ll); Yom 75b(35); Meg 6a(30); BM 85b(51); b. in a dream: xabn Itn X311 "3X PN and PN2 had [lit. saw] a dream 5er 56a(13); 'Xtn n3!TXT 'mn xbTlia I saw (in a dream) a new wall which collapsed Ber 56a(45) [and passim here in the dream book]; Yom 87b(ll); c. of abstract notions: px H3 'tn'J let us see it [i.e. ponder the issue] Er 40b(36); Qid 74a(l); ltxm 1H3 mn 'X 7\y\rh Xnnx xaytJ if they retract and see another reason for conviction San 34a(31); Yev 61b(10); 5M66a(26); I'iD'a xp vtvabn n'nyi"? n'n'tm but I saw that his (actual) intention was that he was intending to sharpen it Bes 28b(3); Ket 105b(19) [4- XJTDl mng. lb]; d. in phrase XpTO 'SX 'tn to go outside [lit. to see the face of the street; MH2 pwn '33 HX-I J 1541]: '3'3 "13 HXJ'jn 311? H'V XJ'ffl XpW 'SX 'tn XD31 XDD "73T I used to see PN who would go outside (after drinking) each cup Pes 110a(9; M1); 2. to look at: X131 Itn look at the man! [i.e. my husband] Yev 115a(ll); ib. 108a(30); 'XriXT ltn look for I have come! Ket 2b(37); Bes 32b(34); BQ 113b(30); pn'3tT '31 pTI3"n n'BIS1? Itn 11D313m n'ap when you sit before your teacher, look at your teacher's mouth Kar 6a(8); '»m H'Vy lSD'1?! 'W3'X HTtn'1?! '3'H '3 so that people should look at it [i.e. the tree] and pray for it Sab 67a(42); 3. to inspect, examine: n'WBl1? 'tn psna X3mSl a s.m. may inspect (a slaughtering knife) for himself Er 63a(9); XaV3 'tn nin X1? X3tS he would not examine (firstborn animals for blemishes) on a holiday Bes 27a(33); XBT XJ'tn mn wn» at first I used to examine (menstrual) blood Nid 20b(33); 4. to realize, notice: ins 'W>!» XpT ltm ]T3 when they realized that they were treating them with disrespect Ket 12b(l); Men 52a(3); Tip XpT Xtn x"?'"?n he noticed them reciting the Hallel (on the first day of the month) Tan 28b(23); mm XTOn "p'B 'BB KjyT X3XT now you will realize that I know more than you Ber 58a(29); BB 73b(14); 5. in legal phrases: a. ... 1 'tn/"l» 'in/mm 'XM why? [lit. what do you/does he see?; JPA na'a man 'Xa why did you say? PT Ber 2c(57), MH2 mxn na, etc. Bacher 199]: '3D paiO ~\vm mm 'Xa why is your blood redder [i.e. why is your life more valuable]? Yom 82b(4) [+ //'s; I paiO mng. 1.1]; 'Xnp niff3tt;aT mm 'Xai why do you change the order of the biblical verses? Yom 71a(20); Yev 45a(38); Git 45a(7); BQ 72b(23); Ara 29a(21); -\vi xnjn ins nbtxi ta 'tn 'xa why do you (only) take your own intention into account? BM 65a(51); b. 'tn xn come (and) see [cf. JPA xmx 'an DJPA 205]: moB xp nsn xnai ]xa 'in xn Tfby come (and) see what sort of great man affirms concerning it Ber 30b(10); Tan 23b(39) // Meg 28b(40) // Hul 122a(45); 6. to search, look for: xm2/3 3'3»T X332; 'tn': let him look for a corpse (of one) who died on the Sabbath Git 69b(36; OHT ib. 153:17); 7. to have consideration: 'am 'an1? 'tn ... 'ttV 'tn have consideration for me/these orphans BM 84a(46); 8. to become a menstruous woman [caique < MH (Di) nnxi; v. MNid 8:1]: xai x"tm xnmb XMI x'?3 for a woman who becomes a menstruous woman at an unexpected time //M38:16; ib. 39:19; Anan 114:19; 'Xtm X3\P3 tn3 nS3p she jumped on Sunday and became a menstruous woman Nid 1 la(15) Af. 1. to show: 'nmi 'pVo '3 'p'1X p3T '"? 'tnx xyp"n xmj'Tia1? show me the righteous scholars as they are ascending and descending to the heavenly academic session BM 85b(34); inV 'tnx Wa^ns they were shown [lit. he showed them] in their dream Hor 13b(53); Hul 133a(28); XJ'JH ini'^n'J ''V mtnai I want you to show Him to me ib. 59b(31); mmmx 'VtX I went (and) showed it [i.e. the coin] BQ 99b(53); n'V 'tnx XBia n'3 "733 a blemish developed in it (and) he showed (it) to him Bes 26b(40); SSHai 14b(19); 2. perh. to demonstrate: 13 n'©333 W'3'X 'in'1? 'V'B "73 ntj'nisa one may demonstrate all things on oneself except ritual slaughtering Git 57b(50) Itpe. 1. to be seen, visible: 'tnmx "Itnmx (the new moon) was clearly visible Ara 9a(16); Git
'in 446 aim TT - 57a(22); IKI 3a: 12; X"?T J'tt'Il X"innBl 1'JB'T X"inna sometimes (the mole) is visible and sometimes not Ket 75a(33); "73 'Wnx xVl XDX X1? "lp'y (the defendant) did not come and was not seen at all (in court) Dec 3:7; 2. to appear (in a dream): xa"?n3 n'1? 'inn'X max xnx his father came (and) appeared to him in a dream Tan 24b(42); Sab 152b(2); Mg 28a(36); Git 52a(29); ^a/i 102b(5); ]in^ I'trtflBI Xn'V'V V3 all the liliths which appear to him Bo 10:3; ife 21:20; 63:3; 78:11; 3. w. "V to see: n'1? 'inn'X X"71 Kin nWai TEW it was at night when he could not see it properly Nid 20b(51) [* XnSS1? Xtm ]r3 when he saw (it) in the morning ib. 50]; Xlb 'TrUTXT Xpn Xjnx by Xn '33 spittle which we saw in the court on the ground Yev 39b(37); 4. w. 'b to visit [cf. Akk amaru G to visit CAD A/2 27, mng. 2k]: rvb "linnx1? XnSj? nn Xnx PN came to visit him MQ 16a(49); Ned 50a(27); 5. w. mb to greet s.o.: ,1'V 'in'X XriX pSJ he came out to greet him Ket 52b(42); 6. impers. to look as if, seem to be: KHTfr V'TXi ]XB3 'Hl'B (the animal) looks as if it is going to a market Sab 54b(14); '8 XJTU 'XH '3 xnnp'DX 'inn'B does such a case seem to be irreverence? Er 63a(30); Xlp'P3 'inn'Bl 01PB because it seems to be a lie JCer 85a(53); Meg 25a(7); BM 14b(l 1); 55 94b(6); 7. to become fit [4> 'in adj.]: V?0 'in'X X1? (the animal) was not fit at all Yarn 64a(15); Bes 26b(29); Zev 114a(15); Yev 30a(42); Xi:m V13 pO'B"? <l)(')in'BT 'V'3W paths which are fit for going out to the field Ber 62b(9; P) Ittaf. 1. to be shown: 0V 3"lj;a D3rrV 'inn'X X1? 3115 (the blemish) was not shown to the scholar on the eve of the holiday Bes 26b(23); 2. w. by to instruct: xnxixai '"7'a Vs by nxmn'x1? XTnm XTD'XIl to instruct in all matters of commandments and prohibition and permission OHTMQ 24:11 The difficult form imm BM 64a(4; F1) is explained by Rashi as 'fllKinV, as if from V'm, but this is grammatically impossible. 'in, 'INn adj. fit, suitable, worthy (I V'ln pe., pass.part.; BA nin Da 3:19, Sy rdiui LS 224, TA !'in TO Dt 18:3) a. alone: sg.m. 'in XW'B 'XH this one is certainly fit Pes 69b (27); XJX'in XJX I am fit [i.e. I committed no transgression] Ned 90b(29; HP 113:1) [= GeonH n'lKVJX HR 87:1]; b. w. mb: sg.m. 'IXn 'XaV for what is it fit? Sab 90a(31); Bes 32a(26); n'SU1? n'1? 'im 'TB something which is suitable for his body BQ 102b(9); Qid 7a(41); Kar 21a(37); nam V3XB"? 'in it is fit as food for an animal Sab 140b(4); Suk 20b(16); BB 19b(35); Xrm XD1I XWlb XJ'in X"7 H31 Wlb I am not worthy of a great miracle. I am worthy of a minor miracle BM 106a(53); f. X'ln 'XB^ Sab 154b(19); pl.m. lin 'XB1? BQ 97b(20); p»y xnmx p nb um mma 'in mum twenty-five zuzim of her mohar which are due to her from the Torah HP 164:2; SSHai 2a(9); SSSad 233:1; f. D'TWyV xVl U»iyb Kb |"in xVt they are not fit either for poor or for rich people Nid 60b(13); c. w. fol. inf.: sg.m. iT3 VDiaiVinb 'in it is fitting to use it Meg 26b(19); 'D'tfB n'3 "tyapb 'in it is suitable for receiving small coins Bes 32a(33); nn' nJtt'1? xrm "?S T3 "?S XJX11, NN, am suitable to marry her in a levirate marriage HP 163:30; Anan 111:7; pl.m. VJ'ty yntlb lin they are suitable to lie upon them Bes 14b(41); BB 20b(2) Y: 'in Sab 142b(43). NTin n.m. pig (TA XTin TO Lev 11:7, Sy k'-U\jo LS 225, Ma l#XT,I'n MD 142) sg. Bo 107:7; X3V33 ]'B3i n'^l XTim3 Tfljn mb there is nothing as rich as a pig (which eats everything), and there is nothing as hungry as a dog Sab 155b(39); pi. X'THOsVxa 'Tin "OTX1? to bring pigs from GN San 93a(30); Tan 21b(25); 'Tim 'VniS the rear parts of pigs Hul 17a(29); Meg 13a(37); 'Tin'3 JW'TH '3V3'3 J1TW3J you bark like dogs, you squeal like pigs Bo 78:11 Y: XTin Sab ib.(BAYTN 55). Krn'tn n.f. sow (Sy k'^-U.um LS 226, Ma x'rriirn MD 142) pi. nwin Bo 40:6 ND'm, pi. NMN'tn n.f. appearance (4- V'ln, xnim) sg. X'n xn^a xn'in appearance is a significant matter BQ 101a(37); ib. 101b(2); 'mm '1 V'lX xn'in ira PN follows the criterion of appearance Men 23b(l); ib. 43a(3); Hul 47b(3; H2HP 200:3) N3ffl, KSKin n.m. sexton of a synagogue (< Akk hazannu head of a town or a city CAD H 163, am 7-m 447 pm AIOA 55; I XfllJin; JPA ]m DJPA 194, MH ]1f\ Yeivin, BV 967, J 444; cf. nVlX ]in temple functionary AECT 49:2) sg. Ber 53a(31); nnn '3 mi 'nx mm 'x-nx xns'i -ps mm mr\ xam Dnn xn2/'33 there was a sexton there who used to eat his meal outside, and (then) to come to rest in the synagogue there Er 74b(5); pi. '3in Xn'13aiDT the sextons of (the synagogue) of GN Ara 6b(18) [v. ib. 16] Lit: Kut, Words 46+. Note also the use of the Akk term in religious contexts, e.g. NA hazannu sa bit Nabu the h. of the Nabu temple CAD H 165. Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 469; Ros, TI 1179; Voc: '3m VTM 84; Y: XHn Ber ib.(BAYTN 23). — am ]in n.m.cs. town watchman (4 xna; cf. OfA xn'lj? ]in Beirut Decree 6) pl.cs. "p '"ID: xna 'Jins xm'n' xnn'D: I guarded for you especially well like the town watchmen BM 93b(12); Xna 'JXm ib. 1 For the function of Akk hazannu as a sheriff, v. CAD H 164+; Y: Kna ]jn BM ib. NJTIMn n.f. enforcement, expansion of fixed prayer (I XiTrl; GeonH main BY 1488) 1. enforcement: sg. 'xni3(I)n '3B my tools of enforcement San 7b(39) [expl. as 'VT301 'IDin '(n)yism niSB my staff, sandals, shofar, and strap ib.(MGE 456:1); Var: (T)l'UXm 'JXM SeelEd 392]; 2. liturgical expansion: sg. '"?'ai xn'3 *\bit xniJim an alphabetic acrostic or words of a liturgical expansion (of a fixed prayer) OHT Ber 33:19 Lit: Ros IT 1169-10 [mng. 1]; Lieberman, SPTL 123+ [mng. 2]. pin vb. to strengthen, presume, adopt, take possession, contain (1 Xpnn, Xpin, Xnpin, Vpnn; Sy ..dCu LS 225) Pa. 1. to strengthen: Xlpn 'plin strengthening the roof BM 117a(34); 2. to encourage: ]3'pma 'plin we certainly encourage (them) Git 62a(42) Af. 1. to strengthen, encourage: myi T\byi X83 iTin3 'plinx1? you should strengthen him [i.e. the resident alien] as much as you can AnanSch 28:30; pass.part. njn'B1? npma mm Tva-Kn u'B nai'pl since you mention the Torah, you are encouraged(?) to know it and to uphold it ib. 25:9; 2. to support, carry: xV '2p xnTD'T ]'n'K? p'Tna (that place) cannot support 600,000 reeds Git 57a(30); Tarn 30a(4); 3. to take possession [denom. < i Xpin; w. ^y/"K from s.o.; w. "3 of s.t.]: tok 'pma 13 npmx xbi mb T3j?x 'xa what can I do for you since you did not take possession in the proper way [lit. as people take possession]? Er 25a(43);'"? 'p'inx I took possession for myself 55 41a(17); ib. 23a(6); 54a(25); ninxi n"n3 n3 'pinxi 'ino xj'n'a I shall bring witnesses that I took possession of it during his father's lifetime BQ 112a(39); BM 108a(24); BB 36a(20); Er 62a(20); Ket 93a(4); TGHark 93:21; 4. to hold, contain, have a capacity: X'nn X3T1X Xptna mm ... xn'OX a certain mortar which had a capacity of an '.-measure Er i02a(33); x33'm xm<"i)nnx iD'bn p'lnxi (a certain serpent) which had a capacity (to swallow) thirteen sacks of straw Svu 29b(4); Ber 44a(13) // Er 30a(32); BB 71a(19); 5. to adopt, take on, adhere to: pimx in3 pimXT (the commandments which the Samaritans) adopted (for themselves) they adopted (strictly) Hul 4a(19); ib. 32; fiya© p f)Di'(i)(3i ma^ n'1? p'ina he takes on the name of PN BB 167b(29); 6. to presume, consider: a. alone: xmyi p'pina 'a ab IX 31D D1'3 do we make a presumption of an unfavorable condition (in the animal) on a holiday or not? Bes 34a(7); Nid 58a(13); Hul 56b(28); P'pmB X^ np«?<3>131 'inw 'pimx we do not actually presume that witnesses are liars BB 7b(14) // Ara 22b(30); Qid 70b(18); Svu 46b(10); 'i'3Da3 .TpiinxV to consider him (to be in the category) of poor people TGHark 84:18; b. w. -B/S3: nxaiD3 7\V51 np'inx she considered herself to be unclean [i.e. she committed adultery] Sol 20a(6); Yev 65b(3); Hul 133a(22); TGHark 84:23; c. pass.part. [w. mb]: mm Xinn 'nx n'V n'Vl ]b pina a certain person whom we presumed did not have brothers BB 135a(10); Ket 26a(17); Pes 4b(12; V1); Bek 12b(21); TGHark 109:25; 7. to have a prescriptive right [denom. < npm J 445]: •'•nwzb p'inx xV mm^ p'inx (if) he had acquired the prescriptive right (to place) reed mats (on his neighbor's wall), he did not have the prescriptive right for beams BB 6a(30); 'Tinx Ipinn xbl so that neither of you should have a prescriptive right against the other ib.
*m 448 T ; ■ 29b(9); BM 103a(13); 8. to recognize: pass.part. Tirrv mann xra'nai X3X33 x:aip xpinai ]»i since their signature [i.e. of the witnesses] is recognized by us in the Geonic court TGHark 276:26; 9. w. Nni3'» to take credit: xbl '3'n '3 WBlb X)TI3'D p'inx so that I should not take credit for myself Ket 77b(33); Ber 19a(2); Tan 23b(31); San 88b(35) Ittaf. 1. to be presumed, considered: xb Dm »'K nmn x-iicx pTnn'x xan xykpx pimrx in that case [i.e. forbidden fat], there was no presumption of a prohibition. Here [i.e. in the case of a get], there was a presumption of a prohibition of a married woman Yev 88a(8) // Git 2b(10); 2. to be recognized: pmn'X X1? (his identity) was not recognized BB 167b(33); Git 34b (24); Hul 10b (38); 1,10 X3'1?! pTnTO X1? 'X if (his handwriting) is not known and there are no witnesses TGHark 85:6; Ket 21b(14); 3. to be confirmed: 'Jtt'T W>rfl pimri'XI Kim it (refers to a case) which was confirmed three times Yev 64b(31) [of epilepsy]; #«/ 95b(34) [of a propitious sign]; San 31 b(l); 4. to take possession [w. "3 of s.t.]: xua in Vab n'3 ptnriaT nai whatever each one of us has in his possession SSHai 12a(l); HP 58:24 The mng. of jrpina K1? j?'in X^T p'pmo p'lm Mak 23b(41) is uncertain. Nj?Tn, NpWn n.m. presumed status of a condition until a change is effected (< MH npin Yeivin, BV 927, J 445; 4- Vpin, xpnn) sg. yn irppin their presumed status is unsure Ket 24b(46) // gW 69b(30); mpinx xrWX 'pIXl leave the woman in her presumed status Yev 31a(38); ITpTnx XJlV'a O'plX leave the matter in its presumed status Hul 10b(22) [Var: H'ptnx .TBplX H2]; Ket 12b(40); Mak 4a(27); Hul 53a(42); «]X1 xaVya ayra uw npxins x*?i rma 'V ythpx x*7 nothing at all anywhere has remained for me either in it [i.e. the gift] or in its presumed status SSHai 7a(21); pi. 'pm nn X3'X Jl'an "jya '3A there are two presumptions concerning the owner BM 113a(4) // Svu 45b(ll); Er 36a(l); 'pxm 7/GWar/t 268:29 Y: ,Tj?m Hul 53a(31; BAYTN 48). NripTn, cs. D|?Tn n.f. possession (< MH npfn, cs. npffi Yeivin, BV 927, J 445; 4- Vpin) sg.cs. 'pIX ma npJri3 XJiaa leave the money in its owner's possession Qid 45b(27) // BQ 118a(23) // BM 37a(28) // BB 154a(25); Xrin3X 'pma XyiX 'piXl leave the field in the parents' possession ib. 31a(26); Yev 31b(l); Ket 96b(l); det. |B7 nnptrD xaVy 'BT (they are) as if they are a part of it [lit. in its possession] from time immemorial SSHai 6a(ll); ib. 6b(ll) Y: npm Qid ib. [ITrl vb. to return (4- pm, XYitna, Vl# Ytn) Pe.: 3i '33 xrvnnx 'jp "iDnn aw *7TX -m he went again (and) sat twelve more years in the be rav Ket 63a(3) [V5: Yin] Since this JPA form is otherwise never employed in JBA, its occurrence here is probably corrupt.] Nnin, JOTTl, NIKin n.m. bran (4- X-ltm X'B; Sy K'iuj meal, flour LS 225, Ma 2# xniT'H bran MD 142) sg. XITri rf? ^'31 mn he used to prepare bran as fodder for it [i.e. the animal] San 108b (46) [Var: X1XTH OH ib. 541:2) Geon. expi.: ty o'm yiiN mw n',i rtnon p 1'xxi'n pio y^riDW OH San ib.; Lit: Flora 1:718; Y: !Orn San ib.(BAYTN 113). Jliri adj. busy (4- V"ITn; archaic) sg.m.abs. iaj T"ITn a busy man Sab 156a(32) [expl. MH pm msaa busy (fulfilling) religious commandments ib.] Y: \im Sab ib. Nnn, NriNn n.m.pl. plum (Sy rOCuji LS 226) pi. 'nxn#GF7c(i5) Lit: Flora 3:166. KBn, NtJVl, NB7I n.m. line (4 VdDn) pi. 'Dn 'J'3 between the lines Ket 69a(l); 'Din nB'O ]B nsV'V 'Dm 'WT> he should roll it up [i.e. the mezuza] from the end of the lines to the beginning of the lines ,ST 496:11 = 'D'm XttTT? 'D'm XS'D ]B HK 155:4; 'Bmmi/G/ 500:47 Ace. to a Geon. expl. in Ar [v. OHP Ket 40:10; cf. OHR ib. 53:17], this term refers to the space between the columns, but the usage in §T ib. shows that the mng. line is preferable [cf. Rashi]. nNBn, pi. I'KBrt n.m. sin, sin offering Kauri 449 2#-iun (4- Vl#'t?n; TA nXDII TO Gen 4:7, Sy r^ \, u LS 227) 1. sin: pl.abs. XVI ]'XD'n Vrn 131T he is a sin-fearing man Sab 31b(9); ib. 11; det. ]XB n'XDn WIQ1 one who enumerates his sins Ber 34b(53) // Sot 7b(46); AZ 5a(4); Mg 16a(15); 2. sin offering: sg. nnos 'ami nxon1? nwxi xs'n ir1? nsa xm nxonV nw1? tms'Dn dv nay (the Tanna mentioned a case) where there is a sin offering and the Merciful One exempted him. (But if) the Day of Atonement has passed, there is no sin offering, since (the day) atoned for it Kar 7a(27) Y: rSXWI Ket 45b(3). xauri 4- xaox n. KflSiBn n.f. a demon (lit. snatcher; 4- V^Dn, Xll'STOri; Sy rda^Vi LS 227, Ma XS'DXn MD 118) sg. Bo 19:4; ib. 9:2! tStSM vb. to hollow out, dig out (4- XDn, l#XDnB; Sy \y pe., pa. LS 226, SA [DDn -] DDy DSA 263, MH DDn J 448, Akk hatatu CAD H 152) Pe. (a/ ): nni'3 X1XJ3 Dm XSD the ladle which a carpenter hollowed out Pes 28a(7; VI4V17GC 118:8); X3pa XI'Sp Dm he hollowed out a q.- measure in (a block intended for) a oafe-measure Hul 25a(37; Ar [AC 3:370]) [4- Vppn pe.]; ST 489:10 Pa. #1 to dig out, exhume: in""iri3 'DIDn 'ya he must dig them out [i.e. the veins] Hul 93a(29); GS 312:12; '33B? 'DDTO Xp they exhume the corpses Yev 63b(34); '33K; 'DIDn exhuming of corpses ib. 35; BB 58a(18; Ar [AC 1:113, s.v. Xltmnx]) [EsF2: D'Dn(B)] Pa. #2 id.: xrnya D"na xp mm xumax xinn a certain magian priest who used to dig out (burial) caves (to exhume bodies from them) BB 58a(18) l#'t3M vb. to sin, harm (4- HXDn, XJ'D'n; Sy rc'Yo LS 227, Ma XDH to sin, injure MD 140) Pe. 1. to sin: lira YU'T XDn ,T31D PN sinned (and) PN2 receives lashes Pes 113b(16) // Mak l la(40); no)1? ]a'o:p rx^ciax^ X'on una (if) PN sins do we punish her father? Suk 56b(28); X3X XDn xnnx 'XDn Xb I did not sin. Another (person) sinned Kar 24a(40); "D^n xbl Xin TD"n3 IXDn Kb '83 XDn'81 they did not walk in his ways, but they did not also actually sin Sab 56a(3); 'XT ]'T;iB Tin XV 'XDn lin X^ if they had not sinned, they would not have begotten children AZ 5a(23); rrom yvsix 'am 'yai bv go and pray for yourself because you have sinned Med 77b(12); Sot 21a(28); BB 91b(23); ib. 123a(22); San 15b(34); Tern 20a(21); 2. to harm [w. "3 s.o.; cf. NB huttu to damage CAD H 158]: 13 'Dn' X1?! □yia nothing will harm you HM 45:2 [cf. Ma: lU'Dn'JX1? Qxi:'a MD 140]; ]iri'Dn oyro d'xt n'a if you harm him at all Bo 2:3; XV XDn'a n'3 ]1Dn'Jl you will surely not harm him ib. 4:2; 7:16; 48:3; 52:12 2# '»n vb. 4- VDW vb. Ittn vb. to snatch, do something quickly (4- xnsion, xn'son, xsD'n; Sy -*\," LS 227, Ma «]»n MD 140) Pe. (a/u) 1. to snatch, take by force: '13na XD03 «]Dm X13J KTim a certain man who snatched a piece of metal from another BB 33b(24) // Svu 47a(26); «]Dnai XTH0 in WXl n'3'D n'SDn he brought a witness that he had indeed snatched it from him BB 33b(26); Svu 32b(14); Xrnna f|'BnP ™*n ™vb Xim a certain Levite who used to snatch priestly gifts Hul 131a(18); ib. 133a(18); Yom 24b(42); San 25b(40); 2. w. fol. vb. to do something quickly [cf. LS ib., mng. 9]: XBtyl WX «]1Dn bvx «]1Dn 'ai X^'H '31? n'3'a IJ'VtXT eat quickly (and) drink quickly, for the world we are leaving is like a wedding feast Er 54a(13); "p31 «]1Dn make the blessing (of grace after meals) quickly [i.e. before another does it] Ber 53b(42); pass.part. xnnanxs i(')Dn x'an xm pax x'wipi bsx but in an interrogative statement, (we) say X'JJl xm ['is it not learned?'] quickly as a query TGHark 158:2 NJVSttn n.f. snatcher (a demon; 4- V*]Dn, xnSIDn) pi. Bo 9:8; ib. 12; 36:7 l#1Bn vb. to strike (denom. < 4- 1#X1DW; Sy •i4_o LS 228, Ma IDn MD 140, > Arab >i Jawal 152:16) Pe.: HWIDn Xnxam XyT>3 I struck him with the jaw bone of an ass Sab 67a(33) Lit.: Nold, MG 60. 2# "ltjn vb. perh. to make a protrusion on a letter (denom. < MH2 imDin its [i.e. the camel's]
N-i»n 450 i#-nvi T • hump J 448; 4 ]nwr\; cf. Ma xnxnXDXH mounds, heaps MD 118) Pe.: nm mjfr H'V (ninon they write the top of the Ae? with a protrusion A/en 29b(30; V10) [glossed: D^IJ? "?tt? 1STQ 'n 'Bibs] Lit: S. Abramson, Yeivin Vol 81+, discusses the var. opinions concerning this term. tOBn, m&in n.m. sheepfold (TA K^OTI TJ Mic 2:12; cf. NB Aatiru pen for small cattle AHw 337, CAD H 23) sg. men 33 the gate of the sheepfold Sab 32a(9; MMGG 438:16) [O: 3{'(3 XIDin] Y: XlBrj Sab ib.(BAYTN 82). NXia'n n.m. perh. pressed cake (Vpn; 4- XX'sn, XrXTO) sg. nam XX13n a pressed cake of dates BM 99b(5; Ar [AC 3:335]) [Var: XX'Sn EsF1; X2tm H]; Ket 80a(2; Ar [AC ib.]) Geon. expi.: ym^i mix pipi nVoTw Viry 1B3 o'lon bv Vu^y XS13'rl 'SIX TRN 647:3 + Ar [AC ib.]; tvy liy'B XX13'ri 'TB 'Vaa wan x^w 113 ii mnnxi jnpui way pw m»i33 onan main X^K XnJlW3 xVl ,*UWX13 inDX» 1D3 'JO IK XJB IK 'jpDIB 1133 -|TI T3 TIB1? OHT Ket 245:12 [Nprn 4 xpmn n.] Ka'll n.m. celebrating a holiday (< MH Vim ^eff/cr-form; 4l#XJn) sg. X1H Xin XnjH Kp"70 'XT rr1? fl'X '» xrrf? X31Xl if you are of the opinion (that U'rPl Ex 5:1) refers to celebrating a holiday, what (connection) is there between fat and celebrating a holiday [i.e. in the verse 'jn 3Vn ib. 23:18]? tfag 10b(ll) KVn, pi. 'VII n.f. animal (4 1# xniTi; Ma Xin MD 141) pi. Xn'n3 'in domestic animals #«/ 47a(16); i& 5 8b (20) Y: 'Vrj fful ib.(BAYTN 14). N31»n n.m. obligation, liability (< MH2 3in J 452; 4- Vsin, xarrt ~n, xnvn ra, s.v. i# xrns mng. 2d) 1. obligation: sg. XTIO'X XH X3,!7T XIH X3T>n XD'X there is no obligation. There is, in fact, a prohibition Sab 112a(2); Svu 27b (28); 'tm X3n n'^y X3rn '»"n X131 where the man is fit so that the obligation is imposed upon him Pes 69a(40); xiri '-12/n xnrm p,l?TK saw im do we follow the obligation (of the priestly gifts), and the obligation is upon the Jew? Hul 133b(33); Ara 17b(7); X3Vn pT the time of the obligation [i.e. when one is obliged to do something] RH 28a(7); Suk 25b(10); Meg 5a(33); Qid 33a(31); Kar 8a(34); X1H X3Vn DipB 713 a pit is a place of obligation [i.e. the one in the pit is obliged to perform the act] RH 28a(8); BQ 55a(34); ]vnvn 'Tin '3 D3133 their obligation for a blessing (in both cases) is the same Anan 18:17; X3TTI3 rrVl3 the entire act (must be) under obligation RH 28a(5); 2. liability: sg. XlVVb in^lS all of them are for a liability Sab 2b(10); VW Ttib nmn Xin his liability (begins) after abandonment BQ 68a(41); pi. nitJBI '3Tn liabilities and exemptions Sab 2b (12) Y: X31T1 Sab lllb(42; BAYTN 256). NJVI1 n.m. snake (4 XJlTOj?; TA X'Vli TO Gen 3:4, Sy rdio-u LS 220, Ma X'Vn MD 142) sg. '3 x'KTina Tpr «i'pT '3 xni'ns sna jna mn he used to bow down only like a thorn. He used to stand up only like a snake Ber 12b(2); ib. 49a(41); 57a(55); 'nxi nxx xpi x'in xinn1? n"Tn he saw a certain snake which was about to penetrate (into the wineskin) AZ 30a(33); Sab 110a(15); Pes 113a(13) [v. OHP ib. 117:7]; Ned 25a(48); xV X'l'n pi'tt'yDI JlrU'B "713'n do not eat from them for a snake has eaten from them ib. 91b(15); ?XB 'Xrm xaiS3 "|T X'jn what is your hand doing in the mouth of my snake? BQ 23b(23); X'W xa^T mpTO ]33T1 perhaps a 'snake of the scholars' bit him Sab 110a(5) [i.e. as a punishment for violating a Rabbinic injunction; w. ref. to Eccl 10:8; 4 Vp-10 pe., mng. 3]; AZ 27b(25); Sab 110a(12); ib. 21; 29; HM 38:14; K'lm XBIJ a bone of a snake Pes 112b(30); X'lm XJ"J7 the eye of a snake &A 15 6b (24) Y: x;in Ber 57a(55; BAYTN 113). l#-rl'n, n«Vn, f. 'rnrn adj. white, silvered, translucent, unglazed, light, n. leprosy, calyces in the kidney, white garment, pi. white hair (4 VlTin, XXT-ITTl; TA Tin TO Gen 30:35, Sy k'-Uju LS 223, Ma l#xnxin MD 142; mng. 2: TA Tin Tal 129) I. adj. 1. white: a. objects: sg.m. XlVn XTU white fire BB 73a(18); AZ 28b(4) [4 XBM]; Kef 107b(41) [4 X'TIp]; pl.m. //«/ 47b(56) [4 Xp"TI1»]; 5di:45b(29) [4 pil^]; nxi'n iT»n its [i.e. the pustule's] top part is white /1Z 28a(43) [cf. Ma: x'a x'sixn p nwn ixvnl his 2# TIVl 451 i # xnvn head [i.e. hair] is whiter than the foam of water Gy 210:1]; b. animals: sg.m. xnxrr? X'DID a white horse San 93a(25); Hag 9b(38); f. X'JTD1 rxrnrn a white mule Sab l I0b(23); 'rnrn xnpxa a white female camel Sab 51b(18); TTIVn VI a white kite Ket 50a(29); Sab 109b(31) [4 Xl'y]; ib. 41 [4 Xman]; Bek 8b(39) [4 1#X1T]; pl.m. Ber 20a(26) [4 2#xpp]; /fer 49b(21); f. Xmi:il3 xnxnxrn //«/ 7b(20; SM 89:22); c. plants, flowers: sg.m. XTW X11D white marjoram (Origanum maru L.) Sab 109b(13); f. xmvn 'JIITTI^ a white (grape) for a white (pustule) AZ 28a(41) [as a medication]; pl.f. XTttOXTTl 'D'ri white wheat ib. 14a(42) [cf. r\lf? MBB 5:6]; 'Vnn Xrnvn white cress Sab 109b(21 j; ib. 18 [4 xman mng. 2c]; d. spots: sg.m. XHSIXI 'B31X3 Xirn XJTIp1? N1TTI3 a white (spot) on black (skin) and a black one on white is a defect (in an animal) Git 68a(7); 2. silvered [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2b; cf. rd-iorcLoea k^o\ rc'iojj PSm 1230(Lex)]: sg.m. XTPfl XTlt a silvered zuz Sab 66b(38) [cf. Akk kaspu pesu AHw 454, mng. l.d]; Git 68b(51); Pes 74b(9); pl.m. nxrn 'tit //P 41:7; 3. translucent: sg.f. Tmrn Xfl'lin Xnp' ]XaT XD3 a goblet of ... : of translucent glass [double rdg.; 4 X1p3»] Ber 31a(4); Git 68b(29); fiM 29b(49); Hul 84b(14); XITn 'W31T translucent honey G<7 69a(42); pl.m. nxvn '03 ^Z 12b(23); 'im p'3 mvn xVl J"5?X since (the tendons) are transparent, even though they are not translucent Hul 76b(2; V11); 4. unglazed [cf. Ma: X^IXT X3iriX "13 XIXTTI an unglazed water pot fresh from the kiln MD 99; *■ 4 UTW mng. 2]: sg.f. XSOPI 'mm an unglazed sherd HM 41:1; pl.m. 'sVlH nxvn unglazed jugs AZ 32a(8); mvn ns'^a unglazed basins Hul 55b(25); AZ 39a(32); yro 'I X'a (T>ini^a 13 prn seven unglazed water pitchers filled with water HM 38:11; nxm ,3Xn unglazed pitchers AZ 38b(34; TGHark 23:26); 5. light [* pxno dark]: sg.m. Yom 56b(21) [of shades of blood]; XpBIOI Xivn BM 28a(22) [of a cord]; pl.m. 'paiDI nin ib. 27b(28) [of garments]; Sab 114a(41); ib. 147a(3); Yev 120b(ll); f. 'mm Vlim 'npaiO VW (there are) five 'dark' cases [i.e. involving wine or blood] and five 'light' cases [i.e. involving water or oil] Naz 38a(10); 6. clear, understandable [4 xmiina]: sg.f. 'rnrn X1? it is unclear (to you) Qid 39a(38; Ar [AC 3:353]); 7. non-productive: pl.f. xmxvn TXn Aleppo pines AZ 14a(10) // XJl-nin ^xn Ber 40b(48) [lit. non-productive fig trees; 4 XriXTPn Txn, s.v. XrU'ri]; II. n. 1. leprosy: sg.m. XTlvm X»J7B a taste of leprosy Git 68a(5); ib. 69a(36); 2. an anatomical feature of the kidney: sg.f. ':na 'mm xmivn the ... which is below the loins Hul 55b(l; Ar [AC 3:353)]) [v. note]; 3. white garment [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2a]: sg.m. riS'ST rrnOXlin the white garment of the fringes AnanSch 25:10; pl.abs. pm WOVr 13J a man wearing white (clothes) HM 40:12; 4. pl.f. white hair [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2.c.a]: *^> Tib xm xmvn do you, in fact, have white hair? Ber 28a(3); xmivn no@'3BD eighteen white hairs ib. 5(Ar [AC 3:353]) [Var: njW nD@'JBn nn mm xrttOXin he had eighteen white hairs SM 119:23] Expl. Ar [mng. II.2]: 1. II 1WXT 'Din |m K'^IDH niri3W ]jfm xn^o Ar [AC ib.]; 2. 'mm witoii xin D'^oan wxns xww a'pn xirnn nt nnn mrm yawn ]'3i xnvn nt p tib» Diifi 'jnn -imn Jinnnm 110X iv'jyni ib. [quoted from RaH]; Lit: Sperber, Money 23513 [mng. 1.2]; Y: XTVIJ Sab 77b(l8; BAYTN 275). 2#11'n adj. fierce (< mn*; Ma 2#X1XT>n MD 142) 4 XST3 Kri'11'n n.f. a type of white flour (4 mn adj.; cf. Ma xnxvnni piam a d.-measure of white [flour] AM 287:33) sg. XMX n3 r\b l"?SD1 Xnmn3 they smeared the duck with white flour Pes 74b(8; TGAs28 44:23); n xb ]'X rt xnmn x"7 (a paste of) white flour-(If it is) transparent, yes [i.e. it is permitted]. (If it is) not transparent, no [i.e. it is forbidden] ib. 13; Xnmn n TO ^T go (and) bring me white flour Git 56a(34; MGD 626:27) [V4: XTVPn; * 4 XTBD, XnpitflS] Expl. RaH: XVOO bv n'jlOB 3J> nop OHR Git 36:27; Y: xrni'n Pes ib. [Kmvn 4 xnmn n.] 1# KJII'n n.f. animal (4 XT>n, V"n; TA xfivfi TJ Is 38:13, Sy «'&o_>-»j, K'^'rtjLjii LS 229, Ma 1# Xmn MD 142) sg. xrVPm XK?n the head of the animal Bek 8b(16); ib. 21b(ll) [4 XnVs]; X1V2 xmni meat of an animal Mei 20b(15); Hul 95b(i4); "30 'mn n3 nsnwxT xmn xoninn
2# xnvn T 452 KltJTl '3'1 a certain animal in which were found two s.d.'s ib. 58b(15); BM 83b(20); Git 69a(13) [I XTU]; /& 67b(39) [I X»T1 mng. 1]; 5A/ 93b(29) [I KIlffID]; ;7>. 34 [4- V"im pe.]; 5e/t 3b(43) [4- V2#'"?3 pe., mng. 3]; //P 201:2; jfe 202:11; 203:11; 204:8; 206:20; coll. [cf. BA Jivn X13 Da 2:38; v. HALOT 1874] XJTI'n Kb Xl'X do you have animals? BB 58a(23); BQ 113b(45); nin wai x^aax xnvn "nya (PN) was moving animals across the plank bridge of GN BM 93b(33); az 26b(2i); xnvn 'jn mm x'jn xinn XBB "inn XTUX a certain shepherd who used to graze animals on the bank of the GN canal BM 93a(43); ib. 5a(29); Bek 3b(33); xriOBDX "?1Dp xnrnV 'TO1 cut the alfalfa and throw (it) to the animals San 74b(18); Bes 21b(9); 7ev 121b(49); Sab 29a(28); 5M 85a(10) [4- 2#Xri0'3]; BB 29b(19); San 76b(47); pi. XXlTPn ID'Vn thirteen animals //«/ 10b(8); XTTl'n HS3 HP 208:5 Voc: xfil'fi HGP 21a:38; Y: xrrt'n SB 29b(20; BAYTN 35). 2# Nril'n n.f. being alive, livelihood, raw state (4- V"n; Sy k'&o-jla) LS 229, Ma 3# XJTI'xn MD 119) 1. being alive, life force: sg. npin H'1? ni,1 X1p'J?a XJTPm (the person) had an a priori presumption of being alive Ara 7b (7); xnvn "lp'5? xin n'sxn xnrn np'y ... nnu'oa the essence of the life force is in his navel/nose Sot 45b(41); Yom 85a(38; L); Qid 30b(40); nvi n'Jirna from the lamb while it is (still) alive Pes 89a(46; C) [expl. TOP nYTO Ex 12:4]; nD'nB/3 XJYTn XpSJ '3 XpB3 Xp the life force was only going out (of the animal) at the time of the slaughtering Hul 19a(42; V11); ib. 38b(8); 93b(2); Yom 49b(18); San 26b(39); Nid 26a(20); Ara 7a(41); "T7X X1?-! 'Tivn ]B he did not forbid benefits from him concerning his (own) being alive Ned 39a(17); 2. livelihood: sg. 'in XJTI'm DWO it is because of (one's) livelihood Qid 35a(47); Mak 8b(27); Ara 28a(20); T\mb H'1? npDS Xp you are cutting off my livelihood BB 21b(16); ib. 22a(22); rrb T3J7 Xnvn n'V wm '3'n '3 'T» provide something for him so that he should have a livelihood Mak 10a(28); 'BD XJTPn a more ample livelihood G7? 12a(24); 3. uncooked, raw state: sg. 'ixa in'JTI'na raw mung beans [lit. in their raw state] HP 190:11; ib. 191:3; TGAs28 44:17 [^ ian inn xbwi after it is fully cooked] Lit: Eps, Stl, 352; Voc: vWri'li HPP 293:18; Y: XJTI'n Hul 19a(21; BAYTN 28). KJITTI n.m. vision (i V'Tn; Sy rdouo LS 224, TA xJlIli TO Ex 3:3, Ma X'JXlT'n pi. MD 142, s.v. Xirn) sg. x:im Bo 32:5; nna'XT XDW a daytime vision ib. 106:7 [cf. Ma X»X»1jn X'iXlT'n MD ib.]; pl.abs. ]"J0 piT'n evil visions ifa 44:3; 33:6 Nnat'n 4- xnarn n. 1# JOTTI, mm n.m. a type of thorn (4- xmrn; IrArab jj^JI Hai Gaon infra) sg. Bes 33a(ll) [used to prod an animal; v. Geon. expl.]; mn '3 X"irn3 5?"13 JH3 he used to bow down only like a thorn Ber 12b(l) [Var: X"im ib. OHP 108:12]; xitmn n'su xnrn Iran byn xnrm '3pi... and the staves of the thorn (are the responsibility) of the owner. The thorn itself (is the responsibility) of the tenant farmer BM 103 b (34); H33J3 iCtrn X-ID5H a thorn in a tuft of wool Ber 8a(31); xnt'H 0//P flev 108:15 [v. Geon. expl.]; pi. x"?'ptt/ 'TT'nX X'ltn -|'ma'D your kindness is taken and is placed on the thorns [i.e. it is worthless] BM 63b(13) // Sab 63b(8) // Bes 29b(10) // Ket 53b(l) //Sg 83a(34; Es); 'bpnb '"ITTO as thorns (protect) a date palm Ned 41b(l) Geon. expl.: 'jjnVw nv-in '3j>'y 'nrn .D'xipn ty rtein inane 1'anw 'ibo -im pa i'Vixi -inva p ]'»pi 'V7'0 pwi ]'xip pa wi 'n-ctov tibb Trt TRN 599:6; "raaa 'ixo D'sip 'ran [inx xin] V? I'jni' uk )'xi -itrfrx xnp: pipn m 'a ... irnVx imx ]'x-npi nnx DW OHT Ber 34:11; 'TXU IX TiW XOX Xin yy I'Ol OHP Ber 108:14 [v. Ber infra]; J01JH X3H KIX1J fy 'fV TIBW Xll'n HDB3 XnX31 '(l)^!* n'3 Jl'Xl ib., i.e. jj-iji.; Lit: Low, Flora 1:690+, rejects on Nold's authority the expl. of Fl, TMW 2:202, of the passage in Ber 12b(l) as meaning 'bamboo'; Voc: HT'ri HGP 25a:9; Y: xni'n Ket ib.(BAYTN 113). 2# NIT'n 4- X-ltn n. xmT'n n.f. a plant (4- i#xirn) sg. rvby mpi Xinrn a /i.-plant sprouted on it BB 73b(21) Ntt'n 1 xon n. S3|P'n n.m. type of demon (lit. one who injures; 4- Vi#'t3n; Sy ^ i • V ■ ■ LS 227) sg. Bo 106:5 KltJ'n, NatJ'H, XaB'N n.m. type of rush (MH ]D'X TKil 3:14 [216:54]) pi. '3D'm3 p'S3 HTH' 3T PN used to go out (wearing a sandal) of rushes NBP'n ; Yom 78b(8) [O: 'JD'ma]; pm Xi»^3 'IXB'n GC 18:3 [expl. MH IIB^ MKel 9:8 and expl. by Jj rushes]; 'JD'X j& 4 Lit: Pfl 47; AAC 157; Eps, Stl 31; id., GC 188. NBtJ'n n.m. the vowel Sewa (4- V^Dn) sg. BMsG 9:27; 5Ms7 54:25 imBTI adj. having a protrusion (4- V2#"l»n) sg.m. '11X3 bi "?3i xaxmcn inxi "?i the dalet of inx [Dt 6:4] has a greater protrusion than any (other) dalet in the Torah BMsD 6:4 This should be contrasted with the Bab masoretic note on the letter res [I W'"l] and should be interpreted as indicating that the protrusion on the right hand corner of the dalet in this verse was greater to prevent confusion with res [i.e. "V1X]. i#NritJ'n, pi. 't?'n n.f. wheat (4- x'D'n na; ta ]'D'n pi. TO Dt 8:8, Sy rc'ft \ «.», pi. r^\,o,LS 227, Ma lSXTTBn, pi. X'D'n MD 140, 143) a. general: sg. XriB'n ]a bynwiTI XflD'm XVMb the covering of the wheat (kernel) which is removed from the wheat Anan 84:24; ib. 85:4; XJlB'm X^'l wheat straw Nid 26b(31) [fig. for easy questions]; pi. 'tsn 'mil two (kernels) of wheat Pes 40a(l); ITO'jn 'Cn p'V^T XS'n if he boils wheat in its natural state Ber 37a(26); nnjnt 'X 'On if you had sown it with wheat BM 106a(9); ib. 63b(14); nrm XlXXn wheat harvest MQ 12b(25); AnanSch 11:9; //P 175:18; 'Dm X'T3 a pile of wheat BQ 116b(52); 'O'm Xnap wheat flour Ber 36a(10); 'O'm Xanj wheat bread Sab 140b(18); AnanSch 10:28; 'D'm Xri'l^ns wheat cakes Git 69b(16); 'D'm XT»n leaven of wheat AZ 66a(15); b. pi. together w. nyto: XJ"T X3X nj?2/l 'ens [xr^T -] I can support (the city) with wheat and barley Git 56a(26); Anan 50:2; XpT ""'Tin 'im1 'lywi 'D'n jnt he used to plant wheat and barley together Qid 39a(37); Ber 58b(17); BB 150a(19); AZ 15b(59); Zev 94b(12); Men 70a(4); c. w. var. designations: pi. 'D'n 3W Xn"anx seven (stalks) of '.-wheat Git 70a(2; V18) [4- rounx]; XnXIXTn 'D'n white wheat AZ 14a(41) [cf. nab MBB 5:6]; XriX'^ya 'D'n good wheat BM 105a(19); xnx'p1? 'D'n inferior wheat BM 106b(31; TGAs28 58:16) Lit: Flora 1:780+; Voc: 'D'n HPP 67:18; Y: XriB'n liul 56b(l; BAYTN 196). "n 2#Nrit3'n*, pi. 'D'H n.f. (a cartilage on the trachea; cf. Sy rc'iL^-o nipple LS 226, mng. 2) pi. 'B'lD 'D'n3 J?JB (if) he reached the h- cartilages (with the knife) it is terefa Hul 18b(32); 'TW3 'D'na "TV (if) he left over part of the /i-cartilages it is permissable ib. 35 The exact basic form, mng., and etym. of this word are all uncertain. Note also the uncertain word XnXB'n HG3 157:46, which indicates a portion of an animal's shoulder. "M, "fl vb. to live, recover, glow (4- l#XXll'n, 2#xnrn, "n n., "n adj., 2#xri"n, 3#xn"n, "nV; Sy rsliuu LS 228, Ma X'fl MD 140) Pe. 1. to live: pni TV^n n'n Xion 21 PN lived ninety-two (years) MQ 28a(29); "n X"na (the fetus) will certainly live Yev 71b(19); XTD'T yblt ]XB 'XH "n XV X'na a person who swallows a hornet will certainly not live AZ 12b(13); Yev 120b(14); Ket 50a(28); "Xn ib X'.TD Git 70a(10; OHT ib. 154:16); "Xm Xin 'ns713,7 ">rf? T3JH p will the one who does all of these things live? San 81a(39); Qid 30a(40); BB 58b(9); Nid 24b(24); '3312/ rm innax you say that the dead will live (again) San 90b(56); BB 74b(14); 'B<D)(a) X3"m T1"m 'V 'ax "m IX is what I shall live more or what I have lived? He said to him: "What you have lived" Tan 25a(40); ib. 23a(45); AZ 12b(15); Yev 86b(14); 'n'XT 131? Xn'3 xV do you not want me to live? Hul 44b(44; V11); '3'n ^3 VVJYI "nn will (the animal) continue to live so long? ib. 38a(25); -pV TT^I n'V "linx return (the interest) to him so that he can live with you BM 62a(l) [expl. BH -py jm 'm Lev 25:36]; ]Vm lia'pTI'1 ]in'1 pa yrb so that they should have children and they will live and stay alive Bo 14:3; 2. to recover: "m p'Tn Xp Xm but we, in fact, see that he recovers Yom 49a(30) // Hul 7b(33; V11); "Xn IX H"Xa IX whether (the sick person) will die or recover HM 43:15; Yev 114b(40) [4- '-inao]; 3. to glow: xp mm nan mnb ]rm ]X'n we saw those coals which were still glowing BB 74b (21; Es) Af. 1. to sustain, nourish: "pn3 n"nx to sustain him with you AnanSch 28:29; X3»m p"nx TU'a"pl the Merciful One sustained and maintained them TGAs27 33:16; 2. to revive the dead: (X')'na "inx (God) actually revives (the 453
'»n 454 i#NJvn dead) Pes 68a(51); n'TlXl IT1?? 'am XJ73 he prayed for him and revived him AZ 10b(24); Meg 7b(22); BQ 117b(4); BB 74b(12); San 47a(34) '»n n.m.pl. life, lifetime (4- V"n, "riV; TA |"n TO Gen 27:46, Sy rdJUi LS 229, Ma X"n MD 143) a. general: nan XJX "n Vd E>n31 I, wine, am the chief cause of all life BB 58b(7); "n 'J?3 jxa who wants life? y4Z 19b(32); XJVH31 "n people's lives [i.e. matters of health] Sab 82a(ll); ib. 88b(25) [4- Xao mng. lb]; Er 54a(10) [4- V"pX af. #2, mng. 1]; Jfarn 88a(33) [4- VlT?S3 af, mng. la]; ITI3X1 n"ri3 during his father's lifetime BQ 112a(39); BM 85a(49); £5 7b(18); Afg 25a(24); b. in phrase "1 ""ri by the life/lives of ...: n'Tl "Tin by your life! Ket 53a(13); ib. 65a(31); 104b(27); Hul 49a(34); »& 57a(42); pn ITP'n xnX"H 'E/'IPp by the lives of the scholars, the elders of the generation Pes 113b(7); c. in phrase •b "ri p3P: 1) in BT [in a fig. sense]: 7lp3W X*7 X'"I3 Vd1? "PI you make life impossible for anyone [lit. you do not leave life for any person] BQ 91b(33); Ber 61b(13); BM 92a(26); 2) in Geon. texts [in a lit. sense]: J73B? ]3mV "m 3'3P he died and left behind life to the scholars HP 163:28; p3P p31 by "m n'©33 Jim Sftfaj 12a(18); SSSad 232:13; TOi/a/* 152:8; Dec 9:2 On usage c.2, cf. JNA: suqle xaye 'ibbid hatfrTn he passed away [lit. left life for the present (audience)] HDJNA, s.v. "n; on the derivation of the PN 'K,1 [= ™xn*; Y: 'JKil; trad. rdg. Hai] from this word, v. S. Morag, Tarbiz 31 [1962] 188+; Y: ™n BAYTN 99. "n adj. living, raw, unmixed, flowing, N'Jil n. living being (4- V"ri; Sy rdiw LS 228, Ma X'XPI MD 118) I. adj. 1. live, living: sg.m. X"n H^li a living king Pes 110a(28); XT! XnVx the living God Bo 102:6; X"n X"I03 living flesh San 48b(45) // Sot 10a(36); XTl Xn315? a living fetus HP 206:20; 2. raw, uncooked: a. alone: sg.m. X"ri Ber 44b(49) [* 4- 'IBa adj.]; Er 29a(3) [* bvol\; V'SX TH he eats raw (meat) Bo 78:4 [// J'Ttt XW|; ^'»3 X1?! b'B>3 71 X"71 71 partially cooked Saw 70a(21); b. var. spec, foods: sg.m. X'TI KT1TX uncooked rice 5er 37a(27); X'TI Xnp a raw gourd Ber 36a(22); &jfc 18b(36); Er 28b(56) [4- l#XpV*0]; Aterf 65a(9) [4- X3nx]; &6 18b(22) [4- 1#X»"U mng. 1]; f. xnTl 'TTp a potful of uncooked (food) Sab 18b(18); 3. unmixed (of wine): sg.m. X'TI xnan Git 67b(29) [cf. Sy: rC % xi rc'-iin-v) oivoq fiKpaxcx; 3Mac 5:2]; /& 69b(9); Yom 81b(41) [* Xl'TO]; /1Z 30a(34); Hul 94a(20) [4- 2#xpBJX]; HM 45:23; 4. flowing (of water from a source) [cf. LS ib., mng. 4; Ma X'a X"n AT§ §232]: pl.m. '71 X'a #P 137:7; ,4ji«j 52:2; II. n. living being: a. human: sg.m. X"n XJiaa b'^p a living person is lighter than a dead one Git 56a(50); San 10b(2); 98b(50); Bo 78:19; pl.m. "m X"ip' honor for the living San 46b(49) [* 4- X331P mng. 2]; pno "^V Y1.TV W»l '71 may the living and the dead be witnesses for you San 29b(9); ib. 91a(24); Tan 8b(23); HM 37:3; b. animal: f. Xfl'Tn of a live (fox) Sab 67a(37) [* rra dead] Y: X;rj San 10b(2). 'Tl 4- X'TI interj. 3'*n adj. liable, n. guilty one (4- Vain; TA x5'V! TO Gen 18:23, Sy KlAlw LS 218, Ma X3X'XH MD 119) I. adj. liable: sg.m. ]» 3"m p371 '3 X'aB? so that he will be liable from Heaven TGHark 80:31; pl.m. 1'3'71 Xaty '"713 D'3T7 XO'JX '3113^ everyone is required to recite a blessing for a miracle to the public Ber 54a(41); II. n. guilty one: sg.m. 'V TC\p X3'71 you call me a guilty one San 91a(25); pl.m. X'3'71 ib. 24 ND'»n n.m. tailor (4- VtNri; Sy ■*" \ '• >* LS 220) sg. 'ana 13 xnn 3ia XD"n ]3n ?ra yis PN, a tailor, met PN2 ^Z 39a(43); ,T3ro XB'TI mi,T PN, the tailor, wrote it BB 164b (31) // XBX71 ib. 35 Y: XB'!rj /1Z ib.(BAYTN 227). l#Nri"n n. bag (Sy 1# rc'&jy sack LS 263) a. general: sg. '^'DJVT XD'TI a bag of phylacteries Git 45b(33); b. blow with the object: sg. XJ'5?3 XlVsi Xfl'Tl 13J"na'a -Droap'a I want to tie you up (and) hit you with a (whole) bag and a half Git 47a(15) [4- 2#XTU mng. 2]; XJlWll XTl'VI a bag and a stone i& 10(V16Ar [AC 2:282]) [v. expl. RaH]; 16; 18; c. fig. and metaph.: sg. XJT'n nma n'3 naiiaT the 'bag' [i.e. the inner membrane] in which the brain lies Hul 45a(32); 'TBpT XJl"n 'a bag of tied up objects' [i.e. a sale at the risk of the buyer] Ket 93a(3) // BQ 9a(3) 2# K3V*n_ // 5M 14b(2) [cf. Sy i . \, nn r^m .^ PSm 3589] RaH [usage b]: V^l px 1DW31 TO OHR Git 32:1; Lit: Geig, AAC 198; Y: XJT'n BAYTN 82. 2# NJV-'n n.f. creature (4- V"ri; TA xfrfi TO Gen 1:28, JPA 2#H"n DJPA 198) sg. xVsnaT XJW "73 any creature that causes harm HM 43:2 3# Nri'-'n n.f. midwife (4- V"n; TA xn'fi TO Gen 35:17' Sy K'^Lji LS 228, Ma 2#XTTXn MD 120, mng. b) pi. 'Xl'jDI 'aiS3i Xn'n midwives of diviners and astrologers Bo 78:13 N3T1 4- xarn n. ^?'n vb. to be strong (4- Vti, lttX'j'n; Sy dJ-jiW LS 230, Ma "?'H pe. MD 119, s.v. ^X'XH, ModMa nil pa., etpa. MD 143) Pa., pass.part.: 4- V'Tia Itpa. to grow strong: x"?X3n V'nriB xV XJX1W xVa n'TiyifS without the lamp the unhealthy air would not have grown strong at that time (and killed him) San 77a(21) ^Tl adj. strong (1 VVri) sg.m. ia >>m inxa '31 'Xn '^ID since you are so strong Ket 62a(43; Ar [AC 3:388]) [4- 'DH mng. 2] Expl. Ar: 'XH ,L71D maj HTOT ]TO AC ib. The form .TWini BM 60a(33; Ed) and is very uncertain. i#sV'n, abs. ^>"n, Pi. NrmV'n, I'afr'n n.m. strength, authority, army (4- "vVri, X^'ri 13; TA X^'ri TO Ex 15:6, Sy rr'V.o LS 229, Ma X^XH MD 120) 1. strength, power, force: sg. ^n ""XH XJl'llX1? this strength of yours is for (the study of) the Torah BM 84a(40); Naz 39a(21); TG/ZarA: 207:24; rrrVca'x Vrrm nnr ^'n na;"x 'x if I can make my strength exceed that of PN, I shall abolish it Git 36b(31); 'WSJi 'Vri my own power Bo 2:1; ib. 29:3; TOTI H'V'n the power of the Great One *'& 78:3; .T^'n W'ns W'lypi n»3 the older (the snake) becomes, the weaker is its strength AZ 30b(20); Sab 67a(42); Meg 16a(23); San 95a(53; MGD 465:22); XV13T xVrl nVlD the entire force of the leg Yev 102a(47); Xi^'XT rrVri the strength of the tree BB 73b(14); 2. authority: sg.abs. ^"ni W\ permission and authority SSSad 268:16; det. n^TI XJ'B'l we gave him power of attorney ib. 13; ID'aV ,TT3 X^n JT1?! he does not have the authority to prohibit Sab 156a(22); 3. army: pi.abs. \W2 TJI^TI evil troops (of demons) ib. 7:14; det. iTinb'n 'WSJ his troops are numerous //«/ 60a(8; V11); Bo 78:14; ib. 20 Lit: Eps, Stl 335 [mng. 3]; Y: xVn Pes 5b(45; BAYTN 14). 2#NV'n, Nb"H n.m. dust, grit (Sy r<l5Ly LS 232, Ma l#X^n, lttX1'?'?^ dust MD 144) sg. 75?13X x"?C)n)mx while the dust is (still) on your feet Pes 113a(16; TGAs42 164:15,E'C); xV-n HM 37:12; CtX^na *\\nn XV do not wash your hair with grit Nid 66b(l; TGAs42 162:14) Geon. expl.: brav |73X TGAs42 164:15. n.m. mythological cosmos (Ma XJIsV'n MD 144) sg. XJia^'m Knia Mistress of the cosmos Bo 128:14; ib. 101:3 [tosVm]; ib. 141:14 [!xrorm] Lit: Ch. Muller-Kessler, BSOAS 61 [1999] 113. n.m. opposite, pl.cs. prep, instead of (IV^n; JPA Tfr'n DJPA 199, Sy rdAA-c^jj LS 236) I. n.m. opposite, reverse: sg. XJ133D XSlVrvi the opposite is a danger Sab 66b(19); AZ 28b(41); ib. 29a(2); xrbm XSlV'm the opposite in the case of halla [i.e. the two scholars hold inverse opinions] Sab 35a(2); Ket 60a(33); Hul 60a(28); BM 108a(16); BB 127b(23); II. pl.cs. prep, instead of: X3'3 XlSliy 'Sl^ri a sore instead of beauty Sab 62b(41); '13X3 'Sl^n V1'T5>3 XTJ73T their cattle instead of the firstborn of their cattle AnanSch 13:13; wai 'J'lnx 'jpnai in'Dl'j'n they prepare others and bring (them) instead of them San 45b(14; K); 'Mn ^"j; in'Sl'j'n put in eight (years) instead of them Meg llb(50);#ag5a(9) Y: nSl^Tl Sab 35a(2). N»V'n, abs. D^n n.m. dream, type of demon (4- h# Q^n; Sy rdS*\ o LS 234, Ma xa'j'H MD 144, TA xa^fi TO Gen 37:6) 1. dream: a. general: sg. xaV'ri3 '31£? I'SHltf seventy years as a dream! Tan 23a(43); xa^'n^ '"?5/a xnxi'rl X'DID a white horse is a good (sign) in a dream San 93a(25); Ber 56b(44); -pan by xaVn mTO1? in order to send an (evil) dream against another person HM 42:11; pi. •'VVD 'a^n confused dreams Bo 26:4; 'aVn "W512 an interpreter of dreams Ber 56a(10); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V'tri: af. 455
T T 456 t ; n'S^Tia n'V Tinx they showed him in his dream Git 52a(29; HP 55:29); itpe. rrrfrrD .T1? 'lnTTX he appeared to him in his dream Sab 152b(2; HP 172:6); 2) V'Ul: pe. 'XBV'ns 'Xtn I saw in my dream Tan 24b(34); Ser 56a(3); Men 84b(33); n'aV'ns xovo pn: 3-1 xm PN saw a frightful thing in his dream Yom 22b(43); Bek 5a(3); af. xnxpno ix'^bt mm '3xn ''aVna ,t^> lx'tnx they showed him in his dream unglazed pitchers full of worthless things Ber 28a(16); Hor 13b(53); itpe. Wbm n'V nnrTX m3X xnx his father came (and) appeared to him in a dream Tan 24b(42); San 102b(5); Sab 152b(3); MQ 28a(36); 5M 84b (28); x"?i n'V,!?T xa'rns xV pn1? runrrn xVi XBB'T XJTiniya do not appear to them either in a dream of the night or in slumber of the daytime Bo 7:16; ib. 10:9; 63:3; 3) V'lp: af. 'aVTin JTHpX *|31D 31 na I was made to recite in my dream (the verse) Ps 31:20 Sot 31a(25); Ber 56a(32); Tan 9b(l); Yev 93b(2); BM 85a(45); San 82a(2); c. in proverbs: sg.abs. JITIB X1?! D^n bo every dream needs a fast Ber 55a(47) [i '^Xl]; det. XBV'n X3D XB^nB «py XW'3 a bad dream is better than a good dream ib. 49; xmrX3 IWB'B xVl xabn X'lp'B xVl a dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read ib. 55b(18); 2. type of demon: pi. ]'30 'BV'n "?D1 all evil dream demons Bo 33:6; ib. 64:4 Y: KK^n Ber 56a(13; BAYTN 82). n.m. willow (Sy •^ * V ■ < LS 235, Ma XDX^'n MD 144, Akk e/peta CAD E 108) sg. G7? 68b (49) [in a medical recipe; cf. CAD ib.]; pi. 'S)V'n Geon 239:22 [expl. MH •p/inxaw Suk 16a(ll; Geon ib.,GC 151:11)] Geon. expl.: ina VlJ rw» ."my ]'B KSK^'n OH Suk 112:12; IkVd K1p:i Kin naiy TS OHT Git 154:25, i.e. t_i}U; Lit: Flora 3:328; 1:10; Y: NoWl Git ib.(BAYTN 114). - X^'3 XS^'n n.m. white willow (i 1# X^'l) sg. 5«* 34a(26;T E2) [O9: x"?n XBV'n]; ib.(26) Lit: Flora 3:329; Pfl 167; Y: xV'l KB1?'!! Suk ib. n.m. a species of bluestem (Andropogon Schoenanthus; 4- V'Vd XSVB; Sy rclikj* rdiJLu LS 235) sg. Git 68b(49); pi. XB'l 'DV>n 'in fler 43b(3); //G7 137:18 Geon. expl.: <n")B3 XB^X KB' 'B^'n OHT Git 154:26, i.e. »Uk a grass or rush Siggel 29; KB' 'B^'n ... '^'D X[B]' 'B^'n ■?» mno'Ki D'awy tb'b xini [... 'j^ro [...] 'tk 'tto viix imp [....] nn on1? wi 'bro piK 'ip wik tgas28 181:8; k^s KB' 'Sfr'm K'BTT KS^OT TRN 646:4; ptfa lriK pip KB' 'B^'n VflJIp 'yaw Sura 2 [1955-6] 302:1, i.e. i&& clove Flora 2:275; in:': 'KB ft TOW K1? K»'1 'B^'n '3H 'KBp 'BKpl OHP Ber 62:27(Ar [OHP 62:27], s.v. fpn). The distinction bet. this and the previous entry is also based on the Sy voc. tradition. Lit: Flora 1:695; Voc: KET1 'B>n VTM 26; Y: KBn 'B>n Git ib. 3# NS^TI n.m. a fern (i 'B'rn '3, s.v. 1# Xm mng. 6g; Sy rdaJLu nx&pic, LS 237, BBah 1534:6) pi. 'S^m x"?,!73 xm3'0 old age is a wreath of ferns Sab 152a(14); 's'rn 13 impi X?n he saw that ferns had sprouted in it BM 23b(48) II Hul 110a(32) Lit: Flora 1:10 [contra ib. 3:328]; Y: 'B>'n Sab ib. NnB7'n n.f. slaughtering knife (Sy n'iA °>A V ,'} LS 237, > Arab «-ik Fr, AF 84) sg. ]'T3jn 'in 'X <X WJ> '371)33 Xnsb'n 'JTin if he sees that under the slaughtering knife (the vital organs) become like wool threads HG3 117:49 j?V'31 p^'fl n. (fictitious names) p^TI I'V '"73X p'TSl do PN, and PN2 eat it? San 98b(43); X3X XiyT pb"3 X^l XJW p^n XV I know neither PN, norPN2/Y«/19a(5;M) Geon. expl.: nn D'-|13 D'W:K TGAs28 41:9; Y: pV'?l p^'n ian ib. n.m. a certain weight used in Naresh (etym. unkn.) sg. Xp^TI ll^BI Kpbv\ a /(-weight and a half /j-weight Bes 29a(2) Y: Xj7"?n Bei ib. n.m. type of crushed wheat (etym. unkn.) sg. irrp^n V'psn xp'rn n,!? rip 'xai why is it called XpVn? Because their husk is removed MQ 13b(34) Y: Kp>n MQ ib. 3# NpV'H n.m. fate, lot (Sy Klii-u LS 237, Ma 1# XpV'H MD 145) sg. H'pV'-n1?! HHJV his luck and fate So 127:17 Nri'nV'n n.m. Asa foetida (Sy k'^L.^Juu LS 238, > Arab iiL Siggel 29) sg. AZ 39a(39); ]XB nVniya x:pn '3'Vx xnrrrn ^p'n nVn ^sxt .TSUa the skin of one who eats three shekels worth of Asa foetida on an empty stomach will KBTl 457 K?£l be shed //«/ 59a(2); Sab 140a(39; M); .TS^n XXlTlVm the pungency of Asa foetida AZ 39a(38); Xri'TlVm 'STDX leaves of Asa foetida HP 204:11 Lit: Low, Flora 3:454; Y: KruV?'n Sab ib.(BAYTN 194). N»'n4 2#xann. sjna'n n.m. leavening (i Vyan) sg. xb xaVn xyian 'TV Vim TSB? ^»3 perhaps it is not cooked well and will come into a state of leavening Pes 39b(41) [C: xywrVJ; ib. 40a(6) Nnsia'n, xnsia'n, pi. Nn"si»'n n.f. type of garment (< Mir [cf. Khwarezmian kncyk, Par qnjwq]; > Arab '* .Vijj^ black-bordered cloak worn by men and women Fr, AF 50) sg. XJIXIBTI Tnn TlpaiO XJran a Roman, red, new /i-garment M2 23a(24; M2HP 169:15,Ed) [Var: xnx(1)('ian Ar (AC 3:218); xnx'ain L]; pi. xri'sin xnx'sia'n h.-garments of ... SMel 57:443 Lit: J.K. Teubner, ZDMG, Suppl. Vol. 3/2(1975] 1084+; Shaked, Dress 107; Y: KnSK'n BAYTN 204. NJVKha'ri n.f. group of five (I X^an num.) pi. XriWlB'n BM 64a(l; Es) [Var: xmnB'n F1; !xn"^iain v22] Voc: Kfl'WlB'll HGP 24b:22; Y: Krr»Bin BM ib. NSB'n, NXSTl n.m. fatty tissue on the curved side of the stomach of a ruminant (< Akk himsu A fatty tissue around the intestines CAD H 192, AIOA 56; I XXBTI13; Ma lttXXB'TI belly, entrails MD 146, Sy r^ y "wcuj abdomen LS 242) sg. XXBTI 131 XXB'n /z.-fat and b.h.-fat Hul 49b(38); D'^D xb XXttTl D'JIO XXB'n 13 b.h.-fat can stop up (a hole) and /i.-fat cannot stop up (a hole) ib. 40; XXB'n 13 VTI XXB'n 'H which is /i.-fat and which is i.^.-fat? ib. 41 [Var: XXa'H Ar (AC 3:217)] Geon. expl.: rip in'n ^ywi Kxan ]13T n'1? vip nwpn ^yw a^n KXBn 13 ]J3T "b" OHT Pes 72:10; Y: XXB'n Hul ib.(BAYTN 114). 'Xtt'n n.pl. chickpeas (Sy 2# r^Suo LS 240, Ma 2#XXa'H MD 146, > Arab oii*. Fr, AF 141) Hul 52a(6); Ifev 63a(43; O2); HP 190:11 Lit: Flora 2:427; Voc: 'XB'ri HGP 58a: 19; Y: 'XB'n //u( ib.(BAYTN 114). Nia'n n.m. asphalt (TA XlB'fl TO Ex 2:3) sg. X-IB('>Cl(n GC 124:3 [MH IB'n MMiq 9:5] Nt^P'ri num. one-fifth (4- XtiBin) sg. Xt&B'li Xnyin one-fifth of an egg HP 40:21(HPP 56:19); ib. 39:3 On var. u-i in this fraction, cf. 4 KJlV'/lTl. 1# N3'n n.m. (uncertain; i V)3n; JPA ]n, det. H3n djpa 208) sg. rm )33i i"?'px nj'n own the scholars ruled leniently concerning her [i.e. the widow] because of her ... Git 35a(l); ib. 49b(44); Ket 97b(26); Am 22b(7) Expl. RaH: 13 K»3ni ]1BB npnw OHR Ket 77:11; Y: K3'n Yev 38b(32; BAYTN 134). 2#X3T1, NJTI n.m. henna (Lawsonia; < xrri; 4- 4# X1S1D; Sy rdLu, rt^'i . u LS 243, Ma X3'H MD 146) pi. '3'n TG/ZarA: 275:27; '3'D1 TH moist henna HG1 137:25 Lit: Flora 2:223. l#tU3'n n.m. fair, market (i Vwn; cf. Sy rst^cfi multitude of people LS 213, mng. 2) sg. XJ^'n^ "7'IXi ]Xa3 'inBT 'WIS because it appears as if he is going to the market Sab 54a(42) // ib. b(15)//£e*33a(10) Geon. expl.: KplW TGDr46 158:15; Y: KJ3I1 BAYTN 82. 2# N3,3'ri n.m. dance (TA ]'i:ii pi. TJ Jud 9:27 [H D'ViVn], Ma l#X13'n dance MD 146) pi. '^iVn 'Jrm feasts and dances Git 57a(24) Lit: Geig, AAC 189, rejects P etym.; Tal 124. The mng. 'snares' given for this word in MD should be listed separately and derives from Kpj'n* [cf. the sec. rt. JIT MD 150 and Sy rdALu band LS 244]. Y: Kjrn BAYTN 114. 3#N33'n n.m. type of demon (i Vain; Ma 2# Xim MD 146, Sy kL^_w temple idol LS 214) sg. XJrn n'U3 i?m TO'yaiy he heard them (say) that they hung a demon in it [i.e. the tree] Pes lllb(23; Vi") Y: Kjrn Pes ib. ND13'n n.m. training (< MH2 "prn J 458; I V-pn) pi. Tin '3irn nn there are two (kinds of) training (of a child to fast) Yom 82a(24) Y: '31311 Yom ib. N33'n, K3'n, pi. '33'n n. palate, pharynx
men t : 458 xrin'n (I V-pn; Sy rr* k \ ij, nd-Ly, pi. rdLaajj LS 244, Ma JOrn MD 147) 1. palate: sg. ,T"3X DyDI n'JVXi Kin KD'na the taste of eating is in the palate AnanSch 24:27; ib. 29; 2. pi. pharynx, larynx [Sy, LS ib., mng. 3]: a. general: N»m '3 ■Orm XWIpX like stale [lit. hard] bread in the pharynx Ket 39b(15) [describing a pain]; Kinm 'Dm n,!? )'3'3 nm ... XTin a certain ox whose pharynx was hurting it BQ 35a(9); 'm3rn 5o 74:10; b. w. ref. to a disease: 'DJTlb for (pustules [?] of) the larynx Git 69a(36) [cf. D1X i?V D"D3n3 wn TRN 628:4] RaH: uwi anp pio'y'jn -] ncrtyn nn rfrya1? ohr bq 50:3! [mng. 1]; Rashi: ]nja Q'^'UH myi3y3K [mng. 2]. This word prob. denotes as in Sy several parts of the mouth from the palate to the larynx, but the contexts in the above passages are insufficient to make an exact determination of the mng. in each case; Y: '?J'n Gil ib.(BAYTN 114). [p»n 4* x^ry n.] Nlp'rl n.m. grace (Vl#10n; i pon Vw, s.v. 3#idm; TA XlOli TO Dt 7:9, Sy 2# rCA-oa-u LS 245, Ma XIT'n MD 142, mng. b) sg. KH^KT XlO'n the grace of God Bo 15:6 N'OTI n.m. rock (etym. unkn.) sg. 'mVy ^IS XTID "110 ]» X'D'n ^S'ttD KlltJ ]» X'D'n ^S'BS fall upon him as a rock falls from the mountain, as a rock falls from the high mountain Bo 72:7; DX1 X'D'n J7y *75lHM 45:4 Lit: AMB 171. NBO'n n.m. jealousy (V2# Don; Ma XBOin, XBO'n MD 136, Sy rdSxjiuu grudge LS 247) sg. ]B XJW3 X3'y UJ?) naom XBO'n from the jealousy inflicted by the evil eye Bo 40:4 NBT1, NSn n.m. weaver's beam, straight edge (MH in MKel 14:8; > Arab =lk Fr, AF 94) 1. weaver's beam: sg. XSTI3 'ITI '3A 1DB they come together at the weaver's beam Sab 96b(37; OMAr [AC 3:463]); 2. straight edge: sg. 'DPI '"?3 XSn GC 27:7 [expl. MH rH3 MKel 12:8] Expl. Ar: ny'TH °?y 13 ri3B» pTOB AC ib. [mng. 1]; Geon. expl.: OHBOfl m J'VlTOaW .1! p'OSl -] 1»31 GC ib. [mng. 2]; Lit: Eps, GC 2715; Rieger, Technologie 3677. 'SIS'n n.m.pl. perh. outcroppings from a wall (4- V«|Sn qittul-form; MH2 J'SlB'n J 459) X3'n 'SlS'n X3'Xi X3'H 'SIS'n XD'1?! where there are no outcroppings. (But) where there are outcroppings ... Sab 6a(19) // Er 94a(34) Geon. expl.: train nwh -paon tovoa i'y3ifw 0':3x in nnij? 01X '331 D'TIWl D'Vai lp'P K^W O'STH TITOI1? JTW1 I'X'XIBtf mint i:aa p'woi 13 j'BBinw ^jtdh tin TRN 565:11; Y: 'swrj &16 ib.(BAYTN 141). [ND'SiS'n 4- xn'sisnn n.] NIPIBTI n.m. an unclean fish (i.e. w/o scales; etym. unkn.) sg. XPIB'nV 'BIT XJ'B Xinn a certain species which is similar to the A.-fish AZ 39a(28) [Var: 'WXSin HG3 194:8; XWIS'X M] Lit: Fauna 7+; Y: NWlB'n AZ ib.(BAYTN 138). nwibti n.f. I xxi'Bhsn 1# NSB'n, NSBn n.m. object (< MH T>Sri Yeivin, BV 810, J 492) sg. a. general: p H'ttfSJ XX Npi XXS'n (by taking a vow) he forbids himself from the object Ned 2b(8); H'ty XSSn "lOri'BT QyTB something in which the object is forbidden to him ib. 7 [w. ref. to D'B"in]; Svu 26a(41); XSSn nB'B1? Xpt'3 'XH T3J7 x"7 IX Xpi'3 'XH T3y 'a to estimate whether the object can do this damage or cannot do this damage BQ 91a(32); b. esp. a sacred object [= Torah scroll] employed during an adjuration: 1TT3 nxsn D'pJ he holds the object in his hand Svu 38b(47); ib. 43; H'T3 XSSn 'DlSriX1? to make him hold an object in his hand ib. 42(F2); Geon 154:19; TGHark 202:26 Voc: XXBli HGP 11 a: 18; Y: XXBrj BQ 91a(32). 2# NSB'n n.m. type of bean (Sy <^ -■ ■« LS 212) pi. 'SS'n //«/ 52a(7) [Var: 'XSH AC 3:233] Expl. Ar: D':1BX 'Xan D'XSy AC ib.; Lit: Flora 2:509 [rejects expl. Ar]; Y: '?Bn Hul ib. '3S'n n.m.pl. a disease (Ma X'3S'n, X'31SXn MD 147, 126) 'X3S'n nn the demon of the ^-disease Bo 123:6 blp p'H (uncertain) sg. bip p'n3 T^upna they are killed ... Pes llla(31; V14V17E2) NJlTn I XlTn n. NfllTn, abs. WTl n.f. freedom, manumission (V2#TW; I nn 13; TA XJTTTri TO Lev 25:10, Sy rc'iio-ir^y LS 252, Ma XJlVlXrl MD 127) sg. a. general: abs. ITT! Bl a document of manumission SSSad 237:10; det. XrVn'm XB'J Yev 46a(26); Git 38a(40); ib. 40b(l); g/rf70b(34); SSHai 14a(16); saTn 459 D'sn ib. 16a(2); XDITm X3B/'1? a term denoting freedom RH 9b(19) [w. ref. to liTl Lev 25:10]; b. in (XriJITn1? w. var. vbs.: 1) Vps: pe. to go free: abs. rrTfr plSJT n'1? xn'J he wants to go free BQ 74a(36); 2) Vps: af. to manumit: abs. .TpSXl yvri? he manumitted him SSHai 14b(5); det. XniTn1? in'13y 'pStti they manumit their slaves Git 38b(15; MGL 720:3); 3) Vp3U? pe. to manumit: abs. TTrt> f1^ nP31tf 'aVB 'XB1 why did you manumit your slave? AZ 17b(43) Y: Xfirrn Git ib.(BAYTN 36). [NTTfi i i#xnrnn.] Nai'll n.m. ban (4- Vmn; TA XBlli TO Lev 27':28, Sy kI^s-Uj LS 257) pl.abs. ]Wn Bo 40:4 KpTH, KpTH n.m. joint, node (4- V2#pin; Sy rdii-iju division LS 258) 1. joint: pi. n3 fl'XT 'pTn it has joints Sab 46a(4; AC 3:504) [expl. MH m'Vin ib.]; ib. 6; 7 [Var: 'pTn GCG 109:6]; VP'pTn <')yV3'ai1 their joints [i.e. of the animals's horn] blend into one another Hul 59b(14); 2. node on a branch: pi. Bya 13 pmm 'pTn l^'X I'Smn they cut off a few pieces (of the bush, and) these are the nodes OHT Sab 66:10 Lit: GC 10913; Y: Xjrvn BAYTN 114. KBHTl n.m. a plant (etym. unkn.) pi. 'ttn'n njHT n'"?'T 'B>Tn 'aa 'pVi xaVy '^idt 'wn 'xpV he sowed it with .... Everyone's wheat was blighted and his ... was also blighted BM 106b(31; TGAs28 58:14) Lit: Low, Flora 4:149, 572, does not give an identification. JVII n.m. het, the eighth letter of the alphabet (Sy ^vjljo ls 208) sg. jrm n'uV ninV nom they write the top of the het with a protrusion Men 29b(30); ib. 37a(l 1); MsLm Ex 41:45; pi. Tin pn two /jer^ 5MjA/ 34:27 Nri'M n.f. (uncertain) pi. xn'n1? p1S3 X"n '"I '33 PN's sons went out to the ... Ber 18b(13; MGG 804:3) [Ed: Xn""ip17] N3in'ri n.m. cutting, slit (< MH2 "pirn J 460; 4- V"|nn) 1. cutting: sg. 13X 'Xp XDWn1? 1X"7 113 'Xp XDWn1? a garment is not intended for cutting. A limb (of a fetus) is intended for cutting Hul 72b(27); y'T yT» 'in X31Tl'n the cutting (of meat) of a pagan is clearly recognizable ib. 94a(6); 2. slit [i.e. a natural place in an organ which appears to have been cut]: sg. XDna X'nn X133T 'SirVTO '3XWX1 a certain needle which was found in a slit of the liver ib. 48b(33); XSIJl'n nxm a slit of the lung ib. 13; 'ilXT XDWn a slit of the lobes ib. 47b(6); Dipa Xrl'3T Dipa X3M '31X1 X31fl'n where is the lying position? The place of the slit of the lobes ib. 48a(25; H2); TGHark 159:19; ib. 23 Y: xavrij Wn/ 11 la(27; BAYTN 256). 'DTI pron.f. other (< 'n'TIX; ModSy xeta Maclean 8) Tl'm xmiX1? H3 ri3'ai to sleep during it [i.e. his fast] the following night &e/G(ST2 433:19) Lit: Eps, note ib. D'3n adj. wise, n.m. wise man, pi. the scholars (4- Vnsn; TA O'Sfi TJ IK 3:12, Sy r^k., ^ u LS 231, Ma l#xa'3Xn MD 120) I. adj. wise: sg.m. 'Xn '"?13 TO'3n are you so wise? Ber 58b(38); BB 58a(35); Sab 139a(49); 'Vl3 D'3m Xin xran *\ 'B'3n X1? Xa"?y PN is wise. Everyone (else) is not (so) wise Nid 20b(2); »BB X1?! D'Dn X?1 Xpir a child of average intelligence [lit. who is neither smart nor dull] Men 29b(7); Qid 32b(51); Sab 156a(30); HM 45:20; pl.m. X31B WB'3m mnax you say that you are very wise Ber 56a(2); San 102b(ll); Bek 8b(ll); Qid 33b(36); II. n.m. 1. wise man [poss. to be understood as a title]: sg.abs. D'Dn 'IpJl'B p'X who is called a wise man? Tarn 32a(23; V10) [cf. MAvot 4:1]; Q'3n 'Ipri' Vlb '11 'in' he will be a wise man and will not be called rabbi BM 86a(l); -|J1' <'){in3y D'3n ■fr ]ip '3-i '3m T>y ions xami xrfrin they will make you a wise man, will spread a golden cloak over you, and will call you rabbi, rabbi ib. 85a(26; MGN 446:21); det. X3X 'XTin'T XS'3n 1 am the wise man of the Jews Bek 8b(23); Sab 129a(46); Pes 105b(10); BB 58b(3; P1); 2. pi. the scholars: X'B'3n Suk 38b(17); X'B'Dn un T3 XJ"7'T Xfl'inas so the scholars learnt in our Mishna Seel 73:33 [cf. p3"l un]; ib. 75:19; 109:20; 138:17; X'a'3n paxi HGl 47:53(Var) Y: KB'Sri Pes ib.(BAYTN 234). [»KI3'3n 4- D'3n adj.]
NT3H 460 2#N^n NT3M n.m. tenancy agreement (4- V"Qn) pi. 'XttTU 'T3n the tenancy agreements of the people of GN BM 68a(12) [forbidden on account of usury]; ib. 19 Y: 'TDn BM ib. "pn vb. to rub, scratch (4- X33n; Sy uyu LS 230, Ma -pn MD 147) Pe.: nni^a1? n,!? I'sn xp mn he was rubbing his flesh (to soften it) Sab 33b(45) [4- V2# -px pe.]; -pxn -nn xbi naa n^> n'xn xa'nV nV for where (the donkey) has a wound so that it will not scratch it again ib. 54b(17) [expl. purpose of 4- Xjn"? 13] Itpa. to scratch oneself: Xp 'Bj bS21 inn iT3 "pnn'B after (the ox) falls, it also scratches itself against it [i.e. the wall] BQ 44a(31) SMn, N313n n.m. scab (4- V"pn; Sy i<AAju LS 230, Ma X3X3n MD 147) sg. X3X3n HM 38:8; XDUn5o 105:3 D3n vb. to know, be wise (4- D'3n, Xnaan; Sy >Aju LS 230, Ma D3n MD 147) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to know: I'dVb 3T x"7X 'rf^'B xn '3 nsyaV D'Dn ]Xa Xin H3") X131T who knows how to act in such a case except for PN who is a great man? Yev 113a(28); Pes 76a(45) // Hul 112a(ll); Ned 90a(2); BB 174a(21); AZ 76b(2); '13 X'12n2>B 'inv '"ID '1S'-|D3 Dr'n3n PN, my son, knows about terefot like PN2 //«/ 50a(31); 2. to be wise [cf. Arab ^ I to deliver a verdict Wehr 195]: D3n XJH the judgment was 'wise' [i.e. was decided properly] San 42a(42) [expl. MH ]'in ]pTH ib.]; ib. 43; 47; 3. to acquire wisdom: na bo D'3m 'J731 he acquires as much wisdom as he wants Sab 90b(26) Af. 1. to make wise: O'DnB bmv flXT XT1X the climate of Eretz Israel makes one wise BB 158b(14); 2. to become wise [cf. MHb nxnn D'Sn'ltf BB 25b (29)]: '3D Q'Dmn '»m 'J73 pray that we should become wiser Tan 23b(51) Geon. expl.: maxi XX'l jTTXJ OH San 349:4 [Pe., mng. 2]. Nnaan, Krnasin n.f. wisdom (4- Vosn; ta xflBDin TO Ex 31:6, Sy k'&Jsi^jj LS 230, Ma xnaisin md 135) sg. ia'ra xnasin lara1? xrjn I want to learn wisdom from you Bek 8b(23); ]H ■jnaan X'n where is your wisdom? Sab 30a(ll); ib. 90b(22); Ber 58b(38); Xin n'nasn UD by 'Dn TVb 'IXpn it is because of his wisdom that he calls him so [i.e. HTinX n3] San 5b(l); nTWDn KM 3YT MQ 28a(32); Nid 20b(2) Y: KJJMn Bek ib.(BAYTN 204). pn vb. to become sick (etym. unkn.) itpe./itpa.: n'ai pn'xi xwbb n"?DXT xnxns xinn a certain buck that ate the dough, became sick, and died BQ 48a(16; OHR ib. 86:12) [Van V'sn H] HSn vb. to contract agricultural land as a tenant (4- XTsn, xnunsn; jpa -on djpa 201) Pe.: n'ra man -nni x'^dV n'jnx 'bs n'1? pa/a NN pledged his field to NN2 and then contracted it back from him as a tenant BM 68a(21) Af. to contract agricultural land to s.o. in tenancy: XTDriX^ SSHai 6b(15) [in a contract] NrnJIpn n.f. tenancy (4- V"Dn) sg. BM 104a(3) {* 4- xJll^ap contract work]; ib. 4; 5 Y xrmian BM ib. n.m. sand, sandy area (TA x5fi TO Gen 32:12, Sy ^ V .', LS 221, Ma l#x"?xn MD 121) 1. sand: sg. iy 'an' Yin 'D"U1 XBV 'VlD X"7n3 inr'"''Tnx they used to sit (in the cave while covered) up to their necks in sand the entire day and study Sab 33b(32); X^n3 XDns a parasang in the sand Ket 60b(25) // AZ 15b(51); XjriXX x33Bn ty X^n n'1? yiym they load it [i.e. the boat] with sand until it settles on the bottom RH 23a(29; M); Tan 24b(26); xVxn XDin x"7B '3 ~\yy~\ n'"?1 like a thread-breadth of sand, and there is nothing which can pass BB 73a(25; MGG 31:16); ib. 74b(15; MGG 51:7); 2. pi. sandy area [cf. MH rrVTin Sab 3la(i2); 4- xn^n '3, s.v. i#xri'3 mng. 6h]: n'3j by xn"?n 3'ri'T xiiid xinn a certain fish which had a sandy area on its dorsum BB 73b(21) Y: KJpn BB ib.(BAYTN 30). 2#NVn, Xblin n.m. vinegar (4- Vl#V?n; TA bf\ TO Num 6:3, Sy rdiji LS 231, Ma 2#X*?Xn MD 121, > Akk [NA, LB] hallu#A AHw 312) sg. a. general: x"?n3 l^'BD'1?! let it be soaked in vinegar Git 69a(21); x"?n3 ryb n'BX Xpl he was reducing it [i.e. the swelling of his foot] with vinegar Sab 109a(29); xVn3 XriS'1?! 'T^JIIJ heads of turnips 3*^ 461 t"?n in vinegar Ket 61a(47); Sab 109b(22) [4- Vyai pa.]; Hul Ula(9) [4- VlstJ^n pe., mng. 1]; BB 74b(2) [4- 2#Xp'T]; Yom 28b(46) [4- l#xn]; AZ 38b(26) [4- 2#XTJ3]; ib. 29a(l) [4- 'Ti3'0]; Sab llla(23) [4- Xni'p mng. 2]; ib. 109a(24); Er 68a(13); b. w. Xian, X13'tf: 1) general: X3in 31 x"?n n-b vm ^prm xnan tt nxa ysnx n'V nn pn had four hundred vats of wine. They turned sour and became vinegar Ber 5b (3 8); ib. 44; n'lVYI Xian xnan n'aytJI X^n (if) its smell is vinegar and its taste is wine-(it is considered) wine BB 96a(7) // AZ 66b(l); BM 73b(15); BB 84b(ll); Xbxn ib. 98a(27; HP 87:18); X^m X1»m X*?n X"lD'2?n wine-vinegar and vinegar of s.-beverage AZ 66&(15) [cf. Akk GlS.GESTIN halla CAD H 43 (NB), Sy K'-i^T.a rdA_o« K'-vio-oa rdi_o Num 6:3]; Git 86a(10); 'XB1XT xnD'lyn xVn 'Xn vinegar of s.-beverage of the pagans AZ 32a(l); 5M42b(36); 2) in a fig. sense: xnan 13 X^n wine vinegar Hul 105a(26) [ref. to a son inferior to his father; v. DJPA 201]; c. w. qualifiers: Git 70a(10) // AZ 12b(14) [I ]XQV]; BB 96a(22) [4- priDIO]; Pes 74b (46) [4- nana] Lit: Low, Flora 1:102+; Voc: K?fl HGP 5a:9; Y: X^rJ Ber 5b(44; BAYTN 5). 3# KVn n.m. a secretion (cf. Sy r^'j r \'x ^-^ cataract of the eyes LS 231, mng.'2) sg. XXBX n» n'"?m xin p'aox xV tdx n'^ni xm p'aox (if) the piece (of meat) became red, it and its secretion (?) are forbidden. (If) it did not become red, it and its secretion (?) are permitted Pes 74b(39); U/'IpT xVn a secretion which congealed Hul 120a(20; V^V'Ar [AC 3:392]); pi. '^n 'M XXman'T secretions of the y.-deer Bek 7b(23) Lit: Koh, AC 3:392, s.v. 22*n. iVn vb. to milk (4- UHlbn; Sy .-.Vu LS 232) Pe. (a/u): D'U niS^m X3"7n milk which pagans milked Anan 3:10; XT'J? 3"?n'a milking of a goat HG1 381:42; ii. 44; 46; HG3 230:76; nra 3"?m xs1™ 'xn 3iVnan n'apan ... xaVn he milked it [i.e. the goat]. Before he milked it... NDGR 84:5 Itpe. to be milked: X3"?n 'Xn 3'"?naT 'BpB before this milk was milked HG3 230:77 l#K3b>n n.m. milk (4- VsVn, XSX^nVn, X31?; TA 3^n TO Ex 3:8, Sy * -n \ » LS 232, Ma X3"?xn MD 121) sg. +>w& '5?3 na"?n naa x-iwsn xyan how much milk is necessary to cook a quarter (of a 9a6) of meat? Hul 110a(9); Aw 36a(29); Xl^'l X3"7n3 X01XBT a peacock's head in milk Sab 130a(27) // Hul 116a(37); X3"?n 'pDS m"ra X3"?n nay in"rai some of them [i.e. the foods mentioned] make the (mother's) milk cease, and some of them make the milk turbid Ket 60b(52); 'rni'n XP57B XS^n milk from a white goat Sab 109b(31); Ket lllb(50); nXBB nan3T n3"?n the milk of an unclean animal Bek 6b (19); '3TD: X3Vn whey of milk Pes 42a(34); Ber 8a(32); MQ lla(40); Ket lllb(45); Ned 52b(3); Anan 3:10 [4- Va^n pe.]; nSbn HP 205:1(HPP 306:21) Y: X^rj Hut 110a(9; BAYTN 82). - N13 VtrWXbl N3^n n.m. civet (lit. milk-like T T XT I T I - secretion of the civet cat used as a perfume; 4- XTJItf) sg. OHP Ber 61:19 [expl. as 1X3T, i.e. Arab jUj Siggel 39, jUjII A" civet cat Wehr 372] V OHP ib., n. 1. 2# K3Vn n.m. fat (Sy * S \ » LS 233) sg. n"7T xri'11 XJ/31X3 XS'jn in1? they sprinkled fat for them in the four corners Bo 78:16 Nn'HVn n.f. galbanum (TA XJTU^n TO Ex 30:34T[Var], Sy rc'^LxiALo LS 233) sg. TGHark 29:30; XTTWavi XDJ'S'jn honeyed galbanum Git 69a(41) Geon. expl.: 'Ja1? ^X ^Dy XTMMn Xfl'Ja^'n OHT Git 156:5, i.e. ,jjjjl J^i milky honey; W3"n npwa n^a^n OHR ib. 45:8; Lit: Flora 3:455+; Y: Nri'ja^n Git ib.(BAYTN 279). iVn vb. to glide in (< MH pen nx rbnn LNVTH 165, s.v. l#V7n; 4- xn"?in; Sy *Xu to creep, burrow LS 233) Itpe. to be glided in: 1'jb'o 'mn xrao m'^nn'xn XD'm if the knife was glided in under the vital organs [i.e. the trachea and the oesophagus] HG3 112:7 mbn i xn"?m 'BlVn I XBT7'n n. tVn vb. to gird (< V2# ybr\; Sy ^Ijj LS 237, Ma ltrpn MD 149) Pe., pass.part.: ^'XV'X X'T'^n !7X'tt;,1?l»1 Vx'IW "JX'S?'-!1?'! (the demons) ... are girded Bo 65:1 Very uncertain.
toitVn 462 wbn N31tVn n.m. snail (Sy «lj'oO!U> LS 233) pi. ,3ii,7n^Z28b(ii) [4-xnpwa] n.m. perh. wasting (4- VrnVrl; MH2 Virion J 466, Sy r^VuXo-o LS 232) sg. Bo 59:2 ^n^n vb. to perforate (< V4#y?n pal.; 1 X^n; Sy . \ i.i \ ij to dig through, pierce through LS 232, A?j\u*7a hollow PSm 1269; 4- X^lrfrn, V^n, X^n) Pal.: ^rftna ^"inVn (seeded areas) thoroughly perforate (the ground to all sides) BB 99b(l6; Es); pass.part. bnbnis ■'binbn X3'y 'xn the cloud is actually perforated Ber 59a(25); xyiX XH x'rn'jna 'Virion the ground is perforated throughout Hag 22a(15); Yom 58a(27); Pes 74a(13); ib. 35; Hul 119b(32) l#D^>n vb. to contract, scald (MH 2#DI7n LNVTH 166; cf. Sy ,\,\ %» to mix, mingle, add LS 233) Pe. (/u) 1. to contract (blood vessels in meat): mn x1? xaat xin ,T3 vhn mm n^n X3X 'nnmx XJat ma B'Vn my father did not contract another time (blood vessels in meat) with vinegar with which he had once contracted Pes 74b(45); ib. 46; .tV 'tj"?n 'am am x^na mb 'oVn xnn an 1'nmna they used to contract (the blood vessels in the liver) for PN with vinegar. They used to contract (them) for PN2 with boiling water Hul 11 la(9); ib. 8; HG3 217:46; TGAs28 44:26; 2. to scald: vnrn"' nm 'on 'mn urrx onvrj x"? a person should not scald two (kernels) of wheat together (in boiling water) Pes 39b(41) Geon. expl. [mng. 1]: OK l«W3 rfwa1? Krfrn K3'^1 Krom m nvnai vaB1? <pnwr jdi -iot jvd'jui K'aa ^s foix^ iwbk ix nty'w ly nvnai inm nnx nrnn °?dui Tioy nVyw ty n-i'ipn ■ran rfww iy mnK nynn Vbxixoii mm -nay Geon 102:23 2# D^n vb. to make permanent (4- XT\vbn, B'^ri; JPA vbn DJPA 202) Af. 1. to take permanent possession: VlpT\ mt&nVl let the sacred treasury take permanent possession of it Ara 31b(47); 2. to give s.o. permanent possession: 'M XJfUXl pi 'bsb p'x 'rar m xwbnxi xwddx p ma we, also, the court, have agreed and have made this sale permanent to NN SSHai 18b(5) Itpe. to become a permanent possession: na oVma 'a dV©1T1 is there permanent possession in Jerusalem? [i.e. all houses are redeemable] Ara 32b(6); 'X mrwx nrtflOtnx loVn'1? 'jaiia if (the houses) are sold before they are completely torn down, they should become a permanent possession (of the new owner) Ara 34a(3); ib. 33a(39) XTXhn, HTXhm, n.f. finality (4- V2# t^n) pi. XnXD'rn nD» writs of final adjudication of a debt BM 16b(25; F>,OHT ib. 37:15, TGHark 216:5) [H: xnxB"?nx] Geon. expl.: ]'»ftfr> OJinai '3 'IBB XriKB^l OHT ib. 16. l#'^n vb. to be sweet (4- lttX'Vin, '^n adj., xmWl; Sy ,-Lu pe., pa. LS 234, Ma l#x^n MD 148) Pa. to make sweet: xmrfrm mDmn aix XWMP tfb X^na because of the pungency of Asa foetida, the fattiness (on the pagan's knife) 'sweetens' it [i.e. makes it less pungent] AZ 39a(38) [Voc: mV X^fe HGP 58a:22] 2# '^n vb. to be sick (4- 2# X'Vlrl; Ma 2# xVn MD 148) Pe.: my"o rrnai x-iaa erna x"?i ^n xb nan how little does [lit. how much does not] a man whom his Lord has aided become sick or feel ill! Kwi22b(31)//.ffg20b(4) '^H, det. Hfjn adj. sweet (4- VupWl; TA ,!Jn TJ Ezek 3:3[Var], Sy rf \ \ u LS 234, Ma l#X'Vxn MD 121) sg.m. Oixnana mpoy ,!?n his business is sweet like dates Ber 56a(36; MGG 704:15); m^p ,!7n its sound is sweet Ara 10b(28) [expl. MH "j^n ib.; cf. Sy r^ . \ o k^i-U^ PSm 1281]; X"0ya 'THO wbn xnan sweet wine which comes from GN AZ 30a(50; J) [expl. 4- xnp ib.]; f. xm^n XITIBX a sweet efrog Sab 109b(31; M); pl.m. ""?n AZ 38b(36; Ar [AC 3:387]) [of unripe dates; ^ 'Tia] Y: 'Vn Ber ib., X^n BAYTN 82. - Mfin, NTI'Vn n.f.pl. euph. bitter herbs (lit. sweet things [cf. MH pina MSviK 3:1]; Sy rK'in i\ u lettuce BBah 752:6, Arab UUU ib. 49:9) xm^n Pes 39a(10; CV14) [expl. MH "liia ib.; E1: XmVn] Lit: Flora 1:429 [contra Pfl 164], N'Vn* n.m. artificial form of 4- 2# K'"in pi. ^n 'Vip'13 Pes 110a(36; OHT ib. 113:25) Geon. expl.: ,1! XW 'U'3 X'JS KW p K^l wan 'Vn 1'DI" "X "JD ■p toi'7 Kin 'k:jw 'in nnp1? px -pi k^i oht ib. t}'7n adj. complete, final (4- V2#D^n pe., t t : t 463 i#Vm pass.part.; cf. Sy r^\) ;\ ») mixed, united LS 233) sg.m. XB'Vn ... X3'3p complete acquisition sSHai llb(8); f. XD'Vn XDTin mini nana a complete, consummated, (and) final present j& 7b(14); S$Sad 211:13; xriD'^n XTUna OZ/r Git 120:14; pl.m. I'D'^n ... P'3T a complete sale 55//a/ 6a(3) NJT'^n n.f.pl. joints (on fingers; 4- 3#X,!7in) BB 74a(9) ^i'Vn adj. hollow (4- V4#Wn; TA Wft TO Ex 27:8^ Sy rdi-Ajo hollow LS 232) sg.m. X'nap X^C>(l)^n a hollow furnace AZ 10b(44); Xpia xV'^n a hollow ... BB 61a(7); pl.f. xnxWw '3'n hollow (woven) chains Sab 57a(18) Y: Kn^'VO Sab ib. D'Vn 4- Vitto'jn vb. f'Vn adj. strong (4- V^Vn; Sy k\LAa> LS 237, Ma T^ MD 148) Plm- ,T,*in ,s1^n stron§ and valiant Bo 21:13 [of demons; cf. Ma f'Vn ''"" MD ib.] NfllS'Vn n.f. halisa, the ceremony of the removal of the levir's shoe by the dead brother's widow (< MH mt'Vn Yeivin, BV 884, j 469 + xm-; 4- VyVn; JPA nx^>n DJPA 203) sg. XniS'Vm ND^ writ of halisa SSHai 12b(9) Though KriX'^m KB'J Yev 106b(28) occurs in Ed, the H form HX'^n occurs in M302. Np'^fl n. haroset made of dates (> IrArab hlhilleq Avishur, Elements 251+, JNA p'Vn hilliq HDJNA s.v.; 4- xnoip^n) sg. SRAG 112b: 18 Geon. expl.: onan p uaipaa wik j'Biyw Kp'^n tobw nonn ib. NnOip'^n, NnOip'T'n n.f. perh. refuse of boiled dates (perh. < 1 Xp'Vn + Xrior [dimin. ending]; 4- xmp^O) sg. BQ 31a(l; Ar [AC 3:418]) [Var: XnoipVvi OHP ib. 128:25]; OHP Sab 74:10 Geon. expl.: Tvpi to'i n''3n<i7>w Dnawa T'nw'w na OHP BQ ib.; nsn kds:i abn ^aaa jnun xnoif^'m KTp )us 321 "9 DH3 KXV31 OHP Sab ib.; Lit: Eps, Gr 116; ace. to Flora 2:114, an error for i Nmp'^O tf'Vn adj. weak, thin (4- Vl#efrn, XJIW'^n; Sy rcliiii LS 238, Ma 2#X12/'?xn MD 122) 1. weak: sg.m. ErVm ]Xa 'XH one who is weak Ber 55b(40); vbn 'Xaa inisn' X1?! Wbm one who is weak and does not know from what he is weak HM 44:11; xmijm ]a 'b'n w^m xaVo'' x"7 I cannot (mount the horse) because I [lit. my strength] is weak from the fast Meg 16a(23); XYb ,!7 V^n I feel faint [lit. my heart is weak] Qid 40a(7); pl.m. prVn nm pia'l '13 sons of the mighty ones who were weak Bo 78:10; 2. thin [of a sharp object]: sg.m. maiB wVm XJ'3D a knife whose blade is thin Hul 48a(9); f. V-TWbn HP 201:8 [of a needle; * 4- D'Vx mng. 2] Lit: S. Abramson, Lesonenu 19 [1954] 683 [mng. 2]; Y: B'Vn BAYTN 55. NJW'Vn n.f. weakness (4- W'Vri; TA Xm^n TJ Hos 7:9[Var], Sy r^^o t V » LS 238) sg.es. Nnjn niB'^n distress [lit. weakness of the mind] Hor 13b(50; MGE 699:4) l#^Vn vb. to desecrate, profane, redeem, degrade (4- xVin, 2#X!7n, V?n adj.; Sy Ajj af. to profane LS 231, Ma 4#V?n pa. MD 148) Pa. 1. to desecrate: KTOV ]3aT •'Vjm Xp the scholars are desecrating the Sabbath Ber 6b(23); Sab 147a(6); Yom 49a(25); AZ 26a(47); RH 20a(l); 2. to profane: Vot'? ynT '"? mXT one who has semen can profane (a priest's daughter; v. Lev 21:15) Sof 26b(12); 3. to redeem [v. Af, mng. 4]: irVVna xVi 'in xts xsdd 'sjV xsm gold in relation to silver is considered produce, and we do not redeem (silver by gold) BM 44b (51) Af. 1. to desecrate: xratt? V'ria XpT 'XH ]X& who is this one who desecrates the Sabbath? Er 104a(33); Yom 49a(25; E1); ib. 84b(18); MQ 10a(50); AZ 26a(47; HG3 267:51); ib. 28b(33); Men 64a(4); 2. to profane: '^inx DTOH XD'X rrmy ^'na xaiaa nmay this is because of profanation of the Temple service. He profanes the Temple service by the blemish Bek 43b(2); Tan 17b(21); 3. to degrade [of offspring; denom. < MH V?n one unfit for the priesthood J 470]: my-iiV m^nxi a'o: nsiVm hb/tii (the priest) married a divorcee or a halusa and degraded his offspring Git 59b(43); 4. to redeem: '5?31X "Piptf 'm'^y V'nxi '•TIT take four zuzim and redeem (your property) upon them Ara 29a(25); Xjn'B X3m xya'BX XTS la'^nai gold is considered coin, and we redeem produce by coin BM 44b (3 8;
2#^>n 464 3#y?n HTGHark 46:5); ib. 45a(33); 53a(20); yyyb nWlBm 'am TBpiX '^lriX concerning redeeming, Scripture placed it [i.e. the vineyard of the fourth year] in his possession BQ 69b(37); 'ViriNT 'wb (the word Jinn) is a word of redeeming Tern 26b(20) [w. ref. to Is 60:17; * VoSTl af, mng. 3]; nunp'1? mm ntr1?! 'Vm1? nps'bi (nxnftn'^i let him redeem it [i.e. the red heifer], transfer it to a state of hullin, shear it, and afterwards consecrate it5e£25a(31) ittaf. i. to be profaned: bnrm xp mnaw'1? xV X'BttH saw (if) he will not excommunicate him, Heaven's name will be profaned MQ 17a(l 1); )V3 "7'n;i'X X,1 T^nXI since he profaned it [i.e. the oil], it was, in fact, profaned Kar 7a(19; V10); 2. to profane o.s.: XflEM X^nri'B Xpi X3',1 'V'B 'an this refers to (a case) where (the daughter of a priest) profanes herself now San 51a(20); 3. to be degraded: nr by cnpn Vnmi ,t> xm xV she does not want a sanctified object to be degraded by her to hullin Qid 53b(18; O2); 'a *\m miipi '"?nJTa can inherent sanctity be degraded to hullin? ib. 55a(8); lnWtfVJp xV'n/l'X x"?T its sanctity was not degraded Meg 26b(17); Bek 27a(6); 4. to be wasted away: n'SU V'nri'1? may his body be wasted away Er 104a(33) [cf. Sy m-J-^Uia rdAx rdi_=io . V u \ u^i^ya PSm 1279 (of the body)]; MQ 10a(50) Lit: Yalon, Studies 23 [Ittaf., mng. 4]. 2# 7?n vb. to forgive, relinquish (4- Wna) Af. 1. to forgive: .T1? V'nx forgive him Ber 31b(47); /'& 12b(32); n'W'-l p'"?DS'XT 15? .1'V xtf»n» X1? n'BUa I shall not forgive him until his head is split lengthwise from his body ib. 56b(3); JIB D'Bnr '31> <T;ir>T V'na 'Vmx a deceased person surely forgives the heirs his debasement San 48a(46); xxYiyD "?d m"? rr'rnai rx'b rvrI?'',nrx''i XJllVwi I have forgiven and absolved him for every mistake and error SSHai 5a(14); ib. llb(18); nx"?'J? X3'1 T1'3 ]B mV ^'m 'Jiarni may the Merciful One forgive him from the celestial court TGHark 234:11; 2. to relinquish, renounce: a. alone: Win BPJ'X V'nB xri'Bp XIW V'nB X1? xrrw 'j'na the first year a person relinquishes (his rights). The second (year) he relinquishes (his rights. But) the third year he does not relinquish (his rights) BB 29a(5; P1); r-mi j7T 'a xan '"?na xpi 'jrr onn in that case they are cognizant of the situation and relinquish (their share). In this case was he cognizant (of him) that he should relinquish? BM 40a(3); xVl lVnJT IJH' they are not cognizant of relinquishing (their share) Pes 50b(44); b. w. obj.: Vysi ]1'3 n'XJm n,!?nx 'Vinx as soon as he had sexual intercourse he completely relinquished his stipulation Ket 74a(21); ib. 44a(2); Yev 110a(7); nmmx xmiS X'nna did she relinquish it [i.e. her ketubba] because of that small amount (of time)? ib. I04a(49); 'aib xa'xi nmimV n^nm V'lm ni2X let her go and relinquish her ketubba in favor of her father Ket 86a(l); c. w. prep.: 1) -b or indir. obj.: '■? mmx 'Vinx ,!? rany xma since you did not mix it [i.e. the oil and the lees] for me you completely renounced it [i.e. the right of mingling] to me BM 40b(21); T>nx ]X» who relinquished (the portion of the owner of the field) to you? Qid 52b(10); 2) "'31(V) in favor of s.o.: n'3J V'nx '^lnx he completely relinquished (the right to the property) in his favor BB 47a(26); BQ 11 la(26); BM 5\a(34); Git 58b(21); -pm itsiV rrnxh mVnx 'Vmx lmra im one of them [i.e. the partners] completely relinquished his portion in favor of those BM 26b(17); TGAs27 22:4; innp' 1^1 in1? XTJ ln'SU bx-XW ,1133 rvb 'mm '371 '3 n'SJ1? the Jews themselves want to relinquish their honor un his favor so that he should have repentance San 47a(5); 3. to pardon: pi 'bsb HWV n,!? V>nXl XJTpSl we instructed them to pardon the excommunication on NN Dec 6:5; ib. 8 Ace. to RaH and Rashi, this vb. occurs also in the fol. passage: iTDTN Vin'VT '3'n '3 so that (the gladiator) should be forgiving concerning his blood Git 47a(12) [v. OHR ib. 32:3]; however, since this rt. never occurs otherwise in the Pe. stem, and it is not used with the prep. 'X, this interpretation is unlikely; Lit: Kut, Archive 1 [1972] 5; LNVTH 209, n. 8**. 3# V?T\ vb. to wash (denom. < X^nx [4- xVniX]; Sy ,\\t, pa. LS 231, mng. 2, Ma 2#V?n pa. MD 148) Pa.: x'B3 x»n "?Vna mm xin,T> n"in he saw a certain person who was washing the (animal's) head in water Hul 95b(l; H2); xn3D '3 Tfbbm Xn Xn3D '3 tfVm Xm xn this (refers to when) he 4#Wwi ; washed it [i.e. the meat] in the butcher's shop. That (refers to when) he did not wash it in the butcher's shop ib. 113a(27; V11) Lit: Greenfield, AKY 466. 4# V?n vb. 4- "j'Vn, -hnbn vb. Vm adj. perh. profane (4- Vl.#W71) sg.f. (Xn)'"?'1? xmVm ... Xmp3 a female and profane female demon Bo 58:7 Hbbn n.m. empty space (4- V4# bbr\; Sy r? \ V u ho'le LS 232) sg. X1X1X '31 X^n the empty space of the neck area (of the garment) Sab 66b(38) // AZ 28b(3; M); Hul 126a(23); Suk 5b(15); pl.es. xaVy 'Wn "?3 all (the contents of) the empty spaces of the world Sab 77b(23); BM 49a(48) // San 97a(32); det. Yom 52a(14) Geon. expi.: niran ]|?fl» xinw n:Bp nbea xiix '31 K^n ina TGWeisz 83b:4; Y: K^n Sab 66b(38; BAYTN 102). 1# DVn, D^n vb. to close together, close tightly (MH2 ubn to join, attach J 354, Ma 1# J&7\ MD 148) Pe.: a. intr.: D'"7m 1'ia'T sometimes (the hole) closes up AZ 69b(26); 'Xpl D'Vn Xn (the skin), in fact, remains attached Hul 123b(40); ib. 31; 37; D'^n Tin (the stretched leather) returns to its original state [lit. closes together again] Men 35a(48) [4- xnV'tf mng. l]; 'aw? 'V?'y nnwx na"?m (the dissected thigh) was placed upon herbs and (the gash) closed together BB 74b(20) [P1: oVn]; mnbupi rn'iV'y mo pbn the mountains (facing each other) closed together and killed them Ber 54b(4; MGN 388:6); b. tr.: <nwn)'S'tf D'^m ]>mt sometimes he closes his lips tightly Qid 25a(23) Lit: Geig, AAC 185. 2# aVn vb. to dream (4- Xia^'ri; Sy 1# -p\u LS 234) Pe.: 1WS Xim D'^n Kin does (the same person) dream and interpret a dream? Yom 28b(38) 3#D^n vb. 4- XJaVin n., D'Vn adj. *pn vb. to pass, elapse, exchange (4- XSlV'n, ^n prep., -JtpbV; Sy -^V .« LS 235, Ma T>n (i/u) MD 149) Pe. (e/a) 1. to pass, pass by: 1'Vm Xinn man '31 X33X a certain person who passed by the door of his father-in-law's house Yev 52a(24); Ber pjVn 58b(34); RH 34b(ll); Tan 22a(12); n'Diy XS'^n n3nx 13 XIX 311 PN's bier passed by BB 22a(54; MGL 699:18); lS'bn Tan 23b(47); 'XD3D n'3iT n'13Vl n'S"?n I paid my tax, passed by, and crossed over AZ 10b(46); 1,ap ^bn^ let him pass in front of you Git 56b(18); Yev 120a(39); XJaiX X3X 1'Vxn Xpi 'ins while PN, the bloodletter, was passing by Tan 22a(2); Ber 51a(45); Ket 61a(52); Git 31b(30); ib. 57a(46); BB 29a(12); Xn3 'S'jn xVl X,13 'S^m 1'Ja'Tl sometimes they pass by this (door) and do not pass by that one Sab 23a(49); ib. 23b(23); 2. to pass, elapse (of time) [w. by, '»j?]: T^m "7'Xin XJiyiy since the (propitious) time has passed BQ 117b(8); Ber 7a(30; MGN 415:9); MQ 28a(42); San 105b(33); ]'ai' ]'5?31X Tfby fbn (barley flour) which is forty days old Sab 109b(17); BM 56b(53) // Men 69a(14); xnt? rvb «]'^n his year has passed BQ 113b(43); XM'I [m1?] yspn'XI n'ja'l I'Vm his summons has been set and (the time of) the summons has passed Dec 4:4; TGHark 131:9; ib. 189:32; HP 136:13; 3. to be exchanged: pass.part. XJWBi XfiXlfts IS'^m '"?'a T"7'X3 many differences of opinion were exchanged in these matters TGAs42 61:23 Pa. 1. to exchange, barter: 'in3 lmmiJ/O 'S^na 'Tin (PN and PN2) used to exchange their meals with each other Meg 7b(17) // MQ 27b(25); BM 90b(10); BQ 60b(44); 'TO liTJ'ST?rV> it is permitted to barter them [i.e. bricks of a synagogue] Meg 26b(16); VS"bnb SSHai 6b(14) [of property]; Geon 163:15; 2. to substitute, replace: pvn Kb 'SlVnVl are we not concerned with substitution (of food)? Git 61b(18) // Hul 6a(41); Git 19b(54) [a get]; AZ 29b(48) [wine]; Bek llb(13) [fruit]; Tan 26b(35); pm' '1 'ST>n ]T\1V '1 '^Tyi to replace PN and insert PN2 Sab 54b(51) // Meg 7a(15); Yev 45a(22); iSGF 98:9; 3. to switch: x^xasm nbuKivb xram 's^na XJ'a'V they used to switch the right (shoe) with the left and the left with the right (on a fast day) Tan 12b(ll);/&r61a(43; V) Itpa. 1. to be interchanged: *pW1i Xm l"5?X TIB TIB x"?1 J"J?X l^na (if) he is pre-occupied even though (the sacrificial animal) cannot be interchanged, (or if) it can be interchanged even 465
*\bn 466 tfVn though he is not pre-occupied Pes 72b(26); Van ns^ma nb rrvppa r\Tiy *\brm Vana one rope is interchangeable for another. A loop is not interchangeable for a knot Sab 113a(17) // Pes lla(36); Ber 62a(28); Yom 55b(3); Ned 60b(2); Git 1 la(24); Bek 29b(10); Nid 68b(40); 2. to be exchanged: XS0D3 pn in ty *|Vn'»l (the coral) is exchanged for twice the amount in silver RH 23a(32); 3. w. "V to confuse, switch: D'ma '31 'V l^n'S I confused 'Rabbi' ('31) with 'many' (D'l-l) Er 75b(30); m1? t^n'X VlOBa "?US (the Tanna) confused 'pigguV (VllD) with 'invalid' (>1DD) Me« 17a(34; M); norfr X^a p nO)1? «r>n'X he confused between a full and defective (month) BM 59b(42) l^n prep, in place of, for (4- V^n, XSl^TI mng. 2;'tA 1?n TO Ex 21:24, Sy -*V» LS 235) XPSJ xpaio fpn xpaio ... xwsj i^n life for life, redness for redness [i.e. red wine to replace blood which has been let] Sab 129a(38) Y: >ftn Sab ib. vb. to bare the shoulder, remove, participate in the halisa ceremony (4- p?n; Sy ^ \<j LS 237, mng. 3) Pe. (a/u) 1. to bare the shoulder (as a sign of mourning) [MH2 pn J 472]: pnaV '3"na vxby ^ti^idi everyone is required to bare their shoulder MQ 22b(12); 2. to remove marrow from bones: lmCKJ^PODX 'apa WsVn before their being forbidden (as "IJVU) he removed their marrow Pes 83a(45) [cf. MH2 piVn ]XSaiP ib.]; ib, 46 Expl. RaH: many ma fVru naibo D'X'frn lxxaw jra [mng. 2]. 2#J>?n vb. to participate in the halisa ceremony (denom. < 4- MH nS'Vn; 4- NJllX'Vn; MH pn J 472) Pe. 1. to participate in the halisa ceremony: a. man: 1) submission: ]Xa 'Nil rVTTCh n'Dma1? ins pm one who submits to halisa must press his leg (on the ground) Yev 103a(16); Xlrf? flVn'JI 'trb D3"21 let him perform yibbum on one (wife) and submit to halisa with the other ib. 44a(19); rb 1SV>n let them submit to halisa by her ib. 112a(14); 27b(27); 39a(49); 91a(12); 106a(21); HP 148:2; ib. 156:17; MQ 25b(21); 2) performance: xay nnxo H'1? pm the nation upon whom its Master has performed halisa Yev 102b(36) [expl. f^n Dn» Hos 5:6; v. note, infra]; px nV lsbm HM3' (if) brothers performed the halisa ceremony upon ayevama ib. 38; b. woman: XsVn pn'B she actually performs halisa ib. 96b(22); 3a(22); 18a(15); 50b(33); 105b(28); p?nm 'apa npp"l (if) she spat before she performed halisa ib. 105a(19); JsVnn ib. 15a(9); HP 151:24; 4. to arrange a halisa ceremony: iTJVam IxV 'X x1? <x>(iux 'xxjp mV rrxn xVHoa pm ,3'3n,7 XJ/"DT xVllOn X^X XiS'Vn mn had 1 not seen that my uncle arranged a halisa ceremony with a sandal which had laces, I would have only arranged a halisa ceremony with an Arab's sandal Yev 102a(35) The statement in mng. I .a.2 attributed to a sectarian rests upon a misunderstanding of the nature of the ceremony as pointed out by the Talmud ad loc. pVn vb. to divide (4- Xp"?in, XipVin; Sy • r, V .. pe. to allot LS 237, Ma p"?n MD 149) Pe. (a/u): n'1? pbn (the river) divided it(s waters) for him Hul 7a(36); 'KH^ 'ai pV?n divide also for this one ib. 38; Xip mpVn Xn DJin in that case Scripture, in fact, divided it (into two categories) ib. 5b(19) Itpe. to be separated: XpVn'Bi D"IE?B because (the fingers) are separated Ket 5b(3) ifbn vb. to be tired, sick (4- KtfVin, tf'Vn, xrVffirVn, Vbn adj.; Ma ©Vn MD 149; cf. Sy rdlX) LS 238) Pe. (e/ ) 1. to be weak, tired: n'OllB W'Vn mn '3 when he was tired from his study Ber 28a(48) // Er 28b(4); 2. to be sick, ill, ailing: vbn XM3 31 PN was sick Pes 3b(46); Ned 39b(44); Qid 22b(48); Ara 16a(13); vbm pi'Dl mDsV m'DBX when he became ill they brought him to GN Ket 103b(51); Nid 36b(50); vbn X1? nsrvxi WJ'X a person did not become sick and recover BM 87a(43) [4- Vl#"lSp itpe.]; BB 10b(23); ib. 151b(2); San 96a(46); n'J'ya "\ vbn PN was ailing in his eye BM 85b(48); 3. w. a fol. n. in idiomatic expressions: a. XJTjn mind: vbn nTljn he was distraught Sab 51b(45); Tan 9a(51); Hag 5b(46); Ket 62b(16); BQ 117a(49); 'xnyi mbn BM 84b (22); n'njn xoVn xnbn perhaps he will become distraught Kar 6a(2); Git 56b(18; MGD 627:32); b. xa'V heart: wnn mn I 'XSV I was not feeling well Ber 28b(4); Sab 2#tfVn 467 lan 10a(26); Qid 40a(7); Tan 24b(43); c. xaty environment: XaVy iin vbn he became seriously ill RH 17a(50); Ket 103b(51; MGG 871:4); Tern 8b(29) Af. w. Nfljn to make s.o. distraught: nwnnx TITyib you made him distraught Ber 18b(47); Hul 94b(36) Itpe. to become sick: vbffX XJirna 3'0a nw '1 PN married a priest's daughter (and) became sick Pes 49a(39); &6 134b(25); MQ 17a(17); fier 55b(40; MGG 630:10); BB 151a(39; HP 60:11) 2#B^n vb. to strip off skin (4- V2#rt>tf; JPA ertm djpa 204) Af.: x^niai wbna xap xania J7T3 X1J13 the upper projecting portion (of the knife) strips off (the skin of the neck) and the latter projecting portion pierces (the organs) Hul 17b(6; V"); ib. 7; 9 fi^n adj. weak, n. sick person (4- Vl#w"?n; TA V% TJ Jo 4:10, Sy Kliiu LS 238, Ma X'E^xn pi. MD 122) I. adj. weak: sg.f. XTJ/I XI X^n X'aaj/ 'ma Vsa Xt^m this is merely the smallest and weakest of all the cities of the nations San 95a(17); II. n. sick person: sg.m. HVbn Sab 12b(12; Ar [AC 7:177, X"D]) Y: m)n San ib.(BAYTN 231). n.f. halla, the priest's portion of the dough '(< MH r\% Yeivin, BV 800, J 465; TA m% TO Num 15:20, JPA nVn DJPA 201) sg. Sab 35a(2); Er 83a(19; O); Xmxa XTlVn WISH1? to remove halla from rice Pes 50b(53); HP 39:14 Y: xnVn Sab ib.(BAYTN 187). 2#NnVn, abs. nVn, pi. am^n n.f. type of basket or bucket (Akk hallatu B type of basket CAD H 44, Sy k-^-Lu, 'u water bucket LS 232) 1. type of basket: sg. Sab 74b(19); '*W na XnVn 'TO a h.-basket with a capacity of two kors ib. 35a(3); pi. 'xanxi XnxVn //.-baskets of the pagans AZ 75a(32); 2. type of bucket: sg. ]dw xnx xnVn 'mn avi xs"n xp mn j/3i£/@m xn^nV npns xti pns xms'sa nri1? 'btx Bathsheba was shampooing her hair under a h.-bucket. Satan came to her in the guise of a bird. He shot an arrow, (and) it pierced the /i.-bucket San 107a(19; F2) Geon. expl.: D'ap^w rfrxnoD nmx I'Vraw rftru noif xrtn nms jmp n^xn niaipMi [sjt>S] nixis nxip:i nxian na |'at?i nVn ri'anx jw^2 TGAs42 3:12; kvto D'ip ^w n^xna xrtn xina ^HX3 H'Wy TGWeisz 81c:13; Lit: AAC 186; Y: XnVn Sab 74b(19; BAYTN 187). Dn 4- an adv. 1# Kan, cs. "Ian n.m. father-in-law (1 xan 13, l#xnan; Sy rdSuu, cs. -o_>xju LS 238, SG § 146, TA -|"ian TO Gen 38:13) sg. +m 'Tny ,!7 1'iysa XpOl an the rich people of my father- in-law's household are vexing me Tan 23b(48); man '3 -Ira1? xanm mrm ix"?t a son-in-law does not usually dwell in his father-in-law's house BB 98b(10); man m X33X fbm Xinn a certain man who was passing by his (future) father-in-law's house Yev 52a(24) // Qid 12b(24); BM 74b(3); Sab 77b (22); XJ'3-n man 'Xi: "13 'D'SX BQ 115a(35); Hul 104b(30); Men 29a(52) Y: XOn BAYTN 7. 2#Nan, NBTI n.m. long radish (Sy rd:»i<U> LS 208; 4- xVns) sg. xam xsp xan xom xsp 'HXnD (the antidote for) the <?.-demon of lettuce is the long radish. (The antidote for) the q.- demon of the long radish is leeks Pes 116a(6); xan1? xan a radish is (an antidote) for ... AZ 28b(41; RaH,Ar [AC 3:4243]) [J: r\wb nan]; ]:31 "73 xa'H h. in Babylonian Aramaic GC 138:4 [expl. MHOIDJMUqs 1:2] Geon. expl.: D'3PX 1^'X GC ib.; Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 129; Flora 1:512; Y: Xarj Pes ib.(BAYTN 5). 3#Nan n.m. a sickness (etym. unkn.) sg. xan xan1? a radish is (an antidote) for ... AZ 28b(41; RaH.Ar [AC 3:4243]) [J: nan*7 nan] This may perh. be a fever or a venom [cf. Ma l#XJ18'n, 2#XTOM MD 146]. ian vb. to desire (4- xian, xiana; jpa -ran djpa 204) Itpa. to be desirous, passionate: rmy man'xV 'nx r:s3 xbv pn nsi ]'a inns' wsn V3B3 xbv man'xV t\x vjss nns1 wsi xVi "?n man'X1? TIX X"7 he is apt to be desirous of forbidden sexual relations whose temptation is great whether the opportunity presents itself or not. He is apt to be desirous of robbery whose temptation is not great when the opportunity presents itself, but he is not apt to be desirous if an opportunity does not present itself Hag
man 468 Nma'an llb(34); XTOnBl QWa because she is passionate Nid 66a(57; Ed,HG3 359:60) Nlttn n.m. sexual desire (4- VlBn) sg. ^'t?3 3*11 man PN's sexual desire ceased Sab 152a(44) Y: "'inn Sab ib.(BAYTN 48). tJttn vb. perh. to become infected (cf. Sy r^X^n-v pustule LS 239) Itpe./Itpa.: '3'n '3 •n"-rtx ]Vm>b xbl so that their [i.e. the rams'] tails should not become infected Sab 54b(22) Cf. RaH: n'toa WlB'y l"CO nty' X^W [= Ar (AC 3:427)]. K'TDan, Nnumn n. a polygonum (< XDBin* X'jn/X'X"!) sg. K'TDSn Sab 109b(26) [expl. MH HXTl 313N Mib. 14:3 and expl. as 4- X'JH XIDW ib.; Var: ,TXn XBain TRN 627:8] Lit: Low, Flora 1:354, 573; Y: xn»BYrl &rf> ib. 1# '»n vb. to heat up (4- Vl# Dan; Sy 1# riiuo pa. LS 239, Ma l#XBn MD 149) Pa.: Xp mn XTJJ1 X'Bna she was heating up the oven Hag 5a(l) 2# '»n vb. to see (dialectal; < JPA 'an DJPA 205; 4- V'Tn) Pe.: ^xwa n'Mrt> xnerx nrmm '3'n '3i x'ji'-sV xrwx m-»nn p prraip p npny- miyi 'ma-ip p priym xrni'-D ia just as you saw the fire of PN, PN2, and PN3, and it fled from before them, so may you see the fever of NN b. NN and it will flee from before him Sab 67a(23); XBn H 'an XV XBn xVt Xan the one who saw-saw. The one who did not see-will not see AZ llb(15); I'-o -p-irnx I'-pm wax 'man x"?i I did not see anyone whose ways were trusty like this one Suk 44b(26); ,TJ'Bnx xVl'-)" let (the Messiah) come, and let me not see him San 98b(8); Yev 102a(35); AW22a(l);5o71:4 Itpe. 1. to be visible, appear: '3313 ranriX Xaa'3 stars were visible in the daytime MQ 25b (37); wb 'annx man nx'-a xnx the Angel of Death came (and) appeared to him Ket 77b(26; MGG 226:12); 2. w. 'b to see: xV" priX pi3 XTJMP 131? 'anna like you who have never seen the size (of an Italian as) Hul 54b(13) D'!Sn adj. hot, n.pl.m. hot water (4- Vl#DBn, Xm»'Sn; TA D'an TJ IS 21:7, Sy r<Lin_^>3_fi LS 238, Ma XB'BXH MD 123) I. adj. hot: a. of weather: sg.m. rf-13 D'an 'x xnw vm xap xav XB'an XJTO if the first day of the New Year is hot the whole year (will be) hot BB 147a(43); BM 86a(44); Sab 147b(37); b. of food: sg.m. XTip XT-ip xVi xa'an td "am"? '3i a pot of a partnership is lukewarm [lit. neither hot nor cold] BB 24b(27) // Er 3a(50) [4- Vl# Dan pe., mng. 1; cf. Ma: X-mxpX1?! XB'BXnX1- Jb 51:4]; Git 6lb(27) // Hul 6b(4); nysn xa'an xan: hot barley bread Yev 76a(ll); Pes 7a(35); Yom 76b (22); Hul 105a(14); pl.m. 'B'Bn X'B hot water Ned 50b(23); Ket 39b(12); c. of temperament: 'SB3 naxra D'an 'bj x'm 'soa nnxta D'an "xm this one [i.e. the husband] has a very volatile temperament, and she [i.e. the wife] also has a very volatile temperament TGHark 37:10 [cf. Ma: n-K'n X'B'BXn his temperament is fiery MD 123]; II. n. 1. pl.m. hot water [Sy rciiajL±a_»i LS ib., mng. 2a, JPA ]'a'an DJPA 206, s.v. D'an mng. 2; cf. MH fan Yeivin, BV 789, J 475, Akk emmu AHw 214, mng. 2a]: a. general: llV 'B'Bn 'B'Bn UV nnpl 'Tip hot water into cold water and cold into hot Pes llla(2); Xpir Xinn n'B'an TBnttTXl a certain infant whose hot water (necessary for its circumcision) had been spilled out Er 67b(37); Yom 78b(35); Sab 55a(7); RH 20a(26); Hul 47b(36); 'B'Bn 'B'Bn very hot water Pes 112b(23; E1) [expl. MH ran ib.]; AZ 28b(17); b. in medical treatments: 'B'Bns Trb»y nnpa (mpsx) irrfm) nnpa nfry 'B'ana mpsx they put him in hot water. They took him out of the hot water. They put him in cold water. They took him out of the cold water Nid 36b(51) [description of an unsuccessful medical treatment]; y4Z28b(42) [for a scorpion's sting and for one pierced by a thorn]; Pes 116a(6) [against worms in vegetables]; 2. hot cooked dish: pl.m. 'trm 'B'Bn 'B'Bn a very hot (cooked dish) of wheat Yom 84a(27) // AZ 28a(26) Y: XB'Brl Pes 7a(36; BAYTN 56). Krna'ISn n.f. heated state (4- D'an; Sy r^^'ojsajjsijj LS 238) sg. Dim TJllB'ian the heated state of the earthenware vessel Pes 76a(20; MP) Y: Knia'an Pes ib.(BAYTN 175). Tan 469 i#aan [NTia'an 4- xmaa n.] Tan adj. stringent (4- V"l»n pe., pass.part., xnTan; JPA Tan DJPA 206) a. alone: sg.m. Tan "TO'X its prohibition is stringent Naz 37b(29); Pes 18b(14); Ket 37a(33); lll.Tty Tan "iBn'a it is quite stringent for him BQ 40a(40); f. nyi3"? XTam an oath which is more stringent (than a vow) Ned 18a(6); Yev 75a(22); BM 56a(26); San 41a(10); pl.rri. 'T»m ratn 'IX1? the prohibitions of the Sabbath which are stringent Yev 6a(17); San 3b(43); Kar 4b(18); b. w. mb to be stringent: sg.f. nit mi33?3 mv rvb XTam xin x-r 'xn this Tanna is just as stringent concerning (the desecration of) the Sabbath as idolatry Er 69b(9); n>yvo \\nb xTan mvr "n rmrna in PN's place they are extremely stringent concerning the Sabbatical year Git 54a(10) // Bek 30a(32); Sot 7a(20) Y: Kim Sab 132b(26). STan n.m. leaven, yeast (4- l#X1Bn; TA XTan TO Ex 12:15, Sy K'-Ui-uu LS 241b, Ma XTBXn MD 123) sg. AZ 66a(21); 'TBm 'O'm XTan nj?"?T wheat leaven and barley leaven ib. 15; VIJ73 xV'n '33T XTan remove the soldiers' leaven Pes 5b(45); ib. 30a(9); HP 13:15; >U0O>D)K(f> XTan '"iy~?T leaven of barley groats Men 43a(4); ^3 -uwn ma' nx~?3 XTan -ina vmm ':xa all utensils in which leaven is left during the rest of the days of the year HP 12:13 Y: XTOn BAYTN 56. KriTan n.f. stringent case (4- Tan adj., f.sg.det.'; JPA XTlTan pi. DJPA 206) sg. XTl^'p 'BD xrvran 'ap ]a remove the more lenient case in favor of the more stringent one Pes 45b(5); ib. 18b(26); Suk 7a(38); BM 31a(26) Y: nnins Pes 37b(34). nKt^'an adj. fifth (4- Xtian; Sy r^ i y ; -Tin LS 24*2) sg.m. nXtt'Bn XBV the fifth day HP 181:10; Bo 79:6; f. XJl'tf'Bn Xn3"; the fifth Sabbath HP 185:15; XTWBn Knt£? the fifth hour ib. 36:19; XTl'W'an m»a in the name of the fifth one [i.e. magical word] Bo 6:8; ib. 107:9 KnVan 4- xnVa'n n. 1# Dan vb. to be hot, aroused (4- 'TUn D'na 13, xain, i#xnain, a'an, xma'nn, xaana, Vi#'an; Sy 1# >jj LS 238, Ma 1# Dan pe. intr. to be hot, tr. to scorch MD 149) Pe. 1. to be hot, warm, heat up: "1'Snn'Xl X7VDT H31 On the fish's dorsum became hot, and it turned itself over BB 73b(22); XBIpaip Dn '3 in the time it took for the kettle to become hot ib. 26; X^ "DXTIB* '3T iCTVp XT'p X^l xa"n a pot of a partnership is lukewarm [lit. neither warms up nor cools down] ib. 24b(24; F2TGAs28 200b:8) [4- D'an]; DW» TXp 'Tipai D'Xn 'aanaT because (sand surrounding) heated objects heats up and (sand surrounding) cooled objects cools down [i.e. it acts as an insulator and is relevant only to the Sabbath] BB 19a(45) [v. Pa.]; Hul 8b(21); 131 f'Xa n'BlS D'Xn when (the infant's) mouth warms up it will suck Sab 134a(28); TGHark 207:15; HP 205:9; 2. to be emotionally aroused: Sab 153a(6; M) [v. Af., mng. 2] Pa. to heat s.t. up: pass.part. 'BBnB heated objects BB 19a(45) [v. Pe., mng. 1] Af. 1. to heat s.t. up: nxaiX X^'Sp D'nXT X'B water which the pagan tavern keeper heated up Sab 51a(25); MQ 12b(28); Anan 3:11; Er 68a(24); n'Ti"? cnn n'na'nxi cnn1? nanx (the juice) heated up the earthenware, and the earthenware heated it up [i.e. the juice] Pes 76a(7); XT,3"1 XBnBT XXimx X'.in a certain woman who used to heat up (her) oven Tan 21b(23) [4- Vl# 'an]; HG3 219:73; 2. to arouse emotions: X'B'Xp Dnm 'XTSOn '"? D'nx arouse emotions for me (among the crowd) at my eulogy, for I [i.e. my soul] shall be present there Sab 153a(5); ib. 8; xn D'xn x'-O n'"?> onianai xn D'xm n'1? 'anai this refers to where they arouse emotions for him and one is aroused. That refers to where they arouse emotions for him and one is not aroused ib. 6(M) Itpa. 1. to be heated up, parched: DBn'X Dp '3 XriTB XnT9 mm "?D*1 when (the garment) was heated up (by the fever), it disintegrated [lit. fell off him] bit by bit Sab 110b(44) [cf. Sy fStL^h^rCa y --^ Audo 1:349]; 'JXnW ipDS'X in"? laan'Xl the bronchi (of the lung) broke and became parched HP 200:19; 2. to become sexually aroused [Sy -n u *73-«j^k' to be
2#n»n 470 i#man t : - inflamed of love LS 238]: mn 'Si 'aian'N "?3 nw Kb n'Jiytya 'aian'X any kind of sexual arousal (with ejaculation) followed also again shortly by sexual arousal is uncommon Nid 43a(20) 2# Dan vb. to sweep (Sy 2# >j6 pe. LS 238, TA nan pa. TJ Is 14:23) Af.: Np rXT1ia"' ND'pj mn NnVJfi Nana she was holding the ... (and) was sweeping the oven Hag 5a(l; G) [4- Vl#'an pa.] Dan vb. to act violently (Ma Dan MD 150) Pe. [w. fol. vb.]: Hay 'Dam who act violently Yom 24b(42; E'Ed) V0X\ vb. to ferment, leaven (4- Nyia'n, Vltfan; Sy . \ "ri ij LS 240) Pa. to cause fermentation: xyana 'yian (vinegar) does indeed cause fermentation Pes 41a(7) [* i Vl#JiaX pe., mng. 2]; /& 9 Itpa. to become leavened: yan'a n'V 'VwaanN while they are boiling it, it becomes leavened Pes 39b(36) l#pttn vb. to turn sour, leaven, delay (< BH l#T>an HAL 316, MH pa. to leaven, af. to become leaven J 478; 4- Vyafi; Sy 1# ^ «™ ... LS 240) Pa. to make dough leaven: IT; f anm D'TE/V he makes the remnants (of the gift offering) leaven Svu 15b(l); n'J'a NATS Vipiy^l 'Nnax n'xan'1?! let him take a small amount of it [i.e. the flour] and make it leaven outside Men 53b(51); ib. 57a(35); 'Sana nb IT-Va aj boi as long as (the water) is flowing it does not cause leavening Pes 40a(ll); 2. to delay: x"n DlPa f ana X^H TtfB'X because it is impossible not to delay (the conclusion of the case until the next day) San 35a(21) Af. 1. to turn sour (of wine or beer): DT^a n'J'a n'TIO'N n'V yps p'Bmn did its prohibition desist from it because it turned sour? AZ 29b(45); r»nai njW ira lam they place barley in it [i.e. beer] and it becomes sour Pes 42b(7); Qid 79a(41); Hul 26a(7); Nid 2b(25); 2. to become leaven: pana O'npn it quickly becomes leaven Pes 35a(25); X'n NXBnan D1»a because it [i.e. the dough] becomes leaven HP 13:2; TGAs27 30:2 2# pan vb. to degenerate (Sy 3# -.iuu pa. to shame LS 241, MH2 f'Bnn RH 3a[36]) Af.: N3B T'anXT ]b how do we know that he degenerated? RH 4a(12); ib. 36 Ian vb. to be stringent, rule stringently (4- i#xnain, xrvran; jpa nan djpa 207) pe., pass.part. stringent: 4- Tan Af. to apply a restriction, rule stringently: '3'n Tianx ab manx abi '3'n manx manxn where they applied a restriction (not required by the law) they have done so [i.e. it applies]. Where they did not apply a restriction, they have not done so [i.e. it does not apply] Nid 66a(51); 'nana Xp 'Tianx they are ruling very stringently AZ 49a(28); Er 3a(44); Bes 17b(12); Bek 46b(34); X3X1 ]mm xb nawaa nam nn Tanan we have not found a Tanna who makes two stringent rulings concerning a ketubba Ket 82a(4); NiBnn Via nanN '3nDa the Merciful One applied (additional) restrictions to priests San 51a(8); Nid 42a(23); n'IPSJX TanXT in'3 Xim it is he who ruled stringently for himself Sab 134a(10); Men 41a(21); Nid 12b(5); Geon 220:8; TGHark 94:5 Lit: Bacher 67. i#Nian, abs. nan n.m. wine (4- i#Nnan na, na xian x'jia, NTan, inan xita, xnan x'jw, X'^'ts, "a; TA Xnan TO Gen 19:32, Sy nc'-L^ijj LS 241, Ma xnaxn MD 123) sg. nn by nxn abi xnan b? Kin Xnan Mlb X'a xrbn any wine which cannot sustain (an admixture of) three times as much water is not wine Sab 77a(4) [+ It's; 4- V2#m pe., mng. 3]; 'nan Vai mam wine and any intoxicating beverage Anan 4:6; NnS'ltfl xna[n] jliTan ^31 XTajl wine, s.-beverage, n., and the like ib. 48:1; Pes 105a(16); 'lib Xnan W^"3 '3 when you measure out wine for a pagan AZ 71a(22); 'W'Vp X'a "PBO xnan wine is viscous, water is free flowing Suk 48b(36); xnan 131? TTN 'JiaiV do you have wine to sell? AZ 57b(17); ]XB3 Xian XJTX.n 'in3 'J1XW according to whom do the priests drink wine nowadays [i.e. after the destruction of the Temple]? Tan 17a(27); pTW'Jl n'ptP'JI Xian let him boil the wine and give it to him to drink Sab 110b(l); na X'JVJSn nnan "j'S'1? XJTJlVs may the wine of NN b. NN become clear ib. 66b(25); XTom XTOM inV pnajl px we ks'o man T " T ■ 471 2# man t t -: moderate them [i.e. vegetables] with meat and wine Ber 44b(45); 'pnmx Nnan T3JN make the wine strong on the young men [i.e. let it affect their senses] San 38a(6); n'V 'BJWN NTJ1 XTO nnana you became demented from (drinking) your wine Meg 12b(23); Nnam tJDna pleurisy (caused by) wine Hul 105b(33); T1? n3S nna1? nnan he will become sober tomorrow [lit. his wine will become dull to him] Meg 12b(26; M); BM 83b(25) [4- xrvun mng. 3]; pnps 'inm xnan wine and spices made me better Yom 76b(17; L) [+ //'s; i VnpS pa.]; b. in dialectal and archaic usage: sg.abs. VNKib nan wine to drink Er 53b(14) [in the 'Galilean' dialect]; ]N10N bD tf'TJ nan N3N I, wine, am the main cause of all cures BB 58b(ll) [quoted from an inscription]; c. w. var. designations: sg.abs. 'p3 nan clear wine [i.e. w/o sediments] HM 44:3; det. Tin Xnan 'J'B pri'tf there are sixty types of wine Git 70a(26); xnan xnnsyan Xmn new wine of the press-room ib. 67b(19); X'bya Xnan good quality wine [i.e. not sour] BM 83a(23); x'waa Xnan boiled wine AZ 30a(22); Xpna xnan pure wine Git 67b(21); Xnan Xn'pi (unclear) Git 69a(42); Xp'ny xnan old wine AZ 66a(14) [> Arab J££. wine Fr, AF 171]; tanrn xnan aromatic wine Sab 110a(32; Rashi); X"n Xnan unmixed wine Git 67b(29) [i "n adj., mng. 3]; Xl'ta Nnan diluted wine Mak 3b(48); 'Dno XT\bri na Xnan wine of three seasons [i.e. three year old wine] Sab 129a(41) [cf. Rashi]; X"0ya 'TINT N'^n xnan sweet wine which comes from GN AZ 30a(50; J) [expl. i NJnp]; d. fermentation: Nnam N^n wine-vinegar AZ 66a(14) [4- 2#N"?n usage b]; Nnann N.Tl'p soured wine [lit. acerbity of wine] Ket 75a(26); nNIp n,!7'n xnan 'ai nxipi NaVy '^lan Nnan everyone's wine became sour, and his wine also became sour BM 106b(35; TGAs28 58:20); T1? Tim fpwx N"?n (four hundred vats of wine turned sour and became vinegar Ber 5b(38) [4- Vnpn itpe.]; Nnan Onp'Nn wine which became sour BB 95b(23; HEs); npN 'X"7'ya Xnan wine becomes sour from above BB 96a(5); e. containers for storing or serving: 1) XpSJN large cup: HM 39:16; 2) lttXS^U pitcher: AZ 32a(7); 3) l#Xam jug: Pes 52b(19); 4) XT! vat: Ber 56a(37); 5) Xp'I skin- bottle: BB 24a(32); 6) Xn'an jug: Git 69b(43); 7) Xasn pitcher: BB 24a(28); 8) l#Xai3 drinking bowl: AZ 30a(37); 9) ND3 bowl, cup: Ber 12a(23); HP 13:14; 10) XnnST XJXa clay vessel: Tan 7a(53); 11) 2#Xlia cup: Yom 35b(16); f. measures: 1) NBD'p xestes: AZ 34b(17); 2) xnyan one fourth of a log: ib. 29a(8); g. in medicinal use [cf. Akk karanu CAD K 205, mng. lc]: xnana xa'V? ... xiiaa wa let him place cumin etc.-for the stomach-in wine AZ 29a(14); Nnana rvb ri'BX Npn n"in he saw that he was reducing it [i.e. the swelling] with wine Sab 109a(32); X\b 'Da Nnan ''SN 'pjsan p'3 since they are delicate even wine cures them ib. 26; h. in proverbial usages: N'pEH Nma'B nnxan Xnan the wine is its owner's, (but) the favor is the butler's BQ 92b(33) [4- i#x'ptf note]; xnana ]'an' p:Nn iT'imnx they sit like wine on its lees Meg 12b(29) [w. ref. to rw "?y NTH DpWI Jer 48:11]; pan DID1? "m Xnan wine and life to the mouth of the scholars Sab 67b(34) In Hul 112a(26), read ace. to Ar [AC 3:218]: l»a flBH -] nan substitute for meat, who explains: "KM rfflon [v. Geig, AAC 160]; Lit: Low, Flora 1:94+; Voc: Xinri HPP 278:19; NTO HGP 28b:23; Y: Knnrl Ber 12a(25; BAYTN 82). - NS'O Xian n.m. apple cider (lit. apple wine [cf. Q'msn ']" TBer 2:4]; 4- 3#NS'D) sg. HG1 105:89 Lit: Low, Flora 3:218. 2#Nian, NINan, abs. nan n.m. donkey, f. she-ass (4- 2# Nnan na; TA Nnan TO Ex 13:13, Sy x'iikjj LS 241, Ma l#xnxaxn MD 122) 1. donkey: a. general: sg.abs. aana1? nan a donkey for riding Er 53b(13) [in the 'Galilean' dialect]; det. xnxan a'3n Ber 33b(5); Pes llla(19); BM 81b(6); naan NnNan mn she turned into a donkey (and) he rode her San 67b(37); Nnxan ^y n'S?a 'ON the Messiah will come on a donkey ib. 98a(45); nnan1? Nnxan rvb njixn xnai xmn a certain person who hired out a donkey to another Ket 27b(3); BQ I9b(43); 'nan 'wrxV npn 'wa because (the scholars) call people 'donkeys' Ned 81a(14); BQ 92b(16); NmnN Xnxan another donkey ib. 116b(13); MQ 10b(2) [4- XnDID mng. 3]; San 98b(10) [4- NmaD]; ib. 109b(16)
xan *nan 472 i#Nnan TT -■ [I 2# tanm]; Sab 67a(32) [4- X5/T7 mng. 1]; b. w. a qualifier: sg. XS3X1 X"ian a 'donkey' on the shoulder Sab 66b(8) [expl. MH I'B'DpiV Mib. 6:9; 4- 2#XB3]; X3V7 xnan Lybian donkey Sab 51b(19) [expl. MH DjmV Mib. 5:1]; pi. '3T? nan Taw 32a(46); 2. she-ass [Sy ^ *-» "' pf'-LiTuij female donkey PSm 1309, Ma XlXBXni 1X3XT butter of a she-ass AM 127:21; 4- Xman]: sg. -\1 XIBm X'OIO the offspring of a stallion and a she-ass //«/ 79a(13); XIBn tyST he copulated with a she-ass Ber 58a(39); Ximj/B X"l»n a pregnant she-ass BQ 49a(16; HEs) [H(corr): xrmx»n]; 'mivn xianim x-niy a fetus of a white she-ass Sab 109b(40); pi. Xrvai1? nan BB 74a(13) [Var: XTlXTPn nan white she-asses MGE 43:15]; xmvn nan nO'Vn &A 110a(2; Ed) Voc: K-)W VTM87; !a3n HGP 29a:38; Y: Xllpn BQ 92b(3; BAYTN 49). — NaH Kian n.m. a permitted fish (lit. donkey of the sea; cf. I xan XI'S?) sg. AZ 39a(22) Lit: Fauna 8; Y: XBH Xn0n /(Z ib. 3#lOan, X"INan n.m. donkey driver (4- 13 2#Xian; Sy K'-Ukjj LS 241, Ma 2#X"lXaxn pi. MD 122) pi. nxan1? 'ni m 3'.T PN used to pay money (in advance) to the donkey drivers BM 73a(ll) Y: nan BM ib.(BAYTN 231). Nrnan n.f. she-ass (4- 2#Xian; Sy rt'ik-i^kM LS 241, Ma i#xrnxaxn md 122) sg. x-my 'mm xmam the fetus of a white she-ass Sab 109b(40); X'OlOa xnayTTXI Xman a she-ass which became pregnant from a horse Seel 116:34; pi. xmvn XJnan no,!7n thirteen white she-asses Sab 110a(2) Y: mjpn Ber 58a(39; BAYTN 49). Kt^an, f. Bton, pi. VpW, 'tfan num. five (4- '3 xtfan, x'^ain, xrroia'n, nxiiran; Sy rsn-u, i^i^Lji LS 242, Ma xwaxn, eraxn md 124, pi. X'WBXn MD 189) sg.m. XaaiTB XpiEH XBV3 Xl^ans on the market day it is sold for five (zuzim) BM 99b(28); Tin 'VlD TWm there are five shadows Pes lllb(7); gW 72b(45); Xtt>an Xnxurin five sons-in-law BM 109a(34); Xanpai 'wain nwans 71a' niyan 1 shall teach five children to read in the five books of the Pentateuch BM 85b (23); f. mnysxx wan his five fingers AZ 29a(19); \>W WBn five years BM 103a(6); warn J'yanx forty-five (years) Meg llb(23); Ket 104b(21); ©ana nVoa'ai let him annul it at the fifth (hour) Pes 6b(54; V1); pi. Xin '3: 1'Wan forty-nine BM 99b(7); Xim '©an fifty-one (blasts) Suk 54a(25); ywnm nXB 'aan ITinm eight hundred and fifty-two San 38a(25) Y: Xtmn BB 3a(49; BAYTN 328). - -io'an, ifrj; tfan, f. np'an num. fifteen (i XIVy num.; Ma IXO'BXn Nold, MG 188, Sy fifteen: m. 'tt>np nD'an fifteen ablutions Yom 32b(41); TIT ID'Bn fifteen months Bek 8b(6); Hul 76b(10); "iD'am ]riXB two hundred and fifteen (eggs) Er 83a(20); 'Tail 'sVx "ICxaWBn 15,000 cubits Suk 53b(9); Pes 93b(27); f. nD'an )"in there are fifteen (meals) Sab 118a(ll); ib. 99a (19); nOTTltf IX noan -y until (the age of) fifteen or sixteen TGHark 40:34; no@,B;an BB 106b(2); 2. fifteenth: m. ID'ana Tixp xpi they read (the Megilla) on the fifteenth Tan 18b(10); Suk 41a(37); Meg 5b(13); RH 20b(24); XJTT1X lorro 'H5J ]D'33 ID'&m the night between the fifteenth and sixteenth of Nisan HP 16:5; Sab 87b(10) Lit: Eps, Gr 127; Y: "ID'On Hul 76b(10). - N3U73 N^an, Ntfan n.m. Thursday (4- X3B>; Sy r^S-r -> pdjLbojj LS 242, Ma XWBXn X3X1tf3Xn MD 124) sg. Sab 69b(39); ]XB 'Xn X3W3 XE>an3T one (who is born) on Thursday Sab 156a(31; V); Xri3B/3 Xltfan ib. 87b(10); Ket 105b(33); Xltfan ny31X Wednesday, Thursday Pes 106a(30) // Git 77a(21); Sab 87a(6); pnai X^an31 on Monday and Thursday HP 187:4; ^'V Htt/an nja nyaiXT Wednesday night [i.e. between Wednesday and Thursday] HM 44:4 Y: Xri3B3 X»0n Sab 140a(40). nan 4- nana prep. 1# Kfian, NriNan n.f. mother-in-law (4- l#xan; TA n'h'an TO Dt 27:23, Sy rfX-Zn-u LS 238) sg. X'JlXp "JJian your mother-in-law is coming Bek 44b(14); xnan Xpan(l) XinO'i the portion of food which chokes the mother-in-law Git 67b(44) 2# xnan ; [perh. containing a bone]; D'l Hin DTa Xinn nTian'B that man was quite suspect concerning his mother-in-law Qid 12b(25; HP 109:10); Ket 104b(19); Sab 26a(3); XOBm XD^D -lV\X\ the magic of a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law Bo 54:7; ib. 38:2; 67:4; 115:6; ,Tnxam XTlXnX his mother-in-law's sister SeelG(St2 454:28) Y: WWI Sab ib.(BAYTN 7). 2# Nnan n.f. anger (Sy r^^xjo LS 242, Ma l#xna'n MD 146) sg. HM 46:17; ib. 47:1 nKViari n.m. tavern keeper (4- Xrrun; Sy t^Jklii LS 243, JPA 'IJn DJPA 208; cf. MH 'jrin Yeivin, BV 1046, Gross, Patterns 160) sg. nxn3n"7 Xiam Xn'Sn a jug of wine belonging to a tavern keeper BM 99b(27; F1); 55 98a(23; P1); nXTUrfr XS'DJ'XI X'JIX she went and was married to a tavern keeper Pes 110b(16; V14) Y: HXlJn Pes ib. NrDUn n.f. Hanukka (< MH n5l3n Yeivin, BV 950', J 48J; TA T&m TO Num 7:84) sg. Xll© XD3i:m the Hanukka lamp &z& 45a(8); //P 187:4; ib. 1 Y: XfDi:n Sab ib.(BAYTN 292). Nfflan, pi. KJlKUn n.f. shop, booth, tavern (4- '3 xman, nxmn; Sy k'^ojjj, pi. k'^ojuj ls 243, Ma 2#Xm:xn tavern MD 124, TA XJTUfi pi. TJ Jer 37:16, > Arab cjjiu. store, tavern Fr, AF 172) l. shop: sg. xn"3ns pta xp mm xnsi xinn Xmana nam a certain man who was selling small chains : beads [double rdg.] in a shop Qid 9a(l); BB 29b(3); ,l? [rPX]T mit Xliun IX JTJ^S NmTI 'Vd1? n'bn1? n'n' nn'nx 'bs xpwa ix 'bs xrona xruan xas't )a n'riray nus isya^i n'3 ira1? I have let to so-and-so, himself, such-and-such a property or such-and-such a shop which I have in such-and-such a place or such-and-such a street to live in it and to pursue in it his occupation or business transactions SSHai 8a(12); ib. 9b(10); TGHark 270:29; ib. 277:23; XJVUn ,l7 TTX XH Xman Xin1? xanpi XnjnmX I have another shop which is near to this shop Geon 162:9; YPB1? XJTUna to reside in the shop ib. 15; 4; 18; 163:15; 164:5; HTTUn ]ai n'D'S p from his house and from his shop Bo 134:4; pi. XTinBT XJlTUn the ian shops of GN BB 29b(3; P1); XriTTl XriXUM shops and properties TGAs28 23b: 14; ib. 24:19; 23; 24b: 1; 2. booth, shed: sg. 'nxsr? XTVUn blacksmiths' booth Git 56b(41; MGD 728:13) [= MH2 ns: bv WUn BQ 32b(43); cf. Sy *r •« • ^ cd^ojjj PSm 1318]; pl.abs. D1SX IXI^n at the entrance of sheds && 21a(13); det. waw ins 'no© nm 'xnsx xnxnan i"in there were sheds outside (of the press room) in which they used to spread sesame seeds out (to dry) BB 68a(5; P1); 3. tavern, wine tavern: sg. XH31 Xinn XJTUns Xian vm Xp mm a certain man who was drinking wine in a tavern Qid 9a(6); 'pSB XSS 3T TIW1 xmam X331? mb they used to take it [i.e. the beer] for PN out to the entrance of the tavern, and he would drink (it) AZ 31b(17); Xl&m Xman wine tavern BM 83b(25); ib. 60a(31; F1); AZ 57b(i6); pi. 'amoXB) vtrsi 'nx vtrsi xrvnan 33x at the entrance of the taverns there are many brothers (and) friends Sab 32a(l 1; M); XTVnan a© seven taverns ib. 129a(44) For 'Xrmn San 7b(39) read perh.: 'Xrn:(T>n [I KDUin mng. 1; but v.: V7W nunn ,ln OH ib. .63:10]; mMm Qid 9a(l; V3) is missing in the other mss. and is prob. an interpolation from 16.(6); Y: mm, sni:n baytn 31. UJn vb. to embalm (4- l#XUan; Sy \±u LS 244) Pe. (a/ ): X'Dan IBam X'nSD nso '13 did the eulogizers eulogize and the embalmers embalm for nothing? Tan 5b(39) l#NB3n n.m. embalmer (4- Voan) pi. Tan 5b(39T)* Y: XD:n BAYTN 103. 2# Nt33n n.m. formation of fruit (< MH2 nDan J 482) sg. XTST XDan Men 69a(5) NS'an n.m. nickname (< MH nD'an Yeivin, BV 88T4, J 483; 4- V-pn) sg. ri'XT XD'am pnx dto "?ai 'V any other name or nickname that I have SSHai 3a(8); ib.{\ 1) -jan vb. to train, dedicate (4- XDiaTl, X3a'n, XD'an; MH -]an pi. J 483) Pa.: mxaa m1? xsanai WVil she trains them [i.e. her daughters] in the commandments of women TGAs42 85:21 Itpa. to be dedicated: ^ma x"7T Xin 'SOTX ^ins on a weekday (the table) is not actually dedicated (by the showbread) Men 50a(37) 473
]3TI 474 KfflTpn )3n vb. to be gracious (4- 1# Xm, pn; Sy 1# J± LS 242, Ma pn MD 150) Pa. (uncertain): ^imp vb nmt XTOn vb nm xV 'urn '3umx 'SHmfts 110b(2) Itpa. to entreat: rrb XHmx XpBJ she went out (and) entreated him Git 68b(l; V18) ]1J\ adj. compassionate (4- Vpri; Sy KlLLj LS 243) pi. '^n '33 compassionate children Ket 61a(2; M) [V5: 'H'n] «]3n vb. to favor (MH2 >pn hif. to favor J 484, JPA «pn pa./af. to deceive DJPA 209) Pa.: V7BX1 rrb 'S'3n X1? "pra xmj1? I did not favor even a man like you Afg 17a(23); X13A T3T 3m DU£?B vara vrt wsana nsi do you favor pn in judgment because he is an important man? Ket 63b(30); ib. 84b(34); m"? TPSMTb ffb rf?V 'XBX why did he send him? To favor him (in the judgment)? Svu 30a(52); ]OT\ 'BMB Xp Vftsb Km 'Tin1? lest they say: "The scholars favor each other" Qidldb{\\) J?3n vb. to strangle, choke (4- XJIpJn; Sy . r.... LS 244, Ma pan MD 151) Pe. (a/u) 1. to strangle: VTllb 73m '»3 '"JOS? X"?T women are not apt to strangle their (suckling) children (in order to remarry more quickly) Ket 60b (47) [Ed.: ]p3m]; ib. 46; nw pWIaVl ,T71V ^Dp'ttV to kill him and to strangle him Bo 76:7; ib. 20:6; 70:6; 77:8; 'J7131SX n'»M pan XflX (the bird) went (and) hanged itself because of the oath Git 68b (30); 'Bi prpam n»3 it is as if he strangled them [i.e. the sacrificial animals] Mei 2a(17); Hul 53b(9); ib. 12; 2. to choke: bom 'T13 Vl JTB1 XXB1X H'TlpM X»m perhaps while he was eating bread, a piece choked him and he died Kar 7a(49); Ber 45a(l; P); G«/ 67b(44) [4- 2#XXlBn]; 5vu 13b(4) NJlpSn n.f. a demon (lit. strangler; 4- Vpjn) sg. Bo 58:7 [ref. to a lilith] "b On interj. far be it from ...! (4- Voiri; JPA on •b djpa 209) 't by 3m my-iT "psm 'V on far be it from me that PN's progeny should be shamed by me! Ara 16b(30); Qid 44b(32); Hul lllb(44) Lit: Eps, Gr 143; Y: 'V On Ara ib.(BAYTN 340). Not] n.m. lettuce (Akk hassu pi. CAD H 128, Sy rc-ft m u, pi. rCrni's LS 245) sg. Pes 39a(8) [expl. MH rnjn Mib. 2:6]; ib. 114b(37); 116a(5); AZ 10b(6); X0n3 mpoy T'B his business deal will be bitter like lettuce Ber 56a(53; MGG 704:10); X0ri3 ^D'y *\y your business is 'folded' like lettuce [i.e. increased many times] ib. 33; XDn nxVu ... lettuce HM 41:20 [cf. D'Vl rnjn MKil 1:2] Lit: Flora 1:424+; Y: XOrJ Pes ib.(BAYTN 5). l#T0n vb. to be gracious (4- XlDTl, pon, TDn, xnn'on) 2# 10n vb. to scorn (Sy 1# ^ •*.,} pa. to do evil LS 245, Ma ion pa. to revile MD 151) 4- nx:non adj. NTOn 4- XTOTI n. ]10n adj. gracious (Vl#10n) pl.m. "|BW Xion "I^'D piOrTI your name is Hasda [i.e. grace], and your words are gracious Git 7a(41; V18) nN3'!Ipn adj. malicious (V2#10ri; Sy rdjfLtajj shameful things LS 245) sg.f. XJmoxn XPJ? the malicious eye Bo 32:4 TOn adj. pious, n.m. pious person (Vl#10n; i XTllTOn; Sy k'A-j-dq-u LS 245b) I. adj. pious: pl.m. 1'TOm yWlp pxba holy (and) pious angels Bo 89:5; II. n.m. pious person: a. general: sg. Tp'm '"ra □"p'1? xron 'imaV 'jm ixa 'xn one who wishes to be a pious person should fulfill matters of torts [i.e. be scrupulous in monetary transactions] BQ 30a(33); pl.cs. 'Ton binwi XJHX 'TOn ... "?33 the pious ones of Babylonia/Eretz Israel Tan 23b(39) // Meg 28b(40) // Hul 122a(45); det. 'TOm xmya the burial cave of the pious ones MQ 17a(32); Ket 61a(50); BM 90b(10); b. w. PN: XTOn tTW 3T Sab 139a(53); Ket 91a(39); ^Z39a(42); XntJlT IB XTDn MQ 17a(46); Ned 7b(22); BM 24a(5); 31 XTOn X"70 Ber 5b(38); Sab 112a(18); Yom 19b(51) Note: XJVPOn XJl'OX Sab 77b(33; Ar [AC 1:204]) explained as: atyjn T0I13 TVOnn "731W '^>3 ib.; however, all the other mss. read NnTOn, a rdg. quoted also in Ar [AC ib. 203]; Y: Xl'pn BB 7b(27; BAYTN 236). Nfln'On n.f. compassion (4- Ton; MH2 mron J 475 pn 487) sg. rrmTon1? ns'py '-i npiv pn has abandoned his compassion (in his biblical exegesis) San 110b(22); ib. 42; 45 Y: .TJin'pn San ib.(BAYTN 175). ri'pn adj. reduced, lessened, stunted (V"|Dn pe., pass.part.; Sy r^ A ; m u free, exempted LS 246) 1. reduced, lessened: sg.m. 'Xn ,!713 Ton 'Bl is (the gold) reduced so much? Men 29a(20; Ar [AC 3:455]); pl.m. '3'0n '3'X1 '30 '3'X 'a 'Til are there some coins which are good and some which are reduced (in weight)? BM 69b(l; F'Geon 360:10); 2. emaciated, stunted [cf. TA xMl/l xfiD'ori TO Gen 41:20]: pl.f. xrwcon 'tan nym nyoa xnxD'on nj?o 'ynna »so xnx'Vya 'D'to XDX'Vya stunted wheat is more inferior to good wheat than stunted barley is to good barley Pes 48a(35; CE1) Y: XrO'Bri Pes ib.(BAYTN 237). 7'On adj. powerful (V]0n; TA ]'6fl TJ Am 2:9, Sy rcL-ca-u LS 248, Ma xroxn MD 125) sg. Bo 106:9 [uncertain context] NO'On n.m. (uncertain) pi. X1W XBD 3T 'cons na'a1? xm1?! v-\ '3T 'ax'pinra^ pn permitted the cooks of the exilarch's house to pound the ... Pes 40b(25) [Var: 'Com mV^M TGAs42 161:9]; 'D'OnS H'1? Via H'SU X3T they pounded for PN, himself, the ... ib. 27; Ned 49b(9) Geon. expl.: WDB '3 T^ 11BD1 XtWWa 'Ba'D H'1? 1BNT 1TI3 [XTVJW :read] TGAs42 ib. 10; expl. Ar: (wyi KJW3ST Xnop D'\zny ':'» (],wns)8 AC 3:457 [v. ib. 458 for a summary of other trad, expl.]; Y: 'D'On Pes ib.(BAYTN 56). Tpn adj. deficient, less (4- Vnon, xmTOn; Sy r^ijmy LS 248, Ma TDXH MD 125) 1. deficient: sg.m. XIVIX TOn mm p'13 he checked (and it turned out that the wall) was deficient by a half brick (width) Sab 129a(52); Ton p 'Va p whether completely or partially filled (with water) Yom 78a(25); ib. 23; XTOn XflT a deficient month [i.e. having twenty-nine days] Ara 9a(15) [* X'^a xnT]; f. ^Z60a(13) [of a skin bottle with wine]; Bes 38b(12); XriTDn the deficient [i.e. hollowed out] object Sab 77b(33; VAr [AC 1:203) [expl. 4 XWDX mng. 1]; 2. less: sg.m. TT|i 'X TOn 'X if there are less or more (than five lobes of the lung) Hul 47a(7; V11); -IVV "ion X3Hm nrm XSVX 1,000 gold denars, less (or) more TGHark 277:12 [i.e. the deal is valid even if the amount given is not exact; cf. MH: -IJV DX -ipn QX MBB 7:2, Sy 01^ -L.^.. ■i ■ ™ << PDura r:10] Lit: Gulak, LDT 123 [mng. 2]; Y: Xnrprj Sab 77b(33; BAYTN 52). KniTOn n.m. deficiency (4- TOn; TA mTOn TO Dt'28:48, Sy w'&cn ; m u LS 248, Ma XDITDXH MD 125) sg. XmTOn X3'X 'a KW is there a deficiency in a week? [i.e. it always has seven days] Naz 6b(27; V2) ion vb. 4- xsoin n. l#D0n vb. to silence, muzzle (4- xaon; BH Don pe. HAL 324) Pe. 1. to silence: Xlfr'B ITS 'lax I'BOni they will say something against me [lit. him] and silence (me) Sot 35a(l 1); p'BOn xp xm in"7 they are, in fact, silencing them San 32b(33); 2. to muzzle: Xt'J?3 IX X1Brl3 IX XTIJ13 VKTl ]XB rraona1? tdx vmb msmi oyia Vss ix XrPTIXia it is forbidden according to the Torah for one who threshes with an ox, or a donkey, or a goat, or any (animal) with which one usually threshes to muzzle it HG3 393:62; nb p'aon vb we do not 'muzzle' her HG2 83:25 [i.e. the woman; v. Yev 4a and Dt 25:4] Itpe. to be silenced: lBDn,l71 let them be silenced San 32b(33) [2#Don 4Wi#oon vb.] D0n adj. envious, n. envious one (V2#D0n; Sy rtJnJa-u LS 247) I. adj.: sg.f. XJiaon XrVODB the envious watcher Bo 106:10; II. n.: sg.f. xnBOn Bo 49:9; ib. 75:3 NttOn, N»0in n.m. muzzling (4- Vl#D0n) sg. Bo 102:1; ib. 138:1 ]0n vb. to bequeath, take possession (TA ]0n af. J 488) Af. 1. to bequeath: X310nxVl XXirr»6 to bestow and to bequeath it SSHai 7a(6); ib. 6a(14); 2. to take possession: priBI Jl'T heir and possessor SSHai 12a (19) // SSSad 229b: 7 // HP 163:29 [cf. JudA: '3T ]a ]0rr 'T ]W 'STITI JDS3 7:18]
i#oon 476 non l#00n, OOil vb. to be apprehensive (4- Voan) Pa.: ODna Xpl n"Tn he saw that he was apprehensive 5M23b(45); ib. 28b(12; RaH); mn n'7m: n'SrraV CDna Xp he was apprehensive of giving it to him Sab 147a(9); 'xan XVTI n"m ODna Xp [mm] a certain Roman saw him, and he was apprehensive BM 28b(ll; HFI!) [Es: Xpl nma]; tef 20b(6; Fr,HG3 35:97) [Var: DOna V5]; #W 50a(10; V'MGL 74:8) RaH: IBS? ^y pipia OHR BM 36:4; KTTIB ib. 42:21; Ar [AC 3:227] reads in all these passages DOil; Lit: Low, MGWJ 41 [1897] 237, takes the root to be 00,1, but this is unlikely in light of the rdgs.; Lehnw 461; BY 1137. [2# DOn vb. perh. to be silent Pe.: 'On Bo 15:9 Lit: AIT 181] l#NS0n n.f. sherd, oyster shell (perh. < Akk hasbu potsherd, shell CAD H 132, AIOA 54; I l#X3Sn; TA «]6n TO Lev 11:33, Ma l#XBDXn potsherd MD 125, Sy rda^jj potsherd, oyster shell LS 251, JPA *)Dn DJPA 211, mng. 3; cf. Gr oaxpaKov hard shell of snails, etc. L-S 1264, mng. II) 1. sherd: a. general: sg. XJaiXl XSDn the bloodletter's sherd Git 69a(13); Sab 82a(l) // Hul 105b(39) [i Vnap pa., usage b]; Sab 124b(39) [4- VnDD pa., mng. 1]; ib. 65a(31); TISM. XSDn pnTl let the sherd itself form a partition BB 20a(32; P1); Bes 39a(26); 'mm XSDn an unglazed sherd HM 41:1; pi. 'S0n3 1,17 n3Tiai they used to break them [i.e. the jugs] into sherds AZ 32a(9); b. as a writing material: sg. 371337 XDOnX to write on a sherd [i.e. ostracon] Suk 53b(l); Ket 21a(14); Mak 1 la(44); XSOn 7y 31J13 Xmn write on a new sherd HM 41:6; ib. 9; c. metaph. of an object of no value: sg. X"IDE? 'Xn Xin '»?}?3 XSDn this document is of no value [lit. is merely a sherd] Git 10b(29); Ket 87b(35); BM 7a(45); ib. 16a(30); BB 32b(7); ib. 170a(37); xtwa ,T3 ji'Vi xpira 'am xson a worthless [lit. w/o substance] sherd lying in the street SSHai 5b(12) [cf. Akk: ina suqi hasba zaqpa Tmur he sees a sherd standing on edge in the street CAD ib.]; 2. oyster shell [* 4- XrMna usage b]: a. metaph. for the opaqueness of a profound teaching: sg. nrDWH 'a XSDn "|7 'X7"H 1X7 'X nmn XTTJna were it not that I had lifted up the oyster shell for you, would you have found the pearl under it? Yev 92b(27) // BM 17b(5) // Mak 21b(19) [prov.]; Yev 94a(35); b. metaph. for s.t. of no value: xson '7 xanvn rn""'T3 xmna D'p: he holds a pearl in his hand, and I shall give him a shell (instead of it)! Qid 18a(40); Sab 140b(31) Lit: H. Ehrentreu, JJLG 4 [1906] 142 [mng. 2]. This entry has been separated both on phonetic and semantic grounds from I l#X3Xn [cf. LS, op.cit.; but in MD, s.v. l#XB0Kn, the two words XSDn and N23tn have been conflated], though in Akk they appear to be identical; Voc: XBOli HGP la:15; Y: XSOn Sab 65a(31; BAYTN 83). 2# Nson 4- xjtjbow n. Nmason 4- xmsoin n. "IDD vb. to decrease, be lacking, lose (4- N3~lDin, Ton, xrvn'on, -iona, xnmona; Sy -Uqjo LS 248, Ma ton MD 151) Pe. 1. intr. to decrease, diminish: -lOXn "iona <yi0 mOT (the piece of flesh) eventually decreases in size MQ 5b(14); xnXT 7$ 'Din ion XTI07 xnnaaisa by the time he came from GN to GN2 (his sandal) had diminished by two (nails) Sab 60b(53); IDn X31B mx rice diminishes a lot (in storage) 5M40a(21); 2. to be lacking, wanting, missing: "ion "lOn'a xni it is, in fact, definitely lacking (a kidney) Bek 39a(42); Er 84a(18); Nid 24b(40); H7 Xion '11 H3T X131 7X"W1 XJ/1X woe! The Land of Israel is lacking a great man Meg 28b(37); Sab I7b(l3); Pes l04a(40); vrmn nam p pon is XD7J73 Xin 17'SX when even merely one of the vertebrae of (the animal's) spine is missing HP 203:4; Geon 27:4; moy "ion nxa Van four hundred and ninety [lit. five hundred less ten] Ket 112a(24); 3. to lose, suffer a loss: X7T 'JJ7J3 13? 'Ta X71 ion Xp a Canaanite slave who does not lose anything (when he is redeemed) Qid 7a(17); n'3 "ion Xpl 'Ta3 in a case where he suffers a loss 5g 87b(33); BM 2b(3); tor 27a(22); 117 Xin 'in HXa 5?3£> 10na7 1J731 xaVn he saw a dream concerning them that they were supposed to suffer a loss of seven hundred denars (that year) BB 10a(26) Pa. 1. to diminish, decrease: xrsitt?3 n'SXtt? man man (if) he filed it down [i.e. the coin] with a file, he severely diminished its size BQ 98a(18); 3X7 ,T7 penal pa'T sometimes they decrease -4v (to twenty-nine days) 5e£ 58a(20); NBn ' T T . — RH 20b(26); pass.part. 4- "lOna; 2. to cause a loss: I'mon 'Xa what loss have I caused you? BQ 20a(46); n'7 "lOna Xpl Xin X3iaa he causes him a financial loss ib. 112b(55); 3. to make s.o. want, lack: 'am ,T10n X7 '83 Xfl-13 17BX the Merciful One did not also make him want even for a daughter BB 141a(21); XJa7E/3 X3J17 nnon Bp: (if the urge to steal) was wanting [lit. it made him want] for the thief, he considers himself a righteous person San 22a(33); pass.part. [MH IDina J 489] niD3 "lOna he lacks an atonement ceremony [i.e. he requires this before becoming ritually clean] Pes 90b(34); XJX'31J nona (movable property) lacking collection for a debt San 29b(48); 4. to truncate a Tannaitic text: ;f? JTIOna Xp '"lion you actually truncate it [i.e. the Mishna] Ned 3a(10); '3,1 '3m ion n'Jri 'X if you learn (this barraita), truncate it and learn (it) so Svu I8a(28; F2); nnon? prina nans 'xi n7 ]3'"IDna if it is necessary to truncate our Mishna we do so iSGF 57:1; pass.part. mom '3Dp 'Dm Xiona (the Tannaitic source) is actually truncated and (the Tanna) learns so BB 145a(12) [followed by the expanded version; v. Eps, MNM 595+]; Sab 37a(l); Meg 6b(54); Ket 69b(31); San 29a(43); Nid 56b(39) Itpa. to be caused a loss: 11B7W7 lOB'XI ]X81 X31BB "lOn'XI one who was handed over to a ruler and was caused a monetary loss TGHark 162:3 SSn n.m. palm, sole (etym. unkn.) 1. palm: sg. in'1'1 XSn the palm of their hands Anan 56:5; ib. 16; 2. sole: sg. in'3?1DT XSn the sole of their feet ib. 66:14; 18; 56:5; 17 Njvsisn 4- xn'sisin n. K113D n.m. a grass whose stalk has not hardened (cf. Sy 3# riiiojj LS 258, mng. 2; cf. -V • *i v rdia am r? ~-t nn S en rdaicuo ^V-^y i r^.ln j Y " BBah 733:1) s§- nXD XX^ClSm Xn7'a XyiX3 'Til (if you invest) one hundred zuzim in a field, (you will get) salt and A.-grass Yev 63a(33); '1P3'X 'jnt X7 X1<1)C)sn Xm pTT XJiynX people do not, in fact, sow the h.-grass for the sake of a vegetable Er 28a(38); pi. '7312; xni»m man xip'yai they were «]sn originally pliant grasses and now they are stalks BB 124a(22; P1) Lit: Low, Pfl 87, note; Flora 1:738; Y: .Tiwri BB ib. NH'^ISn n.f. beetle (MH n'B?<l)S(')rl Yeivin, BV 1054; cf. Sy ^A; v ~ v -, .-. LS 213) sg. XD'CISn Xn'37ai a large beetle ^Z 28b (17) [Var: XTTCHB'n TGHark 23:3] Geon. expl.: X0B33 TGHark ib., i.e. Arab .uiii dung beetle Wehr 263; Y: XTIWlS'n /(Z ib.(BAYTN 204). 'Bll vb. to cover, overlay, protect (Sy rdAjo LS 249, Ma XBn MD 151) Pe.: X312?n 1,17 'SXn '37 'B;3'X 13n7 when darkness covers us [lit. those people] San 99a(2) Pa. 1. to cover: xmivn Xn'31T3 X3'p n"Sm he covered the nest with translucent glass Git 68b(28); AZ 39a(32); Yom 69b(26; MGG 129:18); 2. to coat: XTp3 ISn they coat (the wine jugs) with bitumen BM 40a(51); pass.part. lim XTS3 (1)l')sna (the Israelites) were coated with gold Git 58a(12); Kar 21b(7); 3. w. HUB! to protect: XJIIST n'7J? 'Sna he protects him (from the claim that he touched the wine) AZ 61b(30) [lit. he places merit over him] Itpa. to protect [w. by]: 'Sn'ai ''H 1JWX J13T "3a'I n?5? sometimes it may be (that he is married to) his sister's daughter and he protects her Yev 31b(20) NnS'Sn n.f. shampoo (4- V^sn; Sy rdaAjj shampoo for hair or beard LS 249) pi. xnwa XnS'Dm shampooing oil Ket 17b(8; V5Fr) [Var: XnXD'Sn OHR ib. 17:16; XTlSISn Ar (AC 3:461)] Y: XmS'Bn BAYTN 176. NJITSn*, pi. j'TBn n.f. hollowed-out portion (4- ^isn) pl.abs. 7TW2 1'TSn XlVn three equal hollowed-out portions ST 488:3 )Sn vb. to take a handful (4- X3Sin; JPA pn DJPA 212) Pe. ( /u): 't>3'X '3Sm3 as people take a handful Yom 47b(36) // Men lla(25) [expl. BH vjsn x'7a Lev 16:12]; nmn mvp nsn X7a psn'j nby D'?nn nnna7 should (the priest) take his handfuls of incense and place the censer of the coals upon it? Yom 47a(16) *)Sn vb. to wash the hair, rub (4- XSin, 'SIS'n, XnS'Sn, Xri'BISin; Sy .«\ »j to wash the head, 477
Nxsn 478 isn ^Suji to clean LS 221, 249, Ma *]in, «pn to clean, rub MD 136, > Akk hapapu to wash CAD H 84) Pe. (u) 1. to wash or clean the hair: a. alone: X'Wa taD'aVl 'BB'3 in'B1? to wash (her) hair during the day and to immerse (herself) at night Nid 66b(19); XBB'3 XB'n HP 136:24; ib. 25; X1? I'lxVvn linn do not wash (your) hair with grit Nid 66b(l; TGAs42 162:14); b. w. KP1: xp mn n'W"i p'"l011"n he was shampooing and combing his hair San 11 la(15) [cf. Ma: -|XW'"I IIH'nX1?, n'piXDI n'S'Xn MD ib.]; ib. 95a(40); 107a(19); Bes 27b(4); Anan 89:4; 2. to rub: a. w. dir. obj.: '(n>nam 'B"m 'ana sns'1? X3-i xn '3 may the great [i.e. heavenly] court punish the ones who rub(?) g.-garments Sot 22b(18) [i XJTU]; b. w. "3 against: pnO'B n'3 •pm one who rubs against it [i.e. a mad dog] endangers himself Yom 84a(3); xpwn vrra in m *p jrenn' 3-n ma xnn an one of them rubbed against PN in the street ib. 6; n'3 *pn p'SJ '31 n'3 «|"n "7"5? '37 on entering and on exiting (the doorway) he rubs against it [i.e. the slaughtered wild cock] Git 68b(52); ib. 68a(53); NDGR 235:3 Pa. id.: nsiBn"? X'?n XJXn'3 flax is suitable for cleaning it [i.e. the hair] MQ 12b(40) [v. Low, Flora 1:294] Geon. expl.: m pXJlV H'3 1"n OHT Git 155:3, i.e. <j~*l VIII to cling together. NSSn I 1# XXS'n n. l?Sn vb. to choke (cf. i Vpax) Itpe./Itpa. to be choked: n'iTlia psnrti may he be choked in his throat BMsD 4:31 nSH vb. to dig (I NriTSn; Sy 1# -tajj LS 250, Ma nan MD 151) Pe. ( /a): isn Xpi nTDPX "?TX ]'en» y*'Xpl he went and found that he was digging and cutting off roots BB 26a(35); ib. 37; 38; rrTT13 n3 ism X3'n where he dug cisterns BQ 33b(46); Ned 50b(4); T3niB3 TTB p'BH 'XB Va"? 3TI Yini "lDn dig (a hole) and then sit for whatever comes out of you while sitting [i.e. either defecating or urinating] Anan 32:3; ib. 31:23; TGAs28 198b:2; pass.part. 3D T3j?l TSn n'J'a (one for whom a grave) is dug and is buried is better off than he Sab 152a(25) tf Bfl vb. to set free (denom. < H 'B/Bn J 493) Pa.: n'B/IBdin1? 'Xn5H3 n'1?! I do not intend to set him free SSHai 15b(3) tPSn vb. to search (JPA ODn DJPA 212) Pa.: XnX'13 by p'WSnBI we search for barraitot fSGF 57:13 3Sn vb. to be short (Ma 3Xn pe. MD 151) Pe.: XTB"U 3Xn X"?T X*71Da a shadow which is not shorter than a cubit Pes 11 lb(34; M) [Var: Xaxna XTDIJ 3Xn X"7T TGAs42 164:13] The interpretation is uncertain due to the many varr. in the passage. l#N3Sn, N3S'n n.m. pitcher (< Akk hasbu small pot, sherd CAD H 132, AIOA 54; i l#XD0n; Sy rf -^ %» LS 251, Ma 1#XDDXH clay pot, 2#X'3XXn jugs MD 125) a. general: sg. XC511 X3Xn ... X3"l X3Xn large/small pitcher Sab 148a(32); Bes 30a(13); TGAs42 164:14; X3Xn XB'IS a cracked pitcher Pes 106a(7); ra n3Xn I'ap nyiffn a pitcher with a capacity of nine qabs (of water) Ber 22a(57) [P: X3X'n]; i& 59; 22b(4); Xnam X3Xn a pitcher of wine BB 24a(27); ,T3Xn X'BI his pitcher of water Bo 125:11; i& 139:11; X3X'n3 Xrisn rrb Xp'BX she brought out bread to him [i.e. the poor man] in a pitcher San 109b(39) [done as a subterfuge]; pi. Xiru1? '3Xn pitchers to the river (to draw water) Ber 58a(28); Sab 77b(32) [pop. etym.: TIM ]B D'B 3Xint> it digs out water from the river ib.]; XBty '"713 W'X iT3Jfr 1T1X1 M'axn everyone brought their pitchers and came to him (to fill them with water) Pes 42a(17); '3X113 X"?B1 X^TO x"?T 'X if he drew water in a bucket and filled (the ritual bath) by means of pitchers HP 137:10(HPP 215:20); Sab 148b(9); Bes 30a(26); 'TlTTl '3Xn unglazed pitchers Ber 28a(17); AZ 38b(34; TGHark 23:26) [P1: 'mn '3Xn new pitchers]; 'Bnw '3Xn 'M 'XanXT glazed pitchers of the pagans ib. 33b(29); 34; b. parts: sg. X3Xm XB1D mouth of the pitcher Sot 49b(24); Pes lllb(41; V14); BB 26a(l); Hul 105b(52); TGAs28 203:18; TGAs42 161:7; 'J1X X3Xm the handle of a pitcher Sab 108a(l) Geon. expl.: DH3 OHP Ber 106:6; Lit: Brand 175; Y: X3Xn Ber 22a(57; BAYTN 83). [2# N3Sn i X31Xn n.] ISn vb. to reap (1 Xixn; Sy n^ju LS 251) Pe. Nisri (a/u): XID'B xV3 xnxm (Babylonia) reaps without rain [i.e. from irrigation] Tan 10a(24); MQ 12b (24) [i xixn]; DTip vu'jnn innxm "iDiy1? he reaped them and sowed them before the (bringing of) the 'omer BM 56b(52) // Men 69a(13); Tixnn xVl jntn X1JH VP may it be (His) will (that) you should sow and not reap MQ 9b(10) [cf. OA curse: TSW "?X1 jntVl may he sow and not reap Fekh 19]; Ixn'&Vl jnr&Vl SSHai 6b(16); BB 69a(13); Geon 164:10; //P 175:17; pass.part. p'Xni 'D'n wheat and it is reaped ib. 114:20 xisn, ^?^NS^ n.m. harvest (4- Vixn; ta xlxn TO Gen 8:22, Sy rfn^-u LS 251, Ma X1KXH MD 151) sg. xijnm xVina xixxn n'V nxn xain 3i PN had his harvest done [lit. they harvested a harvest for PN] on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 12b(2); ib. 24; 25; 'D'm Xlxn wheat harvest AnanSch 11:9 Y: inxn MQ ib.(BAYTN 49). N31Sn n.m. Unginea maritima L. (4- x"73'; MH 3xn Low infra) sg. x'jrum jin^n yopa xsixn the h.-plant 'cuts off' the legs of the evildoers [i.e. convicts them] Bes 25b(7); xty>B3 X3ixn31 XD3n J1'3T in a h.-plant in the shadow of a privy Pes 11 lb(34; E2) [v. also DS ad loc. and n. 3] Lit: Flora 2:190+. SrnSiXn n.f. trumpet (< BH nnxxn HAL 331; TA Xfnxixn pi. TJ Hos 5:8) sg. Xmxixn XllS'tP XniS'tt? xmxixn (from the time that the Temple was destroyed,) the shofar (was called) 'trumpet' (and) the 'trumpet' (was called) shofar Sab 36a(8) // Suk 34a(32) Y: xrraixij Sab ib.(BAYTN 308). N3'S0 n.f. ax (< Akk hassinnu ax CAD H 133; TA XJ'Xn TJ Is 44:12, Sy rt \ ^ ;j f. LS 251, > Arab Ca^fi- Fr, AF 86) a. general: sg. X3'Xn ni31 a carpenters' ax &rf> 123b(16) [cf. Sy: K'iAJa ■•< .^ i. PSm 3005, s.v. p^°>t \; K'H-^J ■•" ^-i . ■« V «^7 r<'^c^_l.^ ciro K* \ ;. ■ I j BBah 769:19]; '1J3 '3T XJ'Xn SS 73b(30); pi. 'rxn 'mn two axes BQ 119b(43; M); 'i'Xm 'Ji: n.-axes and /i.-axes Yom 37b(4; L); MQ lla(24) [^ i xVl»]; b. w. I 1# X13: sg. XJ'Xm Xia a spade and an ax Er 77b(3); pi. 'J'Xm na ^Z 16a(8) 2#pn Geon. expl.: I'TXljVx OXB '-|XJ:T XJ'Xn GnK5 169:14, i.e. ^U Oj jllill ax of the carpenters; OHP Sab 80:2; "TO IrlX IX 131 nerWBb nan ,1<3>l3l,xn GC 30:4; Lit: AIOA 54; Eps, GC 30s; A AC 193. Note that hassinnu and marru are mentioned together in Akk texts [v. CAD M/l 287]; Y: XJ'Xn BB 73b(30; BAYTN 56). I'Sn adj. disrespectful, impudent (4- Vixn; Sy r<J^,^Si LS 251, Ma 1'XXH MD 126) sg.rn. naD X13J 'Xrt I'Xn how disrespectful is this man Qid 33a(39); Ber 34b(52) // Sot 7b(45); Z^er 24b(29); BM 108a(24); H'TT x"7T XTS "73'a1? »'3'X I'Xn X1? a person is not so impudent as to eat fruit which does not belong to him BB 33b(16); ib. 15; 161b(6); Git 87b(5); Qid 45b(2); f. XS'Xn MQ 16b(26); xnS'Xn xn'rVa impudent female companion (of a spirit) Bo 78:7; ib. 122:5; pl.m. 'S'Xnfle/t36b(16) Voc: 1'xfl HGP la:34; Y: I'Xn BB ib.(BAYTN 234). *]Xn vb. to act impudently (i XSXW, 1'Xn; Sy ^a^-o LS 251) Af.: x1? 'xn '"?i3 mn pa ix1? 'x H'ir?S3 I'Xna were he not a priest, he would not have acted so impudently Ket 24b(28; V5); xVnpa n'SX 1'XnXI he acted impudently in public TGAs28 27b:2 Itpe. w. "V id.: TV*? ^xn'X Xn H'^ ^xn'XT ]1'3 '3,T in this case since he (originally) acted impudently, he has, in fact, remained impudent Ned 64b(6) Y: >yxr«< Ned ib.(Mo 83; 363). l#TXn vb. to interpose (intr.; 1 xnX'na; MH2 2#yxn pe. J 496) Pe. (u): 'xb ,Tn xx'n 'xm nna P'3 xa"?T ix xx"n xb x'nx xpi xbtx xpi \n XX'n nVy Tspn (if the louse) is dead it definitely interposes (between the garment and the flesh). What if it is alive? Since it moves around [lit. goes and comes] it does not interpose. Or perhaps since he is particular about it, it interposes Zev 19a(34); ib. 35; 'X"n ib. 42; ]X"n ib. 41; p'B 'X"n xV 'BV 'nbn 'nV'oian nan 'n 'X"n 1^'XI incisions of a scalpel do not interpose (during ritual immersion) for three days. From then on they interpose Nid 67a(7); pn'n nSU X'n it [i.e. the jar] itself interposes (between the uncleanness and the outside) BB 20a(l; EsF2); ib. 32 2# fXn I VfXN vb. 479
NTixxn 480 ain NDSSn n. (uncertain) sg. 'm '3"1 judges of ... BB 13 3b (5) Lit: Koh, AC 3:477, quotes van interpretations; Y: XTOXn BB ib. N1XI1 n.f. lobe (of the liver; lit. little finger; caique < Akk ubanu AHw 1399, mng. 7; Sy t<\ -\ fi "V-y LS 252, s.v. k'-v-u f, Ma i#xix'n Mb 147) sg. 133,1 mm' xixn km 'xn /;. (means) 'lobe of the liver' [v. Ex 29:13] OHT Yom 34:2 [w. ref. to MH 133n ixn Mib. 8:6] Geon. expl.: iv IT >p nxpaw rUBJ> yaXX X'.ll TJIIt 'W1? npyi ixn xnpa n»w °?y [>^Ji] -kh^n bxyow 'hi nnix pip» mx •wivn in rvfrru mjranfr nianw mVra ma™ nasa »' '3 -nan n»p yaxx1? nan xvi iubj? OHT Yom 34:2. NVpn n.m. field (I HXVpn; TA X?pn TO Gen 2:5, Sy re* V n o LS 252) sg. 5er 62b(10; Ed) [M: X131]; x"?pn 'J3T1 'BXm» pn lin IX if there are two partners who are buying a field TGAs42 29:22 Y: v!?pr\ Ber ib. adj. rural, n.m. field worker, ignorant man (nisbe-form < I x"?pn) I. adj. rustic, rural: sg.m. nxVpn ]"33 rustic building &* 141a(28); pl.f. XrrVpn 'yx rustic plates Bes 32a(38) [expl. MH nHlTJT ib.]; II. n. 1. m. field worker: sg. Meg 7b(5) [I l#xV)p'1 usage c]; TGHark 214:4 [expl. i '3110]; pl.m. XD.T1 'XI Xna'p n'3 'Wsai 'X"?pm the /-.-dish of the field workers in which much flour is added Ber 37b(13; F); 2. m. ignorant man: sg. nx"?pn ]W1 PN, the ignorant one Ket 79a(3); 3. pl.f. rural areas: xnX'Vpn '33 residents of rural areas Sab 12a(29) [* 4- Xlina mng. 2] Y: nx^pn Sab ib.(BAYTN 323). ppn, ppn vb. to hollow out, engrave, drill (BH ppn pe. HAL 333) Pe. (a/u) 1. to hollow out, carve out: X3p3 XT'Dp pm X3'1 where he hollowed out a q.-measure in (a block intended) for a ^oA-measure Sab 103a(6) // Hul 25a(37) [I VDDn pe.]; Pes 28a(7); Git 20a(33); n'3 pm 'XI J» he hollowed it out from inside BQ 51a(19); xV'<n>{ttf)w rf? iwai nV pp'm xrau a small log which is hollowed out and made into a pipe BQ 67a(7; GC 118:10) [expl. MH 113'X ib.]; pm xyiX3 hollow out (a space) in the ground BB 7a(3); !p'Xn Bek 29b(16) [i XCTTDI mng. 1]; 2. to engrave, incise: yT31 X3'001 XD1SX av p"xm he engraves the divine name on the blade of the knife and pierces San 56a(18) [w. ref. to "i3p33 Of Lev 24:16]; pass.part. DV ,1'ty p'pm Xrft'WTO ItfllDan a chain upon which the divine name is engraved Git 68a(41); ib. 68b(45) [ring]; BB 73a(19) [mace]; Sab 149a(14) [board, pinax]; 'xam 'nnsx ''xa 'n xmaiV mppn they incised PN's figure on the entrance gate of the lictors AZ 18b(8); 3. to drill: 1,T> p"n pn'a '»3 one also completely drills them [i.e. the shofars] RH 27b(32; HP 21:20) [E1: mV Tl'ip mp'a]; H'pm ,1'mi313 he drilled it in its c/.-part [i.e. of the ram's horn] ib. 21 (HP ib.) Pa. to hollow out: iTp'vrbi xrvty'in xaiijix ,n',17 mi1? let him bring a sweet efrog and hollow out its inside Sab 109b (31); frX3 n'3 p'pm he carved out (notches) in the tree ib. 154b (27) The mng. of xnsxa won xapiy iah wb 'p'xn mn mq i6b(22) is uncertain. Ipn vb. to investigate (Ma 2#ipn MD 152) Pe.: P'p131 p'lpn XB^'1 perhaps we investigate and check TGHark 109:9 in interj. (word in a charm formula; etym. unkn.) in in Sab 67a(48) &On*, pi. 'in n.m. noble, freeman (1 V2# "Tin, '-IM 13, 2#XTnn, 2#xmn; Sy rc4ncU> LS 252, Ma XnXH pi. MD 127) 1. noble: pi. IDT 'in1? 313X (the sound of) a flute is music for nobles Yom 20b(17); 2. freeman: pi. 'in pin Xav X1,in3 on that day [i.e. Pesah] we became freemen HP 13:13 The obscure phrase 'in ]'rf?B £>ec 3:2 may poss. also belong here. Sin adj. destroyed (-1 Vmn; Sy ^tju, rdi-Ui LS 254) pl.m. 'Sin TO destroyed houses Bo 78:10 Bin vb. to be destroyed, destroy (I X31in, X331W, 3in adj., X3nn, srain; Sy ^dt-o LS 254, Ma 1#31H MD 152) Pe. (u,e/u) 1. to be destroyed: -|JV3 31in pSD'HT XplSX GN was destroyed because of a shaft of a carriage Git 55b(52); ib. 57a(15); Yev 17a(17); xVo'3 13y 'X XQ^y 31"in if (the comet) had passed through K3in 481 2# Niiin Orion, the world would have been destroyed Ber 58b(48); 2Hpan m 31in ^ ]» since the Temple was destroyed Suk 34a(30); Yev 17a(19); ^Z 3b(29; J); 'Tina \TW nTtt 13'in sixty towns were destroyed by it BB 73b(17); 'a mm r*n TO na'X1? TVT granted that they know that it will be destroyed. Do they know when? Naz 32b(17); Sab lla(9); Meg 26b(7); RH 31a(25) // San 97a(53); /1Z 50a(23); Ara 12a(24); ^'3 Sim'1? may your house be destroyed MQ 9b(ll); 2. to be wasted: pTX Viy ]in'3-in DX if you are wasted, enter (and) become fat Bo 112:7; »& 113:9 Pa. to destroy: iTIOnn x"7T XaVy3 'T» Tip3tt;'» did you leave anything in the world which you did not destroy? BB 73a(24) Af. to destroy: a. in a lit. sense: 'Xn 13TI lX^ xVD'n"? n^Vpi Xrl'sV n^inXT is this not the one who destroyed the Temple and burnt the Sanctuary? Yom 69b(17) // San 64a(8); ib. 96b(38); Tan 24b(23); ib. 29a(l); Git 56a(19); HM 43:9; n,!? nsina 'xax "yn xa"?yi why are You destroying Your world? BM 86a(43); [...] JYUnntNl I destroyed ... Bo 139:14; b. in a fig. sense: H3 3'ina ix1? nr» ix"?t H3 3nna nrai (if he sacrifices an animal) of the same type [i.e. for a different sacred purpose] he destroys its validity. If not of the same type [i.e. for hullin] he does not destroy its validity lev 3a(18) N3TI n.m. sword, blade (4- Vsin; TA X3in TO Ex 18:4, Sy rdi-Ui m./f. LS 254, Ma X3"ixn MD 126) l. sword: pi. '3-in vim Nisy mja hxw they would throw earth from it, and it would turn into swords Tan 21a(45) // San 109a(ll); X3in xVopi a sword of execution Bo 78:8; XTy3 DX X3in Tl»m if you want to send forth a sword HM 44:19; 2. blade: sg. 'SDW1XT X3in 'Xn the shoemaker's blade Sab 123b(15; V); pi. '3in 'in 'IXin 'SXV WX1 two blades which come towards one another (in scissors) Anan 83:19 [expl. BH ni3in Jos 5:2]; 3. magical 'sword' [i.e. a collection of divine names]: sg. H2?ai n3in the 'Sword of Moses' HM [title]; OHT Hag 21:1; X3in n'Vsn lyi X"W'1p "?3 'IXB DUD in the name of the Lord of all the holy ones until the end of the 'sword' HM 45:17; ib. 46:14; 15 Y: Win San lla(38; BAYTN 83). Xnain n.f. ruin (1 V3in; Sy K'&.^-Ui LS 254) sg. xmin nVlS^ n:iSU lap they scraped clean the entire ruin San 109a(18; MGG 239:3) lin vb. to terrify (Sy 1# nT-u^K' LS 255) Pa.: P'TTTTlVl I'S'yia'^V to let you hear and to terrify you Bo 9:7 N^in n.m. mustard (Sy kLStit-o LS 255, Ma xVnxn MD 127) sg. X"?Tin n^SXI (a woman) who eats mustard Ket 60b(53); Va'aV xry3T xVlins ,3l£?1'I7 I want to eat tongues with mustard Hul 133a(28); Ber 57b(47); Pes 28a(8); BB 73a(23); xVlim Xn'UD'X bundles of mustard (stalks) Bes 12b (41) Lit: Flora 1:518; Y: X^iri Ber ib.(BAYTN 217). KSlin n.m. carob tree, carob (Sy rdio-vu LS 25*4, Akk liarub/pu CAD H 120) 1. carob tree: sg. Sab 33b(31); X3TV1 }NM Xpi X13J XUI1? n"?n he saw a certain man who was planting a carob tree Tan 23a(44); ib. 45; pi. [v. mng. 2]; 2. carob: sg. BB 9ib(i9); xmna '3Tin B'paa xpi xisj xm X3Ttn he saw a certain man who was gathering carobs from a certain carob tree Tan 23a(47; M2) Lit: Flora 2:396; Y: X31111 Sab ib.(BAYTN 244). NSVin n.m. charred object, charring (i V"|in; cf. Sy rslo^o-o charring LS 256) 1. charred object: sg. X31in n"W1 he transformed it [i.e. the sacrificial animal] into a charred object Yom 68b(13) // Zev 106a(19); Pes 41a(29); 2. charring: sg. X31ina nniTXI XT11X 13 '"? 'ID roast the duck for me, but be careful of charring Bes 32b(35) Y: XSlin Pes ib.(BAYTN 67). Xaiin n.m. ban (i XBTn) sg. Bo 50:7 N3Tin n.m. anger (< BH pin HAL 338) pl.es. X31in 'SX'pa angels of anger HM 47:2 1# Nllin n.m. claim (cf. JudA lim lin "73 NS 9:9, Akk harara contestation CAD H 91 [LB], AHw 323) pi. 'inn p TOyi TDS he is exempt and cleared of claims Git 86a(6; V18) [legal text] Lit: R. Katzoff, LDT 12926K; Y: niTTl Gil ib. 2#K11in n.m. free person (V2#1in; I Xin; JudAT'iiin MQidK 4:1) pi. -\vsi myi3 isyaVi
xrvnn t ~: 482 Tin 'inn 1XW3 to act of your own will like other free persons SSHai 14a(21) [legal text] [KWnn 4- xnitim n.] xrrnn, Pi. Knrnn, NnNnn, ktikvik n.f. dried T . r tt:-7 palm branch (< Akk ftarutu branch of the date palm CAD H 121; Sy r^o-i_u BBah 773:6, JPA Tin, pl.det. Xmiin DJPA 214) sg. Suk 32a(20) [rejected expl. of BH D'lan lis? Lev 23:40]; '1 XTlTin 1"3 X3'3n PN used to draw a palm branch (as his signature) Git 36a(25) // ib. 87b(3) // BB 161b(4); xmm '3 Vlb T3J71 he makes them [i.e. the burial caves] like (the shape of) a palm branch ib. 101b(7); pi. xnxnni '3p reeds and palm branches Pes 82a(18; CE2) [M1: xmiin]; xVp'11 xriXTin branches of the date palm TRN 589:1 [expl. MH m'Tl Sab 50a(33); v. infra]; HG3 155:38!; 1331 "?3 TO3 XHX(1)1X actually '. in JBA GC 104:8 [expl. MH JlYnn MPar 3:9] Geon. expl.: bp-frtf Win TGAs42 150:12; Lit: Flora 2:329; Eps, GC 10430; AAC 195; Y: tam} BB 101b(7; BAYTN 28). tin vb. to pierce (4- IXtin; Sy \-\-u to perforate, string together LS 255) Pe.: XlV'O rmm ]X13 one whom a thorn pierced AZ 28b(40); XV>'0 n'tim D'X'33 a thorn pierced him in the testicles Yev 75b(l; Ar [AC 3:488]); 'BX1 X3'X XXim KS1» '3'111 '3'3 X'jni <n')(X)ptf '3'Bpl Xtm it creeps and digs-some say: it pierces-its legs are thin, and it grazes among the brambles BQ 80a(38) [expl. MH pawn rrfrin ib.] Af. to cause to pierce: XT>03 n'WS3 Tina '5?3'X1 0"3 X1?! if he wants, he pierces himself with a thorn and does not sleep Git 84a(20; Ar [AC ib.]) nxnn adj. prickly (-1 Vnn, i#xrw) pi.f. xnnsx Xn"1in prickly '.-plants Er 26b(36; V'MRashi) [expl. MH rVajnj? Mib. 2:6] Y: xpn BQ ib. [nmn i in in n.] Bin vb. to regret (MH2 Bin hitpa. J 501) Itpa.: Binn xVi 'an xiana ia Binxi 'at 'Va "73 sell all things and regret, except for wine: Sell and do not regret Pes 113a(16; C); XBinnai rfrll xaV'1 13 perhaps she will grow up and regret it Yev 109b(7); HG3 382:1 [of a vow] 'in vb. to rake, stir (cf. Akk heru to dig CAD H 175) Pa.: XTlin X'inai XlXina XB'p3 she was holding the rake and raking the oven Hag 5a(l; Ar [AC 3:481]); 'limn 'in Ww> X71X1 a Jew came (and) raked (the coals) thoroughly AZ 38b(15; Ar [AC ib.]) [Var: ''TOT 'in JRaH] l#K»"iri*, pi. "in n.m. safflower (< XJ?'in*; Sy psli-y-Ui LS 257) pi. "im '»B11p safflower seeds Git 70a(39; M) [Var: 'in Ar (AC 3:482)] Lit: Flora 1:402. 2#S'in, pi. 'in n.m. excrement (4- X'^n; Sy r^J-Ui excrement LS 253, Ma Xin MD 152) sg. 'T'J/I X'in excrement of goats Tan 9b(22; L); pi. ]"ta 'Vlp'13 'in excrements (?) in broken baskets Pes 110a(36; M'TGAs42 164:4) [C: 'IX]; 'in X"t3 xVip'13 Bo 55:3 Geon. expl.: iv o^sa nnrrn rora 'stjib1? "la 'Vipna 'iron 'in O'aipJ O'Jj? OHT Pes 114:3, i.e. excrement; but cf. other Geon. expl.: mom 71'D-IX 'Vlpna 'in TGAs42 164:4, i.e. pressed dates [v. TMS 1:10]; Y: "in Pes ib.(BAYTN 1). ^'in a4j- charred, singed, n. singed person (4- V"pn pass.part.) I. adj.: sg.m. n'p© Tin X3'Bp the thin one with singed legs BM 85a(51) [appellation of R. Zera]; Ber 46a(2); X3'in X131 a charred man Yev 115a(12); II. n.: sg.m. X3'in 'pP ]'Bp the singed one with thin legs San 37a(29; F2) Til? adj. sharp, pungent, of full strength, quick, clever, current (of coinage), n.m. clever person (4- V*pn, XrVlB'in, XnS'in; TA xS'ifi TJ Is 7:20, Sy «L<L,U, LS 258, Ma 1'ixn MD 127) I. adj. 1. sharp: a. general: pl.f. rVlfl TVl® XJlXS'in seventy sharp sickles Bo 7:17; b. w. X3'30 in a metaph. sense of a clever person: sg.f. n'3'30 XS'im (PN) whose 'knife' is sharp Yev 122a(2) // Hul 77a(12); 'Xip Xposa XnS'in XJ'30 a 'sharp knife' can cut up biblical verses (for exegetical purposes) BB lllb(21) [+ //'s; 4- X3'30]; 2. sharp, pungent: sg.f. XnVs'r'S Xin XnD'in one pungent peppercorn Yom 85b(22) // Meg 7a(50) // Hag 10a(42) [metaph. of a clever person]; 3. of full strength, potent [cf. Akk dannu full strength of beer, wine CAD D 94]: sg.m. 713B1 XS'in X13'W full strength s.-beverage of Tevet Git 69a(33); Qid 52b(15); XS'in XO^'B 'p't 'isai full strength f.-wine which bursts XfflB'in 483 mn wineskins AZ 30a(48) [expl. MH in ib.]; XDD XS'in a potent medicine Git 12b(23); 4. quick: sg.m. XS'in Xtlt a 'quick' zuz [i.e. payment in cash] Ket 100b(38); 'S'ln '3'3T 'quick' merchandise [i.e. which sells quickly] Ned 31a(36); 5. fierce: sg.f. XMS'in X3ri0'X a fierce north wind Ber 59a(51); 6. clever: sg.m. Xl'tn xp X31B DS'im I see that you are very clever Hul 110b(6); Git 71b(16); BB 144b(7); Hor 14a(17); f. ,13'in Xpl p'tn Xpl X3'm where we see that she is clever Nid 45b(22); 'pim XJ1JW 'S'ln the legal tradition of the young men is clever Sab 142b(40) [4- pin mng. 2b]; pl.m. Ber 59b(16); 7. current (of coinage): sg.m. 'in *pm XS03 XTS '11 «]'in X"?1 X311 Xjn'B silver which is current is considered coin. Gold which is not current is considered produce [i.e. merchandise] 5M44b(l); ib. 10; pl.m. 'S'im 'B'lS '3XP small coins are different because they are current (and are accepted) ib. 45a(17); TGHark 45:26; II. n.m. clever person: pi. XJViaaiDI 'S'ln the clever (scholars) of GN Qid 39a(8); San 17b(22); Men 17a(l) Lit: Sperber, Money 69+ [mng. 1.7]; Y: XB'-tfl Git 12b(23). The North African tradition is harrifa [v. M. Bar Asher, Shivtiel Vol 22+]. NfflB'in n.f. acuteness of mind (4- «]'in mng. 6; Sy rc'iin^jT.w swiftness LS 258, mng. 2) sg. xin xms'im v.wb ru'sn the verb ]iv pa. [v. Dt 6:7] is a term of acuteness of the mind Anan 24:11 NflS'in n.f. swift current (4 «]'in mng. 4) sg. Xinin xriB'in the swift current of the river Ket 85a(7; V5); BB 24a(27); Qid 73b(ll)! Y: KmB'TTI Ket ib. KS'in n.m. ditch (4- Vfin; TA X'» 'X'in TJ Jos ll:8[Var], Akk harisu moat, ditch CAD H 103) pi. 'S'im XflaaiX algae of ditches Sab 20b(37; M); 'S'im '"X'aS'' WW let him wash (his hands) in the water of the ditches ib. 140b(21) Y: -yin Sab ib.(BAYTN 106). [Npnn 4- -pnna prep.] t^'in adj. deaf (4- l#Xl»m; Sy i<lL.-Uj LS 259) pl.m. pn'anxa l'B?'in deaf in their ears BolV.l lin vb. to singe, char (4- X31in, 1'in; Sy uyijo LS 256, Ma 1# Tin MD 153) Pe. (/u) 1. to singe, char: a. general: '111 '113 '"73'P 'mn inn'1? X1? one should not singe two ears of wheat together Pes 40a(22; V17); pass.part. n'ptt? I'""1 xrt?P the thin one with singed legs [lit. singed of legs] BM 85a(51) // Ber 46a(2) [appellation of R. Zera]; b. qetil I- syntagm: XriS'l 1,'V X3'im X0» TI'X bring a bread shovel, for you have charred the bread Tan 25a(6; L) [He: jam 1'1{X}n xpi]; 2. to dry up: pass.part. 'b'S 133 p'lm UWa because (the tears) are dried up in the cracks (of the skin of his back) Sab 33b(46) Pa. to char: '2/'1 Tina 111 X1B0 311 PN used to char the head (of the animal) Qid 41a(l 1) // Sab 119a(15); AZ 38a(22); '31in .T3im Nid 28a(ll) [of a corpse] Itpe. to be charred, singed: "|in'X1 '"7p'X (the ball of wool) was burnt and charred BB 74a(23) [Var: 'Dlin'X "pn'X Es] // '31in'X 1,in'X San 110a(55; F2K) [Var: "T?p'N 'Vp'X He]; 11'X xnilB 1'JXa 1,1in'X his clothes were singed a bit ib. 93a(45); -pn'a 'Dlin'X ")yv hair is merely singed Sab 20b(39) [as opp. to wool which burns properly]; n'ptt? 13in'X his legs were singed BM 85a(51; F1) Lit: S. Abramson, LeSonenu 19 [1954] 66+ [Pe., mng. 1]. Din vb. to ban, excommunicate, dedicate for sacred use (4- xnainx, Xttl'n; Sy >i-U> af. LS 256, Ma Din pe. MD 153) Pe. to ban: Q'lm 'T» *?d p'sai V'Bpi trim p'sai "?'3nai cdji p'sai he bans, removes, slaughters, destroys, removes, bans, kills, and removes all demons ... Bo 64:23 Af. 1. to excommunicate stringently: ... 1*7313 ]3'amai how do we know that we may excommunicate stringently? MQ 16a(14); ODD Din n'aiinx1? TGHark 161:24; Geon 154:14; xmviai xaa by n'rr la'inxi X3i'ps we have ordered, and they excommunicated him stringently at the Geonic court Dec 4:7; ib. 8; 9; xw'3 X3W,7 'ty iaxi ixa "jd by lannx excommunicate stringently whoever slanders me TGAs28 27:27; ib. 27b: 11; X3B'ina Bo 60:1; 2. to dedicate for sacred use [< H Din hif. HAL 340, J 503]: 'n'13aiS3 I'DS'S1? D'HXI X131 Xlin a certain man who dedicated his property in GN
sain 484 i#pnn Ara 29a(24); n'^D n'a"Vfr let him dedicate all of it ib. 28a(18); 40; TGAs28 192:16 Ittaf. to be excommunicated stringently: 'm' HM3 XJTXn n'1? mnn'Kl he has been excommunicated stringently for several months Dec 5:3; 'TlB'tta Dinn'Vl TMTW*7\ let him be banned and excommunicated with shofars Geon 154:11 Nmn 4- xirvn n. Nn?ann n.f. African rue (Peganum harmala L.\ Arab Ji> Siggel 28) sg. SMel 58:477 Expl. ib.: rr» fein )'X'30 Hainan JIK VpTD; Lit: BY 1770; Low, Flora 4:216; 3:510. NOTI n.m. (uncertain) Bo 119:20 n.m. watchman, guard (Ar oyLi Wehr 168) pi. 'XDin 1H1? JTXi |V3 X'1?'^! s'ince (the public area) has watchmen at night HG1 265:38 P expl: 1XJK3 IXIW Win SMel 58:478, i.e. NP zindanbanan jailors PED 625; Lit: Danzig, IHB 55972. ^"in vb. to sharpen, do something early (4- xs-nn, «pn, xmsnn, xxisnn, mn adj.; Sy 1# ^a-iju pa., af. to urge on LS 258, Ma mn pa. to do s.t. early MD 153) Pa. to sharpen [in a fig. sense; denom. < 4- I'm mng. 6]: ■p3'I7 TU'snn XTDB03 xnmX3 'sharpen' your sons [i.e. make them clever] in the Torah like a sword Anan 24:12 [w. ref. to fllb DJlMBh Dt 6:7] Af. to do s.t. early: a. alone: Xp Tim 'Tm ]TO 'BTia when he saw that they were doing it early (on the Day of Atonement) Sab 115a(6); VU'X 'SWnai 'aipai 'Sinai they who do (their work) early [gloss: 'aipai] and do (their work) late Meg 20b(12) // Ber 2b(26; P); b. w a fol. vb.: lB'inX IplB lD'inX l"?1J7 go in early (and) go out early San 70b(33) f]in adj. early, n.m. early crop (4- Vmn; cf. Sy kISljt-u LS 258, mng. 3, Ma XSnXH XID'a early rain MD 127) I. adj. early: sg.m. XSin XyiT the early sowing [i.e. at the beginning of the winter] RH 16a(15); XSTI Xym the price of the early crop [lit. early price] BM 63b(19); BB 90b(20); pl.m. 'Bin Tan 3b(27) [of clouds; * Vsx]; Hag 25a(18) [of olives]; AZ 75a(16) // Nid 65b(4); Bek 57b(36) [of animals which give birth between Passover and Shavuot]; f. XflX'Bin RH 8a(18) [of conceiving sheep]; II. n.m. early blooming crop: sg. XBin "Vt/b X"?BX to make a late blooming crop an early blooming one MQ 6b(23); pi. 'Bin BM 106b(20) Geon. expl.: xb-iii imx pij> inn rt"nm imx ry-iiiw in TGWeisz 87:14. NTl'SlS-in, «n?S1Sn, Kn'313iy n.f. skin lesion (< XJVBBn* w. dissim. of -pp- > -rp-\ Sy rc'^aAjo tetter LS 249, Ma XXlX'BXBXn sores MD 125; 4- V«]Bn) sg. 'T1? X'JIB XETTT xn'BIBin X'nn xbot <x);raiay» 'T1? xtib 'jbt x-i0){'ny '3'31 XJn'2? 'TV a skin lesion of the head eventually causes blindness; of [i.e. caused by] garments eventually causes idiocy; of the body eventually causes boils and sores Ned 81a(2; Ar [AC 3:500]) [Van xTraiany ... x»m xrvaiany 'sin 'many ... xaan v21; xrmany Ar(AC ib., X"D)]; 'n'BIBOm 'iyx the pain of a skin lesion ib. 33(V21Yal 1:256a); pi. nriX3'Cn XIlX'BIBn nriXtt?'3'l moist and dry skin lesions HM 38:3 Geon. expl.: prrt> rfrjn "|HX T»m KM [pro 'fl'BD 7WN ri'BBn nniX IBnVl nnw OHT Sab 71:21; expl. RaH: \KTTJ Jl'B'Brl "pron p -115m ty ounaw -m xwi raipiu VKyaw Sab 77b, i.e. eUjj; Lit: Low, Fauna 29+; on the Ae<- 'ayin interchange in this word, cf. Sy ^A. » . » ..-^A. » . » * a type of garment LS ib. fin vb. to cut into, dig (4- XXTin, XXnn; BH 1# Tin HAL 342) Pe. 1. to cut into: firi'ia XWn *p3'B 'B133 IX pin is a seal impression cut directly into (the wax) or is (the wax) completely bunched up? Git 20a(39); fin fin'S (the scab) is cut deeper into (the skin) Bek 41a(41; V9) [describing 3"U ib.]; 2. to dig: XXin (the animal) digs BQ 80a(38) [4- Vnn pe.] l#NX"in n.m. loin (TA XSnfi TO Dt 33:11; cf. Ma XXVXH MD 122, Sy rc^jj LS 250) sg. nam XX-im the joints of the loin HG3 156:41; pi. mn ri'Xnna xn'<l>ni TDX he was girded with a belt on his loins Meg 27b(44); SM 113b(28); Git 78a(3i); xnx1? n^b 'xp 'maaisi xi<a)D}rrans H'Snn iy X"?"T the (height of a) guard of GN reached the loins PN, the rf.-official Mrf 25a(2) Y: n'xnn BA/ ib. 2# NS1M n.m. a type of demon sg. Bo 35:9 1# pin vb. to gnash the teeth (Sy 1# urixj LS 2#p-in 485 2#xyn 258, Ma pin MD 153) Pe.: pSJ n'rtt?1? TO'pin "aitf3 he gnashed his teeth (and) died Git 47a(17) 2# pin vb. to cut off (I xp-l'ri; Sy 2# v^ijj etpe. to be cut LS 259) Pe. ( At): pinn'1? XBp xai' XTTIIB D'3 let him cut off a small part of it on the first day Sab 67a(ll; M); ib. 12(M) l#Tin vb. to bore a hole (4- XTin, xmirl; MH mn LNVTH 173) Pe.: xmin im ixaa 'in'a X3"3aa it appears as if he drilled a hole in the building Sab 103a(2; M) 2#Tin vb. to be free (4- nn 12, XfllTn, Xin, i#x"rnn, 2#xii"in, i#xmn, Vmn© 1# ttnn vb. to plow (< BH 1# Bhn HAL 343; JPA 2#tt?nn djpa 216) Pe.: nyw nyin nenm he plowed it and sowed it with barley BM 106b(31) Itpe. to be plowed: H'V enn'X XD»m (the place where the grave was located) has now been plowed Seel 120:48 2#Bhn vb. to enchant (4- 2#XBhn, Xnwm, '©in, HTwm) l#NBhn n.m. deaf person (4- tfnn; TA Xl&in TO Ex 4:11, Sy «lL\m LS 259, Ma 2#X^XH MD 127) sg. Yev 113a(26); Men 64b(26); pi. '»*im X1B» the writ of the deaf ones Gi'/ 4a(12) [in a mnemonic note] Y: X!hn BAYTN 139. 2# Ntjnn n.m. sorcerer (V2# Win; 4- XTTChn; TA X'^nfi pi. TO Ex 8:3, Sy pcli--Ui LS 259, Ma i#xwixn MD 126) pi.abs. xoD x"?i yvnm xoa imi^BT (better) a bowl (used by) sorcerers than a bowl (used by) exorcists BM 29b(43; F1) // Hul 84b(4; V11); det. 'B>nm 'IVin sorceries of sorcerers 5er 62a(52); '1£?'3 'Win evil sorcerers 5o 125:6; ib. 10:7; 31:8 Lit: Lieb, Greek 85, w. prev. lit.; Y: HVin BAYTN 105. NrmPTI n.f. sorcery (V2#«hn; Sy k'^'o^.-Ui LS' 259) sg. (X)nw-in Bo 68:4 'H?"in, abs. Tt^in n.m.pl. sorcery, witchcraft (V2# K;nn; Sy kL*,Kju LS 259) abs. |'XaTX I'Bnn 1'wm 1'xoiB i'i;-in I'yx'ts T^nn I'xiirr Timn 1'Xav T^nn ]'Xnrn pagan sorcery, Jewish sorcery, Arab sorcery, Persian sorcery, Indian sorcery, Greek sorcery Bo 56:8; ]'2>'a yvm bl all evil sorcery ib. 49:8; 37:3; 43:1; 54:6; 90a:l; det. 'inn 5ai 75a(7) [expl. 4- xniffljax]; Ber 62a(52) [4- 2#XB?in]; nayai '»nn 'DIBXb to overturn sorcery and magical practices Bo 100:2; /& 63:7 Y: 'Bin &6 ib. Nfltthn, f. NnNB/in, KXT'E/nn n.f. sorceress r : t- t t t- tttt- (4- 2#Xl»in; Sy rf'iLt.-ijj LS 259, Ma x'rronxn, pi. xnx'iyxixn MD 126, s.v. 1# X«;xnXH) pi. 'IM xnX'B>nn women sorceresses Pes 110a(37); X^'B/nm HT\)Vr\T\ sorcery of the sorceresses Ber 62a(52); X^XWin 'ttU Bo 63:7; xniym1? 'B?m XS^a X'n she teaches witchcraft to the sorceresses ib. 90a:5; 91:3 Y: Xnthn Ber ib.(BAYTN 105); Krrthn Pes ib. l#Nn"in n.f. vitriol (V2#Yin; 4- XBDlfflX; Sy rc'ii-Ui' LS 253; cf. MH mn MNidK 2:7) sg. 'BDW1XT Xmn shoemakers' vitriol Sab 104b(19) [used as ink; expl. MH OirapJp Mib. 12:4] // Git 19a(18) // Meg 19a(l) [cf. Sy: K'^-tu <iSLiVl jG "*"* * " ^ '-e- blue vitriol BBah 777:19; cn_>oo>n k't . ■« v -i rc'^i-VJii '^iib pc'^nja ib. 1067:5] Lit: Flora 2:330; AAC 197; Y: NTnn Sab ib. 2# NJTin, pi. NflNin n.f. distinguished woman (4- X"in; Ma Xmxn MD 127, Sy rf'^i'-irdjo LS 252) pi. nb tot xnxin 'ra rvwa xnai xiaVrcn the chair of one whose husband is an 'ant' is placed among the distinguished women Ket 75a(19)//yev 118b(39) Geon. expl.: rvn]?'l TWS31 WV1 KriXnn priSl OHT Yev 233:20. NJiirnn n.f. darkness (4- i#xmn) sg. xmmn XBim darkness of ink Nid 20a(10) l#N^n, KBrin, pi. 'tfn, '3^in n.m. pain, suffering (4- Vtftfn; Sy k'tu LS 260) sg. Xli/ina x'ywix n 'm xyb'px x:a'xp mn I was standing in pain at the chamber of PN's house Ber 22a(59) [Var: mn XETX3 there was a sick person Ar (AC 2:4)]; pi. 'B>n Bo 7:13; 'T^> X'na XBUT xri'313Ty '3'D1 ':w(1)|'|n rubbing(?) of the body causes sufferings and pains Ned 81a(3; V2) Lit: Eps, Stl 335. 2#Ntyn n.m. wild thyme (Sy i^y i'», r<L^pcU> LS 223, Akk hasu B a plant yielding seeds used
sum 486 Ttfn as a spice CAD H 144, > Arab LiU Siggel 27) pi. 'tt?xn Sab 128a(46) [expl. MH Jl'TTlp ib.] Geon. expl.: p'X m»3 2Vy 'BKn GnK5 169:24; Lit: A. Witztum & M.I. Gruber, LeSonenu 56[1991] 147+; Pfl 181; Flora 2:104. 3t#n vb. to reckon, enumerate, consider, calculate (4- xisenn, 3'ot, xttd'ot, xmOTa; Sy .->y_» LS 260, Ma 3OT MD 154) Pe. (a/u) 1. to reckon: XDTf KD1S '"1333 3'OTp nil XD"1B 'aV'T '1333 3'OTp xb perhaps (Scripture only) reckons a large portion (of a counting unit) concerning the talents. It does not reckon a small portion concerning the talents Bek 5a(47); AZ 9b(8); ib. I0a(5); noaV nVyaVa 3'ot xp pn xin our Tauna (in the Mishna) reckons (the height) from the top down BQ 61a(18); Yom 21b(14); /(Z 6a(14); Hor llb(48); Am 12b(20); rvb 3'OT1 'nX3 H'b 3'OT '333 he reckons him [i.e. Anah; v. Gen 36:20; 24] among the brothers and reckons him among the sons Pes 54a(48); 2. to enumerate: 'HI SIOT'Vl "13ia let (the Tanna) enumerate also the desert Sab 6b(ll); ib. 74a(l); Git 33a(2) [+ //'s; 4- XVDTI]; 55 15a(30); San 60b(13); Mak 22a(16); 3. to regard, consider: Tin nrf?n 'VlOD in ini'SOT there were three disqualifications, (but) he considered them as one Yom 21a(29); Hul 42b(13); \Tb 3'OT Xin3 he regards them as one Sab 17b(25); XB'BS X^IOT1? T3OT he regarded cooking as baking Anan 71:18; p'3OT n,!? JVKil }Xa3 n'1? we regard him as if he had died ib. 14:18; pass.part. X3'OT miopD XJ1T7S prayer is considered as incense ib. 36:9; 47:4; TXa 'TI 3'OT HX'33 "130 according to PN (only) an amount the size of an egg is regarded (as constituting a prohibition) Pes 49b(39); Suk 14a(5); BB 64a(3); Men 97a(5); SSV/a/ 5b(l 1) Pa. 1. to intend, plan [w. by about s.t.]: 3'OT '31OT he really intended (to do it) Zev 36a(46); Men 3b(26); n'BVA Xin n'Vs'a1? H'ty 3'OTai I? until he, himself, intends to eat it Kar 21b(2); "?3 ^'03 'm1?? pK/naT everything which (people) plan against him will be void Sab 156a(42); Bek 10a(14); Bo 127:25; 2. to designate [w. by s.t.]: Varrxa Wb? 3'OT he designated them from the previous day Sab 43b(3); Zev 15a(20); Hul 121a(18); 3. to calculate, reckon: ]l'3OT» X1?! X1DB?1? XIBWa we do not make a reckoning from one deed to another BM 67a(30); p'3OTa '31OT we make the exact calculation (of the date) San I2a(l8); mmn ay rrx xixswm 'siotV to make a reckoning with one another TGHark 275:35; xnx'V'3 bpv xVi pmyni ,tt3 3'OTa '31ot he actually makes a computation (of the number of sacrifices) but does not take the kidneys TGAs42 163:21 [expl. XOB'n Pes 64b(28)+; cf. RaH] Af. 1. to intentionally consider s.t.: X3T1 TPVb n'V n3B?ron where he intentionally considered his hand (as a resting place) Sab 5a(37); tsotx mi'3TOTX rvby ysnwa mm nbsx (if) he ate it and then swore about it, (this shows that) he intentionally considered it [i.e. the carrion] (to be food) Svu 24b(l); Hul 87b(22); Sab 144b(25); 2. to make s.o. important: XIX X1T3JP xp THl'SOTX1? I do (it) to make them [i.e. the orphans] important BB 8a(55); Ket 105b(12) 18711 vb. to suspect (4- Xntiin, X1OT; JPA TOT DJPA 216) Pe. (a/u): TIX1 XXW\ X'1?'1? SHOT n'TOTa1? it is now night, (the Jew is using) a lamp, and he is apt to suspect him (of employing witchcraft) Pes 8b(9); JJVTOT 'XB3 of what did you suspect us? Tan 22a(6); X^l ,I7 plOT 'TlV '3 mn they suspected me, and I was innocent MQ 18b(50) // Sab 118b(38); Yom 84a(22); Bek 29a(6); Tan 24a(13); BM 78b(23); TGHark 161:24; pass.part. a. alone: TOT TOT XH (if) he is, in fact, suspected (of one type of violation), he is suspected (of another) Bek 30a(23); Svu 32b(6); 'TOT 'TOT! TVO since (the priests) are suspected (in that case) they are (also) suspected (in this one) ib. 36a(51); 13'1'3?3 X1TOT '»1 am I suspect in your eyes? Ber 5b(39); Sab 17b(4); Yev 25b(28); AZ 15b(26); b. w. "X concerning: VD TOT xV XTimxiX TOT ]13YIX granted that he is suspect concerning (laws of) Rabbinical authority. He is not suspect concerning (laws of) Pentateuchal authority Bek 30a(21); TOTT 1J'» Xnjn3WX nu TOT Xliaax since he is suspect concerning money, he is also suspect concerning anoath5M5b(19) Itpe. to be suspect: in'l'a Xinx TOT'X mm he was suspect again concerning one of them Bek 30a(26) tntfn ; tOtfri, KIKtfn n.m. suspicion (4- VlOT; MH2 1OT J 509) sg. 1XBT X1OT XTOT Dl»» XD'V'X if we say because of suspicion, suspicion of whom? Sab 23a(46); ib. 47; 130a(9); Ber 3b(2; P); /1Z 43b(25); Git 60b(25); //«/ 44b(22); XTOT1? p'P'n we are concerned about (raising) suspicion RH 24b(34); Pe* 13a(37); Bek 35b(33); nV « XpT X1OT 'T"7 it brings her into a state of suspicion Hag 5a(47); X1XOT TGHark 161:16; li. 35 Voc: Xiwn VTM 113; Y: KTOn Ber 43b(45; BAYTN 42). KSit^n n.m. darkness, snuffed out wick (4-'V^n, X3TOT '33; TA X31OT TO Ex 10:21, Sy rsLl^x-u LS 262, Ma X31OT MD 154) 1. darkness: sg. xnxixax n'-inixi xsiotV 'am mnp X'^'Vl the Merciful One summoned the darkness and put it in charge over the commandments of the nighttime Pes 2a(25); X31OT in1? 'DXn '31? ,K?3,K ~\2Tb when darkness covers us [lit. those people] San 99a(2); Sab 77b(24); HM 44:16; //MGa* 94:13; X31OTT XynX/XIIIX a place/land of darkness [i.e. Babylonia] Pes 34b(15) // Yom 57a(26) // Zev 60b(26) // Men 52a(27) // Bek 25b(27) [cf. Ma X31OTT XIDX MD 44]; '3131 X31OTT the great ones [i.e. demons] of darkness Bo 35:7; ib. 18:9; 78:20; 2. snuffed out wick: sg. XD1OT ,rny removing the snuffed out wick 5ei 32b(l; Ar [AC 5:94, s.v. Bna]M2) [expl. MH I'Bn/nia ib.; Var: X31Sin HG1 378:2, Ed] Y: KjWlj &6 77b(24; BAYTN 72). 3'l^n adj. important, valuable, n.m. important person (4- ^3OT pe., pass.part.; I xms'OT, J'lITX; Sy . -■ ; r » PSm 1394) I. adj. important, significant: a. alone: sg.m. 3'OT ]Xa xaVy Xinn3 who is important in that world [i.e. the world to come] ? Git 57a(4); AZ 2b(9); Meg 16a(21); Svu 6b(33); 3'OTT 'T» something which is important &* 77a(12); £r 3a(37); ib. 16b(6); Wg 17a(24); f. 'JlV'B "V X3'OT the matter is important for him ylZ 6b(40); Pes 6b(48); /5GF 33:9; pl.m. '3'OTT D'^'t '3X» olive trees are different since they are important BQ 91b(38); Zev 73a(16); XJTIXT '3'OT 'jna 'OX "TI '»X 'T 'll^'T PN and PN2, important priests of Eretz Israel Git 59b(36) // Meg 22a(49; L); Xrbn 'in '3'OT these three (idolatries) are important AZ 42b(34); f. '3'OT 'im ]3'OT X"7 "\1T\ those (thorns) are not important, but these (trees) are important BB 83b(14; P1); Sab 139b(12); Er 29a(24); b. w. pron. subj.: 'OT 'XjahlX13 if I am important Ber 18b(50); Pes 112b(48); X13'OT 3OT'D I am extremely important 7am 32b(14); ri3'OT DX Ot^YTX 'VlsTl^'X1? are you (so) important (as) to mourn for Jerusalem? BQ 59b(4); X31D TO'OT you are very important Ber 18b(49); ]1'3'OTT ]1X we who are important Qid 72b(14); BB 10b(25); lrl'3'OT you are important Tan 7a(54; L); ib. 15b(43); 2. valuable: sg.m. XS03 ... 3'OTT X3m 3'OT xVt gold which is (more) valuable, silver which is less [lit. not] valuable BM 44a(43); ib. 44b(8); II. n.: notable, important person: m.pl. 'Xmm '3'OT the notables of the Romans Git 56b(15); ib. 58a(15); AZ 10b(2); '3'OT p lf\ XmsVaT one of the important people of the government ib. 17b(46); 3"iyai mTOT '3'OT -|1H those important people of east and west San 95b(55); f.sg. D^TTT XM3'OT a notable woman of GN Git 56a(32; MGD 626:26) Y: 3'tflj Sab 77a(13; BAYTN 56). KniS'^n n.f. importance, value (I 3'OT) I. importance: sg. bxiW flXT Xm3'OT the importance of Eretz Israel BB 146a(33); X3'X '» mi3np3 Xm3'OT is there importance in sacrifices? [i.e. is one type better than another?] Svu 15a(20); n'JTO'OTS P'l'X W'l'X each person according to his importance BB 145b(14); Tan 15b(42); Yev 76b(35); SM21b(27); 5e^31a(16); 2. value: sg. XJTQ'OTT X12;'1? a term of value Pes 36b(37) Y: Nri«'Wn BB 146a(33; BAYTN 176). ^'B^n adj. dark (4- Vl,OT pe., pass.part.; Sy pdAjjcij LS 262) sg.m. XD'OTT X^X3 in a place which is dark Pes 34b(15; V14) NS'tPn n.m. perh. evildoer (etym. unkn.) pi. X'3'OT1? X'JVT TlpSX renounce ownership of the olive orchards to the evildoers Suk 44b(28) Lit: Lieb, TK 1:380, interprets this word as referring to those who eat the produce of the sabbatical year. 1# V't^n adj. crushed (4- Vl# "7OT pe., pass.part.) pl.f. xrfJ'OT T3 crushed testicles Hul 93a(54; V11); ib. 93b(6) 487
2# b>yn 488 tftfn Lit: Eps, Stl 125. 2#^'fi/n adj. forged, fabricated (4- "to1?™) sg.m. xV'BNl N3.TJ forged gold £$//«' 2a(15) NflV'tfn, NTlV'tfn n.f. a dish made of pitted dates (< Akk hasilatu pi. a dish made of dates CAD H 141, > Arab aL^ refuse of dates Hava 124; 4- KD'-ID) sg. Ber 38a(19) Geon. expi.: prsnai ]im I'Biwi jnw m»3 rj'ian top pu ynpb wxtostyw'ton jm pa i'»to invyu Ar [AC 4:83, s.v. Kane]; Lit: Stol, Beer, 159; Flora 2:347; Y: NTltotfn Ber ib.(BAYTN 173). yt?T\ vb. to become dark, obscure, do something at night (4- X3Wn, TOT, X3OT, X713OT; Sy uyxjo LS 262, Ma "]OT MD 154) Pe. (a/ ) to become dark: a. of evening: XJ1X1 TJ7 "|OT by the time he came, it had become dark San 96a(8); ,!7 N3OT it has become dark for me BM 49b(2; F1) [of the beginning of the Sabbath]; 1J? X3OT1 HP 23:7 [of the end of the Sabbath]; b. of clouds: VWa J'X'JO 'Jjy "]Wn (if) the clouds have become dark their water is plentiful Tan 10a(14) Pa. 1. to make dark: JTO'OT X11i"U I made the light dark Bo 139:14; 2. to do s.t. at night: TOT 11PM 1'pn DHpl TOT3 TpJl prepare yourself at night and prepare yourself early in the morning (to do your bodily functions) Tarn 27b(36) Af. 1. to make dark: pass.part. XJIJI'X 'Erin fry X3OT8 XTTUTT the magic of a wicked woman (who) makes eyes dark Bo 54:7; pass.part. nax xsrom x-inxs '3m mwa ]3OTB1 xnnyBW because they dwell in a place of darkness [i.e. Babylonia] they recite obscure [lit. darkened] legal traditions Pes 34b(15) // Yom 57a(27) // Zev 60b(27) // Men 52a(28) // Bek 25b(28); 2. to do s.t. at night: 13'OTX1 IBHpx xniP'33 '31? go to the synagogue early in the morning and leave late at night Ber 8a(19); ib. 18 // Meg 20b(12); Ber 2b(26); 3. to await nightfall on the Sabbath (to do work at its conclusion) [caique < MH "Ptirn J 510, mng. 2]: '31OTXTa TOTB from the time that the Sabbath actually ends HP 4:16 Itpa. to grow dark: "]OT'X TttH iy by the time that he had come it had grown dark San 96a(8; F2K) [v. Pe.] XrtS&n, abs. NStPn n.f. dusk (4- V"]OT; TA Xfl5'OT TJ Is 54:11, Sy r^Aru LS 262) sg.abs. xaipi xsot xjraV xina xix33 tti 3T3 '33 3T3"7 should the students of the be rav who dwell in the rural district come to the be rav at dusk and at dawn? Pes 8b(15); X&ipi 13OT1 13N3 XpT VU'X X3OT1 it is they who err and compute (the time) of dawn and dusk Pes 94a(27); det. Xfflnps Xri3OT31 at dawn and at dusk BM 30b(51; Es) Y: NrDEm Pes ib.(BAYTN 183). l#Vtfn vb. to crush (4- lttX^Khn, lsV'OT adj.; Akk hasalu to crush, shatter CAD H 137, BA "?OT pe. to crush HALOT 1881) Pe.: pass.part. fpwa -\ri? *f?v in'x tiki "7'oti ]ii3 if, for instance, (the animal) is partially castrated [lit. crushed], and he comes (and) pulls them completely off Seel 122:3 Lit: Eps, Stl 125. 2#Vttm vb. to forge, fabricate (4- 2#V'OT adj., X^OT; Sy A v ., to forge, cast LS 263, Ma "7OT MD 154) Pe.: |"J '^3 Vl'J'a 'bOTI 01WB because they forge weapons from them /1Z 16a(7) This rt. should not be confused w. Vpn in Tg2Jb [contra Weiss, Tg2Jb 102], NV^n n.m. smith (4- V2#"?OT; Sy kLS<^xj6 metal worker LS 263) pl.cs. 'in '"7OT smiths (who make) kettles Ket 77a(39; V5) [expl. MH mm IISpMib. 7:10] Y: 'topn Xe/ ib. "ltfn vb. to distill (JPA ~IK?n DJPA 217) Pe. (/u): TB'B "HOT distill your waters 7/«w 25b(40; V21) E'tlTI vb. to care, be ill, take into consideration (4- 1# XOT, XPOT; cf. Sy x-u to feel sorry for s.o. LS 260) Pe. (a/u) 1. to care [w. -*?]: IX1? 'X Xn""131 X1p,!? XIP"m were it not that I care for people's honor AZ 20b(24); 2. to feel [w. "3]: 'xjnsi oxiBiD lyi 'xtzr-n xniaa '3 xi'wxm I felt (a cooling sensation) in my entire body [lit. from the hair of my head to the toenail of my foot] Sab 140a(28); Xlpl'3 OT »|0V "13 Xnx 3"1 X3'Vi PN felt 'heaviness of heart' ib. 39 [4- Xipv mng. 2]; ^Z 28a(18) [4- Xl'TSX]; 3. to be ill [w. -3]: n'3 OT1 XytJ Xinn a certain Arab who was ill from it [i.e. jaundice] Sab 110b(42); ib. KB/Bim 489 onn 33a(36); H'3 W"n mn OT'B he was seriously ill with it [i.e. gout] San 48b(45); m'jn OT he was ill in his eye Nid 20b(39); Bek 36b(12); W"m ,Ty'B3 he was ill in his intestines Sab 108a(31); 4. to take into consideration [w. "K/"^ s.t.; JPA VVT\ DJPA 217, MH WOT pe. LNVTH 174]: ]XB 'yaitf' "lVl XSp X:rf7 OT xVt one who did not take into consideration (the opinion of) the first Tanna and PN Bek 42b(9); nV itfin'm 1HB OT'B should you actually take it into consideration? Nid 39a(46); nV Win "7'T go (and) take it into consideration BB 135a(9); rfr Win Qid 13a(15); x-nmn1? vn x1? pn~n x-nrnrfr ©"n min' 'ni PN takes a thought (of sexual desire) into consideration, but the scholars do not Sot 8a(31) // San 45a(12); xVlpV'pX sm TOSH X^ipV'px Xty'TI x"7 ^y^T^ she takes into consideration harm to herself. She does not take into consideration harm to her progeny Yev 94a(24); xrrxm D'SIWV lI'WTn now that we take sorcery into consideration Sab 10b(20); Ber 52b(32); BM 27b(18); .T3 mn 'Vn tt?^^,,? let him take into consideration (that) perhaps he recanted BB 114a(9); Meg 25a(47); Bek 27b(l); lym'1? xVl 'Ta1? he should not have to take anything into account Dec 5:14 NtSWn, XtfNBTl n.m. suspicion (4- Vtftin) sg. A:J/ 27b(12); 5e/t 36a(28); /4Z 23b(7) [^ 4- 'XT11]; G(? 86b(15); Qid 60a(27); TXB 'T 'BXT na'X 'ax 'a inrpitnx1? n^iyn1? say that what PN said was only concerning a suspicion. Does he say (it) to presume that they (are suspect in all matters)? Bek 36a(l; V9); Yom 83b(36; E1); mm "IJ13 ''X n"?TX if you follow a suspicion Nid 17b(18); Xa*?y3 XWX2?n mere suspicion TGHark 277:31; rt>. 168:20; 272:24 Y: mpt} AZ 23b(7; BAYTN 42). l#Tin vb. to stir or rake coals (TA Tin pe. J 512, BH Tin pe. HAL 349, MH pe., pa. J 512) Pa.: xiDip ins p'Vo in1? Tina 'xt in1? Tina x1? ann in that case he does not rake the coals, for if he rakes them smoke will rise into them Sab 18b(ll) [2# 'Tin 4- V'ln vb.] TJIH adj. decisive (4- V"]nn pe., pass.part.) sg.m. X3Tin XTBl x:'3p a complete (and) decisive acquisition SSHai llb(8); ib. 7a(18); 9a(7) D'rin adj. sealed (I VDTin pe., pass.part.; Sy i<L^lj^_u LS 264) pl.m. 'BTin 'Vano 'sealed' ^.-garments Sab 58a(14) For a discussion of this pass., v. Beer, BE 83+; Y: 'DTin Sab ib. Nma'nn 4- xmann n. inn vb. to cut (4- XDirrn, fim; lbh, MH inn HAL 349, J 513) Pe.: a. meat: n'V *rnn yWto n'1? "?K?3ai he cuts it (first) into pieces and (then) cooks it Hul 98b(4); n'n"?ai .T3nn (if) he cut it and salted it ib. 93b(17); .TOTl'm 31JT1 Tl» myvp nnnV tear it [i.e. the liver] crosswise and cut it below ib. llla(27); lla(13); 69a(25); b. other: rbnnib inn'aV TIX xa1?^ perhaps he may be apt to cut (the reed) in the first place Sab 146b(18) Pa. id.: '-Utf,!? n'1? ptai n'1? ITina xa"?'T perhaps he will cut it [i.e. the thigh] and sell it to a Jew Hul 94a(4); nb nVai in1? -|Jina 'XT if he cuts them and salts them ib. 93a(34); 133a(ll); 16b(27); 95b(10) // Bes 28a(7); AZ 20b(25); pass.part. n'sa'o 'anna x"7 'xn nua'o 'Dnn'a nsio the vital organs of a terefa are cut. The vital organs of this one (which died a natural death) are not cut San 78a(19) DTin vb. to seal, sign, make a concluding blessing (4- xamn, DTtn, xann, xmann, xnann; Sy y,&-u LS 264, Ma DTin MD 154) Pe. (a/u) 1. to seal: a. containers: x"7nST XpJSWm n'ann'Vl let him seal it [i.e. the tube] with an iron seal Ber 6a(18; F); 'pJlSttm ]TTO n'anmVl let him seal it with sixty seals Sab 66b(41); pass.part. T"X □Tim tied and sealed AZ 31a(33); Nid 17a(15); xaTim Xp'12/ plastered and sealed AZ 31a(32); b. demons: xpasETua n'anm xV^n xirD3 n^oa'ai he covers it with a flint rock and seals it with a seal Git 68a(35); fin^y XM'Jim X31XS1 I tie and seal them Bo 6:6; ib. 7:2; 34:7; pass.part. j'ann ny3©3 ^waTim you are sealed with seven seals ib. 5:2; xrW3 xrr?33B T13X TiaTim riTOX you, the evil m.-demon, are tied and sealed ib. 77:1; 21:17; 80:8; 2. to validate: pass.part. 'a'rin BB 89b(34) [4- Xann]; 3. to sign: lainm 13iri3 n'1? 13m write, sign, and give (it) to him San 29b(50); SSHai lla(16); nann'-a"? Xtja '3
xarin 490 xnann T ; ; t xmiJ'Xb when he was about to sign the document Yom 77a(36); xyiiax run in -a nm Dnn Xn^pWXXl PN signed (as a witness) on an m.- document and on a deed of sale BB 48b(14); xb maxT maw ovim rrn maw «rrx p'3B/ a person does not abandon his own name and sign his father's name Git 87b(2); |13i'tt '"W "73 Win sign any two of you ib. 67b(14); XJB'nn 'TW X3TUX XpnB "?5? we, the witnesses, signed on the erasure BB 164a(ll); Ket 19a(9); pass.part. X"l»» Xinn XIX 13 xnx 311 X31 n^y D'nn mm a certain document upon which PN and PN2 were signed BB 167a(25); /& 57a(l); 5a« 26b(34); XJmXl Xnnn1* XM'a'Xim Hniy we, the witnesses, whose signatures are affixed below SSHai 16b (5); ib. 18a(7); 4. to make a concluding blessing, conclude [MH Dnn pe. J 514; cf. Sy >dJuj rc-^inA^ PSm 1409]: OTin 'XB3 DDTO with what (words) does he completely conclude the blessing? Ber 44a(54); ib. 49a(22); 60b(13); Pes 104a(46); 713 x"?l Dnn T13 nns he began (the Pentateuchal reading) and made a blessing. He concluded and did not recite a blessing Meg 22a(45) Pa. to counterseal: XJB'nnai XMTtm "p XJIXX "p I tie you, seal, and counterseal you Bo 7:3; pass.part. yv\ Xn>3 Dnnai D'nn this house is sealed and countersealed ib. 11:2; 40:2; 57:6; 1'ann ny3W3 DnnB countersealed with seven seals ib. 23:3 Af. 1. to let s.o. sign: 'W"n 1S1DT XBID'D Dlltfai .TV 'Bnnai they take into consideration the (possible) shame of the scribe and let him sign it [i.e. the document] Git 72a(5); 2. to provide with signatures: HHD D'TWI '5?3T *X8 3*7131 he writes what he wants (on the document) and provides (it) with signatures of witnesses BB 163a(26) itpe. l. to be sealed: ya ppm'm panrnm ... iTTTQ may you be sealed and be removed from the house of ... Bo 5:1; ib. 79:1; 21:19; xVl nV'u n^y x"7X jvpty p -iu annmx the judgment against them [i.e. the generation of the flood] was only sealed because of stealing Seel 4:2; 2. to be signed: DOninrrVl 'Bpa 'Vpltf '3 x1* ja3»@'DTs DOiunn'Vi imV ja:iy@'onis ,l?pB' when do (the judges) take (a bribe)? Before the protocol of investigation is signed. They do not take (a bribe) after the protocol of investigation is signed Git 28b(27); iTJ121J13 x'Wa nanrrxi xaa'3 mime 3n 13 x"m PN's ketubba was drawn up in the daytime and was signed at night Git 18a(38) KttJTin n.m. seal, sealing, validation (I Vonn, xnann; Sy rd^j^vu LS 264, Ma xanxn MD 128) l. seal, sealing: sg. tnx nanm xann xinn- m3 nvb nxaip that seal with which the first man sealed Seth, his son Bo 11:3; KVW xann pn this strong sealing ib. 39:3; 64:23; 81:4; xann Xaty nai X3T the great seal of the Master of the World ib. 57:8; 8:4; 82:9; pl.abs. nj?3P3 Jima'Tin ]'ann you (demons) are sealed with seven seals ib. 5:3; 21:4; 24:3; 25:3; 45:3; 2. validation: sg. byv x1? xann 'tm iy wnm x-inx3 in a place where (the measures) are (officially) validated, (the buyer) does not take (the purchase) until he sees the validation BB 89b(34) Nniann, Nnia'nn n.f. sealing (I VDnn, xnann; MH2b nianh Yeivin, BV 1056), sg.cs., only in phrase NT mavm/fflann signature (4- XT): n'B'JH "WXl ,TT mavinx T.10X1 he testified as to his signature and as to (that of) one who was with him Ket 21a(31); Git 26b(35); BB 57a(3); Geon 150:22; TGAs27 23:11; QWrf? 'yT x"n lT'T maTin they do not know how to sign their signatures Git 66b(35); XT mann ID 'V 'TO show me your signature BB 167a(9); ib. 164a(23); xvi 3pyn ixVi xt mann xns ra u'jnn we know that this signature is not that of NN ib. 161a(16); SSHai 14b(19); X3Bip xpmBi ]B1 U.TT mann Xn3'nBi X3X33 since their signature [i.e. of the witnesses] is recognized by us in the Geonic court TGHark 276:26 Voc: NT ni»nn HPP 202:18; NT nio'liri HGP 3a:36; Y: niO'Jin BAYTN 176. Nnann n.f. sealing (I Vonn, xann, xmann; Sy rc'^sivju SIB 184, Ma xnaxnxn MD 128) sg. mbwi Xnann the sealing of Solomon Bo 39:3; ib. 81:4; xmoiVi xnannbi naon1? nyap pn XniDxVl this amulet is for muzzling, sealing, guarding, and healing ib. 102:1; 3:1; 16:1; 33:2; pn 491 "inn 50:5; 56:3; xnann na the master of sealing ib. 8:1 ITin vb. to relate by marriage (4- Xinn; Sy _£\_«j etpa. LS 264, Ma ]nn pa. MD 155) Pa.: pass.part. XJ3 innaT IXB(X) 'VUB1 some of them are related to us by marriage iSGF 107:2; jnn'B ib. 102:15 Itpa. to be related by marriage: UWTX DTC/B in3 (l){,)3nn,X Xm because of (a desire) to be related by marriage. They were, in fact, related to them by marriage (by the betrothal) Ket 47b(9); ib. 102b(13) NJJin, pi. '3Jin, NJllljrin n.m. bridegroom, son- in-law, relative by marriage (I V]nn; TA x5nn TO Ex 4:25, Sy rdjdvjj LS 264, Ma XJnxn MD 128; mng. 3: Sy .,n uiV i^-^sn rc'ocb rdi^vjj 2K 8:27, Akk hatanu relative by marriage CAD H 148) 1. bridegroom: sg. xn^Sl X3nn bridegroom and bride Git 57a(16); X3nm XTl'DT xn"?31B 'SB the preoccupation of the bridegroom (with the wedding arrangements) is more than that of the bride Hul 83a(26); Geon 78:12; 2. son-in-law: sg. man '3 iTaV x:nm msm ixVt a son-in-law does not usually dwell in his father-in- law's house BB 98b(10); Yev 52a(22); Xion 3T mann Qid 81b(46); Ket 62b(23); Git 34a(23); Ned 51a(8); Hul 95b(12); pi. 'Jnn Sab 23b(38) [Ed: Xmunn]; Xnxiinn Xl^an five sons-in-law BM 109a(35); ib. 114b(15); 3. relative by marriage: sg. mn nX'2?1 '31 Xinn 1'in '1 PN was a relative by marriage of the House of the Nasi MQ 25b(24); Yom 78a(ll); Hul 124a(46) Y: NJJin BB 98b(10; BAYTN 83). inn vb. to break in (4- xmnnB; Sy iALo to shake LS 265, Ma 2#inn MD 155) Itpe. to be broken into: nxa rf?n x'T1? xinn ninn'x '"llD'SS xnxinna three hundred break-ins took place in GN that night San 109a(48); nnnnx nn3»3 xnxinna yyyo MQ 25b(40)
'tJNB 492 miS D 'BStJ vb. to sweep (artificial borrowing < BH KVX.V HAL 352; 4- Xfl'DXD) Quad.: Tfi'DKD Vlptf Tfl'3 'DXD1 take the broom and sweep your house RH 26b(21; GRH 18:33) [quoted to explain BH IBtfn XDXDa3 n'JIXDXDl Is 14:23] // 'Vlptf XJT3 'DXD1 XTl'DXD A/eg 18a(48; M2) Nri'DND n.f. broom (4 V'DXD) sg. ^TFVSa RH 26b(22;TGRH 18:33) II Meg 18a(48; M2) Y: xrPDXB Meg ib.(BAYTN 188). [fttTlKD 4- 'piSD n.] 3D adj. good, precious, adv. very much, n. good (4- Vara, X2D1?, kid xar, 'Vya; TA 3D TO Gen 2:9, Sy -^ adJ- adv- LS 269> Ma 3XD MD 171) I. adj. 1. good: a. as pred.: sg.m. T3pl TSn n'J'B 3D (one for whom a grave) is dug and is buried is better off than he Sab 152a(26); XJ'X13 X"lpS 313 a b.-plant is better than a gourd Ket 8-3b(9) [+ ll's; 4- xrX13 mng. 1]; n \B 2W1J? 30 iVanX 3JTBVa it is preferable (for a woman) to dwell in matrimony than to dwell in an unmarried state Yev 118b(38) [+ ll's; 4- n ]V]; Hor 12a(45) // Kar 6a(12); f. '0"p XJl'WB XTiWtIIB xny'3 X3D XrfrlD one soft-boiled egg is better than six (/.-measures of fine flour Ber 44b(17); Yom 85b(22) // Meg 7a(50) // Hag 10a(42); n'1? X3t5T n'^> nay they did for him what was good for him (by investing his money) Ket 81b(35); Qid 73a(23); San 96a(26) [4- XnS3]; pl.m. Iin 'a 'til '"7'pm '3XD are there zuzim which are (both) good and weighed [i.e. have full weight]? BM 69b(l); SSHai 4a(7); ib. 14b(8); Tan 20a(38; Mai 79:20[Var]) // San 106a(12); b. w. preceding n.: sg.m. 3D |13"ia 3D ubv a good greeting from a good teacher Tan 24b(34); X3D XB^n a good dream Ber 55a(48); X3D X13 a good son Ket 53a(4); f. XI13D XJ110X a good healing Bo 39:4; pl.m. '3XD 'BVlj? 'good blows' Ara 22a(13) // Men 7a(19) [I XD^ip mng. 3]; 2. precious: sg.f. X3D )3X precious stone BB 74b(7; P1); II. adv. much, a lot: n'V ian 3D 3D strike him very much Git 14b(7; Ar [AC 4:2]); III. n. 1. good: sg.m.abs. W21? 3D ]'3 between good and evil San 103a(37); 3D1? X3»m T3VT na "?3 everything which the Merciful One does is for good Ber 60b(58); 2. good person: sg.m. Xff'3 'in X1? X3D a good person does not become an evil one Ber 29a(7) Y: X3B5er44b(19;Mo96). Nj?fUtJ, XpraV n.m. a meat dish (< Mir *tabahak stewed meat [cf. NP tabaha PED 278], > Arab UaUL Persian dish Hava 427; 4- xpSD, x'no) pi. xanj (63 'pn3D 'pn3D 'Vdx wis 'in Persians eat various kinds of meat dishes without bread Er 29b(49) [Var: 'pn3D GnK5 172:10] Geon. expi.: pen jmx I'tawi -rum imx I'nsw TO3 °?w tow 'prDB GnK5 ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 198, rejects Nold's deriv. < 4- Vri3B; Tel 75; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]; Y: >j?ri3B Er ib.(BAYTN 217). &y\2U, N113'0 n.m. navel (BH 1130 HAL 352) sg. nni3'D3 XXlVn Ip'y the essence of the life force is in his navel Sot 45b(41); '03 'BWO 713153 XIUC^IDX to overturn cups on the navel on the Sabbath Sab 66b(20) [as a remedy] Y: K113B Sab ib.(BAYTN 244). nStf vb. to slaughter an animal, slay (4- xn3D; Sy . ij t» \, to slaughter LS 266, Ma 2# X3D to cook MD 176) Pe.: 1. to slaughter an animal: in1? n3D1 'in a'JJI iy until he steals two (animals) and slaughters them BQ 67b(21); ib. 68b(26); 71b(5) // Ket 34a(26); x"?1 XTin nn3D1 ~pfrl xnySB n'i'a m>3X you will slaughter an ox and will not eat from it because of the sorrow of your heart Ber 56a(15); 2. to slay, kill: n3D mn Krnt? 493 i#ta» in"af?1 in'IWaV in1? (the wind ni3D) would have killed their human beings [i.e. the Israelites] Sab 129b(23) Sn3B, NnNatt n.m. butcher, slaughterer (4WmD, Xn3D '3, 3#X3J2; TA xfi3D TJ IS 9:23, Sy «Lu-LX LS 266) sg. 13 IxVl X3X XH3D IX1? X3X xn3D I am neither a butcher nor a son of a butcher Hul 93a(10; H2); BM 109a(47) // BB 21b(10) [in a list of professions]; Sab 156a(44); D3n (neap 'rao no x"?n 'nao 'xn a butcher who did not inspect his knife before a scholar ib. I8a(5); xann '213tV n(')(wn mm xn3D xinn a certain butcher who was suspected of selling (forbidden) fat Bek 29b(32); psn Xn3D Xinn n'T 'Jlina XJIB'ID a certain butcher who let a terefa go out from his possession (as permitted meat) San 25a(21); X1?! Xn3Da X"W3 xfrpv 'XT nrfrx1? 'an X3a7P if I take meat from a butcher and do not pay him immediately Yom 86a(31); MQ 16a(27); BQ 23b(39); pi. XTlXBi 'nX3D inVia n'Dna all the butchers of GN San 7b (16) // Hor 3b(34); 'n3DT XplB/ the butchers' market Hul 48a(47); ib. 76a(25); 132b(ll); Sab 119a(12); Bek 30a(6) While the term 'butcher' has been used throughout here, the term actually designates a person whose profession involves both the slaughtering and the selling of meat; Y: XrQB Sab ib. KpmtJ 4- Xpn3D n. '313 vb. to sink (Ma 1#X3D MD 176) 4- VjHD vb. KJ3B, pi. '3tt, '3KB n.m. deer (TA X'3D TO Dt 12:15, Sy i<iV. \, LS 266, Ma X'3XD MD 173) sg. BQ 19b(47); San 95a(37); AnanSch 24:5; X'3DD V'VpT X3"?B a king who is swift as a deer Ket 11 la(38); X'3DT XTO'3 the flesh of a deer Er 39b(22); San 105a(51); 'xV'y '3T X'3D the deer of GN Hul 59b(22) [expl. MH tt?np ib.]; ib. 26; pi. '3XD XIT'SI I shall catch deer BM 85b(22) // '3D Ket 103b(43) Y: SUB Hul ib.(BAYTN 83). Nn^'St? n.f. ritual immersion (4- Vl#"?3D; cf. MH n?'3D Yeivin, BV 884) sg. Xni^'SOV mVDa they abolished ritual immersion Ber 22a(42); X'n X1133 xmV'SD yy the main method of ritual immersion is in fire San 39a(49) [cf. Num 31:23] Y: XrilV'SB San ib.(BAYTN 176). Kfliy'SB, cs. niS?'3t? n.f. impression (I Vj/3D; Sy r^Ai^, v . -^ \^ sunkenness LS 267) sg.cs., only in phrase N3'5f niyatJ impression of a form (4- xry): a. visual: X3'J? my'3DB *py MS'O a sign (identifying an object) is preferable to an (identification by) an (imprecise) impression of a form Hul 95b(46); mj/'3D3 ]i2ia xsms1? nnnx^ XJ'V to return (the object) to a s.m. on the basis of (an identification from an) impression of a form BM 23b(53); Git 27b(23); Hul 96a(l); b. audial: x"7pn X3'J7 my'3D (recognition by means) of the impression of a voice Git 23a(42) Y: niy'?B Hul 96a(l; BAYTN 176). vb. to immerse oneself for ritual purification, dip food (< BH 1#V3D pe. HAL 353; 4- XnrTSD, X"?13'D) Pe. (e/u): b'3D XBn 3T Xno'DI xai' '"?J/a3 PN used to immerse himself on the eve of Passover Ber 22b(43); Vl3D Dip nDS msyi immerse yourselves and perform the Passover sacrifice Pes 69b(9); Yom 19a(31); Meg 20a(38); Nid 67b(44); X"in33 l'3aT '1 "?13D'1 mm let him descend and immerse himself seven times in the river HM 40:7; Ber 18b(8); '3 "?3D'n '572 X'a3 n'Vl3 n'liy'3 "?"5n p'n he is required to immerse himself so that his whole body enters the water Anan 52:14; ... "?3D XD'n 71Wab nnap 'D "?3D X1133 when (God) buried Moses where did he immerse himself? He immersed himself in fire San 39a(47); pass.part. ]V>3D X1? '3 not having immersed themselves (f.) Kar 10a(18) Pa. to dip food in a condiment or liquid before eating it: X^'SDa 'Xm 'bl3D I may certainly dip (each slice in salt) Sab 108b(20); 'VI3D mnB 'J73 he has to dip (the bitter herb) a second time Pes 114b(5); 'pT3 "?'3Da pns' "\ PN used to dip with vegetables ib. 107b(14); Suk 36b(ll); Hul 46a(17) Af. to immerse s.o./s.t. for ritual purification: nVl3DXV '5?X3 Xpl 'XaD'X it became impure, and he wants to immerse it Pes 46a(10); Yev 46a(21); Hag 22b(19); AZ 75b(47); K^'^'SDa xap yi3iy Xmb'^a n"? during the first week we order her to immerse herself at night Nid 29b(22); n1? n^vb
2#V3D 494 i#inu xaa'3 let us order her to immerse herself in the daytime ib. 30a(19) 2# !?3B vb. to become level, i.e. being subject to the setting aside of priestly and Levitical shares (< MH2 2#'?3B pe. J 517; 4 x'n'B) Pe. 1. to become tevel: n'BTO p1W\ so that (the ears of grain) will become tevel on that day [i.e. the holiday] Bes 13a(7); ib. 9; 13; 2. pass.part. to be in a state of tevel: ^Bnxa 'b'3B1 'TB fruit which has been in a state of tevel since yesterday ib. 37a(9); Er 36a(21); AZ 41b(27) Itpe. w. "V to become tevel [MH2 -1? VlDJ J 517]: "WyfeV in"? "JID'K they became tevel regarding tith(es) BM 89b(36); ib. 92b(18); 93a(27) n.m. a musical instrument (4 X^SJl; Sy r«l!L=4, drum LS 266, Ma x"73XB MD 173, > Arab JU> Fr, AF 284; cf. Akk tap/balu musical instrument AHw 1320, mng. 4) sg. x"?3B *7p» the sound of the /.-instrument MQ 9b(34); 55 145b(9); Ber 57a(51); &6 110a(9); H'T'll Dpi X^>3B3 m1? >pBl n'VmV (the Arab) hamstrung his camel, banged it with the /.-instrument, and it got up San 67b(31); XaiS im X^3B a /.- instrument with one opening Sot 49b(20) [expl. MH 01TX Mib. 9:14]; XJ1TU X"?3B a /.g> instrument ^ra 10b(46; Ar [AC 2:350]) [expl. MH 'trVmn ib.; 4 xmu] Lit: Low, Lehnw 42, s.v. 2#01TX; ib. 255; Y: iftx Ber ib.(BAYTN 83). SDtJ, '30 vb. to drown, sink, strike a coin (4 xmyaB, xjjdib, ltxjn'B, 2#xy3>B; Sy .\ jx\ LS 267, Ma 1# X3B MD 176) Pe. (a/) 1. to drown: mUHS JDCH xn3J Xinn a certain man who drowned in the Tigris Yev 121 a(6); ib. 20; 121b(42); Sab 108b(22); Sot 21b(18); BQ 117b(33); BM 93b(34); X3J?3B1 XDXipa X^'SJ I shall jump from the sailyard and drown Tan 21a(26) // Ket 69b(38); ?3B Xp mn 'jVfl XBa 'D when he reached the middle (of the river holding on to the rope) he was drowning Ket 112a(44); plBJ? VIJ3 JIJDB DX if you are drowning in a deep river HM 45:3; 2. to sink: XJDtn X31X X'.TI XniPX3 a certain boat which sank (in the canal) up to its hold Pes 40b(2); Ned 50a(36); 'X3B n'3"iX may your [lit. his] ship sink! BB 153a(26; HAr [AC 4:5]) [a curse; v. expl. R.G. infra]; 3. to strike a coin: pass.part. Xm XoVlS Xim pa'OXl J?'3B an '. which is an unstruck blank TGHark 45:29 Pa. to sink s.t: a. objects: 'jmB1? X'JIXT x"?J 'Xn XTU'DD a wave which is about to sink a boat BB 73a(18); ib. 24a(26); XB,!7 mjttB XlB'a XflX rain came (and) sank it [i.e. the food that was prepared] into the sea Hul 60a(l 1); b. people: 'XT p xjtcbq mn p X3ipa xnrso mm ix^ were it. not that the boat was close to us, (the sea monster) would have caused us to drown [lit. it would have sunk us] BB 73b(23) Itpe. to be inset: H3 J?3B'B mm xn^Blp X'iTI ni'VrMI miB D'WX a certain basket which was inset with precious stones and pearls ib. 74a(46; MGG 50:17) [Es: JJ73BB] Expl. R.G.: maai iwbo yxrm inWpi nmx rtyew nwnm. For the use of the pf. to express a wish, v. Satzlehre 36. flap n. Tmrt, the fourth month (< Akk Tebetu AIOA 115; JPA KO DJPA 220) sg. niWl ,1310 XmmfUa D3B1 fortunate is the year that Tevet is 'disfigured' [i.e. due to the mud from the rains] Tan 6b(30); D3B3 'jnsi '1«m3 'DPI (students) who borrow in Twri and repay in Tevet BM 72b(38); BB 171b(23); 5M73b(14); Xsnn xn3'P J13BT full strength i.-beverage of Tevet Git 69a(34); iSGF 96:14; TOO nDipn winter solstice /?// 21a(21); AZ 75a(29); J13B nT »n the first day of the month of /ever /#> 184:23 Voc: TOO HGP 27b:25; Y: fUB Tan ib. ]JU vb. to fry, torment (denom. < xfiyavov Lehnw 261; 4 l#XJr»; Sy ^J^ to broil, torment LS 268, MH2 ]1B pi. to cause agony J 530) Itpa. 1. to be fried: m ybyb X*?l pen X1?! BHS'XS (so that the animal) should not be fried and the blood should not be absorbed in the limbs HG3 120:12; 2. metaph. to be tormented: pB'H BB 8a(36; TGAs42 157:14) [expl. by JBA IB lyDX'D ib.] l#TIt} vb. to be ritually clean, purified (< H TIB J 520; 4 Vl#'3"T) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to be ritually clean: X13J "inB the man became (ritually) clean Ber 2b(l); nXX J1XB1BB "lnBa1? .Tjroi VCV 'PXB he washes his hands and his feet to be clean from 2#-in& 495 t t : the uncleanness of excrement Anan 36:12; 2. fig. in phrase N»V "WO the sun set [lit. became purified; 4 Vl#'3T itpa.]: Ber 2a(35) [expl. BH TJB1 tiafn X31 Lev 22:7]; /& 2b(3); 7; 10 Pa. 1. to declare s.o./s.t. ritually clean: '1 xm TIBS Xp mnB 'S^J? does not PN, in fact, explicitly declare him ritually clean? Hul 124b(13); ib. 126a(2); n'TlB 'am the Merciful One declared it clean Nid 9a(l); ib. 20b(3); 21b(44); SM 84b(13); nnnB H2?p mm X3'H "?31 wherever (the ground) was hard he declared it clean Sab 34a(5); 2. to make s.o./s.t. ritually clean: PT3»p mnBV XT3J the man intends to make (his utensils) clean Git 54a(43; V18); TTD'X nX'Sp 'Xn3 mi»SJ mnB1? he intended to make himself clean (from the Jim?) by this cut Bek 34b(15); -\)lb inrmTIB -pnonp +,X had I dealt with you beforehand, I could have purified your sons (from their mamzer-status) Qid 69a(ll; M) Itpa. to become ritually clean: Xin "j'SBT 1V3 "inO'X XJa'T as soon as he immersed himself once he became clean Kar 8a(50); VoXl TIB'ST he may become clean and eat (of the sacrifice) Zev 102b(l); Anan 51:13 Geon. expl.: nyxyw p Vl^X Spl'l the air will be purified by the (sun's) rays OHP Ber 107:1 [Pe., mng. 2]. 2# intt vb. to shine at noon (denom. < 4 XTPB) Pe.: XaTH Xj"?S mn XIH'B TIB (if) noon shone, it was the middle of the day Yom 59a(33) 3113 vb. to be good, pa. to clean (4 30 adj., adv., X31B, xrUlB, xm3'B; Sy c^cv\ LS 269, Ma 3X0 MD 171) Itpa. to be cleaned (of a lamp) [caique < MH 310 pa., hif. J 521]: x"7 'in D'piST ixb- 'X H'1? X3"Bna mn if (the lamp) is not of sections, it cannot be cleaned Men 88b(22; §M) Af. to do good to s.o.: may"? 3'Oia X31D ]1iS He does good for His people out of (His) goodness Tan 24b(34) K31t3 adv. much, many, n.m. choice produce (4 V310; TA X3l0 TJ Is 1:19; cf. Sy .-.\^ adv. LS 269, mng. 5, Ma 3XD well MD 172) I. adv. much, many, a lot: a. alone: 1) as predicate: X310 wra XDW there is much between them [i.e. a large discrepancy] RH 32a(44); Yom 25a(48); AZ 10b(9); Tin X31B X3Tn there are many today RH 23b(9); m X310 nina there were indeed many (prophets) Meg 14a(30); BQ 56a(24); 2) in verbal phrases: X31B n'1? '3"3 xn (if), in fact, (his teeth) hurt him a lot AZ 28a(16); X31D TittTX in XHV one day he drank a lot (of wine) Pes 110b(19); X31B ,!7 Tiysa Xp they are vexing me a lot Git 7a(16); Ber 7a(29); nsp Tin X31B they were very fastidious BB 160b(25); Tan 9b(4); BB 73b(25); San 14a(37); X31B XB'B? BW» (the dove) actually flies a lot BQ 83a(36) // BB 23a(19); ib. 27b(15); X31B xm>'» in1? Xp'm mn they were very poor Tan 21a(3); Zev 76a(25) [# 4 l#XJl"nS mng. La]; b. in appos. to a n.: 1) preceding: sg. X3B73 in X31B many Sundays Ned 12a(16); XDn XD'X X3X 13 X3X X31B there are many (people) here (named) PN b. PN Ber 18b(44); 2) following: sg. X31B XnxiT much profit TGAs28 77:27; pi. X31D 'Xnp many biblical verses Ber 7a(29); X31B |'nmx many guests Sab 127a(32); X31B 'W many years BB 30b(20); X31B Xtt"3n many (wine) jugs AZ 70b(ll); lin X31B n'DS'J n,!? WBl he had a very large estate Sab 119a(21); X31B XnX'M many barraitot iSGF 43:19; c. w. an adj.: X3TO n'J'a »'»p xm is he not, in fact, much older than he? Nid 8b (1); X31D Wtt'Sm Wiax you say that you are very wise Ber 56a(2); X31B Jfflnm Xnn Xp I see that you are very clever Hul 110b(6); xman X31B XnV'a the matter is very strange TGHark 193:11; II. n. choice produce: sg.m. Vxw flXT X31B the choice produce of Eretz Israel Yev 47a(14); Anan 19:4 Lit: Satzlehre 97 [mng. I.b]; Voc: K31B HGP 27b:7; Y: N3TO Sab 15a(45; BAYTN 333). - ("V) '311: n.m.pl.cs. fortunate is ... (TA '3TB TJ IK 10:8, Sy -\ .-^"A, LS 269, s.v. rd~i<A, mng. 2, Ma '1 n31B MD 176) rOBT nriEn n31B XnVni'lM fortunate is the year that Tevet is 'disfigured' [i.e. due to the mud from the rains] Tan 6b(30); ib. 28; V"IK\ yovi pb n'3T0 fortunate is he who heard (disparaging comments) and closed his ears San 7a(21); ib. 99b(13) Y: '3W San ib. Xa'^aiB n.m. fortunate one (4 ^310; cf. Sy
496 nVib <<AAc\ LS 270, Ma X'JXSIB saints MD 176) sg. 'B'Dm X3"31B most fortunate one of the wise men Ket 40a(20); Git 26b(31); Kar 13b(32) Appellation of R. Elazar b. Samua'; Y: XpiB Ket ib.(BAYTN 162). K3j;ait3 n.m. flood (4- Vy3D; LJLA NJJ731B Weiss 314, Sy i^s Sc4, submersion LS 267) pi. 'JXW31' X1?! 'JNyaiD (better) floods and not droughts Tan 10a(24) Y: 'Jjpw Tan ib. N'TIB, abs. 'TIB, pi. 'NIB n.m. roasted dish tt;7 t : 7 r " t : (4- Vl# 'ID, "X1B 13; Sy rtjk\ roasting LS 269) sg.abs. 'IB XJlVlfi a third (of the fish) as a roasted dish MQ lla(37); '11B3 X'n nmiX 1W it is customary (to serve) meat as a roasted dish BQ 19b(47; Ar [AC 4:18]); pl.det. XTU NrDrWB X3'H 'NIB X3'N1 N'J^S '33 x"?X where is there fire? Only in the house of NN where there are roasted dishes Am 15b(50; MGL 382:3) Y: NJID MQ ib.(BAYTN 83). N011B n.m. peacock (< xacix; Lehnw 257; TA j'DlB pi. TJ IK 10:22, Sy rC£>ci\ LS 271, Ma N01NB MD 173) sg. X0TID1 XEm a peacock's head Hul 116a(37) // X01XB1 X»n &A 130a(27) Y: XD1B &A ib.(BAYTN 83). [JTflB vb. to fast (literary borrowing < BA [ri3] flip [Dan 6:19] HALOT 1883; Sy lnk\ LS 269; 4- miB) Pe.: TllD T131 VH3N N1?! he did not recite the havdala and spent the night fasting Pes 107a(13)] miB n.m.abs. fast (4- miB adv.) sg. X^l D^n "73 miB every dream needs a fast 5er 55a(47) Y: nilB Ber ib. J'TIB n.m. picnic (< Mir *tozig [cf. NP toi schoolboy's picnic PED 335]) sg. AZ 14a(39) Lit: Geig, AAC 200; Tel 76; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]; Y: 1'tlB AZ ib. BIB vb. to draw dots (4- NDVB, Vim pa.) Pa.: H'1? D"DB1 he draws dots on it [i.e. the blank portion of the document] BB 163a(20; P1); ib. 21 Geon. expl.: TpiO D'ty JTO'firf? >OB» DVp p Wf»] (Iffl WIN nnipj nnipi n: mix TGAs42 150:21. D1t3 interj. blowing of the shofar (onomatopoeic; cf. English toot) "I0X BIB "HO BID blowing releases (the excommunication and) blowing binds (it) MQ 16a (31) Lit: Geig, AAC 200; Y: BID MQ ib. NflSBiB n.f. phylactery (< BH niBBiB pi. HAL 357; TA xfiSDID TJ 2S 1:10, Ma XDD'DID amulet MD 177) sg. -nox xnsoiBX xjrm may it is forbidden to defer (the phylactery) of the arm to the phylactery (of the forehead) [i.e. to put on the latter first] Yom 33b(8; L); ib. 9; TGAs28 67:4; xhd 'ax nnnxi htisbib1? rbpv he took his phylactery and placed it on the pillow MQ 26a(39) [// 'r>'DTl PT MQ 83b(44)] Y: XMBiD Yom ib.(BAYTN 202). 1#'1B vb. to roast (4- '11D '3, X'lID, '1DB; Sy 2# ,c\ pa. LS 269, Ma 1#X1D pe., pa. MD 176) Pe.: nnab inrVaai xrrxn in^'iBab ina is it permitted to roast them today and to eat them tomorrow? Bes 4a(38); 'JXlVl ?f>y '1DB1? to roast g.-fish upon it Ber 10b(10; MGL 588:22); XTTD mnxa iT'YID^ he should roast a fish in its 'brother' [i.e. with salt] MQ lla(38); 12 ,!7 'ID XHIX roast a duck for me Sab 142b(45); Bes 33a(25); Hul 110a(29); BB 74b(20); H'IB'31 NTUm let him roast it in an oven Git 69b(32); ib. 40; 69a(13); 113 ty n'rt' 'ID roast it [i.e. the fish] over fire San 100b (17); pass.part. 3TD '11D '3 'X '3'T if when it is roasted, (the blood) completely runs out Hul 133a(10); X'lD XpTW roasted ... Sab 109a(15) [4- XpTtf note] Pa. id.: 'IB X1?! 'IB he partially roasted (it) Ber 44b(49); inV '1DS1 "n ina n'XIX 1JH5 they bring (the animals) while they are still alive and roast them Anan 67:11 = AnanSch 23:4; pass.part. X'1D» Ber 44b(49) [* 4- "n adj., mng. 2a] Itpe. to be roasted: Xp 1132/ nana 'IBS Xp '31 'ID'a it is only roasted on account of the (metal) spit Pas 74a(9); BQ 19b(47); X'ID'XT X71T3 X'nn X"I03 'in3 a certain 6.-fish that was roasted with meat Pes 76b(31) 2# 'IB vb. to spin thread (BH 'ID pe. HAL 357) Pe.: nan m nan 'ti'ibt xnmnn xBin a crimson thread which a woman of ill repute spun Git 69b(49) [4- V2# 'Iti pe.]; '"ID xp San 95a(45; M) [4- V"?Ty pe.] N^IB, cs. ^13 n.m. shade, shadow, protection tmbva t : 497 warn tt : (i Vl#V?D, X"?1D 13, s.v. 1#X13 mng. 12b; TA X?1D TJ Ju 9:36, Ma X*71D MD 177; cf. Sy ^VV\, LS 275) 1. shade, shadow: sg.cs. V)D Xnrn the shade of a fig tree San 18b(38); Pes lllb(7); det. nU3 X"?1D "?'S3 "?sr» xn'm p'31 since (the sukka) is spacious, the shade (of the covering) falls completely within it Suk 2b(17); X"71D H'1? '13jn '»"p lim nS'S in^n lTn they saw certain birds which were providing him with shade (with their wings) BM 86a(37); n'W3"31 X"?1D3 let him dry it [i.e. the scorpion] in the shade Git 69a(2) [cf. Ma x"?1D3 tf'ax'l MD ib.]; AZ 28b(10); X1? nyDSH Xpl Xtt?0'tt?3 3'ri'l N37I a'ri'j lp'i xb lyosa xpi x^ioa x^ioa a'n'3 ip'j XWD'lPa if he is sitting in the sun and is suffering, he should not get up (and) sit in the shade. (If he is sitting) in the shade and is suffering, he should not get up (and) sit in the sun Yom 74b(ll); Ned 23a(l); Sab 128a(52); Bes 25b(34); Ket 112b(l); BM 84a(22); Hul 57b(43); X"?1B "IJ73 XBB'3T XT1X 15?3 X'V'bai by day (the rams) used to seek shade and by night they used to seek (cool) air Er 102a(39); X'JDT X^IB ... X1S3T X*71B the shadow of the morning/evening Pes lllb(34); n'lam X^IB the shadow of another person ib. 11 la(36); n'CTBXI X"?1D the shade of his mansion Ket 62a(36); Bes 24a(24); San 98b(9); pl.abs. fVm Bo 88:3 [type of demons]; det. 'VlB 7WW\ nn there are five shadows Pes lllb(7); ib. 15; 2. metaph. protection, in phrase "VlD3[calque < Akk ina silli AIOA 58; OfA V7V2 DNWSI 423]: sg. WJH x'jIBa 'X ^TO3 'X either under Your protection or under the protection of Esau [i.e. Rome] Git 17a(2) Y: X'PIB Yom 74b(ll; BAYTN 160). NaVlB, pi. '»VltJ n.f. loaf (of bread; TA yabis xfirrri pi. tj is 17:17, Sy r^klc^,, ri'hLinl^ bread LS 277, Ma xn&X^ID MD 177, > Arab 5jdL Fr, AF 35) sg. X»H3T XH^ID a loaf of bread Afeg 15b(2; G); pi. X»n3T '»VlD ib.(M2) Y: 'aVlB A/cg ib.(BAYTN 150). xn'aVits 4- xrr^B n. NB^IB n.m. medlar (cf. Sy %X\ to be spotted LS 279) pi. '^1D 5er 40b(48) [expl. MH D'-nriy MDem 1:1] Lit: Flora 3:244; Geig, AAC 202; Y: 'efrlD Ber ib. [DIB 4- Vaao] NTlKaTO, abs. HNaiB n.f. uncleanness (4- V'»D; t t ' t : v ' Sy r^<<J3o\ LS 279) sg.abs. nx»1D 'mi spirits of uncleanness Bo 53:3; det. 'TO'IX 'XDID 'Via all of them are (considered to be) a long (period of) uncleanness Naz 18a(33); pi. X7MTT nftlrl xnxttlDI evil amulet spirits and unclean spirits Bo 18:8; /& 35:7 ]1t3 4- V2# ]J?D vb. l#N3i!3 n.m. argument (< X3J?1D*; 4- Vl#]yD) sg., only in phrase "piD» (I shall put forth my claim) from your (own) argument RH 4a(5); Zev 32b(24);//«/ 132a(l; V") 2# MIB 4- X31VD n. 3# MIB 4- X31DX n. DIB vb. to fly (Sy ,m\^ LS 271, Ma DIB MD 178) Pe.: ]'D'D Xp mm '1SX ~\17\ certain birds which were flying BM 86a(37; SM 145:11) KJVjntJ n.f. error (4- V'yD; Sy yl^c^ f. LS 282) sg. LPT 153:34 [expl. as D"?J ib., i.e. JJi] 1# «]1t3 vb. to overflow (4- X1S1D; Sy .°>\, pe., af. LS 271, Ma 1# «]1D pe. MD 178) Af. to inundate: H'S'DI X»' lia'Vy IDX he caused the sea and its shore to inundate you Bo 78:14 2#r]')t3 vb. to glance around (etym. unkn.) itpa.: 'S'D'a xynxa n'3'yi xmx 13 V'txi V'sb; the duck goes continuously downstream, and its eyes glance around at the ground (for food) BQ 92b(24) // 'S"D'a rrryi Meg 14b(14); 'S'DB '33 XJ'y children who glance around Ket 60b(54; Ar [AC 4:57]) [V5: XJ'JJ 'X(1){')snia 'S(')D{'(a '33 (double rdg.; 4- V2# fllS pa.)] N3'B1D, N3N'S1D n.m. addition, extra amount (4- Vl#'SD) 1. addition: sg. xVl Xi'SIDT xn^'a H3'1S an additional unnecessary statement I$GF 29:7; X3111 'XH '3 XiX'BID XI XD'XT X3'H ^3 wherever there is an additional waw in such a manner Anan 10:18; Xi'SID X'nn "?5? n'X3 TIN 'ivbyn by 'nnn nis'na x'sdt (the get which he
T 498 N3BTU9 threw) came to rest on that additional portion by which the lower partitions are in excess over the upper ones Geon 98:13; 2. extra amount: sg. 3"73i XJ"B1D Kinn that additional amount of (the price of) the dog Tern 30a(31); \Va m bob rri» nmn by XJX'SIB neither of us has an extra amount over the other SSHai 9b(ll); XJX-lJir XiX'SlBI an increase and an extra amount ib. lla(12); TGHark 38:11; TGAs28 206b:16; Seel 38:14(Var) The form XJ"B1B BM 63b(39; Ed) is not corroborated by any of the mss. [v. DS, ib., n. B]; Y: X£B1B Tern ib. K7WDTO, pi. KIT'SltJ n.f. extra amount (4- Vl#'9D) pi. XTIX'SIB 'SB ;rV '3B»1 they used to pour him extra amounts (of wine) BM 73b(l9) N3SiB n.m. flood (I Vl#*]lB; TA XJS1B TO Gen 6:17, Sy ndiioj^ LS 271, Ma X'3XS1B pi. MD 178) sg. X3sitj» mb mmn X3i xrr?x irn this is the great God who saved Noah from the flood San 96a(15); XJS1B1 ,TS the water of the flood Bo 11:5 Y: XJBlB San ib.(BAYTN 163). NOBIB, K0B131 n.m. template, formula (< timoc, Lehinw 258; Sy r^fn^o-^ LS 286, Ma X0S1B MD 178) sg. X-IDEH X0D1B template of a document TGHark 165:8; pi. xVn XJ13»0X3 x"?T •HDttn '0S1B3 neither like '.-stipulations, nor like templates of documents [i.e. it is legally binding] BB 44b(14; P1); SSHai 2b(7); ib. 5b(9); TGHark 216:7; Dec 10:21; 'OSin SSHai 14a(5) Y: X0B1B BB ib.(BAYTN 150). JOB1B n.f. fingernail, toenail, hoof (4- X1SB; TA xftfblB pi. TO Dt 21:12, Ma X1S1B MD 178, Sy r^i °>\, f. LS 286) 1. fingernail: a. alone: sg. X1S1C5X1 *W'3X on the flesh and on the fingernail Hul 17b(23); xr'V'Xl nnsiB his thumbnail G/f 69a(35); pi. mSIB '311 n"ia '31 "7TX he went (and) let his hair and fingernails grow (long) San 25a(23); ]wsi mn<i> ms^ lrutn he saw that his fingernails were long MQ 18a(4); b. pi. w. V?plff pe. to cut: ,T"1S1D31 n"iX»3 V'pxtfl he cuts his hair and fingernails Anan 89:13; Sab 110a(28); Pes 112a(3); MQ 18a(10); 2. toenail: sg. 'xjnsi xnsiB ijn •>vn xnrsa from a hair of my head to a toenail of my foot Sab 140a(29) [merism for the entire body; cf. Ma: X'IBIB ]a 'Xltmai xna'rt xa^Xl X'Xir'73'i from the nails of my feet to the hair of my head MD ib., Akk: istu muhhi adi supri from head to toenail CAD S 251]; AZ 38b(36); Bo 21:19!; 3. hoof, talon, claw: pi. XTm Xnxam nSIB hooves of a donkey (used for) a mill MQ 10b(2); .TTBTO 'V'ptt? its talons have been cut off 5aZ> 63b(7) // BQ 83a(34; M); XJHX3 mSIB1? in"? Tlpa 'B^H (the cock) may perhaps stick its claws firmly into the ground Sab 128b(26) Y: K1B1B Sab 140a(29). K"TIB, cs. "IIB n.m. mountain (TA XniB TO Ex 3:12, Sy rc4<rA LS 272, Ma XT1D MD 178) a. alone: sg.cs. iVn "I1B a mountain (is covered with) [lit. of] snow [i.e. my hair is white] Sab 152a(8); det. nu'B rwon 'a xiitsb xiVn 'bya snow is beneficial to a mountain like five rainfalls Tan 3b(42); XTIB3 X3T Hmi Xia'a1? to dig a large canal in the mountain San 93a(29); 3'JTl p'^O X"I1D 'ib'S? he went up and sat on the mountain ib. 95a(13); T.T'3'3 XTIB nai a mountain rose up between them Hul 7b(24); Git 68b(27) [4- xrti XTIBT]; &wj 96b(52); 5er 54b(21); Bo 72:7; i& 74:14; 78:13; pl.abs. pill) pie high mountains //A/ 37:2; So 8:12; det. 'TJX 'T713 'TIB ip'3TX inrVtJpl the mountains came together and killed them Ber 54b(4); 'TIB 'im iapi X'tt iVprn 1J7 until the water stood even with (the tops of) the mountains Yom 76a(30); 'TIB XJTpj?1 shall uproot the mountains BB 3b(38; F2) // Ara 6a(12); b. w. GN: sg. 'J'OT XTIB S5 74a(12; MGE 43:15); Bo 40:2; XTIB pTn *'& 2:6 Y: N-11B Ber 54b(21; BAYTN 19). [X'niB 4-2#XHBn.] N3'TTIB n.m. an official (etym. uncertain) sg. xtt "n rpni33'»3 mm xrmo xinn a certain /.-official who was in PN's neighborhood Er 80a(38); i&(41); BB 8a(53) Lit: Geig, AAC 207. [NrniB 4- xittb n.] N3BT1B n.m. balancing pole (< xpuxavrt scale beam Lehnw 258; 4- VpiB) pi. '3BTIB31 'JBT1D3 '3BTIB1 by means of a series of balancing poles tU'HlB 499 K311B [lit. balancing poles and balancing poles of balancing poles] Sot 34a(43) [expl. BH BID? D'Jttte Num 13:23] N3"*iib, juic'tib 4- xr'TB n. N0(1)BTIB n.m. (uncertain; 4- ]D?3in) pl.abs. X1? paTID ]» X1?! pain p (do not ordain for us) either from ... or ... Ket 17a(17) Expl. Ar: ins km niDXi no'yn p .ttVbk; ,nny iw'js voimw oimw Knj?3 m:pn k^i n':o nwn xVi tna oht Ket 55:24. NOSniB, N01S1B n.m. membrane, sg.cs., only in phrase HVb OISIU/OSIIB pericardium (4- xs^t xiffsna, xs^; Ma yTb msnxB mit 21:6) sg. ,aaI7,'7 D1smB5o 12:7; /& 111:5; 122:6; 20:7; paW? D1S1B i& 13:5; 58:11! V also: SO'1?! '0B<"I)1B Tarbiz 50(1981) 265:24 [Var: XBB1B KS'^I]; Lit: Low, Lehnw 278; Eps, Stl 340. N3int3 n.m. one who grinds (I V]nB qatol-form; JPA flriB DJPA 222) sg. XTm XJint? the grinding (donkey of) the mill MQ 10b(2; Sidra 9 156:9) [C: XTm Xixan the donkey of the mill] ITO vb. to wipe off (etym. unkn.) Pe.: fDiia "nm iTn^'fi p nDI Wb afterwards he shakes it off [i.e. the salt from the meat] and wipes it off from the salt HG3 211:69 Tlt3 vb. to smear, plaster (4- XT1B; Ma XHB to smear(?) MD 176; Akk tehu#2 an operation involved in breadbaking AHw 1385) Pe.: Klin 'XriB na triXBT XTUn a certain oven which they smeared with greases Zev 95b(25) [// Itpe.; 4- XTIB]; 'ISiaa H"nB he smeared it [i.e. a reed basket] with pitch Ned 51a(2); Git 69b(35); iriBI XriB/'m ma they plastered them [i.e. the jars] with clay AZ 38b(34; TGHark 23:26) Itpe. to be smeared: "XriB m WB'XT XIUTl XUT a certain oven in which greases were smeared Pes 30a(20) [v. // Pe.] NjriD, pi. "rip, "Nnt3 n.m. grease, a greased dish (lit. a smeared substance; 4- \T1B pe., pass.part. det.) 1. grease: sg. X'riB '3 H'3 X'JHai Xman3 (the XTOl»-ban) adheres to him like grease in an oven MQ 17a(51); pi. "XTO Pes 30a(20; E'CGeon 224:3) // "TO Zev 95b(25; DS, ad loc, n. 1) [4- V'riB pe., itpe.]; 2. a greased dish (from an oven): pi. "TO 'IXC -ID'1?)! H'SpV W'X they brought before him thirteen seahs of greased ... Hul llla(22; V11) // Sab 119a(10) Expl. RaH [Pes ib.]: IVl bv pwa -n:ivi J1X Vm AC 4:20 [mng. I]; Geon. expl. [Hul ib.]: 'pmB 'I'll Jl^n "KnB '1X0 rbn TGAs42 165:22, i.e. X'nB = I Xp,13B a meat dish [mng. 2]; expl. Ar: rfriyn -\2i n^ynte ^m ns vn» ns D'xo 'j ac ib, i.e. smeared bread [cf. Rashi, Hul ad loc.]; Y: x;n'B Pes ib.(BAYTN 115). ]'np adj. milled, ground (4- V]TO pe., pass.part.) sg.m. XJ'riD Xnap milled flour San 96b(22) [i V]TO pe.]; XrnB WWII 'ground' oil [i.e. oil scented w. ground sesame seeds] Ber 43a(57) Y: XJTIB San ib. *6np, NVnB n.m. spleen (Sy * \ .j \ LS 272, Ma X^XHXB MD 173) sg. xVto1? for a (diseased) spleen Git 69b(29) [Var: xVnB OHT ib. 153:14]; HM 38:16; 'ST n'VriB »3'3 xVnB 'XH VT1 OVI '3 'bs 12 just as this spleen has shriveled, so may NN's spleen shrivel Git 69b(34; OHT ib. 153:16); ib. 32; 38; Sab 129a(40); Kin 'tiby2 KJ»W X"?nD the spleen is merely fat //«/ llla(28); ib. 93a(32); 38; 40; pi. ^TOT xV'B/SH a cooked dish of spleens ib. llla(30); Sab 129a(39; V) Y: X^nB Hul 11 la(28; BAYTN 84). |n» vb. to grind (4- xnriD, ]'nD, X3nD; Sy (.»,i \, LS 272, Ma pB MD 176) Pe. (a/ ) [w. "3 by means of s.o./s.t.]: a. wheat: pB xnn X3TXH 1J? "]3J I used to grind until now at your place Ket 103a(6); ib. 12; 'TnjD X'm 'jnD 'XJm' na '31 (the workers) of PN's estate utilize wild asses to grind in mills AZ 16b(25); ib. 65b(30); rG/ijr27 16:3; /4«an 70:7; xnap 'nrTOi 'n'ni'na 'nrano (if) they ground them [i.e. the wheat kernels] in their raw state and made them into flour HP 191:3; TUTO XrnB Xnap you have ground milled flour [i.e. you performed a trivial task] San 96b(22); b. olives: Km priBI TGHark 86:13; c. stones of fruit: X3H11 X'imD3 XriX'Wp 13 linBl they will make you grind (date) stones in a golden mill Ber 56a(3); San 96a(4); d. sesame: TU'iTO HP 192:2; e. other: 4- X3TO N3np n.m. molar (lit. grinder; 4- V|TO pe., part, f; Sy i<lSx\ LS 273, k'^JuoA,, rd-f-H-v molar teeth PSm 1456) pi. ]3{'inD X^ 'iTUnB its molars do not grind (from old age) Sab 152a(9)
■intj 500 2# Kyyp *int3 vb. to strain the rectum (denom. < XT1B* hemorrhoid; Sy Xsx\, pa. LS 273) Pa.: wb xb he should not strain his rectum Sab 82a(8; Ar [AC 4:22]) Expl. Ar: JINX1? 1KB U»y DXy t& ''9 AC ib. J"1t3t3 vb. to molest (etym. unknown) Quad.: in»n 'ja1? tu 'an in1? 'riBB» 'ivibb the residents of GN strongly molest the residents of GN2 Er 61a(32); ib. 33; 34 Expl. RaH: 1711X pal p»y p'18. «Vl3'P n.m. dipping (< MH ^la'B* J 529; 4- Vl#"?aB) pi. '^la'B nn two dippings Pas 114b(9;C); /& 13; 115b(15) Y: tya'B to U4b(9; BAYTN 256). NTD'B 4- XTI3B n. NJVfl'p, abs. 12'P n.f. kindness, gratitude, sagacious statement (4- VaiB; TA ia'B TO Gen 23:13, Sy k'&o. S 13^ LS 270) 1. kindness, goodness, favor: a. general: sg. 'Vtt ,!? ian'1 XJlia'B 'XJBW I was given my full handfuls of goodness Sab 62b(28); San 41b(31); XbyV nrnx X'TOI "rjra'B your kindness is taken and is placed on the thorns [i.e. it is worthless] BM 63b(i3) [+ //'s; 4- i#xirn]; xma'B mxai xnan K'pWT the wine is its owner's, (but) the favor is the butler's BQ 92b(33) [4- l#X'ptf]; b. w. Viay pe. [Sy r^« -■ . \, a-»\ LS ib.]: pin l'J7T in"ina jnay xnn'B na 'x^oia do our Babylonian colleagues know what a favor we are doing for them? RH 20a(19); Xp ]Xtt nn'Xl "?'TX XrVQ'B 'Xfl '3 Tay I shall go and see who is doing this kindness for me Ket 67b(37); Meg 15b(52); Tarn 32a(32); 2. gratitude, credit, w. Vpin af. to be grateful [= MH iTJID p'mn J 444]: sg. rwiib XTVn'B <1>f}p-'Tn'7n 'STl '3 so that they should be grateful to Moses Ber 19a(3; F); TIXT l^DJ1? xma'D pnnj X1?! XIB'tt rain will come and we shall not take credit for ourselves Tan 23b(13); Ket 77b(33); San 88b(35); 3. sagacious statement: sg. liTttp 'TJX X1? IJTa'Btt they do not state any of our sagacious statement(s) before them Men 52a(32; M) [* 4- XJnti'3 mng. 2] Y: SJIU'D 7a« ib.(BAYTN 36). - 13'PV adv. positively W31? il'Vo IX ia'B1? rrVl3 he will be entirely positive or entirely negative Sab 156a(27; O); ib. 24; BHBtt XT1T m1? a'H'T )XD 13'B1? XttVn IT1? he used to interpret the dream positively for one who used to pay him a zuz Ber 56a(ll; F) [* W'31?] n.m. teve/, agricultural produce before the priestly and Levitical gifts have been separated from it, when it is forbidden to be eaten, the state of the above (< MH iVa'B, abs. VatJ Yeivin, BV 826; 4- V2#"?3D) 1. tevel: sg. 'J1X 'rmxi xVa'B J'pJltt "TiXI XTJI a man under a Pentateuchal obligation may come and set aside the priestly gifts from Pentateuchal tevel Mid 46b (40); "Va'B1? rvnttrV xVt '3'rl '3 so that he should not leave his tevel (without removing the gifts) Ned 85a(9); BQ 67a(16); Mf 38a(28); Men 23b(23); 2. state of tevel: sg. mVa'Ba IT1? am he gives it to him in its state of tevel Qid 54b (3 2); ib. 46b(16); Mak 20a(6); Hul 130b(23); Tin n^a'B1? it reverts to its state of tevel Yev 89a(19); Git 62a(23); Men 70a(18) Y: fl'^3'B AW 85a(9; BAYTN 115). 1#K^3'P n.m. sinking (4- VyaB; Ma lttXa'B drowning, submersion MD 179) sg. p"ID'X X1? Xya'Btt he was not spared from the sinking (of his boat) BB 153a(28) Y: X^'B BB ib.(BAYTN 115). 2#Njryp n.m. coin, stamp (4- Vy3B; Sy x* £ -*\ seal, stamp LS 267) 1. coin, coinage: sg. Xs? xya'tja xm nrrx x"?i ,!? Dm Vaai xya'B XJyT xma XJyT the coinage of GN caused me not to examine (menstrual) blood. (If) I do not understand the coinage, how shall I understand (the different kinds of menstrual) blood? Nid 20b(9); 'bw\T bv Xya'B Bek 50a(32); TTH XSD3 xtb 'in *pn x"?i xam xya'B 'in silver which is current is considered coin. Gold which is not current is considered produce [i.e. merchandise] SA/44b(l); ib. 36; xya'DX XTS ]r^n»l we may redeem produce with coin ib. 38; 9; 17; 42; 46b (29); 11X01 xinxs xwrm 'onsi xavi x1? prx xts x"?'x prx xya'Bi 'bb ixsnn do not say that copper coins in a place where they circulate are more current and are (considered) coinage. Rather they are produce TGHark 45:27; ib. 12; 1#KM'D 501 Kj;»tJ T : " ^ t - 33; Qid 5a(14) // ib. 23a(25); Vt Xya'B T\W1i 'X n'1? '33)3 if the (produce) was reduced in value because of the coin (which is heavier), he deducts it (in the repayment of the loan) BQ 97b (34); pis 'tttya '10 Xp JX&1 Xya'B 'W go out (and) see whose coinage is current [lit. walks in the world] Svu 6b(34); pi. T'TJB 'ya'tJ he announces (that he found) coins BM 20b(20); ib. 25a(43); 2. stamp: sg. Xya'B in'Vy XT*?! (coins of low value) which are unstamped ib. 46a(26); XpJBWin Xya'B stamp of the signet ring San 95a(23; MGG 406:1) [4- XpiStfll mng. 1, miS^'J] Lit: Sperber, Money 69+ [mng. 1]; Y: N!J3B BA/44b(l). l#N3J'p n.m. frying pan (< -tfiyavvov Lehnw 261; 'I V]1B; Sy rdi^U)^ LS 268, > Arab 0&, j>LL Fr, AF 69) a." alone: pi. VS> T»3 mn 'Jl'B1? it was as from the seas to the frying pans [i.e. a short time] Qid 44a(44); b. w. Viay pe. to fry: sg. Xni2/»3 XJA'Ba n'1? 1'iayi they fry it [i.e. the flour] in oil Geon 282:21 On usage a, cf. XlVtft K»' 1»3 PT Qid 62b(12) // PT Git 48a(21) and Lehnw, op.cit. But Rati: 'JJ'Bl '8' XW OljM OB 'TinV I'Snp OHR Qid 32:8; Y: '«'B Qid ib.(BAYTN 115). 2# Kaj'B 4- XJl'B n. O'll'P n.m. tiger (< tiypn; Lehnw 257; Sy voa_.-UsjJ\„ LS 268) sg. 'xV'y '31 X'lX Dni'tJ the tiger is the lion of GN Hul 59b(23) Lit: Low, Lehnw supra. NIH'p n.m. noon (4- V2# TIB; Sy K'iaJ^, noon LS 269) sg. xari rmbs mn xttb tib (if) noon shone, it was the middle of the day Yom 15a(46) // ib. 59a(33) // Zev 38b(2); in XTTB 'Dpi in XTPB T/iai one (demon) which is before noon, another which is after noon Pes lllb(26); XITP X1.TB3 a lamp at noon Sab 63a(15) [fig. for something useless]; Hul 60b(12); "?1B3 XTTB31 *|1DT XrUTl (if an ox) can sleep at noon in the shade of a fig tree San 18b(37); Ber 59a(38); Yev 80a(3; O2); Naz 31b(9) Y: NTTB Sab 63a(15; BAYTN 139). KUVU n.m. portion a of document covered with dots (4- Vbib) sg. '»nm xin xbtbx 'ino the witnesses sign on the portion of the document covered with dots BB 163a(22); ib. 23; 24; p'nai XDTB1? n1^ he erases the portion covered with dots ib. 25 Y: HBl'B BB ib.(BAYTN 68). N"B 4- Xy'B NT'B n.m. a type of prayer (etym. unkn.) pi. 'IT 'BVBI 'T'B /-prayers and piyyutim Piskei Tosafot, Middot#4; OHT Tan 25:2 Lit: Egron 430+. The validity of the word is very uncertain because it is not known from any primary source. ]T"D adj. (uncertain; cf. Ma X3XPB impetuous, etc. MD 179, Sy rci^ fervid LS 820) sg.m. ]T"rB'' X"7T one who is not... AZ 26a(9) Gloss: uy ]I"B 'B ib.(JMarg; text: X)"B), i.e. modest; Geig, AAC 201, rejects P deriv.; Y: ir;B AZ ib. KJP'B, NXTN'B, N"B adj., n. Arab (< ^iLL member of Tayyi' tribe; 4- my'B, n'y'B, l#nX3iy; Sy «ri\X PSm 146°) •• adJ-: sg.m. xy'B xVai an Arab camel BQ 55a(25); pl.m. 1'yX'B I'B/nn Arab sorcery Bo 56:9; 'yX'B 'TIT Arab zuzim TGHark 37:18; II. n.: a. general: sg.m. 'Xnn X"?BJ a'ST '3 XyX"B 1,!?m an Arab passed by below mounted on a camel Tan 22b(50); BM 86a(40); BB 74a(2); Yev 120b(25); XTjys mm mm xy»» xinn ]ina mm there was a certain Arab with us who used to smell the earth (to determine which direction to follow) BB 73b(38); X^B Xinn RH 26b(25; GRH 18:34); Sab 82a(27); ib. 155b(16); Meg 18a(46); Git 45b(33); San 110a(53); Hul 7a(39) [Var: H'B MGG 611:16]; Mrf 20a(15); X"B Xim MQ 25b(2); xy'BT X*7"U0 an Arab's sandal Yev 102a(37); Yom 23a(30) [4- xpiBtt]; pl.m. xmn 'y"B1 the festival of the Arabs AZ llb(40); ib. 34b(l) [4- XD3X]; 'BS^IX 'Tjpi 'Xy'BIS in the case of (straps of shoes of) Arabs which the shoemakers knot (in a permanent fashion) Sab 112a(16); 'fl'Stf T'B XJ71TW3 Arabs are frequent in GN BB 36a(33); 'JP'B man certain Arabs Hul 39b(39); "BT XT1T the zuz of the Arabs TGHark 38:1; b. w. PN's: sg. Xy'B Hy TJ AZ 33a(33; J) // Men 69b(16); 'V"B ptTy» Ara 6b(16) Lit: Ch. Rabin, Ancient West-Arabian, London 1951 193, w. lit.; on the addition of the non-etymological 'ayin, v. Nbld, MQ 59, note; Blau, Pseudo-Corrections 50; Voc: xyN% HGP 56a:3;
W»B 502 TP TP Y: Xy'!B BAYTN 333. W»B, ni'B adv. in an Arab fashion (4- xy'B; cf. Sy w*A{« . i \^ the Arabian people PSm 1460) niTD Pes 65b(34; Ar [AC 4:29]) [C: JVPB] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 59. JVSP»», n"t» adv. Arabic (4 xy"B; Sy ^ ^ i \, PSm 1460) n»yB3 paxn '3 as (we) say in Arabic Geon 105:10; ri"B3 TOffa/* 184:25 Lit: Eps, GCIntr 58+, points out that the term does not refer to ' any particular Arab dialect. KflJPJD, KTT'tJ n.f. Arab woman (Sy •'X ■ •: \ PSm 1460) sg. 'V'sm xri"n X'rtxi xrvyB xnn a certain Arab woman who brought a bag of phylacteries Git 45b(33; Ar [AC 4:29) [Ed: XD"D] Y: NJiy»B Gi; ib.(BAYTN 227). N^IUV'P n.m. migration (4- VVbVb; TA bihb TJ is 22:17) sg. xrurxna nvp nrairt xVibV'b migration of a man is more difficult than that of a woman Ket 28a(12) // xVibVb San 26a(54) n.m. a thick must (Arab *5U> sweet wine Hava 437; 4- jri33"a) sg. xnB3 N0BTJ parsley in /.-wine AZ 28a(39) [as a remedy for 4- xmry mng. 2]; XTI'n X'V'B ln'jIST xy'TJ the worst of all of them is white /.-wine Git 70a(27); ib. 25; 7'T nXOT XB'Tfl XC^'B full strength /.-wine which bursts wineskins AZ 30a(48) [expl. MH in ib.] Geon. expl.: 1JI33"B jmi JVB31 1JIV3 JlVm 13 »'» X'b'B in 'CnB )l«rt> np'Vl TGHark 23:9, i.e. Arab gUjj-. < P mai- puxta(g) wine boiled down to a consistency PED 1359, PLAr 254; pxiy "7K3 103 °7X ]0 yi: mxvrt X'Vb white r.-wine, a type of wine in Iraq OHT Gif 158:27. Lit: Flora 1:99; 3:431; AAC 201; Voc: K?'B HGP 55b:30 [v. AZ ib.]; Y: X';V>B AZ 28a(39). K3'p n.m. clay (4- XrD T73X, 2#xV'J; TA XJ'B TO Ex 1:14, Sy W<;\, LS 274, Ma 1#WB MD 179, > Arab <j£* Fr, AF 8) sg. a. general: XPB XJ'B TJX clay on top of clay Yom 29a(5; OHT ib. 15:6) [4- TJX prep, and Geon. expl. infra]; 13 XJ'B X3Wa3 XVI nym can one sow in clay? When it is wet Pes 47b(9); Xl'B n'yTJ |X01irva Xp Tin his feet became dirty from the clay Sab 46a(34); ib. 124b(39); TGAs28 12:18; n'ripi X"M3 'H'Vns xrB3 (he puts) their [i.e. the knives'] iron blades into the fire while their handles (are encased) in clay Pes 30b(17); b. from canals and rivers: xVxatzn xjns (nemna mvsn "T3 xr» ^pwii let him take mud (from the canal) in his right hand from under his left leg Git 69a(23); 'Utfa xaD AT X3'B '3Td x"?T Xi'B because of the clay, since the clay does not permit an unclean fish to grow (in that river) AZ 39a(19) // Suk 18a(46); XTTJ 'B'3 nn p xrtJ clay from the two banks of the river HM 42:5; ib. 44:6; c. in building: BB 3a(50) [* I X031]; nnsn Hivn nnsn ixi if he connected it [i.e. the stolen beam] with clay, it has become permanent [lit. he connected it] Suk 31a(28); BB 6b(ll); ib. 69a(25); Er 14a(3) [4- VpV pa.]; XJ'Bl 'tt'1? bricks and clay Bek 8b(34); &6 102b(26); 5es 30a(48) // BB 19b(35); SSHai 6a(5); d. objects fashioned from it: Yev 46a(24) [4- NTlV'T]; San 95a(23) [4- xa1?!! note] Geon. expl.: HOTX 3J ty npli? rmp K^> ]'B jfaua K'TO naiK 'nain !ru win rfrnria oxi onnx pin i'xi panna rwii nwa' OHT Yom 15:8; Y: XJ'B Soft 124b(39; Mo 174). KJ»W»B, NSU'D n.m. dirt, filth (4- V«|JB; Ma X'JJUB MD 181, MH «|1TB Yeivin, BV 957, J 532, Sy rdiJctA, LS 281) sg. im "IDsV ]"m 'Jn X'STJ'B these (small patches) are suitable for covering up dirt with them Sab 125a(6); X3T1 XTO'33 T3V nT3 p'OST XSU'D XS^T where there is no filth which separates between him and the synagogue HG1 56:59 *03'9 n.m. flint, hard tubercule on a lung (4- 1#XT33; TA Xi5b TO Ex 4:25) 1. flint: sg. X^n Xll'B flint rock Git 68a(35); H3T XIJ'B Wn a large flint rock Bo 78:14; 2. hard tubercule on a lung: pi. '"ira 'irs various kinds of tubercules Hul 48b(4) Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: Hire1? fBTT Kn»<l>(')|7y 'y(l>{')3 '"U'B Ar [AC 4:49]; Katz 169: ni'^JTOn nVna; Steinberg 22: pumice stone lung(?); Y: 'T3'B fful ib.(BAYTN 253). [JUIS'D 4- Kl'DTO n.] «]'» <TB adv. drop by drop (4- V«pB) T3J/T Xim *1'B TB 'in1? I'B «]'B provided that (the stream of water) is without stop [lit. drop by drop opposite drop by drop] Pes 39b(38; V17); AZ 30b(12); p TB I'B'a T1XW1 »'3' pnOT one who combs (his hair) dry and drinks drop by drop Pes 11 lb(36) KTIS'B i t : Geon. expl.: xbrwn K'D TGAs42 164:13 [4 K^nP]; Y: 1'B T» /(Z ib.(BAYTN 26). NriS'P, pi. 'S'P n.f. drop (I V>pB; MH HB'B, pi. D'B'B Yeivin, BV 780, Sy K/^LacJit„ pi. rdAo!i„ LS 426) sg. xrvap xriB'B the first drop (of menstrual blood) Nid 20b(33); XHIT XTIB'B a drop of blood BQ 86a(6; EsF1); pl.cs. rbr\ «]B3 X'ai^a xaT 'B'B three drops of blood dripped from the sky San 109a(50; MGG 310:17) Y: SriB'B BQ ib.fBAYTN 196). N'll'P, NT113 n.m. trouble, preoccupation, engagement (4- VtiB; Sy r^i\\\ pressure, impulse LS 288) sg. X3H 'WTJ XTTB TIB Qfin naim XTVB TIB in that case he is occupied with an optional engagement. In this case he is involved in an obligatory engagement Ber 1 la(22) // Suk 25a(29) [Var: XT1B Ber ib.(FP) // Suk ib.(M2)]; Ber 16b(3); 'SB XWim X1TB Xn"73ia the preoccupation of the bridegroom (with the wedding arrangements) is more than that of the bride Hul 83a(26); iTTTB 31X xa"7T n'nyiX IX1?! "|'0:a perhaps because of (the Jew)'s preoccupation (in pouring the wine, the pagan) can libate without his knowledge AZ 33a(26) Y: XT1D Ber 16b(3; BAYTN 115). Nrn'P, XiyW n.m. effort, toil, labor (4- VniB) i.effort, toil: sg. "73x xjam lox nsxVa n'yw TDK 'M XnTB "-BX WO "73X ">TO Xni'B the Merciful One forbids (agricultural) work during the Sabbatical year, but permits (various types of) toil; however, on the intermediate days, even toil is forbidden AZ 50b(15); rjw» 'axT ixa1? X1H xav m XnTB yy XnTB according to the one who says (that it is forbidden) because of the effort, the major part of the effort is for one day MQ 9a(3); X1H XHTB IX1?! XrlTB DWB Tyia (the prohibition of work on) the intermediate days is because of (even) some amount of effort, and it is not an effort ib. 13a(38); XITTB niB XpT ]1'3 XTJV since he has to expend additional effort ib. 4b(30); 12a(53); Bes 21b(30); Qid 39b(3); ib. 53b(16); Men 63b(31); Bek 33a(30); Ara 16b(54); Xmyitf3 1B1T1 xnTB3 VSit in terms of the effort (picking out the refuse) is great. In terms of the amount it is small Bes 14b (17); 3p KSTtJ t : ■ 'nx Tin x"?i ma x"7i wnTB ETB3T max yanxs in1? ^'pltf one does not go to the trouble or come back to take a qab of fruit (scattered in an area) of four cubits which needs great effort (to gather it up) BM 21a(28; F1); ib. 35(F'); 68b(4); XrlTB X"73 xmn'33 mvti? to collect it [i.e. the debt] easily without effort TGHark 160:7; IXV IX X3XU 'ixn mn nsn xnTB3 n'^si ist had he not constrained himself with much effort he would have been a thief TGHark 207:34; pi. imBI 1X13 'WSJ 'niB ]:31 after the scholars expended much effort ISGF 17:16; 2. labor: sg. 'XrtTiB T^X the wage of my labor SSHai 10b(7); SSSad 207:11 Y: xn-PB AZ 50b(16; BAYTN 115). T'Ttt n.m. gore of a garment sewn under the armpit (< NP terez gore of a shift PED 341; 4- VriB; Sy it-A, LS 288 [Lex]) sg. '3 ]in"7 'SttH T'TB he trimmed them [i.e. the boards] like the gore of a garment Sab 98b(16; TGHark 10:1!) [Var: P1B1 ny Ar (AC 4:76)] Geon. comm.: °?» pl^n riS'nn KW1 N1H 'DHS 1TO1? ma pXJ.T ''B hbb[:] xini 3rn Kin pi'jnn 'ViB'tni it n'3 nnn isnw mx lOIHTD '0HB 'W^S Slpai ntyD1? I^im nspriOl Ar [AC 4:76, s.v. 3nB, ace. to OHP Sab 62:13]; rfPBl ]13 I'OMIl'B '3 13X I'Olll 13 nsa yswa D'^ns1? ,Tnw [3''j :rd.] I3'xji no xini km 'ens pwVs HBai OHT Sab 93:29, i.e. NPjiS opening at the neck and bosom of a shirt PED 382. Lit: Geig, ACC 207, discusses poss. P etyms. NJ"TB n.m. a wicker tray (< Mir *tiryan [cf. NP tiryan PED 298], > Arab j^JV dinner tray Hava 428; 4- 1# XpDB; Sy rdJ-S-v^ table woven of palm leaves LS 289, Ma X3X'"IXB a small ritual table, round in shape, made of sun-baked clay upon which ritual foods and drinks are placed MD 175) sg. nam XWTB a wicker tray of dates Pes 88a(2; V17) [// X3S Tan 9b(25); CE1: XJX'TIB] Geon. expl.: rmy p lmx ptnyw fy ^a [{i6)K"y n bsb] ipoiv ... ]x wi max 'jib w'l nnx amw ona wi Dn1? vty t"?diki nsi'jp KpO'B [nnx DB l1? B'l k:K'TD WK IW^a lBBl TRN 564:7+Ar [AC 4:89, s.v. 'jpDIB]; cf. BAli 1, 4339: ^a niAjnA^inivii T^as. rf^o-u; Lit: Eps, GC 6227; Geig, AAC 208; Y: KJTUD Pes ib.(BAYTN 268). NSI'p n.m. a document issued by the court which permits a creditor to seize a debtor's property in repayment of a loan from the purchaser to whom the debtor has sold it (4- Vl# TIB mng. 2, XrOTIX) sg. Tl3 X"7T XBTB "73 503
iiKm'o 504 xri"Vt: xti kstb ixV rrfrm 7P"iDKrt> my-ip na any ;.- document in which it is not written: "We have torn the creditor's deed," is not a ^.-document BB 169a(14); p'STlD 7ia33 XSTB1 for what sum do we write a f.-document? Ket 91b(13); "|Dnt5 'ITIX d"7WX1 show your /.-document and I shall pay BQ 9a(7) [M: "|STB] Geon. expl.: lVw yrnp 1301 T>m 3in TQV l'ty [*']» WO XBTB V? yiB kVi p rvaV lnx yam aw tya xai ofta t'b xVi vrrvwi pniai lain -iirtn naow ypipo pw 5ns x^i [i]nx itjw ]vai uian in vniyo '70131 npft inm npi^o nam m -jbim... xbtb V? TGAs42 152:3+; v. also TRN 660:12+; for the text of the /H/a-document, v. TRN 662; Gulak, OS 230. For a different explanation offered by Saadia Gaon, v. M. Ben Sasson, AIRJL 11-12(1984-86] 25153; Y: XBTB BB ib.(BAYTN 116). nKIlTtJ adj. of GN sg.m. nxilTB xr:n Afen 48a(19); Tern 31a(29; V") ri'tJ n.m. Jet, the ninth letter of the alphabet (Sy &_*\ LS 265) sg. n'B m BQ 55a(15); /& 16; 19; Kwj 73b(15) Y: Tl'B Bg *. N3B3D i xpnsn n. nV» n.m. dew (TA x5b TO Gen 49:25, Sy KliX LS 275, Ma X^XB MD 174) sg. x"7B X3'X 71171 ITl^'y there was dew upon it Sab 147a(9); X711 7P1? 'IPp 'M x"?B V?DX )TT concerning this (land) of ours, even (if) dew also (fell, walking on it) is harmful BQ 81b(21); NIBBI X^B dew and rain San 96b(52) Y: N^D Sab ib.(BAYTN 100). HN^B adj. of GN pl.m. 'XVB gW 70b(35) Lit: Eshel, JSB 126; Y: 'K^D Qid ib. xVtVb n.m. jest (4- V2#V?B; Ma ZsxVlVxB MD 174) sg. xVlVttt X31T1 laughter and jest Er 68a(l 1; V'Ar [AC 4:34]) [cf. Ma: X'^xVxB'ai X'STIXI Gy 129:15] Y: X^BX Er ib. NElTp n.m. injustice, oppression (Vn^B; Sy Kilb3oA_\, LS 277, Ma X»VlB MD 177) sg. ittj 'xa xav>B p'Va toot y:m it is sometimes clear in our mind what the injustice is OHT Yev 73:4 KnsvVtJ 4- xns"?D n. VuVu vb. to move objects (VVlD; I X^IbV'B; JPA VbVd DJPA 225, MH2 VbVb J 536) Pal.: a. alone: '"W 7PS11 Xn»2 'VlD^C? moving objects (on the Sabbath) in the built-up area [lit. town] itself is permitted Er 24b (21); p'^Ba '^IbVb XT! we may, in fact, certainly move (it) ib. 12a(52); 42b(9); 67b(30); Be? 10a(37); ib. 15a(13); Sab 100b(39); ib. 142b(40); b. w. dir. obj.: XJTW "PB^B he moved a lamp■ ib. 46a(22); 45a(8); 47a(18); I28a(52); mm nso nna '3 n'1? I'Va^Bai par xm TTl'ry do they not sometimes, in fact, move it [i.e. the wooden object] when a Torah scroll is placed upon it? Meg 26b(44); 31X ITU'VdVD'TI X03 let him move them for the sake of the cup Bes 21b(22); Er 89a(3) Itpal. to be moved: vh 711713 '^B^Bai X3'71 Vd x"n xs'n t> 'ya'n '3 'VdV»'» xm i"? 'ysvi 'Xtt '^oVD'a wherever (the boards under the bed) are moved together with it there is no question (that they are an integral part of it) since they are, in fact, moved." You may only ask (in a case) where they are not moved (together). What (is their status)? BB 69a(30); Meg 26b(44) 'VtJ vb. to jump down (4- V2# y^B; cf. Ma 1# x"?B to remove MD 179) Pe.: xyiX^ Xll'X p X^DI (if the animal) jumps down from the roof to the ground HP 202:12(HPP 304:20) [= GeonH TlVsjl HR 145:4]; X^D'aV ib. 21 [= GeonH Tfbtil HR 145:5] 'VtJ n. (uncertain) sg. am 'Vea ... «]03 ,!7B3 in a ... of silver/gold BM 78b(32) K»V», abs. 'VB, pi. '*6tJ n.m. young boy, child, lamb (4- XJ1"Vb; TA X^6 pi. TJ Jo 2:16[Var], Sy «"A\, LS 276, Ma l#X'Vxt3 MD 174) 1. young boy, child: sg. X,!7t5 XJ'IH 13 when I was a young boy Meg 5b(55; G); X'33 Dlpaa wbvb pVin n'X the (already born) child has an (additional) share (in the inheritance) beside the sons (who are as yet unborn) BB 142b(28); coll.abs. X'^Dl 'Vd young boys and girls [lit. a young boy and a young girl] Yev 114a(l); BB 91b(22; P1); pl.det. XnX'VDI 'XVb ib.(U); 2. Iamb: sg. X*71 XS1? H3iyai XO^B1? nOK/a he pulled the cow but did not pull the lamb5A/47a(19) Y: X^B BB ib.(BAYTN 84). Nn"V», abs. NjVt? n.f. young girl (4- X'VB; Sy KP'*rB | rr^ . V V, pi. r/M,Y\ \, LS 276) coll.abs. 'Vd X'Vbi yev 114a(l) [4- X'V» mng. 1]; 55 91b(22; pi); pl.det. xnX'bBl 'X"?B 55 91b(22) Y: xri'^B BB ib.(BAYTN 84). Kp'Vtt n.m. a type of container (etym. unkn.) sg. '3DT Xp,!7B a ?.-container of the old men Git 28a(8) // BM 20b(ll) [expl. MH xapOlVl Mib. 3:8] Y: Xj?,'?B BW ib.(BAYTN 56). 1#Wb vb. to provide shade, make a roof (4- ViBax, xVid, xV'jb, xn'^B, xnV?Ba; Sy ^114 pa. to make a shadow, roof a building LS 275, Ma 1#V7B pa. MD 180) Pa. 1. to provide shade: 'aCXD'pi 'Wroa nm nnis's (i){')tn they saw birds which were standing and providing shade (with their wings) BM 86a(37; V22Ed) [Var: X"?1D n,!7 'laj?! H]; iVVBa XWa'tt? 'My the clouds provide shade from the sun Bo 30:3; 2. to make a roof: a. general: 'TITO I'TIW 11713 f?bva\ they roofed sixty towns with them [i.e. the bones of the fish] BB 73b(19; MGG 51:17); pass.part. 'Wca xVi I'snn bax xWaan mwa ... mya a cave because it is roofed over, but ditches which are not roofed over BQ 50b(42; Es); b. of a sukka [i.e. the pD]: W»B1 a'Vm XIl^BaT xm»l "Xn n'^y a beam of a st/Afta which he stole and over which he made a covering Suk 31a(22; HP 31:27) [cf. Akk: gusurt ana sullulisa beams to place on its roof CAD S 239]; ITia W>D1 D^sy bn he stole pieces of wood and made a covering with them HP 31:19; ib. 18 Itpa. to be unabsorbed [lit. to stay on top]: "73 '^B'a x1?! loan x'aa -ab 'Wo'ai ioa '3"p» all potions cure and are unabsorbed, except for water which cures and is absorbed Sab 78a(21) Geon. expl. [Itpa.]: I'yfcu l'Nl fan m pi31 ]'B1» 'JX'fW mVl3 I'y^aai fun nx ]'3iai tbidw x'aa na oht §ab 72:16. 2# WD vb. to play, sport (4- x"7V7»; Ma 2# ^B paVetpa. MD 180) Pa.#l: 1^703 Yev 114a(l; Geon 337:9); n3j?3 '1713 ^vb XyiX rmiX"' IXV it is not proper conduct to play with a female BB 74b(35) [w. ref. to Siym) Ps 104:26]; V'^Bai XD1S33 13*7 he will sport with you like a ball of dung San 110a(7; K); fhvii BB 91b(21; P'Ar [AC 4:34]) 2#ybv Pa. #2 id.: 133 X^X^Bl 'xVb I'V'Dtt 117113 X3TH3 XJ71W3 no@'ian 1331 ,1D3,2; I remember when young boys and girls of about seventeen or eighteen used to play (together) outside ib.(R) [v. Pa.#l] Itpa.#l id.: a. w. people: X'^BI ,!7B l^B'a BB 91b(22; MGL 715:14) [v. Pa.#2]; Tltt/xi "713'X Xry3TO H'a V^B'XI I shall eat, drink, and sport with him as I wish San 95a(39; MGD 464:24,He); b. of games, etc. [w. -3 with s.t.]: ]W'WdX m:ipOX3 you played the '.-game Qid 21b(38; O2); 'i'30 'iBTO '3T '»p bbvii Xp H1H 'iV PN used to sport [i.e. juggle] before PN2 with eight knives Suk 53a(30) [Var: bbvn Ar (AC 4:34)]; XTPloy XXlxmJ3 X^B'ai she plays with wooden cubs Ket 61b(30; V5) Itpa. #2 id.: Din ib^wb X,!7B1 ,!7B laT V'T go, take boys and girls, (and) let them play there Yev 114a(l) sVVp, NVNb>B n.m. ceiling (4- Vl#V?D; Ma xVxVb roof MD 180; cf. Sy rdliL^, shadow LS 275) sg. XV7B8 X'3p "7S3 a pipe fell from the ceiling Ber 19a(8); X^Vb 'a^1? 'IflX Xai PN pointed to the highest part of the ceiling ib. 48a(6); X^B X7HP.TI mWO Xnp'ya first (the Wia) was a beam, and now it is a ceiling BQ 66b(34); mi»31 n^x'jBI SSHai 6a(7) Y: X^B Ber 48a(6; BAYTN 42). Nn'aVtt, Kn'aVltJ n.f. type of demon or shade (4- Vl#V7B, XJl'^IB 13 s.v. 1#X13 mng. 12; Ma xmVlB MD 177, Sy rc'^' . \ V.\, LS 275, mng. 3) sg. Bo 9:12; ib. 19:4; 58:7; pi. 36:7; XXnVlD ib. 107:4 Lit: AMB 58, w. prev. lit.; Low, Lehnw 268. 1#S?V» vb. to become lame, limp (4- xmy^Ba; JPA yVD DJPA 225) Itpe./Itpa. 1. to become lame: y^B'xi "\ '»p my 'inx 'iV PN demonstrated bowing before PN2 and became lame Tan 25a(51) // Meg 22b(45) // Suk 53a(28); 2. to limp: y"?Bai xynniV xnx xsnx 713-1 xi3J a great tall man came to GN and he was limping Ket 103b(25) // y^D'ai Sab 59b(21) 2# yVtJ vb. perh. to lift up (4- V'VB; LJLA y"7B TgRuth 4:7, Ma 1# X*7B to remove MD 179) Af.: xran xVn n,!7 yVoxi xran T>n n^ yVax xb 'Xi 505
r ; t : 506 TOO if not, lift up your right leg towards her. He lifted up (his) leg toward her Yev 39b(35); SSHai \2b(4);S$Sad 230:13 The mng. of this rt. as well as any connection w. l#y^B is conjectural. n.m. lentil, lentil-shaped object (TA T/nsrJB pi. TO Gen 25:34, Sy re* i'i «N V \, LS 278) 1. lentil: pi. 'nsVo 'V T3J/ prepare lentils for me Yev 63a(42); 'nSl^B nn two lentils AW 66b(33); ^Z 38b(49); XOVlpl mTpV TIS'JB X'jn xV X13J (a woman) whose husband is a 'stalk' [i.e. of low quality] does not need lentils for (her) pot [i.e. she is satisfied with him] Yev 118b(40) .// Ket 75a(21); 2. heavy lentil-shaped object used for pressing grapes or olives [CPA rC m un n \ ny Land, Anecdota Syriaca 4, frag. 13, MH rwiy J 1046, mng. 3]: sg. BB 67b(ll) [expl. MH Wr Mib. 4:5] Geon. expl.: rrf? nxyi -waVi na 'jut x'm 'a pay xns^B 'ary °?y to 'x xvt x-ixm ivfry n'1? 'nasi Vj prf? nay 'n't1? npi XT! xixaa wi^y n1? wai to msa prfr 'lay in1? nxy ia tea xmbi'tb -owna 'axpn neny Taw rums ]wtoi xiib'jb n^ TGHark 86:9; T330IP T3T KIT XriB^B TIBtoia WWTBB HIH D'H 103 toiy ww fwiyi an1? »'B 1'npito? nain maips m nan «< bi <-i>(JUn trtxyw jwto mix pxiipi ian m n ri3'3» nsny noTy^x 'toys©' iwto nnw i'xiip>» /iibij?b ib. 104:35, i.e. _>ii, Uii; roiy^ nan nnn'aw 'jbb rra-ix 'to1 msbv o' 'xo CG 127:7; Ar [AC 4:36], s.v. nsVs [mng. 2]; Lit: Flora 2:450+ [mng. 1]; Krauss, TAr2:598526 [mng. 2]; CG 12721; Y: 'rjBitol Yev 63a(42; BAYTN 72). KOB, K»'», pi. N'MB n.m. perh. netherworld spirit (< Akk etetnmu pi. spirits of the dead, ghosts CAD E 397; cf. Ma X'BXIiy spirits(?) MD 342; 4- l#xaiX, XBB '3) pi. OT 5o 31:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 353; AIOA 50. This word seems to have been misunderstood as < I NByB [v. Geon. expl. OHT Ber 13:2] and is also spelled occasionally w. 'ayin in our texts. It has no connection w. JPA OB 'bone,' pi. X'BB DJPA 226. D»at3 4- Vdbb pal. '»U vb. to be ritually unclean (4- XflXBlB, XJVBB; Sy >/«Lz*\ pa. LS 279) Pe.: 4- '80 adj. Pa. 1. to make s.o./s.t. ritually unclean, defile: TPb p'OOa "IBBl ms Xm (in the case of the red) heifer do we not, in fact, intentionally defile him [i.e. the priest]? Zev 21a(l); 1BBB X1? "IBB they do not intentionally defile (the teruma) Sab 13b(44); Pes 67b(l); 7ev 120b(14); Nid 20b(38); Pes 18b (13); po "7TX1 poV n"8B1 1.TX "7TX -lEn"? >jy>BB1 he went and defiled the knife, and the knife went and defiled the meat Hul 3a(2); XWB3 'BB'1? XBBB X1? 5^831 TO granted that (the ash) does not defile (a person) by contact. Let it defile by being carried Bek 23a(12); Pes 20a(l 9); Hag 20a(30); XfimXIB D'Va 1BB8 X1? |'pW8 (impure) liquids do not defile vessels according to Pentateuchal law Pes 17b(28); X'BBB '3XH On TFlbv also in this manner a woman who has given birth defiles (objects) Anan 51:17; ib. 59:7; 2. to declare s.t. ritually unclean: nnBB "wn 'X 18B8 ID |Xm if they declare (the blood) of Jews clean, whose then do they declare unclean? Nid 56b(39); XBBB (Xi)nnBI3 TIBB XJ'BBB whatever I declare unclean he declares clean. Whatever I declare clean he declares unclean Nid 20b(3) Itpa. 1. to be made ritually unclean, be defiled: 'BB'X rfaja 'X 'BB'X pW3 'X ym iy until he knows if he was defiled by a reptile or by a carrion Nid 28b(17); Pes 19b(7); ib. 79a(36); MQ 8a(l); Zev 20b(46); Men 59a(37); Hul 2b(35); Anan 43:2; ib. 50:18; 61:16; XaVl "IBB'xV TIX perhaps he is apt to become unclean San 19a(12); .tVd n'1? 'BB'X '8 "13X in 'BB'X T7'X if one limb became unclean did all of him become unclean? Men 13b(43); Bek 38a(10); Er 31a(3); 2. to make o.s. ritually unclean by dealing with a corpse: a'ri8V WXT fiya ]WaV\ how do we know that Samson made himself unclean from corpses? Naz 4b(45); Mak 22a(34) 'Op adj. unclean, impure (4- V'ttB; Sy •*'**> \ LS279) sg.m. X'HB Men 59a(30) [i.e. it may be offered by an unclean community]; X^H X1H XJ'B X^jjb '318 the mud does not permit the unclean (fish) to grow Suk 18a(46); pl.f. xn'BB 'Tftin impure amulet spirits Bo 78:17 Y: XTW Men ib.(BAYTN 84). W1SIQ adj. dammed (4- Vd&B pe., pass.part; Sy rd^i . v>\, LS 279, Ma XD'MB MD 180) sg.m. X»'»B X1H3 a dammed-up canal MQ 4b(34) Y: XB'BB MQ ib.(BAYTN 56). TOD adj. hidden (4- V*I)3B pe., pass, part.) sg.f. XJiTBB Xiuna 'Xn a hidden (deed of) a gift BB 40b(12) [i.e. a deed of gift drawn up in secret; v. wrap J ib. 21]; 'inn x1?! p'n '3 xpwa xmanm xmnro xm'HB xnina write it [i.e. the deed of the gift] and seal it in public so that it should not be a hidden (deed of a) gift SSHai 8a(2); SSSad 212:9; TGHark35:4; ib. 6 Y: X7ITBB BB ib.(BAYTN 56). KJV»t3 n.f. unclean woman (4- V'BB; Ma XWaXB MD 175, Sy K'^rdJskX LS 279) pi. xn'BIDflo 106:12 BW vb. to fill up, cover up (4- D'BB, VDBX; Sy r\<i >^X LS 279, Ma DaB pe., pa. MD 180, MH DBBB LNVTH 179) Pe. (a/u) 1. to fill up, stop up: n'V D'XBT T? until he fills it up [i.e. the pit] BQ 50a(16); x'jX 'Xp .TO'D'aV fin xa"7B/a D'Xp n'a'B'a1? Jra granted that a trench is in a state for one to fill it up. Is a house in a state for one to fill it up? Er 79a(ll); WBB Git 68a(45) [of pits]; ysVT\ xVl DIB stop up (a hole), and you will not have to repair (it) Yev 63a(35; O2); 2. to cover up: pass.part. XISJD imVs 75? P'BT (the city gates of GN) which were covered up halfway with earth Er 6b(23) Pal. to fill up, stop up: pass.part. WSi T3~l nx'T DBBBai XJOn HI ri'X rf? a lung which when you inflate it has a place which is stopped up HP 200:8; DBBBB XpT XVI ('>1XIT10'X3 he is becoming filled up with forbidden things San 81b(ll) [Ed: D'J/B; read perh.: D'XB] Itpe. to be covered [< DIBITX*; cf. Eps, Gr 86]: 'X-W3 QlB'm Xljn VP may it be (His) will that you be covered with silk garments Meg 27b(45); »xt«d dib'xt ty n'i"?'j? T»<n)im»i m'axa ]ri?v they (f.) removed their clothes and threw them on him until he was covered by silk garments ib. 46 l»t3 vb. to conceal (H ]BB pe., hif. HAL 360, J 540) Af. 1. to conceal, hide: H'1? pSX! XttH XJtVds man1? nn© a certain person who concealed witnesses against another in a curtained-off area San 29b(4; HP 79:5); 2. to cache s.t. in an insulated environment to keep it hot or cold [< MH ]BB hif.]: 'IIBBX1? 'J1X 'aV'T ^Bia perhaps he is apt to cache it in hot ashes Sab 146b(55); ]J1X ,I7 pBX cache cold water away for me ib. 51a(24; V) 87aB S?at3 vb. to assimilate (JPA VBB DJPA 226) Itpe. to be assimilated: trim 1'a ywb 'bt lest he be assimilated among the pagans Qid 20b(7) // Ara 30b(35) ~\W vb. to hide, conceal (4- T»B; Sy \J^\ LS 280, Ma "IBB MD 180) Pa.: X1? ... IB pnBB'1? id'os: tibb ... •or-iBB'x xyn> wb larnaBx hide us! (If) I do not hide you they will see you. If I hide you ... Hide yourselves Nid 61a(46); pass.part. 'IBBa mn niBB they were well hidden Hul 4b(48); nBBB '1X3 'concealed' rural districts [i.e. which avoided paying taxes] BB 54b(15; Es);nBBB Git 33b(41; V18) Af. id.: n'nnx n'niBBX nw ]3 pyait? PN's sister concealed him Sot 47a(35) // San 107b(26) Itpa. 1. to hide, conceal oneself: Xp mn XTT "\ n'DBD'BVB IBB'B PN used to hide himself to avoid being ordained San 14a(40); Xpl ]V3 inj'a '3^U IX1? '■nBB'X naca since they completely conceal themselves they are not robbers BQ 79b(14); ib. 60b(41); pmax WX mB 'J'a TIBB'X the Amorites came (and) hid themselves between the mountains Ber 54b(l; MGN 388:4); "TIBD'X I1?'! go into hiding [lit. go (and) hide] Git 33b(40); niBD'X ib. 44; Yev 45a(47); BB 40b(14); 2. to be buried [Sy etpe., LS ib., mng. 2]: ]"VrB inBB'BT 'V>a lV'SX iTT'diTllV even things which are buried [i.e. treasures] will be revealed to them Git 56b(35) [expl. MH PBB Dmap ib.] NTnatS n.m. (uncertain) pi. xnnBB 'ptt sacks ... Ket 67a(37; FrV5) But cf. mTTIKI 'po ifc(OHT Ket 203:10) [Ed: CTT1] t^aii vb. to dip, immerse, soak (Sy r *yi \, LS 280, Ma WBB MD 181, LJLA WBB Weiss 102[Tg2Jb]) Pe. (a/u): xn pnai xn WBB he dipped this (finger into the forbidden food) and sucked another one AZ 18b(13); ib. 28b(4); XnWB3 W1BB dip in oil HM 39:6; ib. 10; X'B3 W1BB dip in water ib. 44:4; X'B3 n'WBB San 110a(54); X'B HXW X'B3 n'T1? Vb W'BBl X3XB3 he puts water in a vessel and immerses his hands in the water Anan 25:15; Bo 142:13; X"7n3 n'WBB'B XXB1X soaking a piece (of meat) in vinegar HG3 218:56; WBB1 nonn3 he dips (the unleavened bread) in haroset 507
t ; - 508 NWB SRAG 116:130; pass.part. X'B3 pW'BB '3 while (his hands) are immersed in the water Anan 25:17 Itpe. to be soaked, dipped: [W'aB'X -] tf'»nx X'B (if the scarf) became soaked with water Sab 148b(2); X'» iTman@'3 H'1? X<y'B@n'X his linen garment was soaked with water Suk 10b(5) [Ed: XK/'BB'X]; X^m W'aB'1?! let it be dipped in vinegar Git 69a(20) NliaJB n.m. musical instrument (perh. a drum or a mandolin; Sy r^io —> > \, PSm 1489, Arab jjjiia long-necked string instrument Wehr 570) sg. Sot 49b(22) [V2: X133n] Y: N1WJB Sot ib. NTJ3B n.m. frying pan (< Mir? [cf. NP tagar earthen dish or bowl PED 311, w. dissim. of -gg- > -ng-\, I 2#Xni,n; Sy rc'-i^-X. LS 281> > Arab r^AiPLAr 200) sg. GC 45:7 [expl. '"7'BS HG1 287:1]; XT33B3 ]>rt? )'nm»l they heat them up [i.e. the fried cakes] in a frying pan OHT Pes 36:24; H'1? 'nm»l XTa3<B)('3)3 X'a W"B they place water in a frying pan and heat it up TGAs42 160:16 Lit: Geig, AAC 408, s.v. jTM; Eps, GC 4520. \l ft? adv. in matrimony (< Mir *tan-do lit. two bodies; cf. LJLA TO& J 540[Tg2Jb]) ]B Sn'aV 3» l^aiX Sn'B^B n it is preferable (for a woman) to dwell in matrimony than to dwell in an unmarried state Yev 118b(38) // Ket 75a(17) // Qid 7a(34) // ib. 41a(23)//Bg 11 la(2) Geon. expl.: OIK 'J3 'JW 'CHB p»ta n ]B OHT Yev 233:18; Lit: Fl, TW 1:426; Tel 78; Geig, AAC 203, however, rejected this deriv. since P requires *do-tan; Y: H ]B BQ ib. 1313 vb. to soil, secrete before giving birth (I X'S13'B; Sy . °i \ \ LS 281, Ma 130 MD 181) Pe., pass.part. soiled: ]S'3B Sab 57a(24) [of hollow woven chains]; ib. 26 Pa. to secrete before giving birth: «]'3D x"na 'XII Xin X'tya m33 since this (animal) does not secrete, it is a valid firstborn Nid 29a(46); Bek 20a(24); ib. 34 Itpa. to be filthy, soiled: Xpl Xjnx XD3B'B xpi 'TS 'S3B'B the ground becomes filthy, and the fruits become filthy BB 82b (22); 'S3B'ai 3JX JTTU np'B because (people) become filthy (from traveling), sometimes (a person) will go down (into the pool) Sab 8b(24); ib. 100b(17); 48b(l 1) [garments]; 154b(20) [cushions] K0B n.m. plate (TA ]'66 pi. TO Num 17:3, Sy rr'rnX, LS 281, Ma l#XDXO MD 175) sg. Sab 65a(32); XWrm xpBID XDB a red plate of copper HM 40:8; ib. 14 [of silver]; 41:9 [of tin]; 86:8 [of lead] Y: KDB Sab ib.(BAYTN 5). l#Nj?0B n.m. basket (etym. unkn.; I X3"TB) sg. '32?p XpOB X"?a a basketful of ?.-dates Meg 7b(3); nan H3 rV73Xl XpOB a basket in which she eats dates Git 78a(25); Afeg 7b(7; LG) [I XpntfB]; XpO'B OHP Sab 2:11 [expl. MH VpCTlB Sab 5a(17)] Lit.: Geig, AAC 204; Voc: XiJOD HGP 27b: 13; Y: XjTOD G/( ib.(BAYTN 84). 2# N|?0D, NOpD n.m. Persian land tax (metath. < td^ir; L-S 1756; Sy •** " ~> \ LS 281, > Arab ,3-J. BBah 202:2) sg. XJHX VO'V XpOB 3'm ]Xa let the one who pays the land tax enjoy the usufruct of the field BB 54b(17); xpOD^ XJHX XlsyntPB a field is pledged to the land tax BM 73b(22); XpOB1? XJHX <1)('}33n nTPT '3H tax collectors who sold a field for (payment of) the land tax BB 55a(l 1) [Var: XOpB Tarbiz 40(1971) 19026; xpXB HGP 3a:31]; ib. 15; 'x"?'yi 13 VlTa XTfC})3 '33a XpOB3 xyiX V'3p PN leased a field from the residents of the rural district in lieu of the payment of the land tax Git 58b(22) [v. TGAs28 37:9]; Werf46b(13); TGHark 171:2; Ket 44a(22);5M110a(30) Lit: Fl, TMW 2:211; Nold, ZA 23 [1909] 147; LS ib. w. lit.; Beer, BA 228+; Y: NJ70B BB 55a(l 1; BAYTN 115). [3# N|?0B 4- Xp0"l n.] K3W?, N31B, cs. Jiyp n.m. load, burden, fruit (i V2#]J7»; TA pyB TJ IS 16:20, Ma X31B MD 177, Sy k'AIjos \ LS 284) 1. load: sg.cs. ]iy» XriS'lB 'p'BO 'Vaa "lO'^n thirteen camel-load(s of questions about) doubtful cases of terefas Hul 95b(30; V11) [cf. OfA, Pal vbm ]iytJ AhA 186, DNWSI 428]; n'SXID1? .TPSaV B?'3'X 'mai naiytJI 'in H3iyBl XnV'n a load which a person can raise to his shoulder by himself is a third of the load (which he can carry if placed on it by another) Sot 34a(39); BM 97a(29); rrSfD IflX ,T3iyB XT1 xwj 509 a»yp he carried his load on one shoulder Tan 23b(2); xa"?5?3 X31J7DV merely for (carrying) a load San 105b(6) //AZ4b(l); Sab 66b(41); m'»1 X31B *73 mtJias every load which is carried on poles Sab 92a(31); XTTO'SWl X31B a load of branches BB 100a(24); Ber 61a(49); Sab 140b(10; V); ib. 156b(9); pi. XmiX3 ln'iiyo iai their loads are laid down on the road BM 32a(52); 2. burden: sg. {'IX3157D3 l"75? 'in'V X1?! '3'n ^ so that (the Sabbath) should not be like a burden upon us Ber 52a(26) // X31B '3 Pes 105b(16); 3. fruit [cf. Ma X31B X^p'T X1T 13 when the palm tree bears (its) fruit MD ib., JNA XJ131XB t'unta HDJNA s.v.]: sg. XO'J lPh> n'iyiD 'Vm its [i.e. the tree's] fruit is suspended to one side BM 107a(23) Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: 'MW» Sab 140b(10; BAYTN 68); XJlt) BAYTN 19. XTOB, abs. 1JTB, pi. NriNIJTB n.f. error, a spirit (j/V'JTD; TA -\yi TJ Is 19:14, Sy rfbio, i \ \, LS 282, Ma Xm'XD spirit MD 174) 1. error: a. general: sg. XJliyO p'TTO 'ttl 'XIH XmyB Qnn that case was an error. Do we repeat an error? Ber 27b(15); Sab 120a(25); Pes 12a(27); Ket 100a(14); Gi/40a(39); 5M92b(17); Xi'im X33"y X'H XmyBT we investigated (the matter) and saw that it was a mistake TGHark 41:13; pi. '3H nxj?» xnxi^B some of these errors Geon 171:19 = TGHark 229:27!; b. in legal texts: sg.abs. W3 X1? 1VB3 V.1?"! neither by mistake nor by error SSHai 5b(19); ib. llb(20); 14a(18); SSSad 175:13; det. Xmj?B X"?3 SSHai 4a(16); Xmj/B "?3 H'V ^'V'nai Xm^lSl I have absolved him for every mistake and error ib. 5a(14); 2. a spirit: pi. |inVD XmjHJ all of the Nspirits 5o 119:16 [4- Xri'VB] Voc: KriiyS HGP 24a:17; Y: XfflyB Ber 27b(15; BAYTN 28). '3753 vb. to err, get lost, cause to err (i XmyB, Xri'yiD, XJT7B; Sy «LL\ LS 282, Ma XXB MD 171) Pe. 1. to err: a. alone: 'yB xyB'a I certainly erred Yev 121a(24); Git 63a(17); XyBl X3B nS^Vs X3'yB X1?! X3'3a X3X PN reckoned and erred. I reckon and do not err Meg llb(20); ib. 12a(3); Xyoi X3'i ]7 pro 3m n'13 XIDII PN rendered a judgment and erred San 5a(8); 5(9 32b(31); 'yB "XH ''jlS lyi'X does a person err so much? Pes l2a(26); xrrra xn3 lyB'1? ]33n3 'snsT n3i nn 31T (is it possible that) two great men like you [lit. the scholars] should err in this statement of PN? Er 65b(10); lyDT TTOItf vh Tr> nan the merchants of GN do not generally en BM 51a(5); Qid 42b (1); b. w. mnxb to underestimate, 'Bp^ overestimate [lit. to err backwards/forwards]: Xp n'ap"? n-iwy 'yw xp ... nmnxV miyy 'ye he underestimates/overestimates it by ten (zuzim) BB I07b(i); nmnx^ xnyw (i)C)aVs 'yB xp a person underestimates the time (of day) by half an hour Pes 1 lb(39); 2. to get lost: V'TXT jXa1? 'yXBl xrfflX3 for someone who is traveling on the road and gets lost HM 41:15; 'yBl xmia3 Vwi X3T13 one who was traveling in the desert and lost (his) way Anan 37:4; 3. to forget: X3n 'yB 'X 3'ns nas xiszb n^vi 'Bis na3 yr x"?i if a Tanna forgets and does not know how many 'portions' (there are in the year date), let him ask the scribe (of documents) how many (years) he writes AZ 9a(10); 4. to stray, go astray [w. "W3 after s.o. else's beliefs]: xp mm X'TI XliTl Xin xrmX3 'yB he saw a certain drunk person who was straying on the road Git 68b (5); lyB'1? xbl nnn3 'U?3'X so that people should not go astray after him Ber 59a(17); San 61b(4); AZ 44a(23) Af. 1. to cause to err: H'n'yBX ]'n'3nn (the phrasing of) our Mishna caused him to err Ket 101b(25); ib. 90a(15); Er 2b(26); Bek 40b(20); Hul 133b(21); XnV'a XH3 X3n' 'yBXl he caused us to err in this matter TGHark 41:10; 2. to deceive, mislead: (n)'1? n'yBB Xp "iy»X are you indeed deceiving me? BB 153a(26); D'VyiS lyBXT '"Iinx the workmen deceived each other BM 76a(4); l,T'tt?S3 iyaa XpT X1H 1,13'X it is they who are deceiving themselves Hul 94b(29); rm xami H'n'yBX m33 perhaps the spirit of Naboth deceived him San 89a(43); '3iy»X 'nx my brothers deceived me SSHai 13a(9); ib. 15b(7); XIDn 3m '3Tiy 3T ''yBX PN misled PN2 Sab 120a(24; M); 3. to lead astray: xnitf'3 xn'V'V X1^3'X '331 X3'1? X'yBaT the evil lilith who leads astray the heart(s) of men Bo 63:3 D'J?B adj. intelligent (4- ^DyB; Sy «"^ ;v \, LS 283) sg.m. D'yBI T3D1 reasonable and intelligent SSHai 17b (2)
NJT57B 510 Najra NJTy/tt, pi. ]'$B n.f. errant spirit (I V'ytS; Sy r/i \ \, LS 282, Ma X'XO MD 174) pl.abs. pyo 5o 80:6 Lit: MSF 116. DJ7t3 vb. to taste, eat a bit, examine (I D'J?B, XByD; Sy y, \, \, LS 283, Ma DX» MD 174) Pe. (e/u) 1. to taste: a. alone: 13 XlBn XJB'ytJ X1?! '03 yaiXB I do not taste wine except for the four cups (on Passover) Ber 55a(18); b. w. XBytJ: 1) general: Xll'm 'Bye 'ByDI ,!73X Va'8 XJX I indeed ate (the meat) and tasted a taste of leprosy Git 68a(4; As); Xnam XByt? 1H3 D'yt? Xpi "?'3X Xp he was eating them [i.e. the dates] and tasted in them a taste of wine BQ 92a(2); HXBTX X^'Sj? mayO'V let the pagan tavern keeper taste it Hul 11 lb(28); 2) in a fig. sense: D'J/B XByD 33A X3J1 nri3 he stole from the thief and tasted the taste (of theft) Ber 5b(43) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; D'J/BT Vm XIID'XI XByB an adult (pagan) who has experienced sexual promiscuity [lit. tasted the forbidden taste] Ket lla(ll); ayWKb 'ya Xp XTIO'XI XByo he wants to taste the taste of a forbidden item Hor lla(57) // AZ 26b(13); Xm/rm XByD DyB'B1? to taste the taste of death Yom 78b(30) [cf. Ma: p'XBX1? KlWdi XBXB they do not taste the taste of death Gy 9:11]; 2. to eat [w. 'TB something, a bit]: JOTB ^ID'Ti Xs? XTn pi'B'ytJI do not eat from them for a snake has eaten them Ned 91b(15); 'TO rM'yDT "y> mn riTIXI you should have eaten something and come (to the study session) Ber 28b(4); WTX V'XI vnn ,!73xi ^ixi 'tb owa xn m-ian1? one man says to another: "Come, let us eat something!" And they go, eat, and drink Svu 22b(53); mn IX XmixV 'TB D'yD if he used to eat a bit at night Pes 108a(15); VH3X1 'TB Dy» blWK he forgot, ate something, and recited havdala ib. 106b(ll); 101a(18); uywrf? 'TB H'V Jl'Vl he has nothing to eat Tan 25a(35); 'TB na D^B'1? taste something! Sab lla(29); /& 129a(52); Ned 22b(22); 7a« 12b(26); Tern 8b(26); AW 63a(4); /A. 17a(33); Tan 12a(l); /to 77b(15); Qid 30a(35); 5an 49a(42); 3. to examine, try out s.t.: p'^pltfl x<i)nmx3 rb p'aytn xnyaa 'mis we take a small amount of (the tekhelet-Aye.) in an eggshell and examine it with a wad of wool Men 42b(34) Geon. expl.: J1D1 V7 TWyi he becomes accustomed to it OHP Ber 106:5 [Pe„ mng. l.b.2]. KHyU n.m. taste, reason, basis, intonation (i VayD; TA irayo TO Num 11:8, Sy ■*" ^ * \ LS 283, Ma XBXD MD 174) 1. taste: a. general: sg. xmn xn XByB3 xn this refers to the taste (and) that to the smell [i.e. one is beneficial and the other is harmful] Ber 40a(41); Dp'rf? X3'1? ■TByDX one cannot detect its taste Hul 97b(3); xnan xnan mayoi x^n mnn mn (if) its smell is vinegar and its taste is wine-(it is considered) wine BB 96a(8); BQ 92a(3); ITByD "7'D3 Hbl their taste is not nullified AZ 69a(7); Zev 79a(8); Hul 97a(15); mayD BPB1 its [i.e. the Paschal lamb's] taste is significant Pes 119b(37); b. w. VDJ?B: 4- Vdj?K pe., mng. 1; 2. reason, basis, exegesis [JPA DyD DJPA 228, mng. 2]: a. general: sg. 'a -] 'yra X3'"n xay» xaisxi inV '-dtbt vu pyT granted that they can recall that of the mouth [i.e. the actual words]. Can they know the reason of the heart? [i.e. the spirit of the pleas] San 35a(34); vriftvj? XByD 'am XpT l"yx even though (the witnesses) give a reason for their statement San 44b(53); 'JXH naxpT 'By» the reason is that these (people) state (that the house has been searched) Pes 4b(9); b. as a basis of law or custom: 1) w. ref. to biblical verses as prooftexts: "x-ip kjiVji t> '»x mim "n xayo 'xa '3TI3 what is PN's reason? He can say to you: "Three biblical verses are written" Pes 28b(14); Xnp taXT xaytJ 'XB what is the reason? Scripture says ... ib. 90b(15); Ber 3b(16); Sab 68b(33); Yom 43a(24); Suk 7b(14); Git 24b(16); San 44a(43); Hor 5a(44); Tern 7a(19); im'ByD lrVTI Xin X"13'"l □n,a"?c; pari this is the reason of the scholars: □maViy [Lev 7:34] is an inclusive term Men 62b(5); "?3X' x"7 'DDT XByD the reason that (Scripture) wrote "73X? X1? [Ex 13:3] fay 21b(17); 2) as a basis for a biblical derivation: '")"? XITUn XIpT 'ByD nn 'yBW this is satisfactory according to PN who expounds (his own) exegesis of the biblical verse Yev 23a(41); Yom 42b(41); Sot 8a(16); San 16b(51); 3) as a basis for a halakhic derivation: (a) general: X31 X~ai 'aye na 'B'Vl xm'B 'ax (if) a great man makes a statement he should give a reason for it Sab i#iyp : 8ib(32); Mrf 24b(36); xan xnai na 'ax xiwn tf>3p'J xVl xayt? a great man has now given a reason for it, and shall we not accept it? Pes 48a(23; C); XXI Xayt? 'X"?33 pan 'VT II^SX XJl^'a perhaps our Babylonian colleagues know the reason for this matter Pes 89b(50); Qid 35a(17); Er 78a(27); Hul 72a(5); pia na'rn n'ayea ix"?i ... Vx'Vai ]a iiyau; the law is according to PN but not for his reason Ket 83b(46); BB I25b(7); x'yan xm'n 'xra xyai xayD he asked me a matter which requires a reason Bes 21a(14); XTlV'B X'bn xnw^p3 'Ta XJl^B X'bn 'yoa is the matter dependent on seniority? It is dependent on the reason BB 142b(38); Ned 55a(35); BHBB Xp yrnnBT 'yD he explains the reason of our Mishna Bek 35a(38); pi. ina'a 'aytJ nn there are two reasons BM 38b(24); Yev 48b(41); Zev 10b(28); (b) in phrase -ayes'?: lmayD1? i^ani ... 'axT mayD1? rmr> "m '"1BXT PN, according to his reason, who says ..., and the scholars, according to their reason, who say ... Yom 10b(12); XD1J X'H "p '^pn TBytS1?! according to your reason (that barraita) should be internally contradictory Sab 150b(7); Suk 36b(7); Ket 77a(35); Zev 113b(31); (c) in phrase mayo1? ... xtix, im'ayD1? ... nrx to follow his/their (previous) approach: 4- V'TTX quad., mng. 2; (d) esp. in adv. phrase XBytS 'XB why? [lit. what is the reason?; v. Satzlehre 118+]: 'XB1 rD'nX XBytS why did you laugh? Ber 18b(49); 'XB na'x mm xsna ]xjdb 'ry xayo why do the goats walk first and then the lambs? Sab 77b (23); Pes 69a(34); Tan 23b(22); San 20a(42); Hul 6a(4) [and passim]; 'XB XBytJl for what reason? MQ 5b(32); Meg 22a(16); Zev 20a(6); 3. intonation: XflBTn XByD3 nV I'DIl they recite it [i.e. the phrase 'TT yWTV. Yev 39b(44)] in the intonation of a rhetorical question OHT Yev 71:15; 4. in phrase XBytJ bn& pe. to console s.o.: 4- V"?Xtf pe., mng. 3b Lit: Bacher 72+; J. Rubenstein, Sidra 10 [1994] 111+ [mng. 2.b.3.b]; Voc: K6y6 HPP 255:20; xSy» HGP 27b:29; Y: SBVB BAYTN 84. l#]yD vb. to claim, make a claim (I 1#X31», xmyo; jpa ]ytj djpa 228) Pe. (a/u): xnxi mm ]yt31 xn '31? he came again to the court and 2#iyt? claimed (something different) BB 31a(15); XpT mriD nriS ruytJ I'yo he claims that she was not a virgin [lit. he is making a claim of an open opening] Ket 9b(10); ib. 36b(l); On ]»fV 'ya 'X 'an I'yo 'ya 'Xl if he wants he may claim in this manner, and if he wants he may claim in that manner ib. 105b(35); BQ 57b(27); .Tniy» p/D 'X n^ytJ if he makes a claim, his claim is acceptable bb I46a(33); ]iyD3i a^i px ]'yo xV vpx xn»n n'V now he does not claim. Should we make a claim for him? ib. 28b(6); 52a(26); San 29a(44); Svu 4ia(3i); 'so [xry» -] xryo mn xjx 'xin 'X if I had been (there), I would have made a stronger claim Ket 94a(22) Itpe. to be suspected [caique < MH 1# ]yt5 nif. J 544]: mUX I'yCXT X3'n if he was suspected (of having sexual relations) with a pagan woman Seel 152:21 2#]y"tJ, ]MS vb. to carry, load, bear fruit (i X3iyD; Sy ^ V LS 283, Ma ]XD to carry, bear fruit MD 175) Pe. (e/u) 1. to carry, bear: ruytJI "|SrDX XWpV T3 you are carrying PN on your shoulders Meg 28b(46); HSrO by n'niyB JIBp she carried him on her shoulders San 110a(l); pytJ'b X'llB liyw1? X"?l XSU let the body bear (the consumed foods), and do not let the bed bear (them) [i.e. do not lie down until they are digested] MQ lla(40); 2. to load: nXB ri?n ]'yt3 x"?nST ^11 XJIX'ma he loaded three hundred mules with axes of iron San 96b(7); TCb TiytJl XynXX X3DB?n ny Xbn they load it [i.e. the boat] with sand until it settles on the bottom RH 23a(29; M) [M2: 13"D1]; 'XT»3 'B^y '"713 nuytJ everyone loaded him with silk garments Qid 73a(21); 3. to bear fruit [i xnyD mng. 3]: ny j'ye id yiW yyiV (the carob tree) does not bear fruit until the seventieth year Tan 23a(44); RH 15a(10); "TV bpi liytJ the date palms bore j.-dates MQ 25b(42); BQ 91b(37); BB 26a(32); 4. to lay eggs: 1'Htf XjyDl Xmn 'X if (the hen) lays eggs afterwards they are permitted Hul 58a(21; VnH2); pass.part. xry»1 X'T3 it becomes well and lays eggs_/6.(V12) Af. to impose: XX1TU T\b ]3':yBB we impose a court oath upon him Geon 154:31 511
xruj/t? 512 'SB NrUJ/B, pi. NnNJJTB n.f. plea, claim (4- Vl#]jrB, XmyB "12, s.v. 1#X"I3 mng. 5; MH rrijrS Yeivin, bv 850) sg. miyvb rrm xruyB p '3'x 'xai HTT what is the difference between his claim and her claim? Ket 13a(21); XJV'tya XJUJ/B a valid claim Qid 28a(13); BM 79b(ll); BB 47a(8); SSHai 5a(12); ib. llb(18); njnai NJUyB pan X-IBW XinnV .T1? he makes a claim which undermines that document TGHark 112:8; i'& 168:19; 271:28; Geon 163:4; pi. niUytJ 'rfjlD all of the claims G;Y 5lb(12); '^» X^n WJ'X T35? X?'l '33 X*7X iTrayD a person is unlikely to reveal his claims except in court BB 31a(20); nSM3 Xp '*? nosm 'Prx1? xruyB they teach claims to people, and they cause me a (monetary) loss ib. 149a(24); TGHark 168:27; '/uyB pimp Xm are my pleas not, in fact, repressed? Svu 30b(29); Ket 106a(4); XDXjyB TOV writs of claims (of the two parties) BM 20a(22) // BB 168a(21) [expl. 'TBI? HIT? MBM 1:8]; S^Tfe; 5a(8); S&W 203:6 Y: NruJ?B SB 149a(24; BAYTN 171). NWSB, pi. 'NniSB n.m. knocker, rapper (4- VnSD qatol-form) pi. 'XfflBB 5jW 42a(34) [on a wall] Y: '80»P BM ib.(BAYTN 324). F1SB vb. to strike (4- XfflBB; Sy • "* \, LS 285, mng. 2) Pe. (a/ ): n'T3 VU'riBB he struck it [i.e. the water] with his hand AZ 59a(6); xnyv "731 Xttm XICM'yx 'nSD Tin xrtyitfl they used to strike the door bolt each hour Sab 10a(24); X3T n'1? nBB n,!71J03 PN struck him with his sandal BQ 32b(29); MQ 25a(35); BB 22a(29) 1#'SB vb. to increase, add (4- XJI'BIB, XTTBIB, 'BB adj., adv.; Ma 1#XBB pe., af. to increase MD 181, Akk tepu to widen, add AHw 1388; cf. Sy y^X to attach LS 285, mng. 4) Pe. 1. intr. to be in excess: a. alone: 'BB n'"13na xrfr'a H'1? 'BDT "?3 XTJV X13J n'V every (holiday) which has something additional over another has an additional man (to read in the Torah) Meg 22b(18); pt£? rbn X'BB 'irxm (the reckoning) of the barraita is in excess by three years (over that of the Mishna) AZ 9b(18); xn "?'3p x"?l 'BB1 (the time period) is in excess and he has not accepted the judgment Dec 4:6; b. w. another vb.: rb pnB 'BB n'Vy X3'3m 'T'Xn since he likes it [i.e. the field], he redeems it for more [lit. he increases (and) redeems it] Ara 27a(34); Bek 31b(10); pn 'BB he buys it for more Tern 24a(40); 1BXB Xpl T7TO Xpn X'S1? VU'in he saw that the water (of the canal) was rising greatly OHT Sab 97:23; X3T133 'n ]in3 ]BBT f?n those (words) in which there is an excessive he in the orthography BMsN 1:10 [w. ref. to "TOTIS, Vxn&y]; 2. tr. to increase: "?J7 p'BBaV X3'1X1 xV^iy Xinn one must add them to that circle TGAs28 206b: 15 Pa. 1. to increase [w. "«]: 13'IJXX 13V "BDT 'Xn the reason that I increased your wage BM 83a(41); ib. 103b(28); X11XX p H'BBT Xriynx on the understanding that you had increased our wage ib. 77a(23); Tan 24a(21; M2); ,T3 'BBDT xrniB n'3 TS3DTIX xmiB he makes it a bit larger or a bit smaller Er 5b(7); TGHark 271:5; Men 44a(l); 2. to add: a. general: XJW XTfl 'BB'TI let him add one year AZ 9b(6); ib. 9a(23); "IBB1? '71X Xp Xrbl2 he comes to add something BB 138b(14) // Ara 19a(42); Zev 37b(30); "Xm noTip pn -nox mn3 "ibb1? V3X iwxb x':m D'3inpi the fact that (Scripture) repeats (the words) V3X nfl( [Lev 20:11] is in order to add with her the prohibition of these female and male relatives Anan 90:16; ib. 95:9; n'Pain "IBB T"fit he needs to add a fifth to it(s value) AnanSch 4:13; b. esp. letters or words in the Pentateuch for exegetical reasons: 'n inVlBS ,T3 'BB1 he added (the letter) he [i.e. X!2E»n instead of XDB; v. Lev 11:19] in all of them Anan 56:20; ib. 35:24; 57:11; 97:16; AnanSch 24:30; ib. 30:3; 3D3 'BB nfc'fcn he wrote in addition the word na'afl [Lev 3:9] Anan 10:16; ib. 52:12; 107:16; 114:2 Itpa. to be in excess: XJ'SB'D Xpl 'X(r)0){on)'a 'Xn3nx 'Xn 'Vd it is enough for me that I exceed my colleague's (evaluation) so much BB 107b(12) 2# 'SB vb. to shut up (4- XD'BB; Sy klL\ to close LS 284) Pe. [w. 'BX3; cf. MH V3D3 by_2] MBQ 4:9]: ,TBX3 XBB X1?! XVI 1TO it is his ox that he did not shut up (in its pen) BQ 23a(l 1) Lit: L. Goldschmidt, TMW 2:541. 'SB adj., adv. more (4- Vl#'BB pe., pass.part.) I. KjVSB ■ adj. more: sg.m. XrtolB 'BB Mnm XTTB the preoccupation of the bridegroom (with the wedding arrangements) is more than that of the bride Hul 83a(26); f. X"BB IX '3n» XTX3 'XT if (the field) is less than such (an amount) or more HG3 286:54; pl.f. n'TMB 'B'WB 1'T'T ]X» 'Xn xriX'BB in3 n3\PX1 one who borrowed small coins from another and found extra ones among them BM 63b(39); 'irVyn by 'nnn mrna ix'bb the lower partitions are larger than the upper ones TGAs28 19:13; II. adv. more: a. alone: inx JTf xb 'BB ]'X one set (of clothes) - yes, more-no Er 95b(21); Meg 5a(39); 'Xnai 'Xna 'BB more than this and that-4Z65a(13); 'Xna 'BB1 'Xna TS3 less than this and more than that Yom 35a(7); Suk 10b(33); Qid 17a(21; O2); X^l 1D@':aria TS3 xV 1'rnm l'1«?ya 'BB no less than eighteen (years) and no more than twenty-two BM 84b(20); xV xrw'x xrr iD'^na 'bb xVi xrri»a n(')x3 fever sustains no less than six (days) and no more than thirteen San 108b(47; F2); Svu 23b(ll); pat n'3"ia 'BB n'13n3 W'rxV n'1? Xn'JT a person may sometimes want (to be) with his friend more than with his teacher Er 36b(21); xVm '©T>X 'J?W 'BB xnV'a n'3 people hear (about it) more (than thirty days) and it is debasing for her Ket 70b (19); 'X D'B' nj?3E?a 'BB X'TXn if she sees (a menstrual discharge) more than seven days Anan 42:13; ib. 88:21; 'BT pipn ]B 'BB more than ninety days TGHark 84:16; pysri X1? 'BB pys Xap xpiDB3 trouble me for the first verse. Do not trouble me for any more Ber 13b(46); inn 'TT if? xrax '3T m3 xnmTa 'BB had I told her that it [i.e. the money] was mine, she would have guarded it more BM 42b(5); 'BB D'Bnn 'am '5?3 pray that we should become wiser Tan 23b(51); X3X 'BB X^mpa I am more closely related BB 33a(15); b. in apposition to a n.: XT1T 'BB an extra zuz BM 77a(27); XpB'T 'BB an additional hoeing Men 87a(22); xmiB 'BB a bit more MQ 10a(48); nn 'BB IDJp'V they should penalize (him) one (amount) more [i.e. eleven times the animal's price] Git 44a(51) // Bek 3a(19); 'BB Xiyx more pain BQ 84a(30); 'BB 'IXI^'ia more leather sheets BM 85b(22); 'BB XTlTn a more ample livelihood Git 12a(24); c. w. an adj. expressing comparison: 2# SVSB t t : 'BB nnVU tt?'B3 'Xn the light of this one is greater Sab 23a(20); BQ 51b(29); paiD l"l3m XBT Xa^T 'BB perhaps the other one's [lit. your friend's] blood is redder Pes 25b(15); p?'» 'BB 'ypB (the Persians) are more expert than you Ber 46b(21); ibya 'BB they are more beneficial Sab 147b(37); BQ 60b (12); XSDBa 'BB ]'Snn (the small copper coins) are more current than silver BM 44b(12); TGHark 45:27; n'nyap XB'nj? 'BB his legal tradition is more preferable iSGF 65:9 Voc: 'BB VTM 27; 'BB HGP la:24; Y: 'BB Ber 13b(46; BAYTN 333). NTl'SB n.f. (uncertain) sg. XT1'BB3 X':p T?'SK: X'BT even a reed in a ... becomes slack Git 32a(3) [Var: X71B13 VI8MGE 272:1] 1#^SB vb. to apply a paste (4- 2#X"?BB; Sy 1# A^V to blot, stain LS 285) Pe. (a/ ): T7BB1 XT1X 13 n'1? they applied a paste on a duck for him Pes 74b(8; TGAs28 44:23); ib. 5; OHT Pes 84:26; 13X 13X n"?BB he applied a (depilatory) paste on her one limb at a time Sab 80b(14) // MQ 9b(46) 2# VsB vb. to take care of someone, to join someone (JPA *7BB DJPA 229, MH2 "?BB nif. 547) Itpe. 1. w. '3/'V to take care of s.o., to attend to s.t.: Tri3'np3 "?BB'X pIB go out (and) take care of your female relatives Ket 23a(46); "?BB'XT ]T3 n313V 3"n'X 'ID'B1? n'V since (the slaughterer) attended to the covering (of the blood) he became liable (to make another) blessing Hul 86b(38; yii). iriBB'XI n'3 '(tyl'NBB'X^ '"12?' "?3 '3"nan all Jews are required to attend to him [i.e. participate in the burial of the Nasi] and to become unclean TGAs42 162:6; 2. w. -'liU to join s.o.: VbB'X Wp1? 2/'"l imn3 PN joined them (on a journey) San 26a(17) 1# SVSB n.m. child (TA X^BB TO Gen 47:12, Sy «> V *\ LS 285, Ma X'VXBXB families MD 175) pi. 'VBB H'3 ibm (his) children are dependent upon him Hul 18a(15) [Var: '"7B1B Ar (AC 4:65)]; n'*?BB DIB1?! n'3"l1S DIB1? according to his needs and his children TGHark 84:17 Y: X^BB Hul ib.(BAYTN 84). 2#N^SB, K^KSB n.m. paste (4- Vltt'jBB; Sy 513
rp& 514 'i?1?P ^ V" * \ dirt LS 285) sg. a. as a depilatory: 3T xVl px x"?BB ]K'J73 ,TfiXJ3 X"I3W 'TlXKn '3'3 X^BB IK'ya XV ]Knan XTJP jmw the daughters of PN who drinks i.-beverage need a depilatory paste. As for us who do not drink s.-beverage, our daughters do not need a depilatory paste MQ 9b(49) // Sab 80b(19); b. as dough: T>BB 'tya IK ^ID'KT 'V 3H if your dough paste is good, give me (some) to eat Pes 74b(6; C); 'nap "IXW3 IK X^XBB a dough paste (on a fowl) or with various types of flour OHTPes 84:17; ib. 20 Y: N'pBB BAYTN 115. 1)319 vb. to drip (4- «|'D *|'D, XJIB'D, Vl#«]03; MH2 >]BBB J 548) Pa. to let drip: 'rfj'p JlVnx n'B"B'TI X3"I3 '31 he should let it [i.e. the goat's milk] drip on three stalks of a plowed field Git 69b(l) [Var: iTB'DMIOHT ib.'156:10] V. Geon. expl. i K313 '3. KJ750 n.m. a baking surface heated from below (< Mir *tapak [> Armen tapak Hiibsch, AG 252; cf. MP tabag frying pan CPD 81]; 4- Xpn3B; Sy •*" A —■ \ pan for baking bread or frying meat LS 268, *? A * ^ bread baked in a frying pan LS 286 [Lex], Ma xpBXB tongs MD 175, MH2 XpSB rwyn Sab 125a(30), > Arab ji plate, bowl PLAr 194) a. general: sg. p1? T3jma XpBBlX) a t. -surface will be made for you San 93a(44; SM 21:9); SSHai 6a(6) [in a list of contents of a property]; '»! nail '3 XpBB a t.-surface is like coals HG3 219:77; pi. 'pBB TGCas 41a(20) [expl. MH rrnrtoox AZ 75b(53)]; b. esp. for bread: sg. xpBBn xanj //G7 103:76; XpBB Vy n"DX 'XI if he baked it [i.e. the unleavened bread] on the /.-surface HP 15:14; XpstJ by ]Ul6pi tTWl "rpun he took wheat kernels and roasted them on the /.-surface OHTPes 22:26 Geon. expl.: rbyaVa Tisx ram noate npcn ntto tnn 'to xps» GS 108:20; p'3K10 '3iy 'tal O'B'jn 'EOn 'Etol 'pBB rllK^XX pi9W3 IBO p'ty ]'VlX» TGCas 41a:20, i.e. j^ljt, pi. of ljjlL frying pan Wald 47; Lit: Geig, AAC 205; Tel 79; Eps, Stl 250; id., GC 4520; Y: XJ7BB BAYTN 84. HlSt? n.m. hoof (4- X1S1D; Sy -^i *,\, LS 286, Ma X1B1B MD 178) pi. "IIXO1? nSB H'b n'XT Tin JIiTVj? a pig which has hooves on which to walk Anan 66:4; ib. 65:17; 18 Note that Anan distinguishes systematically bet. !OBB and I N1D1D fingernail [e.g. 87:12], and that these two forms are found in the other MEA dialects with both mngs. I#tf8t9 vb. to soil (< tiTO*; 4 VoiX; Ma ItfBB etpa. MD 182, Sy *-<*\ pa. LS 272) Pa.: x"?T 'JXa K/'BB'1? so that he should not soil (his) clothes TGAs42 166:10 Itpa. to be soiled: 'iXB n,!? WlBB'Xl Seel 37:147(Var) Lit: Eps, Stl 120; St2 437:14, note. 2#tfSt9 vb. to be dull (4 nXPBB) Pe.: X1?! xpiJ' WBB x"?1 D'Sn a child a child of average intelligence [lit. who is neither smart nor dull] Men 29b(7) ilNtfSB adj. foolish, stupid (4- V2#WBD; TA XPBB TO Lev 26:41, JPA PBB DJPA 230) pl.m. 'xpbb ]V np xrwn wsd ]V np xjrxn iy 'XWBB1 until now they called us foolish. Now they will call us the most foolish of all Yom 57a(38); Mak 22b(7; M); San 46b(37; K); 'X*13 'XWSB stupid Babylonians Yom 57a(25) // Pes 34b(14) // Zev 60b(26) // Men 52a(27; V'«) // 5eJt 25b(27); Bes 16a(39); ter 75a(46); Ned 49b(5);5er 17b(18) Y: 'XBBB Ber ib.(Mo 96), flNBBB BAYTN 324. NflSt9 n.f. second layer of clay dam (etym. unkn.; 4- XTODnX, 2#X"D13) sg. BM 103b(34) Mng. based on expl. Ar [AC 1:288, s.v. xrDSIK]; Y: XflBB BM ib. nnXB, inS, inS num. four (< MP cahar four t - : * t - * v cpd 21) p'njn mn tixd iy ,T3 p'b:t ]>rw a boil which breaks out in him up to four (years [?] after he is sold, whether) new or old Git 86a(8) [quoted from a slave-sale contract]; HiWV "?3 P'njn -ins iyi p'sx^i sSHai 7a(i2) Geon. expl.: WiV '1 'DIB 'tin TO TGAs28 223:21 [= '0 JliyrajMn]; Lit: Ros, TI 43+, w. prev. lit.; Steiner, Affricated 5396, considers the orthography TTCB later than the more original T1X; v. also Geig, AAC 206; cf. also the PN naia-wntm Bo 124:5 [lit. saved by the four; v. Sh. Shaked, JSQ 2 [1995] 21389]; Y: -yiXB Gil ib.(BAYTN 331). 'j?")Xp, 'piOtt, 'j?nS n.pl. means (< Mir *carak [cf. MP carag means, remedy CPD 21]) GC 150:1 [expl. MH D'TIS'V fr na/J/ MKel 5:9, and by Arab t% trickery]; ~\V21 IDB'tt1? ,p<-|)n)St5 N0j7» n'X'SB whatever means to exempt yourself from fringes Men 41a(33) [Var: 'piOD TRN 666:5]; 13J/8 TIXT 'p("l)n)St3 "73 XTO'EH nnpSl^T ]V3 XpB31 X135? since you left it [i.e. the animal] in the sun, it clearly employs any possible means to get out BQ 56a(54; F1) This word may also occur in 'pTX fBTlKB TGAs42 165:8 [expl. MH OWOraip Hul 91b(38)]; Lit: Fl, TMW 2:210; GC 1502; Geig, AAC 206, w. lit.; Y: 'JTWB BQ ib.(BAYTN 217). NOpt? 4-2#XpOE>n. Tlt3 (a/u) vb. to disperse, trouble, drive out, be engrossed (4- X1TD, XTTID; Sy xi\ LS 288, Ma ■nD MD 182) Pe. 1. to disperse: TTJ'3 Vxj? mmDI he entered between them and dispersed them BM 85b(47); 2. to drive out: p'Vo xb nrrm 'Xia^X Xnx n'maVa (Solomon) did not complete his rein. Ashmedai came and drove him out Meg llb(2; G); 3. to trouble, harass: xV xaVy inon do not trouble the people MQ 25a(35); Ber 24b(27); '3T '3'n 'D n'yiBX V'l'X ]7Wh TI'V XV ">im X'Da I shall go (and) pay it so that when its [i.e. the loan's] time arrives he will not come to bother me BB 5b (1); BM 66b(l 1); ib. 85a(49); AZ 58a(3); n,!7 XTID Xp mn she was harassing him (concerning his decision) BB 153a(24); ib. 168b(20); 4. pass.part. preoccupied, occupied, engrossed: a. alone: 'Xn T"VS XV 'Xm T"ID this one [i.e. who is marrying a virgin] is preoccupied, and that one [i.e. who is marrying a widow] is not preoccupied Ber lla(16); ib. 16b(2); XTI'D TH& ib. 8; Pes 72b(26); Suk 25a(23); Ket 6b(10);'TlB intJ'a he is very preoccupied (with his journey) Hor 4a(16); mntJ mm iri'in I saw that you were preoccupied San 108b(48); b. w. '3: n'01J3 mtn 'Vril^ai he is engrossed in his study and forgets BM 75b(42); Er 68a(8); Git 6a(21); 5e5 40a(34); X3T1D mn 'Xplim I'ar ^n^ri I was occupied with my business for thirty days BB 30a(20); Git 6a(42); T"ID Xp n'msya he is occupied with his work BM 91a(37); AZ 20b(21); 'Vo 'TIB lim xmiyD3 Kliby everyone was occupied in (preparing) the meal Sab 156b(27); 5. to incapacitate: pass. part. 'DJN2? OlsVl V>5?a "I^Oy "l^'xi 13'a tie xnyw 'sVxianx mm 'ra tid'x '^ya (dates) do indeed improve (his constitution), T T T but he was temporarily incapacitated, just as with wine. He is temporarily incapacitated. From then on it improves (his constitution) Ket 10b(51) Itpe. (e) 1. to be troubled: XTDB 'in 'tim "nB'ai nTSD perhaps he will see a loss in his merchandise and will be troubled Sab 9b(21); Hul 86b(10); 2. to be occupied, engrossed: a. alone: 'nn»a ix xwrn ix xr"?<n)ua 'a1?'! perhaps I shall forget, or be excited, or be occupied Naz 12b(23); IX'^S x"71 nnB'Xl they were engrossed and did not pray Ber 30b(2); ib. 35b(26); BQ 113a(25); Ned 72b(23); Sot 35a(24); Yom 14a(12); X1?! '3'H '3 (iXlin1? 1'OTO mB'3 one increases their [i.e. the judges'] compensation so that they should not be occupied (in making a living by other means) Ket 105a(26); xa"?J? '"713 TmB'XI n'PBa m 3TX n'llBDxV Job died and everyone was occupied in mourning him Sot 35a(26); Meg 6b(6); b. w. '3: X3H3 TIB'X in Xav he was engrossed one day in a court case MQ 16b(23); 3. to quarrel: inB'X they quarreled Ket 63a(24); Ara 16b(42); 4. to be banished [cf. Akk taradu N AHw 1381, mng. 2]: xaty m'xa xn3i xinn rcb tib'xi V'xin since I was banished from that world [i.e. the world to come] Hag 15a(24); Xinn X13U TIB'1? "jT8?! let me be banished and go away San 107a(50); 5. to make an error: 'XIX xaV'T '■mB'xV perhaps he is apt to make an error Ber 29a(46); 6. to be incapacitated: since he became faint (from the heat of the bath) he is incapacitated and cannot pray TGDr49 94:3 NT1D 4 X1TB n. K"]i"1D n.m. troublesome person (4- Vtid) sg. San 26a(35) Y: NTHB San ib. KIIID n.m. species of cucumber/melon (Sy k'jcla.H^ LS 837) sg. Sab 109a(14) Lit: Flora 1:534; Geig, AAC 206; Y: KinB Sab ib. nNBilD n.m. an expert on animal defects (4- V3#*]"IB ^ra?o/-form + gent, ending) pi. '33T 'XBnB scholars who are experts on animal defects Hul 48b(31); 'XBIID inVlsV VUTlV'XW X31J?aT I asked all of the experts on animal defects of Eretz Israel ib. 55b(3); xa,!71 TVipP T7'T 515
TIB 516 niQ 'XDVlDn go (and) take away the cloak of the experts on animal defects (who caused a wrongful loss) ib. 49a(8) Y: 'KSnB Hul 55b(3; BAYTN 324). TOO vb. to embroider (< NP tarazldan PED 811, > Arab j> II Wehr 557) 4- T'TB, l#XnB, 2# XT-IB l#Nn», NTK1B n.m. embroidery (< NP tiraz PED 811; 4- VnB) sg. XTXnB XJ/T mn Xim one (maidservant) knew embroidery BB 13b(27; HG2 443:24) Lit: Eps, PLA231. 2#NHtJ, XTNItJ n.m. embroiderer (4- Vn» qattal-form; > Arab jl>L Hava 430 > NP farraz PED 811) sg. SIS-IB We/G 74; pi. X'nB em the chief of the embroiderers Ber 56a(56; Ar [AC 4:76]) [Var: X'PIB Ed; XTU1 O] SMelG ib.: "U 1X10, i.e. NP tarazgar PED 811; expl. Ar: n»W O'Vjran AC ib.; Lit: Bacher, SMelG 744; Geig, AAC 207; Krauss, TAr 1:525s'. mi3 (a/a,u) vb. to take the trouble, prepare, trouble someone (4- XnTB, XJlinHB; MH2 mB J 551, JPA niB af. DJPA 230) Pe. 1. to take the trouble, make an effort: a. alone: mB X1? rPB'D he does not make any effort at all (to inspect the knife) Hul 4a(37); MQ 2a(31); AZ 65a(46); 1V31 H'^lSa n*IB n*IBT since he takes the trouble (to sift the first portion of fruit), he does so with all of it BB 94a(18); 'mnx1? mw n'tnj p'3£> X1? he does not forsake his study to make an effort for others ib. 144a(9); mB Xp n'PBiX niB xp '3 he only makes an effort for himself 50 1 la(10); HP 49:22; xrf?3 '38 '3D XMin '3 nnB'a1? 'JD'OT the bridegroom's household is required to make more of an effort (for the wedding feast) than the bride's household Hul 83a(25; M); 'niB Xp xaVn D'"ns rmyD3 perhaps they are taking the trouble (to prepare) the Purim meal Meg 7b (29); BM 77a(24); JttlOT '^'»3 nnB'"?l "TT'1? na go and take care of the civic matters [lit. of the town] Qid 76b(32); b. fol. syndetically by another vb.: xnp rb 3TD1 niB naim bpi x'nxn xnV>» Scripture takes the trouble to write a matter which can be derived by an a fortiori argument Yom 43a(17) // Pes 18b(28) // Yev 22b(44) // Sot 29a(15); *|"Tai niB X1? he does not make an effort to adulterate it [i.e. the vinegar] AZ 29b(49); 'p'T'X 'TIT Tl'Xl niBXI I shall go and make an effort to bring the money BM 108b(29); Ber 44b(38); Er 52a(10); RH 20a(23); Ket 86a(27); c. w. "3 for s.o./s.t.: mbvh TpbDT 7U pnn(l)xp3 VT1D1 make an effort on their [i.e. the litigants'] account until they come to an amicable settlement Dec 1:3; 2. pass.part. troublesome, requiring an effort: sg.m. ]"? iriBT 'XD what is troublesome for us Bes 21b(29); f. xnV'O tf? xnnBT p'3 since the matter is troublesome for him (to do so) Mak 17a(8); Ber 7b(48); ib. 30a(54); BM 112b(19); X1?! 'nV'a 'n'lB a matter not requiring effort [i.e. w/o giving details] Ned 25a(47); pl.f. f? jmDI 'V'a 'n Tan 23b(21); 3. w. 'ttp to take good care of s.o.: Xp 'an' '8p XniB she takes good care of the orphans BB 52b(18); ib. 144a(17); Git 35a(19); niB '3n 'Xap niB '3m 'Xap he took good care of me in such-and-such a manner Ara 16a(8); Pes 89b(23); Ket 61a(25); tor 27a(8); 4. to prepare, raise [w. "3 s.t.]: 13'31T»3 niBSV X3'XT ntWll p'! miB Mian and Tisri in which it is necessary to prepare your food-prepare it [i.e. do agricultural work] Ber 35b(25; MGD 212:20); x"731X3 pTPB we prepare food (for animals) Sab 155b (10); n'n&'-l3 n'1? nnB'a1? to prepare bread for him ib. 114a(37); 'SblJ3 niB'tt1? to prepare jugs Hag 25b(40); XH13T3 nV miD prepare shrouds for her AZ 17a(40; J); 'TY7 p'327 X^ H'3 xnnB XpT 1V3 XJ'-inX1? 3'n'l since I am raising it [i.e. the animal], he will not forsake me and give it [i.e. the firstborn] to another (priest) Bek 35a(44) Af. to trouble s.o.: niB'3 xV he should not trouble (the people) Qid 33b(8); p3"l mniDX '3 \ar\ mrriBx x1? rrmai rpsia the scholars only troubled him with regard to his own efforts [lit. body]. They did not trouble him with regard to his money Pes 10b(43); Ber 21a(44); Er 10b(16); Yom 9a(7); '013 nxn jmx jrirnDX you troubled me (to come a distance of) four hundred parasangs Qid 40a(15); X1? '133 XJ'T '3 TTHBX p'mBft we do not trouble the court so much for nothing BQ 89b(3); Dec 8:6; X31B H'1? nnnDa 'X nisaa 'jma'X1? 'riX if you trouble him a lot, he is apt to abstain from (performing) the jo-ib 517 NflS'-IB commandment Sab 21b(51); '»p 'miBX1? nPSX "Xn '"?13 X"a£> may one trouble God [lit. Heaven] so much? Tan 24b (42) Itpe. to be occupied w. s.t. [w. "3]: Xp mm Xinn XpO'5?3 nnB'a a certain person who was busy with a business deal TGHark 99:27 P"IB vb. to ride astraddle (denom. < I XJBniB, i.e. to ride in a balanced manner Lehnw 258) Quad.: TB1BD x"n XH 'B1BST Xn this (refers to one) who rides astraddle, and that to one who does not ride astraddle Nid 14a(5) 'IB vb. to dash, sprinkle (4- X'lD; Sy 2# *?k\ LS 287, Ma X"IB MD 182) Pe. 1. to dash: n"Tn n'tmV n""lBT X13J XinnV he saw a certain man who dashed his head (against the wall) Hul 45b(32) [v. Ar (AC 4:72); cf. Ma: X'TIW3 pD dashed against the walls MD ib.]; 2. to attack : X131 Xinn1? rPIB XIB'S you have [lit. he has] seriously attacked me (on this matter for naught) Hul 51a(21; V") [v. xmnx XWb ib. V12, Rashi; Ar (AC 4:77, s.v. mB, X"D); cf. Ma xn»'» T'TBI they attacked you with blows MD 266, s.v. 2#X-|B'tt]; 3. to sprinkle, spatter: X'D Vina XpW n(')SX3 X1B he took from that water (and) spattered his face Tarn 32b(10) [cf. Ma: ]VTO»T ]a j'-IXB p'XD3X3 they spatter their faces with their blood MD ib.]; XT13W3 X'D 'n» 'IB'tt1? 1HD is it permitted to sprinkle from this water [i.e. from the Dead Sea] on the Sabbath? Sab 108b(27; Oxf, c.27, 11) [Var: XIB'S1? Ar (AC 4:71)]; 4. to throw, in phrase 'IB! ^'ptP: a. in a literal sense: X1U ]» rn'IB yam l-b mVptt? take PN (and) throw him from the wall Tan 24a(51; M2); b. in idiomatic usage to argue, negotiate: i Vl# *?ptt? pe., mng. 4 Pa. to strike: x"7pT<1)(»l XWi? TWriO (the female spirit) struck the top of the date palm Pes lllb(18; TGAs42 164:11) Xnt3, pi. NJTVnt?, KJl'ntJ, "TtJ n.m. shaking, buffeting, discussion (4- V'"1B; Sy rd»-t\ beating LS 287) 1. shaking, buffeting: sg. X'lB VrilS1? ">vp shaking is harmful to a wall BB 18a(14); ib. 20b(14); 16; 2. pi. in phrase KmVTO KriSSTIl discrepancies, incongruities [lit. shakings and overtumings]: mn VlVlS XJlX'Dp ^n linnxssm pnnxilB yvsi all of those early ones [i.e. Tannaitic traditions] had many inconsistencies iSGF 46:20; xnX'nB ib. 105:14; 3. discussion [4- X^p'tf]: pi. 'mi H'X "TB n»3 1'TmX WWl there are a number of discussions in BM, ch. I OHTRH 12:20 Y: K'n'P SB 18a(14; BAYTN 115). NJTin'19 n.f. effort, bother (4- VmB, xmnn3; jpa irnB djpa 231) sg. xr'an -wtf? xmnne is it an effort to tie (his) belt? Sab 10a(5) Y: KrnrriB &A ib.(BAYTN 176). NB'IB 4- XB-in n. HNUntJ adj. of GN sg.m. 'XD'IB '3'3n Wee/ 59b(16); Tern 29a(20) NJ'nin N3'HP adJ- of Trajan Hadrian (i.e. Hadrian; cf. JudA M'TO M'TB nop JDS3 7:1, Pal -win xamn pat 359) sg.m. xj"tb x-irn XS"W XJX'mn a filed down a Trajan Hadrian rte/iar ^Z 52b(32; J) // xriB XJX'mn mn XB'Xtt? 5eAr 50a(l) Hadrian's full name was Traianus Hadrianus and appears as such on coins [v. Sperber, Money 2296]; Y: M'nB K^TF? Bek ib.(BAYTN 225). 'i?0'ntt n. a Persian festival AZ llb(25) Y: 'goniB /(Z ib. NP"1B, N(7N'1B n.m. a type of remedy (< OipiaKf] Lehnw 588; Sy ,_Duai> LS 835, JPA 'P"Tfi DJPA 581) sg. TOW DJ/TD n'BST XpX'lB3 he became ill with something which is cured by the /.-remedy OHTPes 18:1; XpX'IB 'Vp a small amount of /.-remedy ib. 1 Ktt'lU n.m. cake made of dates, sesame, and t ' : grapes (< Tptu^a Lehnw 273; 4- xrf7'E?n) sg. Ber 38a(14); 'ants '13JH 'nan dates which they made into a ?.-cake ib. 22 Geon. expl.: p'ryu I'X'xmi jnnri j'Biy O'tnB ,ixani3 none )nw ]mpi orrrmn I'X'xioi D'3:y ix potraw nay piyoi HKB13 OHP ib. 112:11; Lit: TK 2:732; Low, Flora 2:346; Y: KnnB Ber ib. NflS'lP n.f. terefa, suspected terefa (< MH nsnB Yeivin, BV 897, J 554; 4- V3#«p&) 1. terefa: sg. n'T 'mxia XriS'nB pan xn3B Xinn a certain butcher who let a terefa go out from his possession (as permitted meat) San 25a(22); Hul
1#NJV-|B t • : 518 94b(27); 2. suspected terefa: sg. niPI '3 'E/X 31 H'SpV XJIB'IB X'JIX when a suspected terefa used to come before PN San 7b(16) // Hor 3b(34); X-W3 m'» ]3T1 xnsiD XIIW X3VI PN permitted a suspected ?ere/a and bought some of its meat Hul 44b(28); ib. 54b(18); Sab 156b(42); San l00a(2); pi. xns'-iB 'p'BD 'Vm lO'Vn pyo thirteen camel-loads (of questions about) doubtful terefas Hul 95b(30; V11) [Var: xnXB'IB MGG 396:3] Y: XJIBno Sab 156b(42; BAYTN 178). l#Sri'1P n.f. type of pastry (< Mir *tarit [perh. < NP tarit/d bread crumbled into milk or broth PED 298], > Arab ±>j> dish of sopped bread, meat and broth Wehr 102) sg. Ber 37b(44); ib. 45 [expl. by JBA T31 ruTia (flour and water) boiled (and) kneaded ib].; ib. 46 [expl. by JBA XptliTJ XI37U bread of India] Expl. RaH: xpnm xnn1? naxT xs'x X'n 'xo p -inarrx x^i rnrrn era -pro lnix p:m:eo nap ir'ni ^ai nn-ra rxi ohr ib. 45:14; Lit: Geig, AAC 210; Y: xrrw BAYTN 27. [2# Nnnu 4- xjvtu n.] DIB 4- Vl#EhB vb. N3K01D n. (a disease) sg. HM 38:9 1 #*]"!& (a/u) vb. to knock, seize (4- V'31T; Sy 1# ^^\, LS 290, Ma «pB MD 182) Pe. 1. to bang, knock, smite [w. 'N on s.t.J: IBIB'Jl nnmx XSDn OlXIpU' let children bang a sherd behind him Git 69a(7); x"73B3 n^> «pt51 he banged it [i.e. the camel] with a /.-instrument San 67b(31); X33X XS1D1 rum'tf Jinx in X»T one day her neighbor came and knocked on the door Ket 103a(47; MGG 869:13); San 97a(38); Er 104a(32); Tan 25a(3); MQ 28a(49); Hul 95b(13); 5er 28a(39); ]px *1T1B ^>'T go (and) beat against my nest Hul 141b(36; V11); ty XT vb TIB mn 1T31 he used to beat his hand on their [i.e. the donkeys'] backs Ber 57b(56); X^DXI xpim XB1B1 ■"XnpTVri 'pTn she smites, strangles, and consumes male and female children Bo 20:6; 2. to seize property in lieu of a debt [w. ]U from s.o.; MH TlD J 556]: m'» HSnDl 3in "7J73 XJ1X1 the creditor came and seized it from him BM 14a(26); Pes 31a(12); Ket 91b(7); BM 15a(13); 55 131a(13); ,4Z 10a(3); 5e/t 8b(28); ^TIB'1?! ITO ■H3JWaa is he permitted to seize from mortgaged property? Ket 95a(30); 3. perh. to flatten rounded edges: pass.part. 'B'"1B TID'H 'H3 pn"?13 all of them [i.e. the snakes] also have extremely flattened ventral cavities Ned 25a(50) [v. Geon. expl.]; Svu 29b(5); Xp'ltn J"yX XS'IBI (the priest's foot) is flat(?) even though it is cleft Bek 45a(18; Ar [AC 4:92]); *pB'» XSntTD Ber 59a(l; Ar [AC ib.]) [ref. to the shape of a constellation] Itpe. 1. to be seized: nrf?(;i)wn X*7 XB"IB'& 'XT 'Xi'D if (the field) is seized you will be not recompensed by me BQ 9a(21); 2. perh. to be flattened: «pt5'» 'BID'm Ber 59a(l) [v. Pe., mng. 3] Geon. expl. [mng. 3]: 131?' ]JlrU Vyi miWD ]^D JDna OHT Ned 26:26; HllWDI nam "B Ar [AG ib.]. 2# ipE vb. to shake, be in an excited state (Sy 2# *JZ>\\ pa. LS 291) Itpa. 1. to shake itself: T!2p TID'X H3T 'XI1X a dove came (and) was flapped its wings [lit. shaking itself] in front of him San 95a(41); 2. w. Xnil to be in an excited state: Trim XBIB'&I he is (mentally) upset TGHark 207:17 [lit. his spirit is in an excited state] 3# 'pD vb. to declare a terefa (denom. < 4- XJIS'ID; 4- nXBVlD) Pe.: Xmtf? T1BD1 HB1B 'fc'frwVa he declared it a ?ere/a and exempted the butcher from paying BQ 99b(43); BQ 50b(51); nFWKb '©X 31 "130 PN thought to declare it terefa Hul 58b(19); ib. 10b(7); 19a(46); 43b(37); 48b (3 5) Af. id.: XV IX nV p'B-|B» '13 do we declare it terefa or not? TGHark 193:35 Itpe. 1. to become terefa: PITS IxVl mp'3 ^3 XB"IB'» any piercing from which it will not become terefa Hul 48a(42); ,T3 'SIO'OT 'T»3 in the thing [i.e. the part of the body] in which it becomes terefa ib. 57b(38); 'BID'HT X3TI Men 6a(42; V10); ]inr» nm'n XBIB'BT '3pu ybn these cavities from which an animal becomes terefa HP 198:18; 2. to be declared a terefa: xpi N3TI «pD'X1 xrr'Vyn HB'TO OTTO where he slaughters properly, and it was declared a /ere/a HG3 236:29 NS"lt3 I XB1BX n. stfsio 519 pawra NB/S"1B n.m. membrane (4- X0BTB; cf. Sy rc^Lti-U; lean flesh LS 291) sg. XBTO XWBTOa xrOTIBWT a needle which is found in the membrane (covering the heart) HG3 151:90 Lit: Geig, AAC 209. - N123T N$S"lt3 n.m. membrane of the liver t : - : t t : - (4- X733) sg. X1331 XWB1B3 HD'-IDT nX'Tr) the lung that adheres to the membrane of the liver Geon 29:\5;HG3 141:73 - N3'Vl K#B"1B n.m. pericardium (4- X0BTIB, X3'"7) sg.' Hul 49b(37) Geon. expl.: KIM1? ,nX'"l p nX'TO Kim Xa'^T 8(»>B1B Geon 27:16; Y: XT1?-] XtfBIB ffu/ ib.(BAYTN 217). pit} (a/u) vb. to hit, sting, bite, close a door, mix (4- XplBQ; Arab jji. to knock, bang, strike Wehr 558, Ma pIB to mix up MD 183, Akk taraku to hit, knock AHw 1324) Pe. 1. to hit, strike: 'XJTIBX X*7Bip03 'V p"IB he hit me with (his) finger bone on my forehead Tan 25a(44; M2); X33V3 p'-lBT XB'pn Xpn3 a powerful lightning flash that strikes in the cloud Ber 59a(25); ib. 27; 2. to sting: XTD'T iTpTDT ]113 X3"lpJ71 if, for instance, a wasp or a scorpion stung him Hag 5a(51); TGHark 158:21; ]XB "?3 "n 'in X1? X3npy n'V pnB mm anyone whom a scorpion stings will not live Ber 58b(54); XflX H'naxx r\ym XTS'T a hornet came (and) stung him on his penis MQ 17a(31); X3npjn XXpiJ? TD31? H'V p'nBT the stinger of Scorpio that 'stings' Orion Ber 58b(53); 3. to bite: ]XD 'XH X'Tfl n'plDT one whom a snake has bitten Sab 109b(40); ib. 110a(6); 156b(6); AZ 27b(25); W 206:11; 4. to close or lock a door: pllB'3 XV p this (rope) will not close (the door) Er 102a(20); TB3X3 X331? H'piBI he shut the door in front of him BM 83a(25; Es); B/TX Tl'3 x"7T '"?J pilB ]T1B'31 lock the doors so that people no one will come and disturb us AZ 58a(2; J); Ber 28a(38); n'nnBa1? msxi ^•hi1? n'pnBi xnsi a man who locked his door and lost his key San 113a(58); BQ 112a(37); 5. to mix: 'Tin 'TO inrplIB'1?! let them mix them together Sab 110a(33) YIU vb. to deduct (< Arab jito cut Lane 1833; 4- XTIB) Pa.: XJl'jin in XT0S ]» H'V I'lTlDm he deducts from him one-third from the loss TGHark 271:7 tOIB, N1N1D n.m. thief (< Arab jlji scoundrel, rogue Wehr 554; 4- VTIB) sg. ]» Vptt/I XnxnB X^Xl nrTI XT1S ,T»p a thief came and took from him a money bag of denars TGHark 271:12; 3311 'X» H'Dp ]& X1X1B what the thief stole from him ib. 23 1# tf"ltJ, 01B vb. to batter, efface (Sy x-ji-\, to splash, batter LS 292) Pa.: XOmpa T'nm n'lSnBI he hit it [i.e. the coin] with a mallet and effaced it BQ 98a(17) [Var: TOIBI Ar (AC 4:98, X"0)] 2#C71B vb. to stop up, deafen (4- 2#XEhB; Ma WTO to stop up, deafen MD 183) Pa.: 1. to stop up: rb WVSOl x"7 nnpa not in cold water because it stops it up [i.e. any hole in the lung] Hul 46b(10); ib. 47b(37); 2. to deafen: lETTO n'JTX deafen his ears Bo 145:3; pass.part. IWIBtt H'Vj? 71J773iyV X*7T ]in'3T,X their ears are deafened so that (the demons) should not hear (anything) about him ib. 48:1 [cf. LJLA ]VK)Ji '131X TgEstFr6:ll (p. 96)] l#Kin9, NB7NnD, NB711tJ n.m. a type of futures transaction which may lead to a usurious payment (etym. unkn.) sg. '"Htf XW1B a /.-transaction is permitted [i.e. it is not usurious] BM 65a(47); '"W 'XT, 'TT Xl&XnB my t- transaction is certainly permitted ib. 53(HGP 27a:6); X&n '11 mmv ib. 65b(l; HGP ib. 8); pi. 'XnBB '2DB the t.-transactions of PN ib. 68a(ll; F1); ib. 12; 'W71B ib. 68a(4; Geon 357:4) Y: XShB BM 65a(47; BAYTN 85). 2#NBnt5 n.m. deafness (4- V2#EhB; Sy rdi-o-tij, deaf person LS 292; cf. Ma X'lVx X'P'IB dumb and deaf Jb 98:8) sg. HM 37:20 paitftJ, pNaitfB n.m. rolling pin (< Mir *cobak [cf. MP cobag wand, arrow shaft CPD 23, NP cuba rolling pin PED 402]; GeonH paw Geon 185:25) sg. GnK6 74:12 [expl. MH ^li MKel 15:2]; n'»TX3 px<3W)(wa}D GC 39:1 Geon. expl.: |?!10 n"»31 CG ib., i.e? jj> [cf. Sy «j>j-i-Si LS 404], On the NP form raWO in a H context, v. OHT Pes 63:17; ib. 19; 64:3; Lit: Eps, GC 393.
XptWP 520 K|M«»P Nflt&Bt^t? n.f. smeared portion of a document (Vtfbtf D [redup. of V#1D]; 4- VoiX; MH2 WBOT J 527) sg. HG2 173:18; SMe/ 59:508 'fi/tS vb. to hide (Sy ^r\, LS 292, Ma XWD MD 183) Pe.: XBmtt '3 IWl rmi VTX "7TX he and his son went and hid in the school Sab 33b(28); Qid 39b(54); ib. 81b(4); Wra XWD VtX he went (and) hid from them Tan 29a(42); ib. 24a(25; L); "?'3X1 XJWtyn ">WS XJ1X'^X3 one who eats animals' tails will hide in attics Pes 114a(8); X3X 'XWT '3V1 'a 'V 'in xpi ninx *?intr x»d 'm 'an just as I hid, so also could the Jew have hidden behind me and could have seen me AZ 70a(41) Itpe. id.: XTVIJ/&3 1WX1 T?TX they went and hid in a cave Sab 33b(31) [v. Pe.] NjWltf B, Nptttft? n.m. a type of pot (< Mir *tastak [> Armen tastak Hiibsch, AG 251; cf. Peh fast bowl CPD 82, NP fast large basin, cup, bowl PED 815]; Sy «lL&jlX goblet LS 292, Ma X1TOXB cymbal MD 176) sg. xb'3MI XpJWV X^a a /-pot full of ginger Meg 7b(7) [LG: XpOD]; pi. mon 'pDPD ... 1DX do you lack ?-pots? Nid 68a(2; Ar [AC 4:102]) Lit: Geig, AAC 211; Tel 80; ISK 103; Y: 'j»B>B Nid ib.(BAYTN 217). 521 V'T *? NJ interj. oh! (Sy rCJ LS 293, Ma UW) X"1S0 X? oh, teacher SYes 45 [quoted as spoken JBA] Lit: Nold, MG 80. taw 4- niK' '3 n. JTI*P adv. well, properly (I ^; JPA mX' DJPA 233) H35? mX' did I do (it) well? Ned 22a(37); Git 38a(37); 5a« 47b(20); ^Z 62b(24); 'IB X1? mX' he did not roast (it) properly Ber 44b (49); ]13jnX3 prrmitfB mX' you praise your land well Ket 112a(28) Y: nw AZ ib.(BAYTN 333). 'IP adj. good, suitable (1 niX'; TA 'N* TJ 2S 23:8, Sy ,rdi, rdJKii LS 293, Ma lttX'X'' MD 185) 1. good: sg.m. p3X 13 'X 'X' X1H l""nx 13 'X 'X'l 'X' X1H ]"T1X n31 Xin if he is a scholar, it is good. If he has important ancestors and is (also) a scholar, it is even better Men 53a(31); X'lJl 'X' Xiax ... 'N1 young goatfs meat) is better, lamb('s meat) is better Pes 57a(42); ib. 57b(l); Xm3'3 IX ITti? 'X' xa'3 is it better to dwell on the sea or on land? Tarn 32a(32); 2. fitting, proper: sg.m. Xrfan (X^X'I xa'1?! 'K' the cloak is fitting, and the tekhelet-(dyed) thread is fitting Men 39b(2); BB llla(38); XlirV "|$np 'X' your neck is fitting for scissors AZ 29a(46; J); 'X' X1?! 313 "Chub a lie is not fitting for a kingdom Tarn 32a(41) Y: 'X; Pes 57a(42). K"W n.m. forest, thicket (< Xny*; i '"IX'3 X'1?!); TA xny' TO Ex 2:3, Sy nr'-L.J LS 305) sg. fl'S XIX'X pSl .T1? lIXpT as soon as they called him he went out to the forest Mei 17b(20; MGG 267:15) [Van XTTX T-S Fl,l 45; Ar (AC 2:125, s.v. IT^an p)] Expi. [nv^jinn 'o]: -ijrn Vx xr mgg ib. tPN' vb. to abandon a claim (JPA WN' DJPA 233) Itpa.: VWa 'IPIX'X he completely abandons his claim Sg 114a(35); BM 22b(24); HBUai TU lyX'a '» 'DIB ©X'a granted that he abandons the claim to the object itself. Does he abandon the claim to the money? BB 44a (5); WIX'X Xbl ]T>3 'tt'j? 1.T1OT XJllttm D,!?J/3 since the owner did not abandon his claim, it remains in the possession of its owner BQ lllb(6); ib. 113b(37); BM 21b(38); ib. 22a(14); WJia AZ 43a(33) The forms C)»K'0 'WIN' &W21b(41); ib. 26b(6) would seem to indicate that a pa. form also occurs; however, the pa. inf. form may either be an error for 'ENN'X or may be employed together w. the itpa. form as occurs elsewhere. 32' vb. to sound a trumpet or shofar (Sy . -. S j LS 293, Ma 33' pa. MD 188) Pa.: 'IIS'IP ]in'33,a you sound shofars Bo 78:18 B"3? adj. dry, without bleeding, n. dry object (I Vl»3', xnra?,3,\ xntf3'; TA WY TO Dt 28:27, Sy r^.T ; ^ i LS 295, Ma X^X1 MD 184) I. adj. 1. dry: sg.m. BP3' rwn p'lOT ]X» one who combs his hair when it is dry Pes 11 lb(36; M2); pl.m. 'lya1 rrnpix x3'di im wi? 'orp pn XS'DtV two dry twigs and one wet one. The dry ones set the wet one on fire San 93a(49); f. nrwa'! nnX3,D1 xnx,S(1)(T)Sn moist and dry skin lesions HM 38:3; KJWY Bes 21b(ll); 2. without bleeding: sg.f. HIWY m,,7 a 'dry' birth Nid 10b(42); Kar 10a(25); xrw>3' TOW a 'dry' slaughtering Hul 74b(43) [v. R.G. infra]; II. n. dry object: sg.m. sg.m. Xtt?'3,1 X^'3'V XS'DI XS'DI1? a wet (medicine is effective) for a dry (sore), and a dry one for a wet one AZ 28b(26); Bes 33a(19); f. 'xra?3'3 XH 'n3'DT3 XH this (refers) to a moist one, that to a dry one Ber 36b(49) // Yom 81b(32) [pepper] r.g.: m nana xs' kVi rax nx lonw Hul ib.; Voc: xB'i* hpp 302:21; Y: 'B'& San ib.(BAYTN 237).
NJT)B"3? 522 #3' NfflBTS? n.f. dry state (4- ti'3' adj.; Sy ^hr ~ . -^ .- ls 294) sg. nsa Vs'a 'sa xVi nVin rpJW3'3 a sick person who cannot eat unleavened bread in its dry state HP 15:8 NntP'3' 4- xriBta'' n. ^>3' vb. to carry, bring (4- X*73ia; Sy -V -. ■ af. LS 293, Ma "73' af. MD 188) Af.: n-b x:"?'31B "xmO» '3s? mm TJXa I shall carry his clothes for him behind him to the bathhouse Er 27b(10) // BM 41a(14) // San 62b(44); Suk 53a(24) [4- Vl#3iy]; pra im in "?3 VTSIX bring each one of you [i.e. the get] Git 67b(14) n.m. cynodon (Cynodon dactylon Pers. [species of grass]; '4- X3ixn; Sy 2# ^ V -7 ■ LS 293, Ma XV3X' grass MD 184) sg. GC 13:14 [expl. MH TV^?? MKel 3:6]; xVs'l X1TJ scrapings of cynodon ,4Z 28a(38; TGHark 22:26); SA/86a(27; SM 144:34); Git 68b(49); pi. 'V'S^X X»ru VoXCl) in XSV once he was eating bread over cynodons Hul 105b(28) [Var: 'Vsh xi<T)n)Jx H2]; 'byb innpy xia oncrx he brought a spade (and) uprooted the cynodons ib. 29(V"); '"73H X(l)n)'ll Xp(1)C)S1 r,ap" (bring) scrapings of a root of cynodons before the one who hoes Sot 10a(22) Geon. expl.: ty)(llrf»< ri"B31 n:»D3 3Xn laWB 3Wy TGHark 22:27 ; 'jpl'Jl <J1")B31 'D3n 'W^ 1»W 3Xm KW 3WJ> OHT Git 155:1; 3ixn WTIj? '^31 ^nJCffl n"B31 mnta x'jS' GC 13:14, i.e. Jjj couch-grass (Triticum repens) Siggel 24 [cf. Sy: -' * — • Jjlll rtli-oju^ BBah 834:11]; lQWB 3WyLit: Pfl 184+; Flora 1:697+; AAC 211; Y: X^3? AZ ib.(BAYTN 116). D3' vb. to contract a levirate marriage (4- XB3\ xnas'; Sy >-. , pa. LS 294; JPA Q3' DJPA 234) Pa.: n83"B H.b '»13' he does not indeed contract a levirate marriage with her Yev 18a(15); ib. 23b(22); 40a(47); Qid 52a(3); TTBWb JV3X 'X D'S' if you want to contract a levirate marriage with her, do so Yev 39b(34); S$Hai 12a(21); ib. 13a(19); Q3"ai V'U ,!ri TOTl let us wait. Perhaps he will grow up and contract a levirate marriage with her Yev 39b(21); Xin D3"1? 'Xfl Kin D3"1? 'Xm let this one contract a levirate marriage with one and let that one with the other ib. 18a(30); ]XBB ,1133^ 'SB m1? 3ipai ]XB by rb D'3'm nSDJa1? m1? 'IP! the one who is the most closely related to her (deceased) husband among those who are permitted to marry her is required to contract a levirate marriage with her Anan 109:6; ib. 111:7; 115:1 Itpa. to be married in a levirate marriage (of a woman): 'B13' D3Tin let (the sola) be married indeed in a levirate marriage Sot 5b(27); ib. 6a(5); Yev 79b(29); inrx"? ^ 'XVTI ,!7 'BSTTX be married to me in a levirate marriage and be my wife SSHai 13a(21); HP 163:32 Ntt3? n.m. brother-in-law, levir (4- VD3'; TA nS*3* TO Dt 25:5, Sy rda-pi LS 294) sg. f?S na3' NN, her levir }fev 39b(32) [in a legal text] NnS3' n.f. sister-in-law (4- Vd3'; TA miliar TO Dt 25:7, Sy r^^-i^-p ; LS 294) sg. f7VT\ ]X8 ilTIBS'V one who submits to halisa by his sister- in-law HP 144:18; ib. 148:2; 164:2; mV XOHX 'X xn»3' m1? ,t>b:i 'apa mnas'i xnnx rn na(l)C)3''^ if his sister-in-law's niece was betrothed to him before his sister-in-law became eligible for him to contract a levirate marriage Anan 109:10; ib. 11 Nrm3? n.m. mandrake (TA piTTD* pi. TO Gen 30: R Sy rdjjc.-U=Lj LS 294) pi. TVn3' San 99b(34) [expl. BH D'XTPJ Gen ib.] Lit: Flora 3:365+; Y: WO? San ib.(BAYTN 243). K73' vb. to dry up, shrivel, wither (4- iy'3', Xnti3', XW3V, MUttl'; Sy y •? ; LS 294, Ma BTC'/ttray (e/u) MD 188) Pe. (e/a) 1. to dry up: 131 XTU W'S'l the great canal dried up BM 103b(44); W3'X 5M 74a(29) [clay]; 2. to shrivel, wither: a. body organs: 1xn UTS'l 'DM '3 '■?S 13 'DT TrbTVO VTi Vbnv just as this spleen shriveled, so may NN's spleen shrivel Git 69b(34; OHT ib. 153:16); Tpltf \VDY1 may his legs shrivel Bo 74:3; ib. 2; Xp'T XWaWn xbl X^'S'l IX'l a lung which has shriveled and does not let a stream of air pass through HP 205:6; Geon 26:19; XD'l in 2/31! one side (of the body) shriveled [perh. became paralyzed] TGAs42 164:8; b. produce: tf'3'1 nanx X1BT1 he placed (the sheaves) in the sun, and they withered BM 74a(16); Git 60b(48) [fruit]; c. snake: //M 42:15 Pa. to dry s.t.: nn3,iy3,I?1 X'ai '3C3)(13( 3E> 'XT^ X"?1B3 let him bring seven aquatic leeches and dry 523 NT t : them in the shade Git 69b(30); ib. 69a(l); xm 'WU'I 'Sisb IDina does not (the ball of clay), in fact, lack ..., drying? BM 74a(28); TGAs42 161:10; pass.part. xVlB3 ^OVOI ''THpl 'DID nnbn three leaves of gourds which are dried in the shade ^Z28b(10) Until, KJTltf'3' n.f. dry land (4- Vti3', WW, Sy rr>k > ; -^ ; LS 295, TA XrUPT TO Gen 7:22) sg. Xin XniyS'T ]T~aQ we thought (that the dorsum of the fish) was dry land BB 73b (21); nDD "?3 'DT xniWH '"tflS X'ai every handbreadth of water (in the pit) is like two of dry land BQ 51b(23); Tarn 32a(33) [* 4- XB']; Xa'3 n3ya"? n'5?3 DX xrKP3'33 if you want to cross over the sea as on dry land HM 42:21; ib. 37:2; HMGas 94:12 Y: mVT AZ 75a(3; BAYTN 237). NT, abs. T n.f. hand, possession (4- vr,X, Jl'3 xt>, 'T Vn s.v. i# x"?n, -in, xt mann, xt 3ro, 'T1?, T»; TA XT TO Gen 38:28, Sy k'xj LS 295, Ma X1J? MD 341) 1. hand: a. general: H'Dpi'X 'X I'M n,I7 'ana ]Xa T3 if I hold him in my hand, who can snatch him away from me? Hag 15b(18); Tb rf7 TIX Xnn T3 ]t5pJ XBDp^X the '.-official took me by my hand, (and) the smell (of power) came to my hand Zev 96b(4; V11); Kb rvn^pb xiai rb xiom xnn'x ^^ x'jrc do I [lit. that woman] not need a staff for my hand and a spade for burial? Yev 65b(45) // Ket 64a(20); W H'T3 X-IOW D'pJT ]X»3 it is as if he is holding a document in his hand BM 17b(2); xrDD 'XW 'X ITTiyip 'XT3 had there been a knife in my hand I would have cut him up Hag 15b (12); X'573 'X» 'XS'JDT xaiS3 "|T what is your hand doing in my dog's mouth? BQ 23b(13); X^XaWT HT her left hand Ket 61a(43); xra'T H'T his right hand Pes 57b(3); pi. X1SX3 13"T W» wash your hands in the morning Hul 107a(2); iaxi in'SHSI W'T 'IXin1? their hands and feet are similar to each other Anan 56:13; ,K,7,'J7t? ]VPT ]'an» 13 when they raise their hands upwards ib. 20:1; WD WTB waj'T they threw away their stones from their hands Qid 70b(32); b. w. ref. to writing: pl.cs. X1SD 'T XTl^ns '3'n3 they are written in three (different) scribal hands BM 20b(28); c. w. var. vbs.: 1) V3IT pe. to extend the hand in assistance, assist [cf. Sy r«'a-»r<' ..sacrij LS 298, mng. l.a.p]: sg. XT H'V 3H' nan 13 13 ,131 VlX PN went (and) extended (his) hand to him Yom 9b(41); Ber 5b(21); '3D1? H'T 3'rT "3X PN used to assist the old men Qid 33a(44); 2) VVw pe. to pour water on the hands: pi. X'BB D'T b'DJ m,l he used to pour part of the water on his hands Er 21b(28; SM 115:22); 3) VlS3 pa. to place blame on s.o. [lit. to wipe one's hands]: 4- VlS3 pa., mng. 2; 4) V'ltt? pe. to insert the hand: sg. X3X rvrawxi ':xa3 t 'xiiyi ly x:ys3 mn ab xipya '31S "?D n3 initially, I would not break (bread) until I had inserted my hand into my container and found in it all that I needed Sab 140b(17; V); n'3 -|B?32/1 n'T n'3 XIW he inserted his hands in it [i.e. the bucket of water] and dabbled (them) in it AZ 57b(18); 2. paw: pi. n'T1? ipOSI O'lll (the cat) was clawing and they cut off its paws Hul 53a(34); 3. metaph. possession, control: a. general: sg. iy no@;vi2na TT3i n'lxix "?y it I'Dim ywy you control your son [lit. your hand is on his neck] from sixteen to twenty-two (years of age) Qid 30a(2; O2); X13J Xinn1? "loan xV X131 mi XT3 n'maVa^l WTi? do not deliver me and my kingdom into the control of one man Git 57a(19); 'lino T3 'X33 (will) the builders (of the Temple) [i.e. the Persians] (be delivered) into the hand of he destroyers [i.e. the Romans]? Yom 10a(38); n'T3 DIpTI let it remain in his possession Ara 26a(34); n'TO naplX leave it in his possession BB 54a(23); BM 39b(13); WS X^l XmiS X^X n'TS only a small amount remained in his possession TGAs28 78:25; TGHark 195:37; xxtdVbi XT'? iDan,l7 x"?i xisj xinm wsi nrn may I die and not be given over to the control of the government BM 86a(33); Ber 56a(52; MGG 706:7); 4. in var. expressions: a. in phrase p'S: n'TUin 'T ,T3 he fulfills his obligation through it Pes 38a(39) [4- Xri3in, mng. 2b]; b. in phrase mn ''T3 to possess (an answer): l'T3 'Xin XJl^a Xn we were certain of that matter RH 13a(39); xb TTS mn he did not have (an answer for him) AZ 4a(36); Ber 42b(47); Bes 12b(42); Tan llb(25); BB 22a(29); c. in phrase -'T» Ipy'X to forget: m'Ta lnmaVn in"? ipyx they forgot their talmud [lit. their talmud in their possession was
T ' T; 524 'T uprooted] Ber 18b (14); 'XT3 pi '"?BT TT1 NN's power is like my power SSHai 9a(19) Voc: XT HPP 202:18; Y: V.T Ber 56a(56; BAYTN 2). - NTV NT adv. one to another XTb XTB1 t ■ t : 'a^WB they hand over (the animals) from one to another BB 36a(34) - T»a adv. immediately (< T ]B; JPA T ]», TB djpa 314) nnai X3iin ,T>y bsi r» a mined building immediately fell upon her and she died BB 146b(2); 'Kin TB .131271 the burning (of the meat) was (done) immediately Pes 82b(36); Meg 1 lb(25); San 93b(18); #i// 63a(34); Tarn 32a(41) - T3 prep, through, by means of (Sy xi-=> LS 295) a. general: xnx 31 T3 X3lV Xion 31 ,1'V n^P X3in 13 PN sent to PN2 by means of PN3 Pes 47a(26); Yev 89b(23); ATef 67b(50); ib. 81a(27); TT3 nTTTO they sent it by means of him AZ 17b(50); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V'nB pa. to protest: ''T3 ina Xs?! p31 'an' lim the scholars were sitting there and did not protest against it Git 56a(5); SSHai 3a(15); 2) Vop3 pe. to maintain an opinion of s.o.: *|T3 311 Dlp3 hold onto PN's opinion Sab 24a(18); Pes 52b(25); BB 107b(7); 3) V'BI pe. to be undecided: ,TT3 X'BIl xVl ]'X yes and no, and he was undecided concerning it Sab 113a(25) Y: T3 Pes ib. — 'T7 prep, into the possession of, into a state of (TA 1*7 TO Dt 23:16) a. alone: .I'M 'IDB'Bl 'nnmx xnnx 'T1? n'mai his sons and daughters will be handed over to another woman Ber 56a(25; MGG 703:16); b. w. V'flN pe./V'BD pe. to come into s.o.'s possession: n'T1? 'Xnx '31 TFTb 'Xnx XTnna (the lost article) only came into his possession in a permissible manner BQ 66a(25); ib. 93a(40); miSX 'XB "T1? WX X1? '3 why should I protest when they have not come into my possession? Hul 39b(38); BM 21b(5); ib. 65a(13); Sab 81b(23); Bes 15a(27); BQ 89a(10); Bek 18a(41); nwn n'T1? X'DB xVl l"yx even though she does not derive any benefit Qid 7a(13); BB 124a(13); TGHark 272:28; c. w. V'nK pe., af. to ultimately be/bring in a state of [= MH2 'T1? X3 Ber 32b(25), 'T1? X'3» Meg 27a(3i)]: xyian 'T1? 'nxi tbw "j'oa xb xa^i perhaps it is not cooked well, and it will ultimately be in a state of leavening Pes 39b(41); xtdb 'tV n'3 'nxi 'Ta p3i 'jpna do the scholars enact anything through which there will ultimately be a loss? BB 35b(19); Sab 14a(30); ib. 82a(10); Qid 39b(43); BQ lla(30); San 19a(12); Hor 13b(47); 'Tb X'na NP'11 Xn'BlBin XT(l)('ny a skin lesion of the head can ultimately lead to blindness Ned 81a(3; Ar [AC 3:500]); Hag 5a(47); d. w. V'fiN pe. to come to s.o.'s attention: XnTB n3 XB'J ]T^ XnXl 'j'Xin since it has come to our attention, let us say something about it Sab 81b(23); Bes 15a(26); Svu 48a(30) Y: 'TV Sab 5a(38). _ *'T ^5? PreP- by means of, through (4- 'T'X -r, Sy jxi-K' d-*: ls 526) ]i3T Vxi©' nin 't "?y they bought (it) through Jewish merchants AZ 24a(l 1); Xnn ,TT by '11 n'niDXl PN's cure will be through him BM 86a(l); Ber 35b(55); Sab 88a(15); Git 6b(33); XKN'X 'T byi '»'3 'Win 1'iayna evil magic done by means of people Bo 54:7; Dec 1:7 Y: -'T ty Ber ib. 'T vb. to offer thanks, confess, concede, acknowledge a debt (4- xn'llX; Sy j-jorc' LS 296, Ma XT af. MD 188) Af. 1. to offer or give thanks: a. alone: X31D '31131 'ms^l "TT«6 to offer thanks, glorify, and bless very much Pes 116a(48; E2); niwy 'BX3 "lllX1? TIXl he must give thanks before ten (people) Ber 54b (49); '11X1 n'yBWI he heard that he offered thanks (to his deity) AZ 8b(ll); ib. 6b(24); b. w. by. "1TIX 'jam iin^ i3yi 'O'j by wrx 'ap to give thanks before people for the miracles which the Merciful One did for them Anan 37:10; 2. to confess, admit: '11X1 Xin n3K? (the story of Judah and Tamar) is praise since (Judah) confessed Meg 25b(6); '11X1 .TX1B3 he tied him up and he confessed BB 167a(20); XIp'yB rvb '11X he admitted to him from the beginning BM llla(36); 3. to concede: ,1'"? p'nPTO 130 Xin wb '11X "111X he thought from the fact that he was silent that he had indeed conceded to him BQ 20b(46); AZ 20a(34); X'XDVb''? "111X n'1? '11B1X 'J/frB'X TPby before he completely concedes to JTT 525 yr him, let him express his complete disagreement with him Svu 38a(23); nn'a ">b 111X Wlb according to your (opinion), concede to me at any rate ... Yev 120a(15); Naz 10b(16); Svu 22b(10); Zev 77b(12); Hul 49b(35); "Xap1? ma 'Xin3 "Xina^ ma xb 'Xap the latter concede to the former. The former do not concede to the latter Yev 91a(16); 4. to acknowledge a debt [i.e. homologia; cf. JudA nJX 'IB JDS2 18:70, MH 'JX Xlia JDS3 45:6; Sy k1j_.io^73 PDura 7]: 'B1 n'Vl33 'b 'llVl '3M '3 n'ty nyi3tt> impose an oath upon him so that he will have to acknowledge all of it to him Git 51b(22); Ket 18b(4); Svu 42b(7); X"11B1 XBD3'B1 IPB'X perhaps she will be embarrassed and will acknowledge (the debt) Ket 85a(45); 'ap n'n'nx iap n'ns'i<')nixi naa 'x X'3"?S if I acknowledged the maneh which 1 borrowed from you before NN San 30b(30); Xp tit pi p n'ra n'"?'3pi n'3'oai pa'Bip xrna '1'n3 'aXB XBD31 I acknowledge before you that I took and received from him such-and-such an amount of good, select silver zuzim SSHai 4a(6); ib. 6b(21); 14b(10) Lit: J.A. Goldstein, JNES 25(1966] 8+; Greenfield, AKY 944 [mng. 4]. JTT vb. to know (4- xnyi, Vyna, xyna, nyi'a, Xyi3a; Sy ^i.H_. LS 296, Ma XT, Xiy MD 188) Pe. (a/a), pf. lsg. 'JTP Qid 31b(36); n'5?T TGHark 170:28; 3m. VT Kar 23b(35); yi'X MQ 16b(31); f. XS?T Yev 66a(43); lpl. XiJ?T SSSad 266:1; 2m. ]Wjn' SSHai 16b(14); imp. 2sg.m. J?1'n San 69b(38); 3m. yrb Er 78a(27); yi'3 Kar 5b(53); 3pl.m. wb Sab 114b(15); inf. yi'B Ket 57b(48); part. lsg. x:yi' Er 51a(9); 2m. nyi' BB 41a(23); f. nyi' Ned 50b(17; V2); 3m. yi' Mak 6b(33); yiX' TGHark 21:37; f. xyi' Pes 9b(24); lpl. p'yi' AZ 22b(17); 2m. Wyi' AZ 4a(40); 3m. '5?T Suk 43a(9); j'yiX' TGHark 109:13; pass.part. sg.m. y'T Yev 78b(24); f. xy'T San 107a(30); pl.m. 'y'T Qid 80b(4);- 1. to know: a. alone: 'BX yi' X^ 'X yi' yi' 'XI if he knows he (completely) knows. If he does not know, he says ... Er 75b(34); xVrtBl Xyi'1 she knows and forgoes BM 51a(49); Xim m'yi'1 pnx HIV 'Xai yi' Kb why is it [lit. what is the difference] that you know (Scripture) and he does not know? AZ 4a(40); xVl TO1? n'^ 'X33 yi' X"71 IB1? I'V '3'nX wa"? aw pa yi' abi ia"? n,!? '(xi)nx(i yi' I laughed at you and you did not know. I wept at you and you did not know. Woe to you who do not know (the difference) between good and evil San 103a(37); BB 136a(25); b. w. dir. obj.: xb 1> XWT I do not know you Ket 27b(29); Yev 76b(30); x:yi' Xiaiy XJX I know a case BM 70a(7); Ber 7a(21); c. w. "3: TsVss T3 nyi'1 ]T3 1'3 1DWB1 since you know concerning your dog that (people) incite it BQ 24b(16); yi'1 1XB "73 '7JB xnx X"71 Xn"?'B3 anyone who knew about the matter and did not come to reveal Dec 7:11; d. w. fol. verbal phrase: 'XI Tp0y3 n"7SB 'X yi'31 'J731 X1? he wants to know if he will be successful in business or not (in the coming year) Kar 5b(53); n"B1 yi' mi 'X1 if he knew that he would die Ned 27b(l); 'IBXp 'XB X3yi' mn x"?l I did not know what they were saying Sab 129b(32); BB 135a(15); Kar 3b(5); pass.part. n'^Dp ]XB y'T it is known who killed him Zev 88b(46); BB 58a(9); TGHark 161:24 [I Vl#1DB pe.]; e. w. 'V51 to possess understanding: 4- Xl£/B3 mng. 7b; 2. w. fol. inf. to know how to do s.t: yi'1 'XI 'an'1 Xni3ia 'Dion1? one who knows how to argue in favor of the orphans Ket 109b(20); x"?1 ]XB 'XI ]Bn3 XW'3 XWb "lyni^X1? yi' one who does not know how to speak slander like Haman Meg 13b(40); Git 29a(43); Yom 10a(33); San 38b(44); Mak 1 lb(12); SSHai 8b(8); 3. to be aware [w. "3 of s.t.]: xnnnos 'yi' xb 'in xnnnoa 'yn 'an these are aware of the evidence. Those are not aware of the evidence Mak 5b(22) [cf. Akk sibuti tidia you are aware of my testimony CAD S/2 400]; 4. to understand: a. w. "3: 'yi'1 VU'X Xni'1 Xy3p3 those who understand about the declaration of (the appearance of) the new moon Suk 43a(9); BM 84a(44) [4- ,1X00'"?]; 5. to recognize: Xin' yi'1 he recognizes us SSHai 8b(9); pass.part. y'T 1'BDipB (the nature of the 6.-plant) is recognizable from its break Ber 48b(9; OHT ib. 112:24); y'T yi'B XB1B'"? joining is clearly recognized BB 4a(52); xVl XplJ' 'XI n'npBB '3 y'T an infant whose anus is not recognizable Sab 134a<25); AZ 39b(12)
NniJTT 526 an> Af. 1. to inform: mV p'yTB 'yTITX we do indeed inform him BM 48b(3); Git 53a(27); 5e£ 2lb(24); -iD'p man 'xnr na^ mymx ]xa has anyone informed [lit. who has informed] PN that the emperor has died? Sab 33b(34); X3"iy XTnn '■arc1? inrjni'n 'apa ni^aV mynsn 'am p-rnxn a certain guarantor of the (late) father of the orphans who paid a creditor before he informed the orphans BB 174a(26); mm Tin TTlVw pan "IIT? 'ymaT the scholars used to send messengers and inform them Yev 37b(19); T,yrort> to inform you Anan 42:20 [expl. a biblical verse; and passim in this text]; "p yiTB Xp (Scripture) informs you ib. 116:15; madyspxi xaa'ymnB X'^'B^ '"?S '-0. 'bsb we inform (you) that we have subpoenaed NN b. NN2 to come Dec 2:6; 2. w. -PBJ to make o.s. known: 'ymxV W'a'X1? m^ 'TO n,!7 'yT X"n "lnxa TODa a person is permitted to make himself known (as a scholar) in a place where he is not known Ned 62a(38) Itpe. 1. to be known, evident: TIT xrf?n3n TOXa "T^T jnJVft at three months a fetus becomes evident in a (pregnant) woman Anan 119:14; ]BT jnTVB mB'B it is known from his utterance TGHark 100:30; OHP Ber 92:3; jnnvn p'n '3 'ma nX'ST so that it should be known that it is pe'a HG3 388:67; 2. w. "V to know, become aware: XBty m^TS1? m1? JHJTBT iy until everyone knows it Pes 81b(16); "M^K? 'J73 m"7 yTJVB '31? pnp as soon as he knows it, he is required to bring a sacrifice Svu 8b(ll); T,na n'^> ymnxn 'X nx"?a if he became aware (that he was defiled) within the period of fulfilling the Naziriteship [v. Num 6:5] Naz 63b(2); Hor 2a(46); Kar 26b(ll) Ittaf. 1. to be known: TyTuTX X1? TinxVW their names were not known iSGF 8:6; 2. w. "V to know, become aware: DV "ina m"? yiWB '3 D'"ITS'3n when he becomes aware (of his sin) after the Day of Atonement Kar 26b(7); ib. 18b(27); 25a(44) On the Itpe. forms w/o l-y, cf. also T'pn'X, etc. [I VT> itpe.]. NmjTT n.f. knowledge (4- VyT; cf. Sy K'&i.K., LS 296, Ma xnxiX', XTmX' MD 184) sg. mmyT 'TBH XaVa naiPXT the knowledge of Ashmedai, the king of the demons Bo 116:6 ilKBT adj. of GN sg. .TXBT arUB Zev 110b(7) Y: nXBIV Zev ib. ail', 'iT, arO, 'JU vb. to give, pay, permit (4- Kan', Vina; Sy oaaj pe., etpe. LS 298, Ma an', any, anx pe., etpe. MD 189) Pe. (a/), pf. lsg. HOT Sab 105a(ll); mmm Bek 36b(15); 2m. nan' Hag 5a(44); 3m. 3,T BQ 103a(17); anx Nid 64b(45) [cf. Ma axny MG 245]; VU'3iT Qid 13a(7); f. xan' BB 169b(18); lpl. pan BB 73b(39); San U3a(55); 3m. Tan' Bes 13a(29); 3T,T Hul 39b(39); Tanx Yom 11&(Z4; MGN 282:6); imp. lsg. a(')n(')X SM86a(46; GC 47:3); 2m. anntfe/- 56a(56; MGG 707:3); 3m. TTlh Git 69a(21); n'an'1? Git 21b(2); pi. 2m. ]13X1'TT Bo 142:7; 3m. Ta'n'a Suk 30a(30); T3n'a Tan 25a(8); imper. 2m. an Meg 16a(7); nan Qid 9a(3); n'3m Git 14a(12) [cf. Ma nam' Gs 305:13; Nold, MG 2691]; ib. 29b(32; V18); f. '3Xn SSSad 232:15; 2pl.m. Tan Tarn 32b(14); inf. 1T?ti? Ket 9b(8); Xan'B^ Bes 7a(12); Tna'anB^ BB 10b(53); an'B Pes 57a(10); nan'B Qid 9a(4); a.TB"? TGHark 84:3; SSHai 6b(17); part. lsg. xaa'.T Yom 86a(32); 3m. 3',T Sab 148b(26); f. nam Qid 60a(40); lpl. p'3m BM 109b(25); 2m. OT3iT Sab 156b(29); pass.part. sg.f. X3',T Sab 105a(13); pl.m. 1'3'n' SSHai 6a(3); forms w/o bet: pf. 3sg.m. xnx Ber 56a(54; MGG 706:12); imp. 3sg.m. 'n'V Hul 136b(14); 'ma Yom 15b(5; E); part., sg.m. 'm Suk 18a(7); 'nx' Zev 13b(37); 'n" Ber 57b(47; MGG 699:9);- 1. to give: a. general: X'omsa x'ayb xnt mV ann xnai XTnn"? n"in he saw a certain man who gave a poor man a zuz publicly Hag 5a(43); 'IT! mV Xan'T Xnn'X X'nn xynx n1? piB1? Xiai XTnrf? a certain woman who gave a certain man money to buy a field for her BB 169b(18); ln'B'bl Tn^ an "?'T go (and) give them their garments BM 83a(28); nan'B nan indeed, give it Qid 9a(3) [= GeonH pm pa HR 82:3]; Xisy m1? pan we gave him [i.e. the Arab] earth (to determine which direction to follow) BB 73b(39); "ay1? mana let him give it to the poor BQ 36b(36); Tan 20b(45); BB 144b(12); Suk 30a(30); XW'-IX1? XnaB an'B1? 'ya he wants to give a portion to the tenant farmer BM 109b(9); xVt ma'y1? mrv m1? pan'1? they will not give him an' 527 an' sleep for his eyes Bo 141:13; b. of a f. relative in marriage: 'xaa xTDitn 'nnx "p xaa'm ia mnn 'x if you repent, I shall give you my sister who is more beautiful than I (in marriage) BM 84a(41); •p xaa'm K7 "|n"l3 'V an give me your daughter (in marriage). [He said]: "I shall not give (her) to you" Yev 45a(4i); xaa'm vb pa p yenms ma 'X •-an' 'annx m1? a'm x1? ma 'x pa p yenm '■? 'bx '"? n'1? 'an' xV 'aa 'annx mV a'm x1? ma 'x 'xn m1? (even) if he were like Joshua b. Nun I would not give (her) to him. He said to him: "(Had he been like) Joshua b. Nun, had you not given (her) to him others would have done so. Had you not given (her) to this one, neither would others also have given (their daughters) to him" ib. 44; Ber I0a(50); c. a sign: an'B1? Tmua xaB'o m1? n'V Tna'Vplt/BT he does not have an identifying sign to give in order to take them [i.e. the birds] BM 25b(17); 2. to place: 'ItJ'p n'V 3'n'T he used to place knots (on the vessels as identifying signs) az 65b(8); I'ya xynxs xmaVa ami xaam mna Xy'pm xmaVB blessed is the Merciful One who placed a kingdom on earth similar to the heavenly kingdom Ber 58a(43; MGE 144:7); "Tma 3'n'Vl let him place (it) in his nostril Git 69a(21); Tan'"?T 'Tin 'ina Tna'pVTD'^T Dnn let him place (them) there and mix them together Sab 110a(32); 3. to pay: a. money: T3T Xp XniX X"?T'"? T3n' Xp 'BT X? 'V they did not pay me money, nor did they pay me a fee BB 58a(33); m1? TOSB X1TT n'V a'.TT 1XB X3B1? he used to interpret a dream positively for one who paid him a zuz Ber 56a(10); m"? XSfi'B1? n'V p'3m we certainly pay it to him [i.e. compensation to the blind person for degradation] BQ 86a(42); b. taxes: 3',TT X3'X Xan3X 3'm xVn X3'XT xri3X there were some who used to pay the poll tax and others who did not pay the poll tax Yom 77a(46) [I xn3 usage b]; BB 54b(16) [I 2#XpOD]; 4. to grant: XTD'B fi 3n grant us rain Tan 23b (37); X^sV l^n'a mm '3n' XV XypiB XlVs1? let them grant us half (of our request). They do not grant half (a request) from heaven Yom 69b(32); 5. to assign, designate: vmp bv naxa pan tibxt max ysnx Tfb p'3,T rPTT naxa TX n'1? p'am do we assign the four cubits of which the scholars spoke according to the cubit of holy objects or according to the individual's [lit. his] cubit? Er 48a(30); 6. to permit: maop 'B'3 n"? anXT he permitted her (these nights) when she was a minor Nid 64b(45); ib. 65a(6); 7. imper. + "1 + imp. vb. to let or allow s.o. do s.t. [Ma n3'B"l'a 3Xn let us throw in him MD 189]: 'V 3n Vl3'XT let me eat Git 69a(14) [4- Vl#pSD, note]; Hul 50a(9) [i Vf.Bp pa.]; mpKN'XT 'Vma Tan let me kiss him Git 57b(47); "|n3'XT 'V T3n let me make the blessing Ber 22b(42; F); Tan mV Tnax •>rm*?{r n'V) {'nan <n>'V Tnax mnn Tna'VT (n)'1? they said to him: "Let him make the blessing (after the meal)." They said to him again: "Let him drink (wine)" Hul 86b(36); Ned 55a(32; V2) // Er 54a(49; O) [I ViTB]; '3'm Q'3"KT ]y3 'axn let me contract a levirate marriage with you SSSad 232:15; 8. in phrase p 3'.T JXM oh that we had ... [lit. who will give us; cf. BH ]JV '8 oh that... HAL 692, mng. 6]: xVnDT nsa p 3'n' ]Xa la'yai&'aT oh that we had legs of iron so that we could serve you Ber 41b(14); Xnsya p 3'n' 1,XB 1'a'y la'VBT VxTOT 3m oh that we had some of the earth (of the grave) of PN and PN2 so that we could paint our eyes (with it as a sign of reverence)! BB 171b(14) [11% 4- Vltt'^B pe., mng. II.2]; Ber 48a(20); BB 146b(l); Hul 17b(16); 9. in idiomatic expressions: a. w. 'TTI -N to invest money in s.t: 'TTI 3m Xan3 31 Xan'3X PN invested money in flax BQ 103a(17); 'TSX 'Bm 'TTT 3<T>{')n' the orphans invested money in fruit Git 52a(49); 'TTT 3n'T Xnai XTnn mp'X 'B2/T©X a certain man who invested money in sesame, (and before he received it) it went up in value BM 49a(42); ib. 13 [wine]; b. w. 'a'y to cast a spell: 4- 1# Xa'y usage d.2.a; c. w. JOByV to consign to the earth [i.e. let s.o. die]: 1 XTSy mng. Id; d. w. KJllBin to grant permission: i 2#Xm,Eh mng. 3.b.2; e. w. KB^tf to give greetings: 4- XB^Iff mng. 3b Itpe. (e) 1. to be given: 'a'D3 3'mnXT DT©B 'B'^'X T3'mn'X 'a'03 'Ba nvair] -My if we say because it [i.e. the Third Commandment] was given at Sinai. (All of) the Ten Commandments were also given at Sinai Svu 39a(33); xn'TIX p"? ri3'mmXT IT'V'J \\yi you were given the 'Torah of the
N3iT t : - 528 t6'ai> Gospel' Sab 116b(7); San 89a(54); "TO ]7 3',TJT7 ]nXB "3J? n3 03is:il let (the charity money) be given to us, master, and we shall support the poor of our town with it Meg 27a(47; G); pa JT>X X71 pa? pnWDI XB1B (firstborn animals) which do not have a blemish, which are given to the priest AnanSch 9:25; D'lJH iwa 1X7 'X1PX1 ,1311 3'iTJl'B most credit is given without a writ and witnesses TGHark 100:2; 2. to be permitted: 3',1'Il'X X7 X13A 'Xm T3J7 it was not permitted for that person Sab 137a(39); 3,l"n'Xl 7'Xll IpJlB 'npTT'xV since it [i.e. the Torah scroll] was permitted to be corrected he may correct (it) Men 29b(52); ,17'nB7 3'n'Tl'Xl OTOB XJ1BB money (is different) because one was permitted to forgo it Qid 7a(36) // Git 64a(10; O3) [Rashi: 'Xtfl D1X rpna?]; 3. w. W118?1 to be given permission: 4- 2# XTllth mng. 3 Lit: S. Friedman, Lieb Vol 124+, w. lit. [on Van:]. NSIT n.m. load (I Van'; JPA a,T DJPA 235) sg. X7BJX 'ItPl T3,T VipE? take your load and place it on the camel RH 26b(26; GRH 18:35) // 13,1' Meg 18a(47) Y: 1J3.T «// ib.(BAYTN 85). ilNTin' adj. Jewish, n. Jew (4--'Klin' 13; Sy ndJrio<Si_. PSm 1569) I. adj.: sg.m. X13J Sinn IBS Kin ,1X11,T 1X7 am I not Jewish? AZ 76b(17); 7a« 22a(21); Mg 26a(26); ,1X111' X1S0 a Jewish scribe HP 130:12; II. n. 1. Jew: pl.m. X7 'X11T xraw '1MB the Jews do not observe the Sabbath AZ 70a(34); 'XTin' 13 ma the Jews have rebelled against you Git 56a(7); Tan 21a(44) // San 109a(7); Nid 20b(31) [4- xmil]; in X13J 'Xlin'3 there is a certain man among the Jews Ber 58a(38); 5M 86a(7); BB 58a(30); X3D 'Xlll'l the elder of the Jews ib. 58b(12); XB'an 'XlW'l the wise man of the Jews Sab 129a(46); Bek 8b(23); 'Xlll'l p31 the teacher of the Jews San 39a(6; MGG 89:18); 'Xlll'l X17X the God of the Jews Git 56b(46); Hag 9b(37) [4- XTll'jy]; xois xana xip'B7 pyin 'xnn' xa'xi there are Jews who know how to read the Persian (Pehlevi?) script HP 130:13 = TGHark 129:5; 'J3 'xaiXl "XTin' XWX Jews and pagans SSSarf 268:10; 2. Jewess: pl.f. XlVia na XTlX'TO'l X1718 XJIX'lin'l a midwife of Jewesses, the daughter of a midwife of Jewesses AZ 26a(26) Y: 'K-Nrr Git 56a(7; BAYTN 319). 'n' 4- Van' vb. TIV adj. haughty, proud, n. haughty one (4- Vl,T, XTVnVP; TA T,T TJ Hab 2:5, MH2 TT J 567) I. adj.: sg.m. 'PJ'XX ''SX IM'l ]Xa 'xn 73pB X7 n'JV3 one who is haughty is unacceptable even to his wife Sot 47b(43) // BB 98a(i7; P1); Hul nib(i); f. '2m ma fin 'rnn ]T,T there were two among the women who were haughty Meg 14b(39); II. n.: sg.m. Xll XT,T 1130 they thought that he was a haughty person BQ 59b(5; F1); pl.m. 'E/lAax '703 'Tn' '7M! 'X if the haughty ones cease to exist (among the Jews), the magian priests will cease to exist (among the Persians) San 98a(37) // Sab 139a(24) Geon. exp].: M"J1 'V 'bl '"K'JIlin' GnK5 170:5, i.e. »l£; >™ Win OHT Sab 141:12; Y: "T,T Sab ib. KJVn'JV, KJinn' n.f. haughtiness (4- Tn') sg. X1? 'tt>:i7 XJlTViT nx' haughtiness is improper for women Meg 14b(33; Ed) [4- XTIT]; xmil'l XSXin insolence and haughtiness OHT YevlYA Y: XrHTiV Meg ib.(BAYTN 176). N»n' 4- xdt n. '3iT (< 'an 'x) 4- 'x conj. "I!V vb. to be overbearing (CPA tjtla itpa. Brock, Catalogue, p. 84, MH2 IT hitpa. J 567; cf. in' to shine MD 190) 4- Tn', XTNTT, Kill') Itpa.: in"Bl ]XB 'Xn one who is overbearing Sot 47b(43; V2) [4- TT] n.m. Jubilee year, Jubilee cycle, ram (TA X^'ST TO Lev 25:10, JPA 73 V ram DJPA 237, Sy rd-JL£>n-> Jubilees LS 294) 1. Jubilee year: sg. 1'7 '3DT1 X7 X7'3V Xl.ll 1J7 do not wait for him [i.e. the Messiah] until that Jubilee year San 97b(7); 2. Jubilee cycle: pi. 'V'31'3 '773 '5N3P3 'BX1B1 the 'whole ones' [i.e. the hundreds in the date] as jubilee cycles and the 'portions' [i.e. the remainder] as sabbatical cycles AZ 9b(9; TGHark 21:36); '"731' X'iBTl nxa J?31X four hundred (years) are eight Jubilee cycles Ara 12b(4); ib. 7; 18; 3. ram [dial.]: sg. TiaVniSa xVai' X13'T> pip TIM X'315?7 when I went to t : 529 T Arabia, they used to call a ram yovel RH 26a(45; GRH 14:16) NtfSI' n.m. dryness (4- Vt>3'; Ma XW3V MD 190) sg. xin xerarr xw? paos'a (the verb) pax itpe. is a term of dryness HG1 172:14 X1&2V, K3KtP3V n.m. drought (4- Vt>3'; Sy KlLijao-. dryness LS 294) pi. X71 '3XJJ31B 'JXW3V (better) floods and not droughts Tan 10a(24) Y: 'JW31' 7an ib. 11', pi. Hi', UmiV n.m. >w/, the tenth letter (Sy n^-. LS 293') sg. Qid 4a(20); mi'Xl Ti' yod (in the word) niVX (in the ge<) TGHark 130:10; BM?£ 33:13; pl.abs. p'lnma pi' XnVn 3W331 T"asn'T let him write three yods in the words T"inn, T"3Sn (in the get) ib. 5:28; Geon 170:19; det. 'IT pn two >W.y BMsG 6:16; XTIXIV forms of the letter yod (with the hand strap of the phylactery) 57/492:53 Nini' n.m. haughtiness (4- VtV) sg. XT1TO 'TTa it looks like haughtiness Ber 17b(37) // Pes 55a(i0); own x^ ]mi xim'1? f"n pyacr 'n 'nni'V PN is apprehensive of haughtiness. The scholars are not apprehensive of haughtiness Ber 17b(24) // Pes 55a(3); XT11' WW a n3 TfVl it does not have an appearance of haughtiness Suk 26b(28; E2); '2/31? XT1T vb 'XJ X1? haughtiness is improper for women Meg 14b(38; M2) [4- xnn'n'] Y: KWBerib.(Mo 106). nVdV n.m. ability, possibility (4- V?D'; JPA n"?DT DJPA 237) sg. 'xVar "733 XJmDl Xi^ajn I shall work and toil with all my ability SSHai 10b(3); ]iby xVn rmvb ny(i>i')T,xI? xV'x xtar xa'1? Qjna n'V JT>Vt n'SnSfxV it is only possible to inform (his) wife that we cannot adjure him that he has nothing OHT Ket 230:31 HK331' adj. of GN sg.m. nXMV 'S3 BB 25b(48) Y: nXJ3V SB ib. NSi', cs. Dl' n.m. day, sun, holiday (4- 'plSX xa'r, -av 13, xaa', ; TA xaf to Dt 2:25, Sy rCSsc^S LS 299, Ma xai' MD 190; mng. 2: note also Akk samsu 'day' [v. CAD S/l 337, mng. 3]) 1. day, daytime: a. alone: sg.cs. baa *I3J1 DT the day of the breaking of a sickle BB 121b(12); det. iaxT xanx xar ina nyiv m'ria all seven (days of Sukkot) are considered as one long day Suk 45b(49) // Bes 30b(46; L); XBV X'am xn?UJnn xai' Xf331 a hen which lays (an egg one) day and withholds (one) day Nid 39b(ll); xar in T.3J? they observed (the holiday) one day RH 2\a(l0); Hag 5b(46) [4- 31 '3 13]; Ber 2a(35) [4- Vl#TltJ pe., mng. 2]; W)>yt?1 pi Xai' p from this day and forever SSHai llb(9); Bo 9:16; pl.abs. TOT \>rt?I\ thirty days Sab 129b(7); G/7 76b(3); ^Z 5b(31); cs. xnaw 'ai' xyaf the seven days of the week HMGas 94:15; Anan 38:12; 'If Jl 'ai'31 ]D'3 'ai'3 in the days of Nisan and the days of Tisri Ber 35b(25); det. 'ai' in"7ia all of the days BQ 37b(18); 'ai'l X11TD the order of the days (of the week) Meg 4b(18); 'DHX 'ai'l 'D1T 'BT short days and long days AZ 8a(27); XH'Xna 137 'BV 'in two days besides today Sab 87a(14); 'BV 'rv?n xm1?'? XT17m three days and three nights Git 57a(24); S5 73b(24); b. portions: sg. XBl'l X5?31 a quarter of the day Tan 12b(48); XBl'l T173 half of the day [i.e. noon] Meg 30b(13); 5M 98a(5); Anan 52:3; XBl'l XJ7S ,lin Xl.TD inB (if) noon shone, it was the middle of the day Yom 59a(34); XBl'l 'n"lri3 "yv rbn the final three hours of the day Ned 40a(36); c. w. designations: sg. X31 XBT Xn3f(3){ll the great day of the Sabbath Sab 156a(34); XWD1 XBT a winter day Ber 18b(9); XT11C1 XBT a day (of blowing) of the south wind Sab 32a(18); Er 65a(27); XnoSl HW the day of Passover Meg 15a(35); d. w. 3sg.m. poss. suff. ■TBI' that same/very day: n'Bl'3 tunt '5?1S people may repay (a loan) on the same day (they receive it) BM 17a(41); TBT3 '7 5?7p'Xl 'XmiXl 7TX TBT31 Xnx my 'guest' who happened to come to me, came and went on the same day Sab 66b(45); Suk 27b(38); Meg 20a(38); D'3iyn ]'31 inaVa a'cnnai nwa 3'©nna twilight is considered as part of that same day and is considered as part of the next day Anan 77:6; n'Bl'3 n'B'X D'nnf'Xl X'U a young goat whose mother was slaughtered on that very day HP 44:1; TBT7 for the same day Mak 22b(18) [4- xinav]; [tbt7 -]'BT7 x'in ]xa who will
xai' 73 T T 530 K3B N»V become (a wife) for me for today? Yom 18b(10) // Yev 37b(15) [but v. Varr]; e. sg. in phrase xav in once, one time [* XBV in; v. supra, mng. la]: X"jyO .T7 'BTX in XBV once he came in the guise of a poor man MQ 28a(49); Hag 4b(38); Sot 22a(32); 2. pi. period, time: cs. 31 ID 'BV3 ]1XJ 7X1BE> in the time of PN TGHark 82:17; det. .1731 'BV the period of the fotfa MQ 16b(18); XT xam nnurn pwn xiyi may it be (His) will that in your time you will be permitted (to eat) forbidden fat Yev 37a(2); 3. sun, sunbeam [ModSy yuma Maclean 117, mng. 2, JNA XBV yoma sun HDJNA s.v.; cf. MH2 01' BR 47:6 = nan 7171 Yom 20b(43)]: sg. '7TX 'BV '7TX XTXp the sun rose (and) the sick person recovered BB 16b (3 9; F2); XBV 'in1? n'BplX he placed him opposite the sun Hul 60a(l); Sab 134a(25); XBV7 ,T? '031 Xp3X p'70 mn the dust used to rise up and conceal the sun Ket 106a(24); n'aiff {11X7 KITH Xll'n 'Xm the dust of a sunbeam is called la Yom 20b(38) [w. ref. to Tb Dan 4:32]; Ned 8b(16); 4. holiday: sg. xav '7yB1 XBV n'713 the whole day of the eve of the holiday HP 164:17; ib. 166:4; 5. Yom Ha-kippurim: i XBV X3i, ms'31 xav, xav mo Voc: x5v HGP la:26; Y: X»V Yom 20b(2; E'BAYTN 23). - Nai' 73 adv. daily, every day (Sy y~ • V <\ Ki^3fLii_o PSm 1576) xav V3 xsn X3nx mn she needed a doctor every day Ket 52b(17); 73 XmiXB XaT every day from nightfall BM 84b(2); Xnaitfl xaT "73 every Sabbath Sab 30b(l); 5er 39b(27) — Nai'l Nai' 73 adv. every single day, daily 73 .TK?S1 pTBI 7'TX XBV1 xaT every single day he will go and sell himself Qid 15b(34); Suk 45b(48); Git 44a(44) // Bek 3a(9); 731 nump min'X XBV1 xav sacrifices which take place daily Yom 2b (16) adv. the entire day, the whole day xaT n'713 p'niDl ]JX ":y we are poor, and we make an effort (to support ourselves) the entire day BM 83a(30; V22); '713 xn':yn 3'JV xav he fasted the entire day San 100a(8); Sab 118a(17); xnosi xai' '7yB1 xai' '713 the entire day of Passover eve Pes 107b (19) - [Nsnnx Nai' 4- xmav adv.] - tO'-H Nai', N3H Di' n.m. day of judgment, weekday (4- XJ'1; Ma XJ'11 xai' MD 108; mng. 2: JNA Xl'1 01' jom dina HDJNA s.v.]) 1. day of judgment: sg. Xl'll xai'3 X10B1 xai' r\Vp a day of rain is as harsh as the day of judgment BM 85a(21); Xl'll X31 xai' the great day of judgment Bo 4:4; ib. 78:14; 141:17; 2. weekday: sg. xn DT3 n30 riT E?'1 yVp'B 131 when the first day of the month of Tevet falls on a weekday HP 184:23 [= GeonH 7W3 nvn7 7ntt? HR 133:27]; '"IE/ XJ'T DVB '1WB DX1 if he changes it on a weekday, it is permitted IHP 599:19 [= GeonH X7WBHG1 225:15] On mng. 2, cf. JudArab: ]T>X DV ,1K1^X the weekday prayers SRSG 82:7; 258:23, and w. gloss ib.: ^lr^X DV 'Jyx PT>K DV; pi. l'T»i DX'K ib. 109:14 [courtesy S. Cohen]; Lit.: M. Assis [forthcoming]. - '"llS'Pl Nai' n.m. Day of Atonement (caique < MH D'115'3,1 D1' M§ab 9:4, J 657; JPA nBIX DV n'niS'31 DJPA 256) sg. Ber 17a(18); Yom 82b(7); AnanSch 29:21; Hul 101b(16); xai' '7ya '11S'31 the eve of the Day of Atonement Ber 8b(4); Er 54a(49); Yom 20a(2); ib. 87a(48); 7an 21b(34); Ae/ 62b(14); Qid 81a(47); 5M84b(30); //«/110a(22); pi. '11B'31 '01' 10'7n thirteen Days of Atonement Yom 87b(5) Y: nw?f NOV Pes 68b(37). - N3B Nai', pi. '3B '»i' n.m. holiday, banquet, good omen (I 3D; JPA 30 DV DJPA 238) 1. holiday: sg. X3D XBV1 p xn3E?1 p whether of the Sabbath or of a holiday Pes 117b(30); X7 Xap X3D XBV3 Xpil'7 Xiy^ln ttf'J'X 'Jp'7 a person should not transfer ownership of an h.-bundle to a child on the first day of the holiday Suk 46b(33); Sab 148a(31);£r 40a(13); Bes 17a(30); Bek 25a(3); HP 40:26; X30 xai' '7yB the eve of a holiday BQ 113a(22); Svu 15b(6); nyai X'ISX X3D Xai' towards the evening of the eve of the holiday Bes 27b(3; HP 5:16); X30 Xai' n'7 mn njniX n3 nnS'a IWS'X X71 (if) it was a holiday for him and he was unable to remove four (handbreadths from the covering of the sukka) HP 31:9; pi. '30 'av Men 43b(48); HP 187:5; Seel 192:1; '30 'BV '7ya BQ 113a(21; F1); 2. N31 NaT T ~ T 531 PT banquet, feast [i X7177I]: a. general: sg. xava n'13n? X3D from (the time of) the banquet until the next day Bes 4a(45) // Zev 18a(13) // Kar 13b(34); b. w. Vl3y pe.: sg. X30 xav nay they made a feast San 105a(51; Ar [AC 4:328]) [He: X717'n]; ]J317 X30 Xav 1.13X '1 13y PN made a feast for the students Ber 46a(3); X311X Xrin '3 13317 X3D Xai' XiT3y n'J130a a'1?©! 133ia when I see a s.m. who has completed his tractate, I make a feast for the students Sab 119a(l); MQ 28a(23; L); Qid 31a(47); BQ 87a(15); H'ny (xii)Ciain ns-in '3 xso xav nsyi 'iw the Jews will eventually make a feast when Palmyra is destroyed Yev 17a(16); 3. good omen: sg. X13a 1J7 X30 Xai' 'XSX7 TIXT (if) there is a ferry which is coming towards me, there is a good omen therein Hul 95b(13) Y: K3B K»V Ber 46a(3). - N31 NBi> n.m. the Day of Atonement (lit. the Great Day; I 31) sg. X3iym X31 xav the Day of Atonement of Eretz Israel RH 21a(3) - 'Nai' adv. today (< 'Xn X»V; ModMa 'Xax MD 21, Sy ^cO [< ^cp rL^icyJ] LS 300) 'XJ3V Xiaiya 'av ny3© today is seven days in (the counting of) the 'omer SRSG 154:23 - Ninai' adv. a later day (< Xinx Xai'; 4- XinX; cf. EA pnx DT7 IX ina7 DNWSI 42, mng. 2) only in phrase Nldai '7i nna1? sometime in the future [lit. tomorrow or a later day]: innaXT xn xinav7i "in»7 innaxi xn n'av? this (refers to) when they estimated it [i.e. his fitness to be flogged] for the same day, that to where they estimated it for some time in the future Mak 22b(18); Zev 56b(6); ib. 84a(10); Er 40b(25); BM 17a(39)!; X"in@Xai'Vl ina? Bes 33b(41; L); x-imx xai'7i nnaV Suk 47b(4; M2) Voc: x'inav vtm 5. HIV, pi. '31' n.f. dove (TA n5v TO Gen 8:8, Sy rdic^J f./m. LS 300, Ma l#xnx' MD 185) sg. AnanSch 24:5; ]V7 -\3T n'mpn 'X if your dove overtakes my dove San 25a(31); «p0'X H3T 'XHX H'ap a dove came (and) flapped its wings [lit. shaking itself] in front of him ib. 95a(41); n3V xarm a dove of gold Ber 53b(32); pi. Anan 68:3; 'iT 'mn two doves Ber 56a(42; F); ib. 56b(19; O); XnXf'33 '3V many doves TGAs28 199b:21; 'Jin X331W a dovecote BB 144a(28) Y: 'IV Ber 56b(42; BAYTN 23). P.K31' adj., n. Greek (TA 'x5l' pi. TJ IS 2:4, Sy rSLkJoJ LS 300, Ma X"XJ1X' MD 185) I. adj.: pl.m.abs. 1'XJT ]>V"m Greek sorcery Bo 56:9; II. n.: pl.m.det. nna 'xan nay mp pm ]'n7n 'XJl' the Romans fought thirty-two wars with the Greeks AZ 8b(20); ib. 23; 'XJin Xni3?a the kingdom of the Greeks BQ 117a(36); TGHark 190:15 Y: 'WV BQ ib. 013V n.m. ebony wood (< Hfisvoc, Low, Lehnw 280; Sy KL&oL^r? LS 3, MP abniis CPD 4) sg. (01)(D'}:m Kims an ebony table Sab 129a(33) [Var: (O)IDHJl'n Ar (AC 4:129); 03V RaH] Expl. RaH: DIMX', i.e. Arab u»jijU [cf. S133X, i.e. o-jIjI TGHark 135:16]; Lit: Koh, ACSup 57; Flora 1:588+; Siggel 11. R~\pV n.m. heavy weight, heaviness, high price {I ^-ip'; Sy k'-Ldcvj LS 307) 1. heavy weight: sg. nVn Dn?T ClXIpV a^X it could fall apart because of the heavy weight of the bread Men 94b(14); BM 21b(25); Yev 105b(19); 2. heaviness, in phrase XS'Vt N"lpV 'heaviness of heart': sg. Git 69b(15) [in a list of diseases]; 31 X3'7T X1pT3 Vn 10V 13 xnX PN felt 'heaviness of heart' Sab 140a(39); Git 69b(15); 3. high price: sg. xV'11 XIpV high and low price [i.e. appreciation and depreciation] BM 64b(2); VlpE? "japVn X"lpV3 take (compensation) according to the high price ahead of you [i.e. at harvest time] BQ 7b(9); ib. 26; BM 65a(53) Geon. expl.: "MB ^X bpn OHT Git 157:4, i.e. jl^ill J2 [mng. 2]; Voc: XTj?V HGP 20b:5; Y: X?pV Suk 52b(50; BAYTN 151). j?TI' adj. green, yellow (I piT, Vl# pT adj., pT; Sy rdi.4o_. LS 309, Ma xpXTI' MD 191) sg.m. xpiV XSin a green palm leaf Sab 109b(30) // Yev 64b(21); Pes 30b(21; VI4V17) [glazing]; Hul 47b(25; HG3 147:38) [lung]; f. XD13 xp"lin3 in a case where (the senunit's) stomach was yellow ib. 62a(21); pl.m. 'pil'l 'p© '3'nx (its) thighs are long and yellow ib. 63a(5); '331X1 'livn ':xa 'p"1V1 white, black, and yellow vessels TGAs28 143:16; f. 'npTV 'My yellow clouds Ber 59a(32) Geon. expl.: 2T}2 IBS V1T °HP Pes 143:29, i.e. jLl»
sriv 532 in' [pi. Of ji^a'. NJTI' n.m. a constellation (< XTIVX* < xni'y*; Sy re'Mn . v name of several constellations LS 523) sg. naxi nVc? a:t nV nax xnr 'xa xti!' ... «?j? 'xa H^jyT XE/'-| n*7 what is vy [Job 9:9]? (The constellation) Y. What is K? Some say: The tail of the Ram. Others say: The head of the Calf Ber 58b(56) Geon. expl.: 33X13 y»'J OHP ib. 106:13, i.e. v4!i* (^-; Y: tOW Ber ib.(BAYTN 19). WITH' n.m. increase, excess (i V-irr; Sy rdJi^o-. LS 313, Ma XiXIXll' MD 191; cf. BH, MH p-lh' Yeivin, BV 1037, Gross, Patterns 28) sg. XJXIJll' ]B1 X3Xnoi(n>(Bl |»1 from a decrease or an increase SSHai 5a(4); ib. lla(l 1); 1 lb(19); xnxnm njnsa xnni'l xriDin a deficiency or an excess (in length) in its hind legs HP 206:14 [cf. Hul 58b(14)] NS1P n.m. borrower (4- V*]P, K3DTO; Sy nda<r>\_i LS 300) sg. xmo'XS 'Xp KBIT' the borrower performs a prohibited act [lit. stands in a prohibition] Seel 45:3; ;6. 4; 5; 33:18; 54; Pj?BB xsir1? n'1? pn'i xaxsna p xn '3 the court removes (the interest) from the lender and gives it to the borrower HG2 392:39; TGAs42 79:17 *)P vb. to borrow (4- XJllBT, XB1T', xnsr, XJBT1B; Sy .^u.k', **)?<?> LS 300' Ma T MD 191) Pe- (e/u): a. money: «l'P nj/3X3 tf'3'X «fP '3 a person should only borrow in private 55 42a(8); 'VlXI liTJB 'BP1 ,,3J? the poor go and borrow from them San 26a(9); /1Z 62b(22; J); X'iVs ]B Jl'S'P I borrowed (the money) from so-and-so HP 79:17; Geon 162:6; mana 'D'WB *[TH |XB 'XH one who borrows small coins from another BM 63b(38); BB 164b(4); Git 46b(39); rl'jnB XJiatrt' «|'P1 ]XB XJ13© the Sabbath will repay the one who borrows for the Sabbath (to honor it) Sab 119a(26); VxiETa «]PB"7 Vx"W '57X31 X3TI1 if a Jew has to borrow from (another) Jew HP 50:2; MQ 28b(16) [4- xriDr]; b. time: jnsVl "IB ^lP1?! borrow and repay [i.e. postpone your fast until another day] Tan 12b(28) [// Af, mng. 2a]; 3T 3HB1 I'T' 3pJ?' 13 xnx PN used to borrow and repay [i.e. he would make up at night for his missed study of the day] Er 65a(40) Af. 1. to lend: a. money: 'TIT nxa n'BTlXI ]X» 'XH ITHSn1? a certain person who lent one hundred zuzim to another BM 77b(48); ib. 60b (33); 103a(8); Svu 41b(41); AZ 71a(24); Yom 9b(47); Bek 8b(27); Xfl'ana n'BltlX n'1? TDK he is forbidden to lend to him on interest AnanSch 27:20; ib. 19; 28; Sa« 25a(15); HP 49:29; b. objects: X'Bl XT13 ]Bnx lend me a pitcher of water Sab 66b(44); Bo 138:8; IX *?in 'TB TT1B1 ]Xai Tip' one who lends fruit, and it went down or up in value TGAs42 85:24; Anan 10:23 [i XJ1BP]; 2. to borrow [Ma «]'11XJ AM 44; v. MD ib.]: a. money: ^'TIXT TTqV after he borrowed the money Pes 30b(46); (n)'Tana 't?'B?B I'TIXT ]xa 'XM one who borrowed small coins from another BM 63b(38; M) [H: «]'!']; iA. 44b(14; F'V") [H: «]T]; N'jVs 'bj? rrns'TiN -jap n'nsnxi naa 'xn the maneh which I borrowed in your presence, I borrowed (also) in the presence of NN San 30b(31); 'X3'a lnmBTlXl rmn you borrowed it [i.e. the money] again from me BB 32b(23; P1) [Var: VU'r^pW H; WnBT' Tin Rasbam]; Xn'J xri'sns «i'Ti!? x"?i n'rrn rniVn Errxbm a person prefers to sell his daughter (as a maidservant) and not to borrow on interest Ara 30b(27); Tfl *]'Tl"?l VIS'1?! Sab lla(30) [// Pe., usage b]; b. objects: xotnp ^a mwy man p fpixi xtjj a man who borrowed from another ten manehs of costus Z);m Ko/ 469:16 KflBT', KflB'P n.f. loan (4- V«]P; Sy ^_u, rc'itau. LS 300, Ma XJIBXT? MD 347) sg. *]'P KflD'T'' 'TX3BX he takes a loan at the river crossings MQ 28b(16) [v. OHP ib. 72:27]; XJ1BP 'Vtt "73 pi *?3X pi «|03 p nSTiaT a loan that you make whether in silver or food or all things Anan 10:23; ib. 12:2; &e/ 45:55; ib. 56 Lit: Eps, Stl 110. in' vb. to unite, designate, single out (1 nXTn'; Sy xjolj LS 300) Pa. 1. to unite, put together: a. general: 'Tin3 in'B WaVl 'a1?? 'VlS1? imxn3 he created everyone and unites their hearts together [i.e. they all act alike] RH 18a(48); pass.part. TJ7 XB'X31 X3X3 'in"B1 only when they possess [lit. until they are united by] the (same) father and mother Yev 17b(29); pass.part. 'bibi IX 'TW sun' 533 t6" 'in'aT a skeleton or a skull which is put together (completely from the bones) Naz 52a(23); b. esp. of people in one room: '13J? HH3 vf? Tn'» bxVSV pN used to put them [i.e. his female slaves] (together in one room) with his male slaves Nid 47a(43; MGL 720:13); Git 38b(4); AZ 22b(29); pass.part. 'IIT'B lin 'aVys '11(1' they were merely put together in one room Yev 37b(20); 2. to designate: rmmb 'nnx xy\x rd irvi he designated another field for her maintenance BB 51a(6); Sab 123a(ll); Ket 55a(ll); ib. 81b(2); TGHark 206:1; n1? in"» nn31T he designates a place for her Kef 57b(43); Sab 84b(14); ATe/ 54b (5); pass.part. n'TDJW nn'a X1? his legal obligation is not specified AZ 63b (18); 3. to single out: im in b±> IX1? Hin'1? to single out a prohibition for each one Mak 18a(4); Kar 5a(4); Men 58b(9); pass.part. ''V Xin"» X*7T it is not his alone [lit. it is not singled out to him] Hul 135b(14); Er 67a(36); XaVj/3 lira'! XlltS in rpaE? a mountain whose name is singled out in the world Bo 76:3 Itpa. to be together in one room: '"I© ma mail 'Tia 'Hirrnx1? it is permitted for a menstruous woman to be together in one room with her husband San 37a(22); Hin"1? XT0X PITH xVt X13A3 she is forbidden to be together in one room with a man who is not her (husband) Er 100b (40) NttfP, NtSH' n.m. incompletely developed egg, aborted fetus (Sy n" \, u i stillborn child LS 301, Ma XOTX' MD 184, TA VW TJ Is 14:19[Var 01']) 1. incompletely developed egg: sg. '3m in1? (i)cnpT xrfriM-in x'am ]nai xVt cya) cb'a) XDnC) '©3'X incompletely developed eggs which hens lay which people call y. HG3 189:7; 2. aborted fetus: pi. 'DM' '33 5o 78:10 Geon. comm.: XBH' Sip: iTIBM tfrv HS'31 ConAr [AC 4:114, s.v. BH']. HKTn^ adj. single, n. individual authority (4- Virr; Sy rdJi^MJ LS 300) I. adj. single: sg.m. nXTrP xain a single garlic [i.e. a clove] Git 69a(34); nXTTT xVpm xVlD the shadow of a single date palm Pes 11 lb(7); nXTrP xmin X'3p a single z.-reed i/M 43:19; HXTfl' Xp13 an individual lightning flash Ber 59a(32) [expl. MH trpia Mib. 9:2]; II. n. individual authority: sg.m. XT! 'XTIT |TPJJ1B our Mishna is (according to) an individual authority Sab 140a(37); Suk 19b(14); Bes 31a(8); BB 79b(21); HXTn'b »"m he takes into consideration (the opinion of) an individual authority Meg 18b(16); Yev 83a(9); nXTn'3 13J?T maj 3T n»3 how great is his strength that he can act (in this manner) according (to the opinion of) one individual ib. 104a(17);£g28a(l); ib. 70a(l);5e/t41a(10); pi, imaxp X1? 'XTm we do not state (the opinions) of individual authorities BQ 81b(51) Voc: nSiw HPP 35:20; Y: ,1X1'^ Ber 59a(32; BAYTN 57). Nrniair n.f. type of deer (TA XTIBn* TO Dt 14:5, Sy ^cL^ajuJ LS 241) sg. 'Vn 'JH Xmian'T secretions of the >>.-deer Bek 7b(23) Y: xrnrarr Bek ib.(BAYTN 243). On' vb. to trace a genealogy, establish a legitimate descent (4- on"», xmon"»; JPA on' DJPA 239, LBH ton' hitpa. HAL 390, MH2 on' pi., hitpa. J 575) Pa. 1. to trace a genealogy: ]ini3XT xaW31 n"»»a inJOn' he traced their genealogy according to their name and their father's name Yev 62a(49; O2); 'T1X Xp n'Oin'^ 'X ]'a'33 iy V't'bl n'On'1? if (Scripture) comes to trace his [i.e. Mordecai's] genealogy, let it continue to trace it until Benjamin Meg 12b(45); 2. to establish a legitimate descent: 'Oin'V n'jn?1? to establish a legitimate descent for his progeny TGAs42 156:21; Ket 15b(4); Zev 101b(30) Itpa. to be connected: XTllSnS Dm X3'1? n,!7 (X)B?n,Il,BT there is no licentiousness there which is connected to him TGHark 222:19 [Ninon' 4- xmon"a n.] X\», NVN' n.m. a lizard (< xVl'*; TA x9* TO Lev 11:30, Sy ndllj, rdL.\ rdS-U LS 301, 309, Arab & Wehr 1062) pi. '"7'H xV'Vs a garland of lizards BB 4a(l); ni'Sa'1? X1?! '3'H '3 '^X' so that the lizards should not suck blood out of it [i.e. the cow] Sab 54b(44) [cf. Sy: ^k^ki Jj^1 'rc'COttK BBah 668:22, ModSy rc'v^iw mis 'izt Maclean 152] Lit: Fauna 71; Talshir 223: Varanus grisus; Geig, AAC 213; Y:
'"110" 534 1^ typ Sab ib.(BAYTN 100). '"IIO" n.m.pl. suffering (< MH D'110' Yeivin, BV 957, J 582; TA 1'ilD' pi. TJ Jer 30:11, JPA )'11D" djpa 239) fiv lonri mo" n'ty V'3p he accepted upon himself suffering for twelve years 5M85a(8); ib. 19; 84b(2); San 107b(4); W"7 xVr ID^Vy '110" so that suffering should not befall you AZ 18b(40); '110"1 '1J7X 1'3B pp^CI may they remove pains and suffering from him Dec 2:5 Y: niD? Ber 62a(27; BAYTN 256). Slffl" n.m. superfluous matter (< MH2 11JV J 603; 4 V-iri') sg. 'axp xnrra ity'jx 'n PN says this from the superfluous wording (of the verse) //«/36a(40; V") Y: 'TW Hul ib.(BAYTN 256). n3' vb. to decide, admonish (JPA T\T af. DJPA 240, MH2 riD' hif. J 577) Af. 1. to decide, establish: '3Bn3 "12 131 n313 n313 ]Xa who can decide (the matter)? Let PN decide BM 86a(30); nam ]X8 ^Z 53b(35); Pas 57a(43) // Kar 28b(8); 7ev 28a(36); pass.part. n3iai X31B1X an assumption which is well grounded BB 146b(30); Yev 4a(33); 131B1 x"7'B3 well grounded loss of work Ket 105a(37); XTrTB xnsia it is clear [lit. the matter is established] Sab 139b(20); Ber 50a(20); MQ 14a(14); Gtt 85b(25); AZ 62b(20); 5e£ 31b(46); 7e/n 8b(38); 2. to admonish: xnT7J lff'1 '31 '311? IB 113'n3T? admonish the (officials) of the exilarch's house Sab 55a(l 1); f? mra mm f? Iin X3n3 X'33 we had a prophet- priest who used to admonish us San 96b(30) // Git 57b(12; MGN 600:5) V3' vb. to be able, prevail (4- xtal', V2# 'SB; JPA ^3' DJPA 240) Pe. (e/ ) 1. to be able: a. alone: "TB3 "7iptt/31 X3V'TX1X XJb'D' xV I cannot (appear before the king) until I go and cut my hair Meg 16a(16); Ber 7b(48); Tan 7a(24); BM 85b(48); n,!7 "j'S' X1? he was unable (to do it) to him [i.e. to incapacitate rather than to kill him] San 49a(5); V'3X'1 D1S1? according to his ability iSGF 58:11; n"73'1 XB3 as much as you can AnanSch 28:28; b. w. fol. inf.: '^3' 111 xVl XTWB Xinn n'WSSB1? a certain walled city which they could not capture San 109a(13); man T^B Va> Xp X1?! 1'^ aip'B1? the Angel of Death was unable to approach him Mak 10a(32); X113 Xlltf'B1?' 'ba' x1? they cannot annul the vow Ned 8b (6); X3"7'3' X3X Tinn1? I can promulgate a new ruling Ber 29b(24); Er 25a(20); 5e.y 21b(13); Qid 13a(19); SA/ 86b(30); iSGF 99:11; rc//ar/fc 93:21; ife. 101:12; 158:12; isya8? ^'SX' 'XB what is it possible to do? OHTKet 230:31; c. w. fol. part.: n*7 Xn'31 b^7 X303 x"?3' she can choose as a husband whomever she wants Anan 118:16; 2. to prevail, overtake, overcome [w. "V over s.o./s.t.]: n,!7 Vo'l p'TO he was silent, and (the Angel of Death) prevailed over him Mak 10a(33); MQ 28a(47); BM 86a(32; F1); XWIB XT3 XCITO I'1? b'3' X*71 the horseman shot an arrow and it could not overtake it BB 73b(26); Tan 22b(6); Meg 13b(8); ib. 16a(34); /fag 4b(41); BM 83b(20); &« 95a(10); i& 100b(39); AZ 8b(20); 3. to outsmart, outwit: xVl X1SJ7 I'1? ]3'3Sn n,!? ]3,I73'' we interchanged the earth for him but we could not outsmart him BB 73b(41); n,!7 '1BX n'^ 'bo' X^l X31B I said many things to him (concerning this matter), but I could not outwit him [i.e. convince him of my opinion] ib. 26a(39) vb. to give birth, beget, produce, develop (4- xrrinx, 'iiVix 13 s.v. i#xi3 mng. 5, xnTTr, Xm1?', XlVlB; Sy s.L.k' LS 301, Ma T7' MD 192, TVn'tt itpe. Nold, MG 246) Pe. (e/ ) to give birth: ]l"?' nyvrb D'K?3 am most women give birth at nine (months) Yev 37a(17); l"?1 D'B?3 am Y?7' X'^yB most women give birth to a normal child Nid 18b (2); yrw 11*7' inri'X (if) your wife gave birth to sixty (children) BB 91a(25); 13'X XD13 Xin 'b rn^' would that you had born for me one (additional) womb (of children) Yev 65b (49); nVya1? 'pipitx1? xtox nf7'i lyi xymra 13 from the time that she is impregnated until she gives birth she is forbidden to have sexual relations with her husband Anan 60:23; ib. 63:2; AnanSch 20:4; ib. 35:24; XT^'I XT11313 X',TI a certain mule which gave birth Bek 8b(30); ib. 18b(48); nna 1111 1'B'X mm'^'l its mother gave birth to it and then died Hul 38b(4); '13y XIT^H '33 "731 113'3 all the children to whom she gave birth are slaves HP 46:2; ib. 135:7; XT^'X HG3 364:1; XT1?'' nb &m> 131 Xni'n an animal which gave birth while he was slaughtering it ib. 206:15; S^! 535 V? pass.part. 'I'"?'! who were (already) born Ned 30b(31) [w. ref. to D'lVi31 Gen 48:5] Af. 1. to beget, father children: im in *731 T>"71X 'JSJia everyone fathered children at the age of eight (years) San 69b(28); I'blXl XririX 3'D3 '3a marry a woman and beget children Yev 62b (10); xV xV 'xi r"?iri iTyaw '13 ma'x xiVn T^in (if it is like) what PN's mother gives birth to, you should beget. If not, do not beget Mak 17b(2); ima,!? X*?1 '33 T^lTl may you beget children and may they not die MQ 9b(16); 2. to give birth: rbrb tVixi TOiymx xainx 'm '3D the elders of the school of Athens mated them [i.e. the snakes], and it gave birth at three (months) Bek 8b(9); 3. to assist at childbirth: 'IB; n32/a m"?lX it is permitted to assist (a pagan woman) at childbirth on the Sabbath AZ 26a(45); Sot llb(41); 4. to produce: 1'Via xp '1T71X it actually produces (the hot water) Sab 48a(6); xVp mVlX to produce (an artificial) sound Er 104a(40); Hul 42a(l); xn'T T"?ia xp it produces smell (of the incense) Bes 23a(2); XITn 'TlVlX to make (the scarf) white Sab 140a(50) Itpe. (e) l. to be born: xnjwa rrrWiaT nu;sx '31taT perhaps you will be born in a time of (plentiful) livelihood Tan 25a(39); Xna'a1? "OWn 'iV'^'BT D'iVtjT shall we say that D'-jVli [MNed 3:9] implies 'who will be born'? Ned 30b(28; V2) [* 'T1?' 'who were (already) born' ib. 31, w. ref. to D'^ian Gen 48:5]; Sot 12a(46); HG3 282:69; «]DT T^TIXT iy until Joseph was born Meg 17a(l 1); ib. 13a(l); 13J? ]a XT"?riXT ]'3 nax J» XT^nXI ]'31 whether she was born from a male or a female slave j4«j« 99:5; ib. 100:17; 'W '3'3 TVn'XT Xin m^ri'XT m33 "Xn this is a firstborn (animal) which was certainly born among Jews AnanSch 6:11; SOZ 73:9; 2. w. "V to have a child: 133 3'3W1 Xp13' Xinn H'b T"?'JTX 1'ai' I'D^n (PN) had a certain child, and it died within thirty days Sab 136a(47); Git 57a(45); Men 37a(24); XTTQ n'V XT^TIX '13 pyatf '1 PN had a daughter 55 16b (31); 3. to develop, take place [MH T713 J 577]: xmjm .T3 XI'VlTX DTin nansa in that case an unfavorable condition developed in the animal Hul 10b(l); I'V'JVX xmixa X031X an unforseen circumstance developed on the way Qid 50a(30); BQ 114a(16); mm n33a x^ns xn'j'a n'3 xi"?rva is c?'3'x onoi V'^'B when a close relative dies [lit. a matter develops] an ordinary person first utters a trembling sound and then howls RH 34a(52; HP 19:28) [I VyiX itpe.]; XnV'B n'3 XI'V'TIB '13 XD'ana m nmn3a when something develops concerning the eyesight of the head of the academy [i.e. he becomes blind] NDGR 160:5; xpi xin xnV'a I'Vrrn xm xa"?y3 mvn awai 'nniPB because of a general feeling lest an ache will develop (during Passover, the Xp"1t3- remedy) is kept over OHT Pes 18:4; 'pSD TtV'TlXI doubts developed iSGS 64:5; HG3 128:17; ib. 238:56; 4. to be laid (of an egg) [caique < 1S'3 11*7132; J 577]: Van'xa X3i'xn xm'rvai ns'3 n"? ma3 an egg which is laid today was completed yesterday Bes 2b(21); 5. to appear (of the new moon): xaa'3 T^na Xpi ]0'31 XII'D nyv JT31X3 n[3]l»3 nrbm the new moon of Nisan which appears during the daytime of Tuesday at the fourth hour IKI 3a:9 The text in IKI ib. was prev. read incorrectly as '^n'B [v. OHT RH 35:19]. Xmiil n.f. youth, childhood (I VlV'; Sy k'&oxjlIj LS 301) 1. youth: sg. '33 TV*? 1111 I'V 3'o xnwm i'nn!?,3 'ri'inx xnri'xa he had children from another woman in his youth, and now he has become old TGHark 37:3; ib. 4; 2. childhood: sg. I'mi1?' ]» I'V ri'XI OW V31 any name that he has from his childhood Bo 88:2 That the form rrnn^a BM 44a(43; EsV23) [H: Wl-lVa] is H follows from the fact that it appears together with the pseudo-A form n'JVUjTta <fe(EsV23) [H: 1HUj?l3] Sill?' n.f. woman who gives birth (4- Vl1?', Xri'mX; Sy rc^'rvlj LS 302) sg. Bo 78:10; ib. 13 N^rV' n.m. (uncertain; 4- VV?') pi. Bo 38:7 KfrVlV' n.f. (uncertain; i VV?') sg. Bo 38:7 NJIIB'^' n.f. (uncertain) sg. xniS'V'1 X1T3 a vow of ... Bo 35:9 The Sy n. rfiin c\ „ V .' knowledge LS 302 does not fit the context. V?' vb. to howl (4- X1?^', xnVl1?'; Sy AV .^ LS 301, Ma V'VlXI MD 192, s.v. ub^ af.) Pa.: "XI
1* 536 K3'B' T ' ~ K1H ,!7r7' 33"m (the rt. V33' pa. in) 33^11 [Jud 5:28] indicates howling /?//33b(27); Xp(BO)(OB)B xin 'nm ix xin 'ViV' ix m1? he is in doubt (whether a nypn) is (a sound of) howling or groaning ib. 34a(48); W"a Tim WFX mifi mi a person (first) actually makes a trembling sound and then howls ib. 53; HP 19:22 1^' vb. to learn, derive, infer (i V'fJX; Sy <°\ \ ; LS 302, Ma *(?•> pe. MD 192) Pe. (e/a) 1. to learn: X"WJ ]» nxy Tl'B'V'1 I learnt sage counsel from women Tarn 32b(6); yawm "?3 Jl'573 DX1 "IJlVx *|Vti if you want to learn everything that you hear immediately HM 45:22; 2. to derive, infer (from terms in Scripture): 'a"?' 'XBW H'3T DViy ■?» im"OB 'S1?' V?n Jl'31 nE/BB the Beit Shammai derive (the commandment of procreation) from Moses, and the Beit Hillel derive it from the creation of the world Yev 6lb(54); p'sV' xb m>ap '-ma mm nai we do not make inferences on Pentateuchal statements from statements in the Prophets Hag 10b(25); Kay •'Tina 'na "'tis mn '3 'n^iai p'3 since all of them [i.e. the terms] are written together (in Scripture), they complement each other [lit. they learn from each other] San 40b(3); 'B1?' *)b'B 'Tin» Be& 51a(7); & 43a(33); Zev 8a(32); Kar 26b (2); Tnna xin ^'n 'rnn sto'j let (Scripture) write two (things), and we can derive (the) one from the two Kar 4a(40); "TO p'BV' n'3En 'TBB n'3EH we can derive something which is common from something which is common Ket 61b(37); p'S^' H'V 'aTIB n'^1 'Bin we may infer from two identical expressions Yom 2b(ll); ^mo« 88:8; ITCH n'VtJpB «l^'V let him infer from the killing of an ox BQ 44b(16); l^'aV rp"7 nm -n33a '-I3J10B it is logical (that) he should have derived it from the firstborn Nid 40a(37); San 52a(38); Svu 34a(17); Yev 19b(31) Lit: Bacher 79. N»', K»i' n.m. sea, ocean (I XB' '33, XBH Xinn, xa' 'mm, xa' -a'y, xbh xry, duVb; ta xa' tj IK 7:24, Sy riJ*J LS 303, Ma xax' MD 186) a. general: sg. Xin XB' n'-QDl XTTCn XO'l im one side of the wall of GN is the sea Meg 5b(47); m n'Sjna Xa' the sea grew calm from its rage BM 59b(41) [cf. GeonH 1BJHB m Dl'n NDGR 131:4; v. ed.'s note]; XT1W3'3 IX -ITB1? 'X' XB'3 is it better to dwell on the sea or on land? Tarn 32a(32); Er 53b(20); x;W3'33 xa'3 "laya1? ri'J/a DX if you want to pass over the sea as on dry land HM 42:21; HMGas 94:12; 'a' *p seashore Ned 50a(35); Pes 4a(l 1); NBH XIO'X genius of the sea //w/41b(3); Git 68b(26); XBIH XBW'X incantation of the sea Bo 2:4; ib. 29:8; xa'l 'nxnx high waters of the sea BB 4a(27) // Suk 51b(26); 'W xa' sea monsters BB 74b(23); xa' 'O'l islands of the sea TGAs28 77b:6; pi. 'a' 32/ the seven seas Git 56b(46); ."TBI '31'oV 'a' ]'B3 it was as from the seas to the frying pans [i.e. a short time] Qid 44a(44) [4- l#x:i'0]; b. with a GN: sg. DTTOT XB' the Dead Sea [lit. the Sea of Sodom] Sab 108b(22) The fol. passage which may contain the pi. form '»' is doubtful: WIS 'B'O xax 'T p'^O '3 when PN came from ... Er 12a(34) // fl// 35a(l) [cf. already Ar (AC 4:137) who understood it as a GN]; Lit: Eps, Stl 332 [on the spelling X»V]; Y: XB! RH 21a(25; BAYTN 100). '»' vb. to swear {i 'Bia, XT1B1B; Sy rxi^kjrc', ^»j LS 303, Ma XB', XBJ7 MD 192) Pe.: '31 (1"B') ^XI^'T X5HX1 'W'np p3T7 pn'TU T'B' (the prostitutes) only swear by the lives of the scholars, the holy ones of Eretz Israel Pes 113b(7; Ar [AC 5:161]) [Var: \vb) ma (pdl'B'l XIXTI 'W'ltfp p3Y! in'Tl they swear by the life of the scholars, the elders of the generation E'C] Af. to adjure: ~\b Xl'BlB 'X1B1X I thoroughly adjure you Bo 3:3; pa'1?!? 'JVBIX I have adjured you ib. 19:8; 7:16; 14:5; 33:17; 82:5; 107:5 N3'a? n.m. right side, right hand, right foot (I V]B\ 1# xn3'J7; TA Xl'B* TO Gen 24:49, Sy rdLjbxj LS 303, Ma TON' MD 186) 1. right side: sg. a. general: XflVxi n'TO'a XB^X XIE/y n'VXBWB ten thousand on his right side and one thousand on his left side Ber 6a(8); Pes 53b(39); MQ 25a(46); //«/ 47a(6); ib. 93a(26); Bo 85:2; ib. 88:9; 112:5; pm'B'T XIB'D their right side ib. 6:10; b. w. parts of the body: sg. XTO'i H'T his right hand Pes 57b(3) // Kar 28b(10); Git 69a(23); XTO'i X"I3'X his right arm Bo 59:10; m'B'T n'JTO his right leg Yom llb(31) // Men 34a(20); Xl'BH Tbl"! your right leg }fev 39b(35); saa' ! i t : HM 43:2; So 59:9; 2. elliptical for right body part: a. hand: sg. pST n'^xawa XD'TJ? )JDT H'i'a' "7111 the right hand of the (high priest's) deputy is preferable to the left hand of the high priest Yom 39a(27); rrVxattm rrbxau/3 rrra'T xspi v\pn n'3'B'3 let him hold his straight right arm in his left (sleeve) and that of the left in the right (sleeve) Ber 55b(36) // Pes 110a(32); b. foot: sg. -mp -nm lopi rr'jxBBn d"d -idj? xVi htbh d"o n'J'B'T he puts on (the shoe) of his right foot and does not tie (it). He puts on (the shoe) of his left foot, ties (it), and then ties that of his right foot Sab 6\a(2\); Tan 12b(ll) Y: XJ'B? Git 69a(23; BAYTN 237). NB»', K»NB', Kaa'N, abs. D»» n.m. daytime, daylight (4 XBV; TA X»S' TO Gen 1:5, Sy kL^ijk' LS 303, Ma XBXBiy MD 344) a. general: sg. XBB'X Pes 2b(2) [expl. MH 1iX MPes 1:1]; Xin XBB' nann fW DTip before sunrise it is daytime Ber 8b(49); Xin XBB' D'3313n DX'S' 7V until the coming out of the stars it is daytime Pes 2a(22); XBB' 'T13X TWBWn p twilight is still daytime Ber 2b(51; F); X'1?'1? pBDI X1H XBB' pBD it is doubtful whether it is day or night Er 76a(20) [w. ref. to niB/BE/H p ib.]; "Wy TfUl XBB'T p© the twelve hours of the daytime HMGas 94:15; XB(B)(11' 'in 'XD'XT "nna1? Xy3 he wanted to return since it was still daytime San 95b(ll); XBB'T 'VjHB day workers Er 65a(39); XBB'1 'T-132? daytime blindness Git 69a(12; V18); Xin XBB' '3m X5?3'S privacy for (bringing in) these (beams) is during daytime MQ 12b(48; HP 178:25); prv?1 'DV Tin1? pn^SXT 'XB IB'X XBB'B xm1?'1? bake what you eat for two days and two nights while it is (still) daylight Anan 71:11; pi. 'BB'3 X"?X X'in X^> ?13? a woman can only become gonorrheal during the daytime Hor 4a(48); b. w. H^b [Sy •joJ^j-ik' , V • V night and day LS 366, Ma XBXBiyi X'1?'1? MD ib.]: sg.abs. nV'^ X1?! DB'3 X1? neither in daytime nor nighttime [i.e. never] Bo 28:5; det. )'31 X'V,!73 p XBB'3 SB 6b(19); Ber 3b(22); ^Z 30a(44); HMGas 94:13; 'in XB1' in X^'Vl 'BB' daytime and (the preceding) nighttime are one day Naz 7a(27); pi. 'BB'31 XnXr?'^ 13iOB lim they used to travel by night and by day [lit. during the nighttimes and during the daytimes] BM 28a(38); xnxrrVa p 'bxb'3 p nnso "xap 'bt yrbr\ they lamented him throughout the first thirty days by day and by night [lit. during the daytimes and the nighttimes] Ket 103b(ll; MGG 870:6); Nid 29b(23) Voc: XSS' HPP 214:19; Y: N»S; Ber 3a(22; BAYTN 49). ]8' vb. to go to the right side (denom. < X X3'B'; Sy ^7Xj pa. to take by the right hand LS 303, MH2 p> hif. J 580) Af.: x"?T "m XBD n3 jBIXT xniBI XBO n3 ]B1X for one who went to the right side of it [i.e. the Torah], it is a drug of life. For one who did not go to the right side of it, it is a poison Sab 88b(25) [Var: ]'B"X Xs?! ... p"XT M] // Yom 72b(40) [cf. BH D'P'TnB1? X'H trirn na Prov 3:18] The exact connotation of this vb. is uncertain [cf. Rashi to Sab 63a(35), s.v. D,J,a"S17]. Nj?iy, abs. p\l1 n.m. infant, child, young man (i Vpr, xnpiJ', Xpi', 'pi3' 'ipB; Sy riicaJ LS 304, Ma ptlX' MD 186) 1. infant, baby: sg. 'Xn iTnpSa '3 J?'T Xbl xpir an infant whose anus is not recognizable Sab 134a(25); ib. 66b(27); 1'bt i'rv?n ii3 a'3Wi xpii' xinn m"? TV'mx (PN) had a certain baby, and he died within thirty days Sab 136a(47); Sot 12a(46); Git 57a(45); Men 37a(24); Er 67b(37); Xpi3' n'1? p"?nan X1?! you should not circumcise an infant for him Dec 4:12; 2. child: sg. X'31 XpU'V pip "7333 in Babylonia a child is called r. Suk 5b(12) // Hag 13b(37); X'TIB xpii'1? pilp D'n '3133 in the 'cities of the sea' a child is called/?. San 110b(51) [w. ref. to D'XnS Ps 106:6]; XT VBp'T XIXBn Xinn Xpin a certain donkey that bit off a child's hand BQ 84a(40); BM 39b(15); xpir "fft? H'1? an' 'mn Xpll' in"?! XnS'l he gave one child one loaf of bread and the other child two Tan 23b(9); Xpin XlYlff a child's speech Suk 56b(30; M2); mn n'12?'V3 D1B3B Xpir Xinn that child used to stammer in his speech Hog 15b (8); xVl Xp13' PBD x"?1 D'3n a child of average intelligence [lit. who is neither smart nor dull] Men 29b(6); V"X "IpiOB 'V pIDD XpU'V he said to the child: "Recite for me your biblical verse (that you learnt in school today)" Gi( 56a(18); XV xpii'V n'na '3 537
xnpir 538 xriipr '3X0an 'np-iya X*?X 'nan strike a child only with a shoe thong BB 21a(20); ib. 33; pi. 'npa Xinn 'pU'3 yWB mm XnX an .Tmxi 'pTTT a certain elementary school teacher whom PN forbade (to teach) because he used to harm (molest?) the children Git 36a(10) [+ //'s; 4- VytfB pe., mng. 3]; BM 85b(23); 31 '31 'pir children of the Z>e rav fa« 23b(36); 'Xmn' '3a r,"'pir Jewish children /?G^ 97:9; AnanSch 25:26; 3. young man: sg. mn pin J"yX1 na'pj? '1 n'aaoi PN ordained him even though he was a young man iSGF 13:20; »£. 14:18; 'T7 mniaa'Bn mm pana xamx xinn pinx 3'Dttn miD3^X a certain J.m. who was in PN's neighborhood who died while still a young man Hag 5a(21); Xpir X1HH mty nXIS a certain young man began (his eulogy) about him MQ 25b(7); Hag 13a(49); XmV Xnxn Xpir Xinn a certain young man who came for judgment San 31a(49) On the mng. of the nicknames of the sons of Rav Hisda, 18 XpU' and Ntrtffj? ID, v. Rashi to Ket 89b(26); Tos to BB 7b(l); Voc: Xj?i:; VTM 95a; NJ7UT HGP 20b:8; Y: Nj?i:; &rf> 112a(19; BAYTN 107). NJIpiJ' n.f. female infant, child (4- Xpir) 1. female infant: sg. xn'mn {xnxi 'Vni!/ xnpir (if) a female infant (was born to them), they would plant an acacia tree Git 57a(45); 2. female child: sg. xnpir XVH BB 3b(40); ib. 41; XJX1 XJW X'nna WVI Xnpir I was a child at that time SSSad 239:12; .Sft/a; 13a(8; O); OHT Meg 53:18; Geon 121:18 Y: Xfipu; BB ib. '3' vb. to act fraudulently (TA 'J' af. TJ Ezek 18:12, JPA 'r af. DJPA 242, MH2 'r hif. J 581) Af.: jrraxn xnwn na mn n'xa x1? in'rxn ix1? 'X "p nmn n'Xa had you [i.e. the buyer] not acted fraudulently towards me [i.e. the seller], you could not have retracted. Now that you have acted fraudulently towards me, can you retract? BB 84a(7) N3'3', K3'3N' n.m. a pest in flax (etym. unkn.; I X3J, xarx) sg. rnxroa xa'r rn "?sj x"n "i the y.-pest attacked PN's flax Hul 85b(40); ib. 86a(14); 28a(l); X3'3X' Tan 22b(50; Ar [AC 1:136]) Geon. expl.: niVa\ p'tnBJJl XS'MP O'JWW W'l AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 35, 213. Both the ms. tradition and the Geon. expl. show that the rdg. X2T* is a corruption and that there is no connection w. i X3:, xa:'N [contra Flora 2:211]; Y: X3'r BAYTN 57. j?2' vb. to suck, draw nourishment (4- Xpir, xnpir, xpr, xmpr, xnpr, xnp'ra, pr'a, XJ11p3'», XnpM; Sy . n \ :rf, af. ■ " ; ••?. ^q-Jok' LS 304, SG § 175B, Ma pr MD 192, l#xpr,a fosterer MD 262) Pe. 1. to suck: 3"?n Xpn xni'n XaD an animal that sucks ritually unclean milk HP 204:19; 2. fig. to draw nourishment [MH2 pr J 581]: 'mna 'pr x1? xn'K/3 warn five (diiferent species in a garden bed) of six (handbreadths) do not draw nourishment from each other Sab 85a(l); pro 'JHXB ian '3T& 'ynxa x"7l »pr 'Tixa (mushrooms) do indeed grow out of the ground, (but) they actually draw their nourishment from the air and not from the ground Ned 55b(13) // Ber 40b(41); BB 27b(16) [roots]; ib. 71b(6); 'TITO JWlfl 'pr the regions (of an animal) draw nourishment from one another Bes 37b(24; L); 3. to be rejuvenated: man x*?i pirm snpvn xiyn xm may it be His will that you grow old, be rejuvenated, and not die San 108b(48; Ar [AC 3:386, s.v. pn}) Af. to nurse: "DIM 'pUlX nursing for pay AZ 26a(47); 'najTXl '^TXI 'p'ja Xpn she went and became pregnant while nursing Nid 10b(40; M); Xpr,D Xp IX xnsjTD 'XI if she is pregnant or is nursing HP 110:30; 'Xns1? m1? X3Xp3ia X3X I shall nurse my son ib. 111:32; Tia1? mpJIX nurse your son ib. 112:1; TGAs42 43:31 For the assimilation of this original I-v vb. to the I-w pattern, cf. already in OfA TOT jMinb Ahiqar 168. K|7r, abs. p'r n.m. child (4- Vpr, Xpir; Ma Xn'pJX'l Xp3X' boy and girl MD 186, s.v. pUX', Sy K'nii sucking child LS 304) sg.abs. 'ba Xp12?a \fri the words of a child in the street Suk 56b(30) [M2: xpwa xpin xm»]; tram p'r a child and wise Qid 32b(51) Lit:N61d, MG 1172. Xmpi] n.f. youth, childhood (4- Vpr, xpir mng. 3; TA -pnipr TJ Jer 13:27, Ma XmpJX' MD 186; cf. Sy K'iio.D^jJ LS 304) sg. X^'Va xnipr Kinn youth is a wreath of rose(s) Sab 152a(13); «m 539 Npns' XJTan XV mmpra I do not remember (anything) of his youth Tan 20b(41); Xmpm XDT1 learning of youth Sab 21b(12); ISGF 110:9; maaD mmpra he ordained him from his youth ib. 28:22 Y: xrrtpV Sab ib. RTpl] n.f. female child (4- ^IpT; Sy ^m. Ps'm 1607, BBah 847:18) sg. Xnpr 3'DB? the young girl died Ket 62b(28; OHT ib. 188:21) yiiOl n.m. jasmine flowers (< MP yasaman CPD 97; i pVa'0; Sy ^Vimi LS 304, Ma l#],aDX'' MD 186, > Arab oj-^ PLAr 273, Siggel 74) sg. TGAs42 160:13 [expl. MH pVao Ber 43b(l)]; TRN591:10; fWn XSD13 residue of jasmine-(scented sesame) Sab 50b(10) [4- XSD13]; I'MDH Xnwa jasmine-(scented) oil //G3 191:26 Geon. expl.: p31T 'any pt^S 10B1 TRN ib. 11, i.e. S&j lily, jasmine oil, extracted from Jasminum sambac with sesame oil Siggel 40; Lit; Flora 3:396+; Y: fm\ Sab ib. t]0' vb. to increase, add (4- nXSOW, XnSDin; Sy -ft ™- af, ettaf. LS 304, Ma IT' af, ettaf. MD 191) Af. 1. intr. to increase, grow stronger: xVn 1'DIX it did not increase San 17a(39) [expl. BH 1CT X'"?1 Dt 5:19]; 'VlXI XDDia Xp (the loan) continues to increase (from the interest) Ara 30b(28); 2. to add: 'nxp ,3101XI7 mm nJPM in Deuteronomy (Scripture) comes to add (to what was previously stated) Hul 63b(l); Sab 116b(12); Nid 13a(18); H'l^y T01'3 ^P"1 xln ,S1D,,!< ne is Just adding to it Er 5b(4); Bes 23a(6); /1Z 9b(10) [* 4- VnS3 pe., mng. 2]; Me« 105a(36) [^ 4- Vjril pa.]; m,!?5; ID'DIXT T*inx Xn^n the three other (zuzim) which they added to them Bek 50a(20); iTBDiai Xpin npan nj; until he would review a biblical verse that he taught the child and would add to him (another one) Qid 30a(35; O2); 'X1101 I'BOia the Masoretes of GN add BMsG 10:18 [exx. follow]; pass.part. XT Xn:na Vy 101» in addition to this gift BB 136a(l) [in a deed] Ittaf. 1. to be added: XTIO'X ma lOWXT lia a"7n 'ai1? xmcx ma iDin'x nxam since (when it was consecrated) a prohibition of use was added concerning it [i.e. helev], a (more extensive) prohibition was added to helev Kar 14a(8); Yev 32b(2); Ned 17a(12); Qid 77b(18); yanx 1DDWX ,!7DB0 nXB four hundred benches were added (to the school) Ber 28a(13); my *pvm "?31 anything which is added to it SSHai 6a(10); 2. to be increased: xnxn nnsn xnxn nxTin xsoin'x instruction was increased one generation after another iSGF 69:10; ib. 66:13(Var) 1 # IS?' vb. to betroth a maidservant to oneself or to one's son (< BH ty pe. HAL 400, MH2 ny pa. J 583) Pa.: nya x1? 'jn 'xi iro 'W 'x if he wants he may betroth (her), and if he wants he does not betroth (her) Qid 12a(2); 1JP'» HIV rfpib. 18b(ll) 2#iy vb. to declare or forewarn regarding damages of a mu'ad (sec. rt. < BH nj?m Ex 21:29; cf. MH Tim J 745) Pa.: ino ^3 IX1? 'Xmn1? n'1? nnyan it is not in your capacity to declare my ox a mu'ad BQ 40b(24); XnW 'Hiy,17 ib. 24a(28) Itpa. to be declared or forewarned concerning a mu'ad: a. ox: min njT'X Xb 'nDX his ox was not yet declared a mu'ad Ket 41a(28) // BQ 15a(31); ib. 18b(12); 'ra VlVo1? TVi ny"X it was declared a mu'ad with regard to all species ib. 37b(5); 84b(29); b. owner: IX Xnai 'Tiyx? xmn Hiy'X1? that the man [i.e. the owner] should be declared a mu'ad or that the ox should be declared a mu 'ad BQ 24a(26) fy vb. to plan, advise (< H fy J 585) Pa. 1. to plan: n^Dpa1? xnsj xinm n'lV'y 'sya xam perhaps they are planning to execute me [lit. to kill that man] Meg 15b(50); 2. to advise: XD'1? inn'amV nv-wi xr,n 3n"7 n'sym is there no one who will advise PN to divorce his wife? BB 174b(23; HP 52:17) 'S' vb. to give power of attorney (partial caique < MH rj13 nS' J 586) Pa.: m^Tl XJ'S'I we gave him power of attorney SSSad 268:13 NpflB' n.m. document, certificate (< 7tm&Kiov L-S 1409; 4- Xpn'D; Sy pdiiv^, r^ A \, <\ LS 618, 564) sg. xnXDVTT Xpns' document of curses OHT Ket 281:13 [used for excommunication]; TGHark 161:28; ib. 162:4; XTWbt XpnB(') Dec 7:1 [title]; ib. T; 19!; TGAs33 45:26; XpnB' Xnirm certificate (of permission) of judgeship
Nl'S? 540 T' OHT MQ 23:27 [v. infra]; ib. 24:10; pi. 'priD' XJlTOn certificates of permission (to judge) HP 179:25 [gloss to Trwbv rnirx ib.] Geon. expl.: \rm BBW1? XflVrj ffn 3JTDW M Jlltn b>W JllllX mm '-m p1? nmnVi wai wk ^n tw nx tbW>t •fr'f men i? xmi'TT XpJlD' TJTX 1TO^3 ia»1 OHT MQ 23:25 [The A formulation of the certificate is given ib. 24:10]. P expl.: priD' 1'pJTB JB n»KJ 'TITOTI JXD1B1 i'Vi' diploma, authorization, book of licenses SMel 59:513; Lit: Hark, TGHark 396. N3'X; n.m. permanent resident (archaic; TA X'3'r pi. TO Ex 12:19, JPA 3'X' DJPA 243) sg. X'BW '»W3 Xim XJ71X3 X3'X' the permanent resident is on earth and the stranger is in the highest sky! Er 9a(28) // Yom 47a(23) // BQ 42a(12) [prov; v. PT Hag 76a(10)] The exact mng. of this word in the passage ]T1 X3'X'l iTDO'3 in the name of this .'.. Bo 94:5 is unclear; Y: HTT BQ ib.(BAYTN 237). [IS' 4- Vl# ITS itpe.] NIX? n.m. desire, passion (< H "IS', 11X' Yeivin, BV 826, J 590; TA XIX' TO Gen 6:5, Sy k'-^J LS 306) sg. a. alone: m,1 'XIX'1? H'SD'S1? 'J73 'XT H'^ X3B"3 had I wished to overcome my desire, I would have done so San 107a(30); Hag 16a(36); BB 3b(45); mix' iT»^X his passion overpowered him Sab 156b(36; V); Ket 51b(29; M) [4- VtisV af, mng. 4]; X11X bspjl pX'1? iT'SS'Jl let us overcome our desire and receive a reward /<Z 17b(2); H'lX' T3fl his desire is broken Qid 80b(30); b. w. a designation: XT3JH XIX' the desire of sin [i.e. incest] San 64a(20) // Yom 69b(29); Hag 1 lb(34); HI? ,TTI3jn XIX' the desire of idolatry Yom 69b(17); AZ 69b(39) [4- V«)pn pe., mng. lb]; mx' 0'3:i the desire for it [i.e. idolatry] had been slaughtered ib. 17b(l); Ara 32b(47) Y: XTX? San 64a(15; BAYTN 116). Tj?' vb. to burn, set on fire (4- Xip', Tp', 1# Xip"l»; Sy *_□_> LS 306, Ma ip\ ipy MD 193) Pe.: '^Xl -\y fip 1('>(1)p' -ppTOI iy while your fire is burning, cut your gourd and roast (it) San 33b(27); ]'1p'1 ]'p13 m'J? his eyes are burning lightning bolts Bo 78:5 Af. to set on fire: m'^pi 'XJVIB XTU 11'plXl they lit a fire below and burned it Yom 69b(27); KTWft 'KT3' nnplX the dry (twigs) set the wet one on fire San 93a(49) NljT n.m. conflagration (4- Vip'; Sy rc'-unJ LS 306) sg. Xip' T3J;1?! let him set (them) on fire [lit. let him make a conflagration] AZ 28b(19; TGHark 23:4) [4- V'Vjl pa.] Geon. expl.: ]m~Q WX p'^TOl TGHark ib. 5. TjT adj. burning (4- Vip'; Sy n ; ni LS 306, Ma TpX' MD 187) sg.f. xm'p' XX12TX burning fire Bo 3:6; xni'p' XTU ib. 16:7 [cf. Da 3:6]; 109:5 Tj?; adj. heavy, expensive, n. dear (4- Vip'; TA Tp' TO Gen 41:40, Sy i . n ; LS 308, Ma TpX' MD 187) I. adj. 1. heavy: a. general: sg.m. Sab 59a(24) [of shoe]; f. XBrffiN'S X1? Xl'p'1 ]V3 since it is heavy, it is not trampled underfoot BM 23a(7); pl.m. XJlTr? 'J3W 'Tp' X'fcl 'TX since water is heavier it sinks downward Hul 26b(6); BM 21b(25; Es); f. ]-\y '11 these (thighs) are heavy Suk 52b(50); 2. expensive, precious: Tp'1 V'TI it was expensive and went down in price BM 45a(9); BB 104a(20); pl.f. M'BnfllVx xnxV'D ]XTp' (garments of) fine wool are precious to their wearers Sab 10b(35); 3. in idiomatic expressions: a. w. NJ11N to be deaf: pl.m. Tim TJHX ]'Tp' he was deaf [lit. his ears were heavy] Sot 13a(28); b. w. N»ty to be sluggish: 'n3P3 'Kby Tin'ty Tp'l ymn fbOH they eat and drink on the Sabbath and they feel sluggish [lit. heavy] Ned 37b(7); II. n. dear one: sg.m. Xl'p'1 X31 the great and dear one Bo 109:7; pl.m. "Tp'l "3'3n my beloved and dear ones Dec 1:2; ib. 3:3; 4:2; X^'TI'p' TGAs42 93b:\ Voc: XTp* HGP 54b: 10; Y: Tp: Sab 59a(24; BAYTN 234). 1p' vb. to increase in value, ferment, honor (i XIpT, Tp', XTp'; Sy -UL, LS 307, Ma ip' MD 193) Pe. (a/) 1. to increase in value: xnjHX Ip'X 'ttVy '^131 everyone's fields increased in value BQ 7a(32); X'Tl '1313 Dpi X1W3 Tp'1 the price of meat went up, and (an ox for meat) had the value of (an ox for) plowing BQ 46a(25); x"?n Ip'X X"l»n 'Q13 ]31T'X1 the vinegar increased in value and was sold for the price of wine Ber 5b(44); Ket 54b(l); BQ 103a(18); BM 49a(14); ib. 77a(27); 101b(26); 'Xm«n3 X^'T IX Xip' 'X *w 541 NTT T T whether it increases or decreases in value it is in my possession [i.e. the gain or loss is mine] ib. 64a(33); 108a(35); ^Tt ... Tip'X Qid 12a(30; O2); Git 52a(46; M); Ara 30a(42); TGHark 46:30; 2. to become sour (of wine) [cf. semantically 4- V*ipn pe., mng. 3]: mayo xm ipx 'x'rya xmn npX xVl wine becomes sour from above [i.e. at the surface of the vat]. Did he not, in fact, taste it, and had it not become sour? BB 96a(6) Pa. to honor: TTIp'1? )d7a '5?X3 XpT the king wants to honor you Meg 16a(16); piJ/31 nnxaV pnpCXaiV we are required to honor the commandments Anan 12:20; ib. 14; p3U TfObrO xtwip3 prnm n> insiom yym yri?*n I'xmn' according to the laws of Jewish men who work, honor, and support their wives faithfully S$Hai 13b(20); SSSad 232:16; HP 164:4 Af. to honor: T3'1P3 TTplX honor your wives BM 59a(56); m»Xl H13X TpTO xVi X131 Xinn1? OT'X they brought a certain man who was not honoring his father and mother Hul 110b(3); '32? npia IDT Joseph who honors the Sabbaths Sab 119a(20) Itpa. to be honored: "|T1 1J1T7'T3 X3X 'mp'Tl'X '"? xn'3 x"7 I do not want to be honored through your debasement Meg 28a(18; G); "|3 {'ITlp'n'1? "inn3X3 njrinn '3'n '3 "?X"W the Jews should be honored through you just as they were honored through your forefathers San 46b(58); ib. 53; 55; 47a(9); '3 '"Klip'Titt Xp mp"!!''^ they are honored by me [i.e. my presence] Hul 45a(l) [M: '3 np"m xin mp"x] The exact mng. of pp'D'Xl 'V'a 13<')(inx iSGF 36:4 = pnx ppyJIXl '^O rfG5 ib. is unclear. The forms Tip"X Git 52a(43); 1p"X Ket 98a(18); etc. should prob. be read "lip'X, ip'X [i.e. Pe. forms]. N"lj?', NnNj?' n.m. honor (4- Vlp'; TA Xip' TO Ex 16:7, Sy «''U>-.«' LS 307, Ma l#X1Xpy MD 356) sg. a. alone: xnxp' 'WXJ'XT Xip' nyn» X1SX X1BX1? lyntt 'TT the morning awakens people's honor. My honor awakens the morning San 16b(ll) // Ber 4a(7; P) [expl. BH ... 'T33 fVYiy nrj© nyyx Ps 57:9]; ix xin "m xnp' xtsdh Kin '33WT XIXp' is a eulogy an honor for the living or an honor for the dead? San 46b(50); Xp ■?X1W bn Xip'1? n'1? "7'na can he cause all of the Jews to relinquish (their) honor? ib. 47a(5); Qid 32a(23); iriX XJl'13 n{'}T1 Xlp'1 'TT Xip' DWtt XflVy '^IS in my honor and in her honor everyone will certainly come Meg 28b(35); x"71 13'1p' X1? X3'5?3 13'm1?'! I want neither your honor nor your debasement BQ 102b(44); Xnp'31 ]'3'3XT Xip'3 ]'3')3XT for your father's honor of and your mother's honor Bo 19:9; XTI3XT Xlp' the congregation's honor Meg 25b(ll); '3T Xlp' nX'tt;a the honor of the House of the Nasi Qid 70a(33); ID'p '3T X"lp' the honor of the imperial house Yom 73a(30); AZ 20b(24); TTT7 Xip' David's honor Meg 25b(16); X30 X!3TT Xip' the holiday's honor HP 30:34; xnmx"? Xip'3 m»'p fulfill the Torah with honor Anan 12:21; xnp' '33 people worthy of honor San 46b(54); b. w. Vl3J? pe. to honor: HX ^''X -ft X3T3V Xip' ,1)33 fPtn Xp Xip' 'V X13V Xp YPTX Xip' 'V m3J? do you see how much I am honoring you? He said to him: "Are you honoring me? It is my Torah which honors me" Ber 48a(25); XIXp' '13J? Xp ]:31 'TlflV the scholars honor each other MQ 25b (3); Tan 21a(48); Ket 104b(28); Sot 47a(35); San 107b (26) On X"lp' 1X0 Ber 28a(2); ib. 31a(l), v. 4- XnpjB; Y: X^ ib. 48a(25; BAYTN 49). j?1T adj. yellow (4- pIT, Vl# pi'; TA piT TO Lev 13:49, Sy rdi-U Pale LS 309) sg.m. piTI 'X,T XVI ,T»1 H'3 Vs: X1? 'rOX1 awn the reason that this (infant) is yellow [i.e. has jaundice] is because its blood has not yet gone through its body Sab 134a(34); piT X13B unclean (milk) is yellow AZ 35b(35) [* 4- l#1T>n mng. 1]; Pes 30b(23) // Ket 107b(42) // AZ 33b(38) [ref. to X'llpl '3Xtt a type of glazed vessels]; f. X33J/ TipTT a yellow cloud Ber 59a(33; MGE 149:1) Y: xrf IT Ber ib.(BAYTN 213). [Kj?1T 4- xpi' n.] NTi; n.m./f. a type of demon (Sy rc'ioiJ jackal LS 308, demon Is 34:14 [Hex; H Jr"?'1?], SIB 14:7!) sg. X"7X(3){3) 111X' y.-demon (and) incubus San 59b(43) [used as a reprobation]; XDlff'3 !ni' evil^.-demon^o 120:26; ib. 35; X1TT xn'I?',7,l >>.-demon and lilith ib. 117:4; pi. 'Ill' '■7XJI ib. 53:3; 36:7; yb"1? 'TIT "73 ib. 53:2 Lit: Fl, TMW 2:446; Mont, AIT 81; E. Hunter, Iraq 62 [2000]
torrn ubmy 542 1#N3T 144; Talshir, Fauna 182+; for the corr. form and mng. of this word in Rabbinic lit., v. Lieb, TK 2:652 Y: IITN; San ib. n.m. golden headband (lit. Jerusalem of gold; JPA ami Q^VHV PT Sab 7d[55]) sg. Sab 59a(25) [expl. MH mf?ti TJ7 Mib. 6:1]; Ned 50a(8) Lit: S. Paul, IEJ 17 [1967] 259+; Y: X3rm D'T^T Sab ib. nNa^lT adj. Jerusalemite (JPA "B7B71T DJPA 244) sg. nXB7WlT K3T1 a Jerusalemite Tanna BQ 6b(17) Y: 'B'wiT BQ ib. NfllT n.m. inheritance (4- VnT; TA ]13njVlT TJ Jos 1:15; cf. Sy rC&o&TJ LS 310) sg. XJipiS Xs?! XJ11T x"?l neither a will nor an inheritance SSSad 202b: 18 KriT, abs. HT n.m. new moon, month (4- nxrni', xnT in; TA xnT TO Num 9:22, Sy rcii-U LS 309, Ma X11X' MD 185) 1. new moon: sg. XnT jnp'X xnatP3 H3 the new moon was declared on Sunday Sab 86b(40); RH 21a(26) [4- XJHp]; Km'7 TKHpl 3D l'J/7 7'J go to GN and sanctify the new moon ib. 25a(27); 2. month: a. general: sg. XTOn XnT ... X'^a XrlT a full/defective month [i.e. of thirty and twenty- nine days] Ara 9a(5); XriT W ]'rl7;i thirty days of the month Bo 71:8; XriTl XITT month by month Dec 9:15; xnTl XnT 73 each month SSHai 8a(16); XnT3 X'JBn the eighth of the month Anan 81:10; /ft. 24; San 69a(34) [4- ltXTQ'jr mng. 2]; xni'1 XT. I'D the order (of the days) of the month Meg 4b(18); pl.abs. xnVn I'm' three months Pes 62b(28); cs. TIT lO'in X/W a full year [lit. twelve months of a year] Sab 33b(38); Fom 84a(14); Ket 8a(35); SM 16b(28); AZ 8b(6); //«/ 58b(l); #P 204:5; Geon 183:26; det. TIT naya Xpl XII 7X1W1 it is the Jews who intercalate months Pes 117b(33); 'TDrl TIT 'in two (consecutive) defective months RH 21a(l); TIT 1X2? the rest of the months ib. 20a(37); Hag 5b(45); Yev 72b(20); Mak 23b(41) [4- Vl#'B1 itpe., mng. lc]; TIT ]'7'X pi73 all these months SSHai 8a(17); b. in date formulae: sg.abs. DV2 'Vs nTa W 1B3 Xim '73 on such-and-such a day which is so many days in such-and-such a month SSHai 13a(16); Dec 4:17; /ft. 3:5 Y: KflT Sab 86b(40; BAYTN 85). flNSTlT adj. (uncertain; lit. of the month; I XnT; cf. Sy wiLiMiJ monthly LS 309) sg.m. BM 85b(47) [appellation of Samuel, prob. w. ref. to his skill as an astronomer] Y: rotrrrr bm ib. 'T vb. to instruct, make a legal decision (4- F>T,X, Xfl'niX, XrmB; JPA '111 DJPA 245) Af. 1. to instruct: 1'7 H1X 'XB what did he instruct him? AZ 28b(l) [fol. by medical recipe]; ib. 40b (7); -p mx 'IIT '13 "]7 '11X1 the one who instructed you did so according to PN Hul 96a(25); Nid 13a(56); 2. to make a legal decision: "TYIX in1? '11X1 liTX XI1X1 he came and made a definite legal decision for them AZ 3 7b (3 9); 1,17 pma X1? '»3 "lUX we also do not make an explicit legal decision for them Tan 26b(39); mV X7i Dpiai ma mxi 3i 'aw pn who made legal decisions (and) continues to do so is different. Let him appoint (an amora) and (the latter) should not make legal decisions Kar 13b (42); xnn am 'j»a mm mx xion 3i pn made legal decisions in GN during PN2's lifetime Er 62b(28); '13 pjixi xmn3 mxi XTB7n xinn ]1JW a certain disciple who made a legal decision in GN according to PN Sab 19b(24); 131 T113 XW11B 'a ]1ia they make decisions thus in the school according to me Pes 105b(12; C) // ib. 33a(34); Suk 7a(3); Nid 14a(32); {,1)"111X7 11B iT'ai 01pB3 is one allowed to make a legal decision in the place of his teacher? Er 62b(21); Ket 60b(27); XTA1 13 111B1 DWB because they make a legal decision concerning it that it is permissible Svu 48b(26); Yev 45a(46); Git 35a(20); Bek 12b(21); Hul 57b(18); 11BX1 X'lia she may make a legal decision (in her favor) and say ... Git 61b(26) // Hul 6b(4); Git 62a(3); X1.1H i37i i(i)rya»i 'ixra inn "111x7 ?'3' Taxn l^ya? one who has studied can make legal decisions in those matters in which he has had legal instruction iSGF 44:17 'T n. (word in an incantation formula) Pes 112a(25; V17) //AZ 12b(22) [4- l#XT131ff] 1#N3T n.m. course of stones (etym. unkn.) pi. 2#N3T. '3T T37 XTJl' nBtJl an extra handbreadth between the courses BB 3a(44); ib. 45; 47 This word may poss. be a corruption of '311K. 2# N3T, pi. KJ13T n.f. thigh (TA X3T TO Gen 24:9) a. general: sg. X3T 'D1BW '33 children with a dislocated thigh Ket 60b(53); pi. 'i'3 DTIX1 1TI3T place a (silver strip) between its [i.e. the rooster's] thighs HM 42:13; b. in phrase ]'pB: n'3T1 his descendants Anan 120:3 [caique < MH 13'T 'XXT* J 597] [NpiJT 4- XJ1J7T n.] l#pT vb. to be pale (4- pil\ piT, pT, XpT, XTIpT, XJpT, Xp'Tfi; Sy .-dxjis' pe. to become pale LS 309, Ma l#j?T MD 193) Pe.: X7 'XI ,1'SX 'pT X33'tt?3 5?JS 'Xl CP5NS if he does not eat (after his bloodletting), and if (then) he encounters a dead body, he will become pale Sab 129a(53) 2# pT vb. to spit (sec. rt. < 4- Vppl; BH 1# pT HAL 420) Pe.: TSX3 T7 xpi'l TOOa ,1'7 XS72/1 she removes his shoe and spits in his face Anan 115:3; ib. 116:26 PT adj. green (4- pIV, Vl# j?T) sg.m. XpT X31H a green fly Ber 44a(16; MGD 711:16); XSap XpT a green locust #M 46:2; pl.m. TGAs28 143:11 Kj?T n.m. vegetables (4- Vl# pi'; TA XpT TO Dt 11*10, Sy rdi-vJ LS 309, Ma xpiX' MD 187) coll. Ber 44b(3); Tan 20b(45); BQ 44a(29); Ara 31b(33); Mrf 51b(54); XpT3 ,T> 1^331 he preserves its freshness [i.e. of the D'^SlJl Lev 6:14] with vegetables Men 50b(47); ib. 85a(6) [4- xriB mng. 2]; Bes 24b(31); 'Xni'jya X7 XiX 'XniTJiya X71 XpT '73X I ate vegetables neither when I was poor nor when I was rich Sab 140b(12; V); XpT 'Dlpa gathering vegetables Anan 72:1; XpTI XS11 a cord for (tying up) vegetables Sab 140b(3); XpTI XB?'3 a bunch of vegetables GC 130:4; Qid 45b(6); BB 146b(9); Sab 82a(2); Hul 105b(35); BM 101a(15) [4- l#Xp7'D]; pi. Pes 107b(14); pi. 'pi' "WD other vegetables Er 56a(2); X'pT RH 20a(20) Y: XJ7T Sab 109b(30; BAYTN 85). m> n.m. Saliconia herbacea L. (an alkaline plant; 4- X'7'p) sg. Er 28b(54) Lit: Low, Lehnw 505; Pfl 43; Flora 1:638; Y: Xptfl XJT Er ib.(BAYTN 246). X?ipT, [N?p1?] n.m. jaundice (I Vl#pT, X3pT; TA XJpTTJ Jer 30:6, Sy rdliiJ LS 309, Ma XJXpiX' MD 187, BH ]ipT HAL 420) sg. X:ipT Sab 110b(26; Ar [AC 4:163]); ib. 44(0); X31pT7 'tyapi '»J'X iniSI since people drink (the urine of an ass), and it is effective against jaundice Bek 7b(4; M); xaxpT HM 38:4 Y: XjipT Sab ib. N3pT, KiKpT n.m. blight, bitter wine (4*Vl#pT, XlipT; TA xSpT TJ IK 8:37) 1. blight: sg. Xyixa 7'SJI X3Xpi'7 for blight which afflicts a field HM 44:3; 2. bitter wine: sg. X3XpT AZ 30a(49) [expl. MH IB bitter (wine) ib.] Geon. expl.: TOIDrai D'3:y3 ]lpT isvs KJKpT 10 TGHark 23:10. [NTipipT n.f. a permitted bird pi. Hul 63a(17) In light of the fact that Sp'-lpT TO Lev 11:17 is an unclean bird and the varr. (v. DS, ad loc, n. '), this word is doubtful.] 711' vb. to inherit, take possession, bequeath (4- XT11T, XnT; Sy ^iT-jrC pe., af. LS 310) Pe. (e/u) 1. to inherit: xp 1T1 H'U'B 3X Tl'T Xp '31 Tl'T the father is only inheriting her [i.e. his daughter's] own property Ket 42b(33); ]XB lV'X ri'T X7 nnna p'os? x?i ]xa ttti xin nnna p'oyi does one who engages in the study of Torah inherit and one who does not engage in the study of Torah not inherit? ib. 108b(ll); niT? ]3 X3'X iX7i mi'? 'xn 1X7 rrn ]3 xs'x m niTri ra xa'x ]3 mfb Xnai XWp 13 X7X mi'V 'Xl (if) there is a son let the son inherit. (If) there is a daughter let the daughter inherit. (If) there is a son and a daughter should neither this one nor that one inherit, but should the town official inherit? BB 110a(29); ]im" Xin3 Xri131 X13 the son and the daughter will inherit together Sab 116b (8) [quoted from a 'gospel']; ]B X31BB Jlfimi XDrPX lltn JTO a woman who inherited (a loan of) money from her family's estate HP 53:20; HTB m Jim xV (the husband) does not actually inherit her ib. 101:8; Ket 50b(5); BQ 88b(45); BB 543
xn1? 544 C)n» 159b(21); Nid 44a(42); Dlfl'J 'mn ]WTn X*7 do not inherit two Gehennas [i.e. both in this world and in the next] Yom 72b(37); 2. to take possession: px nVis1? mmx 3V31 ywiT Vsa'x "7X"IW did Joshua and Caleb make an effort to take possession of all of Eretz Israel? BB 118b(24); xms^a TTX1 he took possession of the kingdom (by force) SOZ 73:5 Af. to bequeath, bestow: a. general: TnT1? max p n(')(iinxb inm-ii1?! nnapa t»x^> can (a son) who died first [lit. in his grave] inherit his mother and bequeath it [i.e. the estate] to his paternal brothers? BB 159b(25); H3T rimix rU3T rnnaa (if) he sold it [i.e. the property], bequeathed it, (or) gave it as a present BM 35a(42); ib. 101b(27); inV mm Xp XH he, in fact, can bequeath it to them BQ 110b(18; F1); 3'32? Xin WITX -an jna a gravely ill person who is able to make a bequest BB 131a(4); 'y31 Wl "TIIDVa rma X3*7a can the king bestow his kingship on whomever he desires? Hor 1 lb(37); b. in legal texts: WrT»6 SSHai 6a(14); ib. 7a(6) ttri"l», abs. JI'T n.m. heir, inheritor (4- VriT pe. part, det.; Sy k^-U LS 310, > Akk jaritu CAD I/J 325) sg.abs. ]'0nai TT heir and possessor Stoa/ 12a(19); #P 163:29 [in a document]; pi. 'Xn-l'V mnai xraoV '033 (I give) my possessions to (my) grandmother and after her (death they will go) to my heirs BB 125b(l; F2); 'X"W3 'XTT* the heirs (who will come) after me SSHai 2b(2); ib. 6a(19); H'lm TnT /A. 3; Dec 10:21; 7W/ar/t 1:15; ib. 268:8; So 61:11; j& 135:4 [tyffi | Vl#T,W vb.] ItP' vb. 4- V2# "itiX vb. Nrinii;' n.f. firmness (MH2 nrw J 602) sg. '3 VTX n'm-re?' ira VTX (Samson) only followed his (own) firm way Sot 9b(30; V2) [w. ref. to ,TR£P 'J'5?3 Jud 14:3] Y: PMWW? Sol ib.(BAYTN 191). (')JV accusative particle (archaic and dialectal; Sy (-)^J LS 311 [rare], TA [']J1' Tal 28) a. in BT: 1) in pseudepigraphical texts: nVm fmT\ na nxDD1? oms rvn> bvp ia xTjn Dy"?a mn ]':&? Balaam, the lame, was thirty-three years old when Phineas, the robber, killed him San 106b(10) ['Balaam']; TJ by TT 'IB roast it [i.e. the fish] over fire ib. 100b(17) ['Ben Sira']; ib. 29; 2) in texts from Eretz Israel: '1 T mb'Ntt I asked my teacher Pes 37a(9); ]'3X V1X 13T '.Tfrn tt f?™ inrb 'ysnai -inxV rra p-iy a person's feet are his surety. They transport him to the place where he is sought (at his death) Suk 53a(24) [in JPA; // BR 1286:2; v. DJPA 418, s.v. 2#ri3"iy]; TT IX^ia ]X13n DISXI they train (the qiqayon-plant) to climb on the entrance of sheds Sab 21a(13) [poetic passage]; TJM Trnaa '5?a TT xna XV pa he wants to hit him, but has not yet hit him San 58b(38); 'Xanx '3JJ1 'mn 'in ]injl' JTUJ.1 oxen which the pagans steal and castrate BM 90b(l); ;6. 85a(26); 133naDX xV 13'T ITT1? (if) I shall not hide you they will see you Nid 61a(47); 3) in legal texts: "•yfjS yx 'j'i 'aV xaaip1? naa1 f?s t nsnpn that NN has brought NN2, her levir, to us to the court Yev 39b(32); ib. 115b(33); 4) dialectal: pT ySE?1?! 'Tin ]Wa,,paT let him make them swear: "You are keeping the Torah" Ned 25a(37); ib. 41a(23); 66b(34); 88a(17); p'M133 pT XJn T"yi TQV he learnt (the laws of) the Sabbath and idolatry in their (appropriate) places Kar 3b(28; Os§M); ]"nTlX1 ywrf? ]V\m W2bx he dressed them in garments of purple wool 7am 32a(41); b. in post-BT texts: pr^Bp'aVl ]"\nm KIWIS'? 15?31 they were about to capture them and to kill them TGAs28 77b: 10; ib. 102b: 12; 'ap ]» mjn xnn Him nan ... o"nn ny D'si^n mm ■'wbt n"ap pro ^Kn©-' mai"? may it be God's will to make us counted among the living and may He make us worthy to lead the Jewish people properly iSgf 121:16; miriy-i -a ma -pa m perm prua (rm> pn'33 mi mmmx 'xin ia xnon n*i p'rra nsipcx Va mi pjrrp mi pTjn mi you should guard PN and PN2, his wife, their sons, their daughters, their cattle, their property, and the entire threshold of their house Bo 49:7; ib. 3:5; 5:1; 12:9; 78:22 [and passim in these texts]; XJTIX m 'pPXl irrigate the field HM 41:9; ib. 45:7; HMGas 94:20; rra' "ayrf? TTi 'Xin n'^ata he certainly must do it [i.e. the Paschal sacrifice] at its (proper) time Anan 74:6; ib. 545 33T 72:14; c. in legal documents: T IX TCm y3JT1 'rianB Djna3 rmX13 WIT he will make a claim against him or his heirs after him in a matter because of me SSHai 5b(6); ib. 8a(20); 13b(20); 19a(4) [and passim in this text]; SSSad 230:16; ib. 265b: 18; T1X "?33 .TM' 'ma©1? to excommunicate him everywhere Dec 3:8; ib. 4:7; n'yiB'a1? Wl' XJTpSI we have commanded him to pay him TGHark 84:11; ib. 275:22; nJV naa'1? nrr noaiD1?! nri' IT'abl to marry her in a levirate marriage, to feed her, and to support her HP 163:30 Lit: Satzlehre 105; Kut, Studies 48+ [Heb; distribution in A dialects]; Y: VP Ber 54b(54; BAYTN 337). 3TT, 'JT vb. to sit, live, be situated, penetrate (4- xaxr, xama, arra, xmari"a, i#xna'na, l#X3mn, 2#X3mri; Sy ^=hy> (e/e) LS 311, Ma ari'/any (e/e) MD 193) Pe. (e/e), pf. 3sg.m. 3'ri'X Sab 46a(34); 3pl.m. 13'T1' BQ 116b(40); 13'Tl'X Sab 33b(34); imp. lsg. 3'T1'X Er 68a(29); 3m. ymb MQ 9b(ll); 2pl.m. lari'D BB 40b(15); 3pl.m. lan'1? MQ 16b(23); imper. 2sg.m. 3'M AZ 58a(28); 2pl.m. 13'rl Ket 62b(29); inf. 3fl'B Suk 46b(53); part. lsg. X:3'rl' Pes 112a(19); 2m. MIT Ber 18b(47); 3m. 3'n' Ket 77a(44); f. X3n' Suk 3a(8); lpl. ]ran' Bes 24b(20); 2m. |W'3n' BB 25b(33); 3m. '3fl' Ber 55b(28); f. ]im Pes llla(26); form w/o bet: part. 3sg.m. 'n' Suk lla(29); BQ 117b(12; GTB2 202:8);- 1. to sit: a. alone: 3'Jl'l Dpi 3'n'l DpT XJ?"D Xinn a certain Arab who continuously stood up and sat down Sab 82a(27); p'an'T 'j'^s x"? xaVy "?3T an'a no one disputes that we certainly sit (in the sukka) Suk 46b(53); 'TIM '1H3 'an' Tin they were sitting together Ber 55b(28); x"?na in^'TllX ty '3fl' 11M they used to sit (in the cave while covered) up to their necks in sand Sab 33b(32); 3'n' HHD3 HX10 cbtWfi iTT Vnai the one who makes stocks sits in his stock [i.e. that he made] and he is requited by his handicraft Pes 28a(8; CM2); "jy ]'3n' X1?! D"0aT they do not sit down until he finishes Anan 19:19; 'T13 T13 3n'aT Kiv'? H3B (the word) .132? [Gen 27:19] is a term of sitting [i.e. V32?' pe.] written with he BMsG 10:7; b. w. fol. vb.: 1) asyndetic: xnS'1 T1X3 Xp 3'n'X he was eating a meal while seated [lit. he sat down (and) was eating] Tan 23a(46); XnHSlST 'SO1? pmrDPX nBXp '3n'T I found the old men of GN who were saying while seated Pes 117b(27; C); Ket 62b(42); 2) syndetic: vfrni Xpi X3n'T nn32;X "7TX he went (and) found her sitting and weaving Git 34a(7); 'IDXpl '3n'T 3T '3T p31 the scholars of the be rav who while sitting and say Ket 25a(39); mrh rr1? nsoa xpi vrrt "3X1? rrnrowx I found PN who was sitting and explaining to his son Yom 27a(2); Qid 81b(36); San lla(ll); X33X 3'n'1? Xn ]'T^l let him sit at the gate and judge the case BB 58a(35); c. w. var. preps.: 1) "X/Vy, 'lV'y: XEHX 3'n'T ]Xa the one who is sitting at the doorway Hul 47a(l 1); ib. 133b(l) [4- Xnnoa]; AZ 41b(12); Sot 20a(45); BM 84a(29); Sab 82a(9); Pes 114a(9); ATe/61a(52); Tarn 32b(7); Bo 135:3; W'lV'y 3'n,!71 let him sit over them Git 69b(53); 2) 'T,nX: "\ 3'n'1 XTlt 'Tl nninx IDT 3T, X3"l 3'n' xViyi Tap XTT PN and PN2 were sitting behind PN3, and PN3 was sitting in front of PN4 Pes 37b(33); Er 43b(39); 3) "3: '3TT '3XH nnVn 'IT X3'T '33 three judges who were sitting in court San 8a(40); nuin XpTO3 '3n'l they used to sit in the quarter of the prostitutes Pes 113b(4); X13J 3'T XnaX3 a man can sit in (the space of a square) cubit Suk 7b(43); 4) '31 next to: a) general: IM'31 nana n3 H3T 3'nX'1 PN was sitting (in the school) next to them Zev 5b(28); Sab 33b(23); Er 92a(31); iSGF 63:10; b) to be a co-director of the study session: 4- '33 prep., mng. 1; 4) 'ap before/in front of s.o.: '3TT nVOBX "?IX Tap ]33T (Haman) went (and) found that the scholars were sitting before him [i.e. Mordecai] Meg 16a(8); XTOn 3TT Tap X"?iy 13 XnX 31 3'T 'axpl 3'n'1 PN was sitting before PN2, and he was sitting and saying Sab 54b(25) [and passim; v. RISB 221+]; 5) 'mn: a) general: 'jaiX inx TITT Wmn '3n'1 the bloodletters used to come and sit under them [i.e. the trees] BB 23a(l); Ber 62a(14); Sab 156b(35); Hul 105b(42); b) esp. to be under s.o.'s jurisdiction: 4- 'mn mng. 2; 2. to live, inhabit, dwell: a. general: 3'T X3'H XJami where does the Merciful One dwell? Ber 48a(6); San 42b(39); Xmya3 yw 'no@'mn U'TX they dwelt twelve years in the cave Sab 33b(34); '3T
an' 546 an' X31E?m xnnX3 they dwell in a place of darkness [i.e. Babylonia] Pes 34b(14); BB 25b(33); '3 'V'B73 wan' when you will dwell (for a period of time) in GN Git 80a(38); Tan 24a(45); b. of married life Yev 118b(38) [+//'s; I TT |D]; Git 26b(ll) [4- V|iy pa.]; c. in a fig. sense: 'NTH' imam Xa'Vn '31in3 you, Jews, dwell in the chambers of the mind [i.e. are knowledgeable] Nid 20b(32); 3. to be inhabited, be settled: am XO'l 'Xn 3'mx XO'J 'Xn this side was destroyed (and) the other side was resettled Yev 17a(19); MQ 9b(ll) [4- l#XT'SeftX mng. 2]; pass.part. 3'm xan'OT XX1'3 an inhabited house is maintained well [lit. settled] BQ 21a(23); ib. 97a(ll); 4. to be located, situated [w. by]: a. general: 'SIT X3'n 'lit where is the money located? Ber 18b (40); Xian 3'm mm xn'3 Xinn '111 "7X"lEn a certain house in which there was located wine of a Jew and a pagan AZ 61b(31); X-ian 'nx' ib. 57b(17; HGP 56b:4); 62b(31; HGP 57a: 18); ni'l'lTy mill 190 3'm mm the Torah scroll was situated on it [i.e. the bed] MQ 25a(25); b. of sickness demons [Ma yn Xmi by X3mn OrNS 15(1946) 327+]: KJW2 XniT, Xma ^5? X3JTT an evil spirit which is situated on the brain Bo 59:8; H3TIX Vy xan'T xrm a spirit which is situated on her ear ib. 123:4; 'D '3'm n'3'1? Vy [X13X =] X13J? be situated like lead on his heart ib. 142:4; 5. to study [4- l#XJ13'n»]: nin 31 '33 3T1'1 "?'TX he used to go and study in the be rav Ket 62b(23); ib. 34; 44; 51; 63a(2); Git 31b(43); 6. w. ~b to penetrate, enter [w. "3]: m»l ,TJ?lj?3 H'1? 3'mx (the bone) penetrated his windpipe and he died Yom 87a(51); T\b 3'mx nriDl nyias XmiB excrement penetrated her leg and she died Git 56a(38); T1? X3'mxn X1X13 X1HH .TD1X3 X3'B X*73X a './.-worm entered the nostrils of a certain fish BB 73b(16; MGG 51:15) [H: xV'JH]; Pas 112b(29); 7. in idiomatic phrases: a. w. K31K3, KTU'BOa to travel by boat [4- 2#X31X mng. lb]: xru'soa xmap m1? nipi xa'n Vai "uoi xnacra na smaV 'axn tsp x^ina wherever he acquired his place on a boat on a weekday, it is all right to travel and to move in it on the Sabbath HG1 161:18 = TGDr49 97:7; b. w. K3H3 to sit in court: 4- X3H mng. 6a; c. w. Kni3^B3 to reign: Xm3"?a3 n'"Q 3'm his son reigned (instead of him) San 96a(52); d. w. jyi3'Ji83 to participate in an academic session: xnx bti 'a 'TT XTlS'Jiaa 3'n'l when he grew up he went and participated in PN's academic session BM 85a(28); mmviaa a'm aw1? mat m^x <'nx> mm rvVn D'E'3 Elijah, of blessed memory, used to come and participate in his academic session in his days I$GF 109:19; e. w. KlriB3 to be in a state of fear: 3'm Xins Xinna 'S3 X1313 Xinn I am also afraid of a certain thing [lit. dwell in a certain fear] San 95b(56); f. w. Ntfna to be the head, preside: 4- XIP'TJ usage a.2; g. w. tci'jyn to fast: 4- xn'jyn mng. lb Pa. 1. to set at ease [i xnjn num.'B]: a. w. X71JH: M'njn 'aw1? to put him at ease Ber 28a(18); Suk 25b(24); Hul 120a(23); pass.part. xnjn xam'a xb 'xna xnjn xam'a 'xna with this (his) mind is at ease. With that (his) mind) is not at ease Yom 81a(13); rinjn X3n'» '3im Sab 128b(43; V); Git 56b(18); BM 84a(48); San 75a(16); Tarn 32a(34); b. w. XIX': TTVFb TOW1? to set his sexual desire at ease BB 3b(45); 2. to fulfill an accepted fast [v. Pe., mng. 7f]: irabl T3'3n"3 '3H afterwards we shall fulfill the accepted fast Tan 8b (32); 3. w. Vl,iy pa. to make a woman dwell as a deserted wife: 4- V]3J? Af., form w/o bet: part. 3sg.m. 'ma Suk 55a(20);- 1. to seat s.o.: mm> .TTT ]'3 n'amx she seated him between him and her Ber 48a(25); namx "?TX '2731 X113 he went (and) seated her in the row of the women Ket 60a(12); '*? imania Xp XJ1OT 'aaia you seat me now at its end [i.e. of the row] San 37a(31); 2. to place, put: XTOna ,T3niX place it in the oven Hul 59a(14); Yom 75b(22); HG3 215:11; BM 42a(47); mm 'laun max 3'mx lfl'Tia PN's father placed guards with them Ket 23a(39); n'3'J?X XT a'niX he placed a hand on his eye Men 64b(32); San 13b(35); Git 34a(36; As) [4- i# XTp]; n'msx nmn nso '3imxV to place a Torah scroll on his bed MQ 25a(23); Git 68b(29); ln'Cnx '3 Xian 13'niX they put wine in the house of their tenant farmers AZ 61b(26); Sab 109b(30); imap xan 'ama they place a table before them Ber 46b(29); X3'T 'a im p'ama XT1T X11I inV p'an'l we place it [i.e. the money] K3JV with the court and give (it) to them a zuz at a time BM 70a(24); ib. 81b(13) [* -Jbpv]; 3. to appoint: 'stib'bx n1? ami xjrr mn 'a 'n'x did she know that he was appointing her as an administrator? Ket 87a(8); ]'J/31X X3'X 'XI X»n W"\ ]3'3ma if there are forty (pupils) we appoint an assistant teacher BB 21a(38); 4. to teach [v. Pe., mng. 5]: XJTJ/3 1» ]amV teach me regularly [lit. at a set time] Git 60b(40); 5. in idiomatic phrases: a. w. NrQ'Jia to direct the academy: XJ1X3'I1» '31J1X iSGF 99:12 [cf. MH2 n3'»' 3'l^in he convened a session Er 26a(29)]; b. w. Xfl'ayro to make s.o. fast: 4- xn'jyfl mng. lb; c. 'pTB a'rllB public lecturer: [lit. one who convenes lectures] Er 36b(19); d. w. KKT13 to appoint to be the head: 4- X2?'"I3 usage a.2 Ittaf. 1. to place o.s.: H'U3 amjl'Xl n3'^ 13y he made a chest and placed himself inside of it Ket 106a(6; Ar [AC 8:194]); 2. w. Knyi to be put at ease [v. Pa., mng. la]: '3'n '3 Xri^'a n'V Xa'X n'nj/T 3mri'm I shall say something to him so that his mind should be put at ease Sab 52a(l); Sot 40a(43) Lit: Kara 87 [on V'JV < Van']; Ch. Muller-Kessler, Renger Vol 341+ [Pe., mng. 4b]. N3rP n.m. dweller (4- V3fl' pe. part.; LMA pi. ia-a-ti-ib-a-a-'i-i Uruklnc 13) pl.cs. XriB '3m dwellers of a town BB 8a(47) // San 112a(26) [* xna '33 residents; cf. Sy rdiir*' V-=>^-i 2S 5:6; 4- 1#X13, mng. 9a] Y: xnn 'an; BB ib. 'n' 4- Van' vb. Tff adj. additional, excessive, n. additional amount, adv. excessively (4- Vim; TA "I'm TO Ex 26:12, Sy t-j&J LS 313, Ma 1# TAX' MD 187) I. adj. 1. additional, extra: sg.m. 'X Ton 'X Tm if there are less or more (than five lobes of the lung) Hul 47a(7; V11); XT>m xm'D additional effort Bes 21b(30); MQ 4b(30); Yev 68b(16); BM 93b(30); XTfi' X»V an additional day Ned 17b(28); m'm Xll^'a additional flesh Sab 134b(24); f. 'Xin XTm Xriax one cubit was additional ib. 99a(20); xm'm xmTm additional watchfulness ib. 51b(28); BM 93b(12); Xm^S XnTm an extra teftlla [i.e. of rh^yi] Yom on' 87b(46); pl.m. 'Tm 'IX1? extra prohibitions Pes 24b(2); mm 'TIT additional money BB 33a(8); f. XTlXTm •'W 'mn two additional years BM 110a(23; HP 93:14); xnXTm ]>1V WV (a document whose date was postdated by) six additional years AZ 10a(l); 2. superfluous: sg.m. XTm X"lp a superfluous biblical verse Meg lla(45); MQ 8a(12); BQ 3a(25); Mei 9a(3); Xin XTm Xlp n'VlD the entire verse is superfluous San 71b(l); XTm 3T5?n a superfluous verse (containing) sign BQ 94a(38) [v. Lev 19:10; ib. 23:22]; XTm XWb a superfluous term BB 138b(8); Naz 7b(9); Ara 19a(37); f. xm'H' xnV'a a superfluous thing MQ 21a(6); BM 104b(29); TGHark 106:16; pl.m. mm D'EHp Vlp (the words) D'Snjjn V"p are superfluous Zev 49b(50) [v. Num 18:9]; 3. excessive, extra: sg.m. X'nttf'a ... m'm x"73'a m'm excessive eating/drinking Qid 2b(37); XTm XSnn excessive insolence BB 155b(21); XTm XTDD an excessive loss MQ 12a(53); xn^'n XTm an extra third (of a denar) Bek 50a(19); BQ 113b(29); f. Xm'm xmp3D» excessive delicacy Hag 6a(i0); xm'm xnwna ... xm'm xnma excessive obesity/emaciation Bek 3b(30); pl.m. mm 'an a very high price BM 51a(23; Es); 4. exceptional: sg.f. x'in xm'm xm'an nabw '•ikv n'3 Solomon was different because he had an exceptional entity in him Meg llb(4); II. n. additional amount: sg.m. xm'ja1? XTm X3'X 'XI 'Tin ]'3p njwm if there is an additional amount (in the area of the field) above the quantity of nine qabs it returns BB 104b(l); III. adv. excessively (Sy (rc^-ijivj adv. LS 313, mng. 8) XTm r^by x'33 xp mm in'3a nn vsv one of them [i.e. her sons] died, and she was crying over him excessively MQ 27b(31) [Var: xniTn'3 V17; XTina LM] Lit: Bacher 81 [mng. 2]; Voc: 'TJV HPP 279:19; HGP 28b:30; Y: KTW Meg 1 la(39; BAYTN 237). Dn' adj. anonymous, of unknown authorship, n. orphan, anonymous composition, ignorant person (TA xSm TO Dt 14:29, Sy riAih^i LS 312, X'fi'nX' MD 187) I. adj. anonymous, of unknown authorship: sg.m. Xam XTaia an anonymous psalm AZ 24b(42) [w. ref. to Ps 98 547
inpri' 548 nyv which begins 1ia?a w/o the name of its author]; II. n. 1. orphan: a. general: sg.m. "13 XaJV XrfraiX an orphan, the son of a widow San 109a(51); XaiT NipiJT X331 master, PN, the orphan G/Y 52a(42); ib. 52b(9); Aef 100b(38); pi. rUB^Nl 'TJTT 'an' p31tfl n'PBJ m '"7B1 NN died and left behind young orphans and a widow SSHai 17a(17); 'am XB11D1BX Xlin a certain guardian of orphans BM 42b(9); G/7 52b(12); 'am ]ini3X the (late) father of the orphans 55 174a(26); 'an' '^11 '31? when the orphans grow up ib. 7b(l 1); XX13D X'll '31 '3'BD lim 'an' TOl certain orphans who were supported by a certain old woman G/7 52a(37; As); 'am 'JITtt support of orphans Dec 10:19; XJTl'ax .1101B 'an' mVpW the orphans took it [i.e. the garment of fine wool] (and) spread it over the corpse Yev 66b(32); '31 'am 'TIT the money of the orphans BM 70a(23); 'arra nmiro nyan xp mn a'P'^x 13 '3i ,t/t>3 a daughter-in-law of PN's household was claiming her ketubba from the orphans Ket 54a(45); b. in a fig. sense: sg. plDl rV7tt? XaJV strip the orphan and go out Ket 54a(37) [in a mnemonic phrase w. ref. to a gleaner]; pi. '811' m"tt?D3 lipi they called themselves 'orphans' .Kef 106a(27) [i.e. the remaining students]; 'HJl'T 'an' 'orphans of orphans' ib. 30 [i.e. the last few remaining students]; 2. perh. ignorant person: sg. xafl' '3n *p1 T3J7 ignorant one! Does your teacher act so? Hul lllb(47) II AZ 13b(30); Ket 17b(9) Voc: W HGP 40b:36; Y: XBJP Ket 100b(38; BAYTN 85). Nlpfl' n.m. document (< Mir *yatkar [cf. MP ayadgar memoir CPD 15, NP yadgar souvenir, keepsake PED 1525]; Sy k'-U.^j, pc't-dtu. BBah 854:16, PSm 1648) sg. Xlprp *> 'linx show me the document Seel 73:80(Var) This rare word also occurs in the prose letter preceding the eulogy of Samuel ha-Nagid on Husiel b. Hananel: ^t) jnTB '313 'Vn Ki-ht tOXiyi npnonia I sent my greetings in documents to Cordova and to the great one of these cities [v. Divan Shmuel Hanagid, Ben Tehilim, ed. D. Jarden, Jerusalem 1966 257:21 (Heb)]; Lit: Eps, Stl 113. "IJV vb. to be left over, expand, be superfluous (4- xnnr, x-nri", tit, x"uv, xima, irva; Sy ■\&_> LS 312, Ma in', iny MD 194) Pe. 1. to be left over: "in'l X3a x"?a he filled the container to overflowing [lit. and it was left over] Er 49a(30); 2. to expand in size: n'3»l'» pia bVTW fix XK'IJV n'by when its inhabitants dwell upon it Eretz Israel expands in size Git 57a(31; MGE 52:l)[*Xiai] Pa., pass.part. superfluous, excessive: 4- IXT'a Af.#l 1. to leave over: 1J11X1 'IWX I shall drink and leave over Sab 67b(13); 2. to be of use, advantage: TPVBlb tf? ima X^l ]T31 since he is of no use to himself San 81b(8) [cf. Sy: >xJso i^iorc' rcti he gained no advantage PSm 1649] Af.#2 to make a sacrifice notar [v. J 604]: 1JVU ■Ta '"jixyx1? 'nxi nxaiD pai rra nui xin n'llJI'Xl concerning notar the scholars decreed uncleanness, since (the priest) is apt to become lazy and make it notar Pes 85a(31; M1) Itpa. 1. to be superfluous: 'Xlp 'in vb nri"X they had two superfluous verses (for exegetical interpretation) Ket 29b(19); Ber 35a(29); Sab 64a(26); Yom 81a(47); Qid 73a(7); AZ 45b(29); Ara 2b(l); 2. to do s.t. excessively: X33 m"X "I'riXl he cried excessively and laughed Tan 25a(36; MGG 828:3) Lit: Bacher 81 [Itpa., mng. 1]. N"1JV n.m. bowstring, straight side of the stomach (4- VlJl'; TA pjV pi. TJ Jud 16:7, Sy rc^ivJ bowstring, sinew LS 313, Ma XinX' MD 188) 1. bowstring: sg. ]13b XJtS'WS Kin' '31 I shall stretch you out like a bowstring Bo 2:5; ib. 29:6; 52:8; X"1J1' '3 'inaV San 42a(2) [ref. to the shape of the moon at the first quarter]; 2. straight side of the stomach: sg. Xin'XI aVn the fat on the straight side of the stomach Pes 51a(41); Hul 50a(2) Geon. expl.: nwp3 mniy rn'pnw 'MB nrp iv -urn Vy» i^n mnn •/?& "Vl'l "[TO OHT Pes 72:8 [mng. 2]. The mng. of Vp 'in' the sound of the ... MQ 26a(27) is uncertain [Rashi: harp strings]; Y: XW BAYTN 116. 3 549 133 3 "3 prep. 4- '3 prep., ]U3 prep., l'J3 prep., 71113 prep., 'B^a prep. K3, "3 particle employed before the participle (< 4- Xp; Sy rda LS 314 [Nest], mng. 2, Nold, MG 379", JNA -J g-, "3 i- HDJNA s.v., ModSy rdo Maclean 123) fD'a X3 Sab 73a(12); X3 pnax San 36a(29) [corr.: Xp]; 3'PrrTX3 Ara 13a(6); XB1 pi'1? 'Da Xp -] H'aD3 711,1 San 95a(41); pl'ia't] 'DB '3 1303 Geon 354:1; VT3 b'SXI iyi XTI rf7'3ai AnanSch 23:12 Lit: Eps, Gr90; id., Stl 156. K3* adv. here (BA rD HALOT 1896, JPA H3 DJPA 251) i X3H adv., 2#)X3 adv. 3X3 vb. to be in pain or distress (4- 1# X3'3; Sy cnA ^arcLa, y\ &-?><<-* LS 314, Ma 3'3 MD 211) Pe., impersonal use w. mtf: a. general: 3'X31 X'DX '31? b'TX Xin X3'3 ^b one who has a pain goes to the doctor's house BQ 46b(18); 3'X3 mm 'Ta I'1? he had a certain pain ib. 85b(16) [cf. uyi ^_>rc'n ">in-i3 rdiai<Lo Addai 4:17]; Sab 52a(7); ^Z28a(16); Bo 105:5; ib. 119:18; aiS'^l fTl'V] he will be in pain ib. 139:11; b. w. parts of the body: 'J'3 'P3 riSTTXl XplJ'1? H'l'y H'V 3'X3T the child's eyes hurt him, and he recovered in the meantime Yev 71b(6); Ned 54b(27); Mei 20b(24); Git 68b(52) [side of the head]; Yev 66a(30) [mouth]; ib. 104b(20); BQ 35a(9) [pharynx]; AZ 28a(17) [teeth]; Git 69a(35) [thumb]; HM 39:4 [thigh]; K>m 78a(16) [feet] "1JK3 n.m. (uncertain; prob. < Arab) sg. '31? 'JVX 1JX33 'lit xn he brought money in a ... TGHark 275:27 N3'N3 4- l#X3'3n. N3N3 n.m. type of reed (etym. unkn.; 4- X'iia'D) sg. Ar [AC 6:75, s.v. X'laO] Expl. NOJNT N^ia'O Hul 16b(26); Lit: Low, Flora 1:670. 1#]K3, p adv. now (< BA 13?3 HALOT 1901; I ]JD) in phrases: a. -fj'Xl l(X)3'a from now on [< MH2; v. Kosovsky, CTY 1:249+]: Ber 53b(20); Sab 151b(47); Pes 110b(21); Hag 13a(48); Ket 56a(24); BM 67b(10); &*« 21a(40); ^Z 8b(32); /fu/ 93b(9); b. ]X3 iy until now [v. Ez 5:16]: Ber 26a(28); Sab 94a(10); ^uyt 56a(22); Sot 20b(12); 5e/t 33b(33) Y: JN3 /"as ib. 2# ]N3 adv. here (< ]' + 1 X3; 4- X3H; JPA 2# p, ]X3 DJPA 263, Sy rdi LS 314, Ma X3 MD 194) only in phrase ]X3a 'ao eliminate from here Zev 56a(32) [4- V'aD pa., mng. 2] 1X3 4-13 n. 333 vb. to roast, burn (4- X333, 2# X3'3; Ma 333 pa. MD 202, Akk kababu [G, D] CAD K 2) Pe. (a/u): "?13'31 3133'3 xnsnyi '3"J1D 'n'b let him bring ... of willows, roast (the meat), and eat (it) Er 29b(45); n'l'J?1? VU'331 XIUT 'DD13 ipsil the sparks of the fire went out and burnt his eyes Ber 58a(36; Ar [AC 2:40]) [F: ini'3(3)(3)l]; pass.part. XTUa '3'33 burnt in fire Bo 129:7; ib. 132:3 Pa. to burn: 3'a3'31 Er 29b(45; O); 'DD13 inxi iTJ'J/1? m'3"3 Xm:T Ber 58a(36) [v. Pe.] Itpe./Itpa to be burnt: 131 rvyiD p'3'8 Xp ilin X3piy PN's feet were being burnt (by the fire) Ket 67b(39; MGG 652:8) [Fr: T'Vpa] N333 n.m. roasting (4- V333) sg. X333 nplSX1? to exclude roasting (of meat) Zev 46b(33) Y: K333 Zev ib.(BAYTN 42). 133 vb. to sweep (< MH 133 pa. J 606) Pa.: 133 p'13 X"?l I (?) swept (it) but I (?) did not inspect (it) Md 56a(54)
ina? 550 Itpa. to be swept: X133ria Kb 'ttlJ a trench cannot be swept ib. 56b(3) N«3 n.m. liver (I X1331 XtfSID; TA X133 TO Ex 29:13, Sy rc-n -i p LS 315, Ma X13X3 MD 195) sg. #w/ 45b(18); & 110b(18); llla(13); XW3 'TJ'y X133 liver (being roasted) over meat ib. 31; X1331 'aiJlTU '3JWX1 XBPia XTin a certain needle which was found in a slit of the liver ib. 48b(33); X1331 ,131 JOIS^O the large blood vessel of the liver ib. 49a(6); KIlTM X3pJ'» 13 X133 H3 D'JlOl when the gall bladder is pierced, and the liver stops it up HP 199:2; XyiBl X1331? for the liver of a sick person HM 39:15; X133D TIXj? (the blood coming out of his mouth) comes from the liver Git 69a(28) Y: H123 Hul llla(31; BAYTN 85). NJT133, 871153, pi. "133, ".1B3 n.f. excrement, dung (of an animal; I 1# XJV1S; Sy k'&o ^-i ~>, pi. rcii^a LS 315, Akk kabu, kabutu CAD K 28) sg. XJ1TV ,T13D1 XfllBS X»ll it defecated and dammed up the Jordan BB 73b(10) // Zev 113b(24); n,-XX)»{X(m •XT11S31 xVlB the shadow of the excrement of his [i.e. the Messiah's] donkey San 98b(10; OH ib. 516:20) [v. Geon. expl.; Var: xn313{in xVlD MGN 433:12]; xmjTC/ XJUTDl XTV1B33 <X)n3JWm barley found in the excrement of a mule Sab 11 Ob (23; Ar [AC 4:288]); XJV1B33 Mb Wwi 13"J»V ID1? t"l he will cut your hair and will sport with you like (a ball of) dung San 110a(8; K); pi. X'jm "133 droppings of the pasture Er 29b(44; OAr [AC 4:288]) [Var: "1B3 Ar (AC ib.)] Geon. expl.: riKia 'V?J GnK5 172:8; man 'V'BX ^X OH San 516:20; Lit: Nold, NB 162+; Y: XJ11B3 BAYTN 68. NT33, NTK33 n.m. baker (< Arab jliL Wehr 226; Sy r^uLi LS 316) sg. XTX33V '3'X p,T 13 when they give firewood to the baker OHT Ket 198:18 '33 vb. to be extinguished, go out (BH '33 HAL 435) Pe.: ,1*7 ybtto Tin X'33 (if) it is extinguished, he relights it Sab 21b(14); flO'X ^3 XpaiO 13 Tl'X X"33 X"?T as long as (a coal of wood) is not extinguished, it has a red color TGAs42 159:7 Pa. to extinguish: a. abs.: "1331? TIX he is apt to extinguish (it) Sab 44a(l) // ib. 65b(15) // ib. 117b(14) // Yom 85a(26); Bes 23a(13); Zev 91b(36); HP 3:13; b. w. an obj.: XJ?1X(X> nnnxi n"331 he placed it [i.e. the brazier] on the ground and extinguished it Yom 46b(12); ,,133l7 ina Xn3W3 Xltf'XS Dip p XTUl xrxia is it permitted to extinguish a burning lamp in front of a sick person on the Sabbath? Sab 30a(9); Ber 60b(57) NT'33 I XPBj? n. #'33 adj. pressed (I Vlff33 pe., pass.part.; Sy •s y ; - » LS 317, mng. 1) sg.m. 'BP33 xrWB impregnated oil 5er 43a(57) Ace. to the Geon. expl. [v. RaH quoted in Tos, ad loc; OHR ib. 54:4], the sesame seeds were pressed together w. aromatic herbs impregnating it w. fragrance. [KtP'33 4- l#X2?3'3n.] b>33 vb. i "733» adj., x"733 n. K^33 n.m. chain, fetter (>fr33; Sy r^Vip chain, fetter [dial.] LS 316, Ma X'Vaia pi. MD 205) 1. chain: sg. X135H X"?33 a slave's chain Sab 57b(30); ib. 58a(2); pi. 'Tttl 'VSD chains and bracelets BQ 119a(47); '"733 OHT Ket 201:23; 2. perh. fetter: sg. x"?3D iy ,111.3 XJH3 XJ3riE/ai because his foot sinks into it [i.e. the sandy soil] up to the fetter Sab 54a(14) [expl. GN "7133] Expl. Ar [mng. 2]: Vinn nana ra mypnwa din *7V vtonw ''B niypnwa :x"b .k'juj ryVj nVjs iy nnx tbo ... pnaa p ft'io D'taan I'B'waw Dips iy mrrn nana mx ■?» vVn ac 4: i 84 [v. Koh, ib., n. 11]; Y: 1633 Sab 57b(30). K033, NDN33 n.m. date stalk with dates (>Arab ^145 palm branch Fr, AF 146; i XTD'j?) sg. xVp'lS XD33 ]?bT\ ]X»3 according to whom do we hang a date stalk on a (non-producing) date palm? Sab 67a(45) // XD313 //«/ 78a(7; V11); ViDpi nan inxi xoxss1? ,i"nai x^hbhvi 'jtxi the date frond went and struck the date stalk, knocked off dates, and they killed (a person) Mak 8a(9); MQ 10b(16; Sidra 9 158:2) Lit: Flora 2:337; Y: X0N33 Mak ib.(43). ^33 vb. to press (cf. Sy ^. -p » press LS 211) Pe.: pass.part. ■'Vm 'n'Via Tim salted [i.e. in brine] and pressed olives Anan 47:20 Lit: Eps, Stl 76. 133 adv. already (TA 133 TJ Jer 38:9, Sy i 711 '133 551 JU? LS 316, Ma 1#1X33 MD 202) p,!?3X 133 px we have already eaten Ber 47a(35); p31 "[lanr? 133 the scholars have already preceded you Sab 19a(37); 55 167a(12); //u/ 105a(38); Sab 63b(8) // 5g 83a(34; Es); Sab 39b(4); £r 34b(16); Ket 21b(6); 5g 25b(13); 55 46b(6); San 103b(47); Bek 43b(39); "W pX liaVm Xli/IB'D 133 it is already specifically stated in the Palestinian Talmud TGHark 228:18; ib. 207:22; 277:3; /5GF 105:15 Voc: -123 HGP 29b:35; Y: 133 Pas 59b(l). '133 vb. to bleach with sulfur (denom. < i Xri'lS'S) Quad.: 'Vo 'XIISD1? to bleach the baskets Ber 27b(14); "1133 H'1331 X.1 BQ 93b(32) [of linen] QuadRef. to be bleached: X113 by 'IXDp n301 X13T 'blD pSD'SI '3Xa mnn he may place types of incense on a fire under vessels (before the Sabbath), and they are bleached the whole day TGDr49 96:5 Geon. expl.: n3T K'3ai pprbp miy °?w j'bo I'X'sa 'Vo "n33 [cjjj^] nn33 I'^Kynw pttoi snn33 lrnwVa mix ]ni|?B rbyih I'Von nx tb'mi Q'^nin 35 ^y nmx j'n'jai D'^nj yx'sai 1'B'nai pa^ra pi ]na oht Sab 155:14. xri'133 4- xma'3 n. t!^33 vb. to press down, capture, subdue (i BT33 adj., 1#XB;33, 2#X1»33, XK/313, 1#X2?3'3, V2#332?; Sy r^ LS 317, Ma W3D MD 202) Pe. (a/a) 1. to press down: 'two W33 ipiD IH'Vy STl'1?! "rrV inabl XaiX3 go out (and) make trodden down areas in the marsh so that we can go and sit upon them tomorrow Er 34b(20); ll"3'il 'nrt&nSJ let him press down on them [i.e. the figs] so that they should be scattered Zev 73b(l; v11); vui'Eras'V x^Jinn evrcn ]xa 'xn X5?1X3 D'yiS1? one who slaughters a cock should press its feet into the ground Sab 128b(25); pass.part. XE?BSn XPB2; by X2T33 X'ttl^l ],l(l)3'n x'm x'» by xw33 nyixi nyT'x"' by X2T33 X3TOn "75? T^,3r3"' just as the sky is pressed upon the sun, and the sun is pressed upon the earth, and the earth is pressed upon the waters, and the waters are pressed upon the darkness Bo 127:8; 2. to capture: nUWDI H'^J? XID? Xinn» WV they threw some of that earth on it [i.e. the city] and captured it San 109a(14) // Tan 21a(47); Meg llb(9); Git 68b(22); 3. to suppress, subdue: X1113 mnn rD1K?n W331 who suppresses darkness under light Bo 18:6; 'Tttrt> pnb ]'10331 XB?3'3 'Vl^l a spell with which they subdue demons and dews Bo 6:1; ib. 2:6; 34:1; 52:12; 56:14; 141:13; pass.part. x'oiis mnn xswn '33 Tirfris perns XilVxi all the sons of darkness are subdued under the throne of God ib. 35:5; 10; 4. to withhold: XDV XW3D1 XDV X'ail Xn'JUJin a hen which lays (an egg) one day and withholds one day Nid 39b(l 1); 5. to hide: rPE?331 X1,l B?33a he actually hid it [i.e. the document] BM 110a(22); BB 35b(16); ma n'SX1? inr©33 he hid his face from him San 104a(24); Ket 60a(14); 6. to preserve: Xpl'3 H^ K/'SDl he preserves its freshness [i.e. of the D'rsifl Lev 6:14] by means of vegetables Men 50b(47); pass.part. tf'33 Ned 51b(7) [of a vegetable]; Bes 24b(30); Ned 51b(6) Pa. 1. to subdue: pass.part. bl ]'8?33a ]H3n ll'^'Dai in"30 in this manner may all their enemies and oppressors be subdued Bo 84:8; 2. to compress: 'TsV Xtt/33ai (Orion) compresses fruit (by its heat) OHT Ber 130:22 Itpe./Itpa. to be subdued, suppressed: ]HP33JTTI XJT3TT naim vmn 'mi Vs may you, all the evil spirits and wicked amulet spirits, be subdued Bo 6:9; Xn'30 ,T^'» ]»33n'31 may his evil words be suppressed ib. 127:19; 12; 22; 24 The mng. of N»331 mB'X mo H^l Pes 55b(25) is unclear. l#Nt#33 n.m. a portion of the oil press used for pressing olives (4 Vtt/33 pe. part.; Ma XB/3X3 treading down, pressure MD 195) sg. BB 67b(14) [expl. MH p'3J? Mib. 4:5] Lit: Krauss, TAr 2:223; 599536; Eps, GC 2711; Y: XW33 BAYTN 85. 2#N!V33 n.m. pressing down (-1 V©33) sg. XW331 X3K/'1? a term for pressing down Sab 88b(30; GC 64:4) [expl. MH VD13 ib.] ]133 prep, like, such as, conj. if, for instance (JPA |1J3 DJPA 250; i ]>Xi, X311U) I. prep, like, such as: a. fol. by an ind. personal pron.: X3X ]1J3 like me Yom 86a(31); San 5a(2); Bek 37a(5); ]1J3 Xiam XIB/'S ]b Xn'3B;i px like us who frequently have meat and wine (to eat) Sab 119a(42); ]1J3
I'JO 552 T3 ft ■?N-W pXI XIIB'XX juram jinx like you who dwell in the north of Eretz Israel BB 25b(33); b. fol. by a interrog. pron.: ]Xft ]113 such as whom? San 22b(l); 'KB 1,113 such as what? Sv« 48b(10); c. fol. by a n./v.n.: TI3 'in I'm xrm'S 1113 like the entrance which is between two houses Men 33a(8); '331 '2?: 1113 like the wives of robbers Ket 27a(23); XJ13W3 'Vliym XB'a 1113 such as baking and cooking on the Sabbath Anan 70:8; II. conj. if, for instance, ...: in'1,13 'I'lTlX X3'X1 ]1J3 if, for instance, there are others with them Er 73a(33); minXI TW~\X\ J113 if, for instance, he divorced her and took her back Ket 102b(35); ■ax in 3'piX1 pi3 if, for instance, one limb decayed Naz 51a(33); JVai 1,TX ]'3T1 ]113 if, for instance, he sold (it) and (then) died BB 50a(7); nam .T'^ai pi3 if, for instance, he completed it [i.e. the measure of the helev] with dates Kar 14a(34); Er 89b(35); Pes 75b(24); Naz 24a(25); BQ 96a(9); Mak 20a(21); Men 69b(28) yi3 prep, like, conj. if, for instance (4- |113) I. prep, like: XTpi ]'13 XTpj x"?T 71130 '» do you think that (a millstone) which is not hewn is like one that is hewn? MQ 10a(49; Sidra 9 156:1); X2?311 ]'13 like honey Anan 3:7; ib. 8; 50:2; ]'13 'TS like fruit TGAs42 85:26; ib. 5:31; II. conj. if, for instance ...: X3T13 ... 'yt?1 X13ia3 b'TXI ]113 'lyai ... 'TDK Jl'33 "rsxn I'lS if, for instance, one is incarcerated in prison and if, for instance, one is tortured Anan 37:3; ib. 6; 7; irrai ]'13 xym ina 'iin 'ina i;mn pyawi pixi if, for instance, both NN and NN2 died together at the same instant TGAs42 67:3 KJ13 n.m. frying pan (Ma X1111 X'lllXS pi. MD 198) pi. X'V '313 Xini1? X3Sn the pitcher (goes) to the river. The frying pans, whither? Ber 58a(29; TGHark 215:5) Geon. expl.: KBio m ?rrEfrin ]xi mnnn .-mi ■pirn w ikVi ?TO3 na1? OHP Ber 106:6; Lit: Eps, Stl 51 [MD ib. should be corrected ace. to his explanation]; AAC 217; Y: '3J3 Ber ib.(BAYTN 116). 13 conj. when (< '13; i 1#'3 conj.; TA 13 TO Ex 17:11, Sy x^i LS 318, Ma 13 MD 225) a. in BT [rare]: f'Xa IVaiD D'Xn 131 (the infant) sucks when its mouth warms up Sab 134a(28); DWB p35?'» 13 yman ri'nV I.TJIWJ '"7TX1 because their wives go to the bathhouse when they are pregnant Ber 59b(19); y"?03 ]'X0 yaiX D'Xp mi 13 xnvu I remember when four seahs (of grain) cost a je/a 55 91b(12); ]'1 Dip' 13 pi1? '11 woe to this one when that one will arise AZ llb(18); Tan 25a(15); Ber 8a(25); Ned 49b(40); Git 57a(45); b. esp. in post-Talmudic texts: XJ13W y"?p'a 131 Xiyiai l"7inn when a Sabbath occurs on the intermediate days of a holiday HP 184:7; i7>. 39:12; 64:24; 143:6; 186:2; BHB'a H3 JU'ya 131 "f7 when you investigate it you will understand it TGHark 193:21; /& 51:26; 93:19; 161:2; Jim 131 X"?'W '11 iTtt?S3 when PN died /SGF 78:13; 131 X1'13 n'ySTl'a1? XlV'3' when I shall be able to make a legal claim against him SSHai 16b(2); bl by 3TO X*7 13 IX yip X1? 13 XIDiy p'Bll Jia'X pyiB n'31 whenever the document is presented not having either been torn or not having (a statement of) payment written upon it SSHai 4b(5); Xin3 XJr>71 amaa Xl'll 13 when we were in a session of three (judges) together SSSad 265b: 13; XriW'33 rr-33 'WXa "I^V 'yX3 131 ... rPT when he wants to pray he washes his hands etc. in the synagogue Anan 36:14; ib. 25:11; 60:22; 80:18; AnanSch 5:21; ib. 10:16; 28:4; pnyi V'm n'JV yaw 131 when he hears it he is afraid and flees Bo 3:7; ib. 14:5; 64:9; 78:17; IVl/nb 13 pill spit while you are reciting (the charm) HM4\:\0; ib. 43:24; 45:2; 46:11 Lit: Satzlehre 244; Voc: l5 HPP 67:18; Y: 1? Ber 38a(50). - HbfS conj. when not (< X1? 13; 4- xV) l'X'3a x"?ia hswxa jiVijj-uti tnx x*7i3 uvyiaa tip XO'IX they bring an ox from his herd not having been compelled (to work), and a hen from a garbage heap not having been compelled (to work) BM 86b(26); XIO'IX X^TO I, not having been compelled TGAs33 209:2; 031X3 x"?13 SSHai 4a(5); rrnp'ab VT xVl3 not knowing how to read it TGHark 117:3; x"713 'a"pa xVl ]1'3 '"73X since (a woman) cannot exist without eating Naz 51b(4) Y: K^3Ber62a(15). - "73 ft conj. from the time that (lit. from when; i '3a, ]H; Sy xi ^ LS 318, mng. 3, Ma "13 "a p Noid, MG 465) mV'i iyi xy-ina 13 ]a from the time that she is impregnated until she gives birth Anan 60:22; ib. 80:28; AnanSch 6:14; xyix xrr> nn'ipi tit t> 'an' ia p xix from the time that I gave you the money I bought this field HP 64:24; ib. 164:14; iSGF 88:12 -13 4- '3 prep. N'T? n.m. a storage vessel (4- 3# X113; TA X*15 pl.TTJ Jud 7:20, BH 13 HAL 439, Sy rdJ-U LS 318) a. general: sg. X13 X131? n1? lip nam xiabi xi3 xn'an1? nb -\y xtsiyai siran xnnnVi XJI'Sn a majority call a A:.-vessel kadda and a /i-vessel havita. A minority call a #.-vessel kadda and a /t.-vessel havita BQ 27a(42) [v. Mib. 3:1]; X13 ypB ... X133 H'^nxi n'^pW he took it [i.e. the excommunication document] and placed it in a A:.-vessel. The Jt.-vessel burst MQ 17b(2); ]3 QX xis ypsi xi3iy mn xia ypsi if so [i.e. he fills it completely], the k.-vessel should burst (from the swollen wheat). There was a case that the k.- vessel burst BM 40a(45); pi. 'COS '13 broken k.-vessels Bo 78:10; ib. 15; b. contents: sg. 1) barley: X11TI T1X1 B'pl X13 nytP DVl»a3 when the barley is finished from the ^.-vessel, strife takes hold and comes BM 59a(47); 2) grain: iai X133 IX'1^13 (the grain) is as if placed in a A>vessel BM 57a(2) // Men 69a(24); ib. 16; Hul 114b(21); 3) salt: XnVai X13 Hul 112a(5); ib. 9; 4) flour: X133 nnai nyoi xna'p barley flour placed in a k.-vessel TGAs28 167b:5; 5) dates: X131 nan 'n Hul 58b(l); 6) a type of prepared dish [4- X3B3]: X3S31 X13 Pes 76a(44); ib. lllb(27; CM1); Hul 112a(5); c. fig. for an important person: sg. Yev 70a(27) [high priest; * i XT13 mng. Id] Expl. Ar [usage c]: nWB XVW 1IBO DTO8 ]Bp ''jS yn»» KI13 ^ni p3 Dl»» 'JIU 'Vs yOWB mai AC 4:196; Lit: Brand 195. From all the exx. it appears that this term was used in JBA only for a vessel which held dry items as opposed to i xn'Sri which was used for liquids. This word may also occur in the phrase 133 TlBpJ Jlty a ladle (which draws up wine) strikes a jug Er 53b(18), quoted as HMn 1W1? [4- rfry]; Voc: Hit HGP 3a:34; Y: !TO BM40a(45; BAYTN 100). H3 adv. now (archaic and dialectal; 4- ]113 iy, s.v. iy mng. I.2e; JPA (1,1113 DJPA 251) TI'IH 113 \>1V Ty31X XI Xmpa TXI I have been dwelling '7?? now in this city forty years Suk 44b(25); ib. 51b(38); Er 53b(17); D'nn 113 do you regret now (that you vowed)? Ned 21b(24); SSHai 3a(12); ib. 14a(19) Y: H3 Suk ib. 1#'"T3 adv. simply, only (< XTT 13 lit. as it is Eps, Gr 140; Sy co_a LS 318) a. general: W1X' 'Ip X*7 '13 simply abandoning a claim (by itself) does not confer ownership (on the robber) Git 55a(32) // BQ 114a(27); HSp X1? '13 mayxi (partners) are not particular about (one's) simply leaving articles (in a common property) BB 57b(2); b. in phrase '13 7\b naxi they say it anonymously [lit. they say it only]: XIX 31 3Tlia '13 rf? naxi X3X 13 PN asks. (Some) say it anonymously [i.e. w/o the name of the questioner] Yom 44a(26); ib. 72b(50); Meg 2b(42); BM 2a(38); Hor 8a(52); Hul 73a(20); ib. H8a(3); xnV'a xin naxp psi inVisi X3'm '13 rr1? Oiax when all the scholars say one thing it is stated [lit. they say it] anonymously iSGF 66:11; '13 ('iax)l >piam (ri')X GC 48:4 [i.e. some say only 1i3"iani MKel 16:7, and not iai to «ii3iam] Lit: Lewin, ISGF 66*; Eps, GC 48u. 2# '13 adv. for nothing, of no value (< 4- a'13) a. general: X'BJfl 1C?3m X"1SD 11BD '13 did the eulogizers eulogize and the embalmers embalm for nothing? Tan 5b(39); Xai XD(1)1£/3 'n'a'DI H'1? ri'X X1? '13 1DX1 you should smite with a great scourge which does not have any remedy at all Bo 142:12; b. in phrase '131 '"7'a matters of no value: San 29b(3); Bek 8b(30); c. in phrase '13 ri3DJ (the Tanna) says it incidentally [lit. he takes it of no value; 4- V3M pe., mng. 3b; cf. nV'aa na03 Ned 14a(10)]: Sab 64b(21); RH 5a(14; M); Sot 19b(17); Qid 5b(35); BM 27b(9); Hor 7a(32); Zev 98a(24); Men 83a(32); Hul 22a(16) Geon. expl.: '^81 KW DyD M J'XW pn -\n ym1? ^3 H31 3TO 'Kl 'nra 071 d'tsi 'stp n'snn '13 imh 'nxi rows i'3,i hsi 'KT13 N^W j; TGHark 229:13; Lit: Eps, Gr 57; Bacher 125; Y: "13 BAYTN 333. — '133 adv. for nothing, for no reason (perh. < 3'133* with a lie [Vai3]; c£ QA ]'3133 X*71 GAp 2:6) xriB/ X*7 '133 'XT1T11 do not invest my 553
3#H3 554 Nnrra money for nothing BQ 103a(7); Ret 53b(20); BM 14a(16); BB 41b(28); xV '133 X3'l '3 'miDXI P'niDB we do not trouble the court so much for nothing BQ 89b(3); piS'Jl '133 can she be released [lit. go out] (from the levirate bond) for no reason? Yev 39b(54); '133 'ypS ''»! 'Wllp '133 "UpS xV tjlin 'Wllp monetary consecration can end for no reason (after a limited period). Bodily consecration [i.e. marriage] cannot end for no reason [i.e. w/o a get] Ned 29b(3) Lit: Eps, Gr 57; Y: n?a Tan 5b(39). 3#'13 adv. so, thus (< ]'13; JPA 1(')13 DJPA 251), only in phrase 'TIS1) 'T[3 adv. such-and- such (< fl31 p3; I '3H1 '31) '131 '13 X'Vri '131 '13 3TD |'MT ]'im '131 '13 [WD©]BB1 such-and-such an addition, such-and-such which is rubbed out, such-and-such written twice SSSad 189:9 [scribal notes added in the margin to affirm corrections of various types] 3'"I3 adj. false (Vai3 pe., pass.part; I 2#'13, "133) sg.m. p'13 n,!7'»1 3'13 X'BB X31X the netherworld spirit is false, and its words are false Ber 59a(15; MGE 148:5) Y: r-p Ber ib.(BAYTN 52). [DID 4- Voi3 vb.] NJ"T3 n.m. yoke (VpO; Sy rdi'^i LS 318 [Lex]) sg. XJTO'3 'mi X313 pyi the evil spirits carry a yoke Bo 18:8 Lit: Eps, Stl 345. 1 # TI3, TI3 vb. to rebuke severely (Ma X13 pe. to scold, rebuke MD 204, Sy rtrtA pe., pa. LS 314) Pe.: .TTD1? Vl'IDp 'XII 'X if he definitely killed (someone), let us rebuke him severely San 27a(44; Ar [AC 4:202]) [Var: n'TlS'V OH ib. 220:16; 11'3'3 RaH] Geon. expl.: vrffinBw wi T\»nyh xVx n'ry1? nrbnyi i»u x^i am vry jix proa nwa jmx i:r> rw yr3 won jix nn dxw jix otdoi uibb jix ptoui imx iwipw x'jx totb p xb> D'ssnn inn Jim in3 OH ib. 220:17 [v. RaH, Ar]. The interpretation of the form given here follows the majority Geon. opinion. Note the progression in the mss. of San to the rejected rdg.: fllfErt myb f2; rrwyV .t1? biro1? He [4 VVro pe., mng. 3]. 2# TT3 vb. to be dim (4- XJIIVD, V?ri3; BH 1# '13 HAL 440) Pa. to make dim: n'3"5^ 113"n3 they blinded it [i.e. the evil inclination] San 64b(22; Ar [AC 4:202]) NJIVnS n.f. blindness (4- V2#VD; Ma xnn'1X3, Nrxy mrD MD 196, 205) sg. Bek 44a(24) [* i xmiona] Y: XJVrrD Bek ib.(BAYTN 191). NJH3 n.m. priest (TA X313 TO Ex 29:30, Sy txljoi^ LS 319, Ma X31X3 MD 195) a. general: sg. X3X X313 I am a priest Pes 113a(8) // BB 110a(21); mvj 3'031 X313 Kill a certain priest who married a proselyte Yev 60b(51); DVfrx Xl,l X3.13 your God is a priest San 39a(46); 'XH Xri3D X313 the priest-slaughterer (of meat) Hul 132b(23); X31 X313 high priest San 110a(4; F2); pi. '3131 Xinx a place of priests BB 160b(25); ll'T '1P191 XJTJH '313 '»p Dip':i V't'V let him go and stand before the priests when they spread their hands (to bless the people) Ber 55b(29); 31 Xlp '3133 PN used to read (from the Torah) among the priests [i.e. the first portion] Meg 22a(48); Git 59b(34); X3TX1 '313 T1XW JXB3 X1B1 according to whom may the priests drink wine nowadays [i.e. after the destruction of the Temple]? Tan 17a(27) // San 22b(31); Ber 2a(30); Sab 34a(l); Pes 17a(l); Yom 19a(40); Qid 73a(l); Bek 48b(40); )'3"n'B 'XT1?! '3,13 "?3 TOTTD1 xri'lIX IBl'D1? all priests and Levites are required to learn the Torah and its interpretation Anan 22:14; AnanSch 14:4; '3131 '313 Yom 18a(23); Yev 61a(26); b. w. PN: sg. X313 'yaw '1 '313 JP'Oa PN, the priest, aids the priests [i.e. rules in their favor] Hul 49a(39); Er 105a(13); IS X313 '31103 31ISGF 103:8; pi. '313 'OX '11 'BX '1 "wn Kj/iKi iyvn PN and PN2, important priests of Eretz Israel Git 59b(36) // Meg 22a(49; L) Voc: XJTD HGP 24a:20; 'afb HPP 224:19; Y: X113 Sab 124b(ll; BAYTN 103). NflJnS n.f. priest's daughter (Sy rc'&jm.o LS 319) sg. Xri3'13 3'03 ]13X 13 'IX PN married a priest's daughter Pes 49a(40); XJUJIB 3'!' X^iy Xn3il3^ PN used to give priestly gifts to a priest's daughter (even though she was married to a non-priest) Hul 131b(36); X71313 Xriri'X a female priest's daughter HP 43:27 [tautology]; pi. Ber 44a(32) 555 WiTO Y: X«rra Ber ib.(BAYTN 103). 13 interj. word of emphasis (4- 13'X, '3 interj.; Sy ,_p LS 325) a. as a second element: 13 '3'1 n"3ri'3 how then should he learn it? Qid 67a(15); ib. 32a(31); XE/lp'B 13 'XB3 with what then is she betrothed? BQ 99a(33); '3'Tl'B 13 'XS3 with what then are they obligated? Hor 4a(30); 13 'XB3 BBnCX what then did he use? Suk 48a(19; HP 31:3); 'B1('3){BI 13 'XB3 in what then should we place (the wine)? Tan 7a(53; M2); Meg 26b(22); So( 2b(8); BM 67b(4); ]'5?XD 13 'XB3 in what (matter) then does he claim? TGAs42 78:15; ib. 80:7; TGHark 145:21; p '301 ]XB 3'VI'X 13 xntttt now then [i.e. if this had occurred] I [lit. the one whom we hate] would have been punished ... BB 10a(30); a'TT1? 13 ]XB who then will be obligated? Men 43a(42) // Ara 3b(8); Nid 56b(39); BB 110b(l; P1); Hul 7b(30; V11); pS in'3 ]B 13 ]TIX go (and) come then from her house Bo 19:7; b. at the end of a phrase: 'Xa1? 13 l'1? E7'SJ1 why, then, does he hold it [i.e. the pledge]? BM 49a(\); ib. 12 Occurs always as second element in a phrase. Lit: Eps, Gr 141; id., Stl 345. ]t!/'nN13, JtP'niSK n. request, plea (< MP xwahisn CPD 96, s.v. xwastan) sg. ]W@'nxp1 LPT 150:15; 11P'113X1 '327'1? "?3 all manners of request HP 64:6 [= GeonH ,12?p3 bv mmfr "?3 HR 51:18; // xniDB3 HG3 15:32(Var)] Geon. expl.: 'wo^Kl a^tJ^X na ITT LPT ib., i.e. petitions and requests; Lit: Ros, TI 47; 10065"67; Danzig, IHP 28134. 1X53X13 I X1J3113X n. 1# N313 n.m. drinking bowl or goblet for wine (I '313 '3; Sy nd-io-o LS 320, Ma 1# X313 MD 205) sg. X3i3i maisb n'T'si X3133 xian n'V vs Xp311S3 wine of his remained in the drinking bowl, and he tied the opening of the drinking bowl with a rag AZ 30a(37); Sab 139b(42); ib. 48a(7); Ret 61a(43); Sab 141a(36); X31 B'p3 '11 Xian p'lia Xpi X313 0'p3 Vxiim (if) a pagan holds the vat, a Jew holds the drinking bowl, and (the pagan) is pouring the wine AZ 60a(8); BM 25a(14); pi. '031 '313 drinking bowls and cups ib. 25b(31); '313 HP 25:4(HPP 30:19); AZ 33b(25); ib. 27 Lit: Geig, AAC 85, rejects P etym. [v. LS ib.]; Brand 205; Voc: xab HGP 56b:33; Y: X313 Sab 141a(36; BAYTN 160). [2# N313 4- 2# X313 n.] [Kri'313 4- 1# XJI'313 n.] 1#N0313 n.m. garment (etym. unkn.) sg. 'XI rra'W' n'pSW1?! 1'03133 l'Dp3 this one took hold of his garment so that he would release his cloak BM 101b(25) // Svu 41a(22) Geon. expl.: n'Bia^a H'1? B'i?J '3 rf?OTl pl^n rtjj V m °?W» [..jwiaV xim n'oaisa n'tspn xxan ... n'O'^jV ri'V p'aw 'Bin nuW .Tfa^WJl Geon 201:8 [v. ib. 191]; expl. Ar: l'tna^B AC 4:1866; Lit: S. Abramson, Lesonenu 36 [1972] 137; AAC 216. 2# K0313 i X033 n. NP313 n.m. thyroid cartilage (MH 5?313 Yeivin, BV 941; cf. Sy rdJ^xyn cap LS 644) sg. Xlin XJ?3131 apex of the thyroid cartilage Hul 18b(30; V13Ar [AC 3:347, s.v. 2in]) Y: XjniB Hul ib. Nt^aiS n.m. hidden/secret matter (1 Vtf33) pi. •(? XB1? XaVj? 'iai '1V313 '1.13 why do you (inquire into) the hidden matters of the Lord of the World? Ber 10a(49; MGL 588:10) '3^313, '3tPB13 n.m.pl. species of bird (< Akk kubsanu a bird AHw 497; cf. Sy n' 11 ; t "to-o LS 686) '3"S1S1 '3^313 '31 A.-birds of ... Hul 62b(ll;V'2Ar [AC 4:194]) Y: '3WB13 Hul ib. K113 n.m. hemorrhage in childbirth (Ma X113 hemorrhage in childbirth, personified as a demon MD 205, Sy r^ac^ placenta LS 320) sg. X1131? X13'W3 for hemorrhage in childbirth (he puts the ingredients) in s.-beverage AZ 29a(17) Geon. expl.: xys i?r\v nnx i3»nn by nwx.i nx jiinixw nn XTO TGHark 23:8; Lit: Eps, Stl 159; AAC 217; Y: XTI3 AZ ib. KjaiW, pi. NJTn3"N3, Kfl'^lW n.m./f. mule (i xm313; Peh ideog. XJ13113 FiP 7:6, TA X'3113 TJ Zee 14:15, pi. 1113113 IK 10:25, Sy rdi-wo-o, rdn<=>_r>, pi. vf&klkcL* LS 318, Ma X3X113, pi. X'3X113 MD 205, Akk kiidanu CAD K 491, > Arab o'JJS Fr, AF 109) sg. rxmi'n X'3113"1 a white mule Sab 110b(23); Xipj? X'3113 a barren mule BB 91a(23) [w. ref. to Manoah]; pi. XDXlXI'n Xmi3113 Hul 7b (20; SM 89:21) [V": XIT'3113] Lit: Geig, AAC 218; Y: X3TB BB ib.(BAYTN 151).
5S6 t; KTiIVS n.f. accuracy (< MH 1313 Yeivin, BV 969; 4 Vp3 pa., mng. 2) sg. ,1713113 'X» what is its accuracy? 55 149b (8) fTD vb. to shrink, contract (4 Vyilp, V2# pp; Ma p3 to shrink MD 202; cf. Sy .™<\ r, LS 684) Pe.: f113 pi3'a njW 3JX 'S3 "|ia the absorbent material also shrinks greatly from the perspiration Nid 3a(45); ^'13 fD'B lax wool completely contracts (on contact with fire) Sab 20b(39); 1X113 171'ai ]V>3 when (the animal) dies, (its body) shrinks Suk 23b(l; E2) [Van XXlip Ar (AC 7:73)]; //«/ 46b(9); Se/c 39b(30) Pa. to cause s.t. to shrink, contract: ,TX113 he caused it [i.e. the garment] to shrink Sab 19a(40); rb 'XTDOT (the hot water) makes it [i.e. the lung] contract Hul 47b(37) Geon. expl.: OTTtn xr>]B nB3 nwypl] VB ppTO piK3 'KD1 TGAs28 42b:8 [expl. Hul 43b(32)]; Lit: Greenfield, AKY 16+, suggests deriving this rt. < Akk *kamasu, but this is rejected in AIOA 62. N1113, N1NT3 n.m. fish (< Akk kamaru C CAD K 112, AIOA 62 [< Sum kimara Lieb, SLOB 350]; LJLA X1113 Weiss 318[Tg2Jb], Ma 1#X1X1X3 MD 196; 4 X313) sg. X1X13 I'yVs a fish swallowed it Sab 119a(23); MQ lla(36); X1113 ib. 38 [4 Vl# 'ID pe.]; BB 73b(16); YXX 31 XII X1113 PN, in fact, used to draw a fish (as his signature) ib. 161b(4) // Git 36a(25); X3CT17 X11131 a fish's tongue Hul 109b(37); X1131 XX'P a fish's fin BB 73b(24); pi. XOnV '1113 llVsx the fish devoured PN fev 121b(43); '1X131 X103 meat and fish Pes 11 lb(38); Sab 140b(13); Seel 159:2; MQ lla(29); /& 10b(24); BB 54a(17); rfoxi '"1113 (a woman) who eats fish Ket 61a(2); '11131 ... HlTiO a parasitic worm of fish Hul 67b(23); '1X131 XTS a ditch offish Ket 79a(36); Tan 24a(49); Qid 72a(38); '1113(1)131 X81X 'BpXI the swamp offish overflowed BM 12b(18); Yom 84b(27) Lit: Fauna 9; Geig, AAC 209; Voc: '1X13 VTM 82; Y: XT113 Sab 119a(23; BAYTN 227). Ni?HTI13, pi. '3Nj?«nil3 n.m. meat dish or gravy (< Mir *xwardik [cf. MP xwardig food CPD 95]) sg. Xp'11113 1'3 ]'p'0ai x"?T1B<1) XB3 1W3 ,T3 I'VrTOI an iron ladle with which they lift out the meat gravy and strain the meat GC 29:5 [expl. of MH 'XIDD^IT) MKel 13:2] = HGl 193:20 [expl. of MH ptJOVail Sab 123b(18)] Geon. expl.: Xj?'TTD lrNX pip WB JlB^a Waro GnK5 171:5; Lit: Geig, AAC 172, s.v. nootel; Eps, GC 29n. K^TTm?*, pi. 'ajajT'l-ITO n.m. cook (< Mir *xwardikar [< MP xwardik + -kar; cf. NP xwurisgar cook PED 484) pi. KVO 'BXB 31 ^Xip'IIIS1? PN permitted the cooks ... Pes 40b(24; GnK5 171:3,5) [CE1: 'SXOX'lpims1?] Geon. expl.: ]niN pip nrf7i I'Vwan I'^eoro in I'oinm P'B1? xp'-ni3 lmx pip 'ons iiw'js 'p'tnnw 'jx(-i)n)p'(i)TD '^op'TYD )'»1nru lXnp: GnK5 ib.; gloss in C: pifim 'TB 1'Vwaan. Lit: Geig, AAC 19, s.v. XWIIBX. Low's suggestion of donkey driver [so Sy tiLin i ^i-la LS 343; v. Hoffmann Vol 180] was already rejected from the Talmudic context by Eps, GC 187:14, note. (731113 4 Xp31113X n. "X1113, "71N13 prep, like, according (JPA 71113 DJPA 253, Sy Ji^ LS 17, Ma T1X13X, 71X13 MD 16) w. suff.: lsg. '71113 Qid 52a(28); 11113 Er 4a(9); 7113 Pes 105b(12); 2m. T71113 Ket 96a(32); 3m. n'ni13 Ket 19b(32); H'TIXIS TGHark 103:24; lpl. l'T113 BB 142b(35); ]m[3] Anan 7:3; 2m. 13'7113 BB 142b(36); 3m. 11'71113 Sab 104a(17); 11171X13 ISGF3\:7;-1. like: H'7113 "33 '83 )3X we too are prophets like them San 93a(43); '3a'm 17113 "317S,7 I love NN like you Naz 13b(4); '1131 '7113 X37in TPb he should have a son-in-law like me Pes 49a(40); '7113 'YBtt? '33 Tib IlI'Vl so that they(f.) should have beautiful children like me BM 84a(32) // Ber 20a(29); 1'71113 7\b 130 X371 'XI 'H3 this Tanna agrees with him in one thing Bek 7a(35); 2. according to: a. general: 'Vttl XD'WB 'pilll 13'7113 XTD^I Tl'Vl 13'3'a p,iyE?p7 ]'7113 ]171X it is clear that the law is according to us because we are more experienced than you, and the law is not according to you because you are less experienced BB 142b(36; P1); IX 1'7113 'TDV'I 13'7I13 'TdV'I is the law according to us or according to you? ib. 65a(20); Er 90b(4); '71113 X13710a 'T1 it is reasonable that (the law) is according to me MQ 2b(12); Git 43b(9); Svu 47a(35); Hul 92b(29); Men 50b(42); X713Vl TPVl n'7m3 the law is not according to him Ber 22b(43); '11 n'7113 XTl'13 311 n'7113 l'71'37ia Xp'1 ]3ni' our Mishna is in accord with PN, the -miOT 557 XfflO t : • T * barraita with PN2 Yom 64b(2); b. w. VDlp pe. to agree w. s.o.: 71113 'Xp he agrees with me [lit. he stands according to me] Er 4a(9); Ber 22a(54); ib. 36a(13); Pes 81a(18); Tan 28b(5); g«/58b(3) Voc: rriWlD HPP 231:21; Y: rrrfl3 Ber 21b(26; BAYTN 337). - "Till?'1! prep, like, similar to (4 '71113; JPA "711131 DJPA 148) irr> Tpsa 7171131 he can assign them to similar (work) BM 77a(13); "?31 XW71 xV 171131 (except for the prohibition) of invoking God's name in vain [v. XW71 hCj Ex 20:6] and all like it Yom 86a(l); Pes 88a(36); V"y 171131 bring (into the ark animals) similar to you AZ 6a(7); in'TinSI X3'X X"?1 -\m those (cities) for which there is nothing similar to them (in name) Ara 32b(5); n'71131 '113 towards one who is similar to him [i.e. of the same status] Yom 73a(26); 171131 Tl'313'3 one of medium quality similar to it BQ 8b(35); Sab 72b(16); Pes 96a(30); Yev 114a(12); Ket 46b(30); Qid 66b(27); BM 93a(10); Hul 133b(2); HP 104:9 Nffl1!?, pi. '113 n.f. window, small opening (4 '3 'ITD; TA -7113 TJ Hos 13:3, pi. ]'13 TJ IK 6:4, Sy rc^cva, pi. rc"9-a LS 320, Ma X1X3, pi. X'1X3 MD 196, > Arab JjS, sjs Fr, AF 13) 1. window: sg. X71113 I'1? X13V she made a window for him Ber 62a(30); Er 34a(15); BB 74a(29); Sab 35a(18) [in a mnemonic]; pi. '33 mm '133 X111 n'13m '13 'linx X71'2;X a certain man who was building a wall behind the windows of another (blocking his view) BB 7a(18); ib. 20; 23; TITIS'1? '13 Tib let him tear windows for them (in the wall) Er 60a(21); '113 130 111 XnTl'l |TJH X31 PN used to block up the windows at a time of pestilence BQ 60b(14; F1); 113 ClVO'jn '13V Xp'T windows through which the wind enters BB 75a(38; P1) [Var: Xp'T r'3""1 '13V]; ib. 7a(20; F2); '13 1{3>{S)0'a Xbl '13 nnsa X"?1 (one cannot prevent another) from either piercing windows (in a wall) or from blocking up windows S$Hai Ub(17); TGAs28 25:15; TGAs33 211:14; 2. small opening: sg. XTVTO '113 X71113 a small opening (in the tube of the mezuza) opposite the small opening [i.e. blank space on the parchment] On XBTT Xmi3 MQ 1 la(27; Ar [AC 4:204]), v. I Xm3'p; Y: Xnil? Ber 62a(30; BAYTN 187) [T13 4 n n.] NT13 n.f. pitcher, liquid measure (4 X71T13; Sy rc'i'cuo LS 320, Ma XT13 MD 206, > Arab ijj. Fr, AF 73) 1. pitcher: a. general: sg. Sab 77b(32) [expl. ib. by H 1T3 like this]; b. for water: sg. ITin xaipaipi xaiDx x'ai xns rnxi xisy xiniV they saw a certain servant who placed a pitcher of water on the mouth of the kettle ib. 48a(3); 66b (43); X713'03 XT13 rf?T\ he hung the water pitcher on a peg ib. 137b(46); Er 15a(40); 'Va I'1? 'Vm X"ai XT13 he used to draw a pitcher of water and hang it up Tan 20b(48); Git 67b(22); ib. 69a(25); X'a I'^ai 'Tlin XT13 'Tl'X he brought a new pitcher and filled it with water AZ 29a(23); Bek 9a(l); HM 41:11; ib. 43:12; 46:8; pl.abs. 'T X'a (TXniVa 13 pm l't13 seven unglazed water pitchers filled with water HM 38:11; ib. 44:10; c. for wine: sg. XT71' XTOS X3'"? X11331 in the ^.-vessel there is no excessive loss (by absorption in the vessel's walls) MQ 12a(53) [* 4 X7l'3n usage c.2]; d. fig. for a debased person: sg. Yev 70a(26) [a bastard; * 4 X13 usage c; v. expl. Ar, s.v., note]; 2. a small liquid measure: sg. XTl^Tl I'JVSI '1713 XT131 XT13 I'1? V2 p'S3 toVdI '171 by X'tya Xian (he put in) three (jugs of water) and 21/2 (of the diluted wine) resulted. A ^.-measure remained, and a k. -measure (of wine) in 21/2 of water is good wine BB 96b(18); XTiy'31 713 XI13 a k.-measure containing 1/4 log Hul 107a(26); pi. X313 '113 X'3a711 ]'jmx iai they put forty-eight k.-measures into a vat BM 40a(53) Lit: Brand 207; Geig, AAC 219, rejects P etym.; Y: XI» AZ 71b(12; BAYTN 19). [Nn3(')T13 4 X71T13 n. Lit: Koh, AC 4:210.] X71T13 n.f. a small pitcher used for wine (4'xi13; JPA 1T13, det. 17)113 DJPA 253) sg. 1'TIDIT X71'3n 1'TIDIT 1'Xl X71T13 we line a A>pitcher with pitch, and we do not line a jug with pitch MQ 12a(51); ib. 52; 53; ,TaiB3 X71X3S W'3'X p'11'3 XV Tliaifas 'Wai OWa XTlllSI a person should not squeeze fibers into the mouth of a Ar.-pitcher (on the Sabbath), because it looks like a sieve Sab 139b(42; O) [= GeonH ]171'p 'B by 3'0 HR 5:15; Var: X713TI31 HGl 226:20]
ams T 558 l#KJV3i3 Y: N1WD MQ 12a(5i; BAYTN 37). NTTD, cs. ni3 n.m. strength (< H 113 HAL 446, J 628) sg.cs. in phrase 'J1K ... rQ8 its ultimate source is ...: sg. TIK Xp XIID'X 1381 p'3 since its ultimate source is a forbidden object Er 100a(10); X3TIX Xp 3X1 113X n3D my ultimate source (for inheritance) is my paternal grandfather BB 159a(4; Es); ib. 169a(19); ,Tj?Tn X'JIxp X1BK? 13a the ultimate source of the presumed status (concerning the field) is the document San 23b(31); Yev 37b(44); WXp X*71 X1331 X113B because the ultimate source (of the water) is not a man Hul 107a(7); 13B X3T1X Xp 1'113 X3'1 JVyiwm Jl'Xa X*?1 X133 my ultimate source (for the grain) is a man against whom you cannot make a claim [i.e. a pagan] Bek 1 lb(7) Y: EDS BB ib. iiimi n.m. stibnite, kohl (4- V*?13; Akk gwWw stibnite [mineral, eye-paint] CAD G 125, Sy KlLoc>-a LS 324, Ma 1#X*713 MD 207) 1. stibnite: sg. X*71131 X33X stibnite rock Qid 12a(37); X*?m3 '33X Suk 51b(24) // BB 4a(24); X*7113 '3a 'mn pllM'1?! let him pound two portions of stibnite Git 69a(2; V18); HM 37:12; ''W3 X*7113 '3 (if the lung of the animal is) like stibnite [i.e. dark blue] (the animal) is fit Hul 47b(6) [* i XTIVI; v. note to HP 199:6]; 2. kohl, powdered stibnite used as eye-paint: sg. 'XI miTS ]'3W ]'$?31X 1$/ X*7113 kohl is beneficial (for the eyes) until the age of forty Sab 151b(47); ]Tail <X)(]frniD ]X'*7a 1"111 they used to paint [lit. fill] (their eyes) with kohl and wink ib. 62b (3 2) [expl. BH 0'3'y XinpitfH Is 3:16] // Yom 9b(19); X*71131 'XT1313 my tube of kohl Ber 18b (41); «]'X«? X*7113 1'*7 '*7Xai XHtfa 1'*? he rubs it [i.e. the child] with oil and paints it(s eye socket) with kohl Sab 10b(19) //Be? 16a(29) Y: xVniS Sab ib. (BAYTN 151). '13 vb. to char, burn (Sy rC-La LS 320, Ma 1#X13 MD 205) Pe.: X1ET3 'USD1? to char meat Ber 56a(35) 1#N313 n.m. loaf (of bread; < Akk kukku A a type of bread or cake of characteristic shape CAD K 498 < Sum gug2 Lieb, SLOB 275; 4- 2# xn'313; Sy rdicvja LS 326, Ma X313 MD 206) sg. XJ71X1 X313 a loaf (of bread baked on) the ground Ber 37b(44; PAr [AC 4:219]) [= xai7 XJ/1X1 Seel 91:55]; pi. 1*7 ]31SX '313 pmi we bake it in two loaves AnanSch 11:13; ib. 15 Lit: Eps, Stl 10067; AAC 221; AIOA 65. 2#N313 n.m. hut (Sy K'^acL^ LS 320, > Arab £_4 Fr, AF 29) sg. 'T'XI X313 fishermen's hut Tan 22a(47; M2) [cf. Arab ilLUl {J. Fl, TMW 2:450]; xaiXI X313 '3 marsh hut ib.(Ar [AC 4:222]); XTr7aiX X'111 X313 '33 XB» he reached the hut of a certain widow Git 68a(54; SM 76:2 l,Ar [AC ib.]) Lit: Low, Lehnw 282; Kut, Studies 440+ [Heb]. The mng. of '3131 mj>X Yom lla(13) is uncertain and may be a GN [v. Eshel, JSB 30]. Note, however, the rdg. !'3131 mpV weight and huts OHP ib. 74:13 [v. the Arabic expl. ib.]; Y: X113 BAYTN 19. 83313 n.m. star (4- '3313 '3; TA 3313 TJ Am 5:26, Sy rciAi>o-? LS 320, Ma X3313 MD 206) sg. 'SOm X3313 'XTn I saw (in a dream) that I grabbed a star Ber 56b(15); MQ 16a(17); '3 X33131 I'Jljnia the place where the star lies BB 73a(22); pi. Xjrpil '3313 '3a'a*7 X3X X3JH' I know how to count the stars of the sky San 39a(20); '3'HX '3313 '1J1 two other stars Ber 59a(7); xaa'3 '3313 l'airiX stars were visible in the daytime MQ 25b(37); Pes 118b(17); AZ 29a(24); HM 44:18; X'3313 "73 ]B nS3 Xim 1'3313 his star which is victorious over all the stars Bo 90a:4; ib. 63:8; 74:1 Y: X3313 Ber 58b(46; BAYTN 162). - 'INST N3313 n.m. meteor (lit. a star which t : t : v penetrates; i Vl# 'IX; Ma ]'1XX1 X'3313 MD 397, s.v. 1# XIX, Sy r^-.^o-a rc^ LS 637, mng. 7, PSmSup 288) sg. OHP Ber 91:8 Lit: Eps, OHP ib., n. n. - WISH N3313 n.m. meteor (lit. a star which flies; 4- >/D3ti) sg. Ber 58b(46) [expl. MH 1'p'T Mib. 9:2]; ib. 47; D'aXPI X3313 OHP Ber 91:7 Geon. expl.: f [73' 3313 OHP ib. 91:10, i.e. JiiSj vS>S a star which strikes (like lightning) [cf. Sy: ■«' — —*» ob rdjui Jiij _)ii»j v^ .JOT-aa BBah 687:17]; Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 138; Eps, OHP ib., n. rl. 1 # Nfl'3i3 n.f. a meteorological phenomenon (Sy k^' ; to_a storm LS 320; cf. Akk akukutu 2#KTP3C 559 N^D red glow in the sky CAD A/1 285) sg. XTV313 X3'5H jt.-appearance of the cloud RH 24a(19; M2) Lit: AIOA 33; Geig, AAC 222; Y: KJT3B RH ib.(BAYTN 37). 2# Kn'313 n.f. small loaf or cake (4-1# X313) sg. TGDr49 98:6 [expl. MH llin M§ab 1:10] "713 vb. to measure, contain (4- X*7"3, 2# XJV7'3, xn*7'3a, Vl#*73*73; Ma *713 pe. MD 206, Sy ,V . Ar^ af. LS 325) Pe. (u) 1. to measure: a. solids: *?"3 xp ]rwy *7"3 Xp '3 110 moi in the final analysis he is only measuring a tenth Men 53b(50); ib. 57b(34); *7'pm '3'X1 *?"31 X3'XT there is (a place) where one measures, and (a place) where one weighs Ara 19a(22); X1J1N3 '333 ,!?"3i in a place where they measure in small vessels Ket 99b(4; V5); '3p3 H'V '"?"3 y"3 '31 '3p3 H'V ,!?"3 ]33ia 'XII 'BIT (wisdom) is measured for everyone with a small qab. For this one of the scholars, it is measured with a large qab\ Qid 79b(25; M); Git 52b(39); rbv "713'JI '31? Xn"?ai X113 when you measure [or: eat] a kor of salt upon it Sab 4a(4) // Er 36a(38) // //«/ 12a(26); ib. 112a(7); V"3 "73'a^r 17b(18); X»1'3 Xnap by*b TDX X3D it is forbidden to measure flour on a holiday IHP 605b:7; TJniN ia ,!? "?13,!? 'T*I3 measure for me forty grivs Ned 51a(3); AZ 43a(10); pass.part. '3ai ^"Sl Q'Jini T'ST 'Ta "?3 anything which is tied, sealed, measured, and counted Hul 105b(50); b. liquids: Xian wV'3 '3 '131? when you measure wine for a pagan AZ 71a(22); ib. 71b(2); 2. to contain: "73'aVi 'VD'a I'lS'lp T3X"?a covers to contain holy angels Bo 4:1 abs./cs. "?3, w. suf. pron. all, every, entire, each (4- X^IS ntt; TA X?13 TO Gen 9:3, -■?3 ib. 1:21, Sy Acv^, -Lq LS 326, Ma Vd MD 206) w. suff: 3sg.m. n'^13 Anan 85:5; Men 17a(25); '"?13 Sab 10a(25); f. nVlS 5g 71a(14); XV13 Bes 14a(2); lpl. X3*713 Tarn 32a(36); 2m. p^>13 Git 67b(ll); 13Vl3 Bek 8b(22); 3m. rf?13 Men 38b(27); Anan 45:7; ]i;f?13 5o 6:5; f. 'nVl3 Men 55b(14); pVlS 5o 30:5;- a. abs. H'3'a3 "?3 is it all dependent on him [lit. ace. to his kind]? Ket 70a(28); Qid 8a(22); BQ 91b(33); BB 154b(33); San 44b(51); Zev 36a(32); b. cs.: 1) w. fol. n.: sg.abs. Dltt? *73 any name Git 34b(10); Bo 20:1; Bo 76:7; yen "73 any form ib. 7:15; V>2? V3 iyt? 'JSI 132? "?31 any negligence, any error, and any mistake SSSad 205:5; det. XttT "?3 each day Mf 81a(35); San 97b(41); X3'T '31 X3Xiy'V "?3 all the terminology of the court ib. 30a(l); "73 Xrnisn the entire collegium Ket 33b(38); V3 VxiWI XJT11 any Jewish residence Anan 70:1; "?3 nail! npaiy its entire depth and height SSHai 6a(7); pl.abs. I'Via "73 all sicknesses BB 58b(10); I'm' 'lbr\ "?3 every three months Naz 5a(21); "73 1'ai' yrbr\ every thirty days BB 30a(21); det. "73 XJW3 'mi all evil spirits Bo 33:6; '^'» '31 "73 all of these matters Git 68b(30); '31 "73 Mei 2a(20); XnX13T1 ^Xiy'1? Vs all terms of titles of rights SSHai 4a(4); 2) in seq. x-1 x "?3 [so also QA, JPA, TA, BH, MH; v. Hurwitz, TPBH 70+]: XSD1 XSD "73 every single course of stones BB 5b(6); xmiSI xmiS ^3 every single small amount Tern 25a(19); xriy^l myv "73 every single hour Ber 55a(16); Bo 28:5; XTWI XTM ^3 every single year BB 30a(18); 3) w. fol. nominalized prep, phrase: '2?a'W '3 "?3 every Friday evening Ket 62b(24); 'Vyai X'3S '113 "73 XJ131S every Friday towards evening Tan 20b(44); XJT'UXia "73 every Pentateuchal prohibition Yev 82a(15); X313 'XI '3 "73 every (case) of this type BB 163b(3); X31T 'XI '3 "?3 every pair of this type Sab 54b(51); c. w. poss. pron.: 1) alone: 1'"?13 'Ml '111 '113 the value of all of it [i.e. the injuries] together BQ 85b(37); BB 14b(37); '"713 "7 "7'Kn all of it [i.e. the entire mixture] is cooked Git 69a(43); ,1'Vd3 1'"7 'll^l '3'1 '3 I'ty ,iyi3W 'SI impose an oath upon him, so that he should concede to him concerning all of it Svu 42b(l 1); xrf7'3Jl 1*7131 xa'^3 a garment entirely of tekhelet-dyed wool Men 39a(41); X'l ]331 1*713 all of it is (according to) the scholars BQ 48b(44); 1*713 IDJVm all of it should be prohibited AZ 47b(36); 11*7 'ax XJ13P XH3 11*713 do they recite them all on one Sabbath? RH 31a(35); '13'3 XTO'IX XJ1313 Xin '1*713 all of them are (considered as) one 'long' blessing Pes 103b(15) [v. RaH]; 2) w. fol. appos. n. [v. 4-1'*713 Xai', 'XI '*713, Xa*?y (1)'*713; cf. Nold, MG 323]: 'XS13 1'*713 my entire body Tan 16a(19); 1'*713
xa1?^ (n)'Vra 560 -i 73 ]'pTB our entire chapter (of the Mishna) Bek 23b(32); ]'p'U n'?13 al! of Neziqin BQ 102a(48); X'7'7 '713 the whole night Ber 27b(33); XJTO ,1713 the whole year MQ 5a(54); 'J13 inVn all of the rooms Pes 9b(21); &rf> 20b(26); ">1V )'7'X ',1713 all these years I$GF 89:7; 3) w. preced. n.: n'713 n'"TO'3 his whole body Anan 52:15; AnanSch 24:21; 4) w. preced. cs. 73 [very rare; cf. MH2 ,1713 JIBn V3 Pes 30b(2) and/wMi'm]: 73 nVl3 xmianthe entire collegium BQ 71a(14) Lit: Satzlehre 90+; Y: 1nV» Ber 22b(4; Mo 106). Compound forms: 1. nouns: n.m.coll. everyone (4 XB7J/; Sy r£^iA_£ m \ ? 7tavti xffl Xaa> Lk 2:10; cf. Ma XB7X n713 the whole world MD 206, X'B7X pnVD Lidz, MdL 5:13, MD ib.) XB7J? H'713 Meg 18a(36); Pes 81b(16); ATer 17a(26); //«/ 95b(15; MGG 395:9); HP 164:27; TGAs28 44:17; XB7J/ 73 Pes 7a(44); Suk llb(22); Sw/t 46b(53); Zev 15a(17); T7D X7 XB7y '713 everyone agrees [lit. does not disagree] Sab 8a(l); fern 6b(17); Yev 69b(43); 55 137b(2); *py 3-IT in1? JVX XB7y '713 everyone has the opinion of PN 5M 82a(32); San 45a(31); '"?1D liy^X "13 'B7y everyone (shares the opinion) of PN Ket 94b(2); ln'BX ?y XB7JT '713 VlSJ they all prostrated themselves Meg 22b(25); San 89a(28); '3X08 'B"01 'T3y xaVy 'VlS 1X71 not everyone is apt to wear shoes MQ 24a(21); Sot 35a(26); Git 56a(47); 5A/27b(42); xa?y n'713 l'B"p everyone stands up Anan 19:14 On V3 + pron. suff. fol. by an appos. n., v. Nold, SG 172; id., MG 323; 4121 [coll. usage]; Y: XOty '^3 Sab 156b(27). - NI3J? 73 n.m.coll. everyone (archaic; 4- XBy; JPA nay "73 DJPA 410) 'TIB 731 XBy 73 p33' X3'7 let everyone and the bitter of heart weep MQ 8a(35); XBy "73 1XW the remaining ones San lla(38; F2) 2. pronouns: 73 pron. any amount, any sort (caique < MH XTO 73 J 638; I XVI) 1. any amount: ,1'Jiyi X37VB XVT1 733 he is set at ease with any amount Hul 120a(24); 733 .TlPSi IBB X1,11 he exempts himself with any amount Ara 19a(20); XVH 73 X311 a majority of any amount AZ 37b(3) [* pyV HX-in visible]; ib. 75b(27); Pes 61b(38); Yev 101b(7); 5g 50b(27); /& 91a(20); X'm 73 'JV1DT Xin a small (loaf) of any amount HP 40:26; 2. any sort: 17 Xm Sim 73 TPX she wants any sort (of husband) Ket 75a(16); Qid 7b(32); BQ Ula(l); 7ev lllb(43); 'X,1 Dlpi'X Xl,11 73 'T3 XIDtt? I shall hold in my possession some sort of document BB 32b(4); Qid 19a(8); Svu 32a(9); Hul 40b(4); ;fe 115b(46) Y: m "?} San 5b(23). - »T» 73 pron. anything (4- XTB; Sy -^ ^ V » PSm 1736) pan rrua xtiitd: in1? jvxi 'tis 73 W7y we impose upon them anything in which they have (benefit of) the guarding, BB 8a(53); '3B1 7"31 D'Jim T'XI 'TB 73 anything which is tied, sealed, weighed, and counted Hul 105b(50); '11B1 'TB 73 IX Xian wine or any intoxicating (beverage)./toan 21:11; iwyaa 3"nai 'TB 73 anything which is liable for a tithe AnanSch 12:6; 5er 35a(50); Sab 19a(44); Pes 23b(12); 5es 6b(7); Naz 38b(25); 55 86a(32); AZ 42b(32); Zev 82b(36); 7/ero 19b(31) Y: 'TS^SBer 15a(12). - DJH'a 73 pron. anything (4- Dyi'B; Sy ■73^1 \ 7 PSm 1736) '»p D17BT1 X7 QyiB 73 ("|)(X)31 do not disgorge anything before your teacher ... AW49b(18) [// 'V'B V3 7am 27b(47)]; p,lV JVXI Dyi'B 73 anything that they have Bo 35:11; VI Dyi'B 73 anything evil ib. 49:9; 54:8; 75:4; 79:4; n'7 '1WB7 JVy31 DyiB VaV for anything that you want to release (from a spell) HM 40:19 3. relative pronouns: - "T 73 pron. whoever, whatever (JPA 73 "1 DJPA 258) 1. whoever: 'XT 73 whoever says Ket 104a(2); g/rf 70b(20) // BB 3b(42; M); 73 '7 '301 whoever hates me Ned 40a(17); 'T1X1 73 ,T7 x:?'Dp Xmnna3 'X7y I would kill anyone who attacks me during a break-in San 72b (2); Tan 20b(49); Git 73a(10); BQ 24b(6); BB 9a(3); /(Z 17a(35); Bek 8b(17); S,£W 187:16; 2. whatever: B?'1D X311B E/'ISI 731 whatever departs (from a group is assumed to) depart from the majority Ber 28a(28) [+ //'s; 4- VtthS pe., "T n»/»K» 73 561 "I tOVl 73 T T T T L mng. 3]; xm (T7 n'XT V3 whatever has a smell £ef 61a(48); WTX I'STaT 73 whatever a person sells BB 78b(l 1); T,7 xn'JT 73 71p2? take whatever you want 5a« 109a(14); ]33n ppm 731 whatever the scholars ordained Bek 54a(12); Xev 103a(33); BM 75b(39); flX3 ymraT 73 whatever is sown in the ground AnanSch 3:13 - '1 na/'Na 73 pron. whatever (4- H 'X&; Sy -n rcliia JL^ Ps'm 1979) 3'rr Hin B'pJT 'XB 73 1H7 he would give them whatever he had in his possession Tan 24a(24); '5731 na 73 D'3m he acquires as much wisdom as he wants Sab 90b(26); m xp70 mm xa 73 whatever would happen to him Tan 21a(40) // 'DXa mm na 73 ,T?y 5a« 108b(53; SM 18:28); Git 45a(44); 73 ]in'75? '7 ri'XT 'Xa whatever they owe me S&fa/ 9a(14); ib. 4b(19); llb(21); 17b(21); 'X» 73 n'7 xn'JT whatever he wants TGAs42 28:25; pmTS mm na 73 min'XI whatever they had was lost TGAs28 77b:6; TGAs42 102:16; 733 ]a'na "iaXT 'XB he is believed in whatever he says TGHark 1:5; ib. 25; '73pa ]1,Tr3 'pOBI 'XB 73 whatever (the three of them) will decide among themselves they will accept ib. 100:34; 271:24 Y: "I 'XO b3 San 43a(38). - l#'l ]&ft 73 pron. whoever (4- "t ]XB s.v. 1#]XB; Sy -^ ^ A^> PSm 2152, Ma ]XB 713 ■1 MD 246, s.v. 1#]XB) Em '37 TIXT ]XB 73 XJ1171 whoever comes to the exilarch's house Er 40a(3); xri"13 n'7 mm 1XB 73 whoever had a daughter Meg 12b(43); p 73V n'V V'nai H'7 'TO ]1J?ST whoever has caused me trouble is absolved and forgiven Meg 28a(22); g/rf 70b(26); BB 174b(27); Hul 50a(30); n2/X 3'MT ]XB "73 n'V'T n'J'a'Xa anyone who marries a woman (does so) of his own free will Anan 113:7; ]XB 73 rrra xaiaa ]iyai!?7 n'V n'xi anyone who owes money to NN TGHark 112:13; i& 84:22; 161:16; 170:30; rG/ls2S 27:27; Tin V31XB 'ri"T ]XB 73T xaVj? whoever will come from the four directions of the world SSHai 5b(4); ib. 8a(18); Dec 7:10; HP 41:8; xnnaip pVn by nsyn ixa Vi3 whoever transgresses these names Bo 67:7; ib. 120:38 Y: -11X8 i3 Ber 58b(53). - 2# "I JNS 73 pron. whatever (4- 2#1XB, ]XB3 -1) OTyai ]XB VD whatever you want Ber 58a(41; P); n'V ri'X mm ]XB Vs whatever he had BM 28a(23; Es); 'XTa ri'XI ]XB "73 whatever I possess TGHark 1:16 4. conjunctions: - "n (')na'N 73 conj. whenever (4- JIB'X; Sy -a ,^-inrf Ajs PSm 1736, Ma T nXBJ? 713 MD 352) n7 XJV'ptr; n'7 xrj?3T na'X "73 whenever I want it I can take it AZ 53b(6); 'IinaT n&'X "?3T 'SISB whenever they put on (phylacteries), they would recite a blessing Suk 46a(25); JIB'X 73 WAV JVjm whenever you want you can drink Pes 103a(33); Yom 8b(17); Suk 46a(26); Hag 3a(15); Ket 106a(7); gW 31b(13); 55 151a(39); San 26b(43); 5vm 42a(26; TGHark 33:7, ib. 113:11); Nid 66a(34); X3J/3n XiV'3H HB'X 7DT XIH3 n'V whenever I can, I shall make a claim against him in court SSHai 16b(14); ib. 4b(5); 73 ]11 inOO p'D"T TIXB'X whenever he produces this document SSSad 198:20; ib. 199:24; 235:12; nnXBD3 IX m33 3'*lxpT riB'X 73T whenever he approaches (a woman) in her menses or when she is impure Anan 41:22; ib. 7:4; 81:9; AnanSch 15:13; ib. 26:21; TGHark 276:30 Y: "1 riB'X V? Ber 26a(52). - ""I N3'n 73 conj. wherever (4- X3'n; Sy ^_q -n rctA-iK* PSm 148) a. w. nominal phrase: 731 pm xniO'X X3'XT X3'n wherever there is a Rabbinical prohibition }fev 97a(29); X3'H "73 XnniXlB 3"n VnJT wherever an adult is liable from Pentateuchal law Hag 6a(18); Qid 3a(10); BB 144b(13); Hul 80b(26); Tern 27a(14); X3'n "73 XIX'DID XI X3'XT wherever there is an additional waw Anan 10:17; ib. 47:4; 116:3; b. w. verbal clause: m> ma xp n'Jiwna nV naan xa'n 73 wherever he places it, it remains [lit. he places it] in his possession Hag lla(l); VV1 1BBT X3'n "731 WW! in"? wherever they would come they would soak them [i.e. the impregnated sherds] and drink (the wine) AZ 32a(9); 'X1XB '3?B2n X3'n "73 Xpli' tV'JIBT wherever the Egyptians heard that a (Jewish) child was born Sot 12a(45); Pes 79a(42); ^ev 85a(18); BM 89b(24); Men 106a(39); Bek 49b(3); Vxntt?' ]n3 1"13BT X3'n 731
-t (p»yn 73 562 i#KaVo wherever a priest blesses a Jew Anan 36:6; ib. 43:3 Y: X3'H to Ber 53a(42). - "7 (l)'?'n 73 conj. in any way that (4- (l)'37l) '7 7'3Jl'ai '371 73 prr?'3j? you accepted me in any way that I eat [i.e. even a large amount] Pes 89b(21; C); rmnj'OT '371 73 ttni'ri let her be divorced in any way possible [lit. in any way that she is divorced] Git 63a(14); ]Wnsi T37I 731 31 J1TS0 J1XBB3 in any way that we explained regarding the impurity in (the days of) counting of a gonorrheal man Anan 51:16 Y: '3',1 'fS Ber 60a(34). - "T NaS 73 conj. as long as, as much as (4- HB3; Sy-a r£-^o cA_q PSm 1981) 1. as long as: X'B ,17 'p!3 X7 X3"ipa X71 n»3 731 as long as she does not bring (her offering, the water) does not test her Sot 20b(23); XJ'T "IB1 X71 HB3 73 as long as the court case is not finished San 7a(4); Ket 31b(38); HP 131:28; 2. as much as: XB3 73 1/17 1JV7 1J?3T let him give them as much (money) as they request MQ 6a(41; V); fOBtn HB3 "73 l^'J^D "UW7 as much as it is possible to change (the way in which the action is done) we do (so) Bes 30a(9); Hul S9a(5\; V) 5. adverbs: - 171N 733 adv. everywhere (Sy i^rc' -V » — PSm 426) X'X1,17 ]B "1BX T1X "VlX 733 everywhere (in Scripture) you say |B to exclude Zev 9a(35); -IJ1X 733 rvn> 'J11BW7 to excommunicate him everywhere Dec 3:8; ib. 2; 4:8 - 'KH '713 adv. to that extent, such, so much (< 'XH ,T713 Sab 108b (39) lit. all of this; 4- 1#'XH; Sy rdim caA_o tocoOtov LS 326) a. in nonverbal phrases: 1) alone: 'XH '713 'XB what? so much? Men 53a(29); Qid 30a(32); 'XH '713 'XaXl why to that extent (should one be troubled)? Ber 7b(49); ib. 49a(40); San 75a(13); 'XH '713 X3'7 there is not that much [i.e. 2,000 years] AZ 9a(17); 'XH ,T713 '7 HB7 why do I need so much? Ara 8b(4); Mew 43b(51); '71X pyi 'XH '713 so much and still (only) 'perhaps' [v. Zep 2:3] Hag 4b(32); TODX1 "XH '713 so much and (it is only) 'perhaps' (that I shall be born in a better era?) Tan 25a(40); 2) w. an.: '713 XJW1 H'7 D'X 'Bl 'XH does he have permission to such an extent? San 44b(18); 'XH '713 X313'J7 such a delay Hor 10a(48); Tan 21a(48); 1B7 X"IJ/X 'XH '713 you are so troubled San 108b(48); 3) w. a preced. adj.: 'XH '713 'p'1X lim "inXBl since they were so righteous Git 57a(43); 'XH '713 D'3m 7'XIH since he is so smart BB 58a(35); Ber 58b(38); Yev 96b(42); MQ 28a(46); /1Z 8a(27); '713 '©'S3 'ai 'XH are they so many? San 97b(45); AZ 25a(29); b. w. verbal phrases: pm mniDX X7 'XH '7131 the scholars did not trouble him so much Er 10b(16); 'xn '713 onina mnVja xp 'a would you have treated them with such contempt? Ket 23a(40); 'XH '713 1X1 'XH7 XB7J? mil 'yD 'Xa why is the space of this waw (in the document) so wide? BB 167a(19); Sab 119b(25); Pes 12a(26); Ket 87b(25); Git 79b(5); BQ 117a(44) Y: ycj 'taa Ber 7b (49). adv. how much more so, argument a fortiori (caique < MH2 pp 73 J 638; JPA pi 73 DJPA 258, s.v. 73, mng. 3b) 1. how much more so: pT 731 'mm pi 731 Q'D3 rpnynxxa 'o"i J17J13 a rf.-dish (eaten) with one's finger is pleasing, how much more with two, and how much more so with three Ned 49b(13); Zev 85b(34); Hul 129b(31); 2. argument a fortiori: XIH ]3T 73 1X71 is it not an argument a fortiori ? Yom 42a(23); Qid 64a(34); Mak 9a(22); Meu 6b(28); 5e/t 32b(16) Lit: Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62 [1999] 66; Y: ]3T Vs Yom ib. - '3'H 73,1'3'n 73 adv. so much (4- '37T; cf. Sy kISlo Asi PSm 1981) only w. vb. + Vl#7TX pe., mng. 4: 7'Tll nnjHH '3'H 73 should we continue to cause him travail so much? Ber 27b(45; P); 7'T'Jll "lBl'D '3'H 73 should she continue to guard (the get) so long? Git 78b(17); 7'T'm "nn '371 73 will (the animal) continue to live so much? Hul 38a(25); RH 24a(16); BQ 20b(32); Zev 7b(6); '7TX1 ,T7 ('}(lln7W '371 73 they continue to send it [i.e. this question] so much Svu 48a(28; F2) Y: 'P'n °?3 G// ib. - n'3'»3 73 4- X713 pron. 1#N3713 n.m. (uncertain) sg. IT37137 n'31XD KTpyo 563 p Xiy3113 Hul 120a(52) [in a mnemonic formula ref. to 73D in a barraita ib. 120b(4)] [2# N3713 4- 'X37ip n.] Nri'ViS, abs. N^ViS, pi. Nn»Vi3 n.f. kidney (TA Xfi*713 pi. TO Lev 3:4, Sy k4LlA<^s LS 329, Ma 'X713 MD 207) sg.abs. X37n3 X'713 a kidney with (its) fat Kar 23a(50; V'0); #w/ 48a(46; V"); det. XJT713 H'l'B 7'3X mn he used to eat a kidney from it [i.e. the calf] Sab 119b(25); XD'713T X'B fluid of a kidney AZ 28b(15) [used as a medicine for the ear]; pi. XJV'713 Sab 119b(26); (l)(')nx nriX'7131 X133 1TO '3Tiy ravens came (and) dropped a liver and kidneys Hul 95b(38); ib. 54a(31); 93a(32); XriX'7<l>{')3 Pes 64b(31; TGAs42 163:21) Y: XJV^W Sab ib.(BAYTN 199). N3713 n.m. soft wool from goat's hair (< Mir *kulk [cf. NP kulk PED 1043]; JPA 1713 DJPA 254) sg. n'»W X3713 it is called k. Sab 20b(27) [expl. MH"f73MSab2:l] Lit: Geig, AAC 223; Fr, AF 40; Y: \d?>3 Sab ib.(BAYTN 152). Nn'3713, NTT373 4- XJ1713 n. Nri713*, pi. '713, NnN'3713 n.m. papyrus reed (4- 1# xmiX'W; > Arab oX£ Wehr 846 [cf. ]X713 TGHark 216:13]) pi. '71313 X3T PN (used to go out on the Day of Atonement) in (sandals made) of papyrus reeds Yom 78b(8; M1); XJl'irW XmVD T3 Xn3riK;aT Gfyceria fluitans which is found among papyrus reeds Pes 35a(29; CE1) [Var: xmiVo TGAs42 160:13; XllX^ta OHT ib. 33:13]; XTlX':Vl3 ib. 8 Lit: Eps, Stl 31, 154; id., GC 1811; AAC 158, s.v. 're,1; 222; Flora 1:563+. 1# S"iai3 n.m. a type of dates (< Akk kimru A a quality of dates CAD K 373; 4- X7tth3 mng. 1) sg. X1B13 '7W13 ripened k.-dates Ber 40b(42) [expl. MH J11731J Mib. 6:3]; ib. 44; 46; 50; 41a(3) Geon. expl.: 133 ip tin mi *?K*?D KnaiD 'ton OHP Ber 112:18, i.e. jjS jj jJj 3»j J5*-^ green dates and when they have ripened they are called dates Wald 27; v. also TGWeisz 80b:7; Lit: Date Palm l1; Y: xna? Ber ib. 2# NnaiS n.m. pagan priest (TA xnai3 pi. TO Gen 47:22[Var], Sy rtk^nc^ LS 332, Ma i#xiai3 md 207) pi. xru3T 'm nai3 xys© the seven exalted priests of GN Bo 21:10 ltfNriSllS n.f. a large hat (etym. unknown; > Arab Ground cap Fr, AF 53, WKAS 345) sg. H7 X1B? xnai3 7p© he took the Jt.-hat (and) threw it to her Git 39b(41); 'XDai3 '7 3H give me my ^.-hat Sab 147a(9); xmiDl xnai3 a k.-hat and scarf £r 84b(17; M); ib. 91a(40); MQ 15a(26) Geon. expl.: n"»XW '»' 'B^ GnK5 173:5, i.e. i^lli kind of headgear; bxti p nVyo1? nViy 1'Ki BKin kVos s'nt? nan nyajs OHP Sab 90:26; Lit: Fl, TMW 2:450; Y: 'XrfflW Sab 147a(9; BAYTN 152). 2# Nn»l3 n.f. perh. fiber (etym. unkn.) sg. GC 92:3 [expl. MH 3'0 MOh 18:1] Lit: Eps, GC 929 [Akk etym., ib. 171, is incorrect]. tariaiS*, pi. nna» n.f. pear (Sy rtkh^c^, pi «"\&l>iA LS 333) pi. nnai3 GC 203:22 [expl.'MH 1'DJXn MUqs 1:6] Lit: Low, Pfl 208. )13 vb. to direct, aim, order, intend (4- XJU113; JPA ]113 DJPA 252, Sy 1# ^o^> pa. [^jla], etpa. [-jLa^iK'] LS 322) Pa. 1. to direct, aim: a. an object: >T7 ]1<1>('I3 n'Bran pm he aimed it [i.e. the lance] at the fifth rib San 49a(6); b. glance: 'T?n7 ]3'13a directing their glance at one another Pes 11 la(27; V14); c. w. XJljn mind: X3'13a XJ'SB Xnj?T I can direct my attention [i.e. concentrate] Ber 17b(35); '3H3 '1H3 j?0'JI HTiyT ]'13'3l he should direct his mind and finish (the prayer) together with the priests Ber 55b(34); Pes 55a(14); Tan 24b(39); Meg 25a(36); 2. to describe exactly or accurately: )'13BT "lltfS'X Xn3"isa it is possible for him to describe its [i.e. the field's] borders exactly BB 128a(16); pass.part. '3DT XJinyBlE/ ]l\OQ na3 how accurate are the legal traditions of the scholars Er 12b(30; O) // BB 149b(5)!; 3. to imitate handwriting: mx is xnx 3*n X7'x ri3'i3 'tt xt ma'nn xa?u?3 'risi 'ap xpmtx n'7 'ax nns '3'n it is understandable that you imitated my signature. But how did you imitate that of PN (whose hand trembles)? He said to him: "I stood on an irrigation device and imitated (it)" ib. 167a(29; HP 68:6) [4- V«1"T pa., mng. 1]; 'SB rPTT '31
1#K313 564 NS013 JTD'a '3a X7 iriX '3J ITO'B (if the document was) with him he can imitate (the witnesses' signatures. If it was) with another he cannot imitate (them) Ket 20a(32); 4. pass.part, ordered, straight: 'JOB! DW» ,_ini£?a Tin (the walls) became dark because they were aligned (according to the cardinal points) Yom 28b(21) Itpa. 1. to concentrate: 'y331 SON ]'13'X1 ia ]'13'J 'am let you and I concentrate and pray Tan 25a(46); 2. to intend, act intentionally: a. alone: 1'13'a Xp '31 X3'H 73 wherever he acts intentionally Sab 46b(26); ]'13'Xi XVI HD' l'y he intended to be magnanimous ib. 74a(40); Pes 25b(22); Hag 19a(7); TGAs42 165:18; b. w. dir. obj.: xp X7 •pyatt/7 XM'TO'a. Xp piXT? X3X XM'TO'a I intend (to kill) NN. I do not intend (to kill) NN2 San 79a(22); H'V piD'ttl TJ7 until he intends (to kill) him fig 44b(27; F1); 'TrD'X H'7 ITO'X he actually intended to do it (there) Hul 13a(5); c. w. fol. inf.: pi3'B xp miJ?S7 he intends to cause her distress Git 32a(14); ib. 54a(33); Ber 33b(40); Sab 139b(25); BM 118a(25); San 64a(35); Bek 34b(15); d. syndetically w. fol. vb.: rfrnroV inV vixen 'iro'a xpi urn jro since they saw that they used to expel them intentionally a priori (to graze) San 25b(38); ]'VJ'J X7i '3M '3 71pW31 so that he should not intentionally take (a particular lot) Yom 39a(19); '7 ypm VrO'X blow the shofar intentionally for me 7?// 33b(8) Ittaf. to be prepared: 7arvxa pJVX X7T ]V3 since it was not prepared from yesterday Hul 14a(10) 1#N313, [K312] n.m. a measure (etym. unkn.) sg. xn7'73tt?T xrai 'xprnaT x:(i)3r xrasi x:vj a A:.-measure of cumin, a A:.-measure of safflower, and a £.-measure of fenugreek Sab 110b(5); X313 Git 69a(32); ib. 70a(19); pl.cs. NETS '313 'y3W Xp7'0i seven k. -measures of chopped mangel- wurzel ib. 69b(55); X7'ru(1> XIT'S "»3l<"l>f»m J?3iy seven A:.-measures of rocket seed ib. 25(OHT ib. 153:11); 69a(32); Sab 67a(5)!; AZ 28b(2)! Geon. expl.: mVmn Ti»3 'ID liy'Bl GnK5 172:7; pin X:i3 OHR Git 45:3. The mss. vacillate bet. X313 and X:i3, and in light of the absence of a cognate the rdg. X313 given in all cases by Ar [AC 4:253, s.v. 3P] has been preferred; Lit: Nold in Flora 1:400; Y: X313 Gil ib.(BAYTN 160). 2#N313 n.m. planet (< Akk kajamanu Saturn CAD K 38; Sy JikL* LS 322, Ma ]XVO MD 212) pi. '313 '3'BH the planets are overturned Bo 115:5 Krn313, pi. XJVHM3 n.f. mule (metath. < XTUTO*; I X'3T13) a. animal: sg. n'33n "13 '"1XD 'KTin '37 rTTnra T31X PN hired out his mule to the people of GN BM 97a(28); xmio X'nrt XT7'i a certain mule which gave birth Bek 8b(30); ib. 33; pi. pS0"13 Xn"1313 '7 ri7"y<a) '3 when you hitch the mules for me to the carriage Hul 79a(45); b. load carried by it: nxa nVn X7PBT '1TJ XnX'JTO three hundred mule (loads) of axes of iron San 96b(7) Nn313, NJ1N313 n.f. emmer (TA l'fl313 pi. TJ Is 28:25, Sy rc'&Jo.o LS 336) sg. X71X313 MQ 13b(30) [expl. MH Hp/7n MMakh 6:2]; ib. 32; 37 Lit: Flora 1:773; M. Kislev, LeSonenu 37(1973] 87+; Y: XJTO3 MQ ib. HFTQUVS n.f. coriander (Akk ki/usibirritu CAD K 420, Sy ^i>w^ LS 338, Peh ideog. xrnnro FiP 6:5) sg. x'wp (ffl'TTV v>bx xmaoo '7 coriander is harmful even for me Sab 109a(ll); Ket 61a(3); xmaOVJ ,T7 TTO he sent him coriander AZ 10b(6) [hinting at the phrase: XJTQ 013 slaughter (4- V033 pe.) the daughter]; HP 190:4 Lit: Flora 3:442; Geig, AAC 228; Y: xn-O0H Sab ib.(BAYTN 292). Nn^'OlS n.f. scalpel (Sy rc'&Ajoo-o scalpel, cupping glass LS 338; cf. Akk karzillu physician's lancet or scalpel CAD K 240) sg. xrfroOi HIT") incision of a scalpel Sab 129a(41; V); MQ 28a(37); Ket 39b(13); San 93b(40; F2); Mak 21a(28)!; AZ 27a(44); Nid 67a(7) Geon. expl.: 01 nipn1? J'BIWW J11DT» ]H1X KnV'DlS »TB1 OHT Sab 6:5; nwnrfjx Wyvw [w^i xrfr'O'oi xi3'i xini ohp Sab 83:2(Ar) i.e. <*$-L*l\ cupping glass; Lit: AIOA 63. The blood was let between the shoulder blades. Cf. in Sy: rs'JvA-asa-a i<Ji-3ji_-> Ao-^^urjn PSm 1787. Rashi expl.: 17133 nxpH; Y: Hlp-'D'a AZ ib.(BAYTN 205). NS013 n.m. residue (of linseed, dates, etc.; < Akk kuspu [var. of kupsu] residue of linseed [after pressing] CAD K 555, AIOA 65; ModSy 565 1#NT)3 r*k mrya ground flax seeds from which oil has been extracted Maclean 128, > Arab iliS Low infra) sg. nam XB013 residue of dates Tan 24b(18); I'HD'I XBD13 residue of jasmine-(scented sesame) Sab 50b(9); 'maXTl 'acn«n XDD13 'aiJ13T1 '"U'ttni residue of sesame seeds, nuts, almonds, and terebinths HG1 97:91; 'li'DOOX wrwax on their residue and oil [i.e. of sesame seeds] HP 192:3; HPP 294:18); #M44:7 Geon. expl.: ■?»] 1113 imx l'»313» )'0BB1W rfrloB )'S0'1 XB013 im* 1'pniBl W1X l'»3'Sl raOC TRN 591:8; Lit: Flora, 2:214; 3:11; Geig, AAC 229; Y: XB013 Sab ib.(BAYTN 152). [KJ1013 4- XJ1D3 n.] [«113 vb. 4- VlS3 vb.] N'S13 n.m. type of fish (< Akk kuppu B eel-like fish CAD K 551) sg. X'S13T XTVTIB the gall bladder of a A:.-fish Pes 39a(31; V14); "73 X'S13 133T GC 130:6 [expl. MH IJBOXn D^lp MMakhK 6:3 and expl. as 4- XD13'tf] Geon. expl.: piBBO'Xn c'Pip WHl XBU'EH X'913T HTPPD TGAs42 161:3; Lit: GC 13021; Fauna 11; Y: X,'BH Pes ib.(BAYTN 152). 1# N1S13 n.m. kofer, compensation paid by the owner of animal which killed a human being [v. Ex 21:29-30] (< BH 4#"IS3 HAL 471; 4- V"IB3; cf. Sy K*\Aftji effacing of sin LS 341) sg. 5g40a(13); ib. 18; 20 Y: XlBta BQ ib. 2# NISIS n.m. pitch (4- X1B13 '33; Akk kupru CAd'k 553, TA X^BIS TO Gen 6:14, Sy rc'iao.o LS 340, mng. l) sg. nrnxi |xa 'xn X1B13 one who melted pitch Sab 74b(14); pi. '31X Xjnwa '1B13 Xy3W1 seven (pieces of) pitch from seven boats ib. 67a(5); '1B133 n"nB he smeared it with pitch Ned 51a(2); X1B133 IBn they coat (the wine jugs) with pitch BM 40a(51); ib. 23b(43); Ara 19a(21) Y: jtTBQ Sab ib.(BAYTN 152). 3#NnS!)3 n.m. spadix or inflorescence of palms, spathe, palm pollen (4- X1S1J.; QA n*lB3 ATTME 365, Sy K'ia.^LS 129, Ma xnXSU MD 84, > Arab csjiS, csjU Fr, AF 147) 1. spadix or inflorescence of palms: sg. '3T '73 X1B13 GC 145:6 [expl. ni"31S3 MUqs 3:7 and expl. as Arab £&]; Ber 36b(19) // Pes 52b(37) [within the spathe]; Ket 60b(52); 2. spathe: sg. Suk 32a(22) [suggested identification of DPafl 311S3 Lev 23:40]; pi. '1B13 ypl ]Xa 'XH a certain person who cut down palm spathes BQ 59b(9); Ket 10a(31) [used to lash s.o.; 4- V303 af, mng. 3]; 3. palm pollen: sg. Xri3pi37 naai XIS'IT X1D13 'H'tt he brings the pollen of the male (palm) and places it on the female Pes 56a(12) [expl. MH D'VpT H'Sia Mib. 4:8; cf. Audo 130: rC±i\ -i-=i Geon. expl.: y^bMSlX XnB13 OHR BM 36:4 [cf. Sy: rt'-u3«-\_ jiAJI ^JiSJI BBah 472:13]; 'yBDff'] [W^a nTXipW fll'JB3 X1B13 nBjVx TaS 637b:2, i.e. tsjii Siggel 25; p O'np^M D'^ O'SJ? ^pi Vw mnn OHP Ket 9:27; X1B13T 1013 13"m rPTam X1913 D'3:y3 10131 0nan3 yv OHR BQ 63:16; Lit: Flora 2:335; Pfl 78+; Eps, GC 14520; Y: XnB» Pes 56a(12; BAYTN 152). 4# SHSIS n.m. henna {Lawsonia alba; 4- 2# XJTI; Sy K'ia^o LS 340, mng. 2) pi. 'TS131 Xnir;a salve of henna Git 69b(47) Geon. expl.: XJn ^X pi OHT Git 158:5. Lit: Pfl 212; Flora 2:223. '387S13 4- '327313 n. 1# KflBIS n.f. (uncertain) sg. Sab 77b(31) [expl. as 3'il *|i3 overturn (it) and sit (on it) ib.] Expl. Ar: Vn'p 7V3 13 WW ^S AC ib. Rashi offers several other explanations; Y: XHB13 Sab ib. 2# NnS13 n.f. (uncertain) sg. XHS133 X'3p "BX X'BT even a reed in ... becomes slack Git 32a(3; V18MGE 272:1) [Var: Xrl'BtJ V'6] Expl. Ar: °70 AC 4:287; Y: XriBW Git ib. 1# K113 n.m. kor, a measure (< Akk kurru A a measure of capacity CAD K 564, AIOA 65; TA 113 TO Lev 27:16, Sy [i<&u> LS 342, Ma XTI3 MD 209, > Arab jS Fr, AF 207) sg. X"V)33 XBTip a grain (of salt of Sodom) in a kor Er 17b(17) // Hul 105b(14); X731XT xy"D X1HH ('7> 'in 'T17 Xm3 naytSXI Xni3 I saw a certain Arab who fed it [i.e. the camel] a kor (of fodder) and loaded it with a kor Sab 155b(16); Ket 99a(15); BM 105a(36); BB 36a(19); xynXT X113 a field (which yields) a kor (of grain) Mei 21b(5); XrrraT X113 a /tor of salt Sab 4a(5) // £r 36a(38) // Hul 112a(7); pl.abs. 1'TD yrev sixty tora (of dates) Ket 112a(32); det. 'TO 'in X13 XD7H a basket with
2# N11D 566 NJ0"1» a capacity of two kors Sab 35a(3); BM 80b(l 1); /& 105a(36); 106b(30) Voc: K113 HGP lb:37; Y: VTfa Sab 155b(16; BAYTN 24). 2# N113 n.m. wooden pole around which a web is woven (4 '1113 '2, XT] 713; Sy k'Avjt.o PSm 1807) sg. Sab 105a(45; GC 56:9,Ar [AC 4:311, s.v. 713],0!) Geon. expl.: H"B3 3TV<1) GC ib. [mng. uncertain]; Lit: GC 5621 3#N"TI3 n.m. beehive (Sy rc\kA LS 323, > Arab sjljS LS ib.) sg. ,T113» pSM xVt KMT1 honey which has not been taken out from its hive Anan 3:8; pi. XMm '(X}113 riMI one who removes honey from beehives TGDr49 103:19 [expl. MH mill Sab 95a(ll)] Contra Eps, St2 548:16, note. 4# N113 n.m. I 'TO '3 n. [5# KT13 4. xi'3 n.] tOrniS n.m. sickness (i V.TI3; Sy rdimicua LS 343) pi. "B>p 'jmi3 ^3 all serious sicknesses Bo 7:11; »6. 119:18 »m(1)3, Sm(l)3 (4 Vn-13) sg., only in Vj? -rn(i)3, -m(i)3 Vya, -m(i)3 tya prep". against the will of ... (JPA THD ty DJPA 269) a. -m(l)3 ty: n'n-113 "?J? XD'J Tlftpvm he forced him to give a ge/ (to his wife) against his will Git 33b (39); ib. 34a(25); rrriTD ty iwti? .T'S3'» to force him to sit against his will (throughout the excommunication ceremony) TGHark 162:2; by nb pna pnv '13 'ni3 against your will (you must conclude that) he solves the problem according to (the opinion of) PN Ket 35b(17); Pes 17a(27); ^ra 24b(26); Ber 40b(15); &Z> 33a(39); torn 10b(14); Men 13b(33); Tew 16b(4); b. ^3 -ni(1)3: 3X1 DTins Vj/3 against the father's will Qid 18a(41); in'TlllS Vy3 against their will i& 61b(29); n'ri13 tya ]'3 HTiyia ]'3 whether willingly or unwillingly Pay 88a(22); Qid 15a(33); «6. 74a(3); 5M 2b(12); nnil3 "?5?3 #P 107:34; 131 XJX 7113 Vy3 whether you like it or not I am your teacher BB 22a(31) Lit: Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62 [1999] 52. N^SIIS n.m. perh. goose (< Akk kurku < Sum kur.gi goose CAD K 561; TA X'5ll3 TJ Jer 8:7 [H Hiyj, Sy Kliiic^ crane LS 346, Ma X'3"I13 MD 209) sg. X'3113 '3 mix he uttered a shrill sound like a goose Qid 44a(42; Ar [AC 4:325]) Y: irai? Qid ib.(BAYTN 212). NM3TI3 n.m. crocus, saffron {Crocus sativus; Sy rd^Loi^-a LS 346, MH D313 Yeivin, BV 986, J 669) only in phrase Ki7B/*-) NB3113 n.m. saffron, saffron fiber (I Xpltf'1; Sy ■•«»» ~jn >> _>«Ji oljiij ... rr'nT.Ha BBah 882:21) 1. saffron: sg. BM 107b(42); 7> T3T XpW'1 Xa3113 ^'ll XpiP'1 733113 lipy I sold you saffron. Uproot your saffron and go BB 38a(l); ib. 16b(30); BM 109a(29); 2. saffron fiber: sg. XI33TD XT1I x"?pna XpE/'l a zwz-weight (of) saffron fiber Sab 110a(47) [used as a drug] Geon. expl.: X031<1>{'D n'BTM Kim ... [3"0 1"BB O'Vs] JD3T3 psyt VxySB' "731 NpW'1 GC 38:3; Lit: Pfl 216; Flora 2:7+; 15; Y: SjJWn XD3TD /6. (BAYTN 264). lOOIlS n.m. chair, throne, pedestal for the Torah scroll (< Akk kussu CAD 587 [< Sum gu.za], w. diss, of r [cf. i X^'T13]; I X'0"I13 '3, Xri'0113; OA XD-13 DNWSI 536, TA 'D113 TO Ex 17:16, Sy rCLcoAo^ LS 348, Ma X'0113 MD 209) 1. chair: sg. T3 n"0113 X13J XMPTCn lib IDT XTlXin the chair of one whose husband is an 'ant' is placed among the distinguished women Ket 75a(18) // Yev 118b(39); 'SBD'1? niX-im m3Sn ... n"D113^ let them overturn his chair [i.e. may he be cursed]! They overturned it and set it up Git 35a(43); 2. throne: sg. Xin *)X XjnxV n'DTDa bsi he also fell from his throne to the ground Hul 59b(38); X.TJXI ri'OTD God's throne Bo 18:7; ib. 35:6; 31:11; 41:8; 3. pedestal for the Torah scroll: sg. 13ya"7 'M X'0113 'XH '"12/ XD1T X'0113 TO'» it is also permitted to make a small pedestal for the Torah scroll from a (large) pedestal Meg 26b(36); ib. 31; 42; ]'psa X'01133 rrV pmai min ISO the Torah scroll is taken out of the ark and is placed on the pedestal TGHark 271:29; ib. 170:9 Expl. Ar [mng. 3]: 13 ]'-|ip»3 mill 1B0 l'ty 1'rl'MJB lrf?W AC 4:335; Lit: Krauss, SA1 388; on Git ib., cf. OA na&T ,1X013 'T7ni fl]in may Hadad and HaldT overturn his throne Bukan 11; ■1X0T3 JllTI Tairb for establishing the ... of his throne Fekh 23 [v. Sok, IEJ 49(1999) 114; J.C. Greenfield - A. Shaffer, in Greenfield, AKY 223]; Lit: AIOA 28; Y: XJ'CnW Hul 59b(37; BAYTN 264). Kjrtnra t * : 567 TT3 Sn'OIIS n.f. litter, palinquin (< i X'DTD + KTf [dimin. ending]; cf. Sy rr^j-ooio-o small chair LS 348) sg. wrx y^p'a '3 xri'Diis x'nn in1? X'in rP^'V n^ '^a nnnV they had a certain litter. When someone happened to come there they made him lie upon it San 109b(31) [NXTI3 I 3# X-VO n.] •^'riniS adj. Kurdish (< MP kurtik Nyberg 120) pl.f. pTrTD [text: 13171T3] TGAs42 160:1 [expl. MH XXl'mij? Pes 21b(9)] nNt^lS n.m. Ethiopian (Sy Kiiio-o PSm 1716) pi. "XtlTO nn man two certain Ethiopians ■SWt 53a(18) Y: 'XB13 5ut ib. J3MBn3 n.m. a prepared dish (< NP ?) sg. HG1 104:79 [Var: JJX13W13, Mpwil] Kni?B;i3, N"lp«?1A n.m. inferior type of flour (< Mir *xuskar [cf. NP xuskar PED 462]; Sy rc'-U^.cua LS 350, > Arab jliii. PLAr 110) sg. XlpB/13 'V 'ffK b'T go (and) bring me A:.-flour Git 56a(35; MGD 626:28,SM 43:18) [lower grade than I XVao, xnnvn; V16: XipiPIl] Expl. RaH: '3ny 'wVai nnpn ]» i'K'Xtob ^lrsn "b xnptm 1X3B3 OHR ib. 36:27. Lit: Geig, AAC 134. However, since the form of the word in MGD and SM begins w. kaf, his objection there should be rejected. inBftS n.m. vigor (I VlEO; Sy k'Ajco.o success, vigor LS 350) sg. XJTPm X12n3 the animal's vigor BM 93b(29) Y: !CnW13 ib.(StG 157). XJYI3 I xnms n. nNJTIS n.m. Samaritan (nisbe-form < GN (l"0JTD HAL 446; JPA "T113 DJPA 255, MH Tib Yeivin, BV 763, J 627) pl.m. "XJVD Pes 51a(2); Ber 47b(14); BM 69a(43); Nid 69a(15); San 21b(48) [expl. MH niDl'in ib.] Y: 'Sni3 Ber ib.(BAYTN 319). KIWIS, NnKniS, KrWS n.m. type of dish containing whey, salt, and mold of barley flour (I X3B3; JPA nrVD DJPA 255, Sy «lin<xa dish prepared w. vinegar [Lex], rc'&o.a [Lex] LS 318, 351, MH 'V^an nri» MPesK 3:1, NP katax milk, buttermilk, and salt PED 1014) sg. T1X xaVi xnXT1133 nVs'aV lest he be apt to eat it [i.e. bread baked in an oven plastered w. animal grease] with the k.-dish (containing milk) Zev 95b(27) // Xnril33 Pes 30a(22); ib. 76b(32); V3X3 Xnrra 'XH Xin vhti nana the £.-dish is eaten because of its salt Hul 112a(15); Xnni33 xny'3 an egg in a /t.-dish Er 62b(22) // Ket 60b(27); Yom 78b(36) [food for a child]; Pes 43a(15); Er 65a(30) [but Xm3 (Ar [AC 4:957])]; 'nm33 XW31 'S^r? flax shoot in the A:.-dish Ned 49a(28); p"T pm' '1 'X'jaaT xnmaa PN used to spit from (the mention of) the /t.-dish of the Babylonians Sab 145b(17; V) [Var: X7113 RaH.Ar (AC ib.)]; ib. 19; X3Y71 3D 'B'3 'ail xnmsa Vs'a8? "-ona xnai xno it is better to eat a putrid g.-fish of GN than the Jt.-dish which ... Hor 12a(45) // Kar 6a(13) Expl. RaH: K'n KnD13 S1113 iaiX» 'S »'l OHP Sab 89:24; 117113 "|8X3 Egron 257 [4- X303]. Ace. to the expl. in Pes 42a(33), this dish was unhealthy since it contained whey, salt, and mold of barley flour, and its unpalatable taste for many is obvious from the above citations; Lit: Fl, TMW 2:459; Low, ZA 22 [1909] 79+; Y: XniTD Yom 78b(36; BAYTN 268). 1# xVlTO n.m. wall (Pal *7TO PAT 374, DNWSI 547, TA X?ni3 TJ 2K 4:10, BH, MH "rVb HAL 480, Yeivin, BV 852, Akk kutlu rail, fence CAD K 610) sg. 'mn xbJTD a new wall Ber 56a(45); Sab 80b(31); pi. ,!?rn3 nnB/a '3D from the time that the walls (of the Temple) become dark Yom 28b(10); Pes 58a(26) Y: tym Yom ib.(BAYTN 152). 2# NVm3, NVmp, N^i? n.m. rear part (< Akk kutallu rear part of body CAD K 604, AIOA 65; Sy rciA"^\ci-o rear part of a ship LS 352, Ma l#xVril3 MD 211) pi. 'Tim 'VlYD the rear parts of pigs Hul 17a(28); 'Tim 'Vip Meg 13a(37) [Var: 'Vmp Ar (AC 7:229); 'bnp GTB2 251:19] Geon. expl.: j'Biyw Tin "wia ]»» iw3 Vw nu'jin ]ixi ^w n"b ^Tii: jv'tni Vnp xipai n^ioi nap uy lmx OHP Meg 76:23(Ar), i.e. Jii [pi. of iJiS] pieces of meat; Y: '^ro //«/ ib.; '^np Meg ib. IT3 vb. to be shy, ashamed (cf. Sy \<La to be shy, timid, ashamed, K'^e^a shivering LS 320, 324) Pe., pass.part. shy, ashamed: iTra rt3 TlS'a he is extremely shy of him Yev 112a(l; Ar [AC 5:211]); ru'» H3 x1? iTVDx nbvvb nra rts inaa' he is shy towards his yevama to ask her (about
Kins 568 tfra her menstrual date). He is not shy towards his wife Pes 72b(36); Yev 26a(22); XH<3)(an .IT?' VatJ'aV a girl who is too shy to immerse herself Nid 15b(ll) Lit: Geig, AAC 79; for a late usage, v. NJIT'O TV ]lII<3)D)n X^> do not cause me shame Mahzor Pesah 636:21; Y: KT'TD Nid ib.(Mo 239) Htm i l#in num. T13 4- Vi# 'na vb. tP'nS adj. lean, weak (4- VltfrD pe., pass.part., Xmtf'na; cf. BH, MH K?n3 pe. HAL 447, J 629) 1. lean: sg.m. XVI X'TJ 'XI m'TJX ln^ 'X WTO +'X ■TIOT3X in1? 'X if he was lean, he said to them: "Fatten him up." If he was fat, he said to them: "Make him lean" Nid 47b(34) // Yev 97a(23) // BB 155b(ll); f. JVX1 XWTDT XVI XBH XT'? XITI 'J*lp ri'b that one is the sea-creature which is lean and has horns BB 74a(42; Es); pl.f. XrwTO BQ 118b(39) [of sheep]; 2. weak: sg.m. Ket 50a(36) [* I na adj., mng. l]; n'V'n wna wvpi nas the older (the snake) becomes, the weaker is its strength AZ 30b(20); ib. 40; f. Xtf'rD Yev 120b(27) [of a camel]; Men 69a(41) [of a seed]; Bek 41a(30) [of a goat]; XW('>fl}n3 XTbTJ (his) eyesight is weak Qid 24b(50) [* 'TJ BB 84a(18)]; pl.m. 'PTD 5e£ 41a(30) Y: W7D >fev ib.(BAYTN 57). NfflttTnS n.f. weakness, emaciation (4- KTrD) 1. weakness: sg. n'3 'VTiriXT XVI XTlwrD it is weakness which developed in him Yev 79b(50); Git 70b(26); ]'a'3 ,T> xVnnx xmP'rD the weakness developed in his right hand Bek 45b(19); Men 69a(40) [of seeds]; 2. emaciation, leanness: sg. XJlTri' XmitfTD excessive emaciation Bek 3b(30); BB 155b(13) // Nid 47b(35); Hul 93b(4) Y: XriW'ra BB ib.(BAYTN 176). 7D3 vb. to paint the eyes, smear a salve on the eye, blind (denom. < I xVm3; 4- X^roa, V2# VD; Sy • V ■'» » to paint the eyes, blind LS 324) Pe. (a/u) 1. to paint the eyes w. kohl (for beautification): 'Vri3 X1? xm do they, in fact, paint (just one eye) with kohl? Sab 80a(31); 2. to smear a salve on the eye: VrDB1? XTtf min' at Xnaifa xrj? PN permitted smearing a salve on the eye on the Sabbath AZ 28b(33); Bes 22a(50); ib. 56; 3. euph. w. NJ'J? pi. to blind s.o.: VUlVrD nTyV they blinded it [i.e. the evil inclination] Yom 69b(32) // San 64a(22); m'jrt" <T^ "Tins'? /A. 27a(45) [but v. 4- Vl#',TJ pe.]; Ber 58a(36; Ed) Itpe. to be smeared (of a salve): (])(')xa 'Xn 'mx» ^OninS'1? '»no^>1 'jm let one who wishes to be blinded have a salve smeared on his eyes by a pagan Nid 55b(38); /& 39 Xbra n.m. udder (MH "?ri3 MHul 8:3) sg. x"?n3 TOX X"H2P3 'V?'y (roasting) an udder above meat (in an oven) is forbidden Hul llla(32); ib. 34; 36; pi. ,!7n3T xWajl a cooked dish of udders /& 110a(15);20;23;26;40(H2) Y:XVp#w/ llla(32). B?n3 vb. to become lean, infertile, deteriorate, weak, decrease in value, contradict (I WTO, XDltfTO, XOT3; BH, MH tim HAL 447, J 629) Pe. (e/u) 1. to become lean: xmitrns nana 'X wnaa 'J?3 VI'TOl if it is because of leanness, both of them [i.e. the eyes] should be lean [i.e. small] Bek 3b(32); 2. to become infertile: 'ax '"I 'JW3 Xjnx Ktrm in the time of PN the soil became infertile BM 105b(28) [* XJ'aW Tin]; WinS'JI ma ENn3,!? X1?! Xjnx let the field become infertile (by planting sesame), but do not let its owner be worth less (by planting wheat) BM 104b(34; Es); 3. to deteriorate: 'OT3T Xin XJW.1 it is now that I have deteriorated Yev 65a(12); 4. w. l#»6'n to become weak: m'TOpl T^'n 1PT13 he [lit. his strength] became weak and they killed him San 95a(53; F2); rrVri mnybl '3YI '3 in order that (the tree) should become weak Sab 67a(42) // Hul 78a(l); 5. to decrease in value, be worth less [* 4- V2#n3W af, mng. 2]: D'33jn JOT3 K/n3'a ja"pl na3T regarding grapes the longer they remain the more they decrease in value Git 39a(27); San 15a(42); BQ 95a(16) [of an animal]; ib. 34a(26); 97a(13) [of a slave]; BM 104b(34; Es) [v. supra, mng. 2] Af. 1. to make lean: TIOT3X iV'T go (and) make him lean BB 155b(12) // Yev 97a(23) // Nid 47b(35); 2. to cause deterioration: miay XB/naaT work which causes deterioration (in the foetus) Tern 1 lb(40); ,T> 'E/n3ai <D'>3Wy rf? Wp (if he planted the fenugreek for seed), grasses are detrimental to it by causing it to deteriorate BQ 81a(25); T7 XM'iT X3X1 nvmn nx you cause (the animal's) depreciation, and I shall pay you? ib. 34a(27); 3. to make infertile: 'Wnsa xpT mj^'X xyixa trees which make the soil infertile BB 37b(l); 4. to contradict (a witness): nm WX mcnaxi two (witnesses) came and contradicted him [i.e. the previous witness] Yev 93b(26); Tin 'ttmaa Xpl Xin 'WTOX (the witnesses) completely contradict each other's testimony San 69a(32); Naz 20a(30); TGHark 220:9; RH 20b(13); Bek 28b(6); Yev 87b(47); Sot 31b(20); Kar llb(29) Ittaf. 1. to be refuted (of witnesses): WW3nX mTpna WW3nx X71 mp'naa (the witnesses) were refuted (by the court) in 'checks' but were not refuted in 'investigations' San 9b(8); ib. 81b(28); BQ 74a(21); BB 31a(28); 2. w. '? to contradict: <X>C)ap nma'T n'1? wnan'X he contradicted his first statement Kar 12b (10) X&m, NlimrO, cs. tfn.3 n.m. deterioration, infertility (4- Vtfn3) sg.cs. XJSU ^na deterioration of the vine BQ 59a(35); det. Tim Xttma reversible deterioration i& 94a(54); X1?-! Xtt?na Tin irreversible deterioration ib. 56; XjnXT Hlt/na the infertility of the soil BM 104b(33); ib. 101b(3) [Var: XWXna Geon 208:10] Y: XWn? BM ib.(BAYTN 87). '3, "3 prep, like, as, according to, size of (Akk ki prep. CAD K 322; 4- "13, 'Tin usage b.4; cf. Ma *D MD 225, Sy yy.K' LS 14) 1. like, as: a. w. fol. n.: XJTO3 XTon 'S like wine in a (glass) cup Yom 35b(16); X^p'T? X1TJ '3 like an ax to a date palm Ket 10b(54; Ar [AC 5:388]) [metaph. for something harmful to the body]; San 28b(15); ma 'ap Xiaya like a slave before his master Sab 10a(9); ,X3n 'in '3 'XW 'W these Tannaim are like those Tannaim Er 104b(30); "inai KVtiV 'ID'a nna Xica sun after rain is like two rains Tan 3b(40); nn33 nxai nxas 'in two (witnesses) are like a hundred and a hundred are like two Yom 83a(16); nri'3 '3 n'Vj/ n'"73p he accepted it [i.e. the testimony of one witness] upon himself as two San 23a(47); 'in '33 -p p'TO 'X if you believe him like two (witnesses) Qid 66a(24); 'ai 'yplpas Xiay a slave is considered as real estate BQ 12a(20) [4- V'ai pe., mng. 2a]; 'JOai riTITlx '3 he was walking in his usual manner BQ 32a(28) [4- l#XnTiX mng. 3.d.3]; '3 X3n 1DX I7'T',71 awn'1? X"73n should the Tanna continue to enumerate like a peddler? Git 33a(2) [+ //'s; 4- xVan]; nowi 'ddd3 x"7Ti xroaoxa x"7i neither like '.-stipulations, nor like templates of documents [i.e. it is legally binding] BB 44b(14); X31X1 xnX3 'xVj? ri'ai I consider you to be like 'the lion and the lamb' BQ 85a(51; Oxf, heb. c.23); Hul 59b(28); b. w. fol. lsg. pron.: ]ani naa xpwa X3'X X3X '3 how many PNs like me are there in the marketplace? Qid 33a(45); Pes 49a(40; E2) [E1: 'ma]; c. w. fol. demonstr. pron.: Xn '3 like this (case/instance) Sab 41a(16) [cf. JPA XT13 DJPA 153]; Yev 65b(43); Git 62a(37); Ara 15b(52); Xinn '3 Er 53b(9); X'nn '3 Yev 65b (41); 'J71 '3 "]3m those (days) are like these (days) RH 18b(38); V.T1 'Tin '3 inVlS they are all alike Hul 13b(16) [4- 'Tin usage b.4]; d. w. fol. poss. pron.: X'BT rpTI '3 it is regarded as his own ib. 40b(16); Git 44b(27); Pes 5b(46); e. w. fol. adv.: Xrwn '3 in»V 1J? TJJ'X I shall wait until tomorrow at the same hour [lit. like now] BB 74a(33) [4- XTltin usage I.f.2]; DXin '3 as in that case [i.e. in the precedent] Ket 74a(24); San 66b(38); Zev 57b(23; V8); 2. according to: '3 na H'lriX '3 "lai n'lnx you according to (the custom of) your place, and he according to (the custom of) his place Yom 55a(41); Git 49b(49); x"71 tjs x"7i ia3 m xnaVn Taxnx the law was not stated according to either one or the other San 6a(17); Er 65a(19); ippbl Xipi'3 VlpE/ take (compensation) according to the higher price ahead of you [i.e. at harvest time] BQ 7b(9); X'Ml mra XJW'Va (a barraita) is learnt according to the latter version Git 46a(9); n'V KT3D ]Xa3 Trt with whose opinion [lit. according to whom] do you agree? BB 95b(26); San 27a(9); Er 14a(32); X3'pj? 'TJ ]Xa3 Yev 68b(14); Suk 3a(14); BM 83a(19); 'TJJ? '3TJTJ 'SJ X3X I also acted according to the greater authorities BB 51b(15); 'X3J1 '3m XXUlVsa according to the disagreement of these Tannaim Qid 59b(45); 3. size of,
'37 570 N3TU 'Nil '3 amounting to [cf. Akk fo" CAD ib. 324, mng. 5', MH mt3 Ber 47b(41)]: X(pT1)mp}0'S '3 iOU^m XT1JBX '31 Tn(»3)W)X1 sal ammoniac the size of a pistachio and galbanum the size of a nut Gtf 69a(41); BB 75a(27) Lit: Satzlehre 245, 247; Rimalt 117 [etym. discussion]; Y: '? Ber 7a(30; BAYTN 337). - '3* prep, like IBJVXI XI '37 like what was stated (elsewhere) 5g 46a(21) — "*T3, T3, "*T '3 prep, as that of, according to, conj. as, as if (< "1 + '3; prep.: Sy -3 w-jrc' Nold, SG §364C, Ma 13 MD 225, Nold, MG 463; conj.: Akk lama CAD K 363+, JPA "1 1B3 DJPA 261) I. prep, as that of, according to: a. general: nrrnrr? max mm xmtd like (the case) of a certain (woman) who used to say to another AZ 26a(25); XJWiTD ]'3T he sold (it) according to the current value [lit. as that of now] BQ 7b(5); Hor 3a(39); b. w. the name of an authority: 11172/ ■"axis he sent it [i.e. the reply] as that [i.e. the opinion] of PN Ket 81b(29); Sab 139a(51); 'KB 'xV'y am mm x?ijn3 -pnjn what is your opinion? Is it like that of PN? Bes 22a(51); pi X3TT3 nnax (xa'1 'mm 73i PN and all the travelers said it according to (the opinion) of PN2 Hul 101b(17); BQ 29a(31); San 113a(4); '7131 7X1BW13 117 ml? 'B75? everyone disagrees with [lit. does not have] PN's opinion Svu 44a(3); 1B7 H'1? mX13 1B71 m? JTX13 each one according to his opinion Ber 21b(20; F); II. conj. 1. as: H'B nmxis xn 'nmxis xn x'tx is this the (same) designation (in both cases)? Each deals with a different matter [lit. this is as it is, that is as it is] Er 70a(25) [for add. exx., v. 4- X'TX]; X'jm '3 as is learnt Pes 41a(16); XaiJ/Ba '1BX13 as they say in Eretz Israel Svu 5a(5); 'EU'X '1BX13 as people say Er 86a(24); Yom 15a(45); Qid 70a(40); BB 3a(13); W« '1BX T3 //f 98:4; '1IM13 1DJ XI 'B/3'X he, in fact, guards as people guard BM 93b(l); 10V 31 DliriB13 as PN translates Ber 28a(53); X3Sm XB1SX XBmjJ T"H3 (it shakes enough) for the lid to quiver on the mouth of a pitcher BB 26a(l); 17 'J/313 13 'X1W I planted in it as much as was necessary Men 69a(22); AZ 17b(30); ]»p 1B'B7 p'J/313 as we wish to say further on BM 100a(38); 1'7 '3/3'B T3 as is befitting him Tan 23a(52); 'Xp 'Xp13 it remains as it is Sab 15b(21); Yom 64b(5); Ara 33a(37); Xip'J/B pW13 XXlllina it is evident (that it is) as we originally replied Er 96a(12) [4- Xmiina]; x'de/ ja xjV nnxi '3 prom rami xn'psi we instructed them to write their answers as they showed us from heaven TGHark 32:9; ib. 76:17; X?'5/7 E/1sai3 xni the law is as it is explained above ib. 162:4; p2/X11 01X 72/ 11S03 P1BB1 '3 as it is explained in the Book of Adam iSGF 59:13; 'TXH3 ]irP7y 'SflDBI he will oversee them as is fit ,S?/fo/ 17b(5); 2. as if: 17173 TU 3'DJ 'XT 1'13 113 3'M Xpl '3 1'7 mn if he marries the daughter of his daughter-in-law it is for him as if he marries his son's daughter AnanSok la: 19; ib. 23; Xnj/»2? 'E/3'X '1BA X713 p31B 'XI 'B1 this one of the scholars seems (to think) as if people cannot learn the legal tradition Er 15a(42) // BM \\b{5) II BB 84b(21) Lit: Satzlehre 246+. -"T3* prep, for that of, conj. for what (< "3 + -7 -1 + ) I. prep.: jam 31137 '7 'y3'B 'XI I need this (verse) for that [i.e. the opinion] of PN Pes 70b (20); XTT "11 '1137 ,T7 'y3'B Xlin 55 147a(17); /fog 8b(4); Ket 22a(27); flg 51a(44); 5A/ 27a(41); Hul 130b(2); II. conj.: 'y3'B Xini X'JJ1137 '7 I need that (verse) for what is learnt (in a Tannaitic source) ... Yom 62b(31); Pes 5a(34); Yev 101b(17); San 73a(8); Zev 9a(42); 'X7B2/ '1 12/11137 iT7 '3'B 'XI he needs this (verse) for what PN expounded Nid 45b(27); XTD ]3 1303 3TI3137 ,T7 'y3'B he needs it [i.e. the verse] for (something similar to) what is written in Ecclesiastes ib. 16b(41); Git 49a(9) Y: ~\J7 BQ ib. - N311J 'KH '3, K3TU »NH3 adv. in such a T._ .. T . > t:- -t: manner or case (4- XJ11A) a. in non-verbal phrases: 'XB XJ1J 'XH '3 what (is the law) in such a case? Sab 112a(19); Meg 26b(12); tef 99b(17); BM 106b(32); /fZ49a(38); XJ11 'XH '3 X3'X 'Bl is there such a case? 50 35a(8); Ket 75a(40); Sab 155b(15); XJ11 'XH '3 XJX'SID XI X3'X1 X3'1 73 wherever there is an extra waw in such a manner Anan 10:18; ib. 83:23; X311 "Xn3 np'71 ]'ry7 1#'3 571 1#'3 X32/3 p'33B concerning a fire, in such a case we extinguish (it) on the Sabbath HP 3:13; b. in verbal phrases: 'linx 'IBp X7 XJU 'XH '3 1,'SniE/ partners are not particular with each other in such a case BM 116b(16); 'K/i'X '73X X7 Kill 'XH '3 people do not eat in such a manner Zev 28a(25); X311J 'XH '3 "imX7 to include such a case //w/ 10a(39); XTU 'XH '3 Xmmxa nTO T»1 X7 1DX did Moses not indicate in the Torah in such a manner? Tan 9a(20); 'Tnm» 'a X311J 'XH '3 xmip'SX does such a case seem to be irreverence? Er 63a(30); Yom 18a(18); BM 97a(7); Men 56b(25); Xin XJU 'XH '31 15/11X7 Xri3©3 135/H7 TDXT to inform you that it is forbidden to do work of such a type on the Sabbath Anan 71:23; ib. 80:8 Y: Mil? W '3 &j6 73a(29). 1#'3 conj. when, while, as (perh. < NB ki sa when, as soon as, after CAD K 316+, M. Dietrich, AOAT 1:74+; 88+, or < OfA H3 HALOT 1852, w. loss of intervocalic d Nold, MG 463 [cf. I l#'Xn pron., xn pron.]; Sy xi LS 318, Ma 13 MD 225) 1. when, while, as: a. in temporal clauses: 1) w. pret.: map nn*iax '3 7Xiasn when I said it the presence of PN BB 139b(22); "3X 13 'S'a 317 nTDBX XTT '1 p,!?D '3 'Xpl 3'mi when PN emigrated (to Eretz Israel) he found PN2 sitting and saying Hul 49a(32); Zev 59a(22); XTT '11 TE?Si T\l '3 when PN died San 37a(28); AZ 10b(50); mxa V1V Xn7n 111 '3 after [lit. when there were] three days he would die (of starvation) San 109b(34); 2) w. part.: X't?a '3 rTOlV'X Xnj/B/ X'nn when that propitious moment comes 1 shall curse him San 105b(33); AZ 4b(31); WTO xn 'yn^X 'am ,!?1J '31 when the orphans grow up, I shall sue them BB 33a(l 1); '3 13TB1 n'l^SJX 'B1 msi'n ]aT 'Oa when the time of his liability arrives he makes an effort and remembers Svu 45b(9); BB 171b(21); 10ma '3 117132 1Dm(a)(X) 'XHS when he is forbidden for this one, he is forbidden for all of them Naz 62b(12); mra 'V3 DJinV np70 '3 when you travel to Eretz Israel, ask him Hul 110b(9); BM 43b(35); Bek 17a(13); X31P 3'X1 'BJ 'S'lJI '3 when (the pieces of meat are laid out) straight the fat also drips Hul 8b(37; V"); ib. 133a(10); 3) past continuous: "<& ?'TX 111 '31 VAJ/ai 'Jim XaniB when PN used to go to the school Tan 23a(50); XrnyrO 3'm mn '3 r\tW 31 whenever PN used to fast Ber 17a(23); 4) w. particle of existence: rra'71 '1© 111 XB7J/3 Xiys X3'X '3 whenever there was suffering in the world he used to remove his cloak Sab 10a(10); Er 65b(20); BM 53b(10); b. in circumstantial clauses [Sy si w. part. Nold §275; cf. n_p i;< ... j^vjai Mat 17:9]: 1) preced. main clause: a) XI in main clause: '3 XI JVfll '3 XI p'^D this is while descending (to the river), that is while ascending (from it) Sab 41a(15); '3 XI HJP7X 'i ^p '3 xn txb 'ii xa'Vx ny7x '1 'xp P311 xa'Vx this is when PN maintains the opinion of PN2, that when PN maintains the opinion of the scholars ib. 62a(40); b) pret. vb. in main clause: iTBT XJ1X m^SJ xm Xp 111 '3 1'3 ,71,lff7 as he was dying, PN came to inquire about his welfare Tan 22b(17); Sab 59b(30); Hag 5b(18); Ket 77b(25); BM 86a(34); BB 58a(26); xjii mnn 15? n'ps© 7'tx xp mn '3 as he was going, he let him alone until he descended the staircase Er 52a(30); Meg 16a(24); Git 68a(8); b) imp. vb. in main clause: XB'Tl X7 Xri3 XWm '3 'TB ,7 while I am sitting in judgment, do not say anything to me BQ 96b(26); c) part, in main clause: BM 84b(43); 'BIX TT 'WB '3 when he washes his hands he says ... Ber 60b(41); ib. 33; 34; 37; Sab 66b(22); max 1733 Xp '3 as she was jumping (off the roof) she said BB 3b(41); '33 ■>? im X7 xwm 's ,7 iTn xaa'xp '3 train rrvm the people of the public thoroughfare can see me when I am standing. They cannot see me when I am seated ib. 6b(20); 'XSX XJHIB X3'7n '3 XJ'bm I only hang (objects) when I turn my face away ib. 59b(14); XJ1T1TB XTn 'VtXI T7 ''Wpi '3 xnJTSX XnJBI while they were continuing to hold him he saw the mezuza which was placed on the entrance AZ 1 la(13); X17 11BX 31 3'3W1 D"3 '3 xnya© when he was drowsy and falling asleep, PN stated this legal tradition Yev 24b(25) [+ //'s; I Vd13 pe., mng. 2]; Meg 13b(13); 2) fol. main clause: a) act. part.: 'p7D '3 'p'lS 1,331 '7 'Tnx XJ/'pn xriSTlB? Timi show me the righteous
nyn '3 572 (D'P'n '3 scholars as they are ascending and descending to the heavenly academic session BM 85b(34); ]3 "73 3"rv» 'nxw '3 xmns rra1? V"jn nac d'-iipj? X^Op anyone from the age of twenty who enters the synagogue while drinking (an intoxicating beverage) is liable for capital punishment Anan 22:7 [// VtD ID ib. 21:24]; JH' Xb '3 7rb "7'3X IN H'3 if he eats it [i.e. a pK/] unwittingly [lit. when he does not know what it is] ib. 55:7; p'aw +'X1 n'Vy py 'in "?'nxa xV '3 nnay1? n'V if (a man) manumits his slave when he is not circumcised, it is a sin for him AnanEps 286:18; b) pass.part.: Xnan D'pJI xbm 3'3"l '3 K3?"D bxyi an Arab came in while riding a camel and holding a spear 55 74a(2); Tan 22b(50); //P 3.8:11; n'1? V?"y 'pj"lX pri'ltf OOtJ'pJ '3 Hay J'TTO they brought into him sixty slaves while they were holding sixty bags BM 84b(9; V22); '3 n'ax"7 inn'31 XpSl XDWpa his wife went out towards him adorned Tan 23b(6); MQ 17a(31); 3'0 ,11,1 '3 n'3a01 he ordained him when he was old San 14a(21); 'sx '3i bvva '3 n'l^'y p'aiaa xtnx we make the blessing (JIlJITa 'Va Xlia) over rice when it is either cooked or baked HP 191:13; 2. in '3(1) as an expression of a restriction only: a. w. repetition of the same vb. rt.: 1) w. pf.: nari'X '31 "larrx XPnx W'p1? em that statement of PN was only said on the first part of the Mishna [lit. when that of PN was said, it was said ...] Bek 51b(27); BQ 56a(48); Xln inxn b& tfpn'N '3 EfpJl'Xl it was only compared in respect to delay in payment [v. Dt 23:22] Ned 6b(22); Pes 53a(7); BQ 73a(44); BM 53b(10); ib. 101b(13); BB 42a(9); Men 68b(21); 2) w. part.: xyn run Xp '3 nm Xp (God) is only angry for a moment AZ 4b(25); g/V/ 47b(21); i& 76a(34); BM 65a(16); Afe«? 7b(23); Sew 16a(22); 'Tim X'aa 'J1E? '31 TiW>b he should only drink an infusion of the '.-tree Git 69b(54; M); 1D1TJI XTiyaw pn'0"U '31 X'XlT Xin: by study a legal tradition only alongside a river of (running) water Kar 6a(10) // //or 12a(43); Tan 24b(15); 3) w. past continuous: jna J7TJ yTJ mn '3 he used to bow down only at (the word) ■qna Ber 12a(52); San 96a(53); b. in seq. ~\ (N37I) ... '31: 1) w. pf: pa~l T13J7 '3 n"m yxab yn xam xrupxi the scholars only enacted the ordinance [lit. when the scholars enacted the ordinance (it was) where he knew from whom he stole it BQ 103b(24); BM 66b(36); Svu 41b(2); 2) w. part.: ybliMb ''Itf'n '3 ~~l X3TI '"?'a '3n we take into consideration mutual partiality only in a case where ... AZ 61b(27); mioaa XTpa 'JXKH X3'n 'J'Vd '31 they only differ where the reading tradition is different from the consonantal text San 4b(30); Ber 53a(15) [* TVs X1?]; 5e/t 60a(27); Nid 1 la(36); c. in seq. "3 ... '3: '3 TVs X1? y"3 mxa -lixaa X*1131 XTJ3 'I'bs no one disagrees concerning (the terms) "11X13 and '")ixa. They only differ concerning XTJ and X113 Ber 52b(51); Sab 39a(12); Bek 20a(3); '3 'ETBJ 'ani3 'X1H X3X IX XlV'XJVa mn were it me, I would have only been saved (from sin) by great mercy Suk 52a(54); d. w. phrase mb 'ya'X: H'1? p'Voa 'SOT "p 'ya'D '3 you may only ask [lit. when you will ask it] where he can evict him Er 65b (3 2) [* 'ya'ri X1? "p]; Pes 30b(24); Yom 47b(9); X'ya'a xp '3 px nbn/lDV ]"? we only ask it in the first instance Meg 27a(18); MQ 19b(35); Xin '3H p X'JD'X '3 ]b N'ya'Xn we only asked it in this manner BQ 52b(17); ib. 95a(39); 3. even if: 1/1X xa'71 '31 TlU inj'X even if you say: "They came (and) decreed ..." Sab 14b(25); Pes 4a(17); Bes 14b(43); BQ 12a(34) [and passim] Lit: Kaufman, AIOA 135; Satzlehre 243+; Y: '? Meg 27a(18). - N3V1 '3 conj. wherever (1 N3Y!) 'D3T X371 '31 TtfX wherever (Scripture) wrote TtfX A/a/t 8a(47); ;7j. 18b(20); 19b(38) Only in Mak (He) [passim], for 4 X3'n Vl - (l)'3'n '3, ())'3'ri3 conj. in order that, just as (I '3'H; Sy -* ^k' LS 15) 1. in order that, so that: 1H3 lOTl'n '3'n '3 mirl X^Wia 11DJX teach your sons (words of) Torah so that they should study them Ber 13b (29); XJV>'a n'V XS'X n'Jiyi amivm '3'n '3 I shall say something to him so that his mind should be put at ease Sab 51b(45); X'»En XJia'X iVy 'lll'Vl '3'n '3 -|tt>n '03 cover your head so that the fear of God should be upon you ib. 156b(34); '3'n '3 'xai1? H'1? O'jp 'll^T he punishes the deceiver so that he should confess BM 3a(24); Tinyri'm '3'H '3 ID'ltfJ ITplX '31? 573 H3'S '3 honor your wives so that you should become rich ib. 59a(56); -m'131? iVlTV xVt '3'n '3 so that they should not accustom themselves to vow Ned 66b(13); ri'a'"D 'Tn'» X"?T ]'3'n '3 so that it should not appear to be interest HP 49:25; 2. just as: a. alone: pBTIST ]'3'n '3 just as we explained Anan 7:8; ib. 27:15; 43:9; iSGF 10:1; ib. 88:7; '3 innDa ma ppwn 'xVaa npwm '3'n just as the Babylonians deceive, (so also) do their rains deceive them Tan 9b(24); 'Xin3X *J ^Wi '3'n '3 "3a1? "7'TWX '»3 X3X just as my forefathers planted (a carob tree) for me, I shall also plant (one) for my children ib. 23a(45); X'D 'W 'POST '3'n '3 X'J^ST VXTl pIDS'1? just as this water stops (flowing), so may NN's blood stop (flowing from his nose) Git 69a(25); pn"713 '"?'» f?rf? 1'J'Taj? 'mxa im'pST '3'n '3 do all of these things just as I commanded you in the Torah Anan 28:3; ib. 98:2; b. fol. in protasis by '3n: '3H 'V la.TT '3'n '3 "p XJa'n' just as they gave (it) to me, so shall I give it to you Bes 13a(29); 131? Xnajm^m '3'n '3 n'1? NJnayJWB '3n laTn^ just as I am obligated to you, so am I obligated to him Pes 31a(21); '3 'tn xpi mrix bx-w xvv 'm '3n x:x 'xb?bt '3'n 'V just as I hid, so also did the Jew hide behind me and was able to see me AZ 70a(40) Lit: Satzlehre 251+; Y: '3'il'? Nid 66a(38; Mo 267). conj. when, whenever (cf. MH "IPS1? DLM 171) a. w. part.: 'Itfrrp nn n1? a'n"3"7 whenever he gives her (the money) it constitutes betrothal Git 74a(34) // Qid 60a(34); n'V XJD"D13 Vm '31? 'V'la when (the child) grows up I shall compensate him from my own (property) BQ 84a(44); Yev 61b(31); BB 7b(ll); IS'1? yW '31? n"7 let him annul her (vows) whenever he hears (them) Ned 72b(22); nJlXDIB nV XniS XniDH ^b na'!3 when (the carrion) decomposes its uncleanness departs from it Men 23a(40); '31? n^Da'1? rf? mwa whenever he finds it [i.e. the hames] let him annul it Pes 6b(48); ib. 114b(36); Yom 85b(34); AZ 37a(25); Hul 8b(20); a'3X!P '3V miBS'1?! nnaira nb iun'V pmax when their father dies let them give her her ketubba and dismiss her TGHark 206:1; b. w. imp.: n3B?T1 '3"7 rhn naiWXI pn pS3 whenever you find (them). He went out and found three (cases) Ber 19a(18); Sab 143b(24); Mak 16a(32); Xni3 nty Vl3'^ V3b XnV'DT when you measure [or: eat] a kor of salt upon it Sab 4a(5) [+ It's; i 1# xnV'» usage d] Y.-'i? Ber 19a(18). - '3», '3 p conj. from the time that (113 ]») '"7m3 nnwa '3» from the time that the walls become dark (from the shadows) Pes 58a(26); Yom 28b(9) [v. OHT ib. 13:3]; 3T»V b'nna '3D from the time that (the sun) begins to set Pes 58a(17); Meg 20b(5); pSJ '3D nnna 1^'in pX xnH7n ~iy\ X3na we were with him from the time that he went out from here until now Yev 88a(30); BQ 79b(52); XBHpa 'a ann '3a from the time that the Temple was destroyed AZ 3b(29; J); Suk 34a(30) ['3 ]a]; Ber 27a(18); Tan 10a(29); MQ 22a(10); Ket 60b(38); Git 24a(l 1); BQ 9a(4); BB 54b(5); AZ 8b(7) Y: '38 Ber 2b(25). 2# '3 conj. 4- "13 conj., "I '3 s.v. '3 prep. '3 interj. therefore, surely (4-13; Sy yA LS 325) ']"T '(3)(3) xriO'iaT xn 10X because they surely judge a judgment of ... BM 30b(40; Ar [AC 5:79', ms.]); '81 '3 Geon 234:11; C3) 'Ktt'X 1^'aV '3"2n people who are surely cognizant of our words Dec 7:6; ... '3 XaX '3 Tp'nn therefore he surely said that ... Anan 37:19; '3 'Xax why therefore? ib. 41:17 Lit: Eps, Stl 75+; ib.27. - '31 interj. I H inxa This word should not be connected w. MH '31 J 630 [so Satzlehre 165] which is used to introduce rhetorical questions. - H3'B '3 adv. now, then, well (4- '3 interj.) '3 p'Vo TiTM '13a now then, it derives from them RH 4b(10); p rvb am 'n3a '3 now then, he learnt it so ISGF 53:7; nj?T H3'» '3 now then, you know TGHark 100:17; Djn'a "py X3'1? n3'» '3 now then, there is nothing against you ib. 161:34; 207:33; XWX13 TCb aJ13T n3'» '3 now then, that (Scripture) has written it at the beginning Anan 56:9; '13a '3 p'Ppai we ask now OHT Ket 218:3 Lit: iSG 531; Eps, Stl 75. [NTIN'3 n.m. ugliness (4- 15?13a; Sy K'iK'euo LS 315) sg. &6 62b(41;M) Given as an alternative rdg. for 4- 1# N3'3]
1#N3'3 T " 574 IV? 1#N3'3, N3'N3 n.m. pain (4- V3X3; TA 2ND TJ Is 65:14; Sy rd-irsi^ LS 314, Ma W3 MD 211) a. general: sg. X^x'^ "?'TX Xin X3'3 Kb 3'X31 one who is in pain goes to the doctor's house BQ 46b(19); X3'X3 fpn 'ar Xjfal n^'Bl the pain of circumcision is severe for three days Anan 82:20; ■"jnai X3'X3 "?3 any pain and sicknesses Bo 89:6; //AfGas 94:19; pi. )'3'DT '3'a "?D1 all painful pains Bo 105:5; /'& 119:18; b. sg.cs. w. ref. to specific area of the body: 1) head: n»XT3'3 Bo 141:11; 2) eye: Xry 3'3 AZ 29a(4); ]'ry 3X3 HM 37:10; 3) nostril: XTfU 3X3 ;/?. 38:5; 4) ear: XJHIX 3'3 ib. 37:19; 5) mouth: xaiS 3'3 /& 38:17; 6) stomach: X3,!? a'D ib. 39:13 [cf. Sy: r^-■ \ ■-•~ pain at the lower end of the stomach PSmSup 175]: 7) intestines: X'ya 3X3 dysentery Git 69b(20) [cf. Sy rcii^LSs .-i.? PSm 1659]; HM 38:7 Voc: X3'5 HGP 15b:27; Y: STK3 5g 46b(19; BAYTN 57). 2#N3'3 n.m. sore, roasted food (4- V333; cf. Akk kibbu B burning CAD K 330) 1. sore: sg. X3'3 X-ISW 'SlVn a sore instead of beauty Sab 62b(41) [expl. BH 'B' WT\ '3 Is 3:24]; Aferf 50b(25) [in intestines];"On XD,!7 XS'SV for a sore recite so $a* 67a(27; Ar [AC 4:179]) [fol. by incantation; but v. 4- SSXD'S]; XDT 'bo'TO I'JW XS'Sl sixty basins of blood and sores (?) BM 84b (4); X3'31 xm fl'3 'Vl311 create in him blood and sores Bo 142:4; xai'X3'3 X313n scab, sore, blood Bo 105:3; pl.abs. ]'3'31 I'JrTO nxox1? to heal boils and sores Sab 67a(26); det. "amy '3'31 'an'ltf 'T1? ">na 'Sin tetter of the body causes boils and sores Ned 81a(5); ,3,31 ':n'B? ''BttU xVai his body became full of boils and sores Qid 81a(51; M); 2. wound: pi. VlVoi (X)n,:,7BD'X 'a'S a salve for all wounds .&* 133b(37); '3'3 na XriXinai the master of wounds and blows Bo 21:8; 3. perh. roasted food: sg. 'bsxiS rn'3 IBn '3X3A roasted meat like that which robbers eat San 70a(21) [Var: '3'3 -|E?3 pi. Ar (AC 4:180)] Nn'"13'3, NJT133 n.f. sulphur (used for bleaching; 4- V'133, XfTlBll; Sy ^M :-\-"^ LS 317, Ma XTTtro MD 212, Akk kibritu CAD K 333) sg. xn'13'3 G;7 86a(9; V18); Nnn33 Sab 90a(13) [expl. MH nni3 Mib. 9:5] // Nid 62a(13) Y: V.N'-W Sab ib. l#Ntt?3'3 n.m. trodden down area, spell (4- Vtf33; Ma XB>3'3 spell MD 212) 1. trodden down area, path: pi. X»AX3 'tWO W33 IplD IH'Vy a'Tl'^l 17,I,!? inabl go out (and) make trodden down areas in the marsh so that we can go and sit upon them tomorrow Er 34b(20); by 'IDE) vrn» 'WO he walks on the paths of his Master Bo 14:6; 2. press: pl.cs. rtoby '»3'3 eternal presses i& 30:2; 3. spell, charm: sg. Trt>l 'TB?1? pnb ]'0331 Xtt3'3 a spell for subduing demons and dews ib. 6:1; ib. 4; 7; 34:1; 84:1; 127:1; 4. secret: pi. XEHipT '{XKM'3 HH3 lb naV X1H TIS what business do you have with God's secrets? Ber 10a(49; F) [O: 'ED3]; 5. (uncertain): sg. XIM'33 ITttn Xm3T XB/n the head of a buck placed in a ... Sab 110b(40); XWH X£>3'33 #w/ 93b(22) Lit: Eps, StI 341 [mng. 1]. Mng. 5 is explained by Rashi as TX3 IK pirn W133 [Sab] and as nMKl [Hul]; Y: Xti3'3 &ji ib. 2# KB^3'3 i Xtf33 '3 n. N3T3, abs. 313 n.m. lie, falsehood (V313; TA J'313" pL TJ Hos 7:13, Ma X31X3 MD 195, Sy rfik-^kA LS 318) sg.abs. 313 ^t?,Qx? 'X' x"71 a lie is not fitting for a kingdom Tarn 32a(41); det. N3T3 iT^'ai X3T3 N'aD X31X the necromancer is false [lit. falsehood], and his words are falsehood Ber 59a(15; M) ]1'3 conj. since, as soon as, when (JPA ]TP3 DJPA 256) 1. since: H3y x"?l 'j?3Sa '"iViyi JYO XflTS'S? since they are rich, they are delicate and do not do work Sab 54a(ll); wbv X'Vt»1 ]1'3 T3 T31 XT1X m since (the pot) is raised (above the stove), the air in between dominates ib. 37a(44); 'V TlTib n»flX Vl^XX 'J7D11 JV31 since (the messengers) go out concerning Elul, why should they do so for TiSril RH 19b(ll); ]T>3 XDITH X"7 X?T3n since (the bundle of wheat) is tall, it is not trampled down BM 23a(3); Pes 30b(40); Sot 15b(35); 5g 13b(5); 55 168a(6); SeA: 12a(17); 2. as soon as, when: nvmXT rv3 TC1? pSl as soon as he lifted it up he fulfilled his obligation Pes 7b(13); Dpi ]T3 xVan X11J1? 'DXT Dp (a quarrel) is like the planks of a bridge. When they have stabilized they remain so San 7a(20); y\rb 'X "?TX pS3 n'V TipT ]V3 as soon as mi'3 T they called him he went out (and) said to them Mei 17b(20); Ber 31b(28; F); Pes 31a(4); Bes 31a(16); Tan 4a(4); ^e? 74a(20); Git 38a(44); Wflz 43a(l); Me« 51b(45); ib. 69a(39); //«/ 139a(25);^ra22a(33) Voc: p'3 HGP 25b: 14; Y: IV? Ber 4b(24). Nli'3 n.m. laver, wash basin (TA xni'3 TO Ex 30:18) sg. V331 pnX IX^'X Xm'3 1HH |» WX» X"?T only Aaron and his sons wash from that laver Anan 33:7; /*. 34:20; 35:2; 14; 36:23 [N3t'3 4- xp'in n.] KtJ'3 4- XD"p n. t<V"3 n.m. measure (4- V"?13, 2#Xn"?'3; Sy ■^'v;. ? LS 325, Ma X^'3 MD 212, > Arab J^Fr, AF 204) a. general: sg. X^'ST X2E a measuring vessel 5e? 29a(39); BB 90b(5; Es); xmn xV»3 a new measure /& 7(Es); nnon X^'S he lessened the measure (by removing the pebbles) Bes 38b(13; M); pi. 'S'lD 'V"3 honest measures 5ee/ 119:1; j& 55; b. a specific measure [cf. Arab '*XS Hinz, IMG 40]: pi. 'V'3 H5731X //P 39:3; AnanSch 12:20 Lit: Eps, Stl 124; Danzig, IHP 11429; Y: X1?"? BB ib. 1# NriV'3, pi. 'V'3 n.f. insect net, curtained-off area, enclosure (4- Vl#V?3, " 2#XJU'3; Sy K'^i-a, pi. rdllii LS 327, Ma l#xn^'D MD 213, > Arab iSs! Fr, AF 289) 1. insect net (over a bed): sg. 'pX3 UWti Xn^Oa'3 XnV'SS XOT7 to sleep with an insect net in the sukka because of gnats Suk 26a(33; HPP 40:3) [cf. Ma: xrfrsi X'TID Vy X'V'IINJ they spread for me a mosquito- net over the bed Gy 148:7]; {\)nnb TX XSB 31 rrn'j'SS PN used to tie them [i.e. his phylacteries] in his insect net Ber 24a(5); pi. 'V'S Sab 138a(39); 2. curtained-off area, enclosure: sg. Xrv?'33 n'lsn1? DHV I'aSXT Xinn a certain person who concealed witnesses against another in a curtained-off area San 29b(5); 3. enclosure: sg. nriT-xe/ xrfr'33 naplX1? IX1? I did not borrow it [i.e. the animal] to put it in an enclosure BM 96b (3 5) Voc: Kfl?'3 HGP 30a:2; Y: Xn1?'? Ber ib.(BAYTN 32). 2# NnV'3 n.f. measure (4- V"713, Kb"?; Sy ^^'ja LS 325, Ma 2#Xn1r3 MD 213) sg. xdit xriV'ss 'Vpwi rrn xn^'ss 'am ones who 1#N13'3 TT ■ give with a large measure and take with a small measure BM 40a(41) N3'3 n. louse (MH HI'S J 633) sg. 13s? V-tjp xVl x:»X xr3 you have not killed a louse on (your) garment Sab 82a(l) // Hul 105b(39); 13JT XJ'3 a louse of a man Git 69b(50; OHT ib. 154:4); Er 65a(30) Despite the spelling w. alef, this word may be H. WS13'3, N'S133 n.m. public gathering, asVembly (4- V«im) sg. awa xV 'ayo 'xa n3«?3 n'ayn nnya xVx x'sus X3'x 'B3 aits ova x'sua x'siasa mn '3 rwya ion'1? x'siJ3 xs'xt "nas xin x-rnrn x'si:3 113s n'jym xmo'xi why is it not (permitted to wear a nail-studded sandal or an unsewn shoe) on the Sabbath? Because there is a public gathering. There is also a public gathering on a holiday. But then since there is a public gathering on a public fast day let it be forbidden. The incident occurred when there was a public gathering (on a day) with prohibition (of work). A public fast day is (a day of) public gathering of permission (to work) Sab 60b (4); Yom 51a(13); X'SU'3 XIDSa there is an assembly from the morning Tan 12b(47) // Meg 30b(12); "73 Xin XDD3T X'Sirs every assembly (of the Israelites in the desert was carried out by blowing on the horns) of silver RH 27a(26; E2L); X'SWO 'XaiXI an assembly of pagans Gif lla(24) [sitting as a legal body] Y: x;D13'3 Sab ib.(BAYTN 308). 1# NB3'3 n.m. assembly, congregation (4- V*p3; Ma XBJX3 MD 199, mng. f) 1. assembly: sg. Xm'naT D'-irma p3-n X(3)Sra','3 the assembly of the selected scholars of the academy TGAs28 3:8; 2. congregation: sg. bxiWI XS3'3 a congregation of Jews Anan 116:3 2# KS3'3 n.m. (uncertain) sg. XSrsV HM 42:3; Bo 134:1 1#N13'3 n.m. harp, zither (Sy 1# K'iLo LS 335, Ma l#X1Xr3 MD 214) sg. X13'3T X7p '3 H'1? yaan ]a bob 'anaT like the sound of the harp which gives pleasure to the one who hears it Meg 6a(5; Ar [AC 4:262]) [expl. GN rnJ3 Sea of Galilee] 575
2# N13'3 576 KSIO'3 Lit: Koh, AC ib. 2#K13'3, K1N3'3 n.m. Iote tree, lote fruit (Zizyphus Lotus L.\ < MP kunar, kanar a tree Geig, AAC 227, NP kun{n)ar lote fruit PED 1052, Sy 2# rc'-tlo LS 335, Ma 2#X"IXJ'D MD 214) 1. lote tree: sg. X"UD3 SHTS 'p'Jim Dltf» because its fruits are sweet like (that of) the lote tree Meg 6a(5; M2Ar [AC 4:262]) [expl. GN rn|3 Sea of Galilee]; XIJDl xVlD the shadow of the lote tree Pes 11 lb(8); X-U'DX 'SSV n"Vn '30 ]'3T1 PN coerced [lit. hanged] PN2 on a lote tree, and he sold (it) BB 48b(14; Es) [Var: X1X3D P1; X1WD3 TGHark 166:21); 2. Iote fruit: pi. XJTW nS'31 porridge of the lote fruit HP 191:4[HPP 293:19]; 3. perh. holly: pi. '"U'3 Ber 40b(48; PAr [AC 4:262]) [expl. ]'»n MDem 1:1] Lit: Pfl 283+; Flora 3:135+; Y: XIJ'3 SB ib.(BAYTN 252). KtPS'S n.m. sweepings (4 Vl##33) sg. p'SX 'XIWl XW:'3 iTJinx the maidservant took out the sweepings and threw (them out) Yom 87a(44) l#NiPI3'3 n.f. clay (< Xfl'3* w. dissim. of-«- > -nt-; 4 VnriD; Sy *?&.* LS 351, Ma XJVD MD 216) sg. (')('irU'3 Tin Xpl Ktm p'3 since he saw that they were steeping clay (in it) Er 104b (1; RaH) Geon. expl.: K:B,,7 X*?K XWV 'XH 'j?'l xVl XiJVS 'D"in n'X iron rrm nvn b'b px^aa vnw "imVs ['nrs :rd.] 'jub xniun '"U3 IMS riTOy1? OHP Er 105:2 [cf. also RaH]; Lit: Eps, Gr 10724. 2#NJ13'3 n.f. apron (cf. 4 lttXnV'D; Ma l#xm'D veil, enveloping cloth MD 214) sg. xyVsi Xri3(')n)3 tanner's apron Ned 55b(27) [Var: nVsT XJiri'D GC 45:3] 1#X0'3 n.f. bag, money bag, joint venture (4 l#xriO'D, XD'D tf'"l; TA O'D TJ Is 46:6, Sy i^m;^ LS 325, Ma XD'D MD 215) 1. bag: sg. rf?n H'0'D3 nbn 'D "ll PN only hung up (phylacteries) in his bag Ber 24a(48); pi. 131J1D 1D"0'D3 lnrrHNl write (the gets) and place them in your bags Git 63b(42); 2. money bag: sg. JVXT n'0'D3 'TIT n'V he has money in his money bag BQ 118b(25); 'XXitt/ "1113 XO'Dl a money bag is according to (the position of) the laces BM 26a(3); "|'D'3 '"1W1 untie your money bag (to receive the coins) Pes 113a(17); Ber 18b(39); Sab 153a(35); Aef 47a(27); BQ 118b(24); pi. nm "•■SW xVs KVTI X"l<3')|D)X3 '0'3 '"?n they used to hang the money bags (for charity) on the socket without straps (closing it) Ber 58b(18); ib. 15; Yom 83b(32); BB 8b(54); AZ 70a(35); 3. joint venture [lit. capital; caique < Akk kisu capital kept in a bag used for business transactions CAD K 431; Pal O'D capital DNWSI 499, PAT 372]: sg. XD'D ~iOV a joint venture document SSHai 10a(10) [cf. GeonH: D'3 1X)V TGHark 168:14; 4 xpO'J? mng. 2] Voc: X0'5 HGP 26a:34; Y: X0'3 Ber 58b(15; BAYTN 10). 2# N0'3 n.m. covering(?) (4 V'DD; Ma X'D'3 MD 215) sg. Tan 22b(26; Mai 93:21 [Var]) 3# N0'3 n. a disease, demon (< Akk kisu B, in kis libbi an intestinal disease CAD K 432) 1. a disease: sg. XD'sb for the &.-disease Sab 67a(27; Ar [AC 4:269]) [fol. by an incantation; Var: 'XD'D1? O; 4 2#X3'3 mng. 1]; 2. a demon: sg. XD(')(113 Bo 102:6; pl.abs. ]'D'D ib. 82:6; 9; det. 'D(')niD(6. 7:13; 36:7 [>N0'3 4 XD'D '3 n.] NJ-10'3 n.m. cover, garment (4 V'DD; MH '10'D Yeivin, BV 917; cf. Sy rdAAxx* LS 337, rdj£_o-iaA^ re* i m«_a PSm 1781) 1. covering: sg. XTv?'» X'Vn X'lO'DD nxiX (the ability of) excrement (to make a place unfit for prayer) is a function of (its) covering Ber 25b(18; F); 'J?3 xm IT'10'3 does it [i.e. the bird's blood] not, in fact, require its covering (with earth)? Hul 31a(l; MGL 37:8); 2. garment, dress: sg. H'*? D'X *6 ''ID'D he does not have his garment Ned 49b(43); X'lO'DDl XBH3V3 concerning clothing and dress Ket 68a(40); X'lODl Ktrrf? '3X» articles of clothing and dress SSHai 18b (14) The phrase tniim X'103 Tan 22b(25) is found only in Ed; Y: KW3 BAYTN 256. NBlO'3, NS103 n.m. shame, disgrace (4 V^DD; LJLA XSID'D Weiss 319 [PsJ, TgKet]) sg. nana rf? 'axpT Kin XS1D'3 he says it out of shame Yev 113b(40); Ket 104b(30); BM 35b(7); San 1 la(l 1; F2); Git 55a(20); XS1D3 Tan 25a(l; M2); Qid 52b(27); BQ 86b(24); 'T1? XTr7'» X'JIX XSID'D the matter will turn into a disgrace Hor 577 N"IUT NS'3 13b(47; MGE 698:20); XSID'DH ]1VV*7 Xfflm 'D'BH may the Merciful One save me from the shame (caused by the questions) of PN Tan 9b(6); iru?r> n"?@n'3 nmoa rmnxi xsiD'Db xrrc/n D'WO now because of the disgrace (which would befall) her sister she delivered those signs to her Meg 13b(14) Voc: XBIO'3 HGP 43a:27; Y: XBID'3 San 1 la(l 1; BAYTN 257). '0'3 n.pl. a plant (4 XJTltfD; etym. unkn.) BM 42b(36; HAr [AC 4:270]) [Var: 'D'3 H(corr.), TGAs28 64:2]; ib. 43a(l) Expl. RaH: pp'ri ronx ]"iyv rapvm niw xnws ohr ib. 64:26; expl. Ar: ]'X ^^'B,7 D'to ^XO pi O'Xlj? 0,13 WW D'3»y nsiTK H33t AC ib.; 13 W'l nplM 13'XW m»3 '0'3 DlVw 1W 31 ''B D'jn D'3Py AC ib.; Lit: Low, Flora 1:458, does not give an identification for this plant. 1# sVp'3 n.m. Orion (TA X?0D TJ Am 5:8, BH 2#"7'pT3 HAL 465) sg. 'XT X^O'D 13J? X*7T TBI X&ty 3nn X"?0'D nsy there is a tradition that (the comet) does not pass (through Orion), for if it had passed through Orion, the world would have been destroyed Ber 58b(47); ib. 49 Y: K^O? Ber ib.(BAYTN 117). [2# *60'3 4 X0Vl3 n.] KID'S, K3KD,3 n.m. hemp-seed, pi. dish made of wheat, fruit, etc. (4 Vl#0DD, 2#XDD; Mng. 1: Sy r^A\ "ya y; ^ ^ hemp-seed LS 336, mng. 3 [in Tirhan dial.]; mng. 2: Sy: *4SU1I ••• r^; rVi ^ j^lL. aijL. ... 5_iUll dried fruit, roasted wheat BBah 911:7, TA ]'J6'5 pi. TJ Jos 9:5, MH fJO'D J 634) 1. hemp-seed: sg. XD1D XJXO'3 Persian hemp-seed HG1 94:30 [eq. w. 4 mm>]\ pi. 'Tin '3XD'31 bananas and hemp-seeds ib. 28; 'DW1W '3X0'31 sesame-seeds and hemp-seeds ib. 34; 2. pi. dish made of wheat, fruit, etc.: 71'b XTlb^X 'JD'3 rf? (at the wedding of) a widow, there is no k.-dish Ket 17b(15); 'VDSai X3'V? tyx '3XD'3 'W XJUWna the Ar.-dish is beneficial for the stomach and removes (bad) thoughts Er 29b(42); IHJ'pVo 'iXD'D 'nrw ]-arm X1? 13 (if) he boiled them [i.e. the wheat kernels], when they are not broken he has made them into the &.-dish (w. regard to the blessing) HP 190:13; HG1 85:19(Var) Geon. expl.: ■pblB Dm pijmi D'M 1JTIK fp^WV run 'JND'B jniX I'VsiXl GnK5 172:6 [= HG1 87:33 (Var)]; )'»'33 nX3,T ns W3ii pv m I'nui n"pj nsi rin's I'X'so ma [3"y sa ni3n3] ono j'Biyi nuns imx i'bixi 03133 iniK 1'wVi i'bbbtoi I'tu'xi mA'K man d^ibx mai itb rea TGAs28 isi:i [mng. 2]. Lit: Flora 1:261 [mng. 1]; Lieb, TK 1:58 [mng. 2]; Y: '30'? Ket ib.(BAYTN 117). l#Nrip'3 n.f. bag (4 1#X0'3; Ma XTIO'D MD 215) sg. a. general: H'TO'33 ,T3niXl n'3nD (if) he wrote it [i.e. the get] and placed it in his bag Git 18a(l); 'V'BXn xriD'3 a bag of the phylacteries Ber 23a(54; P); HP 38:12; X71D3 XJm Xp mm I was carrying a bag RH 26b(25) [4 X33D3]; b. in a fig. sense: n'710'33 n'V mm ]X»D H'1? X'»T (his study) is for him as if it is placed in his bag [i.e. he has instant recall of what he has learnt] Ber 28a(51) // Pes 72a(13) // Meg 7b(34) // Ket 50a(44) On Ket 98a(17), v. I 1#XJ1'03; Y: XJT0'3 Ber 24a(48; BAYTN 32). 2#Nri0'3 n.f. fodder (4 Vl#DDD, 2#XDD; TA XJ1D3 TO Gen 24:25, Sy k'Hola LS 336) sg. 'D HTWnb XriD'D iai mn when they used to set out fodder for the animals BM 85a(10) Y: XJIO'3 BM ib.(BAYTN 196). 3#Kn0'3, pi. Nnn0'3 n.f. type of garment (perh. 4 V'DD; cf. MH Tl65, inDD bolster Yeivin, BV 827) sg. Xri0'(D)UD X13J?T ]11D if, for instance, he made it like a k.-cloth Sab 105b(l); pi. XJiriO'D ib. 134a(22) [used as a protection for an infant's circumcised penis] 4# NriO'3 4 XBD'p n. 1#NB'3 n.m. stone, rock (TA XS'D TO Num 20:8, Sy rtlardo LS 315) pl.cs. nj?"lX 'S'D the rocks of the ground Bo 70:2; det. pw:n X33T IDyT 'S'D3 PN used to kiss the stones of GN Ket 112a(47) The phrase 'B'3 '81 Hor 12a(45) // Kar 6a(13) is unclear; Y: 'B'3 MQ ib.(BAYTN 15). — tmaT NS'3 n.m. hailstone (lit. stone of ice; t : - : t v 4 1# XTI3; cf. Akk abnu hailstone CAD A/1 60, mng. 6, Ma 1# X^X1?} MD 93) pi. N"n3T 'S'D Wm Xyp"l ]li hailstones fell down from the sky MQ 25b(40) — N113T KB'3 n.m. perh. meteorite (lit. stone of fire; 4 XTO) pi. Xypl ]» XniJT 'S'D Wn3 meteorites fell down from the ■sky MQ 25b(38)
2# NS'3 578 Ntf'3 T ■ 2# NB'3, cs. «]'3 n.m. shore, bank (Ma 1# XB'3 bank, edge MD 215, TA n'B'3 TJ Is 19:7, «]'5 Vy XB' TJ Jud 7:12, JPA mi Vj7 DJPA 406; cf. Akk kapu cliff, embankment, kapT nan cliffs of a river bank CAD 191+) 1. shore, bank: sg. XTTm XB'3 riverbank //A/ 40:6; mB'31 XI3' the sea and its shore Bo 78:14; pl.cs. XT13 'B'3 nil p X3'D 30 take clay from the two banks of the river HM 42:5; det. "pana n'B'3a XTO a river is blessed from its banks [i.e. from water which flows into it from tributaries and not from rain] Sab 65b(6) // Ned 40a(43) // Bek 55b(9) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; mHK msn 'B'3 pwi *\0V 311 X3TI (at the death) of PN and PN2, the banks of the Euphrates touched each other MQ 25b(41); ib. 42; 2. sg.cs., esp. in phrase «1,'3N, «]'3 Vy along the shore, coast: Xa' *]'3X along the seashore Pes 4a(ll; V17TGHark 141:25); X!3' *)'3 Vj7 ZvW 50a(33); ty X1rl3 T3 along the riverbank i/M 41:2 Geon. expl.: VJVm to to xto ]TVni [1B:J "IT] '313 Vnni iTB'3 H'B'3 *a-K nwto 12JB1 TRN 602:10; Y: <|'3X Pe? 4a(l 1). 3# N3'3 n.m. ear-, nose-ring (lit. curved [cf. BH fyy HAL 740]; 4- V»]B3 pass.part.; cf. Ma 3# XB'3 arc, bow MD 215, Sy w * ; * * curve LS 339) a. general: pi. nnan '3J 'B'3 TpBXI X131 Xinrt a certain man who deposited rings with another BM 35a(31; F1); ib. 33; 34; B'p3 mm X"Q3 XWl '3131^ 'B'3 a certain man who possessed [lit. held] rings to sell ib. 51a(16); max ri33W Xp mri '3 ma '33n)@'rnai 'Sn <'3n> when she was dying she said: "These are the rings of PN, my daughter" BB 52a(5) [// Vn3T rwip pX PT BQ 7a(24); v. Ros, Yalon Vol 313+]; b. fig.: pi. 1BX nrfwi n1? x"?n 'an 'ss <-ia) nran n did pn hang rings on it [i.e. his halakhic ruling] (to embellish it) and send it? Ket 81b(27); Er 96b(32) Expl. Ar: D'STJ AC 4:292; Voc: 'B'3 HGP 3a: 19; Y: XB'3 BAYTN 10. 4#KB'3 n.m. sheaf (4- 1#XS3; etym. unkn.) pi. 'B'3 nsna TOn those (who) overturn sheaves Pes 40a(38); 'B'3X XS3 m» "3X PN used to place a ladle on sheaves Sab 142b(39); '3Iim 'S'3 sheaves of flax Ned 48b(2) [v. OHP ib. 93:5]; 'B'3 '3m XI13TT flies between the sheaves G;7 86b(18; RaH) [expl. MH Il'Snp ib.] Y: 'B'3 Sab ib. 5#NS'3 n.pl. a portion of a boat (etym. unknown) pi. XaiXT 'B'3 the ... of the boat Er 102a(36) Cf. OHP ib. 103:25; Lit: Patai, Seafaring 40+; 171+; Sperber, Nautica 76, is uncertain about its mng. miB'3 4- msm xar n. NOB'3 n.m. menstruous discharge (Sy •** ~> °- » LS 340) sg. 5o 31:7 'T3 n.pl. oven (MH m'3, du. D'T3 Yeivin, BV 754, J 636) I 'T3 '3 1#'T3 interj. oh, master! (< KUpie [voc. of Kuptoc;] Lehnw 287; i 2#XTp) 'T3 'T3 Hul 139b(35); ib. 36 Mng. of passage uncertain. 2#'T3 interj. oh, slave! (< xeipie Lehnw 287) 'T3 na my master, oh slave Er 53b(16) Ace. to Rashi the woman intended to say 'Tj? oh master, but the interpretation is uncertain; Y: 'Y3 Er ib. NXT3, NXl'p n.m. perh. sting (< XXTj?; 4- Vpp) sg. XXTSb (a remedy) for a sting Git 69b(23; OHT ib. 153:11) [Var: X(Sn)("lS}'p OHT ib. 6]; XlXl'n XXT3 fierce sting ib. 24(OHT ib. 157:10) [4-2#TI'n] Geon. expl.: mm 'B JMX 'fK rm' fnp to3 ,T3B NST3 k. is similar to a stinging!?; D^j^l which appears in the stomach of a man OHT ib. 157:6; ]13'1 N5>n(X>IBI W 'B jno mxi'n XXT31? 'P'(3)I3IX 'B B'XJ ^X 'B an abrasion in the bowels and there is something white in the excrement [.Ul£] OHT ib. 10; expl. Ar: O'jmn 'J3 pB AC 4:341 [so also Rashi]; Y: XXT3 Git ib.(BAYTN 117). t*/'3 b;^, ETj? tf'p interj. (onomatopoeic sound) H^p V0 2/'3 X3'l173 XTIID'X a stater in an (empty) bottle makes the sound 'kis kis' [i.e. a scholar among fools is noticeable] BM 85b(9) [EsF1: tf'p »'p] N.t2/'3, pi. 'BT3 n.f. bunch (< Akk kissu bundle of reeds CAD K 460, AIOA 65 < Sum ge.sa reed mat Lieb, SLOB 257) sg. UK "TOpP XE>'3 'VpW X3X XB'3 '3 rX2/'3'' XBT3 I took a bunch (of vegetables). You (also) take a bunch. One bunch is like (another) bunch Qid 52b(l 1); X2P33 Xtt?'3 XV'SS X311X1 one bunch is like (another) bunch (in circumference) and the length is of itself [i.e. some are longer than others] Sab 140b(9); Xtt?'3 Xp-l'T a bunch of vegetables GC 130:4 [expl. MH s-w>3 579 xrMrre niTOX MMakh 6:2]; Qid 45b(6); X^'3 iVsx nmn XpTT even a bunch of vegetables returns (to the original owner) BB 146b(9); "IDXT X»'3» XpT 'X3'l a vegetable from the bunch which a gardener binds Hul 105b(35; V»); &6 82a(3); pi. Xirnsa '»'3 Babylonian bunches j'fe 147a(32; OAr [AC 4:350],OHT Sab 153:20) [expl. MH 3T"ia ib., ref. to a manner of carrying a garment on the shoulder] Geon. expl.: 0Trr?Xl <J>inip3^K [im] Kmi 'B nxxi 'B'3 T0BJ11 m'Jl 'jpS^X ]D mrrBS^K nj'jKl the meaning of 'B'3 is clear in our language. It is tied bundles [gjj], packages [fji], or bunches [ j^i] of vegetables, or the like OHT Sab ib.; v. also Ar [AC, op. cit.]; Lit: Eps, GC 1309; AAC 238; Y: KB'3 BB 146b(9; BAYTN II). Nnty'3 n.m. piece (etym. unkn.; cf. 4- X1W3) pi. nipn nirrs nVa xsiyas in the west [i.e. Palestine] they salt individual pieces (of a radish) Sab 108b(20; V) [Var: 'T03 Ar (AC 4:354)] KJV3 n.f. set (4 VlW3; JPA HITS DJPA 257, MH 'jrb Yeivin, BV 783) pl.cs. 'ITO 'H'3 nVn three sets of witnesses BQ 24a(27) NSID'S n.m. linen garment (i XH'3IT3; TA xfirVO TO Gen 37:3, Ma X3W3 MD 216, Sy rdsniu-o garment, membrane LS 353) sg. X31IT33 nnsm he turned it [i.e. the shofar] inside out like a linen garment RH 27b(20) Y: town RH ib.(BAYTN 257). - NTlin N31JT3 n.m. membrane of the lung t ; - : t (4- 2#Xm; cf. Sy en -> Vl ,m rC±jb\<*-* SBM 256:20) sg. nxn ma run»T xmm xainn a membrane of the lung in which the lung is situated Hul 46a(32) Identified as Pleura pulmonalis [v. Preuss 114]. x.rmn'3 4- xmnn n. N3JV3, NJNXl'3 n.m. flax, linen (TA 'fl'3 TO Dt 22:11, Sy rd&-o LS 352, Ma X3XH'3 MD 216, > Arab o& Fi\ AF 42) 1. flax: a. general: sg. Anan 6:14 [expl. BH O'lTOS Dt 22:11]; X3H3 an X3IT3X 'TIT an' PN invested money in flax BQ 103a(18); 5W49a(14); ib. 93b(40); Hul 85b(41) [4- X3'3']; Ned 48b(2) [4- 4#XH3'3]; MQ 12b(40) [4- «]Dri p^.]; b. var. stages of use: sg. X3XIT3 "1T3 linseed AZ 3 8b (3 3; TGHark 23:24) [expl. as yiT liv^B TGHark ib.]; xmsa xi3i xinn1? n"in 3i X3XIT3 JHT X'p'inil mm PN saw a certain man on Purim who was sowing flax Meg 5b(28); Ket 103b(42); X3I1'3 Ipya"? to uproot flax MQ 12b(39); X3IT3 nm X3'H (in a place) where they soak flax Git 27a(24) // BM 18b(12); 'SB3 m '3 X3IT3 when they used to hackle the flax BB 26a(2); Er 104b(l); XIVip1? 'T by VXBD '733 X3IT3 "?'SBm Xin flax also splits apart. It splits apart through beating Zev 18b(42) // Yom 71b(30); T'B3 xVl p'11 X3IT3 flax which is beaten but not hackled Sab 20b(24; M); Hul 51b(36); c. designations: sg. nXSH X3I1'3 Roman flax Ket 61b(24; M); 'nnsaiBT X3IT3 flax of GN Git 27a(23) // BM 18b(8); 2. linen: sg. Yev 4b(32; O2) [expl. BH Vti Ex 39:1]; Yom 71b(27) [expl. BH m Ex 39:27]; BM 29b(43); Mrf 17a(49); nxan X3I1'3 Roman linen Hul 84b(13) // BM 29b(48) [of fine quality; expl. MH '1MB 'V3 ib.]; X3XIT3T '3Xa linen garments MQ 18b (4); xa'^J X3Hm a linen cloak Svu 6b(39); X3H'3T 'pnu? linen rags 5a6 110b(12) // Git 69b(45); ^Z 28b(12); Nid 17a(47); X3XIim XrlX'^a ]'mn two linen rags Anan 85:21; X3IT3T '31DX linen ropes RH 23a(30); X31T3T X3Iia a linen cord BM 113b(27); X3IT33 nnsm ... n[']BIl phylacteries which he sewed with linen (thread) Mak 1 la(26) Lit: Flora 2:208+; Voc: M71'3 VTM 101; Y: K'fl'3 Hul 84b(13; BAYTN 254). Xirari'S, Sn'Sin'S n.f. linen garment (4- X3W3; Sy rc'&JLi&.o pi. linen garments LS 352) sg. Sab 140b(24) [expl. as HX3 X3IT3 ib.]; Xn'3Tl'3 pn ai '3 13 'Xa a student of the be rav who buys a linen garment ib. 23; XH'3IT3 'XH n» X'3p ]a nTlb XB^'a it is permitted to remove a linen garment from the reed (on which it dried on the Sabbath) ib. 140a(50); 'D13D31? TO xnawa Xiraro is it permitted to rub a linen garment on the Sabbath (to soften it)? ib. 47; 48 Y: XJT1VQ Sab 140b(24; BAYTN 291). [•?]31 ^3 adv. such-and-such (< MH2 131 T3 J 637) '"7B m'V "|31 "13 such-and-such (a day) of the month NN SSHai 3a(6); ib. 14a(2); 18a(17); 13 'TIT "|31 such-and-such an amount of zuzim SSSad 236:9; Dec 4:17; 10:5 Prob. H]
1#N33 580 i#sriaV3 1#X33 n.m. molar tooth, (wooden) handle of a key, outer part of a letter (TA X33 TJ Jud 15:19[Var], Sy * A <y LS 326, Ma X3X3 MD 197) 1. molar tooth: sg. X331? for a molar (which hurts) Git 69a(34; M); X33"7 m"7BJ 'V3J1 )THtf sixty decays were present in the molar BQ 92b (27); X33 "ipjm x"71 do not extract a molar Pes 113a(13); pi. TO '33 molars and teeth /fZ 28a(ll); BM 42b(10); //«/ 59b(36); '333 pn "U'13 PD^m grind (food) with the molars, and you will find (the results) in the feet Sab 152a(15); XlBn '!'» H'l'lP nH3'm '33 .T33 his molars are the molars of a she-wolf, and his teeth are the teeth of a leopard Bo 78:4; 2. (wooden) handle of a key: sg. XTVpKT X33 Sab 89b(53); 3. horizontal portion of a letter [I X"U'X mng. 3]: pi. Jl'37 n'33 the horizontal portions of the bet (turning it into waw) BB 167a(17; HAr [AC 4:220]) Geon. expl.: (0>iD|-EfVx °?xyD»' 'to inpjn nB3W W/13DH XP X33 rnKD@Vxi OHT Pes 117:5, i.e. j»UJIj o-j-JI; DIX ^K X33 JVM OHT Git 155:19 [mng. 1]. The trad. expl. of mng. 2 as key-bit J 112 is unlikely since this was made of metal and not of wood [v. Sab ib.]. Expl. Ar: ntyo to> (/V>3 tor D'J'Wl pro rwo to>1 AC ib. [mng. 3]. Lit: Geig, AAC 221. AIOA 61 doubts that mng. 1 is a lw. < Akk kakku tool CAD K 51, mng. 4; Voc: 'S3 HGP 23a:20; Y: N33 fta 113a(13; BAYTN 100). 2# N33 I X35?3 n. N333 n.m. jar, pot (< KaKKdPn L-S 861; Sy rc/-n n n LS 688) pl.abs. 1in ]'333 jars of nard BM 86a(46; V22GC 47:3,Ar [AC 4:221]) Expl. Ar: '333 .TlHjrt pip ]V 'to WITS AC ib.; Lit: Eps, GC 47". N133 n.m. talent (TA !033 TO Ex 25:39, Sy K'i-a.a LS 326, Ma X'"I3X3 pi. MD 197) sg. 1TO X133 '"7 send me a talent San 107b(21); pi. VTW9 Xmi Xinm XS03T '133 'b"7X my ten thousand talents of silver [w. ref. to Haman] Meg 16a(14); ,_I333 3'OTp '"^O 'bV'11 perhaps (Scripture only) reckons a large portion (of a counting unit) concerning the talents Bek 5a(41); ib. 42; 47; 48 Y: 1033 BAYTN 85. to pron. cs. i xVl3 pron. ['K^3 i x"?3 n.] 1#N3^>3 n.m. dog (TA X3V5 TO Ex 11:7, Sy x<lA\A LS 328, Ma X3Vx3 MD 197) a. general: sg. X3*73 H3 nai the dog barked at her Sab 63b (5) // BQ 83a(33); Pes 113a(3); ATe/ 27a(41); Xinn ]iam 'axon 7'3X Xp mm X3"73 a certain dog that used to eat the scholars' shoes MQ 17a(54); Ket 41b(22) // BQ 15b(22); Tan llb(7); ty X3"?3 n'W'm myDp the dog entered (and) bit off its head Hul 53a(47); BQ 24b(16) [I V'Otf pa.]; ii. 22a(3) [I X-ip'D]; 55 19b(22) [4- VjTltf af.]; 'XB 'XSVsi XBlBa IT X'3?3 what is your hand doing in my dog's mouth? BQ 23b(13); xa"73 'DTIO1? wa is it permitted to castrate a dog? //ag 14b (46); X3*73 '3"W xV NJr>B-IX a widow should not raise a dog 5Af 71a(43) // AZ 22b(22); XIX 'a!?3 IX^ 'xia ''inna x1? nxi -|i'B 'I'lnnai I am not a dog that I should benefit from you and you should not benefit from me Ned 24a(ll); Sab 155b(38) [I 1#XXD1X usage 1]; Er 81a(33); Hul 112a(22); nym Xa"?3 a shepherd's dog Bek 55a(8); XpB'l Xm'n X3731 excrement of a white dog Git 69b(3) [ingredient of a medication; cf. Akk z« kalbi CAD Z 150 in medical text]; ib. 69a(8) [in a charm formula]; San 96a(52); Bek 57a(15); Tern 30a(29); HM 41:8; pi. Tim '373 man X3'X mn '2/1'X '73X there were certain dogs which used to eat people AZ 18b(2); '3737 m 'TOT m> p'OD he cuts it off [i.e. the hanging limb of the animal] and throws it to the dogs BB 20a(23); MQ 28a(30); b. in proverbs: sg. X3733 ]'B31 fl'Vl there is nothing as hungry as a dog Sab 155b(40); y73 <')IX)771 n'!B37 X373 a dog devours excrement for its hunger BQ 92b(37); XriV'D flB X3737 'TO shake off the salt (from the meat, and) throw (it) to a dog Nid 31a(25); Er 61a(33) [4- Vnai pe.]; ib. 86a(24); pi. I'mi N7 'maVs his dogs do not bark [i.e. my voice is weak] Sab 152a(8);5o 78:10 Voc: X3to HPP 305:20; Y: -jato BQ 24b(16; BAYTN 86). 2#N373* n.m. milk (i.e. halba-not X37ri halba-'m the 'Galilean' dialect) sg. 'jTOlVw [X373 '73 Tl =] X37 -|73';i my neighbor (f), come eat milk Er 53b(15) [in the 'Galilean' dialect] Geon. expl.: Y±n 'tox <')Kn OHT ib. 46:3. 1# Xri3^>3 n.f. bitch (Sy rc'&.^-La PSm 1742) sg. RH'4a(25) [expl. BH byo Neh 2:6] 2# xnaVg • Y: Knii? RH ib.(BAYTN 86). 2#KriaV3 n.f. type of stitch (V3"?3; Sy r^^^Vy tongs, pincers LS 328) sg. MQ 10a(6) [expl. MH 3V3tt Mib. 1:8] Lit: Moreshet, LNVTH 191 [Vato]; Y: xrnto MQ ib.(BAYTN 183). nNlV?*^ P'- '^iV? nm- astrologer (Lit Chaldean; < XaXSaioi pi. Lehnw 288 < BA 'into? Da 2:5; Sy rdixLs LS 329, Ma X'XT'Xa MD 197) pi. 'XTO .T1? n»X the astrologers said to him Sab 119a(21) [followed by prediction]; ib. 156b(20); 33; Yev 21b(8); Ned 41a(31; Ar [AC 2:249, s.v. ]Vm]); San 95a(9); 'XlVsi 'S1S3 magicians and astrologers Bo 78:13 Lit.: Steiner, Fricative Laterals 137+ [on etym.]; Y: 'NTto Ber 64a(7). H^3, ttVs, pi. 'V? n.f. row, kalla, an academic institution, a biannual assembly (4- mo "13, tf'l n"73;- etym. uncertain) 1. row (in the academic session): sg. 'IP3T m>33 namx he seated her in the row of the women Ket 60a(12; TGHark 99:15) [Fr: 'Em Xm3; I X"I1 mng. la]; 2. in BT kalla, an academic institution which was convened for several days during the year during which a specific tractate was studied [BT]: a. the assembly: sg. mai Xprm 'XITI the pressure (of overcrowding) at the kalla-assemb\y Ber 6a(10); ib. 6b(25); D'mia moV bwn '!apa xar "?3 n^a^ *?•"■<; mm xsx na xix an ma xnyaB;1? each day before he entered into the kalla he would review the legal tradition together with PN2 and then he would enter the kalla BB 22a(47); '3 xVsV x?ny\ p3ia xams D^BI as much as a s.m. eats and (then) enters the kalla Suk 26a(45) [expl. MH 'X^X n^ax Mib. 2:4]; b. its period of time: sg. 'ja1? xVi nVaa n"73 'aaV x1? xja'T p'yap id xVma x"7VT we do not issue a subpoena, either for those who attend the kalla during the kalla, or for those attending the festival during the festival BQ 113a(26); m>3T 'ar the days of the kalla BM 97a(27) [* 'BV nXW other days ib.]; MQ 16b(18); 3. kalla, a biannual assembly which was convened in Adar and Elul and which was devoted to a specific tractate of the Talmud [Geonic]: sg. '"in firxi XOToa xriTi xtrpa xni' ■rrJXI mx X"?3T 'nT one month in the summer and one month in the winter [v. BM 86a(8)], which are namely the two £a//a-months, Adar and Elul iSGF 87:5; TlVni XD^X T\W\ mXT xVaa I'mni pEWl nxa at the /fca//a of Adar of the year 1,322 [Seleucid Era] TGHark 76:15; rG4*27 33:22; TGAs28 198b:ll; nVa "733 "Uri1? -irn non xnxs'na no@'mn to learn at each faj/ta-session twelve literary units more or less iSGF 94:1; Tim n"73 the great kalla HG2 165:80; X^BT K^SOa the tractate of the kalla iSGSup 28:12; 4. academic session or semester [Geonic]: sg. XD"p1 m>3 ... XOTDT ms the winter session [Tisri-Adar], the summer session [Nisan-Elul\ OHP Ber 9:17 Lit: Eps, Stl 128+ [rnng. 1]; Y. Gafni, Tarbiz, 51 [1982] 572+, suggests a derivation from KEJlXa chamber; on the institution of the kalla in the Talmudic and Geonic Periods, v. Gafni, JBTE 213+, w. prev. lit.; RISB 155+ [mngs. 2-4]. Even though this word is generally spelled w. he, and in spite of the fact that its etym. cannot be ascertained w. any certainty, its usage in the texts clearly shows that it is A. The mng. of xtol K3B'^ torn 83a(38) is unclear. The MH phrase flto TODS Sab 114a(34) // Tan 10b(7) // Qid 49b(7) seems to be an addition in the BT to an original barraita, and its exact mng. in BT is uncertain [v. Gafni, ib. 216+]; Y: nV? Ber 57a(49; BAYTN 100). NTlV3 n.m. crier (< XTT13*; I Vn3; Ma XTT7X3 MD 197, IrArab kaluz infra, JPA T1T3 DJPA 268) sg. X1T733 pD'B '13 IX1? ]13n XIV733 1'pDl Xp 'XI IHl'l if (the populace) goes out (to do corvSe labor) in the wake of the crier, the scholars are not in the category of going out in the wake of the crier BM 108a(13) // BB 8a(28) Geon. expl.: I'^'nw pJ3 ^NyBW 'tftoi V00 rfrlO Xtlto'S pS'S1? Dipo win n-mvi onnj trrm mf?i Tyn m 'wjk fapnV orf? ynnVl Piyx1? Ar [AC 4:312, s.v. jj-O]; Lit: Eps, PLA 215; S. Friedman, Ros Vol 414+; Y: XTl1?? BB ib.(BAYTN 68). 01^3 pron. something, interrogative word (I XTB n., DT73 x"7; JPA Ql'jS DJPA 259) I. pron. something [only w. preced. neg.]: X'il who IxV it is nothing Er 25a(21); Yev 107a(17); mnx x"?l who n'V he did not answer him anything Yom 4b(46); Dt?3 'X31 ~f? TVb I have nothing of yours BQ 101a(36); Ned 21b(26); ]V>H '1'3I3 D'T't? x"?l DlVa 'XBIp I have not retained anything for myself [lit. before me] in this sale BB 61b(12) [writ]; II. interrogative word introducing a 581
1#'^3 582 r ■ ; rhetorical question: X^X ',TX mpy Xp Dr?3 iTTI "X3Tr7 'Bl"pV does she not nullify only to carry out his condition? Git 84b(13); n'm.T DV73 X1JX ,T3 'Vl3pb X"7X I1? did you give it [i.e. the evil inclination] to us only to receive a reward for it [i.e. for overcoming it]? San 64a(ll); Sab 70a(4); Svu 19a(17); ib. 26a(52); 1.T7 p':j?B Dl^a 11H13X in1? ]'JH? X"?T 'TB 'MJi'V do we claim something for the orphans which their father did not claim for them? BB 52a(26) Y: ntf>3 BB 61b(12). 1#'^3 vb. to detain, lock up (< VxVa*; 4- X'"?3 'AVID; Sy «^La LS 327, Ma lttX^S MD 216) Pe.: XB'3 XS^'X X^S'a"? to detain a ship at sea HM 42:15; pnV m pnrmi 'JUH'D K^DTI X"?l you will not lock up any of their sons or daughters Bo 58:9 2#'V3 vb. to be finished, die, destroy, remove (Ma 2#xba MD 216) Pe. 1. to be finished: '31 X'"73 Xp nonsn "?y H3T3 X'^S the blessing is finished only over a broken piece (of bread) Ber 39a(51); ib. 47a(24); XT 'fen Tltt'X when will this be finished? && 77b(30) [expl. 4- i#xjr?'aina ib.]; 'x-na-im x^'-i x'Vai ny until the gatherers of the f.-plant leave (the market) Sab 21b(17) [lit. their leg is finished; cf. MH2 iy pwn ]B "?n nbOTW ib. 16]; 2. to be used up: Xp X2"lp X'"?3 the value of the object is used up Git 42b(3); Ket 79b(34); BM 70a(25); iA. 110a(4); Pes 40b(9); AW 51b(36); 3. to die: XXlVn 'X*73 "?m 13 na am PN's animal died Be£ 3b(43); r>3 'X1J13 irp'JYna their [i.e. the slaves'] last owners died Git 40a(43); VltXI V>31 they expired and died Bek 9a(8); n'JHT x"?3H ft X3B1 how do we know that his [i.e. David's] progeny died? San 95b(16); n'^'i nmm rnx]s mm nu^ '"?x3i xab'x a tree which is completely dead and blossoms again from its roots GS 315b: 13; 4. to be lost: .TDT r?3 Xan 3TT PN's money was lost BM 69b (7) Pa. 1. to destroy: inr'ra'j xn come (and) let us destroy them Meg 13b(41; L); in"? JT^aB Jl'SB XV lnVia1? you cannot destroy all of them AZ 10b(39); 2. to use up [v. Pe., mng. 2]: p'^SB X3"lp we may use up the value (of the object itself) BM 79a(28) [i.e. if one who rented an ass that died the owner is required hire out another from the sale of the carcass itself]; XJ"lp "ibaV ib. 42(V22); pass.part. X"?T Xm Xnp X'^aBT Xn '"Xnp"' X'"73B this refers to a case where the value of the object itself has been used up, and that to where the value of the object itself has not been used up BQ 3a(6); 3. to remove: '3TT '^ "3X Tins 'ba XSS 21 PN removed flies. PN2 removed flying insects Nid 17a(18; Ar [AC 4:226]) [I V2#'^3 pe., mng. 1] Af. to remove: X13T '"713a inV '"73a "3X PN used to remove them [i.e. the cattle] from the entire field Qid 81b(35; V3Ar [AC 4:226]); Mib XPJM m'-tox1? xi3j (n>'sn x"7i... ciin"? v?3B "r>3x do they not have to completely remove the goat from it? Do you not need a man to remove it? BB 5a(9; Es) [cf. HAr (AC 4:226)] On Pa., mng. 3, and Af, cf. Ma: X'V31 I'frN'XYJ N3NB N'KT '3 K'B'O nn ^3 IW'ra p'nxnni like the good shepherd who tends them and removes and eliminates from them every spirit of seduction Gy 177:19 [contra MD 216]. N'V3 n.m. a clasp to hold loose hair (4- Vl# 'Vd, fins, Xr'T3) sg. 'mis X'Vs (a clasp) which holds loose hair Sab 57b(39) [expl. 4- XJ"T3X] Y: '0-nB X;1?? Sab ib.(BAYTN 86). n.m. crown, wreath, coronation tax (4.*Vl#Wo; TA y?5 TJ Is 28:5, Akk kililu A CAD K 358, Sy rdS-iA-o LS 327, Ma ltX^a 217, > Arab JJSJ Fr, AF 62) 1. crown: sg. AZ 44a(44) [expl. BH 1U 2Chr 23:11]; pi. Tin 'W>3 in"? they had crowns BB 16b(22) [v. Ar (AC 4:234)]; 2. decorated headband: sg. Sab 59b(10) [made of woven material or cloth]; ib. 17; 22; 36; pi. 'V'^ njmxi yivy twenty-four headbands ib. 35; 3. wreath, garland: a. general: sg. xV'^s b'-u mm 'wx -a naV rrnarcx xrsi nvroV PN encountered PN2 who was weaving a wreath for his daughter (the bride) Git 7a(42); ib. 34; Bo 21:7 [v. AMB 132]; 'V'H X1?'^ a garland of lizards BB 4a(l); pi. XS^a r'X3'"'T 'b'bs ^'11 one who plaits the wreaths of King Yannai ib. 133b(15); Bo 78:18; b. of specific plants: sg. Xirn K/nn X^S a wreath of white rose(s) BM 84a(21) [cf. Ma XT1X1 xV'Vs Jb 77:10]; XJllpr 's'j'm x^a xma'o xmn kW: youth is a wreath of rose(s). Old age is a wreath of willows KSfe V'1?!) 583 t<^3 &Z> 152a(13); pi. 'V'^'V XDmn HDX '3 like fresh (?) myrtle(s) for garlands Bo 15:11; 4. in phrase N^'^3 'ST coronation tax [caique < Lat (aurum) coronarium]: sg. TCBH X^'^a 'BT Xinm n'"l3BX a certain payment of the coronation tax which was imposed on GN BB 8a(39); xWs "?B3 the coronation tax was annulled ib. 43; 'BT Xinn ^B-'-IBOXXl ,!7UXX X3"?a '31 n^T XV'^S a certain payment of the coronation tax which the officials of the king imposed upon the members of the city council and the strategoi ib. 143a(38) Geon. expl.: -pm °?'DrW HtBjr ']OT TGAs42 148:24 [mng. 4]; Lit: AIOA 63; Y: X^Vs Sab 152a(13; BAYTN 57). - toVa ^»V?, «"?'^3 n.m. melilot (Melilotus; I 2#TXS^'n; Sy rdi-Lbi .\ ;\^ LS 327, xV'Va XDVaT Asaf 403:53, > Arab ^ill JJSI Siggel 16; cf. Akk fo-ff/w B a rush CAD K 358) sg.abs. V'^D XDVa Ae/ 77b(19); det. X^'Vs Sab 109b(29) [in connection w. the compounding of drugs]; x"?'Vd XH' 'Bb'm X'an X3VaT melilot is similar to bluestem TRN 646:4; pi. 'V'^O X^an five (parts) melilot 5a6 109b(27) Lit: Flora 2:465; Y: XsVo ,?',?3 Ket ib. NSVS, NSVdN n.f. storehouse for grain (< Akk kalaicku A CAD K 62, mng. 2, AIOA 62) sg. "?IX X3"?D3 rVTO p'OXI 'DTI m ]3T he went, bought wheat with it, brought (it) up, (and) put it in the storehouse Tan 24a(28; Ar [AC 4:235]); ,T'TO XD^SXT X3X3 ... Xa'jDXS he placed it [i.e. the wheat] in the storehouse ... the door of the storehouse «&(MM); 'B'm Xa'ra a storehouse of wheat G;7 56a(28; Ar [AC ib.]) [Var: X3"73X MM]; pi. '3'ST 'DVD 1'Jl'tf X'5?3 'B'm XD^D a storehouse of wheat requires sixty storehouses of firewood (for fuel) ib. 29(Ar [AC 4:235]); X1H 'Dri 'XD^SXS imp! is it my wheat which would have sprouted in my storehouses? BM 63b(14); '3"7DX ib. 72b(28) Lit: Eps, Stl 47; Y: X31?? BAYTN 86. 1#VdV3 vb. to support, sustain (i VVl3; MH b±3 J 643) Pal.: VoVdXI SSHai 2a(6); ib. 1 2#V3h>3 vb. to foul, dirty (perh. metath. < T>3V* [VT.T7]; JPA l^S1? DJPA 283) Itpal.: '31 [X3]'B3 'niyis i^s'psa xmii xrms3 irtru when they go down to the riverbank their feet are fouled with clay OHT Sab 64:11; fJsVs'a X^ Xrt33 ib. 13 1#^3 vb. to marry someone off (denom. < I XnV3; I l#Xrr7'3, X^'Vs, Xrf?3; JPA Htbb^ DJPA 261) Pa.: ma1? H'^bs (if) he married off hisson5M101b(28) Itpa. to be married: X3in 3m n'13 nil ^S'X '3 when PN's son was being married Meg 27b(45; G) 2# Wa vb. to state a general rule, include (denom. < I X^S; JPA V?3 DJPA 260) Pe. 1. to state a general rule: TIX milT "?"3T 'Wa 'in ■?XlBEn n'awa general rules which PN, my brother, makes in PN2's name Ket 21a(45) // ib. 60a(9) // ib. 76b(22) // Hul 44a(12); 2. to include: n"?"?3n let him include it [i.e. n"?13n in the uran-prayer] Ber 29a(44); nans'? n'PXS 1VD ['1H3 rnino] he included clean cattle together with an ox AnanSch 7:13; n'V ^"S /& 5:9; n'bsi 16. 9:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 80. n.m. general rule, entire amount (i'^2#V?3; JPA V?3 DJPA 260) 1. general rule: sg. 'in xV?3 it is a general statement Svu 38a(19); Xin xVVsi is it a general rule? Yev 21b(35); Qid lla(24); BM 62a(46); //«/ 55b(10); xV?3 'Xa what is the general rule? Sab 39b(22); Er 46a(10); Git 39b(2); m'3 X1?^ 'Xn Dip! take this as a general rule [lit. hold this general rule in your hand] Meg 22b(18); AZ 10a(ll); Xin 1,TX mia im n'^3 "?ax n'^Vaa nai x"?t it cannot be learnt from its general rule, but its general rule can be learnt from it Zev 49a(35); XnV'aT X^S the general rule of the matter Pes 110b (6) [cf. MH2 laito iVVa Er 65a(6)]; Ket 61a(48); BM 103b(35); Hul 52a(7); XTYU'afflttn xV'ja the rule of groomsmanship BB 145b(7); X^S 'an X*7 Xn Xap x"?^^ xnm the latter general statement is not, in fact, similar to the former one BQ 64a(24); Hul 66a(ll); Zev 4b(31); Kar 21a(12); pi. '"pVs 'in1? iniri'1? these general rules are disregarded [lit. do not exist] Er 46b(31); Yev 64b(13); 'DXTS1 'bxVs 'Bm ]33T the scholars interpret (by the principle of) general rules and particular cases San 45b(52); Er 27b(47); Suk
7ta 584 K7173 T ; - 50b(28); Naz 34b(21); Svu 23b(28) [* 'BIB]; Hul 66a(14); Kar 21a(14); /5GF 50:13; #e/ 21a(45) [+ //'s; 4- V2#7?3 pe., mng. 1]; Xmi73 H3 TTX 1X1 '7X73 p'BpJ if there is a dispute concerning it we utilize the general rules TGHark 118:9; 2. entire amount: pi. 'JN31P3 'DNIBl ^'3T3 '773 the 'whole ones' [i.e. the hundreds in the date] as jubilee cycles and the 'portions' [i.e. the remainder] as sabbatical cycles AZ 9b(9; TGHark 21:36) Lit: Bacher 84; Voc: x993 HGP 21b:29; Y: K^3 Sab 39b(22; BAYTN 43). - 7^3, 773 773 adv. at all a. alone: 773 TJiO 'B1 does (wine) give nourishment at all? Ber 35b(46); 773 WX X71 X3'il (in a case) where he did not drink at all Sab 140a(44); 773 'TITX X7 (the animal) was not fit at all Yom 64a(15); XB711 773 b^y X1? perhaps (even if the produce) has not developed at all RH 13a(l); Sot 19b(40) [corr.: 773 773]; 5A/ 38b(39) [F1: 773 773]; 7an 17a(38); GiY 15b(ll); 5A/76b(32); San 53b(22); Zev 36b(21); Ara 26a(32); b. repeated: 773 773 X7 certainly not Bes 35b(36; L); A/eg 2b(21; L); ib. 24a(17); X-|0n'B X7 773 773 VxiB/H XB'XI say that (the idolatry) of a Jew is not prohibited at all AZ 52a(12); Tan 17a(38; V'7); 773 "7 Tl'Vl Itttt 713TI X71 Xlil 773 you should not eat an eagle which does not have (any characteristics of a clean bird) at all Hul 61b(7); Hor lla(3) Y: V?3 Tan 17a(38). prep, as if, included with (lit. in the category of; i "i -|»3) X3im Kip1? ]3T 7X1BW XP7B1 7733 PN bought a gold bowl (priced) as if it were (gold-plated) bronze BQ 113b(28; EsF'H[bef.corr.],Ar [AC 6:339],HP 88:6); ilXB HXB 7733 H-iW xnX'3n pttiyi one hundred and twenty jugs of wine as if they were one hundred BQ 113b(29; HP 88:7,F'H[bef.corr.]); 7733 Xlil il'B'X it [i.e. the embryo] is included with its mother Tern 10b (2) Y: ^33 Tern ib. - nVV3», 7^3)3 adv. by inference (i X773) a. alone: x"?x "larvx »its3 1X7 'iV p jwim 'in xn ian,X X773B this (tradition) of PN was not stated explicitly but was stated by inference Ber 9a(7); Sab 29a(23); BQ 20b(37); BM 101a(45); BB 40b(18); Svu 21a(12); #«/ 94a(12); W1TB3 X773B IX "J1? XJi'BW did you hear it [i.e. the tradition] explicitly or by inference? Er 46a(9); Sab 39b(21); Yev 60b(43); Git 39b(14); Xin lliTPR nrram X773B one was said by inference from another Er 20a(38) // Yev 88b(26) ib. 96a(ii); 's'D3 'inp xb x??3B 'awai '3'n "73 wherever (the Tanna) implies (something) by inference (in the first part of the Mishna), he does not learn it in the final part Naz 53b(13); b. abs. followed by a "J-clause: nty'X TWO! 773B rna it may be inferred that Moses forgot it Pes 66b(35); ib. 92b(19); 111171)1 K3'XT 773B ni3X (from the fact that the Mishna mentions) principal categories it may be inferred that there are derivative ones BQ 5a(33); Yev 105a(31); BQ 19a(7); BM 62a(30); BB 123a(44); San 107b(21); AZ 21a(42); Men 98a(10); Bek 28b(ll) Y: xW?B Yev 60b(43). vb. to shame someone (JPA D73 DJPA 261) Af.: D73'B1 ,T7 'B73B1 they shame him, and he is ashamed BQ 86a(56); ib. 86b(l); 23; 30 Itpe. to be ashamed [v. Af.]: D'Vs'B BQ 86b(l; Oxf, c.21, 34) 2# D?3 vb. (uncertain) Pa.: xaiV^OI np'y "73 Jl'3n 7J?31 X813 whatever is essential to ... the vineyard is (the responsibility) of the landlord BM 103b(35; H[corr.]M) [Var: 'B73 Ar (AC 4:238); XB73 V23Rashi] Expl. Ar: nmB OVID1? 1"0 AC ib.; Rashi: HTaw. Nn»73 4- xna7p n. '373 4- 1#XSX vb., X"7 adv. 7'3j? 73 4- 7'3p prep. NJlV?, pi. NJ1N73 n.f. bride, daughter-in-law (4-^l# 773; TA XJT73 TJ Is 61:10, Sy rc'&.La, pi. rc'&lJLi, KilJLa LS 326, Ma XT17X3 MD 197) 1. bride: sg.'On X3njiB3 XT173 '■'lip MOH they sing so before the bride in the west [i.e. Eretz Israel] Ket 17a(10); XD73 H'3 XBJBJBl xrrip a ... in which the bride dozes off Ket 17b(4) [expl. MH Xairn Mib. 2:1]; Sab 77b(33) [4- XH7'3#B]; I XT1731 XJJin bridegroom and bride Git 57a(16); "TJNM ■ Hul 83a(26); SSHai 2a(14); 2. daughter-in-law: sg. nn737 rb x'ao mm nniiinn x'nn a certain mother-in-law who hated her daughter-in-law Sab 26a(3); Xriam XT173 Bo 54:7; ib. 100:5; 115:5; 128:2; MQ 9b(31); XTO33 '33 il'J1737 illSO D1S1 PN eulogized his daughter-in-law in the synagogue Meg 28b(34); n'J173T Xn3lri3 his daughter-in-law's ketubba BB 174b(20; P1) II Ara 23a(33); Ket 54a(44); BM 17a(20); Mei 19a(20); pi. xnx73 n»? ri'x 73X xnxVs n'? n,7T '7'a 'jm n,riX13,'7 11WB1 nTlX73 p^nc? X7 this refers to a case where he does not have daughters-in-law. But if he has daughters-in-law, he does not abandon his daughters-in-law by sending (a gift only) to his daughters BB 143b(10; HP 118:15); lipsrVi 133 im»'7 X7i xnx73 7"yn you will bring daughters-in-law (into your family), your sons will not die, and they will go out (to their wives' family estates) MQ 9b(17); Ber 56a(23; MGG 703:15); Yev 21b(13; Ar [AC 5:2535, s.v. «pia]); 1X173 'Jan your eight daughters-in-law Pes 116a(9); Mei 19a(21) Voc: xfr?5 HGP 44a:5; Y: XT))? Sab 77b(33; BAYTN 187). "T ]X1Z3 i 2# ]Xa pron. nS13, NM3 adv. how much/many?, many, a long time, conj. as much as, as long as (4- "f X83 73; mng. I: JPA H83 DJPA 261, mng. 2, Ma X83 MD 218, Sy rd_Sa vy<? LS 14; mng. II: Sy rdSa^o -n LS 330, mng. 2c, Ma "1 X83 MD 218) I. adv. 1. alone: a. how much/ many?: Sab 60b(51); Pes 31b(39); Hul 76a(30); na3 X715H X311X 'IXlin how much is the length of a wagon (in the desert)? Sab 98a(9); mil na3 ?WB what was Moses' height? Ber 54b(26) [lit. how much was Moses?]; Xlin XJ7S xnnQ'X iia31 how much is a stater? Half a zuz Ket 64a(30); BB 58b(15); nasi 'Dns how many perutas (are there in a quarter of a zuz)'! Kar 10b(24); I'XO W?» X'lH HB3 113 how much is the bat"? Three seahs Er 14b (12); i!B3 vrwa Din3X Wp how much older was Abraham than Sarah? San 69b(35); H37n HB3 how much milk? Hul 110a(9); b. a long time: "]Jil3 Dn na3 'ropl 'S'lXT 'ai' I shall sleep a long time in those days of the 'graves' Er 65a(37); c. a large amount: iia33 ip"? WJ0B8 you will cause him a H»3 t : large loss BM 73a(36); 2. w. a fol. n. many, how many: '7030 i!B3 many benches Ber 28a(12); 'K7 ilB3 many years iSGF 104:9; XBT 'J'B '03 many types of blood Nid 59a(31); Anan 57:1 [* in]; XllXSn na3 many places TGHark 51:18; DV3 '17B nT'3 ilB3 Xim '17B on day so-and-so which is so many (days) in month such-and-such HP 163:27; XpW3 X3'X \J7D3 HB3 'in piB go out (and) see how many idlers there are outside Ber 17b(41); Yom 19b(52); Bes 29b(ll); BQ 84b(9); TGHark 142:20; li. 205:19; /5GF90:18; II. conj. l. as: wan xnmx nso3 a'rai nas as it is written in Moses' Torah SSHai 13a(19); 2. as much as: ]TV01i "UW7 ■HPB'XT il»3 we change (the procedure) as much as possible Sab 128b(46); '7J?» 3"lpai HB31 the closer (the fringe) is (to the edge of the garment) the better (it is) Men 42a(18); ib. 45a(19); Tail ^21 iia 73 Q'3m ym ilB3 he learns as much as he wants, and he studies as much as he wants Sab 90b(26); Er 4b(36); Gif 69b(4); BB 143b(7); San 106b(12); p'701 XB3 as far (as the lineage) goes back Anan 97:24; ib. 100:13; XJTIX ]B N'Btt WIBTIXT XB3 as far as the sky was separated from earth HMGas 94:10; 3. as long as, until: a. alone: X'tm XB3 as long as she sees (menstrual blood) Anan 42:6; )lJ?B2n XT3 KTlMtfOT HB3 as long as the loan transaction is in PN's possession Geon 163:10; ib. 234:10!; ilB^J H'3 TPXI HB3 as long as it remains alive [lit. that breath is in it] Sab 75a(31); ib. 151b(49); b. w. negation: xV 'Tin 'p?0B X7T HB3 Xri'3 13X '?ptf as long as they do not settle the monetary claim [i.e. redeem their pledge], they cannot take the rent BM 73b(9); ini'Wn XJ'JIB X7 il,m3T3 XJB'BHB X71 ilB3 xno '3X I do not lay my head down on the pillow as long as I do not thoroughly evaluate the claims in his favor Sab 119a(3; M); iV7 p'7DB 'SB Xnt'3 3'iT X7T i!B3 as long he does not give the seed he may remove him (from the tenancy) BM 74b(35); X7T i!B3T 1V2 nro'B X7 an pnt as long as the blood has not been sprinkled the meat is not permitted Hul 81a(35); Sab 97b(45); Ket 64a(24); BB 89b(35); Bek 12b(7); Ara 6b(2); 4. the more that, the longer that: iT7'n WTO WVpn ilB3 the older (the snake) becomes, the weaker.is its strength AZ 585
N31B3 586 1? 30b(20); t\ny 'SB *|'X31 HSD the more one is bent over (while praying), the better it is RH 26b (44); BQ 9b(27); XTPB1 X"lpy xnTBl XB31 the more that (the boat) rises, (the more) it uproots and brings (the coral) RH 23a(32); XipiKH nB3 UK\ mswx vb ripen nas ny» i^ns wnsa in1? rniPB there [i.e. concerning grapes] the longer you leave them the more they actually deteriorate. (Concerning) hair, the longer you leave it alone, the more it actually improves San 15a(42) Lit: Eps, Stl 7528 [mng. II.3]. The exact mng. of "I nB3 in the phrase XTOOW '»:'« 'TDJ K^T HB3 JUTO XailX 'fGl '81 Gi/ 39a(44) // Er 15a(42) // AW 1 lb(5) // £fl 84b(12) is uncertain; Voc: N»3 HPP 212:20; Y: n»3 &ii 148a(32). K3V33 n.m. cumin (Akk kamunu CAD K 131, TA X31B3 TJ Is 28:25, Sy <1<^xlA LS 332, Ma X31BX3 MD 197) sg. Sab 67a(6); zi. 110b(5); Git 69b(19); ife 32; AZ 29a(U); HP 190:4; r04$42 160:8; HM 43:23 Lit: Flora 3:435+; Y: MiB? /(Z ib.(BAYTN 246). J'fiS I X3'B n. K3733 n.m. a type of dish containing milk (< Mir *kamak [cf. MP kamag#\ gruel or soup CPD 48]; 4- Xri'DT, XnJVD; Sy rdix^a-o sharp sauce made with vinegar or with sour milk PSmSup 167) sg. Ket 60b(52; V5); AZ 35b(37); X3B31 X13 a A:.-vessel of kamkha Pes 76a(44); ib. lllb(26; E2V14); Hul 112a(5); «& 10; n'ta'rf? X3B33 to eat it [i.e. bread baked in an oven smeared with animal fat] with k. Pes 30a(21; Ar [AC 4:247]V14); Anan 47:19; TGAs42 164:12; X3Vm X3B3 a A:.-dish of milk HG3 231:79; j'6. 213:89; pSIX l,T'Vy 135? xVl X3B33 VUnWUl ''Br let him smear them [i.e. the barley cakes] with k. which is not more than forty days old Git 69b(ll) Lit: Fl, TMW 2:452; Geig, AAC 225; Tel 86; Low, ZA 22 [1909] 79+; Y: X303 Hul U2a(5; BAYTN 86). 183 vb. to conceal, hide (Sy ^ia-a LS 331) Af.: xnVos n'-on1? any psxi xinn a certain person who concealed witnesses against another in a curtained-off area San 29b(4) [cf. MH T7 p'M&n any Mib. 7:10]; ib. 8; x"?l nxinx pn33 xVl xa"7j?3 ayia bto nxin ]» pc^asa we shall not deceive each other, and we shall not hide anything anywhere from each other SSHai 10a(5) KSM n.m. locust (< 4- XXBp w. dissim. -q-s- > -k-s-; I Xmsa3; Ma 'XBX1 pi. MD 76) sg. rn""X»3 xatys merely a locust Yev 121b(29); pi. 'XB3 OHT Yev 240:9 Geon. expi.: jrany ywii ]owo 'S03 rfnpw] wnn 'ran inx 1K11 OHT Yev ib., i.e. *\ji-; note also the spelling of the PN's KX03, KX83-n Gi.r 55b(53; MGD 625:21) X1TX83 n.m. locust (4- XXB3) sg. ,TTfit»3 }fev 121b(29; OHT ib. 240:10) l#"l»3 vb. to turn (Ma nB3 af., etpa. MD 218) Af. to do again [w. asyndetic sec. vb.]: XT2? 1D3X n'3 he spit into it again [i.e. his cup] Qid 81b(2) [cf. Ma: jiai xrrW33 1XB3X they again cast them into evil MD ib.] Itpe. to return: prunp by p3'ns pVl3 pJ33'J1 may the idol-spirits return (?) on the one who called them Bo 106:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 48. 2# T»3 vb. to pile up (JPA na3 DJPA 262, MH 2#1B3 LNVTH 192, Akk kamaru CAD K 112, Arab >£ to cover Hava 665) Pe.: '31? 'bvyi "1B3B XmxyB piling up and bringing in (of grapes) to the press-room BM 74a(19); ib. 24 Lit: Geig, AAC 225. 3#*T»3 vb. (uncertain) Pe.: X103 "IB3B ... of the meat Pes 58a(43); ib. 44; 58b(l) The translations offered by Rashi [to heat] and RaH [to wither; = TO3] are merely guesses, since the context refers to a process which causes the spoiling of the meat. tf»3 vb. to wither (Sy x^wuo to dry up LS 333, Ma was MD 219) Pe.: 'yr Tin ,B?a3i ]T*3 as soon as (the trees) withered they knew (that something had befallen him) BB 16b(23); pm X3'D p3yi XWa31 KW X"?T ,1133 rb they take clay and stick it in it [i.e. the bouquet of narcissuses] so that it does not dry up and wither TRN 592b:4; pass.part. ]BB3»1 'niBTOX T»<'>a3 DX if its leaves are withered and bent over HM 41:21 Af. id.: XK/B3B1 X31 n"in PN saw that (the turnips) were withered Er 40a(7; OV1) [RaH: xwasxi] ]3,p adv. so, similarly (TA p TJ Is 51:6, Sy Tffl, E : ^j LS 333, Ma p MD 213) a. in non-verbal phrases: XTTp pi T3 pi and, similarly (with regard to) eggs and a pot Er 101a(19) // Bes 33a(l); HP 190:4; X3113 'Xn '3 pi and similarly in this manner San 100a(26); xraVn pi and so is the law HP 13:19; 'B3 pi and so also TGHark 162:2; Anan 72:17; XJUtfn *)X p so moreover now 5o 3:11; ri312?3 'airiai lyia ^3 pi and similarly, any holiday which falls on the Sabbath Anan 39:5; ib. 99:16; HP 166:4; b. in verbal phrases: ■?333 "jinx nann pi and PN explained it so in GN Sab 53a(31); Su* 7a(3) [I V'T af., mng. 2]; Gi/ 19a(44); //w/ 108b(18); SSHa/ 12a(17); c. fol. preps.: p "ID3 afterwards BB 40b(21); TGHark 84:21; HM 42:10; ^«a« 118:13; p ITU TGAs33 210:9; ]3 5"yXl even so iSGF 39:12 Y: p Ber 7b(35). —1311? adv. such-and-such an amount (archaic and legal; i '3m '3n, 1=1 P) a. alone: pi ]3 xm ]X'an Xn'3n31 |"in was there not, in fact, such- and-such (an amount of sesame), and was it not placed in a jug? Yev 115b(4); rt> JVS'OIXI 'IT3X1 pi ]3 I willingly added for her such-and-such (an amount of money) HP 164:4 [in a ketubba]; pi 'tf>S XpD'y 'Bl ]B 'bth n'8? ri'X pi so-and-so has such-and-such (an amount) of the money from a certain business deal TGHark 100:25; SSHai 2a(17); ib. 9b(8); 17a(16); 18b(14); 3n3'»V n'WX 131 p he compelled him to write such-and-such TGHark 164:37; ib. 234:10; b. w. a fol. noun: p pri Tin iipaii)) 'jisd pi p DJin nn '33i pi such-and-such scholars were there, such-and- such eulogizers were there Yev 121b(30); pi p nn ]31 ]3 IX 'tit such-and-such (an amount of) zuzim or such-and-such (an amount of) denars SSHai 5b(19); ib. 4a(7); 9b(7); SSSad 205:13; Dec 10:9; Geon 78:10; TG^25 22b:14; TGHark 154:33 Voc: pi r>5 HGP 23a:28; Y: pi 1? Yev 115b(5). - 1'33 adv. then (JPA ](')33 DJPA 103) p31 '©Xi'X inn n3 KTnV and then we have sent two men concerning it TGAs33 211:11; Bo 10:7 1 # K33 n.m. stem, stalk, original position (4- XSDlp; Sy rdia base, stalk LS 333, Ma X3X3 stem MD 198, mng. d) 1. stem, stalk: sg. n'JSB 3# *H33 t : - y'T (the pumpkin) is recognized from its stalk Ber 48a(9; OHT ib. 112:25); pi. Xtm Xin in"333 it was on their stalks that he saw (the turnips in his dream) ib. 57b(22; P); nansV 'tn '83 in"J33 (the gourd) is fitting (as food) for an animal also in its stalks [i.e. before it is cut off] Hul 15b(10; Seel 145:35); 2. in a fig. sense original position: pi. lin'in)333 linn' x:n he learnt them [i.e. the laws of the Sabbath and idolatry] in their positions [i.e. their specific tractates] Kar 3b(28; Ar [AC 4:252]) [4- X3213 mng. 3] Lit: Eps, Stl 126; Y: W»3 Ber 57a(36). 2# N33 n.m. small vessel (< Akk kannu a small container CAD K 156, AIOA 62 < Sum gan Lieb, SLOB 246; Ma X3X3 receptacle, vessel MD 198, mng. a) sg. n»nS3 X33 X33 (the contents of) each small k.-vessel (is sold) for a peruta Ket 99b(5); pi. '333 n"31 Xinx3 in a place where they measure in A:.-vessels ib.; '333 'jatBl X"WX3 in a place where they sell in &.-vessels Mei 21b(16; V10) Y: X3? Ket ib.(BAYTN 100). "1J33 n.m. artichoke (< Mir *kangar [cf. NP hangar PED 1056]; i mm, X^X^plfin; Sy ■iAJ-a, etc. LS 333) sg. Sab 109b(34; AC 4:255) [O: 13'33]; HG1 95:50 Geon. expl.: [W'l ... v'jKa SSI'] HVW 131 13'01pa3 V 1U3K1 w]ix imp D'VKynB' pwVai mm is Kirn 'Virtpinn ww i'iip» [>D:n TRN 629:1 + AC 4:256, i.e. jiii colocynth [v. Koh, AC ib., where this expl. is correctly rejected]; 3Wy^B niTB iffl GnK5 169:2. Lit: Flora 1:412. 1#K133 n.m. small growth on the lung (4 XirtJ; etym. unknown) pi. '133 'an?! VUTn '133 he saw that (the lungs) were covered with various small growths Hul 48b(2); HP 201:3; •H33 ]B p-OTl n3'D tubercules which are larger than small growths HG3 151:88(Ar [AC 4:49, s.v. -I3D]) Geon. expl. [Hai]: ]2'oni rf'^lS H»l I'J'K 713 D'nOX W^lSl rona ]"iim nai snn'Bi 'yi3 nisi Ar [Ac ib.; cf. HG3 ib.47]. 2#N133 n.m. type of garment (4- X3113) pi. '3XB H33 no@nn thirteen A.-garments: clothes [double rdg.] MQ 24a(31; CAr [AC 4:256]) Lit: Koh, AC 4:256. StfN'WS n.m. pitcher (< 4- XI? w. dissim. of 587
Kpnw 588 «1» -<«- > -nd-\ OfA 133 TADC xxxvii; > Akk kandu container of earthenware or silver, mainly for wine CAD K 148) pi. HID '33Ta '3n sellers of pitchers Pes 30a(16); OHP Er 105:3 [4- l#Xri3'3] Lit: AAC 226; Y: '13? Pes ib.(BAYTN 86). Kj?TT23 adj., n. (attribute of a person) sg.m. xrpn(xm3D rann'a pn, ... Hui 4%(25) [v11: xprup] This word has been connected w. NP kandu, kundu a large clay storage vessel for grain PED 1054, Sy i<Lo«:i_Lp LS 333 [v. Fl, TMW 2:452; Geig, AAC 227], but as Geig, ib., pointed out, the expected form for one who makes vessels [cf. Rashi: D'13 131B] should have been X1J71133*. The form is poss. a gentilic of a GN; Y: XJTI133 Hul ib. X3133 n.m. portable brazier (< Akk ki/anunu kiln, brazier CAD K 393, AIOA 62; 4- 'SJ1 '3; Sy rtlt^J. LS 333, Ma X313XD MD 198, > Arab uj^ Fr, AF 26) sg. ,T»D'p 3JX X313D pHDVofc we move the brazier for the sake of its ash Bes 21b(23; Ar [AC 4:255]) // Sab 47a(18; M) Geon. expi.: ,13 mos1? X'mi n'OD'p sax iminn na ]'»iyw mm J13X3 ^xyOB' '^a pi ,1X1X Ar [AC ib.]; Lit: AAC 226; Brand 245; Y: X3133 Sab ib.(BAYTN 68). i"INK/i33 n.m. sweeper (4- Vl#B>33; cf. JNA XJTCmD kanusta broom HDJNA 100) pi. only, in a fig. sense: 'XnHTI WI3D 'sweepers and sprinklers' Hul 60a(12; V") [i.e. winds and rains; cf. Ma: XHriHTl XHW3D I swept and sprinkled Gs 84:19] Y: 'XP133 Hul ib.(BAYTN 324). '33 vb. to modify an expression (Ma 1#X3D pa. MD 219) Pa.: '3D modify (the biblical text from 2nd to 3rd person) Svu 36a(45) [w. ref. to H33^ Dt 28:22]; tf>.(47) [w. ref. to ysw Ps 52:7] NYIIB N'33 n.m. an unclean bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(33; Ar [AC 4:257]) Lit: AAC 227. l#Nflty'33 n.f. synagogue, congregation (4- V2# 2?33, xniS'JD '3, xrronD -o, xntf'iD tf'-i; TA XW'33 TJ Jo 1:14, Ma KTWU MD 219, JPA rWiO DJPA 263, > Akk kinistu class of priests CAD K 386, > Sy k'^Lx.oj^ LS 335) 1. synagogue [rare; generally 4- XJW'33 '3]: sg. XJW'33 113 X3HSD1 I used to pray in the synagogue Ber 8a(42); xniP333 HDXT (wayfarers) who eat in the synagogue Pes 101a(5); XJW3D fiy&l the synagogue of GN Yev 64b(33); Hul 97a(3); Meg 29a(23; I§GF 73:3); pi. xn '»3 H3'X xriNWlD HriD xp they also, in fact, destroy synagogues Yom 10a(38); xrW3D Vd flDJTX 'X"7331 all the synagogues of the Babylonians were closed iSGF 97:8; 2. congregation: sg. boi pi nrms nH X'tm XIWO every congregation which sees this decree of excommunication Dec 3:13; ib. 4:15; 7:18 Y: XriB'33 San 109b(54; BAYTN 172). 2#NrK27'33 n.f. sweeping (4- Vl#W3D, XTO3DB) sg. m '31 X7W33 sweeping up of the threshing floor BM 21b(17; Ar [AC 4:264]) 033 vb. to gather, marry (4- V2#W3D; JPA 033 DJPA 263) Pe. (a/u) to marry: 0'3D xVl HD3 xm XM 1JV3 IX1? ff? but, in fact, as long as he does not marry her, she is not his 'house' [i.e. wife; v. Lev 16:6] Yom 13a(17); ib. 18; Hinx HD3DT ]TO n,X3nV riHnx when he married her, he indeed absolved his (prior) condition Yev 110a(7); D13DH X.T» 'W'VWD let him then marry on Tuesday Ket 3b(28); ib. 62b(32); HP 156:17 Pa. to gather: ]Tb TTXT na n'OUD1? to gather what belongs to them SSHai 17b(8); pass.part. 'tJXID na ]'033a 'a Xin'aV to see if the individual cases are gathered in it [i.e. the Mishna] TGAs42 70:26 JT33 vb. to bow down, be humbled (JPA J?33 DJPA 263) Itpe. 1. to bow down [w. '»p'B before s.o.]: n'&p'B XV3D'X tib she did not bow down before him MQ 16b(26); AZ 17b(3) 2. to be humbled: njnxi X'aw 1J733ri'X heaven and earth were humbled Bo 10:6 nN3iT33 adj. Slavic (lit. Canaanite; Sy ^iiv;» PSm 1766) sg.m. nX35?33 X13J/ a Slavic slave S$Haila(\) Lit: R. Jakobson & M. Halle, For M. Weinreich on his Seventieth Birthday, The Hague 1964 147+. The origin of this term is from IB;1 13y ]J?33 VT1 Gen 9:26. N'S133 1 X'S13'D n. ^33 vb. to assemble, gather, crowd together (perh. denom. < 4- XS3D; 4- X'513'D, 1# XS3'D; Ma «13D MD 219, Sy -*<~ LS 334 [< Ma]) Pe. (a/ ) NS33 589 2# #33 t ; - to assemble, gather together: a. people: X3TJ73 X^np «]'3XD1 when he assembles the congregation Anan 23:21; HH'aVn *]3D1 he gathered his students iSGF 80:10; pass.part. IxVl Tia'X "?D pn1? HXp TIT l'S'3D ^X"W' linVlD whenever not all of the Jews are assembled he calls them [i.e. even a large number] an individual HP 37:8; ib. 3; b. objects: XJinVaa Xn^a «1'3D1 ]Xa 'Xn one who gathers together salt from a salt pit Sab 73b(34) Pa. 1. id.: a. people: X3H T1X mn '3 X3in 31 ai na 1331 moy vpai «i'3D& map1? when a court case came before PN, he used to gather together and bring ten scholars from the be rav San 7b(14) // Hor 3b(32); Ber 30a(51; F); Anan 112:3; ib. 113:15; VU'DIJD 131HV 1DX is their assembling (at the kalld) for your benefit? [i.e. so that I can issue them a summons for you] BQ 113a(27); pass.part. 'S13D ,S3D,aT they are gathered close together Ber 47b(52) [* HH3 H13M completely scattered]; nn'l 'S13D 'DSD'a (the three judges) were actually assembled in session San 8a(43); ib. 29b(36) [# VUWfl I'JD he assembled them in session ib. 37]; Ned 8b(4); b. objects: XttT "?D n'atj'p1? nH 'S3Da they gather his ash together every day Git 57a(l; V18); ina1? 133'ai ]X»D 'WS X3'"inx xaiHI he looks like one who is gathering (the stubble) for sometime in the future Bes 33b(41); pass.part. 'DSDa Ber 58b(56) [stars in one place; * man]; Nid 27b(16) [earth]; BM 25a(41; F1) [coins; double rdg.; 4- ^rbv quad.]; 2. to bunch up: pass.part. IX fill Tin'a X»»n ^D'a 'B13D is a seal impression cut directly into (the wax) or is (the wax) completely bunched up? Git 20a(39); 3. to gather up skirts: Xnynx Vd 'D13DT anything (which is done) with the intention of gathering up skirts (of a garment) Sab 147a(36) [cf. Ma pD'xVlS'E? ]TS'3XD gather up your skirts MD ib.] Itpe./Itpa. 1. to be assembled, gather together: n'Dl1? 'aVy HID VltXI TUD'X all of them gathered together and went to him AZ 19b(33; J); San 8a(53); 'am 'ya'"?'! mn 'aiV fylT1? let us gather together and pray (for rain) Tan 23b(41; M2); XTlDn ina fPV 'DUD'xb f? 'J?3'ai all of us are required to gather together in one place Anan 7:10; n'apV 1D3D'X Xa1?? '"71DT pan the Rabbis of the whole world were assembled before him ISGF 88:11; ib. 104:10; 111:4; TGHark 157:7; OHTMeg 54:8; 2. w. -1? to assemble: 0>(')S33H '^S'1?"! nitty '3 "IB1? assemble ten (men) and pray (the 'amida) Ber 7b(48; F); 'Xm n'V 1'3D'a 'Xn n'1? «l'3D'a X1? (the demon) can (magically) assemble this [i.e. large objects] but not that [i.e. small objects] San 67b(29) KS33, pi. '933, KJ1933 n.f. wing, lap, flap of a garment, extremity (4- V«]3D; TA XS3D" TJ IK 6:24, Sy rdaa_5 LS 334> Ma XDW:3 MD 199)l- wing: pi. n'S3D Hul 141b(16); 2. lap, bosom: sg. maxi n'S333 nan' mn (PN's daughter) was sitting in her father's lap BB 12b(23); ib. 58a(8); Qid 81b(46); 3. flap of a garment [4- X31p mng. 4]: sg. nVapl n'S3D W*n 'aVH perhaps he spread out the flap of his garment and caught it Sab 5a(14); TS333 yent) XnJ'X"? llpVo (if) you go up to the roof, your meal (should be) in the flap of your garment Pes 113a(10); BM 85a(15); pi. jmx ]inJTI03T XDXD33 the four flaps of their garment Seel 144:1; 4. metaph. extremity, end: pl.cs. njnx 'S3D 5/31X the four ends of the earth Bo 56:14 Y: 1'B33 Sab ib.(BAYTN 86). 1##33 vb. to sweep, rake (4- Xtf3'3, nXtfl3D, 2#xni£?'33, XJlir;33a; Sy x-j-o LS 335, mng. l.e, Ma tt/33 MD 220) Pe.: in1? Tim in1? ]'2/3DT ]'3»t 'X13X sometimes they sweep them up [i.e. the fingernails] and throw them outside MQ 18a(29); XJTnp3a "NT/a X1X1TO3 '^33T 'Xn (I previously thought that) the reason for sweeping [lit. this that they sweep] crumbs was because of cleanliness Hul 105b(25); Xp iTJMX na'p mn XJl'a XE73D his maidservant was in the process of sweeping out the house BM 85a(17); TGDr49 103:19 [expl. MH lasan Sab 95a(22)]; TWXsvfr to sweep it out [i.e. the sukka] HP 29:4 [= GeonH nmvb HR 25:35]; Pes 45b(22); n'B;3D Xp'l XT1X xa'V the wind came (and) swept it [i.e. the food that was prepared] into the sea Hul 60a(10) [cf. Ma: Xisy 2T3D ... Xp'l the wind sweeps up the dust AM 271:9] 2# #33 vb. to gather, collect (4- X'D mi»33 'D,
l#Nfl33 590 SrilOS l#XrTC?'J3, VoJO; Sy *_La LS 335, mng. la, Ma ttU3 etpa. MD 220; cf. MH 0J3J J 649) Pa.: XII 'P1331 X3XW'1? it is a term of gathering together San 7a(38) [w. ref. to VTM Dt 1:17, as if < H VllX pe.] Itpe. to be gathered in: XXlltfV XTTOB BP23'»1 it is gathered in (for storage) from one year to another HG3 386:22 In the phrase yvsb »13'X BM 83b(41), the rt. VwJ3 itpe. seems to mean 'to enter'; however, since this rdg. only occurs in H, and all the other mss. have *7IX, this otherwise unattested mng. for this rt. is doubtful. 1# KM? n.f. ileum (4- X111; JPA JIM DJPA 264; cf. JNA XTU3 kanta stomach fat HDJNA 100) sg. XrU31 1B3 I'1? pTBl he sells him (forbidden fat of the thigh) instead of that of the ileum Bek 30a(7) [Var: XTU31B3 HG3 239:74]; ib. 1; 13 XIII p 13 XW3 IX XW313 IX 3'pJ'B when either the large intestine or the ileum is pierced outside the convolution HP 201:19; XXU31 X111 i& 202:1 [but X-nm XJU3 Geon 26:19]; XJ1331 X1111 'XI tfu/48b(28); i& 113a(31); XTU31 7m© veins of the ileum NDGR 164:8 Y: Xri33 //«; ib. 2#Kri33, KM'?, pi. KJIK'33, KJ1K33 n.f. basket (Sy rc'&j.a, rc'&j.a basket of fruit PSm 1761 [Lex]) sg. Tftn XIU3 a basket of g.-fish Ket 105b(43); 'TBI XXU3 a basket of fruit Sk* 20b(21; M); Yev 93a(20; O2) // Ket 105b(32; V5) [Fr: rrtota]; pi. 'TBI XJIX'33 5mA: 20b(21; OH ib. 112:2) [RaH: xnx:(D){3(] Geon. expl.: niTB *7V nWo OH ib.; Lit: GC 4219; Y: XW3 for ib. 3# K7133 n.f. type of bread (etym. unkn.) sg. XT1TDB XJU3 unleavened A:.-bread Git 69a(33) Geon. expl.: TBB rf?0 OHT ib. 155:19, i.e. >ij ,^ii unleavened bread baked in ashes; Y: Xm? Git ib.(BAYTN 187). 4#KJ133, pi. KJ113? n.m. colleague (BA XXTU3 pi. HALOT 1900, Sy rc'&J-a, pi. k'&K.Lo, LS 334) pi. n'TlX133 p tf'tfj? the oldest of his colleagues Bo 21:9 1#K03, K0K3, K013, abs. 03 n.m. cup, bowl (4- '03 '3, XT1D3; TA XD3 TO Gen 40:11, Sy Klm-a LS 322, Ma X0X3 MD 199) 1. cup: a. general: pi. '03 1XB rbn three hundred cups Git 68b(49); San 100b(37) [4- VriBJ pe.]; Sab 66b(20) [4- V«]n0 pa.]; 5es 13b(24) [4- V<f7p pa.]; '031 '313 drinking bowls and cups BM 25b(31); b. w. var. designations: sg. XB031 X03 a silver cup Yom 78a(23) [4- XS03 mng. 1]; XimiTI Xip' ]XB1 X03 'rnivn a precious goblet of translucent glass Ber 31a(3); pi. '1X1TI '0X3 translucent (glass) cups Pes 112a(26); AZ 12b(23); c. esp. of wine: sg. X-iam X03 Ber 12a(23); Sab 110b(3; Marg); Er 40b(33); HM 39:5; J'TB Xpi .Ty»tfV ITDWX ^TX X03 1,!? he went (and) found his servant mixing a cup (of wine) for him Er 54a(49) // Ned 55a(32); Qid 9a(7); AZ 58a(29); 1311 'TO'X I'OXOI he drank most of his cup (of wine) Pes 108b(9); Er 29b(28); pi. 'in <1)'BX I'1? XDpJB 1'T 'J11J13 '0X3 his mother used to place two cups (of wine) in his two hands Pes 110a(14); ib. 108a(21); Ber 55a(18); 2. bowl: sg. yvmi XD3 plPBI XD3 xVl (better) a bowl of sorcerers than a bowl of exorcists 5M29b(43; F1) II Hul 84b(4; V11); X03 pn 5o 9:1 [self referential to the inscribed object]; ib. 16:1; 30:1; nam X03 a bowl of coals Sab 134a(28); XriBp X03 x"7B X31W3X1 a bowlful of flour of roasted ears of grain Meg 7b(4); pi. '0X3 HP 25:4 Voc: XD3 VTM 64; x65 HPP 37:18; HGP 19a:56; Y: X03 Ber 42b(17; Mo 96). 2# K0? n.m. hash (4- Vl# 003, XJ0'3, XXIO'3) sg. XJX0111 XD3 a hash of/i.-fish Pay 112a(30) [v. infra]; Sab 118b(17); SuA 44b(39); Bes 16a(51); BB 60b(40); AZ 38a(13) Geon. expl.: mix j'^waoi roim nap 1'm^o D'iop cm I'K'aa OHT Sab 41:13; Y: X03 Sab ib.(BAYTN 7). 3# K03 n.m. full moon (4- V'03; Sy rt-oxj* LS 337b) sg. So 71:8 Lit: AMB 168. KJ1103 n.f. garment, covering (4- V'OO; TA xrilOS TO Ex 22:25, JPA 103, det. ,1X1103 DJPA 265) 1. garment: sg. Xni03 I'1? (n')l?1 he does not have a garment Ned 49b(43; V2); Geon 333:4; ruiD[3'] pm00'»l let them cover him from their garment Bo 15:6; SSHai 2a(9) [in a writ]; 2. covering: sg. 'IB'O1? XniO'3 a covering for Torah scrolls Meg 26b(37) [Var: XJ1X103 pi. M2, XX1"03 G] nos n03 vb. to prune (Sy .um^ LS 338) Pe.: 1"in n03 Xpi X131J X1111? he saw a certain man who was pruning (his vines) San 26a(22); 11031 }Xai 's» n'1? nosT xaDi p'3 'axi n'ssai ixas xjV'x nsitf one who prunes a tree (on the Sabbath) is like one who plants it, since the more he prunes it the more it thrives TGDr49 98:15 Kn03 n.m. perh. load sg. XX103 Xi'Tl Xp mm I was lifting a load RH 26b(25) [Ed: XilB] '03 vb. to cover, conceal, dress (4- 2#X0'3, X'10'3, 3#Xri0'3, 3#X03, XniOO, X'03, 2#Xn'03; Sy rdrn-o LS 337, Ma X03 MD 220) Pe. to conceal: 'TB H'1? '03 x"?l X'TH1? 'XpT (the sun) stands alone and nothing conceals it Tarn 32a(10); xai'b n'V '031 Xp3X p'^0 mi the dust used to rise up and conceal the sun Ket 106a(24) Pa. 1. to cover: f? n'Xl'03 "103 x:X I certainly covered it for you BQ 56a(33); X1S5?3 H"103 JIS it is necessary to cover it [i.e. the excrement] with earth Anon 27:18; ib. 32:9; Ket 105b(30); Bes 8a(18); AZ 30a(46); Sab 125a(5); "\W"t '03 cover your head ib. 156b(34); '3X1D pooa we cover the curtains AnanSch 29:28; X"U'D3 n"03'B xWn he covers it with a flint rock Git 68a(35); n"103 'J73 Xm but he, in fact, is required to cover it [i.e. the blood] Hul 31a(l); ib. 87a(2); 2. to conceal, hide, envelop: n"03 Xp3X XT1X the dust came (and) enveloped him Yom 87a(44); Ber 56a(46; MGG 705:10); San 49b(35); '033 18 "P'B what can we conceal from you? ib. 96b(29); pass.part. XB11 X10'3 ]1i '03D1 XTl'313 lirSlTlXl to lend them money on interest which is hidden from people HP 50:3; 3. to put on a garment, be dressed: rfton I'VlSI Xft'^l '03 put on a garment which is entirely of tekhelet San 110a(12); Ber 56b(22; SM 143:32); Tan 23b(44) [sackcloth]; pass.part. XTvp 3lV I'n32/X X3xVai X3'10 '03ai an angel came across PN dressed in an s.-garment Men 41a(23); BM 65a(19); ib. 81b(6); Ber 60b(33); Ned 49b(4\); Men 39a(40); Geon 330:13; TGHark 162:1; 4. w. V^a1? af. to outfit s.o. [v. Itpa., mng. 4]: ,11'031 llEnVx they outfitted him San 109a(14); 1"03:i rwi^ll he should outfit her Ket 52b(33) Itpa. 1. to be covered: pB'Tl WETI 'Viai T^B'T KfflS'03 11"tt?'1 '0381 sometimes their head is uncovered and sometimes their head is covered Ned 30b(i6); pi 'xnn p xisy3 ixs 'osrim p'n '3 'X"7'y so that the excrement should be covered by earth from below and from above Anan 32:7; Ber 25b(19); 2. to be concealed, hidden: a. general: '03'X "?'! go (and) be concealed RH 25a(27) [of the moon; Var: [X]rya '03'X GRH 16:7]; pOJ? XII'D '03'a 'y» 'y31Xl the moon is concealed for twenty-four hours (in its new phase) ib. 20b(14); X'03a X'D3B1 X'^JB X'VlBI what is revealed is revealed. What is concealed is concealed Sot 22b(17); Meg 5b(51); Tan 25a(48) [of the sky]; b. from sight: xrya "1D3'X concealment [lit. being hidden from sight] BM 42a(39); Pes 31b(38); X:(')y'B 'D3'X1 he was concealed Tan 23a(46); '1 '03'X1 iy ITISIIS Ity^X '1 'Xp 111 n'l'(y)» l^ni' PN used to stand still in his place until PN2 was out of his sight Yom 53a(48); 3. to put on a garment: '211'03'a 11"3'a 13'03'ai '31 T'Vj'B 11"3'D ]3'03'a X1?! these (sheep) from which we put on garments are covered. Those (goats) from which we do not put on garments are not covered Sab 77b(25); '03'X n"TO XTX 'Jl'inx 'a'^J he went, removed it, (and) put on another garment Men 41a(17); ib. 38; Ket 79b(20); Bes 14b(41); 4. w. Vtfa"? pe. to outfit o.s., dress o.s. [v. Pa., mng. 4]: '03'B1 ©'3"? Xp 'BJl'JJ he is outfitting himself from (the property of) the orphans Git 52b(14); mVl 'nx bill 'XI XH'3B '03'X1 the eldest of the brothers who outfitted himself from the estate BB 139a(16); San 110a(13); 'D3'X1 '^(lX'ia1? '3XB V>m borrow garments (and) outfit yourself Ket 63a(7; V5); Sab 10a(13); ib. 33b(33); 119a(9); 'W^ '3XB llVlsV 113(n>'D3'Xl she outfitted herself with all (her) garments Ket 54a(46) On Itpa., mng. 4, cf. the dialectal statement: "WK IX WaW? TOy nXOSn'X1? Er 53b(14) 1O03 n.m. cover, lid (4- ^'03; Sy KlLin-o LS 337) sg. XTUm X'03 the cover of the oven Tan 22b(26) KJIIS'03 n. shame (4- V«)D3) sg. DTOB X31 13yi XII XniD'03 he did it in this case out of shame BM 22a(44; Es) 591
xri'ps 592 103 Y: XTllB'03 BM ib.(BAYTN 176). Kft'OS n.f. coral (Sy n^Lca-a* pi. «L±Jk^ LS 338, ModSy kisnita Maclean 136, JNA 'J03 pi. Yona 189) sg. xri'DS RH 23a(25; GRH 13:19) // BB 81a(2) [expl. MH D'Jia^X ib.]; K"Q1 Xinn 'am Xri'03 n'3J ITpBXT a certain man with whom coral of orphans was deposited Ket 98a(17) [v. Ar (AC 4:281)], Rashi ("inx ]wb)]; xnrsos -\nb iDpi x;td3(3> xjttot 'jidx TDpi (the diver) tied flax ropes to the coral and tied them to the boat RH 23a(30); ib. 35; 'poa "XaTl '31 XXT03 they used to bring up coral from GN ib. 34(E2) Lit: Flora 3:344; Y: XJVD? BB ib.(BAYTN 27). 0303 vb. 4- VoD3 pal. N^03 n.m. mound of earth (cf. Akk kaslu [NB] a term referring to a piece of agricultural land CAD K 244, AHw 454; 4- HTfmn; etym. unkn.) sg. X'JX1? X^OD '3 like a mound to a furrow 5er 6a(7; F); pi. ,!703 '^DD (p(')ty 'D'pl (the demons) stand over us in various mounds ib.(OHT ib. 12:8) Geon. expl.: ],in KX'W noyn ]IV> 3130 ... XJIMWO xboa WlTBl xto Xip:i XmiWOa nim OHT ib.; Y: X^O? Ber ib. T^03 n.m. Kislev, the third month (< Akk Kislimu AIOA 115; JPA v"703 DJPA 265, JudA l^DD TDTJD B:151, BH lV03 HAL 466) sg. vyo x'^nn ruw vVosa i"' xim xsb/3 nyaixai X3'3T PN died on Wednesday, the thirteenth of Kislev, year 811 (Seleucid Era) iSGF 95:10; ib. 98:11 1#003 vb. to chew, munch (4- X20'3, 2#XriO''3, 2# XD3; Sy 1# .wi to gnaw LS 336, BBah 912:9, Ma 1#003 to break to pieces MD 221, MH 003, 0303 LNVTH 194+, Akk kasasu to gnaw, chew CAD K 242) Pe.: x"7'3i:t 03 ... '^D 03 (if) he chewed peppercorns/ginger Ber 36b(44) // Yom 81b(23); 03'S O'XBT X"n xmx uncooked rice which he chews thoroughly Ber 37a(27); HP 191:4; K'Dn OS'a 0'X3 he chews wheat thoroughly GS 313:6; Xim X03V n'OO'D1? "V31 I wanted to munch the bowl afterwards Meg 7b(14) [gloss: mm XJ?sV mb) n03'Xl to chew the plate after it] Pal. 1. to chew: mn "pwa T"JH X12,V n'ri'X 'X '01303 n<,)n)n030,3 if the temptation of idolatry were in your time [lit. years], you would have constantly 'chewed it up' [i.e. enjoyed it] San 102b(13) [Var: 'DUOS ,7^ 0'3D3» mn M(Marg)]; 2. to rub: KJUtttt XJTJrrO 'DISCS1? ma is it permitted to rub a linen garment on the Sabbath (to soften it)? Sab 140a(46); 'OWD ]'X '311£?3iy xV (cleaning) by rinsing-yes; by rubbing-no Zev 94b(18); Seel 124:76; NBTJ7 '013031? to rub q.-material (in order to soften it) BM 60b(10) // MQ 10b(9) Af. to give to munch: "ityM? '"IJW 103X give PN barley to munch [i.e. he displays the intelligence of an animal] Ket 77a(42); ib. 45 Geon. expl. [Pal., mng. 2]: IT "|ira IIWbVw Tl3n TBpn pf)1? 1B1W1? OHP Sab 88:17(Ar); |,TD J>3X nyjVl pisVl T3 pya1? OHP MQ 65:22; Lit: Nold, ZDMG 49 [1895] 326. 2# 003 vb. to admonish (Sy 2# an-i etpe. to be admonished LS 337, Ma 2# 003 af. to admonish MD 221) Itpe. to be admonished: X1? IT^y (0')(Ql)3JVa he is not admonished over it Anan 55:8 Lit: Eps, Stl 76. 103 vb. to embarrass, shame (4- XDIO'3, XTVIB'D3; BH, MH2 2#f|03 HAL 467, J 655) Pe. (e/ ) 1. to embarrass, put to shame: KJ?3 iTSDSD1? he wanted to embarrass him Sab 46a(34); X'lX 3"r7 n'B03 xbl IQSm -p3 blessed is the Merciful One who did not embarrass PN ib. 46b(5); Yev 105b(39)!; tfb m.T xVl 3tJTO n'riB'031 n'^ nsnna it would have been better had you not given him (alms publicly) than had you given him and embarrassed him Hag 5a(45); TITIB'03 |UT»1 IX1? 'X were it not that I had learnt ('Uqsin) you would have embarrassed me Hor 13b(49) [v. Af.]; Sab 3b(4); Qid 81a(38); pass.part. ITE/SJ XS'03 his soul is ignominious TGHark2Ql:\l\ 2. pass.part. bashful, reluctant, reticent: a. alone: sg. X'1?'^ <TIK> mn «]'03T ]X» V'pBH whoever was bashful would come and take at night Ber 58b(18); n'jnrnsV XS'DOl 'mvp '31 HTlb in the case of betrothal where she is reluctant to make a claim against him in court Git 74a(41); Qid 60b(8); BM 11 lb(31); b. in phrase Xrfrn -b XS'03: 1) alone: Ber 58b(18; F); BM 15b(21); 2) w. fol. inf.: bpviib xrfra rvb XB'03n KS03 t : - Q,lbJ? inVlib nnwsa he is reluctant to take from his flesh (and) to throw (it) to the dogs BQ 85a(12); Qid A6b{9\ O2) Af. to embarrass, put to shame: X30 f? 1'03a the old man embarrasses us (by his actions) Ket 17a(24); fTlPBl «]'03a XpT Xin 1TX it is he who puts himself to shame Sot 32b(38); XJTBl mn X7 '*7 ]W<')D(')03» mn Hor 13b(49; MGE 699:3) [v. Pe., mng. 1] Itpe. (e) 1. to be shamed, embarrassed: a. alone: *]'03'an IS'J'X someone who is ashamed (to take charity) Ber 58b(18); Sab 104a(23); ib. 156b(16); nwrvn1? X^'yi XBD3'X she was embarrassed and went into her (other) room Tan 25a(3); 'XTinX XS03'a XJl»n now my sister will be shamed BB 123a(43); *|'03'X .T1? n"?B?'X I shall send a message to him (to get his opinion). He was embarrassed ib. llla(31); AZ 36a(14); Tan 24b(45); Yev 17a(23); n"in'a 103'ap mn he was embarrassed to see him RH 17a(51); b. w. p by/of s.o.: x"?i 'aby 'xnn 'xra iisdsti ao<i>{'H3 V1XT 'aVj?1? 'Xra ]1SD3'n it is better that you should be shamed by me in this world and not be shamed by me in the world to come Qid 81a(37); Svu 47b (21); mixa «1'DD'» Xp mn he was ashamed before his father Ket 62b(33); ^ '"lana mna ,so3,a xVi ttmtn ^m nivy ten people can get together to steal a beam and not be embarrassed of each other Qid 80b(42); c. w. by 'T by s.o.: 'T by am rpjni I'oa1?! "b on far be it from me that PN's progeny should be shamed by me! Ara 16b(30); 2. to be chagrined: I'OS'X 'Xin noiIXT Xn^a 'X'jrx IIO1? he was chagrined (because of what he had said). Eventually it turned out that she was (only) betrothed Git 29b(49); ib. 77b(20); 5A/81a(38); ib. 81b(3; F1); 97a(32); AZ 22a(15); 3. to be reluctant: DIM niHiyarra1? I'03'X X1? imxn because he was not reluctant to demand it [i.e. the money] from her Qid 60b(7) K303, abs./cs. 103 n.m. silver, money, value (4- XJ1B03; TA XBoS TO Gen 44:8, Sy r^4m? LS 338, Ma XS0X3 MD 199) 1. silver: sg. a. material: XBD31 X3m gold and silver San 107b(21); Pes 86a(28); ib. 116a(47; M1)]; Git 56a(42); AnanSch 12:12; Xy3'B 'in *pm XB03 N3V3 XTB 'in *pn X"?T X3m silver which is current is considered coin. Gold which is not current is considered produce [i.e. merchandise] BM 44b (1); XB03T XmTBJ guarding of silver BQ 62a(20); b. objects: XD03T X03 a silver cup Yom 78a(23); Ket 85b(10); BM 24a(6); 'nrm 'IXtt 'B0D1 gold and silver vessels Ned 50b(ll); Tan 7a(54; L); Tarn 32b(16; V10); XD03T X0D a silver plate HM 40:14; Sab 147b(47) [4- XmilB]; BQ 117a(48) [4- X"?n3a]; c. coins: XB03T 'DnB small silver coins Ket 110b(49); BB 165b(45); 'TIT XB03T silver zuzim SSHai 4a(6); 'Vpxia XT\bl\ XB03 three silver mitqals AnanSch 7:19[Marg]; 2. money: sg.abs. «p3 xV3 XT xyiX piB'Jl this field will go out (of the possession of the mortgagee) without payment BM 110a(26) // BB 35b(16) [in a legal document]; cs. XlfrlVlJ 103 money of the capitation tax BB 8a(19) // Ned 62b(5; V2) [expl. BA fra Ez 7:24]; Yev 17a(23); det. XB03a WnpaT one who betroths a woman by money Yev 31b(13); Qid 26a(16); ib. 45b(ll); BQ 51b(51); XB03 "jlp^TI 'n'Xl she herself will take the money Ket 46b(16) // Qid 3b(15); 3. monetary value: sg. nB03a nnnSXT X^an an injury which diminished her monetary value BQ 88a(l) Y: NSC3 BB 166a(5; BAYTN 86). NnS03 n.f. money chest (4- XD03) sg. 'ma 'a ab IX nriD03a WlXia WS do people place pearls in a money chest or not? BQ 62a(33; Es); nnam nnS033 n3 k;B3T Xinn a certain person who kicked the money chest of another ib. 27(Ar [AC 4:278]); xriB03X '11 2TP1 a pagan was sitting on the money chest Hul 133b(6); ib. 1 Rag: D'B03n OB I'D'WDW inx OHR BQ 64:32; Y: XflBM Hul ib.(BAYTN 183). Nnp3, pi. NririOS n.f. jug (4- 1#X03; Sy vSM ~ a jug flask BBah 912:11, PSm 1776) sg. XnB'BH Xn0{'}3 jug of s.-beverage Sab 109b(29); pi. Xn3'tn xnri03 Xl^an five jugs of S.-beverage ib. 27 7'yoprep. 4- i#xrj? X3y3, S33 n.m. type of bread (Sy t^A^A LS 339", > Arab dii Fr, AF 35; perh. < Mir antecedent of NP kak biscuit, dry bread PED 1007) pi. '3y3 'Sn loaves : A:.-bread Ber 42a(2; 593
VP 594 'S3 Ar [AC 4:282]) [double rdg.; F: XtlB'1 '3J73]; '35731 xan: TGAs27 30:4 Lit: Snaked, EIr 260, w. lit.; expl. Ar: IRK ISO '3y3 'B'T X"B 'yi 'n mna py^a rrnn '3 'ays mm '33 ac ib. fSfS adv. now (I 1#]X3; BH ]5?3 HALOT 1901) a. at beg. of a clause: '1127 X5731X XiXty nn ]573 be for us now four witnesses SSHai lla(16); 1573 ]331 I'1? Iia'1? now let the Rabbis say to him ib. 12a(21); SSSad 241:14; i& 236:7; 265b:20; 1573 psnrft xoa' inn nn'nsi jam now when this decree of excommunication will reach you Dec 3:9; ib. 4:8; 6:6; b. in phrase J5?3 1J7 until now: £ft/fl/ 5a(15); SSSad 187:15; c. in phrase 1573a xa"?J7 1J71 from now until forever: SSHai 7b(2) 0JT3 vb. to be angry (JPA 0573 DJPA 266) Pe.: "T>'J7 0573 he is angry at me San 101b(14) [iyS vb. 4- 15?13a adj.] «]3 n.m. kaf, the eleventh letter of the alphabet (Sy ^s^q LS 314) sg. 1'3 'ip W"'1X '1B7 «]"3 "?ipt£? r)1W3,1 remove to/(from ri32?n Ps 18:12), place (it) on res (of the parallel word 7112771 2S 22:12), and read it (w. the interchange het-hei) as 711273,1 Tan 10a(12) Y: «|3 Tan ib. 1#NB3 n.m. ladle, a type of bone, hand (4- XJ1B3; Sy «lLa LS 339, Ma XSX3 MD 200) 1. ladle: sg. X13U pm XB3 the ladle which a carpenter hollowed out Pes 28a(7); XS3 ma "3X 'B'3X PN used to place a ladle on sheaves Sab 142b(39); HP 15:18; x"?ns(l) XD3 an iron ladle GC 29:5 = HG1 193:20 [I Xp'11113]; 2. a type of bone: sg. a. w. XVI a bone in an animal's shoulder: 1T1 ,1B3 f/W 54a(8); b. w. xniOT skull: xrfel XB3 i& 9(HPP 305:21); 3. hand: sg. X^D 1'B33 I'J't his weapon is in his uplifted hand Bo 112:5; 4. sheaf [i 4#XB'3; cf. Sy: rCm rda^i ^Uj r.T-ooK' ^ Gen 37:7, H D'Sl^X]: sg. '15?tt71 XB3 331 in one stole a sheaf of barley San 26b(45; Z/eRaH, Ar [AC 4:284]) [Var: ,1B3 HG3 32:48(HGP 39a:24); '157271 X3p F2]; xbw\m XB3 a sheaf of barley groats ib. 27a(48; Ar [AC 3:515]) [Var: X^im X3p He] Expl. RaH [mng. 4]: n»p HBlVx. Note Ar: XB3 nam 3JJ in nam 'sny 'tfai rtfow "?» mbv. irn nam "b .rrtosi ac 3:196, i.e. Arab iiji bundle [gloss which entered the text; v. Koh ib.; AAC 156]; Y: KB? Hut ib.(BAYTN 100). 2# NS3 n.m. shoulder (< XB13* [cf. Ma XB1X3 MD 195] < 4- XBT13; JNA XBX3 kapa HDJNA 93; 4- 2#Xn'3B3) sg. XB3X1 Xian a 'donkey' on the shoulder Sab 66b (8) [expl. MH I'a'Bpi1? Mib. 6:9; v. Geon. expl. infra]; 11X27 '1311 XB3X Xian wine bounces around on the shoulder of men (and ferments) BB 96b(l; Ar [AC 4:286], HP 87:9, TGAs28 10b:20); XB33 27'3'X 'bl'ai XJIJNJ '11 XJ157B1 Xrfr'fi a load which a person can raise to his shoulder is a third of a load (which he can carry if placed there by another) Sot 34a(39; Ar [AC 4:286]); mi XB3XI3) HI'1? X1JX3 mi H,!7J7 XTJ10 B7V1B'J XB3X13) let the ones who carry on a pole carry on (their) shoulder. Let the ones who carry on (their) shoulder place a scarf over it Bes 30a(5); ,TB3 in his one shoulder Tan 23a(3; Ar [AC 4:286]); 1'B33 TO'Va BpJ'1 he places his cloak on his shoulder TGAs42 164:16; pi. rvb 'ina Xpl ,TS3X n"11 he carried him on his shoulders and was showing him Ket 77b(27; MGG 226:13); .TB3 by '1X11 AnanSch 23:11; 7\b r?n 1B33 ruins 'niB 1BX1 do the priestly apprentices suspend her by her shoulders? Sot 6b(14) Geon. expl.: piysx to 13 j'^im Wn fy bv [nan ]'B3 ]'X'3b] <mya ]na pji pi»3 o'3i ':b3> is pnxai iB'n3 by i3'3nai trn 603:10. The Ma form represents the intermediate stage before complete assimilation [cf. WIS < XJ11X]; Voc: x55 HGP 5b:26. N"liS3 n.m. camphor (Sy -io-auLa LS 341, Ma 11BX3 MD 200, Arab jjSlS Wehr 808) sg. mm ■X1)B(1)3 camphor oil HM 39:17 Lit: Low, Flora 2:116. N1TIB3 4- Xri133 n. 'S3 vb. to bend over, overturn, compel, force (4- V*1B3; 4- X'B3X; Sy rCLa LS 340) Pe. 1. to bend s.t. over: ITiaip1? rcb XB3 he bent his body over Git 68b(l); mty 1,13'D 1UX1 iV'X1? 1"B3 he bent over a tree and placed a covering on top of it Sab 154b(28); 2. to overturn: XD'OX 'B3 overturn the mortar MQ 22b(48); Ket 49b(17); 'BX3 ma 13 X3X PN used to overturn (the chair while comforting the mourner) MQ 26b(46) [* 4- V«]pt pe., mng. 2]; pass.part. X'D31 X»31 X1pJ7 Xp^O the more that (the boat) is overturned, K^S3 595 2#^S3 (the more) it rises (and) uproots (the coral) RH 23a(32; GRH 13:24); 3. to force, compel, overcome: 'SX 13 ]T\1 311? XB3 X31 PN compelled PN2 BB 8b(37); 'B7X 3l"7 D1S1 n"B3 Ket 86a(13) IIBQ 98b(14); Naz 62b(12); AZ 19a(23); ,T'S3a^> n'Ti1? x'ai n,!?j7 nisai ]vd iitiV inrss'i !]3,B"31 to compel him [i.e. the eldest brother to make the levirate marriage]. Let us compel them [i.e. the younger brothers]. Since the commandment is incumbent upon him, we force him (to carry it out) Yev 39a(45); '31 XMVBX V'W xux *?3p:n Ytsft n"S3'ai jtuit let us go to the entrance of a house of prostitution, overcome our desire, and receive a reward AZ 17b(2) Af. to force, compel: 13 ]TU 3l"7 n,!? 1"B3X X31 'ax PN compelled PN2 Ket 49b(25) [concerning a charitable donation]; ib. 63b(26) [marital reconciliation]; .T1? ^I'X n'B3X he compelled him (and) he agreed to his (demand) Pes 62b(22); Yom 83b(28); Ket 53a(10) Lit: G. Haneman, D3tV D'13T OWBlp '' 'BnB, Ramat Gan 1972, p. 20+. The Af. form interchanges w. Vlpn [v. M. Kister, Ros Vol 434]. N^'B3 n.m. double payment (4- Vls^BS; cf. MH D"?B'3 Yeivin, BV 811) sg. I'lVaini XT1T n,!?'B3 XT1T its double payment is a zuz and its fifth is a zuz BQ 65b(10); ib. 108a(19); 1J7132? x'jS X3ip ,15713273 x"?'B3a XB'iy (paying) the principal without (the possibility of) an oath is more severe than double payment in the case of a (false) oath BM 94b(25) // ib. 41b(12); ":px '3 X«?B3 n"a 'V 1357111313X1? xV'BS I only gave over the right of double payment to your father because he gave me satisfaction ib. 34b(8); 10; 34a(26); ib. 34; m"^'S3 VS1 xVl D127a because their payment [i.e. for stolen goods] is not greater than double [lit. their double payment is not large] BM 33b(33; F1); pi. '^'S3 'in two double payments BQ 108a(26) Y: K^B3 Ket 42b($; BAYTN 166). )'S3, ]'B3 adj. hungry (4- V)B3; Sy ra^o, f+sJ, LS 340, Ma xrSX3 MD 200) a. people: sg.m. ]Xa Vl3"1 Tl" ]'B31 let whoever is hungry come and eat Ber 58b(18); SRSG 136:24; V"5> 11,11 ]XB1 J73K7 '3 p'Bi TB3 one who would enter hungry would go out satiated Ber 58b(17) [cf. Git 56a(23)]; ib. 42a(3); 62b(6); l'B3 nbll "?'3X1 ]'B3 Tnoai 'lit nj731X b'p^l mi one who is hungry and eats carrion (to relieve his hunger. If) he is hungry again, he will take four zuzim (as a bribe), and testify (falsely) San 27a(16); Meg 7b(15); pl.m. ^13'X (bs'X) VlJ7 prvrBS DX if you are hungry enter (and) eat Bo 112:7; pil'MS lib DX1 ib. 113:9; HM 45:11; b. animals: sg.m. l'B31 n'Vl X3!733 there is nothing as hungry as a dog Sab 155b(39); XII l'B3 xVl D1«7a Kb ^'3X Xp x"?1 'XH the reason that (the wild animal) does not eat him is because it is not hungry San 39a(34) Y: ]'B3 San ib. 1#VS3 vb. to double, reiterate (1 X^BS, lSX^BS, 2#X"?B3; MH "7B3 J 659) Pe. a. general: '3^ HTlbV ]3'Vb3 Xpl f?mi how do we know that we double the greeting [i.e. we say DV727 DT727] to kings? Git 62a(53); n'X:Jv7 n^B3 he reiterated his stipulation [i.e. stipulated what he would do if it was or was not fulfilled] ib. 75a(26); 76a(26); pass.part. I'TBSI p'JD written and reiterated Zev 40a(4); ib. 21; b. esp. to double the value of the dowry in the ketubba document: xipm xb Vss'a 'xi bsim xb mpm 'x if a formal acquisition is to be made, then there is no doubling. If there is doubling, then no formal acquisition is to be made BM 104b(9); TGAs42 79b:27 Itpe. to be doubled: "jBS'XI ,1111' mi X3'X X,11 was Judahfs name) not also doubled? BQ 92a(44) [F2: bflS'a ^IBS'X]; ib. 45 Lit: Friedman, Marriage 1:296 [Pe., usage b]. 2#VS3 vb. to take the trouble (sec. rt. < 1 -"V l#«px; cf. CRA \ m LSp 8, s.v. eulK) Itpe. a. w. fol. inf.: '31 "?3 p'yWX1? H1T\ ^BS'X did the Tanna have to take the trouble to impart a tradition to us about all these (matters)? Sab 5a(30); Ket 62a(52); Qid 26b(5); BM 46a(8); Men 12b(15); Zev 15a(12); 'XJtl '31 V3 VlBS'X P'57ai£7X^ BQ 94a(26); b. w. a fol. conjugated vb.: fit ymm in T^IXI ■jBS'X take the trouble to beget one who is more valiant than sixty BB 91a(25); 'DIB '31 "?3 'XJ1X 'VbS'X did I take the trouble to come all these parasangs ...? Svu 48b(9); VXIW fix n"?13V HiniX 3"?3157B711' ^BS'X
1#nVs3 596 1S3 did Joshua and Caleb make an effort to take possession of all of Eretz Israel? BB 118b (24) Lit: Fl, TMW 2:454 1#N^S3 n.m. loin (4- Vl#VB3; Ma x"7BX3 loin t : - v ' MD 200) sg. XVB33 H3 rCK 'Din TWIN there are five sinews in the loin Hul 93a(26); ib. 38; pi. 'VS3 ib. 32; 8b(36); '"733 ^V the end of the loins ib. 52b(7); '"7331 'Vis the skins (membranes?) of the loins TGHark 159:31; HG3 155:34 Voc: '"7B3 HPQ 204:8; Y: RiB3 tfu/ 93a(26). 2#N^S3 n.m. hem (4- Vl#"?SD) sg. 'Din "b 'am m>B3 '"fr'y he attached fringes upon the hem (of the garment) Men 41a(15) ]S3 vb. to be hungry (4- ]'33, XJB3; Sy ^^o LS 340, Ma }S3 MD 221) Pe. (e/a): *713X JUB31X while you are still hungry-eat 5er 62b(6; OHT ib. 139:3) [v. Geon. expl.]; n'JB3 ]"iy I was still hungry ib. 42a(3; F) [4- X1B3 mng. 2]; 'ai' '^13 P'B31 'JmB the whole day we expended effort and were hungry BM 83a(30; M); (TJX1) '3',1 '3 ,1Xax ]B31 (T1JX1) so that my appetite will be stimulated : I shall be hungry for unleavened bread Pes 107b(19; M) [double rdg.]; pass.part.: 4- l'S3 Af. to cause s.o. to be hungry: )'B3ai DW» XII '3D ,1'tt?BJ because he makes himself hungry a great deal Sab 33a(37) Geon. expl.: "fiy ini3W 1013 llTOIBl ... Vl3N 3jn -piy OHT Ber 139:3. N3B3, abs. ]S3 n.m. famine, hunger (4- V]B3; TA X333 TO Gen 12:10, Sy rdLa^i LS 340, Ma XJ313 MD 209) 1. famine: sg. xyawi yaKn XJB31 j'rnm seven (years) of plenty and two of famine Ber 55b(7); San 29a(29); Git 56a(45); K3S3 xnnax xnria xnmra xmax xnnj (bringing food from) one canal to another [lit. from a canal to a canal] is a shortage; (from) one province to another is a famine Tan 19b(l); ib. 8b(19); 24b(13); 2. hunger: sg.abs. ]B3 TPSJ (people) bloated from hunger &rZ> 33a(38); Tan 19b(7) // 55 91b(14); det. ain XJB3 'iy this is still hunger Ber 42a(3; OHT ib. 94:8); Xa'jS 5?^a OIXlVjJ m:B3V a dog devours excrement for its hunger BQ 92b(37) Y: KJB3 Be/- 42a(3; BAYTN 86). 1#NJT3S3 n.f. inflorescence of the male date palm (JPA 'J1B3 DJPA 266, MH Tl'Jlio Yeivin, BV 1054) sg. Win NJl'JBS fp X^'X '1 PN cut down the inflorescence (of a date palm) of the Sabbatical year Pes 52b(31); pi. XflX'JBS BB 107b(24) // XJT'JBS Bek 18a(28) [4- Vdjiti quad., mng. 2a] Geon. expl.: 13! b|?T>» n£> OHP Er 91:23(Ar); Lit: Flora 2:334+; Y: XJV?:B3 Pes ib.(BAYTN 188). 2# NJV3S3 n.f. saddle on a donkey's back (dimin. of X/133*; 4- 2#XS3; cf. Sy: K'&.a.a kLL^i^ti r^\,. -i \ K'iLJLiTi^Audo 1:476) sg. xfnS3 HGP 15b: 10 [expl. MH mip'JD BQ 27b(22)]; OHP BQ 127:24 [= SMelG 23(A2)] Geon. expl.: "nam 1VBJ1 103 DpiyB fy OHP ib.; Lit: Eps, St2 818. ^33 vb. to bend, overcome, compel (4- 3# SB'S, XIIB'3, V'B3; Sy ^lA LS 339, Ma «]B3 MD 208, s.v. >]13) Pe. (a/u) 1. to bend, invert: a. alone: 13D1? ,TlX-n XTVTIB na «]13'J let him bend it a bit so that it will be proper as a covering for a sukka Suk 7b(17); laVa XJIp1? m1? «]''31 he bends the corner (of the wall) from the outer side BB 4a(47); T>xaBn XJII'yi ITT 1,nyaXX «]13 bend your small finger of your left hand HM 44:24; 'B"3 Tim ,T> 'DPD1 X3"31 (the animal) bends (its foreleg), straightens it out, and bends it again Hul 38a(ll; V1.1); TIM *p3 extend (the partition) in a bent fashion Er 87a(3); XJX'im x:B"3 I would bend over and become erect (in the womb) OHT Ber 46:14; 1'iy 'SB «]'X31 na3 the more that one bends over (while praying) the better it is RH 26b(45) [* 4- VdE?B pe., mng. 2, pass.part.]; 'XB xin «p'ai xjm'V pan 'x,n yawa what (biblical verse) proves that ]Vyi [MSab 5:4] is a term of 'bending'? Sab 54b(42); pass.part. TpiBX '31 1'3Ta 1B'31 lying on his back with his knees bent BB 74a(l); ib. 99a(15); '3'3 '111 X1? (the roots) are not bent back again Er 100a(19); b. w. XKT1: in:wT> to'bbi tx ybnb rrwsn they held these cedars and bent their tops (to the ground) Ber 56b (2); 'axi x:oaa 'xwxi mm i"3 I would bend my head over in my mother's womb OHT Ber 46:12; 2. to overturn: aT> n'fi'Tn XJX .mn ibd rrbv <n)(x»xi xyix<x> xia «pi xjin I saw PN (who was sitting on the bed) overturned 1B3 597 N1B3 the mattress on the ground and place the Torah scroll upon it Men 32b(17); a'Jl 113 overturn (it) and sit (on it) Sab 77b(31) [expl. 4- 1#XT1B13]; 3. metaph. to overcome, subordinate: 'ya 'XI tV xjb"3 mn 'Xir1? n'33'a1? ["ya -] had I wished to overcome my desire, I would have done so San 107a(30) [4- XIX' usage a]; TGHark 207:18; I,1? «p X1? BP3X1 T1X Xn'XIB nyiXI you are the wide earth whom no one can subordinate Bo 125:9; ib. 3; pass.part. xVl Xn rraT? rrb *]"31 XI iTai"? T'B this refers to where he is subordinated to his teacher, that to where he is not subordinated to his teacher Ber 8a(49); Sab 59b(29); Meg 22a(50); Git 59a(17); San 36a(34); in1? *i"3 «p'a ia 'nn1? 'd^s xb onn in that case, they are not subordinate to each other. (In this case), you are completely subordinate to them Hor llb(7); Hul 18b(23); 4. metaph. to compel [4- V'B3 pe., mng. 3]: ,T> anal ma1? TV X33"3 mi XTllTm XtJ'J I would have compelled her master to issue her a writ of manumission Git 38a(51); Vb 1B3 they compelled them (to accept their opinion) AZ 8b(31); TTT? X'DI H'Vy M12tai 1V3 ]3,B"3 since the commandment is incumbent upon him, we compel (him to carry it out) Yev 39a(46); ib. 65b(43); ,TTB3 she compelled him Qid 45b(14) Af. to compel, force: TV Xpaiai rb JJ'BSiai we compel her to nurse it HP 112:4; nb ]3'B3Xa)(X) I1? p'Bai we compel him to divorce her ib. 100:11; 6!; 13! Lit: G. Haneman, TOr? Onai OWBlf '' 'BT1B, Ramat Gan 1972 20+. "1S3 vb. to wipe off, deny, atone (4- 1#X1B13, mB'SI xar, X1B3; Sy \A* LS 340, Ma 1B3 MD 221) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to wipe off: Xri'Va X3'X 'XT TIBa'a*? XD1B1 if there is a rag of a cover to wipe it off [i.e. the knife] Hul 8b(18); xa'Via 1B31 ri'iam he wiped off (his hands) on another's cloak BM 24a(7) [4- Va:n pa.]; 2. to erase: DX nb 1B3 mn isa'a mrMl nirx if he had indeed removed them [i.e. the contents of the jar], he would have definitely erased it [i.e. the letter] Yev 115b(22); Tl'31 (n),(33)(aa),7 ,1'V 1B31 he erased the horizontal portions of the (letter) bet BB 167a(17; M); 3. fig. to deny: XIDTiX p'aiD X1? xip'ws 'trrai miB3i 'ye nnssi 'Vo'rcjax we do not write an '.-document on movables (the claim upon which) he denied. The reason is that he denied it so that (the '.-document) would appear to be a lie BQ 70a(8); ib. 105b(2); 107a(6); iT1D3 lim nutria in a case where he robbed him and afterwards denied it BM llla(35); Git 51b(17); Svu 33b(19); BQ 105b(2); BM 3a(52) [* 4- V'T af.]; Bek 49a(2); H3 H1B3 X1? 'XI if not [i.e. the prayer is unanswered] you will deny it [i.e. faith in God] MQ 18b(34); XJlV'Sa 1133 nil rmay1? n"?31 X'aPI deny the word of Heaven and worship idolatry HG3 246:68 Pa. l. to wipe off: xBorn rrb i33a xp mn he was wiping them off [i.e. his shoes] with a sherd Sab 124b(39); HGI 194:39; 01131 innai 1B3» he wipes off and washes (his) penis Anan 27:3; 2. w. 'T to place the blame upon s.o. [lit. to wipe one's hands]: '11B31 n'D'3 mimx1? 'ya '1,1 'ia 'lip X13J XUia ,TT the Holy One, Blessed be He, wants to destroy his Temple and to put the blame upon me Git 56a(20); San 96b(38); 3. to atone, expiate a sin: I'V IBS^I xaa' m,1 x"?1 there was not the daytime (of the Day of Atonement) to expiate his sin Kar 7a(48); ib. 18b(27); Svu 13b(4); Zev 6a(15); X1B38 Xp Dlbl 'TS does exile expiate the sin? Mak llb(32); 'TIBS1? X13J I'lS'ap the man intends to expiate his sin Git 54a(36); AnanSch 17:7 Itpa. to be atoned, receive atonement: D3T» 'X nnana i,Txa xnsaa in if one (sacrificial animal) is lost I shall be atoned for by the other one Kar 24a(7); I'1? 1B3'X TX1 that one received atonement Mak llb(32); »<'3>'X^ n'V xn'3 X1? I'TI 1X"71 'Taa 133'Vl a person does not want to receive atonement through something which is not his Ara 21a(37); Kar 27a(8); ib. 27b(30); Yom 50b(13); Mei 9b(30); Tern 10a(25) N1S3 n.m. smearing (4- VlB3; cf. Akk kaparu G to smear on (a paint or liquid) CAD K 179, mng. 2) sg., only in phrase 'in S1B3 a type of dye [lit. smearing of the pots] BQ 101a(l) [expl. MH Dia"?3 ib. 100b(12), a type of defective dying resulting in streaks; cf. Akk: diqara takappar you wipe the pot clean CAD ib.] Geon. expl.: nrTWI mi'p "ISX2 lb pip jm I'D XCT1 nVTPil niJ'p
i#ns3 598 nais D'liay mixs nnm mina niTmsn raw n v,t ira xim ohp ib. 157:4; OHR ib. 98:21; Y: X1B3 fig ib.(BAYTN 86). 1# 71S3 vb. to tie up, bind (I Vnsi3; Sy ^vi-o LS 341, Ma nS3 MD 222 [rare]) Pe. (a/ ): ]KQ 'XI n'13IT? ITTiDDT one who tied up another San 77b(36) // Hul 16a(8; V"); 'TIKI W1S3 he tied him up and he confessed BB 167a(20); ib. 29; Ber 56b(l; F); Nid 25b(29); a'tt'^X -Q. '31 'in 'nVx1? '^pttfl TSD1 (people) of the House of PN who used to tie up (the debtors) and take (their payment) immediately Git 14a(4); ib. 14b(6); MQ 16a(21); Hul 110b(3); 'XTEtt H'TIDST he bound it [i.e. the sacrifice] with silk (cords) 7am 31b(22); TlWSan xVl you will not bind him Bo 88:7; pass.part. 1OT r'",{(l)in'S31 ]XB31 'X01D 'in the Persians are as if bound Sab 94a(25); ib. 106b(35) 2# J1B3 vb. to be concerned (sec. rt. < nS3X; 4- Vl#«pX pe.) Pe. w. 'V: m1? nsS'X xV nS3'B he not actually concerned (about it)? Git 62a(24) 3# J1S3 vb. perh. to jump, vault (etym. unkn.; 4- Vl#fBp) Pe.: iTimX KlIT1? n'flSD he jumped over the Jordan behind him BM 84a(40) Lit.: S. Friedman, BM VII [forthcoming]. K3193, pi. KHKS3 n.f. branch of the date palm (4- 1#XB3; Sy ri'ifiAA LS 339) sg. XnB3 Xin Suk 32a(25); pi. nan<1> XT1XS3 'TO ib. Lit: Flora 2:327. NiaiXS n.m. magician (4- XBlop; Ma XB1SX3 MD 200, s'y rcl^so^-i LS 687) pi. 'B1X3 Bo 78:13 13,1K3 n.m. donkey (< MP xar CPD 94) sg. 13 1311 "ixtn a donkey of a thousand colors [= MP xar hazar gonag] San 98a(45; G§ 400:15) [Var: 1X3 HeAr (AC 4:178, s.v. 1X3), MGG 687:16] Geon. expl.: D'JU MU ^X 1XTH 110(113 OH San 516:8; Lit: Fl, TMW 2:448. In spite of Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 55+; id., AAC 73, who emends to 11X3* [1 1#11K3], all the ms. evidence supports the above interpretation. N13 n.m. mattress, bolster (JPA 13 DJPA 268) sg. xjnxx xi3 i3i miV'j/ nun iso aw mm mm ISO H'ty 3'niXl a Torah scroll was situated on it [i.e. the bed], and he overturned the mattress on the ground and placed the Torah scroll upon it MQ 25a(26; M2) // Men 32b(17; M) [4- V«]S5? pe.] 313 vb. to plow (4- 1#X313; Sy 1# oajla LS 342, Ma 313 MD 223, > Arab ^J. Fr, AF 126) Pe. (a/ ): X313 113 313 "JTX he went (and) did plowing with them [i.e. the stolen oxen] BQ 96b (22); rf? X33'n3 '3n imV I shall plow it for you afterwards BM 105a(19); ib. 103b(15); 3'13 'Ml he plows back and forth BB 12a(28); BM 107a(4); 'JHJl '313 Xpi '271'X 1TXPI they saw people plowing and sowing Sab 33b(35); ib. 73b(3); ib. 5; San 26a(20); HG3 394:73 1#K313, N3N13 n.m. plowing (4- Vai3, '3 X313; Sy rcL=>-io LS 343, Ma 1# X3X13 MD 222; cf. Akk karaphu fallow land CAD K 206) sg. BQ 96b(22) [4- Vai3 pe.]; X313 'BV '"M two days of plowing BB 12a(25); ib. 26; 27; pi. '3'W "?3 '3X131 all the chips of the plowings ib. 36b(12) [v. comms.] Geon. expl.: X3X13 WX iw'ra 'npn Til TGHark 215:1; Lit: M. Dietrich, BiOr24[1967] 298; on/(Z61b(31), v. I 1#K313; Y: X31? BB ib.(BAYTN 86). 2# N313 n.f. stump of a palm branch (> Arab uji Fr, AF 145; JudA X313 name of a date palm orchard JDS3 7:7; i XnSIX) sg. X'p1? XXin '1H3 X313 the stump of the palm branch is afflicted together with (its) leaf [i.e. a righteous person is punished together with his wicked neighbor] BQ 92a(40) Lit: Fl, TMW 557; Flora 2:327, 359; Gift 395; Y: X313 BQ ib.(BAYTN 87). 3#K313, N3V13 n.m. cabbage (< Kp&nPr| Lehnw 295; Sy rda-La LS 343) sg. mVP ai '31 X313 '31pB the people of PN's household used to peel cabbage Sab 115a(5); X3T13 Ber 38b(19) Geon. expl.: 3n3 OHP Ber 112:14, i.e. s4& Lit: Flora 1:482; Y: X3T? Sab ib.(BAYTN 86). nN313, f. NJT313 adj. (uncertain) sg. xnxi Xn'313 BQ 85a(50; F'HAr [AC 5:361, s.v. xnjH) [expl. MH 'Mini ib.] Expl. Ar: TOW nan -IW3 AC ib. T1313 n.m. type of goat (< MP xarbuz oryx CPD 94) sg.abs. Tiaiai XT'? Xinn Hul 59b(15; Ar [AAC 233, s.v. pi3, ms. 3]) Nn'ais 599 vma Lit: Geig, AAC ib.; Tel 87. NJT313 n.f. type of garment (cf. Akk qarbltu a garment for the statue of a god or goddess CAD Q 128; 4- xn"?313 mng. 1) sg. Ber 20a(18; OHP ib. 110:4) Geon. expl.: tOBO Xfl'313 OHP ib., i.e. jii. waterproof garment. "?ai3 vb. to tie, plait (< V?33 w. dissim. of -bb- > -rb-; cf. BH "7313a ICh 15:27) Quad.: pass.part. "7313a xVl ma -]1131 XnsSDlX) a head covering in which her hair is wrapped around without its being plaited GC 24:7 [expl. 4- xn33D] NnVai? n tvPe °f head-covering, cock's crest (Akk karballatu piece of linen headgear for soldiers CAD K 215, AIOA 63, BA 1^313* HALOT 1901, Sy [r<il^i^] rc'^i-Li-i-o cock's crest LS 343, BBah 915:20, SBM 573:4, MH2 yrbl-O Sab 110b) 1. perh. a type of head- covering: sg. xrf?3i3 xwzb mm xnn'x x'ni XplW3 a certain woman who was wearing a head-covering in the street Ber 20a(18) [4- xn'313]; 2. w. NVliain cock's crest: sg. '3 X"?niim Xn"7313 Xnn when the cock's crest becomes white AZ 4b(28) // Ber. 7a(27) // San 105b(27); xVllJim TPlbVO Er 100b(49) [ref. to the speaker himself] Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: "p "?<K>(yi 'py OHP Ber 109:6, i.e. Jji Aill; WX13» DnK 1B3 ^Win iv 1J13 TGWeisz 81c:8; Lit: AIOA 63; Y: xrtol? Ber 20a(18; BAYTN 282). [|?ai3 vb. 4- Vpais] K113, N1N13, N113N n.m. poll tax (< Mir? [cf. MP harg, ManP hr'g duty, tribute CPD 43, < BA irn HALOT 1860, > Arab E!3i Fr, AF 283, PLAr 105) sg. a. imposition: mia '131 ipipx X113 the poll tax is an individual obligation [lit. is imposed upon the head of men] BB 55a(l 1); nTQ1? H'^pl nt'i'lB? 'H^ia1? he took upon himself (the obligation) of his poll tax for his entire lifetime [lit. all his years] San 27b (25); 3T 13 pm 3T p31X X113 xai Xion PN imposed the poll tax on the scholars BB 8a(4); X113X3 p31 '"? 13in3 inscribe the scholars for me for the poll tax Yom 77a(35) [Var: X1X13 MGN 282:7]; b. payment: 3',T xVl X3'X1 X113X 3',T1 X3'X 'X01D '3»3 X113X in the time of the Persians there were some who used to pay the poll tax and others who did not pay the poll tax ib. 46; 'Wl'XI X113X 'Til '3m 'SB 1H3 'ISynitfai for those who pay the money of the poll tax of (other) people and enslave them severely BM 73b(25); 12yrWli X113 3',T x"71 ]Xa X113 3Vn ]XKb one who does not pay the poll tax can be enslaved to the one who pays the poll tax (for him) ib. 29 // Yev 46a(28); 'Jliabl XllS^ Xnn3X X^ ll'iaia m^p^l we may sell (property) without a proclamation for the poll tax, alimony, and burial Ket 87a(20) // ib. 100b(26) // Git 52b(10) // BM 108b(19); BB 55a(13); X113B mia p'TSI xVp'1 a date palm which (by its large yield) releases its owner from the poll tax Er 51a(8); c. non-payment and exemption: '13TT X1? '»'lA )13ia '311S1? H'^ "HO X113X a s.m. is permitted to say: "I shall not pay the poll tax" Ned 62b(3); BB 55a(16); nana mia X113X he flees because of (his inability to pay) the poll tax BM 39a(27) [Var: X1X13 HP 90:26]; n'© 'i3i 'dVx iD'in ypsa xpn 'xnn'a xisi X3'x X113a Xin'D3 'ni' rc^l XB'pa 'nT there is a man among the Jews who exempts twelve thousand men from the poll tax six months in the summer and six months in the winter [i.e. for the entire year] ib. 86a(9) [rdg. bef. corr.]; X113X 'ai p31£/1 (Ahasuerus) remitted also the poll tax Meg 13a(48); X3"7ai X113@'B pSB it is exempted from the royal poll tax Suk 45a(23) [expl. the GN XSia Colonia Mib. 4:5 as if pronounced XSia] Lit: D. Goodblatt, JESHO 22 [1979] 233+; Beer, BA 230; W.B. Henning, OrNS 4 [1935] 291+ [on etym.]; Geig, AAC 233; on San 109a(4), v. I XJ1B; Voc: XJ13X 3a:33; WTO 2a:9; Y: XsMs BM 108b(17; StG 157); XS"13 BB 8a(4; BAYTN 43). NJ7H13 4- Xp'miia n. P113, ni3 vb. (Sy mio to be sick LS 343, Ma ma MD 223) 4- ximi3, -mis by s.v. xni(i)3, xn'i3, xmn'13 1#N3113 n.m. cherub (Sy rdixvLo LS 343) sg. X3113 *7p the voice of a cherub Bo 132:7 2#K3113 4- 3#X313n. NJ113 n.m. caraway (< *Kapufa [cf. Kdpov L-S 879]; Sy r<Uo-U LS 343, Arab U^jS Wehr 824) sg. n'113 AZ 29a(13) [ingredient of a drug]; TGAs42 160:8
N3113 600 1#'13 T T Lit: Flora 3:437; Y: X'JTO AZ ib.(BAYTN 68). N3113 n.m. bundle, part of the intestines (4- V"|13; Mng. 1: Sy rCAa\A band LS 345; mng. 2: Ma X'ai X31X3 MD 201, s.v. 3#X31X3, JPA "]113 DJPA 268) 1. bundle: sg. 'jpi X3113 a bundle of reeds Bek 8b(17); pi. 'XTBH '3113 bundles of silk San 67b(26); XJDUiai '3113 'mail bundles of cotton and goats' hair TRN 588:1; ib. 589:3!; X31T11 '3113 '3113 ,TM 'psai they removed from him many bundles of fat BM 83b(50; SM 64:1); 2. a part of the intestines: sg. nax 15? XTUj? p p'MI X31131 the (small) intestine which goes out of the stomach (for the length of) a cubit HP 196:16 [cf. XJiaX3 X'ya W'l Hul 93a(23)] n.m. ring on the yoke to which the plough is attached (Sy rdioi-o hook LS 346) sg. GC 35:11 [text: xVlS; expl. MH maon MKel 14:4] Lit: Eps, GC 166 [contra his expl., ib. 3522]. Emendation based on the Arab eq. ^Tl(3)na)X ib., i.e. Jjjill, borrowed into IrArab. NtPftllS n.m. service tree (Sorbus domestica; Sy rdii*o-U> LS 347 [Lex]) sg. Pes 11 lb(l 1) Geon. expl.: p^fr B'l XTaifrx °?xyn»' ]W<72 THB XIpJl fy XVI ruin D'xip n wi rmn o'suy (ni> OHT ib. 115:11, i.e. .i^1 service tree [cf. BBah 917:17]; however, Low, Flora 3:251+, points out that the Geon. description fits Zizyphus vulgaris Lam.; Y: WBWTQ Pes ib.(BAYTN 212). KJl'tfVtt n.f. cake (cf. Sy rr'YiVn, rdjt_,-Ln type of cake LS 671 [Lex]) pi. 'lyitfl xm'tPTD barley cakes Git 69b(ll) [Var: XHX'B/11'3 OHT ib. 157:5]; 'D'm XJWTD wheat cakes ib. 16 Geon. expl.: f*1j? OHT ib., i.e. o-O* round, flat loaves of bread; Lit: Geig, AAC 236, discusses poss. P etyms. and rejects them in favor of the Sy cognate supra; Y: XJ1X'?Wri3 Git ib.(BAYTN 180). NJ'J"lt£>V13 n.m. (uncertain; etym. unkn.) sg. XH1 xmiPVOI the blood of a ... [remedy for 111X' ib., an eye disease] Sab 78a(28; Ar [AC 4:344]) [O: xrowrm] Expl. RaH: 1. Xn'31 X^lirw domestic hen; 2. WXSO^X, i.e. Arab (jSUU. bat. T13 vb. to announce publicly, proclaim (4- XJ1T13X, XTT73; Sy \-U> af. LS 344) Af.: a. alone: T'13a 'T113X 31 PN used to publicly announce Sab 146b(45); xpTO3 T'13X pis go out (and) announce in the street Ber 55b(42); Sab 129b(30); RH2\a(5); Ket 77b(23); JVed40a(17); Qid 70b(34); San 26a(14); AZ 19b(31); T'13a '3 P13a XD'Vj he announces publicly only (the finding of) a garment BM 28a(43); ib. 16b(20); Dec 10:10; b. w. Vy, "X: ln'Vy 'T113XV 1573 they wanted to proclaim concerning him [i.e. David] (that he was unfit to marry) Yev 77a(2); San 26b(34); Xin X73J7T n'T7'y niT3X '5?D 'Xai why did you proclaim that he was a slave? Qid 70b(15); ib. 81a(45); Pes 112b(47); '1tf'3X T'13a XW 'S'IDI he proclaims that his meat is terefa Hul 18a(13); Dec 3:10 Lit: A. Shaffer, OrNS 34 [1965] 32+ [etym.]. NT13, NTN13 n.m. type of creeping animal (etym. unkn.) pi. 'B^'n '31 'TX13 'in A>animals of the area of the ferns Hul 62b(13; AC 4:313, s.v. 1313) Expl. Ar: xnu ix fio vro oipn o'mxa yhima inw o'x-ro AC ib.; Lit: Fauna 79; Y: 'P3 Hul ib.(BAYTN 87). n.m. assistant shepherd (< Akk kuzallu shepherd CAD K 613, w. dissim. of -zz- > -rz-[cf. 4- X'0113]; Sy rdl^-Ui shepherd LS 344) sg. ica'a1? nym 'nnxi n'V'raV nyn moo n'V'T13b the (chief) shepherd handed it over [i.e. the flock] to his assistant shepherd, because the (chief) shepherd usually hands (it) over to his assistant shepherd BQ 56b(15; HAr [AC 4:320]) [expl. MH nyi-fr nioa Mib. 6:2] Since this extremely rare Akk word occurring only in OB and Nuzi is prob. not Semitic [v. Lieb, SLOB 1638], it should not be considered a cognate in Aramaic. 1#'13 vb. to dig, dredge (4- 2#X'TJ; Sy ,-Ui to cut short LS 342, Ma 2# X13 to dig out MD 222) Pe. 1. to dig: in1? X"I3 "7TX1 fi '13 b'T go (and) dig for us! He went and dug (a pit) for them BQ 51a(31); ib. 48a(36); X'» T'^ai XT3 'b X13 he dug a pit for himself and filled it with water Git 68a(34); ib. 8; 42; Sab 110b(13); Suk 53b(13) [4- Vl33 pe.]; ,1'yiX3 XnXllll H»3 b'TXl '1X3 he continues to dig several wells in his field BM 103a(24); XT1B3 X31 Xin:i XlS'aV to dig a large canal in the mountain San 93a(29); 2. to dredge: XB'ao XTTU XOaaV XlS'aV to dredge : unclog a 2#n3 601 JO dammed up canal A/g 4b(33) [double rdg.]; 5g 31b(3); Xn3 '131 BM 110a(30) [4 2#X'13]; 3. to breach, pierce [cf. Ma X'1X3 XB'O the sword pierces MD ib.]: xp mm xisj xinn1? <n>{x}'m 'Sins '1X3 he saw a certain man who was breaching the fence of palm leaves Tan 24a(17; L) [4-V2# pi3 pe., mng. 1] 2#'13 vb. to grieve, worry (Sy -1 rd-iA LS 342, mng. 3, Ma -^Xnxs MD 222, s.v. 1#X13) impers. w. -b: xinn Hrn rb xnsT xn'an wr\r\ X'jy a certain young girl who was grieved about a certain poor man San 109b(39) 1#SJ"13 n.m. pile (< Akk karu pile of barley CAD K 226 < Sum kura Lieb, SLOB 363; Sy pdi-Ui LS 345, Ma XnX3 MD 201, JudA Xn3 TBM 9:13, MH h5, h3 Yeivin, BV 877) sg. xn3 'Bm a pile of wheat BQ 116b(52); 'TBI X'13 a pile of fruit Suk 26a(27); Er 24b(6); Ned 3 6b (19); XDW31 X'13 a pile of dodder BM 42b(21);HG3 284:11 Lit: Kaufman, AIOA 63, maintains that the word is general Sem.; Voc: X'13 HGP 23a:30; Y: XH? Suk ib.(BAYTN 87). 2# N'13 n.m. dredging (I Vl# '13) sg. XSB 31 'an'X XTIBT X'TJ xm PN imposed (the obligation of) dredging of a canal upon orphans BB 8a(20); \arta l^BX X'TiDT X'131? for the dredging of a canal even the scholars (are subject to corvee) BM 108a(ll) // BB 8a(26) [Var: X'TIST Xn^V TGAs42 157:12]; X'13 '131 XpDD tfb 3'TI he pays the <.-tax and does the dredging (of the canal) BM 110a(30); ib. 31; "Winn X1H31 X'131? 'xV'y 'yoa the lower ones [i.e. those who are downstream] help the upper ones in the dredging of the canal ib. 108a(14) 3#N'"I3 n.m. (uncertain) sg. H"in ITy'jX '1 mms1? X'13 H3 '12?1 XyiX X'nn1? PN saw a certain field in which ... was sown across its width Yev 63a(29) [Rashi: X313 cabbage seed/plowing] Nn'"13 n.m. sick person (4- Vai3 pe., pass.part, Xmn'13; Sy K'cb-jT-a LS 343, Ma X'H'13 pi. MD 223) pi. X3iym 'H'13 *?3 all the sick people of the west [i.e. Eretz Israel] Sab 21a(14); ib. 145b(19; Ar [AC 4:317]) NrnrVIS, Nmn'13 n.f. sickness, weakness (4- Xn'13, xmn'ltJ; Sy k'^ocioj-vo LS 343) sg. XP'nn ID'a1? xmn'13 is he too sick [lit. is it a sickness] to tie (his) belt? Sab 10a(5; Ar [AC 4:317]); xmn'13 5o 37:7 "!]'"13 adj. round, curly (4- Vl,13 pe., pass.part.; Sy Ky>T-a surrounded by a wall LS 345) 1. round: sg.m. X3'131 UW1S because (the pit) is round BQ 50b(36); 2. curly: sg.m. Xl'tjpi X3'13 (the kid's tail) was curly and thin Bek 40b(16) [cf. Sy: wyjT-01' rd^iA_aa rdiajoa a dog's curly tail PSm 1823] Y: X3'T3 Bek ib. [N3'13 4- X3113 n.] "p3 vb. to roll, fold, wrap (4- X3113, T13, 1#X313, 2#X313, 3#X313, Xri313; Sy «^Ca LS 345, Ma "]13 MD 223) Pe. (a/u) 1. to roll up: a. general: xpw"? ini'mxi ini'313 irmb the next morning he rolled them up [i.e. the mattresses] and brought them to the market Tan 22a(l; L); b. scrolls, documents: 'ip'^l mm ISO1? n'313'1?! let him roll the Torah scroll (to the Pentateuchal reading) and recite (it) Sot 41a(18) // Yom 70a(5); Meg 27a(25); BB 14b(8); ma 'inX1? XIS'D T131 '"? 'wa "?X '" 13T1 'ixpi he rolls the Torah scroll to ma 'inx and reads from Lev 16:1 Anan 38:19; ib. 39:11; 40:7; pass.part. '3'131 'TT1X IDTI (the documents) are placed one upon the other and are rolled up BM 20b(18) [expl. MH mux ib.]; 2. to fold up: TVb 113 n'TIIO ipv he took his scarf (and) folded it up BQ 20b(2); 3. to wrap or tie around s.t: H'yi3X TlllO T13 X31.1 31 13 H31 p'BJI PN used to wrap his scarf around his feet (on the Day of Atonement) and go out Yom 78b(10) // Yev 102b(44); Suk 26a(55); Sab 112a(24); Sot 49a(43); Git 67b(44); X'»3 m'TOX mnailX n'3131 he soaked it in water and wrapped it around his spear BB 74a(22); San 82a(31); 'Xin '0X1 XJXtJX){ltJ} '3 J131311 saw (in a dream) that they had bound me with a rope of myrtles Ber 56b(17; MGG 707:13[Var]); X'TTI n'3131 ]XD 'Xn one around whom a snake wrapped (itself) Sab liOa(ii); Voxi mai nxa 713 nm he then wraps matza and bitter herbs and eats HP 14:14; pass.part. X31D '3'131 many (phylacteries) are wrapped up together Er 97a(40) [expl. MH
1#N313 602 2# Kritfmj riOTO Mib. 10:1]; n'1TID3 X3'131 XIJIO'1 a portion of food wrapped in his scarf Git 68a(2); Nid 26a(12); 4. to wrap around oneself: "|113'Vl ""J^'Vl ,T1'1D3 let him wrap himself in his s.-cloth and sleep Git 70a(20); -]'131 p'^Ol 'TO mm n'1'103 he used to wash himself (in the water), go up, and wrap himself in his j.-cloth Hul 58b(6); 5. to twist: nD'TPXl ni'a '1<1){1)1 '"> 13113 twist threads for me from it [i.e. from the mill], and I shall sew it Bek 8b(37); 6. to embrace [cf. Ma "|13 etpa. MD ib.]: n'J1313 ,111T a prostitute embraced him AZ 18b(ll); 7. to combine [v. Eps, MNM 594+]: '3m 1,113 combine and learn (the two Tannaitic statements together) Ber 59a(47); Sab 34b(24); Pes 75b(4); RH 14b(23); BQ 59a(30); Men 87a(9); 8. in idiomatic expressions: a. w. Kj?'I to blow as a whirlwind [cf. Sy TK'blaa-iA whirlwind LS 345]: 3'n'1? >6 xp'T "|'131 X3',1 he should not sit where a whirlwind is blowing Sab 129a(50); b. to eat a meal [w. KJID'1]: ""nVDa xVl Dim 'Dim VTW 1")3 XlSXai X1311? sixty runners ran and could not overtake a man who ate a meal in the morning BM 107b(29) // BQ 92b(4); 1313 W'X come (and) eat a meal Tan 23b(l); mn XBV ^3 '3131 XTlS'1 inri'31 in1? X'Tl"a she would bring them bread every day, and they would eat Sab 33b(29); 'mn 'TU XTlS'1 13131 Xfl?n '3 'in a certain three people who ate a meal together Ber 50a(38); 16. 45b(43); 48a(18); '3131 31 '3 '13 'in X1X33 XJIS'1 certain students of the be rav who eat a meal in the rural area Er 73a(38); ib. 74b(5); Tan 20b(50); BM 86a(48); /& 113b(28) Af. 1. to be wrapped around: '313ai m1? ri'XI n'l1?';? (the purse) has (straps), and they are wrapped around it Sab 92a(4); 2. to wrap o.s.: n'3 XII T13'X he wrapped himself (in the garment and) slept in it Sab 110b(43); ib. 110a(25); 3. to attach o.s.: ]TTt 'Vj/33 D313'X 'D did you attach yourself to sufferers of ra'tanl Ket 77b(37); ib. 24 On Pe., mng. 6, cf. GeonH: ,T1TO 18,13 HX yai ,1X»B ,1013 Seel 98:20. 1#N3"13 n.m. city, enclosed area (4- Vm3, tf'1 XB' '313; TA ]'313 pi. TO Dt 32:13, Sy «LA\A LS 345; mng. 2: Nab 1#113 DNWSI 535) 1. city: a. general: sg. X313 ,tV|3X 1,ni3T XUI3 Xpi your merit protects the entire city Tan 22a(10); Yom 53b(2); b. metaph. of the Jewish people: n'3 n"7131 X313 a 'city* in which there is everything [i.e. all types of people] Hul 56b(52); 2. enclosed area(?): sg. mm X^IDIIIS Ninn '111 tontfH Xian n'3 3'JV a certain enclosed area in which was located wine of a Jew and a pagan AZ 61b(32; J) [P1: XTl'3] Lit: Eps, Stl 183, discusses the text of mng. 2 and decides in favor of the rdg. X313 [HG3 261:44; v. Abramson, AZ 216] which he translates 'field.' His other suggestion that this is some type of a building is more likely; cf. Nab DI'DIp '1 X3131 CIS II 350:2, ref. to a part of a tomb [v. also J.T. Milik, RB 66(1959) 558]; AAC 234; Y: N31? AZ ib.(BAYTN 87). 2# N3")3 n.m. roll, scroll (4- Vl13; Sy rdiva LS 345, > Akk kirku roll of papyrus CAD K 408, mng. a) sg. V'y1? n'3131? m1? niai xnns ,T3 I'isi he rolls a small amount in it and places its rolled portion (from the other side) on top BB 14b(8) 3# N313, K3N13 n.m. large mat (4- Vl13; Sy kLo'Ia woof LS 345, mng. 2, > Akk kirku roll of textiles CAD K 408, mng. b, > Arab <L\£ Fr, AF 92) pi. '<l)(l)in '3X13 'in the large mats of the boats Sab 19b(20); ib. 156b(41)! Geon. expi.: mpna m:'B03 jmx pyitsw tvdiix jiiVto mVxna mino1? Dipa1? TRN 570:5; Y: >?13 Sab 19b(20; BAYTN 43). l#KDB>il313 n.f. weasel (< XJW133* w. dissim. t : : t v of -kk- > -rk-; I XJTCh313 13; Sy ^M v ? ^ ^ LS 326, Akk kakkisu small animal CAD K 50) sg. xVlb'n nay xmirwi XnE?1313 the weasel and the cat made a feast San 105a(51); Meg 14b(40) [given as the mng. of the name of the prophetess Hulda (cf. infra)] Geon. expl.: XTO1313 XM1 llVin ':31 TGHark 190:32; Lit: Nold, ZA 29 [1914] 239+; Talshir, Fauna 258+; Y: XflBlSI? San ib.(BAYTN 292). 2#Kntlh313 n.m. bellwether (V2#P313* < i Vwpip w. dissim. -q-q- > -k-k-; Ma XJIBTQIS sheep bell MD 201) sg. BQ 52a(l 1; EsF1) [expl. MH noiDtfa ib.; cf. ,171'pnplP PT Qid 60b(15)]; XP'13 X^TXI XTJ? ... XJ1B/1313 'Xa what is a bellwether? The goat walking at the head (of the flock) ib. RaH: Tiyi BX13 "J^im 11X1X3 JH 'V7nw Vm B33 OHR BQ 60:16; Voc: xfitibl3 HGP 15b:32; Lit: Eps, St2 832. I#tf313 603 sons t : - I#tf3n3, fi^pip vb. to drive away (< EOttto* [redup. of E?B?3; cf. Sy x-arc* to flap away (birds) LS 349, MH 273BO to shake vigorously LNVTH 199, JNA ksks to shoo away HDJNA 102] w. dissim. -s-s- >-r-s-; Ma K7313 to drive animals MD 224) Quad. 1. to drive away: 'JP31 'pX3 'WIST^D)1? he wants to drive away the gnats Sab 77b(27); 'U W'pipa Xlin 3113 ,131 PN used to drive away the wasps Nid 17a(7); 2. w. RBT1(3) to nod the head [cf. Sy ouaJaa T-?t-»J it wagged its tail LS 256]: '3 n'lP'l n3 IP'3131 XBH1D he nodded his head (in agreement) concerning it in the school BB 143a(l) // Nid 42a(41); Er 65b(9); n'W'13 W'313 Hor 3b(15) 2# B7313 (< Vtfpip) 4- 2# Xri2h313 n. Nt#313 n.m. large intestines (etym. unkn.; 4- i#xrro3i3) sg. n'Dair; xnpn xinn xnx iTiySIS1? a certain serpent came (and) tore out his large intestines Ber 62b(24) // Git 57a(21; MGD 622:11); Hul 49b(37); ib. 95b(39) [i Vl#13X itpe.]; 113a(31); XK;3131 XaiS the opening of the large intestines HP 202:8 [expl. MH rfrmVn Hul 50a(37)]; ib. 201:19 Y: IWfl? Hul 95b(39; BAYTN 217). 1# NDB7D1D n.m. large intestines (etym. unkn.; I xi?>3i3) sg. X3D' 'i'2? ri?nx xntr;3i3 'xn the large intestine is situated on three protrusions [lit. teeth] Sab 82a(9); ib. 10; Git 57a(21) Y: VV313 Gil ib.(BAYTN 282). 2# Kntf3"!3, Kflt&SnW n.f. fringe (Sy rdi-a-i-o belt LS 346 [Lex]) sg. Xn^3113 1131 '2?'V3 GC 72:6 [expl. MH V?1i MKel 28:7; v. Geon. expl. infra]; pi. pD'p 'T llX'am XTO3133 IDpl tie seven knots in the fringes of your belt HM 43:17; Xnir;3133 'D'Sm they are holding the fringes BM 7a(28) Geon. expl.: pxxvn ywe \vm ]'03 Kim 'jv pv^i psora Kim 31W n"B3 WB1 ramp 'JOT U33 GC 72:6, i.e. KpdaneSov, ^ [v. OHT Sab 33:27]; Lit: Eps, Stl 32. NrDnS n.f. (a type of fence; I Vl13) sg. BM 22b(27) [Var: XJ1X313 V22] RaH: in nispinw 131,1 D'^pi xroi3 "s DnaixB 'a v ohr BM 34:5; OB'OD 11T1 Ar [AC 4:321]; Rashi: O'WX °?W 11J; Voc: X7I3313 HGP 21b:29; Y: XJ1313 BM ib.(BAYTN 169). NSn? n.m. vineyard (archaic; 4- XO'IIB; TA Xai3 TO Dt 22:9, Sy rdiw-U LS 347) a. general: sg. 3ipn X1? XaiS1? lino lino XTT1 oh Nazirite! Around, around! Do not come near the vineyard! Sab 13a(43) [+ //'s; 4- XI'Tl]; XT1W3 ina Xai33 what is (the law concerning kil'ayim with regard to) dodder in a vineyard? ib. 139a(48); BM 103b(35); pi. X'ai3 Suk 44b(21); 'D13 nxa J?31X four hundred vineyards BB 14a(21); MQ 4b(10); SSHai 6b(9); b. w. ref. to the school in Jamnia [i.e. ni3?3 D13 MKet 4:6]: sg. xai31 ''ina the Mishna oifthe 'vineyard' Yev 42b (24) Voc: X013 VTM 45; Y: p'SI? MQ ib.(BAYTN 87). 013 vb. to dry up (< 2# Dip*; Sy o»;Uj LS 698, Ma Dip MD 416) Pe.: 01131 '31'J? grapes which dried up BM 106b(37) The varr: D'131 X33'y HG2 426:92; 0H31 '3:'y TGAs28 58:1 [expl. XJI D,13 11X11]; D1131 '3J'y Ar [AC 4:199] are either corruptions or misreadings. A connection with + Vl#01p is uncertain. N013, XO'13, pi. NTINOIS n.f. stomach, rumen, womb (Sy rdJo\£ f. LS 347, Ma XD1X3 MD 201, MH 0'13 Yeivin, BV 923) 1. stomach: a. humans: sg. plS T.D'13X «]W VlJ? 1,D'13X *\W enter crawling on your stomach (and) go out crawling on your stomach BB 7a(4); n'0'13 X31 his stomach is large Ned 50b(18; V2); Dnil X13J? n'laV 'liy X1? n'0'13 a slave who is not worth the food that he eats [lit. the bread of his stomach] to his master Git 12a(14) // BQ 97a(18) // BM 64b(25); junsh '1^1 I'^l8? p'^5? expensive for your back, but inexpensive for your stomach [i.e. spend much on clothing but little on food] ib. 52a(14); Ber 32a(17) [4- X1T]; pi. XDXD13 'mn two stomachs Ket 103a(ll); b. animals: sg. X'Va XDXnaX TE?an3 in'0131 their [i.e. doves'] stomach is full within (a distance of) fifty cubits BB 23a(19); XD13 XpTI'13 in a case where (the senunifs) stomach was green Hul 62a(22); 2. rumen [4- X0131 X3aiDD'X]: sg. XT33 XD13 ^Dl the rumen fell into the pit [i.e. the identification of n'D'lsn 013,1 MHul 3:1 is unclear] Hul 50b(ll); X013 X3pi'D 13 when the rumen is pierced HP 199:2; 3. womb: sg. Xin 'V m1?' 13'X X013 would that you had born for me one
JH3 604 db-d (additional) womb (of children) Yev 65b(49); n'S'KT noi'na his mother's womb SOZ 72:21 Voc: KOnS HPP 301:20; HGP 28b:38; Y: KCn? Hul 50b(ll; BAYTN 648). JH3 vb. to bow down, decide (4- l#Xy"D, 2# Xyn3; JPA yn3 DJPA 270) Pe. to bow down: "pinn JTD y-|3 mn '3 he used to bow down only at (the word) ijna Ber 12a(52); /& 12b(l); 28b(50); 34b(18); Qid 29b(39); BQ 16a(51) Af. to decide: Tl 'yrax1? XJn3WX xVl XJp131 DHpi piTT8 we investigated and could not decide which one of them [i.e. the writs] preceded SSSad 263:18; TGAs42 61:31; TGHark 193:31; pass.part. JTDa I'TTirm 'V'aftn XpVI X'TTD X7TH33 the implied opinion of the words of our Mishna is decided exactly in the barraita iSGF 38:14; tnaXQ f? XJTOa x"n since it is not decided for us from the Talmud TGHark 4:19; KTbVi NJH3B the matter is decided ib. 192:5; 206:15 l#Njn3, KJ/N13 n.f. leg, foot (4- Vyi3; TA X'yn5 pL TO Lev 1:13, Sy rsiiio f. LS 348, Ma xnro pl.f. MD 222) a. of people: 1) general: sg. xnaax inn my-oi xtux xnn myns mn '3 when his one foot was on the (river)bank, and his other foot was on the ferry Qid 70b(25); Ber 56b(2); Git 59a(33); ,T»,XT xyn3 bp the sound of his mother's footfall g/W 31b(19; O2); Yev 103a(17) [4- Vom pe.]; Pes 113a(16) [4- M3'T mng. 3]; Yom 53a(49) [4- Vl#ip: itpa.]; BM 81b(7) [4- V2#'1D pa., mng. 1]; Yom 1 lb(31) [4- V"lpy pe., mng. 2]; 5«/j 54a(14) [4- V]3tf itpe.]; /& 30b(6) [4- Vow itpe., mng. 3]; ,Tyi3X 1JUV 'I1? .TptfJl JVU he bent down and kissed PN on his foot Ket 49b(42); ib. 63a(16); 55 16a(27); pi. ^ X3'3 mn 'Xyns my feet are hurting me Yom 78a(16); D"D1 iTSTD pnma ,TJXD» (one who) puts on his shoes while his feet are wet Pes lllb(37); "jyna VlpW 'Xyi3X 3'mx lift up your feet (and) place (them) on my feet Ket 67b(39); Qid 81a(9); 3T1J1 XV 'yB ,l? 'laXT ny "Pjnax do not sit on your feet [perh. crosslegged] until you tell me the reason Ned 55a(35); Er 54a(51); Naz 24b(10); Mak 3b(39); Zev 105b(15); Git 56a(38); Anan 26:1; ib. 36:13; 56:6; 2) in a fig. sense: pi. myn3 VHV Xin m3XT an heir is his father's 'feet' [i.e. he has all his rights] Er 70b(4); xry3 X1? T13^ 3TJ X30a I do not want a shoe that is too big for my foot [i.e. a husband of a higher rank] Qid 49a(20); b. of animals: pi. X^UJim 'JTD cock's feet Ber 6a(14); Sab 128b(25); Tan 23b(47) [4- X'OID]; G// 67b(39); XJT'-ma my-13 its [i.e. a kid's] hind legs Hul 59a(ll); Anan 66:16; c. parts thereof: sg. 'Xy-OT xnBIB a toenail of my foot Sab 140a(29; V); AZ 38b(36); pi. rrjna 'BP1 pl'n the tips of their legs are white Yom 49a(32) // Hul 7b(34); "7131 'ny3SX the toes of his feet Naz 43a(9); X3J Xyn3T the top of the foot Yom 78a(17); xmi myi3T Anan 88:6 [4- 1#X31 note]; ib. 56:17 [4- XBn mng. 2]; Yev 103a(20) [4- xnmV]; d. of inanimate objects: 1) furniture: sg. n'TlBI Xy*l3 the leg of his bed San 105b(33); pi. n'JTD yaiX X'TIBT the four legs of the bed Sab 110a(19); Git 58a(17); 'yxi3 ri?m XIIXIB a three-legged table Tan 25a(ll); 2) letters: sg. rfm Xyi3 the 'leg' of the dalet Sab 104a(21); Xyi3 XTnX IpV 0"»1 'Xp why does (the word) "Iptf 'lie' stand on one leg? [w. ref. to the bottom of its letters; v. note] Sab 104a(36); ib. 19 [gimel]; Men 29b(l) [he]; 'mmyx-13 TGHark 6:17 For the ancient form of the letters qof, res, and sin, v. A. Yardeni, The Book of Hebrew Script, Jerusalem 1991 221 [Chart 22: Eastern book-hand of 8th cent.]. The exact mng. of the idiomatic expression l.Tjn3 "pBfi'X lit. their legs were turned MQ 25b(20) is uncertain; Voc: Fljrp HPQ 214:10 [v. Y. Kara, HPQ ib., n. 247]; Y: N?-D Sot 13a(31; BAYTN 87). 2# NJH3, NJ/N13 n.m. bowing down (4- Vyi3) sg. xriXSTia ©XT 'ap Xyxns bowing down before the head of the academies iSGF 112:14 [f\~0 4- VriS-13 vb.] N0S13 n.m. parsley, celery (Sy •** <*> <* j «■> celery parsley LS 349, MP karafs CPD 49, MH D9-13 M§vi 9:1, > Arab oJjS Fr, AF 145) sg. XDS13 n"73XT (a woman) who eats parsley Ket 61a(2); X,!7D3 X0S13 parsley in ?.-wine AZ 28a(39); XDS13T X1I3 parsley seed ib. 38b(32) Geon. expl.: DB13 'yaw ywill N0Bn3 lHW^a DSHD Sura 2 [1955-6] 302:4; Lit: Flora 3:431+; Y: HOSTO Ket ib.(BAYTN 217). 71B13 vb. to tie, bind (< 4- Vl#riS3 w. dissim. of -pp- > -rp-\ Ma TSTO quadref. MD 224) Nt£h3 605 t : Quadref. to be tied, bound: xVl JTl msn3@'X "]3 rmn X1? 'M TITOX T,3 nmn your breasts were 'tied up' [i.e. were undeveloped] and you did not repent. They were 'untied' [i.e. were developed] and you also did not repent Nid 48b(l) [* 4- Vl#nir? itpe., mng. 1] [Var: TTBna'X AC 4:340 Rashi (ed. Ven.), ConAr] Lit: Yalon, Studies 70. NSH3 n.m. perh. shark (Arab J*£ Wehr 756) pi. 'Kn3 maBH Xmi3T XJ'a a species of fish called k. BB 74a(47) [Var: Xtf'13 Ar (AC 4:343)] Lit: Nold, Beitr 87; Fauna 17; Y: Nth? BB ib. ['j'tsns 4- xnawnp n.] TTO vb. to effect a divorce (< MH2 JTI3 J 674, mng. 3; QA )VI3 ATTM 610) Pe.: niSTin 'Ty TIT3 the witnesses of the signing (of the get) effect the divorce Ket 94a(27) // ib. 94b(15) // BB 170a(12); VTO ni'DU 'TJ? the witnesses of the handing over (of the get) effect the divorce Git 21b(36)//55 170a(18) Lit: Sok-Greenfield, in Greenfield, AKY 477. K7PD, Xm-Q, pi. '013, 'nN13 n.m.pl. leeks, sg. leek-green color (TA 'JilS TO Num 11:5, Sy K"&La LS 349, Ma X'TIXIXS MD 201, > MH 'fins MBerK 1:2, > Arab iljl Fr, AF 144, OHT Git 158:6) 1. pi. leeks: 'TlXISPas 116a(6); XTWli TIXnST a garden bed of leeks Sab 67a(32); /& 110b(43); TPOt X8TB chopped leeks GiY 69a(32); 'nX"13T XnX'y juice of leeks ib. 69b(47; OHT ib. 158:6) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; Ber 38b(22); Sab 110b(41); Git 67b(27); AZ 10b(6); //or 12a(42) // Kar 6a(5); rG^^2 165:10 [expl. MH cVsp Hul 97b (20)]; 2. leek-green color: sg. XJ1X131? X'OTT nX'T a lung resembling leek-green color Hul 47b(24; HPQ 200:11); pi. TTOt X"?31D a leek-green colored ^.-garment GjV 31b(44) [cf. Sy rc'^-Ua kLx-olzA LS ib.] Geon. expl.: JWHD ^K niKXy OHT Git 158:5, i.e. ilJiJI yl—i; Lit: Flora 2:133+; Kut, Yalon Vol 271. On the non-Semitic etym. of this word, note Sum garasj > Akk kar(a)sum Lieb, SLOB #216 > H nana, pi. ]WO; Voc: 'filB VTM 26; Y: VTD 5a6 67a(32; BAYTN 105). tnitf3 n.m. log, beam (< Akk gusuru CAD G 144, AIOA 53; 4- XTI^J, Kl&'O; TA XTW3 TJ 2K 6:2[Var], Sy k'Vx-o LS 351, Ma 3#Xn2T3 MD 216) 1. log: a. general: sg. XIU3 XrlD3 X7IEO XT1I3 X13T31 a log in the town (costs) a zuz and in the field a zuz 5(3 lla(13); XaVx"? XTTCO '3 like a log for (carving) an image Ket 86a(14) // BQ 98b(i5; Es); pi. mw nyawa '3'» nyaiy seven chips from seven logs Sab 67a(2); b. in a metaph. sense: sg. tnTCDB X3'» ],,ca,l7T '3'n '3 so that a chip from the log should come to me San 7b(15) [i.e. a share of the responsibility; v. TGAs42 153:21, s.v. 4- l#X3'tij II Hor 3b(34); 2. beam: sg. Qid 80b(42); '^H3OT mVDO 'XH the beam of a hut 55 6b(7); 5«it 31a(22); X'DT 'X X1TO3 '3 13'^ if (the bride) is placed upon you (at the wedding) like a beam [i.e. arousing no desire] Ket 17a(32); X^O XJlB?m mwn Xip'ya first (the V'iO) was a beam, and now it is a ceiling BQ 66b(34); X<1>nW3 XmiX1? n'pDBT the beam blocked the path BQ 31b(22) [4- XtVir?]; ib. 32a(24); pi. niOT 'W Pm PN used to count the beams Pes 110a(13); p'tnx X1? Tim1? p'lnx mm"? p'lnx 'Tltt/a1? mra1? (if) he had acquired the prescriptive right (to place) reed mats (on his neighbor's wall), he did not have the right for beams; for beams, he had the right for reed mats BB 6a(31); 'TIBST XTiyop fitting of beams ib. 27; 3b(27); '(Tl)mnm ni»31 x"7ns iron, beams, and reed mats SSHai lla(10); Meg 26b(8); MQ 12b (46); in'31 '"1W3 the beams of your house Ber 56b(24); 'mn '11»3 new beams Sab 43a(4); •>Himo ltsa X1?! Xn'3 '"? 'W3 I built a house for myself, and my beams did not touch (from wall to wall) Tan 25a(22; M2); ib. 24; BB 7a(6); .TIW31 nVxVoi its ceiling and its beams Stf//ai 6a(7) Y: xnW3 Ser 56b(24; BAYTN 107). Krnti'3 n.f. dodder, a parasitic plant {cuscuta; < Akk kasu CAD K 248+; 4- 'CO; Sy rc'^o^.o LS 349, Ma l#xrtW3 MD 216, > Arab £ij& Siggel 63) sg. a. general: TpBXT xn3J Xinn nn3n '31 xnws a certain person who deposited dodder with another BM 42b(26) [an ingredient in brewing beer; v. Stol, Beer 177]; b. growth: 'Xn 'I'm wna xmi»3 vhm ]xa one who plucks out dodder from among prickly shrubs and thistles Sab 107b(46); xm»3 xn"»1 Xnam1? n1? 'VDpT the prickly shrub is cut down and the (parasitic)
Btib 606 -]#3 dodder dies Er 28b(15; O) [v. TGAs28 170:28]; MQ 12b(39); X3115? XB133 XXTO3 dodder in a vineyard is a (forbidden) mixture [i.e. kil'ayim] Sab 139a(51); ib. 48; XX1W31 SJIID'O bud of dodder Git 69a(38; OHT ib. 156:3); c. yellow color: xxiya pia xxvrcn ]iid xpnia pis nx'i a (diseased) lung such as (the color of) saffron, dodder, egg (yolk) Hul 47b(25) [v. Geon. expl.]; d. use as an antidote: xm>'aa XX11P3 nV>3T7 let them feed dodder with salt (to one who has swallowed a snake) Sab 109b(35); ib. 37; 39; XX11P31 xma the bitterness of the dodder AZ 31b(27) [against snake venom]; e. in the preparation of date wine(?): X13W1? X'tn XXIIKO dodder is suitable for the i.-drink MQ 12b(40) [v. Ar (AC 4:270, s.v. 10D3)] Geon. expl.: ]'B3 Xim J11W3 ''jxyaw VIP1?} X1J7J p IX J1W3 pnpjn I'sipn ty psi fixa pp'yw ryna "?» juo l'PT1' l'wn 'SIM TGHark 215:10; rnM VxyaW ITO^S XljM 13 OHP Sab 70:24(Ar); GC 123:11; ib. 140:8; Lit: Flora 1:455+; Pfl 171; Y: WJW? G// 69a(38; BAYTN 34). tt#3 vb. dissim. < 4- Votfp vb. NH'$3 n.m. type of doorstop (etym. unkn.) pi. W£D ilV Xl'Vl XlVl a door which does not have doorstops Er 101a(18; V'RaH) [expl. MH Xv?1 13BVx ib.; Var: XBPJI XTV; v. also DS, ad loc, n.3] Geon. expl.: mil' «■?»« pV»3 XTO TS ^» Vnj? n'3 X»(M *>B pxa nyprwai OHP ib. 102:21. TC/3 adj. proper, fit (4- VltfD; Sy k'-Ujc? ls 351, Ma XTBNO MD 202) sg.f. Xflflrfl'3 XX1'W> X(X1)TB?31 an evil and fit Lilith Bo 31:7 Rdg. in this context is very uncertain. tPStib vb. 4- Vl#W313 vb., VwpIPp vb. ?2?3 vb. to stumble (Sy Ajca af. to cause offense LS 350, Ma "7W3 af. to make stumble MD 224) Af. fig. to cause s.o.'s downfall: n^»3X Nam ISV ,1'BIS PN's mouth [i.e. his speech] caused his downfall G# 57a(19) "ltf 3 vb. to be fit, valid, permissible (4- XTW31, X1P13, Tttb, 12/3, XXlllKto, XXTIBb; Sy tjLq pe., af. LS 350, Ma IK/3 MD 225, MH 12/3 J 677) Pe.: 4- 1£>3 adj. Af. 1. to make fit, declare valid: nW3X^ XTS 'lira? ... X13J to make the man fit [i.e. to whet his appetite], to make the fruit fit [i.e. more appetizing] BM 89b (1); XWIXS X"?31X 'TRWX "?3 'B1 anything which is for making food fit (to eat) is considered as food Yom 80b(31); mUDX1? Vip3 tyw 1'2/BJ to make himself [i.e. the proselyte] fit to marry a Jew Kar 8b(28); Yev 45a(30); in"? '1P3D1 Xnnx xn '31? 'VtXI they go to another court and pronounce them fit (to give testimony) San 24a(5); iniE/SX1? 130 he thought to declare it [i.e. the document] valid Git 88a(19); San 25a(24); TGHark 51:16; ib. 117:7; 2. to declare s.t. permissible: a. general: "ICON X3X1 X3X3 he declared it permissible (for a grandson to testify) for a grandfather BB 128a(12); Bek 36a(7); Suk lla(36); "?X»tf3 1MB m»3X he does indeed declare it permissible (to take a fistful) with the left hand Zev 25a(3); b. permissable for eating: XWb 'IIE/SXI a term (expressing) making fit (the flesh of the slaughtered animal) Hul 27a(13; V") [expl. MH I.TBri ib. w. ref. to Xt?m Lev 14:52]; f\HQ XJTEOH 1©3» XJS'ID (if) I declare (it) terefa, he declares (it) kaser. (If) I declare (it) kaser, he declares (it) terefa Hul 19a(45; V"); ib. 58b(22); 1*12/3X1 '1X1 1TI32/X1 rPXBi he shook it, found that it was two (nerves), and declared it fit ib. 76b(ll); 3. to make an object fit to receive Levitical impurity by contact with liquids: 'X nwsa mtrax xiam 'xi nwsa mtox xw if it is of water/wine, it certainly makes (them) fit BB 97a(23); Hul 87b(19) [of water, blood] Itpa. to be reliable, honest: '11 IIE/S'X have the (later) generations become more reliable? Yev 39b(44); Hul 93b(47) Ittaf. 1. to become valid: lEOXl'X '1H2/3XFX (the get) was indeed valid Git 88b(10; V18); ib. 87a(39); 55 161a(ll); XH 113 X1t>3XV»1 '3'1 '3 ximip iiVd Ma mraira -on nrua just as the meal offering becomes valid by its means [i.e. the wood], so do all the sacrifices become valid by its means Men 20a(37); 2. to be fit: TW3X1»V let them become fit (also for the original sacrifice) Zev 7a(29); Git 81b(27) [for testimony]; '3'n '3 O'll1? naiatV ira'7 xVl so that it should be unfit to sell it [i.e. the meat] to pagans Seel 108:32; 3. "It?? 607 ana to be declared permissable: X12/3XTB x"7 XB^'I perhaps (the suspected terefa) will not be declared permissable Sab 156b(44); Hul 29a(13); 4. to be rendered fit to receive ritual impurity by contact with a liquid: XT3 'ptt/»3 TOffX XT13BB it was rendered fit to receive impurity by the liquids of the (Temple) slaughterhouse Pes 20a(8); ib. 33b(21); Hul 36b(25); Kar 13a(43); Men 101a(23) Lit: Eps, Stl 121 [Ittaf., mng. 2]. "IE/3 adj. proper, fit (4- VlE>3; TA 1(2/3 TO Num 20:5, MH 1#3 J 677) 1. proper, fit, worthy: sg.m. 1'3 X'JpB1? IB/31 NJB an implement which is fit for acquiring possession BM 47a(53) [in a writ]; SSHai 4b(12); 1B/X3 xb «]1XI1 p Xl'3 an arrogant court is unfit TGHark 82:30; pl.m. 'IXl 'ltt/31 two people who are (morally) fit Ber 3b(3); 'JB'.IB '"12/3 'TTC/ pXl two fit (and) trustworthy witnesses SSHai 19a(4); f. X1? J'XU3 pfc>3 ''XT'IIX |"ltya are our teachings of the Torah worthy (and) our daughters unworthy (for you)? Qid 71b(7); 2. ritually permissible: sg.m. 1W X^'J XS"?n "XH Xjyiyinb bluestem is permissable for the lulav- bundle Suk 34a(26) Y: X-1B3 BAYTN 64. Nrinfi73 n.f. proper or fit state (4- Vl©3; MH2 rmwa J 678) sg. xrin^aa 'ia .t"? rrxi he has sons in a proper state Seel 170:15 Nmt#3, Nmt#j? n.f. a preparation made by soaking aromatic wood in oil (4- V"TC?3) sg. XllTW 5er 43a(56; FPHG1 138:40); GC 144:7 [expl. MH KWip MUqs 3:5]; XJVUtfp TO^i2S 181:9 [expl. 4- XJltflp] Geon. expl.: Q'3'D H03 13 ]'3iyDl p» npyi (C'JXJ KM XmB3 nnwan pw didbs dbibs npn nwya lmx i'tbssw cows 'xya OHP Ber 61:21, i.e. <jlti perfume composed of musk and ambergris Siggel 54; Lit: Low, Flora 1:391, denies connection bet. this word and MH [Wlj?] TWO, despite the Geon. expl. in GC ib. [contra Pfl 357]. 3313, 'na vb. to write, draw up a legal document, convey (4- Xari3, xmiTD, 'S'TD, X3J13D; Sy ^=.^a LS 351, Ma 2# 313, 3713 MD 204, 225) Pe. (a/u), form w/o final bet: Imp. 3sg.m. TO'] Yom 84a(9; E1); pass.part. 'h5 HGP 36b: 17;- 1. to write: a. general: marm IX1? 'X Xn,-nX3 TWO were it not that Moses had written them in the Torah Meg 25a(25); Hag 4b(31); ]r3I13 'S'H sriS'S how do we actually write (the judgment)? San 30a(22); "I'OprSX 3W3 write on your pinaxBQ 99b(54); San 35a(33) [4- Vl#'BN itpe./itpa., mng. 2]; (nXX)1? lam XSDn 131X13 write a sherd and give (it) to her Git 63b(40; V18); Mak lla(44); HM 41:9; »]103 SIXIS'V X1? nwj/ lyi Xl"?Xia nD'U; one should not write (in a document the numbers) three to ten at the end of a line BB 167a(13); nip O'TIB M 3X13 'XI if he wrote in it [i.e. the deed] 'from life' he acquired (it immediately) ib. 153a(15); 'X X13X1 1XT3X13 '3 XBX1D 131X13 Xs? 'XI131X13 XIDEH XiBI 1X1'5?T when you write a receipt, if you know the date of the document, write (it). If not, write without qualification ib. 171b(30); AZ 9a(ll); ,T3X13 rPXlffOS rP3Xnxi (if) he wrote it [i.e. the get] and placed it in his bag Git 17b (24); XJpm X1BD 'XH n^XD an accurate scribe wrote it [i.e. the document] AZ 10a(4); XTP im X5?'Dp <T^ 3X13 he wrote for him an amulet of [i.e. against] one demon Pes lllb(22); Yom 84a(ll); 'XTO' 1'3X13 XX131X13 IX xntJW I'BXim Xl'OIS the Jews write (it) in Persian and sign the document or the ketubba HP 130:13 [cf. Git lla(26)]; pass.part. ''XD 'Tyn rt'Oprsx it is written in PN's pinax Sab 156a(17); ,T3 3TI3 mm XIDW X1HH a certain deed in which it was written ... BM 68b(44); fp'D na'X13 XV axi3'» XS"p (the provision) is clearly stipulated, (but) it is not actually written down Git 51a(8); ]Wi V331 DinXl 'a'XDT X3'H where (the books) are written in Aramaic or in any (other) language Sab 115b(20); b. w. ref. to biblical verses: 3X1313 ^ami 3x13a1? H'1? 111113 Q'JWXTil X111313 since (Scripture) should have written (in Dt 5:14) 1X1B131 as in the first Decalogue [v. Ex 20:10] BQ 54b(45); xVl l"1p1 l"ip x"?1 T3X131 T3X13 (words in Scripture which) are read and not written [lit. they read and do not write] and (which) are written and not read [lit. they write and do not read] Ned 37b(21); 31X13'1? Xlp let Scripture write ... Yev 68b(10); Hul 118b(7); Er 27b(12) [4- XJBm usage d.7]; pass.part. 3TI31 D1 blood, as is written [verse follows] Anan 44:15; ib. 51:19; San 70a(34); XI
Nan? 608 xans Xa'na K3T! where is this written (in Scripture)? Git 58a(18); xnmxa Kama P° 1DX is a ^^e (specifically) written in the Torah? BQ 41b(3); '3'na 'X"lp '"in two verses are written Sab 69b(41); c. w. an aux. vb.: 1) V*]"T pa. to forge: anal *|"T '91"T he actually forged (the witnesses' handwriting) Ket 36b(22) [I V>]"T pa. mng. 3]; 2) V'BD pa.: nft'an 3713 'SB he wrote in addition the word na'an [Lev 3:9] Anan 10:17; 3) V2#n3W af: rmnb amai nawa xrm pn used to write an excessive amount in his daughters' (ketubbot) BM 104b(7); 2. to inscribe, engrave: 'IPDJ X3X jran' n'ano I, myself, inscribed (and) gave (the Decalogue) Sab 105a(ll) [expl. BH '33X Ex 20:1; v. PRK 222:11 ]; ~pO Xjnn "75? ama inscribe your name on the gate HM 41:18; 'an 131DD inscribe so (on the city gate) BB 58b(10); ib. 3; xnnai xaax ana mxi p'S' na while he was coming out he inscribed on the gate of the walled city Tarn 32b(4); XOT31 XpaiD X0t5 Vy 3WD engrave on a red plate of copper HM 40:8; /A. 42:11; 44:14; pass.part. xa'.T XaTD na'yi m'»X pleasant speech is inscribed (and) given Sab 105a(12) [expl. BH '?'JX Ex 20:1; v. PRK 222:12]; 3. to inscribe or record for taxes: pan ■>*? lama ,t"? iana xnaxa Vxisr '"? mm H'1? lana XJ"l3Xa inscribe the Jews for me for the poll tax! They inscribed (them) for him. Inscribe the scholars for me for the poll tax! They inscribed (them) for him Yom 77a(35); '3 xnp'ya xpi xin 'yi'o 'J'[b]idoxi 'ana nn 'biax 'ana nn XTina 'yoa formerly when they used to inscribe (the public officials for the coronation tax), they used to inscribe the members of the council, and the strategoi actually assisted them (in payment) BB 143a(41); 4. to draw up a legal document: 'jp x1? 'an n'"? ana ab xn 'an rvb anai 'yo the reason is that he drew (it) up for him in this manner. (If), in fact, he had not drawn (it) up for him in this manner, it would not have acquired possession ib. 76b (22); nb anai jna a'aw xinn lnn'311? XB'l a certain gravely ill person who drew up a get for his wife BM 66a(12); Bo 20:8; ib. 10:3; xniTm XD'l laV iana'31 let them draw up a deed of manumission for you Git 40a(45); niTy Xn'ns ana he drew up a summons against her RH 31b(15); n'V n'a'nan Xnoitf the document which I drew up for him SSHai 16a(4); 5. w. 'b to convey or designate to s.o. by a legal document: xaiTl Xpaiy rvb an3T J"yx even though he conveyed to him 'depth and height' BB 63b(7); in":'» Xin nV ana he conveyed one of them [i.e. a maidservant for the second wife] to her Ket 80b(8); noa:1? mmna xan ia '»-n mrx XKin ia 'an1? Xnmxa PN's mother conveyed her property at night to PN BB 151a(25); ib. 40b(19); xrf?'an x"?dxx nmVa"? ana oir-ia 'it ma 'xnaw mb'y n"?3'p1 'namaa PN designated a garment of fine wool for his daughter-in-law in her ketubba and guaranteed it BM 17a(19) Itpe. 1. to be written: a. general: {ffl'ya 'XT an3'X X1? '5?a 'XII 'n3@'X if (Solomon) desired it was written. If he desired, it was not written Meg 7a(38); n'V'B pnaa X1? in one person's words are not written (in the Book of Remembrance) Ber 6a(39); TTI1? 31XDX X'-lB&'ia (the words) were written for them in code San 22a(21); 3'n3'a 131 'in'aitf when their [i.e. the demons'] name is written Bo 33:11; '<1){'}3na'X X1? ,1'ltfai IVibn lSin'X 'Sinn x"?X the Talmud and Mishna were not written but were entirely (orally) arranged iSGF 71:16; 'yap prD'B pn ms"?1 therefore amulets are written TGHark 189:4; b. biblical verses: XJ'imx X"lp 3'na'X another verse was written Suk 9a(16); Anan 10:15; 2. to be drawn up (of legal documents): 3i -o x"m n'mina x'V'Va nann'xi xaa'3 nana'x PN's ketubba was drawn up by day and signed by night Git 18a(38); XD'i 'xn a'na'x '3 xav xinn on that day when this get was drawn up Yev 116a(10); Zev 2b(42); Gi?26b(34); TGHark 5:21; ib. 117:18 Lit: Bacher 94. N3J13, N3NJ13, abs. 3713 n.m. written docu- ment, amulet, script, handwriting, orthography (i Van3; TA xafl5 TO Ex 32:16, Sy rd-=>&-o LS 351, Ma 1#X3X13 MD 203) 1. written document: sg. Xan3 'V Tlin'JI let them return the document to me BM 19b(19); ib. 21; 41; 104b(l); Xan3 aina'l '1,1W 1X1*3 let them bring witnesses and we shall draw up the document ib. 75b(41); Yev 25a(36); 'inoai X3na Wll ''Itt'I NT 2113 < t: t : , , sometimes (the witnesses) see the document and testify (according to it) Yev 31b(22; O2); X3n3 n'3 IsVai B'n *ai this document, sewn and joined to it TGHark 276:13; ib. 272:9; pi. W'XT Xim ]T3 nxp Xp '3Xn3 when he saw that they had brought written documents (and) were reading (them) Sab 122b(4; TGAs28 186:30) [O: 'IDE;]; X1? |U'XT 'axna by paXO they [i.e. the Muslim courts] do not rely on written documents OHT Git 37:8; 2. amulet: sg. IDXV 'in' nana ]'tn let this amulet be for healing Bo 97:1; ib. 118:1; X133 'xm n'"7ta (n)'3na "?3pai Xin it is the guardian angel of this man who receives his amulet (and heals him) Sab 61b(14); 3. writing, script: sg.abs. ]E/'"?1 ana "73a in any script or language SSHai 5b(10); det. 'Ill (X)(')3n33 Xim 'V'a this refers to where he saw (the word ISO) in writing (in his dream) Ber 56b(44) [w. ref. to MH OlVm 1BD nxiin ib.]; '3H1 Xanaa '"7'a this refers (to where he saw the word ISOn) in writing BQ 55a(20); Xaxna TGAs28 17:21; nXJia1? X3na Samaritan script San 21b(48) [expl. MH nay ana ib.]; nxoiS xana Persian [= Pehlevi (?)] script TGHark 129:6 = HP 130:13; 4. handwriting: sg. Xan3 'Xn3 X3yT X^l I do not recognize this handwriting TGHark 85:6; ib. 15; 5. letter: pi. '3Xn3 lana they wrote letters OHT Ket 212:27; 6. orthography: sg. 'SET pn X3nsa 'n pna those (words) in which there is an excessive he in the orthography BMsN 1:10 [w. ref. to -nxnis, Vxniyyj Y: S3J13 BM 19b(19; BAYTN 49). - NT 3H3 n.m.cs. handwriting (I XT; Pal ana T PAT 3T74, Sy k'A-.k' h^pbL* LS 351, Ma xny axia manuscript MD 203) sg. anaa ]'a'nm |in'T signed in their handwriting TGHark 276:25; SSHai 14b(18) NJiainS, pi. NJINairO n.f. ketubba, marriage contract, writ (< MH haifO MKet 8:6; I Vana, xima; JudA yfava MKetK 4:10, jpa nama DJPA 272; cf. Sy k'JooJ^ small book LS 352) 1. ketubba, the obligation of the payment made to the wife on dissolution of the marriage: a. general: sg. n'n"?31 XnaW3 his daughter-in-law's ketubba BB 174b(20; P1) // Ara 23a(33); xni'ja nVaxi nVixi nnama nV 'rsn' do '3'n? we give her ketubba to her so that she will go and consume it in pagan status? Ket lla(24); TYTbo *»xi*a nnsins nysn xp mn ^vba -a 'ai a daughter-in-law of PN's household was claiming her ketubba from the orphans ib. 54a(45); 85b(35); 87a(6); 91b(36); 98a(3); 107b(14);fiM 17a(20); ib. 19b(49); BB 174b(25); 'TIT nXB yaiX 'Xmai nnama1? four hundred zuzim for my daughter's ketubba BM 104b(ll); HP 105:12; b. in legal documents: sg. nnama by n1? 1*01X1 '3X1 pi p he desired to add for her to her ketubba such-and-such (an amount) SSHai 2a(20); 2. &t'fwW>a-document, marriage contract: a. general: sg. nnama nb anaa1? "?ix he went to write her ketubba-docxxment for her Ket 52b(42); nn3in3 D3TX her ketubba-document was lost ib. 57a(i); BM I7a(2i); x'aii nnama"? xpsa 'aV'i na perhaps she will produce her ketubba- document (in another court) and collect with it Ket 89a(8); ib. 16b(8); HP 101:26; ib. 102:27; b. in the text of legal documents: sg. XD3Tai nama a fce<«66a-document which is lost SSHai lb(8) [title of a document]; XT Xnama 10V this ketubba-document ib. 2b(8); 13b(16); pi. nXP Xnxama the other ketubba-documents HP 101:26; 3. writ: sg. bXTW n'3T> ]in"? TDXT ix xnairoa ix xsosa rb ir/ipan iy xnn'x 303a1? 'inD3 in^iai nx'aa it is forbidden for Jews to marry a woman until (the man) betroths her with money, or a writ, or by cohabitation, and all with witnesses OHT Qid 1:11 = HG2 190:1 [cf. 1033 nxpsi 1BW MKet 1:1] Lit: M. Friedman, Jewish Marriage in Palestine, A Geniza Study, I, Tel Aviv 1980 [passim^ SSHai 13+ [text of the feluMra-document]; Y: 'XnainB Ket 87a(6; BAYTN 293). TI3 i Vsna vb. pe., pass.part. 'a'ri3 n.m.pl. the Writings (caique < MH2 train? J 680; -I Vsns) X3'nan xrf?'a xa'x 'a xnmxa xrai x"?1 '3'naa is there anything which is written in the Writings and is not hinted at in the Torah? Tan 9a(19); BB 8a(5); 123b(14); xnaitn xnmas '3'naa xnrp 'pos xynnsa in GN they conclude the Torah reading of the Sabbath afternoon prayer with (a reading from) the 609
NB/TD 610 nns Writings Sab 116b(27); BMsG 6:4; BMsYFr 125:10 NtP'fD n.m. bruised area (I VtfJD pe. pass, part.; cf. Sy rdJL<L*^a strife LS 353) sg. ttm '^aJT XWri37 honey (is suitable) for a bruise of camels BM 38b(l) // '7B1.1 !X:TJ137 Sab 154b(19) Y: JWTO SM ib.(BAYTN 57). [Kirns i ni&tis n.] «]r)3 vb. to carry on one's shoulders (denom. < i XSJ13; Ma *|J13 etpe. to be carried off MD 225) Pa.: a. people: n'7 'Broa mn '3 X1D1T 18 X7J'TT Xri31tf3 when they used to carry PN on their shoulders on the Sabbath of the rigla Yom 87a(5) // San 7b(33); Bes 25b(41) // San 42a(14); b. objects: "PJ13I3 7"jn «]'TDa priX' TJ pru 31 p'SJl PN would carry in and out on his shoulders (whatever was necessary for the Sabbath) Sab 119a(17); ib. 19; 20; X71 ... nj/Bm 1JH ,18771013 n'17'y 'ansa 'xn nywn .tiVj? 'ansa 'bto between three and nine handbreadths (in height) (people) certainly do not (arrange objects) upon it [i.e. a pillar] to carry on their shoulders. Nine (and above)-they certainly (arrange objects) to carry on their shoulders ib. 8a(16) NBA? n.m. shoulder, shoulder width (4- 2# XB3, V«iri3; TA XSD3 TO Num 7:9, Sy rdi^o LS 353, Ma XB1X3 MD 195) 1. shoulder: sg. XII .TSTO inx ma^il n'Sri3 inx n'J157D he carried his load on one shoulder and his cloak on the other shoulder Tan 23b(2); ,TBrOX X1B 'TJ mn he was carrying a spade on his shoulder Meg 28a(16); Anan 59:10; ib. 61:9; "BrDX XK 7pltf 'J7B1P '") PN placed a basket on his shoulder Ned 49b(39); myaiy mmn 'n rrsrox max "\ 7'txi -panoa PN used to continuously lean on the shoulder of PN2, his disciple (when standing) Yev 42b (3 8); BB llla(35); pi. imSTD VHV1 1J7 178 they were filling (the t. -vessel with water) until their shoulders were dislocated Bek 9a(8); 7J71 XB^ia iTSn3 from the cloak which is on his shoulders BQ llb(28); BB 157a(26); SSHai 4a(19); ib. 14a(4); n'SfDX n'331X he mounted him upon his shoulders Meg 28b(44); Ket 17a(30); 2. shoulder width: pl.cs. '<1)nil'3 'BJ13 '7» full shoulder widths of the ones who tow the vessels BM 107b(48); i&(46) Y: XB713 BB 96b(l; BAYTN 117). "IDS n. (uncertain) sg. ,"U'» nman 1713 HJ?n Er 53b(19; V'O) [dialectal speech] cf. RaH: mm rvann jibud tow. tfJO vb. to crush, contend (i XtfTD; Sy t-^-o pe. to beat, etpa. to strive, contend LS 353, Ma B/13 MD 204) Pe.: '038 xp E7TD1 '113 while he crushes (the earth) he is covering (the blood) Bes 8b(14) Af. to be disquieted, upset: B7J13TI X1? G/Y 56b(16; MGD 627:30) Itpa. 1. to contend [w. "3 s.o.J: X311X 3VP X7 'XT iTa ]rviao nb pxn aya <rp3) p'rcraa pana if the s.m. does not sit down (for the judgment), we contend with him. We do not contend with the commoner (to sit down) Svu 30b(37; F2V18MAr [AC 4:365]); xaiB H'3 tt77l3» Xp mn he was contending with him a lot Hul 7b(23) [Var: «]'pn» MGG 612:14 (4 V«]pn af, mng. 2)]; 2. to strive: iT31P«77 IPJDB Xp mn he was striving to save him £A/83b(41; SM 63:24) In the passages in Svu and Hul Rashi reads w. bet: TXSO 87J13B 1"33 K^l Ir"'33 p'DTJ »7Un 71iyi3W3 nam; Lit: Koh, AC 4:365. J1JO vb. to pound (I 1#XTU'3, XTT3; BH JW: HAL 482) Pa.: rniJPtf Jiroa 'JllTD its [i.e. the Ashera's] size is (seen as if) it is completely pounded (to dust) Er 80b(5); Suk 31b(27); RH 28a(34); Yev 103b(36); AZ 44a(22; J); Hul 89b(l); pass.part. "17J7 XTIJPW nrD'BI na 73 "ID'S1? '7J7a the more it is pounded (to powder), the better it really is for covering (the blood) ib. 89b(2); '81 nrD» 13 (the condemned house) is considered as if it is pounded (to dust) Yev 103b(36) [v. Lev 14:45] -b 611 -1? b ~b prep, to, towards, for (I 'Vh, "7... p, Tin, -TT7, naV, -V x:a, -7.T3; Sy -1 LS 354, Ma "7 MD 226) w. suf: lsg. '"7 £r 80b(34); 2m. T> BM 108b(8); T>7 Er 25a(43); f. I'1? Aef 61b(13); 3m. n'V Meg 8a(19); f. rf? GiY 86b(24); lpl. ]7 Tan 23b(37); 2m. 137 Sab 80b(30); f. 3m. 1H7 Men 42a(28); f. T17 Kom 13b(5);- I. w. fol. n. or pron. suff.: 1. to, towards: a. spatial: X311XB X311N7 from one station to another AZ 65a(46); n»TO7 7TX he went to his house Tan 23a(49); ply XaiX7 he fled to the marsh BM 86a(ll); XB8 X3TT1? he reached the Jordan Ket 112a(44); Ber 47a(4); 7337 'Ian inx the magian priests came to Babylonia Yev 63b(32); 13m' '1 7"J7 mn K> n'PBE71X7 whenever PN used to go into his residence Yom 53a(46); BM 83b(25); ]an: ltrsn XJ71X7 XllJa throw PN from the wall to the ground Tan 24a(51); IJOTXI nj? .T1? D'nj he was sighing at him until he awoke Qid 31b(7); b. temporal: "prowV yw ina from your Sunday to your Sabbath Bes 16a(19); 2. for (the benefit of): in1? Km f? Xn this is for us [i.e. in Babylonia], and that is for them [i.e. in Eretz Israel] Ber 44a(56); XaxV naya1? Xia a'TTW mSB "?3 every commandment which a son is required to do for (his) father Qid 29a(23); Tinax 'V "bno my forefathers planted (a carob tree) for me Tan 23a(45); D'Vjns ^ 111X ^'! go (and) hire workmen for me BM 76a(6); innm1? XD'l ian3'7 let them write a get for his wife Git 66a(44); SSHai l7a(5); xri7aix7 nairi3 'aja xV an PN would not authorize collection of the ketubba for a widow (from the orphans) Git 35a(23); xa"?3 5?Va OIK)1?1?! n'JSSV a dog devours excrement for its hunger BQ 92b(37); 3. for (the use of): '7^1 XriVnaxV xnT n'7 ">yya perhaps he needs a zuz (to buy wine) for havdala BM 42a(31); xnaaix TiasixV a black (grape) for a black (pustule) AZ 28a(41); '1717 'in pv oil is suitable for (treating) hides BM 38b(l); 4. for (the purpose of): nniX ^^'a1? he hired him for stampings (on the cloth for softening) BQ 99a(21); W37 Xnn X7 not one thing for wickedness Sab 156a(25); XIDlff 'Xp XJX'an1? a writ exists for collection BM 103a(10); xam1? XTVd all of them are for a liability Sab 2b(10); 10X7 nV 'n'T Xyap fin this amulet which will be for healing Bo 70:1; 5. (divided) into: 5?3iX7 xin rhrb xin ,rTin'7 xnn one into two (pieces), one into three, one into four MQ 13b(36); 6. belongs to: X37a7 xmax a lost object (belongs) to the king BM 28b(13); 7. in time expressions [v. Nold, MG 355c; I xnTIX7, -inVxV, nna1?, xnnav7i nnaV, abyb, x'jS7, xnssV, X:tt;,7]: m?' X'jan1? she gave birth at eight (months) Yev 42a(27); p» nVnV XD'TIX 'poan (the people of Eretz Israel) who complete (the reading of) the Torah in three years Meg 29b(34); yw ©an1? Wp (the vineyard) grew old [i.e. ceased bearing fruit] after five years BM 109b(30) // Ket 95b(2; V5); 'itf 3©7 at seven years Bek 8b(9); 7. to form adverbs: 4 'X-I3X7, 1ioa7, 'xna1?, ixj7, 'xii7, ^mb, nnm?, n'nyi1?, HTii?, i#x'nn7, asx'Tr?, pianV, i3'D7, «ii07, 71377, ,X7''j;7, D7J77, Xa7J?7, ^'17, XpW7, nnrl7, xnnV, ^T\T\b; 8. in compound preps.: I 'Tinx1?, 'SX7, nn37, ^'a1?, ]a Tab, ina1?, 'aiV, uV, -nn1?, ■7H7, 'nnV, "iinV, 't?, -naV, 11037,1107, i":y7, dibV, TpTB7, Vap1?, Dip"?, manp7, 'apV, ms;1?; II. Syntactic usages: a. sign of the ace. [v. Satzlehre 102+; cf. Sy, Nold, SG 228, Ma, Nold, MG 390+, MD 227, s.v. 2# "7]: 1) alone: 'JNai H'7 yaiB X3X my father used to actually swallow it Pes 74b(44); r\b p'na p!3a he thoroughly inspects her (for blemishes by means of his relatives) Ket
-7 612 -"? 57b(46); Men 41b(23); 1'7 XJ7'3' I can overcome him Tan 22b(6); San 49a(5); Xin 'n? lOpB 11,1 Xin he burns them afterwards on the altar one at a time Pes 64b(30); '111 '31 ]"111 717 p'3W Nbl he did not let them [i.e. his daughters] lie next to each other (in bed) Sab 65a(34); 2) w. a proclitic pron. [cf. Ma, MD 226]: XB1'7 ,T7 '031 (the dust) concealed the sun Ket 106a(24); n'03'17 mV IpDB he may declare his property ownerless Sab 127b(44); rwrorn Kin n'T7 717 mnai he washes his hands one by the other Anan 25:17; 3) in appos. to a suff. pron.: 1'13X1 1'717 n'plDl X131 n'MlSB1? a man who locked his door and lost his key San 113a(58); ib. 26a(57); XJiyaw xn7 max he stated this legal tradition Xev 24b(25); ,1"B3'11 ]'1X'7 let us overcome our desire AZ 17b(2); 'a' 3wx ,tbb'P7 nmsi xi3i xinn? nrVp bum me and spread my ash upon the seven seas Git 56b(46); l.T'llJlV 1,11'ia'l let us say both of them Ber 59a(45); b. sign of the dative: 1) alone: ]7 3,1 XID'B give us rain Tan 23b(37); BM 83a(30); 3,1 1,7 X13'n' X7 "|J113 '7 give me your daughter (in marriage). [He said]: "I shall not give (her) to you" Yev 45a(41); XJirn1? 'IK/1 X710B0X 71tsp cut the alfalfa and throw (it) to the animals San 74b(18); XJ?T'3 '7 'WX he showed me a crevice San 110a(54); Ket 77b(26); XI17'a la ]7 xa'7 XmiX3 speak to us on an Aggadic subject Tan 7a(25); XB7n3 n'7 'Tnri'X mix XXIX his father came (and) appeared to him in a dream ib. 24b(42); 2) w. a proclitic pron.: n'13n7 in ,T7 '»X one said to the other Ber 18b(14); X131 Xinn nnnnV Xixan 1'7 111X1 a certain man who hired out a donkey to another Ket 27b(2); inV IX'in 7X1W7 they told the Israelites Ber 54b(6); 'axpi n'J?Btt/7 in1? he was saying to his servants Sab 41a(24); c. for emphasis ['ethical dative'; v. Satzlehre 128+]: 137 17'T'X go away Bek 9a(7); 71771 inV YDS three remained (to judge) San 8a(54); XTIBXI X17D 17 XltfS a half cubit was left over Sab 98a(l 1); xaV'S'a 'JP3 717 110B the eggs have lost (their) form Pes 55b(25); XI1? U'pTX XI (the sacrificial animals) have, in fact, grown old Zev 59a(34; V11); Til/IB '7 'D7B I have escaped from two things Ket 112a(40); UP1B1 'ait? 1B3 X,l 'Xl'B [n'7 »]'7 it is lo many years that he has been sexually abstaining from me Qid 81b(10); d. preceding a body part w. ref. to the entire body: n'DX3 ,T7 pi he spat in his face BQ 85b(20); IB! 1'1X1X3 Xmo ,T7 they placed a scarf around his neck AZ 4a(37); 'X10B '7 *]17B7 remove my shoes Tan 24b(21; V17); Qid 22b(49; O2); O'Xl Ol'B X"01X3 ,T7 ]'7"5?1 (the fish) is sound asleep, and (the parasitic worms) enter into (its) nostril Hul 67b(22); e. w. impersonal vbs.: 1) "7 DSD'X to be concerned [4 V«pX pe.]; 2) '"7 ti'3 to be displeased [4 Ve/X3 pe.]; 3) XJ17'B "7 Xp'm to be poor [4 Vpm pe., mng. 5]; 4) ""7 'in + inf. should [4- V'll pe., mng. II.5]; 5) XT17'B "7 xV'T to degrade [4 V77T pe., mng. lc]; 6) "7 X3'3n to prefer [4 V33n pe.]; 7) "7 'in to be suitable [4- ''in adj.]; 7) "7 3'X3 to be in pain [4 V3X3 pe.]; 8) "V xn'l to prefer, want [4- Vn'l adj., mng. 4]; f. in the qetil /e-syntagm [v. Kut, Studies 73+]: 1) 'HI "7 to see [4 V'Tn pe., mng. l.a.2]; 2) "7 XT3D to be of the opinion [4 Vl30 pe., mng. lb; 3) XJTBW "7 to hear [4 VyBW pe., mng. lb, 2b]; g. in the 'iqqeti/al /e-syntagm: 1) "7 13JVX to lose s.t. [4- Vl#13X itpe.]; 2) "7 7'3J1'X to eat [4 Vl#73X itpe.]; 3) "7 'JD'X to ask [4 V'J?3 itpe., mng. 1]; 4) mb '13'X to create [4 Vl#'13 itpe., mng. 2]; 5) ■7 liri'X to dwell [4 Vl# 111 itpe.]; 6) "7 'IfWVX to see, visit [4 V'TH itpe., mng. 3, 4]; 7) "7 jnvi'X to become aware [4 VjH' ittaf. mng. 2]; 8) T7TPX '7 to have a child [4 Vl7' itpe., mng. 2]; 8) •7 psriD'X to be in doubt [4 Vl#pBD itpa.]; 9) "7 ipyx to forget [4 VlpJ7 itpe., mng. 5]; 10) "7 D'PB'X to answer [4 VwB itpe., mng. 2]; 11) •7 TIDX'X to need [4 V"]1X itpe., mng. 2c]; 12) '7 03TX to lose [4 Vo31 itpa., mng. 2]; 13) "7 J7BXWX to hear [4 Vj/BW itpe., mng. 2]; 14) '7 'ItnrW'X to derive benefit [4 V'WIB? quadref.]; h. before an inf.: 'in'B1? to see Men 35a(7); "11W7 to make Sab 155a(25); '11'1'X7 to convert AZ 64a(25); III. In idiomatic expressions: a. w. vbs.: 1) '7 7TX to die [4 Vl#7IX pe., mng. 1.4]; 2) XfiX •7 to befall [4 V'JIX pe., mng. 9]; 3) "7 fXriX to refer to [4 V'nx pe., mng. 10]; 4) "7 ,11,1 to comprise, occur, become [4 Vl# '11 pe., mng. II.2, 3, 4]; 5) "7 nil to have [4 V'1,1 pe., mng. Ill]; 6) "7 n'Jl'X to penetrate [4 Vail' pe., mng. 6]; b. w. other parts of speech: 1) 4 "7 IWB'X to afford K7 ! s.t. [4 itfB'X mng. 2]; 2) 4 "7 Jl'X to have [4 Tl'X usage c.2.a]; 3) 4 "7 '11 woe to ... [4 '11 interj., usage b] Lit: Satzlehre 102+, 128+. Hb adv. no, negative particle (4 X7X, 1X7, "X7, X7T1D, X3B7; Sy rdS LS 354, Ma 1# 'X7 MD 227) 1. no: X7 l^n 1'X '3n are these (stated in the Pentateuch) yes [i.e. essential] and those no? Hag llb(4); Sab 127a(52); £r 28a(15); X7 'in ]'X in one yes, two no Yom 26b (27); ,TT3 X'SII X71 ]'X yes and no, and he was undecided concerning it Sab 113a(25); ib. 116a(44); BM 14b(12); g/c/ 65a(30); 2. negative particle: a. in verbal phrases: 1) pf: 'XO^'X X71 I was not cured Yom 84a(24); n'n' xna X7 111D 1J?1 but he has not yet hit him San 58b(38); Plip X71 2/1ip PUpl ~|3n ©Up X7 those who were holy remained so. (Those) who were not holy did nol become so Bek 4b(33); HIOjp X7 XllD'X T3J? X71 'Xn they did not penalize the one who did not do something forbidden act Men 15b(27) [and passim]; 2) imp.: 3'JVm ]jy'T1 X71 D1©a so that she should not be deserted and dwell alone BM 19a(28); ,1'32/a 7T7 X71 lest (the fish's) skin be ruined San 100b(16); 'X1T13 '1X1 W7 X71 '3',1 'D rf?y 13n'7l so that later generations will not come and laugh at it Sab 75b(4); 'Dl Xa'Jl X7 'XI for if you do not say so ... Er 2a(31); 3) neg. imper.: X3X X3,1D1 xa'n xVl do not say: "I am a priest" Pes 113a(8); T3jm X7 113n7 '3D -|75?1 do not do to another what you dislike Sab 31a(29); Ber 36a(12); Sab 140b(31); Pes 113a(12); BM 66a(32); D'IID'3 '311pXB ia ]ymi X71 do not prevent me from offering first fruits Ket 105b(46); 4) inf.: Xn'3J?n3 3T1'B7 X71 not to fast Tan 8b(30); MQ 25a(50); Anan 83:15; ib. 97:15; nu/ai xrrnx by 'soix1? X7i not to add to the Torah of Moses Sab 116b(ll); '71D37 X71 not to annul SSHai 17b(21); 5) act. part.: X7 '7311 XS7B1 XXins (a woman) who is accustomed to bereavements is not ashamed (of additional ones) Ket 62a(27); Xiyv X711 do not know Sab 41a(3); 'nni'a X7 ins ]3'5?T X71 ]3X they are not afraid of us who do not know them AZ 22b(17); BM 66a(32) [andpassim]; 6) pass.part.: X3'1X X7 it is K7 T not necessary Sab 112a(5); 'xVj? '73pa Xp X7 'XJV3 'lyj'X my wife is unacceptable to me Tan 23b (49); X11D'X3 XJIJI'X in xyiS X7 'XBX why are you not modest in the prohibition (against promiscuous sexual behavior)? BB 58a(25); Ber 61a(49); b. in non-verbal phrases: 1) w. nouns: 73 ]"i n'aw X7 ]'i3 ]iaa n'j'a ]i3ri yib npnai ]"i any judge against whom a lawsuit is brought, and they authorize to collect money from him in a lawsuit is not called a judge BB 58b(l); Suk 13a(7); -Git 34a(35); 2) w. pron.: X'n X71 (the argument) is not (conclusive) Er 28b(49); Bes 9b(15); Git 60a(12); 3) w. adj.: nrn X7 (if) they are not white Hul 76a(33); WS1 X71 XB1T XpO'y xmil a small business deal whose profit is not great Ket 66b(15); D'3n X71 DWa because he is not intelligent San 5b(3); X2?"a '13 ,T3 X:yi'l Tax X71 I know that PN is not wealthy Ket 85b(6); p'Dtf xVl XTlTiyaitf legal traditions which are not commendable Git 5b(3); 4) poss. pron.: n'7'1 X71 '^©1 n'7'1 X71 7'3X he eats and drinks what does not belong to him Sab 156a(40); m'X n'Ti X7i xrm'x 'ins 'iin'7 tdx 'aa he also is forbidden to be together in one room with a woman who is not his (wife) Er 100b(41); BB 33b(17); Bek 24a(18); 5) phrase: X',1 ]J31 X»'7 Xpl'n '1 X71 let us say that it is (according to) the Rabbis and not (according to) PN Sab 118a(14); 'nsx 75? X7i i3'n n'ona xrai '7p'p by XJ1'13@D1S1 dwell in the garbage dumps of GN and (do) not (dwell) in the mansions of GN2 Kar 6a(ll) // Hor 12a(44); c. in seq. X7(1) ... X7 neither ... nor: X3X 1J3 13 X71 XJX 1J3 X7 X3X I am neither a carpenter nor the son of a carpenter AZ 50b(4); iax yyo xVi lax vbv x"? ia xm you said neither three nor seven Pes 104a(l); n'rovn X7 n'Jiy'O X71 (the verse) is neither his refutation nor his support BM 48a(28); X71 13'ip' X7 X3'J?3 13'ni7'T I seek neither your honor nor your debasement BQ 102b(44); X71 D'3n X71 xpii' ©SB a child of average intelligence [lit. who is neither smart nor dull] Men 29b(7); ]13nT X71 TI©'B7 X'B X71 73'B7 xanV X7 ,1'V give him neither bread to eat nor water to drink Bo 142:7; d. in phrase x X71 x partially: X71 TJ1 Q'l X71 0'3 IT! partially awake [lit. he is neither completely 613
01^3 Vb : t 614 ivb T asleep nor completely awake] Meg 18b(33) // Tan 12b(l); "?'B>3 x"?l b'^3 Tl X"71 'n partially cooked San 70a(21); 'IB x"71 'IB he partially roasted (it) Ber 44b(49); S'TB X1?! S'TB slightly diluted AZ 30a(30); e. w. var. particles: 1) X3'X X1? there is not: 4- XS'V; 2) n'X X1?: J, n'1?; 3) TPB'X X1? it is impossible: 4- TWS'X mng. l.b. 1; 4) "nO'B X1? it is not sufficient: I "nO'B; 5) X*?T 'SO X1? must: 4- 1#'SD vb.; 6) X1? mi and no more?: 4- W usage b.l; 7) 'TB X1? Wl there is nothing more (to say about it): 4- 'TB X1? usage a; in usage b.3; f. in elliptical usage: X*7 'XBX why not? Meg 27b(47); JVerf 22b(25); 55 26b(3); T3J?3 '3'n X1? 'XI if not, how should he act? Yev 106a(27); Ber 5a(7); &£ 109b(21); Yom 82b(3) Lit: Satzlehre 143+, 203+; Y: a) Ber 5b(l 1). - DV73 V.b adv. nothing (4- DV», 'TB X1?; JPA X1? DV?3 DJPA 259) a. in a non-verbal phrase: xbl Xin nt>2 it is nothing Er 8a(27); &r6 72b(31); Pes 76b(5); rev 106b(35); Git 19b(47); gW 9a(4); 55 96b(16); San 62a(28); //or 7a(51); Zev 15a(21); Men 3a(31); TOZ/ar/t 193:21; b. in a verbal phrase: Dl'jD X*?l lay X1? he did nothing Yom 40a(18); Pes 3b(37); San 33a(41); //«/ 29a(6); Kar 3a(57) - 'Ttt vb, DJH'B *6 adv. nothing (4- nfo X1?, XTB; Sy -pxio rdS PSm 2017, Ma DXTS'B X1? MD 267) a. in a non-verbal phrase: 'TD X*7 Wl and there is nothing more (to be said on the matter) Er 103b(18); Yom 33b(34); Qid 2\b(4\); Hor 9b(26); 'TB xVl '"? n'1? I have nothing TG/Za^ 83:33; 'TB xVl 'X3S T,1? n'V I have nothing of yours BQ 101a(19); b. fol. a negated (verbal) phrase: 'TB X*?l n'V 'BX x"?l p'nitf'X he was silent and said nothing to him Ber 27a(40); Yev 57a(19); 'TB xVl in1? XB'n X1? do not say anything to them Er llb(32); Git 18a(39); x"?T 'TB Xs?! TBS mn (a certain judge) who had not learnt anything San 7b(20); x"?l rOWX x"?l pBS DJH'B he went out and found nothing Git 56a(36; MGD 626:29); (D)yT(a){3} x"?l n'ty TXnK/X X1?! Xjnx X'nn 'BTB he does not owe anything of the price of that field SSSad 266:9 Lit: Friedman, BM VL388, w. prev. lit. [usage a]; Y: 'TO X^ Ber 23b(12). -vbi prep, without, not in (caique < Akk sa la [NB] AIOA 98; 4- 1X"?3; Ma 'X^ MD 227, JPA x"?3 DJPA 103; cf. BA xb""l HALOT 1851) 1. without: a. w. fol. n.: 'Tno x"?3 'TIT rrt> 'BT1B they lend him money without witnesses Yom 9b(47); xnrax x"?3 is'sstb mopVi 'sitd"?i xsts1? we may sell (property) without a proclamation for the poll tax, alimony, and burial Ket 87a(21); 3'3B/T ]XB 'S3 x"?3 one who dies without children BB 116a(18); X03B x"73 xVlXT XBTX a boat which travels without (having paid) the impost AZ 10b (45); n'3nix rrnyi x"?3i n'Vp© n'nyT xVs he took it without his knowledge and placed it without his knowledge BM 81b(14); San 93a(30); TGHark 165:8; X*73 XTB'03 'TXp 13 XT13'X when he reads in the Torah scroll without a congregation Anan 21:3; SSHai 4a(15); ib. 10b(4); b. w. fol. pron.: 1,TX x"?3 without him BQ 10a(46); 'XH x"?3 'Xm 'X,T x"?3 'XH one without the other [lit. this without that and that without this] Men 8a(47); XT X*73 XT this without that Sab 152a(25); 2. not in [i.e. "3 x"7; 4- 'DX X*73 s.v. 4- 1#XDX]: a. spatial: X1? ]'S27 TTO rpJTO x"?3 X3"?3 n3S a dog not in its territory does not bark for six years Er 61a(33) [cf. NB ina la matija not in my land Harper Letters 451:9]; b. temporal: 'XH X'Sp X"7 TSBT X"?3 X'Sj? nSBT3 Xn3B0X an '.- stipulation at its due date [lit. in its time] is legally binding. It is not binding before its due date BM 66b(4); 3'3W X1? H'SIP x"?3 W'S'Xl no one died before [lit. not in] his (allotted) years San 29a(32); ib. 97a(35); XpittH XBV x"?3 not on the market day 55 22a(15) Lit: Satzlehre 149; Rimalt 116; Y: tfrl Yom 9b(47). ">vravb 4- 'x-13 adv. ixb i Vsv? vb. adv. no, not, n. prohibition (< Xin X^; 4- 'X "T IX1?, '3H ix"?3 s.v. '3H, X1?, "XV adv.; Sy cJi LS 360, Nold, SG §328B, Ma IX1? MD 227; n.: MH IX? Yeivin, BV 1133) I. adv. 1. no: TUX "7TX 1X"7 V'V. X'pt5isp3 did your father (ever) go to GN? He said to him: "No" Ber 56b(23); Sab 8a(24); Pes 100b(l); Ket 62a(52); ]'K 'T»XT X1H1 IX? IX? 'TttXT Xim ]'X it is when they say 'yes, yes', and it is when they say 'no, no' Meg ygb 615 "Mb 32a(28); 2. not, negation of a following word or phrase: a. w. fol. non-verbal phrase: 1) simple noun: nx X3V& IX1? you are not a king Git 56b(l); Ned 24a(22); X'.T Xn"7'» IX? it is nothing [i.e. the objection is w/o any basis] BM 6b(24); Male 8a(44); X1H xnTD IX1?! it is not an effort MQ 13a(38); Xin XTian lX^l is it [i.e. WITH] not wine? Yom 76b(4); XSX ]13inx IX? 'XI if I am not your brother Yev 37b(38); n'miX IX1? IB it is not your manner (to do such a thing) Er 68a(8); Anan 44:14; XS"T IX1? 1S1 XS"T XSX I am a judge and you are not a judge Ket 94b(27); BB 151a(37); inS'S 'S^TS lxV they are not robbers BQ 79b(14); nSXT ]3X 'XDTS IX? we are not Persians who say ... BM 28b(12); l.TS'S "?3H 'T3T IX1? ^72 'S,T these general rules are not everyone's opinion Er 47b(8); 2) compound noun: 'S3 IX^T X3'n ^3 inS'S X3Tn wherever they are not subject to the law BM 10b(48); Suk 42a(25); BB 103a(16); Svu 8a(6); Ara 14a(ll); Anan 27:19; n3 lX^T HSDp 'S13T a female minor who cannot effect a sale Ket 69b(31); BM 7b(26); X'.T '3n n3 Mi? Til a daughter is not capable of (carrying out) such a thing BB 110b (16); XsVlS 3n'»V !XTX mix IX1? 'X1S inS'Xl 'X13X it is not proper behavior for the king to sit outside and for them (to sit) inside RH 8b(13); San 104a(41); 3) pronoun: mn nx IX1? 'X XmiS ]S'3n' were it not for you we would have sat for a while BQ 10b(l 1); ib. 12; pn3 nx lX^ 'X had you not been with us San 30a(29); 'SO (DX1? in'X IX^T it must be he ib. 42a(46); inS'X IX1? 'Sn their nature has changed [lit. these are not they] Bek 9a(3); 4) adjective, passive participle: ix"7 XSX T,13Xa WVp am I not older than your father? BM 60b (21); Xin nXTVT lX^ XT3S Xinn 1BX am I not Jewish? AZ 76b(17); X'n XJ?'3p 1X*?T nVoX "?3 any eating which is not regular Anan 18:1; 5) adverb: Xin ]3T *7D ix"71 is it not an argument a fortioril Yom 42a(23) [4- ]3T "73 mng. 2]; lxV XpllT loosely [lit. not exactly] Er 28a(10) [i xpm mng. n.b]; ix1? 'nsV'n -inn'x x"7T xn«?n '3H lxVl '3n now that the law has not been stated either this way or that way [lit. not so and not so] Ket 64a(4); 6) prepositional phrase: n'"?aT33 lX^l X'aT it is not like a karmelit Sab 3b(19); V73B T'VlX laVsS Mib XSTXn TJ/T this implies that until now (Adam) had not begotten in his image Er 18b (3 5); nx ]1S3 IX1? not like you Pes 113b (2); 'XnjHX IX1? I was unaware of it Sab 95a(35) [v. Rashi]; "Xp n'nmps ix1? ]'3i "Xp n'nmps ]'3 whether he remains or does not remain in his holiness Yev 57a(30); 7) "T-phrases and possessive "TT: Xn'TIXT Mtb "m WXTT VVn Hallel of the New Moon is not a Pentateuchal commandment Tan 28b(14); Ket 110b(49); BB 159b(40); V'pw X1,T n'TT lX^T KTVOn now that he takes what is not his Ket 41a(36); rontt/'Xl m'T 1X"?T XD'S3 nwnS'aT it turned out that she is divorced with a get that is not hers Git 87b(35); lHT'T lX^T '^SXT 'an' orphans who consume what is not theirs BM 70a(7); Sot 18a(ll); BB 122a(32); Ara 21a(37); b. w. fol. verbal phrase: 1) headed by a noun: 3SS XT33y IX1? the mouse did not steal Git 45a(7) [cf. Sy: ^iA-.^k' cvJ; ^-m rdArc' she was not born but came forth Nold, SG § 328G]; T,1? XS'ma xp "WT 1X"71 I am not merely putting you off (with an excuse) Sab 8b(14); Yev llb(47); "73'B1? IX^T 'nnnx Xm'3yV Xin xnWB1?! for another use which is not for eating and drinking Anan 4:4; 2) headed by a pronoun: 'Xin XSX IX1? it was not I BB 168a(3); ib. 164b(34); BQ 31b(3); *?'na VTX 1X"?T X'SD XV must he circumcise? Pes 7b (4); l.TXT X'n ini£?X n? 3n3 in'X ix^t mas' "?3X n'S'a nsins rf? 3ns it applies to his wife since he wrote her a ketubba from his (property). But his sister-in-law for whom he did not write (a ketubba) ... Ket 82b(19); 3) headed by an adv.: T35? TBW Md he did not act properly BB 133b(27); 3PBW xV?3B 'X np"T TStt? IX1? ~fi if you have (only) heard (this tradition) from inference, you are not making an inference properly Git 39b(22); 4) headed by a prep, phrase: XS3T1B Xp T.TT3 IX1? I am not laughing at you MQ 17a(21); D'Xp D'a mpBX IX1? it does not refer to a ritual bath Anan 50:6; c. introducing a rhetorical question [v. Satzlehre 159]: "J1? 'Tax lxV did I not say to you ...? MQ 18b(37) [cf. Ma: mXBX IX1? did you not say? MD 227; Nold, MG 435]; Suk 14b(42; M2); RH 21a(12; E2); XS'Sn "VI 1S"T IX1? is this not (the statement) of PN? Qid 12b(7); Bes 21a(10); Hul 124b(34); ]Sm !S"n IX1?! is this not what we have
-ras "73 tub 616 xvnb ' : T T T ; learnt? Er 24a(22); ]133 X'nn1? XaB'plX 'B IX1?! did we not establish that case such as ...? Sab 97a(37); Nid 69a(27); 5es 40a(28); Men 48a(15); d. in var. phrases: 1) ("I) IX1? 'X were it not (that): 4- IX1? 'X; 2) IX1? 'XB is it not so that ... [lit. what? Is it not ...]: W'Xa 'TXT 'TX IX1? 'XB is it not so that this one and that one refer to a man? Ber 23b(14); Sab 50a(45); Suk 50b(18); Yev 108a(31); 3) na'B yaitf IXV x"?X rather, conclude from it [lit. but is it not (so)? Hear from it]: Sab 8b(26); Yom 17b(4); BQ 119b(40); 5M41a(39); Bek 18a(20); 4) "I 01K/B IX1? it is not because ...: X'B 'p'Byi DWB IX1?! it is not because the water is deep BB 73b(31); &* 67a(21); /U=720a(13); 5) IX1? 'B,'» IXV: 4- 'B usage b; II. n.m. prohibition: sg. IX1? in one prohibition Mak 21a(ll); X*? Xm nB'Om Mibb mix1? 'BXi its prohibition is not, in fact, similar to the prohibition of muzzling (an ox) Mak 15a(35) // Pes 41b(5) // Men 58b(9); pi. Pes 96a(l); nwy Tin 'IX1? '"in two prohibitions and one positive command Tern 4b(13); Kar 4b(42); 'Tn' 'IX1? extra prohibitions Pes 24b(2); 'IX1? n'am man the prohibitions of the Sabbath which are stringent Yev 6a(17); nCDia 'IX1? other prohibitions Hul 80b(23) Lit: Satzlehre 143+; 274; Voc: lift HPP 59:18; HGP 2b:4; Y: IK1? Ber 27b(41; BAYTN 333) - "3»»3 b>3 1KV prep, it is not all up to ... (MH2 laBTI *?3 X1? J 347) n'3'B3 bo IX1? it may be neglected [lit. it is not all up to him] Er 26b(25); Ket 72a(14); Naz 12b(34); BQ 33b(l); BM 86a(49); 7/Gtfarit 85:15; TGAs42 60:13; //P 114:9; XlfQX n"? mOXl "|a'B3 "?3 IX1? it is not up to you to prohibit her to the latter man Qid 12a(40); ib. 12b(3); Git 89a(49); BQ 21b(2); 5vu 41a(27); MTXTl in'a'B3 "?3 IX1? it is not up to them to make conditions BB 9a(13); TGHark 84:5 Y: IMS V? IN1? Git ib. — 1N?3 prep, without (I x"?3) only in adv. phrase '3n \t>bl without such, in any event [i '3n] mnxV 4- mnx prep. vb. to be weary I ^4# 'Va "tfV, 'Nb> adv. it is not (< X'n X1?; 4 IX1?) "X1? 'aSB "13DX it is not (so). There is (a text) completely free for interpretation Sab 131a(22); ib. 64a(35); Yom 81a(46); Hag 9a(21); Yev 74a(34); San 40b(l 1); 5g 25b(25); 5e£ 32a(23); 'D'lX yiXB "X1? it is not (so). They are usually necessary Kar 6b(30); n'BUB IJHS'X "X1? it is not (so). His body was punished Yom 22b(36); "X1? X'ffl Q'yanx ova it is not (so). She is fit on the fortieth day Kar 10a(21); Er 27b(31); Pes 18b(15); 7em 8b(43); Kar 28a(43) Y: 36 Pes 54a(23; BAYTN 333). inVt?V J- "WVX adv. (')'BN^1 4 l#XSXn. N3V n.m. (uncertain; 4- WXa^n) sg. 'Xl'3l"?B/ X31? -f?3'n £r 53b(15) [given as 'Galilean' dialectal speech for X3*?n "|"? 'SOX Tl come I shall feed you milk ib.] ['N3b> 4- V'31? vb.] 833^ n.m. inner part (4- X3'1?; OfA 33"7 center, inside of an object DNWSI563, mng. B; cf. Akk libbu inside of a container CAD L 169, mng. 2c, Sy <<AA LS 354, mng. 4) sg. p'S31 xp3X "?'TXi n'1? '1XB1 n'33V3 3'rn dust goes, deposits itself in its inner part, and desiccates it BB 24b(40) '"imV 4- 'irn prep., 'Tl1? prep. NUm^ n.m. garment, husk (4- Vtt/31?; TA XBni1? TO Lev 6:20, Sy rdi-^^ii LS 358, Ma Xttna1? MD 228) 1. garment: sg. Sab 77b(34); ib. 114a(14) [* i XB'"?J]; Geon 201:9; A^ 68a(40); Anan 65:3; X3WB IX Ktrab IX Xtm 'aXB utensils of wood or a garment or leather ib. 58:8; Dpll n'ttna^X she spat on his garment Ned 66b(15); ■TWO1? TinBi ]xa one who washes his garment Pes 112b(25); XB31X XEm1? a black garment Nid 20a(15); nxyX'B nam"? a middle garment [i.e. bet. an outer and an inner one] Mei 18a(23); 'aXB X'1031 X2/131? types of outfits HP 115:14; 5^f/a/ 2a(16); X'3l X0B1X1 XB/n"? a garment of pure steel Bo 2:2; ib. 29:5; 52:3; pl.abs. JTinXT 1'ttna1? garments of purple wool 7aw 32a(41); det. nyat? 'Wia1? seven garments Er 65a(32); AnanSch 28:13; 2. fig. husk: sg. V-pnW'Bi XTlB'm X2/131? XJlB'n ]B the husk of the wheat (kernel) which is removed from the wheat Anan 84:24; ib. 43:7 Y: Kwai 7an21b(37). ,3V 617 B731? '3^ vb. to overflow (of a river; etym. unkn.) Pe.: 'X31? xma the 5.-river overflowed MQ lla(29); 'X31? 'ITDI XTB 'BpXl the fish pond overflowed: overflowed [double rdg.] Qid 72a(38; Ar [AC 7:155]) [4- V'Bp itpe., mng. 2] Lit: A. Schremer, Lesonenu 61 [1998] 87+; Eps, Stl 38220. Nfl3'3V, Nn'31?, pi. '33'V n.f. brick (4- Vp1?; TA xftn1? TO Gen 11:3, pi! yili' ib., Sy rfS\ -n \, pi. ^.AV LS 357, Ma Xm'V MD 235) a. general: sg.' XTWib nnayi nnana xisy "?tn ]xa 'xn one who stole earth from another and made it into a brick BQ 96b(5); XXira1? isy earth (from a ground mud) brick Sab 50b(9); fig 96b(7); "7TX n1? TJ01 xrn7 IClpl he went, set up a brick, and bowed down to it San 107b(27) // Sot 47a(35); Git 68b(12); &mb AZ 60b(5; HGP 56b:39); pi. '3a1? BB 3a(43) [expl. MH WT2) Mib. 1:1]; 'W1? arm bricks and clay Bek 8b(34); £$//ai 6a(5); X3"jaB nrn»X1 'JS11? 'an bricks that remained from the construction Sab 124b(35) // Bes 31b(26); 'aa'V 'BX1T one who is laying bricks San I09b(9); BB 3b(27); -|an ,tV ]"to mn nan aiyai miB 'aaV PN used to place those bricks in an east-west direction (to sit upon while defecating) Ber 61b(57); T'DWB x"?T 'aa1? unsmoothed bricks BB 3a(47; P1) [expl. MH 1'0'BD Mib. 1:1]; 'aa'1?! XTllX a pile of (loose) bricks Er 34b(42); 'aa'^T XJTW a lattice work of bricks Qid 60a(13); San 64b(22); Meg 26b(16); b. as a measure of width [cf. Akk libittu CAD L 177, mng. l.c.3']: pi. Xmxi 'aa'1? 2V1 XH'3 a house of seven bricks and a half brick [i.e. having a wall 71/2 bricks thick] Sab 129a(51); Ket 77b(20) Y: NrU'?1? Ber 56a(47; BAYTN 178). 3^3^ vb. to blossom (V331?; 4- X3'"?V?; MH2 S^1? J 689) Pal.: 'a^BT 'a"?'X trees which blossom Ber 43b(10; F) // RH lla(41); 'aVaVa 'J7S31X by the time they go out (of the bathhouse, the seeds) blossom AZ 38b(35) ]37 vb. to lay as a brick (denom. < 4- XJU'a1?; 4- xaaVa) Pa.: xci 'xna in^a xa't?a n'V I'aVa XB'pl XD'J 'Xna in»ai he lays it [i.e. the half- brick of 1 1/2 handbreadths on the beam of one handbreadth] with a bit of clay on one side and a bit on the other side, and it stands Er 14a(2; O); pass.part. p^'MB naxi 'xp xyia xinx npi» »"ai 'aia1? why does (the word) "lj?tf stand on one leg but (the word) J1BX is laid solidly as a brick [i.e. its letters have either two legs or a solid line]? Sab 104a(36) [4- l#xyna note] TI03V 4- XS1D n. 13^, N-W^^xnan. )»/-» 131? 4-2#xnan. 'N13^ 4- 'Xia adv. ^3^ vb. to put on clothes, wear, dress (4- xizha1?, xtfa1?, x^iaVa; Sy r fv LS 357, Ma Pa1? MD 229) Pe. (e/a,u): a. alone: ma Wlbl ]XB ma era1?! ]xaV na" ma wib x"?i ]xai ma wa1?' n'a'ttnbx xaxi ma rhv let the one who wears the garment wear the garment, and let the one who does not wear the garment say to the one who wears the garment: "Remove your garment, and I shall wear it" Ber 28a(36); V"\p '"HO D'PS '31 ^in '*iaa wa^l when (the priest) removes the sacred garments and puts on the profane ones Yom 32a(3); 'axa 'an Em1? Dip put on these clothes right away Meg 16a(16; G); Ber 60b(33); Anan 5:12; ib. 89:4; Vlbl}1? lay wool to wear Er 53b(14) [in the 'Galilean' dialect]; pass.part. XDDOa Wlb mm m'tn they saw that he was wearing silk Sab 20b(29); Nid 20a(15); HM 40:12; xpwa xn^ana xi^'a1? mm xrirvx x'nn a certain woman who was wearing a head-covering in the street Ber 20a(18); HP 138:7; 1'tf'a1?! 'ana [Wlpl 'ax]B the priests who are dressed in the holy garments AnanMann 4r:8; XE/ia1? xaiff'a1? X'DT X0B1XT I am dressed in a garment of pure steel Bo 2:2; ib. 29:4; xVl TrnrVw ^'Dny I'rK')^^ you[pl.f.] are stripped naked and are not clothed Bo 9:3; b. w. V'D3 pa.: 4- V'D3 pa., mng. 4 Af. 1. to clothe, dress s.o.: H"tBa n'1? ^pitfT "\ra n'B/aVx after he cut his hair for him he dressed him Meg I6a(22); waVa mn xnn'x X'nx mn '3 na 173(r))D'17 x"?T '3'n '3 nV when a woman would come (for bloodletting), he would dress her (in a special garment) in order not to look at her (body) Tan 21b(38; M2); Tarn 32a(41); 2. w. V'03
i : t 618 uwirb pa. to outfit s.o.: m'031 .THP37N he outfitted him San 109a(14); rV'OSJl ntfa^Tl he should outfit her Ket 52b(33); 3. to enshroud: ]'3'n '31 W37B XB11 .T713 7$? X1P1371 just as a garment enshrouds the entire body Anan 117:1; N'DTI XWn XE?37ai XW1377 (the prepuce) resembles the husk which enshrouds the wheat (kernel) ib. 84:23; 4. metaph. to envelop: TO37X mr her passion has enveloped her (while he was raping her) Ket 51b(29; M); Qid 81b(45; O2) [standing nude before her father] Xt^a? n.m. wearer (4 Ve/37 pe., part.) pi. IXTp1 VTOafflVx xnxV'a (garments of) fine wool are precious to their wearers Sab 10b(34) 11137' 4 ina prep. 11 prep. 'Nl^ 4- 'XII adv. N3'}V n.m. bottle, flask (Sy ** i; \V LS 359, Ma HlH-'yf?, X:XT7 MD 232, MH pV Yeivin, BV 891) sg. X'-|j7 W3 KT3 xrj73 XTJID'X a stater in an (empty) bottle makes the sound 'kis kis' [i.e. a scholar among fools is noticeable] BM 85b(9) Lit: AAC 240 [Akk etym. suggested by Geig is incorrect]; Brand 251; Y: x:'}'? BM ib.(BAYTN 57). zbib 4 Vn? vb. 'im? adv. 4 Him n. n.m.pl. artichokes (Sy iv^-i «' \ \ V ^ii> BBah 942:19, LS 359, mng. 2) sg. onjpl X^IXU1?! naxi q. which they mention are artichokes HGI 380:37 Lit: Eps, GC 208:7, note; Low, Pfl 293; Flora 1:412. [0J7 vb. to stammer (etym. unkn.; 4- VDim) Pa.: mn mwbl 0J7B xpir Xinn that child was a stammerer in his speech Hag 15b(8; Ar [AC 5:17]) This is app. a further corruption of the form oVm i'A.(L) which may be a blend of DJOia and lW?a (v. M. Kister, Ros Vol 435+).] PI'TU^ 4 T13 adj. .tbi^ 4-1# xa-a mng. 2 'Tib 4 "n pron. "7'T^1 4 -7H pron. n.m. ladanum (< Xd8avov, Lat ladanum Lehnw 309; Sy rdjnJ," LS 359, Ma 1X1X7 MD 227) sg. XJH7 Ket 77b(18; MGG 226:1) [Var: Km1? Vs] Lit: Low, Flora 1:363. Note, however, the Geon. expl.: rt"n[71] ]ie^3 ]fi])x prnp p'mTB 'mib I'Vmineo jiits ta ^w D'TD'a DOT1?! nj"K TRN 646:1, i.e. just-ripened [Vt>TJ; Y: KJllV A^f ib. nmV 4 i# x-n n. 'lil? prep, towards, against, opposite (< nn7*; 4 i#in, ma, m37, i#xm7) l. towards, in the direction of: XJ1B 'in1? towards the town £r 24b(19); Pes 8a(l 1); tfag- 17a(2); 'S1DX pn mV mi3n towards the two flaps of the penis Anan 85:14; /& 84:17; X3TI 'in1? XVI Xllixa (the slaughtering) is from the neck towards the palate AnanSch 24:29; ,T7XBW 'trf? 'fixp it comes towards his left Pes 11 lb(30); ,TB1S 'in1? XDD '3 when (the saw) came towards his mouth Yev 49b(23); mnb X7TX X7l Dnn Xtt'p (the cow) stands there and does not go towards him BM 99a(22); 2. against, opposite: a. general: iTBplX NBV 'in1? he placed him opposite the sun Hul 60a(l); Sab 134a(25); AZ 39a(30); ib. 28b(23); Men 41a(15); /& 37b(13); '1,17 'pinO'S ,T7 IIP □71011'! X"llltf they placed carpets for him against the wall of GN San 95a(13); b. in x 'TI7 x: nn nn H?T7 two against two Yev 31a(37) // Ket 20a(12); Ara 10a(2); X121 m7 X131 one man against another BM 93b(53); AZ 28b(6) [4 Xyp'D mng. 2]; Tern 30a(29); I'B *|'D '"in"? I'D I'D (the stream of water) is without stop [lit. drop by drop opposite drop by drop] Pes 39b(38; V17) Y: 'in1? Suk 5b(30; BAYTN 337). - 'lilV*? prep, from next to (4 m1?) ,(X)J?(X)3T mian nyai nn7» 'xb'ya xposa 'Viwix he should begin the cutting (of the prepuce) from above next to the projection [lit. hill; v. Jos 5:3] of the penis Anan 85:13; ib. 84:16 l#Nn7V? adv. directly, immediately (< Xnn7*; 4 'T17, XHH3) 1. directly, straight: X1? XDD'X Xn Xpir 'B3X3 X'Tn? Dipil a woman should not stand directly in front of a child (while urinating) Bek 44b(29); X'lil? '1D» (the Angel of Death) 2# S'liT? ; walks directly ahead BQ 60b(25); Fern 36a(19); X'TI7 H'7 'IS he splits it open [i.e. the hide] straight Hul 123b(32; V11); 2. immediately: J7X3 X'in7 he broke bread immediately Ber 40a(l3; F) [O: Hbvb]; xmV XJTXa'a See/ 91:37(Var); X1? Xnn7 3,'n,',? he should not sit down (in the privy) immediately Sab 82a(8) Lit: Eps, Stl 107; Y: K,«jfr? Ber 40a(13; BAYTN 332). 2#N'inV adv. alone (nisbe-form < 1 llfl1?; cf. Ma X'Xin''1? adj. unique one MD 235, Sy r^S^rjK singular, solitary LS 219) X'TH1? 'XpT (the sun) stands alone Tarn 32a(10) nK3lV, N3^ adj. Lybian (TA 'X3T7 pi. TJ Nah 3:9,' Sy r<Li_=ic>A PSm 1903) sg.m. X3T7 X1»n Lybian donkey Sab 51b(19) [expl. MH 0^b Mib. 5:1]; «'fc 116b(9); DX3V> ... H12V a Lybian slave SSHai 7a(l); pl.m. '3lV nan Tarn 32a(46); f. XT1"31^ nan BB 74a(14) Lit: Eps, MNM 98+; Y: K311? 5ofc ib. X)b vb. to stammer (< 1X"7* < JJ?V*; 4 V^X, Vaiai; Ma JXV MD 227, Sy >^_i LS 368) Pe.: rrw^a l"1? Xpir XinnV n'5?a«; he heard a certain child stammering in his speech Hag 15b(8; M) [corr.: Dial; V17: J'"?] Pal. (Sy \Aa^ t0 stammer LS 358): jVjVi ]Xai 5er 39a(20); H3 j"7lV Sot 48a(48) Lit: M. Kister, Ros Vol 433+, points out that the text in Hag refers to the confusion in the child's speech bet. / and r [i.e. he read JWT in Ps 50:16 similar to yB'Vx]. Note esp. also in Sy: ^»*"ih^ (,!<* x->i-ra «'4\oAn<' f^n t^n i.i ~> <n i t \ ~-t \\ \ BBah 977:18. SllV n.m. log (a small liquid measure; TA X$T7 TO Lev 14:10, JPA 1Y7 DJPA 278) sg. Xll1? Xl!/lpaV the /og-measure for the Temple Pes l09a(23); 'ixn xjixnyai yaix xnV a % is four quarter-/og measures HP 97:25; pi. 'JlV "iDnn twelve logs Hor llb(33) // ^ar 5b(7); ]rixa 'JlV im ]n^yi two hundred and twenty-one logs Yom 76a(40; M) Y: Xjfr Pes ib.(BAYTN 24). Hmb n.m. jaw (Sy kL^\c>A jaw LS 359, Ma xmt> cheek MD 232) sg. p'ET'n X1? KmiV? we do not suspect 'jaw' [i.e. that their decision is based on their receiving renumeration from their employer] Bek 35a(43); ib. 35b(4) Qfflfr Lit: Low, OLZ 15 [1912] 557. l#nN']!lV adj., n. of Lydda (Sy rtJiieA PSm 1905) I. adj: sg.m. nN-rV7 'X^BP PN of Lydda AZ 36a(13); II. n.: pl.m. n'3 ffibmi 'XT1? '3XK; (the scholars) of Lydda are different since they scoff at it [i.e. the traditional law] ib. Y: nX-T* AZ ib.(BAYTN 319). 2#THf~lTlb n.m. arranger of gladiatorial contests (< Lat ludi Lehnw 308; JPA pT7 DJPA 278, Sy ^iaoA, rc'wul LS 359) pi. Xn3J X1HH 'Xni1?1? n'^Sl ]'3TT a certain man who sold himself to those who arrange gladiatorial contests Gi'f 46b(47); ib. 47a(10) Expl. RaH: mx 'J3 l'^31KW HDIX OHR ib. 31:26. N3111? 4 xn"7 Xrill^, Kni^ n.m. wooden plank, pi. tablets of the Law (Ma XHV? MD 232, JPA nmi1? det. DJPA 279, s.v. nT7) 1. wooden plank: pi. 'mr> 5M 117a(17; EsF1) [expl. MH rripri Mib. 10:2]; 2. pi. tablets of the Law: 'nV? "Vnn'N X1? the tablets of the Law were not broken Yom 4b(26; V17) XBn1?, NBiV n.m. curse (4 Vt5T7; TA DT7 TO Ex 9:28) sg. XDIlVi XpnsC) document of a curse (for excommunication) Dec 7:19; ib. 9:17; XBI1? Bo 98:1; /fc 100:7; 5an 49a(l; K) [4- XD"V]; pi. nn,!7 n,l£;i3,7 iTBll^ may his curses be his dress Dec 7:16 [cf. Ps 109:18] KTUJllV 4 xmb n. ]j71lV adj. white, n. white object (< A,6Uk6v Lehnw 304, 309; MH ipr)1? Yeivin, BV 1045) n.pi.m. norm nisniyxi 'axpiV 'ya ]xa who wants to buy /.' s? And they turned out to be white Bek 45b(28) [Var: ^pvb Ar (AC 5:30)] Y: 'IX^lV Bek ib. (")J"m7 prep, to, towards, with (archaic and dialectal; Sy h\kl LS 362, Ma J1XT7 MD 232) 1. to, towards: a. w/o suf: 31 JTI7 H31 7'tX mm •>1V na3 X11D7 Xion PN used to go to PN2 in GN for several years iSGF 86:5; p'SJT 7"J?T ]Xa 73 n'mV anyone who visits him [lit. who enters or goes out towards him] SSHai 8a(18); b. w. suf: mi7 p'BJ X'VltflX '1 K1T0V '3 when I die, PN will come towards me BM 62b(45) // mb BQ 619
mi1?'!? 620 "l"? lllb(23); iTrvrr? ips-'Vi xpT wto'Vi let him place vegetables for them [i.e. the cattle], and let them go out towards him Bek 58b(24); ]»T2 JOtmb XD»' ]'in nn'JlBi when this decree of excommunication reaches you Dec 3:9; ib. 6:6; ,£S7/a/ 8b(6); /& 12b(5); HM 40:3; ;7j. 40:17; pixn nT7 'WXJ'X ]» 'yaw Win (the money) which NN brought from the people to NN2 TGHark 272:8; 2. with [Fr. chez]: nXJWX 11031?! 'TIT'! 'p )31X1 J1T7 n'1? in the end one hundred and seven zuzim remained with NN ib. 275:26; 277:19; SSHai 17a(18); in pm XrinxVl <X)-|3J7 man 7117 so that a man and a woman should be one with one another HM 36:20; '.bB nf? '7 TTX ]iaa *]31 "]3 ]3T NN owes me such-and-such an amount of money [lit. I have with PN] Dec 7:3; ib. 5; 10; 9:14; TGAs27 22:4; 'mi1? n'1? 'TnriX X1? I have not seen it Dec 6:5 Y: 'nir? fig 11 lb(23; BAYTN 337). prep, in the presence of (Sy h\k± '^n PSm 1919, Ma riXT? p MD 232) 7'Bpi ntya rvfr'a xnri'xi n'nrrx rvfr'a xnai (the demon) who kills a man in the presence of his wife and a wife in the presence of her husband Bo 3:3; ib. 4 n.m. a fish trap (etym. unkn.) Tff? 'IXpipi Sab 18a(36); 'npipi TIT? G«7 61a(2; Ar [AC 7:181]) This word may be identical w. I xnil1? [v. expl. Ar, s.v. i K"lj?1j?]. 2# xm1? 4. xmi"? n. NnmV, NJinV nf. a part of the foot, leg (cf. Sy k'&jjA palm of the hand LS 363) sg. ]Xa 'xn iTJTDI xnni7X 'JOai one who walks on the ... of his leg Yev 103a(20; M3OHT ib. 201:10) [Var: xnrf? Ar (AC 5:35)] Y OHTib. 201:20+. Wb vb. to curse, denounce (4- XB111?, xnBT7, XniDV, XJB1?, XB'V, XD"7, XB1D1?, V'B*?; Sy Jl^-S LS 361, Ma DlV MD 233) Pe. (u): 1. to curse: 'X x1? 'xi -pax n'ox^T xrrrxB<i)C)7 7'ap n'V rirvp ■pax rnsxVi xnxDi73 Dip'1?! n'paiy if you kill me [lit. him], accept the curses with which your father cursed me [lit. him]. If not, let me [lit. him] live with the curses with which your father cursed me [lit. him] San 48b(35); Dec 7:9; X3X n'JIB1?! n'JIWJJ? he was punished on my account [lit. I punished him] because I cursed him BB 22a(39); n'Bl7'X XTIJW X'nn X'Da '3 when that hour comes I shall curse him San 105b(33); HM 42:22; in1? tJ"7 Xp t57'B he is, in fact, cursing them [i.e. the Jews] Svu 35b(43); San llla(21); n'7TB7 n'V B"X7 Xpi Xin ai'X it is Job who curses his zodiacal station Pes 2b(9); pass.part. XD'1? 'in be a cursed one San 49a(l; HeMGN 586:14) [4- XDIDV]; Bo 67:6; ib. 9; 2. w. 'H/by to denounce: TplDX 'JVT ]XBX D"1? yvVP ['1] PN used to denounce anyone who used to lie on his back (while sleeping) Ber 13b(48; F) // Nid 14a(6); Ber 22a(44); ib. 29b(30); 3T nby t5"7 PN used to denounce it [i.e. this ruling] Sab 120b(12); ib. 22; Pes 104a(47); Tan 29b(34); Qid 33b(38); ib. 71b(48) Pa. id.: inrt3"7l lrU'jniPX he adjured them and cursed them Svu 36a(16) n.f. curse, type of demon (4- XD117, VbV?; Sy r^oS.^,"-^ LS 361, Ma XJ1B17 MD 233) 1. curse: sg. n'3-|<"I) '710117 the curse of his teacher [i.e. Moses] San 113a(37; F2); 'vwri XnDII1? ib. 41(F2); XX1D11? X'nn Bo 61:5; ib. 7:11; 67:4; pi. 1.13X n'DX"?T XJ1XD17 the curses with which your father cursed me [lit. him] San 48b(36); XT1XD171 xpilB' document of curses OHT Ket 281:13; 2. type of demon: sg. X71D11? Bo 14:4; ib. 35:8; 43:1; 48:1; 62:1; 82:4 Y: KriBllV San ib.(BAYTN 171). '17 vb. to accompany, travel with someone (4- XJT17B; Sy «?k± LS 360, Ma X17 MD 232) Pe.: a. w. dir. obj.: -|T'B2?1X 'JW 1,'lV xxnaaiD (if) a person of GN traveled with you, change your lodging place Hul 127a(31); ib. 30; 73 X'lX Villi1? xmiX a lion accompanied them the entire journey BQ 116a(27); b. w. '1,13, Qy: mi1?! 'J?"D Xinn liT'ina a certain Arab who was traveling with them Hul 7a(39; v11); X'lVr xrfrasa xri'7'7 bo n»0 na *|0ittMriX7" ,T7 any lilith (or) m.-demon which accompanies PN Bo 61:12; ib. 6:3; 77:2 Af. 1. to accompany s.o. [MH 'I1? hif. Yalon, Studies 464+]: a. living person: '713 lr?a Xp lin N3lV ,Tin3 NS^y everyone was accompanying him [i.e. the high priest] Yom 71b(3); MQ 16b(23); ib. 9b(24; Sidra 9 148:12); Ber 31a(38); 7'TX1 'l"?» he was accompanying (him) along ib. 33b(6; OHP ib. 111:5); Sot 40a(41); ib. 46b(36); b. a corpse to the grave: X33W '1.13 "117X7 OHT Meg 53:19; Geon 121:17; z'A. 19; 2. to send with, give: nnna miyo n'V p'YJBi we send him off [i.e. the poor man] with a meal Sab 118a(27); xinn1? man1? xnxrx X'nn n'rnVxn ... xa'7i "xn XD"?y a certain woman who sent to her (deceased) husband a garment to that world [i.e. of the dead] Ber 56b(22; MGG 708:1) [cf. Ma: XB7131? X'W?X n"?'T he gave me his garment (as a companion) Gy 136:16] Itpe. to accompany s.o. on a journey: xViy 'XTin '33 nn rr>b rbrnt "w px^> ''poa3 when PN immigrated to Eretz Israel two residents of GN accompanied him Ned 22a(36); pn3 'I^TI'X XJ?X'B Xinn a certain Arab accompanied us on the journey BB 74a(28; TGHark 190:12) N3lV 4- X3311? n. NS'VlV, NaVl^ n.m. lulav, shoot (< Hlblb*; 4-*V3,73,7, X3'"7 mng. 6; TA p"?}1?, pi. TO Lev 23:40 [H CTH»ri niS3], QA aVlV ATTMS 370, MH 3911? Yeivin, BV 949, Sy rdi_£:u nfhOJkl Lev ib.) 1. /u/av, the palm leaf used on Tabernacles: sg. X3'"?!"? Q'nan TIIDS "Xm 'X!3'» Xin from what do we know that D'"1&n niS3 [Lev ib.] refers to lulav? Suk 32a(19); bm ]X» 'Xn 'sin n'nsyi nnana X31?!1? one who stole a fa/av from another and made it into foliage [i.e. took apart the individual leaves] BQ 96a(25); Suk 32a(7); XJ5Wm3 X3'1?!1? the lulav in the //.-bundle ib. 37b(7); HT^bl XK/'I the tip of the lulav AZ 57a(9); pi. '3"?r7 "WX1? X^pnV KITH p'"?D he went up the date palm on a ladder to bring palm leaves ib. 8; 2. shoot: sg. XTbt* ... "\pi '3'Vl1? X3JT3T gourd shoot, flax shoot Ned 49a(28); 3. pith of the date palm: sg. X3'"?V?T xpxaiD red covering on the pith of the date palm Git 69a(19; OHT Git 155:14) [4-paiD n.] Geon. expl. [mng. 3]: rf?3: Vn a1? OHT ib. 15 [i pUTO]; Lit: Flora 2:328+ [mng. 1]; ib. 3:254*** [mng. 2]; Y: KS^iV Suk 37b(4; BAYTN 272). tfrV NJVVlV n.f. arrowhead (Akk lutitu arrowhead CAD L 241, Sy rc'&.jAcd sting, point LS 361) sg. Xn'1?!1?! XTJ the shaft of an arrowhead Git 69b(5; V'«Ar [AC 5:28],OHT ib. 156:21) [cf. Sy: K'irO^ kL^< i ma K'^.JkcvA PSm 1910] Geon. expl.: VbOX '"7K 1«J0 ^K tyj' 'Jy03 .IS^p' ^<S>IM3 ^K EWD he turns the shaft of the arrowhead [J^ull ^-i] upside down, i.e. he places the point downwards OHT ib. 22; cf. also the Sy tradition: J^ill jj n'iv^AoA BBah 953:8. n.m. nummus, small copper coin (< voOuuoq L-S 1183, Lat nummus OLD 1024, mng. 3c, w. l-n interchange; 4- asXoVlB; Sy rd^scJL, rd±*>ftj LS 361, 420) sg., pi. XBO'p 'ar? nyanxa xnam xoo'p'i xav?3 xo'mai a xestes of muries for one nummus, and a testes of wine for four nummi AZ 34b(17) Geon. expl.: D^B '^XyOW 1W^>31 ntrm'jW 111 TGHark 23:19, i.e. ,jji a small copper or bronze coin EI 2:768+; Lit: Sperber, Money 58+: ten gram copper coin worth five denarii; Y: NCflV ^Zib. NSai^, K3'^ n.m. lance (< koyxn. Lehnw 311; Sy rfhlJxA LS 361, SA prb DSA 437) pi. 'Xn "n ab x"na 'xois '33i"?3 'V in»T ixa one who is smitten with Persian lances will surely not live Git 70a(6) [Var: "XD1S '3V> OHT ib. 154:16] Geon. expl.: 01B77 ]SG nK7D 7X p yil a type of weapon that the Persians had OHT ib. 158:24 NJjft n.m. jawbone, cheek (4- xyi1? 13; TA X5?V? TO Dt 18:3, Sy Kli<f>A LS 361) 1. jawbone: sg. xnxam xyV? an ass's jawbone Sab 67a(32); 2. cheek: pi. T,yT?3 nBl blow with (the breath of) your cheeks San 18b(40); Hul 93a(33) [of an animal] Geon. expl.: Y'rfra HB1J nriXl TGAs42 155:26 [mng. 2]; Y: SJ?!1? Sab ib.(BAYTN 19). [*lib> 4- Vis1? vb.] NTISlV n.f. coupling (of beams; 4- V^B1?, '3 X"1DV?; Sy ^^? » ; V LS 362, Ma XHIB1? union, XBIX1? MD 237, 227) pi. BB 6a(25) Geon. expl.: o'rj'aa mwoi xiiyap xnxnpi NnBiba tgas42 157:2; Y: KrfflV? Bfi ib. t*>1^> vb. to knead dough (4- KV^b; Sy *JS LS 362, Ma mb MD 234) Pe. (a/i): p'BXl ]TWb we were kneading and baking BB 73b(22); nna©X Xtr/"1? XpT he found her kneading Git 63b(28); 621
1'JB'T1? 622 Karri* t ; - HG3 284:16; -rV'XI ]X3B XS^fU wVn X1? XBp Xai' ]X3B xwsna'■? w^n x*7 xap xar ... xa"?na w"? ri> IK/'1? "f>'Xl do not knead with milk on the first day (of Passover). From then on, knead with milk Do not knead with honey for me on the first day. From then on, knead for me with honey Pes 36a(28; M1); Xin3 W^l n'TC'Vl let him bring it (and) knead it together Men 53b(52); XM XTim H3 ©V'B1? "IIDX it is forbidden to knead in that utensil TGAs42 160:9; HP 13:10; ib. 14:2; 39:7 Af. to have s.o. knead dough: 'T13 H'V Itf'Vx 'Xm 'Tin this one [i.e. the priest] had someone knead the dough together (from flour requiring the removal of halla and flour and not requiring it) g/c/46b(15;02) pan1? 4- x:»'t n. TinV adv. alone, by itself (Vlin; 4- 2# XHrn; TA Tin1? TO Ex 26:9, Sy n<Uxi LS 219) a. in sequence Tin1? ... Tlrf?: X1DW 'XH1 Tin"? ICtoV 'XH lin1? this deed is distinct from that one Qid 23a(24); IVf? Xins XT2/ Tin1? XTK/ silk is distinct from p.-sWk Sab 20b(33); Er 2a(20); Ket 86b(13); girf 72a(27); 55 61b(25); ^Z 58b(14); Hul 5b(20); Tew 22a(39); JlB3m Tlrf? 'JT pP1? Tin1? ini' the Greek language is one thing and Greek wisdom is another BQ 83a(4); b. w. ref. to the reading of the biblical text: irn iTl/in 1B03 Tin1? ntn xaai the words mini isoa [Dt 29:20] are together [i.e. connected by a conjunctive accent] (and) rm [ib.] is by itself BMsYFr 143:5 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 109; Voc: Tlrf? HGP 4b:9; Y: Tin1? Ber 2b(31; BAYTN 333). - "7irri>, "nrri> prep, by ...'s self (Sy -jKojoA LS 219,' Ma "Jin1? MD 231) w.suf: lsg. 'XTin1? Qid 81a(50); 2m. mirf? Pes 113b(18; V17); 3m. miffr 5g 38a(37); .TTO1? Anan 10:15; f. mm1? 5A/ 99b(6); 3pl.m. ln'Tlrf? Tan 21b(36); f. TPTirfr Pas 91a(39);- W'J'X tf'i'X "73 'man fllXB rrt ray min1? every individual person does most of the commandments by himself Anan 21:2; TTIlb min1? X31 "7TX PN came to him by himself Ber 56a(41); Men 91a(24); 7/G//a/-A: 130:29; min1? 'Xm ,nirf> 'Xn each one by itself Pes 44b(20); San 88b(50); Men 38a(17); D'B/J vmnb cnopi vmrri' D'iay 'min1? women by themselves, slaves by themselves, and minors by themselves Pes 91a(39); Tan 21b(36); H'STdVi n'lin1? let him write it [i.e. the book] by itself 55 14b (3 5); rmrfr im in "?3 inj'pi^iy1?! let him boil each one of them by itself Git 69b(52); ]XB 'XH <i)rpTirrt> 'an' nax nmnV x1? rmp'1? x1? xci npai the one who reads aloud the (halisa) document (to the woman) should not read (the word) xV [Dt 25:7] by itself (and the words) '»r ,13X [ib.] by themselves Yev 106b(21; O2) Voc: iTfflft HPP 43:19; n'Tin1? Mo 92. - linVa adv. only (Sy -.A..V -^ LS 219) 1X1 nVo ]TI'3na ]J'm Tlffa X130B we may reject an entire Mishna of ours also only on the basis of logical deduction I$GF 56:16; ib. 10:4; 46:19; Tirfn 'a-ix iib/Vs |inV paxi ri»a to ma iron there are also words in it which they recite only in Aramaic TGHark 189:25; 'JXttPb pn 1'V'Xl ■nrf?a rxbrn 'ox-u ]a pan T3 |'sVxm these two textual readings which vary among the scholars are due only to the oral transmitters of the Talmud ib. 107:21; 44:31; 155:1; 165:17; TGAs27 22:18 - "7irri>3 prep, by ...-self (Ma (-)Tim>X3 MD 48) n'tirria'pj m"? yap xVl (Scripture) did not set a time for it by itself Anan 63:26 '•n? interj. very well! (perh. < 4- "n + "V) a. alone: "fl1? H'1? 'ax he said to him: "Very well!" Ket 77b(26); ib. 36; 106a(7); San 39a(31); Hul 60a(17); Bek 8b(24); "nV X1W3 '3 13'ty X'B"1 'X if (the bride) is placed upon you (at the wedding) like a beam [i.e. arousing no desire], it is well! Ket 17a(32); Inyanot 189:11; b. in seq. ... XB"?B/3 "rf?: "rf? 1,rf?13 xab^a it is all right (concerning) all of them, very well! Sab 113b(3); Er 15a(29); Hag 16a(25); £ef 63a(30); Sot 35a(30); G/Y 6b(32); g/rf 65a(24); Am 33b(48); AW 42a(35) Y: ^ITf Soft ib.(BAYTN 340). irft vb. to lick (Sy uyu-i LS 363) Pe.: '1 IN1? 'XT rrpw1? man1?! 'OX "11 'ax were it not for PN and PN2 who licked his leg (as a medical treatment to remove the harmful medicine) AZ 28a(34) Pa. id.: 4- TO'B "pba 13 Kan1? n.m. bread, food (archaic and dialectal; tprri> I xan3; TA xan^ TO Gen 43:31, Sy r^k^A LS 364, Ma xanx"7 MD 227) 1. bread: sg. a. general: id 'maa; lyca tjtd xan1? nBB>ai ryo xnan naiva wine provides sustenance and makes one happy. Bread indeed provides sustenance, (but) does not actually make one happy Ber 35b(48); ib. 38a(3) [* 4- XV3U]; San 100b(38; F2); ib. 113a(47); HP 14:19; 7/G//artt 145:21; 5ee/106:1; Anan 18:13; to. 47:19; AnanSch 11:26; b. types: 'BTn 'anV wheat bread Ned 49b(7); AnanSch 10:28; nj/Bn 'an1? barley bread Ned 49b(8); 5aA 108a(40; V); MQ 28a(31; LSM 145:25); xarf? XT"BDT bread of the finest flour ib. 30(SM 145:26); Xptm xan"7 'bread of India' Ber 37b(46; F) [i l#XJinD]; XJTIXT Xan"7 bread (baked) on the ground HP 15:12; Seel 91:55; 2. food: sg. la'nVx"? xanV ;im:n xi'ys I want to offer food to your God Hul 60a(6) Lit: Eps, Stl 100; Y: Kan1? Ber 42b(44; BAYTN 87). t#nV vb. to whisper, recite a charm (1 Xtt'lT'1?; Sy *-*xi LS 364, Ma VX1 MD 292) Pe. (e/u) 1. to whisper: rail n,!7 Wn1? ]'ni he bent down (and) whispered to PN BB 32b(l); nV W<1){')nV vrrtrx rb wrb xm mo'Di xari whisper to her that it is the Day of Atonement. They whispered to her, (and the fetus) was placated Yom 82b(7); ib. 10; 2. to recite a charm: miix'ty ttnnV recite a charm over his ear HM31:S; ib. 13; 38:6; 39:3; TOlr7 13 pITI par '1 13TX "?J7 fin1? f|Xl recite also a charm over his ear three times, and spit while you are reciting (it) ib. 41:10; Pin1? vovft Bo 5:1 Pa. to glow (of coals) [cf. MH mttmr7 D'^ni BY 2665]: 'i&rfra xp mm nau 'nan1? xrtn we saw certain coals which were still glowing BB 74b(21; P1) Itpe. (e) to be placated: 4- Pe. K3D^ n.m. type of demon (< X3D X1? no-good one; I 3D, X1?; Sy ^ -^ \, V SIB 187, Ma X3XBX1? MD 228) sg. Bo 78:5; ib. 117:4; pl.abs. patJ1? ib. 44:3; det. •'3D'? ib. 10:7; 47:9; 85:7 KtJittV n.m. curser (Vdd"7; I XD"1?; Ma XriX'DIDxV pl.f. cursers MD 228; cf. TA DD^ J 705) sg. XD1D1? 'inn X1?! XD'1? 'in be an accursed one and do not be a curser San 49a(l; HeMGN 586:14) [Var: XD"1? K] K3'^> T The sec. rt. Vdd1? is a denominative from the unattested form XnDBl'?» [< XJlBTfr]; cf. the A lw. in LebArab latta Feghali 78. KrilB^ n.f. curse, execration (I V'D1?) sg. Nid 13b(23); ib. 31; m3X fT'tfn XmD1? the curse which your father cursed me [lit. him] San 48b(36; K); BM 48b(14; F1); XniD^T XpTIS(') letter of execration Dec 7: l(title); ib. 7; 9 Y: KrilB^ BM ib. 'ttV vb. to curse (sec. rt. < i Vdi1?; I xmD1?) Pe.: xi3i xinn1? rr'D1? xayo 'xa 3T why did PN curse that man? Meg 5b(35); n"B^X Xnyit; X'HH X'Da '3 when that (propitious) moment arrives I shall curse him AZ 4b(32); IB WVb-'b curse him BB 4a(4) K3t3^ n.m. type of demon (4- VdV>; Sy rC \ \Z\ SIB 17:2) sg. X3XD"?5o 61:4 K3'V, K3b> n.m. heart, stomach, mind, trunk of a tree, pith of a tree (4- XS'^X, X0S11D, Xtt>B1D, X331?, -3'1? Vy, X3'1?! X,!7T1; TA X3'1? TO Dt 29:3, Sy rcJzl LS 354, Ma X3ri> MD 234) 1. heart: a. in a physical sense: sg. H'a^ 'IH^ n'1? naa he used to place it [i.e. the phylactery of the arm] towards his heart Men 37b(13); AZ 28b(38) [4- xrmtf mng. 3b]; //«/ 45b(17) [4- X'lp mng. 6]; b. in connection w. illnesses: '3 n'3'1? ms XIS'S his heart will palpitate like (the fluttering of) a bird Mei 20b(21); in"3^ tt"Vn rm they were not feeling well [lit. their heart was weak] Sab 10a(26) [4- Vltt^Vn mng. 3b]; X3'Vi Xtt^in 'weakness of the heart' Er 29b(43) [a certain illness]; X3,!?i XlpV 'heaviness of heart' Sab 140a(39) [a disease; 4- Xipi' mng. 2]; Git 69b(10) [I xnTS]; Sab 140a(38) [4- XrTTj?]; c. as the seat of emotions: sg. X3'"?3 prwn n'y3 QX if you want her to be inflamed (with love) in (her) heart HM 43:7; H'S'Vs D'p3 he retains a grudge [lit. he holds in his heart] Yom 23a(15); IWS'X in'3'1? X113'S '13n perhaps the public will will be remorseful Tan 25a(46; M2); n'3'V? H'1? '3m 'XB what pleases his heart AnanSch 26:3; "?'yn X1? "]3'"73 X'H do not let grief enter your heart San 100b(27) [4- X'n]; -pbl Xnyx the sorrow of your heart Ber 56a(15); 13'1?! HITn joy of your heart ib. 18; 30b(40) [i nna mng. 1]; MQ 8a(35); Ket 62b(42) [4- V'lD pa.]; "j'^y »]m 131? 'mi your 623
~I N3'VS 624 flNl'V heart will urge you (to eat more) Pes 114a(5); n'3^H Nmjn the will of his heart AnanSch 32:8; pi. 'TirD irrn lrP3^> (God) unites their hearts together RH 18a(48); 2. stomach [cf. Akk libbu abdomen, entrails, womb CAD L 165; I SO'Vl XDHIDX'X]: sg. n,3,l7'? rpyipni let him tear open its stomach Sab 109b(41); S'pra 13 'Nil"? X3n when the stomach (of the animal) is perforated on the inside HP 198:20; n,!? nmpl JVDI ri'l'Va 'Vnn the cress sprouted in his stomach and he died Sab 113b(23); 'IXD'a 'Jn X3,!7,7 nya the t-dish is beneficial for the stomach Er 29b(42); AZ 29a(14); //W 39:13 [4- lSXa'D mng. b.6]; X3pn X3'1? an empty stomach Sab 109b(19); Git 70a(17); BM 113b(28); Hul 59a(9); 'xaV? nmm '3'rl 'D in order to stimulate my appetite [lit. stomach] Pes 107b(20); 3. mind, understanding: a. alone: •>&rx 'IM'XI X3n (when) the mind has forgotten, it has (completely) forgotten San 35a(33); n,!? bsi ITaVa XTimn a thought came into his mind Meg 15b(50); San 37a(30); ,4 nan 27:26; WW HDD rrny W3 rrani Xiai how great is the man whose mind is like his legal tradition Nid 20a(34); "pV "|Vy are you of the same mind? [lit. is your mind upon you?] Ned 21b(13); "px -pb nx your mind induced you (to swear falsely) Svu 26a(38); Wan'' X3,!7T 'iTina 'XTirP you, Jews, dwell in the chambers of the mind [i.e. are knowledgeable] Nid 20b(32); D^D'XT X3'1? (it was) the understanding which had declined Tern 15b(43); ISGF 52:8; 63:1; Tern 16a(3) [I Visa pe., mng. la]; xa'Vl Xpaiy profound understanding [lit. depth of the heart] Geon 104:19 [expl. MH O'lsb BM 16a(44)]; mby xa'Va with a sober mind SSSad 175:13; b. w. Vd1J? pe.: Dp'aV 'S» xVl rra'Vx he was unable to understand his argumentation Sot 20a(50); 4. self: sg. 13*71 'aV yr I and you know AZ 55a(13; J); '3S ^b ir1? tfb xawnx1? I do not want to marry him SSSad 239:14; 5. trunk of a tree: sg. ppBtt 'STUX pn X^'XT xa'^S two leaves growing out of the trunk of a tree Anan 9:13; 6. pith of a tree [Akk libbu CAD L 169, mng. 2f]: sg. xVp-ft H'1? 'BXI p'tol ITsVs he ascends to pour it [i.e. the mixture] into the pith of the date palm Pes 56a(10) The Ma pi. 'aW Ma ib. appears in the phrase -1- "3,7,'7 01BTIB [v. Ch. Muller-Kessler, AltOr 28001) 34950]; Y: n'?'1? BB 24b(40; BAYTN 135). - "1 N2'7K, "3'?K prep, according to (< i X3n + _X) a. fol. by holder of the opinion: P3T7 X3,!7X according to the scholars Er 22b(13); Yom 64b(16); Ket 54a(ll); X3nx "3X nm"IJl X3"IT PN explained it according to PN2 Pes 12b(22); Suk 18b(ll); Yev 33a(28); Sot 16a(6); BB 165b(20); b. other: )xai X3,!?X according to whom? BQ 13a(32); BM 96b(16); ^Z 52a(41); ''OHI ]Xai XS^X according to the one who says ... Er 67a(15); Hor 3a(47); 'max nm "XJn nn 'Tim XS'Vx ''I'VST two Tannaim or two Amoraim who differ with each other San 6a(16); X3TIX xroVm xs^x xnyatp nn xp"?DT p3-ia a s.m. whose legal tradition is according to the traditional law Sot 21a(36); BQ 92a(51); San 106b(45); TGHark 108:25; Yom 26a(17) Y: sa'Vxfler3a(l). - '3'V ty prep, by heart (4 X3'1?; cf. Sy ^ rdi4 LS 354, mng. 1) ru'iairf? Jl'ya IS'1? Vyi -pV pV maiBi xnmxi n'a1? you should learn by heart the words of the Torah which you will teach to your sons Anan 24:22 HlVb n.m. felt (Via1?; JPA p3n pi. DJPA 275, s.v. iaV, > Arab & Fr, AF 103) sg. HSTbl 'JXOa shoes of felt GC 24:11 [expl. JBA 'pais Sab 62a(12)] riN3ia'V adj. Samaritan (< nx'j'n'J*; i.e. of Neapolis) sg.m. HX3131? X3J13 Samaritan writing San 21b(48; F2K) [expl. MH nay 3)13 ib.; He: nX313"7] Geon. expl.: nxj 13'!? '3 r»U13'V ]wb 1'tnBBD XVI W1TB1 OH ib. 162:5; Lit.: J. Halevy, quoted in J. Montgomery, The Samaritans, Philadelphia 1907 283; Y: nx:i3,l7 San ib. '1'V i XT pl.cs. HSl'V, abs. »K1'^ n.m. Levite (< BH 'f? HAL 49T8T, mng. 2; |''KT^ 13; TA nxW TO Dt 12:19, Sy KliAA PSm 1902) sg.abs. 'TJ ma XPX'a "l 'XI'V Xini 'T? p yum' PN who is a Levite Hul 106b(10); det. HXV1? XVtn /A. 131a(18); pl.det. "V? RH 29a(39; M2); 'Xin ^«a« 22:14; AnanMann 2v:3 X'Tl'1? 625 X3'^ t : . _ I Y: 'Kl'V J?"' ib.(BAYTN 319). S"n'V> K'TlV n.m. fe/H, a stake placed next to a wall as a fictitious partition for the construction of the 'eruv (< MH Vtf?, abs. 'rf? Yeivin, BV 873) sg. X'n1? Vdj the fe/zi fell down Er 15a(41); iA. 74a(28); K"n'^ X»1S the top of the lehi Sab 148b(7); 5e5 30a(24) Y: K'W1? &6 141a(34; BAYTN 117). Nt^n'V, Nt^nV n.m. whisper {I Vtfrf?; TA mri? TJ Jer 8:17, Ma XWb MD 236) sg. '3y VOX 31 Xlffnbs n'V PN used to respond to it in a whisper Ber 45b(55); XE/rrVs oni xp mm xraVn xinn a certain disciple who was reciting (the tradition) in a whisper Er 53b(46); XWrfo V73tt xpi (the congregation) is reciting the tefilla in a whisper TGAs42 180:3 [v. OHP Ber 180:12]; XOT1? XTUnpT whisper of the corners Bo 106:6 Y; NW'r/7 Ber ib.(BAYTN 57). ND'1? n.m. accursed one (4- Vol"? pe., pass.part.) sg. XDIB1? 'inn k"71 XB'1? 'in be an accursed one and do not be a curser San 49a(l) Wfj, K'^> adv. whither, where (< ]Xb* [cf. I \aa]; Ma ISX'1?, X'Vx MD 234) Xn '313 the frying pans, whither? Ber 58a(29; TGHark 215:5) Lit: Nold, MG 943. The recent suggestion of H. Jacobson, JQR 89 [1999] 387, to derive N"1? from either Lat laeva or Gr koto 'left' should be rejected since the likelihood of a Lat or Gr lw in JBA is both quite low and semantically unconvincing; Y: X'jV Ber ib.(BAYTN 339). - N'J1? »BV?, N'V'SVS adv. how can this be so? (lit. towards where?; cf. Ma X'V'a from where MD 267, Wb-'b whither ib. 234) X"V 'S^D Ber 18a(37; HPP 271:19); X'1? 'S^D Pes 5b(34); Ket 15a(10); 5M 58a(41); /A. 113b(19); BB 175a(13); Zev 102a(43); Nid 15a(42); X'^'sVa 5aA 93b(41); BB 104b(12); Svu 20b(36); ^Z 75a(22);LPr 154:21 Geon. expl.: p !\vn<? 1WBX JX nni'jS XnininnnK TGHark 215:6; lOB'K X2TK IX HI 'X^l Blip ''ja 'IN 13XW 103 X'Vb^ xnanoa TGCas 40b(38); xna osyVxai xaibpo xin ix m itt hji 'px '■'rx ri'D 'rxp'i ^xj?' ]X 'ar jxs LPT ib.; Y: x,"1? 's^s &»* ib. NB'-^ n.m. curser (I VtJr>, XD1B1?; Sy rf \, i V LS 361, Ma XD'XV MD 228) sg. x"?1 ton1? XHIl XB"1? Xnn San 49a(l; K) K^"^, N^'V n.m. dough (4 Vol1?; TA XP'1? TO Ex' 12:39, Sy rdi_4 LS 362, Ma XK;'1? MD 237) sg. XWni XDm a rim of dough Gtt 69a(36); AZ 76b(l; HP 15:20); X^'^a nV"\2in he separated it [i.e. the teruma] as dough (during the kneading) Ned 12b(7); Nid 6b(21); X^T 'ysp kneading troughs of dough HP 14:6(HPP 14:20); AnanSch 11:3; TGAs42 43b:5; Pes 30b(40); Tan 25a(5); n'»l V'an Xtt?'1?1? nVDX (the animal) ate the dough, became sick, and died BQ 48a(16) Y: V.fh Tan ib.(BAYTN 11). ND'7 n.m. beating into a mixture (4- V"|3^) sg. X3'^ X'ya X^> it does not require beating Sab 134a(ll) Y: XJ'V Sab ib.(BAYTN 11). K3'V, N3'N H) part, there is not (< X3 m, XV; 1 X3'X, n'K, X"7, nn; Ma l#X3n MD 236) a. alone: XSnT 'Tai we have a tradition that there is not (such a one) Hul 59a(57); TVlia DytJ 13'ya X3,!71 we require the taste of maror and it is not there Ber 38b(53); ID X3,I7T S"yx even though there is no more AZ 70b(3); Er 19a(47); Yom 21a(32); psn XD'1? Xixaiai there is no such thing in the gemara TGHark 44:22; ib. 38:30; XS'1? "IBttPX it is not possible j'A. 208:4; b. w. fol./preced. n.: Xll^J XS'^T XIHl in a case where there is no bridge MQ 6b (47); X'!3 X3,I7T XD'H in a case where there is no water Yev 121a(10); 'D Dny XDn when there are no witnesses Ket 16a(50); XTDS Xa'^T Dipaa in a place where there is no loss BQ 27b(31); xna'a XD'XT '3H xaa'a xd'1? x'b'Vs xs'xt xn'^a xd'1? these (verses) which are (applicable) in the by day are not (applicable) at night. Those (verses) which are (applicable) at night are not (applicable) in the by day BM 11 la(26); xa"?ya XDlffip XD'1? there is no truth in the world San 97a(29); X3'X X1? "IXn XH3 XJTinW there is no permission (for use) in the courtyard Er 70a(45); Tan 13b(46); XTaO XD'X xmvn XD'X Kb there is no j.-flour. There is white flour Git 56a(34; MGD 626:27); xV pX31 mm IX'J'X XD'X in the ark only the Torah is found
1#K'V'^ 626 KS13'1? t : •■ __^_ - I 1 Anan 14:4; AnanSch 14:3; XT113D X3'X x"7 there is no danger Seel 10:130; c. w. fol. inf.: na'ab X3,!7 '3n one cannot say so BM 2b(4); XS'Vi X3n 'yD'BV in this case where one cannot err Am 5a(39); Hymb X3'X Kb HD13 Xytja1? X3'X Dinn one may make a mistake in the Targum. One does not make a mistake in the blessing Meg 32a(9); nr» ynvnb X3'V xna you cannot learn [lit. hear] anything from it Svu 31b(19); X3'X Kb KTTli 'X H1? XWB1? if from that, there is no reason to take it into consideration HP 79:21; TGHark 106:18; ib. 166:7; d. w. fol. "1-phrase: 'BIT KTbl KD'H n,!? where there is nothing similar to it Er 51a(25); mtJT B/'l'X X3l!7 there is no person who will expend effort Ket 49b (3 8); n'yBBH XS'V there is no one who heard him Sab 156b(28); n'3 niWXi X3'1? there was no one who paid attention to him Yom 77a(47) Lit: Eps, Stl 97; Y: X3'1? Ber 3b(2; BAYTN 333). l#irW>, abs. 'V'V, pi. KniV'V, 'rV'V n.m., f. (pi.) night (4- X'^ n3 s.v. 1# X"I3 mng. 12f; TA K^b TO Gen 1:5, '?'? ib. 8:22, pi. fT?'1? ib. 7:4, Sy rdilA, pi. -^A y . y ls 366, Ma 1#X,!7,,7, pi. xnxixV'1?, X'l1?'1? MD 236) a. general: sg.abs. TWIN 'nil nj/niXT 'V'1? Wednesday night HM 44:4 [4- 'nil mng. 2]; Aw 2a(8) [expl. MH "liX Mib. 1:1]; //>. 3a(28); det. np'Bi Xin Xian JTyi X'V'V the time of darkness is called night Anan 78:1; X'V'V 'INn XV D'3313n DNS iy it is not night until the appearance of the stars Meg 20b(6); X1? KT\TV)b x"?X X'V'V n3'X the night was created only for sleep Er 65a(33); X^'Vi 'yxitf hours of the night Tan 1 lb(22); X'"?'1?! TPV six (hours) of the night Ber 3b(22); X,!7,,7 ,l713 the whole night Ber 27b(33); &6 10a(3); Kar 7a(48); X'V'V XlTXm last night [lit. the night of today] Sab 87a(13); 'PB'W '3T K^b Friday night fom 29b(16) // Men 100b(l); X'Wn nnatf night blindness Git 69a(5); X'V'1?! xmnya fear of the night Nid 13a(53); pi. ^b X7v>n three nights BM 86a(38); xrtXV?'1? ib. 30b(51); &?/> 89b(37); AW 69b(l); XDX'Bp XIIX^ J'mn the first two nights HP 13:9; XmV''? pn ^ncm 71:10; b. in adv. prep, phrases: 'XB^TD pn X'^S Xl'tn 'Xa what shall I see tonight in my dream? Ber 56a(2); IBp X^'Va they got up at night San 109a(5); Xp'pT XVI X'V'^a sexual intercourse is at night Anan 29:10; X,1?,I73 V'3B Tl&'xb when does he immerse himself? At night K?m 6a(23); XpT \f?yn Kb K^bl do not eat a vegetable at night Sab 140b(29); X'b'1? 1103 at the end of the night Nid 63b(41); c. w. XBB': 4- XBB' mng. b Voc: K^'> HPP 214:18; Y: (i^'V Ber 3b(27; BAYTN 167); xrmy1? BB 73b(24). 2# K^V'V. Pi- 1'V'V. '^'V n.m. a male demon (< Akk ///« a demon CAD L 190; 4- X'b'V '33 s.v. 1#X13 mng. 12f) pl.abs. I'V'1? 5o 49:9; det. •'W? XnD'T male /.-demons ib. 9:2; XXUp'll nD'i frb male and female /.-demons ib. 53:3 Lit: AIT 75+. Nfl'V'V, Pi- NON'V'V n.f. a female demon (< Akk lititu female demon CAD L 190, AIOA 66; Sy k'^LAA LS 366, K'^_iI(j)i SIB 187, Ma (X)JTI?''17 MD 236) a. general: sg. Bo 9:8; Xmp'l KTVb^b female /.-demon ib. 54:6; XJV1?''? nnS'pn the strong /.-demon i& 28:4; pl.abs. ]"'?,17 i6. 53:2; det. XTIX'1?'1? //>. 33:13; 64:11; 14:10; 18:11; KT/'b-'b '1'B V3 all types of /.-demons //>. 1:8; Xnap'J Krvb^b female /.-demons ib. 9:2; 78:22; XT1XW3 XnbX'V'1? evil /.-demons ib. 29:11; 5:2; 78:7; b. w. a PN: sg. WITS 112 Xn,17,,7 oa'jn xm^1? '1111 /& 12:5; 58:3; KTrb^b Tin^S pB'X your mother, PN, the /.-demon ib. 60:4 Lit: AIT 75+; Ch. Muller-Kessler, AltFor 28 [2001] 338+. n.m. lemon (< Arab ojQ Siggel 66) pi. "?33a KTVOTi \>psn •'XPb 'im lemons which are produced now in Babylonia OHP Ber 63:8 nNtJp'V n.m. robber (< Xr\atr\c, GLLT 107; 4- XnrDD,l7; Sy r<? X, m \, r^ i \, m \ LS 368) sg. HXDdV on3S PN, the robber 5an 106b(10); HXtJD1? yT iTTlTDOba a robber understands (the craft of) robbery BM 84a(44); Bo 74:14 Y: nKBO1? BM ib.(BAYTN 324). KJIVBO'V n.f. robbery (< i nXDD'V + xnr; Sy ^A;?T. \;~V LS 368, MH2 nTDD'1? GLLT 106) sg. BM 84a(44) [i nXBD'1?] Y: n'nVBO'? JJA/ ib.(BAYTN 293). KBW'V n.m. joining (4 ^D1?) sg. yra XS1S'1? y'T joining is clearly recognized BB 4a(52) Y: XSlB'b SB ib. xr^ 627 n:^'V NDS'^ n.m.coll. turnips (Akk laptu A turnip CAD L 96, Sy rc'&.aA LS 369) s8- ^n3B?a O XpW3 xns'V when you find turnips in the market Ber 44b(42); Er 25a(35); »fe 40a(6); BB 54a(l); Kin xaiSX XriD'1? Xtm Xni3 Xinn a certain buck that saw turnips on the top of a vat BQ 20a(l); XTIS'1?! x'T'lfSn 'Xn a cooked dish of turnips Ber 39a(34; P); 5e/t43b(8) [4- XTVlTIJ]; //«/112a(2) [4- XoVlj?]; xriD'VT X'a turnip broth Ber 39a(42); HM 44:4 Lit: Flora 1:487+; Y: XPB1? Ber ib.(BAYTN 117). S3S'V, N3NS'^ n.m. irreverent person (< MH2 ys.-'b J 709 [VyiV]; 4- Vis1?, xm:r^>; Jpa is'1? djpa 282) pi. nm 'JxrVi Dwa s'sjd^s inn bx xm3X,^a ~V\b '3^a do not dwell in GN since its people are irreverent, (and) they will attract them into irreverence Pes 112b (5) Y: Wi Pes ib.(BAYTN 229). NflWX'V n.f. irreverence, licentiousness (i'xiS'1?; MH2 TWXrb Gross, Patterns 109) 1. irreverence: sg. XJVUX'Va 13 XT0X KT\MYb "73 X'llfT T"yT all irreverence is forbidden except for irreverence towards idolatry which is permitted San 63b(29) // Meg 25b(36) [v. TRN 637:6]; Pes 112b(5) [4- K1Tb\, 2. licentiousness: sg. mm XmS'1? X,!?sa she ... licentiousness AZ 44a(16) [expl. BH nriS^Ba IK 15:13; 4- V2#'^D af.] Y: xnujrt Meg ib.(BAYTN 229). Np'1? n.m. part of the tongue (VppV[?]) sg. 'yai xp'Vi rvb-'-i xp'1? '31 'Dxai ly n^ip'a n'on'^/'a1? XVI Xliy'jS he is required to slaughter it from its neck until he comes to its /., and the /. is in the tongue AnanSch 24:20 bip^b 4- 'rsp prep. N^'1?, MSB"1?, abs. If'V n.m. tongue, language, speech, term, version (4- ~<l]vb, 'JET1? b^l; TA ]&b TO Ex 4:10, Sy rdlii LS 371, Ma KiKvb MD 237) 1. tongue: a. human: sg. mw1? V'pn'X his tongue slipped (so that he said the wrong thing) Svu 20a(6); rPB1S3 TVWb V2r^n may his tongue shrivel in his mouth Bo 74:2; ib. 71:10; b. animal: sg. XTTDi XJiyV the tongue of a fish Hul 109b(37); KWbl X3p'y the root of the tongue AnanSch 24:18; pi. MW1? "73'aV Xry3 x"7Tin3 I want to eat tongues with mustard Hul 133a(28); 2. language: sg. 'ynir/Xi Kiwb bl H'1? Tim ,Tina nyiS whatever language Pharaoh spoke with him (Joseph) answered him Sot 36b(53); ns'ST 'vb the language of the birds Git 45a(40); pl.abs. TW1? I'yStt? seventy languages Bo 56:10; 3. speech: sg. DJaia Xpir X1HH mn n'Jiy'rS that child used to stammer in his speech Hag 15b(8); XaVyi XJXtv'7 colloquial speech [lit. everyone's speech] San 3b(18); n'aiD3 ipinai ym\ n'^iVai n^xu;1? his speech and discourse are set and fixed in his mouth SSSad 213:4; 4. term, phrase: sg. 3ip'J 'Km 'Xa'ai Xin oral X3X1y,,? from what (do we know) that (the root) 3p3 [v. Lev 24:16] is a term of blaspheming [lit. blessing]? San 56a(10); ib. 7a(38); 12a(24); Ber 28a(53) [4- 1#X13J1]; Sab 53b(40); ib. 149b(38); Er 65a(14); Meg 21b(12); «// lla(30); Yom 32b(43); gW 62b(31); Tew 26b(13); Anan 11:5; /& 13:19; 85:16; AnanSch 26:7; '2?'1? ix xin ""s^sim Kaiy1? xisViy 'xn Xin xmn'JI is '. a term of arrogance or a term of convenience? Git 36b(35); ]Wbl xmJT XlXW'b mil 'anx it is a term (derived) from Kill (which) in Aramaic is 'fornication' OHT Git 197:25; Xb'bp Wb a 'lighter' term [i.e. an MBQ 1:1 instead of a^n] BQ 6b(18); itixvb ... im XJXty1? 1'im a term of one [i.e. n>Vtr\ Neh 12:44 is singular], a term of two [i.e. Jn"lii>y8 ib. is a minimum plural] AnanSch 12:9; pi. ■W1? 'in 'ya2/a 'WITpV do these terms refer to betrothal? Qid 6a(31); ">wb 'P"T they infer the (exact pronunciation of the) terms (as significant) Er 53b(4; O); XJ1X13H ■'IXVrb *73 all terms of titles of rights SSHai 4a(3); ib. 5b(14); 17a(5); f\T\ 'IXl^'V two (different) phrases Anan 46:15; AnanSch 4:5; ib. 27:26; 5. version, textual reading: sg. Xiwb 1'XnV 'Htf'V 'Xn f3 X3'X 'Xai what is (the practical difference) between this version and that version? Nid 3b(3); ib. 43a(29); r\^wb DIIS'1? xVi 'D'n '3 so that he should not adversely affect his oral version (of the tradition) AZ 19b(l); Xian X1W'1? the version of the tradition Suk 29a(2) [4- Vd.T1 af., mng. 2]; XIX^'V Xinnx alternative textual reading Zev 19a(20); BM 45a(17); xap Kivb the former version Pes
N3BT7 628 CWrt 79b(40); Suk 19a(12); Git 46a(9); XITia XjW'7 the latter version ib.\ Bek 36b(8); Geon 175:22; X37H xjxwV p mxer? 'jwai xiai xp'ny xwu '1117 TIXW 'Bytn l"yx an old book of the Talmud whose version is different from our version, even though (its) contents are the same in both OHT BQ 14:5; TGDr46 178:8 [4 Vl#lWW pa., mng. 1]; XB'p XjXU/'7 a shortened version iSGF 36:5; pi. X3T1 '3W7 imin the two versions of PN('s statement) B5 62b(23; F2); Ket 91a(14); 'jW'7 '31 MY/ 3a(45); p7Xm 'JXW'7 nil p'Xl Tiri73 1187111 '0X11 p pm T3 these two textual readings which vary among the scholars are due only to the oral transmitters of the Talmud OHT BQ 7:25; 'PI'll 'JXW'7. non-essential versions iSGF 30:17; 6. idiomatic expressions: sg. a. XB7'3 XJW'7 slander [JPA W'3 ]W7 DJPA 283, mng. 5a]: XW'3 XJW73 p'Bai he utters a slanderous statement Ara 15b(50); b. X3C7 XjV'IIXI Pentateuchal [i.e. biblical] Hebrew: Qid 2b(2); c. J1311 XW7 language of the scholars: 1) Rabbinic Hebrew: ib. 3; xnxi311 XJW'7 OHT RH 22:22; 2) JBA: GC 23:7; rt. 59:2; 108:9; HG1 94:28; TG/4.s2S 155:20; d. X'7ya XJU/'? a euphemism [lit. an exemplary expression]: sg. Ber llb(4); Yom 75a(19); fey 103a(38); Ket 13a(43); G;Y 76b(17); 5M 91a(34); Tern 30a(8); e. abs. 'XlTVn ]BP7 slander [lit. a threefold tongue; JPA n'J1'?n W7 DJPA 283]: ]»'7 XnVn 7'Dp 'XlvVri slander kills three (people) Ara 15b (43; M) Lit: Bacher 104; A. Shremer, Sidra 9 [1994] U73 [B^ Winx]; Eps, GCIntr 53+ \\am XW1?]; Y: XW'1? Mo 89; Er 53a(42; BAYTN 252). N3tP'7 adv. -L XJlti n. (')n'V, n'X *6 part, there is not (4- JTX, X7, X3'7; Sy &_4 'lS 366, Ma ri"X7 MD 228) a. impersonal: 1) w. fol. nom. phrase: 'J137n JV71 ITITD the law is not according to him Ber 2lb(26); xnnyaw 'in 733 xroVn n^i the law is not according to all these legal traditions Sab 24b(l); TUX IX 1111 Xl'1 XT? there is no law of 'pull or 1 shall pull' BB 13a(6); X'7D7 p7W JV7 X'33 D1pa3 the (previously born) child does not have an (additional) share (in the inheritance) beside the sons (who are as yet unborn) 55 142b(28); 2) as part of rel. clause: JV71 X1J1X3 131 'in pn 131 in a place where there is no man, be a man Ber 63a(31); ]8n ian n'71 X1HX3 pao p3JlB in a place where there is no wine, medicines are needed BB 58b(14; F2); TJljn n'7 X3733 p31 ry>71 XTTfTO there is nothing as rich as a pig (which eats everything), and there is nothing as hungry as a dog Sab 155b(39); J1'71 '171 7X1BW1 113X17 ''? W"m there is no one who takes into consideration (the opinion) of PN's father and of PN2 AZ 38b(55); 3) w. prep, complement: a) w. "3: (1) to not have or contain: XEMB 113 Jl'7 X1BX1 (clouds) of the morning have no significance [lit. do not have substance] Ber 59a(36); Yev 105a(23); SSSad 268:15; X13'j nop n'3 Tl'71 rrriO 13 a one-year old twig, which does not have nodes Pes 74a(17); Xliyitf n'3 JV71 when (the sherd) does not contain the requisite amount Bes 39a(26); SSHai 5b(12); 1'3 Jl'7 183 p31B 'X13 xnjn how much sense is lacking in this one of the scholars! MQ 26b(47); DWB 1X7 X731 n'3 Jl'71 01W8 X7 '1BX XB3n n'3 n'71 is it not because (the pit) is insufficient for a (fatal) blow? They say: "No. Because it does not contain unhealthy air" BQ 50b(49); 113 n'71 11WX 'X 'p'1X it is impossible that there are no righteous people among .them San 102b(39); y7p'B1 ]XB1 1X111' X1S0 13 jT?1 XJ1B7 one who happens to be in a town where there is no Jewish scribe TGHark 129:5; ib. 206:14; ]13 13 rvx X71 xriXB3 in a town where there is no priest HP 43:23; 'X81 X1X30 ]B 1'7 p'pBUB X1XB1 n'3 Jl'71 we derive whatever does not have a tradition by logical deduction ISGF 44:19; pi XB1B n'3 Jl'XI [p] X81B n'3 JI'X X71 whether (the firstborn animal) contains a blemish or not AnanSch 9:23; (2) to not apply: 131 Xl'1 UWO ,T3 J1'7 '117 pil 'UB |3T X1XB (whether) he bought from a pagan or sold to a pagan the law of pre-emption does not apply BQ l I4a(i3); na jvV ma 'BX3 maxjiai xjVtb 73 XW3 tuvrb D1W8 (the rule of) slander does not apply to anything which is said in the presence of the party involved Ara 15b(51); Mei 12a(26); 7am 27b(46); X7Dp pa JI'X X71 '7'a "73 all matters which do not involve capital punishment t : 629 NT1K37 /4naw 116:5; b) w. "7 to not have or possess: 7V7 'Ta X71 VI7 they do not have anything Tan 25a(2); Meg 7a(45); IT7T 'M X3H <T7 n'7T X7X iT7 rather (this refers to a case) where he does not have (anything for covering the blood). In this case also (this refers to) where he does not have (anything) Bes 8a(19); X7ta n'7 rV7T nam since an animal does not have a guardian angel Sab 53b(8); WW n? n'7T it does not have doorstops Er 101a(18); XTUpn m7 JT7 IJn those (cases) do not have a solution //«/ 93a(35); Yom 85b(16); Ket 103a(13); BQ 34b(22); San 109b(l); 7YW 2a(16); HP 66:2; X13 n'7 TVX X71 he does not have a son ^4nan 106:20; ib. 18:14; AnanSch 9:23; «'& 28:14; n3 ]V ri'V there is no objection to it [lit. we have nothing in it] Ber 6b(28); Sab 147a(2); Yev 106b(25); San 47a(15); Bek 27a(22); c) w. -iiyi3: nana n'7 arraV 'xnjna n'?! Ip'J? 73 I do not intend to give him a present at all SSHai 15b(8); b. as neg. of a part.: 1) w. fol. personal pron.: lsg. ,T7 X3WnnV X'J/3 X3X XT711 do not want to be married to him Yev 107b(49) [in a writ]; ray X3X ry>7 'Tl'a 13X1 I do not arrange the affairs of my household San 7b(31) [= GeonH TVDW '3X 1'X 'I1'3 'XSn Wehizhirl 106:1]; pax <]>(im na yr xjx n'Vi I do not know what they are saying Hul 13 7b (34); 2m. 'in nx Jl,7 ]D'll you will not see Nisan Ber 56b (12); rrxa nx ivb na7 why are you not dead? San 109b(39; MGG 312:8); lpl. X3mx TT7 ]3X1 xyiX 7y X'nn IXaraV ]'W' we cannot sell that for the field SSSad 265b: 19; 2) w. fol. deictic pron.: VW2 -jns p ry>7 this (bread) does not need Syrian rue (as a condiment) Ber 40a(15); p JV7 tt?3X "13 this one is not a human being Sab 112b(30); c. w. 3pers. pron. surf, expressing non-existence: 1) general: sg.m. XDa3 n'jT? he is not in the town Ket 94a(23); .Tn'Vr ]Xa3 XBiya W a minority is as if it does not exist Qid 80a(25); nT3a3 wb nn'3D3 mTVl ]T3 since (the ox) is not subject to (the law of) slaughter, it is not subject to (the law of) sale BQ 77b(14); xin3 n'lrx X7i xina n'n'X xn irrvma rvrebt 'ye 11DB the reason (that he is liable) is that he was not there in both cases. Were he, in fact, there in one case and not there in the other, he would be free of liability BM 95b(40); X7 'X13X n'n'7T ]V3 W~lp since (the embryo) ,was not outside (the womb) it was not sanctified Tern 10b(4); f. 73 TTPa nn'7 "I13S3 nn'7T XnVa any matter which is not (an obligation) for a community is not (an obligation) for an individual Pes 69b (3); Xn7'a WX3 nTT^T a matter which does not apply to a man Qid 16a(52); I'ffOTJ 'Sp'B Xn"137 m^ the barraita is not applicable in the face of the Mishna Yev 83b(3); xnmXTa X33ya X7T Xnba |13T73 nri'V something which is not essential by Pentateuchal law is not required by Rabbinical law BM 54a(17); pl.m. irun'7 'asya injfl'X '31 '33ya X7 when (the portions of the sacrifice) are available they are essential (to the ritual. When) they are not available they are not essential Yev 104b(33); f. TDX M3n'7 'IP 'niTTX (if the cakes of bitumen) are there it is permitted. (If) they are not it is forbidden (because of usury) BM 63b(33); 2) w. fol. n. + "7 expressing logical subj.: sg.f. XTia3 n'a'X7 nn'71 his mother is not in the town Er 82b(9); pl.m. '773 'Jn7 VUJV7 these general rules are disregarded [lit. do not exist] Er 46b(30); in'lin1? lnMT? the two of them are not (there) BQ 36a(16); TIT7 inari'? 'X if there is no money ib. 46b(l); f. 'njri'71 ?'X1,1 »»: 'Wl nspn3 'nin'7 nnn2?n3 since women are not in the category of shaving with a razor [lit. destruction], they are not in the category of shaving the hair around the head [lit. encircling] Qid 35b(10) Lit: Goldenberg, 545+; Voc: if? HPP 40:19; Y: rrt Ber 23b(9; BAYTN 333). tOJl'7 n.m. a dry measure (= 1/2 kor; Sy u\$iA LS 372, MH ifl? Yeivin, BV 819) sg. Ket 98b(10) [# I 1#X113]; ib. 99a(15) II Mei 21b(6) Y: tOTV^ Ket ib. n.m. lac, a red substance used in dyeing (< NP lak PED 1127; Sy rdiA LS 366) sg. X'a X37 113 ]y3X1 Ximi a solution of bran with which they moisten lac Pes 42b(23); 'y3 Xpl X377 1'ai? he needs its blood [i.e. of the wild animal] for lac Hul 28a(2; V11) [cf. Ar (AC 4:140, s.v. X3'3')] Lit: Krauss, TAr 1:145; 5S2225; Y: V± Pes ib. adv. at first glance (etym. uncertain)
-isb 630 *Y$ N»m "7XiaW3 X11X3V at first glance (the law) is according to PN Ket 54a(42) [Var: PITD1? x»m (VxiVxiaws LPT 177:25] Lit: Yalon, Studies 211. "tOb I '3 prep. '31? 4- '3 prep. "]3^ vb. to beat into a mixture (4- XT1?; cf. Arab & to hit, buffet Wehr 876) Pe. ( /u): xVl T3JT1 1lV,17 let him do (it) and not beat it into a mixture Sab 134a(12) Lit: Levy, TMW 2:506. n.f. part of a device for fastening loads to an animal (etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 154b(26) [Var: X71X31? GnK5 170:22; XTipxV VTM 164]; ib. 102a(ll) [4- l#X17ia] Geon. expl.: KJ131? » yw^ wwi yyn p -|innw oyin -in GnK5:5, i.e. P[sic!] laxta piece, portion PED 1119 [v. Geig, aac 91, s.v. itraj]; nn ni D'|7Bn nx I'^yaw [?]'n xmi? ib. 170:22; expl. Ar: 13 TOX1? Dlj?B iyXBX3 plpn mi IDS pp fy i?m Bin XVW X:/l» AC 2:90, s.v. 1X'33. Lit: Koh, AC 5:42; Y: XrD1? &jft ib.(BAYTN 87). £h adv. also (4- '131; cf. EA 2#d? DNWSI 578, Sy >i LS 367) m'X D1? X'lH mn X*71 there would not also have been hatred Geon 257:21 Lit: Eps, Stl 77. 1!37, T17 n.m. lamed, the twelfth letter of the alphabet (Sy :u*iJc LS 354) sg. '713 'X xV 'Xfl xm ib 'to ti inVn 'xi xin x1? ^x inVn if /o is written with lamed alef [i.e. xV], it means 'no', and if it is written with lamed waw [i.e. 17], it means 'to him' Sot 31a(5); llBJNJn 3713 xVt "HI na*7 the reason (Scripture) did not write a /ame<i in Tltpj/tf [Dt 22:11] Anan 5:20 [i.e. VriDyw*; v. ib. 51'1]; 131? BMsG 16:5 Y: TO1? 50/ ib. conj. what is the need for, why (4- 'XaX; Ma X'Vxa'V, etc. MD 236) a. w. ~b + preceding complement: 'V naV 171 XH why do I need this additional case [lit. this again]? Er 14a(48); Meg 13a(30); Yev 14a(46); BM 8a(36); Men llb(36); '"7 xa1? '71171 why do I need two (statements)? Zev 97a(45); ,!7 XaV vfrl3 'im why do I need all these things? San 38b(38); Pes 21a(35); MQ 10a(47); b. w. -*? + fol. complement: 'XH "ID1? H'b xa1? why do you need this? Pes 103b(17); Ber 13b(34); Hag 4a(ll); c. w. preceding inf.: "f? na1? '3111 X311 cunning person, why do you deceive (in the manner that you state the tradition)? Yev 91a(38) [+ //'s; 4- V311 pa.; Ket 110a(25); d. w. mb + fol. inf.: na1? rT'lTPB1? Tpb why does he have to learn it? Er 9b(22); Ber 13b(44); Yom 67a(23); Tan 17b(40); Sty 29a(24); 'yi37IB/'X "h niib why do I have to swear? Yev 33a(26); e. w. "V + rel. clause: n,!? naV H'3 (')(ni3t D'ip!3T X"1B0 311? why does PN have to go first and take possession of it (again)? BQ 116a(30); r\b 3TTH n'V na1? Tlbsnm pa why does he have to give her a mattress and a mat? Ket 65a(41; V5); SW 7b(44) Y: nrf^fler 3a(18). ina1? 4- inn adv. bwb 4- "?iy adv. n.m. speaker of a foreign language (Sy k'Ua-S LS 369, MH T15?V J 714) sg. Git 37a(4) [questioned as to the mng. of bl3M1B]; pi. inin ■'W,7 Mak 6b(i\) Y: XliyV Git ib. nV'Jt?, V'J/V adv. upward, above, previously (Sy A> \ LS 369, Ma byb MD 237) 1. upward, above: a. alone: 1) general: XJHX3 X3D'!1? n'XJH x'j'y'? inb H'pTlSl he stuck the lance into the ground and hurled David upward San 95a(47); ib. 77b (42); b^b (X>71171 n'SSfrVl let him turn it upside down [lit. overturn the bottom part upward] Git 69b(6); 'X^TB xVlllim XIB'TI 'XH V'y1? the rooster's eyelid is raised upward Sab 77b(29); W? HD1S I'TBX even if its [i.e. the stuffed animal's] opening (faces) upward Pes 74b(17); "ry1? n'3131? n'1? ma he places its rolled portion on top BB 14b(8); Tan 25a(15); 2) w. ref. to heaven: X7IX1 X^'J^ p'"?0 ]XB who has gone upward (to clarify the matter) and come (back)? Male 23b(18); 3) w. ref. to Eretz Israel: ftpboi X71711? fTinm Xb'y1? those who 'go upward' [i.e. to Eretz Israel], and those who 'go downward' [i.e. to Babylonia] BQ 23b(36); ib. 113b(47); BB 45a(7); b. in phrase ^'yVl ... "8: 1) price: ni©a XW?1! HBTIS from the value of aperuta up SSHai 5b(8); ib. 7a(4); 2) distance: V'yV) "TOW '3B from ft? frgV GN upwards 5er 59b(l 1); gic/ 72a(16); 2. above, previously: x'rj/'? ft^B'm 'IX'iy 1'V'X 1^13 all of these matters which are stated specifically above SSHai 4b(ll); ib. llb(3); 14b(16); SSSad 268:13; TGHark 40:32; ib. 166:25; Dec 10:24; 3. excessively: xV'y1? xnan n'^taV mi3i'^ x'arc jot X^'yb may they excessively strengthen from Heaven our master's [i.e. the Gaon's] fortune Dec 2:5 Voc: xW HGP 2b:21; Y: V'J?1? £r 34b(2; BAYTN 334). - ft? V'J/V prep, above, before (Sy ^ .\ > \ LS 369, mng. 1) 1. above: XT3 ]a 'j'yV above the pit TGHark 86:22; 2. before, in the presence of [4- 'ap1?]: mn -pi mmri 'ia x^'y^ xTib-'x^ Vixu? they asked a question before PN of GN &r6 30a(9; M) [v. Rashi ad loc.]; X71'V'y3 VoSD Til Ity^X p priS' "\a xV'y1? X^'B/l he dragged a bench in an upper chamber of marble in the presence of PN ib. 29b(27); "13 D'Xp mn 'I'M "j'y1? XnDl PN was standing in my presence Hul 54b(16) - ^'J?V» adv. from above, on top '"WXS. xn'Tiai ^'y'ja (the animal) is pulled by ropes from above Suk 23a(43); V'y'ja '13 "f? XlT3yi I- shall make windows for you from above BB 7a(20); Sab 92a(32) [4- nr\Tba]\ Suk 22b(28); Zev 64b(21); 55//a; 6a(10); 5o 56:14; '31 ^a (hair) grows from the top Naz 39a(20); "j'y^a 'Dp XTD1 the fruit floats on top Hul 26b(6); "ry^a 3'713 "7'TX1 "X3T 'Xa (a person) can go (and) write above (the signature) whatever he wishes HP 67:29 [v. BB 167a(6)] 'nV'J/1? 4- 'xb"y adv. abyb adv. 4- xifry n. [D371? 4- Vd'px vb.] ft'ajr1? 4- xi"iy n. K1S? n.m. a prepared dish (< X.ojtd(;, -&5o<; pot Lehnw 318, w. semantic shift: pot > contents of same) sg. XlsV 'l'a ]TW sixty types of prepared dishes Meg 7b(12); Sab 37b(52); BM 84b(5) Lit: Low apud Goldmann, Figue 3915; Y: XIB1? BM ib. n.m. a dish prepared from figs (< ^eniSi L-s 1038) ns1? pni'a psyi ''xm 'ra a type of *\sb figs from which the /.-dish is made Ned 50b(32) [expl. MH I'OBlVs MMas 2:8]; ib. 33 Lit: Low, Flora 1:505. DisV 4- xais n. ftPTSV 4- Xpi'B n. «p^ vb. to join, wrap, swaddle (4- X71B11?, XBIB'"?; Ma tfib join, connect MD 233, s.v. *\i?, Sy ,<\\, ■ ^ V to join LS 369, 362) Pe. 1. to join, join oneself: TV1? I"1? misn '71X the other one may come and join it [i.e. the other's facing to his] BB 4a(51; Es) [* I"l ib. 49]; X7r7ia H3 ^'aVl Bma1? '71'inx to sew and join to it another blank sheet Lucena 240:4; pass.part. 'B'1? I^'a (the water of the bucket and of the irrigation ditch) are closely joined (and are considered as one) Hul 107a(10; v11); '-nrraiV) 'p'os x"?i mm ^b (the two pools) are joined together and are not separated from each other HG3 358:38; 'B'"?13 (in a case) in which (the two garments) are joined BM 100b(2); Svu 43a(38); 'laiV m1? TTim X37! a"n H3 f? TI'1? T'^T "?3X this refers to where he cuts it off [i.e. the limb] completely, but if it is joined there is no objection to it Hul lla(14); '371 '3 HX1311 XB11 IB1?'1? x"?T so that (his daughters) should not join themselves to another body Sab 65b(l); 2. to associate: iV'B1? P'l'X1? m^ 'y3'a X7nn'13 n'2?Bl a person should associate himself to mildness Tan 4a(13; M2); 3. to wrap, roll up: XT"IB3 X"iy xan^T XTIBI I'S'^I they wrap the piece of the unleavened [lit. poor] bread in the whole one TRN 260:13; 'vri? 'Bm HB'D p nB1?'1? 'Bm he should roll it up [i.e. the mezuza] from the end of the lines to the beginning of the lines .ST 496:11 Pa. 1. to join: pass.part. DTpa "IflX T'13 DX1 H'3 «]S(1}^» H'ai'pi T37113 p13T 11B71 IDWH 13inai 'mVy I'a'xim ft"?'x m» 'T 37133 Nnnn"? if the confirmation is on another sheet, and the writ is attached by being sewn (or) pasted, they write: "Its confirmation is joined to it below in the handwriting of these witnesses who are signed on it" SSHai 14b(17) [v. ib.4]; «]B^»1 B'n pi X3713 n'3 this document, sewn and joined to it TGHark 276:13 [v. ib. 389]; 2. to swaddle, wrap: 'BIB1? Xpll' swaddling a baby Sab 66b (27) // ib. 631
ns? 632 t>P? 147b(51) [v. Geon. expl.]; 3. (uncertain): XH1 'pisxi *ptmi xnnx 'nV 'Vvyi ,i»i3,i 'sis1? -oina <X)(1IK;,3,X1 XSSVai ]11D does not (the ball of clay), in fact, lack ..., drying, placing in the furnace, firing, and removing? If, for instance, it was ... and dried BM 74a(28) [Rashi: to mold] Geon. expl. [Pa., mng. 2]: insm» TOK n» p iyi Win pB pWff] ires'rai pin» »a' o-ina] ibu *73 nx nrfriui [p»<3> irool pana p'^JT lyi wnao X'pO'Ba TRN 605:3 [but v. other expl. OHP Sab 27:23]. The mng. of '*?>m 'VlX p 1'B^ini 13 TGHark 159:31 is uncertain. nS7 vb. to smear (MH2 ns? pa. J 716, Akk lapatu [G D] to smear CAD L 86, 90) Itpe./Itpa. to be smeared: xV ns ]rj?3 nS7'»1 'TB XB'^'X XnsV'D x"?1 XD"1 Km xnsV'a if we say we require something which can be smeared, (and) bread cannot be smeared (on something else). Is there not, in fact, the d.-dish which is not smeared (on bread)? Bes 16a(38; V1) ■JX7 vb. to act in an irreverent fashion (denom. < 4- Xir?) Itpa.: T"jn 'IK7'X7 1TO is it permitted to act irreverently towards an object of idolatry? Seel 58:29 ?aj#, -bvpb, -73ip? prep, opposite, towards (Sy ,\^ n<A LS 641) 1. opposite: blpi Dip! wnw stand opposite the sun HM 41:21; 3'n ^Tp1? sit opposite me Hul 122a(42); XplDB XplDS blpb verse by verse antiphonally [lit. verse opposite verse] Sot 40a(8); 2. in front of: xax TW Xian XDVx V'apV my father drank wine in front of a thousand (people) Meg 12b(22); 3. towards: X373'p7 TIXT WK "13 the person who is coming towards us BB llla(37); tfril TIX DX n'V'apV 11BX "|"iri3 if a snake comes after you, say towards it HM 42:16; ib. 45:15; 4. w. var. vbs.: a. VpSJ pe. to prevail against: mVspV pis' (the air of his breath) will prevail against it [i.e. the east wind] San 18b(40); b. Vmp pe. to oppose [Sy ■ \ ~-> no-1 ->i-q PSm 2471]: J'B'pi 7WTX '33 V3 ^Slp1? all people who oppose me Bo 71:5; ib. 90b:2; c. Vom itpe. to oppose: TWuTX p HB f?lp*7 why did you oppose us? 7am 32a(38) Y: KJ^a'pVSB llla(37). DIpV 4- Dip prep. mttip7 4- xmaip n. NttipV n.m. gleaner (4- Vop1? o5?o/-form; MH2 Vlpb J 716) pi. 'BIpV 1T13 'B1P7 gleaners after the gleaners BM 21b(37) [expl. MH nWIBJ MPea 8:1]// Tan 6b(8) Y: 'Dip1? Tan ib.(BAYTN 107). n.m.pi. assembled people (4- VopV, 'XD1p3) BM 83b(5; HAr [AC 5:379, X"D]) XWpb n.f. beating, defect (4- V'pV; TA primp1? TO Dt 32:32) 1. beating: sg. X1H 'mpV 31X V'X3B1 it is through beating that (flax) splits apart Yom 71b(31) // Zev 18b(42); 2. defect: sg. xmpV XTPna XB31X1 'B31X3 X11TI a white (spot) on black (skin) and a black on white is a defect (in an animal) Git 68a(7); XTI Xmpb ttnipl xnp the horn of a <?.-animal is a defect BB 16b(30); XSS 13 tf'3YI nmp1? the defect (given) by PN Hul 43a(4) [v. ib. 42b(19)]; ib. 55a(22) Y: Xmp^ Ci? ib.(BAYTN 31). Mp7 vb. to hold (< BH 1# rip1? HAL 507; JudA npb haf. JDS2 18:68 [nrtpn], itpe. MKet 4:11, ace. to BT Ket 53b [inp^TT]) Ittaf. to be held: T&a npn*XT (the stem of the lulav) was held by something HP 32:7 = HG1 347:19 [= GeonH 1313 imOW HR 28:3] On the legal usages of this H vb. in A, v. Greenfield in Y. Yadin et al., The Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters, Jerusalem 1989 142+. Up? vb. to gather, take, pick up, glean (i XBipV, 'XBIp1?, VDpi; Sy ,\,n\ LS 370, Ma mb MD 230) Pe. 1. to gather, collect: lanDS'X inx ns rronixVi n'Bp7'i37 they had to collect it [i.e. the oral tradition] and to teach it in a unified fashion iSGF 59:6; ib. 27:11; 29:16; 39:10; 2. to take, hold, maintain [4- Vopl pe., mng. 1.1]: a. in a physical sense: pass.part. X1BW B'pVl ]XB n,-l3nx one who holds a writ against another TGHark 110:13 [v. n. 1]; ,131X13 XB'pV she holds a ketubba TGAs42 27:14; b. in a fig. sense: 1X1 Wpb ,_I311'laV if you maintain it with regard to the number of men TGHark 193:27; BpV'BV linmaVn to maintain their talmud iSGF 52:8; pass.part. X1XHM 'B'pbl XBJ? "W the rest of the people who maintain the custom TGHark 30:23; ib. 20; 118:10; 202:11 [v. n. 1]; OHT Yev 78:2 Pa. 1. to gather: Bp"7B Xp mm he was gathering T* 633 'xnn? (the dates) Gi'f 61a(9); Ber 44a(10); 2. to glean (< denom. BH vpb Lev 19:9): VTVa IH'33 'Dp7B their [i.e. the poor people's] children glean after them BM 12b(3); lmm T.T13 Dip1?'1?! in? xm they want their children to glean after them ib. 2; 21b(41); Git 47a(40); 3. to pick up food [MH tsp? pi. J 717]: rrjr I'D'pVa .TaerVa B'p1? X7ii (we) feed [lit. cause to pick up] (an animal) which did not pick up (the fodder) with its tongue Sab 156a(13) Af. to cause an animal to pick up food: Sab ib. [4' Pa., mng. 3] Itpe. to be harvested: TT1 'im "inVx1? DpV'ai it is harvested immediately all together HG3 386:21 Lit: Eps, Stl 126. 'p7 vb. to be sick, receive lashes (4- XfllpV, 'j?? adj., XJIVp'ja; JPA ^7 DJPA 286) Pe. 1. to be sick: 'SB ">*? 'pVa 'pV-JI (drinking it) makes one who is sick even sicker AZ 31b(27); 2. to be smitten: T"pV 'lyw the barley was smitten BM 106b(31); Ber 36b(34); 3. to receive lashes: 'X ipX? '3'n inrX 'pX1? Vb ln'X if he does not receive lashes, how can they receive lashes? San 86b(12); ib. 89b(10); 'p?'1? 'M xp?'a let him indeed also receive lashes Nid 46b(6); Mak 18a(7); Naz 38b(22); Hul 91a(29); Tern 3b(39); Ket 32b(8); Naz 17a(13); Svu 37a(6) Af. 1. to make s.o. sick: X'p?ai ]V3 since (this food) makes one sick Sab 113b(22); AZ 31b(27) [v. Pe., mng. 1]; 2. to punish with lashes: '"\ mu byn xnsi xinn1? n"p?x x?'«? PN punished with lashes a certain man who had sexual intercourse with a pagan woman Ber 58a(37); "ia msai 'p"7» xntJIT PN used to punish with lashes and proclaim (the reason) Qid 81a(16); Mak 16b(19); Hul 80a(16); ib. 63a(18; H2) Lit: Nold, ZDMG 54 [1900] 156. 'P? adj. inferior, defective (4* V'p1? pe., pass.part., XTTPpba; MH2 '1p? J 718) sg.m. 'a31X X'pV 'rn'ria a black (ox) among white ones is defective (in a herd) Naz 31b(29); pl.f. 'B'ri XDX'p? defective wheat 73Af 106b(31; TGAs28 58:16) KD'pV n.m. a type of worker (< MH2 Wpb J 719) sg. rrtrp? HG1 261:65 1^'p^ adj. late flowering (TA P'p1? TO Dt 11:14, Sy re*, y ;,n\' LS 370) a. general: sg.m. T33 DX y:" Xiri3 VpVl if an early flowering and late flowering (plant) sprout together San 18b(35); b. in PN: Wp*? n Meg 28b(46); BM 84a(49) Y: tf'p^ San ib. '»p? 4- 'ap prep. N3p'7 n.m. basin, bowl, etc. (< A.eK&vr| Lehnw 319; TA xip1? TJ Jud 6:38[Var], Sy ^in\' LS 370) sg. X'aT X3pV a basin of water Sab 143a(31); ib. 12a(39); X3p"7 xarm a gold bowl 5g l I3b(28); n'1? xs?pnpa mn Xjp^a 'Tliax XIDn [3T m] PN's daughter used to rattle nuts in a bowl (against demons) Ber 62a(29; G§ 96:17) [O: X31p?a] Geon. expl.: Q'O'? W1K V>WTyw Tiy '^>3 NW1 D'OH ran OHP Sab 5:11; Lit: Brand 263; Y: (Up1? Sab 12a(39). n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.) pi. "-apV //M/63a(ll) Y: 'jpb Hut ib. tf nV 4- xwn n. ait&7, db;V 4- xaa? n. ]t^7 vb. to slander (denom. < 4- (Xtf'a) X1B?'1? n.; JPA ]Vb pa. DJPA 287, MH2 J»V hif. J 720; cf. Sy ^xi pa. to pronounce LS 371) Af.: mn '3 n'Vj? yvbtt when he slandered him again Sab 56a(43); mn Dip n'ty I'U/Vxi 'W 13 in Dpi a Jew stood up and slandered him before the merchants TGAs28 27:26 nnn? 4- nnn adv. JUT? vb. to wash grain (JPA rut? DJPA 287, MH T\rb LNVTH 204) Pe. (/u): mnV'J 'M nn?a let him also thoroughly wash (the wheat for the meal offering) Pes 36a(36); ib. 40a(21); 27 Nnn? 4- xnn adj. 'Nnn7 4- xnn adj.
K» 634 T ft N» 4- na pron. "13Na 4- "OX prep. 'snaxa 4 'xns adv. nX», du. iriKfi, 'TlNa num. hundred (4- nXB '3, s.v. 1# '3; TA nXB TO Gen 5:3, du. j/iXB ib. 11:19, Sy tK'xL^a, du. ^nd-bo, pi. rc'&Xrdio LS 372, Ma 2#XS, du. TJ1XB MD 238) sg. 'TIT nXB one hundred zuzim Ket 91b(20); nxa nVn three hundred £a£ 149b(49); nXB 5?3nx four hundred Ber 20a(20); nXB WBn five hundred Er 14b(4); nXB Jl'W six hundred .Kef 80a(13); nXB 5?3tt? seven hundred fie?- 28a(14); nXB 'lan eight hundred Xef 106a(21); 'BVx nxa 100,000 Gi'.f 57a(23); TGHark 204:12; XJIX'jnnX nXB one hundred additional (fast days) BM 85a(46); p'DpjB mn nxa nxaa n'V we used to take one hundred (pieces of fruit) apiece for him Er 30a(31); 713 yiV nxa one hundred year old (tube) AZ 28b(25); 'BV nymxi 1'rTOl nxa rbn three hundred and sixty-four days Yom 20a(5); du. X'llPl nXB3 ]3T 'J1XB he bought for one hundred {zuzim) and it is worth two hundred BM 108a(36); Qid 20b(30); jnun inxa two hundred and seven Er 83a(18); Meg 15b(48); BQ 115a(30); ]Xnxa S$Hai 2a(9); X'JBTll T5?3"1X1 ]J1B two hundred and forty-eight Bo 142:9 Lit: Friedman, BM VI:115104 w. lit.; R. Steiner, Tarbiz 65 [1995] 33+; on the du., cf. the obscure phrase: Jinn ]WB 'IIP 'TIT HXD V31X melon, melon1. It is worth four hundred zwz/'m Ber 20a(22); Voc: HXB HGP 4a: 14; ifixa ib. 13a:8; Y: HXO BAYTN 329; lfix? Er 83a(15; Mo 116). iniNS adj. postdated (< MH2 "lniXB [TOP] BB 164b(ll); BY 155; 4, Vl#"inx pa.) pl.m. '1»» nmxa postdated documents 55 171b(28) "T inxa conj. since (JPA m "lnXB DJPA 288, MH2 -V IflXB J 41) only in phrase "1 "inN!? '31 conj. since (cf. MH 'W "inXB J 41) ''BXi "inXB '31 X'ya'B '"in in since even one (who studies the Torah is rewarded), is it necessary (to state also) two? Ber 6a(38); ib. 41; n3 X3T aJVin'XI "inXB '31 'xV'nX since PN was refuted Pes 30b(5); inXB '31 VxiBttH 'ma 'JVU1B3 pm since we learnt in our Mishna according to PN Ket 54a(41); "inXB '31 Dna in"?Bn since they sent from there [i.e. Babylonia] lev 87a(16; V11); Pes 66a(46); Tan 3b(l); AW 55a(30); Sot 9a(17); g;rf 54b(5); 5g 19b(ll); San 5a(30); 5eyfc 3b(40) 1# 'Na, "» interrog.pron. what (< pXB* w. loss of final n and intervocalic d Nold, MG 902; 4- 'Xn 'XB, 'Xax, na, ma) a. in direct question: 'Via 'XB 'Xn what? So much? Men 53a(29); Qid 30a(31); 'Xn 'Xa what is this? Tan 25a(10); MQ 25b(2); in'3 'XBl what is it? Sab 78a(25); Suk 52b(41); X'Wlp 'XBl what difficulty is there? Pes 109b (5) [4- X'tthp mng. 2]; XBytJ 'XB what is the reason? Pes 6a(13); Xnn33 mia 'XB what is n'-)13 [M§ab 9:5]? Sulfur Sab 90a(12); #// 26b(ll); n'Tirai 'XBl what was his deceit? Meg 13b(ll); Pes 8a(41); maiy 'XB what is your occupation? Tan 22a(14); n'V T3yx 'XBl what can I do with him? Bes 21a(12); n'V Tip 'XBl what do they call it? MQ 13b(34); "p3B 'XB what blessing does he recite? Anan 18:21; 'XaVrn pn X'V'V3 XJ'tn 'XB what shall I see tonight in my dream? Ber 56a(2); 'XB3 X131 Xinm rrn by what means is your punishment (after death)? Git 56b(49); San 15b(34); XBHp'B ID 'XB3 with what then is she betrothed? BQ 99a(33); Hor 4a(30); Hul 36b(25); 'JW'X 'XB3 in what way can I change (myself)? San 96a(l); nnapiX 'XB3 in what way did you establish it [i.e. the case in the Mishna]? Meg 19b(38); 'XB7 XlVs half of what? Bek 58a(7); b. in indirect question: xay 'Xa 'in j?13 ■1 'Na 635 'Na -Q7 go out (and) see how the people act [lit. what are the people acting?] Er 14b(35); X^T mn XV "iBXp 'XB I did not know what he was saying MQ 28b(33); c. in var. legal phrases: 1) XD'X 'Xa "IB'bV what can one say? [lit. what is there to say it?] Pes 26a(41); Yom 47b(23); Yev 23a(42); BQ 21b(30); 2) nB'BV -f? Tl'X 'XB xVx but what do you have to say? Sab 144b(6); RH 13a(33); BM 7a(l); Ara 12a(33); 3) mB'BV 'XB pan 'X =] 'am if so, why state it? [lit. what is it to say?] RH 22b(13); Suk 19a(26); Git 60b(35); BM 7b(37); 4) 'XB "lTV'xV Van what does (the word) Van (in MHag 1:1 come) to include? Hag 2a(15) [4- V'flX af, mng. 6]; 5) in'J'3 'XB what is (the legal difference) between them? Er 55b(42) [4- 'J'3 mng. 1]; 6) n'V 'ya'n 'Xai what is his problem? [lit. and what does he ask?] Sab 28a(24); 7) "\TOV 'ys 'Xa 'T3 what is your writ doing in my possession? BB 70a(30) [4- V'y3 pe., mng. 9]; 8) 13 'ry'Vx 'ia I'ri'jnaV naipix1? kti 'it n'pnn 'xai 3py what compels [lit. what is the pressure of] PN to interpret our (anonymous) Mishna according to PN2? Er 88b(12) [4- l#Xj?im mng. lc]; 9) n"?y 'in 'Xa what is the decision concerning it? [lit. what happens there upon it?] Sab 78a(5); Yom 49a(41); Yev 64b(32); Qid 50b(25); BM 54b(27); 10) n»TH 'Xa why ... ? [lit. what did you see?] Git 45a(7) [4- V'tn pe., mng. 5]; 11) na'nx xayt) 'Xai what is the reason (that) you laughed? Ber 18b(49); Tan 22a(22); Git 22a(27); AZ 17b(31); 12) IX1? 'XB is it not so that ... [lit. what? Is it not ...?] Pes 23b(l) [4- IXV mng. I.2.d.3]; 13) 3TI3T 'Xa what is it that is written (in Scripture)? Sab 31b(19) [fol. by verse]; Meg 18a(23); Sot 5a(42); Bek 12a(49); 14) nra Xps: 'Xa1? what is the practical difference? [lit. concerning what does it follow from it?] Sab 21a(l) [4- VpS3 pe., mng. II.4]; 15) P'p'oy 'Xaa xan what are we dealing with in this case? Ber 20b(37) [4- Vpoy pe., mng. 2.b.l]; 16) 'iVS'B Xp 'XB3 in what do they differ? RH 26b(43) [4- VjVs itpe., mng. 2]; 17) Xapi 'XB what is going on/taking place? [lit. what is it that stood?] Pes 3b(42) [but v. 1 Voip note]; 18) 'XB nxip what is the biblical verse (which serves as a prooftext)? Sab 32a(16) [I l#X1p usage b.3]; 19) T'tf 'Xm T'S? 'Xa T'Wl X:n (the Tanna) transmitted (some matters) and omitted (others). What (other matters) did he (also) omit since he has omitted this? Yev 21b(50) [4- Vl"tf pa., mng. 3]; 20) p yaitfB Xp 'XB what (legal tradition) does (the Tanna) impart to us? Yev 117b (31); 21) 'XB XW what is the difference? RH 20a(26) [4- Vl#'Jltf pe., mng. la]; KM "B BM 16a(50; TGAs33 235b:8); 22) miaVn 'XB what is its (scriptural) teaching? Sab 149a(42) [4- XliaVn mng. la]; d. w. fol. n. [Nold, MG 3421; cf. JPA na + indef. n. DJPA 293, mng. 2]: p3H ]'5?T in"ina p'lay xms'D na 'xV(3){3!3 do our Babylonian colleagues know what a favor we are doing for them? RH 20a(19); 'XB Trm xn XiTXH 13m Xns'JlB come (and) let us review whatever literary unit that they studied today BQ 117a(39; GTB2 201:15) Lit: Bacher 105; Eps, Gr 28; Voc: 'Xa HGP 28b:27; Y: 'X» Ber 6a(33; BAYTN 339). — "T 'Na, "1 'a rel. pron. that which, what (4- na, lHB; Sy -n r^k LS 372, Ma "I XB MD 237) mn mm 'XBl that which was-was BM 62a(34); Yom 37a(6); MQ 25a(21); Ket 3a(34); 'i'lnx lTXn xVi 'a what others did not see TGAs42 52:17; 'B 'WIX'JTI X3I?(a)Xn 'a VlDTl XJS'ttn 'B *\wm X3('r)m'l»1 you should eat what I eat, and drink what I drink, and rub what I rub Bo 125:7; Xin H'TH 0'sm 'XB what he is holding belongs to him BM 3a(45); 'Vl 'Vn 'XB 'Vj X1? 'Vl xm 'Xai what he revealed he revealed. What he did not reveal he did not reveal MQ 7b(20); Git 75a(8); Tern 13b(10); ]B Tfb 'tm 'XBl n,!?ia xnxin that which is due to him from the entire profit SSSad 209:11; M'nnx pajn 'XB what others do Anan 6:1; T3y map xn'H 'XB He does what He wants Ber 10a(50); 'XB3 n'V xn'3 'nBXpT he is satisfied with what they say BQ 73b(32); BM 49a(14); Zev 30b(4); Bek 34b(l 1); psa xV psi xVn 'xaV psa ps:n 'xa1? it applied to what was specified. It did not apply to what was not specified Yev 7b(4); BB 6a(25); Zev 48b(20); mm X3'XT 'XaV 'Vp^l '311 inx the robbers come and take what he has with him BM 32b(10) 'KB adv. 4- 'B adv.
cxa 636 latt O'NB adj. repulsive (4- VoXB pe., pass.part.) pl.f. XTIXO'XBI XTlXp'Vos in the case of boiled and repulsive (wheat) Pes 34a(l; CE1) XrnO'NS n.f. repulsiveness (i O'XB) sg. 313T 'JUD'XB a fly is (an object of) repulsiveness Git 6b(39); XIVlO'XBi 'V'B repulsive things Qid 8ia(5i); xmcxa oiwb x'sin tiw kVt 'xn the reason he does not drink foam is because of repulsiveness Hul 105b(30; Ar [AC 2:197, s.v. D0"13]); Men 69a(39) [of wheat seeds in cow dung] Y: Xrno'XO Git ib.(BAYTN 176). -]N» i "p adj. 1#]N», p pron. who?, whose (Sy ^ LS 393, Ma 1#]NB MD 246) a. in dir. questions: 1) alone: a) subj.: Xll'l p who are they? Pes 50a(16); Meg 13b(38); Git 57b(20); Qid 81b(ll); ]X» XJTC?n 7V57 'am 'yX3 now, who will pray for us? San 37a(29); AZ 19b(32); X1? 'THH D"r> D'lm IX 3"n'B (1)(])3 )XB '3"IT» if priests, Levites, and Israelites are not obligated, who, then, is obligated? RH 29a(39); n'Bi 'Xfll' 13*7 n'yilX ]XB "ID'p has anyone informed [lit. who has informed] PN that the emperor has died? Sab 33b(34); Tan 23a(47); I'TW^H X1H ]XB1 who will strike me? Ber 56a(43); BM 86a(30); ]33"l lim Xn Xin ]XB who learned what the scholars learned (in the following barraita)! Pes 78b(48); XM ]XB1 ~iaXT H'1? nyBCH who is the Tanna whom you have heard say ...? ib. 115a(17); Yom 39a(28); Qid 15a(33); Bek 25b(19); 5er 25b(43); X3'X |XB TXH XB^y1? 'nxi xpw 'XH3 is there anyone in this public place who will be coming to the world to come? Tan 22a(l 1; M2); Yev 121b(39); b) obj.: "ITO1 p whom shall we send? Tan 21a(41); 2) fol. prep.: a) "X: n"»"in ]XBX to whom will you attribute it? [i.e. our Mishna] MQ 2b(3); b) X3'Vx "?: ]XB1 X3'Vx according to whom? Sab 112a(33); AZ 52a(41); c) HH3: n'TTOl ]XB '1,13 with whom should we send it? San 109a(l); d) "3: ]Xa3 according to whom (is it)? Pes 8b(17); 'yiBXI 'TXpx XlTXn p'Vsa ]Xa3 according to whom do we pray nowadays for the sick and the unwell? RH 16a(39) // Ned 49b(l); XH x"?TX ]XB3 X'lm with whom does what is learnt (in a barraita) agree? Er 26b(10); Tan 17a(27); Naz 39a(5); rf1? XT3D ]Xa3 in with whose opinion [lit. according to whom] do you agree? BB 95b(26); '3'1 ]B3 pxi according to whom should we act? Pes 103b(10); BQ 70b(27); Hul 104a(2); e) ]113: ]X» ]113 like whom? Yev 63b(3); 55 8b(42); f) -V. ixa"? nan IXa1? nax 'amar to whom? hamar to whom? £r 53b(13) [spoken in 'Galilean' dialect]; Ket 109a(18); BM 45a(4); 3) in cs. or "1-phrase whose: IflXp ]Xa TQIi in^lS what is the ultimate source of all of them? [lit. from whose strength] Git 29b(28); ]XBl xniBTia XB'p in whose possession it is BM 116b(12); pis 'a"?J?3 '10 Xp ixan Xy3'B 'in go out (and) see whose coinage is current [lit. walks in the world] Svu 6b(35); Sab 23a(47); b. in indir. questions: rf?Vp p yv mm X3'1? there was no one who knew who killed her Pes 50a (17); H13X ]J'yT 'a Xin )Xa do we know who his father is? Yev 100b(17); Ned 8a(22); BQ 104a(l) The phrase fpy 1X0 Bek 31b(23; FL'lVl) seems to mean in the context 'the one who has stung (me)' and thus exceptionally the rel. pron. is missing; Y: 1X0 Yom 18b(10; BAYTN 339) - "7 )S8 rel. pron. whoever, one who (-1 ]XB "?3 1# "I; Sy -a ^ LS 393, Ma "I 1KB MD 246) ]XB 'BXi the one who says Qid 72b(ll); 3.T xVl ]XB KT1T n'1? whoever did not pay him a zuz Ber 56a(l 1); 'Xnp '^TIS1? yT xVl ]XB1 one who does not know how to interpret biblical verses Yom 10a(33); '11 B'm ]XB the one who expounds waws San 21a(32); Yev 52a(17); SSHai 17a(20) - "1 ]N73 'Nil rel. pron. whoever, one who (Sy -* ^n oro; v.'Nold, SG § 236; MG 3462) ]XB 'Xn Xri3W3 in3T one who (is born) on Sunday Sab 156a(23); XIXSp1? Xixa 3'n'l ]XB 'Xn one who gives a garment to a fuller ib. 19a(37); ]XD 'Xn Xmiyo n'V JVXT one who has a meal Yom 75b(3); Meg 13b(40); Git 70a(25); Yev 103a(16); BQ 30a(33); BB 98a(25); Hul 16a(7) [and passim] - 1373 pron. who is he? (< Xin ]X»; Sy oiii LS 393, Ma 11XB MD 246, s.v. 1#]X») 11B "JTIX *7X1B2? who is Arioch [cf. Gen 14:9]? Samuel Sab 53a(32); BB 115b(18); DWB W'p^> wn 'ax '3n ,11'in '"l 11731 n3T X"I31 PN said so in the name of a great man. And who is he? PN2 AZ 30a(17); 637 X1N73 Sab 1568(17); Suk 53a(30); Yev 83b(ll); BB 88a(5); San 10b(39); Hul 93a(44); 10 1113 who are you? [i.e. what is your name?] Pes 86b(18) YiUO&ift 140b(31;Mo89). - '3» pron. who is she/it? (< X'n ]XB) a. general: 'IB xVx lia p»'n Xs? X33X W'l'X 'IXp '31 when someone cries out at the door, do not say: "Who is it(m.)?" but: "Who is it(f.)?" Sab 140b(31); b. in legal usage: 1) alone: XJI'lTIB XH '3 Xn3"?n nh X'H V"2 '1B1 the halakha is not according to this Tannaitic source. And (according to) who(m) is it? Beit Shammai Ber 23b(9); Meg 5a(36); Ket 36a(5); BB 124b(9); Hul 50a(15); 2) in Xn 'IB (according to) who(m) is this?: Sab 55b(17); BQ H4a(44); Kar 10a(28); 'IB XH Yev 3a(33); Qid 60a(17); Kar 18a(31); Nid 30a(21); 3) in phrase 1'JViriB 'IB (according to) who(m) is our Mishna?: Pes 28a(35); RH 16a(15); Yom 59a(23); Meg 4b(20); Ket 64b(21); BM 51a(38); BB 156b(31); Men 93a(7); Bek 9b(7); 'IB Xn'inB Pes' 86a(35); 'IB X^'iriB 'in according to whom are these barraitotl Er 71a(18); c. other: 'IB HVT1 (according to) who(m) is the first part of the Mishna? BQ 50a(28); 'IB XnS'O 0J1D (according to) who(m) is an anonymous statement of the Sifral Yom 41a(l) // Qid 53a(27) // Bek 61a(16) //Kar 22a(4\) These phrases always refer to the question of the identity of the tradent of an anonymous Tannaitic source. — Nirn ]H1i pron. someone (Sy oco:\ Jzt PSm 2152) Xim ]XB H'1? 'BX someone said to him Er 17a(4); Bes 27a(15) // MQ 22a(24) // Hul 50a(22) Y: XWT ]Xa Bes ib. 2# )K» pron. what (I 2# "I ]XB *?3; Sy ^ LS 393) a. alone: 'tn ]XaV for what is it suitable? Suk 20b (16); n'SnSl ]XB '1.T3 with what should we combine it? Svu 5b(19); X1SD1? 'XD1S HXp ]XB3 T3T according to what do the Persians call the scribe dibirl AZ 24b(53); 131 ]XB (in) what does he excel? Hul 54a(18); 'y3TlBT ]xaa 'SB more than what is required Seel 69:29(Var); '"TOT ]XB nasn n'V isya1? what he is permitted to do for him on the Sabbath ib. 111:17(Var); x"?X D'WB xb p'TBT ]XB he only pays for what he damages ib. 128:17(Var); b. w. fol. n. [cf. Sy rdi4iv>-. klL^s what sort of advantage? Eccl 1:3; v. Nold, SG § 181]: n'"?y rnoa xp n3n xi3i ]xa 'tn xn come and see what sort of great man affirms concerning it [i.e. what he did] Ber 30b(ll) // Hul 7a(28) Lit: Eps, Gr29; id., Stl 121. - W» pron. what is it? (< Xin ]XB; Sy oi^a LS 393) 11B 'yT xp mn X1? they did not know what it was MQ 17a(55) - "T |K»3 conj. as if (Sy -a r<J» vyr? LS 14, JPA "\ p2 DJPA 261) only in phrase ]XBD "\ + vbVri'X + 'B1: 'BT '"7BT ]XB3 Xri'3 a house is considered as if it is full Er 76b(14); JXBD 'BXT n'SriSX rv1? nxm it is considered as if he is carrying it on his shoulders Meg 8a(19); l"yx 1BXT '"7'na Hbl ]XB3 'VOnCian even though they are circumcised, they are considered as if they are not circumcised Yev 71a(30); XB'p XIX'3111?! ]T3 'BT X'31T ]XB3 since it is ready for collection, it is considered as if collected BM 110b(5); ]Xa3 'BXT n'TT1?! it is as if it does not exist Zev 18b(26); 1BT 'ms'aT ]Xa3 (bunched up foods) are considered as if they are broken off Hul 73a(5); Ber 28a(51); Pes 37b(2); BQ 48a(36); San 89a(54); Men 1 lb(38); Xfl^'B Xm3TTXT 11'D 'BXT in'S!X3 xmsn'XT ]XB3 Xl'T '33 since the matter was clarified in court, it is considered as if it was clarified in their presence TGHark 111:26; ib. 276:34; XnniX 'W ]'B'paT HB'X "?3T 'I'D ina mVsp inrxi po [xiam] 'ap ibt '3n whenever the Jews observe the Torah, they seem to the Merciful One as if they had received it at Mt. Sinai AnanSch 26:22; Anan 14:19 Lit: Satzlehre 254+; Sok, Lesonenu 33 [1969] 141125li; Y: 1X03 -T Ber 21b(l). N3N73, K373, cs. ]H1i n.m. vessel, utensil, garment, plowshare (V'lX; i 2#X113; TA XlS TO Lev 15:22, Sy Klircl^a LS 373, Ma 1#X1XB MD 246; cf. Akk unutu vessel AHw 1422) 1. vessel, utensil: a. general: sg. X1BB X*I3'W 1DXE7 XiaV they used to pour out i.-beverage from one vessel to another Sab 139b(44); X1XB X'TO xynxb Xll'XB she threw a vessel from the roof to the ground Ket 104a(10; MGG 872:6); XT3J1X1B
0N» 638 NTna "I3n he broke a broken vessel BQ 17b(51); ib. 49 [4- l#xnm mng. 1]; Sab 105b(43); Yom 78b(36); Sab 74b(12) // AZ 38a(31) [4- Vty» pa.]; pi. US xn"?DBB 'X3B '"7 remove my vessels for me from the rato 5mA: 29a(ll); xntf'BOTYT 'iXB utensils (for various) uses SSHai 2a(17); 'JNB ran XiOlpsn certain vessels (stuck together) with resin /4Z 33b(18; JP1); b. materials: 1) clay: sg. xmn mim X3B a new clay utensil AZ 75b(38); Ninsn X3XB clay vessel Tan 7a(53); Anan 48:17; 1BX1 xnnST '3 'Bi X'llpn '1XB vessels with <?.- glaze are also like clay [i.e. they are absorbent] HP 16:3; 2) metal: sg. X3,mi X9Dm X3XB a vessel of silver and gold Tan 7a(54); pi. Xtmn '3XB '3'B xVnSTl various types of bronze and iron utensils SSHai 18b(14); 3) wood: pi. 10X151 'JXB wooden vessels Anan 44:8; ib. 58:8; 4) leaves: pi. 'JXB 'Xini vessels (woven) of palm leaves HM 44:17; c. parts: sg. X3B1 XB1B the opening of the vessel AZ 71b(12); XJB1 XT1X the (internal) space of the vessel ib. 5; X3B1 n'U the inner part of the vessel ib. 72b(9); HP 6:8; X3B1 n'331 the side of the vessel Yom 48a(l); X3B1 xn'yiX the bottom of the vessel AZ 71b(6); d. designations: sg. XJB xV"31 measuring vessel Bes 29a(39); pi. '3XB X'ffltfB 'JB ... X^D'B eating/drinking vessels Suk 48a(24); '"1XX1 '^m '3XB1 Xnapi 'JXB1 vessels for flour, spices, and condiments HP 25:3; '3B Xttnpa '31 the Temple vessels Meg 1 lb(42); 2. instrument, pi. gear: sg. OHT Git 9:12 [musical instrument]; pl.cs. X3"lp '3XB instruments of war HM 44:14; det. X^l n'iXB "W'xV mn'B1? Xy3 n"sax he wanted to return to bring his gear, but he was unable (to do) it BM 84a(41); 3. garment: a. general: sg. X3XB XinnV nni'rY? to wash that garment Anan 64:26; Sab 140b(26); pi. '3XB '3Xn W±> Dip put on these garments right away Meg 16a(16); Er 27b (10) [+ //'s; 4- V?3' af.]; '3XB 'V'XW borrow garments Ket 63a(7; V5); 'nrnsa n'JxaV in1? nxp pnr 'n pn used to call his garments 'my honorers' Sab 113a(47) // BQ 91b(25) // San 94a(50); SSHai 2a(16); Ber 6a(ll) [4- Vl#'^3 pe.]; HP 115:15 [4- Vl#'"?3 itpe.]; Zev 35a(17; V") // Pas 65b(9) [I VoiX itpa.]; rG/f.?42 166:10; BB 153a(27) [4- V'tfB af.]; xniD^BI '3XB royal garments Meg 16a(17); tJ'nm TOBb WW WrYW he removed his garments, discarded them, and ran away Yom 84a(6); 1,'JXB TV rend your garments (as a sign of mourning) Yev 116b(ll); Anan 89:3; ib. 4; b. w. designations: sg. Xy3'X1 X3XB a dyed garment Sab 19a(35); ife 38; pi. XiXn'SI 'JXB linen garments MQ 18b(4) [cf. Sy: rds^_o:\ rdjriLbb Ezek 24:17]; 4. plowshare [cf. MH 'V? MPea 2:2, NB uniitu implements of a plowing ox AHw 1423, mng. 9c]: sg. X3B B'pri the one who holds the plowshare BM 80a(8) [expl. MH lj?ij7 Mib. 6:4]; 5. legal instrument: sg. Wlplib TOYI X3B n'3 an instrument which is fit for acquiring possession BM 47a(53) [quoted from a legal document] Lit: Friedman, BM VI 20327 [mng. 4]; on Slf ]XOT X03 'miTTI XD'Jin a goblet of... : of translucent glass [double rdg.] Ber 31a(3); xnp' ]xa ib. 28a(2), v. 4- KTpjB; Voc: H':x6 HPP 30:18; Y: n'JXO BAYTN 8. 0N» vb. to be repulsive (4- D'XB, xniO'XB; BH 1#DXB pe., nif. HAL 513) Pe., pass.part. repulsive: a. alone: O'XBI 'TB ... O'XB Xm 'TB something which is not repulsive/repulsive Ber 50b(44); Sab 59a(23); O'XBI DY0B Yom 63b(35) [of a sacrifice w. blemishes]; X^> X3n 'D'XB Onn 'D'XB in that case they are repulsive. In this case they are not repulsive Zev 77b(13); Yev 100a(3); Tern 28a(21); 'V'131 [XD'XB =] "XB DXB'B Xm n'3'B 'EH'X since (idolatry) is, in fact, quite repulsive, and people distance themselves from it AZ 68b(27); Bes 39a(21); Pes 28a(23); Yev 71a(6); BB 19b(26); Bek 41a(43); b. w. 'b, 'by. TCb 'D'XB (the water) is repulsive to him Sab 100b(45); 'X"?y D'XB he is repulsive to me Ket 63b(25) Itpe. to be repulsive: 'DXB'B '3m XDXB'B Kb J1S bread does not become repulsive (in various usages). These [i.e. the olives] become repulsive Sab 50b(18); in'13JX lOXB'B xp IS^n'1? let them perform halisal They will be repulsive to their husbands Yev 15a(9); ]DXB'V let them be repulsive ib. 10 N10NH n.m. type of demon (lit. binding; 4- VlOX) pi. nOXB Bo 36:9; ib. 12 NTiaa n.m. type of demon (lit. scatterer, i?naa 639 K'vua disperser; 4- Vm3) pi. 'T73B ]VU1 Bo 61:3; ib. 6; 8; 9 j?!"iaa adj. clear, distinguished (VpH3 af., pass.part.; CPA ruimi Mark 9:3, MH2 pn31B J 143; cf. Sy K'&o-nm -i "n brightness LS 61) 1. clear: sg.f. xn"7'B xpnsa 'XII the matter is certainly clear Geon 154:10; pl.m. 'p,13B 'piTB clear answers OHT Ket 321:18; 2. distinguished: sg.m. pn3BT X"ISD a distinguished scribe Git 86b(5); pn3B xVl 'DD3 ib.; xp,131B XJ31 our distinguished master OHT Sab 16:26; pl.m. 'pnaa 'l"7BB xnX131 outstanding distinguished scholars OHT Pes 18:6 HNiaa n.m. alley (< MH '13B Yeivin, BV 1023; 4- *nX13B 13, s.v. 1# X13 mng. 9; JPA '13B DJPA 289) sg. ,1X13B in Sab 59b(36); Ket 77b(24); |M13 '3131 '131 'in ,T3 n«Tl nX13B an alley in which two great men like you [lit. the scholars] dwell Er 68a(6); ib. 63b(21); 74a(27); 74b(l); nX13B Xinn3 YIP nin 3m PN was sitting in a certain alley ib. 15a(39); BB 60a(28); ... xV'aB? ]21 nX13BT the path of this alley SSHai 6a(l) Y: nxian Sab ib. Njnaa n.m. spring (4- Vy33; TA J?13B TJ Jer 18:14, Sy rdlo S ^ LS 412) sg.abs. (X>5?13B 'B //M40:18; pi. 'JTOB1 'T3 "?D all wells and springs SSHai 6b(9) Kmaa 4- x-na n. '3'3a 4- 'J'3 prep. Waa 4- ]B prep. Nboaa n.m. type of demon (1 xn^DSB) pl.abs. l'V338 5o 7:17; ib. 8:11; 11:4; 53:2 Lit: M. Geller, Gordon Vol 506. Nffraaa n.f. type of demon (VVD3; 4- x"?D3B; Sy ^\^^sa SIB 176, Ma Xnx"?XDX3B pi. MD 257) sg. Bo 40:3; 'B^TD X'tnTTBT Xn^DSBT nB^'X the image of an m.-demon which appears in dreams ib. 39:1; 77:1; pi. XJIX^DSB ib. 33:6; 64:25; 14:10; 80:5; XBB'Tl n'1?'^ XlfaSB m.- demons of night and day ib. 18:9; 35:10 NJvVaVaa, Nn'^anaa n.m. an eye defect or disease {i ^73*73, ^313) sg. Vl^ariB Xn'Vs^SB the m.-defect (is derived) from V?3ri [Lev 21:20] Bek 44a(25); ib. 22 [Var: Xn'V313B Ar (AC 2:183, s.v. "73-13)] Y: K7P>3^3B Bek ib.(BAYTN 313). Xri5?V3a n.f. upper part of the gullet (4- Vjto; Sy i^Ll^o \ -i y> gullet LS 77) sg. 1J71 XflyVSB xnts'na «pyi xmywa mns ... xnyVsa naa the upper part of the gullet. What is the extent of the upper part of the gullet? Less than a grain of barley and more than a grain of wheat Hul 43b(33) [expl. MH WIV1 pTIJI ib.] Y: myilO Hul ib.(BAYTN 282). Niaa, K"lNaa, tOajra n.m. river crossing, ferry (< X13yB; 4- Vl35?, X'n3B; Ma XISXB ferry, ford MD 238, TA -135/B TO Gen 32:22, Sy r^i *n v -a ford, rc'^j -p \ *to ford, ferry LS 508) 1. river crossing: sg. 13 X"n 311 X31H 3T 'xna im xmoi xisbt xon 'xna in pn' Yin '2>x XmOT X13BT XO'l PN and PN2 were sitting, one on one side of the river crossing of GN and one on the other side of the river crossing of GN Hul lllb(45); Er 64a(26); Yom 77b(27); Hul 95a(35); X13B n'pDSI the river crossing interposed between him (and the other side) Ket 3a(26); Ned 27b(4); Git 30a(5); RH 30a(38); pi. 1'T' xnS'T' '1X3BX he takes a loan at the river crossings MQ 28b(15) [v. OHP ib. 72:27]; "in XTItn 'T3B the two river crossings of GN BB 74a(37); 2. ferry: sg. TTXB xn3B mn Klirb XDB XD'J he reached the Jordan, (and) the ferry was on the other side Ket 112a(44); mm X13B XTn n'DXb ''nxp he saw the ferry which was coming towards him Hul 95b(12); X13B mj? XpT (nnn3 n'Vlob xp'T mn-ISX while the ferry was crossing, the wind carried off his j.-cloth Sab 119a(23); 31 '11 n'3 n'XT X13B3 nay Hb PN would not cross on a ferry in which there was a pagan ib. 32a(13); Bes 7b(3); Git 45a(47); San 109b(8); AZ 65b(7); Hul 94a(13); X13yB3 <n)(N)'T13 13y Xp he was crossing (the river) with him in the ferry Ber 56a(49); Ket 105b(26); BQ 117b(32) Arab gloss in MG [Hul ib.(MGG 395:7)]: i?13:o, i.e. jjiii barge, boat [ace. to ms.; v. Koh, ACSup 54]; Lit: Eps, Stl 7+; Y: N130 Git 30a(5; BAYTN 222). N'liaa, flSnaa n.m. ferryboat operator (4- X13B; Ma X'X"I3XB MD 238) sg. ,T'n3B^ D"S
xraiM 640 x'raa compensate [i.e. bribe] the ferryboat operator Hul 94a(14); pi. "T13B AZ 65b(7) Y: x;naa AZ ib. NJlSiaa n.f. small ditch (euph. for pudenda; cf. MH I'DaiS^ rDT3'a fullers' ditch MBB 2:1) sg. n,!7 XB'an XJlD-aa he has 'struck the ditch' [i.e. he has previously had sexual relations] Ket 10a(31) Geon. expl.: lniX1? 11'33 TOJH1 ]'D313 Vo H3T31 XJ1313a "B OipD OHP ib. 9:25 [but v. Rashi for another expl.]; Y: Xfi313a Ket ib. Krroa 4- xrnaya n. Vt^aa adj. boiled (4- V"7Wa pa., pass.part.; Sy <\ y -» pa. to boil, melt LS 99, Ma bW2 pa. to cook, boil, roast MD 71) sg.m. xVwsa Xnan boiled wine AZ 30a(22); ib. 25; Er 29a(40) Y: x)V21i Er ib. N3,a n.m. mung bean (Phaseolus mungo L.; Sy Kl4=?» LS 373, Arab £i Siggel 67; cf. Akk mangu B an alkaline plant CAD M/l 211) pi. 'JXB/YP 190:11 =//G7 99:17 Lit: DAB 35+; Low, Flora 2:468+. l#NJtOa n.m. (uncertain) sg. XTU lp'SXI Xmn XAX1.B'B they produced fire from the new ... Zev 116b(20; CSM) 2# NliUa 4- XaiB n. N'aia, N^'J N'Sja n.m. alum (< Akk aban gabi alum AHw 272, CAD G 7; 4- 2#X^"1; OfA '30. WZKM 90 [2000] 220, Sy rdl->_^*> Kiii»ea BBah 998:15) sg. xVu X'3JB &6 110a(47) [ingredient of pp'y 013 ib.]; Me« 42b(48; M); K'aiBa 'paTOT 'aXB utensils which are stuck together with alum HG3 273:36 = D'bo x'sjbs n'panan gc 8:7 [expl. MH m-isna '"73 •pxVtf AZ 33b(24)] Geon. expl.: imp OftxyOB' lltftai xV'J [...] pip xVi X'35'B 3W W1X TRN 630:3, i.e. 4»i Lit: Pfl 83; Flora 1:496; Eps, GC 817. Jja vb. (uncertain; 4- V2#*IXB) Itpol.: XBtya) anariapn xin xaVya 'marrx +(pn xm ^z 70b(33; M) V DS, ad loc, n. V; J 738; Rashi, ad loc., quotes a similar rdg. from Geon. responsa ['3X Jlia/ia]. saaa 4- xaia n. HN^aa adj. of GN (JPA "VllD DJPA 289) sg.m.' nxmiB pnx' Kow 81b(35); 5M 25a(27) Y: nX^M BM ib.(BAYTN 319). PIJB, HJia adj. well-checked (etym. uncertain) pl.m. p]naa '"IB'O well-checked books of the Bible BMsYFr 123:3; 'nJIB 'S'O 5M?£ 23:28 Niiaa n.m. daybreak (4- V2#HJa, TlJl; Sy rc'tiOj^o LS 414, ■** — v ■ ,mj^n r^.V.\ PSm 2282, Ma XinXB MD 239) pi. a. alone: X'(W){0iai 'naaa xaJlDX the north wind blows at daybreak Ber 59a(51; MGG 186:17); b. in phrase XIVTIX y TU» x"l night between x and y: "lOattn XJITIN nDJan MM ]0'aa the night between the seventeenth and eighteenth of Nisan HP 16:9; ii. 10 'KWa 4- 'XII adv. [Ktsnaa 4- xsmax n.] [KJittma 4- xnemax n.] [KJima 4- xncsa n.] xnV'aa 4- i#xrf?o.»n. NO'ia n.m. type of plate (< \xayic, Lehnw 321; TA X'O'JB TO Num 4:7, Sy rf tn ^*> LS 374, MH D'OB Yeivin, BV 1073) sg. Zev73b(6; V8) Y: KB'JO Zev ib.(BAYTN 211). xno'aa n.f. (uncertain) sg. xnonas 'V'» 'am this refers to ... BQ 114a(2); 1J"Tj XflD'aan xa'T let them judge the law of ... BM 30b(40); HP 64:3 Geon. expl.: myp p '3 Tiyp Vw T'3 XWjai m '3 ttTTBl 'ni imw ''npfti ppipin rxi xiaoa pi» 'afts -psi xno'io ids ft pi myp X'3TO OHT Git 209:21; Lit: E. Spicehandler, HUCA 26 [1955] 344+, rejects all prev. attempts at interpreting this word and suggests a poss. connection w. -1 XITOiaaX; Voc: XnO'JB HGP 17b:9; Y: KTOWD BM ib.(BAYTN 179). Nrn'ia n.f. neighbor (< JPA m'5.13 DJPA 290; Vtu) pi. jrrm xjit'jb iicmaxn nyr mn rrx il"?y had you known that your daughter's neighbors say about her ... Ned 21b(29; HGP 9a:37) Y: ipJVl'ja Ned ib.(BAYTN 64). N^aa, abs. Vaa n.f. sickle (1 2#Xn"7Ja; TA X^jfi TODt 16:9, Sy t<li^» f. LS 414, Ma X'Viaxa pi. MD 247) sg.abs. bia Ian OV the day of the ntotoa breaking of a sickle [i.e. day of the year when chopping of wood for the Temple was stopped] BB 121b(12); det. x"?a» RH 33a(3; E2) Ut i Xa'3D]; xV'aim X*7JB a sickle and a /.-rope BB 33b(13) // ib. 36a(8); Bo 69:4!; xVaai XJip the handle of a sickle BM 82a(15); Svu 43b(14); Xa't?H X"7aa double-edged sickle GC 28:5 [expl. MH 1V?9 MKel 13:1]; pl.abs. pja ]»fflt xriXS'in seventy sharp sickles Bo 7:17; det. 'Via MQ lla(24) Voc: X?jfi HGP lb:31; Y: X>J0 iW ib.(BAYTN 222). nxai^aa adj. of gn sg.m. nxai^aa xap the qab ofGNPe5 48a(37; V'Vi") ■??V?»» ^^Wa adj. soft-boiled (of an egg [lit. rolled]; 4- VwVl; MH ri^j'j'iaa nS'3 MUqs 2:6) sg.f. XJl^'raa (Xnya) Ber 44b(19; OHP ib. 113:9) [F: xrfjaVlJB XTiya] Geon. expl.: J1W13 D'3 OHP ib. 113:10, i.e. NP nimbirist poached [lit. half boiled] egg PED 1445 [v. also GC 142:15]; Lit: Koh, AC 2:284; Eps, GC 14226; Y: xrtofaia Ber ib. 1# NnV?a, XnV'?P» Pi- 'V'?P n.f. leather sheet, document, Scroll of Esther (VV71; Sy k'^L^ss, pi. rcll^ib, rtiklL^Si scroll, parchment sheet LS i 15, PSm 715, Ma Xn"?Xaxa parchment MD 238, TA xrr?'ia TJ Jer 36:28, > Akk magallatu parchment scroll CAD M/l 31) 1. leather sheet, document [cf. MH n1?'}? MSot 2:3]: sg. xnV'ia Ket 21a(18) [* 4- l#KDDn mng. l]; mm xd'j nye? xn"?ia pios'a xci a'nai ]xa n'ana'1? one who writes a get should cut a leather sheet the size of the get and then write it HP 130:18; whx m1? 'via xp mn xrfaa "ax 'n'x xnVia1? rb nna xp mn xnViai pn brought the document (and) was showing him (his signature) at the top of the document. (The other) was stretching the document BB 167a(ll; HP 67:32); Xrf?'aB mo ... XTlV'ja tm the beginning/end of the document ife(H); Xn"?aB 'Xm Xpna an erasure of the leather sheet ib. 164a(21; P1); xrfj'AB Tl'-inx another sheet ifc.(H); XIXaXT XpD'S bywi XTlVaaa a'nai he takes a piece of lead and writes on a leather sheet TGAs28 17:20; TGHark 117:25; HG2 163:52; Xn^aa ty 3WD //M 44:17; i& 39:2; Gif 20b(12) [4- XT1X mng. 4]; Git 88a(5) [4- xnnna]; xn'j'jan XSX the surface of the Knaiaa leather sheet OHT Sab 73:28; ib. 74:3; 8; pi. 'SB '{XI^'IB XJH3V1 I shall prepare many leather sheets BM 85b(22) [F1: 'b'll XaanXI; 1 V2#"pX pe., mng. 2, X^'ll]; 2. esp. the Scroll of Esther [< MH nV'ia MMeg 1:1]: sg. xifr'aa xnp mpm nnaoa PN read the Scroll of Esther in GN Meg 5b(18); ib. 43 Y: XJft'JB BAYTN 293. 2# NnVaa n.f. sickle (4- X^aa; Sy rc'^l^ LS 414) sg. xn'jaaT xnp the handle of a sickle GC 93:1 [expl. MH 3'3 MOh 18:1 in connection w. BH 3Xa Ju 3:22] Lit: Eps, GC 93'. laB, jaaN adv. gratis, nothing (TA $3 TO Gen 29:15, Sy ,^4^ LS 373, Akk ana magani for nothing CAD M/l 31) ]3Xi1 X'DX 'V fl'X I have a doctor who is gratis [i.e. charges no fee] BQ 85a(52); 'WT Xin pa ]ian X'DX a doctor who is gratis is worth nothing ib. [Var: paxi X'DX Oxf, c.23, 14] Lit: AIOA 67; On the phrase pal X'DX, cf. i X'OX; Y: ]» BQ ib.(BAYTN 275). K3AU, KJAa n.m. a type of vessel (etym. unkn.) sg. nann xaxaxa an m.-vessel of teruma [i.e. hallo] gS 56b: l; pi. 'axia io'^i na xia'iy *.- beverage of thirteen m.-vessels Pes 107a(30; V14) [Var: 'Ma GTB1 74:8; 'JXJa E'Geon 68:7,Ar (AC 5:72)] For the Geon. recipe for making beer in this manner, v. OHT Pes 110:20+; Lit: Stol, Beer 159. Iia vb. to vanquish (Sy -i^Jw LS 374) Itpa. to be vanquished: nia'1 'XflKH may he be destroyed and vanquished Bo 14:4 KnTiaa/KJrma n.f. scraper (4- VriJ; cf. MH lima T§ab 16:19, pi. nVniB MKelK 12:6) sg. XS03T xn(1>nnia a silver scraper Sab 147b(47) [Var: HimXO Ar (AC 2:356); XXITUB GC 26:5] Lit: Eps, GC 268. NHB'lia n.f. case of mugremet (i.e. an animal slaughtered by a deflected knife cut; 4- V3# D1A; caique < MH2 JiaiaiB J 269) sg. xnBTUB X'nn 3"n n'Bp1? 'Xlixn a certain mugremet which came before PN BQ 99b(42); "7DX XTT '1 p'^D '3 ■?X1B12N am xnania when PN immigrated to 641
■•m 642 Nru'-ra Palestine, he ate a mugremet according to PN2 andPN3//«/ 18b(9; V'1) Y: XJTO-lin BQ ib.(BAYTN 293). "IB prep. 4- "I prep. NIB n.m. garment (< BH IB HAL 518) sg. ]XB ]XB7 -ia" ma waV x"n ]xm ma W37' ma w'37i n'3'»a7x X3xi ma n1?^ ma wa7i let the one who wears the garment wear the garment, and let the one who does not wear the garment say to the one who wears the garment: "Remove your garment, and I shall wear it" Ber 28a(36) Y: (TO Ber ib.(BAYTN 100). PIN™, f. NJT"7B adj., n. Median (Sy rdii^j PSm 2012, Ma X"X1XB MD 239) I. adj.: pl.m. 'X1B 'pip-UH Median clover £r 28a(29; O); II. n.: sg.f. ms'si X3»'7a nyr mm xnna a Median woman who understood the language of birds HG2 184:9 = OHT Ber 46:2 Y: '»nB£rib.(BAYTN319). Nni3"ia n.m. torch (4- X7l3'n; etym. unkn.) pi. Xnm WiaiB flaming torches Mg 12b(48) Expl. RaH: <BX bv ni|713X; Voc: satata Mg ib.(HPP 279:20). [NrEn» n.m. altar (Vnai; TA xfiaiB TJ Jos 22:10,' Sy kLu^t^i LS 138, Ma XH31XB MD 239) sg. xrma 'jan* nvuonxa Zev 54a(i0) This word is found in a JBA text only in the phrase quoted in the name of Rav as a Targum of Gen 49:27 [v. Rashi Yom 16b, s.v. nTTITO p|?]. Lit: FLT 1:62; Y: KnaiD Zev ib.(BAYTN 217)] taain n.m. desert (I xnai; ta xnaia to Ex 3:1, Sy pc'-L=dx^> LS 140) sg. X3?'TX Xp mn Xnaiaa I was traveling in the desert 55 73b(33); ib. 38; 74b(19); //«/ 55b(24); Anan 37:4; ni3Xn Xiaiaa xnan rtDPX 7Xia«n PN's father found an ass in the desert BM 24b(28); Meg 31a(l 1) [in a mnemonic w. ref. to 'rp "laiaa Num 9:1] Y: 1O3T0 BA/ ib.(BAYTN 217). N3"ia"rp n.m. leader (4- Vl31 pa.; Sy t^J-UbH-iw LS 140, Ma X3X13XTB MD 257) sg. X3X131B HTiaiXT the leader of his nation San 14a(47) // Ket 17a(19) Y: Xrirro San ib.(BAYTN 316). Np3HB n.m. (a demon) pi. 'W3 'paVTBl evil m.-demons Bo 33:7 "ina adj. rotten (4, 3#Xma, Ilia; Sy nr'Aeajsb LS 376, rf-^Soa^s r?\ -> PSm 2019 [Lex], Ma X'miTB Xn>3 MD 266, MIT 16:8) pl.f. 'ya XllXnna rotten eggs Bo 92:4 Cf. also in an Arab amulet from the Geniza: HYTa n'X'3 AMBGen 6:2 [courtesy of C. Meehan], and MH JVniia D'S'3 BY 2889. 1# Km™ n.f whip or thick stick (4- xmTB; cf. Sy K'^icvUw mace, fuller's stick LS 194) sg. Yom 23a(29; OHT ib. 10:22) [expl. MH yps ib. and expl. as 4- xy"D XplDB; Var: xmXTB M1; Xmma Ar(AC 3:134)] Geon. etym.: [JOT «] JOT p»V WN \\V^2 Wnvmi OHT ib. [i.e. < 4- V2#Tn pa.]; Lit: Eps, Stl 16; Y: RflTrTTO Yom ib.(BAYTN 313). 2#Krnn» n.f. pyre, open fire (MH xmiB Yeivin, BV 1026) sg. Er 101a(18) // Bes 32b(44) Y: XmrTD Bes ib. Nfi7VTB, NtPVTaN n.m. type of shoe or sandal (4- Vtfn; cf. Arab o«lis shoe, sandal Wehr 301) sg. XtfTCBT XXn&ina pan Xinn a certain person who went out (on the Sabbath) with a ring of an m.-sandal Er 69a(24); MQ 12b(28) Lit: Eps, Stl 38+; Y: NWTTO MQ ib.(BAYTN 69). Nnna 4- xmia n. Nn3'"ia n.f. province, region, city (4- Vl#|V7; Sy x<'<kL.x^3 LS 145, Ma XJina MD 258) 1. country, province [archaic]: sg.cs. 'p'lBX n3'!B the country of Africa Tarn 32a(43); pl.det. nXB xnna yawl I'lOy one hundred and twenty-seven provinces Bo 51:3 [v. Est 1:1]; ib. 42:2; yrfro Xnna all the countries ib. 127:5; 2. city: sg.cs. oaxp runa TOffo** 167:18; det. xjinax xwia (from) one city to another Tan 19b(l); X'HH X'lH ."TCnDB? 1XB X71 XJ13HB there was a certain city which they were unable to capture ib. 21a(46); imra xin xnna xa'x ihtb xin xnxa xrx is there one town (completely populated) by them [i.e. the Jews]? Is there one city (completely populated) by them? Meg 13b(43); X37'i xnna Xma@msn our city of GN iSGF 99:16; ib. 15; 118:18; na prix' maun xn3i in iianj'iaa mm Drnax there was a person in your city named NN b. NN TGHark 278:14; ib. 32:6 Y: HWT? Tan ib.(BAYTN 173). Nfll'lB, KXTOI3 n.f. dwelling, habitation (4, Vl#"in; Ma l#xmna MD 258, Sy K'-Uxiso LS 147) P1- lWlTTB ]B1 pmm pi from their houses and their dwellings Bo 80:7; ib. 4; yin'JTTTB ;& 91:2 [N^na 4- x"nax n.] K^ia conj. since ... not 4- "IB conj. 'N^B 4- 'X1?! adv. 'Via, 'Vra adj. high, superior (4- V^T pa., pasV.part.) 1. high: sg.m. X31D 'VTB mm it was very high &rf> 92a(33); rvnm '3"B'H '"? '"7TB mm n'^n'J my belt was high, and he lowered it Zev 19a(3; V"); 'SB '^TBi DD'5? I'y3 ,T'3aB7 m3D they thought (at first) to build it [i.e. the Temple] in GN which is higher ib. 54b(17); Xll'X '71B IX if the roof is high HP 202:10; in '7TBT pa in 'final in a case where one (house) was high and the other was low Er 85b(20); Sab 97a(37); f. X'71B Pes 8a(33); pl.f. ]"7TB1 XnX3'S? XD'Xm are there not, in fact, springs which are higher (than the Euphrates)? Bek 55b(l); 2. superior: pl.m. nrB 17TB1 XD'n "j'TXT 'in 'Xa why does he go to where they are superior to him (to seek a wife)? Bek 8b(26; L1) Y: 'Vva Sab ib. [mm 4- xtb n.] xnna, xmna, cs. nna n.m. east (4- Vrm; ta xfilSS TO Num 3:38, Sy kIjjjx^j LS 160, Ma l#XHXa MD 239) sg.cs. xmp n31B east of the town BB 91b(15); det. nrma Pes llla(40); Bo 51:2; ib. 119:10; XrU'lB mi the east side SSHai lla(18); XVUVB 5o 38:4 J'TBI na n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(34) l#NHia n.m. watercourse (< Akk *midru; cf. t : ■ *■ mitirtu type of canal CAD M/2 144, AIOA 72) pi. ma Bek 44b(27) [4- XTIB '3] Y: ■'•pB Bek ib.(BAYTN 88). 2# Nnia n.m. clay (Sy 1# ^{^n clay LS 375, mng.V, MH m6 Sifra, Ms. Vat 66, 314:15 [v. Yeivin, BV 819]) sg. Xmn XTJB1 X3B a new clay utensil AZ 75b(38) Geon. expl.: "Ijn K1|73B ]M ^ XTO 'UD KO>niim KM ]3I bxyDW ]1B73 TGHark 87:8, i.e. jii; glossed mnB HG3 271:9 [cf. Seel 135:34]; Lit: Krauss, TAr 2:643262; Abramson, AZ 231. 3# Hirm n.m. corrosion of metal (4- TUB; cf. Sy r^io^JM i<La_£n^ dross of silver Syh Ezek 22:18 [Theod]) sg. m<T>n}B Xim XCT3T X[...] the ... of copper which is its corrosion TRN 602:4 [4# xna 4- mn adj.] Ntf-na 4- xi^rna 'a, xtfma »n n. iia, Na interrog. pron. what (archaic and dialectal; 4- 'XB, 1HB; Sy rcLia LS 372, Ma 1# XB MD 237) a. general: 1) in direct questions: XB Tayx what should I do? Suk 44b(27); Hor 13b(44); TBB ]7J? 'lmn HB what will be with us concerning the sectarians? Hag 5b(18); BB 40b(20); ib. 142b(26); XBVy D"pnB HB 7J7 through what does the world endure? Sot 49a(36); 1B'B7 -|V D'X HB what (argument) can you say? Tarn 29b(29); Nid 33b(8); ]B "131 HB1 ]H311 what (difference) is a man from (other) men? San 65b(25) [// BRV60 93:1; v. DJPA 120]; 2) in indirect questions: 13T xay na 'HI pIB go out (and) see how the people conduct themselves Ber 45a(4) [+ //'s; 4- Vl3T pe., mng. 2]; b. other usages: 1) as a particle of exclamation: X13J DB X131 nai what a man! What a man! Ifev 17a(22); 2) introducing an a fortiori argument: riBI XniffPI D'3i mx xVt i33i max xn mnwa^n xn^1"!"" onn piy 73 X7 xan nx'na? nV '"jBaai now, just as in that case where its [i.e. the road's] use is easy, the scholars, in fact, stated that the public cannot come-and annul its partition, how much more so in this case Er 22b(14); Ber 33b(42); Pes 12a(3); Ket 106a(12); Svu 46a(33); Nid 20b(5); 3) in sequence «1X ... HB [< MH2 *]X ... HB J 736]: HB1 ixa «]x ... rrsroi mi' '»a 7"yi ]xa nyia Vnx n'5?-|D1 H'T XB/B'B a'TTB 1'7B1 IX l^nSBT just as one who enters the tabernacle washes his hands and feet, so also one who separates (holy from profane) or one who teaches is required to wash his hands and feet Anan 22:21; ib. 9:16; 11:18; 17:16; 4) in phrase 'V MB1 ... '7 na what difference is there [lit. what is it to me ... and what is it to me]: 'in '7 nai in '7 na what difference is there (if there is) one or two? Yev
-i na 644 7na 28b(10); ib. 116b(42); Pes 17b(13); Qid 54b(47); BQ 4b(23); 5/W 36b(24); San 15a(14); Zev 13b(41);//«/35b(28) "T na, "T Ntt rel. pron. what (4- "I 'KB) XTU '7 nan'T HB 7ipitf XTU river, river, take what you have given to me Sab 66b(45); Ber 58a(41); nai XJBnm XJ3JD XJBIp mm we have written and signed what was before us SSHai 18b(7); Dec •9:19; TTIBXT Xa what you said HM 45:15 'Tina, mn ]a I mn pron. ltttfinna n.m. cycle, round (I Vl#vn pa., mng. 3, XTlTnB; Ma xnminxs circle MD 239; cf. Sy pc'iacuu circle, circuit LS 216, JPA lima DJPA 299) 1. cycle: sg. XlltnB ... XBp XTIinB X"IJ13 the first/last Cycle (of learning of the oral tradition) BB 157b(24) [v. I§G 93+]; pi. pn nnna two cycles /5GF 94:6(Var); 2. round: sg. X031 Xinna a round (of drinks of) a cup (wine) OHP Ber 86:25(Ar) Geon. expi.: my1? ojM j'Vm rain inx pionn 'js fniTO iy ,1313 013 V?13 -mno OHP ib. [mng. 2]; Y: (OHIO BB ib.(BAYTN 243). [2#N-mna4- i#x-mnn.] Via pron. what is it? (< XVI >"l»; I TO; JPA ma DJPA 293, Ma "i inXB MD 237) a. in final position: 1) fol. a n.: Via xa'ID what is a /-cake? Ber 38a(15); ib. 39a(43); ina XB133 XrfflW what is (the law concerning kil'ayim with regard to) dodder in a vineyard? Sab 139a(48); 2) fol. a vb. phrase: ina ,T>a lVsai D'lW 171X1 ... oxen came and fell in it. What is it? [i.e. what is the law?] BQ 52a(33); MQ 14a(23); Git 32b(8); BM 34b(l); /*Z 38b(46); b. w. fol. inf. [used as interrogative particle inquiring about permitted status]: xwxa mp p x-iin xrsia "iaD7 ina XTiaiya is it permitted to extinguish a burning lamp before a sick person on the Sabbath? Sab 30a(9); aiD DV3 1H7 m'D'a1? ina is it permitted to bake it for them on a holiday? Bes 21a(39); Xina ap'ai xamn nnra xwa xsonx ao ansaV HTiana is it permitted to write the (divine) name on a sherd (and) to throw it down into the abyss so that it should remain in its place? Mak 1 la(44); '3n 13JTB7 ina (pClUX are we permitted to act so? Ket 17a(31); Ber 9a(10); 3a6 140a(48); Er 80a(39); Per 30b(23); BQ 60b(41); Hul 112a(4); c. w. fol. "t [cf. Nold, MG 437], in phrase XBTTI ina you might say [lit. what is it that you would say?; used to raise an objection; v. Satzlehre 163]: XP'pTO Xlp ,TpSX XB'm Xina you might say Scripture excluded it from heqqes Pes 120b(34); Sab 112a(5); RH 22b(14); Yev 23b(27); BQ 3a(5); Men 78b(28); Bek 35a(31) [and passim] Voc: Slfi HGP 2a:3; Y: WO Ber 33a(56; BAYTN 339); WO '1 Ket 97b(li). n.m. circumciser T T * * r "TT (4- V?na) sg. X7ina p'iwa xnm we consider a man a circumciser ^hotj 78:19; HX71TO Sab 156a(44); pi. 'X^inB "iD'in twelve circumcisers ib. 135a(26) Y: 'jfcmB Sab ib.(BAYTN 69). n.f. sieve t : - ' ' r tt- (< XJlVina; 4- V?ni; Sy rc'&A.Uj-ib LS 423, Ma Xri7inO)B MD 260) sg. xrfrinai Xaj the back of the sieve Bes 29b(12); pi. XT1X71TO Tan 9b(24); xnx7ina "niaV to plait sieves MQ lla(8) [Var: X71X7WB Sidra 9 160:7,HP 177:19]; nB3 'in xj/Tinaa ppm xs'x xnx7ina see how many sieves there are in GN which sift flour Bes 29b(ll; Seel 124:35); HG3 281:54 [glossed: nisi] N7Tia n.m. circumcision (4- V?na) 4- X7'nB 'a n. n.f. circumcision, place of circumcision (4- ^7nB) sg. OHTEr 31:3; Tin 'XI mrvfr'na 'lV'y xiera I'oy if the flesh was wrapped again on the place of its circumcision HG1 211:54 ]a'na adj. trustworthy (4- Vp'n pass.part.; TA P'TO TO Num 12:7, Sy ^^a^n LS 175, Ma ixa'xna MD 259) sg.m. xm p'nai vrrx a trustworthy man Svu 46b(22); Yev 88a(l); BM 103a(9); SSHai 17b(2); Dec 9:10 Voc: ID'TO HGP la:34; Y: 18'HD «// 22b(5; BAYTN 275). N3a'na n.m. believer (4- Vp'n part, sg.m.) pi. 'Mvra ivn xm -pa xurnp '»p x'?n God knows [lit. it is revealed before God] that (the Jews) were believers Sab 97a(10) vb. to circumcise, be circumcised (< MH xnna t : ~ 7na pe. LNVTH 206 < BH 1#71B pe., nif. HAL 527; 4- X7'na 'a, xV'na na, x?ina, X7'na, xnrrna, >/"lTl) Pe. (a/e) 1. to circumcise: mVnBJl let us circumcise him Sab 136a(5); p'VnB '3r,nn VnaB n'7 how can we indeed circumcise him? ib. 1; Ket 72a(7); xn3B/3 7naB7 ina is it permitted to circumcise on the Sabbath? Nid 42b(12); Anan 76:13; V'nx» xm ixVi mV 7'nxa xrmx lyj'xi n'Ta n'l^B] another person circumcises him, and he may not circumcise himself by his own hand ib. 78:6; HXin ]'7nB IIJ'X they circumcise each other ib. 79:3; ■yTVSl 17'nB IBlp circumcise yourselves Pes 69b(5); pass.part. '7'nm l"yx ian ^'na X7n3 even though they are circumcised, they are considered as if they are not circumcised AZ 27a(32; J) // Yev 71a(30); 2. to be circumcised: 17.1B riB'XI when were they circumcised? ib. 71b(24); Anan 76:3; ib. 81:24; 7'na 1p be circumcised Pes 94b(32); ]3X in'B nm lnx 17'na i3'ni3 'in^n ]b itm xV p'Vnm ]J113 however, we who are circumcised cannot be like you. You, be circumcised, and be like us San 39a(31) Itpe. to be circumcised: ,T3 VnB'BT X3XB an object by which one is circumcised Anan 83:10 Lit: Y. Breuer, LeSonenu 62 [1999] 26. Nnna n.m. spell (< MP *mahr sacred word [cf. mahraspand the divine word Nyberg 124]) pl.abs. p'pJI fina strong spells Bo 75:3 Lit: AMB 186. The word formerly read in Pal as ppins is now read pDT18 [v. PAT 379, DNWSI 601]. *6aiB* n.m. load (4- V7a'; Sy kLL=jo^i LS 29V, Ma X731B MD 260) sg. X7(1)3(1)Ba p'TOTl Xpyn X3"l they are sealed with the great load of the blast demon BolX.Yl Emendation based on Sy parallel in MSF 16:5 [v. note, ib. 120]. t6*ia n.m. pus (Sy «lL\o-i73 LS 373) sg. GC 143:2 [expl. MH "in MUqs 2:8]; Hul 47b(28); ib. 48a(45); xVllBT XBin a thin stream of pus Yev 75b(2) Geon. expl.: HX'T V» N'jJTOS tiVW T1 ]na WW D'Vxi KS071 Tp\ i?n mJ33 ]n Dm Til x'jJim GC ib.; Y: N^JIO //u/ ib.(BAYTN 152). [iia 4- V2# iax vb.] NHia n.f. modius (a grain measure; < n65io<;, K5nia Lat modius Lehnw 324; Sy rcLi^iJas LS 375) sg. XD'C^nUlp X'lIB a moiims of artichoke Er 83a(14; RaH) [4- XD"U1p]; WH X'niB a moc//M5 of wheat TG^5^2 85:26 Y: KTW Er ib.(BAYTN 152). yiia vb. to recognize, be certain (4- V»T; TA ymanwx TO Gen 31:32; cf. Sy ^noiocrc' LS 298) QuadRef. 1. to recognize: X71 ITBp T7n myman^'X he passed in front of them, and they did not recognize him Yev 120a(40; M3Ar [AC 2:208, X"D]) [I Vnp1»3 quad., mng. 1]; im in 73 XW1D '33 nnnx ymanoa each and every one recognizes his place in the synagogue OHT Meg 49:3; 2. to ascertain [only in documents]: xin 'iax p '117!) xarrBT 'mnxn 'rrusnianwxi we ascertained that he was the paternal brother of the late NN Yev 39b(33); SSHai 12b(l); XWmBD^Xl 113'X XanOfllOT I'b'X X'COn we ascertained that these possessions belonged to the deceased Ket 104b(37); TGHark 164:36; SSSad 266:2 Lit: Tal, Language 130. Njnia n.m. protest, moda'a, a protest document (4- Vj/T; cf. Sy re'&o.i.ao-io indication, notice LS 297) 1. protest: sg. xrr>"nX7 X3T XJHIB it is a strong protest against the Torah [i.e. accepting the Torah under the threat of death is an excuse for not keeping its commandments] Sab 88a(21); 2. moda'a, a document of protest made in advance before witnesses in order to invalidate a transaction or a legal action to be made under duress: sg. n^n "U 13 H3"l DJW Xri7pWXX1 XjnifiX PN signed on an w.-document and a deed of sale BB 48b(15); XJHIB p'3TO X7 XrT? x:n'XX X? 'BXn ]XaX X7X we only write an m.-document against someone who says: "I shall not obey the judgment" ib. 40a(12); 40b(2); 73 1X7 '7sn monxa ma ]ryr ]ax na 'ra x?t xyma X'n XJHIB any m.-document in which it is not written: "We know about NN's duress" is invalid ib. 40a(i4); mjmn xoux xjhib noai ]xa 'xn xyT'lB the m.-document of one who submits (it) regarding a get is valid Ara 21b(22); 3713^7 mwiXX XjniB to write an m.-document regarding his duress TGHark 165:5; SSSad 241:11; SSHai 15a(19); XjniB Xinn? rrn7D'31 I annulled that 645
mnia t : 646 ma ro.-document SSHai 17a(2); pi. 'XJJll 'jma ^D bo «yio is? 'jma ua ppsr, 'jni»i 'jmai 'jmai '^IIB all tm.-documents, stipulations, m.- documents (written against other) m. -documents, and m.-documents which derive from m.- documents ad infinitum ib. 3b(7); TGHark 164:28; TGAs33 210:4; Geon 251:6; Dec 10:16 Geon. expl.: [XJH1B 3XJ13 'SO' 1,11 Tnp "?X 2X113 yafXO'PXl] SSSad 240:26 [cf. ib. 161:12], i.e. jil compulsion. On the text of the XjniB in the Geonic Period, v. sSSad 240+; S§Hai 45+; TGHark 164+. The term may possibly occur in the phrase rfrfla] ny-rn NH 13:8 [v. A. Yardeni (& J.C. Greenfield), DJD XXVII 6922]; Y: X3JTIB BB 40a(l). NTlia n.m. mohar, an endowment pledge collectable upon the dissolution of the marriage (i xmiJD; EA 1#TIB DNWSI 601, TA nma TO Ex 22:16, Sy K'im.sb LS 376, BH into HAL 525) sg.cs. yrtnra mm the mohar of your virginity S§Hai 2a(9); det. HP 164:2; pi. 'Tin 'ima the moftar-payments return (to the groom if the marriage is not consummated) BB 145a(35); SSHai 2a(21); ib. 13b(2); nm» 103 the money of the mo/wr-payments TGHark 37:18 The mohar was originally a payment made by the groom to the father of the bride when the marriage was contracted. Lit: Friedman, JMP 239+; B. Levine, DSSFYD 839+; Y: 'TUB BB ib.(BAYTN 152). KJ?*inira n.m. document (< Mir *muhrak [> Armen murhak writ, document Hiibsch, AG 197; cf. MP muhr seal CPD 56], > Arab JJ&i page, side PLAr 252; 4- miB1?'!, xmain) sg. m» XD^m XBSD3 '3.TT Vrp-imS the document of these (people) is placed in the king's archive [lit. chest] BM 73b(27) // Yev 46a(27); pi. 'pimB 'Jl'iaXI valid documents [i.e. bearing seals of officials and not of private individuals] Er 62a(33; Ar [AC 5:96]) Geon. expl.: p mamm 1.1 '0ns \mi GnK5 172:23; Lit: M. Macuch, IJ 4 [1999] 92+; Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 52+; id., AAC 249; Tel 90; Y: in"j?-]niB Yev ib.lBAYTN 264). 'pima n. a Persian holiday sg. AZ \\\)(25); ib. 26 Lit: B.M. Bokser, JAOS 95 [1975] 261+; Y: 'glYIW AZ ib. 1#NTV3 n.m. parings (of vegetables; MH XX1B MKel 9:8 [v. infra]) sg. "VOWl XT1B parings of the s.-plants Qid 52b(9) [Var: xpTi XT1B GC 17:14, Ar (AC 5:215, s.v. 3nSD); '3»En XT1B XpTT X71B Ar (AC 5:97, s.v. ,Xia; ib. 215)]; ib. 10 Geon. expl.: n"»3 X|?B J>Y 'ty 'BXT '3'X [n"B &"B D'^D] XS1B n"?1DD Kim XJ7TT XJ1B3 W'tpi XTO J'BITPS 'BX1 '3 XT1B 'VrQl JllpT Vw GC ib., i.e. jli, pi. ililili peeling of a bulbous plant Dozy 2:70. [Since the Arab gloss refers to '3BWT X11B the text in GC seems to be deficient and should be emended on the basis of the Ar; v. Low, Pfl 75.]; Lit: Eps, GC 1736; Y: XtiB Qid ib.(BAYTN 24). 2# NTia n.m. banana (Musa paradisiaca; < Mir moz CPD 56; Sy rc^«_i» LS 376, Ma XT1BX Nold, apud Flora, infra [contra MD 22]) sg. XTICIB G$ 315b:14; Xliax HG1 95:49(Var); pi. 'T1{T}» fm TGMus 17b:9 Lit: Koh, ACSup 12; Low, Pfl 336; Flora 2:255. Nfl'33Tia n.f. scale (< Akk zibanTtu a type of scale or balance CAD Z 99, AIOA 112; Ma xn'3X3(X)i md 156) sg. xvi xmana o^sO)!1) (the term) oVs [Prov 16:11] is a scale Anan 31:4; ib. 2 [I Vtjpj pe., mng. II.8]; 6; 8 This form seems to be a blend under the influence of A piJIB [v. DJPA 294]. NaSliS, NlNBTia n.m. lender (4- V«1P) sg. •On TJ/XB XB1P1 OP! I'yo XJXBTIBI the lender claims such (an amount) and the borrower claims such (an amount) TGAs42 79b: 16; XJ'T '3 PpBB XBlPb PP1? pm X3XBT1B ]B the court removes (the interest) from the lender and gives it to the borrower HG2 392:39; Seel 33:18; ib. 56; 45:2; 6; 7 ina adj. rotten (of eggs; < MH JThna [D'X'3] MHulK 12:3, LNVTH 207, s.v. 1#"11B; I "ina adj.) sg.f. 'xin xrnna xomnn that (egg) was rotten Bek 57b(15) Y: xn-MB Bek ib.(BAYTN 205). ma vb. to dissolve (4- XrTB, V2# TIB; MH2 mm Ber 38b[30], niBM Pes 41a[22]) Itpe. to be dissolved: nanx 'rTIBTlX TO1PT 'TX since (the limb) was small, it was completely dissolved Bek 45a(46); non mn noma namx Tnarrxi nxrx nxi were it the case that (the embryo) was completely dissolved, something would have been entirely missing Nid 24b(40); ib. 41; Git 69a(30; OHT ib. 155:16); HP 135:7; Tib nriBTTX bsi Xinm X^'P the afterbirth of that stillborn was dissolved ib. 14 sma 647 xaia [= GeonH ma'3 HR 103:2]; 9; 'IXm H'1? 'in nan'X X1? O ^b V'3X1 XJI'TIB he soaks it [i.e. the unleavened bread], it becomes broken up, and he eats it when it has not (yet) been dissolved ib. 15:8 = HG1 296:75 Geon. expl.: X0XB71 1\> OHT Git ib., i.e. ^Ui J it was torn off l^~ VI]. Sma n.m. brain, skull, yoke of an egg (TA "]ma TO Dt 28:35, Sy kLOc^ts LS 379, Ma xma MD 260) 1. brain: sg. a. general: PI'S runai XXT'TI nma the 'bag' [i.e. the inner membrane] in which the brain lies Hul 45a(33); Vy X3n'1 XIl^'3 xnm Xma an evil spirit which rests on the brain Bo 59:8; XDU'Bn Xma the brain of an i.-fish Hul 109b(36; V") [said to taste like pig meat]; b. parts thereof: 1) Xp™ membrane: Ber 19a(8); 2) XB3 skull [I 1#XBD mng. 2a]: Hul 54a(10); 3) Xaip membrane: HP 198:19; 2. skull: a. general: sg. n'ma1? irriOBI xVxbj OXrlXI a hailstone came and split its skull Hul 63a(36; MGL 256:5); jnpi rrmai xxryix x"B-n -iy n'^^^ninx hxwi n'maV nr,''I7 he pours (three hundred bowlfuls of water) on his head until the bottom of his skull becomes soft, and he cuts open his skull Ket 77b(22) [Var: nTnaV H'1? 5?T31 Xr30 Tl'-ai he brings a knife and pierces his skull MGG 226:5]; b. metaph.: sg. xmax rh "inxai 'they strike it on the skull' [i.e. they reject the legal tradition; v. Geon. expl. infra] Meg 19b(5); ib. 7; MsLm Ex 34:14 [4- V2#'1J pe.]; 3. yolk of an egg [Sy, LS ib., mng. 3]: sg. xny'31 xm'a HP 200:6[HPP 301:17; cf. Hul 47b(25)] Geon. expl.: mjrip ty IT nyiBB n3BW OHP Meg 79:8(Ar); Y: XniB Hul ib.(BAYTN 24). Bia vb. to become poor (i XtJia; JPA Dia pe. to become poor DJPA 295; cf. Sy \^a to stagger LS 376) itpoi.: {('oyaai) xpi xn'sns 'sna xVt r,BDiana'' they do not lend money on interest, but become poor BM 71a(23; Es) V DS, ad loc, n. 1. NDia n.m. ruin (I VtJia; Sy r^nJjb LS 376) sg. XDia lmaa Him there is ruin in one of them Mak 24a(30) [rnuia I '-nma n.] nsVia, nsViaa adj. perh. excellent, important (< '^a* [cf. XflX'Viya HPQ 213:14]; 4- V'Vj? pa., pass.part.) pl.f. ,!7'a wnax 'xViaa inxi owa XrlX'Via because you are from high places you say excellent matters Ket 85a(47) // Yev 76a(l) // BB 137b(17) [Var: XrvViaa Ar (AC 5:142)] // ib. I5ia(23) [cf. xnx'Vj/a 'V'a s.v. I 'tya adj.] Geon. expl.: rvfrnj 131B Vm X1HB 'JBB D1X 'TV 1BX3 HI ]1X1 "9 Ar [AC ib.]; '-ntom oral HR 91:8; but: DyB DH1? ]'XW GnK5 171:24; 0y» D^7 ]'X1 BXT yh J'XW B'3inn Dn3T ... X"B AC ib.; Voc: XSX^IB ... 'SWbb HGP 44a:29; Y: 'xVlBB Er 25b(16). S^ia n.f. midwife (I VtV'; Sy rc'iijLjiAo-^j ls' 302) sg. xnx'Tim xiVia ra xnxnirn xibia a midwife of Jewesses, the daughter of a midwife of Jewesses AZ 26a(26) [Var: XlV'a JMGE 16:1] Y: X^iB AZ ib. l*^^^, pi. 'N^a, NrT'Via n.m. perh. high place (perh. < X^pJ/a* raised up [I V'bj? pa., pass.part. f.; v. Nold, MG 132] or < Akk melu elevation, high ground CAD M/2 13; I nxbia; Ma X'Via high place MD 261; cf. Sy ,_L^ to raise up LS 527) pi. Ket 85a(47) [+ //'s; 4-' HX^a; Var: x'Via'a sg. HP 119:1]; E?n3i nx3 m xnx'Via 'in ]13pTK the high places of GN (and) GN2 have made me feel old Er 56a(10) Y: XJ^B MQ 10b(14; BAYTN 153). 2#«^ia n.m. mound of earth (4- Vl#,!?a) sg. XS33 Xliyi X'Via bpV he took (earth) from a mound and put (it) in a ditch [i.e. he leveled the area BB 54a(14); X'^ias X'Via bpV he took (earth) from a mound (and placed it) on a mound M2 10b(14); ib. 16; tfGJ 116:42 This entry should possibly be combined w. the prev. one; Voc: X.'^IB HPQ 218:17. tOSVia, N3sVa n.m. purchase, possession (<"Arab «flii Wehr 922; JudA ^robl} their property[?] JDS3 7:15; 4- V3#"|Va pe.; Sy rCLAlc^n LS 392, mng. 3) 1. purchase: sg. XTai XJBVia a complete purchase TGAs28 115:14; XTBJ XJXSba SSHai 7a(5); 2. possession: sg. Ojna DW XJDVa any possession ib. 4 Lit: N61d, NSGr 1371; Gift 396. Naia n.m. blemish, bodily defect (TA xfria TO Lev 21:17, Sy r^o-iw LS 376, Ma XBia MD 261) sg. xaia ixV mrrh xaia yriri xnan a
K'naia t : : 648 i#K"Tj?ia place (in the animal) which according to us is a blemish but according to them [i.e. the Romans] is not a blemish Git 56a(ll); AnanSch 9:18; ib. 14:12; XB1B IT3 bs: a blemish developed in it Bes 26b(38); Sab 46b(13); Bek 25b(47); Yev 115a(20); rj'nBW T12 XB1B ma X1W 'TlXpl 'TO while (the animal) was coming he inflicted in it a blemish in its upper lip Git 56a(10); Bek 36a(28); ib. 53b(4); Tern 8b(20); pi. X1?! OWB '81B3 ypS because he is not expert concerning bodily defects San 5b(4); /1Z 5b(30); Seyt 35b(27); 'BIB! XH the law of blemishes (which one person inflicts upon another) Anan 14:19 Y: XDTO Sab ib.(BAYTN 19). NjnaTO adj. expert (< MH nnaia MBesK 3:4, J 743; I 3#T1B) pl.m. X'TIBIB xn(Tl)(")OX expert doctors OHT Ket 224:12 'Sia n.f.abs. oath (4- V'B', XJiaiB; TA 'BIB TO Lev 5:1) sg. XT TOIiy 'BIB XH this is, in fact, an unpleasant (?) oath BM 85a(27) Translation is uncertain; Y: 'ala Z?A/ ib. Nfiaia, pi. KfiaiXJ n.f. oath, type of demon (4- a/'B', 'BIB; TA xflBia TO Num 5:21, Sy K'^JacL^j, pi. r^^x^sb LS 303, Ma xnxaia pi. MD 262) 1. oath: sg. XTIW "in "73 7M VU'X H'1? 1TO Xriaia1? they [i.e. the pagan court] also impose an oath upon each witness BQ 114a(3); 'X1B 'aXT xnaiaa by the oath which Mo'i [i.e. Moses] said Ned I0b(3l); xraia xmnw n'naiaa paV I adjure you with a strong oath Bo 33:17; ib. 48:6; ywrp pX^Bi XriBIB the oath of holy angels ib. 9:14; 106:7; pi. 'SriBlB ib. 62:7; 2. type of demon: pi. ib. 18:9; 20:9; 35:8 Y: XJIBia BQ ib.(BAYTN 39). 'J'Jia n.m.pi. brine (of fish, locusts, etc.; < 'JU xa* < 'J13 'a fish brine; 4- X"IU 'B, Xili) ATe? 60b(54); xrumtl Tiia San 49a(41; K) [Var: 'JU'B He]; xmyrfr TJia brine for (breaking) a fast /1Z 29a(2); 'J'JIOT XTIS a bucket of brine Gi'/ 69b (46); 'SBpl 'ma brine of locusts Sab 110b(29); mpj TJia clear brine i'6. Geon. expl.: p«^ "ijryi .irif>B ts xim ruxa 'rim n"B3 D'ainn ia *7y iw^ arna -mx'i 'Jin x'a ri'nix TGHark 184:25, i.e. oy^; cf. Sy expl.: j^1- ••• rd-.io-Sa BBah 1041:6; xa ts (crapn pwtai pata pmy *7xa 'ao'i i»o °?x oht Git 158:2. Lit: Low, ZDMG 37 [1880] 470; id., Fauna 157; Y: 'J'JTO 5a6 ib.(BAYTN 164). Nrij?'3ia n.f. wet nurse (4- Vpr, Xp'JB; Sy rt'X " ' • ^ LS 304; cf. Ma l#Xpna fosterer MD 262) sg. xnp'aia1? rvh x:a,!?2/a I shall pay for a wet nurse for him HP 111:32; ib. 112:1 'TIDVa n. a Persian holiday sg. /1Z 1 lb(25) Lit: B.M. Bokser, JAOS 95 [1975] 261+. NSOia n.m.pl. musaf, an additional sacrifice, pi. an additional prayer recited on the Sabbath, the New Moon, and holidays (< MH f]6lB Yeivin, BV 614, J 745; JPA «pia DJPA 295) 1. musaf, an additional sacrifice: pi. 'B01B nrbn three musaf sacrifices [i.e. of the New Year, the New Moon, and the Sabbath] Suk 54a(35); 2. pi. musafin, an additional prayer: ]3Tlp 'BV "WOT 'SOIBa on the rest of the days (of Passover) we read (in the Torah) in the musaf prayer ... Anan 39:16; ib. 19; 'BDIBi XJrfat the tefilla of musaf Ber 28b(7) [caique < MH ]'SMBn nV'Sfl MBer 4:7]; ib. 30a(61); AZ 4b(34); Anan 38:16; 'S01B XTUttn musaf of the Sabbath /?// 31a(27); So/ 39b(39); Anan 39:4; lyiBl 'S01B m«w/ of the holiday ib. 6 Y: 'Mia Ber 2 8b (7; BAYTN 161). [NpnOItt n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'pXlOIB Bes 33b(37) [4- XpJlDia] On the popular etym. basis of the explanations given in Ar [AC 5:198] and Rashi, ad loc, v. Geig, AAC 97, who also rejects the interpretation of Krauss, TAr 2:289; 642247; Y: 'JWI01D Bes ib.] tOgia n.m. holiday (< BH, MH TyiB Yeivin, BV 1005; 4 XljnaT xVin; TA xijha TJ IS 1:4; cf. Sy rc'i^.o^o appointed time LS 185) sg. Anan 73:4; ib. 11; 74:1 Voc: Xljia HPP 278:18. N(?itt n.m. shoe (< Mir *mok [cf. MP mog shoe CPD 56]; 4- Xpa-U, XpBTS; Sy xLLcl^3 LS 377, > Arab j>i Fr, AF 55, PLAr 254) pi. 'Jixp 'piBa he is coming in shoes Git 68b(45) Expl. RaH: °?xyW piffVa pia^X ib.; Lit: AAC 265; Tel 91; Y: XJ718 Gil ib. l#tqj?i» n.m. fire (4- Vip'; Sy rc'i^cxJw LS 306) sg. 'Vxi "]-|p fip ICXUP' "Pi?l»1 TV while l#tt1i?W your fire is burning, cut off your gourd and roast (it) San 33b(27) Y: TJpiB San ib.(BAYTN 162). [2#*npi» I i#x-ipian.] 1# SHplM n.m. cranium, brain (Ma XIplD brain MD 262, Sy k,-U><?J5o egg yolk LS 400) 1. cranium: sg. !mpia ty xVtspi Xlim H3ina they smote her on her cranium with a sword of execution Bo 78:8; nty n(n){'lpia E?n3 n'p^S n"?Dpl he hurled it [i.e. the distaff] at the top of her cranium. It penetrated it and killed her San 95a(46); 2. brain: sg. ITUI TVWi? rp1? 'VIST 'XJri H'Tpia I saw (in a dream) that they had split open my [lit. his] head and my [lit. his] brain had fallen out Ber 56a(48); XWTT Xipifc HG3 155:37; T31 xai DW» Nlpiail (the membrane) of the testicles and of the brain (is forbidden to be eaten) because of blood Hul 93a(39); HG3 219:72; KT3-n xnpiai xaip the membrane of a ram's brain HM 41:14; So 78:8; j& 127:24 Y: Xli?ia //«/ ib. In AMB 208 the passage in Bo 78:8 is read mpia with the support of LJLA. However, in these passages the rdg. Xlpia is also found in the latest edd. [2# Nipia i X-ip' n.] "lift vb. to exchange an animal dedicated for a sacrifice with an unconsecrated animal (< BH, MH l#Tia hif. to exchange HAL 531, J 748; 4- "11132; cf. Sy T-iJs pe., af. to supply wheat LS 377, Akk mam to buy CAD M/l 317) Af.: max H3 TDX he actually exchanged it Hul 41b(37); Tern 2b(29); ib. 9a(33); 10b(33); ISa xV pnwi '"la'a partners cannot exchange Zev 6a(l) Ittaf. to be exchanged: XH '»np Wnmi Dltt/a XM'i XTn H3 laiT'X because this (animal) was exchanged once in that holiness Tern 9b (8) lis i xna n. iOlB n.m. myrrh (4- XliaT KJaiC; TA XTB TO Ex 30:23, Sy k4o-^> LS 400) sg. ]ipB/iai miB myrrh and musk Ket 75a(26; Ar [AC 5:281, s.v. pwa]); taaix xmaa yssi xmn xson so take a new sherd and dip (it) in black myrrh HM 41:4; XS31X X(-I)(0na «& 44:2 The forms X'3T XTB Meg 10b(37); '31 n» Hul 139b(31) are given as the Targum of the phrase TT1 "ia Ex 30:23 [cf. OHP Sab 39:20]; Lit: Pfl 246; Flora 1:311. Kp"-nia xaaiia, xaNana n.m. coral (4- xinria; sy rJiT-ib LS 402, Ma 1# X'Winxa MD 252, > Arab jli> Fr, AF 59) sg. BB 81a(2; MGE 575:21) [expl. MH trnaVx ib.] Lit: Koh, ACSup 12; H. Shai, Sefunot 21 [1993] 240. This however, may be an Aramaicized form of the Arab word; cf. IXJia rr"»a ''Bi xn'oa D'JiaVx gc 33: i. [N'TTia 4- xmna n.] NiTplia, NpTia n.m. perh. dead flesh (< MP murtak dead Nyberg 134; LJLA NpTlia Weiss 86[Tg2Jb]) sg. XpOTIB Hul 121a(2; GC 126:2) [expl. MH ^X Mib. 9:1; MToh 1:4; Var: Xpoia V'2; xpna Ar (AC 1:95, s.v. ,y?X)] Lit: Geig, AAC 26, s.v. y)W; Tel 92. NBTTia n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 63a(3; Ar [AC 5:247]) The P deriv. given by Koh, AC, op. cit., is rejected by Geig, AAC 269; Y: xania Hul ib.(BAYTN 264). M'Tia n.m. threshing sledge (TA l*ria TJ Is 41:15, pi. X^iia TJ 2S 24:22[Var]; 4- XJia) pi. VT'ima Tern 18a(21; Ar [AC 5:239]) So Ar [AC ib.; = R.G.] and Rashi; cf, however, the objections in Tos, s.v. VT'Snaa 1^'SX. N3'^"lia, abs. ]"1ia n.m. scholar who makes legal decisions (4- V'T; JPA 1'mn DJPA 296) sg.abs. ]irx 1'maT p3 they are the daughters of an m.-scholar Ket 23a(44; V5); det. 'Tin' '1 mn 'X'lm m Hr^Mi PN was the w.-scholar of the household of the Nasi Men 104a(2) KD'^ia n.m. muries, a chopped fish food preserved in brine (< Lat muries Lehnw 329; JPA 0"Y,B DJPA 296, Sy rdJic^a LS 404, > Arab ^Ji vinegar sauce Hava 714) sg. Sab 108b(16); XO'mm XBD'p a xestes of muries AZ 34b(17); Pes 109a(22; V14); XD'maT X31X W7in 13jn xV'BJ1? 'XriXT a certain boat (with a cargo) of muries which arrived at the port of GN AZ 34b(l3); nsvn xnBp ]a ftTji "xanxi xoxmai 'ny^ll the muries of the pagans which they make from wheat and barley flours OHT Pes 49:1 Y: XO'nra Sab ib. Np""na n.m. one who sows safflower (4- Xpma, nxpma) pi. y"rm man AZ 22a(8; p'TGAs27 63:20) 649
Kj?»1?a 650 ma Lit: Abramson, AZ 165; Flora 1:400; Y: 'SpnlD /(Z ib.(BAYTN 324). Kj^'Hia n.m. safflower (Carthamus tinctorius; 4- Vi# pT, xp'ma, nxpniB; Sy klL,^^ ls 310, Ma xpniB MD 263, > Arab £> Fr, AF 150) sg. a. as a spice: Ses 14a(14); HG1 375:50; Xp'TBTT X3p a qab of safflower Gi'f 14a(12); ib. 47a(22); 69a(19); xmn xp'TlB new safflower Pes 110b(l); b. as a color [yellow]: //«/ 47b(24) [of a lung] Geon. expl.: IBXy XJ>'Tia OHT Git 155:13, i.e. _>Lli; TB'O riwba mx dw (V? wi> na»i) '»D-np °7B tti xin ..nxip o'oo -iiBoiy 'any jw^ai xj>'-na wx nw^ai yT(n>(n) rvfrn enipfl TRN 607:7; Lit: Flora 1:399+; Y: Xj?'"lia Git ib.(BAYTN 164). - 'J'ST NiJ'nia n.m. fibrous safflower (4- XTU'3) sg. 'HI Xp'TIB GC 145:2 [lit. safflower of hairs; expl. MH jpri ni^n MUqs 3:5 (v. DJPA 296) and expl. as Arab j4>jS] Lit: Flora 1:400. - 'nirn Kp'lia n.m. prickly safflower (4- xmn) sg. Git 70a(37) [expl. 4- mm ib.] Rati: Q'mnn p 'nj© Dlp13 OHR Git 46:27; Lit: Low, Flora 1:400. mtp'Tia n.m. one who sows safflower (4- Xp'TIB w. gent, ending; i Xp"TI8) pi. 'Xp'Tia Vlin AZ 22a(8; Geon 153:14, ib. 194:17) [J: 'p'TI8] NjHia, K3XTia n.m. parasitic worm (< uupaiva L-S 1153, Lat muraena lamprey, eel OLD 1147; Sy rdipf-icv^s LS 404) sg. AZ 26b(24); Hul 49a(26); PITDX "WTt xailB the m.-worm in meat is forbidden ib. 67b(23); m TVXi nxn 'era xaxiia p'sa nxn xa'n T3 ox ... xixtib if in a lung which has an m.-worm the m.-worm goes out when the lung heats up (in the sun), it is permitted HP 205:8 Geon. expl. [AZ ib.]: ''rial na 'j'^s x:x-na tvib-ib ftxa D'yVin nybmv 'jsa lrtny nx yinw pa layei l^xx xin -inai TGHark 22:25; Lit: Low, Fauna 63; v. also AAC 267; Y: XJ11B ^Zib.(BAYTN 153). Nfl'aiia n.f. lance (TA xfl'tflB J 750, Sy K,ALoi<=«^3 LS 405) sg. xtrpa nra xttitib holding a lance in her hand Bo 78:15; i'A. 12:7; 13:5; 20:7 NOlia n.m. abcess, boil (VoTfl; cf. Sy i<Jo-\c^n maceration LS 405, MH H0TIB MEduK 2:4) sg. Git 69b(9) Y: XD-ITO BAYTN 153. KBHia n.m. projection, prow of a boat (etym. unkn.) 1. projection: sg. a. alone: Ber 24a(4) [of phylacteries in a head covering]; Sab 99b(13) [of a rock]; Men 94b(8) [made of dough]; b. in phrase Xim/XDp XEnia upper/latter portion [lit. former/latter projection]: W'Vna Xap XWTIB J7T3 XTTO X2?TI81 the upper projecting portion (of the knife) strips off (the skin of the neck) and the latter projecting portion pierces (the organs) Hul 17b(6; V11); reran xap 'EH1B the upper portion of the scab Sab 77b(13) [* 4- XmiH Tin]; c. in phrase XflXJTpi XPTIB the projection(s) of the corners: Suk 8a(6; M2) [of a square inscribed within a circle] // Er 76b(5); ib. 57a(13) [of the borders of a city]; BB 3a(44) [of a stone wall]; 2. perh. prow of a boat: sg. Sab 100b(42) Lit: Koh, ACSup 12; Y: XShlB Sab ib.(BAYTN 153). tfia vb. to grope (4- Vl#WBtfB; Sy x^k LS 378, Ma Wia MD 263) Pe. (u): Tim j'BID pn T7H TAX 'Tin 'TO WO Xp two certain blind men who were groping together came Ber 56a(44; SM 142:14) tunica n.m. measurement (4- V2#nTO; Sy rdiiio-S* LS 407) sg. ]"pa(T)(n) 'ItfXl'X ]3X1 [X]aW31 XirHP1B3 we are men who are expert in measurement and evaluation SSSad 204b: 1 JipEha n.m. musk (Sy t/yx_oJ*> LS 408, MP musk#\ CPD 57) sg. Ket 75a(26; Ar [AC 5:281, s.v. pra]) ma vb. to die, be dead (4- XJYIB, XITTIB, rva, xnwa, 1#X3JVB, Vaatf; Sy dv^ LS 378, Ma Xlia MD 263) Pe. (e/u), pf. 3sg.m. XV»B Pes 70b(2); f. nna BB 112a(9); AW 50b(20); 3pl.m. wa A/g 27b(32); imp. 3sg.m. Sab 117a(18); Tmb Ned 91b(16); jm>l Tan 5b(20); ma' Bo 74:4; f. mB'Jl Pes 75a(47); 3pl.m. lma'1? A/g 9b(17); inf. m>0 Anan 57:18; 7ev 118a(5); part, lsg. X3n»B Git 56b(45); 2m. rtfTB Ber 56b(13; MGG 708:9); 3m. TVXB San 10b(l); X1"B Sab 90b(34); f. X7T»B Git 28a(33); XTl'B 5er 56a(25); lpl. irri'a Ber 31a(7); 3m. pra 5an 91a(24); Kiiia 651 jua 'n'B ^Z 5a(34); f. ]IWS HP 114:31;- a. people: XTlTTJ n^BSl "ID'p JTB the emperor has died and the decree has been annulled Sab 33b(35); ib. 34a(ll); Tan 29a(44); BB 174b(2); Kar 7a(49); xrrjn xn3 rrh ri'x xVi nns»a '33 ]B in n'a nn n'BT if one of the sons of the family died, and he did not have a son when he died Anan 108:7; vm vn T'JT'BT I'D'a (if) the ones who are living will die, will the ones who will die live (again)? San 91a(24); rPXB 'BV XnVll m '3 when three days had passed (the poor man) would die ib. 109b(34); inV 'BX TT"B mil '3 as he was dying he said to them Git 56b(45; V18); n"a n'1? n'331 one whom (a rabid dog) bites will die Yom 84a(3); '31 ma'1? Kin fa ir"XB he might only die from that one (lashing) [i.e. the twenty-first] San 10b(l); mB'Vl 'JTST ]XB 'Xn one who wants to die Nid 55b(39); nia''? XDB'1 one who is about to die BB 58b(9); HM 43:16; b. animals: jfjra "ISS3 Tin QX niB'' if an ox can die in the morning in snow San 18b(37);fle*36a(23) NTlia n.m. death (4- VfflB, XmB HX^B, XBD XniBI; TA Xfna TJ Jer 11:19, Sy rc'Ao^b LS 378, Ma xniB MD 263) sg. XfllB '3 XmB the death (of one) is like the death (of another) MQ 28b(16); DT X3X Xma "?3 W*t2 I, blood, am the chief cause of all death BB 58b(6); ,TrB'' XS'X Xfliaa 'K/pT is there something harder than death? Yev 63a(41); TITO -\T}2rV "n3 in my lifetime and after my death SSHai 2b(6) Y: xnia Yom 72b(41; BAYTN 24). KSTlia, cs. 3Hia n.m. site, sitting, residence, session (4- Van', xsriia m; ta infna to Gen 27:39, Sy «L4>&cv^ LS 311, Ma X3IVIB MD 263) i. site: sg. rams 'JiVs ina byi rvibs xnxas in such-and-such a town which is located alongside such-and-such a river S$Hai 2a(3); ib. 3a(7); 2. sitting: sg. -pn\02 "\Vb p'SJI 'XB *?!? 3T1 "nm "lSn dig (a hole) and then sit for whatever comes out of you while sitting [i.e. either defecating or urinating] Anan 32:3; 3. residence: sg. TPIWi? Xmtttl XTlBJim nvrsfr] rrama^i n'risipcx1?! sealing and protection for the dwelling, threshold, residence, and house (of NN) Bo 56:4; 4. session: sg.cs. XJPin nrfrri 3ma3 we were in a session of three (judges) BB 165b(32); San 30a(2); SSHai 12a(16); 555^265^.13 Y: ipnte Pes 62b(20; BAYTN 162). Nania, XiSma n.m. pestilence (4- VfflB; TA xSftlB TO Num 17:15, Sy rdJ^eOsb LS 378, Ma X3XIYIB MD 263) sg. XJXniB mn flV V2V there was a pestilence for seven years San 29a(31) // xama Yev i i4b(47); 'ppi 'tbb 7>ra (xMiiaam X^maa may the Merciful One save you from something which is harder than pestilence ib. 63a(40); 'wx nam xama njn xV do not stir up pestilence against us [lit. those people] San 97a(43); Tan 8b(21); i& 21b(25); 29; BB 86a(28); AnanSch 15:15!; SOZ 72:20 Y: XJrlia 7an ib.(BAYTN 163). Kinia n.m. surplus, remainder (4- V"1JT; JPA nma djpa 297) sg. nxDn (n)njna anp 'xa nm mma anp aip'B 'Ba in what (manner) is a guilt-offering offered? (As) its remainder. The remainder of a sin-offering is also indeed offered Zev 5b(17); ib. 19 Y: H-Wia Zev ib. NVata n.m. type of matting (4- xVaina) pi. Suk 20a(32) Y: 'bata Suk ib. NaaSTa n.m. seller (4- Vpt; Sy KlLL=>Ci« LS 187,' TA xaaaifa TJ Ezek 7:12, jna xaxaatB mzabnana HDJNA s.v.) sg. Xa:3TBV TDX1 'S'H '31 XiiaiV TDX '3n just as (deception) is forbidden to the seller (to cheat), so is it forbidden too the buyer. Seel 130:3 Voc: x55a1»HGP 24a: 10. Jia vb. to mix or dilute (of wine with water; 4- 1#XATB, 2# X1TB, VTB; Sy \£i» LS 378, Ma 118 MD 264) Pe. (a/u): a. w. dir.obj.: '1TBT VTm X1HH X?V.'W irnyi D'U Tcb certain wine which pagans used to mix and the Jews used to drink AZ 58b(17) // Yev 46a(30); XpT rryBB/V H'nsiyX "7TN XD3 T&f l'!B he went (and) saw his servant mixing a cup of wine for him Er 54a(49) // Ned 55a(32); Qid 31b(10; O2); JWITB '11X you mix wine in bowls Bo 78:18 [cf. Ma: X'lXlX X(')ltXB MD ib.]; b. alone: VIXW X1? 'innx 'UBT 'nXW 1>TX 1'TBI
NIMn NJTD 652 t : - (the snake) drinks what it mixes. It does not drink what others mix AZ 30a(39); XJX 7th J1TBX h 31 fl'V JTB let me mix (the wine) for him. He mixed (it) for) him Ned 55a(32; V2) // 1(1)(')TBX Er 54a(49); BM 60a(31; F1); Yom 81b(40) [wine vinegar]; Ket 61a(43); Qid 31b(10); pass.part. J'ta 11,1 '3 TTtW he sent it to him when it was mixed BM 60a(32; F1) Itpe. w. h id.: Xian I'V J'TB'X ,131 PN mixed the wine ib. 31 [Var: 1'JTB F1] — N1DI1 N^TSI n.m. an unclean bird (lit. mixer of wine; 4- XIBri KITS TO, l#X1Bn) sg. Hul 62b(38) Y: Xian NJT8 Hul ib.(BAYTN 88). 1# NJTa, NINTa n.m. temperament (4 VjT»; Sy pOq'o-So LS 379, mng. 3, Ma 2#X1'TB MD 264, MH Jt6 Yeivin, BV 819, J 753) sg. D'Bri "XII '3D3 niXTH O'Bn 'BJ X'll 'DB3 .TIXTB this one has a very volatile temperament, and she also has a very volatile temperament OHT Yev 156:13 2#KJT& n.m. cup (4- VlT»; Sy rc'^vii, pi. rd^Jo, K'&.^lio, LS 378, mng. 2) sg. Xian '3 X1TB3 like wine in a (glass) cup Xwi 35b(16); pl.cs. ,TT3 X'B 'ATB 'in O'pJ holding two cups of water in his hands BB 73b(2); Suk 53a(31) Y: XJTB BAYTN 43. [3# NJta 4 rta adj.] NflTlTp, pi. NAN'TlTa n.f. mezuza, a parchment sheet containing Dt 6:4-9; 11:13-21 which is placed on the doorpost (< MH nflTB Yeivin, BV 1026, J 754; jpa mm djpa 298) sg. xnnm xtn XriJVSN XrUBI he saw a mezuza which was placed on the entrance /(Z lla(14); xnilTB h J?3p affix a mezuza for me Men 33a(10); Git 19b(55); pi. '1 '31 xnniS llVlS all of the mezuzot of the House of PN Men 33a(13) [Var: XTlX'Tlta TGAs28 68:12]; ,1'JinTB npyi 1'tJin mpi cut off his fringes and detach his mezuzot Dec 4:11 On the ultimate origin of this word, v. ALBH 85; Y: XJnilTO AZ ib. N31TK1 n.m. food, pi. livelihood, wife or child support (4 VflT, 2# XJ"I; TA ]1!3 TO Dt 24:6, Sy rdjov^s LS 192) 1. food, sustenance: sg. p 'XH XII XTIIBI XJW'1? the (root) p is a term of sustenance Suk 39b(l 1; M2) [w. ref. to p'1 Dan 1:5]; Er 18b(46; O) [expl. BH «]1D Gen 8:11, w. ref. to 'j?n arh 'JS'IBI Prov 30:8]; 5as 16a(10) [expl. BH p'n Ps 81:5, w. ref. to Dpn Gen 47:22]; Pes lllb(41) [4- 1#X1D'X]; Sab 53b(37); 2. pi. livelihood: 'J1TB1 '33 "n life, children, and livelihood MQ 28a(27); IIID'A x"?1 '3',1 '3 K1W x"?13 13'31ta3 so that you should not be occupied with your livelihood the whole year Ber 35b(26); ib. 5b(31); 'ilTBI XT1J/E? a time of (plentiful) livelihood Tan 25a(40); 3. pi. wife or child support, alimony: ,1s? fl'X 'Jim she has alimony ATer 54a(17); ib. 54b(3); 64a(7); 104b(24); Yev 85a(41); /4ra 22a(48); 'Ilia h 31 give me alimony G/7 35a(40; As); ATe/ 100b(26); BB 51a(5); /Ira 22a(21); tfP 114:13; Geon 230:18; '»71'1 'J1TB support of orphans Dec 10:19 Y: XJiTB BAYTN 72. Kri'Bi-Ta n.f. rebuke (4- V«]!3; TA XJTSITB TO Dt 28:20) sg. [H]'3 pr?Tn XJl'Sim may rebuke burn in him 5o 74:5 Lit: Sok, Archive 2 [1974] 75. n.m. fuller's mallet (< Akk mazuru launderer's wringer CAD M/l 440; 4 l#XTmiB; Sy rf'ioUJa LS 194) pi. mm Sab 123a(ll) Geon. expl.: ]'»iyw 1'0313 bv D'^a BITS 'TITB1 nx't '3'D 11J3 irafca « 1'wiyi uaa inx fy mini ... irox'ra pa hgi 229:83; pfpx'ja 13 r-Wiyi [XV'T i.e.] 1MO Fflnx XV K1HB 1=1 TGAs28 185:7; p3 ]'(B)loi3inw max 'jib rnas o'xy mta ]0(1>1'I3'3 WTO D'1J3 by ]'D313 TRN 631:9; Lit: Eps, Stl 15+; cf. AIOA 71. N^a, w.suf. -»T», -"T')3 n.f.coll. hair (4 X'TJ?B; Pen Ideog. X'TB FiP 10:8, Sy r?ln\^ny pi. rc\^j LS 378, Ma XTJXB, pi. X'UXB MD 248, JNA XJIIB mizta, pi. '?a mizze HDNJA 127) a. general: V3 X'Ta X'JIX 1'BV njW every seven days hair grows out [lit. comes] Naz 39b(9; V2); 'XB1X1 'pXII '11 X'tai strainers of the pagans (made) of hair AZ 75a(30); 1"TB p '33'D rb D'pjap nil he used to pick [lit. gather] straw out of her hair Ned 50a(7); BM 84b(21); H'Jp'11 1"Ta the hair of his beard SOZ 72:19; ]in'T'» Bo 52:13; b. w. var. vbs.: pi. 1) V?1J pe. to braid: ,1't6 X^lia 131 when she braids her hair HP 137:1(HPP 215:17); 2) VlSH pa. to curl: iT^T'»3 "j'Siia Xp 11,11 X131 X111 a certain man who was curling his hair RH 26b(17; kb'H x-'-ia ' t " : T : — GRH 18:31) // Meg 18a(45); 3) VlTID pe. to unravel: .T'Ta^ XlriOl she unraveled (the braids of) her hair San 110a(l); Yev 116b(ll); 4) w. V?ptf pe. to cut the hair: XjV'TXIX X3V'3' X1? xmoi "ta3 bypWll I cannot (appear before the king) until I go, cut my hair, and wash myself Meg 16a(17); ib. 22; Pes 112a(2); Sab 110a(28); HG2 489:27; Anan 89:5; n"TXB ib. 13 Lit: Nold, MG 77; Voc: IHB HGP 57b:27; Y: X;tB AZ ib.(BAYTN 88). - KB'n NJta n.f.coll. wig (lit. false hair; 4 2#XB'T) TRN 601:1 [expl. MH n'13i 1XS M§ab 6:5] Expl. TRN ib. 2: TJ/'!J 1JW, i.e. i/> jii alternate!?] hair or _yi jxji other hair [v. Brody, TRN ib., note.] J'T)3 adj. mixed or diluted (of wine with water), n. diluted wine (4 VlTtt pe., pass.part.; Ma X313 XJ'ia a mixed cup [i.e. a cup of wine and water] MD 264) I. adj. mixed or diluted (of wine with water): sg.m. Yom 81b(41) [* "n adj.]; X3TO rt» highly diluted AZ 30a(29); J'ta x"71 I'm slightly diluted ib. 30; XJ'ia XIBfl diluted wine Mak 3b(48); AZ 30a(28); II. n. diluted wine: a. general: sg.m. ib. 35; XS'TD 1"ptt?X1 he gave him diluted wine to drink Hul 94a(17); '01 'J'ta 'XI IDT 311 ''13 X311 'J'ta1? this diluted wine is like PN's diluted wine Ned 55a(34) // Er 54a(50; O); JPV yi'B 'T1 Xl'ia my diluted wine is quite recognizable BM 60a(32; F1); b. w. neg.: sg.m. Tlif I'm xVl ^'SX 'm (the deity) eats raw (meat and) drinks undiluted (wine) Bo 78:4 Y: 1'IB AZ ib. N)?na n.m. a type of demon (4- Vl# pT3; JPA p'm DJPA 298) sg. Xp'tai Xp't a z.-demon and an TW.-demon Bo 88:4; Xp'ta p ^B3 Dnna1? to seal yourself from an m.-demon HM 46:11; pl.abs. ^3 Tp'mi Tp't Bo 25:4; ib. 31:9; 45:4; 59:13; 114:6; 'ipip 13 xrtajxi i'n'33 n'xi Y*ri Tp'ta "73 all the evil m.-demons which are in PN's house ib. 76:9; 7:14; 82:3; det. X131 ]Vfa 'p'm "73 IXIW'T "7X12;'1 nrfrx all the rest of the m.-demons which the God of Israel created ib. 88:6 In BT this word always appears in the mss. in H even in A contexts, e.g. \yn '3 p'tB XVCT nin there was a certain demon in the school Qid 29b(36); 17'TB n'fllJl TTOtn Dl»a because demons are frequent under it Hul 105b(43). T T ~ KpTTB, NplTa n.m. artery (< uecrapaiKoi; mesenteric or pertaining to the mesentery L-S 1105; Sy r£-a->-\r£jpm^n, rd_o_»T-£or«lS*> LS 397) sg. Xpi'TB 'XI HG3 210:61; pi. 'JT3 XSaiX 'pl'iai meat, testicles, and arteries Hul 93b(12) // 'pim Pes 74b(19); Hul 93b(22); XH'Vxi 'pi'Ta the arteries of the fat tail HG3 156:41; 'pl'ia XBBjn arteries of the thigh ib. 157:47; 46; 50; 120:11 Lit: Eps, Stl 114; id., St2 427:8, note; Y: 'jnTO Pes ib. K^|a, K^KTa n.m. zodiacal station, planet, fortune, guardian angel (< Akk man/zzaltu location of a star CAD M/l 228, mng. 2c, AIOA 69; 4- xVm J13/13; MH2 "7TB J 755, TA rfTta pi. TJ Is 47:13, Sy rdk\°Jys LS 10, Ma xVxtlXB constellation MD 248) 1. zodiacal station: sg. I'ViaV I'V B"X7 Xpl XM 3TX it is Job who curses his zodiacal station Pes 2b(9); xrfr'a X'^n x'jma the matter is dependent on the zodiacal station MQ 28a(27); 2. constellation: pi. '3313 '3'B1 '"7TB1 the stars and constellations are overturned Bo 67:3; ib. 115:5; 63:8; 74:1; 55:7; 85:7; 3. fortune, luck, destiny: sg. rrrai'1? XW pi xV'yV xV'J/V X3iai n'Vta1? may they excessively strengthen from heaven our master's [i.e. the Gaon's] fortune Dec 2:4; xb X^TB IDan'XI ]T3 mVTi since (my) fortune has been lowered he does not pay attention (to me) MQ 28a(36; L); 1'"? D'an©'1? I'^TB jm since its [i.e. ^v's] destiny is unsound, let him avoid it [i.e. a lawsuit] Tan 29b(3); rf7TB JTUTXI she had misfortune [lit. her luck was unsound] Hag 5a(2); Ber 55b(41); Ned 40a(16); Hor 12a(40) // Kar 6a(3); x"7TB XIBn D'l J 1'IXBI the fortune of the owner of the wine is the determining factor (in its quality, souring, etc.) BB 98a(16); 1'1J7 'iri31 x"7TB the fortune of two people (in business) is better (than that of one) BM 105a(14) [Var: X^XTB HP 63:23]; 4. guardian angel: sg. J?"0B (X)l7ta fpV D'XI Q1X XV X"7!B H'1? H'Vl nai3 n'Vm I'1? since a man has a guardian angel, his guardian angel helps him (by means of the amulet). Since an animal does not have a guardian angel, (it does) not Sab 53b(8); BQ 2b(23); VspBI XII X131 'XII H'^TB (n)'3J13 it is the guardian angel of a man who receives his amulet (and heals him) Sab 61b(13); 653
ktibtb t : - ^ 'TXn n^Xta 'TB '!Xn X1? in'KT 3"yx even though he does not see anything, his guardian angel sees Meg 3a(42) // San 94a(5); pi. ltxn imVia Meg 3a(42); Sab 146a(5) Y: x!?ta 3aZ> ib.(BAYTN 232). KliBJB n.m. psalm (4- V"i»T; Sy K'iAjMuib LS 200) sg. XBJl' XTiaia an anonymous psalm AZ 24b(42) [w. rcf. to Ps 98 which begins -liBTB w/o the name of its author] Y: Xliara AZ ib.(BAYTN 260). Kaaata n.m. host (4- V]at) sg. 'rub '■'-ran '33btb a host who forbade himself benefits from a guest Ned 24a(29); '3BTB7 mTTXT '3'BT ifc. 30 Y: KM!? AW ib.(Mo 161). KflSpTB n.f. making an animal's hair bristle (4- V»)i?T; Cf. Sy rC&'eiAjjtis height LS 204) sg. BM 60b(8) [expl. MH MTO pi. ib.] Y: xrapm AM ib. Kama 4- xana n. Kttana n.m. blow (I VD3n; cf. Sy r^c^uu-bb instrument for striking LS 209; 4- X"l»na) sg. in XD3nB && 32a(7; RaH,Ar [AC 6:455, s.v. VB]) K^ana n.m. destruction (4- Vl#^>an; JPA "rana DJPA 299) sg. Bo 10:8 KiVana n.m. type of demon (4- Vl#"?3n; JPA l^ana DJPA 299) sg. Bo 8:9; ib. 59:4 Kirfrana n.f. type of demon (4- Vl#^an) pi. xrfonan xrfanai Bo 120:34 *iana adj. dark, gloomy (4- V4#nan pa., pass.part.; 4- Xinn; Ma 2#-|3H to be dark MD 130) pl.m. nana Via dark houses Ber 59b(19; OHP ib. 106:16) [Var: "7SX TO Ed] Geon. expl.: naVon J1V3 OHP ib. 17, i.e. 4-dLi cjjjj. n?na adj. lame (4- TSn; TA lina TJ 2S 19:27, Sy K'-U^fj-^s LS 214) sg.m. Tyi XIJnB X^T 'JID'rn the shepherd is lame and the goats are swift Sab 32a(9; MGG 438:16, MO) Jina n.m.abs. gesture (poss. < Vlin to go in a circle Fl, TMW 3:307) sg. 3WB3 TinBT 'XDIS '3» the Persians are different because they communicate [lit. designate] by gesture Ber 46b(27; F); j-mas nna nnaa "inx1? yr x"n xtjj 4 murtna T T : t XD^B 'Bp does a man who does not know how to communicate by gesture communicate by gesture before the king? Hag 5b(17) Y: lina Ber ib. Krniina n.f. evident explanation (i.e. [Xfl^'B] XJnnna a clarified matter; 4- V*ffin pa., pass.part. f.det., i# irn mng. 1.6) sg. ia \r\i ama xmnna X'SHPin it is evident (that it is) like PN('s opinion) Sab 81b(39); Pes 36a(5); Ket 94b(8); Zev 55a(39); 5e£ 20a(28); ]iya» "\ "3riB XJVTlinB it is evident (that) our Mishna is (according to) PN BQ 86a(44); Sab 118a(7); Yev lllb(41); BM 82a(l 1); Xlp'ya pttna xmnna it is evident (that it is) as we originally replied Er 96a(12); RH 4a(38); Yom 12a(32); MQ 13b(10); Ket 72b(30); BM 3a(26); tfor 8b(5); //u/ 117a(23) Lit: Bacher 110; Y: xrniWB Sab 74a(6). KTifia n.m. walled city, town (< Akk mahazu town, settlement CAD M/l 85, mng. 4, AIOA 68; 4- xnna na, s.v. i#xna mng. 9; TA wina" nnp> pi. TO Num 29:33, Sy rf\k*^k walled city LS 219, Ma XTinXB town, village MD 240) 1. walled city: sg. '»! rf?1D1 XTlrJB Xinn a certain walled city (populated) entirely by women 7am 32a(50) [// jpa x"B/:n xnna VR 619:2]; xiinaT X33 the gate of the walled city ib. 32b (4); xmrf? mrtjax TT71 bring them to the walled city of GN Suk 53a(2i); rwrnib ^t nn x"n xnna xinn in^ mn there was a certain walled city which they were unable to capture San 109a(12) [Var: (X)n3HB K]; 2. town: sg. XTWan XD.TH 'XH the r.-dish of the town Ber 37b(15; F) [* 'X^pm of the field workers ib. 13]; xnna '33 residents of the town Sab 12a(29) [* XfiX'^pn '33 residents of rural areas ib.]; pi. 'Tina yno TViVS Ta'TI sixty towns were destroyed by it BB 73b(17); ib. 18; 20 Lit: Kut, Studies 367+ [Heb]; on GN XIWO, v. BJTP 179; Y: Klin? San ib.(BAYTN 107). riKIina adj., n. of Mahoza (gentilic < GN XIiriB; 4- xnna, nx3tina) I. adj.: sg.m. nxnna vsvo sn Pes 42b(25; V'7); II. n.: pl.m. 'XTinB Qid 72b(31); f. 'n"Tina ib.(M) Y: nxjirffl Git ib.(BAYTN 319). nKJTina adj. of Mahoza (Sy *LjLJto-u->3 PSm 2069; 4- xnna, nxnna) sg.m. nxanna 'an an Er KnVina 655 i#'na 57a(16; O); Pes 42b(25; V14); Qid 6b(13); BQ 72a(16; Es); pl.m. 'XiTinB "HOV writs of the people of GN BM 68a(l 1) [forbidden because of usury; v. ib. 13]; nonna (masoretes) of GN BMsE 17:3 Y: nWlina Er ib.(BAYTN 320). [KHK'ina 4-1# xrvna n.] sn^ina 4- xrfrina n. Kn'jina 4- xrmna na n. SniTna n.m. cycle (< JPA Tima DJPA 299; 4, Vim, i#x-vnna) sg. -mi rw ^ani pwy "?d Xlima every twenty-eight years when the (solar) cycle returns to its starting point Ber 59b(4) Lit: Feldman, Mathematics 199; Y: Xlima Ber ib. pjna, pTnia n.m. verified (< MH2 j?mia J 445) sg.m. pimai D"p1 Tnwi a strong, established, and verified (document) SSHai 16a(5); ib. 18a(3); pl.m. X3'T n'31 'ptma nXDW b3 all the verified writs of the court ib. 4a(20); TGHark 84:6; /& 85:28 nna vb. to pound (Sy aCs etpe. to be made into powder LS 380) Pe.: ^X'pTma1? Xn© XSS 3T 'O'Cm na'aV Xm1?! wn '31 PN permitted the cooks of the exilarch's house to pound the ... Pes 40b(25); WMia n'1? ma n'Sn X3T ;i. 27 l#KBnB n.f. needle (4- Veen; Sy ^ V, o -^ LS 227, Ma xuxna MD 259) sg. naniyxT xona x'nn 'X'm n3"l X3isa,03 a certain needle which was found in the large bronchus of the lung Hul 48b(30); ib. 49a(5); '31 XDai03 XnDIlB'aT xSnS '0X3 a needle which was found in the thick part of the 6±-stomach HP 201:9[HPP 303:18]; ib. 202:3; xniTPB^m Xtsna a needle for mending Qid 82b(l) // Ber 63a(38); 5afe 96b(32); XDna 'DDIPIXT the shoemaker's needle Hul 31a(23); XBnai XSip the eye of a needle Ber 55b(56); BM 38b(38) Y: X»na Ber ib.(BAYTN 88). 2#KBna n.m. decay (Vtffl3; Sy rdAi^jaio mucus, phlegm LS 380) sg. Wt XDna 'Xtn XDb'aT n"XTB?3 1 saw decay entering into the royal silk garments Ber 56a(54; MGG 706:11) [4- 3# X"?3n] Kipna n.m. striking with a rod (derived < '4-' i# xnoin; 4- xDsna) sg. xnax <a)ionTn ltnsTi mb-xnona in (if) the maidservant exalts herself a lot, there will be a blow from a rod (from her mistress) Sab 32a(7) Y: X-ltpna Sab ib.(BAYTN 218). l#'nB vb. to strike, protest (4- l#XXl'na, l#xnna; Sy rdjj^s LS 380, Ma XHB MD 258) Pe. 1. to strike, hit: a. general: 'oVlS 1TTO nvna X113T they struck him with sixty fire-strokes Hag 15a(22) [+ //'s; 4- 1# XDViS]; T'na'1?! Xin ]XB1 who will strike me? Ber 56a(43); San 10a(43); AZ 28a(42); Hul 107b(33); xnn'X1? H'1? 71XBT ]XB X^sai nnam one who strikes the wife of another and she miscarries San 109b(13); Xpi3'V H'na '3 '3XDaT 'np"l5?3 xVx 'nan XV strike a child only with a shoe thong BB 21a(20); IDi'DBp'-B XS'ya XJ'PSI XIT'n 1D3"nB'a I want to tie you up (and) to hit you with a (whole) bag and a half Git 47a(14); Hul 107b(35); xp rr>na xpT Xnai xna ^3 'X5?nxV H'b n'Sia you weaken my field with every blow of the spade that you strike BB 17b(26); Bo 20:6; ib. 64:2; 142:12; b. in a fig. sense: XBT yaa abl xft'CU ID1? X3'na I shall strike you with a thorn which does not cause blood to flow forth [i.e. I shall excommunicate you] Ket 91a(40) // BB 151b(7); 2. to object: ]3'nB ]3'Xa in3 we can object to them Nid 7b(23) Pa. to protest: a. alone: X'nB@'a 'B3 nVll '3 XpS31 when she grows up she can also protest (against her conversion) and leave (Judaism) Ket 1 la(25; M); 'Xna X"?T XM 'XnaT XH this refers to where she protested (against the arranged marriage) and that to where she did not protest ib. 68b(17)"inBb n'1? 'ya'X he should have protested BB 35b(13); BM 110a(32); ]XB tal n'mDT X"?t33 'nBB X"71 "ina1? ym does everyone who should protest and does not do so lose his right? TGHark 170:30; b. w. "T3 against: Tim ">T3 ma Xs?! pan 'arr the scholars were sitting there and did not protest against it Git 56a(5); c. w. internal obj.: BB 39b(12) [4- lttiOTna] Itpa. 1. to be smitten: xa'"?1 D1STO3 fnanm you should be smitten in the pericardium Bo 13:5; ib. 20:7; 2. to be struck out: mv 'narrx his name was struck out ib. 74:12; 3. to protest, inveigh
2#'na 656 nana [w. "3, "'T3]: ,!7 'jra'KlD ,T3 'XnaX xVl I did not inveigh against him as I should have BM 84b(23); "inS'^ ;7>. 110a(32; M); HT3 "max1? Sfearf 268:18 Lit: Morag, Ros Vol 345 [trad, pronunciation of the Pa.] 2#T1» vb. to liquefy (4- VmB; Sy rf^Jxt LS 376, mh nna hif. J 759) Af.: n"7 'naap na'x when does (the heat of the sun) liquefy it [i.e. the fat]? Naz 50a(24) 3# Tia vb. to prove the efficacy (denom. < MH nnara [4- x'naia]) Af.: xn xnai "inaxV xn XJPap "inax1? this is to prove the efficacy of a man, and that is to prove the efficacy of an amulet Sab 61b(4); pass.part. n'Xn Ti'X V'T -pDB'XI 'Vlia-m1? n'nBBi go (and) bring proof that you are efficacious (in slaughtering) roosters, and I shall exempt you BQ 99b(38) Ittaf. to have the efficacy proved: TMrPX Xn xyap 'nan^x xm x-m &* 6ib(6) [v. Af.]; ib. 61a(41); 61b(8); 12 The exact mng. of nrraj n'V 'nam iy pnrKi^ mm Vrf? TGHark 277:16; 11TP3J iTPmam i& 20 is unclear. 4#'na vb. perh. to fasten (J- 2#XW1B; JPA 2# TIB DJPA 300) Pa., only in phrase 'ilVo 1BX VU'Wia <X>in xn'na did you make all of them into one fastening? [i.e. did you accept all of his rulings?] Hul 58b(24); mrnna xjvna xina Pes 42a(27; V14); TO/ina XnnB Xin mVlD 1DX Ber 24a(36); &ii 148a(17) 7'*na adj. strong (4- VbTI pa., pass.part.; Ma "jX'Xna MD 143, s.v. V>n) sg.m. X31B V-na X"?T ]B1 iV'TTB^ 'SB X1? one who is not very strong is unable to carry it HP 76:9 [= GeonH 13 ]'XP 'Bltf ri3in n3 HR 59:25] [Kms'na I xnrna n.] NriS'na, pi. KriNS'na n.f. wall, partition (< MH'nS[']na Yeivin, BV 1006, nrnB MZevK 14:10, J 760; 4- Vl#T>Xn; TA xnxiia TJ IK 6:6) 1. wall: pi. xnxrna XB"0B the walls delineate (the path) 55 100a(25); 2. partition: pi. WIN 111 XriXSTia extend the partitions downward (fictitiously) Sab 101a(12); xnxi'na p'DX TU extend the partitions upward (fictitiously) 5mA: 4b(13); Er 89a(41); xrrrna p3J'B the partitions are recognizable ib. 92a(29); 33b(15); 3. pi. precinct [< MH TbJrfpjSJJVi J 760; xV'J? 'XT xnxX'na rTKhp nb if (the sacrificial animal) entered (into the area of the bama), the (sacred) precinct retained it Zev 120a(2) [cf. MH2 lmo^p mma San 112b(52)] Lit: S. Abramson, BB, Intr X [mng. 1]; Y: mTm Sab 100a(17). p'TO adj. leveled of a measure (4- Vpna pe., pass.part; JPA p'na DJPA 301, s.v. priB mng. 2) pl.f. Xnp'naa BM 80b(2) [ref. to barley] Cf. also Geonic opinion quoted by Rashi: lybnnw J'liyw, i.e. became wormy. i#Nri'na n.f. protest (4- Vi#'na; mh2 nxna j 756) sg. "inaV 'wia x'nn n,!7 x'ln 'ana -a bm PN had a certain protest to make BB 39b(ll) [Var: XJVXna HGP 2a: 18 (HG2 459:79)]; pi. xnxina nxna1? pdfmp 225:16 Y: xri'TO BAYTN BB ib.(BAYTN 284). 2# NXl'na n.f. perh. fastening 4- V4# 'na [■jna 4- V-|nx af] ^>na vb. to forgive, absolve (JPA VflB DJPA 300, MH "?na pe. LNVTH 209; cf. 4- V2#V7n af.) Pe. (e/u): xmj/u "73 wb wrnai rvb n'^n'x^ XmVtt/l I have forgiven and absolved him for every mistake and error SSHai 5a(14); TGHark 101:28; ib. 29; 31; n'ainV piSE/'l bona1 Xin bxiW "73 'ainVl X^Sin1?! may He forgive and absolve his sins, our sins, and the sins of all the JewsiTj. 234:13 Lit: LNVTH 209, w. lit. N"xVna 4- xrtena n. K"iana n.m. desire (4- Vian) pi.cs. xary 'lana the desires of our eyes TGHark 27:10 Naana n.m. hot object (4- Vl#QBn pass.part. det.m.) pi. Txp mpai D'xn 'aanai mwa because (sand surrounding) heated objects heats up and (sand surrounding) cooled ones cools down [i.e. it acts as an insulator and is relevant only to the Sabbath] BB 19a(45) nana prep, because of, as a result of, on account of, conj. because (< nan )B; Ma ]a riXBVI MD 145, MH nana Yeivin, BV 769) I. jtnniona t ' : " 657 prep, because of, as a result of, on account of: a. alone: 'XB nana for what reason? Ber 13b(50); Ket I7b(32); nana ntsia xbi 'nta nana nora '31J (the phylacteries) are protected on account of dogs, but they are not protected on account of thieves Bes 15a(42); XflVn nana H3 XTim she retracts (from drinking the potion) because of trembling Sot 19b(39); XS10'3 nana out of shame Yev 113b(39); BQ 75a(31); BM 39a(27); Bek 3b(30); b. w. pron. suf: 'Xnana ]in"7 V3XW "73 anyone who will present a claim against them on account of me SSSad 187b:l; 'nana SSHai 5b(6); inana Git I3b(22); n'nana rVnw xo:ix "73 any unforeseen circumstance which develops because of him BQ 114a(16); Yev 95a(30); AZ 15a(14); pnnana SSHai 17b(19); II. w. "t conj. because: m 'paiDI "'D'tZT nana because (the coins) were worn down and 'red' BB 32b(29); 132J3T nana TD'Blp HVria Xp 'tt?S3 because of my own free will I acknowledge before you SSHai 9a(2); 'JITB 1'3'IST nana because (the orphans) need support ib. 18a(9); SSSad 244:22; ]JXT nana n'DS'J ^Tab <X)mi»T n,!7 Xirrr because we have given him permission to sell his property Dec 5:11 Y: TOITO BAYTN 337. NnniOna n.f. defective eyesight (4- Vnon) sg. p7B Xn'llDna defective eyesight (is derived) from pi [Lev 21:20] Bek 44a(25) [* i xnVH3]; ib. 21 10na adj. lacking (4- VlDn pa., pass.part.) sg.f. XmiS X*in"a IX Xiona (if the leather sheet) is a bit lacking or a bit excessive (in length) Meg 19a(55; G); nV XIOnBT XTWSX ]1K\ we (eat) on a table which lacks it [i.e. a leg] Tan 25a(12) NnVsna*, pi. s'-^sna n.f. mat (jpa n^sna DJPA 300, MH n^ria Yeivin, BV 1017) pi. X'^Sna1? lim X'jabx "73 lyn^X all the images were smoothed down and became like mats MQ 25b(39;CAr [AC 5:112]) Passage phrased in 'Palestinian' A; cf. // f?xno xruip'X psn PT AZ 42c(2); Y: irrtnp MQ ib.(BAYTN 218). pm vb. to erase (4- p'na, xpna; JPA pna djpa 301) Pe. (a/u): XDTdV n'V p'nai he erases the portion (of the writ) covered with dots BB I63a(25); ■>isTl?i pmaVi 'nnnx xnV^a ,n,I7i let him bring another sheet, erase (it), and compare (it) ib. 164a(21); 160b(44); 167a(17) [4- 1#X33 mng. 3]; mpnBT '3H3 713y p3 the priests who erased it [i.e. the scroll] acted properly Sot 19b(42); ib. 20b(ll); Er 13a(45); Xiana pinaV X"n let him erase (what he wrote on the eggshell) with undiluted wine HM 45:23; pass.part. ^"11 p'nai aOfllTQ mm g.-parchment which was written and erased Seel 79:64 Itpe. to be erased: rfr Xp'na'X (the divine name) was erased Sot 14b(2); ib. 14a(47) Kj7na, XpNna n.m. erased portion of a document or scroll, palimpsest (4- Vpna) 1. erased portion of a document or scroll: sg. xt"3x x-idb/1 xpna "73; wa'nn "nrm xinjx we, the witnesses, signed on the erasure, and the writ is on the blank (portion of) the sheet BB 164a(ll); ib. 19; 20; 22; 2. palimpsest: sg. Meg 19a(2) [expl. MH -|»3 Mib. 2:2]; xpxna HG1 406:54 Geon. expl. [mng. 2): m m 3TQ TW1 p'TOl 3<')(im3 nvn VlJ nVlOn Seel 79:64. Note also: Expl. Ar: HB'n partially treated skin AC 5:113; expl. Rashi: |?31 'T by 'Wy D'3By 113 papyrus; Y: Npno Meg ib.(BAYTN 88). ina adv. tomorrow (Sy i-u-So LS 381), only in phrase "\TKr? adv. tomorrow, the next day (TA ina1? TO Ex 8:6) a. alone: W*7 nax ina1? the next day they said to him Git 68b(14); TWn inab XpTSS the next day he expounded it during a public lecture AZ 28a(22); Tan 12b(24); Meg 4b(49); BQ 116a(29); b. * XITXH, n'BV: 31 by «)X 'in ina1? 'tn X"7 XlTXm even though it is not fit today, it will be fit tomorrow Yom 64a(13); V'T inaV Xm XITXH go away today and come tomorrow BB 60b(l); xnsx iy X3TXm X1SXB "inaVi xn-nx lyi xaTxm xwixa ix "vmbi from this morning until tomorrow morning or from this evening until tomorrow evening Ber 3b(34; F); Er 40b(25); RH 20a(8); Bes 4a(39); Hag 7a(48); Ket 105b(23); Git 55b(49); Zev 56b(5); HP 184:14; Anan 89:10; 3'tt?nna D'anyn p inaba a'B/nnai nWB twilight is considered part of today and part of tomorrow ib. 77:6; c. w. ty: xnwn 'a ina1? ny -iorx I shall wait until tomorrow at the same hour [lit. like now] BB 74a(33); Bes 4b(7); Qid 7b(14); BQ 113a(13); Hul 105a(28); HP 44:3; d." in phrase nna"?
rnna 658 »B» Sinai'8?"! sometime in the future [lit. tomorrow or a later day]: 4- XlrJBV, s.v. XBT Voc: -TO1? HGP 3b:18; Y: inaV Ber 4a(16). Tnna n.m. a Persian holiday sg. AZ 1 lb(25) Lit: B.M. Bokser, JAOS 95 [1975] 261+. Nnatfrna n.f. thought, intention (4- Vatfn; TA nM'lffnS pi. TJ Jer 18:21, Sy «'&_sl£julJ» LS 261; cf. Ma l#Xri3XtfXn MD 127) 1. thought: sg. xroema 'Voaai xs'"?1? 'tya 'ixo'3 'an the &.-dish is beneficial for the heart and eliminates (bad) thoughts Er 29b(43); 2. intention: sg. 'XT n'jutfra1? nb V'dsb 'yxa if he wants, he eliminates his intention Zev 94a(ll); pi. xb nTDOTB T3yjlX his intentions were not carried out Kar 20a(24); 131 XI' 'X713P31 ]XB 'XI p'D3 n'JUOTBI one who is born under Saturn is a man whose intentions will be eliminated Sab 156a(41; V); XJW'ai XTTJO n'J13E?na his evil and bad intentions Bo 127:13; BMsG 6:5 Y: mivm Er ib.(BAYTN 282). nn» vb. Pe. (uncertain) 4- 1# xnna n. i#Nrina, xmrm, Pi. Krwnna n.f. wound (4- Vi#'na; jpa nna djpa 299) sg. xnna n-rnn 1'1'B XB1 T1X1 XBU1 (the term) ft. (designates) a wound of the body from which blood flows Anan 15:3; ib. 8; xnaill XT0DD1 XTinB a wound of a sword or a spear AnanSch 27:4; XniOX mnil xnna wound under healing Bo 18:6; /& 35:4; "?y xa'X H'Tina 1T1X say over the place of his wound HM 38:14; ib. 39:11; 12; pi. xriXinai '3'3 'IB master of sores and wounds 5o 21:8 2# xnna 4- 2# xrrna n. N3rina n.m. decline, descent (4- Vl#nrt3; Sy rdioWib LS 424, TA Xirina' TJ Jos 7:5) sg. TV11 XJnna the descent of GN £r 22b(2) Y: MrjnB £r ib. Krnnna n.f. break-in (< BH jtffina Yeivin, BV 1017, HAL 542; 4- VlTin; TA xfhrinB TO Ex 22:1) sg. ,tV xib'Bp xrnnnaa 'xty tixt 73 I would kill anyone who attacks me during a break-in San 72b(2); ib. 4; 72a(33); pi. pjntt 1'13D3 xriXinna seventy break-ins in GN Afg 25b(40); 'Tis'xa xnxinna nxa nVn Sa« i09a(49) Y: srnrina Mg ib. NJinwa, Nnnca n.f. loin, thigh (perh. back formation w. metath. < XXIIBBX* < XIinBBy* [4- xbbx pi.]; Ma xnx'nxBxa MD 241) sg. iwm (nyxi'niBB xnx pa'T rrro n'i(i>(i}i'n rP7in»rB',{D)l Xnx "IB'T let him roll it [i.e. the brine] sixty times on one thigh (?) of his and sixty times on the other Git 69b (47) [Var: n'BDy OHT ib. 154:1] RaH: XjMX !jrt>31 XOBX XVI XnilBO OHR ib. 46:10(Ar), i.e. It. anca hip; Lit: Eps, GnK5 55, quotes similar cases of metathesis from Ma; Ch. Muller-Kessler, Renger Vol 34952; Y: nTjnoa Git ib.(BAYTN 183). 'Wa adj., n. roasted (4- Vl#'1D af., pass.part.) sg.n.f.det. xnp'Ve? ysixa xmoa ... xao a roasted (egg) is better than four boiled ones Ber 44b(19) Y: XJTIBa Ber ib. 1# NJTIDa, abs. 108 n.f. request (4- V'BB; > MH2 nana IBB C?paan "73 Yom 87a[42]) abs./det. in phrase ("1'S W1)1BB3 by request (of), please: abs. 1,1'B 1BB3 TGHark 189:25; det. X711BB3 Pes H2b(49); Hul 60a(24); wra xrya xirroaa 1 emphatically beg of you AZ 18b(39); Sab 129a(42); San 97a(42); 13'JB XrilDM Ber 35b(25); Yom 72b(36); Hag 5b(46); Ket 112a(14); BB 58a(19); San 97a(52) Lit: Eps, St2 820; Y: xriwa Ber ib.(BAYTN 39). 2#KJTIBa*, cs. TO» (Sy K'ii'cJ^ portion, share LS 381), cs. only in phrase KTUa TOB, Knioa ltssa n.f.cs. portion (4- xrua; cf. xnxia X11D3 n'V X'Bai the portion which accrues to him by lot HP 59:10]) sg.cs. yinnia 1DB l7'nxi 1V3 nilBl n^'na since they forfeited their portion completely TGAs27 22:13; ib. 21; "?3 naVlWXI n'XlXlB <lD>lrU)XB Xin each one was paid her portion TGHark 268:28; IBB XU'B in "73 7pP'B7 iTIUUB for each one of us to take his portion SSHai lla(7); ib. 14; ITIXIB 1BXB ib. llb(7); SSSad 203:4; i& 205:4; //G2 278:29! 't3a vb. to arrive, reach, touch, befall, accrue (4- l#xmBB; Sy riX^n LS 381, Ma XBB MD 264) Pe. 1. to arrive, come, reach: a. alone: 1) general: T13 DDrf? Jl'BB '3 when you arrive there make a blessing Ber 54a(35); Git 24a(20); xVl '112?n TIIVb? IBXa the messengers of Tisri had not 659 'tt» arrived RH 21a(9); XB"p3 \yrb Vjm WW an x*?ib (xi'Dai xa'n xinoa xiyaiy X'DaT xs'n pn used to place the students in the summer where the sun reached, (and) in the winter where the shade reached Sab 119a(47; M); X'&BT X3V1 "73 1H3T XT wherever the priest's hand reaches Men 106a(39); BB 7a(5); 2) in time expressions: ]V3 n'yns X1?! n'TI Xiar xeaT as soon as its time came and he did not pay him Pes 31a(5); Sab 132a(42); Ket 110a(34); San 96b(14); AZ 10a(3); rr'D^X xnyB? K.^ X'Oa '3 when that propitious moment arrives I shall curse him ib. 4b(32); San 105b(33); Mak 10a(32); '^ya Xtja '3B? TbT\ m '3 mS'ST xav after three years had passed, the eve of the Day of Atonement arrived Ket 63a(21); Xpian xav Xt?a xVl it was before the market day arrived [lit. the market day had not arrived] BM 109a(l 1); BB 98a(25); Svu 13a(49); Nid 66a(54); Geon 164:11; Dec 8:2; \>W yiW 1D» '3 «]1D «]1D m87 XyiX Xmn Xp the field will eventually return to its owner when the sixtieth year comes BM 79a(39); San 12b(46); b. w. dir. obj. [Ma n"B'a MD ib.; for JPA, v. DJPA 302, mng. lb]: 1) place: XTO'n XCJBT iy V'TXI V>»p ni.T he continued killing until he reached the sanctuary San 96b(17); XHlpiy XDaT Xrai7 ,TH'Tn X3X X'BT I saw that PN had arrived at the pool Yom 78a(13); 'm 'Bin '3 'DXB mn 'S Xion 31 when PN arrived at a place of prickly shrubs and thistles San 94a(50); WDXB xVl nmjB X'yn'a X1? WDXB xb n^na IVSX X7X not only did you not arrive at 'rest' [i.e. Jerusalem; v. Dt 12:9], you did not even arrive at 'inheritance' [i.e. Shilo; v. ib.] Zev 119a(38); Qid 81a(42); Yom 83b(30); Tan 23b(4); San 67b(33); ib. 94a(49); 2) biblical verse: mri'X 'pTOD 'XI XDa '3 when he came to this verse he sighed Sab 152a(44); MQ 16b(28); Hag 4b(17); c. w. var. preps.: 1) '31: '3 mw 31 pT n»3131£? r\VH 'll 'BXB ,111 when PN used to reach MToh 2:1 San 106b(40); n'Dn'EPa1? 'yai n,V,T Hp-'b '31 'DXBT iy n'Vlp'B he is required to slaughter it from its neck until [lit. until he comes to] its /. AnanSch 24:20; 2) mb: '31 mwtb XDB '3 X7W33 when he reached the entrance of the synagogue Ber 47a(4); Sab 140a(46); Tarn 32a(49); XBipV wb 'DB1 iy ?rb '^pi he will char it [i.e. the skull bone] until it (splits open and) he reaches the membrane Hul lla(19); 'BXB1 ]XB amiPBI rusob one who arrives at a danger and is saved Anan 37:3; 3) '311?: XJXH '3lV XDB'1 iy until he comes to the judge San 109b(38); Sab 156b(14); Ket 63a(8); BB llla(38); 4) -Tmb: TDr)Tl7" XDB' I'll nn'JIDI 1BI3 when this decree of excommunication reaches you Dec 3:9; 5) "'Vb: iT3 131 X^ rVTb XDB x"71 XB3 as long as it did not physically reach him, he did not acquire possession Bek llb(33); X7 nvb NU>1 '»ai iyi XE^Il'B she is not divorced until the get comes into her possession Qid 44b(5); BM 13a(21); ib. 16a(26); BB 124a(13); Bek 18a(42); 6) '^pb: 'BX '11 n'BpV 'XDB1 XnVa Va.'?Jl,'K the matter continued to be dealt with and (eventually) came before PN BM 40a(4); 2. to overtake: 'DTHI yiVO 113 X1SSB1 X13J1? MVDB xVl BUI sixty runners ran and could not overtake a man who ate a meal in the morning BM 107b(29) // BQ 92b(4) [cf. Ma: fT'D'B X'lIXE?1? XB»'3 D'll the soul ran and reached its liberator MD ib.]; San 95a(37) [4- Vpns pe., mng. la]; 3. to touch: xn'3 X'M Xpi iTIWa 1DXB X1?! she was building a house, and its beams did not touch (from wall to wall) Tan 25a(22); prx 111'Vy iVW3 'DXB1 'jxa they are garments which her flesh touches Anan 45:13; 4. to ripen: X7"in3 XDB'I XD'IIS X1H1 vfy mn 'Xr '1 XiyiBI PN had a certain vineyard which ripened on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 12b (42); IBB X71 '31 bym 1BB1 TJI p'a© he used to leave those (figs) which had ripened and used to take these which had not ripened Hag 5a(16); 5. to befall, happen, occur [w. '31, "V, by]: X1SD 31 '31 'DB1 XJIHX X'.in that night when PN's turn came BQ 116a(28); ,1% 'BXB1 "?3 whatever would befall him San 108b(53); 'DB 'XT XTDS 1^ if you suffer a loss [lit. if a loss befall you] BM 105a(13); H'by 'DXB1 73 whatever would happen to him San 108b(53) [// mm XB 73 1'3 Xp70 Tan 21a(40); 4- Vl# p7D pe., mng. 9]; 6. to accrue, fall: XI'VsDX 1"DB in the vaulted chamber accrued to one (as his part of the inheritance) BB 7a(33); 'BB'1 [X]110im XIX'T 73 'nana ]'7'X 'I'STB jlVy any loss or deficit which may accrue to them from this sale on account of
K03U& 660 KrMtpa me SSSad 188:8; V'ptf mnx 'in3 jVsi Xn33 K-nsn m"? xnsm XJ1X3B a firstborn who divides with his brothers takes the portion which accrues to him by lot HP 59:10 [cf. Ma: XJX'J'p H^'DXaX1? nnXHXSXl family property will not fall to him MD ib.]; ]JX'BB1 it accrued to us SSSad 204b:2; 7. w. fol. vb. about to occur: a. imp.: ma'V XBB'l one who is about to die BB 58b(9); -|T1B "73V? 'DXB 131 when he is about to eat the bitter herb HP 13:21; b. inf.: Xn'31? byij? XDB '3 XWO 'n'X x"7'5; when he was about to enter the house, she [i.e. his wife] entered first Tan 23b(6); xrnj'K1? nanma1? xdb '3 when he was about to sign the document Yom 77a(36); Ket 62b(28); 0? VyaV WOW X'DBl as soon as the sun is about to set AnanSch 28:7; 8. w. "3 to cause to reach [JPA "3 XDB DJPA 302, mng. 3; v. Geon. expl. infra]: '0 V '"IT Xa^a H3 XDB1 he causes (the train of tradition) to reach PN RH 12b(38); H3 lt3!ai X"n 'TT n'BPB Sab 101a(18); Qid 67b(22); Bek 8a(43); 9. w. »T3 to be able: n"Da X1?! (n>'T(3)(a) she was unable (to do) it San 95a(46) [cf. Sy ,rooH-jr<li3 •*'\ •i*!*' \ *^ LS ib., mng. 5, Ma JTOnjn nX'D'BX1? they were unable MD, op. cit.] Af. l. to bring: n'V 'xdbx xsna 'VpiPT 'xa I brought to him what I took from here San I09a(i7); xnm .Tu1? inruaxi 'jxoa1? *[bv remove my shoes and bring them inside the house Qid 22b(49); Xpir TVTOT 'XnXB '57BEH X3'n "73 am 11J7B1 (')(X)pir lOBB wherever the Egyptians heard that an infant was born, they brought infants and make (them) cry there Sot 12a(46); BB 21a(33); pB mi1? XI'Daa Xp I shall bring (it) to such-and-such a place BM 81a(26); Sab 110a(9); Tan 21a(49); Yev 44a(12); Git 37b(13); 5g 117a(23); Bfl 133b(18); Zev 15b(l); 13 J131? X3'DBarT XyiX1? in'V'jr when you enter the land to which I am bringing you AnanSch 10:16; /A. 14:6; 2. w. V'JIN af. to draw s.t. back and forth: '-in "inxi "iubx 'ab'T ix in "inxi "idbx is drawing (a needle) back and forth (considered) one (stitch) or perhaps is drawing back and forth (considered) two (stitches)? BQ 119b(8) // Men 76a(10; Vl0) // Nid 63a(33); rr'JVn ,T'Da3i 'Bpai Xi'SO1? before he draws the knife back and forth IHP 611:5 Geon. expl. [Pe., mng. 8]: TMDX 'B jto'l 'Jl^ST XBWa (13 loai IX'jB ''JX TXrfrx in LPT 152:30; Lit: Bacher 111. NODBO n.m. silk (< aetata Lehnw 331; Sy ^ ^ ~\ . ^ ls 382) sg. xosbb vrb mm nvm they saw that he was wearing silk Sab 20b(30); Ket 85b(16); BQ 117b(ll) Y: X03DB 5a6 ib.(BAYTN 218)). KVt?Vt?a n.m. movable object (< MH fTVhUsh pi. Yeivin, BV 580; 4- XJ?pipa) a. general: sg. Xin vMwa it is a movable object BB 76a(5); VSl xbvbvno X13J? a slave is like a movable object BM 100b(12) // BB 68a(20); pi. xrDTTX p'3n3 xV 'VD^Dax we do not write an '.- document against movable property BQ 112b(46); HSinS1? '135Wa 'Vd^BB movable objects may be pledged to a ketubba Qid 65b(26); T3J p2V '^DB pi3X our (late) father left movable objects with you Pes 31a(14); 'ajl'l '^D^tSB movable objects of orphans Ket 50b(17); 'TJ X1?! '^DBB '"TO '"pdVdB '3X2? animate [lit. mobile] objects [i.e. slaves] are different from inanimate [lit. immobile] movable objects BB 68a(22); b. pi. * 'ypipa real estate: BQ 112b(43); Ket 68b(35); Qid 22b(31); San 29b(47); Am 29a(38); HP 103:30; SSHai 4a(19); TGHark 93:18 Voc: ''^Ba HPP 240:20; HGP 16b:19; Y: '^DB Pes 31a(15; BAYTN 316). NnVVoa, xrhvn, pi. k»Vb», 'Vtra n.f. hut, suMa, cover (4- ^1#V?D; TA xfr?6a TJ Jon 4:5, Sy ^ V X -"- P1- ^^X/*^ LS 275> Ma X'bxVxBB MD 265) 1. hut, sukka: a. general: sg. 'bbum XIITO 'Xn the beam of a hut BB 6b(7); b. esp. as sukka: sg. XJlV?t5OT XTTCtt "Xn S«£ 31a(23; HP 31:27); '3XB XmVDB3 XTllSS 'M XriV'jDaa "13 xV3'B drinking vessels (can be put) in the sukka. Eating vessels (are kept) outside the sukka ib. 48a(25); xmDB ib. 28b(43); 29a(ll); XmVoai XaiB the entrance of the sukka ib. 14b(52); 2. pi. Sukkot [caique < MH 711310]: X'VdB't Xl'irn'l the holiday of Sukkot HP 182:23 [cf. Sy rdlAJ^H r^:U. Dt 16:13]; 3. cover: pi. vm Vsi pcnp pxVa Vs'aVi 'Vcb smy^wa 66i 'a t t : - __ NnW3 covers to contain holy angels and all evil spirits Bo 4:1 Voc: xfWDB HPP 30:18; Y: xrMra BAYTN 313. NTW^pa n.f. lameness (I Vlsy^D) sg. TtiJ^Da Ket 103b(18) [w. ref. to Levi who was lame; v. Suk 53a(28)] [Noisua, KOisiua I xonsios n.] Sri'Silpa, pi. Kn»J3inpa n.f. noble lady (< Lat matrona Lehnw 332; Sy p^^LxJcti \, 'n LS 383) sg. WJinoa X'nn Ber 55a(17); Sab 81b(41) // Hul 105b(37); Qid 40a(6); BM 84a(8); AZ 10b(44); ib. 28a(19); pi. mexV "ID'p '3T XTIX'JTItja ]pSl 11H the noble ladies of the palace used to go out towards him San 14a(46) Y: K(t?VlDB San ib.(BAYTN 288). N"1tJa*, pi. "ItJa n.m. protector demon (I VnD3; Ma X'XIXDXa purgatory demons MD 241, Sy pdiiV^j watchman LS 427) pi. "IBB XJI'TST protector demons of the streets Bo 106:6 KplOa n.m. goad, prodding stick (4- VplB; Sy ^ni^ whips LS 292, Ma X'pXIDXB goads MD 242, > Arab oJ^? short slender stick used by the Beduin to drive camels Fr, AF 260, Dozy 2:41) sg. XplDBI X'DIOB (bare) of a horse and a goad Yom 77a(55) [expl. BH *]rr 2S 15:30]; n'2?n p'QST X"B xpiDB an Arabian goad whose top portion is cut off ib. 23a(30) [expl. 4- i#xmna] Geon. expl.: sjP^L.] iTsny mxba xjwd xpmon wtbi maxia nsa nwV xpKioa iiw1? np'yi xpKitia nx-ij>:i... [*1> i?no nsan ''jxyaw pw^a >)xi xanpy ,Tni?iB ix kiwi nyw o:nipm .n^in by maws [GLyi ij3i»] axa1?*! jno paxi [j^L] [yjk.] np-ioa mpi 13 10»®3 °HT Yom 11:2; Y: XJ-lOa Yom ib.(BAYTN 218). l#Nmoa, pi. NTlNIBa n.f. a double sack t : : - r t t : - (< |iETpr|Tf|<; Lehnw 333; > Arab «Jl»i liquid measure, type of vessel Fr, AF 209) pi. XBV "73 ''Bisx nrm xnxiDB3 xsns xsm rrb mwa mn each day he would send him broken gold in sacks with wheat at their openings AZ 10b(7); '3isn 'V naV XJIXnea what point is there in interchanging the (two) sacks (since they are of equal weight)? Ket 110a(19; V5TGAs42 144:19) [w. ref. to two persons having equal conflicting claims]; ib. 21; 25 Geon. expl.: ni':op tb tei nxian ina ytwav yvhw ysbv in pina -mn ism i'xo " pnna mxn iim Dnnw ix omnn 'ai by trbn °?x Wynw (Dw'ra xvii \>m '; ohp Ket 55:20, i.e. o°&; Lit: Fl, TMW 3:310; Low, Lehnw 333; Y: xrnoa Ket ib.(BAYTN 183). 2#Kri"1Wa, abs. NltJB n.f. safekeeping, guard post (i V"ID3; TA XmDB TO Num 3:28, Sy ^i \, ^b LS 427, Ma xmxDXB MD 241) 1. safekeeping: sg.abs. XIBB1? murrra? XBVB 'yiSXI xn3^V to put aside (food) from Friday for safekeeping for the Sabbath Anan 73:14; 2. guard post: sg. "135? X1? mmDB "?}? ttrxmi no one can pass by his guard post Bo 7:13 'a, 'Ka interrogative particle in rhetorical questions (perh. < Akk enclitic part, -mi AHw 650 or < 'TB [4- XTB II interrog. part.; cf. JPA 0r?3 DJPA 259]; 4- IH'B; Ma "'B, J7B Nold, MG 434+, MD 265) a. alone: 1) bef. a verbal phrase: 'Tin 'ma 'V"E? 'B do they borrow from one another? Sab 96b(38); H'ty x"7"n '» X311 'KM '31 JIU'JX does 'aninut apply to him in such a case? 7om I4a(i0); msy mn 'a riyt' mn 'x -|su m if you yourself had known, would you have done (it)? BB 41a(22); "fl nB3 J?T 'B1 does one know how long he will live? AZ 19b(3); 7V1BX JVXB 'B1 IJIXp mn 'ina can you say that (the two prohibitions) come simultaneously? Hul 89b(28); 'XBD'XT na" 'B may one say that she was defiled? Ket 27a(55); Suk 53a(39); Bes 34a(7); MQ 18a(6); Ned 22a(5); BQ 24b(2); AZ 50b(34); 2) bef. part, of existence [Ma X3X'B MD 266]: 'B1 n"3n 'Bp xnm X3'X does God have anger? Ber 7a(18); Hibsb XDITDJ X3'X 'B1 is there partial guarding? Hag 20a(26); Yev 102b(l); Git 36b(3); AZ 2b(2); Hul 76a(18); npi?7 Xmw rcb Tl'X 'B1 does the buyer have any right _ to the improvement? BM 110b(20); XJV'j'O m> D'X 'B1 Xm313"? does a mule have an afterbirth? Bek 8b(33); Ned 86a(17); BQ 84a(39); 3) bef. pred. adj.: i"13'B fi ns'lj? 'B1 are you more valuable to us than it [i.e. the Sabbath]? Sab 119a(ll); Hul llla(23); BQ 47b(30); WVp 'Bl was he older? Hor 1 lb(44); pm in3 'T13T 'XB 1D1T 'B is what is written concerning the scholars insignificant?
K»13 T ~ 662 K'a Hag 5b(43); Qid 30a(31); pmriBB XH XB'^X 'B is this (barraita) more valid than our Mishna? £> 89b(8); b. w. neg.: 1) Mib 'B: Xin n'33JVIX IN1? 'Bl XJai have we not answered him once? Pes 102a(17); lev 76a(l 1); B'yBB xp IK1? 'B X371 NUT il'V does that 7an«a not exclude it? Kar 21b(30); 2) 'a ix1?: 'xpn Vx'^ai ]3 pyaw in xs'x 'a ix"7 mi3 is there not PN who agrees with me? Er 4a(8); 5g 75a(25); nty "ffiyrx 'a IxVl was it not said concerning it? Bes 40a(28); Yev 94b(18); BB 23a(7); IdV X3'BX 'a Mib do I not say to you ...? ib. 151b(18); c. in seq. 'a ... 1BX: r\W7\ Vd 1DX Taya 'nwm ns'py 'tt nwo jn3y 'a rf?i3 do we rule the whole year according to PN that we should rule according to him now? Ber 29a(42); xa"7jn xsn Tin 'a ioti ibx do your (wives) constitute the majority of the world? Yev 37a(18); mrrttrt' wtk rrn nsnx xV 'a rrn ibx does one midwife not need another midwife to deliver her child? Sot llb(41); Suk 35a(16); Ket 16b(36); San 42a(4) Lit: Kaufman, AIOA 136; Satzlehre 155+. When followed by a monosyllabic word, the two words are commonly written together in mss., e.g.: [XV '8 -] xVu Pes 3b(7); ib. 94a(3); Git 55a(15); on the var. form 'XO, v. rrt XSntJX'K 'XS did he need it? Seel 100:48(Var); ITfr'y JO30 'X1J do you rely upon them? ib. 114:70(Var); Dm1? X3H 'SXT 'X» is this case similar to that one? Geon 97:2; ,T"IJ13 rt>"y 'X» do you enter after him? Ber 62a(28; MGG 378:18); Voc: '» &W [AS 9(1971) 26], LPT 157:31 [v. S. Friedman, Lesonenu'58(1994) 49+]; Voc: 'D HGP 39a:24; Y: '» Ber 4a(30). NJB, cs. ""S, "'D'S n.m.pl. water, fluid, infusion (4- x'a to, x'a Vya to, x'a ps'B to; TA X'B TO Num 8:7, Sy rcli^i LS 383, Ma 1#X'B MD 265) 1. water: a. general: X'Bl 'TX XJIXI1? '33W 'Tp' since water is heavier it sinks to the bottom Hul 26b(6); '1117 X'a psun 'My nn two clouds which pour out water [i.e. rain] into each other Ber 59a(24); yw X'a water glides (when poured out of a container) Nid 3b(45); X'a '3Hy the water (of the two domains) is mixed together Er 86a(37); TB'B y3X cause your water to spring forth Tan 25b(41); XBlV X'a ID'DHD'X the water was transformed into blood BB 74b(ll); XT3 X'a X'^B the pit was full of water BM 85a(23); X'B3 .T'PBX he soaked it [i.e. the ball of wool] in water BB 74a(22); Zev 94a(33) [4- V2#TW pal., mng. 2]; Anan 26:14 [4- VlTin pa.]; Xynx"7 X'a rtflBI ]XB "Xn one who opens (an irrigation channel to bring) water to his field MQ 10b(21); b. w. var. modifiers: nnp X'a cold water Ned 50b(24; V*); HP 204:8; TGAs28 45:30; 'B'Bn X'a hot water Ned 50b(23); "M X'a flowing water HP 137:7; Anan 52:10; 'CT3 X'a foul water HP 204:9 [caique < MH O'yTl O'B MBerK 3:5]; 'T3yi r>XX'B) XpT X'a"? VUlTri they saw that the water was rising and turbid Sab 108a(30); 'XVO X'a black water HMGas 94:4; 'W^p X'a TBO Xian wine is viscous, water is free flowing Suk 48b(37); X'a TI'Vb the water is salty AZ 39a(17) // Suk 18a(41); 'XTTO X'» the latter water (for washing the hands after a meal) Hul 105b(17) [caique < MH2 D'JTinX D'B Ber 46b(30)]; c. in "1-phrases: 1) first member: X'a rf?X>"n water of the Tigris Ber 59b(17); '3T X'a '33 water of the bathhouse Sab 41a(30); X'a XyS'jn dye water Er 29b(13); 'jr^3 '3a X'a water from the whirlpool Bek 9a(l); 2) second member: X'BT xVpT cleaning (of wheat) with water Pes 40a(3; C); X'Bl Xmny'3 fear of water Sab 41a(12); X'Bl XpTJ a torrent of water BM 66b(34); X'BT XTO13 channel of water Hul 85b(42); X'BI Xry a spring of waterier 54a(37); SSHai 6b(5); X'BI XBlpiy a pool of water Yom 78a(ll); d. containers: Ber 22a(55) [4- X3T1X]; SSHai 6b(6) [4- X'ptf TO]; Bes 30a(10) [4- l#X3Sn]; Sab 48a(4) [1 XT13 mng. lb]; ib. 143a(31) [4- lttXJp1?]; BB 73b(2) [4- 2#X1T»]; //A/ 40:15 [4- X-110]; AZ 30a(42) [4- XBO'p]; 2. fluid: 'a'an [xVi 'Tip] '-mp x1? n'ra '^"st x'a mam 'TIPS X'JX 'a'an that fluid which flows out from it [i.e. the buck's kidney] is neither very cold nor very warm, but lukewarm ib. 28b(16); X'a XJl'Voi fluid of a kidney ib. 15; 3. broth, infusion, tea [cf. Akk mu A CAD M/2 155, mng. 2b]: '.T'B VlBm pT>»'3 let him boil (the leeks) and drink their broth Ber 44b(27; T-S Fl.l 111); XnS'bT X'a turnip broth Ber 39a(42); X'a XnV?312n infusion of fenugreek Men 42b(48); X'a XnXIXT infusion of the '.-tree Git 69b(54; OHT ib. 154:10); 'pVltf inVoi X'a a broth of all boiled down (vegetables) ib. 39a(42); xna'pT X'a water in which flour (was soaked) Git 56b(26); ib. main *'» [ t t ~: ~ T ■ [4, xpms'o]; ib. [4- xrra]; BM 60b(8) [4- x-irn]; '^Slpl X'B camomile tea TGHark 209:3 Voc: X'fi HPP 215:17; Y: (TO Sui 48b(28; BAYTN 100). _ NiatO K'B n.m.pl. lead solution (4- X13X) Git 19a(40) [used as ink] Lit: Krauss, TW 3:152; Geon. expl.: X'O X3XTO1 XnTpy] 3'IDl H...']»3 xnXSX1? H'1? im X1X3XT OHT ib. 32:10; Y: Xja Xn3XT G'.' ib. - 'y'3! K»H n.m.pl. egg whites (4- xny'3; Sy pdi^n r<lli« PSm 2080) Hul 97b(39) Y: 'S'ST Xja i/u/ ib. - N"ITm N'D n.m.pl. bran solution (4- X"im) BM 60b(8; Es) [expl. MH l'D3-UtfB ib. 6; i.e. feeding this to the animal gives it a deceptive stiff appearance]; X31? in3 (')C|}y3XT Xlim X'a a bran solution with which they moisten lac Pes 42b(23; E'Ar [AC 3:297]) [expl. MH uyy&V ]a'T Mib. 3:1] Expl. Ar: ]'310 iv D'» AC ib.; on Pes ib., v. Rieger, Technologie 19l5;Lieb,TK3:11228. - K'»?M '» n.m.pl. fish brine (4- TJia, X313; Sy rdj'fu -^i LS 383, mng. 5) ±> 'BXI TVDV 3T X2/'"IX X"i13 'B n'nax1? PN used to pour fish brine on his maidservant's head Sab 105b (44); 'JMT X'B TGHark 184:25 Geon. expl.: 4- 'J'TO. Lit: Low, ZDMG 37T1883] 470. - Np"?'p"I X-^a n.m.pl. brew of mangel-wurzel (4- 1# xp"?'0; Sy rsLalso ^ R. Gottheil, JAOS 20 [1899] 196 §43) Ber 35b(55) [expl. MH P"U'3X oivoyapov a wine sauce which contains mangel-wurzel ib.] // Yom 76a(45) // Svu 23a(3); 5er39a(41); Sab 134a(2) Lit: Low, Flora 1:349; id., Lehnw 72; Lieb, TK 1:459; Y: X;» Xj^D-] Ber ib. - N3'3npT 'a n.m. (uncertain) sg. XJ'J-ipT X'B solution of ... TGAs42 164:3 [expl. 4- Jim 'B Pes 107a(33)] NnN'a n.m. stitching (4- V'nx) sg. XnX'B 'nXBT because (the bell) is stitched (into the garment) Sab 58a(44) J'T3N^B, pi. IKJ'UN^a n.m. mediator (< MP mayanjlg CPD'55) pi. HP 64:8 = TGHark 101:20! Lit: Ros, TI 45+; 95+. m'a T • JO?'!?, NIJa, pi. '"TJlOa, '3"|3(')a n.m. choice fruit (VlJB; Sy rCk^n, pi. r<lsoaA^i LS 373) pi. 'IIB Men 43b(49); Hl'tt HP 28:25; 'JXll'a i& 14:18; M'lnX '7ia other kinds of choice fruits GS 314:13;'3X^13 li. 315:19 Y: H1B Men ib.(BAYTN 118). K3ia'a, N3N13'a n.m. lashing, flogging (4- V1J3) sg. XJXll^B)!1?) '^p (a bad dream) is worse than lashing Ber 55a(51; OHP ib. 105:16) Geon. expl.: IIXI^X DV OHP ib, i.e. Ji. 13'a 4-11 prep. K3'3'a n.m. one who protects (4- Vl#p af.) pi. XyiX3 '3'1'B the protectors on the earth Bo 78:15 Ta 1 XT n.abs. NT», 'Ta, pi. 'Ta, '3NTB n.m. thing, object, pi. something, property, interrogative particle (sg. back formation < pseudo-pl. "IB < 'yTB Geon 172:19 < 4- DyTB Geon 182:7; 4- 'TB ^3, 'TB X?, 'B, 'TB QTO, s.v. XB© mng. 5; Ma XTl'M, pi. X'13'tt, DXira MD 267, Sy yi->?, pi- Kl^>-b» LS 375, Pal ]/DyiI3 PAT 378, J(NA '13B miWt HDJNA s.v., ModSy mindi, midi, pi. mindanen, midane Maclean 182) I. n. 1. thing, object: sg. XTD X3'X there is something TGHark 190:1; pi. #1 'TB "7n3 in one matter HP 59:1 [= GeonH im 13TJ HR 47:19]; 'TB "X,T ib. 83:2; pi. #2 XDXT '3X1B 'in two pieces of myrtle branches Sab 33b(41); '3XT13 ]^'X TGAs28 198b:7; ib. 199b:4; NDGR 225:11; TGHark 275:29; GnKl 22:12!; iSGF 26:6; '3XT» nBD OHT Ket 321:20; TGAs28 202b: 16; '3XTB ran i& 44:17; '3X(T)n)B OHT Yev 19:20; 2. pi. something, anything: a. alone: 'TB p'3E? Xp 'B1 n'lJQ does (the tenant farmer) leave (me) anything of it? Ber 5b(42); 'TB mywb let him taste something Sab 129a(52); Pes 106b(ll); '31 'TB n3ISB nin whenever he used to find anything Yev 63a(47); 'TB n'V 3'X3 mm he had a certain pain BQ 85b(16); X?T XB"?y3 'TB Dp3B? 'B nTQ'in did you leave anything in the world which you did not destroy? BB 73a(24); b. duplicated [cf. Ma X'lra X'll'B MD 268, Sy •p^n ?.:C=o PSm 2016]: pTDBT '3',T '3 'TB 'TB n'3 each object (should be such) that damage 663
i 'to 664 dj/tb could be caused through it BQ 91a(22); 2?'1BT O TB TB3 as he explained in each case AnanSch 5:27; c. w. negation: 'llVl Ttf ^XTO'Vi 'TO X3,!7 TDK there is nothing which is permitted to the Jews and forbidden to the pagans San 59a(39); Svu 35b(3); n'ty ]'1B1 TB X3,!7 there is nothing which protects it Hul 58b(35); TB nxn X1? TX he does not see anything Meg 3a(42); T'ltf X1? 'XIPBJ^ TB I did not leave anything for myself Ket 53a(14); ,T^ nsm xp TB IX1? she gives him nothing at all BQ 89b(2) [cf. Sy -^jps? rdS PSm 2017, Ma DXirB IX1?! DXIJ'a MD 267]; 'Xnin H3 "IDn TB IX1? my friend loses nothing at all through it BM 2b(3); BB 174b(47); vb ]1K 'JTB p'JpJlB we do not make any correction at all Geon 172:19; d. w. an adj.: sg. Xrinx TB something else Sab 26b(23); AZ 53b(33); TB X'"I0 something putrid Gj? 56a(48); pi. Tinx TB other things Pes 75a(53; V14); Sow 45b(54); Zev 82a(13; V11); e. in apposition: XBWB TB something significant Git 29b(28); 3. pi. property: 'BrVH TB'B 'OS'Bl WO1? Xp Xn he is outfitting himself from the property of the orphans Git 52b(14; HP 56:17); II. interrogative particle [perh. < Akk minde, midde perhaps, possibly, who knows? CAD M/2 83; cf. semantically MH DlVs J 640]: X'^Tl XTSj?3 'TO XflV'B is the matter dependent on care (regarding the language)? Er 53a(41); wbn XTlWOpa TB XJlV'B is the matter dependent on old age? BB 142b(37); xro "]"? J7W TB have you heard anything [i.e. a legal tradition] about this? Ber 16a(32); BQ 93a(29); 7em 34a(13); Er 70a(24) [4- X'TX] Note that the pl.#l form acts grammatically as a sg.; Lit: Lewin, GnKl 2213; id., OHT Ket 321, n.t; Satzlehre 157+ [mng. II]; Voc: 'TO Pes 23a(17; E1); 'TO Git 40a(6; Mo 218); Voc: 'TB HGP 40b:31; Y: 'TO Ber 5b(42; BAYTN 333). — "T 'TO rel. pron. something which (Sy "?i:0*j -a PSm 2016, Ma "T DXirB MD ib.) 3'tfm TB WTXV n'1? anything which is important to a person Sab 82a(38); pn'&T TB anything which is scattered Yom 22b(8); T31 TBX ^"m TB XltfltfB something which takes effect on something of substance Svu 25a(5); nsV'DT TB something which can be smeared Bes 16a(38); 'in x"?T TB lriXSID '8'3 Vs'B1? a'1? something which is not fit for him to eat in the time of his uncleanliness Yev 90a(8); Git 56a(37); jnm f'pT 'TO 'TX p'Stf X1? fp X1?! TB a person does not abandon something which is stipulated [i.e. a fixed fine] and claim something which is not stipulated [i.e. a variable damage claim] Ket 43a(3) // Svu 38b(18); — "N> ITin"! 'TO prep, analogous to (lit. something which was upon) XTPD3 KDIPX mm 'Ta it is analogous to a lamp at noon [i.e. unnecessary] Sab 63a(14); TBI XT3X X1.T7 TB it is analogous to a pile of fruit Er 24b (6); mm TB '"IBIIX X1W3X it is analogous to meat on coals Bes 23a(9); Tan 13a(40); MQ 27a(21); Yev 31a(38); Ket 7b(40); BQ 66a(20); San 61a(9); Zev 14b(15); /fra llb(41); TGHark 33:4 'TO 1 XTB n.pl. DJ?TO pron. something (archaic and dialectal; 4- xtb, djtb "?3; I Vyr; TA ojna to Gen 22:12, Ma DXIJ'B MD 267) a. in BT: 1) general: iT^y XSSn "IDrPBT DJTB something in which the object is forbidden to him Ned 2b(7) [w. ref. to O'B-in Mib. 1:1]; "tt?SJT 'JHB something of his own ib. 33b(15); 50a(l 1); DJTB ,TT3 O'pJ X1? he does not hold anything in his hand Svu 38b(46); m3J? W3 DJTB you did something wrong Bek 51b(19); ib. 18b(35); XmiB XJX n3Wa XB1?! Xjft'OX 0JHB1 perhaps I shall find a small bit to eat Git 56a(37; MGD 627:1); 2) in phrase 05TB xnmx something else: Kar 21a(9); San 55a(6) [euph. for anal intercourse; caique < MH2 "131 -inx Sot 26b(37), and cf. "inx mpB BR 645:2]; b. post-BT sources: ,T3 JirTOl DJTa D'XT if you harm him at all Bo 2:3; ib. 29:6; 52:5; X1? Djn» yyv '1 iy DlJHJJl do not taste anything until the third hour HM 45:23; ib. 2; ,T> S.TB1? mVy JT^l DJHB he does not have to give her anything TGHark 36:4; ib. 48:24; 105:20; 157:33; xVl DJHB mra "UP1? it is forbidden to change anything from it SSHai 9a(19); HP 114:12; 'XT ,T3 'JIT DJTB XPSE/IX 'J?3 if his tenant wants something to sleep on Seel 11:2; ib. 50:1; 60:45; Xnmx DJTB Anan 18:16; VI DJHB "?3 anything bad Bo 51:5; /& 135:9 X£0__ Lit: Eps, Stl 99 [Geon. usage]; Y: DJ/TS Ned 33b(15). NfVO, nn'P, nn'O adv. at all events, at any rate (etym. unkn.) a. Xn'B: X,TB p3T! XTIO'X mo «yiO n'JVX in the final analysis, there is at all events a Rabbinic prohibition Sab 8b(36); ib. 94b(13); 'pX^ XITB Xin at all events he receives stripes for one Pes 41b(9); rvb irb Xn XH'B iUWTI 'V>1 perhaps, at any rate, he does not have this [i.e. property] now BB 132b(16); San 34a(26); 3m "t'I im D^n XiTB n'V go and give him, at any rate, one furrow Ket 109b(14); XPPB TIT^ 7KP1 'BB '3B tyniTl from the time that her get comes into her possession, at any rate, she is divorced Git 62b(35); "su"? rmpn1? 'in x"?t via vn ma iyi 'TXn XiTB '8^ granted that a blemished animal also is unsuitable in itself for sacrifice. At any rate, it is suitable for money [i.e. it may be sold and the money may be used to buy a fit animal] AZ 13b(13); Zev 99a(13); 313 XH'O 13'V act at any rate in accordance with PN Nid 24b(17); b. nri'B, JVTB: mn nyf? nma XlOn 3T PN at any rate should have known Er 44b(4); m'B XaVy '"713T |jnp XV D32;3 nVua at any rate, according to everyone we do not read the megilla on the Sabbath Meg 4b(49); lima <'){1}T ,!7 TX 13T11? "IT nil 'J7B3 "I31jn according to you(r opinion), concede to me, now, at any rate, that a fetus in the womb of a lay woman is a non-priest Yev 67a(28); BM 7b(25); Hul 73b(3); TX 'V TO Jirra Ned 81a(39) [i TX]; Tent 18b(45); 'inp nma at any rate (the Tanna) learns ... Er 16a(19); BQ 59a(8); nrPB '3Dp fom 7a(6); ii. 49b(19); BB 27b (8); xi^s nn'B jns'a D'jn'a 'xt if (the money) is seized, he is at any rate repaid half HP 49:16 This term always appears as the second member of a verbal phrase. Lit: Satzlehre 193; Eps, Stl 131 [etym.]; Voc: n,TO HGP 27b:33; Y: K.TB Ber 33a(35; BAYTN 338). rn.TO 4^ V3m vb. in'O conj. however (etym. unkn.) ]33T max tnX'l 133m 'x xnmxT 'x myr x1? tb 'jp'JT the scholars said that renunciation transfers ownership. However, I do not know if it is a Pentateuchal ordinance or a Rabbinical one BQ 66a(19); 'T1?! f? "MBX X1? IJ'VnBT pX IH'B "nV NltJ'O T ; 13VYD very well! However, we who are circumcised cannot be like you San 39a(31); VPB •Wtb X3'X however, one can say HP 67:18; /&7F 33:7; Sab 96b(13); Meg 13b(7); Ket 27b(7); G// 83b(12); £5 32b(10); AZ 12b(14); //«/ 98b(3); Nid 64a(9); Geo« 150:21; TGi/arA: 101:12; 169:23; Xin@'B//F 44:17 This term always appears at the head of a verbal phrase. Lit: Eps, Stl 114, 270 [alternate orthographies]; Satzlehre 193; Voc: },TD HGP 38b:7; Y: WO Ber 31b(46; BAYTN 338). nn'O 4- xn'B adv. [NAT'O I XlIB n., 1'TB adj.] NVt'0lVl#l7TXvb. NOT'O n.m. muzzle (I VdBI) sg.cs. mm Dl'B a muzzle of bronze Bo 6:11 )T1I '0 I "B n. Nn'O, xnio n.m. flour (4- Vma, xnap) sg. itot xin iV j?m paoxa [xna'p :corr.] xma nu n'xi since there is a flour (paste) in it [i.e. the dish], it contracts and deteriorates Sab 37b(45); ib. 48; Xn'B H'3 'PDBT <')xVj?m Xt?nn the r.-dish of the field workers in which much flour is added Ber 37b(13; Ar [AC 5:106]); xn<')Cl)B ib. 39a(33; P); xma ib. 34(0) [corn: xnap] Expl. Ar: KHS'I? AC ib.; Lit: TMW 3:68; Voc: NTO VTM 27; Y: Knip Sab ib.(BAYTN 11). nn'O 4- xn^B adv. VltS'O, bVffi conj. because (4- VlDBX; Sy ^io\,^g LS 382) p'ty VOBH blD'B because it is heard concerning you Bo 9:5; V^Tlib ^"IB'B XJ^TX 'TH because I go to suppress devils /& 2:6; 29:10; 4:3 52:11 JOB'? n.m. rain (TA XIDB TO Gen 2:5, Sy k/V\,,w LS 382, Ma l#xnD'B MD 266) a. general: sg. xnB'B1? xaVy THUXB mn '3 when the world needed rain Tan 23b(36); XIB'B 'BpT X3'J? XltJ'B '3 a dark cloud before the rain is (as beneficial) as rain ib. 3b(39); 9b(16); 23b(13); X1BB1 X"?D dew and rain San 96b(52); XnBBI XBl' a rainy day ib. 8b(39); xnBB1.Xm"? a rain shower Meg 28b (24); X1DB1 X'B rain water BM 108a(16); nTT XIB'BT X'B XT3 its watercourse for rain SSHai 6a(8); pi. nc?'B nil two rains Tan 665
"a 666 'TP'» 3b(40); ib. 9b(24); Trt liTIBa '3SBH 'Hy the clouds which pour out their rains into each other Ber 59a(24; MGE 149:5); b. w. V'XIX pe. to rain [cf. Akk zinnu dannu illak there will be a strong rain CAD Z 123]: KID'S XJ1X it rained Kwn 53b(22); Ber 20a(13); 7om 53b(24); 7b« 24a(36); BM 77a(4); &m 113a(49); AZ 55a(30) Y: N1B8 Ber ib.(BAYTN 118). "» n.m. wine (< MP may CPD 55; 4- 1# Xn»n), only in fol. compounds: — J"7K3"D n.m. sweet wine (< Mir *may badag; i nX3)'sg. AZ 30a(49; TGHark 23:13) [expl. MH j7in!3 ib.; P1: X"T>niXa 'B] Geon. expl.: Xin 'DIB JIbVi TGHark 23:13; Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [1937] 55+; id., AAC 72, s.v. JTN3; Y: !JTK3 'a AZ ib. [- Jn33"» I X'"7'D n.] — P'l! '? nm- yellow/green wine (< Mir *may [i] zaryon [cf. NP zaryon PED 617]; 4- N31JnT) sg. X"I3'W 'W'X X^l ]T>"1T 'B VW'X I shall drink z.-wine, but I shall not drink beer Pes 107a(33; E2V14, TGAs42 164:3) But cf. Geon. expl.: 1. ]nVB ]H3 piTO fin '0 OHT Pes 111:2, i.e. soak-water of flax [v. also Rashi]; 2. .1TJ 'X81 .KJTipi X'O ^ror> '»: ,t:'b nayi itihb -^n ann tgas42 164:3; Lit: Geig, AAC 170; Snaked, Food [forthcoming]; Voc: ]rTP5 GTB1 74:10; Y: ]VW 'B Pes ib. — '113'a n.m. wine drinker (< NP may xwar PED 1359) sg. OHT BM 21:1 On'^tt adj., n. of a pure genealogy (4- Von' pa., pass.part., xmon"B) pl.n.m. XJTT381S1'OrT'B the people of pure genealogy of GN Qid 72a(3) Y: 'OIT'B Qid ib. KrilOn'^D n.f. genealogical purity (4- on"B) sg. Xmon"B U"n bl21 XmpTHtf the silence of Babylonia is (its) genealogical purity Qid 71b(31; O2) p3"tt adj. young (4- Vpr; Ma xpjX'a child MD 266) sg.m. Tipr'B you are young Ber 28a(3; F) ari'IP adj. inhabited (4- Vam pa.; Sy Kli&JLbo LS 312) sg.m. VTP XamBi xm an inhabited house is maintained well [lit. settled] BQ 21a(23); ib. 97a(ll) NJTQJV^a n.f. sexual intercourse, calmness (4- Vaxr pa., arva; cf. Ma avnxa xruy he will marry a woman MD 194, s.v. 371' af.) sg. 'XB1 x'n xmamai xwb bym ma 'xm xyatpa what proves that "?J?3n JV3 [v. infra, 1. 17] is a term of 'sexual intercourse'? MQ 2a(26) Connected ib. w. arfrlD TJ Is 62:5 [Van' itpa., H fyjr] and cf.: XjnXl ntya NIB'S rain is the fructifier of the field Tan 6b(18); Y: KnaWB Wg ib.(BAYTN 316). — NASH nUfWS n.f.cs. calm state of mind (4- Vam pa., mng. la) sg. TGAs27 33:17 "lfi'^a adj. superfluous, excessive (4- V"IJV pa., pass.part.; Sy -\&-iio excellent LS 313, Ma "lXTlX'a MD 194, s.v. -irp pa.) sg.m. -|ll"B 'a is (the verse) superfluous? Yom 3 3b (31); VT>ya 'n "im'B which one of them is superfluous? BQ 67b (13); -iJVa x"?T (something) which is not superfluous OHPBQ 127:19; f. X"m"B IX X-lOna XJTT1S (if the leather sheet) is a bit lacking or a bit excessive (in length) Meg 19a(55; G); pl.m. 'Xlp TV1? '-|JT"B the verses are superfluous Kar 4a(12); Svu 16b(6); '-im'B 'Tin" 7ew 9a(22; V10) •*]'» adj. low (4- V"pa, -p, 73a; Ma 1#X3'B MD 266) sg. 'J^'X "73a XlX3'ai OWli because you [i.e. the thorn-bush] are the lowest of all trees Sab 67a(22) Y: TB Sab ib. N3'» 4- X3'X particle '13'tt, H3a adv. now then, well (4- '13'B '3; etym. unkn.) ]'J?B X1? j'Jtf J'jnw ny X3nn H3'B now then, the carob tree does not bear fruit until the seventieth year Tan 23a(44); ]H3 XV 3T H3'B X1H now then, PN is not a priest Afeg 22a(46); mn flB'X rrpin H3'B now then, when was Hezekiah? San 99a(15); XJ?13'13 X71BX "73 '13a XH03bX3 'WBin nm Xnax now then, in every square of (a side of) one cubit, the diagonal is 1 2/5 (cubits) Suk 8a(6); 1'pri jxa J'mjJlB '13a now then, who ordered our Mishna? Yev 64b(13); Sab 64a(35); Er 65a(19); Ket 74a(22); Pes 12a(23); #ag 1 la(4); Git 53b(43); 5C? 103b(44); BB 74a(9); //«/ 10b(ll); 5e£ 48b(25); Nid 61a(48) The etym. and exact mng. of this word which always appears at the head of a phrase is unknown, and a functional eq. has been used here. Lit: Satzlehre 255+; Geon. expl.: M ITT '13'13 Kjyg '131 H3 X13 XIX LPT 157:3; Y: '130 /to I4a(19; C); '138 ib. 13b(l;BAYTN334). N^O'B n.m. eating, food (4- Vl#"?3X; TA X?5'B TO lev 26:26, Sy pdJLord^i LS 17, Ma XtO'B MD 266) 1. eating: sg. X^S'B <TMX (his) eating has overpowered him Git 68b(16); HTm xV3'B excessive eating g/rf 2b(37); HH33 n'l?3'a its eating is in its son [i.e. a fish is eaten in its own brine] MQ 1 la(39); x"?3'a 'JXa eating vessels Suk 29a(4); ib. 48a(25); 2. food: sg. AnanSch 26:10 [expl. BH "73Xa Gen 2:9]; x"?3'a ym TV3TX 15? 'tyB food is beneficial until the age of forty Sab 152a(18); xmmai xao in"73'a their food is poison Pes 88a(6); Sab 75b(14); Git 68b(18); 'Tin ~iV2 llS'bS'a your food is each other's flesh Bo 78:10; XTtttf'ai x"?3'a food and drink BB 146b(8; HP 118:29); Pes 114a(6) Y: XV3'8 5«A ib.(BAYTN 139). NOW'P n.m. a snug lower garment (TA T0336 pi TO Lev 6:3, JPA I'tHSa DJPA 308) sg. X0j3'S "I10X a snug lower garment is forbidden Nid 13b(48); nnjr '03ai D'Xp X033'a it refers to a snug lower garment which covers the sexual organ Anan 31:7; ib. 9; 30:28 1#N^'» n.m. (Roman) mile (< uiXiov Lehnw 334; Sy rdi-^s* LS 383) sg. x"?'a 'n^'ii mbn three thirds of a mile [= one mile] Sab 34b(36); ib. 39; 40; X^'a pim3 at a distance of a mile Git 57a(22); Ber 62a(43); X"?'a 'DS3 m nom» sixteen rows (each) a mile wide Hul 139b(34; V11); W^Dpl xV'a f'Sp mm he used to jump a mile and kill them Git 57a(18; V18); pi. xm>r) '"7'a three miles Sab 109b(36); BM 85a(10) Y: tiro Sab 34b(36; BAYTN 11). 2#»6'a 4-2#XnV'aabs. NiV'a 4- xiVia n. n.m. speech, discourse (4- ^IuYtO; cf. Sy rcliio^s LS 387) sg. H'VlV'a V'pniy'X his speech has been removed HaS 2b (20) // Git 71a(14) [i.e. he cannot talk; expl. BH DVx Ps 38:14 by notarikon]; ipinai ynn n'^l^ai rmxitf1? iraiS3 his speech and discourse are set and fixed in his mouth SSSad 213:4; ib. 217:15; xVfra bp xaissV'a ]13'33 77Bff81 the sound a speech which is spoken in your midst Bo 133:4; ib. 9 Y: rfWra Hag ib.(BAYTN 257). i#NrrV'a n.f. salt (4- Vi#rv7a, 'nV'a '3, x^a; TA Xff?a TO Dt 29:22, Sy «? u \ ^ f. LS 390, Ma xbn'a f. MD 266) a. general: sg. 13 X"n '1 xrvV'BX 'TIT mb 13n' IDT PN was given money (in advance) for salt BM 48b(9); Sab 73b(34) [4- XTima usage e]; ib. 42b(12); xn^ai X13 a ^.-vessel of salt //«/ 112a(5); .4/ian 87:2 [4- VlsmB pe.]; b. w. designations: sg. Xm'B xma^l rock salt //«/ 113a(29); Qid 62a(l); ^Z 28b(25); Xnb'a '^J 'rnn two pieces of rock salt Hul 112a(32); «]'lj; xn'JX'En xnV'a salt of ... is preferable BB 74b(33; P1) [4- 2# XXnrti]; c. w. var. foods: sg. 1) bread: Pes 30a(21) // Zev 95b (27); 2) water: x'a xnb'm 'n"?'a Tfrn nn two-thirds salt and one- third water Sab 108b(15) [expl. MH 1'TJ? rrVa 'a ib.]; HM 41:9; 3) oil: Sab 66b(23); Pes 39b(39); Git 56a(26); /fc 69a(35); Anan 85:19; i& 86:20; TGAs42 161:5; 7/M44:9; 4) fish: Xri'j'Bi XD13'B?T XK?n the head of a salted 5.-fish Sab 110b(27); Pes 76b(33); 5) meat: Yom 80b(27) [4- 1#XSB1X usage b]; 6) dodder: Sab 109b(35) [4- xnW3 usage d]; 7) an ingredient of nSBH mm Egyptian zythos [MPes 3:1]: Pes 42b(19); d. in provs.: sg. X713 rbv "?13'n '3"7 Xn^'BT when you measure [or: eat] a kor of salt upon it Sab 4a(5) // Er 36a(38) // //«/ 12a(27) // ib. 112a(7); XS^S1? 'TO xrrV'B fIS shake off the salt (from the meat, and) throw (it) to a dog Nid 31a(25); ,T7 Tr7B 'Xa3 Xno '3 xnV'B when salt spoils with what do we salt it? Bek 8b(32; V9); XTCiyjSm XnV'B XjnX3 'Tit nxa (if you invest) one hundred zuzim in a field, (you will get) salt and h.-grass Yev 63a(33) Lit: Low, Fauna, 137+; S. Abramson, LeSonenu 40[1976] 179 [f. gender]; Y: XnTO Sab 42b(18; BAYTN 118). 2#Nrrt»a n.m. an alkaline plant (4- Vl#rr>B, XJTTU; cf. Sy rtLunl-Zn Atriplex halimus LS 391) sg. rvanxa xnV'ai xip'j? the root of the m.-plant in Aramaic GC 137:1 [expl. MH nXYI MJY 1:5] Lit: Eps, GC 1374. NllBSV'a n.m. melon (< uTiXoTteroov, Lat 667
jnV'» 668 i#xrh,>i} melopepo Lehnw 336; Sy •*? <~ * * V *■* PSm 2147 [Galen]) sg. XTIBS^'a '3 133 W>DB1 he sports with you like a melon San 110a(8; Ar [AC 5:158]) Lit: Flora 1:536. jnV'tt adv. from below (I NJHN; TA yVJB TO Dt 33:13, JPA yiV ]B DJPA 315) Bo 56:14 l#NriV'P, abs. kV'S, pi. 'V'D n.f. word, statement, matter, incantation, status (4- Vl#V7B, XJl'rB "iVl, xV'BB; TA ],!?a pi. TO Dt 22:14, Sy K'dU-bo, pi. r^lijs LS 386, Ma xjiVtb, xrfra [rare], pi. X^TB, X'V>B MD 268, 267) 1. word: a. general: sg. xrr?'B fpO end of the word BMsG 19:33; pi.abs. perns ny-ixi xwi p^a yaw i,!?n TT13 these are seven words with which heaven and earth are subdued Bo 6:7; det. xmiXT 'Vft the words of the Torah Anan 24:22; AnanSch 26:2; '^a ]2nB'a Xnmxnx concerning the Torah the words are expressed clearly Meg 3a(28); HM 46:13; ^>'B3 -]'Bn x"71 xn^'333 I'SH deal with a carcass, but do not deal in words [i.e. gossip] Pes 113a(7); X'ipB xV 'V'Ba 'V>B1 irU'J 'ba they [i.e. the letters of the deed] are words, and words are not acquired by (other) words BB 77a(5); b. reduplicated: sg. mm xrf»B NJlV>8 'XT he recites (it) word by word and repeats it Ber 33b(51; F) // Meg 25a(35; L); xrfTB XrrTW Xjm the implication of each and every word iSGF 53:6; ib. 19:14; 52:13; TGHark 157:11; ib. 192:2; 2. statement: sg. xri?T\ 'Bp HIBXriBT XXTTB "73 any statement which is said in the presence of three (people) BB 39a(29); Xrnxp mm Xrfrfi "73 '"? 'WpB nin he used to raise an objection against me on every statement that I made BM 84a(49); XTV"tya xrfr'B a superior statement Ket 85b(32);. HTl^B nVnn the beginning of his statement Anan 103:25; xrfra 'plDX conclusion of a statement Yev 106b(25); pi. xrrVyB '"?'B Er 102a(35); Bes 28a(34); Yev 80a(33); 3. matter, thing, something: a. general: sg. nra TPm nXT XflV'B mBXl anp say first something of which you are ashamed BQ 92b(20; MGG 404:1); mini TVnXBl P'X xrfrB Kin the commandments and the Torah are one thing Anan 14:7; BB 73a(15); TGHark 42:28; XT1 XJVTB IK1? it is nothing [i.e. the objection is w/o any basis] UAf 6b(24); ^3 xrP3W x"?1 xrTOttn XflV'B any matter which is (both) frequent and infrequent (in its usage) Sab 78a(8); XXlp'OB TrTB a decided matter £e? 7b(6); pl.cs. X31BB '^'B monetary matters HP 64:4; det. '^'B 'mn 'W these two matters Er 79b(25); b^vb xnBT '■j'aa niD'1?! 'jt1? nai xtmh 'V'aa p'sr^i let (PN) go and deal with Heavenly matters, and you should go and take care of the matters of the town Qid 76b(32); XB^jn '^'B secular matters Ber 60a(40); Meg 6b(29); sSHai 18a(8); '"?'B XnXp'Bj; profound matters iSGF 43:5; ''V'B XTl'r'jp minor matters Anan 116:4; IrP'^'B pDII its matters are few 5v« 3a(10); b. repeated: pi. "TO 'V'B 'V'B xnp Scripture treats [lit. writes] various matters (and there is no contradiction) Yev 75a(2); BB 78b(10); Men 45a(8); #u/ 125a(19; M); c. in verbal phrases: 1) as subj.: sg. Xrfr'B 'xVj'X it became known [lit. the matter was revealed] Pes 31a(4); H'BpV 'XDBI Xrr?B ^I'X 'BX 'TJ the matter continued to be dealt with and (eventually) came before PN BM 40a(3); XP131B Xfl^'B it is clear [lit. the matter is established] Sab 139b(21); XriV'a X'lriB the matter is clear TGHark 98:19; XnV'B xnai'B the matter is noticeable Er 90b(23); XnV'B XWHXT the matter will be noticeable [lit. makes a noise] ib. 97b(4); XTvra xy'TlOXI X1H 'yi'JlOXl the matter was definitely supported San 18b(45); Xrft'B yBJlW'X the matter became known [lit. was heard] Ber 56a(56) [4- Vyaiy itpe., mng. 3]; 2) as obj.: sg. T3J? Xpl Xtn XBVya XnV'B he is merely doing something Git 52b(27); TIX Xp XJl^B "1DD1? he comes to add something BB 138b(14) // Ara 19a(42); p yaitfB Xp HTTPX 31X xrfr'B he informs us of (this) matter in an incidental manner lev 19a(30); xnV'B 'BIDns1? to publicize the matter Yev 101b(37); TO« xrr?B '31DT DWB Xri7B 'SID 'BJ 'J'lnx because (the Samaritans) adhere to the matter [i.e. the easier practice]. Other people also adhere to the matter [i.e. their incorrect practice] Pes 51a(31); XJvTB 'B1B1 XJlV'B1? he compares one matter to another Yev 109b(28); 1BJ xV XnV'BB xrfra 'yVx '1 PN does not learn one matter from another Men 8a(2); XnV'B xaam xbn p33 the Merciful One made the 2# Kn^'ia matter dependent on the priest MQ 7b(l); 'Xtn XrvbyBDI XJfr'B nVrn I saw in my dream an excellent thing Men 84b(33); pi. 'V'B "73 '3T it included all things Er 27b(45); BQ 64b(22); d. in terminological usage: sg. 11BXT XTlV'B XH XJB \11~\ how do we know [lit. from where is] this statement which the scholars said ...? Sab 48b(15); Yom 38b(26); San 7b(34); Hul 10b(21); pi. 'V'B 'JH X3B how do we know these matters? Sab 69b(41); Xev 76b(28); Bek 8a(43); '^'B 'ni TI3a this refers to houses Sab 1 la(7); Yev 83a(9); BQ 33a(43) [and passim]; 4. deed, act, action: sg. Xri^'B n'3 n'XT X3'X 'X if there is one who has a (bad) deed Yom 18a(27); 3"nBT XnV'B T3yi V3 x"?Bp H3 anyone who does an act for which he is liable for capital punishment Anan 14:11; pi. ]',y'? H'^BS TB investigate your actions Ber 5b(39); 5. incantation, magic spell [JPA nV>B DJPA 305, mng. 3b; cf. Akk amatu formula, magic word CAD A/2 32]: sg. xrfr'B mBX she recited an incantation Sab 81b(43); 'OTTO 'n'j'B n'V XT3y she invoked a charm for him, and he was cured San 101a(39; K); XJlV'B rP1? XTpaV to utter an incantation for him IHP 599:16 = HG1 237:61; 'inx3 n3 ,nxa(T) nw Vy xnV'B xin xaaia this incantation is designated for the name of PN Bo 72:1; pi.abs. J'^Bn rf? nBXI I'V'B Xl'^n 'T '"j 'BX PN said to me: "(Empty) words." Some say: "Through magic spells" AZ 38b(36; J); Hul 139b(36); det. '^B "73 XB'BH all the magic spells are overturned Bo 100:4; 6. state, status: sg. 'Xp .TrrTBa 'anW'Kl J"yx even though it was changed [i.e. the wheat to flour], it remains in its (original) state Ber 36a(17); 7. letter of the alphabet: pi. J1BX1 H'V'B pnp'B "\pV 'Byt3 'XB H^'B IpmB why are the letters (of the word) npf close together (in the alphabet and those of) T1BX far away? Sab 104a(35); 8. sg. in phrase ~b mn "'IMS NflV'B to have a complaint against s.o.: '~\ wira X3X 'i? xnV'B ,tV x'in n'BT pn had a complaint against PN2 Yom 87a(44); ib. 47; 9. w. var. vbs. in idiomatic expressions: a. V"1BN pe. to make a derogatory statement: Erbwi Dri XB^T X'BW 'SVS XTlV'B 'axp nnyx 3JX perhaps, heaven forbid, he is making a derogatory statement against God [lit. heaven] because of his pain Tan 2# KriV'tt t : 22b(19); b. Vynx itpe. to occur [euph. for death; cf. -I3T iyTX$ 'B MMid 2:2]: sg. ,T3 Xynn'X H3T XTI^'B a matter occurred to PN [i.e. the death of a close relative] MQ 26b(45); Seel 37:145; c. Vpm pe., pass.part. to be poor: sg. in1? Xp'm mn XaiB XJI^'B they were very poor [lit. their status was constricted greatly] Tan 21a(2); Hul 133a(24); d. V^Va pa. to gossip [cf. Ma: X'^'l'B ffty nax they will gossip about him MD 268]: pi. 'X'rry 'V'B '^BB X1?! they do not gossip about me Qid 50a(36; O2); e. VlOB pe., itpe. to give/be given verbally power of attorney: -i Vl#1DB pe., mng. 3; f. V|?8J pe.: sg. in'J'aa XriV'B pB3 the matter went out (for discussion?) from among them Sab 121b(33); BQ 19b(8); Hul 45a(27); g. Vup3 pe. + "fiyia to feel aggrieved [lit. he took the matter in his mind]: sg. XTl^B trpn yv iTTiyia he knew that he felt aggrieved MQ 16b(24); h, Viay pe.: 1) to make a decision: sg. xri x^3 xn^'B isyT 'abyi nna iwnai should we suspect that the Master of World makes a decision without justice? Ber 5b(40; P); 'TSy Trbifr rfb xn'ii nwbb n^ awn xrfta ]33n the scholars make a decision which (both) the borrower and lender want BB 172a(15); 2) to do a favor: sg. -pm XJlV^B"1 'W xnayi I shall also do you a favor San 107a(9); pi. .T^'B n'"7 nay^l so that they should do him favors BB 156a(8); 3) euph. to be bled [as a medical procedure]: sg. 'T xrfj'B 13y ms ]3 "liy^X PN was bled Tan 25a(35); Sab 129a(39); ib. 50; 129b(2); Hul llla(30); i. Vaip af. + '3 to insist on one's full rights: 4- Vaip af, mng. HI.l Expl. RalJ: O'BEOT nwnV '"y HI 13T llffiyw AC 5:142 [mng. 5]; Lit: Bacher 112; Eps, Gr 19, suggests accepting the rdg. '■?» in Qid 50a(36; M) [cf. Ma xrfr'rn, pi. (c'J'i'O MD ib.]; Speiber, Magic 60+ [mng. 5]; Voc: Hfli'n HPP 57:19; Y: XnV'O Ket 62a(l; BAYTN 118), pi. 'V'B BAYTN 196. 2# NnV'a, abs. kV'9, pi. xnxi'n n.f. fine wool (< unXcnfi Lehnw 335; TA X^'S TJ Ho 2:11, Sy rc'^i V ; *73 tapestry, rug LS 383, Pal B^B PAT 381, DNWSI 632, Arab ijli Fr, AF 49+) sg.abs. XamD X^B p.-type fine wool Nid 17a(41); det. X3"?BT XJlV'B the king's fine wool BM 78b(31); pi. xnxV'B '^DS'X -a@^T\ twelve garments of fine wool MQ 24a(32); XnxV'B xVtSSX ib. 669
yatfai ia'a 670 T T • 28b(14); BM 17a(20); San 44a(33); 'TC1J irma'X XJIX^'B their lambs (had) fleece of fine wool ib. 97a(36); ]XTj?' 'n'EWIlVx xriX^B (garments of) fine wool are precious to their wearers Sab 10b (34) Y: Krfr'9 Sab ib.(BAYTN 35). yatPai "ia'a v.n. negotiations (inf. of i VlBX pe., Vyaiff pe.) sg. SSSad 201b: 8 Cf. SA yaBS^l wa1? to negotiate TM 73:579. Nip'tt n.m. utterance, command, tradition, written document (4- V"iaX; Sy K'i-ioKLio speech, sermon, treatise LS 26, Ma XIB'B speech, pronouncement MD 267) 1. utterance, speech, statement: sg.cs. n'BIB IB'BS by his verbal utterance TGHark 1:7; ib. 27; det. nnB'B3 yn (the length of) a yn is as long as it takes to say it az 4b(25); 13 nna'aa 'sidix1? ]iya»V marm pn XJITU nXT we required NN to add orally while taking the court oath in this manner TGHark 278:8; ib. 100:30; iTBIBI 'XIB'BS miBBl '3xmn<3> rnxaim 'x-ims nnnm 'xbiss his speech is like my speech, his mouth is like my mouth, his utterance is like my utterance, and his command is like my command SSHai 9a(20); TX>b 'BX1 XVI XBtya XIB'B he merely made some statement to him TGHark 155:26; ib. 227:32; 34:28; Anan 9:24; pi. na'B p'X rGtfawt 190:6; 2. command: sg. 'arm xia'ax nayi 'p^i 'xm Xin the reason that he receives lashes is because he transgressed the Merciful One's command Tern 4b(37); ib. 5a(2); Hip bin n'lB'B the command of the jealous God Bo 56:10; 3. tradition: sg. rrb XT3D x"? xnn aiV xna'ai xm xib'b it is a tradition, and PN does not accept the tradition BB 48a(26); Git 42b(i0); xna'a by iE/pxi pan mm TWV 371 the Rabbis asked again concerning PN's tradition TGAs42 13:26; iSGF 55:8; ty ]1XJ Vbs\ XIB'B pn a Gaon disagrees with this tradition TGHark 191:19; ib. 32:18; 4. written document: sg. yba n»'a pna tb» pm p"yi xrrps ty pi tit? vtubtto xn irai xia'a narwxi '.TUa'n XTVBDl X3X10W we ordered them to investigate these two documents well and a document of the court was found in which they had written a trust clause to this PN concerning a loss and retention for himself ib. 268:14; 31; 191:24 Y: !na'» BAYTN 139. NJ'M n.m. species, category (4- nxra, XJ'B 13, xra 713; Sy nr'i' ;**> LS 384) 1. species: sg. xra xnmx another species Suk 31a(44); Hul 59a(48); 'EH3 nVStn Xlim XJ'8 a species offish called k. BB 74a(47); AZ 39a(28) [4- XtflBTl]; «Z>. 30; ''Xm 'ra a species of fig Ned 50b(31) [expl. MH pOB173 ib.]; XM D1X1 Xra 1X71 D1PB because it is not human [lit. the same species of man] Zev 24a(12); Men 23a(26); XJ'B in 1,17131 irU'J all of them are one species Hul 79a(14); ib. 80a(38); pi. lira TB nm BWB because they are two (different) species ib. 136b(13); 11X71 Ta XB3 they are several species Anan 57:1; 2. category, type: sg. prx XJ'B in ]B mi mpai a hammer and a peg are of one type [i.e. both are metallic objects] Anan 31:19; 731 DVWB1 ,TrB 731 IBS n'ra wool and its entire category, flax and its entire category ib. 6:5; 171TB1 731 'DTI wheat and all of its type Hul 52a(3; H2); BQ 37b(8); pl.abs. yWl ]»ra 73 ]B ]"J0 pirn hated visions of all evil types Bo 44:3; cs. X1D7 TB prUtf sixty types of a prepared dish Meg 7b(l 1); BM 84b(5); Gi? 70a(26); San 108b(47); AZ 38b(54); 'JXB TB X7HB11 XOTJ1 various types of bronze and iron utensils SSHai 18b(14); Bo 1:8; det. TlflX 'ra other types Kar 3b (10) Y: Xl'l? SVi« 39a(50; BAYTN 11). - T»3 prep, similar to, like (4- '3) XlPllp X131 xnbn Xbry pB3 Xin T13 the Holy One, Blessed be He, created (a creature) similar to a three-year old calf Tan 25b(38; TGAs42 156:12) ntO'S, NVa, pi. 'K3'a, '3'a n.m. sectarian («uie-form < 4- XJ'B; JPA 'TB DJPA 306) sg. xm xaxsni i3'n?x max 3T? xra xinn mV iax a certain sectarian said to PN: "Your God is a jester" San 39a(39); ib. 37a(21); 91a(9); 106b(3); 5er 10a(15); ib. 58a(32); Safe 152b(45); Suk 48b(23); Ket 112a(28); m'Tm nxra Xinn XJinyawa pyB xp{l) Xai7 a certain sectarian who saw PN investigating (his) legal traditions Sab 88a(53); ^Z6b(21); nxra apy PN, the sectarian ib. 28a(33); Hul 84a(21); pi. yTI ]Xa "Xn s;ira •>yd? '"Ilinx1? one who knows how to reply to the sectarians San 38b(44); BB 91a(32); Hag 5b(18); 'Xraa iV'SXI xyiX mix IXV it is not proper behavior (to curse someone in this manner), even in the case of sectarians AZ 4b(32); ib. 28a(36); 4a(33) Y: ™u'8/<Z28a(33; BAYTN 11). K'13'a n.m. appointment (< MH2 'ira J 776; I'V'JB; JPA 'ira djpa 306) sg. njmi Dip'i ixai H'1? xrJBI X'lra Vy "lyiyi whoever will arise, scheme, and protest the appointment which we have made SSSad 268:15 NJirU'a, NJinaa n.f. meal offering, minha, the afternoon prayer (Mng. 1: < BH nma HAL 568; < MH nftaa Yeivin, BV 815, J 799; mng. 2: TA XJirUB pi. TO Lev 2:1, JPA nma DJPA 317) 1. meal offering: sg. 'in3 T('){liapn K*T1 '3'n '3 niWUa so that a handful (of the frankincense) should not be taken together with her meal offering Sot 14b(36); 2. minha, the afternoon prayer: sg. XJ132n XTinSB minha of the Sabbath Sab 116b(21); RH 31a(32); XJUEH xnm'B HP 187:4; xn'iym Xnn:BVl ... np'1? let him read at the afternoon prayer (a Pentateuchal reading) concerning the fast day Afeg-30b(ll); Sot 39b(46); HP 182:20 Y: XWUn Sab ib.(BAYTN 194). '■?3'B 11# xnV'a n. NlllpS'a n.f. period of wet nursing (4- ^Ipl''; Sy i^koJnj.^ LS 304) sg. iy '3iorxV nV tdx nmpra Q'?2?,a she is forbidden to (re)marry until the completion of her period of wet nursing HP 110:30 KJU'a n.f. mint (Sy k^ui_>l^> PSm 2095, MH nrira MUqsK 1:2) sg. GC 138:7 [expl. MH !n]Van MUqs ib. and expl. by Arab j-iil] This word should noi be confused w. MH KTT'ax ammi; Lil: Low, PH 259+. |JFI'ai 30'a v.n. business transaction, commerce (pe. inf. of 4- V]J1J, ^303; Sy r^ -fi m y> Kli'*U»o LS 433) sg. SSSad 208b:5; nap»] L]n],B1 SD'an writs of a business transaction ib. 201b:2 Lit: Greenfield, AKY 720+. NBlJT'a "nO'a n. enough (TA TID'B TO Ex 36:5, Sy hi-ip-5? cs. LS 396) a. alone: .T'TO'M n'piTy his flight suffices for him Yev 37a(13); TIN WD pn a*l 13 xail you and PN suffice for me Sab 153a(9); n'TIDB nTlU'Sy XW3 XaVn one's grief is sufficient (to counter the effects of) a bad dream Ber 55a(49); 1<m)(31'Ba3 ISTICB 13TlV did I assemble them (at the kalla) just for your (benefit)? [i.e. so that I can issue them a summons for you] BQ 113a(27; HP 82:18) [4- V«p3 pa., mng. 1]; b. w. fol. rel. clause: 1) alone: 'X13nx ^n ,!?13 XJ'BD'B XpT 'X<riD>IDn)'B it is enough for me that I exceed my colleague's (evaluation) so much BB 107b(12); xVl m'rlD'B Vnpa )'pSB Xp it is enough for him that they do not remove him from (the category of) 'congregation' Ket 14b(30); Git 56b(42); Tan 22a(10); 2) w. negation: mJllBiaWI n'no'B X1? X"iaj Xinn1? is it not enough for him that he excommunicated me? MQ 17a(19); inm'OB xV imra jrVpU; xVl is it not enough for them that we do not take (it) away from them? Hul 131a(19); Sab 124b(40); Git 14b(8); BQ 32a(22); BB 126a(26); Hul 107b(35) Y: ■"Tali Ber 56a(45; Mo 91). NBiya n.m. minority, reduction, limitation (< MH Diya Yeivin, BV 959; i VoyB) 1. minority: sg. 'B1 nTl'Vi ]XB3 XDiya a minority is as if it does not exist Qid 80a(25); Nid 18b(16); n'SEn XDiya a minority which is common Nid 32a(l 1); XCiya1? 'B"n TXB "\ PN takes a minority into account AZ 34b(25); txb "i »"n x"7 xoiyai xaiya!? PN does not take a minority of a minority into account Yev 119b(6); Qid 50b(30); XDiyai 'Diya 'im X3T1 Kail 'im a majority (of the tribes) which is a minority (of the people) or a minority (of the tribes) which is a majority (of the people) Hor 5a(50); nib'Sai 'Biya a minority of women who miscarry Yev 119b(2); 2. reduction: sg. '3nx 'X XDiya if the reduction (of the wall) was effective Er 77a(34); 3. limitation of the applicability of a term in an exegetical framework [caique < MH Diya J 777; * 4- X'la'l, mng. 2]: sg. in Xin XDiya one (verse) is a limitation San 73b(17); XIpT n'Diya the limitation of the 671
Nttis nris'a 672 i#Nns'» t : ■■ biblical verse Hul 75a(38); pi. '13'"l WIT "11 'Biy'BI PN expounds (biblical verses by the principle of) amplifications and limitations Svu 4b(14); Er 27b(42); Ate 34b(20); 5g 117b(44); Hor 2b(54); A/e« 28b(27); Wa nil two limitations 5aZ> 26b(25); «& 93a(9); gW 58a(39); Hul 117b(l); 4. singular: sg. Onil'Bl XBiya pp X3n the text is read [lit. they read] in the singular and is translated in the plural [w. ref. to '33jyi Dt 31:16 as opp. to TA 'rfrfil II' pp3«n TO ib.] BMsYFr 145:9 Y: KDiya fier 47a(25; BAYTN 141). NHIS riJFlS'D n.m. the vowel patah (lit. opening of the mouth; inf. of I VniB pe., mng. 6f, XB1D mng. la; cf. OfA DS ni1S» AhA 114, TA mnsfc xSlS TJ Ezek 29:21, Sy rd^scv-a uu&-3^?b LS 616) sg.BMsY 54:4 Lit: Yeivin, BV 55. xrnx'a n.f. middle part (< xmyx'B; 4- Vyxa) sg. Wtm XITIX'13 the middle part of the head &A 110b(37; Oxf., c.27, 14) nxjjx'a, nj;x'», NX'a, f. xri'srx'ia adj. middle, intermediate, n. middle one (4- VyXS, Xy'XB; LJLA XyX'B J 778 [PsJ], Sy rdii^-i? LS 399, Ma 'XX'» MD 269) I. adj. middle, intermediate: sg.m. HXyra rwa"? a middle garment [i.e. bet. an outer and an inner one] Mei 18a(23); xyX'a X3'3T 'middle' merchandise [i.e. of intermediate demand and price] Ned 31b(l; V2) [* i «)'-in I, mng. 4]; xyX'B X33 the middle portion (of Tractate Neziqin, i.e. Bava Mesi'a) OHP BM 3:16; f. XIPyrB X33 the middle section (of Tractate Kelim, ch. 11-20) GC 20:3; Xinrj? XJVX'B intermediate pustule HPQ 223:12; II. n. 1. middle one: pl.m. 'Win 'xyX'B the middle (money) belongs to the orphans Ber 18b(51; F); 'yxX'a the middle (places of refuge) Mak 10a(4); 2. Tractate Bava Mesi'a |< XyX'a (X33)]: sg.m. X5?S'a GS 425:19 Y: NyX'O AM ib.(BAYTN 118). - 'J?X'pa, »X'S3 adv. in the middle, prep, in the middle of (cf. Sy ^M v ^ *^ ■A adv., Ai v . v» -< LS 399; 4- J/XBX3, 'yx'a '3) I. adv. in the middle: 'X'»3 Suk 18a(10); 'yX'83 nV Q'pia 'XI if he places it in the middle Er 16b (29); ,T3I13 'N» I 'yS'!33 ''jpV why did (Scripture) write 'Vp [Lev 23:14] in the middle? [i.e. bet. DriV and bli'Q] Kar 5a(27); ib. 6b(41); 'yS'D3 'JSni XITW a lattice work of bricks in the middle [i.e. of the fire] San 64b(23); II. prep, in the middle of: XjnXT XTni '033 'JTS'M a g. -measure of land in the middle of the property HP 92:16 Y: 'XX'Ba Er ib. KflJ/X'S, NTiyXS n.f middle part, common fund (4- VySD; Sy rt-L^n, rc'*Li^J» LS 399, rCivA^xuri in the meantime ib.,°Ma l#IlXX'a cs. Mt> 269) 1. middle part [4- Xliyxa]: a. general: sg. 'abyi XJiyX'a the middle of the world Bek 8b(35); n'liyxai xnDin its [i.e. the lulav's] middle rib HP 32:15 [expl. MH nVWw TtW Suk 32b(14)]; pi. n'll'm rmyX'B 'y3"lX the four parts of his house 5o 58:12; b. of a Mishna [4- Xtfn mng. 5, XB1D mng. 2]: sg. £r 73b(21); ib. 98a(8); £e/ 23b(21); Zev 66b(21); 2. common fund [lit. in the middle]: 'TIT pi p xnyS'»3 'S XJX "-JEn"1 rX3*lp I, NN, invested in the common fund [lit. placed in the middle] such-and-such an amount of zuzim of principal SSSad 205:13; ib. 209:11; TGHark 277:30 The same mngs. are found for I XJiy'XD; Y: XnjJ'Xp Er 73b(21). NKllS *]X'a n.m. the vowel qames (lit. ... of the mouth; 4- XaiB) sg. BMsY 54M Lit: S. Morag, LeSonenu 38 [1974] 59+, suggests a deriv. < <]X' to deal with carefully. From a semantic point of view the rt. IBS to press, squeeze J 1297 is more likely, but it is attested only in MH and not in A. l#*nX'», cs. -IXia, pi. '3nX'» n.m. border, boundary (esp. of a field; < Akk misru A border of a field CAD M/2 113, mng. la, AIOA 72; 4- Vi#-kb, x-ira '3, xira -n, nxnra; JudA -ixa TDTJDA 37:9, Ma XTS'a MD 269, mng. a) sg.cs. Xjnx "ixa the border of the field BB 62b(40); ]'rrn pyaw -ixai ymn prm pixn isa ]'mn NN's border is two sides and NN2's border is two sides ib. 62a(12) [i.e. the field is bordered on two sides each by the fields of these two people; quoted from a writ]; xyiX pT X'ln XJ'3-n XlS'ax PN bought a field which was on PN2's border ib. 5a(12); 12b(38); 26a(28); BQ 114a(14) [4- X'lX usage b]; BM 108b(8); (X)-lX'a 2#N1S'» 673 Niwa t : nxy'31 the fourth border SSHai lla(20); 'ISpT innXfiK *|nm ]XBX l^BX they are particular even about one who passes by the border of their (fields) BB 29a(12); BQ 114a(10); HP 59:11; TGAs28 33:27; pl.cs. H'11'3 nx'a ny3nx the four borders of his house Bo 63:7; det. 'X13 nxa the outer borders (of the house) BB 61b(l; P1); 'Da nX'DX wn (he acquires possession) from the time that he treads on the borders (of the field) Ket 93a(4) [+ //'s; 4- V^TT pe., mng. 1]; mp '033 nX'H X"73 you will buy property without borders [i.e. an extensive amount] Ber 56a(46; MGG 705:8); '3"ixa xy(3)"IX the four borders (of the field) Ket 55a(12); .Tnx» l^'XI these are its borders [i.e. of the olive press] BB 68a(ll); ib. 63a(4); SSHai 5b(21); SSSad 260bA; Dec 10:13; Seel 132:54 Lit: S. Fraenkel, Berliner Vol 98 [pi. form]; Eps, Stl 168; Y: xnxa^eil4a(l2). 2#*nX'», Nnxa n.m. rope bridge, rope thereof (4- >/2# IXD; Ma Xnx'a MD 269, mng. b) 1. rope bridge [i.e. a plank bridge held from both sides by ropes]: sg. Bes 7b(3) [* 4- X138 mng. 2; cf. Ma X-ira Jb 178:7 * X13Xa ib. 6]; ib. 4; MQ 6b(48); 2. rope thereof: sg. XO'J "P'Xa X13a nin 13y Xpl H'T3 Xixa1? XDp3 the ferry was on the other side (of the Jordan). He held the rope (of the bridge) in his hands and was crossing Ket 112a(44); Qid 81a(41); X^ax 'T 'MX I placed my hand on the rope (of the bridge to simulate trembling) BB 167a(31) Lit: Eps, Stl 6+; Lidz, Jb 2:1023; Y: Xira Bes ib.(BAYTN 118). 3# mX'» n.m. (uncertain) sg.cs. HXa nxa XH3y a slave is a ... of a hundred BB 127b(28) n«nx»a, nXIXa, NIX'S adj., n. Egyptian (TA nx%a TO Gen 39:1, Sy rdJ-^-i? PSm 2196) I. adj.: sg.m. XlX'a X0X the Egyptian myrtle Suk 33a(l); nxixa xb'^n the 'Egyptian' Hallel Ber 56a(48); II. n.m.: pi. 'XlXa ib. 9b(9); Sot 12a(44) The exact mng. of the phrase TilCiSD xWn is uncertain. It may refer to Pss 113-118 and derive from DnSIM ^XnW? '13 7«S3 114:1. Rashi: the Hallel recited on Passover # Vnin ^n Ps 136; Y: nX-IXB Ber ib.(BAYTN 324). nsaiX'tt adj. perh. pertaining to a border between fields (4- 1# XlX'a) sg.m. nxnxa XTJm rocket growing between fields Yom 18b(7; Rashi) [expl. niiX 2K 4:39; Var: X3X"lsa RaH; nxir» Egyptian M1; nxnxa MAr (AC 1:305, s.v. mix] Expl. Rashi: iX'on ty ^IJH; Lit: Flora 1:491 ['auf Ackerrainen wachsende']; Koh, AC ib. NB1S ysp'SI n.m. the vowel qames (lit. contracting of the mouth; i V2#?Bp, xaiB) sg. BMsY 54:14 Lit: S. Morag, LeSonenu 38 [1974] 59+. N0T8 n.m. stomach ache (Ma X0T3 flatulency MD 270) sg. Git 69b(9; OHT ib. 157:2) Geon. expl.: JM Vx fJO OHT ib., i.e. ijiull o^ colic of the stomach. Note the Ma expl.: mi XD1X31 X'sV XinXT Kin X0TD xnpTi'BI a spirit that is located in the duodenum and the lower intestines and is called m. MD ib. This word should perhaps be derived as a back formation from Akk murussu his sickness [< 'murussu; cf.: murussu Sa awllim sati that man's sickness CAD M/2 225]; Y: XDTW Git ib. Nntf'ia, Nntfn, cs. ntfia, pi. '^n^'i? n.m. oil, fat'(i Vl#ntfa; TA xfea TO Ex 29:7, Sy rdjjux-s?, pi. ^^"r LS 407, Ma l#XP'a, pi. X'JXW'a MD 270) 1. oil, salve: a. general: sg. 1) as food: Ber 35b(40); ib. 37a(26); Pes 39b(39); iVaz 31b(25); Git 56a(26); ^[«an 87:2; AnanSch 11:23; #Af 39:6; pi. 'a03 'axrw» scented oils //G7 138:43; 2) for illumination: XrWaT X3n© an oil lamp Sab 46a(31); ib. 67b(30); 12b(46); 3) as a salve: Ber 42a(28); H'yTX3 XrW'a IW'Vi let him rub oil on (the hair covering) his temples Sab 129a(45) [4- Vl#Tltf pe., mng. la]; ib. 134a(25); 140b(21); Yom 78b(35); Ket 17b(9) [4- VlTTl quad., mng. 1]; Git 70a(3); b. of specific types: sg. 1) cs. Xmax n©a nut oil HM 40:1; Anan 87:7; 2) xaOIBXT Xn»a balsam oil Sab 26a(4); ^Z 28b(22); San 109a(45; MGG 310:12); OHP Ber 61:20 [glossed as X'VXJ, i.e. Arab UAi. Siggel 54]; 3) cs. XOipX WQ ...-oil /fM41:17; 4) cs. rTC/a Xini rose-(scented) oil HM 37:8; det. Tin XrW'a Sab lllb(19; M); 5) XlrTT XnK/a olive oil Ber 56b(14; MGG 707:9); Sab 23a(21); Git 86a(10); //M 38:10; i& 43:14; HP 192:4; TG^^2 161:4; 6) cs. XT(1>snD nvii salve of henna HM 39:17; det. nBlDi Xm»a Git 69b(47) [I 4# X1B13]; 7) cs. XD10 nB?a 5. oil HM 41:17; 8) cs. ]XD1D HOT lily-(scented) oil HM ib.;" 9) XTXpT Xn^B
Dto'B 674 i#*o;va T T ■ cottonseed oil Sab 21a(10); 10) cs. XTp HW an ointment of bitumen AZ 28b(l 1) [4- 1# XTp]; 11) cs. WW TOB sesame oil HM 37:11; //P 192:3; det. 'BWBlBn XrltP'B &A 23a(19); c. w. var. designations: sg. 1) XW33 XIWB impregnated [lit. pressed] oil Ber 43a(56) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 2) XJTID XOTB perfumed [lit. ground] oil ib. [v. Geon. expl. infra]; d. in var. containers: sg. X3XB3 XrTOB oil in a vessel San 101a(37); MTV XrUPBI a bottle of oil BB 144a(31); XrWBi XTOn a A.-jug of oil San 31a(16); VXWa '2X1J ytW sixty g.-jugs of oil 55 73b(18; MGG 51:16); 2. fat: sg. XTTUH XTOB goose's fat Yom 84a(24); AZ 28a(28); mVKH XBin a stream of fat BB 73b(34); WIX1 Xp'^W xrWB 'XH butter [lit. boiled fat] of the pagans AZ 38b(42) Geon. expl.: 1. Mng. l.c.l: |'W313B? TWUTO ]»» X»'33 Xfwai ITV1 D^ipw IV J'OBJ'31 Til 13 OHP Ber 61:23, i.e. sesame oil impregnated w. rose and violet [NP banafsa] violet PED 203; cf. Sy ^jiMi LS 79 and i^iiaj n'ur-a PSm 2239; v. Flora 3:495]; 'Xjn ]'a»»TO ]'W313W IWVm ''B XW'33 xn»'B wi mix pnioi wavi iv rrin fwawn oVi?1 ,nain pi D'aws D'DW3 Vw m 13 Ar [AC 4:353]; ]TWTKli 31"lf> XWD Xiwa "B DB13 'Xy ],Tty ini2 OHR Ber 54:7; 2. Mng. 2: Hp^V Xn»0 jao ,T^> lTXjn TRN 369:1, i.e. 0^ butter, vegetable oil; xnwai lmx ]'X'3»i J?n lrfrnnaw s^n Vw jaw -inia nvv 3T 'nxw mi i:aa ]aw mix xr» iy imx peaim rtos '':rmi o'li TGAs42 92:4; Y: XIWB Ber 43a(57; BAYTN 118). Dvfi^'P v.n. completion, conclusion (4- Vd"?E? pe. inf.) a. alone: D71W1 XBV X<l){'}nn3 »Hp1 (X))TW he betrothed (her) on the very day of the completion of the six (months between mj?J and JTU13) Qid 79a(21); Ket 50a(28; V5); ib. 110a(35); BM 102b(35); b. w. var. prep.: Dto»3 103 X^3 XT Xjnx piS^ T^X X'Jtf at the conclusion of these years this field will go out without money [i.e. it will return to the debtor without payment] BM 67b(17) [cf. QA fiV tbvm 1J? (npcajri djd 22:163:2]; ysv no@';nri cfrvrti? at the completion of twelve years Ned 50a(15); TOX nmpi»B cfrB/'B iy '310rx^ n*? she is forbidden to (re)marry until the completion of her period of wet nursing HP 110:30 N3tf'», N3Ntf'» n.m. plough handle (Ma'lula massona Berg, Gl 59, > Arab jLiiBBah 1830:19 [expl. Sy «'\ n n]) sg. pm '"?3 XJXIS'B plough handle in JBA GC 59:2(Ar [AC 6:154]) [expl. MH TVat MKel 21:2] Expl. ib.: ^ljffl T.W3 DM XVW nwino "?» i™-! H; Lit: EPS, GCIntr 57; GC 593. [N"ltP'a 4- XltfB n.] D'O adj., n. deceased, dead (4- VjTIB pe., pass.part.; 4- XJlWa, lttXJJVB; TA XJTB TO Num 6:6, Sy bi+z* LS 378, Ma XrPB MD 271) n., sg.m. |1»X1 31D DT3 XJTB TOpl 'XTflp TOn certain gravediggers who buried a deceased person on the first day of a holiday San 26b(46); HP 166:8; San 48a(19); XJTB Xinm XHriX that deceased person's wife Anan 108:19; ib. 106:23; 118:11; XJTB ay nVKb ri'jn QX1 if you want to speak with a deceased person HM42:23; ib. 46:4; pl.m. vn X'Jl'B the dead will live (again) San 91a(24); ]'TID 1?y nT»V TlCl'Bl »n may the living and the dead be witnesses concerning you ib. 29b(9); 98b(51); 133 1VX1 null "SXT XJJTT inrJ 'Xl'B l'nn I know that even the most insignificant ones among you can revive the dead AZ 10b(25); RH 20a(20); HMGas 94:12; #A/ 37:3; TI'ST Xnab'X the forms of the dead Bo 78:12 Y: XJVO Naz 64a(13; BAYTN 11). Krniva n.f. death (4- Vma, xma, xrpa, -jx^a xma, xmm xao; Sy k'^'o^m-^ ls 378) s8- 'x Xnwa 'X XTan either a friend or death Tan 23a(53) // 55 16b(24); Xfiwa ]Ty the time of death AnanSch 24:5; i& 27:10; SSHai 8b(10); mi XXIWai 'Dm nsX^a the great spirit of the angel of death Bo 35:9 Y: WW!? BB ib. N'JTB 4- X"Tia n. l#N3r)'a, XJNJl'B n.m. corpse, deceased one (4- Vnia, xn'a; TA xan'a TO Dt 25:5[Var], NB nti&u CAD M/2 131) a. general: sg. 'BM' m'rpB/ XJn'D H"3p ... xaXTBX niDIS the orphans took it [i.e. the garment of fine wool] (and) spread it over the corpse. The corpse took possession of it (as shrouds) Yev 66b(33) [Var: XJXD'a HP 102:22; v. also TGAs28 54:30]; XJTVn '03J the property of the deceased ib. 37b(36); XJJTB T3 the son of the deceased one ib. 27; mnXT XJlXJa 2#wrra__ ; XJrra the portion (of the inheritance) of his deceased brother HP 59:11; H2I?1i 113H3 the late PN TGHark 276:21; X3XJ1'a "XH ib. 25:16; b. in legal documents: sg. xwai Tiinxi ,,m3yiiant;,xi Xin '13X ]B 'JI^D we ascertained that he was the paternal brother of NN, the deceased Yev 39b(33) = SSHai 12b(2); ib. 13a(19); ^e? 104b(38); SSSad 265b: 14 Lit: Rimalt 122. On WN7V» 3"nna ^nan 83:24, v. Hark, ib.8; Y: XJjrn Kev 37b(26; BAYTN 34). 2# xan'a 4- xana v.n. •?]», -|S)3 adj. underweight (4- >/-pB, TB, T3B; Sy r<ii-^> weak LS 384, Ma 1# XOXa MD 242) sg.m. p'sa xVt nnns XDxa x?it xs'x mn he had an underweight zuz which was not acceptable for payment Bek 51a(l) // X3B XIII BQ 37a(5); 5a6 129a(44; Ed) Va?P adj. bound, fettered (4- V"?33 pa., pass, part; Sy *f V . -■ ^ LS 316) sg.f. xnVsDB X5?1X 'TS X13y xVt a 'bound' land that does not produce fruit Sab 54a(15) [expl. GN ^33 IK 9:13] Y: X3B BAYTN 5. K7U33» n.f. (uncertain; V]33 pa., pass.part. f; cf. TA xm'33 TJ Is 3:23, Sy K'JtiAa, r^A; \ . —, >s cloak LS 316) 1. perh. a type of head covering or cloak: sg. Sab 62a(33) [expl. MH TVpiS Kox^iapiov Mib. 6:3]; 2. perh. a twisted pin: sg. xyP33 nJPXjn XrU33BV n^pC? she took the ... (and) stuck it into the crack (and it entered the snake's eye) ib. 156b(23) Geon. expl.: 1. O'Wjn BX13 WIN ]'B'pa» moy ]'a3 ]133 IBS OHT ib. 60:12 [R. Sarrira]; 2. H3 f\33131 HS'3 HX'3a X7U338 iTlja 1BW ti!?V ,T1J3 ib. 16 [R. Semah]; 3. nan X1HB B'B3H wxin ni3'30 mix ywyv ni^i p xin 3m [xra -] inn XV731? l'JW ib. 18 [R. NahSon]; 4. H3 in^Vo pi nBXrox '^y XJJ^a XII XJ1J33a [J3:J 'y»'] DH'II 'JTl IX1? a cloak draped over his shoulders without (his) being wrapped in it ib. 22 [v. TJ Is ib.]; Rashi: Old French espingle, nusquo 'breast pin' [v. Krauss, TAr 1:639788]; Y: xnJ33B Sab 62a(33). Kffrwa, KnVlSNtt n.f. food, provisions (4- Vl#"?3X, 2# XJTTOinB; Sy K'SLicuorcL^j LS 17, Ma xrfrDXa MD 242) sg. XJt>13B 'VlS'lp bring me food Pes 43a(15; E'C) [Var: XnVlSXB ORashi; v. DS, ad loc, n. 3] NirV'aa t : • : nj;i3» adj. ugly (< MH2 "ljnaa J 656; 4- XTX'3; Sy iK,p>73 LS 315) pl.m. 'T/DB 'H ugly children Ket 60b(55; FrV5M) The form w. 'ayin is supported by all of the mss. KITOia, pi. KJ1K1M n.f. small boat (< Akk makkutu a boat CAD M/l 137 [Lex], AIOA 68; Sy 1# t«^Ai? » *U type of boat LS 386 [Lex], Ma X7TDXB maxuta raft, boat MD 242, ZSLM 52) sg. XXVDB T'X X3V1 3T 13 -Q H3T PN used to draw a boat (as his signature) Git 36a(27) // ib. 87b(5) // BB I6ib(6); xrvDBi xnpo'xa rvvsi x"?n xsb'-x PN suspended himself from the sailyard of a boat Ket 69b(36; V5); xrunXi Xm3a X'nn a certain boat carrying [lit. of] fish hash AZ 40a(24; HG3 276:67); XJTDB3 'IDBT ]XB1 one who is traveling by boat HG3 121:21(Var); pi. 'XnnT ,Xn:i3^ XnxiDBll algae of ditches and of boats 77W 574:5 Expl. Ar: ,13'BD AC 5:140; Lit: Eps, St2 405:36, note; Y: X1TOO Ket ib.(BAYTN31). n.m./f. paint-stick used for applying kohl to the eye (4- WriD; Sy ixlLi^bb LS 324, MH brjDB MKelK 16:8) sg. X^rlSB D'^XT mat '^ya 'SD the thicker the paint-stick, the better it is Sab 151b(49); XS03T x"7nSB a silver paint-stick BQ 117a(48; Es); pi. ^nSB Git 69a(3; V18) Geon. expl.: in tnx wxi D'wya 'W1? m [3"o j"'b d'^s] 'nnsa lrnis nn ]nxn nx u mp:1? am inx toxii pyn r« ia 'jina'? GC 29:1; OHR BQ 108:5 [for drawings, v. AC 5:135]; Y: X^rpa BQ ib. »3a, '3 p conj. 4- 1#'3 conj. 1]'3a adj. low, humble (4- VipB, TB, -\1i; TA 73B TO Lev 13:20, Sy ^ A ; t\ jt LS 384, Ma X3'3XB MD 242) 1. low: sg.m. 'JTX "?DB n3'3B1 DWB because you [i.e. the thornbush] are the lowest of all the trees Sab 67a(21; M); 2. humble: sg.m. TB'XI T3B1 ]B'nB1 Xinn that one who is trustworthy, humble, and wealthy TGHark 99:34; ib. 31 3a n.f. Tannaitic collection of laws (lit. measure; i V?1D; TA xflT3B TO Lev 19:35; cf. Sy re'hicA+siJys measure LS 325) sg. "]jf?''DB3 |"y pis go (and) study your Tannaitic collection Git 44a(24; 03OHT Git 88:11); Tinnx xn'j'aa another Tannaitic collection Pes 675
"pa 676 K3*6& 48a(30); 7ew 33a(34); pi. ]»DB XJlb'SB vr>D IN1? ]Cin)V not all of the Tannaitic collections have reached us OHT Pes 104:20; jnr VXVO 'D Va xnxVoa OHT Meg 52:25 Geon. expl.: XJlVsB PITS -p ?X'n nn"T3 IX XM XJUDO "pnV'311 xrooos nwy:i -na'77in Van nmij«j» jinra ms^n OHT Git 88:11; Lit: Eps, St2 183+; id., PLT 545; Y: Xrrf?a Pes ib.(BAYTN 293). *|3a vb. to sink down, spread out, level (4- TB, "|B, T3B, X33B; Sy «^b intr. to lie stretched out, tr. to spread out LS 384, Ma "pa MD 271) Pe. (a/u) 1. intr. to sink down: mronn XJTIX n'b> X3B the ground sank down under him (giving him a place to hide) San 95a(39; F2); '3('>XB Xp mm VPBpB ,-llD the mountains sank down in front of them Ber 54b(3; EY) [Van 13B OHP ib. 105:12; v. Geon. expl.]; 2. intr. to lie down: "p'aV im liT'ty (the garments) are suitable to lie down upon them Bes 14b(41; M) [I V"p1 pe.]; "]B n3 5?3T the one who lay down completely Pes 49a(50); 3. tr. to spread s.t. out: p'S1? ltn iTTlinn they are suitable to spread out under him Bes 14b(41; V); .TrWl IB'B1? to spread out (the garments) under him Yom 69a(16) [Ed: nyXTO]; y\W2 <inV> imV) -pi vu'jwxi inrVaix he fed them, gave them drink, and spread out bedding for them Tan 21b(42); 'pi/103 H3 XaDB1?! //G7 326:3 [in the sukka]; HP 29:4; p"B Tin X'Wa 'DBJ pro ,tV they used to spread out sixty felt garments for him at night BM 84b(2; F1); "p 'JJi TpW spread out your sack and lie down (on it) Ber 59a(37) // Tan 6b(27); 4. to level: mm 'TIB imap "p» (the Ark of the Covenant) was leveling the mountains before them Ber 54b(3; OP) [cf. Ma: X'TID "P'XB leveler of mountains MD 272]; So 139:9 [i XDiy mng. l.b.l] Pa. to level: T3BB Xpi 3J by «)X1 even though he levels (the ground?) Fow 84b(31) [Var: Xpi 1"J7X1 '3i3a -paa M] Geon. expl.: XBXBn KWBn OHP Ber 105:12 [unclear]. N3M n.m. bolster, cushion (4- V"|3»; Sy i^AA^ rug LS 384, TA p5a pi. TJ 2S 17:28) sg. XVST X33BX XJl'a sleeping on a leather bolster Pes 112b(22; C); pi. '3X3a SSHai 2a(17) [in a trousseau list] n'tVsb, V^oa 4- xy?3 n. Nflt!7J3a n.f sweeping up (4- Vl# B73D, 2# xntf'M; cf. Sy rC^ti^Jsi broom LS 336) sg. ,T!@,3i XrH2tt3B sweeping up of the threshing floor BM 21a(28; V22) [Var: XTlB/'33 Ar (AC 4:264)]; ib. 21b(17) Y: xnWJ3» BM ib. 1#NM!3, N03'» n.m. taxes, toll (< Akk miksu various types of taxes CAD M/2 63, AIOA 72; Sy rtm^^n LS 385, Ma XD3Xa MD 243, > Arab o&> Fr, AF 283) 1. taxes: sg. ''V ip312? 'IE? Tfbn XDDa they exempted him from taxes for thirteen years AZ 4a(34); BM 65a(54); 'bpan XDD'a nTB one from whom they take taxes AZ 13a(31); ib. 13b(35); 2. toll: sg. x"73 xVlXT XS"?'X X03a a boat which travels without (having paid) the toll AZ 10b(45) [cf. Akk (NA): miksi kari neberi sa matija the toll duties collected on the quays (and) river-crossings of my country CAD ib. 65]; Tmajn JTS^n 'X03B mm I paid my toll, passed, and crossed over ib. 46; XD3'8 'Dim 'toll runners' [i.e. those who run after people trying to evade the payment of the toll] Sab 78b(41) The phrase WO '3 Ket 112a(l); etc. is a GN [v. Eshel, JSB 67+]; Y: XMI3 BM ib.(BAYTN 118). 2# KD3n n.m. tax or toll collector (< Akk makisu CAD M/l 129; Sy KLcb-o^Ja LS 385) sg. XD3a X'jn PN, the tax collector San 44b(53) Y: X031B Sab 78b(41; BAYTN 162). Karpa n.m. stylus, awl (4- VarD; Sy Kl4>^-Q-i3 LS 352, mng. 2) sg. J/T3 X^l X3713B a stylus pierces a rock AZ 22b(18) Geon. expl.: Q'^yw n psim fni in wxii ^ra *?v xini TGWeisz 82b:3; Voc: X3rDB AZ ib.(J); Y: X3I1M AZ ib.(BAYTN218). N^a adj. 4- '^a adj. [i1*6» adj. of GN pl.m. 'xVa Qid 70b(35; M) Rashi: nirJBWB IX niBipa fllBB; Lit: Eshel, JSB 147.] N'N^a*, cs. 'K!?a n.m. large number (4- Vl#,!7B; Ma X'^XB MD 243) sg.cs. 'xVbt '13J a large number of men Er 43b(41); ib. 44a(l) The mng. of'xVai X11B San 109a(23) is uncertain. N3N^a n.m. angel (TA xaX^B TO Ex 23:20, Sy Knia ■g|K^a 677 2#rfra K^irdiio LS 354, Ma X3XVX8 MD 243) sg. W'io '03B1 XJ'Bp 3"lV rriDtPX X3X"?B an angel came across PN who was dressed in an s.-cloth Men 41a(22); X3T XSxVa Vxnty PN, the great angel So 9:14; ib. 15:3; 21:13; 48:4; 56:14; pl.abs. p"ip px"?a holy angels ib. 9:14; 48:5; 89:5; cs. m3jn ruTim xnam xwn 'Dx^a the angels of anger, wrath, rage, and ire HM 46:17 [cf. Ps 78:49]; det. 'OX'ja 'in two angels Ket 69b(36); 55 75a(23); San 96a(4); 7a« 24b(25) [4- l#xn"?a]; Hag 14a(10); 5M 85b(36) Note that in the phrase: Vi '33 ]3X 'SX^a 'Xa|7 'X if the ancients were angels we are humans iSGF 20:17, the original quotation from PT Seq 48d(l) [+ ll's] has been transformed into JBA; Y: Xjxba Men ib.(BAYTN 218). - Nflia "!]N^a, NnwaT NSN^a n.m. Angel of Death (4- Xma, xmxra; Sy rc'ilcOw v^rdlio PSm 1874) sg.cs. xma "jxVa Bo 3:6; ib. 10; 103c:l; 142:2; det. 'mnw '3xVa Aferf41a(40) XB'iiaVa n.m. garment (4- V^3"?; Ma XEm^xa MD 244) sg. Bo 15:6 NSa^a n.m. brick mold, frame (4- Vp1?; Sy KliAA-io brick mold LS 357; cf. Akk nalbanu CAD N/1 199) 1. brick mold: sg. xn'IT XM^aV for (bricks made in) a wide brick mold BM 116b(33); 2. frame: sg. XOpmpT XWVa a wooden frame//P 72:19 Y: Xja^a 5M ib.(BAYTN 218). iaVa 4- 2# xn3 n. 1J prep. nn^a 4- •'•vf? prep. [NiVa 4- 'Va adj.] X^KlVa n.m. zodiacal sign (< Akk MUL lumasu zodiacal constellation CAD L 245, AIOA 67; Sy rdi,cLLs>i zodiacal sign LS 390, Ma xwxiVxa md 244) sg. rpsnwa \Hm itwiVb PN's zodiacal sign Bo 21:19; pl.abs. -WJ? pn ]'»rX''@''^a »'& 4:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 348. AIOA, ib., points out that the A form shows that the Sum determinative was pronounced. KJV?a n.m. a type of container (etym. unkn.) sg. '-rotn xrfra nas irpsxi xriirx ivnn a certain woman with whom they deposited an m.- container of writs Ket 85a(22); BB 151a(32) Expl. R.G.: mim "?» Min man? BB ib.; Lit: Low, Lehnw 339, rejects Gr deriv.; Y: XJlVo Ket ib. rUMJlVa adj. of GN sg.m. nXttr7B X3p X3?3T a quarter of a 906 of GN Pes 48a(37) NJI'lVa n.f. a type of spirit (lit. companion; 4- V'lV pa.; Ma X^XlVxa MD 244 [used of female devil spirits]) sg. XJlB'sn XJVte impudent female companion Bo 78:7; ib. 122:4 l#rrt»a vb. to salt (denom. < 4- lsxrrrB; 4- 2# xm»a, 2# xnVa, xnn'ja, rr^a; Sy. u V **> ls 390, BA n^a HALOT 1916) Pe. (a/ ): a. meat: XW3 H'3 n"?aT (the dish in which PN) used to salt meat Hul lllb(15); ib. 93a(34); 113a(29); 133a(ll); Sab 75b(10); ib. 108b(20); Pes 74b(24); MQ lla(33); BB 74b(35); XD'Vl XTOH Xllff'S n^a'a"? xnb'a a place where there is no salt to sa]f meat TGAs28 22:24; b. fish: X3XT Vr? X"W IH'ia ta'ai nVa'aV PN permitted them to salt (the fish) and to eat of them (on the intermediate days) MQ 1 la(29); Sab 119a(15) // Qid 41a(l 1); BB 73b(18); pass.part. 4- IT^a; c. vegetables: xVjis nbw xanVa mn erna formerly I used to salt each radish individually (on the Sabbath) Sab 108b(18); d. blood: mutt n'1? XpDJ .Tr^Bi ]1'3 DT as soon as he salted it [i.e. the blood], it ceased to be in the category of blood for him Men 21a(12); e. meal offering: xn'ja'a'? 'jna HrUB xrfr'BS it is necessary to put salt on a meal offering Anan 87:2; f. animal hides: Bes 1 lb(4); pass.part. map X*7i y'DJ? X1?! mba xbl (a hide) which is neither salted, nor treated with gall nuts, nor floured Sab 79a(34) // Meg 19a(l) // Git 22a(33) itpe. to be salted: xrv?B'XT xi©'3T xrinaox man VHM XTJ3 xmVl »'l '3 certain thighs of meat which were salted in the exilarch's house together with their sciatic nerve Hul 97b(5); ib. 112b(l 1); HG3 212:74 2# nVa vb. to steer a boat (denom. < 4-1# XrV7B; Sy ool^J pa. LS 391) Pa.: WlVB nVaa XBS 3T PN was steering the boat Ket 85a(2) On BQ 117b(33), v. I V2#'to.
i#xnVa 678 i#'Va 1# NllVa, NHNVa n.m. sailor ( < Akk malahu A CAd'm/1 149, AIOA 69 [< Sum malah SLOB 384, 2255] w. assim. to qattal-fotm; 4- V2# rf7B; Sy rf»V -to LS 391, Ma XnX^XB MD 243, > Arab cii Fr, AF 221) pi. 1BTX1 nxVa1? Xrm TINVa1? I saw angels in the guise of sailors Tan 24b (26) Y: 'rfpa Tan ib.(BAYTN 232). n.m. a dish prepared by salting (4- Vl#rf7B; cf. Sy kLu-Xo-Ikj pickling with salt PSm 2134 [Lex]) sg. Xn'rB Xrf?in a third (of the fish) prepared by salting MQ 1 la(37) Y: xrf7'S MQ ib. KTinVa n.f. salt pit (4- lttXnV'B, Vl# nV»; Sy K'ft »V Sa ls 390) sg. xnV-a fm ]xa 'xn Xnrf^BB one who gathers together salt from a salt pit Sab 73b(35); ib. 66b(38) Lit: Fauna 140; Y: XJnrfa &16 ib.(BAYTN 194). 1# '^» vb. to be full, fill, complete (4- 2#xniB, X'X*?B, na adj., xn'nB; Sy nil^i, jA-i* LS 388, Ma l#x"?a MD 272) Pe. I. (i) intr.'l. to be full: Xanj 'Va'T Xinrb X'Tm she saw the oven full of bread Tan 25a(5); X'B Xjnx 'xVai the field became full [i.e. saturated] with water BM 76b(35); 2. to amount to s.t: H'tlt PXB X1? X"im3 his (silver) zuzim do not amount to a (gold) cfenar ib. 45b(l);' 3. to be complete, concluded (of time): ]>1V fyaiP l"?7a seventy years were completed Meg 1 lb(42); Hag 5a(6); Pes 56a(9); G/f 76b(18); BQ 79b(53); Aa/- I0a(7); n"?n mno 'a' -frxan xar xinns on that day on which the days of her purity are completed Anan 51:23; ib. 81:5; HP 131:27; HG3 280:35; ib. 285:39; 4. to ripen, be ripe [cf. Sy: rfhn i \ **> rdA-iLiL. ripe ears of grain Gen 41:7]: xna xp'a W ntt?Bn3 'T13X1 can (the grain) still become ripe in five days? RH 13a(33); WJ xnbn pa x"n OfxinTi xn'tt/p let him bring stones of olives which have not ripened a third Yom 84a(26; M) [Var: wbv Xnn X<?V E2]; II. (a) tr. 1. to draw, fill: a. water: X3T X3Xn3 X'^ai XB1T X3Xm nB'n (the woman) who draws (water) in a large pitcher should draw (water) in a small pitcher Bes 30a(13); X'B 13 V?B they made you draw water for them Suk 48b(21); Sab 148a(31); Bes 39b(ll; V); Tan 20b(48); Git 68a(35); BQ 51b(46); AZ 33b(21); ib. 38b(34); 76b(l); //«/ 55b(27); Er 12a(52); ife 104a(48); SOZ 72:20; HM 38:12!; b. earth: JKTI nny nn n'Xn jt>3 nxai nn vra xp xVi nxVaai xnsy "ircxV since that person was supposed to bring earth and to fill it [i.e. the pit], and he did not bring it and fill (it) BQ 48a(36); Tan 21a(43); c. other: X"inX3 nam K'niB nxan UVUI in a place where they customarily fill the bed with ropes Ket 65a(41); MQ 10a(35); '3'X nn na xp mn Xp'T Xnx a wind came and was filling it [i.e. the sukka] with pieces of wood Suk 29a(10); 'SID rrantf" n'nai 'J^'XT he filled his garment with leaves of trees BM 114b(ll); XpaiO XJBVTC 'TSID n'nB'31 let him fill it [i.e. the cup] with seeds of a red pomegranate ib. 84a(20; Es); AZ 28b(25); 2. to paint the eye socket (with kohl powder, earth, etc.): Hail <X>{]frni3 ]Xna ]"Vn they used to paint their eye sockets with kohl powder and wink Sab 62b(32) [expl. BH trc'JT nnpfrB Is 3:16] // Yom 9b(19); &iZ> 10b(19); Git 69a(3); 5a« I09a(6); pnai ^xiaen am xisya ]V avp jxa I'l'J? oh that we had some of the earth (of the grave) of PN and PN2 so that we could paint our eyes (with it as a sign of reverence)! BB 171b(14) // AZ 53b(48) // Hul 68b(25); Ber 6a(17) [ashes]; BM 85b(48) [medication] Pa. 1. to complete: nana iTnBl he completed it [i.e. the measure of the helev] with dates Kar 14a(34); ib. 21b(l); Zev 76b(8); Men 104a(15); Bek 3a(29) [* 4 Vjns pa.]; xVaai 'am x'ms 'nxT '3m X381D the width of these (boards) comes and completes the thickness of those Sab 98b(13; M); rHPan "na^> to complete (a quorum) of five (judges) Yev 101b(41); 'Xn ni3 n"US'X Xs? 'X m^iaV nnaa mn xap xava if you had not been absent so much you would have completed all of them [i.e. the picking of the grapes] on the first day Ket lllb(49); 2. to compensate for a loss: topib 'an nn nasi ... man nn mnai he returns the pieces to him and compensates him for the price of his (broken) object BM 97a(2; V22); ri'SniX x"?1 rrnai mtJI he took the trouble to compensate him (for the monetary loss) and did not inform him ib. 105a(3); 3. to make a full 2#'!?a 679 i#l*ya month of thirty days: (ni'fta xnttf xinm nan H'^a they indeed had made Tammuz of that year a full month fan 29a(20); Tilfr n"1?8,',?1 let us make Adar a full month San 13b(8) Itpe. to be filled: XIH'T ''ja'X he became angry [lit. he was filled with venom] Git 45b(34) [4- 2# KIT! mng. 2] 2# 'Va vb. to push (etym. unkn.) Pe.: in iT3 xVa nnxans VPTIi one of them pushed his ass BQ H7b(33) [Var: xi3i xinm xnanV n,!7 nVa HG2 343:21 (Ms. n); H'Sm ib.(Ms. 1,S,1] For add. textual evidence, v. AC 5:152 and OHP BQ 166:15+. 3#'Va vb. to speak (< 1 Vl#y?a; Ma 3#xVa MD 272, TA •>% TO Gen 34:3) Pa.: n'a I'jaai 'XI^'V they gossip [lit. speak words] against me Qid 50a(36) Cf. LMA ma-le-e mi-il-in-ni Uruklnc 2; Lit: Eps, Gr 11. 4#'Va vb. to be weary (sec. rt. < 'X^; Sy r^\ -y [< ,r<li af] LS 354) Af.: miT '1 'nxi'^8 in'SX1? rnx,iy3"' PN was wearily coming towards themS5 llla(36) Lit: Goldschmidt 487. 'V», K^a adj. full, adult, n.m. fullness (I 'Vl#na; TA ■>% TO Ex 9:8, Sy. r£\±n n. LS 388, Ma 2#X'Vxa MD 244) I. adj. 1. full: sg.m. Xp'T nan xniSB a bellows full of air Tan 12a(17); "]pOy na your merchandise is full Ber 56a(33); xna XnT a full month [i.e. thirty days] Am 9a(5) [* 4- TDn mng. 1]; Hul 48a(45; V11); xna XDU a full body Yev 87b(l; O2) // Nid 44a(31) [i.e. pregnant; * I pno empty]; f. xnan ]Xa3 xna X'an a town is considered to be full Er 32b(40); nTOn ]'3 xna in Xp'T a skin-bottle whether full or empty AZ 60a(15); n'mnna x'j'S 'X^D'X Xnan xnan nn3B;Xl a crack developed at its bottom, and he found it full of wine ib. 74b(19); Sab 151b(47); Yom 78a(23); xna ... irron3 their stomach is full BB 23a(20); Meg 28b(40) [4- X3S]; pl.m. X1S5? iban maim they saw that they were full of earth Tan 21a(44); 2. adult: sg.m. xna X13J an adult man OHT Meg 43:1 [* 4- Xpir]; II. n. fullness, cs. only -ful: sg.m.xaw3xn xnap xos x"?ai niyp xpoo xVa a basketful of dates and a bowlful of flour of roasted ears of grain Meg 7b(3); ib. 7; XJX xVa X3im a basketful of fat Hul 59b(15); Pes 88a(4); Yom 85b(23); Tan 9b(25); BM 108a(26) [I X'OID]; X'a 'X3Sin na my full handfuls of water Sab 62b(28); nnaij? na his full burden [i.e. reward] San 100a(45) The mng. of X'^O HiW^ AnanSch 16:11 is unclear; Y: Xpl? RH 6b(25). n'Va adj. salted (4- Vl#nba pe., pass.part; Sy ■^ »; v *™ LS 390) sg.m. xn©3 ... xnna xnns Xnna salted fish/meat BB 74b(35); pi. X'B 'nn» the water is salty AZ 39a(17) // Suk 18a(41); 'n»T Tina salted olives [i.e. in brine] Anan 47:20; 7am 32b(8; V10) [fish]; BB 74b(14) [birds] Y: ri'Vn Sab ib. Nn»!?a, Nnx'^a, xn'NVa n.f. additional amount, remainder, stuffing (4- Vl#n8; Sy ^M. V- v^ fullness, completion LS 389, Ma X'^xa fullness MD 243) 1. additional amount, remainder: sg. njHWVT xnna"? XTn' X3'X 'XT 'mn I'Sp if there is an additional amount (in the area of the field) of nine qabs it returns BB i04b(i); nnsinsa vb ersn xnxna xyan xVn xaa as long as she does not claim the amount which remains from her ketubba HP 103:1 [= GeonH nanB/n HR 78:14]; 2. stuffing (of a raw animal): sg. KHV XnnXB Xn stuffing is, in fact, permitted Pes 74a(30); ib. 74b(16) [Var: XnX'xVa SMel 40:122]; XnJI nxan 'X X'BT '3M Xn'xVa Xn 'toi] iin1? »"m iinnrna xbm 13 ix xnx n3 ix Xnn'pb []inb how does one picture stuffing? If one stuffs a hen or a duck or a dove (with flour, etc.) when they are raw and sews them up and puts them in a pot OHT Pes 83:24; ib. 84:9; 30; HG3 219:80 Y: (trrVlB ftj 74a(30; BAYTN 199). 1 # "]?a vb. to reign, head the academic session (4- xsba, xmsVa, xns^a; Sy v^a af. LS 392, Ma 1#T>B pe., etpa. MD 273) Pe. (a/u) 1. to reign: 'Xmnn T^B' ,_I3 D1T1DXT Xrj?3 I want PN, my son, to reign in my stead AZ 10a(46; J); 1301 ■jnan xm nnm vt xVi xwnan xm xix he thought: "It is I who will reign." But he did not know that it was his son who would reign San 101b(15); Hor llb(49); Kar 5b(33); X3T13 121 XlVsi yiV 1'mn "fin PN reigned 2 1/2 years San
2# "]7B 680 K3>» 93b(31); Meg lla(49); ib. llb(54); /Ira 33a(15); AZ 9a(6); 2. to head the academic session or the academy: a. in BT: xn»3 77ST Xm'fia W'l DTin 'ai'3D X'Dna the one who will head the academic session in GN signs (his name as) PN BB 12b(ll); pnr '"I 170 XS7'X XflXi 15? by the time that PN came, PN2 headed the academic session Tan 21a(21) // Ket 69b(36); H3T -|7a «]Dv 31 nVa mm t>:«; I'mm pu/y PN headed the academic session for twenty-two years and afterwards PN2 headed it Hor 14a(13); '37D XJX '331 W~\ in'XI I headed the academic session, and he became the head of the robbers Sab 156a(26); ■p'a xaty '713 7'mi 71378 you will head the academic session, and everyone will revere you Ber 56a(31; F) [O: Tl'in XfO'Tia Wl]; /& 64a(8); 5ai 59b(30); b. in Geon. lit.: 31 "IB "|7a .Timi min' PN headed the academy after him iSGF 103:3; tf>. 84:1; 86:9; 87:18; 95:5; 90:5; 102:14; 104:5; 106:2; 112:1; 115:18; -|7»T p ]1H3 mm there was (one) among them one who headed the academy OHT Yev 39:19 Af. 1. to declare s.o. king: X7l T1X» ,T7j; TJ»Xt 1C33 in 15? msVax they decided about him in Adar, but they did not declare him king until the first of Nisan RH 2b(4); H7y»7 ,Tri37»XT ]V3 mnn jmx?l nDaVl after you have declared Him king above, below, and in the four directions Ber 13b(34); 2. to appoint the head of academy: ■OH "TO DSX '-17 1331 ]137»X '3',11 how did the scholars appoint PN afterwards? I$GF 34:18 Lit: Assaf, TGAs28 56 [Pe., mng. 2]. 2# ]?12 vb. to consult, reconsider (Sy w-Lbo pe. to advise LS 391, Ma 2#"f7» MD 273) Itpe. 1. to consult, ask for advice: a. alone: ,r135n 'J13 |'37a)ia do people ask for advice after they have acted? BB 4a(21); 31TD -|'7a'X consult (with the seller and) draw up (the document) BM 15a(19; F1); Am llb(42); b. w. "3 w. s.o.: "|'7a'X1 7TX 'XnC)3 '1WX3 I shall go and consult with my wife Ber 27b(50); '3178X7 n'317 p3TJ X11T 1112? iT3 they sent a pair of scholars to him to consult with him BB 12b(16); ib. 30b(7); Git 70b(13); TGHark 165:8; c. w. 'by about s.t.: xn7'» 73 Nn'Vltf nVy -|7a'a any matter about which an agent would consult (the sender) Mei 20b(l) // Ned 54a(22) // Hul 104a(7); 2. to reconsider, change one's mind [w. 'by]: T,7a'X '3r?a'X '7'TI perhaps he actually reconsidered (before completing the get) Git 88a(2); Tan 12a(3); '3 xnsm xwVaa vn x:x msm roVax nxn '3'n just as you changed your mind and dug (pits in the field), so also shall I change my mind and dig BB 17b(14); nVy "p7l3'& he reconsiders it Er 8a(12); Bes 10a(28); Sot 43b(27); BM 19b(4); San 61b(16); Tern 25b(43); HP 66:29 3# "pa vb. to purchase (< Arab ilii to acquire, possess Wehr 921; 4 X337ia; cf. SA iVa pe. DSA 471, mng. 2, ModSy w_Li*s to gain, possess Maclean 179) Pe. (a/ ): X135? prf? pi '7S ,T37»1 XTm X3XD7D NN purchased this slave in a complete purchase SSHai 7a(4); ,T7 XIP3I» X7 '17 77m na 733 X7X I shall not sell to him except from what NN purchases OHT Git 114:27; ]V3 DJ?T» ]'3{')7& X7 13jn fBTX] JWXi since a woman and a slave cannot purchase anything TGAs28 5:28 N3773, abs. ^TB n.m. king, pi. Book of Kings (I h# 17B, X37!3 '3, X373 n3, X3Va '31; TA X376 TO Gen 14:1, Sy rdfLLib LS 391, Ma X37Xa MD 244) 1. king: a. human: 1) general: sg.abs. "|Va DID 7jn the one who is on a horse is a king Sab 152a(24); det. X37a 1X7 'X.TI X37B 'Xn this one is the king, and that one is not the king San 101b(51); X3Va -|73? D7E? well-being upon you, oh king! Git 56a(52); ©'"11 XDSp7X1 xV'STll X37S XJT171 the king, the r.-official, the '.-official, and the exilarch Svu 6b(31); nX7'J/ X378 X3J nxnnn XsV^^fVia the upper king [i.e. God] has prevailed over the lower king [i.e. Ahasuerus] Meg 15a(25) [euphemistic statement]; X"n X37a a living king Pes 110a(28); X'3D3 7'7j7T X37a a king who is swift as a deer Ket 11 la(38); XJTOX X37a7 a lost object (belongs) to the king BM 2 8b (10); X37a "I0'p7 ]TY7 VTW they sent a gift to the emperor : king Tan 21a(41) [double rdg.]; pi. '3-isn p'a '37a -ora 'x '37a p'a '3-ian i3'ra 'X if the governors (come) from you, the kings (come) from us. If the kings (come) from you, the governors (come) from us Meg 12a(15; G) // AZ 8b(22); Svu 6b(23); 'XD1S '37a the Persian t : 681 i#7Va kings SOZ 73:6; ]XTn faai ... '37a 13"75? XaVtf '378 l"lp'X well-being to you, oh kings! Whence (do) we (know) that the scholars were called kings? Git 62a(52); xiJi 'Top '37» yntn nambn three hundred and sixty crowned kings Meg 6b(3); 2) w. preced. cs./'i royal: sg. X378 '»"ffl the royal horsemen AZ 18a(51); X37a 'ni7tt? the royal messengers BQ 113b(39); X37aT X3TT '3 the royal storehouse Ber 56a(31); X37BT X33 the royal court ib. 58a(44; SM 32:28); X37BT XTJ '3 the royal treasury Git 68b(36); X37ai X01»71S the royal army Ber 30b(2); X3VaT XJain royal command Git 57b(45); 3) w. PN: sg. n'pm X373 San 96a(50); emwnK X37a Meg 15a(25); naVw -rn 13 X3Va 5o 40:3; X37» 'X3' 5er 48a(17); X373 m31» //a^ 5b(5); X37a Tl'nt'X Aer 61a(52); 4) w. GN: DT7X1 X37B 55 22a(35); X37a 7XnB?'T San 82a(30); b. spirits: sg. X37a 'T»WX "WT PN, king of the demons Git 68a(33); XJni3 f]Tir;"I ]in'37a X37a 5o 20:4; 2. pi. Book of Kings: '37a5MsG6:ll Voc: lOSa HGP 26b:23; Y: NB^O Ber 48a(17; BAYTN 88). KriwVa, abs. ftbft n.f. kingdom, government (4-T Vi#l7a; TA'xrn37i5 TO Gen 49:10, Sy rCiifuOuLbi LS 392, Ma xm37Xa MD 245) 1. kingdom, empire, reign: sg.abs. 13*7a Tarn 32a(41) [i 'X' mng. 1]; ib. 31(V10); det. xmsVa xi(')ai xyp-n xmsVaa xynxT (the nature of) the earthly kingdom is learnt from the heavenly kingdom Ber 58a(32); ib. 43; "JVOVa X3OT "pn Xn'TO 'TOT 15? the reign of those [i.e. the Persians and the Romans] will continue until the Messiah comes AZ 2b(44); XJT137a ... 'Xtf'T XTVDtB 'XD1ST the kingdom of the Greeks/Persians BQ 117a(36); BB 15b(41); Meg lla(12); mni37» n»7W1 Solomon's kingdom Git 68b(37); BB 9a(50); Meg 13b(42); 16. 16a(17); San 96a(53); /4Z 10b(23); XD'p 1TOTIX "\K1 in'm37aT they may eventually come to power [lit. their kingdom stands behind their ears] Pes 113a(14); 2. government, regime: sg. XJ'T XJTI37aT X3'T the law of the government is binding [lit. the law] Git 10b(30) // BQ 113a(34) // San 25b(40); 10»'7 n'17'j; ion'7 X7T xm37»7 let him be turned over to the government so that they should not have pity upon him Ber 56a(52); BB 73b(5); XTia'X KJVD7B1 fear of the regime AZ 65a(15); Kar 28b(9); xV xaVys xrrwa in xVopi xmsVa 73 X©3J?'a any government which kills one out of six in the world is not punished Svu 35b(36); 'X ns x-nn xVi xyy mo xanpj; xnisVa max if the government says: "I shall uproot mountains," it will uproot (them) and will not retract Ara 6a(l 1) // BB 3b(32; P1); hm 45:5; xmsVaa xrsnoa I am afraid of the government BB 4a(18); AZ 18a(53); xm37aT '3'Wn the important people of the government ib. 17b(46); n'7 f?pwi ]xa ri7'pn©'x xm37an X3n3 'x n"a7i n'yix1? xni37» X331T'ai if the government took away one's field and water according to the law of the government, and it is sold HP 50:31; 3. tenure as head of the academy [i Vl# "]7a pe., mng. 2]: sg. '32? '-I03nx X3Y1 mnD7» 'JBn PN's tenure as head of the academy was fourteen years I$GF 89:5; ib. 88:14 Voc: XJlb7B HGP 3a:32; Y: Xnaba Ber 58a(33; BAYTN 191). NiaVa I X337ia n. KrisVa, pi. KTO^a, NJTipVa n.f. queen (l'h#i?n; TATTX?I376 TJ "lK 11:19, Sy K'^aAjw LS 391, Ma XD3X7Xa MD 243) sg. Pes 57a(42) // Kar 28b(8); RH 4a(34) [expl. BA bw Da 5:2]; Xri37ai X373 'THy the claims of the king and the queen Git 86a(6); SSHai 7a(ll); 5er 48a(18); Xri37a Xmna the Tannaitic statement is the 'queen' Bes 28b(40) // Ket 61b(29) // Mak 21a(27) // AZ 29a(53) // Mc/ 52a(52) [a mnemonic phrase indicating that the Tannaitic statement is ace. to R. Malkia]; ]»m» XnXITID'XT Xri3T Xri37a n'713'X our mistress, PN, the great queen of the Astarte-spirits Bo 21:6; pi. Xn37B7 'n1? mViy they sent to the queens Git 68b(44) [As: XHXn37a7] Y: Kris'?? Ber 48a(18; BAYTN 88). l#^7a vb. to speak (4 X7l7'a, l#xn7'», i#X77a, xnWa, xVaa, x"?7aa, V3#'7a; Sy ■ VV^ pa. LS 387, Ma l#77a MD 273) Pa.: a. general: 77a' xy'Bp tt?'T should the one whose head is cut off speak? Sot 35a(10) [w. ref. to Joshua; v. Rashi]; X71 pmaiB3 }VPWb pi3T VI 77a '7j? ]l77a' may thejr tongue adhere to their mouth so that they should not speak an evil
2#Vt7J 682 K?!?» word against me Bo 71:10; 7'7aa X»7iy3 he speaks deceitfully /& 118:5; 59:11; 96:4; HM 37:3; b. w. '7'a to gossip: 4- XXl7'a mng. 7d Itpa. to be spoken: jD'U 77aJTOT X7l7a 7p the sound of a speech which is spoken in your midst Bo 133:4 2# *?*?» vb. perh. to forge (I 2# X77a; Ma 3# Vfa to crush, wound MD 273) Pa.: pass.part. XDHTX X77aai X'3T pure forged steel 5o 2:2; ib. 29:5! Lit: AMB 132. 1# nVV» n.m. word (4- Vl# 7?a; Ma X7X7Xa MD 243) sg.abs. 77B Bo 11:10 [4- VW>&] 2#N^>Va n.m. ore, coal (4- V2#V?»; cf. Arab Ui hot ashes Wehr 918) 1. ore: sg. X77B3 as ore (of gold) Ket 67a(34; Ar [AC 5:143]); 2. in phrase N-IUT »6V» hot coal: sg. AZ 28b(16); pi. XTU1 '7783 rT^arnV) let him place it [i.e. the citron] in hot coals Sab 109b(32) Expl. Ar [mng. 1]: iWW '^J mpn1NX1SO pNn )S Bpbn 3HT -n'rt'X ib., i.e. jJj ore AC ib.; Geon. expl. [mng. 2): '3J ty trtnj TGWeisz 83b: 10; Lit: Fl, TMW 3:312; Y: xVpn AZ ib.(BAYTN 43). Rrhbft n.f. type of demon (lit. word; 4- Vl#77B; Ma X;V?X7Xa MD 244, BASOR 311 [1998] 84:18) pi. Bo 6:9; ib. 14:9; 18:9; 37:4; 82:6; 91:1; Bo 125:6 Lit: Miiller-Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 163. N7a?tt n.m. type of cloth (etym. unkn.; MH2 riVa^a J 793) pi. 'Vaba Mei I8a(24) b'jrVa 4- X7'5?7 adv. tOS i?a n.m. teacher (4- V*]7X; Sy rdiiAjsi LS 22, Ma X3XB7X8 MD 245) sg. Jim XJB7B you will become a teacher )fev 21b(8) Y: MS1?!? Ifev ib. n.f. corporal punishment, lashes (< MH nvpbli pi.; 4- V'pV; MH n\p% Yeivin, BV 1060) pi. XJTPp^a TJ one deserving corporal punishment OHT Yev 112:21 nnrfra 4- nrm adv. DP n.m. mem, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet (Sy >uia LS 372) sg. AnanSch 3:18; ib. 24:30; 5AfcG 22:2 adj. I NJiaa, abs. fiaa n.m. money, monetary penalty (TA flBB TO Gen 37:26, Sy n£_><?v-i>a^3 LS 393, Gr naucovfic; wealth GELNT 614, Ma XJU'O MD 268) 1. money: a. general: sg. '317B7 X:ia»3 n,!? XTrlB/Bi TOS'X it is possible for her to persuade him (to marry her) by means of money Git 84a(51; V18); XJiaBT Xjnn 'M three-quarters [lit. (one) less one quarter] of the money BB 57a(6); Ket 23b(45) [4- 2#XTT7]; BB 171a(l) [4- Vi#yps af, mng. 4]; Troxai miaa tjyaa "|V'"r7 his money is diminished, and he is in need of your (aid) AnanSch 28:25; npTItt XJIBB 'pix ma leave the money in its owner's possession Ket 12b(29) [+ //'s; 4- XJipWl]; X31BB Yin Xpl ma^ the money returns to its owner BQ 103b(25); 'WXJ'Xl X:iBa 'Son Xp they snatch people's money San 25b(35); Svu 30b(43); HP 64:4; WB1 XJIBa 3in a large monetary debt SSHai 16b(13); X37B7 XTrilBn XJIBB bpv he took money and a bribe to the king SOZ 72:29; pi. 'xjibb p 'ra rfrn x"n '7 ojnnem you(f.) should swear to me that you did not steal any of my money HP 115:24; "Jiaa SSHai 8a(7); VP'Jiaa S&W 268:10; b. w. VpBJ af: sg. D"1J XTTO im XB1BX XJIBB 'pBB pagans expropriate money on the testimony of one witness BQ H3b(49); -\tf? ]rrai naa xjibb 'pisx expropriating money from one and giving to another BM 32a(5); TGAs42 102:15; 2. monetary compensation or penalty: sg. X1? x"?Dpa nntssm xjibb rrra "?ip^n do not take a monetary compensation from him and exempt him from capital punishment Ket 37b(10); XJ1DB P'S^' X1? XTO'XB we do not learn a monetary penalty from a prohibition Qid 3b(25); XpU U7B X31BB (payment of) half indemnity for damage is a monetary penalty BQ 15a(27); XJiaa X1B13 a fine is a monetary penalty /& 40a(18); XOTin X1H XJIBB (payment of an extra) fifth is a monetary penalty ib. 104b(18); pi. 'JIBB '"in ib. 108a(30) Voc: fdlDB HGP 17b:8; HPP 202:20; Y: XJiUD BAYTN 107. KTTaa n.m. bastard (< BH, MH -|'faa" Yeivin, BV 999; TA XTtaa" TO Dt 23:3, JPA TBa DJPA 311; 4- xrrwaa) sg. xin XTiaai rvby max he publicly declared him to be a bastard Yev Nrn'taa < t : • : 78b(26); ib. 24; XTTaa mn 'X7BW "IT TOST'SIPIX PN's landlord was a bastard Qid 69a(10; O2); ib. 70b(34); Sab 30b(43); Seel 170:2; pi. 'Tiaa Qid 72a(35); ib. 73a(6) Y: KVOO Yev ib. Nni'Taa n.f. bastard (4- XTTaa; JPA mtBB DJPA 312) sg. XJTlTBa X'nn Seel 170:7 N^'aa adv. of itself, intrinsically (< X7'B ]B; 4-'i#xri7'a abs.) x'raa nxis-n ps'a xp ,T>ox7 X'in Xp he intends (just) for food, and the remedy is of itself Ber 38a(37); Sab 19a(44); XW33 X^'3 xV'aa X3TfX1 one bunch is like (another) bunch (in circumference), and the length is of itself [i.e. some are longer than others] ib. 140b (9); XWaB/ X31J? X7'aa the sun sets of itself [i.e. the tevul yom need not do anything himself] Pes 90b(5); TlXp xVaa DT (virginal) blood comes of itself Ket 5b(25); XT1T D?©a X7'aa TJTl'X (if the jug) broke of itself he pays a zuz BQ 65a(22); Qid 53b(12); San 29a(29); Men 48a(7); Zev 13b(37); X1H xV'aai xrniy the increased value is intrinsic [i.e. from the field] Er 25a(37); BB 123b(37); n3D3 rfr'aa he says it incidentally [lit. he takes it of itself] Ned 14a(10) [4- 2#H3] Lit: Eps, PLA 209; Voc: K?'Bn HGP 200b:6; Y: tfymi) Ber lla(24; BAYTN 334). NTTaa* n.f. glaucium (Sy K'kpiA LS 393) sg. XJVaatxn 'SX'S; salves of glaucium Git 69b(45; OHT ib. 153:24) [Var: 'xna'aXT 'DX'1» OHT ib. 157:23; XJVaainn Ed] Geon. expl: XD'nxaK IN'B pxny 'iXl 'SO' '13 it is called so in Iraq li^UJI tjl^i OHT ib. 157:24; cf. Sy: ^vjuopclL^ lij^U rt'JvjJss-San -^ ■> ■» k't.oJvJm mi^.i.^ BBah 490:17; Lit: Low, Pfl 205; Flora 2:371. NVaa n.m. speech (4- Vl#77a; Ma X?axa MD 245; cf. Sy rdll>i^> LS 387) sg. XW'[3] X7a» evil speech 5o 75:3 7"?aa 4-V2#7?a vb. N^Vaa n.m. speech (4- Vl#77a; Sy ^\\^y LS 387) sg.cs. rraiB 77aa the speech of his mouth Bo 132:4 naa n.m. a plant (perh. Sy ^oi,i >\.^3 Chelidonium majus LS 393) sg. naa '3 Xnain naa(a) i\ny xnaim xnp'yi pyrethrum is like m., p and the root of pyrethrum is better than m. Git 69a(37) Geon. expl.: 131 naon W'Bn OHT Git 155:20 [cf. Sy supra]; Lit: Flora 2:373; Y: nop Git ib. Nttfaa, abs. $aa n.m. substance, adv. actually (4- Viiwa, xB?a?a; jpa paa djpa 312) I. n. substance: sg. n'7 TV? 'xn xwaa n('7> rrx uiaa XU/aa his money has substance. This [i.e. fire] does not have substance BQ 22a(l 1; Es); Jl'7 T"J7 X2;Ba D3 idolatry does not have substance AZ 55a(14); Ber 59a(36); II. sg.abs. adv. actually: Vlili xyan actually a quarter 5M 109b(17); waa rrnaa? to actually create it San 110a(51); Ket 50b(12); Men 31b(8); D'Xp B?aa X'tt 7J71X7T it [i.e. T3DVB?] does not actually refer to water Anan 5:21 Y: XBBD Sab 62b(9; BAYTN 43). ]a, ]'a, *a, w. suf. "3'a, "'3'a prep, from, out of (Sy ^ LS 393, Ma 1# ]C)a, "TO, '8 MD 273, 237) I. prep.: w. suf: lsg. ]'a Pes 88a(44); Hag 15b(19); 'Xra Meg 23a(27); T» Sot 40a(28); 2m. -]ra Sab 55a(13); f. jra TG//ar/t 37:6; HP 118:6; 3m. n'ra AZ 9b(10); So 33:7; f. nra Svu 31a(39); lpl. P'a Men 42a(26); 2m. 13"3'a Ber 35b(25; F); ]13ra Git 67b(12); 3m. W'M Ket 17a(48); praflo 11:6; f. '-n,'ra5M39b(ll; HP 73:15); HP 207:22;- 1. from: a. w. fol. n.: Xin m3Xa n'7 yaiy he heard one (legal tradition) from his father Sab 108b(36); XTJX X1HH7 Xtm Xy"IX7 Xirxa 7Bn he saw a certain man fall from the roof to the ground Hul 56b(56); Qid 31b(10); Ket 45b(ll); Hor 2b(7); 'B'3 lrVTU xyp"l ]a XTi3T stones of fire came down from the sky MQ 25b(38); 13J71BT X3X "1 Ket 22a(5); b. w. poss. pron.: n'3a ^'IS VT3'a he indeed keeps his distance from it Pes 6a(32); 'BnDT ]331 X3'X IH^'a there are some scholars who used to distance themselves from them [i.e. those paths] AZ 50a(27); 13'3'a 'X '378 ]ra 'SIBH ID'ra 'X 'SIBH ]ra 'sVa if the governors (come) from you, the kings (come) from us. If the kings (come) from you, the governors (come) from us Meg 12a(15; G) // AZ 8b(22); Men 42a(26); Bek 8b(ll); nwat ira I bought it from you BB 29b(22); c. w. fol. adv.: 1) na'XB: X'3J rM'Xa 683
'in 684 "« from when does she collect? Ket 43b(30); BQ 9a(4); San 58b(27); 2) X3.1B: X3n"7 X31B from 'here' to 'here' [i.e. within Babylonia] San 5a(15); Ber 9a(34); 3) Dnna: p'OS'X Dma it was torn away from there [i.e. at that place in our journey] Men 37b(45); Yom 48b(5); 4) xnB/18: TVSnb iyi XTWIB from now until midnight Pes 63a(6); 5) )N3B: ]N3B 'BO strike out from here Pes 104a(38); 6) DJVB: Dfi'B irfw they sent (a message) from there [i.e. Eretz Israel] Bes 4b(30); c. in seq. 'bny ... (pa [4- iy mng. 3]: 1) temporal: X1SX iyi NJlllNB overnight [lit. from night to morning] Git 69b(26); NaVy iyi ]yaa from now until forever S§Hai 7b(2); Nnai p Xfiixy1? from Passover to Shavuot Pes 42b(21); 2) spatial: X13'D iy x'jiaXB from the city gate to the ... Ket l7a(48); xypi dti iyi NBinn jryixa from the lowest part of the abyss until the height of the sky BB 63b(8); Ned 49b(36); TlXTl p XS1D iy ,13131 from Dt 33:1 until the end (of the Pentateuch) HP 183:12; 2. out of: a. alone: in XJftn '"ma one out of two (or) three Yev 48b(41); "iwan ]a in one eighteenth [lit. one out of eighteen] Anan 29:2; Va ]'B1 ,1'ni'l ]'ai rT71'3 )'B ,1'ias out of his house, his courtyard, and his entire body Bo 7:6; ib. 3:3; 9:4; 21:14; b. w. var. vbs.: N'tya P'a'X P'B p'SJI an outstanding person will issue out of us Ber 10a(49); mn n"ia ]a '33'n rb cpaap he used to pick [lit. gather] straw out of her hair Ned 50a(7); '"? 'inx XIDip ,T3B p'Sa xp mm Xyr'3 he showed me a crevice out of which smoke was emerging San 110a(54) // BB 74a(20); ,TT p NyixV ipisan1? to take the field out of his possession SSHai 16b(3); 3. in comparisons than: ]Vftn p xa"?y n'ns X1? 'p'1X nflWl the world does not have less than [lit. is not diminished from] thirty-six righteous people Suk 45b(30) // San 97b(40); NJWX 'b JTN 'X:a XW'&pi I have a sister who is older than I Meg 13b(12) // BB 123a(40); 13'ja p'tya px we are better than you Pes 87b(42); yrbn p 'SB Xim more than thirty one (cubits) Zev 64a(19); nya^a XTX31 xnVina xa'V there is no virgin who is less than seven [i.e. has less than seven days of a marriage celebration] Ket 7b (7); I'1? Dp H'J'a nana he received (the punishment) that was greater than it [i.e. the lesser one] Git 53a(10); 4. in var. idiomatic expressions: iaa nai ]'13ia p what (difference) is a man from (other) men? San 65b(25); na'Bl na'B fll deduce from it and from it [i.e. from another elucidated case to the present unelucidated case by ,112? ,11'Ta in every respect] Svu 31b(10); na'B Xpsa 'XaV what is the practical difference? [lit. concerning what does it go out from it?] Sab 21a(l); .T3'B xya XI .111,1' aia nai PN, in fact, asked (this question) of PN2 Er 41b(l); maxa *]'Oa'B Xp ,111 he was ashamed before his father Ket 62b(33); 'Tl1? Xai.1 311 ,1'a'B XBHB'B it was clearly expressed to me by PN Yev 78b(24); II. Compound forms: a. preps./conjs.: i. p 'XiaX, p 13, p 11T1, ]a ia1?, ia Vyi, -iaxa, 'iinxa, 'ana, na'aa, inaa, 'aaa, •nyia, ia'a, nnV'a, ia p, 'aa, 'inVa, '■fr'ya, I'ya, "3p'ya, Dip p, naip p, 'apa, nnxpa, Dioa, mnn p; b. adv.: 4- 'xisxa, irftxa, ia"?a, 'xiaa, 'xbia, i'a, va^a, ^'y^B, 'x'rya, xap'ya, xip'ya, xaVya, btib, nnn^a, 'xnna In JBA of the BT the n of this prep, is nearly always assimilated to a fol. consonant, while in the other JBA texts such assimilation is extremely uncommon; Y: JO Ber 12b(34). — "ip, "7 ja prep, from that of, conj. since, from the fact that (< "1 p; Sy -* ^ LS 393; cf. Akk istu conj. CAD I/J 284, MH "ttP DLM 170) I. prep, from that of: XTTTIXia according to Pentateuchal law [lit. from that of the Torah] BM 91b(50); Yev 91a(14); Qid 8b(33); Svu 31a(36); Kar llb(47) [and passim]; paiia according to Rabbinic law [lit. from that of the scholars] Ber 4lb(6); Yom 10b(16); Yev 89b(37); BB 147b(2); Nid 61b(22) [and passim]; 'piSX1? "axia to dissent from PN's opinion BB 4b(19); /& 134b(24); Yom 32b(30); 5A/ 4b(22); Zev 24b(3); Pes 23b(39); //w/ 103b(26); II. conj. since, from the fact that: a. in BT: 1) alone: ia'a 'a: max eripa 'mpxia since he can indeed dedicate (it) for a sacrifice, he can certainly also make an exchange Tern 2b(28); 'X11 '83 xn 'XII X,1ia since this one [i.e. a mezuza] was (there), that one [i.e. a get] was also (there) Git 19b(56); RH 20b(6); AZ 17b(33); rwab n"ap nnapia from (the fact) that God buried Moses San 46b(38); XB1 XTOn Diay 3118 n'3i n'l'p 685 xanaa t t : ' n'TO 'B/axi NBT'IS1? Nrfr'371 from the fact that pN attached tekhelet-dyed fringes to his wife's apron Suk lla(37); 2) w. neg.: p'aPB Xp NnB 'an since we do not answer in this manner Sab 3b(25); Yev 74a(20); N'm'B1? IH'/iyi miinx xVlB since they did not return it, their intention was to steal it 5M26a(30); AZ 53b(3); Hul 93b(l); b. in post-BT texts: rrliy T3X IWVib I'1? 'WB Xpl pi V3X since (Scripture) made the wife of his father V3X miy Anan 98:20; 'IXP'V ]'in3 n'pSX@1'a since (Scripture) phrased it in two (different) phrases ib. 46:15; nVam XB'Vj 'piJ' ]'W3V xVl p since children do not wear a garment of tekhelet AnanSch 25:25 - M'31 Pl'|'!3 adv. of itself, in itself (Sy m-L^o m-=io PSm 2159, JPA ,T3i rrra DJPA 313, mng. 2f) XJ13(1> n'U3 Vt1? X3X H'31 mii out of the forest itself it [i.e. the handle] will go into the ax (to cut down the forest) San 39b(38); 'TJX X11X H'31 n'J'Q she hired workers out of the same [i.e. to be paid from the wine they carried] BM 101b(32); Er 30b(24); Ned 44b(3); Hul 26a(20); Bek iia(5i); xnnrf7 i'3i ma rravp its [i.e. the document's] authentication is in itself below [i.e. written on the same sheet] SSHai 14b(16); PDFMP 607:24 Y: IT31 n'3'a Er ib. ]» 4- 1# ]Xa pron. NW adv. whence (< ]X p from where [cf. TA pa TO'Gen 16:8, JPA ],1 p DJPA 166, MH 1'3B J 796]; I X"1?; Ma l#Xia MD 274) a. w. fol. n.: pan naxi xnV'a xn Xia whence (do we know) this statement which the scholars said ...? Sab 48b(15); Yom 38b(23); San 7b(34); Hul 74a(10); TOS 'laxi xn'ja Xn xaa whence (do we know) this statement that people say? BQ 92b(19); BM 107b (28); 'V'B '31 X3» whence (do we know from Scripture) these matters (stated in our Mishna) ? Ber 30b(39) [fol. by prooftexfj; Sab 20a(16); Pes 4b(27); Yom 34a(17); Yev 65b(12); BQ 26b(l); Hor 6b(40); Bek 8a(42); 'V'B 'JrUB //«/ 117a(5); b. w. fol. vb.: X1C?n"7 p'Brm niBTl XJai whence do you say that we take suspicion into consideration? Pes 13a(37); Sab 23a(50); AZ 72a(9); Hul 31b(5); rf? Xi'BX X3B whence do I say it? Sab 66a(35) [fol. by prooftext from the Mishna]; IB yi' X3B whence do you know? Git 68a(15); Tiyi' X3B55 10a(28); p'yi' X3B whence do we know? Yev 105b(47); AZ 24a(36); 'yi' X3B whence do they know? Yev 60b(31); c. w. fol. by "V [mX? NJB, "VlB] whence does he/do we know? [lit. have]: XI ITyVx 'iV rrb NIB whence does PN know this? Sab 131b(53); Er 46b(31); fi N3B1 XB'p Vxi©' TINT XJIS'SX "7331 whence do we know (in Scripture) that Babylonia is situated north of Eretz Israel? BB 25b(33) [fol. by prooftext]; 13^ XJB whence do you know (it)? Suk 17a(17); XI "p NIB MQ 26a(40); BM 32a(2); MQ 16a(19); Yev 86b(29); BB 3a(53); 5aw 93a(34); Ara 33a(14); y4nan 8:16; »& 76:20; 88:13; p-lB1 '3"?B llp'X p3T7 whence do we know that the scholars were called kings? Git 62a(51); MITTI 'isya xVl pya whence do we know that winds are not withheld? Tan 3b(5); Sot 2a(35); Men 7b(15) Lit: N61d, MG 205; Bacher 114; Voc: KJB HGP 24b:27; Y: KM Ber 10b(35; BaYTN 339). KaiSM, N3N133» n.m. lasher (4- Vll3; Sy «Lii^-i^*> LS 414) sg. N3X1J3B3 mil' 31 'lnBi PN used to demonstrate (the movement) like a lasher Yom 15a(44) [expl. MH T^BS Mib. 5:3] // X31J3B ib. 55a(l) // X3X113B Zev 38a(36) Y: W1JJO K)m ib.(BAYTN 299). N5n?» n.m. mind (4- Vyi'; Sy rsliiii LS 297, Ma X1XB, 1#X13XB MD 238, 247) sg. n'Tiyn H'Vy n'yiaai he is of sound mind [lit. his faculty and mind are upon him] SSSad 213:4; ib. 217:15; SSHai 8b(7)! N}naa, Naxnaa n.m. custom (4- Vana; jpa anaa DJPA 317) sg. N/i^a N'"?ri xanaa3 ton is the matter dependent on a custom? BM 70a(2); Hul 63a(14); XBVy3 XanaB (burial) is merely a custom San 46b(38); XanaBB ,3nB?V X^l so that there should not be a change from the custom ib. 39; Yev 13b(48); Meg 22b(38); Xanaa '3XH XIp'yB X11DN 'aNrl IIDSV initially [i.e. at the beginning of the Mishna] he learns (that it is) a custom, and at the end he learns (that it is) a prohibition Pes 55a(21); RH 15b(27); Nid 66a(51); AZ 14b(41); n'13y N1T1N1 XanaB3 Xax I acted according to the
Nnnnaa 686 custom of the place TGHark 100:11; ib. 206:19; jnmxi XITUBI ]n3B our custom and the custom of our fathers ib. 93:33; ynvn HiVn XJXrUB xnXS'JlB our custom in the two academies TGAs42 71:4; ib. 100b:29; pi. H3 II'1? XJlb'B X.TT pn 'ran m jtxi xin 'ixruBi xnyatt? n"?i '^n in this matter there is no law nor legal tradition, but customs determine it in the courts TGHark 84:1; ib. 206:18; JD'lxrUB Xm'B1? to put aside your customs ib. 30:22; S$Hai 8a(19) Y: Kin Pes 55a(21; BAYTN 251). NJTnrtfO n.f. perh. servitude sg. "inSETI V12V 'T3J? 'mTHB^ "'lyan his Canaanite slaves and maidservants are intended for servitude Ned 38b(24;MAr [AC 5:173]) Expi. Ar: rimy ym ac ib.; Y: xrinmn Ned ib. 130 4- 1# ]Xa pron. ND'Siaa n.f. (uncertain) X33(')P 3'3B? Xmx Wl'SUB XB"p before the deceased dies his ... comes into being BB 91a(18; Ar [AC 5:171) [H: xn'3 i:a] Lit: Geig, AAC 258, s.v. Jl"31D, rejects all prev. etyms. From the context a mng. such as 'successor' seems probable. 71130 adj., n. disfigured (4- Vl#VlU, pa., pass, part.) sg.n.f. XTiVmB nb Tip they call her 'the disfigured one' Ket 71b(15); I13tn HITCH ?13TO XXlVlU'IM happy is the year that Tevet is 'disfigured' [i.e. due to mud from the rains] Tan 6b (30) Y: (WfrlUB Tan ib.(BAYTN 298) Ki?T30 n.m. demon (lit. doer of damage; 4- Vl#pt3) pl.abs. ppuai J'ptt "73 all n. and m. demons Bo 108:5 Nnruo 4- xnnra n. N1B30 n.m. guardian (4- VlDJ) pl.cs. nw» ran '1X3 those guardians of the rural areas BM 73a(26) N3"lD3p n.m. guardian (4- Vlt53; Sy •<* «i \ < *- LS 427^ Ma xjx-ibsob md 275) sg. 'mm xanwa XJ13B guardian of the good spirits Bo 7:9 KflWItMO n.f. guarding (I VlDJ pa., mng. 3; Sy r^&coi \, j V3 ls 427) sg. mam mmnMB guarding of his wine [i.e. from becoming sour] £o87:l '30 vb. to count, appoint (4- x'ira, xvaa, xn:a; Sy i<i^3 LS 394, Ma l#X3a MD 274) Pe. to count: xryD xVi xmb xax xym xjb in'x he counted and erred. I count and do not err Meg llb(48); TO'JB'JI "ISO T1"J1 let us bring a Torah scroll and count them [i.e. the letters] Qid 30a(45); Sab 49b(25); HlXBl 'BT 'iB'a1? niXB 'yi3E? 'OT1? it is a commandment to count the days (of the 'omer) and a commandment to count the weeks Hag 17b(20) // Men 66a(31); //«/ 60b (13); Xypm '3313 'JB'BV XIX XJJH' I know how to count the stars of the sky San 39a(20); MQ 22a(ll; L) [4- V^ITl af, usage a]; Naz 7a(16); Sot 12a(43); BQ 118b(6); AZ 10a(23); //»/ 127a(30) [4- rmiM]; Kar 10a(32); Mrf 39b(6); S§Hai 3a(7) Pa. to appoint: 'JH33 xVai ]3 SWim? rP'JBT ly '3131 so that he should appoint PN among the high priests Yom 18a(23); "?33T 'DTIS3 ,T'3B1 he appointed him among the ... of Babylonia Yev 45b(27); wm "uaV rnx 'm rrVy ]33T ua'x the scholars decided to appoint PN as the head (of the academic session) Sot 40a(29); Sab 114a(39); vunw iia m spy 3-ia1? nna nnwi they appointed PN after him I§GF 116:19; TT JJ13BB we appoint judges Anan 111:24; SSHai 17a(16); ib. 3b(l 1); wb 01BV1B1SX T'3 UB'1? let the court appoint a guardian for the orphans Dec 9:4; Geon 101b: 16; pass.part X33 ]B 'JBBH X3H JT33 xrn'JlBl in a court which is appointed by the Geonic court SSHai 18a(6); 'TBH X3"?B 'X1BWX '1TX 'JBB Ashmedai, the king of the demons, is appointed over even numbered (things) Pes 110a(27); XT1T1 '3X7B by X3BB1 X1D the archangel appointed over the angels of anger HM 46:17 Af. to designate as a participant: TO'JBJI D'nos roan 'n 'V^y in^io 'rwanV let him designate all five of them [i.e. the priests] over these five Paschal sacrifices Pes 89a(7); *ltt?SX in'!1?!? 'J'-iriX '3Bai 'n '3WB'B perhaps these (people) will withdraw (from participation in the Paschal lamb), and he will designate others in '30 687 !/30 their stead ib. 60b(32); Xip'yB ra'JBX he initially designated them as participants (in the Paschal sacrifice) ib. 33; 35; mian '33 'in3 H'WSJ 'MX X1? he did not designate himself as a participant with the members of a company ib. 92b (24) Itpe. 1. to be counted: UBX "13BX (the shekels) were actually counted AnanSch 16:8; ib. 3:19; 15:13; 2. to decide by vote [lit. to be counted]: XW'"I3 TpnixV 'XBim '3'«m liB'Xl the notables of the Romans have decided to appoint you to be the head (of the government) [i.e. to make you emperor] Git 56b(14); RH 2b(4); Sot 40a(29) [v. Pa.]; BB 12b(14); XTWb nnajn p31 UB'X the scholars decided to intercalate a month in the year San 26a(41); MQ 16a(27); 13BB X3iyB3 xm 'IlWX liaa x"71 XIMX in Eretz Israel they, in fact, decide by vote on lashing, but they do not decide by vote on excommunicating Pes 52a(6) // MQ 17a(49); 3. to be designated as a member or participant: VI'ITO '"7 'X3B'X 133 I have already been designated a member among them [i.e. Korah's group] San 109b(53); XW'13 UB'X be designated first as participants (before the sacrifice) Pes 89a(48); ib. 87b(31); 99a(ll); Sab 148b(44); Git 25a(27) Itpa. to be appointed: X3H '(3>(31 na'B by (ni'JBJTX he was appointed (guardian) by the decree of the court SSSad 268:16 '30 4- 1#]XB pron. SJ30, pi. '30 n.m. mane (a weight; < Akk manu AIOA 69; Sy **f. i •w, pi. ^\^ LS 394) sg. m X'3B AnanSch 12:16; '1XH '"JpTO ]'n'W X'JBI the mane is sixty mitqals AnanSch 12:25; pi. ]TI'W n'omps xp3"7 rvb i^n x^tist 'jxa they hung sixty manes of iron on the small horn of a gnat Hul 58b(9; H2); 1HTT '3XB3 according to their [i.e. the gnats'] manes (which are light) ib. 10 K3'^30 n.m. number, count, counting, system of counting, system of dating, incantation (4- V'3B; TA xfaa TO Gen 31:39, Sy ^ \ \ \ "-n LS 394, Ma XJX'J'B MD 268, MH ]'3'B Yeivin, BV 1044, Gross, Patterns 47) 1. number: sg. XJX'JB3 D'jmx forty in number Mak 22b (4); Sab 73b(l); Naz 5b(2); Sot 44b(49); Men 7b(4); ib. 39b(6); Nid 55b(ll); Kar 2b(3); 2. count, counting: a. of objects, items: sg. xriB3 'J7DT he errs in the counting BQ 32b(29); ... XW'm X3"iB XD'DT X3"3B1 the count of the first/last part (of the Mishna) Yev 3a(35) [cf. D'2U VTWy tim Mib. 1:1]; Git 86a(35); Qid 3b(l); Xin XB^a XJX'jaV ]TJXT (the bundles of reeds) are tied up merely for counting Suk 13b(3); IX1? IX Kin X:"3BB X1H X3"3BB is (this verse) part of the count or not? Sab 49b(24); BQ 113b(31); X3"3B D'inx 'yiB^xV xnx did the 'others' come to teach us the counting (of the days of the months)? Ara 9b(21); Qid 17a(20); Svu 38b(3); pi. mjn X1HH '3X'3'B3 that one which passes through the countings AnanSch 3:19; b. in a vote: sg. 'XV! XJX '«/'-|3 UB 'T1 'Xi'BI 'n '31 x:"3'B3 I was present at the count in the PN's school, and they counted from me first Git 59a(l) // XiX'JB San 36a(14); AZ 37a(24); pi. 1'VrmB m 1SH IB in'3"3'B in"?13 they used to begin all of their counts from the side [i.e. from the junior person present] Git 59a(6); 3. system of counting: sg. XJ"J'B3 H'Xl'X <m) nni misy1? npi nxons in the Persian system of counting they call ten dah Bek 60a(30); 4. system of dating or reckoning: sg. XJ'imX X3'3B another system of dating RH 3b(l); SSHai 3a(6); 5. incantation [cf. Ma: X'JX'3'BI HTWS XJ1X1X31X1 exorcisms, incantations, and mentionings MD ib.]: pi. XB'XT XB^B '3"3B ^3 all incantations are in the name of the mother [i.e. the client's name is given w. his mother's name; cf. AIT 491] Sab 66b(31) Y: NrM Git 9b(6; BAYTN 251). tO'30 n.m. necklace (perh. < Mir *hamyanak [4- xr'BH]; TA X3'3B TO Gen 41:42) sg. 'W1 pnnXllS by Harm XS'Ja he placed a golden necklace on their necks 7am 32a(42) Y: X3'?n 7am ib.(BAYTN 58). J?3B vb. to deprive, prevent, refrain (JPA 5?3B DJPA 318) Pe. (a/a): xri313 XHB ]ny3a XTW7] 13'X if, indeed, (I had not come) now, you would have deprived me of this blessing Hag 5b(41); '"713p D'TD'3 '3TlpXB IB ]573B1 X1?! 'X3'B 10 b^HI] accept indeed (the present) from me and do not prevent me from offering first fruits Ket 105b(46); XWTia '3B ]XX-\b pi'yjB he prevented
*)%& 688 xnaa the scholars from (entering) the school San I07b(20); mayx p myaa'a1? prnn V5/3 nx*7 n,!?i .TJHX 'Ipurx1? X'B the brother who owns the outer (field) cannot prevent him [i.e. the other brother] from bringing water across to irrigate his field TGHark 170:12; ib. 161:33; SSHai 10a(l) Itpe. to refrain from s.t.: a. alone: '"'by Jl'BI 'Xl 'yiJB'X1? V1X njm» if you impose an oath upon him he is apt to refrain (from being a guardian) Git 52b(28); b. w. xVl + vb.: pns xVl y:B'B1 he will refrain from redeeming (her) Ket 47a(23); ib. 52b(36); Git 37b(40); Qid 15b(32); Xs?! '3?aB'B n^ '303 they will refrain from marrying her Yev 113a(l); Bes 1 la(42); Afg 7a(24); BQ 39b(l); c. w. jb + n.: mxaa 'yua^x1? vix xaiD rr1? nrnoB 'x if you trouble him a lot, he will refrain from (performing) the commandment Sab 21b(51); ib. 148b(27); Pes 107b(l); Bes 7b(44); d. w. T,B + inf.: <?vti7a 'yua'x1? xjixibh fjy m x1? pn'Vma ]l.TB1p^ the heads (of the academies) could not refrain from going before them [i.e. the exilarchs] on their riglas iSGF 93:4; J'yaB'B man in WIX^B 'WXrx people will refrain from lending money to one another TGHark 109:16; ib. 189:21 NVjtta n.m. shoe (JPA byXt DJPA 319) pl.abs. 12P3'X 13 vrfaia ptyaan one who has shoes on his feet is (just) a human being Sab 152a(24) Y: 'tym &A ib.(BAYTN 229). KJinpaa n.f. cleanliness (4 Vl#Tpj; Sy K'^on-oj cleanliness LS 445) sg. xb X"V>1X 'IBp xnnpMX 'Tflp they are not particular about uncovering of liquids. They are particular about cleanliness AZ 30a(47; Ar [AC 5:377, s.v. 2Tp3]); xrrnpaa "wo xnxiwa 'twai 'xn (I previously thought that) the reason for sweeping [lit. this that they sweep] crumbs was because of cleanliness Hul 105b(25) The rdg. XJTPjMO AZ ib.(MJP') is most likely a Hebraism from Vyj!; Y: xrffij?ffl AZ ib.(BAYTN 280). 'INS NBpaa n.m. (necklace of) amber (beads) (4 Vop3, 2# XmS; Sy rc'H.a A. \_ r. V LS 370) sg. Sab 59b(41) [expl. MH'xbep Mib. 6:1] Cf. the expl.: ,co:i _cn \ n W:i pf'i^n^ ... _A-i Y » Vrc* rdixju=. KliAiiJv-^ BBah 179:14 [^iou! = NP kahruba amber PED 1066]. N1J738 n. (a fragile and expensive material; etym. unkn.) sg. i3rr(a)mn xnpaai xoaa xar (one who uses) a goblet of m. for a day and it breaks Ber 28a(2; Ar [AC 4:267]) [Var: *lj? |XB3 P; ip' pa M; xy Txaa O]; na xnpaai nod wx ■n'xyxi iiT'ap nam mi nxa ya-ix he brought before them a goblet of m. worth four hundred zuzim, broke it, and they were saddened ib. 31a(l; Ar [AC ib.]) [Var: Xip J1B1 F; TjT ]B1 M; xmai xip' )xai o] Cf. also: XTjT MB //O? 244:25. Expl. Ar: 1. nVljm 'V3; 2. 013 -ran np' xm» nnix « npipn ji'jdt ac ib.. Rashi in both passages reads [emends?] KIplBl which he explains as an expensive item [< V"lj?>]; however, Rashi's rdg. is not supported either by the mss. or by later compilations which quote these texts [v. DS, Ber 71, n. N; 80, n. ']. The P deriv. of Koh, AC 5:269 is rejected by Geig, AAC 227, s.v. 403. NJTnpM n.f. (uncertain; 4 xnnma) sg. ]Tay xmnpjB1? they are made for ... Ned 38b(24; OHP ib. 90:2) NTIpaa n.f. wet nurse (4- Vpj', XTip'ilB; Sy ^ n v i > LS 304) sg. xnpaa1? <i),T3a 'an' oa Via C)mn X1? from the time that they hand their children over to a wet nurse they do not retract Ket 60b (3 8; M) [Var: xp'JB Fr] Kfliaa n.f. lamp (Vila; TA xfn3B TO Ex 25:32, Sy rc'&T.Lio LS 422) sg. 'Ti ma^i by 'mua bun 'OX a lamp fell on PN's garment Sab 45b(41); ib. 44; 46a(24); XnTOB Bo 50:3 Y: xrnja Sab 45b(41; BAYTN 171). amis, xmm, cs. naa, pi. xnmaa, 'aa, 'ana n.f. share, portion (4- V'3B, XJR3B TOB, s.v. XJTItJB mng. 1; TA XfUB TJ 2S 6:19, Sy k'AlL», pi. rc'&sJjM ls 394, Ma xnxja, pi. xnxixja MD 275) 1. share, portion: sg.cs. y\yaw\ ]31X1 ml: T1X the portion of NN and NN2, the brothers BB I67a(2i); n'TT xn:aa nx"?1? t1? map in'x he [i.e. Jacob] buried Leah in his portion (of the grave) Sot 13a(21); det. n,!7 3m ITT XJU» Viper ^3X na xjTay xrjm 'xa vm xruai x^nxV you, take your portion and give it to the tenant farmer. I shall do whatever I want with my portion BM 109b(20); rPPSJI Xrua his own portion BQ 71b(31); BM 26b(17); mm XrlXJa 1.TX 'aib^ naa ^y ( t : ~ that he [i.e. the dissenting judge] should pay a portion (of the compensation) with them San 30a(24); ib. 27; Yev 37b(38); Bek 48a(16); xnan Xirn linnxaa "jp^B1? to take their portion (of the field) in one place TGHark 171:28; XJlXaa H'b X'DBT the portion which accrues to him HP 59:9; ib. 11; pi. XnXJB (X)im X^niD '3B 'mn nTB two portions of the kohl and one portion of it [i.e. the scorpion] Git 69a(2; V18); '3X8 3tt? XTp im Xaim seven portions of fat and one of bitumen Sab 133b(37); XXIXUB fm TGHark 268:8; mw xnx(i>{'}3a 'ysix xyix1? rf? p^si they divide the field into four equal portions ib. 171:30; 2. w. K3I?m a tax [= MH2 -f7Bn TUB BB 8a(19)]:sg. 5gll3b(41) Lit: Beer, BA 228+ [mng. 2]; Y: Kiun Yev ib.(BAYTN 30). - naa by_ conj. on condition that (4- by; JPA "?J7 naa prep, djpa 407) n"i t> xarayT naa "?y X2?S3 on condition that I give you satisfaction BQ 105b (24); xamai xarrVs'T 'naa by rrnb tc p'sxi 'TIT "13113 iTl? xaatoai he has manumitted me on condition that I work, toil, and pay him back such-and-such (an amount of) zuzim SSSad 236:8; TGHark 272:3 Y: ran iy_ bq ib. 0a interj. (word in a charm formula) Sab 67a(24) Y: 00 Sab ib. 1# N0a n.m. bread shovel (< XTOB*; 4 Vnoa pe., mng. 1; Sy nr* u rin ^b poker LS 433 [= ^f m1^ ib. 434], expl. as fLLil BBah 1115:1) sg. Xmx Xnsn (tynb X3nm XOa bring a bread shovel, for you have charred the bread Tan 25a(6; M); xiiana n^ (H)rw\ xoa rcna n1? rr^p» she takes it [i.e. halla] on the tip of the bread shovel and places it in the oven Bek 27a(24) Geon. expl.: O'aaVlfc 'TOy KW1 [fli^ll] n"D2 0D0N K00 WTO nn [ ji^M -] GC 28:10; Lit: Eps, GCIntr 55; AAC 259; on the h-k interchange in VnOJ in Sy, v. also ■!■ Knoil = Sy rd-ivmco LS 434; Y: N0O Tan ib. 2# KDa n. foreleg (of an animal; Ma 1# X0XB forearm, upper part of arm MD 248) sg. in XT' wn iy\ xoa ^by mxi xym one (vein) of the (animal's) shoulder which (goes from) above Nnaioa the foreleg to the top part of the hoof HG3 157:46; XOB mnn under the foreleg ib. 3K0a adj. ritually unclean, unfit for sacrifice (4 Vl#3X0 pa., pass.part; Sy - — • •*> *«« PSm 2541) 1. ritually unclean: sg.m. X3X0B XTJ?3 an unclean animal Bo 119:30; 2. unfit for sacrifice: sg.f. XB"p1 X3X0B XH DIB "?y3 'XT if it has a blemish, it, in fact, remains unfit for sacrifice Tern 22a(19) Y: X3X0B Tern ib. NaNOa, Kaoa n.m. shoe (V]X0 [4 VOID]; TA X56a TO Gen 14:23, Sy rc^(rci) m Ta LS 454, Ma X'JXOa pi. MD 276, Akk mesenu CAD 5/2 38) a. general: sg. Anan 116:26 [expl. BH iV^a Dt 25:9]; Ber 57b(46); XJHD X1X1 X3X0B <1>ni»aa (his) shoe shrunk, and (his) foot withered Pes llla(21); Svu 30b(20) [i XJlpTX]; pi. 'V Tay 'aK? '312?^ 'axoa make me shoes (to last) seven years Git 68b(35; As); 'XaXDB ^ 3n give me my shoes Sab 61a(8); 'aXOB X"?3 X1X3H3 n'1? ^'T'J XV he should not walk around in the dark without shoes Pes 112b(28); ib. 113b(5); .T3XDB DllffH Xa'D his shoes were soiled by the clay Sab 124b(39); Zev 94b(6) [4 ^2#-\W pal., mng. 2]; 'B31X 'aXDB black shoes Tan 22a(20); BQ 59b(l); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) 1 VdIO pe.; 3) -Jwfiv pe.: sg. xnD'B 'jix mn n'axoa ^bv mn 'D when he removed his shoe, it would rain Ber 20a(12); pi. n'JOB '"m n'ama llV^B1? to remove his socks together with his shoes Anan 117:25; ib. 15; Qid 22b(49); c. in a fig. sense: X*7 'jrD^> 3"1T KJDB xa'y3 I do not want a shoe that is too big for my foot [i.e. a husband of a higher rank] Qid 49a(20) Y: rPJXOa Sab 124b(39; BAYTN 43). n.m. perh. braided strand (etym. unkn.) pi. 'Bim '^aOBS in the case of braided strands of garlic BB 86a(8; HP1) [Var: '"731DB Ar (AC 5:183); v. DS, ad loc, n. a] Expl. Ar: ^1 pmj fNW K')nTO ^ mmno AC ib.; Lit: Koh, ACib. K71'310a n.f. tavern keeper (4- V'30; cf. Akk sabitu CAD S 8) sg. XJVaiOB X'nn AZ 70b(13; J) Y: KTOIDB AZ ib. K'naioa n.m. plug hole in a vat/barrel S89
mioa 690 T " ; ■ (4- Vi# -nio) sg. xn"m xnsioa 'xn the plug hole of the brewing vats Sab 11 la(42) // Ket 6a(6) // X'1<n>DHDa Bek 25a(2) Geon. expi.: la xxToi -pan is rfreaa irwyn mm nana ohr Ket 4:25; 1" 13 K'SIH1? 1»yn 3f>W OHP Sab 72:20; ffljMpn '103 OHR BM 35:32; Lit: Brand, Ceramics 336; Voc: Xn?iDB VTM 130; Y: X';i310a Sab ib.(BAYTN 298). NliDa n.m. arrangement, completion (etym. unkn.) sg. nil "?3 prnBi nrson nx I'x'jBBwa XliOB pBiX lBlpB3 when they fill the boat and place everything in its place they say: "It is arranged!" [lit. arrangement] OHT Sab 118:13 Np/llOB, NpTlOB n.m. comb (4- V2# pio, XplOB; Sy nLh-\cuaa^n LS 501, GeonH pTlOB GC 205:10; cf. JPA HTT npilOB DJPA 319) a. general: sg. 'Xp-fflPB 5er 18b(41) [Var: 'XpnOB F]; XpVlOBl xVlTDI xmu a tube of kohl and a comb ii.(MGG 805:15); pi. x"7t"IDT 'pTIOB iron combs (for torture) Git 57b(ll; MGN 600:3) [Var: Xp'IDB K]; b. w. V'lB? pe. to comb the hair [cf. Sy: n£A\i_a (rdjuu^^-ia rd-nio eo'n r^J^i-ao rc'-vinuA. ctl^d -j_DT-fion BBah 1114:15]: sg. xpilDB XIETB1? to comb the hair HG3 358:43; &e/ 113:30(Var) Lit: Eps, GC 205:10, note; id., St 122. Nimoa n.f. tradition (4- Vl#-I0B; JPA WDB djpa 321) sg. -ioaT xmioa xtn this is the tradition which (PN) transmitted OHT Qid 85:11; XmiOB XTTI noiOT Xn3DB p'7D the Tractate Soto is finished and this is its (mnemonic) tradition Ox b.10, 21 [followed by an Aramaic verse indicating the names of the chapters] 1# K1TIBB n.f. curdled milk (4- V'DB; Ma xniOB MD 276, Sy K'iLi^a LS 396) sg. XniDB" X'W X71DX xrDWBT certain curdled milk which was found (in a slaughtered animal that was nursed by an unclean one) is forbidden HP 204:19(HPP 306:20) 2#NX110a n.f. bath (< xninDB; 4- V'nO; Sy rc'&'o i.i m -n LS 466) 4- XniOB '3 KTTinoa n.f. 4- 2# xmoa n. Kflnoa n.f. balance, scales (esp. for weighing meat; < xnXQB* [V'M < VxiM]; LJLA XnnOB J 805, Sy rf'^Klaij» LS 396) a. general: sg. X3'H XJinDD yap abl in a place where he did not set up scales Hul 132b(21); b. w. Van1' pe. [cf. OfA: Vpxim nana by arm she shall sit by the scales and weigh out TADB2.6 22]: ^api Xnnoax 3TI Xn "JT1T come (and) sit by the scales and receive your money BQ 23b(39); Svu 42a(14); '11 3'm xnnoax (a case) in which a pagan sits by the scales Hul 133b(2) Because of the contexts in which this word appears, it was understood by the comms. as meaning a butcher's stall; Y: XffllOa Hul ib.(BAYTN 184). "IDOa prep. 4- XIB'O 'Da vb. to condense, coagulate (4- l#xmDB, 'OB adj., Vl#0B0B; Sy r^m^n pe. LS 396, mng. 1, Ma XDB MD 275) Pe.: 'OB X0BB Xltyl X1BB the rain actually condenses in the cloud Ber 59a(27; MGE 149:7) Af. to cause to coagulate: n'V 'DBBT he causes it [i.e. the milk] to coagulate TGDr49 103:18 [expl. MH pnan T§ab 9:13]; T'DBXT D1 blood which he caused to coagulate HG3 202:90 Itpe. to be coagulated: W31S3 .TJW'V ttnr'T» i"I'n"ll"ll3 n'pn 'DBn'l may his tongue shrivel in his mouth, and may his spittle coagulate in his throat Bo 74:2 Lit: Eps, St2 548:15, note [Af.]. '0B adj. putrid (4- V'DB; Sy kLLdol^j LS 396, mng. 2) sg. Win ip'OXBTI jn 1WW 'plSxV to exclude one whose smell is foul and whose odor is putrid See/74:19 Lit: Eps, Stl 112. Np'Oa n.m. oppressor (JPA p'OB DJPA 320) pi. in"p'0B1 liT'30 "73 ]'tf3DB [JH3H] may all their enemies and oppressors be subdued in this manner Bo 84:8; ib. 9 |'3pa adj., n. poor (< Akk muskenu poor CAD M/2 275, mng. 2 [NA], AIOA 74; 4- VptJB, xmrDOB; Sy K'il?m'? LS 474, Ma Xl'30'B MD 268) sg.n.m. djh'b w> nni xn xraoai he is poor and has nothing TGHark 84:11; ib. 20; pl.m. '3'30B nplria in the category of poor people ib. 13 NniJ'Spa n.f. poverty (4- ]'30B; TA li'DOB TO Dt 8:9, Sy rc'&o iiqiyi'w LS 474) sg. piflBT JXB sn'soa 69i xriispa xmsaoaa one who is assumed to be in a state of poverty TGHark 84:20; ib. 2; XniJ'30'Bl WOX the genius of poverty Bo 18:10 ND'SOB n.f. female watcher (1 Vl#'30) sg. XJlBOn XJYODB the envious watcher Bo 106:10 poa vb. to become poor (denom. < 4- ]'3DB adj.; 4- xniJODB; Sy .«■> <" *»» quad., quadref. LS 475, Ma pOB to make poor MD 276) QuadRef.: 'Bl pDB'B XV TBX KTWm 1"J7X nBX' who will say that even though he is wealthy now he will not become poor? TGHark 151:21; ]'31 pOB'B ]'3 inya whether he becomes poor or becomes rich ib. 22 Nrooa, pi. Nruoaa, NriK'soa, Nnnsoa, T;T-7 r T TT-' T ¥ ; T - ' T T ; ¥ ~ ' 'flSpa n.f. tractate, Oral Law (V2# "|D3; cf. MH n566 web Yeivin, BV 1021, J 808) 1. tractate: a. of the Mishna: sg. l^S xrOOBT fis xri3DB such- and-such a tractate and such-and-such a tractate Hor l0b(24); n'Wn xV xrooB 'xna n 'xp 'D 'nnnx Xri3DB3 when PN is dealing with [lit. is located in] this tractate, do not ask him (a question) in another tractate Sab 3b(2); XJ'SB X3X XrDOB1? Xri3DBB nb 'DlBriiyX I can transfer you from one tractate to another BM 97a(25); 'B'SX n,!7 XTp' XI12DB PN forgot the tractate Men 7a(2i; P2v10); ■'bvi 'x nnnxa rrnaoas 'x "^a1? XnS'Tia 'WXn3 XTiabn concerning appointing (him to a communal post): If (he is proficient) in his tractate [i.e. the one which he is studying]-(he may be appointed) in his town; if (he is proficient) in the entire Oral Law, (he may be appointed) among the resei metivata Sab 114a(39); ITrDOB D,!7Kn ]1318 X3TIX XriPI '3T ]i1"b X3D XBV X3T3J? when I see a s.m. who has completed his tractate, I make a feast for the students ib. 118b(55); in1? Wrsi Wn3WX VlX xrO0B3 he went and found that they had begun (to study a certain) tractate San 49a(13); Er 53b(26); BM 23b(56); AZ 7a(17); iSGF 32:9; ib. 40:1; pri uwa\ hx'st xri3DB3 rrun I'n^na xm Vai 'nnnx xnaoas nn'XT I'n'ana "73T onn pn 'ax Dnn ]3n 'ax rb naia io xannx xiToa pw they learnt this Mishna in the Tractate Pea, and, therefore, they said (in quoting it): "We have learnt there." When one mentions any Mishna which is in another tractate-and even more so in another order-one says: "We have learnt there" TGAs42 30:26; n'VDT xn3DB the tractate of the kalla Tan 10b(7); gW49b(7); pi. 'n3DB 'mn two tractates BQ 102a(48; HHG2 56:82); 'mn xnnDoa az 7a(i7) [J: xnxnoa nn]; 'mn xnX3DB iSGF 32:12; ib. 1; 34:3; Xn"3DB iSGS 26:12; b. w. a specific name: sg. X"in ]yn H'^IS X'n xnaoa all of Neziqin is one tractate BQ 102a(48) // AZ 7a(17) [traditionally divided into three parts (4- X33 mng. 6); v. I§GF 33:2]; xn3DB nvrjn iSgf 25:21; nnnD3 d'"?3t xnsoa the Tractate Kelim in (the order of) Toharot TGHark 180:34; 2. w. V2#'1?J pa. to learn the Oral Law: Er 53a(45) [I V2# ni pa., mng. 4a] Cf. Geon. expl.: Tttbm Vsa mx3ij?»w nniia jiD'rn xnVoa xn3D»3 n'By:i Geon 39:1; Lit: Eps, MNM 981+. The occurrence of this word in JPA in a scribal note [v. DJPA 320] reflects a learned usage influenced by JBA; Y: XTOSO Sab 3b(2; BAYTN 284). l#aaoa vb. to soil (Voia*, sec. rt. < 4- VoiX; 4- V'OB) Pal.: TITS3 '°lW2b H'1? DBDBB he soils the meat in excrement Hul 18a(10); rf? DBDBT 'D1BDB he completely soiled it [i.e. the mark which he made to recognize the bird] ib. 4a(16) [v. R.G.]; pass.part. XBT n'J/lp DBDBB '3 its neck being soiled with blood ib. 28a(49); 53b(19); XBT3 DBDB'BT XIS'X IX XTlTn an animal or a bird which is soiled in blood HP 203:12 [2# oaoa 4- Vdbd] K20a 4- X3XDB n. DDa vb. to dissolve, unclog (BH, MH DDB nif. to become liquefied HAL 574, J 809) Pe.: X13'B"7 XB'BB X"inJ XOBB1? to dredge : unclog a dammed up canal MQ 4b(33) [double rdg.] Xnspa n.m. scissors (4- V2#1S0; TA 1BDB TJ Ezek 5:1, Sy ^ <\ m y* LS 492) sg. '"7 'n'X Vl "|T'JXT X1SDB go (and) bring me scissors so that I can cut you(r hair) San 96a(2); ib. 5; 6; 7; BB 58a(20; F1) Y: KHBOD San ib. Kri"lS0a n.f. scissors (4- V2#nSD; Sy r^'-ii-aa-^ LS 492, MH mSDB J 810) sg. 1J7 '•'ip-'lb n'1? (n)'in xmSDB 'n'XT until he brought
N3j?6>a 692 i#-ioa scissors and cut off his beard BB 58a(20; P1); San 96a(5; F2) Y: xjnson BB ib.(BAYTN 282). NJpOa, NJNpDa n.m./f. ascent, final result, conclusion (4- Vl#pV0; TA Njpoa TJ IS 9:11, Sy i^inm-ib ascent LS 477, Ma XJXpOXB MD 250) 1. ascent: sg. mxn(n)(n)»l nJXpOB its [i.e. the property's] ascent and descent SSHai 6a(9); 2. final result, final form: sg. 'Xin 'DTI Xipoai what [lit. how] was the final result? Meg 14b(9) [Var: mn '371 XJpDai M]; 'a"j? Xjpoaxi they refer (to the law) in its final form BQ 84b(42); 3. conclusion: sg. 'D,T XJXpOB oViy^l such will always be the conclusion HP 114:7; XJXpDB Xim XJXpOBD xroV'm J'TiyBttn it is the conclusion of our legal discussion, and the law is like the conclusion TGAs42 37:16; Seel 1:230; ib. 13:37(Var); TGAs28 41:5; ib. 126:20; TGHark 46:27; ib. 45:32; 193:33; xrf?'B Xm XiXpOB pm so is the conclusion of this matter ib. 207:35; pi. 'Jpoa TGAs28 126:19 Lit: Eps, Stl 103; Y: NJj?(?S Meg ib.(BAYTN 299). 1 # 101i vb. to hand over, transmit (4 XJlTlOB; Sy -Ui_bo LS 397, Ma 10» MD 276) Pe. (a/u) 1. to hand over: a. people: 3'Tno1? n'1? xrira Tl'3 n'V xnOBl iny'DI I shall bring PN and his entourage and hand him over into your charge San 94b(37); Ber 56a(25); nxb 'am ,Y'nI7 'DH nsinV moa'aV the Merciful One gave a father the right to hand her over [i.e. his daughter] in marriage Ket 47a(9); ib. 40b(21); BQ 87a(33); '^S -a 'btb VT TlDai 'JT Wlpl they betrothed me and handed me over to NN b. NN2 SSHai 13a(9); pma X11T n'V p'-l0B we hand over to him a pair of students (to accompany him) San 43a(36); (X)Tyo1? (1)('in:'1Da (Solomon) handed them over to a demon Suk 53a(21); KM TWIT ]xa X3D(V)W!? nnom JPT one who suspects a certain [lit. known] person that he handed him over to the authorities TGHark 161:25; "]V JVHDB X,T 'XWBJ I handed myself over to you (for cohabitation) HP 100:17; b. animals: XlpaV X3X nvnoa I handed it over to the herdsman BM 42b(13); ib. 5a(29); BQ 56b(16) [4 xV'TO]; pass.part. nyviV ]T0an 'PJ? goats which are handed over to a shepherd 55 36a(33); c. objects: n'1? noa xa^'T perhaps he handed (it) over to him Yev 116a(3); BQ 22b(23); BM 8b(28); ^Z 70b(13) [4- xri'31Da]; d. matter, information: )X8 XD'IX XjniB loan one who submits a protest concerning a get Qid 12b(20) // Yev 52a(19); Ket 110a(ll); Ara 21b(22); SSHai 5b(13); ib. 14a(15); XJB'O rb noa he gave her a sign 55 l23a(42); n'jra©8? n'rirn; noa jiew an PN handed over his sleep to his servant [i.e. he told him when to awaken him] Er 65a(21); 2. to transmit the biblical text: xnoa BMsE 25:12; BMsJer 24:4; p pOBn JI'XI some transmit in this fashion BMsG 10:8; pass.part. mBW n*?'X3 'T0B the passages are transmitted in the masorah in Exodus BMsYFr 151:3; 3. w. '"?'8 to give s.o. verbally power of attorney [v. Itpe., mng. 3]: jTT ]Bp "|^'B "I1DB give us your power of attorney (to give her the get) Git 29b(35); 'E?X 31 '3T ]33T mn1? '^'a noa the scholars of the School of PN used to give each other power of attorney (to collect debts) ib. 37a(19); UVD 'V'B 131? TIDB they gave you the power of attorney in GN Yev 116a(18) // Git 80a(39); SSHai 15b(5); 4. w. "tPSJ to risk one's life [lit. to hand oneself over; w. "X for s.t.]: a. general: rb X^XBl 'KM: HllOTi I risk my life to save her Tan 22a(17); Ket 3b(17); BQ 116b(14); Ara 16b(38); 1DD X'nx n'PBJ IDa X1? XJ'tax n'tfBJ (a snake) risks its life for the sake of undiluted (wine). It does not risk its life for the sake of diluted (wine) AZ 30a(34); Git 38a(21) [4- UKbvp mng. 1]; b. w. TUPTTpx OVn to suffer martyrdom [caique < MH2 10B D^n rvonp by lasy J 811]: w'pbj noa 'xap dew ncmpx yvsi jrioa x1? px awn rrornpx our ancestors [lit. the earlier ones] used to suffer martyrdom. We do not suffer martyrdom Ber 20a(15) Itpe. 1. to be handed over [w. 'I'V, 'T3, ~b]: 1iTT3 ")0a'X it was handed over to them Yom 69b(29) // San 64a(20); ib. 46b(36); Git 56b(2); Ber 56a(31; MGG 704:5); BB 91b(25); San 113a(44); TGHark 162:3; //M 46:16; 2. to give o.s. up, surrender: '83 VU'X 'B^wa nam ]T3 '"lOa'B since the majority are making peace, we [lit. they] will also give ourselves up San 2#-io» 693 wya 26a(51); NJTdW? noa'1? let him give himself up to the government Ber 56a(51); BM 86a(33); |inVD pOBTTJl poxmi may all of them [i.e. the spirits] be bound and surrender Bo 83:6; ib. 33:11; HM 46:6; 3. w. 'V'8 to be given verbally power of attorney [v. Pe., mng. 3]: X1? 'V'B wbvfb ]")08'B a messenger is not given power of attorney Git 29a(44); ib. 66b(20) 2#100 vb. perh. to lower (sec. rt. < '"10* < 4 2#n"IO; Ma 2#X"10 pe., pa. to hurl down, lower MD 336, Sy i m *w etpe. SIB 4:7) Itpe.: m»B X1? Xbta "lDBTl'Xi ]1'3 since (my) fortune has been lowered he does not pay attention (to me) MQ 28a(36; L) Lit: Eps, Stl 338. i#jnpa n.m. saw (4- Vnoj; ta xnoa" tj is 10:15'*Sy rc4 m Sb LS 434, Ma X1X0XB MD 249) sg. xnDBT T» the teeth of a saw#Pg218:7 = HG3 113:15! 2# K"10a n.m. type of demon (etym. unkn.) pi. poa Bo 37:6 NjTipa n.m. comb (4- V2#p-|0, xpmoa; Sy pZb-i-m-bb LS 501, Ma XpTOXa MD 250) pi. X^nST 'p"10B3 lanm1? XJp'"IO I shall lacerate your flesh with iron combs BM 86a(22); 'p'lDB Git 57b(l 1) // 'pTIDB San 96b(29) Y: Kj?non San ib.(BAYTN 240). Npnoa 4- xpmoa n. "noa 4- -nca n. Nri'linpa n.f. spindle (4 V3#nnD; cf. Sy r/k^sa^n bobbin LS 384) sg. XTminOB (71)'BnX<3> GC 98:4 [expl. MH bbo MNeg 11:9]; 'am xpiiw 'Vxm nnoi vm xrimnoa n'1? pn' they used to give him a spindle, and he would sit and wind the threads in the marketplace of Rome Hul 60a(18) [cf. Sy: ytx^a r? m « n r^icv m i *w _i^iT_a^ BBah 1075:8]; ib. 16; "nVx "p arn XiriWOa KTB» the spindle which my God gave to you is beautiful ib. 23(H2) Lit: Low, Pfl 56; Rieger, Technologie 3146; Y: KriniTOO Hul ib.(BAYTN 288). xanoa adv. 4- xano n. Niaya n.m. magical act, sorcery (4- Viay; Sy K'vLjsii sorcery LS 505, Ma XnX3X8 MD 238) pl.abs. Bo 59:1; ib. 82:7; p'pn p337B powerful magical acts ib. 49:8; det. ib. 47:8; 102:3; 120:14; 'XMO H3JTCJ foul magical acts i& 116:7 [cf. Ma: X'J'XO XHX3Xa MD ib.] 13J?B adj. pregnant, intercalated, n.f. pregnant woman (4- Vn3J? pa., pass.part.; JPA majtti DJPA 394) 1. pregnant: sg.f. XlV' Tin XnayQT bo does every pregnant woman give birth to two? Anan 63:2; ib. 119:8; i/P 58:4; Xmaj?a Xnn'X a pregnant woman Geon 230:18; XmsyB mB a pregnant cow BQ 47a(15); xmaya xnXBn a pregnant she-ass ib. 49a(17); Bek 2b(4); 2. intercalated: sg.f. 'TW 'layaT the year is intercalated Ned 63b(4); Xm3J/a HTW RH 7a(42) // San 12b(47); II. n. pregnant woman: pl.f. W7\l 'am xmaya "?3 iV'SX (the lion) roared, (and) all the pregnant women of Rome miscarried Hul 59b(35; V11); Xnxnaya HG1 390:40 Y: rriajJB AZ 24a(20). Niaya 4- xnara n. Nnnajra, «maa n.f. passage (4- Vnay; Sy rc'^'iA^a LS 508, Ma xmxaXB MD 238) 1. passage, crossing: sg. XDIin XJVI3J78 the passage of GN Qid 72a(17; O2); 2. passage for a strap of tefdlin: sg. 'b'Bm Xni35?a Afen 35a(ll; V8) [Var: xn"l38 G§ 20b:6] Geon. expl.: ra 'BBiB p nyin ns rcjsow miayo it xmao Kynn GS ib. [but cf. this text in TGAs28 67:6!]. The mng. of this word in n'jpia XmayD San 100b(39) [M: 'flDO] is uncertain; Y: xrnajJO BAYTN 283. N^J?a n.m.pl. hair (4- K'TB, XT'J?; Sy i^'v^a rc'viJ&a i\_uoorc' BAH 1, 5600) sg. mj?B -\VSli to loosen her hair Bo 31:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 352. »ya vb. to diminish, exclude (< BH, MH BVB HAL 578, J 814; 4 XtJiy'B; Sy .\,>S3 LS 397) Pe., pass.part. less, few: 4 t3'J?a adj. Pa. 1. to diminish the value, reduce: Xp 'Diya n'V B'578B he greatly diminishes it [i.e. his estate] AZ 6b(38); ib. 13b(28); XDyBB '31IB n1? Xl'XT ]1'a since (the widow) has alimony she diminishes (the estate) BB 140a(12); ^'3X3 D'J?BB Xpn DWB D'a1?!^ because he diminishes (the time) for eating the selamim sacrifices Pes 89a(9); 2. to
B'jra 694 tya exclude: 13 'TX 31 'BX1 XPI 'BiyaV 'XB 'BiyaV pax to exclude what? To exclude that which PN said Ber 44b(51); Sab 6a(49); ib. 132a(40); Pes 24b(12); Yom 60a(12); Yev 3a(35); Git 24b(18); BQ 63a(31); 5a« 56b(35); Hul 43a(4); ^ra 17b (8); XJBm B'yB the Merciful One excluded Yom 71b(53); n'BiyB1? Xlp "pBXX Scripture had to exclude it BQ 42b(13); Yom 5a(35); TO'ByB TWO (Scripture) excluded them with regard (to redemption with) a sheep Bek 6a(8) Itpe. to decline, be diminished: D'JJD'XT X3'7 (it was) the mental powers which had declined Tern 15b(43); iSGF 52:8; ib. 62:17; B'yB'XI 'rf?n 7BTTXB perhaps (the height of the straw) was diminished from the previous day [i.e. Friday] Er 79b (6) Itpa. 1. to be diminished, reduced: in 'B^ XITI 'IP BiyB'X were the years (of life), in fact, not reduced in David's time? Yev 64b (14); ITO'ia T1 BiyB'X which ones of them [i.e. the number of angel's wings] were reduced? Hag 13b(43); Xp IX '3TC7BX 'ya xp IX wax 'ya it either requires diminishing (of members of the group) or withdrawal Pes 89a(46); 'Py '3 Tin BiyB'X XJtf'V the following year (the grapes) were diminished (in size and) were like goats Ket 112a(14; MGD 710:18); 'oyanai 'dtib abt p'in xp xm do we not, in fact, see (people) who do not lend money, and they become diminished (in property)? BM 71a(23); -|7'T7 "pBXBI TO1BB ByBBI his money is diminished, and he is in need of your (aid) AnanSch 28:25; 2. to be excluded: ByB'X Pes 95b(10); HXB1BB tn oyan'XI blood (of a reptile) was excluded from uncleanness Kar 4b(43); BM 58b(4); Hul 67a(10) Lit: Bacher 115. tt'jra adj. small, few (4- VByB; cf. MH BiyB Yeivin, BV 447) sg.m. XB'ya xnTB a small amount of assistance OHT Git 120:15; pl.m. ]VUB PD'ya they are fewer than they OHT Ber 129:25; ib. 130:2; f. XTlXB'ya XJ1X13V1 few places ISGF 29:8 «'»?», pi. '3VJ/a n.m. intestines (4- 2#X3"y»; TA 1'ya TO Num 5:22, Sy ■'^'s. LS 397, Ma 2# x'» md 265, x'ya ib. 276) sg. 'trwi'S mn oyia n"ya3 (he was so emaciated that) the object was visible in his intestines Git 56a(41; MGD 627:4); ib. 56b(27; V'«); Tan 21b(27); Hul 113a(31); 'IB VT\mh ,Tya 'IBM Xmx 13 '7 roast a duck for me and throw its intestines to a cat Sab 142b (45); X'yaT XpTtt? fatty secretion of the intestines Pes 68a(27) [expl. MH T3"1p *in» Mib. 6:1]; MQ 22a(23); X'ya 3X3 dysentery Git 69b(20); HM 38:7; TPyva BPTll suffering from dysentery Sab 108a(31); pi. Ml'ya Tan lla(3; Mai 36:28) [He: !'3ita] Y: X'jya //«/ ib.(BAYTN 88). l#N3'?J7a n.m. source, spring (Sy K'ilS'a LS 522) sg. xr'ya Xinnx a'JV he sat down at a certain source Tarn 32b(7); py ]ja XT»yB 'XH TIXp this source flows from Paradise /& 9 Y: KJ'^ya Tarn ib.(BAYTN 219). 2# N3"yO n.m. intestines (perh. back formation < T'ya*, pi. of 4- x"ya) sg. psai rro'-D yps rn,,ya his stomach burst, and his intestines spilled out Hul 56b(56); XJX'ya CTOB because of (disorder of) the intestines Tan 10b(45); lla(3; M2); HP 201:19; pi. nppBm ":ryB7 'nrV<»)yi 'DJl'XI iTO'IDV he put his intestines back in, sewed up his stomach, and he recovered Hul 57a(l); ib. 58b(41) Y: x:';yo Tan ib.(BAYTN 219). 'N^'jra, 'N"?'y p 4- 'x^'y adj. 'l^'J/a 4- 'Vry prep. pya i i#xry n. Nj?'^a n.m. oppressor (4- Vpiy; Sy i^inis'n LS' 517) pi. 'p'ya Bo 36:9; /& 37:6 xap'ya 4- xsp'y n. Nnp'jra 4-1# x-ip'y n. ?ya vb. to misappropriate sacred property (< BH, MH Vya HAL 579, J 816) Pe. (a/u): \n "ISD'a XV 'BJ mS3 V'ya 'SB xVt since he cannot misappropriate (it), he also cannot actually receive atonement (for it) Kar 27b(30); xVl biyB'J let him not misappropriate (it) BM 99a(33); ib. 96b(26); Pes 27b(20); VyB Ket 99a(28); £e£ 39a(18); 'Bnpa V'yap he NVya 695 '&?>? misappropriates sacred property Mei 14b (16); /tf/28a(25)/Mra21a(7) N^JTB n.m. entering (4- VVVy, XiVya; Sy ^Vv ^ LS 524, Ma 2#X7XB MD 243) sg. n"Wy "U'Vl 'T1 'X^ya my very entering constitutes compulsion against him Ket 53a(10) - 'V^a n.m.pl.cs. eve (4- V?7y; Sy y V < ^ LS 525; cf. Ma 2#X7XB entering MD 243; > IrArab 7yXB7X OV SRSG 258:28) a. general: sg. »?yB X3B XBV eve of a holiday BQ 113a(22); Svu 15b(6); 'aXB 'BT 'bya flg 113a(22; HP 82:14); i/P 3:4; QHyim 'BT '7yB ^«o« 70:16; XBV 'VyB //P 164:17; Anan 70:6; b. specific holiday: 'VyB xnD'BI XBT 5er 22b(43) [Passover]; Pes 108a(5); XrnsyT XBT ,!?ya Sab 129b (20) [Shavuot]; 'VyB mS'31 XBT Kom 87a(48) [Day of Atonement]; //«/ 95b(37); mSDT 'tya BM 84b(30) Lit: Avishur, Elements 141+; Voc: ^ya HPP 257:18; Y: 'ty? BAYTN 102. - Nnat? 'V^a, '^jra n.m.pl.cs. Friday (lit. eve of the Sabbath; 4- XTOtf mng. 2; Sy y V v ^ ^ Sr LS 525) a. in full form: sg. ixa 'XH Xn32? ,!?yB3T one who (is born) on Friday Sab 156a(32); H'JH1? nnBlVl Xrl312? '^yaa ,TH'7 xna© 'VyB3 let them judge him on Friday and decide the judgment on Friday San 35a(22); xmp 'Vyas ray x"?i xnaw nVia xm'ay rayi one who works the entire week and does not work on Friday Pes 50b(21); Anan 71:14; XBV "73 Xri3P '^yBT every Friday Ket 105b(32); Tan 24b(54); Yev 93a(20); San 67b(25); 'VyBT '1SS 'na© Friday morning Naz 5a(30); Wpvb "Jiao xn31» '7yB3 nsnn close to sundown on Friday AZ 15a(12); XD3U7 'VyBT X'JSX towards evening on Friday Ber 27b(14); Git 77b(13); BM 49a(49); Me« 49b(22); Xri32/ imb xrav '"7yBB from Friday to Sunday BQ 113a(24); pi. '32? ,!?yB j'fe 113a(21; HP 82:14); b. in shortened form: ny31X xmi!; 'Bp 'Vyai rwan Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are before the Sabbath Pes 106a(31); TGDr49 94:16; ib. 96:2 Y: miv '>!?» Ber 61a(17). xai^ya 4- xjVya n. adj. superior, virtuous, beneficial, valid, normal, complete (4- V,!?y pa., pass.part.; 4- nxVlB; Sy ,V^ PSm 2883, MH2 nViya J 814) 1. superior, excellent: sg.f. XH X'VyB HB3 xnyaiy how excellent is this legal tradition Ber 14b(6) // Er 64a(12) // Svu 45b(25); det. X^'B Xri'^ya a excellent statement Ket 85b(32); Yom 78a(27); Bek 5a(3); pl.m. 13*W p,!?yB ]3X we are better than you Pes 87b(42); f. xnx,!7yB '^'B Tan 20b(40); Ber 8a(36); Er 102a(35); BQ 20a(42); 2. virtuous, exemplary: sg.m. 'VyB KIT 'bya 'X D31S if the generation is virtuous the leader is virtuous Ara 17a(10); 'tya tibl W'l'X a disreputable person BB 167a(5); Ber 10a(51); Ket 21a(19); X'VyB xyiT virtuous offspring BQ 119a(18); Pes 49b(38); X'tya X32?'V a euphemism [lit. an exemplary expression] Ber llb(4) [4- a:v^ mng. 6d]; 3. beneficial: a. alone: sg.m. ,!7yBT X1H inVx1? H'Tltt? drinking immediately (after bloodletting) is beneficial Sab 129b(28); ib. 152a(18); X1B3 'byB xrrt>B XIHD 'VyB X1? xn'^B salted fish is beneficial. Salted meat is not beneficial BB 74b(35); ib. 91b(48); "iD'aV ^ya "i^y xiwv nna'BT na 73 the more it is pounded (to powder), the better it really is for covering (the blood) Hul 89b(2); b. w. "b: sg.m. '"? '"jyBT 713'71 xwana V'3J'7l let it be mixed with honey and let him eat (it) since it is beneficial for him Git 69a(40); BB 80b(28); 7in TO1? n'7 '"jya sand is beneficial for lime [i.e. it strengthens it] Sab 80b(37); 4. valid: sg.m. X1B2? X'7ya a valid writ BQ 98b(13); X'VyB XB'J a valid get Qid 44b(41); f. xn'bya xn'jyn a valid fast day Tan 12a(2); Xri'VyB xmyB a valid claim BM 79b(ll); pl.m. "7yB 'Wnp a valid betrothal Mj3 28:95; 5. normal, sound, of good quality: sg.m. X'VyB T?l a normal child Bek 57b(l); Mrf 23a(48); X'7yB 13T a normal male }fev 83b(37); San 57a(29); X'byB XIBn good quality wine [i.e. not sour] BM 83a(23); BB 96b(10); BQ lla(21); ib. 105b(2); f. xn"7ya H3WT1 a sound answer Ber 23b(21); Er 97a(ll); xn'7ya xnsn good quality bread Bes 32b(34); pl.m. "7yB '3XB good quality garments Sab 119a(9); SSHai 4a(7) [of coins]; f. xriX'7yB vrn good quality wheat 5Af 105a(19);
KiTi'V?a 696 nxa-iya 6. full, complete: pl.m. "VyB 'OT the full price BQ 66b(3); "VyB 'BlVwn full compensation ib. 26a(8) Voc: X^ya HGP 19b:35; "'jya ib. 20a:36; K?l%a ib. 28b:28; Y: '&D Safe 129b(28). Nfll'V^a n.f. improvement, meritorious deed (I V'Vj?; Sy k'&o . V > "73 LS 527, Ma xni'^XB MD 244) 1. improvement, enhancement: sg. XTI XrW^J/OT X-IB'B1? may it be said that it is an improvement? Tan 3b(33); Xin xni'tym XWb it is an enhanced term RH 23b(24) [i.e. the rdg. pTJT for pt' in Mib. 2:5; Var: XtPbym XIW1? GRH 14:10]; Ber 14b(10); ib. 55b(14); NnvVyS1? UrW'X they changed for the better HP 191:4(HPP 293:20); Men 43a(ll); &6 41a(30); Kef 21a(42); BQ 99b(48); 5S 7b(27); &w 45b(25); Hul 5b(17); 2. meritorious deed: sg. x'n xnvVya xoan rvan -|nxam is (the case of) the one who spends a long time in the privy a meritorious deed? Ber 55a(12); ib. 54b(58); '31 X'n XDV^yB lxV OH T3y when he acts so, is it not a meritorious deed? RH 4a(8); Sot 22b(10); Am 17a(9) Y: Xfll^ya Ber 14b(10). Na"7j;a 4- xaVy n. n.m. entrance, aperture (I VVty, xVya; ta x??yB TJ Jud 9:40, Sy x' i V v ^ LS 525) 1. entrance: sg. n^yB n^pBBl its [i.e. the courtyard's] entrance and exit SSHai 6a(9); n'JlpBBl n'll^ya Bo 88:11; i& 9; 2. aperture: sg. nV T?b XJpBBl nV ri'X XiVyBl (the WW) has an aperture (for the intake of food) but does not have an anus Git 56b(39) [yj/a vb. to close the eyes (poss. metath. < fay, but most likely an error; I VfBX) Pe.: Sab 108b(28; O)] tnxya, Nixa n.m. vat (4- V-ixy; ta xnxyfa tj Is 63:2, JPA .TlXyB DJPA 323) sg. XT'J XIXyB pressing vat AZ 60a(16; JP1) [Var: XT'I X1XB Ar (AC 5:221, s.v. "?»»)]; TGHark 86:10 Lit: Eps, Sll 8, derives this word < V2#ixa, but since the vb. rt. 2# "fify is commonly used for pressing grapes, his suggestion seems doubtful; Y: X-lxya AZ ib.(BAYTN 219). Nrnsya n.f. wine press (I V-ixy, xrnxya 'a; TA Xfmya TO Num 18:27, Sy rf&i-yj \ "y> LS 540) a. general: sg. xmsyaT xmn H1W new wine of the wine press Git 67b(19); Hag 25b(40); AZ 74b(15); XinBl Xmxya a clay wine press TGAs27 74:17; b. the building containing it: xmxyaa O'nn X,_IX Xinn a certain lion which was roaring in the wine press (shed) AZ 70a(39); ib. 60b(7); Er 49a(32) // BB 42b(7) Y: xrnxyn Er ib.(BAYTN 219). S3"15?a n.m. west, Eretz Israel, Maghrib (4- ji# my, xaiya -n, s.v. i# x-n mng. 9b; ta X5ny6 TO Ex 26:22, Sy 10# rc^=T_i_bb LS 546, Ma 1#X3"IXB MD 251) 1. west: sg. miB X3nya rvna ... XnnB from the east/west side SSHai lla(8; O); HM 44:15; nsnyBl 'l£nn xaim HUB'S 'Knn XmiBl magic of west and east, magic of north and south Bo 51:2; ib. 119:9 [in a list of the cardinal points]; 2. sg. Eretz Israel [located west of Babylonia]: xrf?p'l 'mil X3"iyB3 X3'X there are two date palms in Eretz Israel Sab 110a(40); X3"iya3 mi XBV XJTH today is the Day of Atonement in Eretz Israel RH 21a(4); N3iyaT 'XSTID the experts on animal defects of Eretz Israel Hul 55b(3); MQ 8a(34); Ket 62a(38); X3"iyBB XXVUX 'XDX a letter came from Eretz Israel Sab 115a(7); BB 41b(12); San 29a(4); Ned 77b(10); //«/ 51a(9); X3nyB3 '"1&X they say in Eretz Israel Ber 14b(8); &A 108a(10); Yev 21b(33); 5£> 27b(14); San 17b(27); X3"iyB3 iy3 they ask in Eretz Israel Pes 45b(23); Yev 22a(26); >fev 88a(28) [4- V"]nx af.]; '3iyB3 'XIIBX nn m 'I'^B two Amoraim in Eretz Israel differ in it [i.e. this matter] Zte/- 33b(37); Sab 21b(24); Ket 80a(4); X3"iyB3 x"?riB 'VriB they recite a parable in Eretz Israel Pes 114a(8); 3. sg. Maghrib, Northwest Africa [< Arab <_i>jJI]: X3iyaT IXITp Kairowan of the Maghrib TGHark 24:16; X3iya "1)1X3 D3Xp rU'lB ib. 167:19; 149:5; 27:12; x3-iy» -inx3i noxaVio nna ib. 32:8 Geon. expl.: ^YTW fix X'Tl X3ny» 'HI G§ 35:20 [mng. 2]; Y: K3-iya Ber 2b(4; BAYTN 219). nN3"iyO adj. western, n. one of Eretz Israel (TA* rixmya TJ Is 43:4, Sy rclLi-i^j» LS 546) I. western: sg.f. nX3*iya nil the western side SSHai llb(l); II. n.m. one of Eretz Israel: pi. NTTIJ/S < t : t : i . 'X3"iyB BMsG 8:10 [w. ref. to masoretes]; ib. 10:18 KrnjJP n.f. cave, burial cave (V"l"iy; TA Xfny8 TO Gen 19:30, pi. Xrfiya TJ IS 13:6, Sy r^T-C^a LS 545) 1. cave: sg.cs. 0"BB mya the cave of GN Bek 55a(46); det. XmyB3 1WX1 I'jTX they went and hid in a cave Sab 33b(31); ib. 34; 2. burial cave: sg. 0m3XT WnyB Abraham's burial cave BB 58a(5); ib. 10; 18; HTliyaT XriJVD 'XnT ]3 )iya© '3"n the entrance of PN's burial cave San 98a(46); BM 84b(32); Tan 23b(46); 'T'Om XITiya the burial cave of the pious ones MQ I7a(32); pi. t?"na xp mm xtt?nBx xinn XTTiya a certain magian priest who used to dig out burial caves (in order to exhume bodies from them) BB 58a(18); ib. 5; BM 85b(15) WfOyiS n.m. tithe (4- Vlfry; TA xno$a TO Num 18:26, Sy p^H m \ »^ pi. LS 537) sg. in 13n pa1? Xiwya give a tithe to a priest Saw 110a(6; K) Nrijra, abs. Njra, pi. '#» n.f. /wa'«A, a coin [= 1/6 denar]; i XpJI; TA XJ/6 TJ IS 2:36, Sy ^v4> f. LS 397) sg. Xnya3 X\£?B31 X»t53 "73 each stomping for a ma'ah BM 112a(40) // BQ 99a(22; Es); '3n"n 'O'lPS '3'3 'moil Xliya Xfl'lSBIST a small ma'ah among the small gold coins of GN Hul 54b(14); pi. 'ya 'TO two ma'o/!5 Qid 81a(43); 'ya n0@'Vn thirteen ma 'ahs San 26a(2); 'ya nxa one hundred ma 'ahs BM 102b(14) // BB 105b(4) [i XTJIO'X] Y: Kriya BQ ib. KniSa, Nnsa n.m. bellows (4, VnSi; Sy i<jj«Aj5b LS 436) sg. Xp'T 'bai XniSB a bellows full of air Tan 12a(17); XnSB3 T3yi XynXX 'Xp he stands on the ground and works with a bellows Yom 45a(45; E'L) Y: KrilSS Tan ib.(BAYTN 244). [KiBsa 4- Vntjs vb.] N3"nt3Sa n.m. one who reads the maftir (i.e. the concluding Pentateuchal reading; 4- V")BS af.) sg. Om'ST xni£nS3 xnDSa 'ixpi the one who reads the maftir reads from the pericope of Pinhas HP 181:3; ^>an'X T3 XD'mX3 XJIOSB '"IXpi the one who reads the maftir in the Torah reads (the same tt:j?sa portion) as yesterday [i.e. the first day of the holiday] ib. 5; 182:8; 25; 183:11; 184:8; 186:5 N3t3"S» n.m. liturgical poet (4- XDl'S; cf. JPA P'iVdJPA 425, Sy rdi^.rc'^a LS 555) pi. X31B '3D"Sa many poets NDGR 226:7 adj. outstanding (4- Vj"?S af, pass.part.) pl.m. 'pn3B nbsa XnX13T outstanding distinguished scholars OHT Pes 18:6 n.m. one who investigates (4- VjbVs) sg. X1B11 'J^DVsa investigators of the tradition TGAs27 33:15 Nil"??? n.f. downfall (4- V"?s:; TA n'hVSa TJ Ez 3hi6, Sy K'&liL^» LS 437) sg. xnn xViy3 n'M^sa may his downfall come [lit. be] quickly Dec 7:12 p3Sa adj. delicate (4- Vp3B pa., pass.part., Xmp3BB; TA XplSa TJ IS 15:32, Sy if h\<\*n LS 580) sg.m. n'V Tl'XI piSBT E/'rx XD'X "?'T 'so xiys n'V rr1?! pasa x^t wa'x xd'ki 'sd x^yx perhaps there is a person who is delicate and has more pain, and there is a person who is not delicate and does not have more pain BQ 84a(30); Sab 109a(34); 'Xn 'VlD p3Sti '81 is he so delicate? Ket 67b(45); pl.m. X"71 'pJSB 'TTiyT ]1'3 Xm'3'y '13y since they are rich, they are delicate and do not do work ib. 54a(ll); Hag 4b(l); Sab 109a(26); Ket 62a(37) Y: pasa5ai 109a(34). KfllpJBa n.f. delicacy, self indulgence (4- p3DB; Sy rc'Aio n > fs >73 LS 580, TA ip:S8 TO Dt 28:56[Var]) 1. delicacy: sg. xm'ri' xmpjSB excessive delicacy Hag 6a(10); 2. self indulgence: sg. Xm'3'y ]13y x"7T 'xm l"yx Xin xniplSM "VOH XT\2V '"?y»3 even though this (reason) that (women) do not work on Friday is because of self indulgence Pes 50b(27; V17) Y: NmjMBB Pes ib.(BAYTN 312). SSSa n.m. mat (MH ?Sa Yeivin, BV 1020, J 821) pi. 'IPn 'ai'3 'SBa (he provided) mats (for them) in the days of Tisri Sab 65a(35) // Ned 40b(3) // Bek 55b(16) Voc: 'MS HGP 2b:22; Y: 'SSa Sab ib. K3|?Sa, N3ipsa n.m. exit, anus (4- VpB3; Sy 697
Nnpsa 698 Njvaixa rdiAiLj^ LS 440, Ma XJXpBXB MD 250) 1. exit: sg. ilipBBl fllbya its [i.e. the courtyard's] entrance and exit SSHai 6a(9); .TJlpBBl n'Xltya Bo 88:11; ib. 8; 2. anus [LS ib., mng. 8]: sg. rb irb xjpsai m im x^j/ai (the »w) has an aperture (for the intake of food) but does not have an anus Git 56b(39) Y: XJjMD Git ib.(BAYTN 299). NripStt n.f. excrement (4- VpB:, XTipSB '2; TA •\I\psi TO Dt 23:14; cf. Sy rc'ff n f ja departure LS 440, Ma XJlp'SXB MD 250) w. VpBJ af. to defecate: sg. p'BXUIl 1IQ XD31 IP!1? p'DXJ 131 n'flpBB when he exits from the privy after he has defecated Anan 26:8 Nri'msa n.f. decorative fringe (4 VmB) pi. 'X n© XJVniBB H'V ri'X if (the garment) has a decorative fringe it is permitted Sab 59b(40) [Var: Xri"niSB pi. Ar (AC 5:353, s.v. ~JDJ)] Expi. Ar: lVxawV una msTiyi nuerp mi mis ]nw ni3'nn l'linx1?! ir»'!?l AC ib. [cf. OHT Sab 56:17]; Y: XJTVnBD Sab ib.(BAYTN 283). KflSlSa n.f. a. the large vertical press stone through which a pole is inserted for turning and crushing olives, or: b. a stone or pottery vessel used to receive oil from the pressed olives (4- V-pD; MH ,13'IBB TBB 3:2) sg. BB 67b(12) [expl. MH Vbb Mib. 4:5] Geon. expl.: a. XTIp3 ^"yai XTX1J ,T3 yvi TOT XJ3X xn31B0 xroTBD XVI xri'T J'jnDl TGHark 86:12 [R. SemahA Gaon]; b. xijmi px ix win '^o xin xjoibb iiaVri 'wx mwTB» °7aai wiron nain wira mrf? nwyj xini jibdcii txjti D'^xyaw ]wbi lrfrltl JV! pW'IM ib. 105:3 [R. Hai Gaon], i.e. £_>L jLiia wide mouthed vase or cavity to receive pressed out juices Dozy 1:147; Lit: Lieb, TK 1:330; Y: NrDTBB BB ib.(BAYTN 283). Nfljnsa n.f. portion of the abdomen of an animal (4- Vi#$ns) sg. ... nnjnaa 'xa nnjnsa 'nai? j'SHBl X3'.l (the external stomach) is its m. What is its m. ? Where the butchers tear open (the animal's side) Hul 50b(19) Y: XfljnBa Hul ib.(BAYTN 283). BHSX5 adj. distinct (4- VtthD pa., pass.part; Sy rdi_T-£L>3 LS 609) pl.m. ]'«nsai ywip px'ja holy and distinct angels Bo 120:43 i# Nnnsa n.m. key (4- Vnns, xi'Vpx; ta xniiBa TJ Jud 3:25) sg. ,T13X1 H'*?!1? H'piDl X13J H'nriBB^ a man who locked his door and lost his key San 113a(59); XnriBB rb X10B1 XD'310B XTIH H'UV a certain tavern keeper who handed over a key to a pagan woman AZ 70b(13; J) [J (gloss): XT'jp'X]; pi. Xtmia '31 'nnsa the keys of the school Yev 113b(40) Y: 'nnsa Yev ib. 2#NnflBa n.m. opening, entrance (Sy rsLiiii ooiLajso opening of the gate LS 616) sg.cs. X33(l> XnnSMX X1BB rain on the entrance ofthegate5er59a(37) p'TSn adj. rightfully possessed (< MH2 plXlB 3 1263; cf. JudA, Nab piXX rightful heir JDS3 398, DNWSI 98) sg.m. b piXB ]"1J? X1H '13J? ]J1 'bS) n3y"7 this so-and-so, my slave, is still rightfully possessed by me in slavery SSHai 15b(4); ib. 7a(10)!; Git 86a(5) NTHXa, NTNXa, pi. NnK-TSa n.f. net, trap (4- VllX; JPA H1XB DJPA 324) pl.abs. pXB 101B V'S^B mia rinjnx 'IX^'J? they spread nets over their entire land from above San 109a(43; MGG 310:2); det. XfiXlXXB ib. NIXa, pi. 'lXa n.m. commandment, religious ceremony (backformation < BH, MH niXB HAL 588, J 823; 4- XfilXB; JPA miXB DJPA 325) sg. in niXB Men 44a(42); ,11Xa in (,T3) T35WX1 "?'Xin XJ'TIX 11XB ,T3 T3J7J since one commandment was performed with it, let us perform another one with it Ber 39b(30); pi. '1XB 'in two commandments Men 44a(42); '1XB I\lbl\ Suk 37b(18; M2HP 35:12) Lit: Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62(1999) 34+. NTl'SIXa, pi. KJl''31Xa n.f. shuttle, a woven fiber object (4- XTl'3'X) 1. shuttle: pi. Sab 105a(45) [expl. MH OiTp Mib. 13:1]; 2. a woven fiber object: pi. XJV31XB ^p mm' 31 PN used to pull out the woven objects ib. b(43); W>3B Xpl XJl"31Sa (the wind blew) and was mixing up the woven objects Suk 29a(10; Ar [AC 7:207, s.v. Dip]) Expl. Ar: 1. 13 ]'M0B1 Ifl^lt ja IX 3'0H ]0 W1X D'JIIXW '^S; 2. crt:n3i 0'T2 unix j'jnix isw O'p^n D'pi D'jp ]a 1'wiyw nuaix AC ib.; Lit: Rieger, Tech 3466; Krauss, TAr 1:566304. [Na"ixa4Wi#'ixvb.] KJllSa, abs. 1SB n.f. strife (4- V'X3; TA xfilifi TO Gen 13:7, Sy r^o^-ii LS 442, Ma XJTfim MD 277) sg.abs. isai U'JI quarrel and strife SSHai 5a(\\) Kmsa, pi. KriNISa n.f. commandment, religious ceremony (< BH, MH ,l]Sa HAL 588, J 823; 4- X1XB; JPA niisa DJPA 325) 1. commandment: sg. TOW! 'Jinxa the commandment of the Sabbath Ned 37b(6) [but v. OHP ib. 89:6]; Git 44a(44); Qid 30b(42); pi. xnxisax nnntxi ... xaa'i xnxisax n'intxi X'V'1?! he warned him on the commandments of the daytime/nighttime Pes 2a(24); 'am p'ipB pnp'l Xna'X3 rrmixa •O.yzb the Merciful One commanded us to perform His commandments with fear and to honor them Anan 12:13; 2. designated sacred use: sg. nmxaV pTU'X (the ember) was withdrawn (from the altar) for its designated sacred use Yom 46b(17) Y: xrnxa Pes ib.(BAYTN 194). NrODSa, KJTTtttta n.f. bench (4- X3BX'X; Sy ix'&'-nVyHa PSm 3361, > Arab iiL^. Fr, AF 21, JPA nn'31DD» det. DJPA 319) sg. 'D Xri3BXa '2/X3'X 'laxi a bench in ordinary speech [lit. as people say] Qid 70a (3 8; MGD 24:16) [eq. w. 4- xVdsd, XD'Bipx]; 113 'pVoi xnnDXOT xniu XrmtJXa1? stone slabs of the bench on which they go up to the bench Tarn 26b(21); X'llSX 3'ri'^ X1? Xn<3D)(yixax X1?! he should not sit either on a bed or on a bench Seel 110:31; '31 by Xip'1 Xn(3)DXa(X} (he should not place the Torah scroll) on the bench and read HG3 99:74(Var) Lit: Stl 121. l#'Sa vb. to wring out, suck (of blood; 4- Vptti; Sy 1# k\L>3 LS 398, Ma 2# XXa MD 277) Pe.: n«?J?a T3yp 01 'Xai ]V3 since he wrings out blood, he is performing an act Zev 65b(8; VI') Pa. to suck out (of blood) [cf. Sy oxi-M ,~-5i cnjj« PSm 2188]: 'Vx' ni'Stt'^ X1?! '3'H '3 so that the lizards should not suck blood out of it [i.e. the cow] Sab 54b(44); '-RP1 xai^ n'^ 'X»ai (the coals) suck out the blood (from the meat) and it is permitted TGAs28 183:12 Itpa. to be sucked out: HB1 'X»n'rT '3'H '3 2#'sa irfrx1? naH31 so that the animal's blood should be sucked out immediately HG3 120:12 2# 'Sa vb. to be able, overpower (4- V73'; Sy 2# k'^^s LS 398, Ma l#XXa pass.part. MD 276, Akk hiasu CAD M/l 345, mng. 1) Pe., pass.part. lsg. X3'Xa Tan 20b(51); 2m. n'xa RH 13a(35); 3m. 'SB Naz 5a(31); f. X'XB Yev 107a(38); lpl. ]rxa Tern 8a(22); 2m. lJTXa BM 97a(26); 3m. ixa BB 144a(3);- 1. to be able, can: a. alone: 1) pf.: irrtop rx1?'' xV 'xi lri'^sp wsa 'x had you been able, you should have accepted (the Torah). If not, you should not have accepted (it) Sab 88a(55); 2) pass.part. [v. Itpe.]: XTiyi!/ I'Vm "7'Xin XJ'Xa Xb since the (auspicious) time has passed I am unable (to do so) BQ 117b(8); X*7 J731X3 XrXB XD'C;3 xrxa I am unable (to master) four (orders of the Mishna). Am I able (to master all) six? BM 114b(8); b. w. fol. vb. or verbal clause [cf. Sy: oipA o u ^ t rf they were able to uproot Nold, SG § 337B; Satzlehre 185]: 1) pf. + inf.: 'XWBJX 'mplX1? 'Xxa XV I was unable to restrain myself BM 85b(37); XDl'ia X'nn X'lH iltySSD1? 1XD X*71 there was a certain city which they were unable to capture Tan 21a(46); San 29a(29); ib. 72b(35); 2) pass.part. a) w. part, [freq. usage]: 'XJiyi xriDB X3'XB I can direct my attention [i.e:'to concentrate] Ber 17b(40); Tan 20b(51); BM 103b(6); 13 mm n'XB can you retract? BB 84a(8); max n'XB 'B1 can you say ...? RH 13a(35); Yev 120b(19); BQ 117b(6); Men 25b(15); Bek llb(7); H'13m 1DX 'Xa H'Tl 1DX 'XB X1? he can prohibit his own. He cannot prohibit that of another Hul 40b(14); Mak 12b (5); AZ 36a(23); X1? '©IIJ W'lpB 'xa '2/1ip ©IJB 'XB he can indeed betroth. (However,) he cannot in any manner divorce Yev 113b (7); 'mil W1BX 1JVXB X1? you cannot say (he is liable for) two (things) Svu 25b(38); XjmnJ1? X11DB 'VtX 1XB they can go from GN to GN2 Mak 5a(30); Git 33b(ll); b) w. inf. [rare; cf. Ma: ... T'XBX1? ]in'X1XJ3 1X3'B DXirB they can do nothing in them MD ib.]: 13'B 'VODXX X3'XB X1? I cannot conceal myself from you BB 60a(16); IB'B1? 'XB inV he can say to them BQ 8b (14); ]J'XB X*71 n,!?1XXV we are unable to save him Hag 15b(18); Bes 35a(12); Ket 6b(12); ib. 69a(30); BM
T-V? 700 Knjr'sa 86a(31); XrOOB1? XrOOBB 131? 'DiarWX X3'XB X3X ^ 'B1BTWX W'XB X^ V1X I can transfer you from one tractate to another, (but) you cannot transfer me BM 97a(25); 2. to bear [w. "1\: a. load: DX n'HKT1? ,T3 'SB xVl Xfl'X if (the situation) is that he cannot bear it, let him put it down BM 80b (5); b. emotion: Xpir "lyBX'1?! XJ'XB Xs? I cannot bear that the baby should suffer Ket 61a(9); X3'XB X1? niBXT I cannot bear to take the trouble (to go to court) BQ 27b(40); 3. to overpower [w. "3; Ma xn3J 1'TXna IV'yxa Xin iy if you could overpower this man Gy 164:13; cf. JPA by DJPA 240, mng. 2]: Via Tl'XB nx did you overpower them? BM 83b(20; SM 63:11); ">b 'XB xb tf'JX no one can overcome me Bo 125:4 Af. 1. to make available: Xlp'ya mi 'XBX he made the money available from the beginning BB 48b(2; Stl 56:5) [but v. 4 V'Xn af, mng. 5]; 2. w. "tPBJ to make one's presence known [MH2 lBXy nx X'XBB Ar 30a(45)]: XTin 'B1E/ 71*7 'WX n'»M 'XBX1 (the Angel of Death) showed him the whips of fire and made his presence known (to him) MQ 28a(51); 7\yaob TVWtl 'xax he made his presence known for ordination San 14a(42); "3y T3 n'PM 'XBB1 he used to make his presence known among the poor Ket 67b(48); run iT^sj rrb 'xaai rrap mxi *?'ix he used to walk back and forth before him and would make his presence known to him Yom 8 7a (47); Sab 104a(21) Itpe. to be able: a. alone: XV bynb 'J73 X71X 'XB'X (the bird) came trying to enter (but) was unable Git 68b(29); x"?l n'JXB "iri'X1? "Tin'BV xy3 /T'XaX he wanted to return to bring his gear, but he was unable (to do) it BM 84a(41); b. w. fol. inf.: Xs? 'so rrws: 'aipix1? 'xa@'x ivy row iy 'ja'aV 'XB'X until sixteen cups (of wine) he was able to take care of himself. (When he drank) more he was unable to count Pes 11 Ob (21; V); "\tT {(Hll'ina "UOV 'XB'X XV (the pagan) was unable to walk with the Jew Ket 62a(21; V5); Er 13a(36); Ned 89b(19) Lit: Satzlehre 184. In light of the use in this rt. of the Pe. pass.part. in both Sy and Ma, the same usage would be expected in JBA. Note, however, the extremely rare plene spellings in JBA w. ate/[e.g. p^DO 'XXE Pes 6a(6)] as well as the voc. 'S3 HOP 21b:24; ib. 27b:21; X*xS ib. 44b:39; etc. which point to an act. part. ]'?Xa adj. exceptional (< MH2 1'IXB J 1277) pl.m. 'J'XB 'lilE/ exceptional witnesses (in their honesty) TGAs42 23:22 NJ/'Xa, nKJ/'Xa adj. middle, intermediate (4 Vyxa, nxyx'B, xnjrxs; QA xyxa xy-m nj 1:13 [ATTME 96], TA nxy'XB TO Ex 26:28) I. adj. sg.m. xy'XB XS1BX xyxa XIXT the middle row (of the crocus and) the middle leaf (of it) Nid 20a(38); nxy'XB XI medial waw BMsG 19:33; f. Xnysa XTl^a the average [lit. the middle thing] BB 107a(21); Git 55b(48); pl.m. pi' yrbn 'Xy'XB the thirty middle days BQ 112b(39); II. n.: sg.m. xibiii n'Yry xyxai 'xnn xn(')(im n'Y7'y the widest (coin) on the bottom, the middle-sized one upon it, and the smallest one upon it 5A/25a(39); nxy'XB nxroi Yin 'J"J3 mbr\ nxb'J/ there are three phases of construction: the lower one, the middle one, and the upper one Sab 102b(25); 'y'SB Bava Mesi'a [lit. the middle portion (of Tractate Neziqin)] TGAs33 223:9; ib. 10; 11; pl.m. 'Xy'XB the intermediate (dates) [i.e. neither sweet nor bitter] AZ 38b(47); X7Y>'B "?3 xb 'xyxa ('nax) 'xnroji 'XBp 'nbn '33 'naxmn ''"iax (concerning) any matter that is said by a group of (at least) three (tradents), we state the (names of) the first and last (tradents). We do not state the middle ones Naz 56b(42); Ber 18b(51); Pes 8a(33); f. XTlxyxa the middle (fasts) Tan 13b(46); ib. 14a(21); XIiy'XB 'jmx the four middle (cubits) Er 50b(5; M) Y: 'Ky'XO Sab 102b(25; BAYTN 58). NJIiySM n.f. middle part (4 VyXB) sg.cs. xai' my'XB3 in the middle of the day Hul 60a(2; MGG 599:3) XJIV'SD n.f. middle part or section, common fund (4 xy'XB adj., XJTyX'B; Sy rdii^-bo LS 399) 1. middle part or section: a. general: sg. X»m XTiy'XB the middle of (the sick person's) head Git 67b (24); nxri'B n'Tiy'XB JI3 ,1TX' T'jyV as to (its) formation, (the embryo) is formed from its middle [i.e. of the body] Yom 85a(37; M) // Sot 45b(44; Ed); b. esp. of a Mishna or a barraita [* Xti'1, XS1D]: sg. XTiy'XB 'B'X recite the middle part Sab 58b(15); Ket 23b(13); Qid 63a(40); Hul j»xa 701 nipa 94b(8); Kar llb(31); XTiy'XBl Xn'3 XB101 XBT1 X'2/p the first and last clauses are clear. The middle clause is difficult Sab 54a(38); Er 69b(19); Yom 15a(19); BQ 50a(28); AZ 43a(4); Hul 94b(23); Men 107b(32); 2. common fund: sg. ]3 xj-ip xnyxas xnp 'Vs -a 'bs xjx "xtoi X31BB ]y I, NN b. NN2. have placed in the common fund (of the partnership) capital of such-and-such an amount of money SSHai 9b(7); TGAs33 210:10 The same mngs. are found for i XW8; Y: NJIjrxa Sab ib.(BAYTN 173). ■pxa 4 Vi#pix vb. ySS vb. to pass between (4 yXBX3, 'yX'B '3, nxyx'a, xnys'a, xyxa, xmysa, xnyxa, xmS'B; Sy ^_io LS 399) Pa.: 'XB 'JTSBB 'XI if they pass between (these unclean animals) what (should they do)? Pes llla(23; V14) [I V2#'XS pe.]; rm nm in1? xysan nri'3 •>m two people between whom a menstruous woman has passed ib. 24(V14) ySM vb. to suck, absorb (1 Vl# 'SB; Sy^-ib LS 398, Ma fXB MD 277) Pe. ( /u) 1. to suck: a. mother's milk: yt Xin "Ip'B f'Xa ifrl Xpir 'Xn pxa n'ais D'xn iy ... n'ais the mouth of an infant which cannot suck has completely cooled down When its mouth warms up it will suck Sab 134a(27); ln'TB n'XBT "in 'ltf> 'in look at these breasts of mine from which you sucked BB 9b(26; F2); b. blood: 1) of a bite: n'ty m'TY-Xl n'J'B nsai (the she-gnat) settled on him and sucked (his blood) from him Hul 58b(7; V11); 2) of circumcision: Xin n33D Y"'B x'jT XW1X 'Xn a circumciser who does not suck (the blood) is a danger Sab 133b(33; V); c. marrow: XB1J pa'1?! let him suck (the marrow of) the bone Sab 109b(22; Rashi); 2. to absorb: 'nan1? inV 'X"B1 (the jugs) used to absorb their wine AZ 32a(8); TGAs42 160:10; 'BD T'XB x"?l XTpa lBn they coat (a wine jug) with bitumen, and it does not absorb much5M40a(51; F1); XX''B ib. 52(F') [Pa. to suck: f'Xa1? Sab 109b(22) (v. Pe., mng. lc)] Af. to give to suck, nurse: 'BB n'V XXBB1 she gives him [i.e. her son] much to suck Ket 60b(49); IVY? X^Bpi jinV X3XBB [X3^""j;i -] Xi^'Xl I go in, nurse them, and kill them (with the poison on the teats) AZ 26a(38; St2 562:11) Itpe. to be sucked out: 'XXB'B Xp iTBYJM is (the urine) sucked out of its [i.e. the ass's] body? Bek 7a(51; V9) l#1Xa vb. to mark or delineate a boundary (denom. < 4 l#Xira; Ma 2#ixa MD 277) Pe. (a/ ): 'Xn3 nxa n'1? ixan he marked the outer borders BB 61b(l; P1); DWB nTO 11'yBPX 'XI ixa'B1? n'^ nvna m "?3X rcb nxa'a1? n'b mn x"?t n'1? ]'3T n'VlS X»'X nxa X"?l n'V if he informed us about a field, since he did not have to delineate its boundaries (it is not all sold.) But since he should have delineated the boundaries of a house and did not do so, I would say that he sold all of it ib. 29 2#"1S» vb. to stretch (I 2#X"IX'a; Sy i^s etpa. LS 400, Ma l#-ixa to torment MD 277) Itpe. to stretch o.s. out: XJTXB'a Xp niXB'X I am merely stretching myself out AZ 70b (3 3) [Var: XnxaB Xp mxax Ar [AC 5:221], xi<-i>(i}xaa xp '(-i)nma;x Rashi); 'atya mxax XriXBB Xp BB 6b(34; EsAr [AC ib.]) Lit: Koh, AC 5:221; Eps, Stl 8; id., PLA 209. Nixa 4- x-ira, xnxya n. nNisa i nx-ix'B adj. N3j?a n.m. perh. hammer/awl (4 VapJ; cf. Sy r^-f n-w awl 445) sg. X3paV n'2?'T 'am one whose head resembles a hammer/awl Bek 43b(9) [expl. MHRpBMib. 7:1] NJV73j?a n.f. type of demon (4- xV3'p) sg. Bo 106:5 07j?a 4 Dip prep. NBnpa n.m. the Temple (4 XEftpB '3, V»np; TA xi&np6 TO Lev 21:12, Sy rdi-a-n-ii LS 649) sg. XBnpa1? XJlb the log-measure for the Temple Pes 109a(23); HVipth n'3inXT "Xn the one who destroyed the Temple Yom 69b(17; E1) The phrase KWIj?a 'Mil' iTTUOraO Zev 54a(ll), quoted as a Targum in the name of Levi, is found in TO Gen 49:27 [v. FLT 2:62]); Y: Ntftj?8 Zev ib.(BAYTN 219). mpa 4 Vnip vb.
S TOO K^'XB 86a(3i); xrooa"? xrooaa 137 'Bianttfx xrxa xjx '7 'B1BTWX WXB X7 V1X I can transfer you from one tractate to another, (but) you cannot transfer me BM 97a(25); 2. to bear [w. "3]: a. load: DX ,T'12;'7 n'3 'XB xVt XJVX if (the situation) is that he cannot bear it, let him put it down BM 80b(5); b. emotion: XpiJ' iyBX'71 XJ'XB X1? I cannot bear that the baby should suffer Ket 61a(9); XJ'Xa X7 muXT I cannot bear to take the trouble (to go to court) BQ 27b(40); 3. to overpower [w. "3; Ma X13J J'TXm JV'yXB Xin iy if you could overpower this man Gy 164:13; cf. JPA 73' DJPA 240, mng. 2J: 1H3 JTXB T1X did you overpower them? BM 83b(20; SM 63:11); '7 'XB X7 P'JX no one can overcome me 5o 125:4 Af. 1. to make available: Xnp'yB 'TIT 'XBX he made the money available from the beginning BB 48b(2; Stl 56:5) [but v. 4- V'Xl af., mng. 5]; 2. w. "tPBJ to make one's presence known [MH2 iaxy xix x'xaa Ar 30a(45)]: xtm 'bie; n'7 'inx .T1PM 'X8X1 (the Angel of Death) showed him the whips of fire and made his presence known (to him) MQ 28a(51); n3'BD7 iTPBJ 'XBX he made his presence known for ordination San 14a(42); "jy 'J'3 iTWSJ 'XBB1 he used to make his presence known among the poor Ket 67b(48); nm H'WBJ T7 'XBB1 .TBp 'J1X1 7'TX he used to walk back and forth before him and would make his presence known to him Yom 87a(47); Sab 104a(21) Itpe. to be able: a. alone: X7 7y'B7 'jn XJ1X 'XB'X (the bird) came trying to enter (but) was unable Git 68b(29); X71 H'JXB "1JTX7 TTiTB7 Xy3 rT'XBX he wanted to return to bring his gear, but he was unable (to do) it BM 84a(41); b. w. fol. inf.: X7 'SB ,T»M 'BipixV 'XB@'X TV? TilW iy 'JB'B7 'XB'X until sixteen cups (of wine) he was able to take care of himself. (When he drank) more he was unable to count Pes 110b(21; V1); '-IIP' fininm "UD7 'XB'X X7 (the pagan) was unable to walk with the Jew Ket 62a(21; V5); Er 13a(36); AW89b(19) Lit: Satzlehre 184. In light of the use in this rt. of the Pe. pass.part, in both Sy and Ma, the same usage would be expected in JBA. Note, however, the extremely rare plene spellings in JBA w. alef[e.g. p'brM 'XKO Pes 6a(6)] as well as the voc. 'iS HGP 21b:24; ib. 27b:21; X'xS ib. 44b:39; etc. which point to an act. part. J»?Xa adj. exceptional (< MH2 1'IXB J 1277) pl.m. 'J'XB 'inw exceptional witnesses (in their honesty) TGAs42 23:22 KJT'SB, nKJPXa adj. middle, intermediate (4 Vyxa, nxyx'a, xnyxa; QA xyxa xyin NJ 1:13 [ATTME 96], TA HXyXB TO Ex 26:28) I. adj. sg.m. Xy'XB XB1BX Xy'XB XIXT the middle row (of the crocus and) the middle leaf (of it) Nid 20a(38); nxy'XB xi medial waw BMsG 19:33; f. XflyXB X717B the average [lit. the middle thing] BB 107a(21); Git 55b(48); pl.m. |'BV ]'Ji7Ji 'Xy'XB the thirty middle days BQ 112b(39); II. n.: sg.m. xiDin rrfry xyxai 'x;in xnonm n'17'y the widest (coin) on the bottom, the middle-sized one upon it, and the smallest one upon it BM 25a(39); nxy'XB rUMtfl lin 'J"M nr)7/l nX7'y there are three phases of construction: the lower one, the middle one, and the upper one Sab 102b(25); 'yXB Bava Mesi'a [lit. the middle portion (of Tractate Neziqin)] TGAs33 223:9; ib. 10; 11; pl.m. 'Xy'XB the intermediate (dates) [i.e. neither sweet nor bitter] AZ 38b(47); XJ17'B 73 X7 'xyxa ("nax> 'x-insi 'xap 'nVn '33 'naxjrm "")DX (concerning) any matter that is said by a group of (at least) three (tradents), we state the (names of) the first and last (tradents). We do not state the middle ones Naz 56b(42); Ber 18b(51); Pes 8a(33); f. XDXyXB the middle (fasts) Tan 13b(46); ib. 14a(21); XTiyXB '5?3nx the four middle (cubits) Er 50b(5; M) Y: 'N^'SB Sab 102b(25; BAYTN 58). NrnjT'Sp n.f. middle part (4- VyXB) sg.cs. XBV niyXB3 in the middle of the day Hul 60a(2; MGG 599:3) NJiy'Sp n.f. middle part or section, common fund (4 xy'XB adj., xnyX'B; Sy rd-LL^n LS 399) 1. middle part or section: a. general: sg. XBPT7 XTiy'XB the middle of (the sick person's) head Git 67b(24); "lXIl'a H'TiyXB ]B m'X' ]"JJ77 as to (its) formation, (the embryo) is formed from its middle [i.e. of the body] Yom 85a(37; M) // Sot 45b(44; Ed); b. esp. of a Mishna or a barraita [* XB7'"I, XS1D]: sg. xnyxa 'a'X recite the middle part Sab 58b(15); Ket 23b(13); £W63a(40); Hul yxa 701 mpa 94b(8); Kar llb(31); XJiy'XBl Xn'J XB101 Xtf'"l X'Wp the first and last clauses are clear. The middle clause is difficult Sab 54a(38); Er 69b(19); Yom 15a(19); BQ 50a(28); AZ 43a(4); Hul 94b(23); Men 107b(32); 2. common fund: sg. p X31p XJiy'XB3 Klip '7B 13 '7D XJX "X1W1 X31BB pi I, NN b. NN2, have placed in the common fund (of the partnership) capital of such-and-such an amount of money S$Hai 9b(7); TGAs33 210:10 The same mngs. are found for 4 XnyX'B; Y: Xnjf'XB Sab ib.(BAYTN 173). fXa I Vl# fllX Vb. JfXa vb. to pass between (i yxBX3, 'yX'S '3, nxyx'a, xnyx'a, xyxa, xmyxa, xnyxa, xmx'a; Sy j.^3 LS 399) Pa.: 'XB 'yxaa 'XI if they pass between (these unclean animals) what (should they do)? Pes llla(23; V14) [4- V2#'XD pe.]; m'3 nwx vf? xyxaT nn'3 'an two people between whom a menstruous woman has passed ib. 24(V14) pa vb. to suck, absorb (4 Vl#'XB; Sy^Jbb LS 398, Ma pxa MD 277) Pe. ( /u) 1. to suck: a. mother's milk: yi X1H np'B T'Xa X7T XpU' 'XH yxa H'BIB D'Xn TO ... rrmB the mouth of an infant which cannot suck has completely cooled down When its mouth warms up it will suck Sab 134a(27); ITTB fl'XBT "in '3H7 'in look at these breasts of mine from which you sucked BB 9b(26; F2); b. blood: 1) of a bite: n'7y TU'n'Xl H'l'B riXBl (the she-gnat) settled on him and sucked (his blood) from him Hul 58b(7; V11); 2) of circumcision: Xin n»D T"B X7T X3B1X 'X,T a circumciser who does not suck (the blood) is a danger Sab 133b(33; V); c. marrow: XB11 flB'71 let him suck (the marrow -of) the bone Sab 109b(22; Rashi); 2. to absorb: 'nan1? 1,17 'X"B1 (the jugs) used to absorb their wine AZ 32a(8); TGAs42 160:10; 'BD f'XB X71 XTp3 lBn they coat (a wine jug) with bitumen, and it does not absorb much 5M40a(51; F1); XX"B ib. 52(F') [Pa. to suck: T'XB7 Sab 109b(22) (v. Pe., mng. lc)] Af. to give to suck, nurse: 'BB n'7 XXBB1 she gives him [i.e. her son] much to suck Ket 60b(49); ]in7 X37Bpi jinV XJXBB [X3V"yi -] X37'X1 I go in, nurse them, and kill them (with the poison on the teats) AZ 26a(38; St2 562:11) Itpe. to be sucked out: 'XXB'B Xp .TSUB is (the urine) sucked out of its [i.e. the ass's] body? Bek 7a(51; V9) l#1Xa vb. to mark or delineate a boundary (denom. < 4- l#xnX'B; Ma 2#ixa MD 277) Pe. (a/ ): 'X13 nXB n'7 -IXBT he marked the outer borders BB 61b(l; P'); DWB ,TO jryBWX 'XI ixb'B7 n'7 mma ri'3 73X n'7 nxa'B1? n'7 mn xVt ■T7 ]'3T ,T713 X»'X 1XB X71 n'7 if he informed us about a field, since he did not have to delineate its boundaries (it is not all sold.) But since he should have delineated the boundaries of a house and did not do so, I would say that he sold all of it ib. 29 2#1Sa vb. to stretch (4- 2#X1X'B; Sy i^^w etpa. LS 400, Ma 1#1XB to torment MD 277) Itpe. to stretch o.s. out: XITXB'B Xp '"VIXB'X I am merely stretching myself out AZ 70b(33) [Var: XJnXBB Xp 'TIXBX Ar [AC 5:221], X3<T)n,XBB Xp '0>(ima;x Rashi); 'B7y3 '"I1XBX xnxaa xp BB 6b(34; EsAr [AC ib.]) Lit: Koh, AC 5:221; Eps, Stl 8; id., PLA 209. tnxa 4- xnx'a, xixya n. ns-isa 4- nxnx'B adj. K3{?a n.m. perh. hammer/awl (4- V3pJ; cf. Sy ■^•f ""T awl 445) sg- Wprf? Wl 'BTT one whose head resembles a hammer/awl Bek 43b(9) [expl. MH ]3pB Mib. 7:1] n.f. type of demon (4 X73'p) sg. Bo 106:5 Dip prep. K^lpa n.m. the Temple (4 XtiipB '3, ^tip; TA xfeipS TO Lev 21:12, Sy rdL^-oLib LS 649) sg. X2HpB7 XJ17 the log-measure for the Temple Pes 109a(23); XB/lpB7 n'3inxi "X,1 the one who destroyed the Temple Yom 69b(17; E1) The phrase SBTpB '33/1' ilVUDmo Zev 54a(ll), quoted as a Targum in the name of Levi, is found in TO Gen 49:27 [v. FLT 2:62]); Y: X«HpB Zev ib.(BAYTN 219). mpa 4 Vnip vb.
pfrg . ™ _jmvm [Kmpil I xnnp n.] pipa, AWE n.m. measure, cup (< Mir *makok [cf. MP makog boat CPD 53; Sy \jcui2», ^>c^k, rdo«_a_>3 LS 400, > Arab sJL Fr, AF 207) sg. pipa #<73 398:2 = J13B #P 39:3 [= GeonH Jipa HR 32:24] Lit: AAC 255, s.v. KflDO; on the semantic connection between 'boat' and 'measure,' v. I 2#N3"IK; on the size of the rnukkuk in Islamic sources, v. Hinz, IMG 44. [NTIpM 4- l#X-npn.] Nllttpa n.m. perh. a cloak (< Lat amictorium Lehnw 349; JPA Tl»pa DJPA 326, MH ]7lt?pa J 830) sg. -pV "plDpai iy while your cloak is still on you AZ 58b (27) Y: TJlDpS AZ ib. 'apa 4- '»p prep. (-)nspa 4- xmp n. ppa n.m.abs. type of worm (etym. unkn.) sg. 'IB'On ppa an w.-worm of books Sab 90a(46) Geon. expl.: onBO /Miy'tolDB XVI Tftfrm TRN 622:7; Y: ppa Sab ib. 'JNlpa n.m.pl. cold liquids (4- Vl#Tlp; Sy rdi-Loib water cooler LS 689) MXnpa XTVmb ]m ptB'BI to drink cold liquids with which to cool himself TGHark 207:14 3"1pa adj. close, related (4- Vsnp pa., pass.part; cf. Akk qurrubu [stative] close, near CAD Q 239) 1. close: a. general: 1) spatial: sg.m. X1H3 XflB^ 3"lpBn a river which is close to a town Er 55b(43); Ket 100a(8); 'tya 3npan nasi the closer (the fringe) is (to the edge of the garment) the better (it is) Men 42a(18); Hul 107a(8); Sot 4a(36) [* 4- pma]; 1,T3'» in 'ai8? lipa it is closer to one of them BM 7a(37); AnanSch 27:26; HP 81:31; f. Divf? X3npBl X71XB X3'X (if) there is a town which is close to there MQ 12a(4); Git 6b(i4); pl.m. 'rroen xmVs m X33"7 wmpai '3"n you are closer to the exilarch's court where judges are ubiquitous BB 65a(21); Sab 37b(34); nD'p '3"lpB1 x"7T'X a net whose knots are close together Hul 51b(34) [v. Geon 270+; 4- Vpin pa.]; 2) temporal: sg.m. Nil '3Tip Kin X^Bp 13 XnSlin iT^D'p'1 3"lpa abl he is a man deserving execution, (but the time of) his execution is surely not so close San 81b(7); f. pnpan 'Jn these (two acts) which are close together (in time) Men 14b(17); Sab 104a(35) [4- lSXn'j'B mng. 7]; Zev 118b(29); b. in phrase "•lib -Jljn X3ipa to be fond of s.t. [4- Vaip itpa., mng. 1]: Xpir 'TIT '3A1? ,TTiyi X31paT a child who is fond of money Git 40a(52); Qid 8b(26); 2. related: sg.m. n-aib 'BB n'V 3"lpBn ]XB the one who is most closely related to her (deceased) husband Anan 109:5; 'BB X331pB XJX I am more closely related BB 33a(14); 3. immediate: sg.f. 1J3 XJn'3P XJX 'XTTJnX N3"ipai XJT3 I am usually at home and the benefit from me is immediate Ket 67b (40; V5) Geon. expl.: roipna p myo xini asanas nxbjw 's-ip'a 'ottbi piTptt 7IDX3 JIW 'Slpa W1TB1 Geon 270:11; Y: 3ipa fler 44b(38). 'IpB n.m. elementary school teacher (4- Vl# 'lp pe., mng. 5; af, mng. 3; cf. Sy rdLi-L&ia teacher of reading LS 691) sg. X3X 13 N"n 'YJ mn wp1? »m nna npa pn was pn2's son's elementary school teacher Ket 8b(12) // ib. lllb(46) Y: "!j?a Ket ib. — 'j?TVT '"IpD n.m. elementary school teacher (lit. one who teaches reading/Scripture to children; 4- pm, l#Xip; Ma xnpXB x'pmn(n)n) MD 251) sg. 'pm npa xmn 'pi:'3 }>VB mm xnx 31 ,TT7K1 an elementary school teacher whom PN forbade (to teach) because he used to harm (molest?) the children Git 36a(8) // Mak 16b(14) // Bek 46a(5); Tan 24a(47); 'pmi npB H3 XT1?! XJ1B a town where there is no elementary school teacher Ket 103b(44) [Var: p3T npa Fr]; XJX 'pTIT npa n'ny 'Ja3 "J? 'Jab xanpai I am an elementary school teacher, and I teach the children of the poor to read like the children of the rich Tan 24a(48); O'-UT 'pm npa 'X,l a certain elementary school teacher who is learned BB 21a(38); Yev 21b(9); BM 97a(20) // ib. 109a(47) // BB 21b(10) [in a list of professions]; pi. 'JH yTH npa '1T13 a pair of elementary school teachers BB 21a(41); Dec 3:2 [in a salutatory address] Y: npa Mak 16b(14; He); npa G;< 36a(8; Mo 85). 'pia: '1P» 703 xaia t : - - 'pi3J '"lpa n.m. teacher of children (4- xpir) sg. 'pir niyam pwy 'pir npa -p the limit for a teacher of children is twenty-five children BB 21a(37); 'piJ' npa 3'3W 11D1? in the end, the teacher of children died Git 66a(45); pi. npai X31D 'p^'1? in1? mai nn»TB» 'pir concerning the teachers of children whom you described who hit the children a lot Geon 119:23 Y: 'pir nj?a Git ib. — yBfi/ Jl?!p '"!pa n.m. teacher of the sema' prayer (4- Vl#np af.) sg. Er 36b(19) NJ^plpa n.m. immovable property, real estate (4- X^DVea) a. general: sg. ... Tl xVt XJTpnpa T3T xyplpa immovable property [i.e. real estate], movable property [i.e. slaves] BB 150a(30; TGAs42 149:20); pi. TOTTOn ]VD laXT 'yplpBT in'rya since (the movable objects) are available they are considered as real estate San 29b(48); 'an 'J/pipa3 X135? a slave is considered as real estate BQ 12a(20) // Yev 99a(34); pm nb irpn 'ypnpan nc;x n3iriD the scholars instituted that a woman's ketubba is (guaranteed by) real estate BB 150b(16); Ket 87b(46); b. pi. * no'jDB movable objects: BQ 112b(43); Ket 68b(35); Qid 22b(31); San 29b(43); Ara 29a(38); HP 103:30; SSHai 4a(19); TG/ZarA: 93:18 Voc: 'Vjrijto HPP 240:17; HGP 17a:5; Y: 7pipa Ket 78b(39). NHlpa n.m. cooled object (4- Vl#1"lp pa., pass. part.) pi. mpa BB I9a(45) [4 xaana] riNB^pa adj. (uncertain) sg.m. nXWpa DnBX BM 87a(17) Y: riOTpa BM ib.(BAYTN 324). ia 4- xna n. lSK'na n.m. spade, blow of spade (< Akk marru spade, shovel CAD M/l 287, AIOA 70; Sy rr--l^>, rtkrdn LS 400, > Arab ji Fr, AF 86) 1. spade: a. general: sg. VWIpy Xna (')Cl)n"X '"73'1? he brought a spade (and) uprooted the cynodons Hul 105b(29; V11); n'SJlDX Xia •'Tt mn he was carrying a spade on his shoulder Meg 28a(16); xmn max mV 'Vpi roast them [i.e. the olive stones] upon a new spade AZ 28a(30); Git 70a(2); N"7'3T1 Xia a spade and a basket Er 35a(46); Tan 21b(20); SM 103b(36); San 96b(44); xrsm N"ia a spade and an ax Er 77b(3); mi3pV Xnai XT'1? XlOin XJ'S?3 I need a staff for (my) hand and a spade for (my) burial [i.e. a son to support me and to bury me] Ket 64a(20) // Yev 65b(45); pi. xnnn n3J inna npsa nn xbt boi X713D they used to deposit their spades each day with a certain old woman BM 36a(38); 'J'Xm na AZ 16a(8); b. parts: 4- X7UBX, X1B, XrBip, 2# XJ'Dltf, 1# XnsTO; 2. blow of a spade: sg. Vs 'xynxV ,tV n'sna xp nna npi xnai xna you weaken my field with every blow of the spade that you strike BB 17b(26) [cf. TGAs28 198b:2] Note that marru is mentioned together w. zabillu and fjassinnu also in Akk texts [v. CAD Z 6; M/l 287]; Y: NIB &j6 102b(31; BAYTN 5). 2# Kia*, cs. *ia 4- n naa prep. [3#tna 4- i#xixian.] KW^aia n.f. foster mother (4- Vl#'3"l, X'ana; Ma KJX'axna foster father MD 278; cf. Sy rfX ; \ i Si^a LS 708, JPA '3"3na DJPA 327) sg. 'Xin n'ru"3ia X<')ninn that one was his foster mother Qid 31b(23) [Var: xn"33na Ar [AC 5:239]) Y: rrrirTia Qid ib. Nnyaia n.f. resting place, womb (4- Vl# 3?31, '3 Xtnjysna, s.v. l#xn'3 mng. 6i; Sy r^\ StJw sheepfold, womb LS 709, Ma 3# X3"ixa lair MD 252) 1. resting place (of an animal): sg. n'lVBI ACT'S H'tt/nn Xn5?3iai the resting place of its [i.e. the newborn aurochs'] head is a parasang and a half Zev 113b(22); 2. womb: sg. X/UT X'.TI ^•np1? rf?n' xVi nnyana bj? nvna xaVn ]3'i^"n nV XniSI Xny'31? we are concerned that perhaps that hen was struck on its womb, could not carry the egg, and (prematurely) laid it HG3 190:24; ib. 191:26 Y: Xriys-ia Zev ib.(BAYTN 283). Nina n.m. meadow (< Mir *marg [< Av mareya-, > Armen marg; cf. NP mary species of grass PED 1216]; Sy i^iii meadow 402, Ma Xlixa verdure, > Arab £> Fr, AF 129, PLAr 246; 4- Xl'TIB) sg. WJIS Tern 18a(21; V10) [Var: in"l'1ia Ar (AC 5:239)]; injnB M] Lit: Koh, AC ib.; Geig, AAC 267.
josiana 704 **VQ wsma (< xjbu nax* < xjbu nay) J- xnay n. [sn'Vana, Pi. NirVana n.f. pearl (4- xrvjina; TA fViina" pi. TJ is 54.12) pi. xnx'^na 'apj '3 between the cavities of the pearls Nid 62a(22; GCG 115:4) The form w. lamed occurs in all the Western A dialects [v. DJPA 327], but in JBA it is prob. a corruption of 4- XJI'MTD influenced by the common MH form Tfhna; Y: xri^JIS BB 133b(16).] Kri'Saia n.f pearl (< MPar margarit ISK 94; 4- vnhv\a\ Sy r^dLj-i-J^v^ LS 402, Ma l#XriX'J(X):rixa pi. MD 252, Gr uctpyapiiTK Lehnw 351, > Arab jU.Ji Fr, AF 59) a. general: sg. xri'jna xnn &* l I9a(22); ,T3 nswxi mjnpi XJl'Wna he tore it open [i.e. the fish] and found a pearl in it ib. 25; BQ 62a(33); BB 133b(16); 'Tin XB'jX iT'IEH XJl'Hna a pearl which is worth one thousandzuzim ib. 146a(22; Es); Qid2&o(l); 'mxto Tpl Xpl one who pierces a pearl ib. 33a(6); Sab 90a(22); AW 62a(22); pi. 'TOItfX 'mna Vy yam they found it [i.e. the monkey] lying on pearls Ned 50b(5); ]poa 'XOnB '31 XJVJna pearls were brought up from GN (by divers) RH 23a(34; M) [L: XTT'^na]; 3P XriX'Wia seven pearls Ket 85b(2; HGP 44a:37); b. in a metaph. sense: 1) for a valuable object: XBOn 'b X33'iT1 TT'Ta XJl'jna D'pJ he holds a pearl in his hand, and I shall give him a shell (instead of it)! Qid 18a(40); 2) of a profound teaching: sg. Yev 92b(28) [+ //'s; * I l#XB0n mng. 2]; Fev 94a(34); 3) for a special prayer: sg. *7333 xrnna "jxiaK/i an tf> u'pn ]ax PN and pn2 instituted a pearl [i.e. the UJPTiJTl-prayer] for us in Babylonia Ber 33b(28; P); 4) (uncertain): Sab 140b (31) [Rashi: teats] Y: XJV:p» Ber ib.(BAYTN 279). 7T.a vb. to rebel, become insubordinate (4- 1# xnma; Sy njb* to rebel, escape LS 402, Ma na MD 278) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to rebel: X13y "73 rfrxa Xnj7© XH3 "nai any slave who rebels at this time will be successful BB 3b(40); 'XTLT "p. 1TIB the Jews have rebelled against you Git 56a(7); ib. 57a(17); RH 4a(15); Meg 12a(21); 1'TWI T&0 finnan XXITTJ rI?5?"' payi they deviate, rebel, and transgress the decree of their master Bo 1:9; 2. to become insubordinate, defiant: Vox Wpb 2Tn TiaT iy PN used to eat (that food) until he became insubordinate Ber 44a(18; F) [v. OHT ib. 99:8]; 3. to run away: nrxmp tf? ypB mnan ]T3 as soon as (the hen) ran away its holiness departed from it Hul 139a(25) Itpe. 1. to rebel, flee: 7W1 TT3^ xVTXl XTia'X she rebelled (against her husband) and went to her family home BM 84b(8) [4- Vna itpe., mng. 2]; Yev 108a(29); Ket 63b(27); ib. 57b(15); 2. to become insubordinate, defiant: ]TJ\n x"?l xrn n"s x"?i nna'an ny n'oa':^ we do not confiscate his property until he becomes insubordinate and does not obey the judgment TGHark 112:9; ib. 13; 19; TGAs42 102:16 Lit: S. Friedman, Melammed Vol 1659 [Itpe., mng. 1]. 1# N*na n.m. a bird (Sy rc'^io-So a species of dove LS 403) sg. Hul 62b(16); ib. 26 [equated w. 4- xaaxn xViu-in] Lit: Low, ZA 22(1909) 86+; Y: Klip Hul ib.(BAYTN 88). 2#N1ia n.m. bread shovel (4- Vl#'TI; MH ,1-na J 837) sg. Tan 25a(6; V2l[gloss]) [3#Nna 4-2#xman.] BPWTI'? nm- marjoram (Origanum majorana; 4- pltfaiP; cf. MP marzangos CPD 54; Sy x-cv-\3fU» LS 403, Arab JySjJ1 Siggel 67) sg. WUTia U'aipaa mix 1'llp pwa'Wl s. is called m. in our place [i.e. in the vernacular] TGAs28 167b:4 Lit: Flora 2:84, 96. 1# KTHT1B n.f. rebellion (4- Vina; TA nrrlTia TJ IS 20:30,'Sy K'&ca-Uw ls 403. Ma 2#Xn'TlXa MD 253) sg. Ned 65a(8) Y: ,T7)VnB Aferf ib.(BAYTN 205). 2#N1VIT1» n.f. chastisement (4- Vl#'Tl; Sy r^'on-u^ LS 714) sg. nanpn xrrnna mmnna his chastisement is the chastisement of battle 5o 78:4 JU^na n.m. spindle (Vjnn; Sy rdn-Usb LS 715, > Arab u& Wehr 335) pi. 'mail XlSinBT '3113 'maa IBraV 'EU payi bundles of cotton and goat's hair which women make to weave on spindles TRN 588:2 Lit: Eps, Stl 7315. una t : 705 ma XTia n.m. marjoram {Origanum maru; < MP marw herb CPD 54; Sy rc'oiJsb LS 403, Ma xnxa f. MD 253) in phrase NlVn X1*1B white marjoram (Origanum maru L.\ caique < MP marw T sped AAC 266; 4- pitiaW; Sy rCo-vi* k4Ajo BBah infra, Ma X'XnXI'n Xinxa MD ib.) sg. Sab 109b(13) [expl. BH 31TX Lev 14:4] Cf. Sy: .'Ail « Y aire* O-u ..joeo if m \ \j? \ Tire* ... KVi-iw iomrcL»sT-io rdJT-ort'c. . n *n^ BBah 1153:25; Lit: Flora 2:95+; Y: XDD Sab ib.fBAYTN 88) S31"ia n.m. type of evil spirit (etym. unkn.) pl.abs. ]'3na'1 Bo 80:6; p(l){'na ib. 33:18; 64:25 Lit: MSF 116 [The connection w. Sy rt'i-io-Ua AMB 1:9 should be rejected]. N'ana n.f. wet nurse (4- Vi# 'an, xnr'ana) sg. HM 41:9 [expl. by ^jl ib.] N'Tna n.m. (uncertain) sg. TWITbl X'mnas BM 87a(47) In Meg 16b(33; Ed) this word is not found in any of the mss. or in the early commentaries [v. DS, ad loc, n. 1]. The mng. of this nautical (?) term is discussed in detail by Sperber, Nautica 53. Nfinna n.f. fan (4- Vmn; Sy r^Ziucri^a pi. fans LS 719) sg. xnmna p3TJ '»'ta GC 47:2 [expl. MH XEtfa MKel 16:7 and expl. ib. by Arab Lit: AAC 259, s.v. XBW. Naiia n.m. height (4- Vein; Sy rd^Jsolio LS 720, Ma xaina md 278) sg. ]in'Vy n'p'bo Xaina'^ I have ascended over them to the height Bo 10:7 Kpna n.m. (uncertain) sg. BM 47b(l; EsF1) [H: xpna]; ib. 7(Es); Sab 110b(6)! [text: Xp'ma] Expl. RaH: T'jn ism na TP'VnxsBr man ^v wjnj; Lit: Low, Flora 2:340. [KTna 4- xnna n.] Nana, xasna, xa'na n.m. rain spout (4- x'aru; Sy <<L±-,\-\^73 LS 723, Ma 3'tnxa, x'aitnxa md 254, mh ajna mbbk 3:6, j 840, > Arab m!3> Fr, AF 24) sg. xatna 'mn mamx they placed it [i.e. the jug] under the rain spout Hul 105b (43); ib. 44; Xa'tna 'JIITI mp'1? let him stand under the rain spout Git 69a(25; As); pi. xan niB'sn 'axma lyxsa; the rain spouts of GN discharged blood MQ 25b(36) // San 109a(50; K); Tan 24b(41); !'a'nta mn spirit of the rain spouts Bo 123:6 Y: MTIO Hul ib.(BAYTN 240). KMnifl, N3N3na n.m. prefect (< MP marz[o]ban margrave, warden of the marches CPD 54; Sy rclL=»\T-^> LS 404, Ma X3X3'nxa barrier MD 254) sg. X3X3na DBX 'nx mm their uncle was a prefect IKI la:23; pi. ]>W\ HX3 nVm 'ana X3'X '33tna XWam there are three hundred and sixty-five prefects in Rome Meg 6b(4) Lit: AAC 268; P. Gignoux, JSAI 4(1984) 1+; Y: 'J3TTB Meg ib.(BAYTN 301). n.m. a type of mat (etym. unkn.; 4- x"?3ia) pi. 'VsiTna Suk 20a(31) [expl. MH rvfatin MEdiyot 3:4 and expl. as 4- X"?3ia]; ib. 20b(ll) xnna, xrrna n.m. wake (4- xnna 'a, s.v. 1#XJT3 mng. 6j; EA, Nab, Pal mna PAT 386, DNWSI 691, TA ]'lih6 pi. TJ Am 6:7, JPA mna DJPA 329, BH, MH mna HAL 599, J 840) sg. ina nbvft Xrwna what is the meaning of m. (in a letter) which he sent (to me)? Ket 69a(50) [v. ib.(46)]; Xmn» ib. b(3); 4 [expl. as H "?3X mourning, w. ref. to ntna n'3 Jer 16:5] Lit: Greenfield, AKY 907+, w. prev. lit. K'Tia adv. in a crushing manner (4- V'Tn < 4- Vona) X'tn'a Tl'm '3'n '3 so that (the stone) should come in a crushing manner San 45b(8) [Var: X'T'na OH 355:20] // X'tna Mak 23a(29) Geon. expl.: TbTOi xianw na !?pojn Vy n^'sai naiiy px x'tna n3 JllS'l nwp ni33 OH ib. On the interchange of z-s in this rt., cf. Sy ^w\^n to crush which has the var. it_» in the form rdiJiVw>-io LS 404; Y: fPna San ib. Kama 4- xsrna n. NM'na 4- xnna n. KflSna, KTlSina, Knana n.f. hammer t : - : - 7 * (4- 2# xnsnx; Sy rc'^Laj-Usb LS 723) sg. xnsitna xnSJT the smith's hammer Ber 34a(2) [Var: XTiana Ar (AC 5:246); xnsna AC ib., X"D]; xnSJT xnsna Meg 25a(37; LGM) Y: xnsna Ber ib.(BAYTN 283). ma vb. to plaster, level a pile (< BH, MH nna
Knwarna 706 ,1a pi. HAL 599, J 841) Pa. 1. to plaster: xV ma X1? 'Xp (if) he does not plaster it, it will not last BQ 105a(50); 2. to level a pile: ]Xa VUmBI who is the one who leveled the piles (making them liable for the tithes)? Bek 1 lb(2); ib. 4 [NMITIM n.m. compassionate man (4- Vom pa., part.; cf. Sy r<LxSxjji^3 LS 724, Ma XJXanXIS MD 278) pi. 'amai 'fix brothers and compassionate men Sab 32a(l 1) For the corn rdg., v. 4- KStll]. NflWania n.f. compassion (4- VDrl"l; Sy r^^'o-i^uui^a LS 724) sg. rm NKbv taim rrty vavi x'aw p xrvuBTnai may great peace and compassion be upon our master from Heaven Dec 2:2; TGAs27 33:17; X1?! XTO ~p XTluama a demon without compassion for you HMGas 94:2 pnia adj. far (4- Vpm pa., pass.part; cf. Ma ]a X'pnxiB from afar MD 278) sg.m. pma m '3 'DIB nxa r5?3"nx when he was at a distance of four hundred parasangs Hul 59b(34); XplEZ pma the market is far Ket 100b(37); Sot 4a(36); AZ 21a(l); Men 33a(l); Anan 28:14; "J'B 'JpmB '83 how far am I away from it? [i.e. the verse] Git 58a(19; M) [Var: XM^B ""rTBnB pma HB3 how far is it from such-and-such a place? V15]; f. xpmai XTDH a far away place Anan 107:4; i& 29:2; ,Trijn Xpma he dislikes him San 29a(13) [4- xnjn mng. 3b]; pl.m. 'Tina 'pma (the two passages) are far from each other [i.e. not in the same verse] San 46a(l); 'CHS rf?T) pn'p'ma you are three parasangs away BB 73b(41); f. J1BX irb'a Ipma (the letters comprising the word) J1BX are far apart (in the alphabet) Sab 104a(35); "pn ]pm8T those (two acts) which are far apart (in time) Men 14b (16) Y: prna/i.Z21a(35). ]llt!/rna n.m. Marheswan, the second month (< Akk (W)arahsamna AIOA 115; Sy ^ojcyUsb LS 404, Ma IXXXrwxa MD 256) RH 21a(4) VII} vb. to pluck or tear away (4- XD"18, Vt3EriB; Sy *\j-2n LS 404) Pe. (a/ ): XJTllB H'jnp H'Dia XJTTIB he plucked it : tore it [i.e. the garment] away bit by bit Nid 20a(15) [double rdg.]; XJD riTB ntJia'a1? he wanted to pluck it [i.e. the document] away from him Yom 77a(43) Itpe. to be torn away: HBXT XBXip D"1B'B IX HX'IT if the membrane of the forepart of the lung is torn away HP 200:20 Sttia n.m. goat's wool (4- VtnB; Sy rsliji^ LS 404, expl. as Jj^ ^= BBah 1155:20) sg. 'BOX T3T XD1B goat's wool (plucked) from between the thighs (of the animal) Sab 49a(10) Lit: Eps, GC 2425; Y: Xtn» Sab ib.(BAYTN 88). KtJIBia n.m. rag (4- VtSDIB; Sy pciAifuio-iib garment LS 404, Ma XDXD-11B MD 263) pi. 'B^p '(D)(»nDnaa vermin (comes) out of rags Ber 51b(18; MGG 299:12) [Ed. Ven.Son: 'D1M8] Lit: DS, ad loc, n. D; Y: WB-fflO Ber ib. U&1B vb. to tear out (4- VtJIB, XBltTlB) Quad.: .T1? DBIBB X31 PN used to tear it out [i.e. the vein in the fat] Hul 92b(38) QuadRef. to be torn to pieces: 'DIBia'X Xl.TI BBia,X that (mouse) was completely torn to pieces AZ 69a(3); Nid 56b(30); HG3 230:74 'IB vb. to vex, be intransigent, upset, quarrel (Arab <£>• III to argue, dispute, oppose Wehr 905) Af. to vex: rvnB'XT yHBX (|){')XB who vexed you that you became upset? Sot 35b(l) [v. Itpe.; * Vd"B pa., mng. 3] Itpe. 1. to be intransigent: TIB'XI XnH3'V ip"T inrcs n'an "?5?3 bm "ty/is the cost of labor increased, the workers became intransigent [i.e. refused to work], and the employer went (and) secured their consent BM 77a(21; F1) [* Vo"B pa., mng. 5a]; blJXl TT3n "?J?2 na'XI xm'3'y in mC'S Q'^yiB the cost of labor diminished, the employer became intransigent [i.e. demanded a reduction in wages], and the workers went and secured his consent ib. 36(F'); 2. to be upset: xpsji cxna'xi T3t 3-n rrrfo 'xib'x PN's daughter-in-law became upset and left Ket 63a(27; Rashi to Job 39:18); X2/3 '31? X"?IX X'lBX she became upset (and) went to her family home BM 84b(8; Ar [AC 1:126]) [M: 'nB'X]; Sot 35b(l) [v. Af; * Vo"B itpa., mng. 1]; 3. to quarrel: D'J» '20 Xp3"7 Xfip3 'XIB'X the she-gnat quarreled with the he-gnat for seven years Hul 58b(4) una J^l . ^ t : T — Lit: S. Friedman, Melammed Vol 163+, suggests deriving this rt. from 4- VtiB with loss of final dalet, and variants from this rt. are attested in the mss. xna, cs. 'ia, nxa, pi. Knvna, na n.m. master, owner (4- l#Xma; Sy rf'-iis, rdi-i^s, pl. K'iiol^i, Kiiviia LS 401, Ma i#xnxa, Kixa, pl. xriXIXIXa MD 251, Nold, MG 184) w. pron. suf: sg. lsg. "IB passim [v. infra, s.v.]; nXB San 5a(28); 'IB Mak 24a(22); 2m. JIB BB 73a(25); ma Git 68a(52); 3m. mXB BB 98a(16); f. mxa MQ 22a(24); lpl. X3"IB AZ llb(15); TGHark 76:15; pa ib. 35:5; 2m. IDnB Ber 57b(56); 3pl. VTna Kef lllb(ll); imB BQ 23b(38); pl. 3sg.m. n'JIXVlB AnanSch 6:12; 2pl.m. 13'nna G»7 40a(45); 3m. IH'TITIB i'& 43;- 1. master: sg. X3np3 nnxa1? ,TV 'iX5?T (the horse) responds to its master in battle San 63b(49); m»V <T'3T X13? the slave bested his master ib. 107a(30); Git 38a(52); AZ llb(15) [4- XM't]; pl. rrnrna in^isV inrVop op he killed all of his masters BB 3b(40); 2. lord: a. general: sg. '"IB '"IB '3T '3"l my master, my master! My lord, my lord! Mak 24a(22); na "m by the life of my lord Hul 57a(42); '3XS nXBT because my lord [i.e. the Emperor/God] wants (it so) San 65b(26); '1XB X3X my father, my lord San 5a(28); Ber 29b(9); Git 35a(38); Qid 31b(45); Xin XWI X:iBT 'mnx our master's brother [i.e. Esau, Jacob's brother] is a falsifier AZ llb(15); 'VI XJHX1 mXB the lord of Eretz Israel Nid 20b (17) [epithet of R. Eliezer]; b. as an epithet of God: sg.cs. VTWtp "73 nxa the Lord of all the holy ones //M45:17; ib. 46:14; nryiOX Vd na the Lord of all cures Bo 17:1; ib. 31:11; 83:1; 82:7; det. rry'D rmai X"I31 a man whom his Lord has aided Yom 22b(31) // Sg 20b(4); San 99a(15) [4- Vl#n» pe., mng. 5]; £r 29a(25); n'n<1)-in)3J 1'IBT the mighty deed of your Lord BB 73a(25); mm XB^ the name of your Lord Git 68a(52); Ber 57b(56) [4- xmjn]; om3XT n'lXB Lord of Abraham Sab 22a(22) [an oath; v. LPT 157:36]; Er 75b(29); Aer 2a(10); BB 134b(9); c. as an epithet of a demon: sg. X3T X'lB 'jlS'X xna lord, PN, the great lord Bo 21:5; ib. 78:13; d. as an epithet of the head of the academy or the exilarch: sg. pa p mxi 'XB what our lord taught us TGHark 35:1; XTOTIB 1£?XT "XH '3311 '31B lord and master, PN, the head of the academy ib. 149:6; Dec 2:4; pl. (of majesty) noon xriXTIB xTrfri wn 'xantja xnxnai <n)'i3 xm1?! wn the master, PN, the exilarch, the son of the master, PN2, the exilarch OHT Ket 162:2; XJinaT X3X3 Xmbi E>XT in the court of lord, PN, the exilarch TGHark 276:12; 3. owner: sg.cs. ... xyiN '1XB 'VpH nxa owner of the field/date palms BM 108b(33); 13yrTOB XJ?nX nxa^ XttTlX a tenant farmer is subjugated to the owner of the field BM 69a(28); X-IT'3 3'n' XJHX nXB the owner of the land (and not the tenant farmer) gives the seed ib. 74b(36); Git 14a(22); 7/GWarA: 171:2; 'T13 nXB the owner of the houses BM 108b(32) [* nXB XyiX]; XID'D nxa the owner of the scroll BQ 115a(43); det. ,T1B npin3 XJIBB 'piX leave the money in its owner's possession Qid 45b(27) [+ //'s; 4- Xnpin]; mm Win its owner's possession BM 43b(14); Qid 59a(41); Ara l5b(5l); 'iB'T xnVm nn innas pnna we warn their [i.e. the goats'] owner two (or) three times BQ 23b(38); Dm nnXBT xVia xnan the fortune of the owner of the wine is the determining factor (in its quality, souring, etc.) BB 98a(16); BQ 92b(33) [4- lttX'pE;]; pl. inna1? toshx ^t go (and) rebuke their owners [i.e. of the goats who let their animals trespass] BQ 23b(32); VP'ttPlB 'X"iri3 their last owners Git 40a(43) [of slaves]; 'XBp 13'nnB your former owners ib. 45; 58b(24); ism XriXTIB the owners of the courtyard BQ 48a(26); XJJYOT XmTlB the owners of the flax ib. 103a(18; M); BB 168b(15); 4. possessor: sg. ma XnyBttn the possessor of the legal tradition Suk 47a(12); MQ 22a(24); AZ 16b(41); 5. as a PN: nXB 31 Pes 47a(14); Bo 135:1; 3TI W. nXB X31H Er 64a(28); x:H3 3TI nn3 nXB BQ 99a(18); nXB 13 rm Hor 13a(17); VxiBiy 13 r'"'-ia JSSig 23 Lit: Nold, MG 112. The mng. of the phrase "TO 'JX-ffl T3ST Ned 50a(35) is uncertain; Voc: n'10 HGP 20a: 18; Y: sg. a'TO Ber 25a(44; BAYTN 8); pl. KJIITO Gi7 40a(43). - ia, Hia n.m. sir, title of the exilarch, PN or T < component in PN (< na* my master/lord; Sy ,-U» PSm 2207, Ma 1KB MD 251, s.v. 1#X1XB, MH2 na, niBI '3-1 BY 3297) 1. sir, used in polite
Nsnx na 708 KITH 'IB or deferential speech for the 2sg.m. pron. you [cf JPA 'ia DJPA 329, mng. Id, BH 'J1X, HAL 12, mng. 2]: a. alone: V'X X1?! XJV'13 ]'X V'X rfm 'B "18 ^'13 'a are you abstaining (from work)? He said: "Yes, I am abstaining." And he did not say to him: "Is my master abstaining?" Ber 27b(9) // Er 40b(28); XJX ia IxV XJWn iy until now was I not 'sir'? Ber 47a(6); IB 13B who are you? [i.e. what is your name?] Pes 86b(18); 31 1,TJ IB you are PN Yom 20b(21); BB 22a(29); IB 1BX you said ib. 58a(23) [introduces citation of a Mishna; v. Eps, MNM 793+; 904]; San 99b(53); Svu 8a(7); J7TI IX'B IB 'antra X1? aren't you afraid of the evil inclination? Ber 20a(25); XTVfat IB 'bx'1?! Xpi'S1? VI'Vl 'TB Diytjm 'D01B1 pray the /e/;//a of musaf, eat [2sg.m. imp.] something, and come to the public lecture ib. 28b(7); 18 XB'J say Koto 21a(16); niD'Vl V'T'1? 181 X'BBH 'b"»3 ]"jrVl V'T'b XTiai 'V'B3 let him go and deal with Heavenly matters, and, you, go and take care of the matters of the town Qid 76b(32); ira rr>TX1 IB 'in 'Xa "|T1 X/ljn why do you (only) take your own intention into account? BM 65a(51); 'Xa IB 'in '!? T3J7 do you see what he is doing to me? BM 109a(46); X1H 1B1 .irfrlDBX XIB'BI p'JH' JH'B X71X1 we indeed know that it rained because of you Tan 23b(20); iai "n by your life! Hul 49a (34); ia '3 )J'in '3 when we were in your house Pes 101a(18); b. in contrastive usage: 1) IB ... in you ... he, this one ... that one: "ia m XJ131P 1B1 m2V (if) one expounds on one Sabbath, and the other (expounds on an alternate) Sabbath Ber 28a(43); ,T1J1X '3 1B1 ,TiriX '3 IB you according to (the custom of) your place, and he according to (the custom of) his place Yom 55a(4i); rvV 'ax ibi xnyaw ia xa'1? .t^ 'ax ia XJTUX IB xa'1? he said to one: "Recite a legal tradition." He said to the other: "Recite a homily" BQ 60b(31); ,T»3X vb frf? p iaV ]'3 whether according to this one or that one she does not eat (teruma) Qid lla(8); Sot 21a(43); BQ 3b(41); Hul lllb(47); 2) fa ... XJX I ... you: X3"1 X3X XJ"1 IX1? TBI 1 am a judge and you are not a judge Ket 94b(27); XJX 13n T»Vn IB '3J1? 'BJ XJX 1 also with regard to you am a disciple (and) a colleague £r 63a(8); 'JT3J1 XJX ]'13'X1 IB ]'13'3 'am let you and I concentrate and pray Tan 25a(46); 3) TlriX ... IB you ... others: X1? 11B 'X iTb 3'n' xV na 'x 'xn ,tV '3,t 'nnx rrV 3',t il'V '31' X1? 'BJ 'J'inx (had he been like) Joshua b. Nun, had you not given (her) to him others would have done so. Had you not given (her) to this one, neither would others also have given (their daughters) to him Yev 45a(44); 2. title of the exilarch [v. Beer, BE 10; 187+]: XJIT1' IB Hul 133a(26; V"); X3piy IB MQ 20b(38); X1D1T IB Tern 8b(26); nTH' IB Er 24a(12); 3. PN or component thereof: a. PN: X3'311 H'13 ia Sab 136a(7); VOX 31 13 IB A/g 14a(20); "la'ax 13 IB 55 174a(15); XJ'Jri 13 IB 5A/97a(28; Es); 13 IB X"n Me« 78a(28; V10); ia 13 'IB San 38a(17); '3B?B'a ia Afen 43a(8); b. component thereof: 1) first element [cf. Sy rctiaonc'Ai ji-So PSm ib.; v. AC 1:7+]: bXMlV ia Er 44b(6); XTOrt X1B1T ia PN, the pious one MQ 17a(46); 1B1 Xpir ia Xion 31 '33 XW'K/p Pa? 107a(8); Afen 109b(48); 2) second element: ia XJ1H BM 47a(27); ia X3X /fee 85a(39); [ia 'BX =] la'ax Men 66a(41) Geon. expl.: na pj3 law "ify nrw 'a ix 0'3-n 'jbo jinx na ^>ax Hvvp an na las lara p% ntw 'a ix 'wx 3T na ia na'ax -n buiv nvii 'bxt .tjw titi .nnx "pi l^x xion an ':a xpj' nai na xinv na xapy ia lus in Traa mx'ffjV onmyon D'X'wni na xnn jus i.Tmaw nnx na nx jnnxaw |na wi xnou tsi mm' ia naN vrutow Vxiaw iran x'jx na'ax na no na na mi,T ... 'JXIBW iSGSup 126:10; Lit: BY 32971; Voc: ifi HGP 51a:34; Y:-IB£er3la(50;Mo85). - NJTIN 'IS n.m.cs. Lord of the Earth (4- XJ71X) sg. Bo 82:7 — NflN'T3 'IB n.m.cs. Lord of the creatures t t : ■ ■■ t (4- 2#xn"13) sg. Bo 52:11; ib. 94a:4 — Nin '1M n.m.cs. title of an official (perh. chief of the village; 4- 2# X111) sg. 'Sill 'ia Pes 25b(l 1) // Yom 82b(3; E1) // San 74a(43) Lit: E. Spicehandler, HUCA 26(1955) 34125, deals w. this term and its varr. and rejects any connection w. NP deh village; Y: 'X1H na Pes ib. - NTl'l '1!3 n.m.cs. title of an official (i 2#X1T1) sg. 'X1T1 'IXa 3HH TOIXa m^J H1J3 n'3'S? a betrothed woman upon whom an m.d.-official set his sight Tan 22a(18) From the context, the m.d. was the chief of a prison. iyi '"IB 709 5P1P — '3'T 'IB n.m. a pseudonym for the name of God (etym. unkn.) sg. a. general: 1131 ]'133 nas '3'1 'IS1? IfiX how many loaves of spikenard shoud I give to M.D.I BM 86a(46); b. used in an oath: sg. '3'1 'IXa BQ 49a(40); Zev 43b(7; V8); Hul 90b(6) Lit.: S. Friedman, BM VII [forthcoming]; Y: '?"! Hul ib. — N3'T 'IB n.m.cs. armed person (4- X3'I; Ma XJ'XT X'lXa lord of armor MD 158) sg. lriX3 n'J'T n'b X^Jl XT! 'ixai in the place where the armed person hung up his weapon San 103a(39) — Nlin 'IB n.m.cs. creditor (4- l#X3in, Vys X3in; Sy nlijcLJii rfy& LS 401, mng. f, JPA 'ia sin DJPA 330) sg. rrV'i nain 'ixaV nra jns'a1? to pay his creditor from it SSSad 266:6 — N'tJ'n 'IB n.m.cs. one with much knowledge of the traditions (lit. owner of wheat; 4- l#xnD'n) sg. X'D'n 'laV ]'3'1S bon all need 'the owner of wheat' Ber 64a(6) // BB 145b(27) II Hor 14a(13) Glossed in BB ib.: X1B1; Y: XJB'rl na Ber ib. — NVD 'IB n.m.cs. Lord of All (epithet of God; 4- xVl3; QA X'13ya Vl3 Xia 4Q542 1:2 [DSD 22:268], Sy Ai^-yJa LS 401, mng. i, QH ]HX "73n Ps 151:4) sg.'-fi 'WyD X^ 'Vl3 'ia (by the) Lord of All! I shall not eat (anything) of yours Ned 22b(22); ib. 23; 25; 26; '0' x"?13 'IXa Xrf?X ['■mxn 13 '"7X©] Tf may God, Lord of All, heal PN Bo 96:8 Lit: A. Hurvitz, Tarbiz 34(1965) 224+; id., EI 8(1967) 84; Y: X'fto na Ned ib. — N31B 'IB n.m.cs. town official (4- XJia) sg. Xna 'iai X13y slave of the m.m, official TGHark 86:26; pi. Er 36b(18) [* 4- X3311HD pi.] Y: mm na Er ib. — '03'3 'IB n.m.cs. property owner (4- '03'J; TA ]'D33 'ia TJ Is 5:22, Sy •* ™ Z » rt'i^a LS 401) sg. 5g 93a(3) Y: '03': Ha Bg ib. — Kiaiyi n'1B n.m. one who knows the legal practice (4- X13iy; JPA 1315? 'ia DJPA 330) sg. Sab 37b(41); Bes 29b(16); //m/ 110a(18); 'lai X3X X131J? 55 22a(41; MGL 699:6) Y: K-TJiyi 'IB Sab ib. - NB^jr 'IB n.m.cs. Lord of the World (i.e. God; i xa"7y; QA xa"?y Xia 4Q529:6 [ATTME 127], Ma rfr'D xa"?X H'lxa MD 251, JPA 'ia naty DJPA 330) sg. xaVy nai 'b'sn the phylacteries of the Lord of the World Ber 6a(47); ib. 10a(49; MGL 588:10); "jy8? 'Jjn X&ty 'ia the Lord of the World who answers the poor San 109b(40; MGG 312:12); 'libyi nna Ber 5b(40; P); xa"?y nxa TGHark 101:18; 'iai xsi xann xaVy the great seal of the Lord of the World Bo 57:8 Y: XBty 'IB Ber ib. - 31B, 31 IB n.m. title of honor (esp. of the -T T< < Geonim; < '31 'IB* my lord, my master) 31B ]1XA pPm TGHark 25:19; '»K 31B 13 'ia'j7 311B ISGF 115:1; ib. 112:2; 120:15; 'XTirr 31 ia Geon 31:24; H% 66:28; py mil I^X mx 31 IB TGHark 107:20; X'Orta pXl ]i13n HWa 31 IB ib. 205:33; H'Bnj 31 IB 13 "XJIIW 31 IB 7^GF 102:13; ib. 103:10; 104:6; 107:7; 110:9; 111:5 Cf. the PN nxa 11 Bo 35:1. - NJVltfT '"IB n.mxs. debtor (4-1# XITIEh; cf. TA yth 'l6 creditor TO Dt 15:2) sg. -|JTI2n '1XBB J?1S'X '1XS be reimbursed from your debtor (even in) bran (in lieu of money) BM 118a(31) // BQ 46b(2) // BB 92b(2) Y: -]nwi na BB ib. - N«BB^ 'IB n.m.cs. Lord of Heaven (4 X'ati; JPA n"aa; na djpa 331) sg. 'iB3 pnir xj'j'bsb nj?1X '1B31 X'BW I annul them by the Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Earth Bo 82:7 - NjniO N»Btf 'IB n.m.cs. Lord of Heaven t : - : t - : ■■ t and Earth (4- X'Btf, XJHX) sg. Bo 30:1 [Kmns 4- xjtiib n.] [xana 4- xsiib] nna 4- xiay n. J/'1B adj. sick, unwell, n. sick person (4- VyiB pe., pass.part.; TA 5?'1B TJ Mai 1:8, Sy «ii.T_sb adj. LS 405) I. sick, unwell: sg.m. TXp] 13 rroiy by 'an yifai being unwell, sick, and bedridden SSHai 8b(7); f. XV'IB xVl nB,13 a cow which is not sick Anan 58:3; II. sick person: sg.m. xyiBI X133"7 for the liver of a sick person
inn • T 710 i?-|» HM 39:15; pl.m.abs. ]'jma Bo 71:7; det. 1X233 'JT'iaxi 'VXpX XM'Xn p'Vxa according to whom do we pray nowadays for the sick and the unwell? RH 16a(39) // Ned 49b(l); 'jri» ItfBB 'VXp 'VSp pan (the term) 'VXp means actual 'unwell people'. (The term) '5?nB refers (metaphorically) to the scholars Ned 49b(3) [v. ib. a(29)] TIB adj. bitter, cruel (4- VviB; TA via" TJ IS 15:32, Sy rc'-Lxib LS 400, Ma V1XB bitter, cruel MD 254) 1. bitter: sg.m. X1? Ten ]V3 ri'b JT73X since (a fresh lupine) is bitter, (a goat) does not eat it Sab 127b (52); XOrD Ipcy TO your business deal will be bitter like lettuce Ber 56a(33); KTO XJ'HX a bitter unripe date BM 113b(28); f. '31D X3'1? XV1B mn she was very bitter-hearted Ber 30b(40); XTIVIB XB'TVl the bitter /i.-herb Bo 125:4; /& 9; pl.m. '"H» ... THX y4Z 38b(46); TGAs42 164:3; X3'*7 'VIB Mg 8a(35); f. ]TQ Pes 39a(26) [I XJl'Tia]; 2. cruel: sg.m. XT1I31 XB/'3 XVD'X an evil and cruel spell Bo 4:4; ib. 63:2; pl.m. 'V"IB 'am^'yai 'W'3 '30 evil enemies and cruel foes i& 2:3; 29:6; 52:5 Lit; Y. Avishur, Lesonenu 41 (1977) 41+ [mng. 2]; Y: TTB Ber 56a(33; BAYTN 58). t?na J. xtfn n. NriaSia, abs. NMia n.f. chariot, saddle (I Vaa-l; TA -n35l^ pi. TJ IK 7:33, Sy K'^L^i.a-Uso chariot, saddle LS 731, Ma Xnaxanxa MD 254) 1. chariot: sg. n'ri33-lB '3tJ^ X33"IB his chariot is the chariot of the evil ones Bo 78:6; ib. 50:4; 16:2; pi. 150:4; 2. saddle: sg. '1PM XTUDia a women's saddle 55 78a(28) Expl. RaH [mng. 2]: WV1 Vw <plN; Y: XjnSTg BB ib.(BAYTN 283). TVia*ia, TinZS^tt n.m. marjoram (Sy \cvroKliJ3T^> LS 404, Ma TinXBIXB MD 255, Arab j>iU> Siggel 68) sg. m»TBl KtW a stem of marjoram Git 69b(2; Ar [AC 5:255]) Geon. expl.: .inDX '13,1 ntlKB-B H3W3 TWO! XTN1J OHT ib. 156:9, i.e. jjilijs <4ii; Lit: Flora 2:84; Y: 1TO18 ib. (BAYTN 308). NS'ma n.m. (uncertain) pi. Bo 20:6; /& 58:4; 122:5 Lit.: E. Hunter, Studia Aramaica 69 . NnS'ttia n.m. (uncertain) pi. Bo 20:6; ib. 58:4; 122:5 tOP"ia n.m. marble (< (idpuapo<; Lehnw 353; Sy _oi«-^>T->3 LS 404) sg. V.WV X^ITD 'MX X1B1B1 rocks of stibnite, s.-marble, and m.- marble Suk 51b(24) // 55 4a(26) Y: KTBTD S«A ib.(BAYTN 220). Nana 4- xna n. Oia vb. to crush, rub (Sy u»;*J*> LS 405, Ma ona MD 279, Akk marasu B CAD M/l 269) Pe. 1. to crush: 'rrrai Xiwa3 n'Ona'^1 let him crush it [i.e. a garlic clove] with oil and salt Git 69a(34); 2. to rub: rb p'DnBI 'TRPD X'a p"riB we bring lukewarm water and rub it [i.e. the lung] HP 205:7; HG3 145:21 jna vb. to be sick (4- yna, xjna, jna 3'3tf; Sy ^■uiTS af. LS 405) Pe. ( /a): jna' X1? 31TT1 he will not be sick again HM 43:20 Af. to make s.o. sick: XEttX 'jmaxV JTjn DX if you want to make a man sick ib. 13 NJHa, abs. jna n.m. illness (archaic and legal; 4- Vina; TA jna TJ IK 8:37, pi. I'jha' TO Ex 15:26, Sy rdii^b LS 405, mng. 2, Ma l#XT!Xa [metath.] MD 240) sg.abs. jna3 X*71 not ill S$Hai 4a(5); ib. 5b(18); TGHark 117:11; det. 'D XJVM3 X'"?13n XjnBl Xnia death is the same for all [lit. death is like death], but illness is an addition [lit. interest] MQ 28b(16) [v. OHP ib. 73:23]; Xjna XKT3 a severe illness Bo 90b: 1; "TOS'X .VjnB 1JB1 iTB^J? JV31? he died as a result of his illness BB 153a(34); SSHai 8b(15); TGAs27 24:1; 7"G,^2 156:2; pl.abs. DT X3X J'jna *7D W-Q I, blood, am the chief cause of all illnesses BB 58b(10); 13J ]'jnB ^'30 a man who suffers from illnesses Sab 156a(40); det. 'jnai X3'X3 "?D all pain and illnesses Bo 89:7; ;'& 75:3 Y: N<pa BAYTN 89. ['jna 4- xna n.] Tjna 4- xnay n. pia vb. to clear of legal claims (4- pIB; Akk murruqu CAD M/2 222, JudA p"IB TDTJDA 37:15 [Mur], Sy ^.tJw Dura Europos 14, JPA pia to pay DJPA 332) Pa.: pnB'Xl ... DIpX XJX i?na 711 tfatfa ]'V'X '3'3I I undertake to clear this sale of legal claims BM 15a(32; Es) [in the defension clause]; SSHai 6a(19); SSSad 187b:5 Lit: Kut, Studies 425 [Heb]; Greenfield, AKY 469. pia adj. perh. diluted (4- Vp"IB; Akk murruqu A fine, good quality CAD M/2 222 [NB]; cf. Ma Xpixa cleansing MD 255, Sy rdis-jv^s pure LS 405) sg.m. xpna Xian diluted wine Er 29b(46); Git 67b(21); ib. 28 [* X"n Xian undiluted wine]; 69b(13); 70b(19); Xpna XVJ'W diluted s.- beverage Yev 80a(4); Git 69b(46) Geon. expl.: J1TO1" GnK5 172:10; Lit: Low, Lehnw 353; Flora 1:60; Y: Xjpo Er ib. ma vb. to be bitter (4- v-ib, xvta, xm-ia, xriTlB, 2#xma; Sy \^n af. LS 401, Ma Via etpe. MD 279) Pe.: XOrD H'poy VB his merchandise will become bitter like lettuce Ber 56a(53; MGG 704:10) [Var: -]pD'jr IX'XB GTB1 16:18) Pa. to make bitter: 'Vial 'Vm frighten and make bitter Bo 72:8 Nlia, lONia n.m. bitterness (4- VviB; TA pfiB pi. TJ Is 5:21, Sy k'-vLso LS 400) a. of taste: sg. H'VIB If'SlT (the salve's) bitterness is great Hul lllb(41); ^'D3B Xpi H'3 V"J? fT'^in 31X xa"7T H'VIB1? lest because of its sweetness, (the haroset) will penetrate it [i.e. the maror] and nullify its bitterness Pes 115b(7); XJTlttOT XVia the bitterness of the dodder AZ 31b(27); pi. "Hi '"IX1B the river of bitternesses [i.e. bitter waters] Bo 125:9; ib. 5; b. of mourning: sg. X1X1B 1p'57 X1H XBT in the major part of the bitterness (of mourning) is one day MQ 21a(37); VTIXIB DWB because of the bitterness (of their mourning) San 48b(l); ib. 19a(13) [v. Geon. expl. OH ib. 148:2]; Zev 101a(40) Y: n-nn Hul 11 lb(41; BAYTN 49). Srinia n.f. a bitter herb (4- VviB; cf. Sy rc'^L.io-iio LS 400) sg. BB 20a(31); pi. X3'31 xrr'-nax vina xpi xsn nna xnx 3i"7 n'nawx PN came across PN2 who was searching for bitter herbs Pes 39a(25; V14); XB1XT XD'ma ">X\ bitter herbs of a marsh Suk 13a(16; M); ib. 23 Lit: Flora 1:434; Y: Kn'TJB BAYTN 205. NriVia n.f. gall bladder (4- VviB, 2# WITS; Ma Xnv-IB MD 278, mng. b) sg. X13W3 TIT xriVB the gall bladder of a kite in s.-beverage Ket 50a(28; Vs) [a remedy]; X'SIDT XDVia the gall bladder of a A:.-fish Pes 39a(30; V14); XBJ/D XUVffli the taste of the gall bladder //«/ 11 lb(40); XT3D H3 D'^DI XfiTlB X3prB 13 when the gall bladder is pierced, and the liver stops it up HP 199:2(HPP 301:19); ib. 201:8 Y: Kirn? BAYTN 171. l#Xrna n.f. mistress (4- X'lB; Sy rt'^-viw LS 401, Ma XrnXB MD 251) sg. nma her mistress HP 105:9; xn3i xns^a ri'^'x I'jna ^aws xnxinD'XT in your name, our mistress, PN, the great queen of the Astarte-spirits Bo 21:5; ib. 30:5; 101:3; xaVjn XJVIB the mistress of the world ib. 141:10; xm'j'm XmB the Mistress of the (Celestial) Dwelling ib. 14; 126:14; nma X'1?'1?! mistress of the night ib. 147:2 Lit: Ch. Muller-Kessler, BSOAS 61 (1999) 113. 2# NJlia n.f. gall (4- VviB, XJlVia; Sy ^t-:!? LS 4oV, Ma XJlVa MD 270) sg. HM 39:14 NSnia n.m. silver dross (< Mir *murtak [cf. NP murdasang litharge, dross of lead PED 1212]; Sy rd^a-io-i73, rda:\T-bo, uy&vt^s LS 403, 406, Arab <ifi> Wehr 325) sg. Git 69b(45); ib. 86a(9) Geon. expl.: yna KOO' OHT Git 157:22. Lit: Geig, AAC 271; Tel 94; Y: X3rrffl Git ib.(BAYTN 220). toxica 4- xiipb n. [intfa 4- 1T31»B n.] t^at^a adj. corrupt, n. corrupted version (4- Vl#$31» pa., pass.part.) I. adj. corrupt: sg.f. xrrcnB/B x;iVb "anas p'rDiffBi xa'm where we find in our Mishna a corrupt matter iSGF 56:9; II. n. corrupted version [4- Vl# B?31P pa., mng. lb]: sg.f. '3 lari'X X"7 XS'D1? XB/'I X'WpT ]1'3 X'H xn«?3tt;Bl XWV(B since there is a contradiction between the first clause and last clause (of TGit 5:2), it was not stated in the school and it is a corrupted version Git 73a(32; As); xaV'T X'H XfflPSltfB perhaps (the Tannaitic tradition) is a corrupted version Sab 121b(23) [* 4- pJlB mng. II.2; Qid 47b(7); Pes 100a(l) [^ 4- priB mng. II.2]; wtrrtn '33 nra nmn x"?i x'n xniysiya it is
XJI'WB a corrupted version, and do not raise an objection from it in the school Hul 141b(l) Y: XTO3BB Sab ib. NJIWa n.m. sender (4- Vl#TTC7; Ma XJXTTXWB MD 279; cf. Sy nc'&V^i^o PSm 4070) pi. ivn-roa "7j?i p'ray by ]tbw\ pimi they will attack again their practitioners and the ones who send them Bo 55:8; ib. 40:4; 48:8; 86:9 nB>'» interj. by Moses! (< PN n&B; JPA .TOB DJPA 333) maxp TSW nwa by Moses! You say it well! Bes 38b(9); Hul 93a(19) N-mtfa i x-irro n. Nrnil#a n.f. jumping platform, stirrup (4- VmW) 1. jumping platform: sg. XJITITOB K'llST the jumping platform of Purim San 64b(24; Ar [AC 8:42]); 2. stirrup: sg. OH San 393:27 Geon. expl.: nX'Bp JV3 XTniWO "B OH ib. 393:11 [mng. 1]; ... ny3Dn 'w pi .nrBf> ri'3 -into xmnwa my: nyx nmxi mnx3 fsipi n'^y ■ran ma 33tvw 01031 -nam nmx r^inc? xmnra nmpj nana '31 ty n^yi ib. 23 [mng. 2]; Y: xrniiwa San ib.(BAYTN 283). nxnitya n.m. surveyor (4- V2# nwB, XTirWS; Sy rdju^i33 LS 406, MH ninWB MErK 4:11, J 849) sg. HXnWB XIX "13 PN, the surveyor Er 56b(21); AW 107b(43) Lit: AAC 271; Y: nxnitfa Er ib. mtfa 4- xaw n. Nfl'JltlPa n.f. dike, mound (< Akk musanmtu a dam or dike to regulate the flow of water CAD M/2 258, AIOA 73; > Arab sliii Wehr 436) 1. dike, breakwater: sg. rraiK ]Wbl XmiK?B GC 93:10 [expl. MH Jl'Jltf MOh 18:6]; 2. mound of earth: sg. OHT Ber 12:11 [expl. I x"7D3]; '3'a 21 xn'JTOB HTJl xyix V'3p "3X 13 PN leased a field and fenced it with a mound BM 109a(31); ib. 108b(35); XJOJHJ '03'X1 XTTJWB nb XTnTX a mound of earth encircled him, and he was hidden from sight Tan 23a(46); Er 100a(ll) [of roots which stick out of the ground; v. OHP ib. 102:6(Ar)] Geon. expl.: dm ob*? yuaw mj>a xin jva-iX3 xn'iitm pits myo ny3 OHP Tan 61:20(Ar) [mng. 1]; D'TWS DJllXtff DB3 mm ins xx'w isyn inS" 3130 X'jx xipn xynx3 piioi X*7D3 XljMl Kn'liwaa OHT Ber 12:10 [mng. 2]; Lit: Sok, KS 'tfia 51 (1976) 470; Y: STOO & ib.(BAYTN 180). l#nS?a vb. to anoint (4- xn^'B, xn'WB; Sy 2# -.«y^, LS 407, Ma 2#X2/B MD 279) Pe.: pass.part. bm JH3 'in n'POT 'inn the one who is anointed will become the high priest Hor 1 lb(35; M); Kar 5b(20; Ed)! Itpe. to be anointed: r\b nWB'Xi Tit? iT'im he saw that David was anointed BM 85a(6; SM 66:18); rHJ3 nPB'X Xm he had, in fact, been anointed within it [i.e. the Temple precinct] Mei 19a(10) 2#nE?a vb. to measure (4- xjntfia, nxmtfa, XTinB/B, 2# X31SB; Sy 1# . u. y -73 LS 406, Ma XE7B MD 279, s.v. 1# XPB) Pe. (a/a): n^BI X'jp bpv TBIi nj?31X he took a measuring rod and measured four cubits Git 68b(19); bVH lJV'X initfBI bring ropes and measure Bek 8b(36); '3 3i '3a ix vb pvwa xaxsb xainn vb jrrwa V?7 jrnca do we measure the Sabbath limit for them only from the rural area or from the be ravl Er 73a(39); ib. 57b(32); Sab 100b(35); nniMJ 'JTX he went (and) measured it [i.e. the field] BB 106b(l; Es); SSHai lla(9); n^ 3'^<'>{1)^ UVllb iTJ'B VpW1?! nvrf? let him measure and give it to him [i.e. the fuller], let him measure and take it from him Sab 19a(39); ib. 100b(38); BM 107b(44); HG3 113:18; n'TTlX niPB measure its [i.e. the dog's] ear Sab 155b(38; V) Nnnfi/a n.f. length, surveying (4- V2#niya, nxmtfa, 2#X3E/B; ta xrinwa to Ex 26:2, Sy rChiur clJxj, K'iuitiY **> LS 406) 1. length: sg. n'lXlST XnnWD the length of its neck BB 73b(8; P1); Xnmt/BX TSj? 'XT if he is particular about the length (of the pieces he cuts) Sab 74b (6); Qid 42b (18); XrinPM no:an ]8 in one eighteenth in length (of the camp) Anan 29:3; ib. 30:7; 2. surveying: sg. XJinWB3 bbm xb do not treat surveying lightly BM 107b (41); 'ENO'X pfl xnnWB3 fX'pSl two men who are experts at surveying TGAs33 211:11; SSHai lla(9) Voc: XTinWD HGP 34a:3; Y: XJinwa Sab 19a(38; BAYTN 194). '#» vb. to wash (Akk mesu CAD M/2 30, TA Xtfoj TJ 2S 12:20, Ma 1#XWB to wash MD 279, Sy rdiio to rub LS 406, MH '©a hitpa. M§abK 22:6) Pe.: a. alone: X'B 'MSW '^a 'X^a X3X I K3»»a 713 i#-|fi^a washed (my hands) with my full handfuls of water Sab 62b(28); XP» xVl Xl^a (if) he washed (his hands) inadequately ib. 27; n'W» X"7 'XBX ^"X XrWB X3X1 ^'DX m'X V'X he said to him: "Why did you not wash (your hands)?" He said to him: "He is eating and I should wash?" Hul 107b(34); Sab 77b(33) [4- X^D'tiB]; ib. 33 [4- Xn^'SlPB]; b. w. part of the body as obj.: H'T 'TOT p'SJI he used to go out (of the privy) and wash his hands BQ 17a(12); Ber llb(26); ib. 43a(37); 46b(57); Sab 50b(20); ib. 140b(21); Pes 112a(3); BM 24a(7); Hul 107a(2); TraJb H'T X'2;ai XB'ipB she used to get up early and wash her husband's hands Ned 91a(28; V2); X'B/a Xp mm xnri'X X^nn X'BI xVs'^BS XJ?13 a certain woman who was washing (her) foot in a basin of water Qid 52b(3; O2); n'jnai n'T XO^aa to wash his hands and feet Anan 23:11; ib. 25:21; 26:6; 36:18; W1 nTJ? pna let him wash his eyes with it [i.e. the water] HM 37:11; n'SX "•»» 'D when he washes his face Ber 60b(42); &6 133b(39) Af. to soak an object (in water): X'B3 ,T'»»X H'nanX n'3131 he soaked it [i.e. the ball of wool] in water and wrapped it around his spear BB 74a(21); X'a3 X31T n'JXB1? XWVm he soaked PN's clothes in water ib. 153a(27) Lit: Kut, Archives 1 (1972) 97. XW1} n. (uncertain) sg. xnBJH n3'»» ... of wool HM 39:10 Nn't&P n.m. the Messiah (4- Vl# nffiB; TA XrTOB TJ IS 24:7, Sy ^ ■'■; y *»» LS 407, Ma xn'WB MD 280) sg. Xn'WB TIX nB'X when will the Messiah come? San 98a(48); Yom 19b(51); AZ 2b(44); n'3BT X*73 Xn'TOV tfb W» they will cause the Messiah to come before his time BM 85b(42); iSGF 122:1; xn'^B1? xriD'jn the law is for (the era of) the Messiah San 51b(16); Zev 45a(l) Y: XITBI? Er 43b(15; BAYTN 58). [xrvo'tfa 4- xVd'^b n.] N^S'tfa n.m./f. wash basin (4- XJlVotitt; etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 77b(32) [expl. as JBA x'Jli 'B/B it washes all]; xj?n3 x'wa xp mm xnn'x x'nn X'BT xVD'U/aS a certain woman who was washing (her) foot in a basin of water Qid 52b(4; O2); Ber 25b(32); HP 200:14; pl.cs. X3'31 XBT 'VD'W sixty basins of blood and secretion(?) BM 84b(4); X3Xn'3i 'iXB bTVti -bTVTi various basins of linen garments (to be laundered) MQ 18b(3); det. "bvva 'mil two basins Git 69b(53); mm ^S'PB unglazed basins Hul 55b(25; H2); AZ 39a(32) Y: X^3'Wa Sab ib.(BAYTN 210). 1# "|B7?3 vb. to continue, flow, stretch out, pull, draw (< BH, MH -|ti» HAL 610, J 853; 4> 2#X3UB) Pe. (a/u) 1. intr. to continue, last: imyin "['©a their market price continues [i.e. is stable] BM 72b(28); 1)1 TlBn riBipn X3^BT yim 'IS/ns "torfV sometimes the summer solstice lasts until the sixteenth of Tisri AZ 3b(l) // RH 21a(21); Xm^B 'nXT T3? '•'TPtfra X3WB "j:n the reign of those [i.e. the Persians and the Romans] will continue until the Messiah comes AZ 2b(44); Ara 22a(17); '31tfB xb >YI nnVn they do not last three generations Zev 113b(40); ]SV Xin n32?B1 imin3 one wall continues with them Suk 19a(29); Xb 'X XTW X3PB 'X yi'1? 'VST ]Xa one who wants to know if the year will continue [i.e. if he will live through the year] or not Hor 12a(36; HG3 315:27); pass.part. XID'p n'3 Jl'Vl mini T2"3"1 its [i.e the lamp's] light is steady [i.e. does not flicker], and it does not have smoke Ber 53a(27); ib. 53b(4); Pes 8a(21) [4- V^Dp pa., mng. 2]; Hor 12a(37) // Kar 5b(53); 2. intr. to flow: pvi '3i pnydiaw -\wran x'B p»ai just as water flows so should your legal tradition 'flow' [i.e. be incessant] Kar 6a(l 1) // pi. "(n)J15?Bltf pwa Hor 12a(44); 3. intr. to be extended, elongated: nTfrmy X31!/aT one whose prepuce is extended (to hide his circumcision) Er 19a(33) [cf. MH2 irfny nSWBJ §ab 149b(47)]; X3rf? W1V T\b 132/B X3m his teeth extended out to both sides Ber 54b(23) [cf. PsJ Num 21:35]; pass.part. ywi$ "Xn ^'ly "Xn this one [i.e. the hole] is elongated, (and) that one is round Zev 74b(35) [* 4- b'JJ? mng. 1]; 4. to pull, retract: a. general: mWJl imJB in snpll let him pull off and offer one of them (at a time) Zev 73a(17); ib. 110a(l); ?TOtfB Wlb vblX PN retracted his hand AZ 30a(22); b. to take legal possession of an article [v. Af, mng. 2; MH l^B J 583]: n"3p '11 mswana from the
2#T*a . 714 l#K3tfra time that the pagan pulled it [i.e. the wine] he acquired possession of it AZ 7lb(l); Git 52a(42); BB 75b(51); Bek 13b(35); rTOPB X1?! msV natfBl X(')Vd!? he took possession of the cow but did not take possession of the lamb BM 47a(19); ib. 48a(39); BQ 103a(27); X1W TWB Meg 31a(15) [in a mnemonic expression ref. to Pentateuchal readings beg. 13WB Ex 12:21; "litf Lev 22:26]; c. in a fig. sense: X13AV '13J iTDlPa the men pulled the man [i.e. they convinced him of their opinion] Yom 59a(51) // Zev 53b(2); 5. to attract, lure: 13WB1 mra 'JXtf; sectarianism is different because it attracts AZ 27b(22); Xffur^a llV '32?B they attract them into irreverence Pes 112b(5); uvwbs nana1? n"»axi iy n'aca nnna »'m he ran after him (and) he lured him until he brought him to the camp of the Philistines San 95a(37); 6. to engross s.o.: a. general: 13 XTX 2"r? n'SttB xnyaP3 X31X he engrossed PN in a legal tradition Tan 20b(29); b. esp. w. subj. xnyBP to be engrossed in the study of the legal tradition [lit. the legal tradition attracted him]: X3WB xaVl mxaa 'yna'xV 'nxi xnjw n'1? perhaps he will be engrossed in the legal tradition and will eventually be remiss (in observing) the commandment Pes 4a (26); 'Xb'JH 13 Xjn 311 ainrfr fin ps:i xnyas? n'natra PN's legal tradition engrossed him (so much) that he went outside the Sabbath limit Er 43b(35); ib. 39a(5); Kef 62b (14) Af. 1. to draw (water into a channel) [MH 7#an J 853]: V?tx mi 'xiax'a p'3'pax 'xi mpa1? if he drew it in [i.e. the water] from outside, and it flowed (and) went into the ritual bath HP 137:14; 2. to give over legal possession [v. Pe., mng. 4]: 'BTl'V 'TS lnV 10'E?BX they gave over possession of the fruit to the orphans Git 52a(47); rrfygm %1J.n3'PBX Xbl she did not give possession of them over to him BB 151a(32; HP 119:4) itpe. l. to flow: '3u?»'a xb 'ii vprya 'arca'a i^n in'3'J?3 those (oils) flow in their natural state. These do not flow in their natural state Sab 21a(39); 2. to be prolonged: '312/a'xV VIX XaV'1 perhaps (the mealtime) is apt to be prolonged ib. 9b(23); 1,'PBB Pes 107a(44); 3. to be attracted [w. -1713 to s.o.J: mm X32?B'B1 DUPB because she is attracted to him AZ 36b(23); Sab 147b(39); Er 14a(47); Ber 43b(52; F); 4. to be intemperate, drawn astray: '312?B'X WWO because of being intemperate San 70a(28); xb p'Oy niXB31 J1'3 "I'tfB'B since he is busy with a commandment he is not drawn astray ib. 70b(26); ib. 34; 5. to be drawn in: 'DWa'xV 'fix XB^'I perhaps he will be drawn into (the sanctuary) Yom 31a(10); 6. to withdraw [caique < MH "pal J 853]: 12?SX li'ity 'nnx 'j.bbi 'n 'a^a'a perhaps these (people) will withdraw (from participation in the Paschal lamb), and he will designate others in their stead Pes 60b(32); ib. 78b(28); 89a(47) Lit: Ros, Agnon Vol 296 [Pe., mngs. 2, 3]. 2#"]tl7B vb. to skin an animal (denom. < 4- l#X3B?a) Pe.: irU'3B?B 1H(J)'D3J b)X he went, slaughtered them [i.e. the steers], (and) skinned them Nid 69a(34; V5M) 3#"lt^a vb. to wither, become emaciated (Sy oys-^ LS 407) Pe.: ri'xa xp mn xV -pa in nnx one guest became emaciated (but) did not die San 109b(39; MGG 312:5) l#K3tP£), cs. ^tPX) n.m. hide, leather, skin (4- V2# "pH; TA XDPB" TO Lev 9:11, Sy KlLt-i? LS 407, Ma X32?'B MD 270) 1. hide: a. general: sg. ''3PBV 'B31X a black (ox is preferable) for its hide Naz 31b(27); XDPa in VWVb X1W H'V JI'XI '3PB 'in mvrb X1W I'1? n'Vl let one who has an ox strip one hide. Let one who does not have an ox strip two hides San 109b(l; MGG 311:4); ]'J13X XJTOil X3E?B Xip'J/a originally a hide, now a saddle covering BQ 66b(32); Yom 12a(25) // Meg 26a(42) [4- 1#XS>U]; San 109b(l); Nid 69a(35); Hul 39b(40); TGHark 86:19 [4- VnDtf pe., usage b.2]; b. of var. animals: sg.cs. !T1X "|1PB a lion's hide HM 44:26; det. X'3D1 X3WB a deer's hide Hul 59b(26); X131 XSX1 X3B7B the hide of a male hyena Yom 84a(9; E1); fbp 13 X1»m X3WB I'll p the hide of a donkey when it is peeled off from from its body HM 41:12; pl.cs. 'Win '3WB hides of dromedaries San 52a(48); det. '3WB 'biJH hides of calves S5 14a(16); 2. leather: sg. X3PB1 [X3"]an a leather belt r04.y42 166:9; 'in3 x1?! n'na 'nxi 'xa 'ins .t1? jrsiya Xs? xawai 715 NflHtfS 2# K3P» _ J--- : ' " it: __ . — D'JPTB TIX1 'XB we do not mix leather together with what derives from (another) animal nor with what derives from seeds Anan 6:8; ib. 58:8; 64:24; 3. skin: sg. X131 KITH .T3B?B your skin Suk 48b(26); X3E/B I'1? ]'pDS they cut his skin Anan 84:14; X3WB1 X3TD wound of the skin (of the animal) Bes 40a(39); pi. 'BUI '3WB skins (covering) the bones HG3 156:40 Y: X3WO Hul 39b(40; BAYTN 89). 2#N3#», N3Ktf» n.m. length (4- Vl#ltfa, V2#ntia," xnniffB) sg. xaiyaa mw a measurement concerning the length Suk 2b(25); 1'3WB tt?'sn D1WB because its length is great Er 3a(36); '013 xrfrn I'UXI X3XWB the length of its neck is three parasangs BB 73b(8; MGG 51:9) // X3XWBZev 113b(22) Y: X3TO Zev ib.(BAYTN 89). N33tf» n.m. couch (1 Vl# 332;, X33WB n'3; TA X35Wa TO Lev 15:4, Sy r^ -^ ^ t -y LS 775) sg. mitfj? X33WB1 n'iB his vessels and couch are ten (handbreadths) Suk 5b(16); n'33W» ]B n'J/Vsi (the serpent) swallowed him [i.e. Yezdegard] from his couch ISGF 95:4 Ni13B/» n.m. pledge, surety (4- VptfB; TA ]6v& TJ Am 2:8, Sy k'Utvi LS 776) sg. X'lX 31 .13131tfB "?'pB; PN used to take a surety &r6 l48b(39); n'V nminx1? n'ys '»h xratya "?3 n'y'3273 you are required to return every surety to a Jew in the Sabbatical year Anan 12:7; ib. 11; xnaWB X"?3 ]'31 XJDWB3 ]'3 i'& 6; 7/<24.s42 29:14 Y: KJ13»a Sab ib.(BAYTN 261). AT3!^B* n.m. leather apron (< MP masldzag small mussuck, skin 'tablecloth' CPD 55) sg. Xpl ST^XaWB^ Wb '573 he needs it [i.e. the leather] for an apron Hul 124a(36) [Var: JT(3)|3)B/a Ar (AC 5:266)] Geon. expl.: X'tt nXTjCID^ K3Bm [K]"]Un lop1? H3yT hvVB ':xa W'BD'V X1?! ,TVy TGAs42 166:9; expl. Ar: fio'3 :rd.] XD3 niy 'JW AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 271, rejects the previously suggested P etyms. NflV'Stytt n.m. wash basin (4 x'JS'tfB; JPA V'3li/B DJPA 334) sg. Sab 77b(33) [expl. as JBA XflW X'li;a the bride washes]; X'BI xn^'a^a a basin of water Hul 46b(14); ib. 47b(35); 'S'noi 1'B?'1X xn^'Sl^B I'1? the wash basin is overturned upon its [i.e. the idol's] head AZ 51b(29) Lit: Brand 326. Note that in the JPA this word is stated to be JBA [cf. XVS'BDI '"1BK pm pan VR 542:5, as expl. of H3'Bif3 Jud 4:18]; Y: xrf7'?B0 BAYTN 293. pt2/a vb. to pledge something, take a pledge (denom. < i N313©B; 4- xn3312?B; LJLA pitfB Weiss 323 [PsJ, TKet], Sy ^ t y LS 776) Quad. 1. to pledge s.t: a. property: X131 Xlim I'JW •VOyb WMrft XD'113 l'1? T3WB1 a certain man who pledged a vineyard to another for ten years Ket 95b(l) // BM 72a(28) // ifc. 109b(29); n'3'B man nni x'iVs1? n'jnx 'bs n'V ]3iya nn pledged his field to NN2 and then contracted it back from him as a tenant BM 68a(20); '1XB 31 xsi1? n':3! nn xn'a 'ii xmn n'1? pvo Vm ia a certain pagan pledged his house to PN (and) then sold it to PN2 ib. 73b(l); ... xna/33 '3 'XI TDX 'IDE/ai rn"'{{,HimX it is forbidden to rent out or to pledge a synagogue Meg 26b(15; M2); XiiawaV SSHai 6b(14); //P 48:9; Geon 162:18; b. objects: 'r'anb iTTU'3B?Bl '^ 111 X1? KBrlTp I did not have (money for wine for) the qiddus, and I pledged my belt (for it) Meg 27b(44); pitf'BI xVlBI xnp n'V he pledged the handle of a sickle to him Svu 43b(14); XD3 'U X11H n'V ]D»a X3X a certain pagan pledged a cup to my father AZ 75b(46); BM U5a(3); c. in a fig. sense: '13'B T? naV snx -yssi •'mwa -ft xtsd xV 3ii since you are not of PN's opinion, why do you want to pledge yourself according to PN's opinion? [i.e. to defend it] BQ 106a(27); 2. to take as a pledge: 'inswa ]'x 'mru 'mru nnaa ]'i n'3 n^wi X1? the messenger of the court may indeed seize (movable objects). Seizing-yes, taking as a pledge-no? BM 113a(19; V22); ib. 27; fig 40a(40); X3(1>31^bV Dec 5:10 N33t£>a n.m. tent (4- Vptf; TA x55b;6 TO Gen 31:33, Sy rdia_x_bi LS 776, Ma X33WXB MD 255) sg. ,T3'D1 n':32?B his tent and its pegs Pes 80a(35; MV'4) N)133tt;», pi. NriN33B;a n.f. mortgage, pledge (4- ^]3TO; Sy ^{Avji, r^^? iAt-b LS 776, Akk maskanutu person or real estate held as pledge CAD M/1 374 [NB]) 1. mortgage, a loan
aVt&a 716 '■ny/tfa secured by the debtor's property: sg. BM 68a(9) [4 l#XJi3W]; ib. 67a(22); 67b(2); I08b(i2); ]imaxa xiwp: mn xruawaa xyix 'an'T I held land as a mortgage from the orphans' father BB 32b(33); HIW XJUaiPB DJ10 a mortgage without qualification is for a year BM 68a(5); /& 67b(4) [4 XJV3J]; n'TUawa '32? the years of his mortgage ib. 79a(44); XJUa»a 1DW a mortgage deed ib. 72a(30); 55 35b(17); pi. 'n j'^'X x'aw nVu/aa 'an M3 'anai xnoi xnxjswa 103 xVl XT xyiX plBVl mortgage (documents) of GN in which they write: "At the conclusion of these years this field will go out without money" [i.e. it returns to the debtor without payment] BM 110a(24; HP 93:14) // BB 38a(7; P1); 2. pledge: sg. p'trpji X3'is xam n'1? jvxi xiai p'paa Xn33WB3 .T3'B we search for a man who has broken gold and take it from him as a pledge (for the orphan's money) BM 70a(27); 'J'3T3 XTU3PB X'BI a pledge is considered as a sale AZ 75b(47) [w. ref. to a silver cup] For the medieval text of this document, v. Gulak, LDT 230+; Voc: mlivh HGP 27b:8; Y: Xn»«>B AZ 75b(47; BAYTN 283). Db'tPn adj. complete (caique < MH2 D^BTIB J 1585; 4 Ad?® af., pass.part.) sg.f. XB^ItfBi X3',T given and complete SSHai 7b(15); pl.m. J'Btoa /& 7a(3) S3nV^i3 n.m. perfect person (4 Ad?®, Xia'W; Sy r^ i -^ \ y *73 LS 783) sg. XlXa^a1? 'T3 y32? P'3 13yV? Xnni p'^Oi the perfect person (descends) seven pits and arises, but one (suffices) for the evildoer [cf. Prov. 24:16] San 7a(25) [Var: 'ttVltf M] rnatfa gn 4- xjtiid n. NBiatfa n.m. perh. thief (I VDBtf) sg. XCJ1B2/Ba xaVys /*Z 15b(55; P'Ar [AC 5:276]) [Var: xoaiya JRaH] Expl. An xatya l^U AC ib.; Y: NBlBtiD /*Z ib. XJ/attfa n.m. logical conclusion (4 VyatS; Sy r^'i viy^ hearing LS 787) pi. 'JWa nxa Tbl\ three hundred logical conclusions Pes 62b(25) N1»S;a n.m. priestly order (< BH, MH l6e>B Yeivin, BV 1012) sg. [X]iau/B1 '12UX members of the priestly order AnanMann 2v:13; ib. 14 NrnatPa n.m. watch (< BH, MH J11B2/B Yeivin, BV 1018) sg. ."I'm .TJIIBIMJ IX'JI Jl'a since it is not his watch BQ 110b(5) l#tfatfa vb. to touch, search (4- Vena; Sy r ^ v^ to touch LS 406) Pal. 1. to touch, feel: '313a 'tt>awaai DB'X "73 whenever they touched (the phylacteries) they would recite a blessing Suk 46a(26); Hul 50a(29); ib. 30; 9a(l); fl// 15a(9); WOWa 'P3TO if he forgot (and) touched (his anus) Ber 62a(51; P) [v. OHP ib. 99:6+]; 31X ins wawaa 'e;ibb?bi jpt yra vprra'wn because of their importance it is well known that he actually feels for them BM 21b(47); ib. 27; 2. to search: J'WBIPBBi "|'0pJS j'nJlBI 'yi' JVin V7'X JIIIJ 'a "]iaiy had you known that your (heavenly) pinax (containing your deeds and misdeeds) would be opened and your actions would be searched, would you have taken a vow? Ned 22a(5) 2#tfatfa vb. to prepare (4- VtftiB) Pal.: xmiT n'b 'WWa1? to prepare shrouds for him Er 41b(33) [4- Vl#n3X pe., mng. 1] Ntpai^a n.m. servant, attendant (4 Ve?BW; Sy i^ \ y -n y ^ LS 788) sg. mp 'wawaa im xav Kin "|'"I3 XKHip the sun, which is one of the attendants of the Holy One, Blessed be He Hul 60a(3) srmatfa n.f. ban demon (4 Vnair, xnac/) pi. Bo 80:5 KJlVat^a n.f. an eye defect (4- V2# 'Jti; cf. Ma XJTI'JXIPa separation MD 279) sg. iryaa XJinwa the to.-eye defect (is derived) from ii'ya [Lev 21:20] 5e/t44a(25); ib. 23 Y: NJW3WD Bek ib. '13J7tPa n.m.pl. property on which there is a mortgage or lien (caique < MH2 [D'ODJ] B'layilPB mortgaged property J 1608; 4 Viaytf pass.part.; cf. Sy ^ ^ v v -^ servant LS 506) '3J xara nn 'aaa 'isywaa '31 x"?n ',u granted that he does not collect (a debt) from property with a lien. On unmortgaged property he can certainly collect BM 12b(43); ib. 13b(23); BB 169b(12); Ket 91a(8); Git 19b(28); XB1U ,10315 'laywaa ns-io xV r\y\ra 'xam 'laywaa provision Kwptfa t t': . 717 xpiritfa of a trousseau (is a reason) to seize mortgaged property. (Fulfilling) an obligation of the ketubba is not (a reason) to seize mortgaged property Ket 68b(31); ib. 55a(7); 90b(10); 95a(31); Bek 49b(25) Y: naywa ATe< 52b(39; BAYTN 296). [jnajftfa n.m. apostate (4- Viae?; jpa ibwb DJPA 335) pi. VxiW'l 'layWB Jewish apostates ,4Zlla(3; SM 46:18) On the form with 'flyin, v. DJPA ib., w. prev. lit.] [*nptfa 4 xnptfa n.] K3S^pt^a n.m. irrigation channel (4 Vl#'ptf, Xyp'B>; Sy ^' '• " y ^ PSm 4282) sg. X3X'pi£?a XD'TISI an irrigation channel of a vineyard rGte2« 192:21; &e/ 117:75(Var); HG3 397:36! Lit: Eps, Stl 123. KXnB'i?#» n.m. affliction (4- V«)piff; Sy ~*X~ «k „ v >^ LS 801) sg. 5o 69:6 [NVptt^a 4 xVpna n. A corrupt gloss between the lines in SW23b(10)] JOpt^a n.m. sea shell (Sy >_i(j)(j)^i k'H nr-*a BAii 1:6869) pi. 'Jlftn np»a Tl"3 let him bring sea shells': snails [gloss] AZ 28b(ll; JMAr [AC 5:282],TGHark 23:2P1!) Geon. expl.: 1'Knpji pa \vm yBb^m o'yiiss I'Knai im» in n"B3 llsVx TGHark ib., i.e. JiJjl; TGWeisz 83b:7; Lit: Low, ZA 23(1910) 284+. The agreement bet. the form in BT and BAH shows that this is the correct rdg. contra Brockelmann, LS 810, who prefers s ~* » *- BBah 117516 on etym. grounds. N^a, NINt^a n.f. garden bed (< Akk musaru surface measure of one square ninda [= 12 cubits2] CAD M/2 261, AIOA 74; 4 Xltia '3 s.v. 1#XT1'3 mng. 6k; Ma l#X"IXWa f. district, zone, garden bed MD 279, Sy rr'&i y ^r> plowed land LS 408, > Arab sjlii Fr, AF 129) sg. XlW'a X.1 X'a X'J?3 X1? Xiera Km X'» X'5?3 this garden bed needs water. That garden bed does not need water Tan 9b(15); XIE/aa xVlID 'ipy im they used to uproot a radish from the garden bed BM 85a(22) [Var: XlXU/aa SM 67:6]; BB 37b(15); X"IX©a n"? 'Vtjp 'Xa3 TDDT with what does one cut down a garden bed of knives? Bek 8b(38) [a riddle]; ib. 39; pi. ■"'-ixpa'' nxwa 3n m 'ni'iV mnb ynt 3i PN used to sow the vegetable garden of the be rav in various garden beds Qid 39a(50; O2); Git 69b(55); Sab 110b(42; M); BQ 81a(29) Lit: F. Schulthess, ZA 19(1905) 128+; Nold, MG 160; AAC 273; Y: (CIBI? Sab ib.(BAYTN 119). KH'pWa n.f. hissing (4- Vl#plti; Sy rtH+ni^x-Zp LS 810, Ma xnp11tt?xa MD 256) sg. 'n'pVK&aa n'p12?11 hissed with my hissing Bo 136:5 NriHBm, pi. KnKnt&a n.f. retinue (4 Vl#nti, xn'iwa 13; TA XJinwS TO Gen 32:8, Sy K'iL.-uxLib ls 804) pi. {ni'DX3 mi? 'inx Vx'isi n'n"12?'a Gabriel shut the door in front of his retinue San 26a(57; F2); T,n"TE>a ib. 26b(l; K) The passage: 'nnwa hi rPWX\K nVyi 'Vbt Ktnp X'n Kin is this the city of Jerusalem for which I made all my troops tremble? San 95a(16) is not in JBA, but it is a quotation from TJ Is 10:32; Y: 'JTJ-WO San ib.(BAYTN 189). tftfa vb. to prepare (4 XtftiB, Xtf&B, V2# VlSVft; Sy y_sb to touch LS 406) Pe. (u): xmiT n'V »ia'n rwsi1? xrint wia'n ... ri'a nrx"? does she want to prepare shrouds for another dead (son)/herself? MQ 27b(32); XIBrl 1,'lp T,ian TaiV Via XD31X (if) your friend called you a donkey, prepare a saddle for your back BQ 92b(16); W1B 1,3'S '033 'ixa '"'T'ns prepare your firewood with one who owns property ib. 93a(4) Ktt'tra, XtyNt27a n.m. substance, significance (V^ia; 4 Xtitfa ia, X©aa; Sy rcliiiTa feeling LS 406) sg. na n'x wvvis 'i'a 'am ni'ax tox does a statement of these (people) contain any substance? Pes 4b(6; V); Yev 102b(38); 'jay XWa ma jtV XIBSI morning clouds do not have any substance Tan 6b(25); Ket 18a(18); Ber 39a(36); Ned 23b(13); ib. 75b(3); Bg 22a(ll); XltfXTO ib. 70a(ll; HP 66:23); 5an 101b(14); Mei 9b(7); 55//a/ 5b(12) Y: KWBB Ser 59a(35). Spint^a n.m. silence (4 Vpntf; JPA piJWB DJPA 336) sg. Xpwwa XJT7'ai XaD the essence of the matter is silence Meg 18a(23) [w. ref. to Ps 65:2]; 'Ilia XpiTOai y"70a X^'a a word for a sela, and silence for two ib. 24 Both statements are given as Palestinian sayings [cf. DJPA 336, s.v. ym»n]; Y: NjrtntfO Meg ib.(BAYTN 261).
kvib/b 718 NiKna Njntfa, NTltf'a n.m. drinking, drink, feast (4- V'ntf; TA X*TO» TO Gen 19:3, Sy KlJdi-r-S* LS 811) 1. drinking: sg. nTTl' XWB excessive drinking (of wine) Qid 2b(37); X'n&'B ,TMN (his) drinking has overpowered him G# 68b (12); X'nWB 'IB drinking vessels Suk 29a(4) [Var: KWB HPP 30:18]; ;i. 48a(25); X'nitfB na a woman in the category of drinking (the potion of the sofa) Yev 58a(30); XOfllH XWB na Xna*73 is a bitch capable of drinking (wine)? RH 4a(29; E2); 2. drink: sg. 'TO'X X'B p'WBI your drink is black water Bo 78:10; "|Waai "iVs'BB in your food and drink Pes 114a(6; V17); Sab 152a(19); 3. feast: sg. X'ffitfB lay he made a feast Meg 13a(48) Y: NWS Sut 29a(4; BAYTN 248). XTPRtilZ n.f. web (TA KJVTOg TJ Jud 16:13, Sy K'^L.^s-^b LS 812, Ma XJllTOXS MD 256) sg. 'Jl'WIB Nid 58a(34) Y: xrpnra WW ib. urn, Knxa, cs. na, Pi. Nrmna n.f. town, place, first element in GN's (< Akk matu f, pi. matatu country, land CAD M/l 414, AIOA 71; 4- xna na, s.v. i#x-ia mng. 9, xna )in, xna na, Xna ISO, s.v. 2#K1SD; Sy r^K^s, pi. nc'kA n^iSAo*> LS 408, Ma xnXB, pi. xnxWXB town, village MD 256, JNA XnXB mata village HDJNA s.v., ModSy mata village Maclean 205) 1. town: a. general: sg. XnB8? X3"7BT XOIBblD xnXT the royal army came into the town Ber 30b(2); ib. 60b(58); XnXB XDa '3 when he reached the town Tan 23b(5); Hag 5b(38); Xnaa n'3W he is available in the town BQ 33a(14); ib. 57a(10); Sab 19a(20) [4- lniTl]; xnaV XnBB from one town to another BB 21a(33); H'V'T xbl XnXB an alien town Bey 55b(35; MGG 630:7); Er 61a(34); XnaV XaipBl XJHX a field which is close to a town Ket 80b(15); Yev 100a(8); BM 107a(28); 'Xnaa n jnnwm 'ATI let her come and swear to me in my town Ket 85a(44); 'JVinX xnB another town BM 46b(28); BB 167b(29); 'V'B XnxaT civic matters Tan 12b(48); MQ 6a(7); Qid 76b(28); in"?13 xnBT WX all the residents of the town San 97a(42); jnxai "ij? the poor people of our town Meg 27a(47); XTJlBa Hjn ,171 p'bo Kb no wild animal attacked their town BM 84b(30); prrriXB Anan 16:4; AnanSch 14:13; X'1.TT Xna 'sVx 'inx 'S'JX nn a town which is 2,000x2,000 (cubits) Er 56b(13); XTl^'IJ? Xna a circular town ib. 57a(14); TVlbti XJ1XB such-and-such a town SSHai 2a(3); BMsG 10:7; pi. ]jr>3ai xnxina VIM those towns which are incorporated ... £V 21a(31); brrw pXT 'nnnB the towns of Eretz Israel Git 7a(27; M); 'on XnXinBl XJWV "TIX 'Vl3 in the entire Torah (the word ri3X) as a GN [lit. term of towns], is spelled defectively BMsN 33:44; BMsG 10:10; b. sections: sg. xn'Vp'p XnBi the town garbage dump Sab 156b(43); Git 69a(10); xnBT n'S the town gate SOZ 72:19; '3 XnBi ns'a the border area of the town AZ 35b(50); XnBl nam the open place of the town Ber 62a(44); Er 24b(20); XnB! 'b'VO the paths of the town Ket 62b(39); HM 42:3; c. *. siai field: sg. 4- X13T mng. b; d. in proverbs: sg. nXBa 'Xamn 'XB3 XV<1)(W 'XB1P in my town-my name (determines my status); not in my town-my garment Sab 145b (42); X'OX rwil xnaa THn Xs? x'did na «i'3x abi xnaa -irm xVi do not dwell in a town whose leader is a doctor. Do not dwell in a town where a horse does not neigh Pes 113a(2; M1); jwbi 'mm xnyaa xnaa nxp nxa (if) one hundred gourds in the town (cost merely) a ma 'a, (let them be) under your garment [i.e. in your possession] ib. 10; 2. place: sg.cs. XpT XpT naV b(\)npv take vegetables to GN [lit. a place of (plentiful) vegetables] Men 85a(6); 3. built-up area: sg. 'IIP n'SU xnaa 'VidVd moving objects (on the Sabbath) in the built-up area itself is permitted Er 24b (21); 4. W. GN's [cf. Akk mat GN CAD ib. 417, mng. Id]: a. as the first element [cf. Ma mrtwnj? xnxa Nold, MG 319]: sg. X'Ona Xna Bes 29a(3); Meg 26a(17); Ket 4a(14); BQ 119b(47); b. in apposition [cf. Ma Xnxa DXVwXTiy ib.]: sg. Xna 1XT7 MQ 27b(27); Xna X-110 Yev 116a(5); BM 18a(33) Lit: Sok, KS 51 (1976) 469; D. Goldenberg, Biblica 77(1996) 75+; on the semantic shift from Akk to JBA, v. Kut, Words 20; Eshel, JSB 149 [mng. 4]; Voc: XTO VTM 84; X?l(tS HGP 19a:25; Y: Xffl? Ber 60b(55; BAYTN 5). [NVsNTia 4- x"?3oa n.] N-ixna 4- x-rna n. 71o N"?nna toaria 'JZ . Nnana n.m. birthstooi (i V-ran; jpa nana djpa 33V, ta xnana TJ 2S 22:5) sg. "737 xami xnmx XianB a woman who is sitting on a birthstooi HG3 364:1 [cf. MH2: 132?an by 2VTW HJWB Sab 129a(13)]; XianB by nV xn'BT xnmxi a woman who dies while giving birth [lit. on the birthstooi] TGAs42 85:14 NINina n.m. platter (etym. unkn.) sg. 'Jl'il in,,!?y nrai X"lXina let him bring a platter and place (it) over them [i.e. the basins] Git 69b(53; Ar [AC 5:293],RaH [OHR ib. 46:19]) [4- XTins mng. 2] Expl. RaH: ^T ib. This word should not be connected w. I »nn». l#N711?'3'ina n.f. (uncertain) sg. Sab 77b(30) [expl. by notarikon as JBA XT "lbtiT\ ,hB''X when will this end?] Geon. expl.: Kin niD» 'Vd Tl»'3 Ar [OHP ib. 36:27]; expl. Ar: 1. inB'V; 2. D'jlD. ItfKnV'Srna n.f. type of food (4- Vl#"?3X, xnVl3B) sg. xn"?'3ina 'V yy\p bring me m. (to eat with meat) Pes 43a(15; Ar [AC 5:288, X"D]) [Var: xnsn n'a xV3(n)'BT 'Ta XS'X there is something which is eaten with bread Ar (AC ib.)] Expl. Ar: IJIS1? AC ib. The Ar takes this and'the previous entry as one word. pna adj. wet, n. wetness (4- V2#]nB) I. adj. wet: sg.m. X3WB3 Xin njmT "13 X3'0 can one sow in clay? When it is wet Pes 47b(9); nponV 'Wl XJinaa (is not the chaff) fit for heating? (It is not) when it is wet BB 19b(36); f. XnnnB3 ib. 19a(46); 47; pl.f. n'VID XiinBT iy H'iXDB D"01 (one who) puts on his shoes while his feet are wet Pes 11 lb(37; V14) [E'C: ]TV1 73]; II. n. wetness: sg.m. X'BT X3ina wetness of the water BB 19a(53; F2); XJinBT xpTn damage caused by wetness BB 19a(18) [* 4- X^sn mng. 1]; f. Xmirffl VmsV 'Wp wetness is damaging to a wall BB 18a(10) RaH: n'm^nb K ms yjnp Pes ib.; Y: KWWB Pes ib.(BAYTN 180). Kjajlina, SiajnJia n.m. expositor, speaker (4- Vbrin,' xnax;'s'y kiLao^^j ls 834, ta IBrnnB TO Gen 42:23, MH2 IBmna Tan 4b[16]) sg. wpb win rvmynna ^ana 12 invr '1 PN (who was) PN's expositor Sot 37b(27); Ket 8b(16); Git 60b(l 1) // Tern 14b(7); n'iBJina San 7b(21) Lit: Mai, TanEng 5123; Y: n'JBjnwO Ket ib. nna vb. to pull, stretch, elongate (4- XnnnB; Sy ^xi^Jn LS 408, Ma 1# xna, nna MD 280, 260) Pe. (a/a) 1. to pull: 'VltfXS rf? nna (PN) pulled it [i.e. the boat] with ropes Ket 85a(3); pass.part. V'yVa ,!?tt?xa xn'nan (the animal) is pulled by ropes from above Suk 23a(43); 2. to stretch, draw: n'1? 'nna pi 'X if he was short, they would stretch him San 109b(32); irb nnBT he stretched it [i.e. the garment] Sab 19a(40; M) [# 4- Vpi3 pa.]; Hul 43a(37; Ar [AC 2:307]) [* 4- VlBJ pe.]; X"ii'n3 'by nmxs1? nvv an nnai PN stretched his neck upon me like a snake Ber 49a(40; P); KTbxab 7lb nna Xp mn he was stretching out the leather sheet (to its full length) BB 167a(ll; HP 68:1); OHTSab 73:27; 'TOT xnttfpa 'tV<J7>{S1 nnai H3 stretch the bow over it and shoot (the thorns) at it HM 42:7 [cf. Sy, LS ib., mng. l.b.p]; pass.part. ITnB Hul 51b(33) [of a cloak]; 3. to elongate: xs'pi '3 n'nnaaV ins xnrn n one should elongate the waw of'Vaizatha' [v. Est 9:9] like a gallows post Meg 16b(34) Itpe. 1. to be pulled, towed: in'^PX 'Minax being towed of their [i.e. the canal boats'] ropes BM i07b(48; Es); in1? 'inoa in'^wx 'nnaa 'x if their ropes can be pulled, (the pullers) can walk [i.e. have enough room] ib. 53; 2. to be stretched: xmiS Xnnaa xV(i>{3) "I2?SX 'X it is impossible that (the curtain) will not be stretched abit&* 138b(22) The mng. of H'W -|V'n n^S San 109b(29) is unclear. mnna 4- nmn prep. n.m. spathe of the date palm (etym. unkn.) sg. XpXBID xVpiT x"?nnB spathe of a red date palm Ket 77b(19; MGG 226:3) [V: xVna]; nViyi 'bnna ''Jn spathes of 'orla Ber 36b(17) // Pes 52b(35) [Var: 'brp OHP Ber 112:1] Geon. expl.: rrarfrx 3Sf ':y rbiybx asp OHP Ber ib., i.e. Sjiiil ^A stalk of the date palm; nVljn IWXf OHT Pes 148:13 [cf: vxy pi ixaspVx V333 iniN pip ^xysw 'vhx\ tin 13 ww iax33 )nix 1'wiyi ^n.r\b f m:i ysi yaVfn in ]tnyv OHT Ber 85:24]; Lit: Low, Flora 2:334, expl.: spathe, the
Knnna t : t : leather-like shield of the date panicle; Y: 'bnrip Ber ib.(BAYTN 220). Nfinria n.f. stretching (4- VnnB; Sy «Lubtso stretching LS 409) sg. Xnb'AQT XflririB the stretching of the leather sheet Git 88a(5) l#Nri3'na, pi. NnNS'na n.f. site, academic session, members of an assembly, academy (caique < MH2 TO'EP J 600, mng. 3; 4- Van', X33 xra'na-T, xnavia tfn, xarvia ma; jpa na'na DJPA 336) 1. site: sg. XTUT X/U'/iaV p'^OT Xa'J? Xp"l3 'innttl the cloudiness that arises to the site of fire and appears as lightning Ber 59a(32; MGE 148:14) [expl. MH D'pna ib.]; 2. academic session: a. of a particular Rabbi: sg. 'B"p Tin '3 rrna'JlBB pm when the students used to depart from his [i.e. Rav Huna's] academic session Ket 106a(23); nxVaa XJirn .TJUVIB /A. (25); mm'TlB OSX 'T7 Ber 18b(47); Ket 106a(25); "IT 'mj'fiB 'DT> AW 81a(22); 'IT KWIB 5A/ 85b(39); b. in the phrase XJPpTI XJia'DB the heavenly academic session [= MH2 ntyaVff T\TW Pes 53b(28)]: sg. XVpTI XJUVia^ IT1? p'^O he has ascended to the heavenly academic session Ber 18b(45); Tin X^> XypIT Xna'AB1? fl'V 'V"ya they did not permit him to enter the heavenly academic session Sot 7b(39) // Mak llb(ll) // BQ 92a(50); BM 85b(34); ib. 86a(28); 3. perh. members of an assembly/session [i.e. XX13'rlB CJ3)]: coll.m. 'aaoi xn,i3@msT xra'na (i)(xmxi yyo "3x "JT^'J? PN will die, and the members of the session of GN will come and rely upon you(r decisions) Ber 56a(46); -\TiTm VlVo1? TO'CD outfit all of the members of your assembly (with garments of tekhelet) San 110a(13; K); X3'Xi ]1'3 ''3W nsitf'B xrn'JlB since there are members of the assembly (available, messengers) are quite common Git 6a(19); 'TIB ln'DTJQ XmjTlB the members of the assembly are engrossed in their study ib. 20; Er 21a(25; O); 4. academy, school [in Geonic lit. only]: sg. xmviaa xnV'BT XVUB the custom of the matter in the academy TGHark 93:20; xnH3@DlS3 Xna'TlB Kin nin there was one academy in GN I§GF 89:8; ib. 81:11; 118:20; XlV'1 xm'JlB our academy ib. 99:8; •'vo Taa j'na'naa pxj *]or 3-1 tthwi PN remained in our academy for several years ib. i\) 2# Njrn»n» 99:3; 103:2; H3 J/ap'B1? pDO'X1? ^T'BV 3T 'J?a ,Tin Xri3'na PN wanted to go to GN to establish an academy in it TGAs42 165:19; XJWTp xna'riB the holy academy TGHark 188:32; pi. 'awx XriXSTlB to direct the academies iSGF 99:12 [cf. MH2 na'W 3'Win he convened a session Er 26a(29)]; ib. 117:18; xnX3'TlB ]'mm pan scholars of the two academies OHTSab 76:5 [i.e. originally of Sura and Pumbeditha]; pan XnX3VlBT ISGF 88:1; rG/f.?42 29:35; J'Tinn XnX3TtB /,?GF 81:2; //P 114:14; rG/fant 111:21; ;Z>. 226:17; 5. (head of) the academy: pi. xm^j m~n xnxa'na ]'mm the two (heads of) the academies and the exilarch OHT Ket 213:9; iSGF 104:10 The mng. in the fol. passage is uncertain: Kra'fiOD 'TO nin '3 "C'p '3^ when he used to come from the m. to the government house San 14a(46) [but //TO'p '3^> 'TO mn '3 Ket 17a(18)]. The division of this entry follows the discussions of Goodblatt and Gafni [v. Goodblatt, RISB 71+; 76+; id., Zion 46(1981) 14+; Gafni, JBTE 177+] both of whom conclude that there is no certain evidence for the existence of academies/schools in the Talmudic Period, and that the Geonim - followed by modern scholars - anachronistically read the later situation into the Talmudic passages; Y: K7l?Tia Ber 20a(12; BAYTN 173). 2#Nna'na, abs. Na'na, pi. Nnwna n.f. T : • : 7 r ■ : 7 ' tt-: literary unit of traditional study, lesson (I Vain af, mng. 2) sg.abs. na'JIB Hag 14b(2; Tarbiz 40 [1971] 196) [editorial note]; det. W'n1? ,TrD»X rpanV xarn xna'na Q"oa xpi aw mm1 vrpb he found PN who was sitting and explaining the literary unit of the day to the students BQ l I7a(39); xarxn um xna'na 'xa mm xn come (and) let us review whatever literary unit that they studied today ;/>.(GTB2 201:15); nna*7n XrUTia tomorrow's literary unit ib. 42; p'^O xar "?D1 nan xynx1? mru xypm xna'na nan wp-b XJHXn Xn3Tia every day he ascends to heaven and learns the of literary unit of heaven. He descends to earth and learns the literary unit of earth Git 68a(37; V18); pi. no@'^l p'Jna Xp pxi )'XpJ?3 XJlXaTia we study thirteen literary units in the (Tractate) Vqsin Ber 20a(12; MGG 826:4) // Tan 24b(6) // San 106b(41); Tft&m xna'na 'JBn St 495:79; xnxa'na 'no@'nnn m>3 "733 "wfr nn'l non to study at each fcz//a-session twelve literary units more or less iSGF 94:2 t : " 721 'ana Lit: Ros, Tarbiz 40(1971) 193; Lewin, Met, Intr. XXI+; Goodblatt, RISB 77+. Note the use of this term in a Karaite Arabic text: TIDW7X p IVDTiB nvna one or two literary units of the Talmud Mann, TaS 1:558. K'jna, K'Tl'a v.n. coming (4- V'TIX; TA 'mri'a TO Gen 24:62, Sy rtib\r<^a LS 54) sg. fp»tt xV X"na this is not called 'coming' Ket 3a(28); X'na Git 34a(35); d?vh J'na y\2 blessed is your coming in peace Ket 17a(20) // San 14a(47); 'X8 X3H ~f? TXI'B why did you come here? Ket 105b(38) Y: -\lfm San ib.fMo 85). D'-^Jia adj. paired, coupled (4- VdXJI pa., pass.part.; Sy -p^^n LS 813) sg. X<1){'}nn in in"? 'TO in1? D"nai that (place) where they [i.e. the two parts of the central leaf of the lulav] are coupled and he reckons them as one HP 32:9 p'Jia adj. sweet (4- VpriB pe., pass.part.; BH, MH pina HAL 618, J 860, Akk matqu CAD M/2 413) pl.m. X-IJ33 XrlTB 'pTlBT UWa because its fruits are sweet like (that of) the lote tree Meg 6a(5; M2Ar [AC 4:262]) [expl. GN J1T33 Sea of Galilee] Vna vb. to recite a parable, compare (4-1# xVna; Sy A^n LS 409, Ma bm MD 281) Pe. 1. to recite a parable: Pes 114a(7) [4- l#x"7riB]; Ket 66b(40); 2. to compare, liken: pass.part. X"nX3 ^Tia ]13nVx your God is likened to a lion Hul 59b(28; SM 10:5); ib. 30; DWB mvb bKTW T1D33 xV'nai because the community of Israel is likened to a dove Ber 53b(32) // Sab 49a(30) // ib. 130a(49) // San 95a(41); xnrro ix"7 '"jTia are (the robbers) not likened to animals? BM 83b(20) Itpe. to be compared: Tlivi "Vtr riMD xV'rlB'X Sab 49a(30; V) [v. Pe.] 1# H)m n.m. parable (4- V?na; TA X?DB TJ IS 24:14', Sy rdSivib LS 409, Ma xVn'fi MD 271) sg. '©Ti'3 Xbna I'Vna I'na V1? do they not recite the parable so in Jerusalem? Ket 66b(40); ,!7nB X3*iyB3 X^JIB they recite a parable in Eretz Israel Pes H4a(7); pi. xrmx xnVm x(n)nyB^ xn^iri 'Vna Xn"7in a third legal traditions, a third aggadot, (and) a third parables San 38b(52) [contents of a public lecture] Y: (rtro Pes ib.(BAYTN 89). 2# xVna 4- x"?nriB n. nana adj. weak (of vinegar; V2#MBn pa./af. pass.part.; cf. Ma l#XBn to be turbid MD 487) sg.m. XnBTlB X"?n weak vinegar Pes 74b(46; V17) [C: xna'na nVn] Geon. expl.: 'lp D'Kpi V03T 'T» V31131S V3 fann vb<D TSJI XnOTO niSTK n'1? OHP ib. 149:19(Ar); Lit: Flora 1:104; Y: XTOnO Pes ib.fBAYTN 220). l#|na vb. to do something slowly, wait (Sy ,Jhj*> etpa. to delay, linger LS 410) Pe. ( /u): 'W 'til HXB ysnx jina ]ina act very slowly! It is worth four hundred zuzim Ber 20a(21; Ar [AC 5:289]) [play on PN ]1Xia ib. and ]nxa two hundred]; 'JUTX Y01 |ina act slow in marrying a wife Yev 63a(36) Af. to wait: ^VIBX1? rf? ^TK she should have waited Yev 91b(16); ib. 21; XXVTIX 1}} H'1? I'DBl he should wait concerning it [i.e. giving the remedy] until the night Yom 84b(18; HP 24:8) [Ed: 33JT1?] 2# jna vb. to be moist (MH 2#|r)B to be moist LNVTH 218) 4- fine i#N3na, Kan'a n.m. cord, rope (mh2 nana BB 89a[28]) sg. WW.1? XriTDI X:na XS'XT 'X Xrm31 XJJ1B3 if there is a cord and a window, let him bring it with the cord and (by way of) the window Er 34a(15); X1T1B3 TDpT VlJNB a lock tied with a cord ib. 35a(27); Yev 102a(38) [of a sandal]; H'Sira XJD'DT XJflB 1DXT ]Xa one who ties a linen cord on his loins BM 113b(27); Sab 51b(39); ib. 102a(ll); XJTl'B Men 35b(l); pi. 'JTIBT mi'p coils of ropes Tarn 32a(47); '1HB Seel 119:l(Var) [of a scale]; HG3 117:49 Lit: Eps, Stl 124. 2# tuna*, pi. 'ana n.m. loin (Ma xanxa, pi. X'WXb' MD 257, Sy rc'Ao'ivib LS 410) VW '3 inb nw IT'JTIBX ^7]b they only throw them [i.e. the rams] on their loins Hul 51a(44); XTVPitV 'jna 'mm at the calyces below the loins ib. 55b(2); 93a(8; V") Y: 'WD Hul ib.(BAYTN 89). '|ina n.m. teacher of the Tannaitic tradition (i'Vi#'wi; JPA T'jna djpa 338) sg. ma 'ana nin Wpi p ]1VBB? 'm he was PN's son's teacher
t ■ : - 722 Nivaria of the Tannaitic tradition Ket 8b(13; M); ib. 11 lb(46); pi. 'pi3' lana teachers of the Tannaitic tradition to children San 86a(14) NJTJna, pi. NJT^Jia n.f. Tannaitic statement or tradition (Mishna, barraita; 4- Vl#'3;i; caique < MH 13K?B Yeivin, BV 1019; JPA 17T3J1B det. DJPA 337) a. general: sg. X3D Xmrias he learnt in a Tannaitic tradition Yom 72b (46); Ket 72a(18); BQ 13b(17); pi. jmiS XIDn 31 TWV 311 HTI'^naa PN used to withdraw (from PN2) because of (the knowledge of) the Tannaitic traditions of PN2 Er 67a(ll); mm X'BO X11,1 VxiBW 1B1 ,1'Bp xmriB 11DB a certain blind man who used to recite Tannaitic traditions before PN Bes 16b(22) // Qid 66a(17)b. sg. in phrase yrfina, X3V'1 XrnriB our Mishna [= MH Un3iy»], w. ref. to the Mishna of R. Judah, the Prince [= Rabbi]: 1) general: ]X» prnriB '13B '*l Tpn now then, who ordered our Mishna? Rabbi Yev 64b(13); X3T1 'XI '3 nbl j'mna our Mishna is not according to this Tanna Meg 2b(32); ''Jinn 'X^aaa x"?1 our Mishna is not according to the Babylonians Ned 49b(4); 110B mnx 13 11X 31 'W't 15/31X1 poy l'Jl'3Tia PN used to recite our Mishna twenty-four times (in order to remember it well) Tan 8a(9) [4- VlID pa., mng. 1]; I'mna rrrpytJX our Mishna caused him to err Ket 101b(24) [4- V'J?D af., mng. 1]; 'V V"PB1 "73 rrb xsd'wb xVi ,T'n 'i '2121 rrjrenx 'i '212 xrfra I'rPSJIBB (if) anyone asks me a matter from (the Tannaitic statements) of PN and PN2 and I cannot explain it from our Mishna Tan 21a(24); 'IPX 21 xmm ''mai "3na p"1 PN makes an inference from our Mishna and raises an objection AZ 16b (17); "3fiBB yyy fi -in3Xl he enlightened us from our Mishna BB 53b(24) [+ //'s; 4- Vl#113 af., mng. 2]; 'X1T12X Xm ''3na pl3W forsake our Mishna and follow me [i.e. my opinion] BQ 15b(47) [4- Vp2W pe., mng. 3b]; XBty 'VlD ,1ip3W Xlia^ri "im "71TX1 I'miia1? everyone abandoned (the plain study of) our Mishna and indulged in talmud BM 33b(2) [Var: xriX'jnD1? I§GF 50:21]; xn'133 T35H "371B p>3tt/ mi does PN abandon our Mishna and act according to a barraita? BQ 96b(41) // Ara 29a(20); xn'3riB3 X'B'Bri 1371 -p X3"7'1 so the scholars learnt in our Mishna Seel 73:33; ib. 75:19; 109:20; 138:17; iSGF 19:18; 2) * Xri"13: 'ri"i3 X31 'Tl^riD DTll in that case (the dispute concerns) our Mishna. In this case (it concerns) a barraita Sab 81a(27); ]'n'3J1B xpH pni' '11 1'7113 Xnn3 311 I'lTD our Mishna is in accord with PN, the barraita with PN2 Yom 64b(2); Xn'133 X3'3m )';i'3riB2 ]1T\) we learnt (it) in our Mishna and we learnt (it) in a barraita BQ 92b(40); Xm2X I'JPMIB 'BX1 'B?X 21 PN points out a contradiction between our Mishna and a barraita Zev 115a(27); BM 18b(13); AZ 16b(7); X^ 'ri"12 "72X "'ino 'V'B '3,1 XB^'I perhaps these matters are a Mishna but not a barraita Sab 40a(2); £r 29a(26); Ae? 16b(27); BQ 112a(ll); 3) portions thereof: ]'J1'3)1B1 XW1 the former part of our Mishna Bes 19a(l); 'TfiWl XB10 the latter part of our Mishna Ber 23a(ll); XBU J'n'JJlBI the text of our Mishna Nid 45b(42); 4) in formulaic phrases: (a) )'n'3JlB2 I'1? 111B Xp XI he, in fact, answers him in our Mishna Pes 48a(28); Git 13a(4); (b) '13 ]->Tnrzb IBlplX1? 3py ]3 '15/nx to interpret our (anonymous) Mishna according to PN Er 88b(12); BQ 77b(4); BB 98a(8); Yom 15a(15); Meg 18a(34); San 112b(20); (c) X'l ]>mi\B (what he says) is our Mishna Yev 106b(19); Git 79a(35) [and passim]; (d) '3B j'n'3JlB (according to) who(m) is our Mishna? Pes 86a(35) [4- '3a pron.]; (e) ]VY>3;ia Xp'1 'B3 our Mishna is also exact [i.e. the deduction can be made internally from it] Pes 99a(12) [4- Vpll pe., mng. 2]; (f) ITWp JTMJia our Mishna contradicts him Sab 146a(27); Yev 24b(44); BQ 29b(41); Men 103a(24); (g) JVP3J1B X'l 'XTrr our Mishna is (according to) an individual authority Sab 140a(37) [4- IXI'n']; c. w. ref. to statements of other Tannaitic authorities [i.e. barraitot]: 1) anonymous: sg. Xp '3 TWV 21 '»j '3i xri'^naa '■? trips xnV'B i'3'a lO'jn x(')(i)i ''3;ibi 'mna n1? xsibi 'rnna xaropa whenever I ask something of PN, he solves it for me from a Tannaitic statement. But whenever I (afterwards) also find a Tannaitic tradition which refutes it, it is one Tannaitic tradition against another Zev 96b(10; V11); DIB/B'll ]3ni' '1 '5731 XH XJVanaa if? you can solve what PN asks from a Tannaitic tradition Ket 96b(18); X'JWIH 21 XflX '3 n'T2 xrnna tpxi xnx xynrua when PN came from GN, he came and brought a Tannaitic statement with him Sab 19b(9) // ib. 145b(8) // Bes 26b(15); Bes 28b(40) [+ //'s; 4- xroVa]; xrrnm xmna ... xivap xn'sna former/latter tarra/to Men 66a(28); TIED I'ri'jna DJIJTn U'llV 1B15M let your barraita be interpreted as (a case of) an ox that is to be executed BQ 91b(34); pi. XJT":na )'"?na Xin one of these barraitot Tern lla(21); KJIX'Jna '3H these barraitot BQ 114a(51); xn"3TO1 '1BJ1 the eight (cases) of the barraitot Yev 21b(53); XHX':riaia OllirVs xb 'aa 'xnax ij'^s xV just as the barraitot do not differ, so too the Amoraim do not differ 5g 14a(28); '11HX }"V$ xn"3Jia the barraitot contradict each other Er 3a(14); 'ai ':s;ai 'iinx xnx'ana he used to point out a contradiction between Tannaitic statements and answer (it) BM 81a(12) [4- Vl#'ai pe., mng. 1 lb]; H'sVa 31 XnX'jnai ''Jfia our Mishna and the barraitot (are according to) PN AZ 29a(52); 'im xnx'3na nam rwv 3i 073a PN used to gather together the 'beads' [i.e. fragments] of the barraitot and learn (them as one unit) AZ 42b(36) [v. Eps, MNM 360]; Sab 138a(3); Men 43a(20); 2) w. attribution: sg. p3'H 13 '31 XIT3na Pes 101b(8); XTp 12 '21 XJV3X1B Ket 104a(57); '3T1 pi n'n,3na2 ^ so PN learns in his 'Mishna' BQ 78b(14); BM 55a(37); 'XV221 xnX'3na 'H31 those Tannaitic statements of the Babylonians iSGF 41:1 Lit: Eps, Stl 93; id, MNM 803+; 813. The mng. of XH \-\>T\ xn'jna Hor 13b(42) is unclear; Voc: ]'n':nfi HPP 35:20; Y: KJI'ina Yom 31a(23; BAYTN 189). KWna n.f. gift, deed of gift, pi. priestly dues (4^]:i3; TA Xlf\a TJ Ezek 46:16, JPA Una DJPA 337) 1. gift: sg. Xn3Jia3 '"7 31' 133 he already gave (it) to me as a gift San 103b(48); pi. Ill '3 nx'W3 '3a xnxsna rr1? mwa when they used to send him presents from the House of the Nasi Meg 28a(32); BB 136a(2); X1? 'XWB31? Djn'BI XI Xn3na 113 nn"» I have not retained anything for myself in this gift SSHai 7a(21); ib. 8a(l); Xri3na IBP deed of gift Geon 231:15; TGHark 51:17; 2. deed of gift: sg. 'B'nn 1111 XJUna X'11 t*t : - '3X1?! J 'in nVy a certain deed of gift on which the signatures of two robbers appeared (as witnesses) San 26b(34); ib. 28b(31); XTVTBD Xri3na 'XI a hidden deed of gift BB 40b(12) [4- TBD]; TGHark 35:6; 3. pi. priestly gifts or dues [caique < MH (13113) JTUnB THal 2:7]: X111 Xri3na «l't?np Tim IXl'V a certain Levite who used to snatch the priestly gifts Hul 131a(18); ib. 131b(36); 133a(13); X11I11 XWria WW two priestly dues of an ox Sab 10b(28) Y-.mirili Hul 131a(18). j?fia vb. to suck, be sweet (1 p'JIB; Sy ^nii-ijo pe., pa. LS 410) Pe. 1. to suck: X.1 pTlBl XI VW he dipped this (finger into the forbidden food) and sucked another one AZ 18b(13); 2. to draw out: xai1? n'V xpnai kji'jw^u xn"?'a rock salt which draws out the blood HG3 211:68 Pa. to sweeten: XByD 'pinaV to sweeten the taste AZ 38b(57); Ber 39a(31; FP) [Var: XBJ7D 'piTOX O]; X13'33 'I'TIITS Xpnaai ai»a because (the Sea of Galilee) sweetens its fruits like the lote tree Meg 6a(5) [expl. GN ni33; v. OHP ib. 75:17]; XTD 'piTIB BM 89b(ll; Es) Af. to sweeten: v. Pa. Itpa. to become sweet: XmiB 'pna'BI TOB'X it is possible that (the fruits) will become a bit sweeter SM89b(ll) NriVlprV? n.f. (uncertain; 4- Vl#Vpn; cf. TA rtflpna'TJ 2K 21:13, Sy k'^U.xjj^j weight, plummet LS 831) sg. Pes 50b(37) [expl. MH 131S mTO ib.] Expl. RaH: 1. weight [DV Vm niBW HlBOn 'jpwa]; 2. shopkeeper who weighs items [bpmi rtfTOB n'llljn] Ar [AC 7:33, s.v. >)S]; expl. Rashi: scale [D":iKS]; Y: K^ipTO Pes ib.(BAYTN 293). N"?i?r)M, N^i?na, x^Npna, cs. bpr\a n.m. weight, mitq&l'(i Vltt^pn; TA X?pTlB TO Lev 19:35, Sy -'t'-Xv. [var. weights] LS 831, Ma xVxpnxa md 257) l. weight: sg. fiirt x^pnas (in the case) of a weight of equal (pieces of meat) BM 23b(10; Rashi); xrf7'B inpriB VpTl'Vl let him weigh its weight in salt Sab 66b(38); X3'3n '1 X"7pna V'pna PN used to weigh the weight (of the stones) Ket 112a(47; Ar [AC 8:263],Tos) [// VpDB X"B'3 used to weigh the stones PT §vi 35c(17; 723
II?™ 724 'nna Vat)]; PDia x"?pna (the selling of the meat by) weight proves (that there is no deception) Hul 44b(31); pi. 'V'31 '^Xpna weights and measures AnanSch 12:20; "731 '3TO '"?Xpna TOarU pn ]1'1B n"3 'yx'Di 'ma nxn jjibw '^xpna 'i pro'a in Xp31 XJ^Bl Xl'rSl the redemption of (the firstborn) son is with five weights of these [i.e. wybo] each one of which is equivalent to four sasdanag [= mitqal] weights [i.e. twenty mitqals] which are equivalent in zuzim of the Arabs to 28 7/12 (dirhams) [lit. 28 dirhams + 1/2 dirham + 1/12 dirham] TGHark 38:5; 2. mitqal, the weight of a gold denar [= 4.233 gr.; < Arab JUL]: a. general: sg. x"?pna3 ... XS031 'III 131 p ny3W ,112/J/l such-and-such a number of silver zuzi'm [= dirhams] in the mgqw/ of (the ratio) 10/7 [i.e. ten dirhams = seven Tyrian denars] SSHai 4a(8); pi. ywy ji3'xi xi3'i 'Vpnas '^pna pwy Xp31 <n)'3Vsi X3"7D1 'TIT X'3am twenty m/.tya/.s according to the mitqals of the dirham [i.e. the ratio 10:7] which is equivalent to 28 7/12 dirhams Bek 50a(7) [Geon. addition in BT]; Vm '3m 'Vxpna pipy ]X'in 'Tncx five sta/era [= D'ybo] equal twenty mitqals [= D'TIT] TGHark 37:28; b. for biblical ^j?W: sg. XD03 X^pnai n^B half a wltya/ [= bpfH JTSriB Ex 30:15] in silver AnanSch 15:11; ib. 21; 16:1; 9; 26; 17:2; X*7pnBl '1X,1 'BXTp '3 the mitqal is equal to twenty carats AnanSch 7:27; ib. 28; pl.cs. rf? p'1B TVWtn X13131 XSD3 '"7pna XJI^nS he redeems the firstborn of a maidservant for three silver mitqals ib. 7:19(Marg); det. b\>T!a nXB one hundred mitqals ib. 12:13; 13 x^pnaa 'ixn 'Vpna yrvv xmbi ['DXTp] ]'1WJ? the mane is sixty mitqals according to a twY<7<5/ of twenty [carats] ib. 12:25 Lit: Sperber, Sinai 55(1964) 333+; Hinz, IMG 1+; Y: X^jMia BM23b(10; BAYTN 229). Ijprip adj. authentic, n. orderly arranged matter, authenticated matter (4- V]pn pa., pass.part.; 4- pn»; JPA ,13pnB DJPA 338) I. adj. I authentic: sg.f. XTUpna xn'3nB an authentic barraita Kar 28a(38); II. n.f. 1. orderly arranged matter: sg. 'X x"?X Xrupna 7b TVOVK tib 'nsoim X3'py "b 'x Vxw '3i X3m 'tyba "b you only find an orderly arranged (sacrificial service) either (according to) PN of the school of PN2 or according to PN3 of the Tosefta Yom 70a(43; V17); 2. authenticated matter: sg. jXB X',1 XrupJim XB'3 who can say that it is an authentic text? Pes 99b(23) [Var: xnsmB xn"13 M; * xrwiwa ib. 100a(l)] Y: NJUj?ria Yom ib. NiriB, N1N7V3 n.m. rake, shovel (< Akk mutirru fire rake CAD M/2 300, AIOA 74; 4- X1XWB; Sy K'ioivio, rc'iSLib iron stake, rake LS 410) sg. Xixna XB'p3 mn she was holding a rake Hag 4b(41; V20M); X113m XIXnB the rake of the oven ib. 5a(l) Kimina 4- xjamjiB n. Y^JVi adj. authentic, n. orderly arranged matter, authenticated matter (4- Vfin pa., pass.part.; 4- ]pTia) I. adj. authentic: sg.f. xn"13 Xmnna an authentic barraita Pes 99b(23; M); II. n. 1. orderly arranged matter: sg.f. X1? "ii Vxiau; 'ai iiy'Vx 'i xVx xnxma rb nnswa XJlSDiro X3'py you only find an orderly arranged (sacrificial service) either (according to) PN of the school of PN2 or (according to) PN3 in the Tosefta Yom 70a(43); 2. authenticated matter: sg.f. X'n xnsina X1 this is an authenticated matter Yev 58a(40); Qid 47b(7) [* XTO3B?a, s.v. 4- BbtiB]; Sab 121b(22); Men 92b(3) 'Nnna 4- 'xnn adv. 'fins adj. low (4- V'nn pa., pass.part.; Sy ,iijj^73 lower LS 821) sg.m. in '"?Tai ]133 in 'nnai in a case where one (house) was high and the other was low Er 85b(20); Sab 97a(37); f. x'nna Pes 8a(33); x'nn ix xnns x'nn "nna 'xi X33 if that window or gate is low TGAs42 166:13 'JN3 725 na: l 'JNJ n.f. mother (onomatopoeic word; ModSy nana mother Maclean 215, mng. 3, Ma X3X3 wet nurse MD 283; cf. NP nana maternal grandfather PED 1381) sg. '3X3 +im 'DXD ,1Xa 13 the son of one hundred fathers and one mother Sot 42b(27; 08V2) But expl. An 3^3 AC 2:110, s.v. 4P; Lit: Hoffmann, Auszuge 157+; J. Geiger, Tarbiz 51 (1982) 305; Y: 'XJX? Sot ib.(BAYTN 5). NnpNa n.f. female camel (MH 1p3 Yeivin, BV 15%, 3 867, Arab ^ Wehr 1011) sg. xnpX3 X"?T1S1 XaaT3 'mm a white female camel with an iron nose-ring Sab 51b(17) [expl. MH nj73 £20113 Mib. 5:1] Lit: D. Talshir, Ben Hayyim Vol 219+; Y: Nnj?X3 Sab ib. JJINJ. n.m. bitter orange (< Arab ^JjlJ Siggel 70 <"NpT«amn/v PLAr 257) sg. OHP Ber 63:8 NJ1NJ, UTtyi n.f. a type of sore (etym. unkn.) sg. Xn'313 XnX3 (uncertain) BQ 85a(50; ¥XH) [expl. MH '3mru ib.; Var: xnj?3 Ar (AC 5:361)] Expl. Ar: TOW nan 102 AC ib.; Y: NriXJ BQ ib.(BAYTN 89). N33, N3N3 n.m. louse's egg (< Akk nabu B louse CAD N/1 40; Sy r^kl louse's egg LS 418; 4- xsrx, X3T) sg. X3p'y3 nsnwai x'<n>{n) xsxaa x'iai x»'i3 n3n2/a(i> xn'a xsii xnrai from the louse's living egg which is found in the root of the hair, and the louse's dead egg which is found in the top part of the hair Naz 39a(15; OHP ib. 183:23); X33 '3 Tan 22b(50; OHT ib. 31:7) [Var: X(3)((31ir3]; pi. '3X3 TRN 627:1 [expl. MH 'S'3 0'3'3Sab 107b(31)] Geon. expl.: ISO'S 'jxyOB' ]wil\ '(2)13)3 Jl'mx \\vi3 pi OHP Sab 70:20, i.e. jUi^ [cf. Sy: ,> OjSj JA\ ytsiill ... rf A i j&\ BBah 1210:23]; ... 1X3'S ]711N pij? I7!(ya»' IIB^ l>3331] Kaxii .,i:dj? ni'3 xnw nt taxi va pp wix nxn nun1? noiyni ib nwia1? N'n lb'io lyw n»'3 yys nxsa:w n:»i? ni'3 N'n oht Tan 31:9. J33 vb. to break forth (4- XJ3'3; Sy y^-n LS 410, Ma 333 MD 287) Pe. (e/ ): 3'33 11,1 113p 3'33 ni3p 11,1 he buried it [i.e. the skull], (and) it broke forth again. He buried it again, (and) it broke forth San 82a(27) // xVl J'33 113p bpv 13p'X he took and buried it [i.e. the skull]. It broke forth and could not be buried ib. 104a(38); X'B '333 Xpi XmiS 113 +'X1 if they dig out a bit (of the ground), water breaks forth Suk 53b(13; Ar [AC 5:299]) NJ.33 n.m. cup (< 4- J33X) sg. Xn3131 X333 the cup (for making) the grace after meals Ber 51b(17) [Var: Xn3131 '333X MGG 299:12] Geon. expl.: 'VtSJ OHP ib. 86:27; Lit: Brand 332; Y: NI2J Ber ib. NJINWa n.f. prophetic book (< LBH, MH HX133 Yeivin, BV 917, J 867; 4- V'33, XniX'33; TA n'ilX133 TO Num 11:29) sg. 'DXVai H'nX133 Meg 15a(16); 13T1 XnX133 HP 182:22; Xnxi33 «]10 iy until the end of the prophetic book ib. 25; ]V3 'sx^ai rri3T 'in '33 i'nxi33 na'nai since his prophetic book is written together with Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi BB 14b(34; F2Es) Y: a'nxn: bb ib. n33 vb. to bark, make various sounds (Sy • ■■ ^ ' LS 411, Ma 3#X33 MD 287) Pe. (a/ ): a. general: Sab 63b(5); ib. 152a(9); Pes U3a(3); BQ 83a(32); '3^3'3 ]in'n33 you bark like dogs Bo 78:10; b. in proverbs: X1? ]'3W ITO H'na x"?3 X3"73 n33 a dog not in its town does not bark for six years Er 61a(34) [cf. Sab 145b(42)]; X3"?3 "|3 ri33 piD Xn'113 "]3 Xn33 Viy (if) a dog barks at you-enter. (If) a bitch barks at you-go out ib. 86a(23) Pa. to make various sounds: TI133 H'3 TI331 I indeed made a sound with it Ber 57a(52) [by
mi 726 s»a banging on a drum]; '(TO? n33B /?// 28b(18; GRH 21:15) [w. a shofar]; Bes 14a(27) [of spices being pounded]; Men 63a(10) The phrase 'maroa 'rU3 rt31B XH Afen 63a(10) seems to be a conflated rdg. between a pa. 'n(l)aj naM [v. Ed] and an af. naa TroW [v. §M, ad loc; Ar (AC 3:329, s.v. 23rt)]. The exact mng. of this phrase, which refers to a type of vocal sound, is unclear. B33 vb. to sprout, emerge (Ma D33 MD 287) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to sprout: D33 D331 ]V3 as soon as (the seed) sprouted, it did so (quickly) Tan 4a(4); 2. to emerge: D'33 B'33 "?3X D'33 Tin X*71 (that refers to where the rumor) does not re-emerge, but (if) it emerges, it does so (quickly) MQ 18b(52); 'XniBXB X113 CJ33 fire emerged from his forehead Tan 25a(44; MGG 828:10) The mng. of 'J'y 71D3JK1 Bo 94:6 is uncertain. '33 vb. to prophesy (4- XT1X133, XTllX'33, X"33; Sy ^u pa. LS 411, Ma 1#X33 MD 287) Itpa.: ID D^tt/ITI X331WX 133'B Xpl 'X'33^ 11315782? when they heard the prophets who were prophesying about the destruction of Jerusalem San 96b (45); ib. 95a(l); 99a(16); Meg 14b(17); Xl,1 '133'X '33'X155 15b(8; F2) KfflN'aa n.f. prophecy (4- V'33, XJ1X133; TA JTP33 TO Ex 14:31, Sy r^&? ; -i i LS 411) sg. Dm rn'mx'33 ip'y xsn Vxny'? in'mx'33 ip'j? □"?15?n JliaixV in that case the main part of their prophecy was to the Jews. In this case the main part of his [i.e. Job's] prophecy is to the nations of the world BB 15b(10) Y: IT'nurjJ BB ib.(BAYTN 176). NT33 n.m. an intoxicating beverage made of dates (< Arab JyjJ Siggel 70; Sy rCa ; -»\ LS 411) sg. |VP»n "731 XV331 XTJ'B/I XT0[n] wine, s.-beverage, n. -beverage, and all similar to them Anan 48:2; HG1 379:10 Lit: Low, Flora 2:349. N'»33, pi. 'K'33, »»33 n.m. prophet, pi. the Prophets (4- V'33; TA X'33 TJ Jud 6:8, Sy r?\~-i\ LS 411, Ma 1#X1'33 MD 288; mng. 2: caique < MH O'X'33 J 868; JPA 1"X'33 DJPA 339) 1. prophet: sg. 1108 xpi XII X"33 Dm xip'ya mm 'xa ditjxi tvtxw in that case [i.e. Neh 9:7] it is the prophet who relates Abraham's praise as he originally was [i.e. when still called Abram] Ber 13a(30); San 21a(31); ib. 94a(26); I05b(l2); ]b naia mm p mn X3i3 x'33 we had a prophet-priest who used to admonish us ib. 96b(30) // Git 57b(12; MGN 600:5); pl..l.T>D 'X'33 all of the prophets BB 15b(10; P1); ib. 11; VPTVD "33 '83 ]3X we too are prophets like them San 93a(42); ib. 94a(2); 2. pi. the Prophets: '3TD1 'X'33 XTTTIX the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Writings Er 17a(5) [used as an oath]; Qid 49a(39); BB 8a(5); X^ 'X'33 r7'BXT injniXt Jl'Vl "p HpX you revealed that they did not teach you even the Prophets Sab 152b(43); Meg 3a(27); Ket 106b(8); BB 123b(14); "33 BMsG 6:4 Y: 'K'3: BB ib.(BAYTN 58). KnV'33 n.f. carcass, corpse (< BH, MH n?(')33 Yeivin.BV 921, J 870; TA ,TJi5'33 TO Dt 21:23) 1. carcass: sg. niJX VlDXl XpiKtt Xrr7'33 VW flay a carcass in the market and earn [lit. eat] its fee Pes 113a(7) // BB 110a(20); yitn ,T3 Tljn'l 1J? ■Tjft331 i>183 rO'VlB X1? XII until you know that it is a creeping animal, you are not liable for touching its carcass Anan 55:6; 2. corpse: sg. X1? nTi3[?3 m'a1? n'rf7'33 n"in his corpse is not worthy to go down into a grave Seel 62:3; XnJl xjnxi XTjnVi X'aen xsiyV ta'ab xiiB/a ?rnV>33 may his corpse be cast out for the birds of the sky and the animals of the earth to eat Dec 7:15 Y: Hrf?'?: BB ib.(BAYTN 179). ^>33 vb. to defile (4- xVl3'3; Sy -V -^ < LS 411) Itpa. to be defiled: H'T "?33'n X^l ]'3M '3 JHT 7133273 so that his hand should not be defiled with semen Anan 26:24; ^'33,n ib. 20 5733 vb. to spring forth, flow (4- XJN38; Sy ■ \ -ii LS 412, Ma 2#X33 MD 287) Pe. (a/ ): Tm x'ai X3'y .tV y33i xd'3 rri TSjm'x a miracle occurred for him, a spring of water gushed forth, and he drank Ber 54a(37); '5?33 Xpl n'jnxa (the water) springs forth from his field AZ 47a(48) Af. to cause to spring or flow forth: "j'8'a J73X cause your water to spring forth Tan 25b(41); Xpl in'3a X81 jna he caused blood to flow from them [i.e. his fingers] Sab 88a(54) [Var: ]5?3B Xpl X81 n'Jiy3XX his fingers were bleeding profusely M]; X81 J738 X^l Xlb'03 13"? X3'na I shall strike S133 t t : 727 133 you with a thorn which does not cause blood to flow forth [i.e. I shall excommunicate you] Ket 91a(41)//55 151b(8) XT33, NHN33 n.m. web of a date palm, fiber made from same (Sy rt'i.iaj LS 412) 1. web made of petioles of palm leaves: sg. TJ X1X33 XTip web of the terminal bud of the date palm Sab 30b(51; MGG 770:10); XTJ3 im x"?p'1 a date palm of one web Er 58a(14) // xVp'1 X1N33 in<1)(3| Sab 90b(21) [expl. 4- x"?'3TJ ib.]; '3'W"n XV X1X33 (if the bird fell on) the web we do not consider the possibility (of its being internally injured) Hul 51b(39; V12) [* 4- xnnan]; xVpm xtj3 'pios cutting of the web of the date palm TGAs42 216:1 l(RaH) [4- xn'nsn]; XTJH X^p'Tl XTJ3 a web of a male date palm HM 40:11; 2. fiber made from same: sg. X3'3T X1X33 delicate palm web fiber TGAs42 165:1 [expl. MH 3'D Pes 115b(21)] Geon. expl.: rrmn 13 V V7W 'fly Vim Vpl W1TB Klip 12 S132 anpi its'? nam my i» ma 3'30 ft w nvmi nnn p vrao 3np» xna: V3 pa n^ya1? amw'} nn'oia ym i'»iyi aiyi Tmb xiip'? y»s> iy warm "inv n^yna 'jpi'jB la^1?) trn 578:7 = Ar [AC 5:303]; RaH: bxyaw 7l?3 I'1? NVTO KTKaj lmWTBW B'l Xip: a'O Xixa: 'a 1S1 K^l OHP Sab 48:14, i.e. ^JuJ fibers [cf. Egron 321]; Lit: Flora 2:331; Pfl 117; Y: KT3J Sab 30b(51; BAYTN 89). '3N33, '333 n.m.pl. depressions (< '3$/13*; cf. Sy •*" <■ \j> depression, hollow LS 414) '3X13 V13n np'a xyiXT those are called depressions of the field BQ 61b(l) // Qid 61a(16) // BB 103a(ll) [M: 'X'Tl] // Ara 25a(26) Lit: AAC 275; Y: 'JKJ3 BB ib.(BAYTN 44). 333 vb. to be dry (Sy ^xj^ pe., pa. LS 413, MH 313 LNVTH 220; 4- V«)U) Pa. to dry s.t.: ]Xa 'Xn inV 3'13a X1?! n'SX 'WXan one who washes his face and does not dry it Sab 133b(39); 3(')n)33'I7 XW'TJ rrVBl he should dry himself first ib. i4ia(2i); 3<')(U33i n'T '©ai 3i '313 xinn"? n"in n'13m xa'"?3X he saw a certain student of the be rav who was washing his hands and was drying them on another's cloak BM 24a(7; Es) [4- VlSD pe., mng. 1] Itpe. to be dry: XTJ'a TIN X1?! xaty 3'13'B '31 when there is a drought [lit. the world is dry], and it does not rain AZ 55a(30) [v. varr., Abramson, AZ 210] 133 vb. to extend, flow, pull, draw out, spread out, wail, lash (4- X313'a, X31338, 1#X113, XTI33, 1#XT33, 1#X13'3, 2#X11'3, Xlll'3; Sy a4J LS 413, Ma 113 MD 288) Pe. (e/u) 1. intr. to extend, be prolonged: Trail xnrVaiX X1131 the widowhood for her husband is prolonged HP 117:16 [cf. I'mVaiX 11'a 'ar "?D MKet 4:12(HP ib.)]; 2. to flow: ii3'ai itfi'ai xdi ^b 'Vi'yi iaaa piling up (olives), bringing (them) into the oil press, treading underfoot, and flowing (of the oil to the pit) BM 74a(25); ib. 20; XDin TIX1 Till in'3'a Xnwai a stream of fat was continuously flowing out from them BB 73b(34); ib. 91b(18); 20 [honey]; 3. to pull, extend [i Vl#-]WB pe, mng. 4b: a. alone: 111X IX 111 pull or I shall pull [i.e. take possession by purchase or I shall do so] BB 13a(4); ib. 18; n'3 T13 Xp mm he was pulling on it [i.e. the leather sheet] ib. 167a(ll); b. w. a fol. vb.: XTlXX'na n'nx 111 extend the partitions downward (fictitiously) Sab 101a(12); p'OX 111 xriXX'na extend the partitions upward (fictitiously) Suk 4b(13); Er 89a(40); Hag 19a(48); 4. to take away, remove:'"? Ill take me away BB 11 lb(l); n'3'B x"73'B 11133 take the food away from him Git 68b(18; V18); 5. to draw out (of a liquid): T131 Xinn the one who draws (wine out of the pit) BM 92b(23); ib. 74a(23); BB 97a(26); XnWB '3X11 yiW 1'3'yi x'jlbia '1131 they drew out from its [i.e. the fish's] eyeball sixty jugs of oil ib. 73b(18; MGG 51:16); '113 '3'31 '81 '"?3'2?8 "ri'ltf "nWB they used to draw out (each day) from under him sixty basins of blood and secretion (?) BM 84b(3; M); 6. to spread out, stretch out: pass.part. XT13 XJ111X8 X"an ntJ'3n X1BX31 X8"pl at night (the canopy) remains stretched out, and in the morning it is dismantled and laid down Sab 138a(40); 7. to wail [Ma X11'3 X'11X3 they lament a long while, X3Xn'81 T1X3 he wails and sighs MD ib.; 4- VniX itpe., usage b]: XIDn 31 rurvx T13 PN wailed (and) sighed Ber 58b(7); T13 I'V "?'p© Xpi 'in3 nnura xp 'xax n^ 'ax niri'xi while he was cutting it [i.e. his hair], he wailed and sighed. He
i#n"uj 728 '.in said to him: "Why are you sighing?" Meg 16a(20); BM 66a(12); San 39a(16) Pa. 1. to lash s.o. [4- 1#X111]: 'Till IB .TTll'll lash him severely! Pa? 52a(5); Ket 28a(18); 'XT Xl'"?ia Xmi XUT7 'TUB 'Till if they lash me severely I shall reveal 5A/86a(24; Es); XTJ1 Xinn riw an miin man 'm xnrnsx I'Vn mm a certain man who used to pass by the door of his father-in-law's house and PN lashed him Qid 12b(24; O2) // Yev 52a(24); ib. 95a(30); Git 19a(45); Mak 16b(21); in'ty pllB X315H33 in Eretz Israel they lash (a person) for these things Hul 62b(14); Svu 41a(24); Tl'OT Tj? mil he lashed him until he died Tan 24b(36); Ket 33b(2); TGHark 117:4; 2. to stretch out, over: ,TV 1T11 XB'1?! 'fripw take a garment (and) stretch it out (as a partition) Er 94a(5); 5e£ 44b(10) Af. to carry away: XTU1? n"T2n X'B n'llXl the water carried it [i.e. the fish] away and cast it on thebank AB73b(16) Itpe. 1. to wail: HiriXI TU'X BM 66a(12; F1) [v. Pe., mng. 7]; Hul 57a(l); 2. to fall into a coma [cf. TA TllJlX Gen 49:33, H jm»lj: 'IT nnn *)0V nnn'» max ,tV 'ax xnx mn '3 th'x 'ft p jwim PN b. PN2, fell into a coma. When he recovered, his father came and said to him: "What did you see (in the other world)?" Pes 50a(ll); BB 10b(23) Itpa. to receive lashes: Tll'B Tin XDH n'31» PN sinned (and) PN2 receives lashes Pes 113b(16) // Mak lla(40) Lit: Lieb, Greek 158 [Itpe., mng. 2]. 1# Hill, H1H11 n.m. lashing, lash (4- Vlll; Ma XTX11 MD 288, Sy k'xA^. LS 413, mng. 2) sg. pma X3Tfin XTX11 lashing of a j.m. Afg 17a(49); X3m n'l'l '3 X1X11 3"nJlXl X1311 Xinn a certain man who was sentenced to lashing in PN's court Tan 24b(35); Naz 59a(22; HP 140:8, HGP 60a:29); XT11 Pes 52a(7); Yom 23a(36) [expl. MH yps MSeq 5:1]; SMel 43:36; XB^Ti milB nwp XP'3 a bad dream is worse than lashing Ber 55a(51); 'DaT TJ/ r,T17'' p,nrB''K/a yiyim n'V p'Tiia min jry 'bb '3 mil IT'S? n,!? we excommunicate him until the time of his lashing arrives. When the time of his lashes arrives we give him lashes and release him (from the ban) Svu 41a(24); pi. 'Ill Ber 55a(51; MGG 633:5); xibspa xV 'txii n,!? xiVspa xm x^Dp ix if it is execution, I shall accept (it). If it is lashes, I shall not accept (it) BM 86a(24; SM 144:31) Y: NTU Tan ib.(BAYTN 119). 2# N"m 4- xii'i n. [Kima I xtti n.] l#nil vb. to become or be late (etym. unkn.) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to become late: "I^S1? nil it was getting late to recite the tefdla Sab 10a(18); XJ1XBH in1? <'){1}J1'X X"71 (XW11 it became late, and he did not bring them loaves of bread Tan 24a(10); XttHTO '31? p3T 1T1X X"?l nil it became late, and the scholars did not come to the school Meg 7b(27); XT1X x"?1 nil '3HTX1 '3mx in the meantime it became late, and he did not come BB 22a(51; MGL 699:16) [Var: XBT .T1? nil the day became late H]; XBT nil 'X 'in pID go out and see if the day has become late Pes 105a(6; V) [Var: XaV BPTp 'X M1]; 2. to be late [w. _I7]: XBV Xinn XT1X X1?! .T1? nil he was late that day and did not come Yev 93a(21); Ket 67b(37); g/</ 66a(18); BM 8 5b (40) Af. to prolong: '3n3rT{3} iy 'BB 'mm '31713 'IP a ketubba is different, since they prolong (the discussions) a lot until they write (it) Nid 65b(20) [Var: Tlim Ar (AC 2:270)]; 'BnTJ J'nim ]V3 since they prolong (the prayers) of mercy (during the mm/w-prayers of the Day of Atonement) Seel 140:32(Var) [Var: 'n'lBl Ar (AC ib.), expl. as pnxai] Expl. Ar [Nid ib.]: nW?n 'Xn iy protffl S31B H3 ]'JJVU1 J'XWU AC ib; Lit: Eps, Stl 126; S. Friedman [forthcoming]. 2#HJ3 vb. to break (of dawn) (4- XniB, •'nil; Sy ^mj^i to become light, wOJj^ to wait until dawn, remain all night LS 414, Ma 1#X11, 1# mi to break of dawn MD 288, 290) impers. form, part. 3sg.f. w. "V: nb mil '3n 'X were it so (that the men have to go to work), dawn would have broken Yom 28b(7); TVHXW X1? n"7 KOI IX1? 'X"ll'713 has dawn not broken? You have not resolved my dispute MQ 16b(24) [spoken sarcastically] ''Till n.m.pi. daybreak, portion of the night be- «T« 729 i#yju fore daybreak (4- ^2# nil; Mng. 1: Sy k'ctl^oj early dawn LS 414, Ma XW'l MD 297) 1. daybreak: Tim X^inn "?p the voice of the rooster at daybreak Bo 131:1 [* X,1?,,7]; ib. 38:6; 2. portion of the night before daybreak: a. general: T1J3 TIXp X31H 3m nn«a in PN's locality they call (the night) n. Pes 3a(28); ib. 2a(7) [expl. MH 11X Mib. 1:1]; b. in phrase y TM x"T xn"nx/,l7,'7 night between x and y (lit. night of x daybreak of y; cf. Hat 8 anil 7 DV3 IIH 49:1, Sy k'&_£»jL rc'm_\i:t i<JlA_L Friday night LS 414, Afr 222:18): njmx Tttj'xrfjm KmiK Tuesday nightie/- 59b(6); nvm T1J3 Hj;3"lXT ,I?,,7 Wednesday night HM 44:4; TM "icVm xmiX nD'3"lX the night between the thirteenth and the fourteenth Pes 4a(25) [M: TIMT (cf. Sy supra)]; Men 68b(19); ib. 23; HP 16:5 = HG1 298:1; 0//f Tan 37:11; Seel 78:2; /& 100:3 Lit: Eps, PLA 150; Ros, Intr 1653; Y: 'nJJ Be/- 4a(15; BAYTN 119). Slija n.m. bellwether (lit. leader; 4- Vlll; TA I'iliS pi. TJ Jud 2:16, Sy rc'n^AJ LS 413) sg. xrTT'BO ktmJ? T3j? n'jxj; "?y x'yn rn rT"3 when the shepherd is angry at his sheep, he blinds the bellwether BQ 52a(14) Voc: vrml HGP 15a:34; Geon. expl.: UXX *7V 1BK mn' nyTOB3 3iD x1? yen ns'^WB 'mo n»ia b"ji 1? nwiy oht bq 37:3. KBIJJ 4- 2# XTli n. '11301^3 n.m.pl. apparatus for cutting fingernails (< 6voxtOTf|piov Lehnw 354; MH nOD'MX TKel 3:12, nBOlU MQ 18a[19; M]) pi. '"IDDIUS bpWI he cut (his nails) with a nail cutter Nid 17a(28; MAr [AC 5:309]) Geon. expl.: '1B1B ^'jJB Ar [AC ib., Hai Gaon; v. GC 18811]; Y: 'TD0UJ «iid ib.(BAYTN 298). X\11 vb. to gore (4- XiriM; BH, MH nil pe., pa. HAL 630, J 873) Pe. (a/ ): n"?n HBHS >3J 'XpT ]U3 nil Xp xVl 'la'T if, for instance, (the ox) stands next to cattle three times and does not gore BQ 37a(43); ]TT XTin1? Pl'TT Xlin HTlllT his ox gored our ox Yom 85a(10) // Ket 15b(26); BQ 6b(48); ib. 38a(4); n^'sxi nnn nnai xnx x*nnxa (the ox) came from behind, seriously gored it [i.e. the pregnant cow], and it miscarried BB 93a(10; Es); BQ 47a(4) Pa. id.: Xttia 1H3 n'3» mnX Tllim 31X since they gore each other, they commonly have a blemish Bek 25b(47); Sab 54b(36); 'V 'W 'TlV xnn '3 nilDI I myself saw him [i.e. the demon n'XW], and he gores like an ox BQ 21a(22) // Sot 48a(46) Itpe./Itpa. to be gored: nirBT na" 'B who can say that (the slave) will be gored? Git 42b(46) [xrwa 4- xinn n.] N3na3 n.m. gorer (4- Vnil; MH ]rill, ]niil Gross, Patterns 65; cf. TA nSS TO Ex 21:29) sg.m. Xmn "]lp33 ~p ri'X Xinil you have a goring ox in your herd BQ 24b(ll); ib. 33b(10); 41a(33; F') Y: NjnjJ flg ib.(BAYTN 230). NpfUJ, XpiU3 n.m. perh. entrance (etym. unkn.) sg. il? wpnin xn ixi"? in'pnin xn this is where their entrance is inward [i.e. towards the city], that is where their entrance is outward BB 68b(26; F2) [H: in"p@n,'in; Var: ITpnin Ar (AC 5:307)] Expl. Ar: TO'Vyo AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 276, rejects prev. P etyms. l#ttTJ3 n.m. necromancy (4- V"T11; lit. pulling [of spirits of the dead from the underworld to the upper one by incantations]; cf. SA "111 itpe. to practice sorcery DSA 500) sg. only w. VpVo af. + "3 to raise by necromancy: DIB'B1? mpDX "?TX XT113 he went (and) raised Titus with necromancy Git 56b(47); ib. 57a(3) [Balaam]; 8 [Jesus]; Sab 152b(47) [Samuel] Ar [AC 5:311] reads m'JJ3 in all passages; Lit: Fl, TMW 3:716; Geig, AAC 276. 2# KT13, KB'M n.m. goblet (Sy rc'aoAJ golden goblet LS 413, > Arab JjitfFr, AF 167) sg. XT11 xVm a goblet of vinegar AZ 3 8b (26; J[bef. corn]) [Var: XD'll P'J^orr.); XD111 Ar (AC 5:308)] Lit: Nold, MG 54, suggests < Voj: = Voj?1?; Brand 334. [Knin'i: 4- xmrru n.] 1# yil vb. to touch, deal with something (JPA yil to touch, strike DJPA 341) Pe. (a/a) 1. to touch [w. -3 s.o./s.t.]: nn yin ny 'in x1? "|Di ]"i it does not become forbidden wine until (the pagan) touches it AZ 71b(2); VT1 x"?T '3M '3 XJTTIXT XIID'XS ywsb so that he should not be
2#Jtt3 730 i#'i: apt to touch something forbidden from the Torah Pes 2b(42); ib. 46a(17); xV 'X yaa 'X X3yT X71 y33 I do not know if he touched (it) or not Sab 41a(3); Git 62a(22); BB 74a(3); AZ 57a(8); Hul 18b(34); Nid 55b(21); ya3 'Ip'B 1'IXIB 33X due to his bitterness he may happen to touch (the dead body) San 19a(14); 3T1 VTW22 y331 pi one who touches the flesh of a gonorrheal man Anan 44:21; ib. 48:18; 58:25; 2. to deal with s.t: Xp ]b X'y3'X1 N'jna 7iya3 you are dealing with a question that our (colleagues) asked Men 7a(16); Hul 70a(45); D'133 ya3B7 to deal with pagans NDGR 235:3 Af. to bring into contact: y~\V 113 yaXI he brought them into contact with a creeping thing Bek 28b(31; V9) // San 33b(7); Zev 88a(2); Me« 106b(13); Tin '113 'OV 'Tl TXB 'T> 1'7 TiyaB '3 '3'79 X7 when you bring together (the opinions of) PN and PN2 (you see that) they do not disagree Zev 30b(2) 2# J733 vb. to be afflicted with leprosy (denom. < 4- Xya'3; cf. BH JiyiX y?3 Lev 13:2) Pa.: pass.part. yaa'BI 73 anyone who is afflicted with leprosy Hul 60a(18; M) [Var: ya371B1 SM 10:28) Itpa.: nyaa'Xl 'am Xy3 he prayed and she was afflicted with leprosy ib. 17 [«]JJ i Vl#«]p3 vb.] 133 vb. to be lengthy (Sy t_5^ LS 413, Ma 1# 133 MD 289) 4- 2# X13'3 n. l#Nn33, N1K3.3, abs. "133 n.m. carpenter (< Akk naggaru CAD N/1 112, AIOA 75 [< Sum nagar SLOB 402, 2255]; 4- '133 '3, X133 13; TA X133 TJ Is 40:19, Sy rc'-Uy LS 415, Ma X1X3X3 MD 281) a. general: sg. 1'133 X133 pm XB3 a ladle which a carpenter hollowed out Pes 28a(7); ib. 8 [4- 1# X711]; X1H X133 D3'17X your God is a carpenter #u/ 60a(15); pi. '1X33 Mg lla(23); '1X331 X'71E7 the carpenters' apprentice M?£ 8b(27); Pes 108a(41); Git 58a(45); '1331 X3'2m a carpenters' ax &z6 123b(16); b. fig. for a scholar [v. DJPA 341]: sg.abs. 133 13 X"71 X3X 113 Xs? X3X X3X I am neither a carpenter nor the son of a carpenter -4Z 50b(4); ib. 3; 11 Y: X1JJ &j6 23b(24). 2# N133, K"I3'3 n.m. channel, watercourse (cf. Ma X'133X3 pi. pits MD 284) sg. X13'3 1XW7 he should jump across a channel Sab 110a(16); Pes 113a(12); 1,13 7'T7T X13'3X1 max y31X pay little attention to the four cubits along the channel BM 107b(43); ib. 45 [4- 1#X"I3 mng. 9.a.6]; Er I00a(i3); xiaa in by xnxyix ]'mn two fields along one watercourse BB 12b(45; TGHark 171:35); ib. 13a(l); pi. '133 Bo 127:22 Geon. expl.: D'»n J1BX Kill TGAs42 85:7 [fol. by drawings illustrating various fields and channels; v. ib.]; OHT Pes 117:4; Lit: Eps, PLA 229; Voc: H'pXO bts'lix Pill r^N njlB3 Xli: LPT 158:27, i.e. ^i^; Y: Xn« 3fl ib.(BAYTN 254) [v. Y. Kara, Shivtiel Vol 199+]. 313 vb. to donate (Ma 373 MD 290, JPA 313 DJPA 341) Itpa.: X712/33 '3s? X31B? 313'X (PN) donated a candelabrum to the synagogue Ara 6b(i6); «& 20a(54); in1? wipa mya 3i3nai ]xa one who donates money (to the Temple) sanctifies it Mei 14a(22); '31381 7X1W 'IJiyBI lTV'BI the Jews become rich and bring donations Pes 50a(23; M1) [Var: '313J1B MV17]; HG3 282:64 NJ3V73 n.m. dowry (< Akk nudunnu CAD N/2 310, mng. 2, AIOA 79) sg. xpiK77 p'70 in X»V n'ni37 X'ana ]2T»b one day he went to the market to purchase a dowry for his daughter Tan 24a(25); x'3ii3 7? 71137 'in hxb ysix x'ana (he said): "A dowry (worth) four hundred zuzim for my daughter." The dowry [i.e. the trousseau] decreased in value Ket 54a(48); BM 74b(3); I'll i7'i p 'X7y rrryam x'ana this is the dowry belonging to her which she brought in to me SSHai 13b(20) [followed by a list of goods]; ib. 18b (13); rrc/a m p tixtpxi x'ana the dowry which she brought from her family's estate TGHark 36:2; TGAs42 79b:26; Geon 78:7 The use of this term in Palestinian ketubbot [v. Friedman, JMP 1:288] is due to the influence of JBA; on BH jm Ezek 16:33, v. now ALBH 100; Y: X;:VU Tan ib.(BAYTN 212). 1#'13 vb. to break away, excommunicate (4- X'1T3; Sy rt'ls LS 415, Ma X13 MD 289) Pe. 1. to break away: sg. 'X13 XT3 n'3 p'TlS X(71)(31}7n he pierced it with an arrow (and) the bucket broke away San 107a(20); X'13 X'Wp 'XI XTliyJiai if the (antenna of the locust) is hard, it 2#'13 731 ana breaks away and it becomes blind Sab 77b(28; M); "?'s: Hxai xin xwi V'sa n'rona xsia the body (of the murdered man) falls in its place. The head breaks away (and) falls (at a distance) Sot 45b(40; Ar [AC 5:312]) [Var: D'HTl XII XW'11 O8]; 2. to excommunicate: pass.part. "]3'a X3'13 I am (as if) excommunicated from you Ned 7a(25) [w. ref. to ^BB '3X 111373 Mib.K 1:1; v. Geon. expl.] Geon. expl.: WJ12 (U'll 'Din JVX OHP Ned 71:22. 2# '13 vb. to cast, sprinkle, shake out (JPA '13 af. DJPA 341) Af. 1. to cast: X1137 X'B m'(1)(-|)Xl the water cast it [i.e. the large fish] onto the bank BB 73b(16; MGG 51:15); 2. to sprinkle:'7'B 'an 'pa 'xi xs'n 'ia 'xa n'3'a "iiX7 'j?3 'xi xs'i 'in 'im 'ia 'xa xV n'a'a "nxV this refers to where if he wants to sprinkle (the blood) from it he can sprinkle. (But) where if he wants to sprinkle (from it) he cannot sprinkle, it is rejected Yom 57b(10); ib. 58b(18); 59a(38); XHX 'ia '3 XnX 'ia "lin when he sprinkles on this (corner) he sprinkles afterwards on that (corner) ib. 58b(31); fl//28b(40); 11,1 '3 'axi '1C1X x"?11X33 'ia xpi xin xaVys x'a m 'ia it is as if he did not sprinkle (the blood) at all. When he sprinkles afterwards in it, it is merely (as if) he is sprinkling water Zev 42b(8) // Men 16b(8) Itpe. to be shaken out [Ma X13 MD 289]: 'Wa Vy (n)'lpia '13'31 xax@iy until his brain is shaken out on the rocks Bo 127:24 3# '13 vb. to revile, reject (cf. Sy :u to loath, abhor LS 415) Pe. 1. to revile: {ffl'apa X'13 xVlXl 'Xn33'27 she goes (and) reviles (me) before my neighbors Qid 49a(34; O2); 2. w. "S to reject: 31 "3X1 n'ayBB '1X3 '«7X PN rejects PN2's reason Ned 16a (24) Expl. Ar: "3XT Dye p 101 TI1J AC 5:312. 211013 n.m. a type of broom (4- 1117/101; etym. unkn.) sg. 'piTlD3 11H3 '273D1 3110131 minO'1 rf.-brooms and the n.-broom with which they sweep carpets HG1 194:35 Geon. expl.: pw lnwni Vyi» 311 ]1J3 rt'O ^V JITUM BITS nV'n '^3 nxi myxan nx ina psao HGi ib. [«113 4- V313 vb.] "H3 vb. to vow (4- X1T3; Sy 1# -\H-s LS 416, Ma 113 MD 290) Pe. (a/a): 113'a1? bnb x"?1 'D'n '3 so that they should not accustom themselves to vow Ned 66b(13); ri'ai X3W3 in XW13 113 xpi T3X n'3 he vows concerning a certain Sunday on which his father died ib. 12a(14); 'nyiX 71113 '311 did you vow for such a reason? ib. 22b(33); prima mn 'a (if someone had told you that the Temple was destroyed) would you have vowed? Naz 32b(14); X1327 TTC/'X X^l D'313 1TX I shall publicly vow that I shall not drink s.-beverage Pes 107a(32); 'yi3273 113 113'D he may indeed vow with an oath Ned 28a(30); '113 X113 I made a vow San 109b(33; MGG 311:14); Er 43b(23); Ket 52a(24); Svu 20b(ll); Men 81a(37); Hul 41b(39); 113'1 in 113'a 3py Jacob actually vowed AnanSch 3:4; 1TB1? '127 13^3 '311? 'yi3Jll£7'Xl are only these (people) permitted to vow or to swear? TGHark 118:16 Af. 1. to impose a vow upon s.o.: ]'1 n'33 mix impose a vow upon her in court Git 35a(45); Q'313 n"? ]3'1iai we impose a vow upon her in public ib. 35b(ll); 2. to forbid benefits from s.o.: n'D3'3B nx3n nnxi n'ri'sa npsx msx yaw her father heard, drove her out of his house, and forbade her benefit from his property Ket 62b(51); '71137 '7111X1 'TITTX ''1,1 a certain woman who forbade benefits from her to her daughter Ned 21b(27); ib. 22a(2); 23a(22); 24a(29) [4- xaaara]; 39a(i3); Ket 70b(i6); 'ipB xinn 'pl3'3 y©S mm XnX 31 I'llXI 'pill a certain elementary school teacher whom PN forbade (to teach) because he used to harm (molest?) the children Git 36a(9) // Mak 16b(15) // Bek 46a(5) The mng. of Yi: n'jn Ned 21b(25) [Var: in: X'y3 OHP ib. 80:21; 81:1; 82:4] is uncertain [cf. expl. OHP ib.]. an3 vb. to follow a practice, deal with (denom. < 4- xanaa; jpa an3 djpa 342) Pe. (a/u) l. to follow a practice or custom: a. active: 1) alone: '313 X3X iV X3'BXp I say to you (that) they follow the practice RH 15b(25) [* XIIO'X]; '13 XB"?y 3113 VxyBiy everyone followed PN's practice Ber 22a(38); ib. 50a(35); Pes 50b(51); "731 "733 313 J113 xniXllS GN and all its environs followed PN's practice Ket 54a(30); 2) w. fol. verbal clause or inf.: XT'Sp 1'DXI jana ]T1 '©3
t ; 732 2#Nmina XT'Bp our women are accustomed to bake one q.-measure at a time (for Passover) Pes 48b(3); ib. 50b(50); BM 103b(31); TGHark 166:5; '3 '33 xmxa xrbn '©tidx1? lino "xnn the people of GN were accustomed to remove halla from rice Pes 50b(53); Meg 31a(14); 3) w. var. dir. obj.: X3M1 Jin: XTm 01,101 X3M1 31,10 XIIO'X 11131 where the usage was prohibited [lit. they followed the practice of prohibition] it was followed. Where the usage was permitted [lit. they followed the practice of permission] it was followed AZ 14b(42; J); Jin3'J1 X1? HDX xV3 XJllb'SX Jin3 nSX3 XJ1T7'3X (when she is a mourner) practice mourning in her presence. Do not practice mourning when not in her presence MQ 20b(38; L) // Ket 4b (26; M); W ]Vbn n'PD33 xniS'T3 jn3 he considered himself rebuked for thirty days MQ 16a(50); b. pass.part. 1). w. "3: '3M01 X171X X0D11 XX113 a place where they are accustomed (to build a fence) of palm branch(es) and bay tree(s) BB 4a(37); ib. 165a(10); X33'3M3 iT3 we follow this practice TGHark 50:23; 2) w. fol. verbal clause: ,l73n3 X"T1S ibxai '3'131 X1J1X3 in a place where they customarily fill the bed with ropes Ket 65a(41); xrfol X3nn ,11,1 '3 '3M3 1111 they had a custom: When there was a wedding [lit. a bride and a groom] ... Git 57a(15); Hul 60a(18); 3) w. fol. inf.: XTID'1 "piti? 'J',131 X1J1X Xpsax XTWai a place where they customarily eat a meal and drink unmixed wine BM 86a(47); TGHark 276:36; 2. w. "3 to treat s.o: ,T3 Una X1? H'1? '5?3'D@T3 Xip' they did not treat him with the honor as befitting him Tan 23a(52); ,T3 Ulna ,11133 anas treat him as an excommunicated person TGHark 84:14; 3. to lead: bmm 0,131 'OB? yaw iTTTD ,1'linV PN led (the academy) by himself after him for seven years iSGF 81:9; ib. 93:15; 4. to apply: "?013 1J73W TITO X3,13 X^l the commandment of the seven day mourning period does not apply on a holiday MQ 19b(34); ib. 23b(5); Hul 85a(10); /& 138b(27) NlinS n.m. light, eyesight (4- Vl# 1,13, X1113 '0D; TA X^IO TO Gen 1:5, Ma Xlino MD 291, Sy rc'Am^j LS 417) 1. light: a. general: sg. ,1'Vo xri'33 Xlino bsi ,1'ini1? he revealed his arm (and) light fell in the room Ber 5b(27); Ket 65a(32); xai'1 Xllia the light of the sun San 108b(33); xrpll Xlina the light of the sky Ber 58b(49); xaa'i xnxisax ,Tinixi xnno1? 'am ,i"ip the Merciful One summoned the light and put it in charge over ihe commandments of the daytime Pes 2a(23) [expl. Gen 1:5]; Sab 77b(24); W'331 Xlino JWIJI ,131B?n who subdues darkness under light Bo 18:6; HM 44:16 [4- Vl#110 itpe.]; b. artificial: sg. XJ1P1 X1110 the light of the lamp Sab 12b(48); ib. 116b(14); X1133 X3'X X1113 in there is one (source of) light in fire Ber 52b(53); 111,13 2/(')(l)B31,1pl3X a torch whose light is great Pes 7b(50); Sab 23a(20); '3D ,1'lina V'S 'XI its [i.e. olive oil's] light is clearer ib. 22(MMGE 611:21); ,1'lina T»a its light is steady [i.e. does not flicker] Ber 53a(27); Pes 8a(21); Hor 12a(37) // Kar 5b(53); D1B>a rri(l>('}.ia 'ayi XID'p its light is faint because of the smoke Ber 53a(27); pi. X1133 X3'X '11,10 X31B there are many (sources of) light in the flame ib. 52b(53); c. in honorific designations of scholars: sg. X3'X13 '11101 'lamp of light' Ket 17a(20) II San 14a(47); xatyi xnno 'xnn' si ia pn, 'the light of the world' OHT Er 28:1 [= MH2 £3^137 to 111X BB 4a(14); v. Danzig, IHP 189]; OHT Ket 315:3; OHT Ned 23:2; 7aS634b:l; 2. eyesight: sg. 'nV>l ,1'0'a VipB/o 'am 'ax xnno n'3'a bpv xnno perhaps (if) he took (another)'s eyesight away, the Merciful One says (that) we should take his eyesight away BQ 83b(54) [v. Ex 21:24]; Xip'J/a nu7(')(i)n:> xnno xjtcmi xns xnno originally (his) eyesight (was) strong and now (his) eyesight is weak Qid 24b(49); BB 84a(18); Mak 5a(28); Yequm Purqan; n'1in03 xnV'a n'3 Xl'Wia '13 XJV37ia BT11 when something develops concerning the eyesight of the head of the academy [i.e. he becomes blind] NDGR 160:5 Y: Klin? BAYTN 73. l#Nmin3 n.f. perh. eye disease (euph. usage; 4- Vl#1,10) sg. BM 78b(30) [expl. MH np'131 Mib. 6:3] Lit: S. Friedman, BM VI: 146; Y: XJIHinj BM ib.(BAYTN BAYTN 205). 2#Kmin3 n.f. a mineral (i Vl#1,13) sg. Iiyi xmina jvaix3 nb pipi pxa isy I'npiV 'H3 733 2#*m: X110 JVbxjWai additionally, they take a powder from a mineral which in Aramaic is called n. and in Arabic sjj3 [= lime] OHT Bes 38:1 VI3 4- Vl#'in pe., imp. 3sg.m. ^'i"13 adj. sifted (4- V710 pe., pass.part.) sg.m. rfr'n'o XaB'p sifted ash Ber 6a(13); Hul 51b(39; Ed) Y: KVriJ Ber ib.(BAYTN 58). TH3 adj. clear, intelligent (4- Vl#1,10; Sy k'-Ucoj LS 417, Ma XT1X3 MD 281) 1. clear: pl.m. xynnoi '"?'3Era xypn 'Vw ^ p'no the paths of the sky are as clear to me as the paths of GN Ber 58b(46; P); 2. intelligent: sg.m. T13 130 D'3m an intelligent and wise man Sab 156a(30); ib. 39; 31 iai 1'13 XT13 xa'Dn X13n D'DO 31 ia 3py TGHark 105:9; pl.m. 'T13 TGAs27 33:14 ^ri3 vb. to sift (< bra*; 4- xrfrina, V'no; Sy 1# ,\o< LS 423, Ma "7,10 MD 291) Pe.: xp mn mwp X"?na Xp inrf>31 X3X1' his wife was sitting (and) sifting flour Ket 62b(42); Bes 29b(12); ib. 14; HG3 281:53 DH3 vb. to roar (Sy -jamj LS 416, Ma 1# D13 MD 291) Pe. (e/ ): xmXJHM D'noi X'lX X111 a certain lion which was roaring in the wine press (shed) AZ 70a(38); San 59b(39); XTTOya "73 lV'BX D'no 'am (the lion) roared, (and) all the pregnant women of Rome miscarried Hul 59b(35; V") K»i"l3, cs. DH3 n.m. bread (< xan1?* [cf. Ma Xanx1? MD 227, Arab translit. U*J Schaeder, IB 7] < 4- XanV w. l-n interchange; 4- XnS'1) a. general: sg.cs. H'la1? 'IIP X1? 1'D'13 D131 X13J7 a slave who is not worth the food that he eats [lit. the bread of his stomach] to his master Git 12a(14) [+ //'s; 4- XD13 mng. la]; det. '^'1 Xlion Xa,10 an oven full of bread Tan 25a(5); (X)ri'X 1,'ano Tixn Xpl +(X>0a bring a bread shovel because your bread is singed ib. 6; 'XWBB 'X"733 'an03 'a,10 T'rDXI the stupid Babylonians who eat bread with bread [i.e. bread with a wheat-based dish] Ned 49b(5) [Ed: xarf?3 Xarf7] // Bes 16a(45); XaiO n"lB? IX n'Vttn (if) he cooked it [i.e. rice] or made it into bread HP 191:6; '"?'1 fl'ai XXaiX n'Tlpan Xano "?'DX1 '113 perhaps while he was eating bread, a piece choked him and he died Kar 7a(49); Ber 12a(42); ib. 58b(18); Ket 10b(53); BQ 19b(44); San 100b(38); Xanoi ,1'Vo his basket of bread Bo 125:11; b. w. designations: sg. 'D'm xano wheat bread Sab 140b(18); XaiO 'iyi£?1 barley bread ib.; xa'an XHIO fresh [lit. hot] bread Pes 7a(35); 'D'm xa'an XB10 Yom 76b(22); nyi^i xa'an xano Yev 76a(ii); xwipx xano stale [lit. hard] bread Ket 39b(15); Qid 62a(2); MQ 28a(30) [4- xrao]; ib. 31 [i xipp]; X3nn xano bread (made) of gold 7am 32b(l); 'XtilXI xano bread of pagans AZ 35b(52); c. w. V?DX pe. to eat a meal: ^D 1,113 xano "?13'0 V'Vl let us go (and) eat a meal in a certain place Ber 42b(44); d. euph. for sexual intercourse [cf. Gen 39:6]: Nid 17a(47) [4- xVips] Lit: Nold, MG 54; Eps, Stl 100; Voc: xSrf HPP 293:21; Y: X»n? Ber 12a(42; BAYTN 87). I#"in3 vb. to be bright, light, give shine (4 xminoa, xnno, i#xrnino, 2#xnnna, tho; Sy iou LS 417, Ma l#mo MD 291) Pe. (a/u): X1DX ino the morning grew light Pes 2a(12) [expl. BH 11X 1p'3n Gen 44:3]; '003? lino (if) the clouds were bright Tan 10a(13; M2); X0H»3 I'linO 1110 be bright, your light, like a lamp Sab 116b(14) [imp.; cf. Ma: X1110 1110 Lidz, ML 8:10; v. MD 292] Af. 1. to give light: 1TX3 'wb 'linOX1? to give light to the Jews in Zion AnanSch 25:24; 2. to be light [JPA 110 af. DJPA 343, mng. 1]: X3'm xraw 'tya inoxia xnnyos V'nnxi if he began his meal when it was still light on Friday [lit. when Friday gave light] Seel 60:61; HG1 319:75 = HP 23:3!; 3. w. '3'!? to enlighten s.o., show clearly: ''Onaa ]'0'y ]"? 110X1 he enlightened us from our Mishna BB 53b(24) // Yev 35a(35) // ib. 56b(l) // Sot 6a(23) itpe. to shine: nj/B?3 xnno iV inonxi rr>3?3 dx X311J?n if you want light to shine for you in time of darkness HM 44:16 Lit: Eps, Stl 111 [Af., mng. 2]. 2# TI3 vb. to remember, recall (JPA Tno DJPA 343, s.v. Vino pe.) Pe., pass.part.: mn 13 X0TH0 J^OS I'XO V31X Q'Xp I remember when four seahs (of grain) cost asela BB 91b(12); ib. 15; 17; 19; 21; 24; Hul 93a(10); ib. 137b(32; M) [Ed.:
3#ina 734 113 X3T31]; iT1? ni'i13 xb do you not remember it? ib. 54a(15); by TSP ]liT> X3X3'1T13 X1? XDVx n3W iy lion until the year 1,000 (of the Seleucid Era) we do not remember them well sequentially iSGF 105:12 Itpe., w. "V to recall: XnyBW ]b X113@'X bjyan '3W1 '3W "]X\ '3 X31@'X1 we recalled the legal traditions now as in those years of PN Tan 23a(50) 3# "in* 4- V2# im vb. 1# K1H3, abs. ma, pi. Xmiina n.m. river, canal (4- xtu an, xtu tfn; ta xirri tj Jon 2:4, Sy rc'-lcnJ, pi. t-»HcnJ, K'iioHcnJ LS 417, Ma 1#X11X3, pi. XnX1X11X3 MD 281) 1. river: a. general: sg.abs. mma '3V?b tu tyi nu^s xnxas in such-and-such a town which is located on such-and-such a river SSHai 2a(3) [and passim in documents]; £r 55b(43); cs. '1X1B 1H3 the river of bitterness [i.e. bitter waters] 5o 125:9; det. X1133 xnn'X iiy2D a woman is drowning in a river Sbf 21b(18); XTU1? '3Xn pitchers to the river (to draw water) Ber 58a(28); Sab 148b(9); Hul 105b(53); XTU -ayb he should cross the river Sab 110a(17); Qid 81b(35); XTU3 n"1W he threw it into the river BQ 117b (34); Git 45b (3 5); Ned 62a(18); Ara 29a(25); X'BI X113 a river of (running) water Kar 6a(10); HMGas 94:12; £r 24b(10) [4- 2#XT3 mng. lb]; AZ 47a(45) [4- Xmi31 mng. 3]; 7M 18b(29) [4- NWB mng. 2]; 5S 24a(27) [4- xnS'Tl]; HM 40:6 [4- 2# XB'3 mng. 2]; OHT Sab 64:10 [4 XmiB mng. 3]; Meg 6a(4) [I l#xnpi]; pi. xnXlTU '1B>y Tbr\ thirteen rivers Tan 25a(42); b. w. GN: X1H3 'X3'3 Hul 7a(31); 2. canal [4- 2#XW=)]: a. general: sg. lp'BX XTU 13 they diverted a canal through it [i.e. the field] Git 73a(21); ib. 60b(47); XTUX XTU xnilX'3 from one canal to another [lit. from canal to canal], it is a shortage Tan 19a(48); XTU XB1T XTU ... 131 major/minor canal BM 103b(44); San 93a(29); xai'1 XJ'JBS XTU pOBl the canal stopped (flowing) in the middle of the day BM 77a(7); Git 60b(31) [4- XDWB mng. 2]; XB'BD XTU a dammed up canal MQ 4b(33); XS'X X113 1301 X3'»1 wet algae which dam up the canal Git 69b(29); XTU1 X'13 dredging of the canal BM 108a(14); b. specific canals: sg.cs. 1H3 X3"?a the King's canal Sab 108a(29) [caique < Akk nar sarri CAD N/1 374]; XSS-113 the P-canal Qid 33a(34) For a complete list of the names of specific canals and rivers of the form x SO, v. Eshel, JSB 152+; Voc: XlilS HGP 55Y: XTnj Ber 51a(43; BAYTN 89). adj., n. of GN {nisbe- form < Akk nar Bel Bel canal Eshel, JSB 153) pl.n.m. nri"3113 Bes 8b(21); BM 104b(4); 'xVsTUSer 50a(16) Lit: BJTP 273+; Y: 'N^inru Ber ib. - nKJJTVU, .1X11,13 adj., n. of GN («w6e-form < GN xjriTtf Eshel, JSB 153+) I. adj.: sg.m. X3X XyiTU X"n 13 Uy I, PN, of GN Yev 116a(6); X3X X3X XJHTU BM 16b(29) // ib. 35a(39) // BB 31a(21); pl.m. 'yiTU '1313 'iy these men of GN Git 45a(45); BMsD 2:4; "X1TU Qid 12b(26; HP 109:8); II. n.: sg.m. X3'D3 XJHTU1? XII is she not, in fact, married to one of GN? Ket 54a(33); pl.m. '113X 'yiiru (the scholars of) GN say Ber 43a(57); Yev 52a(26); Ket 6a(2) Voc: 'jlTfi HGP 16b:21; Y: 7TVU Ber 39b(l; BAYTN 320). - ilNSS in: adj. of GN (nisbe-form < GN 113 XSS Eshel, JSB 157) pl.f. XnX'BB 113 XJIB'1 Win two loaves of bread of GN Er 82b (40) Y: XJTSS Ti; Er ib. [2#NTJ3 n.m. slave (4- XniTUD) sg. 113 X'y3 she wants my slave Ned 21b(25; HG2 301:ll[Var]) Y HG2 ib„ n. 2] X713M 4- '133 n. 113 vb. to move, be mobile, shake (4- XV'3; Sy zd LS 418, Ma 113 MD 293) Pe. 1. to move, be in motion: '1"3 1,1^13 '1"3 '3 all of them only move together San 37a(31); lev 14b(29); Pes 64b (3 8); 1"3 X^ ,1'SU 1"3 13'D IT his hand indeed moves, (but) his body does not move Sab 3a(21); xmiS 13 he moved a bit Sot 38b(25); iVlD rf? XT3 XmiS rf? XT31 ]V3 xn3'BD when a small part of a boat moves, all of it moves BB 75b(48); X1X3T X311 13".1 this one [i.e. the Persian] is a moving bear Qid 72a(31); D'3J?3 O'a '1"3 13'a water in the clouds is constantly in i#Vna 735 ma motion Er 46a(2); 1*71 13 133 I have already miscarried [lit. my fetus has already moved] Sab 63b(8) // BQ 83a(34); BQ 83a(33) [4- X13iy]; T31 Xyplpa ... T3 xVl Xypipa immovable property [i.e. real estate], movable property [i.e. slaves] BB 150a(30; TGAs42 149:20) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; T3 x'jl xVtjVoaa T31 xVd'jdB self- movable property [i.e. slaves] from non-self- movable property [i.e. objects] ib. 29(TGAs42 149:23); 2. to be mobile: '1"31 NlinB '33 '3tt? the people of GN are different because they are mobile Git 6a(46); Ket 15a(10) [* 'B"pi 'JP3J7 permanent inhabitants]; Naz 12a(10); 3. to shake, quiver: 1'31BX X1"3 mi his house was shaking BB 25b(49); X3Xm XB1BX XBn33 1"313 (it shakes enough) for the lid on the mouth of a pitcher to quiver ib. 26a(l); ni31 Vm "\yi 111 XyiX there was a great storm and the earth shook ISGF 110:7 Af. 1. to shake s.t: xV'»B ^'331 rvb T3»l he shakes it and it falls (into the vessel) by itself Men 7a(12); n'tt?'13 T3» shaking his head San 95a(19; F2); T3» xp 31T5?1? n'V Vya Xpl 'TI31 fpxb n'"7 while removing the 'eruv he shakes the tree Sab 155a(8); X1? 311 311? 7\^ T3TO Xp 111D1 •\VKlb ??b T3TO Xp the ritually clean person shakes the zav, and the zav does not shake the ritually clean person HG3 260:28 [v. Nid 43a(l)]; 2. to remove: XDiy1? Vd'H1? X1JWH l'nV'33 Xin T3»1 n'Vl XyiXI Xl'ysVl X'»W1 may his corpse be cast out for food to the birds of the sky and the animals of the earth and may no one remove (it) Dec 7:15 Itpa. to be scattered: ]T'3'31 'n3'E?333 let him press down on them [i.e. the figs] so that they should be scattered Zev 73b(l; V") Geon. expl.: rvm VOT iTTlWl 0VO1 myplp Vs Tl K1?! XyjJlpa mypnp'? wpinw nay rn sypipn pip*38 TGAs42 149:20. ltt^lia vb. to disgrace, disfigure (4- Vvnn, x"73; cf. Sy »ic)J to torment LS 420, Ma Vl3 MD 294) Pa. 1. to disgrace: rf? '"7113a '"?113 they severely disgrace her (by removing her clothes) Sot 8b(13; V2); 2. to make repulsive: n«/S3 rftluaT ,1"13W3 1"132? 'SX3 in the case of a captive woman who makes herself repulsive in the presence of her captors Qid 12b(10) // BB 135a(19); 3. to disfigure: i1'Vn3'3 should we disfigure it [i.e. the corpse]? Hul llb(17) Itpa. 1. to be disgraced: Vmwi n^ xn'3 xV he does not want her to be disgraced Ket 48a(31); 2. to be disfigured: VvO'a Xp (the corpse) will be disfigured Hul llb(16); San 45a(47); BQ 51a(10); Vl3'a xV 'XII Vl3'B 'X<1 this one is disfigured and that one is not disfigured BB 8b(10); ib. 102b(13); VrU'Vl V113'1? let him surely be surely disfigured (by post-mortem examination) ib. 154b(13) [Var: bS^bS bfo'? VTM 74] 2#Vna vb. to weave (denom. < 4- 1#X^>113) Pe.: Hbm Xpl X3n'T nmvx VtX he went (and) found her sitting and weaving Git 34a(8) The rdg. xV™ San 95a(45; Ed) is a corruption < n^iyi [v. DS, ad loc, n. n]. l#K^lia n.m. loom (4- V2#^113; Sy rdJSoJ LS 420) sg. x"71131 XD^'D xyi' Xim one (maidservant) knows (how to work) the spindle and the loom [i.e. to spin and weave] BB 13b(27; Ed); pi. 'Vll3 '3pna xVl unmended looms Bo 78:13 Y: K1?™ BB ib.(BAYTN 89. 2# N'rna n. (uncertain) sg. T1X x"7131 n3X you and ... are kinsmen BM 67a(14) Perh. a PN; Lit: Beer, BA 4893; Voc: n^llj VTM 92; Y: K^llJ BM\b. ma vb. to rest, be calm, place (4- n'3, Xniri'3, xn"3, xnn"3, Vnsn; Sy ooJ ls 419, Ma ma md 293) Pe. (a/a) 1. to rest, remain: Xri'3 n3'B H3'SD the boat is completely at rest BM 9b(15); ib. 20; rP3 n3'a 1B131 his body is completely at rest Sab 3a(21); X3iyai '1'13 "?3 l'n'3 ',11B3y31 all the sick people of Eretz Israel rest under [lit. in] its branches ib. 21a(14); 31 '33 'ri"3 inxi they come (and) rest in the be rav Er 73a(38); rU'Vl ia 'n'^ come (and) rest Git 68a(10); Yom 20b(21); n3'3 n'nDlIX ia remain in your place Er 68b(l); 2. to come to rest: ism Xri'31 iy until (the stolen article) comes to rest in the courtyard BQ 70b(30); Tl'31 <')T3y +'» Q'B H'31 T3yi 1SD3 in the case of an (unfolding) scroll which is likely to come to rest. Is (running) water likely to come to rest? Sab 5b(7); ib. 100a(17); 100b(24); BQ 3b(13); Hul 43a(38); n"3 "?B31 X3'1 Xtt/'l where
runau 736 t t : the head (of the body) falls it comes to rest Sot 45b(40); 3. to grow calm, subside: a. alone: ni n'Syja XB' the sea grew calm from its rage BM 59b(41); ib. 86a(43; F1) [4- XSyt mng. 1]; pVlBl m'il miia m1? we would strike it [i.e. the wave] within it and it would subside BB 73a(19); XII 1'BI n"i x"n yiV HXB is it not, in fact, one hundred years that his blood has not subsided? Git 57b(14); HM 44:23; b. w. "Tiyi: nil imV mnyi after he calmed down BM 83b(41); Men 93b (49); 4. to be satisfactory, only in impersonal 3f.sg. nrri: X3'"?i mnia D'^iy xs'xi o'nai nrn la'ab X3'X 'XB D'^iy let it be satisfactory of sacrifices where there are (entities) which ascend (the altar. Regarding) meal offerings where there are not (entities) which ascend the altar, what is it possible to say? Pes 77b(25); Yom 65b(14); Bes 21b(12); Git 33a(28); BB 48b(l 1); Zev 48b(18)5. w. -tfBJ to die: m»Bi nil XBT Xinn that day that he died BM 86a(40); 'Vd ITID'Xl ,TWBi ni ai'X il'IIBOX"? XBVy Job died and everyone was occupied in mourning him Sot 35a(25); Pes 3b(47); BB 22a(54); Nid 36b(45); £&/a/ I7a(i7); mrcsi nru xrmxi xixawa he died during the religious persecution of (the study of) the Torah iSGF 87:1; ,TWBi Xn'i Xp ,11,1 '3 as he was dying Tan 22b(17); Ket 67b(45); G7/ 56a(42); n'WBi nrtt1? Xnx '3 when he was about to die Ket 77b(25; MGG 226:12); n'PBi WJl X13J Xinm may I die SM 86a(33) [oath]; pass.part, I'WBi n'i 'Vs NN, the deceased Dec 9:9 [cf Sy rdi_a_i «u; ^ deceased LS ib., s.v. x<J±+i, mng. 3, MH2 WDi 'mi PT Er 21c(22)]; 6. w. NU/B'B? to shine: xn'i XBVy '"?13X XWB'W the sun shines upon everyone San 39a(37; F2) [Var: nn"i He] Af. 1. to place, set down [w. "3, 'b]: X1? 'miX ]i'rUB we do not actually place (the Torah scroll on the bed) BQ 17a(7); BM 25a(40); X'B 1,1iVa 'ypBI XWBltfa IHi'niXI they filled them [i.e. the vessels] with water, placed them in the sun, and they burst AZ 33b(19); ,TB1B3 n'1? niX he placed it in his mouth Ket 61b(l); X1XBX 'T T1X I placed my hand on the rope (of the bridge to simulate trembling) BB 167a(31); XVW? ,11'in XBIpBipi XaiSX X'ai XT13 niXI X13y they saw a certain servant who placed a pitcher of water on the mouth of a kettle Sab 48a(3); ib. 6a(2); Yev 46a(24); H'lV'y ni'Vl let him place (the platter) over them [i.e. the basins] Git 69b(53); '1J XDX n^J? ,TT niXI the pagan came and placed his hand upon it [i.e. the wine jug] AZ 59b(18); pass.part. '3'0X nia (the perforated pot) is placed upon pegs Git 37a(17); "jap nia XI (the coin) is, in fact, placed before you BQ 98a(6); '111X 'nia (the coins) are placed upon each other BM 25a(41); Pes 72a(12) [+ //'s; 11# XflO'3]; X3',1 'niai where were they placed? Ket 84b(3); 2. to leave off, leave aside: lili'nii 'miX he should actually leave them aside Ket 47b(17); nyb nya IHiiniXI they left them aside for a day Hul 55b(26); 3. w. '^>'BJ1 to put on phylacteries [4- Vnni af., mng. 4]: AZ 44a(42); Ber 14b(43); RH 17a(41); BQ 17a(13); Hul 110a(32) Itpe. 1. to be placed [cf. Ma XiriXB; v. Ch. Muller-Kessler, Aram 11/12(1999-2000) 306]: Tttibvft '3W 'T?'y .irun'X (the dissected thigh) was placed upon herbs and (the gash) closed together bb 74b(20); by tarrxi xnainxi xni'tn xnaw X11D ]!B1'n the excommunication, oath, and anathema which were placed upon Mt. Hermon Bo 2:6; 2. w. "V to agree: I'1? XniJl'X 'niilTX he completely agreed to it Qid 45b(36; O2); N1?! 'yi3E/a nb^Mib I'1? nniXl'X he did not agree to degrade her with an oath TGAs28 31:25 The Pe. imp. forms m'1?, nm [instead of mr1?*, mm*; cf. Dlp'Jl] point to the drift of this rt. to nm* as in Ma [v. Nold, MG 254]; on Pe., mng. 4, v. E. Wajsberg, LeSonenu 59 [1996] 119+. HN1313, N1313 adj. strange, foreign, other, n.m. stranger (4- V'13i; TA 1X131i TO Ex 2:28, Sy rdiiaoj LS 430, Ma X'X131i MD 293) I. adj. 1. strange, foreign: sg.m. ,1X131i XBy a foreign nation Ber 56a(25); 2. other, another: sg.m. X131i K/'i'X another person Pes 89b(17); X13i X131i TGAs28 15:13; XBU ^b x"?1 '3',1 '3 ,1X131i so that (his daughters) should not join themselves to another body Sab 65b(2); pl.m. 'X131i 'IXV other prohibitions Hul 80b(23); f. '"7'B Xn""i3li other things Ned 20b(8) [V2: xrp'iinx]; II. n. stranger: sg.m. 'ami 'Wi'X '1(')3y xVl nX131iV HiJia people are not apt to give a gift to □13 737 xnou t : a stranger BM 15b(32); ib. 46a(4); X131i TGHark 93:9; ib. 196:2 Y: nifpU Sab ib.(BAYTN 153). D13 vb. to sleep, be drowsy, doze off (Sy -pi LS 420, Ma Dli, imp. pB'i'i MD 294) Pe. (a/u) 1. to sleep, fall asleep: a. active: 'B"i x"?1 12?B'X 'X XO^'Va XJlllB it is impossible that (the guards) do not sleep for a while at night Ket 27a(40); Yev 121b(16); San 22b(34); mitfBiX m<a)D)B 'V3 'XI D"i X1?! Xmr7'03 if he wants he pierces himself with thorns and does not fall asleep Git 84a(20); x*?i ixab nrrai D'Xii ixaV x"m xrii's?1? 'rayi D'Xi (wearing fox's teeth) which are effective concerning sleep: Of a live one for one who falls asleep; of a dead one for one who cannot fall sleep Sab 67a(37; V); "?'Btf xVip'11 XB'Xi XVI she falls asleep, and (her) d.-basket goes downstream San 7a(29) [proverb]; 'BX XflTIB Oi'B IB 'JH X1? 'J'Dpl '3'1X1 'BT "|ina Di'i 1B3 •'Tib don't you want to sleep a bit? He said to them: "I shall sleep a long time in those days of the 'graves'" Er 65a(37) [Var: Dli'i O]; Pes 120b(9) [v. Pal]; Yom 7b(15); Hul 67b(22); b. pass.part. D'i Ned 15a(16); D'i XXli'2/ vrb X'nx sleep overtook him (and) he was asleep Tan 23a(46); TJ1 D'i xVl D'i I'D X1?! partially asleep/awake Meg 18b(33) // Tan 12b(l) [expl. MH DiBirii MMeg 2:2; lit. he is neither completely asleep nor completely awake; cf. Sy i«_j_bon i < s. LS 523]; Pes 112b(42) [* Tn]; 2. w. V331I7 pe. to be drowsy [Sy iy»:\o >j PSm 2321, Ma X'33XW X'B'Xi MD ib.]: Xnj?Btt/ XrT7 11BX 31 3'3^1 D"i '3 when he was drowsy and falling asleep, PN said this legal tradition Yev 24b(25) // BQ 47b(22) // ib. 65a(9) // Nid 60a(2) // Bek 23b(33) Pal. 1. to doze off: OiBi ifflyv X'11 Xt3B '3 when that hour arrived he dozed off ^Z4b(32; J); "3X xp Di'a n'^ 'ax DiBiB xp mm xsn map 3'rn mn XiBiBiB Xp '(B)CniBi ]'X I'1? 'BX IB D"i PN was sitting before PN2 and was dozing off. He said to him: "Are you really sleeping?" He said to him: "Yes, I am actually dozing off" Pes 120b(9; E2) [v. Itpal.]; DiBi 'BliBi Suk 53a(38); Xia'M' XiBiBiB Xp mm mpi'D3 I was sitting at his lecture and was dozing off Sab 56b(47); ib. 63b(20); 145b(23); Git llb(23); Ned 29b(18); BM 83b(27); Ket 17b(4) [4- 2#Xn"ip]; 2. euph. to die [4- Vl#33ti pe., mng. 4]: Xp mm 1"m DiBiB he saw that he was dying MQ 28a(34); '3 '31 DiBiB Xp mi when PN was dying Qid 72a(34; Ar [AC 5:343]) [Var: 'BIB V3; xn"i H'B/Si O2] Itpal. to doze off: XiX XBtya DiBinB I am merely dozing off Pes 120b(8) [v. Pal.]; Xpl n"m DiBinB he saw that he was dozing off MQ 28a(34; H); Tan 21a(6; V") ]M n.m. nun, the fourteenth letter of the alphabet (Sy ^oj LS 410) sg. Ned 54b(28) // Mei 20b(24)!; rf?'B3 ]1i 3H3 X1?! he did not write nun in the case of circumcision (of the heart) Anon 78:13 [w. ref. to wftw Dt 10:16 (pe.) as opp. to orfrBil Gen 17:11 (nif.)]; ib. 15; BMsL 13:9; *p H'i'B )Xb 'BX11 D1X1 X5TD1 XpK/ '3 1'pT li'BI like the leg and foot of a man which is similar to a nun, partially bent over and partially erect TGAs28 68:17 = GC 36:9 [expl. 4- xmWD'X] K3W n.m. fish (4- Xiliiap, Xilitflp, XililBtf, 'B X"i1i, 'i'ilB, X1113; TA Xili TJ Jon 2:1, Sy rdico LS 421, Ma Xili MD 294) sg. Xi'J/1? XBD Xili fish is a remedy for the eye Mei 20b (24) // Ned 54b(29); pl.abs. 1'ili ISBV to catch fish HM 41:1 Y: K3U AZ 39a(24). 013 vb. to tremble (Sy kloS LS 421) Pe. (u): Oli'1 H'1'31 nB "73 'il'D1?'! he will teach me all that he knows, and he will tremble HM 45:18 NnOll n.m. book, copy (< Akk nishu section of a series CAD N/2 267, mng. 3, AIOA 78; Nab rinoi cs. copy DNWSI 735, GeonH D'noii OHT Hag 20:5, > Arab iLii Fr, AF 251; cf. Sy kIAjocu copy LS 434, Ma 2# XDi to copy MD 302) 1. book, document: sg. X1B1 Xp'HJ? MOli an old book of the Talmud TGHark 164:18; OHP Ket 54:17; 'B'pil Xi1? JTBtt xVl Xi1? 'in x"71 XJ13B; 'V'Va Xil^a 'Dlil Xnoii we have neither seen nor heard that (the scholars) take a book and recite by (the light of) a lamp on Friday night OHT Sab 7:10; pi. XJIX'131 'nDIi books of the barraitot iSGF 47:11; ns "?y DliB1? ]i31 1'1'mi X"7 'noli ]B *73X the scholars are careful to recite the text by heart, but not from books iSGF 71:18 [Var: '3'n31 'nOiB iSGS ib.]; 'il'S?1? XB^y 1'1S
■pa 738 inu T1CVU3 people have to study in books OHT Sab 101:29; V13 31JDP VD» 31 '3T 'an TlDl! books (of) the Talmud of the School of PN in which it is written ... TGHark 137:33; T1D1J3 "TO '3m 'p'Jiy so it is written in old books OHT Yev 215:27; '3pm 'p'ny '110133 XJl'X pm it is so in old and exact books OHP Ket 57:22; ib. 54:22; 2. copy, exemplar, text: sg. Xrl0133 iTW» jn3PX1 X3'"inx X3!tf'V X3'"inx we have found another version in his name in another copy TGHark 37:29; VlSt XPITSI XnD13 the copy of the commentary which he made OHT Ket 315:7; xjVh 1'nou our own copy ib. 10; x3'-inx xnou another exemplar SSSad 217:11; TaS 634:8; xnou 713s? srD'a"? mnxv? X33roi we have written to him to write for you a copy (of the responsum) OHT Ned 30:6; xV'S^ P'XW n'TWl n'n0131 (a document) whose text and witnesses are written above SSHai 14b(16); SSSW 235:11; pi. X3TpB1 'H013 '"IJl 131131 we commanded and (the scribes) wrote two copies TGHark 278:11; 'H013 ',T>13 all of the copies TGAs42 213b:20; OHT Pes 129:30 Geon. expl.: TBO1? pip -[3^1 ITOOJl 'ITJIBI [B:T 'BIB] BOTH rm ■THOU TMX TBD1? (ljaa) I1X) arOlT GC 146:4 [v. Ar (AC 7:255)]; Lit: Eps, GC 14611; Danzig, IHP 63123, w. lit. *\tt vb. to sway to and fro (Sy 13J LS 421) Pe. [intr.]: n{')B'3 'XT HBM 'X inb 'SX |D'3 XpT VU'Tri 13'3'a 3D xpD'5/3 '31BH he saw that (the sheaves) were swaying to and fro. He said to them: "Whether you sway this way or that way, dealing in merchandise is better than you" [i.e. business is better than agriculture] Yev 63a(31) Af. to wave (an offering): TCI 'TTO liTTD 1S31? *l'rV mm *]'j^ mrxn x'in xp (if) all of them wave (the offering) together, (then) this will constitute an interposition. (If one) waves the offering and afterwards (another) does so ... Men 94a(12; V10); «)'3'» Hul 130a(26) On Yev ib., v. Ar [AC 5:361]; Lit: cf. Beer, BA 3547. NSpU n.m. hole, cavity (4- Vspj, X3p'3; Sy r^^ni LS 444, Ma X3p'3 MD 299) 1. hole: sg. '31X1 XBlTl'n mp83 X3pi3 ib'BXI X3T0 X3'X 'XI if there is an adhesion or even a hole in the place of the separation of the lobes (of the lung) TGHark 159:19; ib. 26; HP 200:15; ib. 201:13; pi. '3>13 pn ib. 198:18(HPP 301:16); 2. cavity: sg. Xn'JJiaT X3pi3 the cavity of the pearl [i.e. in which it is located] Sab 90a(22); pl.cs. '3p13 'Tl'33Td Nid 62a (22) Y: X3J>« BAYTN 153. NJiapU, Kn3j7'a, abs. K3j?H n.f. female (TA Xmpii TO Lev 27:4, Sy k1^"A LS 444, Ma XT130)p13 MD 294) sg.abs. n.31 XTW'3 nnt?'I7 n3pl31 the evil lilith, male and female 5o 73a:7; ib. 13:5; det. Xmpllb mm XTJ'TI XTB13 'Jl'» he brings the pollen of the male (palm) and places it on the female Pes 56a(12); XTJ'l XTtf *?3 Xri3pl31 X13H X1H "?31 Xmpi31 every male and female demon, every male and female dew Bo 83:4; XJ13p'31 XTJH XTr1?'1? /& 78:22; 88:5; pi. p xrwopu pi '-dh i& 56:13; xnx-ino'x '3an XriX3p'3 eight female spirits ib. 21:9; 2:7; 42:2; 86:2 Y: Krapu Pes ib.(BAYTN 199). JOM n.f./m. fire (4- XTU '3, 2# XT3J?; TA XTU TO Ex' 15:7, Sy rc'icu f./m. LS 421, Ma XTU f. MD 294) sg. a. general: XTU XTOTW» X37I where is fire to be found? Ara 15b(50); -]3 X'3nx 'aj?D 'Xa XmiB XTU why did the fire affect you a bit? San 93a(47); XV! XTU XB'TA mm X31/1X XW1 a certain oven from which the fire [i.e. the coals] had been scraped clean Ket 67b(39); BM 42a(41); AZ 1 la(7); Zev 116b(20); Anan 70:1; b. colors: XTU XTPn white fire BB 73a(18); 'JipiT XTU green fire ib.(MGG 32:1); c. in compounds: Ber 58a(36) [4- XBD13]; &r6 30a(10) [4- X3'X13 mng. 2]; jf/M40:17 [4- W11B11]; Xwi 69b(22) [I X'TU]; Bo 16:3 [I X*73'n mng. 1]; San 93b(47) [4- l#x"?3n mng. 1]; MQ 25b(38) [4- XTT31 XB'3 s.v. 1#XB'D]; ib. 12b(49) [4- XTDTB]; .&* 109b(32) [4- KV?H mng. 2]; Ber 59a(32; MGE 148:14) [4- l#xri3'na]; Ned 62b(7) [4- 2#XT3J? mng. 1]; Hag 15a(22) [4- 1#X0>1B]; Bo 17:7 [4- XTlprj?]; Ket 17a(25) [4- XTiay]; fan 25a(37) [4- 1#XJ1'X1X mng. 1]; MQ 28a(51) [4- XDltf mng. 1]; Bo 78:18 [4 Xn'3,T>l»]; d. w. van vbs.: 1) VVDX pe.: XTU mn^BXI the fire consumed him Yev 115a(19); Hag 13a(49); 2) Vlp' af.: XTU ITpiXI ni'^pl 'XJina they lit a fire from below and burnt it Yom 69b(27); 3) V'Vp pe., itpe.: XTU3 X^p'a1? to burn in fire Hag 15b(18); G/Y 69a(20); mn snnw Z£i_ I—^ T ' XTU3 HTJ? l^p'ttTJ it was as if his eyes were burnt in fire BM 85b(33); 4) Vp"7T af.: T>3 p^X X112 he lit a fire in it [i.e. the Temple] San 96b(18); 5) V'Ttf pe.: PIT11I1 X113 1TXtt?1 they placed a fire under it San 101b(14); 6) ^312? pe.: n'V TWO 32;'a XTU the fire completely desiccates it [i.e. the blood from the meat] Hul 93b(20); 7) V4# *\VD pa.: XT13 «l"»a he heats up the fire Sab 119a(13; OAr [AC 8:128]); 8) VD^tf pe.: mn x"7 X113 m3 XD1?^ fire had no power over him BM 85a(51); mrw Xni3 ?T3 Dl^'3 X"7T so that the fire of Gehenna should not have power over him ib. 50; 9) V'Vn itpa.: rnpin xti: n,!7 'Vrvx his beard caught fire San 96a(9); n'M13 XTU ,,,7n,X his bridal canopy caught fire Yev 115a(10); Pes 75b(25) Voc: ini: HPP 279:20; HGP 23a:ll; Y: XTU Sab 26a(6; BAYTN 20). Kn'lla n.f. crowfoot (Ranuncubus; I 2# XnV'a; Sy K'^'icu LS 422) sg. Xnmn XTp'J7 root of crowfoot Hul 59a(l; Ar [AC 5:390]) [expl. MH nyin ib.; v12: xn'Xu)(D)] Lit: Flora 3:124+. [N3U 4-2#XDO'3n.] 1#HT3, ni3 vb. to rebuke (4- XHT'3; cf. Sy 10L) to disturb LS 416, Ma TH3 etpa. to move about boisterously MD 291) Pe.: XpT X1H mM TJD X1H n'1? ma he thought that he was merely rebuking him San 107b(27; SM 181:11) [He: XrVT XriTB mV 'nXT Xpl]; H31 H'ntJ PN rebuked him Sab 48a(4) 2# HT3, nT3 vb. to depart (poss. < Akk nesu CAD N/2 185; QA nu ATTM 635, Ma TU MD 162, s.v. l#xnt) Pe. (a/a): HTXJ '3 HTX31 H'V p'lna 'rnvri xTiai xri'sis '3 n'wna nnrva we point at it [i.e. the sea monster] and it departs. When it departs a kind of 'branch' of white fire appears on its head BB 73a(19; MGG 32:2); rrrfc HU (the Angel of Death) departed from him MQ 28a(42; OHT Sab 6:7); XW3 XTT H'ra pmfl'l HTH may the evil dew depart and distance itself from him Bo 3:2; ib. 12:2; 14:10; 27:1; 36:3; 48:6; 80:7; HM 37:16 Af. to cause to depart: XTW "?3 XplBXVl xntxV Xn3p131 XTJ'T to cause every male and female demon to depart and go out Bo 83:3 Ittaf. perh. to recover: 'TSp PIOTX the sick recovered Bo 78:20 Lit: Eps, Stl 339; D. Sperling, Maarav 7 [1991] 229+. TT3 vb. 4- VII adj., xmPU n. 1# PIT3 vb. to make a Nazirite's vow (artificial word from VtU) Pa.: XOTUa Ned 10b(18) 2# nU vb. 4- VrIT3 vb. 'TJ n.pl. kernels (etym. unkn.) 1H3 rPXT 'TJ1? IX'in (the sesame plants) are suitable for the kernels which are in them MQ 12b(41) [Var: 'TXJ HG1 418:31] Lit: Flora 3:10; Y: V» MQ ib. N'TJ n.m. perh. tendon (etym. unkn.) pi. IX nBTO rPTJ p'DB'X if its tendon was cut it is terefa Hul 54b(10; OHT Yev 10:24) Cf. Geon. expl.: 'SIX yvthl X'JK Tp'y mix 13'XT X1? [UDSW >] Til ... p'OB'x 'x inaxT313 Tainai T3T3 ■'•bnv tst xim OHT ib. T'U adj. perh. cracked (Vl!3; Ma I'M MD 295, s.v. 113) pl.m. vrram th xthdt '3xa ]3T X3i im'TJIll n'TJ^ PN bought cracked clay vessels and gave them to his son (to play with) and he broke them Yom 78b(37; Ar [AC 5:325]) [E1: TU '3X»] Expl. Ar: ymV AC ib. KHlt'W n.f. chiding (Vm; Ma XT3 pi. MD 298) sg. iaT mmrwa as a result of your chiding San 41b(32; HeF2) [Ed: xnn'H] KJYIB'U n.f. rebuke (4- V«1W; Sy k'^'c^-.u LS 422, MH2 nsn: j 891) sg. n'wsaa xniB1!: in: 'av ITlVn he considered himself rebuked for thirty days MQ 16a(50); ib. 16b(5); 27; 31 Y: xrlW'T? Mg ib.(BAYTN 176). NTT3 n.m. Nazirite (4- Vth, xniTU; TA XT!3 TO Num 6:20, Sy i^tju LS 422) sg. pax -]b ^ anpn xV xaTj1? -nno mno xti: to you, to you, they say, the Nazirite: "Around, around! Do not come near the vineyard!" Sab 13a(43) // Pes 40b(23) // Yev 46a(37) // AZ 58b(16); XTU 'yam PN, the Nazirite Sab 54b(37) Voc: XTT; VTM 45; Y: XT!? Sab ib.(BAYTN 59). Knn'U n.f. Naziriteship (4- XTU; TA ITU TO
ami 740 Kniru Num 6:2, Sy rc-fciiu LS 422) xniTH DT101 DV O'ltfViy an unspecified Naziriteship is thirty days Ned 4b(14); ''X11TU Vy lays'? 'TO 'B^l perhaps he will violate his Naziriteship Ata 3a(5); /A. 8b(9); 14b(3); 17b(6); Er 30b(20) Y: iTTOTI] Ate ib.(BAYTN 176). K1VT3, pi. Kn»I3 n.f. brewing vat (< Akk namzitu fermenting vat CAD N/1 257, AIOA 76; 4- xriX'TJ '3; Sy rc'iL.u large jar LS 422) sg. Pes 20a(26; C) [in a mnemonic]; pi. KnX'TiV 'in (the mat) is suitable (for covering) brewing vats Suk 20b(16); ib. 18; XXT'm X'1310a 'XI the plug hole of the brewing vats Sab 11 la(42) // Ket 6a(6) // Bek 25a(2); XTIX'TJ1? I'priBI *?Xy (the ox) entered and pierced the vats BQ 35a(10); nan '31 XnX'TJ'31 dates which are (fermenting) in the vats HP 6:3; y4Z 31b(12) Geon. expl.: W ^V IX 1" to JVTO OHP Sab 72:21; <p)tfa (1X1X10 ('31>y OH Suk 112:1, i.e. tiljli- plugs [v. Koh, AC 5:326]. Lit: Stol, Beer, 170+; Brand 335; Voc: XfllPH VTM 130; Y: (MrPl) fla ib.(BAYTN 153). «]T3 vb. to chastise, rebuke (4- XJVB1TB, xmB'TJ; MH *|H LNVTH 225) Pe.: ]13T3B 'niBT'JI rebuke him [i.e. the banned person] from among you Dec 4:13 All of the mss. and Ar [AC 5:326] read: nin "]1T1 Xn Hul 133a(33), a H form. 1#J7T3 vb. to harm, cause damage (4- Xp'W, xp'ta, xpua, xppj; jpa pn djpa 345) Af. i. to harm, injure vfo 'pTB XXXX'X 3AX (the snakes) harm him because of the pressure (he exerts by standing on them) Yev 121b(l) // Ber 33a(13); ]rpi» iy31X3 p,!7Bp nm for two (cups of wine) we [i.e. the demons] kill. For four we harm Pes 110a(30); ,1'V p'Ta Xp 'pITX (drinking the oil) can cause him serious harm Ber 3 5b (51; F); .TplTX1? 1'13'B xp he intends to harm him Git 53a(32; M); BQ 48a(49); TGHark 227:31; rwsi p'TX XVI he harmed himself BQ 27b(12); Xnpi x"?IX Xp mn 'IM'X XpTBI dust (from the flax) used to go and injure people BB 26a(3; Es); 2. to cause damage: a. animals: p'TXI Kin rraaa it is his capital [i.e. his ox] which caused the damage ib. 40a(42); JJlp'TX 7T1 HIS XJX your cow caused me damage ib. 46b(31); -]p,X XTUl 'X.11 H'XI 'Jl'X ^'1 go (and) bring proof that this ox caused you damage ib. 36a(18); b. objects: '111 'JHX 'pTB '31 '31X 'pTB X1? these [i.e. flax water] damage those [i.e. vegetables], but not vice versa [lit. those do not damage these] BB 18b(9); 'p?B '"?TX 'X^'y X'B 'Xnm> the upper water [i.e. of the person living on the upper floor] goes (and) damages the ones below BM 117a(20) Itpe. to be harmed: X1?! &W1 ppB'l ]lby ppT3JT' they will enter go out in peace and will not be harmed Bo 139:17 Ittaf. 1. to be harmed: XB"?ya pW'X V>X if he was harmed by someone else [lit. from elsewhere] BQ 13b(48); ptfi'X XJX will I be harmed? Pes 11 lb(32); 'XB3 ... 'pTTl'XI '3B0 X3X npTIl'X I joined (the I^IXl-prayer with the 'amida) and was harmed. In what way were you harmed? Ber 9b(38); ib. 6a(20); 'in VU '"?"y '31 'pTTl'B 111 xaa'3 "BX when two people enter into them [i.e. privies] they would be harmed (by demons) even in daytime ib. 62a(25) // Qid 29b(37); 'piTAX1? BQ 57b(42); TGAs42 159:8; 2. to make fit to cause damage: '371 '3 'TB 'TB H'3 pTTlBI each object (should be such) that damage could be caused through it BQ 91a(22) 2#pT3 vb. to make a Nazirite's vow (artificial word from V"IU) Pa.: x:p'UB Ned 10b(18) 1T3 vb. to make a Nazirite's vow, excommunicate (4- XTU, xmi'Ti; Sy iu LS 422) Pe. ( /a): ■Kl){')3'BI? "?'3'1 n'E/B:V I'1? TBX x"?1 IX1? 'X "IT3 xV if he had not estimated himself as being able to make a Nazirite's vow, he would not have done so Ned 9b(33); Naz 3b(26); ib. llb(l); X*7 lU'Tl ib. 17a(29); lUpl 'nyK/3 A/az 34a(2) Pa. to excommunicate s.o.: X113'X ]1i H'V p'lHB we excommunicate him from the community HG2 489:14(Var); p'r3B 'mBI'31 MIITCW excommunicate him and rebuke him [i.e. the banned person] from among you Dec 4:13 Nfliri3 n.m. traveler or emigrant from Eretz Israel to Babylonia (lit. one who descends; 4- Vl#nn: pe., mng. 6, qatol-form; JPA mn: DJPA 346) 1. traveler: pi. 'mm *731 pi XJ1X '3 when PN and all the travelers (from Eretz Israel) came (to Babylonia) Hul 124a(52); ib. 101b(17; V11); Nid 10b(9; gloss); 2. emigrant: pi. ]VT>D1 nap 'rrin3 T ~ T X3n"? IJVnn 'mm all of the emigrants who moved here [i.e. Babylonia] iSGF 61:18 Note also: XO' 'nin: "731 1'31 X71X '3 Sw*43b(16; MM2) [v. DS, ib. 67, n. (!]; Hul 101b(17; H2M); ib. 124a(52; V11); Nid 39b(27; M). While these rdgs. may be explained as corruptions based on the fol. entry, their occurrence in a variety of mss. warrants further inquiry; Y: 7)1(1) Hul ib.(BAYTN 108). — HW 'HirU n.m.pl.cs. seafarers, sailors (caique < BH I3VJ '71V Is 42:10; 4- XB'; TA XB* 'JifU TJ Is 42:10, Sy <<^sJ ,&_uJ PSm 2343) VU'mw XB' 'mn:1? I asked the seafarers Sab 90a(21) // Nid 62a(21) [expl. of 4- X^tfX, XlVltf]; Sab 20b(26) [expl. of 4- X3Vl3]; RH 21a(25); lyjWX XB' 'mn: '"? the seafarers told me BB 73a(17); ib. 20; Tarn 32a(34; V">) Y: X»? 7)1(1) Sab ib. KTI13 n.m. nostril (4- V2#1rU, 'TrUI XB1DX mng. 2; Sy k'^ui LS 424, Ma XTn: MD 291) sg. XTniB TIXI XBI1? for blood which flows from a nostril Git 69a(16) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 3X31? XTP miVl XTn: for a pain of the nostril and an illness of the nostril HM 38:6; ''ITU Git 69a(21); ib. 25; SOZ 73:1; I'lTU 1£?X1 the tip of his nostril BQ 86a(25); pi. n'TrUB 'XTC71 '3113 '1Xtt?1 T'BJI he used to shake (his nose) and cast out bundles of silk from his nostrils San 67b(27); Ket 77b(17); BB 74a(37; MGG 50:12); Hul 93b(24); HG3 219:74 Geon. expl.: <p< °?X D1 ]Xnj 'B '131 OHT Git 155:11, i.e. Ii£j ui&l fj oj^i ^i; Y: H'TIJl Ber 55b(44; BAYTN 59). N^n3 n.m. warfi, stream (TA x9nl TO Dt 2:36, Sy rsiljoJ LS 423, Ma x"7nX3 MD 281) 1. wadi: sg. n"B 'Bill X^m Xin,1 ''TO that wadi is different since its water flows rapidly Yom 77b(35); pi. X'B H'3 1X1X x"?1 X"?n3 a wadi where water does not flow AnanSch 8:5; ib. 9; 10; 12; pi. VJ'ai 111 flJIX '■jna'? their blood flowed to the wadis of GN Ber 54b(5); 2. fig. stream: pl.cs. '"?ni '1J3 Xpi MTB Xn2/'a streams of fat were flowing from them [i.e. the geese] BB 73b(34; Es) Y: 'Vnj BB ib. Dn3 vb. to comfort, console (4- xnanj; Sy >jjj pa. LS 423) Pa.: n'BWJ1? XDX he came to comfort him Ket 8b(29); Tinx I'1? 'Bn3B Xpl X:i'y3 'i'lnx m'x D'njB xpi xrrya ... n'Ti1? when i#Ktyn3 t : • others are comforting him. When he is comforting others San 19a(42); BQ 38a(36); 'y'33 'Bin:1? to console (a mourner) with eggs (on his return from the cemetery) BB 16b(44) N31»ri3 n.f. consolation (4- Von3; TA piia pi. TJ Is 18:4; cf. Sy rc*&_s>a-MJ resurrection LS 423) a. general: pi. 'XVail XJIBn'J consolations of the Babylonian (Jews) BQ 38a(36); b. w. ref. to biblical books dealing w. future consolations: sg. n'^13 n'ywi xnam rrsioi xasnn rrwi Vxpm'i xnan:1? xnanai xjsnn"? x:3nn p'3ao xnan: the beginning of (the Book of) Ezekiel is 'destruction' and its end is 'consolation,' and all [sic!] of (the Book of) Isaiah [i.e. chaps. 41-66] is consolation. We place 'destruction' next to 'destruction' and 'consolation' next to 'consolation' BB 14b(37) [expl. the order of biblical books: Kings - Jeremiah - Ezekiel - Isaiah] Lit: D. de Sola Pool, The Kaddish3, New York 1964 64 [usage b]; Voc: I. Ben-David, LeSonenu 46 [1982] 143; Y: KIWI] BQ ib.(BAYTN 286). 1# "in3 vb. to staid (Ma 3# TU to pierce MD 292, MH 2#in: LNVTH 226) Pe.: pass.part. I'm 'XI 1103 '111©B X*7 Q1 p'ltl if it is stabbed, and he sprinkles the blood, the meat is not permitted Hul 80b(16; V") 2#in3, 1fl3 vb. to snort, rebuke (denom. < I Xl'nj; Sy -Uxj to breathe heavily LS 424, Ma 2# in: MD 292) Pe. (a/) 1. to snort [w. mX> at s.o.]: Xion 31 rvb in: PN snorted at him Git 68a(10) [as a warning]; ib. 16; Ber 62b(13) // Tarn 27b(28); Sab 152b(36); 'V ypn -ft X3TIJ '3 when I snort at you, blow the shofar for me RH 34b(27) [M2: XJTni]; 2. to rebuke [w. "3J: lin: H'3 they rebuked him Qid 81b(2; MAr [AC 1:78, s.v. 1B3X]) tfm vb. to divine (4- 1# XOTJ; Sy tjoj LS 424, Ma 2/13 MD 292) Pa.: W'nil DWtt because he divined Hul 95b(19) [v. ib. 12]; '2?njB 'pilXI D'3 '"?©ia X1?! 'ir;:'X people divine with a purse and a money bag, and they do not lend (them) Yev 120b(10) // BM 27b(28) [4- V]BD pa.] The mng. of D'SIM1? 'W(1M O'U SM23a(17) [F1: D'BBO1? 'B"n] is unclear. l#X^n3 n.m. omen (4- Vwm; Sy rf t »\ LS 741
2# NB/ru t t : 742 i#nru 424, Ma 2# XPXnj MD 290) sg. 1,T> 'BX"I Xp XWU is he not casting an omen upon them? San 19a(43) 2#K^m, N#Nn3 n.m. copper, bronze (TA KBfii TO Ex 27:2, Sy rdi-uj LS 424, Ma 1# Kmni MD 290) 1. copper: sg. BM 44b(6); X»nn X30in reduction of the copper ib. 70a(14); Tan 7b(37) [in a mnemonic note]; Bo 21:10; ib. 78:11; ]'J'X XPXni ]B pn^T "ip'5? niOVlSI small coins are in the main of copper TGHark 38:24; ib. 45:26; X»nn XpBIO XOO a red plate of copper HM 40:9; pxa Tsynai "73i xVnsi xotui xso3i silver, copper, iron, and anything which is produced from the earth AnanSch 3:12; 2. bronze: sg. XCTI21 xraiJ. a bronze tube &r6 66b(40); ib. 90b(23); H3 D'1?^ x"n XIWUI XD'OX X3pT a bronze mortar which does not corrode Nid 36b(49); XCT31 XITO1 a bronze cow Sot 101b(14); X^PBTl XIWUI '3X8 'J'B various types of bronze and iron utensils SSHai 18b (14); HP 16:4; vbmsn rwni yV nyv his legs are legs of bronze and iron Bo 78:6; ib. 17:7 Y: XOTU Sab 66b(40; BAYTN 49). 1 # ffl"tf vb. to descend, go down, penetrate (4 x:nna, xmm; Sy b^ ls 424, Ma nru [i/u] MD 292) Pe. (e/o), pf. lsg. WrO 5Af 109a(26); 3m. rtva Yom 36b(32); 3pl.m. WW Pes 118b(17); mm Aer 80a(29); imp. lsg. mn'X 5Af 15b(37); 2m. niTD #Af 37:14; 3m. mm Ber 45b(24); mm'1? Git 67b(27); JTin' //A/ 40:13; imper. 2sg.m. mm 7ev 63a(37); mn #«/ 96a(22); 55 30a(15; HP 88:23); 2pl.m. Win Ket 19a(17); inf. nn'B1? ATe/ llla(24); nm'B1? Dec 9:19;- 1. to descend, go down: a. general: mwi 1J? n'p3W X^m he let him alone until he descended the stairs Er 52a(31); AZ 26b(18); //«/ 51a(14); XJX XyiX1? mn'X I shall go down to the field BM 15b(37); XTJ ]\mb TWTl 'J?37 |XB one who wants to descend into a fiery furnace HM 40:13; ib. 37:14 [bed]; JWW X1? X3X XTn'J?^) rWW TO XTS'y1? you descended (from the womb) in the intercalary month. I did not descend (from the womb) in the intercalary month Ara 31b(28; V10); b. esp. into water: ]'E?SJ 'tfjtf? nn'B1? X:'J73 we wanted to go down (into the sea) to cool ourselves off BB 73b(29); Pes 118b(17); niW'Vl X'B3 Dlp'^1 let him descend (to the river) and stand in the water Git 67b(25; As); 13 n'W T\b WX1 'XTBX a diver descended and brought it BB 74b(8); c. * Vp"?0 pe. '31 mm pD xp"?D '3 mm nOCim XDW when (the upper room) remains in proper condition, go up with it [i.e. live in it]. When it deteriorates, go down with it [i.e. live on the ground floor] BM 116b(43; F1); DTI31 p'^D n'IPBJBT which ascends and descends by itself ib. 85b(37); JTWI TDK 'X*?'*?'? p'"7tn '1K7 'XWv? that which grows upward (of the roots) is forbidden (to be used on the Sabbath). That which grows downward is permitted Er 100a(ll); Sab 41a(15); ib. 17; d. asyndetically w. a second vb.: 'WTjm XJ1X JVW (Moses) came down (and) shattered them Yom 4b(24); WX wm they came down (from the roof) Tan 23b(16); winnm txt tpw rurby mns'x the upper floor collapsed (and) he went down to live on the lower one BM 117a(10); e. of inanimate objects: ^3 p'^o mvV rrrm nay all wool which goes down into a kettle takes up (the dye) Hag 15b(49); Meg 7b(5); MQ 25b(38) [I 1#XS'3]; 2. to reach: 'Xn TPW XjnX iy XTWIO'X the '.-portion (of the leg) reaches the ground Ara 19b(28) // Fev 103a(30); 3. to descend a generational level: ]1I"|V T0X1 mnn xas dtm 'bu 'bys 'iw ]a sosa1? max1? it is forbidden for fathers to marry any of the wives of the husbands of the wives of their sons as far down in generational levels as it descends Anan 95:2; ib. 100:14; 'Tf? n'WI (the Tanna) goes down (two) generational levels (to exempt) Bek 17a(5); 4. to descend in rank, deteriorate: mm XJWX 3'DJ1 X1TI go down a rank and marry a woman Yev 63a(37); 'lia XT3JHn ]1'3 ru?TD nMmpB rf? XJI'm when a daughter of a priest became pregnant from a pagan, she went down in rank from her state of holiness HP 42:27; BM 116b(43; F1) [v. supra, mng. lc]; 5. to delve: jrenrr 'in mayo1? iiyVx 't ,t^ mm pn delved into PN2's reason lev 67a(28); Xpaiy1? mmi XJ'TT he delves to the bottom of the case BQ 53a(37) // BM 117b(37); 6. to emigrate to Babylonia [caique < MH TV MYev 16:7; 4 XfllW; JPA 71W pe., mng. 2c]: a. alone: mn '3 i#nru 743 i#nn: V33V 31 mm when PN emigrated to Babylonia San 5a(35); Ber 45b(24); Ket llla(24); 1SGF 61:18; b. ^ Vp"?D pe.: XJW; pDrUTi X^'yV Vp^DI those who 'go upward' [i.e. to Eretz Israel], and those who 'go downward' [i.e. to Babylonia] BQ 23b(36); Git 6b(23); 7. to position o.s. to lead the prayer in the synagogue [esp. w. 'Bp; caique < MH2 'aiVa '1 '3B1? m'Tin 'IS1? TV; v. e.g. Ber 34a(31)]: laXl XT,3'S1 XWbv ri'mi the prayer leader positioned himself to lead the prayer and recited Pes 117b(40); X3TI H'ap Jl'nn X1HH a certain person who positioned himself to lead the prayer before PN Ber 14b(4); ib. 62a(37); Yom 56b(24); Meg 25a(16); 8. w. Vp^O pe. to be concerned: p'Tim XH3 p'pVo XH3 we are concerned with this all the time [lit. with this we go up and with that we go down] Pes 87b(45); 9. to enter into a contractual agreement: Xnjnx mn: xjhxt xnjnx 'aV'i ix ... mn: Vsm did they enter into the agreement (to work the field) on reliance of the husband or on reliance of the field? Ket 80a(29); «xm mn: '3m xranx "xn mn: '3m xnjnx this one [i.e. the creditor] entered into the agreement with such an intention and that one [i.e. the wife] with such [i.e. another] an intention ib. 86a(18; HP 103:24) [Ed: W1 '3 'xm TJ'I '3 'Xn]; BM 35a(43); Git 48a(6); 10. w. "3 to penetrate s.t.: 'BO T3 mn penetrate into it more (with a knife to remove the veins) Hul 96a(22); 11. w. ~b to seize, take possession [caique < MH "V TV J 594]: "lia '033 ihVidV 'a: xnn: xVp-rV xnn:T since she can seize the date palm, she can seize all of the property BB 133a(6); 'W'nx 'nnn W'3'X T3J7 X1? pTWI n'yiX1? a person is not likely to remain silent while tenant farmers seize his field ib. 46b(l 1); 155a(3); H'V mn: X1? "?T111 PN did not take possession of it Qid 59a(32); 12. w. "V to deal w. s.t.: 'am 'im xm»a xin1? nni'a1? to deal with this matter of these orphans Dec 9:19; 13. w. "V to acquire: p3Tia HXaiD lnV xnnil they acquire Rabbinical impurity Pes 15b (27); XJinna «mn 'vnp 'a: n^ xnn: d'bt jwrrp n'V since (one limb) acquires holiness for its value, the whole body also acquires holiness Tern llb(30); ib. 19b(21); 14. w. 'V to specify: xr'i'a"? mm X^ D'3n3T he does not specify the number of priests Men 7b(3); 15. w. ~b to reach final form: mn: XTB1? it reached the final form of fruit Pes 52b(33; C); 16. w. W11? to go to court: I1?'! xrH wm 13'notf 1B"p go, confirm your writs, and (then) go to court Ket 19a(17); Svu 31a(29) Af. 1. to lower, bring down: mnnx they lowered him (from the gallows) AZ 18b(6); wnxV x:'5?3 XlJ'Xa 'TJ I want to bring my son down from the roof AZ 26b(22); XriXS'na mnx TiJ extend the partitions downward (fictitiously) Sab 101a(12); 2. to lower in rank, depose: '"lV mnnx they lowered PN in rank (in the school) BM 84b(41); H'1? p'poa X1? H'rnnXT ]V0 since we lowered him in rank [i.e. from priest to non-priest] we do not raise him in rank BB 32a(10) // Ket 26a(30); 3. to place, put down: a. general: X3'n XjyT Xs? irU'nniX I do not know where I placed them BM 35a(31); X'10 '3X n'b XTina X31 PN('s wife) used to place (the cup) for him on the pillow Ket 61a(43); Pes 7a(35) [4 VlffBy itpa.]; ib. 74b(25) [i xrnail]; Yom 46b(ll) [I V'33 pa.4]; MQ 26a(39); Tarn 27b(38) [I V^eti pe., mng. lb]; in1? ]i'nna X3'n '33 inM where do we place those children? [i.e. in whose custody] TGAs42 85:18; xVnBT rH"'3T XTO ninn 133WnXl they placed you under a great mountain of iron Bo 78:13; ib. 14; xyiX3 'by -|3p5? mnxi place your heel on it on the ground HM 44:22 [cf. Ma: by mnnx 'Xll'V X'lS'a I placed my foot on the boundaries MD ib.]; ib. 42:6; 45:19; IX^'X T1? p'Jina xV XTJOT 2?Tip D1pa3 we only place a Torah scroll in a holy place Anan 23:27; pass.part. [Ma nnB; v. Ch. Muller-Kessler, Aram 11/12(1999-2000) 307] XiT D1BX nnai XDn p'tn we saw a lettuce that was placed on the opening of a vat Ber 56a(33; MGG 704:9); XyiX ty XD'TX Xnna the Torah scroll is placed on the ground Ned 14b(5); ib. llb(21); Zev 105a(42); Meg 26b(44); b. in a fig. sense: X1? Xp'BO1? n'B?Bi W'3'X mnB a person does not put himself in a doubtful position Qid 64b (31); Nid 20b(6); xnainxi xrvrm xnas? \\yby x:mna I impose upon you an excommunication, oath, and anathema Bo 2:6; 4. to put on phylacteries [I Vmi af., mng. 3]: '3TJ» TffRn JIB'K "?3 whenever they put on (phylacteries), they would
2#nna 744 i#i?b: recite a blessing Suk 46a(25); Ket 96a(17); 'XBX 'b'Sfl nnaa X1? why do you not put on phylacteries? Hul 110a(33); '^'DD Tinx1? $T 494:74; 5. to attach (of fringes to a garment): 'Din nnna X1? xayB 'XB why do you not attach fringes (to your garment)? Tan 22a(20); 6. to assign s.o. to work: 'Wnx 'prJD^l 'Itmx 'mnx^l to assign tenant farmers to work (on the field) and to remove tenant farmers SSHai 6b(15); 7. to cause to acquire s.t: in1? lJl'nx XJVmn .1XB1B3 HXB1B pa*l the scholars caused them [i.e. glass objects] to be liable to acquire Pentateuchal uncleanness Sab 16a(17); Kar 21a(37; V9); 8. w. "V to put s.t. in s.o.'s possession: XJ"T X1HH nV?T n'03J3 m^B1? n'JWXi a certain judge who put the debtor's property in the possession of the creditor BB 174a(19); ib. 35b(12); 9. w. '»j? to position s.o. (to lead the prayer): "b TOJinx Xrm'Tl (ni'Sp ram X"n he positioned PN and his sons to lead the prayer before the ark BM 85b(44); io. to appoint s.o.: nuno^ rpnnx xini X'tM 'Xn'an "13 he appointed PN as exilarch iSGF 104:7; ib. 112:2; 11. w. NJ'lV to bring a case to judgment: n'T'ft n'nnxi wi xri? nybo he ousted the case of the orphans and brought his (case) to (immediate) judgment Ket 106a(2); 12. w. KJiym/'jrm to shed tear(s) [Sy ,™~ > . < pa rdi-isa ^-Jki-^a Ben Sira 12:16, MH2 fTlia mjfm Er I9a(i4)]: 'yai nopn may irrnx the pillars of GN shed tears A/g 25b(36); ATer 62b(16) 2# 71113 vb. to give satisfaction (sec. rt. < 4- XJlrVJ) Af.: Xnn p mmx you have given us satisfaction in one case BB 129a(19) [* 4- V«lpn af, mng. 1] 31113 n. (word in a charm formula; etym. unkn.) nnj ybi y"?n nm Sab 67a(48) N11B3 n.m. watchman (4- V~ID3 qatol-form; i X1B3; Sy rC-Wv^i LS 426, Ma XIBXJ MD 282) sg. X-I1B3 -UX the watchman's fee 55 4b(34); ib. 5a(3)!; pi. 1.TT13 niD3 '1B2H ni3X 3'JVIX PN's father placed guards with them [i.e. the former captive women] Ket 23a(39); AZ 34b(14) Y: niBJ AZ ib. '133 vb. to incline (JPA 'M DJPA 348) Pe.: ]VV 3i'x irn n'njn n"o: xpT n"3j?rr> n"tm Satan, who saw that God's opinion was inclining toward Job BB 16a(25); San 26a(50); Yom 69b(35); "731 •path 1331 ibxji xp tVst 'jxb?^ pn 'n '3 X1J13X in all cases of two differing statements like these, the Rabbis incline to rely on the latter ... TGHark 51:25 Af. to incline s.t.: "1BX1? ,T3"n Mibl he does not usually incline (the lamp) HG1 159:88 = TGDr49 95:14 Nril^'pa n.f. washing the hands (< MH2 1T>>B3 [D'T] J 899; I ^2# "?BJ) sg. xmV'BJ1? ,Tr7B3 they abolished the (requirement of) washing the hands Ber 22a(43) Y: KniV'BJ Ber ib.(BAYTN 177). NJ11TP3 n.f. guarding, protection (-1- V"IB3; Sy rc'&'rn ; \ \ LS 426) 1. guarding: sg. a. alone: XTI XJIITB: '331 py1? with regard to robbers, it is guarding Mf 42a(41) [* xmy'WS]; "?'3p 'Vnp XT11TBJ iT^y he assumed the entire responsibility of guarding BQ 47b(14); ib. 48a(21); "ft nw XT1» '3Trl3 Xm'Tl' XTllTBl I guarded for you especially well like the town watchmen BM 93b(12); ib. 32; BQ 57a(15); Sab 51b(27); 'B1 Xl^S1? XIYITM X3'X is there partial guarding? //ag 20a(26); Zev 99a(43); b. of var. objects: 1) silver, gold: 'SD3T X/VITB1 BQ 62a(14); ib. 21; 2) money bag, coins: 'pnxi '1TB1 X'llP 'V'l '"U'"n xniTBia perhaps the way of guarding money bags is different from the way of guarding (loose) denars BM 44a(22); 3) fruit: XTllTBl 'TBI MQ 7a(28); HG3 386:21; 2. protection: sg. XDITBl '3ns xb p3*l scholars do not need protection BM 108a(ll); BB 7b(48); xmTD^> 'T35H Xin xa'?y3 they are made merely for protection (of the scrolls) Meg 26b(39) Voc: XJBTBJ VTM 84; Y: xmTW Sab 51b(28; BAYTN 177). l#Vt33 vb. to take (BH, MH "?B1 HAL 655, J 899) Pe. ( /u): 'XT3V TOl x"?n ,!?D31 they take the sand (in the boat) and throw it outside RH 23a(3i); n'w-ix nxttn 'oxs nxa n^n n'V V'bii he takes for him three hundred bowlfuls (of water) and pours (them) on his head Ket 77b(21); XJITU XXl'B X3T,y *7'B3 nm 13 I remember when a raven used to take bread BB 91b(19; Es); J1X 'ffW 2#fc» 745 1»3 XlVs blB'm you will come and take half BM 105a(26) [in a writ] Itpe. to be taken away: 7WKH Xfl'TtX JrrBiri'X ]131B the Torah of Moses was taken away from you Sab 116b(6) 2# ^03 vb. to pour water (4- XXirJ'Bl, X*?B1; Sy ■ V \i to draw water LS 425, mng. 1) Pe. (/u): xitr-n xon 'xnx '03 I'n'w VonorVi let him pour sixty bowls (of the potion) on this side of the head Git 68b(50); Ket 77b(21; MGG 226:4) [4- Vltt^Ba pe.]; X'Ba rPT V'B3 mn he used to pour (part) of the water on his hands Er 21b(28; SM 115:22) Lit: Nold apud Fr, AF 66. N^>133 n.f. drinking cup, ladle, measure (4 >fe#VDl; Sy -" V \, \ f. ladle, drinking cup LS 425, Ma X*7DXJ MD 282) 1. drinking cup: sg. 31 X"?B33 H'1? "IDya Xion PN used to 'adorn' it [i.e. the cup of unmixed wine] with (water from the) drinking cup Ber 51a(53) [Var: 'V»33 pi. OHP ib. 114:19]; X^Bl ^ '»Tn ^Tf^l TIT let your wife come and pour a cup (of wine) for me Ned 51a(12; Ed); 2. ladle: sg. x"7B33 n'3 yil Xp Xm was he not, in fact, touching it [i.e. the wine] with a ladle? AZ 58b(7); Sab 48a(8); 3. a measure: sg. XTVym Til XVBJ an n.-measure containing one quarter of a tog Hul 107a(25; V11); ™ X"?B3 xnna the n.-measure of GN Git 69a(42) [v. infra]; pi. TOTim tfrvi Xim ,!7im '^BJ Tiin two n.-measures (of wine) of hullin and one n.- measure (of wine) of teruma Bek 27a(17) Geon. expl.: fflffa OHP Ber 86:16 [mng. 1]; n'DM l6BJ OHT Git 156:5, i.e. AjJoU [4- Sn'Ba]. This word should not to be connected w. I °?b:X [v. Nold apud Fr, AF 66]; Y: N^BJ Sab 48a(8; BAYTN 90). J/U3 vb. to plant (< BH, MH ym HAL 655, J 900; I XyBJ) Pe.: X^IST XTiynX '»3'X 'yB3 ]13S people plant the radish plant for the sake of the round radish Ber 36a(34); ib. 35; 38; 'yBJ x"7 npym XnyiX 'WX people do not plant with the intention of uprooting BB 102b(10); TGHark 196:21; X3Tin yBi Xpn X131 XWlV n"in he saw a certain man who was planting a carob tree Tan 23a(44); Meg 5b(12); BM 101a(4); BB 14a(20) NJ?p3 n.m. plant (< MH J?6S Yeivin, BV 820, J 901; 4- VyB3) pi. 'yBl yB3a"?1 55//ai 6b(16) 1# «]U3 vb. to drip (4- 'SB3, xnBIB'3, XDB'3, V»]SB; Sy -*\,' LS 426, Ma »]Ba MD 295) Pe. (a/): *|D3 X'att?a xaT 'S'D n"?n three drops of blood dripped from the sky San 109a(50); X»3TT «]»03 Xpl '3'XJia syrup was dripping from the figs Ket 11 lb(50); XyiX1? xnBIB'J XBBJ X1?! not a drop (of wine) dripped to the ground BB 73b(3; Es) Af. to cause to flow: Jin3 DT TO'S 'SIBX1? to cause blood of circumcision to flow from him OHT Sab 127:16 2#*\Vi vb. (uncertain; etym. unkn.) Pe.: «)1B3 "p3 m Dip ^'y ... your eyes, lift up your child Ket 60a(15) [Var: "p3 'X"n XJ'y 1B3 TGHark 99:17] Expl. Rashi: yiy "[IpT. The connection given by him w. V2# *\W should be rejected. NSB3 4- XSB'l n. '?p3 n.m.pl. dripping rain water (4- Vl# *pl pe., part, pl.m.; cf. Sy rc'ii^u^co, pi. rdaJ^io drop LS 426) p'Tnx ib 'ssn?1? 'ast?1? p^nx'^Bi1? pnnx 'SB31? (if) he had a prescriptive right for dripping rain water, he had a prescriptive right for gutters. (If he had a prescriptive right) for gutters he did not have a prescriptive right for dripping rain water BB 6a(34; F2); ib. 35; 36 Geon. expl.: ~\BW H'Xm [JiO1? -] p^ -\BW pipfl -] Kyn in 1'ByiB o'O rBDW P1? TGAs42 157:5; Y: 'BCH BB ib.(BAYTN 132). [|?'SD3 4- XBS3 n. Lit: Geig, AAC 279, suggests a MP etym. for the emend. p'BBJ*, but none of these rdgs. are supported by the mss.] 1133 vb. to guard, wait, remain fresh (4- X"1Ba, 2#xmoa, xnB:a, xj-idjb, xmaiaaa, x-iibj, xtiitb:, xnBi, xtiibj; Sy -iV1 Pe- Pa- LS 426> Ma 1D3 pe., pa. to guard, af. to wait MD 295) Pe. (a/a) 1. to guard: 'Wl'X '10313 nD3 he guarded (them) as people (generally) guard BM 93b(l); mB3 ]Xa 'JTXn lyi who guarded it until now? AZ 34b(15); £r 63b(21); Ket 23a(40); ii. 41a(32); X"aK/ ]a 'nilBJ may they guard him from Heaven Dec 2:1; XJBm tfHOl Knfti ©XT the exilarch, may the Merciful One guard him TGHark
«?M 746 2# HT1 276:22; 2. to wait: a. alone: X7 ntjra XB7m IJ'IBJ perhaps we do not actually wait MQ 9a(ll); 'WTBI p': nj7 ntM XB7J7 '7131 everyone waits until Nisan and (then) sells (their fields) BQ 7b(3); C/7 68b(34); Yev 114b(39); nitfDX nSX 'IXm iy 1D31 3TVH perhaps he can sit and wait until it becomes ash Zev 91b(40); Ber 46b(28); ib. 53b(31); m3'7 -\vmb Anan 107:7 [cf. MH ay rnaic? MYev 4:3]; b. w. -?: rvb ■neui TXB 'n7 pan the scholars wait for PN (to state his case) Hul 86a(41); Ber 47a(5); Men 108b(7); 5M 108b(29); BB 22a(53); 3. to keep, remain fresh [v. Itpe., mng. 3]: ptM X7 '3m ptM '3H these [i.e. the unripe figs] will keep (on the journey), but those [i.e. the ripe ones] will not Hag 5a(18) Pa. 1. to guard, watch: a. alone: ,TX3"m 'mt337 to guard his courtyard Er 90a(l); BQ 24b(12); BB 29a(30); MQ 17a(39); 'XB'71 '7 V1W watch my garment for me BM 81a(36); ib. 93b(32) [I xmTM]; mine? "io:a xpi mrowx iVtx they went (and) found that he was guarding food prepared in purity Bek 30b(35); 'mnun 7'XIH pB33 1331 since they permitted them [i.e. the phylacteries to be taken into a privy] let them guard me (from the demons) Ber 23 b (4); TGHark 271:15; ib. 16; b. w. "WSJ: HWB3 X1DJB she is careful [lit. watches herself] Yev 35a(22); ib. 25; Ket 37a(7); 2. to observe a commandment: xmw 'ntM»n ]TT our (children) who will observe the Sabbath AZ 26a(46); AnanSch 26:25; 3. to keep s.t. fresh: 'TS '"1103 to keep the fruit fresh Yom 77b(21); X37'X7 n'7 nOJm 'TB something which keeps (the fruit of) the tree fresh HG3 395:6(HGP 54a:12); 4. to wait: ptM» p3n '3a inxn ty -imn3J7 they wait for their husbands until they come from the be rabbanan Ber 17a(48); T'X 1J7 X\b XJnBM (UN I shall wait for them until lyyar BM 73a(37); '7 "ID3 n3X payment of 'wait for me' BM 65a(43) [1 1# xnJX mng. 5]; ib. 63b(30); 73a(20); BB 87a(9); San 25b(35) Itpe. 1. to be guarded, kept safe: XH norm XH '"TOJ'B X71 this refers to where they [i.e. the phylacteries] can be guarded, that to where they cannot be guarded Bes 15a(37); Sab 112a(26); Pes 6b(40); BM 31a(39); X1H mWX DWa XDH ntW'a NJ? Km in this case it is because of safekeeping, and, in fact, it [i.e. the get] is kept safe Git 79a(26); 'l'T ]B1 TIP ]B fincum may they be kept safe from demons and dews Bo 14:3; ib. 51:4; 2. to wait: a. alone: nna1? ny ntM'X wait until tomorrow BB 74a(32); ntM'J let him wait Yev 39a(47); Ara 22b(10); b. w. "7: Tp '7 HBrx Timi wait for me until I return Ber 53b(31); XnmxV IS? H'7 10r: let us wait concerning him [i.e. the child] until the night Yom 84b(18); 3. to keep, remain fresh: pB3'B X7 '3m ptM'» 'an Hag 5a(18; V20) [v. Pe„ mng. 3] K*np3, cs. "ltJ3 n.m. watchman, guardian (ihm, xnwa, xna -jm; ta xnoa tj is 28:2, Sy -\Xl cs. LS 426, Ma xnt3X3 MD 282) sg.es. nt?3 X^a town watchman 5M 94b(27) [cf. Sy -u^-i K'kaw PSm 2354]; m'3 nt33 the watchman of the threshing floor BQ 59b(27); "XTW 103 the guardian of the silk garments Ber 56a(56; MGG 707:4) [cf. Sy kIj'k^. -L^i' 2K. 22:14]; pl.es. 'yin 'nua guardians of the gates (of heaven) TGHark 189:24 [i.e. the angels; cf. xjhf) l65 TJ IS 18:26, Sy rdi.i& ,>\J 2K 12:9] Y: 1W Bg 59b(27). Nrnt?3 n.f. protection (4- V~lt33; Sy <<kX* LS 426) sg. X'BW p xmuil XmDX healing and protection from heaven 5o 19:12; <& 53:1; 94a: 1; 102:1; XJVTOai XJl»rim sealing and protection ib. 56:3; 81:4 [Wl i VtW3 vb.] KpN'3 n.m. a type of coin (etym. unkn.) sg. X11'3X1 XpX'3 xnn an n.-denar ... and a ... SM 46b (25) Lit: Lehnw 358. 1#N2'3 n.m. canine tooth, molar tooth (Sy KlA-j-i LS 427) 1. canine tooth: sg. mpBXl ■TBIDl n'3'37 (the dog) stuck out its tooth and lacerated him BQ 23b(15); pi. n'3'a 'V'pttf its teeth have been removed ib. 83a(34) // Sab 63b(6); 2. molar tooth: pi. ,T7 n'X '3'ai bm a camel which has molar teeth Hul 59a(34); 35; 46 Voc: n'3'J HPP 306:16; Y: <3'J #«/ ib.(BAYTN 11). 2# N3'3 n.m. sinew, tendon (perh. < 4- XB'3) pi. 'nD n'3'3 p'OB'X 'XI if its sinews [i.e. those KJ3'3 t : 747 kit: t : • connecting the hip and its socket] were torn, (the animal) is terefa Hul 54b(ll); n'3'3 713yx X7 ''2?D (if) its tendons had not (completely) disintegrated, (the animal) is fit ib. 12 Y: HT2 Hul ib.(BAYTN 11). K53'3 n.m. twig (I Va33; Sy rOi^J shoot, sprout LS 410, Ma X31'3 [metath.!] MD 296) sg. nop n'3 TvVl nw n3 m'3 a one-year old twig, which does not have nodes Pes 74a (17) Y: XJ3J Pes ib.(BAYTN 89). XbWi n.m. defilement (4- ^733) sg. 5?"IT n3DW1 HS'iyn nXS 'D xVl3':3 'a: semen is also considered like excrement with regard to defilement Anan 32:25; pi. JinVn 'jm X'VlS'J the defilements of their excrement OHT Sab 34:22 [expl. Tip 'V'Up &A 33a(38); 4- XYPp mng. 3] lttNIJ'J, N"UJ n.m. one who tows or drags a boat (4- VlM; Sy rc'xJi-i. LS 413) pi. 'SW 'Va '(n)niJ3 full shoulder widths of the ones who tow the boats BM 107b(46); '("Oni^ ib. 48; X"iaT 'IpSlI '1 in the song of the draggers of the boats and the herdsman Sot 48a(46); Hl'I ,_I31 men who drag boats [i.e. lower class people] San 106a(56; OH ib. 529:12) Geon. expl.: psonbx H"M n:1SD3 l'3Wia D'WJX OH ib. 529:13, i.e. ^jjliill; cf. Sy: 4vAs rd^a-Lba n-o ... k'H.^j Ojjllill BBah 1215:7; NDGR 62:3; Y: HM BW ib.(BAYTN 104). 2# NIJ'3 n.m. a cantillation sign representing legarmeh (4- VlM) sg. <X1>J'3 BMsYFr 140:8 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 107. NT^A'S n.m. lashing (4- VlJ3 pa., mng. 1) sg. IX irtxT rrnrj xm'a1? p rra iTxn if the court sees fit to postpone his lashing, they postpone (it) TGHark 117:5 NStt'a, Sjm n.m. a sore {I V2#y«; JPA JNJ DJPA 341) sg. Tb -\STH1 Xin n'jm'B he received atonement from the (suffering) of the sore Svu 8a(24; F2); n'1? tV'ttx bnmi 'apai xpir iV'xi n'yra p'os'a Tb p'Vna idt n'nVmya nyra n'yr: p'osan 31 "?y n,x rr1? ]rVna if a sore developed on the prepuce of an infant before we could circumcise (him), so that when we circumcise him his sore would be cut off, we circumcise him even though his sore will be cut off HG1 211:54; xyM nXDX1? to cure a sore HM 40:6; ib. 42:8 Y: H'jm Svu ib. l#tni'3, KU3 n.f. foot, step (metath. < 4- Xbl'-l; Sy k'-v.^j Gignoux, IMS 1:45, Ma X-irV foot, leg 235) 1. foot, leg: pi. '3D3 pM 'ni'ia rD©m grind (food) with the molars, and you will find (the results) in the feet Sab 152a(15); X"?HST ni3 legs of iron Ber 41b(13) [symbol of stamina; cf. Da 2:33]; X1? pnni,,ai ],n,Tp"a TTPtna their feet are not seen in their dances Bo 14:7; 2. pi. steps: a. general: ,"ll,l 'lyit? xnam the steps of a donkey are (according to) the barley (it eats) Sab 51b(22); ni'3 bp the sound of steps ib. 66b(14); '"IW TCV sixty steps Pes llla(18); b. in phrase xrvn3 ni'3 Dp: pe., af. to wander away [lit. to take external steps]: xmTP 'mTua 'ya xnna nra in1? oniDpan ]to since (the animals) may wander away, it requires extra guarding BQ 57a(15); nil WVpm V^in XITna since he caused them to wander away ib. 118b(l; F');55 88a(3; F2) Voc: b»1 ^B'jVx 'B11 ll^N 1033 KIJ': LPT 158:28; Y: XIJ'? BB ib.(BAYTN 119). 2# Nll'i n.m. denotation of stress on the ultimate syllable (lit. lengthening; 4- Vnii) sg. BMsY 246 Lit: Morag, LeSonenu 38 [1974] 55. 3# Kir: 4- 2# xm: n. K^H'J n.m. excommunication (< MH 'lTJ J 903; i Vl#^3) sg. Xin X'lTn Xi2?'V (the phrase ~]b '3X nmaa) is a term of excommunication Ned 7b(2; Ed) KITH'? n.f. menstrual period (cf. MH rni Yeivin, BV 780, J 878) sg. nmrfr nVstJ XV 'B did she not immerse herself because of her menstrual period? Yev 45b(35); ib. 38; Git 68b(45); "XH n"?y3 nnn,33 this one had sexual intercourse with her during her menstrual period Nid 25b(29; MGL 317:1) Y: VPWTJ Git ib.(BAYTN 205). N"1T3 n.m. vow, a type of demon (4- V"VU; TA XTU TO Lev 7:16, Ma XT7'3 MD 297, Sy k'-^xj-s
vn 748 N"?,T3 sib 189) l. vow: sg. mmi? xitj ,tV mn xrm PN's wife had made a vow Weo" 8b(2); ib. 24a(10); 75b(l); 79b(13); /Tar 13b(32); XTP3 'TO I made a vow Saw 109b(33); '01' "l"3 'J713W '"I 'TOS^ '113 n'V mn PN needed to be released from a vow [lit. had a vow to release] Ned 23a(8); ib. 8b(6); 77b(ll); Sab 157a(56); "TUX V'ltfJlX he asked (a scholar) for absolution of his vow Ned 50a(30); 'XTT3 '"? TB'OT TtfD'X perhaps he can annul my vow Ket 63a(12); pi. 'TT3 Vp 3TI '3tt>3 in PN's time vows were treated contemptuously Git 35a(30; V18); 2. type of demon: sg. X1.T1 KIT J 5o 61:3; xna^WXl XTT31 XJVTpi xriDl1? a curse, calling, vow, and spell ib. 49:9; 5:2; 37:4; 88:3; 92:3; pi. xntjl1?! 'ITU 'tnm sorceries, vows, and curses ib. 48:1; 38:9; 80:5; 91:1; 107:4; J'b'X '"IT: JV "?'B3' Kin he will eliminate these vows ib. 94a: 10; •'lira ib. 61:4 Y: XTH San ib.(BAYTN 119). IH'3 pron. he, it (4- Kin, W'X, 'n'3; formed on analogy to 4- lna'J) a. as pred. of nom. phrase: IH'J 'X81 what is it? Sab 78a(25); Hag 4a(38); 50 73a(36); San 12a(18); 1TO 'in it is the very one Ned 55a(34); b. as copula: 1) in nominal phrases: 1ft W'3 ]XH who are you? [lit. who is my master?] Sab 152b(38); Hul 131b(22); 1ft n3'3 31 1,T3 "in you are PN. Rest! Yom 20b(21); BB 22a(29); Pes 106a(20); 1ft Wl n'3'3WW xVl are you not his close friend? MQ 28a(35); BM 114b(2); X3'n Til 1H'3 where is David? San 95a(44); ib. 39a(16); Zev 54b(13); 1,T3 XTJ3 "Xm IX1? XD'J 'Xn this gef does not belong to this man HP 132:10; ib. 72:33; 2) in cleft sentences: TBrnn in'3 Xim n'tt>B3X it is he who ruled stringently for himself Sab 134a(10); n'WSJX n'JDB 1TO Xin it is he who frightens himself Qid 24b(39); Hul 94b(37); Xin 3"n'& T3J7 '31 in'3 it is he who when he works is liable Sab 154b(2); T'l Xpl in'3 Xim it is he who is dwelling Er 49b(5); p'Ba Xpl in'3 Xin 'V'l XQiy perhaps it is he who spreads the rumor BQ 114b(47); BM 71b(4); AZ 41a(20); TGHark 47:16; //P 113:10 Lit: Satzlehre 11+; Kut, Studies 235 [Heb]; Y: w: }fev94a(18; BAYTN 341). 'n'3 pron. she, it (4- X7I, 'n'X, VP3) a. as pred. of nom. phrase: 'TO 'X» what is it? 50 2b(17); Meg 22a(42); Mei 9b(18); //P 19:17; 'TO ]Xft1 X3'"?X1 according to whom it [i.e. the Tannaitic tradition] is iSGF 58:1; b. as copula in nominal phrases: 711 mxiEN 'to 'm mVijra ',to ti monx 'n'3 which one [i.e. which type of case] is betrothed women, which one is non-virgins, and which one is married woman? Yev 42b(7); H3T mxa 'n'3 'KM what is an important charitable deed? BB 8a(56) Voc: vi'j HGP 25b:25; Y: '.TO BAYTN 341. -ST3, "V'3 prep, dative particle (< n^TVb* [redupl. TO1], w. dissim. -/-/- > -n-l- Kut, St 157 [Heb]; cf. JPA '^b DJPA 282) lsg. 'Vto 5e* 37a(33); '"7@n'3 55 172a(21; HP 69:34);'"?'3 Zev 19a(3); 2m. T7TO Hul 142a(5); 3m. H'Vto 5A/ 28b(26); m>@n'3 HP 129:1(HPP 203:20); n'"?@n'3 Kef 105b(33; MGE 537:7); n'1?^ HP 65:8; f. m>.T3 AZ 63a(3); nVgi.TO Zev 116b(20); lpl. f?n'3 Er 66b(4); ]V@n3 A/aA; 4a(16); 2m. ID'^TO Hul 124a(51; V'1); 3m. m'^.TO Ket 85a(26); f. VV7J AZ 56b(ll; HGP 56a:34)- 'X '"7TO nruaia if you sell it to me BM 72a(29); >T 'bfl'3 nosri go (and) seize it for me Ket 84b(37); TO'TO n3n give it to him ib. 77b(29); AZ 18a(53); nrbm man' VlX he went (and) they gave it [i.e. the money of the credit] to him Git 14a(45); Sab 10b(30); n'^TO VU'DaX he brought it [i.e. the money] to him Git 37b(18); BQ 88b(7); Svu 12b(6); "]"?iTO in3'3p'3 let him give you possession of them BQ 104b(13); Hul 142a(5); nflTflX DX }bm nmax Xnxi ]bm you told it to us, and concerning this you told it to us Er 89b(12); mm 'V'3 n'TUTl X3X'»n 'Via (my) belt was high, and he lowered it for me Zev 19a(3) This prep, is always preceded by a vb. w. a suf. ace. pron. The orthography in two words is common in the Y ms. tradition [including citations in MG] and in HP. Occasionally, the first portion of this prep, is suffixed to the vb., e.g. ^ TlTpDN Cim ,Tj?0K -] Zev I16b(16); Lit: Kara 48+; Satzlehre 126; Voc: TVn'i HGP 2a:31; Y: *?rfi Kara 49119 n.m. perh. drizzle (cf. Sy -V ««» to rain [metaph.] PSm 2336) sg. ... VTVDft 'ap xVn'3 XlO'a -irm xVn'3 a drizzle which is before/after the rain Tan 9b(24) [Var: x"7'.T3 M2Ar (AC 5:317)] Expl. RaH: nop 103 pi TOI 1DOH AC ib. -in'3 749 n'3 TI'3 n.m. price (metath. < MP nirx PED 1395) sg. m"T "ITO J?'T X1?! p'DS x"?l its price is neither fixed nor known Dim Vol 469:21; ib. 470:27 Lit: Snaked, apud M.A. Friedman, Dim Vol 471. nSni'3 adj. Nabatean (JPA "J1S3, "71113 DJPA 358) sg.m. nXJTl'3 'a'3X PN, the Nabatean Sab 17b(12; OAr [AC 5:324]); AZ 36a(19) [N3T'3 i Xp'm n.] JT'3 n.m.abs. spear, lance (< MP nezag CPD 59; i 2# X30'3) sg. H'T3 1(T){113 D('>nipil holding a spear in his hand Tan 22b(50) [Var: YT>3 en JOXH'iOHT Tan 31:11] Geon. expl.: non Xin» J(t>lll'l OHT ib.; Lit: D. Rosenthal, Yeivin Vol 347+ and note of Shaked, ib. 35013. SHI'S n.m. cry, shout (4- Vl#nU; cf. Sy ^cfu Audo 2:86) sg. ... X'lXT Wl ... xnim xnt'3 ... xsnxT xnri... x"?an xnn the cry for an ox, the cry for a lion, the cry for a camel, the cry for a boat Pes 112b(17) Y: urny Am ib. N3T'3 4 2# X30'3 n. Nj7t'3 n.m. damage, indemnity for damage (•Wl#pU; TA Xpti TO Ex 24:11, JPA HpPl det. DJPA 345) 1. damage: sg. IX XpT'3 'XH T3y 'a XpT'3 'Xn T3J7 X1? can this (object) do damage or not? BQ 91a(33); D'3-r? XpT3 H'3 D'X it can cause public damage AZ 16b(19); .TpPJB 131? except for the damage done to him BQ 84a(41); ib. 42; 2. indemnity for damage: sg. XpT'J n'^13 full indemnity for the damage Ket 41a(27); XpU U"7S half indemnity for the damage BQ 15a(27) [= MH pn 'SB Mib. 2:5]; ib. 15b(22); 24b(7); 40b(2); 53a(39); ATer41a(25); Svu 33a(36) Voc: xp»j HGP 20b: 10; Y: Kpi'3 San 3a(23). n'3 adj. gentle, convenient, satisfactory, preferable (I Vmi; Sy kLijl^j LS 419, Ma XTO MD 297) 1. gentle: sg.m. 'TD1? XH'3 XID'a gentle rain (is beneficial) for fruit Tan 3b(45) [?t 4- Tl]; ;'& 36; 2. convenient, easy: sg.f. n'nfafn Xri'3 its [i.e. the road's] use is easy Er 22b(14); ib. 58a(37); Sab 7b(22); Xmn Xm'3'y H'V n'X 'X nra if he has work which is easier than it BM 77a(12; V2); 3. sg.f. satisfactory, all right [cf. rim; 4- VfTU pe., mng. 4]: a. alone: sg.f. "SX^ X'fp X3n"? xn'l it is satisfactory according to PN, but difficult according to PN2 Ber 29a(15); Yom 27a(35); b. esp. in phrase [XTO XH -] xn'JH: 1) alone: PX'XUJ 'b n"7C 'X xn'3H TIDa H'1? X33'^D 'X if I write to them: "They sold," this is satisfactory if he sends me (in reply): "They may seize" Ket 69a(8); 'XT 1X0D m> 130 'X XTOH this is satisfactory if he is of the opinion of the one who says ... Bek 13b(14); Zev 30b(40); Men 101b(33); 2) w. foi. -V. naxT ]iyb xman this is all right according to the scholars who say ... Sab 6a(14); Pes 6b(33); Yom 33b(26); Yev 23a(40); Kar 22b(28); Nid 1 la(33); 4. preferable, esp. sg.f. w. "V: a. to be satisfied [cf. Sy -i m \\ LS ib., mng. 4]: HVH "733 m> Xn'3 ni'a she is quite satisfied with whatever there is BQ llla(l); Er 73a(6); Ket 70a(6); 71b(20); BM 101a(47); mm H'V Xn'l mn mm was Moses really satisfied with it? [i.e. the prophecy] San 17a(43); n'njnx '"73 n'V xn'n he revealed his opinion that he was satisfied with it BM 42b(33); ib. 107a(2); BB 5a(7); AZ 53b(27); H'1? xn'3 'SO he prefers it more San 26b (43); TO1 Xn'3T XTlVa ]331 113J7 mb1? n'^ XTO1 mVaV the scholars made a decision which satisfied both the creditor and the borrower BM 104b(38); b. to want: 1) alone: m1? XTO Xp mn X1?! n"Tn he saw that he did not want (to enter) Ket 53a(l); T> Xri'31 ta Vl]?E? take anything you want San 109a(15); Qid 61b(28); X3'13 n,!7 X3yi'13n '"7 Xn'31 na'X VSI I can make a claim against him whenever I want SSHai 19a(18); 13 'I^S I'm"? n'1? 'in'XT 'V Xn'3 X1? X3X 'l"?S I do not want to be NN's (wife) HP 150:11; m> xn'31 "731? 'sioi'x1? xnnua mm she is permitted afterwards to be married to whomever she wants Anan 115:4; 2) w. "3 s.t: 7Vb Xn'3 X"?'S3 he wants clear (oil) BM 40b(20); 'Xa3 V31X n'V xn'3 for what does he want dyeing? Sab 75b(4); Qid 48b(36); Git 13a(10); 55 84b(10); 3) w. fol. verbal phrase: VI 'Vl'Vl na1? Xn'3 XWIia do you want to be the head of the academic session? Ber 27b(49); m1? xn'3 X1? ■?Ti:'m he does not want her to be disgraced Ket 48a(31); XiVtl mnp'^ x"7T n'V Xn'3 he does not
T 750 K*1»3 want to be called a thief BM 15b(49); 16. 67a(10); Sab 57b(2); £> 54b(49); flej 40a(16); BQ 97a(13); 55 132a(l); Dec 10:5; 4) w. fol. inf.: pt'ab Tfb xn'3T X3'X there is someone who wants to buy Ara 21b(33); Pes 4b(22); Meg 28a(19) [I Vnp' itpa.]; Ket 99a(20); 5A/ 27b(44); HG3 286:42; 5. declarative: sg.m. xnjPOi Km X3X12?V a declarative term of support (for a point of view) OHT Yom 10:6 Lit: Bacher 125; E. Wajsberg, Lesonenu 59 [1996] 119+; Voc: Kir: HGP 5a:9; Y: Nn'3 Er 22b(14). Nriin'3 n.f. mildness, convenience, satisfaction (4- VlTU; Sy k'&cv.m.o LS 419, Ma XJUT3 MD 297) 1. mildness, kindliness: a. alone: sg. 'J?3'a xmn'33 .TWB3 *]V'Bb W'3'X1? H'V a person should associate himself [lit. join his soul] to mildness Tan 4a(13; M2); XIYin'31 XBpin |"3'5?V concerning anger and mildness Ara 17a(21); 2. convenience: sg. xnin'JI 'wb a term of convenience Git 36b(36) [expl. 4- X331?!?; * 4- XBXin]; 3. satisfaction: sg. nJVUVJ 'XB what satisfaction is there? Pes 32b(50) // San 30b(33; F2); 4. in adv. phrase Kffln'33 mildly, gently, easily [Ma xmn'33 MD ib.]: sg. xmn'33 'ranaB1? wxb rfb 'jn'a a person should say them mildly Sab 34a(24); Git 7a(l); Xmn'3a gently (of rain) BB 25b(17) [* 4- xnra'Btf]; xni'D x"?a xmn'33 rrara1? to collect it [i.e. the debt] easily without effort TGHark 160:7 Y: xmn'J Pes ib.(BAYTN 34). xVn'3 n.m. a cantillation sign representing zarqa (etym. unkn.) sg. BMsJer 25:1 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 106. NflSlB'3, KflSltM, pi. NTV'SltM n.f. drop (4- Vl#1D3; Ma XHDID'3 Nitufta, orig. drop of sperm MD 298; cf. Sy r^iAJ^cvj, pi. rc^" k \,c«-i LS 426) sg. XjriX1? XDBID'3 XBB3 X1? not a drop (of wine) dripped to the ground BB 73b(4; Es); pi. XJT"B1D3 rt>n three drops Git 69b(47); ib. 48 RaH: ]'£>'» nwVw OHR Git 46:17; Y: xriBTO'J BB ib.(BAYTN 205). KSB'3 n.m. a solution of dates (4- Vl#*]B3) sg. Gi/ 69b(4; OHT ib. 156:12) [V16: X&B3] Geon. expl.: 1DJ1 Vxi 3DT bR IK'j'D OHT ib., i.e. v^jll j%Z >Wj a solution of fresh and dried dates. lO''3 n.m. shaking, trembling (4- V"T13; Sy rflli LS 418, KLi.irc'n 'j PSm 2310; cf. Ma X11X3 MD 282) sg. XJHXi XT: 'shaking' of the ground TGAs28 203:17 [v. ib. 19] NrP3, cs. n'J3 n.m. comfort, peacefulness, rest (I Vm3; Sy Kli-Li LS 419, XnX'3 MD 296) 1. comfort: a. general: sg. rrb «py ©TXT X3VP3 n'BlJT xn"3B 'BD a person prefers (avoidance of) disgrace over (preservation of) his bodily comfort San 45a(33; K); ib. 34; »py nSOT xn'3 n1? she prefers her bodily comfort Yev 118b (3 7); b. cs. in phrase XWB3 n"3 satisfaction [lit. comfort of the soul]: XPB3 n"3 -]b X3T35H J13B by on condition that I give you satisfaction BQ 105b(24); BM 34b(8); 2. peacefulness: sg. XUT) Xn'3 mnn anger instead of peacefulness Bo 18:7; ib. 90b: 1; 3. rest: sg.cs. Xjnx"7 XJIB'BW n"3 rest of the Sabbatical year for the land Seel 129:1 Y: n;'J BQ ib.(BAYTN 49). NflrP3 n.f. ease of mind (4- Vni3, V2# nn3; Sy k'^ljulIj LS 419) sg. XJW'3 'XB1 what ease of mind is there? San 30b(33) [4- XJYin'3 mng. 3] NT^3 n.m. blank sheet or portion of a document, document (Akk niaru papyrus, parchment CAD N/2 200, MH T3 Yeivin, BV 903, J 904) 1. blank sheet for writing a document or the unwritten portion thereof: sg. '''VW XJrUX XT'3X XIDEn xpnB by X3BTin we, the witnesses, signed on the erasure, and the writ is on the blank (portion of) the sheet BB 164a(l 1); X1X'3 nb an' Hlibyi (if) he had given her [i.e. the yevama] merely a blank sheet Yev 52a(45); 'aVjn XT'3 '01 merely the cost of the blank sheet Ket 86a(13); -[YIS •'Xbp-l X1H 'atya XT'3 I have burnt merely a blank sheet belonging to you BQ 33b(46); ib. 98b(14); 2. document: sg. X1X'3 pn rfb "lOBl ■'•VW X*73 rvi^b n'3'3 he handed him this document between the two of them without witnesses TGHark 35:3; ib. 5 Geon. comm.: n"B3 pTI Xl.11 NprO VI GC 50:8, i.e. jjj; Lit: Flora 1:562; AAC 279. Since all the surviving pre-Islamic deeds from the area closest to Jewish Babylonia are written on leather [e.g. the Sy documents from Dura Europos and elsewhere], it is uncertain whether in JBA papyrus or parchment is meant; Voc: XV: HGP 19b:31; Y: XV? BB kV3'3 751 *!?'? 164a(ll;BAYTN49). KV?'? n.m. deceit (4- VV33; TA f?Di pi. TJ Jer 5:27, Sy i<lLoj LS 429, Ma xV3'3 MD 298) sg. x"73'3 X"?31 X"lp'W X^a without a lie and without deceit SSHai 10b(4); TGHark 272:16; j& 19 '83'3 n.m.pl. property, estate (< Akk nikkassu CAD N/2 223, mng. 3 [NA, NB], AIOA 77; 4- '03'3 na; TA ]'D33 pi. TJ Jos 22:8, Sy ^ m K \ LS 429) a. general: rraiD1? "DD: my property (is given) to PN Ket 85b(23); BB 58a(26); ib. 125b(l); 133a(14); '033 nWJ? a tenth of the estate Ket 69a(34) [4- XTlfePJ7]; n'ma3'»a '13 Xinn X31D n'03'3 n'V 'WB3 nm a certain pagan in his neighborhood who had a very large estate Sab 119a(21); Bek 48a(24); BB 174a(22) // Bek 48b(25) [4- Vl#31J? pe.]; ... '033 'Ip'X X13J? np'x mi... '033 'ip'x xa'"73... '03'3 np'x xynx '033 a slave/field/garment/money is called property BB 150b(19); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) Vma af. to remove from s.o.'s possession: 4- Vma af, mng. 1; 2) VppT itpe. to deal with: mn X1? »na 'an'T 'OSS1? X3p'plT'a formerly I did not constrain [lit. deal with] the property of the orphans (to collect a debt) Ara 22a(50); 3) V3J13 pe. to convey: H'033 in"?13 Tib ^TOlib to convey to her all his property BB 40b(20); 4>Vnn3 pe., af. to seize: rPOS^V nri'a to seize his property (for a debt) Svu 41a(8); BB 155a(5); n'OS'S1? ]3'TinX Svu 41a(9); 5) V"I10 pe. to inspect one's property: 4- Vi#-no pe. Voc: '031 HGP 16b;8; Y: n'M'J BB 42a(9; BAYTN 120). 'S3'3 n.m.pl. epileptics (< MH HS33* J 658, mng. 2) 'B3'3 '33 epileptic children Ket 60b (5 3) [cf. MH2 l'B33 D'33 Pes 112b (40)] Y: 'BSl Ket ib. D'3 4- VD13 Vb. fcOa'3 n.m. strand of hair (< vf||ia Lehnw 359; 4- 2#X3'3; Sy 2# T^n^i thread LS 427) pi. pn'a'3 'ap'y m<l>('in the roots of the (dyed) strands of the hair (of their beards) become white Naz 39b(l) Y: lint)'! Naz ib. (BAYTN 11). in3'3 pron.m. they (metanalysis < -(i)n [pi. part, end.] + 4- iri3'X; 4- T13'3) a. as pred. of non-verbal phrase: 1H3'3 ]xa who are they? Pes 92b(26); Meg 13b (3 8); BB 10b (27); 1H3'3 xnxi^B there are differences of opinion (in this matter) MQ 22a(26); 1H3'3 'XTiax there are amoraim (who are in dispute) Ket 77a(23); 1H3'3 ^bn IX1? they are not robbers BQ 79b(15); Nid 6b(47); b. as copula: 1) at the end of a phrase: '"?'a '11171 '311 1H3'3 these are two (different) things BM 13b(25); 1H3'3 XJTIT '33 1XV V\X] those (fields) are not suitable for sowing BB 103a(9); Xip' '3a IX^ 'an' in3'3 are the orphans not worthy of honor? San 46b(54); 1H3'3 '3a 'Dia '3a my sororal grandchildren are (like) my children Yev 62b(ll); Qid 73a(6); BM 26b(16); San 27a(6); ib. 109b(54); Hul 73b(3); 2) bet. subj. and pred.: ]X8 ]'in 1H3'3 who are the two (authorities)? Ned 57b(17); BM 86b(52); D'yiyn 1H3'3 ]xa who are evil people? San 113b(5); Bek 8b(32) This pron. is nearly always used as a copula and nearly always appears at the end of a phrase. Lit: Satzlehre 11+; Kut, Studies 235 [Heb]; Voc: VU'J HGP 38b:24; Y: mj'J BB 22a(10; BAYTN 341). 'H3'3 pron.f. they (4- 'H3'X, 1H3'3) a. as pred. of nom. phrase: -pru T\rbv\ nnayna mans am T13'3 }T\W most cattle become pregnant and give birth during their (first) year Bek 19b(27); b. as copula: 'H3'3 XTO'IX Xri3"13 Xin 'H^ia all of them are (considered as) one 'long' blessing Pes 103b(15) [v. RaH]; T13'3 XTO313 vfra 13H all of those (statements) are blessings MQ 9b(15); '3m 'ri3'3 XriX'S'inX these (sesame seeds) are different [lit. others] Yev\\5b{6) N'3'3 n.m. Ammi copticum (a plant; < Akk riinu a medicinal plant CAD N/2 241; Sy 2# r? i < ; \ LS 432, Ma X'3'3 MD 299 [not mint!]) sg. X'3'3 Sab 128a(44; M) // X"3('>(1)3 ib. 140a(22) [expl. MH Xri3'ax, XJU'BX Tib. 15:12]; X'3(')n}3 'XH 'Vnn1? 'Vya ammi is good for (seasoning) cress z'&(23); X'3'3 Git 69b(18; OHT Git 157:6) // X(')3'3 AZ 29a(13) [in a medicinal recipe] Geon. expl.: HX133X3 XW X'J'] OHT Git ib., i.e. .l>LiU Sison amomum and Ammi majus Flora 3:422; Siggel 70; Lit: Pfl 259+; Flora 3:420+. The Talmudic usage ref. to a medicinal plant points clearly to a borrowing from Akk. The rdgs. XH33 Sab 128a(44; Ar [AC 5:349]); ib. 140a(22; Ar [AC ib.) [Var: Kill': HG1 225:13; DrUJ RaH] seem to be secondary and are I influenced by the P and Arab forms; Y: X;r: Sab 128a(44;
1#N0'3 T ■ BAYTN 120). 1#N0'3 n.m. miracle (TA ]'DJ pi. TO Dt 7:19, Sy rdji-U LS 427) a. general: sg. ... rm XO'J XB1T XO'J a great/minor miracle BM 106a(53); y'2pT XO'J a regularly occurring miracle Yom 21b(14); pi. 'Km 'D'J internal miracles [i.e. not visible to all] ib. 21a(34); Anan 37:11; b. w. van vbs.: 1) yl-\0Q pe.: sg. XO'JX JJ'3B0 X^ we do not rely upon a miracle Pes 64b(16); Ket 61b(8); Qid 39b(46); 2) VT3J? itpe.: ,1'V T3jm'X mx n'ty ^>B1 TO'B V'XJPXl XD'J a lion attacked him, a miracle was performed for him, and he was saved from it Ber 54a(34); Pes 50b(45); Tan 25a(4); San 95a(44); 3) VoOIS quad.: X0'3 'BIDIB publicizing the miracle (of Hanukka) Sab 23b(17); Ber 14a(ll); Meg 3b(27) [of Purim]; i& 18a(40); 4) Vtfrn itpe.: .Tiiin xjnx n'V xnn xd'j n'b errnnx a miracle occurred for him, (and) the ground under him opened up [lit. became wide for him] (and let him hide) San 95a(39); Ber 28a(4); Sab 33b(31); Qid 29b(39); AZ 17b(42) Lit: F. Rundgren, Blau Vol 55+; Y: X0'} 5er 14a(11). 2# N0'3 n.m. island (< vfjaoc; Lehnw 362; JPA ]'0'J pi. DJPA 350, Ma XB' X'O'W pi. MD 302) sg. XD'J Xinna finV 13TH they settled down on a certain island TG,4.s.?# 77b:8; pl.cs. ipSJI XB' 'O'J1? pxVtny they came out naked onto the islands of the sea ib. 5 '3np'3, 'ID'S n.m.pl. male inflorescences of the date palm (< Akk nashu uprooted [plant] CAD N/2 25; 4- Vnoj) 'jnO'J Er 28b(22); MflOJ ib. 27; 'jno'3 Aw 53a(7; V17); "inV Tip! 'JD'H JTM83 HSU the male inflorescences of the torn out portions of the date palms which are called g. HG1 98:4(Ar [AC 5:354, s.v. ]0J]) [4- X1S1J] Lit: Flora 2:333; for the specific mng. used here, cf. Akk: libbi ul inassahu he will not pull out the 'heart' (of the date palm) CAD N/2 6; Y: W} Pes ib.(BAYTN 251). 1#N30'3 n.m. thread of the woof (4- V"]Cn, X30'JX) sg. X-im X30'J the last [i.e. outermost] thread of the woof Sab 96b(35) [M: X3DB] Expl. Ray [v. ib. 97b; Ar (AC 5:353)]: «]103W 3iyn Bin; Y: KJO'J Sab ib. 2# N30'3, K3T'3 n.m. lance, spear (< Ir *naiza- ka- [w. partial assim. of z to k; cf. MP nezag CPD 59; 4- xn]; QA -[11 TgJb 33:5 [v. ATTM 637], Sy [52 nVs'3 rdiuo LS 427, Arab d& PLAr 265) sg. H'XJH XJHX3 X3D'3^> he stuck the lance into the ground San 95a(46; HeMGD 465:13) [M: '30'3; Ed: iTnanV]; x(3)(3)t'3 on rrV xirru xjrn? 'ty ia 'tns Tr>rn 'D'n wheat to the height of a lance came down (from the sky) for (a length of) three parasangs (on the field of) PN, the Arab Men 69b(16) [4- Xp'TlTJ Lit: Greenfield-Snaked, in Greenfield, AKY 349, deal w. the Olr form and its later derivs. ]0'3 n.m. Nisan, the seventh month (< Akk Nisannu AIOA 115; Sy tm;i LS 427, Ma JXO'J MD 299) p>n XITP wn the first day of the month of Nisan Sab 87b(35); Git 34a(42); HM 45:21; 'in 71X ri'V JO'Jl na rx "HX3 you will die in Adar and will not see Nisan Ber 56b(12); 'Vl31 'J3?ai |0'J TV '"IB3 Xaty everyone waits until Mmwi and (then) sells (their fields) BQ 7b(3); ]D'J 'ar the days of Nisan Ber 35b(25); RH lla(40); Bes 36b(6); BQ 113a(21); Nid 67a(3); ]0'i3 "Wy in the eleventh of Nisan Anan 82:3; &A 87b(10); Ket 94b(34); /#> 16:5 Y: JO'} Ber 10b(19). '30'3 4- 'JPIO'J N"1P'3 n.m. plank (4- VlDJ; TA ]'ioi pi. TJ IK 6:15, Sy rc'xmj planks, slabs LS 434) coll. vrtn XIO'37 ID'V x"?l O'Bbtf so that (the boards) should come complete and not come of planks [i.e. made of pieces] Sab 98b(8; V) [expl. BH D'Bn Ex 26:24] Y: Xlo'} Sab ib.(BAYTN 120). NriS'3 n.m. volume, full appearance (4- Vnsi; Sy r<Lu-&-s blowing, inflation LS 435) 1. volume: sg. X^p'Jl '3 XnB'3 volume is (as difficult to bear) as weight BM 80a(31); ib. 33; 2. full appearance: sg. n'3im ,TnS'33 H'b xn'J he wants its [i.e. the ox's] full appearance, since it is valuable AZ 34b(43) // Tern 30b(15); BQ 47a(17) [caused by the animal's fetus] Y: ,TTIM AZ ib.(BAYTN 120). N^B'3 n.m. stillbirth (4- Wbj, 'Vs'J "13, s.v. I#xn3 mng. 12; MH bti Yeivin, BV 820, J 925) sg. napai -idt 'x x^s'i xvin jrv xVi xV'sxt xs'ni if she miscarried, and it is not known whether that stillbirth was male or female HP 136:10; pi. SSS'3 753 Kni2tf'3 t : : nptna xV 'b>s'j3 tosj V'sx x"?t nn'x dxt if it is (the case) that she did not miscarry, she would not have allowed herself to be presumed (a producer of) stillbirths Yev 65b(8); BB 101b(14); ib. 102b(2); 4 Y: '^B'l BB ib.(BAYTN 120). SSS'3 n.m. a cantillation sign (etym. unkn.) sg. BMsG 16:8 This may be identical w. 4 NS2T2 or may be an independent sign. Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 105. KpS'3 n.m. excrement, swelling (4- VpDJ; Sy rCn-SJ swelling LS 439; cf. Ma l#XpBX3 evacuation of bowels MD 285) 1. excrement: sg. XTl'n X3*?3T XpB'3 excrement of a white dog Git 69b(3); ib. 4; 2. swelling: sg. xpB'J1?! XTnab for the gall bladder and swelling HM 39:14 Geon. expl.: TOW 'n XpS'3 OHT Git 156:10 [mng. 1]; Y: XjJSU Git ib. (BAYTN 120). NIS'3 n.m. (an official) sg. AZ lla(6; Ar [AC 5:367]) [but J: XTB'JX] inS'3 adj. victorious (VnS3; cf. Sy rdLo^j victory LS 442) pl.m.abs. pan*'! Bo 48:5 NBS'3 n.m. a cantillation sign, poss. zaqef (etym. unkn.; 4- XXB'J) sg. BMsJer 25:1 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 105. K3j7'3 n.m. perforation, body orifice (4- ^3pJ, X3pi3; TA I'ipi pi. TJ Ezek 28:13, Sy x' -^ n \ LS 444, Ma XSp'J MD 299) 1. perforation: sg. Xap'JS J-in,n <l)ni'l .T1? Xp'OB'X the waw of (the word) Jinn [Ex 13:15] was cut off in a perforation (in the phylactery and appeared to be a yod) Men 29b(5); pi. '3p'3 '3p'3 H'3 ri'XT ]V3 since there are various perforations in it [i.e. the skin of the bird] Sab 108a(9) [w. ref. to use for phylacteries]; 2. body orifice: pl.abs. TU'IDOJ WV) ,TTH ]'3p,},7 let him block up his body orifices and drink (the potion) Sab 109b(25) Y: '?f>'3 Sab ib.(BAYTN 120). Knap'3 4- xn3pu n. KI^'S n.m. removal of veins (4- Vl#npJ) sg. HPQ 211:20 Klip'3 n.m. (snake) bite (4- Vlp3; cf. Sy rc'iiu incision LS 447) pi. AZ 30b(10); nipa Hul 59a(14; V") Y: nii?3 AZ ib. N"lp'3 n.m. a type of compress used to heal a sore (etym. unkn.) sg. '0B Xlp'3 'XH a compress heals Sab 134b(50; OAr [AC 5:385]); Xip'3 xn"?p'pa a compress (?) from a garbage dump AZ 28a(38) Geon. expl.: pirfra (Xl)llK GnK5 170:2; KIpC^IBl TO HBBXn ]S nxiX (Kn^pVp TGWeisz 83:13; expl. Ar: ],11 pjlTO J'BWTBO AC ib.; Y: xnp'3 ^Z ib.(BAYTN 121). T3 vb. to plow a furrow (4- 1# XT3; TA T3 pe. TJ IS 8:12) Pe.: im1? SSHai 6b(17) 1# KT3 n.m. yoke (4- VTJ, XTJ 13, XT3 T3; Akk niru A CAD N/2 260, TA X^'i TO Num 19:2, Sy k'Ijj LS 428, Ma XTi yoke MD 299) sg. a. general: '3n "?3 XT3 GC 58:1 [expl. 3nt?p MKel 21:2]; b. fig.: XJVD^m XT3 yoke of the government Ber 58a(38; MGE 143:11) 2#NT3 n.m. cord, string (< Akk niru B braided[?] string CAD N/2 265; 4- l#pri3) sg. Xpn3 XT33 X1X1S '3T ibbm H'T'S'1?! let him tie it [i.e. a piece of salt] in the space of the neck area (of the garment) with a yellow cord Sab 66b(39); AZ 28b(4) Y: XT} Sab ib.(BAYTN 11). K3T3 n.m. a type of hard metal (Ma 2# X3T3 MD 299) sg. X3T31 xVtlBT xrfr'Bne; a chain of iron and n.-metal Bo 48:4 Lit: Ch. Muller-Kessler, BSOAS 61 [1999] 113. N2TT3 4- X3n: n. NW3 n.m. (uncertain) sg. HM 39:8; ib. 9; 11 Gaster ib.: sprains. NrWBT3 n.f. soul, person (4- VoEN; TA xflBI&i TO Gen 2:7, Sy rc/^J»ajr_J LS 451, Ma xna'2;'3 MD 300) a. general: pi. mby ]'in ]'» Xnatt?'3 Vl3 all the souls of this world Bo 67:9; ib. 101:5; b. w. VpBJ pe. to die: sg. 'mm pBJ.1 001J 'IH^D "7"yT 3'mx he entered while he was expiring, and he died before he sat down Naz 43a(14); Meg 16b(34); BQ 84a(24; Es); Git 47a(16; V18); ■Tna^'J pB'» •VWV the amount (of time needed) for him to die HP 147:21
Nsnwj 754 N™?3 Y: ,TJ1W3 Git ib.(BAYTN 194). NSlintP'3 n.m. (uncertain) pi. mO>C1)p 'STW31 bitumen of... Sab 110b(35) Y: 'BTVIW'J Sab ib. 'Nlfr'3 n.m.pl. marriage (< MH J'Xlfc'3 [cf. I'XID'3 Yeivin, BV 959, J 909]) xp 'XBp WJ XIpJ/ (the ]lX'B-protest) completely annuls the former marriage Yev 12a(31); ib. 107b(7) nxw'34- nxni'3 adj. '33 vb. to deduct (4- XTT33; cf. Sy rd_aj to harm LS 428) Pe.: pass.part. 4- '3: adj. Pa. to deduct: 'T1X1 Xaty1? 'Xnil3?a ,!7 1338 xaV'1 lest some of my merits for the world to come be deducted from me Sab 140a(29); Tl^ '33 V>T go (and) deduct (his loss) from him BM 106b(25); xb bi xjnn nana 'xi rrV '33a "?t xys'o nana 'x I'1? '338 if the (produce) was reduced in value because of the coin (which is heavier), he deducts it (in the repayment of the loan). If the (produce) was reduced in value because of the market, he does not deduct it BQ 97b(34); ?1OT13 I'V '33a XjnXT the (tenant farmer) deducts (the diminished value lost from) the deterioration of the field (by planting wheat) from it [i.e. the rent] BM 104b(33); ib. 106a(16); 99b(33); XTOB '■? '33 deduct the loss to me ib. 105a(4; HP 63:16) '33 adj. less, minus (4- V'33 pe., pass.part.) sg.m. only in numerical expressions: a. integers: ^wan Kin '33 forty-nine BM 99b(7); Sot 36b(22; V2) [M: TX3]; XTfl '33 J'Xl'tf fifty-nine Nid 30a(3); 13 'JTU1 '33 ]3an seventy-eight years old Zev 118b(47) // Ara 13a(25); Er 83a(31); Tan 29a(19); b. fractions: X318B1 X5?3'1 '33 three quarters [lit. (one) less a quarter] of the money BB 57a(6); Git 58b(31); XTOW '33 four fifths Git ib.(32); XB?am '33 103'W 164/5 £> 76b(7); ri'W XnVin '33 jnen ]'n'Bn ,1X8 6662/3 Er 57a(19); Xp31 '33 ppy 19 5/6 Bek 50a(5) Y: '3J Bg 59a(41). NJT33, Nn"33 n.f. deduction, esp. from the principal of a loan secured by a mortgaged field or property by enjoying the usufruct thereof (4 V'33) sg. 'p"7081 X1T1X3 XT1331tfa 'XI Xri'333 xbx Vl3'3 Xb concerning mortgaged property, in a place where they remove (the creditor immediately from its possession on payment of the debt), he should enjoy the usufruct (of the field) only against a deduction (from the annual debt) BM 67b(3) [Var: Xn"333 V23]; ib. 12; 13; 40; XTT33 xbl XJ133©a a mortgage without deduction (of the usufruct) ib. 62a(5i); ''■? vtnirb xo'its rvb pwai xi33 xui XJI'333 D'3C? a certain man who mortgaged his vineyard to another for ten years against a deduction Ket 95b(2; Ar [AC 5:340]); X3'H 'is rrb 3'm xrrun t1? p»ai 'i3>i m»y rrsnxi XJW ]a TX33 Ilia"? '5731 Xri'33 'TIT if he lent him ten denars, and (the debtor) mortgaged his store to him (for a year), gives him for four zuzim as an (annual) deduction, and wants to retract in less than a year Geon 163:1; ib. 162:1; HG2 405:63 The form of this word varies in the sources. Mss. H, G, and F1 consistently employ XTni, while Ms. V23 and HGP employ lOT'M or NflX'Sl Voc: KflS'5: HGP 27a:31; XJV'33 ib. 27b:5; Y: xri'yjj BM 67b(3; BAYTN 184). ^33 vb. to deceive, defraud (4- x"73'3; Sy -V *» LS 428, Ma "733 MD 300) Pe.: '1X11X 13'"733 x\>1 that we shall not deceive each other SSHai 10a(5) C33 vb. to slaughter (4- XJ1033, XriO'33 13, XJY13013; Sy ■•"*■< LS 429, Ma 033 MD 301) Pe. (a/o): a. animals: I'V D'33 bKlV 13 131 a male Israelite slaughters it [i.e. the Paschal sacrifice] Anan 78:22; 033a ib. 70:7; 72:9!; b. demons: 0'331 Bo 64:3; /& 23; c. in a fig. sense: X3X X3C331 X"I3 D1SX I shall slaughter the father according to the son San 25b(49) [concerning the collecting of taxes]; pass.part. 11X' 0'33 the desire for it [i.e. idolatry] has been slaughtered AZ 17b(l) Itpe. to be slaughtered: (niXDSn'X1? IB'X a lamb to be slaughtered Er 53b(14) [in the 'Galilean' dialect] 8)1033, NT1N033 n.f. slaughtering (4- Vo33, 13 XDO'33; TA XJ1D03 TO Gen 31:54, Sy rc^-m-os LS 429, Ma xriD'3(')3 MD 298) sg.cs. T1033 J3ip X'ablP a sacrifice of the slaughtering of the selamim Anan 72:6; det. XJ10331? pn X131 'XT 'nossb if he is a man who buys (cattle) for slaughter, (this ox is) for slaughter BQ 46a(23); XriXD33 ib. 25 [Es: XDO'33] 133 Y: KTO32 BB 92a(8; BAYTN 194). 133 vb. to recognize (4- XT31; Sy T-aJ af, etpe. LS 430) Itpe. (a) to be recognizable, distinguishable: lb T33'B 'X»3 X8T Xl.im XJT713X1 XttHTpa by what is that day [i.e. the Sabbath] distinguishable? By qiddus and havdala Sab 69b(35); Xp'TTI 133'8 the damage is noticeable BQ 97a(43); ib. 5a(20); Er 79a(40); 133'ai 1311 a recognizable majority Ber 48a(17); AZ 37b(4); Men 2b(37); XTlX'nB yi33'» the partitions are recognizable Er 92a(29); Zev 74b(10); Bek 41a(46) '133 vb. to remove (denom. < 4- 1X1313; Sy jT-oj LS 430, Ma X133 MD 301) Quad.: 1'3'8 113'133 U3 remove them from it [i.e. your property] like a stranger Sab 82b(6; M) [expl. BH D"P Is 30:22] fi/33 vb. to weed (JudA W33 TBM 9:13 [113:32, Var], MH 1#U33 LNVTH 227) Pa.: xVl XinX3 W331 11'X ^TXI '©33a in a place where they do not weed, and he went and weeded (the field) BM 103b(13); ib. 14; 105a(20); '2/133'? SSHai 6b(17) J133 vb. to bite, reduce (Sy inJ^ LS 430, Ma TD3 MD 301) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to bite: n"a 1'V ri'331 one whom (a rabid dog) bites will die Yom 84a(3); TOW 3*73 H'V JV331 ]Xnb HM 41:11; HP 204:13; 1WD31 111331 |3'Trl Xp Km do we not see that (an animal) bites and kicks? Ber 61a(10); 2. to harm: xmxyai Xmn Xian nT133T new wine of the wine press has harmed him Git 67b (19) [expl. MH Oip^Tip Mib. 7:1]; 3. to reduce: xpi wb n'33 since (the interest on the loan) reduces it [i.e. his assets] BM 60b(32) [expl. MH ^3 Mib. 4:1] Pa. to bite: V'3X1 n'33a 13'X PN used to bite and eat AZ 35b(50) Af. 1. to cause to bite: abm MQWO 13TI"ai n'V 13'ri33ai we bring a large ant and cause it to bite it [i.e. over the cut] Yev 76a(24); 2. to cause s.o. to take interest: -p3nV XlTO'X n'rD3rl xV do not cause another (to transgress) the prohibition of taking interest (by the borrower's persuading him to lend him money on interest) Seel 45:4 [expl. BH T^rj-X'1? Dt 23:20 < V-|tt?3 af.] On the non-assimilation of nun in the Af. forms, cf. infra 'IM I Vaw: af. Nan33 n.m. cover, lid (< Akk naktamu CAD N/1 196^ AIOA 75) sg. X3Xm xaiSX Xari33 T'313 (it shakes enough) for the lid on the mouth of a pitcher to quiver BB 26a(l); Bes 30a(16); Sab 148b(2); Pes 112a(21; E2) Y: XDrQJ Sab 105b(44; BAYTN 220). tfrl, NVN3 n.m. incubus (4- Vl# "7T13; Sy Klli incubus LS 420, Ma 2#x"?X3 vampire, incubus MD 283) sg. XVX3 5eA44b(36; MAr [AC 5:296]) expl. MH nmxp nn Mib. 6:5]; X"7X3 ("Ohms' y.-demon (and) incubus San 59b(43; KM) [used as a reprobation]; Bo 59:7; ib. 63:4; pi. ,!?X3 ib. 18:9; '"?X31 'TIT ib. 53:3 Lit: Geig, AAC 94, s.v. 2'?,BJ |3; perh. < NP nal complaint PED 1378 [v. Shaked, Boyce Vol 512]; Y: xVw San ib.fBAYTN 5). NBS3 n.m. felt, bed covering, pi. felt garments (< MIr *namat [cf. MP namad felt, bed covering CPD 57]; Sy r^ \ ^i bed covering LS 431, > Arab J»ii saddle covering Fr, AF 102, PLAr 263) 1. felt: sg. X1BJ XDa3 'XH shrunk felt Yom 69a(24; M2Ar [AC 2:307]) // Bes 15a(2) // Tarn 27b(15); 2. bed covering: H'1? 1'3"B VI X'1?'^ '083 ]'n'W at night they used to spread out sixty bed coverings for him BM 84b(2; F1); 3. pi. felt garments: 'D83 BQ 119b(23; Es) // Bek 29b(25) [expl. MH 133 ib.]; BQ 93b(23) Lit: Geig, AAC 280; Tel 97; Y: XDM Yom ib.(BAYTN 90). '!33, 'SN3, D3 adv. also, too, either, another (etym. unkn.; 4- 01?) always as the second element of emphasis in a phrase: a. fol. nouns: ]3X TIX |3X '83 'O'll we are brothers and we are also brothers-in-law San 28b(35); XTtf'a '83 xap X3n 'Ttf Xp the first Tanna also indeed permits Sab 146b(24); XBV in '83 Dixy Shavuot also is one day Hag 17b(19); I'b ri'X 'B3 18 you also have (a tree overhanging into the public domain) BB 60b(3); W'ip'8 X313 'XH'3 01 '83 11 1X1 even a proselyte too is sanctified in this manner Anan 80:8; b. fol. vbs.: '3Dp1 '83 Xp'1 it is also in accord with what (the Tanna) learns Bes 27b(31) [4- Vpil pe., mng. 2]; TXa X1? X39'X1 '83 '131 max granted too that you cannot say the opposite Er 14b(l 1); IXDrl xb 'B3 XDTBI they did not either actually sin Sab 56a(3); ib. 155a(29); 755
i6»»3 T •■ ; 756 so: Er 67a(23); Pes 55a(42); Tan 26b(39); MQ 2b(13); c. fol. prons.: in'Jlia "3: 'a: px we too are prophets like them San 93a(42); Er 63a(8); X:x XaVa 'a: x:x x:x I am also a king Git 57a(19; MGD 622:7); X3D',TI mn 'a: X:X I also used to run (to the synagogue) Ber 6b (24); BB 86a(28); San 30a(26); pan HH3 'a: lH'X "?Ny he too entered with the scholars MQ 17a(18); 1OT XJlXtt/'ia '-IJ10 Xp Xn 'a: they also, in fact, destroy synagogues Yom 10a(38); ":3V "7WX 'a: X:x I also shall plant for my children Tan 23a(46); x:X Tfinx 'X"1K> 'a: I too have permitted another one AZ 37a(14); Naz 6a(13); X:":n '133 px *]X even we too have learnt (it) Ket 27a(3); Xrupn 'M Xn X'il |33~n this also is an ordinance of the scholars Ket 53a(6); Naz 46a(14); 'TT> 'a: ]»pix place me also (in the proper position) Ber 30a(ll); d. fol. prep, phrases: X1? 'Bl 'niTJiya X1? ... X:X XpT JV^ax I did not eat vegetables either when I was rich Sab 140b (12); n'^S 'a: Xim "?33 they differ also in the case of 'whatever it is worth' Qid 7b(33); e. fol. adverbs: X'n 'X:n 'B: 'TT> in my opinion also it is (a dispute of) Tannaim Er 3a(16); 'B: xmiS V7SX even a bit also San 77b(25); WJ n'3TI nns '33 'M Xlp'ya from the beginning also they were capable of reproducing Yev 62a(42); brwd? 'JlXi 'B: JIB'X Va also, whenever (the proselyte) comes to be circumcised Anan 81:9; f. in var. phrases: 1) 'B:iX, 'Bl'X, '8: 'X: (a) alternatively [lit. or also]: 'B:iX Pes 52b(17); Yev 102a(34); 'B: IX Pes 51a(46); 5«A 6b(6); 5an 46b(52); 'a: 'X Ket 80b(16); BM 31b(37); /4/ja« 10:28; /A. 13:7; TGHark 86:10; ISGF 54:17; &e/16:61; ib. 51:19 [and passim]; (b) another: //P 56:25 [= GeonH Tiyi HR 45:2]; ib. 59:30; 2) '133 'an |'X yes, it is so also: Bes 22b(19) [i 'an usage 1.4.a]; 3) Xan 'a: in this case [lit. here] also: Yev 26a(l) [I xan usage b]; 4) XTJTloa 'Mi 'an so also [i.e. the explanation is correct]! It is logical... £/-41a(48) [I Vl30 itpe., mng. lb]; 5) 'B: XJll&n now, also: Ber 10a(50) [I XTV&n mng. I.b.2] Geon. expl.: XX'X TM i.e. Lijl LPT 158:18; Lit: W.B. Henning, BSOAS 11 [1946] 729, suggests a deriv. < Sogdian nm 'y verily, but this is rejected by Shaked, Elements 150. The older etym. which associated this word w. Sy -jn-i indicator of direct speech [v. Nold, MG 485; LS 367] should now be rejected since 0*7 is now well attested in this usage in OfA [v. DNWSI 578] and the mngs. of the two words are distinct. Note, however, that like 0^, the word TH always occurs in the second position in a phrase; S. Sasoon, HP 56M [usage f.l.b]; Eps, Stl 77 [on Dl]; Voc: '83 HPP 278:20; HGP 34a:3; '81 VTM 68; Y: 'a: Git 20b(26; BAYTN 338). K^'tt3 n.m. harbor (< \\\lt\\ Lehnw 364; MH2b V'a: ib.) sg. ab-'mb 'xnxi xo"-iibt xsnx x'nn layi a certain boat (with a cargo) of muries which arrived at the port of GN AZ 34b(13) Lit: Sperber, Nautica 140+, w. prev. lit.; Y: K'j'M AZ ib. NJ?p3 n.m. book (< Mir *namak [cf. Peh namag CPD 57]; i JMtf'OTIS; Sy rdA^xi deed LS 431) sg. xpa: anaV pipe? 'ois jut^a lay lrnin OHP Git 242:28 [expl. lay lpa: Git 67a(25)] Lit: Sperber, GLLT 117. The form of the word [w. qof and emph. ending «'] shows that the writer is quoting an A lw. and not the actual P word. \T\m n.m. leopard (TA Xnai pi. TJ Jer 5:6, Sy rc'iioJ LS 431, Ma Xna'J leopards MD 298) sg. XnaJT 'J'E> the teeth of a leopard Bo 78:5; ib. 12 [NH33, NM33 n.m. mint (Sy rdai LS 431, Akk ananihu, nanihu a garden plant CAD A/2 111) sg. Sab 140a(22; Ar [AC 5:349]) [Var: X.TJ'3 HG1 225:13; RaH: nn33] Lit: Flora 3:421. While this is a real word, the better rdg. here in the context is 1 NTl] 202, '03 vb. to take, marry, state (i jn'Hl 3D'a, X'3103, 3'03; Sy ,~->m\ [a/a] LS 432, Ma 303 [e/e, a/a] MD 302, Nold, MG 218) Pe. (e/e,a), pf. lsg. '3'D: Pes 49a(41; V1) [Var: 3'03 E2M']; Jl'3'03 SSSad 201:23; 2m. m'03 San 107a(42); J130: Pes 113a(5); 3m. 3'0: Yev 60b(51); 3D: Ket 80b(8); H3D3 Anan 110:21; 3pl.m. 13'0: Dec 10:11; ]':13'03 HP 157:20; imp. lsg. 3'0: Ned 89b(17); 2m. 3'0:'J1 Pes 112b(7; C); f. poll SSSad 233:9; ]'30'n Bo 9:13; 3m. 3'03'V 5es 20a(7); n3D'"? Sab 110b(12); 2pl.m. ]130T1 Dec 4:14; imper. 2sg.m. 3'D: )fev 63a(37) [cf. Ma a'M Nold, MG 240]; 3D Git 69a(15); HM 42:5; ]3D'3 5a« 22a(32); inf. SO^B1? 7ev 97b(24); AnanSch 17:14; 30'B1? TGHark 171:18; part. lsg. x:3'0: G/Y 34a(38); 2m. J130: 0/d 29b(46); 3m. 3'0: MaA: lla(40); lpl. p'30: ATe? 12b(2); 3m. po: Kar 25a(l); pass.part. lsg. X:3'D: Sab 23a(15); 3m. 3'D3 HP 157:21; f. X3'0: BQ 88a(54); 3pl.m. 303 '3'03 Nid 13b(19); f. p'OJ //P 157:19;- Pe. 1. to take [I VopJ pe., mng. 3]: J73rffi?XI "Till nSD 3D: 'TiyiST he took a Torah scroll and swore: "I have paid it..." Ned 25a(16); "713X 30 take (and) eat (it) Git 69a(15); X'BT X110 3D take an 5.-container of water HM 40:15; ib. 41:2; 42:10; 44:12; 'nx nn 'Tin 'ina iinp^in 30'a1? iys ]in:a two brothers among them [i.e. the heirs] wanted to take their portion (of the land) together TGHark 171:18; xti» fix 3'ri'i X3inn xsYiy 3'd: mn ia x:Tn: I remember when a raven used to take a carob and settle on the top of a wall BB 91b(19); 2. to marry [lit. to take (a wife/husband); Sy t-i m\ ^vV^i^W-. LS ib., mng. 19, JPA 3D: (nri'X) DJPA 353, mng. 4b]: a. of a man: 1) alone: IT: 'XJ3'a 3'0: Oao Shechem marries (and) Mabbugai is circumcised Mak lla(40); '3D: xVl p 13'0:'» X"?l pa they do not marry our (women), and (their women) are not married to us Meg 13b (44); 3'0:i 13J? 'XT if one had illegally married (a woman forbidden to him) Yev 10a(24); n'ra 1130J1 Xbl do not marry (anyone) from him [i.e. his family] Dec 4:14; AnanSch 17:14; pass.part. [JPA 3'D: DJPA 353, mng. 4b]: sg.m. X:3'0:T ]T3 after I was married Sab 23a(15); pl.f. ]3'0: X1? n'Ji:3 'XI if his daughters are not married BB 143b(13); 2) w. dir. obj.: ,t? 3'0: 3D:'» X,11 did he not, in fact, actually marry her? Sot 12a(3); San 75a(16); 'nnnx 303'iaV X:'S?3 'XT X:3'D: if I want to marry another woman I can do so Qid 7a(41); Ber 25b(51) [I Vy'D itpa., mng. lb]; ncnil n3Dl he married her and divorced her BM 85a(38); Xltfl'X »'3'X 3'D: TJ X315?a3 when someone marries a woman in Eretz Israel Ber 8a(25); 1X1)1 US' TO'CU 'X@{')ax why did you marry a 'beautiful woman'? [i.e. a captured woman; v. Dt 21:18] San 107a(42); XiTI mm xnil'X 3'D:i go down a level and marry a woman Yev 63a(37); Ket 64a(24); Qid 71b(5); xnnx 3'D: ':3 T"71X1 marry a woman and beget children Yev 62b(10); 63a(36) [i Vl#]na pe.]; BB 112a(9); AZ 20a(33); Anan 113:8; AnanSch 35:18; pO'J marry me San 22a(32); pass.part. sg.m. "Xn "P'X 3'D:T Xinm ... Xin 3'D:t this one(m.) who is married to this one(f.) and that one(m.) who is married to the other(f) HP 157:21; TGAs42 303 162:8; f. xynn:'? x3'o: mm xnna na x'nn a certain woman of GN who was married to a man of GN2 Ket 54a(31; M); Yev 108a(28); BB 125b(2); pl.m. TlUBp '3'D:t they are married to minors Nid 13b(19); b. of a woman: X303 x"?a' nV Xirn ^D1? she can marry whomever she wants Anan 118:16; pass.part. f. XriXinX ]'£>: ]'m!l 'nx ]'"lJlV ]a'0:T two sisters who are married to two brothers HP 157:19; ib. 118:16; 3. to state, mention, formulate, deduce [lit. to take (as support for a legal position; in idiomatic legal expressions]: a. KTfflVn T> '0:/3'0:: T3D Xin x'n xrv'-nxT my1) XTia^n rf? 3'd: xpTo he is of the opinion that since (the Tanna) deduces it as a teaching (from a biblical verse) it is a Pentateuchal injunction Yev 72a(25) [4 XTia^n mng. lb]; XmaVn n'1? r3','03 Yom 23b(10); b. 'TJ n3D: (the Tanna) states it incidentally [lit. he takes it of no value]: Sab 64b(21) [add. exx., s.v. i 2#'TJ adv.]; c. 'X:m XS'^X nV a'D31 X'n "l (the anonymous Mishna) is (according to) PN, and he states it [i.e. the former and latter parts of it] according to (different) Tannaim Ket 36a(20); RH 7b(19); Meg 9b(41); Hor 12b(15); Hul 84a(7); d. 3'o:i 'pn 'D'o 'x 'v"\ 'wa 's'D 3'o:i 'pn (im 'x> XD'D "WO 'VT"\ if the former part (of the Mishna) is exact, then he formulated the latter part in accordance with the former. If the latter part is exact, then he formulated the former part in accordance with the latter Ned 72a(12); e. 3JX n3D3 XTI1 he mentions it incidentally: BM 4b(46; Es); Svu 40b(9); ib.(29); Zev llb(29; V"); f. la'aV X'13n 1'30: the colleagues state: Kar 25a(l); Hul 15a(42); ib. 82a(9); 4. w. Vpa pe./Van' pe. to negotiate a business transaction [JPA ]n:i 3D: DJPA 363, s.v. V]Ti:, mng. 3; 4 30'a P'ai]: in'tt1?! SD'a1? SSHai 8b(8); ]:'3n'l P'3D:T xmijm 'S:x "7aa n'"? we have negotiated all kinds of business transactions with him TGAs33 209b:4; 5. w. MH fixy. to take advice [JPA 3D: nry DJPA 405; cf. Sy r^Jisi i-»mi LS ib., mng. 24; v. Af, mng. 3 c]: XD13 ]3 X331? rrpaw mra nsy SDra1? he spared PN to take advice from him BB 3b(47); nsy nSD'1?! X3'1? is there no one who can give her advice? Ket 8 5b (3 6) Af. 1. to arrange a marriage, marry s.o. off: a. 757
K'3103 758 '31'Oa man: nnaV H'3D3X X-ID1T 1» PN married off his son BB 144a(29); HP 45:16; b. woman: IKlMtn xoapa xa'xi maxi XDawa maxi xnajV [nV -] ,tV XB'Xl we arrange a marriage for her to a man whose father is from her father's tribe and (his) mother is from (her) mother's tribe BB 112a(28); ma x'ax x"n ]wj? naiosxV max1? mV 'yana xbi it is improper for her father to marry her off to someone whom she does not want Anan 113:12; 2. to permit s.o. to (re)marry: a. man: n'303X XJIXI'X he permitted him [i.e. the deaf mute] to marry the woman Yev 113a(27); Ned 89b(20); b. woman: inn'aT? xW "1 mD3X PN permitted (PN2)'s wife to remarry Yev 121a(20); n31D»6 rrm '8pB mxV to allow the rival wife to remarry before herself ib. 120a(l); TGHark 229:27; 3. w. var. nouns: a. '1B13 to lash with palm spathes: '"IS13 rTUOX lash him with palm spathes Ket 10a(31) [4* 3#X"IS13 mng. 2]; b. w. W7'3 K»# to give a bad reputation: XET3 XBW H1? mOB 'Xjnx^ you are giving my field a bad reputation BM 105a(21); c. w. MH nxj? to give advice [v. Pe., mng. 5]: nx'5? nV a'03B he gives him advice Qid 69a(12); 55 174b(23) // Ara 23a(34); X3X31 om-nn1? nxy mV 'oa .Tin '3'n xtra p how did pn give PN2 advice? BB 4a(28) [cf. Rashi ib. 3b, end] Itpe. to be married: a. women: "]n33 pD3B1 pail1? your daughters will be married to men Ber 56a(20); px mV max '■? nao3'a nV 'ax T? X3aD3'B he said to her: "Will you be married to me?" She said to him: "Yes. I shall be married to you" Meg 13b(7; G); ib. 44 [v. Pe., mng. 2]; m xrr:n bl? ^lorx*? x'-inwa mm she is permitted afterwards to be married to whomever she wants Anan 115:4; ib. 91:19; 103:5; '3V Jl'Vl H'1? X303ri'X,7 'as I do not [lit. my heart does not] want to be married to him HP 150:13; X3'ya n'3 'SIDrx1? I want to be married by it [i.e. the writ of divorce as proof of not being married] BM 18a(15); TGHark 229:27; b. couple: mn '31 '3D3'B when they were to be married Git 57a(45; M) Lit: Bacher 125 [Pe., mng. 3]; on \bo: > V'OJ, v. Kara 87. N'3103 n.m. marriage (4- V303 pe., mng. 2) sg. n'V@n3 +(])X'30Xi X'3103 the marriage by which (my father) married me to him OHT Yev 213:5 noa vb. to remove (4- l#XDa, '3n0'3; JPA nD3 DJPA 353) Pe. (a/ ) to remove: a. bread from an oven: in"? \wn\ firnoji xi'aDT n'iVs xbxt X3'm X^O if he baked (loaves of) a half of a q.- measure, removed them, and placed them in a basket HP 39:4; b. honey from a hive: ri03i Xl£/am '{xm3 who removes honey from the beehives [lit. beehives of honey] St2 548:16 [expl. MH mi-in Sab 95a(ll)] Af. w. "flSH to take one's mind off s.t: 'HIDX n'Tljn noa he takes his mind completely off (of it) Zev 20b(45); Git 53b(5); BQ 116b(40); '3'n '3 n'3'B nvi<n riD'3 xVl so that he should not take his mind off of it Ber 51b(4); Ned 40a(36); X'nnB irna 'xnjnV nnnox xnjnz/ from that time I took my mind off of them Tan 22a(9); Er 54b(48); Yom 30b(19); BB 82a(14); Zev 99a(35) Lit: Eps, GCIntr 55; id., Stl 116 [Pe.]. Knoa 4- xnoi: n. 1#'03 vb. to try, test (4- X'03, X3V03; Sy ,™» LS 433, Ma 1# X03 pa. MD 301) Pa. 1. to try: XJ1 'Vn'3 n"03 come (and) try it [i.e. the domestic animal] for me AZ 15a(13); 2. to test: Xp "103 p 'DM he is really testing us San 101b(56); ib. 107a(9); n"3pn "IDS1? '12? 'a is it permitted to test God? Tan 9a(6; M2) Itpa. w. -"? to test: 'V ri'03'B X1? nx '"7 103'a TO'X I have tested them [i.e. the forefathers]. I have not tested you [i.e. David] San 107a(7) 2# '03 vb. 4- V303 vb. N^03 n.m. credit (4- Vl#'D3; Sy rsLimJ LS 433) sg. X'033 T3TBT 'Xa boi whatever he buys on credit TGHark 271:24; X"03 XVH 'X"ffi?X sale on trust which is credit ib. 26 Since this word appears also in Sy in late texts it may have been borrowed into A from Arab. Note the Geonic statement: nrb ,T'0J 'tow \W°m ipna SSHai 9b(16), i.e. *jj-i, and the Arabicized spelling H"»J SfiSad 265b: 17 3'03 adj. 4- V303 pe., pass.part. '3V03 n.pl.m. whey (etym. unknown) cs. '3V03 XaVn whey of milk Pes 42a(34); det. 'ai'03 X3'X X3V03 t : 759 xivajra 'B'p xVt there is whey which does not curdle AZ 35b(38; J); BM 68b(24) y: 'groj BM ib.(BAYTN 243). K3V03 n.m. temptation, test (4- Vl#'D3; Sy r±i^-<~\ LS 433, JPA jl'0'3 DJPA 349) 1. temptation: sg. JITX X1? X3TD3 'T1?! you will not undergo a temptation 5er 56b(13; MGG 708:9); 2. test: pi. '3T03 DWB HTU (the prohibition of selling animals to a pagan) is a decree because of tests (of the animal) AZ 15a(ll); ib. 32 Y: 'irOMZib.(BAYTN261). 0'03 adj. gloomy, sad (4- Vo03; Ma 0'03 gloomy, weak MD 302) sg. X0'03 lnrmiT? X'TO he made their joy sad 5o 78:17 "|D3 vb. to libate, make wine nesekh (i.e. forbidden as assumed to be dedicated to idolatry; 4- X30'3X, 1#X30'3, X3D3; Sy t/ymj LS 433, BH, MH 1#T03 HAL 664, J 917) Pa. 1. to libate: 1"1 D'a -|03aT X^J?3 when he libates water and wine (on the altar) Suk 54a(14); 2. to make wine nesekh [denom. < H ^W ]" J 917]: n'3D3T 'U 'XH ^XIC'T n'lan1? a pagan who made a Jew's wine nesekh AZ 59b (8); "pa x"7 '3103 DWa 'X if (the suspicion is) because of making it nesekh, (the pagan) does not make (vinegar) nesekh ib. 29b(48); 56b(10); Sab 41a(10) // Nid 13a(52; M) Itpa. to become nesekh: H'1? -|'D3'X xap xap (the drops of wine poured from the smaller vessel) became nesekh one after another AZ 71b(13) N303, K3N03 n.m. a piece of cast metal (4- V~]03; Sy ndA^aJ casting of metals LS 434) sg. a. general: BM 26a(7) [stuck in a wall]; Svu 32b(12; F2); Naz 26b(12); b. of silver: X3X03 Sab 92a(l) [* coins]; mayi nnsna xsoa Vm ]xa 'xn X303 innayi 'TIT ... 'Tit one who stole a piece of cast metal from another and made it into zuzim, zuzim and made them into a piece of cast metal bq 96b(i0); marra x3xw «pm xnaj xinm a certain man who snatched a piece of cast metal from another BB 33b(24; HP 89:32); XJW 3T '33 iamx lnnna mn x1? 'D'is3 xnax ]13t px 13 nVy X3XD3 PN's sons bought a maidservant for small coins, (and) they did not have (any coins) with them. They gave a piece of cast metal for her (as a pledge) Qid 8b(8; HP 106:15); Ket 110b(48); c. of gold: BB 165b(43); Men 107a(4); d. of bronze: TGHark 45:24 P expl.: inxi D'M IT n'XX-ITp ''B XDXOJ SMel 43:37, i.e. NP qursatzar wa-sim wa-ahan a lump of gold, silver and iron; Voc: X56: HGP 38a:18; Y: X30; BB ib.(BAYTN 120). DD3 vb. to become seriously ill (4- O'W; Ma 003 to grieve, be ill MD 302, Sy r^ m ; m i weak LS 432) Itpe.: HTIBI no'3ri'X<1)n) H^SX she ate (the dry fig), became seriously ill, and died Git 56a(39; V18) [Var: O'iTVXI MGD 627:3]; DO'iri'X 'Ol'Hiri'X he became seriously ill Sab 145b(17; M) [O: '33ri0X; 4- V]30 itpa., mng. 1] [P03 4-Vlttp^O vb.] 103 vb. to saw (4- l#X10a, X"10'3, X-103; Sy 1# txij LS 434, Ma n03 MD 302) Pa.: mviXl mi0:i XflX1? they brought the cedar (and) sawed it Yev 49b(23); BB 73b(19) [bones]; ib. 75a(30) II San 100a(34) [precious stones]; ^Z52b(27) K"ID3, Nn«03 n.m. saw (4- V"I03; GeonH 103 GC 202:2) sg. XlOCUa m3'103'17 let us saw them [i.e. the stones of the altar] with a saw AZ 52b(27); rraiDx x-103 n'1? 'airi'x rr-103 x-ixo3 rw^a 'ri'x Menashe brought a saw (and) sawed it [i.e. the cedar]. The saw happened to be on his mouth Yev 49b(23) [rdg. in comm. of R. Eliezer(?) b. Solomon to Kings; quoted in GC 2022] N1^3 n.m. tank for wine (TA X%3 pi. TJ Jo 2:24) sg. 'inmx X1J?3 (as to) the tank (which contained wine of pagans), boil it up AZ 74b(34) Geon. expl.: iy:ito illl ri"B3 XlpJl l"1? Bm 103 XW TGHark 24:4, i.e. IrArab j*ill < NP nawa boat, kneading trough or bin PED 1382. Lit: Fr, AF 218; Geig, AAC 282. iniJ/3 n.m. shaker (4- VlttlJN tf5?o/-form) sg. X"I1J?3 (X)"?pi a 'shaking' date palm [i.e. one which sheds its fruit before it is ripe] BB 36b(28) [Var: XTJT3 x"?p'T TGAs42 217:24(RaH)] Expl. RaH: ... 13 jvraii i'xi rniTB nx tbj» xwb ^i 'its T1B3 XTy: ito^i. V^3 vb. to lock (< BH, MH byi pe. HAL 666, J 920) Pe. (a/): pSl TUT bjm he can lock, fence in, and make a breach SSHai lla(15) [cf. BB 52b(28)] Nrraj;?, xnays n.f. ostrich (4- xrray3 ia; ta XfrayS TO Lev 11:16, Sy i<jk±S LS 435) sg.
wwi 760 tirsa Xirayai XIiy'3 an ostrich egg &* 110b (19) [in a medical recipe]; HM 38:17 For the use of pe/ lurmi 'ostrich egg' CAD L 255 in Akk materia medica, v. Goltz, SAOH 31. l#yjl vb. to shake something (4- XTiyj; JPA -iyj DJPA 354) Pa.: 'TOM WTJMVl let him shake them out [i.e. the fruit] thoroughly Sab 142a(15; M) 2# iya, TN3 vb. to bray (4- XIllTjM; Sy -t>j LS 435) Pe.: XTflJI TJM the ass brayed Ber 58a(42; MGE 144:4); TX3 ib. 56a(39; OHP ib. 105:20) Geon. expl.: nyu OHP ib. NJTnya n.f. camel's cry (4- V2# TjM; Sy r^iij braying LS 435) sg. ,Timytf> .TIlp'OBX X1?! (the hamstrung camel) did not stop its cry (until it died) Yev 120b (26) Y: rrnnjfj Yev ib.(BAYTN 205). xnya 4- xnx: n. nsa vb. to blow, inflate (4- xmsa, xns'i, xns:, n'Bi, Vms, Vnsn; Sy aiAj LS 435, Ma nsj, ina MD 303, 291) Pe. (a/a): X»'T7 'lt>p fl'3 nS3» blowing into it [i.e. froth] is harmful for the head Hul 105b(31); ',TS X1? .T033 ns: one who blows into his cup will not be thirsty San 100b(37; OH ib. 524:5); H'^pV pIB' Tyfa HB1 blow with your cheeks (and your breath) will prevail against it [i.e. the east wind] ib. 18b(40) [v. OH ib. 147:3]; ri? pTIBTI we inflate it [i.e. the lung] Hul 46b(14); ib. 47b(38); HP 200:7; ib. 12 Pa. id.: 'b'j3 xirrpn 'Vnn .TTan(fti) r,TV nsrb XHD'm let another blow white cress to him by means of a (hollow) wheat straw Git 69a(39); H'T3 IWV 31 nS3D PN used to blow into his hands BB 134b(16) // nS3 San 43a(29) [as a sign of displeasure]; XIlWpB '.Tiya 'n'BJl inflate his intestines like a bow 5o 142:4 Itpe. to be fanned (of fire): XTU m nsrx HTlVaxi the fire was fanned upon her and consumed her Sab 26a(6) [cf Ma: XTU XBHMIl'a the fire will be fanned Gy 203:20] NnS3, NnXS3 n.m. smith (< Akk nappahu CAD N/1 307, AIOA 76; 4- VrlS3, Xns: '3,_l#xnS3 13; TA NfisS TJ Is 44:12[Var], Sy rdJxLi LS 436) sg. xns: T3ia msn X3D (the explanation) of the 'smith' [i.e. R. Yishaq Nappaha] is better than that of the 'son of the smith' [i.e. R. Yohanan b. Nappaha] San 96a(26) [v. OH ib. 491:13]; 31 XnXDJ pnr BQ 60b(30; MGE 502:18); Sab 126b(9); MQ 24b(21); BQ 117b(13); San 56a(44); Hul 110a(18); BM 85b(31); xriBlTTO xnsn the smith's hammer Ber 34a(2); Meg 25a(38); Git 56b(41); pi. T1XB31 Xriun a smiths' booth Git 56b(41; MGD 728:13); 'riBJI X'^IK? a smiths' apprentice 50 32b(45); MQ lla(23) Y: KHB1 Ci; 69b(41; BAYTN 228). KBS3, KBB'3 n.m. naphtha (4- X'lDBJ; Akk naptu CAD N/1 326, Sy * \ *; LS 436) sg. XDSn a naphtha (burning lamp) Safe 46a(31) [* 4- Xni2r» mng. l.a.2]; /& 35; 12b(46); 67b(30); XlXVn XBBJ white naphtha AZ 28b(4); XDB'J XTrvn Git 86a(10) [in a salve]; HM 39:12 On its use as a salve in Mesopotamia, v. CAD supra, mng. d; Y: NDBJ Sab 46a(35; BAYTN 120). N'ittSJ n.m. dealer in naphtha (gent. n. < 4- XBBJ) pi. "1UBJ D'1J I'bn these pagan dealers in naphtha Ned 9lb(8) Y: 'J1BBJ AW ib. fcCBJ, pi. NrmS3 n.m. sieve (V'BJ; JPA HB3 DJPA 355, MH nSS Yeivin, BV 758, J 922) sg. nxB X"B3 itf'YT bran from the top of the sieve Git 69a(38); Ned 41b(5); X'B: '3 n'3 Tim (the demon) moves around in it like a sieve Pes lllb(28; V14); Hul 45a(18) [w. ref. to the holes in it]; X'B: '3 'ina1? (for the moon) to become like a sieve [i.e. completely round] San 42a(2); Hul 124a(43); BQ 97b(32); pi. W1X1BJ GC 44:4 [expl. MH !piy MKel 16:3]; Ta/j 3b(30) // BM 74a(18); XnX1B3 5'uA:20b(15) Geon. expl.: HK13AT 71X m J'BMW X'BJ TGHark 13:15; Y: x;b: Hul ib.(BAYTN 90). n'S3 adj. bloated (4- Vns: pe., pass.part.; Sy r^-iii ; °v \ LS 435) pl.m.cs. ]B3 Tl'BJ (people) bloated from hunger Sab 33a(38); Tan 19b(7) // BB 91b(13); f. XI1B1X '3 xn'BJI (a lung) which is bloated like a stump Hul 47b(4); xnri'B: 'yi3 HX'T3 ]"im nm bloated soft pustules in the lung ^/- (AC 4:49, s.v. TJtJ) [expl. 4- l#Xi:3] tP'SJ adj. big, large, great, numerous, deep, adv. much (4- Vl#©B3 pe., pass.part.; Ma V51 ta 761 ^33 MD 303, Akk napsu A abundant, plentiful CAD N/1 318) I. adj. 1. big, large, great: a. in size: sg.m. rr'TraV'a -rain in miata wsi xnp-n nil because the r-jug is (too) big for one person to carry and (too) small for two persons to carry BM 83a(25; HP 76:7); X31D W'BJ it was very large Qid 26b(16); b. in amount: sg.m. X03H H'3 TWIT VSll a privy whose filth is great Sab 10b(l); Yom lla(44); XTiy»3 TOII XnTB3 2/'B3T in terms of the effort (picking out the refuse) is great. In terms of the amount it is small Bes 14b(17); BM 21a(34; V22); W51 X"7T XD1I XpD'y xmi"l a small business deal whose profit is not great Ket 66b(15); Sab 80b(24); BM 82b(8); So? 42b(53); /4Z 73a(23); Hul lllb(41); f. X»'B3 rrrTOT his merit is great San 93a(45); XWB3 xnmXT n3in3» nrairo her ketubba is greater than the fetoioa of the Torah BQ 89b(23); pl.m. rram 'WSJ its [i.e. the congregation's] prayers are greater AZ 4b(36; J); ib. 5a(6); c. in number: sg.f. XW51 mn X1? XnB'l the (number of loaves of) bread was not great Tan 23b(31); Sab 140b(14); pl.m. HH31I ]Vtrsn DWHJ because His troops are numerous Hul 60a(7); 'WBH D'^IS ■jXItt?' on the festivals when the Jews are numerous Yom 20b(8); Ber 6a(7); Sab 32a(ll); Yom 81a(23); Zev 86b(14); Sab 44a(26); Ta« 21a(l); San 52a(48); /^Z 8b(54); n'B'T 'W'Bn one who has many eyelashes 5eA: 44a(30) [expl. MH |'BT? ib.]; '®'BJ 'BV many days SSHai 18a(10); f. }WT)1 "pn those (restrictions) are more numerous Yev 74b(32); Zev 45b(35); xnXWBJ XHXJlVs many differences of opinion TGAs42 61:23; d. in importance: inTD WBH WYX a person who is greater than they HG1 131:24 [Var: X3T X131 ib.]; 2. deep (of water): pl.m. X'tt '»'B3 x"711^30 we thought that the water was not deep BB 73b(29; P1) [cf. BH a>3T\ tra Is 23:3]; Er 88b(36); Fes 42a(14); BQ 51b(28); WG5 357:33; AnanSch 8:8; j'& 10; II. adv. much, excessive: X31D WBJ m extenso iSGF 58:6; '»'»V BTB3 xVl it is not excessive to say ... NDGR 227:3; i'6. 16 Voc: W'S: HPP 278:20. On VB1 BB 121a(5) // Ned 78a(29), v. 4- V2# VS1; Y: tb'W Ber 44b(45). VS3, 'S3 vb. to fall, enter, occur (4- XTlVflM, X"7B'3; Sy -W. LS 436, Ma bsi MD 303) Pe. (a/u); form w/o final lamed: 'BJ Pe? llla(38; C);- l. to fall: b'BJ xp n'ifBjai X'lnV rrp3e/ leave the drunken man alone, for he will fall by himself Sab 32a(8); n'131 XirXB V'BJT one who falls from a roof and dies BB 58b(7); Yev 64b (45); mVDp'JI H'ty VlB'^T X13D she thought that (the spindle) would fall on him and kill him San 95a(46); nsnV blB'm 'DpH before (the bird) falls into his courtyard BM 102a(46) // Hul 141b(28); xyiX^ iV'Bi (if the animals) fell to the ground ib. 51a(42); 51b(ll); BB 73b(30); AZ 68b(22); Hul 98a(19); HM 43:8; 2. to collapse, fall apart [w. 1»]: "7BJ1 ISn'XT XTW 'Xtn I saw a house which broke apart and collapsed Ber 56a(41); BM 101b(26); Xrm3 XHBXT XTM/H "?B3 the outer wall of the mansion collapsed Er 25b(13); BQ 23b(35); BB 146b(2); ?rra VSJI XmiB Kims (the garment) disintegrated [lit. fell apart from him bit by bit] Sab 110b (44); mn 'SI 'nb'n 'if^ri nVsai xnVira nV i^'bia when we were lifting it up [i.e. the lung], it broke up and fell apart into various pieces Hul 53b(45); 3. to jump off: xVmi X(n>ni,l,a Vsa1? XJI3 he was about to jump off the planks of the bridge Suk 52a(54); X3V3D1 XDXipa X^'Bi I shall jump off from the sailyard and drown Tan 21a(25) // Ket 69b(37); max n"7S3 Xp '3 as she was jumping (off the roof) she said BB 3b(41); Tan 29a(44); Ket 103b(15); 4. w. by/'2 to attack, afflict: "?1B1 inainai inwby they attacked them and struck them Git 57a(46); XIU'BO "?J? '33 J iVsn X3TVI if pirates [lit. robbers] attacked a boat HG2 408:14; HG3 190:17; ND'J. "fiy "7B3 DX if a band of marauders attacks you HM 45:7; nnx H'ty "?B3 a lion attacked him Ber 54a(34); Sab 53b(42); X"n 'n n'Jirsn X3T rrV VSJ the ^.-pest attacked PN's flax Hul 85b(40); 'm'ry ,]?1B attack him Bo 72:6; rrnynxxn xVbD Vsn 'Xtn I saw that decay afflicted his fingers Ber 56a(54); ib. 56; BQ 92b (27); XJHX3 "?'B3T XJXpT1? for blight which afflicts a field ffl/44:3; ib. 5; WH '33 Xlllia "?E331 XmVj pestilence afflicted the exilarch's house SOZ 72:20; 5. w. bv to be s.o.'s responsibility: b'Ba 'Vy IX1? 'jyaT V3 all who become poor are not my responsibility Ned 65b(19; V2); 6. w.
^-33 762 Vb: "3 to be placed on s.o.: X133 Xinna "733 13'X Xn^a XH '3 nax X1?! XBXBT had a muzzle only been placed on me I would not have said such a thing! San 107a(26); xVns ma 'j'BXJI iron manacles were placed upon him (in prison) Anan 37:6; 7. w. Vy to bend over s.t.: XWI ty ^33 TO'tn rtyDpt mrfnyi he bent over the tip of his prepuce and bit it off with his teeth AZ 10b(45); 8. to be present, occur: H'3 V'3X31 'T» "?31 O'l'DH JTOBna anything in which there is present (one) of the five types (of grain) GS 313:14; 9. to get involved: XH3"I3"I3 |H3n "?B3 our colleague has gotten involved in serious matters Bes 25a(6); 10. to take place, occur: TlBipn m>B31 (^XTUtPa ID'! the vernal equinox occurs in Saturn Ber 59b(5); msVa tmmn rvb "?B3 a thought came into his mind Meg 15b(50); xni'Tl V>S31 a quarrel will occur Geon 240:10; XB1B ma Vwi 15? until a blemish occurs in it HG3 294:5; «& 295:14; 11. to be found, located [GeonH bzu CG 15:10]: Xap X333 V'S3 XVTI it is found in Bava Qamma gc 69:8; vmnx xmna xnyaw rr>b x"?B3i he located [lit. it was found by him] the legal tradition in another place [i.e. not in the tractate that they were studying] San 99b(52); 12. w. ~b to come into s.o.'s possession [MH ~b "?B3 J 924]: 'TIT HXB yaiX H1? i?S11 XJIXTX X7CT a certain woman who came into possession of four hundred zuzim Ket 80a(12); X^TI '331? XJlsntJ "?B3 the te/-e/a has come into the possession of the soldiers Hul 94b(27); TOlTa Tfb n"?DJ it came into his possession by inheritance BM 16a(14); 13. to become subject to s.o. (in a levirate marriage) [w. 'Bp; cf. MH2 D3' ^sb n"7B3 Yev 41b(32)]: D3' 'lap VlB'JVT n'^> XTO xVl he does not want her to be subject to a levirate marriage Ket 2b(33); Xm3@D1B3 niiT mV T7331 X131 X1HH a certain man to whom a woman became subject to levirate marriage in GN ib. 81b(13); llla(23); Git 71a(38); U\vb x"?B31 yryb by the time that she became subject to levirate marriage Anan 108:10; ib. 109:10; 14. to be thrown [w. by upon s.o.]: ]'3j? njWJl 'ty "7133 nine qabs (of water) have been thrown upon me Ber 22b(40); ib. 42; 15. metaph. to fall over s.o./s.t.: a. an area [of light, darkness, shadow]: X3,l '33 XIVU "733 light fell in the court Ket 65a(32); Ber 5b(27); b*K KWV sunlight fell (over the ant nest) Hul 57b(43); 7t"by imam X^TO "V'BS (if) another man's shadow falls over him Pes llla(38; C); Bes 24a(24); V>BX3i 'apa m«n xwae; xanyi -ma X13H after the sun of the Sabbath sets (and) before darkness falls Anan 77:5; b. a person [of fear]: XaVy 'Vox "inB'N X^S31 fear of you will fall upon everyone Ber 56a(47; MGG 705:12); 16. in idiomatic phrases: a. w. XH1B to develop a blemish: XB1B (1)n(')3 ^BJT iy WTCPb let him put them aside until a blemish develops in them Bek 61a(23); /& 25b(47); &Z> 46b(13); Bes 26a(12); Men 100b(38); b. w. KS1 to circulate properly (of blood): .TBI n'3 "733 Kb T13X1 n'Vna'^i mai n'3 V'bjt iy mb lmn^i as to (an infant) whose blood is not yet circulating properly, let them wait for him until his blood circulates properly, and (then) he should circumcise him Sab 134a(35; V); c. w. 'TON Jl'33 to be cast into prison [cf. Sy: di_i^s <A_£lj pc'xjljbk' PSm 2412]: 'JJT'ai 'TDX TT33 ^3X31 one who is cast into prison and is tortured Anan 37:5; d. w. 'BN Vy to prostrate o.s.: 1) in prayer: msx "?y V'bj mm xav ^3 b'n xp mn he used to regularly prostrate himself every day Qid 81b(8); y>m umbs '3 'a: psx by "733a prostrating oneself is also considered like prayer AnanMann lr:9; Meg 22b(25); ib. 23a(l); Sot 22a(32); BM 59b(42); 2) as a plea: TVTd? mpEttl mBX by "733 he prostrated himself and kissed her foot Ket 63a(15); e. w. "T^ to be dependent on s.o.: 'T^ ibm you are dependent on me AZ 39a(45) Af. l. to drop: xarm m^ca nb [rrsxi =] iV'si Vrr go and drop it in a basket of bread Bo 125:11; ib. 112:10 [v. Muller-Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 163]; 2. to miscarry, abort: mV 71X131 ]XB X"7BB1 n'T3m XT\rPXb one who strikes another's wife and she miscarries San 109b(14); 'V'BX Xb I did not miscarry Yev 65b(2); ib. 8 [4- X^S'3]; BB 93a(8); Hul 42a(2); najPXl V'BXl layxi X3711 "?'BX1 lay'XI "j'BXl if she became pregnant and miscarried three times HP 113:20; ib. 135:8; 139:2; X^'BX H3p3 IX "I3TIX JPT x"?T 'X if it is not known whether she aborted a male or a female Anan 63:7; 3. w. "#B3 to turn o.s. over to K^Sa 763 pS3 another: HIDX"^ H'UBi ^'BB '^IBX would he actually turn himself over to the highwaymen? Git 38a(22) Itpe. to collapse [Sy etpa. LS ib.]: VlBJ'X YTm they collapsed again Meg 4a(9); '■jIBi'X1? 'TO (the earth wall of the channel) is apt to collapse MQ 2a(14) Lit: Eps, GC 1521; 163 [Pe„ mng. 11]. Hb91 I ,'?B3 13 n. 033 vb. to card wool (4- X0B3, VfBi; Sy .m^i etpe. LS 437) Pa.: 'DIB: nOBJT he actually carded it (by beating it) BQ 93b(30) [* I V2#pno pa.] KDB3 n.m. (uncertain; perh. carder; 4- VoB3; cf. Sy rdioAj carding of wool LS 437) sg. XDB3T rffni X3X3 's'oa rr^e'n'n xnai a woman whose husband is a ... may hang him on the doorposts of the gate and dwell (in matrimony) Yev 118b(39) // X01B3 Ket 75a(19; Ar [AC 5:365]) Geon. expl.: 121 tal nX13^n TO H3 1'BJOB K'DJ ]W3 X0B3 pTTffl paxn m'jb nwK3 kdbi imx 1'K-np pmsi f sn iV wi ami ^l^x XDB3 V?'BN 101K X1H 13 l'^y yTTBO Kim [J"B K"B D'X'jS] DIBJm n^ 'r'yim (nntexs nnns iy wi^rfr n^w nn'n hbk Vw n^ys nan frsKi 1133 13 n1? w nteaa jop iVbxi ... na nnvno 3101 o'Tain iwa mm trv n»3 rnun 13 nV w so^if17 w nob:1? oht Yev 233:22; v. also Ar [AC ib.] for other expl.; Y: N0B3 Yev ib.(BAYTN 90). «]S3 vb. (uncertain; i V«yi3, xmBBJ) Pa.: xmBB33 <n)(X)BB3''1? let him ... with a ... Sab 134a(29) Nm3S3, NJVB33 n.f. (uncertain; I V«]33) sg. &rt> 134a(29) [Var: Xri'SBW GnK5 170:1] Geon. expl.: mix p'inm HBB3 rmiX pil3B GnK5 170:1. Nri'BB3 n.f. (uncertain) sg. xn'BB3T 'miB X1HH that small amount of... Yev 114b(42; O2) Geon. expl.: xn'BBJ mTPt n^!>» 13 WW ,1»w: Dyn nn'BBJ "VB HOB OHT ib. 231:1. ysa vb. to shake, hackle, split (I X3B3, VDB3; Sy j?Aj LS 437, Ma TB3 MD 303) Pe. (a/u) 1. to shake, shake off: a. alone: p3~l Wp 11H '3 n'1? '031 xpsx p'Vo mn vr'a^ri 'sbji n'ns'naa xav^ when the students used to get up from his [i.e. Rav Huna's] academic session and shake off their garments, the dust used to rise up and conceal the sun Ket 106a(23); Sab 147a(5; RaH); mBX3 m1? 131B: let them shake it [i.e. the dust from the garment] in his presence ib. (7; V); b. w. Vnti: 4- Vl#'"Ttf pe., mng. I.l.c.3; 2. to hackle: nr,""iay fts hackle his wool Yom 20b(22); XJTTO 'SB3 nn '3 when they used to hackle flax BB 26a(2); pass.part. K*?1 pm XJJI'a f S3 flax which is beaten but not hackled Sab 20b(25); Suk 12b(13); //«/ 51b(37) Pa. 1. to shake, shake off, shake out: Tfb f\bli mV ]"B3ai xn'3^3 XnV'a he salts it [i.e. the meat] with rock salt and shakes it off Hul 113a(29); HG3 211:69; 'SIBS 12PB3 shake (the wine) out vigorously AZ 72b (21); ,SB3a XpT ]33T Xin •WWbl Sab 147a(5) [v. Pe., mng. 1]; 2. to split: 'in mnDWXl ,TSB3 he split it and found that it was two (nerves) Hul 76b(ll); ]Wb nrD3B '3 XBiyai I'Tin nais"7 when you shake the bundle of nerves in a bird HP 206:5 NSB3 n.m. purgative, enema (4- VfB3; Sy rc^io-s LS 438) sg. •mipB/X XXB3T XBD they gave them a purgative medicine to drink Nid 30b(21) [cf. Sy: ^*» • ~ - ^i k^co PSm 2419] Y: KXB: WW ib. p33 vb. to go out, be over, take out, send away (4- 71BX, x'a ps'a n'3, ps3n, xnp33n, X3psa, XnpBa, XpB'3, XpB3, XnpB3; Sy coAj LS 438, Ma pB3 MD 304) Pe. (a/u) I. General: 1. to go out, come out [in a physical sense]: a. alone: 1) animate subj.: rDWXI pT pB3 he went out, investigated, (and) found Hag 19a(25); a'TTX pB3 n,I7a"133 he went out (and) sat on the karmelit Sab 146b(43); Yev 61b(9); Ned 39b(44); Git 20a(26); BB 31b(23); San 82a(32); Hul 86b(6); 'Tfrxi pIB'XT b-'VS. let me go out and see Git 56a(37); J13D1 n»TlX '»3 IpB'Vl let (the messengers) go out also for Tammuz and Tevet RH 18a(52); ]D'3 'aV3 p'B3T ]XB 'XH one who goes out in the days of Nisan Ber 43b(10); X"?T 'pB31 mm 1BD 'p32; they do not leave the Torah scroll and go out (of the synagogue) Meg 22a(36); nrV X'lH .WH tfh p'B3ia from the time that (the foetus') head comes out (of the womb) it is considered birth Nid 26a(23); 71 p'yT x"?1 XWH3 pB3 VCVTi we do not know which one of them came out (of the womb) first BB 141a(33);
PS3 764 pu n'JTDl H'T 'PXB1 p'Bil 1J7 until he goes out (of the privy) and washes his hands and feet Anan 25:21; Ber 19a(18) [I Vj?TT pe., mng. 4]; Sab 129a(53); Er 93a(29); Yom 87a(l) // San 7b(30); Bes 25b(40); 5M 84b(5); 2) spirits, demons: lplS H'mH ]'B1 ,Tn'3 ]'B go out of his house and his dwelling Bo 7:15; //>. 9:4; 3) inanimate subj.: 3'J1' prion p'BJ H*? K'lm XBIl m1? a bone of the snake can penetrate into him, will not go out, (and) he will become mortally ill Pes 112b(30); "inn TU 'ps: xV 'S1J 'Jiym p'S3 granted that the venom can go out (of the mouth). The tear itself does not go out (of the eye) Nid 55b(41); bmim XTU pSi iTTlVaxi the fire came out of the hasmal and consumed him Hag 13a(49); X1BX1 xVp J13 npS3 mV a voice went out and said to him San 96b(13); xps: xV'BB xnwaen an error departs of itself BB 21a(42); b. w. a fol. vb. of motion: 1) V^y pe. to enter [cf. JudA 'ty psa [X]^ "?ya x"?l NS 8a: 10]: (a) to go out and in: ^"yi iTltfy ysi n*IE/y ten (people) go out and ten (people) enter Pes 64b(13); pDJ byi X3'na from the place where it entered it went out Bek 8b (41); im pBJT im ^"yi the (mouse) that comes out is the (same) one that goes in (afterwards) Pes 10b(23); XrOTT3 733 &b pS'B 'V>y ty'8 31 H'3 fl'Xl in PN's place, (the people) do indeed enter (late) but do not indeed leave (early) Meg 22b(l); p'na X3yT xVt ■?"y p'nVi p'SJ I do not know from where (the comet) comes out from and where it enters [i.e. cannot predict its orbit] Ber 58b(47); X'B Viy X'B pis: water entered (and) water went out Bek 7a(50) [describing animal urine]; Sab 110a(41); "?"y xV 'X1J1? p'S3 'XmV does (the blood) go outward (and) not go inward? [i.e. does it spread only in one direction?] Zev 15a(10); BB 96b(15); nVn Vyai 'mn p3'B3 at the end of the second and the beginning of the third (hour) [lit. in the going out of the second and the entering of the third] Pes 1 lb(35); (b) to recede and protrude: p'DJ 'Xm b»y 'XH one (board) receded and the other protruded Sab 98b(16); ST 490:25 [of a stitch]; (c) to frequent: (1) alone: Vun X1?! Wi'X UKb V"yi p'SH a person who does regularly frequent there Ket 85b(7); p'SH ]XB yv mVa n'JT'aV V"yi a creditor knows whoever frequents his house BM 35a(8); ,T3 XpBJI n'3 x"?'yi p'3 since she frequently goes around in it [i.e. the wig] San 112a(56); 'T1TX p'BJl "?"y Xpl he frequents (the buyer's house) for (his) money BM 77b(48); TGAs42 5:32; (2) w. another vb.: 31 p'wi «]'roa "?"yi fnaa pnx' 13 jam pn used to carry in and out on his shoulders (whatever was necessary for the Sabbath) Sab 119a(18); 2) w. V'JIK pe. to come out: X131 Xinn xnx pSI a certain man came out Ber 58a(45); Ket 52b(42); 'nxi p'BJ xnn mm '31 when (the snake) smells the smell it comes out Sab 110a(33); TIKI p'B: 3'Jl' he comes out (and) sits (in the court) 5a« 18b(25); XflX ps: XII pID XU PN, come out. He came out Er llb(26); Yom 69b(22); mn XB8'3 Tib TX01 TIX1 p'SJ in the daytime he used to come out and inspect it [i.e. the garden] Tan 9b(15); 2. to go out from another's control, be released: a. of a wife from marriage [cf. MH tibti niXXi' iiairpa MKet 7:6, Sy k'^^Jk' rd_n_aj ^nf PSm 2420]: XD'33 nXBip X13J ]B Xps:i she is divorced from her first husband by means of a get HP 128:21; rVTW\ ]B W27X XpBJ x"?l his wife has not gone out of his control Anan 104:15; b. of a woman from her father's control: '113 niB13 iTJTrcnn 'b XpSJ X.TB with regard to invalidating vows she has, in fact, gone out of his control Qid 4a(4); c. of a slave from bondage [v. Af, mng. I.6.c]: Vmb piBH ,1'*? xrn he wants to go free BQ 74a(36); xpsn xyii'B mma (the debt of) his daughter (sold into bondage) is reduced (as time passes) and she goes free Qid 20a(50); Yev 46a(26); 3. to go out from one status to another: a. of a convert from Judaism: n"?11 '3 XpS31 X'na 'BJ when she grows up she can protest (against her conversion) and leave (Judaism) Ket lla(25); b. of offerings: piSTl mVya TOP nxun 'VinV a sin offering whose owner dies should become hullin BQ 110b(43); Pes 27b(10); BM 57b(13); Ara 21a(7); mina n'V xpsi mn^BI ]V3 D1 as soon as he salted it [i.e. the blood], it ceased to be in the category of blood for him Men 21a(12); 4. to be brought out: p'BJ xp mn xV X3X33 n"11B his bed could not be brought out through the door MQ 25a(27); Xp xV mim>im X3IP3 in iy 'pBJ the tables are not brought out 765 psa until Sunday Meg 30a(20); 5. to break out [on skin of pustules; Sy rc'^vjuucuj-va iua_aj a carbuncle broke out PSmSup 215]: TIBS PP1? 1pD3 n'BX3 pustules broke out on his face San ioia(37); p'Jiyi mn ttcd ty m p'sn ytw a boil which breaks out in him up to four (years [?] after he is sold, whether) new or old Git 86a(8); 6. to sprout: xnaiw n,!7 p'bjt ^y -pi ,td]?i hold it [i.e. the donkey] with you until its (cut-off) tail sprouts San 109b(17); Sab 108a(40) [I Xiyi]; 10 iTWBJB p'Dl when (the plant) sprouts of itself HG3 395:9; 7. to rise (of the sun): xpBJ 'D1? from the time that (the sun) rises Git 77a(l) [caique < MH np'mia nan xxn^aV ib. 76b(44)]; 8. to set out on a journey: a. w. XmiX3: 'y3T ]XB 'Xm Xnnxa pD'JT one who wants to set out on a journey Kar 5b(54); Er 51b(30); b. alone: ]V3 P'dj xV '»3 (x)naK; 'Vyaa p'sa xV na^3T since he does not set out on a journey on the Sabbath, neither does he set out on a journey on Friday Sab 69b(38); ib. 32a(18); 9. to be specified [caique < MH XS' J 587, mng. 4c]: nmnx V,b 'XT ps: xV ps: x^i 'xa1? psj pan 'xaV xrax mn xnp if Scripture had not restored it [i.e. the guilt offering of the leper] I would have said: It applied to what was specified [lit. for what it went out it went out]. It did not apply to what was not specified Yev 7b(5); 10. to be over, pass (of time) [Sy kL^jo-. ,n<M, etc. PSm 2420, MH2 XX' J 587, mng. 2; I y»X v.n.]: W 'pS3 mn '3 XnOBT when the days of Passover were over Pes 30a(8); n,!? pS2 XJTXm X^l this night [lit. the night of today] is over for him Sab 87a(14); BQ 79b(52); Yev 78b(44); HP 30:32; ny rf? p'a^l X3t5 xav p'DJT he waits for it until the holiday is over ib. 40:25; HG1 66:99; 11. to fulfill one's obligation or duty [w. "3; caique < MH "a XX' J 587; JPA (n'Tiam 'T) pSJ DJPA 357, mng. 9d]: p'Si 'D'n TO~ar\ "?3 yB© Kb '31 but when he does not hear the entire blessing, how can he fulfill his obligation? Ber 53b(40); RH 27a(10); X*7 ps'a 'X H'S p'DJ if he cannot actually fulfill his duty with it BB 137b(l); lVw irXB? lbbl p'SXJ Xp he fulfills his duty with a lulav which is not his HP 34:32; Pes 38a(22); Hul 22b(28); 12. w. a fol. vb. to indicate incipient action: 'Xn3 'Jnivai plS'3 xaby let us undertake to benefit in this world Hag 15a(25); 1,THTO X3ip Tayil piD'3 let us start doing battle with them Git 56a(30); 'in pis start looking [lit. go out (and) see] Bes 29b(10); Ber 30b(6) [+11% I lib mng. l.b.2]; Pes 30a(9); Ned 40a(17); BM 20b(2); San 87a(30); Hul 99b(24); 13. to be transferred (of money), expended [denom. < i XflpM]: 'y3'1 '33 p'SJ Xpl im xaiBX XJiaai three-quarters of the money is transferred on the testimony of one (witness) Git I5b(3); x:m rra "?y ipsa ywvi tbVx 'ysixi p»y ]'T 2,400,000,000 (denars) were expended on this wedding chamber Ned 50b(38); 14. to be acceptable for payment: X3XB XT1T X3'X mn p'Bl Hbl min3 he had an underweight zuz with him which was not acceptable for payment Bek 51a(l); 'V p'BJ Xp x"71 X1.T X'3D (the coin) is debased, and I cannot make payment with it BQ 99b(53); 15. to be inferiyd, concluded, derived [w. "V; v. Af., mng. 1.9]: 1) from Scripture: XpBJ XIpT n'ETia it is derived from the beginning of the verse Pes 18a(31); "\pi H'S'Oa XpBJ it is derived from the latter part of the verse Sot 3b (22); Hul 140a(6); DJinB XpSJ XDHB Xn XpS3 is this derived from here [i.e. Ex 21:22]? It is derived from there [i.e. Dt 25:2] Ket 37a(27); Sot 46a(26); San 56a(33); Men 83b(10); X>b xpBl )iyai£? 'lb Wb XpBJT XS'na he infers it from the place that PN infers it Yom 45a(40); Tern 2a(28); Hul 113b(18); Pes 21b(46); '1 npaiB vf? XpSi nnsb ^b p yvv\> they derive it from what PN teaches his son from Scripture Hor 8a(40); pID'JTl EPX VMS 'V let me infer it from (the words) W'X ^'X [Lev 20:9] San 85b(28); 2) from Rabbinic statements: 'aTlB n'1? XpD3 he derives it from PN's (statement) Yom 32b(5); "Jm» n'1? XpD3 he derives it from what is learnt (in a barraita) Ket 38b(7); BB 14b(23); San 52b(43); 3) by means of a logical argument: xVdd '83 n3pjT ^ piS'm I can conclude that a female (embryo) will also invalidate Yev 67a(51); 5g 101a(31); BB 19a(53); T/o/- llb(39); Hul 44b(22); 16. to be produced (of a legal document) [v. Af., mng. 1.8]: a. w. 'T 'Ulna: X"IBB? pDl'T Xnn'X X'nn X3H 'SS PIT 'JVIJIB a certain woman who produced a deed in court ib. 31a(52); Git
psa 766 psa 64a(29); f?">K 'am'T mnn» pisn xaro dto Vdi any document at all which these orphans may produce Dec 10:17; SSHai 5b(10); b. w. ty: '33 K-IDfi; mnn mfiy pBl ttf'^'y 31 a certain document was issued against PN's sons BM 68b(43); XliTI nVy X13T1 psn 'Bin X1DW a certain document of orphans against which a receipt was produced BB 7b(7); II. w. var. preps.: 1. w. 'BXV to go out to greet s.o.: n'BX^> "ID'p '31 xmBX pBl the maidservants of the palace went out to greet him Ket 17a(18); /A. 63a(23); Tan 23b(5); 5g 104b(17); Hul 7b(14); 2. w. nrfr to go out towards s.o.: 4- mi"? mng. la; 3. w. mtnpb to prevail against: IT^p1? plB' (your breath) will prevail against it [i.e. the east wind] San 18b(40); 4. w. p to follow, result from s.t.: XpBl 'XBV Hl'B what is the practical difference? [lit. concerning what does it follow from it?] Sab 21a(l); Pes 107a(42); BQ 24a(27); AZ 6a(36); Bek 41b(5) [and passim]; ni'B XpBl X1? it is unnecessary [lit. nothing results from it] Anan 23:17; ib. 35:15; 109:12; 5. w. p to issue (of progeny): l.T'l'B plBJ X3HB 'pBl '313T '131 'in 1'3X n3 X"n 3-11 1'3X 13 'TX 31 two great men will issue from here. PN and PN2 issued from them Sab 23b(25); X'Vya W'J'X pa p'D31 an outstanding person will issue from us Ber 10a(50);.Kw» 82b(9); Git 56a(20); Qid 73a(4); San 99b(32); 6. w. -'1'3B to go forth from between: a. in a lit. sense: X'Bl Xl'y XpBll VP1'3B a spring goes forth from between them [i.e. the two date palms] Sab 110a(40); b. in a fig. sense: ITO'IB Xrfra pBl the matter went out (for discussion?) from among them Sab 121b(33) [4- l#xnV>B mng. 9fJ; 7. "'T 'JIVM to let s.t. go out from one's hand or possession, produce [cf. MH2 it nnna px mrv 'a BQ 33a(4)]: xinn ■TT Tlina xnsno psn xmt3 a certain butcher who let a ;ere/o go out from his possession (as permitted meat) San 25a(21); 8. w. by to have expenditures [4- XIlpBl; cf. Sy: >n-i*j A^lAo ri'ifui^j «A_i. m^iij every expense for the temple 2K 12:12; v.'pSm 2422]: piS'1? in'1'B inxi lH'Vy their descendants [lit. those who come from them] will have expenditures AZ 10b(ll) [cf. Rashi: JllXXin lX'Xl']; 9. w. Vy to attack, challenge: a. literally: "nya1? ^KW linn ]1'3 "inV p'^Dpi in'1?? p'pDJ when the Israelites are about to pass by we shall attack them and kill them Ber 54b(2); b. in a legal sense: 01JU'3 13 m n'noxi mo nn rrby ipsa two witnesses challenged PN and testified against him San 25a(14); III. in idiomatic expressions: 1. w. -JiyiN to appease: 4- XflJH mng. 6b; 2. w. N3"lin to take place (of a ruinous result): 4- X3Tin mng. 3; 3. w. XJ13in »T to fulfill an obligation: 4- Xmin mng. 2b; 4. w. KS'lV to go out to court: 4- XVT mng. 6c; 5. w. KfipBB to defecate: 4- Xnpsa; 6. w. "tfrSJ to die: 4- XWB1 mng. 7e; 7. w. XJIBBTJ to die: 4- XriBtf'J usage b; 8. w. Krm to lose consciousness: 4- Xim mng. 2; 9. w. l#xVp to spread of a rumor: 4- l#x"7p mng. 3.b.3; 10. w. Kl~\p to develop of an excrescence: 4- xnp mng. 2; k. 11. XTlltf to speak about s.t: 4- l#xrviE7 usage b; 12. w. KTIB'tf to proclaim: 4- X"11B'2? mng. lb Af./Haf. I. General: 1. to take out, remove, send away: a. alone: 1) people: m^Opl nipBX they took him out and executed him Git 57b(37); Bes 25b(33) [in a litter]; BB 58a(34); nXipBXT iy XtinB n^lBB until she had chased her out of all GN Ket 65a(34); 'in n'TlpBX she put him out (after he had drunk) an even number (of cups) Pes 110b(22); ib. 110a(24); xV JpiBX1? XnyiX ~\b '"IIIX I did not rent (it) to you in order to evict myself BM 117a(2); JX'^aT iy n'piBin1? V'D' x"?l ]'JE7 1'mn he cannot evict him until the two years are completed Geon 163:4; 'XII mnt33XT ]1'3 TPb 'psa since they promised him, they will certainly release him (from prison) Pes 91a(ll; C); 2) animals: -]rp3B ("|):ipBX xrf?llJ-|ri did you put a hen out of your house? Sab 151b(50); ]1'3 mpBXT after they released it (from the pen) BQ 56b(l); 3) demons: '1001 'I'll 'TW ^3 p'Sai he will send away all the demons, dews, and satans Bo 64:3; ib. 33:10; 4) objects: XtfJ'3 H'TIBX p'BX 'X12/1 the maidservant took out the sweepings and threw (them upon him) Yom 87a(44); '3a p'BX 1H3 warwxi iWipn nn he brought out the Temple vessels and used them Meg llb(25); X1? X71DH iTV Xp'BX she did not bring out bread to him Hag 5a(l); MQ 28a(50); Sab 91a(9); Qid 70b(8); BQ 17a(7); San 7b(39); 13"B1B inns xbXSH lp'BXl open your mouths (in the bathhouse) and expel the vapor (of the perspiration) Sab 41a(25); ib. 146a(56); HP 200:11 [of air from the lung]; HW X1X"?2?X x^nsi xsai-i ns 'psai xrtx'Vna npi '3 ronwi it is called '., it is found in the cavities of pearls, and they remove rust of iron with it Nid 62a(22; GCG 115:4) [v. GC 115"]; yrfO n'JYiriB 'pBBl X3'31 xai 'V3'12?B they used to remove from under him sixty basins of blood and secretion (?) BM 84b(3); b. w. fol. vb. ^Ibby af.: 1) to take out and bring in: b"yT\ x"71 p'BTl p'DJl xVl V»5m may you bring in and not take out. May you take out and not bring in MQ 9b (10) [oracular statement; v. ib.(17)]; 'Vl'V '"7 na yiBX 'V na what is the difference between taking out and bringing in (from one domain to another)? Sab 96b(13); San 15a(14) [w. ref. to the Temple treasury]; Mak 20a(4); 2) to remove and include: Xin p'BX D1D1E? V"yi lri'Ta remove one of them and include tracing of lines Sab 75b(8); Pes 42b(20); Yom 21a(29); Suk 54b(8); Mak 22a(2); AZ 39b(7); Men 21a(l); Hul 42b(14); 3) to make protrude and recede: '3 XBX0 V"yi KBXD p'BX XTO "j'Sp'Vl '3'H he made (one)' row protrude and (another) row recede so that (the wall) would grasp the plaster BB 4a(26) // Suk 51b(24); 4) to transfer uncleanness from a major portion of a body to a minor portion: 'Vl'S? x"?"5?a XJIOT X'5?3'a 'plBX now (if a handle) can indeed transfer uncleanness to the body, is there a question about its passing it on? Hul 118a(17); 5) to draw back and forth of cords: '^l'y HDa xnp3X3 'plBXl 'Vvy vm 'Jm 'piBXl (regarding) the bed frame, there is drawing back and forth (of the ropes) in the slits. (Regarding) the d.-bed, there is drawing back and forth (of the ropes) in the loops San 20b(6) // Ned 56b(16); 2. to take away, expropriate: a. money: X1? XJiaa 'plBX P'pBa we do not actually expropriate money Ket 28b(31); BM 32a(5); x"?31 mo x"73 Xnaa p'BBT n'XI one who expropriates money without witnesses and without proof BB 58a(30); ib. 52a(27); BQ 113b(49); Ket 16b(21); b. objects or property in lieu of obligation: H'l'a ]3'pBa ny3~lX we take four (measures of grain) away from him BM 65a(l 1); BQ 15b(25); H'T ]a xyiX1? npiBXI1? to take the field out of his possession SSHai 16b(3); TGHark 1:28; BB 43b(13); 3. to exclude, exempt [caique < MH X'Sin1? J 587]: a. general: '■>im Xn 'plBxV 'Xa 'plBX1? to exclude what? To exclude that which is learnt ... Ned 41a(36); 'OV 'na 'plBX1? to exclude (the view) of PN Git 85b(47); BQ 110a(40); San 51a(15); 'plBX1? niV1? (\)[]}VQ XV TI3XT D'JlBp D'3H3 to exclude minor priests who have not reached (the age of) serving Anan 21:14; ny3U> 'plXl ny3B? p'BX it excluded seven (days) and set (it at) seven BQ 25a(i5); n'owsa xnp*7 n'V xpsai two htu x'rix 'naj1? a fTRP m'n-argument can come and exclude a biblical verse completely from its plain sense Ket 38b(13); b. pass.part.: 1) alone: pBB X3"?aT Xl"13@'a it is exempted from the royal poll tax Suk 45a(23) [expl. GN XSia Colonia Mib. 4:5 as if pronounced XS1B*]; 2) in phrase pBB ... pBB neither ... nor [lit. excluded ... excluded]: XDB 1B3B XpBai "]13a XpBBT X'OnB GN which is neither a city nor a village Ket 4a(14); XJim XH ]j3-na xpsai 'nna xpsa n'prn m that which (the one) of the School of PN learnt is neither (the opinion) of PN2 nor that of the scholars San 79b(3); Yom 32b(29; L); Zev 24b(3); 4. to stick s.t. out: n'DIOl n'3'31? H'pBX (the dog) stuck out its tooth and lacerated him BQ 23b(15); p'BB n'WT he sticks his head out (of the pit) RH 28a(20); Bek 46b(ll); Ber 24a(4); 5. to exude: X'B p'BB xVn^nBT ]T3 since (the wooden spit) is perforated [i.e. not solid] it exudes water Pes 74a(13); ib. 15; 6. to transfer s.o./s.t. from one legal condition to another [v. Pe., mng. 3]: a. of a person from one status to another: p'BBpT ]XB 'pina ''WBJ one who removes himself from a presumed status Qid 79b(13; M); Ber 38b(3); RH 13a(10); b. of a wife from marriage [caique < MH2 (013) X'ST J 587]: X1? ... npBX V>TH'X}) npBJl go (and) divorce (your wife), do not divorce her Qid 66a(22); Yev 29a(17); ib. 60b(53); Ket 39b(31); Git 49b(26); Nid 12b(17; HP 138:25); H'ra nb irpBB X^ X3'01'X (if) she got married, we do not compel him to divorce her Ifev 121b(46); c. of a slave from bondage: X13y
psa 768 psa lTnV n'lB n1^ p'BBl a slave whose master grants him his freedom Pes 116a(46); BQ 73b(23); SSHai 14b(5); d. of consecrated objects from one status to another: nil'Vl 'VinV npB'Vl <n)(n)'?n'Vl nenp'V mm let him redeem it [i.e. the red heifer], transfer it to a state of hullin, shear it, and afterwards consecrate it Bek 25a(31); Qid 55a(19); e. of property from the control of the court: p'pBB xV IX p'pBB 13a D^XT "?D nipBX 'BX (if) he said: "Release it [i.e. the boat] (and) whoever is more powerful will prevail [i.e. take possession]," do we release (it) or not? BB 34b(6); 7. to produce (of fruit, bread): a. alone: P'BB mm xaV'X1? rrri'X the tree remains (viable) and can produce fruit again Ber 40a(57); ib. 38a(49) [expl. MH X'XIBn ib.]; Tan 24a(12); b. w. XTS: p'S» Xp XTB IXm ]T0 since it does not produce fruit HP 192:1; 'TB p'Ba xm x"?pH a date palm which does not produce fruit HM 41:7; /& 44:8; 8. to produce (of a legal document) [w. by; I psan; Eg A "vby ppsan' 'T xibd tadb 2.3.17; cf. MH ran Vj; ain im x'xian MKet 13:8; v. Pe., mng. 1.16]: n'1? p'BB 'llffn 'Da '31 when Tisri arrives he produces it BB 171b(22); nnanx X"IDK/ p'Sai ]Xa 'Xn one who produces a document against another 5v« 41a(26; F2); Ket 56a(35); 5M 19a(13); BB 7b(17); 'Jlxa'X "?3 yip X1? 13 pi X1D2/ p'S'H whenever he produces this deed untorn ^ferf 198:20; TGHark 85:27; mXT'3X "1DP 'VB psam NN produced a quittance document SSSad 263:16; nn'JlD Xaaip1? psan he produced before us a subpoena Dec 4:3; 9. to derive [v. Pe., mng. 1.15]: a. from Scripture: JT>X ma -maVa tut prfr p'sai xan there is a 7a«na who derives intimations (of vows) from ma "hiaV [Num 6:2] Ned 3b(8); b. from Tannaitic sources: xnxp'ay 'V'B "?3 J'pBB yinaa they derive from them [i.e. barraitot] all kinds of profound matters ISGF 43:4; 10. to utter, express [MH2 X'Xia n'mi, etc. J 588]: KVn xawVa p'Ba he utters a slanderous statement Ara 15b(50); XTiri'X X'nn nVoaV TO1B3 DOT mam Xp'BXI a certain woman who uttered God's name in vain Ned 7b( 17); ib. 9a(13); Meg 3a(52); Tern 3b(46); 11. to phrase, write, compose [Sy . n °v ^ af. LS 441, mng. 17]: nyaa yrcrt>a xaam npsxn 'xm the fact that Scripture phrased it from the root yaa )fev 75a(30) [w. ref. to yjn Lev 12:4]; Hag lla(30); ina'pBXl inx ]Wbl xaam Scripture wrote them in the singular San 30a(49) [v. Dt 19:15]; Zev 4a(25); rnpa \\vbl nixvb npBX (Scripture) wrote nnx© [Lev 18:17] in the feminine (and not 1X2?) Anan 104:1; ;'/>. 49:22; 71:12; 46:15; 12. to spend or dispense money [4- XTlpBa]: TPV p'BX maa VtX nxa her husband went (and) spent six hundred (denars) Ket 80a(13); 'XBl b^pm 'Xa pB(an)(na)aT what he takes in and what he dispenses S$Hai 18a(2); 13. math, to divide: 'jnapa TOpB'Vi 'bibx nc?,I?i nxa *73B win w1?! let him take two (years) from each (complete) century (from the time of the destruction), add (them) to the remainder [lit. the 'portions'], and divide them by seven [lit. the Sabbatical cycles] az 9b (10) [cf. H n'jnap jmx x'na nnxwa Sod Ha-'ibbur 41:4; v. Sarfatti, Term 51+]; n'W''? wan in'ty *poi? ix wn rra'a Txa'Vi xnso1? TOED pa'ps'1?! let him ask the scribe (the year of the Seleucid Era), let him subtract two from it or add five to them, and let him divide them by seven ib.; 14. to cause to pass or make depart (of time): 'n'S 'iTtta HT\vb nV 'pSBT they cause the year to pass in idleness and falling apart Meg l3b(45; HeG); x'an-ra xnawV npisxV xVi not to make (the time of) the Sabbath depart quickly Anan 71:18 [cf. MH2 mD'S3 TOO 'X'Sia Sab 118b(36)]; II. in idiomatic expressions: 1. w. 131KS (uncertain): 4- xaiX mng. l.a.2; 2. w. W3T to let blood [Sy «l£>* ^k* PSmSup 215]: an xwa xai nra p'sxn nnax pay him his fee because he has let bad blood from you San 109b(18; MGG 311:10); 3. w. xnain 'T to fulfill s.o.'s obligation [caique < MH imw <T X'Xin J 587]: 4- Xmin mng. 2b; 4. w. xnV'B to reveal a matter [Sy k'&.Lso o n k yA PSm 2423]: Xinn 'ax 'm xwma '33 narrxT xnV*a p'sxi xra^n a certain student who revealed a matter which was said in PN's school San 31a(27); 5. w. K"ini to divert a canal: Xina n3 Ip'BX IVib some time later they diverted a canal through it [i.e. the field] Git 73a(21); 6. w. xVp to spread a rumor: 4- Utxbp; 7. w. K-|lS'tf to cause to proclaim: 4- XllB'tf, mng. lb; 8. w. KBB; to spread a xpsa 769 2#&B3 4- lftXVp; 7. w. miB'tfr to cause to proclaim: I XTlS'ltf, mng. lb; 8. w. KStfr to spread a rumor: 4- xatf, mng. 4 Ittaf. 1. to be taken out: Vlin DHip T3V1 xa'ni xriytt/ Xin pSlTXl if someone died before the holiday and was taken out (for burial) an hour (before it began) HP 166:1; 2. to be taken away: mB'aa X3iaa psann'XI money was taken away (from him) by his testimony [lit. statement] TGHark 34:28; ib. 204:18; 3. to be exorcised: n'a'a ]1pBrn (all the demons) should be exorcised from him Bo 59:14 Lit: Bacher 126; on the use of the archaic haf. originating in OfA in legal documents and Geon. lit., v. Kut, Studies 417+ [Heb]; Greenfield, Yalon Mem Vol 74+ [Heb]. This form is also occasionally found in Ma [v. MD ib.]. NpS3 n.m. projection (4- VpBa, XDIB'l) pi. 13JH naiBX 'psa njmx n,!7 he made four projections on its edge Er 87b(23; Ar [AC 5:366]) [O: 'pB'a] Expl. Ar: 'BIB'} AC ib.; Y: 'j?B'3 Er ib.(BAYTN 120). snpsa n.f. expenses (4- Vpsa, xnpsan; ba Xrip'sa HALOT 1932, Sy «"lknfi\ LS 439) sg. 'a^ya XnpSlb it is merely for (personal) expenses Ned 7a(6) [Var: XTlipsa V2] Y: K7l|?Ba Ned ib.(BAYTN 184). N1B3 n. (a high official) sg. AZ lla(6) [J: x-isnx] For other varr., v. Abramson, AZ 75. NnS3, KT133 n.m. hyena (etym. unkn.) sg. BQ 16a(45) [expl. MH oVni Mib 1:4; expl. by 4- 2#XBX; Var: XHaa Ar (AC 5:303)] Lit: Geig, AAC 53; Y: KJTBJ BQ ib.fBAYTN 220). l#B'Sa vb. to increase, be numerous (4- tP'Ba, XtfBa; Ma tt?Ba MD 304, Akk napasu A to expand, become abundant CAD N/1 288, mng. 2) Pe. (a/u) 1. intr. to increase: «]X ]nn WIB'Vt 'apa before (God's) anger increases AZ 2b(15) // RH 8b(14); 'ama ms^b let him pray a lot [lit. let him increase in prayers] Ber 55a(7); ~\IW2 WBTI may your misfortune increase AZ 26a(26; St2 562:3); 2. to be numerous: 'BB "fr'TI WBa'aV 'J/aT it is necessary for his troops to be more numerous Nid 3 7b (27); "xnp ma Wfil m»a because the (number of) biblical verses in them [i.e. the 'amida prayers of the New Year] were numerous RH 35a(ll); ^3 IS/Ba'a your sons will be numerous MQ 9b(19; Sidra 9 148:7); 3. asynd. w. fol. vb. to do many times: Xliax own WlB'n 'Wa XBana in (if) the maidservant exalts herself a lot, there will be a blow from a rod (from her mistress) Sab 32a(6; RaH) [cf. MGG 438:14)] Af. 1. tr. to increase: a. w. dir. obj.: 'WISX1? xa'J/3 'WHX I want to increase (the number of) tenant farmers BB 12b(47); 'W1BX1 X'n nxaiB 'tt?1BX la'WBa X1? 133ma nxaiB it is an increase of defilement, and we certainly do not increase defilement according to Rabbinical decree Bes 7a(24); Er 104b(30); Ket 8a(28); X1H X'» 'E?1BX^ T3ypT he does it to increase the amount of water Yev 15b(l); San 48b(31); ib. 52a(44); "H tf'Ba he will live long [lit. he will increase his life] Yom 88a(33); Tt\Tl rvb fiWBa 'X if you make him speak too much [lit. increase the statement for him] Git 3a(26; V'8); Hul 7b(22); ^"B 'WlBan1? to increase the (number of) words (in the document) TGHark 167:4; ib. 85:26; ISGF 68:12; b. w. "3: X3T>n3 XWBa Xp she increases the amount of her walking Bes 30a(14); Sab 113b(10); Qid 62a(21); Ber 5b(29; MGG 827:15); c. w. fol. vb.: ina wmn WBr x"? inViaa Dy"?3a "ab do not excessively expound (to their detriment) in all cases except for Balaam San 106b(ll); 1" KIWIS 'WIBXI IWS Va'B 'W1BX to eat an excessive amount of meat and to drink an excessive amount of wine Anan 4:12; WBB Xp '3 xaiB 'BX1 when he was speaking at length Meg 7a(47); in1? 1DX in"B 'PBB XpT Xtm ]V3 when he saw that they were bringing more (turnips) he forbade them (to buy) Er 40a(12); ib. 19b(16); 2. to add a large amount: ve'Vi X^'B/an 'xn xna'p n'3 wain a cooked dish of turnips in which they add a lot of flour Ber 39a(34); Men 23b(47) 2# $83 vb. to be empty (etym. unkn.) Pe.(e/): nnrax tix mn wsa xynna1? rvov 3m n'apV xnx XTina1? PN came to PN2 in GN. (The house) was empty. He followed him to GN2 Ned 78a(29; Ar [AC 5:370]) // BB 121a(6; Ar [AC ib.]) [Var: xVl nTOWX H] Expl. Ar: Oj?'T Jl'an XXO AC ib. There seems to be no reason to connect this rt. w. the prev. one and no cognate is known.
KfS3 770 1#NX3 T - NtfSJ n.f. soul, body, self (4- Vl#tfBJ; TA X»b5 TO Gen 1:20, Sy r<ii_a_i LS 441, Ma l#NPBSO MD 285) 1. soul: sg. V*)l 'Xin rejoice, my soul Pes 68b(48); 2. life: sg. XttTBJ *fm XWBJ life for life Sab 129a(38) [i.e. one should eat meat after bloodletting]; rHPBU 'V'B ':n this refers to (saving) his life San 73a(31); 3. human being, person: sg. XWBJ "?Dp'n ]XB one who killed a human being &A 129a(53); RH 26a(7); Saw 19a(49); «& 27a(44); Nid 61a(46); XJaWI ixrr i'im rrwpi n'n'a rrwBj nV xia'nnai I seal and counterseal to you the person, house, and property of this PN Bo 7:3; 4. body: sg. X*7B1 '3'31 'jn'lS "PS: his body was full of boils and sores Qid 81a(51; M); WS] n"J satisfaction [lit. comfort of the body] BQ 105b(24) [4- Xr)"3 mng. l.b]; 5. self: sg. '2?B3 J"liyi3 of my own free will San 7b(30) [4- XTliyi mng. b]; SSHai 4a(4) [I XTIUX mng. 1]; n'PBJI H'ByD his very own reason 55 78b(l); Tjnn 13y n'WBll HTiynB Boaz acted on his own accord Ber 63a(17); Yev 94a(24); Ned 25a(10); TWS11 XT1D (the woman giving birth) is preoccupied with herself Hul 72a(15; H2); n'tfBn H'1'1 xryB V'm 'XI if he is afraid of his own eye Ber 55b(39) [cf. Ma: XTT IW'XWBXil yfm X31 its own (i.e. the Great Life's) great radiance MD ib.]; Xiyi'l 'XBTSM '*? D'p X3X 'BD I am certain concerning myself that I know more San 25b(3); 6. "IPBJ as reflexive pron.: a. in apposition to subj. [archaic]: D'SriD 'E/S: XJX Iron' I, myself, inscribed (and) gave (the Decalogue) Sab 105a(10) [expl. BH '33X Ex 20:2 by voxapiKov; v. PRK 222:11]; b. as dir. obj.: mn 'VxBl H'ETB: 1"XB (PN) used to adorn himself and pray Ber 30b(44); X7'XX XV H2?B: 'H'X it [i.e. the idol] did not save itself (from destruction) AZ 41b(6); rwt>l X'm xp Tl'X X3H in this case [i.e. with JIX'13] she pushes herself away Kev 107b(17); niTB: xVpVpa X1? 1B1I X'l she herself will not harm her own status ib. 119b(38); c. w. var. prep.: 1) -X, ty: n'PDJX np he used to recite the biblical verse upon himself Git 47a(22) [fol. by verse]; BM 60b(22); San 42a(25); TBriXI 1TO Xini n'2?B3X it is he who ruled stringently for himself Sab 134a(10); irPWS3X lTOBX inrx they brought a loss upon themselves 55 139b(13); 'm PPJUa in"»DJX pspi 'XI' PN's daughters who are particular about themselves Qid lla(14); V'3pi •p«ns'»n 'jx':y ]'V'x priVo pi 'jVb n's/Bj ?y x"?'yb NN, himself, agreed to all of these matters which are stated specifically above SSHai 4b(10); 2) "3: 'BT ]'JV>J1 n'E/B33 XTUB'TJ iru he considered himself rebuked for thirty days MQ 16a(50); in"2?B33 Xn3iy pan H3yi the scholars practice this ruling themselves Ket 62b(ll) [but v. Rashi]; 3) 'BX3 before: 4- 'BX3 mng. c; 4) ■*?: xtob mpaa v>bxi wvsfr xn wrx ray xb a person may not take the law into his own hands even in a case of loss BB 99b(25); Sab 58a(5); 5) p from: V'B: Xp n'WBJai X'lTT? iVpSO leave the drunken man alone, for he will fall by himself Sab 32a(8); 7. in idiomatic phrases: a. 135? TO1? rrWBj1? 1'VI ]'3 Kiatflrl later on he made a reckoning by himself alone Git 14a(24); b. yi' TPVS1 to possess understanding: 'yi'1 O'JtJp pn'ttTBJ minors having understanding /4na« 45:1; ib. 46:1; 50:21; AnanSch 33:12; c. "tfSJ 10» to risk one's life, suffer martyrdom: 4- Vl#noa pe., mng. 4; d. "WB3 nil to die: 4- Vmi pe., mng. 5; e. "V51 XpBi to die [Sy cn_x_aj ^_dl»lj PSm 2419]: inV V>3X ll'tfSJ xpsn inxa1? after they die he may eat them Anan 67:12; Naz 43a(34); f. W'JIX ■©B33 to feel sick: 4- V#n af., mng. 3; g. 'an "WD3X to make an effort: J- Vl# 'Bn pe., mng. 15a; h. "E?B3 13yET to make o.s. responsible: 4- Vl3yw quad., mng. 4 Lit: Satzlehre 130+ [mng. 6]; Voc: rrraS HPP 59:18; Y: XWB3 BAYTN 90. — "tPSS/T n. own property or assets (4- "T1) XS'M xp 'XPSJia I am building in my own property BB 7a(35) [P1: 'T13]; xp n'E/Bn1? 'XHl b'TX Xp n'WBn8? 'XHl b'TX each one goes to his own property BQ 51b(50); yr Xp 1,1'WBJIB (the trees) draw nourishment from their own property (and not heqdes) BB 71b(6) [cf. Anan 9:20]; Qid 47a(24); BQ 119a(6); BM 106a(32); 11'X rb '3X3 n'WSnO he used to (re)build it from his own assets Tan 20b (44); xp TWtsn ^DSa Xp '3 natf "7133a the pagan can only invalidate his own (idolatry) AZ 52b(45) 1#KS3, SSN3 n.m. ditch (< XS??*; cf. MH 2#N?3 D'Sy: MBQK 5:5) sg. XX33 XTO1 X^ia Vpw he took (earth from) a mound and put (it) in a ditch [i.e. he leveled the area] BB 54a(14) // XSX3 Sab 81b(14) // MQ 10b(16); XSaV X'Via |'3 between a mound and a ditch HG3 116:42 Lit: Eps, GC 11921; Voc: KS3 HPQ 218:17; Y: XX3 BB ib.(BAYTN 100). 2#SS3 n.m. quarreler, contentious person (< nXSi*; 4- V'S3; Sy rdj^i LS 442) sg. -Q XS: XS3 quarreler, son a quarreler &*Z> 56b(13) [i.e. Mephibosheth b. Saul, also called Vj?3 3ni3 IChr 8:34, w. ref. to IS 15:5] Y: XXJ Sab ib.(BAYTN 2). 3# KS3 n.m. blossom (4- Vp3; TA f: TO Gen 40:10' JPA p DJPA 358) sg. <X)S3 ... W»m XS: XrnBT the blossom of the pomegranate/caper Ber 36b(36; F) 4#NS3 n.m. falcon (TA x35 TO Lev 11:16, Sy rc-^j LS 442) 4- XS3 13, s.v. l#Xn3, mng. 3e '3p"I N2S3 n.m. reed drain pipe (< Akk nassabu }a qane CAD N/2 52 [Lex]; 4- X'jp) pi. ':pi '3X3 MQ 16a(21; OHP ib. 68:17) [expl. MH rtBTin ib. a device for restraining a prisoner ib.] Lit: Eps, Stl 50+; cf. also Akk. alallu = MIN (nassabu) sa qane Malku IV 142ff. CAD All 329. Though Eps' identification of this term seems certain in light of the phonetic identity, his identification of HBTin w. an Akk. term should be rejected [v. now hultuppu whipping rod as tool of conjurer CAD H 231]. 'S3 vb. to quarrel (4- XJVBQ, 2# XSJ; Sy t<Li LS 442, Ma XS3 MD 305) Pe.: 'XS31 'XDX inxa did I come to quarrel [i.e. ask a question] from (what) another (asked)? Er 90a(13); p'SPU P'D'Vl we quarrel and curse MQ 16a(19); XTIH nrran Dy n'Sn a certain woman who was quarreling with another AZ 26a(26; St2 562:9) Itpe. id.: "1S3'X DTOa because of quarreling Meg 24a(38); X1H "ISJ'X "13 pp is a minor one who is capable of quarreling? ib. 39; Men 108a(2); Git 59b(31); BM 10a(33); mnx 1S3'» '3T '131 ISra Xp TDni'3 men only quarrel among themselves over pedigree Qid 76a(37); ib. 76b(24); 71b(30); ISi'OT '11.13 '3D 'in 1H3H two certain blind men who were quarreling Ber 56a(44); Git 52a(31); X"n '11 H3'3n '11X3'8 nn '3 ri'X3'a 'T1 'X1H3 X3'3n '1 Wb 'ax when PN and "7X3 PN2 used to quarrel, PN2 used to say: "Are you quarreling with me?" BM 85b(19) // Ket 103b(41); Qidl6b(21); San 5a(26); 5M84b(25); 'IJl'3 r\by lS3'a Tim XaiX X'nn a certain boat about which two people were quarreling BB 34b(l; P1); BQ 117a(28); 5M6b(l); ]"S3'a Qid 76a(35); ib. 81b(39; M) n'S3 adj. shining, brilliant (VnX3 pe., pass.part.; Sy rcijaj^-J LS 443) sg.m. Vsa n'X3 Xim X3313 X'3313 a starw whis is more brilliant than all (other) stars Bo 91:3 ■?S3 vb. to save (< "7X3 hif. HAL 677, J 929) Af.: a. people: 1) general: rr? X3"7XB1 'XWB3 X31D8 I risk my life to save her Tan 22a(17); ib. 29a(43); xii3 rrnVaxi rrVixx1? xnx X3'inx w'3'x another person came to save him, and the fire consumed him Yev 115a(18); Hag 15b(18); id TOB3 'H'X Wb xVxa X133 XinnV XV'XX it [i.e. the idol] did not save itself (from destruction). Can it save me (from trouble)? AZ 41b(6); ib. 15b(56); Qid 8b(32); Sot 21a(27) [4- Vl#]33 af, usage b]; BM 47b(32); San 72b(35); ib. 109b(54); 2) in a fig. sense: Xnyi 'Xna l^X'1? X3am may the Merciful One save me from this opinion Sab 84b (5); Ket 45b(10); BQ 65b(37); 'a'Cn XBlDDn fivb X3am may the Merciful One save me from the embarrassment of PN Tan 9b(2; M2); <X>{1,)3Brn N3maa 'K?p1 'Taa 1,VX'3 may the Merciful One save you from something which is more severe than pestilence Yev 63a(40); b. objects: "7'XB in '3xa mam nysixs V'xa im X3a in3 one saves (food from a fire on the Sabbath) in one vessel, and another saves (it) in four or five vessels Sab 19b(28);/6. 115a(27); 120a(28) Ittaf. to be saved [cf. MH Vx'3 nif. J 929]: a. general: "j'Xn'XI DWB because he was saved Anan 37:20; San 93a(33); XD'3 H'V TSyTl'X n'3'B V'Xri'Xl a miracle occurred for him and he was saved from it [i.e. the lion] Ber 54a(35); ■prU'B T^XTTXl XD'3 wmri'Xl a miracle occurred, and they were saved from them TGAs28 78:12; rfrxri'Bi '33y txbi xnVx '33y txbi xnVx xa'x say twice: "God of PN, answer me!" and you will be saved AZ 18a(54); Sab 156b(16); 'X1H X3X IX XS^'XD'B mi '3 'WB3 'Bma if it were me, 1 would 771
*]•£! 772 tnipa* only have been saved (from sin) by many prayers Suk 52a(54); b. objects: l^XITO xV"J 'TljnX p'OSH (because of the strong wind) he concludes that (the garments) will not be saved (from the fire) AW28b(10) While V^X3 haf. is found in OfA, its mng. is 'to remove' and as such it is not a forerunner of the JBA usage [v. Greenfield, AKY214+]. «1X3 vb. perh. to neigh (4- V*pX; cf. Sy 1# c^_> to shriek LS 443) Pe.: X'OID m «]'Xi xVt XJ113 a town where a horse does not neigh Pes 113a(3) ySl vb. to sprout (archaic; 4- 3# XS3; BH, MH TS3 HAL 677, J 929) Pe.: Xin3 K/'pVl T33 DX P" if an early flowering and late flowering (plant) sprout together San 18b(36) "1X3 vb. to squeal (Sy -i^j LS 443, mng. 4, Ma 1#"1M MD 306) Pe.: 'Tin'3 flTTlM you squeal like pigs Bo 78:10 3p3 vb. to pierce, perforate (4- X3pD, X3pU, X3p'J, X3ipj; Sy ,ini LS 444, Ma 3pj MD 306) Pe.: mnxix1? rrroi mapn 'snip n"3p vrxi the Holy One, Blessed be He, brought locusts, they bored through it [i.e. the mountain], and it came down upon his neck Ber 54b(22); 3'p3 XpT 'Jl'ina one who pierces a pearl Qid 33a(6) [cf. Ma: XS'paX1? XTMXnxa an unpierced pearl MD ib.]; pass.part. X3'pi ."TOTTO Dtp p 'XII (the stomach) was certainly perforated before slaughtering HP 201:11; Zev 95a(2) [of a vessel] Pa. id.: "r'jn 3'pj '31p3 (the needle) completely perforated (the lung) and entered Hul 48b(12); ib. 36; HP 201:4 Itpe. (e) to be pierced, perforated: '31p3'X api'X (the vital organs of the animal) were completely perforated Hul 44a (34) [Var: '31p3'X 3'p'J'X M]; 3'prx xb nxnn 3'prx nx1?'}/ the outer (membrane) was perforated, (but) the inner (one) was not perforated ib. 46a(34); 46b(l); 48b(28); 56a(15); Xlrffll XBXnp 3'prn 13 when the membrane of the brain is perforated HP 198:19; xrm» X3pJ'D 13 when the gall bladder is pierced ib. 199:3; 202:1; 4 l#lp3 vb. to clean, remove veins (4- XJVHpM, Xlip'3, Xmpa, rpi; TA Nlpanx'? TJ Ezek 16:4, Sy n_n_i pa. to cleanse LS 445, Ma tpi MD 306) Pa. 1. to clean: "?DX X1?! 'n31Tp3 they cleaned them [i.e. the barley corns], but (the ass) did not eat Hul 7b(l; MGG 402:4) [v. ACSup 60]; pass.part. ](1)P)pJ)3 X1? '3 when (the wheat) is not clean TGAs42 161:9 [expl. JBA XP31X1 X»m Pes 40a(21); 4- XP31X]; 2. to remove veins [JNA nqd to pick the tallow and sinews out of meat HDJNA s.v.]: XI3DX <1>n}'pM Xpi he was removing the veins from the thigh Hul 96a(21); Xinns X3(1)("l)'pJl we opened it up [i.e. the thigh] and removed the veins from it BB 74b (20) Itpa. to be cleaned: 'XJHX iprm XJ'JD I want my field to be cleaned (of stubble) BM 103b(7; Ar [AC 5:376]) 2# Tpa vb. 4- XTlTljM n., VDpa vb. [Klip* i X3"lp3 n.] NJTTjM n.f. removal of veins (4- Vl#lp3 pa., mng. 2) sg. 'DDJH HTHpl removal of veins of the loins HG3 155:35 Lit: Y. Kara, Qafih Vol 2112". N31p3 n.m. perforation (4- V3p3; cf. Ma X3p'3 hole MD 299, Sy rdA^j LS 444) pi. TOD '3ipj X'JHJI lin how many cases of perforation are there? Eight Hul 42b(28; V11); ib. 51a(6) Y: '3ip: Bui 42b(28; BAYTN 257). Nnilp:, pi. '"Tip? n.m. dot (V2#ipj; Sy rc'&Vcio-l, pi. r«'A\s_D<xJ, rC'ruHcul LS 445, MH2 mipa J 931) sg. xmipai 'xmvn xrrrn n"?i3i nsX3 XJ1D31X the whole animal is white, and there is a black dot on its face MGG 543:17; XXlTlpi Xmvn a white dot i7>. 544:1; pi. in1? xpBJ p3"l1 'TIpM the scholars derive it from the dots (over words in the Pentateuch) Men 87b(9) [w. ref. to lilt&yi Num 29:15]; BTTJ xV HlpJ TX13 '11 PN does not expound the dots ib. 13 'K01p3 n.m.pl. assembled people (4- Vop3, 'XDip1?) BM 83b(5; EsF'Ar [AC 5:379]) Expl. Ar: Tsiwfri eipy? rmn nmipnn D'xai D'Bp'rnBw d'w:k ... pxy J1X AC ib.; Y: 'XWpl BM ib. Nlip3*, pi. NJ"IN"lip3 n.m. one who hews something (4- Vnpj; MH nmpj TMQ 5:12) pi. X'nm XJlXllpJ hewers of a millstone MQ 10a(39; GC 77:4) [expl. MH l'tf33» Mib. 1:9; Var: X'nm xmipJ Sidra 9 154:13] Vpi 773 DjH Lit: Eps, GC 7713 t3p3 vb. to hold, take, attach, seize, travel, direct (< 4- jvp1?; 4- nXB HVpili, 'XDipi, XTlDpj; Sy ,\ A\ to collect LS 370, Ma Djfr to hold, grasp MD 230) Pe. (e/u) I. General: 1. to hold, grasp, carry: a. in a physical sense: 1) active: a) alone: XJ3V 'in1? n'Dp3 he held it towards the sun AZ 39a(30); "]31 n'DpJ hold it [i.e. the donkey] with you San 109b(16); "f?y Dip31 hold (it) on your person HM 44:3; ib. 17; n'VlD'BD Trb I'Dpll (the children) used to grab him by the skirt of his garment Tan 23b(37) [cf. Ma rfrlB'IW X'IDJ'V Jb 73:8]; Ket 77b(27); &tf> 121b(12) II Bes 36b(20); 5M 101b(25) // Svu 41a(22); ^Z 59b(5); iTIDjMl xniVl W'"!1? msVxi niVopI 'X0"IB the Persians seized, killed, and crucified the exilarch SOZ 73:7; n'J11X3 n'1X t?1p3m n'J?3 DX if you want to hold a lion by its ear HM 43:16; HVT Dipjl hold it [i.e. the knot] HM 43:17; Xpl X^p'^ n'BpJ p'Vo he gripped the date palm and was climbing up Qid 81a(44); Ket 112a(44); XDpI mpn n'ra'3 n'Vxaa/ii n'"?xaK/3 mvxn let him hold his straight right arm in his left (sleeve) and that of the left in the right (sleeve) Ber 55b(35) // Pes 110a(31); b) w. "T3: TT3 X'jp 'Xn Bip: grasp this cane in your hand Ned 25a(16); Sab 110b(23; Marg); Ket 112a(8); XJ13'S DiprVl n'T3 let him grasp the tongs in his hand Sab 110a(33); BQ 28a(44) [4- XTtS]; ,TT3 WKp'131? to hold them in his hand Ber 23b(20); Suk 37a(27); Hul 30b(8); Anan 31:13; pjM XBSpVx T3 the '.-official took me by my hand Zev 96b(5; V11); 2) pass.part. 1) in passive sense: Xn3 ]D'pJ Xni2?'3 'nn the evil spirits are seized in the mystery So 35:6; 2) in active sense [cf. Ma B'lV holding Nold, MG 380]: lsg. XJB'pj 5M26b(7); 3m. B'pa BB 74a(3); f. XB'pJ Ket 104a(55); lpl. ]:'B'p: Ber 45b(33); 2m. WB'pa Pes 110b(2; Vi7); 3m. 'B'pj Git 58a(16);- a) w. dir. obj.: x"7 D5?T!3 n'T3 D'pl he was not holding anything in his hand (while taking the oath) Svu 38b(46); XDXT 'JX1» 'in n'T3 D'pj mm X30 Xinn a certain old man who was holding two pieces of myrtle branches in his hand Sab 33b(41); n31H3 XD'pj 'X X'31 if she holds her ketubba, she can collect BM nb(9); az 70b(2); mn xnnx x:ts'p: m 'xi "l"7 X33'n' were I holding another (priestly gift), I would have given it to you Sab 10b(36); Yom 77a(43); Bes 19a(8); BM 51a(12); AZ lla(6); Anan 25:9; XniJXT Xnso B'p3 mn '3 when he was holding a book of Aggadot Ber 23a(54); D'pJ '3 n'T3 X03 WJ'X when a person is holding a cup in his hand Hul 105b(19; V"); pal 1'5?31£? XriXS'in 1'Via pya» I'O'pJT seventy men holding seventy sharp sickles Bo 7:17; b) w. "V: BpJ'fo 'Xpl m^ D'pl (since the husband) actually continues to hold it [i.e. the get] Git 5a(36); D'pl n'»lD3 n"? he holds it in his mouth Zev 105a(43); 'VtXI n'V 'D'p3 '3 while they were continuing to hold him AZ lla(13); Ket 75a(27); 2) w. "3: n'3 Dpil X03 m1? 33nn^m the (heavenly) throne descended to him, and he took hold of it Suk 5a(14); "XTP3 B'pi D'^ip Bpra 'J?X3 mn '3 when he wanted to hold sacrifices, he would hold them in silk Pes 57a(41); b. in a fig. sense: 1) general: "]T3 Xl'jD Xn» Dip: hold on [lit. hold in your hand] nevertheless to half [i.e. be satisfied with what you have] MQ 28a(30); San 90b(43); 2) w. ref. to a tradition: "|T3 3T1 Dlp3 maintain PN's opinion Sab 24a(18); Pes 52b(25); Suk 47a(12); T.T3 nV?0 'Xn Dipj hold onto this rule Sab 147a(35); Meg 22b(17); Tan 14a(21); BB 107b(15); pass.part. ]3'D'p3 we maintain (this as a tradition) Ber 45b(33) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; Er 21a(17); Ket 103a(30); Git 59b(36); AZ 51b(31); Bek 34b(37); 2. to attach, fasten: '3'03 nopjT he fastened it [i.e. the garment] with pins Men 41a(12); Er 8a(27); XMTI nsin3 7?b O'pn he attaches to it [i.e. the empty space] (a fence) of palm branch(es) and laurel tree(s) Suk 23a(43); ib. 25a(9); pass.part. mn'» X*71 '3'03 'B'pan they are attached with pegs but not bonded together BB 69a(27; F»); Bes 15a(15); 3. to take: 1XM3 'TIT Dpi from whom did he take the money? BM 2b(ll) // Qid 74a(l); 3n V'T m'3'a HD'pJT 'X)33 in"? go (and) give them (flax) for the amount (of money) that you have taken from them BM 49a(15); n'ty xnX3T1 mpi you take a receipt for it [i.e. the loan] SSSad 198:18; '»p Xinn Dpi'» X'DID to take a she-ass before a horse HG3 392:45; 4. to gather, collect: 'in 'p"TI!3 VUn
Bp3 774 &p3 X31P3 tm bmW] XJ13W3 D'p3 certain sowers of saffron (who agreed) that a pagan gathers on the Sabbath and a Jew on Sunday AZ 22a(8) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 5. to seize (of an illness) [4- VinX pe., mng. 2]: rf? D'j?n XVI X33W XW1 it is a certain stupor that is seizing her Er 68a(27); XTTUBOn n1"? XtJpJ an /i.-disease seizes him Sab 133b(39); Git 70b(37) [4- 2#X"nti]; Hul 51a(42) [4- 2#X")B'S mng. 2]; 6. to choose an example: Vpn T\1V '333 X3W 'Xa what was different that he chose the example of 'the wings of a dove'? Sab 130a(48); Er 80b(33); Ket 17b(39); San 41a(29); Dp3i Kin 'a^a XTVTB he chose the example arbitrarily ib. 60a(19); Bek 2b(51); 7. to employ a usage: &p: X'^B XiXK?'1? he employed a euphemism Pes 3a(29); BM 2a(27); ^Z 10a(l 1); 8. to keep of a custom, rule: W'J'X D'jM '83 'X X'H mxa lxm xrfrB if also someone keeps something which is not a commandment Anan 13:7; rbyib mi w vprtb xs^ma 'a nnsiy is a maidservant required to keep the custom of menstrual days for her husband? Seel 113:74; ib. 49:26; 27; HG3 347:83; Geon 370:14; 9. w. fol. vb. of motion to take a certain direction [cf. JPA V?CU pe., mng. 2, DJPA 348; perh. caique < Akk (harrana) sabatu CAD S 26]: B'p: XJIBB'O ^"JTI (the needle) takes the path through the bronchus and enters (the lung) Hul 48b(12); '3i JWIXI vriia riDpa ;mx when you come (back), you will do so by moving along them [i.e. the ropes] Tarn 32a(48; V10); BM 59a(47) [4- i#xirn]; pn 'ai x^awa V'txi D'p3 xp "o while he was going along a path of Haman's house Meg 16a(27; G); /'& 28a(16); 9. pass.part. w. mb to direct, overcome: XB'pii XVI XlTn man inV it is pride which directs them AZ 71a(20); VlV ntJ'pai XVI xm^'n^lD emaciation has overcome them Hul 93b(5); II. in idiomatic usages: 1. w. NT'StPlN to take up abode: Zev 61b(20) [4- l#XT'SKhX mng. 2b]; 2. NBhVJ to maintain one's habit: BQ 116b(26) [4- 2#X#Tn]; 3. w. NJH3 to sue s.o. in court [caique < Akk dina sabatu CAD S 26]: X3H3 n,!7 X3D'p3 imb I shall sue him in court tomorrow BQ 114a(31); BB 39a(l; F2) [H: X3373J1]; 4. w. KJB'T to allot s.o. time: 'BT xrr?71 X3»'T ^ D1p3 allot me three days time Hul 87a(22); BQ 112b(35; HP 81:21); pass.part. nxn '31? X3B'T ,!7 XB'pj I have been summoned to the court AZ 26a(52); 5. w. X3'Va to keep one's feelings to oneself: n,3,l7a tJ'pi Yom 23a(15); 6. w. -fljro Nn^'B to feel aggrieved: mfisna XnV'B Bp3 he felt aggrieved MQ 16b (24); ib. 31; 7. w. Xirna ni'3 to wander away [lit. to take external steps]: BQ 57a(14) [4- 1# Xirj]; 8. w. "tfSJ + "3 to act like, pretend, consider oneself [lit. to take o.s. as; Ma Vttlb ■VSi MD ib.]: XVI J3313 TPVS1 B'pjT 'Xn this is one who pretends to be (one) of the scholars Pes 55a(14); 'TXJ73 fDBl Blp3 pretend that you are sick Git 56a(47); X33'l£/3 rvVBl Dpi "7D3 he fell (and) pretended to be dead Qid 81b(2; Ar [AC 5:329, s.v. 3in3]); 'JXBVeH n'WS3 Kpa he considers himself to be among the righteous San 22a(33); AZ 18a(50); vpirf? 2?TX 'J73 nnjn Xn'33ia3 ,TU3 rr»S3 a person should act in matters of incest in a balanced manner Anan 31:1; 9. w. K3T0 to continue a habit: 4- 1#X3T0; 10. XnJVB to subpoena: ]XB "Xn X3'f? xnx xm by xmns mVy ptrpji one who had been subpoenaed because he did not come for judgment BQ 113a(8; HP 82:8); 11. w. Nmtin/Naain to receive authorization: San 5a(5) [4- xnrah mng. 3.b.4]; Ber 58a(38; MGE 143:11) [4- XJa-lH mng. 2]; 12. w. xpitf to have the right of first sale in the market [lit. to take the market]: BM 65a(54); BB 22a(25) [4- xpilZ/ mng. 3b] Pa. 1. to gather, collect: a. agricultural products: vrra "73'BI 'tJipnV ina is it permitted to gather and to eat from them? BM 57a(l) // Men 69a(l 5); XpT 'B1p3 gathering vegetables Anan 72:1 [cf. Ma x'V'twxba x'sipnx' MD 231]; rft wpvip mn rT'ta p '33'Jl he used to pick [lit. gather] the straw out of her hair Ned 50a(7); Xp mn X2/am '3'X D'paa he was gathering firewood in the evening 7an 23b(l; V17); ib. 23a(47); Pes 40b(l) [4- 2#N31X mng. 2]; Hag 5a(15); &6 142a(13); j& 23; b. legal traditions: nam nVV 31 vpitl '3711 XDX'jria PN used to gather together the 'beads' [i.e. fragments] of the barraitot and learn (them as one unit) AZ 42b(35) [4- xmain mng. lb]; Sab l38a(2); mnnsW? vu'tnpsb \yyy "titx unopa 775 i#*)p3 the scholars went to gather his legal traditions Qid 13a(37; O2); Yev 42b(38); 2. w. "'T3 to place in s.o.'s hands: 'ill (n)'ax n,!7 XDp3B "3X wb 'tspaa mvr am mm pnx' 3i mm 'mm '0X3 n'T 'rnna 'D3 nn n'yiaa? PN's mother used to place two cups (of wine) in his two hands. PN2's servants used to place two cups in his two hands Pes 110a(14); n'V3 XSS'n m1? p'Dpja we place the object in his hands TGHark 202:26 Af. 1. w. xn'H3 ni'J to cause to wander away [v. Pe., mng. II.7]: '113 VUD'pJXT Q"n ,!7J?33 Xn"13 in the case of animals which he caused to wander away BB 88a(3; Es); BQ 118b(l); 2. w. Sim to regain color: mittm X31J n'BlpJX to regain the color of his flesh BQ 85b(18) Itpe. 1. to be seized: 'XTim 'Wa IB'pjriXI 'Wliax1? the children of the Jews were seized by the Magian priests iSGS 97:8; 2. to be held fast [Ma O'lVTiy MD ib.]: VTTITIOIOT iTjna tJipj'X the feet of their horses were held fast Tan 23b(47; V17) Geon. expl.: '110' XHK13T p 'WX 3m XHT HB1T6 ]rwpl l'3m d'iwktj xnwn 'xninxT xnxun i» ,n,,71'B'pn o^iy TGHark 232:20 [Pe., mng. 1.1]; TTBJJW mTB 7l3W,n Dl'a Bpl"?l mix '1WB rrtTB Bpi^w n«a inx dv ^ w ^xwi pva iDp1?1? i"ixni HB'p'?'? 13 1"1K1W TGAs27 63:20 [Pe., mng. 1.4; cf. RaH: Bj?VB]; Lit: Nold, MG 541 [etym.]; Bacher 127. NJ1t3[?3 n.f. collection of excerpts (1 ^JVpl pa., mng. 1; Ma XBX11? bunch MD 229, Sy ^ \ Acd LS 370) pi. XmaVm xriXDpJ collections of excerpts of the Talmud GS 409b: 11; p nviyn XnXDp^X ib. 412b: 1; 413:11 Lit: Lieb, TK. 3:4083. 'p3 vb. to cleanse, clear (4- 'p3 adj.; JPA ''pi DJPA 360) Pa. 1. to cleanse: n'T "ipi1? to cleanse one's hands HG1 41:54; ib. 42:66; 2. to clear of an obligation: a. by an oath: "pWSJ yi xnjH3W3 clear yourself by means of an oath Ket 87a(29); pass.part. xnjmWa'' rr»pra you(f) are cleared of the obligation of an oath ib. 25; b. in a defension clause: nwpn m/mi n,TT'S(S)(3n nnna mriT^ ]n ^ibs1? ixi'sx mrrrcn I have cleared it, quit its claim, cleansed it, and released it for NN and his heirs after him S$Hai 5a(7); ib. 5b(7)!; SSSad 202bA2 Itpa. to clean oneself: 'prai 'TB "?3 anything with which one can clean oneself Ber 15a(13; OF) Lit: Kut, Studies 420+ [Heb; Pa., mng. 2]. 'j?3 adj. clear (4- V'p3; Ma l#X'pxa MD 286) sg.m. 'pJ nan clear wine [i.e. w/o sediments] HM 44:3 The mng. of this word in the phrase .TB'K 35 by 73 ntTl ^ Hag 15b(49) is uncertain [v. comm.]. NJ)?3 n.m. lamb, sheep (BA Xpi "IBy sheep's wool Dan 7:9, Sy rdLoj LS 444, MH yi IBS Sab 54a[18]) sg. X'pJ HG3 298:10 [= GeonH 'jrn HR 34:36; v. Eps, St2 5844]; ib. 12 Lit: Sok, JBL 95 [1976] 277+; cf. AIOA 77. Vpi adj. clean, clear (4- Vl#lp3 pe., pass.part.) pl.m. 'TpJ TJIB clear brine Sab 110b(29) Cf. also: n'DW Tpl '31IB1 XTO'X the genius of food is called Tpl Pes 11 lb(40); Y: 'Ti?? Sab ib.(BAYTN 59). Vpl adj. an appellation of wine (etym. unkn.) sg.m. XTpl Xnan Git 69a(42; Vl6OHT ib. 156:6) [Var: XTpa; 4- Tpl adj.] Geon. expl.: p>Xiy ^3 103 *7X p yu a type of wine in Iraq OHT ib. NflTj?3 n.f. hollowed out area, tunnel (4- *J~\pl) 1.*hollowed out area: pi. in1? nay "max IflX pna 13'n'l WVpl the Amorites came, made for themselves hollowed out areas (in the side of the mountain), and settled down in them Ber 54b(l) [P: xnvrpj]; 2. tunnel: sg. 'TTPpl XWl .T1? X'ln "1 '3b .TTl'SB na 'nx mm he had a certain tunnel through which he used to come from his house to Rabbi's house ^Z10b( 12) Y: Xrn'pJ AZ ib. B/'pS adj. well-struck (of a coin; 4- Vu/p3 pass.part.) pl.m. Pttnpi) 'ITU '3X0 XSDDT 'Til ('©'pa) good, select, well-struck silver zuzi'm ^/Ya/ 4a(7; O) The rdg. and mng. are conjectural. Dpi vb. to revenge (Sy >aJ LS 446, JPA api DJPA 360) Pe.: DtVti X*71 DIpTI x"?T she may neither revenge nor curse Bo 67:9; ib. 130:12 1 # *lp3 vb. to strike, bruise, compare (4- XS'pn; Sy -^ ^ ' pe. to cleave, af. to cause to cleave LS 446, Ma «ip3 MD 306, MH \#*\pi J 934) Pa.: n'VXia1? n'V I'paai he used to strike his foot Yom
2#*li?3 776 tipl 53a(49; I§GF 89:1); pass.part. ppM lim iy ,Tjn3 jfe(RaH) Af. to compare [of defects in a slaughtered animal; MH *\pl hif. J 934, mng. 2]: ■nj'B'pX 1BTX1 he compared them [i.e. the entrails], and they were similar Hul 50a(29) itpa. to be bruised: xsprai minx1? 'ttx rm NBT 10V 31 '31 XmspO'X XOin'BI rpyo he used to walk backwards, his feet became bruised, and the threshold of PN's house became soiled with blood Yom 53a(49) [cf. *]1p'' m Hul 7b(40)] This rt. may also occur in the phrase HD3 71Dj?3 nVy the ladle which draws up the wine struck the jug Er 53b(18), quoted as man iw1? [I itoy]. 2# *\pi vb. to give merchandise on credit (sec. rt. < Akk qapu to entrust silver or goods for trade or on consignment CAD Q 95, mng. 3; JPA 2#ipj DJPA 360, MH «]'j?a MAvotK 3:16) Af.: XJX ispx V'X 'B'WS (n)'8? Tfb V'X he said to him: "I do not have coins." He said to him: "I shall give you credit" Hul 48a(48); ''"j 'SlpX^ H'miX he usually gives him credit AZ 63b(8) Lit: LNVTH 319. 3#*]p3 vb. to surround, detour (Sy ■'Vni af. LS 447, mng. 4, BH, MH 2#ip* af. HAL 682, J 934; ) Af. 1. to surround: xrai H'SpX X':n Tmnn jmXB PN('s property) surrounded (that of) PN2 on four sides BB 5a(l); XB^ID n"? *l'pB XO'l ina -nST the Ladder of GN surrounds it on one side Er 22b(l); ib. 3; 'Bpxi XinaBID1* 'jrt>p'X TV'TIBI TiyBB? '3am I happened to be in GN, and PN surrounded me (with queries on) legal traditions and Tannaitic traditions AZ 58a(8); Pes 75a(37); San 52b(6); MQ 18b(3); TGAs28 206b:9; 2. to detour around: *|'p' ia TPi come (and) detour around (the unstable wall) Tan 20b(27); 'SIpxV ''n3V X"IJ?S inV ri'Xl it is difficult for the priests to detour around it Sab 34a(l); ib. 100b(20); 113b(10); Ber 62b(46) // Meg 29a(41); Qid 33a(37); 3. to grow in completely (of pubic hair; < MH *pl hif. MSan 8:1): T>VlX1 pnnnn ]pi *l'pXi -\m he begat after his pubic hair grew in completely San 69a(19); 4. to cut the hair of the corners [< BH 1p: hif; v. Lev 19:27]: Xp 'XB VTTOO yiJ 13 ]'pB3 XpT jm "|33 in"? xspa xp irra'x rr1? 'ax inV i'pa who cuts the hair of the corners of your children who go out with their head shaved? He said to him: "Their mother cuts their corners" Naz 57b(25; HP 139:26); BM 10b(44); HG3 368:15 ~\pl vb. to pick at, hew, pluck out (4- XTlp':, 1# XTip', xm'p', X'lp1; Sy -via LS 447) Pe. 1. to pick at: pass.part. y'V JH'B Tp'l XD'X DX if the case is that (the dough) was picked at (by the chickens after drinking a red liquid) it is certainly noticeable Qid 80b(4; M); 2. to hew: Km 31 xijnai x'rim x'nn npa xpi xi3i xinn1? n'j/aw PN heard a certain main hewing a millstone on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 10a(49); X'm Ip'B ib. 46; pass. part. XTp' X1*! 71130 'a XTpi ]'J3 do you think that (a millstone) which is not hewn out is like one that is hewn out? ib.(49; Sidra 9 156:1) Pa. to bore out (eyes): n'3'y; innp' (the lizards) bore out his eyes BB 4a(l) N31J?3 n.m. pedant, exacting person (4- Vlp1; JPA ppl' DJPA 345) sg. '3ip' 1'Vn TvW 49b (6; M) Geon. expl.: VTIJl n3T ty r>jMpiBn pip: TGHark 145:17; ni'f>J3 D'boiXW OHP Ned 93:29; Lit: Low, Lehnw 357. $p3 vb. to clap, strike, compare (I Xtt?'pn, ti'pj, Xl»pi; Sy x_pj LS 448, Ma wpj MD 306) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to clap: 'BD wprB1* X'JH' X3X I know how to clap better (to encourage the doves) San 25b(4; Ar [AC 7:220]) [He: X'Erpj X'XI]; 2. to strike, bang: n'T1*!? wpj'ai Vl'B I1? 'J73'X you should have continued to strike it [i.e. the board to check its soundness] BQ 52b(28); "Da mi H'ap 'B?p' XIlBnxi X3X1D they used to bring an anvil and a hammer (and) to strike it in front of him Git 56b(41; MGD 728:14); BM 59a(48; EsAr [AC 7:220]) [i lttXim]; 13'3'Va ID1? Vpi X7>nBl 'B1B5X they struck arrows of iron in your hearts Bo 78:14; ib. 84:13 Pa. to clap: 'BD 'Wip'"? X'37T X'XI San 25b(4) [v. Pe., mng. 1] Af. to compare one thing with another [< MH2 IP'pn Bacher 57]: f-ffi?1? X'Bm HWpX the Merciful One compared it to a creeping animal Sab 83b(35); Mei 19a(10); Nid 35a(32); HK/p'1?! rb^lb X'Bm let the Merciful One compare it to N#i?? 777 carrion Sab 83a(2; V); xVl flXDn"? ,TPpX 'XT n^lj?1? H'WpX if he compared it to a sin offering and did not compare it to a burnt offering Zev 49b(ii); inrwpx rnt/x mnxV rvispxi n'tn ma nx n©x"? why did you compare (them) to the wife's sister? Compare them to the brother's wife Yev 8a(22); W'j?B X1? iai tt?'pB IB you compare (them) and he does not compare (them) Yev 73b(ll); vrpii X"7T '3'XI VTpm X3'XT Ara 28b(25); ATITIX1? sVl1? ]y>VpH we compare /«/av to etrog Suk 31a(30); fom 8a(36); Qid 9b(2); SAf 100b(23); 'Ttl7 OTWpxiB since he compared them with each other Anan 73:9 Ittaf. to be compared: '1117 ETIpIVX 'Bnpn'X they were indeed compared with each other Pes 24a(36); Yev 73b(6); Svu 8b(24); TUV l^pn'X X,T he was, in fact, compared to a Nazirite Tan 27a(2); Meg 20a(36); ib. 20b(40); 5o.r 2b(33); Fej 70a(16); ib. 61a(31); San 15a(27); vpmn D'Slt?7 at nXBTO ^«an 48:8; ib. 88:14; ftj 78b(20);Zevlla(23) X$Pt1, X&Xpi n.m. clapping (4 VtfpJ; Sy rdiij LS 448, Ma X'WXp: pi. shakings MD 306) sg. XXV^'B X'Vn X©xpra the matter (of the racing of the doves) is dependent on clapping San 25b(3); ib. 4 Y: XWp3 San ib.(BAYTN 90). N"1J n.m. pomegranate (< Mir *nar [cf. MP anar CPD 9, w. loss of initial vowel, NP nar PED 1370]) sg. X13T X'B extract of pomegranate (peels) Git 19b(46) [I Vl#pi3 pe., mng. la]; IpE/B X"7T X13T X<i)nmx a lock of unbeaten wool (dyed) by pomegranate (juice) AZ 28b(23) Lit: Flora 3:101; AAC 284; Tel 98; Y: Xn: Git ib.(BAYTN 5). Nn? n.m. ax (Sy kU£tj LS 449 [Nest], Ma XJ1X3 MD 286) a. general: sg. Vxim Xnai Xinn IT'iana xro a certain man who borrowed an ax from another BQ 1 la(19); SM96b(40); mna VB XJ"IJ nn one ax remained with him San 96b(15); x^Vbt x'jp'i'? n'^opxi V'tx 'xi xn: up:i ]xa 'xn one who took hold of an ax and said: "I shall go and cut down NN's date palm" Svu 46a(42; F2); xVp'-j'? KXK '3 like an ax to a date palm Ket 10b(54; Ar [AC 5:388]) [metaph. for something harmful to the body]; mia Vrb H3X H'31 H'JB X111 out of the forest itself it [i.e. the handle] will go into the ax (to cut down the forest) San 39b(40); SOZ 72:22; MQ 12b(38); 1©3? TO XVU 1'BX a ten-cubit long ax 5er 54b(26); Ket 63a(23); HG3 286:50; pi. 'rxm niai XJinp handles of axes and adzes Yom 37b (4) [expl. MH 1*3*30 JUT ib.] // Bes 33b(23; MO9); HXB lt?I\ x"?nBa Wbwi X^nST '313 XriX'ilia three hundred mule (loads) of axes of iron, which has power over (other) iron [i.e. can break it] San 96b(7); b. in phrase XJ"U na XBI/X-HP to disagree in a matter [lit. to throw an ax in it]: H3 X1IP n'BT '"I XJ1X1 xni PN came (and) disagreed in the matter Suk 12a(9); Pes 32b(50); San 30b(34); XBT H'Jjn a"l X3n: na /?// I3a(39) Y: XJ-U Ser ib.(BAYTN 90). n.m. coconut fiber (< Mir *nargil [< Sanskrit narikela coconut; cf. MP anargel CPD 9, NP nargil PED 1370]; Sy A^\U LS 449, > Arab J^jLi Siggel 70) sg. Er 58a(13) [expl. XB'p'DBX o-(pf|K(uua band, string ib.; i X133 mng. 1] Expl. RaH: "UH VlU, i.e. jlill jji; Lit: Geig, AAC 57, 284; Low, Lehnw 112; Flora 2:303; Voc: xV?-U VTM 20; Y: XT/TO Er ib.(BAYTN 236). Tf^'l'li n.m. backgammon (< Mir *new-ardasir [cf. MP new-ardaxslr CPD 59]) sg. ... X^BBT T2n"U3 she plays backgammon Ket 61b(30) Lit: Geig, AAC 284; Tel 99; Shaked, Elements 149; Y: Ttfjl} Ket ib. [KH3, NTN13 n.m.pl. *TX-i: '3H //G5 195:16(Var) 4- XT13 n.] Nan? n.m. rain spout (< I X3nB; Ma X'3inx: Renger Vol 342) sg. Xaru 'T<')I1)X 'IS'S'WBX 'XI I'VlOB if he drew it in (to the ritual bath) [i.e. the water] by means of a rain spout, it is unfit HP 137:18 = HG3 346:67(Var); pi. '3XIT3 lyXB© XBT 'TIB'ST the rain spouts of GN discharged blood San 109a(50; HeMGG 310:17); mnn 3'rl'l 'ani (the demon) is located under rain spouts Bo 59:3 The occurrence of this form of the word in several independent sources shows that it is a real phonetic yariant and not a textual corruption. Nijana n.m. type of shoe (< I xpiB + ?; cf. Ma
°i?1? 778 i#'B/3 XpB13* in phrase !X'Bp1X:i X'JXOa shoes and boots MD 286 [metath.]) pi. 'pB13 '<l)(I11t nwan five pairs of n.-shoes 7ev 102b(2) [Var: 'pXB O2] Expl. Ar: pia 183 Dm HOI l.T/Yniyi O'tyjn AC 5:389; Lit: Geig, AAC 133, s.v. piaij rejects the suggested P derivs. [v. Fl, TMW 3:719] and considers the word to be corrupted. 0[?"13, 0'p13 n.m. narcissus (< v&piaarjoc; Lehnw 367; Sy . m ; rrii, «j»_D-vi, .jocudtj LS 449, Ma lttD'nXi MD 286 [< Arab]) sg. 'XI KITH ... XlU'n DpT3 the narcissus of the garden/field Ber 43b(6; Ar [AC 5:389]) Geon. expl.: O'JIl XJl'llin D'jm OHP ib. 63:4, i.e. o*&5> siggei 71; xVx run i'xi xin afro nasi inwn] rfrircn xvi o'prj •pra TGAs28181:10; p-wn rtatsn Kin wi'iun oonip-u ohp Ber 61:29; Lit: Flora 2:203+. nNt^"13 adj., n. of GN (nw&e-form < GN tf'T3 < Akk umNaru-essu [lit. new canal] Zadok, GN 235]) I. adj.: sg.m. .1X1013 XIX 31 &A 60a(13); pl.m. 'XOIJ 'T3n the tenancy agreements of the people of GN BM 68a(12); «6.(19); II. n.: sg.m. "p3 'JB 1712;: nxtt>13 (if) one of GN kissed you, count your teeth Hul 127a(30); 333 r,TW13 XIS'O one of GN stole a scroll BQ 115a(41) Lit: BJTP 258+; Y: nx«h? Hul ib.(BAYTN 320). N$3 n.m. depilatory agent (MH DIM MNeg 10:10) sg. 'VI10 ''DX1 1JW may 'WIS because of removal of hair, and even if he applied a depilatory agent Naz 40a(19); ib. 51b(9); 61a(9); avi 130 bq 86a(9; Es); xim vmyaxx ©an -pi Ma* 20b(5) Lit: Low, Flora 1:604, indicates that it is not a plant. 3fi?3 vb. to blow of wind (4 V2# '273, Vl# *\V1; Sy ■ iti LS 450) Pe.: xp'T TV1 x"?1 X3'1 where the wind does not blow Kar 5b(52) // Hor 12a(37); }fev72a(l); G/?31b(48) Pa. id.: H'BIB Vy a'lMBl Xp'T '11X1 the wind comes and blows over its [i.e. the cloud's] mouth Ber 59a(26) Na#3 n.m. net (4- xati'1; Sy rdr»-a-i LS 450, Ma X3PX3 MD 286, > C*&\ to find in a net Fr, AF 120) pi. '32?: X3^H31 I shall weave nets BM 85b(21)//Aef 103b(43) Y: '3W'J BM ib.(BAYTN 121). in»3 4 TH1MX n. NTfl&l, K1KVKI73 n.m. crumbs (etym. unkn.) sg. xnnyb wp Xll'aa X1X11M crumbs in a house lead to poverty Pes lllb(37; C); '1M31 'XI XJTnp3B '1WB X1XTO3 (I previously thought that) the reason for sweeping [lit. this that they sweep] crumbs was because of cleanliness Hul 105b(25); X31D X1111M3 TIT Xp mm D1WB because he was very careful with crumbs ib. 27 Rashi: piTB; v. also: mi iwm'm ND'p pi XTTTO'J the parings of the wood of Noah's ark TosTJ 2K 19:35. tJB>3 vb. to flay, strip hides (4 XWM; QA VV1 ATTME 384, Sy .\,y» LS 451, Ma DIM MD 307) Pe. ( /u): ni3X Vl3Xl Xpittfa XJV>'33 VW flay a carcass in the market and earn [lit. eat] its fee Pes 113a(7) [Var: VW1 CAr (AC 5:393)] // BB 110a(20; Ar [AC ib.],MGE 104:19); H^ ll'NI nn war1? xnn n'1? n,,7i xawa in diim'V xnn '3Ca let one who has an ox strip one hide. Let one who does not have an ox strip two hides San 109b(l; MGG 311:4); X2XT?'l <D1)('SW3'J1 xV n'31XB do not skin a fish from its ears San 100b(15; TGHark 145:14) Geon. expl.: 10B,,7 jnp' X^B inxn 'sfoa Try D'PBJl 16 TGHark ib. NB#3 n.m. skin, hide (4 VttfM; Sy rd^-s-i LS 451) sg. XD1M3 paxiPBI '1D1T small (fish) which are eaten with their skin Pes 8a(38; Seel 93:21 [Var]) Lit: Eps, Stl 118. l#'U/3 vb. to forget (Sy kIzj itpe./a. to forget LS 450, Ma 1#X1M af. MD 307; 4- Vl#'to) Itpe./Itpa. 1. to forget: -|T3 x"?l 'IM'X "?3X he ate, forgot, and did not say grace after the meal Ber 53b(29); rriXBlV 31 n"W3'X PN forgot his tradition San 82a(l); (n),I?130I? in(3)llM'X in XBT> naJX one day they forgot his sandals on its [i.e. the she-ass'] back Tan 24a(22); n'JYT'y H'B'X ma X'lMB X1? XB'X ... I'll'IMXl his mother brought him in and forgot him. A mother does not forget her son BB 36a(27); San 82a(34); ib. 62a(50); Ket 20a(37); Ned 50a(33); BB 16a(25); Svu 26a(46); Hul 93b(50); HP 16:7; TGHark 82:4; 2. to be forgotten: X3'Vl '3113 XB1S1 '13 'IM'X 'IM'XI granted that they can write (the words) of the mouth. (But) that of the heart [i.e. 2#'#3 779 Pfo the spirit of the matter] which has been forgotten remains so San 35a(34; K) 2# '#3 vb. to blow of wind (4 < Vatfl) Pe.: XH73 Xp'T 5«Jfc 29a(10; M2); Tan 24a(44); i& 47; 25b(52); BM 85b(44); ife 86a(46) Lit: GC 4712. 3#'fi^3 vb. to dislocate (denom. < 4- XTJ x'tfaTi]) Pa.: in"nn3 rpwi xnx <n)Tinxa (the angel) came from behind and dislocated him in both of them [i.e. the thighs] Hul 91a(37; V") '#3 n. 4- xnn'X n. HVffi n. sciatic nerve (< BH T\fl HAL 688) only in phrase 4- X'tf 1C1) XT'J r)'t^3 adj. purified (of flour; Of A ^Vl AOFCI 97, Sy rda-iLAj K'u-ai Gen 18:6 [H nap^ nVo], LS 451) sg.m. <«i>{3)'»313 xnap by max say over flour when it is purified HM 39:1 Knj?'#3*, pi. KTllip'^3 n.f. kiss (4 Vp©3; Ma xnX'pWi pi. MD 300, Sy K'MnT.ftj LS 451) pi. X3X nnxT xmp'wa xa'XT 'bVij? po the blows of my mother are better than the kisses of my stepmother Tan 20a(38; Mai 79:20[Var]) // X3X <nnx>1 XTl'pif (3) p Xa'XT 'S"?ip <')1X13D 5an 106a(12) [Jffl 4-101 n.] Dtf3 vb. to breathe (Sy >xj LS 451, Ma D»3 MD 307) 4- xatil n., xnatt>'3 n., ^OOIWl vb. Ktt^3 n.m. breath (4- Vd#3; Sy rdikij LS 451, MaXTia'W'3 soul MD 300) pi. 'BW3 I'flW X'DIDT (the length of a nap) of a horse is sixty breaths Suk 26b(8) Y: TOM Suit ib. 3fl0^3 n.m. a type of flour (< MP *nisastag [cf. NP' nisasta starch PED 1402, nDDXZ>3 SMel 71:924) sg. man1?1? n^> pay jtow ]ai ansa 6. -pastry from n.-flour (which) they make as its bread OHTPes 36:20 = GC 143:10 [expl. pjS'D Pes 37a(31)] Lit: GC 14325. l#*ftl vb. to blow (4- Va#3; BH *\Vi HAL 689, Sy -'v^' pa. to smooth LS 451) Pe.: '3 fSBJ Xp'T they blow like the wind Bo 14:8 Itpe. perh. to become stale: "?ajl'Xa rf? 'DX 'XT nV XBtfrx if it [i.e. the Q'3'SW Lev 6:14] had been baked from the day before, it would have become stale Men 50b(46) 2# *\&1 vb. to move a bit (4- XSt>3; etym. unkn.) Pe. (/u): xaa' 'nxi x'1?'1? «i»3 x'W* 'rixi xaa' «i»3 daytime moves, and night comes. Night moves, and daytime comes Ber 3b(35; F) [expl. BH *\01 Prov 7:9]; rPDaTTB «|1W^ J11D13B Dipa3 'Xp 'XI Xip'1?! max 3?3"IX if he is standing in a place of filth, let him move from his place four cubits and read (the sema' prayer) Meg 3a(43) // San 94a(10); XJHX 'XH3 Dip'XT xmiD ^ «]W move away from me a bit so that I can take possession of this field BB 169a(10); ib. 21 [v. Geon. expl.]; ]W xVt fVffXn ]13 l'T3S1 clasped by their legs so that they should not move Bo 48:2 Geon. expl.: BJS HMO Wll TGAs42 152:2. KSt^3 n.m. neSef, a term referring either to dusk or morning (< BH, MH *\fl HAL 690, J 941, \bm Yeivin, BV 828; 4- V2#«)tf3) pi. nil TBI 'DIM there are two nesefs Ber 3b(35) Y: 'B#J Ber ib.(BAYTN 121). P&l vb. to touch, kiss (4 Xfip'IM; Sy .nyi LS 451, Ma pm MD 307, MH2 p»3 to touch J 941, mng. 1) Pe. (a/), w. »T»n to touch each other: in xypTi xjnx ipon xan n"? 'irrx xn come (and) I shall show you where the earth and the sky touch each other BB 74a(28; TGHark 190:13); 'linx niDT 'S'3 plW3 IDT 311 X3YI (at the death of) PN and PN2, the banks of the Euphrates touched each other MQ 25b(41); 'JT1H ITI pVll n'3'y his two eyes touched each other Ber 56b(16; MGG 707:10) Pa. to kiss: a. general: n'piM'Xl nn'3 13n let me kiss him Git 57b (47); 1337T 'S'3 piMB X331 PN used to kiss the stones of GN (on his return) Ket 112a(47); b. var. parts of the body: 1) mouth: T33 '3a TpiM nxen: (if) one of GN kissed you, count your teeth Hul 127a(30); 2) head: H'plM Dp H'E/nx he stood up (and) kissed him on his head Hor 12b(39); 3) hands: rrn0>m6 p^lMB mn 1H'T3X he used to kiss his sisters on their hands Sab 13a(42) // AZ 17a(23); 4) bosom: Sab 13a(42) [4 XHn '3]; 5) foot: ]H3T 'T> n'pOll I'm
xpvi 780 fJU n'yiDN he bent down and kissed PN on his foot Ket 49b(42); ib. 63a(15); BB 16a(27); San 27b(24) NptPJ n.m. worm, maggot (etym. unkn.) sg. HM 44:5 [glossed by !Jjj] 'ptPJ, 'ptP'2 n.pl. slave mark (etym. unkn.) Git 43b(32) [expl. MH tOia'J ib. 31]; ib. 36 Geon. expl.: own IK mix in ypyp rard? nan 'p»'j wits 'ji^bVb nay xinw ijpb piD nyh mix i'tny»] TGAs42 41:25; Lit: Sperber, GLUT 116, w. prev. lit.; Y: 'jWN CiV ib. *1$J vb. to tear, lacerate (Ma 1# TVi MD 307) Pe.: X"l»jn X331B n^ XB^H VTWXb X'Bl iVDOX X"RM ninx'n diphtheria is like a thorn which (when the woman) pulls it from a ball of wool it tears backwards Ber 8a(31; Ar [AC 2:221 + 5:396]M) Lit: Low, Flora 1:9, follows J 942 in interpreting this word from VltJJ and not as the name of a plant. H-Wi n.m. eagle (TA xlltfj TO Lev 11:13, Sy K'-ijt-i LS 451, Ma 1#X-|»'J MD 300) pi. ]1XT pTp^ xniM let the eagles fly to their nests Er 53b(18) [quoted as TXGOn ]Wi] Expl. Ar: OJVO^ OTDWin 131?' AC 6:211; Y: Xn»': Er ib.(BAYTN 121). D/oniP3 vb. (uncertain) Quad: <n)(X)DBJ'^ D'JTOJBI XniDS33 Sab 134a(29; O) [Var: DTllPMl GnK5 170:2; D'rwB Ar (AC 8:184)] Geon. expl.: OB37V 'V* '^D GnK5 ib., i.e. i_>*iJ V to breathe [so also Rashi; cf. I VtTO: pe.]; expl. Ar: < 1 V]JTO to urinate AC ib. int^J vb. to be trampled underfoot (cf. MH 2#t]W nif. LNVTH 360) QuadRef.: ... 'STHM'OT xsrwra x"n BM 23a(6); xsntyra x1? xTpn yps since it is heavy, it is not trampled underfoot ib. 8 RaH: Did 'H '^JT3 f^jVjna 'BrWJ'B ''B OHR ib. 35:10. HN'tt^a n.m. Afasi, exilarch (< MH X'fett MTanK 2:1, J 939; 4- nx'iitt '3, nx'iw na, xmx'to; jpa '^i DJPA 362) 1. Mrs/: sg. nX'Ett Tmv '1 £r 69a(25); 5es 27a(6); Tan 24a(38); Meg 7a(53); MQ 12b(27); 7ev 115b(34); 5g 19b(7); AZ 6b(22); Afar" 52a(44) 2. exilarch [4- nX'WJ '3]: sg. Dm1? p'^D Tllty X'WJ mmx 131 when the exilarch gave him precedence over him (as Gaon), he immigrated to Eretz Israel iSGF 103:13; ib. 97:4; 104:8; 11 Y: nX'tn Ber 44a(19; BAYTN 59). NJllK't^a n.f. office of the Nasi (i nX'itfJ; JPA nnriM det. DJPA 362) sg. Win x"?T I1X 3TI 1JnX,W33 sit, so that you should not treat your office of Nasi lightly Hag 5b(40); Hor 10a(44; Ed) Y: n'JlW'W Hor ib.(BAYTN 177). DJ13 vb. (< "3 ]T\i* w. assim. of nun to fol. bet [cf. Sy .A^j < -1 _^_>* Brock, SG 87]; i VjJU) Pe. ( /e), suppletive form in imp. and inf. of i V3H' pe., s.v. W13 vb. to seize, pull, cut (MH2 nru J 943, Arab £& to pull off, pluck hair Hava 748) Pa. 1. to seize from a debtor's hand: nrUB p n»3 n'Vltn X1? '313tf» I'X VTlrU 'mm the messenger of the court may indeed seize (movable objects). Seizing-yes, taking as a pledge-no? BM 113a(19; V22); ib. 28; 2. to pull, pull out: ]1'3 'mru1? X'TIX X1?! n1? 3'X3 H'"? xnrmn since (if the goat) pulls it out [i.e. the bit] it will be in pain, it is not apt to do so Sab 52a(6); 'Tinx TlrUDT 01WB because (the attached babies) pull strongly at each other ib. 129b(38); Bes 10b(34); Git 51a(34) [Var: TIM'S HGP 40a:39(2x)] Itpa. to be cut apart: rUU'» xV X3H nnrB Dm in that case [i.e. a kid] it is cut up. In this case [i.e. the Paschal lamb] it is not cut up Sab 20a(15) Lit: Nold, NB 197. lin'rU n. (uncertain) sg. TITTTlXn Xn(-|)pon a landed estate of ... Er 59a(23; O) For varr., v. DS, ad loc, n. X. NJ'rU, ilKl'JU adj., n. nathin, a descendant of the Gibeonites (v. Jos 9:27; nisbe-form < BH I'rij HAL 691) n.pi.m. Trm xin Dixunn gn, the village of the nethinim Qid 70b(36); 'JVU HP 143:13 Y: '(U'Jll Qid ib.(BAYTN 325). ]D3 vb. to give (4- XruriB, ]rP»l 30'B, Van'; Ma in: MD 307, JPA ]JU DJPA 362; cf. Sy il&j LS 298, s.v. Vt-raou) Pe. ( /e), suppletive form in imp. and inf. of 4- Van1 pe.: a. in BT [rare; pm 781 -iru 4- Van:]: .wa tdd''^ x"n xyrxa n'"? iitVi 'an '3 so that he should give it [i.e. charity] to him in private in order that he should not be shamed by him Sab 104a(22); "|V ]TK[ 'T1 'Xra 'J?3 ask me (for something) and I shall give (it) to you Git 56b(21); Vl3'3 "nm XC13 ]n>b let him first give and then eat BM 92a(19); Ket 85a(14); BQ 89a(25); San 96a(6); Bek 44b(l 1); X3iaa 'piSX iaV irPBI laa expropriating money from one and giving to another BM 32a(5); Ket 66a(26); Git 30a(ll); b. in Geon. lit., Anan: ]ini3X T2XV ^b miDS'1?! nri31T13 n1? parY'V when their father dies, let them give her ketubba to her and send her away TGHark 206:2; m3rV7 ]TVtb 'J?X3T ]Xai ri3na3 Xjnx one who wants to give a field to another as a gift HP 65:3; ib. 102:27; rraw X1?! -rttfya n^ in'S1? 'I1? there is no Levite available to whom to give the tithe AnanSch 14:5; ib. 15:16; in'B1? &e/ 4:34; ib. 189:10; TG//ar/t 86:20; Dec 5:13 Lit: Eps, Stl 99. pit! vb. to tear out, withdraw (BH, MH pW HAL 695, J 945) Pe. 1. to tear out: WT ]N8 'XH P'ru +'X yr x^ "pnai "nayi xb'Vjs xi^st 'Din pTia xV 'X one who attaches a linen thread to a woolen garment, tears it out [i.e. the thread], and does not know whether it is torn out or not Nid 61b(21) [Var: pTU'X xV 'X pTD'X 'X HG3 391:34]; 2. to withdraw: npXU npnn ]V3 since he has withdrawn it [i.e. the coal from the altar], he has withdrawn it (completely) Yom 46b(13) Pa. to tear: 'plJU1? n'3"n liW an ox usually tears (a confining rope) BQ 9b(27) Itpe. 1. to be torn out: Nid 61b(21; HG3 391:34) [v. Pe.]; 2. to be withdrawn: p'TirX nmsa1? (the ember) was withdrawn (from the altar) for its designated sacred use Yom 46b(17); ib. 21; Zev 56b(14); 3. to be designated, set aside: xpnrai XTin X^ Vm QWb prU'XT ]V3 nxV UVO1? since (the sota document) was designated for the sake of Rachel (and was not used), it cannot be redesignated for the sake of Leah Er 13a(44) // Sot 20b(10); ovb Pr"? p'JirXT xnilX Wnm \<mV3, he designated it for that woman's divorce Zev 3a(4) For 'IK1? 'pim1? Mak 15a(37; MJ, read most likely: iTW1? 'JipjlV ifc.(HeRay). nri3 vb. to fall off, fall out, remove (4- XWn; Sy ^ LS 452, Ma in: MD 308, MH 1V1 LNVTH 235) Pe. (a/ ) to fall off, fall out: a. parts of the body: "ITUI Wl1? n'1? 'J7T3T 'Xin n'nplB I saw (in a dream) that they split open my [lit. his] head and my [lit. his] brain fell out Ber 56a(48); XB?n in ID! JH3T nj/ns "73 each time he bowed down one head (of the seven-headed serpent) fell off Qid 29b(39); {ni'^DJI TO'y ]in:i 3pyH rrynsx his eyes fell out (from the blow) and fell at Jacob's feet Sot 13a(30) [cf. Ma: liVs'31 rnirra md ib.]; -w*m niran 'nix n^n VT'JIB'NtfB those geese whose wings fell off from (the weight of) their fat BB 73b (34); "1JUT ty Win "I57W until the hair of their heads fell off Ber 44a(17); nan TEN »33 1W3 the molars and (other) teeth of the men fell out Hul 59b(36); Yev 97a(23) [pubic hair]; Nid 48a(39); Bek 7b(27) [semen]; Sab 33b(46) [tears]; b. parts of plants or trees: n'S nru Xp the fruits fall off Er 100b (8); SA/21b(47) [fig]; Gi.f 61a(9) [dates]; 5mA: 13a(4) [leaves]; 'M'p niUp XHl do the twigs not fall off? Er 100b(9; O); c. other: ]riDt XlrUT ny until the pitch falls off (the vessels) AZ 33b(10); X"?T ]T3 nru nnra na'X yn' since (no distinction) is recognizable (in the fabric), I may say that (one type of thread) has surely fallen out Nid 61b(19) Pa. to remove a covering: mxii"? rD*n "Vm it is usual to remove the covering of a pit BQ 9b (27) Af. to cause to fall off or fall out: XTOT \0 'XM nan iriXI X"?pf7 XO'D one who threw a clod at a date palm, and caused the dates to fall off Mak 8a(5) // Sab 73b(31); Git 61a(8; O3) [4- XTO1X]; XnnB xVt nBlX (a type of) earth which does not cause (hair) to fall out Naz 42a(32; V2); mnx iyv causing hair to fall out HG3 343:47 Expl. RaH [Pa.]: Ton 'B WlS'l 'ITpni TByn 10'.
1#3K0 782 30 T D 1 # 3N0 vb. to make ritually unclean (JPA 3X0 DJPA 364) Pa.: H'WSJ 3NDOT one who makes himself ritually unclean (by contact with a corpse) Tan lla(49); n'31XD Hul 120a(52) [in a mnemonic formula]; pass.part. 4- 3X08 Itpa. to become ritually unclean: ''T ^'yXi ]VD 3XJ1D'X as soon as he put his hand in he became ritually unclean Naz 43a(l); JVPIXH pTO p"?13 iDxii xe?»e; xa-ijn ijr '3'noai lnxoi all of them wash their clothes, wash themselves, remain impure until the sun sets, and (then) become ritually clean Anan 45:3; ib. 44:5; "rVn p'noa ]yva "jVm pVDIX those foods and drinks become ritually unclean ib. 48:6 2# 3N0 vb. to be old (4- 3D, XTTD'D; Sy oardia, cnA Av^kLo? LS 453, Ma 1#3X0 MD 308) Pe. (e/ ): rr1? 3'o xrwm now he has become old TGHark 37:3; 3'0 13 7&7F 109:20 [dko 4- Void vb.] K0N0 I XDD n. NJ1N0*, pi. 'ISO n.f. se'ah (a dry measure; TA nXD TJ 2K 7:1, pi. ]'x6 TO Gen 18:6, Sy *k-x>, pi. ^inLJo LS 453 [Jacobite]) pi. '1X0 7V?n three se'ahs Sab 119a(10); Ber 44a(13); Pes 113a(18); '1XD TPV six se'ahs MQ 12a(49); Hul 11 la(22); '1X0 nxa one hundred se'ahs Sot 48a(47) Geon. expl.: 'pn3D inj rhn "XTO '1X0 rbn TGAs42 165:22, i.e. xnxo = 4- Umnj. The voc. form X1X0 MQ 12a(49; HPP 278:21) is app. an error. Lit: ALBH 105; Y: '1X0 Ber ib.(BAYTN 2). 30, 3'D adj. old, n. N30, N3K0 old person, grandfather/-mother, elder, scholar (4- V2# 3XD, X713D, Xni3'0; TA 3D TJ Is 3:2, Sy ^A^, LS 469, Ma 1#X3XD MD 308; f. Sy ^>>i ^ ^ LS 469, Ma XI1X3XD pi. MD 308) I. adj. old: sg.m. 3'D mn '3 ri'DHDI he ordained him when he was old San 14a(21); X3D P'J'X3 Y^mcb n'V 'aTX he appeared to Sennacherib in the guise of an old man ib. 95b(55); X3D XpaiD X13J a ruddy old man SOZ 72:23 [ref. to King David; cf. 'JiaiX IS 16:12]; pl.m. '3X0 'Vai old camels San 52a(48); II. n. 1. old person: sg.m. X3D in AZ 17b(42); X3D 'Xn MQ 17a(30); Ket 17a(28) [4- XTTDlti]; X3XD Xinn Ber 5b(7; OHT ib. 11:10) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; ib. 8b(10); Sab 33b(41); Pes 106a(23); Hag 25b(23); BQ 114a(40); AZ 37a(24); Hul 6a(7); f. XT13D X'HH BM 36a(45) [Es: XJ13'0]; XXn'O X'nn Nid 33b(14); Ket 60b(35); XJ1X33 rbl) 7b X'im XH30 X'nn a certain old woman who had three daughters BM 39b(9); Git 52a(37); ib. 68a(54) [Van 'fl3D HP 73:14]; xri'33 xa'O Xfl'33 xn3D an old woman in the house is a treasure in the house Ara 19a(4; O4); pl.m.abs. pO XJlVn three old men Bo 135:3; det. '30V ,TT 3TT "3X PN used to assist the old men Qid 33a(44); Ber 8a(16); BM 21b(36) // Kin 6b(7) [4- Xll'n]; 5o 78:19 [4- 3#X30X]; 7ev 64b(22) [4- V-ipy itpa.]; Naz 39a(26) [4- Vy3S pe„ mng. 3b]; Sab 89b(31) [* 'pm]; 5e£ 8b(21) [* 4- Npir]; p'30 iyi p'B'Viya from their youngest ones to their oldest ones Bo 70:4 [of demons]; pi. '3D H!33 several old men AZ 17b(41); Git 28a(9) // BM 20b(l 1) [4- xp'"?D]; 2. grandfather/-mother: sg.m. XSoV X'lX n,!73'3 may a lion devour the grandfather and his son Ket 72b(25); '71301 X3D grandfather and grandmother Bo 78:12; f. XT13D1? '033 (I bequeath) my property to (my) grandmother 55 125b(l; P1); ib. 3; 16; 3. elder: a. general: sg.m. 'IBP 'ax X3DT n'aWB PN said in the name of an elder Qid 71a(44); Er 63a(21); Git 79a(35); Hul 18a(17); Mrf 61b(15); 'Xlin'T X3D the elder of the Jews '«Ta? 783 l#b>30 BB 58a(34); pi. ni'T '3D 'Jn its [i.e. the town's] elders Er 59b(32); '3D Tbn 'JH these three elders Ber 22a(38); X'301 'm' '"I PN and the elders Yev 16b(6); Nid 47b(9); &A 134b(25); '3X0 -|B0'B ordination by the elders San 13b(30) [expl. MH D'3pT TO'HO Mib. 1:3]; /A. 102b(37) [4- XJim3]; 'XB1X1 '3D the elders of the pagans gW 33a(42); xn'13@Q1ST '3X0 the elders of GN Pes 117b(39); Sab lla(45); Qid 25a(2); &w 17b(20); 5efc 8b(9); '3X01 p IT'S Xanax we, the court, and the elders SSHai 18a(7); b. w. a PN: sg.m. X'W 31 X3D Pes 88a(42); X3D X3T 31 ib. 103b(l); X3" 31 X30 Qid 53b(l); X3D xViy Git 26b(23); X3D '1*7 50 72a(15); X3D ]'3T 55 146b(6); X30 XSD 31 Men 33b(38); X3D X'lX 31 Hul 124b(34); 4. pl.m. scholars [cf. H D'3pT]: 'SOT 'mi^S a difference of opinion of the scholars Ber 50a(42); XriJiyBE/ '301 the legal traditions of the scholars Er 12b(30) // BB 149b(5); 31 '31 '3D the scholars of the be rav BQ 75a(39); H3 W3C? '3D nB3 how many scholars did you confuse by it? [i.e. by your incorrect interpretation of the Mishna] Zev 70b(10); XJ'i !'iaV '301 X'TO laymen and scholars knowledgeable of the law Anan 116:7; ib. 115:19 Geon. expl.: -p .XVI ]XD X3X0 XVM p'-fflXl X3'n ta (Drf?X)»»l ... nyw nmxa xxm rrne ono ipi x"?x jht tnx irx» irxn oht Ber 11:10; Voc: '5x6 HGP 46b:18; mii ib. 40b:32; Y: TO Tan 5b(l 1); X30 Ber 5b(7; BAYTN 8); xroD BB 125b(l). [130 vb. to lose (4- Vl#13X) Itpe. to be lost: XD'l 13nO'X the get was lost #P 131:31 Poss. a dissim. < 'ittevad or a scribal error for 13JVX.] 'Nnl30, 'KTI3ND n.m.pl. Savoraim, post- Talmudic scholars (4- Vn30 ^a/o/-form + gent. ending) nx-iin1? '3ipaT Clan's) 'lonoaT 'xni3o nn 'X1130 ]J31 1H3X (1>{'npX1 there were Savoraim who explained matters who were close to (the period of) 'instruction,' and they were called the Savoraic scholars iSGS 69:18; "Nina 'X1130 p31 the later Savoraic scholars iSGF 71:11; (A. 72:4; 97:14; "X113X0 TGHark 101:19; GnK4 59:2; tf>. 11 Lit: Danzig, IHP 8+; J.E. Ephrathi, The Sevoraic(i) Period and its Literature, Petach Tikvah 1973 [Heb], '3D vb. to retail wine (denom. < 4- X'30; 4- xmioa) Pa.: xnam xrnn rpb sn'T ]a "xn n'1301? Wttb one who assigned a jug of wine to a wine retailer to sell BB 98a(23; HP 87:11,HG2 481:17) [Var: IT'DO^ 'njHX M] N'30, pi. XmiSO n.m. wine retailer (< Akk sdbu innkeeper, beer merchant CAD S 5; 4* V'30) sg. BB 98a(23; HP 87:11) [4- V'30]; JXH Tt^pV n'nnns X'30 that wine retailer took it [i.e. the wine] in its 'boiling' state AZ 57b(19; HG3 257:85); pi. X71X13D inn AZ 71a(22); ib. 72b(20) Voc: X'36 HGP 5b:31. p0'30 4- -|0'310 n. T30 adj. adept, intelligent (4- ^30 pe., pass.part.; Sy -i.; -. m LS 456, Ma T30 MD 317) sg.m. D'J/BI T3D1 adept and intelligent SSHai 17b(2) 130 vb. to attach (1 XT1330; Sy ^ficw LS 454, Ma 130 MD 316) Pe., pass.part. attached: "]'30 X1EP33 (the lung) is attached to the flesh Hul 48a(28); ib. 29; J30 X1? pi X"I2?'33 "pD ]'3 XnW'33 TGHark 159:24; ib. 25; 27 Pa., pass.part. id.: p'311 xaxip3 X3prai HX'1 XIO'33 130ai Xnrm X3Si3 a lung which is perforated in (its) membrane, is stuck to the animal's rib, and is attached to the flesh HP 201:2; ib. 200:16 XJ1330, ND3B0 n.f. type of head covering (4- V"|30, X3T3; Sy «lL~lsd hair band, net LS 454) sg. XJ1330 BB 146a(30) [Var: XJ1DS0 SMel 50:208]; XJ13S0 Sab 62a(l 1; GC 24:6) [4- XJITIUD note] Lit: GC 2413. 1#V30 vb. to suffer, support (Sy ■Uw LS 454, Ma "730 MD 316) Pe. ( /u) 1. to suffer: ]Xa 1'jna V'30 13J XH' na3"73T one who (is born) under (the sign of) moon will be a man who suffers illnesses Sab 156a(40); x:max 'am 'J?33 n'1? "71303 X3B31 let us pray concerning the pestilence, and we shall suffer famine Tan 8b(21); Ned 51a(21); TGHark 207:28; 2. to support: mnx V'SOi xVp'T a date palm which supports another Er 51a(7) Quad, to suffer: X3[X1]0in3 b'S'Oa nas ©'IS Xs?! he did not state explicitly how much he suffers concerning the loss TGHark 270:30; ib. 271:31;
2#730 784 "130 ja 7'3'oai 'xa ]» mo xnxn ]a .Tp7in nvra? tix XJX'T his portion of the profit should be greater than what he would suffer from a loss ib. 272:7 2# 730 vb. to send betrothal gifts (denom. rt. < MH niJibn'O betrothal gifts MQidK 2:6, J 950 < Akk subultu gift CAD S/3 188; Sy ,\->n> pa. to give a wedding present LS 455a, mng. 2) Pa.: '730a mm 'BHpBI X171X3 in a place where they (first) betroth and afterwards send gifts Qid 50b(26); ib. 27; 28; 29 IWl'MO n.f. linen cloth (JPA rwi'MD det. DJPA 365) sg. xmao Sab 147b(27; Ar [AC 6:10]) [O: xxp'rao pi.] Expl. Ar: m J'BtJJWW po AC ib. J730 i Vyat? vb. "QIO vb. to be of the opinion, think, derive by logical deduction (4- 'X113D, T30, X130; Sy ■i^irr> LS 456, Ma 130 MD 316) Pe. (a/a) 1. to be of the opinion, agree w. s.o./s.t.: a. active: 1) general: "130 1B1 ... 120 IB this one is of the opinion, and that one is of the opinion Yom 83a(38); 130 >X,11 ... 130 'XI Naz 47a(27); '1 130 ymrv Sab 124a(ll) [and passim]; '"130 pi the scholars are of the opinion BQ 51b(47); 'X8 130p 'X 130p what is his opinion? If he is of the opinion ... Kar 21a(23); pUV '10 ,17 130 X31 PN agrees with PN2 BM 96a(l); n'7 130 XJJ1 "X,1 X1.13 ,T7y 1'7B1 [Xin3 =*] X1,13 WITD this Tanna agrees with him with regard to one case and differs with him with regard to another Suk 33b(33); 2) in opp. to V'Wl pe.: 130 X71 ''inn '1 n7 '130 X7 'a: pi n7 PN learns it but does not agree with it. Do the scholars also disagree with it? Er 38b(13); Nid 46b(48); b. pass.part. XT30 "7: 137 XT3D1 10T17 according to you who are of the opinion ... Yev 77b(35); Ber 24b(48); Sab 95a(36); BQ 90b(33); J1X '7 XT30 X7 'T17 "|7 XT3D11 am not of this opinion. (But) you who are of this opinion ... RH 34b(l4); X71 XO'X XB71 n'7 XT30 perhaps there is someone who does not agree with it AZ 35a(24); X7 1B173 '7 KJPBP X? '7 XT3D I did not hear it, viz. I did not agree with it Pes 41a(5); Er 102b(32); MQ 12b(38); Ket 97a(13); Hul 62a(16); riVTD ]7 XT30 we held the same opinion as he BM 83a(19); "]TX0 XJX '? XT30 XJXff'7 I agree with the other version Suk 7a(24); BB 170a(47); Pes 103a(34); Bes 22b(2); BB 15b(30); rl'7 XT30 ^XBO ia with whose opinion [lit. according to whom] do you agree? ib. 95b(26); 2. to think, think at first: a. alone: X13D Xirx7 TVira Xp70 his daughter went up to the roof thinking ... Meg 16a(28); 1130 WX they thought MQ 25a(21); San 109a(17; SM 19:12); b. w. fol. rel. clause: XD3 D'pn X3'n Xlfl XIO'PI 130pl ,TT3 Xiam (in a case) where he is holding a cup of wine in his hand and he thinks that it is s.-beverage Ber 12a(24); ib. 42; D'iXI M'X X130 she thinks that he is unavoidably detained Ket 3a(l); 173p '?13p p'TWXIB '130 XJX I thought that from the fact that he remained silent he had indeed agreed to it BB 62b(33); Qid 81b(46); X1.1 xarf? 31130 'a do you think (that) it is bread? Ber 38a(2); BM 7a(18); Men 16b(26); c. w. fol. inf.: 'BD 'VtBI DD'J? J'JH ,1"J3B7 1130 they thought (at first) to build it [i.e. the Temple] in GN which is higher Zev 54b(17); 130 WanpX7 he thought (at first) to make them earlier Ber 8b(9); Qid 71a(33); BB 5a(13); Men 43a(l 1); ,1"TnB7 X71130 he thought (at first) not to examine it Bes 27a(7); MQ 21a(22); 3. to be aware, in phrase 7'2p1 130 he was aware (of the situation) and agreed (to it from the start): 4- Vl#73p pa., mng. 3; 4. to understand: XrTCM il'JTUD now I have understood it (on my own) Yev 21b(ll); X71 ,T7 'ISOBI X,1 1301 n'7 '13001 X,1 130 this (refers to a case) where they explain (it) to him and he understands, (and) that to where they explain (it) to him and he does not understand Ara 3a(32) [cf. BR 189:5]; BB 155b(32; P1); Bek 37a(7); 5. to derive by logical deduction, reason logically: 1) * VlBJ pe.: np'B7 'xa'x x7io rn'py 'n rrap7 xnx 'ip'ya xnx nm xibj ibji 7xyap' 'n ,rap7 xnx X3'7x X130 1301 n3'pj/ '11 rrap7 initially he came (to study) before PN. When he could not understand (his) argumentation he came before PN2 and learnt the tradition. He came again before PN and derived (the law) by logical deduction Er 13a(37) // Sot 20a(51); 130'7 11,11 tf'J'X IBl'71 a person JO30 t t : 785 K130 t t : should (first) learn the tradition and afterwards deduce it logically Sab 63a(27); San 68a(39); ib. 106b(43); pass.part. TBJ 73X T3D1 TBI '7'a 'in X7 T30 X71 this refers to one who has learnt and can make logical deductions, not to one who has learnt but cannot make logical deductions Hor 2b(4); X1T301 XaTBJI XJX ]120 'like myself (meaning that) I have learnt and can reason logically San 5a(5); 2) * Vj/B© pe.: nyBffl iri3 ni30 IBnJ 31B after he received the legal tradition from PN he deduced it logically BB 39a(26); Sab I33a(i3); 3) * V'jn pe.: ni30i w nxibria mn 'aT" nn7ri3 he learnt it [i.e. Torat Kohanim] in three days and derived it logically in three days Yev 72b(19; I$GF 42:6); 6. in legal phraseology: a. '3'TO SrO'a pi?'© mnO'm do you (really) think so [lit. it]? Are measures really written (in the Pentateuch)? Er 4b(7); Suk 51a(8); MQ 5a(38); Yev 115a(46); BB 87a(7); Kar 28a(38); b. n3'B 1130 they concluded from it Sab 148b(ll); Bes 36b(16); Tan 21b(18); Git 52a(47); BM 110a(36); c. IB'B1? "3X 130 PN expressed the opinion [lit. thought to say] Suk 4b (8) [cf. mng. la and MH2 1B1? UX pi303 Hag 7a(2)]; Yev 114b(40); BQ 8b(17); pm 311 .TBp pi 1130 IB'a1? the scholars in PN's presence expressed the opinion AZ 10a(l); ib. 61b(27); BB 33b(22); Bek 7b(23); 1B'B7 KTOVia '^X1 ni1301 'XB lyaff hear the opinion which the heads of the academies expressed iSGF 111:8; d. ]'3X '113 1130 X1p'J?B H'BT '113 rrrno «11037l initially, they expressed their opinion like that of PN. Finally, they expressed it like that of PN2 BQ 117a(13); Yom 23a(48); AZ 52b(42); San 25b(32) Af. 1. to explain: H13DX X3X H31 X13J 'X if I (shall be) a great man I shall explain it (on my own) Yev 21b(9); -]7 ni3DX I shall explain it to you Sab 60b(15); BB 60b(14); San 81b(10); Mei 14a(15); '7 H13DX 'TK '1 PN explained it to me BM 8b(27); ib. 33a(33); ]'3X '17 H'7"12? ?'I rrVrn nniSOXI go (and) ask PN, since I have explained it to him Nid 42a(41); BB 142b(39); San 68a(39); Ara 3a(32) [v. Pe., mng. 4]; rri37 n'7130a xpi ym "3X7 n'nno^x I found PN who was sitting and explaining to his son Yom 27a(2) // Qid 48b(40); 2. w. 'BK to act kindly: I 1#XBX mng. l.b.6 Itpe. 1. to be logical, reasonable: a. w. explicit subj.: rTByO ISrlO'B his view is logical Sab 60b(50); RH 31b(52; E2); Yev 67a(40); BB 51a(2); San 41a(49); 311 ri'Jl7'B X13riO'B PN's statement is logical ... Ber 30b(33); Yev 69b(45); Ket 83a(33); iSGF 24:6; b. w. impersonal subj.: XJD'J?aa X7 2;ip XiariO'a it is reasonable (that) I do not exclude holy food Yev 73b(35); Yom 17a(5); Git 45a(8); X13710H XOB'X/HSB'X reverse it! It is logical ... Pes 28a(21) [i VlBX pe., mng. 2b]; X13riOB 'BJ '3n so also [i.e. the explanation is correct]! It is logical ... Er 41a(48); BQ 26a(42); BM 79a(42); Hul 31a(25); 311 ri'ma XISTICB it is logical according to PN Yev 112a(33); Meg 27a(l); Er 28b(48); 'T1 'xni3 X13T108 it is logical according to me Sab 138a(23); 2. w. 'V to agree: Trl' '131 OriO "Xin3 12317 (inV) 13D0'X X71 n'7 113nO'X1 he quoted the words of an individual anonymously with which he agreed, and the later Rabbis did not agree with it iSGF 54:2; flTTD H'7 X13I10'X he agreed with him Seel 89:31; fVHI pSPXl ]7 nsno'x x?i 'pTn 'aye "xap ,3ixj7 xnx37'n we found in the compendia of the earlier Geonim far-fetched reasons with which we did not agree TGHark 39:6; ib. 34:26 Lit: Bacher 130. N130, N1K30 n.m. logical deduction, conclusion (4- Vl30; Sy rc*T_=jLj» opinion, conjecture LS 456, Ma X13'0 MD 324) a. general: sg. X1X30 XVI San 15a(13); ib. 28a(5); Ber 35a(52); Sab 96b(12); Meg 7a(46); BM 81a(30); Zev 36a(26); X1303 X'^m 'n7'a a matter dependent on a logical deduction Hul 44b(21); Gi( 6b(32); 'X,1 ni!7 X3B X13D from where does he know this logical deduction? Suk 24b(14); Yev 9a(21); Tern 5b (17); n'WBJI X130 his own logical deduction Ket 2b(40); X130 'Xn in7 n'71 ]3317 according to the scholars who do not maintain this logical deduction Sot 23a(34); '17BB Xp X130 "Xn3 pil the scholars differ concerning this logical deduction San 4b(2); X130 'Xn n'7 WOW ]B concerning whom did you hear (that he maintains) this logical deduction? Pes 70a(29);
t ; t 786 l#'JO concerning whom did you hear (that he maintains) this logical deduction? Pes 70a(29); BM 33a(13); Hul 137a(13); X130 1713 7'T follow (your) logical deduction Git 73a(33); X130 130B7 to derive (the bases of the tradition) by logical deduction Sot 20a(51); X13D Xri5?BE?1 '11X the reward of a legal tradition is (deriving it by) logical deduction Ber 6b(25); X71 '15?1 1'7 IIXp Xiao '1111X7 3?T they call to him and he answers, but he is unable to respond logically Tan 12b (2) [+ //'s; 4- Vl#'J5? pe.; expl. 4- Vol! itpal.]; n'1X30 1'Ona ]1X1 ITO 3-1 lai the logical deduction of PN, the Gaon of GN TGAs42 37:6; XW'7p X130 a weak logical deduction TGHark 34:21; pi. '1X30 Z?GF 69:16; 71:7; b. * Kip biblical verse: X'H X130 Xip '7 n»7 why do I need a biblical prooftext? It is a logical deduction BQ 46b(18); Ket 22a(26); BM 95a(2); Pes 21b(39); 'Xip3 131 '1'7S X1303 DAT1 '1'7B in this case they differ concerning (the interpretation of) biblical verses. In that case they differ concerning a logical deduction Ber 49b(33); Pes 49b(42); AZ 34b(41); Men 2a(15); Tern 30b(14); c. * X1B1 tradition: 4- Xiai mng. le; d. * Vyatf pe. to hear (a tradition): ,17 IPX X130B X7X '7 5?'ai2? X7 5?Btt?B I did not actually hear (this tradition), but it can be logically deduced Ket 53b(21); '7 5?'B2? X7 XIX xiaoa i'na"pi xnn 3i 13 nan xn I did not hear this (tradition) of PN, but I confirmed it by a logical deduction Sab 34a(27); Git 7a(2); Ber 49b(15);55 83a(17) Lit: Bacher 132; Y: X}3? BAYTN 44. NrilO 4- 30 adj. "U0 vb. to bow down, worship (Sy :Ou» LS 458, Ma 110 MD 318) Pe. (e/u): XDX111X XTI1 n'7 T101 he saw a statue and bowed down to it San 61b(38); Sab 72b(30) // tfar 3a(56); X'S Xin D'U 117 '110 Xpl he saw water that the pagans used to worship AZ 58b(25); ib. 47a(42); Sot 47a(36); San 93a(34); ib. 107b(27); 1'iata X75?n ,T7 1110 bow down to a fox in its time [i.e. when it is successful] Meg 16b (24); ]'p311 15? piOl Xjnx 75? ]11'SX they bow down until their faces touch the ground Anan 19:17; ib. 20:11 TJ0 n.m. a permitted bird (lit. bows and eats; 4- Vl#73X pe.) sg. Hul 62b(34) 1#'J0 vb. to increase, be sufficient, suffice (4 '10 adj., V2#'1T; Sy ^f» LS 457, Ma 2#N10 MD 317) Pe. 1. to increase: '10B1 '10 "n 2PDB he will live long, increase, and cause to increase [i.e. will have children and grandchildren] Yom 88a(33); 2. to be sufficient, suffice: a. part. sg.f. in impers. phrase '1071 ... "3/X'10 ... "3 enough, sufficient: X'10 10'1J13 twelve (cubits in circumference) is enough (for a diameter of four) Suk 7b(44); X'10 mnn TIB31 two Torah scrolls are enough Meg 29b(40); X'10 W ,1717713 are three days sufficient? AZ 5b(27); Er 80b(37); BB 27b(44); X'10 X7 Xn X73 X,11 this one without that one [i.e. study without prayer] is insufficient Nid 70b(28; M); '1X13 'ion it should be sufficient with two (judges) San 6a(32); ib. 13b(32); b. in impers. phrase ... "7 'IOJV'10 to suffice, be sufficient: 7D3 75?1S3 n'7 '101 Xin 'Hin he is a storekeeper who makes do (with the pay of) an unemployed day laborer BM 68b (3); '1X0 'B3 Xl,1 J11713 n'7 exile is also sufficient for him Mak 9a(23); Suk 7a(16); BQ 50a(15); Bek 46a(8); Anan 35:10; ib. 67:19; B'SOU n'7 'ID'TI XJ'B ma im in (the case of) one (type of animal) one libation suffices for it Men 91a(40); ,T7 'lOTl fi1p7B3 corporal punishment will be sufficient for him Tern 3b(45); Yom 19a(38); Suk 51a(9); Git 12b(3); Naz 56a(7); San 14b(43); Hul 29a(27); c. in phrase X7X/(1)X71 'ID X7 must, obligatory: 'P171X1 XOl'pa 7piE?B 1X71 'ID X7 he must take a piece of wood and light (each one) Sab 22b (15); D'jpT X71 '10 X7 they must be elders Ket 7b(23); "|'7B X71 '10 X7 Xl'M '11 it was obligatory for PN to be the head of the academic session Sab 59b(30); Pes 7b(4); ib. 64b(36); G/?44b(35); BQ 65b(28); San 42a(46); Men 81b(41); Tarn 32a(45); XTDia X73 ]7 '10 X7 we must have a grace after the meal Ber 48a(21); Ned 64b(8); Zev 47b(9); 5?1T J/pip 31 7J> X7X ]X'10 X71 1"31'B7 (powers of attorney) must have known land from which to collect it [i.e. the debt] TGHark 93:34 Af. 1. to cause to increase: Yom 88a(33) [v. Pe., 2#'J0 787 'SO mng. 1]; ,1'msmW7 I'lOX '3'11 how he increased (the value) of his partnership TGHark 275:34; 2. to be sufficient: E?('){1}1X 17 'loai ]X'1D J'Jttt '313 this is sufficient for a person many times in this manner Suk 26a(43) 2# 'JO vb. to walk, be current (4- 1# X'110; Ma 1#X10 MD 317, Sy ,-^a'*' LS 458b [< Mal. OfA '10 DNWSI 776 [Peh ideog., Ah], Akk segu to move about CAD S 206) Pe. 1. to walk, go, move: '10Xp '3 when he walks Ber 60b(35); 1,1,11 Xm7'7J/3 11X01 '»3'X those people who walk in perverse ways Sab 88b (2); lixa '37 X'10 11,11 (the donkey) used to go back afterwards to its master's house Tan 24a(23); Zev 113b(31); XIIBJ? ,T»p '10 1111 X1111 the pillar of fire that used to go before him SOZ 13:1; 2. to be current, valid: XSDD1 'B'lS 110 X71 X1J1X3 in a place where small silver coins are not current BB 165b(44); TGHark 45:26; '»7J/a '10 Xp ]Xai X5?3'D 'in pIS go out and see whose coinage is current [lit. walks in the world] Svu 6b(35); 103 7'pB? 1,'X.I Xin 11X01 'Til that silver shekel [v. Gen 23:16] is zuzim which are current AnanSch 17:10; X3'115? Xjmnn xap '101 X3'1 IS? Xyiini until where does GN (extend) ? As far as the qab of GN is valid Ket 54a(33; V^EdJGHark 205:25) Pa. 1. to walk, go, move: a. people: n'7 ]1'11,1 P'101 we returned (it) and were able to walk BB 74a(7); XW'13 '10 l.T'l'a '1 which one of them [i.e. the faces of the androgynous first person] walked first? Er 18b(7); 7'7p '10a '3 17 13C/n 'Da tS'll '3 73X 7'7p he will be overtaken by darkness (in reaching his house) when he walks very slowly, but when he runs he will reach (it in the light) Er 51a(4); 'X101 XDWI 15? I have been walking up until now Tan 24a(13; LM2); Sab 100b(15); ib. 118b(51); Yom 86a(35); Yev 103a(20) [4- xnm1?]; Ket 62a(22); Qid 31a(15); BQ 60b(26) [4- Vl#'3n itpa.]; San 95a(45); Hul 48a(51); Bek 8b(16); 1'5?133 "1107 1'311 1X7 he does not usually go on foot Geon 104b:3; BM 81b(7); b. animals: '75? "1107 Xri1B?1 "p ri'X you have permission to walk upon me BQ 24b(33); na'X nm XB>'13 ]X10a TJ? the goats walk first and then the lambs Sab 77b(23); ]'7,n Xia'01 ii'5?i3i xsn 75?i in'Ti xsn 75? noai D'siiy nnac? the sign of these eight creeping animals is that they walk on the palm of their paws and on the palm of their hind legs Anan 66:15; ib. 4; '13 5?31X 7J? "11X0 (animals) that can walk on all fours ib. 18; c. other: X31B XTll'SO X'lOa X? the boat was not moving very much BB 73b(25); Ber 54b(3); 2. to travel: X105?3 1'UOV '5?X31 X111X 'BV he would ordinarily travel it in ten days San 95a(ll); 'aB'31 XnxiV'73 110a 1111 they used to travel by night and by day [lit. during the nighttimes and during the daytimes] fiM28a(38); xni'SOa 'loai ]Xa one who is traveling by boat IHP 615:2 [cf. Vl#7TX pe., mng. I.2.b]; HG1 161:18 = TGDr49 97:7 [4- Van' pe., mng. 6a]; 3. w. "3 to act, engage in: "1107 'p'1S7 '1© 'B1 XDVaia are righteous men permitted to engage in deceit? Meg 13b(10; MGG 517:12) // BB 123a(41; Es) [cf. Ma: X'lOXa xni7XlX13 she acts treacherously MD ib.] Itpa. to walk, walk past s.o. [w. "7; cf. Satzlehre 40]: ]7B1 X'lriD'X X71 our camel could not walk BB 74a(5); X'lia 117 'IDDa X71 ]1'3 since they cannot walk (in it) directly [i.e. in a straight line] Sab 7a(15); 1,17 '1J10B X7 X17S1 XTiaX3 '131 'ID two men cannot walk past each other in (the space of) 1 1/2 cubits Men 98b(5; V'0); Yom 51b(34); BM 107b(53; V22); ib. 108a(l) 3#'10 vb. to close (< 4- VllD) Pe.: 1'7'J? 1'SX3 X337 X101 X3ini'X7 he brought him into the room and closed the door before him BM 86a(25); 1'17'5? X101 n"1D@'3 n'riin 1'3mxi he placed him under his pillow and closed (it) over him San 95a(39) 'JO, '1N0 adj. many, much, n.m.pl. public (4- Vl#'10, xm'lO; TA '10 TO Ex 19:21, Sy ^o> LS 458, Ma 1#X'1X0 MD 309) I. adj. many, much: pl.m. 11'a'a l'X'10 '115? ~[\vn (if) the clouds have become dark their water is plentiful Tan 10a(14); ]X'101 X1J1X3 'CIS '31 in a place where small (copper) coins are plentiful BM 44b(ll); l'X'10 pa'T many times Ber llb(24); Meg 23b(5); BB 65a(4); Zev 94a(32); II. n.pl.m. public [caique < MH D'31 J 1438]: 'X'101 X7'3ir; a public path SSHai 1 la(20) [cf. MH2 D'311 7'31£? BB 55b(l)]; ib. llb(2)
N-iinj 'ao 788 NinsT Naio T ; - - T T " : T t - Y: '10 BAYTN 167. — N"lii"l3 'SO n.m. blind man (euph.; lit. one much of light; 4- XTinj; Sy rococo j-^ LS 458, jpa mima no djpa 367) sg. n»<ri«n>... xnrn XITO 'ID an animal that a blind man slaughtered HP 208:2; pi. ixrai nina 'jo nn man two certain blind men who were quarreling Ber 56a(44) Y: lin: 'JO Ber ib. NJTP3.0 n.f. great number, multitude (4- 'ao adj.; Sy rc'^ioxLO^i LS 458) sg. '333 TtWB ^aVa1? linni'aoa xnxaaai may your table be confused by your sons and daughters in their great number MQ 9b(23; MGG 466:13 [Var]) 130 vb. to restrain (4- V3#'a0, Vl3D; Sy t^jo LS 459, Ma 130 ' MD 318) Itpe./a. to be restrained: XnB"p3 HanO'X ]pTV leave me alone! I was restrained [i.e. unable to answer] in the first (case) BQ 40a(43; F'H!) Nip n.m. stock (4- nxiO, 1# X31D; Sy 1# rc"i-oo LS 460, Ma 1#X1X0 MD 309) sg. mi03 nXID Cbrwo iTT 7TIB1 3'JT the one who makes stocks sits in his stock [i.e. that he made], and he is requited by his handicraft Pes 28a(8; CM2, TGAs42 160:4) nNIO n.m. one who makes stocks (nisbe-form < i X10) sg. Pes 28a(8; CM2) [4- X10] Geon. expl.: iTIOia IK ni'BOS 3WV p»VB nXID ]'JTO» «H OHP ib. 143:8(Ar); Lit: Contra Ros, Tarbiz 57 [1988] 13, this word should not be translated 'one who tortures in the stock' as the var. K"M [Ms. E1] proves [v. the Akk phrase quoted I thvn], SO10 n.m. pillow (< X'lOX*; 4- X'10 '3; Sy k'S-iok' pi. LS 32, Ma X1X0J? MD 354) sg. 11XW ■TVs? 3'm X'10 m"7 they placed a pillow for him, (and) he sat on it Pes 86b(18); ib. 22 N3'10 n.m. a cloth made of a light material and worn by wrapping it around the body or the head (JPA p0 DJPA 368, BH po HAL 702, Akk saddinnu cloth, garment CAD S 17) sg. X3H03 'TX1 'TIT ,15?31X four zmz/'wj which are tied in an s.-cloth BM 24b(15); ATer 85b(2); San 26a(3); naxi mj'ioa namx xm:ria xin ma jar mmex xiaa my xpi {npinai ram m3X"oa nV ma'IO1? Xp'T he bought a pearl with it [i.e. the money], placed it in his s.-garment-some say: in his s.-cap-and while the ferry was crossing, the wind carried off his s.-cloth Sab 119a(23); ,3a,I71 m3'1D3 TTD'Vl let him wrap himself in his .y.-cloth and lie down Git 70a(20); ib. 21; Hul 58b(6); ,T3'1dV XTI '1 X1W PN removed the fringes from his 5.-cloth [lit. untied his .y.-cloth] Men 40b(6); .T3'103 '03'a dressed in his s.- garment TGHark 162:1; Sno '03'B BM 81b(6) [* i i#xV3"io]; KnD7 m^pitri vbrvh n'amx mnoV X'B mSDB? he placed the s.-garment on it [i.e. the ass] and took the s. -cloth (for himself). The water washed away his .y.-cloth ib. 9; XJ'IO X1DD3 X^XailO XCJ'pS the .y.-cloth in the summer and the ^.-garment in the winter Men 41a(24; TGHark 190:4) Lit: AIOA 94324; ALBH 109; Voc: M'iD HGP 21b:37; Y: 'Kl'10 San ib.(BAYTN 58). 1#N310, N3N10 n.m. anvil, base (4- X1D; Sy rd-ia-ob LS 460, Ma 1# X3X1X0 MD 309; cf. also NP sandan anvil PED 701, Arab o'^PLAr 167) sg. map ••vpi xnsnxi x:xio "na mn they used to bring an anvil and a hammer (and) strike (it) in front of him Git 56b(41; MGD 728:14); XJ10 xbnsi an iron anvil Bo 78:5 Lit: Geig, AAC 289, s.v. )P0; Low, ZA 23 [1910] 288+; Y: XriO BAYTN 90. — NjntO X310 n.m. the base of the earth T ; - : T T - (4- XjnX; Ma xpiXI XiXIXD MD 309; cf. Sy Jijp rdiir*' horsehound LS 460) sg. in XJHXT X310 Xin the base of the earth is one BB 67a(24; EsP1) [H: XnitfB^n Xin] // Qid 27b(13) // BQ 12b(5) [i.e. by taking possession of one field a person takes possession of a group of disconnected fields which he has acquired since they are all ultimately connected below ground] Y: XyiXI MID BB ib. — N'MT N310 n.m. wheel turned by running water (Ma X'BI X'iXIXO Gy 193:4) sg. Hul 16a(5) Y: XW «™ /M ib. — NiriBT N31D n.m. potter's wheel (turned by hand or foot; Sy rdksp Audo 2:127 [= r^\ y^i.y^ K'-tij-a^]) sg. Hul 16a(4) [cf. TA: ri'S? mnfai K'lTTI K310 789 KITTO xSio Vy xni'iy majfr xin xni xino TJ Jer 18:3 (H D?33X)] Lit: Low, ZA 23 [1910] 289. In light of the consistent rdgs. w. dalet in both BT and TA, as well as the corr. mng. in Sy [not listed in LSI], the rdg. w. resh should be rejected [so Low, ib.; contra Ros, Tarbiz 57 [1988] 4]; Y: >nr!BT NJTD Hul ib. [- N'nm juto i x:no n.] [2# K310 I HXTO n.] piO vb. to split (Sy ^dtLso LS 460, Ma pO MD 318) Pe.: pass.part. np'10 Bek 45a(19) [of the foot]; IP'10 ib. 40a(32) "nO vb. to arrange, recite (i l#XrVmo, xmo, XniTD, X1TD; Sy -vU» pe. LS 461, Ma 1#T10 pe., pa. MD 318) Pe. 1. to arrange: |Xtt3 WOT rra'T "no XpT he appears like one who is arranging his case (before the judge) Svu 30b(35; HP 122:22,F2); pass.part. ]T1Q1 X1H1 in a case where (the stones) are arranged (to build a wall) BB 69a(8); 2. to recite, relate: rl'XT na ^3 'Wa X03H n'33 mnX imo '",'''{{1}}n^ women relate among themselves all that involves them in the privy Git 45a(44); H313 pr» im in "73 moi ri'V'T each one of them recites his own blessing (after the meal) TaS 583:3 [prayer]; pass.part. pi D'awxn xramm xwn ]33-n xaiD3 pnoi "X113XD "1713 (these matters) are recited in the mouth of the scholars in the name of the early teachers following the Savoraim TGHark 101:19; ib. 20 Pa. 1. to recite, relate: a. biblical verses: XpT PP1? 3VI31 XpiD'S moa (the scribe) would recite a verse and write it Meg 18b(36); 'T> ]3 yWW "] 'iai 'Xlp ^n1? inb moa PN used to recite these verses and lie down (to sleep) Svu 15b(30); b. Tannaitic tradition: XTTana nao mm X'BD Xinn "?Xiai^ 7ti~l map a certain blind man who used to recite Tannaitic traditions before PN Bes 16b(22) // Qid 66a(17) [cf. MH2: miO Xin© ru©a *7J?3 visb nsVn vr 497:5]; moa nanx ia mx 3T ,aa'T nyanxi poy I'mana PN used to recite our Mishna twenty-four times (in order to remember it well) Tan 8a(8); ib. 6; X1? irrUPa'? mnmD '31 xin xin x"?x xrnan ira xin xnxaoa1? pa'mo 7WS1 'SX3 X'JJI when PN arranged our Mishna, he did not recite the tractates one after the other, but each one was learnt by itself iSGF 32:3; c. Aggada: 'ap xnxiax moa mm ]J3ma xinn a certain one of the scholars who used to recite Aggadot before him Suk 53a(39); Ber 10a(31); Er 21b(15); Yom 38b(23); d. legal traditions: Xm mmi xawa nsiya moa "3x was pn not, in fact, reciting the order of the priestly functions in the name of the tradition [i.e. w/o a tradent] ...? Yom 14b(23) [v. Bacher 31]; \vf? JTX <n>{niin mm vb moai iinVis iam fim> 'Din xnxnyais they had legal traditions which all of the scholars used to study and recite constantly iSGF 62:3; e. blessings: XD3X V?? 11081 X2H3 311? nb X3'Tn I saw PN reciting them [i.e. the aforementioned blessings] over the cup (of sanctification) Suk 46a(48); f. praise: rvmV TT0B Xpi Xin X"33 Qnn Xip'ya mm 'Xa OniSXI in that case [i.e. Neh 9:7] it is the prophet who relates Abraham's praise as he formerly was [i.e. when called Abram] Ber 13a(30); 2. to make an assessment [< MH2 mo pa. J 958]: nnD m1? ]ivnm 'jot tri 13'moa (if) we actually sell it [i.e. his property for the debt], shall we really make an assessment for him (to retain necessary items)? .fW113b(30; Es); ifa 32 Af. to arrange: '"jsai mmVx TT0a .TOT 31 Xm did PN not, in fact, (first) arrange his tefilla and (then) pray? RH 35a(21) [cf. MH2: Q1X T10' m^sn ib. 19] Lit: Bacher 133. 1# KfflT]? n.f. order (I VllO; Ma xmilXO MD 310, 318, Sy rc*iie,T_.ajo LS 461) sg. xrP3J7 XiX xnai fr}bvn xmmo I shall make order in the matters of the town Qid 76b(27); ib. 28 2# NTVmO n.f. (uncertain; i xnmti) mnmo ian'n xm iai m1? xaia iai mniaiam iai maisa Xnj?ia2? your ... and your ... were the reason caused the halakhic tradition not to be said in your name Pes 104b(9; CV) [Var: mnmo v14v17; mnm» isgs 65:4] Na"n0 n.m. one who arranges or systematizes (i VilO; MH2 piO, imo Gross, Patterns 67; cf. Sy pc'Us-i LS 461, Ma XJXmXOO MD 275) sg. X3X X311D1 X3X XTaa I am one who has learnt (the legal traditions) and who arranges (them)
mo 790 KnvrriD Pes 105b(ll) [cf. Ma: TIOxVl XttOPI an unmethodical scholar MD 318]; pi. xmilXI 'fflD systematizers of the Law TGAs27 33:14 Y: NJYID Pas ib.(BAYTN 226). IHO, "TniP vb. to testify, bear witness, affirm (i XminoX, X110, XJllinO; Sy Am-a> LS 461, Ma 1.10 MD 319) Pe. (e/u) [w. mb, by for s.o.]: XJIX XBS 311 map 1'3 1M0 XTIl'T PN came (and) testified against him in the presence of PN2 Pes 113b(15); p13 mty IIMPI they testified concerning it in this manner TGHark 275:27; 'Xty mnc bear witness for me SSHai 14a(5); TGHark 165:24; 'r7V n'7 111071 pyBW Tl'7 X1?! NN should not come and testify for NN2 BB 43b(9); '3 11,1W'7 'IIP 1JV7 /fa 29a(38); milX 'X '7 JlllO if you come to testify for me 5vm 32b(7); -moth TGAs27 23:4 Af. 1. id.: a. alone: TOOK ,T7 liax they said to him: "Bear witness" RH 21a(4); TWya XTn imr 'n minxs took Vtxi w "n rninxs he saw an event in PN's place and went to give testimony in PN2's place Ket 28b(21); 'ya'X X7 '1TOX 7?'»? ,T7 he was not required to go (and) testify BQ 114a(7); W'JIN '11.10X7 IX WAX 'Tri'a7 did you come (merely) to see or to give testimony? Mak 6a(19); b. w. by, "X: XJ1?'I3 1713X '1.10a Xp they are testifying about the entire matter Ket 24b(19); miinDX7 m'X "PIS X71 .TT ma'Jinx so that he does not have to testify as to his (own) signature Ket 21a(16); c. w. "3: ywi n'7 mn n'3 rnoxi xarya from the time that he testified against him he was considered an evil person San 27a(3); IHXI 1'3 ITIOXI '110 1J1X Xin witnesses came and testified concerning him that he was his brother BM 39b(39); ib. 5b(38); AZ I7b(44); mn ma xji'noai xrnx '31 ia" 'a rma who can say that if I had come and testified concerning him, (the other) would have acknowledged (the claim) BQ 56a(39); 7'TX1 D'U '3 ,T3 THOa he goes (and) testifies concerning it in the pagan court ib. 113b(48); 2. to affirm, prove: Tioa Xp 131 X13J ]Xa 'Wl XH 1'7y come and see what sort of great man affirms concerning it [i.e. what he did] Ber 30b(ll) // Hul 7a(28); py 1MD3 13'3a XI (a prophet who comes) from you will, in fact, affirm our (independent status) San 39a(52) N"in0, tnnfr n.m. witness (4- Vino pe. part.; TA Xl'lS TO Dt 19:18, Sy rrtm-o) LS 461, Ma XT1X0 MD 310) a. general: sg. Xl'X X110 in X3X '7 I have one witness Svu 31a(17); p '3J131 X11W7 X11W they write between (the signature of) one witness and another BB 164a(13); D'U XIIS/ im XaiSX XJiaa 'psa pagans expropriate money on the testimony of one witness BQ 114a(l); pi. '110 px we are witnesses Ber 17b(39); n'3 1T1DX1 '1.10 1J1X witnesses came and testified concerning him BM 5b(37); XJITTX XM.1 llpriWXI HID 'XTl'XI a certain woman who brought witnesses and they were proved to have lied Mak 5b(6); 'ipitf '112/ false [lit. lying] witnesses Sot 6a(33) [4- 1# X1pE>]; Qid 65b(40) [4- l#X1ptf]; '1HD 'Win3X7 to refute (the testimony of) the witnesses RH 20b(13); 1J1X1 211 liTflX3 X71 inaiaTXI '110 witnesses came and proved them [i.e. the previous set of witnesses] false, that he had not stolen in their [i.e. the previous set's] presence BQ 75b(37); 'Jl'3 J17J1 '112/ three sets of witnesses ib. 24a(27); "XI "W '1.10 .T7y "nm X01S X1W a Persian deed on which Jewish witnesses are signed Git I9b(30); xV'y'? p'/o mins/i mnoui (a document) whose text and witnesses are written above SSHai 14b(16); XJinJ17'1 '1,12? X3nJX X33'a'nn we, the witnesses, whose signatures are affixed below ib. 16a(19); b. in a fig. sense: sg. ms 131 XinO X3iyaa XID'a (a rise in the level of the) Euphrates is a solid witness for rain in Eretz Israel Sab 65b(4) // Ned 40a(43) // X1TO Bek 55b(ll) The archaic orthography for this word with <s> [= sin], which is often retained in JBA, is well attested elsewhere in A in JPA [v. DJPA 570], Pal [v. PAT 413], and in the Old Syriac inscriptions [v. OSIEI 62, 106]; Voc: '1TO HGP 21a:31; 'TOP VTM 92; Y: Kin? Sab ib.(BAYTN 104). KJinnO, NJTnntP n.f. evidence, testimony (4- Vlho; TA 11,10 TJ Is 8:20, Sy rc'&cacn.a. LS 461, Ma XminXO MD 310) sg. a. general: Xn iaia x"? 'sd i3ia yiv I'xrs/ iy xmmo (a person) can, in fact, recall evidence for sixty years. He cannot recall longer than that Ket 20b(28; V5); ■p'310 791 '3110 'Tin 'ina inminw itn X7i XD'n if they did not see their evidence together HP 80:20; p'^apa ]XaD y~\Xn Dya xmino XlTXn according to whom do we accept testimony now from an 'am ha'ares? Hag 22a(41); Ber 14b(52); AZ 36a(22); Mn (1)('(riXp in'nnno IpyaV these (witnesses) come to abrogate their testimony Ket 19b(30); BQ H3b(48); xmino"? nxn xa"?y 'Via ixV not everyone is eligible (to give) testimony San 89a(28); D^IODI KfflW IX D'aiipi xmvw testimony of relatives or testimony of invalid witnesses TGHark 101:5; ip'yi '112/1 l"yxi Xlp'aV 1'yi' X1? Xnnrra? even though the witnesses to the main evidence are illiterate ib. 117:17; 95:34; Geon 256:7; b. in phrase yT Xniin03 to know evidence (in s.o.'s favor): 311 X313 31*7 Xmin03 y'T mn 'IPX PN knew evidence for PN2 Ket 20b(2); BQ 113b(48; HP 82:21); Svu 30b(39); Mak 5b(22); c. in legal documents: X3XS3X3 mm XXinnW testimony which was before us SSHai 4b(16); ib. 5b(17); 6b(4); lla(4); Dec 9:1; XMJim X:3ri3 XI XmilOl pi 'jVs1? X33'iT1 we have written, signed, and given this testimony to NN SSHai 4b(13); ib. 8a(2) Y: tumflO BB 39b(9; BAYTN 205). "]0'310, pO'30 n.m. mandrake plant (< Mir ? [cf. NP sabizak PED 638]; Sy min^iti LS 455) sg. San 99b(34) [expl. BH D'XIII Gen 30:14; Var: 1,'03'D TGWeisz 8lb: 12; 'p0'30 ed. Sonc] Lit: Pfl 189; Flora 3:365+. I#nai0 vb. to let blood (l X'1310a, '113'0; > Arab Jl^ to probe a wound, jUA? probe for wounds Fr, AF 261) Quad.: 1X3101 AZ 28b(40); iTT XK/a X1?! 1310ai one who lets blood and did not wash his hands Pes 112a(l; E2); VDX1131031 XIS'S '3 n'3'1? niB XID'S the heart of one who lets blood and eats (the meat of) a bird will palpitate like (the fluttering of) a bird Mei 20b(20) // T<3>|3noai Ned 54b(20) [Var: 13(1)0 Ar (AC 6:12)]; XJYTCn Xai' (')Xm X3'yi XBT 'Xl n'3 p'i3ioa xVi n'1? i3'7.ia x"7 we do not circumcise or let blood on a cloudy day and on a day of a south wind Yev 72a(7) 2# H310 vb. to support, maintain (archaic; TA 1310 TJ IK 4:7; cf. Sy iiixo to endure, be sustained LS 457) Quad.: ip"X1 nVs'X X3X1 '3'H' 1310'X11 shall work, honor, and support you SSSad 232:16 [marriage writ]; pi'2?3 31' p310ai XBB71p3 they support their wives faithfully ib. 18 II SSHai 13b(l);/& 19; 20 [J10 I V2# '10 vb.] NJ10 n.m. name of a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b (17) Geon. expl.: pi O'DMO hW TW ym min la'^XX n"WB XJ1D D'nn 'yX'3 Geon 118:14; Y: XJ1D Hul ib. 1# NJJIO n.m. walk, course, practice (4- V2# '10; Ma 2#X'1'0 going, walking MD 324, 4#X'1'0 copy, treatise ib. 325) 1. walking, walk: sg. XT3y X'JIO 'Sim1? (an old man's cane) is made to make (his) walking straight Sab 66b(l); 112?y xai' im X'110 '01S ten parasangs is one day's walk HP 166:18; 2. course: sg. X'JIO XJiyai£?(1)(3l the course of the legal discussion San 51b(19); Xnyaitf n"?131 X'JIO TGHark 135:14; OHR BQ 43:11; X1XBJ1 X'JIO ]'Dm such is the course of the gemara TGHark 95:36; 3. practice [cf. -I- xjdVti]: sg. in'ia im xs'Vx xabys x'noi the general practice is according to one of them San 6a(17) // ib. 33a(21); Xatyl )"110 iSGF 37:17; ib. 22; 45:3; TGHark 48:8; ib. 193:31; 205:30; may ai iai '3 pruai TmD our practice and custom is like that of PN ib. 112:17; 137:3; 205:27; [XJIiaVfri '"?]1D1 X'110 T311 such is the practice of the entire Talmud TGAs42 64:4; n"J1D x"?Dp1 X'JIO his practice is the practice of killing Bo 78:4 Y: K;J10 Sab 66b(l; BAYTN 153). [2# N'110 i X'lX n.] '3"3nO n.pl.m. (uncertain) xnaiyi 'i"11D catkin(?) Er 29b(45) Geon. expl.: H3iy fy V» D'yp3 GnK5 172:9; Lit: Low, Flora 3:334. The rdg. is uncertain and there are many varr. in mss. [v. DS, ad loc, n. 1]; Y: ':"110 Er ib.(BAYTN 270). N3TI0, N310 n.m. beer (etym. unkn.) I xmo '3 n. '3110, '3N110 n.m. perh. dweller in a rural area (etym. unkn.) sg. Ber 44b(45) [appellation of
N-rno T T 792 2#110 Rab Papa]; Men 71a(12); Nid 12b(l) [Van 'JXIID OHTBer 104:14] Geon. expi.: nnxw iaV?3 nxVpn 'mo Q'jTOxnn p ujrnw ■pi ni'ia '33a nVi ,tib '330 oht Ber 104:19; iio wx 'mo "xni isa p> xiijrt ijroa i3'x '3iio mi... nrx xatya '^a '3>n rrnn '31101 '3Ty ib. 85:13. This word is poss. not A; Y: '3110 Ber ib. N1710, NlJmO n.m. scarf, a long rectangular piece of cloth usually wrapped around the head but also employed to tie or cover a variety of items (< aou8dpiov, Lat sudarium Lehnw 373; Sy K'Ano.co LS 461) a. general: sg. Tib TO iTTJID bpV he took his scarf (and) folded it up BQ 20b(2); nyXB Xpl .TIXtD XTTID H'V 1B"I n'V they placed a scarf around his neck and were tormenting him AZ 4a(37) [Var: X"IX110 SM 190:25]; XTI101 vnnp 'T the four corners of the scarf HM 42:21; <& 45:14; Sab 140a(49); ib. 77b(35) [expl. as VX'tV 'n TO Ps 25:14]; g/W 8a(25); b. used as a head covering [i.e. a turban]: 1) general: sg. XTT101 XI1B13 a A.-hat and a scarf £V 84b(17; O); ib. 91a(40); Mg 15a(26); ,TniD P3TB13 "IDT your scarf is like that of the scholars Pes lllb(23); 2) w. V2#019 pe. to wrap around: rw-iK xix-no iTl? ons'i «ipv> an1? nvotwc "3X PN encountered PN2 who had wrapped a scarf around his head MQ 24a(42); Ber 51a(54) [expl. MH IID'J? ib.]; j& 60b(37; M); giW 29b(45); BM 85a(25); 5a6 148b(l) // Bes 30a(6) [around a jug]; c. wrapped around the feet in place of shoes: sg. n'JTOX n'TTIO "P3 X3VI 3T 13 H31 p'Ml PN used to wrap his scarf around his feet (on the Day of Atonement) and go out Yom 78b(10) // Yev 102b(44); d. used to tie and carry var. items: nmnxV inV 'TO1 n'TT103 '!1T T'X mn PN used to tie coins in his scarf and place them over his shoulder [lit. behind him] Ket 67b(48); Ber 57b(57); Yev 63a(47); TOI3TXT KITEI 'Xn 'V'Sn n'3 "IX'bV a scarf which he prepared in oder to tie it phylacteries San 48a(10) // Ber 23b(28); n'TMOa X3'-Oi XJTIO'1 a portion of food wrapped in his scarf Git 68a(2); ib. 67b(44); Suk 26a(55); ib. 37a(27) [lulav]; e. used symbolically in affecting a transfer of ownership: sg. f? 'B'b ]XB1 ''sna x1? [o'sri'xi =] "snx'i "moi who will tell us that the scarf which was retained (by the buyer) is not retained? Ned 48b(9); ib. 13; BM 7a(29) Y: X1110 Suk 26a(55; BAYTN 161). I'TIID n.m. white date (etym. unkn.) sg. GS 314:16 = HG1 90:74(Var) P expl.: TB0 xaiD 1'l.HO white date SMel 65:690. N"T110 n.m. perh. pile of wood (< MH2 "1110, "1X10 J 960) sg. X1X1D Naz 26b(16) Y: 1X10 Naz ib. N3im0 n.m. surrounding area (4- V"iri0; TA ',imn6 TJ Jer 48:17; cf. Sy K'dvUuo walled enclosure LS 467) pi. XT*71 WUnniD its [i.e. the mountain's] surroundings are ice [i.e. my beard has turned white] Sab 152a(8) B10 vb. to become frightened (< Dyo*; 4- XBVD; Ma BID pa. to abhor MD 321, Sy .\ v ~ to shudder, loathe LS 487) Itpa. XTuTTl XDB '3 T'TO B"J1DX when (the donkey) reached the bridge, it became frightened (and) threw him Ned 41a(32; MGG 122:16V2) [Var: "DD'X V21; D'IBOX Ar(AC 1:168)] Lit: Nold, MG 126. NB1D n. (uncertain) sg. XB1D m&B s.-oil HM 41:17 '10 vb. perh. to jump (cf. Sy k'ojb to long, desire LS 462) Pa.: nsx1? '10a xp mn (the child) would jump towards her Ket 60a(14; V5) [but cf. Var: n'MX1? X10 TGHark 99:16]; naV '10 she was happy [lit. her heart jumped] ib. 62b(42; Fr[mrg.],Ar [AC 1:207, s.v. "ipriDX; 4- Vl#npo]) The mng. of this rt. in both passages is very uncertain [v. comm.]. 1# "]10 vb. to sum up (4- X30; Sy vyi) to end LS 464) Pe.: inV '3'0 "JOB they sum them up [i.e. the small coins as zuzim] BB 166b(18; HG2 538:25 [Var],Ibn JanahHeb 338:3) Af. id.: XT1T3 inV '30B '310X BB ib.(HP 67:18). 2# "]10 vb. to apply, smear (TA TO pe. to anoint TO Dt 28:40) Pe.: 'VI TO "SX1 (because of removal of hair), and even if he applied a depilatory agent Naz 40a(19); ib. 51b(9); 61a(9); XVI 130 BQ 86a(9; Es); XVI Vllljmx VW TOT Mak 20b (4) K3_10 ' K310, N3ltf n.f. branch (4- xroiO; Sy <<l£o-tt> LS 463; cf. Arab Sji, thorn Siggel 47) sg. X3TC? n'xi xrrnsjn xin xabya fy xron 'aw xnxi ,T3 the pine branch [expl. MH #3^ M§ab 2:1]. The pine branch is merely wood. (This refers) to the woolly substance which is in it [i.e. the pine wool produced from the needles on the pine branch] Sab 20b(20); ib. 10; pi. '31© BM 24a(16; V22) [expl. MH 'TJ ib.]; T1X1 '310 Sab 155a(21) [expl. MH p'T Mib. 24:2]; ib. 27 [expl. MH p'3 Mib.] Lit: Flora 3:45; AAC 393; Koh, AC 3:317. NnUnVsiO n.f. intelligence (learned lw. < BA 1jrf?3fc?HALOT 1987; TA i:fY?30 TO Ex 31:3, Sy K^aJ$A<^Axi LS 473) sg. inwtoo XVI ]X1 where is your intelligence? Sab 30a(ll) Y: ijrMrfraiO Sab ib.(BAYTN 313). N1310 n.m. bolt (< Akk sikkuru bar, bolt CAD S 256; 4- Vn30; Sy x'klcysa LS 475, Ma X1310 MD 321) sg. xt xim n'ryx xr (inn) awix X1310X he placed one hand on his eye and the other hand on the bolt Men 64b(32); X3n3tt X1310 by n'nSU its body is wrapped around the bolt Bo 112:5; ib. 113:7; pi. X33T n310 XJ?32? seven bolts of a gate Sab 67a(5) Lit: AIOA 91. This word may also poss. occur in the phrase VlO'O iyi NViaXB Ket I7a(48); Y: KIS'O Men ib.(BAYTN 122). NJISiO, pi. '310, '311^ n.f. branch, twig (4- X310; Sy K'JLao-Eo, pi. ri'bLaajao, r<iicLco LS 464, TA -r6io TJ Jud 9:48) sg. XTOID aiVl ]XS 'xn XJlIIX1? one who threw a branch into an oven Sab 74b(10; OHT ib. 69:13) // '^3(1>{'10 /1Z 38a(29) [cf: xmsa 'Tin xnbji nn btnv tnv a Jew threw two (or) three) pieces of wood into a furnace NDGR 180:12]; pi. rf? p'32? W"3TI1£? pTUI ]1VJ p'S31 since their twigs may drop off, he leaves it [i.e. the sukka] and departs Suk 13a(4; Ar [AC 8:40]) [Var: W'Vy E2; in"Snt? Ed] Geon. expl.: 1B3D3 mpia fry] nniK I'V'BaB H333rl N'n KraiO IJtl'1?© OHT Sab 69:15; Tpvb JWIO1? .1333 VSTO '111 Hi TGHark 23:21; but cf.: D'pipi nam 'V?3 sn310 'T9 OHP Sab 32:12. The other mss. in Sab and AZaW read NID'O 'peg' which in spite of the explanations of the commentators does not fit the context. KOVlO n.m. mountain range (JPA 11ST ,T»Vl0 promontory of Tyre DJPA 370, Akk simmiltu mo mountain range CAD S 274, mng. l.e; cf. TA XS^IO ladder TO Gen 28:12, Ma Xrv?'3ai0 MD 322, Sy rc^V-nrn LS 455) pi. THBI 'BV»B 13H irW'3 those (springs) are from the mountain ranges of the Euphrates Suk 53b(14) // 'laVlO in:n inn rJT'nBT 5e* 55b(2) Lit: AIOA 92; Y: X»too Su/t ib.(BAYTN 269). Nrtoo n.f. fine flour (4- V2#nV0; TA xffrlD TO Ex 29:40) sg. xn's d1?© xtiVio mn 'wvp 'n nna jwim 'tt xnViox nao ^x'^ai pin PN had fine flour with him (on the boat). PN2's bread was finished, (and) he relied on PN's fine flour Hor 10a(47);5e/-44b(18) Voc: xrfao VTM 26; Y: Xrfrw Ber ib.(BAYTN 153). DID vb. to put on shoes or sandals (sec. rt. < VlXO [cf. BH ]X0 HAL 697, Akk senu CAD S/2 292, TA xS'6 shoe TO Dt 25:9], by way of the assim. -nm- > -mm-: XJX0» I'XO* > X3X0B 0'XO Eps, Stl 131; 4- XJX0B, XBX'O) Pe. (u): D"0 mn V"y x1? 'nnx1? n'BO'O'a1? 'ya ''Jxoa in he was putting on one of his shoes. He tried to put on the other but it would not go on Git 56b(15); '?3'X xri'BI mOB OO'BV naV n'1? you should have put on your shoes and have come Yom 78a(17); 'Xn 'wai 'job Die: xmn'Bi xayo DyD'B1? 'yai ]xb one who wants to taste the taste of death should put on shoes and lie down ib. 78b(31); D"0 nop -nm nopi n'Vxaitn d"o nop xVi .tpbh nTB'T he puts on (the shoe) of his right foot and does not tie (it). He puts on (the shoe) of his left foot, ties (it), and then ties that of his right foot Sab 61a(21); 'B31X '3X0B J1B"DT XW 'KB why are you wearing black shoes? BQ 59b(3; Es); Tan 22a(12); Er 100b(16); Pes llla(19); Tan 12b(10) [4- XrilSX usage b]; pass.part. XmiX n'"?13 n'JXDB D'O x"7 he did not wear his shoes the entire way ib. 23b(3); '3X0B D"01 V'Dny wbv stripped naked and wearing shoes Ket 65b(l) // Sot 8b(15; V2); 'JXO'B 'B'D '3 XTnyri? ]33"l 1T1K the scholars came to (the assembly on) the fast day wearing shoes Tan 12b(9); IX X3X0B D'O '3 n'T 011S3 X*7 xbllO (a priest) should not spread out his hands (to bless the congregation) while wearing shoe(s) or sandal(s) TGAs28 192:9 Af. to place a shoe or sandal on s.o. [Sy 793
N|»10 794 NJ010 j<L!»rc' PSm 2495]: 'BOBI JVU1T7 'JXDB 'H7 Hayi 'H2 '73ri0'B1 IH'J'y <1}(1}71B X71 inV they used to make shoes for the prostitutes, place them (on their feet), and did not raise their eyes to look at them Pes 113b(5; C) [Var: 1B»0B1 E2]; aCl'DBl rvbr\2 X7TID p ri'3 n'71t; ,T7 the messenger of the court places a shoe on his foot HG2 143:1 [= GeonH 17<')(1)yM1 HR 120:36] KSaiO n.m. thickness, thick part (4- V^D; TA .T5»D TJ IK 7:26, Ma X3B10 MD 322) 1. thickness: sg. XSPpTl nOBIO the thickness of the firmament Pes 94a(12); ib. 13; xyiXT X0B1D the thickness of the earth Suk 53b(12; Ed); Sab 98b(14); W"lpT X3B10 the thickness of the board Sab 98a(14; M); 2. thick part: sg. ,T3B10 its [i.e. the spleen's] thick part Hul 5 5b (6) [* 4- XW71p]; '0X3 '31 X3B10 the thick part of the b. k. -stomach HP 201:9(HPP 303:18) Y: K30TO &i6 ib.(BAYTN 153). paiO, j?K»10, f. Nri(?!310, 'flpaw adj. red, dark, n. red object, redness (J- VpBD; TA pfilO TO Lev 13:30, Sy «? A >4? or. red LS 482, Ma XpXBID etc., f. X'JipxaiO MD 322) I. adj. 1. red: sg.m. rra yVa'x x? 'ram mwa paioi xpir 'xn H'Bl an infant which is red because its blood has not yet been absorbed in it Sab 134a(33); 'Xa 'so paio 71am kbi xaVn 's» paio "prr mn why is your blood redder [i.e. why is your life more valuable]? Perhaps the blood of another is redder Yom 82b(5) // Pes 25b(14) // San 74a(44); X-im X'01D7 XpaiO XP33 like a red strap for a white horse Hag 9b(37); Ate 31b(28); <X"l>ltr3 XpaiO red meat Gi'f 67b(21); Hul 46b(l) [I X:'HX]; Ket 77b(19) [4 X7p'i mng. lb]; HM 40:8 [4- XDB]; BM 84a(21) [i Xian mng. lb]; XpaiO pnS' PN, the red one Yev 64b(38); f. XWBW XJipaiO the red sun BB 84a(16) [Var: TipaiD P1]; 'mn 'TipBID xri'an XJISIB'n a Roman, red, new /j-garment Mg 23a(24; M2HP 169:15,Ed); pl.m. XB11 'pXBIO 'pX'IW red veins of blood Pes 74b(42) [4- xp"11tf mng. 1]; Hul 63a(3) [4- nX3D'ptf]; BB 32b(30) [of coins]; 2. dark [* IITI light]: sg.m. Yom 56b(21) [of shades of blood]; XpBlOl XTW BM 28a(22) [of a cord]; pl.m. 'pBIDI nrn BM27b(28) [of garments]; So* 114a(44); ib. 147a(3); /ev 120b(ll); f. E/Bn Tnvn »am TlpBIO (there are) five 'dark' cases [i.e. involving wine or blood] and five 'light' cases [i.e. involving water or oil] Naz 38a(10); II. n. red object, redness: sg.m. XpBIO iVn XpaiO redness for redness [i.e. red wine to replace blood which has been let] Sab 129a(38); XpaiO 7'TX1 XTI'n 'J1X1 the redness (of his complexion) disappears and whiteness takes its place [lit. comes] BM 58b(48) [expl. MH nan '30 ]'37B ib.]; X3'7171 XpXBIO red covering on the pith of the date palm Git 69a(19; OHT Git 155:14) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; Bek 45b(30) [4- VU adj.]; 73 n? ltn xpi xpaio na n'x x"aa xVt jib'x as long as (a coal of wood) is not extinguished, it has a red color and (people) can see it TGAs42 159:7; pl.m. 'pXBIO jnitf seven red (pieces of meat) Git 69a(13; OHT Git 155:9) [v. infra] Geon. expl.: -innx on1? xim (?)nxJ!KBnw'3 'i 'pxmo yya OHT Git ib., i.e. >iii ^ 'rtx man b>x mwp *?x v.y>r!?i xpxoio ntoj 'PX 1? 'ty, i.e. SAiJjl ^J Ji. j!ii\ sj£ill s)ii)l the red covering which is on the pith of the date palm ib.; Lit: Nold, MG 154 [f. form]; Y: XjTBTO Sab ib.(BAYTN 268). NJJ10 n.m. inferior quality (lit. ugliness; 4- V'30; Sy rciijojo LS 483) sg. X'3101 XTSW superior and inferior quality BB 122a(29; P1) [H: X'iO] Y: X;J0 ib. N010 4- XD'D n. INOiO n.m. lily (< MP sosan CPD 75, > Arab 04>-i Siggel 44; Sy ^o^ LS 465) sg. 1X010 rwa oil of lily HM 41:17 7'3010 n.m. a species of locust (etym. unkn.) sg. AZ 37a(34) [expl. JudA n^sap 7'JX MEdiyot 8:4] Y: ^SOTO /(Z ib. Nipaaoio 4- xmiioo n. I'atSOlO n.m.pl. shackles (4- VdDD1»; Ma X'B(X)D010 MD 322) abs. 7nai ratSDIO Bo 116:9 Lit: C. Muller-Kessler, ANES 37 [2000] 224+. NJOIO, pi. KnilWO n.m. horse (4- XJ101D; TA X'OIO TO Ex 15:1, pi. |16l6 TO Gen 49:17, Sy r<Li-Coc\-Eo, pi. rfbikJonso LS 464, Ma X'DID, pi. xnxixoio MD 322) sg. x'oio na'3T xb 'aye 'xa why were you not riding a horse? San 105b(4) // Ber 7a(22) // AZ 4b(5); Meg 16a(16); 55 KW3010 ^£ 73a(28); H'3 (p)'Da n'ama ''DID ''? ^'XT ]Xa does one who has a horse cause him to attack his friend? AZ 4a(36; MTGHark 85:23) [P1: X'D'D; v. Geon. expl.]; 'a2?3 yJTC? X'DIDT X'DIDT '3 im David's (nap) was like that of a horse, (and the length of a nap) of a horse is sixty breaths Suk 26b(8); Hul 79a(24); X'B X'010 1X1X '?» iy until a water depth which reaches a horse's neck [lit. until the fullness of a horse's neck of water] BM I08a(26); x'oio na >|'x: X7i xnaa -rm x?i do not live in a town where a horse does not neigh Pes 113a(3); X'010 "pi X71 "irixa liapl bury (the sherd) in a place where a horse does not tread HM 42:10; X'010 'pnD7 to comb a horse Afg 10b(4); XlXl'n X'010 a white horse San 93a(25); Hag 9b(37); IXIX'TXai X(')01D a horse of the falconers Sab 94a(23; Ar [AC 3:285]); San 98a(45) [4- 1# nxa]; Hul 79a(12) [4- 1#X13 mng. 3d]; pi. ln'mOlO 'DBr«£?a their horses escape Pes 113a(l; V14); VTrmoiOT n'yi3 Diprx their horses' feet were held fast Tan 23b(47; V17) Geon. expl. [AZ ib.]: nx W1T7 1D1X I'WD 010 3311 XVW 'B '51 13H1X TGHark 85:23 [v. DS ib. 9*1; Abramson, AZ 139]; Y: x;0W Hul ib.(BAYTN 153). Nna'soio 4- xn'juoo n. NriOlO n.f. mare (I X'010; Sy k'^Cojojo LS 465) sg. Hul 79a(13) [4- l#Xia mng. 3d]; XIIOIO Xiana Xiay'XT a mare that became pregnant from an ass Seel 116:34; HG3 392:46 NtJHO n.m. Cyperus esculentus (chufa; Akk suadu CAD S 338, Sy pfi^cvjo, rc^ \ m LS 487, > Arab iLi Siggel 42) sg. TG^i^ 160:13 [expl. MH '71'0 Ber 43b(8); 4- XJrWO] Cf. Sy: iLJJt k^ v m r^ivijvjx. BAli 2 144:1; Lit: Low, Flora 1:558+. K510, XS'O n.m. end, latter or last clause of a Mishna or barraita (TA XS10 TO Gen 3:15, Sy rdl<^o> LS 465, Ma XB1X0 MD 311) 1. end: sg.cs. XpTS 110 ty until the end of the chapter Pes 112a(13); HP 182:2; ib. 183:13; 186:14; 110 XpO'S the end of the verse Anan 39:11; X3'T 110 the end of the judgment San 109b(3); 'yilBI 'y-na 73 iio ny 'ynia ua Tpsai m.-documents which derive from m. -documents ad infinitum SSHai 16a(l); det. XS103 XDX1 he said at the end (of the verse) Anan 13:24; '31137 yn X7 XS1031 he does not have to recite a blessing at the end ib. 21:5; Xipi XS10 the end of the biblical verse San 57b(17); XipT n'9107 7'S2? go towards the end of the verse Ber 10a(13); ib. 60a(34) [4- Vtt?"n itpe.]; xnani n'Bioi xiamn n»wn "rxpm'i the beginning of (the Book of) Ezekiel is 'destruction' and its end is 'consolation' BB 14b(37); 2. nsiD, KB10 f. latter or last clause of a Mishna or barraita [< n£io its end HPP 271:19; HGP 24b:16; JPA XD10 DJPA 371, s.v. 110, mng. 2]: sg. a. alone: ''TVJXiaT XS10 Ber 23a(l 1); AZ 74b(33); XTl'iaT nSIO HP 13:6; Sab 3a(2) [4- xaa mng. 6a]; 7XiaB?7 X'©p XS10 the latter clause contradicts (the opinion of) PN BQ 28b(17); BM 21b(48); X'n 'Xatt? TC2 XS10 the latter clause is (according to) PN ib. 68a(30); n'7 X3'-RSX'X nSIO (the Tanna) needed the latter clause (of the Mishna) Yom 84b(35); Sab 146b(54); RH 25b(41); BB 107b(24) // Bek 18a(29) [4- Vann quad., mng. 2a]; XD10 XB'X recite the latter portion (of the Mishna) Sab 50a(50); Bes 7b(30); BQ 14a(33); AZ 71b(32); X©'1T XD10 the latter part of the former clause BM 34b(35); b. * XB'T former clause, xnyxa middle clause: X'ttp xnyxai xn'J XS101 X^n the first and last clauses are clear. The middle clause is difficult Sab 54a(38); Yom 15a(20); BQ 47b (16); TXB '1 XS101 ]121 XW'l the former clause is (according to) the scholars, and the latter is (according to) PN Hor 12b(15); BQ 48b(42); n? ]Tim xsiox ]M nV 'ana xwnx na you learn it concerning the former clause. We learn it concerning the latter clause Sab 71a(36); XD'IX 13© 73 XS10X '3nai ]XB the one who learns (it) concerning the latter portion (of the barraita) most certainly learns (it) concerning the former portion BQ 32b(42); XS107 X»n X'BT X7 the first clause is unlike the last one Ber 15b(7); p"T7X1 mma pIT"? XS'Oa before he infers from the latter clause let him infer from the former one Nid 45b(41); XW'T "1717 XS10 XJT1 he learnt the latter clause (of the Mishna) to reveal (the meaning of) the former one BM 10a(9) Lit: Bacher 137; Eps, MNM 801 [mng. 2]. The form NB'D which commonly occurs in BT was formed on analogy to Ktp'1
«]10 796 urno [v. J. Barth, Nold Vol 789]; Y: XB'O BAYTN 15. — 110 adv. finally, eventually, in the final analysis (4- XSIO sg.abs.) a. alone: yBJTCPX 110 XsVa "1132; '3 xnb'n finally the matter became known in king PN's palace Ber 56a(56); 1101 IT1? "iBDa finally (the sacrifice) forgives him Kar 8a(49); AW 41a(20); San 95a(53); /& 101b(34; MGE 21:19); b. duplicated: XT1T H'V 3H' 110 110 finally he gave him a zhz Ber 56a(45); '"in 110 110 VIJ'J '"im in the final analysis, there are two (witnesses) against [lit. and] two Yev 88a(32); *]1D V'Bp 'Xa 110 in the final analysis, what does he teach us? Kar 1 lb(43); '"ipP»l -WX 110 110 they will eventually come and lie 5M39b(37); 110 110 DriV VSyii Xp the'bread will eventually become moldy Men 96a(46); Jl'J/3 nin XTIX! IX1? 110 110 'TTV i!7 'SlViyV in the final analysis were you not required to pay me an ox? BQ 40a(49); Sab 131a(5); Meg 30a(19); Pes 44a(19); Suk 30b(3); Ket 35b(l); 5A/ 79a(39); fl£ 164a(17); San 30b(30); AZ 59a(4); //«/ 11 lb(24) Y: 110 110 //«/ 17b(8). - «1103 prep, at the end of (TA 1103 TO Gen 49:1) ]W I'Tfrn 1103 XJ1X he came at the end of thirty days Ket 2b(36); X^'V 1103 at the end of the night Nid 63b(41) - fjiO? prep, at the end of, adv. at last, eventually (Sy ^^sal prep., t<Aa rn \ adv. PSm 2578) I. prep, at the end of: 1101? ,TJV 'Viopi 'ria I'tt' I'rfjn smite and kill him at the end of thirty days Bo 142:5; II. adv. at last, eventually: f\\ob in"? 'ax at last he said to him Ber 8a(18); xV 1101? X-lBa XT1X eventually it did not rain Tan 9b(23); ttnj'XI 3'OJX 110*7 eventually she was married and divorced BB 151a(20); Yev 57a(19); Qid 8b(8); Ned 65a(ll); Sot 36b(53); BQ 96b(23); Bek 31a(15); rG^^2 60:25; /ft?/7 111:2; 'xVrx 110s? X7I nOTIXT xn^'a eventually it was revealed that she was betrothed Git 77b(20); Ket 23a(44); BM 81a(38); AZ 22a(15); /Ira 23a(36) - ^lOa1? adv. finally, in the end (JPA ,13103 DJPA 371, s.v. 110, mng. 3c) a. alone: 3'Jl' 1103*71 xnyatt/3 n/lSl XrWXS finally, he sat in awe and began (the discourse of) the legal tradition Sab 30b(37); mix 1103"?! pviBPXI he was silent and in the end he shouted BM 6a(21); Jimp X31 Nrfrx 11037 IT? ]OT3n31 H'V you call Him the Great God and you write Him at the end! San 96a(49) [i.e. after Hezekiah and Jerusalem; v. 1. 47]; J"yx 11037 XJ1XT even though he came at the end (of the meal) 5er47a(41); Yev 3a(9); TGHark 4l:\2; ISGF 87:21; b. * Xlp'ya: XT1! X'lW Xlp'J/'a nj73"IX N'lE? 110371 originally (the teruma) is worth a zwz and in the end it is worth four Pes 32a(9); 130 110371 lVoa dth nxpa 130 xnp'ya 17D3 D17I riSpa pnax X7 initially, he was of the opinion that part of the day is as the whole. In the end, he was of the opinion (that) we do not say (that) part of the day is as the whole MQ 16b(7); Ber 9b(45); Yev 39b(44); Sot 47b(44); BQ 117a(16); BB 60b(5); ^Z31a(41); San 105a(53) Y: TiB?1? Ber ib. '7S10 n.f.pl. residue of dates after cooking (< Akk suplu a foodstuff made from dates CAD S 392) '7S101 XTS Wl a ditch (filled with) date residue Qid 73b(10) // BB lla(51); '7S1D 'M XJIlTlV date residue (as food) for animals Bes 21b(9) Geon. expl.: Onam p prTOW p'yiJl J'srtp '^10(1 XVB) "Bl ftx 1113 pa nswn tin i'bpi jmx pxiyi jnix i^tnaw -inx1? xipn is Van nsirfr 'bsion m pptin yptp2 nvsn in1? ppra •wfrx fin trtxyaw psfa tgas27 4i:io, i.e. j^iii ,>.>. ditch of date residue Wald 29; T3W ],"ID 1'WiyB inx DHBn inx p'Mtm i»3' xbw '73 myo3 mix prmi jfriosn t'iwj nanaV TGAs42 157:17; on f. gender, v. Bes 21b(ll) where a distinction is made bet. XJW3' dry and NrU'Bl wet; Lit: Flora 2:340; Y: '"7B10 BB ib.(BAYTN 153). pflSIO adj. strong (< Mir *suftak [cf. NP suft hard, stiff (of cloth) PED 684]) sg.m. xpnsiO X7ri strong vinegar BB 96a(22; HP1); ib. 24 Lit: Geig, AAC 302; Flora 1:104; Y: XpriB'O BB ib.(BAYTN 249). 1 # 110 vb. to examine, inspect (< 4- "IJ/0; Ma 1#-I10 MD 314) Pe.: a. general: 10 X71 'rt3D 'Xn D3fl rrap 'rso a butcher who did not examine his knife before a scholar Hul 18a(5) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 7333 Xl'30 "1X0 x:'3"l PN inspected the knife (of a butcher) in GN Er 63a(2); -I0'B7 royTO to inspect its load BM 97a(32); b. property: ,T3 ri3tf» rT03'J TX0T ]X» 'XH XTJ1D''''''X one who inspects his property will find 2#TT0 797 N^P a stater [i.e. he will save money] Hul 105a(34); ib. 32; 39; Git 38b(15); XyiX T'OT »'J'X T3J? T3T X^T 3J y"X a person is apt to inspect a field even though he does not buy (it) BB 41b(30; F2); Sab 139b(26); XJlxa n'rio'? Tib 1"X01 he used to inspect the entire town Tan 20b(42); ib. 9b(15) Pa. id.: rrpJBBmV H'T'O 'nx 'S when he came he examined his seal Git 68a(46); rrjnx1? HT'O he inspected his field BM 76b(35) Geon. expl.: 1|?iB DWini DJB n3 n'n' XSW nB'hW V» l'30n p3 n'"nm ]'"yn nu I'Tonais o'asn ]wi 'w pn pi nyoa pio 'aw] XTiwi xmy w oij7B3 xnw paixi x:'30 nyo TaiVs x:'3D to naxi fll3T nVXSl NinW DlpB3 OHP Er 98:28; Lit: Nold, MG 582. 2#110 vb. to turn aside (Ma 1#110 MD 314) Pe.: 'mnxV "101 (the snake) turned back AZ 30a(34) N"110 n.m. a type of container (etym. unkn.) sg. X'DT X110 an s.-container of water HM 40:15 nXniO adj., n.m. of GN (nisbe-form < X110) I. adj.": sg.m. HX11D X3X PN of GN Ket 39b(14); ib. 52b(41); San 14b(38); II. n.: sg.m. X'H HX110 HJ? this is something of GN Git 31b(57); pl.m. 'XIIO BMsE 17:3 Y: roniO San ib.(BAYTN 320). [Np'mO I xp""l1tt? n.] Nuaiio I xoiano NOmiO n.m. (uncertain) 4- KDailO Expl. Ar: )OT3 niBS1?* nvyj7B3 Vp^nj l'W3yi riJOB Xinw fl31] 1'BIBTO 'mX3 1/11X pip 103noaW OHT Ket 55:23. nNO^O, N'010 adj. Syrian (Aramaicized nisbe- form < oupoc, Lehnw 378) sg.m. X'010 X"I1'1 a Syrian denar Bek 49b(32) [Var: pl.f. 'TTOX XJ1X10110 Syrian staters MGN 28:1] Y: XWW Bet ib.(BAYTN 264). lino, lino lino adv. all around (< TA lino lino TJ IK 5:18; 4 Vino) //A/46:9; 10; p»X 1? i? 3-ipn x1? xaia1? iino mno xttj to you, to you, they say: "Oh Nazirite! Around, around! Do not come near the vineyard!" Sab 13a(43) [+ //'s; 4- XTTJ] Nrninp n.f. business (< MH rriino Yeivin, BV 9io| j 970) sg. ■>}■& nas xmino am i3j?i he engaged in business there several years TGAs28 77:25 UnO vb. to extract, squeeze out (BH VXVO HAL 1226, MH BriO pe. to press, wring out J 971; cf. Ma BHO to spread MD 319) Pe. (a/u) 1. to extract [cf. Akk sahatu to extract sesame oil CAD S 60]: 'm ''a'Vl DriO his cloak extracted the fragrance (of the leaves of Paradise) BM 114b(14; M) [Var: iWW? n'UnO F1 (v. mng. 2)]; 2. to squeeze out: XJVTIB Ulrica ... X310 BinO'J let him squeeze out a lot/a bit Zev 76a(25) [fruit]; Pes 33b(7); ib. 22 TIO vb. to wash oneself, bathe (4- XJTinoa '3, 2# Xmoa, X'no, X"n0; Sy *£Jxco LS 465, Ma XX0 MD 308) Pe. 1. to wash o.s.: a. alone: Kl^y X1? XrnDl "ia3 b-\pvn X^'TXIX I cannot (appear before the king) until I go, cut my hair, and wash myself Meg 16a(17); inXDI ]imxa pwa linVlD XWav X3"ljn iy '3'noai all of them wash their clothes, wash themselves, and remain impure until the sun sets Anan 45:3; ib. 41:13; 52:5; 64:16; 89:2; 'DXTI 'riXOI he washes himself and becomes ritually clean ib. 50:20; 58:17; 59:1; xVl X1H xno'a "I3 (an infant) is incapable of washing himself ib. 61:15; '3 blV^? rD'IX X"?T D"n D'ttSI xnoaV rans Xnca VSX rUT she does not have to immerse herself in running water like a gonorrheal woman, but she does indeed have to wash herself ib. 41:13; b. w. dir. obj. N'tt: ]Xa 'XH X'a TI0T one who washes himself in water Sab 141a(20) [cf. Ma: X'a |1D wash yourselves in water MD ib.]; 2. to bathe: X"a3 'no'1?! let him bathe in the water Git 69b(54); X31T3 'no xp mn he was bathing in the Jordan BM 84a(39); Yom 9b(40) Af. to wash s.o.: H'noxi '33 'O'? n"11?"? he brought him into the bathhouse and washed him Sab 33b(44); D'a3 H'1? irnoai we wash him [i.e. the infant] in water] Anan 64:15 The phrase 'ni^JI 'TOB1? Er 21b(25; SM 115:21) is doubtful since this is the only place where this rt. refers to washing only a portion of the body. Additionally, the grammatical form wfrn is not correct in JBA. N^np, N'NIIO n.m. washing (4- V'riD; Sy rf \ ij m LS 466) sg. x'xno1? x'xno i'3 n':xa iinai he washes his clothes between each washing (of his body)/(nan 89:11 N'TIO n.m. swimmer (4- V'no, 2#XCJ"K?; Sy
xbm 798 ]B0 kILu-do LS 466) sg. X'no XB''^1? pip ^333 p» because in Babylonia they call the XB"B/ [i.e. swimmer in JPA; v. DJPA 547] XTID Yom 77b(36) [Var: TITIO Ar (AC 6:29)!] Y: xrr?p Yom ib.(BAYTN 228). [Nirno j 971 This word is non-existent and is based on the rdg. NBrTO Sab 121b(37; Ar [AC 6:33], s.v. <]n0) emended by Koh to XTO'D.] n.m. a powdered mineral employed for polishing metal (Arab «JUJ1 filings, file dust Wehr 400) sg. "XJ'pi X^tyiniO polishing powder of the metal workers TRN 590:1 [expl. MH Ppn-U Sab 50a(45)] Geon. expl.: 103 'bo 1'Bn 3,11 Oin>W(l)yi O'BTIX O'TTI nsy Nl.11 n,r?n'D D'Vxyaws ibwi 13 TRN ib. 9 K3M0 4- Xin'fe? n. fjIlD vb. to place upside-down, place above, cover (4- XSno, XBW'O, l#XSrpO; Sy <s_u_a) LS 466, Ma «]n0 MD 320) Pe. (a/u) 1. to place s.t. upside-down: .TETIX xVip'l lino"? let him place a basket upside-down on his head Sab 110a(12); Ned 51a(2); San 104a(25); D'Jim l.TaiBX in1? yTlD in^ he used to place them [i.e. the wine jugs] upside-down on their openings and seal them AZ 74b(35); TlV'J? XTBnOl X3X» IJV'X bring a vessel and place it upside-down on top of it [i.e. the spittle] Sab 121b(39); ,TJV3 JlBipO'Xa T1? XJB'nOl I shall place it [i.e. the incantation bowl] upside- down on the threshold of his house Bo 34:6; ib. 84:12; pass.part. TWIX XnVoPB T1? 'B'noi the wash basin is placed upside-down upon its [i.e. the idol's] head AZ 51b(29); 'TTflX 'BTI01 '03 nn two cups which are placed upside-down upon each other Hag 15a(18); 'r7'5? XJ/'p"! XB'noi X3'n XJHX where the heavenly vault is placed upside- down on top of the earth BB 74a(28) [4- VpEtt pe.]; 2. to place above s.t.: 'Vfl3 tf'J'X ^ino^ X1? XW3 'lV'J? a person should not place loins above meat (when roasting it) Hul 8b(36); 3. to cover: VnXW aWO n'T>'J? TV1? 'BnOl they cover it [i.e. the chicken coop] because of cat(s) TGAs42 158:14; 4. to throw down: TinDl 'lYJ'XT TI3 inO'D1? XT1X1 vmrsh vuisno xmncx *73 he came to throw down the temples. He threw down all the goddesses. They threw down their tables Bo 78:16 Pa. to overturn: TQV1 XTI3{r'"'}BX '03 'Bino to overturn cups on the navel on the Sabbath Sab 66b(20) [as a remedy]; 'XTB/X '03 'BWD to overturn cups on silk garments Bes 23a(3); T'Vp'm VW '3 XTUm rvi 'Bnoai they overturn it [i.e. the jug] in the oven while slipping (it) out, and (the grains of wheat) are roasted TGAs42 161:8 NBflO n.m. destruction (4 V^nO; Sy rdajjo_a> LS 466) pi. Hum XHTI 'Bno destructions of blood and anger Bo 78:22 "inO vb. to beg (4- XnniD, "lino; Sy -Uia» pa. to beg LS 466, Ma 2# TI0 MD 320) Pa. to beg: ^'T "713X1 TID go out, beg, and eat BQ 87b (21) N731DO, NSNB0, N»tJX n.m. steel (haplog. < atoucoua L-S 1649; 4- XBBOX, IpTGtf; Sy rd^Ji-i» LS 468) sg. X^riD1? XD1B03 like steel (attached to) iron Ber 62b (3; OP) Geon. expl.: 13 X-ljMl in |>n3 :rd.] V'13 W xVn31 xa»'0@'3 xim cnn ito hbI'rryai nmya 'B °?y win ytnov ixp-ii3X» XBXBO OHT Ber ib., i.e. Arab o^jjl^ Dozy 1:714, NP saburaqan steel PED 720; IxVlB^X 'yaw ]1W^3 XBDX W1TB1 Mann, TaSl 602:5, i.e. iVji; cf. Sy: rdiiVa -^ >- \, —' ^jli^jLill «-i« -^ v ft_toeon rdjrc* *i^a_ooo *** • ~ " BBatl 222:24; Lit: Low, Lehnw 120. '00 vb. to deviate (Sy rf \ m LS 467, Ma XB0 MD 323) Pe.: ntyaa XT flBD this one deviated from her husband San 67a(28) // Jl'BO Sab 104b(25; M) [expl. PN X1B0 (p) ib., i.e. Jesus, by notarikon]; IS' '311? 'BOB1? -p'1? TTIVU X*?l let your heart not think to deviate towards (its) inclination Anan 27:26; piS'l ]'B0 they deviate and rebel Bo 1:9 'DO adj. (uncertain) sg.m. X'DD X^rVD ... stibium Yom 9b(19) DttO vb. to close up, shackle (4- VDBDW, xnaiB'0, VonO; Sy r X,™ LS 468) Pa.: X13X3 nd'aBO'Vl let him close it up with lead Sab 66b (40) ft30 vb. to accuse (denom. < 4- XJB0; BH ]»to pe. HAL 1227) Af.: x'av njmxi yrm nxa rbn n'1? n'b xniB3T xai'3 'jibdx1? xm»n n'V rrx xniys 'JlBOXb xmi£?1 (Satan) has permission to accuse MV0 799 NTH? three hundred and sixty-four days of the year. He does not have permission to accuse on the Day of Atonement Yom 20a(3; L) // Ned 32b(l) JOB0, RXOiff n.m. Satan, a type of demon (< BH IBir; HAL 1227; 4- V]B0; TA |S6 TJ IK 5:18, Sy -^ i X ™ LS 468' Ma WXDX0 MD 311) 1. Satan: sg. wbv X1? 'D1X nm X3DW Satan does not have power (simultaneously) over two nations Sab 32a(15); KIWI x:'5?3 XT! an arrow in Satan's eye [i.e. he has no control over me] Qid 81a(47) [+ //'s; 4- 1#XT1 mng. 1]; nX3 X3B© Satan is victorious Tarn 32a(39); 2. a type of demon: sg. XW3 X3D0 the evil s.-demon Bo 3:2; ib. 107:10; XB'pn X3B0 the strong s. -demon ib. 5:4; X3BX0 i'& 32:2; pl.abs. 'S'pJl ]'3B0 i'& 7:6; det. 'lff'3 '3XBD /& 21:13; 26:4; 14:4; 33:14; 53:2; 64:19 Y: MD? Suk 38a(5; BAYTN 121). HBO vb. to move aside (Sy i X "" af- LS 468, Ma 1B0 af. MD 324) Pe.: X'HH3 XpBlV H'V pBO XJ131T they push the rib aside in that place TGHark 159:28 NDN'O n.m. shoe (4- VdIO) sg. HG1 316:40(Var) Lit: Eps, Stl 130. [pK'O 4- T"imo] Npas'O 4- xpr'o n. ni3'0 n.m.pl. bloodletting (4- Vl# 1310) pi. xbn '"113'D1? vinegar (taken after) bloodletting (is beneficial) AZ 29a(l); XTW'X Xn330 '113'Dl 'Vnil XT1330 '-I13'01 xrj? 3'3 XTli30 '-113'Dl (eating) cress and bloodletting are a danger; fever and bloodletting are a danger; eye pain and bloodletting are a danger ib. 3; '"113'OT XfiBIJl an incision of bloodletting Ket 39b(13; Ar [AC 8:286]) NJTQ'O, abs. WO n.f. old age (4- V2# 3X0; TA 13'W TO Gen 15:15, Sy k'&o S i fr> LS 469, Ma xnis'o MD 324) sg.abs. nVy 'inn 'xa ^1 i3'oa XJiri'X "|m what will become of me in (my) old age? Yev 65b(42; TGHark 37:14) [O2: T113'0a]; //P 100:11; det. 'B^'m XW3 Xni3'0 old age is a wreath of willows Sab 152a(14) Lit: S. Friedman, Tarbiz 43 [1974] 63 [on abs.]. [NBS'O 4- Xfl3'0 n.] NTU'O 4- xn3D n. NflT^'P) P'- 'r?'P n.f. Cyperus esculentus (an aromatic plant; Sy r^inX^sp, pi. rdL^jOo LS 459, BBah 1366:12; cf. Akk saggilatu an alkaline plant CAD S 23) sg. TGAs42 160:13; pi. San 99b(34) [expl. BH D'XTPI Gen 30:14]; Ber 43b(8) [perfume plant]; Sab 50b(13) [ingredient of a cosmetic lotion; 4- 2#X1T3]; TGAs28 181:8 [4- xa'T xsV'n] Geon. expl.: KiyiD ^J'O TGAs42 160:13 [cf. s.v.]; Tyo ^J'O OHP Ber 113:3, i.e. jti; ]nm ],1 pwy ^B pfy pxy '^J'Ol ywhi lawi trxma D'asn wtbw aran rwfrva im am ns' !niyo '3iy trn 591:5; 'wy 'ran x'm -ran 3) 'jy mvro '^ro DytJ in"? W'l m yh Wl 'Vj'O WX I'llj? Sura 2 [1955-6] 302:2; v. also Geon. expl. I XB'T XB^'n; Lit: Pfl 269; Flora 1:559; but 3:495+: violets; Y: '^J'O Ber ib.(BAYTN 121). H2y0 n.m. ruler (Ma X'JXUJ'O pi. MD 328) pi. 'Xin 'B'Viyi 'WOE she was a (descendant) of governors and rulers San 106a(56; F2) TO vb. to whitewash, plaster (4- XTD; Sy xj-cd LS 469, TA T1D J 961) Pe.: RH 4a(20) [4- XTD]; xama nnca^ iao he thought to plaster it [i.e. the wall] with gold BB 4a(26; SM 166:7) KTO n.m. lime, plaster (4- VTD; Sy k'Luo. LS 469) sg. XToa nnxo vh xin xT»oa nnxo na1?^ Solomon plastered it with plaster. (Cyrus) did not plaster it with plaster RH 4a(20); Vap'Vl '3'n '3 XTD so that (the wall) would grasp the plaster BB 4a(26) // Suk 51b(25); Hul 18a(4) Y: XTD BB ib.(BAYTN 11). NTiTO n.m. arrangement, order (< MH "llTO MMenK 11:6, J 976; 4- VttO) sg. riBT XTT0 the order (of the tasks of making) bread Sab 74b(9); xmn XTTD the order of (the days) of the month Meg 4b(17); Wi XTTD the order of the days (of the week) ib. 19 Y: xniTO Sab ib.(BAYTN 257). STI'P, cs. Tip n.m. order, row, book, division of the Mishna, class, pile, recitation of the Bible (4- VTIO, X-IT0T XtflTp, XTTD tf'"l; TA XY10 TO Ex 39:37, Sy rck^so LS 461, Ma XYT'O order, book MD 325) 1. order: sg. W'BJT QlE/a xai'T X17D because the order (of the Temple service) of the day [i.e. the Day of Atonement] is
N»i' nip 800 Nsirrp longA%23a(19); Yom 15a(26); 2. row: pi. ]'»'p 'ITD '"ITD standing row upon row 5o 29:11; ii. 2:7; 52:10; 3. book: sg. f? rPTlBl X<3')nB TITO WDl .T113 let us finish our book [i.e. T70 IH'Vx] from where we began in it Ket 106a(7); HXBlp XT103 in the first book (of the Pentateuch) Anan 74:9 [w. ref. to Gen 2:3]; pi. ny31Xl 'WNYT 'TPO exegetical interpretations of the four books [i.e. the halakhic midrashim on Ex-Dt] TGHark 135:20; 4. an order of the Mishna [= MH2 TJD J 958]: sg. xmnx XTPD another order TGAs42 30:27; pi. 'ITD XTW3 'piJ' XJW XrjJIBI I shall instruct six children in the six orders (of the Mishna) BM 85b(24) // Ket 103b(44); Tan 24b(l); ISGF 7:1; T1D nj?31X 5a« 106b(39; HelSGF 69:1) // Ber 20a(8; MGG 826:1); 1KV '"ITO the other orders AW 8a(4) [* nVVTO 110]; ib. 26; 5. class: sg. vb '"PBJ XTPO VI3 in which class did they learn them [i.e. the sin offerings]? Tern 16b(6); 6. pile: sg. XTPO in a pile (of coins) ib. 23b(37); pi. '"ITO '"in two piles ib. 24a(l); 7. recitation of the Bible [JPA "110 DJPA 368, mng. 4]: a. alone: sg. 'IT '311 nxri'Vn KTTD the third reading [i.e. division] of Chronicles BMsG 10:18; b. sg. w. VpDB pe. to recite verse by verse: Xpl D,!?n "ISD3 X"no p'DS he was reciting in the Book of Psalms verse by verse BB 164b(33); Xyiini31 wnvn xnnias '3'ro3 xtpd 'pes in gn they used to recite (a reading from) the Writings verse by verse on Saturday afternoon Sab 116b(27); 3T 'pios 'xn xna '3 2ii ,T»p xtpd p'os mn xina niJVX PN was reciting (Ecclesiastes) verse by verse before PN2. When he came to this verse [i.e. 12:3], (PN2) sighed ib. 152a(43); MQ 16b(28) [from Samuel]; Yom 87a(51); "11 'lV p'Vo xtpo 'pos xpi '-n map '3iT vin '13 pyait; KIS'O PN and PN2 were sitting before PN3 and were reciting (Scripture) verse by verse. The book was finished AZ 19a(21) Lit: Eps, MNM 682 [mng. 3]; ib. 980 [mng. 4]; Bacher 135 [mng. 7]; Y: XTVD Sab 116b(20; BAYTN 121). - Ntti' T70 nm.es. the Tractate Yom Ha- kippurim (I X»V> mng. 5) sg. XBT 110 Xin ]X» who learnt the Tractate Yom Ha-kippurim ? Yom 14b(15); ib. 16; San 49b(15); ISGF 33:14 Lit: Eps, MNM 989. inn'O n.m. moon (4- 1# XTPT; TA XTPO TO Dt 4:19, Sy rc'im-rx) LS 462) sg. XTPD1 WB the sun and the moon Sab 66b(13); HMGas 94:13- XDTJ1? x"?X XTPO '"IS'X xb the moon was only created (to provide light) for study Er 65a(34); xtpo 'oa'-a ">yv 'ysixi poy the moon is concealed [i.e. in its new phase] for twenty-four hours RH 20b(14); ib. 21a(26); 25a(25); Ber 53a(30); ib. 56b(16; MGG 707:10); Am 9a(l); Bo 79:6; ib. 120:12; pi. 'TPO nrt> Try fail its [i.e. the fish's] eyes were like two moons BB 74a(36) Y: XTI0 Ber ib.(BAYTN 139). .INTO 4- 3"0 adj. NOVO n.m. fright, type of demon (< XDiyo*; i Vd10; Ma XDTD MD 325) 1. fright: sg. XDV0 mtJpJl Xin 'abys it was merely fright that seized it [i.e. the ox] BQ 37b(28); 2. type of demon: sg. n'tfrm XDVO pm 31 Xin PN saw a fright-demon in his dream Yom 22b(43) [cf. Rashi]; ib. 44!; pi. WD Bo 33:19 [in a list of demons]; ib. 107:4! Lit: Nold, MG 126; Y: XBl'O Yom ib.(BAYTN 69). NBl'O n.m. concluding session in the school (< MH2 DTD J 977; 4- Vl#a"D, W0 '33, p31 xaroi) sg. ,T-n xnn mi xsb 3-1 mops xbv xinn nn xbi dwb xsx 12 x'rurmx 31"? yenn' sn XBl'03 that day PN and PN2 grabbed PN3 (to tell them) because they had not been at the concluding session BB 22a(49); ]121 H3 lixn Xpl XBVD3 P3ri' 13 xnyai»3 the scholars were discussing the legal tradition while at the concluding session GnK4 28:12; TGHark 138:12; TGAs28 204:14 Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 49 [1980] 52+; B.M. Lewin, OHT Ber 128, n.X'; Y: KOTO BB 22a(49; BAYTN 257). Jl'O n.m. Sivan, the ninth month (< Akk Simanu AIOA 115; JPA ]V0 DJPA 373) sg. ]1'01 xriT VI XJ131P3 in the first day of the month of Sivan is on Sunday Sab 87b(ll); ib. 25; Yom 4b(23); ISGF 98:3 Y: JVO Sab 88a(6). NBiri'D n.m. blow (of an animal; 4- V^nO; Sy rd-isc^so LS 466, Ma XJIBITD MD 325) sg. .TSin'D3 V'Dpi (the horse) kills by its blow AZ 1#NSI1'P 801 1#D"0 I6a(21); TBITOS X331? n'TIB (the cat) struck the door with its blow Hul 52b(41); TBITDI XTT the row of its blow [i.e. the paw marks were in a row] ib. 53a(45) Y: fPBin'O Flu! ib.(BAYTN 142). l#KSn'0 n.m. overturned position, cantil- lation sign (4- V^no) 1. overturned position: sg. -pox xspn n» xsrro xiwaxi xsxn 'xn a pitcher of roasted ears of grain (in) an overturned position is permitted; (in) an erect position it is forbidden Pes 40a(12; CM1); 2. cantillation sign corresponding to atnah: sg. BMsE 16:33; pi. 'Sri'O BMsYFr 153:9 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 104 [mng. 2]. [2# KSn'O (unclear) Sab 121b(38; Ar [AC 6:33, s.v. «]no]) Koh, ib., suggests emending to NTin'O] KnaiB'O, XnatJ'O n.f. seal (4- VODO; LJLA xriDlD'O J 977; cf. Sy r^k\<ya> shackle LS 468, Ma 1# XDTD MD 325) sg. XriaiB'D 'XH the seal (on the vessel) BM 74a(7) Geon. expi.: i"i imypi D'B'n na j'oninB DJiw kw [xna]iB'o avn '^Kynw ]w[>]3 nnin ]mpi na rawm Eps, St2 355:24; cf. jwij seal affixed on a storeroom or a vessel Hawa 253; 'to nwi?1? nyitn omn na'ri33 rrty 'nsw TV SMiq 67:7; xto N3'n nsuon K'nw [...] ix Dnirn rtow "iwi?1? .tb^wo1? -iwbx Jl'3n,T B"J> Xin» XJiaB'<0)(B13 TGAs27 74:2; Voc: xriBD'O HGP 25a:38; Y: KTOWp BA/ ib.(BAYTN 205). N"ip'0, cs. *lt?0 n.m. side, hem of a garment (-LlXID'D; TA XIDD TO Ex 26:5, Sy 1# r^i \ rr> LS 468, Ma XltS'D MD 326) 1. side: sg. xVl prftawn xid'oVi iinran xiwd1? \\2yn do not approach either their right or left side Bo 6:10; pi. moo nrfrll its three sides [i.e. of the knife] HPQ 217:2; 2. hem of a garment: sg. rDJWX '"ID'DS (the bloodstain) was found on the hem- fold (of the garment) Nid 56b(8); pi. lnrSBHl 'X13X moo"? let him turn over his hems to the outside Sab 134a(21; Ar [AC 6:39]) [v. DS, ad loc, n. n] Y: fine? Sab ib.(BAYTN 121). - "IBpa prep, beside, next to (< 1V0 p; Sy ^ mi \ rr» by its side PSm 2603, ijim'n LS 82, Ma xnD'03 beside him MD 326) a. w/o suf.: 1X3 X1PX1 nDOB pa' on the right side beside the head ISGF 110:3; HTa' nooa by its right side 5r 492:57; b. w. suf.: '2TO 'nO'Da XH1 (that biblical section) is, in fact, written alongside (of it) Ned 78a(31) JINnp'p adj. of the side (nisbe-form < I XID'O) n.pl.m., only in phrase 'NIB'O ('TIT) 'side money,' i.e. money given in settlement of another transaction: irU'3 'XnCO '3H this [i.e. the money you paid] is 'side money' Ket 85a(13); Svu 42a(9) Geon. expl.: IK IXa U1? n'HB pBB "XIB'B ]nflBl TGHark 114:23; Y: 'XIB'O /Ter ib. V>J0, HNV0 adj. black (< MPar syaw ISK 100; Ma XIX'D MD 324) sg.m. X3"D XP131? black garment Nid 20a(14; Ar [AC 6:40]) [Var: nxi'D M]; pi. 'Xl'O X'» black water HMGas 94:4; X'» 'VD'X Bo 78:9; »6. 142:10! Lit: AAC 292; AMB 209; Shaked, Dress 109; Y: nxrp Nid ib.(BAYTN 64). NJ'^0 n.m. fence (V2# 110; TA 1*6 TJ Mic 7:4, Sy iO^L* LS 463) pi. '1"0 SSHai 6b(8) 1 # D"0 vb. to finish or conclude a statement or text (4- xai'0; MH2 D"D J 965) Pa.: a. general: TYVifn D"oai im nyba "\ after PN used to finish his tefilla Ber 16b(43); ib. 33b(42); nw wrb-'Zb 'a"0ai ly ]12i? lnb he waits until the scholars conclude their statement Yev 18a(37); ib. 56a(50); Hul 86a(42); xnD'O TXa '1 D"0D mn '3 whenever PN finished a biblical book Ber 17a(27); ,Tap niB'O W0 they completed it [i.e. the barraita] in its entirety before him BM 76b (31) [cf. usage b]; 0"0BT iy pn' S"?1 they do not sit down until he finishes (the blessing) Anan 19:20; AnanMann 4r:16; D"01 'n3'^3 nilB X"iam3 he began with (the blessing) of s.- beverage and concluded with that of wine Ber 12a(25); ib. 49a(21); Yom 87b(49); Hul 60b(27); Nid 10b (29); b. in phrase n3 D"0a, w. ref. to an additional phrase which comes to conclude a previous statement: 'ipm n3 W0BT QWHJ because the accurate (transmitters of the text) conclude it [i.e. the Mishna; fol. by an additional statement] Yev 43a(24); D"0a X31T n'"13 Xnx 21 mm' mi xai^a n3 PN concludes it [i.e. the previous statement] in the name of PN2 Yom
2# D"0 802 3T"D 53b(19) // Tan 24b(51); Ber 58b(27); Sab 53a(33); £r 7a(37); 7ev 39b(38); BQ 114b(36); BB 48a(24); AZ llb(17); Mof 65b(30) Itpa. to be completed: ruttfa xa'flOX 131 when the Mishna was completed iSGF 52:7 2#D"0 vb. to specify, clarify (denom. < i JUa'D; JPA 2#D"D DJPA 374) Pa. 1. to specify: map ma'o x"n xin 'Bro tsp-'Hi 'ax 'm PN was angry because they did not clearly specify it before him [i.e. what they had done] BB lla(l); MQ 12b(27); ib. 25a(42); Git 39a(33); San 17a (44); D"0B Kp Xrpyxa 'yaiXT 'XBa from what (is it clear) that he specifies the four middle (cubits)? Er 50b(5); pass.part. nnnx D"0B X*7 its location was not specified ib. 50a(l); WOH xVl 'B"0B1 VDB "3X 'ax (the holders of the opinions) cannot be specified. PN says: "They can definitely be specified" BQ 59a(35; Es); Sab 26a(39); San 13a(23); 'Xnp WDB Kb the (two) biblical verses are not specified (as to their exact meaning) BM 31a(50); ib. 32a(51); 2. to clarify, explain: D"DB Xpi a'XT mm V\?b W"lV nTDPX ]12-b X»TH xm'TO he found PN who was sitting and explaining the literary unit of the day to the students BQ 117a(39; F1); "Ml WTO'TO na nVP n<,){l)»"01 'Xnax he sat down in the chest and the other [i.e. Elijah] was outside it and explained it [i.e. Seder Eliyahu] Ket 106a(8); pass.part. X1? ]b XB'DB it is unclear to us ISGF 34:10; 3. to delineate, mark: XflXXTlB XB"0B the walls delineate (the path) BB 100a(25) Itpa. to be clarified: 'BX7 XVI ]lt\V 'TT O'Tlom nTTlOX let it be clarified that PN is the one who says they are forbidden AZ 59a(5); Ber 45b(15); Sab 52a(ll); Yom 4b(44); Yev 65b(33); BB 116a(16); AZ 46a(32); Hul 56a(32); T,rBl 'J'B Xnyattf D'TIOTI the legal tradition will be clarified (by combining) mine [i.e. my statement] and yours Pes 88a(44; M1); Meg 14b(49) [Aggadic tradition]; ^Z16b(43) Lit: Bacher 138. NS'^p, N3K"0 n.m. type of cap (Sy 2# rdiso skullcap LS 472) sg. Sab 138b(l 1) // Er 102b(3); rwn mX"0 the s.-cap of his head Sab 119a(22) Geon. expl.: niOJ^p GnK5 170:4, i.e. S>l2i3; x'jtna HG1 196:77 [1 s.v.]. Lit: Geig, AAC 292, is doubtful of P origin; but v. Shaked, Dress 107; Y: XWO Sab 138b(ll). Xprln0 n.m. half-drachma (Sy r^niiiri LS 472, Ma xpJX'O MD 324) pi. 'pjX'O pn £e/ 67b(46; Vs) [Var: 'pj"T Ar (AC 3:288), but Fr: 'rno'p nn] Lit: Geig, AAC 171, s.v. 'p3"t, discusses and rejects proposed P etyms; Tel 197; Y: '|M"! Ket ib. JP'D vb. to aid, support a view, succeed (I Xr)5?"D; Sy .a y rr> pa., etpa. LS 472, JPA y"0 DJPA 374) Pa. 1. to aid, assist [w. mb, HH3]: 'xV'j? 'yon 'xnnn mrm xna1? the lower ones [i.e. those who live downstream] help the upper ones in the digging of a canal BM 108a(15); BB 143a(42); Yom 22b(31) // BQ 20b(5) [i V2#^n pe.]; SSHai 9b(10); 'XT13 XTU3 JT'01 xnXT he came and helped me with the wall BB 41a(21; P1); mm y"DB Xp Xn "IB1 you are, in fact, helping him Bes 22a(54; L); 'jri'D^ 'llV rmpn X1? ID'TD do not call a pagan to assist you AZ 60a(10); A/g 12a(15); fow 73b(19); 'TTIN ]5?"Da they assist each other Ket 61a(31); rvb ]J'J7"0»1 XJ1BB we give him assistance from the town BB 21a(38); iSGF 22:12; 2. to support a particular point of view: a. general: y"0a X3HD 'ymr "i 'JHD PN, the priest, aids the priests [i.e. rules in their favor] Hul 49a(39); Er 105a(13); Xpl cny TCb 'y'oa witnesses who support him BB 128b(27); Ket 22b(33); b. in terminological phrases: 1) ref. to a biblical verse: y"DBl DTOB Xlp n,!? because the biblical verse supports him BQ 69b(19); Yom 36b(31); Yev 47a(20); Nid 30b(30); pnv "iV mV 'j?"oa xrranai xnp a biblical verse and a Tannaitic source support PN BQ 22b(24); 5M 48a(12); 2) ref. to a Tannaitic source: bmmb Tl'Ob X"n '1 'JXX1 PN learns a Tannaitic statement to support PN2('s opinion) Sab 20a(25); BQ 53a(18); Svu 40a(17); Zev 10a(33); JVW 46a(47); "]b xy'OBi X'JJI (a barraita) which is learnt which supports you(r opinion) Er 3a(52); Yom 77b(21); 5A/ 6b(16); 55 iib(5i); bwo na1? rrb xy"oa xmna xn a barraita, in fact, supports PN 5Af 15a(38); V'XIH H'b xy"DB XIS'I XS'O TVb XJP'Oai since the latter part (of the Tannaitic statement) supports him, WTO > T -: t the former part supports him Mei 4b(4; O4); Ket lla(13); Hul 140b(42); m1? Xy'oa Xa'1? shall we say (that the following statement) supports him? Er 80a(50); Pes 54b(23); Suk 14b(49); 5g 16a(38); ib. 20a(8); 55 63b(13); x"7 xn Dl»a 'X ]jr"Dn if because of this, it will not support me BQ 32a(27); BM 31a(10); Svu 37a(38); ^Z 54a(21); 3) ref. to an Amoraic statement: 'Xn '■? y'Da Xp 'yVD this indeed supports me San 100a(27) Itpa. 1. to succeed, be successful: a. alone: 'X TTV ^'T JVynOB if you succeed, go (and) perform (the charm) San 67b(17); b. esp. w. xnV'a: -p'ai 'ra xiVra xy'noa xa^m perhaps from me and from you there will be success [i.e. with the progeny] Ber 10a(50); Men 7a(23); xVl nCincaV XnV'a xyriCX he did not succeed in consummating the marriage [lit. marrying her] Ber 25b(51); Ket 60b(31); Xrf?a "p XyHD'a X1? you will not succeed (with your charm) Hul 7b(36) [lit. the matter will not be successful for you]; Pes 50b(45); MQ 18a(15); Ket 62b(29); Qid 31b(7); BQ 92a(50); San 14a(36); 2. to be supported (of a particular point of view): a. alone: 'TV 'XT Tl»!?ri ]a xyncai (an argument) is supported from (a statement) in the Palestinian Talmud TGHark 228:23; mV y'rwa KT\yaV XH3 XDp X3Xiy,!? in this legal issue the first wording is supported TGAs42 73:12; b. w. xnV'B: TVTI0X1 -pn max 10 xnb'a xynoxi xm the matter was definitely supported according to what those [i.e. the cowherds] said San 18b(44) Lit: Bacher 141. Kr)5?.'*P n.f. assistance, support of a view (i Vy"D; Sy r^sim LS 472) 1. assistance: sg. X'B© la xny'D Heavenly [i.e. divine] assistance Meg 6b(10); X'aEH WTD BB 55a(19); Ket 63b(27; V'); iSGF 36:8; Yequm Purqan; 2. support of a particular point of view: sg. X1? Nnyo X'lH it does not constitute support San 71b(35); mny'D X1?! n'rarn X^ (the verse) is neither his refutation nor his support BM 48a(28); Nid 18b(7); ]rmna XpT 31 by *\X1 pnaa in1? xnyo 'mSWXV even though we seek [lit. go around] to find support for one of them TGAs28 200:13; TGHark 158:1; yiyira p nny'D t : support from our Mishna ib. 205:32; p xnyo XITT3 support from a barraita iSGF 56:7; 0#r /cm 10:6 Lit: Bacher 141; Friedman, JMP 1:309; Y: NJW!0 BB ib.(BAYTN 289). 1#NS"0 n.m. sword (4 2#XS"0; TA T,B'D TO Gen 27:3, Sy r<" k . rr> LS 472, Ma 1#XS'D MD 329, > Arab «j*i Fr, AF 239) sg. XS"D 'SlVe? sword drawers Gi? 57a(23; V18) [Var: 'S"D pi. M]; 1XD 11DD -|^y -|S"D 'X (even) if your sword is on you, (nevertheless) your book is here [i.e. your genealogy is known to us] BB 4a(21; Ar [AC 6:45]); pi. (n}'S"D Tan 21a(45; Ed) Y: NB"0 Git ib.(BAYTN 91). 2# NS'-'O n.m. highwayman (lit. swordsman; 4- 1# XB"D; > Arab ujlk, executioner Wehr 448) sg. X1SD Wb XS"D 'XI XS"D x"7 XTSD 'X if one is a scholar, then one is not a highwayman. If one is a highwayman, then one is not a scholar AZ 17b(33; J) RaH: >]"0 tya; Y: NB"0 AZ ib.(BAYTN 122). [KT'O 4 XT0 n.] X03'0, abs. 0'30 n.m. perh. braggart (etym. unknown; cf. Arab o4^ quarrelsome Wehr 482) sg.abs. D'30 ]pl@35? a thick-bearded man is a braggart San 100b(37); det. XDD'D mn 13 "?3 every PN is a braggart BB 74a(9) Geon. expl.: vjito ^y nain Dynnn xin» xos'o pnnsi oh San 524:4; Y: XDD'D flfl ib. NIS'P n.m. dam (< Akk sikru CAD S 259; I %/l3D; Sy *4 A tv> LS 475) sg. '13J 'S"m XID'D 157 X"?13xa the men form a partition from the city gate to the dam Ket 17a(49) // Meg 29a(10) The trad. expl. as grave [v. Ar (AC 1:11), s.v. 2"?3X, Rashi] has no philological basis. KriS'P, cs. n?'P, pi. '3'P n.f. peg, pin, spade, plowshare, coin stamp (< Akk sikkatu peg, nail CAD S 247, AIOA 91; TA xrOD TJ Jud 4:21, Sy rc^T-ijao, pi. rslAio LS 472, Ma XTO'O, pi. JWO MD 326, > Arab til, 'S^, nail, coin stamp Fr, AF 89, 194) 1. peg, nail: a. general: sg. NTOXapO Wn the peg of the wall Git 32a(2); XI13 n^Tl XrD'DS he hung the water pitcher on a peg Sab 803
*!fo «W 2#Kgfo 137b(46); torn 7b(12); 5a/! 112a(55) // Ara 7b(18); We« 33a(16) [* 4- XTnTlO'X]; £r 8a(27); 5e£ 8b(26); pi. n'3'01 n'33tf» his tent and its pegs Pes 80a(35; V14); 'Kl nj73»tt '3'0 .13731? seven pegs from seven bridges &?6 67a(3); '3'0X rna (the perforated pot) is placed upon pegs Git 37a(17); '<3)(3I'D3 B'pil 3"3?X even though (the sandal) is fastened with nails Bes 15a(15); 'D'pJI '3'03 (the door frames) are attached with pegs BB 69a(27; F2); b. w. XT33 metaph. of a small amount [lit. peg in the space bet. the planks (of a bridge); 4- 3# XT J mng. 2]: sg. XT13 XHD'D '3 ]3X1 Xiaj^ concerning the oral tradition we are like a peg in (the space between) planks [i.e. our knowledge is small] Er 53a(38); 'TO 'T'P nb XTU3 XJD'D "DX •'XVSl'? I did not leave anything for myself, even a peg in (the space between) planks [i.e. a tiny amount] Ket 53a(14); 2. pin: sg. BQ 119b(39); pi. '3'03 ,1Dp31 he fastened it [i.e. the garment] with pins Men 41a(12); 3. spade [v. TO Dt 23:14]: sg. GC 34:10 [expl. MH Ipl MBes 1:2]; X^TISI XrD'O an iron spade Anan 31:15 [cf. Sy rdin-a* rdiLio PSm 2622, Ma X7T1B1 XTD'O MD ib.]; ib. 30:28; 4. plowshare [< Akk CAD S 251, mng. 5 [NB]; TA n'JIS H3D TJ IS 13:20, Sy rdj^a & i <y> PSm ib.]: sg.cs. 1319 TD'O GC 59:4 [in a description of the parts of the plow]; Bo 69:4; 5. coin stamp [Sy <^\ -i \,a K^t» BBah 1034:11; v. PSm 2622]: sg. p»sm xjijto x'nn 'mn x;i3'D3 'yt? XTD'O 'mfia he erred regarding the new coin stamp which at that time went into circulation instead of the (old) coin stamp BQ 99b (52; Es); 6. pi. perh. prickly hairs: n'7 mn X3p'11 '3'0 he had a (sparse) beard of prickly hairs Yev 80b(34; O2) Geon. expl.: JCIIWVD7 D'1J3 ya ]'iniK» '3'0 TRN 631:7; OHP Sab 78:23(Ar) [mng. 2]; 0':op Jinjl'3 )TO bn3 ra'JW Tie WIX *?» nnrt' tv mix p iia'oxn ,:nl7w itjiw yaonn jm pipm -pai ivVyn wn m *7y nnx DyD3 lro taa wnp rnai "rna y3DB nwyi OHP BQ 156:31; OHR ib. 98:7 [mng. 5]; Lit: Eps, Stl 106; GCIntr 14; Voc: xfo'6 HGP 20a:3; Y: XTO'D Sab 74b(10; BAYTN 196). Nl^'O, KlVo, pi. 'l.V'0, KnilV'P n.m. thorn (Ma xi7'o, pi. x'3xi7'o, xnxi(X)7'o, xnxixbxo palm tree thorns [sic!] MD 326, Sy rc"<LLa> LS 476, BBah 1352:6, > Arab »iLi palm tree thorns Hava 329) a. general: sg. X170 n'7 bpwtb to extract a thorn for him San 84b(39); '»p ,T17D 'Wpl Vd n'7lB the shade of any (bush) whose thorn is hard is harmful Pes 11 lb(l 1); pi. X3'111X1 'iV'D thorns of the bramble HM 40:12 [glossed by Arab p^jc. boxthorn]; XT1X31 'Cl)7{1)0 large thorns OHP Ber 108:15; b. esp. of the date palm: sg. X170 HM 42:7; pl.abs. X'lS X7p'1 ]» ]'17D 'T seven thorns from a withered date palm ib. 6; det. '17'0 njD© '7]?'1 X3?3tt?a seven thorns from seven date palms Sab 67a(l) [cf. Ma: X'7Xfl X3HP ]» X'3X17'0 X3P X7p'T1 seven thorns from seven young date palms MD ib.]; c. w. var. vbs.: 1) Vn3 af.: X17'0 p'Ti'a H'7 ]3'n3ai we bring a thorn and pierce it [i.e. the pustule] Hul 47a(3); XfiT17'D3 n'PS3X T'1(3)(3)a he pierces himself with thorns Git 84a(20); 2) Vnn pe.: XT7'0 ,TTim ]X» one whom a thorn pierced AZ 28b(40); ib. 42; O'X'33 X17'D mini a thorn pierced him in the testicles Yev 75b(l; Ar [AC 3:488]); 3) V'rRJ pe.: X71 X17'03 137 X3T1& KS1 J?3B I shall strike you with a thorn which does not cause blood to flow [i.e. I shall excommunicate you] Ket 91a(40) // BB 151b(7) Geon. expl.: 'l^'O ]B»1 pip ]n VI iplw TVmn '3p'y nm ^na^p tibw 'J'w^ pans? 'JB» TO3 ins I'^ixi -ini'3 pi pwpi TGAs28 160b:8; Y: X17'D //«/ ib.(BAYTN 122). n.m. pipe (< o-(i)Xf|v Lehnw 383; Sy ^i^i" LS 476) pi. rmso 'ttnx irunsTi 133 in"3l7'07 the people of GN have already broken their pipes Sab 39b(5) Y: W'lft'O 5oft ib.(BAYTN 261). l#Nri'V'P, pi. Nri'^'P n.f. snare, net (Ma XTT^'D a circular fishing net weighted with lead MD 326, Sy rc'^i^ LS 628, > Akk salitu [fishing] net CAD S 104, > Arab ill Fr, AF 76) sg. XXV^O VT'X XTX he went (and) brought a net Hul 95b(l; Fl,l 78); X13X1 Xn'V'O a snare of lead Bo 21:10; pi. nJIX'^'D OnS'M spreading out of nets (to catch birds or fish) TGDr49 96:11 Lit: Eps, GC 6539; W. von Soden, OrNS 46 [1977] 193; AIT 199. 2# NrrV'O n.f. afterbirth (< Akk silitu CAD S 264; 4- XrV"1?©) sg. ,T»XT HTI^'D its [i.e. the infant's] mother's afterbirth Sab 134a(30); xn'^'D xm313T the afterbirth of a mule Bek 8b(32); xn»31X xnuitn xn'V'O the afterbirth of a black cat(f.) Ber 6a(15; Ar [AC 6:66]); Vs'aV TDX XJI'^'O it is forbidden to eat the afterbirth HP 206:10(HPP 307:19) Y: xrrt'O Sab ib. l#Sj??'P n.m. mangel-wurzel {Beta vulgaris macrorhiza; I Xp^'DT X'B; Akk silqu B CAD S 267, Sy rdi_La> LS 478, Arab ^L Siggel 43) sg. Xp^'D D'"IS Xion 3T PN used to chop mangel- wurzel (on the Sabbath) Sab 119a(16; MGE 323:7); ib. 74b(3; M); X»TS ^{0){2) H373W XpV'DT seven measures of chopped mangel- wurzel Git 69a(31); XpV'D '33 (3B?> seven roots (?) of mangel-wurzel ib. 69b(55; OHT Git 158:19) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; xp^D 3'3pT ]X13 'XH one who peels mangel-wurzel Sab 73b(17); Xp"?'D X13J V'Bp X'TI uncooked mangel-wurzel can kill a man Er 28b(56); AZ 28b(41) [as a remedy for flatus; I l#Xp'T mng. 3]; Kar 6a(5) // Hor 12a(42) [eaten on the New Year]; XpTI XpV'D mangel-wurzels and vegetables BM 101a(15); ib. 109a(17); Pes 114b(25); Ber 38b(19) Geon. expl.: XHSKira p^OTll TXWO y30 p p'jD ix ^lXK y3D seven roots of mangel-wuizel from seven garden beds and they should be cooked in their soil OHT Git 158:19; Lit: Flora 1:347. Since the Akk. cognate is already known from an NB text, the prev. etym. < Gr sikelikon the Sicilian proposed by Low, Flora ib., and accepted by CAD, ib., should now be rejected; Voc: Kp^'D HPP 294:19; Y: Xj?7'0 Sab 73b(17; BAYTN 122). [2# Nj?V'0 4- XpVtf n.] l#NriV'P, pi. 'nb"0 n.f. piece of wood (< Akk siltu B shaving, splinter CAD S 267) sg. xm XJIttN XJrV'Ol wood, a piece of wood, and a lamp BQ 22b(23) // ib. 60a(l); nrv7'03 X1?! nmam by means of another woman and not by means of a piece of wood Yev 63b(16) [i.e. one can tame a shrew by means of a rival wife better than by force]; Nid 66b(22); pi. Sab 20b(8); vfr'D ]3'3BX1 we handle [lit. overturn] pieces of wood ib. 150b(42; OHT ib. 155:17); 'JlV-O TTVdT ]XKl 'XH one who cuts (a palm trunk) into many pieces ib. 74b(5) Geon. expl.: b» IXl'O 'n^'D 1HB1 ... D'xy ^Wl flnip Vb fTW Jimp OHT ib.; 7pi 'B'7p GnK5 170:19; ]r\V D'7pi D'Xy 17K imx nx ptbi X3tr 'o ywi )'0':3 p3'0 '3'D -] ■w w Dnsiy jmos sens ^^ -|inai pi nop ins jirraa xsr T»'Jn ohp Sab 32:7 [perh. sago, a starchy foodstuff derived from the soft interior of the palm trunk [v. Low, Flora 2:305] and discussion 1 Vl#;i70]; Y: vVj"? Sab 20b(9; BAYTN 197). 2# xnV'O 4- xnbo N»'P n.m. treasure (TA l£'6 pi. TO Gen 43:23, JPA HD'O DJPA 375) sg. XJl'33 XM'D XTl'33 XD30 an old woman in the house is a treasure in the house Ara 19a(4; O4) Y: XO'O Ara ib.(BAYTN 11). Nnia'p n.m. blossom (I XXVl&'O; Ma xniXfi'D MD 327, Sy K^x^a-m LS 479) sg. X"na'0 Xin xa"7J?3 it is merely a blossom Suk 31b(20) Lit: Low, Flora 1:72. K'310'0 n.f. a type of reed (etym. unkn.; 4- X3X3) sg. xmXT X'31»'0 an j.-reed of the marsh Hul 16b(26; Ar [AC 6:75]) [expl. MH bv Tmmp ri3j? ib.; Var: Xn'3»'D V12Ar (AC ib.)] Geon. expl.: TTKH ty D1J3 ^,101 10W K3X3W X'jp ... ]1XJ ''B o'ipn txw3 n33nnoi tojbto nrxi mm nnwa in,anpi AC ib. [v. QS, no. 35]; Flora 1:670; AAC 296. 1#XDD'D n.m. scratch/crack in the skin (cf. Sy r^V^K-m bodies LS 479) sg. X(DI3)Wt5}'D H'mX3 GC 79:7 [expl. MH Til 71X nnniO MKel 30:4, expl. by Arab Jsi§ to scratch ib.]; Xt?a'D7 5aZ> 67a(24) [fol. by an incantation]; XDIS'O 'XH X'H Xn^'XT Xp3ins a scratch in the skin is a precursor of fever AZ 28a(41) Geon. expl.: pXpS^N n"B31 TO3 liy3 KSBJB yip'3 XBO'O TGHark 23:2, i.e. jlii [v. Low, Lehnw 385]; BTO TGWeisz 83:15; Y: XBB'O Sab ib.(BAYTN 122) 2#Kt30'0 n.m. footpath (< Lat semita Lehnw 385; JPA TO»'0 DJPA 375) sg. '»n'B mS D1BD XBa'D3 grab a cow from the orphans in the footpath Ket 84b(19); ib. 31; Xt5a'D3 nrmiHl ]Xa3 X'aXT it is as if she placed it in the footpath TGHark 44:1; ib. 2 n.m. an odoriferous plant (etym. unkn.) sg. Ber 43b(l) Geon. expl.: p33! '3ny liefa 10B1 OHT Sab 53:6, i.e. £uj Siggel 40 [I TBO']; pw^Sl r«r»' mix pip U'liwta p^O'O 'X0 paa! 'IX 'ip D'7Xya»' TGAs28 181:9; Xin 1130' p7B'0l HG1 137:17; Lit: Low, Flora 3:397, cites the var. trads.; Y: p^B'B Ber ib. N38'Q, K3KQ'0 n.m. mark, sign, distinctive mark, omen, mnemonic note (< arpsiov
Nfi'38'0 806 NO'O Lehnw 386; 4- V2#D"0, V]BD; Sy «LLk+ju> LS 481) 1. mark: sg. rm«n X1H XBty3 XJS'O 'aV>TI perhaps he merely made a mark (as his signature) BB 161b(3; F2); ib. 7; H'b 3TT H1H 'WD 'a1?'!! n'lJQ perhaps he had made a mark on it [i.e. the slaughtered bird] Hul 4a(14); pi. ]irx fV'X ]imB'03 KIT ma'nn these are our signatures with their accompanying marks S$Hai 14b(20); 2. sign: sg. xry my'3DB fpy XJB'D a sign (identifying an object) is preferable to an (identification by) an imprecise visual impression Hul 95b(46); XJB'O 1T\ give a sign (to identify it) Git 45a(27); 5M 21b(7); n'1? mn 'B^SD KWD in David merely had a sign Ber 3b(40); Meg 22b (16); rrra -jnjn rinoa x"?t xm'o ds.t you have made a sign so that you will not take your mind off it Bes 40a(35); Git 7b(13); rb '13JH rUB'O they make a sign for them Sab 54b(19); 3. distinctive or identifying mark: sg. 'Xm X'j'rD ''3B'0 'xm '3B'0 so-and-so whose distinctive mark is such-and-such Hul 96a(8); pi. Xp n'ty IxVt P'3ao Xpi X1H '3B'0X p'SBO we do not rely upon her [i.e. the woman's testimony], but we rely upon the distinctive marks (of the corpse) Yev 115b (2); ■TWO 'XB what are its distinctive marks? Yom 84a(27); Git 68a(34); San 98a(48); lmXB'D /f«a« 56:11; BM 85b(35); 4. omen: sg. XiB'D X'H xrfr'B an omen is a significant thing //or 12a(41) // Kar 6a(4); 5. mnemonic note: a. alone: sg. 'B^J/S XJB'O (what was stated in the barraita) is merely a mnemonic note £>- 3a(20); Suk 53b(37); 32V riBtt?' 1" -|'3B'D1 XIBm X2,t7I7 W1JX for (a sickness of) the stomach (he ingests the listed herbs) in wine. Your mnemonic note is: tiiJX 331? TOUT ]» [Ps 104:15] AZ 29a(15; J); /& 9b(3); 5er 44b(7); &zZ> 35a(18); ib. 90b(25); Aw 114a(2); Yom 28b(46); 7a« 9b(24); 55 91a(30); Hul 45a(18); /& 47b(23); Zev 53b(2); Mrf 52a(52); b. w. van vbs.: 1) VlBJ af: ':B'03 mBlX he taught it [i.e. the Torah] by means of mnemonic notes Er 21b(48); 2) V3.T pe.: 3TT1 XJB'O 3TT 'B2 Xip ]'X '3113 XJB'O Xan does the Tanna gives a mnemonic note concerning these? Yes. Scripture also gives a mnemonic note Git 7b(14); 3) VrrU/rUJl af: XJB'D m IrUXI they formulated a mnemonic note concerning it Yom 42a(9); Ket 54a(37); X3B'D H3 rUJlX Hul 57b(42); pi. 'IB'D 1IT7 rUJT>ai NJBP^ ]'P"1 (the Judeans who) are exact in their phraseology and formulate mnemonics Er 53a(42) [cf: xbx 7T3J7J niim ]'X a'JB'03 ib. 54b(50)]; 4) Vrfrtf pe.: XJB'O '"7 rf?m send me a mnemonic note (that the new moon has appeared) RH 25a(28) Lit: Bacher 140; Voc: xiS'6 HGP 44a:39; ]in5a'0 HPP 230:21; Y: XJB'O Ber 3b(40; BAYTN 136). NTV3»'0 4- X'JIB'O n. N31S»'0, K31S3'0, N3i8'0 n.m. bronchus, blood vessel (< aupcov Lehnw 389; Sy rdo^ ; tr> LS 491) 1. bronchus: sg. XJISB'D V»jn D'pi (the needle) takes the path through the bronchus and enters (the lung) Hul 48b(12); 'xm H3T XJISB'O the large bronchus of the lung ib. 30; 27; 32; pi. xrmSB'O '8"pi XITI this is when its bronchiae are intact Suk 36a(8; Ar [AC 6:76]); 2. blood vessel: sg. Hul 48b(36); XDSB'O X133T H3T the large blood vessel of the liver ib. 49a(5); X3'1?! XJIS'O a blood vessel of the heart HP 201:15; ii. 17 Y: XJteap fluf 49a(27; BAYTN 261). >np'0 n.m. fennel (< Akk s/simru CAD S/3 8) pi. nB'D 'BV 'in ra ... X^B'B?1? for a two day fever-fennels Git 67b(22) On the use of this plant as a drug in Mesopotamia, v. DAB 62. Nm»'0 n.f. bud (4- X"nB'D) sg. XJ1W31 XXnB'O bud of dodder Git 69a(38; OHT ib. 156:3) [Van Xm'BD Vl6Ar (AC 6:69, s.v. XJITBD!)] Geon. expl.: iTS1|73 T3» niWB OHT ib., i.e. 5-iji; *#i dodder like a round object. K3'0 n.m. shoe (archaic; 4- VOID, XJX0B; TA n'rfi TO Dt 25:9) sg. H'bn bj/B m'O m»l she untied his shoe from upon his foot Yev 39b(36) [quoted from Zia/wa-document] // SSHai 12b (5) Y: n'3'D Yev ib.(BAYTN 15). KnVl'3'0 n.f. perh. hated spirit pi. Bo 36:7 [N13'0 4- X131D n.] ND'O, N010 n.m. coil of threads (Sy t-con-cb rc^i °t \ •to threads of a cloak LS 464, ... •*'"•* oLill <J> ^Sball of cotton thread BBah 2018:17, MH2 O'O J 983) sg. a. general: in"? T3J/ TOJn 3T J'D'P > XO'O PN used to make them [i.e. the fringes] into a coil of threads Men 41b(22); b. as expl. of MH nj7'S: p3"l '1&V3 HD'O Xim GC 108:9 [v. MPar 12:8]; ib. 23:7 [v. MKel 11:6]; XD1D /& 86:3 [v. MOh 7:2] Geon. expl.: yvfrm wVw nrypS I'D'D Geon 331:14; Lit: Eps, GCIntr 54; GC 2317; Flora 1:376; Y: KD'D ife(BAYTN 11). [N'0'0 4- X'DID n.] ]'P'0 n.f. camomile (Matricaria chamomile; < Akk sissin libbi a medicinal plant CAD S 327, mng. 6) sg. X'B3, xm'BT pD'O infusion of moist camomile Git 69b (27) [as a drug for loose bowels]; X'B3 'TWT I'D'D infusion of dried camomile ib. 28 [as a drug to loosen the bowels]; xm'cn I'D'O'a ... ■s.mrT [fD'o 'b =] tccb ib. (OHT Git 153:13) Geon. expl.: D'3By pi '^ipn K'B (plUniX 1'WnSffl nW3' l'0'O '» J312S3 'any pwba I'XlpJtff TGHark 209:2, i.e. jJjjLI camomile [< MP *babunag; cf. NP tatana PED 136; 4- X^lp]; fO'O'D X-l>nirf7X IS yiJ lm -i(3>D1B0'0 nw OHT Git 157:14, i.e. j;'..'.jm. watermint plant Siggel 44 [< MP sisimbar CPD 75; cf. Sy i -^ -^ ~ • ^, -J ^"y -~- LS 487, Ma 1X30X010 MD 322]; Lit: Flora 1:376; Geller, Medicine 109; Y: I'P'D Git ib. 1#X30'P n.m. date spadix, branch (< Akk sissinnu date spadix CAD S 325'; Sy rr'iiri im LS 487, > Arab sinsin vertebra of the spinal column JSS 11 [1966] 125) 1. date spadix: pi. nip 'WOa "inrmiX 'Xl if he raised them [i.e. the dates] in the spadices, he acquired possession BM 67b(27); ib. 29; 2. branch: pl.cs. XriXIS '30'D branches of the juniper tree Pes 4a(12; TGHark 141:25) Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: WTO1?!? tMOlDl D'BJy KJ1N13 ('){K»0'0 '7H3X Xnpn pno fi'X nB3 nB •fr Wl TGHark 141:26, i.e. J+Jl savin [Juniperus sabina]. Lit: Low, Pfl 119; Flora 2:336. The form 'W0 T»'°l ^fl* H0a(45) // Pes 42b(20; V17) is uncertain, since the rdg. in Pes ib.(E'C) is 'JKO'3, and the expl. of the mnemonic [w. ref. to 1PV 3T which has samekh] is unclear; Voc: 'lO'O HGP 27a:39. 2#N30'0 n.f. thorn tree, bramble (cf. Sy pcLLlo) LS 485) sg. XJD'DX ]>IVtm yr\VH 'Dl '7WT he only urinates on a dry s.-thorn tree Grt 69b(51) Geon. expl.: H30 'BOB 'w mi lynn' DXW 'PXl pxny ^3 "|W a thorn in Iraq and Syria which trembles(?) and it is called ,130 OHT Git 158:9. Lit: Flora 4:160; 3:186; Y: MD'D Git ib.(BAYTN 122). NIB'O t : NnjPP n.f. group, band (Sy rfbi s . m LS 472, Ma xriX'D MD 324) sg. X3'n iny'O where is your band (of people)? San 26b(l) 1#NS'0 n.m. doorpost, threshold (TA XS0 TJ 2K 10:21, Sy rf 4 rn LS 489, Ma 3#XS'D MD 329) 1. doorpost: sg. X331 iTD'D doorpost of the gate Git 68b(52) [cf. LMA si-ip-pa-a di a-ba-ba- a' Uruklnc 2]; XD'DS n'ysp'1?! Xi3X(X) n'SriD'1? let him write it [i.e. the mezuza] on a stone and set it in the doorpost Men 34a(43); pl.cs. 'S'O X3X3 Yev 118b(39); det. 'Xlll 'S'O the outer doorposts HG1 498:19; 2. threshold: sg. XIB'I XS'03 mim Xrran (if) there is song in a house, (there will be) destruction on its threshold Sot 48a(43); ib. 45 Y: XS'Q Gil ib.(BAYTN 135). 2# SS'O I XS10 n. 3# NS'O n.m. apple (< Mir *sep [cf. MP seb CPD 74]) 4- XS'O XIBn NpOIS'O, NpOSO n.m. bran, bran meal (< Mir *saposak [cf. NP sapusak, sapusa PED 652]; Sy Klxuioo-auxo LS 491) sg. XpDSO nV "?'3J he used to prepare bran for it San 108b(46; MGG 172:12); XpDSO xriS'1 bread (of) bran meal Pes 42a(36; RaH) [expl. MH 13'p ns ib.; Var: XTIB'I XpoiS'O V14Ar (AC 6:106)]; xpoiS'OT X'B bran water Git 56b(26; V18) Geon. expl.: P'Tffl xpDIB'O GnK5 175:16 [mng. of gloss is uncertain]; n3'p US X,TI n^ion rhva OHR Git 37:4; Lit: Fl, TMW 3:726; Geig, AAC 301; Tel 318. NjJlB'O n.m. needs (4- V2# pSO; TA plS'O TJ Jer 31': 2 [Var]) sg. DID1? XplD'O TVT7 D'piBT ]XB1 ]in'DnS one who will provide their needs according to their requirements SSHai 17a(20); ib. 17b(9); 2a(10); pi. Dp'B1? H'V TOS'XT Xim TVplS'03 this is where he can supply their needs [i.e. the two wives] Yev 65a(22) Y: XpiB'O Yev ib.(BAYTN 139). NBS'O 4- XBSD n. SHS'P, cs. "ISO n.m. scroll, scriptural book, do'cument (4- Vi# nS0; TA XnSD TO Ex 17:14, Sy K'-i-SLjB LS 493, Ma 1# XIS'O MD 329) 1. scroll, book: sg. n'"IS0 ri'3'B bsi his scroll fell from him Ber 56a(50) [containing dream interpretations]; 807
an 'a-7 nis'o 808 NrTTO BB 4a(21) [I XJ'T; ref. to a book of pedigrees]; XXTUXl XISO book of aggadot Git 60a(22) [I XmJX mng. 1]; pi. nD'O X'^ai XJX a basket which is full of books Meg 28b(40) [metaph. for one who knows the entire Tannaitic tradition by heart]; nB'DT ppa an m.-worm of books Sab 90a(46); 'ID'O '3ra nttfrx '33 "?3 all people who write books Bo 71:9; 2. esp. scriptural book (Torah scroll or scroll of another biblical book): a. Torah: sg. K1S'03 Xlp Dp he got up (and) read in the Torah scroll Ber 50a(41) // Meg 22a(45); Sab 147b(40); BQ 82a(28); Dp'aV K1D'03 Kipai Anan 21:7; ib. 17:23; 19:9; 40:9; HP 186:15; x*73 xrmxa 'jvyi onra^ m1? nw XIB'O he is permitted to study and delve into the Torah without a Torah scroll [i.e. by heart] Anan 24:26; p'313 '3V1 X1BD -|T3'» how do we completely roll up the Torah scroll? Meg 27a(25); Yom 70a(5); Anan 38:19; JlTTJl' m"? mn m~iB03 he had extra letters in his Torah scroll Men 29b(54); ib. 52; pi. nS'D mbn three Torah scrolls Yom 70a(15); HP 185:3; ns'Dl 'TOfiip chests for Torah scrolls Meg 26b(38; GM2); nS'oV Xmco a covering for Torah scrolls fi. 37; b. other scriptural book: sg. pH3 mn Vxiaw 3T 3D |»'o -iax x'Vya xpics nawx 'x x-ibo3 pn used to predict from a scriptural book. If he found a good verse he would say: "It is a good sign" Hul 95b(24; MGG 395:16); XIB'01 ,T1» the owner of the scroll 5g 115a(45); D"Da mn '3 XIS'D TXa "\ whenever PN finished a biblical book 5er 17a(27); AZ 19a(21); np'X XV 'aj?D 'X13 ma© Vj? nnSD why was his [i.e. Nehemiah's] book not named for him? San 93b(54); XplDB 'Tfl rrb 3TD1 xnsoa xpiOB he looks at each verse from the (Esther) scroll and writes it Meg 18b(39); c. w. a specific designation: sg.cs. nBO TWO! XJTTiX the book of the Torah of Moses Yom 36b(34); sSHai 13a(20); ymr "ISO Book of Joshua Zev 54b(14); E^TI ISO Book of Psalms BB 164b(33); XTD ]3T X1SD Ecclesiasticus San 100b(40); \VOHT\ DnXT XIB'D the Book of Adam BM 85b(51); pi. XJl'Tnn nSD BB 14a(14); 3. document: sg.cs. pnn "ISO divorce document S&/a/3a(16);5o28:6 On the ultimate source of this word, v. ALBH 122+; Voc: SOBO HGP 17b:32; Y: !OBp Ber llb(25; BAYTN 122). - 31 '3l NIS'O, XIS'O n.m. the book (sifra) of the be rav (I 31 '3) sg. 31 11 XIS'D 5er llb(25); »'fc 18b(8); 'lS'DI XnS'Ol XTO^'fl mishnayot, sifra, and j//re //ag 3a(18); 5er 47b(26); Meg 28b(38; G); g/rf 49b(3); Svu 41b(38); XIS'D DT\0 an anonymous statement of the sifra Yom 41a(l) // San 86a(5) // Svu 13a(39) // fle£ 61a(16); Xin XIS'D DJID lniim both of them are anonymous statements of the sifra Kar 7a(43); pi. 3T 'm '"ISO "1X2/ the rest of the sifre of the ie rav Yom 74a(20; M); 55 124b(9); TGHark 107:22 The identification of these terms w. the Tannaitic midrashim on Exodus - Deuteronomy known today by these names [v. e.g. Eps, PLT 645; Tarbiz 6(1936) 106s] is uncertain; Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 116; Y: in 'XT KHB'D Ber ib. i#kjib'o ixns'isn. 2# NDB'O n.f. a disease (etym. unkn.) sg. XJIS'D1? HM 38:2 [*6j?'0 i nx"?1pD n.] Ip'O adj. (uncertain) sg.m. Xip'D X3X Git 56a(44) Y: iop'0 Gir ib. NHp'O n.m. leaping (4 Vl# IpD) sg. X"lp'03 X3"?3 a dog by leaping BQ 22a(3; RaH,Ar [AC 6:122]) [Es: !HTp03; Ed: XTpt3] Note, however, the rdg. of Saadia Gaon: Xljro [v. fJOO^N 3KJ1D n'VSi, Goldziher Vol 35b:9]. NTO n.m. perh. net (< aeipd L-S 1588; Sy 2# rC\ ; m cord, fine web LS 472) sg. Q'JT '3X2? XTO 'Sn'T fish are different because they place a net 55 21b(19) Lit: Goldschmidt, BT 8:82138; id., Nez 480. NAYTO n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'IITO Bo 37:7 NDTI'O n.m. clinging (-1 VflD) sg. x"?1 X31T0 Xin DV73 clinging (to a disputed article) is of no value BM 6a(38) KITTO n. type of gnat (I Vl#mo, 2#X3T0, XDJ11; cf. Sy 1# oaim to hurt, damage LS 497) sg. TRN 627:1 [expl. MH ]"1BD Sab 107b(30)]; XDTOT XnTO gnat(s) ShA: 26a(36; E2) [cf. Sy: 1#K3T0 809 KOTO Klauu^jj r^n-> BBah 750:20]; XnTO XXJTJ1 5g 82b(30; Es); SuA: 26a(36; HP 30:27) Lit: Eps, St2 819 [contra Low, Hoffmann Vol 124]; Y: WITO Suk ib.(BAYTN 123). 1#N3T0 n.m. adherence, practice, habit (1 V"|"I0, 2# XtflTJ; DSH 110 rule, order Licht, RS 66, n. to 1.16) 1. adherence: sg. X3T03 X,-U the kid (climbs the wall) by adherence BQ 22a(4); 2. practice, habit: sg., only w. VtJpJ pe. to continue a habit: sg. TIX1 Op: T3T0 he continued his usual habit Ber 16a(15; F); X3T0 Dp3 San 51b(12) [v. comms. ad loc.]; X3TD XD'p3 X13JT she continued the practice of (her deceased) husband AZ 30a(45) Lit: B. Levine, JAOS 92 [1972] 75; Y: WTO BQ ib.(BAYTN 123). 2#K3T0 n.m. injury, wound (< XnTO*; 4- Vl#niO; Sy rs'Jicujj-uo injury LS 498) sg. X3WaT X3TD wound of the skin (of the animal) Bes 40a(39); nDlJ nxm HB1X ]1i X3T0 the injury is from the lobe of the lung itself Geon 27:15; ib. 14; 16; 26:26; KTbl X3T0 an injury of the heart ib. 30:15; 31:20; 'TO'* 'TO'X XDTD by p'VOT '"IXTn various white pustules formed on the wound TGHark 158:33; ib. 159:8; 12 Geon. expl.: WTO "IBM "WW C5] OlpM 'BX ('nn> nil GC 79:8 [ace. to rdg. in AC 6:134; w. ref. to JirniO MKel 30:4]; Lit: Eps, GC 7920. NST0 n. (uncertain) pl.es. WIS 'DTD Bo 78:5; [n]3n"7 'ST© ib. 123:9 AMB 206: draughts of its mouth [v. discussion ib.]. Kiri'0, Nino n.m. winter (4- XlD'D '3; TA XWD TJIs 18:6, Ma XIJl'D MD 330, Sy r^o^ri LS 502) sg. X1J1D3 X"7X3TI0 X»'p3 xno the i.-cloth in the summer and the ^.-garment in the winter Men 41a(24; TGHark 190:4); 'pn^S ... n3D'Vl Xin'03 X3D11 "iayi let him put it in cotton rags in the winter Sab 110b(13) // Git 69b(46) // AZ 28b(12); XWOT X»V a winter day Ber 18b(9); Xin'DT TIT WW the six months of winter Hul 60a(ll); BM 86a(9); (X^iyp XWD1 Xrity-X XB'plD a fever of winter is more severe than that of summer Yom 29a(3); Tan 24b(38); Ned 50a(6); BB 3b(24) [i XOTD '3]; San 96b(51); //m/ 55b(27) Y: KWO 5a« ib.(BAYTN 123). "]0 n.m. perh. brother (uncertain) sg. 'Tp "|0 ~\T\ob$ the brother of the lord is a fraud AZ llb(14) [expl. as XID'T X3TJT 'mnx ib.] Perh. translit. of Kdot^ Kupiou itXaatfip GLLT 149, w. prev. lit.; Y: i]0 AZ ib. N30, cs. ^O n.m. limit, sum (4 Vl#T,0; Sy *±L*> LS 464, PSm 2551, Ma XDXD MD 311) 1. limit: sg.cs. 'pir nwam ywy 'pw '"IP13 T the limit for a teacher of children is twenty-five children BB 21a(36); 2. sum: sg.cs. TtVd HOT 'III nrVKn TnVri the sum of all of them is thirty- six zuzim TGHark 37:17; XJirat 10 the sum of the goods Ibn JanahHeb 338:2 [orig. source unkn.] Y: "1? BB ib.(BAYTN 3). nNVlSO n.m. of GN sg.m. 'xVlSD XIX 13 5M 93b(33) Rdg. uncertain; v. varr. DS, ad loc, n. n. 1# '30 vb. to wait (4- XTrOOD; Sy , ^ rr> LS 473, Ma X30 MD 330) Pa.: inn'3T X'DOa Xp mn his wife was waiting (for him) Ket 62b(15); Xinn IV m1? '30 i^'xi ixD'a m"? 'doti x1? xVar do not wait for him [i.e. the Messiah] until that Jubilee year. From then on, wait for him San 97b(7) itpa. l. id.: n^ 'ano'Ti xV xan ny i&(F2K); 2. to oversee: '033 (Hl'lVy "IsnCX1? XX1WT n'1? Xia'H'l 'ari'T we have given him permission to oversee the property of the orphans Dec 9:12; 'SJlOai 'TXmD lin^y he will oversee them as is fit SSHai 17b (5); ib. 17a(17)! Lit: S. Assaf, SSHai 495. 2#'30 vb. to pour (etym. uncertain) Pe.: X30 X3XH3 Q'a TITty he poured water on them in a utensil Anan 49:30 Lit: Eps, Stl 82, compares Arab *-£" to pour out water. While, the mng. fits the context, the cognate is phonetically difficult. NJ'30 n.f. knife (TA xl'DO TO Gen 22:6, Sy *La_iAj» f. LS 474, Ma XJ'D'D MD 326, > Arab oJL. Fr, AF 84) a. general: sg.: Xi'30 ma X31 bB^BDI X3Vn3X PN used to place a knife on a young pigeon and carry (it) Sab 142b(39); ib. 50b(42); xVip'TI XaiDX XJ'DO1? n3J?D Xp he was passing the knife over the opening of the basket
"P° 810 DSD (to remove fatty substance) Bes 28b(l); ib. 6; X3'3D1 Xpmi the pressure of the knife Hul 8b(15) [cf. Bes 28b(15)]; 'X3'30 '7 3H give me my knife Ket 77b(29) [of the Angel of Death]; AZ 26b(30) [for circumcision]; 7333 X3'30 7X0 X3'31 PN inspected the knife (of a butcher) in GN £r 63a(2); //«/ 18a(5); ib. 17b(28) [I Vl#p73 pe., mng. la]; pi. '3'303 DIPTS mm .THIS1? ,Tn3WX he found his bed incised with knives Tan 24b (43; V17); ,77 '7Bp 'X»3 '3'307 X7XWH with what does one cut down a garden bed of knives? Bek 8b(38); Pes 30b(13); 5M 25b(31); b. in a fig. sense: sg. n'3'30 XB'7n his knife is sharp Yev 122a(2) [of a keen scholar; v. infra, usage c.3]; pi. '3'30<7>{n) X3X '7» a basketful of 'knives' [i.e. dates which cause intestinal pain] Tan 9b(26); c. w. var. vbs. of cutting, etc.: 1) VyT3 pe.: sg. Xinn J/T3 XpT Xl,7 X3'30n XB7W it is that point of the knife which pierces (the slips) San 56a(19); 'JV»1 n'maV n'7 yT31 X3'30 he brings a knife and pierces his skull Ket 77b(22; MGG 226:5); 2) Vmn pa.: pi. '3'30 mn X71J1 7B3 (if) the ox has fallen, sharpen the knives Sab 32a(6); 3) VpOB pe., af: sg. n'pOB'S1? X3'30 'y31 he needs a knife to cut it [i.e. the knot] Er 35a(27); Xrisnn X3'3D 'Kip XpOSa a 'sharp knife' can 'cut up' biblical verses (for exegetical purposes) BB lllb(21) // Ara 26a(9) // Men 74a(32); 4) VnVp pa.: sg. '3m X3'303 )33pip 'sVpa the gullets of these (birds) can be scraped off with a knife Hul 62b(21); ib. 25; 5) Vjnp pe.: sg. lO'VnV ,Tjnp X3'D0 7pii; 'y7'p he took a knife (and) cut him up [i.e. the pupil] into thirteen pieces Hag 15b(10); 'Xin 'X mnjnp 'XT3 X3'30 had there been a knife in my hand I would have cut him up ib. 12; X3'30 p'Tlft XmiS xron XW13 p'yipl we bring a knife and make a small cut in that place (on the lung) HP 200:9; d. parts: sg. X3'307 XDp knife handle 3aZ> 141a(18); BM 26a(3); n'BIB W'7m X3'DD a knife whose blade is thin Hul 48a(8); X3'DDT 'B?'7 the tip of the knife ib. 17b(8; V11); X3'307 XB7W the point of the knife ib. 112b(4; V11); pi. XXlXlp '3'3D7 Zev 86a(20; V11); e. w. var. designations: sg. 'XS7X7 X3'D0 a knife of pagans AZ 39a(37); X7T7S n7137 X3'3D a knife (made) entirely of iron Sab 67a(9); HM 44:19; XflBSIPXT X3'3D shoemaking knife BM 116a(16; Ar [AC 6:53, s.v. po, x"o]) Lit: Kut, Studies 449 [Heb]; Voc: x5'36 HPP 302:18; Y: KJ'?0 Er 63a(2; BAYTN 237). "]30 vb. to cover over (I X33D; BH 1# "|3D HAL 712) Pa.: a. general: n'3 7'301 p'X3 ,T3 p'pm he incised in a tree, (stuck in poles), and covered it over Sab 154b(27); '3130 -|'30tt xpn 3"yx even though he completely covers over (the fire with the wet sheets on the Sabbath) Yom 84b(32; LM); b. esp. the sukka: n3 p'330» nVpm XmpBX XH we, in fact, cover over the sukka with the upper part of the date palm 5mA: 13a(6); ib. 10; 13b(2) Lit: Lieb, TK 3:256 [Yom ib.] K330, N3N30 n.m. covering of the sukka (I V"pO) sg. X7p '5?3 X33D the (requirement of the) covering of the sukka requires a biblical verse Suk 6b(24) // San 4b(22); Suk 17a(ll); 19a(31); X3X30 Zev 38a(l) Y: X33D San ib.(BAYTN 49). 1#730 vb. to look at (Sy 2# Aa^> etpa. LS 473) Itpa.: n'3 73J10'X 7'3'y '77 raise your eyes (and) look at it [i.e. the sun] Hul 60a(2); Pes H3b(7); vvd rrrsvi xy-i! in1? m'Vi '3 i73no'7 let them(f.) look at me, and they will have progeny that are as beautiful as I Ber 20a(29) // BM 84a(30); Ber 62b(12); Tan 21b(38); Pes 104a(24); AZ 50a(31); Sot 21b(19); BB 16a(40); BM 85b(35) 2# 730 vb. to injure (i "730; Sy 1# «l_o_a» af. LS 473, Ma "730 af. MD 331) Af. w. -3: X7 '730X ]173 ]173D3 may they not seriously injure them Bo 4:5; ib. 2; 52:12; 13 730 adj. foolish (4- V2#700; Sy 1# KlLa-oi LS 473, Ma X73X0 MD 312) sg.m. X73D X7313 'foolish' firstborn [i.e. of a second wife lacking privileges of the firstborn] BB 126b(30); ib. 31 Y: xtoo BB ib.(BAYTN 49). D30 vb. to agree (MH2 D3D hif. J 991) Af.: a. general: n'V 7y n'7D D'30X7 7JT3X '7 PN whose Master agreed with him Git 6b(33); Mak 23b(26); «]i7x ]ra 37137 maaoa? la'sciox moVi they finally agreed to ordain PN iSGF 117:6; »'& 21:16; b. in writs: p n'3 X3n3X 'mVy X3)3'3DX1 ]30 811 N"?0 we, the court, agreed to it SSHai 17b(5); ib. 18b(4); S&arf 268:18; Dec 9:8 p0 vb. to be in jeopardy, seriously ill, endanger (I XX13D0; JPA 130 DJPA 378) Pe. to be in jeopardy: pXD X71 p'lxyi lyn'&V 'S3X XJllHtt/ there are reasons to suppose that he will flee so as not to be in jeopardy of excommunication TGHark 111:35 Pa. 1. to endanger: pra'SO 'XJIX X7 XTOn 13'X 'X137 if, indeed, I had not come now, you would have endangered my son Ber 25b(52); iy3 n'31307 (the angels) were about to endanger him Hul 91b(30; Vn); Sab 116a(48); Pes 112b(32); Qid 29b(39); Nid 17a(25); 2. to jeopardize: n'31»»3 '31307 to jeopardize his money TGHark 160:11; 3. pass.part. seriously ill: p0»H p3 a priest who is seriously ill HP 130:9 [cf. Git 75b(6)] Itpa. 1. to become seriously ill: "3X "13 '3'3 31 pnOXl Xin PN saw (the demons) and became seriously ill Ber 6a(20); Yom 84a(16); Pes lllb(21); priD'H HTVVl TIXW X7 'X if he does not drink (also) on the Sabbath he will become seriously ill Sab 140a(45); ib. 145b(17); Pes 112b(30); Ket 61a(46); 2. to endanger o.s.: pJlO'V should he endanger himself [i.e. his health]? Sab 81a(32); priD'7 ,T7 ni^S'X X7T should the one who cannot control (his urine) endanger himself? Bek 44b(13); Tan 20b(49) NMD, X330 n. load (I X3n'2;) sg. X3m mm X3X303 he was carrying a load Meg 18a(46) [MM2: X3303] KnaSO n.f. danger (i V]30; JPA n330 DJPA 378) a. general: sg. Xri330 xn330V XmD'X Tl'ma Xp 'a '3XC? can you compare a (religious) prohibition to a (mortal) danger? (Mortal) danger is different Hul 9b (2); Xri330 'T7 H3 iriXT XJlVa something which endangers people Pes 109b(10); Sab 66b (19); ib. 129b(18); Yev 64b(35); AZ 30a(40); n'J1330 'Xa what is its danger? Pes 8a(41); ib. 112a(23); b. specific dangers: sg. xm'ax XXlltfX N'n Xn330 hot fever is a danger Pes 25b(19); 'Xn X'n XJ1330 XTiyns an open wound is a (mortal) danger AZ 28a(36); Sab 90a(48); ib. 133b(33); Pes 42b(22); Bes 7b(10); Git 6b(39); AZ 12a(38); ib. 28b(41); 29a(l) Y: KM35 Sab 129b(18; BAYTN 284). 130 vb. to dam, block up (i Xn310, X13'0; Sy \Aa> LS 475, Ma 130 MD 331, Akk sekeru A CAD S 210) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to dam up, clog: a. waterway, canal: X31T7 ,T1301 XniS3 xmi it defecated and dammed up the Jordan BB 73b(10) // Zev 113b(24); Xin3 13DT X3'DT XS'X wet algae which dam up the canal Git 69b(29); BB 53a(21); BM 24b(20); "lpitfXl -|30'a3 in the case of damming up in order to irrigate Git 60b(29) [of a canal]; b. dyke: mi30 'B/3'X WX people came (and) stopped it up [i.e. the breach in the dyke] Hul 105a(43); pass.part. Xin3 T3D HG3 358:35; 2. to block up: a. windows: ]Ty3 X31 '113 130 mn xnm PN used to block up the windows at a time of pestilence BQ 60b(14; F1); BB 7a(19; F2); '13 1(3)(S)0'a X71 '13 nriBB X71 (one cannot prevent the other) from either piercing windows (in a wall) or from blocking up windows SSHai llb(17); TGAs33 211:14; b. parts of the body: 'JW71 n'TT l'3p'37 113'13D3 let him block up his body orifices and drink (the potion) Sab 109b(25); (XriDUl) IX1S131) XaiS 130 block up the opening of the tube HM 44:6; pass.part. ]W(')aiB p'3D their mouths are blocked up Bo 48:1; p'7131 pmaiS 'n(')30 n'aay the mouths of all the nations are blocked up ib. 15:1 Pa. to block up, shut up: a. windows: '32TE7K3H JTT30 I blocked up the windows Bo 139:14 [i Xltf'tf]; b. parts of the body: 73T nais '71307 'B'pni 'iy'3 nW3'X '33 to shut up the mouth of all evil and violent people Bo 71:1; HM 37:3 Itpe. to be clogged, dammed up: m3 73J10X X3D X37B the old King's Canal was dammed up BM 106b(23); ib. 25; Git 73a(37) H)0 n.m. basket (i XnVO; TA X7*6 TO Gen 40:17, Sy rdLoi LS 475, Ma 1#X7X0 MD 312, Akk sellu CAD S 217, > Arab aL Fr, AF 76) sg. X707 n'07B (the ass) destroyed the basket BQ 19b(43); ib. 44; 45; XOn n3BT 1XB3 X7D3 n3»T ]VD 'BT since (the bread) is placed in the basket, it is as if it were placed here (with the 'eruv) Er
KftP 812 l#j^0 49a(35; O); ib. 68a(9); Nid 17a(15); HP 39:4; pi. '"70 'XV133V to bleach the baskets Ber 27b (14) Lit: Flora 2:350; Y: ''PD Ber ib.(BAYTN 100). Nl'rO 4 XlV'O n. J?'Vp adj. boiled (4 V2# pVo pe., pass.part.) pl.f. Xnxo'XBI xnxp'^DS in the case of boiled and repulsive (wheat) Pes 34a(l; CE1); ib. 7 NnOlp'70 n.f. bouquet of flowers (etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 50b (40) Geon. expl.: D'pnJl KffWK TRN 592b: 1 = 0'pi: to mux TRN 592a: 1; Lit: Low, Lehnw 251; Flora 4:145; Y: KTOf'Vp Sab ib.(BAYTN 294). XDlp'Vo n.f. refuse of boiled dates (4 V2#p"?D, Xnoip'Vn) sg. 5g31a(l; F1) Y: KflOip'to BQ ib. Xftbo n.m. (unclear) sg. 'TO 'T3 naVo //u/ 139b(35) NjrVp, Nj/V'p, abs. j/Vp n.m. a coin (Sy Kli-Loi LS 477) sg.abs. ]'B"p Tin 13 xn'm y"?03 )'X0 J731X I remember when four seahs (of wheat) cost a se/a 55 91 b( 13; Es); ,1'V ran' 'X 'SB "pj 'Vila y"?0 n'"713 if you give him a «>/a for all of it, they lower the price greatly for you Mei 21b(15; V10); '"TO Xpmwni yVoa x"?'a a word for a ^e/a and silence for two Meg 18a(23); det. 'in xrt»m xrbn xrr-mn xyV'o a Pentateuchal je/a is 3 1/3 (denars) Bek 50a(9) Y: XyVo BAYTN 122. OJ/Vo vb. to swallow (TA D^D TJ Nah 3:11) Quad.: pjrt>0»l 5o 59:6 [of demons] vb. to ascend, go, occur, be in accord (4 X3p0»; Sy . n \ m LS 477, Ma l#p"?D MD 332) Pe. (e/a), pf. lsg. 'p'"?0 Ber 57a(25); 2m. np'Vo &« 95a(9; MGG 405:15); 3m. p'"?0 Meg 16a(24); f. xp'Vo 7a« 24a(29); np'"?0 .£S7/a; 12a(16); 3pl.m. pf70 5es lla(12); ip'"7D 7ow 9b(48); imp. lsg. pO'X Sab 41a(23); 2m. pen Pes 112b(6); 3m. pO'J 5er 55b(34); p'Vo'J &£ 141a(21); f. p'"70n RH 27a(12); pen 5o 38:7; lpl. pO'l Ta« 23b(ll); 3m. IpO'V &zn 47a(44); IpVo'J Hag 7a(48); imper. 2sg.m. po Yev 63a(37); p'70 5g 113b(33) [cf Ma p'O MG 240:5]; f. 'po 5A/ 84b(18; SM 65:8); inf. pD'aV ^«a« 4:16; pVo'B Ate 55a(20) [cf. Ma px"70'B MG 239]; part. lsg. XJp'^O BM 85b(23); 2m. npVo Bes 25b(35); 3m. p'Vo San lllb(3); f. xp"?0 gitf 31b(14); lpl. p'p"?D Pes 87b(45); 3m. 'pVo BB 23a(2); f. pVo 5er 59a(33);- 1. to ascend, go up, rise: a. general: 1) people: p'^OT X131 Xinn X^p'l"? a certain man who ascended a date palm Yev 75a(47); TOT ^93 Xni'xV p'"70 he went up to the roof, jumped off, and died Ket 103b(14); Qid 40a (14); n'3Jfr "3X p'^O PN went up to him Hul 51a(14); "USX1? may 31 p'"7D PN went up (on deck) to relieve himself Bek 27a(28); p0'3 'am 'J?33 Xn'^'J?1? let us go up to the upper room (and) pray Tan 23b(ll); 3<'){1}mVl pO'Vl lin'Vl let him submerge himself, ascend, and sit down Git 67b(26; As); Ket 62a(41) [4 Km mng. 2]; 7am 26b(21) [4 xn3DXB]; 2) animals: p'"?01 -|'"I0 nnam xns'"?1? n'bax (the animal) clutched (the vat), went up, ate the turnips (on top of it), and broke it BQ 20a(2); 3) objects: X"l»m X3T ]J'in '"rp'lb p'^OT we saw (in a dream) a vat of wine which was ascending a date palm Ber 56a(39); AZ 30a(38); xai'V TV*? '031 xp3X p'"70 mn the dust used to rise and conceal the sun Ket 106a(24) [cf. Ma X-lSXpX p'"?0 dust rose MD ib.]; Qid 70b(32); Ber 59a(33) [clouds]; Hag 15b(17; G) [smoke]; Sab 37a(43) [vapor]; Pes 40a(2) [water]; b. * Vnm 4- Vl#nru pe., mng. lc; c. (a)syndetically w. another vb.: n'S^S Hbptb n'1? 'BX"I p'^OI he ascends in order to pour it [i.e. the mixture] into the pith of the date palm Pes 56a(10); pO'B1? ma rm'^jn ira1? is (the tenant) permitted to go up to dwell in the upper level? BM 117a(l 1); ]pVo '3 nV'3C?a WlV nU3 jX'nxi when Jewish women come up from the place of ritual immersion Ber 20a(28); HG3 357:25; H'V XJ"ya x:p'"?0 xav ^3 n"ia3 I used to go up every day to examine his hair BM 84b(20); 3131 po go up (and) mount (the horse) Meg 16a(23; G); Sab 156b(37); Meg 27b(46); Git 68a(45); BB 73b(13); d. w. 'b: p'Vo xypm Xn3'na"? rvb he has ascended to the heavenly academic session Ber 18b(45); 2. to go, travel: 'pm '"IpB H3 n'"?T Xnab XJp'^DI I shall go to a town where there is no elementary school teacher Ket 103b(43) // BM 85b(23); p'"70 in X13V rrvra'? X'JTU pmb Xpw1? one day he went to the l#j7^ ; market to purchase a dowry for his daughter Tan 24a(24); San 67b(37); Sab 63b(44); mn 7XW Xl3ya3 p'70 Xp PN was traveling on a ferry Ket I05b(26); xin xnn'x xj't n'31? xjaip"? np'^o a woman came to us at the court SSHai 12a(16); 3. esp. to travel or immigrate from Babylonia to Eretz Israel [JPA p"?0 pe. DJPA 379, mng. 3b]: a. alone: 'W 'yixV p'"?0T "733 "13 'inn a certain Babylonian who immigrated to Eretz Israel Ned 66b (31); X3H ia p'^OT Xai' in3a the day after you immigrated here Hul 57a(42); Ber 24b(28); Bes 27a(15) // Hul 50a(22) // Nid 48a(17); Qid 49b(51); BM 109b(4); Ara 13a(6); Tern 29a(18); b. * Vnm pe.: I Vl# nn: pe., mng. 5b; 4. to make a pilgrimage to the Jerusalem Temple: '1J Xinn trbtrm D'nOD b'SXI p'^O mm a certain pagan who used to make a pilgrimage and eat Paschal sacrifices in GN Pes 3b(33); TTVDy n'V n'XT X13J nna1? nisam wxn nwan ypbwi x"7 'H (if) a man has ten sons, five should not make a pilgrimage one day and five the next Hag 7a(48); 5. to invade: X^Tin^ p'^OT XOiaVs Xinn a certain army which invaded GN AZ 70b(4; J); ib. 70a(43) [of robbers]; in'^a1? njn ,Trl p'bo xV no wild animal invaded their towns BM 84b(30; V22); 6. to disembark [Sy, PSm 2647, mng. 5]: lOpVoT is? iiT'nyn xsn"a x1? xa' (tai 'mm "73 XnK/3'1? sailors are not at ease until they disembark onto dry land Tarn 32a(35; V10); Ip'Vo 'X31S0 mn certain sailors disembarked BM 84b(9); BB 73b(22); Ber 56a(50) [4 2#XTJ mng. la]; 7. to go back (of lineage): p'Von xa3 as far (as the lineage) goes back Anan 97:24; AnanSch 16:2; 8. w. mb to be reckoned for s.o. [MH nVy •b J1081]: htw n'b xpVo xav xinn3 yc?3 'xn if he plants on that day [i.e. thirty days before the New Year] a (complete) year will be reckoned for him (with regard to 'orld) Git 54a(5; As); '1TT33 n'V ''pVo p"70'a '3Tia in the case of a long Naziriteship, (the days) are actually reckoned for him Naz 55a(20); ib. 16a(6); 'mn1? vft p'Von let (the long teqi 'a) be reckoned for him as two RH 27a(i2); xn'xn ty ]ii-\b inV p'bo x"?i xin X33i»in it is a reckoning, and the scholars have not reckoned it until now ib. 7a(43) // San 12b(48); 9. to happen, occur [w. "3 to s.o.]: p'"?0 'xn '"713 i#i?Vo f'yb wbs Xpl "]3 all this happened to you and you (still) worship idolatry ib. 96a(17); XJ'Snoa 3'-im03 n'3 p'VoT '3 n'3 p'"?0 Xa"?T I am afraid lest the same will happen to me [lit. him] as happened to Sennacherib ib. 96b(46); Pes 57a(41); n'3 Xp*70 mm XB "73 whatever would happen to him Tan 21a(40) [// n'ty 'OXBT "73 San 108b(53); I V'BB pe., mng. 5]; Yotn 38b(21; E1); 10. to appear: X»n'W n"713 n'3 p'VOT X3'n "73 wherever a dark color can appear on the embryo (from a blow to the mother) BQ 49a(36; Es.OHR ib. 59:2); 11. to be effective: n'1? Xp*70 'D1 XTIJ3 xm^'SD is ritual immersion in fire effective for Him? San 39a(49); Hag 22a(18); Pes 46a(l 1); 12. to be conclusive: pfi'Tl p'bo ]'3a't p'"70 X1? sometimes (the oracular inquiry) was conclusive and sometimes it was not Sot 48b(5); xn f? p'^o mn x1? fins nx ix1? 'x had you not been with us, our judgment would not have been conclusive San 30a(29); 13. to be in accord, agree [v. Af, mng. 12]: XnyBP .T1? Xp"70 mn X1? XnsVm X3'Vx his legal tradition was not in accord with traditional law Sot 7b(41); ib. 21a(36); BQ 92a(51); TGHark 48:9; TGAs42 37:18; OHT Ber 30:9; TGAs42 52:14; 14. to grow (of a tree, plant) [cf. Akk elu mng. 2b cad E 121]: p'Vo mm "sxV mm x"?p'n xinn XIJ'XT XaiS'X3 a certain date palm belonging to PN which was growing through the skylight [lit. window of the roof] Er 100a(14); HT^b '(X)n XXin in3 p'bOT a lulav which grows in one f aim leaf [i.e. not paired] Suk 32a(7); 15. to be finished, conclude: a. general: XIS'O p,!7D the book was finished AZ 19a(21); X3X'3y p'^O the topic was finished Meg 23b(3); xnx^W p'^O ]X1Tp ]B 'X3in 3m PN's questions were finished TGAs28 27b:\6; ib. 35:20; TGHark 51:13; ]'13'J1 '3n3 'nn3 p0'31 n'nyn he should direct his mind and conclude together with the priests Ber 55b(34); junM ^'xi m»3 D'ayo vbv sin npi p'VXDI he reads again Dt 16:16-17 and stops Anan 39:15; b. * VnnS pe.: 1jnT& '33 nns Xin 1J?1Ta mn3 p'^OI the Tanna begins with Lev 20:3 and concludes with v. 4 San 64b (18); ntHtn nnnD nj/31»3 np"701 you began with six (gates) and concluded with seven Yom llb(15) [v. ib. 11]; 813
i#pVo 814 i#pVo 1133 Tp^Dl I'm I'nriBT 'piOD verses which begin with nun and conclude with nun BMsL 13:9; 16. w. ]» to conclude s.t: a. general: p'^DI X(')(1ini Nttma (tf'-|BB X',11 rU'B (the 7a/wa) explains first that (case) with which he concluded Ned 2b(13); /W4b(10); Tan 2a(18); Sot 2a(12); BQ 17b(15); #W 27b(47); j£. 29a(32); 17. to heal, become well (of flesh, pain) [cf. BH ^b ,131X n'jyx Jer 30:17]: p'^OI 'TB I'V 3'X3 mm he had a certain pain, and it became well BQ 85b(16); W'J'X X3'X x",i nntpa p'^o x^i wrx xa'xi x"n tieo p'Voi some people's flesh heals quickly, and other people's flesh does not heal quickly BQ 84a(34); Sab 134b(24); 18. to take up (of dye): lay "?D p'70 111'V JVnJI all wool which goes down into a kettle takes up (the dye) Hag 15b(49); ]1'3 'y3'x im p^o x1? {')'(i>fi}ina 'irrai 'iayi since the wool and the linen are intertwined, they do not take up the dye Nid 61b(18); 19. to be offered as a sacrifice [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2b, MH my J 1081]: Xl'am pO' 'X' X'U DX if young goat('s meat) is better, let it be offered as the daily sacrifice Pes 57b(l); 113:6 IpD'1?! let them be offered as sacrifices to God San 47a(44) [cf. MH2: rmib nVl3 miy T'XinE/ Hag 6b(19)]; Anan 76:23; 20. in van expressions: a. w. XJiyi, XDjnx to occur, come to mind: I XJiyi mng. 5c; b. w. T3 to be picked up by the hand: xbl ]1'3 .TJiyi X2?Vn ,TT3 p'^O since if (the high priest) did not pick it up [i.e. the lot inscribed avb] he might become distraught Yom 3 9a (27); c. w. XaVE/1? to come to an agreement: XB1?^ 'p^DI 'X 2Dia if (the litigants) come to an amicable settlement it is well Dec 1:3; d. w. H nVmfr to be elevated to a high position [caique < MH2 my nVnA1? J 211]: mill1? 'p'Voi '"75/3 XJX I had sexual intercourse (with a goose in a dream) and was (later) elevated to a high position Ber 57a(39); e. w. X'HD1? to get into bed: 4- 2# OB mng. c; f. w. by to wear clothes [caique < BH WKb^i 1131 T& '^8! ^ ™?$M Lev 19:19]: B'Xbai'xBnaVi f?y pD'aV TDK we are forbidden to wear clothing of kil"ayim Anan 4:16 Pa. 1. to remove, dismiss: a. people: 'BJ 'pl"?0 I'1? p'pVoB we can actually also remove him BM 108a(26); 1'3'pVoXl TDB13 Xpl '110 '■? WX bring me witnesses that he is causing a loss (to the orphans) and I shall remove him (from his appointment) Git 52b(17); XKTIX1? xyix m"? irnosai ]0':3 m1? wp^oa inx xiayma 1B33 the field is pledged to the tenant farmer (until the crops are ripe. If) you remove him in Nisan you will cause him a loss BM 73a(35); 'Itf'IX 'piW?1 'W1X 'mnxVl to assign tenant farmers to work (on the field) and to remove tenant farmers S$Hai 6b (16); x"?3 131? Xip'^oa Xn31P I shall remove you (from the property) without (giving you) the increased value BM 109a(37); b. esp. of a creditor holding mortgaged property, etc. in settlement of a monetary claim: xjtom x'rx Vis'j Kb ybom x-mx3 xruawa 'xn concerning mortgaged property, in a place where they remove (the creditor immediately from its possession on payment of the debt), he should enjoy the usufruct (of the field) only against a deduction (from the annual debt) ib. 67b (3); 'XI nana ftsxi m1? p'p'roa 'pboai xinxs xruapa X'113X1 concerning mortgaged property, in a place where they remove (the creditor immediately from its possession on payment of the debt), we remove him even from dates on a mat ib. 25; XJl'3 *UX 'bpv Kb '1113 'p^OB x"n ,1B3 as long as they do not remove (the creditor) they cannot take the rent ib. 73b(10); ipiVo1? 'ya 'XT Tib p'Voa mn 'T1T3 if he wants to remove her (claim by payment of) money he could have done so Ket 69a(35; V5); c. objects: 1X131 '3iya 'M1?! '313a VP^'STl 'pVOBI according to the people of Eretz Israel who make the blessing after they remove their phylacteries ... Nid 51b(56) // Ber 44b(14); vrapa X371 ip'^OI 1J13 after they removed the table from before them Ber 42a(23); XIB'O p'^oa he removes the Torah scroll Anan 40:11; '110"1 'iyx I'M ppbo'l may they remove pains and suffering from him Dec 2:5; 2. w. ~B?B3 to renounce possession or a claim: Kb 'IBl1? rrvsi p"?0B1 PTX T3y a person is not apt to renounce completely his claim (of a property) Er 26b(30); Bes 40a(19); 3. w. -tfM to remove oneself, depart, go away: H'ltfBJ lp,!?D 'pfto X31B they have completely removed themselves from here Er 60a(17); ib. 89b(29); 'p^DB 'PV7D l#i?^0 815 i#p"?o IH'WBJ ism xnxilB the owners of the courtyard completely depart BQ 48a(28); 13"2/B: ip'Vo X31B go away from here Git 60b(49; O3); 4. to complete: 'xiarcx xnx tjtdVb p'Vo x1? naVa? n'UDI Solomon did not complete his reign. Ashmedai came and drove him out Meg 1 lb(2; G); 5. to raise, raise up: W3X 'T by Wp^O he raised them up [i.e. the garments] by means of a belt Zev 18b(5); 6. to annul: flip mb p31 llpVoi the Rabbis annulled a ge/ containing an empty space Geon 101b: 11 Af. 1. to bring, bring up, bring out: '3*7 lll'pOX 'Ton 'Toy 31 they brought them [i.e. the captive women] to PN's house Qid 81a(34; M); Xp mi XID'OV rvb p'Da he was bringing it [i.e. the wine] to GN Ket 100b(40); 5A/84b(31); Er 19a(35) [w. ref. to rfryan Lev 11:45]; San 70b(27); 2. to raise up, lift out, lift up, make ascend: a. objects: rcb ypwa 11,11 T1? p'Da he raises it up [i.e. the laver] and then lowers it Zev 21b(8); p'DX y~\T\ he brought up two (heads from the water) Hul 95b(2; H2); Sab 119a(23); ^Tb '"? ip'OX 'aVyi H'nysa XJ'OI raise bricks and clay for me in mid air Bek 8b(34; V9); XllXS'na p'DX TO extend the partitions upward (fictitiously) Suk 4b(13) [I VllJ pe., mng. lb]; ib. 53b(8) [abyss]; San 96b(44) [water]; Sab 48a(l) [vapor]; Yev 121a(5) [corpse]; AZ 72b(26) [I XTOU]; pass.part. ]poa 'XDIB '31 Xri'OD lpDa "Xail '31 xriX'^na corals were brought up from GN (by divers). Pearls were brought up from GN2 RH 23a(34); b. people: lm'pDXI p'^D he went up and lifted them up Ket 62a(40); XB'pT1? mpOXl HTriX they brought him and raised him onto the gallows AZ 18b(6); "]imb (pIllpDX raise me up to you TGHark 208:5; c. animals: X'D(1){'1D "V ri'XI ]XB wb p'Da H'ani3 KVl does one who has a bad horse make it ascend upon another [lit. his friend] (to trample him)? AZ 4a(36) [v. TGHark 85:23]; d. deceased in the netherworld: ny3WB H'pOX orru bv mma he raised him up from the seven compartments of Gehenna Sot 10b(52; V2); e. w. XTJ33 the dead by necromancy [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2; JPA p"?D af. DJPA 380, mng. 10]: mpox "?TX XTM3 '1S131 W1? he went (and) raised up PN by necromancy Git 57a(7); ib. 56b(47); Sab 152b(47); AZ lla(3; SM 46:14); 3. to raise in rank, promote: I'V p'poa X1? ,T3'nnxi 1T3 since we lowered him in rank [i.e. from priest to non-priest] we do not raise him in rank BB 32a(ll) // Ket 26b(31); Yev 100a(2); Qid 69b(30); lnrpDXI 'bDBD lib 133 they built benches for them and promoted them BM 84b(40); ib. 43(HSM 66:6); San 51b(7) [I SJTI mng. 4]; 4. esp. to bring from Babylonia to Eretz Israel [v. Pe., mng. 3; JPA p"70 af. DJPA 380, mng. 3]: TO'pDX TITTD "?y3 he brought them to Eretz Israel against their will Qid 69b(15); DTin1? mpOX '3 when they brought him [i.e. his body for burial] to Eretz Israel [lit. there] MQ 25a(36); ib. 51; Meg 6a(9); 5. esp. to bring to Jerusalem [v. Pe., mng. 4]: I'TIT l"?Xa Kb '31 II1? p'DX 'pIDX X13'13 if his (silver) zuzim did not amount to a (gold) denar, he would still certainly have brought them to Jerusalem BM45b(4); 6. to offer a sacrifice [H my hif. J 1081]: H'pDX D'aw D^ 'V@m offer it for me as a sacrifice for the sake of Heaven Zev 116b(16); ib. 43b(3); Suk 54a(l3); mn 'av xmn xiD'i xinm mpoxi iyi three days had passed until he offered that ram as a sacrifice Anan 75:23; ib. 68:1; 77:26; 7. to place: 113X3 1'plDX to place it in its 'father' [i.e. the fish in water] MQ 1 la(37); ID'bnx I'V 'poai 'B'l they place it [i.e. the quail] upon the thirteen loaves Yom 75b(23); BQ 117b(32); Hul 104b(7); 8. to complete, conclude: 1'pOX ]Xai who completed it [i.e. the Book of Chronicles]? BB 15a(8); ib. 26; VP7W p'Da 'X yi'B1? 'y31 1X8 'XI Kb 'X one who wants to know whether he will complete his year or not Hor 12a(36) // Kar 5b(52); 1'Jtf mm xri'HX 'poai (the people of Eretz Israel) who complete (the reading of) the Torah in three years Meg 29b(34); pm X\b 1D11 in"ty vbti nm in"m'a 'poai iy he waits until the scholars complete their statement and then he differs with them Men 108b (8) [cf. D"DB1 iy n'JlV'B Hul 86a(41)]; xnb'B 'pIDX conclusion of a statement Yev 106b(25); RH 30a(7); Hor 14a(17); 5uA:39a(l); iSGF 14:17; ib. 53:11; 9. to produce a result: wpb m pnv '1 13 111 '3 X313 '3a xbyn p'oaiD nra 'poa xV msa when PN and PN2 used to discuss (the laws of the red)
i#pVo 816 i#pVo heifer, they were unable to produce from it as much as a fox produces from a plowed field Yom 43b(6); Nid 65b(29); 10. to remove, take out: '3 rcnim wb npoai rrs'a"? rr1? man xjidtj p'n x-ma 'poxi '^wnV rmm '»3 x^wa «]x x^rra xVllVH just as bread that you finish baking you remove from the oven while it is still weekday, so also concerning a cooked dish: Finish cooking it and remove (it) from the fire while it is still weekday Anan 71:22; 11. to dismiss, fire: 'Kax WyiSV mpox xb why did they not dismiss PN? Ber 29a(17); 12. to make s.t. accord [v. Pe., mng. 13]: NTO^'.TJ XTbx XflVaW 'piDX to make the legal tradition accord with the traditional law Yom 26a(17); 13. to close a wound or a sore, heal: 'piDXV Git 69a(40) [* VnriB pe., mng. 2]; AZ 28a(38); 'I1?'J 'lV'3 'p^OXI HXn 'Xn a lung which produced various kinds of scabs Hul 46b(32); T910 n'piOXV Xao H'V Tl'Xl he brought him medicine to heal it [i.e. the affected body part] well BQ 85b(17); 14. to give a name, name s.o. [Ma KOVtf rfrp'OXJ inx» what name shall we give him?]: a. w. XBW: sg. X13J XlTt ,!7'71 Dnxa '^iv xaw in"? p'oxi xm 'jawaiw perhaps a certain man saw ants to which he gave them the name 'the ones that went out of Egypt' Ned 24b(17; V2); Git llb(4); Svu 29a(29); b. w. by xaw, xawa to name after s.o.: by ]'3n H'1? ip'OX !TW they gave (the deceased son) the name PN after him MQ 25b(27; M); 3'3tf 'atya XSfD'lap H'aB? "75; H'V ip'OXI it is merely a locust that died, and they named it after him Yev 121b(30; O2); VP&Bn ll'poa xbl we do not name after them [i.e. the evildoers] Yom 38b(15); 15. w. "3 to have a claim against s.o. [cf. Sy jure* .jc'o rc'acn KiA.irc' ^js ,cn t n m ^ and if anyone makes a claim on this land Doc. B 19 (Semitica 41 -2 [1993] 202)]: ,T3 p'Dai XVI 'Tin ain "?J?3 X1H (the plaintiff is considered) a creditor, and he has a monetary claim against him [i.e. the defendant] BQ 33a(47); ib. 96a(l); 5A/65a(3); 5v« 41b(40); Bek 48a(16); Tern 6b(18); 'T1T3 XV"IX p'oai ]X8 0"B'a xb one who has a claim on a field is not satisfied with money BB 169b(9); '3 p'OB ]Xa 'TIT nxa XMVs Xbx who has a claim against me except NN for one hundred zuziml San 29b(17); nri3in33 bpwnb Xpoai X3'H (a case) where she makes a claim to take (the object) as part of her ketubba-pzyment Yev 67a(7); "inxV rvb TD'XI V?s ,T3 p'oai p3 n'j?3»3 rrranV ,t^> he is forbidden to indicate to another in the Sabbatical year as if he has any sort of claim against him Anan 11:8; AnanSch 28:2; 16. w. KJiyiK to conclude, come to a conclusion: 4- XJIJH mng. 5c; 17. w. XnilK to set one straight on the road: I l#XimX mng. 1; 18. w. |l»nfr to produce alluvial soil [caique < MH2 ]1B"TC; rf?yr\ J 1629]: ytano X»' XpoaT XD'H irm see where the sea produces alluvial soil Zev 116b (19); XpD» '»V'l \V31V XyiX perhaps the ground will produce alluvial soil BB 82a(9); ib. 124a(21); Ber 60a(20); 19. w. tntlftB to ruminate [cf. H rf?yn mi HAL 194]: xpoa rh wrw xpT xnyp x'nm KIWIS at the time that he is slaughtering it [i.e. the cow], it is ruminating HG3 118:73 Itpa. 1. to depart, stay away: nVDI "?1t?,3 TSW 713273 'piV/ID'Xl XVI 'pl^TlO'X renunciation of a Sabbath domain is (like) departing, and departing is valid on the Sabbath Er 71a(26); xm TWVa ]iy H'1? p^JlO'X did the cloud not, in fact, depart from him on the sixth (of the month)? Yom 4b (21); pVrlD'X '3H 13JH ]1'3 as soon as he acted in this manner, (Elijah) stayed away Ket 106a(6); ib. 91b(9); 103a(48; SM 150:31); iSGF 20:16; AnanSch 27:13; SOZ 73:6; 2. to remove o.s., disassociate o.s. [w. "V]: '131 ID1? irr^pw 1J1X X3na 13^> Wp'rriOX you have taken the money for yourself (in place of the deposit and) have disassociated yourself from this matter BQ 108b(25); BM 109a(30); bom n3'» Jl'p'j/lDXl npXTtn I have removed myself from it and from all right of possession of it SSHai 7b(l); IpVriD'1? VH3'131 liTra nra let two of them disassociate themselves (from the townspeople) and judge them BB 43a(17); 'p'frnD'X1? 'J/31 vbnv 'XH a planter who wants to quit BM 109b(14; V22); 3. to be removed: inj'x inV lpVno'x Vj?3 rr1? p^no'x (if) the husband (who was a tenant farmer) was removed (from the tenancy, the other tenants) are (also) removed (from it) Ket 80a(36); BM 67b(30); XTip'BO xpVxioa the doubt is removed ISGF 30:4; TGHark 158:12; 4. to turn aside, 2#P*?Q 817 t : t - move off: D'DIT ,1X,7 IpVflO'X they moved off to the sides of the road BQ 81b(25) Ittaf. to be enacted in accordance w. s.t.: pm xnyatt? XTI XpDfl'BI 'mbv\ "Ip'y so is the essence of the law which is enacted in accordance with the legal tradition ... TGAs27 29:1; TGAs42 37:18 2# p^o vb. to boil, cook (4- p'Vo, xmp'Vo, VpVa;, V2#p"?S; Akk salaqu A to boil CAD S 92, Ma 2#p"?D MD 332) Pe. ( /u): Xia'^S .T^O'Vl let him boil it in s.-beverage Sab 109b(24); 'Tin HH3 in^'plVo1?! let him boil them together ib. 27; mn HH3 inrpiVD'ai G(V 68b(49; Ar [AC 6:63]); »6. 69b(55; OHT ib. 154:10, 12); VU'pVo HP 190:13; pass.part. nitfaa p'^O 13 when it is boiled in oil HM 38:1; '33V PH3 J'p'tor K'liJ water in which grapes are boiled ib. 39:14; 38:5; 41:3; 44:11 Itpe. to be cooked: p'VllD'a HP 190:9 [of vegetables] Lit: Eps, Stl 72. Note that as in Akk [v. op. cit., usage c], this rt. is also used for preparing materia medica [v. Sab ib.; Git ib.] NpVo I XpVtf n. 1# rbo vb. to split or cut up a tree trunk into many pieces (< Akk salatu to cut, split into many parts CAD S 94; I ltXn'TO) Pe.: fl'^Dl ]X» 'XH 'rfr'O one who cuts (a palm trunk) into many pieces Sab 74b(4); 'ffr'D p'Jltol «'& 150b(41; M) Pa. id.: j3Tr70a 'XllVo we may indeed cut up trees Bes 19b(27); 'm^D1? X^p'T ]3T X3'3T PN sold a date palm to cut (it) up into many parts BQ 113b(31; Ar [AC 6:65]) [Var: 'n^S1? HAr (AC ib., X"0); I Vl#nVx pa.]; 'TX13 n'VoaT ]Xa one who cuts wood into pieces TGDr49 99:10 Geon. expl.: pl'D '3'D -] '3'W '3'W D'lOiy 1TO D'VpT D'Sy l^X pi nap pja p'P30 Nxr TO'in inw ns pTBi mv '0 ps'i i'0'33 OHP Sab 32:7; Lit: Low, Flora 2:305, explains that this refers to preparing sago. Note, however, the Akk text: subat gisimmari tusallat tupessi ana pitilti tapattil you split fibers of the date palm, you ... (them), weave (them) into a mat CAD ib. 95, which would point to a use of the fibers themselves. The Geon. expl. ref. to fine flour seems to indicate a connection w. I Vlira [cf. Ar (AC ib.)] which is unlikely. 2# nVo vb. perh. to be clear (denom. < 4- XTlVlD) Pe.: xnV'a XH XlV?o™ TGAs42 113:27 NnVD, KnV'O n.f. basket (I x"?0; Sy rfiAlsp Ls' 475, Ma nxb'D cs. MD 326, > Arab Ui Fr, AF 75) sg. "Vst iv nn33 nnruxi 'x^oV rvnbpv I took my basket and placed it within it until I (finished) praying BB 74a(29) [Var: niimriXI 'XnVD1? Geon 344:18]; Xrr?'03 H'amx he placed it in a basket AZ 38a(38); WS^n H'Tl^'oV K^JI n'31taV (if) he hung up his basket he has suspended his livelihood Pes lllb(37); Git 66a(l) Lit: Flora 1:17; Y: 'Nrfj"? BB ib.(BAYTN 197). NSC, pi. '380 n.m. drug, pigment, essence (I a/dDD, nxiao; Sy rd^ajob, pi. nLiJ^n^a) drug, pigment LS 479, Ma xaXD MD 312, JPA DO DJPA 381, TA paao pi. TJ Ezek 23:14[Var], MH ]'3aa6 Yeivin, BV 983, 0'3ao Gross, Patterns 181, Akk sammu plant, medicinal plant CAD S/l 315, AIOA 100) 1. drug, medicine: a. alone: sg. H'1? 'V3'a XaD 'Xa VT (the doctor) knows what drug he needs Ned 50b(26); Pes 113a(12); BQ 85b(17); BM 85b(48) [for the eye]; AZ 28a(33) [harmful]; Hul 54a(34) [I Vila pe., mng. 1]; Bek 39a(4); xao <»>Vapa Xbl {ni'BIJ 'D'X there are bodies which do not accept [i.e. react to] the drug Nid 30b(22); xao TVb ]3H3V 'QT K'3an we administer medicine to him [i.e. the circumcised infant] for eight days Anan 88:14; pl.abs. X171X3 ]'3»0 ]'y3Xia pn nan n'1?! in a place where there is no wine, there medicines are needed BB 58b(14; F2); b. w. qualification: sg. nXU'BH Xao sleeping potion BM 83b(49; F1); SSB3T XaD purgative medicine Nid 30b(21); XmpVT K»D a drug (to induce) infertility Yev 65b(48); '»0 X313 X3'V"? fish is a remedy for the eye Ned 54b (29) // Mei 20b(24); XDnn XaD a potent medicine Git 12b(23); "m XaD a drug of life Sab 88b(25) // Yom 72b(40) [= MH2 D"n DO Er 56a(3)]; 2. pigment, dye: sg. Sab 104b(16) [expl. MH 00 Mib. 12:4] // Meg 18b(51) // Git 19a(16); pi. 3H in3'm0BXT 'X3B0 'V give me my dyes which you have ruined BQ 101a(21); 3. perh. essence: sg. Xpirwa XXlV'aT XaD the essence of the matter is silence Meg 18a(23) [w. ref. to Ps 65:2] On the ultimate source of this word, v. ALBH 118+; Y: XB0 Yom 72b (40; BAYTN 101). - Xnia"I N»p, NnwaT Nap n.m. poison (lit. drug of death; 4- Xma, xnW'a; Akk sammu sa
*nao 818 *n»ao muatisu CAD S/1 320, Sy r^&o-i* K'&cvJsbri rd±kj» PSm 2652, Ma XniBI XBXD MD 312, mng. 2e, MH2 man DD J 998) sg. XBO xniBI 5a6 88b(25) // xnW'BI XBO fom 72b(40); XBO (l){|l,T^a'B XT1T3 "7333 XnW'BI XBO XJX 'Va xnnixa 'x"?aa 'poy '3'm xmn'Bi a basketful of 'poison' in Babylonia for a zhz [i.e. inexpensive dates which cause diarrhea]. Their food is 'poison' and how do the Babylonians study the Torah? Pes 88a(6; C) Xiao n.m. porridge of flour, pulse (Sy rc'n-bojB LS 479, mng. 2) sg. X(1)nnsai X1B0 a crumbly pulse Pes 74b(7; v. Rashi, Ar [AC 6:69]) [xmiao 4- x'ao n., xnrBo n.] 'SO vb. to be blind, strike out (4- X'BO, xni'BD; Sy >jsa^» pe., pa. LS 480, Ma 1#XBD, 2#X3D MD 332, Akk summu to hamper, interfere with CAD S 126 [NA]) Pe. to strike out or eliminate a text: n'BD'X should I strike it out (of the Mishna)? BQ 91b(33); 5M27a(5); ib. 114b(35); Yev 40a(50); Kar llb(l); XHB O'OO: nn3B 'BO XmriB eliminate (the words) rj'DOJ nma from this barraita Tern 14a(41) [v. ib. 34]; xnV'p 'BO xm'Bn 'Bp ]B strike out the lenient (Tannaitic statement) before the (more) stringent one Pes 45b(4); npltfB 'BO H«?m npWB n'BOl mm 'XB nsiDT why do you strike out npWB of the former part (of the barraita)! Strike out npWB of the latter part ib. 20a(24); 'Xn 'apB 'xn ''B01 n'ln 'XB 'XH 'BpB 'XH 'BO why did you strike out this one in view of that one? Strike out that one in view of this one Sab 52a(22; M); ib. 141b(2) [v. Geon. expl.]; Men 28b(19); na"Vv7 071 fa ]XDB 'BO strike out from here [i.e. in the havdala blessing] na-irfr D'n ]'3 Pes 104a(38); ib. 56b(3); Hag 6b(35); AZ 26b(4); ib. 40a(43); Zev 56a(32); Bek 42a(31); xnwaitfB xn*7B ''JTlBa p'nattfBl XO'm x"?i N'wip n'a mxn dj?tb nra xao'a1? nanxi pOlllVo where we find in our Mishna a corrupt matter, and it is necessary to strike out something from it which contains an inexplicable difficulty ISGF 56:9 Pa. 1. to blind: XXBp1? n"80bl 'jm ]XB 'XH one who wants to blind a locust &* 77b(28); '"in 1DX vhibdi xinn xnan mryV nrna x-nn 'etjia n'3'y1? two sparks of fire came, smote that man's eye(s), and blinded his eyes BM 85b(38; F1); najb n"B0T '12/B because he blinded him [i.e. his slave] completely Qid 24b(51; M); Git 68b(52) // Sab 110b(39); 2. to efface, strike out [w. Kvy form, color]: |'"n n'J'J? 'BO strike out this one's form RH 24b(32) // AZ 43b(23) [w. ref. to an image on a seal ring]; ib. 30a(33) [ref. to the changing of the color of wine by diluting it with water] Itpe. to be blinded: 'BflO'1?! 'jm <]){')XB 'XH 'anXB ^OninD'1? let one who wishes to be blinded have a salve smeared on his eyes by a pagan Nid 55b(38); ib. 39 Geon. expl.: Ww owa paix y\ Jiiyiat; 'nw iV?n xrby >ao nyiaws x':m ,i:wki nywo mm -p 'jxw ora paixi -p sew njwm 'JB^a ^pn^ nviw nmnx ^oa Tinx ix'irp nai-irw TIMVr? GnK5 175:16 [Pe., mng. 1); Lit: Bacher 142; Eps, MNM 592+ [Pe., mng. 1]. JTap, pi. KJlliaO n.m. blind man (4- V'BO pe., pass.part.; TA ]66 pi. TJ Zep 1:17, Sy rdijMji LS 480, Ma XB'XO MD 311) sg. San 34b(31) // AW 50a(13); 'JN5 xp mm X'BO a blind man who was straying (from the road) Git 68b(3); ib. 30; ■?xiaw w n'ap xmna moa mm x'ao xinn a certain blind man who used to recite Tannaitic traditions before PN Bes 16b(22) // Qid 66a(16); pi. XmiBOT XlOin a staff of blind men Ber 31b(23; F) [Es: XnxiOBI; 4- Xni'BO] Voc: K'BO HGP 34b: 14; Y: NJB? San ib.(BAYTN 91). STaO n.m. semida, finest grade flour (< Akk samidu B type of groats CAD S 115; Sy rc-n;^m LS 479) sg. Git 56a(33) [highest quality above 4- xn'TI'n, XIplTIO]; Xion 21 'a"1 'a^aV xtbot xan: r'an' the people of pn's household used to give bread of j.-flour to dogs MQ 28a(30); ('(XTBO1? '0'n1? rf? ]'3TB1 he used to sell the wheat for s.-flour Men 85b(14); Sab H0b(i8); xtbd 'ixm xaixa nen x"?xn '^piyi (the angels) were taking sand, putting it into the boat, and it was turning into s. -flour Tan 24b (27); Ber 36b(54; F); XTBOT (bread made) of s.-flour Pes 42b(l; V14) [expl. MH n"pj TIB ib.]; ib. 74b(12; V14) [used for a paste; * 4- xmvn]; Geon 282:20; pi. xV ]'31 piBO'X ]'3 '1CW)0 ji'i'ao 819 ■jao piBO'X whether the s. -flours (used for a paste) became red or did not become red (from the blood) Pes 74b(12); TGAs28 44:21 Lit: A10A 90; Lehnw 397; Y: XTBO Sab 110b(18; BAYTN 59). [sm'ao i xrna'o n.] n'TaO n. underworld (Ma xpiX D'lX'ro MD 328) sg. ri'TBD Xj;nX Bo 14:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 342. NriVaO n.f. blindness (I V'BO; Sy k'&c. . >w r^ ls' 480) sg. xiijj^ ray m:xy by x'n rn rra XnrT''B0 when the shepherd is angry at his sheep, he blinds the bellwether BQ 52a(14) [Var: XJTBO HG2 324:41 (HGP 15b:34)]; XJYI'BOI xnoin a staff of blindness [i.e. used by a blind man] Ber 31b(23;M) [I X'BO] Y: NJlvao ».(BAYTN 191). ■^'ap adj. thick, viscous, close to, ordained (i Vt,B0 pe., pass.part.; Sy r^ «> ; -w m LS 480) 1. thick, compact [4- V"]B0 pa.]: sg.m. Xa'J? X3'B0 Xa'y 'mm XW'^p light cloudiness below thick cloudiness Tan 9b(20); f. X'n XrD'BO XJ/IX it is compact [i.e. solid] earth Sab 100b(38); Er 43a(24); Git 8a(4); Xna'BO XTajn X3'H HrflW where i.-porridge is made thick Ber 38a(43); 'BID 'na'BO a thick (source of) uncleanness Naz 64a(l7); pl.m. xn 'am xin 1'a'BOT 'wis 'aVn ]'3'B0 perhaps it is because (batter and honey) are thick, and these [i.e. solid foods] are, in fact, (also) thick Naz 50b(6); f. xrtD'BO BB 20a(17; F2) [of material used for patches]; 2. viscous: sg.m. 1'BOT DT blood which is viscous Sab 77a(24); 'W'Vp X'B JBO XIBn wine is viscous, water is free flowing Suk 48b(36); f. Xna'BO Hul 112a(21) [of a secretion from meat; * XnW'Vp]; 3. ordained: pl.m. '3'BD '3a 'in two ordained sons Pes 49a(40); 'D'BD ]12~i XnVn three ordained scholars Git 29b(38; As); 4. w. "V close, next to: a. temporal: sg.m. nam JiypK?1? 7B0 close to sunset Tan 26b(41); b. spatial: sg.m. TBO'T xnn'S XpwV the entrance close to the marketplace Tan 24b(16); Er 25b(13); f. Umb XS'BDT xrmi xn a z.-reed close to a town Pes lllb(19); BM I07a(27); pl.f. 'mm1? p'BOT "xa ]'mn two abscesses (of a lung) which are close to each other Hul 47a(l; HP 199:7); c. w. ref. to biblical verses: sg.m. n'^ "1'BOlV (n'1?) "1'BDT (one should compare) what is close to it [i.e. ,!7"]JW 1'33 maa Ex 22:28] with what is close to it [i.e. nt>5m"|? ^X'sV TIW"? ib. 29] Bek 26b(28); Sab 64a(36); Naz 3a(31); Sot 31a(23); Qid 30a(28); BQ 83b(29); San 98a(40); Zev 28a(47); Anan 10:3; pl.m. inn 'Tin1? 'D'BDT 'VVa 'in '3n these are two general rules which are close to each other (in Scripture) Zev 44a(38) Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 49 [1980] 5415 [mng. 3]; Y: ym BB 18a(4; BAYTN 52). "po vb. to support, place next to, rely, ordain (4- xnaaox, xaBO ia, xanio, fao, xobo; Sy uyi^iB LS 480, Ma TB0 MD 333) Pe. (a/o) 1. to support, prop up: On1?1? l'S'30 .T1? '3BDT the projections support the bread Men 94b(9); naV n'OBD'aV "iaV n'V why do you need someone to support you [lit. him]? Ket 62a(43; V5); pass.part. a. active mng. [cf. Ma: rfr'O'BOT XIJXSV which support the body MD ib.]: m3X '1 '13j; 'in 'V '3'BO '3X3 '3 'Xp mn PN was standing in the bathhouse (and) two slaves were propping him up Ket 62a(38); ib. 41; b. passive mng.: VlJn xnao X'nn '3J '3'BO lim 'Bm certain orphans who were supported in a certain old woman's place Git 52a(37; As); 2. to place next to s.t, bring close, join: a. general: "jao Hibsb 1B0 n'VloV (if) he placed (his wall) next to (his neighbor's) to half (its height, it is as if) he placed it next to it in its entirety BB 6a(24); Xn 1'BD "rmo X3'1? (if), in fact, there is no wall, he may place (the refuse, etc.) close (to another's property) BB 18a(3); b. in a fig. sense: '3BD XJX 'pm'XI I joined (the nVlXJ-prayer to the tefilla) and was harmed Ber 9b(38); ib. 4b(31); Meg 6b(60); Ket 88a(5); BB 14b(38); nD1J?'B -|1B01 mV'SBT join the minority of women who have a miscarriage Yev 119a(32); Qid 80a(24); 3. to rely [w. by, -K on/upon s.o./s.t.]: tm '3T X3nx ]3X ]3'3BO xmVl we rely on the table of the House of the exilarch (to continue our meal) Ber 42a(27); Bes 32b(36); 'Xnx 11BD 'XHX nOBOT n'Tn 'XB1 why do you rely on this one? Rely on that one Meg 17b(34); Yev 94a(5); Qid 66a(55); Git 45a(41); San 27a(7); 'XlV'y 71BO rely on me Er 51a(9); IIBO'Vl lp'V 'p0'(l)n)X can we really rely on
T>0 820 p0 official letters? Men 40a(13); Pes 19a(7); Yev 91b(37); 'tinx '3BD they rely upon each other Er 3a(50); in'WSiX '3aD they rely upon themselves Yom 69b(42); x'nn^ mmjn imwttnnx pan idboi Xfltt/ the scholars relied on their (own) reckoning and added an intercalary month to that year San 18b(43); BQ 100a(5); XD'JX p'DBO X*7 we do not rely upon a miracle Pes 64b(16); Qid 39b(46); Ket 61b(8); np'J? bo n'Vy "laoa1? XD'Vl one cannot rely on it at all SSHai 15b(4); 4. to ordain [MH T,B0 pe. J 1000]: 3'D mn '3 rroaoi he ordained him when he was old San 14a(21); '3X0 "]BD'B ordaining by the elders ib. 13b(30) [expl. MH DMpr na'ao Mib. 1:3]; natra xp mn xtt 'n n'DBO'B^a PN used to hide himself to avoid being ordained [lit. from ordaining him] ib. 14a(40); H'Daoa1? '1 lyDSa xp mn PN was making an effort to ordain him BM 85b(50); 131B0 p ]B bo ft ordain for us anyone such as this one San 14a(44) // Ket 17a(14); Tan 3a(35); iSGF 13:19; /'& 116:21; 5. to lay hands on a sacrifice [MH iao pe. J iooo]: maoji ,tt V'jn let him introduce his hands (into the Temple area) and lay them on the sacrifice Zev 33a(7); Hag 16b(44); Men 93b(14); 6. w. mT\Vf to be assured or sure of s.t.: wx +rx!?"'i invijn nsaon pat ]3PB^ sometimes they are sure (that he will give them), and they do not come to buy Tan 20b (46); vrnjn X=ao "]B0'B they are quite assured (that he will not see them) AZ 69b(2) // Hag 20b(ll); in"!1?'? XTIJH X3ao she relies upon them Qid 8b(24); ■ .TTljn X3ao he is assured (that it will come) BM 99a(22); ib. 16a(39); 74a(45); Ket 82b(12); g;tf 7b(32); /A. 59a(4) Pa. to make s.t. thick: n'DIBO1? to make it [i.e. the haroset] thick Pes 116a(I2) Af. 1. to find support: XIpX nDaox he found support for it from a biblical verse Yom 71b(40); Tan 17b(31); MQ 5a(42); &w 22b(47); Zev 18b(47); Suk 28a(44) // AW 32a(38); Ber I9b(33); ib. 26b(44); 2. to have s.o. ordained: "13 niDBOX nvnx they brought him (and) had him ordained as a Rabbi BM 85a(25); 3. to cover with a thick layer: '31BDX MQ 13b(20) [expl. MH ]'32?» Mib 2:5; * 4- Vttfrp af., mng. 2]; 4. to promise s.o. payment, money: n'DBOX VTVH 'T1TX someone promised him payment of money BM 66b(16; V22); 5. to impose upon s.o. [w. by]-, mia'rr ^»a mty idboj x"?i so that they should not impose upon him public affairs ib. 85a(49; MGN 448:4) Itpe. 1. w. "8 to lean upon s.o./s.t.: "]'BriD'a 13 pns' 13 jam am msrox *pv m xnx an "nxi n'Jinx PN was continuously leaning upon the shoulder of PN2, his sororal nephew Sab 140a(45); Yev 42b(37); BB 11 la(35); AZ 37a(6); Ned 25a(15j [walking stick]; 2. to be ordained: "I'BJIDX I'anDXn xnai a man who was ordained remains so San 30b(14); ISGF 115:7 "]80 n.m. samekh, the fifteenth letter of the alphabet (Sy h\ ^ vi ir> LS 453) sg. A/e/ 20b(24) // AW 54b(28); &?6 66a(17); G/V 36a(26) // BB 161b(5); 5AM) 6:16 Y: 100 &16 ib. K3UD, N3N8D n.m. basis, authority, closeness (i V-iaD; TA X3B0 TJ Ezek 39:11, Sy ^lL^jx> LS 480, Ma X3BX0 MD 313) 1. basis, reliance: sg. xnsV'n p"?'X by bKWH X3XBD the reliance of the Jews is on these halakhot [i.e. the Mishna] ISGF 30:18; p.TDXBO 'XB by\ upon what they are based [lit. is their basis] ib. 36:13; 27:20; ixn PXBD mn rcby if we had relied on it [i.e. the question] TGAs42 37:18; 2. authority, sg. only in XSaOT authoritative, trustworthy [I X3BD 13]: Xin X3BDT -I1V3X '1 PN is authoritative Git 6b(24); Yev 64b(38) [v. OHT ib. 144:12]; TGHark 82:8; X3B0T Mib Xinm X3B0n Xin 'Xn this is authoritative, and that is not authoritative OHT Ket 39:6; ib. 69:11; lxV pu 'm XWTTBl Xin XDaon PN's interpretation is not authoritative OZ/P /&/ 60:27; Xin XDXaOT Inyanot 189:7; 3. closeness, sg. only in phrase mb "]B0 close to: 'Vya nnica1? -po (x)cnxi3 a fish close to becoming putrid is superb MQ 1 la(37) Y: SOTO Yev 64b(38; BAYTN 91). PJO vb. to auger, divine (denom. < 4- X3B'0 mng. 4; 4- IBOa) Pa.: 'tola X1?! 'Ett'X 'jaOBT 'p:*IX1 O'D people divine with a purse and a bag, and they do not lend them BM 27b(28; F1) [for other mss. and // Yev 120b(10), v. 4- Vtfm pa.]; pass.part. X1?! oiao 821 n-iao XJlb'B 'MOB the matter is inauspicious Qid 59a(31) 000 vb. to treat a sick person (< DDBD* < denom. < I XBD; JPA 0B0 pa. DJPA 383, Sy ^jjaJxup LS 479, GeonH IfiBDB Seel 18:7; cf. D10B0 TGHark 169:14) Pa.: ,1'V XDB0BT nWBX a^tll D'S'33 perhaps she can treat it [i.e. her child] with eggs and milk Yev 42b(2; TGHark 169:12); D'X'331 3^3 nDlBDIB}1? Seel 13:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 105. j?»0 vb. to be red (4- pBID; Sy .n»wm LS 482, Ma pBD MD 333) Pe.: X'JB31 X1SX3 XpBDT (the sun) is red in the morning and in the evening BB 84a(17); ib. 24; xpBlO Xi',nX3 nX'"l XpBD 13 when a lung is red like a red unripe date HP 199:4 Af. to become red: p'BDX XV IX TDK p'BOX IX '1W if (the smeared flour paste) became red (from the blood) it is forbidden. If it did not become red, it is permitted Pes 74b(15); ib. 40; TGAs28 44:20; p'BDXT XXB1X 'Xn a piece of meat which became red Hul 93b(17); ib. 112a(20) ISO vb. to be careful (TA 2#1BD itpe. TJ Ex 23:21) itpe./itpa.: manDX1? iff'rxV n'V 'jnan HV2 X3'3?B a person should be careful of the evil eye BB 118a(16); ib. 99a(26); BQ 58b(l) [NDIWiaO i XDItTlB] '"131)30 n.m. dragon's blood (i.e. red-colored heart of Dracaena cinnabari used as a medication; < Akk sam terinni a medicinal plant DAB 8, AHw 1348, s.v. terinnu; I XBD; Sy ^hy^isp LS 479, s.v. rL^ip mng. 8) sg. '312/y mn 'IJIBO the herbs were dragon's blood BB 74b(22); "Xm 'inBD n'1? '13J?n X3'X1 it happens that they prepare dragon's blood for him [i.e. for his wound], and he recovers Yev 114b(40); BM 107b(9) Lit: Flora 2:198+; Y: nriSO BB ib.(BAYTN 220). K30 4- X« n. ™«0, nS3&, pi. 'K30, N311130 n.m. enemy (4-TVT'3D pe.' part.; TA'nxK TO Ex 15:6, Sy rc'Klia. LS 483, Ma XJX0 MD 313) a. general: sg. nXJW1? against an enemy HMGas 94:1; ib. 9; TXJIB? n'tn XpT T'JIO'B it is enough that you see your enemy (in his suffering) Git 56b(42); HM 46:2; Svu 35b(42); pi. 'W'3 'XJD evil enemies Bo 29:6; 'tf'3 '3D i& 2:3; m"30 «& 84:8; 'MK13D1 X^p the sound of my 'enemies' [i.e. the lice] Sab 12a(41); b. in a euph. sense: sg. X31T X'10 PN's enemy [i.e. PN] Hul 43b(45); pi. VxiP'T ]VTX3» the Jews 5ej 25b(9) [v. DJPA 571] Y: a'KM }}ul ib. NriNSO, cs. J1N30 n.f. malice (4- V'30; TA XriXlD TJ2S 13:15, Sy rC^i'rclxa) LS 483) sg.cs. 'W» 'mi pin 'XpT 'in 'JlV'B nX3D the man said it in a malicious manner [lit. malice of a word] Ned 62a(8) [Van XTlV'B m"3D V2; cf. Ma: X'"?'3'B xnxrXD malicious words MD 311] 130 vb. (uncertain) Itpe.: XD'ap3 TinoXT BQ 40a(43; Ar [AC l:207],RaH) Expl. RaH: X1HB 'JX B'KWK 1113 nVxwn 71XTB 'Jl'^n n'pin p:ii' jw'rn -] "'^a OHR ib. 56:9. n.m. sandal, flat fish (< adv8aX.ov Lehnw "399; TA p"?136 pi. TJ Is 11:15, Sy rct&uLob LS 484, Ma X'mJXD pi. MD 313) 1. sandal: sg. BB 144a(30); AZ 13b(29); m"? nSD mmJDS X3T PN struck him with his sandal BQ 32b(29); '^30 my sandal San 7b(39) [among the equipment of a judge]; MQ 25a(35); BB 22a(30); 'XX31P n'1? ri'XT xmiD a sandal which has laces Yev 102a(35); XJP'tn Xm30 an Arab's sandal ib. 37; xVlJOl X3DB a shoe and a sandal Ber 57b(46); TGAs28 192:10; 5e)t 8b(20) [4- ^BX pe.]; pi. 'V"U0T X11T Xinn a certain pair of sandals Sab 112a(18); Tan 24a(22); Yom 78a(13); DD'B1? mmJO to put on your [lit. his] sandals Yom 78a(17); 'n'1B 'VmD TfVoiQ his sandals are ... sandals Bo 78:6; 2. (aborted fetus in shape of«a) flat fish [MH "7130 MNid 3:4]: sg. Xlb'T Xnil'X xmaon xman a woman who gave birth to a fetus in the shape of a flat fish HG3 364:5 Lit: Low, Fauna 18 [mng. 2]; Y: N^p? /<Z 13b(29; BAYTN 220). 01"H3p n.m. sandarach, a red resin obtained from the s.-tree (< NP sandaros PED 701 < aav8apdxri L-S 1582; Sy ^tooixxiB LS 484) sg. HG3 111:93 = Ar [AC 2:367] Lit: Low, Flora 3:32+. '■n30 n.f. Sanhedrin (< aoveSpiov Lehnw 401; 4- xmnao; Sy ^oj-ku-o. LS 484, jpa pmnao
NTrruo 822 «]ao DJPA 383) sg. 'TUoV) "pis'? VI"X he brought Zedekiah and the Sanhedrin Ned 65a(13); Git 68b(42) NTT1T10 n.m. member of the 'Sanhedrin' (an honorary title; nisbe-form < i '1130) sg. 31 ia rni xnruo Vfrm 3i iai ma n1?* PN, a member of the great 'Sanhedrin' OHT Yev 2:12 NmTtfO n.f. metal helmet (< OP *sara-varti [cf. MP, Turfan sarvar Geig, AAC 298]; 4- XJ1330; Sy r^nfLi_tt, LS 486) sg. Sab 62a(ll) [expl. MH rnop. Mib. 6:2] Geon. expl.: °?313» x"?1 n'RJ 11131 XJDBO +X@mil'0 GC 24:6 [expl. 4- V?313 quad., xri33D]; Lit: Geig ib.; GC 2413; Tel 101; Y: XniXlW &>6 ib.(BAYTN 285). [nNJTMO 4- nxm'3] p130 interj. (word in a charm formula) Sab 67b(l) Y: piM Sab ib. '30 vb. to hate, dislike (4- X'310, HX30, XJ1X3D, '30 adj.; Sy ^iw LS 483, Ma X30 MD 333) Pe. 1. to hate: nnVs1? nV x'3o mm rmnian wr.r, a certain mother-in-law who hated her daughter-in- law Sab 26a(3); '33 xaby 'V13 ... m'SOa1? '1W +'» n,!7 130 X30'a is it permitted to hate him? Everyone also should really hate him Pes 113b(25); Sab 153a(7); ib. Sab 26a(3) [4- Xrr73 mng. 2]; Se/- 55b(42) // Ned 40a(18); 7ev 93b(21); 'V 13X0 in"3'ai 'V liam in"3a some of them love me, and some of them hate me Ket 105b(23); ib. 18; 71b(20); rm '"? '301 ]Xa 'X had it been I [euph.; lit. had it been one who hates me] Suk 52a(54; M2) [Var: 'Kin X3X IX O9]; 13"? X3'30 xm>X» by God, I hate you [i.e. the Babylonians] Yom 9b(41); '3X0 mm ID'p XVTI 'XlliT^ V\b a certain emperor who hated the Jews AZ 10b(37); AnanSch 31:8; pass.part. 'ITIX ]"30 they(f.) hate each other Qid 81b(39) [M: ]»2H'» mnx quarrel with each other]; 2. to dislike: 'a XJ1"TIX3 '7131 npya '3X0 do you dislike (the word) npya which is written in the Torah [Dt 22:8]? i'b. 70a(36); pass.part. w. "V, ty: '30'a npya la'aV ia1? rrV ['3D 'a =] /&(MGD 24:12); T3yn X1? -pnnV '3D -r7yi do not do to another what you dislike Sab 31a(29) Af. to cause to hate: "pan 'X130XV my 3 BX if you want to cause (people) to hate another person [lit your friend] HM 43:11 '30 adj. unsavory, evil, ugly, odious, inferior (4- V'30; Sy k'iw detestable, odious LS 483, Ma X'30, X3'X0 hateful, odious, abominable MD 334, 311) 1. unsavory, detestable: sg.m. X311X xinn rnyailff '30 mm ]33ia a certain s.m. whose reputation was unsavory MQ 17a (9); Meg 25b(42); f. XXl'ra '3 X'30 the matter is detestable to me Pes 113a(9); X7V30 xmaT3 in an unsavory form Bo 78:11; pl.f. xri'30 '^'8 detestable things Anan 119:1 [cf. Ma: XfiX3'XD X'b'3'8 MD 311]; 2. evil: sg.m. X'30 Dyi3'a ^3 any evil thing Bo 5:2 [cf. Sy: rc*i wK ■jaxio Luke 23:41]; ife 79:4; pl.m. ]"3D ]'31T'n evil visions i'& 44:3; |'30 I'aV'rl evil dreams ib. 33:6 [= '<tf'3 '8^'n ib. 78:11]; 3. ugly [cf. Sy: m-ac^i-a rdi-cM rcLs..*' PSm 2669]: sg.m. X'30 XD'attf XO'IX a tall, thin, (and) ugly (person) Bek 45b (3 7) [expl. MH nSj? Mib. 7:6]; pl.m. 'SD 'TBJ 11,1 130 11,1 IX if they had been ugly they would have learnt more Tan 7b(l); ]"30 liT'UW their names are ugly Meg 14b(39; Ed, Rashi) [Var: l,1"aw (1)030 M]; 4. odious, foul: sg.m. lmnn '30 their odor is foul Suk 13a(l; 09HP 26:21) [cf. Ma: X3'XD1 XH'1 MD ib.]; HGl 76:59(Var); 5. debased: sg.m. Xp xVl Xin X'30 '"? p'S3 (the coin) is debased, and I cannot make payment with it BQ 99b(53) [M: X2T3] Y: '39 Ber 55b(46). K3H K'30*, pi. '3H "30 n.f. part of the cow's intestines (V]30; 4- 2#X3'1; perh. strainers of fluxes; JPA ]'3'1 '30 DJPA 384) sg. Hul 50b(7) [expl. MH 'a'3Bn 013 ib.]; ib. 8; pi. XDITI X<'){l(m '3'1 "3D 'rnn m nOTO'XI a certain animal in which were found two s.d.'s ib. 58b(16); HG3 141:78 Y: '3'1 x;:p Hul 50b(7; BAYTN 14). NJ1V30 n.f. hatred, enmity (Ma XT11'3XD MD 313, Sy K'Jinjjjii foulness LS 483) sg.cs. Ned 62a(8; V2) [i X71X3D]; Bo 127:26 ]30 vb, to strain (Sy ^ LS 483, MH po pi. LNVTH 249) 4- '3'T X'30 n. f]30 vb. to project (4- XS30; Sy .<m<v. LS 485) KB3CJ _J pa.: "l3Va '(3)(3P1 'S13D to project the branches outward BB 4b(5) Y: '§'?? BB ib. KS30, NS3'0 n.m. perh. side room (i ^30) sg. xnn'fn XS30 a side room of the ark San I08b(47) [Var: XS3'0 MGG 173:3] Geon. expl.: m'nn in xxiM i'jd xrvcm xbj'o inn oh ib. 541:10. 130 vb. perh. to be troubled, occupied (cf. Sy t_s_£o pa. to nod the head LS 486) Itpa.: ]p3'K/ XJVap3 [UTIOX :corr.] <')13'n0X leave me alone. I was troubled (?) by the first (problem) BQ 40a(43) [Var: TUnDX Ar (OHR ib. 56, n. 1)] The expl. of RaH [OHR ib. = AC 1:206] who connects this word w. D'JJIO'X weak person is very unlikely. Lit: Goldschmidt 460. K00, N0N0 n.m. sharp-toothed bristle (cf. Akk saVsatu a grass CAD S 194) sg. X0X01? "ai (if the slaughtering knife) is like a bristle Hul 17b(16); xrfaw"? X0XD3 n'"Vl3) XIDyai (a small amount of pride) adorns him like a bristle on an ear of grain Sot 5a(40); ib. 16 Expl. Ar: 1'TOiy pilK 1'Bna 103 1'Xlll rtSBH BX13W "pSM 1'y^a I'XifJi ixn mpi wpv I'ys jno nio^u x^x I'p^n irxi p"y Cf I'^in] AC 6:91; Lit: Eps, CG 1398; Low, Flora 4:46; Y: X00 Hul ib. KJl'31300, Nn'3300 n.f. (an illness; cf. Sy r^^o ilT. ^a •jaX-2a t<" r » ^i 1 m rr> r^Ai <\ » y rcLuoin s. a type of illness of insanity of impure spirits BBah 1366:6) sg. 13 xnx 31 xmilOO mmnx X31,1 PN was seized by the s.-illness Yev 64b(21; Ar [AC 6:92]) [Var: mi XJV3J.00 O2; Xri'3J010 M3] Y: XJl'jiJDD Yev ib.(BAYTN 294). 1J70 vb. to eat, provide sustenance (4- xmiyD; JPA 1J?0 DJPA 384) Pe. 1. to eat: 'ax 11J701 iri3 H'1? after they ate he said to him Tan 5b(38); 'Xa ]3J ia Tyo nb 'aj?B why are you not eating with us? Git 67b(36; V18); 2. to provide sustenance: Tyo xV 'rrara myo xian wine provides sustenance (for a person). Oil does not provide sustenance Ber 35b(44); XHIIS <1)(1)'1J X31D Tyo (wine) stimulates the appetite greatly (but) sustains a bit ib. 46; Tyo xan^> nawai Tyo xian naisa Hb 'maw lyca wine provides sustenance and makes one happy. Bread indeed provides K90 T T sustenance but does not actually make one happy ib. 47; Pes 108a(3) Nrntyp n.f. meal, banquet (I ViyO; TA XJTtiyb Tj'2S i 1:8, JPA miyo DJPA 385) a. alone: sg. Xmiy03 X&^y '"?13 'T1D lim everyone was busy with (his) meal Sab 156b(28); H'1? H'XI ]Xa 'XH xaa'3 n^3'3 xmiyo one who has a meal should eat it in the daytime Yom 74b(44) // ib. 75b(4); Hul 105b(23); pi. xmiyo 'y31X four meals Er 82b(43); Meg 7b(17); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) w. Van' pe. to dine: xrmy03 '3m lin bxia^l 31 PN and PN2 were dining Ber 47a(33); Pes 103a(35); Tan 5b(35); 2) w. Vl3y pe. to prepare a meal: 13y 133lV Xmiyo he prepared a meal for the students Git 55b(54); Ket 112a(40); 3) w. VlDB af. to ruin a meal: XS^ai xmiyo"? xm'OSX you have ruined the king's meal Ket 61b(2); Yev 43a(36); 4) w. Vy3p pe. to eat a meal at a regular time: 'y3p1 xurna '3 ]Tya xn3^3 lmmiyo those who regularly eat their meal on the Sabbath at the time (of the sermon) in the school Git 38b(16); HP 30:10; H'lVy mrmyo y3p Ber 38a(4) Voc: ,1'niiyo HPP 40:21; Y: XJlliyO BAYTN 205. NTSTO n.m. type of demon (< BH 3# Tyif/ HAL 1250) sg. (X)TyoV <l){')n3'10a (Solomon) handed them over to a demon Suk 53a(21) 1J7D vb. to visit, heal (4- Vl#110; Sy -vilm LS 488) Pe. ( /u) 1. to visit, check: (l)n(iyo'1? xV •>yv rt?ra xVi xn"ap 'yw n"?ri3 xV xi'xp wr Xai'l Xri"in3 a person should hot visit a sick person either during the first three hours or during the last three hours of the day Afe/40a(35; MGG 288:8) [cf. MH2 nVinn nx 10 Sab 12b(20; Ar [AC 6:124]); v. ACSup 62]; 2. to heal, cure: 'OXDyoi lVya '31'pK; inblS all the potions are good and heal Sab 78a(20; TGAs42 4:20) Geon. expl. [mng. 1]: p:3 '»»] IjJiS B'"13 D"'l liyo'1? X1? iy0O IJ'OJinn OHP Ned 90:11 [cf. Pseudo-Rashi ad loc] siyo 4- xiyitf n. Nmj/o 11# xmyt? n. NS0, NSK0 n.m. course or layer of stones or bricks (< XSno*; Sy t^ ^ » m LS 466, > Arab ^iUi Fr, AF 12) sg. X1H ,T3a't XSD1 XSD "73 every course of stones is his time [i.e. to pay the 823
JSO 824 l#'SO worker] BB 5b(6); '371 '3 XBXO V"jn XBXO p'BX XTO V'3p'Vl he made one course protrude and one row recede so that (the wall) would grasp the plaster ib. 4a(26) // XBO Suk 51b(25);' XBXO ('('TI1X1 a layer of bricks Inyanot 221:\$ [expl. i XbVB'H BB 6a(29)] Geon. expl.: Dian TGAs42 157:2 [< Souo.;; cf. Sy ■*" ™ •---■ LS 158, mng. 3; v. Lehnw 205, s.v. 2#0in'l]; Lit: Eps, Stl 39. 1B0 vb. to soak up (denom. < OTtoyyoc; Lehnw 406; JPA 1B0 DJPA 385, MH ABO J 1011) Pa.: xVl mSO1? X'TIX Hul 120a(52; V12) [in mnemonic w. ref. to I'SBiD MTer 11:3, quoted ib. b(39)] 1SQ vb. to eulogize, lament (i XTBD.I, X1BD, XJ1B0, XTBO; Ma ISO MD 335, s.v. 3#"IB0, JPA ISO DJPA 385; cf. Sy xAso to tremble LS 490) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to eulogize: p3"ia Xinn1? rTHSO XTT '1 XW13 '33 PN eulogized one of the scholars in the synagogue Meg 28b(35); ib. 34; 37; MQ 27b (17); 2. to lament: HBO 'BV I'rftfl 'o-in xaa'a nso -p'xi p'B x'^ai xa'VUDi'a OnnsoT iy xaa'a '0*111 x'1?'^ 'iso x'^a XJW 'nT "lOnn they lamented (him) [i.e. Moses] day and night for thirty days. From then on they lamented him during the day and studied at night (or) lamented him at night and studied during the day, until they had lamented (him) for a full year Ket 103b(10); '(1>n)BD lament (him) Yev 116b(l 1); Dm n'V VIBO X3H W'l'K a'3W '3 when a (great) man dies here [i.e. in Babylonia] they lament him there [i.e. in Eretz Israel] Meg 6a(8; M); San 46b(54); BM 86a(38); Tan 5b(39); 'X ■T1? TSD IBO'B r)"B if (the locust) dies (the child) will surely lament for it Sab 90b (3 6) Af. to lament:. miDDX^ XBty 'Vd nnD'Xl everyone was occupied in lamenting him Sot 35a(26) N1S0 n.m. lamenter, wailer (4- VlBO pe., part, det.) pi. X'HBO TISO HO did the lamenters lament for nought? Tan 5b(39) [L: X"nso] N3"|SD n.m. professional lamenter or eulogizer (i Y1B0; MH2 pBO, pSIO Gross, Patterns 67; cf. Sy r^<^a^i> LS 490) sg. xanyaa XllBO "11.113 X3'"7 'TIB "73 IDS' 'BX(I) whenever a professional lamenter comes around in Eretz Israel, they say: "Let all those bitter of heart cry" MQ 8a(34; G); xnso xinn rrty nns xrsxn n'WBi ni '3 when PN died, a certain professional eulogizer eulogized him ib. 25b(13); 34; Ber 62a(37); Meg 6a(12); Hag 15b(20); AW 66b(3; V2); pi. pi pi ian 111 '31B0 such-and-such eulogizers were there Yev 121b(31); Tan 5b(39; L) [i X1B0] Y: XJ1B0 Ber ib.(BAYTN 230). NJ1B0, pi. 'NJiBO n.m. sailor (V]S0 qatol-form; i XnrSD; cf. TA fiSO pi. IK 9:27, Sy KlLL*, LS 491, MH ]66 Yeivin, BV 967) sg. XIIBO1? V'x "Ifil'DO 'IIP he said to the sailor: "Untie your boat" fle£ 8b(45); pi. 'X11B0 Tin £Af 84b(9) [Var: MXBD SM 64:27]; 'XIIBO1? MIT .15731X 3.T X1B1 31 PN gave four zuzf'/w to the sailors Ned 50b(2; V2); ib. 50a(34; V2) Y: 'M1B0 BM ib.(BAYTN 167). NBBO, KDS'O n.m. chest, box (< Mir *sapat [cf. NP wi/arf wicker basket PED 684]; Sy •<* \ * <~ LS 490, Ma XDBX0, XBBXX MD 314, 388, > Arab iLi, jLi'Fr, AF 79, PLAr 162) a. general: sg. pal 'Vbl XBBO GC 88:9 [expl. XIBap MOh 9:15]; XDB'Da 13X11X1 "XTPa n313 nVpP he took it [i.e. the skull], wrapped it in silk, and placed it in a chest San 82a(31) // ib. 104a(42); pi. .limply xnsy 'nnVai .tbb'03 mm xa1? they took what was in his boxes and filled them with earth Tan 21a(43); ib. 47 // mm *?3 l"7pW'l 'BB'OV mm 1.13 they untied the boxes and took all that was in them San 109a(5); b. in a fig. sense: m'piniB rua XO^BI XDB03 '1,11 the document of these (people) is placed in the king's archive [lit. chest] BM 73b(28) // Yev 46a(28); in p I'^BX 1^131 XDBD they all eat from one box [i.e. a communal meal] HG1 263:92 = IHP 557:20 Geon. expl.: O'lBOl D'i:a 13 l'W3inw DljM GC ib. [v. GClntr 89]; Lit: Geig, AAC 300; Eps, Stl 311; Tel 101; Flora 2:350; Y: XBB0 San 82a(31). 1#'B0 vb. to feed (JNA spy to pour food HDJNA s.v.; cf. Ug sp' to devour, consume DLL) 406, BH X1B0B HAL 574) Pe. a. general: 1) people: 'V3X n'TIB rvi ISO XBO'B llVIB (if) they indeed feed him [i.e. the priest] from their own (food), can they eat of his (which is teruma)! Ket 57b(45); naiJX xraw V.-W1 '"? lSD'J let them feed him fatty meat (roasted) over coals Git 2#'B0 825 Ni?'SP 70a(7); H'SIl"? vfr "j'OBT 'TO T?b \Tti0 may we feed him [i.e. a priest] something which renders his body unfit (to eat terumayl Hul 34b(21); 'X ■H3jn dbd bv iiipa -(7 'xbd x1?'»'xr» no"B mn ■?aJlX had you been friendly with me, would I not have fed you from the fattened ox which I slaughtered [lit. made] yesterday? ib. 95a(l); •>*? XBD1 -|ra ]3T '11 X'llVfl such-and-such a pagan bought (meat) from you and fed (it) to me ib. 4; m3 'iaV XIIO'X irr> WSO xri^n now you have fed forbidden (meat) to my daughter's children ib. 95b(17; V11); "f? Xl'BO mn Kb I would not have fed you ib. 107b(13); (1)'T Xl'B/a X1? '3 'Xn3V nDD you fed my son without having washed your hands ib. 34; Yev 114a(42); nai 'BXD1 unp na 'BXD1 "inxa one used to feed (the servant) early [i.e. at the beginning of the meal], and the other used to feed (him) late Ket 61a(50); Er 53b(15) [i X31?]; Pes 3b(38); Yom 83a(ll); BQ 7a(32); HG3 282:74; 2) animals: n'T3 n'1? 'SOT he feeds it with his hands Sab 155b(22) [expl. MH pj^na Mib. 24:3]; ib. 156a(13); HG3 282:74; b. in a fig. sense: X11T1 '3 n'1? 'DO! "?'3p accept (a pupil from age six) and feed him (knowledge) like an ox BB 21a(19; P'Ar [AC 6:97]) [H: 'BDX1] // Ket 50a(20; Ar [AC ib.]) Pa. perh. to eat: Xnap 'B0a he eats flour GS 313:6 Af. to feed: BB 21a(19) [v. Pe., usage b] 2#'S0 vb. to be afraid (LJLA 'SO itpe. J 1013 [PsJ, T2Jb], Ma XBO etpe. MD 334) Itpe.: a. alone: IJTBJIO'a X1? are you not afraid? Ber 62a(25); lTl'VlXl 'V in'j?atn Xl'BDOai I am afraid that you will leave me and go away AZ 19a(48); nxan nxma@DiB lajns 'V majn xrsnoa I am afraid that you will act towards me like the deceitful resident of GN acted Ket 82a(l 1); Sab 140a(29); San 96b(ll); Bek 8b(17); b. w. p of s.o./s.t.: XC?'3 Xl'J/a "ia 'Bnoa Xb are you not afraid of the evil eye? BM 84a(32); Ber 20a(25); ib. 55b(35; OHP ib. 105:17); 'XBnon X1? 'Xna "lSl@1313ia 'XBriOX do not be afraid of this. Be afraid of PN San 94b(57); IBJIOai 'ino '"? ri'X Xin XB^X vrrm n'l'a I have witnesses, but they are afraid of him since he is a violent man BM 39b(33) // Ket 27b(34); Pes 105a(19); Meg 13b(41); Svu 17b(12); AZ 18a(53); Mak 24a(54) Geon. expl.: X»3'1 'Bresi OHP Ber 105:17, i.e. l^4 3# 'BO vb. to gather (Sy rdaj» to collect LS 489) Pe.: (ni'SlD 'ina 'SO V.T\VT\ gather up now from these leaves BM 114b(ll; F1) KTB0 n.m. lamenting (l VlBO, XTSOn; MH 1B0 MMegK 1:3) sg. n'm'3J? 'xa XTBD 'X.T what is the nature of lamenting? [v. Zee 12:10] Suk 52a(7) I'BO adj. worthy (V2#]B0 pe., pass.part.; MH2 ]1B0 J 1014) sg.m. 1'BO W> who is worthy? MQ 28a(39; Ed,TGHark 189:30) Y: I'BI? MQ ib.(BAYTN 52). Nria'BQ n.f. boat, ship (V]B0; l X11B0; TA XJll'BD pLTj'lK 9:27, Sy rfjft T; °> m LS 490, Ma XJU'BD MD 334) a. general: sg. Xni'BO '"? T3'5? 'na 1'TW na ri'Xi make me a boat that has sixty cabins Bek 8b(12); "fi Xl'M'a X1X1 XWBD 'V an Xian give me a boat so that I can bring you wine BM 79a(47); BB 22a(24); n'3 I'niai n»a<p»0)l XTll'BOa X13'T boxes in which merchandise is placed on a boat TGHark 86:14; TGAs28 77b:2; Xni'BOa XlV'TX Xp mn I was traveling by ship BB 73b(15) [4- VlsblX pe., mng. 2b]; «Z>. 22; 26; Suk 51b(38); XDl'SOa inV nopi he tied them [i.e. the ropes] to the boat RH 23a(31); ini'BO H» untie your boat Bek 8b (45); XaitJ xni'BO X'lOa X1? the boat was not moving very much BB 73b(25); Xni'BOT xriDBI shaking of the boat BM 79b(l 1); nVlD T\b XT1 XXVTIB rf? XT1T 1T3 xni'SO when a small part of a boat moves, all of it moves BB 75b(48); b. parts: sg. 'ni'BOl '^"X the ship's 'ram' Ned 50a(32) [I l#xV"X]; ib. [I X1J? mng. 2]; XJU'BOT X'lpO'X the ship's sailyard Ket 69b(36) // Tan 21a(23; V17) [4 X'lpO'X] Voc: XM'BD HGP 28a: 18; Y: KWBp SB 73b(25; BAYTN 173). Kp'BD, cs. p'BO n.m. doubt, doubtful matter (<MH p'BO Yeivin, BV 924, J 1016; I Vl#pBD, Xnp'BO) a. general: sg.es. Xin Xp'BO rmmon ]'3 X'1?'1? pBOl Xin Xaa' pBO 'twilight' is a doubt(ful time). It is doubtful whether it is day or night [lit. doubt of daytime and doubt- of nighttime] Er 76a(19); Hul 10a(18); ib. 53a(47); X31B8 pBO a
NTlp'BD 826 2# NTOBO doubt of a monetary matter Ket 73b(14); Git 63b(18); det. H"3p 'ap 'p'SD '3'X 'a does God have a doubt? [lit. is there a doubt before God?] ib. 6b(37); 5ev 3b(38; P); xp'SO '13 130p 'X xp'SO -ICDV Xip "pBXX if he is of the opinion that the koy is (an animal) of doubt, did we need a biblical verse to forbid (the blood) of (an animal) of doubt? Kar 21a(23); wrx ri'na iib Xp'SoV n'lPSJ a person does not put himself in a doubtful position Qid 64b(31) // Ned 61b(l) // Nid 20b(6); Men 68b(23); XTYTlXi np'SO a doubt in a Pentateuchal injunction 5es 3b(14); Hp'BO ]32"n a doubt in a Rabbinic injunction /6. 17; Xmw p'bnn xV xp'SDa we do not desecrate the Sabbath where there is a doubt RH 22b(14); 'Xa IH'p'BO what is the doubt concerning them? Hul 62b(19); pl.cs. XTIS'ID 'p'SD 'V»l ID^JI ]lj/t5 thirteen camel-load(s of questions about) doubtful cases of terefas Hul 95b(30; V11); det. 'P'SD nn two doubts Ket 14a(25; V5); 'p'SD '"OH the doubts of the (identity of) the tradents [lit. men] Hul 18b(14; V11); rb XU'ttnsa 'p'SD 'plVoV mymb we shall explain the legal tradition in order to remove the doubts TGHark 41:13; ib. 158:12; 167:7; 'tf'^j? 'p'SD weak doubts /& 34:17; iSGF 18:3; «6. 66:15; b. sg.cs. in phrase Xp'SO p'SD an extremely doubtful matter [lit. doubt of a doubt]: Xp'SO p'BO H'1? mn xVlpV Xp'SO p'BOT it was an extremely doubtful matter, and an extremely doubtful matter (is decided) in a lenient fashion Yev 69a(51); AZ 70a(51); lev 73a(15); Nid 33b(34) Voc: Xjr'BO HPP 40:19; Y: XjTBO Ber 3b(38; BAYTN 65). xnp'so n.f. doubt (4- xp'so) sg. xnp'so xpVnoa the doubt is removed iSGF 30:4 Nrin'BO n.f. counting (4- Vl#1S0; MH HTBO Yeivin, BV 885, J 1014; cf. Sy rc^VvUJ^jc doctrine LS 493) sg. rPTTITDOa (3'-|0B3) yin boi everything which (the gonorrheal) man touches during (the days of) his counting Anan 50:19; ib. 58:7! Nroso 4- xnsao n. N^BO, NVKBO, nVbIO n.m. (a medicinal plant; perh. < Akk supalu CAD S 390+) pi. 'Til nif?I\ 'VsiO three grivs of 5.-plants Git 69b (52) [Var: '"7XS0 MOHT ib. 154:9]; '^XBOi X'8 an infusion of s.-plants ib. 54(Vl5MOHT ib. 154:11, 158:14) Geon. expl.: *?3X0 NO '00' 1300 im bX2 nan ioy ^3X0 ears of grain from which in GN an intoxicating (drink) called ma sabal is prepared OHP ib. 158:14, i.e. Ji-i [This expl., which connects this word with H rifav, is etym. incorrect and should be rejected.] In Mesopotamia, the supdlu-plant was used extensively in the preparation of medicines [v. CAD ib. 391]; Y: '"7D10 Gil ib.(BAYTN 153). nmbo 4- xnsiy n. 1# jbo vb. 4- xjiso n., xnrso n. 2# ]B0 vb. Pe. (unclear): XSHKB X3B0T n'1? '3m they give him (eggs from a hen which) ... in the ground Bes 7a(7); ib. 42; 7b(5); Hul 58a(4); ib. 15 Expl. Ar: rrbvt "IBM rnsyjioi bm-m rfr tots AC 6:104. This expl. is obviously based on BH ]B0 HAL 722, but this rt. is otherwise unattested in A. K3S0, N3NB0 I XJIBO T T ~ ' [K3B0 4- XBJ0] 1#N1'0B0 n. sword (< P sq/ser, samser sword CPD 78, 79 < o-ani|/f|pa Lehnw 408; Sy nr'i i m <\ rr> f. LS 491) sg. iTV»j?1 XT0B0 *\bv he drew (his) sword and killed him Ber 6b(30); Sot 10b(49); BB 21b(5); San 67b(30) // }fev 120b(25); XTDSOt X'TTIB the width of a sword San 7a(32); n'T3 XT0S0 ri'X 13 having a sword in his hand TGDr49 98:10; XJl'Tfta "]ivb prB'in XT0B03 'sharpen' your sons [i.e. make them clever] in the Torah like a sword Anan 24:13 [w. ref. to -ynb arujEh Dt 6:7]; xnam KTosoi xnna a wound of a sword or a spear AnanSch 21:4; ib. 6; pi. 'T0SD ib. 10 Lit: Geig, AAC 301; Fr, AF 186; Y: X10BD Ber ib.(BAYTN 240). 2#KT0B0, JO0B0 n.m. broker, middleman (< MP j^I^ Jawal 83:3 [cf. NP sifsar, sipsar PED 685, 652]; 4- VlDSO, XJTITOBO; Ma XT0BX0 MD 314, Sy K'-Lm.a.ci LS 491, > Arab jLii~ Fr, AF 186 [> NP simsar PED 697 > Ma IXOa'O MD 327]) sg. KSn1? pittl X3H» pn XTDS0 a broker who buys from one place and sells to another BM 42b(23) [Var:Xl6s6 HG2 379:78 (HGP 23a:26)]; XTDSD1? <'){X)nT 3J1'» 'J?3 XH1 does he not, in fact, have to give money to the KfflTOBD 827 1#1B0 broker? ib. 63b(16); Xian '313T1? VTW Xnx 31 XT0S0T H'TX PN permitted selling an ass through a middleman AZ 15a(32; J); ib. 34; 'm 'p-\V2 'mi1? 'nan bpWI '"I0B0 a certain broker who took an ass to sell in the market Ned 31b(7); ib. 12 Lit: Friedman, BM VL263+ [varr. of Ned ib.]; Y: XT0B0 AZ ib.(BAYTN221). Knn'OBO n.f. brokerage (4- 2#XT0BD; cf. Sy K'-ui-ac^ LS 491) sg. pay yirx vrnn rrnt XJTITOBO rrb a person's money does his brokerage [i.e. he needs no middleman] BM 63b(18; F1) Y: rrrjlTDBO BM ib.(BAYTN 286). n.m. bench (< a\>\\ii\Xxov, Lat subsel- lium Lehnw 408; Sy r<ii-ca_a_cD LS 491) sg. Sab 29b(27; M); ib. 30; pi. 'VOSO HXa 5?3"IX 1BDWX four hundred benches were added (to the school) Ber 28a(13); ib. 14; '"70SO in1? 133 they built benches for them BM 84b(40); ib. 38 Y: (6pBD Sab ib.(BAYTN 221). N|?0BD 4- XpOIB'D n. "10B0 vb. to bargain, haggle over a price (denom. < 4- 2#XTDD0; Sy i rn °> rr> LS 491) Quad.: 'lV? y\ym n'33n iobo yiyawi NN bargained and NN sold it to NN2 TGHark 155:8 N10B0 4- 2# XT0B0 n. f]B0 vb. to burn, be hot (Sy .°t rr> to burn up LS 489, Ma ISO MD 335) Itpe./Itpa. to burn: X1?! f]BnO'3 5o 87:5 [of wine] 1#PB0 vb. to be in doubt (4- Xp'BO) Pa. 1. to doubt, put in doubt: '3'1? T3S1? 1315? TT3n» ]aT3 'nnnx 'n^'aa 'pISoV it is when the Nazirite is passing before him, (and) there is no reason to doubt about something else Naz 2b(10; Mo); X1? H'piSO1? X3'X 'J?'32?3 X*71 n'piBO1? X3'X '©'VW3 we cannot cast a doubt that it is the third or the seventh (day of his impurity) Yom 8b(9); '3'1? 'r?3 X1H 'Y> 1X"?T 'pISD1? there is no way to establish as a doubtful matter as to his being a Levite, since he is (definitely) not a Levite Ket 26a(18; V12); 2. pass.part, doubtful: a. alone: sg.f. XpSDa 'fcl n'13DT xnV'a is GN's status (about being surrounded by a wall) doubtful? Meg 5b(45); TGHark 160:9; TGAs42 65:17; pl.f. xVl -)3na XH IpBOa this one [i.e. Sabbath work] is one of those which are not doubtful (regarding their liability) Sab 6b(26); ib. 96b(49); b. sg.f. w. -*? to be in doubt: H'V XpSOa 'pIBO X3J1 'XH this Tanna is seriously in doubt concerning it Er 43b(19); Bes 4b(25; V17); Yev 114a(20); Ket 73b(14); BB 107a(9); San 48a(43); Hul 79a(44) Itpa. to be doubtful, in doubt [w. mb, by]: '1 tf? psno'x nnaj n3'py pn was in doubt concerning his tradition Er 7a(24) // /?// 14b(15) // Yev 15a(28); in1? Xpsnoa they are in doubt concerning it Sab 138b(39); Pes 110b(10); Hag lla(18); BB 119b(3); TGHark 32:18; psnoa 'XT limnXT 'J'T by ]inri if their local judges are in doubt concerning their case Anan 16:4 The exact mng. of this rt. in the phrases VlD'N NJXl ^ 3H1''? PBD ... to me, give to me, and let me eat Qid 39a(4); 'plBO 'pBD» mn1? they ... for each other ib. 8(0), which deal with the consumption of 'orla in the Diaspora is uncertain. Rashi's interpretation [^W pBD n'H'W '3B3 ibv By1?], which combines this and the next rt., highlights the problem. 2# pBO vb. to be sufficient, capable (4- XplS'0; Sy .™<\™, LS 491) Pe. 1. to be sufficient: pat npBO xVt sometimes it may not be sufficient Ara 22a(23); Ket 70b(10); lev 61b(24); XnT3 XflT "Jin1? p'SOT na each month as much as they need Dec 9:15; 2. to be capable: 'BJ 13y HpBO X*n3 pSO X1? when (the woman) is incapable (of supporting herself). A slave is also incapable (of supporting himself) Git 12a(13) Af. to have sufficient time: X*7 '»Vh TCb naXT Xjp'BOa inV 'axi n'1? npsoa they said to him: "Perhaps you will not have sufficient time for it [i.e. the circumcision]." He said to them: "1 shall have sufficient time" Sab 133b(31) Itpe. to be sufficient (of time): pBTlD'X xVl Sab 133b(32) Itpa. to utilize: psriO'X na3 'Tri'Vl let us see how much he utilized BM 40a(35); 'pISDOX1? TOX ima it is forbidden to utilize them [i.e. the pieces of wood of the sukka] HP 28:24 i#nso vb. to count (4- xns'o, xnvvBD, i#xiso; BH, MH "ISO HAL 723, J 1027) Pe.: 'a: pxi n'IBOJ let us also count it (as a clean day) Nid 33a(45); W nj/3W X'3X1T im IBOaV X3'na (a
2# ISO 828 apO menstruous woman) is required to count seven days after she is clean Anan 42:7; ib. 13 2# ISO vb. to cut one's hair (4- XIBOa, xmSDB, 3#X1B0, xrnsori; Sy i<\m pa., etpa. LS 492) Pa.: "7"jn 1S0B1 lltfDX it is possible (for the priest) to cut his hair and enter (the Temple) Tan 17b(3)[//Itpa.] Itpa. to take a haircut: 7"X5M isnoai 1WSX San 22b(33); yrcn 'ua isnoa mn xit'3 13 X3n 3i X5ni,131 PN used to take a haircut from a pagan in the open area of GN AZ 29a (45) 1#S1S0 n.m. scribe, teacher (I Vl#1S0; TA X1B0 f J Jer 36:20, Sy rc'-La^o LS 493, Ma 1#X1SX0 MD 314, > Akk seplru CAD S 225) 1. scribe: a. general: sg. ,tV 31713 V>T n'1307 n'7 'BX he said to his scribe: "Go (and) write it" BB 168b (21); 37131 ,T7 'B1J1X X1S0 a scribe was available to him and he wrote (it) BM 20b(32); Git 26b(14); Qid 50b(38); AZ 9a(14); «]"?B1 731 *)"TB1 7'TX X1S0 '317 1X7 anyone who (wishes to) falsify (a document) does not go to a scribe to falsify (but he does it by himself) BB 163a(7); BM 16b(41); ib. 20b(25); Git 20a(3); p,13B1 X1S0 a distinguished scribe ib. 86b(5); //«/ 64b(22); 1X111' X1B0 a Jewish scribe HP 130:12; -4Z 24b(53) [4- T3TJ; /& 17b(32) [4- 2#XS"0]; X1BD Xlplll an accurate scribe AZ 10a(4); pl.cs. '1B0 xrO'Jia KP1 XJ1B1 X33 the scribes of the court of our master, the head of the academy Dec 2:1; ib. 7:1; det. ib. 2:3; '3pm 'ISO Men 29b(29); 'ISO 'HI scribes of the judges G/Y 2b(13); (')(XI"IBD X3'1 '31 court scribes San 29b(55); b. w. ref. to a PN: sg. mn -pna 7'ixi nnso ix3@i3i33 San 96a(48); X1D0 D'IBX Mf 119a(14); 1'IBO XBB 31 pn 311 ,T13 BB 153a(25); X311 X1B0 San 29b(57); BB 171b(28); pi. T1B07 31 inV 'BX1 '3 as PN said to his scribes Yev 116a(17); 2. teacher: sg. 7X1K/H X31 X1B0 IttttJ Moses, the great teacher of Israel Sot 13b (45); '3BX X1B0 X; '13 oh, teacher, release my son from (school) SYes 45 [quoted as spoken JBA]; pi. X'IBD Suk 38b(17); '1B01 xni3BX a multitude of teachers ib. 55a(22); 3. a spirit: pi. X"1B10 5o 21:11 [a type of spirit; cf. X'IBXO pn Jb 206:4] Lit: Eps, St I 347; Y: "HBO BAYTN 104. 2# N1S0 n.m., cs. only in NflS 1B0 n.m. town official (< Akk sapir matim governor CAD $/l 456, mng. 2a; 4- XflB) sg. BM 97a(20) [in a list of professions]; ib. 109b(l) // BB 21a(32; P'); xnai miswin 73 ymi xna nso the town official who knows all the accounts of the town TGHark 86:27 [expl. 01B7ip3X oikovouoi; BB 68b(8)] While the Akk term originally designated an important official, as a result of the degradation of the term KJia in JBA, the compound phrase now as well indicates a less important one. 3#N1S0 n.m. barber (4- V2#1BD; Sy rc'i-Lob LS 492) sg. X1B0 71B'3X PN, the barber MQ 18a(35); ib. 37 DSO vb. to prepare, serve (MH2 X1B0 AZ 50b[46]; van spelling of 4- Vl#ri3S) Pe. (a/ ): rra '337 xticpx in1? iji<');ido labia xrwn now all of you are serving my daughter's children a forbidden thing Hul 95b(17; MGG 395:11) [Var: XIIO'X in1? DSD '3 V12]; ib. 96a(23; V12); ,T7 J1SD XX81X he prepared a piece of meat for him Seel 46:92(Var) Lit: Eps, Stl 110. Nj?D, Xp$? n.m. sack, sackcloth (TA n'po TO Gen 42:25, Sy xLLip LS 493, Ma xpXD MD 314) 1. sack: sg. '13'11 XpW Xl,m a certain sack of denars Hul 134b(15); TpD nJlBl T0'3 'lltf untie your money bag and open your sack [i.e. first take payment and then deliver the goods] Pes 113a(17; E2); Sab 152a(17); '311 ypv ma spread out your sack and lie down (on it) Ber 59a(37) // Tan 6b(27) [4- Vl3B pe., mng. 3]; pi. 'ptP Ket 67a(37); 2. sackcloth: sg. Xp013 where (the rags) were of sackcloth BB 20a(17); XpC Anan 58:9; 'XpB? '7 13,1 give me my sackcloth Tan 23b(43) Y: xpfe Hul ib.(BAYTN 101). 3pD vb. to injure, wound (4- X3p0, X33po) Pa.: lm'ixanV n'V 3poai xbsix wx '7"2? X7 people do not borrow a saddle, because it can injure their donkeys' (back) BM 27b(21; V22) // Yev 120b(7) Itpa. to injure oneself: X3p71DB D'B13n ]'3 ,1X11 'pnoa X7 1J?11 (if the animal) runs among the vineyards it will injure itself. (If) it grazes it will not injure itself BM 3 la(33) Geon. expi.: nino man m I'm n-rnn na nwyn x3pnoa wwbi N?i?9 829 2# K"?210 -0 '^xyaw \mbit nspo naan ob p'j'3 nxn x'to rmV'x 'ina OHT BM 54:30, i.e. jit wound; RaH: Kin TTOn ITO^ 31j?'0 OHR BM 46:33. X3j?0 n.m. sore spot, difficult period (4- V3p0; Sy rcl=i_i-i» wound, ulcer LS 493; cf. Arab ^ii cleft between two rocks Hava 371) 1. sore spot: pi. XP3X3 jin"T '3pD sore spots that occur in a person HM 38:3; 2. fig. difficult period: sg. xVl'1 xnwn X3p0 the difficult period of the year is the holiday g*W81a(33) RaH; r^eai 1'Jiwi fnwv p'3 nato ^>jti djot ^w mian rn'3y 'TV 1'K31 pn"«S inSS^nn OHR Qid 50:23 [mng. 2]; Y: Xjpp gW ib.(BAYTN 91). K33{?0 n.m. one who suffers from sores (X VspD) pi. '33pO '3'3 3'JT (the Messiah) is seated among those who suffer from sores San 98a(49; HeAr [AC 6:117]) NbDlpO 4- xVoipDX n. nsVipO n.m. polisher (1 V2# bpO; Sy reA-<=Lxi^» PSm 2717 [Lex]) 4- 'xVipo '3 The phrase K^ipO KIN 13 BA/ 93b(33; MGE 515:15) [F1: X^lfO] may perh. belong here. HKJOlpO adj. of GN sg.m. 'X3DipD p'33 Nid 65a(20) Y: riXJDpp Nid ib. l#Vp0 vb. to stone (< BH bpD pe. HAL 725; JPA bpO DJPA 387) Pe.: Vpoa n'VpOT XD'n (in a case) where he definitely stoned it [i.e. the ox] BQ 41a(47) // Qid 56b(30) 2# VpO vb. to polish (1 nx"?ipD; Sy >.\ p m LS 494, Ma Vpo MD 336) Pe.: 13 XS031? ,1'b T^pOl X113 ]a p'S3 they polish the silver when it comes out of the furnace TRN 590:1 l#1p0 vb. to rejoice (perh. < 4- VlpT [v. Nold, MG 46]; 4- XIp'D, V'10; Ma ipD to leap for joy MD 336) itpa.: rnrp"'{3}jiD'x in'D'Tn ni'j/ nxVi nnn nisi n'3 she lifted up her eyes, saw him, rejoiced at him, and died Ket 62b(42) [Var: ipriOX Ar (AC 1:207, s.v. ipilOX)] Lit: AAC 53. 2#1p0 vb. to be red (Sy 3# inm LS 495) 4- xrnpo XlplpQ n.f. red paint (4- V2# ipD; Sy r^^'i n m red paint LS 495) sg. naitf XJlipD it is called red paint Sab 104b(17) [expl. MH Xip'D Mib. 12:4] // Meg 18b(51); Hag 8a(21) ilBek 58a(31); nn;r?a Xiay 'S11 xrnpD'a from the red paint (on an animal) where the wool underneath is loose Naz 39a(25; V2) Y: xrnpo Sab ib.(BAYTN 184). N10 4- Xlt? n. 310 vb. to refuse (Sy ^,Juo LS 496) Pa.: n'Vl n'^J? 'SlID1? ]Mb you should not refuse it TGAs42 80:17 1#NV310, nVK3-|0, NVN3110 n.m. a type of garment (MH2 V31D Sab 101b(29), > Arab JU_^ Fr, AF 47) sg. BQ 119b(ll) [* I Xtt'^l]; VxiaK? xVsiD1? 'aX'D 135?a"7 XUff PN permitted making fringes for an s.-garment BM 60b(9); 'D3'» XS11 X"731D the short man was wearing an .s.-garment BM 81b(7); Xl'loV n'Vpe?! xVsioV n'3niX he placed the s.-garment on it [i.e. the ass] and took the s. -cloth (for himself) ib. 8; Xt?'p3 X3'10 X1J1D3 xVxsilD the s.-cloth in the summer and the s.-garment in the winter Men 41a(24; TGHark 190:4); x"731D1 X1X11 scraping [i.e. smoothing] of the s.-garment BQ 99a(18; Es) [Var: x"?3mD H; Xb310 Oxf., b.10, 31; v. note infra]; BM 112a(38); BB 46a(21); X"?X31D1 X1X113 pS3 "3X '13 PN used to go out (wearing) a scraped [i.e. smoothed] s.-garment according to PN2 MQ 23a(23); XS'IX x"7X310 a clean/bleached s.- garment San 44a(33) [expl. BH IJUti Xliix Jos 7:21; v. infra]; 'JT131 X^31D a leek-green colored s.-garment Git 31b(43) [cf. Sy rdy-o-^V ^■Ua LS 349]; pi. '"7310 ib. 14a(43); '"7310 'B'nn 'sealed' s.-garments Sab 58a(14) [4- O'Jin] Geon. expl.: KBnx WITS X^TO ,7K1»» TOK1 -y¥B miKl 'pj '1"3K IXO^'B TO1TB, i.e. ^ o^ o^i^ a pure white shawl-like garment worn over head and shoulders OH San 352:9; ib. 12; 14; TGAs42 169:43; 'I13n tya Nil ,11 xb3"«o 1,T0 miri3 TGWeisz 80:16; [jiJI] tS^X I'XipJH TOSn HJ3 iVx pJ3 ■\TXb I'aniXl J'Wpl py ym Inyanot 203b:8; Lit: Geig, AAC 303 [of unkn. P origin]; Fr, AF 47; Lehnw 412. The mng. of BA b3"ip HALOT 1940 is uncertain and cannot be equated w. either this word or the following one; Voc: N?3-l6 HGP 29a:35; Y: X^fTO San ib.(BAYTN 221). n.m. leg coverings (Sy k1L=>-vjL LS 806, Ma x"?XnXW MD 445, NP salwar inner breeches PED 758, > Arab Jlj> Fr, AF 47) sg.
no 830 i#rno X"?3")DT X11T a pair of leg coverings [i.e. pants?] BB 52a(27) [Var: 'VaiOT NUT Ar (AC 3:276)] // Svu 46b(16; F2) // BM 116a(30) Expl. Ar: D^IO 'IIP AC ib. Note, however, that the same phrase is found in AZ 75b(34) [Var: l&aioi NUT Seel 155:30] where the text seems to refer to a utensil. Hence, Rashi explains it there and elsewhere as: nax '113 ],13 D'lTUW tT'lBOB; Lit: Levy, TMW 2:520, s.v. Kill; Geig, AAC 303; Lehnw 412. 510, Alt? vb. to lay bricks, saddle (1 XJHD, XlTitf; Sy ^-Uu to interweave LS 496, Ma 110 MD 337) Pe.: TO'Spx 'XTI inrnttf (if) he had laid the bricks, he certainly set them aside (making them unusable on the Sabbath) Sab 124b(35) // Bes 31b(28); pass.part. 'ja'V TIE? the bricks are laid BB 3b(27; Ed, Rashi) Pa. 1. to saddle [JNA srg HDJNA s.v.]: Xin KM! mmo ,-wi nnx xrunma wn .tV (Wino they once saddled for him two mules on two bridges of GN ib. 73a(29); pass.part. x"n Xn 1X81 XH noa this (refers to) where (the animal) is saddled, that to where it is not saddled Ber 57a(l); ib. 57b(19); 2. to write in the manner of serugim [i.e. with gaps]: in1? 1TU\ J1D he wrote (the biblical verse of Hos 9:1) to them with gaps Git 7a(21; Seel, St2 439:22) Lit: Eps, St2 ib., note. NJ10, JOmO n.m. saddle (4- VnO; Sy i<4jj» LS 496, Ma XV1X0 MD 315, > Arab s> Fr, AF 101) sg. X110 •'■by vren X31tfa leather which they fastened over a saddle GC 70:2 [expl. MH X3Xiy BQ 66b(26)]; pi. 'ixno GC 63:4 [expl. nana MKel 23:2] Lit: Eps, GC 6920; AAC 178, s.v. 2|»n. ^10 vb. to incise lines (4- X^JX, VdB"!©; cf. Sy oJ^t-oo to engrave lines LS 497) Quad.: "pxi xVi xmm c?'D-iB?a 'xi 'did-iwVi xrfr'ja 'VinoV ^noa VmoaT ny XVI m"73 he is required to trace lines on the leather sheet and to draw (them). If he draws (them) with ink, it is nothing until he incises (them) with incised lines HG2 144:9; pass.part. X^nom xrfr'ia a leather sheet which has been incised with lines HG1 406:53 Lit: N. Danzig, Dim Vol 356+. n.m. an incised line (on parchment; 4-V^nD; JPA "7110 DJPA 388) pi. HG2 144:9 NTI0 n.m. sieve (Sy rc'nT.oo Audo 2:177, Arab j>Hava 317) sg. OHTSab 39:6 [expl. MH ,T133 M§ab20:3] aniO, 310 vb. to hasten (Safel of Vsri; 4- x'nrno; ljla nmo TgEst 7:7, Ma 3,tio md 337; cf. Sy rC^am^a^o LS 716) Quad.: a. intr.: iTttT '"I 3'moa Xp mm PN was hastening (to finish) Sab 10a(19); XTl^'a1? X33.TID» XflOn mixan I am hurrying now for a meritorious deed Hul 7b(18; SM 89:20); b. as aux. vb.: Xp mn b'DXI 3/TIOa he was eating quickly Ber 47a(34); XTU ?b BPS» 3'moa he quickly increases the fire for it IHP 593:26 N^3H"10 n.m. quickness (4- VamO; Sy rctLicfnoje LS 716, Ma avnxo urgently MD 315) sg. x'amoa mivb npisx^ x"?i not to make (the time of) the Sabbath depart quickly Anan 71:18; X0)U}3Vn03 Ber 6b(30; GY 214*) NmilD n.f. fear (VTIO; Sy k^* ot-oo Gignoux, IMS 2:44, Ma XmXTlXD MD 315) sg. HM 37:8; pi. Xmno nap graves of fear Bo 78:13 Lit: AMB 127. 1 # mO vb. to become putrid, putrefy, decompose (< BH, MH 2# mo HAL 726, J 1025; JPA mo af. DJPA 388; 4- XCITO, 2#X3T0; cf. Sy 1# m-iso to damage LS 497) Pe. ( /a): <X){')1X13 nmD'fiV "pQ a fish close to becoming putrid is superb MQ lla(38); mOMI 1J7 m'fr'y ■Tm'bl let him place it [i.e. the hen] upon it until it becomes putrid Git 67b(26) [V18: nO'H]; Bes llb(3); pass.part. nno X1?! (the kidney) was not putrid Hul 55\>{\5) Af. 1. id.: TPOBT )TO since (the intestines) will become putrid Sab 143a(l) // Bes 33a(26); "?3 moa 'paio yim rra rrxn xa-m all fat which has red veins (?) will putrefy BM 83b(52); 2. to decompose: nsy tfb mn 'm0XT ]V3 'niDXT "UT3 after (the fat) has decomposed. Since it has decomposed it has become dust Naz 50a(24); nra nnxaits nb xms xmoa 'sVi when (the carrion) decomposes its impurity departs from it Men 23a(40); Hul 93b(2); ib. 120a(41); Suk 36a(19) [of an etrog; I Vnsn pe.]; l,TSU "?'3n Xmoai their body becomes hot and (the semen; I i.e. SHI 71332/) decomposes Nid 34b(12) 2#mo 2# mO vb. to be excessive, hang down (4- V2# "I0a; Ma 2# X10 to hurl down MD 336) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to be excessive: X3p nan '3j? nn rnoi XD'^pT two qabs of dates (give) more than one qab of (date) stones Yom 79b(8); 2. to hang down, droop: rpraa m1? lrnDi rcpn'x (PN) became old, and his eyelids drooped BQ 117a(48) BIO vb. to lacerate (Sy *\iso LS 498) Pa.: n'D-101 n'a'iV n'psxn (the dog) stuck out its tooth and lacerated him BQ 23b(15); XmjW p'rra n'V p'tjnoai we bring a barley grain and lacerate it [i.e. the area of the perforation] Yev 76a(22); BB 20a(26) '10 vb. to spoil, decay, be lazy (4- no adj.; Sy ,-Ub LS 499, Ma 2# X10 MD 336) Pe. 1. to spoil: hb Tl^a 'Xaa xno '3 xn^'a when salt spoils, with what do we salt it? Bek 8b(32; V9); nam "?IX noi 'SD31 '3,nm 'JXas 'ian she went and put the wine in vessels of gold and silver, and it spoiled Ned 50b(12) // (')nD'Xl mpn it became sour and spoiled Tan 7a(55; M) [of wine; double rdg.; 1 V«ipn pe., mng. 3]; xica rra 'aiyai nn'x dxt nD for if it is the case that they mix with it [i.e. put lees in the vinegar] it will certainly spoil AZ 32a(3); ib. 38b(43); 39b(44); 2. to decay, fall apart: XT31? mV ITW\ "IpD'y no your merchandise will decay, and you will throw it into a well/pit Ber 56a(38); 3. to be lazy: 4- no adj., mng. 4 itpe. to be lazy: may nncj xVt rvb xn'3 a person does not want his slave to become lazy 5g97a(24)//5jW65a(l) Lit: Eps, St2 816; on Itpe., v. Rashi on BM 65a(l). '"10 adj. putrid, decaying, odious, lazy (4- V'"I0 pe., pass.part.; Sy rfyso, r<J>\si> LS 499, Ma 3#XnXD MD 315; mng. 3: Peh ideog. X'^D FiP 26:6 = MP wad evil, bad CPD 85) 1. putrid: sg.m. imnn nOT fva since their odor is putrid Suk 13a(l; M2); Xno 'T8 something putrid Git 56a(48); X'lD xrfrl a putrid g.-fish Hor 12a(45) // Kar 6a(13; V9); 2. decaying: sg.m. xno XWn decaying straw Sab 150b(24); ib. 155b(10); Bes 30a(48); BB 19b(34); 3. odious: sg.m. no mi an odious spirit Bo 18:9; ib. 35:7; 4. lazy: sg.m. nn TO 331 rX',I?1 no one (who) is lazy and (therefore) does not steal San 22a(33); Xno X331 a lazy thief BM 93b(55) Geon. expl.: 311 Ifnb '13 13 J'Kl Vxy n'HW D1X Xl,1 ^BD OH San 165:5; Y: 'TO AZ 32a(3). p'"10 adj. empty, worthless, n.m. worthless person, f. gnat (4- Vl#p*lD pe., pass.part.; 4- 2#xmpnD]; TA pno Tal 101, Sy n' n ;vm empty, worthless LS 501, Ma 2#Xpno MD 337) I. adj. empty: sg.m. Xpno X9U an empty body Yev 87b(l; O2) [# X'Va full, i.e. pregnant] // Nid 44a(31); pl.m. 'pno 'p13 empty pitchers BB 7a(14) [+ ll's; 4- l#Xp13; metaph. for a meaningless statement]; II. n. 1. m. worthless person: pi. XJian 'pno worthless people of the town Seel 75:6(Var) [cf. MH21'pno rb^OV mian San 70b(26); Sy K'uii^o r^ n ,-jso r? r \x< Jud 9:4, H D'pn]; 2. f. gnat, mosquito: pi. '3Xn Xnxpno IX'Van mm unglazed pitchers full of gnats Ber 28a(17) [Ar: XJlpnD AC 3:471, s.v. 23sn; 4- 2# xmpno] Expl. Ar: CWW D'xVa O'lS^ D'13 AC ib.; Y: Xp'T? Yev ib. 1# Nnip'IP n.f. comb (4- V2#piD; cf. Sy k'&jjo-Ub rake ls 501) sg. 'aVp x^opa xmpno a comb (which) kills vermin Nid 20b(31; Ar [AC 6:144]) Y: xrnp'10 Nid ib.(BAYTN 177). 2# Kmp'ip n.f. nothingness, worthlessness (4- pno; Sy rCbicya-.-Uo ls 501, Ma xnrpio MD 337, TA xmpno TJ Hos 7:3[Var]) sg. '3S'n Xfflpno T'^an mvn unglazed pitchers full of nothingness Ber 28a(17; P) mO vb. to adhere, stick, cling, clutch (4- X31TD, 1#X3T0; Sy v^so LS 499) Pe. 1. to adhere, cling: 710 X^n xn inOT Xn this refers to where (the liquid) adheres [i.e. when it begins to dry], that to where it does not adhere Men 21a(42); -pea1? 'T!3 X3'V there is nothing (for the blood to cling to Hul 51a(6; M); "po mn TnD'a (the blood) would certainly have clung (to it) ib. 8(M); Git 69a(27) [of blood to straw]; JTX 'XT n"?y "|n0 'TO if there is a sore (in the intestines, a XD'ailD-egg) adheres to it Ned 50b(25); ibl 1'10 xnvn tf? ri'XT an embryo which has life adheres (to the vagina) Nid 26a(20); X31DT nxn 831
Noiano 832 2#p"IO X3EH3 a lung which adheres to a rib HP 200:20; TGHark 159:33; mm X'l'ri 'TOT "po Xp mn (when she removed the garment from the slit) the snake was adhering and following it Sab 156b(25); ib. 155b(39) [of a dog; v. Pa.]; pass.part. Tin1? p'101 nX'Tl '31X Tiin '3H two lobes (of the lung) which adhere to each other Hul 46b(34); 1J?1 in'3p'J7B p'lcn XB1X1 X31X in'SlD a (large) lobe and a (small) lobe which adhere (to each other) their entire length [lit. from their bottom part to their end] Geon 27:17; ib. 19; 21; TGHark 158:31; 2. in a fig. sense to acquire a habit or practice: a. alone: "pD'a1? 'T1X (the child) is apt to acquire (an improper) practice Sab 139a(54); Er 40b(30); BM 75a(33); Bek 35a(17); OHT Er 31:4; b. w. XXlV'a: VHSVO ■pO X1? XJr?'B Xinn a fool does not acquire (only) one practice Git 68b(43); 'tttt'X XJtVb '3"ID7 Dl»» XrV7B '310 '83 'l'"inx because (the Samaritans) acquired (the easier) practice. Other people will also acquire (an incorrect) practice Pes 51a(3) Pa. 1. to cling or clutch s.t./s.o.: a. general: 'X XrniS D"TI -poa xVl "WS'X it is impossible that he did not cling (to the wall) and sleep for a while Yev 121b(16); X3nD»T na?13 '3X2? it is different (with regard to taking possession of) an animal since it clutches (the ground) BB 86b(12); ]VD mna -pOB XXB1X n'V X'TttH since she throws a piece to it [i.e. the dog] it will cleave to her BM 71a(45) // AZ 22b(26); b. in order to climb: OTOB ■pD xV 'Xn X310ST because (an animal) can cling (to it). This one [i.e. the kid] did not cling (to it) Hul 51a(30); '3nD m -pea Xp "|TX1 the other one was clinging tightly to it BM 6a(36) [* O'Sn holding ib. 35]; mam xns,,?V n'Vax p'ton -po (the animal) clutched (the vat), went up, ate the turnips (on top of it), and broke it BQ 20a(l); pVoBI 'alio1? ib. 5; Bes lla(12); 2. to stick to s.t.: -po'13 '3110 xa"?n milk sticks strongly (to the meat) Hul llla(33); XDIO'B mn '3V10 (the needle) would have stuck strongly (to the blood) ib. 51a(8); Mid 66b(2) [of grit to the hair]; "p08 X'B n'3 ]'V'J7 xVl X'?a the hair sticks together, and the water cannot penetrate it Nid 66b (6; HP 137:6) [v. HG3 34417; 4- VtiE? af., mng. 2] Geon. exp].: ptyn IK y-0 IX OHT Git 155:16, i.e. Jit V to be attached. N01»-|0 n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'DiaiO OHT Ket 55:22(Ar) [expl. MH piaiD Ket 17a(15); Var: plTTIO V'6] Geon. expl.: rrmifrv nrypsj ^pm reoyi nras xvw [•at] 'oioio 'mxa wix pip -panoaw pn oht ib. N3")0, sg. only in NVI'TI N3"1D n.m. axle, axis (Sy r<L>T-ci LS 499) sg. XTPTT X:iO axle of the millstone Pes 94b(15; M1) Lit: Ros, Tarbiz57[1988]4. 1#010 vb. to castrate, transpose (denom. < XOno < Akk sa resi official, eunuch CAD R 292+, AIOA 100; Sy u»j_cb LS 500, Ma 2#D-|D MD 338; mng. 2: JPA DID DJPA 389) Pa. 1. to castrate: xaVs 'OlIO1? ina is it permitted to castrate a dog? Hag 14b(45); -I3T1? n'OID'1? let Him castrate the male (Leviathan) BB 74b(32); 2. fig. to transpose: ,T3 BPYn XIpV n'V 0'"IOB he may transpose (the word order of) the biblical verse and expound it Mak 17b(19); BB 141a(30) [legal tradition] 2#D10 vb. to stick in (cf. Ma 1#0"10 to twist, wreathe MD 338) Pa.: onoai XDriB3 XTBttlX n'K/iaVa a mender of clothes, with a needle that he sticks into his garment TGDr49 94:17 [expl. MH maa i? nainnn i»naa Sab ub(20)] K^OnO n.m. brewer (< Akk sirasu CAD S 306) sg. X-D'WI XBTIS3 Wlpl X'O-IO Xinn a certain brewer who betrothed a woman with a /^.-vessel of i.-beverage Qid 52b(12; O2); BM 42b(27); '1 mn TWV am X'OIO 'TX PN was PN2's brewer Bek 31b(20) Lit: Stol, Beer 159; Voc: k'dtO HGP 23a:33; Y: NWO BM ib.(BAYTN 209). K'010 4- nXD-110 adj. 1*10 4- 2#«pfe vb. 1 # |?*10 vb. to empty (4- p'10, 2#Xmp'"lO; Sy 1# ^d-Uo pa. LS 501) Pa.: VU^81 'DSD1? VU'pno X13J7 they emptied the boxes and filled them with earth Tan 21a(43; Ar [AC 6:143]) 2# j7"10 vb. to comb the hair, lacerate (< p-iitf* [v. hal 1268]; 4- xp-noa, xp-ioa, i#xrnp'-io, Xnp-lD; Sy 2# «_d;U» to comb, lacerate LS 501, Ma l#p"lD MD 338, MH I#pi0 LNVTH 257) Pe. 1. to comb the hair: ©'3' p'lDT ]Q one who combs (his hair when it is) dry Pes 11 lb(36); mn n'W"l p'101 1"n Xp he was shampooing and combing his hair San 11 la(15); pica1? TOBX xbl it is impossible (for her) to comb her hair HP 136:23; 2. to lacerate: 'p-|0B3 •D'-I1P3'? XJpno x"?T"IS1 I shall lacerate your flesh with iron combs BM 86a(22); Git 57b(U) // San 96b(29) Pa. 1. to comb: X'010 'pTID1? to comb a horse MQ 10b(4); 2. to card wool: 'jmo n'plDI he actually carded it (by use of a comb) BQ 93b (31) [* 4- V0D3 pa.] NJFIfnp n.f. tow cotton (4- V2#piD; Sy r^iruaKso tow cotton LS 501) pi. ix'ban mm '3sn xnXpCClD unglazed pitchers which are filled with tow cotton [metaph. for something worthless] Ber 28a(17; O) [Var: XfipXID OHP ib. 110:16) Geon. expl.: aX'T^X 'pJS OHP ib., i.e. m^1 if&> culled of clothes. [KfflTlD 4- 2# XXimD n.] SliriO n.m. destroyer (4- V2# "ino; Sy k'Ao^i-io LS 503) pi. 'lino T3 'X13 (will) the builders [i.e. the Persians] (be delivered) into the hand of the destroyers [i.e. the Romans]? Yom 10a(38) Y: niiTO Yom ib. nNJIB'JlO adj. anonymous one (4- VoflD) sg. '"I mim '13 'or 'i nxna'no iiyac? '-ia -iiy^x nXTOTID the anonymous PN and PN2 [i.e. their opinions are quoted anonymously in our Mishna] Er 38b(9; O); Meg 2a(49); Ket 101b(5); Hul 30a(l);fieA:30a(29) Lit: Eps, PLT 173+; S. Friedman [forthcoming]; Y: nXJTO'np Hul ib.(BAYTN 325). DUO vb. to stop up, state anonymously (4- Vddo, nxna'riD, xano, Vdddb/; Sy -y\ ™ LS 468, Ma DID MD 318) Pe. (a/u) 1. to stop up, close up: x-iajn '3313 '3'anoi X'ab inisiyi he poured out the water and stopped them up [i.e. the channels] with balls of wool Git 68a(43); 'V 13 '5?3 IX D'nxo mn 'ia -jVn uwdn xn'iyx xwa1? if a Jew wants to build a wall and close up (the view through) those windows he may do so TGAs28 25:15; xaB 3"?n mailOT 3pJ Xinn a certain perforation (in the lung) which unclean fat K»no t t : stopped up Hul 49b(19); ib. 38 [4- XXB'ri]; D.ri0'» UWfyb XV 'ai will (the fat) also not even stop up (the perforation)? ib. 50a(l; MGL 74:4); HP 199:10; pass.part. 'B'TOI ]XB3 D'm 'W1? VU'Tn'1? laxT let us consider these rooms as if they are closed up Sab 131a(3); HP 199:2(HPP 301:19) [4- xrma]; 2. to state anonymously: X3n f? DD0 mirr '~0 the Tanna stated (the Mishna) to us anonymously according to PN's opinion Bes 2b(l); Yev 101b(23); Qid 54b(ll); San 27b(5); Bek 4ia(i0); I'D'ana1? nano ]Ka naa who then is the one who phrased our Mishna anonymously? PN Bes 2b(4) Pa. 1. to fill in: '"7'D 'Bino1? to fill in the cracks (in the ground) 5mA: 44b(33) [+ //'s; 4- 2# X"7'D]; 2. to suppress: 'Bino n'1? ''Jioa X3D the Tanna intentionally suppresses it Ned 23b(16) [i.e. he deliberately eliminated it from our Mishna; v. Eps, MNM 643]; pass.part. n'ruy(B)(n) ]an0Bp his claims are suppressed Svu 30b(13) [Var: Xp mruyB xanriD'a F2 (v. Itpa.)]; 3. to make unclear: pass.part. X3'X1 IK/lsaT 'b'a X3'X 'X'3:i lanoai 'V'a as to the Prophets, some of its subjects are expressed clearly and some are enigmatic Meg 3a(29; M2) Itpe. 1. to be stopped up, blocked: Q'rinO'X yiT ri33En xrail the semen duct was stopped up Yev 75b(46); VPrmx in1? IDTiriO'X 'aiDTlD'X their paths were completely blocked RH 23b(\0; GRH 14:6); 2. to be closed up: xannoxi xnyu? rim iy XyiX until the time passed and the earth (which had opened up to swallow Korah's company) was closed up San 110a(l); V?!! D'nJIO'XT XJTytt from the time that the rolling stone (of the burial cave) was closed up HP 167:6 [cf. MH2 Dn0"E;B Yr\X\ MQ 27a(4)]; 3. to be completed: D'rino'X Xma^n study of the Oral Law was completed ISGF 97:13 Itpa. to be suppressed: n'TUyu DinriD'X his claims were suppressed Ket 106a(4) [v. Pa., mng. 2] NariO, KUKDO, abs./cs. DriD n.m. without qualification, anonymous authority (4- VdjiO; JPA DAD DJPA 390, MH2 DT10 J. 1032) 1. without qualification: sg. a. alone: VlOS XBXriOT Bl '311 concerning a get which, (if drawn up) without 833
xa/ioja t t ; • 834 2#ino qualification [i.e. not written for a particular woman], is invalid Zev 2b(36); X7I 'XJfl Xano (concerning a mezuza, these buildings) without a qualification are a (dispute between) Tannaim Yom lla(36); 5er 35a(46); ShA: 19b(37); Zev 3a(23); b. in cs. state before a fol. n.: Xnj'SO DflD '113 yrbn A3 a boat without qualification has a capacity of thirty kors BM 80b(10); X7U31M3 Dno iOW a mortgage without qualification is for a year to. 68a(5); n'3n fas'? mil 3'iT7 ]Xa Dno one, in general, who pays money to the owner ib. 72b(35); 77b(34; Es); c. w. a fol. n.: XDJ10 Xn"?'ai the usual practice [lit. a matter without qualification] RH 34a(52); Sot 25a(29); AM 15a(16); BB 85b(26; P1); d. adverbial usages: 1) abs.: Dno XnxyiX H'1? '»X 'XT if he said to him 'fields' without qualification BB 61b(39); Er 50a(29); TGHark 86:20; 2) in phrase xanop): Xnil'DJ Trby Vapa Xan03 (if the statement was made) without qualification, he takes upon himself the obligation of guarding (the animal) BQ 48b(35); AZ 49b(54); Men 78b(33); XDT1D X,l I'XID'J awb (if the entry to the bridal chamber was made), in fact, without qualification, it is for the purpose of matrimony Ket 48b(33); xano Dlfa X"?l Xa/10 XH ... 'Xa (if he said run) without qualification, what (is the law)? Without qualification is, in fact, nothing BM 81b(25); xaxno SMel 43:39; 2. anonymous authority, opinion: a. as an.: sg.cs. Dno TXa'1 1'nuna DnD mirr 'i xis'o ano rraru 'i x/isow ano 'i xnm ]1J?aw '1 'IB'D DDD the anonymous authority of our Mishna is PN. The anonymous authority of the barraita is PN2. The anonymous authority of the Tosefta is PN3. The anonymous authority of the sifra is PN4. The anonymous authority of the sifre is PN5 San 86a(5); 'ano ... 1'n'jnai xano Xn"131 an anonymous opinion of our Mishna/a barraita Yev 42b(41; O2); XaxnOX XDXDO X'Wp (the statement of one) anonymous authority contradicts another ib. 72a(38); (r^'ablX 'Xai xano 'Xn» Xano 'Xm why is (this tradition of) an anonymous authority preferable to that one? Sab 157a(12); XJ'inx Xano another anonymous opinion Sab 157a(8); BQ 69b(13); pi. 'ano 'in two anonymous opinions Yev 101b(28); Qid 54b(47); b. used adverbially: j'l'fal D'TTH XaxnD pnia'a (1>('DXm there are individuals who differ who transmit their statements anonymously iSGF 30:1 Lit: Bacher 145; Voc: xafo HGP 34b: 18; Y: XBriD BB 104a(2; BAYTN 44). — NKinpa adv. of a general nature (< xano ]a) XafiDai Xn"?'a a matter of a general nature TGHark 105:26 1#1/10 vb. to conceal (I l#Xint3; Sy 1# iivj» pa. LS 502, Ma l#in0 MD 338) Af.: irU'inDX 'MIX irftlsVl 'X33 inVo^ she concealed all the bath attendants and all the barbers Meg 16a(18; G) Itpe. to closet o.s.: X'» ,l7 ]pWQ Ximnoai )1'31 nDlDT as soon as I closet myself (with another man) they will make me drink the water of the sola Ber 31b(28; F); lOn'X innD'Xl nV Up! ]1'3 "?1?3 '1^'y as soon as he had warned her [i.e. his wife], and she closeted herself (with another man), she was forbidden to (her) husband Yev 95a(40); ib. 58a(33); Ket 13b(31); Sot 2b(37) 2# "1710 vb. to destroy, unravel, refute, render void (I X1W0, 2#Xin0; Sy 2# i&_o> LS 503, Ma 2# ino MD 339) Pe. (a/u,a) 1. to destroy, tear down: a. general: X^HX ino Xp he destroys the structure [lit. tent] Bes 30b(3); mm xn'WX fa T]b ino mn XJT'jn he used to destroy any wall which was dilapidated Tan 20b(43); BQ 56a(27); Ara 34a(l); Bek 8b(43); XrTCND '3 WU'X -lnD'V xV Tinnx 'mn '3 U31 1J? one should not tear down a synagogue until one builds another synagogue BB 3b(19) // IWO'J Meg 26b(10); 55 7a(25); Yom 10a(38); rrn'3 pnoi 'XTfl I saw (in a dream) that they were tearing down my [lit. his] house Ber 56a(46); pxi Enpan n'3 11710 irU'X H'1? p'33 XJ3'a they [i.e. the Romans] destroyed the Temple, and we [i.e. the Persians] actually built it AZ 2b(41); Sab 156a(40); MQ 7a(22); BB 7a(9); SSHai 6a(15); TGHark 203:20; b. in a fig. sense: rPJTO1? ,1'inon xfa so that (the sofa) should not destroy his house Sot 5b(34); 2. to unravel, dishevel: a. intr.: Hllpb XDD 31 n'(')(1)Tn fau -mp xbnn 1X31 inorrux)) x:'3ii xa'^n PN saw that the corner of PN2's garment had 3#"ino 835 2#*nno t t : unraveled, and it was less than the distance from the first joint of the thumb (from the fringe) Men 42a(23); 'in U'Dp 'ino Kb xnVn 'ino nn 'a'bx nno XV '83 (if the threads) are thick, two unravel, three do not unravel. (If they) are thin, two also do not unravel Sab 105a(35); b. tr.: 'H'X X3n'l With Xinoi X3X3X she sat at the entrance (of the house) and unraveled (the braids of) her hair San 110a(l); Yev 116b(ll); pass.part. p'lJTO TDD |'3'3J linx 'ail your hair is disheveled and is laid behind your back Bo 9:3; ib. 19:5; 60:3; 3. to refute, contradict: H'1? XinOl Xn^a 'S'O '3/11 XWlV can he learn in the latter part of the Mishna a matter which contradicts the former part? Qid 5b(35; O2); '11.1X ]inoi X3'H where (the opinions of the authorities) contradict each other Er 7a(12); KJ1 nnoi X/UVD 'TXn xa"?'l perhaps he will accept the claim and refute the judgment Sab 9b(24); 4. to void a count: "WO'a mriD 'aa (childbirth) also entirely voids a (previous) count (of days) Nid 37b(15); 'aa 'H3 nino/l naD m/IOl granted also that she voids the (previous) count (because of the ejection of semen). How many (days) should she void? ib. 33b(2); "inoa 'jm 'TXT since (the Nazirite) is required to void the count (if he became unclean) Naz 3a(3);/7>. 6b(3); 14b(18) Pa. to unravel [MH 1/10 pe. J 1033, mng. 2]: 137 prrw rvfa "zi'3 '©rx in/icai until his wife unraveled (the braids of) her hair because of him Ned 50b(28; V2) [done as a sign of grief at his pain] Itpe. to be torn down: 'X 'Il/I/ID'X '1/l/loaiX ID^n'V '33113 if (the houses) are sold before they are completely torn down they should become a permanent possession (of the new owner) Ara 34a(2) 3#*1D0 vb. to wind up on a spindle (denom. < I xmizioa) Pe.: -moi 3'zn xnm/ioa n'^ prr '»m Xp1tt?3 'bxVn they used to give him a spindle, and he would sit and wind the threads in the marketplace of Rome Hul 60a(19) -I/IB "lTlO n.m. (uncertain) sg. xm l1?!! 'Xfa ins ino in1? VlB'l water drawers who draw water, let fall to them ... Yev 97b(8) [in a riddle;.Var: lino ins Ar (AC 3:64, s.v. 2fa)] Geon. expl.: nXBl an OHT ib. 196:17; Lit: Ros, Yalon Vol 30353, w. prev. lit.; Y: Iffi TTJ? Yev ib. ltfXnriO n.m. secret (4- Vl#m0; TA Xino TO Dt 13:7, Sy rfk&Lsa LS 502, Ma Xlxn'D covering MD 330) pl.cs. Xafa 'ino fa all the secrets of the world HM 37:4 2# tn/IO, Xin'O n.m. destruction (I V2# inD; Sy rfV^-co LS 503) sg. HM 39:11; /linn Xin'O X3T3 destruction in place of building Bo 18:6
N357 836 nay 7 N3JT 1 2# xax n. n3y, 12K, '3N vb. to do, make, produce, prepare (I lay'B 13, s.v. l#xm mng. 5, XTjya, i# XTjy, 2# XTjy, xnmy, xmy, xm'3'y, xmy, TjyiP; Sy ^-p\ [a/e] LS 504, Ma 1#TJX [a/a,e] MD 2) Pe. (a/e), pf. lsg. 'Tjy BQ 105b(24); 'nrmay Yom 84a(24); 2m. may Ber 48a(14); 3m. Tjy BM 67a(26); 3pl.m. nay Tan 21a(48); liny 7ev 71b(25); T3X Pa? 34b(20); imp. lsg. T2ys G/7 35a(37); 2m. T3jm Pes 51b(18); pnayn /l«a« 9:25; f. nayn MO; 27b(31; V); 3m. Tay1? Sab 65a(31); T3y Ned 50a(35); T3'V M)Gfl 103:1; lOHia'"? Zev 2b(35); 2pl.m. nayn Sab 137a(25); ]KTn Hul llla(26); 3m. Tray1? BB 156a(8); pay1? SSHai 5b(12); imper. 2sg.m. T3'y Ket 77b(34); p'T3y /4«a« 28:2; 2pl.m. 1T3'y Bek 8b(24); inf. layab G;Y 46b(46); n'13'ya /lna/j 7:22; TJ'a1? Pes 1 lb(2); part. lsg. x:ray BQ I05b(24); 2m. may Ket 82a(ll); 3m. Tay Hag 15b(37); Xrl'3'X Tax [xm'a'y =] BQ 87b(21; Oxf., c.21, 34); f. XTjy /1Z 10b(4); lpl. pnay 5M 76a(25); 2m. iri'Tjy Pes 30b(14); pri'Tjy TGAs42 80:14; 3m. j'TJXy TGHark 84:19; f. H3y Sab 33a(l); pass.part. 3sg.m. Tay Sab 8b(22); f. XT3y RH 22b(19); 3pl.m. 'T3y Meg 26b(39); f. p'ay Er 95a(16); forms w/o final d: imp. 2sg.m. 'a'n Xe/ 112a(15; MGD 710:20); 3m. 'a'1? RH 20b(25); '3'J /& 34a(52; HP 19:26); Pes 88b(45); lpl. '3'3 Pes 103b(10); part. 3sg.m. '3X Pes 52b(32); AZ 60b(5; HGP 56b:39); ['a T3yp 'X» =] 'a'ax Xp'B Meg 13b(ll; MGG 517:13);- 1. to do, act, proceed: a. alone: Tjyi XXI TaiJ1? layT 'xa he does what he does by himself [i.e. it is his own particular opinion] Ber 48a(31); Pes 68b(51); BB 58a(7); 3D1? XJam TayT "?a whatever the Merciful One does is for good Ber 60b(54); 'XB Tjya1? n1? mn what should she have done? Yev 9ib(6); ,Tra xwa'a x"7'x 'ts dto n'3 pay x1? they do not do anything in it except to wash from it Anan 34:21; Tjy 'DH TjyT lay 'DH TJyT the one who acts in this manner does so (properly), and the one who acts in that manner does so (properly) Sab 61a(15); Ber 39b(27); Git 56a(45); 5A/9a(47); 55 155b(32); Svu 48b(17); Tay Dip ... Tayn x"?1 3'71 remain still [lit. sit] and do not act, begin [lit. arise] to act Pes 51b(18); am 'Trf?rD 'TjyT XJX I acted like PN's pupils Pes 103b(ll); W'J'X T3yV 'D'H how should a person act? Ber 55a(7); pass.part. 'X '3HH Tay if (the forbidden act) is done, it is effective Tern 4b(35); b. w. -3, mX7 against s.o.: i2yi 'a'n 'a xnau xinna ,Ta Tayi xrsnoa a'"iri3D3 I am afraid that He will act against me just as He acted against PN San 96b(12); nxm nxrma@ms Tjyo 'V mayi xrsnoa I am afraid that you will act towards me like the deceitful resident of GN acted Ket 82a(U); Meg 13b(41); c. w. mX7 to s.o.: 13*7 T3y'X 'XB what can I do to you? Sab 81b(44) // Hul 105b(39); Git 14a(25); BM 109a(46); Tayn vh -\12ri? M0 "jVyi do not do to another what you dislike Sab 31a(29); 'DJI'Xl 'an ,T^> nay they treated him in this manner and he was cured BM 86a(20); Sab lla(9); d. w. _3 like s.o., ace. to s.o.: pan npaitf '0V 'ID mayi do you abandon the scholars and act like PN? Er 16b(46); T3yi ''3na p'3E? ail Xfl'iaa does PN abandon our Mishna and act according to a barraital BQ 96b(41) // Ara 29a(20); Suk 46a(19); e. w. var. dir. obj.: v. infra, mng. 11; 2. to make: mairV '3XDB 'nb 'Tjy they used to make shoes for the prostitutes Pes 113b(5); Bek 8b(12); n*7 'Tjyi bymbv ]V nay XnJ,^t? a fox's tooth which they made for him (as a charm) for sleep Sab 67a(37); BM 85b(22); ,T3 1'VnaT XJXB 1'iay they make a tool with which they circumcise Anan 79:4; Sab 74b(19) [basket]; 3HH may31 «1DDT may31 let him make it of silver/gold Yom 39a(22); mJ'Tjyi 'Sin XTIB/'B/ mayi X'Sin ... X'BW (one who stole) leaves of palm branches and made h.-material out of them, h.-material and made rope out of it BQ 96a(27); Git 57a(45); Meg 26b(36); 3. to work: ■w nn layaV n'1? rvwVi let two days (of the week) be permitted to him to work Sab 69b(40); 4. to bring about: xmrrc/a vibi mim nay ■?X"KP'B I brought about that the Torah should not be forgotten by the Jews BM 85b(20; Es); 5. to produce crops (said of land): J1T» XTJyT pX JIITS Xiayi pX a land that produces food/fruit Ber 49a(25); XTjy x"7 p XTJy p whether (the field) produces crops or not BM 101a(25); 7am 29b(30); 'BWBTC73 'On XTjy (the field) produced wheat equal in value to [lit. like] sesame BM 104b(32); 6. to plant, raise a crop [cf. Akk epesu to plant (with names of domestic plants) CAD E 229, mng. 2.f.4']: 'B1J1 H3 Tjya"7 to raise garlic in it [i.e. the field] BM 106b(22); ,TI3y XflOSOX he planted it with alfalfa ib. 30(V22); 7. to prepare [Sy, LS ib., mng. 4a]: a. food, dish: xysttn xaa'3 xm'n x"?ry vb iTjyi they prepared for them a three-year old calf in the daytime of the seventh (day) Sab 136a(42); Tan 12b(26); Yev 63a(42); Hul llla(29); ib. 133a(27); Git 55b(54); Sab 145b(19); pass.part. TWTiax 'T3yT Xni^ai X273m Xna'p flour, honey, and oil which are prepared as an '.-dish Ber 37a(26); b. meal: pa-iV xmiyo Tjy he prepared a meal for the students Ket 112a(40); Meg 7b(22); c. drugs: "Xni 'inao H'1? 'TjyT XD'XI it happens that they prepare dragon's blood for him [i.e. for his wound], and he recovers Yev 114b(40); Git 12b(23); Yom 84a(18); d. meat [i.e. to dress an animal; cf. Sy: _omA <ai^n rdl^. Acts 7:41]: xmD '31? Vy arvf? xdm '3 xnrn T3y xpT xmi xinn^ n'na^x when he arrived there, he entered the slaughterhouse (and) found a certain man who was dressing an animal Bek 8b(14; V9); 8. to observe a religious nay requirement: •'yK '15 'V XTTIIX T3y xVl "731 any Jew who does not observe Jewish law was called a pagan Anan 7:7; ib. ,20:21; W 'in lTJyb let them observe (the holiday) for two days RH 21a(6) [cf. Akk uma epesu to arrange a festival CAD E 224]; Bes 4b(26); 9. to performed a magical practice [JPA 13y pe. DJPA 393, mng. 10; cf. Akk epesu G, mng. If, CAD E 228+]: Tjy TjyT 'Xa he performed a magical practice (in the cemetery) [lit. he did what he did] BM 107b(4) [so Rashi]; Sab 34a(4; Ar [AC 6:157]); 10. to fare, prosper: T3y Xp 'X» 113X3 'p3 *?'? go (and) inquire into how your father is faring BM 84b (11; Es); 11. w. var. dir. obj. [for add. refs., v. obj., s.v.]: a. KIID'K to perform a prohibited act: XTIO'X TjyT 'ino XD'X there are witnesses that he performed a prohibited act Pes 113b(25); Yev 89a(6); Hul 82a(25); b. KniOK to give medical treatment [cf. Akk asuta epesu CAD E 204]: xniDX "]V Tjy he gave you medical treatment San 109b(18); c. xni'31 to collect taxes: Xm'3J ny 'JC? "ID®'^ he collected taxes for thirteen years San 25b(47); d. KroiJl to commit robbery: VlTX yw ymm 1'nwy xmm Ti3y they went (and) committed robbery for twenty-two years AZ 26a(6); e. K3'T to render judgment [cf. Akk dinam epesu CAD E 206]: KH.trrX T3y x"7 n'tysa1? a person may not render a (favorable) judgment for himself BQ 27b(37); f. KT3T1 to make a distinction: XTD'n ]:3T 1H3 113y the scholars made a distinction concerning them Sab 16a(20); g. NJ3Bhn to calculate [4- X:i31!hn mng. 3]: 'Tin 'in3 X33tt;in TOSH Wl VUn certain gardeners who calculated among themselves Git 14a(20); h. K3B K8V to make a feast [I X3t? XQT mng. 2b]: 133^ X3D X»V m3X "\ Tjy PN made a feast for the students Ber 46a(3); i. Knp' to honor [I Xnp' usage b]: Xnxp' '13y Xp ]331 'TtnV the scholars honor each other MQ 25b (3); j. kjiV'S: l) to do s.t.: T3y xpT xm xabys xm'a he is merely doing something Git 52b(27); San 113a(49); Tjy XriTJI' xrf?'B xaVT, perhaps he did something exceptional MQ 21a(6); 2) to make a decision: 4 l#xm'B mng. 9.b.l; 3) to do a favor: I ib., mng. 9.b.2; 4) euph. to be bled: 4- ib., mng. 9.b.3; k. KtfBJ n"J to give 837
iay 838 lay satisfaction [4- XT'3 mng. lb]: X3T3yi 713)3 by X2?S3 n"3 "1^ on condition that I give you satisfaction BQ 105b(24); BM 34b(8); 1. KO'3 to perform a miracle: npiff1? X0'3 'Mm T3y does the Merciful One perform a miracle for liars? Ber 58a(45); m. Kmiy to decide a legal case [i xmiy mng. 2.b.3]: xn'ina xn 'a xmiy mya"? to decide the case according to this Tannaitic source RH 27a(29); n. JW1T3'J? to do work [4- xnT3'y mng. lb]: xmny nay nrt wh people who were doing work Mg 27b(27); o. KpO'y to engage in business [4- XpO'y mng. lb]: mm XpD'y nay he engaged in business, and it was profitable Er 64b(l); p. 13X to arrange one's affairs: T3y XJX ivb 'n'3 13X1 I do not arrange my affairs San 7b(31); q. K3"ip to do battle, make war [OfA 3"lj? lmy Beh 57, Sy -<-■«- rd^j-U. PSm 3726, Akk tahazu epesu CAD E 221; 4- X3"lj? usage b]: lT'TO X3"lp T3y31 plD'J let us go out to do battle with them Git 56a(31); Tarn 32a(51); AZ 8b(24); HM 44:12; ib. 14; SOZ 73:4; pi. 'KIT Hi13 'Kan imy '31p pm ]'ri>n the Romans fought thirty-two wars with the Greeks AZ 8b(19); r. Xniyn to do s.o.'s will: nax^B vrnOT Kniyn T3yi the angel who does the will of his Master Bo 14:6; s. Kflismtf to make a partnership [Akk sutaputa epesu CAD §/3 398]: mn nna xnismw myi 'xpma mm certain sowers of safflower who made a partnership between them AZ 22a(8; Geon 153:14); t. X"IBB? etc. to draw up a document [cf. Akk satara epesu CAD E 220]: 'TSV X1DC? 'ffi'X 'lay xV people do not draw up a document for (the sale of) produce BB 33b(19); '"? T3y "TCnpB H'V myi VlXl DIPS (he said to him:) "Draw up for me a plain document", and he drew up for him a double document ib. 165a(7); pass.part. Tb n'X xVp X"1D'X Tay (if) an '.-document is drawn up, it is publicly known BM 39b(5; V22); u. Knin'^tP to carry out a commission, act on s.o.'s behalf: T3y xp HTT Xmn'1?^ he carries out her commission BQ 102b(23); v. xaVtf to make peace [Akk sulma epesu CAD E 221, Sy i-> <- *lSa\ v PSm 2768]: in"in3 Xabv T3y3 let us make peace with them Git 56a(30); ib. 52a(32); w. NTUpri to contrive a solution: "p T3yx XJX I ~f? X3TXB1 Xrapn I shall contrive a solution for you and shall save you San 109b (54); f? T3yj Xmpn 18 find a solution for us Yom 83b(36); Yev 37a(4); 12. pass.part. likely, apt [cf. MH2 'Itoy. BY 4770]: a. w. fol. inf.: sg.m. "ira1? T3yi xmi a man who is likely to rent BQ 20a(45); 'TB nillxVl ^bWMib T3jn something which one is likely to lend or lease BM 116a(26); f. xnTB "T>rx^ XT3JH a matter which is apt to be revealed Sab 10b(24); Bes 16a(26); Yev 93b(19); Git 28b(46; V18); b. w. fol. rel. clause w. part.: sg.m. TM'T 133 ynST tf'3'X T3y a person is likely to repay (his debt) within its designated time [i.e. before its due date] BB 5a(25); X^T tf'3'X T3y X3'1 '33 X"?X PPTUyD '"7JB a person is unlikely to reveal his claims except in court ib. 31a(19); 36b(10); 41b(29); 46b(10); f. xVl Xin man DO n"?3Xn XT3y (the animal) is unlikely to eat the poison BQ 47b(24); BM 45b(15); pl.m. 'T3y Xy3'X3 'BHJ'BI '»3'X people are likely to get divorced discretely Ket 23a(23); Sab 100b(15); •tflXT 'T3yi bpt I11TS fruits of the date palm which are likely to develop BB 79b (10); Ket 60b(47)! [4- Vpjn pe.]; Git 85a(34); Qid llb(26); 5A/118a(13); Men 70a(28) Pa. 1. to prepare parchment [< MH my pi. J 1035]: r(?f? Kb Tjyai OHTSab 73:28; pass.part. nyen xnapi nana xmym xn^ja a parchment sheet which is prepared with dates and barley flour ib. 26; 2. perh. to knead thoroughly: pass.part. TjyaT X3'D well kneaded clay BM 116b (34) Itpe., pf. 3sg.m. Tayn'X Men 64a(19); myn Pes 78b(3; M1); f. XT3n'X Zev 15a(22); XTSyn'X Ket llb(24); 2pl.m. Jinmyn'X Bo 51:4; 3m. Tay'X Anan 76:8; imp. 3sg.m. T3yV Tan 9a(24); T3n'V ib. 22a(16); f. T3ynn AZ 10a(42); part. sg.m. T3yn'B Men 64a(18); f. xmyntJ Pes 54a(22); pl.m. psyna Naz 60a(19); forms w/o final d: pf, 3sg.m. '3n'X Ber 58a(47; MGE 144:14); X3Xn Pes 78b(2);-1. to be made, done, performed: TTWy 'SX3 xmyn'm xnTB "?D anything which is done in the presence of ten (men) Git 33b(7); '3xa pn ]a paynin '3xa garments which are made from these garments ... I Anan 5:13; ib. 47:18; 86:22; X^riSl XOTJl XS031 •tsSffl 839 N«ay. •pXB TaynaT V31 silver, copper, iron, and anything which is produced from the earth AnanSch 3:12; payna XEN'X 'T byi 'tf'3 '©in evil sorcery which is produced by a man Bo 54:8; rrra V'sn'xi xo'i nn Tayn'X nnx mVy "?S3 a lion attacked him, a miracle was performed for him, and he was saved from it Ber 54a(34)2. to be brought about, carried out [4- my'XI]: x"7 H13J "1*I1S nn T3yn'X the requirement of the Most High was not brought about Men 64a(4); imwna XTayn'X his intention was carried out Sab 4a(5); Kar 20a(23); n'38 T3 T3yn' X31 X3'T HXTy X3'T may a great judgment be brought about against him from the upper [i.e. heavenly] court Dec 7:13; 3. to become: nn3D T3ynm X'^p GN should become a colony AZ 10a(42); BB 4a(22); nxDwa n'ana'aV xjn:a Tsyn'XT its since it has become the custom to write it in the writs TGHark 165:7 Lit: Kara 88. - lay'in, TajH, K3«"I adv. after the fact (lit. that it was done; i Vl3y itpe.) a. alone: 'axi tsb; myxi xn xVt xn n^nnD1?! (perhaps) from the beginning it is not (all right. But), after the fact, it is surely proper M?g-19b(25); Yev 102a(16); BB 137a(ll); Men 105b(8); Hul 11 la(37); xV vh^T\TOb ]'X Tjy'T Ber 15a(46); Bes 7b(30); Yev 82b(14); Git 4b(18); AZ 23a(2); X"7 norms'? ]'X X3Xn «// 32b(29); Pei 78b(3); Mrf 59b(34); LPf 150:21; TGAs28 70:11; 'nin '"7 naV I3yn why do I need two after the fact (conditions) in the Mishna? Hul 2b(12); b. in phrase 13yi3: Xlp nns X1? my'TJ Scripture does not begin the text with an accomplished fact Sot 19b(29) Geon. expl.: Ill H0SJ '103 ^KB^X IW 'pyB K1X1 tya IK N3H'l 13y lin LPT 150:21; Y: liri Yev 82b(14; BAYTN 334). i#xiay n.m. slave (4- Vi3y, xnnsy; ta xmy TO Gen 24:34, Sy rtk ->..> LS 504, Ma 1#X13X MD 3) sg. nna 'ap X13ya like a slave before his master Sab 10a(9); BB 3b(39); Xna nai XTJy a slave of the m.m. official TGHark 86:26; T1DX X1H XnsyT n'lTy he declared him to be a slave g;d 70a(30) [in a genealogical sense]; ib. 70b(20); TTjy TIXT PN, his slave BM 64b(27); Suk 10b(4); 'BT 'ypipaa XTjy a slave is considered as real estate BQ 12a(20); XTjy 'B1 X^dVoBD a slave is considered as a movable object 5M ioob(l l); rcb xn'j XTpsn(3){3l XTjy a slave wants lawlessness Git 13a(10); ib. I2a(l4) [+ ii's; I xona mng. la]; ix nxnan xi3y xmy ix nxa-fr ix nxan xiay ix nxayw xi3y [HXJ3T] an Indian slave or a Slavic slave or a Byzantine slave or a Lybian slave or a Negro slave SSHai 7a(l) [O: HXJJI IX]; XniTm XD'l n'^iBS1? xnyix nay 'Vsb rrV nnnDT a document of manumission which I wrote for NN, my slave, with the intention of annulling it ib. 15b(17); 'Xai n'rfr "JTjy np3© 'aye why did you manumit your slave? AZ 17b(43); pi. n3y 'tt/rxV T1? ^pl Tl"l he was in the habit of calling people slaves Qid 70a(30); nnm 'my nn 'n'a mn xav "?3 he used to bring two slaves with him each day AZ 10b(13); n'myl? inV mnwa mn he was freeing his slaves BB 155b(22); BQ 97a(15) // BM 64b(22) [4- V«lpn pe., mng. 3]; najn XmpDT a landed estate of slaves (who work it) Git 40a(42; Geon 82:17); AnanSch 4:24; Bo 56:6 Voc: Hlli HGP 20b: 10; Y: Nljy. BB 127b(22; BAYTN 91); XPX Sab 48a(3). 2#Niay n.m. worshiper, one who practices magic (i Vmy pe. part.; Sy r^i -i < LS 505) 1. worshiper: sg. X3X XT.3T xmy I am a fire worshiper [i.e. Zoroastrian] Ned 62b(7; V2); 2. one who practices magic: pl.abs. ]'tt?'3 p3y evil practitioners of magic Bo 42:1; det. fin'my ib. 47:6; 48:8; 100:15 Lit: D. Goodblatt, JESHO 22 [1979] 283+ [mng. 1]. Nrinay*, abs. liay n.f. slavery, bondage (!' i#xmy; TA xrnmy to Ex 13:3, Sy rc^^on -. > LS 504) sg. imyV pmia ]n xmy this slave is legally placed in slavery Git 86a(5; V18) [quoted from a deed of sale of a slave]; SSHai 7a(10); ib. 15b(4) Y: TOX Gil ib.(BAYTN 167). N3iay, K313N n.m. practitioner (of a ritual; 4-Vmy) sg. x:xmy xnn Bo 139:13; pi. pirn p'lTIWa ^yi lin'313y by pVtX'l let them attack again their practitioners and their scatterers ib.
mray. 840 ■ay 55:8; 13'n(1)MBX} 13'113X your practitioners, your scatterers ib. 125:10 Lit: Muller-Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 163. Ip'iay adj., n. one having a thick beard (< 35? }p1; cf. 4- Xip'1, JplVi) n., sg.m.abs. 0'30 lp1@3y a thick-bearded man is a braggart San 100b(36) Geon. expl.: my i:pw TGHark 145:18; Y: ]i?pj? San ib. N113J?, N713'y n.m. grain (Sy k'-U-^ LS 509, Ma X'113y pi. crops MD 340; cf. TA 113'y TO Gen 27:28) sg. xmn X113y new grain AnanSch 10:5; /'& 17; X113'y XT1T3 'Tl'X V'TX I shall go (and) bring grain for a zuz [i.e. it will be inexpensive] Tan 23b(43; M2) Y: tnay Tan ib.(BAYTN 69). Bay vb. to seize (Ma 1#B3X to fetter, bind MD 3) Itpe. to be seized: B3J?'» XJia 13X XT1B 13 (the property of) one citizen can be seized (for payment of taxes of) another citizen BQ 113b(43) Lit: Greenfield, AKY 14+. 1#'3J/ vb. to be thick (Sy ,-. \ LS 507, MA 1#X3X MD 1) i 2#X3X, '3y,X'3iy, XlX'3iy 2# '3y vb. I Vl3y vb. '3J7 adj. deep voiced, distended (lit. thick; i Vl#'3y, 2#X3X; Sy i<{-,,v LS 507, Ma X'3X MD 4) 1. deep voiced: sg.m. a. alone: 'Sin mtm "ftp because your voice is deep Meg 24b(28); b. 5* 4- ]'Dj? mng. 1.2: sg.m. '1,11 lrP'^p '3y '111 ,T,X 'rV'Vp I'Dp since these have a deep voice, and those have a shrill voice Ara 13b(35) [cf. Sy: «* v -> n o rc*\ , \, n r^\ n PSm 2763, Akk: summa rigma kabar AfO 11 (1936/7) 224:82]; c. *■ 4- V»pX pe., pass.part.: sg.m. Xian 13 XXhp '35? XTIOIO 13 n,!7p *]'1X (if) its voice is deep, it is a donkey colt. (If) its voice is shrill, it is a young of a mare Hul 79a(36); d. * 4- 'ay: sg.m. '3yi XI X^p 'ayi xn X^p this (refers to) where (her) voice is deep, that to where (her) voice is faint Hul 38a(18); 2. distended: sg.f. X133 nb 1"3y the liver was distended HG3 142:89 Y: '3J7 //«/ 79a(36). Ntt'3J7 n.m. basket saddle of a camel (TA X0'3y TO Gen 31:34, Sy 2# «- V ; -. s LS 507) sg. V'T TD'3y 'UP go (and) untie your saddle [i.e. return the stolen garment to its owner] BQ 115a(25) [prov.; // PT BQ 7c(19)] 13y vb. to pass, cross over, transgress, become pregnant (4- X'a '11357 '3, X13a, 13ya adj., xrruya, i#xi3y, xi"i3y, xrray, xi3iy, l#XT13'y, l#X13'y, XB' 13'y; Sy j -A v LS 507, Ma 1#13X MD 4) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to pass, pass by: a. general: X1H X3313 13y3 'TWiai 13yi X1H iTVT it is (Orion's) glow which has passed by (in the sky), and it appears as if a star had passed by Ber 58b(48); "13 X"n 311 mib 13yi 'Tyi1? H'JTin XIX H'TaVn 'ItfX I saw PN who passed by PN2, his disciple Yom 77b(19); BB 73a(25); Vy 2/1'X "131 13y xV rrmoa no one can pass by his guard post Bo 7:13; b. of time: "BV J'yaiX XT'ty 13y x"?T (barley cakes) which are less than forty days old [lit. forty days have not passed over them] Git 69b(12); n'J&T n'V X13y its time passed RH 28b(38); 2. to cross over (a body of water) [cf. Akk eberu A CAD E 10, mng. 1]: I3y X1? 31 '11 H'3 ;i'X1 X13B3 PN would not cross on a ferry in which there was a pagan &z6 32a(13); ib. 119a(22); San 109b(7); Foot 77b(21); Bes 7b(4); A/«/ 41a(34); BQ 113b(36); Zev 118b(46); ///W 37:2; ib. 42:20; 3. to transgress [w. by, "K]: a. alone: Sab 40a(50) [4- Xl"13y]; 13yi 'p"?T 'XH1 XIH 'ami Xia'BX the reason that he receives lashes is because he transgressed the Merciful One's command Tern 4b(37); AZ 29a(47); Men 3a(17); 5M90a(48); Hul 133a(30); 13ypi JOTin ''nyi3E?X you saw that he is breaking his oath Ned 65a(14); XTT'IIX "73 "?y 13yi he transgressed the entire Torah Dec 5:5; b. w. fol. vb.: 13yi 'B^'l 3'011 perhaps he transgressed and married (an Egyptian) Yev 78a(l); HP 110:30; ib. 207:1 Pa. 1. to cause s.o./s.t. to pass: a. general: 13y'V rvi'a y\yi xarra xp x"n wrx 'jtVi let him cause someone with whom he has displeasure to pass by and come Git 56b(17); Ket 16b(42); rryiX3 X'a 'lisy^ to let water pass through his field San 39a(30) [used fig. of urine passing through the body]; BB 97b(20); Sab 90b(31) [I XT&VD]; Bes 28b(l); AZ 26b(21); ]131 lriX '3 mb X113ya '■? una when the scholars come (and) show me (your signature) I shall let them pass (the customs) BB 167a(10); Ket 10b(2) s-;a niay. i [4- xmairi mng. 3c]; 2. to move s.o./s.t. over a body of water: XTU mV 13ya DWf 31 PN used to move them across the river Qid 81b(35); ib. 71b(7); Meg 28b(44); BM 93b(33); AZ 65b(6); 3. to convey: x"?'n '131 'ixa iri'13ya '3 when you convey the soldiers' garments Sab 147b(29); 4. to depose, remove: a. people: pm 31 HTiaK? il'isyi PN excommunicated him and deposed him San 25a(23); Hul 18a(12); ,1113y '113y "?'11 maplX nm perhaps they actually deposed him and re-established him BB 164b(18); Ber 27b(46); Sab 133b(33); Hor 13b(46); b. objects: xaniT 'Tnyb to remove the dirt (in the dish) Ber 39a(44) // AZ 38b(56); Ket 75a(26); Naz 40a(19) [4- Xt£?l]; ib. 61a(6); c. disease: Xiam DD13V n'V isya x'a xis'^i ddis1? rvb isya xis'b? s.-beverage removes pleurisy of (drinking) wine. Water removes pleurisy of (drinking) s.-beverage Hul 105b(33); d. inheritance: '113y '3 'inn X1? Xnionx do not be in a place of removing of inheritance [i.e. among those who transfer an inheritance from the legal heir] BB 133b(30); 5. to apply a substance [caique < MH 13y hif. J 1038, mng. 1]: irD ViVd1? in1? 13y» he applies all of them [i.e. the seven substances] together Zev 95b(2); 6. to omit, defer: Xl,1 '113yi HWb a term of omitting something Er 65a(14) [expl. MH p'SB ib.]; 110X X71BD1DX Xym '113y it is forbidden to defer (the phylactery) of the arm to the phylactery (of the forehead) [i.e. to put on the latter first] Yom 33b(8; L) [M2: '113X]; 7. to become pregnant [JPA 13y pa. DJPA 394, mng. 8, MH m|iya J 1039; 4- 13ya mng. 1]: pass.part. rrayai 'Xn the one with whom you are pregnant BB 141b(8); 8. to add a day to a month to make it one of thirty days: ,1113y '113y V.TN! Xinm 1"X (the scholars) indeed added a day to Iyyar of that year Sab 87b(13); b^H1? mi3y they added a day to EM RH 32a(32); IIXV H'Tay^l let him add a day to Adar San 13b(8); Pes 117b(33); RH 20a(23); Ara 9b(12); 9. to intercalate (a month), make a leap year: WW trmb mi3yi they intercalated a month in that year San 18b(42); ib. 13b(8); pass. part. 4- 13ya mng. 2; 10. in idiomatic phrases: a. w. NflV'S to cause apostasy: 'ya Xp XD^'a 'HSyV he wants to cause i#Niay him to violate (his) religion San 74b (20); b. w. Vy "'V'» to overlook one's grievance [cf. MH2 vmra by T3ya J 732]: nV'a by xi3ya msy she would indeed overlook her grievance Yev 63b(7) // San 22b(5); H'V'aX 13yai J131D X311X a s.m. who overlooks his grievance Hag 5a(9); c. w. OiaVip to overwrite [cf. MH2 OiaVip l'Vy T3ya Sab 104b(33)]: H'lffip'n Oia^ip ,1'Vy 13yil let him overwrite it and sanctify it Git 54b(47) Itpa. 1. to be removed: n'ma "Myb let his brain be removed BQ 99b(24; OHP ib. 156:30) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 13yn'a '3H ]"X1 xVl XIX'1 "731 nTDn ]a any judge who does not judge so is removed from his position GnKl 70:8; 2. to become pregnant: ]13ya 11X3 '113yx (the sheep) indeed become pregnant in Adar RH 8a(25); Bek 8b(8); TIT xnbn X13y'X H1H X,11 Xlp'ya was she not, in fact, already pregnant for three months? Sot 12a(44); San 69a(12); Bek 7a(33); Nid 30b(20); D'lia payai 'IB' 11113 Jewish women who had become pregnant from pagans Yev 46a(29); HG3 293:64; HP 204:6; 3. to be intercalated of a month, to be made a leap year: XTO '13yai yi'1 XH this refers to when he knows that a month will be intercalated Ned 63a(24) Geon. expl.: Tljnpa ma V7 fX OHP BQ 156:30 [but v. I ihay itpe.]. - N'S '"liay. n.m. watercourse (pa. inf.; 4- '3 X'a ni3y) sg. TGAs33 211:14 [in a writ]; SSSad 204:7 l#K*iay, *03'y n.m. bolt (I Vl3y, mi; Sy rc'-Ua^. SIB 1:8, Ma 4#X1X3X MD 1, TA X13y TJ Jud 16:3) a. general: ni3yi XVlb nmpyi you uprooted the door and its bolt Ket 10a(40); HBIl ni3yi SSHai 6a(6); ib. 6b(10); XB11 X13'y Sab 10a(24; MGE 362:12); mm X13'y3 X11»'3 xbn he hung the meat on the door bolt Bes 40a(26; L); xi3'y3 'xpi 'bm pns' 13 n3iV rrrDE/x xrai Xl»11 PN found PN2 standing against [lit. adhering and standing on] the door bolt Git 32b(7); Er 102a(17); Pes 68b(48); Hag 15b(43); b. in a metaph. sense: X13y '3 Xam ira ... 'ian iWtb (eating) dates after bread is like a bolt for a door [i.e. it is beneficial for the body] Ket 841
2# may 842 1? 10b(54); X13J? '3 'V 'Km (the signature of the witness) is placed (on the two divorce documents) like a bolt [i.e. straight and not slanted to one of them] Git 88a(10) This word has van forms in ms. [t03'y, X"VD'S»], but the present form has been preferred on the basis of the comparative evidence. The mng. of: KID °?X"IW' flXI Xtm X-Q'y -pyiU XVin Yev 102a(29) is uncertain. Lit: Eps, Stl 314; Voc: Kjsy VTM 95a; Y: lOTJ? Sab 10a(24; BAYTN 123). 2# may 4- xnax NJ'nay n.m. transgressor (4- Vl3y; MH2 r>'13y J 1040; cf. Sy rdJio-i s sin LS 508) sg. ]XB 'Xn x3"-iay mV npa1? ••-w pa-nx nayi it is permitted to call anyone who transgresses (the ordinances) of the scholars a transgressor Sab 40a(50) Y: xrnajj Sab ib. Nrnaj? n.f. removal from office (4- Viay pa., mng. 3; itpa., mng. 1) sg. '33a xVt X3Xn bn n'1? p'pVo<B) '^ts^oaa rwx nmriDi main ^ys1? mVy xrroy ]<3)'anai we remove and write (a writ) of removal from office against any judge who does not order money to be collected from movable property for creditors and for a woman's ketubba OHT Ket 212:30 7'l.J/ adj. round, convex (4- Way pe., pass.part.; JPA V'Ay DJPA 395, MH 96$ Yeivin, BV 952, Vi5$7 MNidK 8:4, J 1040) 1. round: sg.m. "XH V'ly "XH TE?a this one [i.e. the hole] is elongated, (and) that one is round Zev 74b(35); f. xn^'jy xna a circular town Er 57a(14); pl.f. 1^'iy Bek 40a(32) [of an animal's feet]; 2. convex: sg.m. V'jy X1?! m1? JTX (the bird) has it [i.e. "]Tn ID; v. MHul 7:1], but it is not convex Hul 92b(4); ib. 5 Y: Vjy ljul ib.(BAYTN 52). NnV'^JJ n.f. wagon (4- V?AV; Sy K'&JL^i LS 510 [Urmia], TA xffriy TO Num 7:3) sg. lTXl Xn"?'iy3 'J1"X he [i.e. David] brought (the ark) in a wagon Sot 35a(55; V2) [Var: rlTmbw pi. O8] Y: xrf?)5J Sol ib. Vay vb. to round off (4- ^ny, xrfrjy, xVaiy, xViry; Sy A^^ to roll away LS 510) Pe.: pass.part. biyii 1IT7 V'lJH he indeed rounds them off [i.e. the supports under the loaves of showbread] Men 94b(ll; V10); Zev 62b(33) Itpe. to be rounded off: bxyQ X1? ynviOT awa since a square cannot be rounded off TGAs28 207:13 Vaj;* adv. quickly (Sy Aj^. LS 509) only in phrases: - K^a adv. quickly (Sy Aj^-s LS 510, Ma bxi'^3 MD 235) xViy3 in 13 XTtPa1? TI"1 ]13"n31 XS'TD may He cause the Messiah, the son of David, to come quickly in our lifetime and in your lifetime iSGF 122:2; xVjya XH' man may his calamity come [lit. be] quickly Dec 7:18; ib. 12; X^jya pOTTO that they should be healed quickly Bo 49:2; ib. 118:3; 74:13; 112:11; ]V>?m S'3'S by xViys that you [i.e. the aforementioned spirits] should attack NN quickly HMGas 94:6 Y: Xj>J5J3 Pes 75a(47). - tojj£ adv. quickly (Ma ^vb MD 235) biybl n'JIX because you will be coming quickly [i.e. you will die shortly] Ber 18b(49); 'DTI '3 bW*? T-wVl so that he should be burnt quickly (during execution) San 52a(44); Pes 75a(47; O) Y: °7}j£ Ber ib. PJ? vb. to desert a wife (< MH2 py pe. J 1042; 4- XJU'y; cf. Sy ^ to throw down LS 510) Pa., only w. V3JT pa. to make a woman dwell as a deserted wife [caique < MH ruiiy TO.VV PT Git 45c(16); v. J 1042]: aVTBl pyBl XB'l IT7 p'111 he throws her (an unsigned) get, and makes (her) dwell as a deserted wife Git 26b(ll; V18) [v. Itpa.] Itpa., only w. Van' pe. to dwell as a deserted wife: a'JVJll pyn Vibt m»B so that she should not dwell as a deserted wife BM 19a(28); ]'M'I xami xnym o'3xi ttx xnaoi cnx x"?t sometimes he is not prevented (from coming), but she thinks that he is, and she dwells as a deserted wife Ket 3a(l); X3jyBl 'bm m pnn mm G7f 26b(ll) [v. Pa.] "757, "7K prep, until, up to, conj. until, by the time that, as soon as, while (4- XBiy, 'DH; Sy n_*l LS 510, Ma IX MD 6, p'DOTX until we reached Gy 151:12) I. prep, until, up to: 1. general: a. spatial: ly Vxw"? xapiy -ia mV 'iVa mn xnv V3 iTPBtfX PN used to accompany PN2 every day up 13? 843 T? to his lodging MQ 16b(23); "|Xin Ty mBxV p93 he went out towards him up to GN BQ 104b(17); x'»a nVionp ty xa'p mm xrrnsx xvin a certain bird that was standing up to its ankles in the water BB 73b(28); XBinn ty up to the abyss Zev 24a(28); xnS'D «]10 iy until the end of the (Pentateuchal) book HP 182:2; ib. 185:19; b. temporal: wan «]1D ny up to the end of the fifth (hour) Pes 12b(12); X31»3 m ty until Sunday Meg 30a(20); 1'yD X1? yiV yyyif ly (the carob tree) does not bear fruit until the seventieth year Tan 23a(44); Git 86a(8) [I TISB]; /4Z 19b(13); 2. in adv. phrases: a. w. a fol. adv.: a. TO'X ~iy until when?: mrrUBVU Dip,',?T n,!? xrn TO'X lyi until when does he want to maintain his trustworthiness? BM 16a(24); Tan 25a(8); Ket 8a(34); BM 106b(9); b. XiTXH iy until now: rVlX ID'JSD IX1? X3TXH 1V1 ^aa this implies that until now (Adam) had not begotten a son in his image Er 18b(35); A/0 27a(21); Ket 103a(52); San 20a(44); c. Xne/n 7y until now [cf. Akk adi inanna, etc. CAD A/1 119]: *ppT Xniffn lyT JV3 nDia 'Tl2?m since until now he was erect and now he is bent over Ber lla(41); Meg 13b(16); 7ev 80b(31); Hor 10a(46); d. ]X3 Ty until now [cf. Akk adi akanni, adikanna, etc. CAD A/1 120]: nawn nx v^y bbrf? x"7X 'j'^s x"7 ixa nyi until now they only disagree concerning desecrating the Sabbath for it Sab 135b(4); Ket 95a(23); BM 81b(37); Bek 33b(33); e. ma iy until now [1 na]: mn' xna x1? ma lyi mrnaa 'ya he wants to hit him, but he has not hit him until now San 58b(38); f. n»3 iy how much?: Pes 113a(18); Git 59a(23) [w. ref. to child's age]; BB 145b(ll); AZ 19b(13); Hul 43b(33); g. w. fol. prep, phrase: X'35 HH3 iy until towards evening Anan 29:26; rTTOT 'S 'im iy until the tip of the penis Anan 84:17; xaVT H'J^S] ina iy until after noon AnanEps 289:13; 3. in seq. lyOO ... '» from ... until/up to [cf. Akk istu ... adi CAD A/1 116, 118]: a. spatial: xisio iyi ^m xnraa 'XyiDT from a hair of my head to a toenail of my foot Sab 140a(29; V) [merism for the entire body; 4- xnsio mng. 2]; dti iyi xBirm rryixa xyp*l from the lowest part of the abyss up to the highest part of the sky ib. 63b(8) [merism]; xainn lyi n^lS^a from its [i.e. the date palm's] lower portion to the abyss BB 37b(21) // Ara 14b(26; V10); xyTOJ nyi xmoa from GN to GN2 Ber 44a(30; P); b. temporal: iy\ X3TXm TlTlxa Titibl XJT11X from tonight until tomorrow night Ber 3b(34); Xmsy lyi xnana from Passover until Shavuot Sab 147b(36); II. conj. 1. until: a. w. pf.: isnv 'na 'Da'XT iy nmnx1? nmnx"? 'xp mn he used to stand far behind him until he was out of PN's sight Yom 53a(47); 3T TIFt iy plS'X xVl npnOSI mmi *pv it was not solved until PN served as the head of the academic session and solved it Ket 42b(23; V5); Qid 70b(32); BQ 112b(49); BM 16a(26); BB 58a(20); ->VO mi '3:1 in1? wn mb vnp\m any p'Vot iyi he does not consider the six years until Ezra immigrated and sanctified (the land) Ara 13a(6; M); ib. 12b(19); b. w. part.: 'yo '■? 'iaxi iy 1'ynax aTin x"? do not sit on your feet [perh. cross-legged] until you tell me the reason Ned 55a(35); ,aiD3,Xi7 X2?3X 3"n'a 'ana ina1? pn mix |'a yr mbi ty xmsa a person is required to become intoxicated on Purim until he cannot distinguish between 'Cursed is Haman' and 'Blessed is Mordecai' Meg 7b(18); Sab 21b(17); Hag 5a(6); Git 52b(7); BB 22a(22); Hul lla(19); Tarn 32a(35); 'Vsai mT n^ nvvm Dmax1? xsa'piaix x3'2/aai pnvb n^b X3a'piaixi n'1? X3(,3)(3,i3p)ai 2pyb pi X3(,3){3,')3ai (nfVsai mT mV (I am delayed) until I wake up Abraham, wash his hands, he prays, and I lay him down, and until I wake up Isaac, wash his hands, he prays, and I lay him down, and the same for Jacob BM 85b(4l; F1); HP 55:10; na'XT xons'a xpsj 'aa mi3T ly from when she goes out of her mother's womb until she matures HP 152:16; iy piOl xynx Vy p'SX ]'pam they bow down until their faces touch the ground Anan 19:17; '©BT iyi xrmxT '^'a '-naTxV n'V tdx mm he is forbidden to mention words of the Torah until he washes his hands ib. 25:3; 55:5; 77:23; 2. w. pf. in main clause by the time that: KS^'X XriXT ty ]3nv "\ I^B by the time that PN came, PN2 headed the academic session Tan 21a(21) // xnxiX Ket 69b(36); V\m~l Xyyx XriXlX by the time that he came, his wife had become sterile
itfniy 844 Hy Ket 62b(35); 'im .TtfBJ m ^TXn ny by the time that he went, PN had died &A 139a(48); XJlXn ny "|ttfn by the time that he came it had become dark San 96a(7); 3. before: a. w. pf: VxpTrp XJlXn ny TOTS ]XB before Ezekiel came, who had explained it? Zev 18b(44); Tin J3'y»Wl ny rbv p'yBKT1? before he imparted to us a tradition (of this law concerning) a pig, he should have done so concerning a lamb Bek 24a(36); X3pTl ny xs^a wb own m xmo tf? N"?"y 'nrnn 'aim 'naa nbm ]3 yunrr1? n'apixn PN brought in a tarqov of denars to Yannai, the king, before he appointed PN among the high priests Yom 18a(23; E1) [but //: H'V D'pian ny Fev 61a(25)]; b. w. part.: mxnb .n"»T3 miys1? m 'anan ny before he compares her to a woman who has had sexual intercourse, let him compare her to a mature girl Ket llb(23); 'J1J7T1 31XB nan ny W'X TOXB COPhar1? before they learn (the punishment of stoning) from 'ov and yid'oni, let them learn (it) from a married woman San 53a(28); 'VllJIID <l)l'llVs'3 ,n3'33 '^B'BnX before they dispute concerning an egg, let them dispute concerning a hen Bes 2b(ll); Yev 26a(32); gW68a(28; O2); 4. w. part, as soon as: H'1? NJjnBl ^ '1.TIK as soon as I have (the money), I shall pay him BQ 107a(9); XJ'nxn nyn XJX JUS ,x? Nlia XB'XI X03 '*? 'Via X3X 31 '3a such as me, as soon as I came from school my father used to draw me a cup (of water) and my mother used to mix (it) for me (with wine) Qid 31b(9); 'TIKI ny XmV as soon as he comes to court (we rescind the summons) BQ 113a(8; HP 82:8); 5. w. part. while ... (still) [Sy ocn :ia, Ma 1 by Nold, MG 374; 4- "l 'TO]: rnnXT Ijn Vd'X ]TJB3<n)(W) 15? 7IB1P TlTp xnnTTX 'TO while you are hungry eat, and while you are thirsty drink. While your pot is seething, pour (it) out Ber 62b(6); ny 'bri -pp> fip n<'){l)p' TIpian while your fire is burning, cut off your gourd and roast (it) San 33b(27); AZ 58b(27); yan'B ,TV 'TO3Bnx while they are boiling it, it becomes leaven Pes 39b(35); ib. 101a(19); (n)'TI'I 'TO D'TIT ny while it is clawing it injects its venom Hul 53a(35); nsioa NJB'nn V333 xnx'jss n"?3Xix while you were eating the inflorescences of date palms in Babylonia [i.e. before you immigrated to Eretz Israel], we interpreted it from the latter part (of the Mishna) BB 107b(24) II Bek 18a(28) Lit: Satzlehre 239+; Voc: 1$ HGP 27a:33. - Xbl TJT, Nj»™ conj. before (Sy rdJt ^a! LS 511, mng. 5b, Ma xVnx MD 8) w. pf.: xm ny br\ T'DBX it went down in price before he brought it (there) BB 98a(26); XB"p X331W 3'32? xVnX n'Jl'313a before the deceased dies his ... comes into being BB 91a(18; Ar [AC 5:171]); H3X Xmx XTOTI3 before they are lost, I search (for them) ib. 152a(10; Ar [AC 2:37]) [- Mil? prep., conj. until (< Sy rdiari-*- LS 512; 4- ny) I. prep.: XBnyi n'E/XTI XIU'3 ]'B H'VJ'I !xy'BTD from the hair of his head until the toes of his feet Bo 21:19; II. conj.: XBX@ny ■'Vji by Hj?l» '73'JT until his brain will be shaken out on the rocks ib. 127:24] N"TJ7 pron.f. this (< XTI; 4- Hy pron.) max my this'says ... San 67b(12; F2); BM 60a(15); Bek 45b(55; V9); 'nn Xiy let this be (so) Pes 53b(45); Mak 2\b(ll) Lit: Eps, Gr 24; Y: Xiy Pes ib. 1K"!& ]""$ adv. still (< ]Hy*; MH JX ny, ]"ny Yeivin, BV 1142) a. in BT: XVI ]'B3 ]"ny he is still hungry Ber 42a(3); T^> 'y3'n l"nyi still you can ask Sab 127a(41); Yev 108a(28); BM 105b(33); in'B"p 13"711T<'T)B3 ]"ny do you still remain in your impetuosity? Ket 112a(45); Git 36b(39); Qid 77b(20); Hul 59a(47); iSGF 11:4; l"X@ny HP 19:19; b. in Geon. lit.: n'TVIttrn }vr\y\ XB'p she is still under his control ib. 108:23; XJVy n3 Xlb JTX ]iayi we must still look into it TGHark 47:28; ib. 155:28; 189:22; )X@nyi rG/fc2S 201b:l; 7G^« 80:15 K3"!? n.m. lot (TA ,T3iy TO Gen 49:21, Sy kL=>xJ;. pi. LS 512) pl.abs. ]'3ny 1BTI they cast lots TGAs33 211:11 '"75? vb. to pass, pass over, remove (4 V'nX; Sy pt'ii. LS 511, Ma 1# XIX MD 6) Pe.: 'priBTI HB3 '3m liT'lV'y ny how many destinies have passed over these (old men)! Qid 33a(43); 'priBTl 'in "?3 my inyn all the destinies which have (already) passed over it [i.e. the produce of the field] RH '1? 845 TT r 16a(6; M2); 'B '3 'B ]B 'nym VlD3m firm that you [i.e. a sore] should depart, be annulled, and pass from NN HM 40:8; ynyjl Bo 5:1 Pa. 1. to throw: 4 V'nx pa.; 2. to remove: "ny X3TOn removing the snuffed out wick Bes 32b(5; Ar [AC 5:94]M2) [expl. MH ]'Dn/ma ib. 3]; HJ?n Er 53b(19) [in a sophistic usage] Af. to remove: n3OT "nyx1? Bes 32b(5) [v. Pa.]; 1'dVb nxiyx1? to remove kings HM 37:2 [archaic] '13? pron.m. this, these (< i HXn; 4 XTy) sg. 'ny X'n HXTiD this is something of GN Git 31b(57); pi. I'nsiJ 'ny these (men) are our husbands ib. 45a(45; O3); 'B'SB 'ny these are the doorposts Men 34a(12) Geon. expl.: ni TOTB Hy OHT Ber 94:8; nDKT 1X03 'iy WITS pn OHP Ber 59:21; Lit: Eps, Gr 20; Y: 'Ty. Git 31b(57). ]'Hjr 4 ]xny adv. Nb'iy 4 x"?'nx «]'"Tg adj. worthy, preferable (4 V*py; MH2 Tny J 1044) 1. valuable, worthy: a. alone: sg.m. im ]ra 'nn3 Tny in"3B one of them [i.e. from Eretz Israel] is worth two of us [i.e. from Babylonia] Ket 75a(44); X"?p'n3 -|pD'y Tny your merchandise will be valuable like a date palm Ber 56a(39); XlT3y XB'nyn I did (something) which is more worthy Qid 70b(18); Yev 27b(6); f. 'TIBS X31D XB'nyn GN which is extremely valuable Meg 6a(29); b. p: sg.m. -|3» XJB'ny X3X I am more worthy than you Suk 48b(16); Qid 29b(51); Er 13b(16) [4 Vnnn pa., usage b]; 'XrB riB'ny x"7 you are not more valuable than I BM 101b(29); Ket 103b(7); f. H'TnB XB'ny 'Tn mine [i.e. my gift] is more valuable than his Meg 7b(8); pl.m. vrra i'ny itx ix n'aa 'B'ny inrx are they more worthy than he, or is he more worthy than they? Meg 3a(40); n'3'B "UTOXn xn31'B WB'ny X1? you are not worth more than the man from whom you came HP 72:14; 2. preferable: a. sg.m. H1W I'ny "'y'Tt the discretion of the judges is preferable Ket 94b(4); IX *py Vipm xnXTI I'ny TD3n XmV'T XB^'n is the profit of heqdes preferable or is the debasement of a firstborn (animal) preferable? Zev 75b(12); Meg 3b(13); Naz 47a(27); Git 41b(15); BM 8b(35); Hor 14a(ll); Nid 69a(37); f. XB'ny XH this is preferable Ber 52b(12); BM 96a(ll); Ara 16b(24); ISGF 65:9; pl.m! 'TIB 'B'ny nrf?T) three (witnesses) are preferable to two Svu 42a(33; TGHark 33:9); 3. w. 'b to prefer: sg.m. TO vfy Tny XTn'.nn he prefers the power of permission (instead of prohibition) Er 72b(16); XJT'BpB '"? XB'ny XnX'nm I prefer the latter (legal tradition of PN) to the former one Sab 10b(35); ib. 119a(ll); BB 141a(4) Voc: 1'iy HGP 6a:31; Y: I'ly Ber 10b(52). t]15? vb. to prefer (4 I'ny, XBniy; MH my hif. J 1045) Af.: p3n msnyx n'ywix 'nm n"n 'nm WJ'B the scholars preferred (the Tannaitic traditions) of PN and PN2 over them [i.e. those in the Mishna] ISGF 39:19 pty 4 Vp3X vb. Nnij; n.m. flock, herd (TA XTiy TO Gen 32:16) sg. 'Vbj xV xmy «]iD3 'bsa xmy »na d'sxti do wolves attack the head of the flock, but do not attack the end of the flock? Sab 53b(43); ib. 54b(48) // Bes 23a(36); H3MO m'tm ]XB 'XH xnnya XID'n one whom they saw lifting up a ram from a flock (to steal it) BQ 118b(3); n'my n'Vo his entire flock Hul 138a(47); Bek 31a(30) // ib. 35b(22) // ib. 53b(7) Y: X'liy Sab 53b(43; BAYTN 91). nNlj; adj. of GN sg.m. HXiy yVW Yom 47b(6); ib. 10 XliiJ/, KIKaiy" n.m. act, case, magical practice (4 Vn3y, xnsiyn ma; TA xnsiy TO Num 31:51, Ma XnX3iy deed, magical praxis MD 342, Sy ■**! -^ v LS 504) 1. act, action, deed: sg. n'C?BJ3 xn3iy nsyn XD'X does one perform an act (which endangers) one's life? Yev 64b(38); Yom 71b(9); Ket 62b(ll); pl.abs. Vim p3iy actions of a secular nature Bek 32b(22); cs. HB'X 'n3iy3 Xm3 H3iy n,3 the actions of the daughter are like those of her mother Ket 63a(18); det. DIIPB HX3iy because of (our) actions Tan 24b{9); dVoB H'n3iy3 he is perfect in his deeds Meg 23a(33); MQ 25a(45); Ned 22a(5); ]'n3yn XD^'B p1? Xani lin'nsiys"1 the turn of events causes them to act like their [i.e. the pagans'] actions Anan 7:6; 2. case: sg. a. alone: Xn3iy mn there was a case Meg
icaty 846 1113/ 5a(4); Yev 37a(13); ib. 65b(6); m.TI X13iy Xinn DT33 a certain case which occurred in GN /4Z 57a(6); Ket 50b(21); SAf 7a(ll); X13iy mn '3.1 such was the case AZ 18b(6); X13iyi KS1J the essence of the case Ket 63a(13); Git 39b(39); BB 32b(33); Nid 42b(16); X13iy ,11,1 HH3 I was involved in a case /<Z 39a(43); Er 6b(20); Aef 60b(35); /M 59a(4); b. w. van vbs.: 1) V"TO af: sg. l.T'-'a XITrf? Vpb wn .TYHXl PN reversed their decision [lit. returned their case from them] Ket 84b(7); ib. 50b(24); BQ 117a(19); Bek 44b(12); 2) Vj?T pe.: sg. X.yT X13iy XJX I know a case AW 70a(7); Hul 76b(48); 3) Vl3y pe., itpe.: sg. XlP-ria XH '3 X13iy isya1? to decide the case according to this Tannaitic source RH 27a(29); Ket 80a(6); Qid 71b(23); Gtt 19a(45); 50 98a(3); BB 6a(37); pl.abs. payxi pX3iy cases which were decided iSGF 64:8; SSSad 230:26; 3. occupation: "p3iy 'XB what is your occupation? Tan 22a(14); 4. preparation: sg. XH onxaa xnsiy 'xn pan pp pyanx it is lo forty years since this preparation came out of Egypt AZ 38b(30); 5. magical practice: pl.abs. p3iy j'S'pJI mighty magical practices Bo 5:2; li. 17:6; 79:4; det. X'TOiy p'X "?3 all these magical practices HM 46:16 Voc: xl.y HGP 5b:27; Y: Kljiy #«/ 76b(48; BAYTN 161). NJ3ijr am. thickness (4- VlS'Sy; Sy r^iaca. LS507, TA '3iy cs. TJ IK 7:46) sg. X103T X'3iy thickness of the meat Yom 25b(27; KS 31 [1956] 263:90) K3W3W n.m. swelling (4- V'3J?; Sy K_ii__.c__. ls 507) sg. xTinwaiy ma mn mab for a person who has a swelling HM 39:7 N131J/, N1N31J; n.m. fetus (4- Vl3y; LJLA X13iy TgCant 7:3) sg. a. human: n"l3iy 1- she miscarried [lit. her fetus moved] BQ 83a(33); X"lX3iy Xinn OHT Yev 161:21; b. animal: X"l3iy 'mm Xmam the fetus of a white she-ass Sab 109b(40); HP 206:20 Y: XT3W .&* ib.(BAYTN 154). N'Jljr 4- X'JX n. Xbity n.m. circle (4- V^iy, x"?iry; cf. Sy r^V.v^icLA. rolling LS 547) sg. Suk 8a(l); X^Jiy xVliy lia Xyi31 ... Xjrnn 118 a circle (inscribed) within a square, a square (inscribed) within a circle Suk 8a(3); ib. 21; 7/G^.s2S 206b:9; ib. 15 Y: f$U7 Su* ib.(BAYTN 257). liy adv. in addition, moreover (Sy no-*. LS 515), only as "Jiyi at the beginning of a verbal or nominal phrase: a. fol. another statement or question: X'yitflX 31 3'nia nij?l and, in addition PN asks Yev 19a(24); BQ 103b(35); Pes 96a(l 1); Ned 66b(13); Grt 68a(17); BQ 84b(ll); lljn T^y X.ySPai xraia and, moreover, I impose an oath and adjure you Bo 7:16; b. fol. another statement or question introduced by Xin: ... Xin XJH'D aVF Xp XH nijn one (point) is ..., and, in addition, he, in fact, gives a sign (as to the deposit) Ket 85b(6); X.X XsVa 'X liyi ... Xin one (point) is ..., and, in addition, were I a king ... Git 56a(53); Hul 32b(9); Nid 41b(3); 'Xp liyi Xin (this is) one (point), and, in addition, he says ... Bek 58a(29); Sab 26a(l); Meg 20a(17); Yev 67a(51);San37b(17) Y: Ity Ber 10a(9). NTTiy 4- xinx n. NSliy n.m. surplus, extra measure (4- V*py; MH2 f|1iy J 1048) 1. surplus: sg. pTW HBIiy Jl^m its surplus [i.e. of one measure over the other] is sixty-three (eggs) Er 83a(27); ib. 29; 31; 2. extra measure: sg. liTSIiy 'Xa what is their extra measure? BB 88b(25) Y: CT"9W BB ib.(BAYTN 154). piiy I Vp3x vb. my vb. to be blind (4- Xlliy, Tiy; Sy io__. pe., pa., etpa. LS 518) Pe.: n3H '13'ns IIH^ID piyi Xfl3p1-1 all the male and female idols are blind Bo 48:1; p'.llX limDBl Jin'ry pW their eyes are blind, and their ears are deaf ib. Pa. to blind s.o.: a. alone: piyai ]'B'b» ]1DX pDpi you rule, blind, and kill Bo 33:10; b. w. xry: nrtaoi xps. mry^ rrb Tiyi (npna while he blinded his eye, he died BQ 84a(24; Es); X'OX IXiy Xry Xp'm a doctor from far away [lit. a far-off doctor] blinded the eye ib. 85a(53; Oxf, c.23, 14) [v. infra] Itpa. to become blind: Xlliynai X'l. X'B/p 'XT if *m 847 nj?»w the (antenna of the locust) is hard, it breaks off and it becomes blind Sab 77b(28; M); V»y 'XT '-injma XIDIp in3 if smoke enters into them [i.e. the hen's eyes] they become blind ib. 30 Expi. Ar [Pa.]-, pyn -inyro xi-'w iy pirn oipan xi-'w xsn OHP BQ 148:2. KT1J7 n.m. blindness (4- Vmy; Sy -/i^ LS 518) sg. xi<i){')iy tV xtib xwm xn'sisin a skin lesion of the head eventually causes blindness Ned 81a(3; Ar [AC 3:500]); XTOX'liy Sab 151b(50) mij? vb. to make something worse (BH my pi. HAL 760) Pa.: fl'iyi mn Xn'1?© it was the messenger who made (it) worse Ber 14b(53); Tiny1? xVl -prmw •'llprb I sent you to remedy (the matter) and not to make (it) worse Ket 85a(21) [cf. BH: Iprf? "731' X1? Tftgli Eccl 1:15] // ib. 99b(23) // Ned 36a(10) // Qid 42b(8) // BM 108a(39) // BB 169b(21) // Bek 61a(29); Er 75b(i3); n"? nnyap 'rmy n:pna does he fix it? He actually makes it worse Nid 53b(14) T1J7 vb. to move (perh. metath. < 4- Vyil; Sy j-.S_i.i073 SIB 6:10) Pe.: xa' ty the sea moved Bo 16:2 Lit: Eps, Stl 344, 362. '1J7 vb. to cry, roar (Sy rc'cv-. pe., pa., af. LS 514, Ma 2# XIX MD 9) Pa. 1. to cry: X3'Vl 'iy 'iy n'3 nJlSXT he cried on and on, and there was no one who paid attention to him Yom 77a(47); 'Xn 'iya X1?! Xpl.' an infant that does not cry Sab 134a(30; 0[Marg]Ar [AC 5:201]); ('MXipir IDaa wins nyVi inrya^i '3'n '3 Dnn nyai (the Egyptians) would bring infants and make (them) cry there, so that (the hidden newborns) would hear them and cry with them Sot 12a(46); 2. to roar: ]y\pli Xp WX1 'lya Xp IH'X it [i.e. the lion] was roaring, and they [i.e. the cattle] were lowing Hul 53a(49) Af. to make s.o. cry: Sot 12a(46) [v. Pa.] Tig adj. blind, n. blind person (4- Vmy; TA Tiy TO Lev 21:18, Sy rc'-L.o--. LS 518, Ma XTiy MD 343) n., sg.m. XTiy 'b xa'.l let the blind man say to him Git 69a(14) Y: XTlJf Git ib.(BAYTN 60). N^aiy 4- xVsx n. N131S? n.m. turbidity (4- Vl#13y; cf. Sy K'ilc-i. hindrance LS 523) sg. X'»l X13iy the turbidity of the water OHT Sab 98:3 [KViy4- l#x"?'Xn.] n.m. injustice (V3"?y; TA '.aViy TO Gen 29:32, Sy K_i____c__. injustice, excess LS 526, MH2 pty Gross, Patterns 39) sg. Xin '."Tl X33^iy 'D11S the prosbol is the injustice of the judges Git 36b(28); XVirh X.3^iy 'Xn xin xmn'n x.2?'V ix xin x__im is '. a term of insolence or a term of convenience? ib. 35(As) Geon. expl.: D'jD (HX.Viy LPT 159:25, i.e. fit; Y: Wa^iy Git ib.(BAYTN 267). Na'Viy n.m. young man (4- xa^iy; TA xfi'^'iy TJ is' 17:55, Sy rd_^ . \ \ LS 528) sg. 'V 3n XD^iy 'Xp'jS young man, give me my ax San 95a(46; HeMGD 465:11) [but v. 4- XaViy]; Bo 78:12; pi. "X^'l 'B'^iy '"in two young men of the same age Zev 116b(18); pao iyi pn'B'Viya from their youngest to their oldest Bo 70:4 [of demons] Y: D^iy Ket ib.(BAYTN 163). NaViy, abs. ert>iy n.m. young man, servant (4- XD^iy, xnaViy) 1. young man: sg.abs. tfriy □Viy young man, young man! Ket 72b(17); San 95a(46; Ar [AC 6:346, s.v. ,T>S]); 2. servant: sg. x'a n'1? xo.3xV n'aViy p^v x'toxt nna mn x^i 'm1?!-! 'noabl 'nvftb the prison warden did not permit his servant to bring in to him water to drink and to wash his feet Er 21b(25; SM 115:20) Y: 'l^iy Zev 116b(18; BAYTN 163). KnaVlJ? n.f. maiden (4- Xa'Viy; Sy vflLzn i V s LS 528) sg. xnaOViy Bo 78:12 NOaiJT n.m. burden (< MH2 oaiy J 1053) sg. 'n1 n'oaiy 'Va n,!7 (God) gives him his full burden [i.e. reward] San 100a(45) X|?aiy n.m. depth (4- Vp»y; TA X'paiy pi. TJ Ex 15:5, Sy K_i_->9o__. LS 531, Ma Xpaiy MD 344) a. general: sg. xpaiy '.pa1? xam xpaiy '.nx xam (the phrase) 'depth and height' (in a contract) is effective to acquire possession concerning 'depth and height' [i.e. the space
Niaiy 848 NXpty below and above] BB 63b(10) [cf. JudA Xpaiy [X]Sm NS 21:4, Sy k' n 'w^.o r^jsani OSIEO As5:l 1]; ib. 15; 64a(l); Sfr/a/ 6a(7); Er 77a(27); 5g 51b(26); b. metaph.: sg. XJ'TJ Xpaiy1? TTrm he delves to the bottom of the case BQ 39a(33) // ib. 53a(37) // BM 117b(37); XS'Vl xpaiy profound understanding [lit. depth of the heart] Geon 104:19 [expl. MH With BM 16a(44)] Voc: xj?6y HGP 3b:30; Y: Xj?Oiy BB 63b(10; BAYTN 154). JOpiJ? n.m. 'Omer, measure of barley (< BH, MH -IQ1J? HAL 803, Yeivin, BV 860; JPA IBiy DJPA 399) 1. iomer, the measure of barley brought as an offering on the sixteenth of Nisan [v. Lev 23:10+]: sg. KiaiJ? p'Slpa rrtUT on it [i.e. sixteenth of Nisan] we bring the 'omer HGl 298:3; Ximyi XBT in XJXTXH today is one day in the (counting of) the 'omer SRSG 154:21; ib. 23; 26; 2. measure of barley: pi. K-njTK/l 'IBiy '3 n"?m the (minimum) measure for the (separation) of halla is two 'omers AnanSch 11:19 NJ731J7 n.m. neck (4- XpJIX, xnpjy; Arab ji£ Wehr 649; cf. Sy k! A \ neck band LS 541) sg. 5«-44b(37) [expl. MH V21 ib.; Van XpJIX FOHP ib. 113:11] Y: XjWy Ber ib.(BAYTN 154). XVity n.m. punishment (4- Vtfay; JPA 2/aiJ? DJPA 399) sg. XVnyft piB'X XV he was not saved from a punishment 55 153a(28; MRashi) NSIJ? n.m. bird, fowl (TA XBiy TO Gen 40:17, Sy 1# r±kc^l LS 517) sg. Hul 45a(16); «'& 46a(6); Tin 'Din -lOri'P XDiy3 there are sixteen nerves in a fowl ib. 76b(7); ^'VpT XBiy3 in the case of a fowl which is light ib. 16b(19); Dnitfl rnDT '1,13 XBiy H'3 he slaughtered a bird with it [i.e. the arrow] while it was in flight ib. 30b(39); 85b(42); XBiyi ""XTm nvmi in the form of an animal or a bird 5o 7:14; HP 207:14; x"?XB» V31 XBiy *?y Tnxp xVt any (dough) paste which is not cold on a fowl TGAs28 44:19; coll. X'BEH XBiy the birds of the sky Dec 7:15 Y: XBiy //«/ 16b(28; BAYTN 24). f 1JT vb. to advise (< BH fiy HAL 757; 4- XJlX'y; jpa py djpa 400) Pe.: my-i msy n,!? ?"yi he gives him bad advice Qid 80b(23); Yev 107a(31); TTT7 rr'jDpa'? nnX'J? yy XTX ^D finally, he went (and) advised (him) to kill David San 101b(34; MGE 21:19); ib. 36 N2X1J? n.m. sadness (4- Vsxy) sg. -p'1?! X3Xiy the sadness of your heart Ber 56a(16; Ed) piy vb. to cause trouble, distress (4- Xp'yB, Xp"y, Xnpy; Sy ..ocy-v af. LS 517, Ma 1# pin pe., af. MD 137) Pa.: 'ilVs Xlb p'Xyai T,"X3 so-and- so is forcing and troubling us SSSad 265b: 16; H'1? 'pvy^ 'V Xl'Vl I cannot cause him trouble SSHai 8a(19); VXTO''1? n'pryb to cause distress to a Jew 7W/ant 160:11; TGAs28 35:17 Af. id.: pnV p'yxai xsid p3-i lysm jxa one who is causing much trouble and distress to the Rabbis ISGF 92:15; 1'p'ya xVl D"n ,!?y3 animals which do not cause trouble TGHark 190:30; X'nn H1? Xp'ya Xs? xrfr'B that thing [i.e. cure] does not cause distress OHT Git 152:24; 1,'p'Tai Tp'T "731 invtr/ (13) -on1? n,!? rp'yan yvn all the various evil demons which cause distress to PN Bo 59:13; »& 68:3 Itpa. 1. to be troubled: X0J1X l'in ja XJW'n xp 'V p'yn'E X^H I am afraid concerning this duress (to sell my field) that I should not be troubled TGHark 166:10; 2. to be caused pain: xVl H'1? p"J7ri,17 so that (the infant) should not be caused pain OHT Sab 126:8 N3piy n.m. form (4- Vspy) sg. n'SX 'J71ETX1 X3V3T X3p1J?3 his face changed into the form of a dog San 96a(52; Ar [AC 2:115, s.v. 3X 133' ]3]) [Var: n3ipy Ar (AC 6:245)] Expl. Ar: 3*73 J11013 AC 2:115. 1 # NOplj; 4 XOpiXn. 2# Nopijr 4- xxpiy n. NSpiy, N0plJ7 n.m. stinger, sharp point, pi. Tractate 'Uqsin (4 Vypy, XOipy, XpOIX; Sy rCm n<^. LS 543; cf. Ma pX MD 17) 1. stinger: sg. b'OD1? n'1? pnDn X31pyT XXpiy the stinger of Scorpio which 'stings' Orion Ber 58b(53) [Var: XOipy AC 6:249]; X3"ip$n XXpiy "lin TU3 nJST the stinger of Scorpio which is located in the River of Fire ib.; 2. sharp point: sg. nopiy n'b rrbi xn nopiy n'1? iron xn this -njr 849 Vtst refers to a case in which (the shoe) has a sharp point (which tears out the grass), that where it does not have a sharp point Er 100b(18; 0,HG1 244:99[Var]); 3. pi. the Tractate 'Uqsin [< MH 1'Xpiy J 1057]: 'Xpiy3 XJlX3';iB -lO^n thirteen literary units in 'Uqsin iSGF 69:6 Y: NXpiy Ber ib.(BAYTN 154). TIP vb. to awaken (4- V2#Tin, Vljm; Sy -vi LS 523, Ma 1# mx MD 10) Pe.: '^B lily xV'Siy 'KB what is (the meaning of) '.? Awaken cracks (in the ground) Tan 4a(2) [pop. etym.; 4- 2#xb,'B]; pass.part. 4- Ty Itpe. (a) 1. to wake up: myrPX1? Ber 4a(l 1; F); VnD'tt Xp rm "lyn'X *3 when he woke up he was struggling GiY 68a(51; M); 'y3p! D"31 IX1? tyn'VT is it not that he is asleep and he wants him to wake up? Er 104a(36); Ber 60b(27); Qid 31b(7); Git 1 lb(26; O3); Nid 3a(31); 2. w. "3 to be stirred up: H'ST '1 VT3 "lyn'X PN became stirred up at them Sab 63b(35); ib. 145b(26); Ned 30a(4) NSIiy n.m. raven (4- XXUTiy; TA X3niy TO Gen 8:7,'Sy 8# rdJaio^ LS 546, Ma l#X31iy MD 346) sg. mvi? X'Km X37iyT XS'XT there is (the egg) of the raven which resembles that of the dove Hul 64a(22; M); X3Tiy ft TW X1? D^iya n3V ]"7 TI0X X1?! they have never permitted us a raven nor forbidden us a dove San 100a(l) [prov.]; ©'-ix 3'rn xsnn X3"ny 3'oa mn ~n xirni XTIltf I remember when a raven used to take a carob and settle on the top of a wall BB 91b(19); Ket 49b(18); Xin X"lpW X3Tiy the raven is a liar Git 45a(41); niB X3my a raven flew by [i.e. the statement he made is irrelevant; v. infra] Bes 21a(9) // Hul 124b(33); pi. 'XTIB1? VTffftn '3-ny ravens which surrounded my bed Ber 56b(19; P); X»T 'Vaxi '3-ny UlXl the ravens come and eat the blood BB 23a(l); Sab 35b(13); Hul 95b(38) Geon. expl.: 13'NB 131 [101X1 ISIS XVI] 13 ms X31iy 1,10 'PI tix3 rniB.i any [...] n1? ,n yiy no '31 oyu l1? i'xi nan TGAs28 173:20; Y: XJliy BAYTN 163. N33115; 4- XWIIX NrianiJ? n.f. raven (4- X3"liy) sg. Sab 67b(9; TGAs28 162b:9) [O: •>iamy] NriVliy n.f. prepuce (VVny; TA <Tn9niy TO Gen 17:14, Sy rc'^oAic^ LS 548) sg. X3W7 nTlbliy one whose prepuce is extended (to hide his circumcision) Er 19a(33); XWT Vy ^BJ n'J'WS nyDpl rrrfnyT he bent over the tip of his prepuce and bit it off with his teeth AZ 10b(45); nn'VnyV nytspl XrDO bpv he took a knife and cut off his prepuce ib. [Marg] Y: il'rtniy AZ ib.(BAYTN 199). Naiiy n.m. deceit (1 VdIJJ; cf. Sy rc'iin^ajT_^ LS 549) sg. ^'Vna Xaniyai he speaks deceitfully Bo 118:5 N>STiy 4- xV'sny n. [KOpTiy 4- i#xmpny n.] K^rnjr n.m. old age (Vpny; Sy r<li.^njk. LS 553) sg. x"vw\ nana n3"? ,!?ya xpmy 'V'a ^d1? X30im old age is beneficial for all things except for dates, s.-beverage, and /j. -fish BB 91b(48) N"irW n.m. wealth (4- VlJiy; TA xnmy TO Gen 31:16, Sy k'4^<?-i. LS 554; cf. Ma Ximy heavenly spirit MD 347) sg. Xion 31T mmy PN's wealth MQ 28a(32) 31T? adj. perh. unpleasant (4- XXUIty; Sy rdaou^ LS 519) sg.f. XT miiy VTia xn this is, in fact, an unpleasant (?) oath BM 85a(27) Translation is uncertain; Y: 131ty BM ib. KFiaiTJ^, abs. H31TJ7 n.f. unpleasant thing, type of demon (4- 3Vy) 1. unpleasant thing: sg.abs. '31TyT I'V'a matters of unpleasantness Ned 22a(l); 2. type of demon: pi. Bo 37:4 Lit: Z. Ben Hayyim, Tarbiz 60[1981] 202+. T'-Tj; adj. strong, intense (Vny; TA Tty pi. TJ Is 7:18, Sy kIu LS 518, Ma XHX MD 12) 1. strong: sg.m. XT'Ty XT31 a strong man San 7a(20) [in a mnemonic phrase]; XPty V?vp xmcx X1HH XTiai XB'pm that hard, strong, powerful, and cruel spell Bo 63:2; f. Xnny na'Vl (the demon), PN, the strong one ib. 30:5; pl.f. xnny <')n»in strong charms ib. 37:6; 2. intense: sg.f. mn 'D XT'Ty I'Tiam when our love was intense San 7a(32) [cf. BH rnnx ma? njy? Song 8:6] Y: XPty San ib.(BAYTN 60). ^TJT vb. to spin (4- 2#"7TX; Sy-Au*. LS 519, Ma 3#"?TX MD 12) Pe.: x"?Ty XpT H'B'X nBTyb ,TTn he
1W 850 Nm'3'j; saw Orpa, his mother, who was spinning (thread) San 95a(45; F2) JTJ7 vb. (artificial verb for invoking a vow) Itpa.: 'XB X:i5?n» Ned 10b (19) pTJT vb. to seal (denom. < i XfipT'y) Pa.: xVl H'b JipTJ7TI that you should not seal him Bo 88:6 NJrp n.f. court (< BH, MH rrilj? Yeivin, BV 929;" TA xfniy pi. TJ Is 10:32) sg. xmiy D'WITST San 95a(20; F2) Y: xrnry San ib.(BAYTN 171). Kaujr 4- xaox n. fjtjy vb. to wrap or clothe oneself (Sy ■* \, v LS 520, Ma 2#*]DX MD 13) Pe. ( /u): 1D31 misy '"I1D wrap yourselves (in mourning) and cover the mountains (in tears) MQ 28b(13; L) [v. OHP ib. 72:19] Itpe. id.: V.TO.V 'Vyai X'JBX 'Xpl 1'Dya WW "l PN used to continue to wrap himself (in a tallii) towards evening on Friday Sab 119a(6); BQ 32b(3); Ber 51a(54); 1'Dyai '03'ai W'aV he used to dress himself and wrap himself (in a garment) Sab 10a(13) 1#"1BJ7 vb. to adorn, decorate (BH ~my pi. HAL 770) Pa.: mbivb XOXDD iVVlU}) XIDjrai (a small amount of pride) adorns him like a bristle on an ear of grain Sot 5a(40); Xion 31 X^BM H'*? noj?a PN used to 'adorn' it [i.e. the cup of unmixed wine] with (water from the) drinking cup Ber 51a(53) Geon. expl.: r0X"ren nnSD' OHP Ber 114:19, i.e. ll'iV; CjUI^ he makes it overflow with liquids; v. also expl. Ar [AC 6:233, s.v. Ifey = OHP Ber 86:15]. 2# Toy vb. to pay (< "IDX*; i XID'X; OfA TDK T3» paid [and] received SamPap 3:3, Ma 1#"IBX MD 13) Pe., pass.part. cleared of claims: TDD1 'Tl"in |B TByi he is exempt and cleared of claims Git 86a(5; V'8); SSHai 7a(ll) This word is to be connected to the NB root eteru B to pay [receipts, promissory notes], e.g. ina qate PN mahir etir he has received from and been paid by PN CAD E 404; Lit: Eps, Stl 359. NS'j; n.m. dark cloud, cloudiness (TA xa'y TO Ex 19:9, Ma xa'X MD 14) sg. XH xa'ya lopi XH 'J3y3 IVpl this (case) refers to when (the sky) is covered with dark cloud(s), that to when (the sky) is covered with (ordinary) clouds Ber 59a(38; F) // Tan 6b(27; M2); BB 75b(27); X3'3H XTl'313 a ^.-appearance of the cloud RH 24a(19; M2); 'XH XWa'B/ ,1^13 X3'yT xav a cloudy day is entirely (diffused) sunlight Yom 28b(44); Tan 20b(42); Yev 72a(6); Ket 106a(24); '3 XID'a 'api X3'y X*lD'a a dark cloud before rain is (as beneficial) as rain Tan 3b(38) [cf. Ma: XTO'ai X3'X MD ib.]; Ber 59a(25); NDGR 226:7; 'mm XE/'Vp X3'y X3'ao X3'y thin cloudiness which is below thick cloudiness Tan 9b(19) [expl. MH mmiB ib.] Y: X3'y BB 75b(27; BAYTN 15). l#N'TO,y n.m. pregnancy, intercalation of the month, contiguous outskirts (4- Vl3y pa.; JPA -113'J? DJPA 402) 1. pregnancy: sg. XT13'y tn Nid 40a(31); pi. '"I13'y 'in ib. 30; '-113'y nm>Tl San 69b(28); 2. intercalation of the month: sg. XriTl XTO'y /& 69a(34); ]>1V \>imn XTD'y (calculation of) the intercalation of the month for sixty years Hul 95b(28); OHT RH 36:7; 3. intercalary month: sg. Ara 3\a(23); ib. 31b(34); 4. contiguous outskirts [< MH TJ/totf nma'y MErK 5:7, J 1066, mng. 5]: sg. 'Tia3 "m'jn ]"?3» X'ai how do we know that the contiguous outskirts (of the town) are like the town? Ned 56b(23) Y: KTH'y San 69a(34; BAYTN 257). 2# tnia'jr I x-ray n. Nnra'y, Nrn'ajr, Nfi'a'K n.f. work, business, trade (4- Vl3y; TA xm'iy TO Ex 31:15, Sy rr^ ; -■ \ LS 505, Ma XJ1XT3J/ pi. MD 340) 1. labor, work: a. general: sg. irpm'3'y p'ya lrfrlD all of them when they are at work BM 97a(21; Es); Xm'3'J? "ip'X ... Xm'3'y "?? the cost of labor has gone down/increased ib. 77a(26); wb') in'm'3'y let him examine their work ib. 76a(26); T"ID n»m,3'y3 he is engrossed in his work AZ 20b(21); XaTT mbS2 rrrmy D'VttH he finished his work in the middle of the day BM 77a(ll); Vrm'3'5^ 'a"pi they will get up (to go) to their labor Ber 45b(54); b. w. Vl3J/ pe. to work, do work: sg. XTlT3y '13y xpi 'ItfXJ'X people who were working [lit. doing work] MQ 27b (27); XHTSB xm'3'J? "p p'TJjn xranx on condition uttcay i that we do good work for you BM 83a(43); Sab 54a(12); BQ 91a(37); Kar 7a(50); XTl'3'X T3X BQ 87b(21; Oxf, c.21, 34); xm'3y ]1H3 13ya to do work with them Anan 51:11; ib. 83:11; SSHai 8a(14); HP 179:12; D'nVxT XTTUy p3JH 'tfJ'X people who do the work of God [i.e. dispense justice] Anan 16:1; 2. trade, skill: XTM 'XI xm'3'y X73yi Xm'3y if she has learnt a trade and works at it HP 105:8 [= GeonH rani' DX1 nvoyh nsxVa HR 79:35]; xsxmn xm'py] the skill of writing TGAs28 17:21; 3. pi. magical rites: xm'3'y iayi Tn in xaVa rmivn xnprys XIUp'J XTl'Wai nan 'TW3 the ring of Solomon, the king, son of David, with which he performs magical rites against the male demons and the female liliths Bo 54:5 [cf. Ma XriXTSy XH3y ID MD ib.]; 4. worship: sg. xnW'33 Jl'3i Xm'3y worship of the synagogue AnanSch 17:4; 5. in phrase -m»3'jr 'N»: lmm'SJ? 'Xa what do they do? Ber 8a(18); -]m'3'y 'Xa what is your business? Ket 105b (29); 'XB DT 0'vbv '3H lrrmay what is the characteristic of these thirty days? Pes 6a(44); Naz 5a(32); Qid 64b(25); BM 99b(3); 5v« 4a(27); Ara 1 lb(30) Voc: Xfrriy HGP 28a:29; Y: XnT?? A/g 27b(27; BAYTN 173). 1# H-jVy n.m. side, bank (4- V"l3y; TA 13'y TJ Ezek 46:19, Xn3y TO Gen 50:10, Sy nr'i^. LS 508, Ma 2#X1X3X, l#Xnsy MD 1, 340) 1. side: pi. '13y TGAs42 156:22 [expl. 4- 2#X3STJ; 2. bank: pl.cs. XinJ '13y 'in the two banks of the river MQ 6b(47); BQ 117a(27); BM 107b(46); San 72b(35); /4Z 6b(5); 3. in GN: sg.cs. lay Xra' Ber 54a(34); yom 77b(20); BB 40b(21); det. 'mDT XTyi Xia'y ib. 91a(33; P1) [expl. BH D'TOS 11X] Y: 'T3JI /)Z 6b(5; BAYTN 123). - XW IVy n.m.cs. overseas (4- X»') sg. X1HH xa' "laya V'TXp mm Xiaj a certain man who was traveling overseas Ber 54a(34); ]'» X^ XDX XB'l xa' la'y a get has come to us from overseas Bo 9:9; /A. 19:10 2# ma'3? 4- xiay n. N^lJ'y n.m. circle, circularity (4- V?W, X^liy; JPA "71J'y DJPA 402, MH2 "711'y J 1066; 4- V?iy) T T ■ 1. circle: sg. BB 27a(6); Xjmn 1M5 xViry a circle within a square 5mA: 8a(21); Er 76b(3); x"?U'y Ua xyian a square within a circle ib. 4; 9; 10; 2. circularity: pi. 1T13 'X p'^TX '^U'y ina IJ'VTX n'ra do we follow the circularities (of the ■p'H ID) or do we follow its species? Hul 92b (6) Y: X^U'y. BB ib.(BAYTN 257). lOU'y n.m. condition of a deserted wife (4-'Vliy)sg. Git 3a(l); ib. 17 Y: KJW7 Gil ib.(BAYTN 258). Xbvy, Ubiy n.m. calf, a constellation (TA X5iy TO Ex 32:19, Sy rdiA_i. LS 509, Ma x"7Jy MD 341) 1. calf: a. general: sg. mm x"?iy Xinn n'Onisa1? .T1? loaa Xp a certain calf which they were bringing to slaughter BM 85a(14); W"l xaD'B1? X^J'y the head of the calf for fattening ib. 69a(13); AnanSch 8:9; TGHark 190:33; pi. '"?ry X3in 31 'ai the calves of PN's estate Sab 52a(36); 'ViyT '32/a hides of calves 55 14a(16); Sab 54b(48) // 5e5 23a(35); b. in phrase x'jpy Xm'n/Xmin a three-year old calf: 4- 2# Xmiri; 2. a constellation: sg. X^yT XE?'T 'the head of the Calf Ber 58b(57; F) [expl. 4- xm' ib.] Y: H)yy. Sab lla(28; BAYTN 123). MTV, HIHTV, cs. ]Vy, \VX n.m. time (4-' XJTXH; TA x5ry TO Gen 21:22, Sy rdii^ LS 511, Ma l#X3Xiy MD 341) a. general: sg.cs. m1? ]niM nn J: ]Ty 'BB '3 when the time of his lashes arrives we give him lashes Svu 41a(24); Men 43a(47); XMin p'^ya at a time of pestilence BQ 60b(14); Pes 114b(2); BM 97a(21); [SGF 94:13; n'ya Bn^'D pa1? TDX n"73'ai nmri'a you are forbidden to slaughter (an animal) when it is dying [lit. at the time of its death] and to eat it AnanSch 24:5; det. XJyT x"?l -\va y:osxi mnx xp xny 'na I do not know at what time you are coming so that I can conceal myself from you BB 2b(38); n'lTJD ntyn m? 1(1)(')JD bow down to a fox in its time [i.e. when it is successful] Meg 16b(24; G); pi. 'JXTy D'3H3 ]ian ]'B33'aT times when many priests are assembled TGHark 157:6; 'J'lnx '3XTJ? other times ib. 7; b. set or fixed time: 1) general: sg.cs. *]0ia pip ]Ty the time of the musaf sacrifice Anan 62:19; XttttTI p'y eventide TGHark 131:8; 851
: t t ■ : 852 'opiipi N-t»y XJ1T7X PPya at the time of prayer Ber 15a(14); ib. 22a(44); Yom 15a(l); xmiP3 liTJVTiyo 'yapTt XKma '3 ]Ty3 those who regularly eat their meal on the Sabbath at the time (of the sermon) in the school Git 38b(17); XPTTB '3(1) ]TX3 Hul 86b(8); "V7X p'y1? Sab 33b(33); det. XIHH pi TIT r\rvv ri? p'JB XJIXTy we count six months for her from that time TGHark 39:2; ib. 157:6; ISGF 121:10; 2) esp. for the study of the Law: sg. rrV ysp "nx xrpy rr1? ysp xVi xVx pax nVi ^tx xp mjryV 'iax xjvy we only say (that) when he did not set a time for it [i.e. his study], but (if) he had set a time for it, (people) say: "He is going to his (study) time" Ber 43b(50); pnf? 'TiV xrpy ^ rrx V'x x:rya ia teach me regularly [lit. let my master seat me at a set time]. He said to him: "I study regularly [lit. I have a set time] for myself" Git 60b(40); Sab 33a(39); Pes 4a(24); Hul 133a(23) Voc: Xiry HGP 25a: 17; Y: SOT? Ber 7b(49; BAYTN 252). - "I «3T5?3 conj. when (TA "1 pya TO Gen 31:10) a. w. fol. pf: .TBTIBXI X3T>ya when he set it aside Kar 23b(35); Nid 9a(7); pOJ'XI XJTya 11331 X3TJ?3 IX when they got married or when they matured HP 112:7; b. w. fol. part: XJTya VI'T 'WIBI when (the priests) spread their hands Ber 55b(30); yt?j xpi XJTya when he plants BB 17b (20); HHOa Xpi XJTya when they testify Mak 5a(40); X^lp TJX31 XJTya when he assembles the congregation Anan 23:21; Ber 53b(47); Pes 59a(24); Bes 8b(13); So/ 21a(26); BM 93b(2); San 19a(42); /1Z 10b(15); HP 61:4; c. w. fol. rrWx: 'xm mri'V 'xrr? nvrxi XJTya when this one exists that one does not Sab 131a(8); BB 28b(16) Y: -1 K:T5?3 Ber 53b(47). _ '1 H'^V conJ at the time that (JPA ]Ty ■i djpa 402) x"?bji p'y1? xrmx xin1? m mn *7ax V?3 T;i D13'1? but (if) this woman had a child at all by the time that she became subject to levirate marriage Anan 108:10 - *7 K3TJ7S conj. from the time that XJTya n"Jp rrmiXT from the time that he picked it up he acquired possession of it Ket 30b(23); XJTya ITa TIIDXT from the time that he testified against him San 27a(3); Pes 40a(36); Suk 54a(13); TGHark 38:37; ib. 102:19 XlVy n.m. examination (4- V]"y; MH2 ]Vy J 1067) sg. XETBJ XJVy much examination TGAs28 199b:5 'Vl'JT I Vtty pa. NJ'jr n.f. goat (V?jy; 4- X'TyB; TA XPy TO Num 18:17, Sy k'U LS 535, Ma XTJy MD 353) sg. N'B X'JW mm XPy XVLI a certain goat that was drinking water Git 69b(41); BQ 55a(30); 'XB Xttf'13 X"?TXT XTy ... XJ1BM313 what is a bellwether? The goat which walks first [i.e. at the head of the flock] ib. 52a(12; Es) [expl. MH n'313»a ib.]; BB 5a(9) [4- V2# '"?3 af.]; XJ'att/ XPy ]'B the goat is fatter than I San 94a(10) // Meg 3a(43); VlTPn XPy a white goat Sab 109b(31); Git 69a(43); //«/ 59b(15) [4- 11313]; pi. X'yi TIDMI 'pyi XUflB the shepherd is lame and the goats are swift Sab 32a(9; MGG 438:16); BB 36a(33); Sab 77b(23); Tan 25a(19); ATer lllb(50); l,TJ1p3 '3<'>{1)1 'Ty ]"J1X1 the goats brought wolves (impaled) on their horns BM 106a(53); x"?Xai Ty wild goats Hul 80a(31) [lit. goats of an open area]; XJ1"13 Ty domestic goats ib. 43b(22); XplEH Ty goats (to be sold at) market BQ 23b(37) Voc: '!'y HGP 2a:4; Y: W'ST BB 5a(7; BAYTN 135). — NfiPT NT'J7 n.f. goat fish, a horned sea- creature (lit. goat of the sea; 4- XB'1 XIBri; Sy am rd^DT Kllo-in jiia^ ivjrc'o ... _^i_icvA pc'U. rc'-x-D^-iTsa BBah 951:26) sg. XT'y XIHH 'Jip ,1'V JVX1 XPTD1 X'n XB'1 that is the goat fish which is lean and has horns BB 74a(42; Es) This word may be a caique < Akk suhurmasu < Sum suhur.ma§2.(ku6) goat fish, a supernatural creature half carp, half goat [v. CAD S 351; Salonen, Fischerei 218, 225; for a representation of this creature on a MD kudurru-stone, v. ib., pi. XIX, bottom register]. - '0p"11p"T NT'J7 n.f. a wooden threshing instrument (4- XOpnp) sg. 'W"11 XOpnpi XPy xrffiTI a wooden threshing instrument with which they thresh the field Zev 116b(32; V") // AZ 24b(13) // Men 22a(17) [expl. MH "jailDbw HB8 MPar 12:9; M: XOpnpi 'Ty] Geon. expl.: nsixn 'mi cm iv ^6i ]'y3 yy iv biii p&iy xnp;ry « twnn p pi pwa D'B'n -a r-tni imnna wix )nwipi im TGWeisz 82b: 11; D'Dnn pffin 13 fVW XV ^ W I'M Gc 109:10; TGCas 41b(15) [equated w. BH Jnia]; Lit: Feliks, Agriculture 248; Y: XOpnipT W'i? AZ ib. Nripi'y, pi. I'pT'j; n.f. seal ring (4- Vpty; TA Xnpty TO Gen 38:25, Sy K'^oUi. LS 519, Ma xnpiy, xnpoy MD 348, 354) sg. -|Tipry 'V am give me your seal ring Git 68b(39); 'pry n,!7 13H ffimsan UV n,!7y p'prn give him the seal ring on which the ineffable name is engraved ib. 45; x'ms [n3] yppiiH xnpryai »tw "?xt n'nppys with the seal ring of El Shaddai and the seal ring ofPNflo 19:12; ib. 9:11; 13:8; 40:1; 54:4; 57:2; 65:4; pl.abs. rpty nxv?:i three seal rings ib. 23:3; 25:3 Y: Kn£TJ! Gil 68b(45; BAYTN 195). NIB'y" 4- XIB'X n. KantJ'y n.m. tar (MH p»'y Yeivin, BV 1068, Gross, Patterns 50; cf. Sy rdii \ ; \, rcli-vV^ cedar oil LS 521) sg. XJ1STI XnblDS X3X1D'y tar is the unfit part of pitch Sab 20b(43) Lit: Flora 3:31; Y: KJTBy Sab ib.(BAYTN 253). T'J? vb. to look, investigate, study, deal with, consider, search (denom. < 4- l#xry; 4- XJVy; Sy ^ LS 522) Pa. 1. to look [w. "3 at]: 'JVyV Xa"?y3 merely to look Sab 9b(20); Ber 7a(29); .Ta XJ'ya she is looking at him BB 58a(8); BQ 82a(37); ^ itn T'ya '3 train trwi 'ia when the people of the public thoroughfare look they can see me BB 6b(22); 2. to investigate, examine [w. "3]: 'Xna ]J31 H'3 I'l^yai iy until the scholars investigate my case BM 17a(14); Sab 116b(14); MQ 14b(34); BM 28a(44); San 112a(16); Bek 3 0b (3 5); H'3 l"ya Xpi Xion 31 3'n' PN was sitting and examining it [i.e. the stone] Qid 12a(37); Ber 58a(41); BQ 40a(36); BMllb{5\)\ ib. 84b(20); BB 8a(56); AnanSch 26:9; Yev 33b(3); Qid 12a(35); Git 89b(43); Xa"7y3 'ivy merely investigating (a person's actions) RH 16a(34) [expl. MH niTO ib.]; Dec 9:7; SSHai 18a(8); l.TIUrn 13D31 XJTpSI ]in3 XM"yi we investigated them [i.e. the inquiries] and commanded them to write their answers TGHark 32:9; ib. 76:16; 149:8; /SGF4:13; 3. to study, look into, prepare carefully [w. "3]: a. jttwy Scripture: 'X1p3 1H3 pT'ya we study biblical verses AZ 4a(41); Er 98a(26); Sab 30b(38); Hag lla(19); XJVnxa Mry to, study the Torah ^na« 24:25; AnanSch 26:2; Tan 10b(35) [* 4- Vl#D1J pe., mng. la]; Anan 23:13; Zev 54b(14); '3 ina n'3 nr'ya when you study (the biblical verses) about David Sab 56a(38); AZ 9a(18); b. Rabbinic traditions: XJTOXa 'r'yai they study aggadot Sab 89a(45); Git 60a(21) // Tern 14b(15); xnnyara T'ya Xpl he was studying the legal traditions Sab 88a(53); Xn3'na3 ia ]"yi inaVl prepare carefully tomorrow's literary unit (of study) BQ 117a(42); XJlia TO133 py prepare carefully the grace after meals Ber 43a(39); pID ^ra n^ 'ya xp xnmxVi na ]"y go study it [i.e. the tradition on the matter], for tonight he will ask you about it Git 27a(16); Yev 61b(8) // BM 20b(2) II BB 172b(3); Gi?44a(24) [4- XT1^3B]; Er 90a(5) // BB 116b(l) [4- XSlin mng. 3]; Hor 13b (48); 4. to deal with s.t, look after [w. "3]: X'aitn 'b'aa l^y1?! ^'PV let him go and deal with Heavenly matters Qid 76b(32); San 8a(6); Tan I2b(48); pn'prnxai ii.Tb'aa T'yai (one who) will look after their affairs and monetary matters SSHai 17a(17); 5. to take care, be careful: 'ya'X 'JPyV TCb he should have taken care (not to cause injury) BQ 32a(9); BM 42b(17); Mak 8a(25); Bek 13b(35); 6. to consider: P'ya Xp 'JPy '^n perhaps he is seriously considering (what to bequeath to each one) BB 148b(ll); Tern 25b(46); 7. to search, look for [w. 1J13]: P'yJ I shall search (for you) Qid 31b(26); Xpl 'TU 1J1X1 T'ya while they were in the midst of searching Git 68a(l); mm 'JTy1? 'DXl he is apt to search for it [i.e. the needle] Pes 8a(45); AZ 61a(21); mm U"y they searched for her San 109b(39) Lit: Bacher 147. Np"5?> cs. p"JT n.m. weariness (4- Vpiy) sg.cs., only in phrase Nmi p"J? distress [lit. weariness of spirit; TA nil p'y TO Ex 6:9; cf. Sy , n i ■ > rdioi Is 57:15 (H mi Vb»); v. PSm 2839]: VtX xmi p"y3 ]in3a he left them in distress MQ 9b(12; MGG 466:13[Var],SM 104:10) NaiS'y n.m. delay, indispensable condition 853
l#NfoT 854 'ft'y (< MH2 313'y J 1069; 4- V33y) 1. delay: sg. '» xn7io 'a: nn'xi 'xn 'Via xsis'y p mm nyr nin did you know that we would have so much of a delay that you also brought fine flour? Hor 10a(48); 2. indispensable condition: sg. X3M 73 X1H Xai3'y naian TOT wherever (Scripture) writes natan [e.g. Lev 4:18] it is an indispensable condition Zev 62a(24); Yom 5a(39); ib. 62b(6); 24; Qid 14a(33); A/afc 19a(21); Men 18a(39) Y: X3B7 Wa* ib.(BAYTN 258). l#K^'j; n.m. excuse (4, V77y, xtfry; Sy t^-L^ LS 524) sg. X7'y n'7 D'pil he takes it as an excuse AZ 26b (18) Y: xty AZ ib.(BAYTN 135). 2#N7'J? 4- lH^n. .IkV'ST adj., n. upper (4- V'Vy; TA nx^y TO Gen 14:18, Sy rdiLs. LS 527, Ma X'X7y MD 350) I. adj.: sg.m. HX7'y xaip the upper membrane Hul 45a(3i; v11); nx7'y nxyxa nxnn m t'm nn7n there are three phases of construction: the lower one, the middle one, and the upper one Sab I02b(25); nxnnn xainn? nx?'y xainn p between the upper abyss and the lower abyss Tan 25b(40; V17); nX7'y XJ'I n'3 the upper [i.e. heavenly] court Dec 7:13; TGHark 234:12; f. xn"nn xim xn"7'y 'in i"iin xn"asx win there are two GN's (of the same name): one the upper one and the other, the lower one Qid 71b(44); II. n.: a. general: sg.m. 13 J nxnn ... 13J nx?'y the upper/lower (object) prevails Pes 76a(3) [concerning the heating or cooling of two objects in contact]; 3'prx X7 nxnn 3'prx .1X7'y the upper [i.e. outer membrane] was perforated, (but) the lower [i.e. inner one] was not perforated Hul 46a(34); ib. 46b(l); 56a(15); pl.m. ]T1 'X7'y the upper (money) is ours Ber 18b(51); Tan 10a(32); Git 60b(27); BM 25a(39); f. "3'1X nnx'7'y nn"nn7 the upper (rows of the grain stalk) need the lower ones Hul 119b(20); b. in describing a boundary [cf. OfA n'7y the upper end DNWSI 854]: pl.m. X3X pp'X nm >xnm n<7'y ix0)(')p'7 let the ones above and the ones below (me) cut (their sections of the forest), and I shall then cut (mine) BM 107b(50); ib. 108a(15); Git 60b(27) [w. ref. to a canal] Y: HX1?'? AZ 28b(7; BAYTN 325). 'XV'JT adv. above, at the top (4- V'?y; Ma 2#'X7y upwards MD 350) 1"1 mm '"in '3 man 'Xnn mi 'X7'y in two certain people one (of whom) was dwelling above and one below BB 6b(4i); n'7 p'na 'X7'y 'x mV pxi 'xnn 'x if it is at the bottom (of the document) he can cut it off. If it is at the top he can erase it ib. 164a(12); BM 117a(19);£r 16b(28) Y: 'X1?'!? BB ib. - 'N^'yV adv. upwards, from the top (Ma 'X?'? MD 236, Sy rf; V > \ LS 369) 1. upwards: 'X^'y7 p'701 that which goes upwards [i.e. roots which stick out of the ground] Er 100a(ll); 'X7'y7 "pVsa from your waist upwards San 39a(29); Sab 109b(24); "Xpl 'X?'y7 WT\sbv 'Xnrt> she pulled it off upwards [i.e. the upper shoe] but (the lower shoe) remained downwards [i.e. on his foot] Yev 102a(55); ]VTV r»(')1» 13 'X7'y7 when they raise their hands upwards Anan 19:17; 2. from the top: DT1SB Tttfrvn mns 'X7'y7 less than three handbreadths from the top HP 25:13 Y: 'KV'^ Sab ib. - 'N7'y73, 'N7'J7 ]B adv. above, from above, on top a. general: IpX 'X7'ya Xian wine becomes sour from above [i.e. at the surface of the vat] BB 96a(6); mil 'X7'ya xn'3 a room is wider above ib. 99a(15); Anan 84:16; ib. 85:13; b. * 'Xnna, 'XnnV below: 'Xnna im 'X?'ya in one from above, one from below MQ 10b(23) [of irrigation gates]; 'X7'ya XT3 X131 he dug a pit from above Git 68a(44) [* 'Xnna ib. 43]; BQ 50b(45); Men 24a(23); Hul 9a(l); Geon 27:13; ]»1 'Xnn p 'X7'y from above and from below Anan 32:8; 'xnn7 'X7'ya nViy? n1? irposi we cut off the foreskin from above downward ib. 85:10; Sab 109b(23) Y: 'xyjfO BB 96a(6). '1^'j;, 'lN7'y prep, on top of, against (4- V'Vy; TA 'T7y TO Gen 24:30, Sy .cLIa. LS 526, Ma X'lXby MD 350) w/o suf.: '1X?'y San 109a(43; MGG 310:2); w. suff.: lsg. 'X17'y Er 51a(9); 2m. ■yiV'y BM 117a(7); 3m. n'17'y Er 78b(10); .T1X7'X Ket 77b(23; MGG 226:7); f. m?'y AZ »i^ya 855 i#*ry 26b(19); lpl. ]lV>y Ber 56a(39); 3m. VTI7'y Meg 1 la(49); in"l?'y Ket 65a(47);- 1. on top of: X133 XW3 '17'y liver (being roasted) on top of meat Hul llla(31); 2. w. var. vbs.: 'P1SX7 '7 Nri'l X7 'xV?'y '"ID© I do not want to increase the deeds (held) against me Ket 99a(21); mpsa 'Xa '17'y X37B1 'XTW '17'y 7"X what are you in charge of? He said: "The royal silk garments" Ber 56a(56); m7X p .T17'y niTW 7n X7 Naziriteship did not take effect on him immediately Ned 4a(3); ]VD irP17'y WX XaVy '7131 lim when they saw that everyone attacked them BM 86a(22) Voc: n15'y HGP 58a:35; Y: 'lj"? Sab 59b(39). - '1^'J?a prep, from above (JPA 'Tl^y ]a DJPA 315) irem 'ib'ya xa'?J Vb: a cloak fell from above his head Sab 156b(36); '17'ya (flinp'Vl 'Xm '■ib'y 3W71 'Xm let him stand from above this one [i.e. basin] and sit from above that one Git 69b(53);5e/t44a(51) Y: 'l'f'yD Git ib. N^7'5? n.m. elevation of status, best thing, evaluation (4- V'7y; JPA '17'y DJPA 404, LJLA X'lV'y J 1070; cf. Sy rdi-So.*. LS 527) 1. elevation of status: sg. xsn xrinx x'Vry n'7 n'7 onn nB3 xrinx X'17'y rvb n'X in that case it [i.e. oil from olives] does not have another (further) elevation of status. In this case it [i.e. flour made from wheat] has another (further) elevation of status into bread Ber 36a(18); ib. 35b(37); Meg 27a(16); AZ 30a(49); 2. best portion, higher offer: sg. '7TX X-IW3T X'17'y "\Ta (both of) them follow (the order of) the best portion (of the meat) Yom 25b(36; L); X'17'yx IH'nyi their [i.e. the workers'] intent was to the higher offer BM 76a(33); 3. evaluation: sg. X"17'y3 V7S1 when he divides (the land) by evaluation Qid 42b (17) [* Xnnwa3 by measure]; 2XrV X'^'ya from an evaluation of the father [i.e. depending on his generosity or parsimony] Ket 50b(ll) Lit: Eps, PLA 229; Y: (Pity Ber 36a(18; BAYTN 258). l#Nri'V'j;, Kfl'7y n.f. upper floor or room (4- xn'7'y 'a, V'Vy; ta xri^y tj Jud 3:23, Sy ^^". V v LS 527) 1. upper floor: sg. mm Xn'3 xn'nnns ^n xn'V'ys 7x12?' t't a house in which a Jew was living on the upper floor and a pagan on the lower one AZ 70a(9); BM 116b(8); mrxi nn'7'y its upper floor and roof SSHai 6a(7); 2. upper room: sg. 'am 'y33 XH'V'y1? pD'3 let us go up to the upper room (and) pray Tan 23b(12); ib. 15; 24a(28); nw?'3n X3X3 the door of its upper room ib. 24a(30); 'Xn'V'ys ]"31X lay me down (after my death) in my upper room BM 84b(18); ib. 30; Hor 13b(47); XET01 Xn'^y an upper room of marble Sab 29b(27); n'y3 'Xa 'XnV'y 'Xn3 what are you doing in this upper roomofmine?55 41b(16) Lit: A. Demsky, Shnaton 12 [2000] 199, suggests connecting BM 84b(18) w. Phoenician Thy which he understands as coffin; Y: XJvVj? Sab ib.(BAYTN 198). 2# NJT7'y n.f. perh. a measure (4- n7y; etym. uncertain) sg. Till Xn'V'y a '.-measure of denars BB 133b(14); pi. IITI 'nX'7'y ID'Vn thirteen '.-measures of denars ib. 21(P'); Sab 119a(26) Lit: Eps, Stl 375; Y: Hri'Vy Sab ib. NJjV'JT n.f. rib (TA xyVy TO Gen 2:22, Sy rtJArf LS 22) sg. Xy7'y B?n the top part of the rib TGAs42 162:11; pl.abs. H7H l'y7y HP 203:1 NriV'j; n.f. reason (4- VbVy, l#X7'y; Sy rc'^l^ LS' 524) sg. Xn7'y X"?3 X'air/T XJXann (infertility) is a Heavenly order without reason TGHark 37:12 Geon. expl.: 3301 rV>J7 LPT 159:27. 1'5?> 13? n.m. 'oyi'/i, the sixteenth letter of the alphabet (Sy rd*. LS 503) sg. XJU yy laD ]M XJ'yV Xao (the order of the letters) nun, samekh, 'ayin (intimates that) fish is a remedy for the eye Mei 20b(24) // Med 54b(28); \y X'y^lX 311 PN (used to draw) an 'ayin (from his name as a signature) Git 36a(26) // Git 87b(4); ]y MsLm Ex 34:14 Y: 17 Ned ib. 1#K3'J/ n.m./f. eye, sight (4- V]"y, X3'y n3, Xryi X7171, XJry, ys-l; TA Xl'y TO Ex 21:26, Sy •s' » >• LS 522, Ma xrx MD 15) a. general: sg.cs. Xlin yy the eye of an ox Pes 36a(34) [given as a measure of a small amount]; det. n'nx nrya Xnyai she shed a tear from her eye Ket 62b(17); Hul lllb(39) [4- Vir?1»n pe., mng. 3]; BQ 84a(24) [4- V"ITiy pa.]; Men 64b(32); Ned
'3'J/3 856 -3'^a 54b(29) // Mei 20b(24) [4- ry]; X3'y» "1D3X concealment [lit. being hidden from sight] Pes 31b(39); SM42a(39); Tan 23a(46); pi. Tin S'JS3 x-rua Try r'Vpwa nin xnsxV .Try jtsw in the evening his eyes were sound, (and) in the morning it was as if his eyes were burnt in fire BM 85b(33); b. parts: sg. XJ'JH 'SX'Tlff the sinews of the eye /(Z28b(38) [4- xr'Tlti mng. 1]; X3TT X3"in fat [i.e. white] of the eye Bek 38b(28) [expl. BH iary aVn Ps 73:7]; Tryi XT313 pupil of the eye Gif 69a(12); X3'yi xViV'l the eyeball 7am 32b(17; V10); xry 'VlD'tf the lower portions of (one) eye TGAs42 52:17; c. var. diseases and ailments: sg. xpirV Try T? 3'SDT the child's eye hurt him Yev 7ib(6); nry nyps ... xry n? xmpi rural her eye was inflamed. Her eye ruptured and she died AZ 28b(36); ib. 29a(4); 65a(20); Mei 20b(24); Git 69a(5); pi. Try ]S7T his eyes drip Ket 77b(16); Try plTOT one whose eyes have the z.-defect Bek 44a(29; L1) [4- V2#11T pa.]; d. esp. of the evil eye: 1) w. xnff'a/XWa [Ma X3'X xnP'3 MD 15, JPA (n)2T3 ry DJPA 403, mng. le]: sg. Xtf»3 xry Ber 20a(30); ib. 55b(35); Xry XJW3 Bo 5:4; 2) elliptically: a) w. VsT pe. to cast a spell [cf. MH2 13 Try ]IU BB 75a(34)]: pi. TPS3 mi lTry pan T3 13T the scholars cast a spell upon him, and he died BB 14a(17); BM 85a(51); San 88b(36); fler 58a(37); Tan 24b(13); b) w. Vt371£? pe. to have power by means of a glance: sg. xry TO XBVtf 1TW1SX tf'Bn |1'3 since their haughtiness is great the (evil) eye has power over them Pes 50b(39; E2); Ber 55b(37); BM 84a(34); e. w. var. vbs.: 1) Vinx pe. to produce an illusion: 4- Vinx pe., mng. 5; 2) V'Vl pa.: pi. T3"y 'Vl he raised his eyes Sab 156b(36) [4- V'Vt pa., mng. 2]; 3) w. VaT pe. to set one's sight (with evil designs) [cf. ,"iniX3 Try ]T\1 npirn BB 3b(38)]: pi. i,Try d'u 'arm Vxto* na n?y a Jewess upon whom pagans set their sight (for sexual pleasure) Tan 22a(17); 18; 4) V?n3 pe.: a) to smear a salve on the eye: 4- V?rD pe., mng. 2; b) to blind: ib., mng. 3; 5) V'03 itpa. to be concealed from sight: 4- V'03 itpa., mng. 2b; 6) V'Va pe. to fill the eye socket with kohl, earth, etc.: 4- Vlt'Va pe., mng. II.2; 7) Vim af. to enlighten: 4- Vl#"im af., mng. 2; 8) V'BD pa. to efface: 4- V'aD pa., mng. 2; 9) VDVy pa. to avert one's eyes: Tra Try an D'Vy xVl PN did not avert his glance from it Hul 95b(16); ib. 8; 10) VnsS pa. to make bright: 4- VnSS pa.; 11) V'Vs af. to glance: 4- Vlff'Vx af, mng. 2; 12) VoVtf pe. to discern: nym nry XOVtf 'V'» nOTtf the eye of a shepherd can perceive (an object at a distance of) sixteen miles Bek 54b(34) [4- VoVtf pe., mng. 3]; f. in sayings: sg. X3DEH Xry3 XTJ an arrow in Satan's eye [i.e. he has no control over me] Qid 81a(47) [+ //'s; 4- 1#XTJ mng. 1]; Sab 108a(40) // BB 89a(20) [4- xnp mng. 2]; BQ 85a(53) [4- V-lliy pa.]; g. in a fig. sense: pi. 'T'3'ya 'VtD'a they despise them [lit. they become disgraced in their eyes] Sot 47b (44); 13'3'ya X3T«m 'HI am I suspect by you? [lit. in your eyes] Ber 5b(40) Y: KJ'J AZ 28b(36; BAYTN 15). — "3'jn prep, in natural form a. general: X3TI V?3 lmnan xVl lTrya 'DTI p'Ven if he cooked wheat [i.e. the kernels] in its natural form and did not break them at all Ber 37a(26); 'Voa IT'rya does it [i.e. the water] lose its existence when it is by itself? Er 97b(27); Pes 44a(22); b. w. -TX/'T1?: nry3 riTX (the stolen article) is still in existence BQ 105a(6); Men 12a(35); XD'H Trya TTm where it is not. in existence San 112b(23); lev 110a(20); XTCXV TTXi |X»31 'an Trya it is as if the prohibition is in its natural state AZ 35a(9); ib. 49b(13); Pes 30a(6); San 29b(47); Kar 5a(17); HP 114:18; TJl'X Dnn xtst xnrp1? ttV xah Trya xtst xni'p1? Trya in that case [i.e. with weak vinegar] the acerbity of the fruit is present naturally. In this case [i.e. with vinegar which had been employed to contract blood vessels] the acerbity of the fruit is not present naturally Pes 75a(2); BQ 105a(19); ITrya lmrVXT they are in existence San 72a(21); Ket 55a(8); Hul 131a(ll); c. w. Vmn pe.: TlTI nrya (the cow) returns (to its owner) as is BQ 95b(25); BM 43a(37); Pes 6a(3); San 33a(41); Trya Tin nyaB? inx1? after seven (days the beam) returns to its natural state (when the sukka is dismantled) Suk 31a(27) Y: -:'JO Ber 37a(26). - l'J/3 prep, similar to (MH rya BY 4444) "pa xypm xniaVa pya xy-ixn xmaVa xnan xjarn blessed is the Merciful One who created the earthly kingdom similar to the heavenly kingdom Ber 58a(43); Xnmn ]'ya like new ones Pes 30b(16); BQ 41a(55); BB 20a(19); AZ 3b(38); Zev H8b(ii); irpn xnmxT rya pan lrpm Va whatever the scholars ordained they ordained as if with Pentateuchal authority Yom 31a(2) [+ //'s; 4- XTniXT mng. 2a]; BM 4a(42) - J'jra prep, similar to (JPA rya DJPA 322) max 'n rvisvtf pya xjna an nravo PN's beauty is similar to PN2's beauty BM 84a(24) // BB 58a(16); TaV'n )'ya n,!? TtfBi Xim this refers to a case where he interprets for him the essence of his dream Ber 55b(50) 2#K3'J/, pi. NW'Sr n.m. spring (TA xry TO Gen 16:7, Sy rC'\,< LS 522, mng. 4, Ma xrx MD 15, mng. 2) a. general: sg. X'an xry a spring of water Ber 54a(37); Sab 33b(31); ib. 110a(40); SSHai 6b(5); HM 45:11; pi. xnxry Xa'XT, P'VTai are there not, in fact, springs which are higher (than the Euphrates)? Bek 55b(l); b. as first element of GN's: sg. •>BnV "OT Xry Git 89a(50) Lit: Eshel, JSB 205+ [usage b]; Y: Xry Ber ib.(BAYTN 15). Sr03'jr, pi. '33'y/ n.f. grape, an infected pustule or boil (4- X3rX; TA yilj pi. TO Num 13:23, Sy ^ft ***'>.. P'- "** "* '*' >. graPe> berry, hemorrhoid LS 534, Ma xm'jy, pi. X'S'jy MD 353) 1. grape: sg. nra na Xnary a grape of the same type [i.e. similar to the pustule; v. mng. 2] AZ 28a(40); pi. 'aryi Xp'ny xnan old wine and grapes (which were mixed) AZ 66a(l); '131 'inn 'm> 'Via (n)'ary n,!? 'a'w nn a certain man's grapes were being stolen the whole year Ned 62a(28); BB 24a(32); ib. 126a(12); D113T '31'y grapes which dried up BM 106b(37); Sab 90a(47) [4- 2#X"?'X]; HP 192:16; HM 39:14; 2. an infected pustule or boil: sg. xnary 'Nn X'n (xmai) xaxVaT xpans a pustule is a forerunner of the Angel of Death AZ 28a(39); Xn'ra Xn3ry intermediate pustule HPQ 223:12; HM 38:2 [in a list of diseases] Geon. expl.: ma nmio nnVn dik °?» nwa ty nmxw rays ms'j N33'j; Xtnia TGHark 22:27; TGWeisz 83:14 [mng. 2]; Y: Xrory AZ ib.(BAYTN 195). - K^n/KVNri '33'V n.pl.f. nightshade (Sola- num nigrum; caique < Akk karan selibi a medicinal plant CAD K 201; 4- xVyn; Sy y -p \ \ i<LLi.^ LS 534) T*PVT? '3ry Git 70a(l) [Var: Vxm 'ary M; xVyn 'ary oht ib. 154:13] Geon. expl.: atyn Vx 23jr j?xny 'Tta '80' VVn OHT ib. 158:20, i.e. Arab iJiill v% Siggel 53; Lit: Flora 3:379+; Y: X^Xfl'?:?. Git ib. SnS'JT n.m. suffering (< MH 4iry Yeivin, BV 960, J 1072; 4- V3#My) sg. T'liy y'TT 'nV'O 'ffltfn a matter whose suffering is known now Ned 80b(22); ib. 23 Y: x;«'5? Nerf ib.(BAYTN 258). NTl'313'y, KD'313'N, pi. NflK'313'y n.f. perh. small lobe (< 4- X31X(?) + XT' [dimin. ending]; 4- 2#xtti) sg. xn'iiry xim xVaoa xaix xin 'J1X ymrf? TV I'Ensa we combine one lobe on the left and one small lobe into two lobes Geon 32:11; ib. 27:5; XTim XTTiry 'ri3D nV npi the butchers call it [i.e. the extra lobe] 'the small lobe of the rose' Hul 47a(17); TGHark 84:34; Geon 27:3; ib. 13; XTTn Xfl'lll'X ib. 32:9 [cf. Rashi, Hul ib.]; pi. XnX'Jiry HP 203:6 Lit: Eps, Gr 116; Y: Xn':"'*? Hul ib.(BAYTN 288). K3rill3'y, N3mi3j; n.m. humble person (4- V'jy 2#; TA ]ni:y TO Num 12:3, JPA ]miiy DJPA 412) sg.m. XJX XJmry I am a humble person Sot 40a(19); ib. 22; Hor 14a(10); xVbwI XJXmiy ITaiS a humble person whose knees are low San 88b(33); pl.m. 'jmiryV 'Xap 'B'p^l V2 ,Tn xri 'Xin3 come (and) see (what is the difference) between the earlier harsh ones and the later humble ones San llb(l; F2) Lit.: Gross, Patterns 116; Y: XJjTITUy. Hor ib.(BAYTN 309). NflWrilirS? n.f. humility (4- V2# '3y; JPA IMlVUy DJPA 412) sg. xm 3n 13 nam n'numiry PN's humility MQ 28a(32; L); Sot 40a(22; V2); Nid 20b(4) Y: H'rjwriljy MQ ib. N33'JT, N3N3'y n.m. one having large eyes (< 4- i#xry + xr; cf. 4- xwp-ip, xirv, xjiaw; Sy -^ i i • y LS 522) pi. '3X-ry '33 large-eyed children Ket 6 la(l) 857
Nm'jr 858 N3p'j; Lit: Eps, Stl 353; Y: 'Jj'jf Ket ib. Nna'JT n.f. investigating (4- l#XJ'y) sg. XOXItf1? Kin XfiO'yi it is a term of investigating AnanSch 26:8 [w. ref. to rrmn Num 15:39] *O10'y I rt7 n. N(?P'J7, abs. pDJ? n.m. business, joint venture, merchandise (i Vpoy; TA 'poy pi. TJ 2K 4:13) 1. business, business deal: a. general: sg.abs. ]'1 tf'3 pDJT this (was) a bad deal 5g 99b (54); det. XpD'ya '"7TX Xp Tin they were engaged in business Ket 69b(36); xpcy ,TT»K! he taught him business Qid 30b(41); TpOya n^XB 'X yTOi 'y31 xb 'XI he wants to know if he will be successful in his business or not (during the coming year) Kar 5b(53) // Hor 12a(39); "|pO'y TDD your business deal will suffer a loss Ber 56a(15); ib. 33; KBIT/rm XpD'y a large/small business transaction Ket 66b(14); b. w. Vnay pe.: nay mm XpO'y he engaged in business, and it was profitable Er 64b(2); Tan 21a(3); Ket 80b(17); So? 21a(43); 2. joint venture (between two partners in which one supplies the capital and the other the work, and whose profits are divided between the two, two-thirds to the former and one-third to the latter, but whose losses are divided equally): sg. BM 104b(40) [4- V2# pDy itpa., mng. 6]; MT7& X0"?S XpD'y 'Xn ]npS XO^SI a joint venture is considered as being half a loan and half a deposit BM 104b(37) // BB 70b (7); mm 'Tin nna xpcy 'nayn nna 'on two certain people who made a joint venture together, and it was profitable ib. 105a(7); ib. 2 [4- Vltt^ap pa., mng. lb]; 31b(36); 69a(44); im xnxn Vsi Xpoy I'Tn any profit which may accrue in this joint venture SSHai 10b(15); XpO'y im a joint venture document ib. 10a(10) [fol. by a H explanation of the terms and the text of the A writ; 4- 1#X0'3 mng. 3]; pi. 'pD'y 'in two joint ventures BM 105a(l); 3. merchandise, cargo: sg. n,!? iam x1? xpoy lmra xya he asked them for merchandise, (but) they did not give (it) to him Bes 32b(14); MQ 10b(34); Ned 50a(36) [4- 3#XT113]; xpcya '3isn to deal in merchandise Yev 63a(31); moan xpoy the cargo in it [i.e. the ship] BB 77b(13) [expl. MH 'P'TUX ev0f)Kr| Mib. 5:1] Lit: Sperber, Nautica 134 [mng. 3]; Voc: NpD'y HGP 28a: 16; Y: XjJD'y BB ib. [NBhs'y 4- xtfaix n.] NrflS'JT n.f. doubled-over portion (4- V*]Dy; Sy k'&c. <\ . «\ s LS 538) sg. 'XTW1? XTIS'©1? mTjyVl 'X^'yV X(n){sns'yi let them make a hem below and a doubled-over portion above Sab 134a(24); xin ion xin ^"yai 'Tins nyixm '»n ww? i'ya 'Xm XXllS'ya 'Xm XW11 he folds the two ends of the strap (of the phylactery) over each other and puts one within the other and the top of one in the doubled-over portion of the other ST 492:49 N1X'J7, NIS'N n.m. juice (4- Vnxy; Sy rc'-^ LS 540, mng. 4) sg. Vrai xns'y juice of leeks Git 69b(47) [Var: Xixy Ar (AC 6:242); XIX'X Ed] Geon. expl.: filTD 'JK mxxy OHT Git 158:6, i.e. <li\JA\ Sjl~»*. Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: lOX'X Git ib.(BAYTN 109). KJIS'J/ n.f. advice (< BH l#nxy Yeivin, BV 770; 4- Vfiy; jpa nm'y det. djpa 405) sg. fa x?x iio Tit1? T^pa^ nriX'y finally, he went (and) advised (him) to kill David San 101b(34; MGE 21:19) Ni?'j7 n. (uncertain) pi. 'p'y HG3 156:39 [Var: w> ivy] Part of the sciatic nerve. K3p'y n.m. heel, root, bottom part (4- Vlpy, l#xSp'y; TA X3py TO Gen 25:26, Sy rciAj^ LS 541, Ma l#X3py MD 356; cf. Ma X30y rounded part, joint MD 341) 1. heel: sg. fi'nxi XyiX3 'by "]3py place your heel on it on the ground HM 44:22; '"? P'po nynX3 '3piy my heel knocked on the ground Bo 84:13; 2. root [w. ref. to the point of attachment of a part of the body]: a. general: sg. 'JU'3T '3p'y the root of the hair Naz 39a(15); Hitrbl X3p'y the root of the tongue AnanSch 24:18; pl.cs. pTB'J '3p'y nXl)('in the roots of the (dyed) strands of the hair (of their beards) become white Naz 39b(l); det. "TC/D'X nBOT '3p'y3 lp'OT it is possible for (the bird) to raise itself on the roots of its wings [i.e. the joints where they are attached to the body] Hul 859 «nj?'ya 52a(13); 3. bottom part, end: sg. '30 3'fl'X "?TX lnblDT n3p<')(l)y he went (and) sat at the end of all of them (at the feast) San 109b(36); X01X ln'SID iyi in'3p'y» 1'3'nOl xaiXl a (large) lobe and a (small) lobe which adhere (to each other) their entire length [lit. from their bottom part to their end] Geon 27:18; X11B/T X3py the bottom part of the wall HM 42:13; X3py Dy n'Tl' n3pl Xy"lX3 bury it [i.e. the knife] with the bottom part [i.e. the hilt(?)] in the ground ib. 44:21; pi. '3p'y 'BByn the bottom parts of the loins HG3 155:35; 4. fig. source: sg. "?D3 xnN13TI XIlBDn "73T X3p'y x'n ''ona xnaosi xn"i33 pn'-ia'B the source of all the wisdom of the Rabbis in all their statements in the barraitot and the gemara is the Mishna OHT Yev 72:12; TGAs42 27:3; H3p'y Xfiyaizn the source of the legal traditions TGAs28 45b:12 Lit: Eps, Stl 124. The text N3p'jn JT9T plowing at the root (of the date palm) BB 54a(21) is exceptional in that N3p'y refers to a botanical species. Note, however, that the mss. GP read: XmiB H3 j?B-|; Y: '3pT? Hul 52a(13; BAYTN 123). - "3p'j73 prep, following (Sy (-)-. n \ -i PSm 2960) xrfr'a xm nspomys following that matter TGHark 190:34 - "Sp'^D prep, from the beginning of ... xbn in"3pya ymvp lin the betrothal was invalid from its beginning Seel 121:29(Var) - Nap'!?!?, N3p'KS adv. from the beginning, originally (4- xnp'ya) nap'ya D'3'ix n'1? ri'x (if) he has enemies from the beginning MQ 18b(53) [RaH: Xlp'ya]; TGHark 102:18; niO'O X3p'ya n'V Tiax riDSnO they told him [i.e. Jonah] from the beginning: "Nineveh will be overturned" [v. Jon 3:4] San 89b(15); ib. 59b(15); '"7 'TT'Xl trip X3p'ya bring it to me first BQ 113b(31; F1); HP 28:19; ib. 85:13; 177:29; X3p'Xa BB 106b(22; HP 96:27); X'n TITTM nsp'Xa ni^X a woman from the beginning is rebellious HP 82:13 [v. BQ 113a(19)] Voc: rnp'XiJ HGP 4a:37. 1# Nlp'V, cs. Ip'V n.m. root, essential portion (4- V-ipy; BA 1j?? Da 4:12, Sy ^\^ LS 543) 1. root: sg.cs. npy HM 40:16; det. Nid 17a(17); x"7p'TI Xlp'y the root of the date palm Suk 31a(42); ib. 36b(27); TGAs42 164:7; Xip'y Xnp'ny xnosoXT a root of old alfalfa Git 69a(18); HP 204:10 [4- X310X]; Git 69a(37) [4- 2#xriBin]; Hul 59a(l) [4- XJl'-llO]; 2. essential portion, major part: sg.cs. xav in xm'B np'y Xin the major part of the effort is one day MQ 9a(3); ib. 21a(37); XJf>'a np'y the essence of the matter Ket 90a(16); Men 79a(42); TGHark 160:19; XIID'X "Ip'y the essential part of the prohibition Yev 91a(18); Sot 45b(41); BM 103b(35) [4- V2#DI7D]; BB 15b(10); San 39a(49); Zev lla(27); TGHark 163:11; pi. Xm 'ip'y xnV'a ISGF 72:7 Y: xnp'5> Hul ib.(BAYTN 136). - N'ljJ'yM adv. originally, at first, already, original status (4- X3p'ya) 1. originally, at first, already: a. alone: yT mn XV Xnp'ya originally he did not know BB 16a(41); Xip'ya ]'3ttn3 xmima it is evident that it is as we originally replied Er 96a(12); Xnp'yB pnBXTJ as we originally said AZ 33a(28); Xlp'ya X1BB XDXT Xn this refers to a case where it had already rained Tan 6b(30); xnp'ya 'nT xn"?n xiayx {mm xm was she not, in fact, already pregnant for three months? Sot 12a(44); Yev 108a(28); b. * XTWn now: mm xrwn "J'TI Xnp'yB XTp' it was originally expensive and now it is cheap BB 104a(21); xian xniym 'aoy xnp'ya mam (if) he trod them, (they were) originally grapes, and (they are) now wine ib. 126a(5); AZ 47a(7); Xs? Xnp'yB ]'X XnOT now yes [i.e. immediately before the execution], originally [i.e. at a previous time] no San 43a(42); Sab 19b(5); Yev 87a(45); Ket 25a(l); Qid 24b(49); San 88b(38); c. * *\\02b finally: lioaV ian xnp'ya na'p'o 'aixn m^'n xa'n a case where she gave birth to twins, first a female and finally a male Kar 10a(35); MQ 16b(7); Ket 86a(4); Qid 69b(30); BQ 65a(18); Mei 12a(26); d. ^ xan"?i ]3'a: xb xnp'ya tx xami ia'a from this time on-yes, originally-no Bes 10a (3 6); 2. original status: p'^TX Xip'yB ina we follow the original status BQ 18a(4); n"7 10'an' xnp'yaTJ we give her [i.e. the orphan] according to (the father's) original (worth) Ket 68a(43); BM 74b(5) [value of a field]; ^103 1D3 "7't ... Xnp'ya -\H2 V'T
2# Kip'j; follow the original/final status (of the woman) Ket 52a(34) Lit: Bacher 154; Voc: fnj?'J>5 HGP 17b:31; n^ya HPP41:18; Y: iOjrjra Ber 9b (46). 2# tnp'jr I xp'x n. Ty adj., n. awake (4- V"liy pe., pass.part.; Sy k'tja LS 523) n., pl.m. 1. one who is awake: '1,10 "py nnV '33W1 'Ty may the ones who are awake and the ones who are asleep be witnesses against you? San 29b(6); 2. angel (< BA ]'Ty HALOT 1946; Sy rc'-U^ LS 523, mng. 2): pi. paw nVt p'J7 angels that do not sleep So 133:8 Y: T? 5a« ib. [ksutj; I i#x3vi'jr n.] l#N31Ty n.m. (forbidden) mixture (of seeds), (eruv (4- V2# 3"iy; TA piTy pi. TO Lev 19:19 [H O'X1?:)]; mng. 2: < MH 31T'y Yeivin, BV 959, J 1075; 4- V4#3"IV; JPA 31Ty DJPA 405) 1. (forbidden) mixture (of seeds): sg. XJllKO X31"iy xa*)33 dodder in a vineyard is a (forbidden) mixture Sab 139a(51); 2. 'erwv, a legal fiction by which the Sabbath limits are 'mixed' in order to allow the carrying of objects within and between them: sg. xns,~l xarrjn bread of an 'eruv Ber 39b(29); Sab 117b(53); "1313 '3KT XrWJD '33 X31Ty '311113 Xpi (people) who were placing an 'eruv in the synagogue of GN Er 61b(28); ib. 67a(3); TGAs42 166:14 Voc: 831TX VTM 27; Y: (G1TJ? 5ai ib.(BAYTN 142). 2# N3WJ7 n.m. setting (of the sun; i V3# my; TA XTO'ltf '31Ty TgPs 104:23 [v. TW 2:241]) sg.cs. Kin X'1?'1? {1fWa)V 31Ty '3D from the time of the setting of the sun it is night Ber 2b(25) N)71Ty n.m. flight (4- Vpiy; Sy rd.Lr.o-i-*. LS 550) sg. n"TlO'» H'plTy his flight suffices for her [i.e. it invalidates the woman's betrothal] Yev 37a(13) Y: .TjMTjr Xev ib.(BAYTN 142). NStf'57 4 XBtf'X n. N3tP'y, XaOST n.m. herb (TA X30y TO Gen 1:29, Sy rC-K m \ LS 536) coll. m3Tl X3Dy herbs of the field Pes 118a(21); H2Vy TGAs42 860 a3j, 161:7; pi. r\abrx\ '3Py 'l"7'y nrUTl'X (the dissected thigh) was placed upon herbs and (the thigh) closed together BB 74b (20) [P1: '3ltf'J?]; 22 Y: KSfcry tffl ib.(BAYTN 123). WliP'J? n.m. compulsion (4- V'Dy) sg. 'TT 'x"?J?a l"l"iwy 13"H my entering constitutes compulsion against him Ket 53a(10) N"W'y, KTJO'y, cs. -llO'jr n.m. a tenth (4- 1iyy; MH Tliyy MBikK 2:6, J 1077) sg.cs. '03: Wy a tenth of the estate Ket 69a(34); ]bpv pt)3'a 131 'D3'3 TlO'y when (the daughters) get married, they take a tenth of the estate HP 112:6; ib. 117:30; 118:18; det. Kim XTIBTJ? 'aXT X1? xap XllKry1? the latter tenth [i.e. ten percent of ninety, etc.] is not similar to the former tenth [i.e. ten percent of a hundred] Ket 50a(12); Bek 60b (3 7) Y: KT#7 Ket ib.(BAYTN 258). Nrnifr'jr n.f. tenth, group of ten (4- V-|fe?y; cf. Sy k'-Uoo^. LS 537) 1. tenth: pi. xri""W5/3 '") '3T in (the case of) the tenths of those of PN's household Ned 39b(40; V2) [i.e. each daughter receives ten percent of the estate in succession and hence a remainder always exists]; 2. group of ten: pi. XTl'nwy BM 64a(l; V22) [H: XJlX'Tltty] Voc: XrniB'y HGP 24b:22; Y: NJV'-)W7 BM ib.(BAYTN 331). 33J7 vb. to restrain, delay, detain, wait, be essential (4- X313'y, X33y; JPA 33y DJPA 412) Pa. 1. to restrain, prevent: lru'amx lH3'33y 'BW1P '3 xn"?Tl he restrained them : made them stay put [double rdg.] (from fighting) on three (consecutive) Fridays Git 52a(32); XJHX nx» 'm 'ixax 33J?a the owner of the field can restrain the owner of the houses (from selling) BM 108b(32); 1.1'ty '33ya xna '33 IJIX the local (merchants) came to prevent them (from selling) BB 22a(12); ib. 21b(37); BM 79b(20) // AZ 65a(45); 2. to delay, postpone: X33ya N'Xa TTX she can postpone (the marriage) Ket 57b(12); X1? iTJTDl H'T Xl^a'a1? ,T33y3 he should not delay in washing his hands and feet Anan 32:24; 3. to detain: H'31 in3'33y he detained them with him BB 12b(16); 4. to wait [v. Itpa., mng. 2]: TJ7 3'3y -\b 3'ri':i xrcna ^xprn' n3 'mm 3-n 'yaw byvi wait until PN's servant takes first and (then) we shall give you Qid 70a(27) [M: TO!]; 33yn X1?! do not wait HM 40:4; 5. to be indispensable, essential [lit. to prevent (an act by omission); MH 335? pa. J 1077]: mss xssyai nmsy a (Temple) service which is indispensable for atonement Zev 18a(17); Pes 78b(15); Yom 5a(2); ib. 40a(23); Yev 70b(33); Naz 14b(19); Zev 52a(17; V11); AnanSch 8:12; 'Tinx '33ya (the two loaves) are mutually essential [i.e. they cannot be brought separately] Men 14b(4); BM 54a(10) Itpa. 1. to be delayed: xV '3'3 '3'3 X3'y3'B 'X 33y'X if I am needed in the meantime I shall not be delayed San 98a(50); 2iyb 1'Vm 'flXI 'X if he is passing through, let (the marriage) be delayed Ket 3b(27); 'HI' Xlfal 133y'Xl they were delayed for three days (because of the circumcision) Anan 82:3; p'y ly nruan rbsn in1? xssyxT x-ro'x XWttT a group whose minha-prayer was delayed until eventide TGHark 131:8; 2. to wait: 33y'X 3Dy'X tub TIM "7'TXT 'V wait for me so that I can go with you. He did not wait Ket 62b(38); X»a '3 '3'"inX 'ysnx1? aayx 'ysiX^ when he came to the fourth (day), he waited another four (days) Nid 66a(54) [Ed: "1B3]; 3. to remain away: X71W V'T'1? XTHP TIT-Vl XflW SSy'Vl let (the messenger) travel for a year, remain away for a year, and return in a year BB 4a(19); //«/ 105b(53); ib. 110a(10); T33 3'JVm 33ynri 'aV'T so that she should remain : dwell [double rdg.] with him Yev 85a(44) N33S? n.m. delay (4- V33y) sg. xrf?'N2/3 IS'lDa X1? X33y Tl'3 'Xa TlBna it is not explicit in the question for what reason there is a delay (in giving her the ketubba) Geon 155:16 tnaay;, trnpy n.m. mouse (4- xrraay; ta X1±:y' TO Lev 11:29, Sy i^4-. n^v LS 542, JPA n33y DJPA 412) sg. Sab 121b(ll); Bes 3 6b (18); AZ 68b (22); 33 J Xlin xVx 331 X133y lxb the mouse did not steal, but the hole stole Git 45a(7) // Qid 56b(2) // Am 30a(8); 3'3EH X133y '13'1X 'a mouse that is lying on denars' San 29b(20) [nickname of a miserly person; Var: X13py HP 79:34]; pi. TrbpV '133y the mice took it [i.e. the get] Git 19b (5 6); ban'Xl '133y "?3N JTai (the cat) ate the mice, became sick, and died 5M97a(12); ib. 6 Y: KIMS' San ib.(BAYTN 221). NrnaaS? n.f. mouse (4- X133y; Sy K'jfti 71 n«A LS 542)sg. 5ei38b(18; VI7) T3^ adj. turbid, unclear (4- Vl#n3y pe., pass, part.; JPA T3y DJPA 406) 1. turbid: pl.m. limn 'TDyi lVxiCS) XpT X'aV they saw the water rising and becoming turbid Sab 108a(30); Hul 55b(15) [^ 4- "?'S mng. la]; Bek 7a(50) [donkey's urine; I x"?3n mng. 4]; 2. unclear: sg.m. mm rr'tn H'nyT XT3y he saw that his mind was unclear Men 53a(33) Y: 'T35J &* ib. ^3y vb. to consume, disintegrate (< 4- VltVaX; Sy ci-ors' etpe. LS 17, Ma "?'3Jiy, Vom MD 17, s.v. 1#"73X etpe.) Itpe. 1. to be consumed: a. general: fVBX 'XT1»'X 'XH1 ^3y'X '^lsyx 'XH this one [i.e. the clean fish that was swallowed] was completely consumed (by the unclean fish), but this one actually bred (it) [i.e. the clean fish found inside it] Bek 7b(41); b. by fire [cf. Ma: x"ii3 ix"?3'n MD 17]: 'xi "?3ya mn rra i'sn +'xt ■73ya mn X1? <T3 TSn Kb if he turns it over [i.e. the sacrifice] it will be consumed. If he does not turn it over, it will not be consumed Svu 17b(6); ib. 9; 2. to disintegrate: V'DjrrX"'{{yin '"?'a '3m ''©3 n'3'3 VlSy'X Kb bin '^lSyri'X this refers to when (the tendons) had completely disintegrated. But (if) its tendons had not (completely) disintegrated, (the animal) is fit Hul 54b(12) [cf. HP 204:15]; IH'ID'p VaynaT par sometimes their knot [i.e. of the money bags] disintegrates Bes lla(l) K^oy 4- xVax n. N»3l7 n.m. dark color (< xaDX*; i D31X) pl.m. X^ms1? 'axil 'aDy 'aay (a lung) which has various dark (spots) similar to stibnite Hul 46b(32; HP 199:6) Lit: S. Sassoon, HP 1991'. N33j7 n.f. snake (Semiticized form < i%ic„ gxi5va Lehnw 415; cf. Sy rdM-oi^ LS 16) sg. X33y H'1? XTim n'tt?S3 n31 mnDWX they found that 861
i#isjr 862 Vj? he had died, and a snake had encircled him BQ 117b(l); mmyaV tasy n'V XTT1 mn a snake had encircled (the entrance of) his burial cave BM 85a(32; Es); ib. 84b(32) Lit: Fauna 44+; Y: (t»J? BM ib.(BAYTN 92). 1# 13J? vb. to make turbid, disturbed (4- X13iy, T3V; JPA lay to make turbid DJPA 406, Ma 2#n3X MD 18) Pe.: ramy'Vl ,TT3 MTV xVl 'B1 TSW .TT3 in"? "135? '3 XM3 V3X he should not place it [i.e. the earth] with his hand and make it [i.e. the water] turbid, but (if the earth is) in the vessel, when he makes it turbid it is proper Nid 20a(47); X3Vn '"Dy XT'rai some of them [i.e. the foods mentioned] make the (mother's) milk turbid Ket 60b(52) Itpe. 1. to become turbid: 13yB1 X"l3y'B 'V'l nV 'VDpl (n)aVrl perhaps she will become pregnant, her milk will become turbid, and she will cause its death [i.e. of her previous nursing child] Yev 42b(l); 2. perh. to be troubled, disturbed: "|mn "I3yj may his mind be disturbed! BQ 99b(24) [but v. 4 Vl3y itpa., mng. 1] RaH: Win fcfan' OHR BQ 97:29 [Itpe., mng. 2]. 2# "DJ/, 13N vb. to detain, hold back (Sy i-a^. pa., etpa. LS 523, Ma 1#T3X MD 17) Pe.: XJ13X1 Tirrm nS130'X3 pV I detain you at the thresholds of their houses Bo 6:6 Itpe. to be held back: 'mm V3 'J'yV ■Qyn'l may he be held back before the eyes of all who see him Bo 74:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 334 [Pe.]. prep, on, upon, concerning, alongside, conj. because, since (4 "X, X3TIX; Sy •1^: LS 526, Ma l#Vy MD 349, JPA by conj. DJPA 406) w. suf: lsg. 'xVy Tan 23b(49); "Vy Ket 92b(7); 2m. "1'Vy Pes 114a(6); f. '3'Vy 5o 1:14; 3m. n'Vy 55 73b(21); f. nVy 7ev 10b(21); lpl. ]Vy Hag 5b(18); XiVy TGT/ar/t 1:18; 2m. 13"Vy Git 62a(50); 13'Vy fom 40a(13); p'Vy 5o 10:7; f. p'Vy Bo 19:5; 3m. IT'Vy &A 16a(21); p'Vy SSHai 9a(14); f. 'T'Vy &A 57a(22); 'n'Vy #P 10:12; p'Vy 5o 58:11;-1, prep. 1. on, upon, over: a. physical: 'Vy -]XJiyD "|Vy 'XJiyB my burden is upon you. Your burden is upon me Sab 66b(4i); n'V 'Vpi n'Vy xrnnu mai 'bVh perhaps he will place a live coal on it [i.e. the skull bone] and char it (so that it splits open) Hul lla(18); Pes 84b(20); Ket 109b(15); nnBI X3Tin nVy Vsj a ruined building fell upon her and she died BB 146b(2); Anan 49:16; xnV'2/12/ n'Vy XTO xnx he came (and) placed a chain over him [i.e. Ashmedai] Git 68a(50); p'Vy X1T1 he lay down upon them Mei 14b(ll); Bes 14b(41); Anan 45:10; 'mVy n'X XV W'3'X D1B11 no one's mark is on him [i.e. the slave] Git 86a(7) // SSHai 7a(12) [quoted from a legal document]; Git 68a(41); 'Xn '-ib?' mo n'Vy "nm nxons xidw a certain Persian deed upon which Jewish witnesses are signed Git 19b(30); BB 74a(40); n'Vy "TiaK recite over it HM 42:3; b. in a fig. sense: 1) in nonverbal phrases: X3Va "]Vy dV© well-being upon you, oh king! Git 56a(52); "10'p "]Vy V3n woe to you, emperor ib. 57b(45) [4- bin interj.]; '1 '1 '1H 13'Vy woe to you, dews Bo 78:20 [cf. Ma 'XI "XVy, Sy ,-Li. ,o MG 3541]; XjVsi 'XVy XiVfl n'Vy half (of the monetary loss) is upon me and half upon him S$Hai 10b (6); 2) in verbal phrases: VxMim maim 3-n main n'Vy iai they imposed upon him the stringent ruling of PN and the stringent ruling of PN2 Er 6b(29); pan iya n'Vy 'am the scholars prayed for him [lit. asked for mercy upon him] Yom 21a(l); Xp n'Vy IX1?! P'3B0 XpT Xin 'M'OX p'3B0 we do not rely upon it [i.e. a woman's testimony], but we rely upon the distinctive marks (of the corpse) Yev 115b(2); xV 'X7V3 'EN'X 'XVy 'V3pB Xp my wife is not acceptable to me Tan 23b(49); "]Va nWH lVMl l.T'Vy how do we know that PN ruled over them? Ara 33a(15); 2. concerning, about: nVy 'inn 'xa Xnn'X X'nm what will become of me (in my old age)? Yev 65b(42); X31D XnV'Bn T\by 1'XT mn he was very anxious about the matter Sab 156b(21); lT'Vy "111 yeriiT ... ln'Vy in n©a Moses decreed concerning them. Joshua decreed concerning them Yev 79a(44); ln'Vy Wiai X1SS3 13"T 1B?B XBV '"713 wash your hands in the morning and stipulate concerning them for the whole day Hul 107a(2); xn'ma r\by '3m he learns concerning it in a barraita Er 82a(10); 'Xl'B Tim X31X X'nn 'ins nVy a certain boat about which two people 3^ __ were quarreling BB 34b(l); xnXIP Vy yanitfB he swears about the rest BM 5a(34); Svu 24a(18); XT XTOTIX n'Vy Tanai XJTpD we ordered them to write this aofawfa-document concerning him Dec 5:7; n'Vy p'Vxitfl we asked about him ib. 9:9; 3. alongside, along [cf. BH Vy BDB 757, mng. 6a, Akk ina muhhi (nari) CAD N/1 371]: XTU by X'aT alongside a river of (running) water Kar 6a(10) // Hor 12a(44); BM 18a(33); n'iVs Xnx»3 nama ^bs ~\m byn in such-and-such a town which is (located) alongside such-and-such a river Stf/Zai 2a(3); xa' »1'3 Vy along the seashore Ned 50a(33); 4. in the presence of: XVin WTTD XTDn 31T n'"?y nxV'Vl as a certain Galilean expounded in the presence of PN Sab 31b(39) // ib. 88a(13) // BQ 52a(13) // San 113a(57) // Mak 23a(15); 5. in a case of: IDaT Vy ... TIM 3T 133TI xn'^ir; nysai "?yi xd'jx xyma pn used to give lashes in the case of one who submits a protest concerning a get, and in the case of one who harassed a messenger of the scholars Yev 52a(19) // Qid 12b(20); Sab 156a(22); 6. w. X3'K to possess: xann xnmn n'Vy X3'X it possesses the look of bread Ber 37b(41); 7. in phrase JPK "Vy mb to owe to s.o. [JPA Vy n'X DJPA 55, usage b.7]= x»'sj xjiaa am 'Vb Vy 'V n'X so-and-so owes me a large monetary debt 5iS//ai 16b(13); ib. 9a(i4); 'V ri'xn ]xa Vs Vy wmn n'V n'sn'i DyTa lin'Vy I have given him permission concerning anyone who owes me anything ib. 9a(ll); 'TIT XSVx 'xVy H'V ri'X I owe him one thousand zuzim SSSad 235:3; ib. 200:21; 8. in phrase ... in Vy ... times as much per unit [Ma pn Txn Vy, etc. MD 116, MG 349, ta in Vy pn TJ Zee 9:12, Sy ^Hdi xjj Ex 22:7; cf. JPA nasi nas in Vy djpa 261]: pn in Vy twice as much RH 23a(32) [Var: nn inx GRH 13:24]; Mg 12b(42; V17); BB 91a(9; P1); San 94a(49); /4Z 16a(36); A/en 87a(23); X'B xnVn in Vy three times as much water Sab 77a(4); ny31X in Vy four times as much Er 29b(25); 9. w. specific vbs.: a. i VtthlX pe., mng. lb; b. 4- Vl#VlX pe., mng. II. 1; c. 4- V71X pe., af.; d. 4- VnDX pe., mng. 4; e. 4- V'nx pe., mng. l.d.5; f. 4- VOT3 pe., mng. 3; g. 4- VTI3 pa., mng. 2b; h. 4- V'BT pe., mng. 2b; i. 4- Vl#Tin pa., mng. 2; j. 4- ^33n pe., 'Vy pass.part.; k. 4- V3¥l itpa., mng. Id; 1. 4- Win pe., mng. b; m. 4- Vow pe.; n. 4- V'T af., mng. lb; o. 4- Van' pe., mng. I.e. 1; p. 4- Vri3 af, usage b; q. 4- VtSlV pe., usage b; r. 4- V2# "|Va itpe., mng. 2; s. 4- VVbj pe., mngs. 4, 5, 7; t. 4- Vl#pVo pe., mng. 20f; u. 4- Viao pe., mng. 3; v. 4 V'JD pe., mng. 2; w. 4- V"l3y pe., mng. 3; x. 4 ^Dny pa.; y. I VjVb pe., mng. 6; z. 4- Vnns pe., mng. 6e; aa. 4- V2# TIX pe.; bb. 4- VV3p pa., mng. 4; cc. 4- ^Dlp pe., mng. 1.2; II. 14, 15, 16, 17; pa., mng. 7; af, mng. II. 1; dd. 4- VlBp itpe., usage a; ee.4- VlSfSp pe., mng. 2b; ff. 4- Vynp pe., mng. 2a; gg. 4- Vl#fm pe., pass.part., itpe.; hh. 4 Vl#'ai pe., mng. 9; ii. 4 Vnm pe., mng. 4; jj. 4 Wxiff itpe., mng. 2; II. conj. because, since [Sy -a .\ \ PSm 2887]: Vy Xn32?(l){3} X3T XaT n'lVy iV'nXT because they profaned the great day of the Sabbath for his sake Sab 156a(33); III. in compound forms: 4 Vy 'iinx, 'sx Vy s.v. i#xsx, -'aj Vy, 'T Vy s.v. xt, -nms Vy, xa'Vx, raa Vy, ~i aw Vy s.v. xatf Forms w/o suf. of this word occur in JBA of BT only in archaic and dialectal passages, e.g. Ned 3b(23); 8a(20); 12a(ll); Kar 2b(53); 5a(4); Naz 3a(5); ib. llb(23), but occur passim in Anan, Bo, and the Geonic lit. Lit: Eps, Gr 132+; id., Stl 98; Y: ■?? Pes 63b(4). 3Vy vb. (Sy ii\\ to surpass, take advantage LS 526) 4 XJ3Viy KViVy n.m. member of the Geonic academy (lit. one who enters; 4 VVVy ^a?o/-form; Sy KLS^i-i LS 524) pi. pan Vy lono'acn 'ViVy the members (of the Geonic academy) who rely on the Rabbis iSGF 117:16 'VlVjT n.m.pl. a type of claim (4 VVVy) Git 86a(6);S&/ai 7a(ll) Y: 'W?i[ Git ib.(BAYTN 70). 'Vj7 vb. to raise the status or price, improve (4 i#x'Via, 'Vya adj., xnrVya, nxV'y, 'xV'y, 'iV'y prep., x'lV'y, i#xn'V'y, 2#xn'V'y; Sy ,-Ls. pa., etpa. LS 527) Pa. 1. to raise the status: 'iVy n'V 'Vya Xp he greatly elevates its status [i.e. of the letter mem by writing it closed] Sab 104a(l); Meg 27a(15); TV Xi'Vya Xp "iVy I am significantly raising your status Ket 12b(16); WTBtyV n"Vy "iVyT he actually raised the status of its safekeeping (by handing it over to a paid 863
'ty 864 Vfy guardian) BQ llb(17) // BM 36a(34); BB 97b(ll); Tern 9a(28); 2. to improve: xVl 'axp 'S ■mtrx 'nya? dis^i nbya "iVeiy r;y& who says that (dates) do not improve (one's constitution)? They do indeed improve (his constitution), but he was temporarily incapacitated Ket 10b(51); fain wwb vb 'Vya vinegar improves the teeth Sab llla(21); ib. 109a(13); 129a(47); 3. to raise the price: |V"l» "13 m '0D33 rvb ]Vbya we are raising its [i.e. the field's] price like the property of PN BB I2b(4i)r xVi x-ux3 rrhy 'bidixV b rrVi TIT p'X ]1.T>3 VTlVy n^lVs?1? I cannot raise its rent or raise its price during all these months SSHai 8a(16; O); 4. to compensate: iVj/T nm 'p'oy 'jDsrcn ibx mnx iby x"7 xam bb?a '-nnx lVya Xs?! xnsmn b^pv 'xm xtVscx b'p© 'xm XTixa '<Tn>m)m xrwxs onftyr"? 'ax mni OfflVy XV in that case [i.e. of the vineyard and the wheat field] they compensated each other. Does this imply that in this case they did not compensate each other? Are we dealing with idiots, that this one takes a vaulted chamber and that one takes a courtyard, and they do not compensate one another? He said to him: "He compensated for the wall and the reeds. He did not compensate for the air rights" BB 7a(38; F2) Itpa. w. ~b to improve o.s.: "p'X nb X'Vyx your mother has improved herself in this matter [i.e. cooking the proper dish] Yev 63a(44) 'Vj? n.pl.m. leaves (dial.; JPA 2# rfry DJPA 408) xV x'Vy 'Va^XT x'Vy by x^snx 'am its/3' X'^DnX ra"pna let the clusters pray for the leaves. For were it not for the leaves, the clusters could not exist Hul 92a(44) [quoted in a prov. from Eretz Israel]; vrby Suk 13a(4; Ar [AC 8:40, s.v. -]TH!/, X"0]) [Ed: XT'SID] KJTfr'V? n.f. perversity (< MH2 rft'ty J 1083) sg. xnft'Vjn 1JXD1 'Wi'X >T1 those people who walk in perversity Sab 88b (2) [M: xnV'Vjn] Y: !Un*'V!? Sab ib.(BAYTN 177). Hrpby n.f. (uncertain) sg. TP3tP xn'V'nV 'TIT TP31P Kb XTVbyb money for ... is available; for ... it is not available Hag 5a(53) [L: xWyV ib] V Rashi and RaH for suggestions. 77J7, ??N vb. to enter, penetrate, fit, pa. bring in, insert (4- xVVlX, xVya v.n., ,!7ya prep., XJ^ya, i# x'ry, xrfry, xViVy, ,!7iVy, xrfrVy; Sy «A_^ ls 524, Ma 1#V?X MD 20) Pe. (a/u), pf lsg. Jl'Vxy Sab 140a(28); 3m. 'jxy BB 74a(2); by Yev 42b(ll); f. rfry Sab 63b(4; V); ty 5g 48a(15); X^y *.(F'); lpl. WVxy SSSad 213:3; 3m. iVy 5er 57a(50); Viy Gi? 16b(41); Vpy Gi? 57a(23); MQ lla(29); ife. 12a(12); imp. lsg. Viyx flag 5b(40); blV3 55 58a(8); 2m. "?iy'n 5er 18b(47; P); 3m. ViyV 5er 47a(5); Viyj Pes 112b(31); f Viyn Saw 39a(36); lpl. Viyj 7a« 9b(23); 2m. yibyn Bo 82:8; 3m. lVy1? 55 36b(12); tf»yb> Er 54b(43); imper. 2sg.m. Viy Pes 94b(31); 2pl.m. lViy San 70b(33); Bo 139:7; inf. ty'rf? Tan 23b(6); part. lsg. Xi"?"y Hul 7b(19); 2m. rfr"y 5e£ 17a(13); 3m. W /(nan 52:14; V"Xy MQ 17a(47); b"X 5er 56a(54; MGG 706:11); f. x"?"y Bek 8b(19); lpl. p'^'y Meg 28b(25); 2m. irrVy lev 114a(23); IJvV'y AnanSch 10:16; 3m. ^"y Yev 21b(10); fry Anan 35:3; f. r>y flu/ 50b(39; V11);- 1. to enter, go in, penetrate, fit in: a. alone: 1) people: xainn"7 V"y XVI npS 'X "?y "?yT ]TD if he is clever he enters the (Sabbath) limit. When he has entered he remains Er 41b(44); 'PJ'X 'b»yi xn'JTC "?xy he entered (the town) when people (generally) enter 5A/93b(16); Vxy Viyn K3'y3 I want to enter (the cave). He entered BB 58a(8); X^Bl 3'DT '3 Xy"D "?Xyi the Arab entered mounted on a camel ib. 74a(2); x"?1 mb [bvy. =] "?vy they did not enter into it [i.e. his house] MQ 12a(12; HPP 280:20) [v. Kara 14453]; 2) objects: V"yi B'jM XJIBa'O (the needle) takes the path through the bronchus and enters (the lung) Hul 48b(12); ,T"XTW3 "?"XT XDn» 'XTn X3"?aT I saw a needle which was entering the king's silk garments Ber 56a(54; MGG 706:11); Vy VyT XJ1EQW an error which has entered remains Pes 112a(44) // BB 21a(43); b. w. var. preps.: 1) "3: XDmn XBip3 b^yi xV'S an elephant which goes through the eye of a needle Ber 55b(56) [cf. Sy: .\s>A rdli^A om.\ . \^ rf \ ij ^oH K'iccvju-^i Mat 19:24; v. infra, Pa., mng. 4b]; x*73 xpnrn xss3 xn"2;p rbr\ ybnyo XmTl3 XDS (the hole is such) that three (date) stones can fit into it in a row tightly (and) not in 865 Vn a row easily Hul 50b(40); XJIflX XinH3 "7iy they entered into a certain oven Ket 67b(38); Sab 77b(30) [I XIBlp]; Mei 17b(18) [of a demon into a human being]; 2) HH3: ]321 HH3 'M IH'X "?Xy he too entered with the scholars MQ 17a(18); Bek 31a(13); 3) 'b: XD3H TClb "7"yT ]Xa 'XH one who enters into a privy Sab 82a(7); Yom 53a(46); 4) 'SK1?): XJ'Jn '1 Wb 'TXy PN entered (to be) with PN2 Ber 5b(21); ib. 54b(52); Pes 51a(41); ^nan 80:28; 5) 'apb: 'ai XSS 31T H'apV n"?"y '3 H'1? when you go in before PN, point out (the following) contradiction to him Pes 16a(26); c. w. fol. asyndetic vb.: X"n 13 WW 3T XJ1X "7Xy PN came in Ber 47a(33); ib. 61b(58); "?yT X^nx X'nn X1T3 Xinn1? ^X a certain woman who entered a certain house BQ 83a(32; MGN 160:19); Yom 77a(43); xrmn1? XTX "?y the gentile entered inside the tavern AZ 57b(15; HGP 56b:3); Dip'J Viyi xn3H '1 xri'33 let him enter (and) stand in a dark room tor 5b(54); Men 53a(33); rTSX V'SpJ VlSTO let us enter (the town and) greet him flag 5b(38); ]133T 'Op IBl'a "jya wys '3 when you want to enter to learn before your teacher Hor 12a(42; M); Meg 28b(28); Xfl "Jiy m you, come in (to the school) Svu 34b(5); BQ 33a(17); d. w. VpBJ pe. to go in and out: 1) alone: p3T '^"yi 'ps: '3 X"UX ^'Sp'Xl 1H"apa DIp'X when the scholars go in and out (of PN's entrance) I shall arise in their presence and receive a reward Er 28b(5); 'pSJ TVWy ,l7'"yi mwy ten (people) go out and ten enter Pes 64b(13); *|«n p'BJ '31 H'3 «l"n V«y '31 rP3 on entering and on exiting he rubs against it [i.e. the slaughtered wild cock] Git 68b(52); 2) (a)syndetic following another vb.: "friy ID'inx lpIS IDnnX go in early (and) go out early San 70b(33); p'SJI 1"X2?ni V"y «]"X2? he enters crawling and goes out crawling ib. 88b(33) [reflecting modesty]; ID'ISX *\W "7iy "\an3H *\W pis enter crawling on your stomach (and) go out crawling on your stomach BB 7a(3); "13 pm 3"l p'BTI «l'roa ^"yi I'riSB pns' PN would carry in and out on his shoulders (whatever was necessary for the Sabbath) Sab 119a(17); 3) in the mng. to frequent [cf. Akk erebu u asu to move about freely CAD E 263]: 'TITX p'SJI "?"y Xp he frequents (the buyer's house) for (his) money BM 77b(46); Er 6b(23); BQ 57a(8); BM 35a(8); 2. to set (of the sun): byti? WW X'tsaT Dy as soon as the sun is about to set AnanSch 28:7; 3. w. (K)Vnp3 to intermarry w. Jews [lit. to enter the congregation; caique < H ^npa X3 Dt 23:3; J 1322]: ^aps bytib rreraa nwaxb to make himself [i.e. the proselyte] fit to marry a Jew Kar 8b(28); btn&n X"?np3 bynb TOXl (a bastard) is forbidden to marry a Jew [lit. to enter into the community of Israel; v. Dt ib.] HP 142:6; ib. 46:9; x"?np3 "jya"? xmsn -\b rrxi pin n3 nx xn VxWT behold, you are a freeman, and you are permitted to marry a Jew SSHai 14a(20); 4. to begin [in time expressions; Sy, PSm 2875]: 13 XDV ^"y when the day begins HP 164:14; iy br\ V^yT until the holiday begins ib. 18; 5. to go for a price: nysnx iV'y Xp mn four (measures of bitumen) were going for [lit. fit into] (one zuz) BM 63b(31; HP 50:18); 6. w. "3 to deal w. s.o.: inrx -|3 ]iryb xbi iTa^n "|3 iiV'yVi let your students deal with you [i.e. carry the bier] so that they [i.e. the Romans] should not deal with you Git 56a(48; MGD 627:12) [M: 13 ipoy1?!] Pa. 1. to bring in: a. general: 1) people: jxa "Xn XWV1 XTTlb msn1? rrl7,,yT one who brought another into a house of marble San 77a(18); '3 -pao'T xnn'S3 noni^'V mrm 'a1? rvb rfryn Xpwb bring him into the school only by way of the entrance which is close to the marketplace Tan 24b(15); BM 83b(49); MQ 25a(44); 2) objects: X^S'a '3X» nb f"'ya -] ^"a he may bring eating vessels into it [i.e. the sukka] Suk 48a(24); xaa'3 inr^'X he brought them in [i.e. the beams] in the daytime MQ 12b(47; HP 178:24); Sab 110b(30); lev 36a(45); Bek 8b(37); b. as part of a dowry [v. Af, mng. lb]: rvb x"7"yT Xnn'X X'HH xnnax 'mn TT'lsab a certain woman who brought in to her husband two maidservants Ket 80b(6); Yev 66b(31); HP 102:1; ib. 115:13; c. * VpSl af: 1) general: HpSXI n"7"y he brought it in [i.e. the tithe into Jerusalem] and took it out Mak 20a(4); V"yn X1?! p'SH p'Sn X"71 Wfl may you bring in and not take out. May you take out and not bring in MQ 9b (10) [oracular statement; v. ib.(17)]; 2) in a fig. sense: xai' 'Vl'y the ushering in of a (holy) day Ber 52a(23)
N?1?^ 866 xphty [* I XBT 'plSX dismissal of a (holy) day]; Pes 105b(13); 2. to permit s.o. to enter: Tin xb xypm xm'JiaV Wb '"7"ya they did not permit him to enter the heavenly academic session Sot 7b(38) [+ //'s; i l#xmvi» mng. 2b]; 3. to include [* Vpsi af.]: tiwi V"yai -mox p'sa he excludes Esther and includes Vashti Meg 15a(21); San 56b(46); Mak 20b(14); ^Z 39b(8); ybm 21a(30); 4. to introduce, insert, put in: a. into an area: "]'B01 iTT V"yB he introduces his hands (into the Temple area) and lays (them) upon the sacrifice Zev 32a(26); Warn m'r'y '-mpa <mpsx> invry) '-mpn nr>'y 'a'ana mpsx they put him in hot water. They took him. out of the hot water. They put him in cold water. They took him out of the cold water Nid 36b(51) [-1- O'Bn mng. II.b]; b. into a round aperture: 'XH xiai 'rsipi xnsw ^"yai (poxa one who inserts a handle into the hole of a spade Sab 102b(31); XDriBl XSip3 xV'S J'^'ya they can insert an elephant into the eye of a needle [i.e. they can argue in a subtle manner] BM 3 8b (3 8) [v. Pe., mng. l.b.l]; '1<V>T33 'plSXl 'Vl'y HOB Xfip3X3 'piSXl 'Vl'y WITT (regarding) the bed frame, there is inserting (of the ropes) in and out of the slits. (Regarding) the a".-bed, there is inserting (of the ropes) in and out of the loops San 20b(6) // Ned 56b(16) [Var: '"7VX V2; '"7iyx Ar (AC 2:31), V2'] // San 20b(6); ST 492:54; c. into a text: ]T\1V '1 'Vvyi pni' '1 'Br>n to replace PN and insert PN2 So* 54b(51) // Meg 7a(16); 5. to develop (of vegetation), ripen [cf. MH2 HX13ri kp^p nx'an xbv Pes 42b (24)]: 'u T3 V"y (the grain) developed in the possession of a pagan RH 13a(19); Xpl'T IX Xy3'"l Wl X3T1 where (the grain) had developed a quarter or a sixth »6. 28; 32; in1? '"?pi xnVin 'r'y xbi xrrn xxvipj? 'rvx p'311 xmn max bring olive stones which have not developed a third, roast them upon a new spade, and stick (them on his gums) AZ 28a(30); 6. to hitch an animal: XTl"i:i3 '"? rfr"y(») "O '"? V"yi 'Tin1? J"»T7 'in ]"y pS0"13 when you hitch the mules to the carriage for me, see that they resemble each other and hitch (them) for me Hul 79a(45); 7. to cause to recede, push inward: ^'Sp'Vl '3'H '3 XSXD V"yi XSXD p'BX XTD he made one row protrude and one row recede so that (the wall) would grasp the plaster BB 4a(26) // Suk 51b(24); pass.part. II1? prraiSl '"7'Xa their openings [i.e. of the letter pe] are pushed inward STage 89; 8. to marry off a woman [JPA ^J? af. DJPA 409, mng. 6]: ">b ri'X (-fari) n1? na) nb b"ym 'xia xwwpT xnnx I have a sister who is older than I whom he will marry off to you Meg 13b(13) // BB 123a(40) [P1: napa '"? 3'Dl'a x"?l I shall not be married before her] Af. 1. to bring in: a. objects: X13'T1 H'1? r>'yx 'V? they brought in straw for PN (from the public domain on the Sabbath) Er 44b(l 1); ib. 6; 9; ri'X XTia1? H'^yx X1313 XT3 ]b we have a well in the field. Bring it into the town Bek 8b(36); b. people: XBm» '3"7 n'W he brought him into the school Hag 15a(45) [Var: H'^'X VTM 95a]; c. as part of a dowry: rr>H ]B 'X"?y rfr'yim X'ini I'll this is the dowry belonging to her which she brought in to me SSHai 13b(20) [v. Pa., mng. lb]; ib. 2a(14); 18b(13); 2. to attack: 'XH "7'TX Xp 1TT7 n'Viyx1? this one [i.e. Goliath] is going to attack David San 95a(45) [cf. Ma: bvy XVKlb "7'ty I shall attack (and) go against the demon MD 20b, s.v. Idioms]; 3. w. MH .1j?'B0^ to place s.o. in a doubtful situation [cf. MH iy psob OlS'Jltf MKar 6:3]: rP»B3 W'l'X "7'ya np'BoV a person may place himself in a doubtful situation Ned 19b (17); ib. 18b (19) Itpa. w. -b to enter [v. Satzlehre 46]: 'y3 'XT XK/a'w xs'xt ty rvb b'yxi'B x"7 mxna "no if he wants to walk from midday, he will not enter (the Temple precinct) while the sun is still shining Pes 93b(27; M1) [RaH: ^"yriB; E1: "7'tJia (VVlX Gt)]; n'1? V"yna X^l n'V 'posai (the tables) form a barrier for him and he cannot enter (between the table and the wall) Yom 51b(34; RaH,Ed) The well attested Pe. pf. 3pl.m. form Vpy [v. morph. section, supra] may actually be a composite orthography for ity and 'pv, the latter representing the actual pronunciation w/o 'ayin [cf. the Ma imp. forms "7TK, VlTA Vljn, etc. MD 20]. NFI1?^, NTiVVn n.f. produce, revenue (I ^bby, TA \if\bby TO Lev 25:21, Sy •sX V V v produce LS 524) 1. produce: sg. 'Bty '"713 'ni'33T xnV?y pPB1? XriyiX liTTIBN^ everyone sold their aty 86J W KttVS? houses for the purpose of buying produce (during a famine) Ket 97a(35); 2. revenue of an estate [perh. > Akk hallatu a kind of dues or a tax CAD H 43]: sg. 'in 's^x -wbn yirrbi Tps ia "mt X'lD "inn 'n^y p H2lb PN bequeathed that PN2 should be given 13,000 zuzim from the revenue of GN Ned 55a(22); 'npB '3'H 'n^^X what is called revenue of an estate? ib. 23; 26; 27; 29 Y: KnWy Ned ib.(BAYTN 169). D?5? vb. to conceal, avert one's glance (JPA d?y itpe. DJPA 410) Pa. 1. to conceal: n'aniVy1? 'ar?y let him conceal it [i.e. the divine name] well Qid 71a(33; MGE 56:18); 2. w. Wy pi. to avert one's glance: H'l'a H'l'y 3T O'ty xVl PN did not avert his glance from it Hul 95b(16); ib. 8; 19 Itpe. 1. w. p to forget [lit. to be concealed from]: 'Xl'B XaVy'X xnyw X'nrDl at that time I forgot (the law) Ket 60b(31); Pes 66b(35); 2. w. Kl'y pi. to be averted of one's glance: OlttfB 'X D'^y X"7 XH 'l'y 'Blby'X if it is because of (his) glance having been averted, he did not, in fact, avert(it)#tt/95b(19) n.m. world, temporal or worldly life, eternity, environment, everyone {I xa"?y Jl'3, xa"?y 'Vis, xa^y 'ia; ta xa^y to Num 18:19, Sy KliaJuL LS 527, Ma l#xa"?X MD 20) 1. world: sg. xaVy 'in 'did ■'sbn nritt; the world is six thousand parasangs Pes 94a(l 1); RH 31a(24); Suk 45b(30); XaVy^ H'1? 3'lria he will destroy the world Yom 69b(25); Tan 24b(23); Suk 53a(41); 'aVy '1HH3 YVn ]Xa who is important in this world? Git 56b(47); TGHark 190:28; xp xa^y XIB'a xV3 lyDSa the world was suffering without rain San 113a(49); XB^y mi the world was at ease [i.e. the prices dropped] Tan 23b(45; M2); Ket 106a(10) [i xnm mng. 2]; MQ 9b(ll) [4 1#X1'D2?1X mng. 2b]; Qid 76b(46) // San 21a(43) [I Vny3 pa.]; Yev 105b(39); Git 68b(21); XaVyT n'113'1 Master of the World BM 86a(42); 2. temporal or worldly life: sg. XB^yT 'V'B secular matters Ber 60a(40) [* mm]; Pes 3a(38); BM 59a(32) {* XD'3T '"?'»]; 3. eternity: sg. ]0 XB"?y 'BT from time immemorial SSHai 5a(15); ib. 6b(ll); Bo 12:9; ib. 20:11; Xa"?y iyi ry3B from now until forever SSHai 7b(2); XB"?y m for future generations Git 36b(25); 4. physical state, environment [only in impersonal expressions]: sg. a. w. ref. to poverty: XB^y Tfb p'mi he was very poor BB 174b(23); Tan 21a(2; RaH, HG2 268:45, L[Mal]); b. w. ref. to sickness: H'V vrbn XBVy he became seriously ill RH 17a(50); Ket 103b(51; MGG 871:4); Tern 8b(29; F§M); H"tn X31C XBVy Tfb *\yrn he saw that he had become critically ill Qid 22b(48); Git 77b(15); '"? b'bp XBVy I feel unstable San 46b(24); t"73X 'J13W3 'aVy lin'Vy Tp'l yrm they eat and drink on the Sabbath and they feel sluggish [lit. heavy] Ned 37b(70; Xa"?y n'1? '{X)"I3'X he recovered from the illness BM 84b(13; F1); XB"?y H'V '"7TXT lin they saw that he had recovered from the illness Ber 54b(52) [I V'VT itpa., mng. 4]; Ket 104a(l; MGG 871:4); c. w. ref. to space: XB^y rKCllV j?Tm (the animal's) space is constricted BQ 18b(28); Nid 59b(40); ib. 46; BB 167a(19) [i Vmn pe., mng. la]; d. w. ref. to weather: XB^y ]b ^'Sn ]Tib xa"?y in1? b^n ab Wlb our weather (in Babylonia) is hot; theirs (in Eretz Israel) is not hot RH 20a(27); XB^y "mpT XrDTT X3'XT X3'm where there is a place where the weather is cold HG3 358:39; 5. everyone, everyone else [4- '"?13 xa"?y]: coll. xipa^ xa^y nni xn'xn now everyone has adopted the custom of reading (on the ninth of Av the Torah portion Dt 4:25+) Meg 31b(l 1); xaVy1? "nniy'X1? to be permitted (to be married) to everyone else Yev 102b(13); ]31XY!X 'Xp 'atyx IX 'Xp does (the word IX) refer to NN or to everyone else? Git 83a(8); BM 5b(3); Hul 86a(19); XB^yi xniTBl guarding (on his property against damage caused) by everyone else BQ 47b(37) [* H'2?Sn]; ib. 13b(48); Yev 69b (42); xa"?yT X1XB?'1? colloquial speech [lit. everyone's speech] San 3b(18); XB^yT H311 most people BB 23b (25); mbyi W'l'X common people Pes 52a(10) [i tf'l'X usage c] Ace. to Rashi, the phrase Ka'jya Tbpv 'K:n Sab 53b(27) // Er 37b(25) // Bes 19a(30) // San 61a(30) means: you have removed the Tannaim from the world [i.e. you cannot connect the Tannaitic traditions to specific Tannaim]; Voc: N6"?y HPP 203:19; HGP 23b:24; Y: XO1?? Ber 61b(14; BAYTN 104). - 'TINT XKhy n.m. the world to come (4 V'JIX •• t : t : t v
Kiatya 868 tyVy pe.; jpa van rmby djpa 409) sg. TJ'ua r> n'x TIKI XaVy1? Np"?in do we have a share in you in the world to come? BB 73b(35); TIXT HKiby 13 one worthy of the world to come Tan 22a(13); 'tint xttbyb mi xax 'spxi xrya I want myself and my generation to merit the world to come Er 54b(50); Git 68b(31); Ktibyb 'XnTDTB '"? TJM TIKI my merits for the world to come will be diminished Sab 140a(30); Suk 48b(24); Hag 15b(14); Sot 10b(53); gW81a(38); San 98a(51); 'ib. 106b(33) Y: TJOT XOty BB ib. adv. in a general way, merely, everywhere (4- XZby) 1. in a general way, merely: a. in nominal phrases: XTOBOX X"lpl XBVy3 the biblical verse is merely a support MQ 3a(23); Yev 24a(7);-Xin VXbyi Xisy mp'y'B in essence it is merely earth [i.e. something of no value] Pes 15b(32); AZ 68a(3); 5e£ 7b(28) [4- i#x2h's]; xin 'aVys xson xide? 'xn this document is merely a sherd [i.e. of no value] Git 10b(29); 55 123a(17) [4- xVp'T mng. 2]; 'T3yi XVI XBtys xniTO:1? they are made merely for protection (of the scrolls) Meg 26b(39); XBT1J XaVya it is merely a hyperbole BM 38a(24); T3y xpi Kin XXltyn XnV'B he does it to oblige (the court) [lit. he is doing merely something] Git 52b(27); 3"rra xb xatya sBiji xin xabya xa-u it is merely an indirect effect, and one is not held responsible (in torts) for an indirect effect BQ 48b(14); b. in verbal phrases: X3X XBtya poyna I am merely occupying myself (with the measurement) Sab 157b(9); X3X X»Vj?3 DMinB I am merely dozing off Pes 120b(9); XS^jn 'JTy1? merely to look Sab 9b(20); Meg 18a(26); Yev 101b(37); Ket 70a(7); .TIBIX xatyl (God) taught it to him [i.e. Moses] in a general way Nid 24a(40); 2. anywhere, everywhere: a. in writs: 13] 'bs by |'^'x '3<')3T +'ai p "b T'nwx xV «]xi xaVj?3 Qyia OT0 pT ["?B moreover I have not retained anything at all anywhere from the price of this sale regarding NN [i.e. he owes me nothing] S$Hai 6a(12); ib. 6b(13); 4b(21); 7a(4); 1 la(14); b. in Masoretic notes: n'Xl 'p10S '1 ybr\ 'aVya 'Bay nyaitf ny3P ]ina these three verses [i.e. Dt 7:1; Jos 3:10; ib. 24:11] which contain (the names of) each of the seven nations-everywhere [i.e. in the entire Bible] BMsD 7:1; BMsN 32:13 Lit [mng. 2]: Yeivin, Lesonenu 30 [1966] 26+; idem, ib. 37 [1973] 154+; Ofer, BMs 46+; Y: (ffltya Ber 6a(40). - Uby? adv. forever (TA ubyb TO Ex 19:9, Sy •p V < \ PSm 2899, Ma DxVx1? MD 20, s.v. lsxabx) a. alone: T31 ]i1 'bs V3 Jinn' D'pui □tyb mm nVTT we shall leave them in the possession of NN and in the possession of his heirs after him forever SSHai 6a(20); ib. 7b(4); 18b(3); D^l pT XBT ]B from this day and forever ib. 3a(15); /& 6a(16); llb(9); Dec 10:16; 5o 6:11; ib. 38:9; 77:13; 88:4; b. in DVyVl eternal: otyVl XTIO'X "T7 nmox I would have forbidden her [i.e. your wife] to you forever [lit. an eternal prohibition] Yev 95a(31); Sot 2b(43); AZ 33b(2\) - NSlV^V adv. somewhere else inx XBtya Mivb xaby1?! they came from elsewhere and let them sell to (those from) somewhere else BB 22a(14); ib. 50a(12); XB^y"? T7TX 'JH these (birds) went somewhere else Bes lla(7); Git 12b(37); HG3 119:83 - Ntt^ya adv. from elsewhere a. alone: *?3 t : t •• 'Jons nb xaVya p'3-is H'sua ixn (nxpa we may refute a deduction from a case having similar characteristics [lit. of itself], not (from those) which are different [lit. from elsewhere] Hul 115b(42); b. w. a preceding n.: XB^ya BTrx an outsider RH 22b(18); BB 58a(36); Xatya in Bes 10b(20); S&W268:13; GiY67b(40); Yev 69b(35) [4- Von]; xatya nn^n three (people) from elsewhere TGHark 100:34 [acting as a court]; c. w. Vtix pe.: xa"?5?8 'nxi Xmttf an increase in value which comes from elsewhere BM 34a(10); xaVya r\b WX1 J"yxi even though they come to it from elsewhere Meg 3b(42); ib. 26a(15); BQ 87b(26); BM 102a(12); San 28a(33); AZ 42b(9); Zev 9a(29); Nid 3a(28) Y: NO1?!?!? Sab 53b(27). oVy i Vo"7x vb. *)by vb. to become faint (BH, MH *fiy hitpa. HAL 791, J 1085) Itpa.: p'W'n X1? 'SlVy'X1? we are not concerned (about the case of) becoming faint (while slaughtering) Hul 3b(48; V11) Xpty n.m. leech (4- xpiy; Sy rCff n V > LS 528) sg. XpVy JUDO the danger of a leech AZ 12b(3; piHG3 249:16[Var]);5eA:44b(15) Lit: Eps, GC 7322; Y: KJ71?!? Bek ib. rby n.f. perh. ladle (4- 2# xn'Vy) sg. nspa n"?y TD2 a ladle (which draws up wine) strikes a jug Er 53b(18) [quoted in 'learned' speech]; 'Spn'm D'3 n"7TXT XD^'Xa 133 Thy a ladle will float in a jug like a boat which travels on the sea ib. 20 Expi. Ar; ]"n u ntynw tox AC 6:210; -am iy rfriyn -pvm 0'3 n:'B03 X'JQ 133 AC 1:104; Y: n^j; Er ib. "inty 4- inVx adv. D^ prep, with, together with, conj. as soon as (archaic and dialectal; 4- 'irQ; Sy 714;, -a ■>a! LS 529, Ma 2#Dy MD 351) I. prep, with, together with: a. w/o suf: '33 Dy 13't5 TOJH XIS^'X let him do kindness for people Tarn 32a(32); Xnba Dy Hmtn n'VsiX he fed him dodder with salt Sab 109b(37); Ber 56a(34); DX1 XJVa ny Kbbtib rry2 if you want to speak with a deceased person HM 42:23; Anan 63:20; Bo 77:2; ib. 6:3; D'y ib. 78:1; b. w. suf: 7!>b Tinx "|ay TT^I return it [i.e. the interest] to him so that he should live with you BM 62a(l) [expl. BH 'Dl •^ay 1'fIX Lev 25:36; but F'Es: ^H3]; THDX1 n'B'yT inxi n'T1 nwnnx he testified to his signature and to (that of) one who was with him Ket 2la(3l); rrayi mi ':ana na "jxiaiy 'i pn and one who was with him San 10b(39); ib. 14a(32); Meg23a(2i); Svu I6b(30); pnay D'DxVa lyxrwa 'anx ]Wbl the angels speak with them [i.e. the scholars] in Aramaic TGHark 189:27; ib. 99:26; 277:18; X3'T rr>33 XJXay pn' Tim "73 all (those) who were sitting with us in court SSHai 12b(8); ib. 9a(15); II. conj. as soon as [w. "\ + part.]: xar wip-i Dyi xmis n'3 rtrai xjtxh n"33'3 n'^lp'31 '"13'3 let us build it [i.e. the Temple] now and leave over a small amount, and at the commencement of the holiday [lit. as soon as the day becomes holy] let us build it and sanctify it Svu 15b(13); Tim '31 Tim byVl Dy as soon as he takes them he owns them HP 66:3; X'DaT Dy bytib XWW as soon as the sun is about to set AnanSch 28:7; Anan 19:15; ib. 32:23; 51:26 Naj7, abs. OH, pi. 'ttttyj n.m. nation, people (4- xay "73; TA Xfiy TO Gen 23:12, Sy r<A>X, pi. rd^so^: LS 529, Ma xax, pi. X'aXDX MD 21) 1." nation: sg.abs. 'Xn'Vn Dy a threefold nation [i.e. of priests, Levites and Israelites] Sab 88a(15); det. D'ayT X3T chief of his nation Ket 17a(19) // San 14a(47); nxn313 Xtty a foreign nation Ber 56a(25); XT'TD XBy an impetuous nation Ket 112a(45); Xay 'W'l the heads of the nation Suk 38b(18); Yom 84a(22) // AZ 28a(23); Sab 88a(54); Tan 24b(34); Hag 5b(13); San 39a(31); pi. 'Bay BMsG 10:16; BMsD 7:1; rraay nrrVo all the nations Bo 15:1; 2. people: sg. n3T xay na nn pis go out (and) see how the people conduct themselves Ber 45a(4) // Er 14b(35) // Men 35b(8); XBy"7 xynp 'inxi show the tear to the people MQ 22b(49) Y: iTO? San 14a(44; BAYTN 101). - 'ttttg n.pl.m. pagans (4- 1'BBy 13; JPA Day DJPAT411, Sy rsiiSi^s: LS 529) RH 20a(25) Y: '0?!? RH ib.(BAYTN 50). -IW vb. to explain (< BH IBy HAL 795) Pe., w. ■b [caique < JBA ]b XB"pl]: l^ KIWI XJTXH1 'yBE? '13 and now that we explain it according to PNGC 128:13 Lit: Eps, GC 12820. Jniiajr n.m. pillar, column (TA Xliay TO Ex 13:22, Sy rfsoJ*^ LS 529) a. general: sg. wpoxi p'"?o xniay 'Bin'x n'mna '3X3 '3 n'ns'x the bathhouse (floor) collapsed from under him. There happened to be a pillar (under the floor where he was standing). He arose and lifted them up Ket 62a(40) // XITfly "?y Dp XO'J tfb T3yn'X a miracle occurred for him, (and) he stood on the pillar Ber 60a(52); XTm X11By3 HTB pD3 he departed from him in a pillar of fire Qid 81a(39); MQ 25a(47); Ket 17a(25); ib. 62b(25); 77b(38); SOZ 73:4; pi. 'llBy T3 between the pillars Ber 8a(45) // ib. 30b(13); Sab 10a(24); Er 22b(6) // Yev 78a(49); 'yBT nop! may wnx the pillars of GN shed tears MQ 25b(36); b. fig. of a stream of liquid: sg. miay BPBJ xVt pp <1ixns) {'pn'?!) a 869
nwiag 870 nana lag small bottle whose column (of liquid) is not great (on being poured out) AZ 73a(23); ETS31 JTOn nClllBy a vat whose column (of liquid) is great ib. Y: Xiiay Ber 30b(13; BAYTN 244). ilNJlBJ/ adj., n. Ammonite (< BH '3iay HAL 798) n., pl.m. 'X3iay inViS "7333 X3'X X'3Bin there is GN in Babylonia (in which) all of them [i.e. the inhabitants] are Ammonites Qid 72a(35) Y: 'NJiay Qid ib.(BAYTN 320). [ruoiajr i x'nny n.] '»J7 vb. to grow faint (4-'By adj.; TA 'By pe. TO Lev 13:6; cf. Sy ^a^I^rj' to become blind LS 529) Pe.: X*7TX1 X'By Nttya ,lb p'3EH ,1B3 jT7nj the more you leave a coal, the fainter it grows BQ 9b(28);5er 53b(ll) 'ay adj. faint (4- V'By pe., pass.part.) sg.m. xn xbp 'Byi XH xbp '3yi this (refers to) where (her) voice is deep, that to where (her) voice is faint Hul 38a(18); XlD'p 0HP» n'T<l)(')n3 'Byi its light is faint because of the smoke Ber 53a(27) Y: 'By Ber ib. p'aj? adj. deep, profound (4- VpBy; TA p'By TO Lev 13:3, Sy i^ n . »wl^: LS 531, Ma XplBy MD 352) 1. deep: sg.f. Xp'ay xbl ]1'3 since (the pit) is not deep BQ 51b(30); nitt?y X7V1X Xp'BJ? IX I'DBHS if the irrigation ditch is ten handbreadths deep HP 202:10(HPP 303:18); XJIp'By XJ1311 Xy3'Xl a deep secluded place Tan 23b(45; M); XJip'By XT31? D"i 13'XB from a high roof to a deep pit Hag 5b(38); pl.m. X'B 'p'Byi D1E/B lxbl it is not because the water is deep BB 73b(31); 2. profound: sg.f. Xp'By X1? XJiyattf 'XH this legal tradition is not profound Geon 104:18; ib. 20; xp'Byi XJT>'B a profound matter /£GF44:3; pl.f. xnxp'ay 'V'B /&. 43:5 Y: jTDJJ Bg ib. ND'ay 4- xiray 13 n. VajT vb. to work (4- xbay; Sy *1^. LS 530) Pe.: 'irtor "733 X3niDl X3b'Byi I shall work and toil with all my ability S$Hai 10b(3); ib. 14b(7) JtVay n.m. work, income (4- Way; TA 'bay TO Gen 41:51, Sy rdl^: LS 530) 1. work: sg. XJ"?D 'T rpSXm 'X"?ay3 X3X I (shall take) half for my work and my expenses BM 105a(27) [in a writ]; 2. income: sg. T131 xbaya V>'SX X3'3JB I used to authorize the collection (of the tenth of the estate) even from the income of houses Ket 69a(43) // pi. 'bay BB 67a(3); ]l,Tbayi ]13'K (pn)(')'n3En they, their incomes, and their increased values BM 15a(33) [in a writ]; S$Hai 18b(2) Y: XVOJ? BM ib.(BAYTN 92). 'aaj; 4- xay n. pjr 4- Vyax vb. (7ajT vb. to deepen, make darker (4' Xpaiy, p'ay; Mng. 1: Sy ^nJba^. af. LS 531; mng. 2: denom. < MH piay dark shade J 1087) Pa. 1. to deepen: p'aya ntPan he deepens (the channel) by five (handbreadths) MQ 4b(31); 2. to make darker: '311 rvb ip('>(l)By '311,1'V 1,1'IX XlBp 13 they made it [i.e. the menstrual blood] lighter for PN, and he declared (it) clean. They made it darker for him, and he declared it clean Nid 20a(34) Kiajr, abs. "iaj7 n.m. wool (4- x'nay, xiroay, 2# X-ia'X; TA Xiay TO Lev 13:52, Sy 3# rc'-U^ LS 533, Ma l#Xiax, XlBXpx MD 23, 33) sg.abs. VJ?ti? nay wool to wear Er 53b(14) [in the 'Galilean' dialect]; .TTI'V Tl'mi lay "?3 all wool which is lowered into a kettle (for dyeing) Hag 15b(49); det. XlBy Anan 6:13 [expl. BH IBS,! Lev 13:59]; Zev 18b(42); BM 29b(42) [* 4- X3JV3]; AZ 75a(31); Yom 71b(29); Yev 4b(32); Sg 66b(ll); BB 22a(18) [4- X'nay]; XJf>3m XlBy ... Xll'n XlBy white/teMe/e/-dyed wool Ber 9b(30); i£. 8a(31); Git 68a(42); 55 74a(21); San 110a(54); 'IByi xa'^13 X3JT31 'Bin a linen thread in a woolen garment Mc/ 61b(21); Ned 49b(40); .SVw 6b(38); //A/ 39:18 [4- X1TIX]; ib. 10 [4- X3'PB] Y: !OBy £fi ib.(BAYTN 92). - K2SM lay, K3BM1B n.m.cs. cotton (lit. wool of the vine; i X3B11; Sy ^« *? \i y y Klia<x\T-^> LS 533, 402; cf. MH ]B3 lax J 1289) sg. X3BU lay Sab 110b(13) [*l X3JT3 mng. 2] // G/? 69b(46) // AZ 28b(12); '3113 Tiail X3B131B1 bundles of cotton and goats' hair TRN 5SS-A; SMel 63:635 Lit: Flora 2:239+. - '-rSHB, 'jna n.m. goats' hair (< 'T'y lay; Sy \_vv^3, K'LifiJsa^. LS 405, 'Nab' >ljc>. Jawal 137:3, SA lyia DSA 487, > Arab il^j- Fr, AF 43) sg. '1'yiai ... '3XDB shoes of goats' hair GC 24:11 [expl. 4- XpBtB]; TRN 588:1 [4- X3B13 lay] Lit: Fr, AF 43; AAC 247, s.v. D"BJO. Kjiiaj? n.m. wool dealer (gent. n. < 4- Xiay) pi. xin3 disV xiay irvxi "nay rat certain wool dealers who brought wool to GN BB 22a(17; HP 'SMel 40:150) Kri'inaj; n.f. woolly substance, bast (4- Xiay; cf.*SyT|<J-i^a->: wooly LS 533) sg. Tl'Xl X^'Jiay n'3 the woolly substance which is in it [i.e. the pine wool produced from the needles on the pine branch] Sab 20b(21) [4- X31D]; H'V 'WX1 *frp '3'3{(l)l '3'3 H'3 Tl'Xl XITJiay he stripped (the willow) and showed him the woolly substance which was in between [i.e. the bast] ib. 36 [expl. ll'X Mib. 2:1] Lit: Flora 3:45; Y: XlvriaS Sab ib.(BAYTN 294). 1# Xiy n.m. small cattle (Sy rdil LS 533, Ma 2#X3XMD 24, TA x:y TO Gen 29:3) 1. small cattle (sheep, goats): sg. H'3Xy by X'yi I'll rT"3 xr^Vao X11131? T3y when the shepherd is angry at his sheep, he blinds the bellwether BQ 52a(14); H'jys X1313 .T1? T^Xl'Bl Vxi^' 13 a Jew among whose sheep a firstborn is born HG3 294:1 Lit: Eps, St2 802; Y: XJj; BQ ib. 2# N3J7 n.m. portion of a ship (prow?; etym. unkn.) sg. X3y n'1? 1'isy 'WBO boi a prow(?) is made for each ship Ned 50a(33; V2V2lMRa§) In light of the clear ms. tradition of the rdg. X3y in Ned, the expl. of this word offered by Sperber, Nautica 51, based on the rdg. N3'y [Ed] should be rejected. 33JT vb. to fasten with a loop (JPA 33y DJPA 411, MH 33y LNVTH 266) Pe.: 33ya >T33y'31 let him fasten it [i.e. the lulav bundle] securely with a loop Suk 33b(30); 335TB M3'33y'31 Er 97a(8; O) [the phylacteries]; ib. 13 Itpe. to be looped: '3'Dj? Tin 'XI '33y'B X*71 'B'^X 2#'ay '33ya (if the threads) are thick and cannot be looped (as fringes), though if they where thin (being of the same length) they could be looped Men 38b(29) 33J7 vb. to enjoy, find pleasure (BH 33y pu., hitpa. HAL 805) Pa. to make enjoyable: '313y17 xmtf to make the Sabbath enjoyable Seel 95:1 Itpa. to find pleasure: '3PB1 xnilin3 ID'Vn in3 rmyai xaOlDX thirteen rivers flowing with balsam in which you will find pleasure Tan 25a(42; V17) 1# '357 vb. to respond, answer (Sy 1# «li^. LS 533, Ma 1# X3X MD 24) Pe.: a. general: n'"7 llXpl '3Xyi they call him, and he responds Tan 12b(l) // Pes 120b(6) // Meg 18b(34) // Yev 54a(28) // Nid 63a(12); Ber 45b(27) // BB 167b(34); n'Tl'lp 1'3y x"?l TTl'ay 13^> (if) you called to your fellow, and he did not answer you BQ 92b(46); Yev 89b(47); San 101b(14); '133 ]"3yi '12/3 pat (if) women sing and men respond Sot 48a(49); '1 '3y n'lH3 ]3ni' PN responded after him [i.e. he added an additional remark] Pes 53b(44); ib. 103a(19); BM 65b (16); X3ip3 n'lxa1? H'1? '3Xy (the horse) responds to its master in battle San 63b (48) [expl. PN "iftlMS; 2K 17:31]; b. to a supplication: '33y TXai xrf?X God of PN, answer me AZ 18a(54); "3yb '3,V1 Xa"?y 'IB Lord of the World who answers the poor San 109b(40; MGG 312:11); c. as a response in prayer: "]13B1 XIB'B1? ]BX '3yi ]XBB «]'iy shall we say that the one who blesses is preferable to the one who responds amen? Ber 53b(43); ib. 45b(53); 54b(54) Itpe. to be imposed: 'by X3'l ]B n'3ynai KB bsi (I have accepted) upon myself all that is imposed by judgment BQ 70a(17; F1) [writ]; TGAs33 212:2; PDFMP 607:18 The phrase: no '3y BQ 49b(20) // San 26b(40) // Men 17a(19) // ib. 81a(5) is unclear and has been explained from this rt. [cf. Ar: no '■? N»'X AC 6:219; Rashi: 'jnx '33!?]. A connection of this form w. V'3y to wait [so J 1094, who translates: be slow] is unlikely, since this mng. is otherwise known only from the WA dialects [v. DJPA 412, s.v. 2#'3y]. 2#'3J7 vb. to become poor (4- X3mi3'y, xjTunvn'y, '3y, xnny; MH '3y hif. J1093) Pe., pass.part. 4- '3y adj. Itpa.: '3y'B X1? ]331B X311X a s.m. will not 871
3#'ay 872 K3»;j; become poor Sab 151b(40); uy'X lay: may they become poor! They became poor Tan 23b(48); Ned 65b(\9); Kar 27b(43) 3# '3J? vb. to afflict, torture, delay (4- x'TJ'y; Sy jj-il^r^ to humble oneself LS 534, JPA 2# ':y DJPA 412) Pa. 1. to afflict, esp. w. "PSl to fast [lit. to afflict oneself; cf. BH TOS: n:y HAL 807]: 3X3 3yWH3 n'PS: "Uy1? W'J'X 3'nai a person is required to fast on the Ninth of Av HP 16:14; 2. to delay: X1?! XJH '31 X:iaixV I'V ]:'niP» xV IT''? p':ya we do not retain it [i.e. the ox] for the estimate (of its value) by the court, and we do not delay it(s execution) BQ 91a(2; EsF1) Itpa. to be afflicted, tortured: i:ya Tim rain he saw that they were being afflicted Bek 9a(3); 'ayai 'TDX H'33 "?'BX:i one who is incarcerated in prison and is tortured Anan 37:6 The usage of this rt. in the phrase: p'mxi p'^tKI p'WO pxi ]WBJ pnyxm we ..., go, shout, and afflict ourselves Ber 20a(13) may poss. belong to mng. 1. 4# '3J7 vb. (Sy 2# rdxi. LS 534) 4- X:":y n. '3j7, det. N^3J7, pi. "3j7 adj. poor, unleavened, n. poor person (4- V2# ':y; TA X':y TO Ex 22:24) I. adj. 1. poor: sg.m. X3V3a ':yi IP1? there is none poorer than a dog Sab 155b(40; M); 2. unleavened: sg.m. X":y xanV unleavened [lit. poor] bread TRN 260:13 [cf. TA ':'y D'rT7 XTBB TO Dt 16:3]; SRAG 113b:2 [Haggada]; II. n. poor person: sg.m. TtflBX Ilia mm X':y X11,1 a certain poor man who used to go around begging BB 9a(39); X":y Xliin X3'X 111 X3piy ia iT)TI33'W3 there was a certain poor man in PN's neighborhood Ae/ 67b(36); Q'lpX X":y 'HX '3 XJIB'1 n'V when a poor man comes, give him bread first [i.e. before he asks] Sab 151b(41); MQ 28a(50); Hag 5a(l); BQ 56b(22); BM 59b(43); X":y3 TPb '»TX he came in the guise of a poor man MQ 28a(49) // g/rf 81a(48); BQ 92a(53) [+ //'s; 4- XITI':y]; ATef 106b(45); San 109b(34); pl.m. pN ":y we are poor people BM 83a(29); ":y 13 DilS1?! ^'P1? "ID T7@n': H'SIl'1? JJlXai give it [i.e. the charity money] to us (so that) we can go and support the poor people of our town with it Meg 27a(47); BQ 93a(45); ]P» ":y to support the poor Naz 3a(16); BB 43a(24); BQ 39a(l); Ket 67b(48); San 26a(9) Y: x;j<? Ber 55a(8; BAYTN 92). NTITay n.f. poverty (4- ^2#':y; MH2 Jiv:y J 1094) sg. a. general: xm'jy1? 'Wpi Dlltfa because it leads to poverty //«/ 105b(26); /& 32; Pes lllb(39); XIlTOyi XIO'X the genius appointed over poverty ib. 41; Hul 105b(26); gW40a(15); 'xmiviya x"?i xpi' '"?3x 'xnr:ya x1? x:x I ate vegetables neither when I was poor nor when I was rich [lit. neither in my poverty nor in my wealth] Sab 140b(12; V); b. in proverbs: X':y Ilia Xni'jy x"?IX poverty follows a poor person BQ 92a(53) // BB 174b(29) // Hul 105b(34) // Am 23a(37); XpaiO XT133 'XTO'V Ximy lm IX: Xll'n X'DIO1? poverty befits the Jews like a red strap for a white horse Hag 9b(37) Y: XTll'JJ? BB ib.(BAYTN 191). NJ'Jiy n.m. matter, topic, business (V4# ':y; Sy rt* i»'<>, LS 534, Ma x:x':y MD 353, MH f':y Yeivin, BV 1044, Gross, Patterns 45) 1. matter, topic: a. in Scripture: sg. X:":y3 XIBXa 'ip'V Xmym XnnJD1?! xai'1 let him read (on a fast day from the Torah) in the morning (prayer) in the topic of the day and in the afternoon (prayer) concerning the fast Meg 30b(ll); BB 121a(10); Xipi rrr'ry the topic of the verse Sot 45a(38); Ned 80b(20); Qid 9a(25); Tern 6b(37); Ara 30b(48); miam xr'J'y W\ the beginning of the topic of temura Tern 3a(23); rvVa Xrry «]1D the end of the entire topic HP 182:21; X:X':y Xl.11 San lllb(6); Yom 5b(l); TGHark 268:7; rrVlD n':"ry the entire matter Qid 35b(22); Meg 23b(3); Pes 6b(28); pi. ':X':y 'in Pes 6b(33); #P 184:9; b. other: sg. x:':yV Xr:ya from one matter to another 55 114b(l); x:X':y in /^GF 33:23; pi. nb-'yb I'wiB'ai ':x':y I'^'x pmis all of these matters which are stated specifically above SSHai 4b(10); TGHark 109:5; i& 278:7; 2. business deal: sg. 'Tin 'ina x:":y 'iayi 'nso nri '3 ran two certain slaughterers who made a deal between themselves BB 9a(5; Ed, Rashi); 3. in phrase INSip NJ"jy '3 as previously [lit. like the first matter]: 'xaip ':»:y '3 Vx he said (it) to him as previously Ned 51a(15); nXOTj? K3"jy '3 T3'y do (it) as previously ib. 19(Ed) Y: M!V Ser 5a(17; Mo 96). — ]"35?V PreP- concerning, in the matter of fol. by:'a. ' n.: ]"D'»Tj? XJ^'KBH WVrXK? I'jyVl concerning the question which you asked us Sab 30b(ll); Seel 20:61; i& 53:43; 75:79; 108:70; XTU VW1? concerning fire BM 42a(41); \"tyb X3'T concerning the law Nid 58a(47); BQ 15a(22); b. verbal phrase: ]'yD XpT 'X» l^y"? ]31X"I concerning what NN claims TGHark 271:23; ib. 33:4; c. inf.: V??V '•aibw T^y1? concerning paying the messenger .Kef 85a(17); "IHD T'lyV concerning causing uncleanness A/az 43a(33); ib. 34; 5er 48a(32); BQ 69b(37); ^an 72a(24); re^s2« 5:27; TGHark 2:22 Voc: l*5y9 HGP 23a: 13; Y: ^ Sab 83b(19). K33J7 n.f. cloud (TA x3!y TO Ex 14:20, Sy ■^"y f. LS 533, Ma X3X3X f. MD 24) sg. 'Xm -ist1? inn'3i<i) x:^y nrianp 'ayo why did your wife's (rain) cloud overtake yours? Tan 23b(32); Ber 59a(38) // Tan 6b(28) [* I X3'y]; pi. 'My X1?!1?^ JTIXT 'My (the clashing of) the various clouds which come in the celestial sphere Ber 59a(22) [expl. MH D'Sjn Mib. 9:2]; '33JT 'inn niran 'SXV Kin IpVOT two clouds which rise towards one another ib. 33(F); TlpTI' 'i3y yellow clouds ib. 32; X1DST 'My morning clouds Tan 6b(24); ib. 10a(14); 25a(52); 5o 84:13 Y: 'JJ3J Ser ib.(BAYTN 50). NS3^ n.m. branch (TA «]3y TJ Ezek 17:8, Sy ■^'I (v LS 535) coll. n'Vit? 'iyp n'say wsn Vs whichever has more branches has a more harmful shadow Pes lllb(10; E2); n'BJJI pp'V may his branches be cut off [i.e. may his children die] BM I08a(7); pi. xsnym 'nns "?3 i'n'3 'msayai all the sick people of Eretz Israel rest under its branches Sab 21a(14) [archaic] Y: 'ijtolX Sab ib.(BAYTN 92). xripay, xnpax, Pi. Krij?ay, Tpaj; n.f. type of demon (lit. neck [charm]; i XpJiy; TA X'piy pi. TJ Jud 8:21, Sy rCk\ LS 541) pi. Bo 7:13; ib. 8:11; 82:6; XIipJX 16. 18:9; 35:8; 50:4; ]'3'pjy jfe 100:13 t^ay vb. to punish (4, XWiy; JPA B?ay DJPA 413) Pe. (a/): n'V WW 'S» xVl he cannot punish him 5er 27b(49); n©yx lTOjy do you punish for (not doing) a positive commandment? Men 41a(26); ]WW Xnil'T '3'XT pis we punish in a time of anger ib. 27; V'Bpl W'jy '»3 na you also punish and kill Sab 156a(45); BQ 117a(49); n'n»3y XJX he was punished on my account [lit. I punished him] BB 22a(39); ib. 43; 46 Itpe. (a) to be punished: ©3yx xaytJ 'xa why was he punished? San 20a(42); ib. 43b(45); 44a(l); 93a(50); Er 63a(23); Bes 16a(32); Git 35a(13); AZ 18a(8); Meg 17a(18); X"?T "Km xmVl »n '31 ^JTB the reason that (the officials) of the House of the exilarch are not punished MQ 25a(48); Svu 35b(36) xaoy 4- xaiff'y n. 'OJT, 'fy vb. to force, compel (< BH, MH 2#nfc/y pi. HAL 845, J 1125; 4- X'W'y) Pa.: a. general: rvb 'ax x"7 n'loy1? "?3X .TJiyia '"7'a '3,1 n"oyn x"7i biy n"oyi Viy i,1? xa'ax xp 'a xax idx this refers to (a case) with his consent, but to force him-no. He said to him: "Did I say to you: 'Enter and force him? Enter and do not force him"' Ket 53a(9); ib. 50a(2); '11,1X Wf compel each other (in mutual assistance) BB 9a(50; HP'M) [Var: ww GEd]; npix ln'ra bpv mrwy he compelled them (and) took from them (money for) charity ib. 10a(26); Ara 6b(l); b. esp. to compel s.o. to divorce his wife [cf. MH: 01 ninya MGitK 9:8]: ra'X "1©y '23 D'U pagans are qualified to compel (a divorce) Git 88b(10); 'STX1 n"Wyi they compelled him and he agreed Ara 21b(23) [Var: m'Dyi TGHark 166:2]; IJ'Pya ybwab Tfb we compel him to submit to halisa HG2 84:31 i?0y" vb. to engage in, deal with (4- XpO'y; Sy • ^y LS 536, Ma pox MD 29) Pe. (e/ ) 1. pass.part, to be engaged in s.t: XP13 1HX1 'p'Dyi they were already engaged in a lawsuit Sab 10a(23); ip'oy D'DB;33 'nil those (women) are dealing with sorcery Pes 11 la(28; E2); 2. to deal with, take care of, arrange [w. "3, mX7\: a. act., esp. burial of a deceased person: 3111'lPBJ Wl '3 1'3 lpoy xb «10V when PN died they did not deal
isy 874 «isy with him San 109a(50); IT3 'poy Xp '3mx while they were sitting and dealing with it [i.e. the corpse] Sab 156b(8); b. pass.part.: 1) general: p'p'Oy 'Xaa XDH what are we dealing with in this case? Ber 20b(37); Er 12b(l); Pes 72a(34); BQ 6b(32); ib. 57b(35); BM 15b(13); BB 43a(ll); San 9b(7); /1Z 35b(37); Zev 20b(45); 'Xa3 •\nyoy what are you dealing with? Yev 105b (13); ^mb VDBW jayoy X1? '» are we not dealing with (a case) that he hired him as a porter? BM 88b(36); c. w. marriage [v. Itpe., mng. 2c]: rm xrtsp an -a "jx'ji 3i 'n nnsb p'oy ma xjih an na PN was arranging a marriage for his son with PN2's house Ber 47a(20); Ket 8a(38); Nid 66a(53); 3. w. Kn'niK3/miT13 to study the Torah [< MH2 miTO pOiy J 1098]: 'poy X1?! XTimx3 'X"?33 and (yet) the Babylonians do not study the Torah Pes 88a(5) [M1: 'DIJ]; p'Dyi '31 mVajai xm-nxa p'oyi "ax pysnx xti xrvnxs yrw 7PT\ 'ion PN who used to study the Torah lived forty (years). PN2 who used to study the Torah and engage in charitable acts lived sixty (years) Yev 105a(41) // RH 18a(29); mim p'Djn nn' x1? mina p'oy x"n m-n xin does the one (son) who studied the Torah inherit, and does the (other) one who did not study the Torah not inherit? BB 140b(14); Ket 77b(24); Sot 21a(43) Itpe. 1. to be engaged, occupy oneself [caique < MH2 poj?ru J 1098, mng. 3]: a. general: poyna X3X xa"?J?3 I am merely occupying myself (with the measurement) Sab 157b(9); poya «]0T 3T ""VHM3' poya TWV 31 XTTna PN used to occupy himself at the mill. PN2 used to occupy himself by (carrying) a beam Git 67b(35) [as a cure for shivers]; b. esp. of burial [v. Pe., mng. lb; I ^Ibby pe., mng. 6]: •pv ,T3 poyxi X1? 'XI rrv3n poyna iin x1? n{')ninx had Joseph not dealt with him [i.e. Jacob('s burial)], would not his brothers have occupied themselves with him? Sot 13a(34); ib. 13b(5); BM 84b(17); ib. 29; 86a(37); HP 164:27; ib. 165:2; 2. to attend to s.o., deal in s.t., arrange [w. "3]: a. general: xaty 'Xna ma 'pioyx1? to attend to him in this world Ket 103a(49); poyjTH jxa"? pans )13X1 in"D"iS3 (the orphans) need someone to attend to their needs SSSad 268:9; b. business dealings: 'pioyx1? wb 'axT xpcy xpcy 'xn m"? np 'an1? X-D'W n'3 'XlE/a1? X1?! ^ 'an' fra therefore, a joint venture is called '/^a, since he says to him: "I gave it [i.e. the merchandise] to you to deal in it and not to drink s.-beverage from it" BM 104b(40) [expl. i xpcy mng. 2]; poy'XT JXD31 'aXT nXTll VTX n'3 it is as if he had dealt in it and had made a profit HP 49:17; c. esp. a marriage [v. Pe., mng. 2b]: IT1? p'OyX 'X^'HX Xma 13 "7X1BE? 13 priX' 31 '3 ma1* PN arranged a marriage for his son with PN2's house Ber 25b(51); <7>. 42a(5); Ket 52b(41); i& 62b(28); 3. w. KD'niKa to study the Torah [v. Pe., mng. 3]: XrVTIxa 'poya Xp Yom 9b(38); Ket 77b(38) «]BJ/, «]SN vb. to fold, double (PS *<i> [cf. Arab ijLi. to double, BH >|'ys HAL 974] > A «]yy* > >]yx* [dissim.; cf. Sy iSArf LS 38] > «]Sy [sec. rt. from pseudo-Afel by metanalysis]; I xms'y; Sy 2# *a^i. LS 537, Ma 1DX MD 32) Pe.: «]"Xyi n'lb'y min nso a'mxi yanxx (x)id he folded the mattress in four and placed the Torah scroll upon it MQ 25a(26) [cf. // Men 32b(17); i X13]; p»T mVry min "ISO TUai m1? I'S'JH sometimes they fold it [i.e. the curtain] and place the Torah scroll upon it Meg 26b(34); «]y» im> T»yi he used to fold them [i.e. the fringes] over completely Men 42a(27); pn by n1? jrs'XI we fold it in two Anan 9:8; pass.part. «]y»Cl) «]'y (if the garment) is completely folded over Hul 51b(34); TpD'y «yy XOna your business is 'folded' like lettuce [i.e. increased many times] Ber 56a(33); ib. 37 Pa. l. to fold: vu'S'y xa^n xnynx he folded them over [i.e. the threads] for the sake of the garment Er 96b (28); 'X^y1? HIT "py^)! let him fold it over above Sab 134a(24; M); XXlVni Xin TWS men HB'X fold over one twisted thread and make it a fringe Anan 10:1; xa^J Xinn 1'y 'XT isyai if that garment is folded over Geon 270:16 [w. ref. to Hul ib.; v. Pe.]; 2. to double: in3,Sr,"",y rrVm inrm»l he doubled them [i.e. the alms] and sent them to him Ket 67b(45) [Var: inrB'X SM 149:10] Af. to fold: 'm 'dm '3 rrsyai xwn xinn byw\ b'y^a Xl»n he takes the (knot of) that beginning (of the strap of the phylactery) and folds it over fW ! so that the (knot of) the beginning should be on top ST 492:55 [v. sketch ib. 493]; ib. 48 Lit: Nold, MG 732. psy I VfDX vb. NXSy i XSSX n. S1SJ? n.m. earth, dust, powder (4- XIWTIDy; TA Xisy' TO Lev 14:41, Sy 1# pc'-U^ LS 539, Ma X1SX MD 32) 1. earth: sg. a. general: ty p'tri X"isy3 IH'lVs (the city gates of GN) which were filled up halfway with earth Er 6b(23); Xinn Xisys rma mm Xy"D a certain Arab who used to smell the earth (to determine which direction to follow) BB 73b(38); Ber 57b(56); n"103 J1S X"isy3 he is required to cover it [i.e. the excrement] with earth Anan 27:18; Ket 112b(2) [i Vl#Tm quadref, mng. 2]; Xnsy p'tt?y earth (for making fired utensils) is rare BM 74a(44); xrirs1? nnsyi nnsna xisy Vin ]xa 'xn one who stole earth from another and made it into a brick BQ 96b(5); xnrab IBy earth (from a ground mud) brick Sab 50b (9) [but v. 4- XITITlSy]; SSHai 6a(4); b. in magical use [cf. CAD E 185+, mng. l.b]: hx» mm xin pmax nmaxi xisya xa"?T '3"in lim xnsy n'ja perhaps it is from the earth of Abraham, their father, who used to throw earth from it and it would turn into swords Tan 21a(45); San 109a(13); Hul 7b(35); Bek 9a(3); Pes nia(i6); Vxiattn am xisya p 3'iT ixa 1'3'y irVai oh that we had some of the earth (of the grave) of PN and PN2 so that we could paint our eyes (with it as a sign of reverence)! BB 171b(14) [+ ll\ i Vl#'Va pe., mng. II.2]; by 'ax Vxasn bT\ mnnm Xisy recite over the earth under your left foot HM 43:3; ib. 42:3; 17; 46:10; c. in medical recipes: imnsya 'nsi^B lentils with their earth Git 69a(38); ib. 69b(55); H'3T XlSy XDDH earth from a privy ib. 40; d. in idiomatic expressions: 3VXT maiS3 Xisy (let there be) earth in Job's mouth BB 16a(37) [expression of censure; cf. Akk: pija epiram malima my mouth was filled with earth, i.e. I was in trouble CAD E 186]; ID'pT maiB3 xnsy (let there be) earth in the emperor's mouth San 39a(5; MGG 89:17); Xin Xa"?y3 X"ISy it is merely earth [i.e. something of no value] AZ 68a(3); Pes 15b(32); Ned 3'S? 85a(12); BQ 110b(20); 5e£23b(9); 2. dust [as a metaphor for death]: sg. Xisy lim 'pHS 'Tny the righteous will eventually become dust [i.e. die] Sab 152b(39) [cf. San 90b(56)]; y"\syb ^in return to your dust [i.e. die before your time; cf. Gen 3:19] Tan 24a(19); San 65b(42); XMm T"13 Xisy1? "|3,T' xVl f? "pm blessed is the Merciful One who consigned you to us [i.e. made you recover from your illness] and did not consign you to the dust Ber 54b(53); 3. powder: sg. "ISy 'Vs^D pepper powder Sab 50b(10) Y: X-1BJ7 Ber 5b(33; BAYTN 92). NJITnsy n.f. ground powder (I xnsy; MH2 mnsy J 1100) sg. im]<i)cipT cixmnsy frankincense powder TRN 590:11 [expl. MH ISy nn^lX'IS1? §ab 50b(9)] B^SS? vb. to become moldy (4- X1P31X; MH ©Sy pa., itpa. LNVTH 267) Itpa.: DnV 'Wisyx becoming moldy of bread Men 96a(45); ib. 97a(30); 23b(48); 108a(3) [of money]; xan: WDjrxi 'aaT xn^n nn nVy wnx xa'an they placed fresh bread on top of it two or three times, and it became moldy Pes 7a(36); 'X» 'ayo D'jp ©sya x1? xrrriB 'xna '©isyx anoa what is the reason for the staves(' being placed under the bread)? Because of becoming moldy. (But) in that small amount (of time) [i.e. over the Sabbath] it will not become moldy Sab 124a(8) Lit: Low, Flora 1:41. 3XJ? vb. to be sad (I xrra'xy, xasiy; JPA 3sy DJPA 414) Pe., pass.part: i yxy adj. Itpe.: la'XV'XI imap 13m he broke (the expensive goblet) before them and they were saddened Ber 31a(2); ib. 4 JOiXj; n.m. presser (I Visy; Sy k'Ao^ treader LS 540) pi. msy 1H3H certain pressers (of sesame seeds to produce oil) BB 25b(48) Y: 'Tlxy BB ib.(BAYTN 108). 3'Xjr adj. sad (I ^3Sy pe., pass.part., xm3'Sy) a. alone: sg.m. Tia'Xy 'X» why are you sad? Pes 3b(48); b. esp. fol. V'tn pe. [I WO]: sg.m. n"TH 3'Sy mm he saw that he was sad BM 51a(6); Suk 53a(20); Bes 6a(15); ib. 16b(23); Git 37b(ll); BM 65b(40); f. xs'xy mm n'ms"? rr'in he saw 875
xrna'X}? 876 D'py that his daughter was sad Tan 25a(15); p'Tri '3 n'1? 13'mna ,1'nyi X3'Xyi E/'J'X when we see someone whose disposition is sad, we cheer him up Tan 22a(26; M2) Voc: 3'iy HGP 24a:33; Y: TXJf BA/ ib. NJTa'Xjr n.f. grief (4- 3'xy; MH2 ,13'Xy J 1102) sg. H'TIDD ,Tni3'Xy XB>'3 XBVn one's grief is sufficient (to counter the effects of) a bad dream Ber 55a(49); m'T^ XrTl3'Xy 'IY"»1 he places • sadness in his heart OH Sot 270:38 Y: ,TiWXS> #er ib. KX'Xj? 4- xx'xx n. NTXJ? n.m. a dish containing flour and honey (etym. unkn.) sg. '131 1X2/1 XTXyi XX'3n ]'J31 nap! (P313 J'lPyjn like the A-dish and the '.-dish and other things which are made with honey and flour GS 30b:9 Lit: L. Ginzberg, op. cit., n. 9. b>XJ? vb. to be lazy (< BH "?SJ? nif. HAL 821, MH nitpa. J 1102; cf. Sy .\ \, \ to be stupid, etc. LS 520) itpe.: "reya rrto xn '7xya x"?i xin p n'3 it is the court which is not lazy. But the messenger is, in fact, lazy Er 32a(12); Kin "\Ti\i mw'xi n'3 'Vixyx1? van nxaic? pi ,T3 nm concerning notor the scholars decreed uncleanness since (the priest) is apt to become lazy and make it notar Pes 85a(31; M1) yxy 4- Vrsx vb. "1XJ7, "IXN vb. to wring out, press, retain (4- 2# ixx, xixx, mxy '3, xixya, xmxya, xix'y, XHXy; Sy i^_i. to squeeze, press, trample LS 540) Pe. 1. to wring out, squeeze: Xpl mri 110? n'1? IXy finally he saw him wringing it out [i.e. the mat] Sab 48a(10); X'» ,1'ty XHtf'a1? 110X1 ni'l'IX'B x"7<1>(3) it is forbidden to pour water on it [i.e. a garment on the Sabbath] so that he should not wring it out HG1 244:10; H'lXJ xVl •'vrab p-'si xVi rr?- D'api xiiy'31? he should not squeeze the meat because it constricts it [i.e. the blood] and it cannot go out HG3 211:69 [Var: n'-firyj]; 2. to press, trample: ]Vr7 'ixyi im^l Tl'TV after they press the olives TGHark 86:9; p.17 'ixy 13 '3J'y when they trample grapes ib. 11; 3. to cause constipation: xnrn IXX xnVxi filth causes an animal constipation Bek 21b(ll; V9) Itpe. to be held back: ixya X7-1 ]7 XJB 7B1 how do we know that dew is not held back? Tan 3a(39); ib. 3b(l); 5; 20 Lit: Eps, Stl 40 [mng. 3]. [N-IXJT 4- 'Tixs? '3 n.] NWlXg n.f. Shavuot (caique < BH, MH nixy Yeivin, BV 930, J 1103; JPA nmxj? DJPA 415, TA pjiixy pi. TO Num 28:26) sg. xn3'1B xmxy? from Passover to Shavuot Sab 110a(45); ib. 147b(36); Pes 42b(21); ib. 68b(36); 'M Xmxy X»V in Shavuot is also one day RH 5a(8); XBT Xmxyi Pes 68b(44); xmxyi XMV 'VyB the eve of Shavuot Sab 129b (22) Y: KJVIXJf Sab 110a(45; BAYTN 170). KJIXJ? n.f. door bolt (etym. unkn.) sg. (X)nxy3 m'jn '11 Hag 15b(43; I§GF App. X, 1.2) [M1: won xna'ya]; ixap naxi x'm pixi xtn i3i xnxy3 when NN saw that she and her mother stood at the door bolt OHT Ket 224:23 Lit: B.M. Lewin, OHT ib., n. X'. 3pJ7 vb. to seek out the way (4- X3piy, X3p'y; Sy .-. n\ LS 541) Pe.: XE7'13 X3py XJ'S'1 the right foot seeks out the way first Men 34a(20; MGD 140:1) [N3PJ7 4- X3p'y n.] Niapj; 4- xi33y n. tfVlpJ/ n.m. cove, inlet (V?py; Sy rdio-n-v curve LS 542) sg. xVipy ,T3 TI'XI T301 X11J1 nXD D'y31X n'3 n'XI a river which is dammed up and has a cove containing forty seahs (of water) HP 137:12; pi. |'»"j? Ill '7lpy3 '31X the boats were situated in the coves Ket 97a(37); BB 24a(26); AZ 34b(20) Y: tyjjjf BB ib.(BAYTN 209). NOlpJ? n.m. stinger (4- Vfpy, XXpiy; Sy r^m n?-^ LS 543) sg. X3ipyi XOipy the stinger of Scorpio Ber 58b(53; OHP ib. 106:12,Ar [AC 6:249]) tthpj/ 4- tfipx adj. D'pjT 4 D'px adj. mvpy 877 ipy N3TpJ? n. (uncertain) pi. 'BByi '3Tpy the ... of the loins HG3 155:35 [in laws of removal of veins] Dpi? vb. to pervert, make crooked (4- D'pX; Sy ■jduo^. pa. LS 542) Pe.: XII XJ2?'7 Dp'B it is a slip [lit. perverting] of the tongue Ned 16a(21) [RaN: Xin n'H£?'7 Dpya ib. (v. 16b); v. Koh, ACSup 65] SH'Biapj; n.f. crookedness (MH2 n'BlBpy J 1107, Sy rc'&cu^i ? n \ LS 542) sg. 1,113 rriraiapys 13'niXI X'<1){1}13 they rolled up a reed mat and placed (it) in its [i.e. the alley's] crooked portion Er 8a(24); XJtJ'2/BI 13 X3B'y31 -p'B l^'aiapyV nV I shall kick you and straighten out your crookedness from you(r hunchback) San 91a(26) [cf. Sy: rdajAja \y>\ PSm 1138] Y: PTJValDj?? Er 8a(24; BAYTN 289). Nmapy 4- xrraiapy n. ops? 4- Vfpy vb. J>p5/, 0pJ7 vb. to sting, twist (4- X3X31X, XDpiX, XXplj?, XOipy; Ma pS MD 17, Sy vm nv etpe. to be stung, -^ & • " <■ twisted LS 543, > LebAr 'aqas Feghali 56) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to sting: ypy ]Xa X31py n'Xpy'J may a scorpion sting the one (who) has 'stung' (me) [i.e. cited my opinion w/o attribution] Bek 31b(23) [Var: n'TlOpy opyi }Xa X31py AC 6:249]; 2. to twist: ,1'nnStt?3 WIS to twist his lips HGl 8:59 = ,1'nStt?3 (Dp)(p0(yal7 Seel 161:9 Lit [mng. 2]: Eps, Stl 128 ['to bite the lips'], IpJ?, IpN vb. to uproot, detach, abrogate, make sterile, forget (4- l#X1p'y, l#X1py, xmipy; Sy i-p-i. LS 543, Ma ipx MD 34) Pe. (a/u) 1. to uproot: X11C5 ipy "JTX he went (and) uprooted a mountain Ber 54b(21); XJri'D ipyaV to uproot flax MQ 12b (3 9) [in harvesting; v. Lieb, TK 1:140]; Hag 15a(26); BQ 92a(6); Hul 105b(28); SSHai 6b(16); ^V'X lipy uproot your tree BB 37b(2); ib. 38a(2); Meg 16a(44); Ip'ai [lipy ipyai -] npx BB 94a(7; Geon 107:25); 2. to detach, tear out, remove: a. lit.: XIX X*7a Ipyi X3im (a certain goat) from which he detached a basketful of fat Hul 59b(15); Men 95a(43) [the tabernacle]; Nid 13a(17) [of semen from the body]; n'ntlTB lipy detach his mezuzot Dec 4:11; XJIXW'3 XJIpjy Jl'lpy I have removed the evil neck charms Bo 9:15; HTlOlia H'1? Ipyi he removed it [i.e. the lion] from its place Hul 59b(33); pass.part. Tpyi Tps (the pus) is retained and detached (from the flesh) Ket 7a(l) [of an abscess]; j'l'py Bo 91:2 [of demons from the body]; b. in a fig. sense: rt'yi3 ETJ'X Ipy '31 XK?'13 Ipy m'B'1 (in walking) a person only detaches his right leg first Yom llb(31) // Men 34a(20); Sot 39a(18); XW£?»a H'^yi H'ty ipx he took his mind off [lit. detached his mind] from drinking Pes 103b(15); .TB?B3 ipy he traveled from one place to another [lit. detached himself] Ket 3b(22); 3. to abrogate, annul, abolish: 1XBT1 'xap 'XW37 inripym xn«?n let her make the mi 'un-declaration now and annul the first marriage Yev 107b(7); Irl'mino Ipya1? to abrogate their testimony Ket 19b(30); Naz 21b(10); Mei 21a(l); ipy ipya "?y3 does (a husband) completely abrogate (his wife's vow)? Naz 21b(7) [* 4- VlU pe.]; BM 112b(8); rch Ipy n'1D2?V he abrogated his document Ket 19b(21); nipy Xp 7PX Ipy Xp m'X is it he who abrogates (the law)? It is she who abrogates (it) Git 83a(32); TOB maxi xn^'13 'Ipyi ... '3'H how do they annul the matter which Moses said? Yom 69b(42); Hor 4b(6); Meg 2a(24); 4. pass.part. w. -b to forget [v. Itpe., mng. 5]: X7130B 'B'3X 7\-b [XTpy > XTpX -] XTp' PN forgot the tractate Me«7a(21;P2V'°) Pa. 1. to hamstring [cf. TJ Jos 11:6]: irr> xnpya I shall hamstring them [i.e. the mules] Hul 7b (22); 2. to cause sterility [denom. < 4- xmipy]: dtob Twb x'V 'Vxsoi x'aa 'Ipyai he should not drink from an infusion of s., because it can cause sterility Git 69b(54); 3. to extract: X33 Ipyn X*71 do not extract a molar Pes 113a(13) Af. to remove: OTIplB Xp(1)(1) IJ'VSX we are (still) eating, and you are removing (the table)! Pes 115b(31) [M: XDJ1 ITl'Ipya Xpi ]3^3X X1?] Itpe. 1. to be uprooted: X'TIX "73 HpyjlX all the cedars were uprooted MQ 25b(37); llpyri'X X'lltJ the mountains were uprooted Bo 10:6; ]11pyn'1 ]'1£?'3 l'K?in ^3 may all evil sorcery be uprooted (from PN) Bo 55:7; 2. to be pulled down:
i# Kipy 878 xyT X'THMX bl npynx all the statues were pulled down MQ 25b(39); 3. to be torn off, detached: a. body organs: "ipyn Xia'T ytttn XHIX may the ear that hears music be torn off Sot 48a(42); "llpyrPX (the vital organs) were (completely) torn off Bek 44a(50) [* 4- Vaaj itpe.]; Hul 44a(29); ib. 59a(9); HP 203:2; b. literary texts: npyn'XI ]V3 "IpyXTX since (the verse) was detached (from its original context) it remained so Yev 1 lb(25); BB 112a(19); 4. to be set aside: IpyB NpT XlTys my D"p'D IX1? at the (same) time that the negative commandment is being set aside the positive one is being fulfilled Sab 132b(52; M); Yev 90b(3); 5. w. "W|» to forget: m»J ItyVx '1 m1? "ipyx PN forgot his tradition AZ 46b (27); Hul 103b(27); 1,TTB ITTK&X1 irf? "Ipyx they forgot their talmud Ber 18b(14); Sab 147b(39); BB 9b(23) [F2: 1j?{'}'Xl]; Pipyx > IpX'X* -] Tp"X "T»bn n'V TVerf 41a(15); Pes 69a(32) // /4Z 46b(27) [4- X1B1]; n'3'13 Tipyx /&?£ 20:2; 6. w. "V + Nlbn to miscarry: m^l if? ipyrPX she miscarried Sab 63b(5); 7. w. K3-IU7 to be extinguished [lit. the lamp was detached]: K'ob,>l 131H XXVD Nipyra 13'm1? W'V'TX '3 perhaps when you go to your homes the lamp will be extinguished Pes 101a(19; E2) Itpa. to become sterile: "lpy'BT D11PB because he may become sterile Git 69b(54; OHT ib. 154:11) [v. Pa., mng. 2]; inn'31 Klpyx his wife had become sterile Ket 62b(35); xnn '3X0 yrw xaxa nsV x:nn 3-n "pTsa -npyx inbisi we were sixty old men, and all of us [lit. them] became sterile (from extended sitting) at PN's public lecture except for me Yev 64b(22); Sab 110b(26; Marg); ib. 44; TGHark 37:4 Ittaf. w. XVltf to be extinguished [v. Itpe., mng. 7]: XJ7C7 XCOnipwa the lamp will be extinguished Pes 101a(13) [v. Kara 65]; ib. 19 Lit: Eps, Stl 33825 [on Itpe., mng. 5; v. however, D. Boyarin, Teuda 4(1986) 122+, who supports the trad, deriv. of these forms from Vlp']. 1# Nlpy n.m. sterile male (4- VnpJ7; TA "lpy TO Dt 7:14, Sy rc'-L^ LS 544) sg. XTpy X'JTD sterile mule BB 91a(23) [w. ref. to Manoah] 2# KlpJ7 n.m. leech (metath. < 4- Xp"iy) sg. Xlpy Xnnn river leech GC 73:8 [expl. MH TU3» 'an ib.] 3#Xipy i l#XipXn. N3"1|?J/ n.m./f. scorpion, constellation Scorpio (TA j'STpy pi. TO Dt 8:15, Sy rc^i-up^ f. LS 544, Ma X3p1X f. MD 39) 1. scorpion: sg. ]XB *?3 xaipy n'1? p'lD mm anyone whom a scorpion has stung Ber 58b(54); Ket 50a(27); mnpID xa-ipy TGHark 158:21; xsnpy mspyj ypy jxa may a scorpion sting the one (who) has 'stung' (me) [i.e. cited my opinion w/o attribution] Bek 31b(23); Hag 5a(52); San 65a(35); ATar 3b(61); AZ 28b(42); Afo/ 41a(34); pi. m"? pm mm '?m xnxirn nxan '3 ^yy I saw that scorpions encircled it [i.e. Mt. Sinai] like white asses BB 74a(13; MGE 43:15); '3Tpy San 67b(36); 2. constellation Scorpio: sg. p'TOT X3ipj?T XXpiy ^"03^ TPb the stinger of Scorpio which 'stings' Orion Ber 58b(53); inJ3 rUBI X3Tpyi XXpiy lin the stinger of Scorpio which is located in the River of Fire ib. Y: Ki-py_ Ber ib.(BAYTN 221). Xrn-Ii?j/, NJTIpJ? n.f. infertility, type of demon (4- Vipj?; Sy rf&n-uo-v LS 544, Ma xmxpX MD 33) 1. infertility: sg. X1? rfc'SXl .Tiayxi ilJl'X DX Xmipy3 TOSJ nptra mn if it is (the case) that she had been pregnant and miscarried, she would not have allowed herself to be presumed infertile Yev 65b(3; Seel 18:44) [Var: xpmB xV "7'SXT HITX Xmpya rwtl FrHP 113:30, xfnpyS HGP 33a:4]; xmpyT xao a drug (to induce) infertility ib. 48; 2. a type of demon: sg. Bo 12:3; pi. ib. 80:5 Y: XJTpj; Yev ib.(BAYTN 184). RTPpy I xrmpy n. Kripj;, abs. Nj?jr, pi. NJIKpj;, 'PJ? n.f. trouble, misfortune, a type of demon (4- Vpiy, XJlpy '3; TA xpy TJ Is 30:6, Sy k^LdljL LS 517, Ma XJipx MD 34, JPA npy, pi. Tpy DJPA 415) 1. trouble, misfortune: sg.abs. Xpy XT this is a misfortune San 26a(43); det. xripy -]b X'DX 'XT if misfortune befalls you TGHark 161:36; pi. XTlXpy ib. 16; 2. type of demon: pi. 'py Bo 36:9 Y: X$y San ib.(BAYTN 8). K1J/, NINjr, KIN, NT n.m. bay tree (4- nXTI; i#ns? 879 4#a-iy QA iy ATTM 663, ATTME 395, Arab jli Siggel 54; cf. "iy ]»tf Asaf 155:32) sg. XS1BX XIXyT bay leaf Git 69b(24; Vl6[corr.]) [Var: Hiyi XD-IB Ar (AC 6:256)]; pi. ny BB 81a(2) [expl. MH ETCViy ib.] // "IX fl# 23a(25) [expl. MH ffJTlX ib.]; 'XT Git 69b(24; OHT ib. 153:11) Lit: Flora 2:121+; 3:15; 4:160; Pfl 299 [Sy attested only in Asaf]; Y: XT!! Gil ib.(BAYTN 6). 1# 31J7 vb. to be a surety (archaic and dialectal; 4- 2# X3-iy, 2# nx3-iy, i# amy, xrvmy, xmany; Sy 1# o=.i^. LS 545) Pe.: ]irx BrJ'X 13T '•niOSJ n'3 I'Siy a man's property is a surety for him BB 174a(23) // Bek 48b(26); px ^iX "I3T 'mVjl n,n'' ]Vm)a i»nV 'ysnai -\mb nn isiy a person's feet are his surety. They transport him to the place where he is sought (at his death) Suk 53a(23) [4- (-)JT usage a.2] 2#3iy vb. to mix, mingle, intermingle (4- i#x3n'y, 2#xrmy, V33ny; Sy 2# ^ii. LS 546, Ma 2#31X MD 35) Pe.: a. general: pass.part. X'» »3ny the water (of the two domains) is mixed together Er 86a(36); J"yx 'xV'ya 3nyT even though it is mixed together on top Men 24a(22); Nid 22a(25);- 'M ])M XH ]'in3 W3ny you are, in fact, mixed together with us San 39a(51; MGN 416:8); b. w. Vm pe. [lit. go around and mix]: 'STyi mm (the two upper parts of the tree) intermingle Git 22a(28) // BB 27b(10); Hul 58b(29) [of intestines]; c. w. fol. vb.: 'm 'am inV yny xp xVt xin snyai the reason (that the 7an«a of the barraita) does not indeed learn them [i.e. the two cases] together Tern 34a(32); inr:;!''1?! WS-iyb let (the Tannd) learn them [i.e. the separate cases] together Git 80b(15); Yev 19b(13); BQ 77b(27); BM 9a(8); BB 19a(15); Men 70b(36); firsns''?! lir3nyV Kip lli'lVs 'yD 'XD let (Scripture) write them together. Why did Scripture divide them? Kar 5a(49) [w. ref. to Ex 20:23]; Pes 18a(31) [w. ref. to Lev 11:34] Pa. to mix, combine: 3'Ty '3Tiy he certainly mixed in (the refuse) BB 94b(15); ib. 94a(20); 'mn 'im pn,ns,"l 13ny they combined their bread together (for a common meal) Pes 89b(38); ~{? 'Siy x"7 '» 'any1? "y3 'X had I wanted to mix in (lees), would I not have done so for you? BM 40b(16; F1); AZ 32a(l); ib. 34b(17); 38b(43); 31 "1T1 'ITD 3nya IDV PN used to mix seeds and sow Qid 39a(43; o2); man nna in1? rranyV td'x it is forbidden to combine one with the other Anan 6:13; Xrwas naiy to mix it in oil ib. 87:2; pass.part. aiya ,ai"iy (the oil) remains combined (with the vegetables) Zev 76a(26); Men 24a(16); Xlp many riXl (by means of) nxi [Lev 5:25] Scripture combined it [i.e. the laws in w. 24-25] BQ 65b(25); Yom 24b(7); San 57b(30); AZ 24a(5); Hul 135a(41); Bek 6a(18); ib. (20) Itpa. 1. to be mixed up: 3TiyXT UVOti "|3n 1DX T'^lDS in"? lin are those tainted because they were mixed up? Yev 99b(14); AZ 35b(35); ib. 49b(22); 3-iya Xs? 'a 'nnx3 ... 3iya xb nn3n(3)i 'ru granted that (this goat) is not mixed up with the other (designated) one. Can it not be mixed up with others? Yom 41b(39); ma piyna Xp XH1 Tin are (the vegetable plots) not, in fact, mixed up with one another? Sab 8 5b (6); 2. to be intermingled [w. "3, 'im]: V13 13"iyX 'TXT! 'NJTD now the Samaritans have intermingled [i.e. intermarried] with them Qid 72a(ll); X3ny» imrn XnaT Xlivn an animal of the town is intermingled with them [i.e. the animals of the pagans] BQ 113b(45) 3# 3"IJ/, mK vb. to set (of the sun; 4- Xaiya, 2#X31Ty, 3#X3iy; Sy 9# oai^ LS 546) Pe.: laxii xwaw xsiyT iy 'S'noai lnxoi they wash themselves, remain impure until the sun sets, and (then) they become ritually clean Anan 45:4; ib. 29:26; 43:3; 58:11; X3iy X^aa XWaW the sun sets of itself Pes 90b(6) // Naz 64b(16); "IJ13 xi3n V'sxn 'apa raxn mm xstjh after the sun of the Sabbath sets (and) before darkness falls Anan 77:4; Meg 20b(5); STa^ 'p'nna '3a from the time that (the sun) begins to set Pes 58a(17); XBW 3iya 'Bp before the setting of the sun Geon 266:1 Itpe. id.: XBV '3TX1 XWBW anyx the sun set and the day was purified Ber 2b(3) 4# 31J7 vb. to be combined in an leruv (denom. < 4- l#XaiTy; JPA 3iy pa. DJPA 417) Pe.: jTO niyrn 'ina rrysax xanyT since the middle
i#Na-iy 880 (courtyard) is combined in an 'eruv with the outer one Er 48a(47); ib. 48b(10) Pa. to make an 'eruv: a. alone: 'SnyV 15?3 'XT '3TyB 'SB X1? X3n 'SnyB ISS if they want to make an 'eruv (for all the houses) they can do so. In this case they cannot make an 'eruv ib. 21(0); 70b(l); 26a(14); 28a(21); 67a(20); b. w. obj.: an I'JIXB ]V 3'"iyaT xn31 ]b give us a man who can make an 'eruv for us for our town ib. 60a(18); 59b(30); Bes 16b(17) Itpa. to be included in an 'eruv: 'B D'3"in TY\V"n Kaiya can a public domain be included in an 'eruv? Er 6a(24); ib. 6b(5); in nJIfinn 'Sn 'X 'lyjl Kb 'fnnn 3nyn if so, the lower (courtyard when it is) one [i.e. jointly with the upper one] can be included in an 'eruv. (But when it is) two [i.e. separate from the upper one] it cannot be included in an 'eruv ib. 93b(17) 1# N3*1J/ n.m. woof (TA X3"iy TO Lev 13:52) sg. AZ 17b'(35) [* 4- X'JW] Y: X2~V AZ ib.fBAYTN 124). 2#N:n2/, N3N"ljr n.m. guarantor, surety (4- Vi#3-iy, xrvmy; Sy i# rd-i-U: ls 545, MH 31J7 Yeivin, BV 968) sg. X3Ty XJX1 I am a guarantor (for it) Sab 140b(24); SSHai 8a(5); X3X1J7 Svu 48b(12; HP 125:18); X31J? XUT ••KTvb mrjnrfn 'apa 'ii1? n'y-isn a certain guarantor who paid a pagan before he sued the orphans BB 174b(10); ib. 174a(25); 32b(20); mn n'rfan xnairoT xsny nxxy -a rwa pn was a guarantor of his daughter-in-law's ketubba Ara 23a(33) // BB 174b(21); 'VtX X3iy nm they pursue the guarantor (first) ib. 173b(ll); 174b(15); Mak 7a(4); X3"iyT X3Tyi X3iy a guarantor or a guarantor for a guarantor Sot 37b(26) [concerning the covenant at Sinai]; "]3"iy "ps X3"iy your guarantor needs a guarantor Suk 26a(52) // G/7 28b(5) [Van "pX X3XTyV T3XTy G§ 65:7] Voc: xriy HGP la:18; Y: X3iy G« 28a(6; BAYTN 233). 3# X31J7 n.m. eve, day preceding (< MH 3"iy rvawnosn J nil; 4- V3#3ny, 'tya; cf. Sy 10# rclii-L». sunset LS 546) sg. nJBTm Vn DX1 XmttH X31J73 xntfflT X3Ty if the eve of Passover happened to fall on the eve of the Sabbath [i.e. Friday] Anan 72:8 4#N3-|JT 4- l#X31Xn. l#nN3")jr, pi. 'Naij; adj. Arabian, n. Arab (4- Xy"D; TA 'X3iy pi. TJ Jer 3:2, Sy kL^H^: LS 546) I. adj.: sg.m. nX3iy "p^B PN, the 'Arabian' Hul 49a(32); Hiy Xim the 'Arabian' denar Bek 49b(3\) [expl. MH 'TO nJB Mib. 8:7]; II. n.: sg.f. xwaiy x'nn Ket 72b(i4); pi.m. man 'X3ny BB 168b(13); Nid 47a(44; MGL 720:14) Lit: Sperber, Money 230, suggests that the Arabian denar refers to the Nabatean standard; Y: .1X31!? BB 56a(19; BAYTN 320). 2#nNaiT3; adj. fiscally liable (archaic; 4- Vl#3ny; cf. JudA 3-IJ/1 nnx responsible and a guarantor NS 8a: 11) pl.m. J'XPinX] ]1.T TliT^D XT XminaV I'XSTyi all of them [i.e. my possessions] will be responsible and fiscally liable for this ketubba SSHai 2b(5) 331J? vb. to blend, confuse (4- V2#3Ty; JPA 33TJ? DJPA 418) QuadRef. 1. to blend [intr.]: xVp 33iy'JT 'ap'a nypn n"?nna pis'3 let him fulfill his obligation from the beginning of the teqi'a before the sound (of the shofar) blends (with the echo) RH 28a(18); ib. 21; 2. to be confused: 33Ty'X X*7T because (Satan) was not confused ib. 16b(4); ISSny'1? X*?T 'SVI '3 in8? 'XT 'Xa <l>ClJ?aTyVl so that they should not be confused and should hear what He says to them AZ 2b(4; M) Kji'aianj; 4- xTrsis-in n. l#K3ia"!J7 n.m. pledge (4- Vl#3Ty; JPA pny. DJPA 418) sg. n'3'a ■'bpv Xmny '31 do they take a pledge from him? Sab 105b(18) // MQ 25a(9) Lit: Gross, Patterns 327. 2# NJiany 4- x:mnx n. Kriianj/ n.f. guarantee (4- 2#X3"iy, Vl#3TJ?; Sy i# pc'^o^-Ia: ls 545) sg. n'1? T3y mn x1? XJTmy he would not have made a guarantee for him HP 52:7; fm [n']SHX 'XJimyT XTljn *?yi 'TIT he lent him those zuzim on the strength of my guarantee SSHai 8a(5) NJim'T.j; n.f guarantee (4- Vl#3"iy) sg. SSSad 202b:'l7 i#Krcny: i i#xnai?, xnaiN, pi. kjiwin n.f. wiiiow, willow branch (Sy 4# rc/&_=»T-^, pi. rfbL^'-Li., rc^H-*: LS 546) 1. willow: sg. Sab 20a(38); XJ13TXT xVlD the shadow of a willow Pes Hib(9); nrany nssss nssss xra-iy the willow (was called) s., and the s. was called willow Suk 34a(3i; E2) [but H in //: n3iy nssss nsssx nany Sab 36a(9)]; Er 29b(45) [O: XrUTX; 4- 'DID]; 2. pi. willow branches: Xmiy TUn Sab 20b(35) [Var: XJ1X3TX man Ar (AC 1:267)] Lit: Flora 3:324+; Y: Kmy Sab ib.(BAYTN 171). 2#Nfl31j; n.f. mixing bowl (4- V2#3ny; Ma Xnxa-IX MD 36, s.v. 2#X3nx) sg. AnanSch 11:23 x~iiy 11# xmx n. N"Ti*l^, NIN"!?, NTHN n.m. wild ass (TA Tny TJ Hos 8:9, s'y 2# rfki^L LS 547, Ma l#XTXnX MD 35) pi. m-iys K'rn ':nD 'xanr na '3T (the workers) of PN's estate utilize wild asses to grind in mills AZ 16b(25) [Var: 'TITX Ar (AC 1:273)]; n'1? '^SX Hliy J?"in Vd the wild asses eat whatever he sows BB 36a(13); 'TnjH XTU the wall (to keep out) the wild asses ib. 11 [Var: 'TX-15? G§ 418:18; 'TTX Ar (AC 1:273)] Y: 'Thy BB ib.(BAYTN 108). ^TjV. n.f. shivering (V2#n?; 4- 2#XJinX; Sy K'kjojLL LS 545, IMS 2:52, Ma xn-n OrNS 15 [1946] 325:10) sg. xmnj? ]ai WK []ai] from fever and shivering Bo 89:7; ib. 35:9!; X7HT31 »fe 74:13 Lit: AMB 47. Ni?nj7, pi. 'Kfti-lj; n.m. fugitive (4- VpJ?; Sy r<Lboxi LS 550, Ma XpTlX MD 37) sg. p'Tn IX XpTiyT H'b if we see that he is a fugitive TGHark 111:34; pi. 'Xpinj? Hul 46a(20) Y: 'Xj?V1J[ Hul ib.(BAYTN 325). ninj; n.m.pi. claims (Vvij?) cs. xaVa mny xroVai the claims of the king or the queen Git 86a(6) [in a document of a slave sale]; SSHai 7a(ll) Y: 'TVUJ Gi( ib.(BAYTN 70). ^'D"1jr adv. naked (4- nx^'Ony; Sy AJ^ LS 548, Ma "j'Dnx MD 37) sg.m. D"D1 V'DTy trbv 'JXOa stripped naked and wearing shoes Ket 65b(l) // Sot 8b(15; V2) [cf. Ma: XWbv ^DIX PTJT Gy 226]; pjTWa1? X1?! IWn'1?^ b'Ony you are stripped naked and are not clothed Bo 60:3; ib. 19:5; 60:3 Lit: Eps, Stl 336. The phrase Vwy KrK'^W X'iTI rf? 'Bm ta V'TNl '13'y fBy anyone who sees her stripped naked closes his eyes and goes away Ar [AC 6:217, s.v. fay] is not from San 110a(l) as indicated by Koh, but-as the JPA dialect in which the text is written shows-it comes from an otherwise unknown Palestinian source; Y: "rcny. Sot ib.(BAYTN 234). nK^'WIj; adj. naked (4 "rcny; TA p^Diy" pi. To' Gen 2:25, Sy rcLii^u: LS 548, Ma x'xV'onx MD 37) sg.m. jtVt (n)c)x'?,t5ny snai DlbD X^l n'1? a naked man who has nothing BM 46a(9); pl.m.abs. xa' 'D':1? I'xV'DTy Ipsn they came out naked onto the islands of the sea TGAs28 77b:5; ib. 78:12 Y: 'K^B-iy. BM ib.(BAYTN 316). l#ny vb. to pour out (JPA 2#ny DJPA 419, MH2 ny pa. J 1116, Ma xny pe. to intermingle [of water] MD 356) Pa.: WJI mn 'Tn3 ny'il let him pour them out [i.e. the wine and s.- beverage] together and drink AZ 29a(8) Note the passage syiX p,"iy iy xnna XTS 1TO X1?! 'Xn Hul 105b(17), where ny is poss. a var. of 1WO, i.e. ... ny X^n 'XH xyix by. 2#'"iy vb. to hold, attach (Sy rCt^. to hold, contain LS 545) Pa.: <ny» "73X) nya X'jT XD'n "n X'^'a if (the umbilical cord) is not attached (to the mother it cannot live), but if it is attached, (the fetus) will certainly live Yev 71b(18; RaH [OH ib. 318:18]) [Var: 3nya M3; 'iya O2] Expl. Ray: rax1? miya irx niaenw bits. Kjvny n.f. 4- 2# xrinx 1# "1"1S? vb. to evaluate someone's dedication (denom. < BH fiy HAL 838, Yeivin, BV 812) Pa.: Xin 'Diny T3 Vin p "DX even a one-month old child can be the subject of evaluation Naz 62a(18) Itpa. to be evaluated for dedication: x"?T f? X3ai "pyii how do we know that (an androgynos) cannot be evaluated? Sab 136b(10) 2#-pjr4-V3#Tixvb. piy, INany, pn«, n.m. consul (< fipxcov Lehnw 129; 1 XIYUDiy; Sy ^aiK' LS 49, Pal ]1D1X PAT 343; cf. Arab iffl o^3 ministers of 881
fun p-iy 882 Kivjnj? state Hava 268) sg. ]X:j-iy '"7D JUKn in the year of NN, the consul BB 164b(14) [writ; Es: p"lX]; pny 'xn 'aVni rrnua-iya piy my vwx pra1 iTnusnyn mxai let him investigate when the consul served in his consular office. But perhaps this one (is called) a consul because he remains a long time in his consular office ib. 15(F2) [play on piy = p-lX; Es: pnx] The orthography of this word w. 'ayin suggests a popular etym. of this word from Vlffpy [cf. Kut, Words 89+]. — ]WH piy n.m. iterum consul (perh. < apxwv 5iyovo<; Lehnw 197) sg. BB 164b(19) [P1: p"IX Y: ]W1 piX BB ib. NJTIWiy n.f. consular office (4- piy) sg. BB 164b(15; F2) [M: 'niWIX] D"IJ? vb. to beguile, pretend (4- XttTiy; Sy 2# -ja-U. pa., etpa. LS 548) Pa. [w. by s.o.]: TO'iy p33in ]l,my beguile them and let (the oxen) be sold BM 90b(2) Itpa. 1. to pretend, deceive: Oiy» Xp 'HTiy 'XH this person is merely pretending (to have repented) San 25a(24) [Var: mya xp 'ariyx F2]; XDiya Xp 'miyx she is trying to deceive (him) Ket 87b(26); Mak 23b(39); && 38a(25); Git 54b(7); 5A/4b(26); A 8a(42); AZ 14b(14); VlVo nanyn 'xna -a n'ox 'anyx all subterfuges (concerning bloodletting) are forbidden except for this subterfuge Sab 129a(43); 2. to use a legal fiction [MH Diy hif. J 1120, mng. 3]: rm 'anyx mya x"?iy na pn used to use a legal fiction &A 148b(39); ib. 108b(l) 1# N0*1J7 n.f. bed, bier (TA XOiy TO Gen 48:2, Sy ncli-u: f. LS 549, Ma XD1X f. MD 38) 1. bed: a. general: sg. xaT7 mm XDny8? XHTDaXI Xn,ia@D1Dl? they brought her bed (with her) after PN to GN Sab 129a(27); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V"pa pe., pass.part.: j-DTPaa ]^b y& XDiy you have prepared the bed in your house Bo 139:9; 2) V'BI pe., pass.part.: sg. ITOnya 'ail TXpia being sick and bedridden BB 154a(23); ib. 153a(33); SSHai 8b(7); SSSad 213:4; pi. p.TOiy by '871 (the demons) are cast down on their beds Bo 7:17; 3) Vtfati pa.: pi. VTCny 'Itfawai they used to have conjugal relations Git 58a(16) [cf. MH2 WV iriD'a Meg 13a(42)]; 2. bier: sg. DHpT Wl |TO iTOny^ in"D"iy when they saw that their bier preceded his bier [i.e. they died before him] Ket 103a(50); BB 22a(53); 13 XIX 3YI H'Dny XS'"?n nanx PN's bier passed by ib. 54(MGL 699:18) Y: XCny Ber 7a(30; BAYTN 92). — N1JT N0"1J? n.m. a type of permanent bed (lit. bed of weaving; 4- 2#X"U) sg. Ned 56a(21) // San 20a(44) [expl. MH WITT Mib. 7:5]; MQ 27a(28) Geon. exp!.: pODD3 H'Vy ]'yi3j? pM» II HBO N7I OHT Ned 51:11; D'Xy ,Tni3'30 K^'K /TIB'S 1NW3 K^l ... JV13WIS HBO pj-ixi rhsn rniwro ...] n;vyx»xi irnm now ]U3 o'rara xfvwsi...] o'bom niysB nw Sjqti D'3ij>j O'xy.ii 'w nyinrii rfrffUl HB'3np TITO ,1X11 ib. 16. The suggestion of Krauss, Qadmoniot 2/1 50: caique < Lat lectius genialis, should be rejected; Y: XIJ'I XOny San ib. N0"iy n.m. a type of folding bed made with leather (lit. bed of a tanner; 4- 2# xVx) sg. XVXT 'Diy Ned 56b(9) // 5a« 20a(54) // MQ 27a(30) [expl. MH tfJT! MNed 7:5] Geon. expl.: p"» 3"'B] nrvnu o'^si Knsoas nwiiBun nB»3 x'n jitoi po^pii nam 'nwi rrai-ix vi» n1? w npnsns xmb nwo pi xin 'mx jw'jsi 'O-ran Kin x"?x ii-ijibi .irpyxsxs -px l's t^'b1?! lsina uvroi i3iy»,i iiyn p pi-row co-iu^e lfflEOV OHT Ned 51:12; Y: K^Xl XCny A/g ib. 2# N01J7, pi. NnDlj; n.m. neighborhood (etym. unkn.) sg. xony^ x'o-iyra',{,?i T>nsa max na nan PN requires (witnesses for the get) from one neighborhood to another [lit. from neighborhood to neighborhood] Git 6a(42); pi. max 12 nai xncny xnony xnna rbiDb anya PN used to construct 'eruvs for all of GN by various neighborhoods Er 26a(14) // ib. 60a(23) Expl. RaH: riU13B; Y: Npy Git ib.(BAYTN 92). *6oiy J- x"?nx n. Nliyiy n.m. protest (< MH2 Tiyiy J 1122; 4- VnySy) sg. xwa nmy-iya rrh his protest has no substance SSSad 268:15; XTiyTy TGHark 6:16; ib. 130:9 NJVSny n.f. wasp (TA xfriny TO Ex 23:28; cf. MH 'jnix MMakhsK 6:4) sg. ]a xrpyny npsji ''DHaxa nTI'nai '^ma a wasp came out of the wall and stung him on his forehead Sab 80b(30); GC 130:7 [expl. MH r>yTXn MMaks 6:4] Geon. expl.: nya XrK'y>iy'ny TRN 620:9; Lit: M. Kislev, nyty i Lesonenu 61 [1998] 51 + ; Y: KJl'ynj? Sab ib. njny vb. to contest, challenge (^Tiy; i Xmyny, xmyiy; JPA 3#iyny DJPA 420) Pal.: a. general: trp3 wpJ'a xnK;n ''V V'osi lyiyai ^ya tixt mwa n'lV'y nyiya myny 'xpi '"? (the witness must state that the get was written and signed in his presence) since the husband can come, contest, and invalidate it. Now, (since the husband) actually continues to hold it, can he actually contest it? Git 5a(19); ib. 3a(3); 6b(2); 89b(16); nyiyai mmp1? inxpi wp 'nsiya 'in npTna D'oaa the property is in the possession of the family members, and the buyers come and contest BB 154b(7); ib. 43b(9); 133b(3); my myiy^ m it [i.e. the judgment] cannot be contested TGHark 276:24; b. in the defension clause of a writ: "?D )3T 'b*> by nyiyi iiyo'i <jn ixa anyone who comes, makes a claim, and challenges NN SSHai 6a(18); ib. 18b(6); S'&ac/ 187b:3 NfllVIJ? n.f. challenge (I Viyiy) sg. xVa Xmyiy without challenge SSHai 4a(16); SSSad 201c: 10; Xmyny ... naiab m1? ri'X the seller can challenge it TGAs33 103:14; pi. xnXJytJ "73 xmyiyi all claims and challenges SSHai 5a(8); TGAs33 211:2; Dec 9:17 *py vb. to break an animal's neck (< BH 2# «py hal 840) Pe.: xVt r,aa 'an-1 onoxi iptx ''Diy so also do we not break (the heifer's) neck for an old man and a castrated man (whose bodies were found)? Sot 46a(53); H'Siyi 'XT fpya if he had completely broken (the ass's) neck Bek 10a(37) N^'SIS? n.m. mist (TA X^'Siy TJ 2S 22:12, Sy k^Lst^: f. LS 549, Ma X^'SIX f. MD 38) sg. ':na x"?p 'mm xmis^ y>sx x'j'Diy a mist is effective even for a seed under a clod Tan 4a(l; M2V17) [Var: X^'DTiy Ar (AC 6:444)]; 'XB '■J'S Tiiy xV'Siy what is (the meaning of) '.? Awaken, cracks (in the ground) ib. 2 [L: x"?'9"ny] Lit: NSld, MG 159; Y: N^STiy Tan ib.(BAYTN 240). ply, j?"IN vb. to flee (I Xpwy, XpTiy, Vma; Sy 1# cxjii. LS 550, Ma l#pix MD 38) Pe. (a/u): a. general: 'X1TQ 'a Xiay n,!? piy Xion 31 PN's slave fled to GN Git 45a(21); *7TX HTITB ]a ymT 2# NBipiy D'lSa bli? Nm^aoVx"? piyi PN went and fled to GN Sot 47a(35); Git 56a(20); BQ 117a(37); 5M 86a(26); AZ 18b(14); X»D piy Xiaj bop la'^B XD3H n'aa PN has killed a man. He fled (and) hid in a privy Qid 81b(4); ;fc. 39b(54); xaJX^ pny Xri'iaeDID1? xaixai he fled to the marsh and from the marsh to GN BM 86a(ll); pnyi bvpl xaix1? (the ox) that killed (an animal) and fled to the marsh bq 4ia(25); x1? in1? 'x yina pan larnV XiVs piny ipTiy ]rpny let the scholars pay (the tax) with them. He said to them: "No. we shall flee." "Flee!" Half (of them) fled BB 8a(41); Tan 24a(25); Ned 62a(19); 'ply piya WrT &bv 'DT when their weapon is finished (in battle), they surely flee az I6a(4); ipny:i 'wrx inrTn'a xbi VPya so that people should not see them and flee from them BQ 79b(16) [Var: ipTJI OHT ib. 54:21]; xmaw pXO x"?1 p'lXyT B/n'a1? 'S3X there are reasons to suppose that he will flee so as not to be in jeopardy of excommunication TGHark 111:34; ib. 112:23; b. demons: ipwyi impi ipiSI Tmrj na minnai nrra p iV'fxi go out, break through, flee, and go from the PN's house Bo 13:8; ib. 3:7; r^arTa! Tpiyi ypsi nnx^'a 'mi nra the evil spirits go out, flee, and are smitten from him ib. 64:13 Af. to chase away: xaJX1? H'1? XJp'iya m I would have chased it [i.e. the ox] away to the marsh BQ 40b(3); ib. 9; 45a(15) Npiy n.m. leech (var. of I Xp"?y; 4- 2#X1py, 2#XTip-IX) sg. AZ 12b(3; Ar [AC 6:275],HG3 249:16) [Var: iCinn Xpny CDIl)! <JV)X1 river leech GC 73:8; 4- 2#xnpy]; y"?a Xpiy XaV'T perhaps he swallowed a leech Bek 44b(15; Ar [AC ib.]); xpny (DWa) ^ piS'm let it be understood as because of a leech ib.(V9) Lit: Eps, GC 7322. l#KS1piy n.m. bow of an animal's hind leg (cf. MH aipny MBekK 6:11, J 1123, Sy rcLi9_D-vv LS 551) sg. Hul 76a(23) Y: Nllijny Hul ib.(BAYTN 246). 2# Sttlpiy n.m. (uncertain; perh. < xaipy* w. dissim. of -qq- > -qr-) sg., only in NMIpHV K'»T pool sg. Yom 78a(ll); ib. 18; Meg 15a(35); ib. 28b(44); Qid 71b(6) 883
Nnpny 884 Tny Y: xmpiyr Meg ib.(BAYTN 246). NXlpiy 4- 1# K^piX n. N-ny 4- x-nx n. NrmjT n.f. type of demon (lit. enmity; VviJ?) sg. xriTiy XTIH Bo 61:4; /*. 6; 9; 10 Xmy n.f. rival wife (Vmy; Sy k'^x^ LS 544) sg. KJXVlpa X"7 XJTiy X3X I shall not accept a rival wife W 100:20 P'fry adj. expensive, rare (4- V2#pE?y pe., pass, part.) 1. expensive: sg.m. "pD'y p'lfj? your commodity is expensive Ber 56a(37; Ed); T31"> p'ltfy I'D'IS^ '12/1 expensive for your back, but inexpensive for your stomach [i.e. spend much on clothing but little on food] BM 52a(14); 2. rare: sg.m. XlSy p'ltfy earth (for making fired utensils) is rare ib. 74a(44) Lit: Friedman, BM VI:25077 [mng. 1]; Y: J>'»Jf Ber ib. l#pfry vb. to oppress (Sy 1# . ^ v v LS 552, Ma pVX to blind MD 41) pass.part, yipy bir\W the oppressed Jews TGHark 189:24 2# pfry vb. to increase in value (cf. BH 2# pttfy to be strong HAL 849, Akk esqu strong CAD E 367) Pe., pass.part. 4- p'tfy 'fry 4- V'oy vb. nKTfrg adj. tenth (4- -fay; TA nXTOy TO Gen 8:5, Sy rdii ;m s LS 537) sg.m. xa*U p T3 nXT^jn this is the bone of my tenth son Ber 5b(\7)// BB 116a(16) Lit: D. Boyarin, Lesonenu 37(1973] 116: Y: nNTfry Ber ib. "ifry vb. to tithe (4- x-faya, x-nirry, xn'Tfa'y, nXTfay; Sy •Ua pa. LS 537) Pa.: 'S^X "lO'in xniy "?3 nmya miy p -ny^x 'i -iwya mn '"wy KJlB/l PN used to tithe twelve thousand calves from his herd each year Sab 54b(48) // Bes 23a(35); XT'iVy rvwBn 'tb» -fayi 'xr "\ bpv PN took and tithed from his own fruit for them [i.e. that of his tenant farmer] Yev 93a(22); Vs'Bl ->-myb to tithe and to eat ib. 25; Er 32b(2); pnwya 'xti xn jr-faya x-n xin 'xai it is demai which we do not tithe, but we do, in fact, tithe certain (level) Ber 40b(50); Yev 114a(18); Bek lla(51); ib. 56b(l); Xp TS» X1H X3T>n 13 'X nwy in Mib nywn xin xsvn 13 ix^ 'xi -faya ini'J if he is required, he tithes properly. If he is not required, nine (animals) are not liable for tithing BM 6b(22); Bes 34b(25); AnanSch 5:20; ib. 30:1 Itpa. to be tithed: "?DX1 WWy '"faya X1? 'B^'l perhaps (the barley) is not tithed. They tithed it, and (the donkey) ate (it) Hul 7b(2); 'wya psoi '"faya X1? pS01 it is doubtful (if the produce) is tithed or not AZ 41b(27); "fay'X ID mm pM how it was when it was tithed AnanSch 5:21 xifry, jnoy, f. -tfry, Pi. pfry, no'y num. ten (4- x-fay '3, xn'-nfery, -loin, -ic-m, etc.; Sy rc'im \ LS 537, Ma 1#X"I0X MD 30, ModSy 'srl Maclean 242) 1. ten: sg.m. iTfayi nx» rt?I) three hundred and ten San 100a(49); W rrfay ten days Suk 51b(38); X"IBn 'JT n"fay ten vats of wine 5M 106b(34); 'TT X"IOy ten generations San 94a(38); f. fax "fay ten cubits 5er 54b(26); "fay 'yiP ten hours San 96a(44); pi. pm ]'"fay twenty-two MW 39b(8); '"icy ... '"fay HP 96:20; ■"fa»m plf/yi nxa one hundred and twenty-five Ket 93a(29); 2. tenth: sg.m. xm'3 n"fay the tenth of the month Anan 81:6; pi. TJXS '"ID'y the twentieth of Adar AZ llb(27; TGHark 22:21) [M: tjxs noxi] Voc: nn»$ HPP 67:18; J'TD'y ib. 57:19; Lit: Eps, Stl 374103; id., Gr 127; Y: rn&J San 21a(32; BAYTN 328). TJiy adj. expresses future occurrence (TA Tliy TO Dt 32:35, Sy nri*^ LS 553, Ma rpriy MD 358) a. w. "I + part./inf: sg.m. yawa X13T X"I3 xns'ab myr X-rn (the pf. form) X-13 means 'he created.' (The part, form) X"113 means 'he will create* Ber 52b(51); San 95a(l); SSHai 2b(3); 'lynD1? X-lTnyi 'XB what I shall explicitly state TGHark 165:33; f. rf? TOM XT'Wn X',1 mviyi she will eventually convert, and he will marry her AZ 20a(33); Tan 10a(24); pl.m. p3"l 'TJiyr nja rniro n1? 'Jpnai the scholars will eventually institute for her [i.e. the widow] a ketubba of a mane /&; 10b(41); Ber 52b(52); Sa6 152b(38); 5wA: 48b(23); Tan 25a(10); G»Y 85a(32); f. ipyi bvrwn iiiTxao ^y Ti'a'? irny ix'jo many troubles will befall the Jews San lla(39); b. in elliptic usage: sg.f. ^1 X3H HTTiyT X"?X 'XT! 'a HTTiyT was (GN) in existence? Rather it will (be) PJJW I in the future. In this case also [i.e. concerning the ketubba of a widow], it will (be) in the future Ket 10b(43); pl.m. 'VJljn 'M '3H so also (this means) 'who will (be born)' Ned 30b(30) [w. ref. to D'-friari Gen 48:5] Y: Til? Sab ib. P'rij; adj., n. old, ongoing (Vpny; TA p'jhy TO Num 6:3, Sy rdi-.^ LS 553, Ma Xp'JlX MD 43) I. adj. 1. old: a. alone: sg.m. 'p'ny p'ny very old [of wine; lit. old of the old ones] Pes 42b (2; E2M') [expl. MH ]V 1" ib.]; Xp'fiy "ian old wine Git 70a(19); XpTiy Ximn '3 an old synagogue Meg 26b(7; G); f. Xnp'Jiy XTOS0X old alfalfa Git 69a(19); pl.f. 'p'W nyBH '"JWin old barley groats Ned 41b(5); Men 35a(46); TG/ZarA: 51:11 [4- px-t]; b. ^ mn: sg.m. G/? 86a(8) [4- THSD]; i?// 20b(15); pl.m. yny Sab 147a(2); MQ 4b(ll); 5M60b(15); ^Z20b(16); f. xnxpviy old (bricks) Meg 26b(17); Men 32b(6; M); 2. ongoing: sg.f. Xnp'Jiy X^air; an ongoing fever Git 67b (24); II. n.: sg.m. xmrOB ^p Xp'DyS naia learning in something old [i.e. restoring forgotten knowledge] is more difficult than (learning) in something new [i.e. previously unlearned knowledge] Yom 29a(5) [v. Geon. expl. infra] Geon. expl.: vty nop u^a isyi raw ma'jn din Tin'wa n'pnM'? 11D^ WinVa OHT Yom 15:6; Y: SjJ'TO d'/ 70a(19; BAYTN 237). Tny adj. rich, n. rich person (4- Vnny; TA Tfiy TO Ex 30:15, Sy k'-L^ LS 554, Ma 2#XTJ1X' MD 188) I. adj. rich: sg.m. mn "TT n'T'Tinx XD'JD niSlSB TTiy PN's stable master was richer than king PN2 Sab 113b(47) // BM 85a(10); n'1? nny XTtms TnyT there is nothing as rich as a pig (which eats everything) Sab 155b(40); TJiy 13J a rich man «fc 156a(38); pl.m. 'pJDtt nTiyT ]TD1 XJlT3'y 'isy xVl since they are rich, they are delicate and do not do work Sab 54a(ll); II. n. rich person: sg.f. oWn 'nTTiy the richest woman of GN Git 56a(32); pl.m. xrr?n WX 'TJiy those three rich men ib.- 22; Dn '3T 'Tny the rich people of my father-in-law's household Tan 23b(48); ib. 24a(49); -733 'Tny the rich people of GN Bes 32b(12); TDO'BI 'Tny rich and poor people Bo 136:6 Y: mym Git ib.(BAYTN 237). NniTflj; n.f. wealth (4- V-iny; Sy rc'^'o-U.ivj: ls' 554) sg. x-71 xpT '^sx wvpjyn x1? xax ■"XTIITnys I ate vegetables neither when I was poor nor when I was rich [lit. neither in my poverty nor in my wealth] Sab 140b(12; V); ib. 13 Y: 'JimW Sab ib.(BAYTN 287). "iny vb. to be rich (4- Xiniy, Tny, xniTIW; Sy iiLi. LS 554, Ma 2# 1X1X MD 43) Pa.: X^l b'Xin Xinyai xn'3ir; since (the incense offering) is infrequent and makes (the priest) rich Yom 25b(7; L) [v. ib. 26a(7)] // Men 50a(26) Itpa. to become rich: X1? XITV 'Xan IX1? IX '"inyx had I not brewed s.-beverage I would not have become rich Pes 113a(19); ib. 49a(42); nnyrvm '3'n '3 "\yvi ITplX honor your wives so that you should become rich BM 59a(56); Ber 57a(55); Tan 23b(49); Ket 103a(4); Ned 50a(i\); Git 30b(7); Hor 10b(25); TGHark 151:22 885
886 ty^g D "S prep, in (phon. var. of 4- -3) TINS no'y the tenth of Adar AZ llb(27; TGHark 22:21); XJPy XS'1? JP3B JWm the eye that sees inside the heart Bo 32:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 353. NB prep, by (< Mir pa [cf. Peh pad CPD 62] QTiax T3XB )137 X:y3WB I adjure you by the mighty one of Abraham Bo 9:12 Lit: Snaked, Study 182. K9KS n.m. father (onomatopoeic word; Sy r^arda, rdi-s LS 586, Gr nannac, L-S 1301) sg. '3XJ +im 'BXB HXB "13 the son of one hundred fathers and one mother Sot 42b(27; 08V2) Y: 'BB Sot ib.(BAYTN 6). '1KB 4- 2# xrns n. NJB n.m. jaw, cheek (4- NJB '3; Sy 2# rdjLa LS 567) sg. Kins'? xm XIBX XT (placing) the hand on the jaw is a prelude to fear Pes 112a(4; ElCV14RaH,TGAs42 164:14) D'JB adj. defective, broken (4- VflJB pe., pass, part.) sg.m. XB'JB X03 a defective cup Pes 106a(6; C); XB'JB X3Xn a broken pitcher ib. 7; XB'JB X01B'3 a broken pedestal AZ 53b(45); f. XDB'JB XJT3n a broken jug Pes 106a(8) Y: XO'JB fts ib.(BAYTN 60). 7SB vb. to make piggul (i.e. unsuitable for a sacrifice because of improper intention; < MH 7JB pi. LNVTH 273; 4- xVlJ'B) Pa.: 7'1SB 'SB X1? H'3 he cannot make it piggul Men 17a(19); ib. 102a(3); '711B "nn'B to render piggul again ;'& 16a(46); Zev 42a(21); X7JBB X7 ... nri'B death does not render (it) piggul ib. 38b(20); '7JBB '"JTIN they can render each other piggul Men 13b(9) Itpa. to become piggul: DnV '71JB'X7 that the bread should become piggul Men 15a(47); j'6. 14a(40); 43; 15b(14); X7JB'a X7 it does not become piggul ib. 15a(44); 15b(15) DJS vb. to damage, impair validity (i D'JB, XBJB, xriBJ'B; Sy ^ij^a to diminish LS 556, Ma DJB pa. to injure MD 366, MH OJB LNVTH 273) Pe. (a/u) 1. to damage: pSO "liy D'JB 'XII OXy D'AB X7 pBD D'AB a bone definitely damages (the slaughtering knife). Skin may or may not damage (it) Hul 10a(18); Pes 44b(33) // AZ 67b(17); 2. to harm, adversely affect: nV O'JD XpT because he can harm her (by a false accusation) Ket 41a(12); 5a« 73a(47); ib. 73b(27); Xs?! '3'H '3 nwb DIJB'7 so that he should not adversely affect his oral version (of the tradition) AZ 19b(l); 'JUTS "ip'y 73 'BAXB X7 they do not have any adverse affect concerning the sale TGHark 165:19; 3. w. tn»# to impair the validity of a document (by admitting to having received partial payment): n'"W 01 JD'71 '3'H '3 so that he can impair the validity of his document BB 172a(16); ib. 19 Pa. to injure: 'BABB.60 1:10 [of demons; cf. Ma: Q'JXBBI ri'BX"! (the demon) casts him down and causes injury MD ib.] Itpe. 1. to be damaged: HSj? XBAB'Bl TYO 'B3 XH '7W1B X71 'B/A'X since this also can be damaged, people are particular and do not lend (it) BM 116a(32); Hul 10b(7); 2. to be diminished: XIH 'BIAB'X 13 1X7 X3,T!1 is gold something which is not diminished (in weight) by use? Mei 19a(20) NttJS, NMN3B n.m. impairment, discredit (4- VnJB; Sy Kliiju^a LS 556) sg. XBA3 Yom 70a(ll) [of a Torah scroll; // MH HB'AS Sot 41a(23)]; »/>. 15 [Var: XBXJB GTB1 124:13]; X71 lH'BJB ttf'BA their impairment is not great San y3S 887 NIB T ~ 73b(3; K); xbit tociadx 'am isp rm nacijsx X3an*1 IBp X7 the Merciful One is particular about a major impairment [e.g. as the result of incest]. He is not particular about a minor impairment [e.g. becoming a H77n] ib. 27 [: XBA'BX]; XBXAB TGAs42 104:2 The form HB11B SW 42b(21; OsV2) seems to be a corruption. J7JS vb. to meet, encounter, come upon, attack (4- xyAB, XTiyJS; Sy -:= ^-^ LS 556, Ma XAB "3 MD 366) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to meet, encounter [w. "3 s.o./s.t.]: n'3 yAB yiB'S 7'TXpT '1H3 while he is walking, he may actually meet him Git 65b(6) [4- V2# 01A pe.]; IH'Vx n'3 yAB Elijah met him BM 84a(l); 'ai'AB 13 XJin 313 XB"n tan H'3 yAB PN, the tailor, met PN2 AZ 39a(42); Yin 'TITO lyAD '31 nya"IX 1H7 when (the angels) encountered each other (on the ladder) there were four Hul 91b(26); Sab 119a(26); ib. 129a(53); Pes 34a(9); ib. 110a(36); Yom 87a(49); Yev 100b(15); San 41b(17); Kar 8a(4); 73BB7 7X"ffiT J133 JXVIX '3 TI13 'TBW1 pan 'A3 VT7 'IH'il '3 iyAB'3 IdlpVoi when Jewish women come for ritual immersion and go up they will encounter me, and they will have sons who are scholars and are beautiful like me BM 84a(30; MGG 826:14); ltnpB3 J71BT xn XWna D7W1T3 JUBT XH XETia this refers to one who came upon the Temple first, that to one who came upon Jerusalem first MQ 26a(48); Yom 33b(l); Ber 51a(42); 2. to get to, reach [w. "3 s.o./s.t.]: XTQ 'XA'A@'a yAB he got to the G. river Hul 7a(30) [cf. Sy: rf'icn \ -t ^_5^a PSm 3032]; yi: N71 yAB 'B7H perhaps (the knife) reached (the cartilage) but did not touch (it) Hul 18b(33); 3. to attack [w. "3 s.o.]: "pn n'3 lyAB xnvnx certain lions attacked him San 59b(39); vm ':m ^na 'an ij?jb xa7y 'ann1? Tps: xav 73 'W8 im WB in 7Dp'ai each day they go out to destroy the world. They attack each other [lit. these attack those and those these], and one of these and one of those is killed Meg 6b(5); ri'VlX 'sa-rrysi wi 'aoa ]va n'yisi I went and attacked the evil enemies and adversaries Bo 2:2; ib. 29:5; 52:4 KJtt?, pi. 'SMS, '31JJB n.m. type of demon (4- >/yjB, xnyiB; Sy r^\ l^a SIB 14:6, IMS 1:53, Ma XTB pi. MD 370, s.v. XPB) sg. Bo 59:7; ib. 95:5; X2T3 xyJB an evil p.-demon ib. 88:3; mi XyJB ife 96:5; pl.abs. fyjB ;6. 17:6; 60:2; 100:10; I'P'a I'yjB i'i. 25:1; 31:6; 45:2; 108:4; det. 'yjB ib. 7:14; 36:7; X'JiyjB ib. 35:8 NJlJttS n.f. a type of demon (4- VyjB, xyJB) sg. XnyiB Bo 35:8; ib. 121:7; XJl'lD ife 50:4; xn'yJB ifc 18:10 1#1JB vb. to break up, destroy (4- VlttTJQ, 1#X1JB; JPA 1JB DJPA 424) Pa.: X"UB7 H'ys 'XI ]'a"!(1) yn\3 if you want to destroy high mountains HM 37:1; piB« 5o 1:11 Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 133. 2# "UB vb. to make someone idle (perh. metath. < 11B*; cf. Sy A>? t0 delight, recreate LS 592, Arab c^W^ jyi V to take pleasure, delight Wehr 702) Pa.: n'lJB'X X7 I shall not make him idle (from his task) Ket 103b(40) Itpa. to be absent: pan niD'H lim X»V the day that the scholars were absent Sab 129b(32); 11BX 'av Xri7n he was absent (from teaching) for three days Ket lllb(46) [Var: "UB'X mn MV5]; 'Xa rnAB'X 'aytJ why were you absent? ib. 47; 49; Tan 23b (24) Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 133. l#Nn3B n.m. (compensation for) destruction (4- Vl#"UB) sg. X11B1 X"UX hire and (compensation for) destruction BM 69b(39) [of a boat]; ib. 46; 70a(2) Voc: KIJB HGP 27b:23; Y: xnjB BM 69b(39; BAYTN 92). 2#N"1Jl? n.m. body (TA pnJB pi. TO Lev 26:30^ Sy r^-U^ LS 556, Ma X"UXB MD 359) sg. rTHJB H'VlD his entire body (of PN) Bo 7:15; ib. 21:15; 52:13; 58:12; 120:45; pi. '"UB ib. 54:9 NITUB n.f. (uncertain) sg. xmiB '33 Bo 78:9 NIB, N^JB n.m. handle, blow (etym. unkn.) 1. handle: sg. K1BT TilS the handle of a spade BQ 27b(23); ;6. 29 [Es: X"UB]; 2. a blow with a handle: pi. mBT '"US HXB3 n"na7 let him hit him with one hundred blows of the handle of the spade ib. 30 Geon. expl.: 3DT 3'Xp N(13)nilB OHP BQ 128:3, i.e. ..ij.'^ ij>j a moist small cane/reed; Lit: Geig, AAC 320, rejects P derivs.; Y: X13S Sg 27b(23; BAYTN 93).
'73 888 KTl'tMB 'IS vb. i VjHS vb. 7aHS, 121113 n.m. servant (< Mir *padi-bar [cf. NP payambar messenger PED 262]; Ma NITIXB servant MD 360 [v. Nold, ZA 33(1920) 80]) sg.abs. mxaa K-QJ Xl.TI 'Xp -)3'1B servant, are you departing [lit. standing] from your master? Ber 6b(30; OHP ib. 108:8) Geon. expl.: rfaf^N i3iroa D'Kf run 'jy ixsinox'w 'B ohp ib., i.e. Arab *ijill j^jijji ^li Cm\ are you standing backwards [_HJ] X] to the holy place?; ixyBV ]Wbli XIp'JN 13113 lpllpll i3ino» ^xynw jto^s toitbi ,nnx xyei »iibo nrw no:3n rn*? rminx imy nvw 'bV (n'psp'jx) inpto1?! oht Ber 14:9; '01XB^X3 '111 '11 13113 OHP ib. 107:8 [unclear]. The mss. and other witnesses have var. rdgs., e.g.: 13113, 13113. Lit: Eps, Stl 373+. N77S 4- N71-D n. NKHS, NttJHS n.m. mask (< MP padam mask for the mouth, worn by a celebrating priest CPD 62) pi. 'DK1S Sab 66b(9; Ar [AC 6:296]) [expl. MH ]'aDj?r7 Mib. 6:8] Geon. expl.: p»1j?» 153 *?» TOWI '8XW '» V '0(1)1110 ''B n(i>BBino iiTninsww 'jbd dti yssi d,tb ty [D'lprVi TGDr46 163: 7; Lit: Geig, AAC 320. For an incorrect Geon. expl., v. TRN 604:5. NnS n.m. yoke of oxen, plow (TA .TJ'ls TJ IS 13:20, Sy rdiU LS 558, Ma X3X1XB MD 359, > Arab jlSiFr, AF 129) 1. yoke of oxen: sg. XJ1B Xlim SAf 84a(6; Es); Sg 96b(21); 2. plow: sg. xriB roo coulter of a plow So 69:4 [cf. Sy ,f ™ rdiia LS ib.] JHS, HS vb. to wound (4- xnjHB; Sy ^.ia LS 558) Pe.: man7 n'7 JMBI one who wounds another San 109b(17) [F2: HBTJ; mjns /& 26; XJX'T7 n'JHB X7X7A 7pitf he took a rock (and) wounded the judge ib. 28 [Var: ,THB T-S Fl,l 95] Kinjns, KWS n.f. open wound (4- VjHD; TA XjhB TO Ex 21:25) sg. XT! XriMO XnjHB 'XH an open wound is a (mortal) danger AZ 28a(36) [Var: XJljniB TGWeisz 83:12]; XWX"n XJIJHB head wound Anan 15:2; /A. 4 Geon. expl.: XJH'B yXB DUin XnjH'B X,1 TGHark 22:26; yXB TGWeisz ib.; Y: xnjns /(Z ib.(BAYTN 195). PIS n.m. a type of pest (etym. unkn.) sg. HB 'j'Xm the p.-pest of figs &£ 90a (47); /"& 50 I Geon. expl.: 1.T3X3 ].1W3 cn'Xm 1X1JB p» TRN 623:2; Lit: Flora 1:240; Y: ,13 Sab ib. NJHS*, abs. VIS n.m. falling apart (V'ilB; Ma 2#X"XB MD 360, Sy n£icn_3 wandering LS 559) 4- l#X"ntf mng. 2 N33J-inS, NMJliTlB n.m. guard (< Mir *pdhrag-ban [< MP *pdhrak protection + -pan guard > Armenpahakapank' guards Hiibsch, AG 218]; Sy KliAj^cn^ LS 558) coll. XJams X37ai the royal guard BQ 117a(29; HP 85:17); [F1: xmriB]; BM 83b(i9; F1); (n)noa'a X37ai xmTlB? you will be turned over to the royal guard Ber 56a(31; MGG 704:6); pi. !,3X3Jn-lB Er 36b(18) [w. ref. to O'il Mib. 3:5] Lit: Geig, AAC 337; Voc: XJ3J"'1B HGP 18b:9; Y: xpniB BQ ib.(BAYTN 316). A15 vb. to be faint (Sy i^a LS 559) Pe.: N»7'l X113ST IT'Jljn X1"B lest the disposition of the congregation grow faint (on hearing the curses in Lev 19 and Dt 28) Meg 25b(14; MEd) [G: Xl'B] n.m. round radish (Akk puglu AHw 875, Sy rdl\o-a LS 557; 4- 2#xan) sg. GC 138:5 [expl. MH ]1JS MUqs 1:2]; XJIjnx 'tttt'X 'JNM JUS X7J1BT people plant the radish plant for the sake of the round radish Ber 36a(35) // Er 28b(49); X7J1B 7j?y he uprooted a radish Hag 15a(27); BM 85a(22); AZ 10a(47); '7J/a ,TB"nn X7n<B){0) 'X,T IT7 the pungency of the radish is beneficial for him Sab 108b(19); ib. 123a(24) Geon. expl.: D'VrOTl GC ib.; Lit: Flora 1:511+; Y: X^WB Sab 108b(19; BAYTN 154). NpHS n.m. inn (< tcoivSokiov Lehnw 428; Sy rdi&<>3 LS 618, MH2 D"ni3 72? JVlXj?T)B AZ 15b[27; M], JPA j?"UlS DJPA 426) sg. 'XH XpTIB the inn of GN Hul 6a(29) [corr.: XpTJIB] Y: XjrpiS Hul ib.(BAYTN 265). xpans I xpais n. mS vb. to breathe, blow up (I VnB3; Sy «-u-a LS 559) Pe.: T1X X7 n'D33 nB he who breathed into his cup is not thirsty San 100b(37) [quoted from 'Ben Sira'] Nri'BIS n.f. small eel-like fish (4- xn'Tl; etym. unkn.) sg. Er 28a(2); Pes 24a(42) // Mak 16b(21) Geon. expl.: 'U '3iy \wil ,10B1 ',1 NBB 111 XJl'Tl Xn'BIB OHT piWB 889 Kgtt Pes 18:18, i.e. J;>?. Wald 20; Lit: Fauna 7; Low, Lehnw 424; Y: Xfl'BlB Pes ib. pJDIS, A2t71S n.m. pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium; < MP *putnak, *putnag, > Arab jJjjS Siggel 57; cf. Sy rct<_L)L4V?-a LS 564' Np jpiJrfwa mint PED 259) sg. pjBIB 5afe 109b(17) [expl. MH 1J5rt' Mib. 14:3; Var: 13I51B Ar (AC 6:315); lUinB HG3 190:25] Geon. expl.: 1J11X 1'lipi fill 35 ty XSV X1.1W 3»y fWlB 'XOl [H'1? V'lSX V>» 0"3Jn3 Wll DIXB D'OyBl pims TRN 628:3; 3»y ^3 •0OV GnK5 168:27. Lit: Pfl 315; Flora 2:76; Tel 104. NJ131B n.f. perh. excrement (4- XJTllD) sg. Bo 1:11 Lit: Eps, Stl 331, equates this word w. Ma 1#X7131B MD 367, explained there fol. Nold, MG 41, as bridle. 71S vb. to mingle, permeate (Sy »A_a LS 560, TA 71B pass.part. TO Lev 14:21) Pe.: '73 XIpJI] 7B'a nV'T D'awi i<'>ni7'si ittbt fanx (malabathrum) is called pV'B in Aramaic because its spices are completely mingled (in oil) TRN 598:6 SATIS n.m. difference of opinion (4- Vl7B; Sy rd^in-a division LS 571) sg. 'J71B BMsE 16:29; /fe 24:10 Ofer's interpretation of the term as ]'J^1B [v. BMs 315] is impossible since this is a H form. NjaVlS, N3NJ71S n.m. division (1 Vl7B; EA nBD p?D TADB 2.11:17, Ma X3X1713 discord MD 367) sg. XJ171B TQV a deed of division (of a partnership) SSSad 208b:3 [= Arab np1B?X 3XJ13 ib. 2, i.e. tfjill ^^]; 'X1X3T X3J71B nt3l» a deed of the division of houses (of a partnership) SSHai iia(3); man 7y xira in ?37 rp7 T'n»x X7i xa?s?3 nyia am xixiVis nana neither of us has retained anything at all anywhere from either one of us as a result of the division (of the houses) ib. lla(13); ib. llb(7); 10; SSSad 203:5; ]TOJ71B X3171B their division (of the inheritance made before the additional heir appeared) is a (valid) division Seel 157:44 n.f. (mng. unkn.) sg. Pes 39b(?; TGAs42 161:6) The word is not explained and does not occur in the mss. n.m. army (< koXziioc, war Lehnw 426; MH DiaViS MSotK 9:14, nVDaVlB Yeivin, BV 985) sg. X37TVU7 p'7DT X0ia7B XVin a certain army which invaded GN AZ 70b(4; J); X37aT XDiaVlB the royal army Ber 30b(l); Er 34b(19); Hul 46a(18); XDia?DT 'T31 men of the army BM 93b(46) Voc: XDDI7B HGP 29b:39; Y: XOiD^lB Ber ib.(BAYTN 271). n.m. (etym. unkn.; cf. Sy rc'&jgo^, \ -i sparks LS 77) sg., only in KOVlS K1HT n. 'fire-stroke (4- XTO) pi. pJTO HVna iCiMI '071B they struck him with sixty fire- strokes Hag 15a(22) // Yom 77a(26; L) // BM 85b(46); XTUT 'D^IB n'BX7 p'Ba mn he would have brought out before him fire-strokes [i.e. he would have excommunicated you] ib. 47a(40) Lit: Sperber, GLLT 21, rejects deriv. < Gr in Lehnw 426; Y: 'Ol719BA/ib.(BAYTN155). n.m. a blank (metal piece; < (fbXXic,, Lat follis Lehnw 426; 4- Xai7; Sy r^fn\o3 LS 575, > Arab u-ii Fr, AF 192) sg. BM 47b(19) [expl. MH lia'DX Mib. 4:1]; XD71B Xim jTO'DXI yats X7T an '. which is an unstruck blank TGHark 45:29; X071B H7 T3y'7 let him employ a /(.-blank for it [i.e. as a remedy for the HT2T- growth] Sab 65a(32) Lit: Sperber, Money 47+, deals w. these passages in detail; Y: XCfrw Sab ib.03AYTN 155). Nnp71S n.f. (uncertain) sg. naiB3 xnp71B nV 'an he throws a ... in her mouth Bo 78:8 Perh. to be connected w. I Xp^B; Lit: AMB 208. KS1S, cs. D1S, IS, pi. 'MIS, 'WIS n.m. mouth, opening of a vessel, mouth of a river, edge of a knife, individual member (4- xaiB nrffl'tt, ipt'S XB1B, xaiB fBp'a; LMA pu-um-m[e-e] his mouth Uruklnc 32, TA xSlB TO Gen 29:2, Sy r^kc^ LS 577, Ma X»1B MD 368) 1. mouth: a. of a human or an animal: sg.cs. ]33T D1B7 "(11 Xian wine and life to the mouth of the scholars Sab 67b (34); det. n'aiB3 H'7 n:X he placed it in his mouth Ket 61b(2); Er 53b(22); Yev 49b(23); XaiB 'xaVST my dog's mouth BQ 23b(2); ID'rn H'aiB the mouth of the Leviathan BB 74a(42); HM 37:3 [4- i#xa'3 mng. i.b.4]; arxT n'aisi xnsy (let there be) earth in Job's mouth BB 16a(37) [expression of censure; 4- X1BJ? mng. le]; XpV) naiB ]a X37 'inriXT spittle which we saw from her
'jail 013 890 DISV mouth SSHai 12b (6); X^l 1%TD1B3 limwV pi3T llVVw let their tongue adhere in their mouth so that they should be unable to speak Bo 71:10; pi. 13'aiB inns open your mouths Sab 41a(29); Svu 22b(16); b. of speech: sg. TXa 'TJ ,T£nB3 K^na a habitual (saying) in PN's mouth Ber 17a(31); WV xV pisa XD'Xl 'Xa you do not know what you say [lit. what is in your mouth] San 39a(23); ib. 35a(33) [i Vl#'tfJ itpe./a. mng. 2]; X»T "73 Xttm» '3 |»1B3 rPTtfiyatf we recite [lit. in our mouth] his legal traditions every day in the school MQ 25a(20); XDT2M3 n'BlB p'TlW mn X1?! he did not cease [lit. his mouth was not silent] from reciting (the oral tradition) MQ 28a(48) [+ //'s; 4- 1# XOTJ. mng. 2]; Ket 77a(33) [4- VpOB pe., mng. 4.b.l]; n»lB 1»'0 what she said TGHark 1:28; S&fa/ 4b(8); 5er 33b(23); Sab 145a(33); Hag 15b(38); Hul 137b(34); c. in adv. phrase in3 xaiB in one accord [Sy >jc\-a xju ^ PSm 3064]: lyrram xp xais tm wx '3 nra iox when two (witnesses) come, do they speak in one accord? San 30a(54); 2. opening, top [Akk/w#l AHw 874, mng. E.5]: a. of a vessel: sg.cs. D1S Kit top of the vat Ber 56a(33); BQ 20a(l); det. NmpUlpl xaiB the mouth of the kettle Sab 48a(4); 5o 135:3 [i XJirx];,4Z76b(l) [i XBm]; Bes 28b(l) [4- l#xVipn usage a]; AZ 31a(31) [4- xrvun usage b]; Sot 49b(24) [4- l#X33n, XT'Bj?]; Sab 48a(7) [I 1#K313]; ib. 139b(43) [4- mm]; AZ 71b(12) [4- X3X13 mng. lc]; i& 10b(8) [i l#XTTltja]; &6 141a(38) [4- 2#Xti*#]; 7a« 22b(27) [4- 1# XTUTl]; ^Z 74b(35) [4- V«]nO pe., mng. 1]; b. other: 1) stuffed animal: l^'BX naiB even if its opening (faces) upward (while being roasted) Pes 74b(17); 2) cloud: Ber 59a(26) [4- XS'J/]; c. w. VnTlB pe. to give an opening: 4- VririS pe., mng. 6f; 3. entrance, edge [cf. Akk pu#l AHw 874, mng. E.4]: sg. xaiB xnVVDttT the entrance of the sukka Suk 14b(52); XT3T XaiB the edge of the pit BB 175b(43) II Am 7a(17); Sab 148b(7) [4- X'TT1?]; Ber 63a(33) [4- X"U'X mng. 1]; [>b'3»]l XaiB entrance of the paths IHP 556:10; 4. mouth of a river [only in GN's; Ma WX1DT xaiB the mouth of the Euphrates MD ib.]: sg.cs. XTn3@01B Ber 33b(23); XJTIBIB TGAs42 151:23; X"lrU@01B 55 36b(13) [cf. Akk pi narim AHw 874, mng. E.2]; X"iru@ia ib. 88a(15; HP 87:5); 5. edge (of a knife) [cf. Akk pti#l AHw 874, mng. F.l]: sg. XJ'Stn XaiB San 56a(18); HP 200:20; #G5 112:4; pi. nm JJBn maiB a double-edged dagger [lit. a dagger whose edges are two] BM 84a(44; MGG 829:2) [Var: mils pm Geon 239:21; cf. EA [fl'aB po Ah 84, Sy ,coiLiij^a r»?^ t^°> i m Ps 149:6, H ni'S'S 3"in]; 6. opening (of a letter): pi. ]lrP»lBl 'V'Xa 1J? their openings [i.e. of the letters qof, sade, and alef] are pushed inward STage 89; 7. individual member: pl.cs. xrjp 'HIS nwan five individual [lit. mouths] sheep HG3 284:27 Lit: Eshel, JSB 208+ [mng. 4]; Kara 89; on the loss of final mem in this word, v. also infra i 13^; Voc: H'SIB VTM 95a; XSIB HPP 202:20; HGP 3a:38; Y: OiB Ber 56a(36; BAYTN 160). — 'JSin DIB n.m.cs. pomegranate blossom (Sy £-USl _c>ctiA_»:\ rdizacua <x> r<li^3ciHs rc'ii.acv-a u^1 BBah 881:12) sg.cs. 'Jan 01B1 T3 'hairs' of a pomegranate blossom ,SW/ 117:17 = HG3 395:7 Lit: Eps, Stl 121; Pfl 364; Flora 3:93. - D1SN, '7 KS1SK prep, on top of, on the testimony of, adv. orally (lit. by the mouth of; Sy >«_a A^. PSm 3064) I. prep. 1. on top of: DISK XJT on top of the vat Ber 56a(34); X'TrVT XaiBX on top of the lehi-pole Sab 148b (7); XaiBX XJlV?t3»T on top of the sukka Suk 14b(52); XaiBX XTUm on top of the oven Tan 22b (27); 2. on the testimony of: X1TO im XaiBX XJiaa 'pBJa D"1J pagans expropriate money (from one person to another) on the testimony of one witness BQ 114a(l); Git 15b(3); Yev 101b(43); X1D2? X35?"ip n'DIBX I tear up a document on his testimony Ket 85a(40); 5g 74a(25); BB 57a(6); 3. verbally by means of: xaiBXl XJOTX1 'aiBX x:»t p'3H' ■"'■"Sa'Cn we can give (him) a summons orally by means of a woman or neyhbors BQ 112b(56); II. adv. orally: X01BXT in1? n3T» they recall what is said San 35a(34) prep, according to, divided into, conj. according to (TA DIB? TO Gen 47:12, JPA -1 OB? DJPA 285; cf. Sy ^o-^A LS 369) I. prep. 1. according to: a. general: XirPP X^Bl DIB1? the load is according to (the size of) the camel Ket ntjinnaiaiB 891 2#N'TIS t : 67a(4) [+ It's; 4- XJrPiP]; XTlBntf XBTin DIB^ (the magnitude of) an error is according to (one's) ingenuity Git 20b(22) [+ l/'s; i XBlin mng. 3]; Mak 23a(17); OlBVl n'3TK DIB1?! T3JH 'XB DIB1? n'^BB according to what he earns, according to his needs, and according to (the number of) his children TGHark 84:17; SSHai 17a(20); b. in adv. phrases: xnjW (D)IB1? momentarily ATe/ 10b(51) [4- xny© mng. 2.b.5]; pn OIB1? therefore TGHark 112:9; ii. 189:4; /5GF 69:10; TG^^2 110:14; 2. divided by: 'in ysi XJl'lSI ITI^n (^CID1? ny»m nine divided by thirty six is a quarter Er 56b(30); II. conj. according to: X'att? p 713s? Iinan DIB1? according to what they show you from heaven TGHark 98:31; xny»B; XETIBaT DIB1? according to the way the legal tradition is explained ib. 43:12; ^oxh dib1?! -p:n disV n'TttVn ]a in W? iaiai he teaches each of his students according to his needs and ability iSGF 58:10; p'K/pXT (IX'IbV ]3»itt? we answered according to what we asked HP 114:6 Y: DiB1? Ket 48a(2). nxri'iaaiS, nNn'13@D1S adj., n. of Pumbe- ditha (nisbe-form < GN xnH3[a]1B) n., sg.m. nxai nXJIHSfffiDIB a deceitful resident of GN Ket 82a(12); T,PBttnX '3» Tib xnH3»lB (if) a person of GN traveled with you, change your lodging place Hul 127a(31); pl.m. 'X;VH3@D1B Ket 55a(12); 'XJYHaiaiB ib. 4; Ned 48b(5) Lit: BJTP 351+; Y: nXJTHaSW Hul ib. T'SaiB n.m.pl. seams (< ? + "BIB) H'b T3jn ,3X'3aiB3 he does it [i.e. the tearing] on the seams Qid 32a(25; O2) Rashi: nTBTVl DlpS; Y: T'SBW 2'd ib- Npiais 4- xpnis n. NJ701S n.m. cut (4- VpDB; Sy ^ n rr>o-£> LS 584) sg. XpDIB Xinna p'3m»l we place (a feather, etc.) in that cut (made on the lung) HP 200:10 SnpiS n.f. perh. leather sheet making up a scroll (< MP post skin, hide CPD 69) sg. ,TiVb1 xno(l)C)B a sheet and a half Git 58a(20) Lit: Geig, AAC 331; Y: XTO1B Git ib. NtylS 4- X"?57B n. Nj?lB n. (uncertain) sg. XpiB p XSim nam the joints of the loin from the ... HG3 156:41 NHplS n.m. command, will, testament (4-T -\hpB; TA x51piB TO Lev 5:21, Sy rdii^o-a LS 588, Ma XJXipiB MD 368) 1. command: sg.cs. lin'ia pplB the command of their master Bo 127:18; 2. will, testament: det. xnpiB x"?l XD1T Xbl neither a will nor an inheritance SSSad 202b: 18 nplS 4- XIplB '3 n. tOlS n.m. lot (< A\tkpiiru#2 AHw 881, AIOA 84'; 4- l#XniB; Ma 2#X11B MD 368) sg. 'Xa Xin X11BT 'Vb T»Vm ya^a what proves that I'ttfrn [MSab 23:2] is a term for a lot? Sab l49b(38); xnxaa byv n'nx nns ibsi xnD3 X11B3 n'V X'Dai a firstborn who divides with his brothers takes the portion which accrues to him by lot HP 59:10; XKTI X11B I cast a lot Bo 10:1 Lit: Eps, Stl 358; Voc: XTO HGP 45a:36; Y: K^B Sat ib.(BAYTN 20). NDT11S n.m. a type of ^.-beverage (4- Vans) sg. '30X1 nan tji isip nams nai what is p.? i.-beverage of figs, dates, and Dilmun dates Pes 107a(22; C'E1) Y: KDinB ftj ib.(BAYTN 212). [xn'Diis 4- xnons n.] 1# N-niS n.pl.m. Purim (< BH, MH DniB HAL 870, 'j 1146; 4- XT1B; Sy <<L,\cy2, LS 560) Pes 68b(36); XniB3 'aiDS'X1? XW3X 3"n'a a person is required to become intoxicated on Purim Meg 7b(i8); x^inii mm xmsa xi3j xinn"? m'tn st XlXn'3 J?1T he saw a certain man on Purim who was sowing flax Meg 5b(28); ]Vbn XnOS1? xniBB lin Tai' there are thirty days from Purim to Passover San 12b(44); «6. 12b(45); Pe5 68b(38); HP 187:7; AnanMann 2r:ll Geon. expl.: DniBH 'D' nn OHP Meg 75:21(Ar); Y: KniB San 64b(24). 2#«niS, pi. Kfl'niS, 'niS n.m. bed (Sy ^-.ic^, rdJ-WuS LS 596, Ma 1# xniB bed MD 368, Gr cpopeiov Lehnw 433, BH ]1nBX HAL 78) a. general: sg. Sab 77b(33) // Ket 10b(55) [expl. by MH mty l'S^l yiBV people procreate and multiply upon it]; X'10 '31 XniB the bed and
*?1» 892 X^p the pillow Sab 118a(28) // BB 9a(37) [expl. ru'1? FBilS requirements of an overnight stay ib.]; Tail I'm -O XT1B a bed of sixty cubits (width) San 7a(33) [hyperbole]; Ber 6a(I3); £> 101a(19); fan 24b(43); A/g lla(40) [4- V2#]5?D pe., mng. 1]; Nid 37a(4); pi. xn""llB vf7 ID"* they brought them beds Sab 121b(l; V); in "TO 'in in1? Jl'X "|nx im B'T they had two beds, one short and one long San 109b (31; MGG 311:12) [K: xn"TIB]; b. parts: sg. 'Vara n"iib ftxai 'j'nn x-mxa in a place where they customarily fill the bed with ropes Ket 65a(41); XlfflpViy X'TIBI '^B/X ropes of an old bed Git 69a(19); X'TIBI H'jnD yaiX the four legs of the bed Sab 110a(19); Git 58a(18); San 105b(33); c. w. var. vbs.: 1) V'3I pe.: IQ'l) tib X'TIBX I do not sleep on a bed San 109b(33); PP'TIBX X33 p^O he got in (and) lay down on his bed Meg 27b(46); 2) Van' pe., af.: XmBX 3'n'X he sat on the bed Sab 46a(34); MQ 25a(25); iT'TIBX mm ISO ^mth to place a Torah scroll on his bed ib. 23; 3) Vnm pe.: ]» nin'm Dip ]» "I'llB before you get out of bed HM 37:14; 4) Vp"?D pe.: X'niS1? p'^O mn '3 when he used to get into bed Meg 28a(21); n""lj? X^a -p-IIB1? pen xV yaw do not get into your bed without (having recited) the sema '-prayer Pes 112b(6); Qid 31b(14);/fZ 10b(28) Y: trim &Z> 77b(34; BAYTN 155). NJIIS n.m. ketubba-money (< (pepvf) Lehnw 490; Sy K'iLjla LS 599) 1. ketubba-money: sg. in"3» nms nan TOX a woman collects her ketubba-money from them A"er 67a(38); 2. dowry: sg. 'an'1? X3TIB (the savings on) the dowry is for the orphans [i.e. the heirs] ib. 54a(48) Lit: Sperber, GLLT I61+; Friedman, JMP 78; ib.128 [mng. 2]; Y: XJTW Ket ib.(BAYTN 155). '3"|1S n.m. oven (< <poopvo<; L-S 1952; Sy ,-n«-a ls 598) sg. xnVn '-in bn"w> x~iv ">sxi '37IB3 'till even if a Jew threw two (or) three pieces of wood into the oven NDGR 180:12 [cf. AZ 38a(29)] 1#N0"TIS n.m. perh. designated time (4- Vl#01B) 1. designated time: sg. xaii XDT1B xy(anx)ai xawa in xa-n xdtib par pnVn b? Xnaw '^ya X3W3 the designated time for blood(letting) is every thirty days. The designated time for blood(letting) is Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday Sab 129b(7); 2. (uncertain): X07IS xrfraT the ... of the matter Git 37a(5; V18) [pop. etym. of 4- xViaonB ib.] Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: xrfrm xnjpn Geon 39:5; Lit: Sperber, GLLT 155, w. prev. lit., suggests that this is perh. a quasi- translation of I jaW'OTID; Voc: mil NOlis HPP 1:21; Y: X0"I1B &rt> ib.(BAYTN 155). 2# K011B n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'OTIS Yom 9a(8) [expl. MH pirns Mib. l.i]; bam-'D-raa n»a»i he appointed him among the ... of GN Yev 45b(27; Ar [AC 6:435]) The expl. < £<popo<; Lehnw 435 was rejected by Low, ib. 480; Lit: Sperber, GLLT 156. IttitP'OniS n.m. protocol of investigation (< MP pursisn namag MHDA 34:6; Sy S^ifrifta PSmSup 261; 4- Xpa3) sg. 'a -\mb ia3E?@'o-ns DOninn'Vi 'apa •fypv ■'bpv xb j&31p@'otib ooninn'y, (the judges) take (a bribe) only before the protocol of investigation is signed. After the protocol of investigation is signed, they do not take (a bribe) Git 28b(27) Lit: Geig, AAC 343; Tel 117; Eilers, IB 17+; M. Macuch, U 4 [1999] 98+; Y: JBK> '01W Git ib. KJ0*VIS n.m. value (4- Vl# 0"IB) sg. ma rvb p'lBl n'3DTIB3 he redeems it [i.e. the firstborn animal] for its value AnanSch 8:16; ib. 17 N3jniS n.m. repayment meal (4- V2# yiB, 2#xrPKhX; Ma 1#X3XTIB repayment meal MD 368, Sy Pdiiicx_a LS 603) sg. MQ 22b(22; CHG1 434:67,HP 168:19) Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 121; Eps, Stl 49, deals w the Ma evidence [contra MD ib.j. NlTiajpIS n.f. retribution (4- V2#yiB; TA XJTUyms TO Dt 32:43, Sy K'&Vj-iio.a LS 603) a. general: sg. 'anpxi x'n xnuy-iiB axa nywn iraipa X1? xnuynB the Ninth ofAv is (a day of) retribution, and we surely do not move forward retribution [i.e. move up the fast to the eighth when the ninth falls on the Sabbath] Meg 5a(32); Git 18a(2) // ib. 75b(8); Tan 29a(35); Ber 54b(31); Hul 127a(37); Ned 50b(43); Bo 74:13; b. w. ref. to the order of biblical books, etc. dealing w. retribution: sg. XBT13 aVX^ Wiyb x'n xnujniB '»3 nn p'Vnna xb xnujniBa 'Vinnx nnnx nb mn x'n xnuyriB let us place (the Book of) Job first (in the Writings). We surely do not begin with retribution. (The Book of) Ruth is also retribution. However, it is a retribution which has a (providential) end BB 14b(41); 108a(17) [w. ref. to the order of Mib. 8:1] Y: KJTUjpW Ber ib.(BAYTN 294). NWSIIS*, pi. '3X"T19 n.m. stone or kernel of fruit (esp. of grapes; 4- xaiSIB; TA T3XTIB pi. TO Num 6:4, Sy K'&j^T.a, pi. rds^'ia LS 605) pi. 'XaiXT '32P1B '3rT kernels of" the pagans AZ 34b(2); 'smsi xn xi»m xn this [i.e. the tot\- drink] (is made) of wine, that of kernels Pes 42b(18); Ber 38a(17); Hul 110a(30) Geon. expl.: o'D' 'J 'a D'jxnnn 'jd db D'jmj D'aiyn 1'umow im 'jxtibt inn my: pa nxsrn \rm I'omo -p inxi ohp Pes 146:3; Lit: Flora 3:98; Y: 'JfflB Ber ib.(BAYTN 265). K3(?119 n.m. redemption, redemption payment (4-' VplB; TA IJhlD TO Num 3:46, Sy rcliiiio-a LS 606, Ma X3XpTiB MD 369) 1. redemption: sg. Bo 52:15; ib. 4:5; 2. redemption payment: sg.cs. ){3)JWD3 ]p"llB redemption of our souls AnanSch 15:10; ib. 13; det. mpTID TIjrB? n»31 what is the amount of its redemption payment? HP 36:19; X3pTlB V31HG3 397:39; rPWBin *pmn n'3pniS by he should add its fifth to its redemption payment AnanSch 4:22 1# NfniS n.f. small amount, adv. a little, while (4- VrriB; cf. Sy K'&oii-va fragment LS 609, Ma XJTTIB cleft MD 369) I. n. small amount: sg. a. alone: PB5W3 ab xmiB 'XHa in that small amount (of time) [i.e. over the Sabbath] it will not become moldy Sab 124a(9); Ket 104a(49); Xa'XI irrrrj; fap xb-l XXniB -|n there is that small amount for which he does not take a fistful Zev 77a(2); BQ 89b(14); ma XJVTIB X11V he threw a small amount of it San 67b(36); Git 34b(25); xrnis iT3 Tsaai ix xrnis n'a 'bbbt he adds a small amount to it or removes a small amount from it Er 5b(8); Mei 16b(13); KPtUUI XmiB a small low fence Qid 70a(36; 02Seel 43:73); Yev tris 114b(42); xmiD DX3H a small benefit AZ 23a(23); b. in phrase XT1TIB1 xmiS "?3 each small amount: Tern 25a(19); Men 23b(36); BM 107b(41); c. w. preced. adv.: 'BD nni3T ,!7 3H XrVTIB TSa rny IX xmiB give me a bit more of low quality land or a bit less of high quality land BQ 7b(15); MQ 10a(48); Ket 77b(27); Git 60b(48); BM 69a(26); xmiB b^p a tiny bit Er 34a(14); II. adv. 1. temporal for a while: p'aw 'X n"a XJIIIB rrV if he abandons him alone for a while, he will die Yom 84b(32); mm XmiS 'niP'1? Dip'1? he should remain still for a while and then get up Sab 129b(3); X7VY1B mn'X wait a while Qid 31b(30; O2); XJITIS W3 x"?T niSB'X 'X X(')^3 it is impossible that (the guards) do not sleep for a while at night Ket 27a(40); Yev 121b(16); BQ 10b(12); 5M93b(3); San 22b(34); 2. spatial a bit, bit by bit, progressively: a. alone: XmiS H3 ^UTi let him bend it a bit Suk 7b (17); H'1? ISO'1? XrniB I^BX should they feed him even a bit (from charity)? BQ 7b(l); Sab 67a(l 1); ib. 99b(45); Pe5 64b(38); Sot 38b(25); 55 75b(49); San 77b(25); i& 93a(46); //or 10b(25); AZ 12b(15); Zev 14b(29); b. repeated [cf. 4- b^p "7'Vp mng. H.a]: XmiB H'3'a VB31 XmiD (the garment) disintegrated [lit. fell off him bit by bit] Sab 110b(44); XmiB H'yip W\Q XmiB he plucked it : tore it [i.e. the garment] away bit by bit Nid 20a(16); Git 56b(27) [4- Vmn pe.]; BM 52b(5); ^Z 16a(35); HG3 213:79 Voc: xfniB HPP 302:19; HGP 3a:29; Y: K1THB Ber 35b(46; BAYTN 155). 2# terns 4- i#xrnsn. B71S vb. to remain (4- V'tiB; Sy x^ LS 561, Ma VM) MD 369) Pe. (a/u) 1. to remain, stay behind: a. alone: VtX X*7i IH'S'a in 2?D "71TX they went, (and) one of them who did not go remained BB 58a(28); inxai 'B^X nn 'BTB 11H two thousand two hundred (scholars) remained Ket 106a(13); SOZ 72:21; XW 'TT 2/"BT 'XHl this (portion of the grave) which remains is mine Sot 13a(21); VF8 '3'H 1»"B1 13H how could they bring those (sacrificial animals belonging to people who died) which remained? Hor 6a(26); Pes 98a(31); "yU'D DV H'Blia W"B X1?! p'H '3 so 893
_ t : 894 Ni?9?? that no defilement remains in his body Anan 32:21; b. w. var. preps.: 1) 'V. inV HPB1 Tns'XI n"?n they disbanded and three remained (to judge) San 8a(54); BB 96b(17); Xl^B nV XWB XJiaxi a half cubit was left over Sab 98a(l 1); Er 56b(29); Suk 6b(16); XT1T in H'1? E?B he was left with one zuz Tan 24a(27); ]'12/an in"7 MB fifty (years) remained for them ,JaA 89b(37); X3M njmx ?Pb lyiDI Vlin n,!? T3JH (a case) where he worked for him two (years) and four remained for him Qid 20b(14); BM 77b(50); Yev 38a(16); /4Z 30a(37); Nid 30a(2); 5an 69b(27); A/eg 21b(47); Ara 12b(4); 7am 27a(39); 2) HH3: in H'Tia IPS one (ax) remained with him San 96b(ll); 3) '3J: '"in "I03W VP31 ©B seventeen denars remained with them (out of the seven hundred) BB 10a(26); Anan 10:27; 2. pass.part. delayed: 'XJ'B IP'S X1? I did not cause the delay HP 100:17 K3#1S n.m. handbreadth (TA X3W1B TO Ex 25:25, Sy rdLjc-a LS 612, Akk/wsfo AHw 883) pi. 'Dens nn"?n three handbreadths Suk 14b(52); ib. 5b(25); BB 14b(5) Voc: pwis HP 202:I0(HPP 304:18); Y: '3B1B AS 3a(52; BAYTN 155). Nxapafts 4, xxptis n. N1t#1S n.m. rumination (Sy rc'ijLa rumination LS 614, mng. 1) w. Vp"?0 af. to ruminate [cf. BH ?ni n^n HAL 184]: sg. nb ow xpn xnyp x'nm X1W1B Xpoa at the time that he is slaughtering it [i.e. the cow], it is ruminating HG3 118:73 NflfihS n.m. interpretation (4- VltfB; cf. Sy rC-iia LS 614, mng. 6) sg. jlDjmai n{'}a-lK?lS the interpretation of your blessing MQ 9b(24; MGG466:13[Var]) But cf: minis 'KB1 <&(16; MGG ib.). K33'fl#19, K3K3»JltflB n.m. guard (< MP pustiban protector, bodyguard CPD 70) sg. XJna@msi XMa'JWIB a guard of GN Nid 25a(l; TGAs28 82:22) [Var: X33'D2?B Ar (AC 6:461)] Geon. expl.: [Dyn 'no TOl flD] °?y3 D1K TGAs28 ib. [v. also ib.9]; Lit: Geig, AAC 346. KFflS n.f. madder (Rubia tinctorum; < XriXlB*; Sy rf&o_a LS 558, JPA HX1B DJPA 425) sg. "7B3 XT33 XXIIB madder has fallen into disuse [lit. into the pit] Sab 66b(15; M) Geon. expl.: mis '3-iy pw^ai kjiib 'on ym^i ram trn 604:10+Ar [AC 6:286], i.e. sji; Lit: Flora 3:275+; Y: KmB&,6 ib.(BAYTN 20). K»1TIB n.m. width, breadth (4- Vl# TIB; TA XTilB TO Ex 26:8, Sy rdi^n-a LS 615, Ma XVTIB MD 369) sg. XT0BD1 X'JVIB the width of a sword San 7a(32); 'in na3 EHpT XVVIB how wide is the board? Sab 98a(10); /& 13; 98b(19); 24; rDlix X'XTIBS its length is (the same) as (its) width Er 55a(22); Meg 6a(34); Xjnx X'nn1? rP'Tri -irjrt>X '1 n'ms1? xns nn '-ran PN saw a certain field in which ... was sown across its width Yev 63a(29); inn 'iina rram n"ms (the wall of Jericho)'s width and height are the same Ber 54b(38); Ket 112a(2); AZ 60b(4); Men 98b(3); TGAs28 207:6; rrms 'l^y arxb Wiuh let him turn the knife to a vertical position [lit. let him place the knife on its width] HG3 111:1 Y: K;rHB&i6 98a(10). paros i pirns n. I"ITB vb. (artificial word for invoking a vow of Naziriteship) Pa.: NJn'TBia Ned 10b(18); ib. 19 1#T'TS adj. impetuous (VlIB; 4- XJTIPTB, l#T'nB; Sy rc'C.v^ agile LS 561) sg.m. .TOTjn XHS Kay rpnix^ n'aiB an impetuous nation which placed its mouth before its ears Ket 112a(45) [w. ref. to J/atfJ] ritoyi Ex 24:7] // Sab 88a(54; M) Y: KHB Ket ib.(BAYTN 60). [2# t'TB 4- Vm vb.] NJTIT'TS n.f. impetuosity (4- 1#PTB; Sy k'&c.u.v^ LS 561) sg. '&"j? 13'TV1PTB3 'JDX do you still remain in your impetuousity? Ket U2a(45;MGD 83:20) NTTS n.m. stick (cf. Sy rc'-iuiarc' plough handle LS 2 [Lex], > Arab jj& Fr, AF 259) sg. Dipi1? VT^7\ XTTB let him grasp a stick and sit down (to guard his property) BB 99b(24); BQ 28a(44); ib. 51 Expl. Rati: -mf? K3W 'a i? D'piw nsp'i k-ijb 102 oa» vra ^ib' •arm ITO; Y: KITS flg ib.(BAYTN 92). K|7UTS n.m. leg guard, type of shoe (< Mir ?) 1. leg guard: pi. 'paiB Sab 62a(12) [expl. MH sns 895 2# N-ins D"B1» Mib. 6:2]; GC 24:8; 2. type of shoe: pi. 'Vsai 'para 'axi xain an "o nan PN used to put on/7.-shoes and pray Sab 10a(7); 13(,)paTB IB^W XJ'tV VYim take off your p.-shoes and come down for judgment Svu 31a(29; HP 123:22) Geon. expl.: 'WK ]W\W "703 iv IK nwnj bw ]'tyja l'»3 JHW 1SJ' K1? 1X1TW3B p'plW ^B1? HSn^S GC ib. [mng. 1]; 'JKDD Tjnm IK KD(-|>l'im IK vnybl ib. 11 [mng. 2]; Lit: Geig, AAC 321, rejects all proposed P derivs.; Shaked, Dress 111, points out that the second element is Mir *mok shoe [I KplD], but the first element is uncertain; Voc: -|J>nTB HGP 35a:2; Y: 'jMTB Sab ib.(BAYTN 221). NHS, KnNS n.m. snare (4- l#NTinB; Sy r^-o-ft LS 562) sg. Xn'33 xnXB Xn'33 X3D an old man in the house is a snare in the house [i.e. of no use] Ara 19a(4) Y: KnKB Ara ib.(BAYTN 6) IMS vb. to be afraid (4- XinB; JPA ins DJPA 427) Pa. id.: TrlBB XpT n"tn he saw that he was afraid Ber 60a(37); mnBtt ib.; WIS H^ 'Vnn V3X '»T ]TlVn Tnsa n'T (if) he ate cress and did not wash his hands, he will be afraid for thirty days Pes lllb(42);/& 112a(l) Itpa. id.: in'pm TnB'a Xp mn PN was afraid San 26a(49); ib. 33a(39) Kins n.m. fear, dread (4- VinB; BH, MH2 l#"irjB HAL 871, J 1151) sg. x'Bia xmnya rpas xins fear inhibits (a woman's menstrual flow, and) dread loosens (it) Sot 20b(39; V2) // Nid 71a(13); STP XinB KinrU '»3 X131J Xinn I am also afraid of this [lit. dwell in this fear] San 95b(56); 'mSB1? nnns to moderate his fear BM 66b (15) // Tan 13b(15; M2); Pes 112a(5); Ket 57b(19); iSGF 22:11 Y: fmijB BM ib.(BAYTN 92) l#tnS vb. (artificial word for invoking a vow of Naziriteship) Pa.: XJtnsa Ned 10b(19) [2# TnS vb. (uncertain; 4- XinBX, xrilinB, 1# PnB; Sy \_u-a pa. LS 562) Pa.: rratriB'n they will ... him5o 106:10 [rdg. doubtful] Lit: Greenfield, AKY 725+.] NmrnS n.f. impetuousity (4- V2#tnB; Sy r?bie,\jjA LS 562) sg. irra'p lSTitnaa 'nax are you still in your state of impetuousity? Sab 88a(55) Y: wmtriB Sab ib.(BAYTN 192). Nnn9 n.m. weakness (?; VnnB; cf. Sy r^ «j ; » fi LS 562) sg. Xri'33 XnnB Ara 19a(4; VI0[X'"7], Rashi) [4- xns] TIS vb. to cover (perh. metath. < 4- V'Bn) Pe.: X1B13 n"nB n31 X^lp'T Vlpiy take a large basket (and) cover it with pitch Ned 51a(2; Ar [AC 6:306]) N'flS n.m. a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. K'nBT 'JP3 the eggs of thep.-bird Bes 7a(l); ib. 4 [Var: X"BT Ar (OHP Ber 34a, s.v. "ID)] The rdg. K'yB /'i.(RaH) and the translation 'hen' offered by the commentators seems to be an attempt to connect this word w. i V'VD pe. But this latter rt. never refers to the sound made by domestic birds and so this should be rejected; Y: KjnB Bes ib. l#mS adj. impetuous (4- V2#mB, 1#PTB; Sy K'Uta LS 562) sg.m. XPnB xay an impetuous people Sab 88a(54) 2# TT1S adj. (uncertain) sg.f. XJIBIX '3 XPnBT (a lung which is) ... like a stump of a palm branch Hul 47b(5) Y: Nl'nB Hul ib. JTHS adj. less, inferior (4- VnnB pe., pass.part. [cf. MH JTinS Yeivin, BV 448]; 4- TS3) 1. less: sg.m. "I0@'"in» 'BB xVl 7\TVVa TCVS) X1? X'lX 'XH XJIXIP'X TO no less than six and no more than twelve kinds of fever (sustained) the lion (in the ark) San 108b(47); f. XTTriB Pes lllb(19); 2. inferior: pl.m. intt? ,!?3pa 'n'ns- 'l&Xl'X inferior people (who) take bribes TGAs42 23:19 NBAS n.m. (uncertain) pi. Tans1? irinx Er 53b(23) [quoted as n»Drl y\vb] Y: 1'priB Er ib. l#NnriS n.m. potter (< Akk paharuWl AHw 810, AIOA 7 [< Sum bahar PSB B 46, Lieb, SLOB 433, 2255] in qattal-i"orm; Sy rtKlxi LS 563, mng. 1, Ma XlxnXB MD 360, TA xnfiB' TJ Is 29:16, > Arab jUi Fr, AF 70) sg. XinBT XHD potter's wheel Hul 16a(4) Lit: HALOT 1956; Y: KTTIB Hul ib. 2#«nriS, N-IKnS n.m. clay (sec. form < 4- l#X"inB; 4- 2#XTia; Sy rc'iaxa LS 563, mng. 2, Ma XIXnBT xmn X0X3 MIT 7:26, > Arab jUi Fr, AF 257) sg. XinBT (a cup) of clay Yom
nns 896 NDTB1BS 78a(23); XTPIBI 'mn '03 new clay cups HG2 255:55(HGP56a:19); HG3 230:75; XTnST XJXa a clay vessel Tan 7a(53); Ned 50b(10); Anan 48:7; ib. 17; XTXnBl 'JXa //P 16:1; ib. 3; Ximya NiriBT a clay wine press TGAs27 1A:\1 Y: X-TIB Km ib.(BAYTN 102). fins vb. to be diminished, depreciate, remove, cave in (4- riTlS, 1# XliriB; cf. Sy ^u»i^ pe. to dig, itpe. to collapse LS 563, Ma 2# JT1S to break open MD 366, MH Tins LNVTH 275) Pe. (a/u) 1. intr. to diminish, to be diminished, debased: a. in number: 'j?hx mien I'l^n ja xaVy irns xb the world does not have less than [lit. is not diminished from] thirty-six righteous people Suk 45b(30) // San 97b(40); b. in weight: bv D^DD TinST 103 like silver vessels which can diminish Ket 67a(13); 2. to depreciate, be debased: JYO jJWST since they depreciate (over time) Ned 55a(29); Ket 56b(35); xa"p X(lin)(nil)Bl rupia '3 Xlfr'llX when (a woman) grows old and depreciates she is valued at a third (of her original value) Ara 19a(2); Kirns XI1TIB nns (the sela) becomes progressively debased BM 52b(5); 3. tr. to diminish, detract: "|iwaai "r>3'»» mnB "IJ1T1 by T01X1 diminish your food and drink and augment your domicile Pes 114a(6; C); 7PX XTinS Xp Jinsr,',ai she who is actually diminishing (her ketubba-money) Ket 64a(33) [* 4- V«|0' af.]; xnmx nns'a^ x1? jvb>'i py xix 'lYTlX Htt?aT I, the gospel, have come not to detract from the Torah of Moses Sab 116b(ll) [* 4- V*j0' af, mng. 2; cf. Mat 5:17]; 4. to remove: njmx m irns Timyo ion inaV after he finishes his meal (on the seventh day) he removes four (handbreadths of the covering of the sukka) HP 31:7 [v. Suk 48a(21)]; ib. 9 Af. to diminish s.t. in value: XH n,T» Xiwn 'TinSX for the time being [lit. now, at any rate], he has, in fact, diminished his value BQ 85b(46); nSD3!3 HTinsXT xVan an injury which diminished her monetary value ib. 88a(l); ib. 3 Itpe. 1. to cave in, collapse [cf. Sy, LS ib., MH2 nnsj J 1153]: rrnsnx ixVi rrnam pa? sometimes (the covering over the cavity) caves in without his knowledge BB 60a(25); '33 '3 ITnB'X rPfiina the bathhouse (floor) collapsed from under him Ber 60a(52) // Ket 62a(39); ib. 62b (17) [roof]; Sab 30b(6) [ladder]; BM 117a(10) [upper story of a house]; 2. to break: JTnS'X n'TJrra X"?n V'XEH Xinn a certain person who borrowed a bucket from another (and) it broke BM 97a(4; HP 75:13); 3. to be diminished: XXlV'a rb XTBJ'a rvriS'a '3 when (the straw) is diminished, the matter is noticeable Er 79a(40); ib. 90b(22) In MD ib. the Ma rt. has been confused w. nns [< nriS*], but, as already shown by Eps, GC 96 , they should be separated. Ma also has 2# Jim [Eps, ib.] l#NririS n.f. depreciation (4- VlWB; cf. Sy K'dUxa chasm LS 563) sg. V'pEM mix bym rrnns he takes its fee [i.e. for the use of the vessel] and he takes its depreciation (charge) BM 70a(l 1); XT1X X1? KIWIS 'XT Xlins X*7 XT1X 'X if a fee, not a depreciation (charge); if a depreciation (charge), not a fee ib. 12; ln'IVlB IBID WIIX WSl their [i.e.- the tools'] fee is great and their depreciation is small ib. 82b(9); 69b(9); 37P Xlins depreciation is taken into consideration Ket 67a(27); ib. 26 Voc: lTJins HGP 29b:7; Y: XJiriB BA/70a(ll; BAYTN 50). 2# NJinS n.m. (uncertain; perh. < Akk pihatu governor AHw 862, AIOA 82; BA "nns cs. HAL 1764) -J- Tins 13 Since the pi. of this word in OfA is NJlinB, the exact deriv. is uncertain. NttjlBB n.m. one who fattens animals (4- VoDB qatol-foTm; I XaB'B) sg. .TaiBS1? ifrry VI the head of the calf is for the one who fattens (it) BM 69a(13; EsF1) N0TS1BS n.m. punishment (< Mir *patifras [cf. MP padifrah punishment, retribution CPD 62]; EA 0TBI1B DNWSI 953) sg. only, w. V^j?tf pe. to receive punishment: "I3W wbpvn *0»m "|'"I3 Xtby 'XiT3 n,DnSlB<S)(al17 'XpT3 TB3 WX blessed is the Merciful One, for PN of GN received his punishment in this world Pes 57b(4) [Var: T3W1? rrVpWXT af. L1] // n,0-lSrT'tJS1? Kar 28b(ll; Oxf, heb. b.10 [v. Ros, Intr 56]); Yev 105b(27); hOBlDaV bTIi nrftpv Michal received her punishment San 21a(39; K) Geon. expi.: w:iyn p ft-mi lpbn *»: ,t»ivbi xti rvn-w vm'? XT1BS 897 TBS VOW 15» OHT Pes 80:9; Lit: Eps, St2 819; Geig, WZICM 44 [1937] 58+; id., AAC 252, s.v. X01BBO. SUBS n.m. exemption (4- VnBB; MH2 TDB J 1154) sg. Qid 34b(8) [* 4- X3rn mng. 1]; Yev 33a(32); Tern 4b(l); pi. H1DB1 '3Vn liabilities and exemptions Sab 2b(12); Svu 5a(40); Zev 39a(19) Y: lOlBB MQ 3b(2; BAYTN 258). 'BB vb. to last (?; etym. unkn.) Pa./Af.: X'DSaT XUtt? TIT 3'"' n,!7 that (the garment) will last him for a full year Sab 140b(24; Ar [AC 6:310]) Expl. Ar: Win 3'" ft p'BBOW 3"iy 'IK AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 322 [rejects P deriv. of Koh ib.] N^?'BB n.m. plate, dish (< 7t&TeAAa, Lat patella Lehnw 437) pi. 'V'DS HG1 287:2 = HP 15:18 [expl. I XTJJB] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 67. D'BS adj. fattened (4- VdBS; TA D'BS TJ Jud 3:17) sg.f. Xlia'dB XllVwin a fattened hen Ket 67b(27; SM 148:22); pi. 'SHaill 'nasiX XIUT xna'BS a black hen among the fattened ones BM 86b(30; EsAr! [AC 3:272, s.v. XIUJ]) TBS adj. untanned, unleavened, n. unleavened bread (4- VlDS pe., pass.part.; mng. 1: Sy rC\ ; \ f> LS 565, mng. 2; mng. 2: Sy ib., mng. 1, TA TBS TO Ex 29:2, Ma XTDXS MD 360, > Arab jj^I Wehr 720) I. adj. 1. untanned (of leather, hides): sg.m. XTDS X-fy'XlttCl) XT! a cord of untanned leather OHT Yev 201:3; pl.m. 'TDS 'T?! untanned hides Pes 119a(31; C) // San 110a(42); 2. unleavened (of bread): sg.f. XIU3 XHTBS unleavened k. -bread Git 69a(33) [4- 3#XI133]; II. n. unleavened bread: sg.m. XTDS "jD'ai XTan mys1? to eliminate leaven and to eat unleavened bread HP 13:16 [cf. Pes 43b(7)] DBS vb. to fatten, compound (4- xaiDS, 'BIDS '■j'a, D'DS, xacs; Sy >-3^-a pa. LS 564, MH DBS pi. LNVTH 277) Pa. 1. to fatten: a. animals: HDIBSV XDTJJ/a nan3 T1? 3m he gave him a pregnant cow to fatten Bek 2b(22); ib. 33; XJX TbpV J1X1 Xia'BSa shall I fatten (the animal), and will you take (the increase in value)? BQ 65a(12); ib. 34a(21); BM 69a(20); Ned 38b(24); b. fruit: XTS 'aiBS AZ 50b(35); 2. to compound: I'XSn1? .T1? DBBa '3 when he compounds it [i.e. oil] partially Kar 5a(43) Itpa. to be fattened: 'Tina 'aDS'a XpT (the two pieces of meat) are fattened [i.e. absorb fat] from each other Pes 76b(2) - 'V'» 'BIBS n.m. embellishment (4- VDBS pa. inf.; lit. fattening of words) VX\ VXibyi '^'fi 'BIDS it is merely embellishment BM 66a(l); ib. 3; 14; TGHark 204:15 Y: ft'S '01BB BM ib. IBS vb. to exempt, conclude, divorce (4- xiiibsx, xaiDsa, xtbs, tbs, pws, XlinB'S; Sy -U^a LS 565, Ma TBS MD 369, MH TBS pe., hif., nif. J 1157) Pe. 1. to exempt: ]331 '1BST scholars who exempt (from liability) BQ 29a(30); ttds'xi ^iijnn'? ii'naai txt 'H'k V't go (and) bring proof that you are efficacious (in slaughtering) roosters, and I shall exempt you ib. 99b(38); n'TDS'Jl ,Tra XJiaa 'jipiff'J let us take a monetary compensation from him and exempt him (from the death penalty) Ket 37b(15); x"?T rPWSi TBS 'Sa he cannot exempt himself Ber 49b(15); BQ 57b(26); BM 34a(29); wam DUX n'TDS the Merciful One exempted one under duress (from obligations) AZ 54a(12); pmDS "lllxVa you have exempted me from having to give praise Ber 54b(53); Pes 115b(32); TIBS 1TTX niBs nana nans tidb qix dix did (the Levites) exempt (firstborn asses of the Israelites)? A (Levite) man exempted an (Israelite) man. A (Levite's) animal exempted an (Israelite's) animal Bek 4a(l); pass.part. 'Tin ]tt TBJ?1 TBS he is exempt and cleared of claims Git 86a(5); SSHai 7a(ll); TBS nBS'a is he completely exempted? Hor 9a(ll); D13'n ]a H'B'X XTBS his mother is exempted from the levirate marriage HP 147:16; Suk 10b(16; E1); 'TBS Hag 3a(4); BQ 31a(20); San 86a(12); Men 43a(42); "731 31 by *)X vpy\ ]TBS I'l'X HXn n1? J?'3pT msa even though women are exempt from any commandment whose time is fixed //P 13:15; JlTBB HISB 113^3 in going (to fulfill) a commandment you are exempt (from saying yaw) Ber lla(15) // Suk 25a(21); TjIIW: na Ta'aa ]j'TBB we are exempt from reciting niTfOi na Pes 115b(32; M1); BM
NT1-IBB 898 KriSJ'S 96b(42; HP 75:12); TGAs28 6:28; 2. to cease, conclude [w. ]»]: pnBBl p'ypni we blow the shofar and cease AnanMann 2r:13; ja "IBB 131 XX1V7X when he finishes the prayer Anan 36:16; 3. to send away, remove: nV fun'1? pi3X 3'3X© 'sb rrnD9,!71 nnmro when their father dies, let them give her the ketubba and send her away TGHark 206:2; n'JV TOBa^ n'jn DX1 if you want to remove him WM 45:15; 4. to divorce: 'D'13 rf? XJHDB I shall divorce her with a get Qid 64b(3); H31 '3'V 'D'ri' monnm jvpapi nnos I have now dissolved the marriage, separated, and divorced you S§Hai 3a(13) [in divorce document]; SSSad 223:27; Geon 230:18; TUX '3'JV no"ini rPlDBl .IJl'tt So 19:3 Af. 1. to exempt: xn '3 ]» H'1? ]riDBKn we exempt him (from the oath) from the court TGHark 203:13; 2. to recite the haftara [denom. < 4- XJVItSBX]: p'"IDBa 'TIDBX do we indeed recite the (same) haftaral Meg 31a(36); ib. 40; 31b(12); ntssai np xai'i Xy3'1 they read (from the Pentateuch) and recite the haftara a quarter of the day ib. 30b(14) // Tan 12b(48); Ber 53b(48); bxplWl rWH3 X'333 "IDBai he recites the haftara in the prophetic book at the beginning of Ezekiel HP 182:8; ib. 17; 183:1; 185:6 Itpe. 1. to be free of liability: x"H 'Tltt? 'JVX ■?'! "lDB'XI iT3 JVJ1P go (and) bring witnesses that you did not use it improperly and be free of liability BM 96b(42); ib. 83a(18); nil '3 '1331 V7BX "IDB'J "?X"HyT (in that case) even when (an ox) of a non-Jew gores that of a Jew he should be free of liability BQ 38a(33); '31 'T» VVH p'liy X1? -ibb'» n'3 ma '3T 'T» ysni iBB'a xV n'3 ma a person does not abandon something for which (the defendant) is not free from liability when he makes an admission in order to advance a claim for which he would be liable when makes an admission Ket 43a(5; V5); 2. to be exempt: Xin XnBB'a Xim na3"a one (sister-in-law) is taken in a levirate marriage and the other is exempt Yev 19a(7); IBD'a 'a Tn 'JV'a '3 when he brings one (sacrifice) is he exempt (from the others)? Kar 8b(i); ntss'i 'm rrmo nana -1133a let (the Levites) be exempt also from (the redemption of) a firstborn clean animal Bek 4a(9); HG3 286:10; 3. to be divorced: XD'J3 nb XIBB'XT ... XflrVX a woman who was divorced with a get HG2 129:42; 4. to take leave [w. p of s.o.]: TIDB'X v^7 'ax n'ja nos'a xpi lnx xibs3 xrrnxa m» XJV11X2 'XJa irVlDB'X ix"7 they took leave of him at night. In the morning they came and took leave of him (again). He said to them: "Did you not take leave of me last night?" MQ 9a(42); Hag 5b(40); Yev 63a(40); Ket 106a(12); 'IDB'S ,Tin '3 'Tina p3"l when the scholars used to take leave of each other Yom 71a(26); Er 64a(26); Tan 5b(44); Git 76b(8); 5. to die [JPA IDS itpe. DJPA 429, MH IDS nif. J 1157, Sy ^n) -i_^_3 (*L^a\ < LS 565, mng. 2]: a. alone: "IBB'Xt lyi '3-1 until PN died iSGF 74:3; b. w. Wtby n'31?: .Taty ITS1? "IBB'X n'yia Uai he died as a result of his illness BB 153a(34); SSHai 8b(15); c. w. py Jjfr: /5GF 104:11 The exact mng. of .TmDB //«/ 70a(30) is unclear [v. comm., ad loc.]. NTIlpS n.m. perh. sacrificial animal (< Mir *patroz [cf. MP padroz daily, perpetual > Armen patrucak sheep for slaughter Hubsch, AG 514]) sg. Xpn 13 XTTIBB a sacrificial animal worth a danqa Zev 48a(30; Ar [AC 6:320]); ib. 31(AC ib.);5dt lla(2); ib. 5 Expl. Ar: in nVW iTOB W33 AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 324; Tel 105; Shaked, Food [forthcoming]; Y: XllIBB Bek ib.(BAYTN 243). 'B, pi. 'B'B n. pe, the seventeenth letter of the alphabet (Sy rxla LS 554) sg. Yom 19b(25; E1); pi. •>&*> BMsN 31:22 Lit: Ros, TI 50; 11338. n.m. piggul, a sacrifice which is rendered unfit because of an improper intention of the officiating priest (< MH "?1J'B Yeivin, BV 958; 4- V71B pa.; TA Vli'B TJ Is 65:4) sg. Men 59a(31) [in mnemonic formula]; ib. 59b(2) Y: xtoj'B Men ib.(BAYTN 258). KJM'B 4- xaiB n. Nfim'S n.f. defect (4- Vdib, xaiS; cf. Sy «lJi!i^a fracture LS 556; cf. MH 1S1B Yeivin, bv 900) sg. x"7 xnaj'B xnsnwa iica1? 'xi nmnx X^X ^('MDOBTl so that if at the end (of the KJJ'S 899 0»B t : slaughtering) a defect is found (in the knife) only the last one should be declared unfit HP 208:7 Voc: XITOJ'B HPQ 215:16 [v. Y. Kara, HPQ ib., n. 252). NJJ'B n.m. rue (Ruta Graveolens L.; < 7ifyyavov Lehnw 439; 4- KW3, X13E?; Sy «* \ \x <\ LS 556, MH Dl'B Yeivin, BV 933) sg. NEnvn' XJl'B rue in honey AZ 28a(39; Ar [AC 6:293]) [Var: XM'D M; XJ11D P1; XJ1D SMel 67:784 Geon. expl.: 3X110 WX pip 'yawl X:iXB)ID] Dl'B Sura 2 [1955-6] 302:3, i.e. P sudab CPD 78, PED 663 [cf. "S DJ'Bm 3N1D GC 138:7, i.e. Arab v'^Siggel 41; cf. also Sy: ^ - \. » ijai i_i I ill I >ij Jijill rciiijp m k-tjdj BBah 1540:18]; on the Var in AZ, Low notes also the form .i""'^\ BB 801:25 and suggests that these form go back to an unattested Gr form *tf|yavov; Lit: Pfl 372; Flora 3:317. Nnjn'S 4- xriyis n. [KITS (uncertain) X"ITB l"y ysrwv |1J3 X1TBX3 Nid 28a(ll; Ar [AC 6:299]) According to a Geon. responsum quoted in Ar, loc.cit., this word means 'dung'. This is, however, unlikely since T1S is known only from H, and no attestation of this word is known in A. V AC also for alternative rdgs.] NtJl'S n.m. piyyut, liturgical poem (i X3D"Ba; MH2 BVB BY 4905) pi. 'DVB OHT Tan 25:2 NT'S, NTS, NTNB, n.m. fine gold (BH TB HAL 870) sg. XT'B 'TV ny31X ^pna fine gold of the weight of four zuzim AZ llb(13); Win bpna XT'B 'TJIO'X fine gold of the weight of two staters Git 58a(13); XTB3 'Bna TIT1 they were covered with fine gold ib. 12; XTXB 'prian ID'^n thirteen fine gold chairs Ket 77b(31; MGG 227:5) Y: KJ'B AZ ib.(BAYTN 16). NniD'B n.m. fungus (Sy rr'^.fLVa LS 565) sg. X2Sm X3ixa xmO'B vbm ]Xa 'Xn one who tears off a fungus from the handle of a pitcher Sab 108a(l; RaH, RaN) [O: XID'B] Cf. MH: WIP 'B3 niBe'BS like fungi at the entrance of the oesophagus MQ 29a(l; TGHark 144:7) // 'B3 HlB'B@l'pTlB13 DB11 Ber 8a(32), and Geon. expl.: pw xVx ]^DJ J'aa niD'Bl hodVx bm ■fyvymr iw'pai nvwn n(i>xnp:i paan ia m^ns IDB'JXI TGHark ib., i.e. iliS, jA■ Lit: Low, Flora 1:34. ]'"11!3'B n.m.pl. divorce, dissolution (4- VlDB pe., mng. 2; JudA I'lTO'B MGit 9:3 [rdg. in Ned 5b(20; V2]) pIBB DJ divorce document S$Hai 3a(17); Bo 58:6; pmtJ'Bl p'D'J '3niB'B1 '3D'l your divorce(s) and dissolution(s) ib. 9:8; 19:9; 28:6 HOB'S n.m. fattening (4- VDDB, xaiDB, D'DB; Sy Kl^n\,^ LS 564) sg. xaD'BT xn X'yiT Xn this (refers to) grazing, that to fattening BM 28b(48); xaD'B1? X"71'y Bn the head of the calf for fattening ib. 69a(13) [Var: xaiBB1? V22Ed]; BQ 47a(17) NiptJ'B 4- X13DB n. xnu'B 4- xiid'b n., xnons n. NmiB'B n.f. expulsion (?; 4- V"IBB) sg. |ai niyrx ':m xnnD'B Bo 40:3 0"S vb. to persuade, make peace, compensate (denom. < Jtetcn.<;, neiaoc, Lehnw 429; 4- D"B adj., 1# XD"B; Sy .m ; ^rf* LS 567, MH 1# 0'B pi. LNVTH 278) Pa. 1. to persuade: pni 31 "?"yi 'DVbV PN went in to persuade her (to immerse herself) Nid 67b(49); n'1? XVyn^XI HTI' XVIpl linV'T XmSVID'BX3 Qp'BV n'JD"Bl we called him, spoke to him, and persuaded him to assume their guardianship S$Hai 17b(4); 2. to secure s.o.'s consent: n'D'B 'DVB la'X Xin Tn'T p'3 since it is an individual, say that he definitely secured his consent BB 23a(36); JV3n ^3 'n»'X1 xm'3'y '?T^ ni0"B D'VyiB "7VX1 the cost of labor diminished, the employer became intransigent [i.e. demanded a reduction in wages], and the workers went and secured his consent BM 77a(36; F1); ib. 21; 3. to make peace, pacify: nty firm Xin XJiyw <V)(')B^ n1? D"Ba lim he is angry at it [i.e. the idol] for the moment, and afterwards he makes peace with it AZ 44b(38); Vr? D"Ba 'y3T na'X ^3 whenever he wants he can pacify them Meg 12a(20); XJX n'1? X3D"Ba I shall pacify him Git 57b(14); ]Xai riO"B'XT -|D"B('X) who pacified you that you were pacified? Sot 35b(l); Mak 5b(47); Ber 28a(31); Er 54a(49); Hor 13b(53); 4. to reconcile: XD'J 'in'^1 ]"»V yrbn iy X30"Ba X"7 'X nD"B'X X1?! n0"B "?TX let it be a get if I cannot reconcile (her) within thirty days. He went to reconcile her, but she was not reconciled Git 30a(ll; V18); 5. to compensate or satisfy s.o.: a. for a misdeed: n^ x:0"Da X3X I shall satisfy him [i.e. Zechariah who was unjustly murdered]
0"S 900 N3^»9 San 96b(32); b. concerning a legal claim: 'dV 'V'ia n,!7 XJC'BH V'U when (the child) grows up I shall compensate him from my own (property) BQ 84a(44); 1'ai3 ,XJ X0"B»1 'B'X perhaps she will compensate him with her money Git 75a(20); Pes 31a(13) // Ket 92a(13); /& 91a(40); Sg 21a(29); Mf 72b(15); ,1'VI tys1? ,1'C'Bl "?TK he went and mitigated his legal adversary MQ 14b(38); /& 16a(28); Dec 6:3; /4/ian 16:20; 6. to appeal to s.o.: niCBl rtylB ^lTXl the workers went and appealed to him (to employ them) BM 77a(37); 7. to bribe, give a gift: .T'TQD1? C'B JVC'S bribe the ferryboat operator. He bribed him Hul 94a(13); JV1? XJCBI31 JVb xniP»l I send it [i.e. the fish] to him and give him a gift Tan 24a(50; M) [4- VlriE7 pa., mng. 1] Itpa. 1. to be pacified: Sot 35b(l) [v. Pa., mng. 3]; 2. to be satisfied, compensated: C'B'ai ]1'3 XD^a since the king has already been compensated (for the previous year's taxes) BQ 113b(44); 'XJTIPX yimn X1? '*? 0"B'a 'D1? when I am satisfied (that) my wall will not become unsound BB 6a(29); ib. 169b(9); 3. to be bribed: 'Xr» C'B'X xVl XII XVI '31 'n'^tt? it is the messenger of the court who was not bribed by me Svu 30b(31); 4. to be reconciled: JvV 'D"B» '31 C'B'a (in a case) when they try to reconcile him, (and) he is reconciled Yom 23a(17); ib. 87b(5); Git 18a(l); ib. 30a(ll; V18) [v. Pe.]; ]B po(')B'Xl T113 '1X11 we have become reconciled among ourselves on this matter SSSad 205:4 The text O'BEl 'TO'Q Pes 107a(32) is unclear [v. comm. ad loc.]. 0"B adj. peaceful, friendly (4- Vo"B) sg.m. 'X 'XVB JlC'B Jill if you had been friendly with me Hul 95a(l) Y: no."B //«/ ib. 1#ND^3 n.m. supplication, reconciliation (< 7teTcn<; Lehnw 429; I Vc'B; Sy ^ ™ '•* LS 567, rdoa-^a n-!s PSm 3117 Ma XDX'B MD 369) sg. XD"B ]331 '13$? the scholars made a reconciliation Nid 37a(5) Y: K0';s Nid ib.(BAYTN 137). 2# N0"S, KO'B n.m. lot (4- VcB; Sy rd-ra-a lot LS 580) sg. XD"B nV ivpn they arranged a lot for it [i.e. in order to choose the order of the priests] Yom 22a(16); XD'B ib. 25; 23a(46) Lit: Brock ib. rejects Gr etym. in Lehnw 431; Nold apud Fr, AF 60, connects it with ua_3j; Y: XD';b Yom 22a(13). 1# kV'S n.m. elephant (TA *7'B TJ IK 10:22, Sy rcdL^a LS 566, Ma x"7'B MD 371) sg. "?"jn xV'S XBnai XBlp3 an elephant which goes through the eye of a needle Ber 55b(56); BM 38b(38) Y: X1?'? Ber ib.(BAYTN 12). 2#nV'S n.f. crack, split (< 4- XllV'B; 4- Vl#'^s, i# xri'3 mng. 61) sg. rrrrawxi jvmnna x'rs 'xVb'x Xian X'^BI a crack developed at its bottom, and he found it full of wine AZ 74b(18); Pes 76a(49) // Hul 112a(17) [in the crust of meat; 4- Xm'B]; Sab 155b(7); JT313 '"7'B Tfb JVX 1111 XW1 he saw that he had cracks in (the skin of) his back ib. 33b(45); 'V'B 'aino1? to fill in the cracks (in the ground) Suk 44b(33) // MQ 3a(28) // AZ 50b(28); '^'B lily x'TBIJ? 'Xa what is (the meaning of) '.? Awaken cracks (in the ground) Tan 4a(2) [pop. etym.] Geon. expl.: I'jVIOl pin 13 VV '^B GnK5 176:11; Y: '^B Sab ib.fBAYTN 16). 3# NT'S n.m. an aromatic plant (etym. unkn.) sg. Ae/77b(18) Lit: Flora 4:503; Y: X^'B Ket ib. p?'B n.m. Malabathrum, ointment made from leaves of Cinnamonum malabathrum (< [ucda- PaGpou] (pulXov w.-herb Low, Lehnw 445; Sy ^cvA_a Low, ib.) sg. ]V7'B1 XrilBin bead [i.e. cake] of malabathrum Sab 62a(33; V) [expl. MH rfata Mib. 6:3]; Git 69b(45) Geon. expl.: ^STS nVl D'DW3 1<'>{1I>B1 p>Bl pOTX 'ta KIpJl] [H:3 'p'l N"7Y] nwaa H'J'BT p'»J-|JlOT3 TRN 598:6 [popular etym.]; Bnrf7X J1"D3 nyiT OHT Git 157:23 [mng. unkn.; i Nmain]. Lit: Low, Lehnw 445; Flora 2:117+; Y: ]fr'B Git ib. NnV'S n.m. crack (4- 2# xV'B; JPA 2# mB portion DJPA 434) pi. T0X 'rfr'B JV3 n'X 'XI if it [i.e. the meat] has cracks it is forbidden Pes 76a(49; E'C) '"?'B n.m. gate (< nu^n Lehnw 447; JPA 'V'B DJPA 431) sg. XriBI 'V'B the town gate SOZ 72:18 n.m. spindle (poss. < Akk pilakku AHw 86V, AIOA 82; 4- Vl>B; BH, MH l#"p& HAL K90b'S 901 NO'S 881, Yeivin, bv 830) sg. xp mm x<n)'3iy xvin rD^'B rX"'((n)l'1K? Xpl X3JT a certain Arab woman who was sitting and spinning thread with her spindle Ket 72b(15); Xp mm 1'B'X HBny1? H"jn m^'B1? .Tripos '3mxi 'smx ... X3"?'B x<i>ni'xw he saw Orpah, his mother, who was spinning (thread) with her spindle. In the meantime she cut it off [i.e. the thread] from her spindle San 95a(45); Ket 72b(16); 'X3"?B '"? 'Jl'X xa'"?13? young man, bring me my spindle San 95a(46; SM 112:26); Ket 72b(17); xVlin XS^'B XJ?T XTn one woman knows the spindle and spins (thread) BB 13b(26; P1) Y: XbVb BB ib.(BAYTN 124). SBO^'S n.m. scholar (lit. philosopher; < (piAoo-cxpoc, Lehnw 446; Sy ■** &A «« V . * LS 575, Ma XBIOX^'B MD 371) sg. XBDXty){1)B mm Sab 116a(49) Y: SBTOfr'B Sab ib.(BAYTN 277). n.m. dialectic argumentation (< MH2 VlB^B J 1184; 4- VjB^B) sg. 'aVj/3 '"jIDV'B merely dialectic argumentation Ned 38a(19); rf? KHVTQ 'X^lB^'Ba I can restore it [i.e. the Law] from my dialectic argumentation Ket 103b(42) // BM 85b (20); xton 3m jvVk£"b)3 yma iwv 311 PN used to recoil (from PN2) because of the sharp dialectic argumentation of PN2 (in the Tannaitic traditions) Er 67a(12); pl.abs. X1X3D1 ]'blB^'B dialectic argumentations and deduction iSGF 43:9 Y: '>»*$ BM ib.(BAYTN 254). 9 n.m./f. peppercorn (< Sanskrit pippali Low, Flora 3:49+; i xrfjBTB; Sy i<±^La LS 576, ModSy rCM_a_La pilpilta Maclean 253) sg. xm'B'jB D'pn nE>B'X mi3y 1<')(U3jn ;V»1B3 it is possible for him to place a peppercorn in his mouth and to perform the Temple service Ket 75a(27); xnVsV'B Xin XJlB'in one pungent peppercorn Yom 85b (22) // Hag 10a(42); pl.abs. T^BI ian wine and peppercorns AZ 30a(49) [expl. MH in ib.]; det. Ber 36b(42); ib. 44; ""VdVd "IBJ? pepper powder Sab 50b(10); ib. 141a(18); HP 190:4; 'VbVbt X3D a basket of peppercorns BB 126b (6) Lit: Flora, op.cit.; Y: '^sbs BB ib.(BAYTN 221). - NriS'lN NnV?V'S n.f. 'long' pepper, i.e. the unripe spadices of various types of pepper (4- i#-px, xronx xji^btb; Sy r<l_aA_a Jils jb k'^vxljHk' BBah 1574:13; cf. Ma "IXT "j'Bb'B MD 371 [< Ar]) pi. '^'B HXD ri?T\ xronx three hundred 'long' peppers Git 69b(20) [in medicinal use]; Pes 42b(4) Lit: Flora 3:54; Siggel 56. Nj?0i»'S 4- xpcms Nfll'3'B n. (uncertain) sg. HMGas 94:19 N33'B n.f. plate, dish (< Ttiva^ Lehnw 466, mng. B.2; I '3VB -jS^a 13; Sy rdAj^a, rdij^ LS 579) sg. XO'm X3VB a plate of the rf.-dish Tan 24b(44); 'minx X3VB another plate(ful) ib.; X'HH X3VB//u/lllb(14; V"); ib. 18 Lit: Brand 428; Y: KM'B Hul ib.(BAYTN 277). NDj73'S n.m. pinax, a wax-covered writing tablet or book (< niva!; Lehnw 466, mng. B.l; TA OpVB TJ Ezek 9:2; cf. Sy rfXx ;n^, rc*3Ltxu_a nivaKi8iov LS 580) sg. 31713 VOpVBX write on your pinax BQ 99b(54); Dy^ST n'DpVS Balaam's pinax San 106b(8); Sab 156a(17); ib. 21; Men 70a(24); 'W mm 1^'X TOpJB 1'nJlBT had you known that your (heavenly) pinax (containing your deeds and misdeeds) would be opened Ned 22a(5) Y: iTOpj'B San ib. 0'B vb. to cast a lot (denom. < 4- 2# XC'B; MH cb hif. J1166) itpe.: 'oi'B'x x1? 'mn ran «]io iio 1J7X3 do those two (priestly divisions) eventually not need to cast lots? Suk 55b(17; M2M) NO'S n.m. clod, fragment (4- VoDB) 1. clod: sg. 'ian 1X1X1 xVpi"? XD'B X1»1 ]»'X,1 one who threw a clod at a date palm, and caused the dates to fall off Mak 8a(5) // Sab 73b(30); Mak 8a(8); bpv n'3 K1V XD'B he took a clod (and) threw (it) at it [i.e. the idol] San 64a(37); 2. fragment, small stone: sg. XD'B byv a fragment (of it) is removed Bek 43b(ll); pi. 'CB GC 54:6 [expl. GeonH p3un ]'3 jm1? rnaep d'33x ib. 5] Geon. expl.: flSTX Vw nnx TGDr46 165:1. This word has been separated from I 2#KS"B, since the latter designates a lot which being small could not cause the damage indicated in these passages; Y: XB'B Sab ib.(BAYTN 135).
N^IO'S 902 X^Jfp'S N^IO'S n.m. disqualification (4- Vl#VoB) sg. JT13X1 xVlO'B the disqualification of the fathers San 28a(41) Y: X*710'B ii.(BAYTN 258). NplO'S 4- XpiDB n. Nno'S 4- xnos n. Nf'D'S n.m. board (MH2 Vdb J 1198, mng. 2) sg. Sab 80a(28) // BB 56a(4); xV0'B3 VaJ XD'l "?1X the gef (which he threw) went (and) fell onto the board (in the courtyard) Git 77b (42) Expl. Ar: xxvn i'i \k> ik nyaTX ami mwy maj xinw tiay ntya1? AC 6:380; Y: X^O'S flfl ib.(BAYTN 124). JBO'S 4- 1303 n. Nj70'S n.m. piece, group, section (4* VpOB, '3 XpO'B; Sy n'niti; part LS 583) 1. piece: pi. 'XTBH 'pO'B pieces of silk BB 143b(9; P'HP 118:13); X1X3X1 XpO'B a piece of lead TGAs28 17:20; pi. XHX1 'pO'B pieces of cedar Er 3a(35; O) [Palestinian expl. of Xnrfrax ib.]; 'pO'B pfl XrrV'in two pieces of twisted thread Anan 9:25; TGDr46 172:6 [parchment]; 2. group: pi. )33T 'pO'B 'pO'B ,!?"3? SpT the scholars who were entering in various (small) groups RH 26b(9) // Meg 18a(42) [expl. MH jump. MMeg 2:2; // J'y&p J'yDp PT Svi 38c(49) + //'s; v. DJPA 487]; 3. section of a literary work: a. Biblical [JPA P'DS DJPA 440]: sg. ,T iVVn ... XpO'B 110 T l^n Xpo'B en (the word) PP-lWrl (is written at) the end of a biblical section [i.e. the end of a Psalm; v. Ps 135:21]. (The word) rriVw (is written at) the beginning of a biblical section [i.e. the beginning of a Psalm; v. Ps 135:1] Pes 117a(49); xpo'B yxaxs n' iVVn 'rot (the word) npVpn is written in the middle of a section [i.e. between the two Psalms] ib. 50; iy TOST TON Djmpm ja XpO'B 110 from Num 28:19 to the end of the section [i.e. v. 25] HP 181:16; N'333 ItSBSI XpO'B 110 ty 'n T 'ty njl'n VxpTn'3 he recites the haftara in the prophetic book in Ezekiel (from) ch. 37:1 until the end of the section [i.e. v. 14] ib. 182:6; 14; 25; 183:13; 186:6; Anan 39:11; ib. 40:1; AnanMann 2r:6; BMsD 2:2; pi. 'p[0'B] '1 o'Vnm "ibo k/xtj 'pes j'-un in 'a'an n»(x)a 't ly jra'oai -iruVi rvfryan TK/a 'pes [jprn 'pO'S three sections of Ps 119, two sections from the beginning of the Book of Psalms, and two sections from Jlfryan TIP [Pss 120-134]. After we finish the seven sections ... AnanMann 2v:4; b. Mishnaic: sg. J'XMJIOT XpO'B TGHark 162:7; ib. 118:30; GnKl 8:3; ib. 11; OHP Ber 45:22; I'n'WlOT XpXOB OHT Git 152:19; XpO'B Xl.Tl XJ1'-|3 xn J»i JIWI that first section of this barraita TGHark 232:32 Lit: Eps, MNM 908+ [mng. 3b]; Voc: XpO'B HPP 302:20; Y; 'j»'B BB 68b(15; BAYTN 124). l#Nnp0'S n.f. section, apportionment (4- VpOS) 1. section [in scribal usage only, designating a discussion of a new part of the Mishna; 4- XpO'B]: sg. MQ 8b(13); ib. 12a(41); 17b(5); Zev lla(30); ib. 12b(20); 14a(9); 2. pi. apportionments: pi. XJlXpOB '"ID1P writs of apportionments MQ 18b(15) [defining the amounts parents will give to their children on their marriage]; XJipO'B nDW SSHai 18b(9) [fol. by the text of the writ]; Ket 102a(l; V5Ar [AC 6:384]); ib. 102b(24; V5); TGAs42 24:14 Geon. expl.: ina1? rtb wvn O^di mya nan 'ax poiBtra n1? ]jrt pos» no iaxy °?y °7apa axm tyan .-mix snpai n'xwia j'btbb nai n? idb vty pra stf/fa; I8b(i0); Y: xnpo'B #b 151a(39; BAYTN 195). [2# NHpO'S 4- 2# Xnp'OB n.] Nnp'S n.f, only in NTT NflO'S hand up to the wrist (Sy rtL>r? iucLa PSm 3183, TA T J10B TJ IK 18:44) sg. XVT XJIO'BI 'TOT X3'"in XTJ1 X'TEH a charred man lying (on the ground) and a hand lying (nearby) Yev 115a(12); ib. 16; 17; 19 Y: xnBS Yev ib. [v. BAYTN 188], NpflD'S n.m. pistachio nut (< Mir *pistak [cf. MP pistag CPD 69]; Sy ^ A A* ™ <\ LS 585, > Arab jiii Fr, AF 143, PLAr 210) sg. XpJIO'BS XpriO'D llVsi (the size of) one and a half pistachio nuts Git 59a(30); X<pJ1>{Jlp)0'B '3 T"J(BU)UE>)Xi sal ammoniac about the size of a pistachio (6.(41) Geon. expl.: npJWIB 'any pw'ra Xl.11 XpTlO'B TOW nMo pi OHP ib. 240:15. The expl. of RaH: K^3)l1lVj pipe? 'IB ^V nryiJ nap ^xyaw pwVai ... nrn Vaxa pw ohr ib. 45:6, i.e. ajs galbanum, is unclear; Lit: Flora 1:198+ [the taw shows that this word was borrowed from P and not from Gr Tuatdicia; Low, Lehnw 474] as opp. to the form pBD'B [< Gr] in JPA [v. DJPA NP'B 903 1#NTS 432]; Y: XjWO'S Git ib.(BAYTN 249). NP'B 4- Xyp'B n. NTp'B n.m. a type of demon (4- VipB; Ma X'-JPS pi. spells for restraint MD 370) pl.abs. pp'B Bo 59:7; det. 'SD1?! Hp'Bl /(.-demons and no-good spirits ib. 85:7 Lit: Shaked, Boyce Vol 5127. [NOip'B 4- Vops vb.] np'B adj., n. seeing (4 VnpB, rPrlB; JPA mpB DJPA 443) n., sg.m. xnp'B 1'XH that seeing man Gi? 69a(15) [* 4-XTiy] NJ?|7'B, Np'B n.m. fissure, anal fissure {i "J/l#ypB; Sy r^sn; LS 590, Ma xp'B MD 371) 1. fissure: sg. xyC)pB3 xriB'1? H»1 )XD 'XH 1X1 xyiX3 one who sows turnips in a fissure in a field of a proselyte Er 25a(35) [Var: 'ypS '3 O]; HG3 214:92(Var) [in meat]; 2. anal fissure [cf. Sy: rcll^no rdjH-.n'n rf \ n*\ PSm 3222]: sg. xypB3 ton 3py 'l PN was suffering from an anal fissure AZ 28b(l); nXJin Xyp'B ... nx'j'y Xyp'B upper/lower anal fissure ib. 7; XJDXT XDX'ltfp 'fl'l Xyp'B HH1? xyp'B3 nr:i let him bring the stones of a Dilmun date and place (them) in (his) anal fissure facing the fissure (in the date stone) ib. 6 [Var: Xp'B 'IIT? Xp'B TGWeisz 83b:5] Geon. expl.: Dipa Xim Xin ip ]W^ Xj?'B na'D1? ]12-\ J'V'JT pv'tK jvoa wix 1'xnipi mx^w ni'jwnna yjow TGHark 22:29, i.e. ^ place between a person's legs where they touch the body Dozy 1:772; "paw J>10 1J: nrjnj ^W plO n'3' TGWeisz 83b: 5 [mng. 2]; on the agricultural use of this term [mng. 1], cf. also in Sy: s - a ■> ^- — > KlA ... KLi.irc' i^y.n-. Geop 89:14 [v. U Seidel, AltFor 15(1988) 165]; Y: XJ)p'B AZ 28b(7; BAYTN 124). 1|?'B, INp'B n.m. dispute (< Mir *paykar [cf. MP pahikar dispute CPD 63] < OP *pati-kara) sg. 'XTI.T 'im IXp'B 1'31 l"7 mil X1? do not have a dispute with the Jews Tan 24b(37) [Var: Ip'B Ar (AC 6:404); D'nmn poy ib., X"0; v. Mai 108:20, note]; IXD'n xVl IXp'B X^l without dispute or account SSSad 202b: 19; SSHai 5a(10) Lit: Geig, AAC 333; Ros, TI 9434; Shaked, Elements 148; Kut, Studies 427+ [Heb], suggests a deriv. < Akk paqaru to claim AHw 104, but the nom. form does not seem to fit an Akk derivation; v. also TK 6:36025 [< npa], 1#NTB n.m. fruit, crop, produce, usufruct (TA p'B pi. TO Gen 1:11, Sy rc'irdJ* LS 555, Ma 1#XTB MD 371) 1. fruit: a. general: sg. X*? ,TTT X^T NTS bTlib tf'j'N «]'Xn a person is not so impertinent as to eat fruit which does not belong to him BB 33b(17); XTB XB^p resin (is considered as) fruit Nid 8a(30); XTB IX1? f'S "XH X1H this f'X (in TS'S Num 17:23) is not a fruit Anan 10:4; Xin XTB 'D'm xn)ip (as to its blessing) wheat flour (is considered as) fruit Ber 36a(10); Pes 75a(l) [4- X.TPp mng. 1]; Men 69a(5) [4- XSJH, 2#XD3n]; pi. Git 52a(49); 'TB X^aiX fruit (is considered as) food Bes 3a(10); 'TB XJlVn three (different) fruits BB 28b(14; F2); iy3 'X» 'mi»n3 ITS what is your fruit doing in my property? BQ 21b(18); pia mn "?Xia^i ,T3X XBin xyim XB-in3 TTB PN used to sell his fruit of the early season at the price of the early season BB 90b(20); 'TB3 nJl'X1? xrfall a third for my wife regarding the fruit ib. 132b(17) [in a testament]; XJ'13' Tjyi 'TB the fruit of GN £r 19a(50); 'TBT X'TJ a pile of fruit Suk 26a(27); 'TBI XJS a basket of fruit S5 35b(9); 'TBT XWm vermin of fruit ^«a« 55:11; b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V-ISX pe.: pi. yw rbn 'TB 'V niXX store the fruit for me for three years BB 90b(34); 2) Vnai pe.: sg. XTB -\m X1? 'J13XT 'm> because the fruit has not yet become fully ripened Suk 31b(17); 3) V]yD pe.: pi. 'itt? nVn ny 'tb x:yo Xs? it does not bear fruit until the third year RH 15a(10); 4) VlK/3 af.: sg. XTB nHJ/DX1? to make the fruit fit [i.e. more appetizing] BM 89b(2); 5) Vnm pe.: sg. XTBV JITU it reached the final form of fruit Pes 52b(33; C); 6) VpBJ af: sg. ppsa xVi pV'x'? XTB for trees which do not produce fruit HM 41:6; ib. 44:8; 7) VlJU pe.: pi. 'TB nrii Xp the fruit falls off Er 100b(8); 8) Vl3y pe.: pi. Xynx 'TB X13y xVi xnV33a a 'bound' land that does not produce fruit Sab 54a(15) [expl. GN ^33 IK 9:13]; 9) VddB pa.: sg. XTB 'aiBB to fatten the fruit AZ 50b(35); 10) Vnax pa.: sg. XTB 'masV to cause fruit to sprout MQ 2b(15); 11) V3pn af.: pi. 'Sp-iai '1('>3yi 'TB fruit which is apt to decay Svu 48a(12); 12) VyVn af: sg. y"?nXT Xn n'BIA X3TX y"?nxi xn TBI! XTB this refers to where the fruit itself became wormy, that to where the tree itself became wormy Hul 67b(9);
2# NTS 904 NtjNTB 2. crop: sg. XTD1T XTB1 H3T XTB a 'large' crop [i.e. fully grown] and a 'small' crop [i.e. partially grown] BB 36b(2); 3. produce: sg. TTm XB03 XTS 'in I'ln xVl X3m X$/3'D 'XT silver, which is current, is considered coin. Gold, which is not current, is considered produce [i.e. merchandise] BM 44b(l); m XTS Xa'^J T1? X^'J? if she brought in a garment, it is (considered) produce (which he can use) Ket 79b(20); NTS p'^nai XV3'UX we may redeem produce by coin ib. 38; p'^na xVi 'in xts xbos 'aiV xnnrr gold with relation to silver (is considered as) produce and we do not redeem (silver by gold) ib. 50; Git 48b(5); 'WJ'X 'T3J/ X1? 'TD1? XTDW people do not draw up a document for (the sale of) produce BB 33b(19); 4. usufruct [caique < MH nil's J 1275]: sg. lrpn xV xtst xts pn rri> lrpn xts pa~l n'V the scholars designated the usufruct for him [i.e. the husband]. They did not designate the usufruct (which accrues) from the usufruct for him Ket 79b(6; M); ib. 79a(36) The mng. of XW XTST XJS1B Er 27a(44) which refers (o fish is unclear; Voc: XTB HGP 16a:37; Y: XTB Ber 35b(39;BAYTN 12). 2#NTS n.m. ditch (< XTJrS* [Vtj?S]; Ma 2#XTS MD 372, Sy «?k±-2> cleft, chasm LS 586) sg. 'TXTJi XTS a ditch of fish Ket 79a(36); Tan 24a(49); 'Tin '31 XTS a ditch for keeping [lit. of] cattle Er 26a(15) [v. Ar (AC 6:407)]; 'Xn ,!7S1DT XTS a ditch filled with [lit. of] date residue Qid 73b(10) // BB lla(51); pi. pB?3' Xp 'TD the ditches will dry up Git 60b(48; As); 'TS '11131 g/fi? 72a(38) Lit: Ros, Ben Hayyim Vol 507+; Y: XTB g/rf ib.(BAYTN 16). 3# NTS n.m. sprout (< Akk per "u AHw 856) pi. 'mn 'TS newly laid eggs [lit. new sprouts] Hul 142a(2) &HTS n.m. mule (BH TIB HAL 906, Yeivin, BV 830) sg. '3T xVl 'TS X1?! XTTB a mule which does not reproduce and propagate Sab 67a(27); n'33T n'TlS1? he rode his mule San 95a(44) NBSTT3N TITS n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(31) Lit: Geig, AAC 37; Y: XBBTUX UTS #w/ ib.(BAYTN 315). NTIOITS n.f. covering (of fat; i V2# DT3; LJLA X3"im XmD'TS PsJ Lev 1:8; cf Sy *f ™ --ta breastplate, cloak LS 600) sg. X3Tm xnoiTS nX'TT the covering of the fat of the lung HP 202:2; X0TJ "?5?T xnDITB the covering on the stomach HG3 154:30; ib. 158:61(Var); Seel 80:16(Var) Geon. expl.: ^IM^X X3-im xnonB WITS Wehizhir2 88:6, i.e. Jjjiill kerchief; Lit: Eps, Stl 113. NjJTTS n.m. solution, answer (< MH2 pITS J 1170; i VpTS) sg. xpiTB 'Xn X'ltfip 'Xn this is the difficulty (and) this is the solution BQ 117a(38; Es); 'J'Vs "3X1 XpiTB31 XTI 'TI X'Pip3 they differ in PN's question and in PN2's solution ib. 14a (29); xap xpiTS the first solution TGHark 2:24; X'2/(1)p p,T> XpiTB pTDU/X xVl we did not find a solution to this question ib. 163:14; pi. xnyaw wnm iy 'pn's pwyi nyanx rri xipnsi I used to give twenty-four solutions for him until the legal tradition was clarified BM 84a(50); mn 'PITS TO'in ... rr> p'Tsa he would give for it [i.e. the question] twelve solutions Sab 33b(48); Xn33D"? 'pITS are solutions (effective) against (mortal) danger? AZ 30a(40); '3n31 'Tin Tin XKma '3V 'nVan TplTB they would afterwards write his answers and send (them) into the school Hor 13b(51; MGE 699:6); "X,T3 T3 lpTS'Xl 'pITS HB3 X'ltflp several solutions were proposed for this question TGHark 142:20; "B?lp X3'X 'piTB X3'X1 ib. 207:21; TGAs42 63:7; iSGF 58:3 Lit: Bacher 163; Y: XJ7WB AZ ib.(BAYTN 142). [NTITB 4- XTITS n.] NtPTTS, abs. B71TS n.m. explanation, explicit- ness (< MH2 ©ITS J 1171; i VthS; TA OTTB TO Num 30:7) 1. explanation, interpretation: a. general: sg. XpTOB 'Xm XW1TB f? TB'aV J7T X1?! he does not know how to tell us the explanation of this biblical verse AZ 4a(39); p3T0 X3TIS 'Xn nu/ITS J/T X1?! xrfra IT1? J/'aEH a .s.m. who has received a legal tradition on a matter and does not know its explanation Meg 27a(42); XW1TB TTX1 Tiaj ^'T and the rest (of the Torah) is the explanation (of this rule). Go (and) learn (it) Sab 31a(30); San 22a(21); ]'3"n'B 'Xl'Vl '3HD ^3 WITS! Xn'TlX iamb all the priests and the Levites are required to learn the Torah and its BhTB3 interpretation Anan 22:15; ib. 24:10; b. introducing an explanatory interpolation in BT: sg. ... "?JT T1? pS3 'XT XENTS explanation: If the holiday has passed ... BQ 79b(52; H,Oxf. c.23, 12); 1'3TD 'Xai 'TB explanation: What is ]'3TD [ib. 15]? Pes 56a(16); 1'ty ym 103 pa'OX 'TB nTS explanation: ]TO'OX is silver which is unminted Pes 35b(36; C); ib. 37a(3; C); 47b(6; C); AZ 61b(33; HG3 261:446); Men 105a(36); c. in Geonic lit.: sg. HP 97:21; ib. 147:7; 149:16; nb'xan xnyaen xwitb n'a n'x xjm x'jni the question that he asked has an explanation of the legal tradition that you asked ... TGHark 191:25; ib. 103:20; 268:9; WITS! H0T1 '3'n what [lit. how] is its textual reading and explanation? ib. 107:16; TGAs42 89:2; ib. 171:33; Geon 84:16; pi. n3 xsT3i x:n:x tow'Tsai xna?m '©its tud XiX^'T 'TaVn1? like the current explanations and the like which we explain to our students iSGF 51:22; ib. 25:14; 58:8; 69:16; Tin'WTTB XJ3n31 X'BW ]B XiV 1inX@T3 we have written their [i.e. of the questions] explanations as they have shown us from heaven TGHark 149:8; ib. 5:20; Geon 169:10; TGAs28 98:6; 2. explicitness: sg.det. XBHTB 'Tp'X 'a3 3p3T (the root) 3pJ was also called 'explicitness' Anan 13:20 [w. ref, to TJp3 niatPa explicitly named Num 1:17] Lit: Bacher 169.; Voc: KWTB HGP 15b: 11; Y: fltm'B Sab ib.(BAYTN 142). - tflTSa adv. explicitly IX^ 'T7 ]a J?l»m' 'TT Xn Tan'X X^3a X"7X Tan'X ©ITSS this (tradition) of PN was not stated explicitly but was stated by inference Ber 9a(7); Sab 29a(23); BQ 20b(36); BM 101a(44); BB 40b(17); Svu 21a(ll); //«/ 94a(12); H'^ 'BX xVVsa IX -fi XyB© ©TTB3 '"? XJ?'a© WITBS did you hear it [i.e. the tradition] explicitly or by inference? He said to him: "I heard it explicitly" Er 46a(9); Sab 39b(21); Yev 60b(43); Git 39b(14); 2MTB3 D'jn'X xVl J"J?X1 'J?Tia 'VlDsV even though he was not forced explicitly to annul the protests TGHark 165:9; ib. 29; WTYB<3> X^l Ono x"7 neither without qualification nor explicitly SSHai 4b (9) Lit: Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62 [1999] 53. NriEftTS n.f. scriptural pericope in the NffrSTS t : - : - synagogue (4- VtfTfl, xmhB) sg. XXn '3 Xn^lTB BMsYFr 128:6 [i.e. Dt 20:1-25:19]; ib. 140:12; 147:10; 153:8; XnWTlB BMsG 8:9 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 101. NriTS n.m. fluttering (4- VrtTS; cf. Sy rtLwia flight LS 594) sg. Xa'^l XrTTB palpitation of the heart Git 69b(10; V18); ib. 15 Geon. expl.: Kin X8 KIT Vb KO [?],THW3 1X1B ix •pv OHT Git 157:3, i.e. jljill >J>i. beat of the heart; Y: KpTB CiV ib.(BAYTN 125). KBTB 4 xnDTfl n. NDl'TS n.m. type of demon (etym. unkn.) pi. 'W3 'BTTB evil p.-demons 5o 37:6 N3TS n.m. objection, refutation (I V"pS; Sy «loi_& breakage LS 597) sg. XJ'IT XpD'B 'nx '3 X3TB n'a in'Tm 13'ap 'TI when my legal decision comes before you and you see an objection to it BB 130b(26); X3TB in1? n'X ln^iab X3TB n1? n'VT "jXiaiffia T3"7 all of them have a refutation except for that of PN, which does not have a refutation Yom 85b(16); Meg 7a(45); Hag 10a(26); Git 83a(28); Men 66a(27); Kar 4a(41); X3TB n^ n'X 'xn1? x"7i xstb n'V n'X 'xn1? x"7i neither this one nor that has a refutation Nid 23a(12); X3TS nrT7 NTp'ya from the root of the argument there is a refutation Qid 4b(34); Men 6a(12); Hul 114a(25); Tern 28b(2); pi. 'Tin "ft Tftb '3TBX why are you searching for objections (from a barraita)! Hul 76b(37; Vn); Nid 65b(24) Y: X3TB Hul ib.(BAYTN 125). N013TB 4- X013T3 n. N»TS n.m. chopped food (4- VoTS; JNA XDTB pirma large slice [of melon, etc.] HDJNA s.v.; cf. Sy Klia-i^ cutting into pieces PSm 3266) sg. Hul 120a(26) [expl. MH HBip Mib. 9:1; of meat]; 'nT3T XBTB ... XpV'DI xaTB chopped mangel- wurzel/leeks Git 69a(31) [v. infra]; ib. 69b(55); pi. 'TtJII 'DTD ... '3T3"I '»Tfl large/small pieces 5er39a(31;F) Geon. expl.: p'PD W yNBi?K XjJ^DT XDTB OHT Git 155:17, i.e. tiilll 5-LLsI ; Y: XDTB Hul ib.(BAYTN 125). Nn'jSTB, pi. '^BTS n.f. peppercorn (4-' xrfrsV's) sg. xnBnrt xn^'sns sharp 905
Nrpnx NnVsi'B 906 Ki??s peppercorn Meg 7a(50); pi. '^BTBi X3D a basket of peppercorns 55 126b(6; HP 59:3); Sab 141a(18; Ar [AC 6:440]) - KrD'IN NIMBI'S n.f. 'long' pepper, i.e. the unripe spadices of various types of pepper (4- xronx xjtVs^'b) sg. xronx xjT7|')b-i<'}b M?g 7b(7); pi. xnxsnx 'VBTB GiY 69b(20; GnK5 3:11) NSTS n.m. perforation, hole (i VpB; MH nS-l'S Yeivin, BV 815) pi. 'STB ,T3 JTXT TTO 'STB since there are various perforations (in the skin) Sab 108a(20) Y: 'XT? Sab ib. NJ7TS n.m. time, section, joint, chapter of the Mishna, public lecture, convocation (4- VpHB, 'pTB '33, XpTB tf'1; TA Xp"IB TJ Ob 14, Sy rclo-va strip LS 605) 1. time, period: sg. X»l' *73 n'plB every day is its time (to be sold) Git 31b(19); 2. joint(?): pl.cs. XCH 'pTB '3 (the area) between the 'joints' of the head Mak 21a(9); Xipi 'p'B '3 (the area) between the 'joints' of the beard ;£>.(10); 3. section: sg. DTU'31 X3'"inx XpTB3 let him recite (a prayer) in another section Ber 20b(58); 4. chapter of the Mishna, Midrash, etc. [< MH pis J 1239, mng. 2]: a. alone: sg. XpTB p'Vo the chapter is concluded passim [v. Eps, MNM 933]; Xin J'pBI n'W xap j'pIBi six (regulations) of our chapter [= RH, ch. 4], one of our preceding chapter [v. 21b] RH 31b(24); Ket 16a(15); p'TOXp ]'p,TB3 we mean (only) in our chapter Yev 9a(54); "|TX3 ]'pTB in another chapter of our (Mishna) Suk 22b(25; E2); Tan 14a(10); San 52b(35); Zev 15a(13); ib. 26b(7); XpTB "jm yrana our Mishna of that chapter Men 92b(24); ]'pTB ,!713 our entire chapter (of the Mishna) Ber 52b(42); Yev 84a(35); Ket 77a(34); Ned 82a(6); Bek 23b(32); Am 18b(36); M</47b(36); 1'pTB "13^ 31 '31 X"1B'03 to expound our chapter in the book of the be rav Ber llb(25; F); ib. 26; XpTB wn the beginning of the chapter TGHark 33:16; pi. XTODI31 XJDD» ^31 'pns the chapters of each and every tractate iSGF 32:8; '3"IX 13'3X DHTJXT T"5? mn 'pTB nx» (the rules of) idolatry of the patriarch Abraham comprised four hundred chapters AZ 14b(23; M); b. w. designations: sg. TpB»n fpTB Mf 35a(35) [i.e. BM, ch. 3]; ]'pTB ]SV7 XXTJ Ara 18b(32) [i.e. Nid, ch. 5]; 5. public lecture [cf. JPA piB DJPA 450, mng. 1]: a. general: sg. 'yVB» TpJ7'X inVlDI X3'in '3X0 TW X3XI3 TJ1? X31H 3TI we were sixty old men, and all of us [lit. them] became sterile (from extended sitting) at PN's public lecture except for me Yev 64b(22); ib. 62b(12); X1H xpiB3 prVIXT DTtfD "XH this is because he asked me at the public lecture Pes 110a(26);'"? jmp 3pj?' 'TJ mpTBfc I heard it from PN's public lecture Hag 5b(42); RH 24b(15); BQ 42b(16); San 29a(45); Mak lla(38); AZ 43b(5); b. w. vbs. describing exposition: 1) VtiTJ pe.: sg. r^VTVab TJD X31 XpTB3 PN intended to expound it at a public lecture Qid 71a(33) // Pes 50a(37); TOTT T^b XpTB3 the next day he expounded it during a public lecture AZ 28a(22); Ned 23b(18); Hul 15a(32); Men 40a(8); pi. TpTS3 PT1 TX!3 '3T '■?na xrfrin xrmx xn^w xjij/aw xrfrin pn used to expound in his public lectures one-third legal tradition, one-third aggada, (and) one-third parables San 38b(51); Tan 26b(38); 2) V'3J1 pe.: sg. n'!3p X3J1 XpTB3 X3J1 a Tanna recited (it) in the public lecture in his presence Hul 15a(33); X3J1 X3JT) '&3TJ H'TJ Dn3'B 3TI Wp"\5b 'J/^p'X X3X 'T-a iT1? TJX X1?! map I happened to be at PN's public lecture, and a Tanna recited in his presence, and he did not say anything to him Pes 100a(2); c. w. van vbs. describing attendance: 1) V'nx pe.: sg. XpTBV JITIX X1? D"a why did you not come to the public lecture? Ber 28b(3); Er 44b(9); Yom 77b(22); ib. 78a(14); gW25a(3); 2) Vsrr pe., af: sg. xp mm n'pTB3 X33';r mn X3D3D3D I was sitting in his public lecture and was dozing off Sab 56b(47); BM 64a(9); TJ fat XpTB3 3'JT mn 'WX 31 PN b. PN2 was seated (while giving) a public lecture Qid 31b(45); pi. 'pTB 3TI1D public lecturer [lit. one who convenes lectures] Er 36b(19); 3) VpB3 pe.: pB'ab X"?T TJD XpTB3 he thought that he would not leave the public lecture (to teach) MQ 21a(23); Ber 30a(52); 4) VV?? pe.: 3TT mpTB1? by nb X'TX 3T IDT PN did not attend PN2's public lecture Ber 28b(l); Sab 148a(2); 5) Vjrt»p itpe.: Pes 100a(2) it??1? 907 Krin's [v. supra, usage 5.b.2]; 6) VtJm pe.: Xin '3 W'"ia Xri3W3 XplB^ 'DiTI XpT ]33T; mV X3'Tn at first when I used to see the scholars running to the public lecture on the Sabbath Ber 6b(22) [cf. XOT'I XpTBT X"UX the merit of the public lecture is (for) the running ib. 25]; 6. convocation^): sg. XplB TU^S1? XJ?31 he wanted to make a convocation SOZ 72:17; pi. jnp'aV ybv Tin X1?! 'pTB they were unable to convene the convocations on a regular basis iSGF 99:12 [cf. GeonH: D'plB D'jnipi I§GSup 28:12; TaS 169b: 1]; '3W ]Q 'piB3 X]TJ'na3 pBXn'XT XJT>Xttn JTI'JTanp the se'eltot which were recited in the academy at the convocations in former years TO^27 74:17 Lit: Eps, MNM 993 [mng. 4]; ib. 898+; Mann, TaSl 195+; Goodblatt, RISB 191+ [mng. 6]. The exact institution indicated by this word in mng. 5 has been the source of much discussion [v. Goodblatt, RISB 171+; Gafni, JBTE 204+], and thus the translation given here should merely be taken as a rough approximation; Y: XjnS Ber 20b(58; BAYTN 125). - 1'pl'sV adv. from time to time (MH a'plB1? MBerK 9:3) 'nXTl VxWI 311TXn Tin TplsVl PN and PN2 used to see each other from time to time /SGF 81:8 NljH'S n.m. secretion, excrement (< BH 1# Ens, WlB HAL 918, Yeivin, BV 830; I 1#XJT1B) 1. secretion: sg. Xin xatys XBTPB it is merely a secretion BQ 47a(7); Hul 113b(19); ib. 116b(38); Tern 31a(16); 2. excrement: sg. "IJTItt Tn'2?1B AZ 35a(l) [of the ox]; im'T Xtt?TB TiDX ib. 4 Y: mrSHul H3b(19; BAYTN 125). Nnttf'S n.m. cut-off branch of a tree (I VniPB, t : ■ v Xn'j'N) sg. xVpm xn(tt?'){'K?lB branch of a date palm Sab 109b(25); pi. XJTIT7X in1? 3'T1 nC/B» mn 'nitf'B TWS he used to break off and give them groups of branches Bes 33b(22; RaH) NHt^'S n.m. loosing or breaking of a spell {I ^/-l27B; Ma XTtf'B MD 372; cf. TA TTtfB TJ Jud 7:15) sg. X3"IPB& XT^'B yim with this loosing I break the spell Bo 94a:4 NTl'S n.m. bread (i VnriB, 2# XDQX; TA xflB TO Gen 18:5, Sy rc^di-a LS 615, Ma XJWB MD 370) sg. xri'B Xp13' yS3 mn 13 X3Tn3 I remember when the child used to break bread BB 91b(17); Xri'B n'1 the smell of bread ib. 16; 'Xm ma T»TJ Xn'B blessed is the Master of the bread Ber 49a(42; F); Er 74b(7); Yev 97b(12); AZ 13b(29); Hor 10a(47) Y: xri'B Ber ib.(BAYTN 135). Nnri'S, SnTIB n.m. entrance, petiha, solution, the vowel patah (I VnriB; Sy nLuhis, LS 616, Ma XnxriB MD 383, MH HJIB, inriB Yeivin, BV 831) 1. entrance, opening: sg. a. general: XnJI'B XB1T xriTIB ... n3T bigger/smaller opening Er 10b(18); ib. 76a(31); 94a(51); BB 60a(16); Yom 58b(18); 'D3 nn ]'3T xnn'B an entrance between two houses Men 33a(8); Xnri'BX Xn3»T XnnTB XTn he saw a mezuza which was placed on the entrance AZ lla(14); Men 34a(10); pi. X'35? Xinn 'nriBX Tintt mm a certain poor man who used to go around begging BB 9a(39) [caique < MH2 D'nnsn "75? nma BB ib.]; iin-irx Vai ]in'nri'B p'x their entrances and all their roofs are tied Bo 6:6; b. w. a specification: 1) buildings: n'l£?3 '3T xnjVB '31'W 3"IT the entrance of PN's family estate Sab 23b(27); Ber 58b(7); nX'B;3 '3T Xnri'B the entrance of the Nasi's house Sab 155b(33); BQ 71a(34); Ket 61a(52); Qid 58a(ll); '31 Xnn'B riTJIT the entrance of a house of prostitution AZ 17a(58); 2) cities: D^TTH xnri'S Mak 19b(32); Git 56a(51); TST Xnn'B AZ 13b(15); 3) other: D3n'3T xnrtB the entrance of Gehenna BB 84a(26) [cf. San 112a(52)]; '13'p •'lb mnn'B its entrance to the cemetery Yev 86b(13); Xrnyan Xnri'B the entrance of the cave Sab 33b(34); San 98a(46); AZ 18b(8) [I nxaTI mng. II.2]; 2. petiha (proemium), a homiletical interpretation beginning with an unrelated biblical passage which the speaker connects with the biblical verse at hand [JPA 2#nnB, det. nnri'B DJPA 454]: sg. xsna xjiuhb "xn1? xnri'B nV nns ]3m' 'i PN began a petiha to this pericope from this verse [lit. here] Meg 10b(32; G); ib. 41; 50; lla(14); Mak 10b(4); 3. solution to a problem: sg. 'XWB31? Xnn'B X3X nriB'X I shall find an (exegetical) solution for myself Zev 5a(15) [fol. by prooftext]; "K/B31? 'nn'B TSf\ 'TnD 3T pB3 PN went out and offered a solution (to absolve the vow) for himself Ned 22b(35); 4. the vowel patah: sg. BMsY 54J
NSJI'S 908 :6s In spite of the fact that this word is occasionally spelled defectively [e.g. Ber 28a(48); Suk 53a(2l); BB 84a(26)], since the great majority of its occurrences are spelled plene yod, and spellings such as NnNTlD* do not occur at all, all of the exx. have been quoted in the present entry; Y: xrms Ber 8b(30; BAYTN 125). NSJI'S n.m. food ration (< Olr piQwa HAp 140; OfA *]71B DNWS1 953) sg. TIN*? KBITS 3VT Xp xVl 'an' he does not give the food ration to the brothers of the orphans OHT Yev 196:22 Lit: Eps, St2 819. NJ?ri'S n.m. slip (< tutt&kiov Lehnw 441; 4- KpriS'; Sy rdi^ua, rf n \ ^ LS 618, 564) sg. xypia XpD'B bsi a slip fell down from heaven 5A/86a(35; V22); ib. 39; Yom 69b(19); X331P 3J13 XTJS Xlltn Xpri'B PN wrote a slip and shot (it) with an arrow San 26a(48); ib. 64a(13); ,!?n mm I7'3 'D31 XpJVB H'^ a slip was hung on it on which was written ... Bek 8b(30); pi. XJlX'ltfip '3X13 111 Xtma '3 11X101 'pri'B3 they used to write the questions on slips and throw them into the school Hor 13b(50; MGE 699:5) Y: NJ771B San 26a(48). M3S vb. to become dull, faint (i xmrDB; Sy m-rLa to lose flavor, languish LS 568, Ma "ps MD 366) Pe. 1. to become dull: rvb D3S "intt1? man he will become sober tomorrow [lit. his wine will become dull to him] Meg 12b(26; M); ib. 7b(21; M2); 2. to become faint: Xpl Xin nOBO ^'TXl riBB (the color of the blood) becomes continuously fainter Nid 20b(52) [v. Pa., mng. 2] Pa. 1. to temper, moderate: n'inB TIISB1? to moderate his fear BM 66b(14) // Tan 13b(15; M2) [V17: Xiys]; XiyX 'niDBV to temper (his) sorrow Ber 56a(29; F); 2. to become faint: b'TXl rDBT Xin 'ni3Bl Nid 20b(52; Ar [AC 6:330]) [v. Pe., mng. 2] KJTinSS n.f. paleness (4- VrDB; cf. Sy r^&ocn . -K <\ folly LS 568) sg. XDTHl XTIVDB paleness of the ink Nid 20a(10) Y: KfflnSB yv/rf ib.(BAYTN 192) "IDS vb. to clasp, join (Sy i << <\ to tie, join the hands LS 568, Ma 13B MD 373) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to clasp: fl'IDXI ... JTH3B1 I clasped and bound Bo 17:7; pass.part. J'TOBI J'TOX ib. 48:1; 2; 106:4; 2. to join the hands (in prayer): H'S'^A 'IP rm 'Vsai ,TT "DB1 PN used to put on his cloak, join his hands, and pray Sab 10a(9) [cf. Sy: -i«-a_a uyj^-"^ join your hands (in supplication) PSm 3128] Lit: Eps, Stl 344. vb. to divide, separate, distribute (4- XiVlB, X3lV)B, lSX^B 2#XJ!7B, 3#XJVB, HXjVs, 1J>B, xruiVs, aVsa; Sy \_La LS 569, Ma iVs MD 373) Pe. (a/u), pass.part. lsg. XM'^B Yom 40a(13); 3m. I'^B Sab 50a(30); lpl. jriV?B Ned 4a(6); 2m. Wl'Vs AW 61a(24); 3m. 'A'^B 7ev 91a(44);- 1. to divide: '3,1 AlbB '3.1 TUVsi fl'tn 'X13 why do you divide in this manner [i.e. crosswise]? Divide in that manner [i.e. lengthwise] BM 7a(38); ib. 8a(2); nnX»X lilVs inb 'ax 'J'JB Xp '3 when they were dividing (the estate) he said to them: "Give (me) my share next to my bordering field)" BB I2b(38); Trap nxaio rf? rims rm^si jrs when they divided it, its original impurity departed from it Ber 50b(8); JlVs'1? Xfl come, let us divide BM 105a(8); XTI3H3 ]3':6b we may accept part of the testimony [lit. divide the utterance] San 10a(3); W3 n'31 '03'33 '"7 1J7B'31 X3'ya I want them to divide with me the property of my family's estate Sab 116b(3); BM 39b(28); BB 133a(3); 'XT13 J1313X 17B1 '033 '7 mnx return to me my property which your father shared with me Yev 37b(38); BM 2b(3); pass.part. xynx nxa XP7B n3'ai the boundary of the field from which it [i.e. the portion that I sell to you] is divided BB 62b(37); 2. to have a share or portion [w. "3, 'Trn w. s.o.]: a. alone: HTI 'TI3 1J17B "|TX share the rest (of the inheritance) with each other BB 58a(24); b. w. '033: XJJVa '0333 03' X7S1 1X137 after the levir had received his share in the property of the deceased Yev 37b(36); 3. to distribute: 'pD'P J'7B XIX 'TUttX X3r7B X3X I shall distribute nuts (to the children, and) you can distribute jujubes BM 60a(40) [expl. MH p7n' Mib. 4:12] // BB 21b(25); 4. w. p to distinguish: X'7'77 XBE' p ]331 '37B the scholars distinguish between daytime and nighttime Pes 2b(35; M); p X3»m 1'7B1 ITO'X X3am P7B 'a xiixa ixe>3 T"y pyb D'3iia7 crm say that the Merciful One distinguishes between J17S 909 j?b individuals and a multitude concerning idolatry. Does the Merciful One distinguish concerning other commandments? San 15b(35); 5. w. Xlp' to honor [cf. MH2 1133 pbn J 273]: n'31 1'7 1'7B Xlp' his teacher honors him 55 119b(21); 6. to differ, disagree: a. alone: iai7 XXU17B p OX n'jB'Jll if so, it is a difference of opinion from that of yours! Let it differ! BB 170a(4); X371 31 J'"?B1 X17I PN is a Tanna and may disagree (with a statement in our Mishna) Ket 8a(45); Tan 14b(21); BM 5a(21); pass.part. 'I'^D xV 'a^J? 'Vl3 V'xt '3'n 'j'^D '3 'in x'^ya xom no one disagrees that it constitutes a valid get. They only disagree where he said to him ... Git 29a(53); San 79b(37); Wl^B 'ai do you differ? Er 10b(29); b. w. "3: 'J'Vb 'Xa3 in what do they differ? MQ 10a(34); X'3D1 TV "1 H3 'V^B PN and the elders differ on it Yev 16b(6) [v. Bacher, Tradition 542+]; Er 24b(23); Yom 42a(3); c. w. 1ri3: '13a ••xhs xmy "ina 'xam 'xmax inVis now, then, all of the Tannaim and Amoraim differ according to Ezra('s ordinance) Ber 22b(5); d. w. "H/ty: '3 J'VBT XIH XB'DX J'Vb he only differs concerning the latter part (of the Mishna) Mak 4a(12); in1? -iB3i rVs xnV'a nVisx 'i xemn 't '»3 nVs'ii m'^y r'js nm irr'nV'o 'pom ny p-iV let pn differ also on the first part (of the Mishna)! PN differs on the whole matter, but he waits until the scholars complete their statement, and then he differs with them Men 108b(8); Naz lla(23); Yev 56a(49); Nid 22b(24); H'ty 5*73 "lrf?X he was immediately at variance with him San 110a(12; HeMGN 269:9); JTrry 1'Vb AVs'a XH1 does he not, in fact, completely disagree with him? Sab 142b(l); Men 68b (12); "n H'^y ]33T T^B X1? ''py the scholars do not disagree with PN Yom 6a(19); Xim 13'Vj? XH'^B I differ with you in one (matter) Yom 40a(13); 7. to be exceptional [v. Af, mng. 2]: l"?B l"7BT ]V3 since he was exceptional he remained so Git 28a(20; VI5V18); H3pi3 P"7BT Xim na3n3 V^tn Xim in a case where one is exceptional in wisdom, and in a case where one is exceptional in old age BB 120a(12; V22) Pa. 1. to distinguish, make a distinction: 'Xa rVsa xpT xbid X3w 'xai rVsa xp xVt xwi X3© what is the difference between the former part of the Mishna in which (the, Tanna) does not make a distinction and its latter part where he does? BM 78a(21); ib. 17a(7); p 1'Vsa Xp X*7 mvm ]3 J113P31? ''"131 PN does not make a distinction between (the sale of) male and female (horses) AZ 7b(29); Qid 47a(22); p'X p 'JlVsV nans X1? '"7'a you do not have to distinguish between these matters TGHark 2:13; 2. to distribute: 315?D3 xai3 xa-ll n"? I'jVsa in Eretz Israel they distribute it [i.e. the animal to the priest] bone by bone Hul 132b(34) [cf. Ma: p'lVXB'n X'TaixnV you should distribute them to the priests MD ib.]; 'TXp"7 XJfrSBI '3Xan3 XT1 she prostitutes herself for pomegranates and distributes (them) to the sick OHT Git 197:26 Af. 1. to separate: H'3'a n'!tfB3 r^BO H1H xV he would not have separated himself from it Hul 5a(l); 2. pass.part. to be outstanding, exceptional [v. Pe., mng. 7]: J'Vsx J'^DXT ]YO since he was exceptional he remained so [i.e. if he had reached this extreme age we assume that he continued to live] Git 28a(20; Ar [AC 6:336]) [v. OHR ib. 17:15]; pass.part. jVsaT ]xa one who was outstanding (in wisdom) iSGF 106:16; ib. 107:10; NDGR 160:4; 3. w. Nnj'B0b» to sail a boat [cf. MH2 n'3B0n T1X J'Vsn BY 4930]: J'Vsa 'y3T 'Xa T3yi mrsob i? he sails the boat away and does what he wants AZ 69b (7) Itpe. 1. (e) to be divided: X'tt ll'^'X H'3T 0W13 because the (primeval) waters were divided on it [i.e. Monday; v. Gen 1:6-7] Sab 156a(28); pX nVs'x 'i3i <]pyb 'Vn ix aiVb'x wivb bmw was Eretz Israel divided according to the (number of) tribes or was it perhaps divided according to the number of individuals [lit. head of men]? BB 121b(29) [Var: l^Bri'X G; i'jB'X P1; cf. MH: D'Oaiy1? OVWIT np"7nri3 Meg 26a(31)]; 1'3'm XriX3'ria 'mn j^B'X how the two academies became divided iSGF 72:9; ib. 89:9; 2. to differ, disagree: X3a'T Xin ]'n'3Jl»3 H3 lr'rB'X XH they, in fact, differed on it once in our Mishna Pes 52a(37); Yev 110a(4); BM 15b(22); Xp 'X»3 'l^B'a in what do they differ? RH 26b(43); Sot 19b(17); Zev 55b(l); 'jVfl'ap xm in this (matter) they differ Ket 91a(l); Git 39a(12); Men 54a(10);
1#N?fe 910 Kjfo-j Kjfe Xtma '3 U^B'a Xp mn in Xav one day they were disagreeing in the school BM 84a(42); "VI Xtfb imVB'ap XTT "TO nan let us say that you and PN differ in respect to PN2's opinion Bes 7b (3 8); Ket 38b(23); San 9b(8); girf 12a(23); ^'8 rfrm U'^B'Xl Xin Tin^a) it was only in three matters that they differed iSGF 10:6; ib. 37:11; 3. to be separated: X31B H'1? I'^BTTX jrVja 'XI if we raise (the Temple), it would be separated from it [i.e. the Sanhedrin] by a great distance [lit. much] Zev 54b(21; V8); Er 9b(30); Suk 17b(5); XT7 A^BJTX the lineage was separated Yev 21b(48); 4. to be scattered: IX bi? ]121 "il'^B'Xl the scholars were scattered to every side iSGF 10:10 Lit: Bacher 156. The evidence in BT for the Af. pass.part. is very tenuous: 1) jlWOT 3py 12 XrlK 21 PN who was outstanding Er 63a(26); but 02Ar [AC 6:336]): JIBUTI; 2) S1.11 i:pT2 Asm Kim ,l»3n2 Asm this refers to one who is extremely wise/old [lit. exceptional in wisdom/old age] BB 120a(12); but note EsP2: AsiBT as well as the fact that the continuation of the phrase is in H. 1# K&9 n.m. half, waist (I Vj"?D; TA xfts TO Ex 25:10, Sy tO^ls LS 570, Ma 1#x:6xb MD 360) 1. half: a. general: 1) people: coll. piny xiVs -pn '-n .Tap"? inx nibs'? nr1?! xa"?b half (of them) fled. They deducted half of it [i.e. the coronation tax]. The other half came before PN BB 8a(41); Xl^B piBJ half went out San 14b(15); 2) objects: sg. TTab XA^B half (of my estate) for my daughter BB 132b(17); ib. 62b(30); xyian Xl^B xVlA'y Ija (the area of) a square (inscribed) within a circle is half (of the square circumscribed around the circle) Er 76b(10); n'^B1? iTTiniP he manumitted half of him Git 40a(49); Bek 23b(24); Xl^BI X8V a day and a half Yev 25a(10); xrmyoi XJ"?B 'm the cost of half of the meal Git 56a (1); XTIDXT Xl"?B half a cubit Sab 98a(12); Yev 119a(33); Sot 32a(6); H^pTtOI H'jfrB half a mitqal AnanSch 16:4; XJ^S "]TX the other half Yom 85a(ll); Kef 15b(27); XJ'inx Xi"?B the other half (of the property) SSHai 1 la(21); b. in numerical expressions: mV' XJ^BI XJVltfV she gave birth at 61/2 (months) Yev 42a(33); XJVBI no@'mn 12 1/2 (years) Sab 89b(38); J?3"IX 'xna xj"?bi jmxi 'xna xj"?bi 41/2 (cities) from this (tribe) and 4 1/2 from that one San 11 lb(62); pl.cs. x"?p'T ':6b '171 two halves of a date palm [i.e. both owned in partnership] Ket 109b(41); X*?'a 'J^B xrfrll three halves of a mile [= 1 1/2 miles] Sab 34b(35); X'B ':6b XTPtf six half measures of water BB 96b(16); c. in phrase XiVs XlVsi equally divided [lit. half and half]: Vl» 181 Xl"?B1 XAbBB inx W'Xl D'W (the testimony of) two women against one man is like equally divided (testimony) Sot 47b(29); Pes 79b(6) [pure and impure people]; Yev 119a(33) [sons and daughters]; ib. 88b(37); Yom 84b(37); Qid 73a(38); Bek 23b(24); d. in sequence ... X^B XA^BI: "|ty XlVfll 'Vy Xlb*) half (of the years) are upon me and half are upon you Sab 89b(42); 'XH jnpB XJ^Bl nr>a XJ"?S XpD'y a joint venture is considered as being half a loan and half a deposit BM 104b(37) // BB 70b(7); X^B1? rf? V'BXl iT^XaBH XJ^Bl Xra'T he eats half of the right side (of the bird) and half of its left side Sab 90b (23); 'W? Xl"?Bl .Tb'"fr X^B half for him and half for me SSHai 10b(5); xmn XJ^B XJTPX Xin Xp'ny XJ^Bl a partly new and partly old (wall) BB 7a(24); 2. waist [i.e. half of the body; Sy, ib., mng. 3, Ma, MD 361]: sg. T'ailiTT 'X1?'^ -pbsa (iXH'amnxi 'Xnrr? •p^B^ia from the your waist upward is (under the control) of Ormizd; from your waist downward (is under the control) of Ahriman San 39a(29) [cf. Ma: 'X1?'1? XJ"?XB ]B1 XB'Vy she is vigorous from the waist upwards AM 22:1]; xmaaisi xj<a>a);ranBV 'a"p 'by 'ib n'J^B iy everyone('s height only) reached until the waist of the guard of GN Nid 25a(2); 3. middle: sg. pp]10S3 'IIXT rufrfl the middle of the Torah in verses BMsL 13:33; VPiVb ty ]B'D7 X1By3 (the city gates of GN) which were covered up halfway [lit. to their middle] with earth Er 6b(23) Voc: mbs HGP 28a:29; Y: XJ1?? Sab 90b(27; BAYTN 330). - sain aaVs n.m. middle of the day, noon (Sy rd^3o_.^ cn^A-a LS ib., mng. 2) sg. XTPD "IHD XBl'l XlVs .Tin (if) noon shone, it was the middle of the day Yom 59a(33); Sab 131a(7); 5M77a(7); ib. 98a(5); Nid 33a(47); Geon 164:11; AnanEps 289:13 Y: KOin Mis Sab ib. - K'V'^7 NaV? n.m. middle of the night, 2# Ki1?? 911 njwVs midnight (Sy rcilLin <n-5s,A-a LS ib., Ma Xl"?XB X'V'Vl MD 360) sg. BM 76b(35) n.m. apoplexy, a demon (4- ^ilVB; Sy r^li LS 570, *UJli Jawal 114:3, Ma 2#Xl"?XB paralysis, kind of demon MD 361, > Arab gJll Fr, AF 263) 1. apoplexy, sg., only in phrase NsVb mi [lit. spirit of apoplexy]: XlVs mi n,!? Xinx apoplexy will seize him Pes lllb(2) [cf. Sy: ,cooi_i. rcijx^. Kl\i-a ujci Mt 17:15(Sin)]; HM 37:14; 2. a demon: sg. Bo 59:7; ib. 64:25; pi. ':6b tf>. 33:19; 105:2 Geon. expl.: "n K1? [?]1JH I'^'B 'X XD'l in HOT !'lVB one side shriveled [perh. became paralyzed] ... he will not live TGAs42 164:8 [mng. 1]; Lit: Geig, AAC 131, s.v. tTll; Pfl 82; Y: mi HpB Pes ib. 3# NjVs, NJNVS n.m. portion (of food; I VlVs; Sy Kl^i-a division LS 569) pi. 'JTC I'm '■? 13'ip 'ixbs 1'nw ins 'Vaxi xibV 'ra tji^t they brought before me sixty plates of sixty types of a prepared dish, and I ate from them sixty portions Meg 7b(12); 'J?S1 'JXVb lnrnnx they surrounded him with portions and plates Yom 83b(29; M) [Var: '1T>B Ar (AC 6:336); 'lV3 L] Expl. Ar: JIB ■?» JllTJin AC ib.; Y: 'Jl^S Meg ib. riNl1?? adj> n. disputatious (I Vl"?B) n., sg.m. Dlp'J nXiVs '»pa shall we stand up before a disputatious man? Git 31b(32) // ib. 62a(49); Er 61b(30; O); 133'apiX 'XlVs the disputatious man has stirred you up Qid 58a(18) Y: XJ1?? Qid ib.(BAYTN 105). U^S n.f. abs./cs. half, middle (4- VlVS; TA xfniVB TO Num 31:36, Ma uVXB cs. MD 361, Sy rc'&o.S^-a, cs. ^c>-^li, ^jlJ» c>AA-a LS 570; cf. JPA nanj uVb DJPA 137) abs. 1JX3 Mbs 'X XTDBna TlVin 'in if (regarding) profit (the partner gets) half, regarding loss (he bears) two thirds BM 68b(47); cs. XpU l^B half indemnity for damage Ket 41a(25); BQ 13b(49); ib. 40a(48); San 3a(23); Svu 33a(36); Xmi (^(XIiVd Xilp nVBl half of the profit and half of the principal BM 105a(ll); xmn nVB ib. 69a(21); H'niX uVb half of his wage HG2 410:19; Bes 29a(l) [4 XD-iri]; »fc. 2 [I lSXp^'n]; 3 [I X'tlX]; xnyiy u"?b 'yop in yanx uVsa mn '3 nwya n'-nnx1? xnyw <i>o^b 'yo xp -i»i n'ap1? the incident occurred in the middle of the fourth (hour). One (is of the opinion that a person) may err a half hour preceding it and the other that he may err a half hour following it Pes 1 lb(37); ll^B W middle of the sixth (hour) ib. 12b(10; C) Lit: Nold, MG 313 [cs. form]; Y: vfo Bes 29a(3; BAYTN 331). — 10'j? 1S7S n.m.cs. vice emperor (I ID'p) sg. "lO'p llVsi ID'p emperor and vice emperor San 98b(53) Y: ID'p. 'J1?? San ib. n.m. sea (< neXayoc; Sperber, Nautica 147; Sy eOJoAj^i-a LS 571) sg. uV n'TlT "D'TIXI n3"l Xa' OIlVs they overtook him in pelagos, the great sea Bo 76:6 = ib. 77:9 DOVVs 4- 3#XjVBn.] n.f. division, t : : r tt:tt:: distinction, difference of opinion (i VaVb, 13 XmV?B; Ma l#xmi^>B dissension MD 374; cf. JPA lJbB DJPA 434, mng. 2) 1. division: sg. BB 2b(4) [expl. MH HS'ITO Mib. 1:1, w. ref. to nSTO Num 31:43; * I 1#XTU mng. 1]; V2yb XI\ XJ11V7B come (and) let us make a division ib. 3a(13); 2. distinction: sg. xmr>B n'3 XTX ]Dp regarding an infant there is a distinction (if born before or after the holiday) MQ 14b(l); Pes 46a(2); 3. difference of opinion: sg. 'TJ XJlllVs yVV? "11 ITy'^X Sab 117b(25) [v. K 31:168+]; *\ V^n ri'3i 'xaw n'3i xnjibss ]:3ni n'apy ia n':an 'J^B'a Xp PN and the scholars (in a barraita) have the same difference of opinion as PN2 and PN3 (in the Mishna) Yev 116b(32); xnilVsi X'n Xnil'jB XD'iai the difference of opinion in the barraita is genuine Bek 24a(5); xruV7B xnX113"n a difference of opinion of the scholars Sab 15a(25); '30T 'nJl'jB a difference of opinion of the scholars Ber 50a(42); pi. inrj xriXJlVs there are differences of opinion (in this matter) MQ 22a(26); Bui 50a(25); inn mxbs '83 'jn these too are differences of opinion Bes llb(31); XJlXJVJBa n'WBl 'pIBxV in order to avoid differences of opinion Pes 115a(8); ift KMihsi 'T'H Xp he does not deal with differences of opinion Yev 9b(14; HPP 252:20); XriXlfts ]B'^m '"?'a I'b'XS Xnxi^'BJ many differences of opinion were exchanged in these matters TGAs42 61:23;
nVs 912 i#'?s xtixiutVb ib. 63:6; pa-n xnxnVs iSgf 29:19; /& 115:2 Lit: Eps, PLA 192 [mng. I]; Y: xraiVs BM 43b(19; BAYTN 294). FITS vb. to work, serve, worship (Sy .»U LS 572, Ma ,"|7B, 7,1B MD 374, 366) Pe. (a/a) 1. to work: xar '713 n'3 'n7B nm mxan x'nn a certain donkey with which they were working the whole day Tan 24a(20); 2. to serve: rfrS'X XJX1 '3'Jl' 1310'Xl ip"Xl I shall serve, honor, and support you SSSad 232:16; ib. 236:8; S?//a/" 2a(7); ib. 13b(19); 73 'Xap Jin7BT nXJTO minM "n 'ar you are manumitted on condition that you will serve me all the days of my life HP 45:15; "7 nVs )X» may 1X7 'XI if (the slave) does not work for him, who will serve him? Git 12b(8); 3. to last: •'VO 32/ '7 'n7B XpH 'JXDa shoes which will last me for seven years ib. 68b(8; AsSM 76:26); 4. to worship: a. God: 3«ren '371 '3 [Xl]am 'ap nVs'ab KJ'J'X just as one is required to worship the Merciful One AnanSch 3:6; b. idolatry: HIT mi3J77 n7B 7'TX1 he goes (and) worships idolatry Yev 76a(38); San 101b(56); ib. 102b(12); Git 57b(35); Ber 59a(42) [rainbow]; .17 n7Bl '117 17 pia he sells it to a pagan, and he worships iMZ43a(36); ib. 1 la(36; J); 22b(5); 53b(47); 54a(22); 64b(3); 'ff'a "Jin7 11113 17'X xa7'X7 in^S '!jn had they lashed PN, PN2, and PN3 they would have worshiped the idol Ket 33b(2); o'7ipia7 'n7B x7i 'j'-inx D'u ijix other pagans came who did not worship Hermes AZ 50a(25) Pa. to bribe: Kin «]X 10'p '37 'H7B7 ,T7 TTX 'XT n7B(a>l 7'TX 'B3 if he has to bribe the government, he will also go and bribe (it) Ber 27b(48; F); '37 xyrxs xin7B» xp 'xa wyr r'""a X37a 113W do you know how much I bribe the court of king Shapur in secret? Hag 5b(3); X17B n7B X17B31 -|7 '1,T7 half (of the money) will be for you, and bribe with half AZ 18a(54) 1# B7B vb. to exude, disgorge (Sy 1# .\\ ft LS 573, Ma D7B MD 374) Pe. (e/u) 1. to exude: 5773 nm D'7B1 mm because it exudes and then absorbs Hul llla(12); ib. 112b(10); J773 y73'a D'7B X7 B7S'D (the meat) will certainly absorb (the milk, but) it will definitely not discharge (it) ib. 108b(ll); AZ 76a(35); TGAs28 44:20; 2. to disgorge: ]a 137 <1,)(XI31 'ap D17BT1 X1? DJ7ia@73 '0"11 '1p do not disgorge anything before your teacher except for a gourd and a c/.-dish Ned 49b(18) // Tarn 27b(47) [i.e. after eating them; v. expl. Ar infra]; 1'B7B1 XT1X yps the cedar split and disgorged him San 101a(33); X7'y2n 'T!3 17 XD'7B while (the animal) was coughing it disgorged it HP 201:18; 3. to enhance (of faded handwriting): 'l"?D Xs? B'7B X1? 'XI »'7D B'7S 'X Xin if (the treatment with an extract of pomegranate peels) enhances (the faded writing) it is well. If it does not enhance (it) there is nothing Git 19b(47) Pa./Af. to cause to exude: ,T3T1 '3 1'3 B'7Ba he may cause it [i.e. the metal vessel] to exude (the absorbed blood) in the appropriate way HG3 217:49; ib. 273:25 Expl. Ar: ii Tp'ia p'-inx1? jn lrx nx xcni Kip ^sxw inx1? -ox ■?» nV'nsn ism j'snww AC 6:340. 2# B7B vb. to escape (Sy 2# -Vy* LS 573, Ma CJ7B MD 374) Pe.: 'JIITO '7 'D7B I have escaped from two things Ket 112a(40); 7lDp'X1 '11 733 B'7B X1H among all these (people) who were killed did he (alone) escape? Yev 114b(38); 71X1 D7tt>3 D'7B you will escape safely HM45:5; ]X iy xisn x3oy p'73xpi ma p'D7B x7 we have still not escaped from it [i.e. from the nourishment of animals] for we eat herbs of the field Pes 118a(21) 1#'?B vb. to split, open up (< 4- Vy7B; i 2#X7'D; Ma 2#X7s to divide MD 373) Pe. 1. to split: Xltf'1 '7B Xp 3'JV 11,1 he was sitting (and) splitting the (animal's) head Yom 87a(50); Hul lla(ll); Xiail '7XB Xp 3'Tl' 11,1 he was sitting and splitting a pomegranate San 108b(45; K); '1 'Willi XDlip '73 Xl'in PN used to split open a particle of clay Nid 20a(50); 2. to open (of a sealed document): rP'tm 1"7B1 he opened it up [i.e. the double document] and saw it BB 160b(36); ib. 164b(10) Pa. to split: nap 73X1 '73 he split (the pomegranate) and ate (it) in front of her Ket 61b(ll) [v. Pe., mng. 1]; "17B 'xt'B she 2# 'VB 913 O^B completely split (the fetus on abortion) Nid 21b(45); ib. 46; 47 Itpe./Itpa. to be cracked: K'^DJia 'X 1"57 ^T "iVsn'X go (and) see if (the excrement) is completely cracked Ber 25a(50; Ar [AC 6:331]); .TTiinna xV's 'Vs'x rf?y 'nxi "?'tx xpi nna while he was looking into the matter (of the winepress), a crack developed at its bottom AZ 74b(18; JHG3 263:84) 2# '^B vb. (uncertain) Af.: XrVUS'1? X'Vsa mm she ... licentiousness AZ 44a(16) [expl. BH nrixVsa ik 15:13] The passage is not explained either by RaH or by Ar [AC 5:211, s.v. nx^SQ]; cf. Tos ad loc. '1N'3 N'"?B n.m. a species of locusts (etym. unkn.; I XIX') sg. Sab 90b(20) [expl. MH miss D'ans Mib. 9:7] Y: 'TX? nyis Sab ib. KT'^S n.m. bronze (Sy rc'lLa copper LS 572, M'a XU'^B MD 374, MP brinjWl CPD 20, > Arab jii slag, dross Fr, AF 153) sg. X3iTn Hipb ]3T XI'Vbt "?V33 he bought a gold bowl as if it were (gold-plated) bronze BQ 113b(28; EsF'H[corr.], Ar [AC 6:339],HP 88:6) Lit: Fauna 236; Tel 106. nsnarVs adj., n. Philistine (Sy rdi^-xl-a PSm 3165) n., pl.m. lin mvnyi 'XriW^BI ]W>13, the stacks of the Philistines were of lentils BQ 60b(44; F1); ib. 49; 'XrwVs yiX the land of the Philistines San 95a(38; SM 112:7) "]Vb vb. to spin (denom. < 4- XsV'B) Pe.: 'VD XS'jB RIND (a woman) spins thread while (holding) a conversation Meg 14b(13; CAr [AC 8:180, s.v. 2TW]) n.m. Mediterranean benito (Thynnus sardu; < raxXaujioSia Sophocles 832, 888; cf. MH Oia^lB THul 3:27[506:5]) sg. AZ 40a(8) [I xns] Lit: Fauna 16; Y: jqiB1?? AZ ib.fBAYTN 243). ]7B n.m. so-and-so, such-and-such (LMApe-la- Hi/Uruklnc 22, Sy ^ LS 575, Ma ]iibs MD 373) sg.abs., only in apposition to a n. [cf. Sy ,±a rc'HKta LS ib.]: pS "jn1? XJ'Daa Xp I shall bring (it) to such-and-such a place BM 81a(26); Ber 18b(41; F); ib. 42b(44; P); Ket 105b(38); l"7B xn31T BB 73b(39); f?S xmiX such-and-such a road Sh* 52a(53; M2); Git 68a(34; V18); XTOOa ]^B xmoai f?2 such-and-such a tractate and such-and-such a tractate //or 10b (24) Y: V?? BB ib.(BAYTN 209). N'3?S, abs. '3?S n.m., f. NJl'379, n'379 so- t:t:' -t: ' t-t:' -t: and-so (Sy K'&.o-La, abs. , < V % ^ ; i V °> LS 575, Ma IN^B, f. XTl'JxVs MD 373) a. alone: sg.abs.m. '373 12 '37B NN b. NN2 SSHai 2a(4); '3731 '37B |1TUX1 you, NN and NN2 ib. 3b(10); '7B '?B 13 /& 15b(15) [freq. abbreviated so]; //>. 18a(19); f. T13 XT n'37B7 pi '37D ©OlCip NN betrothed NN2, rny daughter ib. 18b(16); ib. 12b(3); detm. X'a7Bl X'37D San 29b(17; HP 79:34); X'37B AZ 12b(21); X'37B X'37B 5A&G 22:11 [w. ref. to a PN occurring twice, e.g. Htt/a n#'» Ex 3:4]; X'^B '31 'TIT '7 D'X NN owes me money BQ 104a(38); X'17D7 n'3,T give it to NN Git 14a(13); Yom 82b(3); RH 26b(l); BM 69b(12); 55 30a(23); XM7BT X7p'T NN's date palm Svu 46a(43); X'37BT '1'J? NN's eyes Hor 5a(46); Xin X17T1 X'37B so-and-so is a robber BB 30b(6); XT1'J7B 13 X'17D Pes 112a(25); Yom 84a(10); xri'17B "13 X'37BT XDT the blood of NN b. NN2 Git 69a(26); f. Xn'17B H7 Xiax NN said to her Tan 25a(6); MQ 18b(33); m xri'37B XJl'17B5er 18b(41; MGG 805:15); Git 35a(48); ib. 69b(34); b. w. a preced./fol. n.: m. '17B D1'3 on such-and-such a day S&/a/ 15b(6); Xiri'a '7B NN, the deceased ib. 12b(l); xn3'Jia Vm '7B PN, the head of the academy Dec 1:1; '7J?3 '7D PN, my husband ib. 9:2; 3:4; 4:17; 5:3; f. JVJ7B Xrixa such-and-such a town SSHai 2a(3); ib. 5b(20); XJT37B XJ13n such-and-such a place Ket 105b(38; MGE 537:13); 'nril'X J1'37B NN, my wife SSHai 13b(13) Because of the common MH 'Jl1?!!, the JBA form is freq. corrupted w. a waw, e.g.: Xn'^B 13 X'Jl^S &j6 67a(24); Voc: X'J?B HGP 2a:10; XrP:V?D HPP 235:20; Y: X^S AZ 12b(21; BAYTN 209). D7B vb. to demolish (etym. unkn.; cf. Akk palasu to bore through, break AHw 815) Pa.: X707 iT07B (the ass) demolished the basket BQ 19b(43); X7D '017B7 ib. 45; D'7B "mrr 73XT it ate and afterwards demolished (it) ib.
•moVs 914 »as Expl. RaH: v:'B3 "|nn. n.m. forgery, fraud (< *nXao- xfip GLLT 149; 4 10; cf. Sy r^_a>i tY> V fs false words LS 575) sg. nnobs 'Tp 1.0 the brother of my lord is a fraud /1Z llb(14) [Var: IBoVb M,MGG 486:1] Y: -WO1?? /(Z ib.(BAYTN 297). J^B vb. to divide, split (4- Vi#'Vb, Vp^B; cf. Arab £Ji to split Hava 574) Pe.: jrt>XB xpi 3'ff mn Xixail he was sitting and splitting a pomegranate Sa« 108b(45) b"SVs vb. to argue, debate (V?Vs; 4- XiVs^Sa, xVlsV-B; MH Vb'jS LNVTH 280) Pal.: 'JXfll ]Xa '"jIB^bV 5?T xVl one who recites (the Tannaitic tradition), but does not know how to argue iSGF 44:11; ib. 15 p"?B vb. to split, smash (-1 Vxp"?B, jrt>B; Akk palaqu to slaughter AHw 814, Arab Jli to split Wehr 727) Pe.: XJXBll X3X p'VXB Xp mn my father was splitting a pomegranate San 108b(45; MGG 17:11); n'1? <')(l)pVB1 H'Try TCI XV 'XT if not, (the maladies) will return upon him and smash him Git 69a(15; Ar [AC 6:358]) Expl. RaH: iwaw pwtai 'pV'B ]v ;l?3 mon m "s mix poixi np^s oixn ''jit ia ]^»» pon Ar [AC ib.], i.e. <putaKf|, <2i The rt. is, however, Semitic, and the Gr deriv. [accepted in Lehnw 449, fol. RaH ib.; but v. Fr, AF 282] and translation should be rejected. XJ?Vs n.m. ax (4 Vp^B; Sy rdiii_a LS 576, Ma Xj^'B MD 371) sg. 'Xp^B '■? an Xa,!?iy servant, give me my ax San 95a(46; HeMGD 465:11) [Var: 'XDV'B Ar (AC 6:346)] The rdg. w. qof is preferable to the var. w. kaf since it is difficult to see how a spindle could have penetrated Ophrah's head and killed her [4 VpTlB]. The rare word here was replaced by the more common 4 NDV'B which appears previously in the story. Lit: AIOA 82 [not < Akk]. N138 4 X1B n. [snpias 4- xmpisa n.] H'naS n.m. protection (perh. < MP panahTh protection cpd 64) sg. xm xaVya n'nnusi rrnso K3'SD Xpi I merely want protection [Hebrew gloss: guarding] BQ 103a(6; Es) [H: ""XTUS""]; n'p3W TniB1? he left it [i.e. the letters on the jar] for protection Yev 115b(24; Ar [AC 6:368]) Geon. expl.: TmXri ... niawra "B Ar [AC ib.]; v. also OHP BQ 158:23; Lit: Geig, AAC 329; Y: «;ms BQ ib. [v. BAYTN 221]. '38 vb. to remove, release, free for interpretation, relieve oneself (4- X'3B; Sy r^ia pe., pa. LS 578) Pa. 1. to remove, take out: a. utensils: XrfrtJIM 'X3a ,!7 "UD remove my vessels for me from the sukka Suk 29a(ll); Er 68a(28); Tan 20b(30); b. earth, debris: IT'IBJ/1? ni'JB clear away their earth [i.e. in front of the gates] Er 6b(26); Naz 65b(l); BM 116b(10); San 48a(20); AZ 53b(4); 2. to empty: 1B3'a mi'JBI ITTX DX T1? 1B3 mn were it (the case) that he had emptied them [i.e. the vessels of teruma], he would have completely erased it [i.e. the mark] Yev 115b(22); 3. to release: Xl'T JT3 ]tt X131 nXJS1? 7VJ7a DX if you want to release a man from prison HM 42:1; nXlSIX}1? ib. 39:20 Af. 1. to free a text for interpretation: '3iT71 fTlS ■'i'vb nana1? T'IBX it is for this purpose that (Scripture) freed it (in the case of) the animal for interpretation in two ways [lit. on two sides] Nid 23a(l); "USXV in TBVA'V Xia'1 (the word) XT3'1 [Gen 1:27] (is needed) for itself. (The word) 12"1 [ib. 2:7] (is available) to free for interpretation Nid 22b(44); Sab 64a(38); BQ 25b(30); Bek 32a(27); pass.part. 'JBI3 "USX "X1? it is not so. There is (a text) completely free for interpretation Sab 131a(22) [for add. exx., v. 4 "X1?]; Yev 4a(33); ib. 17b(21); Bek 32a(22); Ara 18a(46); 2. to release (from school): X1B0 X? '13 '1BX oh, teacher, release my son from (school) SYes 45 [quoted as spoken JBA] Itpe. to be free, available: '31 '3T1!rt> XTWn ^'T'X rt> X1T3J/ X<J>'JB'I3 I shall go now (to attend to) my needs, and when I am free I shall perform it [i.e. the commandment] TGAs42 163:23 [w. ref. to Yom 33a(44)] Itpa. 1. to be removed: 15313133 'inn 7»JHjVl ■ub'x '3 us'x xn us'x 'xub'xi Tin xVx nn xb 'M ns'x xV Vxiw px n^isa Vax dnrm according to your reason those killed by Nebuchadnezzar were also not (in Jerusalem). They had been (there), but they had been entirely removed. They, in fact, were only removed from Jerusalem, but they were not removed from all of Eretz Israel N'38 t : t 915 "708 Zev 113a(47); 2. to relieve o.s. [cf. MH2 'M nif. J 1188, mng. 4, JPA "JIB toilet DJPA 426]: Xl'Jtt "liB'X1? I need to relieve myself Ber 62a(45); Sab 140b(30); Pes lllb(l); ib. 21; MQ 26a(39); AZ 29a(9); Bek 27a(28); HP 187:22 Lit: Bacher 157 [Af] ['33 n. (uncertain) TIB '»1j?» 'X 'Tn V>T go (and) see if its [i.e. the dung's] ... form a crust Ber 25a(49; P) The expected term for 'surface' should have been 4- 'BX.] XJ3S n.m. evening (I V'JS; TA X'lB TO Gen 49:27, Sy [KlSsoJn] r<A±A LS 578, Ma xrXB MD 360) a. general: sg. X'IBl X1BX morning and evening BB 36a(33); ib. 84a(17); Anan 71:8; X'JbV XIBXa from morning until evening Mak 5a(30); Ket 77b(19); X'IBI xVlB the shadow of the evening Pes 11 lb(34); b. sg. w. var. preps.: 1) X'IBX towards evening: XJ13K/ ,!75/m XUSX towards Friday evening Ber 27b (14); Sab 119a(7); BM 49a(49); Nid 42b(17); '"?5?m XUSX X3D X!3T towards the evening of the holiday HP 5:16; 2) X'3B3 in the evening: X"1J/ XT1X X'3B3 '33X Xlp a poor man came in the evening (and) called at the door Sab 156b(26); Er 29b(28); BM 85b(32); BB 84a(25); 3) X'JB Hnat"?) towards/at evening: Er 43a(38); Tan 20b(44); Yom 19a(34; L); Git 77b(13); Anan 27:5; 4) XUbV in the evening: nap X33 nina Ta 'mnx 3n xnx x'ib1? in the evening PN came (and) cried before her BB 151a(35); Yom 14b(2); XUS1? IV xai'T .TJ^Ba from the middle of the day until the evening Sab 131a(7); Tan 12b(48) // Meg 30b(13); '3X1171X01 X'lB1? he washes himself and becomes pure in the evening Anan 58:18; 5) X'JB 'ap p before evening: X'lB 'ap ]a X33^ pBJI X3'n if a corpse was taken out (for burial) before evening HP 167:4; 6) X'JB 15? until evening: Naz 5a(31); IS? X'lB '113 until towards evening Anan 29:26 Voc: ins HGP 2a:6; Y: X;JS Sab 33b(40; BAYTN 93). p3S vb. to pamper (4 xmplBH; Sy •" i °> pa. LS 580, Ma piB MD 375) Pa.: n'V 'J?3'X x"71 XII VI'X 'X,1 'Vl3 .TWB3 'pilBV he should not have pampered himself so much Ket 67b(22); ... 'ian IplBB X1? dates do not pamper (the body) Git 70a(14); pass.part. 4 pisa N138 interj. (word in a magic formula) Sab 67a(32) KH38 4 xniBX n. [308 vb. (uncertain) This rt. which occurs in MH in the mng. of cutting branches (v. J 1191) is attested once in JBA in a context together w. the same H rt. and only ace. to M and Ed: KJ> XB'n1? jn'T KW ITan jiob'j x1? p'^op 'yri yv tfn Kin °?3X J'obdt nb p'oa in the case of another who knows where he is advancing he may cut branches, but if he does not know where he is advancing he should not cut branches BQ 81b(32; M) [Var: ... T^lllDDBn T0BJ HEs; TIOB'J ... TlOB'J F]. Though VjDB is attested also in JPA (v. DJPA 439), it is not, however, known from the other eastern A dialects and thus may be a corruption from the neighboring H vb.] N108 n.m. (uncertain) sg. byi X3ma '^>B Dlpa3 X1DB IX mi in such-and-such a place which is situated by a river or ... SSHai 3a(7) [missing in O] The mng. 'summit' is very unlikely since this word only occurs inBH. 108 vb. to be spoiled, suffer a loss, ruin, cause a loss (4 XTDBn, XTDB; Ma 1DB MD 375, JPA IDS pe., af. DJPA 439, MH IDS LNVTH 281) Pe. (/u) 1. to be spoiled, ruined: X31 TV*? xap'attf 'X TDB 'aV'1 if I leave it [i.e. the wine] here it may possibly be spoiled Ket 100b(40); BM 65a(50); Pes 13b(2); H'TI miJIU 11DB his dried figs were spoiled BB 22a(32; P'); xaV'S'a 'ya 'n1? HOB the eggs have deteriorated [lit. lost their form] Pes 55b(25) [Var: xy'3 n1? X1DB xp the egg is spoiled V17]; ib. 27; 2. to suffer a loss: IIDB'X X1X1 should I suffer a loss? Ket 94b(33); TDB X*71 ]V31 7Yh 'ni^a since he does not suffer a loss he leaves it alone AZ 20b(46); 1pO'J7 TDB your business deal will suffer a loss Ber 56a(15); BM 105a(2); XpO'y 11DB DX HP 49:24; ib. 63:16; Xya'1 'TX1 IIOB'3 let him suffer the loss of the other quarter BQ 53a(41); BM 109b(15); n'^13 TDB xpi ]T3 iTOS since he loses his entire fee Git 55a(2); BM 58a(12); 3. to impair: xap xyna IDB'a"? to impair (the validity of) the first m.-document TGHark 164:26 Af. 1. to ruin, spoil, waste: xmiyoV XT1TDBX XsVai you have ruined the king's meal Ket 61b(2); Yev 43a(36); iniTIIDSXI 'XJBD 'V 3n give
l#«frlPB 916 Xj?i|QS me my dyes which you have ruined BQ 101a(22); rrnViD&x xrvrn hdb» nn xav "?3i they were wasting (the meat of) an animal every day because of him Ket 67b(19); XiTOBB KJ7 '1TOBX n,,7 I do indeed spoil it [i.e. the radish] Sab 108b(18); 'XJ» inj'JiTOBX you have ruined them [i.e. the zuzim] for me (by repaying me one by one) BM 77b(50); "im'TOB'1? V>n '3T1 '3 so that he should not ruin them [i.e. the fields] BM 39a(20); Ket 80a(l 1); xrvapV xmOBX you have ruined the previous (statement) Qid 73a(22); 2. to suffer a loss: "|pOJ? TOBB your business will suffer a loss Ber 56a(28) [* I Vmn af.]; 3. to cause a loss, damage: a. general: Xp TOSXT 'Xa D^D he pays for the loss that he caused BM 109a(44); Git 52b(19); Jl'33 .T'ty XlOBa HB3 how much of a loss does an upper floor cause in a house (to the lower floor)? BM 117b (38); xp TJ'i TJ7 pos» your goats are causing (me) damage Tan 25a(20); BQ 23b(30); n'TlOBXl rvb p'lOBB X1? X"I31 Xinrfr we do not deliberately cause that man [i.e. the buyer] a loss BQ 89a(37; F1); 'xra irr> nosan) i^m 'a "yw (if) the scholars hear about me [i.e. that I sell teruma], they will cause me to lose (all of) them AZ 40b(37); ib. 30b(41); Git 40a(50); BM 17a(45); 55 149a(24); 5e/t 29b(14); -jrnOBX 'Xa what loss did I cause you? Bek 37a(30); b. w. a spec, obj.: X3"?»T 'XTW mosa 'TIT XWBm 1»X did you cause the loss of the royal silk garments for five zuzirril Ber 56a(57); XpO'y TOBa one who causes a business loss BM 105a(6); xaty 'IDBai (animals which) cause widespread damage [lit. which destroy the world] TGHark 190:28; b. w. -&B3X: irTOB^X 1T0BX VU'K they caused themselves a loss BB 139b(13); ib. 172a(3); Ket 3a(29); ib. 56a(37); 89b(19); BM 16b(31); Ara 23b(25); 4. to bruise (?): rf? 'IDBa 'TIOBX '1B1B© will a tube (inserted into her uterus) actually bruise her? Nid 66a(20) [I Vl#"lJ3 af, mng. 1]; 5. to waste: 'J1TH XIODa Xp mm X3X rtfl'X a stepmother [lit. father's wife] who was wasting (her) wife support Ket 54b(3); Ara 22a(48) Ittaf. to be rendered a loss: 'X^y "JOBJvVl a loss will be rendered to me TGHark 35:19 1# K710S n.m. disqualification, blemish (< MH VlOB Yeivin, BV 916; i Vl#"?DB; TA X?1DB TJ 2S 22:27) 1. disqualification: sg. xblOB 'ST x"7 XB'OT xVlOB1? Kt?m the (nature of the) disqualification of the first part of the Mishna is unlike the (nature of the) disqualification of the second part Er 16a(35); XTTTIXT X"?1DB a Pentateuchal disqualification BB 165b(3); xVlDB p3YJ a Rabbinic disqualification Svu 47a(3); in'BUT X^IDB an intrinsic disqualification [lit. of their body] Zev 114a(17); Men 12a(36); Hul 36a(33); xa"?ya xVlOB a circumstantial disqualification Zev 114a(18); pi. Tin nrV7Jl '"71DB in VU'3OT there were three disqualifications, (but) he considered them as one Yom 21a(29); 2. blemish (concerning pedigree): sg. rorr 'a1?'! X3'X X'JIDB aibV) perhaps, Heaven forbid, there is a blemish (here) Ket 62b (29) Y: X^lOB Hul 29b(5; BAYTN 70). 2# j6?0B n.m. disqualified person (i.e. having a blemished pedigree; < MH ^TOB Yeivin, BH 448; 4- Vl#^DB) sg. V)0B p'Tlffl ,T"? l"lj?l 'VlDB "73 anyone who is called a disqualified person and he remains silent, is a disqualified person Ket I4b(i8); pi. xmpn in1? ^b vrn '^od the disqualified ones among them have no recourse Yev 17a(29); ib. 30; 32 NnVlOS n.f. unfit part (< MH2 rrTlOB J 1193; 4- ^lubos) sg. xtjw xns'n xnVios xjxno'y XW3VH 'nVlDB tar is the unfit part of pitch. Wax is the unfit part of honey Sab 20b(42) Y: xrfriOB Sab ib.(BAYTN 206). NpTOB, NplO'B n.m. biblical verse, declaration (4- VpDB; Sy r<Lx>o-Da_a section of a book LS 584) 1. biblical verse: sg. XplDB 'XH3 XO'J 'V T35?ri'Xl a miracle happened to me concerning this verse Ber 58a(48); XplO'B ]'T1 San 96a(33); DTO'a n^xm ion nn ri'XT xpios xax V'xri'xn because he was saved he said a verse which has grace and saving Anan 37:20; px TOB TpOB X*?T XplDB "?3 P'pOB xV we do not divide (in reading) any verse which Moses did not divide Tan 27b(36) // Ber 12b(40) // Meg 22a(ll); mrvx 'piOB 'XH XD» '3 when he reached this verse he sighed &6 152a(44); Hag 5b(37); TpiOB ^ piOB recite for me your biblical verse (that you learnt in school nos 917 0'OS today) Hag 15a(45); Tan 9a(16); Meg 28b(31); Git 56a(18); ib. 68a(17); Hul 95b(31); 3'J13 T1? '"Ipl XplDB XplDB he writes (the Megilla) verse by verse and reads it Meg 18b(37); 'XT n"JJVI XplOBl XplDB he recites verse by verse and repeats it Ber 33b(51; F) // Meg 25a(35; L); ]'3 XplOB"7 XplDB between one verse and another Ber 8a(51); ib. 60a(34); xpiO'B P'"l the beginning of the verse Pes 117b(10); pl.abs. prf? 1'pOB '31S?a3 J'piOB 'rbtb 'piOB in Eretz Israel they divide this verse [i.e. Ex 19:9] into three verses Ned 38a(3) // 'piOB Qid 30a(49); det. XIV>;i X131 in1""?'' Upri 'piOB they instituted (reading) three verses (of the Torah) for one man BQ 82a(26); Tan 27b(34); Meg 21b(46); BB 82a(3); 'ami 'piOBa in one of the verses of supplication Ber 5a(2) [4 'am mng. 4]; Sab 118b(31) [I X1BT mng. 2]; 'piD'B nyvn HP 186:9; 'pIDB 'WXT beginnings of verses BMsG 6:4; 'piOB 'yX'B middle parts of verses ib. 9:5; |133 Tp'jDl |U3 1'nriBT 'piOB verses which begin and conclude with nun BMsL 13:9; 2. declaration: sg. XB'IT XplDB mnpXT jTS since they made him recite the declaration of (writing) the get TGAs27 65:20; HG2 250:52; 3. division [cf. Ma xnplDB division, split MD 375]: pl.cs. P'pOB X*7 XJlJPpJl 'pIDS we do not make divisions of the teqi'a RH21&{\2\ E2) [RaH: xnjrpn 'piDD 'pos x1? •'Tr\rb xin] Lit: Bacher 160 [mng. 1]; on mng. 2, v. Friedman, JMP 1:332, who mentions that the phrase BJ^K plOB occurs in Judeo-Arabic documents from the Geniza; Y: XpWB Ber 5a(2; BAYTN 167). nOS vb. to participate in the Paschal sacrifice (denom. < I xnDB) Pa.: npB,'l Tf'- ^IST "73 let anyone who is in need come and participate in the Paschal sacrifice SRSG 136:24; MOB! HP 187:10 [in a mnemonic phrase] NriDS, NnO'S n.m. Passover, Paschal Iamb (<BH, MH not, inOB HAL 893, Yeivin, BV 830; 4- VnOB; JPA nOB, det. nnO'B DJPA 439, Sy rdi^-a LS 587) 1. Passover: sg. 'tyaT xav 'V13 xnOBT xav the entire day of Passover eve Pes 107b(19); ib. 108a(6); Ber 22b(43); Meg 15a(35); XnDBT X3ny the eve of Passover Anan 72:8; xnO'Ba 1H3 'BnaTUPX1? ma is it permitted to use them [i.e. glazed vessels] on Passover? AZ 33b(38) // Pes 30b(23); par i^bn xnos"? x'lisa nn from Purim to Passover there are thirty days San 12b (44); XHO'sV 'BTl 'TJ mn he was carrying wheat for Passover Hul 7a(37); TJ? ... 'O'B 'ap iy XnCB 'JBaT until before Passover [i.e. the eve of Passover], until Passover is finished Qid 65a(9) [expl. MH TOSH '33 iy_ MNed 8:1]; 2. Paschal lamb: sg. XI1DS xri"T '3 an olive-sized piece of the Paschal lamb Pes 85b(34); pmb MJ'^lpXT XnOB TI3 he dedicated them [i.e. the wheat] to buy the Paschal lamb with them Pes 53a(37) [expl. XnOBT 'Dn ib.]; X'BHIpT X3'T3 XnOBT X3'1 the law of the Paschal lamb is like the law of qodashim Anan 72:5; nnOBT X33"lp the Paschal sacrifice ib. 15 Y: XrjOS Hul 129b(30; BAYTN 124). 'OB vb. to step (< i VyOB; 4- V2# 'SB; Ma XDB MD 375, Sy -v ™°. LS 582) Pe.: X"Xa X1?! X"3p X"0B (a hen) which cannot step over a reed (because of its weight) BM 86b(31; Es) Pa. id.: 'X10B 'X0BT (uncertain) BQ 23b(10; Rashi [v. comm.]) Lit:N61d, MG2371. KT0B n.m. loss (4- VlDB, XTDBH; JPA TOB DJPA 440) sg. XTDB 'Xa XDH 'an'1? XTDB \b n'X Dm TTf7 JTX in that case the orphans incur a loss. In this case what loss does he incur? Ket 91b(12); Git 50b(5); BQ 27b(31); 5M42b(17); T> 't?a 'XT -|ina x:'TI XTDB if you incur a loss I shall bear it with you ib. 105a(13); XTDB 'T^ H'3 TIXT 'T» something through which he will incur a loss BB 35b(19); Sab 14a(30); 'lim XTDB loss for the merchants BB 90a(23); MQ 12a(52) [^ i XnTB mng. 1]; ib. 2a(29) [* I xn'TVI mng. 1]; K/'Bl n'TDB the loss involved in it [lit. its loss] is great MQ 12a(42); BM 73a(23); ib. 30a(l) // Hul 84b(15) [4- l#X-lin] Voc: XT0S HPP 278:20; K'rOB HGP 19b: 14; Y: XTDB Sab 9b(21; BAYTN 60). ^'03 4- Vl#"7DB pe., pass.part. NJIIT'pS n.f. defect (in a pedigree; 4- "7'DB) sg. xmV'OBn'3 ri'XT xnpn a family which has a defect (in its pedigree) Seel 171:2; TGAs27 24:33 D'OB adj. broken (4- VoOB pe., pass.part.; Ma DOB
P'OS 918 DOS MD 375) pl.m. 'O'OS H3 broken £.-vessels Bo 78:10; /& 15 p'OB adj. decided, contracted (4- VpOS pe., mng. 2, pass.part.) 1. decided: sg.f. xnp'DS 'JT7'» a decided matter Ket 7b(6); TGHark 40:35; i'& 44:20; 151:14; Geo« 28:10; pl.f. XrttoV'n Xrixp'DB decided laws BQ 102a(49; Oxf, b.10, 35); AZ 7a(19); //G2 27:22; ib. 56:83; 7/04*27 25:25; 2. contracted: pl.f. Tip'DS nDW contracted documents Ket 102a(l); XflX'JpX XTlXp'OB contracted transfers of ownership TGHark 93:20 — rl't^'T p'OB n.m. inevitable result of an act (4- NtT"l; cf. Sy rd-±_>i -~^* beheading PSm 3197) sg., only in phrase m»' K^l n'K/'l p'OB [lit. (if) its head is cut off will it not die?]: sg. miB ma' X1?! H'»n p'DB3 Jiy&ff "\ PN concedes (that it is forbidden if it is) an inevitable result of an act Sab 75a(30) // ib. 103a(30) // ib. 117a(17) // Ket 6a(8) // Suk 33b(28) // Bek 25a(5); AZ 61a(18) On the non-collocational use of this phrase, v. ■!• XpnBD; on the construction itself, cf. Sy •*•* ~^ •*• ■•* ■ ~. » desperate LS 583; Y: rPWH JT0S Sab ib. NJlp'OB n.f. portion (4- VpDB; cf. Sy k*& n;m°i decision, judgment LS 584) sg. XO'TIST 'Xlp'OS a portion of a vineyard BB 151a(39; F2) [H: XJip] Y: Wljrps BB ib.(BAYTN 173). vb. to render or declare unfit (4- xVlO'S, l#xVlDB, 2#xVlOB, xrf?10B; JPA "70S DJPA 440, MH 2#Vos LNVTH 283) Pe. (a/u) 1. to render unfit: XB1B ,12 "7'0B1 "?'Xin ms 'Km since a blemish renders a cow unfit AZ 23b(22); n'VoB iTyiT^ he rendered his progeny unfit Git 59b(42); ro'a ^""(nio'ia n^oB'aV mnx xya his (younger) brother wanted to render him unfit [i.e. the older brother from marrying the widow] by his (giving her) a get Ket 82a(9); ib. 16a(42); BQ 67a(ll); Hul 34b(2l); Vies'1? xV xin xnp'ya m ix"?t Wn a /la/a/ who was not formerly a stranger (to her) should not render (her) unfit (to eat teruma) Yev 69a(26); 2. to declare unfit: xrmVm VU'^OB he declared them unfit (as witnesses) on the grounds of robbery BQ 73a(2); 'BJ ,!7DB DT'I ^OST 1J131 D'ny since they declare the judges unfit, they also declare the witnesses unfit San 24a(3); ib. 23a(25); 26b(46); n'"?0S XJBm the Merciful One declared him unfit ib. 23a(46); pass.part. ]XB n'ra Va'aV "7'os 'an vajn it is unfit to eat from one who makes (food) in this manner Ket 61b(4; v5); tan ynb "7'ob 'rfrtw 'rxim tarn 'xn a judge who (regularly) borrows objects is unfit to judge a case ib. 105b(8; V5); Kin1? ID1? XJ^'DB I am unfit for you for judgment ib. 29a(2); X^'ya '^'DBT 'BJ '3n from the beginning (these witnesses) are also declared unfit ib. 45b(20) Itpe. (e) to become unfit, invalidated: a. alone: V'DB'31 wnp'3 let it become sanctified and unfit Yom 29b(13); Men 7a(2); b'OS'J X*7 'BJ 'blDB'X (the sacrifice) should surely not also become unfit Zev 27a(12); Men 79a(50); ,TBU '^DS'X1? to become unfit of itself Pes 14b(13); X'nnan |Y?a '"rosBn xin 'ama xpn xnyw since it is (only) from the time that (the witnesses) are proven false that they are declared unfit BQ 73a(41); Git 88b(17); BB 43a(25); X1? IX XB'J "7'OBB 'a is the get invalidated or not? TGHark 5:22; b. w. mb: Xirap p n,!7 V'OS'X (the sacrifice) became unfit by the first (wrongful intention) Pes 60a(6); ib. 71a(18); Zev 92b(35); .T1? "7'OS'X did he become unfit (to judge)? BB 58b(l; F2) 2# VOB vb. to hew (Sy .V™* LS 581) Pe. (a/u): '"YID njmx 1? JY70B you have hewn four mountains [i.e. you have learnt four orders of the Mishna] Meg 28b(45) [cf. Sy: -\ ™* :ua k'kLVo-qj rt'iftjj, PSm 3189] NTT30S, pi. KTIN'JOB n.f. (uncertain; cf. Ma XTUXOXB, pi. XriX'JXOXB palm of the hand MD 361; i 3#X3J1) pi. '»Ojn XriX'JOS the ... of the loins HG3 155:36 The term refers to a portion of meat in the animal's loin. DOS vb. to destroy, break (4- NO'S, D'DB; Ma ODD pe. to destroy MD 375, Akk pasasu to annul AHw 838, MH 1# OBDB LNVTH 284) Pe. (a/ ): ■Tma^ nVlOBI X^X1?! <')XT1X1 a hailstone came and split its skull Hul 63a(36; MGL 256:5) Pa. id.: "|B"U D'OSB he breaks your bones Bo 7:17 Pal. to take apart: '01BD3 l'B'31 X*7 'DISCS "73X P'OBOSB 'Bi (it is permitted to untie the bundles jros 919 i?0S before cattle on the Sabbath) but not to take th5m apart. As for bunches, we may also take (them) completely apart Sab 155a(29) 5KJB vb. to step, tread (4- V'OB; Sy ,\ m <N LS 582) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to step, traverse: "3X1? IT? Xrm nnx nynaa myos vbv 'it? 'nV 'yosn xam I used to see PN and PN2 taking three steps while kneeling once [lit. in one kneeling] Yom 53b(15); San 96a(50); Sab 100b(22); Git 69a(22); Nid 58a(17); TGHark 130:31; X'jp yDS'a1? n"?a' Xs?! (a hen) which cannot step over a reed BM 86b(31); 2. to tread: xVp'IX J70BT ]a 'Xn one who treads on a date palm Pes 11 lb(4) Pa. to proceed step by step: Xp mn nnpr 3JX V'TXI yOBB because of his heavy weight (PN) was proceeding step by step Yev 105b(19); ib. 37; BQ 81b(25); 'jnos '57DBT ib. 23b(10; Es) Af. to cause s.o. to step: n(1){,)3m171 myDB'1? xriX"3n 'mnx let them make her step and be placed on two jugs Sab 110a(30) OBOB I VOOB pal. j?DB vb. to cease, stop flowing, cut off, interpose, contract, render judgment (4- 'pIDBX, xpms, xpD'B, i# xnpo's, xpios, p'os, n'i»'i p'os, Xnp'DS, XpDS, n'pDS; Sy • " ^ ^ LS 583, Ma pDS MD 375) Pe. (a,e/u) I. intr. 1. to cease, stop: a. general: p'OB tibl X^pa Xn p'DBT X^pa xn this refers to a rumor which ceases, that to a rumor which does not cease MQ 18b(50); ib. 51; Yev 25a(7); xar '"713 n'aiBB xain pDS X^l laughter did not cease from his mouth the entire day Ber 9b(44; F); xaniT xpos xV 'x n'r» xamt xpos 'x n'3'D if the foul smell (of the fish skin) ceases from it or not Sab 108a(27); "|n pIDB max 'X inwnj? XJ?pB XIp'yaT if you say: (The firstborn males of the desert) ceased. (Then), the holiness of those previously (firstborn males born in Egypt also) lapsed Bek 4b(33); btTW pOBl Q'npT the Jew stopped (drinking) first AZ 72b(34); San 17a(39); Zev 115b(17); b. w. XaiB to stop reciting: ]'pTB n'Viaa n'ais p'os x1? "jxiaw pn did not stop reciting [lit. his mouth did not cease] from our entire chapter Ket 77a(33) [a mnemonic statement indicating that he learnt nsn n'"l in MKet 7:10]; 2. to stop flowing [cf. Ma X'» X'P'OB stagnant water Gy 57:1]: XlVsa Xini pOBl XaVT the canal stopped flowing in the middle of the day BM 77a(7); 'pDS x"?T X'B water which does cease flowing MQ 4a(32; L); ib. 38; '3'n '3 X'^^BT xan piDS'1? X'a '3n 'POST just as this water stops flowing, so may NN's blood stop flowing (from his nose) Git 69a(26); pOB p0ST ]T3 since the flow (of blood) stopped it remained so Nid 68b(30); Anan 114:20; xpos W 'in XDp: 'XT 'ai' XJlVn if she holds it [i.e. the barley grain] in her hand for two days (her gonorrheal discharge) will stop flowing for three days Sab 110b (24; M); Nid 37b(32) [of prenatal bleeding]; pDS XID'B the rain stopped Yom 53b(23); Hag 15b(19); 3. to be abrogated (of an agreement, contract, legal connection, etc.) [w. ]»]: xVl 'IBA1? H'ra npOB (her marital relationship) with him was not completely abrogated Git 83b(47); n'3'M npDB Kbl na'"?2? an unblemished animal from which (his connection) was not completely abrogated Bek 2b(32); ib. 3a(14); 4. w. a fol. vb. to do s.t. decisively: a. w. V'lE? pe. to dispose of s.t.: 'jxn -nm nb nv p'os in'^'a pom 'T'x myiaiy since their matters [i.e. the laws of impurity] are few he disposes of them quickly and then learns (the laws of) oaths Svu 3a(10); Bek 13a(31); b. w. V'Jfl pe. to learn decisively in a Tannaitic statement: '3m p'OB Xp (the Tanna) learns decisively (in our Mishna) Yev 16b(l); ib. 61a(27); 5mA: 2a(U); ib. 29b(14); Git 10b(24); San 15a(45); npOB xan 'in the Tanna learns it decisively Ned 16a(31); II. tr. 1. to cut, cut off: a. part of the body: 13X in XTJB 'pOB Yin XDV "?3 each day they would cut off one limb from them Pes 50a(17); n'^BDT XT1? mpOS they cut off his left hand Pes 57b(2) // Kar 28b(10); wi? n'pOBT n'TM mi? IX n'HlX he cut off the top of his ear or the tip of his nostril BQ 86a(24); Hul 53a(34) [paw]; Yev 76a(24) [head]; BB 58a(32); Sot 10b(49) [hair]; AnanSch 24:21 [neck]; Anan 85:8 [prepuce]; Kar 7a(50) [leg]; BB 20a(22) [limb of an animal]; Git 67b(40); //«/ 28a(5) [backbone of a fowl]; pass.part. [4- n'lff'1 p'OS]: p'OB pOB'B Yev 103a(30) [portion of lower leg]; Hul 76b(8) [nerve of fowl]; b. other: TVb an'1 pOSI ^3X1 pos '31B -\2 'DX3V he cut off (a piece of the citron)
pos 920 j?OB and ate. He cut off (another piece) and gave (it) to PN AZ 76b(14); n'pDD'Vl rPVlJl'V H'1? p'OD '31 let him cut it off [i.e. the thornbush] only below [i.e. close to the ground] Sab 67a(20); Hul 76a(19); V'yb XTTIl H3 p031 he cut wood with it [i.e. the slaughtering knife] for idolatry ib. 8b(4; V"); XD'l liyw xrfoB piDS'J he should cut a leather sheet the size of the get HP 130:18; 'pO'B IHTa Xlfam XDin 'Vpitn I cut off and took a thread of tekhelet-dyed wool from them BB 74a(3); Kef 72b(16); BM 108b(35); Men 37b(41); &rf> 156b(37); Er 35a(27); Afg 12b (38); rob^b ,1'ripos '311X1 '311X in the meantime she cut it off [i.e. the thread] from her spindle San 95a(45); pass.part. 'ai p'OBI ]XBD it is considered as if it is cut off BM 7a(30); X'l'n" '31J 'mm '<1)(1IXW1 p'OSI a snake that was cut and thrown in two pieces Sab 156b(10); 12B Xp'OS irai xyiX the boundary of the field from which it [i.e. the portion that I sell to you] is cut off ib. 62b(37); Yom 23a(30) [I XpltJB]; HG3 245:37; c. fig.: 'Jivrfr n,!? npoB Xp you are cutting off my livelihood BB 21b(15); 2. to stop: a. general: Dip^l irfrxV n'pOB'1?! let him stop it immediately and stand up Ber 25a(5); ib. 21b(20); fan 27b(44); Suk 38a(18); b. in a fig. sense: pass.part. 'p'OB pOB'a 1'3 X1BH XJTy31 1'Tl when he shot at it, his arrows were completely stopped [i.e. his initial action was incapable of causing damage and he is not liable] San 77b(8) // BQ 26b(35) [I Vl#'lti pe., mng. II. 1]; 3. to stop a flow: X3Vn 'pOB ITTB some of them [i.e. the foods mentioned] stop the flow of the (mother's) milk Ket 60b(52); AZ 28a(37) [blood]; 4. to interrupt, abrogate: X1?! 31 D"0 X3X 13 ,TBT '11 ■TTVfa'? ,1'pOS PN finished (his prayer) and did not interrupt PN2's prayer (by passing in front of him) Ber 27a(45); Is? TTQ1 iV'l1? I'V'I p p'OBI X1BD the scribe writes for her (a document) which abrogates [lit. severs] (the marital relationship) between him and her Anan 119:5 [expl. BH nri'YJ ISO Dt 24:1]; 1'pOB TXh'ttb he abrogated his agreement MQ 1 lb(34); 5. to divide: a. objects: xrVTO 7133 VTPpOBT he divided it [i.e. the water] into the channel Hul 106a(21); '"7T'X3 XTIOV rh p'DB nana PN used to divide up GN with nets Er 8a(23; O); b. written words: J'jnrf? X1B0 ,1'V p'OBI the scribe divides it [i.e. the PN IBiy1? 113] into two (words) Hul 65a(2); TpioD 'rbrb 'pios prft Tpos 'siyas in Eretz Israel they divide this verse [i.e. Ex 19:9] into three verses Ned 38a(3) // Qid 30a(49); Ber 12b(40); Tan 27b(36) [+ //'s; I xpiDS mng. 1]; in1? 3'iy mm 1,T> p'OB he divides them and then combines them Hul 135b(3) // 5e£ 6a(20) [ref. to the words JTtfXIl ... rTOXI Dt 18:4]; 6. to interpose, block: -\W\n nn 'pDBI JlVtX ri'Xa X1? you cannot go (there) because the mountains of darkness interpose 7am 32a(44); X13B ,1'pOSl the river crossing interposed between him (and the other side) Ket 2b(36) [i X13B mng. 1]; TO'Tipos 0'311 FiW~i (if) the public way interposed between them [i.e. the two date palms] Pes llla(12; E2); BQ 32a(24) [I XT>tf]; 7. to contract to do s.t.: a. alone: man iy«tt flpOB 'X xip'yais Vipp npos xV 'xi x/wn '3 b-\pv if you contracted at the lowest price, take according to the present price [lit. that of now]. If you did not contract (so), take according to the original price [lit. that at the beginning] BM 74b(4); ri'p'DB'1 X'am T13 mVs1? sn'BV I have contracted to give to NN, my daughter, a dowry SSHai 18b(12); b. w. xnV'B: n'rfr'B1? npOS he contracted his deal Qid 7b(4); BB 175a(20); pi3X 1'pDSI ]V3 rrnba^ since their father had contracted the deal BB 175a(14); pass.part. IT'rfr'a Xp'OB their price [i.e. of the goods] was fixed [lit. their matter was contracted] Mei 21b(17); 8. to render a judgment, decide: a. alone: TOWX'' p'OBI 'XBa what I render in judgment for myself [lit. he ... himself] Git 57a(l); BQ 68b(40); 'TO "?'n pOBl PS/aw he decided the law according to PN BQ 59b(19); p mart> p jlS'Vy p'pOBI 'Xa b^l ix iposi 'xa p'ty lposi p'Vy pn'^pa lain1? P3"na IX XnmXT Xn ]a ipos you will accept whatever we decide concerning you, whether in your favor or against you. And they decided concerning them what they decided or they decided according to the law of the Torah or of the Rabbis TGHark 101:21 = HP 64:9 [expl. i 1'IOT pi.]; TGHark 37:18; ib. 44:23; 275:26; HP 114:14; TGAs28 8:24; pass.part. w. 'V. X1? pos 921 pos n'1? Xp'DS he was undecided RH 7b(3); Er 18a(20); 7ev 21a(37); fig 15b(19); San 112b(19); Zev 82a(3); XV 'S'O I'1? xp'OB Xtf'1 wb> 'p'OB (the 7«h/w) rendered the former part (of the Mishna absolutely). He did not render its latter part (absolutely) Mei lla(5); b. w. XJ'1 judgment [cf. Sy, LS ib., mng. lr]: Xn*7 mpOSl in'BIBX they rendered the decision according to their testimony BQ 74a(25); XJ'1 1'3 1'pOBI ]XB ■7'3pa xVl someone for whom they render a judgment and who does not accept (it) Anan 16:11; c. w. xnV'B to make a definitive statement: pass.part. xrV?'a3 wvsib xn ray paia xa-nx Xp'DST a J.m. may render a judgment for himself in a matter which has been definitively decided MQ 17a(8); TTCb rm^'H Xp'OS X1? his case was not (yet) decided for karet Mak 14a(3); Xlil Xp'OS 133 XnV'a this matter has already been decided Geon 165:3; 9. to grant or dispense an allowance: "W Jl'W '"? lpDS they granted him an allowance (to study) for six years Ket 63a(20); ib. 62b(31); n1? pOD 'W» *f plOS H'1? max she said to him: "Grant me a support allowance." He granted (it) to her ib. 65a(36); 10. w. K1T0, KplOB to recite the Bible verse by verse: i X1TD mng. 7b, XplOS mng. 1 Pa. 1. to cut: XJTinx 'plOS cutting an etrogAnan 72:1 [cf. Pe., mng. Il.l.b]; 2. to divide: 'plOS P'pOSa X1? mna Xnj/'pn we do not actually divide the teqi'ot from one another [i.e. a double- length teqi 'a cannot be considered as two regular ones]fl//27a(12) [I XpiOS] Af. I. intr. 1. to pause, take a break, stop: xVl ranmb ym p 'posa nn they did not pause between ya© [Dt 5:4] and ruilX! [ib. 5] Pes 56a(16); H'V TpDSai [lIpT -] pi naV mb they read and pause (between the words) Via1? I "''? [Ex 22:19; i.e. there is a ppS-sign between them] BMsE 22:19; XTUWV nj?ipa p'DSJ let us take a break (from the meal and) designate it for the Sabbath Pes 105a(6; C); TP'DDa XJ131£?3 y^p'a 13 "nxa nD'ana when (the first day of the month of Adar) occurs on the Sabbath, (we) take a break (in the succession of the four special Sabbaths) on the fifteenth of Adar HP 186:1; W1J7K pya 'plDSX we are required to stop (working) early ib. 23:6; 2. to intervene, interpose: X031X p'DSaT hard rock intervenes BB 18a(30); Git 8a(4) [solid earth]; Er 57b(35) [river]; RH 30a(38); p'DSB ':'31 '3'3 'Ta something interposes in between Yom 69a(19); Bes 14b(43); Tarn 27b(8); BM 102a(37); AZ 75b(10); 'pOSB x"7 'SU 'SX3 'anx XpDBa X1? '»3 na'n X3n tall people in front of short ones do not interpose (between the priestly blessing and the congregation). In this case the ark also does not interpose Sot 38b(48); HP 19:23; II. tr. 1. to stop s.t.: rvb p'DSX XSS 3T xm im irrx nna na xax^ did PN not, in fact, stop (the meal of) PN2, his son-him, and another-(for the common grace)? Ber 45b(41); Xbpb H'pDSX he stopped the rumor Yev 24b(29); ib. I20b(26) [I xnnyj]; inrpiosx"? lao he thought to stop them Tan 28b(24); 2. to cut, cut up: a. general: 'XaiXT X3'D03 tf? 'pOSai they cut it [i.e. Asa foetida] with a knife of pagans AZ 39a(37); b. metaph.: 'Xip Xposa xnsnn X3'30 a 'sharp knife' can 'cut up' biblical verses (for exegetical purposes) BB 11 lb(21) [+ //'s; 4 XJ'DD usage c.3]; 3. to interrupt: X3H 1331 HipDSX 0^1^ ]331 mpOSX X1? in that case [viz. MEr 2:1] the scholars interrupted him [i.e. PN's two opinions]. In this case [viz. Mib. 2:5] the scholars did not interrupt him Er 23a(36); 4. to separate: a. general: X1SJ73 IX xpi13 inrpOBX X1? he did not (symbolically) separate it [i.e. the spilt water] with spittle or earth Pes llla(16); b. sacrifices, prayers: 'rf? p'OBX 'XB3 'piOBX with what did he actually separate them? Yom 33b(25); c. of texts: Xlp H'pDSX nx (by means of) XIX [Lev 5:25] Scripture separated it [i.e. the laws in w. 24-25] BQ 65b(25); Meg 2b(29; M) [w. ref. to T1X Est 9:21]; Anan 106:11; 5. to eat a meal before a fast [cf. MH2 m p'OBan miyo Tan 30a(12)]: x"? p'DSX IB X^l p'OSX IB neither this one nor that one ate the meal before the fast Ket 63a(24; Ar [AC 6:384]) Itpe. (e) 1. to break, be severed, torn: a. strap, cord, etc.: n'lDpBV XTIX1 mis p'DSBI p»T sometimes (the cord) breaks from it and she is apt to tie it Bes 30a(17); Sab 58a(8); ib. 42; XDin 7Vb p'OS'X his shoelace broke ib. 118b(55); 112a(23); Men 35b(3); ib. 37b(44); XJ11 p'OS'X
K[?09 922 'SND rvmno the ladder broke under him Ket 62a(42); b. cord-like part of body: p'OB'X mwn Bin "dmn nV perhaps its spinal cord was severed Hul 51a(37); ib. 54b(ll) [4- 2#X3'3]; 76b(3) [w. ref. to 4- XBin mng. 2: sinew]; p'OBn'X HP 204:3; i& 200:18 [I xrnw]; xn'nna my-o pos'a mm its hind legs were broken Hul 59a(ll); Men 29b(l) ['leg' of letter he]; 2. to be terminated: XB^'ll rva p'OB'XI rpna»X X^nnx 27TX perhaps another person found it [i.e. the amulet], and (his illness) was terminated by it Sab 66b(43); nXTin XBOW'X XpOB'Xn XI'3X"I iy X1XT "inai X1XT instruction increased one generation after another until (the time of) PN when it was terminated iSGF 69:11; 3. to be divided up: mn '»J (xnXDDS) «]X1 '3"l 'apB ]XpOB'a even the tractates were also divided up before (the time of) PN iSGF 25:5; 4. to interpose: XTtfT Xliay mb p'OB'X n'WBJ m '3 '»ty 'bis1? ,tVh p when he died a pillar of fire interposed between him and everyone (else) Ket 77b(38); ib. 17a(25); XlX'a p'OB'X an uncultivated (field) interposed BM 105b(40; Es); Hul 8b(38) [i xmp usage b]; HG3 387:1; 5. to pause: T31 '3'3 p'OB'X he paused in between (the two actions) Kar 12b(51); 6. to be rendered or decided: a. of a judgment: XITTIS 137131 XJTpB Xn n'3 p'OSfCXT we instructed them to write a decree of excommunication in which the judgment was rendered Dec 6:2; TGHark 276:12; HG2 277:1; xn3'nB3 np'OBn'X '3n the judgment was rendered so in the academy OHTKet 298:2; b. of a law: 'Tdrn XpOB'XIBI after the law was decided TGAs42 66:4; TGHark 95:33; c. other: Vy pn xaVw1? pm^'a ppoB'1?! wtd "ipb'xt nasi ]13'T strive as much as possible that their affairs should be decided there amicably by you Dec 1:7; SSHai 18a(13) Lit: Bacher 158; Yeivin, Fragment 109 [Af., mng. 1.1]. N|70S, KpNDB n.m. cutting, parcel of land, definitive assertion (4- VpOB; Sy rClAjn-a LS 583) 1. cutting: sg. mpOB3 XM'D n'1? n'Xl he has a (distinctive) sign in his cutting BM 23b(16) // Hul 95b(10); 'x'ryB XpOS3 '^innx '{X)y(X)3n rvron ny3J 'in^B he should begin the cutting (of the prepuce) from above next to the projection [lit. hill; v. Jos 5:3] of the penis Anan 85:12; rtvairi 'snex inn nn"7 'xnn"7 n'pxoB1? •'■tsbvh (he should) complete his cutting below towards the two flaps of the penis ib. 14; 2. parcel of land: pi.cs. x"?t xin nxs 'posi 'jxs 'pos ••• ,1?',3 'xa '331TB what are 'suburbs'? Parcels of land of the rural areas, and it is the parcels of land of the rural areas which are not sold (by themselves) BB 68b(15) [v. expl. Ar, infra]; 3. definitive assertion: sg. XpDD 'XB can he make a definitive assertion in this case? [lit. what? A definitive assertion?] Git 51a(14); Er 30b(25); Ket 76b(21); ib. 102b(32); BM 15a(16); ib. 32b(43); BB 85b(25); 4. rule: sg. ]'in XpXOB Geon 266:13 Expl. Ar [mng. 2]: 1'a'Wn X1?! )'3j? 'B m nbt xnjron 'pO'B TJW J"y X'JK pxy 'JB3 'Jiairx'? AC 2:2; Y: rl'j?0B Hul 112a(2; BAYTN 124). - N3H pOS, N3H |T0S, N3'17 Kj*709 n.m.cs./ det. legal decision (4- X3'1; Sy rdjjaa rsLn_ttj_a PSm 3198) sg. xri naya3 p'osn'xi xn pos XH3TiaT ]33"n a legal decision which was made in the presence of the judgment of the scholars of the academy HG2 277:1; X3H p'OB TGHark 276:12; ib. 277:4; det. Xim xpDS BB 130b(26; F2) [but H: XJ'TI XpO'B] JVpOB adv. crosswise (4- VpOB) n'pOB .TTIB 'XI if he struck it [i.e. the cow] crosswise Hul 51a(15; Ar [AC 6:384]) Expl. Ar: nam °?w nan-fr AC ib. NBIJTS n.m. young child (MH nitsiys MGitK 5:7[corr.]) pi. SSSad 268:8 Lit: Lieb, TK 8:847+ [seven year-old child]. 'J7B vb. to low, protest (4- xn'ys, X'nB; Sy rdjLa LS 585, Ma 1#XXB MD 359) Pe. 1. to low: '37 'iniJ 'yB Xp (the defect in its mouth) is visible when it lows Bek 35a(38); ib. 36; rf?3XT ]TO D1P11 m1? 'X^ir/SI n'1? XIBJ .T3 X'yBI since (the animal) eats and lows with the oesophagus, it contracts it and expands it Hul 43a(36); 2. to protest: QX 'VB xyB'B "U1XT nil'X if it is (the case) that (the non-Jew) had rented (to a Jew, the former) would have vigorously protested Er 75b(37); xyBB '1JT 'OT TB1P '5?B X^H '"W ^ax 'yB a pagan will strongly protest (if his contribution is changed). But (concerning) a Jew who will not protest (the change), it is all right Ara 6b(15); Hul 133b(9) Krpys y-" NJVyS n.f. quarrelsome woman (4- V'VB pe., part., f. det.) sg. X1H XJl'^B Suk 31a(21) RaH: n'jpyX; Y: Nrl'V? Sut ib. j6j;B, N^IS n.m. laborer (VV$?B; Sy pc" V \ * LS 586) pi. X3XT 'tys my father's laborers Ta« 24a(12; V17); xaa'T 'VyiB ]3X we are day laborers Er 65a(39); X'VyiB BB 91b(15) [Var: X"tys Es; "■7VB M] Y; K^SfiB BB ib. ySJTB vb. to break, penetrate (VyyB pal.; JPA ysys DJPA 442, Sy ^_a pa. to crush, af. to break [of eggs] LS 585) Pal. 1. to break: 'yiByB T3 breaking eggs Sab 109a(15); 2. to penetrate: nn '33 xaT ysyDB xa"?'T the blood may perhaps penetrate into the oven (below the meat) HG3 213:82 Geon. expl.: ]W>2 IDTIt)'? GnK5 168:25. "MS vb. to worship Baal Pe'or (denom. < DN "liys [Vya] HAL 895; MH lys pe., pi. J 1203) Pa.: n'ap nysa Xp niys Xn2?n now they indeed worship Baal Peor before it AZ 51b(32) The actual mode of worship of this deity was obscene, but its description is not exactly certain; cf. Albeck, Mishna, Order Neziqin, 449 [Heb]. HN31SB adj. of PN, n. one of GN I. adj. of PN [< PN XBD]: pl.m. 'X31BB 'XWIB the (.- transactions of PN BM 68a(12); II. n. one of GN [< GN X'ilBB Eshel, JSB 214]: sg.m. nXJIBD BQ 115a(41); ib. 44; pl.m. 'X31BB Qid 35a(16) // BQ 54b(50); Hul 139b(28) Y: 'glWB Hul ib.(BAYTN 320). nSB vb. to be bright (cf. Sy 2# uo^Jb af. to gladden LS 587, Ma xn'SB bright MD 376) [Pe. to become sober: n1? iDiai nnana nss xp "ina1? tomorrow he will become sober from his wine and will remember her Meg 12b (26)] Pa. to make bright: Xi'y 'niSB 'brightening' of the eye Bes 22a(47) // AZ 28b(39) [in a list of eye afflictions] Geon. expl. [Pa.]: -\WX\ TWO. OHP Bes 55:12; on Pe., v. 1 VriDB pe., mng. 1. 1#'SS vb. to rescue, clear a claim, indemnify (4- xri'SB; Sy ,^A LS 587, Ma XSB pa. MD 376) Pa. l. to rescue: xixan n'V pan Vn-tct 13 'xn 'ssm xin xn n'ra rrb d'jx xpi 'u xnxi nnan1? n'V a Jew who sold a donkey to another, and a pagan came and forcibly took it from him, by right he has to rescue (it) for him BB 45a(10); 2. to clear a claim: a. general: plXYI ain "?ya XJ1X1 n'V 'ssai pix-i V'txt xin xa'i n'i'a n1? «po xpi (NN sold a field to NN2), and a creditor of NN came to seize it from him. By right NN has to go and clear the claim for him Ket 92b(5); b. in the defension clause of legal documents: IP ... 'SBJ1 I'^'X '3'3J we shall clear the claims (arising) from this sale SSHai 6a(19); ib. 5a(6); SSSad 187:16; ib. 202b: 12; 3. to indemnify: Xpi QX X'HX 'X "|^ xrxsa X1? xnynya if my mother comes and protests (against my sale), I shall not indemnify you Ket 91b(38); pyawV ^'lSB1? 3"nB he is required to indemnify NN2 TGHark 203:25; TGAs42 23:25; ib. 24:3 Itpa. to be indemnified: pnra D'ain' IX'SBD'X the orphans were indemnified by them TGHark 268:29 Lit: Kut, Studies 420+ [Heb]: < Akk pussu to whiten AHw 857; Kaufman, AIOA 84, disputes Kut's etym. since the Akk vb. is never used in a legal context. 2# 'SB vb. to pass between, pass by (cf. 4- V'OB) Pe.: ma nC?X in1? X'SSl 'in '3 'W two certain people between whom a menstruous woman passed Pes llla(24) [4- Vyxa pa.]; 'X8 XSB 1X1 n'D(3)(Vlpn if he passed between, what is its remedy? Pes llla(23); T"yi xnn'BX 'SXB mn nn mail '37 xnn'BX 'SXB mn im one (road) passed by the entrance of a place of idolatry, and the other passed by the entrance of a house of prostitution AZ 17a(58) N»'SS n.m. doorpost (VdSB; MH D'SB Yeivin, BV 955; cf. TA fSB TJ Jer 36:23 [H nin^]) pi. 'B'SB 'iy these are the doorposts Men 34a(12); ib. 14; 'B'SB n'XT "IB '31 'T'PBO'X in^lDV in1? Xi'in XnilTB "inV n'"71 I have seen that all the vaulted chambers of your house comprise doorposts but do not have mezuzot ib. 33b(33) Geon. expl.: ntlTOni 'rf?n GC 100:3; Y: 'B'SB Men 34a(12). NTl'SB n.f. indemnification (4- Vl#'SB; cf. Sy riJ^cua deliverance LS 587) sg. linra 13pT ]VD
7XS 924 "Ip9 XTTXB3 since they bought from them with indemnification ... TGHark 268:28 7XS vb. to split apart, be forked (4- V?X3; Sy Ji^_a LS 587, Ma 7XB pa. MD 376) Pe. to branch off: 7\Tbrb V'XBI (the sinew) branches off into three (parts) HG3 155:38 Itpe. 1. to split apart, be split: 7'XBa Xiay Xa'X 7'xsai xin xmp1? 'T 7y 7x9a 'w xjtto say (that the term 12 means) wool. It splits apart. Flax also splits apart. It is through beating that it splits apart lev 18b(42) // 7'X3B Yom 71b(29); 2. to be forked, branch off [MH2 7'XBI J 1205]: XD',1 'VxB'a X^H where (the animal's horns) are not forked Hul 59b(i2); 'in nn nnV 'Vxsa xnVn XT17n XTlVri? '7XBa three (sinews) branch off into two apiece. Two branch off into three apiece ib. 93a(27); 73X xmt 7(1)P)XBX X71 X7X 1"1SX X71 X7111 7<1)PIXBX (we only said that they are poisonous) if (their leaves) did not branch apart a span, but if they branched apart a span (there is no objection to them) Er 29b(l; Ar [AC 6:393]) [Var: 71XP)3('>X AC ib.] ySS vb. to split (JPA yXB DJPA 442) Pa.: l.ia J13K/3 DTIT 'yiXB7 is it permitted to split olives on the Sabbath? 5a6 50b(l5) Itpe. to be split (of the testicles) [denom. < BH (,131)-yiXB Dt 23:2]: ly-XB'X 110371 Seel 170:12 Itpa. to be split open: rWTO yXB'X his skull was split open HG2 136:82 The mng.. of 'yiXB yXBT BQ 23b(IO; MH!) is uncertain [v. comm., ad loc.] ~tp2 vb. to retain, command, deposit (i XJIplB, Xip'B, XJllpS; Sy aj-a LS 588, Ma ipB MD 376) Pe. (a/u) to retain [esp. of a liquid]: pass.part. TpB IpB'a D1 'XI the blood is actually retained Sab 133b(34) [of an infant]; Ket 5b(13) [of a virgin]; Tpyi TpB (the pus) is retained and detached (from the flesh) ib. 7a(l) [of an abscess]; TpB Ipsa \>pwo the liquids are retained (in the grapes) Pes 33b(6); Sab 123b(4) [of a thorn in flesh] Pa. 1. to command, order: p'lpB fan px Haman commanded us Meg 16a(45); Hor 13b(50); Xjaip ]V\T!> Tlpl XJlTpBI we ordered them to read them [i.e. the questions] to us TGAs42 93b:7; ISGF 4:13; Dec 5:2; TGHark 32:9; ib. 84:11; 276:15; SOZ 72:18; '"11X3 -|rrT>pS1 'OM '3 just as I commanded you in the Torah Anan 28:3; ;Z>. 7:13; 12:13; AnanSch 26:25; pass.part. KIM D'3,13 HpS» X? 7X1©'' 'ipBBI priests are commanded (not to marry prostitutes). Israelites are not commanded Yev 61b(2); mpBB13 13ya7 17 'ya'X you should have done as you were commanded Yom 77a(27); 2. to assign: 1.17 Tpsa ,171131 1,17 Tpsa N7 nra X'Ppi he can assign them to similar (work). He cannot assign them to more difficult (work) BM 77a(13); 3. to put s.o. in charge [w. 7J?]: pass.part. mpBa 'X» '17'y what are you in charge of? Ber 56a(56); 4. to give a last testament [w. '*]: TpS X71 XET'a '1 3'31» PN died without having given a last testament Ket 85b(4); Saw 107b(35); XXIHB »m IPB'X ,Tn'3X TpsaiX it is possible that he will live a bit until he gives a last testament concerning his household AZ 12b(15); Git 70a(8); //P 53:12; /& 119:23 [i xmpS mng. 1]; TGHark 268:24 Af. to deposit (money, objects of value, etc. for safekeeping): man '3J 'TIT TpBXI X13A Xl,m a certain man who deposited money with another BM 42a(47); ib. 36a(39); BQ 62a(36); /& 117b(22); Ae/ 85b(l); Svu 45b(27); pass.part. n'3J 'am (nimi 'ipsa nn 7Xiawi nuxi money of orphans was deposited with PN's father Ber 18b(42; P) Itpe. w. XJ'l to be decreed of judgment: ],ja,T 'nrai n'Vy Xri TpS'ai sometimes judgment is decreed upon him, and he is rejected AZ 4b(35); &A32a(13);So/21a(7) Itpa. 1. to be commanded: painnx llpB'X mm llpBX X7 they were commanded concerning the Sabbath, (but) they were not commanded concerning the Sabbath limits Sab 87b(4); San 56b(36); XipB'a X7 '11pB she is certainly not commanded Sot 21a(33); Yev 64b(16); San 57b(21); msa XJTayi XHpS'a X7 I am not commanded, but I observe the commandments BQ 87a(15); Anan 81:18; 2. to be given by testament: am m p xaiaa nrri'i xrurx H3 IpBJVX X7 13 n7'»'a a woman who inherited (a loan of) money from her family estate of itself xrnj?s 925 i#j?ps (a loan of) money from her family estate of itself not having been given to her by testament HP 53:20 Nrnj?S n.f. will, order (4- Vips pa.; Ma l#XmxpXB order MD 362, Sy n^Locv-a LS 589) 1. will, testament: sg. XmpB 1D2? Git 50b (23); SSHai 8b(16) [fol. by the text]; TGAs27 28:9; TGAs28 30b: 19; ib. 31:21; pi. Tpsai XTlXipB 731 all the testaments that (a dying man) makes HP 119:23; 2. order: sg. nX'3 7y n7'1 XmpD His order concerning entering (into the synagogue) Anan 22:5 Y: Nnij?B Git ib.(BAYTN 285). [K?1j?S n.m. a type of cloth (< MH2 7W ]'7ipB •pi 'pa ias Nid 17a) pi. xann pVips 'jn ]xa who needs p.-cloth for 'bread'? Nid 17a(46; Ar [AC 6:399]) [i.e. to check for menstrual blood before sexual intercourse; I XB13 mng. d] This is most likely a H word in an A context. Expl. Ar: ]TWS 'pjpure flax AC 6:390.] S301pS n.m. resin (?; etym. unkn.) sg. 'JXa VUn XJDlpBI certain vessels (stuck together) with resin/4Z33b(18; JP1) Geon. expl.: O'^ WlTBl \>tprm 1W1? Xlfl -p XMipBT 'JKB •ffW n"D31 !KD3ipB3 D'panD TGHark 23:16, i.e. Jill; 1TO1 '1KD p»Bl K"83 n'V \W 'J?pB *rtn xniJ3 n^ HG3 273:36; Y: NJMj?B ^2ib. npS vb. to be beneficial (I np'B, n'pB; Sy • ■.« " » pe., pa. LS 589) Pa. to make s.o. better: ■pnpB ,3n,"n Xian wine and spices made me better Yom 76b(17; L) // San 70a(35) // Hor 13b(17); pass.part. ,7 Xnpsa 'TlV X3B xaVn a good dream is beneficial to me Ber 55a(50; F) [cf. Sy: «u nfs ml k'oco it would be better for him Lk 17:2] 'OpS n.m.pl. froth (perh. < 7tT|KTO<; congealed Lehnw 475; MH D'tJpD J 1208) T3yx 'Xtt "|BpB •f? what should I do with your froth? 5M40b(41) 'pS i Vl#ypS vb. n'pS adj. skilled, wise (4- VnpB; cf. Sy .o n°> expedient LS 589) sg.f. 'SB xrrpB 'Tl xnn'X my wife is more skilled (and does not need a midwife) BQ 59a(42) [cf. TA pi'X lfi'5ri TO Ex 1:19, H nan nvn] Y: xn'pB ib. JT'pS I yp3 adj. TpS 4- V2#1pB pe., pass.part. OpS vb. to remove hair or outer skin from a vegetable, trim (< noKi^eiv Lieb, TK. 2:671; MH 3#0pB LNVTH 286) Pa.: p'0j?B» ]3X IJ^BX^I)!!) we trim the vegetable and eat Bes 13b (3 5); in"D1p(')B7 7'nnXia from the time that he began to trim the vegetables BM 88b(12; Es) 1# ypS, 'pS vb. to rupture, split, cease, cancel, confiscate (4- XTiypBX, Xyp'B, X^ypD, XnpB; Sy • i o* LS 590, Ma XpB MD 376) Pe. (a/a) 1. intr. to split, rupture, burst: a. containers: X'nn n311X7 nypBI XXl'in a certain jug which split along its length AZ 60b(l) [Var: 'XypBI HGP 56b:37]; Pes 110b(6); Hul 105b(44); Sab 42b(31) [4- 1#XB71J]; BM 40a(45) [4- X13]; AZ 33b(20) [container glued with resin; I XJDIpB]; b. trees: nTlinna xnx ypD the cedar split from under him MQ 28a(48) // Mak 10a(33); BM 20b(6); San 101a(33); c. people, demons: 'yps nnai she burst and died Ned 50b(20); xms X13 H.TV ypBI the caper shrub dried up, and the demon burst Pes 11 lb(19); XT1X '3 XpB'3 may he burst like a cedar Bo 6:11; d. parts of the body: yps ypsa roan 3jx nxnnn the lower (membrane) will certainly split because of its softness Hul 56a(17); XT1W33 13? X'Tm Xry nTy ypB ... ypB'1? may the eye which looks at you with wickedness rupture. His eye ruptured AZ 65a(20); ib. 28b(36); Git 69a(5); n'ona yps n,3,,ya psai his stomach burst, and his intestines spilled out Hul 56b(56); d. other objects: ypB xaana n'poy his merchandise will burst like a pomegranate Ber 56a(37; MGG 704:13); ypB X110 the mountain split Git 68b(27) [Var: 'pBI X11D SM 77:10; cf. Ma: ftia XpB XniD MD ib.]; 2. tr. w. "3 to split, rupture: X1JX3 ypB X7'7m (the din of) the Hallel split the roof Pes 85b(34); 3. to cease, be canceled: ^7 XypBI 1713"? ITIiynp after its sanctity ceased from it Men 102a(32); Er 36a(39); Yev 56a(46); Ket I06b(i2); Hul I39a(20); n'7 yps yanxi owa HTB nniCX did its [i.e. the wine's] prohibition desist from it because it turned sour? AZ 29b(45); nT'lp n'7 ypB X7 his right of possession was not
2#ypB 926 2# npB canceled Yev 57a(16); Men 70a(18); Hul 89b(13); TGHark 202:32 [4- xmysn] Af. 1. to tear open: n'1? V'pKH H'1? ypBB he tears it open [i.e. the purse] and takes it Sab 92a(l); 2. to cancel, nullify: nwrpV pan imiypBX the scholars (retroactively) nullified his betrothal Pes 21b(10; C); Ket 3a(8); Git 73a(ll); /ev 46a(3); rrnypsx nyiV '<X)riXi the Sabbatical year came (and) canceled it [i.e. the debt] Svu 48b (31); Njnx XypBB 'la n'y'3W does the Sabbatical year nullify (the lease of) a field? BM 109a(13); np'rV nnypBX nS'"?n 'XJ1X1 the lialisa came (and) nullified the connection Yev 53a(l); 'rmaa rrV ypsa xavi xar "731 ny every single day that the slave (is in the possession of the pagan) he abrogates him from the religious commandments Git 44a(43) // Bek 3a(9); Nid 47a(8); 3. to release from the need of redemption: WW\ pa mns ypB'1? ypBXi V~\n p yps'1? xV ypBX X1?! a month old (Levite) who released (an Israelite) from the need of redemption should be released himself. A (Levite) less than a month-old who did not release (an Israelite) should not be released himself Bek 4a(22); 4. to exempt: X"I31 X3'X XD'pa tit ri'w 'i3i 'sVx iD'in ypsa xpi 'ran X113B XWOa TIT n>m there is a man among the Jews who exempts twelve thousand men from the poll tax six months in the summer and six months in the winter [i.e. for the entire year] BM 86a(8; bef. corr.) [F1: VD3Bpi]; 5. to confiscate: X1H '3 Xliaa 'yipBX1? 'B'^X a court is authorized to confiscate money BB 171a(l); Git 36b(26); 'XT "|1'» 'V XiypSS X1? if not, I shall confiscate him [i.e. the runaway slave] from you ib. 45a(l 1); BM 97a(23) [used fig. of intellectual property]; 6. w. KyiXi to raise prices arbitrarily [4- xytfl mng. 2]: Xjnn 'yipsx1? BB 90a(19); Men 77a(23) Itpe. to be released from the need of redemption: Bek 4a(22) [v. Af, mng. 3] 2# J?(7S vb. to be known (4- ypa) Af. to make known: 'pO'13 wypBX 'XB3 Xip'ya initially, in what way did they make them [i.e. their signatures] well-known? Through documents Git 36a(27; As) NnypB n.f. enforced idleness (4- Vl#ypB af, mng. 5) sg. nnypD "I3W payment for her enforced idleness Ket 47&( 12; Vs) Y: niiypS Ket ib.(BAYTN 184). pSpS vb. to make light of (cf. MH pBpB to shake and loosen LNVTH 287) Pal.: 'piSpsV 3W73 to make light of the lulav Suk 43b(10; M2) l#"lpS vb. to declare ownerless, renounce ownership (4- l#XrmpDX, XTpSH; MH Ipanps hif. LNVTH 289) Af.: mpBX irb npBBi because he declares them completely ownerless Sab 18b(3); BQ 31b(16); Er 93a(23); Ned 45a(l); BQ 20b(8); X'D'lffn1? X'Xl'I npBX renounce ownership of the olive orchards to the evildoers(?) Suk 44b(27); BQ 30b(41) [4- lSX^B/in]; MQ 12b(43); mpBX pnXT XU '3 D'lrDH Tnx '31*7 Xiam nnpSX the Merciful One has declared Aaron's treasury completely ownerless with regard to his priestly brethren Yom 51b(10); BM 68b(40); vb Ipsa 'JD 'XT 11B 'iy 'im n'D3lb since if he wishes he may declare his property ownerless and become poor Er 31a(28) // Suk 35b(19) // Ber 47a(42) // Ned 84b(i0); xnyix nnpsx xnxi xnyix nnpsx '3 nnpBX X1? xa"?J7 '^DT he only declared it ownerless with regard to the lion. He did not declare it ownerless with regard to everyone (else) BQ 116a(31); ,Ty*)rt> 'am mpBX 'TipBX Scripture declared their progeny completely ownerless [i.e. they are legally fatherless] Yev 98a(9); HP 45:2; pass.part. T> Ipsa xaty ,!7137 Ipsa X^ it is declared ownerless for everyone except for you BM 3 Ob (21) Itpe. to be declared ownerless: 'B"p1 npS'B XH they are, in fact, in an ownerless state Git 47a(41); ib. 45 Lit: S. Friedman, Sidra 12 [1996] 123+. 2# IpS vb. to be irreverent, act promiscuously (4- 2# xrvnpBX; Sy -ULa to be mad LS 590, Ma 2#"ipB MD 377) Pe. 1. to be irreverent: ITIXB3 "lpB X^ n'Bll he was not irreverent with regard to the commandment itself San 44a(14); ib. 38b(34; F2); pass.part. 'XH 'VlD 'TpB 'a are they so irreverent? ib. 60a(55); 2. w. 'tPBl to act licentiously [cf. MH HBSy mpS PT San K^PS . 927 I5TJI 20b (21)]: ri'IPBJ "ipB X1? 'XH 'bis he does not act so licentiously ib. 44a(19) Af. 1. to cause s.o. to behave promiscuously: '"Ipsa X1? 'XII in'tt/l (the pagans) certainly do not cause their wives to behave promiscuously San 82a(41); Hul 13b(l); 2. w. "WBJ to act promiscuously: ipBX '3H DTIX '311? 7WS1 "IpBXia XB^yV rt2?Bl since she acted promiscuously towards (her) fiance, she (is assumed to have) acted promiscuously in this manner towards everyone else Yev 69b(42); Sot 10b(41) Itpe. 1. to behave irreverently: "ipBn'B 'X X1H '3T xn,!7K/3 if he acts irreverently towards the messenger of the court MQ 16a(ll); xna» XVin mna 31 "13 '31D a~a H'3 "IpBJl'XI a certain butcher who acted irreverently towards PN (6.(27); Xl'i ]B "lpBnXi Xinn one who acted irreverently concerning the law Anan 16:23; 2. to act promiscuously: XIpS'B X1? 'XIT liT'tfl their wives will certainly not act promiscuously San 82a(41; K) SDpS n.f. open area, plain (< XliypS*; 4- Vl#ypB; Sy r^hi \ n °v valley, broad expanse LS 590, Ma xnxpXS pi. MD 362) a. general: sg. X7lpS3 'VXBT ]Xa one who prays in an open area Ber 34b(52; FOHP ib. 49:2]); rbvb rrV 1'BTBT XnpD he prepares (the earth) of the entire open area (to cover the blood) Hul 31a(7); b. sg. in GN ms-iyi xnps the Plain of GN [cf. Sy ^ \ nf\ ix'io* Dan 3:1; .^> s. *nz\ rc'bi \ n «S IChr 5:8; v. PSm 3222]: Ber 54a(36); ib. 39; MQ 15a(37); Naz 43b(4; V2); Hul 107a(l; V12) Geon. expl.. 3VIT3 IX TJjV HSin OHP Ber ib.; Lit: Nold, MG 582; Y: XJii?S Ber 54a(36; BAYTN 188). NTS n.m. a clean fish whose head is similar to that of an unclean fish (etym. unkn.) sg. X1S Xlia'jBI /fZ40a(8; TGHark 23:31, Ar [AC 6:348, s.v. TIB'JD]) [but F1: X1X3] Geon. expl.: \>ya 'w ]m n^ia 'jwni wi3 iwxin xiinVsi xns D'xaB D'JT "wh pan in'wxni 'jaaa pin ia TGHark ib.; Lit: Fauna 9. N1"1S n.m. gift (< MP/?5rag#2 CPD 64; 4- ]m) sg. XSVab X1X1S KTtTW Xp I am sending a gift [i.e. a bribe] to the king San 109a(4; MGG 238:9[Var]) [Var: 1"IB G§ 400b:6; <K>(^inS He; inn M (v. MGG ib., 1. 7)] Lit: M. Sabato, Tarbiz 65 [1996] 509+; id., YM 150+. The rdg. WD ib.(KSM 19:2,Ed) is a corruption based on this more common word in JBA [4- *U"0]. NTU1S n.m. attendants^) sg. Bo 78:14 Mng. very uncertain; v. the discussion in AMB 210. 113 vb. to spread apart, fade, crack (Ma 2# "HB to break through MD 378, Sy :w-va to crumble, break into pieces, n;Ca to flee LS 593) Pa. 1. to spread apart: XinsV "pxi he must spread it apart [i.e. the threads of the n'S'S] Men 42a(9); 2. to crack, crumble: pass.part. ]TO ,-I(,)B(,!0 XSiy "?y pixp xVl ITIBt p'yTT since we know that (the pastes of) 5.-flours are cracked and do not stick together on the fowl OHTPes 84:24; 13; X(i)Cl)nBi xn'JW crumbled i.-porridge HG1 97:87; ib. 88 Pa. to crack: pass.part. TlB'ai XTB03 with (a paste) of j.-flour which is cracked Pes 74b(7; Ar [AC 6:69], Seel 81:26) [v. infra] Itpa. 1. to be spread apart, separated: inB'XT 'inB'X (the leaves of the lulav) were entirely spread apart Suk 32a(9; M2) [expl. MH msi ib.]; HP 32:7; 'IXin ]a nnB'xV to be separated from each other TaS 583:2; 2. to fade: TlD'Kl Xmin (the dye's) color faded Men 43a(10); ib. 15! Expl. Ar: iis'm pw 13X1 piTB 'bVb n"i ''B niB'ai XTaoa msi yid'tb '12 ac ib. N11S* n.m. hard-packed manure (phon. var. of 4- i#xrns) sg. x(-n)(-niB n'anx 'i^?3 imx impi Nid 28a(ll; Ar [AC 6:299, s.v. X1TB]) [ace. to Geon. comm.] Expl. Ar: ruin Vai my>Bai cawan nra'3 ]xx ia I'Tayaw Dipa xim dv inx ov lmx nam d.tVjt wbi d'bwj v^y psin db ... nay nwyn jjsij AC ib. NO'TIS n.m. orchard, vineyard (< Akk pardesu garden, orchard AHw 833 < OP paridaida- pleasure garden HAp 137; 4- XaiD; TA I'D'TIB pi. TJ Jud 4:5, Sy rdji_»:ixa LS 593, Ma XO'TIXB, l#X0XnXB MD 363) 1. orchard: sg. p pyBB/ "\ XO'TIB IBl'a Xp mn W'pV PN was guarding an orchard (of fig trees) MQ 17a(39); 2. vineyard: sg. 'n rn&yi nnana xo'ins "?'3pi xisi xnn Xian a certain man who leased a vineyard for ten
xpoms 928 rms vats of wine BM 106b(34); xnam X3Xn X'nn ."frljn X0'"nS3 nSfiWXI a certain pitcher of wine that was found in a vineyard of 'orla BB 24a(28); 'SB nfr p'B-i xd'tibi xanj? xinn rrfr mn iov 3-1 pn in ty X')3 mi XpB'1 PN had a certain corner of a vineyard. He used to hoe it very much, (and it produced wine) which could be diluted with twice as much water Men 87a(22); BM 103a(18); BB 151a(39); tpV 3T7 XO'TIBi XTjaX frpi VUH certain date palms on the border of PN's vineyard ib. 26a(28) [v. ib. 30]; 12a(29); BQ 113b(32); '1 xiyiai xVinn xtsan xd'tib xinn nfr mn 'xr H'BDp PN had a certain vineyard which ripened on the intermediate days of the holiday, (and) he picked it MQ 12b(41) [4- V^ep pa., mng. 1]; BM 92a(30) [v. ib. 25]; ib. 73a(18) [v. Rashi]; 'TB XO'TlBi fruit of a vineyard Seel 117:29 [* 'TB 'jb'X nXEH]; j'A. 79; pi. ':riD131 'O'TIS vineyards and gardens ib. BM 39b(40); S5 61b(41); MQ 12b(42); 5M 103a(20); '0'T1S3 xrfrn a third (part) in a vineyard 55 167a(17) [in a writ]; A^e/ 95b(2); BM 72a(29) // 55 40b(7; Marg); HG3 396:19; jfe 397:35 While the original mng. of this word in OP was 'garden', in JBA it almost exclusively means 'vineyard', a mng. already found in NB, through which the word was borrowed into A [v. M.A. Dandamaev, Aclr 23(1984) 113+]; cf: pardesa ana karani a vineyard [lit. orchard for wine] CT 22:198,16 [for this rdg., v. AHw 833]; Lit: Tel 108; Beer, BA 87M; Voc: XD'TIB HGP 2a:28; Y: 'O'TIB VTM 92; KOTW BB 12a(37; BAYTN 240). Kj?0'T1B n.m. chest (< impyioKOc, Lehnw 480; Sy K'nm.Hii LS 594, Ma 2# XDXT1XS coffer MD 363) pi. vnm 'pens VT»1 they bring chests with them AZ 65b(6; J) Lit: S. Fraenkel, ZA 9 [1894] 8; Y: 'jJIDTS AZ ib.(BAYTN 300). NtfamS, pi. 'avails n.m. a certain official (etym. uncertain) sg. 'IT1? XEDT1B n'r)'33 nmp the ... in his house (wants) to be a /^.-official Meg 12b(41; G); '"XW0T1B3'' Ttt/S: Dp: "?TN he went (and) disguised himself as a p.-official AZ l8a(5i; J); nfry xd"?b nrm xkdvid xinn a certain ^.-official with whom the king was angry Sab 94a(28; M) [Var: I'lxnraiB Ar (OHP ib. 55:23)] Lit: Geig, AAC 336, rejects all prev. etyms. as entirely w/o basis and proposes < MP par above + *dahsa guard [cf. Sy rC,t uH guard LS 149, Armen dahic], i.e. an official above the rank of guard; Shaked, EIr 260, suggests perh. < MP *pardak- kas, lit. one who draws the curtain; Y: X3SH1B Sab ib.(BAYTN 301). TEVX& n.m. (uncertain) sg. Xn» JTOB J13TTB the p. -official assists the town [i.e. he is not exempt from civil duty] BB 55a(18) Lit: Geig, AAC 336, rejects all prev. P derivs.; Y: TQT@ BB ib. OinS vb. to finish (< MP pardaz- [pres. stem of pardaxtan] to strive, be accomplished CPD 64) QuadRef.: nx»lB mp'Oy p DTIB'tt 13 when he finishes (dealing with) matters of impurity Anan 25:11 Expl.: OTIB'O IrfiXTIB 0T1B SMel 70:873, i.e. NP pardaxtan to finish PED 240; Lit: Eps, Stl 81. N3Bn"lS n.m. a gift in return for another gift (< Mir *pa&-dasn [w. dissim. to -dd- > -rd-\ cf. MPpadasn [p'td'sn] reward CPD 62]; 4- l#XJ2h) sg. RXOTiB 'X,T7 XJBH 'Xn is this gift deserving of this return gift? San 94b(36); pi. 'YTC/» 'XCHB 'Jn 'Tin1? 'JBmB the Persians send gifts to one another in return AZ 71a(17; J); WJTB '»J TTO irfr xfrj xVl he also sent gifts in return but she did not reveal (her real identity) to him Meg 13a(49) Geon. expl.: II .iMyB1? 711 pjHB TGHark 144:31; ,lr> nt py na TGWeisz 81:18; Lit: Geig, AAC 336; Tel 109; Y: Kjen-ffl San ib.(BAYTN 303). KamS n.m. (uncertain) sg. X3TIB xV'S p. -type fine wool Nid 17a(41) Lit: Geig, AAC 337, rejects all prev. derivs.; Tel 110; Lehnw 480; Y: torn? Nid ib. xaaams 4- xwms n. N'TTHS, N'TTflS n.m. mill, crushing apparatus (etym. unkn.) sg. X3Tn X'TPBa XJlX'Wp "|3 "UnDl they will make you crush (date) stones in a golden mill Ber 56a(4) Geon. expl.: xrrtx OHP ib. 105:18, i.e. y^Jll hand mill. Lit: Geig, AAC 337, rejects Fl's P deriv. TiTIS vb. to avoid, keep away (< Mir *parhez [metath. < pahrez-, present stem of MP pahrextan#\ CPD 64; cf. NP parhez PED 246]; Ma tniB keep s.o. away MD 378) Quad, w "tPSJ "» to avoid: XJS'Pa 7VDS1 'Tims'? ronxi she t : " : 929 Npains must avoid slime HP 137:21 = HG3 346:70; n'WB3 'Tims'? n'1? 'J/3'n is he required to avoid it [i.e. slander]? Seel 146:27(Ar [AC 6:415]) P expl.: yrQ rms OTITIS parhez kardan to abstain SMeIG 75; Lit: Eps, Stl 127; Geig, AAC 338. In IMS 2:49, the rt. t<o-i_a deriv. <pahrez-, present stem ofpahrextan#2 to protect [CPD 64] occurs, and it should be kept separate from the present rt. [contra Gignoux, IMS 43]. N'OfinB n.m. public matter (< jtappT|aia Lehnw 481; i VotriS; Sy rf . mm-ya, etc. LS 602, s.v. r^tcw-ta) sg. a. general: 'XW X'&Tffl nnox Xm was not, in fact, Esther('s marriage to Ahasuerus) a public matter? San 74b(ll); ib. 2; XrUTia Xn Hirmo xVl X'O'TIB 'inn this present will be a public matter and not a hidden thing TGHark 35:6; ib. 18 — N'0!"nS3 adv. in public (Sy «* « mtA ^ ^-. LS 60s, mng. 5) San 26b(38); TGAs42 5:32; Xn X'0mS3 xn X5N'X3 this is in private, that is in public Ber 5b(15); ib. 55a(25); Git 38a(47); BM 46b(31); San 26b(37); AZ 27b(28); Am 16b(l) Y: XJOniB Ber 5b(15). Kins n.m. an unclean bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(33) NjMTTlB n.m. guide, messenger, precursor (< Mir *parwanak [cf. MP parwanag guide, leader CPD 65]; Sy rdiuoxi LS 594, Ma XpJXnxS messenger, guide MD 363, > Arab jjl^ PLAr 206) 1. guide: sg. V?»)l XJ1JW Xin -]rip32/ XpjnB T'liy(l) (C|3 I left you at that time, and they made you into a guide Suk 48b(20) [M2: xpjns Tnen]; (m>nni3fr3p xV 'a: xpamss i^sx we did not even accept him [i.e. Metatron] as a guide San 38b(47); 2. messenger: sg. XJX'lp XpjinB 'in'1? Xin Xmi'Xi let the reader of the letter be the messenger (who delivers it) San 82a(55) // ib. 96a(50) // BM 83b(32) [prov.]; 3. precursor: sg. 'SxVai 'pjlllST IX1? 'X 'WH 'Xn ''n 'TllJl'ai were fever not a precursor of the Angel of Death (it would be beneficial) Ned 41a(40); X'n XrW'XT Xpins Xtja'O 'Xn a scratch in the skin is a precursor of fever AZ 28a(41); ib. 39 Expl. RaH: T'n San ib. [mng. 1]; Geon. expl.: ^01 XpillB xin nran ixbo iv irrfrw ini'73 nti man TGAs28162b:i [mng. 3]; Lit: Geig, AAC 338; Tel 111; ISK 98 [< Parthian]; Y: XjHl-IS San 38b(47; BAYTN 302). N"111")B, Nitons n.m. environs (of a city; < MP parwar CPD 65) pi. mXTlB BB 122b(7) [w. ref. to nnsn-nx] T?n nitrnxi Jos 21:12]; "731 Van xm xnixiTB "?3i xynna 313 xm xmxiiB "?Xiaiy3 GN and all of its surrounding areas followed the practice of PN. GN2 and all its environs followed the practice of PN2 Ket 54a(30) Lit: Ros, Ben Hayyim Vol 509+; Geig, AAC 334; Tel 113; Y: 'TK1-IS Git 8b(l; BAYTN 230). nils adj. flying, n. flying insect, pi. loose hair (4- VnTB; Sy rdjjo-ta bird, flying LS 595) I. adj. 1. flying: sg.m. ni"lB KC\ flying spirit Bo 48:7; II. n. 1. flying insect: pl.m. 'miB frX3 XBB 21 PN used to chase away flying insects Nid 17a(9; Ed) [V5: TTIB]; 2. pl.m. loose hair: Sab 57b(39) [4- X'"?3] Geon. expl. [mng. II.l]: fWiny HG3 196:40; Y: 'nns Sab ib.(BAYTN 209). NripnS, abs. K&V18, pi. 'Bl-IB n.f. peruta, a small coin (< MH nSlTB Yeivin, BV 917) sg. XD11D Xin XXip nfr nfr 'yam NN does not have capital of a peruta TGHark 272:2; pi. 1,'jmx 'BTIB X'lam forty-eight perutot Kar 10b(25) Y: 'B'-tB Kar ib. NanB, XmS n.m. a small vessel (4- xaniB; cf. Sy rcL^i-L^a censer LS 598) sg. xna'KH xai"IB a small p.-vessel of s.-beverage Qid 52b(13) [Var: Xna'WI X&1PB Ar (AC 6:419)] Geon. expl.: K01B ]Bp ',?3'7 V333 imp ]"Tyi pp ^ OHP ib. 216:9; expl. Ar: -QV X^D '^S AC ib.; Y: XOHB Qid ib.(BAYTN 70). ilNainS n.m. burglar (lit. one who breaks through; 4- VmB; Sy r<A>«\£ PSm 3266) pi. 'XailB 'ITawi X3TXm now that burglars are common BM 42a(32) Y: 'KBl-IB BM ib.(BAYTN 325). Nj?3inS, Nj?anS, NpiNnS n.m. rag (cf. Sy rdi-va piece of cloth LS 605) sg. maiB1? H'T'Sl Xp3inB3 X3131 he tied the opening of the drinking bowl with a rag AZ 30a(37) [Var: Xpj"IB3 n""lX Ar (AC 6:433)]; 'J1XP1 xpjns 'fr'y x'a pfroi ty until the wine came up above the rag, and he drank ib. 38-Sab 139b(41); ib. 48a(10)
Niacins t : : Expi. Ar: ''raaw y ix d'o 13 moa1? rp'iwyi to bv nynn AC ib. The Ar always reads Xp:iB and Rati XjMXIB. KVi20i"1S n.m. prosbol, a declaration made in court to the effect that the Sabbatical year law will not affect a loan (< npoafioki] GLUT 154; 4- 1#X0TIB; JPA Vnms DJPA 444) sg. Git 36b(28; Ed); ib. 37a(4; MGD 311:11) For the pop. etyms. offered for this word, see the discussion in GLLT ib.; Y: xVaonB Git ib.(BAYTN 309). NpDOTlS n.m. (uncertain) sg. rrpilOTIS VV1X1 San 109a(46; MGG 310:13) KITIS n.m. glue (4- VrtD; cf. Sy rs'-Ui.a porridge LS 591) sg. 'BDK/Xl XTTIB shoemakers' glue Pes 42b(25; C) [expl. MH D'TBlO^f fpp Mib. 3:1, but more exactly pyrV7B? ]*r\p ib. 29]; ib. 28; 29 Y: KTITS Pes 42b(25; BAYTN 142). KWIS, pi. KIWIS n.f. harbor, riverbank, market (< XnyriB*; cf. Arab *^°£ port Wehr 706, BH insa harbor HAL 585) 1. harbor: sg. HG3 360:70 [gloss for V>M Nid 67a(l)]; pi. rrmvai xmriB the harbors of GN RH 23a(36; 0,Ar [AC 6:416]); Yom 77a(46; M,Ar [AC ib.]); 2. w. KTU riverbank(?): sg. 'nn Kmip] 'BXm [xr]D3 'my*o tfotaa xirrn xirnsa ]nna '3i xro clay covers the riverbank, and when (the women) go down to the riverbank (to immerse themselves), their feet become fouled with clay OHT Sab 64:10; 3. pi. market: DBwVsi XJ1XT1B the market of GN BM 73b(39); SS 98a(26); Hul 95b(6; V11) Lit: Low, WZKM 25 [1911] 193; on GN J7I0TO, an island in the Persian Gulf bet. Bahrain and Oman; cf. Sy i^jai^uLio, \nyJn i i ^3 [PSmSup 192] < Mir masmahig, NP masmahi, v. Fl, TMW 3:320; Geig, AAC 272; Y: xnms Hul 95b(6; BAYTN 192). KDIfnS n.m. apron (< rcepi^coua Lehnw 487; Sy t<53o\i_a, Ki^aouj-va LS 594) sg. xaiTTB ■TTI'S varm his wife's apron Men 43a(28) // XBinBSi/* lla(37; E2) Y: XOIVIB Suk ib.(BAYTN 212). ^•TIS vb. to shake, struggle (< "?TS [?]) Quad, to shake: n,,-|T,71 rvb VmS'1?! let him shake it and scatter it Sab 66b (41) [Var: rrVna1?! Ar (AC 2:189)] rns QuadRef. to struggle(?): bnB'a Xp H1H nyiTX '3 when he woke up he was struggling Git 68a(51; M) Lit: TMW 4:228. n.m. iron, iron blade (Sy r^li^-va LS 594, Ma >6nXS MD 364, TA X?h3 TO Dt 8:9) 1. iron: a. general: sg. xbtlST TT31 XTID a great mountain of iron Bo 78:13; ib. 21:10; xVtlD nXTTM steel AZ 16a(9) [lit. Indian iron, used for weapons; cf. MH2: 'TUTI «)"0 TanhB Dt 6 and v. note infra]; b. objects: sg. x"?nST '113 legs of iron Ber 41b(14); X^HBT Xaai an iron nose-ring Sab 51b(18); X^TTBi XID'O an iron spade Anan 31:15; xbns Tt?Q"l XJ'3D a knife (made) entirely of iron Sab 67a(9); //A/ 44:19; X^flDT 'TU iron shears 5g 81b(28); x"7PST 'pica iron combs BM 86a(22); G// 57b(ll) // San 96b(29); XS^Ip xVnST an iron club Ber 58a(47; P); itrb'WVD X^nST a chain of iron Bo 48:4; x"?nST X11D an anvil of iron ib. 78:5; 2:1; 29:4; X^nST '1"U xVnB3 wbvi axes of iron which has power over (other) iron [i.e. can break it] San 96b(8); SSfiai 6a(6); ib. 1 la(10); 2. iron blade (of a knife, ax): sg. Yev 76a(25) // Hul 77a(25) [4- Vl# fit pe.]; "7p X"7T1D the sound of an iron blade Sab 66b(14); x"7T"lBT xnna a wound (caused) by an iron blade HM 39:11; pi. XrD3 VPIipi XTU3 TP^nB (he puts) their [i.e. the knives'] iron blades into the fire while their handles (are encased) in clay Pes 30b(17); 3. iron manacles: sg. x"?flS Pl'3 ^'BXJl iron manacles were placed upon him (in prison) Anan 37:6; 4. iron tool: sg. OHT Sab 126:8 [used to examine an infant] Lit: Low, Fauna 182+; cf. Sy: nrdA«\-S PSmSup 275, i.e. JVji; GeonH 'THM Vna RaH AZ 23b(18); 'TO ^na OH San 504:23; Y: N^p? Sab 67a(9; BAYTN 221). DT1S vb. perh. to press out (4- XBTTIB; Ma DPS to divide, breach MD 379) Quad.: TO'BHBX TnVi X'B1? I shall press the water out of it Git 69a(?; Ar [AC 6:419]) mS vb. to fly, depart, flutter (4- xnvnBB, XrlTB, nns, rns, xrns, xnms; Sy oj^-a ls 594, Ma "V1B [metath.], 2#X1B MD 366, 377) Pe. (a/a) 1. to fly: rnBT Hna XBiy m VIWI he slaughtered a bird with it [i.e. an arrow] while it was in flight 930 ms T " 931 BIB Hul 30b(39); ]T\lsn 'Jl' pn 'Kin I saw two doves that were flying Ber 56b(20); Sab 54b(21); BB 20a(24); ib. 74b(15); Hul 53b(13); msi XB1 nB'S [nypn T1X3 -] nypTlXS a winged bird which flies in the air of the sky Bo 133:4; rriB XpT lin Xms 'XnV X'TIB 'XHB XOX they saw a myrtle branch flying from one bier to another Nid 37a(3); mB X3Tiy a raven flew by [i.e. the statement he made is irrelevant] Bes 21a(9) // Hul 124b(34) [4- X3-HJ7]; XyiX Vy '1081 rnBT p'H '3 so that (the fowl) can fly and walk on the ground Anan 55:14; 2. to palpitate, vibrate: X3,!7 mB his heart palpitated Git 69b(13) [i XrTTB]; ms 'nB'X '3 "3'V his heart will palpitate like (the fluttering of) a bird Ned 54b (21) // Mei 20b (21); IT1? 'TOT mB Xp'T TIX XpT IV3 when the wind comes, (the lehi-stake) vibrates and throws it down Er 8a(27); 3. to depart: ]»ipaa IH'^y p»TK IH'l'a fian mB (if) they had counted them for a quorum in their place, (the obligation of) a quorum had departed from them Ber 50b(3); xVl ma'S mB its heat had not (yet) departed Pes 55b(25); nra nnxaiD nV xrns xrnoa ^"n when (the carrion) decomposes its impurity departs from it Men 23a(41); Ber 50b(8); 5a6 52b(10); Xnans 13 X3X p imsi IpIS go out and depart from PN Bo 120:37; ib. 58:11; nnvi niB she fainted [lit. her breath departed] Ket 62b(42) Pa. 1. to flutter, fly [cf. Sy pa. LS ib.]: nn "XTri n,i'?,y n'V xmsa xpi ny-is I saw the spirit of leprosy fluttering over him Ket 61b(9); 2. to carry off: Xmn xpma1? X^l nnns wind, carry off the new safflower Pes 110b(l) Af. 1. to cause to fly: XT11X 13 'ty msx cause a duck to fly over me Svu 30b(16; F2); '^ xa'X nrnSX 'X^yb say to the one on top: "Let it [i.e. the dove] fly away" AZ 10a(45); msXT 'IP 'mil (I saw) that he let two doves fly away Ber 56a(42; F); 2. to carry off: mnoV Hp^ iTnTBX the wind carried off his s.-cloth Sab 119a(23); ap^ n'niBX H'ra Wbti ib. 156b(36; TGHark 207:33) n^S, nK*lS adj. fast-running, n.m. flier (4- Vms ga«a/-form[?]; cf. Sy psljj-i^ spendthrift LS 594) I. adj. fast-running: sg.m. xnxiS xVai a fast-running camel Mak 5a(32); II. n. flier: m., in phrase 4- XrllBl xmx transient guest Y: Xrn? Mak ib. KnnS n.m. caper shrub, caper (4- VmB; Sy nLuiS LS 594) 1. caper shrub: sg. fier40b(49) [expl. MH HBS3 ib.]; xniBT xVlB the shade of the caper shrub Pes lllb(8); ib. 18; XiV'X xms 'XH X1H the caper shrub is a tree Seel 117:86; XTS xmST the fruit of the caper shrub ib. 90; xniP XmST sprouting of the caper shrub HG1 95:59; HP 190:1; pi. TIIS '3 among the caper shrubs Pes lllb(17); 2. caper: sg. XnjHX TOm 'yon «]Vs XfTIBT a caper shrub which people plant for the sake of the caper Ber 36a(36; F); XmST yi the bud of the caper ib. 36b(36); pi. Xri"B;p rfrn 'nisi three seeds of capers Hul 59a(8) Geon. expl.: ^X XW ^KIB' TnK3 ]'31 taaa fa Kin 1D13B1 yiT nas^x xip: '^xyaw pwVai xms 'mx fw^ai nox: xini OHT Ber 85:21, i.e. jiS; OHT Git 157:5!; TGWeisz 89b:14 [I K»pX note]; Lit: Flora 1:324; Eps, Stl 124; Y: XfnB BAYTN 93. KJimS n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'Jims I'lH'i 5o 106:9 Lit: Harviainen 14 suggests a P derivation meaning 'exorcist.' frns I nns adj.] Krinns, pi. Knjrns n.f. wrd (4- Vms; sy rc'^Lu^i LS 594) pi. nWH xmmD the birds of the sky Bo 78:13 D1S vb. to split, specify (4- XDTB, XDD1S, XriDnS; Sy *\-i± to tear away LS 595, Ma DnB to make a breach MD 379, MH W\5 LNVTH 291) Pe. (a/ ) 1. split, breach: a. general: V"y pnyi xxin1? «]xu 'inn n'tnsi 'n'ai "na 'nxi the master of the house entered and came in, and that adulterer breached the fence of palm leaves and fled Ned 91b(l 1); xnXBTS EHB San 96b(39; OH San 492:13) [1 xnDIB]; nDlBI nntf'-r? n'^'yi n'nS'B?^ (the animal) stuck its head in, and (the foliage) split its lip Bes 27b(8); pass.part. jtJ'IB nmnB'D his lips were split BQ 117a(49; Ar [AC 6:423]) [Var: .T^B^O XD'IB mn GTB2 201:22]; b. in a fig. sense: X'TTl ]VV"\2 X1?! we do not make a breach in a 'fence' TGAs28 192:11 [i.e. we take preventive measures; caique < MH2 pB TU J 215]; 2. to specify: a. general: p'BIBIT XT13X3 H'XDn we specify his sins in public MQ I6a(i5); Trvnai i'dibt n'xi mV?^ uxm irx "BIT "an I'BWXBi there are some (Tannaim) who
nois 932 ma learn general rules and some who specify, elaborate, and explain various similar cases iSGF 18:21; 'BXnS p'DISI ib. 53:12; TGHark 118:17; Anan 49:13; ib. 71:22; b. esp. in Scripture: 'DH1? 'am n'3 BIS for this purpose the Merciful One specified ... BB 143a(33); Men 55b(12); Hul 68b(30); Kar 2b(43); 'V XaV in1? BnS'a T1,T» why does (Scripture) have to specify them again? Mak 18a(4); XJ&m n'3 BIS X3Xn the Merciful One specified in this case Anan 43:8; ib. 81:8; AnanSch 33:16 Pa. to enumerate: n'XBn Bnsan ]Xa one who enumerates his sins Sot 7b(46) [// Ber 34b(52); 4- VlfflS pe., mng. 7] Lit: Eps, Stl 52 [mng. 1], NDTS, NDXTS yi.m. specification, portion (4- VtJTB; JPA 2#B1S DJPA 446, Sy n^La tearing LS 595) 1. specification: sg. Xfflm 317133 NB"1B in let the Merciful One write one specification BQ 54a(12); Naz 35b(10); Svu 26a(28); Zev 30b(36); B'yaa Xp 'XI3 n'DTB3 what does it [i.e. the biblical verse] exclude in its specification? Pes 95a(35); pi. 'Vx^a 'Itm pan 'BXnsi the scholars expound (biblical verses by the principle of) general rules and particular cases San 45b(52) // BQ 117b(47) // Svu 4b(10); ib. 23b(27); 38a(42); Zev 4b(35); Hul 66a(15); 'BK-IS '3XH Va M0 3b(6); BQ 63a(30); /SGF 53:12 [4- Vans pe., mng. 2a]; 2. portion: sg. XS'px im XD1B1 XB^X a thousand (years) and a portion of a thousand (years) AZ 9a(18); 'aVm n333 3'Wnp X1? XB1T XBnB '1333 S'ttfflp H3T NB1S perhaps (Scripture only) reckons a large portion (of a counting unit) concerning the talents. It does not reckon a small portion concerning the talents Bek 5a(47); pi. 'yiawa 'BXnsi 'V'ava 'V^D the 'whole ones' [i.e. the hundreds in the date] as jubilee cycles and the 'portions' [i.e. the remainder] as sabbatical cycles AZ 9b(9; TGHark 21:36) Y: 'BIS AZ 9a(l 1; BAYTN 44). NTItriS, KfltJTB, NtJTB n.m. cleft, split (4- VbT-5; Ma XJ1BTIB, XBTiB cleft, gaping wound MD 369; cf. Ma XriBTiS XTTXaa BX1D1 Morgan, Textes, p. 48) pi. nTI'33 XJIXBnB XTO1 ^TXI pny T'l'Xl he fled, went, caused a rift in his family [lit. placed a split in his house], and converted San 96b(39) [Var: XT1XBTS BnB OH San 492:13; XBTS XTtf Ar (AC 6:423)] // XnXBIS XnWI Git 57b(18; MGN 600:15) Geon. expl.: Virol ITSm mmB pB OH San ib.; Lit: Eps, Stl 52; Y: NJTBTIB San ib.(BAYTN 201). 'nB vb. to grow, propagate, bear fruit (Sy ,i_a LS 596, Ma l#xns MD 377) Pe. 1. to grow: 'XT nXB Tin XS1BX3 if (damage occurred) in the leaf, it will grow again BB 18b(l 1); T»T0& nxsn *n nnn whatever grows from its roots HG1 94:36; 2. w. V'31 pe. to propagate: XynX3 "I'ynT Xm Hb p '31 xVl 'IS xVt XTVD31 BT>p31 0nD3 D11DT nrrybB na x'JiVsn msua tvi xVi nan may your seed be like the land of Sodom, like a eunuch, a qalut, and a mule, which does not reproduce and propagate. So may you not propagate and reproduce in the body of NN daughter of NN Sab 67a(27) Pa. to bear fruit: H'TTiV ncrirxn 'TO nu? '3 xnm 1'rrsD *?ax rrrawa "its nsai nwa xnn ffyira "ins nsai rrewa 'sn xin xafyn T0X1 X'H n'JPaen nym when is it permitted? Something which exists [i.e. has grown] of itself in the sixth year and actually bears fruit in the Sabbatical year. But aftergrowths of a seed which merely falls in the sixth year and bears fruit in the Sabbatical year is sowing of the Sabbatical year and is forbidden Pes 51b(15; C) NT"1S n.m. pomegranate seed (Akk pirindi nurmi pomegranate seed AHw 866 [in a medical prescription], Sy rc'&riT.a, pi. ^H-% grain LS 593, MH2 pan bv nnx nTTS PT Ber 10a(14), JPA TOTS DJPA 433) pi. XTTS TI(D){3) rwW) five measures of pomegranate seed Git 69a(32; Ar [AC 6:412]) [ingredient in a remedy for spitting up blood from the lungs]; XTTS pan /!731 GC 142:15 [w. ref. to Vnstf ]i»n.n MUqs 2:6 and expl. by Arab q\Q\ ii ib. 14] Geon. expl.: OaK^N 1X131 iv. in NTHS OHT Git 155:18, i.e. ii (_>-^Ujll o^J^ dry pomegranate seed; cf. s-^ t^-i-iocHa K'aT-fi jlijll BBah 1604:13; Lit: Low, Pfi 310; Flora 3:96+; Y; KTTB Gil ib.(BAYTN 60). nHS adj. (uncertain) pl.m. Tins '"7130 Bo 78:6 Lit: AMB 207. xriB'is* 933 -ps Knp'IB*, pi. 'BnS n.f. small coin (4- VdtS; JPA j'tTlB pi. DJPA 447, MH HBTIB J 1219) pi. a. general: 'xrsttnx nna nrnsa xas'nntpa mn I used to be a partner (in the Hanukka lights) with my landlord by means of small coins Sab 23a(i4); 'ansa xnax xnn ](i>ciaT xra an ':a PN's sons bought a certain maidservant for small coins Qid 8b(7) [* 4- X3D3]; XITIXS 'Dns 'JH XSDDa |Dnn 'SB 'n^'X ]Xnon in a place where small (copper) coins are plentiful, they are more current than silver ones BM 44b(ll; F1); ib. 45a(17); Su£ 44b(28); b. of various metals: 'B'nS XSD3T Ket 110b(49) [silver]; BB 165b(44) // Men 107a(9); K3HT1 'Dns BB 166a(l) [gold]; 'D'TS XlT/mn TGHark 45:26 [copper] Y: 'B'-IB BB ib.(BAYTN 60). I'lS adj. broken, refuted (4- V"]T3 pe., pass.part.) 1. broken: sg.m. XS'TS X3m broken gold Ket 67a(34); BM 70a(27); ib. 32; BB 166a(3); AZ 10b(7); 2. refuted: sg.m. 'aim bp Xin XD'nS it is a refuted a fortiori argument Mak 14a(29) NS'IB n.m. type of demon (< Mir *parika- [cf. MP parlg witch CPD 65]; Ma X'DHS pi. MD 379) pi. nan ^ans male p.-demons Bo 29:11 Lit: Shaked, Actlr 11 [1985] 512s. NOnS n.m. cover (4- a/2#0T3, 2#X0nS; Sy rsLa>ia LS 600) sg. nnaya n"?3n nan xons 'xn n«/ ... XB1T XDns it is permitted to make (for synagogue use) a small cover from a large cover which is worn out Meg 26b(36; M2) Y: N0'-1B Meg ib.(BAYTN 61). Nj7Fip'"!S n.m. messenger (< Mir *frestak [cf. Parth prystky Gignoux 61, MP frestag [plystk] messenger, apostle, angel CPD 34]; Sy rdxiii-ooT-a royal messenger LS 603) a. general: sg. ma mm xrsenx xmnV xpnons y"?p'x the messenger happened to come to a certain inn where he was BM 86a(14) [Var: Xa^an XpnonS Ar (AC 6:439); XaJX1? XpTlDns ]1i pnyi he fled from the messenger to the swamp iSGF 87:5; XaVan Xpnons a royal messenger Git 56b(14; V18) [Var: 'Xam xpnons Ar (AC 6:439)]; AZ 65a(18); b. esp. w. Vmu? pa.: sg. Xpnons xaVn im© perhaps they sent a messenger Meg 7a(49; G); nnrax xa^an xpnons innw BM 86a(i0); Ber 58a(39; Ed) On Ket 62a(36), v. 4 xp'YI; Lit: Geig, AAC 343; Tel 114; Y: XJW-B Ber 58a(39; BAYTN 310). JTnS adj. paid (4- V2#JHS pe., pass.part.) sg.m. Xyn's XTJP a paid document Ket 85a(33); Svu 41a(27) ynS adj. licentious, reckless (4- Vf "IS pe., pass, part., xmsnB; MH2 yns J 1227) 1. licentious: a. general: sg.m. XSns V1H a licentious person NDGR 237:7; XXnD xVaj a licentious camel Ber 54a(38) [4- pS adj.]; pl.m. X1? VT7 ]TDXn "\T7\ na 'Sns they were not licentious in those (sexual relations) which were forbidden to them Yom 75a(23; E1); Ber 3b(2); 'Sns cm fish are licentious BB 74b(33); b. w. mb: ^ns 'iyia nay n"? a Canaanite slave is licentious with her BM 71a(42); f. rcb XXns she is licentious with him [i.e. the slave] Git 13a(ll; Ed); 2. reckless: pl.m. xnsna prns api nna ran two certain people who were reckless with bread Tan 24b (11; M2) Y: 'jnB Ber 3b(2; BAYTN 106). NniSnS n.f. licentiousness (4- yns) sg. XJllsns XWnn nOX Xp does the Merciful One forbid (her to her husband because of) licentiousness? Yev 55b(i7); xmsns '»i i"jyi naj par (if) men sing and women respond it is licentiousness Sot 48a(48); n3yn xniX'TS licentiousness of slaves Bes 14b(6); Pes 91b(l); Ber 45b(9); Meg 12b(19); Yev 52a(28); ib. 76a(32); Sot 26b(41); Qid 12b(28); BM 91a(36); TGHark 87:17; AnanSch 18:2 Y: (WW)? Sol ib.(BAYTN 176). Nflt^'IS n.f. secret (4- VtfnS; Akk piristu secret AHw 866, Sy K'^Lacj-La miracle LS 608) pi. XJTCTlB 'txn3 Yma He speaks with deep secrets [lit. mysteries of secrets] Bo 95:2; ib. 96:4; 104:2 TIB vb. to break off, refute (4- xnansa, X3TB, nns; Sy t^la LS 597, MH -ps LNVTH 291) Pe. (a/u) 1. to break off: xans -pS'n nw'3' he may completely break off a dry (pustule) Pes 68b(13; V14); 2. to object, refute: -pS'a1? xa'X it is possible to refute Pes 23b(19); Yev 74a(34); BQ
N0131S 934 Kpo'ms 5b(4); Zev 4a(19); Kar 4a(34); -\MS^ let him raise an objection BQ 26a(36); 'Xnx 31 JIB PN objects Qid 13a(10); /(Z46b(24); Men 60b(43); 1'IBp x"71 'Xp xatya am xm does the 7a/wa not, in fact, take a general position (concerning the prohibitions), and no one raises an objection? Yev 6a(18); TOTS 'X n31B 'Xai what can you object? If you object ... Kar 5a(21; F); 1X1 {n){])tt "?3 'J'D-IS X1? xabya p'31B I'Blia we may refute a deduction from cases having similar characteristics [lit. of itself]. We do not refute (from those) which are different [lit. from elsewhere] Hul 115b(41); Xiaim x"?ip Xina Xin "?3 "bx 'rsis 'mna xin p'Bis xV x%n Vb Tbib Xim we may refute one case (inferred) from another by means of something which is less grave or graver. We may not refute by any (peculiarity). We may refute one case (inferred) from two cases even by any (peculiarity) ib. 116a(2); X130a 'V D'WS Xn"?'a n'J'B XJ'JH '3 ia .TV XU131B Xn'jna XJnB^a '31 whenever I ask you something (you) solve (it) for me by reason. (But) whenever I find a Tannaitic tradition it refutes it Zev 96b(8; V11); X2P13 PI'1? 'ax XI 1'31B1 he, in fact, said (it) to him first and (the other) refuted it Pes 69a(14); pass.part. 'M Xm XB'IB this is also refuted TGHark 100:11; HP 59:9 Itpe. 1. to be crumbled, crumble, break off: 31D DV3 ,1'3'a Va'aVl 'BIIB'xV inn is it permitted (for the the mustard stalk) to be crumbled and to eat from it [i.e. the mustard seeds] on a holiday? Bes 12b(41); XBIB'B '3113'X Sab 20b(37) [algae]; Er 103a(17) [pustule]; Hul 88a(36) [sand]; Nid 55a(8) [dried skin]; 2. to be refuted: 'axi "73 x1? "sxi -pB'x irfrDi x«m 'in1? -psa xV xrfra "|'1BX let whoever makes a statement (and) is not refuted be the head (of the academic session. The statement) of all of them was refuted. That of PN was not refuted Hor 14a(15); Vp JIBBI X3'1 iaim (in a case) where an a fortiori argument is refuted BQ 18b (17) Lit: Bacher 162. N0W1S n.m. spasmodic motion (MH2 D13TB J 1171; 4- Vo31B) pi. '013ns xrfjn 031B1 (the foetus) made three spasmodic motions BB 142b(3) // Nid 44b(2) // Ara 7a(43) Y: '0»"» BB ib. O'SnS n.m. (uncertain) sg. O'BIB nin X1? //u/ 57b(19; V12R.G.) Y: 0'3-IB Hul ib. 03*13 vb. to make a spasmodic motion, raise an objection (denom. < (ppi^it; Lehnw 490; 4 X0131D; JPA 031B DJPA 447, Sy .m^-ta to tremble LS 597, MH D3"IS LNVTH 292) Quad. 1. to make a spasmodic motion: BB 142b(3) [+ //'s; 4 xoibib]; 'arx o'bib x^i 'xisxa arrcn O'BIBl X©'!!; '31 Xri'33 Dmr?1 he cut (his trachea and oesophagus) outside, and he did not make a spasmodic motion. Alternatively: He cut (his trachea and oesophagus) in a marble room, and he made a spasmodic motion Git 70b(34) // Yev 121a(3); TGAs28 15b:4; 2. fig. perh. to raise an objection: ,T3 VTiai XinX3 '3nr '1 111 xVa"?'X 0'31B X"7 Xl'n'rf? if PN had been in the place where they used to make a permissive ruling, he would not have raised an objection Hul 57b(19; yii) KrDnS*, pi. '3"1S n.f. curtain (< BH rtbllB HAL 911; Sy rc'ALo-va, etc. LS 597) pi. '3X1B p03a we cover the curtains AnanSch 29:28 DIB vb. to chop, hack down (4- XaTS, 'XailB; Sy -jtrta LS 598) Pe. 1. to chop: 0'IB Xion 31 XpV'O PN used to chop mangel-wurzel (on the Sabbath) Sab 119a(16; MGE 323:7); ib. 74b(3; M); '1D1T {1)'ailB3 TU'&TDI he chopped them into small pieces Ber 39a(31); 2. to hack down: mpSXI '3X3 D11S they hacked down the doors and removed it [i.e. the bed] MQ 25a(32) Itpe. to be cut: 'XISxV 'aiB'ai 'B1J 'rtm we see that the feathers are cut to the outside Hul 31a(l) Geon. expl.: "|Wn I'JO 1VX1 XWTO po OHP Sab 32:7. NB1B 4 2# XailB n. NpD'SIS n.m. (uncertain) sg. XpO'aiBI '131 men of ... BM 93b(46; G§ 385:11) [Var: Xpoia'BI Ar (AC 6:361); XOia^BI '131 H] V DS, ad loc, n. n; Geon. expl.: n»rf7B 'W:X TOX 3T 'B ib.; expl. Ar: lOton tnm AC ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 328, rejects P derivs. [v. e.g. Fl, TMW 4:227; Koh, AC ib.]; Y: NjWa-» BM tnriB 935 2#N019 ib.(BAYTN 304). N""3"1S n.m. silk (< MP parand Sayast-ne-sayast 4:1 [cf. NP parand PED 244], > Arab ijj silk cloth Jawal 111:8, PLAr 209; 4 1#1XT1£/) sg. X1J1B XTVff p.-silk Sab 20b(31; M) [expl. 4- XD3oa]; Tin1? xiris xtv nrf? xi'ty silk is distinct from p.-silk ib. 33; Sot 48b(44) [in H context] Geon. expl.: I l#X1pBU. This word may also occur in Sy [v. rt'-uu LS 79]; Lit: Geig, AAC 341; Y: XpiB Sab ib.(BAYTN 209). 03*13 vb. to support (i XOJID, xniOJID; Sy unjii LS 599, MH 0J1B LNVTH 293) Quad.: inxa "35? 13 WISH ia ]*7 3'n'n'1? let (the charity money) be given to us, master, and we shall support the poor of our town with it Meg 27a(47; G); Ned 65b(20); BB 8a(35); SSHai 2a(7) [ketubba-document]; ib. 13a(21); HP 163:31 QuadRef. to be supported: '1X131 XTB '"? ri'Xl ma XJOJIDai I have a ditch of fish which supports me Tan 24a(49) N031B n.m. communal leader (4 VonB; TA XoYlB" TJ Is 22:15, Sy ^ m \\A LS 599) pi. 'DJ1B Dec 3:2 [in a list of communal officials] In Ar 17a(10), all the mss. read: rmB 'tyn. Nrn03")S n.f. support (4 Vans; Ma xriDXilXB MD 364, Sy ^^ ^^^ LS 599) sg. ]»T iy Xni031B until the time of their support [i.e. income] TGAs27 71:15 NpaiB 4 XpJIIB n. 1#01B vb. to break, split (I l#X0nB, X3D11B; Sy 1# ^i»la LS 599) Pe.: pass.part. D'IBl T2V (its mouth) is pointed and split apart (like that of a pig) Bek 40a(45; Ar [AC 8:131]); ]XB3 X.11 X'ai XD'IBI this one [i.e. a partially baked loaf] is as if it is broken Pes 37b(2) // Men 78b(29); Xl^B XD'IB ... yaiya 'Xa what does (this meaning of 01B) imply? Broken, [i.e.] half Bek 58a(7) Expl. R.G.: Tin 'iv? rbyri? naipy ac ib. 2# 01B, 471S vb. to spread, distribute (< Vfe/IB [cf. BH 2TIB HAL 917, etym. section]; 4 XflOTTB, XD'IB, 2#XD1B; Sy 2# u»i^ LS 600, Ma DIB MD 380) Pe. (/u) 1. to spread: a. coverings: 1) general: "p'1 by 'DIB X3111 xnVm they will spread a golden cloak over your head BM 85a(27); Hul 57b(42); XiTTax mOTB 'an' nr?pW the orphans took it [i.e. the garment of fine wool] (and) spread it over the corpse Yev 66b(32); '01B XIB'OX n'V they spread it over the Torah scroll Meg 26b(34); Git 31b(43); Sab 48a(7) [mat]; Pes 100b(4) [cloth]; pass.part. '111X 'D'IBl 'a'1?* 'in two garments which are spread one over another Hag 15a(17); 2) esp. w. XW'IX X111D to wrap a scarf around the head: pass.part. 311? ITDCX "3X ,1'iy'IX X1X11D n'1? O'lS'l «]0T PN encountered PN2 who had wrapped a scarf around his head MQ 24a(41) [for add. exx., v. 4 XTT10 usage a.2]; b. hands: 1,1'T 'tt?1B1 X3TJ73 '313 'Bj? Dip'31 let him stand before the priests when they spread their hands (to bless the congregation) Ber 55b(30); Tan 26b(32); Meg 24b(30); Ket 24b(45); Hul 133a(23); TGAs28 192:9; c. w. Xri: pass.part. 1'ap 'an"1 Xl'1 D'lB mi the case of the orphans was spread out before him (for judgment) Ket 105b(50); 2. to distribute: D'5?D vb D'IBl he used to taste (the food) and distribute (it) to them San 49a(42); 3. to retail merchandise: xnn xn'c; xn'ra nnn' 3i wb ons pn used to retail each six (jugfuls of wine) for a zuz BM 40a(53) 1# ND1S n.m. parasang, a Persian mile (< Mir *frasax Nyberg 76, w. loss of h; TA ]'D1B pi. TJ Is 10:32, Ma XD1XB MD 364, Sy tOWva LS 601, > Arab j^iji Wehr 705) sg. 1D1B "73 XDB 31 XnB'1 "7'3X mn PN used to eat a loaf of bread for each parasang (that he walked) Tan lla(2); pi. 'DIB rwv>n il'inax am he ran after him three parasangs AZ 15b(50) // Ket 60b(25); 1XB Tbl) 'DIB ixa n"7nx 'DIB three hundred square parasangs Meg 6b(36); BB 75b(22); Hul 59b(36); 'DIB xn"?n 13 X11D a three parasang (high) mountain Ber 54b(21; F); Er 55b(34); Naz 7a(16); BB 73a(20); Zev 113b(22); Men 69b(17); HP 166:18 [4 1#X'11D mng. 1] Lit: Geig, AAC 342; Tel 502; Y: NOIS AZ ib. 2#N01S, K0N1S n.m. cover, curtain (4 V2# DIB, XD'IB; Sy rdioi-a LS 600) sg. Xn'^3 XD1B1 a rag of a cover Hul 8b (18) [Var: XDX1B1 GTB2 248:18]; pi. 'DX1B Suk 20b(15); ib. 18
HN01S 936 2# jng t t ; t Y: NCns Hul ib.(BAYTN 50). n«0"19, N0*IS adj., n. Persian (4- TVO"©; Sy <<1Jd\A PSm 3272, Ma X'XOnXB MD 364) I. adj.: sg.m. HXD1B xVaj a Persian camel BQ 55a(25) [* KTO Arab]; nX0"lB x'rp'i a Persian date palm ib. 59a(46); nXDID XIDW a Persian document Git lla(26) [i.e. written in the Persian language; v. HP 130:13]; ib. 19b(25); X3JD nXDIS the Persian (Pehlevi?) script TGHark 129:6 [cf. OHT Ket 63:5; v. Eps, Gr 17]; pl.m. pnn TNOns Persian sorcery Bo 56:9; 'XD1B '33V7 Persian lances Git 70a(6); Sab 110b(l) [4- X3»#]; f. XJT'CTIB (ni'-ian Persian dates &A 110b(34); ifc 29a(29); 143a(28); 5e/-44b(47) [4 XJ1B1N]; II. n.: pl.m. 'XCHSa l"?ya 'X&n the Romans are better than the Persians GiV 17a(3); Ber 56a(3); /'& 59b(ll) // Qid 72a(l); /4Z llb(26); Kom 10a(2); BM I08a(25); xato£ xmax '-iaxi px wis ik1? we are not Persians, who say: "A lost object (belongs) to the king" ib. 28b(13); X3TI 'in 'XDISl xa"?yi are the Persians the majority of the world? Er 29b(49); yiara 'Bts 'yps 'xo-ib rrnyo 'a-na the Persians are more versed than you in the etiquette of a meal Ber 46b(20); ib. 26; 33; Er 29b(49) [4- Xpn3D]; Pes 41a(33) [4- O'rax]; /)Z 24b(53) [4- T31]; i& 54 [4- X371EH]; AZ 71a(17) [4- X3WTIB]; 'XDTBi XfllD^a the kingdom of the Persians BQ 117a(37); 'XOIB '3W the time [lit. years] of the Persians Ko/n 77a(46); 'XD1B1 X3H judgment of the Persians [i.e. an arbitrary judgment] BB 173b(10); BQ 58b(32; Es); "1013 'XCHBi X3Va PN, the king of the Persians OHT Yev 39:7 Voc: 'X01B HGP 18b: 16; Y: ,1X013 Ber 62b(24; BAYTN 320). KJD'MB n.m. (uncertain) sg. xrrCHSI XTXTU H'SIJ iV'XT the trunk and the ... of the tree itself Sab 154b(31) Lit: Geig, AAC 342, rejects P derivs.; Y: NW'piS Sab ib. JT0")S adv. in Persian (4- nXDIS) 'XTin' pro XnaiTD IX XIDW plJim n'OIB the Jews write (it) in Persian and sign the document or the ketubba HP 130:13 DD19 vb. to publicize, make well known (denom. < 4- X'OmB Lehnw 492; MH 00TB LNVTH 295; cf. Sy ys0\A LS 601) Quad.: XTlV'a 'aiDIB1? to publicize the matter Yev 101b(37); San 70b(32); Ara 29a(29); Men 64a(16); Hul 53b(17); X0'3 '&1DTB publicizing the miracle (of Hanukka) Sab 23b(17); Ber 14a(l 1); Meg 3b(27) [of Purim]; ib. 18a(40); pass.part. n'Xtsn DOTBaT T13X a community whose sin is publicized AZ 5a(4); X0'3 DOTBaT H3i:n '3XW Hanukka is different since the miracle is publicized RH 18b(43); XTW'33 DOTBa he is well known for his wickedness BQ 115a(27; HP 86:15) QuadRef. to be publicized: XJlV'a xaDTBX the matter was publicized RH 25b(29); ib. 24a(43); Hor lla(54); TGHark 102:17; TGAs42 80:15 1#JTIS vb. to tear open (4- xnyTBa; Sy 1# ^ia LS 603, Ma 5#X"IB MD 378) Pe.: X3TI TOO 'yTBT where the butchers tear open (the animal) Hul 76a(25); ib. 93b(33) 2# y~\2 vb. to pay, repay a debt, punish (4- xjjms, xrvnyiiB, yns, ij?-id; Sy 3# ^.la LS 603, Ma 3#X-ID MD 377, MH yTS LNVTH 295) Pe. (a/a): a. money: n^TO OTnyTBT 'TID "p Jl'X do you have witnesses that you repaid it [i.e. the money] to him? Ket 85a(15); 13TID ,!? nyTD '3 'Tn 'BX3 pay me only before two (witnesses) Svu 41b(30; F2); 'TTO fffl'SXa T'yTB "7TX he went (and) paid him before (witnesses) ib. 42a(27); '"? 'ITTX n'1? X3yTB1 as soon as I have (the money), I shall pay him BQ 107a(9); BM 3b(3); 31 '3 '33 MH 71303 'JTISI 'TW713 'DJ'T students of the ie rav who borrow in 7hti and repay in Tevet ib. 72b(38); XT1T XT1T T'yTBI he repaid him one zuz at a time ib. 77b(48); 102b(34); BB 174a(26); nyTB X1? yTB'a he certainly did not repay it Ket 56a(35); 13 Xip'OaT 'TIT ,TXa 71'W lyT'B pay me the five hundred zuzim which I claim from you Svu 41b(46; HP 126:14); HP 79:17; OJ7TB 'V TV1? H'1? yiB'a8? xatys I have nothing at all with which to repay him TGHark 83:23; ib. 106:15; SSHai 4a(ll); S&arf 198:16; b. fig. of time: JHB1?! Ta llfVl borrow and repay [i.e. postpone your fast until another day] Tan 12b(28); Xnx 3T J7"IB1 «]T 3py "13 PN used to borrow and repay [i.e. he would make up at night for his missed study of the day] Er 65a(40); c. anger: yTBT ]Xa jjns 937 pns n'3'p 3'-ina n'Xip the one who repays his anger destroys his family San 102b(46; Ar [AC 7:129]) Itpe. 1. to be repaid or reimbursed (of a debt): 'yiTBTVX 'ya XpT Xin 'TIT it is the money that he wants to be repaid BM 16a(19); T,7rren 'TXDa ynS'X 'IXB be reimbursed from your debtor (even with) bran (in lieu of money) ib. 118a(31) // BQ 46b(2) // BB 92b(2) [I 2#XJV1B]; O'jn'a 'XT Xi"?B Jirra yiB'a if (the money) is seized, he is at any rate repaid half HP 49:16; yTBTTl abwi IV XTai iy H^'T 3W until his debt is paid and reimbursed in full Dec 5:11; SSHai 2b(5); TGHark 85:31; ib. 268:20; 2. w. p to punish [cf. MH p yiBi J 1235]: a. w. spec, subj.: X3T Xi'T '3 '<n>n3m 'B"m 'Jna ynB'"7 may the great [i.e. heavenly] court punish the ones who rub(?) g.-garments Sot 22b(18); in '2?:xa yisrrXT ]Xai n'ra ynsn' xin ... "?i3an may the One who punished the people of the generation of the Deluge punish him Dec 7:16; b. impersonal usage: HTa lyiB'X he was punished Yom 22b (34); H'SUa lyiB'X X1? his body was not punished ib. 36; Sot 22b(18) ISpS adj. one who repays a debt (4- V2# y"IB; cf. Sy rsiioT-a LS 603) sg.m. X3x xayns xnan 'm see that I am a man who repays his debt Sab 79a(7) 1# Knj/lS* n.f. perh. pad of foot (etym. unkn.) pi. rrVn nyns lyi n'mai x(i)piip ]a from the top of his skull to the pads (?) of his feet Bo 133:10 [merism for entire body] The mng. is derived from the context. Note the phrase: riinDTl iT^JTl njn3 ib. 11, where 71jn3 may be a gloss for 715HB. [2# Nnsns 4- xnyis n.] Ka'riSIB, HI'S"!? n.m. purslane (Sy n'i.'.y^f. LS 604, Ma xrsiB MD 364, Akk parparhu AHw 834, > Ar jiji, OA^ Fr, AF 143) pi. n'rnsTB naa xp mm 'naj xinn a certain man who was scattering his purslane RH 26b(13; GRH 18:33,0) [expl. MH mxbfrn ib. 11] // Meg 18a(43); 'rBIB npy a root of purslane HM 40:16 Geon. expl.: pnSTB XnpJ l'Wsy Tjn OHP Er 91:9(Ar); Lit: Low, Flora 3:70+; Y: 'JW1B Meg ib.(BAYTN 300). KQ'SIS n.m. basket made of woven palm leaves (etym. unkn.; 4- x"?mn) sg. '-IW XD'BIB 'XH n^lD'jtj'? it is permitted to carry a /^.-basket Sab 81b(20); i& 22; GC46:4 [expl. MH bnin MKelK 16:5] Lit: Low, Lehnw 494, rejects a Gr deriv.; Y: NO'SIB Sab ib. flS vb. to make a breach, be wild (4- XSTD, xmS'TS, flB adj.; Ma pB to break through MD 380, BH 1#?TB HAL 914) Pe. (a/u) 1. to make a breach: X31T fnBTI XV do not make a breach of most (of it) £r 15b(35); flBI niJl "?y:i he may lock, fence in, and make a breach SSHai 1 la(15) [cf. BB 52b(28)]; 2. to be wild, reckless: Vwn xra Xinna n'a pBI since (the ox) was wild concerning a certain species BQ 37a(30); pass.part. 4- flB ■jn?, fKIS adj. licentious, wild (4- V"pB, mB adj.; Sy r^-ta wanton LS 605) sg.m. X3HB x"?ai a licentious camel 5er 54a(38; MGE 146:15 [Var]) [Var: XSXnBIXl xVa* OHP ib. 105:12] Geon. expl.: nJUWlN 3<3)K1 im a camel (which) copulates with its mate OHP Ber 105:12; Y: KXnB Ber ib.(BAYTN 106). KftlXIS n.m. perh. a low-quality wine made of grape seeds (4- XBIXI, XJIHTIB) sg. rXaiSnB"' xnilpx ]3"!TaT ^.-wine which is sold on street corners BB 95b(25; H[corr.], Ar [AC 6:444]) The translation is based on a poss. phon. connection w. 1 KJUXTIB [v. Low, Flora 1:80; TMW 4:134]; Y: XBX11B BB ib. NB1SHS n.m. face (< npoaconov Lehnw 495; Sy rslio^-va face, self LS 605, Ma XB1S1XS MD 365) sg. nmnxV rPBIxnB mn he had a seizure [lit. his face turned backwards] BM 86a(17); TGAs42 164:9 [expl. JBA XTTX nn vertigo Pes lllb(3)] Y: XB1S1B AZ 18b(10; BAYTN 255). KTS")9 n.m. kernel, seed (> Arab J~»ji grape stone Fr, WZKM 7 [1893] 39; cf. Sy K'iijg-U pomegranate kernel LS 605) sg. 'mm Xl'SnB X^p a seed under a clod Tan 4a(l) [v. Geon. expl.]; ib. 3; pi. XpaiO Xiam 'TS1B seeds of a red pomegranate BM 84a(20); pay 'mTXIBBI xn(')tff(')a they make oil from its kernels [i.e. of the P'p'p-plant] Sab 21a(13) Geon. expl.: JinSlX p« firm NVW nNian yv OHP Tan 56:15(Ar); Lit: Flora 3:98. This word should not be connected with TA VTZ~& source, rivulet J 1204; Y: 'HiTXIB Sab ib.(BAYTN 236). plB vb. to redeem, separate, divide, solve
N[?ns 938 TpHB (4- XJpTIB, XplTB, XpTB; Sy ^^3 LS 605, Ma pis MD 380) Pe. (a/u) 1. to redeem, ransom: a. firstborn child: <3){'l"n& max rrpns X^i X3V11 rviPSJ pnB'rf? irPX in a case where his father did not redeem him, he is required to redeem himself Qid 29a(43); AnanSch 6:22; ib. 7:9; HG3 291:35; b. firstborn animal: Bek 9b(13); »& 37b(4); c. sacred or dedicated objects: Pes 13b(24); BM 53b(8) [tithe]; BB 72b(13) // Ara 14a(44); A/en 48a(3); HG3 396:20 [vineyard of fourth year]; AnanSch 4:6; d. captive: xn"13W inn pns they ransomed certain captive women Yev 45a(15); Git 38a(23); ib. 45a(33); Ket 47a(24); 47b(19); e. sinner: n"3 xiynp iVy nrn'1? xnnn 'xn '3 ^3 irpviB^l let the Holy One, Blessed be He, be so angry at us and redeem us San 105a(34) // RH 32b (5); f. in fig. use: XrDJi m» pnST X^p'T a date palm which (by its large yield) redeems its owner from the poll tax Er 51a(8); 2. to separate, remove: pass.part. X'Ql Xp'IDT ]XH3 it is as if it [i.e. the frankincense] was removed Men llb(38) Pa. 1. to release: n'pTlB1? ,T"ina "?TX he followed him to release him BM 83b(42; V22); 2. to divide, separate: VU'pVlB^ "?IX he went to separate them [i.e. the two who were quarreling] Ber 56a(44; P); n'»1B wbm XIO0 "TI"S Tfb NJp'IDttl I shall bring a knife whose blade is thin and will separate it Hul 48a(9); pass.part. ~0 Xpisa xV when (the lung) is not separated TGHark 159:29; 3. to unload: 1XU'? V"5n "RPB'X pnsai he can go inside and unload (the animal there) BB llb(4); 4. to pierce: XlV'D pVM Tib p'plBDI we bring a thorn and pierce it [i.e. the pustule] Hul 47a(3; HP 199:9) [i Vna af.]; 5. to solve a problem: rb p'lSS X1.11 rf? a'm& Xin he raises an objection to it, and he solves it Pes 85b(12) // Sab 145a(3) // SWA: 39b(9) // Ket 44b(14) // 55 120a(23) // Zev 63a(13); ATef 42b(23) [v. Itpa.]; BM 84a(50) [I XplTS]; Sab 33b(48); rc/forjt 2:17; ib. 227:1; /5GF 38:18; nrpnBH "UJ 13 1M n'1?! there is no 'carpenter son of a carpenter' [i.e. scholar] who can solve it AZ 50b(3); Mak llb(13); Tan 23a(51); //or 13b(50) Af. 1. to permit to be ransomed: n'BXS X^OTD n"? pIBDl she becomes disgraced in his [i.e. the pagan's] sight, and he permits her to be ransomed Git 38a(45); 2. to release for sale: 2I\yob n» W031B '13 'pTIBXI he is permitted to write and to release (phylacteries and mezuzot) for sale (on the intermediate days) for his livelihood HP 175:19 Itpe. 1. to be redeemed: a. firstborn animal: xVl p'HB'a 'pnS'X it is indeed not redeemed Bek 32b(24); Men 100b(39); AnanSch 8:29; b. sacred or dedicated objects: Ara 5a(31) [field]; 2. to be released, delivered: X1?! yitf ]ySO V?m XTm p'3 [xb in -] x^m xnwn pns'x xVia -iax pns'x 'pID'D when seventy years were completed, and they were not delivered (from exile), he said: "Since they have not been delivered, they will not be delivered anymore" Meg llb(42); 3. to be spared: X©"?ina pIS'X X1? he was not spared from sickness Git 35a(44); XyS'tW pIS'X X1? he was not spared from the sinking (of his boat) BB 153a(28); riT^i XplB'XI UWQ because she was spared from (the danger of) giving birth BQ 49a(25); 4. to be released for sale: ru»l TTQI ,p1"lS,Xl7 (the new Torah scroll) is written and set aside to be released (for sale) Meg 27a(29; L) Itpa. 1. to split, split off: Xfl'WX Tfh plsn'Xl the wall split for him Ber 54a(38); 'pTlD'X pID'X (the vital organ) was completely split off//«/ 44a(35; M); 2. to be dislocated: XplD'D 'j?TlD n"n3 H»n3 while an animal is alive it(s limbs) can be temporarily dislocated Hul 93a(9; H2); 3. to be solved (of a problem): H3"l p 'Xltfp KlfTQ Xn 3i 3'n'T ny pis'x x"?i ]>iv fmni ynvy «iov si1? nplODI XWU *]Dr this matter was difficult for PN and PN2 for twenty-two years, and it was not solved until PN2 served as the head of the academic session and solved it Ket 42b(23; V5); Mrf42b(5); TGHark 142:20 [4- XplTS] Xp-\S 4- XpTS n. lp~(D vb. to bend backwards (denom < 4- pp"lS; cf. Akk naparqudu to lie flat CAD N/1 282; I TpnDX, lips; Sy n-oi-a LS 606 [Lex]) Quad.: pass.part. XipiBB mn HipiB (the rim of the table) was bent completely backwards Men 96b(3) 939 BhS Cf. Geon. expl.: 'ty 'F KBp^X "ty OKI' [3"y J' 111313] ppilB TO'X'jXl p'X'JX I'bXBSbx he lies on (his) back, viz. on the two joints of the right and left OHP Ber 109:14 [cf. BBah 1636:9: |"T|?1S, np"119 adv. on the back (< Akk purqi- damAHw 881, AIOA 84; 4- TpiDX, Vlp"B; MH2 JlpTS Gross, Patterns 85) naon mtf X1? ppiS (lying) on the back is not called reclining Pes 108a(30; E'CV17) [V4: ppTlS] Lit: Kut, Studies 405 [Heb]. N'tJBplS n.m. merchandise (< 7tpayuateia Lehnw 478; Sy * i \, >^>a LS 592, mng. 2) sg. nr» 'jp f1Dp rfri X'DttpIS (if) merchandise has become inexpensive, quickly acquire some of it5er63a(31; OP) The form with qof [not gimel] is the dominant one also in the H oftheBT. NOplS* n.m. bond (Ma 2# XOpiXS chain, bond MD 365) pi. ,<Dp)(pD}-|S X3T TCb mnx PN entangled it [i.e. the bird] (in) bonds Hul 141b(24; Ar [AC 6:438]M) [V2: 7'rCT({p)ns] Lit: Geig, AAC 342, rejects prev. P. derivs. Note esp. in Ma: NOp-IKB [rfrx-nxn :text] ribmnx 1 entangled him (in) a bond Gy 85:24. T1S vb. annul a vow (4- X1T1S, 2#xniS; BH TIS hif. to annul a vow HAL 916, MH pa. to crumble J 1241) Af. to annul a vow: nV IS'S 'SD 'ST! how can he annul her vow? Yev 29b(40); nV "IS'1? yiiV '31? let him annul her (vows) whenever he hears (them) Ned 72b(22); ib. 70a(2); 1D» 1'^m j'Vn he annuls these (vows) and those ib. 79b(10); Naz 21b(16); ib. 28a(32); TVb IS'tt n'3T 'SS X1? his [i.e. the slave's] master cannot annul it [i.e. his oath] HP 45:19; nyi3K/ n'1? niSlxV NDGR 65:11; 'ISim ''Til those who annul vows ib. 66:9 tins vb. to depart, interpret, set aside (4- xmuhsx, Bhsa, xwitd, xn»n's, xnwns, xn^ns; Sy x-^-a LS 607, Ma ©IB MD 381) Pe. (a/u) 1. to withdraw, remove oneself, separate o.s.: a. alone: ItfnB'J WIS 'XT if he wants to withdraw (and not convert) let him do so Yev 47b(17); H'V p'3W1 unBl (the pest) will withdraw and leave it Hul 85b(42); /& 49a(27); Yev 14a(45); Zev 20b(ll); 50Z 72:16; b. w. p from s.oVs.t.: ]iru'13 IPIB'tt1? 13'3'na we must separate ourselves from them Anan 7:3; ife. 6:26; ]inx IX HTa 1tt?n3 you, also, separate yourselves from him TGHark 84:14; TO'B '^IB »TB'» they completely separate themselves from it Yev 36b(26); Ate 51a(38); 5a6 70b(10); HG3 353:46; IH'ra '^IBT ]33*1 X3'X there are some scholars who used to distance themselves from them [i.e. those paths] AZ 50a(27); BM 6a(16); Men 52a(4); 2. pass.part. w. ]U to abstain sexually: 'xr» '"? wnsi '3\» n»3 XH it is lo many years that he has been sexually abstaining from me Qid 81b(10); 3'm IV rU'D B/'IBT 31 by 1XT X'lH in'33 mn'TB ISO n1? even though he refrains from sexual relations with her until he gives her the divorce document, she stays in his house Anan 119:18; 3. to depart from a group: "?31 WIS X3TM IWIBT whatever departs from a group (is assumed to) to have departed from the majority Ber 28a(28) // Yom 84b(40) // Yev 16b(26) // AZ 17a(35); Hul 67a(34) [4- l#xmx mng. l.b.l]; 4. to branch off: Tril X3'V7 WIS in X1331? WHS im nxn^ U/nB one [i.e. the aorta] branches off to the heart, one [i.e. the trachea] branches off to the lungs, and one [i.e. the vena cava inferior] branches off to the liver Hul 45b(17); xnVn1? W\B1 (the sciatic nerve) branches off into three (parts) HG3 155:37; 5. to trek: X13H3 'BHST '3T7 nan WK bring Lybian donkeys that can trek in the dark Tarn 32a(47); 6. to set aside the priestly dues from tevel: iyi"lB,171 n31 nra let him set aside the priestly dues from it itself [i.e. the 'eruv] Er 30b(24); 7. to enumerate: 'Will "133 mBl!71 let (the Tanna) enumerate the substitutes (for the vows of Naziriteship) first Naz 2a(16); n'XBn WSH ]X13 one who enumerates his sins Ber 34b(52) [v. // 4- Vdib pa.] Pa. 1. to express clearly, state specifically: 'WriS W\sb let (Scripture) state (it) specifically San lllb(63); Suk 34a(8); XIID'X W\SV Xin WO TVVSn he states the prohibition concerning himself specifically first Naz 2a(27; V2); 'XDI Xnn33 W}SH Xp ,,,:na<3) T'»1 what he omitted in our Mishna he states specifically in the bar- raita BM 51a(43); Xn»(1> TPlSpb Xn31'n p'BnBI
ahs 940 tins XJT xnajidlna we have made a specific reply to our master under our signature Dec 2:9; S$Hai 5b(21); HG3 283:95; pass.part. 'triDai ':"M *73 x:a't im "ysnx 'ansa xbii 'tnsais all incantations which are specifically stated (as to the number of times to be said) are as stated, and (the ones) that are not specifically stated are (to be said) forty-one times Sab 66b(32); Xn'YiXl 'V'a xs'xi ymsen '*?'a xs'x 'x'sn r.v^'B ymsa pfiOBi as to the Torah, (its) subjects are expressed clearly. As to the Prophets, some of its subjects are expressed clearly and some are enigmatic Meg 3a(28; M2); ib. 15a(l); HB "733 xV'yV BHBBT TTQ1 in everything which is written and specified above SSHai 4b(13); Dec 10:24; 2. to explain, interpret: a. biblical verses: xbl 1X721 'X"lp '©TIB1? yT one who does not know how to interpret biblical verses Yom 10a(33); '■? WIS'1? 1!3 explain (it) to me Tan 9a(4); RH 26a(47); bo xrr>ino "73i >a'n3x 13 pnr 31 rr1? onsa x^t xnp XKHB'a xb 'Y-yt nV W1BB xVl any biblical verse which PN cannot interpret, and any Tannaitic tradition which PN2 cannot interpret, cannot be interpreted Zev 43b(24); pernBi p'n '3 as we explained (the verses) Anan 5:3; ib. 21:6; 105:19; b. Rabbinic tradition: wnsa Xp 'IPTIS he is specifically explaining (that ]1B'0X means mya Tma3 numn) 5M47b(14); BB 104a(10); Men 23a(15); Hul 31a(25); ttnBB Yini 'in (the Ta««a) learns (it) and then explains BQ 13b(12); Hor 2b(25); Zev 20b(31); XBp X1IU 'ytj 'ems'? to explain the reason of the first Tanna Git 71b(15); Hul 45a(23); xn'inB mb TBI mn ]W 13 'OX 31 niyTiClS1? noV yr mn xVl PN had learnt this barraita but did not know to explain it BB 121a(4); TGHark 273:3; ems X3H XBB '3 when he reached this phrase [lit. here] he explained (as follows) Yom 20b(15); BB 153a(3); 3'n'n xb 'xnp 'in '"7 rrcnsai ny -jynsx do not sit 'on your legs' until you explain these verses to me Er 54a(51); Men 38b(9); n'TBVnV OnBB 3T "73 'I'inx 'W1YB every scholar used to explain different explanations to his students iSGF 62:11; ib. 19:9; 50:12; pass.part. JrVsm X"iai3 tnBB13 "inwn as is explained in the gemara of Ber, ch. 4 A$GF 75:19; /& 85:16; SSHai 1 lb(3); 3. pass. part, ineffable: sg. nensa X31 xaitf the great ineffable name Bo 90a: 5 Af. 1. to set aside (of offerings): a. priestly gifts: 'Ensa Tin 'PVTSX they used to explicitly set aside (the first tithe) Sot 48a(6); Sab 17b(4); Mak 17a(8); Men 76a(37); /4nan 7:19; AnanSch 10:22; b. sacrifice: 3'YpX Xs?! O'lBX he set (the animal aside) but did not sacrifice (it) RH 6a(23); BQ 110b(43); Kar 27b(44); 2. to separate: p'"70 in'B?Biai 'linBX 'ttmsx he completely separated them [i.e. people of doubtful lineage], and they immigrated to Eretz Israel by themselves Qid 69b(14); TVPYJJ D'ltfi K>'"IBX ]Xai VxYtf'B who separated the foreign women from the Jews? Meg 15a(18); n'i'B n'nn'X1? Tib p'BnDB we separate his wife from him Anan 14:13; HMGas 94:11; bin1? Bnp ]'3 'EmBX1? to separate between holy and profane Anan 22:12; 3. to keep away, keep separate: X"IT0'X@'a VU'BPTDX I shall keep them away from a prohibited (sexual) act Suk 52a(53); Sab 40b(36); Er 63a(27); nmnb nn in JireriSX he kept each one of them [i.e. of the elements of tlDyitf] separate Anan 6:11; 4. to expedite^): DIOB Vl3'l xb XpDil ttnBBT he should not eat the excrement since it may expedite (his death) Git 69b(5; Ar [AC 5:366, s.v. 2j?Si], OHT ib. 156:13,M) [Var: npyOT it sterilizes OHR ib. 45:11; v. Geon. expl.] Itpa. 1. w. p to explain: 3YT n'i'B XtnB'B 'YY? Xm PN explained it to me Yev 78b(24); Sot 46a(50); BQ 94b(9); Men 29a(50); Hul 76a(27); 2. to be stated specifically: may 3YJ XflV'B xm 133 xiT3 x'n rf73i?i tnaxi xtns'a x"?t ryx 'TO' pX Ytabna XttnB'B even though this statement of PN is not stated specifically in the Gemara, we have it as a tradition, (and) it is already specifically stated in the Palestinian Talmud TGHark 228:18; ib. 157:32; SSHai 4b(10) Ittaf. 1. to be separated: p X'BW WIBJIXT XB3 xyiX as much as the sky was separated from the earth HMGas 94:10; 2. to be set aside of offerings: 'ar pn Q'iB3n art nxon xiinsnai EPYB3 DT 'Bp'B the sin offering for the Day of Atonement is set aside two days before the Day of Atonement AnanSch 16:29 i#Nfins 941 nitfrs Geon. expl. [Af., mng. 4]: '13n XB0' TOX 'rx ^XB' XD wnBBl ixi rfwxy ma Vx ^nx p i« jx f no "?x xrfox xix Vsp' x'tmi wnsn rb 'jxp' xi(n>ini 'jto jxs xb nn'Bxy naij? nvn VnK p 1X3 OHT Git 156:13, i.e. that which expedites [J—«ij U; lit. separates] a sick person either to die or to recover; Lit: Bacher 167. 1# KtfnS n.m. horseman (TA \ini pi. TO Gen 50:9, Sy rdjLia LS 609, Ma XWTXB MD 363) sg. Xll?nB3 n'1? 'BTX he came to him in the guise of a horseman Sab 109b(37); ib. 39; Xl'IT nmB the swift horseman Yev 121b(41); XJ1BT XW\B the horseman of the town Meg 27a(41) [folk etym. of 4- X'0103n ib. as if < JBA in place + X'OTD horse]; BB 8a(53); ib. 73a(28); 73b(26); 88a(12); Hul 59b(29); pl.cs. XsVa '»ns the royal horsemen AZ 18a(51); det. '1»1BT X1JU a troop of horsemen BM 86a(33; Es) Lit: Low, Lehnw 190 [Meg ib.]; Y: X!h9 BB 73a(28; BAYTN 233). 2# «tt>ns, KB7N1S n.m. ox-goad (TA ifia TJ Jud 3:31 [Var], Sy K^L-la LS 607, Akk parussu sharp prick AHw 837, > Arab JL)1-) LS ib.) sg. DbltfB XiynB B'pi'T the one who holds the ox-goad pays BM 80a(7); '3m ]wbl XEHB GC 151:5 [expl. MH -rabti MKel 9:6; Var: Xl£?XnB OHP Hag 52:18]; pi. 'BTIXB pn TGDr49 95:12 [expl. VW myma §ab I2b(29)] Lit: Low, ZA 23 [1910] 23; AIOA 81; Y: XIH9 BM ib. KTTiZnS n.f. scriptural reading in the synagogue, literary unit of a Psalm (1 VehS, XntfTTB; JPA mtns DJPA 452, MH ndns Yeivin, BV 970) 1. scriptural reading in the synagogue: sg. n"inxi xn xnans -ruyx I shall go through this scriptural reading and repeat it Meg 4a(27; L); xnens "xnb xnns n"? nns ]nir 'n X3na PN composed a petiha on this scriptural reading from this biblical verse [lit. here] ib. 10b(33); 41; 48; Mak 10b(4); XBTT XnB/nD the scriptural reading of the day Meg 29b(26); TpBB nsam nm xni' ns;m im xni^isn in ns'o nnbn three Torah scrolls are taken out: One for the scriptural reading, one for the New Moon, and one for Hanukka HP 185:1; ib. 16; 21; ni mxn nnxn xmns3 o'Vp© w\s xybp'a when the reading of D'VpW [Ex 30:11+] falls (on the Sabbath) of the reading nwri nnxi [Ex 27:20+] ib. 186:4; 181:3; 10; 186:7; 2. literary unit of a Psalm: sg. xnims xm Q'li wii na"?i »'xn "nm X'n Psalm 1 and Psalm 2 are one literary unit Ber 9b(53; F) // Meg 17b(47); pi. XfflZnD 'mn ife(Rashi) Lit: Bacher 170 [mng. 1]; Y. Norzi, 'W Jirua, Introduction to Psalms [mng. 2]; Y: XfTChS Meg 1 la(4; BAYTN 206). CHS I V2# DID vb. JT1S vb. to break off, separate (of food; 4- l#Xn"lTB, l#xmB; Sy ^-ta pa., etpa. LS 609, Ma n"ID MD 382) Pa.: X1.T DnV IX1? n'mBT 'Xm since he broke it off, it is not (considered) bread Hul 120a(37; V12SM); 'miD nTID he broke it off into pieces HG3 201:85 [of forbidden fat] Itpa. to be broken off, separated: niB'XI XV3TX Xin (an egg) is food which has been broken off [i.e. from the hen] Bes 2a(13); Hul 14b(24); JXB3 1BT 'niB'BT (the foods) are considered as if they are separated ib. 73a(5) // Pes 85a(40); Zev 43b(l); tfu/9a(2;MV") l#sms, NmiS n.m. excrement (4- VnTS, t : - . t : v XTIB; Sy pc'Ji-va LS 609, Ma 2# XmXD MD 365) sg. 'mB3 "WT? n'1? 0BDBB he soils the meat with excrement Hul 18a(10); ITTnsa Wanp"? should he offer them [i.e. the sacrifices] with their excrement? Zev 85a(33); xrVYlSI XJil blood and excrement San 67b(31) [corr.: xriTB]; rb 3'n'X nnai nyi33 XmiB excrement penetrated her leg and she died Git 56a(38) Y: xrns San ib.(BAYTN 93). 2# Km?*, pi. 'IS, '1KB n.f.pl. bran (4- VriS, '"1XB xbpia; Sy K'^-ta, pi. nc'H.a LS 591) pi. X"D1 em nXB bran of the top' of the sieve Git 69a(38) [v. note infra]; yns'x nxs ymn nxaa be reimbursed from your debtor (even in) bran (in lieu of money) BM 118a(31) [+ //'s; 4- VynB itpe., mng. 1]; Pes 1 llb(39); Bek 8b(37) [4- V?0B af.]; 'nXBT X'a bran water Git 56b(26) Geon. expl.: B3'D3n pwVa] -po 1'aiO 'TXB1 OHT BQ 35:28; HXB ism ^X Op ]0 n^XSJ X'Bl t»m OHT Git 156:1, i.e. ,> ULd Jiiill u-lj; L't: Low, Lehnw 420; Geig, AAC 319; Y: 'TX? BB ib.(BAYTN 6). 112;3 adj. lukewarm, n.pl. lukewarm water (4- V-IK>B; Sy «4<^_*-a LS 614; cf. MH D'YtflB Yeivin, BV 440) I. adj.: pl.m. '^"ST X'a ram
i#kyiB7S T T 942 tt$9 'tob xbx wan '8'an ''x1?! n'T^ nnp x1? rrra that fluid which flows out from it [i.e. the buck's kidney] is neither very cold nor very warm, but lukewarm AZ 2Sb( 17); ib. 38b(33); TIBS X'B//k/ 47b(36); j& 55b(27); II. n.: pl.m. (n>(XlV 'raniB ,T> p^nsai '"WB3 we place it [i.e. the lung] in lukewarm water and inflate it ib. 46b(14) Y: ntos AZ 28b(17; BAYTN 108). l#NniB;S n.m. exorcist (4 VltfB; Ma XTIttXB exorcist MD 365, Sy rc'io t 4 interpreter LS 614) pl.abs. plWST X03 X*71 pmm X03 (better) a bowl (used by) sorcerers than a bowl (used by) exorcists BM 29b(43; F1) // Hul 84b(4; V") Ratf: pwfrn ]n D'lOlX »*l BM ib.; Lit: Lieb, Greek 85, w. prev. lit. 2#KTltPB n.m. (uncertain) pi. nWBl 'Vlpy coves and ... AZ 34b(20); ib. 26 Y: niSS ^Z ib. nE7S vb. to break, tear (4 xntf'B, Xn'PSn; Sy 1# mrt to tear, detach LS 610) Pa.: ]XB "Xn x"?pT nu?BT one who tore off (branches from) a date palm Jtfg 10b(25); BB 54a(4); nt>BB mn xmiVx xmfrx f? 3'TI he used to break off and give us groups of branches Bes 33b(22) Itpe./Itpa. 1. to be torn: 'X cnBB XT! 3J "?y *JX X1? IX nwsn'X even though it is not specified if (the document) was torn or not TGHark 272:11; rrV "?1X xn m&sn'X 'X if it was torn, it, in fact, became invalid ib.; 2. perh. to break out (of fire): D1DJ? '3 XT: niPBX a fire has broken out in PN's house Qid 81a(36; Ar [AC 1:245]) Ratf: may mi VX n<?Hl OHR Qid 51:4 [Itpe./a., mng. 2]. ttttPS vb. to straighten, explain, solve (4- XD2?B, nXWS, B'tfB adj., l#XB't>B, 2#XB'E>B, XniB'tiB; Sy i-\,y°> LS 611, Ma DE/S MD 382) Pe. (a/u) 1. intr. to spread out, be disseminated: pE>Bl ^XTtf' "733 xnaV>n p'X these halakhot were disseminated in all of Israel iSGF 30:13; pass.part. mBTJX l.WMn nxVu XDn g. -lettuce whose leaves are flat [lit. spread out] HM 41:20; 2. to straighten, spread, stretch out: *]'X31 ]T3 Xin mmiX B'tt?B1 since he bends and straightens (his legs while asleep) it is his natural manner BQ 4a(35); 'B"3 Tim m> 'B2?B1 XB'm (the animal) bends (its foreleg), straightens it out, and bends it again Hul 38a(l 1; V11); pa1? XJB'ffB X"W' '311 shall stretch you out like a bowstring Bo 2:5; ib. 29:6; in1? 'Ttfl BW31 n"? lap nai PN used to tie it [i.e. the knot of tefillin of the head], stretch (it), and let them [i.e. the straps] drop Men 35b(16); "ira "paiBpy1? m> XJB'E/BI I can straighten out your crookedness from you(r hunchback) San 91a(26); B'E/B X8?! an im one that bends and does not straighten Bo 142:12; n'BJ3 VWI 'a1?'! n^apl perhaps he spread out the flap of his garment and caught it Sab 5a(14); ib. 56b(47); pass.part. "py 'BD VVS1 nB3 the more one is erect (while praying) the better it is RH 26b(45) [* 4- V«]S3 pe., mng. la, pass.part.; cf. Sy ,\, iV\ a-a K'^oAs PSm 3319]; 3. to state s.t. in a straightforward manner: Xpl XW3 3T 3'n' BE?BB n^ B'E>B PN was sitting and was stating it [i.e. the ruling] clearly Pes 86b(l 1); Zev 20a(13); Hul 98a(37); 'an 'ya mmaa 'tjpVx 'i b'pb 'a when PN was stating (the laws of) meal offerings he used to ask as follows Men 26b (46; V10); Nid 34b(35; M); in1? najai pi'ina d'wb in "73 naj/D n'TB^n"? each one used to state our Mishna and teach his explanation to his disciples ISGF 59:3; pass.part. 1 B't>S; 4. to explain [w. "V s.o.; fol. a vb. of query]: Xn"?'B iTJB Xl'JH <'3> TO xrf?'a mra xrya new ai... xtjob'"? boiwb XJVlfiaa '^> B'e?B (when) I asked you something you used to explain it to me by logical deduction. (When) I asked PN something he used to explain it to me from a Tannaitic source Zev 96b(7); Ber 2b(8); 131? BIWB'Xl 'Xl'B 15?3 ask me and I shall explain to you Qid 25a(8); Bek 24b(24); Sab 97a(23); ib. 140a(49); Er 20a(18); OHT Yev 68:1; mV nBt>B Tin m1? X'y3'X1 "ins"? after he asked it, he then explained it Sab 4b(ll); Qid 23b(6); San 10a(17); Zev 105a(39); OTA nBE/D XJm he explained it (and) studied (it) again and again Hor 13b(48; MGE 699:1); 5. to solve a question, problem: 3T ilDtfBl Xjnirua XTJiy mn XlTJna xnria T\WI there was a case in GN, and PN solved it from this Tannaitic source BM 38b(36); xma niBe>B1 Xe/TIB '3 n'7"e> XT1X he came (and) asked it in the school, and they solved it from this (statement of an Amora) Git 60a(10); NDtt>B t t : 943 tJ'PB Qid 50a(19); BM 7a(12); m3X 'Tia n'"7 B1E>B'n you can solve it from (the statement) of PN Pes 23b(39); Yev 52b(10); Git 66b(24); Tern 2b(37); xin nana pai nra bwb,!71 let him solve from it that it is a type of (domestic) animal Sab 28b(26); nra DWB'3 Hag 17b(16); xma DWB Xin solve at any event one (case) Git 65b(31); Qid 6a(10); BM 25a(45); ib. 90b(17); 55 140b(4); 6. to deduce: XTiCX TO B'WB 'S'n XJiaa^"1 how do you deduce a (religious) prohibition from (a law of) monetary penalty? BM 20b(4); nra WOmb X3'X one can deduce from it BQ 88b(43); 7. to remove clothes [caique < H DtiS HAL 921, J 1245]: Vip '113 VPVS '31 Vin '113 f'Sbl when (the priest) removes the sacred garments and puts on the profane ones Yom 32a(2) Itpe. 1. to be straightened out: 'Blffsai mn (the elements of the purification ceremony) are straightened out again Sot 15b(35); Men 41 a(l5) [a garment]; 2. to answer, clarify [w. ~b]: X1? inV B,C;s,X they did not answer it Ber 51a(56); Sab 10a(49) [^ 'J/X3 Xjn'B]; Hul 52a(33); TV 'p'BD "jan pn"? IB'WBXT until they clarified those doubtful matters iSGF 18:2 For: ,T3BD^ mD»B BB 58a(32), read: iTIDW] [I Vd»J pe.]. KUtPS, NUKt^B n.m. plain sense, course of a river (4- Vt5E>B; Sy ^^^ extension LS 611, Ma XUXWB MD 382) 1. plain sense: sg. mtJXWBS San 100b(18); XTpT n'DXWB the plain sense of the biblical verse ib. 20a(38); £r 23b(8); Ket lllb(43); Hul 6a(14); Ara 32a(31); HTT1 X'TO naaV mwsa xipb n'V xpsai me? a nw nT-u- argument can come and remove the biblical verse completely from its plain sense Ket 38b(14); JVX1 'ayu ]nn la'a^ ntJXfBa it is possible to deduce [lit. state] two reasons from its plain sense TGHark 105:26; ib. 51:24; NDGR 225:3; XDXIffB I'mriBT the plain sense of our Mishna GnKl 56:8; 2. course of a river/canal [i.e. most straightforward route]: sg. V'lX n'DE>B3 rX"'in2 a river/canal goes according to its course Git 60b(32); mWPBl Xin: Xinj each river has is own course [i.e. each place has its own custom] Hul 18b(29); ib. 57a(27) Y: n'DCte Hul ib.(BAYTN 125). . nKUtPS, pi. 'NDti'S n.m. one who explains tt;t7* *-t:T ■ (4 VDt>B pe. part. + nwfee-ending) pi. 'XBIPB ]ai xra'naa naxirxi xd^xivt the scholars who explain the se'eltot which were recited in the academy TGAs27 74:16 'tf B vb. to remain (sec. rt. < 4 VtthB) Pe.: 1"»D B;am y~wy in1? twenty-five (years) remain for them Sab 89b(38) tJ't^B adj. obvious, clear (4- VWB pe., pass.part.; JPA b'WB DJPA 453, Sy ^\,rf\ LS 611) 1. obvious, clear: a. general: pl.m. onp'V man xnxnaa I'mnai ywvs-i •'■oytn nam 'VVai those principles and general rules and most of the explanations which are expansively clarified in the barraitot iSGF 36:11; f. IB'WB mm 'b'B "pm □mifXT in^nV those matters which were clear to those earlier scholars iSGF 63:1; b. esp. sg.f. it [sc. XTIT-B] is obvious, clear: a. alone: TTB XD'CB Xin Vbvp ~0 it is obvious! One who acts willfully is liable for capital punishment Mak 7b(8); Sab 69b(ll); San 81a(10); Nid 24b(25); X1? XB'WB oViy 'yiana xyana x"?i xysnm xans it is obvious! No. It is necessary where (the city) is squared but is not aligned with the cardinal points of the world Er 55a(24); RH 2b(19); BM 102a(ll); 'B'm VIB XtJ'^B 'BI XH this too is obvious! You might say ... Sab 146b(54); Pes 12b(49); Meg25b(2); Yev 113b(37);S2 13b(5); xn xneeWB xnV'B it is an obvious matter TGHark 48:23; ib. 102:12; c. w. 'V. DPBB IB1? pi IB1? 1'3 n'1? XD'2?B it is absolutely clear according to both of them Yev 82b(18); AZ 47a(24); Men 46a(6); Hul 90b(37); '"? XB'»B BB 21b(36); m'T> I1? xtJ'fB 'mn "panXT it is clear to you for whom I transmitted in the Mishna two (versions) Zev 30b(32); V13 n3"?n p XD'ttTB x"?T '83 X3'm X11BX where also it is not clear to us according to which Amora is (decided) the law TGAs42 64:5; iSGF 34:14; d. w. "I and vb. phrase: XO'WB IH^ia pIBJT it is clear that all of them went out San 14b(16); n'V Xy'BW X1?! 'B'2/B it is obvious that he had not heard it [i.e. the legal tradition] Er 80a(34); 2. 'simple': pl.m. 'B'WB nnD'X 'simple' staters Sab 119a(ll) // Hul 44b(7)
lttNtt'tPB 944 KXptfs [Rashi: provincial staters]; 'D'tt/S 'TIT 'simple' zuzim Ket 65b(6) Lit: Bacher 173 [mng. 1]; D. Sperber, NT 9 [1967] 188 [mng. 2]; Y: ND'WB Ber 20b(2). l#SU't?B n.m. private (?) letter (I VoWB; cf. D'WB 3J13 PDFMP 344:15) pi. V3*? '3J13 xpi 'POX'TI 'D'lPB xmnnx they write to all places private and official letters NDGR 60:12 Lit: M.A. Friedman apud NDGR 6016. 2# NtJ'tfS, pi. 'B'tfS n.m./f. small coin, blister (4 VtJtfB; cf. Sy k-( . t °v LS 610 < MP p/ifz small copper coin CPD 69) 1. small coin: sg. 31 xars XD'Psn tit -uia nin xan pn used to rent out money for (a fee of) a small coin per day BM 69b(7); pi. ira ropxi n'-nna 'D'pb tth ixa 'xn XJIX'Bt? one who borrowed small coins from another and found among them additional ones ib. 63b(38); 'D'WB x"?3 '3031 J/"3 1X1X1 everyone will come and take (from you) without paying [lit. without coins] Ber 56a(36); X1BDT 'tTWB the coins of the scribe [i.e. his payment for writing the writ] BM 16b(41); WWII 'D'WB small coins Hul 54b(15; V11); Pes 112b(48); Bes 32a(34); Tan 21b(39); San 48a(12); AnanSch 17:13; 2. blister: pi. 'D'tfB 'B'PB .TWO 'Xpl his flesh was full of all kinds of blisters Git 67b(34) On mng. 2, cf. the similar usage of y'po in JPA [v. DJPA 379, mng. 2]. NfflB't^S n.f. plain heir's right of inheritance (4- VdpB; Sy rfhi* \, . y <s simplicity LS 612) sg. '33T 'a 'XJITOWB 'Xnn(')33b 'HI! TO granted that I have sold my birthright. Did I sell my plain heir's right? Sot 13a(22); ib. 23 Y: XJTID'WB Sol ib.(BAYTN 177). K3B»#B, NnNtt'lPB n.m. a plant (etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 110b(9; OM) [Ar: XWV2 AC 6:461] Geon. expl.: ^^ 10»W 2VV XJXB'WS GnK5 169:4; pixa 2»y] [...] ftw I'^yi TTXn Vy UWISO waipaa OHT Sab 99:15; Lit: Low, Flora 4:146. N7VIJW!?B n.f. negligence (4- VytfB; Sy rt'bio, \ , y <\ LS 613) sg. xmyiffB X3VT Xs? *73 X'n any (claim of) 'I do not know' is negligence BM 35a(32) // ib. 42a(46); xmyPB XTJ yryfy X'n with regard to fire it is negligence ib. 43(F'); x'n xra-i xmsrp b 'ynv yb tijh xrfra xim that thing that PN did to him was major negligence TGHark 271:16; Meg 26b(ll); Git 6b(40); fig 58a(12); BB 3b(21) Voc: xrnjHM VTM 92; NriirBB HGP 23a: 10; Y: xmy'WB BB ib.(BAYTN 177). vb. to twist, spin (of ropes; Sy -V v <\ af LS 613, Ma bvs pa. 382, MH "7B7B hif. J 1247) Af.: 'IXBa '^3n iV'E/BX twist ropes from bran Bek 8b(36) [in a facetious statement]; '"7WBB1 X3'H D,!?3n where they twist ropes TGAs42 163:18 ytPB vb. to be negligent, sluggish, harm, transgress (i XJlljntfB; Mng. 1: Sy -v v* to be sluggish LS 613; mng. 2: < BH, MH JTC7B HAL 922, J 1247) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to be negligent, careless [w. "3 concerning, with]: x'n ysnB/a D:n laity yvs a unpaid bailee swears that he was not negligent BM 82b(24); ib. 83a(l 1); BQ 60a(25); 3UPX 'SUJ'X X"?X m 'SMB JWBB IX1? it was not that they were actually negligent concerning it, but they were certainly robbed BM 97a(36); ib. 81a(37); Pes 90b(8); BQ 93a(44); TGHark 271:14; Zev 101a(40); 2. to be sluggish, careless: ,T> xnTRPB (n'plJ'a) yVBl ]Xa "?3 '"11133 I give a gift of fish to whomever is sluggish (in learning to read) Tan 24a(50; M2); JWBaV T1X xVl raiTS he is afraid (that he will miss the mi'n/za-prayer) and is not apt to be careless Sab 10a(3); BP-IB» X*71 JWB he will be careless and not set aside (teruma) Yev 89a(23); Men 50a(27); ib. 51b(47); Ara 21a(26); 3. w. -3 to harm s.o.: Xnx 31 n'TIXl 'pim '"lpB Xl.TI 'pl3'3 y^B mm a certain elementary school teacher whom PN forbade (to teach) because he used to harm (molest?) the children Git 36a(9) // Mak 16b(15) //fie£ 46a(5); "JIPBM nj/ltfB you will harm yourself BQ 85a(54); 4. to transgress: '"7TX1 'JWBl the ones who continually transgress Er 19a(34) [expl. BH D'yttf'Bn Is 66:24] tPBtPB vb. to rub (metath. < 4- V«]#Btf) Pal.: X3jx n'-n1? m1? wbk/bb xpi xst- "3X <t^> rarcx mX3m PN found PN2 rubbing his son on the back of... Sab 154b(22; M) NXptPB n.m. raven (etym. unkn.) sg. XXpWB XJ1X XJ'JJl1? (n)(Il(yI?3 a raven came (and) swallowed the sea-monster BB 73b(13; HAr [AC 6:459]); ntfs 945 ntnins m'JBpl XXpWB XDX a raven came and killed it ib. 74b(10) [P1: XXapPB, XXJpttflB] Expl. Ar: naj73 31iy AC ib.; Y: NXjpWW flfl ib.fBAYTN 221). 1#B vb. to be broken of a spell, interpret a dream (i xntflB, Xltf'B, 1WB, l#X11tiB, 1# xnWB, 2# Xni£?B, xrilBB; Sy TjLa to interpret a dream, dissolve LS 614, Ma "I27B to loosen a spell MD 383, MH ItiD LNVTH 299) Pe. (a/) 1. to be broken (of a spell): "MB X'B XD» '3 when he reached the water, (the spell) was broken San 67b(33); brtf? XIWB TVS 131 when (the spell) is broken, (the boat) is released to travel HM 42:18; 2. to break a spell: ,T7 XIK/B nwisn 1X1X the other women came (and) broke the spell for her San 67b(37); 3. to interpret a dream: D'Vn X1H ~WB Xim does (the same person) dream and interpret a dream? Yom 28b(38); m"? TOBT XliT) rpa^'n TJ?a this refers to a case where he interprets for him the essence of his dream Ber 55b(50); 4. to melt: V'bp TOB 13 when (the wax stopping up the ear) dissolves a bit HM 38:1 Pa. 1. to interpret a dream: 'aVn "H2/Ba X'Tl 13 ]xai X3DV rpB^'n n'1? ni^sa xtit n'V ym ]xa mn xis'sb n'»^n yb ivbis xnt m1? 3rr x'n PN was an interpreter of dreams. He used to interpret a dream positively for one who paid him a zuz. He used to interpret a dream negatively for one who did not pay him a zuz Ber 56a(10); Xll^'B J'T13 XJ-WBa Bo 94a:5; 2. to melt s.t: 'TO'Jl "l^B'il rl3 let him melt (the fat) and place (it) on it AZ 28b(9); ib. 18 Itpe. 1. to come apart: "WSTl xV(1) p'H '3 xn"?HJ so that the fringe should not come apart (into threads) Anan 9:4; 2. to be interpreted (of a dream): xnpB x"7T XrnJX3 -IWB'B xVl XBV'n a dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read Ber 55a(18); 3. to be broken (of a spell): y> -IWBJTl 'intt/'XT the spell was released and broken for him Bo 133:10 1# N1B;B n.m. (uncertain; I V-|©B) sg. V Xltt/B 'B1DX DW13 13 (a child found in) a ... is considered a foundling Qid 73b (12) Expl. Rashi: D'lbw JrWBfl 'T ^y flM J?1B'B DipO; Y: n»B Qid ib. 2#N"1#S n.m. compromise (4- V"ffi?B) sg. ^31 inxa'3 mm 'Xa V33 xn^B any compromise in whatever there was between us SSHai 5a(14); Xl^B im !3yaV to make a compromise for them HG3 15:31 (HGP 36a:20) ttrn$B n.f. compromise, release (from a spell; I VltfB; cf. Sy rf\£-2> interpretation LS 614) 1. compromise: VTjn xriT&B 'X W73 OT 'X (he used to ask) if they wanted a decision or a compromise San 6b(56; HGP 36a: 13) [He: m^B]; 2. release (from a spell): sg. Bo 50:9; 16. 101:5; 141:15 NSJJIB n.m. matter, pi. the Decalogue (< Olr *patigama, Mir *patgam [cf. Peh ptg 'm Gignoux 32, MParp&m ib. 61]; > BA OJriB HALOT 1961, Sy kL5i4^-% LS 616; cf. Ma xaxilIB MD 367) 1. matter: sg. XJBJX3 Xim XBJTO ]13n3 in a record of the matter which was before us SSSad 217:13; pi. X1B3X3 mm 'BIAS p3VI3 BB 136a(27); 2. pi. the Decalogue [caique < H Dnrrn (nnfe?X) Ex 34:28]: njJn'B BMsG 8:15; BMsDS-.U Y: 'BjnB BB ib.(BAYTN 253). NliriB n.m. table, platter (4 nxmJlB, XTininB; TA X^IDB TO Ex 26:35, Sy rc'ic.^ table LS 618, Ma XT1T1XB platter MD 366) 1. table: sg. mn XnWB 'nSJB Xp they were lifting up the table (to remove it) Pes 115b(30); Bes 29b(14); Sab 36a(10) // Suk 34a(34) [4- XTiniriB]; Hul 105b(19); (01){D'iaiH XniTIB an ebony table Sab 129a(33); X3HT1 XniDB a table of gold Tarn 32a(54; V10); Tan 25a(10); '57X13 nbm X1WB a three-legged table ib.; "pins blbyb may your table be disturbed MQ 9b(12) [oracular statement]; ib. 22; pi. Bo 78:18; 2. platter: sg. lyby rU'Vl XmriB TT"1?! let him bring a platter and place (it) over them [i.e. the basins] Git 69b(53) [4- xnxiJlB] nNlinS n.m. money changer (4- X11DB + gent, ending [cf. MH 'inbw J 1534]; caique < Tparce- SiTTK L-S 1810; JPA 11TO FT- Gen 23:16; cf. Sy rc'Ao^i.a money changer's table LS 618, mng. 6) sg. nXTtflB n^n 3T PN, the money changer Hul 54b(16) Y: nXIWB Hul ib.(BAYTN 325).
njitijib t : t 946 nns Nrnins n.f. table (4- x-nns) sg. xnnns x-nns x-nns xmws the xnms (is now called) xrrnriD, and the xmWB (is now called) X-)ins Sab 36a(10) // Suk 34a(34) Y: XflTUlB Sab ib.(BAYTN 206). nilS vb. to open, lance, begin (4- xaiB nnS'B, i# xnnsa, xnms, xnns, n'ns, xn'ns, xmnsn; Sy oudLa LS 616, Ma «1S [metath.], Xns MD 366, 383) Pe. (a/a) 1. to open: a. alone: nnB'ai yya'a1? to close and open (the eyes) Sab 108b(28); Bes 22a(54); Git 77b(17); b. w. obj.: n'J'J? 3p}?' nns 1'nXI Jacob opened his eyes and laughed Sot 13a(31); X33 '"? WIS open the gate for me Tarn 32b(12); Tan 24a(30); gW 31b(5); San 96b(16); HM 43:4; 7/G/fanfc 189:24; xn"3n nWBT )1'3 X31D after they opened many (wine) jugs AZ 70b(ll); Git 69b(43); X*?X3n Ip'BXl 13"aiB inns open your mouths (in the bathhouse) and expel the vapor (of the perspiration) Sab 41a(25); Er 54a(9); XIS'D1? T\b nns 131 when he opens the Torah scroll Anan 19:13; 2. to lance (an abscess, boil, etc.): Wistf? Git 69a(39; OHT ib. 156:1) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; xnj/13 nnsa1? to lance an abscess San 84b(40; Ar [AC 2:137]); 3. to begin, commence: a. general: "IM Xn nnB'n 'tip X,T nriSJT this refers to before he commences, that to after he commences Pes 117a(39); x"?1 'in nnB'a '5?13©3 V? 'ns' he should surely not commence with a vow (of his own volition) Ned 28a(29); Xtm na"Dai TnriS nnns you begin (the barraita) with two (women) [i.e. np'Jfcl maiya] and finish with one [i.e. w. n'Vy 3sg.f. pron. suf.] Nid 10b(29) [v. ib. 27]; Ber 49a(21); pass.part. Xn30»3 rb n'riST lrUTDtfX *?TX he went (and) found that they had begun (to study a certain) tractate San 49a(13); b. w. fol. vb.: Xp jwirr nns 'ynwa Joshua began to speak Sot 35a(9); in nns 'axi W'3'a one of them began to speak Er 64a(30); San 18b(35); 'am nns he began learning (the Tractate 'Uqsin) Hor 13b(49); "ID'a1? nns xmiX he began reciting a homiletical lesson BQ 60b(32); Meg 13a(9); 4. pass.part. w. 'b to face [lit. opened to; cf. BA: Til HJl'Vya tb |n'ns 1'131 cfrtfrv Da 6:ii]: xmn1? xnns n'1? n'ns mm X3TTTX (a certain synagogue) whose entrance faced a certain inner room Meg 26b(40); 'J13 X-in:1? TI'JISI rooms facing the river Er 60a(19); cms bv b'32?1? n'xis xdu im xna1? n'ns kd'j in one side facing the town, and the other facing the path of the vineyards ib. 24b(8); Ber 58b(16); 5. to offer a suggestion to absolve a person from a vow [caique < MH WIS pe. J 1251]: pWfi X1? Xn3 we do not offer this as a suggestion to absolve a vow Ned 22a(8); 6. in idiomatic usages: a. w. KT13 to subpoena to court [4- xn'ns]: n'1? inbcn ?rna rp'Via) innsi |i» X3 X^>1 if they subpoenaed him to court, sent (it) to him, and he did not come BQ 112b(22); b. w. KJ113 to pierce a window in a wall: '13 Vib WIS'^ let him pierce windows (in the wall) Er 60a(21); SSHai llb(16); TGAs33 211:14; c. w. K»19 to let water run onto a field by opening a channel [caique < Akk petit G AHw 859, mng. 12d]: "X,T XjnxV X'» nnsi ]X» one who let water run onto a field by opening a channel MQ 10b(21); BB 53a(24); HP 65:12; TGDr49 96:4; d. w. KJTjra to set a time: XJTJ73 nnS'J X1? |33TO X3TIX 10@'31X 'HJJ nOfa'bm XmiX3 a s./w. should not set a time (for study) on the night between the thirteenth and the fourteenth (of Nisan) Pes 4a(24); pass.part. XJT573 T\b n'rlS a time was set for him Svu 30b(36; HP 122:23) [4- Vj?3p pe.]; e. w. ty to eulogize: Tiby WIS xraXTI n'»S3 nj '3 XJ1B0 Xinn when PN died, a certain professional eulogizer eulogized him MQ 25b(12); ib. 34; Hag 15b(20); Ket 8b(17); f. w. K191B to give an opening: WIS'V xVl '3'n '3 '3n W'l'K Xia'V X1? IDE?1? n'DID a person should not speak in such a manner so that he should not give an opening to Satan Ber 19a(48) [cf. MH ]VVb TB OTX nnS' "?X Ber 19a(49)]; g. w. Knn'S to commence a sermon [4- xnms mng. 2]: xnms rb nns pnv '1 X3,1D xncns "xn1? PN began a />ert/w to that pericope from this verse [lit. here] Meg 10b(32; G) Itpe. 1. to be opened: nasn '"lJW '"? Jinnsn' pna 'inxi the gates of wisdom will be opened for me and I shall meditate in them HM 45:21; 2. to be lanced: 'nWBX1? Git 69a(39) [v. Pe., mng. 2]; 3. fig. to have sexual intercourse: x"?1 XDTSS nnS'X a virgin she-goat Git 69b(32; V18) [lit. xnns t t : , . which has not been opened; caique < Akk la petltu not having had sexual intercourse (of an animal); v. AHw 858, s.v. petu I, mng. 5; cf. MH2 mns nns absence of virginity J 1252]; Pes 42b(l; E2M>); AZ 2&b(9)' Geon. expl.: rinsa1? [J1XO0X] 'I1?!* tins Vl OHT Git 156:1, i.e. jii opening (of a boil) [Pe., mng. 2]; Lit: M. Geller, BiOr 43 [1986] 739 [Itpe., mng. 3], NnriS, NnNJIB n.m. commencement (I VnnS; Sy Kliii-a LS 616, Ma XHXrlD MD 383) sg. X»T XnXJIST day of the commencement (of the kalla) TaSWSb-.U 1# 'J1S vb. to be wide (i X'JTIS, TS adj., 4# X'DS; Sy K'ALa LS 615) Af. to widen: '3'n '3 in1? 'J1DB1 XD^'p 1H3 "7iy'3T he widens them [i.e. the hollowed-out portions in the wood] so that the parchment can go into them 57488:3 2#'T1S vb. to entice (BH 1#'T1B pi. HAL 925) Pa.: X£>3rw»1 rb 'DSD'! I'M! sometimes he entices her, and she is cajoled HP 134:10 'JIB adj. wide (i Vl#'J1S; TA X'TIS TO Ex 3:8, Sy Kli^ LS 615, Ma X'JIS wide MD 384) sg.f. XJTJIB XJ71X the wide earth Bo 125:9 [cf. NB ersetu rapastu AHw 245]; pl.f. n'STDX ]2Tn |''J1S1 its leaves are large and wide HP 32:31(HPP 43:20) 1# N^JIB, pi. KJ111J1B n.m. bucket (< Akk pattu chest'AHw 849^ AIOA 82; Ma XT1XS MD 366; i X7TD3, X"?B3) sg. TJim X'^S a bucket of brine Git 69b(46); XttX31X X'JIB black bucket! Meg 14b(49) // Ber 50a(42) // Pes 88a(44; M') // AZ 16b(42; Marg) [pejorative description of a scholar; v. Geon. expl.]; pi. '03» '31 XJIXIDB 'in buckets of GN^Z33b(30) Geon. expl.: pw^il l"n T\X 1,13 I'TTBtf D'n'SD 'ODD '31 KJ1KWB H'BKS'JX X'flB inxn 'UXW^K 'VxyiaB' TGHark 23:17, i.e. 341.VJ, pi. iljJ jug; 31D 1" p'WlBB ^ 'K HTpO n'BX3 KOX31X XVB npi'jn H3,?nl7 ppi' riDb TRW OHP Ber 114:9, i.e. Sjlil ^l.U a jug covered with pitch; XT18 H'1? nj? 'X81 ... n'SB KH31X X'flB Tirol TSf> .rnw xnsix Geon 318:11; ]iJ3 'nsn 'wta rftoj x'm '^1 GC 10:7; ,TT« ^K ,T3X3 'JS 1X11.11 p 'DD' 1TD X'JIB OHT Git 158:1, i.e. &• »j.'; ■'"ll iijliJI. Lit: S.A. Kaufman, Lesonenu 36 [1972] 32+; AAC 347; Brand 445; Y: XV1S Ber 50a(42; BAYTN 93). 2# N'JIS n.m. canal (< Akk pattu AHw 848, NrO'JIB AIOA 82; 4- Xin: mng. 2) sg. X'JIBT X'13 dredging of the canal BM 108a(l 1); BB 8a(20); ib. 26 Y: XJHS BB ib.(BAYTN 93). 3# S'JIS n.m. child (dialectal word; JPA 2# 'JIB DJPA 455) sg. X'JIB Xpir"7 I'lip D'n '3133 in the 'cities of the sea' a child is called p. San 110b(51) Y: X;J1S San ib.(BAYTN 93). 4#tTJ1B, cs. 'JIB n.mxs. width (4- Vl#'JlB; Sy nLi&lk LS 614) sg.cs. xV'D 'J1B3 'Y! IDTTC? sixteen rows (each) a mile wide Hul 139b(34; V11); XJl'tf 'J1S3 '01B n^/am poy twenty-five parasangs (in length) with a width of six Ket 112a(2; MGD 125:21) n'JIB adj., n. seeing (4- VnflB, np'B; Sy r«lju-»iua LS 616, mng. 1) n., sg.m. xnTIB "1'Xn that seeing man Git 69a(15; V18) Y: Xn'ri9 Gil ib. Kn'JlB n.m. summons or subpoena to appear before a court, decree of excommunication (4- Vnns pe., mng. 6a) 1. summons or subpoena to appear before a court: sg. xnn'X X'nn xnn»7 -M'ax ?ix yrvab -imx '»p X3'iV nuaixi mV'y xn'ns am nnra (x^ix x"?i a certain woman who was summoned to PN's court in GN. PN went to GN2 and she did not follow him there. He drew up a summons against her RH 3ib(i5); xnx x"?ix ,TT7'y xn'ns 'aroi jxa 'xn avb one against whom a summons was drawn up for (the fact) that he did not come to court BQ 113a(8); ib. 16; 112b(38); 55 [* i XrMtf mng. 1]; Xn'JlBT XI1T a zuz (in payment for writing) the summons ib. 56; 2. decree of excommunication: sg. nby xn'DB VOX'ipw serve him [lit. take against him] with a decree of excommunication MQ 17a(57); SSHai 17b(15); nn'riB n'?J7 13ri31 inx "733 n'n' 'matt?1? ]11 they drew up this decree of excommunication against him to excommunicate him everywhere Dec 3:8; ib. 13; 4:3; 6:2; 6; TGHark 84:21; ib. 112:30 The summons included an explicit threat of excommunication if disobeyed. For the text of the Xrl'JlB, v. Dec 3:1+; Gulak, OS 302; Y: Xn'rlB BQ 113a(8; BAYTN 61). NDS'JIB n.f. small necklace (1 X3riB, XJVSnB; cf. 947
t : • : 948 l#i?TlS Sy rdo&o^a LS 617 [H tf'aa Job 28:18], expl. as «> A v necklace Audo 2:353) sg. 'Va niD'TO '3n p. in JBA GC 24:12 [expl. MH rr>Dp MKel 11:8]; pi. XnXS'ns GC ib.(Ar [AC 6:80]); pi p Xna'ns OHTKet 201:22; xnaWB We/ 41:177 Geon. expl.: am mil nwxn nxixa ppiye D'W3n wiyb nbtsp ■ws rfryss rrx-ui nyx n1? I'Ki mxix inns npnni rraxy npjinw wixrnB <Vaaa> frxiw ptai D'osn pw^ai ohp Qid 204:18(Ar). Lit: GC 2429; AAC 189, s.v. 14Tnn. Nn^'TlS, pi. Nn*6'nS, 'V'nS n.f. wick, tam- pon, long stalk (V?nB; Sy K'&JLidi.a LS 617, Ma xnx'^ns pi. MD 384) 1. wick: pi. XSS 3T XTlVrffl Vni. PN used to spin wicks Sab 119a(16); ttrfrVB 2V seven wicks AZ 28b(19) [Var: V2V '"rns TGHark 23:4]; Xp"l3 ^'ns 3W seven wicks of... //>. 22(M); Xnx^'ns K>m 23a(32; E1) [expl. MH ypB ib.]; 2. tampon: sg. X"l»jn '331 'JPJI xn"7TlS VniJl let him bring tufts of wool and weave a tampon Git 69a(20) [used to stop a nosebleed; cf. Akk lippu CAD L 200]; ib. 24; 3. long stalk: pi. xnOBOXi xrfr'JIB long stalks of alfalfa BQ 20a(23); AZ 28b(19; M) Lit: Flora 2:464 [mng. 3]; Y: Xrfrvffl Sab ib.(BAYTN 173). NTX1S n.m. type of legging (< Mir *patlr [cf. NP patir a covering of canvas or leather PED 237]; cf. Sy r^H \ -\ leg covering BBah 1539:9) pi. '"VJlBa XH 'a'^13 xn this (refers) to cloaks, that to leg coverings Nid 20a(21; Ar [AC 6:467]M) Lit: Koh, AC ib.; Ros, Yalon Vol 30453 [contra Geig, AAC 348]; Y: invis Nid ib.(BAYTN 167). "JUS vb. to mix, intermingle (LJLA "|ns J 1254 [PsJ, Tg2Jb], Sy «\&-a LS 617) Pe.: pass.part. nann Via na'TlS teruma is mixed in with them Nid 7a(24); OTIDT X3T1 "?31 wherever (the ones permitted and forbidden to eat the Paschal sacrifice) are intermingled Pes 60a(44); ib. 63a(18); 22 Expl. RaH: ]'3"njrB. NSTIS n.m. chain, necklace (4- xrQTIB, Xri'ariS) sg. 'BIXi X3nB a chain of palm stumps Hul 105a(37) // BM 30b(16; Es) [H: X3n'3] Geon. expl.: '13 p'jnaa imx psim nipim'? nimna inn ]'wiy ]wbj\ TNIX^ j?jy 1»3 HP K3J1B1 D'OH '3S ty 1'DWl 1'SX WW Hp330 'VttynB' TGHark 13:30, i.e. 3iU«; Lit: Geig, AAC 347; H. Shai, Sefunot 21 [1993] 244; Y: XSriD Hul ib.(BAYTN 125). KJTSnS, pi. Xn"3nS n.f. small chain (< 4- X371S + Xn'" [dimin. ending]; 4- XIDTIS) pi. xxrora nain xn"3ns pin xp mm x-m xvtn a certain man who was selling small chains : beads [double rdg.] in a shop Qid 9a(l) [Var: XnX'ans HP 106:27 (= GeonH O'pjy HR 82:2); XTl"3riS SMel 41:177; XnX'3'nB HG2 206:99; '(3>(3)ns nam o2] Rashi reads '"rain and quotes var. NTT'DJID. In light of this, the suggestion of Geig, AAC 189, s.v. i4"inn, to derive this word from the adj. nX3JlS is unlikely. N13J1S, KIS'TIS, mpB'S n.m. image, idol spirit (< OP patikara- HAp 138 [cf. Par ptkr Gignoux 61, MP pahikar [ptk'i] CPD 63]; OfA nsriD DNWSI 952, TA pnbns pi. TJ Am 5:26, Sy rc'i.oii-a LS 617, Ma X13T1XS idol-demon MD 366, > Arab J& Fr, AF 273, PLAr 206) 1. image: sg. XTirfr 'BXT1 (X)(,npD,B an image which resembles an ox MGG 121:16; 2. idol spirit: sg. Bo 21:16; ib. 78:22; 83:9; pl.abs. pans ib. 103a:9; pD'JlB ib. 106:7; det. '"Dns ib. 34:5; 48:6; 53:2; 85:8; nan naviS male idol spirits//). 48:1; 115:2 Lit: Geig, AAC 348; Tel 120; ISK 99; Snaked, Actlr 11 [1985] 5124; id., Elements 148; Sperber, Magic 41. KJTOriB n.f. (female) idol (Sy rr^-uadLa LS 617) pi. .Bo 8:13 l#priS vb. to hurl, shoot (Mng. 2: Ma 13 XTJ1? X'^pTIXB when he shoots the arrow MD ib„ Sy tD^i_a to penetrate, pierce of an arrow PSmCom 471) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to hurl, throw [w. "3 at s.o.]: 7\~fr mpTlSl XJHX3 XSO'J1? mXJH xW? he stuck the lance into the ground and hurled David upward San 95a(47); Git 68b(40); "•aai 'priDT nDl '3H rams which the robbers hurl (over the fence) Hul 51a(43); AZ 17b(52); bpv IT'S pns xVp he took a clod (and) threw it at him Pes 62b(23); AZ 18b(3); Svu 18b(10); mpns rnupi nVy n(n)Opia wna he hurled it [i.e. the ax] at the top of her cranium. It pierced it and killed her San 95a(46); 2. esp. w. KTJ to shoot an arrow: m'D» xVl XT1 ma pns he shot an arrow at it, and it did not reach it San 95a(37); XnVnV npns XTJ. pns he shot an arrow, (and) it pierced the bucket ib. 107a(19; F2); X2HB p'HXBl 2# pns 949 nns XTJ the rider was shooting an arrow BB 73b(26; MGG 52:5) Lit: Greenfield, AKY 667+. 2# pDS vb. to pierce, insert (4- V2# p73; cf. Sy ^odi-a to burst [of an ulcer] LS 618, Akk bataqu to cut off, pierce dikes, etc. CAD B 161) 1. to pierce, penetrate: San 107a(19; F2) [I Vl#pns mng. 2]; XnX'TJ1? ITpnBl Vxy (the ox) entered and pierced the vats BQ 35a(10); 2. to insert: npns xn'3na3 'V? PN inserted it into his (copy of) the Mishna Yev 10a(30; Ar [AC 6:467]M); BM 48b(45; EsH[corr]) Lit: Eps, MNM 700 [mng. 2]. iriB vb. to explain, interpret (i XinS, XJ"WB; JPA nns DJPA 456) Pe. (a/ ): 'XH '"713 H3 mnns you explain with it so much Er 32b(29) // Ket 10b(31) // ib. 38; 'an m Tins Xp '83 TTU'X they also explain it so Er 32b(30); fi niDXT XnV'D "73 l"7 XJins Xina everything you said to us we explained unanimously Tam 32a(37); 'V'a "Jim vrraVnV ma nnsi wnmn ynxf? pws mm those matters which were clear to those earlier (scholars), and which they used to explain to their students ISGF 63:2 Lit: Bacher 180. NlflS n.m. explanation (4- V"ins pe., part.) pi. inpins TTb rrbl xn"?a a matter which has no explanations Yev 57a(24; O2); .T1? rfr XT X<n)"?,a nns Tam 32a(14) Y: 'TTl? Tam ib. NiinS n.m. explanation (4 V"WD) sg. H'jnns xai what is its explanation? MQ 9b(15; SM 104:13) OTIS vb. to break, tear (4- xn'S; Ma nns to tear off MD 385, XlV'J X'mnxs to tear off skin MD ib., Sy h^L pe., etpa. to break [of bread] LS 615) Pe.: pass.part. xn'ns 'IXm m1? nn he soaks it [i.e. the unleavened bread] and it becomes broken up HP 15:8 Itpa. to be torn away: XT ma (Xtf)att?»T 'T'XI nnS'D XnaBT since the hand of the butcher handles it [i.e. the membrane] it is torn away Hul 9a(2; H2) [MV11: IllS'B; 4- Vms itpa.]
N3S 950 nj'os s K3S 4- KJ73S n. N"OS, pi. "OS n.m. peril. Mandean (Ma XH13XX, X'13XX baptizer MD 385) pi. HG2 522:11 Lit: Lieb, Shkiin 25+. KlinS*, abs./cs. OS n.f. will, thing, affairs (4- V'3X; Ma 13X abs., XrVnX det. will, affairs MD 389, Sy m r °> \ b\c^=>s ^n cs. LS 619) 1. will, sg.cs., only in -»B1 13S own will: n'WBJ 13X3 p'BJ X^DpV he goes out to be killed of his own will Yom 87a(l) [// 'WB3 myi3 &« 7b(30)]; ]13'lXTp XJ'lia Xp 'U7BJ 13X37 nana because of my own free will I acknowledge before you SSHai 9a(2); 031X3 x"H3 'IPS: 13X3 of my own free will without coercion ib. 4a(4); 5b(18); TGHark 117:11; 2. thing, affairs: a. alone: sg.abs. xVl XPJ'X '331? fBin'B pJIXl lail 13X V33 iT^> ]l»Tn do not appear to him as any thing or form by which you appear to people Bo 88:10; det. XJT13X Bo 133:10; b. sg.cs. w. Vl3y pe.: D'V H'n'3 13X1 T2J? Xin he does not arrange the affairs of his household Yom 87a(l; L) // X3X Tfh Tl'3 13X1 Taj? Saw 7b(30) [= GeonH nitfiy 'JX 1'X 'J1'3 'XBn Wehizhirl 106:1] On the cs. 13X [for. the expected Jim*], cf. also Xpn U^B [J- Mis] and Ma K'3T 12XD the goodness of the Great Life Gy 32:22 [v. Nold, MG 3131]; Lit: Ros, Tarbiz 40[1971] 31+ [mng. 2]; Y: n? Yom iA.(BAYTN 28). '3S vb. to want, desire (4- xm3X, XJ"3X; Sy rd^ LS 619, Ma 1#X3X MD 388) Pe.: a. alone: '3XX '"IXai because my Lord [i.e. the Emperor/ God] wants (him/it so) San 65b(26) [cf. Ma: 13 X'3"l X'3XX when the Great (Life) wills it MD ib.]; '3X'l ]Xa Va^ n3Tia3 SH'a1? to give as a present to whomever he desires SSHai 6a(16); '1 bib nioirmb yxh '3'wbm nxtrtwi nxun pvm T"3Xm 12\ you will be permitted and authorized of your own will to go to be married to whomever you desire SSSad 223:28 [cf. OHT Git 199:5+]; b. w. fol. "3: n&3'b H'V 'y3'13 x"n H3 '3XT xV'X he is not required to make a levirate marriage unless he desires her Anan 109:18; p X'H n'3 X'3X XV pi X1H na '3X X"n whether he does not desire her or whether she does not desire him ib. 119:3; 115:18; XJX'3X x"?l H'3 XJX'J?T X1? n,!7 XaDan'xV 'ax '31? IT1?! ,Ta I do not desire him, do not want him, and I do not lit. my heart does not] want to be married to him HP 150:13; Yev 107b(18); c. w. fol. vb.: 1) inf.: 'aiinx1? Jl'ax TUX Xfi'3 you wanted to destroy the Temple Tan 29a(l) [inscription on an idol]; '3XX XJX Jl'1? nmD3'V I do not want to make a levirate marriage with her SSSad 230:14; 2) sub. clause: p n>b I'1?'! '3XX this one does not want to learn BB lllb(l); 3) syndetic clause: by T\b 1'OIXl '3X1 n/131]13 he desired to add for her to her ketubba SSHai 2a(20); il'1? JlNim Xrfo XXl'jbB riX'3X1 lJU'X1? NN, the bride, desired to become his wife ib. 14; '03': ]l-l 'bsb XJ:'3I1 XJ'T '33 XJ'3X 15?3 p'X we in the court have now desired to sell these properties to NN Dec 10:13 Itpe. to consent, be mutually willing: a. alone: pV'T nx'3 x'ln lnmn isdxxt nab after the two of them were mutually willing their sexual intercourse took place Anan 113:6; TGHark 169:24; b. w. fol. inf.: H'Dp ,T31JYtt6 '3DX'X x"?1 'Hlty XW'"I 'ina1?! he did not consent to appoint him to be the head over the academic session before him I§GF 78:15; ib. 17; p'VUl XJ'atJX'XI nxr yb&rb X3xi£?s: [ni]yia the two of us consented of our own free will to divide it SSHai lla(6); SSSad 208b:5; ib. 263:20 N3'OS n.m. will, free will (4- V'3X; Sy rdlLra^ LS 619, Ma 1#X3X'31X MD 390) sg. 'XB/BJ *Tiyl3 'X3X'3'X31 of my own volition and my free will yas 951 i#xnas SSHai 15b(18); ib. 14b(6); 16b(2); n'i'3'X3T naiS'1? H'V 'ya n'V'l he wants to make a levirate marriage of his own free will Anan 109:21; n303(1l n'3'3'X3T he married her of his own free will ib. 113:4; 8; 12 J?aS vb. to moisten, dip, dye (4- xy3X, xy3'X; Sy 1# -y -p^ LS 620, Ma 2# X3X MD 388) Pe. 1. to moisten: Xlb 1H3 Olflysn Xltm X'B a solution of bran with which they moisten lac Pes 42b(23); 2. to dip: D31X X11B3 y3X1 xmn XBOn 30 take a new sherd and dip (it) in black myrrh HM 41:4; ib. 44:2; 3. to dye: a. material: '3'n xnV'3ri xn n"? IJl'yaX how do you dye the tekhelet-wooY! Men 42b(31); Yev 4b(41); "|'XnV H'yax «]ip X^XI ]'3ao "]3n3 tax an ape came (and) dyed that wool with those pigments BQ 101a(34); ib. 16; Er 96b(25); HG3 394:7; pass.part. y'3XT XM a dyed garment Sab 19a(35; M); b. hair of beard: 13 lIH'Jp'T ''3D l'y3X when the old men dye their beards Naz 39a(26); BM 60b(16) N$?aS, K3S n.m. dyer (4- Vy3X; Sy r^ < S^ LS 620) sg. 'y3X may PN, the dyer Git 52b(12) [Var: X3X HP 56:16] Y: XJ/3? Git ib.(BAYTN 228). 1# TiaS, miS vb. to prepare, offer (4- VriBO; Sy b^s pa. to decorate LS 620, Ma ri3X/JlBX pa. MD 389, 396) Pe. (a/u) 1. to prepare: ravil? XJ1(1)('I1T n'V to prepare shrouds for him Er 41b(33; GnK5 172:15) [v. Geon. expl.]; fllSXT H'31X IT"? they (first) prepare his needs San 48b(18; Seel 150:34); xa"?y ri'm X1313 T113X piB XD"p3 'nT Xri'l£?3 T13X VlX go (and) prepare (it) in the field which is spacious. He went (and) prepared it for six months during the summer Hul 60a(8; H2); 2. to offer, present: Tvnxn X3'y3 ISTl^xV xarf? I want to offer food to your God ib. 6; n'"7 firm Jl'Xa XV you cannot offer to him ib. 1 [part. 2sg.m.] Pa. 1. to prepare: XsVa"? 'in mn xb XH ri'3XT }Xa the one who prepared this was not suitable for the king Ket 61b(4); xmxil rvb 1TT3X prepare shrouds for him RH 17a(51) // ri'lX Nid 37a(l) [M: ri'3X]; XXaiX H'1? X13X he prepared a piece of meat for him Seel 46:92; '«N IMSXai '3Xn>n)3 WaV bundles (of animal hair) which women prepare by weaving Geon 325:12; 2. to decorate: it1? nan rrt rraxa iai xrra '33T wrxa n'JITS'y1? like a person who builds a house, and when he decorates it and completes its work ... Seel 1:3 Geon. expl.: p'-DH V? rrWy1? GnK5 172:16 [Pe., mng. 1]. Lit: Eps, Stl 102; Greenfield, AKY 9+ [etym.; but cf. AlOA 95]. 2# JOS, J111S vb. to group together, repair, attach (4- XmiX, 1# xri3'X; Ma 71BX pe. to join MD 396) Pa. 1. to group together: pass.part. xa"?y mixa people lit. the world] were grouped together BM 28a(38; V22); 2. to repair: TDK XiyiaT xVins Xi'Xn3 n'riUX1? it is forbidden to repair it [i.e. a broken key] with an ax on the intermediate days of the holiday Seel 192:62(Var); H'TOX^ 'ljfr la'aV ni» it is permitted to tell a pagan to repair it HG1 204:32; pass.part. Xmxai XISrlBT 3J "7y IX even though it was broken and repaired ib. 287:8 [Var: XraX'ai ib.(Var); Arab gloss: 3XyX27, i.e. C*± to repair] Itpa. to be attached: X11TX1 nmax XTIlDXaT P'pniy xniai naxa mitsxn 'a: nrna nb irpiwi xmiDxa xb na'xx nma xmiDxa nmax nax rb (the mother bird) will be attached to her daughter and the mate that we leave with her. Her daughter will also be attached to the mother and the mate that we leave with her. Her mother is attached to its daughter, (but) the daughter is not attached to her mother BB 80a(6) [Var: XJUBXa Ar (AC 7:6)] Lit: Eps, Stl 103; AIOA 95. i#xnas, pi. KriKas, smo's, ami's n.f. fiber, flotsam (cf. Akk sippatu D a reed CAD S 203) 1. fiber: a. general: sg. n'aiX3 XJUX GC 92:3 [expl. MH 3'0 MOh 18:1]; pi. p'TH xV rnawaa 'in'ai mwa xnrm n'aiss xnxsx wrx a person should not squeeze fibers into the opening of a k.-pitcher (on the Sabbath), because it looks like a sieve Sab 139b(42; OHG1 226:20) [= GeonH pJl'p 'B Vy 3'0 HR 5:15]; b. pi. objects made thereof: 1) sieve: Xn32? ©TX 'Bl»'^ xV xnxsx'1? xaaa y\v vis mbi xmixa xnxsxs X031? "?'B1 "lim a person should not pour £.- beverage through (a sieve of) fibers at night, lest a creeping animal come out of the vessel into the
2# xrox 952 1#NT7X fibers and afterwards fall into the cup Hul 67a(33; MGL 251:17); xriX3Xi ... 'pxn MH strainers (made) of fibers .4Z 75b(l); 2) rope: XT13X1 K^nn rope of fibers 7am 30a(l); 2. flotsam: pi. 'WQ X3Xm XB1DI3 X'» ('}(l)T2n 'XH XJlTn'X one who pours out water from the mouth of a pitcher because of the flotsam Hul 105b(52); XJllVX 'Jr» Xpl Xp'! KUr3 the wind blew and was bringing flotsam Suk 29a(10; M2) Lit: Flora 1:575; Eps, GC 927; Voc: X?OX HGP 57b:28; Y: XriK?X Sab 139b(42); BAYTN 45). 2# nmx 4 xmix n. 3#Nrox 4- i#xm'sn. TIX vb. to tilt, turn sideways (Sy a^ af. to fix the eye, gaze LS 621, MH TTX to tilt, push LNVTH 302) Pa. to tilt s.t.: X1D3M 'TTO3 HXnri the bottom (course of stones is laid) by tilting and (by filling in) earth Sab 102b(25; M) [cf. MH: pxn Jix 11X13 ib. 20] Af. i. to tilt s.t.: tox xian nnxx mx» xp 'x if (the pagan) actually tilts (the drinking bowl), the wine is forbidden AZ 60a (10) [Var: 'Tmb HG3 259:13 (pa.)]; XJTIX3 X313 PTX TTSb xb a person should not tilt a drinking bowl on the ground (on the Sabbath) Sab 141a(36); 'IIIXX lm "TOOT (the priest) indeed tilts them [i.e. the lights of the candelabrum towards the middle light] Men 98b(34); 2. to turn o.s. sideways: 'IIIXX "TO»i he turns himself completely sideways Yom 37a(37); TnXX 11SB1 55 99a(20) [of the cherubs] Expi. Ar: ]mx pwai lsyn ty D'Hxn piss tm I'XHn xn AC 7:7 [Pa.]; RaH: l'"nmtf> 1J1XJM1 113:3 WSjTO Sab ib. [HX 4 VTTX vb.] 'TIX n.m. sarfe, the nineteenth letter of the alphabet (Sy rC:i^ LS 619) sg. torn 73b(14) Y: 'TO Kom ib. pHX adj. righteous, n. righteous person (4- VplX; TA X'p'IX pi. TO Gen 49:11, Ma pHX!, P'lXX MD 157, 385, Sy rdAj-ij LS 189) I. adj. righteous: pl.m. 'xn 'Vd 'p'lX Tim "iriXBl since they were so righteous Git 57a(43); ]1Y\ IT'lTUl 11H 'pHX both of them were righteous scholars Mg 28a(28; LSM 145:22); '3 'p'1X |J31 ^ 'W1X xypm xroTia1? Tirm 7*70 show me the righteous scholars as they are ascending and descending to the heavenly academy BM 85b(34); II. n. righteous person: sg.m. "|3 Kiyv riX X3T Xp'IXI we know that you are a very righteous man San 93a(47); XpHX 13 XJTBn an evil man, the son of a righteous man ib. 52a(8); 46b(55); Sab 149b(32); Pes 8a(46); pl.m. n» '»1 '3/1 13yD"7 'p'lxV is it permissible for righteous men to act so? Meg 13b(9); xnsj? Tim 'pHX 'TJiy the righteous men will (eventually) become earth [i.e. will die] Sab 152b(38); ]13 XKlty rtTIB X1? 'pns nfWl I'n^n the world does not have less than lit. is not diminished from] thirty-six righteous people Suk 45b(30) // San 97b(41); Ber 23a(20); Yom 69b(18) // San 64a(9); BM 83b(23); Hul 13b(17) Y: Kj?"!? &* 149b(32; BAYTN 237). pHX vb. to be right (4- p'1X, JpiX, XnplX; Sy Kj3Ti\ LS 189, Ma pi! MD 162) Af. to make s.t. right or legal: pass.part. 4- pIXD ]j?"!X adj. charitable (4- VplX) sg.m. piX31 ]Xti ]p1X "I3J xrr one who will be born under Jupiter will be a charitable man Sab 156a(42) Y: JjriX Sab ib. NnfHX n.f. charity (4- VpiX; TA xflplX TO Gen 18:19T,'Sy rfhLoxs LS 189, Ma XpT! MD 165) sg. XnpiX XTl'jym X"UX the reward of a fast day is (for dispensing) charity Ber 6b (26) Y: xnp-JX Ber ib.(BAYTN 170). 1#N17X, pi. 'TIS, KJl'mS n.m. coarse garment (< Mir *cadar [cf. MP cadur veil CPD 21, NP cadar mantle, veil PED 383]; 4- X'TTO, XirX; Sy K'i^ = bJw1 loincloth PSm 3367, mng. 2, Arab j'i^ undergarment Dozy, Vetements 245) sg. XII! 13 XTJX a coarse garment costing a zuz MQ 27b(15; CAr [AC 7:10]) // Ket 8b(55; Ar [AC ib.]); pi. 'TB pT»V XIV 131 PN permitted beating coarse garments (to give them a better appearance) 5A/60b(ll; F1); XrrilX ib. 51a(22; Ar [AC ib.]) [Var: xnx'TlX H; xfi"lix HG2 387:ll(HGP24b:4)] Expi.: n^T nx -ncm -nx 'mx rrota xnp" ay m ... !x-nxa »n Shlomo b. ha-Yatom 127; Lit: Geig, AAC 349; Tel 121; Flora 1:260; Eps, Stl 105; Shaked, Dress 108; Schemel, 2#NTIX 953 i#rmx Kleidung 33; Y: 'YIX BM 60b(l 1; BAYTN 94). 2# NTTX n.m. vertigo (VlIX; 4- p^pv; Sy k'^^ dizziness LS 623) sg. X"ns nn vertigo Pes lllb(2; E2TRN 622:6); Hul 105b(20; TGAs42 165:12); Bo 123:4 [not XT1X1] Geon. expi.: nmnx1? H'SIXIB lin@'T [»1TB ■] VB TGAs42 ib.; Lit: Low, ZDMG 47(1893] 516. N'jiTTX n.m. seller of clothes (4- 1# XYIX) pi. nXiaV V31X ,3n,i "Vm sellers of clothes who give a four percent (discount) BM 51b(27; F1) Lit: Eps, Stl 105. NJlinX n.f. thirst (4- VttX; TA xfilHS TO Dt T T v 28:48, Sy k'&o-.cd^ thirst LS 622, Ma 5#X7T)XX thirst MD 386) sg. WW'"? ]>rtnt 'xm XJ?D2?a 'Xai Xin XmnST what proves that 1'ITW [MMQ 1:1] is a term of 'thirst' [i.e. dry land]? MQ 2a(24) [Var: xmn'nx Ar (AC 8:80, s.v. sn^)] Connected w. 'ffrfo) TO Gen 25:29, H TJ?, w. A-A interchange [v. Ar (AC ib.)]; Y: XrWlX MQ ib.(BAYTN 31). TIX, T1X vb. to be thirsty (4- xrvm; Sy K'cb^, ,ro5 LS 622, Ma 1# XHS MD 389) Pe.: 'XD 'HX1X1 what (should he do) if he is thirsty? Pes 112a(10) // VIS AZ 12b(18); Hi™ I am thirsty Pes 112a(20); VIO n'nxi 1J/1 while you are thirsty drink Ber 62b(6); HM 44:12; 5er 54a(37); Gi.f 68a(49); San 100b(37); ^WK'nx X1? DX1 if you are not thirsty Bo 112:8; ;6. 113:9 THX adj. bright (4- V"WX pe., pass.part.; cf. Sy rc'i-.^ LS 190, Ma 1#TH! MD 163) sg.m. mm 'SB Tnx rrs'j'p the upper part (of the Xtf""!) was very bright MQ 14b (5; M) inx 4- nnxo num. "IHX, ^nX vb. to understand (4- THX; cf. Sy 1# ^ro^ to be clear, bright LS 190) Pe.: wmx xb you do not understand Qid 39a(41) [Var: IX1? W!7nxTGAs42 163:17] On the r-l interchange, cf. Ma ^IX-TIX MD 390. The expi. of RaH: aj? D'fixa nyiDtWl miK K^ OHR ib. 28:3 should be rejected on etym. grounds. xnxix 4- x-rnx n. 31X vb. to frequent, visit (Sy v^ LS 623) Pe.: 'SB X-IJX Xbpw\ 'WX H3 '3"X1 because people frequent it, and (the shop) earns a greater profit 5M69b(36; EsGeon 361:8) 11X vb. to catch creatures (4- XTHXa, XT'X; Sy ^ LS 623, Ma 11X MD 390) Pe. (u): a. animals: '3D XJT'XI I shall catch deer Ket 103b(43) // BM 85b(22); b. fish: flU ixab HM 41:1; n'jIS "71!X 'TX1D ITTX 11X xa"?y everyone went, caught, (and) brought fish MQ lla(29; HP 177:27) [cf. Ma: X'MJ TIX "?X!y MD ib.]; ib. 1 la(33); Qid 72a(38); ///P 594:20 Itpe. to be caught: vm 'lV XJ1XT X'3D 13 Xinn |WXn 3113 an TXn'XT Xm1?! a certain young deer which was brought to the residence of the exilarch, (and) which had been caught on the first day of the holiday Er 39b(19); ib. 37; pW1?! xV'iaa pxjt'? xbi 'yn '3 xmn in1? he should leave room (in the net) for them [i.e. the bees] so that they should not be caught unintentionally Sab 43b(13) NmrnX n.f. crust (4- 1#XTPX, XJTnXW) sg. Xiarrn xnnmx a crust of bread Ber 37b(45; OHP ib. 112:9) Geon. expi.: ISD'JX nivp OHP ib., i.e. jlLlI yii crust of bread. l#miX vb. to shout, protest, be in pain (4- VxmiX, XXinnx, 1#'1X; Sy ojp^ LS 623) Pe. (a/a) 1. to shout: "Tina XnilX Xpi DHJ! X3'XT ]113 110 1571 if, for instance, there are witnesses that she was shouting from beginning to end (during the rape; cf. Dt 22:27) Ket 51b(26); 2. to cry out (in prayer): p rU12/&i XS'^I XW 'VlS p'mx ]3X1 we cry out the whole day, and no one pays attention to us Tan 24b(8); San 106b(42); 3. to utter a shrill sound: X'STD '3 mix he uttered a shrill sound like a goose Qid 44a(42; Ar [AC 4:325]); Sab 67b(8) [of a raven]; 4. to protest, complain: insVx jrm ]mx Xp the daughters of Zelophchad were complaining BB 118a(4); ib. 5; nnxrf? in"7 yTX they should have complained ib. 12; 'xa -b vsa x1? '3 i3o xrwn ty mix x"n 'xm nilXX the reason he did not protest until now (was that) he thought: "Why should I protest as long as it has not come into my possession?" ib. 138a(18); BM 6a(22); Er 25a(42); Ket 80b(9) [4- XmiX]; Sab 55a(3); ib. 156a(22); 5M93b(38); Hul 39b(36); 5. w. '■? to be in pain [cf. Sy k^joo^ pain LS 623, mng. 2]:"':S!Dip n'"? II'Xt
Kirns t t : 954 KflllX T ; - Vb TIISI he has cracks (in his skin), and he is in pain from them BQ 86a(10; F1) Af. 1. perh. to cause a protest: nmiXB xVl 'Wl XWIIB '3 '"?y see that you do not cause a protest against me in the school Er 60a(28); AZ 74b(21); 2. to cause pain: vb imiXB Xpi 'JTB1 ]1JU Xpi the tears were falling (into the cracks in his back) and causing him pain Sab 33b(46) The correct rdg. and interpretation of the passages in Af., mng. I, are unclear. Note the varr.: Er - fyy pmt 'KO >tm RaH; AZ - 'ty flniixa XjTT 'in Ar [AC 7:12, 2x], HG3 263:85; 711X0 im '■■by HGP 57b: 16; ib. 19; Lit: Goldschmidt, Neziqin 464 [Pe., mng. 5]. [2#mi2t 4- V2#'1X vb.] NmiS n.m. complaint (4- Vl#miX, XTimiX) sg. H3 V.WH X^l nmiX nmiX she complained, and he did not pay attention to her Ket 80b(9); BB 9b(25); AZ 28b(36) KflmiS n.f. shout, type of demon (4- Vl#miX, xmiX; Sy rC&jupg LS 623) 1. shout: sg. y&nWVI 'p'WJ? "JXIK/'I XJimX let the shout of the oppressed Jews be heard TGHark 189:24; 2. type of demon: sg. XJim'X Bo 106:5 l#pYIX vb. perh. to hiss, whistle (4- 2#X71'X1X, Vl#'lX; Sy ,^05 to chirp, whistle LS 624) Pa.: vb px "73X pi x"?t x"?x pax x1? 'bj msxia '"731 H3 )V moreover, we only said 'metal vessels' when it did not whistle (on boiling), but if it whistled (on boiling), there is no objection to it BM 29b(45) // Hul 84b(9); iVl (Ed) pxi VWOV XJ13ttf 'bym X'JSX I heard my fetus (which was about to be born) hissing on Friday towards evening Nid 42b(16) 2# fllX vb. to squint (Ma X'flXlXB xry peeping eye, ]XX1XB blinking [eyes] MD 390) Pa.: "XII wyy ]X1XB1 the one whose eyes squint Ber 59b(18; MGG 82:16); XJ"J? 'X<1)('}XB '33 children who squint Ket 60b(54; Ar [AC 5:214]) [Var: TJ? 'X1X<B){1) '33 Fr; 'S(')W')a '33 X3'5? 'X<1){')X{1)B V5(double rdg.; 4- V2#«)1D)] NTI1X, N1N1X, N11X, cs. 1N1X n.m. neck (4- '3 X111X; TA I'llS TO Gen 45:14, Sy rc'-fc^ LS 625, Ma X11XX MD 386) sg.cs. X'010 1X1X '^>B 1J? X'a up to the depth of water which reaches a horse's neck [lit. up to the fullness of a horse's neck of water] BM 108a(26); det. n'llXI X3XWB 'D"IS xnbn the length of its neck is three parasangs BB 73b(8; MGG 51:9) // Zev 113b(22); n'TIX3 X1X110 vb 1B1 they placed a scarf around his neck/4Z 4a(37; SM 190:25); 1B1 n'1XlX3 XD'nX vb they placed a rope on his neck Yev 46a(22); Xl,1 X111XB ]XX1 ip31 ITO'TOX raritfX X3TI 'inb the result is that slaughtering of cattle and sheep is from the neck towards the palate AnanSch 24:29; ib. 21; H'lXlX iy X'B3 ninrVl let him descend into the water up to his neck Git 67b(27); AZ 65a(ll); Ber 49a(41); ib. 54b(23); Qid 30a(2; O2) [4- XT mng. 3]; pi. Ill '1X1X VXD |'B'J3b vb how many necks did Benjamin have? Meg 16b(9) [w. ref. to '1X1X Gen 45:14]; '371' 11,1 xVfU lfT^'lllX T? they used to sit (in the cave while covered) up to their necks in sand Sab 33b(32); Yom 77b(21); Tarn 32a(42); '1JTT X311X Xllim mix the length of two necks of an ox IHP 610:15 The frequent spelling X1X1X in JBA is under the influence of the BH orthography; Y: ,T11X Meg 7b(5; BAYTN 94). - 1N1X3 prep, in the vicinity of (Ma X'11XX3 Lidz, Jb 40:8) Xtina 1X1X3 in the vicinity of GN BB 36b(17) Lit: Eps, Stl 310. 'JITIX 4- 'JTIX n. NJT'JmX n.pl.f. a dish served to mourners (etym. unkn.) "]b X'3n Xp XnX'illX you like the f.-dish MQ 20b(40); bTKib n'J/3 Xp XTf'^'miX do you want to eat the s.-dish? Sab 136a(48) [Var: XflX'JIlX IHP 578:10] Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 136 [double pi.]; Y: KrP'JTO Sab ib.(BAYTN201). NffllX, NJ13X n.m. company, group (4- V*2# ri3X; Sy r^ni society, companionship LS 625, mng. 3, Ma 2# XrilXX MD 386) sg. XmiX3 2/K? ]3 ''SX1 vb Xm 'SB n'B'XI even a six year old child wants his mother's company more Er 82b(3); BQ 60b(l 1); n'3A 3'ri'l "7'TXI XII XJ111X3 XJ'inX the other goes and sits with him for company Tarn 27a(17; V10); xp'ni JrVTIXl XB('){1)D3 1'JllX our company is pleasant, and our journey is far Suk 52a(54) [Var: J'TOX Ar (AC 7:6)]; 'M nblSD Kin XJ11X1 XJ1JHX1 a communal meal which is 1#'1X 955 3# KTl'XIX T also for the sake of company Pes 89b(30) [Var: xmx'ri Ar (AC 7:6)]; xatyl XmiX1? merely for company AZ 6a(-9); San 57a(10); MQ 7b(6); BB 21a(22); Zev 116a(17); XJ11X X1?! xaa'3 X13rl X1? vb'bl neither friend by day nor company by night Bo 60:6 Geon. expl.: nTV Xirran ITIXal D'DTIJ 1W [3"y 1111312] ill1? m.S (tins xnnann ov uiic^a noniBS xwi OHT Ber 14:14; Y: Kriiis BB ib.(BAYTN 45). 1 # 'IX vb. to roar, make noise (poss. a sec. rt. < Vi# mix) Pa.: ]ipipa xp omruxi 'ixa xin (if the lion) was roaring, and (the cattle) were lowing Hul 53a(49; Ar [AC 5:217, s.v. '1XB]) [Var: 'iya V'2]; pxa BM 29b(45; Ar [AC ib.]) [of boiling water?]; 'ixa Xmp 13 (uncertain) Sab 152a(29) 2#'1X vb. to dry up, wither (4- 'IX adj.; Sy 2# ,og LS 623, Ma XIX MD 390) Pe.: xms XIX XV1P ypDl the caper shrub dried up, and the demon burst Pes lllb(18); ib. 110b(24); xyiD X1X1 X3XDB <T)n)'B5. (his) shoe shrunk, and (his) foot withered ib. llla(22); '1XX inVx1? (the date palm) will immediately wither ib. 56a(l 1) Af. to desiccate: Vl^Ti aWl p'S31 Xp3X "?'TX1 Vb 'lXai the dust goes out (of the granary), settles into its [i.e. the plant's] inner part, and desiccates it BB 24b (41) 'IX adj. dried up, withered (4- V2#'1X pe., pass.part.; Sy rciiog LS 623) sg.m. X'lX xVp'1 a withered date palm' HM 42:6 K^IX, KJ/b'lX n.m. perh. skin (4- 1#X"?X) pi. IX nx'lb V? ]3'pi3 '"?1X3 nsa p^tn if we see an injury on the skins (?) we check the lung TGHark 159:32; 'VsDI 'VlX ]B ]S^in| 13 when they are attached to the skins (membranes?) of the loins ib. 31;'yVlX/7>. 33 N^xVlX 1 XVXIX n. NttiX n.m. fast (VdIX; Sy K^og LS 623, Ma xaiXX MD 386) sg. XB1X1 Xia'X a'sheep of a fast [i.e. an emaciated one] Tern 29a(6); 'BT yy2V XB1X1 the seventy fast days Anan 40:5; XBB'p KaiXI ash of the fast AnanMann 4v:5 N7331X, SaSaiX n.m. hard rock (Sy rd3ii95 LS 633) sg. XB31X p'DSBI hard rock intervenes BB 18a(30) [Var: XBX31X TGAs28 203b: 14]; ib. 27b(9); 29b(18) // Git 22a(27); nyiT 13 XB31X1 Xin hard rock can be sown Pes 47b (6) Voc: NOJIX HGP 5a:38; Y: mm BB 103b(6; BAYTN 155). nKXIX n. (uncertain) '1B1T HXX1X TGAs42 165:1 [expl. MH -|in '1W1 Pes 116a(16)] NJ"X1X n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'J"X1X1 ':»313 '3H k.-bitds of... Hul 62b(U) Lit: D. Boyarin, Tarbiz 50 [1981] 174; Y: 'J^W Hul ib. NJIB'XIX n.pl.f. forceps, pincers (Sy rc'AvA-o- LS 636) sg. 'BIX 'vbl XJID'XIX OHT MQ 21:4 [expl. MH 'JtJ'm J 1454 and expl. as 'vbl ^xpaa VxyaW, i.e. Arab oilil. tweezers Hava 793] Geon. expl.: navra im 'Vs nioyw D'ays nb v oyiw 'jw 'wy jii nniK panai lynsaw D'pns^w rfwy: "aysi npya oyiw '3» xvn [fiyi] cbiW 'jsyaw iiwta mp:i nywri na'M1? nywn nx i^bwi ma m i^idbi nnat nnxai mapj tnxa ovib^b OHT MQ ib.; Lit: Low, Lehnw 575. 1# XIVXIX n.f. small branch, tail (4- XDX'X; Sy rc'itjgev LS 624, mng. 3, 4) 1. small branch: a. general: sg. xVp'11 XD'XIX branch of the date palm Qid 81b(13); 'n'XIX E?'11 '31311 J\ that pomegranate from the top of the branch ib.(M); b. metaph. w. X1131 'branch' of fire: sg. pS31 rrmsxa X1131 xn'XIX a 'branch' of fire went out from his forehead Tan 25a(37); X1131 XTI'XIX 'nil'n a 'branch' of white fire BB 73a(19; EsF2) 2. tail (of a mouse): sg. mpSXl ,TJTX1X3 11Bp3 they grasped it by its tail and removed it Sab 121b(12)//flw36b(20) Lit: D. Boyarin, Tarbiz 50 [1981] 163+, has shown that the basic mng. of this word is botanical and refers to young branches of trees, while the other inngs. are metaphorically derived from it; v. also Eps, Stl 25+; Y: IWXlX Sab ib.(BAYTN 37). 2#NJVX1X n.f. crying, whining (4- Vl#px, 1'Xl'X; Sy rd-Sgo^ LS 624; cf. Ma X'DIX incantations MD 390) sg. iVllI xn'XIX bp the sound of the crying of a child Seel 9:41 Lit: Eps, Stl 104. 3#tMl'Xre, P'- Nn&TXlX n.f. curled hair (Sy rc/&j5o5 LS 624, mng. 2, Ma xriX'XlX pi. MD 391) sg. 'XB1X1 XJTX1X the curled hair of the pagans Men 42a(9); xn'XlX(l)ll) ]n: PN, the curly-haired one Sab 56b(46); pi. H'lB xVlia 131 nnX'XIX •'VH'ib I'J'IDp'ri X1? when she braids her
K^X-IX t : 956 N3T1X t ; hair, she should not tie the tips of her curls HP 137:1 =Seel 113:37 = HG3 358:50 Lit: Eps, Stl 122; D. Boyarin, Tarbiz 50[1981] 174; Y: XJTX1X Sab ib.(BAYTN 37). NVxiX m., f. KfiV'XlX n. dove (< XCI^xVlX; V?xVx; 4- xbix'rx; Sy rdi^ dove LS 636, Ma 2# X'bX'X small doves MD 394) sg. xbxiXI Xny'3 dove's egg San 100a(33) [M: NTlVxVlX]; BB 75a(29; Es); xnV'XIXI XJiy'3 Sab 80b(43) Geon. expl.: 1DB1 R32)X"y 30 J^IHJ 'S1XXH Xim «]15^W nX'3 H'/OB '3iy JwVa, i.e. iiilill wood pigeon TRN 621:1; pp 11J? rUBp irarai O'TUO OHT Sab 81:26; Lit: Nold, Beitr 113; Y: x'pX'X BB ib.(BAYTN 167). 1# T1X vb. to fashion, draw, form (I XJITIX; Sy ■^ pe., etpe. LS 624, Ma 1#TIX MD 391) Pe. 1. to fashion, depict: '•hbs 'rDWBI 'TB bib n'jD'B1? wb 'nbsi im> 'T"xi '3'wn Kn"?n nn n^D'a^i tx'b1? X3'Tnx 'TB1? as for worshiping, they worship anything they can. As for fashioning (an idol) and worshiping (it), these three [v. MAZ 3:3] are important. They fashion them and worship them, (but) not anything else AZ 42b(33); TlX'm 'yai Xfl'31 XSbpl he should draw on the parchment of the phylactery box ... ST 491:2; 111 Jl'31 1'T'X lrr'&mn by X3T<')(1}T those of the Davidic House depict a fly on their seals SOZ 73:1; pass.part. [o"]n 'tya mix jin'ty txi 31 ty «|xi even though an image of an animal is depicted upon them [i.e. the coins] AnanSch 17:12; 2. to draw: XT113 TXX 31 xm PN, in fact, used to draw a fish (as his signature) BB 161b(4) // Git 36a(25) Pa. 1. to mark out: ^Bri'XB H'T'XI he marked it out [i.e. the clay at the riverbank] the day before Bes 32b(37); 2. to forge a document: H1TX '"ITS they definitely forged it BB 7b(18; HP1) [Ed: iTS"? n'DVI] Itpe. to be formed: TXJ1N xbl Jl'3 since (the embryo) was not (yet) formed Naz 51b(2); ]"iyb IXfi'B n'Jiy'XB JB ,T1'X' as to (its) formation, (the embryo) is formed from its middle [i.e. of the body] Yom 85a(37; M) // Sot 45b(44; Ed); 'aV'T vbv Tnx*7 x"?x 'txto x^i xin mxn'x perhaps (the virginal blood) is not completely formed until after three (years) Nid 45a(7; M) [contra Rashi] 2#T1X vb. to besiege (BH 1#T1X pe. HAL 951, mng. 3) Pe. [w. ^y/byy. 'lV'y tx anmo una '3 d"7EH' when PN came (and) besieged Jerusalem San 26a(47); '3K/ JT>n H'Vy "1ST XDX he came and besieged it for three years Git 56a(21) 3#T1X vb. to rub against (denom. < I XTX) Pe.: nsitj byv uvn 'ixin "?y 'txi cptix (the text states) Q'llX [Jos 5:2] since they rub against each other, i.e. a nail cutter Anan 83:20 Lit: Hark, Anan 836. N3T.1X n.m. (mng. and etym. unci.) sg., only in phrase ]33ia N3T1X a member of an intermediate scholarly class between the common people and the scholars (i J33T mng. 1): sg. a. general: X3TyBB XrlXT 1331a X3T1X 'X,1 a s.m. who came from Eretz Israel Ber 15a(9); Hul 5la(9); '-n nvrna'pa mm paTB xamx xinn p13'1X 3'3Kn 'TI303bx a certain j./w. who was in PN's neighborhood who died while still a young man Hag 5a(20); 13 X31H 311 pain X3T1X 'XH n'BE/ ivn a s.m. whose name was Rav PN Sab 139b(22); Ara 23a(33); J33T8 X3TIX X3'Tn '3 13311? X3B XBV X3T3y mrooa O'^ltn when I see a s.m. who has completed his tractate, I make a feast for the students Sab 118b(55); ib. 119a(2); rrnxa '33 rvb 'arm paia xamx 'xn a .s./n. whom his townspeople love Ket 105b(19); p3T8 X3T1X n'tt>S3V 'in a s.m. may inspect (a slaughtering knife) for himself Er 63a(9); J33TB X3T1X 'X,1 ixa1? morax^ nam's yr x^i ntv>'b n'V yattn P31T Wtipb n'Dttn a s.m. who has received a legal tradition and does not know its explanation should ask one who is frequently in the presence of the scholars Meg 27a(41); XVI paia X3T1X 'X xnyap xa'V if he is s.m. let him recite a legal tradition ib. 28b(30); V"yi paia X3TIX D'J?D1 '3 X"?3V as much as a s.m. eats and (then) enters the kalla Suk 26a(45); '30 mm paia X3T1X X1.TI n'3yaTO a certain s.m. whose reputation was unsavory MQ 17a(8); paia XailXI xmb'T debasement of a s.m. BM 84b(23); Qid 76b(33); Sot 21a(36); BB 168a(l); San 25b(48); ^v« 48b(20); b. status: ia'ab paia 'anxb n'V 'i& 'amx1? ,tV nip '©'13 'xii'n 'V n» X3X paia 'amx 'a'a1? paia 'anx1? "b xnsx '3a'n' Xs? 'a'aV paia 'ii3x '33'm x"? X3X xi(i)3nn 'iay a j.w. is Krnx ! permitted to say: "I am a s.m. Resolve my dispute first." A s.m. is permitted to say: "I shall not pay the poll tax." A s.m. is not permitted to say: "I am a Zoroastrian, (and so) I shall not pay the poll tax" Ned 62a(41); VlJTJ X3H paia X311X X3'X n'SX "?'3p3 there is a s.m. here. Let us [i.e. R. Judah, the Prince, and R. Hiyya] enter (the town and) greet him Hag 5b(38); Nid 33b(12); Xp m,1 map'a xy33'x Kb paia xsmx V'txi T^n a s.m. passed by, (and) she did not bow down before him MQ 16b(26); mai 133TB X3T1X nnawa nb TDW1 XD3B/B IX ^bl HVTVO IN V1XT xVx the only s.m. whom you can find who can instruct is one who is a descendant of the tribe of Levi or the tribe of Issachar Yom 26a(12); Er 39a(4) [* fTXn Oy]; ,SVk 30b(32); Git 27b(26) [* ©'3'X 'aVyi]; BM 83b(27) [* by\S]; Hul 133a(24) [* X3H3] Geon. expl.: aannon Dn n3T [is-.y 'p'i] ynfn raix im xin ... n'1? snrna xp rrrr-nx nnm pann xanix 'xn mm ^w nwxs X3'-K xwn nwpn o'en1? imp '3nys nwp pais xs-nx x"t oht Tan 5:22, i.e. *4ij^ *3°i* smitten wheat [cf. also: ]:3YIO X3niX D'Oan 'TO^ri plin Ar (AC 7:45)]. From the passages in BT it appears that the s.m. while not belonging to the Rabbinical class was accorded a special status in the legal hierarchy and could also render legal decisions. Lit: Bacher, Tradition 6I8+; H. Leshem, Mahanayim 57 [1961] 99+ [Heb]. The etym. < P carb 'fat' proposed by Koh, ACSup 71 and Bacher, ib. 6194, was rejected by Geig, AAC 355; Voc: X311X HGP 35a:24; Y: N3-I1X Ber 15a(9; BAYTN 155). N3T1X, N3TX n.m. need, necessity (i Vt,TX; TA Tpmx TO*Dt*2:7, JPA TTIX DJPA 461) pi. VOX! n'3TIX Va TW\ he eats and drinks his fill HP 15:5; ib. 14:18; H'STX1? 'in it is fit for his needs Pes 47b(16; C) // Mak 22a(2); H'DTIX ms1? according to his needs TGHark 84:17; SSHai 17a(21); 1'DTX ]3'13yi we would attend to our needs Sab 150b(40; M); '31 '3T1X1? Wlffl V'I'X nb X3T3y X'33'B I shall go now (to attend to) my needs, and when I am free I shall perform it [i.e. the commandment] TGAs42 163:22; 1'3'IX 113X1 1H"3TXa poyn'1 IXa1? they [i.e. the orphans] need someone to attend to their needs SSSad 268:9; Dec 9:7; ib. 13; 'aTX ]Wbl l(1)n'3T1X biWIib to ask for their needs in Aramaic (while praying) TGHark 189:21; ib. 188:31 Y: X?1« BAYTN 155. nix '3T1X, '3T11X n. (unclear) pi. p'B p'SBI IH'Vx T1X '311X '311X Elijah would have come and taken out... from us Qid 72b(43) [Var: '3111X '3T11X Ar (AC 7:13)] Expl. Ar: niV'n fll'inj AC ib.; Y: 'ITIW Qid ib. KflTlX, cs. TITIX n.f. image, picture, form (^Vl#T1X; TA XT1X TO Dt 4:16, Sy rc'&ie^ LS 624, Ma l#xrnix MD 391) 1. image, figure: a. general: sg.cs. XT131 NTlpry mix the image of a ring of fire Bo 17:7; ib. 79:6; 82:9; b. esp. on coins: sg. bowa xb XT1T1 XTWIXX "BX1 he would not even look upon a figure (stamped) on the zuz AZ 50a(31) // Pes 104a(24); XmiXX .TJljm DW» n'jtJST XTay xmiXI because his mind is on the figure (on the coin), and the figure is apt to be annulled BM 45b(15); Sab 65a(32); 2. picture: sg. 5M69b(36; V22); pi. ai '31 Xm'J7 H3p xV 31 NJVnxa xVx PN took possession of the garden (in the vicinity) of the be rav only by (drawing) pictures (on its wall) BB 54a(27) [Var: XJ1XT1X3 I§GF 80:9]; lin XJ1XTIX1 D'31T31 (in the Second Temple) the cherubs were in the form of pictures Yom 54a(45); 3. form, outline: sg. XJ111X xnyawi the outline of the legal tradition Sab 63a(49) Voc: xfniX HGP 38a: 15; Y: XJT11X Sab ib.(BAYTN 37). niX vb. to listen, obey, heed (Sy A^ LS 625, Ma TUX MD 392) Pe. (i) 1. to listen: XBty '"713 TOX 'n"X XTiaxV WX Xinb does everyone listen to the Tanna [i.e. the transmitter of the Oral Law]? They listen to the Amora [i.e. the speaker] Hul 15a(35); 'TBN Xp 'XB yBtt?1 ri'X V'T go, listen, and hear what (the spirits) are saying Pes lllb(23; V); 2. to obey [w. mb s.o./s.t.]: a. alone: D'XX 'X ri'XX if he obeys all is well and good lit. if he obeys he obeys] BQ 23b(38); San 8a(3); ib. 31b(43); Nid 36b(45); Ara 27a(31); MQ 27b(32); AZ 22a(2); ib. 28b(33); X38 in3 T1"XX '3a 'TH3 n'XX X"7 (concerning teruma) he will obey in (the case of) two vessels. He will not obey in (the case of) one vessel Yev 89a(31) // Qid 46b(25); J1"X JIX'B ib. 26; T.3T T,1? 'BXpl 'XB ri'X obey what your master is saying to you Svu 18a(25) // Zev 100b(6); XO'X Kb p3Y? X'm she does not obey (the interdictions) of the scholars Suk 2b(50); b. 957
'nx 958 '3'X w. -V: m1? x:ri"x x1? maisa pm' '-\ 'V 'ax 'x if pn says it to me from his (own) mouth, I shall not obey him Ber 24b(40) // Hul 124a(44); n,!7 ITS'! he should obey him [i.e. his father] BM 32a(40); ib. 44; SH^ XJJl'XX X1? I shall not obey the judgment BB 40a(13); MQ 14b(23); BQ 113a(10); San 29a(7); xnV J1X xVl rG//ant 111:23; rG/f.?42 23:16; 3. to heed: rrb T1"Xt |» XtflSm xan: "rsx X3X1? the one who heeds PN will eat moldy bread Pes 40a(20); ib. 80a(34); X1? .TV W2m do not heed him Sab 22a(39); Er 59b(41); Kef 21a(45); i& 60a(8); ^Z 38b(24); Hul 76a(24); '"nnx Win 3'n' n"X 'T11? 'X if he heeds me he will sit (and study) another twelve (years) Ket 63a(2) // n"X 'TH T» 'X Aferf 50a(20); 'an8? n'X 'nx nn'XI n'm 'Xai why do you heed these (witnesses)? Heed those BQ 74b(26) [bef. corr.]; ib. 72b(23; M); Kar 24a(19) Af. 1. to listen: X3TO nyaPi 'Xa 'T'X n'XX listen, then! What do you hear from here? BB 74a(24) // San 110a(55); xV'Va bp lyawi WXN listen and hear the sound of the spell Bo 133:5; 2. to obey: xn'xa x'aw'n "7i3i xnp xymn "?i3i all that is of the earth calls and all that is of heaven obeys Bo 67:8; ib. 129:8 'HX 4- V'HX vb. irriX adj. shining (VnriX; Sy rdjojuu^ LS 625) pl.m. TITO SSHai 4a(6) [of coins] - Nrianx, xnxanx n.f. fish hash (4- xoa; jpa runs DJPA 462, > Arab iltik .r Fr, AF 37 > Sy rt'&.iLu^ ls 626) sg. x-im an xnxanx 'xn hash (of fish caught at) the opening of the canal AZ 39a(12) // Suk 18a(40; E2); AZ 39a(33); X'HH XnanST X31X a certain boat carrying lit. of] fish hash ib. 40a(24); San 49a(41) Geon. expi.: nnpi tesi n:nx p» d,ji,7IS mo xvi xjimix 'SIX JwV> 3np> DUB1? '3 nwns TGHark 184:26, i.e. IrArab .Ui~.; Lit: Fauna 15; Eps, GCIntr 49l84; Y: Xmnx ^2 ib.(BAYTN 185). inX 4- "inXD num. Niatsx 4- xaitsD n. N3'X n.m. a type of condiment placed in a drink (etym. unkn.) sg. X3'X 1H3 X1E> xVi he did not place a s-condiment in them BM 29b(46) // Hul 84b(7) Expi. Rashi. There is no reason to connect this word to I '3'X. The mng. of the word '3'X BQ 93a(3) is uncertain. Nlia'X n.m.coll. congregation, public (< MH TB'X Yeivin, BV 958, J 1274; i XTO'ST Krrbti; JPA Tia'X DJPA 462) 1. congregation, group: sg. XTiax moa 'ya X*7 he does not want to disturb the congregation Meg 22b(34); Ber 24b(27; F); XTDXi (Hi?' the congregation's honor Meg 25b(ll); XTia'X Xbl X-IS'03 '"ixp 13 when he reads in the Torah scroll without a congregation Anan 21:3; ib. 18:7; 20:21; XTO'X f>xai X3TJ/3 when the congregation is praying the tefilla Ber 7b (49); nxp Xpi X"113'X H3WX1 he encountered a congregation that was reciting (the Hallel) Tan 28b(23; HP 37:6); ib. 25a(46; M2); Ber 30a(52); ib. 1; '3 TBCT 'X XTrra1? X3HX1 X"113'X ]'M3'& 13 moy when a congregation is gathered together, and it is necessary to see if there are ten people TGHark 157:12; ib. 131:8; Xrinx XTD'X another congregation RH 28b(44); pi. XDfrsa xVt 'V'» 'n xnxmanai 'TD'X3 xnxa this refers to where the town is not divided into groups of people and societies (who deal with burial) HP 165:2; TGAs27 33:13; 2. public: sg. XTia'n XplTH (financial) pressure on the public Git 45a(32); Ket 67b(24); XTI3X3 H'XDn p'tJ-IS we specify his sins in public MQ 16a(15); XTD'ST '"?a public affairs Meg 30b(13); BM 85a(49) Y: !013X Ber 7b(49; BAYTN 258). '3'X n.pl.m. pieces of wood used for fuel, firewood (4- '3'X '3; Ma 2# X'3'X firewood, chips MD 392, Peh ideog. syb' FiP 4:16 = ezm firewood, fuel CPD 31, JNA Xl'X stwa wood HDJNA s.v.; cf. Sy K'-vco.ipa n' t> ,Z pieces of meat LS 626) '3'X1? nrbxi let him cleave it into firewood 5A/79a(43); Sab 119a(17); BB 102b(15); '3'X 'mn new firewood Zev 116b(19); '3'X 'S^ ]Vt>V sixty firewood storehouses Git 56a(29; Ar [AC 4:235]); Tan 10a(29); BQ 21a(24); BB 7a(32); bpv ... n» '3'xt xnsnx x'3<'>nn '3?ai ]xa 'xn '3'XT xnjnx noil p3Wl '3131 one who cleans up (a dirty area. If it is) for the purpose of (gathering) firewood it is permitted. (If) he took KH'3'X 959 XT-;X the large pieces and left the small ones (it was) for the purpose of (gathering) firewood MQ 10b(17) // BB 54a(9); BQ 93a(3) [4- Vtftftt pe.]; ('>{X)3'X D'p:a Xp mn X':S3 he was gathering firewood in the evening Tan 23b(l; M2); Hul 51b(33); Er 82b(47) // Ket 64b(32) [for baking bread]; XriB! '3'X p'Tl'X we brought firewood and roasted (the meat) BB 74b(20); V\b pnajl ]3X '3'X3 V'x inV mnan 'xaa ]inx xiam xna;a3 we moderate them [i.e. the pungent turnips] with meat and wine. With what do you moderate them? He said to them: "With firewood" [i.e. by cooking them well] Ber 44b (46) Lit: Geig, AAC 349; Voc: '3'X HPP 7:17; Y: '3'X BB 7a(32; BAYTN 12). [K'3'X i X3'X n.] NIT3'X, NJHS'X n.m. shuttle (etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 105a(45; OHP ib. 67:26) [expi. MH DlTp Mib. 13:1; Var: XJJ13'X GC 56:10; xri"31Xa OAr (AC 5:215); 4-X^'31Xa] Geon. expi.: 1'pio l^w yisrm I'jiiK^wn) im yy xn'3'x H7\nv 'is 1'pion imio ]'Jin: I'Binm tib1? 'nw p win I'D'asai n:pina nsonn OHP ib. Nj;3'X n.m. color, dye (4- Vj?3X; Sy 1# rdi-r^ Ls' 620, Ma 2#X3XJ? MD 355) 1. color: sg. 'Tta D'-U Xp XJ?3'X is the color (of the threads) the main point? Men 38b(21); Jltom xy3'X the color of tekhelet AnanSch 25:24; 2. dye: sg. BQ 101a(32); n'5?3'X n^X'^i '3TI '3 so that it should take up its [i.e. the snail's] dye well Sab 75a(32); Nid 61b(18); X5?3'XT K'tt dye water Er 29b(13); xy3'XT x:xa a dyed garment Sab 19a(35) Y: n'5?3'X &fe 75a(32; BAYTN 125). l#Nri3'X, ND3X n.m./f. tongs, attachment (4- V2#n3X; TA XVO'X pi. TJ IK 7:49, JudA D3X TEr 8:23) 1. tongs: sg. H'T3 xm'X Bipi'Vl let him grasp tongs in his hand Sab 110a(33); p'^pW H'V 13'VDpi ypll? ]FipV\ Xnax we take the tongs, take the serpent, and kill it Git 56b(12; V18); Ket 77b(22); 2. connection: sg. xm'X am am xp vmn xnsx Mb xan am xp vim in that case the connection of the deaf mute is the cause (of the damage directly). In this case the connection of the deaf mute is not the cause of (the damage directly) BQ 9b(31); ib. 22b(22); 59b(34) Expi. RaH [mng. 1]: yam rvOJlD '^ "73 13 J'BBVW KW ^3 I'm^S ixyw ]W^ OHR Git 37:2, i.e. pj^^ pincers; Y: Nrnx Sab ib.(BAYTN 139). [2#ND3'X 4- l#XH3Xn.] S3T13'X 4- xn'3'X n. NTX 4- xyrx n. Njn'X, STX n.m. temple, hair covering temple (4- XTX/XJH'X na; Sy rdin^ LS 622, mng. 2; cf. TA rrjhx TJ Jud 4:21) 1. "iemple: pi. njH'X her temples Bo 123:5; x"?nST XHD H'TX his temples are an anvil of iron ib. 78:5; 2. hair covering temple: sg. Sab 80b(22) [v. Geon. expi.]; ib. 25; pi. H'JH'Xa xnK/'» 11^71 let him rub oil on the hair covering his temples ib. 129a(45) Geon. expi.: 'SH3K1 XSH'X ('j'D'w) frv il) nVnn BIB1? 13X3 p ixn 10 D':sn yixpa oij>n xim [£li=J>] jixn 'jxyaw riBto ^■js snpa Kim T03 win po [D'»n] >)io Ty [rru3] 7» nyw iio ohp Sab 39:24; jit'bd n^w myw njy^ip nwx»3 xyi'x (na) ... Kjrrx U13 [nn]msV ,n:nx p eyia xn i:o[a trn 619:5; cf. Sy expi.: -V * &i_u->:i rtLftj^K* rc^i \ m \ ... ^ooa_JLA.n5 ... <ii33^' £li«i>VI Kliox\_ Ji«o»n rdi(H)H)K' .-■ i y^long hair which falls down on top of the ears like tresses; curled hair covering the temples ... BBah 1655:14; Y: XJH'X Sab 80b(22; BAYTN 126). l#NTi'X n.m. crust (4- xrvnnix) sg. mm m'tn mimx I'^p he saw that its crust was peeled Bes 14b(5; L) 2#Nin'X n.m. a liquid (etym. unkn.) sg. XH Ximxa XH Xiana this (refers) to wine, that to ... Qid 48b(33) Lit: L. Goldschmidt, TMW 4:683, identifies this word w. Sy rc'o-iccv, K"iiepe hemlock LS 623, but this is rejected by Low, Flora 4:80; Y:' Xnn'X Qid ib.(BAYTN 126). VXVX n. chirping (I 2#XJVX1X; Sy rii^o^ chirping of a bird LS 624) sg. VX@1'X 'XH 'Xa 13'J?au; XpT what is this chirping that we hear? Men 42a(34) [V10: V2VZ] II 'X'X Ber 42a(8) NT»X n.m. fisherman (4- VllX; TA X^i: 'T'X pi. Tj'ls 19:8, Sy rfkS^ LS 627) sg. XIX'X X'TX PN, the fisherman MQ lla(37); m? 'Tl'B K3"l xaixa XT'X a fisherman used to bring PN (quail) from the marsh Yom 75b(24; E1); pi. 'T'XT X313
]"X 960 l#*n»»X the fishermen's hut Tan 22a(47; M2); XIB'p 'T'Xi the fishermen's knot 6M 23b(2; Es) Y: XT'? BjW ib.(BAYTN 228). |"X vb. to mark a burial place (< MH ]'X pi. lnvth 304) Pa.: xrnya ]"xa mn nrp^ wn ]J3TJ PN used to mark the burial caves of the scholars BM 85b(15); 55 58a(5); ib. 9; 11; 5er 30b(44); Sab 34a(5); Mg 5b(40) 7'X adj. clear, lucid (4- VV7X pe., pass.part., xmV'X; Sy rslijAg LS 627) 1. clear: a. fluid: sg.m. x"7'X3 n,!7 xm he wants clear (oil) BM 40b(20); pl.m. 'b'X //«/ 55b(15) [fluid from the kidney; * i T3y]; b. light: sg.m. nmru "7'X 'XH '3D its [i.e. olive oil's] light is clearer Sab 23a(21; MMGE 611:21); c. sound: sg.m. V>X mm 1'y»f n'^p he heard that its sound was clear Bes 14a(26; LV); 2. lucid, sober [4- VVVx itpe.; cf. Sy rHuc^M ■ l.Ag PSm 3396]: sg.m. IDTO iy V>x mn xV -p>xi )xsa rnwrn titx "?'x mn n'WSja 'TimTX^ until (he drank) sixteen (cups of wine), he was sober (enough and) protected himself. From then on he was not sober enough to protect himself Pes 110b(20; C); f. x"?'X X1? 'Xryyi my mind is not lucid Er 64a(16); XJiyi XTv>'X Yev 113b(l) [* i ti^p mng. 4]; Git 70b(26) [* i WW] Y: Vx Sab ib.(Mo 239). Kri^'S n.f. lucidity, clarification (4- V'X; Sy ^h\<\ \ ; \g LS 627) 1. clarity of mind: sg. x:xnoxi xars xnVrx x'ys xnyaw legal discussion requires lucidity like a day of the north wind Meg 28b(26) // Er 65a(28); Git 70b(26; Ed); 2. clarification: sg. 'yX3i X3TB XnV7'X an objection which requires clarification OHTKet 315:6 Y: xrnVx Gi7 ib.(BAYTN 34). n.f. hemicrania, migraine (4- ' Vl#rf?X; Sy rc'&jjj^ LS 629, Ma 2#xnx1nxVxX MD 387) sg. xnnV'X1? &/> 90a(31); Git 68b(51); XJinVx WW 37:18; Bo 105:4; rrn xnnV'X the spirit of hemicrania ib. 123:5 Geon. expi.: pwVs rain ram xo'J irn oyn myx xnn'rx nj?'j?® 'any ptf^i xttx nni xrirfrx 'mx trn 622:5, i.e. sLii [cf. Sy: iLiill ,<jc-,i ^o \\ *sa ... rr~ i ,t_u kLu>m rs'JuuJig BBah 1668:3; r£jt_»i A\o-i<A_a tjarcLo m kL»(i)t n , ^acn ib. 638:21]; ypTl 'nn im np'fW XJlrr>'X OHT Git 155:2 [cf. rf?Xl TO Gen 22:3]; Lit: Low, ZDMG 47 [1893] 517; Fr, AF 2641; Geller, Vademecum 18; Y: mrpX Sab ib.(BAYTN 174). xa'r'S i xa"?x n. Nn»b"S n.f. image, form (4- Va^X; Ma Xnxa[X]Vxx, pi. X'fcV'X MD 387, 393, Sy k'&->iA5j LS 630) pi. Trm xna^'XD rim xna'rx (your) forms will be like the forms of the dead 5o.78:12 nVtXV'X n.m. a bird (4- xVxiX; Sy rdAo^ a bird which catches fish LS 631 [Lex]) sg. xriya X^IX^XT the egg of a s.-bird BB 75a(29) Kj?V'X n.m. split, fissure (4- Vl#pbx) sg. LPT 160:12 [expl. ib. as ptt?, i.e. & fissure, split] &tt»'X n.m. yoke, pair of oxen (4- Vl»X; Akk simdu team of draft animals CAD S 196, BH, MH T»X Yeivin, BV 821) sg. XIB'X1? rvb Tlpl n,!? T3T x8? -ipn n'V psi xt»'x ipn ipa^i xia'x m1? 1'3T nVl3 XIS'X IpnV npT X^XI (in a place) where they call a yoke XIS'X and oxen *lp3, (if the agreement specified XTO'X) he sold him a yoke but did not sell the oxen. But (in a place) where they call (a pair of) oxen XID'X, he sold him everything BB 77b(26; Es) [expl. of Mib. 5:1]; ib. 29(Es) Y: XTB'X BB ib.(BAYTN 126). Nna'S n.m. splendor, pustule (4- Vn»X; TA nfiax TO Gen 19:25, Sy kIaOo^ splendor, sprout LS 631, Ma XfclTX splendor MD 393) 1. splendor, luster: pi. n"-|Bn TiaX H'3 Xffl XSV nn"? H'Opj he held it [i.e. the eel-like fish] towards the sun, saw lusters on it (from the light reflected off the scales), and permitted it AZ 39a(31); 2. pustule: pi. TIB'S TTO'X 'fc"pl irum he saw that (the lungs) were covered with all kinds of pustules Hul 48a(47); H'SX3 TIBS rvb ipS3 pustules broke out on his face San 101a(38); TGHark 158:33; ib. 159:7 Geon. expl.: mynjrcx ]7]v 'yi2 pja 'no's d'jtoio w-iB xn TGHark 158:35 [mng. 2]; Y: WX AZ ib.(BAYTN 126). l#K"ia'S n.m. strangury (4- V2#1»X, xma'X; Sy K'-t^s^ LS 632) sg. X13 XIH'X outer strangury Git 69b(51) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 2# KiyV 961 xma'X t ;t ■ X'll Xia'X inner strangury ib. 54; pi. '"ID'S 1^713 all types of strangury ib. 51 Geon. expl.: HIXTO W nnj p [Jjill >ii] Vo 'JX Toy TO mO'X strangury lit. retention of urine] from the side of the bladder OHT ib. 158:12; V^nx1?* mi ]» X13 XID'X strangury from the side of the urethra ib. 13; but RaH: 1JTIX >\1WV nm]? X13 iCXifi D'jsaa wix 'pwv nmp xu xnaxV finas ohr ib. 46:14 [I 2# XID'X]. The second expl. in Ar [AC 7:26, s.v. 4"I0X] seems less likely. 2#*OP'X n.m. heat, fever (4- Vl#-fflX; Ma 1#X-|»'X MD 394) 1. heat: sg. m»'X ms x"7T its [i.e. the hen's] heat had not (yet) departed Pes 5 5b (25); 2. fever: sg. Kb D'pJI X1H 'S^yS XIH'X it is merely fever that has seized them [i.e. the rams] Hul 51a(41) Y: Xn»'X Hul ib.(BAYTN 126). 3# NIB'S n.m. a type of demon (lit. poison; 4- Vl#"l»X; Ma 2#X-tt'X MD 394) pi. n»'X Bo 36:6; ib. 37:4 Nnna(')X, Mym n.f. strangury (4- l#X"l»'X, V2# IBS, Tax; Sy rc'i\-U»s retention of urine LS 632, Ma l#xmxaxx MD 387, JPA nax, pa-|BX DJPA 466, Akk semertu CAD S 126) sg. XJl-ia'X Git 69b(47; OHT ib. 158:4) [Var: XJ1THX Ar (AC 7:26)]; SHTH? HM 39:4; .TmnXT ]Xai D'Vn 'a'a i'sbi "i^xV crxp isi xrn'ax {xni2?'X) n'1?'! someone who is seized by strangury, and when he stands up to pray his urine drips HG1 40:39; xmaX3 T?V six (years) of strangury BM 85a(9); SMel 71:905 Geon. expl.: V^IDI ^K TBpn dripping of urine OHT Git ib. For the two aspects of this ailment, cf. the expl. of Bar Bahlul for rdj-\<xja_ia [Suaoupia] micturition: rc*^ift_x_a^ .j3-*:i Jjlil j^ii ji'ViUI k'^xJm^ ^=rdo ... Jjlil ji^ BBah 567:17, i.e. dripping of urine, retention of urine; J^JI y*, j^i\... rc-4,-iJ»s ib. 1672:3. Lit: Eps, GC 1169; Geller, Vademecum 28 [who compares Akk semertu distension(?) CAD S 126]. Note that the Akk term appears together with isiltu constipation CAD I/J 192; Y: XJV)'13X Git ib.(BAYTN 294). N3'X 4- XIU'X n. N"li3'X n.m. channel, hook (4- xmrr, cf. MH -lU'X Yeivin, BV 956, Sy rc^io-i^ hook LS 633) 1. channel [4- xpT3 mng. 1]: sg. XpT3T Xlirx a channel of a sluice Hul 105a(41); San 7a(19); 2. hook: sg. XTU'Xa '31BnV to turn (the meat over the fire) on the hook Mei 10a(9); Svu 17b(3) Lit: Brand 462; Y: XniJX Ber 18b(40; BAYTN 262). - K&TI N113'X, N^ni N13'X n.m. door socket (4- X2h) sg. GC 20:7' [expl. MH "ri-I'X MKel 11:2]; wit xmrx3 rnVm vu'an'ii I'ipis'n let him go out and place them [i.e. the pieces of meat] for him in the door socket Git 69a(10); ib. 69b(51) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; mi3 XBHT XTU'X3 ]Vb (the money) is in a door socket in such-and- such a place Ber 18b(40); ib. 58b(18; F); mm wn xTirsa tit nysnx n'b 'Wi xav "?3 ?'n he used to regularly place four zuzim (for a poor man) every day in the door socket Ket 67b(36); xirm xirx mnx a'ri'x "7tx I shall go (and) sit behind the door socket Ket 67b(37; MGG 652:6); Sab U9a(12);Pej94b(15) Geon. expl.: 3X3 mXTl OHT Gi( 158:11, i.e. v4 *jjj [cf. Arab jlj5 vjU revolving door Wehr 300]. [Nn'3'X n.f. callus (MH 71'3'X J 1278) pi. 'TJ10X xnX'3'XT staters for calluses Ket 93b(26; Alf) V. Rashi. For the correct rdg., v. I fXT adj.] NJ/l'X n.m. privacy, seclusion (4- VyiX, xmyiX; MH ny^x Yeivin, BV 815) xvi xaa' '3m xyrx privacy for (bringing in) these (beams) is during daytime MQ 12b(48; HP 178:25); Xfip'ay XJDH XyrXT a deep secluded place Tan 23b(45; M); Xin XyjXT MDan B/Wn conjugal relations which are a private matter Geon 37:12 Y: K!?iX Ber 5b(i5; BAYTN 126). — NJfJ'Xa adv. in private, in secret a. alone: '3 mra i'ds'V x"7t xyj'xa mb in'1?! '3'n so that he should give it [i.e. charity] to him in private in order that he should not be embarrassed by it Sab 104a(22); BB 42a(8); xyJ'X3 'b XEHp'X she was betrothed to him in secret Ket 62b(51); ib. 23a(16); 'XaiV xyj'Xa xn come to me in secret Git 56a(45; V'8); Hag 5b(4); AZ 10b(2); b. * x'ornsa publicly: x'oniDa xn xyrxa xn this is in private, that is in public Ber 5b(15); ib. 55a(25); Ara I6a(54); xpi ny:xa mm1? m1? mm X'Dn"ID3 iT^Bl T3a he should have received support in private, and he shames himself in public (by taking charity from pagans) San 26b(39); AZ 54a(17); Git 38a(47); BM 46b(31) xrna'X, xrnia'X n.f. hook (4- xmrx; sy k'^'-vL, rc'^iioJA LS 633, > Arab ijll- Fr, AF
ktu'X 962 NTIS'X t : • 88) sg. rrTiT1? Nmrx in xjv»j? xnsrwa 'Xi owVi mnrb in xW? xrson xaiB3 if a date stone or a hook is found (in the trachea), he should push it up or down with the edge of the knife and (then) slaughter HG3 112:4 [Var: xmirx ib.] Nm'S, pi. ]'3'X, NH'U'X n.f. type of palm (etym. unkn.) sg. xmen Nnrsa xnan nop xp he was tying his ass to the s.-palm on the Sabbath Er 63a(29); pl.abs. 1'3'X BB 69b(7; P'F1); SSHai 6b(8; O); det. *733n XJT'j'X ny X1H3 DIBa from GN to the s.-palms of Babylonia Ber 31a(39; P); *733T NJV'J'X '3H i& 40(P); BM 24b(35)!; Sot 46b(39) Lit: Flora 2:313. In San 96b(14), the corr. rdg. is XJVTX (He, OH ib. 492:19), explained as the name of a river south of Pumbeditha [contra Eps, Stl 52+]; XJvi'X HGP 49a:30; Y: XrU'X Er ib.(BAYTN 33). XS'X 4- NSX n. KMB'X n.m. north (TA X31BX TO Ex 26:20, Sy Klio-a-t^ «-ooi Gignoux, IMS 3:56) sg. Bes 4a(12); Bo 119:10; ib. 51:3; NJIB'XN "733T ^ XM1 xa'p !?X"TCP TINT how do we know lit. whence do we have (in Scripture)] that Babylonia is situated north of Eretz Israel? BB 25b(33); Git 7b(5) Y: MIB'X Kwi 32b (46). iWniB'X adj. of GN (JPA "-HB'X DJPA 463) sg.m. nXTISX 1'3X Sab 29b(27); Yom 77b(41); RH 35a(4); Hul 51a(17) Y: WniB'X //«/ ib.(BAYTN 321). NnS'X, NTIS'X n.m. bird, fowl (4- xmB'X, NmS'X; TA NTD'X TO Lev 14:5, Sy rc'ia^ f. LS 635, Ma 1#X"IS'X m. MD 394) sg. Zev 6'4b(24); X3"l NIS'S a large bird Svu 29a(28); XnB'X XDX1 n'tf'"!1? n'yopi a bird came and bit off its [i.e. the sea monster's] head BB 74b(10; MGG 51:4); NIS'S '3 H'3'1? ms NnB'X ^SNl 1310m the heart of one who lets blood and eats (the meat of) a bird will palpitate like (the fluttering of) a bird Mei 20b(20) // Ned 54b(21); X"IS'X ... DTTCH ]N»1 one who slaughters a bird HP 207:14; ib. 203:10; 17; pi. '"IB'X TOH BM 86a(37); BB 26a(28); -jn 'ri'^a nm 'TIDX certain birds which were preserved in salt ib. 74b(14); f? TON '"lB'X "731 'J'JSttn 'JVa 13V m»3X3 all types of fowl are forbidden to us to eat except for doves and turtle doves Anan 67:14 Voc: KIB'X HPP 305:19; Y: JOB'S BB 73b(28; BAYTN 250). K3TtS'X n.f. a small bird (Sy rdi'o-i^ LS 635) sg. TIM irn Np1313 ,lV 1'TXI NJVIB'X a'small bird which is captured (by putting) glue on one wing HP 205:10 [Nri'lS'X n.f. type of locust (< 4- XID'X + XJT- [dimin. ending]) sg. Git 69b(32; OHT ib. 157:15) Geon. expl.: D'Bian miBX [M§ab 9:7] ib. [I xV"T KIITS'S], From the context, however, the term in the BT must refer to an animal [4- Xm'BX].] NrnS'X, KJTIBX, K7HISX n.f. bird, a species of bird (I NIB'S) 1. bird: sg. n'V 13TX ]BV XT1N xmD'X3 Satan came (and) appeared to him in the guise of a bird San 107a(18); mm XmiSX X'.in NJ/'p-l1? 'Da iT»m N'»3 nVlO"1j? 15/ NB'p a certain bird that was standing up to its ankles in the water, and its head reached the sky BB 73b(28); Tern 34a(17) [embroidered from hair]; 2. a species of bird of small size: sg. XIBin xmB'X 'BD a j.-bird which is much smaller Sab 80b(43) [4- * '»!' 13]; XIVIDX Suk 5b(2); xmB'Xn XD5?3 a s.-bird's egg Yom 80a(14); 'in xmS'X3 l"?D the quail is like a j.-bird Yom 75b(22); 'M xmS'X XD"?p D^pa the j.-bird also snatches well (in flight) Hul 65a(23) Y: XrnB'X //«/ ib.(BAYTN 289). NFHS'X n.f. species of locust (lit. bird of the date palm; 4- N^p'l) sg. Sab 90b (21; Ar [AC 6:344, s.v. ,T'^S]) [expl. MH rniSX D'pn3n Mib. 9:7] NJIS'X, pi. 'S'X n.f. mat (Sy 2# k'^A^, K'^a..^, pi. rdl^, r<Lar^ LS 634) sg. "7 rtbr\ n'lV'J/ NTID'X they" placed a mat over it [i.e. the pit] Git 68a(9); ib. 13; 'JIB'S 'Vl he lifted up the mat Ned 50a(l); Nmn NDS'X a new mat Sab 140b(25; V); NDXT XflB'S a mat of myrtle branches Qid 12b(29; O2); pi. Nni£/33 '3T 'S'X mats of the synagogue BB 8b(52; Es); 'B'S 'an 3T '31 mats of the be rav Ber 25a(25); 'B'X 'mn under the mats Qid 45a(24) [employed for shade; but cf. Rashi] Geon. expl.: TOin rt>Xn» 'mn XJIB'XX GnK5 170:7; pJrlXJ'ya I >]XBX OHP Ber 110:13, i.e. <-iLii oljjii ledges. Lit: Flora NX'X 963 Na'V^X 1:679; 3:826; Y: 'B'X Ber ib.(BAYTN 33). XX'X n.m. perh. splendor pi. mX3ST 'S'S31 by the splendor of Seva'ot Bo 7:5; ib. 14:7 'X'X 4- TXVX interj. [NTIX'X n.f. (4- 1# xn'SIS) sg. X113T xriS'X tongue offire55 73a(18)] NTX n.m. pivot (of a door; 4- V3#"11X, NmBN; TA T^'S pi. TO Ex 26:17, JPA TX DJPA 464; cf. Sy k'^-U^ ls 627) P'-abs. 1'TX Bo 34:7 NMTX n.m. feverish inflammation (< Akk sirihti libbi intestinal inflammation CAD S 207; cf. Sy 1# oui^ to catch fire LS 637) sg. xnTX X3''?n intestinal inflammation Git 69b(18; Vl8OHT ib. 157:5) [V6: X3'"7T mVm] But Geon. expl.: "IN1B in Hpin OHT ib. 6, i.e. jljill *fy> heartburn. Lit: Geller, Vademecum 26; cf. Flora 3:422; Y: XrnX Gil ib.(BAYTN 94). 1# N^TX n.m. red area in the eye (Sy ... rc'-iJ^ iSjL|T ^> J£l\ ^ cJi: ^ill j.lll BBah 1665:15) sg. N'TX3 Xn NS31X3 Nn this refers (to a defect) in the pupil, that to the red area of the eye Nid 23a(33) // Bek 40a(44; Ar [AC 7:44]F[corr.]) RaH: m anion onx ki.tx ]'y °?» yirw xnsix "bi xin'sa a'ro linen Ar [AC 7:44]. The expl. of RaH agrees with that of BBah, though the former reads N"1,TX [cf. Sy t-oo^ red from shame LS 626]; Lit: TMW 4:188; v. also p'y TX Bo 59:8. 2#Nn'X n.m. split, fissure (4- Vl#nX; Sy rdiis LS 637) sg. 'Tnri'B Npi n'T3 N"ix mn I'V'Bjfl there was a split (in his cloak) in (the area of) his hand, and (his) phylacteries were visible Men 37b(14); N'!3 '.13 '"7'J/ X'TX 713 fl'XT p'DT 'Dn since wheat (kernels) have a fissure water can penetrate them Pes 40a(23); pi. b'Nin 'D'n '3NB/ im mj7p13)33 m'TX 31X1 (ears of) wheat are different, since they are considered split because of their fissures AZ 65b(35); 1W3X n(')n)X3 nni3m in the cracks (of the wheat) one on top of the other Pes 40a(2; OHT Pes 41:6) Geon. expl.: nun yx»X357 mm GnK5 175:13; Y: XJTX Pes ib.(BAYTN 12). NDISTX n.f. money changing (4- Vl#«pX; cf. Sy 2# pdA-v money changer LS 638, Arab <-il>^o Wehr 513) sg. 3jtbV nn pya^ n'V an' ]3ixn xmBTX nsya1?! Xm:n3 PN gave PN2 denars to sit in a shop and engage in money changing TGHark 270:30 1#N^X, NJTVs n.m. leather, skin (4- xVlX, 2# xVx, XV7X; Akk sallu a type of leather CAD S 74, Sy rxii^, riic^ LS 628, > Arab *L» Fr, AF 167) sg. Sab 114a(9) [used as a patch on a shoe]; X^XT X33aN X:ra sleeping on a leather bolster Pes 112b(22; C) [expl. MH 71*7 ib.]; BB 5a(15) [4- NV7X] Y: K>X Pes ib.(BAYTN 6). 2#«VX, NJT^X, pi. 'N^X, 'jrVx n.m. tanner (< nN^X*; I lttXVx, NbXT XDIJ?) sg. 'TU<'){1)3 Xy^XT a tanner's apron Ned 55b(28) [Var: X3in'3 n"?XT GC 45:3; expl. N'DmpD [vestis] scortea Tib. 4:3] Geon. expl.: moo pi Kin 'mx rietoi 'oiisn xin k'jx pinBi o'O-vnVB; oht Ned 51:13; expl. Ar: viix ytrsbv •wf'm pi^n irox'jo ny»3 piayn ac 6:123, s.v. x'Diipo. ab>X vb. to crucify (4- V*ipj; Sy ^=4^ LS 629, Ma 3"?X MD 395) Pe. (a/ ): mm NIO'X 1^7 mn .T1? I'sVx they had a punishment that they would crucify him San 109b(35); mVopi 'NDIB nwpn XDlbl V~b maVxi the Persians seized, killed, and crucified the exilarch SOZ 73:7; XJJTa1? n'Jlp'BN mrona <n){')nVxi n'^xn1? (n)cnpoB she removed a corpse, they cut off his head, and crucified him instead of him [i.e. the previous one] OHT Qid 199:11; nBIXIB X3*?X (unclear) Bo 123:11; pass.part. 3'^X mm N131 a man who was crucified OHT Qid 199:10 n.m. eel (etym. unkn.; > Arab cuL Fr, AF 122) sg. xmvVx1? 'am xra xinn a certain species (of fish) which resembles an eel /4Z39a(30) [Var: xnsrVx RaH, Ed; Nn3"?X Ar (AC 7:18)] Expl. Ar: "pix Ji xim 'rxyaw '*?i mix ]mp -|Di x»b jt xin» ... »n3 fllBT AC ib.; Lit: Fauna 10; AAC 350; Y: XnBftx AZ ib.(BAYTN 277). N3'V^X n.m. ricinus tree (Sy rdAScvA^ LS 629) sg. 'an XS'Wx1?! it is similar to the ricinus tree Sab 21a(12) [w. ref. to p'P'p Jon 4:6] Geon. expl.: iTjnj nwiyi xin px yyxi uaipna v inx fiv una nnitp nain nrx la vv »b i^ xin pao poi jaw ]na I'wiyi yima ]nn lmx i"np unwi yima 'any pe^a lawi TRN 575:3, i.e. £j>* castor oil plant, £j_>» O*^ oil of the castor oil plant;
Nnsi^s 964 1#'^>X OHP Sab 8:24; ib. 9:2; Lit: Flora 1:610; Y: K3'M« Sab ib.(BAYTN 277). Nrrsi^x 4- xnaT>x n. Krii^V n.f. prayer (4- V2# 'VX; TA ';iV?X TO Gen 30:8, Sy n^A^. LS 628, Ma xmVxx MD 387) sg. a. general: Dm3NT n'JTfrx Abraham's prayer Yom 28b(9) [v. OHT ib. 12:2]; bm ^37 .TmVx the high priest's prayer Yom 53b(25) // Tan 24b(47); Sab 30b(43); "jmbs "pB'X reverse (the order of the words) of your prayer San 95a(49); xa'B/n rniDpa XTTlbx prayer is considered like incense Anan 36:8; Xir^X ]B 1DD 131 when he finishes the prayer ib. 16; Dec 2:6; xnV>X ]TJ? the time of prayer Ber 15a(14); AnanMann 2v:14; b. esp. tefdla, the [amida-prayer [caique < MH n"?'Sri J 1686; JPA ibx DJPA 464]: 1) general: ]T>3 l."irj 'Bm XJTfcn since the tefdla is prayer fler 26a(50); 'Vxai nvrfrx moa mw a-i xm did pn not, in fact, (first) arrange his /e/J//a and (then) pray? RH 35a(22); rTJTfat D"0ai ina "ITybx 'T '3H 'as after PN finished his ?e/i//a he used to say so ... Ber 16b(43); ib. 17a(5); XJUBn 3T> n"Tn rrrrfaa "THXB xpi he saw that PN was taking a long time in his tefdla Sab 10a(15); VxiJ xnT>X bxiiy (the seventh benediction of) the tefdla (ends with the words) ^XlfcP bxiJ Pa? 117b (16) [* 4- xW?n]; <Z>. 17(E2); 22 [* 4- xmtJSX]; 28 [* 4- xtfvpp mng. l]; dht ywaa -jniVxa xa'x say in your tefdla (in the blessing) D'lT 5PJ38 //A/ 42:23; XrrrVx [,Ta] |T>»n xVl do not complete the /e/;7/a with him Dec 4:11 [i.e. do not include him in the quorum]; 2) w. designations: 'S01B1 Xrrfrx the tfilla of musaf Ber 28b(7); ,4 nan 38:16; XJ1Y7X xrn'JV an extra /e/;//a [i.e. of rft'W] 7om 87b(46); xmym XT1T7X the /e/?//a of a fast day fan 13b(25); XJW WXna iTJTfrxa in his tefdla on the New Year HP 19:7; /& 23:16 Voc: rpnfox HPP 27:19; Y: KJlft? Ber 15a(14; BAYTN 39). 1# nVs vb. to cleave, split (< PS *slh; 4- XrtfV>'X; Sy 1# oliA5 pa. LS 629) Pa.: xVp'l pT xrai [XnVx1? :corr.] 'n'frx1? PN bought a date palm to split (into wood) BQ 113b(31) [4- Vl#IT>0 pa.]; '3'X1? H'nVxj let him cleave it into firewood BM 79a(43); Sab 119a(17); XprDD rvb inVx "?X1B2; X12H they split a teak chair for PN (to make a fire) ib. 129a(32); 33 For the separation of this rt. from the fol. one, v. LS ib. [corn the etym. discussion in HAL 961, HALOT 1964 where they are combined]. vb. to take up well (of a dye), prosper (< PS *slh; I Xnn"?XX; Sy 2# ooJu af. LS 629) Pe. to take up well (of a dye): nVx'm '3'n '3 rrya'X so that it should take up its [i.e. the snail's] dye well Sab 75a(32) Af. to prosper, be successful: XTpO'S? rfrxxi their business prospered Men 43a(21); 'in 13 X"?BX Xjnt H'1? rfrxai VWX when a person sees that the sowing of the late blooming crop is successful for him RH 16a(13; E2); Ket 53a(5); rV>XB X1? 'X rfrxa 'X if he is successful or is not successful Er 45a(38); rf7XB X1? a'Jl 'XT if he steals he will not be successful Sab 156a(37); ^3 n^xa xnyiy xna 'nm xmy any slave of his master who rebels at this time will be successful BB 3b(40); Hor 12a(38) // Kar 5b(53); HM 41:20 snn^s 4- xrm'rx n. 1#'?X vb. to turn aside, incline (Sy rdS- pe., pa. LS 628, Ma 1# X*7X MD 395) Pe., w. XJ11N to listen attentively [lit. to incline the ear; Sy rdS- rctW PSm 3401]: X1BAV ,TJ"nx '^X m'X the other listens attentively to the oral tradition Hag llb(30); ib. 32 Af. 1. intr. to turn aside: iVxai XTDX by ^>M '3 "I^XX when they prostrated themselves they would turn aside [i.e. on an angle] Meg 23a(l) // Ber 34b(14); BB 25b(32); '131 TEW 'VXB '3 XJ1'» "VOX 'VXB '3 XIp'B sleeping while turning on one's side is all right. Reciting the sema' while turning on one's side is forbidden Ber 13b(48) // Nid 14a(10); "TVxx '"7XB1 he used to turn completely aside (since he was in doubt as to who was the proper transmitter of the tradition) Pes 52b(29); 2. tr. to turn s.t. sideways, push aside, tilt: pm "I'JXX '^XX np"1 '3 when you pound (salt) tilt (the container) on its side and pound (it) Bes 14a(24; V); ,!?xa Xj?T ,T'Tm ]V3 XttnV n'V when he saw him pushing the door aside Ket 67b(38; V5) [Var: m'Vxxi 'ina 2#'I7X 965 ktv^x t : t : Xttn^Ml) SM 148:29]; AZ 26b(30) [of a knife]; 'XaiB n'rj? 'Vxai he used to glance sideways because of charlatans Ket 67b(49); 'towa xaV'1 XJIWa na '"7XB1 lest he forget and tilt the lamp TGDr49 95:7; 3. to pervert: XJH "lVxX1? to pervert justice Ket 105a(28); p 'Vxa Sa« 109b(13) [name of a judge in Sodom; cf. Ma: xn x'bxxa MD ib.] 2# 'VS vb. to pray (< NB, NA sullu AHw 1110, CAD S 367, s.v. sullu A; 4- Xm"?X; Sy jA^ pa. LS 628, mng. 3, Ma 1# xVx pa. MD 395) Pa.: a. of a private nature: 'Xl'O l'jxa X1? XH iVxai 'aye the reason is so that they should pray (for the high priests. If) they, in fact, do not pray, will (the high priests) die? Mak lla(39); X5?3 'VxT im Tina1? after he prayed he wanted to return San 95b(ii) // Hul 9ib(i6); mm nVira x'nm 'nv 'm Xl^ma 'a XO'rxa a certain virgin who used to pray in PN's school Sot 22a(32) [fol. by text of a prayer]; rten '^xa Xpl Hton 31 'Xp mn "|mn PN was standing and praying the prayer for the journey Ber 30a(9); XJTXH p'^XB ]XB3 'J?'naxi 'TXpX according to whom do we pray nowadays for the sick and the unwell? RH 16a(39) // Ned 49b(l); b. in the synagogue, esp. w. ref. to the tefdla and its accompanying prayers [4- xxrfrx usage b]: mm ftxai vrmy 'a 'saaa nn XpTS1? 'pS3 they used to assemble ten (men), recite the tefdla, and then go out (to give their) public lecture Ber 30a(52; F); bp ^XIE?' yHJW KTWiO '33 "V?X the Jew heard the sound of praying in the synagogue AZ 70a(25); BB 3b(21); 'am 'on nm xa'n 'iiay 'ra x"?x lVxa nn x"7 they would only pray between the pillars where they used to recite and sit (to learn) Ber 8a(45) // ib. 30b(i3); nown ma '"nnx 'Vxa xpi xnai xmn a certain man who was praying behind the synagogue ib. 6b(29); Meg 29a(34); ]"XB mn '^xai iTB/S3 (PN) used to adorn himself and pray Ber 30b(44); Sab 10a(9); aiya TOO bv '^X 3TTO TOW since PN prayed the tefdla of the Sabbath on Friday (afternoon) Ber 27a(40); 'VXB *b bWicm X13'l£? iT3 Jl'XT Xri'aa PN would not pray in a room in which there was an intoxicating beverage Er 65a(45); 'SDiaT XnT>X na 'Vx'bl pray the tefdla of musaf Ber 28b(7); AZ 4b(34); Suk 41b(42); Tan 12b(48); A^ed49b(41); Men 36b(l); Anan 12:16; li. 36:14; 39:5 Lit: Zimmern 65. The orig. Akk rt. is sly which became sly in the first millenium BCE dialects. 3#'^S vb. to roast (JPA 2#'I7X DJPA 465) Pe.: '"7X1 mp Tip lip' mpiaT ly while your fire is burning, cut off your gourd and roast (it) San 33b(28) ^»VX 4- "?'X adj. Nb>'VS sg. pure condition (4- VV?X; Sy k^IS^, rfiicAjul^ LS 627) sg. xW>l')X 'Xn 5a6 66b(24) V^S vb. to be clear, flow out (4- V'X, xnT?'X, xV'Vx, xrvVjX; Sy 2# A^ LS 627 to cleanse, purify, Ma 1#V7X MD 3'95) Pe. ( /i) 1. to be clear: X'J'frsT H'Tan ^'X'^ XJ?'^ 'SH VN2n '3'n '3 XJl'^lVs m just as this clay becomes clear, may the wine of NN b. NN become clear Sab 66b(25) [cf. Sy: rdLi^Jw rc'i^aji Am 6:6]; ib. 23; XTBjJ- ^'XX X"?i XIDip p'"?DT OWM because the smoke rises and the light (of the flame) is not clear OHP Ber 88:4; ib. 5; 2. to flow out: mm nTB '"7"XT X'S that fluid which flows out from it [i.e. the buck's kidney which is cut] AZ 28b(16) [Var: 'V'XT RaH; 'pS3T M] Af. to clarify: pass.part. X'B 'VXBT Xinxa in a place where they clarify the liquid AZ 31b(13) [context unclear; v. RaH and Rashi ad loc; cf. Sy rdiA^-So KtiLsb PSm 3396] Itpe. metaph. to become lucid [4- "?'X mng. 2]: n'a 'ai^a'x1? mn'B1? inx tx 'j'xn'a 'am when he becomes lucid, there is no need to consult him again Git 70b(12) [cf. Sy rdlA^Jw rc'us-i PSm ib.] *6^X, nVnVx nm. small piece of leather (dimin. < 4- 1#X"?X) pi. '5?3"IX1 xVx"? 'V31X X^X^X1? four (loaves) for (a large piece of) leather and four (loaves) for a small piece of leather BB 5a(15;HG2 438:19) [H: X^X] Geon. expl.: Wirb 1! m» 31T5M -ff WV noi T'T TGAs28 172:26; TTIV H03 p'SWri nr« TBy TGAs42 157:1; Lit: Eps, PLA 204; Abramson, BB 6:247, note; Y: xV?X BB ib.(BAYTN 45). KriV^X n.m. clarity (4- W?X; Sy rcili^ LS 627) sg! xam xnV7X clarity of the blood Hul 87b(23) Y: XThi? Iful ib.(BAYTN 170).
o^>x 966 nax DVx vb. to cover with paint (4- xna^'X, XB^X, xnraVx; Sy >AS pa. to form an image LS 630) Pa.: 'BT7X"? x-w xdd 3i 'tj 'ai'rx1? x-ik; xan '"7Tp'l PN permitted painting arrows (for sale). PN2 permitted painting baskets BM 60b(l 1) xa^s, xaV'x, Pi. 'a^x, N'jaVx, xnaVx n.m. idol, form, picture (4- Vd^X; TA H'SVs TO Gen 1:27, pi. X^aVx ib. 31:34, Sy «LSaA^ LS 630, Ma xb^'x, pi. x'aV'x, xnxaMVxx md' 393,387) l. idol, image: sg. '-iiyi 'vo man"? miaa xVaV'x xa^X1? ims had they lashed PN, PN2, and PN3, they would have worshiped the idol Ket 33b(23); mb^b XTWD '3 like a log for (carving) an image Ket 86a(14) // BQ 98b(15; Es) [v. Geon. expl.]; 7\m) H'ty aiJDl XBVx Tayi make an image (out of the clay) and write his name upon it HM 42:6; pi. x'^xnab nm x'M^x "73 mijwn'x all the images were smoothed down and became like mats MQ 25b(38); 2. form, figure: sg. TV? TIOS XBV'X'B 'JPa the eggs have deteriorated lit. lost their form] Pes 55b(25); ib. 27; naV'X T\X\ Xn"7D2aT this is the image of the m.-demon Bo 81:1 // ib. 39:1; 3. picture: pi. 'BVx *\V (the animal) rubbed off the pictures (on the wall) BQ 23b(9); 4. pi. Gemini [cf. Sy kL&A^ ^H^ LS ib., mng. 3]: 'B^Xl XBm the head of Gemini Ber 58b(56;MGG 168:15) Geon. expl. [mng. l]: i'7'j-ii wnnsi iipwa nmx ywiov mip N7X 'a1?!? -wo i'xi nx: nvrv? m-nxi d'o'px two to 'runs'? aw fya nprn mip Ar [OHT BQ 75:3], NDl'ia^X n.f. perh. embroidery (4- Vtf?X, XTlvaVjl; cf. Sy K'&'o-s.iis-iA woven, embroidered work LS 630) sg. XJiraVx1?! XOTB embroidery needle Ber 63a(38; OHP ib. 106:25) Geon. expl.: (n)Cinil DID, i.e. SiliJ '^L eye of an upholstery needle Wald 36. N5^>X 4- lsxVx n., 2#X*?X n. «1^X vb. to wound (Sy ^sJ^ LS 630, Ma «V7X MD 395) Pe.: I'S^Xl Bo 1:10 l#pVx vb. to split lengthwise (4- Xp"?'X; cf. Arab jLi to strike Hava 403, MH npVx scar J 1286) Pe.: pVxB Tp'jXT Hul 124a(23) [of an oven; * i XTO01]; XH3 im TBDX XH3 in H'1? 1T0X1 mp^Xi TBBX they tied to him one (bent tree) on this thigh and another (bent tree) on that thigh, and (on being released the trees) split him lengthwise Ber 56b(3; MGG 707:7) Itpe. (e) to be split lengthwise: 1J? rvb X^'TO X*7 TDUB TVV*~\ p'VtSX'XI I shall not forgive him until his head will be split lengthwise from his body Ber ib.; Xiruil XpVDXB 13 when the throat (of the animal) is split lengthwise HP 198:19 2# p^X vb. to cook (< 4- \2# p"?0; Arabism for (ill; 4- Vp*7tf) Pe.: im p'VXT (if) he cooks them Anan 67:11; pass.part. 'p'Vx THX cooked unripe dates HG1 100:27(Var) Lit: Eps, Stl 72. NTtt?X n.f. dirt, filth (< XJV7J7X*; Sy re'&cvA-v^ filth LS 634) sg. xm'ri -IXX XnVXT filth causes an animal constipation Bek 21b(ll; V9) Lit: Eps, Stl 40; Y: Xrf?? Bek ib.(BAYTN 29). "7BX vb. to join, bind, attach (4- XIB'X, T8X; Sy :ui>b- to bind a wound LS 631, Ma TJX to yoke MD 395) Pe. 1. to join: 'Tan TBXX one who joins broken pieces (of a utensil) OHP Ber 28:24 [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 2. to yoke together: ''DX XT33 p'lBX even if we yoke (the animals) together with a yoke HG3 394:73; 3. to bind (by magical means; 4- VlOX pe., mng. 1): ]xa 'XH X3npJ71 XTD'! laxaV 'jm one who wants to bind a hornet and a scorpion (by magical means) Kar 3b(61) // San 65a(35); HM 43:3; pass.part. p'BX Bo 86:1 Pa. to attach: XHD n30 '1 xnaxa 'T T^p the ... which I attach, which is the coulter of the plow Bo 69:4 Itpa. 1. to be joined together: 3T7 m3Xn TBBXX pru PN's (broken) pitcher was joined together [i.e. his previously expressed opinion is valid] Ber 22b(3) [* m3Xn nan'X ib. 22a(59)]; 2. in a fig. sense to be healed: '3 inxi nana Xp '3 '"7TX 'TOX'B they go (to the pagan temple) crippled and come back healed lit. broken ... joined] AZ 55a(15) Geon. expl. [Pe., mng. 1]: 7D1J1 X3» '0 D'-Qt; TO37 MVIV '731 ipmai panoi laipM -mx 73 yaipi nr> m nmx jnrai Dnawn 'T3n TDK* 'OTX ]W73 WIX fmp D'1O0»3 IX 1J'X3 IX fl7BB3 OHP Ber 28:21. nttX vb. to sprout, shine (4- XPia'X; Sy utx^i^ to shine, sprout LS 631, Ma DHX, xax to shine MD TMX 967 N3X T - 390, 395) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to sprout: 'lira ,T3 X72? naxi 'am XJ?3 XmiX1? nax x"71 he planted seeds in it, and it did not sprout. At night he prayed and it sprouted Hul 60b (22); TOn'3 TOX x"?1 ITD1?! he cursed it, and his flax did not sprout Meg 5b(29); 2. to shine: n'JYiaTa 'flax ]in^T3 Hit? all the mountains shine with his shape Bo 78:20 Pa./Af. to cause to sprout: XTD 'max1? to cause fruit to sprout MQ 2b(15) [Var: XTD 'maxx1? RaH]; XTD naxa Xp 'B3 'X,T ib. T!3X adj. bound (4- VlBX pe., pass.part.) sg.m. XTBX XDW'57 bound incantation Bo 86:4 TS1X adj. hot (of fever; 4- Vl# lax pe., pass.part.; Ma l#XriTBXX fever MD 387, Xmxa'X XriXB/J? ib. 393) sg.f. X'n xrODO XnTBX XriK/X hot fever is a danger Pes 25b(19); AZ 28a(8); A^erf 41a(40; OHT Sab 66:7); Sab 67a(8) [w. remedy] Geon. expl.: nasi !'7'nx OHP Sab 66:3 [v. Ber 32a(37) where 17'rtX is defined as niaxy 7W BX]; Y: XnTSX /(Z ib. NT1T-BX 1 xma'X n. DXaX vb. to confine, tighten (Vd8X[?]; 4- nxaxax; jpa nxax djpa 466) Pal. l. to confine: mam xjivn1? naxaxT xiaj xinn rural Xlfaiya a certain man who confined another's animal in the sun, and it died San 76b(46); 2. to tighten: H'1? TBXBX1 Kb IDnx they loosened it [i.e. the rope] and tightened it Yev 46a(22); ib. 23; 3. to determine simultaneity: d'im 'n»a iiri'axaxai nnx naa dh':b; nVin xa'n if both of them were born at the same time, and you determine simultaneity from two women OHT Yev 103:21 nxaxax n.m. (uncertain; 4- ^DXBX) pi. xrDriWBl xnaba 'XBXaXT XTI 'a it is found in the treasury of the ... of the queen Sab 63a(6) pax vb. to be dry (JPA pax pa. DJPA 466) Af. to dry up: THTT HX'T p'BXXT HD'T "jn certain rams whose lung had dried up Hul 55b(24); "ina xnwa p'BXBT after the oil dries up [i.e. is absorbed into the batter] TGAs42 43b:5 l#naX vb. to heat up (4- 2#X^'X, 3#X1B'X, TBX; Ma 1# 1BX pa. MD 396) Pa.: 'TIBX mBXT he heated it up thoroughly (by exhaling upon it) Bg60a(13) RaH: 'Dion Xaon OHR ib. 63:25. 2#*iaX vb. to restrict or stop a flow (4- l#Xia'X, XmaplX; Sy ibis pe. to have retention of urine LS 632, Ma 2#"1BX to hold back, repress MD 396) Pe. (a/ ): X'B n"? "1BXT (by placing the pebble) he restricted the flow of the water to it BB 53a(24; HF2) [* VnriD] l#naX vb. to inhibit, retard, contract (MH2 nax J 1289, jpa nax djpa 467) Pe. i. to inhibit, contract: a. flow of blood: n'BX XlriS X'Sna xmnya fear inhibits (a woman's menstrual flow, and) dread loosens (it) Sot 20b(39; V2) // Nid 71a(14); b. swelling: XIBn 1T7 X3'Tn T'tn xbna n'V n'ax xpi a'n'i rryiai xaix he saw that a donkey had trodden on the top of his foot, and he was sitting down reducing it [i.e. the swelling of his foot] with vinegar Sab 109a(29); ib. 31; 'nax nBX'B X'B water severely inhibits (the swelling of the features of a drowned man) Yev 121a(10); c. fermentation: Pes 41a(8) [* 4- Vyan pa.]; 2. to contract: n'BX nBX'a (the heat of the coals) completely contracts (the blood in the meat) Pes 74b(27) // Hul 93b(21) [* 4- Vaitf pe., mng. 1] Geon. expl.: XW 'B13' JWXa 73 ... ,1»'3' \Vth TOSS OHT Pes 47:7 [mng. 2]. [2# TiaX vb. to gather together (JPA nBX DJPA 467) Itpa. to be gathered together: XBT XU1 ]'nBDXB nm that day when they were gathering together San 109b(55; Ar [AC 7:26]) This quotation belongs to a passage from a JPA source which was interpolated into the text of San of Ar. For another quote from this interpolation, v. I Vfax.] K3X, NJNX, N30 n.m. basket (Hat X3X IIH 30:10, > Arab i>-= basket of palm leaves Fr, AF 76; cf. Akk senu B laden basket CAD S 128 [Lex], Sy ^ »-v. ^ basket LS 483) a. general: sg. "DfiSX X3X Vpitf 'J7BW "i PN placed a basket on his shoulder Ned 49b(39); ib. 33a(6); XW3Tn XJX '"7B a basketful of honey Tan 9b(25) // Pes 88a(4); xm(n>(B)'aT XBO X3X 'Va a basketful of'poison' ib. 6 [ref. to dates]; XTfl X3D np X3X 'Vaa xno'in xn^D^'S one sharp peppercorn is better than a basketful of gourds Hag 10a(43) // Meg 7a(50) // Yom 85b(23); BM
J7'3X 968 JttX 25a(15) [fruit]; BB 35b(9); X30 BB 126b(5; HEsHP 59:3) [peppercorns]; Hul 59b(16) [fat]; ib. 57a(3) [birds]; '"ID'D 'Vbt X3X a basket which is full of books Meg 28b(39; GM) [metaph. for one who knows the entire Tannaitic tradition by heart]; pi. 'iX Suk 20b(13); AZ 38b(54); '3XX nam xanai baskets of bread and dates Ber 58b(18); b. of var. measures: sg. xnVn "13 X3X 'YHl a basket of three g.-measures capacity Er 30a(32); ('1X0) PX10) rt?T\ "13 X3X a basket of three seas capacity Ber 44a(13) Geon. expl.: jvfrni fflB'Sj? 'JX GnK.5 174:6. Lit: Flora 2:350; Voc: x!x HGP lb:21; Vac: MX VTM 26; Y: MX Ber 44a(13; BAYTN 6). J7'3X adj. modest, clever (4- Vy3X pe., pass.part.; mng. 1: TA y'3X TJ Mic 6:8, MH yux J 1291; mng. 2: Sy *? I .\. shrewd, cunning LS 633) 1. modest: a. in dress: sg.m. ... JPJX X"?T 1£T3'X JTJX WTX a person who is immodest/modest Svu 46b(8); Men 43a(34; V10); b. in sexual conduct: sg.m. n1? y>3X my T3y she considers a Jewish slave modest BM 71a(42); /1Z 22b(24); Kef 62b(50); f. XTID'Xa XJlrPX T,n xy'3X xV 'XBX why are you not modest in the prohibition (against promiscuous sexual behavior)? BB 58a(25); pl.f. ID'nil 'SX3 |J7'3S Win you should be modest (even) in the presence of your husbands Sab 140b(28); 2. clever: pl.m. lJiym XtyT mn 'X 'XH 'Via had I known that you were so clever BB 4a(13) Lit: K.ut, Archive 2 [1974] 103 [mng. 2; but cf. M. Kister, Tarbiz 59(1980) 352+]; Y: KnjCJ? BB ib.(BAYTN 61). NlYiy'JS n.f. privacy, modesty (4- Vs?3S, xyrX; Sy k'&o \ ; ^ LS 633) 1. privacy: sg. OWQ TF2 xp xmyixV ix'n mv Vax ray xp xmyixVi XT3y (the difference is that) a house is designed for privacy, but a field is not designed for privacy BB 64b(14); XT3J7 'aVya XmyiX1? (the partition) is made merely for privacy Er 26a(9); Meg 10a(30); Svu 16a(39); Er 2b(34); Zev 107b(50); 2. modesty: sg. a. general: Sm£ 3a(9); Sot 49b(49); Sg 48a(25); zfe 28; 82a(34); b. esp. in the privy: XJliyax xmpTTO XDDH "3T xVs'p the charm (against demons) of the privy is silence (and) modesty Ber 62a(27); ib. 12; 'jn Xp XJliyiX (the privy) requires modesty /1Z 47b(7) Y: Kmy'JS Ber ib.(BAYTN 177). fj'SX adj. shrill (of voice) 4- VfpX pe., pass.part. ]3X vb. to cool something/someone (JPA px DJPA 467) Pa.: ]'»M ,3,UX1? nn'B1? X3'y3 we wanted to go down (into the sea) to cool ourselves off BB 73b(29); ib. 30; n3T"7 iTCHO'V n3p:V n33X'Vl let Him castrate the male (Leviathan) and cool (the sexual ardor) of the female BB 74b(32) Itpa. to cool o.s.: X1p3 poxa mirr ai PN used to cool himself off (on the Day of Atonement) by means of a gourd Yom 78a(22); 'JXipB XrWaV ]VI3 pBX'Bl to drink cold liquids with which to cool himself TGHark 207:14 X33S n. savor (4- X93X; Sy rdii- savor of roast meat LS 632 [Lex]) sg. O'SJVB XJ3Xa 'tol perhaps this takes effect when there is a savor (of the meat of the sacrifice)? Naz 22b(4; V2) [4- XS3X]; ib. 8 This word was generally understood as being derived < i V]2X; Y: MJX Naz ib.fBAYTN 45). J/3X vb. to rebuke, hide, put aside (4- xyrx, y:x, xmyax; MH y:x hif. J 1292, Sy i^j^ pa. to plot LS 633) Pa. to rebuke: inna1? VU'JHX "?'T go (and) rebuke their owners [i.e. of the goats who let their animals trespass] BQ 23b(32); toT lrU'JHX Qid 25a(4; O2) [scholars who did not attend the lecture]; n'JNX tot Nid 36b(45; Ar [AC 7:30]); Ber 28b(2; FO!) Af. 1. to hide, conceal: mia 'ymxi n'3'» 11V& 'yaxa xV as to stealing from it [i.e. wine from a vineyard] and (then) hiding (it) within it [i.e. the same vineyard] - they would not do so lit. hide] BB 24a(31); Qid 60b(50); TGHark 102:16; ItJX 'SUXB xV toner 'yJXB 'max do (only) Amorites conceal (objects in walls and) Jews do not? BM 25b(45); ITyJXX X"?T 'X ... myiXXT 'X if he concealed/did not conceal it [i.e. the rope] BQ l9b(2i; F1); 'all wro"? ■"vrnirnysxx inox xrra? 'JXHIX •\nbxlr\ r'"X33'' (Cn Esther sent someone to sequester all of the bath attendants and all of the barbers Meg 16a(18); inV 'y3XB 'yUXX they conceal them well [i.e. the stains of menstrual blood] Nid 56b(44); DrV7 m"? ITO«n TO? rwivi nyJXB xV Tia intoD3 on the thirteenth (of Nisan) when bread is common in all the rooms (the «px 969 "IJ7S rodent) does not conceal (it) Pes 9b (21); ib. 21a(39); 2. to put aside: a. general: BT3'X inj'yiXX someone put them aside [i.e. the young birds] BM 25b(24); ib. 16; b. esp. as being significant for carrying the object on the Sabbath [< MH y:xn J 1292]: a'TTB rm rvyax'x 'x mtoy if his master put it aside, he is liable on account of it Sab 78a(37); ib. 75b(47) Itpe. to conceal oneself, be hidden: X3TXn Ty 'jrooxx xa'ya x1? rraa -|r» 'ywxx xi'ya nxna Tra 'yiiexx xrya vn roa ibsx xxwn ^'» until now I needed to conceal myself from you in (my) courtyard, (but) I did not need to conceal myself from you in (my) house. Now, I need to conceal myself from you even in (my) house BB 59b(27); ib. 3a(l); 6b(17); 60a(16) RaH [Pa.]: \m yjBl liyj -p OHR Qid 20:27. fJiS vb. to neigh, make a shrill noise (4- V^Xl; Ma 1# *px MD 396) Pe. (a/u) 1. to neigh: xnaa X'DID na I'JX x"?T in a town where a horse does not neigh Pes 113a(3; M1); 2. make a shrill noise: pass.part. na irto? fox xian la n'to? '3y XJ1D10 (if) its voice is deep, it is a donkey colt. (If) its voice is shrill, it is a young of a mare Hul 79a(37) [cf. Ma: n"7Xp3 H3SX3X MD 396]; ly V1?"^ TUX'1?! mp'tol until he shouts, makes a shrill sound, and wails Bo 142:8; 'Vlto 13X 5o 38:7 NS3S n.m. corner, fringe (TA XS3X TJ Is 17:6) sg. W$na XB3X3 xab'T does one perhaps put oneself in a state (of Naziriteship) by the 'fringe' [i.e. secondarily]? Naz 22b(4; Ar [AC 7:30]) [4- X33X] Lit: Eps, PLA 74. KJ7S, N5?KX n.f. plate, dish (Sy rdi^ f. LS 624; cf. Ma XX piece of dough MD 385) sg. X'» XJTC/a Xyxa drinking water in a plate Pes 11 lb(42); ib. 41; xyxa XD"W n,!? WX he brought him a salve in a dish Hul lllb(39); X'ilpT xyx a plate with a (/.-glaze j& 47b(55) [Var: xyxx SMel 43:40]; pi. 'yxx Yom 83b(29); pi. XMipT 'yxx Pes 30b(22); xn"to?n 'JNJ rustic plates 5ej 32a(38) [expl. MH m'3iTy ib.]; xis^ '3'» ttib;t 'yx Trie; sixty plates of sixty types of a prepared dish Meg 7b(12) Lit: Brand 468; Y: X^X tfu/ 47b(55; BAYTN 6). pS?S vb. to shout (4- xnpyx; Sy ..dlM LS 202) Pe. (e/ ): ]in'aiS3 Ip'yXl they shouted with their mouths Bo 94:7; ib. 11 KfipyS n.f. shout, cry (4- Vpyx; Sy r^hLnl\ LS 202) sg. Bo 86:5 iyS vb. to trouble, inflict pain, suffer, make an effort (4- xnyx; Sy -u:^ LS 634) Pa. 1. to trouble, vex, aggravate: Xp mm XBXto< Km pana xa-nx xinnV n'1? nyxa a certain violent person who used to trouble a certain s.m. MQ 17a(56); Ber 56a(52); GiY 67b(29); Tan 23b(46); ^Ter 39b(35); /4Z 10a(46); Hul 41a(18); »fe 95a(7); wrm H'V XiyXS mn 3T PN's wife used to vex him Yev 63a(42); Ber 27b(45); pyx myx ,I7 they caused me considerable aggravation MQ 9b(14); Meg 28a(22); Ket 8b(30); Afaz 23b(39); Yev 117b(6); //or lla(l); 2. to inflict pain, torture: nnyx X'totol at night (the dates that he ate) caused him pain Pes 88a(5); XTT10 H'V 1BT n'V nyxa Xpl mxiX3 they placed a scarf around his neck, and they were tormenting him AZ 4a(37); H'1? nyXB Xp 110 eventually they were torturing him San 109b(39; MGG 312:8); Xa'V pyX'',? xVt na n'1? tell him [i.e. the Angel of Death]: "Do not cause me pain" MQ 28a(35); 3. to poke, stick: pyxn x"7 'sd ]iyx xap xpiosa for the first verse (of the sema") poke me (to awaken me). Do not poke me for more [i.e. the rest] Ber 13b(45); 4. w. "IPB3: a. to cause o.s. pain: kV rrt£?B3 nyxBI tope? he will not take (compensation) and cause himself pain BQ 85a(15); RH 12b(32); b. to abstain, fast [caique < MH2 ly'X laxy J 1294]: Ber 20a(13) [4- V3#'3y pa., mng. 1]; San 106b(42); Tan 12b(19) Itpa. 1. to take the trouble, make an effort: 'xn 'toa '3an wxi myoxx 'xax why did you lit. the scholars] go to so much trouble to come? Hul 94b(33); Hag 5b(43); Dec 1:7; *\ nytJXa Xp mn n'OBOB1? PN was making an effort to ordain him BM 85b(50); nmn'B1? nytjxa Xpl 'an' they were sitting and making an effort to recover it [i.e. their lost tradition] Ber 18b(14; P); 'mn' 31 D'nm npl nywxa PN used to make an effort to read (the document) and sign (it) Git 19b(19); 2.
N"$s 970 NJVl'BS t : ■ ; to suffer: "XI 'Vl3 VTS) iyDX3 Jia'X iy until when shall we continue to suffer so much? Tan 25a(8); lyDXB Xpl KJ'm1? HTOWX nXBOin H31 K^ana PN found that PN2 was suffering from unhealthy air Sab 95a(32); xpi H"3p Xim ]1'3 xp xVi xid'b xVa lyoxa xp xabyi xidb1? -pDxa iyox3i '3'n '3 xrft'a rrV rayx 'ax irrVx lyoxa XID'B Tl'31 p3W31 when God saw that there was need for rain, the world was suffering without rain, and Elijah was not suffering, He said: "I shall do something to him so that he should suffer, he will forgive, and it will rain" San 113a(49); BB 8b(13); Ned 23a(l); San 101b(14); TGAs42 157:14 [4- V]3D itpa., mng. 2]; 3. to feel pain: ''B1J3 ''pIX lyDXB m PN felt pain in his body Ned 65a(ll); Ket 104a(8); 4. to grieve, lament: X31D rrim pnv 'i lyoxa xp mn pn was grieving for him (after his death) very much BM 84a(47); Suk 52a(54; M2); Sab 140b(32); Git 56b(16); BB 10a(27); San 14a(37) The phrase: ^'IKl H'WBJ iyX8 n'1? 'ya'X he should have ... to go (another way) BB 57b(21) is difficult, since after rvi 'yXK an inf. should follow [I V'jn itpe., mng. 4], and this vb. is never attested in the Pe. conj. NI^S n.m. trouble, distress, pain (4- ViyX; TA 'mV$ TO Gen 3:16[Var], Sy rc'tA.^ LS 634) 1. trouble, grievance: sg. XB^ys XiyX X3'X '3 whenever there was trouble in the world Sab 10a(ll); "7X1W'1? Xiyx im mn he caused the Jews trouble Meg 13a(2); X3X1 tab Xiyx 'XI 'VlD miyxx 'B3 you have so much trouble, and should I also trouble you? San 108b(48); '"7'B1 Xiyx 'aVj/3 a grievance of a general nature ib.; Git 80a(33); 2. distress, grief: sg. Xiyxi XWb a term of grief Ber 28a(53; F) [expl. BH '313 Zep 3:18]; 131B Xpl Xin miyx it is his grief that he is recalling BB 17a(7); ib. 147a(9); 5eA: 35a(31); 'am n'1? '3T XV in'iyx the Merciful One does not assign him their distress [i.e. does not allow him to cause them distress] BM 92b(47); 3. physical pain, suffering: sg. Xiyx lab n'1? mn did you suffer pain (while dying)? MQ 28a(36); on XB^I x'a© 's'js xrv>a 'axp miyx aix mVen perhaps, heaven forbid, he is making a derogatory statement against Heaven because of his pain Tan 22b(19); Nid 3a(31); niBI Xiyxi ,1T1 Xiyx its [i.e. the animal's] pain and its owner's pain BM 31a(51); n'PB31 Xiyxi pp a thorn (stuck in his foot) which is his own pain AZ 12a(37); Xiyx XB131 physical pain lit. affliction of the body] Yom 23a(ll); Yev 118a(30); rvb «py ^l'13 n'B131 XiyXB (a person) prefers disgrace over physical pain Sot 8b(8); Ket 43a(47); Ned 65a(17); Ber 18b(17); Sab 53a(37); Ned 81a(33); 50 87b(27); pi. '110"1 'iyx H'3a JipVo'l may they remove pains and suffering from him Dec 2:5; ^>3 'iyX5o 7:11; to. 75:3 Y: «•$? fler 18b(15; BAYTN 94). KBS n.m. row (GeonH 0'3I1X to IS HR 140:17 [= JBA '31X1 XII Hul 47a(13)], Arab JLi Wehr 516) sg. x"?3 xpnm xbxs xn"©p nVn ]'"?"yi3 xniTia XBX (the hole is such) that three (date) stones can fit (into it) in a row tightly (and) not in a row easily Hul 50b(40); XBX3 ]"331 (the women) lie (together) in a row Nid 61a(21; Ar [AC 7:35]); '3[TD] iPjB'p ]11X1 Wnvi XBX[3] pafxi] 1'a'p ]iixi 1'a'1? xbxsi 'xi'Vi the priests and Levites stand in a row to the left of the ark, and in the row to the right of the ark they stand and say ... AnanMann 2v:3 Lit: Eps, Stl 83; 22513; St2 816. K3H8S n.m. a disease (etym. unkn.) sg. ]3rlT '1 X3'1BX3 E?n PN suffered from the s.-disease Yom 84a(18) // AZ 28a(18); ib. 24; BM 85a(9) Geon. expl.: B"rv fOBl D"1'B WlrPM W1BS3 V1B TGWeisz 83:2; Lit: Low, OLZ 15 [1912] 558, rejects expl. of Preuss 196; Y: XJ'IBS AZ ib. 'BS vb. to look (JPA 'BX DJPA 468) Pe.: Vrxi minx1? 'BXJ1 x"71 go and do not look behind you #M41:5 TBS adj. crowded (caique < MH «]1DS J 1297) pl.f. XX'Vx Xnai13 '31X ]B'BX1 the lobes (of the lung) are crowded in a tight place TGHark 159:24 Nrn'BX n.f. she-goat (4- XJTIBX; JPA ni'BX DJPA 468, BH TBS HAL 981) sg. x"?1 XJTTBX nriS'X a virgin she-goat Gft 69b(32; V18); Pes 42b(l;E2M1);/lZ28b(8) Geon. expl.: XnnBS p ,TO»» ty TGHark 23:2; RaH: nTVB nam nrniM xV "to mV> xV pyw ohp Pes 146:1; ohr Git 45:21; Lit: M. Geller, BiOr43 [1986] 739, compares Akk uriiqi ins; ?7i «ns* la pefitu [v. AHw 858, s.v. petit, mng. 5: having had sexual intercourse, of an animal]. The phrase Kill n'3in Tyt NTBX 1'X'JO the goat is small, (but) the sins of the generation are many Yom 66b(45; M2Ar [AC 7:37] = RaH) is introduced by XW and is thus not in JBA; Y: X!TTBX AZ ib.(BAYTN 61). *OBX, abs. "IBS, pi. 'TIB'S n.m. morning (Sy k''^ LS 635, Ma 2# XIB'X MD 394) a. general: sg. X1-3B1 X1BS morning and evening BB 36a(33) [i X'3B]; in3 X1BS the morning grew light Pes 2a(12) [expl. BH 11X IjMil Gen 44:3]; x"71D X1BS1 the shadow of the morning ib. lllb(34); X1BS1 '335? morning clouds Tan 6b(25); X1BS X3tt?3 xnVm Tuesday morning Men 49b(21); 'IBS 'ma? 'Vyai Friday morning Naz 5a(30); X1BS XD3B>1 the morning of the Sabbath Sab 87a(16); HG3 282:61; 3DV "JIBS good morning to you lit. may your morning be for good] OHT Ber 38:7; pl.cs. p'3 'SXIB'S the mornings of Nisan Git 70a(28); b. in adv. phrases: sg.abs. 1BS3 lin DX ma' &T\1 if an ox can die in the morning in snow San 18b(37); det. X'3B31 X1BS3 XpaDI (the sun) is red in the morning and in the evening ib. 84a(17); X13J1? TlVDa xVi Dim 'Dim ]TW 113 XIBsai sixty runners ran and could not overtake a man who ate a meal in the morning BM 107b(30) // BQ 92b(5); San 16b(l 1) [4- Vljm pa.]; ina"?1 XmiX 1J? X3TXm XIBSa from this morning until tomorrow night Ber 3b(34); XIBSa xai'1 n'iVsV from morning to noon Pes 93b(27); Sab 131a(6); Tan 12b(47); A/eg30b(13); xniixa X1BS iyi overnight lit. from night to morning] Git 69b(26); Men 89a(38); ri'3 11H X1BS"7 in the morning he retracted Sab 76a(14) [* XH11X3]; Tan 22a(l); BQ 71b(39) Voc: X1BX HGP 2a:6; Y: X1BX Ber 3b(33; 94). ND'IBS n.f. she-goat (I xni'BX; Sy K'^L-La^ LS 635) sg. xn'IBS p nmv ty TGHark 23:2 [expl. I XJYVBX] XnBS n.f. (uncertain) sg. ia"? n,!? 'p'xn mn XJ1BX3 XD311 X3piy they ... for PN a place ... MQ 16b(23) 31S vb. perh. to be hard (etym. unkn.) Pe., pass.part.: p'lXI UVOti because (the eggs) are hard5e?7a(4; V) Expl. Ar: aymi D'Wf AC 7:45; Y: ]3ns Bes ib. l#tms, N1N1S n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(15) [Var: X1X1S Ar (AC 7:46)] Y: XTIX Hul ib.(BAYTN 96). 2#N11S n.m. an eye disease (cf. Ma X3'X3 X11XS with a blighting eye MD 397) sg. Xmi 13'y J1D3 nV XB/'p3'1 X11X the 5-disease which strikes the pupil of her eye Bo 123:4 [3#NTIS4- l#XTTCn.] [4#xns 4-2#xnsn.] [K'TTB I X"111S n.] [NTIK'HS I U X11S n.] SmilS n.pl. kidneys (etym. unkn.) X3in D'Vosn "?yi xmnxi fat of the kidneys on the flanks HG3 200:62 = Seel 80:28(Var) [expl. H m'^an "7yu? 3*7n ib.] Lit: Eps, Stl 114. [Krnns 4- xru'x n.] 1#'1S vb. to penetrate, split (4- '1XX1 X3313, 2# X'TS; Sy K'i^ to tear, pass through, etc. LS 636, Ma 1#X1S MD 396) Pe. 1. to penetrate: T1X1 '1XX Xpl X'ln Xlin1? n"Tn he saw a certain snake penetrating and coming (into the wineskin) AZ 30a(33); 2. to make pass s.t. through: K'lTI XSV'B1? 'Din n'3'a she makes the threads pass through from it [i.e. the distaff] to the spindle OHP Sab 49:32 Af. to cause to split or burst: XB'in XO^'D 'p'T 'ixai full strength ?.-wine which causes the skin-bottles to burst AZ 30a(49) Itpe. to be split open, burst: a. general: IIDS'a 'p'T the wineskins will burst Sab 154b(20); AZ 65b(5); X3'3 '3 '1DS'31 XTIX '3 XpB'3 may he burst like a cedar and be split open like a tamarisk Bo 6:11; b. in a fig. sense: Xinm XJ133 'IDS'X "HDS'X XII the daughters of that generation were completely 'split open' [i.e. became sterile] Yev 17a(10) Lit: Eps, OHP Ber 91, n.H [Pe., mng. 1]. 2# ns 4- Vns vb. NnS*, KINS*, pi. nS, 'INS n.m. palm-band (< Akk saru a part of the date palm CAD S 115; MH2 "7pi 'T[i]x J1271) pi. nxxi '"7am in1? 'D"m
-px 972 T« (baskets which the pagans) sew with ropes of palm-bands AZ 75a(33) [Var: nxi Ar (AC 7:45)], mxi J] Lit: Flora 2:332. 1'IS 4- V71X pe., pass.part. *]'"1X adj. clean/bleached (4- V2#71X pe., pass, part.; cf. TA xmsnx TgJer 2:22[TGHark 184:3, H Jinia], Sy 2# rr'&o-a.,-^ cleaning LS 638) sg.m. XSnx xVx3"IO a clean/bleached j.-garment San 44a(33) [expl. BH "IJ/JU7 flTTX Jos 7:21] Geon. expl.: 'jM pax IXOVd WITS XB'IX xVxaTO OH San 352:10, i.e. ,>4ji o1-^; 'on ^o njma nax nsnx ma TGWeisz 80:16; but cf. J73B10 ]X IKdVb TGAs42 169:43, i.e. jii jLlLL complete mantle; Y: XB'IX San ib.(BAYTN 61). KS'IX n.m. hut (JPA *pX DJPA 470) a. general: sg. xsnxx n'T xim "irxx rrr xin (nwmx he placed his one hand on the roof and his other hand on the hut Men 64b(27); M3T1X1 XBnX a hut of papyrus reeds BM 42a(40); BB 6a(38); pi. 'JH ':3TIXi 'S'"IX Suk 13b(4; M2); Jl nV n'^i TOID XDnxa XT33H1 a ™to which does not have a roof and is made like a hut HP 28:2; b. first element of GN: sg. xrjn XB'IX BM 86a(l 1) Geon. expl.: JV'Ba [Var] 1X13X '9 [a'"a n'"9 JYlV'nx] D'BHXn pail 'W'ta 'JX3TBO XB"« XW1 GC 94:5, i.e. j Ijil, pi. of jj£; 'a an ix 'xn nvft j^an xro rrt xf>nw x1? 'jaiiXT xb'-ix IP'IH ^pi (O'B)tM TGAs42 157:6; Lit: Mainzer, Jagd 12; Low, Lehnw 497 [not < Gr]; Flora 1:568+; Eshel, JSB 221+; Voc: XB'IX HGP 23a: 11; Y: XBnx BB ib.(BAYTN 106): 71X vb. to be necessary, need, require (4- XnDlXX, X3TIX; Sy u^ig, u\r\sre' to be needy, poor LS 637, JPA 71X DJPA 470, TA "px TO Gen 16:12) Pe., pass.part. lsg. XW1X Ber 55a(19); 2m. Git 37a(22); JD'lX AnanSch 6:10; 3m. -px //ag 5b(25); f. X3"IX BB 69a(21); lpl. P'3'IX TGHark 109:8; 2m. W'3nx Pes 105a(7); 3m. pnx Ket 22a(7); 'S'lX flg 99b(51); f. pnx We; 2a(20);- 1. to be necessary: a. w. subj.: VIX"I 'D'-IX "j-ixa (both of) those (verses) are definitely necessary Yev 23a(31); BQ 50a(13); Men 10a(3); Kar 6b(30); b. impersonal usage: 1) alone: sg.m. -px xb it is unnecessary Hul 53a(34); f. X3nxi it is necessary Sab 64b(14) [i.e. each of the two categories stated in the Mishna must be stated and one cannot be implied from the other; i XJD-lXX]; Yev 62a(41); Qid 50a(35); BM 118a(12); AZ 26a(38); Bek 18b(46); xb XB'WS n"?i5? 'jmna xyma xVi xjn-iai xsnx it is obvious! No. It is necessary where (the city) is squared but is not parallel to the cardinal points of the world Er 55a(24); RH 2b(19); BM 102a(l 1); 2) w. fol. inf.: rmynV -px xVl it is not necessary to remove it [i.e. the leaven] Pes 6a(4); Bes 17a(43); X"l»n IT3 XBTB*? 1'IX xV it is not necessary to put wine in it [i.e. the muries] AZ 34b(ll); XTO by "OVab 7*1X1 it is necessary to recite a blessing on water Anan 18:11; ib. 20:18; 35:8; 2. to be in need, needy: ^lyV "pXT bo 'Jl'V let anyone who is in need come in Tan 20b(49); ib. 51; MOB'l V)" 7"IXi "73 let anyone who is in need come and participate in the Paschal sacrifice SRSG 136:24; 3. to need: a. alone: ronx X1? in you do not need (to do) any more Ber 13b(35); ranx X1? you will not need (medicine) Yom 84a(19) // AZ 28a(20); BB 39b(14); X31B ^ n'Xl XJD'IX X1? I do not need (any) since I have a lot AZ 10b(9); b. w. inf.: X3X XW-IX xb '!M "1JJ1X I also do not have to stipulate 55 9a(3); Yev 103a(16); Git 5b(8); XpVl 'in'a1? T'T '3'1X the judges need to see the spittle Yev 101b(3); l^'aV nx "px D13 but you need to learn Seel 1:49 [4 D13]; b. w. obj.: X13D Xlp "I'-lX xVl X1H it is a logical deduction, and does not need a biblical verse Pes 21b(39); Zev 55b(4); Mb X".3'-IX X"7 X3X l.l1? "pX X31 PN needs them. I do not need them Git 31b(46; V18); xb ]b ronx nx ]JK 7> I'Dnx we do not need you. You need us BM 33a(37); ib. 84a(49); xb ]T1 'XH 13Ti 'xnV y-IX this one of ours does not need that one of yours [i.e. my husband does not have to learn the teaching from your husband] Sot 40a(24); "px X3ny -piy your guarantor needs a gugarantor Suk 26a(52) // Git 28b(6); H'SIJ1? "XH I'-lX rrsijV "Xni 71s each one [i.e. biblical verse] is necessary for itself Zev 49b(3) lit. this one needs itself]; XIUHD X"?TO'3 XnV'D XS'IX Xlim salt needs cooking like the meat of an ox Sab 42b(12); XBT "?3 XBT1 XS'IX 1M she needed a doctor every day Ket 52b(17); '3nx x"7 ]33"l xmi'DJ scholars do not need protection BM 108a(ll); 'ilia1? 'an' l^nxi the orphans need child support Dec 9:3; XJHX1? xanxi J'JTX even K31S 973 2#«ins though (the detached wheat) needs the field (for drying) BB 69a(21); BM 31a(12); pnx fUXl in"31X3 pyn'T ]Xl}b (the orphans) need someone to attend to their needs SSSad 268:9 Af. to require of s.o./s.t.: HD1XX xVt Xin 'DinXX nitt? 'Va 'am the Merciful One did not actually require a service vessel Zev 92b(30); A/en 5la(41); TTnV T'ttl X1?! 'H^ T31Xa '311XX XHl do we not, in fact, actually require (both) of them, since they are not similar to each other? Nid 8a(38); 'in 71XXT X1H 133m it was the scholars who required two (witnesses) Git 3a(17); Hul 8b(28); XrinX 'B*J T\VV 31 H31XX1 PN required him (to give) her another get Git 34a(19); ib. 78b(24); nyi32/ H'V p'Snxai we require a vow of him TGHark 85:33; ib. 43:29; 109:34 Itpe. (e) 1. it was necessary: a. impersonal usage: 1) alone: 71t3X'X it was necessary (for the Tanna to state it twice) Sab 100b(19); WW "3X1? 7"lt5X,X ,!7 naV according to PN, why do I need the two (cases)? It was necessary Zev 97a(45; V8); Ber 13a(50); RH 5b(38); Yev 4b(21); BM 100b(45); Bek 6b(21) [and passim]; 2) w. fol. inf.: p'jnaWX1? 7nt3X,X it was necessary to inform us Bes 7a(29); n'DiyaV X"lp yiWSS. nyi32?a the verse was necessary to exclude it from an oath BM 5a(2); Suk 27b(27); b. w. fol. -1? (actor) to need: rr1? XDntJX'X he needed it Sab 6b(18); rvb XD'-IBX'X XD10 he needed the last part of the Mishna RH 25b(41); Yev 23b(21); 'TO© X'jim Xn3©3 TVb 'DnDX'X PN had to urinate lit. needed it] on the Sabbath of the rigla Bek 44b(9); '3a x-i3J xnp'a1? byvb ©tx1? rr1? 7-iDxx 'x XTWl'D if someone had to go in to call a man from the synagogue Meg 28b(28); 'Tit H'1? ID'IDXX 'V'll ]'3T1 perhaps he needed money and sold BQ 115a(l); Ket 87a(5); 2. to need, require: a. alone: 'S'lDXX X1?! XJD'nDXB Xa"?T perhaps I shall need (them), but I did not San 26a(3); b. w. obj.: 'X"lp 'in 7"IDX'X he needed two biblical verses Nid 41a(20); XIDa"? '»ty 71BXX xb the world did not need rain BM 85a(20); Tan 23a(54); 'XDa 'X 7> 'DIDX'X XV n'ai^ had I reached it, I would not have needed you Git 58a(21); 7> X3D'-lt3X'X xV 7J1 X'yWIX1? xVl we would have needed neither you nor PN, your teacher Tan 9a(15); XD'IDX'X Xny© n'1? his teaching was essential [lit. the hour needed him] Bek 31a(12); iSGF 85:17; Byaai 7>H^ TIDXai n'3TOD his money is diminished, and he needs your (aid) AnanSch 28:26; c. w. fol. inf.: pnv 'n rr1?? mnox1? 'lyVx 't 7"idxx did PN have to testify concerning (the view of) PN2? BB 135b(27); "?S n3 'VsV n«iy»X^ n'D'ntSX'XI I had to mislead NN SSHai 15b(7); x"?T p'H '3 XH3B 'P1SX3 '"7W31?! XB'aV ©3'X 71DX(X1I7 so that a person should not need to bake or cook on Saturday night Anan 71:16; 3. to be needy: xsiDX'ai xnn'x x'nn x'jsj xb xmn'o1?! so that in old age I shall not be in a situation that I am needy HP 100:11 Lit: Bacher 183+; Y: X3-« Ber 15b(25). K3nS I X311X n. JHS vb. to become leprous (< BH jnx HAL 988; JPA PX itpa. DJPA 470, MH2 jnx hitpa. J 1303) Itpa.: JTIBX'X San 107b(4) 1#T1S vb. to combine, count together (i xmSTX; Sy 2# ^^5 LS 638) Pa.: X1H D'l? P'Dnxa T'T blX l^'Slxa Xbl it is witnesses (before two different courts) that we do not combine, but we do combine judges (from different courts) BB 165b(29); xb ]Orr\ 'nmxil p'Slxa we cannot combine (a tithe) according to biblical law with one according to Rabbinical law BM 53a(24); H'Bnx: ]X» '1H3 with what should we combine it? Svu 5b(19) Itpe. (e) to be counted together, combined, join: a. alone: xaS'lBxa xb TOi 'SIIBX'X l^SX I shall not even be counted at all together (for a court) Hag 16b(30); BB 165b(19); xVr XT1 Vsi 'DIDXa 'a 'lin? niJPO ntf wherever legal quantities are not equal to each other can they be combined together? Sab 76a(31); Hor 3a(40); Pes 110b(36); Yom 74a(25); Mei 16a(12); Hul 125a(42); b. w. 'im w. s.o.: 'BinDX'X1? ytfTl 'Xa ]iri3 is it your intention to join us (for a quorum)? Ber 47a(34); 'BnDXxV 'X-irU 1 blX nnri3 PN went to join him [i.e. the other witness] /J//22b(13);5«A:9b(20) The mng. of >pxn vb 'XHl >pxa 'Xm Sol 17a(30) is uncertain. 2# 'TIS vb. to treat with alum (denom. < XD1X*;
NS1S T T ~ 974 'ins " : t I TIX; Sy 1# vaji^ etpe. to be treated w. alum LS 638, mng. 3, rsi-ai- LS ib.) Pa.: pass.part. 'Bixm 'TOX 'Sin -p 'J/3'Tl X1? 'pIT there is no question that yellow (vessels) are certainly forbidden (on Passover), since they are treated with alum (and absorb) AZ 33b(35; J) NBIS n.m. money changer (Sy 2# rdai^ LS 638, Ma XSX1XX goldsmith MD 388, Ar LilJ-i Wehr 513) sg. 'TIT ]8 '<"l)n,@Xini XSICIX money changer and dealers in coins TGDr49 95:1 'pIS I 'piXB n. VIS, 'IS vb. to tie up, accumulate (4- T'X, XTIX; Sy -^ LS 636, Ma 2#TIX, 2#T,X MD 397, 391) Pe. (o) 1. to tie up: 1V1±> TMIXI XTTIO 'Xn 'D'ltfS T3 "IX'B1? TDX 'Vwi T3 "IS 'V'Brl H'3 it is forbidden to tie small coins in a scarf which he had designated for tying phylacteries, if he had (actually) tied the phylacteries in it San 48a(ll) // Ber 23b(29); njw H'1? 1TW1 TX they tied up and sent him barley Sab 51b(21); 'til T'X HIH nninxV in1? 'TOl .TTrlD3 PN used to tie coins in his scarf and to place them over his shoulder lit. behind him] Ket 67b(48); Yev 63a(47); Ber 24a(5); Qid 48b(52); iTIXIX '31 xV?n3 VUnX'Vl XpTJ XTJ3 let him tie them with a yellow cord in the space of the neck area (of the garment) Sab 67a(7) // AZ 28b(3); iTT1? 'rf7 XJT'ST I shall tie his hands ib. 56b(ll); ps1? XJinnm ]1DV xnxx I tie you and seal you Bo 8:2; ib. 6:6; 7:2; ]XD 'XH rra'1?!1? mXXI one who tied up (the edge of) his garment Men 37b(38; Ar [AC 7:2]) [V10: ,T'-IX1]; pass.part. 'XJ'103 1'TXT 'J?» '-ID®'1?!! the thirteen me Vw which are tied in my j.-cloth San 26a(3); Ket 85b(2); BM 24b(15); TVO 'ATI 'TX MH these (coins) are tied [i.e. in a sealed package], and those are untied ib. 108b(27) [v. Geon. expl. TGAs42 28:26]; 'S'nm 'T'Xl X"?D3 'fUJim V'J/X even though they [i.e. garlic, etc.] are placed in the basket and are tied and sealed Nid 17a(15); 'Ml V>'31 Q'Jim T'Xl 'T» "73 anything which is tied, sealed, measured, and counted Hul 105b(50); AZ 31a(37); 2. to accumulate: pass.part. [w. -1?] ,T? OljlTXT <'){X)pTl "73 lrU'fiy^S she swallowed all the saliva which she had accumulated Ket 61b(12); (')(X)i?n ^3 'TO «]in T7 ('Xl)TXT spit out (and) eject all the saliva which you have accumulated ib. 15 Pa. id.: 1J10W3 TT'XJl xV'JIl 'D'1? let him bring sea rocket and tie it in a napkin Git 69b(25; Ar [AC 8:117]); 'XTJX .T'TOl TTn03 XTfly T'XD !TO he used to tie earth in his scarf and throw it outside Ber 57b(57); X313T TDID1? TT'Xl Xp31"lS3 he tied the opening of the drinking bowl with a rag AZ 30a(37) [v. Pe.] On the confusion bet. the its. VB and '"IX also in Ma, v. Ldz. JB 2:110'. 'T1S, '*1N1S n.pl.m. bundle, money bag, security money (4- VT1X; TA 'TIX pi. TO Gen 40:35, Sy k^ LS 636, Ma XnXTX MD 397) 1. bundle, packet: Sab 91b(40); 2. money bag: 1DX m X'3H TO'J 'TIX X11T71 are embryos money bags that (the proselyte's widow) should take possession of them? BQ 49a(41); 'B'B?DT 'TIX 'IT 'T1T1 money bags of small coins and zuzim Bes I5a(4; L); ix -nrb ly pnnxTsa -pi tct^ 'n ■"XTTWTb let these (zuzim) remain with you (tied up) in their money bags until sometime in the future TGAs42 28:26; 3. serare, goods or money deposited by a debtor with a creditor or a guarantor or by a husband with his wife or other female relative as security in case of non-payment of a debt or a ketubba: 12'Wn 'TlX^ we take serare into consideration BB 174b(13); Ket 107b(7); HOSTIX 'TIX he put serare in her possession Git 51a(22); 0(')nisnx 'tim P'DBriia X1? nJDpV 'TIX 'TIX perhaps he put serare in her possession. We do not put serare in the possession of a minor Ket 107b(21); Mb 'X it1? tajw rm xb xnp'yn mx rrosrixT had he not put serare in his possession, he would not have accepted it [i.e. to be a guarantor] BB 174b(18); BM 7b(27); Ara 22a(52); nXTX rG#a/* 98:27 On mng. 2, cf. Akk surdru C possibly referring to a bag or purse in which silver was kept CAD S 257; Y: 'VB Sab 91b(40; BAYTN 45). NmX n.f. (uncertain; < XriT1X[?]) sg. Yom 19b(43) [expl. MH nriX (J/3XX) Mib. 1:7] NiriS n.m. (uncertain) sg. HMGas 94:19 '"ins, nn'S n.pl. savory (Satureia; Sy k'^ LS639, JPA nxiX DJPA 471, Arab ji^, Siggel nnx 975 nns 48) AZ 29a(14; J) [glossed: nX'TTO; P1: nWX]; j?«i 128a(44; Ed) [expl. MH HX'O MMas 3:9; O: n'nyx] Geon. expl.: imp 'jmtH nsaaw nx'on ,13 wivv ns'D jn p "ins -IJiyit TGCas 42a:6, i.e. Arab _>5i^. Ace. to Low, ib., the van rdgs. w. 'ayin are Arabfcized. Lit: Flora 2:103; Fr, AF 143; Y: nn? Sab ib.(BAYTN 223). T1J1S vb. to kindle (cf. BH 71X' hif. HAL 410) Pa.: WITIX n'nxa XTT "\ PN used to kindle (the fire) Sab 119a (17)
*l? 976 *i? ? N|?, "j? particle employed before the participle (< 'Xp < D'Xp [4- Vmp pe., part., sg.m.]; 4- X3; Ma MP, HP MD 398, 410, JPA D'Xp DJPA 480, mng. 6d) I. in main clauses: a. alone: 1) in BT: a) general: ,T3Jb> X3*?a i? 'J?3 xp does the king want you in his presence? Git 68b(43); BQ 27b(24); ff'TT Xpl pni' '1 3'JV Xpi PN was sitting and expounding Yev 72b(8); ,T»p |33n!3 X111 3'rP 'axpi 3T1'1 'lam 13 Vxia© '11 a certain one of the scholars was sitting before PN and was sitting and saying BB 15a(49); V-D3 Xp '3,11 '311X ,1'pwa in the meantime he is idle from doing business BM 32b(9); I1? 'IX Xp 'xa ,lV 'IX Xpll (since the answer is clear,) what is the one who stipulates it, (in fact,) stipulating? BB 17b(48) [4- Vi#'ix pe.]; 3m 'iai nas xrax xp xix x,n 'V DS3'X xVl 3m did I not, in fact, say several times: "Rahab! Rahab!," and I did not care? Meg 15a(23); Jl'33 Xp 'X3X why are you crying? Ber 5b(28); xns'na iD'^n i'xpij/3 p'ina xp pxi we study thirteen literary units in the (Tractate) 'Uqsin ib. 20a(8); '311,1'ap X1TD p'D9 Xp 111 31 PN was reciting verses of the Bible before PN2 Yom 87a(51); NTUJ1 X'ana xp Till she was heating up the oven Hag 4b(41); p'3'B xp 11,1 X3piy iai 1'J?13 PN's feet were being burnt (by the fire) Ket 67b(39; MGG 652:8); b) in legal contexts: p yawa Xp he informs us Pes 6a(4); RH 28a(21); Yev 84b(28); &w 63a(26); Zev 29b(7) [and passim]; '3Jlp (the Tanna) actually learns Tan 14a(3); Sot 43a(17) [and passim]; 'inp '311 XIDna mom (the Tannaitic source) is actually truncated and (the Tanna) learns so BB 145a(13) [i VlDn pa., mng. 4]; maxpn and concerning what you say BM 22b(42); max Xpll and concerning what you say Bes 4a(13); Yev 53b(22) [and passim]; maxp TDtf do you speak right? Suk 39a(l); p'lax Xpl 1371 that is what we say ... Pes 63a(6); San 13a(28); xpi 'ixa fbll P'lax these utensils concerning about which we say ... Anan 45:12; "p X'K7p Xpll and that which is difficult for you Sab 117a(15); Tan 13a(35); BQ 53a(40) [and passim]; 2) in Geon. texts: xp 'in pi p i'ra ri'^'spi ri'3'on ]i3'aip xrna '1TI3 '3XB XBD31 I acknowledge before you that I took and received from him such-and-such an amount of good (and) select silver zuzim SSHai 4a(5); 3) in Anan: xax Xp (Scripture) says [fol. by biblical quotation] Anan 43:17; ib. 11:2; 17:9 [and passim]; D'TXI Xp (Scripture) indicates ib. 13:25; 116:2; 'X laia xp 'X J"J?a Xp IX 0'lia Xp iai Xp if he is instructing or inquiring or teaching or learning ib. 23:13; Xp X1? n32?31 ,1'V T"?ia xp X1?! ]'3ipa on the Sabbath we do not bring a sacrifice or circumcise him ib. 77:18; b. in seq. pf. + Xp(1) + part.: XHIX Xp 'XJ1X she came voicing a complaint Er 25a(42); 3in Vy3 xnxi ,1'ra 1'b «l'1D Xpl 131X11 PN's creditor came and was seizing the property from him Ket 92a(l); '1p Xpl X311J7 XflX a raven came and was making a sound Git 45a(40); p'SH V»y Xpi XT1T in I'1? V2 1'1^'y one zuz remained (unpaid) to him, and he was repeatedly seeking after it BM 77b(51); iai 1'"7 'lyxa Xpl 1'1X1X3 Xino I'V they placed a scarf around his neck and were tormenting him AZ 4a(37); lEHia xpi 1'DD':1? TU'Mn X131 X11.1 11JV311? a certain man who sold his property and was divorcing his wife Ara 23b(16); c. in seq. Ill + part. + Xp(1) + part.: 'bsa xpi Xion 31 'Xp ,111 "Jill mSTl PN was standing and praying the prayer for the journey Ber 30a(9); l"32n 3'JV 11,1 IP'11 Xpl PN was sitting and expounding Sab 30b(49); ib. 56b(47); 1ET1 XBYI Xpi X3T1' mi she was sitting and washing her hair San 97a(37); 31 NTNp 977 Nfj? 31 '33 0'IXl Xpl 3TI' 111 Xion PN was sitting and learning in the be rav Mak 10a(32); '33 Xp ,111 'J/ai pJU Xpl he was crying and shedding tears Sab 33b(45); xn»'p xVll Xp liri'31 X3J1' Xp 11,1 his wife was sitting (and) sifting flour Ket 62b (42); xms XEU3 Xp I'JIBX na'p 111 his maidservant was in the process of sweeping out the house BM 85a(17); d. in seq. imper. + "1 + Xp + part.: XJ'5?3 Xp XTI'tya XTIS'1 X1X1 'tn see that I want fine quality bread Bes 32b(34); BQ 100a(5); BM 84b(ll); Nid 8a(31); 13 1"V pis ■p'B iV '5?3 Xp XJITIxVl go out (and) study it [i.e. the tradition on the matter], for tonight he will ask you about it Git 27a(17); e. in cleft sentences: 1"1 Xpl 11': X111 it is he who is dwelling Er 49b(5); 1,1"TOJ 15?oa xpi XII 113'X it is they who are deceiving themselves Hul 94b(29); f. w. a tautological inf.: 'IXtt? Xp XIE/'a he definitely permits (it) Sab 50a(50); '"73X xp '»3 "73'a xaVl perhaps they also even eat (on the fast day) Tan 12b(10); I'1? 'ni Xp Xma he was indeed rejecting him Sot 47a(36); Git 47a(17); BQ 43b(20); San 25a(25); ib. 99a(3); Anan 7:16; g. fol. an interj.: XXiri'X -],1 ima xpi '11 woe, for I am dying BB 151b(9; P1); II- in subordinate clauses: a. w. var. conj.: 1) "1:11111'&'X ISIJ?1? ,1"in '10& Xpl '113 X3V'S X(1)11|'X2; Xp while walking he saw Orpah, his mother, spinning (thread) with her spindle San 95a(45); D:a:a Xp ,11,11 1"Tn he saw that he was dying MQ 28a(34); 2) "1 'X: 'Xa ms Xpi 'X 13J7aV I'V 11,1 if he protests, what could he have done? BM 6a(20); I'V xn'3 Xpl 'X if he wants it San 77b(25); AZ 35b(36); 3) "1 'T'X: xpi 'T'XI XS'O 'JJVB^ 'J?3 since he wants to learn the latter part (of the Mishna) Yev 102a(18); Sot 3a(46); Qid 50b(3); 4) "1 XD'1: XJIK/a p'"?ia Xpi X3'1 XlllsV (in a case) where he lights from one lamp to another Sab 22a(40); Ket 23b(38); BQ 99b(22); Nid 19b(10); 5) '1 1113: D'p: xpi 1113 Xia if, for instance, he is holding a utensil Bes 19a(8); Ket 87b(5); Anan 25:8; 6) "1 p'3: p'3 J1X XBin mnsa Xpl since you are afraid you are a sinner Ber 60a(37); Er 8a(27); MQ 4b(30); Yev I22b(26); 7) "i 'xa/ixa: xp Tsio 3'ma xpi ixa 3'nia the one who raises an objection does so properly Sab 123a(35); Ket 105b(24); Git 68b(3l); xon 'i no xp xap xin lox xpi 'xa what the first Tanna prohibits, PN permits Bes 9b(26); Ket 21a(43); 8) "1 UWO: 'J?3 Xpi UWa XlD'aV because he wants to learn ... Sab 105a(48); Pes 89a(9); Yev 41b(13); BQ 75a(31); San 73a(47); b. in circumstantial clauses: 1) w. '3: p'Sl Xp '3 on going out Git 65b(39); Xp '3 ,T3 DJ?3 p'"?D as he was mounting (the horse), he kicked him Meg 16a(24); 1'Vj? '©n3 Xp '3 1'WSl nil linsiSX while searching for him, they found out that he had died BQ 117a(50); MQ 17a(31); Ned 55a(33); Git 68a(8); Xn'l xp 111 '3 'ax '11 1'WSJ when PN was dying Sab 59b(31); Tan 22b(17); Ket 67b(45); BB 52a(4); 2) w. '113: -1 '113: ii'iaya xisy Vpw 'nxpi 'ins while coming (to the boat) he took some of their earth [lit. earth from their earth] Bek 8b(45); Xpl '113 ^'tXI D'11 while running and going Pes 62b(28; V14); San 95a(45) [v. supra Il.a.l]; c. in conditional clauses, in seq. Xp '3 + part. + Xp + part.: nm xp XJ?1'1 nm Xp '3 (God) is only angry for a moment AZ 4b (25); 1'13 «pD xp '3 1'1D Xp he is only lawfully seizing (the land) Ket 91b(32); ib. 42b(43); Sab 28b(43); Pes 6a(28); Bes 21a(18); Qid 47a(24); BQ 105a(7); Xp '3 ,T3 Ton Xpl 'T»3 TSp he is only particular in a matter in which he suffers a loss BQ 87b(26) Lit: Nold, MG 379' [etym.]; Y. Breuer, LeSonenu 60 [1997] 73+ [a partial discussion based on a very limited corpus]; Voc: Xp HPP 202:20; Y: (X)j? Mo 119. NTXp I Xip n. 'N|? 4- Vmp pe. [N'Np 4- Xpnil n.] D'Np 4- Vmp pe. NpKp 4- 1# app n. N3p, cs. 3p n.m. qab (a measure; 4- X3p1J1; TA X3p TJ 2K 6:25, Sy k' S n LS 639, Ma 2# X3Xp MD 398) a. general: sg.cs. 12/1 3p 'a qab of a loan' San 29b(16) [nickname for one who has many debts]; det. X3p3 XT'Sp pm X3'1 (in a case) where he hollowed out a q.-measure in (a block intended) for a gafe-measure Sab 103a(6) // Hul 25a(37); Men 24a(22); b. size: 'llV 1J/31X X3p '1X1 the qab is four logs HP 97:23; c. w.
miap 978 Nrwaj? qualifiers: sg. XD1T X3p a small qab Qid 79b(24); X31 X3p a large qab ib. 25; }fev 17a(33); X3p Xjnirm the qab of GN Ket 54a(34); Pes 48a(37) [4- nX3l7JB]; d. objects measured: sg. 1) flour: BQ 50b(52); 2) loaves: xnVn KD^n ]B TID'1 "iD'^n X3pb thirteen loaves of bread, of (the size of) three to a qab Ber 42a(2); Er 82b(44); 3) dates, date stones: X3p pDI X7p1 a date palm which produces a ^o* (of dates) BQ 91b(37) // BB 26a(32); Yom 79b(8); 4) salflower: Gi/ 14a(12); ib. 47a(22); 5) barley groats: San 27a(48) [but v. 4- 1#XS3, mng. 4]; 6) bitumen: ib. 29a(5); 7) gall nuts: Svu 41b(46); e. in proverbs: X3pX '1B3 X7BJ Xlpl a camel in Media can dance on a <7a6 [i.e. anything is possible] Yev 45a(42); X7l XJHXB xap X1VXB X113 a <7a6 from the ground and not a for from the roof [i.e. it is preferable to profit less close-by than more far away] Pes 113a(17; V14) Y: N3j? BB 26a(32; BAYTN 101). [Nmiaj? 4- xrrn'p n.] SHiap n.m. coarse meal (< Kt|3api6c; household bread L-SSup 176, Lat cibarius; MH 13"'p (MD) Yeivin, BV 1075) sg. X113pi XBHJ bread of coarse meal MQ 28a(31) Lit: D. Sperber, Tarbiz 36 [1967] 199+. niOi3pt*, pi. 'NHi3p n.m. gravedigger (4- Vl3p qatol-foxm + gent, ending; 4- 2#X"l3p; Sy rc'io-. n ls 644) sg. xira ■rapT 'xinp ran p^XI 31D DV3 certain gravediggers who buried a deceased person on the first day of a holiday San 26b(46) Y: 'inaj? San ib.(BAYTN 325). 'ap 4- Vi#?ap vb. ?'3p adj. (uncertain) sg.m., only in phrase 'in D"|?l V'3p be ... San 14a(41; F2); 92a(49; F2) [Var: D'pi "?3p He] Expl. Ar: D"|7 X,T1 My KPV 'ato ... fan 1D3 AC 7:58; Y: %\> D;'|?l San ib. 7'3£* prep. (1 Vl#73p), only in compound forms: - ?ap?, "?aip7, "?3'p7 prep, opposite, in front of, towards (4- Vl#73p; Sy A A ™ V LS 641) 1. opposite: Wttt) 73p7 Dip! stand opposite the sun HM 41:21; "7377 3T1 sit opposite me Hul 122a(42); xpiOS blf? xpiOD verse by verse antiphonally [lit. verse opposite verse] Sot 40a(8); 2. in front of: TTC? XIBn XS7X 7'3p7 X3X my father [i.e. Belshazzar] drank wine in front of a thousand (people) Meg 12b(22); 3. towards: 13 KlbTpb TIX1 2>JX the person who is coming towards us BB 1 lla(37); max "pm OTU T1X DX .T^'apV if a snake comes after you, say towards it HM 42:15; ib. 45:15; 4. w. var. vbs.: a. Vpw pe. to prevail against: n'73p7 plD' (the air of his breath) will prevail against it [i.e. the east wind] San 18b(41); b. Vmp pe. to oppose [Sy -50.0 .\-« ncA PSm 2471]: 'Vaip? j'B'pl Wl'S '33 Va all people who oppose me Bo 71:5; ib. 90b:2; c. Voir itpe. to oppose: pap"? pno'irrx p na why did you oppose us? Tarn 32a(38) Y: xfr?$BB llla(37). prep, concerning, as opposed to (BA 73p-73 HALOT 1966) 1. concerning: 'B'X ip xpir "?3p 73 xr)7'a say then something concerning the (deceased) child Ket 8b(17); 2. as opposed to: Pan 7'3p73 J731X jrVptf we take four (cities from this tribe) as opposed to five (from that one) San 11 lb(63) Y: ^j? "?3 Ket ib. NflV'Sp n.f. complaint (4- V2#73p; TA nrfr'Sp TO Ex 22:22, Sy rf^A.j.n n LS 641) sg. 3ri3'B7 XJr7'3p rvb to draw up a complaint against him SSHai 17b(15) [// XJl73p n'7 aipa1?! G\? 297b: 1] yap 4- Vl#5?3p pe., pass.part. Njrap 4- xysp n. XJliy'Sp n.f. designation, fixed state (1 Vl#y3p; Sy rc'&o.s-^auo LS 643) 1. designation: sg. X1.1 xmy'3p XJB1 xmysp the designation of the vessel (concerning the incense) is what matters Zev 110a(l); ib. 2; 3; Men 3a(30); 'r)1JP3p X'TI X7 'X 'myap X'ln 'X if (drinking wine) is considered a designation (of a meal) or if it is not considered a designation Ber 35b(50); ib. 42b(47); 43a(5); ISO Jl'ipi XJTIJPapi 'xa nV'axi xmyapi xna'x 'api x'xip X'n 'xa 7'3X1 n»n»l XTOTT J>3p1 X'n what constitutes reading of a Torah scroll (to require a blessing preceding and following it) ? Reading before the snyap 979 i#?ap congregation. What constitutes eating (to require a blessing following it)? That he designates a place, sits, and eats Anan 18:6; ib. 14; 20; 2. fixed state: sg. XIIO'X1? Xmyap 'S?3 X1? 1?5?7X 'T PN does not require a fixed state (of a forbidden piece among permitted ones) for a prohibition Kar 18a(23); Ber 25a(30) Y: Kniyaj? Ber ib. (BAYTN 172). NflJT'ap, XJiyap n.f. fitting, setting (4- Vl# y3p, XJIia'p; Sy nr^A; v . ^-. r, r^ s -n n LS 643) sg. 'THP3T Xny3p fitting of beams BB 6a(27) [Var: xnysp F2]; D'3'3'33 mwai xnysp rG^j-/2 157:2 Geon. expl.: iv miipn 'wkt noiDn oipa 'jniDa 1'Biyw jm-bn mpn Inyanot 227:15. 1# ?3p, '3p vb. to receive, accept, agree upon (4- '7iap 13, 7'ap prep., '73p, X373p, XJVU73p, Xri73p; Sy -V ^ ^ pa. LS 641, Ma V3p pa. MD 404) Forms w/o final lamed: Pf. 3sg.m. 'Sp ATe/ 105b(49; MGE 538:4); BQ 91a(7; Oxf., c.23, 15); imp. lsg. 'Sp'X Ae/ 105b(48; MGE 538:3); 2m. 'ap'n Suk 42a(26);- Pa. 1. to receive: a. objects: X'Ona xnaa 'O'l ,l7 "?3p receive my get for me in GN Gj7 65a(43); '3183 H'1? mina 'XT "|ra X^V'apa if you return it [i.e. the animal] to me in the desert, I shall receive (it) from you BQ 118a(10); X-IJX 73pJl pX'7 n(,),S3,J1 let us overcome our desire and receive a reward AZ 17b(2); Yom 69b(19); ~]T1T 7'3pi XfinOBX 3TI XJ1 come (and) sit at the scales and receive your money BQ 23b(39); liirrrrap nx you have received it [i.e. the money (pi.)] Svu 41b(37); b. goods on commission: Xian VopT ]Xa 'XH DSW7X '3T xmnsV n'V 'oaaT xnjnx nnana one who received wine on commission from another on the understanding that he would bring it to the market of GN BB 98a(26); xpO'J? 7'3pi ]Xa 'Xn TOST rP'Una one who entered into a joint venture with another, and it lost money BM 105a(2); 2. to accept: a. alone: p'B 7'3pn X7 n<V 13 T? "?'3p "l^'XI do not accept (a pupil to school) until the age of six. From that age on-accept (him) BB 21a(18) // Ket 50a(20); X7 'XT W73p uTSa 'X W73p X1? had you been able you should have accepted (the Torah). If not, you should not have accepted (it) Sab 88a(55); 73pXT 'XJ?3 X1? '^lap X37'apa 'ayt?'? rnaxi 7'xin xn^n i did not want to accept (anything) at all. Now since you said the reason to me I shall accept (it) Ket 105b(48); pass.part. prtTlXn X73p'a X7 their opinion is not accepted TGHark 101:16; n'1'0 ]r73pa we accept (the sacrifice) from him Hag 7a(12); XJai n'J'B ^'SpT p how do we know that he accepted (the slander) from him? Sab 56a(45); b. w. dir. obj.: 1) people: jin^'ap you accepted me (as a member of the company) Pes 89b(21); "l^'ap '3 |Bp nx nniDT Xfijnx we only accepted you on condition that you would take care of us ib. 22; lSrjvrap I have accepted you TGHark 101:11; ]73p accept me San 107b(26); X3'py '31 ,T3aO pir mm m?3p X7l PN ordained him, but they did not accept him because he was a young man San 14a(21; I§GF 14:18); pass.part. acceptable: 'Xn 73pa xV n'ri'3 'wrxx ''sx thh ]xa one who is haughty is unacceptable even to his wife Sot 47b(44) // BB 98a(18); 'K/J'X 'X?J? '73pa xp X? 'XJI'a my wife is unacceptable to me Tan 23b(49); 2) other: tmwnx 'B'3 ni73p 11,1 (the Jews) accepted it [i.e. the Torah] again in PN's time Sab 88a(22); AnanSch 26:22; Xinw '73pa they accept a bribe Yev 63b(32); iTJ'13 p'^apa X7l nplX we do not accept charity from him Anan 14:17; Git 57b(45); pn»l» "?'3pi accept the oaths imposed upon you Bo 20:9; X7l (Hl'SU '3'X XBD O^Spa there are bodies which do not accept [i.e. react to] the drug Nid 30b(22); xn "?'3p X7l he has not accepted the judgment Dec 4:6; Anan 16:14; 3. to agree to s.t.: a. alone: '130 XJX ri73p '7l3p p'TOXIB I thought that since he remained silent he had indeed agreed to it BB 62b(34); xm'riB em 117 ia 7'ap'J do you agree to be the head of the academic session? Ber 27b(49; SM 119:17); b. in phrase 7'3p1 130 he was aware (of the situation) and agreed to (it from the start): Jl'7'apl mao 'TDpl xn"n (in the case of) 'a bag of tied up objects' [i.e. a sale at the risk of the buyer] you were aware and agreed (to it) Ket 93a(3) // BQ 9a(3) // BM 14b(2); Ket 94a(24); 5M65a(27); BB 106b(5); 7'3pi 130 she was aware (of his physical defects) and agreed (to marry him) Ket 77a(8); xV'api X130 Qid 8a(48);
2# "?3|? 980 i#J?ap V'Spl TI30 they understood and accepted BM 76a(30); 4. w. by to take upon o.s., agree upon: Tvby b^pi xin n'wsn xniTtw n'by "rapn xs'n 'aa xaVyn xrvn'w ns^'t ix n'Vy "rsp xV 'abyn n'^y "j'lp (in a case) where he took upon himself safekeeping, he took upon himself that of himself [i.e. against damage from his own animals], (but) He did not take upon himself that of everyone else. Or did he perhaps also takes upon himself safekeeping of everyone else? BQ 47b(36); Xp X1?'!! Xnpr n^y ^apa he takes upon himself (the risk of) appreciation and depreciation BM 64b(2); SSHai 2a(19); H'ty *7'3p ,Ttt;S3 mys"? he took upon himself to cause himself pain RH 12b(32); Tan 9b(6); San 107a(50); prK'^pa pD'^y you agree upon yourselves HP 64:10; xVl pam Xfiaw r^by Vnpa he (is not willing) to take upon himself a ban of the scholars BM 70a(35); Dec 9:11; 5. to lease a field as a tenant for a fixed fee or a fixed percentage of the crop [denom. < I xrvu^ap]: xyix b-'ipi x-m xinn maTO a certain man who leased a field from another 5M 104b(23); ib. 106b(30); 109a(23); xn'jina nVapi vrx "?txi 'yans ^spa 'sty -h-ai everyone leases for a quarter (of the crop), and he went and leased it for a third ib. 103b(26); x'nuna Maa xpoea xynx "rap 'x'ry-i ia Vrm PN leased a field from the residents of the rural district in lieu of the payment of the land tax Git 58b(22); 6. to grasp: '3 XDXD V"yi XSXD p'BX XTO V'ap'^T 'D'n he made one row protrude and one row recede so that (the wall) would grasp the plaster BB 4a(26) // Suk 51b(25); 7. w. >BK to greet s.o.: n'DX ^sp'X V'T'X I shall go to greet him Nid 33b(13); Hag 5b(40); Suk 45b(31) // San 97b(41) Af. 1. to lease a field to a tenant for a fixed fee [v. Pa., mng. 5]: xblpnb SSHai 6b(15); 2. w. 'BX to greet s.o. [v. Pa., mng. 7]: ,TBX 'Vnpx1? to greet him Sab 108a(31) [of rising water in a canal] Lit: Eps, Gr 57; Kara 88. 2# blp vb. to complain (4- XTrrap; Sy .Un pe. LS 640, Ma Vap pe. MD 404) Pe.: Vvi 31 "?IX XTT 'm n^ap PN went (and) complained about him to PN2 Qid 59a(23); VaCip '"733H ppiy Xiaip San 31b(40); 'anT3 p'"?np px we complain in the prayers OHT Yev 71:11 3#Vap vb. to become dark (cf. JPA Vap darkness DJPA 472) Af.: "7apm iy rfb 'paitfl they leave it alone until (the mixture) becomes dark AZ 38b(34) Lit: Low, Flora 2:511 [contra Rashi]. N^ap 4- xVa'p n. '"raj?, f. ND'Vap adj. former (4- l#blp prep.) sg.f. xn'bap mil the former blessing Anan 20:10 Lit: Eps, Stl 72. n.m. one who receives a tradition, transmitter (4- Vl#Vap; MH ]9ap Yeivin, BV 1045, Gross, Patterns 87; cf. Sy ^i^ns, LS 642, Ma xJxVaxpa MD 277) pi. xnyait? "?d '^ap Xn"?n 'as XinxriDT any legal tradition which is stated by three (consecutive) transmitters Naz 56b(42; Ar [AC 7:57]) NJTIjVap n.f. contract work (4- Vl# Vnp pa., mng. 5; 4- XnVap; MH nublp Yeivin, BV 1060, Gross, Patterns 88, Sy .^Ai? i<-aA^ LS 642) sg. BM 104a(3) [* I Xm:i3n tenancy]; ib. 4; 5; SS.W202b:17 Y: KrM^j? BM ib.(BAYTN 286). n.f. contract payment for work (i jubzp, xnuVap; Ma xrr?X3Xp share, portion MD 398) sg. msrr? xnVap nb b^p he took contract payment for it for another Anan 11:1 Oap vb. perh. to vomit (4- XDa'p) Pa. to cause s.o. to vomit: ]fiDap you have made me vomit Qid 26b(5); San 55a(26) Geon. expi.: xbi nana 'jnyu 'jxyw 'ta jnoaj? niTiwra x"b I'^ixn ^3 roan -mix xini «piea -m wan nx nxnnw mKD »na X'pnb 'jnjaTO TV 'yna Ar [AC 7:59] = OHP Qid 210:12, i.e. Arab ^j'j'if. [t^ii II]. l#yap vb. to fix, establish (4- xy3p, yap, xmyap, xnyap, xyn'p, xya'p; Sy i# -^ -p - LS 643, MH yap LNVTH 316) Pe. (a/a) 1. to affix: XJinia ,!7 yap affix a mezuza for me Men 33a(10); 2. to fix, set: a. of time: xyap xV yap'ft it does not definitely fix (a regular menstrual period) Nid 39a(46); 'yspi X1H XJH 'a "TIB'Sn DT1 ''V it is the court which sets (the date) of the Day of Atonement Hul 101b(13); Sab 10a(2) 2#srap 981 mp [4- XttH]; Git 38b(16) [i xmiyo mng. b.4]; pass.part. yap x"?T ]3"lp a sacrifice which is not fixed [i.e. is not brought on a regular basis] Anan 51:27; ib. 18:6; 77:15; X»"pi Xy'3pT XTOU/ the Sabbath which remains fixed [i.e. is independent of human intervention] Pes 117b(32; M1); Ket 15a(l 1); BB 19a(49); AZ 1 lb(40); b. of position: xnsnx nbsns n^sns tibe; 'n ]3ai <i)p}yapT ]T3 X"m since (the scholars) fixed r\PBT\ T\2p 'n in the tefilla it is like one long teftlla Ber 4b(30; P); yip yp13 (the sun and the moon) are fixed in the r.-sky Ned 39b(28); 3. to set up, establish: XTinOB y3p X"71 X3'n in a place where he did not set up scales Hul 132b(21); m n'3 p'y3p we establish a court Anan 116:4; iSGF 80:15; y3pi xnxi^J •'V-b aba pm xVt xnx^ym ■'bxn rvb Xjmruai he established for himself festivals and fast days which were (previously) only for the exilarchs and in GN iSGF 90:18; ib. 99:11; pass.part. rrnwnp Wlpl riDJ3n TT3 a synagogue whose sanctity is permanent Meg 27b(34); XJX -in^'aiyn xyap x"7 nxi 'K<n)»a»n xyap my usage (of the courtyard) is fixed [i.e. at a set time]. Your usage is not fixed BB 2b(36); TO Vipi ]'n established courts Git 4b(30); Sab 22b(15); Suk 10b(29); /ev 16b(26); 4. to insert: "xan myap ab iwv am "xan myap n'yn the oral transmitters inserted (the emendation) of PN (into the Mishna). The oral transmitters did not insert that of PN2 (into the Mishna) Zev 114b(18) [v. Eps, MNM 346]; XlSJa '1M r\b wyap do you insert this in the gemaral Er 32b(31); ISGF24J; ib. 63:6; 71:12; 5. to designate: nyap3 p'DBJ H2/B3 xyap na© ... xmvb let us take a break (from the meal and) designate it [i.e. the meal] for the Sabbath. The Sabbath itself designates (it) Pes 105a(7; C); 6. to give a particular food the designation of a regular meal [< MH2 y3p J nil]: 'xia mV'y ysp mVy wrx ysp xb a person cannot give it [i.e. wine] the designation of a regular meal. (If) he did so what (is the rule)? Ber 35b(48); Pes 107a(36) Af. l. to fix, set: wb yspai xatya wrx tix iVbx X3'T '3V XJfcT even if any person comes and subpoenas him [lit. sets a time for him] to court BB 58b(l) [i XM1! mng. 4c]; Dec 2:6; 2. to establish: mina 'yiapxV to establish an obligation (for a zimmun) Ber 45b(l) Itpe. 1. to do s.t. on a permanent basis: 'JDI XV 'yisp'X1? "?3X '-mnx1? 'Va this refers to peddling on a circuit, but doing (business) on a permanent basis is not (allowed) BB 22a(7; Es); Dm -ira1? xnxibs 'wxm xan lyap'xi most of the exilarchs lived there on a permanent basis ISGF 91:15; 2. to be a fixed part of s.t.: K?1 rfr» nnaa nri3 yap'X salt which was not a fixed part together with the m/'n/ja-offering Men lla(4); 3. to be established: XTIO'X yap'X TtOTX\ 'DB? XTIO'X y3p'X X"7 nnx n3Tin (if there were) two pieces, the presence of) a prohibition was established. (If there was only) one, the prohibition was not established Kar 18a (12); Naz 23a(39); pxo-fl'B^ jysp'x xb xnxna 'an vtrai n'ywin 't\ n"n 'm xnxns jyap'xia xaby ^is all of these barraitot were not (textually) established in a way that everyone could recite them, as the barraitot of PN and PN2 were (textually) established [i.e. arranged in the Tosefta] iSGF 41:14; ib. 42:7; 4. to be declared, designated: a. alone: xnT y3p'X Xri3tt/3 ina the new moon was declared on Sunday Sab 86b(39); Pes 61b(36); b. w. "b: nOD1? ,T^> yap'XT ]V3 since he designated (the animal) for the Paschal sacrifice ib. 98a(15) The exact mng. of iTTia yap ^lTJl nn'yilSIDj? VlTJ3 KJX I... for PN, and PN ... by himself Bek 36b(4) [v. Bacher 185] is uncertain. 2# J?3p vb. to rob (etym. unkn.) Pe.: X'iVs ]yap so-and-so robbed me RH 26b(l) [expi. by I V?U pe. and w. ref. to yap'H Mai 3:8]; 'XDXI T,y3p naa "]yap with what did he rob you, and why did he rob you? ib. 5 N}T3p, KJ/Xap n.m. setting, declaration (4- Vltyap, Xyia'p; Sy rdiAo LS 643) sg.cs. XM'T yap subpoena Dec 1:2 [lit. setting of time]; det. nnn rvyipb he returns (in thought) to his (previous) set place (of eating) Pes 101b(16); X1B3a ttb Xy3pa it does not atone in a fixed way Zev 6a(15) [i X'B'p mng. 1]; XriTT Xy3p the declaration of (the appearance of) the (new) moon RH 21a(26); Yom 8b(16); Suk 43a(8); Pes
xnyap 982 Kntfnp 54b(47); XrlTI XyX3p Bes 4b(29; OHT RH 40:20); OHT RH 42:14 For the text of the subpoena, v. OH San 70:12+. xnyap I xnyap n. nap vb. to bury, cache (4- IXTOp, l#X13p, 2# X13p; Sy iS n LS 644, Ma 13p to bury, cover MD 404) Pe. (a/u) 1. to bury, inter: a. people: 1'B'X I'lSp'Jl may his mother bury him [i.e. may he die prematurely] Tan 31a(13) // BB 121b(13); Naz 57b(14) // BQ 80a(41); '33B/ '13pi they used to bury the dead (in Hebron) Ket 112a(21); ib. 53a(43); 80b(42); Dec 4:12; XaVy3 X313B n^D1? 1"3p rmjnB (burial) is merely a custom from (the fact) that God buried Moses San 46b(38); X111 X13111? miapn X1? do not bury me ib. 42; 39a(47); 26b(46) [i 1X113p]; 82a(27) [4- Vl33 pe.]; »'3'X 13 13p 'XI 13 13p1 '3'1 '3 N3'inx just as this one can bury (in it) so can another person bury in it Bek 25b (46); Sot 34b(39); pass.part. 1'3'B 3D Y3pi YBri (one for whom a grave) is dug and is buried is better off than he Sab 152a(26); b. objects: lIS'Vp V'T '13p '3 113'13pl go, burn it [i.e. the wheat], and bury it in a cemetery AZ 62b(13); "pOV'jn XB'1?} 1'113 ITTOpi nin '^31 the garment that you are wearing [lit. which is upon you] belonged to my husband which I interred with him Ber 56b(22); xrw tit ipy nn lrunap'n I'sxaV wnVim let him remove his clothes and bury them for a full year Yom 84a(13); 5A/42a(30); X"?T 1X1X3 TI3pl X'OID Til bury (the sherd) in a place where a horse does not tread HM 42:10; ib. 44:2; 13pm XyiX3 X13'p one who buries it [i.e. the vine; lit. buries a burial] in the ground] TGDr46 163:13 [expl. T13ai Sab 73b(6)] = NyiX3 '13p 1'3pB1 XB131? ib. 221:17; 2. to cache, hide: WltT XT1X1 Xip'ya Xlp W-nr T3 13pi a Jew had come and had previously cached a gourd in it [i.e. the oven] AZ 38a(29); 'TJ H'B333 wvri? 1'13p (the calf) hid its head in the flap of PN's garment BM 85a(15; SM 66:29) Itpe. (a) to be buried: 'p'1X 113p'X1B (burial is not for expiation) since the righteous were buried San 46b(44); im 'lim '3'1 '3 113p'V 'B3 131 11B3 those also should be buried so that they should have atonement ib. 47; 47b(10); 113p bpW 13p'X xVl 3'33 he took (and) buried it [i.e. the skull]. It broke forth and could not be buried ib. 104a(38) l#t03P n.m. grave (4- Vl3p, X13p '3; Sy rc't^Li, LS 644, Ma X13Xp MD 398, TA X13p TJ Jer 5:16) a. genral: sg. insp1? l»3ri "fri ]1313X1 go (and) beat on your father's grave BB 58a(28); 3TT 1'13p PN's grave San 47b(18); ib. 48a(6) [in mnemonic note]; 95a(52); XICJip p'Vo "inXT 1'13'pB smoke went up from PN's grave Hag 15b(17; G) [Var: I'lSlpB VTM 95a]; X71311 1'13p1 the place of his grave TGAs28 31b:l; X13pi XIO'X the charm of the grave Bo 69:2; pl.cs. XmriO nap graves of fear ib. 78:13; 72:4; det. nap "?y pnr "i nrfran xnv xp in PN's tekhelet fringe was untied on the graves Ber 18a(41); n3p 1"3p ft nfiB 13 when God will open the graves for us Sab 152b(44); b. fig. reg. a vine: TGDr46 163:12 [4- Vl3p pe., mng. lb] Y: XT3J7 BB ib.(BAYTN 126). 2#tn3p n.m. gravedigger (4- Vl3p pe. part., nXT,3p) pi. X'13p 113p ... '13 did the gravediggers bury for nought? Tan 5b(39) Y: N,'n3j? Tan ib.(BAYTN 233). K31313p n.m. a species of fish (4- X313) sg. AZ 39a(25; JAr [AC 7:62]) Lit: Fauna 10; Y: MM n?j7 AZ ib. 1# Kfiap n.f. stomach of a ruminant (TA X?l3'p TO Dt 18:3) sg. XTOp ]B p'B31 X3113 the intestine which goes out of the stomach HP 196:16; XJUp ib. 199:1(HPP 301:19) 2# amp*, pi. 'top 4- xnsip n. TTp vb. to penetrate (Sy s-p, xtl-o to tear, cut off LS 645, JPA Tip DJPA 474) Pe.: pn '3XK? Tlpl saliva is different since it penetrates Zev 79b(ll; V11) [text: Tipi]; (1>{1)'ip 1'BWI 33X since (the meat) is fatty it penetrates Afe« 83a(22; V'»)//Zev98a(16) Lit: DS, ad loc, notes. Kflt^np n.f. sanctity, sacred status, shortened public tefilla{< MH idiip Yeivin, BV 951, J 1314; 4- VlZhp; TA Jltfhip TO Lev 21:9) 1. sanctity, sacred status: sg. a. alone: 713113 mp 983 B'lP 11PB33 Iriwnp31 the daughter of a priest who has her own intrinsic sanctity Yev 68b (20); b. w. var. vbs.: l) Win pe., af: *]iyi nxom v.rtonp "jin'ri JliyB 'iV'y let the sanctity of the sin offering of the fowl take affect upon the money Kar 28a(41); Pes 98b(8); "71113 ITffimp1? I'1? VriBl he transfers its sanctity to the larger (animal) Men 108b(28); 2) Vi#l7,?n af, ittaf.: i'^bx mi rrirampV i'"?nx redeem it from its sacred status and then eat it Ber 35a(13); ll'rwnp xV'nri'X X"?1 their [i.e. the bricks'] sanctity was not degraded Meg 26b(17); Bek 27a(9); 3) VypD pe., af: rrwnp 1'"? XJ7pD its sanctity ceased Ket 106b(12); Er 36a(39); Yev 56a(47); Men 102a(33); Hul 139a(20); Jl'SM iTTIWllpa n,l7 Jiypsa you can terminate it from its sacred status Tern 24b(16); Bek 3b(44); 4) Vj?3p pe., pass.part.: rrnWTip Xy3pi 110331 T1'3 a synagogue whose sanctity is permanent Meg 27b(34); 5) Vmp pe.: 1X*7 p "Xp ITWnps p "Xp 1TIB?np3 whether or not he retains his sanctity Yev 57a(25); ib. 76a(37); 111 VP'XWnpa 'Hn? (the fields) continued to retain their sanctity Git 47b(13); Meg 26b(15); Tern 24a(29); Zev 2a(19); 2. the shortened public tefilla recited on Friday night after the silent tefilla: xntPUp ni3i3 yaw ]'ya nnx rana xnw srag 64:2; ib. 66:1 Lit: Wieder, FJL 1:323+ [mng. 2]; Voc: NTWrip Bek 47a(55; HPP 59:20); Y: XJlBnj? BAYTN 294. THp vb. to bore through, sprout, blaze up, be inflamed (4- xni'p; Sy .juH-d LS 645, Ma 1# Xip MD 404, l#11p ib. 405; Pe., mng. 2: Sy LS ib., mng. I.e. Ma 2#Xip MD 405) Pe. (a/a) 1. to break through: lpiSl pjlBltt lV'Spi p'tJ'3 Vip© Trun in 11131131 nn'a p iV'T'xi lpii'yi impi take your gets, accept your oaths, go out, break through, flee, and go from the house of PN Bo 13:8; ib. 20:9; 58:12; 62:7; 122:9; 2. to bore through: mprft x'orm xnxa '33b inV xi© 'px 31 T'3113 113 PN permitted the people of GN to bore through (the sand bar[?] of) the GN2 canal (on the intermediate days of the holiday) MQ 4b(34); pass.part. vf? nnp mpvs lilVlS all of them [i.e. the shofars] are completely bored through RH 27b(32) [Var: llV nip GRH 20:15); 3. to sprout: X31 D1SX mpi XOn 13'tn we saw lettuce sprouting on the opening of the vat Ber 56a(33); 'B^'fl 13 impi Xim he saw that ferns had sprouted in it BM 23b(48); Hul 110a(32); impi Jl'ai TPybl ^riTl I'1? the cress sprouted in his stomach and he died Sab 113b(23); 'rrai D'p31 'mpi Dm '1©1 'j'rxa '311'a he takes and brings seeds from the trees, sows there [i.e. on the mountains], and they sprout Git 68b(28); BM 63b(14); ib. 109a(24); 31; BB 28b(22); ib. 73b(21); impi iy l'bn'3 nan give it [i.e. the donkey] to him until (its cut-off ear) sprouts San 109b(17; K) [cf Ma: X'13'1? SVxipl XDlDXtt? ]Xa what legless man ever sprouted legs? Jb 72:8]; 4. to blaze up: X113 13 mp iyi31 131X n'Timn'M she placed it [i.e. the oven rake] on top of her leg, (and) the fire blazed up on her Hag 5a(l; V20); 5. to be inflamed: X713E/3 X3'y iV xmpl her eye was inflamed on the Sabbath AZ 28b(36); 6. to shout [Sy, LS ib., mng. le, Ma 2#X1p, 2#11p MD 405]: V?X'l '3T1 mp 31D again it shouts a second time and wails Bo 131:2; ib. 142:8 [4- V«]3S mng. 2] Af. to cause to sprout: mpai Dl»» 'X if (the prohibition is) because he will cause (flax) to sprout Zev 94b(12) Lit: Eps, Stl 340+ [Pe., mng. 3]. The exact mng. of XrlXiax Kn'lpl OWO K^ NTO^ thyme for hemorrhage following childbirth - not (in the potion) because ... AZ 29a(16) is uncertain. Hp 1 Voip vb. NHP n.m. owl (< Akk qadu A CAD Q 51; TA Xnp TO Lev 11:17) sg. Nid 23a(35); ib. 44; Ber 57b(23; MAr [AC 7:66]) [v. DS, ad loc, n. n] Lit: Talshir, Fauna 64; Y: xnj? Nid ib.(BAYTN 103). D'"Tp adj. previous, early (4- Vmp pe., pass.part.; Sy rdikja-D LS 647) sg.m. O'lpl in ]113 ri'Vl TV Pl*l1]3 l^'DX there is not one of them who preceded (the other), even by the blinking of an eye TGAs42 67:4; f XD'ip Xin ib. 9; 3"yXl xa'ip 1'DDIBI rib'Sm even though the musaf- prayer is earlier (than the mm/ia-prayer) Zev 91a(27); pl.m. X31B '»'ip 111 they were much earlier Sab 15a(45); X31? ]'B'ipi ]XB the ones who preceded us TGHark 166:33
Kjnnp 984 Dip xrrnp n.f. pot (I xnrp) sg. 'an Nrrnp PN's pot (of food) Sab 152a(38) P'lP adj., n. holy (I Vunp; TA tf'nj? TJ Is 1:4, Sy Kliji-ii LS 649, Ma Xtmxp MD 399) I. adj.: sg.m. Xttmp xnVx the holy God So 18:5; f. XW'lpT nVn /ia//a which is holy Bes 27b(32); XTlW'np Xna'nn the holy academy TGHark 188:32; pl.m.abs. Vtt/'np pX^B holy angels Bo 4:1; /& 9:13; 49:6; det. inra 'WHpn ma X3SH' I know that they are holy San 109b (54); 'tf'ip pan the holy scholars Pes 113b(8; V14); II. n. holy one: a. general: sg.m. 'npfl' an K/'lp he will be called a holy (and) great person Sab 156a(34; MGG 65:23); pl.m. X"«np "?D nx» the Master of all the holy ones HM 45:17; i& 46:32; b. esp. sg.m. the Holy One [= God]: iTJU'DW 'tf'lj? 'IPX "]Vy the Holy One made His Divine Presence rest upon you Sab 67a (21) Y: »'lj? Git 38b(22; BAYTN 237). n.m. neck, upper portion of a letter (I 2#xVni3; TA n'V'np TO Lev 5:8, Sy KlSn-D neck, nape of neck LS 646) 1. neck: sg. X1? nVnpa IXV'X nb p'DTO we slaughter it only from its neck AnanSch 24:6; ib. 19; 31; 2. upper portion of a letter: sg. -pXT WT'Tlxa T'» 'jinn jvrVnp nnai prrVnp p ri'm'pn'irn pn'Vnp ITT rrona Xinm (there are) forty-four (instances) in the Pentateuch (of lamed) whose upper portion is long and their protrusion descends from their upper portion, and together with their upper portion it is lowered down like the top of yod STage 89 The phrase 'irm ^lp Meg 13a(37; Ar [AC 7:228]) is explained alternatively pvTJOT Xn 1'JIBP B'l] as mm Vw «piy KOrt ^W WXT naib'S AC ib., but this should be rejected since Kirn in this sense is not attested in A. 2#Hbip ^2#xVrVDn. Dip, 'lp vb. to do something first, overtake (i aipb, Dnpa, D'np adj., Dip prep., nxanp, xmanp, xnanp, mvp, xap, 'ap; Sy >:Ld ls 646, Ma Dip MD 405) Pe. (e/u) 1. to do s.t. first, precede, come first: a. alone: D'lp TWyo 71 which act came first? Ber 10a(17); K>m 23a(45); RH 3b(5); 55 14b(30); Hul 8a(20); Xin onp'a 'anpn they indeed take precedence Ket 90b(6); 'Tim own poia1? 'Bipi xin I'van xaVi perhaps the daily offerings should precede the musaf offerings because they are more frequent Zev 89a(7); BB 30b(20); nana llViy anp'n let the burnt offering of the cattle come first Zev 90b(20); pan "Jimp naa the scholars have already preceded you Sab 19a(37); BB 167a(12); n'DnyV IT'Ony O'ipi lim ]V3 when they saw that their bier preceded his bier [i.e. they died before him] Ket I03a(50); prrto p nanp xnaen xnps the commandment of the Sabbath preceded all of them Anan 74:8; xjnnDa mn inymxi inaip ib'N ■pa1? if you had approached me earlier and informed me I could have purified your sons (from their mawzer-status) Qid 69a(ll; HG2 131:82); b. w. fol. vb. [cf. Sy, Nold 274; Ma, MD 399, s.v. Q'lXp; Nold, MG 4423]: 1) pf: '371 '3 '■? 'im nxptya btntr 'nxi "np 'xnxi x:x 'anpn just as I came back first, the Jew could have come back first on the top floor and have seen me AZ 70a(13) [cf. Ma: X'Tl? Dlipy MD 405]; Zev 86b(14); Am 9a(l); ,TPBJ M D'lp he died firsts 103b(31; SM 151:32); Sab 121b(2); Pes 72a(48); Ket 110a(27); BQ 46b(33); BM 110a(6); Mei 17b(18); HP 57:27; ]>nv D'np XJX T,TT n,apa XTU pJTlW 'a'lp •] I heated the fire (in my house) before you Ara 31b(27); Geon 154:24; 2) imp.: X9in JHPJ Dnp'J let him sow early the early blooming crop RH 16a(14); X1? a'jm pan'a xams mip'j a s.m. should not sit down first (in court) Svu 30b(33; HP 122:21); Bek 58a(17); 3) imper.: Dlip ,1J'K> J1713 71X1 XTv?'» nnaxi say first something of which you are ashamed BQ 92b(20; MGG 404:1); 4) part.: |T3 'T13B1 'anp wm since he is important they announce (him) beforehand Ber 18b(52); Pes 7a(15); DOJSn n'ab V"y Xin D'np he enters into the synagogue first Yom 13b(18); BM 19b(28); IX xwawa xanp ix... vvsvn D'np xin if he/she first has sexual relations Pes llla(32); am infi'ai T'lrni '37i '3 nnxV3 'ap xowpai xaip xio'n HJ'» pmil nma PN's wife used to adorn herself first before her daughters-in-law so that her daughters-in-law would see and learn from her MQ 9b(31; Sidra 9 148:20); pra yVa T31 xnawa pnpi p'aip xaa/a when (the first day of DIP 985 m the month of Adar) falls on Tuesday, we move up the reading (of Seqalim) on the Sabbath (of the twenty-ninth of Adar) HP 185:23; 2. to overtake: "axn man1? fm xnan n'anp PN's donkey overtook PN2's donkey Ber 47a(2); Sab 51b(44); n'"? nanpl XTJ VWB p'nXSI the rider shot an arrow and (the fish) overtook it BB 73b(26; MGG 52:4); 11'V "pV n'anpn 'X if your dove overtakes my dove San 25a(31); 'aj?D 'XD1 nan8? inn'an(.n) x::y n'nanp why did your wife's (rain) cloud overtake yours? Tan 23b(32) Pa., form w/o final mem: 'lp'3 Suk 52a(53; E1);- 1. to arise early [v. Af., mng. 5]: an D'lp nnaV Xnso PN arose early the next day BQ 116a(29); Xrimxa V'1'3 ^1 nna1? tomorrow let us arise early (and) go on (our) journey Suk 52a(53; E1); "psj ]'pn D'npi -pps: fpn n,'wn prepare yourself at night and prepare yourself early in the morning (to do your bodily functions) 7am 27b(36); n'Dm1? D'np 'amp he rose up very early for his study BM 83b(28); Er 52a(31); 2. to place before, first: n'ais n'anpn xi'is xay n'^mx"? an impetuous nation which placed its mouth before its ears Ket 112a(45) [w. ref. to y&lMl ni»J7? Ex 24:7] // Sab 88a(54; M); Wip^b Xiyna ai'xV let him place (the Book of) Job first BB 14b(40); ib. 33; Qid 25a(26); 3. to take an advance: na nana n'aVy1? n'anpi "rixn xin ]xa max who is the one who goes and takes an advance of his world (to come) as PN (has done)?5M 114b(12) Af. 1. to do s.t. first, in an anticipatory way: na f? ri'1? D'npX 'X1 if he did (this act) first, it is of no value San 49b(29); XJX^'1? naiy "Xn Xin 'ampXT this (word) naiy is a term (connoting) doing something first Pes 7b(25) // Suk 39a(14) // Meg 21b(12); n'V ana D'npXI (Scripture) wrote it first Anan 24:20; AnanSch 27:15; 2. to give first, in advance: a. alone: '3 XriS'n n'V D'npX X":y TIX when a poor man comes, give him bread first [i.e. before he asks] Sab 151b(42); nm ''V DHpxn he gave him the denar first (before receiving the merchandise) AZ 71b(31); b. w. another vb.: 'mm 'Til 37H tripK '31^ mn he gave the money (for the land tax) in advance for two or three years Git 58b(23); ib. 62a(40); 3. to place first, move forward: 'Xa XW'na n'V D'npa Xp 'Byo why does he place him first? Tan 17a(ll); nanpX Trh X3'ann 'TX since (the Tannd) preferred it, he placed it first (in the Mishna) RH 12a(17); Yev 30a(21); San 49b(35); Ara 2ia(28); p'anpa xV xnuyms 'ampxi we surely do not move forward retribution [i.e. move up the fast to the eighth when the Ninth of Av falls on the Sabbath] Meg 5a(32) [i KrVUjniD usage a]; Git 75b(8); Men 38b(14); Yom 40a(19); Anan 27:7; ib. 13:22; iSGF 34:2; 'anpa Xp 'Xnna 'W 'ampX the latter (witnesses) actually place the event earlier BQ 74a(13); 4. to make or do s.t. early: 'XI TTTIX 'ainpx1? in('>V'jn 'X ID'npx 'mnxV inOV'jn if you generally make (the meal) early, make it late. If you generally make it late, make it early Sab 119a(45; MGE 414:13); ib. 23b(35); Ber 8b(9); ib. 52a(24); Yom 20b(2); Meg 4b(3); xrw'33 'aV i3'u;nxi ia'npx go to the synagogue early in the morning and leave late at night Ber 8a(19); ib. 18; ib. 2b(26; P) // Meg 20b(12); [i Vmn af.]; 5. to arise early [v. Pa., mng. 1]: W&W1T X3T V3n XnTl'X X'Hn Xnaj1? n'T X'Wai Xa'npa a certain woman who on every day of (permitted) sexual relations used to arise early and wash her husband's hands Ned 91a(28; V2); Ber llb(26); BM 83a(42) On np [< Dip], v. Kara 89. Dip prep, before, to (archaic and dialectal; spatial only; I Vanp, '»p; TA Dip TO Gen 29:26, Sy y>k-n LS 647, Ma DXTlj? MD 406) 1. before: a. in BT: n'3n Qnp n"?'a a'man "73 anyone who gives an answer (to a legal question) in the presence of his teacher Er 63a(53); Xaanp mm 'BJDD pam in a record of the matters which was before us BB 136a(27) [quoted from a writ; Var: X3BJX3 P'Es]; diVb •'mip i"?'x 'raia mr'iy xVi I have not retained for myself [lit. before me] anything in this sale BB 61b(12); b. in Geon. lit.: pam XMJX Km '33 XJBnp 'an' linn we and the scholars who were sitting before us in the court Dec 9:8; ib. 10:1; 3:3; 7:2; SSHai 17a(15); XJanp m y^DXI X3'aH ri'Vin he lifted up his right leg to her before us SSSad 230:17; ib. 204:12; xm» Xp pa'anp I acknowledge before you SSHai 4a(6);
Dl[?7 t't:t 986 t t ;'- ib. 8a(4); 15b(5); 16a(3); c. in magic texts: vrtvy wm mp 1JTX1 ]in'3X7» their ten angels which came before SameS Bo 78:21; Dip 7yD7 71*y3 DX "*3"13"I IK X37B if you want to go in before the king or the nobles HM 44:2; ib. 45:6; "|pl*l pn prrBlp spit your spittle before them ib. 42:20; 2. to: a. in BT: ,TBT by X*,aip 73(C)(p *ba3n ppij* Minx PN, the Babylonian, complained to us about PN2, his brother San 31b(40); Dip max "3*1 I said to PN Sab 156a(17) [quotation from a private notebook]; b. in Geonic lit.: X'TpBl fim XH"5*1 XJBip T'lp'Xl we instructed, (the questions) were read to us, and we investigated them TGHark 76:16; ib. 96:8; 149:7; 3. in place of "7 in the "7 7'tJp-syntagm: XJ17W ]'3J?71 *13'B1p X37"XEn concerning the question which you asked us Sab 30b(12); Seel 108:70; ib. 140:55; 163:71; 184:55 [and/wmim in this work] Rashi [Sab ib.]: '»ij? ]irf7'xen ib'b1- n-1- mm "inx m:y iii [mng. 3]; Y: Nlffjj? San 31b(40). - 01\?b prep, to (archaic and dialectal; 4- *naip17, *ap7; Sy y,LncA, -pxjA LS 647, Ma QXTip7 MD 406) 73331V irai Qnpb to our master who is in GN Hul 95b(25; V11) [in the salutation of a letter written by a Palestinian scholar]; ib. 27; ?y jan xa?B?7 |in'7'a iipos'7i irn*t- -tob-xi xnai x-ia-jiai X337 xsaipb xrra? p-iyo*-*1? X7i pa'T p3'v ma-Jim x-aip1? xmrji wtsi make an effort as much as possible that their affairs should be settled amicably there through you, and that they should not be troubled to come to us to the Geonic court, and send a specific reply to us with your signature Dec 1:8; ib. 10:3; 1'73' 11*1 X7 *in*7*,**i3 -irraip^ 7?'a7a *yi*B*x'7 xjixi©*i the heads of they yeshiva could not refuse to go to them [i.e. the exilarchs] on their riglas iSGF 93:5; '37 xMip? naa' ]7s n> *ia*ipn "3i7S "|r,",x '*"1 that NN has brought NN2, her levir, to us to the court Yev 39b(32); 171X '7S 13 "?B1 '73 13 '7ST xri nn? x:mp? *i*mn NN and nn2, the two of them, came to us to the court SSHai 9b(5); ib. 12a(17); 15a(15); 16b(20); sSSad 229b:4; nan m rcib xMip1* *xps* ... *-V*x xjixVw x*i3**ia vtn "xn 'mi 'na mpV xm**iB*r xaxsV these questions have been brought to us to the great court, the Geonic court, to our master and teacher, Hai, head of the yeshiva TGHark 149:5; ib. 24:16; 167:20; 276:14; TGAs28 3:7; ib. 27b:21; 76:5; TGAs42 93b:4; Dec 2:1; ib. 4:3; 5:2 — D*T|? ]1i, OlplZ prep, in front of, before, conj. before, adv. previously (4 *BpB; Sy -joa-o -in LS 647) I. prep, in front of, in the presence of, before: a. w/o suf: Dip ]B XTin XJ'XU "1337 **1B XrD*£"3 Xtt?'X3 is it permitted to extinguish a burning lamp in the presence of a sick person on the Sabbath? Sab 30a(10); b. w. suf: jB Jipiyi *in*B*jp (the fire) fled from before them ib. 67a(23); Bo 3:10; X71 "aiBip ]B Dp'aV "*l*y31 '3p3C? I wanted to stand up in front of him, but he did not let me Hul 54b (18); KB' 5" TVIBTp "B*T the one before whom the sea trembled Bo 7:12; i& 8:12; mp ]a tj*n*n na» imp p cm xim n*l7t5p he will run from before you like a man who runs from before his (would-be) killer HM 44:25; xtt3 pm n*a*ip ]'ai *nia-ip pa yVarrai it is swallowed up before him and before this household Bo 3:9; ib. 68:4; 76:2; X71X7W 1'7'N X"8*lp ]B 17'XIST these are the questions which they asked us TGAs42 93b: 1; TGHark 27:10; II. conj. before: *piS ja Xlin'm mp |B -|T pPB 13 when you wash your hands before you get out of bed HM 37:14; HI. adv. previously (Sy ^a kL^mo-d in front LS 647) iSGF 72:9 nxa-ji?, f. Nn'»"]j?, pi. 'KOIj? adj. first, previous, n. first one (dialectal form; 4 xap; TA I'Xmp pi. TJ Jer 16:18, Sy kLJLSs-uo LS 646, Ma X'XBTXp MD 399) I. adj. 1. first: sg.m. XH1 nxaip XV737 *1X*1*13 X773 "B*J X7 the latter general statement is not, in fact, similar to the former one Kar 21a(12); ib. 16; *lXB*Ip XBT *0**,*I xnam the first day of the holiday of Nisan [i.e. Passover] HP 180:27; ib. 182:7; 184:15; Anan 39:8; HXBip mx the first man [i.e. Adam] Bo 11:3; 2. previous: sg.m. HXBTp ,-|75?3 her previous husband S$Hai 13b(3); HP 128:18; f. XJVaip xnaan the previous t. -measure Pes 109a(24); X*l"B*ip ]>rirvb lamm we return to our previous statement TGAs28 28b:9; pl.m. X'SPEH "XBIp previous evildoers Dec 7:17; II. n. first one: sg.m. 'a nxaip "?x 'xatp '3'x 'mm 'a7iw "ap 'mm '3"X granted the latter (Nazirite) has tmia-jj? the first one (who became a Nazirite before him). But, does the first one have the latter one before him? Naz 12a(24); Kar 10a(31); f. *in*,"B BTOD 'JVBIp resolve the first (case) from them Naz 14a(ll); Kar 25b(47); pl.m. /tfr^n WW 'Xa 'XBIp T^nV TlCl'S linb why do you heed them [i.e. the second pair of witnesses]? Heed these first ones ib. 24a(19); Anan 104:16 Voc: ,l88li? HPP 203:18; Y: Wlj? San llb(l; BAYTN 330). Nrnaii? n.f. dawn (4 Vmp, XTOip; Sy rc'ii'cLiiJxi. LS 648) sg. nVV 3*17 X'tffpfffi'X xm3B XTliaip3 n"J»l XmiX3 (the matter) was difficult for PN at night, and he answered it from a barraita at dawn Bek 31b(18) Y: Krfl»-Ij? Bek ib.(BAYTN 192). - ma"!"?1? prep, to (dialectal; I Dip1?; JPA niB1p7 DJPA 285) J1T1X '7S TUB7K 'Vs ID '7D xn "37 X3maip7 PN, the widow of PN2, came to us to the court Dec 9:1 The mng. of the phrase iTJlTDip^ 1*"I Bek 31a(16) is unclear. xnaii?, abs. Naif?, cs- ™1i? nf- dawn (i imp, xmaip; Ma XTlBXIXp MD 399) sg.abs. xaipi xaivn xn-a1? xina xaxss th 3T3 -h 3T37 should the students of the be rav who live in the rural district come to the be rav at dusk and at dawn? Pes 8b(15) [cf. Ma: X'JIX XJlBXIXp? 15* if he comes at dawn MD 399]; 15*t5 xp*J inrx X3"»m XBIpl 13*£*m it is they who err and compute (the time), of dawn and dusk Pes 94a(27); det. XJWnai XJlBips at dawn and at dusk5M30b(51;Es) - T\li"t\? ]ti prep, before (of time) in adv. phrase KIT TlBip ]B previously [< BA n*.*r**B"flnB HALOT 1968] SSHai 3a(12); ib. 14a(19) Xlptp I Xllplp n. T"|? vb. (uncertain) Pe: X**nS1 npx "|:n *111p ln'Vj* ... those ... of the metal upon them Pes 118b(17;E'C) np I x-ii*p n. t&lp vb. to become sacred, consecrate, betroth (4 xenpa, xntfnp, t*>'ip, xt£>np, xit>iTp; Sy X.-UD LS 649, Ma Wip MD 405) Pe. (u/u) to become holy, consecrated: WlipiT} "3*1 Xin n^'Vs &1P n**ynp *573 XBT it is at night when the day became holy that he is required to consecrate it Pes 106a(12); XBV tnil'lp *B *m piB go out (and) see whether the day has become holy ib. 105a(6; C); Svu 15b(13) [4 Dy conj.]; Wip 1£*np*l "pn Clip xb ©lip X"71 those who were holy remained so. (Those) who were not holy did not become so Bek 4b(33); ©npm "BpB before (the offering) becomes holy Sot 6b(3); blDD'*,71 ^np*1? let it become holy and (then) become unfit Men I00a(50); ntinp xncm xj^d xi1?!* *£*np*n (if he says:) "Let each half of the wheat (grain) be consecrated (for tithes)," it is consecrated Er 50a(15) // Qid 51a(5); "BD DMn3 "li'ipi X1.1 l£?ipB the priests are actually holier (than the Israelites) Ara 14a(7); pass.part. 'Wip »ip*B xn they are, in fact, fully consecrated Tern 5b(41) [but Vffip'B "•j;ip »& 10b(33)]; 'B"pl "Wip Xn they are, in fact, already consecrated ib. 10b(34); 44; Zev 22a(36); Hul 139a(20) Pa. 1. to consecrate, sanctify: inVl3^ inJ'JWIp XJ"1@"inn ,^,3*£* you have consecrated all of the paths of GN Meg 27b(38); O'JB*1? "T*npB1 VxiB*' the Jewish people which sanctifies the seasons Ber 49a(27); Bes 17a(10); Kmxh fltmtf? to sanctify the Sabbath AnanSch 26:23; n""*3'*. -ina1? nt^lp'SI let us build it [i.e. the Temple] and sanctify it the next day Svu 15b(7); "B*l*tp X"lt5*l t£*"1p Ezra actually consecrated (those places) ib. 16a(10; F2); Git 54b(47); XBinn ly TIT t£?"ip "3 Vlp mrby nSSI lX t»"ip did David sanctify (the Temple court) down to the abyss or did he sanctify (only) the upper pavement? Zev 24a(25); n*1? XEHpB ]*30 the knife consecrates it [i.e. the sacrifice] Men 16b(26); |*,iy3 XJ1BWI KIW^ TIVYIp*? we must sanctify the semifa-year Anan 11:12; 7f? TWlplit XT1311 a place which you sanctify ib. 35:25; pass.part. XBipB "B droiT is GN sanctified? Qid 54a(20; O2); 2. to wash the hands and feet before performing a sacred task [caique < MH trip pi. J 1319, mng. 3]: imp'Sl 3*1"B 3*n*ai let (the priest) indeed sit and wash his hands and feet Zev 19b(32); ib. 20b(22); 3. to recite the qidduS [caique < MH tip pi. J 1319, mng. 5b]: n'*l*33 "©np1? n*1? n»"? why should he recite the qiddus in his house? Pes 987
K313EHP 988 'np 101a(2; V1); ib. 12; 106a(19); X3'3n mm 1'JBT xrisnx «npa XJ1S1 n'V sometimes when he preferred bread he would make the qiddus on bread ib. 106b (5); X"D2/X Wipb XV1B is it permitted to recite qiddus over i.-beverage? ib. 107a(22); mty p'linpa xm Xin 'Pnp we cannot actually recite qiddus over it jTj. 25; 5er 33b(2); 4. to proclaim the new month [caique < MH tip pi. J 1319, mng. 5a]: n'KHpl 3D ry> "?'! xm'V go to GN and sanctify the new month RH 25a(27); ma*? munp'Ji xrrxn nnayj let us intercalate it today and sanctify it tomorrow ib. 20a(8); 25b(35); nay'8 x'raai .TBnp'J X1? let us not proclaim it and it will be intercalated of itself San 10b(6); 5. to betroth a woman [caique < MH Bftp pi. J 1319, mng. 6a]: BripOT ]XB HX'33 one who betroths by sexual intercourse Yev 52a(27); ib. 31b(13); Qid 12b(18); Git 33a(28); '"730B mm 'CnpaT Xinxs in a place where they (first) betroth and afterwards send gifts Qid 50b(26); ib. 12a(37); 45b(6); xnjHX EHpBi ]KQ Wlpli Xp jiam one who betroths does so in compliance with the scholars Yev 90b(14); BB 48b(7); mni rmrrpb 'jnrra xnrrx 3'on ]xa one who marries a woman must first betroth her HP 109:10; pass.part. IX X1p'J?B X3'M mm 'X X"lp'57B nttnpB mm was she originally married or (only) originally betrothed? Yev 108a(28); 6. to arrange or accept a betrothal [caique < MH VIp pi. J 1319, mng. 6b]: Wipb ^X XTOn ]'31 n'"l3V niyx PN, the pious one, went to arrange the betrothal of a woman for his son Qid 59a(ll); TOBJ TTX nttnp (the minor woman) arranged her own betrothal ib. 44b(41; O2); 8b(17); ATef 46b(17); H13X nunpi X37I if her father betrothed her to someone HP 151:18; T!X ,!?S IX 'BX Jl'jbs 13 'bs maizn in x-m"? vr lcmpi tv ix'yox 'nx 'bs NN, my mother, or NN, my brother, deceived me and betrothed me to a man whose name is NN SSSad 239:1I; SSHai 13a(9) Af. to dedicate s.t. to Temple use [caique < MH Vip hif. J 1320, mng. 2]: X1? X'» '2?ipx XT3 'WnpX I dedicated the cistern. I did not dedicate the water BB 79b(18); ib. 88a(16); in WipxiBl nVoi nunpx "13'X since he dedicated one limb he has dedicated the entire (animal) Tern llb(31); Am 5a(15); ,4Z52b(18); Hul 138b(30); n'2/npX1? ■T3 brrarni X3Xa"? to dedicate to Him the instrument with which one is circumcised Anan 83:15; AnanSch 3:17; 'B3 max E/'npB 'PHpXIB "IB'B since he can indeed dedicate (it) for a sacrifice, he can certainly make an exchange Tern 2b(28); ib. 9a(33) Itpa. 1. to become consecrated: EHpJlXT )1'3 ''»1P by Tipnx 'max from the time that Abraham was consecrated, (the Jews) were called by his name [i.e. they were no longer called ma '33] Ned 31a(17); XB"p'l XBHp'B xn (the Sabbath), in fact, continues to be consecrated Bes 17a(ll; L); VHWH 'SX3 Wlp^b let them be consecrated separately (from the field) BB 103a(2); ]Vnp'b njmx U'B 'mn let two out of the four (loaves) be consecrated Men 48a(18); 'Tin HH3 l.TTin ]ttnp'B the two (thanksgiving offerings) are consecrated together Svu 15b(43; F2); 2. to sanctify o.s.: 'BV ]'"in lttnp'X they sanctified themselves for two days Anan 76:5; ib. 75:13; 3. to become betrothed [w. "V]: XEHp'B 13 'XB3 with what then is she betrothed? BQ 99a(33) // Qid 48a(45); Yev 110a(17); 'ttnp'Bl 'BN'X 'T3J? XJH'Sa people are apt to become betrothed in secret Ket 23a(21); 'aV rf?TX "p XiWipa 'X nyrxa n'1? HBnp'X... ai if I become betrothed to you, will you go (to study) in the be ravl She became betrothed to him in secret ib. 62b (50; V5); '-I31? TTTI3 [n'V -] 'V Xttnp'B your daughter will become betrothed to my son Qid 45a(26); '1 yav 'abo na rvb 'vip^x ''py PN2's daughter was betrothed to PN Ned 50a(3); G/7 89a(50); 'X 'V JlKnp'B -|V xwrn if I give (this) to you, will you be betrothed to me? Qid 13a(18); ib. 9a(3); lla(14); 4. to be recited (of the qidduS): xVl 131? XSHp'B you will not recite the qiddus Pes 101a(20; C) KJUBHp n.m. a species of fish (4- X313) sg. AZ 39a(24; J) Lit: Fauna 10; Y: X31J tnj? AZ ib. Tip vb. to be obstinate, deal rigorously, stick in firmly (4- XJl'np; Sy k'cLd to be blunt LS 650; cf. Ma XH3 to scold MD 204) Pe. to be obstinate: 'T1TX MpT ]W2 'Xn one who is obstinate Krpnp 989 (Kin T13) KttHIp concerning (imperfections in) zuzim BM 52b(35; Ar [AC 7:71]) Pa. to deal w. s.t. rigorously: inpB Xpl 13ri' xrvnp (PN and PN2) who were sitting and dealing rigorously (with the matter) Yev 110b(43; Ar [AC 7:71]) Af. to stick in firmly: miDltf> inV 'npa 'vfrl XJHX3 (the cock) may perhaps stick its claws firmly into the ground Sab 128b(26) [v. Alf, Hul 6a(35)]; XV1X3 Kytob TUn'npx (the animal) stuck its legs firmly into the ground HG3 116:42 Expl. RaH [Pa.]: jnjnnn DIM nnnnx iy 1! nyinW2 i?1f>10 ]>ca -mbi na i"y na nrrp nnix ywin' 'n ''onna 1212 nm Tin'tsi nain nana pipn la nun1? ohr Yev 331:4. KJVnp, pi. Kfl"np n.f. rigorous opinion (4- V'np; cf. Ma XTVTO rebuke MD 205) pi. Xri"np Yev 110b(43; Ar [AC 7:71]) [i ^np pa.] K^np nm- quorum, congregation (TA H^fip TO Num 16:3, Sy rdWx. LS 650) 1. gathering, quorum: sg. ]BX ~tWnb xbnp X3'X id Xm there is, in fact, no quorum (available) to say Amen Anan 21:4; 2. congregation: a. general: X3TJ?3 xbnp I'JXST when he assembles the congregation ib. 23:22; AnanSch 29:18; AnanMann 2v:14; Dpi xVnp DTJ? XW:33[3] X13J Xinn a certain man stood up in the synagogue before the congregation TGAs28 27:27; ib. 27b: 11; b. as a designation of the Jewish people [< BH Vnp Dt 23:3]: 1) alone: pi. '3'ro 'bnp HWan five 'congregations' [i.e. the word *7T\p] are written (in the Pentateuch concerning intermarriage of certain categories, e.g. Dt 23:3) Qid 72b(45); ib. 73a(6); Hor 5a(44); 2) sg. w. VV?? pe. to intermarry w. Jews [caique < BH Vnpa X|; lit. to enter the congregation]: 4- VVVy pe., mng. 3 Y: xVrii? Ber 9b(37; BAYTN 50). KWnnj?, K3M"lKnj? n.m. local ruler, administrator (perh. Par *kar-hraman [cf. NP kar-farma ruler, superintendent PED 1003]; > Arab o^>j& steward, household manager Wehr 794; I XJaiH) sg. 'mn '13ia XJainp '3A 'n'3C?n p'3 since they are frequently at the seat of the local ruler they remind each other Er 59a(20; V'RaHAr [AC 7:72]) [Var: Xjaixnp Oxf., b.10, 23]; XMTlp n'lW he made him an administrator BB 46b(13; Ar [AC ib.]) Expl. Ar: 01J>» 'w yKhm AC ib. Lit: Shaked, EIr 260. nKIp n.m. a forbidden bird (etym. unkn.) pi. X'lW xriX"pip 'TDX 'Xp1p<1)(17) 'Xlp qv-birds and ^2--birds are forbidden. q3.-birds are permitted Hul 63a(17; H2) [Var: Xip Ar (AC 7:179)] K^aip n.m. camomile (Sy k'V-.o-q LS 640) pi. 'VaipT X'a camomile tea TGHark 209:3 = 7a5 589b:2 [expl. MH ntt?3' ]'D'D 'a Ber 44b(40)] Geon. expl.: MiaiO 'any iw'pa 1'KnpjW O'awy TGHark ib., i.e. £j*U Siggel 18; Lit: Pfl 326. Ka^31p n.m. counter charm (4- X*73'p) sg. 1X3B minh ]a XJ^SIp1? from this verse [lit. here; i.e. }C? Qyby Lam 1:12] there is biblical support for a counter charm San 104b(43; F2) [Var: XjVsp Ar (AC 7:58)] Y: XJ^aip San ib.(BAYTN 267). nK331p 4- HX33ipX n. KrSip, pi. 'K3ip n.f. pavilion (Sy x'Xuhcyn, pi. rd^jcuo LS 640, Ma X3aip MD 408) sg. Tin '3 Xri31p 'XB Xmip a pavilion. What is a pavilion? 'A house of roses' BB 98b(18; Ed,Ar [AC 4:96]) [expl. MH ]'Vp'1t? Mib. 6:4]; pi. ansy rmra mwavb 'xsps maa'pixi they placed them in pavilions to serve them as slaves OHTYev 39:10 KipTip* n.m. skull (JPA nptip DJPA 478) sg. n'Vn njns tj;i mmm x<i)p-np ]a from the top of his skull to the pads(?) of his feet Bo 133:10 [merism for entire body] Ktinip n.m. holiness, pi. sacrifices (4- Vu?Tp; TA X#T)p TO Gen 45:27, Sy Kli.acvj> LS 649, Ma xttnip MD 406) pi. x'^mpi XIH3 xnosn xrm the law of the Paschal lamb is like the law of the qodashim Anan 72:6; ib. 10 Y: XBTIj? Ber 7a(18; BAYTN 155). - (Kin *!p3) Kt^lip n.m. God, name of God (lit. the Holiness, Blessed be He; 4- XtfTipT XnTl; jpa xin -jna nwmp DJPA 476) l. God: sg. 'D'3 my! xin rna wrnpi it is God who performs miracles Ber 50a(21); ib. 10a(49); I3a(22); 'M'na nm xin y-a xwiip 'ap x'bn
nip 990 'P God knows [lit. it is revealed before God] that (the Jews) were believers Sab 97a(10); Yev 16b(19); Git 6b(35); Qid 32a(53); Hul 60a(3); TGAs42 156:12; 2. name of God: sg. ns'031 ■nnV x^nipi Tn1? Sn pro xfiV'' mn in the codices of the School of PN, they write Vn by itself and the name of God by itself BMsG 14:18 [w. ref. to 'n "7n Dt 32:6]; 'jrrvu inn '{'ixn 'xtio Tirfr XttHlpl TirT> 1BWB 'Ciro the Masoretes of GN write (it) together. The Masoretes of GN2 write iBWB by itself and the name of God [i.e. "?X] by itself " ib. [w. ref. to Vx SQWIS Num 24:23] Generally abbreviated as ,1"3p, e.g.: Ber 54b(22); Sab 116b(4); Tan 3b(8); #ag 15b(37); Git 6b(37); BA/59b(26); San 26a(50). Mlp vb. to become sour, tart (4- xm'p; Ma Xlp to be strong MD 405) Pe. (a/ ): XT»m mpa soured wine [lit. souring of wine] Ket 75a(26; Ar [AC 5:281, s.v. pVti]); XB1?? 'VlDT XnBH nxip tV't Xian 'Bi nxipl everyone's wine became sour, and his wine also became sour BM 106b(35; TGAs28 58:20); '3 Xinn T7 nXB jmx TKty'lp when four hundred vats of wine become sour ib. 83a(21; BL Or. 5531) [v. BM VI Text 408]; X3B1"D "|pD'y mip your merchandise will be tart like a pomegranate [i.e. your wine will become sour] Ber 56a(37; F) [Var: mp Ar (AC 7:70); mip O] Pa. to impart an acrid taste: n'nX^Clp1? "Ps il is necessary to impart an acrid taste to it Pes 116a(12) [w. ref. to MH novin Mib. 10:3] On the connection bet. the two mngs. 'strong' and 'sour', cf. i V^pJl pe., mng. 2. pip vb. 4- Vyns vb., V2#fsp vb. Nj?Ylj?, NplNp n.m. clay brazier (Ma XplXp terra-cotta cube for holding incense MD 399, x-ntf xpixp ib.) pi. '3'n 'pxcnoiDani ynxp ">x\ inV p'3fT how can we give them [i.e. the magian priests] braziers and bellows? San 74b(14) [Var: 'pa'fiTI 'pXip TGHark 144:19] Geon. expl.: D1X '33 TO ]'»iyi f'XJ^ nam Xin »'» *?» 'Vs tyi ''Wun iy imx ]'9i3 iwb v»i>3Bi mvra -ma paannaws rniV ''tea »Xn nm X^W '13 rsn.1 OH San 426:15 [= Seel 44:98]; Lit: Ros, TI 41; 81+, in his detailed discussion suggests deriving this word ultimately from Gr kuBkoc;, koukiov a kind of cup L-S 931 [cf. also Sy rcL£o_n pot LS 656, JPA ]'pllp DJPA 478]; Y: 'J7X11J? San ib.(BAYTN 45). Uip vb. to abbreviate (< D'p* < 'Dp* < 4- yDp; 4- Wp adj.) Pe.: RW'? B'Xp 'Xm this one is terse [lit. abbreviates his speech] I$GF 19:3; 7\b D'Xpi "1» nV rVTIB "IB what this scholar abbreviates, the other master expands ib. 44:2; pass.part. XtPlTD xtsoxiip xsm am x-noa m m-ici'xi an explanation which was extensive concerning it in a deductive fashion there [i.e. the Palestinian Talmud] but (which) here [i.e. in the Babylonian Talmud] is abbreviated OH San 181:19 Lit: Lewin, iSG 36k. Napip n.m. thin part (Vpp; 4- pp; JPA pp DJPA 485) sg. XJDIp1? XB^lXa from the thick part to the thin part Sab 134a(31; Ed); jjm 'Oia '3'n TlDipa IX JPT nTpa Xr2S13 how do the students recite the textual tradition (of Ber 8a[9]): 'The b.-plant is recognizable from its stem' [4- 1# XJ'p] or 'from its thin part'? TGHark 209:14 Y: XJBip Sab ib.(BAYTN 156). KSBIp, NSDp n.m. break made in harvesting (4- V«lt5p, 1#X33; cf. Sy rr'^coi depression, despair LS 661) sg. JPT TDDIpB [Xl'SIl] (the nature of) the b.-plant is recognizable from its break Ber 48b(9; OHT ib. 112:24,TGHark 209:15) JOBlp, Nnp'P n.m. smoke (4- V2#"lDp) sg. BQ 82b(29); BB 23a(8); "iron T"l3'pB xnDIp p'"?0 smoke rose from PN's grave Hag 15b(17); Sab 18b(13); San 110a(54); XIDipT XDW a stream of smoke BB 74a(21); '"ITiyriB XIDip 1H3 T'J? 'XI if smoke enters into them [i.e. the hen's eyes], they will become blind Sab 77b(30); nn(1)nnj 'an xiB'p m n'1?! nrmi t»»t ... x-itrp awa its light is faint because of the smoke. Its light is steady, and there is no smoke in it Ber 53a(27); XIDp'ai XID'p m V"yi ... xnvm an animal which has inhaled [lit. enters into it] smoke and is (adversely) affected by it HP 204:8 [expl. MH rutfiyan MHui 3:5] Rdgs. w. both waw and yod are common in the mss., and it is difficult to determine whether these are alternative forms or the results of a graphic confusion; Voc: XIBlp VTM 95a; Y: XIDp Sab ib.(BAYTN 156). 'lp- vb. to be collected (of a liquid), be stationary (Sy rd^kn LS 640, Ma X3p MD 404, i#nfrip : BH 2#mp nif. HAL 1012) Pe. 1. to be collected of a liquid: T0X1 'IXp Xip'B (the blood) is collected entirely (in the animal's head), and it is forbidden Hul 93b(23) [* 3"i 3TB flows out]; 2. to be stationary: (XH) inV IIXpi {Xn} tPBrT XH TlXp xVt WSi Xbl this (refers to) where (the spilled out water) is deep so that it is stationary. That (refers to) where it is not deep so that it is not stationary Pes 42a(15); D'as '&yi lipi |T»3 'm 110 ]H"? VTV since (the water of the lake) remains stationary, it is like water (whose extent) has an end Yev 121a(25); '&yi HXpT ^TOH D' the Mediterranean Sea where (the water) remains stationary Mak 4a(21) Itpe. to be collected (of a liquid): X'B psrffi?»1 lnnns (ixVnpjTxi Vi-un a^ xypia water is spilled out of the sky into the ocean and is collected together NDGR 226:3 l#«Vlp n.m. lenient ruling (4- VV?p; JPA Vlp DJPA 478) a. alone: sg. X*7 xVipi Xin x"?ip X3H rrV n'X in this case (it leads to) a lenient ruling, and he does not maintain a lenient ruling (in this case) Kar 10a(9); Xrinx X"7ip T3 ^lpx1? to make another lenient ruling concerning it Sab 86a(2); Er 10a(31); pi. ''Vlp '"III two lenient rulings Ket 52b(9); BM 53a(10); b. * Xiain: sg. XVI xbip 'XHl Xin XIBin is this a lenient ruling? It is a strict ruling Git 3a(l); XIBim xVip X3'XT XTn "731 P'SIS X1? xVlpV p'SIS XiainV wherever there is a lenient ruling and a stringent ruling, we raise an objection concerning the stringent ruling. We do not raise an objection concerning the lenient ruling AZ 46b(20); Hul 116a(l); 'T1? 'XIXT XIBin Xin x"?1p it is a stringent ruling which leads to a lenient one Nid 24b(16); pi. "IBT '^psi "Itn '^IpS like the lenient rulings of this one and the lenient rulings of that one ib. 7a(5) [* nainsi "iai nains "iai]; pnainai lin^ipa Hul 43b(46); Sab 40a(28); Pes 101a(28); c. sg. in adv. phrase x'jIpV in a lenient fashion: 1) alone: Xin p~n Xp'SD x'jlp'?! it is a doubtful case of the scholars, and (it is decided) in a lenient fashion Bes 4a(13); Yev 69a(51); Hul 134a(25); Ara 30b(3); 2) * Xiain1?: rVfl xVipb IX Vb*) XiainV does he differ in a stricter or in a more lenient fashion? BQ NB^ip 118b(41); Sab 71a(34); Er 46a(13); Bes 4b(3); BB 27a(5); Hul 98b(23) Voc: X?V HPP 5:20; Y: «Vip> Gil 3a(18; BAYTN 160). 2#N^1p n.m. snare (TA X?1p TJ Am 3:5, Ma xVip MD 406) sg. OHT Hag 31:3 Geon. expl.: Mav ni xVipi... ns NiTO x^ iiwVa xn '3 nam 'jv ito^s nanai niaxn -frip xin tjtk itoVs 'aix oht Hag ib. 2, i.e. KoXXapiov. In spite of the proposed Geon. etym. [accepted also by Eps, Stl 77], the dialectal occurrences of this Gr word do not support it. 'NS'rip (uncertain) X'JH 'XsVip BM 84b(35) // San 103a(39) Lit: Margulies, Vayyikra Rabbah 76:1, note; D. Boyarin, Lesonenu38[1974] 308+. sn^ip 4- xrf?p n. X'Vip 4- V'bp vb. n.m. scribe's reed (< K&Xa|io<;, Lat calamus Lehnw 506; MH OiaVlp Yeivin, BV 985) sg. rrb p'TJ XDia^ip the reed checks it [i.e. the parchment as the scribe writes] Men 35a(18); ]p XOiaVip the ... of the reed Git 6a(l; Ed, Rashi) Y: XDia^ip Gil ib.(BAYTN 271). n.m. stalk (< KaoX6<;, Lat caulis Lehnw 507) sg. GC 139:4 [expl. MH (3113X) 'p'rtp MUqs 1:4]; ,TlTpV 'ns^D X'J?3 X1? X"I31 X0"71pT (a woman) whose husband is a 'stalk' [i.e. of low quality] does not need lentils for (her) pot [i.e. she is satisfied with him] Yev 118b(40) // Ket 75a(21); pi. XnS'Vl (ni'oVlp turnip stalks Hul 112a(2) [Var: XpV'OI 'oVip stalks of mangel- wurzel SMel 71:925] Geon. expl.: 1'XSV fVy 1.1BW 3113 '131 pin '13 XD'jlp 11VIB nex^w rbyi n'n ft'sx I'nn 'oVipi 3113 'obij? nm pwta xipai D'Biys onix pna1? nsnx nri'n x^i nnnp nx pnaa n'n xo'rp OHT Yev 233:26; Lit: Low, Lehnw ib.; Y: XO^p Yev 118b(40; BAYTN 156). NS^ip, NbVw n.m. thick stick, club, blow (NP kupal/gupYl PED 1058, 1101; Ma XsVip MD 406, XsVh club ib. 83, Sy KlAAcua LS 328; cf. Akk kalappu ax CAD K 66) 1. club: sg. Sab 63a(ll; M) [expl. MH n"?X Mib. 6:4; Var: "jsip OVAr (AC 1:86)]; n'^Dpl xVnST XB^ips T'na he hit him with an iron club and killed him Ber 58a(47) [cf. Ma x"?T"I9i XSVlp Jb 148:2]; bpV 'B?nx n"na XS'JIp he took a club (and) hit him on 991
NB^ip 992 Dip the head Sot 13a(30; V2); xrmDX NSVlp nn inn1' 'IH ]1TI 'XBim give him a club at the entrance of the lictors and let him make judgment Ber 58a(44); 2. perh. thick stick: sg. mmx rX'X"l)pS:i xnna miaa nnpsxi iv 'xtbh xs'pipn nnna she went out after her, hit her with a club of the silk weavers (?) until she had chased her out of all GN Ket 65a(34); 3. blow: a. general: pi. 'sVip yxo X3X nriXT Xmp'WiB XB'XI the blows of my mother are better than the kisses of my stepmother Tan 20a(38; Mai 79:20[Var]) // X3X (rinX)T Krvpw<3) p XB'Xl 'sVlp (')(X}3D San 106a(12); b. in a fig. sense: '5^3 '2ND 'sVip nVy 'anXB I received 'good blows' from PN [i.e. he censured me] for it Ara 22a(13) [Var: 's'jp '3XD HP 120:16] // Men 7a(19) [4 VyVn pe., mng. 4b] Expl. Ar: XM ^KyBW petal 3y TOX11 DTX '33 13 paw D3W yipnVx AC 7:110, i.e. *£jL]l; Lit: D. Boyarin, Tarbiz 50 [ 1981 ] 187+; Ros, TI 50+; 116+ who derives this word < MP kulaf cap CPD 52, which indicated the investiture of power in the Sasanian Empire; Shaked apud Boyarin ib. [mng. 3]; Y: NB^j? Ber 58a(44; BAYTN 156). N^V'P nm- thin Part (4- VtfVp) sg. n'B/VlpS in its [i.e. the spleen's] thin part Hul 55b(5) [* i X3B10 mng. 2] Y: ,TBtoj? //»/ ib.(BAYTN 156). Krtlp, abs. NVip n.f. pitcher (< Akk qulliu, pi. qulliatu a bowl CAD Q 297; Sy k'&Ao.o LS 666) sg.abs. x"?ip 7W 592:8; det. x"?n mnVip he hung his pitcher BM 84b(35) // San 103a(40) [after corr.; was fTTTVp; prov.] Lit: Eps, OHT Sab 53, n.rP; Y: n'ntoj? San ib.(BAYTN 200). Sip, "Ip vb. to stand up, stand, wake up, remain, refer to, confirm, establish, place (4- 'aipix, xnapix, xp, xnaip, xavp, xnarp, D"p, D'p, l#xa'p; Sy >_i LS 652, Ma Dip MD 407) Pe. (a/u), pf. lsg. irap Sab 156b(28); 2m. TIBp Hag 15a(23; Ed); 3m. Dp Hul 95b(30); f. nap Ned 50a(25); lpl. ]jap Git 57b(13); XJBp TGHark 159:22; 3m. lap BB 114b(l); imp. lsg. Dlp'X Er 28b(6); 3m. Dip'3 //or 12a(39); Dip'1? BM 15b(50); f. DipTl 5B 43b(17); lpl. mp'l Sab llb(3); 2m. llBipn 5o 59:14; IBipn Hul 86b(8; M); imper. 2sg.m. Dip Er 15a(41); inf. Op'B Mak 1 la(44); part. lsg. XJa'Xp Bes 28b(5); 2m. riB"p RH 25a(27); 3m. D'Xp Qid 33a(43); D"p Anan 19:11; f. xa"p Yev 31a(15); lpl. |ra"p BQ 10b(12); 2m. in'»"p S5 172a(9); 3m. 'B«p Svu 42a(l); f. ]B"p Gz'f 39a(27); pass.part. sg.m. D'p BM 51a(29); forms w/o mem: Pf, 3sg.m. Xp //P 20:18; Ber 56a(44; MGG 705:5); imp. lsg. lp'X BM 15a(32); Hul 95b(30); 3m. IpM //u/ 52a(13); f. ip'Jl Tew 3a(5); BA/67b(14; HG2 404:47); lpl. ip'I Sw£ 6b(7); imper. 2sg.m. Ip Pe* 94b(32) [cf. ModSy qu NsChr 118]; MQ 25a(47); inf. Xp'B D'Xp Anan 22:26; part. lsg. Xi"Xp 5mA: 44b(19); San 91a(25); xMp Ket 69a(33; HGP 43a:29); m. 'Xp 50 20a(16); "Xp A/g 25a(13); "p Fev 66b(37); So 142:12; pass.part. <n)n 'p 55 106b(4; HP 96:19);- I. General: 1. to stand up, rise: a. alone: 3'rm Dpi 3'jm Dpi XJ7"B Xinn a certain Arab who continuously stood up and sat down Sab 82a(27); p^'pi xmiS iraJV mn we would have remained seated a bit and (then) risen bq I0b(i2); xaVy nnis pa'p xns'o"? nn nns isi when he opens the Torah scroll everyone stands up Anan 19:13; "|TDnB Ip arise from your place MQ 25a(47); Ket 112b(l); b. w. 'apB: Xin Xn ,TBpB XJB'Xp 'XSn were he, in fact, my teacher, I would have risen in his presence Qid 33b(27); "0 irrapa Dlp'X p3"l 'sVn when the scholars pass by I shall stand up in their presence Ber 28a(49); Git 31b(32); Qid 33a(42); ib. b(18); Mak 22b(8); 2. to stand [w. Vy, 'lV'J? upon, alongside, at]: a. people: D"p Dp'Bl he indeed stands Anan 19:11; XirXX ,~a 'Xp my son is standing on the roof AZ 26a(52); m^y Dipi XJVOX 'S3 overturn the mortar (and) stand upon it MQ 22b(48); Qid 31b(14); nam xsoiax "xp mm xmaax xm he saw a crowd that was standing alongside the residue of dates Tan 24b(17); mi1?'? 'Xp TOTIB W\ Tl'in '3 XIIBPIX when you are the head of the academic session an Amora will stand alongside you Ber 56a(39); San 7b(21); XWl'SX 'Xpi innx xnx XmyBl Elijah came and was standing at the entrance of the cave Sab 33b(34); Tan 24b(24); Hul 95b(13); b. objects: yiv "lOnTl Dpi Y'yx even though (the wall) had stood for thirteen years Tan 20b(26); BB 7a(27); Xinx ipv »"B1 'Xp Xyi3 why does (the word) "lpttJ stand on one nip 9J!L ^ leg? Sab 104a(36) [w. ref. to the bottom of its letters]; 3. to stand still, stop [< BH 1BJ? pe. HAL 796, mng. 3a]: TVV Dpi JVW VlX (the sun) moved for six (hours) and stood still for six (hours) AZ 25a(l 1); iy rprona liy^X n 'Xp mn nT<y)a 13m' 'n 'DS^XT PN used to stand still in his place until PN2 was out of his sight Yom 53a(47); "|'n3nx Dip stand still in your place BQ 33a(18); Sot 4a(27); Dp Dpi ]T3 when it stopped (shaking) it remained so San 7a(20); BM 38a(57); 4. to wake up: iy maipIXT X3'X X1?! n'l^SJa 'XpT no one should awaken him until he wakes up by himself Git 70a(20); Ber 3b(27); Tan 23a(47); Dp'aa X3ra 'W going to sleep is different from waking up Yom 22a(27); 13 riB'p 131 nOiCU when you go to sleep and when you wake up Anan 24:19 [expl. BH ^332?31 ^»1p31 Dt 6:7]; 5. to remain: a. general: Ip'Jl let (the matter) remain (unresolved) Yev 102a(53); BQ 19a(32); Zev 19a(36) [and passim]; Dip''? 1'31 let (the pledge) remain with you AZ 63a(26); XB'pT X3'H XyiX mpT let the field remain where it is [i.e. with its present owner] BB 43b(17) // ib. 32b(18); xn Dp the judgment remained (in force) Yev 37b(39); BB 106b(23); XTl'D1? mnn r\yvm fffi/jn X1SS3 D'XpT he saw the (old) moon which remained [i.e. was still visible] on the morning of the twenty-ninth RH 25a(25); ib. 27; b. in phrase "13 + VDIp pe. + Voip pe. to remain as is: 'Xp 'XplS XBpl V?3» this implies that the first one remains as it is Yom 64b(5); Sab 15b(21); xa"p xa"pi3 rm Xn the rival wife, in fact, remains as she is [i.e. with the same prohibition] Yev 10b(22); BQ 98a(26); BM 96b(8); Ara 33a(37); HP 191:12 [4- xmVJl mng. 2a]; 6. fig. to deal with s.t, be situated, located [w. -a, by]: Dm D'xp xs'n D'xp xsn mC?i Wsa D'Xp this infers that he is not dealing with this case [i.e. he does not refer to our Mishna]. What is he dealing with? He is dealing with that case ... Er 27a(4); ib. 51b(12); X1? XJ130a '-xm n 'Xp '3 Tinnx xmoaa mV'^n when PN is dealing with this tractate, do not ask him (a question) in another tractate Sab 3b(2); 'yap xVl mmp byi 'Xp (Scripture) deals with sacrifices which do not have a fixed time Anan 62:10; ib. 5:21; 49:14; 50:8; 'Xp 'ipx X3I1 ... 'Xp X3'H X3n where is the Tanna located (that he began MBer 1:1 as he did)? He is located at the biblical verse [v. Dt 6:7] Ber 2a(15); 'Xp XWnx he is located at the first part of the Mishna BB 27b(28); Pes 29a(20); Yev 95b(19); 7. to be alive, in a state, exist: a. people: D'XpT im mnx the brother of the one who was alive BB 57a(2); Yev 31a(15); nan; 'X XJX "|T1 if you are alive I am yours [i.e. your wife] BM 66a(13); X.1 Xa'p XH nn'a (if) this one dies, that one is (still) alive Yom 13b(14); xniltf 'Xp nnDpaV Tisn is a smiths' apprentice to be killed? [lit. in a state to kill him] BQ 32b(45); '3H yws xn xion 3m xnaiys 'anp Vsim nsu yvti I'mjTI the butchers of GN have been under PN's ban for lo these twenty-two years Hul 132b(25); 'WXp XiX I am ready [lit. exist] Ket 2a(32); njnjttS Xpi "?5?3 D'XpT Dlpaa in an instance where the husband is present and protests TGHark 130:6; wa'p ID'mTnsa 'TDK are you still in your state of impetuosity? Sab 88a(55); b. animals, objects: KTW nn nni 1T3 "Xp X1? since (an unclean fish) does not have a spine it cannot exist (there) Suk 18a(42); "IXn X"UX"7 Xa'pT a courtyard which is available for renting BM 101b(34); 'T1T3 'Xp 'ilSTm |T3 Xian 'BT since wine is for sale it is considered like money ib. 66b(44); 'Xp KlX'llJ1? XIDIV a writ exists for collection ib. 103a(10); Hul 72b(28); Dp na3 T» Jin how long did the Second Temple exist? Ara 12b(3); 8. to occur, take place: Tia'X "Xp when does it [i.e. the announcement that Sarah will have a son] take place? RH lla(47); Zev 100b(21); 9. to turn into, become: Dp TOS xmpOIXT Xbm the spell was broken (and the donkey) turned into a plank bridge of '.-wood San 67b(33); 10. to recover from an illness: '31 na X"lin mn xa'p Xp whenever she recovered from an illness she would retract [i.e. from giving the gift] BB 151b(l); 11. to curdle (of milk) [denom. < 4- l#XB'p; caique > MH2 lay J 1086, mng. 2]: Dlp'3 let it curdle AZ 35b(36); X3'X D'Xp xVt m'OJ there is whey which does not curdle ib. 38; 12. to be covered by a growth (over a part of the body) [cf. Sy: -pr<—a cnAcva tSXi'-i v n he is covered by scars all over
Dip 994 Dip PSm 3684, s.v. ^ v n]; 'B'WS 'B'©D ,TW3 'Xpi his flesh was covered with all kinds of blisters Git 67b(34); TIB'S 'nB'X IPp VUTn he saw that (the lungs) were covered with all kinds of pustules Hul 48a(47); ib. 48b(2); 4; XB'pi nxn 'iV'l 'iV'l a lung which is covered with various kinds of scabs Hul 46b(31; HP 199:5); 13. as an aux. vb. implying emphasis [JPA Dip pe. DJPA 480, mng. A.6; cf. BH Dip pe., mng. 2, HAL 1015]: a. pf. [cf. JNA 2#op qam + pf. HDJNA s.v.]: 'V mm xixnoiV n'nVpw xix Trap I took the portion of the food which you gave to me Sab 156b(28; V); 'XBT1 '3V nVl Dp he went into exile to GN Ber 56a(53); OBn'X Dp '3 when (the garment) was heated up (by the fever) Sab 110b(44); XT? "lV n'DTO N31 Dp PN cut PN2's throat Meg 7b(21); flg 117a(33); BB 3b(40); nSTlD Vy rt'iuyo JlBp she carried him on her shoulder San 110a(l); b. imp.: TU11 Dip'l J1X1 mil^ mil should we take it upon ourselves to make a secondary decree? Sab llb(3); X"11WX1 "]1B011 Dip': should we rely on a solution (of s.o.'s opinion as the basis of a legal decision)? BB 135a(8); >fev 91b(37); Mg 25a(24); G// 54a(33); AZ 8b(55); 'Sim W1T1 "73 13 'Vb XIX Oip'X nail 'XD111, NN b. NN2> and my heirs after me will undertake to clear, quit... (the claims) SSHai 6a(18); ib. 5b(5); c. imper.: Vap Va xnV'B 'B'X ip Xpll' say then something concerning the (deceased) child Ket 8b(16); MQ 25b(22); Dip 3'n sit down San 20a(45) [cf. BH H3U? Xl'DIp Gen 27:19]; /& 96b(46); IT '2?B Dip wash your hands Ber 43a(37); Pes 69b(6); BQ 70b(34); IBlp mnx return (the interest) BM 62a(30); d. part. [4- xp]: p'sn xp "xpn mnawx ipsi they went out (to the field and) found him plowing Tan 23a(55); XJT3 XW13 Xp TT1BX nB'p mn his maidservant was in the process of sweeping out the house BM 85a(17); 14. w. "1 + part. fol. the main vb. to continue to be, remain [cf. MH2 'I'D TIB naiyi jntfia he remains committed to the oath from Mt. Sinai Yom 73b(35)]: D'Vn XH 'Xpl (the skin), in fact, remains attached Hul I23b(40); xme? 'Vyai x'isx 'xpi TBya xrin '-i PN used to continue to wrap himself (in a garment) towards evening on Friday Sab 119a(6); D"Xpi 'Vn mm 'XB Van everything which remained undecided iSGF 70:1; XB"p1 X'lltf Xn she, in fact, remains permitted Git 83b(25); Er 88b(27); Tern 22a(19); 'B"pi '"lpB'B XH they, in fact, remain in an ownerless state Git 47a(41); Bes 3a(13); Yev 121a(25); II. w. prep, modifiers: 1. w. "3, "V to be located, present, situated: a. people: lV'2?3 in'B"p '3 when you will be in GN BB 172a(9); ib. 12b(9); XB'p n'"IB1 7WWQ it is in the possession of its owner BM 6b(20); 31 X0lV3X3 "XpT 1H3X "lV .Trl3»X IDT 13 pnr 'E/1'X1 PN found PN2 situated among a multitude of people Pes 72a(10) // Ket 50a(41); ]3 yE/in' "l "ID'p '3 'Xp mn Tim PN was in the palace Hag 5b(12); XlOn 3T n'3 D'XpT XTSOn a eulogy at which PN is present Meg 28b (3 3); XB"p mn "IXn3 she was in the courtyard Git 77b(41); mv ni» nV npi ]0'13 "XpnB since (Scripture) refers to Nisan and calls it the second year RH 3a(17); b. animals, objects: XTO3 XB'pn 'Vs xyiX 'Vd such-and-such a field which is situated in such-and-such a town SSHai 7a(16); OIBS'DIX XB"p V'Vl3 GN is located in Galilee Git 76a(44); 'B"p '"W T1XT XIID'XV 135? GN is in the (extreme) north of Eretz Israel ib. 7b(5); '1'3 '1'3 XH'p mn it was located in between RH 23b(5); 2. w. "3 to maintain, stand by: Olp'VT n'V xn'l n'J1UB'n3 he wants to maintain his trustworthiness BM 15b(50); ,TnV'B3 lp'V let him maintain his (original) statement Men 82b(6); BM 34b(6); 3. w. "3 to rule: '11T3 D'lXB 'Xp Mars rules at even (hours) Sab 129b(14; Ar [AC 3:276]); 4. w. "3 to ascertain, determine: lap 'B jiVibb '31 Vsx xin x'Vya xo'n xb'13 ma pan ]13n iT3 lap the scholars determined concerning the get that it was a valid get. But in the case of a collapse could the scholars determine it [i.e. who died first]? Yev 31a(17); ib. 25a(7); ]m lap XTiVB3 the scholars ascertained the matter BM 19a(33); 5. w. "3 to be in possession: 131B OJin T0313 'Xp npiV X3n TDBia 'Xp in that case the seller is in possession of his property. In this case the buyer is in possession of his property BB 30a(9); ib. 14 [v. Pa., mng. 3]; 6. w. "3 to be composed of: ,T3 'BBX pr) D'XpT XTUBX the nut which is composed of two curved parts [i.e. the Dip 995 Dip shells] Anon 87:11; X\yyo D"Xpl XnX'B XDX Xl'pa 'BTDX the Egyptian myrtle which is composed of seven leaves in a cluster HP 33:3; 7. w. "3 to have a value, cost [cf. MH2 Vy IB}? Ara 30a(44)]: nXB Jl'BD Dpi npi'l'X HloV finally it rose in price and had a value of six hundred (zuzim) Ket 98a(18); X'TI 'BTJ Dpi XTtf3 np'T the price of meat went up, and (an ox for meat) had the value of (an ox for) plowing BQ 46a(25) // BB 92a(ll); BM 77a(28); Ara 19a(2); 13 XlTm yVo3 ]'X0 yaiX D'Xp mn I remember when four seahs (of grain) cost a sela BB 91b(13); Sot 48a(47); Qid 12a(30); 8. w. -'T13 to stand by s.o.: 'XT13 Dip stand by me BQ 117b(6); Hag 4b(30); 9. w. "71113 to agree w. s.o.: X3'N 'B 1XV J1TD 'Xpn Vx'Vai p liyatt? ]3T is there not PN who agrees with me? Er 4a(8); 'a'p max VlVl3 n31D3 HTIIS all of the Amoraim agree with him concerning sukka Suk 45b(53); Tan 28b(5); Qid 58b(3); AZ 7b(28); XB'p imni3 XTinno (their) testimony agrees with them BQ 74a(19); 10. w. -b to reach a height: 'Xp 'JTOaiSl X0<3)(3}riW1S n'snn ny x1?"! xix"? n'1? the (height of the) soldier of GN reached PN's loins Nid 25a(2); 11. w. -b + "3 a. to be liable for s.t: naTia n'V Dp n'3'a he was liable for (the punishment) that was greater than it [i.e. the lesser one] Git 52b(42); ib. 53a(10); BQ 22b(ll); ib. 71a(23); Hul 8lb(l5; H2); xona n'V opT xin n"i»y nywa it is from the time that it was made that he was liable for the sin AZ 52a(16); b. to receive s.t.: n'V Dpi xjvtc xin ib mnxM [iD]xaa xara in VaV each one of us received his portion from this property SSHai lla(14); 12. w. 'BXV to resist: XjV'TX '3 ,1'V XaV'Bp 'XBXV 'Xp 'Xl 'XSXV 'Xp when I go (to rob him) he will resist me. And if he resists me, I shall kill him Yom 85b(18) // San 72a(18); 'X in'sxV xia"xpi mV xiyarc xV if I do not obey them and resist them San 7a(12); 13. w. ]B to depart, bid farewell: nTD'Tiaa |33n 'B"p lin '3 when the students used to depart from his [i.e. Rav Huna's] academic session Ket 106a(22); 14. w. by to wait on s.o.: "xpi xmiyoa 'an' nn X3D XTIJan 31 m'Vy they were sitting at a meal and PN was waiting on them Pes 105a(5); 15. w. ■a/by to understand: n'3'Vx Dp'BV 'XBX xVl he could not understand his argumentation Er 13a(36; M) // Sot 20a(50); in'aj7BX 'Xp 'SB XV he is unable to understand their reasons Bek 58a(35); 16. w. Vy to deal w. s.t. in detail: XJBpl 'ixiriV ]xVy mm 'xai ]V n'XT 'xa Va Vy we have dealt in detail with what we are owed and with what we owed to the merchants SSSad 209:8; ]ina a'roT na Va Vy x:api ]ina xa"yi we have investigated them and have dealt in detail with everything that is written in them ISGF 4:13; 17. w. Vy to resist, oppose [Sy A \." -paJi LS ib., mng. 6]: -p xjcyai -|Vy xr'xp xn^n now I shall resist you and kick you San 91a(25); 18. w. 'ap to be in a subservient position before s.o., attend [cf. Akk izuzzu mahar to stand before (of a servant) AHw 409, mng. 1.2, Sy -pri-a ^o.Jrc' jr-iajc_n ^ocruuiTss-a PSm 3525]: a. in a situation dealing w. serving food: mm XyBW Xinn 'J'Jn '"IT ''Bp D'Xp a certain servant who was attending PN Hul 50a(8); Pes 106b(4); Suk 44b(20); Ket 61a(46); b. in a learning situation: pnv 'ti n'ap xaa'xp mn I'xno yim I 'stood' many times before PN Meg 23b (5) [concerning the reading of haftara]; MQ 18a(20) [in the '3 XEm&]; Ber llb(25); BB 41b(19) [F2: Xia'H']; c. as a disciple-attendant: 3m n'Bp 'Xp mn "3X 'xnaia 'V an n'V 'ax •pr PN was attending pn2. He said to him: "Give me my hat" Sab 147a(8); Zev 94b(5); III. in qtll le- syntagm: 1. to be certain [w. "3, "11J3 concerning]: X3'n 'V'B 'in mi3 (n)'V 'p na mis (n)'V 'p xVn this refers to where he is not certain concerning it [i.e. the field's contents]. You are certain concerning it BB 106b(4; HP 96:19) [Var: mV'p HGP 4a:30]; Sab 136a(48); Qid 66a(6; M); BM 23b(54); ib. 51a(29) [1 Xni'31]; 52b(18); ^Z76b(18) [i 113]; ti '3iV n'nyi xsipa xpim ]i3nV mV D'p the scholars are certain that a child is fond of money BB 156a(2); 'SB n'V D'p XS1T a doctor is more certain (than the patient) Yom 83a(5); San 25b(3); AZ 72a(29); 1'ynX' ]ina ]V D'p xVn X3'm Xnp'BV I'yiX' XV IX Xnp'aV if we are uncertain concerning them (whether) they know how to read or not TGHark 109:12; 2. to establish: sg.m. nn'B nay rrwjn p3iV inV D'pi the scholars established that (a pit) of ten
Dip 996 Dip (handbreadths depth) can cause a fatality BQ 3a(45); Sab 85a(l); f. xa"?y 'Vl31 ft XB'pi Xrwm xmiX 11X now that we have established according to everyone that lix [MPes 1:1] is night Pes 4a(14); nXX 1J71 KVTiV X31J? '381 ^ XB'p Km xftft '1X1 X1? 0'3313,1 have we not, in fact, established that from the time that the sun sets until the stars come out it is not night? Meg 20b (5); T^S JW1S bpniTl ft XH'pl we have established that they differ as to whether one who stumbles is negligent BM 82b(20); XB'p 'BJ 1T1 ]"? we have also established it so Anan 74:7; Suk 46a(31; M2); Ket 17b(33; V5); 5g 12b(l); BB 170a(45); AZ 69b(35); 5e/t 48a(27; V«); 3. to make an agreement [w. "3 w. s.o.]: xft 'lax '3 133 '"? D'p xnitfn 133 '"? D'p x"?1 I only said (that) to you when I had not made an agreement with you. Now I have made an agreement with you BM 77a(30); ib. 45; 4. w. _3 to rely upon s.o.: 1'3 ft D'pi '13 IB X3X PN, my son, upon whom I rely Ket 85a(40); IV. in idiomatic usages: 1. w. "nana to return to the original position or place: mnailS Dpi im in bo "?!X each (tree) went and returned to its original position Ber 56b(3); Suk 53b(8); Am 10a(2); 2. w. "3, -^H3/"TH3 to be in s.o.'s power, to be up to s.o.: mn T?'ia XB"p it is up to you Ber 56a(50); ni'13 T3X1 X3X K»"p is it (only) up to her (to have sexual intercourse) with his [lit. my] father or her [lit. your] father? Git 84a(52); TnaiX1? H'3 XB'pi ]Xai n31X X^l one who has the ability to admonish him and did not do so HG3 10:60(HGP 49a:24); 3. w. XJ'13 to go to court: Tfty XFTJ Op'B1? 1,'IX X1? he does not have to go to court over it BM 116a(19); 4. w. -piB'03 to support: Dp'B1? 7\ft 1^9'XI X1,11 'iTplD'03 this is where he can support them [i.e. the two wives] Yev 65a(23); 5. w. -JlB'tP3 "I n'HB'^3/ to adopt s.o.'s opinion or principle: i xnD'W mng. 2; 6. w. -'J11N -|J13 to come to power: 4- XTVD^J mng. 1; 7. w. '3/Vj? KJlV'S to prove the matter: nfty Dp'B1? X3'1? Xn"?'B1 it is impossible to prove the matter AZ 35b(38); BB 35a(2); 8. w. Nnytf to have a propitious moment/time [-1 xnyw mng. 3]: xnyw in1? 'B"p «]or mi nam it is a propitious time for (both) PN and PN2 5er 64a(5); ITJB in Xnyw .1'"? X8"p it is a propitious time for one of them (and he will not be harmed) Tan 21a(10) // Ket 69b(36); Pes lllb(32); BB 12b(13); 9. in phrase ]K~il~b Dp to increase in price: I 1X11 Pa. 1. to fulfill [w. "3]: a. general: x"?1 nx'3 nftv 'T Vy n'Bl'p1? 'WS'X sexual intercourse (for marriage), which it is impossible to fulfill by means of an agent Ket 74a(26); 118X1 ^3 '8"p ]J31 I have fulfilled everything that the scholars said Ara 16a(14); Xbl xnniX3 nanai Xn"?'B KDft nna"p there is nothing which you wrote in the Torah that I did not fulfill Hag 4b(31); Ket 77b(37); xn'TX1? Xip'3 IIB'p fulfill the Torah with honor Anan 12:21; AnanSch 26:21; BQ 30a(33); pass.part. X1? ''31 ,TOB1 'noil1? 'a"pa ''ra^ri jwimi 'nun1?... 'a"pap the curse of Moses, his teacher, is not fulfilled. Will the curse of Joshua, his disciple, be fulfilled? San 113a(42; M); b. w. -wwa in oneself (of a biblical verse): ,1'Vya mnn n»3nm 'XWSJ3 '8"p1 because I fulfilled in myself (the words of) Eccl 7:12 Yev 62b(23; O2); Tan 21a(3); ib. 17; 55 88a(23); c. w. nxan stipulation: I ilXJn usage b.5; 2. to confirm: n':'B"pX I shall confirm it Git 3 6b (3 2); 1TX ,T7 D"pi 'TX nTH she made a vow and he confirmed it [lit. her] Ket 52a(17); ift X3X xi3oa mna"pi xjm 3i 13 nam xn ft yaw I did not hear this (tradition) of PN, and I confirmed it by a logical deduction Sab 34a(27); 3. to authenticate a document by confirming its signatures: VlTX inrarp1? they went to authenticate them 5M20b(23); ib. 72b(16); 0"p TODM Dlpl 1,'IBW authenticate your deed and take possession of your property BB 30a(14); TBVp TGHark 276:15; 4. to establish, set up: ]'J»! 'VlBaVl pai 'BVp1? to establish subpoenas and to annul subpoenas SSHai 9a(13); 5. pass.part. to exist: Enpan n'3 D"p8 mn 13 when the Temple was in existence [lit. was established] HP 36:17; 6. to preserve: XJam ma'p XUIS'T may the Merciful One preserve our master [i.e. the Gaon] TGHark 156:27; 7. to place an oath [w. by upon]: xnni xja'pai xayswai xraia ]13,!?y xaa'pai I adjure, make swear, place an oath, decree, and impose an oath upon you Bo 31:10 Dip Af., forms w/o mem: pf. 2sg.m. I'n'plX Pes 62a(31); MQ 25a(44); 3m. 'piX£V 104a(27); lpl. HdirpiX Yom 33b(33; E1); imper. 2sg.m. 'piX BQ 25a(15); part. lsg. XJ'pia Pes 90a(3); 3m. yia Mid 33a(49);- I. alone: 1. to make s.o. stand up, assist to stand up: yixn ay1? mapixi ma vm he kicked him and made the 'am ha'ares stand up Svu 30b(28); mapiXl XT' 7\ft an' he gave him his hand and helped him stand up Ber 5b(21); Sab 110b(15); BB 58a(32); 2. to place, put, leave: a. general: 1) people: X11BH X1PXX xmapiXI they placed her on the ledge [rampart?; lit. roof] of the (city) wall San 109b(40); p 1Mb maplX xyiX1? X'8W he placed David between the sky and the earth ib. 95a(48); Ket 23a(42); 2) animals, objects: ID'p 'ftp TO'aplX he placed it [i.e. the water] before the emperor Bek 9a(2; M); 'aiplXI '"Hf is it permitted to put (cattle there)? Er 79a(25); 5M42b(15); T"S? 7\ft D'piX X131J Xinni I set up idolatry for it San 113a(39); RH 24b(37; M) // AZ 43b(27); MQ 10b(2); BB 21b(13); b. w. -p?nx in a presumed status [cf. MH2 by Taj/n inpm J 1086]: 'pix xan mpmx xnsu 'pix Dm n'pinx 'ann in that case leave the man in his presumed status [i.e. of being defiled]. In this case leave the teruma in its presumed status [i.e. of being holy] Mak 4a(27); Hul 53a(42); Nid 2b(l); c. w. var. preps.: 1) "3 in s.o.'s possession: nna npirn X:iaa 'piX leave the money in its owner's possession Ket 12b(28) [+ //'s; -l Xnptn]; ITS napIXT ft 1p3W XV they did not let me leave it in your possession San 28b(37); ]33T maplX n'TlWm the scholars left it in his possession Git 55b(24); '0333 maplX he confirmed him in the possession of the property BB 151a(27); 2) 'SX3 in front of: Xp'T 'DX3 napIXT nnBW a maidservant whom he placed before the wind (as a shield) San 85b(44); 3) 'in1? against: 'piXI 'in 'TT> 'in 'piX 1'pinx xnn'X place two (witnesses) against two, and leave the woman in her presumed status Yev 31a(37); BM 93b(54); 4) 'by next to: xai 'piX 7\fty Xliax he placed an amora next to him Er 104a(27); Git 43a(36); BB 127a(16); Zev 94b(18); Hul 100a(12); 3. to place s.o. in position: 'Vs'XI 'TT? 'ai ]ap1X place me also (in the proper position) so that 1 can pray Ber Dip 30a(l 1) [w. ref. to R. Seset, who was blind]; BB 25a(45); 4. to awaken, wake s.o. up: XJa'piBIX ,TT 'B/ai DIISX1? Tift (I am delayed) until 1 wake up Abraham and wash his hands BM 85b(41; V22); Git 70a(20) [v. Pe., mng. 1.4]; 5. to revive from death [Sy, LS 655, mng. Id]: 1'BpiX n'T'n he awakened him (and) revived him BQ 117b(8; Es); 6. to appoint: XJX'1 Xinn1? IBpiX nX'BN '31 nxrm X3pm3 the officials of the House of the Nasi appointed a judge for a (bribe of) a t.- measure of denars San 7b(20); Yev 61a(25); Qid 76b(35); BB 89a(16); Meg 6a(45); Anan 115:28; XaVa 13 Xa"?a 'Bpia 'ai do (the Romans) appoint the son of the king (to be) king? AZ 10a(31); Kar 5b(31); BB 164b(19); Ber 27b(46); Xp31 m'XI XpirV XS11B1SX 7\ft ]3'apia we appoint a guardian for the child for the other one-sixth portion BM 39b(24); XDIIB'BX 'bs 13 'bs 1'^'x D'am'1? i'i n'3 ]a n'aa'pixi nn, the guardian, whom we appointed by means of the court for these orphans SSHai 18a( 12); xav 1'ITj; ]3 Hy"?X "ft nimapiXI the day they appointed PN (as head of the academy) iSGF 26:1; 7. to explain, interpret: nnaplX 'X83 in what way did you explain it [i.e. the case in the Mishna]? Meg 19b(38); Bes 36a(36); Xa'"?X 'a n:a'p1X11'n'jnaa Xn is this (barraitd) more valid than our Mishna which we have explained ... ? Er 89b(9); BQ 49a(44); myttfix 'i napixi xnc?n X'nn1? now that PN has interpreted that (Mishna) ... Pes 90a(17); 'Xn1? Xna'plX 'XB3 'nniff'X X"?13 xn'13 in what (case) did you interpret that barraital In (a case) where he did not tarry Sab 109b(2); XT! '11 I'pmi 'Xai apy p 'ryftx "a yrvinab naipix1? what compels PN to interpret our (anonymous) Mishna according to PN2? Er 88b(12); BQ 25b(40) [1 xinx mng. e ]; ona napi: lyiaa 7ft D'piaix before he explains it [i.e. PN's statement] in regard to mu'ad, let him explain it in regard to tarn BQ 39b(52); ,1111' '13 7ft napiB n'Sa 'B1 can you explain it [i.e. the Mishna] according to PN? Meg 19b(28); xn'TXIX mopiX they interpreted it according to Pentateuchal authority Men 51b(47); AZ 37b(20); l"?U3 napi1?! let him establish it as dealing with a robber BB 44a(l); 997
Dip 998 nip 8. to stir up, incite: 133'BplX 'Xlbs the disputer has stirred you up Qid 58a(18); 9. to make s.o. stop, finish, stop: a. alone: vt? 'BX D'piXi "1713 after he finished he said to them Hor 13b(49); b. w. dir. obj.: n'BpiX tfb 'WpX he asked him a question (and) made him stop Yev 16a(37); 'JB'Xl TOB'piX stop them [i.e. the stars] so that I can count (them) San 39a(21); XTb'ab XJB'piXI 'WSJ W we stopped the matter [i.e. the sale of the field] for many days SSHai 18a(10); 10. to complete one's study: '3 m» 'XTIBbrf? n'TTplX "lOfffi'lBJl "13 'Xin by the time I was eighteen years old I had completed my study of the talmud from him MQ 25a(44); f?S XJ130B1 f?S XfDOa irPBpiX have you completed the study of such-and-such a tractate and such-and-such a tractate? Hor 10b(24); 11. to impede deterioration (of the body, plants, etc.): D'piB 'BipiX ... xbrVD 'Xn mna Kb 'mnx (after the age of forty, application of) kohl does indeed impede (deterioration of vision). It does not, however, improve (it) Sab 151b(48); Git 69a(37) [v. Geon. expl.]; 'Blpixb Xib'X to impede deterioration of the tree AZ 50b(29); 'BpiB xnbn three ('knots' of Rubia tinctorum) impede deterioration (of a sick person) Sab 66b (12); X0T1 'BipiX1? to preserve one's learning (from being forgotten) Meg 6b(12); 12. to cause milk to curdle [v. Pe., mng. i.ii; mh2 raya J 1036]: a'pia 'aipixT ]voi n'TlO'X 3'OT since (the rennet) does indeed cause (the milk) to curdle, its prohibition is considered (as if it is in its natural state) AZ 35a(8); II. w. prep, modifiers: 1. w. "X to reduce in size or quantity [cf. MH2 "?5? TByn J 1086]: X»V>TT xnymx n1? o'piai xjbix n'b 'sxw lest the bloodletter let (the blood) flow from him and reduce it to a revi'it Sab 129a(50); 2. w. UV to agree w. s.o.: fray XJXBpiB xbl I do not agree with him SSHai 13a(ll; O); III. in idiomatic usages: 1. w. '3 to insist on one's full rights [caique < MH2 VJTITa by TByB Pes 113b(10)]: .Tins lapw x1? n^'aa o'pia xbi b'xm since he does not insist on his full rights (for his deeds), do not do so with him (for his transgressions) RH 17a(52); 2. w. KHJ to bring s.o. to judgment: xna rrap-rn wim xnbx r^mvb xbi so that the God of the Jews should not find him and bring him to judgment Git 56b(46); 3. w. XJlV'BS to berate [lit. to place s.o.' w. a word]: Xjfb'BS nnapiXT Xin XBby3 she merely berated her AZ 26a(30); San 5a(29); 4. w. -»MK to restrain o.s. [cf. MH2 laxy by rayn J1086]: ^aipixb 'xxa xb iT3 'bsriDXI 'XPBJX I was unable to restrain myself and I looked at it BM 85b(37); Suk 52a(54; Rashi); ri'WBJX wm D'piB ]'»!' I'nbn iy for thirty days a person can restrain himself (from sexual relations) Yev lllb(48; Ed); 5. w. XpiB'O to provide s.o.'s needs: XplS'O ]inb trpiBi ]XB1 IIH'SIS DIDb one who will provide their needs according to their requirements SSHai 17a(20); 6. w. by to be meticulous or particular about s.t: ny\ vsi np'a xni by o'piai ixb 'xn one who is meticulous about a zuz (coin) is called an 'evil soul' BM 52b(35) [but cf. Var: TTX 'HpT Ar (AC 7:71); i V'Hp pe.]; 7. w. Kip to interpret a biblical verse: a. alone: H'b D'plB 'DM pm' '1 Htpb how does PN interpret the verse? Sab 71b(31); Naz 58a(17); Qid 42b(45; O2); b. w. -»M: i ^Ipm pe., mng. 3; 8. w. XBtf to perpetuate s.o.'s name: Vlinxb XBplxb b'13 bx*W3 XBP XJJVB in order to perpetuate a name for his brother, the deceased, in the Jewish people HP 163:33 Itpa. 1. to be fulfilled: a. biblical verse: nnyiT 'X I1? Dp'i nax itim '3 d^b mn vm had you had sown it with wheat, (the verse) "you will decree and it will be fulfilled for you" [Job 22:28] would have been fulfilled in me BM 106a(9); ib. 35a(28); San 93a(33); 3'JOT nxip n'by O'pJl'l may the biblical verse which is written ... be fulfilled in him Bo 74:5; Dec 7:14; b. dream: xb o"p;ia xw3 xabn xbi n'bis crpna X3» xabn •TblS neither a good dream nor a bad dream- is fulfilled in its entirety Ber 55a(48); ISGF 80:6; c. condition: rrx:m ,Tb D'^'X his stipulation was fulfilled AZ 37a(21); Git 34a(37); 2. to last, endure: '3 XB"prTX1 X131J? mn THS I acted this way and (my learning) endured in me Er 54b(30); ib. 54a(10); XBby D"priB na by through what does the world endure? Sot 49a(36); 3. to live, stay alive, survive: ]im yi2 ]inb Jim 'VI IBV'TW p inwm yttyprn may they have i#xaip children, may they live, stay alive, and be kept safe from the demons and from the dews Bo 14:3; ib. 18:4; 20:2; '33 n'b Wp'b xb may his sons not survive [i.e. may they die young] Sab 108a(42); mina xain 3ib xy-it n'b D'^'x xb no offspring of PN from PN2 survived BQ 80a(41); Tan 23a(49); Di xb3 xa"pna nbt the animal does not live without blood Mei 12b(6); xb X,!?y 'VaV'X X'bDriX TB"pna were it not for the leaves the bunches could not exist Hul 92a(45); 4. to be authenticated: xn Tl'33 X3Blp XH X3DD D"priX this document was authenticated by us in court SSHai 14b(15); TGHark 109:11; PDFMP 604:15 Ittaf., form w/o mem: pf, 3sg.f. XpWX Geo« 266:23;- 1. to be placed: H1T1 X1HH nori'X Dnxn Dpn'XT that ram that was placed there was tied Anan 75:21; 2. to be established: 'BpB DV XTBfl DpJl'XT the day before the daily sacrifice was established Tan 18a(5); 3. to be explained, interpreted (of a text) [v. Af, mng. 1.7]: a. biblical: 'Xlp 'Bpina the verses are interpreted BB 112a(23); Yom 2a(31); b. Tannaitic: xb p3-D Tn'JTia xapOTB our Mishna cannot be explained according to the scholars Bek 15a(5); 'b'B I'mra I'Sn -inn XBpwxi it was interpreted afterwards in two ways TGHark 34:1; XpOTX Geon 266:23; 4. to be appointed: TWTty rODB rmry ]3 iiybx "\ npmxT xars xapwxT the Tractate Eduyot which was explained [v. mng. 3] on the day that PN was appointed (head of the academy) iSGS 25:21 [Var: X'jrVW I§GF ib.] Geon. expl. [Af., mng. 1.11]: [CjUJ] rMJOX '^X WK 'iX 'DlplX1? OHT Git 155:22, i.e. <-JUJ impeding (the growth of the boil); Lit: Bacher 188; for the text of the authentification of a document [rTHDW 0VJ>], v. SSHai 45. The expression KDpT 'XS seems to mean: what is going on/taking place? [lit. what is it that stood?] Pes 3b(42); Hor 13b(48); Ket 67b(48); MQ 17a(29). Ar (AC 7:118), s.v. ,XBp-fol. by J 1383; Eps, Gr 67-derives this word from VlOX, but this should be rejected. The correct ms. rdg. in Sot 2b(45) is: ,"vrn Xp 'XDpT 'XO what is before me [i.e. my wife] is separated. l#NB1p n.f. gum arabic (< kouiu, Lat cummi Lehnw 508; 4- 2#XB1J; Sy rdioo_o LS 671) sg. Sab 104b(18) [expl. MH DiBip Mib. 12:4] // Meg 18b(51; M2) // Git 19a(17); xnmioabx XBip Alexandrian gum Arabic Sab 110a(46; Oxf, c.27, 13) Nriaip Geon. expl.: te nb nMyDw >p» ini cx"y J3 naw] 1»3 xmp n'mxai 'any jos rawi i'Bio(n>ni trn 576:5, i.e. ^° ^iji- [cf. ib. 630:3]; GnK5 169:4; TGDr49 106:8; Lit: Flora 2:389; Y: XElip Sab ib.(BAYTN 20). 2# Kttlp n.m. comes, a high official (< kout|<;, Lat comes Lehnw 509; Sy -™ . v^~ n etc. LS 673) sg. /4Zlla(8) Y: Xtlip AZ ib.(BAYTN 20). [3#NMip-l l#XB'pn.] Nnuaip 4- xnoap n. Nn'3»1p n.f. mold (< xrvbBip*; Ma XJXBIp mildew MD 408, Sy rd^n o_d moldiness of bread LS 672) sg. XB1XT XD'JBip mold of barley flour Pes 42a(35) Geon. expl.: n(3>Diri ■'iWBW ]W^ WlB'y Kin Xn'Mip TGHark 179:10, i.e. jjS2 to become moldy of bread; ran WlB'y GnK5 175:14; D'Tip'l JIB OHP ib. 145:27; Lit: Flora 1:41; Y: xri'jmp Pes ib.(BAYTN 201). 1# NSaip n.m. handful (J, V^ap; TA H'iaip TO Lev 2:2) sg. xnap nyan XSBip a handful of barley : flour Meg 16a(14) [double rdg.; Var: xba xnap rvxaip M1] Y: 'JQip Meg ib.(BAYTN 156). 2# Ksaip 4- xsap n. KMIpBlp n.m. kettle (< koukkoojiiov, Lat cucumis Lehnw 511, w. dissim. of -qq- > -mq-\ JPA Qpaip DJPA 482, MH mpaip MKelK 3:7, > Arab £& Fr, AF 70) sg. XBipBipi XB1S the mouth of the kettle Sab 48a(4); XBIpaip an '3 in the time it took [lit. when] for the kettle to become hot BB 73b(26) Y: XnipBip Sab ib.(BAYTN 271). Knaip n.f. body (4- Vmp; TA XBip TJ Is 10:33, Ma 1# xnaip body MD 408, Sy k'^wo-d body, height Gignoux, IMS 65, LS 653) sg.cs. Tiaip xVns a body of iron Bo 2:1; det. rrnaip1? H'1? XS3 he bent his body over Git 68b (1); x"?1 X3'm nnaip 'bis xnri'x ins xii^aV x'a ('Xiwsi if the water is not deep enough for a woman to immerse her entire body in it HG3 358:34; 171XB n'naip 'Bin 'Jam I'ySIX the two hundred and forty-eight limbs of his body Bo 59:14; ib. 44:6; 90a:3; 106:11; 120:47; X'31 Xim Tiaip n"?13 my entire body is of pure fire ib. 29:4; !xan'm XT0X 999
toaaip i t t : ' n'Jiaip nVl3 xannai his entire body is tied, sealed, and secured ib. 21:3; 51:5 Lit: Eps, Stl 331; Y: Fl'nalj? Git ib.(BAYTN 39). NHSilp n.m. asclepias, a hot drug resembling mustard (Sy K'tijcuj LS 675) pi. '1311p HG1 141:92(Var);SMe/ 72:929 P expl.: nw"13 SMel ib., i.e. baryast a wild pot-herb resembling spinach PED 176; Lit: Flora 1:526. JVHlIp, lTTlp n.m. frankincense (< Mir *kundurug [cf. MP kundur CPD 52, > Arab jilS Siggel 64]; Sy j&JI r^^oo-. \ ... cn:u_D BBah 1803:26, K^o-iaA o_>m \o-i:u.., n ib. 1775:9) sg. ini<1}(')pi ClxmriSJ? frankincense powder TRN 590:11 [expl. MH XTUOCD1? isy Sab 50b(9)] P expl: JVTIXip SMel 72:933, expl. as WlID; Lit: Low, Pfl 267; Flora 1:314. N'3ip n.m. a glaze made of lime powder (< Kovia Lehnw 513; Sy rf \ \n-a lye made of ashes and quicklime LS 677) sg. X'llpl xyx a plate with a <?.-glaze Hul 47b(55); X'llpl 'yXS Pes 30b (22) // X'llpl '1X8 utensils with a <jr.-glaze ^Z 33b(35); XpIT 'IB? XITTVI XB31X X'lip 'XHI TOX (if) the 9.-glaze is black or white it is permitted [i.e. the vessel is impermeable]. (If) it is green it is forbidden [i.e. it is permeable through cracks] Ket 107b(41) // Pes 30b(30) // AZ 33b(36); iaxi XinSI '3 '131 X'lipi 'ixa vessels with ^.-glaze are also like clay [i.e. they are absorbent] HP 16:3 Geon. expl.: I'janoa niniD v:bi snn 'ba trfr'nn mipi ':xa tznn ^aa n"11 y^a pBBOa y«n J"yxi OHT Pes 29:14; Lit: Brandt 46911; Voc: x'aip Voc: 8a:3; Y: X;3ip AZ ib.(BAYTN 156). l^XMJIp n.m. word used in place of pip for expressing a vow (I Voip; MH Blip Yeivin, BV 973, J 1335) sg. JttU'j? ,!7'1 IX 'axp Dllp 'KB xanp 'Xp what is (the meaning of) xanp? Did he say Dllp [i.e. a vow] or perhaps he said 'cinnamon' Ned 10b(20; V2) [i 2#Xaiip] 2# NttJlp n.m. cinnamon (Cortex cinnamomi zrylanici) sg. Ned 10b(20; V2) [i l#xanp] Lit: Low, Pfl 346; Flora 2:112. NOIJlp* n.m. artichoke (< Kivdtpa Low, Lehnw 534; Sy k'-Uo-d, ^d-\ \» n etc. LS 679, JPA 2# NSip D-ll'p DJPA 491) sg. X0'(1>(1)np Er 83a(15; RaH) [but v. DS for other forms] Lit: Low, Flora 1:407+. N301p sg. leaf (etym. unkn.) pi. 'IDip '1J11 Xp X,11 the leaves, in fact, fall off Er 100b(9; Ar [AC 7:148]) Expl. Ar: VJ'Xn 'ty AC ib. NBOlp, KOIp n.m. district (< MP kust#\, kustag district CPD 52, Turfan kos province Geig, AAC 359) sg. Xp'm XD01p3 XIT'1 I live in a remote district Tan 24a(45; Ed) [M2: XOIp] The rdg. Xrom M is a gloss. Lit: Geig, WZKM 44 [ 1937] 61+; Y: KDOip Tan ib.(BAYTN 156). NJ7ip n.m. neck, windpipe (i l#Xpp; cf. Sy rdicun bridge of nose LS 655) 1. neck: sg. 'X' X11T1? "|yip your neck is fitting for scissors AZ 29a(46; J); X'lfO 'ty n'yipb TWV 31 iTBpil PN stretched out his neck over me like a snake Ber 49a(41; Ed) [Var: n'lXIS1? O]; 'XHI H'yip T1X 'XH n'yip 10(1)' this one's neck is long and that one's neck is short BQ 55a(25; F1); 'Km .Tyip D'"?X 'XH rvyip I'Dp this one's neck is thick, and that one's neck is thin ib. 26(F'); Km H'yip oaoaa '3 its neck being soiled with blood Hul 53b(19) // ib. 28a(49); 2. windpipe: sg. n'Daw X1H3 31 Dp n'yipV PN tore out his windpipe BQ 117a(33); Tl'ai H'yips H'1? 3'ri'X (the bone) penetrated his windpipe and he died Yom 87a(51) Y: fpjjlp Hul 28a(49; BAYTN 24). Tip n.m. qof, the eighteenth letter of the alphabet (Sy ^a<f«_D LS 639) sg. «]1p1 H'SX the 'face' of qof Sab 104a(30); *\\p"] ,TJXn the 'crown' of qofib. 31; lipi n'J?13 the 'foot' of qof ib. 32 Y: lip Soi ib. l#NSip n.m. ape (TA ]'Sip pi. TJ IK 10:22, Sy rdLi>-n LS 656, Ma l#XS1p MD 409) sg. Ned 50b(4); HSIp iTJ?32n an ape dyed it BQ 101a(33) [bef. corr.; Es: XSip 1H3 y3X1] The mng. of the pass, in BQ is uncertain; v. other expls. in OHR ib. 98:27+; Y: XBip BQ 101a(33; BAYTN 24). 2# NSIp n.m. trunk of a vine (cf. Sy rdAo_D pole LS 681) sg. X30 XSip an old trunk of a vine BM 109b(28; EsF1); Hul 110a(32; Ar [AC 7:156]) [Var: mn rX3nD XS'p H2(Marg)] 00 3# NSip 1001 l#N1ip Expl. Ar; ]pi JS1 AC 7:156 [cf. RaH quoted ib.]; on Hul ib., v. Koh, AC ib., n. 1. 3#NSlp n.m. eye of a needle (I Xl'SIp; Ma 2#XS1p hoop MD 409, mng. b) sg. V»yi X*?'D XDriOT XS1p3 an elephant which goes through the eye of a needle Ber 55b(56); BM 38b(38); 'X nsV H'Sip 'XT ... Tib H'Sip if its eye (points) inward/outward Hul 48b(35); nsipl X'H Xna'Vx 'X 'Nnrv? ne?'-n xV'yV if (the needle) is thick, its eye is upward (in the lung), and its head [i.e. the point] is downward HP 201:4; ib. 6; 17; TGDr49 100:1 Y: XSip Hul ib.(BAYTN 24). 4# NSIp n.m. collection box (< Akk quppu cash box at the temple gate for receiving offerings CAD Q 308, mng. 3b, AIOA 86; Ma 2# XSip MD 409, mng. a, Sy K^\_a<!v_D purse LS 681) sg. XSip xriXS'JlSi p3"n the collection box of the scholars of the academies iSGF 88:1 [expl. I XTIS'tf] [NlSIp n.m. meat (< kotnxSiov piece [of meat] Lehnw 516; Sy rc'ii.cua LS 682) sg. ny3n Vy XlSIp 'I'H Vyi on the egg and on types of meat Ber 44b(2; Ar [AC 7:158]) [Var: XlSipn F] This passage is suspect since the A words are presented in a H framework. Additionally, IDip though well known in JPA [v. DJPA 483], is not otherwise found in JBA] 1# N^Sip, pi. 'KSip n.m. perh. flotsam (4- V'Sp; Sy rtLLzcya flotsam LS 682) pi. xnam 'p't mm 'XSip '3 ni3712?XT certain wineskins which were found among flotsam (?) BB 24a(33) For other suggestions, v. Ar [AC 7:157], s.v. 'NBp; J 1337, s.v. 2#XBip; Obermyer 267 [a GN]; Y: 'KBip BB ib.(BAYTN 157). [2# N'Sip I nX3lipx n.] N3'S1p n.m. hole in the spade's blade for the handle (i 3#XSip, 2#X3'SW) sg. X1OT Xl'Sip Sab 102b(38); ib. 31; Sot 13a(30); Git 32a(l); BQ 27b(23) Y: XJ'Bip Sab ib.(BAYTN 164). NVsip n.m. lock, bolt (Sy rdJLacu LS 683, > Arab jii Fr, AF 16) sg. GC 22:4 [expl. MH fntpofrj? MKel 11:4]; pi. San 110a(42; F2Rashi) [Var: '"?D11 Ar (AC 7:97, s.v. ibp)] II Pes 119a(31;CEl) Geon. expl.: [?]x'3ina iBion nop n»jtt» yans GC ib.; Lit: Eps, GC 228; Ros, Tl 52. NSBIp n.m. jumping (4- Vl#f£3p) sg. b'TX xpi XSS1p3 he goes by jumping Er 43a(26) KSip n.m. thorn (BH yip HAL 1019) pi. vrVlS lV3Xp 'Sip XT1"-I3 TJ? all the domestic goats eat thorns Hul 43b(22; H2) [I 2#HX13 adj.]; Bes 30a(48) // BB 19b(35); ib. 20a(32) Y: 'Sip BB ib. HXpIp n.m. a forbidden bird (etym. unkn.) pi. 'Xpip Hul 63a(17; H2) [I XD'pIp] NJVpIp n.m. a permitted bird (etym. unkn.; called i xmnn in Eretz Israel) pi. 'Xp1p(1){V] 'Xip xne? xnx"pip n'OX qx.-birds and ^2--b'rds are forbidden. The qy-birds are permitted Hul 63a(17; H2) [Var: XTI'pip Ar (AC 7:179)] NJpIp, XlNplp n.m. parasitic worm (< Akk quqanu AHw 928) pi. a. in humans: 'WpT 1T3 'Iplp1? since it leads to q.-worms Ber 36a(29; OAr [AC 7:181]); 'ipipV H'V '"?3X 'XO1? for what do (people) eat it [i.e. marjoram]? Against q.- worms Sab 109b(15; OAr [AC ib.]) [Var: 'IxpipV TGAs28 167b:4]; b. in fish: 'ixpip Hul 67b(21) [Var: '1X131 'ixpip q. -worms of fish HG3 195:15] Geon. expl.: 1'XXl'l n»,j'? ]'»n fW D':op D'SIW TXpip ]n»1 01X bv WXWa TRN 628:1; in 'yaw 'vbl GnK5 168:26, i.e. Jjj worm, maggot; Lit.: Landsberger, Fauna 129; Y: \lX?plp Ber ib.(BAYTN 267). Nlplp, NINplp n.m. a fish trap (etym. unkn.) pi. 'ixpipi 'mV Sab 18a(36); 'Ipipi 'm1? Git 61a(2; Ar [AC 7:181]) [Var: 'imn V18; 4- X1H1X] Expl. Ar: jrta ]»wi D'jin verb mrrh \a I'wiyw m-uoa pjxp'jip Cany pwVa -] AC ib. The deriv. < KOUKOUpov quiver Lehnw 518 was rejected by S. Fraenkel, ZDMG 55 [1901] 357 [cf. AAC 373]; Y: 'yip Sab ib.(BAYTN 157). ltflOlp n.m. terminal bud ('heart') of the date palm (< Akk uquru AHw 1427; Sy rc'in-D LS 656) sg. ]131 "?3 Xlip GC 145:6 [expl. MH lip MUqs 3:7 and expl. by Arab jLli]; ... Klip XII X"?31X the terminal bud is a food Ber 36a(30) // Er 28b(44); Ket 60b(51); 'Wl'X *J?»1 'a xVpi Xllpl XJiyiX do people plant the date palm for the sake of the terminal bud? Ber 36a(35) // Er 28b(50); Xlip 13 X1X31 web of the terminal bud of the date palm Sab 30b(51; MGG 770:10); Ber 43b(18); ib. 56b(43); pi. 11'lipa '"? 'Il'X ina1? tomorrow bring me from their terminal buds [i.e.
2# lOip 1002 Napnip cut them off so that the date palms will die] BQ 92a(5) [v. Flora infra] Cf. Sy: jUiJI jij jijJI f*2. ri±£m K'i.vjj BBah 1523:3; «Li-Bas kL=4 ••• ^o-o ib. 1750:1; Lit: Eps, GCIntr 86; Flora 2:325; Y: X1ip Ber 36a(30; BAYTN 20). 2# Klip n.m. trunk, beam (4- nip '3; MH .Trip Yeivin, BV 761) 1. trunk: sg. x"7 n'B SH3J? Klip X13J? (the alluvial soil) produces a trunk (but) does not produce fruit Tarn 30a(3); 2. beam: pi. 'rim ~\xf? rrnxf? mp rra-ua poia xp mn they were sawing beams from its bones to build those towns fi5 73b( 19) Stttnip n.m. cold, frost (4- Vl#Tlp; Sy rc'-Wo LS 689) sg. 'Din XBin B'ap XTlp cold constricts (and) heat loosens OHT Ber 130:23(Ar) JOIlp n.m. kinship, close distance (4- \3"lp; Sy rdi-i«_n LS 691, Ma X3Tip MD 409) 1. kinship, kin: sg. X1H V3X1 X3"Yipi V3X V1X his father's brother who is kin of his father San 54a(29); ib. 58b(ll); ma pi X3"lip 'XBl is the kinship of a son (to the father greater) than (that of) a daughter? BB 110b(14); Yev 3a(18); HP 141:12; ximn "nxb \stran vnrnp irrsu 'nx all of the brothers themselves have the same kinship to one another Anan 108:2; pi. 'Slip '3Tlp various degrees of kinships Yev 3a(9); 2. close distance: sg. BB 23b(7); ib. 122a(29); 'B^ll 'riXl Xin X3"llp3 perhaps he is in the vicinity and is coming San 96b(47); XB'pil xpnm XB'pi X3"llp3 who stands far away or at a close distance Bo 132:2; TGAs28 199c:l Y: X3-Ilf> Yev 3a(18; BAYTN 157). KW-lip, K33"1j? n.m. sacrifice, gift (4- Vsnp; TA xKn'p TO LevT6:13, Sy rdii-*^ LS 692, Ma l#XJX3Ttp MD 409) 1. sacrifice: sg. vf? TW x:3"llp he sent them a sacrifice Git 56a(8); 1V1X XWIlp1? XTHl they brought an ox for a sacrifice Ber 31b(42); XJmi nnOST X13"ip the sacrifice of Passover and Sukkot Anan 72:16; AnanMann lr:ll; BMsE 32:29; 2. gift: sg. "V 'SBX X3T ITS DT>3 pBW 13V X33ip PN brought a gift to PN2 on his holiday AZ 65a(9); ib. 64b(42); 'BOX XJSnp1? ]a"pi thighs (of an animal) which are designated as a gift Hul 8a(35; M); nvra^ XD'jaV X33TIP to send a 'gift' [i.e. a bribe] to the king San 108b(53; Tarbiz 65:513) Y: XJTflp Hul ib.(BAYTN 268). nxrilip, niU'TTD adj. Gordian (< PN Gordianus Lehnw 518; JPA X'r'Tlip X"UH DJPA 484) sg.m. nxrmp Xin a Gordian denar Hul 54b(17); nXJ'TTD /A. 14 Y: nW'Tllj? #«/ ib.(BAYTN 321). iltUTTip adj. of GN pl.f. xnX'JTlip 'B'ri wheat of GN Pes 7a(5; C); ib. 21b(9) Geon. expl.: !piJTV3 [read: p'JVTD] Kurdish TGAs42 160:1 [i yma]; area \fyniv 'ion o'»p pw o'»n ohp ib. 138:19. NB"T1p, NB'J'llp n.m. grain, particle (Vonp; 4- XJl'BTip; JPA Blip tiny person DJPA 484, MH Blip, B'Tip Yeivin, BV 440, Ma XBTIJ MD 85) sg. X1133 XB"lip a grain (of salt of Sodom) in a kor Er 17b(17) // Hul 105b(13); XTl'Ir^m XBTtp a grain of Asa foetida HP 204:11; 'tf'Vm XBTIp a particle of clay Nid 20a(51); i& 11 [of ink]; XBTH XBX'nip a particle of blood HP 201:10(HPP 303:19); pl.es. XBi 'Blip pn //«/ 43b(5); i& 52b(42) Y: NB-np //«/ ib.(BAYTN 157). n.m. support, cushion (< KdTaPoXf) Lehnw 566; MH rrVoBp, MKelK 16:4) sg. Sab 79a(41) [Var: x"73BnpAr (AC 7:194)] Geon. expl.: mlXIBO "QV 'vbl XlHl OHP ib. 39:2, i.e. SjLi [leather] table [v. Eps, GC 6611]; expl. Ar: 'Wy 13'XB "liy XTKb AC ib.; Lit: Eps, Stl 318; Y: K^3TOlip Sab ib. [N0'B-np 4- XBBIlp n.] NJVtJIlp n.f. small portion (VB"lp; < 4- XBIlp + nn>m [dimin. ending]; Sy rc'diA^o-o LS 694) sg. n'ra XrVBlip ^'proron a small portion of it [i.e. the bone] was severed from it Hul 77a(9) Y: KJVB-np Hul ib.(BAYTN 201). KMOIlp n.m. safflower seed (VDBlp < i Vl#DBp; Sy pd^L^icv-o LS 695 > Lat carthamus Flora, infra) pi. 'BDIIp Tfr'JTI a third safflower seeds Sab 110a(43) // Pes 42b(19) [ingredient of Egyptian zythos]; Ber 38a(17) [ingredient of XB'IB ib.]; "im 'BBIlp safflower seeds Git 70a(39; M); ib. 69a(19) [in a medical recipe] pimp 1003 i#KttBhp Lit: Flora 1:401; Voc: 'BBTip VTM 114; Y: XnBIlp Ber ib.(BAYTN 265). pimp 4- ]wy adj. 1# NU'mp n.m. caryota dates, cariotum (< Lat caryota, Kapocotoi; Lehnw 520; > Arab t^j* Fr, AF 146) 1. caryota dates: pi. 'BXmp AZ 14b(31) [given as Palestinian expl. of 03^73 Nicolaus dates Mib. 1:5]; ib. 32; 35; 2. pi. cariotum [i.e. wine made of the c.-dates; JPA 1'Binp DJPA 505]: Ber 50b(23) [mixed w. undiluted grape wine] Geon. expl.: K»>l'OI'imi OHP Ber 85:13(Ar), i.e. NP guwarisn an electuary for assisting digestion PED 1100 [> Arab O-lj!^ Siggel 26, Sy»»{» ;i? \J.S 110; cf. NP guwaris; v. Geig, AAC 375; PLAr 96]; [?]WTO TC01S2 WlllwnXVj'?X 'BXmp1? OHP ib. 114:11, i.e. Arab iUjlj> [cf. NP guwarisl PED ib.]; Lit: Flora 2:322; Pfl 111; Y: 'B""np AZ ib.(BAYTN 270). 2# NB'mp i XBTip n. KttHIp, KttNHIp n.m.pi. an edible wild-growing water plant (4- lsxrnx'B;) pi. 'S1X3 'axnip q.-plants in the marshes Er 22a(7; TGHark 179:9,0) [V: 'Bip] Geon. expl.: ... 'OXTlp [Jl'mp -] W1X I'Xllp BrmX\ 'BJXl miS3 '3W3 imx I'^SIXI TGHark ib., i.e. Hai Gaon identifies MH IWlj? [TPes 1:29] w. our word and w. 'DXTIp, the spoken A term of the villagers; Lit: Flora 1:707. Nri'SIlp n.f. thyme (Thymus bovei; Sy K*&_»jio_D origanum, mint LS 697; cf. Akk qurnu a plant CAD Q 319) sg. Sab 128a(45) [expl. MH rrmp Tib. 15:12]; XJVmp 'JMT} ]XB 'IffXn nDDiyxi who wants (to buy) the q. -plant? And it turned out (to be) wild thyme ib. [I 2# xtfn]; 'wxn xrrmp ib. 46 Lit: A. Witztum & M.I. Gruber, Lesonenu 56 [1991] 147+; Flora 2:77+; 104+; Y: XrPJ-lip Sab ib.fBAYTN 201). l#N0i1ip n.m. mallet, hammer (TA XOhp TJ Is 41:V, Sy «Lail-\eyn LS 698, Ma XOXJIip MD 409; cf. Arab o^j* mountain peak Fr, AF 95) sg. XMTipS n"na he hit it with a mallet BQ 98a(17); 0V73 'ax X1? XD3"l1p (if he said) q. (instead of D31p), he said nothing Ned 10b(29) Y: XOnip BQ ib.(BAYTN 265). 2#N03"Vip n.m. small horn (< 4- Xnp + XD" [dimin. ending]; cf. Ma 1# XJTIp end MD 409) sg. n'omps xpsb n'1? -tin x'rnsi »ixa yirv they hung sixty manes of iron on the small horn of a gnat Hul 58b(9; H2) Lit: Eps, Gr 116; Y: n'D^ip Hul ib. 1# NXHlp n.m. (mng. uncertain) sg., only in ten NSlIp to inform on s.o. (caique < Akk karsT akalu CAD K 222, AIOA 63; 4- Vpp; BA "73X Hip HALOT 1974, TA I'Slp pi. TO Lev 19:16, Sy rc^HJ .A-arcliTS LS 17, Ma XST3 V'SX MD 216) •'X3b'a '3 XSlip "73X "7TX he went (and) informed on him to the authorities Ber 58a(38); Git 56a(6); BM 86a(6); BB 58a(29); iSGF 87:2 The lit. mng. of the phrase is uncertain; Y: XXIlp BB ib.(BAYTN 157). 2#NXTip, KXNTip n.m. a type of worm (4- Vpp; cf. JPA 'Snp DJPA 503 [uncertain mng.]; cf. Sy ~-Ln to sting [of a gnat] LS 699) sg. GC 130:3 [expl. MH nB'}3 MMakh 6:1; Var: xsxnip] Geon. expl.: pi XW JlBMbo X1H NXXnip GC 1306 [Ms. O], i.e. OJJ Dozy 1:437. Kpmp 4- xpip n. Kaapnp 4- x:3p-ip n. lip f\p, "llpnip n.m.abs. buzzing, crowing (4- Vnplp; Sy r^A-Diaji cackling of a hen LS 701) sg. X3HB -np@Tip ^ Ip'DX rid me of the crowing from here BB 23a(3) Expl. Ar: Dnpyil 0'3Tiyn >)1XBS AC 7:217; Y: lipiip BB ib.(BAYTN 277). NOpnip n.m. wood (perh. < XO'p yy*; I XTJ? 'Dpnipl; Ma X0p-np block of wood MD 410, Sy rsLoa_nH-D driftwood LS 700, mng. 2) sg. X3rm X'TW XOp-npT WBm "lOXI Xin the Merciful One prohibited (prostration to idols) of gold, (but to an idol) of wood it is permitted Kar 3b(10; ENA 2093/6); XOplipT XM^B a wooden frame HP 72:19 Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 61 [1991] 61+; Y: XDpnip^Z24b(13; BAYTN 265). l#KtJBftp n.m. truth (TA XBEnp TO Dt 13:15, Sy 1# rc'&jLo.D LS 704, Ma XDKTD MD 209) sg. jnnWX XBB/ip yirwv. 'SI he only swore the truth BQ 105a(7; Es); Ned 25a(20); Svu 46b(37); Qid 64a(34); xa"?5?3 XBWIp KTb there is no truth in the world San 97a(30); xV XB2?ip XW3V Xip'tt;
KBtfipa t : ' : 1004 NS1BP Xn'3W falsehood is common. Truth is uncommon Sab 104a(35); Git 62b(32) [in a mnemonic]; SSHai 10b(4); San 8a(7); XDB/lp |'5HX' x"?l Xin 'XB xnV'Bl (we) do not know what the truth of the matter is TGHark 84:13; ib. 154:36; TGAs27 23:10; rG/f.s42 29:30 Y: XBthp AjA 104a(35; BAYTN 157). - NtfBhpa adv. faithfully ]l,TW3 Tl' p310Bl XBfflpa they support their wives faithfully SSHai 13b(20) Lit: Friedman, JMP 71, 177. 2#NtJtt/ip n.m. costus (MH2 VVip J 1344, Sy o_d ls 704) sg. xocip '^a miyy ten manehs of costus Dim Vol 469:18; ib. 22 Lit: Low, Flora 391+. NJEftp, pi. KrPBftp, "BNp n.m. question, difficulty (I V'tfp; JPA "Wlp difficulty DJPA 484, Sy <<Ai. ci_d hardening LS 703) 1. question: sg. X'Wlp TX' p orU'S '1 'WpB mn '3 nya-ixi onwya 'xnr p pj?73iy "i nV pnsa mn 'plTS whenever PN asked a question, PN2 would give twenty-four solutions for it Sab 33b(49); ^D X'Pip Tan 23a(51); XTT 'T7 X'Wip 5M 34a(14); pi. mV nm xnx'unp Vs pnr 'an ,t^"ip PN asked him all the questions that he had BQ 117b(4) [Var: xnxwp GTB2 202:5]; xnx'ttnp '303 lin 'pn'93 they used to write the questions on slips Hor 13b(50; MGE 699:4); xnx'ttnp BM 84a(50); XJT'iyip 71*713 all the questions Yom 3b(29); "Pip la1?! "Wlp laV l'3['2?pxi] we asked this one questions and that one questions TGAs28 200:4; pm'B/ip ISGF 58:2; 2. difficulty: sg. X'Plp 'XB1 what is the difficulty? Pay 109b(6); £r 37b(32); Yom 28b(19); 7ev 43a(17); 5g 83b(54); Svu 17b(2); Kar 7a(47); TPTQrt? ]»W]p mn our (original) difficulty remains [lit. returns to its place] Pes 80a(20); Yom 13a(21); Ket 70b(10); Qid 15b(29); Men 14a(8); XpVoi xnyaw ^31 Xn3Vn X'Wlp 'lxn X1? X'Wipa not every legal discussion which ends in a difficulty is a refutation [lit. the difficulty does not constitute a refutation] TGHark 163:16; xnyBEH X3Xp0Bl pnSB xm X'Plp3 the conclusion of the legal discussion is with a difficulty which is not resolved ib. 46:27; 192:3; X33'BV Vxntt?' V'3X' X'Wlpai xni'D3 13in the Jew is able to collect his debt (only) with effort and difficulty ib. 160:9; pi. XJVEnp 'mn two difficulties Hul 32b(9) Lit: Bacher 198; on the adj. X'Wlp [< X'»p], v. i 'wp adj.; Y: X;OTp 5ai 33b(48; BAYTN 157). Npfihp n.m. palace (< MP kosk pavilion, palace, kiosk CPD 51; Sy re'At <O^LS 110) pi. Sab lla(7; OAr [AC 7:225]) Expl. Ar: pou xnp' inx1?! poxuVx ^xyow pwba wipwip, i.e. !>i>i, pi. (3-.l>i AC 1:17, s.v. 'TXTnX; Lit: Geig, AAC 334, 378; ib., WZKM 42 [1935] 122+; Tel 122. Xmt^lp n.f. perh. chest (etym. unkn.) sg. ia'33'Xl nn-IK/ip3 VUJia'ITIX she placed them [i.e. the coins] in the q.-chest, and they were stolen 5M42a(47; HP 83:15) [Es: xn^DIp] NflBhp n.f. costmary (Auklandia Costus Falconer, Sy 2# K'hLt-tya LS 704) sg. TGAs28 181:9 [expl. JBA i xniBb and expl. as Arab BDlpX, i.e. .kiill Siggel 59] Lit: Low, Flora 1:391+. nbmp 12# xVms n. NTp, NTNp n.m. cottonseed (etym. unkn.) sg. XTXpi XniE/B cottonseed oil Sab 21a(10) [expl. P'P ]W Mib. 2:1; Var: XTp Ar (AC 7:75)] Geon. expl.: p .TB ^Xpl OO'X XW O'1? [XJp -] ]'r?X TTO8 XTp *7Xp -oxbxi pp^x an ]B Jisno' jm ,i:x xnnm inx fnp aipn n-nrfrx XO p J-QJTO' ]m in OHP ib. 8:21, i.e. 1. cottonseed oil; 2. oil from fruit syrup; Lit: Geig, AAC 359, rejects the P etym. suggested by Low, Flora 2:240; Y: XTXp Sab ib.(BAYTN 6). NSttp n.m. name of a demon (< BH pT"ia] 3Dp HAL 1020) pi. lin '3Dp nn there are two q.- demons Pes lllb(26) Y: '3BP Pes ib. riNIOlBp adj. of GN sg.m. nXIDlDp pnr 'T Ber 51a(2) NSlBp, pi. 'Bltjp, 'SSICp n.m. bunch of grapes (cf. TA ]'DlDp pi. grape pickers TJ Jer 49:9, Sy rdi-i^n vintage LS 661) pi. 'Waitf 1H3H Xtn 'siDp ma l^ni xo'nsa -ab i?m xasin he saw certain branches of a vine which were suspended outside a vineyard, and bunches of grapes were hanging on them BQ 113b(32); 'Slop mnb imtn ,!7JJ?3 'a^p Tim he saw certain bunches of grapes which were standing like calves Ket 112a(10); NJTIBp 1005 KM'Bp inrj 'siop ib. 12 [M: 'wrap]; cxurm 'siop succulent bunches of grapes TGAs42 161:1 [expl. BH "IS'sn Vs^X Song 1:14] Lit: Flora 1:54; Y: 'BID'p BQ ib. [v. BAYTN 70]. NffltSp n.f. cucumber, gourd (Sy rc'^\<^\ri LS 657) only in Kjvrn KnTOj? n.f. coloquinth (lit. snake gourd; Sy rd-io-o &o \, n BBah 1761:20, pi. rdiojj y-X, n ls'658) sg. x'rm xnnnop SMel 72:945 [expl. ib. as NP jLU (< Arab) PED 432] Lit: Pfl 332; Flora 1:533. l#»tjp vb. (uncertain) Pa.: X1? 'am 'Btjpa ^H 'DDpa^ra 13b(35) Refers to a type of singing. 2#Bt:p vb. to quarrel (cf. MH nDUp J 1347) itpe.: xm"?j vm nxa xsxt waia xisiy mn t?lp'XT there was a case concerning the wife of PN, the exilarch. They quarreled among themselves Nid 67b(49; Ed, Rashi) Rashi: HDDp IIP1?. 'Bp vb. I V?Bp vb. ^'Pp adj. killed, dead, n. dead person (4- V"7Dp pe., pass.part.) I. adj. killed, dead: sg.m. X13U Xin X^'tSp he is sentenced to death [lit. he is a dead man] San 81a(14); ib. 85a(20); Pes l I0b(23); nVop xV'Dp xajr n"?op xV'ep xnx you killed a dead lion. You killed a dead nation San 96b(21); II. n. dead person: pl.m.cs. 'V'Bp 'IP'S! Tip there are many people dead of constipation [i.e. (retention of) excrement] Sab 33a(38) Y: xV'Dp Pes ib. y^l? adj. thin, narrow, shrill, n. thin person (V]tsp; I xjDip, wvp, xnj'tsp, xnuop, 7ix 1'Dpi; Sy ^ i : \ p LS 659, Ma xrDXJ MD 75, Akk ^a/nw thin, narrow CAD Q 173) I. adj. 1. thin, narrow: a. general: sg.m. xa'p yvpl 'TX XSSpl H'nS'DX since it [i.e. 'in p a trench] is narrow, (the animal) stands on its edge and jumps (over it) BB 108a(4); pl.m. X'JHl <,T)(X)pw TDpi 'J'Tll ''Tl its legs are thin, and it grazes among the brambles BQ 80a(38) [expl. MH fXJOH nT7in ib.]; TOp 'aiJ X'l'n"? H,!? ]"im the snake has thin bones Pes 112b(28; M1); X»T7 'rvp ,p"1W thin veins of blood HG3 212:78; b. * D'Vx thick: sg.m. &ft 134a(31) [an infant]; BQ 55a(26) [a camel's neck]; Bek 40b(16) [tail of a kid]; f. 'Ml X1? 'na'Vxs "73X 'nrop3 '^'a this refers to a thin (needle), but with a thick one it is not so Hul 48b(36; V"); pl.m. 'B'Vx 'J>3» Ttsp I'VlT/a XpT he pulls out the thin (onions) from among the thick ones BM 89a(21); 'ran Wisp V>tjp ^'p» '^'X "liax1? 'aiVx he prunes the thin (branches) from among the thick ones to improve the condition of the trees MQ 10b(25; Sidra 9 158:8) [4- V?Op pe., mng. 3a]; Sab 105a(34) [threads]; BQ 119b(5); Men 38b(29); BB 69a(21) [reeds]; Hul 76a(32) [the bunch of sinews]; f. XJU'Dpa XH Xna^xa xn this (refers) to the thick (teeth of the comb), that to the thin ones Yev 43a(23); c. in phrase I'tJpl "px rectangular: I 1#"|HX mng. 1; 2. shrill: sg.m. ]'Dp '3m IH'^p '35? '3m 'T'X 'n"Vp since these have a deep voice, and those have a shrill voice Ara 13b(35) [Sy r<lA_o w'y-is.o r^\»\, n PSm 2763, MH2 pi lVlp mn H3y IX RH 27b(30); cf. Akk: summa rigma qatan ... summa rigma kabar if he has a shrill/deep voice CAD Q 175]; II. n. thin person: sg.m.cs. 'pE7 ]'Dp X3'")n the singed one with thin legs San 37a(29; F2) [lit. the thin one of legs]; det. TFpv "pn X3'0p the thin one with singed legs 5M85a(51) [appellation of R. Zera]; Ber 46a(2) Lit: S. Abramson, Lesonenu 18 [1954] 66+; Y: 1'Bp San 37a(29; BAYTN 61). NJ'CP n.m. plot of land (i ]'»p adj.; cf. Akk qutanu A plot of land CAD Q 321) a. alone: sg. X3'Dp 'BT 'Til ]'Wan '3,T fifty zuzim are the price of the plot of land Ket 91b(34); ib. 28; pi. nn '3'Dp ib. 17; 99b(9); b. w. XjnXT of a field: sg. 5M75b(41); Hor 10b(26) Lit: S. Abramson, LeSonenu 18 [1954] 68+; Y: XJ'pp BM ib.(BAYTN 61). Nril'tpp n.f. nerve (lit. thin thing; i fDp sg.f.det.; Ma xnX3'DXl pi. nerves MD 75) sg. Xin xn3'Dp HG3 157:51; ib. 52; pi. Xn3'Op nVn XB13 nna p'SWT three nerves which lie with the bone ib. 54; X3'Vt !xnX'3Dp nerves of the stomach ib. 155:32; XBDjn xnX3'Dp nerves of the thigh ib. 36(Var); mnX3'Dp GS 311:3; !xnX'3Dp HG3 156:40; SMel 67:761; ]inn3'Bp Bo 124:16
HKSO'pp 1006 bvp riNSO'Bp adj. of Ctesiphon (cf. Sy _J^'«o".\ r, PSm 3575) sg.m. X"n 13 nan nXBO'Bp BB 93b(42; Es); Bes 38b(10) Y: nXBOlBj? BB ib.(BAYTN 321). J/'t?p adj. cut off, n. shortened form (4- Vj/Dp pe., pass.part.) I. adj. cut off: sg.m. XJ7'Bp W"\ 77B' should 'the one whose head is cut off' [i.e. Joshua] speak? Sot 35a(10); f. XJlJ/'Dj? XX1137B the cut-off [i.e. mutilated] kingdom Pes 87b(44); AZ 10b(43; MRaH) [v. Abramson, AZ 1491]; II. n.m. short one, in adv. phrase tty'Bpa in the shortened form: XJ?'Bp3 B"1 XUE? ]l'0a in Sivan of the year 240 in the shortened form TGHark 278:12 [i.e. 1240 of the Seleucid era = 929 C.E.] Y: n?'P|? AZ ib.(BAYTN 61). l#N71S'Bj? n.f. a covering (Sy ^A? * ; \, A LS 661, > Arab *i^5 Wehr 778) sg. TRN 593:1 [expl. MH ppB17J Sab 51a(36)] Lit: Brady, TRN 593. 2#'NDS'l3p n.f. (uncertain) sg. XflB'Bpl XXIIBW amulet of... &6 57b(20) [expl. MH DISDID Mib. 6:1] Y: sriB'pp &6 ib.(BAYTN 174). T&p 4- l#X1B'pn. Tttp, 't3j? vb. to kill, execute, cut down (I 1# X7Bp, b'tjp; Sy .\\,n LS 658, Ma 7B1 MD 87) Pe. (a/u) 1. to kill: a. people: 7B.p 'XJ'1 n'135? XWBJ PN's slave killed a person San 19a(48); 13 X2?S3 XBp Xfan] i& 27a(42; OH San 221:5); Sab 129a(53); XX1BBN 'JH "73 70p1 Xiai XU1 I who killed all these souls Git 57b(18); ,T7Bp 7'T -|7 XJ7'Bp X7'X1 X'J7B7 go (and) kill so-and-so, and if not, I shall kill you Pes 25b(12); "|7 XJ'Bp San 74b(19; Teuda 15 181:1); VlBp'Xl X71 n>Bp7 let him kill you, and do not kill (another) San 74a(44) // Yom 82b(4); XBai 15? 7'TXl 7'Bp ,11,1 X73',n he continued to kill until he reached the sanctuary San 96b(17); n'XllinB IH^lDb Tnj'7Dp Dp (the slave) killed all of his masters BB 3b(40); "73 ,T7 xaV'op xxnxinaa 'xty 'nxi I would kill anyone who attacks me during a break-in San 72b (2); rf?Bpi Xin man -|X7B it is the Angel of Death who killed him BM 36b(23); X"n Xp7'D X13J 7'Bp uncooked mangel-wurzel can kill a man Er 28b(56); VVK 7BpB7 Xl'5?3 DX if you want to kill a man HM 42:5; Tn ]13X ]17Bp'1 Xl'5?3 DX if you want them to kill ,each other ib. 44:20; irU'7Dj?l 'TBI 'TI3 mo ip'3VX the mountains were joined together and killed them Ber 54b(5); b. animals: X113'T 7'Bpi Xn3J Xl,n,17 .T'tm he saw a certain man who was killing a hornet Sab 121b(27); ,TX17Bpi 'B7n3 X'l'n 'XtfJ I saw a snake in a dream and killed it Ber 57a(55); ,T75? "ran ni70pl '"1335; the mice ganged together against it [i.e. the cat] and killed it BM 97a(7); pass.part. X3BX XJ'3 137 7'Bp X71 you have not killed a louse on (your) garment Sab 82a(l) // Hul 105b(39); 2. to execute: ni7Bp'7 7'Bpi 73 anyone who kills (a Jew) should be executed [lit. let them execute him] Git 55b(48); xn nan 1V3 '7 '7Bp 7Bp'B '7Bp7 as soon as the judgment has been decided for capital punishment they execute him right away ib. 28b(24); San 35a(25); mpDX ,T7Bp'B7 they took him out to execute him Git 57b(46); ,T7tjpa7 xias xinnn n'17'5? 'xya xB7i perhaps they are planning to execute me [lit. to kill that man] Meg 15b (50); "pPM 71Bpi 'Xl'X 7'T go, bring (the instrument), and execute yourself San 43a(21); 3. to cut down, cut off [caique < Akk daku G (v. infra); Ma 7BJ infra, usage c, SA n'37'X 7Bp TM 93:917]: a. grass, leaves, reeds, etc.: XX10BDX 7Bpi ]XB 'X,n one who cuts down alfalfa (on the Sabbath) Sab 73b(15); San 74b(17); X'jp 7'Bp XBJX7 V'TX xnai a man goes to a marsh (and) cuts down reed(s) Bek 8b(28); mn 'B1X3 '3p 7'Bp "]31 your teacher was one who used to cut down reeds in the marshes [i.e. was not versed in the Oral Law] Sab 95a(19); San 33a(i7); xmtw xxvai xxiatn1? nV 'Vtjpn the prickly shrub is cut down and the (parasitic) dodder dies Er 28b(15; O); MQ 12b(39); >'p» '37'x "iiax1? 'B17X 'raa 'rep 7'Bp he prunes [lit. takes (and) cuts off] the thin (branches) from among the thick ones to improve the condition of the trees MQ 10b(25; Sidra 9 158:8); b. trees: 'Xn x?pH7 n'7Bp'xi Vtx 'xi n'ra x(J>U)i: Dpn ixa n'7Dp xim 'nax xV xin 7'Bpi nsnwxi x'J7Bi 7'Bp X71 O'UI E?'J'X '3'X1 T35?1 one who took an ax in his hand and says: "I shall go and cut down NN's date palm," and it turned out that it is cut l#N7»p 1007 y»p down. We do not say that he cut it down, since a person is apt to exaggerate and not to cut down (the tree) Svu 46a(43) [cf. Akk daku G to cut down date palms AHw 152, mng. 4b]; BQ 113b(36); ib. 96a(21); TIX 737 7Dpi Xn3 7ptt?l n'3 nm he took an ax and cut down all of the cedars that were in it SOZ 72:22 [cf. Ma: 7101 )X3a7 Xpnx p xnx cut down the cedar from the land of Lebanon Gy 265:12]; ib. 74; c. other: n'aiX1? m317Dp they cut off its [i.e. the camel's] ears San 106a(55); H7 '7Dp 'Xaa T30n XnXTO with what does one cut down a garden bed of knives? Bek 8b (3 8) Itpe. (e) 1. to be killed: V'Dp'XT no'p M X'nn a certain daughter of the emperor who was killed Pes 50a(17); 1,1713 l7Dp'J X71 ]iX 7'Dp'3 3B1B Vxniy it is better that we should be killed than that all of the Jews should be killed ib.; nXTJ V(,,)(11Dp',a n'Tia the arrow maker is killed by his (own) arrow ib. 28a(10); 2. to be executed: 1"J?X1 D7B7B "j'tJp'an even though he is to be executed he pays (the damages) Ket 34b(3); X7 mrxn )1'31 nVDp'a '3'n 'n'X ^Dp'a since they [i.e. the witnesses] cannot be executed, how can she [i.e. the betrothed woman] be executed? San 41a(22); xVop'X ''jltJp she was certainly executed Sot 8a(39) // xVDp'B Xp Xn San 45a(20); nwy n2?Bn31 xnoir na ]i nxa xnn ^opn'x nat?3 pn was executed on the fifteenth of Tevet iSGF 97:3 l#«Vpp_ n.m. killing, execution (I V7Dp, na X7t?p; TA X?Dp TO Lev 20:9, Sy r^V \, n LS 658, Ma xbD'J MD 89) 1. killing: sg. x:W7 X7Dpn a term of killing Yom 32b(43) [expl. MH isnp Mib. 3:4, w. ref. to yip Jer 46:20]; 13S3 p'SJ X7t5p7 n'CS: he goes out of his own will to be killed Yom 87a(l) // San 7b(30); n'WBJ noa X7DpV he risked his life BQ 114b(54) [lit. gave his life over for killing; v. TJ Jud 5:18]; ib. 91a(13); Git 38a(21); San 73b(25); X7Dpn Xann a sword of killing Bo 78:6; 2. execution, capital punishment: sg. 'bop 7Dp'a '7Bp7 X3H nan ]V3 '7 as soon as the judgment has been decided for capital punishment they execute him right away Git 28b(24); Anan 14:11; J/T mn X71 Xin nitfBl 'XBa n^Bp it is Moses who did not know by what means his execution (was to be) San 78b(8); 'Xn 'na X70pa this [i.e. the term n3B Lev 24:21] is written concerning capital punishment Ket 35a(22) // BQ 83b(28); XTIBa TO'B Vipvn X7 X7t5pB iTnt?sm do not take a monetary compensation from him and exempt him from capital punishment Ket 37b(10); San 15b(ll); X7Dp7 n'a inilX X71 they did not warn him that it was a capital offense ib. 9a(l); 16a(22); ib. 57a(6); Mak 13b(39); X7Bp a"nBT ]XB one who is liable for capital punishment Anan 16:18; ib. 21:18; 33:23; 116:5; pi. '^p '1X1 Xia"n'B you are liable for two capital punishments Git 56a(52); San 81b(l) Y: K^Bj? San 9a(l). n.m. neck chain (< KaiiXXa, Lat catella Lehnw 525) sg. Sab 57b(l; MRaH) l#DUp vb. to pluck, crop (Sy 1# "p\ n LS 659) Pe.: pass.part. nJBI D'Bpl (the leaf) is plucked and lying about Sab 146b(36); 1X17n n'32? X7 D'Bp X71 in 'n'32? 'B'Bpi three (myrtle leaves) which are cropped (at their tips) are common, but one which is not cropped is uncommon Suk 34b (25) 2# Dttp vb. to turn into ash (denom. < I XBB'p; Sy 2# r X, " pe. LS 659) Pe.: 'BBpi Dl»» because (the previously mentioned trees) turn into ash (and are not fully consumed) 7am 29b(13); ib. 16; 23; 24; 25 [KS»P i XBD'p n.] NfflSttp n.f. youth (i ]'Bp; MH2 map J 1350) sg. xa'p n'xrrana xnai iyi nxnaop'a from her youth until she matures she remains in his custody HP 108:24; XXVUDpl X3X1 xn this (opinion) of my father is from (his) youth Git 29b(27; Rashi) Y: XTMDi? Git ib.(BAYTN 192). SNJP vb. to bite off, cut off, kill (I J/'Op, Vsip; Sy -^" LS 660, Ma XB1 MD 87) Pe. to bite off [Sy, pe., LS ib., mng. l.f]: a. general: Xinn Xpin XT VBp'1 XIXBn a certain ass which bit off a child's hand BQ 84a(40); XP'1 75? 7D3 n'i'12?a nj?Bpi n'X17nj?1 he bent over the tip of his prepuce and bit it off with his teeth AZ 10b(45) [cf. 5?Bp "liaa Mabbugai is circumcised BR
■pp 1008 2# nop 961:5; v. DJPA 488]; #w/ 53a(48); BB 74b(10; MGG 51:4); b. in a fig. sense: pass.part. 'y'Dp VI the waw is 'bitten off' Qid 66b(45; O2) [w. ref. to abf Num 25:12; v. note supra] Pa. 1. to cut off: a. general: m'V yopl Xiay a slave (whose owner) cut off his hand BM 100b(16); b. in a fig. sense: ]l,T^n yopa X31*n X'yiyni the A.-plant 'cuts off' the legs of the evildoers [i.e. convicts them] Bes 25b(7); 2. to kill, execute: XpU'V ,T5?Dp X"U1» XJTIX '3iTI '3mx in the meantime a cat came (and) killed the infant BQ 80b(6; F'H[bef. corr.]); Mb ytspa H3T PN used to kill them [i.e. the lice] Sab 12a(38); yattf rmytjpi ,Tr?'J? xnwba the authorities heard about him and executed him BB 73b(6) The exact mng. of the passage in Qid ib. is uncertain, since the biblical mss. employ a regular waw [v. Yeivin, Masorah 48]. fpj? vb. to pluck, pick, interrupt (4- XStJIp; Sy .<s\, n LS 661, Ma *)D1 MD 88) Pe.: X713n» n'J'a Tb J'SDpT from the place from which they pluck it TGHark 209:17 [expl. 4- XDDlp] Pa. 1. to pick fruit: XD'TIB Xinil .T1? mn 'Xr 'T ,TS»p XiyiOT xVina XDH'l PN had a certain vineyard which ripened on the intermediate days of the holiday (and) he picked it MQ 12b(42); 2. to interrupt: 'STOp 13'Bp 'llV X"l»n m'^"3 '3 when you measure out wine to a pagan interrupt (its flow) completely AZ 72b(2\); pass.part. KpT 'siop «]ep& ib. 10; lopa 'Km nnvu -pwa 'xn 'DTOp this one [i.e. the light of a lamp] is continuous. That one [i.e. the light of a torch] flickers [lit. is interrupted] Pes 8a(21); 3. to form dough [< MH2 *\Op pi. J 1351]: X("?) '»: 'STOp H'3 p'DDpa we do not actually also form the dough HP 13:7 Itpa. to be plucked off: IDp'D (the hair) is plucked off Nid 66b (2) NSttp i XSBlp n. l#"r»i? vb. to tie, construct (4- l#X1tJp, l#XnD'p; Sy i\,n LS 661, Ma unDJ MD 88) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to tie, knot: XIBpi xaata '"TOpl X"TOp XT1J10X3 '"ItJpT a knot which one ties (with the guide rope) through the nose-ring, and a knot which one ties through the parral Sab lllb(25); ib. 67a(10); 74b(32) [* V'ltf pe. to untie]; Er 63a(28); HM 38:17 [4- 2#Xffl2bn3]; '3TOX -|»pl XTU'SOa inb" IVpt XJT03<a) XJJT31 (the diver) ties linen ropes to the coral and ties them to the boat RH 23a(30); XD'J 'Km nopi 'JJiai 'Tia'p 'JV'XI bring coils of ropes and tie (them) on this side Tarn 32a(47); Sab 61a(22) [of shoes; 4- VoiO pe.]; Yev 102a(38) [4- l#X3n»]; &Z> 112a(16) [4- XS3BNX]; Sot 40a(53); Bes 30a(18); pass.part. XJTlDa TDpl ^lyja a lock tied with a cord Er 35a(27); /& 102a(20); £ef 93a(3) [4- l#xn"n usage c]; Men 35b(15) [of phylacteries]; HP 137:1 [I 3#Xn'STX]; 2. to construct [caique < Akk kasaru to construct buildings CAD K 258, mng. lb; cf. Ma XTU'SO IXDA'a boat building MD 88]: -ITJ^X '-b XMJ ,1'b pop Tin they were constructing the bridal canopy for PN Ber 16a(6) [cf. Sy: i<ljcvx^i\, n PSm 3588, mng. 1.8; I V2#p]; 'pinsn nxa yaix vb ivp he constructed four hundred chairs for them Bek 31a(14; L1); 3. to be covered (of clouds) [cf. MH2 D'aya WOV VWpJU Ber 27b(15)]: tvpi xn 'Hjn IVpl xn Xa'ya this (case) refers to when (the sky) is covered with dark cloud(s), that to when (the sky) is covered with (ordinary) clouds Ber 59a(38; F) // Tan 6b(27; M2); 4. w. Kin to put on a crown [Sy rci^i t \, n, rd^Ji >>V-° PSm ib., mng. l.ip; cf. Akk summa age ikassarma if the moon 'wears a crown' CAD K 258, MH2 Cfwp ivp Sab 89a(34), of crownlets on letters]: pass.part. 'TDj? '3l?» 1'JlKn nxmbn XU1 three hundred and sixty crowned kings Meg 6b(3) Af. to make s.t. hard: 'TSb XIDpai (Pleiades) which makes fruit congeal (by its cold) OHT Ber 130:22(Ar) Itpe. to be knotted, tied: a. hair: IDp'B ,!?'l perhaps it is knotted BQ 82a(37); HP 137:1; b. fringes: Men 39a(l) 2# "IDp vb. to burn on the altar (denom. < 4- XIDlp; 4- XJVTOpX, 2#X"lTO'p, 2#XnDp) Af.: xin xin Tb "ropa Tim mbob pnrapx 'ya xm is he not, in fact, supposed to burn the kidneys on the altar? He burns them afterwards on the altar one at a time Pes 64b(28); ib. 59b(5); 96a(i0); '-itspai 'jnnxV pirn 'xn b'tx xa*n perhaps this one will go and sell (the unnpp, loo? ^!E frankincense) to others, and they will burn it (as incense) on an altar AZ 14a(16); Yom 47b(20); Zev 76b(10); Men 106a(40); Kar 5a(46) Itpe. to be burnt on the altar: 1J7TO Vnxa mop! X*TOp'ai incense in the tent of the meeting which is burnt Arum 36:22; X^ pip "IDpniS x"71 n»3T D'Tt? '"jSXJia as long as the handful is not burnt the remainder cannot be eaten Men 13b(16) Itpa. to be affected by smoke: b"y~l ... XJVPm XIDp'ttl XIB'p na an animal which has inhaled [lit. enters into it] smoke and is (adversely) affected by it HP 204:8 [expl. MH rUBhyan MHul 3:5] l#N1Bp n.m. cloud (4- Vl#1Bp; Sy k4 V, n condensation LS 662, mng. 2, Ma XICJ gathering of waters MD 90, mng. d) pi. 'M ]D'ja '"IDp TTStt? clouds are also common in Nisan RH 7b(13) 2#taBp, K"IX»p n.m. incense (4- V2# nop) pi. 'JXS mnn XTU Vy nxDp naai he may place types of incense on a fire under the utensils TGDr49 96:5 3"lBp vb. to attach a yoke (denom. < MH 31Dp pin or chord used to tie the two hooks of the yoke J 1353; cf. Sy «* -^ ;* \ A LS 663, Syr Arab '«</■» AASQ 86) Quad.: xV© H'V (a),-IDp in'Xl "Ipan TOW he attached the yoke so that the cattle should not break away GC 35:4 // !3'Dip ib. 58:3 Lit: Eps, GC 3517; GCIntr 55; AAC 361. NriON'p 4- XDD'p n. NSTD'p n.m. proclamation, establishment (4- Vl#y3p, Xy3p; Sy rdiioLD LS 643) sg. xriTH XyiS'p proclamation of the new moon Pes 54b(27; E2); Xyi3p Yom 50b(13) [* i X'S'? mng. 1]; Sab 86b(38; M); Suk 43b(15; M2) Klia'p n.m. ball of thread, cluster of fruit (4- Xmia'p, X033; Sy K'tAi. LS 644, mng. 2, Ma XTiaxp MD 398) 1. ball of thread: sg. Xlia'p XJltam a ball of thread of tekhelet-dyed wool Hul 95b(43); pi. "l^TX '3 'VlPlXT nia'p balls of thread which are spun [lit. they spin] at the spinners BM 24b(48); 'TD'p nn AZ 17b(35); 2. coil of rope: pi. 'JJiaT '"lia'p coils of ropes 7am 32a(47); 3. cluster of fruit: sg. Xlia'p1? H'pDS n'J'Wa he cut off the cluster (of dates) with his teeth Sab 156b(37); Hul 78a(7) [V": XD313]; 'J'nxi Xlia'p a cluster of unripe dates BB 5a(5); San 26b(46) Lit: Flora 2:337; Y: (niTj? Hul ib.fBAYTN 138). Nirnia'p n.f. small ball of thread (< 4- XTia'p + xrv [dimin. ending]) sg. 'urta xoioi xnma'p ri'ttlX ball and coil of thread in Aramaic GC 86:3 [expl. MH rip'S MOh 7:4] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 54. NHia'P*, pi. NHKia'p n.f. framework (4- XTiyap; cf. Sy K^o-^reLo box, chest LS 645, Ma XIl'SIp MD 405) p'l. '©IT Xnxia'p frameworks of doors MQ 1 la(27; CSMel 41:200) [Var: 'ttm Xmip Ar (AC 7:74); XXVTO ib. (X"D)] Expl. Ar: mip1?© fy AC ib. N^S'p n.m. charm (4- Xj"?3ip, XnVspB; Ma xV31p countercharm MD 405, > IrArab Vap bx OHT Git 155:8; 11) sg. X3T131 Xp X^a'p I have learnt a charm (against demons) Ber 62a(28) [Var: "b xbTp I have a charm OHP ib. 106:21; v. Geon. expl.]; xmy'JX xmp'n» XD3H D'ai 'Va'p 'am 'y3'ai xmp'na; mo"i vbiy the charm for the latrine is silence (and) modesty. The charm for suffering is silence and praying ib.; X^'p xnpy rra Tvbi n'1? Tayi mnrb rrb oyi a charm which the one who employs it knows has no harmful effect OHT Git 152:26; ib. 19; xVa'p fin xriBI1?! '"IT:"! 'Win ~\S'ti? this charm is to overturn sorcery, vows, curses, ... Bo 120:1; ib. 86:5; 102:6; xVap pn HM 38:15; pi. Ber 62a(26); '3,11 "byni xnyawa i:3T in"? naxi '"73'p charms which the Rabbis state in the legal tradition that they are effective OHP Ber 99:13; Bo 6:2 [in a list of charms and demons]; ib. 14:9; 18:9; 34:5; 103a:7 Geon. expl.: rfrnyN 10 OHP Ber ib., i.e. ilic.1 J- a mystery which 1 shall perform; expl. Ar: fjJTnn p i:'?':PB iny»f> AC 7:58. S03'P n.m. vomit (4- Voap) sg. rbynbK X'pi XD3'p 'aix bi xnp: Ar [AC 7:59, s.v. jnoap] Quoted from a Geon. expl. Nya'p n.m. box (4- Vi#yap) sg. xvn xya'pa ,!?Brn xnV'C in the a.-box which is a leather box of the parchment (of the phylacteries) OHT Sab
K13'p 1010 *m? 74:2 [Var: xyX3p3 TGDr46 172:8; 4- Xrr>tf mng. 2] Nni'p 4- l#X"npn. DH'i? n.m.abs. east wind (4- VD"lp) sg. DITp DX XirrV I'pn if an east wind is very strong San 18b(40) Geon. expi.: xxvi T'n'ja nsi: nnxi xxn nwp> ji'mm nn dx m«3 TGAs42 155:26; Y: DITp. San ib. NtpTp n.m. qidduS-prayer, doxology, betrothal, washing of the hands and feet (< MH WlTp Yeivin, BV 958; 4- ^Ivip; cf. Sy t<LLiuya LS 649) 1. qidduS-prayer recited over wine for the sanctification of the Sabbath or a holiday: sg. 'E/aw '31 KBTITp the qiddus-prayer of Friday evening Ber 43b(54) // &r6 113b(15); Pes 117b(28) [* 4- XJ1T7X]; Ber 33b(2); ,T3 ITOff xVl Xn^XI XtfTTpb Xinn wine is not available in it for qiddus and havdctla Tan 24a(46); Sab 69b(35); X3"l XWlTp the 'great' qiddus [i.e. of Sabbath morning] Pes 106a(20); Ber 55a(18); 'J"»."r> iTnr3W»l ^ HI,! XV XWITp I did not have (money for wine for) the qiddus, and I pledged my belt (for it) Meg 27b(44); 2. doxology, sg. in phrase NYT'01 NBhTj? qidduS-praytr recited after recitation of the Bible [4- X1TD mng. 7]: Sot 49a(37); 3. betrothal [< MH j'ChTp pi. J 1355]: sg. XtfTTp in one act of betrothal Yev 21b(43); pi. 'WlTp nrt two acts of betrothal ib. 44; fE/ITp Tin 'Dp inrrVTO xn (if), in fact, she threw it [i.e. the money] before him, it constitutes a betrothal Qid 8b(13; O2); 'PlTp TBI rf? 37P 'D1? whenever he gives her (the money) it constitutes betrothal Git 74a(34); •'VITp VJ3 'DDJ1 ]'1XV '3"rl betrothal is valid with regard to those subject to negative precepts Yev 23a(2); Qid 67b(28); Bek 56b(10); 4. washing of the hands and feet before performing a priestly function [< MH VWp J 1355, mng. 3]: pi. WIp nn two washings Yom 31b(20); ib. 42 Lit: I. Elbogen, VlW'3 rf^S/in, Tel Aviv 1972 62 [mng. 2]; for the prayer by this name in the Geonic Period, v. Goldschmidt, SRAG 40+; Voc: xfch'p HPP 37:18; ib. 203:19; Y: XOTlj? Pes 106a(ll; BAYTN258). Nrn'j? n.m. inflammation (4- ^nip; Sy rdjos-n BBah 1710:13, Ma XiTTIp MD 406) sg.' AZ 28b(39; J) // Bes 22a(45) [in a list of eye afflictions]; XS^T xmp inflammation of the heart/stomach Sab 140a(38); xmOXUp GC 96:7 [expl. MH rnpri MNeg 6:8] Geon. expl.: mJ GC ib., i.e. rjj* wound, sore; cf. BBah ib.: ■ r p ^ "" .\ . v i *i*-i r<? \ oo_3C-o rr*'l \ *n no rcLu-So-1 vyjrC'; Lit: Eps, GC 9620; Y: XnT[? AZ ib.(BAYTN 26). N*lTp, abs. *T7p n.f. cooking pot, potful of food, excrement (4- xrvnp; TA Xlip TO Num 11:8, Sy rc'iruo f. LS 649, Ma XTJ'p MD 410, > Arab jj| Fr, AF 63; cf. Akk diqaru a bowl for serving and heating CAD D 157) 1. cooking pot: a. general: sg. Er 101a(19) // Bes 33a(l); HM 42:18; ,T"ITp3 rfaj 'TA HXP1 a pagan puts carrion in his [i.e. the Jew's] pot AZ 12a(5); HP 206:19; XT'p xVl Xa"n X*7 'BMW '31 XTJ'p a pot of a partnership is lukewarm [lit. neither warms up nor cools down] BB 24b(24; F2TGAs28 200b:8) // Er 3a(50); Yev 118b(40) [4- XOVip]; ,n,,T3 x-iTp i^ns pm 3tj n'rua PN's daughters used to stir the pot with their hands Git 45a(36); XTJpni Xt»ri3 'Dan 'b31 in the language of the scholars [i.e. JBA] 'she stirs the bowl' GC 143:1 // ib. 130:2; XTPp3 VU'Vam X3T1 if he cooked them in a pot Ber 37a(27); ib. 36b(52); ^Wlb X1Tp"3 HP 206:12(HPP 307:21); I'lUnffl XTTp ymtf? X'13 n3 a pot in which water for the bathhouse is boiled TGHark 86:15 [expl. MH O'&p' TBB 3:3 (BB 67b[32])]; pi. 'YPp HP 15:18; ib. 25:2; b. in a fig. sense: sg. xmiTTX "pBW "pTp while your pot is seething, pour (it) out Ber 62b(7) [prov.; v. Geon. expl. infra]; 2. potful of food: sg. Xri31tf3 rmp ■'b Vw2 cook me a potful of food on the Sabbath Yev 121b(50); XTTTI '"ITp a potful of uncooked food Sab 18b(18); 3. excrement: sg.abs. Tip '^'Bp '»'S3 there are many people dead of constipation [lit. (retention of) excrement] Sab 33a(38) Geon. expl. [mng. lb]: 3B7I 1X3 IBy n'lXa "|Jljnw iy OHP ib. 106:23; o'Ton nwy^ i:bb -its'? °?13' nnxw -i»y "n'3 »'& jarc ib n-npn '3 fin1? psiwi mips D'nrvn o^s -|T3W no xxbj» 1'Viyi iaw: xw nn nyw nmxs nmpn p °7B'jw no ip's^ aVan pona una ]'Vou ox D":y uaa ^sx.-fri oxsn 13 mwy1? v^ya nnpn ]'X '3 nxix hbp: xm 'in py I'D^yn nxi nyis nmpn nx IIBB1?* ^»a 131 Vtysn 13X1 mix n^>'3B OHT 139:13; mng. 3: xpi uai3 lnx D'X'xia i'xw pn1?'! 'ym x'^ra'H ]i,twb: j^Dfi 11J7 nXlX1? np OHT Sab 34:22; Lit: Brand, Ceramics 471+; Y: N'Tfi? 1011 1#N1»'P XnTi? &6 152a(38; BAYTN 126). [NH'p 4- xpnil n.] Nm'p, Nm'p n.m. acerbity, acerbic liquid (4 Vaip) 1. acerbity: sg. n'X<l) Xn'1 H'1? Tl'XT Va Xm'p n'1? whatever (food) has a smell and has acerbity Ket 61a(48); X-|»m XXVp soured wine [lit. acerbity of wine] Ket 75a(26); nWX DAT xtst xnrp1? n,n,,,7 xdh ro'jn xtdt xm'p1? nTy3 in that case [i.e. with weak vinegar], the acerbity of the fruit is present naturally. In this case [i.e. with vinegar employed to contract blood vessels], the acerbity of the fruit is not present naturally Pes 75a(l); xm'pn jrVn Win '^5 a pottery vessel absorbs from the acerbity OHT Pes 32:7; 2. acerbic liquid: sg. Xin Xian m3D '13 X1H xaV5?3 Xnrp do you think that (lees) are wine? They are merely an acerbic liquid BB 97a(9); Sab llla(23) [* 4- 2#x"?n]; ymnv TOD 'ttVys xm'pT temed which became sour is merely an acerbic liquid Er 27b(20) Geon. expl.: fan oyB 13 B'B Xni'j? GnK5 176:8; Lit: Flora 1:102; Y: xni'j? BB ib.(BAYTN 259). NMl-'p n.m. authentification, authenticated document (< MH2 DTp J 1356; 4- VDIp pa., mng. 3; 4- l#xmtix, mng. 2, psiT\; cf. Sy rCiiicun confirmation LS 654, mng. 10, TA DVp oath TO Num 30:11) 1. authentification: sg. '"in "|an XDVpX I'STim those two (judges) who are signed on the authentification TGHark 82:28; TGAs28 22b: 10; XfinnV n'31 n'3a mvp its authentication is in itself below [i.e. it is written on the same sheet of the document] SSHai 14b(16); 2. authenticated document: sg. WM'X 'nwn X1? NISOT XT3 n'ai'p no one leaves his authenticated document in the possession of a scribe BM 20b (25) Authentification of a document is affected when the witnesses appear in court and the court confirms their signatures; Y: H'ai'i? BM ib.(BAYTN 259). Knavp n.f. type of ban (4- VDip) sg. Bo 121:2 tt'p adj. short, abbreviated (4- VtJIp pe., pass. part.) sg.m. XD'p X3XW"7 an abbreviated version ISGF 36:6; ib. 43:6; TGHark 50:17; OHT Ber 6:24 N3it3'p n.m. small room (< KOixtbv Lehnw 528; Sy rtliy \ . n LS 664) sg. 31 '31 XJIB'p a small room of the be rav Sab 66a(14); Ned 77b(l) [Var: XiBip HG3 383:30] Note: Tin N2B1P "B HG3 ib.; Y: KJiB'p Sab ib.(BAYTN 168). NSItS'p n.m. juice, must (4- XDD'p) sg. "By XSIB'p he squeezes out juice HG1 75:27; XSICp 'Sryn juice of grapes ib. 30 l#N71t:'p n.m. (uncertain) sg. 'X XIID'p 'X)a Xin ]»1X nB?ya 'T '3 XTiD'P what is qP. If q. is in the sleeves it is the work of a craftsman Bes 23a(l 1) // TDX 'T '3 mop MQ 10b(l 1) Geon. expl.: <0){C»<X)a3X,7N T"1871 ,3"1!' I1*173. ie- c1-^1 "^J3 rubbing of the sleeves OHP Bes 55:20(Alf); gloss in Y ms. of MQ: DXBSX^X <T,)ninB<n>IB! ^V 'B price. MQ 18; Lit: AAC 361; Y: nwp MQ ib. 2#N11tJ'p n.m. fumigating (4- 2#1Bp; JPA "llD'p DJPA 490) sg. I©^ 'X ... XYpB'P 'X» what is q.l If (it means) to fumigate ... Bes 23a(15) Lit: TMW 4:289. NaB'p n.m. ash (4- V2# DBp; TA xSep TO Num 19:9, Sy <<S* \ n LS 659, Ma XBD'J MD 89) sg. Bes 32b(37); Ber 28a(17; F,Ar [AC 3:471, s.v. 23Sn, X"0]); HM 41:9; miJJXI H'^pS 'V3 Xpl XttB'pS (the ox) wants to burn it [i.e. the pen] and to roll in the ash (to soothe a bite) BQ 35a(6); Git 69a(21); n'BD'p 3JX X3133 ■p,,7BI7B& we move the brazier for the sake of its ash Bes 21b(23; Ar [AC 4:255]) // Sab 47a(18; M); Xinnb m^p X3D"D 'D 'a' 3iyx n'aB'p"? rrm31 X"I31 when I die, burn me and scatter my ash over the seven seas Git 56b(46); ib. 57a(2); Yom 84a(14); n^'nj XBB'p sifted ash Ber 6a(13); Hul 51b(39); XBB'p XarT,ST ash of the fast day AnanSch 29:29; pi. ,_n:n XysWB 'ao'p xySl^l seven (portions of) ashes from seven ovens Sab 67a(3) [cf. Ma: xmixn xsw ]a xaon MD ib.] Y: XBB'j? Ber ib.(BAYTN 127). KSO'p n.m. resin, sap (4- XSIB'p; TA *\6p TO Gen 37:25, MH *\&p Yeivin, BV 821) sg. XSB'p XTD resin (is considered as) fruit Nid 8a(30); ib. 8b(12); XTDT XSD'p resin of the fruit ib. 15 II AZ 35b(ll); XTXm XSD'p resin of the stem ib. 10 Y: XBBj? AZ ib.(BAYTN 127). 1#N1B'P, X"\Vp, abs. Tt?p n.m. knot, node,
2# m»'j? 1012 x^P plot, penalty (4- Vl#Tjp; TA ^Vp pi. TJ Is 7:18, Sy K'-iV? LS 662, Ma XTO'l MD 89) 1. knot: sg. pliTfi 'pn.TX X'aa XltJ'p a knot in water becomes extremely tight Hag 21b(l); 1H3 JVX 'XI in1? nxtP 'ID'p if there are knots in them [i.e. the cords] he unties them AZ 75a(32); Bo 57:5; XIDp x-nnoxa nopT xnopi xaaia nopi a knot which one ties (with the guide rope) through the nosering, and a knot which one ties through the parral Sab lllb(25); XT'ST XTDp a fisherman's knot 5M23b(2); innB'p ^Dynm pat sometimes their knot [i.e. of the money bags] disintegrates Bes lla(l); pl.abs. ptJ'p 'T "pX'a.TT XJllWDa "TOpl XID'pl XTTp "?3 Vj? TOX1 tie seven knots in the fringes of your belt and recite (an incantation) on each knot HM 43:11 [v. note infra]; y^p fyaitf seventy knots Bo 57:1; det. 'ID'p 'aipai X"?PX a net whose knots are close together Hul 51b(35) [i.e. of high density; v. Geon 270:21]; xVt'X ITHDp fpinai a net whose knots are tight Geon 270:18; ncp TV SVTH he used to put knots (on the vessels as identifying signs) AZ 65b(8); 2. node: pi. ,TlDp 'jntf its nodes [i.e. of the spit of pomegranate wood] are smooth Pes 74a(16); ib. 17; Hul 51a(15) [on a stick]; 3. plot [caique < BH "ltfj? HAL 1076]: sg.abs. XDH xrm Xp TDp I see a conspiracy here Yev 61a(24); 4. metaph. penalty: pi. T3 nay nop '"in they imposed two penalties on him Yev 107b(30) Geon. expl.: IVp TtJp 1,10 OHP Yev 286:2 [mng. 3]; on HM supra [mng. la], cf. in Akk, s.v. kisru: you tie seven and seven knots and you recite an incantation over every (knot) you tie CAD K 437; Voc: 'IBp HGP 57b:29; Y: NTB'j? Sab 112a(l; BAYTN 127). 2# NltJ'p 4- XIBip n. tt'»p adj. of summer (cf. Sy ^ !-\ • A LS 664) pl.m. ^"pl ,!?SX1 'Sin early, late, and of summer Bek 57b(37) [w. ref. to births of calves] N»"p, NtJ'j?, K»'3 n.m. summer (I XB"p '3; TA X67 TJ Is 28:4, Sy ^\,-r LS 664, Ma XD'Xl MD 76) sg. XD'pa wp XD'p ',T>» the end of summer is more severe [i.e. hotter] than summer Yom 29a(2); XD'plS 'wp XIITtn XTO'X a winter fever is more severe than a summer one ib. 4; Xin03 xVxaTIO XD'pa XJ'IO the j.-cloth in the summer and the s-garment in the winter Men 41a(24; TGHark 190:4); 3VTia XD"p3 7TCW an XIT/Diy X'BDT XD'H ]33T> PN used to place the students in the summer where the sun reached Sab 119a(46; M); XB"p TIT XJVW the six months of summer Hul 60a(10); Sab 110b(20); Git 69b(45); BB 3b(23); AZ 28b(12); Hul 55b(25); Ara 9b(12); XD'DI E/'axttf the sun and summer Bo 32:2 Y: KP7 &6 110b(12; BAYTN 65). D"|7 adj. established, existing, still alive (legal and dialectal; 4- Vmp; TA D"p TJ Jud 8:19, Sy rdJ>ajLp LS 654, Ma DX'Xp MD 400) 1. established, existing: sg.m. D^pl TIB/ sound and established BB 160b (41) [at the end of a document]; ib. 45; SSHai 15b(19); ib. 16a(5); Dec 10:24; TIBn D'p 5o 15:8; X&'pi X'n X,T>X O'aViy ,'»I?iy,?1 aty'1? D'pT the living and existing God who exists for ever and ever Bo 102:6; xa'pi XJXpTT XJXHJa an exact and established custom TGAs42 71:4; f. X8"p BB 91a(18; Ar [AC 5:171) [I XTTaua]; ,TT3 Xax'pl XT"I» XHJTJ iT*)J13 n'flT T31 (this present) should be sound and established in his possession and in the possession of his heirs after him SSSad 255:25; pl.m. j'aX'pl pniP T3I the sale is sound and established TGHark 165:20; SSHai 6a(3); Dec 10:15; 2. still alive: pl.m. pan? JVinax m 1TX were our fathers still alive TGHark 171:21 Y: ay San 14a(41). N0'?p n.m. a measure (Sy rdjiuj a measure, weight LS 665, mng. 3, 4, PSmSup 301) pl.cs. XJT71D ^"p XD'W six ^.-measures of flour Ber 44b(18) [Var: 'OX'p OHP ib. 113:10] Geon. expl.: ^"XDX OHP ib., i.e. Jl^i [sg. cj$; Y: 'O'^p Ber ib.(BAYTN 65). ?'p I V^p pe., pass.part. [NTiV'p 4- xrrrn n.] N|V'l? nm- alkali, potash (4- V'^p, X'^pi XpT; Sy rdiii. LS 666, mng. 2; cf. also X'^'p TJ Ezek 27:17 [Ar (AC 7:100), H MB]) sg. X,!rp3 X'^'pT XpT xVx "|Jljn xp^O do you think that (the 'eruv) is of alkali? It is rather of Saliconia herbacea L. Er 28b(54) Geon. expl.: iny[?] GnK5 172:4; Lit: Flora 1:638; Y: frtp Er ib.(BAYTN 95). NyV'i? 1013 ™U'P NjrV'p n.m. a small room, chamber (< keXXiov L-S 937; 4- xtyy; Sy ^';\n cell LS 668, MH2 X^p Er 63b[17]) sg. XWXp HID Xtfina X'JWIX '"I '31 Xy'rpX! was standing in pain at the chamber of PN's house Ber 22b(l); Sab 121b(33); Pes 72b(28); MQ 20a(31); Hag 26a(31); flg 19b(7); "IS^'p1? "?'T go to your chamber Ned 22b(34) Lit: Eps, Stl 362; Y: K^'P Pes ib.(BAYTN 127). 1#NS^'P n.m. parchment (4- V^p; cf. Sy ■^^ V " folio of a book LS 670) sg. 'V'Sm KSby parchment of phylacteries Men 35a(15); ST 489:4; ib. 11; 490:15 Lit: Ros, TI 51; 12034; Y: KB1?'? Men ib.(BAYTN 127). 2# NSV'P n.m. scale (4- V*ft?; TA I'S^p pi. TO Lev 11:9, Sy K'ii^JLo, pi. ~? » V' " k'^LLLd LS 670, Ma XriBxVp shell MD413) pi. H'3 Xtn iT'liyi ''Shy he saw scales on it [i.e. the fish] and permitted it AZ 39a(29); ib. 40a(26) Y: 'B^p/fZ ib.(BAYTN 127). KVipV'p n.m. damage, harm (4- V^p; JPA b-ip^p DJPA 490, Sy rdlAAo-o censure LS 666) 1. damage, damaging result: sg. 'Xtt XS'X xVlpVp what damaging result is there? Bes 16b(44); ib. 17a(l); Grt 23b(44); X^'81 x'jlpbp degenerate matter 7aS605:18 [4- Xlff^pT xnn]; 2. harm to personal status: sg. TOSH x'JIp'j'pX XC'n xV nyiTT xVipV'pX Xiy"n she takes into consideration harm to herself. She does not take into consideration harm to her progeny Yev 94a(23); Git 46b(15); ib. 46a(2); 47a(3); Naz 17a(23) [* i XJUpn]; Nid 39a(18) Y: X^ip^p Git ib.(BAYTN 255). snVp^'p 4- xnVp'p n. n.f. lenient case (4- VV?p pe., pass.part. f.d'et.) sg. Pes 18b(27) [* i XTlTan]; ib. 45b(5) [4- V'ao pe.]; Suk 7a(37); /Vaz 20b(2) Y: KnV'p fts ib. D'p 4- Vmp pe., pass.part. lttSSl'p n.m. curdled milk (4- Vmp pe., mng. 1.12; MH D'P MNedK 6:5) sg. lip p3TT '-iriX3 'a'pV 'or 'ti 'nnx3 'a'p 'a'pVi xsVn '&rf? ninV '3Vm 'a'p rri Tip 'a: in the scholars' place they call milk X3"?n and curdled milk xa'p. In PN's place they call it [i.e. curdled milk] also xa'p X3"?m Ned 52b(4) The translation here is based on the expl. of MNed ib. as iG^n !ODpO in PT Ned 39b(10) [v. DJPA 326], Note, however, the expl. Ar: Xa'rrn '3VM whey AC 6:116; Y: XOip Ned ib.(BAYTN 20). 2# Ktt'p n.m. (uncertain) pi. BB 74a(37) [MEd: Tan] xna'p 4- xnap n. l#N3'p n.m. nest, cluster, family (TA xi'p TO Dt 22:6, Sy rdLo LS 674, Ma 2#Xrp nest, family MD 411, Akk qinnu nest, family CAD Q 257) 1. nest: a. birds: sg. Bes lla(18); pi. riXT Y^Tpb X,_lB/3 let the eagles fly to their nests Er 53b(19); XTJ W17WWI Xrp a nest of a hoopoe Git 68b(28); ]pX «]no "?'T go (and) beat against my nest Hul 141b(36; V11); b. ants: sg. Xrp 'Wawn ib. 57b(42); HM 46:10; 2. cluster: sg. X3'p3 nnVn nn^n each three (leaves) in a cluster Suk 32b(49); BQ 58b(30) [date palms]; ,137310 Xrp3 'STBX seven leaves in a cluster HP 33:3; JTT Trpa X3'S13 a b. -plant is recognizable from its cluster Ber 48a(9; TGHark 209:13, Ar [AC 2:153]); 3. family: sg. anna map yisi ]xa HTp the one who requites his anger destroys his family San 102b(46; Ar [AC 7:129]) [Var: nvra household F2He] The exact mng. of '31WT Nrp BQ 92b(39; HAr [AC ib.]) is uncertain; Y: W'p Hul ib.(BAYTN 135). 2#Na'p, nN3'p n.m. anger, enmity (4- V2#'jp itpa., mng. 1; Ma l#X3'p rancor MD 411, Sy k'&i^jl-d anger LS 675) sg. Tajn 'JIXT X1H 1TX1 mna 71K2p he is the one who comes and causes enmity against her Sot 2b(48); ib. 46; TXrp San 102b(46; F2Ar [AC 7:129]) [He: Trp; 4- l#Xrp mng. 3] Y: H'3'P San ib. 3# K3'p n.m. crossbeam (etym. unkn.; cf. BH D'3p pi. HAL 1036, MH2 UVp BM 117a(16) [expl. MH nnpri Mib. 10:2]) sg. XTp BB 6a(26; F2); pi. Tp Er 3a(34) [expl. XinVax ib.] Lit: Eps, Stl 13; Y: 'jrp Er ib. nN3'p, pi. 'K3'P n.m. metalworker (TA 'lip TJ Jer 10:9, Ma X'XJXp, N'Xi'p MD 401) pi.
K?|T? 1014 no'j? "Xrpl Xl7(n>(n)0 polishing powder of the metalworkers TRN 590:1 K23'P n.m. hemp (< KdvvaPu; Lehnw 551; Sy «LAj-p LS 678) sg. Bes 22a(25; V17GC 42:5) Geon. expl.: 3jp> WyaW -\W*n (l>qra» K2:pi OHT ib. 28:10, i.e. v>iS Siggel 60; Lit: Flora 1:259; Eps, GC 4215. Note also the gloss O'lTOrp HG1 94:29 for 4 Hint. NnU'j? n.m. cleaning (4- Vmp) sg. xnU'pi "X'jp clods of cleaning (of the excrement) Anan 27:17; jtit raaiti^ mum xmrp -px p"?in therefore cleaning and washing is needed for semen (to be purified) ib. 32:27 K'JM'p n.m. warning of jealousy (< MH2 'U'p J 1363; 4- V2#'3p) sg. rvi !rna ^lya1? 'ya nn rP'll'p^ if he wants to have sexual relations (with his wife) he can renounce his warning of jealousy Sot 25a(50); ib. 31; 37 Y: FPB'p So? ib.(BAYTN 259). KtM'j? n.m. fear, suspicion (^DJp; Sy i^^in LS 676) sg. ,T»BJ3 XM'p nam may fear be ... in his soul Dec 4:16 N"lt33'j? n.m. centenarius (a weight; shortened form < KevTT]vdpiO(; Lehnw 532; Sy ^i : V '." LS 677, BBah 1808:17, JPA TDi'p DJPA 491, > Arab jlLii Fr, AF 203) sg. PI'V npT X3'X XIWp X^pTI1? there are some who call the shekel centenarius BM 87a(12; V22) // npT XrDVT X3'X1 xVp'D xnDJ'p1? TC*? there is a place where they call a centenarius a shekel Bek 50a(26) [cf. BR 627:1]; pi. "HOVp ib. 11 Y: nOJi? BM ib.(BAYTN 240). K03'j? n.m. piece of wood, twig (< I XD'p w. dissim. of -ss- > -ns-; i HXJO'p; Sy K'trnii LS 665; cf. Akk qistu A forest CAD Q 272, AIOA 86) 1. piece of wood: sg. '10 X1? I\m Tapi ]TO yiVlXl XOrpa bpVti 1X"?T since the lamps are fixed (on the candelabrum) he must take a piece of wood and light (each one) Sab 22b(15); ib. 4; AZ 33b(l 1) [used as a fire brand]; Hul 105a(50) [upon which water is spilled]; 2. twig: pi. pin xa'DiV 'era' rmpix xa'tn im 'era' 'orp two dry twigs and one wet one. The dry ones set the wet one on fire San 93a(49) [Var: 'D'j? Ar (AC 7:142); 4- XD'p, XTIX]; 'M'p nwp XH1 do not the twigs, in fact, fall off? Er 100b(9; OAr [AC 7:148, s.v. pp]) Expl. RaH: IX r^iyiM T3 IN torq pyiMW O'pi D'W3' D'X? l"?'KH JO JTIVB3 OHP Er 102:11; Y: XW'j? &j6 ib.(BAYTN 127). NO'i? n.m. wood, twig (4- XM'p) pi. 'O'p Sew 93a(49; Ar [AC 7:142]) NUO'jJ, NflD'p n.f. xestes (< £eo-tr|(;, Lat sexta- rius Lehnw 535; Sy niii-co-n LS 679) sg. XBO'p 'm1? nyanxa xnam xBO'p'i xarn xcniai a xe5/e^ of muries for a nummus, and a xestes of wine for four m/m/w /1Z 34b(17); XDmZJI XBO'p xenpan xjr? nnn X'n nsxa rvnm the testes of muries which was in GN was the same as the log of the Temple Pes 109a(21; Ar [AC 7:144]) [Var: XON'Tttn xncp C]; X'm XDO'p /1Z 30a(42) [Var: X'HT Xncp SMel 72:944] Geon. expl.: .ITO NM NWI1OT NJIWp TGHark 23:19; Y: XflO'p AZ 34b(17; BAYTN 127). NKiP'i? n.m. chip (MH DD'p Yeivin, BV 933; cf. Sy tOLii LS 665) sg. XBrWl XBO'p a chip of the r.-shrub Sab 54b(37) Y: XaO'j? Sab ib.(BAYTN 127). DNiO'p adj. wooden (perh. < 4- XDJ'p by metath.; Sy rdllaxjLJ wooden LS 665) pl.f. idbviil XrMO'p Xnxnna she plays with wooden cubs Ket 61b(30; V5) [Var: xrVMO'p XJl'mja Ar (AC 5:388, s.v. T»TU); XnX,3{{'',',)lD('){l}p Fr] Note the Geon. rdg. XJVOrp TGAs42 40:8, where this word is explained [ib. 11], however, as the gentilic of a GN. 10'j7 n.m. emperor (< Kauxap, Lat caesar Lehnw 535; I ID'p '3, no'p '31, ICp libs; Nab 10'p DNWSI 1018, Sy im n LS 680) sg.abs. a. alone: 'XTIT H3 ma -WpY'b nax ^>TX he went (and) said to the emperor: "The Jews have rebelled against you" Git 56a(7); 13V n^TIX ]XB XriTU n"?B31 ID'p TTW 'Xnv has anyone informed [lit. who has informed] PN that the emperor has died and the decree is annulled? Sab 33b(35); X3"?a no'p1? ]TT1 TITO Xin XJB'I they once (wanted to) send a gift [i.e. a bribe] to the emperor : the king [double rdg.] Tan 21a(41); 'XTim1? Trf? '3X0 mm -I0'p Xinm a certain emperor who hated the Jews AZ 10b(37); ib. lla(2); nD'pi XD^a 1132/ PN, the king, and the rnyg 1015 1#NTP (Roman) emperor 5v« 6b(32); 1311? nD'p n,!7 nax VX'VSJ &n 39a(16); ib. 90b(56); //«/ 59b(27); San 98b(53); "ID'pi H'ma the emperor's daughter 7b« 7a(53); G/7 57a(46); Ned 50b(6); //«/ 60a(14); Mei 17b(19); b. w. PN: X'p pTJ G/f 56a(16); ncp D13"DS0X ib. 21(V18) This word is treated as a PN and never occurs w. the det. ending; Y: TO'P San ib.(BAYTN 140). J'nO'j? adj. Caesarean (< GN mD'p; cf. Sy n'liiiiin Kaiaapiavoi LS 680) sg.m. Xin XiX'IDp a Caesarean denar AZ 6b(21); pl.m. 'rnD'p "Hm 'SVX nyatt? seven thousand Caesarean denars Ket 67b(46) K^y'p n.m. tent (metath. < i XJ/V'p; Sy ■^V y • " SIB 6:10) sg. iVyp1? ^>'t go to your tent Ned 22b(34; §M 25d) Lit: Eps, Stl 362. N^IS'P n.m. scraping off (l Vl#"7Dp; MH blD'p J 1366) sg. 5S4b(9) NSlS'i? n.m. owl (TA xSlS'p TO Dt 14:16, Sy r^aoAji LS 681) sg. Ber 57b(23; FP); Nid 23a(35; Ar [AC 7:66]) [v. DS, ad loc, n. n] Y: KBISp Ber ib.(BAYTN 259). N'B'p n.m. floating state, letter vocalized w. sewa (i V'Sp; Sy Klia_i LS 683, Ma X'S'p MD 411) 1. floating state [* 4- X5?ap]: sg. X'S'p'B X"lS3a it effects a 'floating atonement' Zev 6a(15); ib. 7b(l); Yom 50b(13; M); 2. letter vocalized w. Sewa: sg. BMsD 8:2 [w. ref. to TBtt/rn]; BMsL 27:32 [w. ref. to ]X*1 ICh 12:41] Mng. 1 is uncertain and can be ascertained only from its opposition to -I- XJDp; Lit: Yeivin, BV 333 [mng. 2]; Y: X;Blp Zev ib.(BAYTN 157). NSS'p n.m. contraction (i V2#TBp; cf. Sy rc'^^Do.^a.D LS 685) sg. XSS'pS V^Xl he goes (there) through contraction (of the way and arrives miraculously) Er 43a(26; M); Yev 116a(15) Y: XX'Bp Yev ib. P'p 4- V^Sp pe., pass.part. XfflS'p n.f. fixed term, amount (4- VfSp, f'p) 1. fixed term: sg. n,l7 rrVl DIM "IB'm X1H ITTI] DnoT xmrp n'V ri'XT jiitij 'ai "7ax xms'p DV D'B/1?^ XJTrHJ he can annul vows, since (a vow) does not have a fixed term. But concerning Naziriteship, which has a fixed term, since an unspecified Naziriteship is thirty days ... Ned 4b(13); N'-liy XJTrrp a fixed term (during which the mortgagee has the usufruct) is permitted BM 67b(5); ib. 7; 9; 2. fixed amount: IX1? mp'J/a xnirpa xnwn xmrpa at first there was no fixed amount [i.e. legal maximum]. Now there is a fixed amount RH 4a(37); Ket 54b(28); Xmrp W\m a fixed market price Svu 42a(6; F2) Voc: xfiix'p HGP 27a:31; Y: XrflS'p RH ib.(BAYTN 34). xnVp'p, xri^pV'p, Pi. 'typ, "hfh-'p n.f. garbage dump (< XnVp^'p; 4- V^Vp pal.; TA xflVp1?!? TJ Jer 19:2, Sy n'tilnin LS 688, JPA n^p'p DJPA 491, mng. 1, > NA %i7/('ta! CAD K 401; cf. JNA 'rp^p junk, scrap Yona 396, IrArab qelaqil Avishur, Elements 264+) sg. rwax p'SX xnV'p'j'pa mtn X^'aa the maidservant took out the sweepings and threw (them) in the garbage dump Yom 87a(44; E1); XriaT xn,!7p'p the town garbage dump Sab 156b(43); AZ 28a(38) [4- xnp'3]; 'ari'T xrfrp'px xiisx xjst xi3i xinn a certain man who built a mansion on the garbage dump of orphans BQ 21a(25); mV mm 'W 13 itud"? nraw '33 rrra lyam xnV'p'p a Jew who had a garbage dump, and the residents of the neighborhood demanded that he remove it TGAs28 32b:18; ib. 33:27; pl.cs. XTO ■'ipy Pes l I4a(9; C); det. by xVi la'n n'ona xtot ■'bpy by XJT'13@Q'1DT 'nSX dwell in the garbage dumps of GN and (do) not (dwell) in the mansions of GN2 Kar 6a(ll) // Hor 12a(44); XJ1BT •'bpby Git 69a(10) Lit: J.C. Greenfield-A. Shaffer, in Greenfield, AKY 225+; Y: 'Vp'p Pes ib. (BAYTN 128). l#KTp n.f. bitumen, pitch (4- 'Tp '3, nXTj?, XDITp; Akk qiru CAD Q 270, Sy n?\+a LS 665, Ma l#XTp f, X^XWp XTp MD 412, JNA XTp qira HDJNA s.v., > Arab _>A Fr, AF 150; cf. IrArab qirrayi oil lamp for the Sabbath Avishur, Elements 256+) sg. Ber 56b(43); Sab 110b(35); ib. 133b(37); XTpa XD3SX3 like fingers (sticking into) bitumen Er 53a(38; O); 13":ixa XTp 13TnX stick bitumen in your ears Git 34a(36; As.OHR ib. 24:5) [expl. RaH ib.: WXri x"?T so you should
2# NTj? 1 not hear]; '3D f'XB X71 XTp3 ISn they coat (the wine jug) with bitumen, and it does not absorb much BM 40a(5\; Es); XTp nE?a an ointment of bitumen AZ 28b(ll) [v. infra]; XTpi X3p a 906 of bitumen San 29a(5); XTpl 'JIN cakes of bitumen BM 69b(17); xn'?33 XTp Babylonian bitumen Yev 120a(38); pi1? XTp "p3 ~\2 let your grandson sell bitumen San 95a(49; MGD 465:16) [He: XTp] Geon. expi.: nra ni tolas m ]»»i aa(-i)m XTp iroa ina TGWeisz 83b:9. The incorrect translation of this w. as 'wax' derives from the false etym. < Lat cera [v. Lehnw 539]. The Akk word and all the cognates mean bitumen. Both the rdg. and the mng. of this word in the saying in San ib. are uncertain [v. DS ad loc, n. 13]; Y: KT|? Ber ib.(BAYTN 12). 2# NTJ7 n.m. lord (< Kupio<; Lehnw 539; 4- "|D, 1# 'T3; Sy ._£n_.i<^_D LS 698) sg. Bo 96:4; 'Tj? ~\0 inoVs the brother of my lord is a fraud AZ llb(14) Y: 'Tp AZ ib.(BAYTN 26). HNI'p, riNUp n.m. dealer in bitumen (4- i# NTp) sg. nxTpV oixini nvn jxa 'xn one who invests money with a dealer in bitumen BM 63b(31); [Van nXTip Es.Geon 81:1]; pi. V'pw Hin 'XTpB XTpi '3JX he used to take basins of bitumen from the dealers in bitumen ib. 69b(17) Y: ,-lNTp BM ib.fBAYTN 326). N'lTp adj. (uncertain) sg.m. X"1Tp X30 Xinn Sab 45b(21); ,TTTp XBV71 X3X BB 123a(46) Poss. a gentilic. Lit: S. Abramson, BB 145:627, note. NffiTp n.f. mass of bitumen (4- 1# XTp) sg. Sab 20b(40) [expl. MH m£V M§ab 2:1]; TGDH9 101:2; n'm-133 xniTp XPUBl Xiam XJX1 a barrel of wine in whose bung-hole a mass of bitumen is placed OHTSab 151:22 [v. ib., n. I]; ib. 24 Nt?T|?, NtJNTp n.m. carat (Sy k^Lo, k'V , p LS 694, Arab UjA Wehr 804) pi. 'IXn 'BXTp '3 xVpnai the m/#<5/ is equal to twenty carats AnanSch 7:27; 'DTp /& 29 Lit: Hinz, IMG 27. Its weight in Iraq was 0.2232 gr. The etym. < Kepomov is disputed by Fr, AF 200, and Low, Lehnw 566. 'Tp 'Tp interj. (type of cry) Hul 13 9b (3 5) Y: 'Ti? Ti? Hul ib. KSJTp n.m. a type of material or garment (4- Vmp; Sy kL±»-Ld LS 696, MH2 fBip J 1421) l#K^p sg. XBTp '01303^ to rub (/.-material (in order to soften it) BM 60b(10) // pi. '»Tp '013037 MQ 10b(9) [Van 'Dip Ar (AC 7:201)]; 'X»Tp HG1 503:26(Var) Y: 'Bip BM ib.(BAYTN 128). Njn'p I i#xjnpn. NXTp 4- XXT3 n. 'ipTp 4- Hipy n. tP'p tf'p 4- <2/'3 tf'3 interj. N^t^'P, pi. '^t^'P n.m. harsh action (4- V'tfp; Sy k'Jt.oj hardness LS 703) sg. X'lETp 731 X'Wpl every single harsh action TGAs28 27b:7; pi. 'JH'ai "Wp p713 all harsh statements and disgraces ;6. 5 miP'p n.pl.m. stilts (etym. unkn.) Sab 66b(8; MTGAs28 161:27) [expl. MH ]'»Bpl7 Mib. 6:8(BT)] Geon. expl.: Miv Wipij? pa ]Wi:» D'[jn D'Sy M» 1'X'aa] naxm [d'zjt oipa max] smxa nVyab pa »'i max wan pnxi i]p"t»]i ]na T^noi nzya1? p'ty iaiyi rpw oy rmix rui'tyn [pa TRN 604:2. l#N^p, tbxp, cs. ^p n.m. voice, sound, rumor (4- X7p J13, X7p7p, xn':7p?p; TA X?p TO Gen 39:14, Sy <<±A LS 651, Ma xVxp MD 400) 1. voice, cry: a. general: sg.cs. X"131 "?p a man's voice Meg 32a(27); det. XJIJVNI X?p a woman's voice Bo 15:9; '13 T$?7X "11 ,T7p7 '»! X?p 'XH pyaiy this voice resembles PN's voice BM 85a(29); X7p '»jn ... X7p '35?! his voice is deep/faint Hul 38a(18); 'JHl XT'7p '3J? Mm 'T'X 'n"7p ]'Dp since these have a deep voice, and those have a shrill voice Ara 13b(35); H'7p *px its voice is shrill Hul 79a(37); pi. X'SI X,!?p loud voices Bo 63:4; b. w. var. vbs.: 1) Vl# blX pe.: t'IX 'D1S HXa y31X3 rrbp its voice carried four hundred parasangs Yom 69b(24); 2) V^y pe.: m'Vp1? xVp rrt> 135? (his) cry (from the pain) surpassed their cry [i.e. of the animals] BM 85a(12); 3) V'DT pe.: xVp ,T3 xai he shouted to him Er 63a(29); Sab 124b(40); Yom 69b(25); BQ 118b(4); BB 73a(23); 4) w. V'TO pe. to shout: rr'TO XVp ,T3 X12? he shouted at it [i.e. the bird] (and) it dropped it [i.e. the samir] Git 68b(29); 2. sound: a. general: sg.cs. 'in' Vp the sound of the 16 sb?b$ 1017 ^Vp bowstrings MQ 26a(27); X^Jinn ^p the sound of a cock &?6 66b(14); RH 30a(9); 5ei 14a(25); G»7 56b(41); AZ 70a(10); det. XD1I X*?p ... X3"l xVp a loud/low sound MQ lla(23); H'Vp ^>"X its sound is clear Bes 14a(27); H'Vp 'Vn its sound is sweet Ara 10b(28) [expl. MH W>n ib.]; pi. '^p nn two (simultaneous) sounds RH 27a(5); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) VDD3 pa.: x"?p 'BIDS to make a cheerful sound Suk 51a(48) [of instrumental music]; Ara lla(10); 2) Vl1?' af: x"?p 'II^IX to produce (an artificial) sound Er 104a(36); Hul 42a(l); 3) V331J? quadref: x"?p HT" 'Hp'O before the sound (of the shofar) is mixed up (with the echo) RH 28a(18); 4) V3X2? pe.: x"?p 3"W X13X lead muffles sound Yom 69b(27); 3. rumor: a. general: sg. pXWJ "II13T X"?p "?3 any rumor after marriage Yev 92a(l); MQ 18b(50) [4- VpDS pe., mng. I.l.a]; XTl^a1? n1? JTX X^Xp the matter is publicized RH 21a(l); yev 121b(47); X^p inrx in^ TVX they [i.e. the documents] are publicized Git 18a(6); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) VdVx pa.: 'ai^X x"?p"? H'a^X he greatly strengthened the (previous) rumor Yev 25a(27); 2) V?B3 pa.: '^DSa X"?p they squelch a rumor Git 89a(46); 3) VpS3 pe., af.: x"?p ri'Vy pS31 a rumor was spread about him Ket 26a(29); Gj7 89a(47); n'^E3 nn x"?p pD3 a rumor was spread that he had died BB 22a(53); ib. 42a(10); xVp1? mpsXT N1H D'S'IX it was the enemies who spread the rumor Yev 25a(16) Y: Njij? Ber 59a(12; BAYTN 8). - N^pVp> t&ft ^i? n.m. voice (< X*?p "?p; Ma P'XVxp "?xp MD 400) sg. [n'JW XJ^p^p 5o 15:8 [cf. Ma 'X8W XVxp "?xp MIT 8:1]; x"?p "?p xVp 'H3 a voice in the secrets of a voice ib. 9; 69:4 Lit: Eps, St I 343; AMB 154. 2# NVp, pi. '?l6p n.m. clod of earth (< XX"?p* < Ny^p*; 4- Vj?J?p, XWU/np; Sy ^ < V? r, sling stone, clod LS 669) sg. n'3 X1W1 xbp bpv he took a clod and threw (it) at it RH 25a(26); Pes 62b(23); G/f-68b(29); BM 30b(5); 5vw 18b(10); ^Z 18b(3); Tarn 32b(12); BQ 92b(48); "?y 'BX xVp by IX Xnsy say over earth or a clod //M 42:17; xVp 'mm XTS1B a seed under a clod 7a« 4a(l); pi. ny3B 's1? TStt? "xVps 'map1? ins nxisa he is required to wipe his anus from the excrement well with clods Anan 26:8; ib. 19; 27:16; 32:14 Geon. expl.: X^p }ni p Jinnx D"XS OHT Sab 82:12; Lit: Nold, MG 582; Geig, AAC 361; Y: K1?]? AZ ib.(BAYTN 6). n.m. pitch (etym. unkn.) sg. X3*?p BQ 85a(50; F1) [used in a salve]; X3X"?p Sab 133b(37) Geon. expl.: nBT OHP BQ 147:31; Y: xa1?!? Sab ib.(BAYTN 95). T7p vb. to grasp (denom. < XlVlp* [cf. rc'iicuo bolt LS 667]; cf. Ma 1?p to clutch MD 413) Itpe. to be grasped: Y?p'» 'TlVp'X (the tendon) is firmly grasped (in the flesh) Hul 93b(31; M) Lit: Low, Lehnw 542. NnVp, NPlVlp, Nrfrip, NnV'p n.m. stalk, stem (MH n^p'Veivin, BV 821, J 1374) sg. mn 'VSV Xn"?p3 H'lys: p'13 PN used to defecate with (the aid of) a stalk Ned 50b(28; V2Ar [AC 7:98]); • XnVip Hul 119b(18); ib. 119a(24) [Var: Xn"?1p TGAs42 166:6]; pi. X313 '3T 'rV?'p mn three stalks of a plowed field Git 69b(l) Geon. expl.: D'awsn (D'ia pi) nxiana p D':p 'j 'a oteo n^f IBB inx wnra mpvi GC 107:5; Y: 'nyj? Hul U2a(2; BAYTN 127). t?Vp vb. to snatch, retain, clutch (JPA D"?p DJPA 493, MH D*?p LNVTH 323, Sy ,\\ n etpa. to be niggardly LS 668) Pe. 1. to snatch: XB^p B^pa 'D3 xmS'S the j.-bird also snatches well (in flight) Hul 65a(24); 2. to retain (by a sacred area making its removal prohibited): XnxS'na niD^j? rb x"?'J? 'XT if (the sacrificial animal) entered (Jerusalem), the (city) walls have retained it (and it cannot be redeemed) Zev 120a(2); BM 53b(22); ib. 23; San 113a(5); mta TO'DVpT the altar retained them Zev 27b(31); ib. 87b(15); TO'DVp Xnam X3J 'T» did the back of the donkey retain them [i.e. the fruit so that it cannot be returned]? Peg 52a(31) Pa. to clutch tightly: lrrV D'"?p» 'J/3 '31 when he wishes he clutches them [i.e. the straps] tightly Atot23a(19; M) [*'BT&] Itpe. (a) to be caught: t?"?p'Xi (the wine) was caught (in a vessel) Suk 49b(8) // tjVpca'XT Mei llb(32) '7p vb. to burn, roast, destroy (4- '"?p adj.,
'V,? 1018 ■?'>(? X'"7'p; sy 1# •*"*" t0 Durn> destroy LS 666, Ma x"?p MD 413) Pe. 1. to burn, char: N^VI1? rP'^pi he burnt the Temple Yom 69b(17) // &w 64a(9); XTIM Wbpx I shall burn it [i.e. the Temple] with fire RH 4a(16); Git 56a(31); Sab 110a(34) [snake]; nrrai xnai xinnb nvbp xwa '3 rraD'p1? when I die, burn me and scatter my ash Git 56b(45); Yom 84a(14); Hag 15b(18); 'a1?'! H'1? ,!7pl H'Vy xmau ruai perhaps he will place a live coal on it [i.e. the skull bone] and char it (so that it splits open) Hul 1 la(19); Pes 84b(20); nnVpi XTUffr rPJnitt she heated up the oven and burnt it [i.e. the skull] San 82a(34) // ib. 104a(44); Sot lla(10); San 93a(34); ib. 31a(55); 5er 6a(16); /fey 75a(38; V); 5g 35a(6) [i XaD'p]; x"?paSA/74a(32) [lime] ; 'aVj/3 XT'3 "|J'a 'X"7p1 Xin I have merely burnt a blank sheet belonging to you ib. 33b(46); 98a(36); 60b(48); rPJv?p X'J73 'XT if she wanted she could have burnt it [i.e. the document] San 31a(55); Bes 4b(21); pass.part. I 'Vp adj.; 2. to roast: a. in preparing food: vb r?pl inV 11J11 he soaks them [i.e. barley] and roasts them Pes 42b(20); AZ 28a(30); wtw Tirray Tiraro Tir^p (if) he roasted them [i.e. the lentils or beans], ground them, (and) made them into s. HP 191:2; pass.part. X'Vp AnanSch 10:23 [wheat and barley]; b. in preparing apotropaic medicines [cf. Akk qalu CAD Q 71, mng. 4a]: 'DTI IV 'fl"1? xmn xnax inr^p'bi xmoxmx let him bring seven (stalks) of '.-wheat and roast them upon a new spade Git 70a(2); ib. 69a(20); AZ 28b(10); Sab 110b(14); HM 43:21; 3. to destroy, ruin: 'a:ii owai xry own rfr 'Vp xVp'a he may completely destroy it because of the (evil) eye or because of thieves BM 30a(12); 7V>bp x"?p'» (the pagan) completely ruined it [i.e. the wine by making it nesekh] AZ 59b(10; J); XTH n'1? 7TX '"?p X1?! (the cat) has venom, but it does not destroy Hul 52b(43); ib. 54a(4); AZ 31b(27); nnxT wivotV 'nrVp'a1? xrrren rr1? xaTPrvx he was given permission to destroy PN's merits Hag 15a(23) [M: npya"7] Itpe. 1. to be burnt: 'lajb in1? l^p'X irU'X they were completely burnt San 93a(45) [* V"|"in itpe.]; BM 85b(33); Ket 67b(39); H'pSX Tim "ibp'X 'l?p'X(l)n) he took it out afterwards [i.e. the ball of wool], and it was completely burnt San 110a(55); XIID'X iT^ 'bp'X the prohibited material was burnt AZ 49b(13; J); ib. 66b(14); 2. to be roasted: X1?! 'bpa '3 H'1? "?'3X '3 X3E/ x"?l 'Vpa X1? '3 HIV it does not matter whether he eats (the new wheat) roasted or not roasted HP 16:11 'Vf? adj. burnt (4- V'^p pe., pass.part., X'b'p; Sy rdlLx. LS 666, Ma X'Vp MD 413, s.v. xVp) sg.m. X'Vp xVaTI a burnt temple San 96b(21) Y: Hpi> San ib. 'Vp adv. 4- V'Vp adj. KT1013'^p n.f. os innominatum (MH2 JlOU'Vp J 1376) sg. xn013@',7pT X3nn 'Xn the fat of the os innominatum Hul 93a(16) [Var: xri013'17pX Ar (AC 7:97)] Lit: Katz 269; AAC 362; Y: NWH',7|? Hul ib.(BAYTN 313). ■"?!?> '?i? a4J- l'gnt> swift, easy, small, minor, unstable, adv. small amount (I V?bp, XffrpX, 2#n'Xl7'I7p, xmb'Vp; TA Wp TO Num 21:5, Sy pf V ■ \ n LS 665, Ma 3#X'"?xp MD 400) I. adj. light: sg.m. XJPBB b^p X"m 'J?T TO'XI they know that a living person is lighter than a dead one Git 56a(50; V18); W>pn XS1J73 in the case of a fowl that is light Hul 16b(19); xV^p XW1? a 'lighter' term BQ 6b(18) [i.e. 3n Mib. 1:1 instead of 3'Tj]; TGHark 159:1 [i.e. "13 abscesses for 'yi3; i Xnyi3]; pl.m. 'W>p 7/G/f.s42 157:4 [reeds]; 2. swift: sg.m. X'3D3 V'^pT XsVa a king who is swift like a deer .Kef llla(38); 'briSJ Xrr7"X3 Wpi Naphtali who is swift like a hind Sot 13a(26) [w. ref. to Gen 49:21]; xW>p XTO'X a swift messenger TGHark 189:26 [quoted from an A prayer; cf. Ma: xV'^Xp XpJXnXS MD ib.]; HM 42:14; 5o 47:10; f. '3D X1?'^ 'TT my (dove) is swifter San 25b(l); pl.m. Dim 'W>p Tim VHX in"J113T3 '3JT1 those who were swift ran and sat in their places Yev 105b(18; O2); 3. easy: sg.m. b'VpT ''TE>3 71^"? •'IKV the language of the Chaldeans [i.e. Aramaic] is different because it is easy (to learn) Hul 24a(44); 4. small, few: pl.m. 'Wp 'OT a small amount of money BB 133b(18; Es); 'Wp 'TX1T1 xnp'm Xrmx the road is long, and the provisions are few Ket 67b(46; MGD (Wri? (^)'Vi? ioi9 «^j? 320:14); 5. minor: sg.m. X^'bp XTIO'X a minor prohibition Er 32b(9); pl.f. ]V7±> HT1 n-a p'yap xVop yina n'X xVt 'V'a "?3 xn'j'Vp 'b'a we establish a court to judge (even) minor matters, (i.e.) all things which do not involve capital punishment Anan 116:4; ib. 111:24; 6. unstable (?): sg.m. xaty 'V W>p I feel unstable San 46b(24) [expl. MH 'WXia 'tf>p Mib. 6:5(BT)]; II. adv. small amount, bit: a. alone: '"?p H'3 'll'X ja'Vi l^WIX lend me your garment to sleep in it a bit Sab 110b(43); 'bp H'ra VipK?'31 let him take a bit from it AZ 35b(37); "MS 13 V'^p when (the wax stopping up the ear) dissolves a bit HM 38:2; Wp Din he should sleep a bit ib. 39:16; b. w. fol. n. [cf. Ma X'Vxp X'WXJX MD 400, Nold, MG 318']: XTTIIS W»p a tiny bit £/- 34a(14); xnsy b'Vp a bit of earth Taw 32b(19); X'» ,!?p a small amount of water AZ 30a(34) Geon. expl.: ^lay'7^ -nDA-fr Va' lrx lyemv pta mx ^i pi IXD^i 1X31? inanai jHyirow Vpn naia Wpra k'jk lsxy by OHT Hag 31:8 [mng. 1.6]; Y: W>j? //«/ 16b(19; BAYTN 237); ^j? Sab ib. - (V)'Vj? (^)'Vi? adv very slowly, little by little (Sy ■ V . V A ■ V . \ p LS 666, mng. 6, Ma 3# X'^Xp little, few MD 400) W>p 'IDS '3 ^ H3»n V'Vp he will be overtaken by darkness (in reaching his house) when he walks very slowly Er 51a(4) [O: '"?p ,!?p]; Sab 153b(35); Ket 103a(47); ISGF4\:2\; IHP 611:19; 'Vp +'"?p I'lDiya'X they became diminished little by little NDGR 236:2 Y: 'Vi? 'Vi? Sab ib. l#3TX^'Vp adv. in a sorrowful state (lit. in a snare/trap; cf. Ma xVx^lp snare MD 406) ]X83 T)"b@ibp naXT San 46b(22; OHT Hag 30:30) [expl. MH 'iVp Mib. 6:5(BT); He: n"V@Vp]; X1H n'X^'^pS 3'Jl' he is in a sorrowful state OHT Hag 31:2 Geon. expl.: lyDXO Q1KW pi3 'BIS fl©1? '1310 ^^^ -|3 VB3y iy xin» K"7ip ]ib^o xin '3 nam n,x,7@,'?p3 aw vty ttoik nann nsa la1?: xinw 'B3 iyx3 awv nai^a ns OHT Hag 31: l; Lit: Eps, MNM 882; ib., GCIntr 50187; Stl 82. 2# TI'NV'Vi? adv. lightly (I V'Vp) 1H'B?S3 (ma) Tl'xV'VpS they struck themselves lightly AnanSch 27:7 [* XJTl'WpS ib. 8] KJVlV'Vj? n.f. lightness (I Wp; Sy rf&e, \ . \ n LS 666) only in adv. phrase KmV'Vpa disgracefully: xm^pa 'wmi (n)(xi'aB/ naiai ixa one who mentions the name of the Merciful One disgracefully Anan 13:23; ib. 26; 14:9 1'7j? adj. peeled (4- V^Vp pe., pass.part.) pl.f. XriXS'^p '5P3 peeled eggs Ber 56b(21; MGG 707:16) KnS'Vj?, pl. 'B'Vp n.f. peel, shell (< H HS'Vp, pi. D'S'Vp Yeivin, BV 944; I V*f7p, xns"?p) sg. Xip'y XriS'^p IX a root or a peel Nid 17a(18); XriS'^p XTiayaT xnym the shell of an ostrich egg HM 38:16; pl. 'J?'3T 'S'Vp Pei 112b(24); '3pT 'B'^p peels of reeds 5an 82b(29; MGN 442:15) [fig. for a paltry sum] Y: KJIB'Vi? Affrf ib.(BAYTN 211). B^'Vp adj. thin, light, transparent, weak, free flowing (i VtfVp pe., pass.part.) 1. thin: sg.m. n'Bnp W'Vp its membrane is thin Hul 9a(l); Er 3a(40); f. XJ/IX XWbp the soil is thin Sot 34b(49); 2. light: sg.m. xa'5? 'Dim XP'Vp X3'y X3'ao thin cloudiness which is below thick cloudiness Tan 9b(20); 3. transparent: sg.m. 'X 'xn 'bis vbp mn xV xin iVn xn'x if (the embryonic sac) was that of a foetus, it would not have been so transparent Mid 25a(50); 'TX1 'SD H'3 JPT Wbpl since (this glass cup) is transparent, (the color of the wine in it) is more recognizable ib. 21a(8); 4. reduced, weak, feeble: sg.m. w'jp H'TH its poison is reduced AZ 30b(23); XB/'^p X"I30 a weak logical deduction TGHark 34:21; f. XJW'Vp XTIJH feeble mind Yev 113a(40) [of a deaf person; * I V'S]; NDGR 95:21; pl.m. 'B/'Vp 'p'BD slight doubts TGHark 34:17; 5. free flowing: sg.m. Sab 77a(24) [wine]; Anan 44:18 [gonorrheal discharge; v. Eps, Stl 76]; f. 'ra x-iia xmis'ao xrayi xa'n xn'nw naia htu ^an» 'aVys x'as xrajn xw^p mnra where s.-porridge is made thick (the blessing is) niaiTa 'ra X")ia. Where it is made free flowing merely like water (the blessing is) ITi"U Vsrw i-073 Ber 38a(43); Hul 112a(21) [of a secretion from meat; * XTO'ao]; pl.m. '©'Vp X'8 "pao Xian wine is viscous, water is free flowing Suk 48b(37); Yom 58a(29) Y: Xn©'1?!? Hul /i.(BAYTN 62).
bbp 1020 «Vrp ?7p vb. to be light, damage, ease, make a lenient ruling, make light of (I Xfl/pX, 1# X/lp, "?7, xnb'p, W-p, "rVp V'Vp, xnv^p, xV?p; Sy ■ \ n pe., pa., af. LS 665, Ma bbp pe., pa. MD 413) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to be made light of: 311 'aW3 '11'a bp in PN's time vows were treated contemptuously Git 35a(30; V18) [Var: "rp V15]; 2. pass.part, lenient [Sy ** V . V A LS 665, Ma V'bxp MD 401]: V'pl 'aNW D'BltfV miaa xaVl perhaps one banished by Heaven is different because it is lenient MQ 15b(28); «]"0 'Va 'an V'pl this refers to (execution by) a sword, which is lenient San 41a(10) [* TBn]; b'pl 31» QV3 '^hVt^ 'fiXl one is apt to disregard (a prohibition) on a holiday, which is lenient [i.e. the punishment for its transgression] Bes 2b(8); n'^'l 1XBD b'pl TllXBtJ 1XOT his uncleanness is more lenient than other types of uncleanness Anan 29:7; ib. 47:10; Pes 18b(24); /& 54b(44); Kef 14a(29); Men 25b(43); AW 51a(4); TGAs42 111:19; 3. pass.part. unstable (?): XBty '/ b'p 1 am unstable San 46b(24; K) [4- "?'Vp adj., mng. 1.6] Pal. (i x'jipV'p; Sy A ^V A LS 666, Ma bptp MD 416) 1. to damage, spoil: pass.part. 'in 'b"7'1 VpbpBI 013X1? perhaps he will see that the trough is damaged Er 20b(15); ib. 16; XB"pl xVp/pB X,1 (the courtyard), in fact, continues to be spoilt ib. 88b(27); 2. to harm s.o./s.t.'s status: bp^piil Kin he harms (the animal's) status (by slaughtering it) Hul 8a(29) [* pjl»]; &A 73b(28); //ag 10a(48); xpi X1,1 man1? nVipVpV naiS'S she intends to harm (her) mother-in-law's (marital) status Yev 117b(4); ib. 118a(5); 1BU XM TWS1 x'jpVpa XV she herself will not harm her own status ib. 119b(38); 120a(4); Git 46a(2); 3. to do s.t. incorrectly: pass.part. X/p^pB XaVl nypn perhaps the teqi'a will be done incorrectly Pes 7b(32); 4. to cause s.o. to err [w. ~b]: 'V'11 X'ln Xvl .I'V 'VpVpB perhaps she will unwittingly cause him to err (if she becomes a menstruous woman) Nid 12b(12); ib. 24 Af. 1. to ease: bp'B 'blpx /3X ,1X131*7 '?'» 'am this refers to (bloodletting) as a remedy. But it does indeed ease (high blood pressure) Sab 129b(26); 2. to rule leniently: l"?'pxi Xin TfblVQ p3~l 13 it was regarding mourning that the scholars made a ruled leniently Er 46a(48); Yev 88a(26) // Git 3a(l); ib. 35a(l); Qid 17b(50); "731 1331 H3 V?'px p311 the scholars ruled leniently concerning any Rabbinic requirement Tern 27b(27); p31 nana '11,1' '1 Vp'BI X3'n (in a case) where PN rules leniently, the scholars rule strictly Svu 46a(34); Ber 36a(52); Pay 20b(20); Tan 18a(39); BM 106b(18); "?3X ]a3T!3 p'V'pa '31 P'b'pB X1? 'n"11X13 we only rule leniently in a case of Rabbinical authority. We do not rule leniently in a case of Pentateuchal authority Hul 4b(6); Meg 22a(32); TGHark 94:5; V'piBI ]XB3 HP 144:25; 3. to make light of s.t: 11J3 b'pB 'X my I'Ta if he makes light of it [i.e. the commandment] he is judged for it Anan 13:10; ib. 12:22!; 4. to be lax: «]0ia 11 ]'3 '»a f?pp mm ■flD'y lib they were also lax (regarding the difference) between an additional waw [i.e. a conjunctive waw] and a waw of O'ISID IID'J? [i.e. in wrongly adding a waw not in the Masora; v. Ned 3 7b (22+)] TGHark 103:7 Itpa. (unclear): ,TT X^Vp'BI TGDr49 105:17 [expl. MH IT T1X 1'BXB Sab 103a(9)] Itpal. 1. to be miscalculated: xVpbp'B Xp X,11 ibpVp'1? xVi nawn wxi Vpbp'/i 3Dia nac/n k?xi nilJ/IB 1,T>13 will the New Year not, in fact, be miscalculated? It is preferable that the New Year be miscalculated than that all the holidays be miscalculated RH 19b(16); 1J1X1 X1BW '1U1 par '"jlpVp'X1? sometimes (the government) decrees a religious persecution, and (the holidays) are apt to be miscalculated Bes 4b(31); 2. to err: ]V3 xbipbp ia"n D'31 n3 'bpVpBI since the public errs concerning it, this is a damaging result Bes 16b(44); 3. to be adversely affected: 31TJ? TIX1 'VlpVp'X1? the (application of the law of) 'eruv is apt to be adversely affected Er 49a(39); '(')(1)nn xV -p'xi {nbp)bpnoi xin '3J Dri3 nsnwxi VpVpnn that woman upon whom a bloodstain has been found is adversely affected (and has to wait an additional day), while the other would not be adversely affected Nid 60a (20) The mng. of Vim Klin ^'psn Ket 100b(10) is unclear. n.m. type of demon (lit. curse; 4- ^Ibbp; H Tffjp J 1378) sg. Bo 5:3; ib. 106:5 xnnbp 1021 «£p UnTibj?, pi. '»Vi? n.f. vermin (Sy Kl^aJLp LS 668) sg. Bo 74:13; pi. 'aVp '(B)(WDiaB vermin (comes) out of rags Ber 51b(18; MGG 299:12,P); 'aVp xVDpB XXlip'ID a comb (which) kills vermin Nid 20b(31; Ar [AC 6:144]) n.m. calendae (< KaA.dv8cu, Lat calendae Lehnw 546; Sy ^viAnd-D, etc. LS 669) sg. xan n'V TVn Xp XBT in XiaVp 1/13 the Tanna considers all of calendae as one day AZ 6a(27) Y: X^j? AZ ib. N'37p n.f. colony, free person (< KoAxovia, Lat colonia Lehnw 546; Pal X'aVp PAT 406, Sy rdJj<=>A(kj3 LS 669) 1. colony: sg. n'13D T3ynm X'a^p GN should become a colony AZ 10a(43); ib. 46; 2. free person: sg. T3jma N'aVp Dmmn can Herod become a free person? BB 4a(22) Geon. expl.: D3B H'ty J'X* OH Suk 112:18 [mng. I]; ]2 mti>p OH ]B pin TGAs42 156:21 [mng. 2]; TWyxi p'OTJ KTBrOl pxi *'S HI '©Sn omin Ar [AC 3:287]; Y: N;:Vj7 BB ib. NJVJTp n.f. name of a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. 'tnoa XV Xri'abp the <?.-bird does not scratch BB 20a(26); Hul 102b(15) Y: KTI'^i? BB ib.(BAYTN 189). vb. to praise (denom. < KaX&iq Low, Lehnw 547; Sy ■ ™ V f, LS 669) Pa.: H13N no'jpi DWa n"? noVpa 'aa nx "]aXT because your maternal grandfather praised it [i.e. that legal tradition] you also praise it Ket 21b(5); VxiaiP n'D^pT 1"5?X1 mm' 317 even though PN praised PN2 Er 28b(50); Git 77a(23); Me/ 16b(9); Yev 92b(28) // MaA21b(21) Lit: Lieb, Schocken Vol 75+; Bacher 191. J?Vp vb. to happen to come or fall (I 2#x"?p, XJI'yVp, Vnan; cf. Sy ,\ \ n to sling LS 669) Itpe. 1. to happen to come: xain 3T 13 n3T xmba W~\ '3b ybp'X PN happened to come to the exilarch's house Ber 49a(20); Sab 46a(33); RH 21a(l); San 5b(26) [and passim]; '1 yVp'X Xa^'7 □nn7 "ITy"7X the following year PN happened to come there Ket 112a(7); Dnn"? ri'y/p'X Xin xaa'T one time I happened to come there Sab 145b(16); XT'SWIX Xinnb jr^p'X XriXI mn '3 when he came again, he happened to come to that inn Sot 47a(35); pnxa 13'3a yVp'X X3T X"I31 a great person happened to come to you from our place AZ 7b(33); 1'miX n'V 'y^p'a 1X1 b'Xin since if guests were to happen to come to him Pes 46b(13); n'1? l'J?7paT iy mm '31? XBVe/ 3'n'1 'TlsV'n I'Tan mm he gives greetings to ten people until ten people who have learnt misnayot happen to come to him Ned 8a(21); *iai nana X3D xai'3 '11 inV yVpa mn '3 XIDIt when a pagan happened to come to PN and PN2 on a holiday Bes 21b(29); 2. to happen to fall: yVp'XT ]T3 T132/3 11X Vin VK1 since the first day of the month of Adar happened to fall on the Sabbath Meg 30a(31); mrutf ">IW l^p'a '31 when two Sabbaths happen to fall (on Hamikka) ib. 31a(42); RH 20a(9); D^V DV3 y?p'ai |'a»'T 'yvm D'"l2/y3 y"?p'ai Taa'TI sometimes (the Dins nosn [v. MBek 9:5]) happens to fall on the thirtieth (of Adar) and sometimes it happens to fall on the twenty-ninth Bek 58a(13); HP 184:7; ib. 185:4; 16; 23; 3. w. ~b to happen to have s.t.: P3-1V in? xy?p'x mxm xnV'a xa"?T perhaps the scholars happened to have an opportunity to fulfill a commandment Tan 22a(7); m"? yVp'XT 013 he happened to have a cup (of wine) Er 40b(26); p'313B x"?'aa ]"? J?"?p'a 'X if we happen to have (it) anyway we make the blessing Ber 51b(20); Sab 117b(52) NJVjnp n.f. hairdresser (lit. one who plaits hair; -Wy?p; JPA pn]'jrt>p DJPA 495; cf. TA ]y'?p pi. TJ IK 6:29) pi. XJT'yVpV pip D'H '3133 XJ1"a3 in the 'cities of the sea' they call hairdressers Xrva3 Sab 95a(5; M) [I 1# Xn"a3] // Xri"a3 Xri'^p1? Ber 61a(35; P) // Er 18a(54) // MaT45b(30) [// PT Sab 12c(60)] Geon. expl.: nDWXB nn'33 KlTy^p OHP Ber 106:20, i.e. 3-LiUi hairdresser. rf?P vb. to peel, scrape off (I l#XS7'p, 2#XB?'p, *f?p, xnS'Vp; Sy .°> V n LS 669, Ma t}bp MD 413) Pe.: xas'bpi xnp'?i£/ T3 'xm I saw (in a dream) that I was peeling boiled eggs Ber 56b(21); n'13 'lV7 x"?nD n'7 1'Vp Xp mn he was scraping (fat from) a spleen for his son, PN Hul 93a(40); pass.part. nnn'S «l'Vp mm n"in he saw that its crust was peeled Bes 14b(5; L); X3WB miJ |» 1'Vp 13 Xiam the hide of a donkey when it is peeled off from its body HM 41:12
t : t ': 1022 NBj? Pa. id.: nnSTUl '"?p fl'3 l^p: let him (first) scrape off a bit of it [i.e. the flesh] and (then) break it [i.e. the bone] Pes 85a(20); fl'V XB^pB 3"l xm '03 '03 "inn'31 does PN's wife generally not husk many cups (of barley) for him? Bes 13b (24); 'im X1'3D3 p3pip 'B^pB the gullets of these (birds) can be scraped off with a knife Hul 62b(20); Sab 20b(36) [bark of a tree] Itpe./Itpa. to be peeled or scraped off: Xp '3 nT3 'j'jp'B 'ST when it becomes soft it can be peeled off by hand Hul 62b(24); ib. 25; Tr?p'X 'Dl'jp'X So/ 15b(35) [of bark]; H'3 ri'XT X3"in I'VpJIB the fat which is on it [i.e. the intestine] can be scraped off HP 196:16; OHT Sab 74:1 [parchment] n.f. peel, shell (4- V«f?j?; Sy K'&.aJLD, pi. rclaJLo, rc'di 4 V n LS 670, Ma XJlBxVp MD 413; cf. MH 'S9p Yeivin, BV 944) pi. XniBXTI XIXBTH XTlS^p the peel/shell of a pomegranate and of a nut //P 36:16; 'rail XJIBbp ... 1J»1 XXlls'jp shells of almonds/pomegranates M75 395:6(HGP 54a:12); 'nam Xns'jp /& 7(ib. 13) VpVp 4- VV?p pal. xbpbp 4-1# x"?p n. n.f. one having a loud voice (4- lttxVp; cf. Sy ^jjJl\ ... «Ln-Lo BBah 1797:3) sg. Mn'lVpVp X'iin 5M 80a(?; '0 D'ttyan Tarbiz 2 [1931] 408:18) Lit: Eps, St2 851. vb. to reduce, make thin, dissolve (4- XtfVlp, ti'Vp; GeonH ffbp OHT Er 1 lx, BY 5978) Pe. (a/ ): 1. to reduce: IX T"l Tl'B "?J?3 2?,!?p W^p'B does a husband completely eliminate (his wife's vow) or does he partially reduce [i.e. absolve] (it)? Ned 68a(8); inxait? vbp izvi ]T>3 once he has immersed himself, he has reduced his uncleanness Mei 8b(7); 2. to make thin: 'X nrf?'xa runs nnan nb xm ri^Vp if you make (its covering) thin, its sunny area will be greater than its shade Er 3a(40); ib. 41; 46; 53; pass.part. 4- frbp Af. 1. to reduce s.t.: '©"r?px IX "H8.V KWH w'ppB does this actually permit (the remainder of the incense) or merely reduce (the prohibition)? Zev 110a(39); 2. to cover thinly: 'tfV?pX MQ 13b(18) [expl. MH ]'9na Mib. 2:5; * 4- VpD af, mng. 3]; 3. to dissolve in water: n'b wbpft '3 X'B3 when he dissolves it [i.e. the porridge] in water HG1 97:80 The mng. of N^TX '3 ... W'^ps Mriin ... w'jps KB110 im ertipa &«/ 108:12(Var) is not certain. K!3j?, f. KJJ'^i? adJ- r,rst» n- first °ne. Tractate Bava Qamma, pi. earlier scholars (< 4- riXBIp; JNA X'Xap qamaya HDJNA s.v., ModSy qama Maclean 270; 4- Vmp) I. adj. 1. first: a. general: sg.m. Xap XW the first Tanna (of the Mishna) Sab 90b(29) [and passim]; xap xV73 the first general rule Er 28a(12); Xap XplOB the first verse Ber 13b(45); xap Xltt'1? the first version Pes 79b(40); xap XT1 the first row Suk 45b(24) // San 97b(43); BB 157b(24); Xap X3D XBT> the first holiday [i.e. the first day of Sukkof] HP 34:32; f. XrPBp 'Nrrra my first state Yev 66a(43); XTVD XXl"ap the first year Git 58b(24); XTT'ap XIIB'D the first drop (of menstrual blood) Nid 20b(33); Xrpap H'TOTX his first wife San 82a(33); pl.m. 'Xap OT] the first marriage Yev 12a(31); yrhl\ 'XBp ]'BV the first thirty days BQ 112b(38) [* 'Xysa, 'Xim]; 'Xap xmna the first owners Ket 109b(33); Git 40a(45); b. * Xin3: 4- Xim mng. L2; 2. early: pl.m. D^IJ? 'ID'X "Xap ]131 the earlier scholars, the strong ones of the world TGHark 30:16; iSGF 67:3; xn3TIB3 "XBp ^31 the earlier scholars in the academy TGAs28 88:17; 3. preceding: sg.m. ]'p-lBi Xin 1'plBi Tl'tf XDp six (regulations) of our chapter [== ch. 4], one of our preceding chapter [v. 21b] RH 3lb(24); II. n. 1. first one: sg.m. 'Xp 'Xp13 XapT V?3a this implies that the first one remains as it is Yom 64b(5); f. 'Vx xVt ]xas xrraps Vh3x xm ynt 'Bi since he did not say havdala in the first (tefilla), it is as if he had not prayed (this prayer) Ber 26b(7); XJV'Bp "|i1 that first (clause of the Mishna) Qid 64b(32); XTl'BpB '13 children from (my) first (wife) Yev 64b(17); XJVBpB H'3 Tin he retracted from the first (document) BM 19b(9); Hul 32b(9); 2. former one: 4- Xim mng. I.l.b; 3. m. Tractate Bava Qamma [< xap (X33)]: sg. xap GS 424b: 13; 4. pl.m. earlier ones, KBg naj? 1023 »ap predecessors, ancient ones [Sy rd-jLi»:t_n xot<; apxaioic, Mt 5:21]: a. general: 'XBp Xltt? 'XB XD'l in"7 W'mriBi what was different concerning the earlier ones that a miracle used to happen for them? Ber 20a(5); BM 93b(38); San 103b(46); Men 43a(20); -|Bp1 'xap your predecessors BB 46b(6); b. esp. of scholars [cf. MH2 O'llENTI BY 6331]: "XBp1? xnilVs H3 inDlfXT we found a dispute between the earlier ones G$ 82b:6 On ISCF 20:17, v. I X3K,?» note; Y: XB|? Meg 9a(22; BAYTN 330); XfH3p&A29a(16; ib.). - N!3j? KBj? adv. gradually, one after another (JNA Xaxp XBXp qama qama gradually HDJNA s.v.; cf. MH2 11E7X-I fTC/XI J 1437) 1. gradually: sg.m. xin xrnnx 'xm n,!7 Vix xap xap xiicxt m that (flame) of prohibition has disappeared gradually [i.e. by flickering], and this is another one Ber 53a(l 1); pi. ytal 'Xap 'Xap ,T3 n»l lVa inV they filled (the pitchers) and poured (the water) into it [i.e. the bowl] gradually, and it was absorbed Bek 9a(7; V9); vf? ,!7SW 'XBp 'Xapl one after another (the water) has gone downstream AZ 47a(45; M); 2. one after another: XBp XBpT prpap1? nrriX XDBT they brought before them (the dishes of food) which arrived one after another (without waiting for them all to be prepared) BM 86b(35); ib. 95b(23) [4- Vl#1PST pa.]; xpT p'31 xap XBp Til since he draws out (the portions of the temed) one after another BB 97a(26); Git 12b(4); AZ 71b(12); HG3 236:20; pi. 'xap 'XBp lHl'l 'innx 'im '"?TX (the coins) disappear one after another, and these are other ones Pes 7a(29; Vl7);£M26a(18; M) N^llttj? n.m. furnace (< k&hivo<; Lehnw 551; Sy r^j ,*nJ, LS 673, > Arab oh* Fr. AF 26) sg. "73 nxif '3Vb '3IT anyone who bests the king is thrown into a 'hollow' furnace [i.e. one heated from below where the heat comes through apertures] AZ 10b (44) Lit: Lieb, TK 8:76537, fol. expl. of RaH ib.; Y: x;:i»f> AZ ib.(BAYTN 212). nfij? vb. to dress hides with flour, pulverize (4- XriBp; cf. Sy uul^o to make flour LS 672) Pe.: pass.part. rPBp xVl f'SJ? X1?! n'^B X1?! (the term HSB is a hide) which is neither salted, nor treated with gall nuts, nor floured Sab 79a(34) // Megl9a(2)//G#22a(33) Af. to pulverize: 'mBpX napX he completely pulverized (the bones) Naz 53b(4); H'napX (if) he pulverized it [i.e. the rice] HP 191:5 Lit: M. Haran, HUCA 56 [1985] 34 [Pe.]. Nnpi?, xna'i? n.m. flour (4- Vnap, xma; ta Xnap TO Gen 18:6, Xnap ib.[Var], Sy «lu-^p LS 671) a. general: sg. 'WSBI TID'1?! xb'»3n 'Xn xnB'p TCI a cooked dish of turnips to which they add much flour Ber 39a(34); inn'31 XSn' Xp mn Xna'p x"?m Xp his wife was sitting (and) sifting flour Ket 62b(42); Bes 29b(12); f72V\ Xnap Xrfr'BI xn"H XnWB3 flour which one mixes with olive oil and salt TGAs42 161:4; Anan 3:3; HM 39:1 [4- «l'tfl]; P>- ^ap "1NW other flours Pes 74b(15; V14); b. specific: sg. 'B'm Xnap wheat flour Ber 36a(10) [v. HP 191:3]; 'Wl Xnap barley flour ib. 22; Sab 109b(16); Pes 56a(10); Yom 83b(25); Git 56a(36); X1'W'3X1 XriBp flour of roasted ears of grain Pes 39b(40); Meg 7b(4); c. in idiomatic phrases: sg. flint? Xl'riD XflBp you have ground milled flour [i.e. you have performed a trivial task] San 96b(22); 'XH ]XB n'nap1? vn xVl who is this one who was careless in his studies [lit. who did not care about his flour] Yom 46a(16); Pes 84a(34); Suk 54a(27); Yev 42b(33) [but v. Ar (AC 7:119, s.v. nap) who gives rdg. (X"0): n'Bp1? before him] Voc: NfiOp" HPP 293:17; Y: KITOj? Ber 37b(14; BAYTN 127). Bttp vb. to tie, constrict, contract, force (Sy \ji-a to tie, seize LS 672, Ma BB1 MD 94) Pe. 1. to tie, bind: XTTTI 131"nB'B 131'DBp'B Xl'J/3 ... 1<n){3)l'Dap ... Xl^DI I want to tie you up (and) hit you with a (whole) bag and a half. He tied them ... Git 47a(14); H'DBp H'Dpl he took him (and) tied him San 95a(38) [Var: rrwsn n'tJBpi Ar (AC 7:120)]; pass.part. '1131X1 X'TB 'V7'y TO(')apT cords which are tied on (her) hair Seel 113:41(SMel 44:5); 2. to constrict: n'V D'ap 'bxtti n'1? 'sna D'ap (if) he is constipated [lit. constricted] it loosens his (bowels. If) he has loose bowels it constricts him Sab 110a(45) // Pes 42b(22); OHT Ber 130:23(Ar) [4- XBIPI]; 'X^ p'Sl xVl rvb B'BpT he
xnpMf? 1024 (")'»i? constricts the blood to it [i.e. the meat] and it cannot go out HG3 211:69; pass.part. X3'X1 n»T B'Bpn nnSB/S there is a family whose blood is constricted [i.e. whose members do not bleed profusely] Yev 64b(43) [* m'Bl 'BTI ib.]; 1ST D'lT 'D'Bp rUSIJ? in"B"lp the membranes of fish are 'loose' [i.e. permeable] (and those of) fowls are 'constricted' [i.e. relatively impermeable] Hul 112b(10); 3. to contract, shrink: 'SXT XSTB D'BXp mm ... XT, J 112 X3XB the utensil becomes very soft from the fire and afterwards shrinks OHTSab 69:20 [v. Sab 74b(12)]; 4. to force: xpi mnmj tys mjnx pra xpi m7 pap they force him, and he sells his field unwillingly $ee/(Eps, Stl 55:20); /&(ib. 56:2) Lit: Eps, Stl 123. Nipttj?, KHtJaip n.m. box, chest (< Ka|i7tTpa Lehnw 550; I XDSD; TA Xn»Bp" pi. TJ 2K 10:22, Sy ^-lVjwljj LS 672, MH xnpap MOhK 9:15, J 1385, > Arab >iS Fr, AF 252) sg. XB'Vi niDBIpX a cloak over a box Ber 26a(l) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; pi. '"ID'OT '"IDBIp chests for Torah scrolls Meg 26b(38; GM2); TTUB1 '-|DB(p){0}1 XTU'B03 XU'T (1)n('l3 boxes in which merchandise is placed on a boat TGHark 86:13 [expl. MH I'DIX-in MBB 5:1; v. Hark, TGHark 358]; 'W» IX T11TB p3 pnw '"IBBp boxes in which fruit or a load is placed ib. 179:5 [expl. MBB ib.] Geon. expl.: l^Bn 13 Wirb mVDX I11K OHP Ber 32:25; I'pWH T^ru jm mi'soa rminon (d,13> pm:» GC 53:6 [cf. Ar (AC 5:259)]; OHBOl D'i:o 13 I'OTIfW QlpS ib. 88:9; Lit: KJengel 36; Y: XTDDj? Ber ib.(BAYTN 222). (")'H|? prep, before, in front of, in the presence of, to, conj. before (< 'Blp* w. assim. of -d-\ i Dip prep.; Ma l#DXpraxp MD 401, ModSy qam Maclean 270, JPA 'Dip DJPA 481, CPA t Tin LSp 175) I. prep.: w. suf: lsg. 'XBp Tan 23b(27); 2m. TBp BB 41b(18); jap Men 43a(21); 3m. map Pes 32b(28); f. nap Sab 100b(42); lpl. jap Sab 4b(15); 2m. 13'Bp BB 130b(26); 3m. IT'Bp Git 10b(27);- 1. before, in front of, in the presence of: a. temporal: 'apT "in XTJ'D irai in XTJ'D one (demon) which is before noon, another which is after noon Pes 11 lb(26); X-ltsa '3 XIB'a 'Bpi X3'J7 a dark cloud before the rain is (as beneficial) as rain Tan 3b(38); XnO'B 'ap ]X'73n '3'n '3 so that they should be used up before Passover Pes 40b(9); ty (Xn)D'D 'ap until before [i.e. the eve] of Passover Qid 65a(9); Yev 92a(3); 'JTCJ XpT X"m Xin,T> iT'Trl '"?n3X 'ap X'B (PN) saw a certain man drinking water before reciting havdala Pes 105a(18); 'Dp rP3n ]3"in before the destruction of the Temple ISGF 22:2; ib. 74:10; "ppi 'XBp your predecessors [lit. the earlier ones who were before you] BM 93b(39); b. spatial: 1) general: ITT 'BTIBT XJTJ73 TD 'ap Dip'JI TI'V let him go and stand before the priests when they spread their hands (to bless the people) Ber 55b(29); nna 'Dp XTJJ/3 like a slave before his master Sab I0a(9); -ib'bx 'ap xrf> nuatxi xrimx x'nn jmnJ^ a certain woman who was subpoenaed for judgment before PN in GN RH 31b(14); Suk 53a(18); Tan 25a(51); X1TJ 3m map J/Vp'X X]TH3@D1B7 he happened to be in the presence of PN in GN Hul 95b(37); 7X1BKH map nmDX '3 when I recited it [i.e. the legal tradition] in the presence of PN Sab 22a(14); X3,T! map X1B? XB031 he placed gold and silver before him San 107b (21); map xpn 'to mn xspiy in pn was spitting out saliva in front of him Ket 105b(30); Sab 74a(38); map "1X1X X'XTT! (the wife) constantly ingratiates herself before him [i.e. her husband] Er 100b(38); TTOa mm ]33TIB Xinn 'ap XJ1X1JX a certain scholar who used to recite Aggadot in his presence Suk 53a(39); mapn X'a1? TAD Xp he is worshiping the water before him AZ 47a(44); Tan 23b(27); 'Tl 'XBp in front of me San 25a(14); 2) w. var. vbs.: a) V'JIX pe. to come before: map X"I3J Xinn XJ1X a certain man came before him Git 33b(39); "|Bp xnri'X X'nn X'JIX '3 D'033 "VWy n"3JX when that woman comes before you, authorize her to collect a tenth of the estate Ket 69a(44); b) V3JV pe. to sit before s.o. (as a disciple): 121 map '3JT Tim 'TBVn 'in H")Sp two students who were sitting before PN Ber 39a(10); Pes 3b(15); Suk lla(30); Meg 16a(8); MQ 24a(3); BQ 117a(33); BM 35a(34); Kar 6a(8); c) Vmp pe. to attend s.o.: XJW'Xp mn XJ'3TJ map I was attending PN Sab 140a(13); Er 102b(27); Ket 61a(46); BB 41b(20); Zev 94a(32); d) Vn32? pe., pass.part. to be frequently in the presence of s.o.: 4- n'3tf mng. l.c.l; e) Vn7W pe. to send before s.o. (for a legal opinion): \rbv 'DX 'm map they sent (the case) before PN (for his opinion) Git 63b(32); 2. esp. w. ref. to God to [= -V, I aip mng. 2]: n"3n 'ap xnrn xs'x 'ai does God have anger? Ber 7a(18); X'?l X'DW 'Dp it is revealed to God Pes 88b(43); San 107a(30); Tan 24b(42); Hag 5b(28); 'ap 'ni3W p'lX pnVl3 pn'Vy D'nm 'am all of them are required to glorify the Merciful One who had mercy upon them Anan 37:9; ib. 12:16; 81:2; AnanSch 30:12; II. conj. [w. fol. imp. vb.]: inn Xn WISTT 'ap Xn nnsm this refers to before he commences, that to after he commences Pes 117a(39); 'ap xnyil/ Xin *71"l Viym an hour before the holiday was to begin HP 166:7; 'Dpi X1B© H'V airDTI 'Bpi X5?1X n'DSn'Vl before he wrote the document for him and before he took possession of the field TGHark 165:20 On mng. 1.2, cf. M. Klein, JTS 30 [1979] 502+; Voc: 'Op HPP 73:20; Y: 'Bj? Ber 3b(38; BAYTN 337). - O'BpV PreP- t0> before, in front of (I mp1?) a. spatial, esp. w. vbs. of motion and sending: 1) VVTX pe.: Xan 13 «]0T 3TI n'13 X3TI H'Bp1? Tl go to PN Yev 122a(2); Pes 62b(18); /5GF 121:1; 2) V'riX pe., af: X"n 'm map"? XriXT Xinn a certain man who came to PN Sab 30b(41); Yom 82b(10); Ket 52b(18); BQ 96b(23); Hul 47a(8) [and passim]; x"7W3D Xian "ap1? WX they brought him boiled wine AZ 30a(22); BM 84b(13) [and passim]; 3) Vmn pe, af.: ]ini' 'm n'apV imn they returned to PN Ket 54b(10); iSGF 121:7; mmnx Xnon 3m map"7 they replied [lit. returned it, i.e. the statement] to PN BM 40a(6); 4) V't?a pe.: 'ax 'TJ map1? 'XDDI xrfra ^J^l'X the matter continued to be dealt with and came to PN BM 40a(4); 5) VV?y pe.: n'apb V"y 'av xnbn isn1? at the end of three days he entered before him Git 68b(19); 6) Vl2hD pe.: -<T) map1? XT13Tri ]a'1»nsi X2T man(1)n3 XJia we have made a specific reply to our master under our signature Dec 2:9; 7) Vy'jp itpe.: XJ'3m n'ap1? yVp'X he happened to be in the presence of PN Ber 14a(16); Meg 2ib(i8); 8) Vmti pa.: pm sm map"7 mrmtt/ he (")'»i?a sent them to PN Ket 91a(41); G/7 59a(32); BB 8a(56); Zev 116b(15); 9) Vrfw pe.: "7X182/ nn7tt; 3m map? PN sent it to PN2 Yev 75b(2); b. temporal: 1) general: Tapm xnpl'3 Vlptt/ take (compensation) according to the high price ahead of you [i.e. at harvest time] BQ 7b(9); ib. 26; BM 65a(53); 2) w. lpl. poss.pron. used as adv. further on [lit. in front of us]: ]Dp7 nV 'Jnp Xn (the Tannd), in fact, learns it further on BQ 13b(10); Meg 2a(19); Svu 16a(46); Ara 32b(22) Y: 'B1?1? Sab 140b(45). — (')'HpB, ')3j? ]1i prep, from before, for the sake of, from, conj. before (4- mp ]B; Ma ]D ■jxaxpx MD 33, Sy -pLo ^ LS 647) I. prep. 1. before, from before, in the presence of: a. temporal: XTBJ1 DpmXT X8V 'ap'B XDT the day before the day on which the daily sacrifice was established Tan 18a(33); XB^K/ '3T 'WJ'X lim Dni3X 'ap'B pnS'1? people used to greet Isaac before Abraham San 107b(35); '1D1T 'sVa 'B1 '313T 'BpB do the younger (sons) reign before the older ones? Hor llb(46); XBTT n'jVs 'BpB before noon [lit. the middle of the day] Anan 62:21; '3H 'BpB beforehand Sab 129b(28); Anan 34:8; ib. 100:3; ]'3n 'Bp ]B. TGHark 40:30; iSGF 93:1; mV 3TI3T mapB XBXT 'XB X1HH3 T'Vm n'Bpa he connected it with what he said previously [lit. before it], for it is previously written Anan 56:15; b. spatial: 'mn 'Bp'D from the presence of the Magian priests Sab 45a(8); XJn3 'Bp'B xmitf T71pK? remove the trap from before PN Sab 124b(ll); XIXBn 'BpB from before the donkey Sab 140b(44); nBpB Dip'X (if) I shall stand up in her presence Svu 30b(13); Er 28b(6); Suk 29a(2); Qid 33b(22); Tan 21b(40); Mak 22b(8); iSGF 121:15; ipnyi npiS 'X3J m'Tn n'Bp'B the collectors of charity saw him and fled from his presence Tan 24a(25); San 26a(36); ]B pn'Blp Bo 28:6; 2. for the sa"ke of, in face of: 'Bpa xin iis'x xnn 'apa 'rnn nssxn ri'Tn 'xai 'H1J1 why do you reverse two (statements) for the sake of one? Reverse one for the sake of two Er 37b(10); BQ 96b(42); Ara 29a(21); nn'7 XJT'"I3 'BpB I'mariB1? our Mishna cannot be maintained in face of the barraita Yev 83a(l); Xn 'BpB xn "hia-lb to annul this in face of that Sot 25
Nyap 1026 P 48a(49); 'Tn 'apB "|TT 'SO strike out your (opinion) for the sake of mine Men 28b (19); Pes 45b(5); Tan 5b(34); BM 19a(28); 3. from [w. ref. to God]: X'BW 'Bpa 'Xyj 'b'B nVn I requested three things from God MQ 28a(32); II. conj. before: a. w. fol. imp.: rnDftO'^T 'BpB before they ordained him Tan 3a(35); TWOim 'ino ITn"?! 'Bp'B in'T before the witnesses see their signature Ket 85a(48); Ber 45b(24); 3aZ> 79a(28); Er 78b(13); 7a» 17b(30); Sot 6b(2); 5M 110a(6); San 69a(16); Zev 15a(21); //P 52:3; 16. 148:2; b. w. fol. part.: KTUV x'rm 'BpB before the Sabbath takes effect ^«<w 69:12; n'31? p'^'JH 'Bp ]B XriWJD before we enter the synagogue ib. 36:10; 77:5; 109:10 Y: ,TBga Ber 46b(32). NJJ'Pp n.m. amulet, parchment of the phylactery (Sy r<LL+in^ LS 673, Ma XHXBp MD 413) 1. amulet: sg. XTE? im Xyap ,T"? 3J1D he wrote an amulet for him against [lit. of] one demon Pes lllb(22); HM 37:18; ib. 39:3; 43:18; xn'Wn nyap pn this amulet against Lilith Bo 1:6; i& 54:8; xyap ^>J1 (an infant) with an amulet hung (on him) Qid 73b(3; O2); Xyap TlBri'X the efficacy of the amulet was proved Sab 61b(9) [for add. refs., v. 4- V3#7ia]; Pes lllb(16); Git 67b(21); trim rWllDXb nyap xn 'MD T13 "pil'l this amulet is for the healing of PN So 11:1; //>. 53:1; 70:1; pi. 'yap xrf7J1 three amulets Sab 61b(7); 'yap |'3riD'B amulets are written TGHark 189:4; 2. parchment of the phylactery: pi. 'D xnim 'nyws 'yap -pDB1? 'yji 'D'H he should tie the parchments of the phylacteries with hairs of an ox as it is ST 490:19(Var) [cf. MH2 pjran DIDID: psm Sab 108a(47)] Y: Xjpaj? Sab 61b(4; BAYTN 106). V»p vb. I XXl'iaip n. f Zip vb. to take a handful (11# XXBip; JPA yap DJPA 496) Pe.: 'EN'X 'XBpnD as people (ordinarily) take a handful Jbw 47b(33) [expl. BH isap X'Va Lev 2:2]; ib. 24; 29b(l); 'D'H papal yap how does he actually take a handful (of two combined meal offerings)? Men 105b(16); XpT XlX'Bp ib. 18; 7a(10); 23b(36); Zev 25a(ll); ib. 77a(2) Pa. to remove a small portion: '■? am pap !71Dr'',X1 remove a small portion and let me eat Hul 50a(9; V'2H2M) [cf. MH pBpB ib.] Itpe. to be taken by a handful: nrUB 'D'X nVDXrra xVl HXBp'Bn there is a meal offering whose handful is taken and whose remainder is not eaten Men 72b(43); fOCIiapn tTfl 'D'H 'D nnnJB 'ina so that a handful (of the frankincense) should not be taken together with her meal offering Sot 14b(35) NS»p, NSaip n.m. locust {I XXBD; TA pap* pi. TO Num 13:33, Sy «\i^a_p LS 673, Ma XXBX1 MD 76) sg. XD'DI XXapT X3-ip the locust's horn is soft Sab 77b(27); ib. 28; XpT XXBp a green locust HM 46:2; coll. xmyn nu xxap xnx locusts came (and) he declared a fast day Tan 21b(24); pi. 'XBp Anan 67:3 [expl. BH "7'On Ps 78:46]; mnxixb rrnn mapii 'xaip n"ap vrxi the Holy One, Blessed be He, brought locusts, they bored through it [i.e. the mountain], and it came down to his neck Ber 54b(22) [Var: XXBlp Ar (AC 7:125)]; 'XBip m"?DXl HX'D pIVI XD'Hl if he put aside pe 'a, and locusts ate it HG3 387:42; Xp 'iV'XD 'Saip1? j"Bm 'EN'X Xl'Tri we see people similar (in size) to locusts in the trees Sot 35a(34); 'SapT TUB brine of locusts Sab 110b(29) Y: XXBj? Sab ib.(BAYTN 95). Niap, NlKHp n.m. belt (< MP kamar belt CPD 49; Sy K'-Unj LS 673, Ma nXBXp cs. MD 401) sg. T'a ax 'WB1? fiaxn 'laip n> 'WX your father's q.-be\t [i.e. his high position] helped you to become the head of the court Hor 13b (54) [Var: Xiap MGE 699:11]; n» Xnap it is permitted (to wear) a q.-be\t (on the Sabbath) Sab 59b(37); Xl'B'n '^'J? Xiap a q'.-belt on top of an n.-belt ib. 39 Geon. expl.: ri"»3 n|?B3Bl IVDIX fiefa Xnap [J"D V'3B D'^S] llin GC 69:3, i.e. iiLi.; !,1j?ro» '3"iy Jltfa XTSJ71 TRN 597:1; Tun IPWB3W OHP Sab 25:17; Lit: Geig, AAC 366; Tel 123; ISK 100; Beer, BE 29+; 2952, w. lit.; Ros, TI 87130; Snaked, Dress 110; Y: XTUj? Sab ib.(BAYTN 95). ]p n.m. (uncertain) sg. ]p1 OiaVip ]p J?BW 1^'SX 33p 1027 i#':p xnV'ia even if he heard the ... of the reed pen and the .. of the leather sheet Git 6a(l) This is the rdg. of the mss., but note Rashi: bp 'OUT Jl'Xl XDa^p ['sound of the pen'] and cf. OHP ib. 218:2; Lit: Kut, Studies 448 [Heb; interchange of / > «]. 33p vb. to trim vegetables (JPA a:p DJPA 496) Pa.: Xp*?D 3'lpn ]Xa 'XH one who trimmed beets Sab 73b(17); XD1D 'DjpB mm' an '31 (the people) of PN's household used to trim cabbage (on the Day of Atonement) ib. 115a(5) msp i ivrnip n. jm3p n.m. mastic (< Mir *kundurag [cf. NP kundurak PED 1054]) sg. ... Xp3TBT xnypVl Jl"n3p3 a piece of cloth that was stuck on (the animal) with mastic HG3 111:92 = Ar [AC 2:367] Expl. Ar: f>3T AC ib. NRJpiap n.f.pl. creepers of grape vines (MH2 rvup'Dp J 1389; cf. Sy rr" n \ \ f. sucker, offshoot LS 535) Seel 24:13(Ar [AC 6:227]) [expl. MH niVpipjj? MOr 1:8] Lit: Eps, Stl 107; Pfl 89. nap vb. to wipe (I xmrp; JPA mp DJPA 497, MH mp LNVTH 328) Pa.: a. general: 'rupa 'XB3 mips H'V 'n3p8 n'V on what do they wipe it off [i.e. the clay off his feet]? They wipe it off on a beam Sab 141a(33); Zev 25a(29) [blood]; Anan 26:22 [semen]; b. after defecation: Trap1? Tnx nyjD 'S1? TBW "xVpa he is required to wipe his anus from the excrement well with clods ib. 26:8; 10; 17; 32:11; 33:1; XBOna ID1? OTrupB xp X*?T you do not wipe yourselves with a sherd Sab 82a(l) // pass.part. XBOna ID1? napa tTfl Hul 105b(39) [v. Satzlehre 45] K'"lt33p n.m. left-handed person (i X'Vlill) sg. TGDr49 106:1 [expl. MH ID'X Sab 103a(42)] Lit: Eps, St2 552:23, note. l#'3p vb. to acquire possession (4- XJVJpX, X3":p; Sy «LLn LS 674, Ma 1# X3p MD 413) Pe. 1. to acquire possession [w. ]B from s.o.]: a. general: '3p'"7T n'^ noa Xp ]XB who gives it [i.e. the found object] over to him so that he should acquire possession? BM 8b(30); 'Jp'1? XBDD3 'X nptrn 'ap'1? npma 'XT XBODa if (he purchased the pit) with money, let him acquire possession by the money. If by means of taking possession (of the pit), let him acquire possession by taking possession (of it) BQ 51b(51); '3p '2p "? 'ax 'D when he says to him [i.e. the slave]: "Acquire possession," he acquires (it) Qid 23b(25); BM 66b(7); 'ap'1?! wi xm x^ iBi 'jp'^T n»^ xn'3 na he wants (this) one to acquire possession, and he does not want (that) one to acquire possession BB 40b(24); BM 10a(43); Qid 53b(12); p'Jiwra lna'Jp since he remained silent, he acquired possession of them BB 138a(15); 'XJ'B ri':pT which you have acquired from me Yev 62b(17); xyix xn1? rb *ap xp 'xaa npi1? hdm now, then, with what does the purchaser acquire possession of this field? BM 16a(29); IV nb ':p x"7 x:pai nxnV n"7BJT (the owner of the courtyard) does not actually acquire possession of it [i.e. the egg] until it falls into his courtyard ib. 102a(46); Xpir 'JpB XV "UpX '3Xp X3pB a child can indeed acquire possession (of the lulav). He cannot actually transfer possession Suk 46b(34); 'XT H3p 'JD'03 inrnSJX if he raised them [i.e. the dates] in the spadices, he acquired possession BM 67b(27); j"yx n'Vopi nnana x"?p'n Vm ]xb 'xn '3p x^ n'Tn xyixb <n")nnnwn one who stole a date palm from another and cut it down, even though he placed it in his own field, he does not acquire possession BQ 96a(22); '11 n'DWBna n"lp from the time that the pagan pulled it [i.e. the wine] he acquired possession of it AZ 71b(l); pass.part. xntfaV tt nxn n> 'ip ittVt 'D'n 'D n,ni'xn x'a '"? 'ip 'ai 'rn1? n,"B n'a just as you have acquired possession in my courtyard to pour your water into it, so also have I acquired possession of the water of your roof BB 59a(8); n'1? trip he acquired possession of her [i.e. the yevama] Yev 68a(12); AZ 63a(25); b. in quotations from legal documents: Xl'Jpm 'Xlp'T which I have acquired or which I shall acquire Ket 82b(ll); n'a X'lpB1? nttDT X1B3 H'l'B Xl'ipi we [i.e. the witnesses] have taken possession (in a symbolic fashion) with an implement which is fit for acquiring possession BM 47a(53); BB 136a(23); SSHai 4b(13); 'IB lipi 'T10 M'ty 1TH '■?3 na 'bsb n'1? 13m T^DyB be witnesses for it and
2# 'Jp 1028 *W acquire possession from me from this time and give it to NN ib. 4b(17); lla(16); 17a(2); Dec 10:23; pass.part. DTI Ijn XBinn rvyiXB "p '3p xypl you have acquired possession from the lowest part of the abyss until the height of the sky BB 63b(8); ib. 69b(7); c. w. "U7S3 to be manumitted [lit. to acquire o.s.]: 1WB3 '3p1 '3p "7'T go acquire (the cap) and be emancipated Git 39b(41); man '3p'Vl I'WB: 'jp'V XBp let the first one be emancipated and (then) acquire the other one ib. 42a(29); Qid 7a(7); 2. to be legally binding: 'BX 'Bl^ai X'3p xrDBOX 'IBX X3X X'3p Kb XrDBOX I said: "An '.-stipulation is legally binding." PN said: "An '.-stipulation is not legally binding" 5M66a(32) [4- XflDBDX mng. 3] Af. to transfer possession: a. general: JTJpN X1? 'IWX 13pB13 you did not transfer possession as people do BB 153a(5); 5«A:46b(34) [v. Pe., mng. 1]; Itjp 133V n"3pX "?TK he went (and) transferred possession of it to his minor son BB 137b(15);'B nyr xb nm Vr ix .tV nmpx "upx "iax "lJpx"? do we say that she actually transferred possession of it [i.e. the tablet] to him, or perhaps a woman does not know how to transfer possession? Git 20b(33); 33X 'V&V&& H'V '3pX 'VplpB he transferred (potential) possession of movable objects to him by means of immovable property BB 44b(12); TGHark 116:34; Xll 1B13 nV'SS l'1? '3pm it is (only for guarding) an animal that (the owner) transfers possession to him of (the right of) double payment BM 33b(28); mrf? 13pm n»l they decide to transfer possession to one another (by the lot alone) BB 106b(13); D"i:6 vmixV in1? '3pB ,111 he used to transfer ownership of their [i.e. the animals'] ears to pagans Bek 3b(37); S§Hai 9a(8); b. w. "WB3: tos3 x'apai xim n'i'a 'V'xa +'pi nxan x'nrn with that benefit that he is saving her from it [i.e. the dog] she decides to transfer possession of herself (to him in betrothal) Qid 8b(32); c. in quotations from legal documents: XT XJllll 13na3 131 'bsb m vnpxi this property which I have transferred to NN's possession as a gift SSHai 7a(19); ib. 6b(14); 9a(5); 16b(5) Itpe. to be transferred (of possession), be acquired: XS033 X^X Up'B xVl 'ipi3 ],1 '11 (the property of orphans) is like sacred property and possession of it is transferred only with money Git 52a(45); m'D»3 13'BD '»3 'Jj?n let possession of a boat be transferred by 'delivery' also BB 76a(18); ib. 77a(5) [I l#X_nV_V_'» mng. 1]; IB j'S'Vro x'jp'a nwx ix ]'B'Vra x'lpva m» just as possession of a field can be transferred by barter, so possession of a woman [i.e. betrothal] can be transferred by barter Qid 3a(18) 2# 'Jp vb. to warn one's wife of unfaithfulness, be hostile (4- 2#X3'p, X"13'p; JPA 2#'3p DJPA 497) Pa.: n"? X3pB "13p XI he can, in fact, surely warn her [i.e. his betrothed] Sot 24a(24) // ib. 25a(10); 'X3p "SKI"1 nV '{X}3p x"?T 'B'tl in some instances he did not warn her, and he says: "I warned (her)" ib. 2b(36); 45; Yev 58a(29); ib. 95a(40) Itpa. 1. to be hostile: '3pTI xVl X'TTO 'Jp'n xVl XB1X3 do not be hostile towards a snake, and do not be hostile towards a pagan Pes 113a(13) [v. OHT ib. 117:7]; X'W n'3 Xip'Bl 1X8 'Xl one towards whom a snake is hostile 5ai 110a(14); pn .T3 ^p'Xl (Mordecai) against whom Haman was hostile Meg 13a(2); .iVop'&V 13 'ip'Xl he became enraged at her to kill her ib. 16a(39; G); 2. to be jealous of one another: XrOltf ")» 2T11 "lip'xV inx X713W 1B1 (if) one expounds on one Sabbath, and the other (expounds on an alternate) Sabbath, they are apt to be jealous of one another Ber 28a(43) N'3p, pi. '3p n.m. reed, cane, rod, measuring rod, tube, windpipe (4- '3pi X3X3; TA X'3p TJ Ezek 41:8, Sy w"iin LS 677, Ma X3'Xp MD 400) 1. reed: a. plant: sg. V'Dp XBJXV V'TX X131 X'3p a man goes to the marsh and cuts reed(s) Bek 8b(28); Git 32a(3) [4- XTTBD]; Ber 56b(44); £r 85a(4); Hul 53b(21); pi. '3311X1 '3p reeds and papyrus reeds Sab 101a(ll); San 82b(28); -|31 mn 'BJXS '3P b'Vp your teacher was one who used to cut down reeds in the marshes [i.e. was not versed in the Oral Law; v. supra] Sab 95a(19); San 33a(17); '3j? Xmi3'l I'lTE? 600,000 reeds Git 57a(30); '3pi xmilJ a small hedge of reeds Er 19b(39); b. var. uses: sg. X'3pl XrOll a reed tube BM 102a(l); AZ 28b(25); Sab 140b(9); ib. 1 [4- xmrVO]; pi. Up! X3113 a bundle of reeds Bek 8b(17); &rf> 8b(28) [4- XTTT]; ib. 50b(44) [4- XJIIU]; Suk 13a(9) [4- Xipil]; c. w. specifications: sg. X'ipl 'Blltt? papyrus reeds Sab 110a(20); nXTYP XnilTl X'3p a single z.-reed HM 43:19; 2. cane, stick: sg. 1T3 X'3p 'XI Dip3 grasp this cane in your hand Ned 25a(16); ib. 10; 18; Svu 29a(37); X'3p3 ,tV D'p3 he is holding it [i.e. his load] on a stick Mak 19b(36); Zev 88a(6); 3. pipe: sg. xp3ixV n'y(T)3,aI7 xyai nVVds x'3p Vs3i n'niBl a pipe fell from the ceiling and nearly pierced the membrane of his brain Ber 19a(8); 4. measuring rod [Akk qanu CAD Q 89, mng. 5]: sg. Tun nysix nwai x'3p bpv he took a measuring rod and. measured four cubits Git 68b (19); 5. measure of length [Akk qanu CAD Q 90, mng. 6, LS ib., mng. 13b]: sg. xnitf X'3p1 X1H 'TBU the ^.-measure is six cubits Anan 30:12 [v. Ezek 40:5]; pi. 'sVx nnVjl '3p HXH VW 'Tali 500 ^.-measures (are) 3,000 cubits ib. 15; 6. anatomical 'tube': pi. BT1S in 111 '3p XJlVjl X133V »'1S im nxn1? WIS im XS'1?1? there are three 'tubes': One [i.e. the aorta] branches off to the heart, one [i.e. the trachea] branches off to the lungs, and one [i.e. the vena cava inferior] branches off to the liver Hul 45b(17; V"); 7. trachea, windpipe [Sy (rc'&V-w) is'iin PSm 3654, mng. 7, MH ,13p J 1389]: sg. n'Spa X'3p the trachea in its neck Hul llla(5; Ar [AC 7:156]); HIV1?! H^yb 'DXai X'3p D'nK;i 1J7 until he cuts (the animal's) trachea and reaches the root of the tongue AnanSch 24:18; ,T33pipai mvb^ n'3p31 in his tongue, craw, and trachea HMGas 94:4 Lit: Low, Flora 1:664+. Voc: trip HPP 305:20; Y: K;:j? Ber 19a(8; BAYTN 95). N3"Jp n.m. possession, property, livestock (I Vi#'3p; TA X?:p TO Gen 14:11, Sy «" \ i \ n possession, cattle LS 674, Ma X3X'3'p property MD 411) 1. possession, acquisition, purchase: sg. t'ip X3,i n3"3p3 i"iy xV n,3y33 nnsiy '33 n3"3p3 he did not leave (anything) out regarding the acquisition of the Canaanite maidservant. In this case [i.e. a Jewish woman] he left out something regarding her acquisition Qid 10b(39; i#oap O2); rTU"3p n'1? J/pB xV his right of possession was not canceled Yev 57a(16); ib. 75a(39); X3'3p X3Tin XTOl a complete (and) decisive acquisition SSHai llb(8); X3X'3'p xV mwp their purchase is invalid HP 64:15; 2. property: sg. iTi'l'pl il'D'S his house and his property Bo 7:3; ib. 18:4; 27:6; 33:15; 48:3; 3. livestock: a. cattle: sg. X3"3p 'DUD1? to castrate the cattle Seel 122:1; ib. 180:22; X3'3p 'IXH the owner of the cattle Geon 368:4; b. sheep: sg. C)n<3>'"3,p 1'BWI its [i.e. the land's] sheep grow fat Sot 34b(50); X3"3p1 'lin cattle and sheep Seel 163:52; HG3 213:80; AnanSch 14:16; VxiBP 13V H'V 'in 131 xa'jp 'aiD m»an n'V 'in i't'sxi xiayi X3"3p when a Jew has wool-bearing sheep, even if he has (only) five individual [lit. mouths] sheep HG3 284:27 Lit: Eps, Stl 125; Y: X}';jj? Sot 34b(50; BAYTN 253). I'lp^'lp, T'ptf'Jp n.m. drinking vessel with several built-in tubes (enabling more than one person to drink at a time; etym. unkn.) sg. Sab 62b(12) [expl. r? 'pita Am 6:6]; P'l '3V lyVp'X r3p!y3p3 iniy^XI XniVi they happened to be at the exilarch's house and drank by means of the ^.-vessel ib. 14 [Var: rpwip OHP ib. 26:24]; T'JpOBnpa Tltt/'aV AZ 72b (3 6) [of a Jew w. a pagan; Var: ypwip J; rpvip OHP Sab 26:26]; Vipwip ib. 33(J); 73a(2) Geon. expl.: 1'inx mn 131W ]'OD A T33 DKT K3X ^Np' t'jWJp nyST 'S it is said that a <?. has a large head so that two can drink from it together OHT Sab 26:24; ^2 XVI '3 110X1 yu T'jWJj? jvmi nvs1? it nwy D'iw nwy u'Jww nn nan ]'Ti n vv im ^p ib. 26, i.e. Jjj [cf. JIJij hole made in a wine cask Lane 1:200]; Lit: AAC 368; for another ex. of nzayin-nun confusion, v. 4- ]MB; Y: npW'Jj? Sab ib.(BAYTN 310). Dip vb. artificial verb for invoking a vow (denom. < MH D3ip Yeivin, BV 973, J 1335; I l#Xa:ip) Pa.: X3B3pa Ned 10b(15) l#03p vb. to penalize, punish (denom. < 4- l#XD3p; Ma D3p MD 414) Pe. (a/u): a. alone: XH5? 1,13,D3pl ira after Ezra penalized them Ket 26a(16); n'Djp'Nl X3'5?31 XII X:Vu W'l'X 'Xl this man is a robber, and I want to punish him BQ 96b(28); 13iaV n^p'1? npi1?1? 13'03pi TTTn 'XB why do we penalize the buyer? Let us penalize the seller Git 45a(7; As); ib. 54a(34); Qid 29
2#0Jp 1030 ISp 15a(52); BQ 30b(19); .TUTIX1? p31 .TIDjp '» ab IX T3JV did the scholars punish him nnot to withdraw it [i.e. his hand] towards himself or not? Sab 3b(ll); O'jp xb XTmiXTJ pTO O'jp '3 he only penalizes for (transgressing) a Rabbinical ruling, (but) he does not penalize for a Pentateuchal one Git 53b(30); Yev 91a(18); Ned 85a(6); BQ 95a(40); BM 72a(23); 55 94a(20); Hor 13b(52) [4- XWatf mng. 2b]; Bek 30a(l); OUp'1? 50 38b(40; Es); b. w. X03p: 4- l#X03p 2# 03J? vb. (artificial verb for invoking a vow) Pa.: X3O3pa//erfl0b(16) 1# KDJj?, NONJp n.m. penalty, fine (< Kfjvaoc;, Lat census Lehnw 554; 4- Vl#03p; Mng. 1: Ma XOXjp MD 414, JPA 03p DJPA 497, Sy >fwiin LS 678; mng. 2: NA Dip DNWSI 1918, MH Mp J 1393) 1. penalty: XIH XOXJp p3"l mDjpl the scholars did indeed penalize him Zev 80a(38); Pes 30a(5); 5g 95a(15); 5e£ 28b (2); X1TJ7 TW ity xVltf (tyliy XMj? it was a penalty because they did not immigrate to Eretz Israel in the time of Ezra Yev 86b(21); XOXJpl pnax x1? jvivsa 'udo1? ix baitrb nypyV we do not invoke a penalty where it will cause hardship to a Jew or to jeopardize his money TGHark 160:11; 2. fine: sg. XDJp XpM nbs half indemnity for damage is a fine BQ 15a(27); Ket 41a(29); P'B1?' &b XMpfc XJiaa we do not learn (a HTTJ miP) from (a matter involving a) fine to (one involving) monetary penalty Ket 40b (20) // Qid 3b(27); Git 53a(l); XOjp IX Xn is it a judgment or a fine? BQ 116b(54); pi. "?333 n'31» Xp 'OJp can you authorize the collection of fines in GN? ib. 84b(20) Y: XMj? BB 94a(15; BAYTN 45). 2# K03p, NDNlp n.m. partition (etym. unkn.) sg. 'WXJ'X n»XT '3 XDX:p partition as people say Qid 70a(37; MGD 24:14) [Ed: nrna] NJpip. n.m. vessel (4- Xip^p; MH ]p5^ Yeivin, BV 978, J 1394, JPA ]py container DJPA 492, Sy K'imn container on a plow from which seed is ejected LS 689, mng. 2) a. general: sg. XH ~\lplp xm "pan here is your wine and here is your vessel (which caused it to sour) BB 98a(5); b. w. 4- "V2#,nri in a fig. sense to appraise s.o.'s knowledge [lit. to inhale from his vessel]: xnil V»T rnpjpa TVb go (and) appraise his knowledge Sab 108a(32); mpjpx H'V TO! plS BB 22a(27) Y: ,T3|?:j? BB ib.(BAYTN 302). NSliOp n.m. diviner (4- Voop oa;<5/-form; 4- xaop, may, Sy rcLSso^.i LS 687, Ma XB1XX3 MD 200) pi. Tin 'aiOp trnsi were the priests diviners? Pes 70b(l; E'CRaH) RaH: D'33133 O'tim. D0|? vb. to divine (4- X»10p, Xaop, X131X3; Sy >^_d LS 687, Ma DS3 MD 222) Pe. ( /u): n'hin XS'XT 'X8 D1Dp,,71 let him divine what is under him Git 68b(36); ib. 9 N!3Dp, NONOp n.m. diviner (4- VDDp oaWa/- form; 4- XBlop; TA X'66p pi. TO Dt 18:14, Sy rcLiis^-p LS 687) sg. xp mm xaop xinn1? n"Tn XTID'HX D'Dp he saw a certain diviner who was divining over bread Git 68b(8; V18); ib. 36 [Var: Xaxop SM 76:27; ib. 77:26] Y: NaOjJ Gif ib.(BAYTN 104). KSp n.m. worms of various types found in vegetables (< Ka[inr\ L-S 872) sg. xnna XDp rypS'" JT"xa q.-worms die : burst from the smell (of the radish) Pes 115b(4) [on var, v. infra]; XSp XDp wan V1X13T XDp 'nxns xam xsp xan xom ('B^an 'Dp VT7131 (the remedy for) q. -worms in lettuce is the long radish. (The remedy for) q.- worms in the long radish is leeks. (The remedy) for q. -worms in leeks is hot water. (The remedy) for all q. -worms is hot water ib. 116a(5); 8 Geon. expi.: nmixn nrvn rorsij 103 'isp 'ba Tva-w '^3 kbj7 ipy rrrnvo do nonnm nnwaw ':bo xsp nrpi riroxan p mras yps t^m xmo x^x n"a xVi xnna n:w n\n t&\ .nnn nrox OHP ib. 152:1, i.e. ace. to the Gaon q. is a demon; Lit: Lieb, TK 1:407+; Y: X?i? Pes ib.(BAYTN 6). *79p vb. to be particular, annoyed, angry (4- XTDp, psp; JPA "JDp DJPA 499) Pe. 1. to be particular: a. alone: xbl Tins HDp TDpl "?3 ■Tina HSp X1? I'lTSp (the demons) are particular about one who is particular (about pairs). They are not particular about one who is not particular (about them) Pes 110b(6); TBp xb XTTap XIW TDp nVn TDp xb 'mn WPX a person is not particular (about forgoing his rights in a field) during the first year. He is not particular during H?i? I the second (year). He is particular during the third year BB 29a(10; Es); Sot 25a(26); BQ 87b(26); 'WXrX HSp Meg 8a(5); Yev 55b(23); BM 100b (57); W« HSp Xs? 'Xn '^131 people are not so particular Git 79b(6); nm mn '3n31 XI^X llTl^a 'ISIJai X31B nsp it was a place of priests. They were very fastidious and used to divorce their wives (for an insignificant matter) BB 160b(25); BQ 119b(45); b. w. by, "X about s.t.: in"1?;? TBp he is particular about them Sab 49b (5); 'itx nsp xsnivua nix nap x1? xaivas in Eretz Israel they are not particular about even numbered things. In GN, they are particular about even numbered things Pes 110b(4); imBp XTiyitfX WISp Xmtnx WlBp Xiax are you particular concerning the vessel? Are you particular concerning the color (of the water) ? Are you particular concerning the quantity? Hul 107a(18); San 67b(21); Sab 148a(26); BM 66b(16); Mak 21a(28); Zev 107b(33); mnx HBp they are particular with each other Bes 28a(17); Qid 71b(45); BM 37a(42); ib. 116b(16); c. w. ■vtiiv. about o.s.: in'^sax ]ispi 'xi' "n n'rua PN's daughters who are particular about themselves Qid lla(13); Pes 88a(44); 2. to be annoyed: ia TBp you are annoyed San 113b(3) Itpe. (a) to be angry [w. ty at s.o.]: pm' 'T yac? IBp'X PN heard (and) was angry RH 21a(ll); Meg 27b(46); Qid 32b(7); BB 10b(53); 5eA: 44a(26); ma'^Dpa1? XJ/3 IBp'X he was angry (and) wanted to kill them Tan 21a(44); ltJX X3"T T1?;? TBp'B will the judge become angry at him? Yev 104a(6) 1"7Sp, ]HlSp adj., n. hot-tempered (4- VlBp; MH ]isp Yeivin, BV 1045, Gross, Patterns 96) I. adj.: sg.m. XJIBp X131 a hot-tempered man BQ 87b(31); ib. 32; II. n.: sg.m. 'V nnp XJXIBp you called me a hot-tempered man San 113b(2) Y: xnBj? Sg ib.(BAYTN 230). HNpBlSp adj. Cappadocian (< GN Ka:nta8o- KiaYehnw 559; TA 'XptJIBp pi. TO Dt 2:23, Sy ^■n<-Tvn pSm 3688) sg.m. HXptSIDp "?XiaB; ai Hul 27b(36; V11) Lit.: Kutscher, SGA 36; Y: nK|?B»|? Hul ib.(BAYTN 321). HN^iBp n.m. one who uncovers (4- ^lubsp t t 't v ' 'Bp qatol-form + gent, ending) pi. Xp nm 'X^IBp VUH Xjnxa 'Vsp certain grave robbers [lit. those who uncover] who were uncovering (bodies) in the ground Sab 152b(36) Expl. At: D'TSin AC 76:164; Y: 'x'piBj? Sab ib.(BAYTN 34). nBp vb. to rob, best someone (4- KJTDnBp; Sy • ■« * " pa. to trample, oppress LS 682, Ma ^HJ MD 81) Pa. 1. to rob, steal: n,!73X1 nyi-fr n'nsp n'anj1? he robbed the shepherd and ate his food Yom 83b(28; L) [cf. Ma: bwi XBHXJa Xanx1?! he will eat stolen food MD 81]; 2. fig. to best s.o. in a dispute: '3'BO 1331 XXlVn1? X1BD 31 TO'nsp PN bested the three ordained Rabbis Git 29b(38; As); 31 '3T '3D1? inrnnBp you have bested the scholars of the be rav BQ 75a(39) Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: 311 'TD^n Jltt inrnnXJ OHP BQ 137:8; Lit: Low, ZA 23 [1910] 280+. XmsnSp n.f. victory (4- VnBp pe., mng. 2) sg. XmanBp 'Xa what is the victory (in the argument)? Git 29b(38; V18) 'Sp vb. to rise to the surface, float, hover, overflow (4- 1# X'Bip, X'B'p; TA XDp TJ 2K 6:6, Sy Kla-o LS 681, Ma XDp MD 414) Pe. 1. to rise to the surface: rPDDWa1? 1J/31 XaVITl XBp Xa"?J?V the (waters of) the abyss rose to the surface and were about to inundate the world Suk 53a(41) // Mak lla(43); 2. to float: 'Bp XTD1 ^a the fruit floats on top Hul 26b(6); xaT 'Sp X13DT the blood of the liver floats ib. 11 lb(5) [* 4- Vpii? pe.]; HG3 217:52; riy ViV ^Wl 31 T^nt? 'DNpT PN used to drink (wine) until his spleen floated (in it) Sab 129a(40) Af. 1. to cause to float: m"? IDpa "IDpx X'ai XJa1? the water indeed causes the vessel to float Hag 21b(2; L); 2. to skim off the top: ]V3 T312mx H'DpXT since he skimmed it off [i.e. the blood on top] he showed that it was meaningful to him Hul 120a(31); 3. to cause to hover: '3'T nDpX •'nb l^naXT we say to them(f): "Make your hands hover (over the animals)" Hag 16b(51); n^DJ X'DpaT OVtm because (the hen) makes itself hover Sab 128b(21; M) Itpe. 1. to float: rfrTXT XDTX3 133 rf?5? 'Spn'Ill C3. the ladle will float in a jug like a boat which travels at sea Er 53b(20); 2. to overflow: lDpXT 1031
N'Sp 1032 i#psp XXiawa nn nxi 'ITDi 'TS the ditches of fish overflowed, and they caught them on the Sabbath Qid 72a(38); 'TrD<"7>{3) XB1X 'SpXl the swamp of fish overflowed BM 12b(18) On Af., mng. 2, cf. 1^X1 DTI TO HBpn TKar 2:19 and LNVTH 333. NJB|7 n.m. hind part of the neck (Sy rdLa_i> etc. LS 683) sg. msp3 X'Jp the trachea in its neck Hul llla(5; Ar [AC 7:156]) [V12: n'S1p3] On var. ,Tf>ip, v. I XJ>p; Y: H'Sip //«/ ib.(BAYTN 62). KTSp n.m. minding, objection, care (i Vnsp) sg. T»i KTBj? n^n'sp m '©rx m nspn 'tb xtsp mrsp 'in x1? toK nn nsp k^t (if it pertains to) something about which people mind, his objection is a valid one. (If it pertains to) something about which people do not mind, his objection is not a valid one Ket 72b(43); Nid 62b(l); Pes 45b(33); ib. 46a(5); Yev 55b(22); BM 104a(20); BB 165a(7) // Qid 49a(ll); 'TB XlrVa X'^Tl XTBp3 is the matter dependent on care (regarding the language)? Er 53a(41) Y: lO'Bj? Sab 57a(26). NT'S)?, NT'33 n.m. a small measure equal to one-tenth griv (< Mir *kap/biz [cf. MP kabTz CPD 47, Armen kapTc Hubsch, AG 165]; Sy r^U^o LS 682, > Arab jjiS Fr, AF 207, PLAr 220, Ma XX'3X3 MD 195 [< Mir *kabw]) sg. pa-1 "?3 XT'Sp GC 137:14 [expl. phonetically similar MH ntf'BS MTY 4:2]; XT'Sp pm X3'n X3p3 where he hollowed a q.-measure in (a block intended) for a gab-measure Sab 103a(6) // Hul 25a(37); X3p<3>{1) KT'Sp Mew 24a(22); ib. 23; 'IN XT'Sp XT'Sp 1'SXT Jini ]T1 our women are accustomed to bake one ^.-measure at a time (for Passover) Pes 48b(4); mi013 nn"?S1 X1'33 a ?.- measure and a half of that of GN /W 39:2 [given as the minimum for the requirement of halla]; pi. TSp nrfrn &jfc 110b(l); /& 34; G/7 70a(39); TSp Xrfrn ra x"7"3 a measure of three q.- measures BB 90b(5; EsP1); T33 We/ 60:527 Lit: Geig, AAC 370; Tel 124; ISK 94. Geig points out that the ideog. for kpyc in FiP 19:2; 30:1 is KM, XSO, i.e. (Op; on the qafiz in the Islamic Period, v. Hinz, IMG 48+; Y: XT'Bj? Sab 103a(6). 'S(7 n.m. tavern keeper (< KfX7tr|Xo<; merchant, tavern keeper Lehnw 560; Sy r^ V . <\ A LS 684) sg. nxanx X*7'Bp O'nxn X'B water which the pagan tavern keeper heated up Sab 51a(25); MQ 12b(30); nxaix X^'Sp n'ByD'1? let the pagan tavern keeper taste it Hul lllb(28); ib. 35; 97a(14); ib. 15 All cases in BT refer to a pagan tavern keeper, even where this is not specifically stated; Y: xVBp Hul 97b(4). l#?Bf? vb. to uncover, remove (i xVlS'p, nxVlBp; Sy ,\"\n to strip, remove LS 683, Ma bsp to tear out MD 414) Pe. to uncover, dig: 'Vsp Sab 152b(36) [i nxVlDp] Pa. to scrape off: NJ'D1? Tb ^'SpB Tim afterwards he scrapes the clay off (from the handle) Pes 30b(18; V14); V'Dpa X3'B Tb pnttH n^ he smears it with clay. (The other) scrapes it off55 4b(9); ib. 3 Itpa. 1. to be removed: Xin <tt>(0)"in nana "?Bp'Xn (the lime) was removed (from the grave) because of plowing MQ 6a(16); 2. to be torn off(?): 'blBp'X "?Dp'Xn (the vital organs of the animal) were completely torn off Hul 44a(34); xo'i 'xn 3Tpx xo'j 'xn 3Tin "?spaT xin '^lsp'x (Palmyra) was indeed torn off. This side was destroyed and the other side was resettled Yev 17a(18); 3. to be peeled off, stripped off: Vm "7Sp'a 'VlBp'X (if the perforation) is big, (the suture) will be completely peeled off Hul 76a(26) 2# bsp vb. to roll up (< MH bsp LNVTH 334; cf. Akk k/qapalu D to roll up, wrap CAD K 173) Pa.: Tb ^'Spai nm'BI p'OB'B X»VH perhaps (the chain) will break, he will be afraid, and he will roll it up [i.e. the garment] Sab 58a(8) l#psp vb. to jump, act quickly, rush to acquire (JPA l#ysp DJPA 500, BH, MH l#fSp HAL 1044, J 1402; 4- XXBp JT3, NXBIp) Pe. (a/u) l. to jump, pounce: mm nxam xinn ins mn mr'jDpl X^'a f'Bp there was a certain man from GN among them who used to jump a mile and kill them Git 57a(18; V18); 'Xtm X3E73 in3 nxspi she jumped on Sunday and became a menstruous woman Nid Ha(i5); xxsp Tb man man pat sometimes while he places it [i.e. the ladder against the dovecote] (the marten) pounces (on them) BB 22b(35); ib. 108a(3); xm^ ,TXSp 2# ftp 1033 TX|7 nnna XIIXI he jumped over the Jordan and came behind him BM 84a(40; MGG 828:12) [i V3#J1D3]; BB 108a(2); Nid lla(23); 2. w. a fol. vb. to act quickly: '3p T>1Bp rfrl'IT X'BBpnB nrB (if) merchandise has become cheap, quickly acquire some of it Ber 63a(31; OAr [AC 3:293, s.v. 2"?T]); X3HX 1131 flSp buy a field quickly Yev 63a(36); 3. w. by to rush to acquire s.t: a. merchandise: XJ131 n'ty fDpn 'TB something which a buyer rushes to acquire Er 29b (40) // Pes 32a(18); Nid 8b(45); BQ 7b(30); b. spouse: '3 n1? ,3o:ri"' inxi 'wrx n^y issp'Vn '3'n so that men should rush to acquire her and they will be apt to marry her Ket 52b(34); rfSSp xnp'yB TT'a'jn 'biri'a lioa^l in"1?;? initially (the women) rush to acquire them (as husbands), and eventually they despise them Sot 47b(44); iSGF 120:22 2# yS|? vb. to shrink, contract (I XB1S TSp'B; JPA 2#TSp DJPA 500, Sy .mfSn LS 684, Ma p3 MD 202; I Vf113, V^llp, NSS'p) Pe. (a/u): Xjnx n'1? XSSpl X0': H'V TSyriX a miracle occurred for him, and the earth contracted for him San 95a(44); ib. 95b(6); Hul 91b(15); DX Tanp XyiX flSpm JVjn if you want the earth to contract before you HM 43:19 NSSp n.m. bird cage (Ma l#xnX'SX33 pi. dovecotes MD 202, Sy i^m^ii LS 685, > Arab u-»S Fr, AF 118) sg. Ibn Janah 320:27 [in name of Hai Gaon; expl. MH 3l"?3 MKel 23:5] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 15; ib.22. K3Sp. n.m. butcher (V3Xp; Sy «L±±J> LS 687) sg''NDGR 240:8; pi. ]M*?r\ 5?Bpa Xry'DJ X'aspT 'planting' cuts off the legs of the butchers Bes 25b(8) Y: x;?xp. Bes ib.(BAYTN 233). NSISp n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'SIXp 'B'pn 1"5?X1 "T\ Tby even though ... stand around Rabbi Ber 16b(56) Y: 'Xisp Ber ib. NnSlSp n.f. bar (1 ^xp) sg. x"?nST xnxixp an iron bar Bo 52:2 Nmxp i xmrp n. 'Sp vb. to cut off, set aside (4 V'U, 'Xpa; Sy rr^-o LS 687) Pe. to cut off: n'^'P'sV V1X X1? he is not apt to cut it [i.e. the willow] off HP 35:8; ib. 9 Af. 1. to place aside: pass.part. "IXpX nst^ Xn X'XpB the cell was, in fact, placed aside Yom 17a(3); 2. to set aside, designate for religious use [cf. MH2 'Xp hof. J 1405]: 'Xp KWb H onn '3 'xp n^'sxVn mm n^xpx xnna n"xpx xp '3 n"XpX n'j'axa n"XpX as to the myrtle which is employed for (its) odor, he only set it aside from (use for its) odor. As to the etrog which is employed for eating he only set it aside from eating Suk 37b(10; M2); VtPXpX 'XT1 mri"W (if) he had laid the bricks, he certainly set them aside (making them unusable on the Sabbath) Sab 124b(36) II Bes 31b(28); ^Z22b(5) [of idolatry]; pass.part. 'XpB Seel 50:l(Teuda 15 185:12); ib. 32 Ittaf. to be set aside: yib 'XXpn'XT U'BT xar "hyib 'ai 'xxprrx mwa»n since (the basket) was set aside at twilight (of the Sabbath), it was set aside also for the entire day Sab 43a(20); 'XXpTlX nmXB1? it was set aside for its religious usage Sw/t46b(10); ib. 22 'Sp 1 'Xp3 prep. KS'Sp n.m. cut piece, form (I VfXp, XTlXXp; LJLA'xX'Xp TW 2:380[Tg2Est]) pl.cs. 'X'Xp n'n3X the pieces of his limbs So 31:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 352. TXp adj. sick, n. sick person, sickness (4- ^l#nxp pe., pass.part, xniTXp, XBTX3; Sy 3# k''L.5_d LS 688, Ma 1#TX3 MD 222) I. adj. sick: sg.m. Txp mm ni3 'pos? by rrbr^b to ask her about her son who was sick MGG 378:5 = HG1 451:37(Var); monjn '811 TXpn3 being sick and bedridden BB 154a(22); SSHai 8b(7); SSSad 213:3; II. n. 1. sick person: sg.m. OXWO'1? Kb ^v nbm xVi xxi"ap "yv n^ra ab XTxp wrx xaiH Xrv"nri3 a person should not visit a sick person either during the first three hours or the last three hours of the day Ned 40a(35; MGG 288:8); XTXpa 'Vl't^ to ask about the welfare of a sick person Sab 12b(12; Ar [AC 7:177]); DX "xn ix rrxa ix xn'xpa jnm (rcyi) if you want to know concerning a sick person whether he will
NniTXj? 1034 i#nxp die or recover HM 43:14; ib. 44:11; 'Br '"7TX XTSp 'Vl'X the sun rose (and) the sick person recovered BB 16b(39; F2); pi. xai'XH ]J'^SB ]XB3 'V'lBXl 'TXpX according to whom do we pray nowadays for the sick and the unwell? RH 16a(39) // Ned 49b(l); Git 56a(47) [4- Vopl pe., mng. 10h]; 'TXp1? XlbSBl 'aXB113 XT J she prostitutes herself for pomegranates and distributes (them) to the sick TGHark 6:1 [cf. in JPA, PRK 161:9]; 2. sickness: sg. Tjp'BI ]'J31 ST'IltfBl TTXp Tpm if, for instance, he becomes sick, his sickness becomes more severe, and he recovers Anan 37:7 Lit: N. Bronznick, Lesonenu 41 [1977] 169; Y: NTSj? BB 16b(39;BAYTN62). Nmi'Sp n.f. sickness (4- TXp) sg. Bo 37:7 yXp vb. to trim, cut (4- Xjrxp; Sy ^.^.d etpe. to be shattered LS 687) Pa.: 1J? ,1XB1D n"73pa IX1? XH nV yxpBI it cannot, in fact, contract uncleanness until he trims it [i.e. the hide] lev 94a(16) NJTXp n.m. bowl (4- Vyxp) pi. Ktrbt '3?Xp kneading bowls HP 14:6(HPP 14:20) [= GeonH moiD HR 16:9] Y"Sp vb. to cut down, cut off, stipulate (4- yp, xmx'p, xnxixp, xx'xp, xnxxp, Vfxi; Sy^_i ls 686, Ma fXp* MD 414) Pe. (a/u) 1. to cut down: nnana X3Pp fpi X"I3J Xinn a certain man who cut down a date palm belonging to another BQ 58b(28; Geon 246:28,Es); ib. 59b(9); fflTXpa"? ib. 91b(39); Pes 52b(31); inV 'BX IB fip'V xax pipnc mm nwim 'xry ix<v}{')p'b cut down (your section of the forest)! He said to them: "Let those above and below (me) cut down (their sections of the forest), and then I shall cut down (mine)" BM 107b(50); BB 26a(34); "llftx1? fip cut (the trees) down immediately BM 100b(54); BB 24b(30); San 33b(27) [4- l#X1p1B]; "7TX X1JMB1 x"?ina TXp'B1? he went to cut it down [i.e. the forest] on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 12b(35); BB 26a(32); Nid 8b(37); 11,1 131 XJX31 in1? T3JTI inV 'X"p 'oa'B when they were to be married they would cut them down [i.e. the trees] and make them into a bridal chamber Git 57a(45); 2. to cut off: f'Xpi isn Xpl flVDlPX VlX ]'Enw he went (and) found that he was digging and cutting off the roots BB 26a(35); yp xain 31 XT PN cut off a hand (as a punishment) San 58b(41) // MW 13b(24); X*7 X1? 'XT fip fp 'X ■ppn if (mine) is cut off, cut off (yours). If not, do not cut off (yours) BB 60b (4) [w. ref. to overhanging branches]; 3. to stipulate, fix: yip pp'B 'b stipulate (the physician's fee) for me BQ 85a(54); Ket 52b(18); fxp 'SB xVl he cannot stipulate (that they do not receive food) BM 93a(9); xb pp'a ]3J1 let him stipulate straw for them [i.e. his cattle] ib. 10; pass.part. p'3C? xV f'P x"?1 'TB yam p'pi 'TB 'TX a person does not abandon something which is stipulated [i.e. a set fine] and claim something which is not stipulated [i.e. a variable damage claim] Ket 43a(3) // Svu 38b(18); Ket 59a(8); Qid 7b(33); 5g 84b(12); San 25b(39); TBI 'X'p its price is fixed 55 88a(10); ,1'V yp X1? X3.1 T1? yp °Jin in that case [i.e. the increase in price] he stipulated it. In this case he did not stipulate it BM 65a(49) [Var: T1? yp F2]; ib. 67a(25); 4. to terminate: .TV llS'p' 'nrm they will terminate his life Bo 141:14 Pa.#l to cut off: a. general: TOW IXXp cut off his fringes Dec 4:10; b. in a fig. sense: pa'flXXp XpU'1 "Wftrb I have cut off the child's legs [i.e. he cannot answer my objection] Mei 7b(16; M) Pa. #2 id.: rvsiy y\p,'b TX"pi ]XB may the branches of the one who cut down (this forest) be cut off [i.e. may his children die] BM 108a(7; Es) Itpe. to be cut off: pp'1? BM ib. [v. Pa. #2] Itpa. id.: ]XXp'B X1? D'3ay(1) XT3 JXXp'B O'aXTl XT3 figs are cut off with the hand. Grapes are not cut off with the hand (but with a knife) Ned 61b(25; V2) NHSSp, pi. Kn'JSSj? n.f. small piece (4- Vpp, XX'Xp; Sy k'^J^_d shavings, parings LS 686) sg. XJlXXp Xip'JTBI 1US a pipe which was originally a small piece (of wood) BQ 67a(6); pi. 'ap XJVXXp ina'Tjy (if) he turned them into small pieces he acquires possession ib. 96a(25) Geon. expl.: 'non '-lira1? "Bx nn X71 jvuop /rem ohp ib. 155:13; Y: Xrtf'Xj? BQ ib.(BAYTN 174). l#lXp vb. to be sick, ill (4- TXp, XTTlTXp, 2#XTip; Ma 1#1X3 MD 222) Itpe.: IXp'B m,1 '3 2#1Sp 1035 Njlpp xaai Xin wa'X when a person became sick for the first time [lit. once] San 107b(36); XTJlV mB'Bb IXp'B XV HB3 XHH'llB IXp'B ,1B3 to estimate for how long a man will remain ill until he recovers [lit. how long he will be ill from this (wound and) how long he will not be ill] BQ 91a(31); HIT! 13? TTISJrXl 'TIXp'X mn (X1?} X"7 J/IP^X until Elisha's time no sick person ever recovered [lit. there was no being sick and (then) recovering] BM 87a(43; F1) [4- Vl#^Vn pe., mng. 2]; X3'1X1 XIXpXTB 'XT X'OX if (his wife) becomes sick and needs a doctor HG2 227:71; TTXp Tpm IXp'BI ]'»! 3P71WB1 if, for instance, he becomes sick, his sickness becomes serious, and he recovers Anan 37:7; IXpXl X3'py "\ XIX PN went and became sick SM 12:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 116. 2#nsp vb. to harvest (< BH, MH l#ixp HAL 1051, J 1408) Pe.: 3«nx ixpaV Tnrun xarya rrm ^lSS n^b from the time that he began to harvest he became liable for the entire field Hul 138a(45; V11); msp XV Tljnn HB1 what you sow you will not harvest Ber 56b(12; MGG 708:8); TOX 3"IJ?B nnxpa let him harvest it on Friday Men 72a(39) l#NnSp, tONXp n.m. fuller (Ma X1KSX3 MD 200, TA XIXp TJ Jos 15:7, Sy rc'H^-i LS 688, > Arab jL^S Fr, AF 258, NP gazur PED 1072) sg. xixxp1? xya'XT xaxa irm arr "ax pn gave a certain dyed garment to a fuller Sab 19a(35); ib. 38; Men 41b(21); BQ U9b(27) [4- 2#XTtp]; Ned 23a(ll); ib. 22; 41a(23); pi. ^H'Spl X^3)13}1X the fullers' vessel San 92a(7); Ned 23a(12); '^»3 31 '31 'H'lxp the fullers of the be rav are idle Tan 29b(14) Lit: Geig, AAC 372; Nold, Pers. St. 2:42 [borrowed from A into P]; Fr, AF 258+ [borrowed from P into A]; Y: nXj? Sab 123b(14; BAYTN 228). 2# NISp n.m. (uncertain) sg. Xixpi ,TBW XIXp irV *rpv he is called the fuller [4- 1# XIXp], and he takes q. for himself BQ 119b(27) The expl. of RaH [OHR ib. 109:28], which connects this word w. H ISp, is philologically incorrect; Y: Xlitj? BQ ib. Nnsp* n.f. portion (Sy rc'^.o LS 687) sg. cs. only in compound (")HXj?B prep, a part of, some (JPA nxp ]B DJPA 316) nxpBI ID'Bm 1D31X (1){D)onw the fourteenth, fifteenth, and part of the sixteenth (day) Pes 55a(33); Xnx'JW nxpB some of the questions TGHark 105:8; p31 nxpB some of the Rabbis I$GF 121:7; ,lV0S nVlJ? iVlSI H^DS X"7 inXpB all of it [i.e. the havura] in a state of uncircumcision renders it [i.e. the Passover sacrifice] unfit. Part of it (in this state) does not render it unfit Pes 61b(20); Suk 36a(l); na'B X1? nriXpB X1?! neither (all) of it [i.e. pride] nor part of it Sot 5a(41); Yom 84b(43); Git 67b(9); 1iT>Da IX ]innxpB3 in part of them or in all of them TGHark 5:22; ib. 229:21; Anan 64:25 1#NPtPt, Xpxp, Xpip n.m. throat, neck (perh. redup! < 4- Xjnp) sg. ,1'pp3 X1TI0 T1? YIV they placed a scarf around his neck (to choke him) Tan 24a(41; Ar [AC 7:179]); XD1T 'XH1 .Tpp T1X 'XH n'pXp this one's [i.e. the goose's] neck is long, and that one's [i.e. the wild goose's] neck is short BQ 55a(24) [F^corr).: Tjnp]; wpp D'Vx 'X.1 Tpp ]'Bp 'Xm this one [i.e. a Persian camel] has a thick neck, and that one [i.e. an Arab camel] has a thin one /7>.(Ar [AC ib.]); Tp1p3 X'ap the trachea in its neck Hul 11 la(5; TGAs42 165:21]) [4- X'Bp] Expl. Ar: ISOXn KW1 rpjnp> pppp -1 "B AC ib.; however, expl. RaH: l'pw. 2# Npp, XpHp n.m. pelican (Sy pdii pelican LS 688, Akk qaqu a bird CAD Q 124, JNA Xaxipp qaqwana partridge HDJNA s.v.) pi. Hul 63a(16); nvn yap 'white pelicans' Ber 20a(26; F) [fig. for women who do not arouse sexual desire]; Ket 85a(8) // Git 73a(40) [fig. for old men] Geon. expl.: rw p1? lVn KW1 733 'D'O 'jy 'ISO KW IW pxp "B xpxj? 'mx3 iiyn ixw iw1? np'y '3 -pix ixnx * wi inx pu 13 D':pi7 D'xnipi xpxps ixvn 'tow nain ipin nye ]37nBi» ptsi 'll'n 'p>Kf> SMelG 243; Lit: Talshir, Fauna 1671, w. Lit; AAC 373; Y: 'pxp Git ib.(BAYTN 6). JIKlpp n.m. an unclean bird pi. Wpp Hul 63a(17) Y: 'Xipp Hul ib.(BAYTN 224). NWpp, NTIpKp n.m. type of vessel (Sy rc'i^n-i jug LS 688 [Lex]) sg. X(')T<1>pnip X"?B1 X331 n"nw 'J?B11 he cried, filled a ^.-vessel of tears,
Kfcpi? 1036 i#Nnp and drank it SOZ 72:20; pi. 'TlpXp HP 25:4[HPP 30:19] = HG1 327:12; 'npxp SMe/ 71:917; 'Tpp ib. 74:1007 Lit: Low, Hoffmann Vol 134. N71pp n.m. sea rocket (Cakile maritime Scopoli; n_n_£i LS 688, Akk qaqqullu a plant CAD Q 124) pl.cs. TIT1 HW '^>j?'px ''Jlppa V'SXI one who eats sea rocket will sit on the garbage dumps of the town Pes 114a(9; M1) Lit: Flora 1:489+; Y: typj? Pes ib.(BAYTN 138). 1# H~p, pi. 'N1(? n.m. biblical verse, Scripture (4- Vl# np; JPA Hip DJPA 503) a. general: sg. 'ntya xmaDX X"lp1 p3"na it is a Rabbinical (obligation), and the biblical verse is merely a support Ber 41b(6); Zev 18b(47); XTJT top a superfluous biblical verse BQ 3a(25); n'DWB X"lpT the plain sense of the biblical verse Er 23b (8); top rpVo the entire biblical verse Yom 2a(31); tOpb iOp (do we need) a biblical verse (to support) a biblical verse? Yom 53a(20); Bek 5lb(26); max nxnp pna 'aa xjx I also derived [lit. stated] (it) from this biblical verse Kar 25b(38); xrsrioa Xp top 'xna X3X I am afraid of this verse San 98b(33) [w. ref. to Jer 30:6]; Mak 24a(54); pi. "X1p3 n,!7 nyxa Xp mm (the sectarian) was vexing him with biblical verses San 105b(32); "X"lp X'ttn amplification of biblical verses Zev 97b(35); 'XipT 'PXTl exegetical interpretations of biblical verses I$GF 39:1; X131? "l'X"lj? np pis go out (and) recite your biblical verses outside Ber 30b(6) [+ //'s; 4- ~tf7 mng. l.b.2]; ^ naV 'Xip 'Iffl why do I need two biblical verses? Ket 37b(13); b. in terminological usages: 1) * mm: 4- Xiai mng. l.f; 2) * X"I30: pi. 4- X13D mng. b; 3) in non-verbal phrases: sg. HX"lp 'Xa what is the biblical verse (which serves as a prooftext)? Sab 32a(16); Yev 101b(l); BB 100b(3); 4) in verbal phrases: a) subj.: (1) Vnax pe.: sg. naVa X"lp xa'1? let the biblical verse say n3^|* (and not ^n^3 [Dt 5:7]) Ber 16a(49); Pes 90b(15); (2) Vpn pe.: sg. 3ri31 ntop pi the biblical verse wrote precisely Anan 67:20; pass.part., pi. 'p'T na3 xVl 'p'T iaD xV 'Xlp the verses are not in accord with (the intrpretation of) either this one or that one BQ 3b(41); (3) V-ITT itpa.: pi. 'Xlp 'in in1? VOT'X they had two superfluous verses (for exegetical interpretation) Ket 29b(19); Svu 16b(6); (4) V3TO pe.: sg. aiTD'1? Xlp let Scripture write ... Zev 68b(ll); #«/ 118b(8); (5) VnriS pe.: sg. Xnp ,T3 WIS! DWa because Scripture begins with it [i.e. 31X "?y3] San 65a(9); (6) V2#3ny pa.: sg. Xlp mmy T1X1 (by means of) JDX1 [Lev 5:25] Scripture combined it [i.e. the laws in w. 24-25] BQ 65b(25); (7) Vnsp pe.: sg. 'Pirn mty X"lp TSp xp Scripture is sensitive concerning Joshua Ara 32b(48); (8) V'tfp pe.: pi. 'TVIX '*Op 13s? Wj7 according to you the verses contradict each other Ber 10a(18); (9) Von pe.: sg. Tn xrwa "xn"? nxnp nixiam ^ian 3TI3T the biblical verse indicated this oil with (the letter) he by writing *?ian [Gen 17:10] Anan 87:8; (10) V'ytf itpa.: sg. 'yni&ap frrniM Xlp Scripture speaks in praise of him Bek 45b(5); (11) Vpntf pe.: sg. rna xnp pirwi let the biblical verse omit [lit. be silent] from it Meg 8b(9); Sot 2b(ii); (12) Vnan af: sg. xip nana xp vnanx the biblical verse actually speaks rhetorically Zev 113a(28) [concerning Ezek 22:24]; (13) V'3n pe.: sg. 'M'T 10@,-in Xnp n'3 XJJ1 Scripture repeated it twelve times Men 19b(18); b) obj.: (1) Vtfm pe.: sg. OTTri ni3WX Xip they found a biblical verse and expounded (it) Suk 51b(46); Hag 15b(29); (2) Vox pa.: sg. nil Xip^ m1? O'TOa n'3 he may transpose (the word order of) the biblical verse and expound it Mak 17b(20); (3) VpDS pe., af.: sg. Tbrb 'plOS prf? TpDS '3"sya3 piDD in Eretz Israel they divide this verse [i.e. Ex 19:9] into three verses Ned 38a(4) // Qid 30a(49); 'Xip XpOBa XJID'in Xr30 a sharp knife can cut up biblical verses (for exegetical purposes) BB lllb(21) [+ //'s; 1 XJ'30 usage c.3]; (4) VtthS pa.: pi. 'Xip 'Ems'? J7T x"7T ]xai one who does not know how to interpret biblical verses Yom 10a(33); (5) V'31 pa.: sg. top n"31 Scripture included it Svu 27b(l 1); (6) VlP3B/ pa.: pi. •'top mnvm fl'in 'Xai why do you distort the biblical verses? Yom 71a(20); (7) Vpn pa.: pi. rwx' '13 'Xip1? in1? final he interprets the biblical verses according to PN BM 95b(38); Zev 101a(33) Lit: Bacher 196; Y: Xlj? Ber 13a(46; BAYTN 2). 2#K*!Ji? 1037 anp 2# tfHf?, DNlj7 n.m. accurate reader of the Bible (4- Vl#np qattal-form; 4- XJ,,vlj?) a. general: sg. XplOS xa'1? Xin Xlp 'X if he is an accurate reader, let him recite the verse Meg 28b(30); '3VD1 'X'3J 'mix '"ip ny XiX Xlp Xpm3 (if he said:) "I am an accurate reader," (this is not the case) until he can read the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Writings exactly Qid 49a(38; M) [O3: nxnp]; b. w. PN: nxip XJ'jn '1 Ber 30b(4; P); Xip X3'2n '1 7ev 40a(48); Ket 56a(5) Y: Xl|? Ber ib.(BAYTN 7). 3#«np n.m. (uncertain) pi. 'Xip 'nVm nria 'V yaiS I have heard it from two or three ... AZ 40a(39) [Var: 'XTp AC 7:185] Expl. Ar: O'lTW AC ib. [v. Koh ib.]; expl. Rashi: D'^nJ D'HSn 4#N"1j?, NnX|?, N^ip. n.m. gourd (< xmj?* < X^lp; 4- nxnpnp; Sy pc'k'-U., Kli-up LS 691, 699) sg. p31 "?3 Xip GC 140:5 [expl. MH TlJ/'H MUqs 1:6 and expl. as Arab <=-j3]; 5er 56b(43); Ket 83b(9) [+ //'s; 4- xrS13 mng. 1]; mm' 31 X1p3 ptjsa PN used to cool himself off (on the Day of Atonement) by means of a gourd Yom 78a(22); X"n X"lp a raw gourd Ber 36a(22); ib. 38b(19); Sab 18b(36); XipT XII'S the seed of a gourd 0. 103a(20; V); Hor 12a(41) // ATar 6a(5); XIpT n'U the inner portion of the gourd Ned 49a(27); ib. 28 [4- X3'"?!1? mng. 2]; San 33b(28) [4- i#x"jj?i»]; pi. nxpx nxajV tt s'nn ixa one who gives money (in advance) to a gardener for gourds BM 64a(13); ib. 10; 55 88a(15); XJX ^» '"ipn a basketful of gourds Yom 85b(23) [+ //'s; 4- x:x]; xViD3 'lys'aT nxpi 'sid nnVn three gourd leaves which have been dried in the shade AZ 28b(10); Meg 12a(48) // 5of 10a(24) [in a prov; 4- ''S prep.] Geon. expl.: >np I'yi^T ■?» I'ty ]m KyipT OIKIBTBK TGCas 41b(30); Lit: Flora 1:546+; Y: iTIj? Ber ib. 'Kip 4- 'XIpX adv. N'xnp 4- i#xnp n. NOXHp n.m. sailyard (< icepa<; Sperber, Nautica 150; 1 X'lpO'X) sg. X31XT XDXIp a ship's sailyard Tan 21a(23) [Var: xrU'Dtn XDXIp ISGF 36:14]; Xay3D1 XDXIpa XJV'S: I shall jump off from the sailyard and drown ib. 26 [// Ket 69b(38); 4- xnpcx] Voc: KDXlp HGP 43a:39. 21p, '1p vb. to come near, be offered as a sacrifice, bring near (4- 3npa, X3"np, XMTIp, X3ip, 3'1p; Sy ^dt-d LS 691, Ma 3ip MD 415) Pe. (e/a) 1. to come near, approach [w. 'b, -'3jb, orrpb]: xanaV lino mno XTia pax iV tV 3"lpn X1? to you, to you, they say: "Oh Nazirite! Around, around! Do not come near the vineyard!" Sab 13a(43) [+ //'s; 4- XTU]; Xp xVl n,!7 Snp'aV man ix"?a ^'D' the Angel of Death was unable to approach him Mak 10a(32); BM 86a(3i); xib'oVi ]inra'T iowzb ]i3np'n x1?! pn^aWT do not approach either their right or left side Bo 6:10; ib. 24:2; 82:9; xn rrt> ri'XT ]Xa X3XH '311? Sip'1? one who has a court case should approach the judge San 3b(19); Kef 77b(39); Qid 70a(27); n3ta '3J1? '3-lpT V31 XJTya also when they approach the altar /Inan 34:2; ib. 35:13; xV 'nn '31 pip they do not come near to each other Seel 147:42; XJaip1? 13np ]iyai£n ]31Xnn xnV NN and NN2 approached us for judgment TGHark 277:11; m'O mi»l XMip (n'm1?} mnpl H'Vn Vya she approached us and untied his shoe from upon his foot SSHai 12b(5); 2. w. "3 to touch: rrb p'-on n'3 xsnpn xnxnsn xaxai we break a clay vessel which (a gonorrheal woman) touches Anan 44:7; ib. 41:18; 22; 57:13; 66:25; AnanSch 34:13; 3. to be offered as a sacrifice: '3-ipi Tin nns nan ian 's-iosan -iips'x (the extra wine) of this one and that one may perhaps be combined with each other and be offered Men 104a(23); •'T^p on +V@lDax for that reason they may be offered Svu 12a(5); ib. 8; x"7 X3iTI X3n 3Tlp they were not offered here or there Meg 9b(49); Bek 4b(37); Sip'V let it be offered Hul 75a(43); Bek 14b(17); HSnp'a1? p31 "TOO the scholars were of the opinion that it should be offered Git 56a(12) ; n3ip 3ip'a Xn it is, in fact, offered Yom 50b(28); RH 5b(12); Pes 96b(15); Men 5a(9); ib. 24b(32); Tern 20a(35); Vbl ]3ipi 3'ixp xaiH nnVD 'ap'a yip a sacrifice which is not fixed [i.e. is not brought on a regular basis] is offered before noon Anan 51:28; ib. 88:14 Pa. 1. to bring near, close: 'O'Tlpn XWb a term
N31J7 1038 i#mp of bringing close Sab 53b(41) [expl. MH yycb Mib. 5:2, w. ref. to 'aril?1? Song 4:9]; mn ?ft 'anpai nawra they will repent and bring Him [i.e. God] near San 96b(50); ib. 37a(27); map X3J113'"ip they brought the table before him BM 86a(15); -\T*b inV naipm -|J'na "?D IX1? D'3"in JVTCnb you do not have the right to bring your fruits so close to the public domain BQ 21b(2); HTlb p'K '31*0 to bring them to judgment SSHai 9a(12) [cf. Akk: ana dajaril qurrubu CAD Q 239]; ib. 17b(12); pass.part. I 31pa adj.; 2. to serve, bring, offer: n'b 13'1p Xabna X01XCH XKP1 they served him a peacock's head in milk Sab 130a(27); Pes 43a(15); Meg 7b(ll); Qid 81a(49); San 67b(35); ,4Z 39a(33); 3. to offer as a sacrifice: ?Utt^ TO'mpn IrUVTCH nxan let us hold them back and offer them as sacrifices the following year Yom 65a(41); Pes Bb(i9); n"3p '»p iraipa mm nmnp m the blood of the sacrifices which we used to offer before God San 96b(27); Anan 62:19; ib. 77:17; np'3 JVfriy let him offer (them) as burnt offerings Pes 58b(41) [v. Kara 87]; 4. to bring into the family [denom. < 4- Tip]: 'Jixp nanjtf> he comes to bring her into the family Qid 50a(35); ib. 59b(48); Git 74a(37); BB 168a(17) Af. 1. to offer (as a sacrifice, etc.): 'M '31"lpX P'3npn we certainly offer (it) Men 84a(10); Zev 110a(l); VtXi Kin 'Snpx1? he went to offer a sacrifice 7em 14b(43); £ef 105b(46) [first fruit]; mrv>osi mm'-ipx rnrjxa xaV'ii perhaps you offered it in a state of mourning, and you disqualified it Zev 101a(21); Seel 124:2; 2. to bring near, close [archaic]: ]"?S Jl' TUnpn ''JV7S X^aip1? rrav NN brought NN2, her levir, before us Fev39b(31) Itpa. 1. w. NTIjn to become attached to or well disposed towards s.o.: X.11 XTljn 'Dnp'K QWO xnjn xanp'X (he promised his bride an additional ketubba-sum) for forming an attachment. And an attachment was, in fact, formed (even though he has since died) Ket 56a(4); San 28b(21); X3np'K n'311? rPXljn (by taking a bribe) he became well disposed towards him Ket 105b(14; M); 2. to be offered as a sacrifice: miy rmp'a 'a JINOm can a sin offering be offered as a burnt offering? Tern I5b(5); ]mpV aip'a xaia rra rrx x1? 'ai when (the firstborn animal) does not have a blemish, it is brought as a sacrifice AnanSch 14:14; i'i. 4:27; Anan 62:4; See/ 46:9 For Geon. expl. [Itpa.], v. I 2*lj?a. N3"1p n.m. war, battle (4- Vanp, XJHSip; TA XXnp' TJ 2S 21:15, Sy rcli-U LS 691, Ma l#xaxnp MD 415, < Akk qarabu [NA] CAD Q 125, ALBH 133) a. general: sg. ITI31 'SV7E?1? Xanp1? to pull a man out to war Yev 102b(27); Xaipa nnxa1? mV 'IXJH (the horse) responds to its master in battle San 63b(49) [expl. PN ^ajjr 2K 17:31]; Bo 70:8; ib. 78:18; b. esp. w. Vl3J? pe. to do battle or fight a war: 4- Vl3JT pe., mng. lOq Y: X3-i;7 Gi/ ib.(BAYTN 50). amp I xmip n. N03"1p, N0N31p n.m. linen (< Kdprcaaoc; L-S 879; Sy ^m^vjj, rr'm-M_a LS 693, 343) sg. XDX3np1 KD'ta a linen rag #M 46:4 N^")!? n.m. castor oil (Sy rrt-i-o LS 693) pi. ]GV '(■njcnip nix ii^a mpn p->p Asafissai Lit: Flora 1:608+. N^nnj?, pi. "Hip adj., n. Kurdish (nisbe-form < GN Trip" Gen 8:4; Sy rtLit*-U> PSm 3731) n., pl.m. mrf? 'mpi Tin"? "imp people of GN are one thing, and Kurdish people are another Yev 16a(46) Nri'snp, pi. KrniBnj?, Nrrsnp n.f. perh. peddler (etym. unkn.) pi. •'mrf? ',f> XIE? mim 3"1 'mmix 'a xpiera 'annrVi Va1? xrixishp pn permitted those peddlers to go and sell in the marketplace in their usual manner MQ 13b(37; HP 179:4) [Var: XrVSnp CAlf; XriX'STIp SMel 74:1011; XrV'Sna Ar (AC 4:340)] P expl.: pnmS WO JX:T SMel ib., i.e. zanan rnina firosan women who sell glass objects; Lit: Geig, AAC 236, s.v. «pD rejects all proposed etym.; Y: xrirBVO MQ ib.(BAYTN 212). l#mp vb. (uncertain) PeJPa.: rvrnpi 'piBl depart and ... Bo 151:11; 'piD nxan 'mp ib. 122:9 The phrase '3"mp mp Pes 110a(37; V1) in an incantation against a demon should be considered corrupt. A preferable rdg. is found in an incantation bowl text: '3'"nB 19 'S'Vlp 1\> Bo 138:5 [cf. '3'rnB mB '5'Tip "If Pes ib.(C)]. The mng. of 2#mp 1039 i#np '33:ni 'Jimp Pes 110b(3) is likewise unclear. 2#mp vb. to be bald (Sy 1#jjt_d LS 693) i rnpadj., i# xmp, xnmp mp, fimp adj. hornless, bald, absent (of a consecutive waw), n.m. bald person (4- V2# mp, Nrnp "13, l#xmp; Sy rd-o^-D, Kluti> LS 693, TA nnp TO Lev 13:40, xmp TJ 2K 2:23) I. adj. 1. hornless [LS ib., mng. 2 (of sheep)]: sg.m. Xnxip Xnxia a hornless buck San 63b(45) [expl. PN Xa'WX 2K 17:30]; njmX3 Kmp Xm3 a hornless buck is worth four (coins) Sab 152a(22; V); 2. absent (of a consecutive waw): sg. 312 xmp BMsE 24:1 [w. ref. to 313 pnm]; BMsG 10:26; BMsD 5:16; pi. 'mp 'inn naxn 'wan 5A/j£ 32:34; BMsG 7:14; II. n. bald person: sg.m. xrnpi xi^nx oixia'an x'aa like hot water on the head of a bald man Ket 39b(12) Lit: G. Weil, Textus 3 [1963] 117 [mng. 1.2]; Y: Xrnj? Sab ib.(BAYTN 95). 1# Knip n.m. baldness (I Vmp) 4- Xmp 13 2#Nmp n.m. (uncertain) sg. n'ri'33 nrnp 'in,!7 XU?3TIS the ... in his house wants to be a p.-official Meg 12b(41; G) Expl. Rashi: weaver; Y: np"lj? Meg ib. 3#Nrl1p n.m. storm (Sy 3# rdjji-p storm, tempest LS 694) pi. 'mp T31 Xtt/aB; the sun between the storms Tan 3b(41) Rashi: clouds; Y: '[Pj? 2an ib. 4#Nmp n.m. (uncertain; 4- Vl#mp) pi. Pes 110a(37; V1) [in an incantation] nNJ'mp adj. of GN sg.m. xrmp NIX 3T Ber 33a(34; F); HXi'mp 3py Sab 139b(45) Y: nW'rnj? Ber ib. Nnrnp n.f. baldness (4- V2# mp; Sy K'^Loio-o ls" 694) sg. 'JX-^j nby 'ion1? xsxt xnmp x'bt my father's baldness is suitable for frying g.-fish upon it Ber 10b(4; MGL 588:22); Xnmp X'aia 'TIJax nVy "isna1? X3XT my father's baldness is suitable for breaking nuts upon it ib.QAGL 588:23) [M: X3XT my] NSIttlp*, pi. 'aSIBIp n.m. crack (cf. Ma NJnSXchNJ, pi. XriX'SIDIXl knife, blade MD 78) pi. "yvo ... 'JSIDIp in3 n'XT Xa'm where there are cracks in them [i.e. the glazed vessels]. They are smooth Pes 30b(25; V1); ••• 'MWT H3 TPbl '3Slt5~ip n3 Tl'X Ket 107b(42) // AZ 33b(36); Tl'XT 'jDitsnp mana n'^ nnxi 'asioip n'1? he has cracks (on his head) and is in pain from those cracks BQ 86a(10; Es); 'ina 'X» xVl H'^nx '311J "inx 'JT3T '3S1B"lp inana he wants to show the ... on his head, but he cannot show because of those cracks ib. 13 Lit: Nold, MG 38; Low, Hoffmann Vol 136 [rejects P etym.]; Y: 'JBTO-lj? AZ ib.(BAYTN 304). rWOJ'PIp adj. of Carthage (cf. Sy rdsA^i-o, rdAj^ivuD PSm 3765) sg.m. nxU'tnp Xi'Jn '1 BQ 114b(38; Es); Ned 57b(14; V2) NJI'VpIp n.f. small basket (< tcdpTcdot; Lehnw 567 + XTV- [dimin. ending]; Sy rdS-i^T-p f. LS 695, > JUiyS, ytiyS Fr, AF 77) sg. xn'^BIp XDn ]3 X3'3n "n •\nrnin the small basket of PN's wife BB 74b(3); n3 psia mm xri'bonp x'nn m'^lTiai ni310 D'33X a certain small basket on which precious stones and pearls were stuck ib. 74a(45); 313J'X1 XTl'btJ-ipS VU'aniXl she placed it [i.e. the money] in the small basket and it was stolen BM 42b(8; Es); GC 42:5 [expl. n_V_D_l?3 MKel 16:2]; ib. 84:8 [expl. n_ftori>_'_B3 MOh 5:6]; xn'^Dlip SMel 41:197 Voc: .TJr^BTp HGP 23a: 15; Y: Xri'Vcnj? Bfi 74b(3; BAYTN 279). ]DP*1p n.m. perh. one who murmurs (Sy >4,t_d to murmur Audo 2:463) sg.abs. Ipl®^ ]W\p a thin-bearded man is one who murmurs San 100b(36) [quoted from 'Ben Sira'; Var: pDTIj? TGHark 145:16] Geon. expl.: Win 'T3T ty I'pijrinn p"?J TGHark 145:17 [v. Koh, ACSup 423]. KOBIp, KONBip n.m. sheet for writing (< x<xpTT|<; Lehnw 567; Sy r^ rn ; \fi-p, KLa>KlV-D LS 695, > Arab o-OJi Fr, AF 245) sg. XDXtsnp "?y 3ina write on a sheet HW 44:16 l#'*1p vb. to call, summon, designate, read, recite (4- xnnpx, npa, i#xnp, 2#xip, i#x'-ip, xmp, l#xn'ip; Sy 1# k'-U. LS 689, Ma l#Xnp MD 414) Pe., forms w/o res: imp. 3sg.m. 'p"T Cnp'T -] AnanSch 3:18; 3pl.m. pnnpj -] m'P': TGHark 160:32!;- 1. to call, cry out: m1? 1"ixp
l#Hj? 1040 i#np 'JXJH they call to him, and he responds Tan 12b(l) [+ //'s; 4- Vl#'JJ? pe.; expl. MH Oiaina ib.]; 55 167b(34); X33X Itf'rN nxp '3 when someone cries out at the door (to be admitted) Sab 140b(30) [4- X23 mng. l.c.5]; X'lp Hlip Xp1W3 '3TI3 (when) the public crier (?) calls out in a public place in Rome Ber 62b(7); X"DJ X"lp the man cried out Yom 20b(19); 2. make a sound or noise: a. birds: '"lp Xpl X3"I1J? XT1X a raven came and was making a sound Git 45a(40); ib. 42; b. inanimate objects: W'3 P'3 XJ'j'rS XTnO'X X'lp a stater in an (empty) bottle makes the sound 'kis kis' BM 85b(10); 3. to summon, call: n""lpl TJ© he sent someone to summon him Tan 25a(46); San 39a(36); SSHai 17b(3); 'am n""ip Xaa'T xnxisax nnntXl Xlirub the Merciful One summoned the light and put it in charge over the commandments of the daytime Pes 2a(23); xV D'T13 jrO'1? 'JT^ 'ttV mnpn do not summon a pagan to come (and) assist you AZ 60a(10; HGP 56a:30); KJH n'31? ,T^ lip they summon him to court Anan 116:18; ib. 115:2; 4. to designate, name, call: a. in impersonal usages: n"? 'lp Xp '" D» xmiX^ he calls the Torah scroll 'the name of God' [2Sam 6:2] Anan 14:6; AnanSch 20:9; X^U mnp,I? x"71 H'V xn'J he does not want them to call him a robber BM 15b(49); '■? Tip '1 am '"? Tip '1 X3H1 there [i.e. among the brigands] they used to call me rabbi, and here [i.e. among the scholars] they call me rabbi BM 84a(44); AZ 17b(33); lltn 3p ,"rt> nxp mm Xinn a certain person who used to be called qav resu [i.e. 'a qab of a loan'] San 29b(16); HITM H'1? TlpT X"inX3 in a place where (the cat) is called sunara Ber 56b (49); ,tV lTXp X0X1 maw XDX its name is myrtle and it is called myrtle San 44a(5); mnpl ,113X1 TffiV ty X1B1T ia they named him PN after his father SOZ 73:9; /&7F 72:19; noin n1? np "WOX 7b '*lpl (Scripture) calls her Hadassah and calls her Esther Meg 13a(22); b. w. a specific subj.: Xian yip -p3n (if) your friend called you a donkey BQ 92b(16); Git 56a(53); San 96a(49); XTriO'X XTin XlVsV npi 'ItfJ'X 'T35? people are apt to call a half zuz a stater £?<W Ub(26); Bek 50b(23); g/W 70a(30); Ned 52b(3); 5g 27a(40); XJTWI m:V 'X01B Tip ixas according to what do the Persians call a menstruous woman dastan? AZ 24b(54; Ar [AC 3:169]); 'an' in"2?B: lipi (the remaining students) used to call themselves 'orphans' [i.e. w/o teachers] A^ef 106a(27); 5. to read: a. general: 1) of children: nVti nxp nxpl nnarfr xaVya xmx nmb 'ixp the one who can read is fine [lit. who reads-reads]. Let the one who cannot read merely be company for the other one BB 21a(21); iy m"? XJTntP» nxp x'jl ]Xa '1Xp1 I give a gift (of fish) to whomever (among the children) cannot read until he can read Tan 24a(50); 'pill H3 Mp vbl 'V'a '3m this refers to where children do not read in it [i.e. the synagogue] BQ 60b(28); 2) adults: I'JH'I 'Xlll' XD1B X2n3 Xlp'ab Jews who know how to read the Persian [i.e. Pehlevi] script HP 130:13; XMIp ]7m' lipi XJTpBI we instructed them to read them to us TGHark 32:8; i'Z>. 96:8; Z)ec 5:2; b. Scripture: 1) the traditional reading of the biblical text: XJ'ip I can read Qid 49a(38; O2) [* I 2# tap usage a]; X1?! pTOl ]'3n3 x"?l fipi ]""lp (words which) are read and not written [lit. they read and do not write] (in Scripture) and (which) are written and not read [lit. they write and do not read] Ned 3 7b (21); '3 pnpi |7l' '3 'ra |nv (Scripture) writes (defectively) ]JV '3 [Lev 11:38], and we read (it) ]nr '3 BM 22b(6); xm ]Vlp 13T ]3X do we not, in fact, read 13T [Dt 25:19]? BB 21b(3); San 70a(33); Anan 97:24; Ber 56a(21); '11X3 ppl linS pBX 'X11D the Masoretes of GN say "11113 (Ex 14:7) which they read (only here) in the Pentateuch BMsYFr 151:1 [v. Lesonenu 30(1966) 26; = Xn'1? in Tiberian Massora]; BMsJer 25:4; 2) the Pentateuch in the synagogue service [caique < MH '"ij? pe. J 1417]: XIB'03 X"lp Dp he got up (and) read in the Torah scroll Ber 50a(40) // Meg 22a(45); ib. 31a(36); Sab 147b(40); BQ 82a(28); X"1D'D3 Xlpai Dp'a1? Anan 21:7; ib. 17:23; HP 186:15; Hip TD3 31 PN used to read (from the Torah) among the priests [i.e. the first portion] Meg 22a(48); Tip win K/xm3 np im rraurra xnVn three people read in (the Pentateuchal reading) of Hanukka and one reads in that of the New Moon Meg 29b(43); 3) the Megilla [MH Hip J 1417]: Hip Xrf7'ia Meg 5b(52); IT1? npi XpiDD XplDB 3'nD he 1#'T 1041 i#np writes (the Megilla) verse by verse and reads it Meg 18b(37); ib. 4a(24); Tan 18b(7); 6. to know Scripture [denom. < 4- 1# Hip; i.e. to have been taught to read the Bible as part of elementary education]: a. alone: 3T33 '"lp V't go (and) learn to read (Scripture) [i.e. get a basic education] in the be rav San 33b(25) [+ //'s; 4- 31 '3 usage a]; b. together w. V'3n pe. to know the Tannaitic tradition [i.e. to have received also advanced education]: b. xnp x1? 'a: xipa ... xan nb xwa he could not recite the Tannaitic tradition at all, neither did he know Scripture at all Pes 57b(7); '3Xni npi ]Xa one who can read the Bible and recite the Tannaitic tradition Meg 29a(12) // Ket 17a(50); Pes 68b(49); Suk 28b(43); 7. to apply a biblical verse to s.o.: a. w. 'X/ty: IH'Vy '"ixp mitJp '33 he used to apply to them (the phrase) rniDp '33 [Gen 25:4; i.e. they are not true Jewish descendants of Abraham] Zev 62a(37); Yom 82b(8); 11PX13 1'3'y DDHH n'PSJK nxp he used to apply to himself (the verse) Eccl. 2:14 Pes 106a(23); Git 47a(22); BM 60b(22); San 42a(25); b. w. "3: xmp m"nn '3 n'2 HVIpl "?3 iV nV'1 H'3 to anyone to whom I apply ^nrr'3 [Dt 21:15], I (also) apply Vrrfri [ib.] Qid 68b(19); ib. 21b(49); BQ 72a(2); Mak 19b(39); Zev 82b(40); 8. to recite: a. Scripture: XpT IJ'tn fVin ni331 D'33 xaV'n3 yrip we saw that we were reciting Dt 28:41 in a dream Ber 56a(18); X131? 1'Xip 'ip pis go out (and) recite your biblical verses outside Ber 30b(6) [+ //'s; 4- "131? mng. lb; a statement of censure]; Er 54a(9) [4- Vl#'3n pe., mng. 3b]; b. the sema' prayer [caique < MH 'ip pe., denom. < yaiS n'np J 1417]: 'lp'1?! Dip'1?! let him arise and recite the sema' Ber 3a(27); npi '"?xaT \1T\T '1 XH1 but there is, in fact, PN who used to turn on his side and recite the sema' ib. 13b(49); c. the Hallel prayer: xV'Vn Tip XpT Xin he noticed them reciting the Hallel (on the first day of the month) Tan 28b(23); 9. w. KTIB'tf to sound a shofar [Sy rt'io ^ ; t -i rc'-Uj LS 690, mng. 10]: H'3 npi '"flB'ttn XB"?X sound a thousand shofar blasts in it [i.e. the jar] MQ 17b(l); Geon 154:31 Af. 1. to read aloud to s.o.: XD'J npOT ]xa 'Xn (^nmn1? '»3' mx mm1? xV wip-h xV the one who reads aloud the (halisa) document (to the woman) should not read (the word) ^[Dt 25:7] by itself (and the words) '83? H3X[ib.] by themselves Yev 106b(21; O2); SSSad 230:15; Yev 91b(12) [get]; Git 19b(26) [writ]; 2. to make s.o. recite Scripture (in a dream): X3H3 311? mnpX ... mi,T mJ3 n'O'pns PN was made to recite Mai 2:11 in his dream San 82a(2); Ber 56a(32); Tan 9b(l); Yev 93b(l); Sot 31a(25); BM 85a(45); Hul 133a(31); 3. to teach s.o. to read [4- 'pTTl npa, 'pu' npa]: '333 "jy ':3V xanpai xax 'pirn npa n'ny I am an elementary school teacher, and I teach the children of the poor to read like the children of the rich Tan 24a(48); linpx 13T XJX I was taught to read [lit. they taught me to read] 13T (in Dt 25:19) BB 21b(3); ]nnpx '3'H how did you teach me to read? ib. 4; 4. to teach Scripture [cf. MH ''ip hif. J 1418]: a. alone: 'X'33 "I'npXT '3'n3 "|npX X"? the one who taught you the Prophets did not teach you the Writings BB 123b(14) // Ket 106b(7; V5); Sab 152b(40); BB 21b(3); Yev 9a(22) // Hor 8a(41); Zev 116b(33); SOZ 72:27; b. w. V'3n af.: 13nXl mn Hn3 Tipx 'mn 'in3 teach each other Scripture and teach each other the Tannaitic tradition BM 85b(24); Ket 103b(44) // BM 85b(23); ib. 84a(41; MGG 828:15); 5. to enable s.o. to learn Scripture: xniP'33 '3 Ollin'M "TlpX3 by enabling their(f.) sons to learn Scripture in the synagogue Ber 17a(48)//l'npa5o?21a(33) Itpe., form w/o res: pf., 3pl.f. ^yH =] fp'X ISGF 4:14; Anan 88:6;- 1. to be called, designated: 113'A npn'a 1'TX D3n npn'a ]'TX who is called a wise man? Who is called a hero? Tam 32a(23); '3T T'lpai xnxynx 'mn n'1? mn X"n he had two fields which were called 'of the estate of PN' BB 61b(37); '3Va np'X yilll ]bM\ how do we know that the scholars were called kings? Git 62a(51); ib. 60a(44); Sab 27b(29); BB 150b(20); Anan 78:1; H^ip-'H H3p3 pisVs naH3 (the word) nans was designated as feminine Anan 57:21; iSGF4\:2; ib. 69:17; np'aT n'EnPB Xns'pna 13 'X3m 5o 21:16; ib. 59:5; 72:2; 2. w. DP ty to be named for s.o.: np'X X*? 'aytJ 'xa n'aiff "?y n'lSO why was his [i.e. Nehemiah's] book not named for him? San 93b(53); Ned
2#np 1042 wnp 31a(17); BB 16b(23); 3. w. 1'^ to be subpoenaed: pi rr»» X1? p1? 'Ipnai pi "?3 any judge who is subpoenaed to court is not called a judge ib. 58a(36); 4. to be read: x"?1 xmrx X'lp'a a letter which is not read Ber 55b(19); Xjaip pip'XI XJTpSI we instructed that (the questions) be read to us TGHark 76:16; Dec 2:1; 5. to be appointed: "7333 13311 Xtt'1 'ipa mm X1TD vn the head of the Rabbis in Babylonia was appointed the r.s. iSGF 78:10; ib. 103:7; 111:4 Lit: Bacher 195; I. Yeivin, Leionenu 30[1966] 25+; 37[1973] 154+; Fragment 109+. 2# ,m\p vb. to happen, occur by chance (4- 'XIpX; Sy 2# rf'-Lo LS 691) Itpe., w. fol. vb.: a. asyndetic: yjj 'ip'a 1'IXia 3iX due to his bitterness he may happen to touch (the dead body) San 19a(13); TTrU 'Ip'a 'SJD'ai 33X1 because (people) become filthy (from traveling), (a person) will sometimes go down (into the pool) Sab 8b(24); Yom 24b(43); ib. 44b(ll); b. syndectic: VPW ins 13JH 'Ip'XI he happened to act according to one of them San 33a(20; F2); 'J1X2?1 '1p'»1 (a snake) may happen to drink (from it) AZ 30b(3); 'ipai xriT'ff rowan yvsn p'BJI sometimes he finds a caravan and happens to leave (with it) Sab 69b(40); Ket 26a(16); ib. 72a(53); BQ 32b(38); 3'Jiai 'ip'X 'a1?'! perhaps (something in the document) was written by chance BM 13a(ll); BB 7b(43); Ara 6b(21); n'3'ip ]i3 mV xawx 'xipxi xtri nV aci.Ti xrm mmnp p xm ywi xm 'iwipx im 'x if he gave her a ge/, and she happened to get married to one of his relatives. Alternatively: He happened to marry one of her relatives HG2 114:57; HP 188:1 3#'"lp vb. to flow of semen (denom. < I 3# X'lp) Af. to cause semen to flow: |WJ&1 Tipai n'ipiS '3X 'V we place it [i.e. hot bread] on his anus, and it causes his semen to flow Yev 76a(12) 4#'1p vb. perh. to lay a beam (< BH, MH 2#'ip HAL 1062, J 1418) Pa.: 'S'03 T'lp'Tl X3X3 let her lay him [i.e. her husband] like a beam on the doorposts of the gate Yev 118b(39; v5) [M3: n'Vo'rrri; 4- msi] 5# np 4- V3ip vb. l#NJlp, N'Nlp n.m. reading, recitation (4- Vl#'ip; Sy rcU-to LS 690) sg. X'XIp "?3 V'3pi X'lp 1X^1 XIS'01 any reading of the Torah scroll which is not regular Anan 18:2; 'Spl X'XIp XTD'X a reading before the congregation ib. 1 2# Xnp n.m. poss. a pest (cf. Ma 1# X'Tp strife, dispute MD 412) sg. X'lp '3 XTl'33 XTHT xatfaitfV fornication in the home is like a q.- pest(?) to a sesame plant Sot 3b(28); ib. 29 Rashi: 1'BMW bv nyVlJl; Lit: Flora 1:40; 3:9; AAC 375; Y: xnj? Sot ib.(BAYTN 95). 3# Npp n.m. nocturnal emission (4- V3# '1p; Sy KliiAa rdi-to LS 691, mng. 2, Ma l#X'Tp emission of semen MD 412) sg. 'b 'in xbl X(')iyi1p I did not see a nocturnal emission MQ 25a(45) [Var: Xip '"? 'XTH X1? V] V)p_ adj. close, n. relative (4- Vaip; Sy rdAjTJ LS 692, Ma 3'1Xp MD 402) I. adj. close: sg.m. .1'3'D 3'1p1 XJ'inx XS'^I there is no other one closer than he (to the lost object) BB 23b (16); f. '3D mm X3'ip Xnn'X the benefit (received) from a woman is immediately usable [lit. much closer] Tan 23b(34); jTU'm n'Tljn 3Vn '33 X3'1p a baby keeps its mind on (its mother's) milk Kar 13b(9); XJUiniX XXTUn '"? D'X XJlUn Xllb X3'ipi I have another shop which is near to this shop Geon 162:10; pl.m. ]'p7m ]'3'1p11 (charms) which are far and near Bo 90a: 1; f. XJl'Sipi Xnp'im ib. 38:2; II. n. relative: sg.m. XII n'3'ip he is his relative Ket 105b(50); ib. 52b(16); 84b(18); Git 37a(43); f. 311 n'113'ip pni PN's relative Ket 85b(35); pl.m. 'V 1131 ^'T 'X3'1pa XyiX go (and) buy a field for me from my relatives BM 67a(13); BB 33a(12); f. pis "|VI3'1p3 VstS'X go out (and) take care of your female relatives ib. 23a(46); Yom 69b(33) // San 64a(22; K); Ber 56a(23); Ned 23a(19) Y: rranp BB 33a(12; BAYTN 106). [Tip 4- Tip adj.] N3'np, N3N'1p n.m. reader (4- Vl#'ip, 2#X1p; i#Krpnp 1043 m> cf. Sy "/'ii"'« teacher of reading LS 691) sg. a. general: XpJIIIS 'in'1? XII xmi'XI XJX'ip let the reader of the letter be the messenger (who delivers it) San 82a(55) // ib. 96a(50) // BM 83b(32) [prov.]; b. of the Pentateuchal text: in p]piOB njniX pn1? Olinxp XJX'K'ip one reader reads four verses (of the Decalogue) for them TGAs42 100:31 Y: XJXnp San ib.(BAYTN 226). 1# NlV'lp, Hrnp_, pi. Nri'np n.f. town, village, pi. countryside (TA xfrlj? TO Gen 4:17, Sy rc'ii_>T_n LS 695) 1. town, village [archaic and dialectal]: sg. "?'TX XJX 'H'lpb I (want to) go to my town BM 85a(26); XI xmpa TX1 'Tim 113 1'JW j'JDIX I have now lived in this town for forty years Suk 44b(25); dV©T xnipb oVir/1 well-being to the city of GN San 96a(49) [in a salutation]; xmp n3ia east of the town BB 91 b( 16); BMsG 44:13; pi. f'1? Jl'X =] '"7'X XD'ip I have villages Suk 44b(21); ib. 22; 2. pi. countryside: X"n '1 '33 XJIX'Tpb pis: PN's sons went out to the countryside Ber 18b(13) // Bes 9b(10) // Nid 24a(25); Er 28b(54); Pes 3b(49); Yev 105a(28); BB 98b(25) Lit: D. Goldenberg, Biblica 77 [1996] 81+; Abramson, BB 210 [mng. 2]; Y: Krnp BB 91b(16; BAYTN 96). 2# NTT'lp n.f. (uncertain) sg. XMmtn xri"1p XJiVd 1'3 a ... in which the bride dozes off Ket 17b(4) [expl. MH naiJ'n Mib. 2:1] Cf. OHP ib. 15:8; Y: Krpnp Ket ib. NJ'lp n.m. a two-thirds boiled-down must originating in Caria (< K&poivov L-S 879, Lat caroenum OLD 291; JPA ,11'ip DJPA 506) sg. x"ojra 'rixi x"Vn xian ... xnp 'xa what is g.-wine? A sweet wine which comes from GN AZ 30a(50; J) Lit: Flora 1:91; Voc: wnp HGP 55b:31; Y: xy-)]? AZ ib.(BAYTN 62). T^lp adj. cold, n.m.pl. cold water (4- Vl#11p; TA Tip TJ Nah 3:17, Sy k'-L.tj LS 689, Ma Tixp MD 403; mng. II: Sy k/H_.-Ld LS ib., mng. 2, Ma X'TIXp MD 403; cf. JPA ]TK pi. DJPA 467) I. adj. cold: a. of weather: sg.m. Tlpl nBD XttVy as long as the weather is cold Sab 147b(36); XTip KTW nVlS Tip 'XI if (the first day of the New Year) is cold, the whole year (will be) cold £5 147a(43); b. of food, liquid: sg.m. ib. 24b(28) // Er 3a(50) [4- D'&n mng. I.b]; Sot 4a(40) [bread]; Git 61b(27) // Hul 6b(5); f. 'SlVn Xni'ip3 xntt'an exchanging a fresh (loaf of bread) for a stale one [lit. hot... cold] AZ 39b(3); pl.m. 'Tip "a cold water Ned 50b(24); Hul 55b(26); HP 204:9; 'lyEH 'Tip 'Tip a very cold (dish) of barley Yom 84a(27) // AZ 28a(26); ib. 28b(17; M); c. w. 'b to feel cold: sg.m. ''DX Xian n'1? Tip tian nsipJU a donkey feels cold even at the summer solstice Sab 53a(40); II. n.pl.m. cold water: a. general: 'a'an U1? 'Tip! 'Tip 1l"? Win hot water into cold water and cold into hot Pes llla(2); Sab 55a(6); rf? 'EHBai X1? 'Tip3 not in cold water because it stops it up [i.e. any hole in the lung] Hul 46b(10); b. in medical treatments: im1?'}/) 'i'ip3 m^y 'a'ana mpsx 'a'an3 nr7"y 'Tipa (mpSX) they put him in hot water. They took him out of the hot water and put him in cold water. They took him out of the cold water Nid 36b(51) [description of an unsuccessful medical treatment]; AZ 28b(42) [for a hornet's sting and a h.-disease (4- XJVJSOW)] Y: Tlj? BB 19b(45; Mo 86) [v. BAYTN 62]. l#KJ"inp n.f. type of demon (lit. creation, creature; 4- Vl#'ip, XTl'IpX; Ma l#XTl'1p MD 416, mng. b) sg. XJTip Bo 82:4; ib. 104:4; pi. 1'1'p ib. 82:3; XJl'lp ib. 14:9; 49:9; 79:4; XH'ip Xnitf'3 evil ^.-demons ib. 82:10; XTl'Tp ib. 86:6 2# NJTIp n.f. a type of date (etym. unkn.) sg. 'Jl'ip GS 314:16 = xri"ip HGl 90:74(Var) [text: 'D'l'p] P expl.: HX'O Kmi3 DXJ Xfl'Tp name of a black date SMel 73:960; Lit: Flora 4:218, 326. Dip vb. to form a film/crust (4- xai'p, XBip; Sy -p\ji pe. LS 696, Ma Dip MD 416) Af.: "?'T TJS 'aipa 'X 'tn go (and) see if its [i.e. the dung's] corners have formed a crust Ber 25a(49; P) KHIp, KttKIp n.m. membrane, thin skin (4- Vmp; Sy r<liJ3-\_D LS 696) a. general: sg. 'XJina p'DB'a Xaip the membrane is interposed from below (between the meat and the forbidden fat) Hul 8b(38); ib. 9a(l); pi. Ill 'axip n©fcn
nNM-li? 1044 NJ")j7 there are five membranes ib. 93a(36) [of spleen, loins, kidney, testicles, and brain]; 1D1 DTI 'D'Bp msiy IfSIp the membranes of fish are 'loose' [i.e. permeable], (and those of) fowls are 'constricted' [i.e. relatively impermeable] ib. 112b(9); b. specific: 1) brain: sg. ... nxVy XBip nxnn XBip the upper/lower membrane ib. 46a(30); 56a(13); xniBT XBXip HP 198:19[HPP 301:17]; xrrm ix vraii xipiai xaip the membrane of the brain of a ram or of a buck //A/ 41:14; 2) lung: sg. nxm XBX"lp //F 200:13; ib. 201:1; 3) thigh: pi. 'SDjn 'Kill 'Blp the inner membranes of the thighs HG3 155:35; 4) penis: sg. ma-ip^i m'riV rppooa '5?X3 mny -iu?3 rr'ria'n he is required to cut off his entire foreskin and its membrane Anan 85:6; ib. 8 Y: XB-I|? ««/ 9a(l; BAYTN 95). nKWIj?, nNSiaip adj., n. of Qarman (Sy ^o-vjd, rdjjjwircLn PSm 3749) n., pl.m. 'XJaipia like those [i.e. the beds] of the people of GN Sab 138a(36; TRN 633:1) [O: 'XHBipia]; 'XJBIpl 'Tin an ox of the people of GN Naz 31b(30);Bg21a(28) Geon. expl.: DTO 'J3 13 pTO 01p» TRN ib.; Dips'?© "XMXnp '^B GnK5 170:3; Lit: AAC 376; Eshel, JSB, no. 491; Y: '(oaij? Naz ib.(BAYTN321). l«"lj?, pi. 'aii?, Nfiaij? n.f./m. horn, vessel, corner, principal, antenna of a locust, public crier (4- xnnp '3, 2# NOmp, limp; TA "|np TJ IS 16:1, Sy pcLs-U. f. LS 697, Ma xnxp horn, corner, lock of hair MD 403) 1. horn: sg.abs. Xin ]~\p one horn Sab 28b(28); det. "pim xnp your ox's horn BQ 34a(28); BB 16b(30) [4- XmpV mng. 2]; Kt'jn Xnp a goat's horn Pes 11 lb(28); xnp Xiam a donkey's horn 5e/t 8b(38) [sic!; v. BT ib.]; pi. San 106a(55); ■'lip nn two horns BB 74a(40) [of the goat fish]; IT1? V"ya Xp mnpa does he bring it in [i.e. the ox] by its horns? Yom 50a(9); mnp3 ,T?Bp it kills with its horns BQ 41a(3); 72w 25a(21) [4- 1#X3'1]; BM 106a(53); liTJIpb X'D3 they trample upon their horns Bo 78:16; 2. excrescence, growth [cf. Akk qarnu an excrescense on the head CAD Q 139, mng. 5i]: sg. -p'ya xnp plBTH Xiyi xm may it be (His) will that an excrescence should develop in your eye Sab 108a(40) // BB 89a(19) [play on PN X3"lp]; 3. vessel [cf. Akk qarnu horn as container CAD Q 138; Sy, LS ib., mng. 2]: sg. X3B1X1 Xnp the bloodletter's vessel Mak 16b (26) [perh. cupping glass; v. Geon. expl. infra]; Xn'Bp XJIp the first vessel (of blood) Nid 20a(4); pi. 'np 'JB1X1 Sab 154b(8); 4. corner: sg. BB 4a(48) [of a wall]; xnpXI xnJVB a door at the corner Men 34a(10); BQ 27b(19; F1) [4- niS5?@'3]; Xnp mB'Vll the corner of his garment Ket 77b (28); Men 42a(22); 'Dim Xnp the corner (of the garment) with the fringes Men 37b(44); BB 74a(4; Es); XO'IIBI xnp X111 a certain corner of a vineyard Men 87a(22); BB 151a(39); xnp XyiXI a corner of a field A/en 85b(12); Xnp Xm3Pttn 'the corner of refuge' Ket llla(34) [4- xrvnny]; pi. xnnp BB 6a(25); xnxnp n^n triangle [lit. three corners] BM 23b (17) // Bes 28a(8) // Hul 95b(ii); xb^ji xnnp 'yaix the four corners of the garment AnanSch 25:27; Xnxnpi XBHIB the projection of the corners Suk 8a(6; M2) [of a square within a circle]; '"XBIXIB"' xnnpX J31TB1 p. -wine which is sold on street corners BB 95b(25); Bo 71:9; 5. principal: sg. BM 55a(54) [* 4- XWBin mng. 1]; Ket 80a(18) [* 4- 1#XT5 mng. 4]; ib. 101a(33); H'V 'Spn X1BW3 1*7 '3fl31 xnpx xmn they append the (assumed) profit to the principal and write it in the (promissory) note BM 68a(13); X*73 Xnp WOV1 X"?'SD» XS'iy nyiaiP (paying) the principal without (the possibility of) an oath is more severe than double payment in the case of a (false) oath ib. 94b(25) // ib. 41b(12); llVs Klip ll^Dl xnm half of the profit and half of the principal ib. 105a(ll; V22); 6. value of an object: sg. Xnp X'^D Xp the value of the object is used up Git 42b(3) [4- V2# '"?3 pe., mng. 2]; BM 79a(43) [4- V2# ^3 pa., mng. 2]; 5g 3a(6); 557/a; 9b(7) [4- xnyxa mng. 2]; 7. antenna (of a locust): sg. X3'31 XXBpi Xnp the locust's antenna is soft Sab 77b(27); pi. 'yai ]XB 'XH nnp^ lru'sbetf? xxap^ rr'ao'ji one who wants to blind a locust should pull out its antennae ib. 29; 8. protrusion on a letter [4- XJn mng. 2]: sg. Xin Xnp STage 88 [on he]; pi. 'np J?31X /& 87 [on rfa/e/]; 9. lock of hair [Ma xnxp MD ib., mng. xaia-ij? 1045 jnp b]: sg.abs. I'1?! ft IT1? ]"lp a lock of decorated hair Bo 14:5; 10. public crier(?): sg. X'lp xnp XpW3 'ana (when) the public crier (?) calls out in a public place in Rome Ber 62b(7) Expl. RaH [mng. 2]: 1V1"?» ]np AC 7:203; Lit: Eps, Stl 341 [mng. 9]; Voc: X:"lp HGP 5a:25; Y: NJ-lj? Men 85b(12; BAYTN 96). HIMip n. (uncertain) sg. Qid 25a(l 1) Appellation of R. Hamnuna, poss. playing on the first part of his name [i.e. the opp. of DH = Dn hot]. If so this would be a composite H-A artificial word; cf. OHR ib. 20:29; Y: Xltolj? Qid ib. n.m. diagonal (etym. uncertain; perh. < 4- Xnp + ?) sg. 'an 'V3 TlTXnp GC 52:4 [expl. MH IDaiV MKel 18:5 and expl. by Arab (-|)(nnxna; cf. Arab jjj to incline Hava 300]; TITnpa nV 'iVs they divide it [i.e. the field] along the diagonal BB 13a(2) [v. the diagram in TGAs42 85]; "?nnp 7rb yibs 'iin nna ijix 'xi if (the four owners of the neighboring fields) come simultaneously they divide it [i.e. the field] along the diagonal BM 108b(38; HHP 93:4) [Var: ■ntxmp TGAs42 29:5, SMel 41:198] Geon. expl.: [ltDX1?*; X1TO llTXnp GnK3 24:17; ib. 6; Lit: Eps, GC 529; id., PLA 229; Y: im^ BB ib.(BAYTN 310). Na'aip 4- xriipi x'a n. l#0"lp vb. to become sour (MH2 Onpn BB 95b[24; H]; cf. Sy «joot_d to become dried up, harsh LS 698, Ma Dip MD 416) Af./Itpe.: Xian onp'Xi wine which became sour BB 95b(23; HEs); AZ 30a(51) [P1: onpxi] Lit: Low, Lehnw 569, rejects < Gr. 2# oip 4- Void vb. nViOIP, N^IStp n.m. ankle (TA f'rrcnp pi. TO Lev 11:21, Sy 1# KlS^-ift-D LS 700) sg. H'Tiai n'Vopi n'VlDIp1? he struck his ankle and killed him Ber 54b(27); pi. iy Xa'p mm XDIIBS X'HH xypiV 'DB rp«7m X'aa nVlDip a certain bird which was standing up to its ankles in the water, and its head reached the sky BB 73b(29) [Var: VT-Vmp MGG 52:7] Y: fl'tonj? BB ib.(BAYTN 304). yip vb. to cut open, tear (4- l#XJHp; JPA yip DJPA 507) Pe. (a/a) 1. to cut open, cut up: m1?'? rrariV7l WyV? n,5?"lp,'?l let him cut open its [i.e. the white donkey's] womb and place it on it [i.e. the foetus on the snake bite] Sab 109b(41); 3nyi 'TO rpjnpai let him cut it open [i.e. the abscess] crosswise AZ 28a(42); ib. 28b(16); Git 67b(24); Hul llla(27); Sab 134a(26); Hag 15b(ll) [4- l#xyip mng. 2]; BM 83b(49); BB 169a(16); Hul 123a(27; cf. HP 200:9); 2. to tear, rend: a. garments: 1) general: nra nyipl he tore it [i.e. the garment] off her Ber 20a(19); n'DIB xmiS XmiD H'yip he tore it : rent it [i.e. the garment] away bit by bit Nid 20a(15) [double rdg.]; 2) esp. as a sign of mourning [cf. DJPA ib., usage a]: a) abs. [w. by on account of]: yip n'BX3 yip nna XriX ... rrVy he rent (his garment) on account of him [i.e. his grandson]. His son came (and) rent in front of him MQ 20b (50); ib. 24a(31); 26a(24); Pes 3b(47); Ket 104a(13); b) w. obj.: XririX Xyip yipl he made another rent (in the garment) Ber 43a(l); TB 'J3 VU'ynpl liT'ia^ X'DX the sons of PN, the physician, rent their garments Sab 133b(38); Yev 116b(ll); b. legal documents as a sign of invalidation [cf. Akk hepu G CAD H 171, mng. 2]: XV von>1 XntJW 'XH n'V ]3'y"lp yip'B we do not tear the document of the orphans to pieces Svu 48b(18); BB 130b(28); BM 16b(39); ib. 18a(14); 66a(24); Ket 89b(38); BQ 113a(ll) [4- xrrrfi mng. 1]; BB 169a(18) [1 xna-nx]; TGHark 169:22; pass.part. 13 XIDW y~\p xV a document not having been torn SSHai 4b(5) Pa. 1. to tear [v. Pe., mng. 2b]: X1D2? ynpb to tear the document (to invalidate it) BM 62a(32); Ket 79a(3); 2. to incise (outlines of letters) [caique < MH ynp pi. J1424]: xraos rrb ]'ynpa □Tim they incise the letters for him, and he signs HP 130:16 Itpe. 1. to be torn: a. general: ynp'BT X371 "?3 nstJ wherever (the rumen) is torn one handbreadth Hul 50b(29); b. of a document: XU1 xyTinn mains nas lynp'x xbt on that day many ketubbot were torn in GN [i.e. the marriages were invalidated] Qid 70b(29); |'t "im yip'a 'B 113S1 is the decree of a congregation torn (after it has been made)? RH 18a(14); 2. to be cut (in a surgical procedure; MH yipJ J
i#Njnj? 1046 ^?i?1i? 1424): ya ysw t^ixi y-ip'xi 'otd '3x n'smx they placed him [i.e. the tumtum] on the &fc- chair, he was cut (so that his testicles descended into his scrotum), and he fathered seven sons Yev 83b(14); Bek 42b(36) l#NJHp, Njn'i? n.m. torn or cut piece (4- Vynp; JPA Hi? DJPA 507) 1. torn piece (as a sign of mourning): sg. nmnxV n'yipV minx he turned his torn piece backward Ret 104a(13) // Ber 43a(l); Pes 3b(48; V17); pi. 1,1'yip ^P'»!? to sew together the torn pieces (of) their (garment) MQ 25a(50) [Van m'JH'p HP 173:4]; 'V 'in xVl xyip I did not see a torn piece [i.e. had not been in mourning] ib. 45 [L: Xyi'p]; 22b(49); 2. cut piece: pi. 'JH'p ID'^rr? H'yip Kl'30 "?p^ he took a knife (and) cut him up [i.e. the pupil] into thirteen pieces Hag 15b(ll) Y: n'jnj? Ber ib. 2#Njnp4-3#Xipn. NJIBlp n.m. warrior (phon. var. < XJJUIp*; 1 X31p; Sy Kli^=ijj LS 691, Ma XlXJ13X1Xp MD 402) sg. XSISIp X31 xs'ja great king, warrior Bo 101:3; ib. 128:14; 141:5 Lit: Ch. Mflller-Kessler, BSOAS 62 [1999] 112+. K&'SIp 4- XtJ'SlpX n. Yip vb. to bite, sting (4- l#XX11p, 2#Xnip, XTVD; Sy^ijj LS 699, mng. 1, Ma p2t MD 97) Pe.: 'O'll X1? nj'3 ]nsip 'X were a louse to bite me, I could not study Er 65a(30) N^ixip 4- x"?ioip n. Nplp, Npllp n.m. type of shoe (< Lat corticea Lehnw 519; Sy rd-i-U. LS 700) sg. Xpnp Xinn 'Ip'a that one [i.e. a shoe made of hair] is called q. Yev 102b(22; O2) [M3: Xplip] Lit: S. Fraenkel, ZA 9 [1895] 10; Y: XjTlj? Yev ib.(BAYTN 96). KWpip, KMp^p n.m. craw of a bird (Sy rdL=»_DT_p, r? \ A rncu LS 700, Ma XJX3[1]p1Xp MD 410; cf. Akk quqqubanu AHw 500) sg. n'J3pp *pp->n x"?l its craw is not peeled Hul 62b(22) [V": n'ttpTIp]; XHpilp 3'pJ'B 13 when the craw is pierced through HP 198:20(HPP 301:18); ,T3p31 n'33pip31 n'JtfVn in his tongue, craw, and trachea HMGas 94:4 Y: a'Hpnip ttul ib. ['S'Yipnp Pes 110a(37) V 4. Vl#mj> vb., note.] HNIIpIp adj. (uncertain; 4- 4#X"lp) pl.m. '"ip 'Xllplp ... pumpkins Ned 51a(30) [expl. MH nsiain nyVi Mib. 6:1; v2: 'xnp-ip] Lit: Flora 1:548; Y: tmp-|j? AW ib. Nllplp n.m. a piece (etym. unkn.) sg. Xllplp X»Vy3 XTO'31 (it is) merely a piece of meat Bek 43b(16) NJpIp, K3p"llp n.m. jug, amphora (< 4- Klplp) pi. 'ipipsi' r-p3xv xnp*o xian xrntp ma1? "]BX1 tomorrow I shall drink wine from the ''.-jug of your father and the ^.-jugs of your mother Ned 51a(7; V2) [Var: MpTlp Ar (AC 7:214)] The mng. may be inferred from the // 4- NTIJ7T [and thus Low, Hoffmann Vol 136, should be rejected]; Y: '3j7Tj? Ned ib.(BAYTN 249). X5?P1P n.m. land (< MH yp-|p* Yeivin, BV 983, J 1426; JPA ypip DJPA 507) sg. <X)yp"lp 3J by H'V 'JTJpXI pi upon this land which I have transferred to his possession SSHai 9a(8); ib. lla(9) NSpnp n.f. head, skull (4- XiSpIp, Xrfipip) a. general: pi. '1X1 'SplpX on the heads of lions Sab 67a(31) [from an incantation]; b. fig. of an individual: sg.cs. nJia '133 IplpX XJ13 the poll tax is an individual obligation [lit. is imposed upon the head of men] BB 55a(ll); ib. 121b(29) Y: "li?-lj?!< BB ib.(BAYTN 224). NJBpIp n.m. one having a large head (< 4- xspip + xr; cf. 4- x:ry, hwv, xustf) sg. 'IlBy 'J'3 -p'-r? .Tri'in X3Sp1p large headed one! I saw your head between the pillars (of the building) Er 22b(5) // Yev 78a(49) RaH: nVnj jfofru °?y3 Er ib. [v. Ar (AC 7:216)]; Y: XJSpj? Yev ib.(BAYTN 302). NriSp")p n.f. head, skull (4- XSpip; Sy rc'iCsL^-tp LS 701, Ma xnsxpixp MD 403) sg. '■?'Sn xma xVl Xnspip a head which does not put on phylacteries RH 17a(40); xyxill XJISpIp 0'2/p maxy jlJ'XI the skull and the arm which are hard bones TGHark 107:28; x"?I1S1 'nspip my skull is of iron Bo 2:1 TV 1047 Niuahp* -[p"\p vb. perh. to low (4- lip "lip; MH2 yip J 1427) Quad.: pplpa Xp <')(1)nrxi they [i.e. the cattle] were lowing Hul 53a(49) Wpip vb. to rattle, clash (4- 2# XW1313; Sy *_ot_P LS 701, Ma ©pip MD 416) Quad.: 'Ill n'1? Wplpa he rattles the coins Ret 86a(9); Git 40b(l); Am 29b(ll); [31 T13] H'7 XWpipa mn x:p,!?3 'I1JDX Xion PN's daughter used to rattle nuts in a bowl (against demons) Ber 62a(29; G§ 96:17); tf'pnpa Fom 84b(34; O) [Var: Wp^pai IT1? Ar (AC 8:21, s.v. 2P3tf, K"D); cf. Rashi: □'inx "b wpipai]; xasm xansa »'pnpi let him clash the jar cover (against the jar) Pes 112a(19; E2) [NTllPpIp I 2# Xniyi3-|3 n.] l#11p vb. to cool down (I XTipa, 'ixnpa, 3# X-lip, Tip; Sy \J> LS 689) Pe.: X^T XpU' 'Xn n'aiS IpT Xin "ip'a y'xa the mouth of an infant which cannot suck has completely cooled down Sab 134a(27); xnsiD iy fftTTI XTK'ir3a 'T'pl IH'yiDT they cool down from a hair of their head to a toenail of their foot [i.e. their entire body] AZ 38b(35); (Xiy^S IX'p IX'plX until (the hot object) completely cools down, it absorbs Pes 76a(39); XT'p xVl X8"n xV 'DrlW '31 XH'p the pot of a partnership is lukewarm [lit. neither warms up nor cools down] BB 24b(24; F2TGAs28 200b:8); ip'aV TGHark 23:23; pass.part. TXp 'Tlpai D'Xn 'aanai m»» because (sand surrounding) heated objects heats up and (sand surrounding) cooled objects cools down [i.e. it acts as an insulator and is relevant only to the Sabbath] BB 19a(45) Pa. to cool s.t.: a. general: pass.part. 'Tlpa cooled objects BB ib. [v. Pe.]; b. in water: 'ITlp"? n'WBJ to cool himself Sab 8b (22) [v. Af.] Af. ib.: a. general: n'V ip'a Xp mpx it cools it down substantially Pes 76a(23; V18); Ipai iy y"?3 n'V I'lipa until it [i.e. the hot object] completely cools it down, it absorbs ib. 35; H'TI1? Din n'mpx the clay (of the utensil) cooled it [i.e. the hot liquid] ib. 12; BB 73b(29; MGG 52:7); b. in water: ln'WS: '-lipX;> ]Wp bnfr WW they went down (to bathe) in the Qishon wadi to cool themselves off Pes 118b(18) [v. Pa.]; Sab 100b(16) Itpa., fig. to be cooled down: n'riyi 'Tnp'X1? cooling off his temper Ret 5a(25) Lit: C. Meehan, Ben Hayyim Vol 381" [Af., usage b]. 2#T1p vb. to stick together (cf. Ar ji to become settled, remain, jlji firmness Wehr 751+, Sy _ocdt_»t_o their dough Ex 12:34, H DrilXCa) Pe.: a. of flour paste: Tixpi xnni'n (a paste of) A-flour because it sticks together Pes 74b(12) [Var: Tlpl V"Ar (AC 3:353), HG3 220:88; X-K"l)(1ip'ai xmi'ns Seel 81:29 (Pa.; v. Koh, AC ib., n. 7); * XTISOI X1(')aD3]; X"?XSD ^3 Vsi -noxi n'ai xsiy d'^xd v.b xsiy "?y i('>nnxpi n'ai xsiy xinn D'Vxs xsiy ^y mxp x"?i x"7xsd '11£?1 regarding any paste which sticks together on the fowl, the fowl does not exude its blood (while being roasted) and it is forbidden. But regarding any paste which does not stick together [i.e. is cracked] on the fowl, the fowl exudes its blood and it is permitted OHT Pes 84:20; ]T3 '1(')a('10 XSiy ty ITIXp X?1 rriBI p'yi'l since we know that (the pastes) of s.-flours are cracked and do not stick together on the fowl ib. 24; 13; b. of cooked food: Tip xV 'Xm Tip 'XH on this one [i.e. the vessel of the pagan's cooking; v. MAZ 5:12] (the forbidden food) sticks together (and requires white hot burning) and on that one [i.e. the vessels used for sacred offerings] (the remnants) do not stick together (and can be removed by scalding) AZ 76a(32) Pa. id.: X(1)(inpa [v. Pe.] The rdg. Tltp Pes 74b(12; Ed) has no textual basis in the mss. and is a late scholarly emendation [v. DS, ib. 222^]. B?"ip vb. to congeal (I XTUEhp; Sy 1# t-^jj LS 701, Ma V\p MD 416) Pe. (a/ ): 'im tf'lpl T3yi nS'JW (blood) which is apt to congeal and become a solid piece Nid 22b(28); Naz 50a(12); Wlp ib. 14; pass.part. Wlpl x"?n a secretion which is congealed Hul 120a(20; Vl2VnAr [AC 3:392]); ib. 21 [of fat]; 25; xV 'X «pDSa \£?'1p 'X flBXa X1? vnp if (the brine) is congealed it is appended (to the solid). If it is not congealed it is not appended ib. 120a(26) xnaa/ip*, Pi. '3B;np n.f. clod (4- Vinp, 2#xVp)
NJHp 1048 'tfp pi. XJIX'^S 'Jtinp Babylonian clods Sab 81a(30; OHT ib. 82:13) [expl. MH D"S ib.; Var: 'JE>nj? Xri"V33 RaH, 'rBTD O] Geon. expl.: rmbi xnx'^a ':tnp> p pi ... xVp pi p mvw 'si nyawi 'bV ■'in1 nirrai p nm ^aa 'Knpw 'jsa xtix^m p'» inm^i TO3DH TRN 622:2; RaH: "psm1? 3np> XV1» HBTK nnsrei^l; Lit: Flora 2:489. KJnp 4- i#xri"-ip n. HNimp adj., n. of GN n., pl.m. TIIT? "imp lin1? 'mpl people of GN are one thing, and Kurdish people are another Yev 16a(46); ib. 44; 45 Y: 'r,n"l|? Yev ib.(BAYTN 321). Xfi? n.m. elder (4- Vtitip; Sy rcii_p elder, presbyter LS 702, Ma l#XtiXp MD 403) 4- Xtip 12 3tfp vb. to know (Sy .-. y n LS 703) Pe.: VU'Xi ^p X"m '3tip they know that a living being is light Git 56a(50; AsAr [AC 7:223]) [V16: 'J7T] Expl. Ar: I'SHV AC ib.; cf.: <S (- — » - rdjeo k-iu. ^»0 _o<n_\ %j3*\ by habit (the sheep dogs) know [= .. -. v »] j.e, ftAJj, when they are given those pieces that it is proper to provide for them BBah 1626:15. NSt^p n.m. date palm, variety of date (Sy rc^v n dry date LS 702, Akk qasbu variety of dates CAD Q 146, > Arab ^ Fr, AF 146) 1. date palm: sg. nnariB X3tip fpi X131 Xinn a certain man who cut down a date palm belonging to another BQ 58b(28; Geon 246:28Es) [Var: mbn Ar (AC 7:222, X"0); 4- Xrr7ri]; 2. variety of date: sg. AZ 14b(29) [expl. MH 3Sn Mib. 1:5(BT)]; pi. '3tip XpOB x'jB a basketful of ^.-dates Meg 7b(3) Geon. expl.: 30f> WIX pip crtxywi D'-BJl ]'8a Kin b\>l OHT BQ 40:22, i.e. s-i^S dried date; RaH: Vpl pa Xim [4 »WS] 'J'X pm H^iynw nxoiB xVpi Xffll OHP BQ 62:33; Lit: Flora 2:323; Voc: X3»p HGP 16a: 10; Y: N3»p AZ ib.(BAYTN 96). Bfi/p, tJtPS vb. to adorn, set (of a table) (4- V»ti3, XD'tiSD; JPA 2# Btip to decorate DJPA 508) Pa. 1. to adorn: 'tiBJ nDtip she adorned herself Qid 81b(ll); ib. 40a(14); pass.part. XpBJ XDtipB '3 n'BX1? lnxi'Sl his wife went out towards him adorned Tan 23b(6); 2. to set (of a table): a. general: pri'BtiSB 'Tins you set tables Bo 78:18; b. in euph. usage: n^ XBtipBl X3fi n'"7 XBtipB XB1B (an evil wife) 'sets the table' for him [i.e. prepares herself for sexual intercourse; 4- XDn usage b] and 'prepares her mouth' for him [i.e. curses him] Yev 63b(9; Ar [AC 8:224]) [Var: xt?ti3'ai... XDiwa M3]; x-nnai X3n m1? XDtipa X31 n'b she 'sets the table' for him and turns (her) back to him [i.e. she refuses to have sexual intercourse] ib. 10(Ar [AC 8:224]) [Var: XDti3B rm m1? x-nnai TTixiais nr'^ M3] Itpa. to adorn oneself: XBDIBXi xntiB3 'Btip'X adorn yourself with balsam oil Sab 26a(4); ib. 5 The mng. of XJHX X'.in ty lnsxi BWpi SSSad 265:20 is uncertain. 'tPp vb. to be difficult, contradict, raise a question (4- X'tilp, X'lti'p, 'tip adj., XTTI'tip, XJVtip; Sy ^jcd pa., etc. LS 703, Ma Xtip MD 416) Pe. 1. to be difficult: a. general: XJr?r'",a XH xbi pti ptijn pmn «]dv xr? rm '3 'Xtip 'XJfltiX this matter was difficult for PN for twenty-two years in the school of PN2 and was not clarified BQ 66b(27) // Ket 42b(21; V5); n'Tltip ]'n':na our Mishna was difficult for him Sab 146a(27); Pes 14b(6); Ned 5b(9); Men 103a(24); 2. w. "V to be contradictory [lit. to be difficult for s.o.: n'ritip JVPjna our Mishna contradicts him Sab 146a(27); Pes 14b(6); Yev 24b(44); nBIDX mm "ft 'tipn JWvbl according to your reason, the first part (of the Mishna) should contradict its latter part Pes 72a(48); ''JJia "y? 'tip'n TByoVl according to your reason our Mishna is contradictory Ket 77a(35); Sab 150b(7); Naz 42b(14); San 12b(17); mbn m '3SX1 "p X'^p mn X»pai ni'Jnx they transmitted a halakha to you, it indeed contradicted you(r opinion), and you reversed it ib. 40a(51); 'D'H 'D XDD^'HX XriDV'n '»p'rl Xbi so that one halakha should not contradict another Yev 37a(51); pass.part. 4- 'tip adj. Af. 1. to ask a question, raise an objection: mn X31B 'Wpai V'JT he used to raise many objections Tan 9b (4); 'XH 'Vl3 "Wpx1? -]1? na^> why do you have to raise so many objections? Naz 7a(28); MQ 5a(54); Yev 77a(l); Pes 23b(22); ,Tb 'X^pXl I asked him //«/ 57b(4); n'1? TTOpa abl ")Vy "?'3pi ]'i» 3732/ IV pnv 'n1? take upon yourself not to ask PN questions for seven years BQ 117a(38); n1? pnsa mn xntnp tx' ]3 ona's 'n 'u/pa mn '3 »^? 1 'PITS ny31X1 Q'"IB?y3 'XnT 13 liyaa/ '"I whenever PN asked a question, PN2 would give twenty-four solutions for it Sab 33b(49); BM 84b(39); iSGF 38:18; 2. to act brazenly, haughtily: 'SX1? WpX X3Va they acted brazenly towards the king Bek 9a(4); 3. to have an erection [cf. MH2 TOpan nyf7 iasy Nid I3b(l)]: Xs? 'BJ "wpx i^'dxt Wp'X moreover, (the men of Jericho) were not also even able to have an erection Zev 116b(l) Lit: Bacher 197. The mng. of 'TITO pffjm XTI Kar lla(42) is unclear. 't^p adj. hard, severe, difficult, contradictory, harmful (4- V'tip pe., pass.part., XD'tip; TA 'tip TO Dt 1:17, Sy r^irn LS 703, Ma l#X'X»[X]p MD 403) 1. hard: sg.m. H'blD 'tip H'l'rO 'tipn "?D the shade of any (bush) whose thorn is hard is harmful Pes lllb(ll); 2. severe, serious: sg.m. ximaa 'tipi 'raa "fivi (x){-|):an-i may the Merciful One save you from something which is more severe than pestilence Yev 63a(40); Xn'T Xtia'tiH 'tip XtiBtiT the radiance of the sun is more intense than the sun Yom 28b(46); xav ntip X3'm X8T3 XlDai a day of rain is as severe as the day of judgment BM 85a(20); pl.m. vfr'ti XB'pa Itip XD'p the end of summer is more severe [i.e. hotter] than summer Yom 29a(2); ^3 "tip TITD all serious sicknesses Bo 7:11 [cf. Ma X'tiXp xaXTVD AM 117:2]; 3. difficult: a. alone: sg.f. X'tip Xn X'tip 'X if there is a difficulty [lit. it is difficult], this (case) is difficult Er 45a(13); Bes 9b(39); MQ 27a(23); Hag 10b(31); BB 159a(7); b. w. 'Y. sg.f. "ft X'tip Xp 'Xai what do you find difficult [lit. what is difficult for you?] San 41b(20); AZ 50b(5); Bek 5a(31); 'T^ IX '■? X'tip I also found it difficult Git 81b(36); AZ 51a(17); ]b X'tip '3n px we found it difficult in this manner Yom 36a(12); Men 29b(37); "3X 3'rl' n'^ X'tip Xpl PN was sitting, and found (the matter) difficult for him Bes 36b(12); Qid 59b(40); BB 64a(18); Men 88b(5); mn ti'lB ,!? X'tip from the beginning I found it difficult Hul 97a(10); c. w. "3: sg.m. nB'DX m 'tip PN had difficulty with it BB 55a(13); Nid 52a(53); Hul 38a(39); *\0V 311 n3"l n3 Itip 'rfr'B Xn PN and PN2 had difficulty with this matter Ket '#P 42b(21) [4- V'tip pe., mng. 1]; Sab 103a(9); 4. contradictory: a. alone: X'tip [HSU =] XS11 Xn this itself is contradictory Ber 8b(42); Pes 84a(5); Hul 5a(33); X'tip X1?! there is no contradiction [lit. it is not contradictory] Sab 3b(19); Ket 100b(19); BQ 106a(26); Svu 13a(44); b. w. "X: sg.f. p3TlX \am X'tip (that statement) of the scholars contradicts [lit. is contradictory to] (the other statement) of the scholars Sab 120b(49); Er 82b(47); BB 159b(37); San 72a(38); Hul 57a(34); X'tip XID^'nx XJlS^'n one traditional law contradicts (another) traditional law Qid 59b(34); "f? X'tipnx 'Xnp 1^ <1){')tip3 ]'n'3riB before you find our Mishna [i.e. MTem 1:1] to be (self)- contradictory, let the biblical verses be contradictory [i.e. between Lev 27:10 and MTem ib.] Tern 2a(8; V9); Meg 18b(25); pl.m. xVl ]WX 13K mnx 'xnp id1? itip ]'3ia'D in^'ticnn '■nnx 'xnp f? wp xb pwo (p)(W»n^ for you, who do not interpret by juxtaposition, the verses contradict each other. For us, who interpret by juxtaposition, the verses do not contradict each other Ber 10a(18); Hag 15b(32); RH 3b(28); f. 'Iinx ]nVp xri"3na the barraitot contradict each other Er 3a(15); MQ 25a(41); BM 48a(42); Zev 100a(22); 5. harmful: sg.m. ix 'tip '3n 'apai '3n -\rab 'byan xin nn'jxV n«n» 'tip X"?1 '"jya X^ xa"7'n is it drinking immediately (after bloodletting) which is beneficial, but afterwards or beforehand it is harmful? Or perhaps it is neither beneficial nor harmful? Sab 129b(28); pl.m. xVl iVya X1? 'Itirl 'BV1 ]0'3 'BT Itip the days of Nisan and the days of Tisri are neither beneficial nor harmful Git 70b(5); Pes 42b (2); f. i"tip nman 'sx1? xin ]pboi '^y 'rnn two clouds which rise towards one another are harmful (signs) Ber 59a(34; F); 6. w. mXf to cause a negative result or harm: sg.m. 'tipl DltiB XJll'jy1? because it leads to poverty Hul 105b(26); ib. 36; 42; Ber 36a(29) [4- 'Jpip']; Pes 76b(33); ib. 11 lb(10); pl.m. nsn Wft Itipi DltiB because they cause a (bad) smell in the mouth Ber 40a(32); in1? 'rpti 'rvoV ItipT 1T3 since (the grasses) may damage the wall he removes them BB 20a(13); xji'Vidt x'aa -\2 xamx1? itip 'ax'pti m^is all 49
Kffl'ffi? ioso i#mfripg;p fluids can harm the ear except for the fluid of a kidney AZ 28b(15); BB 18a(10); f. xn^'ni manna in1? p&pi 'bxiai xn'jWi rock salt and onions which can harm the body like swords Qid 62a(3; MGN 565:6) Lit: Bacher 189. Nffl'tfj? n.f. severity, hard times (4- V'B?p; Sy rc'^'o-utj severity LS 703, Ma Xm'K/Xp hard times MD 403, mng. b) 1. severity, in adv. phrase KJVPffpa severely: T1X Xni'Ppa ]IT»BJ in» 13 ]liTW3a XB1 when they hit themselves severely blood exudes from their flesh AnanSch 27:8; 2. hard times: sg. Bo 37:7 IP'tPp adj. old, eider, mature, n. old person (4- Vtftip, XTTrehtfp; TA Itf'B/p TJ IK 2:22, Sy r^ y ; y n LS 702) I. 1. old: sg.m. WVp tnxin' PN was older /Tar 5b(30); XJX 7I3X!3 W'tfp IX1? am I not older than your father? BM 60b (21) [Var: "|13Xa XJE?'2/p F'Es]; DiTDK WVp ,133 ,1HZ/a how much older was Abraham than Sarah? San 69b(35); i& 36; Nid 8b(l); VSGF78:18; ana XW'Pp his older son 55 40b(20); f. xnnx '"? n'X 'XJa XK/'Wpl I have a sister who is older than I Meg 13b(12) // BB 123a(40); Qid 65a(6); pl.m. SSSad 268:8; 2. elder [in PN's only; 4- "in mng. 3.b.l]: sg.m. X2?'B/p "3X PN, the elder Sab 56a(39); }fev 24a(45); Ket 94a(8); 5an 7a(19); 3. mature, experienced, senior: sg.m. pit) xniTl ■Tra t&'Wpl jxa1? he left space (in the document) for one senior than he (to sign) Git 10b(3); X131 X'Vya XWVp X31 a great, senior, excellent man OHTRH 29:9; pl.m. WVp '33 ]'in n'^ n'X plXI DTOD mi 1133 in PN has two mature sons, one a firstborn and the other a regular one HP 57:31; xnabn "Vi 13'ra jrerppi yna xnsVm xd'pb jinx 'pim 13'D13 it is clear that the law is according to us, because we are more experienced than you, and the law is not according to you, because you are less experienced BB 142b(36; P1); ]WX p311 1"J?X )WX 'Z/'lPpI even though you are scholars : you are experienced Ber 46b(20) [double rdg.]; ]331 P'a 'E?'Wp the scholars who are more experienced than we ib. 30a(55; F); OHT Ket 162:6; II. n. old person: pl.m. JTJ'Xl 'STWp |3X 'pin we are old people, and they are young ones Bek 8b(22) Y: B'»j? San 69b(35; BAYTN 238). NJTltf'tfj? n f seniority, old age (4- »'tfp; Sy rt'&o Y ; Y n LS 702) Sg. X'^n NflWtfpa 'TO xnTO is the matter dependent on seniority? BB 142b(37); X3T31 H'nW^pa X3T31 X"7 n'fiipj'S I do not remember (anything) of his childhood. I remember (something) of his old age Tan 20b(41) Y: tUTIKhpi?? BB ib.(BAYTN 287). NJVB/p, pi. KJVJI^i? n.f. stone, pit, or hard seed of various fruits and cotton (4- '©p adj. f.det; Sy [rfbilJLp -] rc'ivjLjtjj t^jill date stones EN 51:62, LS 703, mng. 9a) a. w/o designation: sg. 'xi 'e?3 x'n xVp'ii 'x xmiaa xnsnera is xirvp 'ItJl xV'JM X3p3» X'.1 XD'II when a fruit stone is found in the bile, if it is of a date palm (which is smooth [v. HG3 142:82], the animal) is fit. If it is of an olive it pierces and enters, (and the animal) is unfit HP 201:8; Hul 49a(9); HM 43:20; pi. xnx'Ppi Xl'11 in one g.-measure of (date) stones San 96a(7); XJT'tfp rbn |'V"jn3 Xmi13 XBX x"?3 Xpmi3 XBS3 (the hole is such) that three (date) stones can fit into it in a row tightly, not in a row with ease Hul 50b(40); Ber 56a(4); HG3 395:6; XnX(')fWp TGDr49 101:15 [expl. MH p'jni]; b. w. designation: 1) dates: pi. moi xn"©pi xap nan '3p 'in two qabs of dates (give) more than one qab of (date) stones Yont 79b(8); Sab 29a(25); BB 155b(28); 2) Dilmun date: pi. X30X1 XnX'©p AZ 28b(6); 3) olives: pi. Xri'TI XnX'Wp Yom 84a(26); AZ 28a(29); 4) capers: pi. 'niDI xn"2?p rbn Hul 59a(8); 5) cotton: pi. XJSlJiai xnX'P'p cottonseeds TRN 575:1 [expl. MH D'MJ lax TJHJ Sab 21a(10); cf. rdi_aev^-U»^.:i «Th\ i y n BBah 1855:8] Lit: Flora 2:339; Y: XJVItfp Hul 49a(9; BAYTN 185). l#KBTIpB;p n.m. hoeing (4- Vl#tfptfp; MH2 W)pW>p J 1370) pi. 11,1 'Bnppp 'ID there are two types of hoeing MQ 3a(27) // Suk 44b(32) // AZ 50b(27) Y: 'WljWj? AZ ib.(BAYTN 255). [2# NPiptPp 4- xptiip n.] l#typtPj7 1 1# tfptfp vb. to hoe (Vtitfp; 4- 1# Xlt/lptfp; MH2 VpVp J 1431) Quad.: yvpvpii Xn'ip '33 ]nxi X'H133 the villagers come (and) hoe in the vineyards Suk 44b(22); X'»13 'ItfOX'ipwp1? ib. 28(M2) 2# tip&p vb. 4- Vtfpip vb. Nmtfp 4- xmsto n. tftfp vb. to grow old, grow up (4- X»p, tf'tip, xmtf'tip; Sy x-i LS 702, Ma ©Itfp MD 416) Pe. (a/o) 1. to grow old: a. people, animals: X11 Wp'a nV Xltfpl she has indeed grown old BB 167b(38); fJ'Wpl xni£?n now that we have grown old BQ 92b (54); 'XI '"713 Vp '» was he so old? Yev 16b(19); Tan 5b(ll; Mai 13:12) [M2: 3'0]; XI' man x"?i pirm wip'm xiyi may it be His will that you grow old, be rejuvenated [lit. suck], and not die San 108b(48; Ar [AC 3:386, s.v. 3bn]); b. objects: ]^V B/anV B>p (the vineyard) grew old [i.e. ceased bearing fruit] after five years BM 109b(30) // Ket 95b(2; V5); XJ'1 ©p the case has become old San 42a(40) [expl. MH ]'1,1 ]ptU ib.; v. OH ib. 349:3]; ib. 44; 46; 2. to grow up: x"7 ]jm' '11 1'©B3 ni Vp '3 [XJX 'B?p -] XJ'Wp I am not old enough [lit. grown up]. When he grew up, PN had died Hag 13a(38) [L: "Wp; read: '»p]; ib. 5b(43); n'B/sa pis'a1? 3'n'a wxp 13 xia xinn when that son grows up, he must redeem himself HP 42:24 = HG3 293:66 [Var: V'11] Ittaf. to grow old: ,TT31 H'V miDl »pn'X (PN) became old, and his eyelids drooped BQ 117a(48; HGTB2 201:20) XT\pp_ n.f. bow, curved side of the stomach (4-* X'inwp; Sy k'&.x-d bow LS 703, Ma xnB/xp md 404) l. bow: sg. xnwps 'ib<y)(x} nnai he stretched the bow against him HM 42:7; MWp XnX'apDim a bow of #.-wood ib. 6; Xnitfp '3 x^np 1131? X33'X1 I am bent over you like a bow Bo 29:6; ib. 2:4; 52:7; 2. curved side of the stomach [* 4- Xin' mng. 2]: sg. Hul 50a(l); ib. 4 Y: NTOj? Hul ib.(BAYTN 29). WiHPp n.m. archer (4- HTVOp; cf. Sy i^Lx-o LS 703) pi. "ina;p 'B^X Xn'W six thousand archers Yev 16b(14); ib. 15 Y: 'Wi? 7ct ib.(BAYTN 310). Nrip, pi. 'Op, Nnrip, NriNnp n.f. handle (<Akk qatu handle CAD Q 188, mng. 3; Sy k'&j LS 704, pi. K^ii-D Audo 2:472, Ma l#Xnxp MD 404) a. 'general: sg. XTm a"m inr,,,Tlp3 this refers to a case where he saw (the tools in his dream) with their handle Ber 57b(20); b. various tools: 1) knife: sg. X:'3D1 xnp Sab 141a(18) [cf. Ma: XJl'3'01 Xnxp MD ib.]; BM 26a(3); ib. 6; pi. Xrt?3 'H'npl X1U3 'H'^tlB (he puts) their iron blades into the fire while their handles (are encased) in clay Pes 30b(17); Xnnp '3'3D1 Zev 86a(20; V11); 2) sickle: sg. xVjai Xnp BM 82a(15); Svu 43b(14); ib. 18; 20; pi. ]'nin Xnxnp two handles Svu 43b(16; HP 76:14) [V18: 'np 'n(i)nin]; 3) spade: sg. ,1'np n'^ una he returns its handle to him (when the spade is unusable) BM 103a(21); 4) spear: sg. Xnp X'D1131 San 27b(l); 5) ax: sg. X113 in n'ira ^B Xnp3 n"na Xnx one ax remained with him. He came (and) struck it [i.e. the door] with the handle ib. 96b(15); pi. TXm 'Itti xnnp handles of axes and adzes Bes 33b(23; MO9) Geon. expl.: ito bv p'x:nw -] axjnw 'oysw pen p m pn Knp vm 3M» 'oysi .3X33 13 o:s: pwn nnpi 3ip: snj? ipnim lpiw I'Doni to pekwibo gc 192:13; rip x'dtot xnp 3xxj ^Kynw iw'jsi pnx ny jmx ynv non^ai 'w:kb j'sobw 1i:5 TGHark 144:16, i.e. >iii. v^—i handle of a dagger. Kaufman's reservation [v. AIOA 85] is now unwarranted [v. Friedman BM VI 316130]; Y: Wip. San 27b(l; BAYTN 101). NVnp 4- 2# xVms n. 51
31 1052 N31 31, f. 'ri31, pl.m. '3131, f. 1311 adj. great, large, n. great one, great thing (V331; 4- X3T7X, '3131 13, X31 XOT, X31, '33131; LMA ra-ab-ra- be-e Uruklnc 11, TA 31 TO Gen 50:10, X31 ib. Gen 1:16, pi. pis'! ib. Num 13:28, Sy ^i, pi. rd^pHoi LS 706, Ma 1# X31, f. XV13X1, pi. X'31, X'311, X'3X311, X'3111 MD 422) I. adj. 1. great, important: a. God: sg.m. 1'3P2n X31 XlVx 13"n X3B1t>a rU1? this is the great God who saved Noah from the flood San 96a(15); ib. 49; Bo 7:4; b. animate: sg.m. 131 X131 .TWI n"3llXl rrftJJX he taught him, transmitted to him, and transformed him into a great man BM 84a (42); X3"?3 13 y»» mnxa1? ,131 X13A XJ1X1 yi3tt PN heard that a great man had come to his town Ket 63a(l 1); Ber 47a(38); Pes 76a(46); MQ 17a(24); AZ 7b(33); ^XIWH X31 X1SD TOD Moses, the great teacher of Israel Sot 13b(45); pl.m. '3131 '13J '111 two great men Sab 23b(25); Er 68a(6); Hul 107b(4); '3131 '313 high priests Yom 18a(23); c. inanimate: sg.m. n'1313 311 HOT '3X2; Moses is different, since his potency is greater AZ 8a(2); Yev 104a(17); xmen X31 XOT the great day of the Sabbath Sab 156a(34); X31 XWTT'j? the great qiddus [i.e. of Sabbath morning] Pes 106a(20); X31 X3'1 a major punishment Qid 43a(30); X0'3 131 a great miracle BM 106a(53); 131 X1X1 XJ13'J1B3 the great row in the academy iSGF 120:18; f. TI31 V3X the great (Tractate of) Mourning Ket 28a(28) [v. Zlotnick, TM 1'; Brody, TRN 6383]; TI31 XTW33 '3 the great synagogue SOZ 72:20; 2. large: sg.m. X31Sa'0 'X'11 H31 the large bronchus of the lung Hul 48b(30); f. fTD'13 X31 his stomach is large Ned 50b(18; V2); pl.m. '1B1T '£3X1 '3131 'SX a large face (of a man) and a small face (of a cherub) Suk 5b(15) // Hag 13b(39); '3131 '"713171 large 1 roosters BQ 15b(23); BB 24b(l) [skin bottles]; Ber 57b(45); Ma* 16b(32); Bes 27a(19) [+ //'s; 4- l#xVtfX mng. Id]; f. mix p131 its ears are large Hul 79a(38); 1")191 ,1'DTBX pin its leaves are large and wide HP 32:31; II. n. 1. great one, great thing: sg.m. 1'3'a 13113 TVb Dp he was liable for (the punishment) that was greater than it [i.e. the lesser one] Git 53a(10) [4- Vaip pe., mng. 11.11]; pl.m. '1B1T3 13JM '3131 ia p'3E? do you abandon the great (authorities) and act according to the lesser ones? BB 51b(14); f. ^33 X7131313 ]'13n our colleague has fallen among the great things [i.e. has entered into a controversy] Bes 25a(7); 2. large one: sg.f. T131 the large one BQ 119b(43) [of an ax; * 'niDIT]; pi. XT13131 large ones [i.e. bricks] BB 3b(17); Er 10b(19); 3. older person: pl.m. '101? 'dVs 'SI '3131 '»pa do the younger (sons) reign before the older ones? Hor llb(46) Lit: Nold, MG 154 [f. form 'nan]; Y: XT} BAYTN 101. N31, cs. 31, pi. '31, Nrni21 n.m. master, teacher (4- 31, 31 '3, Xni31, X331, '33131; TA X31 TO Ex 2:16, Sy <<Ai LS 706) 1. master: sg. 1'ayi X31 the master of his people Ket 17a (19) // San 14a(47); 'ID 'ia '31 '31 my master, my master! My lord, my lord! Mak 24a(22) [praise for a scholar]; '31 mm ]31 'Vs so-and-so who was my master SSHai 14b(5); H'311 XTO'X fear of his master BQ 28a(20); pi. XJ1X1313 '3n'31 nro'3 let us begin again with the 'masters' San 102b(15) [* X'13n ib. 5; w. ref. to D'dV» TOlVe? Mib. 11:1]; ]331 our masters OHT Yev 213:4 [plea to judges]; 2. teacher: a. general: sg.abs. 3D 31 a good teacher Tan 24b(34; M); det. XI ,T31 X3X1 'JHJ H'apa X3»'Xp 'X31 XII the reason (that I sit) is that I am his teacher. Were he, in fact, my teacher, 31 1053 1331 I would have risen in his presence Qid 33b(27); 'X31 T'nai my teacher hit me Hul 107b(33); X3X ■pll n'31 X311 "|311 am your teacher, and PN is your teacher's teacher BB 22a(31); RH 31b(46); 13111'31 X311 31131 ID you are a teacher, (and) PN is the teacher of the teacher Ket 69a(47); Svu 10b(24); AZ 13b(30); 'X11,T111131 teacher of the Jews San 39a(6; MGG 89:18); Pes 117a(38) [* 4- VTVtbn mng. 2a]; San 109b(53); '3X1' '3 'in •131 'Sp when two (students) sit in front of the teacher Hag 1 lb(30); xaisa xnyaitf 1B11 p"11 n'311 (PN) who carefully learns the legal tradition from the mouth of his teacher Pes 52b(27); ,1'V I'm 111 ,T3ia he had a tradition about it from his teacher Sot 10a(37); San 48b(46); Sab 63a(50); AZ 19a(50); Sot 4b(5); XI 1'311 XH il'TI this is his (opinion, and) that is his teacher's (opinion) BQ 30a(2); BB 116a(21); Zev 79a(l); Nid 10b(7); I'1? XT3D 1'313 he is of the same opinion as his teacher Ber 15a(50); Meg 20a(9); San 41a(49); 15? .T311 'jnx IP'J'X O'Xp X1? 1'3© ]'5?31X a person does not comprehend his teacher's opinion until the fortieth year AZ 5b(7); n'311 'Jlinys fear of his teacher Nid 13a(54); Ket 28a(42); ,T31 0ip&3 W'3'X 'II1? X1? a person should not make a legal decision in the place of his teacher Ket 60b(28); pi. 135? XI1X131D he acted according to the teachers Sab 51a(27); ib. 15a(25); TGHark 30:20; "Xiri3 XriX131 the later teachers ib. 38:26; 'X113D ]331 XAX1311131 lip'XI those teachers were called the Savoraim ISGF 69:18; X3V'1 xra'nai XJ1X131 the teachers of our yeshiva ib. 86:11; TGAs42 37:6; b. w. PN: sg. 1'31 TO» San 113a(37); ,T31 Vxiaw Er 66a(13); n'31 'TJ7T Yom 77b (20) Y: K31 San 14a(47; BAYTN ). < — 31, '31 n.m. master, chief, head (< '31* my master, w. loss of final unaccented open -T; 4- '3 '31/31; Sy r==i PSm 3784, Ma 1#3X1 MD 417) 1. master [title of Bab. scholars]: 31 [fol. by PN] passim [cf. Ma X3X.1V 3X1 MD ib.]; 2. chief, head of a group [< JPA; only in narratives from Eretz Israel]: '■? lip '1 X3.11 '"? lip '1 Dm there [i.e. among the brigands] they called me rabbi, and here [i.e. among the scholars] they call me rabbi BM 84a(44); ib. 85a(27); "ft lip XBJ7D 'X» '3X D"01B bv 131 '1 why do they call you rabbi? [He said to them:] "Because I am the chief of the weavers" AZ 17b(33; J) Geon. expi.: ail ... ]rhv rmnjoa ow pinon "'x 'Dana '31 ]fVW ni3'W'3 piaon ill 'ODno Ar [AC 1:6]; Lit: Kut, Isaiah Scroll 260 [development of an original penultimate form 'rabbi']; Nold, MG 175; M. Breuer, Tarbiz 66[1997] 41-59; on the crasis of this title w. PN's, cf. X31 [< X3N (3)1], Q-)ST [< (3)1 DISK; cf. Sy >t-3c<], KJ'3T [< W3K 31] and AC ib. 9: V'"n nil 10B '»X XBn 13 'BX1 pi K^p XJB'Vl 3-r? XW ]»'0 rfron 5>X13». — N331 n.m.sg. lord (lit. our lord; cf. Sy ■** i -^ j master, abbot LS 707) a. title of the Exilarch or a member of his family: xmbl ltf'1 1'»n3 X331 lord, PN, the Exilarch Sab 20b(28); BM 91b(7; Es); XDTT X3piy X331 lord, PN, the orphan Git 52a(42); Pes 115b(8) // Bes 29a(44) // Sot 39a(22); 311 Trim '33 X3piy X3311 1'»n3 X331 lord, PN, and lord, PN2, the sons of PN3's daughter Hul 92a(16); BB 51b(13); pm' X331 San 13b(29); '»X X331 ib. 30a(l 1); b. title of the head of the Yeshiva: '©X X3311 X3'1 fl'3 the court of lord, PN Ket 22a(12) [cf. Geon. expl.: wn ,11,11 Xri3'n» TGHark 82:31]; Xpi3' ia 13 '1X» X331 ISGF 96:15; "XI X3311 X31B1 X3'1 '3 TGHark 76:15; ib. 156:24; 149:6; 2/'1 "X,1 X3311 X3ia n'i3 xri3'na B'i xtik; X33ii xsiai ins xn3'na xra'Tia W'l ,T33n '3311 X3iai TGAs42 93b:4; ib. 51:10; 52:19; c. others: ,T13 ... 3'32? X33lV X33ii rvby 'in'V x'aw ]a ,i3i mbv spy X33ii IXITpl ]331 "?3 byi to our master, PN, the son of PN2, may much peace from Heaven be upon the master and all the scholars of GN TGAs28 27b: 18; TGHark 76:12 Geon. expl.: S33T 1X1J73 mhi 'Wll I§G 129:21 [responsum]; Lit: Beer, BE 9+ [contra Beer, the Ir title should be read LB'n/RB'n, i.e. MP wuzurgan Gignoux 26, 52 and thus has no connection w. this word]; Y: X33T Pes 115b(8). — )331 n.m.pl. w. lpl. pron. suf. scholars, Rabbis, students (lit. our masters/teachers; 4- '3 ]331, ]331 '33, ]33ia X311X; Ma 1X3X3X1, 1X3X31 Nold, MG 10, Lidz, ML 46:2; cf. Sy rdjJbi LS 706, s.v. rd-4;i mng. 3, JPA ]'331 DJPA 512, mng. 11.2.b) 1. scholars, Rabbis [cf. MH 13'J1131 Bacher, Tradition 590+]: a. in BT: 1) as a designation of pre-Tannaitic authorities: m 11,1 133lV 11'X II1? '3na David used to teach the scholars MQ 16b(47); San 106b(35); n'n3«;x ^>IX
HfJ 1054 I"*! naiyn mxaa j'p'oyi map pan '3m (Haman) went (and) found the scholars sitting before him [i.e. Mordecai] and dealing with the commandment of the 'omer Meg 16a(8); Hag 5b(43) [w. ref. to D'B3n Ps 49:11; cf. MH O'aan J 463]; Meg 12b(24); Sot 47a(33); lnrVtJp Dp pan lnVob (Herod) proceeded to kill all of the scholars 55 3b(47); Ber 48a(20); Git 56a(4); 2) as a designation of Tannaitic authorities: 'an XS'D pan XP'n the latter part (of the Mishna is according to) PN. The former (is according to) the scholars Kar 18b(40); n'BytJ1? rmv 'n X1TX1 VTayob pam PN followed his approach, and the scholars (followed) their approach BB 87b(24); 'n V?r\ irm 'saw /ran xnxfrsa pmi n'apy p roan 'J^S'B Xp PN and the scholars have the same difference of opinion (in a barraita) as PN2 and PN3 have (in our Mishna) Yev 116b(32); pjW "1 'nnr1? own x1? pa-ii xnm'V wn pn is apprehensive of haughtiness. The scholars are not apprehensive of haughtiness Ber 17b (24) // Pes 55a(3); pan lan the scholars learnt BB 46b(19) [fol. by a Tannaitic source]; 'Xnjl3 pan the latter scholars [i.e. those mentioned last in the Tannaitic source; * xap XJJ1] AZ 7b(13); Sot 19a(6; V2); Git 4b(9); 5g 85a(38); 'MTB Xp lin n'^y psn the scholars were complaining about him [i.e. Eleazar b. Simeon b. Yohai] BM 84b(14); Hag 15b(38); 3) as a designation of Amoraic authorities: a) alone: XBn nX'EU mm' "l panx xm» PN imposed (the building of) the (city) wall upon the scholars BB 7b(48); ib. 8a(4); X/llTtM '3'nx X1? pan scholars do not need protection BM 108a(ll); p'B '©'©p pan the scholars (who) are more experienced than we Ber 30a(55; F); Pes 113b(7); 311 n'JJn 31 ni>B '2HS 133-1 vfrDl X'J7Enn PN, PN2, and all of the scholars kept away from it BM 6b(4); p 13nx 'XB ]33T how did the scholars benefit us? San 99b(50); Win 1331 13'nnfi the two of you will become scholars Ber 48a(8); n'1? 11H p3n DTITT p3"l l'J3 one who loves the scholars will have sons who (will be) scholars Sab 23b(37); Sot 31a(29); '331 IXs? pam pan pan are these really scholars and those not scholars? Qid 32b(7; O2); Yom 77a(35) [* *?xrw> ib.]; Meg 13b(42); pan XTWJ3 'a1? ^"jn the scholars who enter the synagogue Yev 21b(10); Ktrm '3 pan max 'XB what did the scholars say in the school? Yev 42b(12); b) in var. phrases: pana Xinn a certain one of the scholars Ber 38a(14); Pes 23b(33); Meg 28b(38); Hul 127a(9); pam xpw the district of the scholars BM 24b(31); pam '111 '111 various pairs of scholars Sab 119b(l); Sab l I0a(5) [I x'rn]; »n "7333 pam xern npa mm Xm'D the chief of the Rabbis in Babylonia was called the r.s. I$GF 78:10; max p3n Rabbis- Amoraim ib. 43:3 [i xmax mng. 2]; c) w. var. modifiers: nw an '3T p3n the scholars of PN's 'school' Pes 116b(28); Suk 46a(25); San 30a(10); '3r''B0 psn Xrbn three ordained Rabbis Git 29b(38); 'p'nx pm righteous scholars BM 85b(34); MQ 28a(28; L); d) used in a deferential manner for the 2pl.m. pron. [cf. I na mng. 1]: p3nD '3nsn nai nn two great men like you Er 65b(10); /& 68a(6); Hul 94b(33) [4 Vnys itpa., mng. 1]; ib. 107b(4) [V": 13"ni3]; 4) as a designation of the carriers of the halakhic tradition: pan TIBXn Xrfr'a X,n XJB from where is this statement which the scholars said ...? Sab 48b(15); Yom 38b(24); BB 8b(2); niBXn J"VX ]33n even though the scholars said ... Sab 34a(23); Yev 1 lb(23); ]'XW33 ni3T3 pan TIU '31 ]33n mil XV the scholars only decreed in (the case of) prostitution. The scholars did not decree (in the case) of marriage Yev 100b(24); ]J3n 1J1X '3'n nVran now 'bux ij'pm xrupn 'npy how can the scholars come (and) abrogate an ordinance which the men of the Great Assembly have made? Meg 2a(24); ppn Tl"mxn ]'V3 pan |ipm "73 whatever the scholars ordained, they ordained (with a force) similar to Pentateuchal authority Yev iia(23) [+ it's; I V]pn pa., mng. 2]; tnpan ]xa ©npa xp pann XflJHX one who betroths does so in compliance with the scholars Yev 90b(14); b. in Geon. lit. [ref. also to Savoraim, early Geonim]: 1) alone: pan ]'©nSBl the scholars explain HP 47:13; ib. 103:7; 179:24; xaiDa p'TOl "xni3xo nro pn o'iiwxn xnxiam xawa pam (these matters) are recited in the mouth of the scholars in the name of the early teachers following the Savoraim TGHark 101:19; max '/Nai-'on nth pan 1055 laann; t • : t t : ' - t - __ _ : pan the scholars said ib. 133:31 [= XTO^'m HP 59:13; HG2 505:83]; Seel(Eps Stl 55:18); Tl'XI T^sn pm there are early scholars [= Geonim] who differ ... OHT Meg 18:11; pan T\b 'Oni '3'n nb 'BHBB [O'm] how do the scholars [= Geonim] learn it and how do they explain it? OHT Bes 34:8; pan naxpi ib. 11; '33 x:anp 'an' nm pan xm the scholars who were sitting before us in the court Dec 9:8; 'TBVm pam the scholars and the disciples TGHark 27:11; ib. 32:8!; X333n XnWJ3 '1PXTI '2"m the scholars, the judges, and the heads of the synagogues Dec 3:1; 7:1; 2) w. a modifier: XJlX13n pann XBOB max they said in the name of the early scholars [= Geonim] HG3 358:34 [= GeonH O'JIWXn D'JlXin XBWB GnK4 8:25]; "XBp pan the earlier scholars TGHark 30:16; ISGF 67:3; Xm'Jiaa "Xap pan the earlier scholars in the academy TGAs28 88:17; pan "Xnnan "Xnm the latest scholars TGHark 107:15; 'xti3o pan xnxian ran inp'xi those teachers were called the Savoraim iSGF 69:17 [i 'XTI30]; GnK4 59:2; /A. 11; XJW.TI pan contemporary scholars HG2 165:85 [= GeonH mm 'aan TGHark 146:16]; xm'TWT pan the scholars of the academy ISGF 92:18; HG2 18:92; xna'naa paxrrxn xri?xvi 'xewd pnn the scholars who explain the se'eltot which were recited in the academy TGAs27 74:16; TGHark 199:34; /& 226:16; 'WWp p3n the senior scholars IHP 25774; xn'n3@D1Sn ]33n the scholars of GN ISGF 92:7; 2. students, disciples: a. in BT: '3 X3» xar xrray htiddb w^vt ]aiti xsms xa'in 133nV when I see a i.m. who has completed his tractate, I make a feast for the students Sab 118b(55) [Rashi: D'TB^ri]; Ber 46a(3); '3T ]33n an students of the be rav Bes 19a(6) [Rashi: ©man Jl'aa» D'Ta^n]; MQ 28a(23; L); Qid 3ia(47); bq 87a(i5); 'npa n3 n'Vn xna^ xap'^oi ]33n I shall go to a town where there is no teacher of students Ket 103b(44) [V5: 'pTVI npa]; lin '3 mm'TIBa p3n 'a"p when the students used to depart from his [i.e. Rav Huna's] academic session Ket 106a(22); ib. 12; 26; Sab 119a(46); Pes 117a(39); BM 97a(22); AZ 19a(40); b. in Geon. lit.: p3n n'V WpX the students asked him HG1 114:64; HG3 27:2; pan (1)(')y31 OHP Ber 38:24; pan 'Wa ib. 42:26; OHT Sab 77:16; *73 n'am xaisa cnxj ii3na nn each one of the scholars used to recite (the barraitot) according to the oral tradition of his teacher iSGF 42:14; ib. 39:13; Xm'na3 p3n '0m '3'n how do the students recite the textual tradition in the academy (in this Mishna)? TGHark 199:34 [I Von J pe., mng. 4] The translations employed in this entry are conventional and fail to convey the ambiguity of this word. Since ordination only existed in Eretz Israel, the meaning 'Rabbis' cannot strictly be applied to the Babylonian scholars. On the other hand, a distinction clearly existed between the general members of scholarly groups and the teachers and leaders of these groups. Unfortunately, all of these groups are designated ambiguously by one term. Additionally, it should be pointed out that BT also employs the term anachronistically for 'scholars' who lived during the biblical and late Second Temple Periods. Note also that in phrases indicating members of this group, the phrases limn [and not limi] is employed. E.g.: pmO 'XH Ber 33b(40); lima NVin Sot 46a(49); AZ 28b(31); pmn Kilt a pair of scholars Tan 21b(42); San 43a(36); ]XHO K51B [4- s.v.]; Lit: Bacher, Tradition 165+; 605+; Goodblatt, RISB 286+, w. lit.; Eps, St2 378+ [mng. I] and the lit. cited there; Eps, Stl 5512; Goodblatt, RISB 286+ [mng. 2]; Friedman, BM VI:27339; Voc: ffi HGP 19b:ll; Y: Jim Ber 4b(30; BAYTN 26). - '/nmi-'pt nth ]xar\, rxav>m ]?an n.m.pi. backbenchers in the academy (lit. the scholars of the row of the concluding session(s); -i- XBVO, XBVD 'W; GeonH ]'BT0 IG§Sup XXX: 10) ]»1 "nn:o mpaa ormyv X3n xmn '©'©pni pan mac [mpaa] ]'naiy© xavon xnnn ]3an jai nmnj n3Dp from the senior scholars of the principal row who are in place of the Great Sanhedrin and from the backbenchers who are in place of the Lesser Sanhedrin OHT Ket 162:7; ]B1 xan XTTT pan pi (X){')BT0<n>{1) pan TGAs27 33:19; XBTOT pan OHT Ber 128:17 The exact connotation of the phrase Nm'nM Kai'02 'Nira pm HG2 348:11 and its connection to this entry are not entirely clear; Lit: D. Rosenthal, Tarbiz 49 [1980] 61. - pann adj. Rabbinical, having scholarly authority (* I xn"mxn) a. alone: p3TI pam 'X Xin pami if it is a Rabbinical (obligation), it is (one) Rabbinical (obligation) against another Nid 46b(26); x1? x/mx(n>3 Vax psms '"7'a 'am this refers to a Rabbinical law but in regard to a Pentateuchal one-no Sab 148b(12); Pes 3a(38);
N7113131 1056 1#'31 Suk 38a(15); Yev 72a(26); BM 27a(27); b. w. preced. n.: p3TJ XJ1BW the ban of the scholars MQ 16a(32); 133"n Xliy'K/ measure of the scholars Sab 81a(6); ]J3TT XJUpn ordinance of the scholars Yev 112b(45); c. in phrase: XJIP'V p3TJ 'language of the scholars' [= Rabbinic Hebrew, JBA]: 4- XJtf'b mng. 6c Kirum n.f. (uncertain; 4- 31; cf. Pal 1331 term as head PAT 409, DNWSI 1055, Sy K'&n-s-ii ls 707) sg. n'V xau im rrmran im rrnmo itbisb xnyw ia;m xbi ibi your ... and your ... caused the halakhic tradition not to be said in your name Pes 104b(9; C) NJTI31 n.f. superiority, exceptional thing (4- X31; TA 131 TJ Is 9:6, Sy rfhio^i greatness LS 706, Ma l#xni3K1 majesty MD 417) 1. superiority, greatness: sg. p'B 1D"m31 'Xa how are you superior to us? Git 68b(38); -f? 'inx 'XJVI31 I shall show you my superiority ib. 39; San 39a(51); ib. 94a(47); nvyni^ ]pna TVOby His world is established for His greatness Bo 31:11; 2. exceptional thing: sg. Kni31 'XB ... Xni31 IKl this is something exceptional. What is the exceptional thing? BM 95b(30); Pes 107b(7); Yev 15b(15); Hul 37b(26); Hag 24a(27); XTOI 'XB Xrfr'BI what is the exceptional thing of the matter? Yom 22b(25); n'TTm 'Xa Yev 15b(16); Ket 67b(17); San 21b(ll); Hul 59b(29); Xni31 V'Bp he informs us of an exceptional thing Sab 147b(6); Qid 59a(2); BM 95b(26); Saw 76b(41); «ya lya^V xni31 is it an exceptional thing to ask questions? San 106b(39); '131 Sierra1? Xni31 is it something exceptional to enumerate authorities [lit. men]? Yev 45a(20) // BB 36b(17) Lit: Bacher 201; Y: XnUT Sab 147b(6; BAYTN 29). 1#'31 vb. to grow, raise, include (4 XfU"31B, x'3iia, x'3i, i#xri'3i, 2#xrr>3i, x"i3'i, xii'3'i; Sy r^T LS 707, Ma 1#X31 MD 422) Pe. 1. to grow: 131 XJHX1 X3T>a (mushrooms) do indeed grow out of the ground Ber 40b(41) // Ned 55b(13); Er 28b(10); 131 xp x"7'BB1 ]V3 since (the gourds) grow of themselves BM 64a(16); '31 X'pW '3X1 (Jonas' ricinus) grows on an irrigated field Sab 21a(12); TT1 'THS 131 (the animals) grow up together BQ 55a(22); Tern 31a(ll); 2. w. V'lB to propagate: 4- V'lS pe., mng. 2 Pa. 1. to grow s.t, let grow: XpB/'l XB3113 XJX (n}"311 would have grown saffron BM 109a(29); xaD n XJ'B '3113 xVl Xi'D 'Wa because of the clay, since the clay does not permit an unclean fish to grow (in that river) AZ 39a(19) // Suk 18a(46); n'ISIB '311 ,1"TB '31 he let his hair and fingernails grow San 25a(23); (n)'B11 rf? '31 T\T\bw\ let it grow its wings back and send it away Hul 141b(19); 2. to raise, produce: X'3ia "3X xodh mb VyaV xia'x rra'x rri PN's mother used to raise a lamb to go into the privy (with him) Ber 62a(27); Hor 12a(38) // Kar 5b(53) [rooster]; BM 71a(43) // AZ 22b(22); "131 xm n'ri'31 did not (Pharaoh's daughter), in fact, actually raise him? Meg 13a(14); n'3 131811J/1X3 'D'jB like GN which produces in it kings Ket 112a(19); Meg 6a(44); 3. to include: a. general: pis wtfwm Tfb 'an "?d "isi1? xim xV?a 'nx the latter general rule had the effect of including whatever is similar to it in three aspects Er 28a(16); San 46a(l); tub (n'VxiP'l) H'lV 1DX ■•Tib p'31B xp mv\& do we not include the daughter of a Levite and the daughter of an Israelite in respect to (the prohibition of) a priestly (marriage)? Yev 68b(17); T"J? "1311? to include idolatry San 46a(l); b. esp. implied from the use of an additional word in the Pentateuchal text [caique < MH '31 pi. J 1441]: "?3 '31 '31 'XB '^B what did (Scripture) include? It included all matters Suk 50b(37); Naz 34b(24); Sot 16b(5); BQ 117b(46); ,131ipn XMm '31 Scripture included (her by the additional word) nailpn [Lev 21:3] Yev 60b(3); Yom 41b(14);' Ara 31b(42); Tern 13b(8); AnanSch 16:20; '3ia '3 '3ia inx UV m Xlp Scripture (also) includes a one-day-old female child Nid 32a(34); '311 'XB '31 Xs? '31 xbl 'XB1 '31 what (Scripture) included it included, and what it did not include it did not include Tern 13b(10) Itpa. 1. to grow: 13ina X'B31 W8 because (seeds) grow in water Anan 5:18; ib. 22; 2. to be included: a. alone: xVl 'XB '3in'X '3i;i'X1 'XB '3171'X X1? '31JVX what was included (expressly by Scripture) was included. What was not 2#'31 1057 1#^TI included was not included Men 56a(5); Ara 17b(3); San 56a(43); Zev 48b(20); isn X,1 T D1WB 'X31JVX a courtyard was, in fact, included in the category of hand BM 12a(l) // Git 21a(19); Naz 35b(23); b. w. "V: "?D inV 13in'X1 'V'B they included everything Er 28a(ll); BQ 64a(18); Men 55b(40) Lit: Bacher 201. 2#'3T vb. to lie down (< 4- Vl#J?31, 3#X:V31; Ma 2# X31 MD 422) Pe. (a/): X'31 xaVll perhaps (the animal) will lie down Suk 23a(43); pass.part. rX3TB '3Tf Zev 62b(16) [expl. BH J?131 Ex 27:1]; ]'33 by '31 X'lX the lion is couched at the gates Bo 112:5; XO'l 'XH3 X'31 HIS the cow is lying down on this side BQ 32a(24) [corr.: XJP31] Pa. to cause to lie down: xV3ri3 'T1X 'in tfb 131 they made two cedars lie down (on the ground) for him with a rope Ber 56b(l; MGG 707:6) Lit: Kara 66. 3# '31 4- V'31 vb. KJ3T n.m. boy (I Vl#'31, l#xri'31; TA X'31 TO Gen21:20, Ma X'3X1 MD 418) sg. pV X'313 X'31 Xpi:,!7 pip V333 'like a boy,' since a child in Babylonia is called r. Hag 13b(37) // Suk 5b(12) [expl. BH 3113 Ex 25:18] Y: x;31 Suk ib.(BAYTN 103). HN^'SI adj. fourth (4- XJT31X; Sy ^ \ < , -n LS 709) sg.m. nxy'31 XBT the fourth day (of the holiday) HP 181:8; ib. 184:18; f. XT1T21 xri3W the fourth Sabbath ib. 185:14; XrV3?'31 0W2 in the name of the fourth one [i.e. magical word] Bo 6:8; ib. 107:9 NJIjr'Sn, Nn'31, pi. Nnri?'31, Nn'5?'3T n.f. one quarter of a log (liquid measure; < MH riT31 J 1443; 4- V3#5?31, X5?31X, X^S'I; cf. Sy Kli_^T a measure LS 709, MH TV^'ai MKilK 16:7) sg. xnj?'31 WW Sab 129a(44); xny'31 XID'EH xnj?'311 Xiam an r.-measure of wine and an r.-measure of i.-beverage AZ 29a(8); ib. 12b(14) [vinegar]; Ber 25b(32) [water]; Sab 109b(30) [milk]; Hul 59a(8) [honey]; xn'31 Er 64a(16); Xliysi J13 XT13 a A:.-measure containing one quarter log Hul 107a(26); pi. J/31X Xll^ 'IXH xnxnyai a log is four quarter-/og measures HP 97:25; xrvyai V31X ib. 24 Lit: Y. Breuer, LeSonenu 62 [1999] 62; Y: XT)!?'?"] Ber 14a(22; BAYTN 174). l#Nri'3"), Kri'311 n.f. young girl (4- Vl#'31, x'3i; Ma i#xri'3xi MD 418) sg. xrvsn nc?s: n: the young girl died Ket 62b (29); XTi,f7 nV X5?Btt; 'XJ'Dn m Tib lip lim XTO1 he heard a certain young girl whom they called 'daughter of PN' ib. 40; 41; XU'X ]B x"?S3 Xll'SI X'nn Xp,!?D the young girl went up (and) jumped off the roof BB 3b(41; MGD 398:22); San 58b(27); AZ 70b(l); X7I1 X'3y Xinn 'inn nV X'ISI XXI'ail a certain young girl who was grieved about a certain poor man San 109b(39) Y: xn'31 San /fe.(BAYTN 28). 2# NH'31 n.f. growth, growing (4- Vl# '31; Ma 1#XT1'31 MD 423) 1. growth: sg. xpiJ'1 n'^'31 xn©B1 'B'Bn the (proper) growth of an infant (is dependent on) hot water and oil Yom 78b(34); ib. 32; 2. place of growing: sg. n'ri'3113"1 IX1? Dnn n'n'3113"n XSn its place of growing is not there. Its place of growing is here Sab 108a(4); HG3 196:37 3#KJT3T n.f. lying position (< xnj7'3l*; 4- V2# '31) sg. 'TED! in"n'3113"H 11TD3 ]B"p (if the two lobes) are located in their (normal) order, this is their natural [lit. lying] position, and (the animal) is fit Hul 46b(36); XD'31 DipB ib. 48a(24); Xni31 Yev 76a(21; Ar [AC 7:200]) Geon. expl.: '31KT N3Wn 01f>O (WOT Dipa X3TI1 TGHark 159:16 = HP 201:2 [I MOTn]; (O'TD Xim p'3 13n3 D'JIKjm wm K3no 'xns i1? ns3K x^i nnyanai nx'aiB x'n nmsn 'jy iri'ny'31 Ar [AC 1:133, s.v. 2]K v. RaH apud Tos Hul 47a]; '3m rmixn Vsx isnn 'py rixsi: ruw *'s xnun Dipa xVt rraix3 'Va n3» nana nnp av rby qx nx mpa owi ]snn Vy nissii ]nw m«D pn3 ^3no:l Ar [AC 7:200]; Y: xri'31 Wu/ ib. 4# Nri'3n n.f. sea (Ma 2# XJT31 ocean, sea MD 423, Sy t^oj^T LS 707 [.< Ma]) sg. pis xn'311 XlOnil1? go out to the seashore Hul 60a(9; V11) Lit: Eps, Stl 40. 5# Kn'3n 4- xnv'3i n. 1#V31 vb. to swell up (Sy A^.i LS 708) Pe.:
]J31 1058 K'il 7'3m Kin 73T» XpB3 Xp X?T ryxi even though (the date stone) cannot go out, (the portal vein) swells up a lot (to let it pass through) Hul 49a(ll) [2# Van 4- V?mx vb.] 1331 4- X3"l n. l#jm vb. to lie down (4- XJljma, V2#'3*l; Sy 2# .\ -pi, pass.part. .\ ;-»i LS 709) Pe.: 1» 12 y3"l the one who lay down completely Pes 49a(50); d'sti mvna nysm T'noa xV is it not enough that you are lying down in the public domain ...? BQ 32a(22); pass.part. yma HH Zev 62b(16) [expl. BH yi31 Ex 27:1]; Xin X'lXl n'lV'y y'3m it is a lion which is crouching upon it [i.e. something which makes the use of the doorway impossible] Er 78b(10) // Svu 22b(40); Ned 50b(5); nap xm ">n 'ym TOa because (the cow) was lying down and, in fact, has gotten up Naz 10b(4); ib. 12 Af. to make lie down: 'Xnsax X'lX '"? J1J?3"IX you have made a 'lion' [i.e. an undesirable person] lie down on my boundary BQ 114a(14) 2# V31 vb. to copulate with an animal (JPA 3#y31 DJPA 515) Pe. (a/ ): VT VTa iaxy3 Xin y3"l x"?T he, himself, surely knows that he did not copulate with the animal Kar 24a(41); 'Xin X3'n n"?DS HJ73T where he surely copulated with it, he made it unfit AZ 23b(7); ib. 24a(19); 24; nV3TI nVtJpl (the ox) copulated with it and (then) killed it5g40b(41); ib. 41a(2) Af. to mate animals: iniiysix XiWX '31 '3D TftTft vVlXl the elders of the school of Athens mated them [i.e. the snakes], and it gave birth in three (months) Bek 8b(9); naxi ru^a nVy yiT'b let him mate its mother's type with it [i.e. the mule] Hul 79a(32); D'xVs p'V3 'ysixV l"? TDK we are forbidden to mate our cattle as kil'ayim Anan 4:14; HG3 392:42 Itpe. to copulate together (of animals): ljnTN mm Xlp'ya lnrtnpl he first dedicated them, and afterwards they copulated together Zev 114a(2) 3#jm vb. to square (denom. < 4- Xy3"lX; 4- xny>3-i, x'nn num., xjran, xysn; Sy *a-j?;Ux> LS 709, JPA 2#y3T DJPA 515) Pa.: D^iy 'jrana ny3T3 let us square it (parallel) to the cardinal points of the world Er 55a(25); ib. 23b(4); pass.part. 'B 'V131 <X)y3iai ]XaD ,Ttn T\b X3y3")H he considered it [i.e. a round city] as if it were squared. Can I actually square it? ib. 57a(15) [O: Xy3"IB Xp '»]; Xy3"ia X1?! xy3iai D^iy 'yi3'13 (the city) is squared, but it is not aligned with the cardinal points of the world ib. 55a(24); 'yi31 jmm xa'X "X.11 say that this [i.e. the term yi3T Ex 27:1] means (that the altar) is perfectly squared Zev 62b (16) f31 vb. to sprinkle water (1 XX'3-W; Sy 2# ^.^i LS 710 pa.) Af.: 'TO X2J'3"in 'Xil nyia V^ l^ina rrxiSIX1? it is permitted to water a f.-field on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 6b(23) 'aaiai n.m.pl. nobles (4- 31 adj.; BA H3131 HALOT 1977, Sy rdf~no4 LS 706, s.v. L=% mng. 2, Ma X'3X3111, X'3111 MD 431) Dip Vya1? '33131 IX X3"?a to enter before the king or the nobles HM 44:2 JU1 vb. 4- Vnx vb., I'll adj., xmi'1 n. Til vb. to be angry (4- ]W\, XU11; LMA ra-gi-zu, mi~it-ra-ag-ga-rzu-i Uruklnc 19, Sy v^j LS 711, Ma in MD 424) Pe. (a/ ): Vy X'yi I'll rT3 rnxy when the shepherd gets angry at his sheep BQ 52a(13); ''jp 'inn"? n'13m in he became angry and broke that cane Ned 25a(18) Af. to make s.o. angry: 'tlJIK^ ]'VV Tin X1? "Xap the previous (kings) did not know how to make (God) angry San 103b(47); Ned 21b(26) JUT adj. quarrelsome (4- Vlll; MH2 ]in Gross, Patterns 78) sg.m.abs. ]in 133. a quarrelsome man Sab 156a(28) Y: IJJT Sab ib. [NJim 4- xmu n.] K'iT n.m. (uncertain) sg. nyi ]'V y"7D3 ID' TV X'3X13 fl'313'3 "?plP3 a generous person (gives the priest) a .ye/a, a stingy person a shekel, (and) an intermediate one ... Bek lla(9; MGN 302:4,HG3 299:15); 'III XJTWl nBDl X'113 'nsV'H the law is .... How much? Three zuzim ib.CV9) j'ri 1059 11731 3'3T adj. pleasant (Van; Sy rOj^jJ^i LS 711, Ma rn MD 424) sg.m. n'3'y1? I'1? I'm (what) is pleasant in his sight AnanSch 26:5; ib. 3; 10 ^3,1 vb. to be usual, frequent (MH Vn hif., hitpa. J 1448, JPA V'31 DJPA 516) Pe., pass.part. usual, frequent, regular: a. w. "3: sg.m. 01(13 Xin D'033 V'm II 03 W'X PN, for whom miracles used to occur [lit. is frequent with miracles] San 109a(2); f. 1,13 xV'31 she is used to them Ket 70b(13); pl.m. X3TO3 'V'31 mm Xin he saw that they usually (used) a lamp (on the Sabbath) Sab 23b(24); Xnwa3 p'V'm ]3X ]15D like us who usually (clean our hands) with oil Ber 42a(28); b. w. "I + part.: sg.m. V"yi p'SH V'm £"3'X a person who regularly frequents (there) Ket 85b(8); '13y 'PrxV npl "?'n he frequently calls (other) people slaves Qid 70b(16); Sab 23b(27); ib. 119a(25; M); 129a(51); /?// 21a(14); Bes 38a(17); Ta« 9b(4); Hag 5b(42); A'er 105b(32); i& 11 la(20); BM 77a(7); Bek 51b(16); c. w. inf.: sg.m. "iD'a1? V'n mm Xinn a certain person who used to say ... Pes 4a(9); -llETa1? inmT xV'n HIH Xri32; 'Vya bo xnun his wife used to heat up the oven regularly every Friday Tan 24b(54); +'X VipB/ inxa3 xm'aV nV'n if you are accustomed to carry (a spade) in your town, take (it)! Meg 2Sa(\8); Ket 67b(43); San 113b(l);//or 12a(41); pl.m. lX'JllinX 'anpx1? lXl'V'n 'X if you are accustomed to come early, come late Sab 119a(45); ISGF 34:1; TGHark 113:8; Anan 71:7 Af. 1. to make s.t. regular, habitual: pass.part. TXa 'm H'aiDS xVna a habitual (saying) in PN's mouth Ber 17a(31) [cf. JPA: XJlV'a X(1)ini XTin ]33m pnaiS3 PT Yom 42a(10)]; ib. 34; 37; 40; 44; San 50b(22); Zev 36b(22); 2. to encourage s.t.: X'H xV'nxi XH Xin V'nXT xn this refers to where he encouraged (the divorce), that to where she encouraged (the divorce) Yev 26a(ll); X1? xn 'T» xVl n'V xVna she does not, in fact, encourage it [i.e. the marriage] at all ib. 85b(28); 39; 116b(l);^Z37a(5) Itpe. to accustom o.s.: ma'a1? lVn'1? xm '3'n '3 so that they should not accustom themselves to vow Ned 66b(i3); 'b 'VyaT mrvo bv ns3 Vn'3 iTBU '"?13V let him accustom himself (to eat) bread in the morning, since it is beneficial for his whole body Git 69b (44) Geon. expl. [Af., mng. 1]: ixnya ^'Jl p niOTOO X^Jnn OHP Ber 109:20, i.e. Jtiii \ i y^n ^_a ij^d^i i.e. 'remaining' [> X] (derived) from Vjl 'accustomed' [Zjc VIII] Wald 70; Lit: Lieb, TK5:108213. nVsi 4- vbxn n. [nVji 4- xVn n.] DJT vb. to stone (4- XBri; Sy >j^j LS 712, Ma an MD 424) Pe.: rvaxmb rnm pis: they went out after him to stone him Qid 70b(30); San 64a(36); Anan 13:17; vmitJ'XS 'aVy 'Vl3 man everyone stoned him with their etrogs Qid 73a(17) tyj"l vb. to tremble, feel, perceive, be sick (4- XSfrm, X»n; Sy xJq LS 713, Ma wn MD 425) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to tremble, shake: la'aV XB» '3 xaVy l£/n D'nan n"na when he was about to say (the blessing) D'lia H'Tia the world trembled BM 85b(45; Es); ITU'SD1? HV13BV Xy31 wm (the sea monster) shook and was about to sink their boat BB 74b(9; MGG 51:3); 2. to feel, perceive: K/m xbx'T in3 provided that the servant perceived them Pes 86b(37; V14); pass.part. xnys rf? t>'im she has felt the suffering Yev 117b(6; O2) [4- -Jvm pe.] Af. 1. to perceive, feel: wnx xbn J"yx even if she did not perceive (the blood) Nid 57b(51); ib. 23; 28; 35; Jwn'V xVl X3'inx t>'J'X "]3 ViyV xVl "|3 do not let anyone else deal with you(r burial) so that they should not perceive that you (are alive) Git 56a(49); 3. to feel weak, ill: in xai' n'PSJ3 wnx one day he felt weak [lit. in himself] Sab 129a(52); P'na X1?! 'Vn X1? na3 iTV'D nnai xn3J how little does [lit. how much does not] a man whom his Lord has aided become sick or feel ill! Yom 22b(31) // BQ 20b(4); 3. to cut, prick (?): H"in n"11S 'IPX 'r303 vym he changed his bed. (The next day) he saw that it was cut(?) with knives Tan 24b(43) [v. Mai 109:10, note] Itpe. to tremble: 13 XTX 3T W'nx "733 pS3T inn nsnx after he went out (of the building) it collapsed. PN trembled Tan 20b(31; M2) [L: B'JTK]
Ktfn 1060 &rn The passage: 'JVW8 Vs n'B'rt ntyl 'ton' xmp X'n Kin is this the city of Jerusalem for which I made all my troops tremble? San 95a(16) is a quotation from TJ Is 10:32. Ntfol n.m. (an ailment) (4- Vtfn af, mng. 3) sg. HM 38:2 [in a list of ailments] Nil, NTH n.m. type of myrtle (4- XDX; Arab 4> sweet bay, myrtle Lane 1165) sg. XTI XOX Par 56a(9); Grt 68b(49; Ar [AC 7:255]) [Var: +X0X XITlOHTib. 154:24) Geon. expl.: 131DX n'D3 Kin XOX OHT Git 154:24, i.e. jij o*\; Lit: Flora 4:159. TT1 vb. to hammer thin (BH, MH m HAL 1110, J 1451) Pa.: TT1 'TITl he hammered (metal) very thin (at night) BM 83b(30); pass.part. ]TTCQ '3 'D3 D'a3y grapes also when they are thin Ned 61b(27; Tos,Ar [AC 7:254]) [but 4- VTlT pa.] Expl. Ar: J'pl WW3 AC ib.; cf. expl. Tos [Itpe.]: lM'VUIM. HI n.f.abs. plowing (4- V2# 'Tl; cf. Sy K'Aicuai course, continuance LS 714) 4- VH 'a n. im adj. perh. persecuting (4- V*]T1) pl.m. 'lays 'STm persecuting deeds 5o 105:5 1#'"H vb. to flow, liquefy (4- 2#X"n», 2#NJVma, '31'Tl; Sy r^i LS 714, Ma 1#XTI MD 425) Pe. ]mx 'bnfr in'Si mil their blood flowed to the wadis of GN Ber 54b(5); 1T11 T7TX1 mpa1? (the water) went and flowed to the ritual bath HG3 345:63 Af. to liquefy: pass.part. IX X'Sna T?'BX X'(Tl)Cn)a even if (the pitch) softens or liquefies /fZ33b(ll;TGAs27 74:9) 2#'T1 vb. to plow (Ma 2#XTI MD 425, JPA 2#'TlDJPA517)4-X'-n NH"1, K'TI n.m. plowing (4- V2# 'Tl; JPA n"T"l det. JPA 517; cf. Sy rc'rii to plow LS 714, mng. 2b) sg. X'TlV X'TI1? ran XiaJ 'X if he is a man who buys (oxen) for plowing (this ox is) for plowing BQ 46a(23); ib. 46b(5); Dpi Xiwa np'T X'TI 'Dia the price of meat went up, and (an ox for meat) had the value of (an ox for) plowing BQ 46a(25) // BB 92a(ll); X"TTT 'TO oxen for plowing &6 19b(22); BQ 33b(4); 16. 91a(ll) Y: X;il BB ib.(BAYTN 128). 'Sim n.m.pl. perh. dripping waters (4- Vl#'Tl; cf. Sy rdJHH flowing waters LS 714) bsi '3TTna (the mud) fell oif into the dripping waters Nid 67a(6) Note Rashi: WW1? yiV 'J'X; Y: 'JVTl Nid ib. f|1T vb. to pursue, urge, flow rapidly (4- tjm; Sy *°>i-\ LS 715, Ma «]T) MD 425, Akk radapu CAD R 59) Pe. (a/u) 1. to pursue: 'BTI xp Tin nTOa they were pursuing him San 95a(51); ib. 72b(28); Sot 21a(39); nTO3 1BTYI laipi they set out and pursued him Bo 76:6; ib. 77:9; WBTTn lrmrnxa lru'Bvrvi m'-usa let us pursue them in their bodies. Let us pursue them on their roads ib. 78:19; 2. to urge: "f?y *y~n -pb VH your heart will urge you (to eat more) Pes 114a(5); 3. to flow rapidly: ,T'» 'SIT! nbm XUT '3W that vrarfi is different, since its water flows rapidly Yom 77b(35); BB 73b(31); pass.part. X'» 'B'Tl the water is rapid AZ 39a(\4); ib. 15; 16; Swifc.l8a(41; E2) NtJiiTI n.m. runner (4- Vtsm <jr5?5/-form; Sy r? \c*m-\ forerunner LS 716) a. general: pi. ]TW -pa xnsxan xnaj1? ""nvoa x"?i Dim 'Dim sixty runners ran and could not overtake a man who ate a meal in the morning BM 107b(29) // BQ 92b(4); b. pl.cs. in phrase X03'a 'Dim 'toll runners' [i.e. those who run after people trying to cross the toll without paying] Sab 78b(41) Geon. expl.: nth imyw X^X TOXy 0310 X1? TRN 618:9 [usage b]; Y: '01,11 BAYTN 70). BITI vb. to run, come quickly, follow someone's opinion, act in haste (1 XDim, D'm, l#Xt?m; LMA re-hu-ti-i' [imper. f.sg.], Sy *\m-\ LS 716, Ma Dm MD 426) Pe. (e/e,o) 1. to run: DV1TI n'JH3a 'OnB xmn he ran three parasangs on foot Sab 94a(28); Er 57a(l); AZ 15b(50); wrVW D'TIl H'Mb VI3TO he took off (and) removed his clothes and ran Yom 84a(7); 5e/- 54a(38); Tan 24a(25); TO'm Sa/j 109b(38); BM 107b(29) II BQ 92b(4) [4- XBXT1]; &A 30a(35); /4Z 18b(ll); HM 44:25; 'a n'^ d'ht1? x'vn nnna trm ]xa 'xn XJlX^n one after whom a snake runs should run among the sand (dunes) Sab 110a(21); Pes lllb(16; TGAs42 164:10); X3DVTI mn '133 X3X I also used to run (to the synagogue) Ber 6b(24); xom xVaD bpb n>v naa yrw na a sixty-year-old uvn 1061 K'an woman runs like a six-year-old at the sound of the /.-instrument MQ 9b(34); Ber 59a(8); D'm'3 let him run Yom 84a(5); D'.TTI V'TXI D'.m ri'3 T1X1 since it runs to and fro (it is considered a lamb) Hul 74b(36) // Bek 12a(18); 2. to move swiftly: xVi 'xrtna xm'n a'an 'a x«ns ovm n'b una a rider was moving swiftly, while mounted on an animal below, and was not able to overtake him BB 73a(29; Es); 3. w. mb to come quickly to s.o.: "n»J "p B'm IDD'B? aiX XD1?'! perhaps by means of your swiftness your tradition came back to you quickly Sab 130b(34); 4. as aux. vb. to act in haste: X3S D'p3 XpT pja rrbiaoxV nwawn ]'a Vnxi wmi if, for instance, he takes a utensil and goes quickly at twilight to immerse it Bes 19a(9); Pes 62b(28; V14); Qid 31b(4); nnia JlVs') XSIO '3m D'miX before he hastily learns the latter part (of the Mishna) let him differ (already) within it [i.e. the former part] BQ 61b(30); '3m O^-i X'TX 'X13 why was it taught (that) he hastily learns ...? Mei 16a(ll); ib. 20a(21); 5. w. "3 to follow s.o.'s opinion: a-n 'mis '3^n na Ji3"ya 'si xom "?xtob;3 x-nxsV at first blush (the Mishna) follows PN's opinion. But when you investigate it, (you find that) the law is according to PN2 Ket 54a(42) Af. 1. to cause s.o. to run: nrf?T\ n'»p n'OTlX 'V'a he made him run before him three miles Sab 109b(37); 2. to review [w. 'T13 s.o.]: Xiai 'BVTIX to review the oral tradition Suk 28b (44) [* 4- Vl#D"ll pe., mng. la: to study]; 'axil X3T7 xnai 'unna xnon a-n n'apa 'a"p Tin '3 xan na 'Tin 'ina when PN and PN2 used to be in the presence of PN3 they would review the oral tradition with each other ib. 29a(2; E2); xar Va -ia xix an 'ina xnyai^1? D'ma nVa1? "?iy'3T 'apa X3X each day before he would enter into the kalla he would review the legal tradition together with PN2 BB 22a(47) The phrase 'Wmx AZ 48b(26; J); ib. 27 understood by Rashi to be from this rt. [nxil»3 ':3»»] is difficult both because the mng. seems to be derived ad hoc and because the grammatical form is strange. [The expected form is prUN*.] B'rn adj. swift (4- Vom ^a«r/-form; cf. Ma X'ai XBxn[X]-| stream of water MD 418) pl.f. 'JlOVn T$n Nlina X'yi the shepherd is lame and the goats are swift Sab 32a(9; MGG 438:16) Y: 'BVIl Sab ib. N3TI n.m.coll. majority, large amount, plural (Vaai; JPA ail DJPA 517, BH, MH ail Yeivin, BV 805, J 1455) 1. majority, larger portion: a. alone: sg. WIS xaiia W-ffll Vai whatever departs (from a group is assumed to) depart from the majority Ber 28a(28) [+ //'s; 4- V©"IS pe., mng. 3]; 13'VlX xai"l "ina we follow the majority BB 93a(22); BQ 46b(7); Bek 45a(38); Hul lla(2); Nid 29b(12); 133^1 nail a recognizable majority Ber 48a(17); Yev 37a(22) [4- Vyyn itpe., mng. 2]; Xi3 X131? nb vp nail most (people) call a A^.-vessel kadda BQ 27a(41); BB 61b(8); xan 'Vaoa mm '©ipa most (people first) betroth and then send gifts Qid 50b(28); pi. X3a ina 'an TO 'yb two majorities [i.e. each one being more than one half of the whole] cannot exist in one vessel Hul 28b(44); Ket 15a(19); b. w. a fol. n. or pron. suf: sg. xaVjn X3TI 'in ^Sin '©3X1 do the people of GN constitute a majority of the world? Sab 92a(42; M); ib. 144b(17); Er 28a(34); Qid 6a(15); 1H3'3 b)TW 'XSISl^T nan most pourers of wine are Jews BB 24b(l); "WXT nan most people San 69a(33); ]12TI xan most of the scholars TGHark 229:16; XJxan nan miTWX most of the rural area was blighted BM 105b(38); pi. xrtBX 'mm xnwsa 'aa 'nanisa wan most of them [i.e. the righteous men] are found in the synagogue which is under the upper room Hul 92a(51); pn'an ISGF91AA; Wan msa most of the commandments Anan 21:1; 2. large amount: sg. "xnna1? nan 'xap pan ipaw xaj?c» 'xa why did the earlier (scholars) leave a large amount for the later ones (to explain)? ISGF 7:8; ib. 31:3; 3. plural: sg. X3TI ]Wb2 'a32/a [XBX X]pi (Scripture) says '?3B;a [Lev 18:22] in the plural AnanSch 31:4; Anan 103:26; ib. 117:20; pp X3T1 DJ-imai XCnya the text is read [lit. they read] in the singular and it is translated in the plural [w. ref. to '3arjn Dt 31:16 and 'hVm m ]lj?31£H TO ib.] BMsYFr 145:9 Voc: Tail HPP 202:20; Y: X311 Sab 122a(37; BAYTN 160). N'SIT n.m. type of legume (etym. unkn.) sg. Hor
K»an 1062 mn 12a(41) // Kar 6a(5) [in a list of vegetables]; Hul 52a(6); X'am 'TJ the fibers of the r.-plant Sab 109b(20) Geon. expl.: VW131 rf7 K1DW3 D1X '33 1711X I^SIN K'3in !'TJ ,txt HDmn 1'ys TRN 627:9; "3V?i "3m nxon 'tis Kin K('>3n Sin in OHT RH 52:12; Lit: Flora 2:480, 509; Y: K?31T fful ib. N'311 num. a quarter (< xyan* [cf. Sy r<Li_s>oT ls 709]; 4- V3# yan, xyan; Ma x'xan MD 428) sg. XllBBn man '31 three-quarters [i.e. (one) less a quarter] of the money BB 57a(6; HP 128:6) [H: XSD'1] Nn'SVl 4- l#xn'3Tn. NUn n.m. anger, wrath (I Vui; Sy K'i-Vea LS 71 i, Ma 1#XUn MD 428) sg. n'lin M its anger subsided //w/ 53a(48; V11); xn'l mnn Xtm anger instead of peacefulness Bo 18:7; li. 35:5; 'SnD XU1TI XBTJ inundations of blood and wrath i'i. 78:22; Slim 'SX^B angels of wrath /& 119:15; #M46:17 mn vb. to be wide, excessive, comfortable, profitable (i xmnn, xnnna, xmn, mn; Sy oMi LS 718, Ma 2# XT1 MD 427) Pe. (a/a) 1. to be wide, spacious: a. general: 'BXi X1? X"UJ1 'Xn nn mm ]1'3 Xpian XTIIX1? X"?X a quarrel is just like the channel of a sluice: When it becomes wide it only gets wider San 7a(19); nBVW ri'3 mil nTITB (the cut of) the place of the slaughtering becomes wider and wider Hul 8a(3); XJVTB XmiS mm ny until (his stomach) became progressively wider Git 56b(27) [cf. 4- xmn mng. l]; 'xn 'Via ixi ■'arf? xa"?y mn 'yt? 'xa why is the space of this waw (in the document) so wide? BB 167a(19); mn 'xV'yB XJI'3 a room is wider above ib. 99a(i5); mmn xyix mV xnn xci mV wrnxix a miracle occurred, (and) the ground under him became wide for him [i.e. it opened up to let him hide] San 95a(39); in'U(3){B) XB'p mm 'TX XXSpl since (the trench) is wide, (the animal) stands in it and jumps BB 108a(2); pass.part. if? Xirm the (hair net) was loose-fitting for her Sab H2a(8); xaVy mm xma-n vrmb pis go to the seashore which is spacious Hul 60a(9; V11); mia X^IB V'Sl bora Xmm ma since (the sukka) is spacious, the shade (of the covering) falls completely within it Suk 2b(17); BQ 50b(46); TGHark 159:20; jmm 31 Vy 1X1 even though (the vessels) are spacious (and can be easily cleaned) HP 12:15; b. in a fig. sense: mm xyiJl mn (if) the market price dropped [lit. the gate became wider], it remained so BB 90b(24) [v. Af., mng. 7]; 2. to be excessive: mil mm ]TO since (the charity for the poor) is excessive, it is more than enough BB 43a(35); 3. to become easy, comfortable: mn Xp Xm XJl'3 mn DWB for the comfort of the house. But is there not, in fact, comfort? Ket 80b(ll); 4. to be profitable: m1? mn xp xn nrrnn 'i©a max 'x if you say (that the prohibition) is because of profit, (the pagan), in fact, profits AZ 6a(37); XpO'y H3yn 'TtD 'in mm mn 'ina two certain people who made a joint venture, and it was profitable BM 105a(7); 'SB mm let it be more profitable ib. 8; Er 64b(2); xnxn p xi^s V'pw mxi qxi if (the business deal) is profitable he takes half of the profit HP 49:24; ib. 63:32; TGAs28 78:27; 5. in idiomatic phrases: ''nyn 'mn he feels well [lit. his mind is comfortable] Ned 40a(37); xmm iy XJiyBE/ until the legal tradition was clarified BM 84a(50); XB^y nn the world was at ease [i.e. the prices dropped] Tan 23b(45; M2) Af. 1. to widen: XmiS 'DO na 'HITIX 'yX3 Xpn he wants to widen it [i.e. the hole; 4- Xl'y 113 mng. 2] a bit more MQ 10a(48); Sab 146b(2) [an entrance]; Er 30a(13; O); maniXT xVx pBX X1?! n'mnx 'mnx nnna rramx "?3X mrry we only said (that the ladder effects a reduction) when he placed it upon it [i.e. the projection], but if he placed it beside it he merely widened it Er 78a(3); BQ 50a(32); 2. to make room: imiX n'V XJlXi X3D XnsiV {flnO)^ make room for the old man who has come iSGF 109:21; ib. 110:2; 3. to expand (in explanation): XWb D'Xp 'Xm n'b nna 'Xm this one is terse [lit. abbreviates his speech] and that one is expansive iSGF 19:4; ib. 44:2; 58:13; 18:22; TGHark 165:13; pass.part. xnxnaa 1'mnai I'B'wsi 'aycn n3n most of the reasons which are clear and expanded in the barraitot iSGF 36:11; 4. to make a profit: niTIB "]poy your business will make a profit Ber 56a(27) [* 4- VlOS af, mng. 2]; 'mnx XIX I made a profit Ket 98a(31); T'X ny Xf? XinDlB XIX Kmn t t : 1063 Ni?'Tn nB33 inV Ximnai I shall wait for them until lyyar (when the crops are fully ripe), and I shall make a much greater profit for them BM 73a(37); Ara 22a(31); 5. to improve: ... xVmD 'Xn x_> '_n_m^_nn_x Ao_'_p_ni^_a '_a_m^_p_mV_x n_ni"?_nn_a (after the age of forty, application of) kohl does indeed impede deterioration (of vision). It does not, however, improve (it) Sab 151b(48); 6. to benefit: vf? niTIB Xpi it benefits them AZ 6b(28); 7. w. xyin to cause the market price to drop [v. Pe., mng. lb]: niTIB XpT '112/B XyiJl"? n'b because he causes the market price to drop5A/60b(l; F1) Itpe. to be extensive [4- mn]: miO'XT XW1TD XD('){1)p xam Dm X130B ma an explanation which was extensive in it [i.e. the Palestinian Talmud] in a deductive fashion and here [i.e. in the Babylonian Talmud] is abbreviated OH San 181:19 Nmn, Nnxn, cs. mn n.m. room, ample amount, comfort, priority (4- Vmn; TA xfin" TO Gen 32:16, Ma xnxn MD 428, Sy rc'iLupi LS 718) 1. room, space: sg. CimatP XB1031? xmn room (in the stomach) for a sweet thing (always) exists Er 82b(42) // Meg 7b(15)!; m"? mn xVl 3JTB1? xmn he did not have room to sit Sab 146b(42); p3W xnxian1? Xnxn he leaves room for other (rocks) San 64a(40); 1XB1? p31P xmn n'l'B WVpl he left space (in the document) for one senior than he (to sign) Git 10b(3); AZ 47b(6); XmiS xmn a small amount of room Pes 112b(50; V17); '1'3 'l'3i xmn the space in between BB 14b(5); Suk 23a(43); 2. ample amount: sg.cs. Xma mn ample amount of the estate Ket 69a(26); ib. 28; Xmn m1? JI'Xi he has an ample amount (of biblical verses from which to read) Tan 28a(l); Meg 22a(27); det. TVXT ]V3 ntsrf? nyi xm/na xnxn mb since he has an ample amount (of time) from now until midnight Zev 30a(14) // Pes 63a(6); 3. comfort, convenience: sg.cs. XJV3 mn the comfort of his house Ket 80b(l); ib. 11 [4- Vmn pe., mng. 3]; xmm 12VI Xin xmBT he did (it) for the convenience of the matter [i.e. as an extra precaution] BQ 116a(31); 4. profit: sg. smm Xl^S half of the profit BM 105a(10); xnxn ]B 'pxbin pn two- thirds of the profit SSSad 207:7; SSHai 5a(5); lla(ll); xmn WS1 X^T XD1T XpO'y a small business deal whose (possible) profit is not great Ket 66b(15); ib. 54b(2); pna 'im Xnxn "731 Xpoy any profit which may accrue from this deal SSHai 10b(15); BM 60b(36); Men 77a(28) [4- i# xi"T]; xnp xibsi xnxn xibs ■*? xsn give me half of the profit and half of the principal HP 63:20; ib. 34; TGHark 272:7 Voc: KriKfl HPP 60:19; HGP 25b:22; Y: Kmn Sab 43b(12; BAYTN 46). N(?in, NpNn n.m. a strainer used to filter wine (4- Vp'1; > Arab ojjlj filter, denom. jjj II to clarify, filter a liquid Fr, AF 165+) sg. Xpim3 concerning a (nan-drink made using) a strainer Pes 42b(18; V14) [v. RaH infra]; pi. 'pxn 'in X'TBT 'XB1XT strainers of the pagans (made) of hair AZ 75a(30) [J(Marg): 'pin] Geon. expl.: mawa TGCas 40b(39); '^ ]" iv rnaVli ''B \>mi mawn1? pip itonv Ar [AC 7:265]; expl. Rag: pram xpim ion xnpi pa xxvn ]im pom i" na»3 em Pes ib.; Lit: TMW 4:486; Y: 'J711T AZ ib.(BAYTN 46). 11Tn* n. employment (< Mir rozgar Salemann 282 [< Mir roz day CPD 72 + kar#\ work ib. 49]) sg. XBbys nitX"l)n) XB'XI and say (that the verse Ezek 48:19) merely (refers to) employment BB 122a(27; HEsP') [Van m(T){l)n Ar (AC 7:284)]; Yev 79a(41; Ar [AC ib.]) [w. ref. to IK 5:29] Lit: Fl, TMW 1:440; Geig, AAC 382, 384, points out that the P word can mean: 1. employment; 2. day laborer. On the second poss., note expl. Ar: XVI BV TDW KBW "fn T3» 1} DV m AC ib., s.v. lJ2n, i.e. day laborer [< Mir roz + -gar actor suff.] N|?'Tn, N|?3'Tn n.m. daily ration, provision (< Mir *rozik [cf. MP rozig daily bread, sustenance CPD 72, Armen rocik Hiibsch, AG 234] < MP *roc/enak [cf. NP roziyana daily allowance PED 594]; Sy <<-L,\i>\ LS 723, Ma xp'T-l MD 432) sg. xpi'm iaV ]13t'X1 VlT'X I shall go and purchase the daily ration for you Tan 23b(45; Ar [AC 7:266]) [Var: X113'y AC ib., X"D]; Xp'?X"l>n) mrX')(1(X I have brought the daily ration j'i.(He); n'V XH'ni XytJ 'ny 13 '0ns xnbm 'D'na Xpl'tn a provision in wheat of (the length of) three parasangs came down (from
Krrn 1064 mi the sky on the field of) PN, the Arab Men 69b(16; Ar [AC ib.]) [4- 2#X30'2] Lit: Geig, AAC 382. Nnm, cs. nn, Pi. »nn, Nrixnri n.f. wind, breath, direction, spirit, illness (4- Xim mm, s.v. Kmai; TA xfih TO Gen 8:1, Sy r^-ica LS 718, Ma xnn MD 428) 1. wind: sg. xnn XE/J the wind blew BM 85b(44); tumn Xnn the south wind HP 87:13 [I 2#XJYlt>]; ib. 202:9; 2. breath: sg. nirn ms she fainted [lit. her breath departed] Ket 62b(42); mrm pMl he lost consciousness [lit. his breath went out] BQ 84a(26); 3. side, direction, edge: sg.cs. xrO'lB mi the east side SSHai lla(17); ib. 8; pl.abs. pri ]31Xn tVi I'rnji PN's border is two sides BB 62a(12) [in a writ]; cs. XBty Tin jmx the four cardinal directions Ber 58b(16); det. 'Jinn m>Xl the three edges (of the knife) Hul 17b(23); 4. life spirit: sg. nTTn p'S} X3'nB from where does the spirit (of a bird which dies in its shell) go out? Bek 8b(41); 5. a spirit: sg.cs. Vl'B mm nap ms mm a spirit of the cemetery and a spirit of the dead Bo 119:23; det. MW2 xmi evil spirit Bo 9:16; ib. 28:4; 48:1; pl.abs. ]'tt>'3 pn ib. 24:1; 42:1; det. 'mi Pes nib(i5); mm .... nnxao vm nrwn good/evil spirits Bo 7:9; xnWHp mil the holy spirits 5o 127:29; 6. disposition, w. Vl# "pX af. to be forbearing: mrm T"IXB BQ 50a(48) [of God]; 6. an illness, pain [lit. spirit, demon; Sy PSmSup 317, Ma MD 428, mng. c]: sg.cs. mi XTm an illness of the nostril HM 38:6; Pes lllb(2; E'TRN 622:6) [i 2#X*TO]; ib. [4- 2# XlVs mng. 2]; TOE? D1p"TTIp Xrm xm this illness is called q. Git 67b(20; V18); det. xmm> X'Ba for an illness (he should ingest the aforementioned herbs) in water AZ 29a(15); bil Xrm for any illness #M 43:22(Var); X"WB xmm> for an inflamed illness ib. 37:6 Voc: xfin HGP 5b:33; Y: XmT Sab 94a(27; BAYTN 20). - NBnipi Nnn n.m. the Holy Spirit (< Sy Kiincvji:! rcljjoi LS 718, mng. 8, > Ma XHTI XE/mpT Ruha of evil [lit. holiness, a spirit] MD 406, 428; 4- xtimp) sg. mVw nV'xca pax mm xwmpn xmm xnn xaxV na -pa they [i.e. the Judeo-Christians] used to say in greeting: "You are blessed to the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit" TaS 605b:2 [cf. Sy nc'i^ip «L~?# TZ^ i<jL:\o_m i^jjoio Mat 28:19; Ma xax OW XlE/TipT Xmm XTll Gy 226:9] Quoted by the Gaon ib. as a Nrtal xVlp^p 'degenerate matter'. Nj?m*l, cs. pini n.m. far distance (4- Vpm; Sy rC n ocn, cs. tajjo-x LS 725, Ma Xpmi MD 429) sg.cs. X^'B pima at a distance of a mile Git 57a(22); det. Xpmm Xamp1? according to the short and far distance BB 122a(30); X&'pT Xampa XB'pm Xpnna who stands far away or close by Bo 132:2 'VI vb. to become intoxicated (4- X'Yl, XJVn, Vnstf; Sy ,oi LS 719, Ma l#xn MD 427) Pe.: XJll xm 'IW'X he drank (the wine), became intoxicated, and fell asleep Git 68a(49); Meg I3b(45); 'n mn x"?i '•no x-ian xsVx V'-apV xnx my father [i.e. Belshazzar] drank wine in front of a thousand (people) [v. Dan 5:1] and did not become intoxicated ib. 12b(23); Ber 29b(46); 'ixn OHT Git 11:9; pass.part. 'in Ned 49b(32) Af. to make s.o. intoxicated: mrTVIXl mrrpltfXI she gave him (wine) to drink and made him intoxicated San 109b(55); '11S1 'TB "73 IX XIBn wine or any intoxicating (beverage) Anan 21:11 [expl. BH Wj T! Lev 10:9]; ib. 25; 4:6 K^IT n.m. drunken person (4- V'Vl pe., pass.part.; TA X*n TJ IS 1:13, Sy rClcj, LS 720) sg. xnmxa yv xp mm xti xinn xm he saw a certain drunken man who was straying on the road Git 68b(4); V'Si Xp n'PMBI X'TTr? ,Tp21» leave the drunken man alone, for he will fall by himself Sab 32a(8) Y: x;in Git ib.(BAYTN 103). ri'l"! adj. extensive, wide, n. wide object (4- NhlYI pe., pass.part., xmn'TI; Sy rtUxjoi LS 719) I. adj. 1. extensive, extended: sg.m. XEHTB Xmn an extensive explanation OHT BQ 11:22; OHT BM 8:31; pl.m. Vm 'JX^'1? non-essential [lit. extended] versions I$GF 30:18; 2. wide: sg.m. Xmn X33^B^ for (bricks made in) a wide brick mold BM 116b(33); II. n. wide object: sg.m. 'XWl Xfrn the widest (coin) on the bottom I BM 25a(39; Es) NH'H 1065 T T KJl'TI n.f. intoxication (4- V'Vl; Ma xrm MD 429, Sy k'^o-.o^ LS 720) sg. X1? 'IT! ]XB1 mrfr'a x'nm xrvn p norm nam oine/'V one who is intoxicated should not slaughter, for most (cases of) noiYJ are from involvement with intoxication HG3 118:69 Nrnn'V"! n.f. ample manner (4- mi; Sy pc'&cv-u-.ot LS 719) sg. ... implD'Oa Xm XB'p 'XI xmn'Tia if she provides their needs amply TGHark 222:18 N33V1 n.m. broom (Sy i\L~»_ac\i broom BBah 1886:18) sg. 'Sim naail a broom of palm branches GC 139:1 [expl. MH TYTarhv m3M MUqs 1:3]; HG1 194:37; X33TI3 WJ31 he sweeps with a broom ib. 39 Lit: Eps, GC 1391; Flora 2:325. K33V1 n.m. softness, tenderness (4- V"p"l; Sy Kii-ini LS 730) sg. j/psB maan ajx nxnnn 5?pS the lower (membrane) will certainly split because of its softness Hul 56a(17); ]'J?D: xmB imania-na pn^iVi yty ^a1? '^xrx mV people plant the caper to eat (its) leaves and branches when they are tender TGHark 196:22 Y: fran Hul ib.(BAYTN 157). N^Bil n.m. peddler (< BH bah Yeivin, BV 440, HAL 1154; V"731; Sy rdli;* LS 731) sg. K1T\ 1DX I7,T,,7'1 SWn'1? xVail '3 should the Tanna continue to enumerate like a peddler? Git 33a(2) // Naz 21a(6) // BQ 36b(31) // Ara 23b(19); X3m DWB 3'nx' Xnmx xb'X Xbans 3'lffXn X1? because the Tanna does not enumerate like a peddler, but he gives a usual case TGHark 118:23 Y: X^3h Ci7 ib.(BAYTN 163). Dll vb. to alight, raise (4- XBTIB, XBT1, at, xma-i, i# xnan; Sy -^4 ls 720, Ma i# nn MD 430) Pe. 1. to alight: 'B'XTI n'BISB XT1 n'V 'J1X1 miX^'y 'aTT saliva flows out of his mouth, and flies alight upon him Ket 77b(17; MGG 225:17); 2. to exalt o.s.: 'VTJ XB3nB in XMBX D1TD VIDT) (if) the maidservant exalts herself a lot, there will be a blow from a rod (from her mistress) Sab 32a(6; RaH) [cf. MGG 438:14] Af. to lift up, raise: "\r\yv "irBTW may your propitious moment raise you up AZ 34b(37; RaH) [statement of praise]; firm' pna 13 'xb'S?8? when they lift their hands upwards Anan 19:24; X313 mVox ^n D'lm Xiyi VT may it be (His) will that you will raise your head over the entire city Yom 53b(2); XBIxVl absvab to vanquish and to uplift HM 37:3; pass.part. XB'IB TBIpO'X my threshold is raised up Bo 125:5 NKIVl, cs. D11 n.m. height, heaven (4- Veil; TA XBn TJ Is 14:12, Sy r^kaj LS 720, Ma XB1XT MD 420) 1. height: a. general: sg.cs. DTI X(3)(3in the height of a lance Men 69b(16); det. inrj ->-nra mam n'Tiis its [i.e. the wall of Jericho's] width and height are the same Ber 54b(38); 'DIB HNB rf?n X1?^ mail the height of the wave (was) three hundred parasangs BB 73a(20); b. in legal texts: sg.cs. tyi XBinn D'yiXB Xypl an from the lowest part of the abyss up to the highest part of the sky ib. 63b(9) [merism]; det. xBim xpaiy 'apab xaim xpaiy ':nx (the phrase) 'depth and height' (in a contract) is effective to acquire possession concerning 'depth and height' [i.e. the space below and above] ib. 10; 15; 64a(l); S$Hai 6a(7); c. in magic text: mD'pTa x^aiyi rx',B'n 2/331 -rann n'aissi in the name of PN, who subdues 'the height and depth' by his cross Bo 127:29; 2. heaven [Sy, LS ib., mng. 3]: sg. XBTO VxW1? H"3p .T^ (Xl'inm ja'D a sign which God shows the Jews in heaven NDGR 226:2; ib. 227:4 Voc: Kfin HGP 3b:29; Y: xon BB 61a(21; BAYTN 20). nNKlil, f. Nfl'BiT adj. Roman, Byzantine, n. Roman, lictor, soldier (< GN 'BIT 'Pwuf| Lehnw 577; 4- xrran xmn; Sy r<LL^3o<s-i, kll^ot Roman, Greek, soldier, lictor LS 721) I. adj. 1. Roman [4- Xmn]: sg.m. nXBIT XJrv>3 Roman flax Hul 84b(13) [expl. MH ]TWS 'ta ib:]; Ket 6ib(25); f. 'mn Tipaio xn^n xns<i>cian a Roman, red, new h.-garment MQ 23a(24; Ar [AC 3:218]); XTl'BTl Xan'3 BM 29b(48); xmBIT xmit Roman glass Hul 84b(14; MGD 160:11); Men 33b(36); 2. Byzantine [caique < Arab ^jj]: sg.m. nxan X13y a Byzantine slave S$Hai 7a(l); II. n. 1. Roman: sg.m. nXBIT Xinn Ket 61b(10); BM 28b(ll); //u/ 56b(55); pl.m. 'Xail Ber
xmn 1066 nNj?ripn 56a(8); Git 17a(3); AZ 1 lb(26); 'Xam '3'E?n the notables of the Romans GiY 56b(15); /'& 58a(15); /4Z I0b(2); 'x:v nna 'xan nay 'anp pm i'rt>n the Romans fought thirty-two wars with the Greeks ib. 8b(19); 2. lictor: pl.m. XB^Ip ,T^ 13H' inrxam xnrrsx mamx 'n pOi 'xam xnnsx xn I'XT Xpi xnn'SX 3'n" give him a club at the entrance of the lictors and let him make judgment. They placed him at the entrance of the lictors, and he sat at the entrance and was rendering judgment Ber 58a(44); XJWft mppn 'Xam 'nrtDX "Xa "n they carved PN's figure on the gate of the lictors AZ 18b (8); a'n' X3'm Wam Xnrrsx where does (the Messiah) sit? At the entrance of the lictors San 91a(48; F2); 3. soldier: pl.m. 'XBITI X1TI1 a troop of soldiers Git 57a(17);5er56a(3);^Zlla(2) The lictor was an attendant of a Roman magistrate, carried the fasces, and executed the sentences that the magistrates pronounced. This meaning is clearest in the first example in II.2 and may be inferred in the others employing the same phrase. In AZ llb(24), Bokser, JAOS 95 [1975] 261, suggests emending to W1K«; Y: Xrrah Ijul 84b(15); 'XBh BAYTN 321. NTOH n.m. spear (i 2# xao'J; TA XTOT TJ Jos 8:18, Sy kIjul^ot f. LS 734) sg. Yev 114b(40); iTTa xnan D'pai holding a spear in his hand BB 74a(3); ib. 22 // San 110a(54); xnanV .T'rr X31T3 he stuck the spear in the Jordan BM 84a(40); AnanSch 21 A; pi. 'nan ib. 10 Y: rrnnn San 95a(47; BAYTN 158). Xysn n.m. objection (4- Vl#'ai) sg. 'XB 'Xni H"an what is the objection to it? Git 61b(15); Men 42a(41; V10) Y: Iran Gil ib.(BAYTN 158). N3ian, N3Nan n.m. pomegranate, knob (Sy KlL^aca LS 735, Ma XJXan MD 430; mng. 2: caique > Arab ^lij knob, pommel Wehr 360) 1. pomegranate: a. general: sg. Tl'SIS WTI 'Jan y\ that pomegranate from the top of the branch Qid 81b(12; M); xaana ipo'y rmp your merchandise will be tart like a pomegranate [i.e. your wine will become sour] Ber 56a(37; F); ib. 50b(27); XJXan Xax p'^XB Xp nin my father was splitting a pomegranate San 108b(45; MGG 172:11); pi. 'JXan T1"X Vi'lTX he went (and) brought pomegranates Ket 61b(14); Ber 56a(36); nn '3am the /i.-worm of pomegranates Sab 90a(48); ■'yspb XiVsai 'JXana XT1 she prostitutes herself for pomegranates and distributes (them) to the sick TGHark 5:34; HP 192:17; b. parts: sg. XpaiO XJam 'TXTB seeds of a red pomegranate BM 84a(20); xjan npVi xaam yib nnppi they removed the blossom of the pomegranate, and the pomegranate was blighted Ber 36b(36); 2. knob: sg. OHPEr 103:6 [expl. MH Xntpon* Mib. 10:10 and glossed as: X3Xa nt'nX ]'aa X'm] Lit: Flora 3:80+; Eps, GC 2215 [mng. 2], The orthography 'llO'T Ket 61b(ll); BM 22a(38) is under the influence of H lian; Y: XMV1 Qid 81b(12; BAYTN 268). - >BN"T 'IS!! n.m.pl. cheeks (I 1#XDX; Ma n'BJXT X'JXaYl full of face MD 430) AZ 30b(38) Lit: Fl, TMW 4:488; Flora 3:99; Y: '9X1 'JBT1 AZ ib. NO'Jttil n.m. bolt of a door (perh. < pconavi^u) to bolt a door Sophocles 974; Sy rd-co-txinca PSm 3867, > Arab o-i^jj Jawal 71:12) pi. 'D'jan GC 20:3 [expl. MH 113 MKel 11:2 and expl. as n"D3 Oina, i.e. wj*] Lit: Fr, AF 19; Eps, GC 207; Flora 3:101. NX»n 4- xsai n. [15.111 i lim n.] Npnon 4- xpnoi n. nKi?npri, f. Nn'^npn adj., n. villager (nisbe- form < 4- xpno-i) n.,'sg.f. xn"pnon ... nnm am mn Rahab, the harlot, was a villager HG2 521:31 [= GeonH irnsa HR 37:4]; pl.m. X313 X3'X 'XT n'x 'Xi -wy rwani \\i p yvvr wa vnvtf «pai p Tpmai '(x)pnon "73 rrmm Tin 'prion rrb ■warn ly] iaxi xaia ':aa xV'a iy xana xinn np nV'a p 'so ppman »<x>j?wn 'an 'xti "?ax "1031X3 if there is a city which is surrounded by a wall from the time of Joshua b. Nun, (the reading of Megillat Esther) is on the fifteenth. If there are villages around it, all the villagers who are at a distance of up to one mile from that city are like the inhabitants of the city, and they read on the fifteenth. But (if) these villagers are farther away than one mile, they read on the fourteenth HG1 408:72 Lit: Danzig, IHP 236190; Geig, AAC 386. j6'»ri 1067 T T n.m. high official (etym. uncertain) sg. XJTV71 WD XBBpVxi x"?'Sm XS^a the king, the r.-official, the '.-official, and the exilarch Svu 6b(31); ib. 29; x"?'Sn pns '31 people of the household of PN, the r.-official BM 49b(20); ib. 107b(52); AZ 33b(25); ib. 61b(26); 29 The deriv. < Lat rufulus name of a military tribune OLD 1666 proposed in Lehnw 578 is rejected by F. Schulthess, ZA 24 [ 1910] 52; ib. 25 [ 1911 ] 293, who connects it w. Sy K-'Lao-l, etc. < 8opixp6po<; praetorian LS 369; cf. also Beer, BE 2538; Y: K^BiT AZ ib.(BAYTN 164). lttNjJP n.m./coll. spittle (4- VppT, Sy rdioi LS 743, Ma Kp^ MD 431) a. alone: sg. '3'TS naan xaisa p'sa 'a apM waV Tn the judges must see the spittle as it leaves the mouth of the yevama Yev 101b(3); ib. 39b(37); SSHai 12b(6); Pes llla(16); Hul 47b(29); an Xpn the spittle of a gonorrheal man Anan 45:26; ib. 46:1; 'Oai H'pn his spittle heals (the eye) BB 126b(34); H'mnia H'pn 'Oan'l may his spittle coagulate in his throat Bo 74:2; WBD mm 'pT13 you spat with each other's spittle [i.e. you are of the same opinion] Nid 42a(30) // •'tini Xpna T<3)(n}blD Xn>(ni'Sn'X Sab 99b(10); b. w. a vb.: 1) Vppi pe.: HM 38:12; ib. 42:20; 2) V'T2? pe.: Sab 121b(38); Ket 105b(30); ib. 61b(12) [coll.; 4- VtiX pe.] Voc: xph HPP 302:19; HGP 32b:36; Y: Xfh Sab ib.(BAYTN 25). 2# 8pn n.m. demon (etym. unkn.) sg. Xpn X3H XJ'in xp nam I see the demon, PN, here San 101a(38; HeAr [AC 7:299]) NJIJ/plI, Nflpn n.f. piece of cloth, rag (4- Vypi, XnpnX; Sy re's noH LS 744, s.v. pc'^A_pio< JNA xriXpT raqa'ta patch HDJNA s.v.) sg. om:oa ix rrrapa ix xi'ps ix xpaTai xnypn V"yi xni'm xmpsx 'ib'y xnypn xnn xp'3ii Bn2?i xnypn x'nn <mnn) cn'yi xa'ao a piece of cloth that was stuck on (the animal) with either pitch, mastic, or sandarch-resin. That cloth was stuck on the animal's forehead, and he stuck the knife under that cloth and slaughtered HG3 111:94 = Ar [AC 2:367]; xnn'XT Xnypn Xn'jnttH the rag of a menstruous woman Bo 139:12; X(n)ypn TGHark 271:23; xnpn OHTSab 56:10 Geon. expl.: njro xnpn LPT 160:36, i.e. iiji.; nVon xnpn AC 5:352, s.v. ,-JM = RaH Sab 59b(12); OHR BQ 108:24; KJiyjn DlBnno AC 2:367, s.v. 01J; Y: xpnn (BAYTN 200). Kin n.m. (uncertain) sg. X"im XTl'I scraping of... AZ 28a(38) [Knn»n 4- xnm? n.] Nat^n, cs. D1E7T n.m. mark, seal impression (4- "Wl; TA own TO Lev 13:10, pi. JWll TJ Is 3:24, Sy Kl5i^.oi LS 745, Ma xatm MD 432, > Arab ^ijj wooden stamp Fr, AF 137) 1. mark: sg.es. 'mVy n'X xb »'l'X QWD no one's mark is on him [i.e. the slave] Git 86a(7) // SSHai 7a(ll) [quoted from a legal document; cf. Of A UW\ slave mark SamPap 2:2]; pi. Xn'3rn 'ai£?n marks of a jug Pes 110b(5; C); 2. seal impression: sg. «pa'a 'si:a ix ynn pn'a xasm is a seal impression cut directly into (the wax) or is (the wax) completely bunched up? Git 20a(39) Lit: A. Gulak, Tarbiz 3 [1933] 3; Greenfield, AKY 208 [mng. 1]; Y: KOtin Pes ib.(BAYTN 158). l#n, itflNI n.m. balcony (< Arab c&j Wehr 367) sg. n^H T»<1X>(Xin its [i.e. the property's] balcony SSHai 6a(7); X^ma p 1«?m XT'T p'BXI ynXB? Xinn1? n'TTm he extended the projection and the balcony of the wall of the property into that street (gyLi) RLOW 24a(23) Cf. ]Wn ri"B3 TOWl GC 133:1 [expl. MH KHBtltJ MZav 4:1; cf. Sy: «*i<\_x- ^^3 in*Ma ocn (<xu^3n ^ii'i^-QocvjDa^^ ^.o-i k-t-oJv^o BB 909:10]; Lit: Eps, GC 1334; Low, REJ 25 [1892] 257. NH, NTNT n.m. secret, mystery, spell, amulet (< Olr *raza [cf. MP raz CPD 71]; archaic and dialectal; BA n HALOT 1980, TA n TJ Is 24:16, Sy rd[r<B LS 722, Ma 3#XTXT MD 420) 1. secret, mystery: pl.es. xn©nB 'TX"I3 bblM He speaks with deep secrets [lit. mysteries of secrets] Bo 95:2; ib. 96:4; nynx 'n the secrets of the earth ib. 120:30; ftf-in 'H "?3 all the mysteries of sorcery ib. 82:6; 7:13; det. '©'3 'P evil mysteries i'A. 2:7; X"P 'Vl ]'T this one is a revealer of secrets San 31a(30); ]nX?i 'niTT his secrets are revealed Sab 156a(37); pa'a Tim his secrets are concealed ib. 41; 'a'nm '03 'TXT "Wy nn'3 lini'V'X 'TBJ'1 with these twelve concealed, sealed, and guarded mysteries Bo 80:8; 2. mystery [a type of spell]: sg. xm XIO'X pn pm
'n 1068 om this spell and mystery are prepared Bo 3:1; XP Tin /fc 8:13; 15:8; 71:1; 82:1; 84:1; 133:6 Lit: Tel 125; Y: X';n San 31a(30; BAYTN 8). Tl vb. to cause damage (4- X'PB, 'P; Sy rcM etpe. to waste away LS 723) Af.: IPBl X'B 'JXW nDB water is different since it damages a wound Yev 120b(24); ib. 47b(41) 'n adj. violent (4- V'P) sg.f. x'pa xn xma xn this refers to (a case of) mild (wind), that to a violent (wind) Tan 3b(36); 'jrx1? X'P XID'B violent rain (is beneficial) for trees ib. 45; 19b(10) DTI vb. to indicate (metath. < i VtBI; 4- XBP; BH DP HAL 1129) Pe.: 'JBT '3 SVO 3JO '2-nn xntrairn xrw j'm tap xnw p D'Txn xp tara onsan cava novo nynra n1? p'anpa therefore (Scripture) wrote (the word) "OiW twice [v. Lev 25:9] concerning the Jubilee year, indicating that we sanctify it both in the Jubilee year and in the Sabbatical year by the blowing of the shofar on the Day of Atonement Anan 11:24; ib. 17:26; 29:13; 31:18; 75:18; 100:6; 101:23; 115:20; AnanSch 15:14; ib. 20:15; 22:9; "XH3 DXP'B xin xraaxi nnaV pnajn xneran to indicate by this that the oil which we prepare for circumcision is of a nut Anan 87:7 NET"), N»NT1 n.m. indication (4- Vdp) sg. xaXP D'TX"1 xp /l/iaw 63:3; ib. 66:6; 10 N3irl"1 n.m. open place (< BH aim Yeivin, BV 907, HAL 1131; JPA XTPpT X3im DJPA 520) sg. XnaT naim the open place of the town Ber 62a(44; P) N"?'m n.m. ewe (TA x5rn TJ Is 53:7) sg. xtan x"?Tn na 'ewe daughter of a ewe' [i.e. Rachel, the wife of R. Akiva, the descendant of Rachel, wife of Jacob] Ke/63a(18; V5) Y: X^'rn Ket ib. Nnavn 4- xnam n. fm 4- Vi#ym vb. p'rn adj. far, distant, n.m. far-off one (4- Vpni; TA XT-IP TO Dt 30:11, Sy <. A ; ui LS 725, Ma P'HXT MD 418) I. adj.: sg.m. p'm 'X if he is far away San 94a(8); KpTll X'OX a distant doctor BQ 85a(52); f. Xp'm ]miX1 XB<')(1)03 J'JTIX our company is pleasant and our journey is far Suk 52a(54); Ket 67b(46); TGAs28 206b:7; XTDn xnp'm a distant place 7/G#arA: 112:4; ib. 228:12; //P 9:22; pl.m. p TariO'X xta 'p'm 'BytJ farfetched reasons which we did not understand TGHark 39:5; ]'3'"lp"n I'p'rm (charms) which are far and near 5o 90a: 1; II. n.: pl.m. 3Ppl X2T"13 'p'rn he brought the far-off ones near first Meg 12a(19); Mak 7a(2) Y: Xj7'nn Meg ib.(BAYTN 168). Dm vb. to love, have compassion, give suck (4- xarna, xnuarna, xam, xmarn, 'am, mam, xnam; Sy >uo-i LS 723, Ma Dm MD 426) Pe. to love: xVi r\-h o'nm ixa1? x1? xrn wrx itvV x1? n,l7 'JX01 ]XaV a person should not sit in judgment either for one whom he loves or for one whom he hates Ket 105b(17); ib. 20; Ber 55b(42) // Ned 40a(19); Yev 118b(34); pan DTP! one who loves the scholars Sab 23b(37); Meg 15b(51); Tarn 32a(31); vfr XJB'm in'TlJI I love both of them San 89b(41); Naz 13a(28); Bo 71:3 Pa. 1. to have compassion, have mercy: a. alone: xarna xp x"? xm xarna xp xma 'a: rmbv Solomon also (determined which one was the true mother), since this one was compassionate, and that one was not compassionate Mak 23b(43); b. w. "V, ta upon s.o.: nOB'ta X15?"1 XT n'V 'lama xn xmatan xts may it be (His) will that he be handed over to the government and they will not have mercy upon him Ber 56a(52; F); pn by 3X3 'X1?}/ Q'ma he has compassion for me like a father for a son San 72b(5); X'BW ]a 'mVy lB'mi Xin they had mercy upon him from heaven BQ 91a(38); ib. 116a(25); DmB xp X'UJ/X na orna xp x"7 xnai xinn'x"'! rna"' you have compassion for a poor person, and do you not have compassion for me? MQ 28a(50); o'm<a) 'aim 'bj isyx nn 'jax oman <i)<'ixa one who has mercy on freemen will certainly also have mercy on a slave Git 12a(37); Anan 14:18; ib. 37:10; Dec 9:11; 2. w. dir. obj. to give suck (of an animal for its young) [MH BIP pi. J 1467]: 'tt ix 'aim1? 'rvr»n tVixt xa'TTixi xn xarna x1? rwt xta xarna nn where it had (previously) given birth, we suspect that (the Nam 1069 Nwrn animal) will give suck (to another's child). Or perhaps it will give suck to its own, but it will not give suck to one that is not its own Bek 24a(17); /A.'24b(7) N»m n.m. friend (4- VDm pe. part.det., XTliam; TA 'mam pi. TO Gen 26:26, Sy rd^uoi LS 724, Ma xanx-l MD 419, mng. a) sg. X131 Xinn XSap ia X33T V'J?31 XXBp n'ami a certain man whose friend (was named) Qamsa and whose enemy (was named) Bar Qamsa Git 55b(53); ]XB n'1? p'oa rvarna xwa x'd(i>cid "V itxt does one who has an evil horse make it ascend upon another (to trample him)? AZ 4a(36) [v. TGHark 85:23]; pi. 'nX X1? 'JVT3 a3X 'ami TIX xmin 33X 'am X"?1 at the doorway of a tavern, there are brothers and friends. At the gate of a prison there are no brothers and no friends Sab 32a(ll; Ar [AC 2:4]) [I xarna] On Sab ib., cf.: rdJ^a-uH i^w \ \,n rcll»:i re" *n vn o-iro rcLi_\, i<A om rOijrc'o that is the true friend, who when friends and brothers forget you, he does not forget you [Afrem, quoted in Nold, Gr § 341]; Y: rrarn Gil ib. NJTI»rn n.f. love, friendship (4- VDm, 'am; Sy rc'^o^a_u4 LS 724, Ma xmanxi MD 419) sg. □max"! n'mam Abraham's love (of God) BB I6a(25); n'VnV oir:iij:ixT xmam PN's friendship for him ISGF 21:15; TGAs27 33:16 'Hm n.m.pl. love, prayer, supplication, mercy (■i'VorP; TA 'am TJ Jer 16:5, Sy Kl^uui LS 724, Ma xanx-l MD 419, mng. b, c) 1. love: 'am rr"? lim '33X X13T 'ami X13X xaXT a father's love is to (his) son, and the son's love is to the sons that he begot Sot 49a(49); 2. mercy: cs. IXp'ta X'BW 'BIP3 the responsa are finished by the mercy of Heaven TGHark 51:13; Bo 12:2; ib. 20:1; 44:2; 75:8; det. H'V D'X X1? 'ami one who has no mercy Bo 21:11; 'aim xai X'DX the great healer of mercy ib. 3:1; 7:2; 21:2; 'ami X3X3 a gate of mercy TGHark 189:21; 3. prayer: a. general: 'BIP3 X31B n'B;S3 lyXB mm he used to torment himself greatly in prayer Ber 30b(42); 12y 'ama lajn ta JW^Xl Elisha did everything through prayer Meg 27a(12) [expl. MH ntan ib.]; 'am una 'ai is prayer efficacious? Ber 60a(30); BM 85b(42); in:'3 'am XmtaT ]VO since the tefilla [i.e. the 'amida] is prayer Ber 26a(51); Pes H7b(i7); 'ama xaVy 'Vo 'pos mn xV no one ceased praying Ket 104a(10; MGG 872:6); 'am 'HTM many prayers Suk 52a(54); n'»m 'W'Si its [i.e. the congregation's] prayers are greater [i.e. more efficacious] AZ 4b(36); ib. 5a(6); Ber 55a(7); "5?31 'Bm mVlD all the prayers and supplications TGHark 188:31; b. in phrase X5?a 'Bm to pray [cf. Ma: X'ain X'BnXI X3 MD ib., MH2 D'arn upa J 1468]: 'am 'ya'ai xnip'n© silence and praying Ber 62a(27); ]J'J?ai ]3'taa 'am we pray and beseech Tan 12b (48); p31 Tin 'am 15?31 XTl'jyri the scholars decreed a fast day and prayed Ket 104a(2); San 64a(13); pai 1J?3 n'ta 'Bm the scholars prayed for him Yom 21a(l); lDTl'Xl IH'ta 'am '3T XJ?31 PN prayed for them and they were healed Hag 3a(17); 'JT31 V't nom "]'iyD3X 'am go (and) pray for yourself because you have sinned Ned 77b(12); Ber 6a(21); ib. 31b(48); Sab 89b(29); Tan 8b(21); ib. 23a(54); Meg 7b(22); Ket 62b(37); BM 84a(52); San 64a(20); Hul 59b(33); ib. 92a(44); Nid 66a(40); Anan 37:21; AnanMann lr:8; 4. supplication: 'Bn*n 'pIDSB in one of the verses of supplication Ber 5a(3) [fol. by Ps 31:7; cf: I'Bn-frx p'OXIS piyyutim of supplication SRSG 343b: 1]; 'am Tiywa in a time of supplication ib. 29a(30); 'BnTJ X3X3 a section of a supplication prayer TGHark 189:21 Y: 'DTP Ber 5a(3; BAYTN 102). N3»m n.m. the Merciful One (i.e. God; 4- VDm; ofApm Ah 9i, ta x5ann to Ex 34:6, JPA niam det. DJPA 522, Sy rCL^ui LS 724, Ma xaxanxi MD 419, MH2 iamn J 1468; cf. Akk remenu CAD R 258 [said of gods]) a. general: sg. 3D"? XJam Tayn ta whatever the Merciful One does is for good Ber 60b(55); CIS ta XaJl •'•ip XJam xnJ'XPI on the edge of a roof (even) a thief calls out (in prayer) to the Merciful One ib. 63a(33); mrj 'ami 'nVW '3n3 'W the priests are the messengers of the Merciful One Qid 23b(8); a'JV XD'n xaami where does the Merciful One dwell? Ber 48a(5); 'am 'ami msa ri^ipai ]xai H'"? T'l the Merciful One will judge the one who belittles the Merciful One's commandments Anan 12:23; ib. 6:20; 13:23; Pes 39a(27); RH 18b(39);
xriarn 1070 i#prn b. in blessings: XJIS'n 'XT! n'")B XJBm "]'"13 blessed is the Merciful One, the Master of this bread Ber 40b (24); "|3,T X*?1 p Tp,m X3Bm 712 NnDyV blessed is the Merciful One, who consigned you to us and did not consign you to the earth ib. 54b(53); c. in requests: "pDTV X38m txtirvh may the Merciful One remember you for well-being Sab 12b (13); XJljn 'XnB pvb XJBm may the Merciful One save me from this opinion Sab 84b(5); Ket 45b(10); 5g 65b(37); XJBm 'B'BH XB10'3B ]3T,iy,,7 may the Merciful One save me from the shame (caused by the questions) of PN Tan 9b(6); p'J/3Cn '3'n '3 T,y30'J WBm may the Merciful One satisfy you just as we were satisfied ib. 24a(14); n'V'f? yyfo KM1 may the Merciful One make you worthy for his own [i.e. the world to come] iSGF 111:14; XJllVl WX"1 pOBl XH xaam nnw the Exilarch-may the Merciful One guard him-decided the case TGHark 276:22; d. esp. in transferred mng. for the Torah, viz. (the word of) the Merciful One, w. var. vbs.: l) Viax pe.: warn nax n»a nrna the Merciful One said: nfrB nVna [Ex 12:4] Pes 90a(35); RH 13a(20); Suk 25a(19); Qid 9b(23); BQ 3a(44); rwsi x-ioai m»a n^apa1? 'am 'ax xpi 'xn X^Dp1? the reason that the Merciful One says to kill him [i.e. the rapist] is because she is willing to be killed [lit. she gives over her life to killing] San 73b(24); Ket 37b(ll); Sot 2b(4); BQ 83b(47); 2) VlDX pe.: 'am 1DXT T"JH O'Xy trees of idolatry which the Merciful One prohibited Pes 27b(2); Yev 44a(28); Hul 115a(15); 3) V2#'"71 pa.: X'nna 'am 'Vl am the Merciful One revealed the meaning in that case Pes 75a(16); Sab 27a(6); Naz 42a(5); Hul 99a(l); 4) V'lH pe.: 'am H"m Xm'B the Merciful One completely rejected him Pes 92b(16); 5) V'3T pe.: XpT J"5?X n'lm 'am n'V '3T even though the Merciful One allows him to take (temporary) possession within it BM 10b(3); ib. 92b(14); il/en 22a(l); 6) Voin pe.: in'ty XJam on the Merciful One cared about them [i.e. the animals] San 55a(39); Pes 92b(14); Qid 35b(2); BQ 110a(22); Kar 10b(23); 7) Vara pe.: np33 'am 3713 'XT if the Merciful One had (only) written np33 [Dt 14:26] Er 27b(13); Pes 71a(41); Yev 55a(47); ^Z 75b(28); XlBm 31JDJ XBTB in let the Merciful One write one specification BQ 54a(12); Pes 23a(31); Yev 4a(35); Mak 18a(3); Nid 32b(7); 8) Vtjya pa.: XJ»m B'JfB the Merciful One excluded Yom 7ib(53); 9) Vtfpi af: xaam nwpx xro'jn 'xaVi fwb concerning what law did the Merciful One compare it to a creeping thing? Sab 83b(35); 10) V-IDS pe.: nntJD XJBm DUX the Merciful One released (from obligations) one under duress AZ 54a(l 1); 11) VlVs pe.: 'am mra'jBl X3B/ 'XB why did the Merciful One divide them? Qid 32b(53); 12) Vips af: xaarn mpsx mpsx pran xn '3 D'jn3n l'nx '311? the Merciful One has declared Aaron's treasury completely ownerless with regard to his priestly brethren Yom 51b(10); 13) Voap pe.: rp"\-\rb morn '3'n '3 moapn xin 'ami it is the Merciful One who punished him so that he should guard his ox BQ 15a(34); 14) Visp pe.: XJam TSp XV XB1T nanDX the Merciful One is not particular about small dishonor San 73b(28); 15) ^-\p pe: xnxixax n'-intxi x-nna1? 'am n"ip XBB'1 the Merciful One summoned the light and put it in charge over the commandments of the daytime Pes 2a(23); 16) V'3T pa.: 'ami Xin ]"ya n"3"1 (the nose is) a source, and the Merciful One included it (concerning the zav) Nid 55b(36); 17) V'BT pe.: rrVy njmu? 'am xan the Merciful One imposed an oath upon him BQ 107a(10); 18) V'w pa.: xaam n"w nina "7113 pxn ny nxaiD the Merciful One made the uncleanness of an 'am ha'aretz pure on a festival Hag 26a(34); 19) Vntf pe.: n""1B/ X3am X©3n the Merciful One permitted honey (to be eaten) Bek 7b (9) Lit: Bacher 207; Greenfield, Brinner Vol 381+; Voc: warn HPP 222:18; Y: Xjnrn BAYTN 230; KMITJ Ber 55b(20). [Knuarn I xmarn n.] Xnani n.f. love (4- Vom; TA n6m cs. TJ Hos 3:1, Sy K'&^a.on LS 724, Ma XTOXm MD 426) sg. omsxT n'namV m"? voxa wf?m on 'lfrn perhaps, heaven forbid, He will forget Abraham's love BB 16a(25) [P1: rPTYiarnb]; 1'XlBm mn '3 XT'Ty when our love was intense San 7a(32); Tl XJiam the secrets of love Bo 30:3 l#Tm vb. to trust (JPA ym DJPA 522, Akk rahasu C CAD R 74) Pe., pass.part. [w. by in 2#ym i s.o.]: n,!?y X:rm H XnSU the man in whom I trust San 7a(30) Itpe. id.: ]Wby fmnai one who trusts in them BB 91b(25) 2# ynt vb. to bathe, flood (< BH, MH I'm HAL 1138, J 1468) Pe.: fniKb 3'nB he is required to bathe Anan 43:7 [expl. BH D'B3 yrni Lev 16:27]; n'WBJ ynXIT he bathes himself ib. 10; 5; 27:13 The original A rt. is ym [v. HAL ib., w. lit.]. For the uncertain phrase: T'm 'ffl my house is flooded (?) Bo 125:5, v. Muller- Kessler-Kwasman, Bowl 163. pm vb. to be far away, distant, removed (I pma adj., Xpnn, p'm; Sy ^dljot LS 725, Ma pnt MD 427) Pe. (/a): pmn x"?T '3'H '3 so that you will not have to go far away Tarn 27b(37) Pa. 1. to put farther away: xnT «n 'BXB Ol fans ''jItVt'? lnxi in1? p'pma (if) when the new month (of Nisan) arrives we put them farther away (from Passover by intercalating a second Adaf), they are apt to treat (the laws of) homes with contempt San 12b (46); 2. to distance, move away, remove: 'pim 'S?3 X1? pTl mitfB he does not have to move the soak water (for flax) away from the vegetables BB 18b(14); TGAs28 32b:17; ib. 199b: 10; X3HB Wpm^n ,n:"132;!7 VV> 'B'l let us tell our [lit. their] captors to remove us [lit. them] from here Git 45a(46); ib. 74a(37); Qid 50a(37); noaan p in nana p pnV p'pmai nana n"713T Xnnu?a3 we remove them from the camp one-eighteenth of the length of the whole camp Anan 30:20; Zev 113a(21); 'XI XpmB X1? X3"lpB x"7 Xpma (an unclean animal) does not distance (its newborn young), and if it distances (them) it does not bring (them) close (again) Sab 128b(36); Anan 28:15; pass.part. 4- pma Af. to distance: Xn3 "b 'p'mx Xm have I not, in fact, distanced what is mine according to the law [i.e. a distance of four cubits]? BB 26a(29; M) Itpa. 1. to be far away: pWPXI TlJUtfX 'BJN3 'XB 'SB mV Ipm'XT ... X3n iy"31 IS^BB why were they permitted (to eat meat)? Because they were far away from the sanctuary. Even more so in this case when they were farther away [i.e. in exile] Hul i6b(45); mm n3 xi'x mn xVt xran^ pmrrxi he went far away to a place where there was no 3D1 Torah [i.e. the people were unlearned] I$GF 79:11; 2. to be removed: yianirm ynorx"'n mox n'mm n'n'3 p lipm'ni may you be securely bound, sealed, and removed from the house and dwelling (of PN) Bo 79:2; ib. 3:2; 11:6; 12:3; n'n'3 fa iipm'iii pann'm piyn may you pass away, be sealed, and be far away from his house ib. 5:1; ]'T ]B p jlpm'1 let them be far away from one another HMGas 94:20 $m vb. to creep, move, generate vermin, take place (I x#m; Sy xjot LS 726, Ma »m MD 427) Pe. 1. to creep: X5?1X Vy wmi) V'TXn lyt n'TT n"7333 J/iaBV TDX Vib it is not forbidden to touch its [i.e. of the yiP] carrion until it grows up and creeps on the ground Anan 55:3; ib. 9; 10; 2. to move: ]'pS3 DX 1"5?'3 XJXniB n3 D'XT nX'1 '©3 1'tt/mi we examine a lung in which there are parasitic worm(s). If they go out and move it is ritually permitted HP 205:9; XDU3 XtfnTJ XmT7 for a spirit which moves in the body HM 37:5 Pa. to move (of the lips): n'miB'E; \DVrta Men 63a(i3); 'aVj/3 in'mis'» 'a/ma xp 'it/im xaVii perhaps their lips [i.e. of the dead] are merely moving San 90b(36; F2); ib. 67b(35; F2); Tan 22b(18); Meg 27b(40); Hag 3a(17) Af. to generate vermin: »Vnai IV X:p'3ir;i x"?3X X'XIXI I shall leave it alone until it generates vermin, and (the animal) will come (and) eat it San 108b(46; MGG 173:1]) [Ed: tftflB]; JOTIX HG3 190:23 [of eggs] Itpe. (e) w. X0'3 to happen or occur (of a miracle) [w. "V for s.o.]: X0'3 n'1? tt;'mn'X a miracle occurred for him Ber 28a(4); H'Tn mn 'X "p vrmno mn XO'J "p 'ir/imri'X1? had you been worthy for a miracle to have occurred for you, it would have occurred for you BM 106a(52; V22); Ber 53b(31); Sab 33b(31); Meg 7b(24); Yev 115a(6); Git 45a(43); AZ 17b(36); San 95a(39); rG^26'77b:ll Geon. expl. [Pa.]: rvnam tobw niBnn xnns'o '»<i>mii inn TGWeisz 80b:6. i#Kfi>rn 4 Kisnn n. [2# Ntfrn 4- xisin n.] 3B1 vb. to be soft, moistened (4- 3'B1; Sy .-i\,i LS 726, Ma 3BT to become soft MD 432) Pe.: 71
a'tn 1072 Mian nman xn'ynx a'tnn 15; rrwnx nan tasn he pours out: pours (the bowls of water) on his head until the bottom of his skull becomes soft Ket 77b(21; MGG 226:4) [Fr: X"snn] Itpe. to be moistened: 3DTB '3D 'ta'Bn nB3 xaVy the more (the abyss) rises the more the world is moistened Suk 53b(9; Ed) 2'BT adj. moist, wet, n. moist object, pasture (i V3OT; TA 3'OT TJ Ezek 17:24, Sy ^ A . \j LS 726, Ma X3'DXn MD 420) I. adj. 1. moist: sg.m. xrtrr? xwy\ xw'3n xs'ot a wet (medicine is effective) for a dry (sore), and a dry one for a wet one AZ 28b(26); Bes 33a(ll) [i l#xnrn]; Pes 42b(4) [ginger]; HP 190:5; 5a« 93a(49); f. 'n^3'3 xn 'n3'OT3 X,n this (refers) to a moist one, that to a dry one Ber 36b(49) [peppercorn] // Yom 81b(31); Git 69b(28) [camomile]; pl.m. 'SB3 Jin'inn J'3'OT (the husband and wife) are too 'moist' (preventing conception) TGHark 37:11; f J'3 XnX3'OT 'ta'K/ nytn J'31 'BTtT moist ears of grain, whether of wheat or of barley HG1 280:77; 2. wet: pl.f. D"D1 n'yna J3'OTna n'lXOB (one who) puts on his shoes while his feet are wet Pes lllb(37); xnX'SIBn nmroi nnX3'OT moist and dry skin lesions HM 38:3; II. n. 1. perh. moist object: sg.m. ni'ta nTDm 'V XOBn X3'OTV (if) they raised the moist object, ... in its place Er 40b(32; RaH) [translation conjectural; mng. uncertain; v. AC 7:293]; 2. pasture, meadow: sg.m. 'XTO X3'OT3 7b I put it [i.e. the horse] out to pasture San 105b(4) // Ber 7a(22) // AZ 4b(5) Y: SO'Cn Git ib.fBAYTN 238). ]V~\ vb. to mumble, murmur (I XlDn; Sy A,i LS 726, Ma JOT MD 432) Pe.: X1?! X2/11BX J'DXn J'UXnn '"'XB'' 3?T the magian priest mumbles (a charm), and he does not know what he is mumbling Sot 22a(7) Lit: Greenfield, Finkel Vol 63+; Ros, IT 7223. 'T interj. word used in an incantation ,T13© n 'T Tl nna ^Z 12b(22) // Pes 112a(26) Krnan, pi.abs. pian, iNian, cs. 'an, det. NDNia'T num. ten thousand, myriad (V331; Sy o^bj, pi. K'&A-iH LS 707, Ma JX311 MD 428) sg. ni'B' JB Xn33'm n'taBP JB XSta a thousand on his left and ten thousand on his right Ber 6a(9; P) [O: XQ^X Xn2/y]; pi.abs. ]113'n ynvtf 600,000 Hul 7a(42); Git 57a(29); J'sVx '5/31X1 jnwy J113'n 2,400,000,000 AW 50b(38); J'jratf nxa JX13'n J'sVx y3Wl 17,700,000,000 Bo 64:11; cs. jrnn 'an 'an countless myriads San 39a(37); det. XriXian no@in 110,000 San 26a(47); xnxian no@'tai 130,000 ib. 46; xman nxa nta 3,000,000 Pes 62b(26) Lit: Eps, Gr 128; Y: xmri Ber ib.(BAYTN 330). N'la'"], XTS'T. n.m. incision, scratch (etym. unkn.; I Xrisnri) sg. xrf?'013n Kian incision of a scalpel MQ 28a(37) [Var: XnS'n OHT Sab 6:4]; &r& 129a(41); to/ 39b(13); Sa« 93b(40; F2); /IZ 27a(44); pi. 'TlV'DlDT nan 'in AW 67a(7) Geon. expl.: W3' ffi 13T OHP Sab 74:12; expl. Ar: no'io 103 1OT yxi& 1K1X3 l»Wn tnw AC 4:275; Y: KTTH Sab ib. N'Jia'T n.m. larger amount, amplification (< MH 'tan Yeivin, BV 960; I Vl# 'an pa., mng. 5) 1. larger amount: sg. X'13'n jrya J13nn3 in (the case of) a Rabbinical injunction we require a larger amount (of permitted food) Yev 82a(32); ib. 82b(5); 2. amplification or extension of the applicability of a term in an exegetical framework [caique < MH '13'n J 1472; * 4- XDiy'B mng. 3]: sg. Xin X'13'n "WX (the word) nfX [Dt 21:3] is an amplification Sot 46a(45); xin X'i3n ta 'nan xan tai xin x'ian "jnam tai (the phrase) ^nana-tai [Dt 5:14; * ^narai Ex 20:10] is an amplification. Is wherever (Scripture) writes Va an amplification? BQ 54b(38); ib. 63a(12); Nid 33a(35); X'13'n IX'an 'Xin xn'ri' (the word) 1X'3n [Lev 23:17] was an amplification: addition Zev 57b(ll) [double rdg.]; Men 78a(9); Xnpn X'13n an (implied) amplification of the biblical verse BQ 104b(41); Zev 13b(22); Sot 17a(24); pi. 'Biy'BI "13n 'WT! (PN and PN2) expound (biblical verses according to) amplifications and limitations Er 27b(42); Naz 34b(20); BQ 117b(44); Suk 50b(29); Sot 16b(l); Qid 21b(27); "13n nr two amplifications BQ 78a(8) Lit: Bacher201 [mng. 2]; Y: mifSab 131a(27; BAYTN 259). *Ui3n, N3ian n.m. teacher, master (^33n; 4-XSn; TA j'tan TO Ex 23:17, Sy ^ < M LS 707) sjna'l 1073 t : 1. teacher: sg.abs. det. 'ap bytb Jin'J?3 '3 'ap^ iV(i)ciy mm j'n'ana xnp'ya io<i)nj jiaaian n'ais1? irn jiamnn n'ap jwari' 'ai jiaaian J13313nn when you want to come into the presence of your teacher, first recite our Mishna and then come before your teacher. When you sit in the presence of your teacher, look at your teacher's mouth Kar 6a(8) [Var: Jiaan FM]; KM13n TGHark 156:27 [ref. to the Gaon]; TGAs42 52:15; 2. lord, master: sg.abs. 3D J13n a good Lord Tan 24b(34) [M2: X3D Mian]; det. n'Vo "tby\ n'iian Master of the entire world Git 57a(18); BM 86a(42); [...] tan Jiman 5o 27:3 [a demon] Y: rniT-l Git ib.(BAYTN 262). NjrWI n.m. square (I V3#J?3n; cf. Sy K'&n-.LA-j-a-i LS 709) sg. xyi3n3 xnax ta XJIoa'jXS '2;ain nm xnax the diagonal in every square of (a side of) one cubit, is 1 2/5 cubits Er 57a(21) [+ //'s; 4- XJIDa^X]; Er 14b(6); 1113 xtalj? Xtaiy lia X5?13n ... Xjrnn a circle (inscribed) within a square, a square (inscribed) within a circle Suk 8a(4); ib. 21; Er 76b(4); J13nn X3713'n the square of the scholars ib. 23b(17; MAr [AC 7:246]) [v. comms. ad loc] Y: Kyan BB 27a(6; BAYTN 259). Nri'an, KTVan n.f. interest, usury (4- Vl#'3n; TA Xil'in TO Lev 25:37) a. general: sg. X^ta xn'ann a general rule of interest BM 63b(29); ib. 65a(8); 13; 19; 71b(5); Tern 6b(21); b. w. V«JT' pe., af: *\"[vb xVi iTnna j'aiVn wrxb xm Xn'3n3 a man prefers to sell his daughter (as a maidservant) and not to borrow on interest Ara 30b(27; O4) // Qid 20a(50); San 25a(16); xam xno'3 ja 'oaan xnan3 jirsinxi to lend them money on interest which is hidden from people HP 50:3; ib. 49:29; AnanSch 27:28; c. w. Vtax pe.: xn'sn nan nna "?'ax xp your son is taking interest BM 69b(19) [cf. Ma X'"?13,n X'tax MD 16, Akk hubullu kaspi ikkal he will have the interest on the silver CAD A/1 252]; Ara 22a(28); pi. xnx'3n na "7'ax xp BM 73a(31; TGAs42 25:25) Voc: nn;3T HPP 70:21; XJTri VTM 92; Y: Xn'3'1 San ib.(BAYTN 198). KJ73'"! num. quarter (I V3#J?3n, X'ain num., xnysn; TA nysn TJ 2K 6:25, Sy r^s ->c,-\ LS 709) a. general: sg. ln'l'a X5?3'n ta remove one quarter from them [i.e. the measurements of the city] Er 56b(29); xyan n n'xn xsnxa xita (if one owns half a field and sold) 'half in a field which belongs to me,' (he sold him) one quarter [i.e. a half of a half] BB 62b(32); V»sn X3'H XJ?3'n where (the grain) had grown a quarter RH I3a(28); 3',t m'xi xrfjins '3n' xata '"?ian Xya'ns everyone gives (land in tenantship) for a third (of the yield), and he gives for a quarter BM 103b(22); Xn3Wn X3?3'n a quarter of the increase in value BM 109b (10); Tan 12b(48); Meg 30b(14); Kar 10b(33); XJiaan XJ?3n '31 three- quarters [lit. (one) less a quarter] of the money Ket 21a(7); BB 57a(6); pl.cs. x'J'B 'jran xn'jn three-quarters of a mile Sab 34b(37); b. of weights: sg. niun1? 'j/3 nsVn naa xn»'3n xjnn how much milk is required to cook a quarter (of a litra) of meat? Hul 110a(8); Bes 29a(4); X5?3'n xnnsaisn xyann a sixteenth [lit. a quarter of a quarter] (of a weight) of GN Sab 79a(35) // Git 22a(36) II BM 105b(24); c. of measures [cf. MH n'yan J 1443]: sg. nxilr^a X3p XV3n a quarter of a qab of GN Pes 48a(37); X'lb'l1? xyan llta an eighth [lit. half of a quarter] (of a log of urine) for (one who drank) uncovered water Sab 109b(33); pl.cs. Xn3'P 'y3n jnn two quarter (logs) of s.-beverage Er 29b(16); d. of a zuz: sg. Xy3'n X'ln naa mta how much is (an offering of) poverty? A quarter (of a zuz) [i.e. sixteen perutot] Kar 10b(24); pi. 'jnn nXB one hundred quarters (of a zuz) Seel (Eps, St2 443:10) Voc: Kjbi HGP 3a:38; Y: Xpi Ber 44b(35; BAYTN 128). Nniin n.f. lust (Vim; Sy K'^i LS 710) sg. xmi'TI xmm '13 children of lust and prostitution Bo 78:10 N^l'"% N^IT n.f. leg, foot, festival (archaic and dialectal [mng. 1]; 1 xtan na, l#Xni'l; TA X?in TO Num 22:25, Sy rdl\i f. LS 712; mng. 2: < MH "?in, "tan Yeivin, BV 832, J 1449; JPA tan DJPA 516) 1. leg, foot: a. general: sg. X'tan ny 'Xmannn Xtan until the gatherers of the t.-plant leave (the field) Sab 21b(17) [lit. their leg is
Niaan 1074 i#xtjnn finished; cf. MH2 pwn p bit nblTVO IV Sab 2ib(i6)]; ynon x1? -^m x'as "rrm rrya ax if you want to walk upon water so that your foot will not sink HM 45:18; ib. 44:13; pi. fjyiQl WJ'X "12 mVrn one who has shoes on his feet is Gust) a human being Sab 152a(25); "131 VTfrn mrv ft™ ianV 'jrnn»i "inx1? ma-p-iy px wjx a person's feet are his surety. They transport him to the place where he is sought (at his death) Suk 53a(23); ]T\i "Ql tfbil pm Xp PN's legs are pushing [i.e. it is his time to succeed you] MQ 28a(46); nX1.T> laxil X1H XTT31 Wbira (the D'Slltf) resemble each other in their feet and paws Anan 57:2; najn "Vim nan 'Vim 'T 'TO'X W31 the hands and feet of the men and women who did evil are tied Bo 55:6; ib. 70:7; b. legal: sg. MVSn "pi! nb y^DX lift up your right leg towards her Yev 39b(35) [4- V2#y"?B af.]; pi. 13 XpW3 mVn "?y "pn» mn when he was walking around on his feet outside BB 154a(20) [in a legal text]; S$Hai 8b(9); SSSad 213:6; c. in a fig. sense: X'VBm IvrVn yopB X31Sn the A.-plant 'cuts off' the legs of the evildoers [i.e. convicts them] Bes 25b(7); Xj?n vrfan TUTlXXp I have cut off the child's legs [i.e. I have bested the argument of my younger opponent] Mei 7b (17); 2. festival: a. general: 1) in BT: sg. p'JHp X1? xVma Vbxn 'M^ xVl ... XM'T we do not set a subpoena for those attending the festival on the festival BQ 113a(26); Bek 60a(8) [Rashi: Sabbath before the festival]; 3T "13 X371 Xion 31 xmcn xnxpix uxi xVn1? 'Vtx mn '3 xnn when PN and PN2 came to the festival (at the Exilarch's house) they used to sleep on the alluvial ground of GN 5mA: 26a(16); xVm 7? n".TO he retained it [i.e. s.-beverage] until the festival Ket 100b(38); pi. nm XJlVn mntt? he delayed her for three festivals Yev 122a(l) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; AZ 56b(15); Hul 77a(10); 2) in Geon. lit.: sg. x"?m 31 m the festival of the be rav iSGF 92:6; ib. 93:10 [of the Nasi]; pi. XJlX'iym nm mV yapi n"ittn xymm xnxiVi 'wnV xVx i"in x"ri mi3 xm1?! BPTT xVm1? he established for himself festivals and fast days which were (previously) only for the Exilarchs and in GN and placed the rigla of the Exilarch in it iSGF 90:19; iA. 91:11; 93:5; b. in phrase xhm Xrav Sabbath of the rigla, perh. the Sabbath of (during or preceding?) the festival: sg. m xVim 'men xidit nai nana xpTaV 'j?dj mm iVxai xnwy '3 •'siaa pn and PN2 used to gather ten people on the Sabbath of the rigla, pray the tefilla, and then go out to the public lecture Ber 30a(51; F); XX13P3 VDK 31 HpTSb p'D3 mn xVim PN used to go out to the public lecture on the Sabbath of the rigla ib. 52; x"?im Xri32?3 Htffbi W~\ '3 Xrin '3 when I was at the Exilarch's house on the Sabbath of the rigla ib. 50a(36); xm©3 nn -won mn '3 xncm na xVim when they used to carry PN on their shoulders on the Sabbath of the rigla Yom 87a(5) // San 7b(33); Bes 25b(41); MQ 5a(54); Men 37b(44);5e£44b(10) Geon. expl.: D'yaip Vm mx tow dv u"n 'X-naxi 'ton -pn to 'Tatoi o'xapno bv wix yiaws nwa niw nai mas'? imx dw na'w a'Pin1? oyn nx» oy nap °?y D'xai ra'ao 'ran D'osn OHT Yev 241:12 [mng. 2a]; Lit: Beer, BE 129+ [mng. 2]; Brody, Geonim 81 [mng. 2b]; Y: xto") Sab 21b(17; BAYTN 128). NSJ'l n.m. stone (used for stoning a person; 4- VOJ-I) pi. VT"T» in"an IIP they threw away their stones from their hands Qid 70b (32) NJ/J'1 nm- moment (<BH, MH ySn Yeivin, BV 822, J 1450; JPA nj/PI det. DJPA 516) sg. Xp 'D nm Xp xym nm (God) is only angry for a moment ^Z 4b(25) // Ber 7a(26; MGN 415:1); Xym nn 7/G//arA: 171:33; 7/G4.y27 27:22; TGAs42 67:4 NB>}'"! n.m. movement (4- V^n; Sy Kli^j feeling LS 713) sg. ipsi lap KVV~\ bp iyatt7 they heard the sound of a movement, got up, (and) went out Meg 29a(29); ib. 30; {(<T0irjH x"7p J?aK/ xa^X3 X2/P*Kn) he heard a sound of movement in the marsh BM 86a(32; F1); X»(r>(nn "?p yau/ Pes lllb(18;TGAs42 164:11) Y: NWin Meg ib.(BAYTN 128). 1#KBiT1 n.m. running, path (i Vom; TA xSnn'fj 2S 18:27[Var], Sy kI^^t LS 716, Ma 1# XDXn[X]"l, XOnn MD 418, 433) 1. running: sg. XtWH XpTDT xnJX the reward of (attending) the public lecture is (for) running (to it) Ber 6b(25); 2# sunn 1075 N^nn 2. path, course: sg. XTPOT XDH'T the course of the moon Bo 106:7 Y: XBnn Be/- ib. 2# NBn'T n.m. dish made of honey and flour, etc. (etym. unkn.) sg. 'ItfSaT 'X^pm XBnn 'Xn Xna'p n'3 the r.-dish of the field workers in which they add much flour Ber 37b(13; F); 'Xn xn(')nia na '©sa i^i xTinaT XDnn the r.-dish of the town in which much flour is not added ib. 15(P) Geon. expl.: XTpp fan mm 'in '3'n x'jprni nnnoi kbhh 'xn na^i n^io ia j'S'oio Dnss Vw wai ia tb'oto nnnaa yaeaa xin nay lrxi p'pio>ni xinw 'jbb xdhh mix imp TGWeisz 89b: 17; m'Xy XIinOT Hum OHP Ber 112:9, i.e. Si}-^ a thick paste of flour and clarified butter Wehr 616; Y: XB.T"! Ber ib.(BAYTN 128). T'l* n. (a measure of volume) sg. XSS tOlin the r.-measure of GN BB 90b(9; Ar [AC 7:266, s.v. 2n]) V DS, ad loc, n. I; Lit: Obermyer 2422. ri'1 vb. to smell (I l#xm, ]T\m; Sy ouui af. LS 727) Af.: a. alone: TO^p WrlX^ H'BIl Xin n'ra 'jar inxi 'B?rx 'miai wi '3 it [i.e. the spicemaker's store] itself is made for smelling, so that people will smell and will come to buy from him Ber 53a(44; F); Er 40a(14); AZ 58b(7); 1'XII miai (the Messiah) judges by smelling [lit. smells and judges] San 93b(29; F2) [v. Is 11:3]; ib. 34(F2) [He: nT»]; xmXT ni3y X'nn a certain pregnant woman who smelled (something and became ill) Yom 82b(7; L); b. w. dir. obj.: rPrTTIX he smelled it [i.e. the blood] Nid 20b(20); '3T Xn'1 mia when (the snake) smells the smell Sab 110a(33); Sot 49a(44); Hul 85b(42); X'^3 iriXI X3"?DD XaoiSXT Xnn mix Dm they came there at night, (and) he smelled the odor of the balsam like a dog San 109a(46; MGG 310:12); ]Xa 'Xn X1TIT1X nmaT one who smells an etrog Ber 43b(9); X"isy3 mi» mm Xy"t5 Xinn a certain Arab who used to smell the earth (to determine which direction to follow) BB 73b(38) On af.-forms of l\-y rts. conjugated as \-ylw forms, v. Eps, Gr 91+. l#Nrn, cs. nn, pi. »an»*l n.m. smell, odor, pi. spices (I Vm; TA xfin TO Gen 27:27, Sy Kluui, pi. r^; ij iH LS 727, Ma xnn, pi. X'ax.TI MD 432) 1. smell: sg.cs. XJVD mi the smell of bread BB 91b(16); T3y Xnn1? IX1?! H'O "?3 anything which is not made for an odor Ber 53a(42); ib. 38; XW Dl"?3 X*71 xnn smell is nothing [i.e. it has no essence] Pes 76b(4); AZ 66b(9); xn'T T^ia Xpn it produces smell (of the incense) Bes 23a(2); mm D'OS its smell is pleasant Men 74a(36); Suk 13a(l) [i MO adj., mng. 4]; xnan xnan n'ayDi x"?n' mnm (if) its smell is vinegar and its taste is wine-(it is considered) wine BB 96a(8) // AZ 66b(l); Ber 40a(4i); inx nsi1? nnn x'lypi xnn1? x'B/pT avon because it can cause a (bad) smell, and a (bad) smell can cause leprosy Pes 76b(33); AZ 29a(10); Ket 61a(48) [4- xnvp mng. 1]; Pes 115b(4) [I XSp]; Sab 110a(33) [4- Vnn af.]; xnn Xri'Jirn Xinaim the smell of an unripe date Sot 49a(44); 2. pi. fragrances, spices: 'Jnm Xian 1'npS wine and spices made me better Yom 76b(17; L) // San 70a(35) // Hor 13b(17); nn 'jnn W"Q m3X 'ap1? n"? 'poa they used to bring her [i.e. a female child whose mother ate an etrog during her pregnancy] before her father as the choice fragrance Ket 61a(7); Ber 44b(15); Nid 52a(l); xnTOT 'inn spices for (adding scent to) oil OHP Ber 63:8 Voc: xfi'T HGP 42a:35; 'jnn VTM 26; Y: Xnn Ber 44b(32; BAYTN 16). [2# snn I xnn n.] Kjnn, pi. KJTlNirn n.m. mill, millstone (4- 'S Xnn, xrsia; TA xni TO Dt 24:6, Sy <<1js\, pi. k'^cujH LS 723) 1. mill: a. general: sg. Xinn rwnch rv-anb X"nn "? nilXT xnsj a certain man who leased a mill to another for grinding Ket 103a(4); ib. 13; XVn niX rent of a mill Pes 50b(37); Xm Q'piXT HX13a "13 'Xn a resident of the alley who erected a mill BB 21b(14); Git 67b(35); Bek 8b(37); X'rm Xixan the donkey of the mill MQ 10b(l); b. w. qualifier: sg. X'nns nn a hand mill Men 68a(4) [cf. Sy ^ ■ ...j r^nJfK'^ PSm 3878]; ATef 59b(26); X3mi X'm a mill (made) of gold Ber 56a(4; SM 144:5); pi. X3.m xnxin-l i&(GTBl 16:3); c. parts thereof: sg. xn-IT (n>,I73nt3S'X (uncertain) Ket 69a(42); 2. millstone [4- l#X11p3]: sg. Xnn np:a to hew
'arm 1076 apion out a millstone MQ 10a(46); ib. 49; X'lm xriBX the lower millstone Ber 18b(50; MGG 806:9) [4- 4#xn»X]; X'rm XnS'2? the edge of the millstone Bes 28b(6); XVTTI x:(1)n)0 axle of the millstone Pes 94b(15; M1) Voc: K'rn HGP 42a:25; Y: Xnn BB 2Ib(14; BAYTN 128). 'am 4- xm n. Kt#n'"l, K#m n.m. maggot, reptile (I Vtfm, 2#xn»-|; TA XMli TO Ex 16:20, Sy pdi_ui LS 726, Ma X2?m, XB/HXT MD 433, 419) 1. maggot, vermin: sg. rraxa p'si xpi xwrr-i -wri in xav one day I saw a maggot going out of his ear BM 84b(21); 'TBI XWm vermin of fruit Anan 55:11; TGDr49 95:8; 2. reptile: sg. UWa 'S1D1X1? TIX X1? XltflTH he is not apt to enlarge (the opening of the coop) because of a reptile Sab 146b(l); IX X'YTI pTBl (X2?nn "7D) IXWT iVd) a snake or any reptile which causes damage HM38:14; pi. fEtfTI ib. 15 Lit: Eps, Gr 107; Y: XCmn Sab ib.(BAYTN 129). ]rin'"l adj. sweet smelling, aromatic (4- Vm; Sy rdi^i-JAJT aromatic LS 727, rdiivjuui k'tJsojo PSm 3855) pl.m. rxjnn'V xpaio inViai x'"?ya the best of all of them [i.e. the wines] is the red aromatic one Git 70a(27) [V18: xam]; Sab 110a(32; Rashi); 'axiim '33 nV nn 'ITinx nV3XT (a woman) who eats etrogs will have sweet smelling children Ket 61a(5) NJtt'1 n.m. murmuring, jabbering (4- Vp*l; Sy ^i\,HS 726,, Ma xaon MD 433) pi. 'JDn LPT 160:37 Arab, expl.: lK"Tn ib., i.e. O1^- NSD'T n.m. (uncertain; MH man1?© 33T TKil 1:10) sg., only in ^p'Tl X33,_l ... of date palms BM 108b(35); BB 62b(ll); ib. 25; 83b(3); Ket 109b(15) Geon. expl.: vty d'jibji hs-iik1? D'on nsx ik inx -ran bis p3 ITOba 'Vpn xasn p«n vty pnoi Kimrain nt 1X3 m D'^p -K»n ty psiTO DTO °?y 'OIK GnK5 171:12; Lit: Landsberger, Date Palm 42: < Akk rikbu yearly growth, but this does not fit the BT context; Low, Flora 2:324: palm stem lying on the ground; Y: K33n BB ib.(BAYTN 129). xom 4- xdd-i KBjb'1, NttOT. n.m. horse (TA Xlfoi TJ IK 5:8, Sy rdi-oi LS 732, Ma 1#XTOX1, XEOn MD 420) pi. a. general: Bo 56:13 [in a list of animals]; b. in a fig. sense: 'BO'l '"IJ1X H331X he mounted it upon two horses Ket 55b(7) [i.e. he gave his claim double force] // 'E?3"l BB 152a(5) Geon. expl.: ... 71133-113 'TO HTllK 13'3"in TGAs42 149:26; Y: 'W3n BB ib.(BAYTN 129). N»H n.m. aurochs (< xaxn*; QA DX1 ATTM 689, TA xan TO Dt 14:5, Sy r^A^j. LS 727) sg. Dp X3'il XD,"l where did the aurochs stand? Zev 113b(19); ib. 18; nw 13 XB'Tl X^'TTIX a newborn aurochs BB 73b(6; P'Ar [AC 1:277]) // Zev 113b(21) [4- 1#X"?TT1X] Lit: HAL 1085; Y: Kan Zev ib. N'B'T. n.m. a cantillation sign representing tifxa before atnah (perh. 4- Vlff'B"! pe., pass, part.) sg. BMsG 10:15 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 106. NtlS'l n.m. signaling (4- Via-!, XT»n) sg. 1I1B x"?i xnan p "avm xp x'n xnV'a xnan xa'm X1H Dl"?D you would have said: "Signaling is consequential." He informs us: "Signaling is inconsequential" San 86b(39) Y: TO"! San ib. «:ian 4- xaisn n. Kjan n.m. hint, gesture (4- Viai, XTia'l; Ma XTB'l MD 433, Sy rc'CiwT LS 734) sg. X32?'V3 'Tanm XD'p tersely and with hints iSGF 43:6(Var); XTO'TI XITI secret and hint Bo 21:8 [cf. Ma: X'TM'TI X'TXl MD ib.] Lit: Eps, Stl 346. N0»'1 n.m. reptile (4- Voai; JPA Dai DJPA 526) sg. So 7:14 NSa'1 n.m. pick (etym. unkn.) sg. ffl'lTQl ma3 n(')nip3»l xVnST XSans he bored it with a pick of iron, and left it inside it Sab 103 a (4) Y: KXB-1 ib. NplO'l n.m. perh. belt (cf. Sy rd_o«_i»-\ chain LS 737) sg. Xpion 'XH Sab 59b(40; O.Ar [OHP ib. 25:23],RaH) [Var: XpiOl OHT ib. 56:16] Expl. RaH: Tl^tf "YUM; Lit: Geig, AAC 385, suggests poss. P derivs.; Lit: Snaked, Dress 111. [spon I xpo n.] n 1077 pn J7'l adj. unsound, unsure (4- Vyjn pe., pass, part., xmn, yyi; Sy r^< ;\-\ LS 737) sg.m. 'BO J?n 'XH this is more unsound BM 116b(30); n,!? B'an©'1? n^TB ym since its [i.e. /Iv's] destiny is unsound, let him avoid it [i.e. a lawsuit] Tan 29b(3); liTptn JT'1 their presumed status is unsure Ket 24b(46); pl.m. 'jm 'n 'yi xV nu» "?D documents in general [lit. all documents] are not unsure. These are unsure BM 12b(48) Y: yn BM ib. Nriiyi n.f. unfavorable state or status (4- JP"l) sg. xmy-fr am xan xniyn1? •>mn Dnn in that case there are two causes for an unfavorable state. In this case there is one cause for an unfavorable condition Qid 79a(32); Nid 2b(15); xrVrrx Dm nan33 Xmyi ITS in that case an unfavorable state developed in the animal Plul 10b(l); ib. 48a(20); xV ix 3io Qi'3 xmj?n p'pina 'a do we make a presumption of an unfavorable state (in the animal) on a holiday or not? Bes 34a(7); BB 161a(9) Y: iWiyn Hul 10b(l; BAYTN 36). N0S'"1 n.m. a type of disease (4- Vl#0S"l; Sy i^'iiiM LS 741, Ma XDBn MD 433) sg. Bo 59:8; pi. ib. 37:l;'0Snnmfr 123:7 cf. Ma: K'osn x'Tpn'oi KnK'nKtsKa1? ksak't yn kitti a spirit which is situated on the loins and is called r. MD ib. KpS'T n.m. hoeing (< Akk ripqu A ground-breaking work CAD R 366, mng. 2; I VpS"l) sg. XpSn1? 'TJX "QXT ]XB 'XH one who hires workers for hoeing BM 76b(35); ib. 76a(26); Xpsn 'BO n'V p'BT he used to give it an additional hoeing Men 87a(22); Tan 23a(55; M2) Geon. expl.: Iivy liya Kpn p'BI'H TGAs28 142:9; Voc: KJ7Bn HGP 28b:3; Y: K|?Sn BM ib.(BAYTN 129). NnS'1, abs. KS'-l, pi. NriNB'-l, 'B'l n.f. bread, loaf of bread, piece of bread (< xriB'jn* [< V*]5n pe., pass.part. det.f; i.e. (dough) baked on coals]; > JPA xriB'T det. DJPA 523; cf. Sy 2# rdi_^ LS 740, Arab Slij Fr, AF 36, BH m$J D'BX-l IK 19:6) 1. bread, loaf of bread: a. general: sg.abs. p31 '"?3 XB'1 GC 136:4 [expl. MH nD'an MTY 1:1]; det. XTIB'T Tan lla(2); Pes 106b(5) [used for sanctification of the day]; Ned 49a(20); Git 68b(9); Zev 95b(26); n'JIBn Sab 114a(37); xnB'1 H'1? 13'"ip XT1X '3 when he came, they brought him bread Ber 38a(55); Ti^ Xp'BX X3XTI3 xnsn she brought the bread out to him [i.e. the poor man] in a pitcher San 109b(39) [done as a subterfuge]; Sab 151b(42); BM 59b(43); Qid 81a(48); Bes 21a(40); pi. x"?l (XlriS3 xnXB'1 lnV Olliri'X it became late, and he did not bring them loaves of bread Tan 24a(10); 'jmx xriXBn Wm four (or) five loaves of bread HP 7:3; p,!73Xl 'Tin HH3 XriB'T p'BIB Xl'in XBT ^D we used to throw the loaves together each day (for a common meal) and eat Sab 156b(l 1); 13'"IJ? Tin HH3 limniBn they mixed their loaves of (unleavened) bread together Pes 89b(38); nO'Vn 'B'"l thirteen loaves of bread Yom 75b(23); Ber 42a(2; OHT Ber 94:5) [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 'Sn 'D5?3 loaves : A:.-bread ;7?.(Ar [AC 4:282]) [double rdg.; 4- X35?3]; b. w. var. designations: sg. XJIB'T XTUITC oven-(baked) bread Pes 30a(21) [v. Hag 5a(i)]; xniina n'V npoai n'B'a1? n'1? man xtidtt bread which you finish baking and remove from the oven Anan 71:20; xrrVj/B xnsn fine quality bread [i.e. w/o ashes] Bes 32b(34); ib. 29b(13) [made from finely sifted flour]; X!?,U?3 X1?! XriB'T TS» bread that is not baked well HP 15:15; '31Tjn XriB'T bread of an 'eruv Sab 117b(52); pi. Xll'na'X XriXBn 'mn two farmer's loaves Er 82b(39; O); c. in phrase XTlB'n ~\-Q to eat a meal: 4- V"p3 pe., mng. 8b; 2. piece of bread: sg. TB^l XTT2?3 X"3J? Xan1?! XT1B1 they wrap the piece of the unleavened [lit. poor] bread in the whole one TRN 260:13 [cf. MH2 ni&V TW13 nOHB TOH Ber 39b(23)] Geon. expl.: nsn 'OIK Jw'jS 1»W1 nt"? m pi3in flP33 'JB OHT Ber 94:5; Lit: Fl, TMW 4:488; Voc: rnnsih HPP 293:21; Y: NTOn Sab I56b(l I; BAYTN 39). p'1 vb. to be empty (4- xpiTl, Xpn, ip'1; JPA p'l DJPA 523) Af. to empty, pour out: pma XpT 'pniX he pours out (the wine) completely (from the jug) AZ 58b(9); p'TIB Xpl X313 O'pi bXTP'l Xian the Jew holds the drinking bowl and (the pagan) is pouring out the wine AZ 60a(8); 'j?!TIX P'p-llB X1?! ]T3 Xni'3 p X'D p'VpBH we take the water from the basin in our hands, but we do not actually pour (it) out Anan 33:9
«i?'1 1078 T On af.-forms of II—_v rts. conjugated as \-y/w forms, v. Eps, Gr 91+. Sj?'"l n.m. worthless person (4- Vp'1; Sy kLd-\ LS 743, > Gr pcwd L-S 1474) sg. Ket 112a(46) [Xllp'1 I Xlipi n.] Naj7'"! n.m. spot (Vopl; TA ,1'jiapi pi. TJ Jer 13:23[Var]; cf. Sy rc'^LSa-oH^ freckles LS 744) pi. 'fcp'1 'apn 'Xpi it is in a state of spots Sab 107b(21; M) [expl. BH l'rraisn Jer 13:23] Y: 'Op'T Sab ib. fi?'"! adj., adv. empty (4- Vp'1; TA ]j?'1 TJ Jer 51:34, Sy rdJ^i LS 727, Ma JXp'1, pl.f. XJlX'JXpn MD 434, MH ip'n Yeivin, BV 1045, Gross, Patterns 112) I. adj.: sg.m. XJp'1 X3'1? empty stomach Sab 109b(19); BM 113b(28); #u/ 59a(2); f. XJl'Jp'l nX'3 a vacuous entrance Zev 19b(46; V"); II. adv.: "?'TX p'13 V'TX '31 does he only go empty-handed? Sab 118a(26); Yom 87a(2) // San 7b(31; M) Y: li?"! San ib.(BAYTN 334). NT1 n.m. saliva, liquid secretion (TA n'1'1 TJ is' 21:14, Sy k'-L.t LS 727, Ma Xl'1 MD 434) 1. saliva: sg. '3T1 lail ,1'aisa XT1 I'1? '71X1 mi"?'}? saliva flows from his mouth, and flies alighted upon him Ket 77b(17); pi. n'3 n'^l nan XT1 n'1? TVXI niS ... 'T1 an ass which does not have saliva, a cow which has saliva Sab 140b(46; V) [ref. to dropping of saliva into food while eating]; 2. secretion: sg. XT1 in1? IPX "pn those (seeds) have a secretion Zev 94b(13); 2?es 22a(45) // AZ 28b(38) [in a list of eye afflictions; v. Geon. expl.]; mn X3tia Xlpl its [i.e. the bone's] secretion attached the skin Hul 77a(20; Ar [AC 7:304],Tos); pi. 'T1 pn3 Jl'XI 'TOD because (these foods) have liquid secretions Naz 50b(5); ib. 16 Geon. expl.: xx'ii m"i x-ipn rya mxxrn nun xi'Ti Kin ohp Bes 55:10; Y: XTT /(Z ib.(BAYTN 12). '1'1 interj. word used in an incantation '1'13ti '1 'T '1'1 'T13 -4Z 12b(22) // Pes 112a(26) B7'"! n.m. res, the twentieth letter of the alphabet (Sy r->i LS 705) sg. '1p ti"'1X 'TO «l"3 VlpW nitisn n'3 remove kaf (from 713tin Ps 18:12), place (it) on res (of the parallel word nitin 2S 22:12), and read it (w. the interchange of het-he) as rntisn Tan 10a(12); "?y 3'JVl 71X1 'S3 313T ''SX ti'1 n'1? 'ltiai n'1? p'nai rf?11 XJXT1 even also (concerning) a fly which rnay come and sit on the protruding part of the dalet, erase it, and turn it into a res Er 13a(33) // Sot 20a(45); Sab 104a(30); MsL«< Lev 15:3 Y: #n Sab ib. Ktf n, NB7K1, cs. BT1, pi. '#'"!, Knil^(')"! n.m. head, top part, main cause, superior, beginning, head (of the academic session), first part of a Mishna (< BA XtiXI [HALOT 1975; i mtin p'os, xmtin, xrmtin, xntin; TA xtin TO Lev 1:8, Sy kI^Wt LS 728, Ma Xti'1, pi. X'ti'1, XTlXl[X]tin MD 434) 1. head: a. general: 1) human: sg.cs. Xy'Bp ti'1 'the one whose head is cut off' Sot 35a(10) [i.e. Joshua; v. Ar (AC 7:305) and Rashi, ad loc.]; det. 'Xti'Tt XJU'3 a hair of my head Sab 140a(29); XtiXTl XXIJHD head wound Anan 15:2; TO'1 0'im X1JH VI' X313 n'"?13X may it be (His) will that you will raise your head over the entire city Yom 53b(2); BM 85a(27); n'ti'13 TM shaking his head San 95a(19; F2); BB 58a(32); Hul 45b(32); pi. xpir 'ti'1 'in n'1? Ii'XI an infant that has two heads Men 37a(24; M); m'ti'lX na'3 X&'pl Pleiades is situated above their heads BM 106b(ll); ,ixa XTU3 'ti'1 one hundred heads [i.e. haircuts (?)] for a zuz Sab 129b(31; V) [v. OHP ib. 83:1]; 2) animal: sg.cs. x"71'y ti'1 a calfs head BM 69a(13); det. xnvm Xti'1 the head of the animal Bek 8b(16); Xlim Xti'1 an ox's head Ara 4b(49); X011D1 Xti'1 a peacock's head Hul 116a(36) // Sab I30a(27); 'tin Tina mn xido 3n pn used to char the head (of the animal) Qid 41a(l 1) // Sab 119a(15); pi. mmitil 3ti1 XJ'jri a seven-headed serpent gW29b(38) [bef. corr.; cf. Ma: ... Xl'JXJl XMXlXti'1 X31ti1 Gs 85:2]; 3) vegetable: pl.cs. '1X1 runs'? 'ti'1 two turnip heads Ber 56a(43); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V2#'bl pa.: n'ti'1 "I1?! n'Tipsti X1? she did not permit him to bare his head Sab 156b(34) [cf. Sy rdtj-i rdl^PSm 716]; 2) ^3# "?Vn pa.: x'D3 xcitin V?na mm xinn n"tn he saw a certain person who was washing the head (of an animal) in water Hul 95b (1); 3) V«isn pe. to shampoo the hair: n'ti'1 p'101 «y»n Xp mn he KiiiVa tin 1079 xniVa s;n T T " T T " was shampooing and combing his hair San 11 la(15); 4) V'DD pa.: ]'M'T1 in"B/'T '"?Jm 1'ia'T m"iy'1 'D3BT sometimes their head is uncovered and sometimes their head is covered Ned 30b(16); Qid 33a(39); 5) ^313 quad.: n3 iy'3"131 XC"na '3 n'^'l he nodded his head concerning it (in agreement) in the school BB 143a(l) // Nid 42a(41); 2. beginning, head: a. general: sg.cs. XTTj; wn the head of the flock Sab 53b(43); »'"l Xini the beginning of the canal Git 60b(46) [* i 'H1?'©]; b. w. ref. to texts: sg.cs. xrf?n» W'"l the beginning of the document BB 167a(ll); XplD'S B?n mi"?"?,! (the word) n^^n (is written at) the beginning of a biblical section [i.e. the beginning of a Psalm; v. Ps 135:1] Pes 117b(10); XnS'D »n the beginning of the Book (of Numbers) HP 187:8; nWBin wn the beginning of the Pentateuchal book AnanSch 29:11; W>"\ miam x:"ry the beginning of the topic of temura Tern 3a(23); XpTD W1 the beginning of the chapter TGHark 33:16; det. XipT H'Wn the beginning of the verse Pes 18a(31); "2/n1? n'D'Da in reverse [lit. from its end to its beginning; of a verse] Ber 60a(34); 3. superior, leader, chief: a. alone: sg. 'a'aro TO'IT Ntm 'T1p3 TO'"l your superior (will be judged) with cold water and your superior's superior with hot water Sab 55a(6); b. w. fol. n.: sg.cs. '331 wn the chief thief [lit. the chief of the thieves] Sab 156a(26); Git 56a(44); Hul 50b(5); '3nn VT"\ the chief fragrance Ket 61a(7) [cf. Sy rr^'j^ri m •-> ?--\ Song 4:14]; pl.cs. Xay '»n the 'leaders of the nation Suk 38b(18); 4. head (of an organization) [4- Ntt?'13]: a. academic session, academy: sg. 'V3 V333 xnxwn 'wai xi^n 'in'aV he is about to become the head (of the academic session) in Babylonia, and he will make (other) heads Yom 87b(i3); xin mna1? «ior 3i rrwsi by "?'ap x"?i X2?XT PN did not take it upon himself to be the head ISGF 85:16; ib. 78:10 [4- XTI'O ti'1]; pi. xnna@DlB1 xnxiWXI the heads (of the academy) of GN ISGF 91:3; TGAs42 61:29; ib. 110:13; rG/fartt 99:30; OHT Ket 213:5; b. community: sg. XWn n"W1 he made him the head of the community [i.e. the Exilarch] SOZ 72:29; 5. f. first clause of a Tannaitic tradition (Mishna, etc.; < Pltin* its head; 4- XS1D): sg. Xltfn X'aT X1? XS1D1? the first clause is unlike the final one Ber 15b (7); TXa n XS'D 133T Xtt?n the first clause is (according to) the Rabbis. The final clause is (according to) PN Meg 9b(39); Xn"13T Xtin the first clause of the barraita Bes 18b(31); Xti'1 XB?m the very first clause Ket 23b(38); XB'D Xtim the end of the first clause Er 70a(26; M); 6. top part: sg.cs. '"?pn K?nx X^a'W X3'X7X while the sun is still at the top of the date palms Sab 35b(ll); X1TO E/n top of the wall BB 91b(19); Git 69a(38); 5g 86a(25); det. "1X171 n'2?'"l its [i.e. the pustule's] top part is white AZ 28a(43); pi. inr©n!? inrssi 'nx \hrb nitisr they held these cedars and bent their tops (to the ground) Ber 56b(2); 7. tip: a. general: sg.cs. xnail W-a on the tip of the spear San 110a(54); det. n'rf?-|jn Ktin the tip of his prepuce AZ 10b (45); X3'VlVl X2?n the tip of the lulav ib. 57a(9); pl.cs. in'3713 'B?'"l ]"ll'n the tips of their legs are white Yom 49a(32) // Hul 7b(34); 'WX"I nnX'SIS the tips of her curls HP 137:1; det. xnx"?ni •fm'\ xnxitil the tips of these twisted threads Anan 9:3; ib. 11; 8. in phrase ... Ktin Xtin end ... end [cf. Sy t_.tA t-jt p*> completely, from one end to the other LS 738, mng. 13f, Ma ti'"Q ti'1 ]a MD 434; Nold, MG 3033 (caique < P); 4 tin1? prep.]: sg. 'Xna m'lTXl X»n 'Xn1? Xti'1 they brought it [i.e. the circumcision knife] from one end (of the alley) to the other Sab 130b(30); Xti'1 'Xna X7J 'pS3 Xa1?! Xti'1 1,TX y"?31 perhaps water will go out from this end (of the wheat stalk) and the other end will absorb (it) Pes 40a(8); X1133 'tin in 3'nittl H'31X3 Xti'1 im he places one end (of the thread) in the fire and the other end in his ear AZ 28b(22) The exact rdg. and mng. of 'B*n TiTTl Sab 112a(5) are uncertain [v. comm.]; Voc: XW'T HGP 27b:20; n^'lS HPP 271:19; Y: NW'T Mo 118; BAYTN 17. - NfllVa t^'l n.m. Exilarch (4- XJIT?!, tin '3 T T v 7 xm1?}, xni^A tin m; jpa xmVi tixi djpa 511, Sy nc'&cA.J^ y_.i LS 116, > MP res galutak Nyberg 169) a. in BT: 1) general: sg. Ber 46b(19); Sab 119a(41); Suk 31a(16); Yev 61a(33); Git 7a(34); BM 66a(25); BB 22a(24); San 27a(43); XTllVa ti'11 map1? Xi'lV XI1X he
KJTU"U P'l 1080 T ~ came for judgment before the Exilarch BQ 58b(29); 'HOIST XJ'1 ]'XTI Xnftj IP'1 an Exilarch who makes a judgment of the Persians [i.e. an unjust one] ib. 32(Es); 59a(46); 13'ma 'Tn 'j"i 'rraen xnf?i »m xnn1? in'3ipai the law is according to you because you are close to the court of the Exilarch where judges are ubiquitous BB 65a(2i); «m rnna 'sra mn 'a x:n ia xai xnf?l when PN was quarreling with the Exilarch San 5a(26); 'mVl W'TI "n'3 'BU'X the Exilarch's wife Mrf 67b (49); xrrV71 ltf'11 XTO13 the Exilarch's grace (after the meal) Ber 50a(37); Svu 6b(30) [4- XJISp'JX]; Er 25b(18) [4- xpnTDX]; #u/ 59a(ll) [4- 1#X'3D "la]; 5er 42a(24) [4 l#XttlOT]; Sab 115b(15); Er 26a(17); Yom 78a(14); BQ 102b(40); 2) w. PN: sg. maru SHI iinbl IE?"—I .Safe 20b(29); 5M 91b(8; F1); BB 55a(9); xnr?l ltf'1 ,T»n3 ia X3piy &A 56b(46); '3'a am mnnx ia xmVi e?xi pnr PN, the Exilarch, PN2's sororal nephew Yev 115b(24); b. in Geon. lit.: 1) general: sg. TIM Km1?! W1 pOSI Sl'1 XMm the Exilarch-may the Merciful One guard him-decided the case TGHark 276:22; ib. 101:8; 'm xVm yspi xnV>i wxi 'in ia xnir? "7331 ai during each year when there was an Exilarch who used to establish a n'g/a-celebration of the be rav iSGF 92:5; pi. Til JT>3» XnxVtt '1»X1 Exilarchs of Davidic lineage ib. 73:18; '"?1'1 XnxV?l 'WTI ii>. 91:11; 2) w. PN: sg. 31 nW31 "7333 xnr>l B?X1 mn XBp xain in his time, the first PN was the Exilarch in Babylonia iSGF 76:3; w 1,113 xm"?i an xim in: ia xnn PN who was the Exilarch in those days ib. 91:2; p '1XB XJin XmVl 1PX1 li. 97:1; 98:14; 10X1 'XIDn 13 na"710 Xm'yj ife 106:17; TGHark 82:17; XK1 3TT ,1'nnx XmVl W'l the wife of PN, the Exilarch SOZ 72:15; XJTfa ltf'1 X1D1T IB "?'Bp'X XBV X1HH3 PN, the Exilarch, was killed on that day ib. 73:9 Lit: Beer, BE, passim; Y: Htvbi tin Ber 46b(19). — Nmni Ki"1 n.m. superintendent of irrigation (4- XJVirU) sg. Ber 58a(55) // BB 91b(3); gW76b(36) Y: KJIWH tin Ber ib. - KJ3H fl/'"1 n.m. assistant teacher (4- XMTt; lit. head of the platform) sg. pyaiX X3'X 'XT X13n V>~\ p'amB if there are forty (pupils) we appoint an assistant teacher BB 21a(38) [-Kamio tfn4-2#xriDn.] — KrlT 87'"! n.m. first day of the lunar month (4- XriT; Sy pdoH-j x->i pi. LS 729) sg.cs. 131 Xn3103 n3B m"' n yVp'B when the first day of Tevet falls on the Sabbath HP 184:24; i/>. 185:31; HM 45:20; mn xnT ltf'1 XBT XU1 that day was the first of the month BM 59b(42); «6. 85b(40); XnT 1ET1 'WJ'X m1? Up people call it [i.e. the thirtieth day of a full month] the first day of the (following) month Ned 60b(12); Vss^ jrjp'X 31 XnT ltf'13 PN happened to be in GN on the first of the month Tan 28b(23); M'rf39b(20); 10'BniBI xnT wn xraw i"xi xnT tm xnswa ximan p'ja Xn31P3 in p'01 since the fifteenth of Nisan is on Thursday, the first day of Iyyar is on the Sabbath, and the first day of Sivan is on Sunday Sab 87b(10); XD'l 'Vrt» 11X1 XnT W'T; XM'OJ X1? 'X if I do not marry (my fiancee) by the first day of Adar let the get take effect [lit. let it be a get] Git 34a(40) — '113 fi?'1 n.m. an official (etym. unkn.) sg. ittb 'apia xV ma wi v>'sx X3iyB3 in the West, they do not even appoint an r.k.-official from them [i.e. the proselytes] Qid 76b(35) Y: 'Tta tin Qid ib. - NO'3 $H n.m. principal (4- 1#X0'3 mng. 3) sg. 'TIT XSVX TO'a 10X1 piXTT NN's principal is one thousand zuzim TGHark 272:1; ib. 277:16; 278:3; Sftfo' 9b(9); X71J?XB3 XTOT XD'3 B'l the principal which he invested in the joint fund SSSad 209:10 - H1?? #'"!, pi. 'V? '#'*! n.m. head of an academic institution (kalla) which met at certain periods during the year in the Talmudic and Geonic Periods (4- n"?3) sg. nba in C>(nnn he will become a r.k. Ber 57a(52); mn n"?a v<-\ pns' 13 yam 3-1 55 22a(46); TGHark 16A4; ib. 105:9; Geo« 283:17; /4gur 17:9; pl.cs. mn D1STI '"?a 'Wna X3X my father was one of PN's r.k.'s Hut 49a(22); X3X X3in 3m ,_ID1I '^a 1ty,-ia I was (one) of PN's snti"33 tyn i08i tfna junior r.fc's /fe/ 106b(22; Seel 184:51); rG^i27 33:18; OHT Ket 212:26; reqwi Pw^an Lit: Eps, Stl 129; Y: nte tin BB ib. — Nni^'33 B7'*l n.m. archisynagogos (4- lttxmirja; jpa r\rwa mr\ djpa 511) sg. rmai Xne/Ja «?n archisynagogos of GN &fe 29b(29); pl.cs. Xn^'ia 'IMn Dec 3:1; TG^iJi 213:14 Y: KflB'JS ti'T 5aA ib. - KKP '3"13 tt;n n.m. chief of the 'cities of the sea' (4- l#xaia) sg. Tan 20a(36) - N«ni» t^n n.m. head of the school (4- '3 t t : - v XtiYTia) pi. XWTia 'IMn TGAs27 33:18 — NM'Jlfp ty'-! n.m. head of an academic session, head of the academy (4- l#Xn3TID; MH2 na'BT lyxi Ber 57a(51), Arab na'TiaVx DXT Mann, TaS2 67:24) 1. head of an academic session [in BT]: sg. xnaTIB W\ 'in'1?! "ID1? Xn'3 do you want to be the res metivtal Ber 27b(50) [4- Vl#T>a pe., mng. 2]; '^mi ri'in xrOTlB wn 13'a 'aVy 'Via you will be a res metivta and everyone will fear you ib. 56a(31); 39; W~\ '1 (n)'ap 1331 'n'att;! mn xnavia Rabbi (Judah, the Prince,) was a res metivta, and the scholars were regularly in his presence Nid 14b(17); W~\ D'nn ,ar3D x'ona xnas T^ai xna'na the res metivta who will preside in GN signs (his name) PN BB 12b (10); pi. '10X13 XTinVn 'Viaa 'X Xna'na if (he is proficient) in the entire Oral Law, (he may be appointed) among the resei metivata Sab 114a(40); 2. head of the academy [in Geonic texts]: sg. T13 Xn3'na ltf'1 XTIltf 1231 i3'3ii uiai n'i3 xn3'na n xa'an iian msi xna'na uri mm' /5gf 4:10; wxi mm 'it?x xiai xn3'na TGHark 82:31; i& 149:6; V't ,T1j;D 31 X11D3 Xn3'na B/X1 n'V mn OHT Ber 34:5; 31 ID Xn3'na 10'1 nran SOZ 72:15; i'& 73:3; TGAs28 27b:18; //P 186:10; Dec 1:1; TGAs42 165:15; ife 166:1; 'aw \Tfvb anp mna'na i»xi 'iyx 3i jn:i PN served as the head of his academy for nearly sixty years iSGF 93:15; pi. XnX3'na 'CXI ib. 73:18; 74:4; 87:23; 111:9; IKI 3b: 15 Lit: Gafni, JBTE 188+; Goodblatt, RISB 86+. These two scholars discuss the exact mng. of metivta in this phrase whose mng. cannot be precisely determined for the Talmudic passages; Y: xra'Jin tin BB 12b (10). - Nina tt'l, pi. nn3 »#n n.m. a high official (4- i#xtu) sg. xnab xtu ran 'nx mn o when the r.n.-official used to come to a town San 25b(47); ib. 49; 26a(l); pi. 'TU 'B?X1 Tan 20a(35; M2) The term would seem to have originally indicated an official in charge of regulating matters concerning a canai, but on the basis of the lexica it does not seem to be attested in Akk or Sy [v. D. Goodblatt, JESHO 22 (1979) 25769]; Y: XT1J tin San ib. - NII'P tf'1 n.m. head of the sidra (a title; 4- XTP0; cf. JPA 2# HO DJPA 369) a. in BT: sg. Va33 XTT0 em Hul 137b(31; I§GF 80:4); b. in Geon. lit.: xiTD i£/'i V333 jaan xiff'i 'ipa mm the head of the Rabbis in Babylonia was called the r.s. ISGF 78:11; H'ia XITD K/'l mvr ai ia *pV ai iai TGHark 96:7; XITD 127XT 1r>X Geon 279:7 Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 51+, reviews the literature on this expression and remains inconclusive on to its mng,; Abramson, Merkazim 107+. In the Geonic Period, this was also an honorific title of scholars in the Diaspora; Y: (CTID tin Hul ib. - N|?"!'S B/'"l n.m. head of the pirqa (4- XpTS mng. 4a; Gr <xpxi<pepEKuai Novellum 146 of Justinian) sg. n'pTS B?'13 m"?"jn they inducted(?) him as the head of his pirqa SOZ 73:12; XpTS 12/'1 mam IKI 40a:3; pi. 'pi'S '1PX1 TGAs27 33:19 Lit: Goodblatt, RISB 187+, w. prev. lit. - XflV tfn n.m. RoS Ha-Sana, the New Year holiday (4- XIW; Sy K'&ii, *->i PSm 3904, JPA nnitf t?X1 DJPA 511) sg. Hor 12a(41) // Kar 6a(5); HIW ltf'11 XBT '^jra the eve of the day of the New Year Er 40b(31); xnitf B7'T7 X»p xav the first day of the New Year BB 147a(42); AZ 4b(35); xnir? 2?X13 n'm^S the 'amida of the New Year HP 19:7; ib. 187:10 Y: Xnti tin BB ib. [- Njnri fiTI n.m. an official (lit. head of the gate; 4- xjnn) sg. xa"?ai xym w-n xnn'sx a'n' he sat at the entrance of the royal r.t.-official Ber 56a(53; O) Read: X'PD wn (4 2# NHB)] - t#'"l3 prep, at the head of, main cause of 1. at the head of: '3T !tf'13 at the head of the doves
tf'11? 1082 KTTUtfn T T '■ Hul 63a(42; M); 2. main cause of: XJ11B bo via U~l X3X I, blood, am the main cause of all death BB5Sb(6);ib. 10; 11 - fiT"!? prep, at the end of (cf. Sy x->tA adv. afterwards LS 728, mng. 16.d.a, Ma Vlb p'Vo was completed MD 434) "?"y 'BY1 XJY7;i BPT7 map1? at the end of three days he entered before him Git 68b(18) Lit: Nold, MG 3033; Y: B'^ Git ib. - Ktf'13, KtfNia adv. at the head, first (Sy i<i_,T^3 PSm 3904) a. spatial: 1) general: ""OB1? HVli to appoint (PN) at the head (of the academic session) Sot 40a(29); ytPVr? .TOTp'V XV-a let him place (the Book of) Hosea first (of these four Prophets) BB 14b(33); Qid 25a(26); Hor 12b(52); 2) w. Van' pe., af: '3 3W7} ]XB1 Xtf'Ta xnna who presides [lit. sits at the head (of the table)] at a wake? Ret 69a(46); XJ'jn "\ am X1VH3 PN became the head (of the academic session) ib. 103b(24); Xnx 3T> Oimx1? pan UB'K XETT3 Tfflia the scholars have decided to appoint PN of GN to be the head (of the academic session) BB 12b(14); "pjllxV 'XBm '3'»n 1WX1 XBTT3 the notables of the Romans have decided to appoint you to be the head (of the government) [i.e. to make you emperor] Git 56b(15); b. temporal: 1) alone: V.V12 'JO ln'TB 71 which one of them [i.e. the faces of the androgynous first person] walked first? Er 18b (7) // Ber 61a(49); BQ 52a(12); 'XT HVQ IDpB 'Xn 'ya 'X XWT3 nDpa 'xn 'ya if he wants he burns this one [i.e. the handful] first or if he wants he burns that one [i.e. the frankincense] first Men 13b(17); X»'T3 JVXB Xim (the foetus) dies first BB 142b(l); Gif 28a(33); ^w 7a(42); 'XnVJl '"? TW 'WT3 resolve my dispute for me first AW 62a(42); Ber 41b(9); Pes 117a(39); RH 12a(16); M0 25b(3); Men 34a(20); Wlb rH£7K"l2 p'nxn IVPriXOT Xn they go first to the court of their town Anan 16:3; XP'Ta pSJ VTTB 71 ]ryT xVl we do not know which one of them came out (of the womb) first BB 141a(33); Bek 18a(24); 2) * Vim pe. then in fol. clause: 'SID ana'B 'na'B 'y-in 'xp bmv pxa xjji ... 'ynr mm xerna 7jT3 mm XBPTa do they first actually plow and then sow? The Tanna is dealing with Eretz Israel where they first sow, and then plow Sab 73b(5); ib. 77b(23); Ber 2a(25); Sab 141a(21); Pes 6b(23); Tan 23b(29); MQ 17a(46); Ret 110a(27); BM 92a(19); San 99a(38); //P 109:14; 7/&4:.s2o> 56:27 - Nt£'"!£» B7'"!&. adv. again, formerly (Ma VI ]B again MD 434, Sy xjia ^ LS 728, mng. 16.e.a) 1. again: H'V 'ya'X ]OT xpT Xin XBTTO 'VST nDP smaV it is as if he [i.e. the borrower] is buying the field again, (and) he should have written a bill of sale BM 16b(36); bwti? X'J/31 xd'TQ she must immerse herself again HP 138:18(HPP 217:18); pxn ]B Dn"7 X'STOH nxtf ■?OX mm XBTTB he makes the blessing over the bread again and then eats ib. 187:23; 2. in syntagm nin (K)P'Ta + part, formerly: mn XBT1B XJTO 1J3 XJOHl formerly I used to study at home Ber 8a(41); xVllB xVllD XJrf?B mn Vlli formerly I used to salt each radish individually (on the Sabbath) Sab 108b(18); Ber 6b(22); Sab 23a(13); Meg 29a(34); BB 8b(52); Ara 22a(49); Nid 20b(32); xrax mn Via formerly I used to say Yom 23a(31); Meg 26b(30); Ret 67a(38); Sot 40a(18); San 97a(29); Hul 105b(16) [B7'T tf'1 adv. perh. each one Gi( 45b(34; Rashi,Ed) Y: »n W'T Gi/ ib.] K3$'l n.m. perh. trapper (4- RlVi) sg. ma» X3»n PN, the trapper Sab 17b(l); »A. 146b(32); Tan 10a(29); H2V1 1DV flu/ 54a(30); ib. 116a(36);&A 130a(26; V) Geon. expl.: JV3 3T p':n3 '03] 3K n'3 X'WJ TO 1WX3 N3 W'T 'B 3X JV3 TOT HI X3 OHT Tan 11:22, i.e. X3 < 'X3* [abs. of !OT3; cf. TJ Is 5:8]; Lit: Mainzer, MGWJ 53 [1909] 1842, w. prev. lit.; Y: K3Wn Hul ib.(BAYTN 129). Knitfn, KniWKn n.f. exilarchate (4- xtfn, iUimn; Sy rc'&n-x-.H LS 729) sg. rvbpV, xnnD 3T ]B ,TJiWXT7 he'took the exilarchate away from PN SOZ 72:30; iSGF 72:8 NriUti;'"!, KHWin n.f. beginning, status of head of the academy (4- V.V1, XJTTtf'T; Sy rc'&o.ijui governorship LS 729) 1. beginning, former state: sg. bxlVl XTlWXn the former state of the Jews iSGF 72:8; 2. status of head of nsbtt 1083 aan the academy: sg. .TJTlPWXn n'2/DJ by Vop XJTHjn he took upon himself the status of head of the academy [glossed: xnwi; 4- XJYlti'-l] ib. 86:9 [Var: .TX1W"I] NSB7'"! n.m. a demon (< BH *\V% 'S^n Yeivin, BV 833, HAL 1210) pi. 'S2/n '-fl'N 'm rooftop demons are rispe [i.e. BH Q'DK?"!] Pe^ lllb(16; CV14) Y: 'BW'-) ftj ib.(BAYTN 129). N(7B7'"! n.m. fiber, hair (< Mir *resak [cf. MP resag fiber CPD 72]; Sy 2# t^nT.i LS 746) only in phrase I xpvi xaDIID Lit: Geig, AAC 325, s.v. -|1B; 387; Flora 2:15. Nritf'*] n.f. chief (i XVT, Sy -*ajL.t LS 729) sg. nviBKO D'k;3T in«n»n the chief of the sorceresses Pes 110a(36; V17) NJV-1 n.m. cord, belt made from palm leaves (etym. unkn.) sg. XJT1 TDK mn xm 3T PN was girded with an r.-belt Meg 27b(44; G) [Var: XJTH C(corr. nxm); HXn'T Ar(AC 3:169, s.v. nxm)]; 071 mm Xim an r.-belt which (PN) used to gird OHP Sab 48:14 Lit: Geig, AAC 154, s.v. nxm, discusses poss. P etyms. and suggests perh. < NP rista thread PED 577; Flora 2:332. Nnri'T n.m. anger, pestilence (4- Vnni; Sy t<ljL>i\i excitement, inflammation LS 747) 1. anger: sg. H"3n 'ap Xnm X3'X 'Bl does God have anger? Ber 7a(18); ^y nTTfb xnnn 'Xn '3 "?3 ■p'pVlBVl n"3 Xtt?lp let the Holy One, Blessed be He, be angry at us so much and redeem us San 105a(33) // RH 32b(4); Qid 32a(26); San 48b(31); Hul 52a(38); Men 41a(27); 2. pestilence: sg. xaty^ Xnn'l mn IDT IT 'B'S in the time of PN there was pestilence in the world Ret I06a(i0); 'is too mn xnnn p'^ya xan pn used to block up the windows at a time of pestilence BQ 60b(14) Y: xnm Ber ib.(BAYTN 129). Nan'T n.m. broom (Retama Roetam; TA XaJTn TJ IK 19:4[Var]) sg. XBTl'm XBO'p a chip of broom Sab 54b(38); Xanm nan coals of broom BB 74b (22) Lit: Flora 2:469+; Y: XnjVT BB ib.(BAYTN 130). Npfl'T. n.m. an impediment atop a wall (etym. unkn.) sg. XpJl'TI XT12? n'1? mnB he encircles it [i.e. the field] with a wall and an impediment BM 107b(l) Geon. expl.: mil ]'Siyj ]HW ppi ]'Xipi TOW (ipnni KniW nnwi TGAs28 142:12; Y: Xjm BM ib.(BAYTN 250). 331 vb. to ride, impose upon (4- Xri33"IX, XmaiB; Sy .-iM LS 730) Pe. (e/u) 1. to ride, mount: X'OIOX TiaOT x"7 '»yD 'XB why were you not riding a horse? Ber 7a(22) // AZ 4b(5) [but // X'010 ri30T San 105b(4); v. infra]; 'Xn 313m X'010 mount this horse Meg 16a(16); 3318*7 nan a donkey to ride Er 53b(14) [in the 'Galilean' dialect]; pass.part. XTon 301 mn x'jiy PN was riding a donkey Pes 53b (3 8) [cf. Sy . -i; ^iH k,V>wJ^.'-I;MHo rc'-UJaLjj Is 21:7, MH nTI mann by 313n MBerK 4:5]; Ber 8b(30); ib. 56b(51); Qid 33a(34); San 95a(44); xyX"C? T^m 'Xnn xVai aon O an Arab passed by below while riding a camel Tan 22b(50); BB 74a(2); BM 81b(6); XpTC/3 XOTX 3'3m they saw him mounted on a woman in the street San 67b(38); Xaoi X'lX mounted on a lion Bo 78:15; '301 pin in'BXT Tnaxi XSnD ^y they were mounted on the shoulder of their maternal grandfather Ber 10b(10; MGL 588:21); 2. to impose upon s.o.: JVU'IX rrb X33n Xmn the 'a«m«?-status (of the mourner) is reimposed upon him Zev 99a(33); Men 102a(33); in1? 30T7 Xin xmO'XI it is a prohibition which is imposed upon them RH 28a(25); Yev 88a(23); 3. to copulate (of animals) [Sy, LS ib., Pe., mng. 4]: 3(3)XT Vai nriXJUX a camel (which) copulates with its mate OHP Ber 105:12 Af. 1. to mount s.o. [w. "X upon]: a. general: n'DJlDX n'33"lX he mounted him upon his shoulders Meg 28b(44); Ret 17a(30); Qid 71b(6); b. in a fig. sense: 'EOH nnx n331X he mounted it upon two horses [i.e. he gave his claim double force] Ret 55b(7) // BB 152a(5); 2. to carry s.o.: 'TBTJ y31X noST1? let him carry him four cubits Sab 110a(15) Itpe. to become a runner upon another plant: X33TB DOipy 'ra xa"p on when (the fenugreek) is found among grasses it becomes a runner (upon them) BQ 81a(26; EsOHT ib. 141:26 [X'"?])
roi 1084 Ktfcn Expi. Ar [itpe.]: -pix1? n^tii n'awy J"y mxy jvjbto ohp ib. D3T n.m. king (etym. unkn.; 4- 13113) sg. X^ DX 131 "13 X"?l 131 you are neither a king nor the son of a king BB 4a(22); T^B ,131 'XB what is r.? King /'& [w. ref. to ^B rjTOBl i]1 2S 3:39 and 113X Gen 41:43] Lit: Lehnw 579; Geig, AAC 383, rejects P etym.; Y: X3T BB ib. X313"l n. (uncertain) sg. X31311 XJTO six (sinews) of the /•. HG3 157:47 T3T adj. tender, soft (4- Vl31; TA 1,'31 TO Gen 18:7, Sy «" A ; M LS 730, Ma 1,'3X1 MD 420) sg.m. XXBlxV 'Tn(l){11 1,'311 XtllX 13 '3XW a duck is different because it is tender and suitable for a meat dish Sab 128a(53) // Hul 76b(50); 3D! 1/31 tender and good BM 86b(32) [of meat]; //«/ 122a(37) [of an animal's skin; * 4- JltiX]; z£. 136b(15); Zev 28a(23); 7VW 22b(22) [* 4- tfipx]; 5ty4b(l); X3'31 X1X33 a soft fiber fG4.s42 165:1 [expl. MH 3'0 Pes 115b(21)]; f. X3'311 '1"X XJ/Vs since (the meal offering) is soft it absorbs Zev 98a(15); X3'31 XXBpi Xilp the locust's horn is soft Sab 77b(27); pl.m. ib. 155a(34); Ned 49a(26) [of a gourd; * 4 ]WX] Y: T?T //«/ ib. 0'31 n.m. (uncertain) sg.cs. 0'31 Vjn XJ1B 'T1P3 X113 in the outskirts of the town alongside the ... of the canal Git 27a(14) // BM 18a(33) The commentators understood this word as a GN [v. Eshel, JSB 236]. 131 vb. to be soft (4 X3311, 73*1, V2#11X; Sy v\i LS 730, Ma 131 MD 435) Pa. to soften: XJl'WS '313l"7 to soften a linen garment Sab I40a(47); ]ra noisiV n^m: nam 'XB1? iio iio rrmE? lrn 1'3311 in the final analysis, why did he give it to him? To soften it. When he softened it, that was its improvement BQ 99a (20) // BM 112a(38) Itpa. to become soft: X33TB D'SltfJ? 'J'3 'B"p 13 when (the fenugreek) is among the grasses it becomes soft BQ 81a(26; OHT ib. 141:26) Geon. expl. [Itpa.]: yon pw1?. 131 vb. to bend over (Sy ^i LS 731, Ma pi etpe. MD 435) Pe.: X331 13T331 nVdJ 1SX "7571 who falls on her face and bends over on her knees Bo 115:7 D3H vb. to be lost, be broken, hide oneself (etym. unkn.) Itpa. 1. to be lost: T3V 'BJ "M> 03TB1 a document is also likely to be lost Svu 37b(28); 03TX1 'V mn X'^JTB X1DW I had a valid document and it was lost BB 32b(3); ib. 164b(6); nrQVD 031'X her ketubba-document was lost Ket 57a(l); X03TB1 131)13 SST/a/' lb(8) [title of a document]; m3rn 1TX3 X31S3a in 03TB 'X if one (sacrificial animal) gets lost, I shall be atoned for by the other one Kar 24a(7); 'TX 031'B 1D1T1 since (the Book of Hosea) is small it would be lost (if circulated as a separate book) BB 14b (3 5); 2. w. "V to lose s.t.: XSS 3m 113X XIXBn I'1? 03TX PN's father lost his donkey BM 28b(31); Er 39a(6; M) [V: T3JTX]; Gi.r 45a(26); San 61a(25); XltfYJB '31 mniisa I'1? X03TX (he) lost the keys of the school Yev 113b(40) [4 Vl#13X itpe.]; '"? D3TX TIDE? I lost your document 55 171b(U); SSHai 13b(15); 3. to be broken: X1?! X^D'a^ X'XBI rWSi X1BX ia'B 'XII nail I'ODl'a (the animal) certainly gauged well for itself that it could jump down and its bones would not be broken HP 202:13; 4. to be damaged: X'B 311B X310 '3 031B Xa"?1 VTi he was concerned lest the prison be damaged by the excessive water (and he would escape) Er 21b(28; SM 115:21); 5. to hide oneself: '131 'inn D31'B mn '013TX that man [i.e. the suspected adulterer] would have certainly hidden himself (from the husband) Ned 91b(12) Voc: XMTO SSSad 161:9; ib. 10; Y: DD1X BM 17a(21; Mo 85). N03"1 n.m. mud used as a mortar bond (Ma XD3X1 MD 420; cf. Akk raksu attached, riksu strap, binding CAD 108, 347) sg. X3'B 'V'B '3,11 '3D 'S?3 X031 "?3X this [i.e. binding between layers of a wall] refers to clay, but mud requires more BB 3a(50) [Var: XD3'1 F2]; pl.abs. 1'03'1 pn two bonds Bo 64:14 Geon. expl.: ton TGAs42 156:19 [unclear]; Lit: Eps, PLA 196, translates the Ma passage [K03XH3 Wtb rfrtU'tXil K'^'^a Jb 143:9] as: at night I see the fish in the slime (of the marsh); Y: KM") BB ib.(BAYTN 129). tW3T 4 XW3'1 n. al 1085 i#'»n DT adj. high, loud (4 Vmi, 'ai 13; TA XB1 TO Gen 39:14, Sy *l£>\ LS 720, Ma l#xaxi MD 421) 1. high: sg.m.abs. D1 U'X a high roof Hag 5b(37); pl.m.abs. 1'Blll) piD high mountains HM 37:2; det. 'B1 'T13 high houses MQ 17b(5; V); 2. exalted: pl.m. X31131 '»1 '1»13 exalted priests of GN Bo 21:10; 3. loud: sg.m. XB1 Xbp a loud voice Anan 118:4; pl.m. X'B! X'Vp Bo 63:4 Y: '»T MQ ib.(BAYTN 8). HNS)-!, abs. 'XBH, pi. 'NaT n.m. deceiver, charlatan (1 ^2#'ai; Sy rtlSsj. LS 733) sg.abs. "B1 3X my father is a deceiver Meg 13b(8; MGG 517:11) det. Xin nxai X3X ib.(H) II BB 123a(39); nx nXBI ix"?1 'ino 'n'X ^'l go (and) bring witnesses that you are not a deceiver BM 28b(32); ib. 34; BB 167b(34) [I XTllXBI]; AZ llb(16); ib. 26a(4); pi. ]3'13J7 'XBI1? Xriipm do we make an ordinance for the deceivers? BB 4b(15); 18; Qid 71b(3); BQ 113a(27); '^SBl 'XaiB n'3'J? he used to glance sideways because of charlatans Ket 67b(49); BB 46a(20) Y: TOttn BB 123a(39; BAYTN 233). XJTlNfin, XriVan n.f. deceit (i V2#'B1; Sy ^hic^si LS 733) sg. Tilt ,TniXB13 nxai a deceiver is careful in his deceit BB 167b(34); AZ llb(17); xni'ai3 "HO1? 'P'ISV 'It? 'ai are righteous men permitted to engage in deceit? Meg 13b(10; MGG 517:12) // BB 123a(41) [Var: xmxai isyaV G] Y: mmi BB ib.(BAYTN 286). K31M1 I X3B11 n. xrnan, cs. nian n.f. height (I Von; ta man tj Jer 48:29, Sy rc'dic^A LS 720) sg.cs. only, in phrase KITH fflttT n.f. haughtiness (4 xnil; Sy Klio-i ^o_^4 PSm 3862) sg. Sab 94a(27); ib. 113a(45); Qid 70b(34); AZ 71a(20) Y: xnn man 5a6 ib. THT vb. to indicate, wink, intimate (4- XTIB'1, XIB'1, Vmi; Sy \J*jt LS 734, Ma TBI MD 436) Pe. (a/u) 1. to indicate, allude, hint: Tai X1? 1DX X31J 'Xn '3 XnniX3 nWB did Moses not indicate in the Torah in such a manner? Tan 9a(20); pass.part. XI'BI X3'n where is (separation of the firstborn) indicated? [Answer: Ex 29:43] Zev 115b(30); Meg 2a(28); San 81b(23); AZ 25a(37); 'T'BII Xin '3B;3 X'B 'T'BI '31 water is alluded to (in the Torah) only on the second (day of Sukkot) Tan 3a(15); 'X1p3 XDXSV'n IT'BI X3'm where the traditional laws are hinted at in the biblical verses ISGF 39:2; 2. to wink [w. -'3'573; Ma TXB1 IXi'Xy XTB'1 MD ib., MH2 rrya nBT Yom 19b(28)]: jrya '"? TIB! wink at me Ket 11 lb(44); Tfb TJH '"7J/ Jltan "]^ you do not have eyes to wink at me Bo 84:7; pan (X)l])'?m3 ^X'Va T'ini they used to paint their eyes with kohl powder and wink Sab 62b(32) [expl. BH D'3'j; nilpt?B Is 3:16] Pa. to intimate, signal: in3'TB131 XIp'VB in3 'ITU 'T1B1 let us warn them first and intimate clearly to them Ket 33a(22); 'T1B1 'TOia xpi (the sets of witnesses) signal clearly (to each other) BQ 24b(8) // San 86b(38) Lit: Bacher 210. 1 # 'MT vb. to throw down, put, place, lay, impose, raise a contradiction, itpe. happen to be (4 X'Bll, X'B'1; Sy kISst LS 732, Ma XB1 MD 435) Pe. 1. to throw down, cast: pil ]nBl ]'"?Dpl they smite, throw down, and kill Bo 6:4; n'Oljn xVs'l»3 nvr 'BTm you should throw him on his bed in exhaustion ib. 142:7; xrai X11D I cast a lot ib. 10:1; 2. to position, place: X'V'Vsi •"D?b '131 ]'3 "11D X3'B1 at night I place my bed between the men and the women Tan 22a(16; M2); 3. w. "3 to put, insert [cf. MH "3 ^'Bn AZ 22b(35)]: XCT31 Xn31J3 n,!? 'BX1 he inserts it in a bronze tube Sab 90b(23); '113 X'MJTI ]'5;31X 1B1 X313 they put forty-eight A:.-measures into a vat BM 40a(52); X13W ''3 XBI'a1? to put s.-beverage into it [i.e. a jug] AZ 33b(16); Tan 7a(53); Ket 8a(37) // AZ 8b(7; J) [4- XWDX]; n'V Tl'X mn 'D'E?S .13 XBI'bV 'X13Xa XT1311 (the garment) had a place on the outside in which to put small coins ib. 21b(39); BB 20b(2); Ket 75a(19) // Yev 118b(39) [i 2#xmn]; X1Bn3 'B11 XJ?3 by 3D3 write on an egg and put (it) in wine HM 43:24; ib. 39:5; 41:2; pass.part. XXTTO X'BTI (the needle) is placed in the crack (of the rock) Sab 99b(14); 4. to place or put upon s.t.: l^pPl X111X3 .I'1? p'BIl Xny'33 XmiS we take a small amount (of the tekhelet-dye) in an egg(shell) and place it on a wad of wool Men 42b(34; MGN
i#'ai 1086 l#'tt"l 255:9); X^O lrf7 pjBIl prnoil he removed them [i.e. the loaves from the oven] and placed them in a basket HP 39:4; ,1'p2?3 XBO I'1? XB1 he applied a medication to his leg AZ 28a(33) [cf. Akk nadu CAD N/1 82, mng. 2.a.l2']; ib. 25 // Yom 84a(27) [4- i#xm]; MW 20a(47); lo'in "Vy inn TUJl'jrt>31 X33T11 Tn<1>{1)1X they placed upon it [i.e. the snake] twelve sacks of straw, and it swallowed them Ned 25a(48); pass.part. '"Win 'B1 (an infant) with beads upon him [lit. placed of beads] Qid 73b(2; O2); 'llV'y 'mi X0X1 XJ1D 'Kin I saw a load of myrtle branches which was placed over me Ber 56b(18); 5. pass.part. to lie down: a. obj.: xmiX3 in'31J7D iai their loads are lying on the road BM 32a(52); Sab 138a(40); XBOn XBWB m D'bl Xp1P3 'mi a sherd without any substance lying in the street SSHai 5b(12); Suk 22b(25) [4- Voan pe., mng. 3]; 'mi p'lyD TDOl 1'3'3J nnx your hair is disheveled and is laid behind your back Bo 9:3; b. people: X131 'm H^XX a man lying on his face Zev 62b(15; V8) [indicating placement from north to south]; 'm 'wpai (x>«nia '3 'mya ty vrpb tm PN was lying on his stomach in the school and was raising a difficulty Zev 5a(3); I'Diya 'mi TXp13 being sick and bedridden BB 154a(22) [in a legal document; cf. Sy rdj»T_*. -V <■ rdsoi PSm 3923]; SSSad 213:4; pn'Oiy by 'm Bo 7:17; d. to plant: 'B1J1 'BX11 one who used to plant garlic San 109b(10) [cf. 4- Vl#'1tf pe., mng. 13]; 7. to pour a liquid [Akk nadu CAD N/1 74, mng. lb]: I'^Bl mbn XDX1 Xrfrn xmi he poured three (measures of water upon the lees) and three and a half (measures of wine) resulted (from the mixture) BB 96b(14); Ber 25b(27); xmi iraV XD31? after he poured (the wine) into the cup AZ 58a(28); ib. 71b(2); xVtM '"? 'BTn '3D'31 Wfl TCb X'm nnx let your wife come (and) pour me a cup (of wine). She came (and) poured (it) for him Ned 51a(12; Ed); Bek 27a(16); Pes 42b(6); Kar 13b(35); X"i13 'B n'riBX1? rf? 'BX1 WV 31 XW1X PN used to pour fish brine on his maidservant's head Sab 105b(43); 1'V '8X1 p'^Ol H'sbs X^pl"? he ascends to pour it [i.e. the mixture] into the pith of the date palm Pes 56a(10); TGAs28 183:9; 8. to set out (of food): Xlin 'b xai he set out (meat of) an ox for him Nid 33b(17) [cf. Ma: pai XJ113XD1 XBXnV 11B11 jlS^'l1? who set out bread ,and ritual food for you MD 435]; XWn1? xno'3 iai mn '3 when they used to set out fodder for the animals BM 85a(10); 9. to impose s.t. upon s.o. [w 'by; cf. MH Vy V'Bn Men 42a(10)]: a. monetary duty, work: nplX H'lV'y iai they imposed upon them (an assessment) of charity Meg 27a(46); Xlim H'13D 'J3X lail xV'Va 'ai a certain payment of the coronation tax which was imposed upon the people of GN BB 8a(39; SM 174:33); ib. 4 [4- X113 usage a]; b. oath [cf. Akk mamitam nadu to take(?) an oath CAD N/1 94]: n'"?y ]331 iai nyi32/ the Rabbis impose an oath upon him BM 2b(2); BQ 107a(9); TGHark 202:33; c. obligation, duty: )331X Xlltf Xai nX'Wl 111,1' '1 PN imposed (the building of) the (city) wall upon the scholars BB 7b(48); 311 n'lBW I'ty iai "?X1B1P1 1'iaini they imposed upon him the stringent ruling of PN and the stringent ruling of PN2 Er 6b(29); pass.part. X'ai I'ty niXBI p'3 p'B"3 n'1'1^ since the commandment is incumbent upon him, we compel (him) Yev 39a(46); BQ 48a(27); ,T3 'pioy'X1? 11'Vy 'ail 1,31 those upon whom it is incumbent to deal with it [i.e. burying the corpse] HP 165:2; d. fear: l'ri'3 'u/rXX xriB'X XBTB1? to inculcate fear in his wife Sab 105b(42); e. act, deed: pass.part. X'ai 1'Vy XlWai '"7'B '"713 all the matters of the town are incumbent upon him MQ 6a(7); bo mnyix ixV P'rxi mby X'ai xbi xrfr'a a person is not aware of anything which is not incumbent upon him Svu 34b(16); BB 39a(14); Anan 22:12; AnanSch 3:17; 10. to strike s.o.: I'1? iai 3D 3D strike him very much Git 14b(7; Ar [AC 4:2]); 11. fig. to raise a contradiction by contrasting authoritative sources [lit. to throw one source against another]: a. biblical verses: 'BX11 X3'X1 '111X "Xlp there are some who raise a contradiction between biblical verses Mak 9a(8) [bet. Num 35:15 and ib. 12]; Ber 7a(41); MQ 9a(49); BB 98b(25); Zev 116b(33); b. a biblical verse and a Tannaitic source: xnx '1 TCb 'axi X3'1X Sab llla(18) [bet. Mib. 14:4 and Prov 10:26]; b. Tannaitic sources: XnX'JDB 'ai X3'31 !#'»") 1087 i#'a-i 'J1PB1 '111X PN used to point out contradictions between Tannaitic traditions and answer (them) BM 81a(ll); San 61a(25); Nid 33b(18); X3'X1 xai'a (')(1)nV '8X11 there is someone who actually points out a contradiction between them [i.e. bet. our Mishna and a barraita] RH 27b(36); Suk I6a(2i); rvb 'ai xss 3ii n'ap1? nV"y 'd when you go in before PN, point out (the following) contradiction to him Pes 16a(26); Er 34b(16); Yev 42b(29); Yom 30b(14); '13'BII and point out the contradiction between them Sab 58a(19) [bet. a Mishna and barraita; v. Eps, MNM 154+]; Yom 14b(5); BQ 81a(22); c. statements of Amoraim: 'D11 "3X1X "3X1 'B11 X311X X311 point out a contradiction between that of PN and that of PN [i.e. two statements of his] and PN2 and PN2 Sab 92a(10); Pes 1 la(33); Qid 75a(35); BB 152a(ll); 1'b'IX I'V'I 'B1 he points out a contradiction between two of his statements [lit. this one of his and that one of his] Kar 3b(20); ri'BI Xp X13JX X131 you are raising a contradiction between one authority and another Er 82a(l); Tan 4b(24); BQ 43b(29); 12. fig. to attribute [w. -*]: n"B1Jl ]XBX XI to whom will you attribute this [i.e. our Mishna]? MQ 2b(3); Pes 27a(17; V'"); Men 25b(44); 13. to lay an egg [Ma Xfl'3 XB11 MD 435, JNA rmy HDJNA s.v., Sy rd^si af, LS 733, mng. 6; cf. Akk pili nadii CAD N/1 94]: X'BII xr^Unn XBT XW331 XBT a hen which lays (an egg) one day and withholds the (next) day Nid 39b(ll); XJ1B1 Vari'Xa (the hen) laid it yesterday Bes 7b (7); xrfrunn x'an pai x"7i <'ya) c^'a) 'am eggs which have not matured which a hen lays HG3 189:7; ib. 190:14; 14. to attach threads, fringes, or laces: XJrrOI 'Din 'an ]XB 'XI 'iayi XB'Vn one who attaches a linen thread to a woolen garment Nid 61b(21); XTOn Diay 31 n'ri'3 ■'Vim xamsV xnV'sn xai PN attached tekhelet-dyed fringes to his wife's apron Suk 1 la(37) [cf. MH2 rfan b'DBI Men 40a(3)]; Men 39a(41); ib. 41a(14); 42a(27); 43a(28); X111 'Din TU'HBXI X1?! 'BXD1X 'iXDa D'DI X13U a certain man who was wearing black shoes and did not attach laces Tan 22a(13); 15. in idiomatic phrases: a. w. "B7BJK to make an effort [lit. to place upon o.s.]: I'WBJX XBTB Kb 'ya'X he should have made an effort BQ 99b(28); 'Xai X3X ri'131'Xl 'XWBJX I made an effort and remembered Ket 20b(7); ^Z4a(41); Svu 45b(10); Nid 15a(37); b. w. KJTIS3 to defecate [lit. to drop excrement; cf. Akk kabussu iddi CAD K 29]: XJIT1? 1'IDDI XniSD xail it defecated and dammed up the Jordan BB 73b (9) // Zev 113b(24); c. w. '13'1? to lay bricks [Akk libitta nadii CAD L 177; cf. TA yhb 'mi let us make bricks TO Gen 11:3]: '33'V 'BX11 one who is laying bricks San 109b(9); pass.part. 'J3'1? iai BB 3b(26); d. w. XI13 to disagree w. s.o. [lit. to throw an ax]: 4- XJ13 usage b; e. w. 'pBIB to put on shoes: '"jxai 'pBIS 'BX1 XJ11 31 13 131 PN used to put on p.-shoes and pray Sab 10a(7); f. w. xbp to raise the voice, shout [Sy j-ioiK' i^JLi LS 734, mng. 19, Ma XB1 ... x"?xp MD 435; cf. Akk rigma nadii CAD N/1 94]: I'V XB1 x"?p he shouted to him Ber 59a(12); Yom 69b(24); BB 73a(23); Hul 105a(42); x"?p 1'3 1B11 n'lllXI they shouted at him and he brought it back BQ 118b(4); Sab 124b(39); Er 63a(29); MQ 17a(39); BB 5a(6); g. w. N13& to brew ^.-beverage [cf. Akk ana nade sikari (dates) for brewing beer CAD N/1 76]: XIS'P 'XB11 MUb IX 'IJiyx X1? had I not brewed s.-beverage I would not have become rich Pes 113a(19); "7IX 'B1 XI'B 1TXB XB1 brew from this (pile of cuscuta). He went (and) brewed from another (pile) BM 42b(27); )'3 D'lam ]'31 'D'm ]'3 "XB1X1 X13'W1 '12? 1'"? fbvm x"?l I'1? 1B1 XBTB1 ]TD 1'piBSI as to s.-beverage of pagans, whether of wheat, or dates, or raisins, since they actually brew it and do not cook it, it is permitted Geon 343:12; h. w. KU'n to quarrel [Ma Xll'Tl XB1 MD 485; v. Af., mng. 3]: XU'n 13 1BX1 X^l HSiro XD'1?! there is no few£6a-(settlement) in which (people) do not quarrel Sab 130a(38) Af. 1. to throw: '113 XriB'1 p'BIB Xni XBT "73 rvb mn x"?i ]3i in xa'x mn x:i'xm irVsxi 'im xjB'xp xix 'xi3nV xrax i'dsb mm n'ina xns'i ]XBD 'X1»B3 'W I'SJ1? 'XDB '3 XDB'1 I'1? XJ'BIBl «1'D3'I7 xVl '3'1 '3 n'3'B 'Vp^l every day we used to throw the loaves together (for a common meal) and eat. Today there was one with us who did not
2#'an 1088 pi have bread with him, and he was ashamed. I said to my colleagues: "I shall get up and throw the bread for him." When I came to his place, I pretended as if I had taken (it) from him so that he should not be ashamed Sab 156b(14); 2. to snatch away: ma n"B"IX "1B"IX (the other mouse) certainly snatched it [i.e. the piece of bread] from it Pes 10b(26); ib. 27; 29; n'Bpj'X 'X ]'B n'V 'ana ]XB T3 if I hold him in my hand, who can snatch him away from me? Hag 15b(18); 3. w. "1 to involve s.o. in a dispute [v. Pe., mng. 15h]: mn n'3 X'BIB it involves him in disputes Yev 63a(33) Itpe. 1. to happen to be, take place, occur: a. person: XT'DWIX Xinn3 'B"in'X he happened to be at a certain inn San 107b(26); x"?T Xin "TOin'X 'Tin HTO 1'Bina they just happen not to be present together HG2 98:83; 'XBin'X Xin XiB'T mi3 mry nam nxa am rramxa myj once there happened to be a betrothed woman upon whom an m.d. -official set his sight Tan 22a(18); xriXTB Xinna by 'Bin'X he happened to enter a certain entrance Hul 7b(19); SS/fai 17b(6); TGHark 161:33; i& 157:8; /SGF 111:6; b. animal, object: 'XII 'BD 'annx "laiflX W XnVn XVI max for three days (the animal) just happened to be (there). More-it is certainly a lost object BM 30b(52); V7BJ1 l&-in,K "lmn'X 'TinX (the coins) just happened to fall together ib. 25a(4i); r\b 'am mxBT xnVa x'B-m'a 'm perhaps a matter of a miswa may occur, and they will give it [i.e. the money designated for the synagogue] to them BB 3b(26); S$HaiGr 32:9; OTpOXI p'Vo XIW 'a-IJVX there happened to be a pillar (under the floor where he was standing). He rose and lifted them up Ket 62a(40); HG3 238:59; c. occurrence, date: ]V3 min' xaVl 'BinX! VITl W 3'2/m perhaps Judah (knew), since he had reckoned the days and months, and it coincided Mak 23b(41); nnVn 'mnOT nB'X "73a rvb p'lrnsa n»ra whenever the third of Tisri falls we separate him [i.e. the high priest from his wife] Yom 8b(17); Meg 29b(32); 'B"inan lyiB "73 n3B/3 any holiday which falls on the Sabbath Anan 39:5; ib. 76:12; /A7 3a:17; d. place: Hul 13b(5); 2. w. "V to happen to have: lBin'Bn iy xnaV'n uxm nn'a n'V until he has two (witnesses) who can recite Tannaitic traditions Svu 41b(36; HP 126:5); rf? 'Bin'X "IBtn'X she just happened to have it [i.e. the froth] AZ 70b(4); mn 'ira ntrp 'in wb lanxra nn if there happened to be two knots next to each other Sab 74b(32); pTB1? XJHXT X^'Dp 'V 'BinX! 1 happened to have (the opportunity) to buy a plot of land5M75b(41); ib. 20b(32); 55 5a(26); Ber 39b(29); 5eA: 27a(15); Am llb(51); rf? 'B"in'X X'l'm Xi"573 nV"y it happened for her that (the pin[?]) penetrated the snake's eye Sab 156b(23); 3. to coincide, be the same: XBW 'B"inx 'm XBW3 perhaps one name was the same as another 5W18b(41) Lit: Bacher 210 [Pe., mng. 11]; Stol, Beer 159 [Pe., mng. 15g]. The mng. of this rt. in the fol. passages is unclear: 1. 1*7 XJ1X 'rvrm 'otb 'nxD'm i^'ia .t1? xvn-n 'naj the man whom we... with wheat straw has come to us and he is ... and refuted Nid 26b(31; M); 2. 'B'3 'OTI xnrfD the i.-dish which ... Hor 12a(45) // Kar 6a(13) is unclear. 2#'!3T vb. (JPA 2#'B1 DJPA 526) I HXBT n., XmXBT n. [NJT»"I I XNB'n n.] K3ST n.m. herd (< Mir *ramak [cf. MP ramag herd, flock CPD 70]; Sy rCk m-j herd [of horses, donkeys, etc.] LS 734, Ma X3BX1 large flock, herd MD 421; cf. BH rOTT* HAL 1160) pi. •obi oan xtVix x-oya mn rrman his she-ass was pregnant. It gave birth to many herds (of donkeys) Tan 23a(47; Ar [AC 7:281) Lit: Geig, AAC 383; Y: '3DT Tan ib.(BAYTN 129). 0»1 vb. to trample (4- XOB'I; BH DB1 HAL 1161, JPA OBI to crawl DJPA 526) Pe.: |>o»Tl they trample Bo 1:10 Itpe. to be trampled: in 0('>CI}BTX XBV XVin X3D an old man was trampled that day AZ 17b (42); 01BTX '3D HB3 X3TXH nyi ib. 41 |*DT vb. to produce a secretion in the eye (I XSB1; Sy ^i-y' ^-i«T the eye produced a white secretion Audo 2:516) Pa./Af.: pass.part. rfa'J? IXB^l his eyes are covered by a secretion 5eA:44a(28; Ar [AC 4:80]) [expl. MH niDTTO ib.] Lit: Eps, GC 115u; AAC 207, s.v. rUBlB. ssan 1089 Kjrijn SSian, KXian n.m. rust (i V?a"l; cf. Sy k^ot secretion in the eye PSm 3934) sg. xVnBT XSB1 rust of iron Sab 90a(23) // Nid 62a(23) [Var: XSBTlMGC 115:4] Lit: Eps, GC 1151'; Y: XXn-! Sab ib. K#»"j, abs. tfsn n.m. evening (TA Xttftri TO Gen 19:1, Sy ^ r\r\ LS 735, Ma 1# XB/BXT MD 421) sg.abs. IBS! VIZI boi xbl not every evening and morning Bo 28:5 l#NnKH n.f. height (4- Vail; Sy rc'^boA LS 720, Ma 2#XTOX1 MD 421) pi. )im KWf] nXIDBITX the heights in them were lowered down Bo 10:6; pi. xnBXI Vj/I niB by l^STll they will fall upon the mountains and the heights ib. 119:29; 127:21 2# Nriai n.f. maggots, worms (in a decaying body; Sy r^i^n LS 732, Ma 2# mn MD 433) coll. XflBT H'3 XDVtt? Xp the maggots have power over him BB 84b(22; SM 65:14) ]3*l vb. to complain, gossip (JPA "3 ]1~\ DJPA 526) Pa. 1. w. 'by to complain: pal 'Mia Xp m rr'jy the Rabbis were complaining about him BM 84b(13); 2. w. ")m, "imN, "3 to gossip: Xp 1B1I n,"in3 IXI^JIB (if he dies) young they will gossip about his (early death) Tan 5b (22) [Var: '33nB mmx 'BVy 'Vl3 L]; 7ev 34b(30); rG//a/-/t 84:20 1# 001 vb. to sprinkle (Sy usi pe., af. LS 736) Af.: X'B3 DnBT X1H DT (the word) 01 [i.e. D'lV Ezek 46:14] means that he sprinkles (the flour) with water AnanSch 11:25 [2# DOT vb. 4- Vmn pe., mng. 2 So* 32a(6; Ed, Rashi)] Ni?ripn, Npnon, NpXIO'l n.m. district, village (< MIr *rastaq [cf. MP rastag series, row CPD 71, NP rustaq, rastaq village, market town PED 575]; OfA nsriDT TADC 3:21:22; I nxpnOVl) 1. district: sg. Xnnai Xpnon the district of GN Sab 124b(38); Er 44b(8); 13yB Xp mm X13J Km xtihbt xpno-13 nnsnV xnam xnnn a certain person who was moving a jug of wine to another in the district of GN BM 83a(17; HP 75:31); "IB xnnBT xpnons 'xp mn 'ipx 3i -a pn was located in the district of PN BB 12b(9); Ber 54a(40; MGE 146:14); 2. village: sg. V'aipT XpTOin village of GN Bo 87:2; pi. ~nn 'prion n'V ri'X 'XT n'3Tnn if there are villages around it ... [i.e. a walled city] HG1 408:72; p3T1 'pno'1 the villages of the scholars TGAs27 96:1; xnxnna 'priDinai in the cities and in the villages NDGR 236:5 Lit: Geig, AAC 386; Tel 127; Shaked, MSF 135; Voc: XjWOT HGP 29b: 16; Y: XJJW3-1 Ber ib.(BAYTN 222). nWrpSn, f. NJI'jriay'l adj., n. ravenous (< MH insyn, ]rayn Gross, Patterns 120; J, xrvumjn) n., sg.f. Xll'jnsyi n*7 np'V xVt so that they should not call her the ravenous one Ket 96b(16; M) Nrnarpjn n.f. voracity (< 4 ]roy"i + xnr) sg. xmansy-ia 'inna xp xm does it not, in fact, look like voracity? Ber 39b(27) // Sab 117b(51); Hul 105b(35) Y: xrmrajn Ber ib.(BAYTN 313). Nniyi, abs. Nljn, cs. mir\ n.f. wish, will, volition (i >/2#'yi; TA Xljn TO Dt 33:24, JPA mijn, cs. -myi DJPA 527) sg. a. general: V'T n'my-l rcb <T)3'y go (and) carry out his wish for him Ket 77b(26); Dec 2:6; 13nm xmyi 1B"p fulfill the will of your Lord Ber 57b(56); nDX^B 'rrnm xmyn T3J?1 the angel who does the will of his Lord Bo 14:6; HM 42:14; n'3'bn Xmyi the will of his heart AnanSch 32:8; ib. 5; b. esp. cs. in phrase "WSJ my^ of... own volition [cf. JPA liaiys: my-13 djpa 527]: xjx vibvpb '©dj my-i3 p'Sl I am going out to be killed of my own volition San 7b(30); WSJ myi3 'ri'3t5S'X I desired of my own volition SSHai 17a(2); X:x»BJ myi3 KMnrw/jn we entered into partnership of our own volition ib. 9b(6); 3a(9); 14a(6); 15b(18); SSSad 208b:5; c. abs. in the phrase ("1) Xiyi xnn/X,T may it be (His) Will: xn' "IJ'jn Xnp piB'm Xiyi may it be (His) will that a horn should sprout in your eye Sab 108a(39) [play on PN X31p]; "?3pnm XnV'B XB'XT XiyT KV may it be (His) will that I shall say a (legal) matter and it will be accepted Bes 38a(21); VI' Tixnn xVl y-ltn Xiyi may it be (His) will (that) you will sow and not reap MQ 9b(9); Ber 56a(51); Yom 53b(2); Yev 37a(2); San 108b(48);
i#'jn 1090 yjn Men 67a(19); Nid 33b(23); Xiyi VW Wg 9b(25); ISGF 121:15; Dec 7:10 Y: xrnjn for 57b(56; BAYTN 29); Klip &rf> 108a(39; BAYTN 102). l#'jn vb. to graze, tend animals, to be in charge (4- X'yi, X"yi; Sy 1# rdii LS 737, Ma 1#XX1 MD 417) Pe. 1. to graze: XpW 'J'Dpi xnn Till T3 X'yil a prickly (creeping animal), with thin legs, and it grazes among the brambles BQ 80a(38) [expl. MH p30n JlT>in ib.]; Tern 22b(23); 2. to tend animals: a. alone: ''V TVXl w nn 'yn 'mn m1? n'Vi xav 'jrva 'Tin let the one who has (one) ox tend (the other oxen one) day. Let the one who has no ox (tend the other oxen) two days Nid 69a(33) // 'yxi San 109a(50); xnrn 'yi mm X'jn Xinn a certain shepherd who was tending animals BM 93a(43); b. w. "3: 'DSm X3rm X"1Din3 O'Tm -|3 ljm T> they will seize you and make you tend pigs with a golden staff Ber 56a(8); 3. to be in charge of s.o.: Ifr? XJ'jn XTft iVai iy X3X I [i.e. the Angel of Death] shall be in charge of them until they complete their allotted time [lit. the generation] Hag 5a(6) 2# 'jn vb. to desire, wish (4- xmyi; Sy 3# rd^i LS 738) Pe.: 13 Xr3X x"71 13 XFJTl X1? I do not desire you, and I do not want you Yev 107b(18) [Var: H'3 XJX'3X X1?! n'3 XJX'yi x"7 HP 150:7]; /& 48; H'Tl' X313T1? xryi X"7 X3X11 do not wish to sell it SSHai 16b(l) Itpa. to agree: .T1? 'yTX H'DSX he compelled him, (and) he agreed to his (demand) Pes 62b(23) Used mostly in legal terminology. 3# 'JH vb. i XJl'yn n., V'XI vb. N'jn, pi. KJTVljn n.m. one who grazes animals, shepherd (I Vl#'yi; TA X'jn TJ Is 40:11, Sy rdi^A, pi. rc'&iLiA LS 737, Ma l#X'Xn MD 420) sg. mn yi3© X3"?3 pi X'yi '3'py "1 PN was a shepherd of PN2 Ket 62b(49); boi X'yn Xinn 'inos xnrn n,!7 poa lin XBV a certain grazer to whom each day animals were delivered (for grazing) before witnesses BM 5a(29); Pn rT3 n'Jxy ty X'yi when the shepherd gets angry at his sheep BQ 52a(13); Ber 40b(21); Sab 32a(9); BM 84b(35) // San 103a(39; K); ib. 93a(43); pi. 11130 XJinynx p311 did the Rabbis rely on the grazers (of the cows to intercalate the year)? San 18b(43; K); Bek 21b(ll); XTliym XIH 'the town of shepherds* Er 7b(6) [GN] Voc: K'n HGP 15b:34; Y: N;jn BA/ 84b(35; BAYTN 104). lOi'Sn n.m. thought (V3#Tl; LJLA XJl'jn TgPs 92:5, Sy KlLLM LS 738, Ma lSXJXTI MD 429) pl.cs. HTb 'Jl'jn the thoughts of the heart Bo 59:4; ib. 1 N'JSH n.m. pasture (4- Vl#'jn; TA xVl TJ IK 5:3, Sy rcli^i LS 737) sg. X'yV? x"7IX (the animal) goes out to pasture Pes 97a(12); 'T'X X"jn X13J? xyiX Xtt^pl since the ground is thin, it produces pasture Sot 34b(50); BM 28b(47) [* i XBD'B]; ib. 69a(29; V22); X'ym "1B3 droppings of the pasture Er 29b(44; Ar [AC 4:288]) Y: K*n BM 69z(29; BAYTN 129). J/'JH adj. dilapidated, of impaired status (4- Vyyi pe., pass.part, yi; TA y'jh TJ Is 42:3, Sy i<\ i\i LS 737) 1. dilapidated, unsound: sg.m. yyi mm XrP3 Xinn a certain house which was dilapidated Tan 20b(29); f. mm XrTPX bo nb "1710 mn xyyn he used to destroy any wall which was dilapidated ib. 43; Xflyyn Xfl'WX X'nn ib. 25; 2. of impaired status: sg.m. X"IB© 'Xn n'3 p'31B X^ Xyyi we cannot collect a debt with a document of impaired status Ket 36b(12) Y: Ny5H Tan ib.(Mo 239). Din vb. to thunder (4- XByi, XJWtfl; Sy >^i LS 739, Ma XKTI DXT MD 421; cf. Gy 96:13) Pe.: XByi O'yTT the thunder thunders (in the cloud) Ber 59a(27; MGE 149:8) Niajn n.m. thunder (4- Voyi; Sy «L^.i LS 739, Ma l#X»n MD 433) sg. Ber 59a(27; MGE 149:8) [i Voyi pe.] yjn vb. to break, cause harm, impair validity (4- yi, xmyn, yyi; Sy .^ pe., etpe. LS 737) Af. i. to break: anwv inxi myix d^bi inxi n'3 l"?B31 camels came (and) broke it [i.e. the covering on the pit], and (then) oxen came and fell in it BQ 52a(32); 2. to make unsound: nyna 'XITOX1? wb you are making my wall unsound BB 7a(21); ib. 59a(5); TGAs28 198b:2; 3. to cause harm: .T»S3 'yniX TiH X^l p"T p'a Xip'ya -\S1 1091 'SI (the messenger) investigates (the husband's intentions) thoroughly from the beginning, and (the latter) is not apt to cause himself harm Git 3a(7); ib. 10b(27); Pes 3b(32); AZ 27b(3); X1?! -pax1? mynxn naa lynux)1? so that he should not cause harm to you as he caused harm to your father Tan 9a(24; O); 4. to impair validity: iy3p n^ xjynai mo xrii'm xaar ,l7 set a time for me (in court) to bring witnesses, and I shall impair its [i.e. the writ's] validity BQ 112b(36); XJyiB n'aiSX XnDir; I would impair the validity of a document on his testimony Ket 85a(41); BM 21a(12); BB 49a(3); ib. 154a(15); tfb yia Xp n'mS'l"? he impairs the validity of his statement gW64a(35); 5JW5b(12) Itpe. 1. to be unsound: 'xn'tt'X yum X1? my wall should not become unsound BB 6b (29); 2. to be .impaired: XTOV yiTTX the validity of the document was impaired Svu 42a(10); "?S3T ]TO n'V yiJTX since (the document) fell, its validity was impaired BM 13a(ll); X311 wb yiTTX (the embryo)'s (presumption of belonging to) the majority was impaired Yev 37a(22); Ket 16b(l); bb 92b(i3); "ynri'x x^ nana "yiTTX po the knife's (status of being smooth) was impaired. The animal's (status of being fit) was not impaired Hul 10a(31); 3. w. xVlS to have misfortune: n'Via yirvai n'Tiyi xir/?n xaVi lest he become discouraged and he will have misfortune Hor 12a(40) // Kar 6a(3); ]Xa 'Xn n'Via wb abi 'a'n 'a 'Vr1? xb xap xar trim one should not reveal that he is sick on the first day so that he should not have misfortune Ber 55b(41); Ned 40a(16); Hag 5a(2) 1B1 vb. Pa. (uncertain): poia HS11 Bo 2:7; ib. 29:11; 52:11 Lit: AIT 126. N(71ST n.m. one who hoes (4- VpS"l ^5fo/-form) sg. So) 10a(22; V2) Y: Xj?1Bl Sol ib.(BAYTN 20). BS1 vb. to fall apart (MH2 ODT J 1489) Itpe. (a): BBTXT {VOI) CXI'ail XJliaTl 'Xn a large ark (for Torah scrolls) which has fallen apart Meg 26b(35) Lit: D. Boyarin, Tarbiz 50 [1981] 175+, suggests that this is a var. rt. of I V~nB; Y: DBnK Meg ib. 'B"l vb. to be loose, soft, weak, undecided (4- XJTVS-l; Sy 2# rdai LS 740, Ma XST MD 436) Pe. 1. to be loose: a. objects: ,BT mm XS'n bo nT'S wherever (the ground) was loose he indicated it Sab 34a(5) [4- *■ '©p adj.]; 'BXT! pal "j'SJI sometimes (the bit) becomes loose and falls out ib. 52a(8); 43a(14); X'DI Xiai Xa'Blpa XHSW the handle in the hole of the spade becomes loose Git 32a(l); ib. 2; 3; XBTB 'XBT "DX even (if the pitch on the jug) became quite loose AZ 33b(l 1); b. parts of body: Naz 39a(23) [of hair]; ib. 25; 'BXT! Sab 110a(45) [v. Pa.]; 2. to be soft: XBTB B^axp mm ... XTU p XaXB 'BXT the utensil becomes very soft from the fire and afterwards shrinks OHT Sab 69:20 [v. Sab 74b(12)]; Hul 62b(23); xrvyix x"sm 73 miy^nnx 'ix»i n'mai he pours (three hundred bowlfuls of water) on his head until the bottom of his skull becomes soft Ket 77b(21); X31B 1BTT l"yxi even though (the olive cakes) are very soft AZ 40b(14); 3. to be weak: sg. m'BT 'BTJ XB'X there are (families) whose blood is weak [i.e. which bleed profusely] Yev 64b(42); Sab 77a(10) [of wine]; 4. w. -'T3 to be undecided [v. Pa.]: sg.f. mT3 X'BT X"?1 ]'X yes and no, and he was undecided concerning it Sab 113a(25); ib. 116a(44); BM 14b(12); Qid 65a(30) Pa. 1. to loosen: a. soil: xynx "IB!1? to loosen the soil of the field (by plowing) MQ 2b(13); Ned 41b(38); BB 17b(26); b. teeth: 'BIB H3B X3'1? (if) there is no wound, (the vinegar) loosens (the teeth in the gums) Sab llla(25); c. clasps: 'yX3 '3 na 'BIB when it is necessary he loosens it [i.e. the loops of the whip to lengthen it] Mak 23a(19); d. bowels: '•? D'Bp 'SXTD m1? 'BIB D'Bp (if) he is constipated [lit. constricted] it loosens his (bowels. If) he has loose bowels it constricts him Sab 110a(45) // Pes 42b(21); e. menstrual flow: X'BIB xmnya n'BS XiriB fear inhibits (a woman's menstrual flow), (and) dread loosens (it) Sot 20b(39; V2) // Nid 71a(14); f. other: OHT Ber 130:23(Ar) [4- XBin]; 2. pass.part. w. "T3 to be undecided [v. Pe.]: in'T3 X'BIB "lBm Xlp'yB they were entirely undecided at first BB 142a(15)
NJivsn 1092 'SI Af. to loosen: Kb 1BXBX1 H'1? 1B1X they loosened it [i.e. the rope] and tightened it Yev 46a(22) NJIVBI n.f. softness (i V'BI; cf. Sy rc'&cv.^ LS 740) sg. XJ71X1 Xni'BI softness of the field [i.e. the soil] TaS 571:4 1#0B1 vb. (uncertain; 4- XOB'1, XnOBI; Sy ■ mfvi LS 741, Ma OBI MD 437) Pe.: ni'Vl ■rnann '"7 xobi xs'en1? & 40b(32; RaH) [Af. to shatter 4- VnBI] Geon. expl.: 'Vlb'S JXB1? X131? Vn Jl"n X1? ,"inx IBl^B XW *?»» X3 rvn sV Vixw1? -\b vrv rf?w GnK5 172:13; Ray: nxnw 'a la"? ipoy na 'mx jronV xbp inns ibix n1? v? °?y wsna nan ■rnnx pijna xim ip>By na wix 'ww Ar [ac 7:293]. 2#0ST vb. to be wide (cf. Akk rapasu D to widen CAD R 156) Af. to widen: irU'DBIX n'1pP3 n"tn n'J"57^ he opened his eyes wide, saw him, (and) recognized him Bek 36b(14; L1) SnOB") n.f. shaking (4 Vl# DB1; Sy r<"X m_°a trembling motion LS 741) sg. xnrBOl XnOBI shaking of the boat BM 79b (10) So Rashi [other expl. S. Friedman, BM VI: 189]; Voc: xfiDBT HGP 28b:28; Y: xriDBT BM ib.(BAYTN 186). pBT vb. to hoe (< Akk rapaqu A CAD R 150, AIOA 87; 4- xpB'1, XplBI) Pe.: a. field: ipBl p'BI Xp "Xpl mna^K they went out (to the field and) found him hoeing Tan 23a(55) [Var: p'BI Xp XpB'1 M2Ar (AC 7:294)]; XBV im X131 p'BTl '3 as much as a person can hoe in one day BB 12a(35); »&. 54b(18); Er 25a(41); TG^« 43:21; b. vineyard: XO'113 'XI 1'3 pSTaV to hoe the vineyard with it BM 103a(18); ib. 19; I'V p'BI XpB'1 'BB he used to give it an additional hoeing Men 87a(22) Geon. expl.: TITy Yiy» xpsn p'BITl TGAs28 142:8 [expl. Tan. ib.] l#t#BT vb. to break (of clods; cf. Sy rdLa^ shovel LS 741, mng. 3 < Akk rapsu II AHw 957) Pa.: xap xap "nxi W'BIB he continuously breaks up the clods one after another BM 95b (23; H[corr. to 'B1B],Ar [AC 7:295]) Expl. Ar: T"ixn nnsai psna AC ib. [2#B7BT vb. to become soiled (denom. < BH tiBI HAL 1193) Itpa.: ma fl'V P1BTX1 &e/ 37:147 Lit: Eps, Stl 108, suggests a corruption < WlBB'Xl (v. Var).] TV2~\ vb. to vibrate, pulsate (Sy iuai to glide, vibrate LS 741) Pa./Af. to cause to vibrate: '31 X1PX iriBTa '(XIT1 'nyaw these traditions of mine make the roof vibrate Qid 63b(38) KJISnX"! n.f. strap (JPA nyiXI DJPA 528) sg. '<n)yiX1 my strap San 7b(39) The H form nyiXT occurs several times in BT in A contexts, e.g.: •h-'Wn njmn MQ 25a(45); Men 35b(3); n'VlJBl njmn Sab 112a(23). KB1ST n.m. perh. a low-quality wine (etym. unkn.; 4 XB1X1B) sg. BB 95b(25) [Var: XB1SKB1 RaH, quoted in RaSBaM] '5H vb. to appease, propitiate, accommodate, present a discourse, agree (< BH 1#'X1 pi. HAL 1194; 4 V3# 'JH; JPA 'ST DJPA 529) Pa. 1. to appease: I'laV 'IST? JJ31B 'XH 5H' 1B3 how well this one of the scholars knows how to appease his Master Ber 33b(40) // Meg 25a(19); 2. to propitiate (of a sacrifice): X1?! X1H "1ST 'W'lp Enp'B XH 'X1B (even though the blemished sacrificial animals) do not propitiate at all, they are, in fact, still fully consecrated Tern 5b(40); f'X 'S"ia the frontplate (of the high priest) propitiates (for a mistake in a sacrifice) Pes 78a(14); Yom 7b(12) Af. 1. to persuade: n'13rf7 WTB in n"X1X1 'Xinxi one of them persuaded the other (party in the dispute), and he agreed [lit. was persuaded] BB 2b(12); 2. to ingratiate o.s.: "1X1X X'XIBI n'Bp (the wife) constantly ingratiates herself before him [i.e. her husband] Er 100b(38); Ned 20b(35); 3. to propitiate (of a sacrifice): 1133 Xin "1X1X 13 does propitiation apply to a firstborn animal? lev 1 lb(23) [cf. HXXin 13 RH 5b(40)]; 4. w. 'ap to present a discourse before s.o. [caique < MH 'ISV ,1X1.1 J 1493]: 1X1X1 'X1X1 wn xp x1? rrap "Txix xVi 'xixi 3'wn xp rrap he counts (an instance) where he discoursed and they discoursed before him. He does not count (an instance) where he discoursed and they did not discourse before him liag 14b(38); Qid 45b (3); 5. w. 'tit to hand over money [caique < MH2 ffiya HX11 ib.]: 'TIT n'V 'XIX he handed over the money to him BB 48b (2) Itpe./Itpa. 1. to agree: BB 2b(12) [v. Af., mng. T?1 1093 NTIi?"l l]; 'BiyaV bsx XTixs 'tsiya1? iV 'xsinx '3 X1? Nnwa^m I only agreed with you with regard to limiting (my) air space, but not with regard to limiting my use (of the ground) ib. 13; IT'll^yi 'XTX1 they compelled him, and he agreed (to give the get) Am 21b(23); ib. 4; ISGF 112:13; TGHark 203:8; 2. to be accepted (of a sacrifice): 'S1» "1S1X TV'TUnai it is accepted completely according to the Torah Yev 90a(27); 'XT1? x"71 'JT1? let him bring (the sacrifice) even though it will not be accepted Zev 5a(21); ib. 27; 5b(31); Mei 8a(l); Men 3a(41); Yom 64a(24); 3. to be appeased: X1H -|'13 XWTlp 'XTBT "IK/S'X XID'a TIKI perhaps the Holy One, Blessed Be He, will be appeased and it will rain Tan 23b(12; V17) [Var: 'XinaT LM2] I'SI adj. deteriorated, worn-out (I KrU'XI) pl.f. xnrx(-i>n} oixitdcx inns 'mn 'ni n'mn they made a profit [MKet 10:4]-(they bought with deteriorated staters and sold for) new zuzim. They made a loss [Mib.]-(they bought with new zuzim and sold) for deteriorated staters Ket 93b(26; V5) [Var: xnXJ'XT '"WON TGHark 51:11] Geon. expl.: )13'XT XnXJ'XT 'TTOX3 13311J1J3 ]rf>'0jr 'XB3 X3H1 (x>3B'x (inn>Bi .'sny 'but 'mn th<3)oi irsii ... xnxiJ'ny TGHark ib. [v. also: <l)l'133n ]U3 X3B'X lnnsi '3,T ITfl HBX1 xnxrins ir3ti 'mn3 TGAs42 51:8]. tWtt'SI. n.f. a grain disease (4- ]'X1; cf. Sy K-ji^i dandruff LS 742) sg. BB 91b(42; EsP1) [expl. ITOaa^O ib.; Var: xnxrxi TGHark 51:11, xriXMIXTGC 105:12] Y: XrU'S-l BB ib.(BAYTN 174). [NS'SI 4 XX'X-n n.] 1"ST adj. bruised (V^XI pe., pass.part.; Sy^_.-T crushed Lev 22:24 [H ^tya]) pl.m. 'X(')(l)Xn M3 '3'y children with bruised eyes Ket 60b(54); f. in'3'y IX'X-n 'Xm the reason their eyes are bruised fler 59b(18) N3j;ST n.m. shoemaker (< MH ]Shn, 15?Xil Yeivin, BV 1045, Gross, Patterns 72) sg. NVin XJyxi Sab 60b(27) Expl. Ar: ^3W1X AC 7:298; Y: X$:n 5aft ib. *]X1 vb. to smash, crush (Ma «]XT to smash MD 437) Pe.: «]XTB lnrsnixm he smashed them [i.e. the utensils] completely Sab 16b(18); n'V "pm 1XT8 Zev 95a(4) Expl. Ar: l. vVriD nsw: ib'X3 n»y:i isira ^n -hra yp'ww [= RaH]; 2. 'rBna P3'W» AC 7:298. 3(?1 vb. to rot, decay (4- K3j?"l; BH 3pT pe. HAL 1201) Af.: -\rb 'TOa X1? '3p-lBi ]VD mTB since fruits rot, he does not leave them for a period of time BM 45b(5); Svu 48a(13); 3'piX ''BX na '31 13X in concerning a corpse, even if one limb decayed Naz 51b(20); ib. 51a(33); '1,1103 3'piX1 JIB it decayed when he was dead ib. 51b(21) tOP"! n.m. decay (4- V3pi; TA X3pi TJ Is 40:20) sg. X3p1 13 B'Vb; xVl Xl£/n31 Xn'OX a bronze mortar which does not corrode [lit. is not subject to decay] Nid 36b(49) Y: X3J7-1 Nid ib. 1# tp~\ vb. to dance (4 Xipi; Sy ruii LS 743, Ma ipi MD 437) Pe. (a/u): npi Dip get up (and) dance Ned 51a(13); X1011 X113'J73 rCVSl '"jxni 1BN1 Tpll he used to suspend himself from the door bolt, dance, and say Pes 68b(48); '1B3 x"?BJ Xipl K3pX a camel in Media can dance on a qab [i.e. anything is possible] Yev 45a(43); n'n303 ]ipi XnX'aiim [1]1[n] one took her, and the others dance Bo 30:3 Pa. id.: 'piBI I'Bnsx rr? 3'3ia (PN) used to mount her [i.e. the bride] on his shoulders and dance Ket 17a(30) [V5: Tpll]; "313 '3 Tpia 13 one who dances among the drinking bowls Pes 49a(49); BQ 97a(19) // 5M64b(27); BQ 86a(12) The mng. lV7fiN TplID Ket 17a(24; V5) is uncertain. Ace. to Rashi it refers to juggling three objects and catching one. 2#1j?1 vb. to sift flour (MH Ipi pi. J 1496; 4 Vl#111 pe., mng. 9) Pe.: X3'X XnxVlia HB3 'TJ1 Xyi1133 ]1pn see how many sieves there are which sift flour in GN Bes 29b(ll; Seel 124:35) N^i?"! n.m. dance (4- Vl#1p1; Sy rc'ix.i LS 743, Ma' xnpi MD 437) pi. fmna xb pnnrji ]'1'1p13 their feet are not seen in their dances Bo 14:8 NllpT n.m. jug, barrel (etym. unkn.; > Arab ■ijSI), pi. aJIjj large jug Fr, AF 165) sg. inaV iaxi '3pip3i r-|i3xi"' xnpi3 xian xrn» I shall drink tomorrow from the r.-jug of your father and
jrtpi 1094 i# Kn;?-! the g.-jugs of your mother Ned 51a(7; V2); 'in yabvb xiip-iV rrram Vipmxi x<t)|-iux3 rm ntJin in rrmaVn «pbi xiipm xhj/d 'xb xiVb '"in iT""n,BV,B these (porters) who were carrying (a load) on a pole, stumbled, and broke the r-jug should pay half (its value). Why? Because the /:-jug is too big to be carried by one person and too small to be carried by two persons BM 83a(25; HP 76:7); pi. 'Tipn GC 14:2(Var,Ar [AC 7:301) [expl. MH yWDH MKel 3:6; v. infra]; "XaBTI 'Tlpn r.-jugs of GN BM 84a(17; F'.AS 9 [1981] 32,HP 76:7,SM 64:19); Sab 127a(30; Ar [AC 7:301]) Geon. expl.: '11 pi <(V)JY>B-|Xn Tipi) Hlpn) pw fOB'SKl D'Vuy iV>xi irovix rapipnv *6x o'jpap1? I'am r<i>{Bi,,B3'' GC ib., i.e. £3; cf. also: ^^^cl i_jjj£lt <jjl ^ SUI Jjijllj OJ >kj v>- Jawal 71:13; Lit: S. Friedman, AS ib.; id., BM VL410323 yij?"] adj. spotted (4- Vj?p"i; TA yip TO Gen 30:32) sg.f. XJiyipT BQ 118b(8) [of sheep] Y: WjyijTl BQ ib.(BAYTN 73). 37'pT adj. firm, solid (4- Vypl pe., pass.part.; Sy ■^ y ': "j adj. LS 744) sg.m. yp ]XB1 who is firm? MQ 28a(39; TGHark 189:30,Ed) [C: XJPpO] Y: y'i?n Mg ib.(BAYTN 52). NJTpl n.f. sky, heaven (4- Vypi; Sy k'< ; ni m./f. LS 744, Ma XH'pn MD 437) a. general: sg. xrp"!3 im XJHX3 XBJ in1? rnniXl he placed one wing on the earth and one in the sky Git 68b (40); Hag I2b(47); nrjna nam xypna 'nsBi ix1? 'x '13 had they not proclaimed in heaven: "Beware of PN, my son" Pes 112b(48); Qid 81a(42); Git 68b(31); BM 85b(46); XB'13 Xy'p*13 nty ltn31 they proclaimed in heaven concerning her by the get ... Bo 70:7; ib. 84:13; '3X*?B nn H3 'J^B KypT3 two angels differed (in this matter) in heaven BB 75a(24); ib. 74a(31; TGHark 190:22) [4- X3XIJ]; XJPpa XpTTB in1? VBJ a slip fell down to them from heaven Yom 69b(20) // San 64a(13); BM 86a(35); Tan 21b(33); Yom 69b(32); 'KB TiyT xypna X3'Xi do you know what is in heaven? San 39a(24); XYin "On 'B3 XJPp the sky also revolves this way ib. 21; XJTpl XBTIOT X3T1 XJHX 'iV'y the place where the heavenly vault is overturned on top of the earth BB 74a(29); ib. 73b(29); Xypn ]B XTITl ""B'S Wni stones of fire came down from the sky MQ 25b(38); ib. 41; b. in compounds: sg. XypYI xrD'XlB the heavenly academic session Ber 18b(46) [4- 1# xrQTIB mng. 2b]; XJPpTT XJTD^>B the heavenly kingdom Ber 58a(43); Svu 35b(37); XJPpTT XTlrU the light of the sky Ber 5 8b (49); XJPpTJ '3313 the stars of the sky San 39a(20); njPpTl H31 HTXT the great mystery of heaven Bo 79:7; XVpl T1X the air of the sky ib. 136:17; 133:4; c. in legal texts: sg. xypn an iyi xbwi roy*ixB from the lowest part of the abyss up to the highest part of the sky BB 63b(9) [merism]; SSHai 6b(ll) Voc: xy'jn HGP 3b:28; Y: Wfyi BB 63b(9; BAYTN 62). ypn vb. to patch (4- xnpnx, xnypn, yipi, ypi, xypl Sy ca-d-i af. LS 744) Pe.: lin m'J^BB XW131? J/piaV strips of cloth are suitable for patching a garment BB 20a(16; HAr [AC 7:303]) Af. (uncertain; dialectal form): p-it1? lypnx Er 53b(23) Lit: Eps, PLA 245. pp"\ vb. to spit (1 V2# pT, 1# xpn; Sy ^ni LS 742, Ma pp") MD 437) Pe. (a/u): ,TBX3 H'1? pm he spat in his face BQ 85b (20) [expl. MH TO13 ib.]; Vj? X3H '33 Xi"? 'tnXl'XT xpn '1BJX3 npll Xjnx she spat before him spittle which we saw in the court on the ground Yev 39b(36) [quoted from writ of halisa]; SSHai 12b(5); SSSad 230:18; npn Yev 106b(34); n'l&uVx npll she spat on his garment Ned 66b (15); plTril Tin'M let her spit again Yev 105a(22); p'XI Anan 45:2; Xpn n^ pn n'BlBS spit out spittle into his mouth HM 38:12; ib. 41:10; 42:20; l"3«m "3XBX pTB spitting on PN's clothes Ned 66b (17); XrmiDB p'n \XW "\ 'X^SSl PN used to spit at the mention of [lit. from] the A.-dish of the Babylonians Sab 145b(17; V) l#Kr)(?n, pi. Xm^l n.f. alluvial ground (Akk raqqatu B swamp, marsh AHw 958, AIOA 88; Ma XJlXpXT pi. banks MD 422; cf. OfA ppi AOFCI 191:4, Sy rdiuM shallow LS 743) sg. X"inn XflpT the alluvial ground of the river BM 23b(36); ib. 108a(24; V22); xnpn '3 X't>TBT X"inn because it is raised up like the alluvial ground of a river Meg 6a(4) [expl. GN 2#xnpn 1095 ?'#"] np"1 Jos 19:35, equated with Sepphoris]; XJlpI msrt Bes 32b(36); pi. X11DT XJlXpT Suk 26a(17) Y: Krij?-n BM23b(36; BAYTN 188). 2#NDpH n.f. shoelace (< I XnpiX) sg. LPT 160:36 [3# snpn I xnpn n.] 'KGH adj. having control (4- V2#'eh; JudA 7VV1 7K)iw\ NH 7:15, MH 'Xtffi, 0'X»i!i Yeivin, BV 969, J1498) sg.f. ymb rwsxi xb"?2;i nxt;T 'ln'm 13J ^S^ XSDJn'X1? she should have control and be empowered to go to be married to any man HP 150:14 // SSHai 3a(13) // SSSad 223:27 [in a divorce document] Lit: Gift 397. N3Sn 4- X3tfn n. mtf n 4- xBtin n. l#NnW1, abs. V&"\, pi. KJTnBh n.f. loan (< Akk raiiife creditor's claim CAD R 213, aioa 88; 4- Vi#'«h, xnwT na; TA ayiB nwn TO Dt 24:10) sg.abs. Wll 1BT3 as a loan and debt SSHai 4a(9; O); 5&arf 237:11; TGHark 155:12; W1 3p 'a qab of a loan' 5a« 29b(16) [nickname for one who has many debts]; pl.det. '3713 XJlXllZn loan documents Agur 17:7 Rati: PKl^n OHR Gi| 53:18; W"l aj7 San 29b(16). 2# NniB7^, pi. NflllBn n.f. possession, domain, authorization (4- *JzfV~i; JPA nriTOT det. DJPA 530, MH men Yeivin, BV 1055, J 1499) 1. possession, control: sg. mBT xmttm in the possession of its owner BQ 76a(6); Pes 6a(4); Git 55b(25); BM 116b(12); San 72a(24); AZ 71a(26); mri "\imra XD3H Xim this place should be in your possession Anan 28:6; XpB3 xVl n'JIWl ]B 1TOX his wife has not gone out of his control ib. 104:15; 2. domain, property: sg. 'XB 'mans IVjn what are you doing in my property? BQ 23b(28); ":'B im XIlWlV "?Bn it fell into the domain of one of them BB 4a(38); Tinnx XT1W1 another (Sabbath) domain Er 89a(17); ib. 63b(28); 66b(21); Git 77b(44); 3. authorization, permission: a. general: sg. XJlTCm 'priS' certificates of authorization (to judge) HP 179:25 [gloss to MH rvrerVW nni>X ib.]; b. w. van vbs.: l) w. -V roV/rox: ■'by "uo1? xnwn i1? ri'xi vu Xro^T ^ ri'"? '3 'Bljn1? granted that you have permission to walk upon me. You do not have permission to kick me BQ 32a(28); Yom 20a(2); Hul 105b(47); 2) w. Vsrr pe., itpe.: San 8a(46); Anan 111:8; Dec 5:11; XJW1 H'V X3'H' 5g 60b(24); xin xrvran rr1? xs'rrn'xi pnBDB xtn "7Xni£?H XDTDt 3n3'Bl SITB1? XBl'3 xnj?B? Metatron saw that he was given permission one hour in a day to sit and write the Jews' merits Hag 15a(20); San 93a(49); 3) w. V3D3 pe.: X3'X X:'T 1'Xll xriWT 3'03 x"?T 'XTinn in X"I31 there is a certain man among the Jews who judges cases without taking authorization Ber 58a(38); ib. 41; 4) w. VfipJ pe.: «n '3B XJIWI XJO'pjl XmVl I have received authorization from the Exilarch's house (to judge) San 5a(5); ib. 7; 5) w. VDip pa.: xnxieni XllXiat 'BVp^ to uphold rights and authorizations SSHai 17b(13; G§ 297:13); 6) w. Vl#"?ptf pe.: Xiinx ^XUB Kffltn ^pB/'B to get permission from another redeemer Anan 111 :26 On nn Git 86a(7; Ar [AC 7:305]), v. I XHOT1; Voc: Kfiitn HGP 34b:10; Y: SOllBh Yom 87b(13; BAYTN 29). 1 # 't^T vb. to collect a debt, be owed (denom. < Akk rasu A creditor CAD R 207 [NB, LB], AIOA 88; 4- 2#XJTtthX, l#xrVTCh; TA 'STI pe. to collect a debt TO Dt 15:2, Ma XV~\ pe. to lend MD 437) Pe. 1. to collect a debt: '©XT! ]XB im'7'H maim 'X-IU/X one who collects their [i.e. the orphans'] outstanding credits and loans SSHai 17a(19); 2. pass.part. w. "3 to be owed: -fl [xvwn -] Turn vm 'vu ]'jmx forty g.- measures of wheat which you owe me Ned 51a(3) Af. to lend s.o. money: 'aiSlVl <')lBnxVl to lend money and to sell SSSad 268:17 Lit.: Greenfield, Yalon Mem Vol 81 [Heb]. 2#'fin vb. to have authority (4- l#xn'«hx, •wi, 2# xm^n, V'^na?; OfA 'en dnwsi 1086, Sy r<Lx.-\ pe., af. to give LS 745) Af. to give control over: by rrflj&'bpxi mmenxi n'nanix '"?B 13 '"7B by '"? roXT xmj?'3Tl [>3 I have given him power of attorney, control, and command concerning any claim that I have against NN SSHai 9a(8); TGAs33 211:26 JPBH adj., n. evil, wicked (4- Vyeh; TA Hy^ TJ Ezek 18:23, Sy ^ <■ ; y \ LS 746) I. adj.: sg.f. xnyWT IB'X your wicked mother San
Van 1096 Kri'ri-i 95a(52); II. n.: sg.m. 'y'EH '11,1 Ned 50a(26); xp'is -a xyv-b v>sx xyen ia xy2?i pnp ixaa according to whom do we call an evil man 'the son of an evil man' even (if he is) an evil man, the son of a righteous man? San 52a(7); Mak 14a(17); Kar 15a(25); ,TWB3 'Wai W'J'X T3y XV Xy'WI a person is unlikely to incriminate himself [lit. reckon himself an evil person] Qid 50a(24); pl.m. P'poy 'y©13 are we dealing with evil people? Yom 6a(13); Git 30b(22); Qid 33a(30); '5?'Bn np3BH 'p'1X rf7p© Vl perhaps you take the righteous ones and leave the evil ones alone BM 83b(23); San 46b(56); ib. 96b(50); Bes 25b(7) [4- X31Xn] Y: KV'»1 //«/ 62b(32; BAYTN 238). Vt2h vb. to be slack (Sy Aii LS 745) Itpa.: '^WTK^ 'nx '»Vh perhaps (the second teacher) is apt to become slack (from overconfidence) BB 21a(39); rG^S 201:2 W~\ vb. to incise (4- xatfll; Sy >i.T to engrave LS 745, Ma DPI to sign MD 437) Itpe. to be incised: T303 OtrVQ mm n'Tttfr rTTDPX he found his bed incised with knives Tan 24b (43; V17) JTKH vb. to be evil (4- ytfi; Sy -v v -i LS 746) Pe. ( /a): y»T^ Oya XI yiPT1? xn XII 131,1 he should not be evil a lot. May he, in fact, be slightly evil? Sab 31b(21) [expl. BH yirhrrbx ,1311 Eccl 7:17] Af. to do evil: jyen» Bo 59:6 [of demons] nm vb. to seethe, be excited, angry, heat up (4- xnrm, 'nm, ]nm; Sy u*&\ LS 747, Ma xm MD 437) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to seethe, boil: xnmiX ■pBW "|1Tp while your pot is seething, pour (it) out Ber 62b(7) [v. Geon. expl. OHT ib. 139:13; ohp ib. 106:23]; nm xp mm rman xar; n»tn p'^Ol he saw PN's blood seething and rising San 96b(25) // Git 57b(8; MGN 599:20); 'nm X'» boiling water TGAs28 183:9; 2. to be excited, act rashly: WIT! XB1'3 on a day that he was excited Er 65a(25); XJnm I shall be excited Naz I2b(23); xnma n'fl'iix nnn p3ia xanx it is his (study of) Torah which causes a s.m. to be excited Tan 4a(5); nm X"n HObli a living king may act rashly Pes 110a(28); 3. to be indignant: nm nni'a p nx if that be the case, he would be quite indignant (in his reply) Hul 52a(36); Zev 30b(41); 4. to be angry at s.o. [w. "by]: "7'T'X nm X"7'X nm 'S 'in'X I shall go (and) see if he is angry or not Qid 32a(21); Ber 29b(46); AZ 4b(25) // Ber 7a(26; MGN 415:1) [4- Xyj'1]; XU1 I'ty ioVa Win XBnilB a certain p.-official with whom the king was angry Sab 94a(28; M); Qid 31b(35); Ket 71b(17); Ned 66b(33); ^Z44b(38); San 105a(34) // RH 32b(4) [4- l#xnn'1 mng. 1]; Ket 53a(l 1); pass.part. ('){l}n'mi pai3 1,13 Xjyi' 'X'ft'y I know that the scholars are angry with me BM 84b (17) Af. 1. to heat up: nnmxi X'» .T'^BI he filled it [i.e. the kettle] with water and heated it up AZ 76b(l); TGAs42 160:16; paoi piVn D1 p"na in1? p'nmai niT3 in1? p'TOI we bring the blood of a hilazon and pigments, place them in a kettle, and heat them up Men 42b(33; MGN 255:8); Pes 56a(10); ib. 76a(19; M); Geon 339:21; 2. to melt s.t: X1B13 nmxi ]Xa 'Xn one who melted pitch Sab 74b(14); GS 330:18; n'1? nniBI '1,13 while he was melting it [i.e. the fat of a corpse] Naz 50b(l 1); 3. to boil (of water): ,13 JTUVW XTl'p fmaV X'a a pot in which water for the bathhouse is boiled TGHark 86:15; pass.part. "7'3J nm» (flour and water) boiled (and) kneaded Ber 37b(45) [expl. MH XJT1D ib.]; 4. to excite: v. Pe., mng. 2 itpe. to seethe: nni'a mm i'idti mar; rrnawx "^Ol Git 57b(8) [//; v. Pe., mng. 1] 'nrn n.pl.m. hot water (4- Vnm pe., part, pl.m.; MH'l'nmi J 1502) HG3 217:46 iriJII adj., n. excitable (4- Vnm pe., mng. 2; MH2 ]nrn Gross, Patterns 72) sg., n.m. m\rf? ,1'pi3'X IX1? DX XII XJnm 'X X13J I shall test that man (to see) if he is an excitable person or not Qid 8b (18) D'm adj. trembling (4- Vnni; Sy k^^ LS 746) sg.f. n'T xrrrm xix is xnx 3i pn whose hand trembles BB 167a(30) Y: Jl'jn BB ib. Mri'TH n.m. trembling (4- Vnni; Sy rc'iL.^i LS 746, Ma x'Ti'rn MD 438) sg. nana na xnn XJrm she retracted (from drinking the potion) because of trembling Sot 19b(39); ib. 40; 20a(8); IJl'm 1097 nm Xn'mai xna'X3 with fear and trembling Anan 12:17; xn'm mi spirit of trembling Bo 123:7 Y: KTWl Sot 19b(39; BAYTN 65). ]fl>T\"\ adj. trembling (4- "v/rim) pl.m. Bo 48:4 jrm vb. to recoil, tremble (LJLA ma ym pe. to withdraw TgCant 2:5, Sy ^A.in af. to fall down LS 748; cf. Ma xm MD 437) Itpe.: XIDn 31 yma wv 3n rmv an n'n":naa yma XIDn 311 rrVlS^'SB PN used to recoil (from PN2) because of (the knowledge of) the Tannaitic traditions of PN2. PN2 used to recoil (from PN) because of the sharp argumentation of PN (in the Tannaitic traditions) Er 67a(ll) [Var: ]ymB n'su ''Vd ym'a ... n'mise? his lips used to tremble, his whole body used to tremble O] nm vb. to tremble, be afraid (1 JTjn, NJl'm, )Tl'm; Sy &i LS 746, Ma nm MD 438) Pa. to cause to tremble: n 71' (')'n'mai yTBI XT© HTiaip 'ai,1 a demon which causes all the limbs of his body to shake and tremble Bo 59:3; ib. 4; 9; 10 Itpa. 1. to tremble: Jim'a Xpl 1"Tn he saw that he was trembling Ber 43a(38); 2. to be afraid: a. general: rn"''Ta XJ'3D "?D: nm'X he was afraid, (and) the knife fell out of his hand Hul 96a(23); ywsaV 'nx xVi nni'a xjb'T nb xayapi ]ro since we have set a time for it [i.e. the minha-prayer], he is afraid (that he will miss it) and is not apt to be careless Sab 10a(3); ib. 58a(8); 'ITUI VU'X P'a 'nni'a x1? ins p'yr xn px 'nni'a 'yr they [i.e. the pagans] who know about each other (concerning bestiality) are afraid (of a loss in wages if the animal loses weight). They are not afraid of us who do not know about them AZ 22b (16); xnni'a n3 '11'BI fl'3 xa"?3 since a dog has sexual desire for her she will be afraid BM 71a(45) // AZ 22b(25); Er 65b(24); Ned 84b(12); b. w. ref. to lying or deception: in X3'X1 |V3 'ni'a 'mni'X rrina since there is (another) one with him, he is indeed afraid Qid 63b(24); X3'1 nni'a 'mni'X XIC?© X3'X1 where there is a document he is indeed afraid BB 128b(23); AZ 40b(37); xnni'a ton 'n'Dttn nria nmxs xnni'a x"7 wx 'n'Dis xn n^'ia1? nriaa in the same country where people are available (who knew her husband) she is afraid. From one country to another where people are not available, she is not afraid Yev 116b(27); AZ 31b(7); ib. 39b(43); Bek 36b(3) Y: fimn AZ 39b(43; Mo 85).
~ - : t 1098 Vk# v [snb; 4, Vaitf vb.] DISO'N HNS? n.m. basilroyal (Ocimum basili- cum; < NP sah isparam PED 726; 4- XpBISD'X, inntf; Sy •joTJSUBcnjt LS 760) sg. nXW <D>{D}-|SD'X HG1 137:22 Lit: Pfl 152; Flora 2:81. l#'Ntf vb. to shine (Ma 2#XXW etpa. to be glorified MD 438) Pe.: XW3 mWBI 'XB? (the angel) shines and is glorified in heaven Bo 14:6 [cf. Ma: naxaXTOyi rUVXTWy (Life) was praised and glorified therein MD ib.]; ib. 7 Lit: Eps, St 1 341. 2#'Xtf 4-Vl#'ytt> vb. Nrf?'Ktj/, pi. NriNb"NB; n.f. question, Se'elta, public lecture, borrowed object, responsum (4- V?XK/; TA n?W cs. TJ Jer 12:1, Sy K'iiAr^jt, LS 748, Ma XnVx'XW MD 441) 1. question: sg. pi mmn 'na Hb^yb 'nVw t^xw mu they asked a question before PN of GN &rf> 30a(9; M); ib. 30b(l 1) [I Wxti pe., mng. 1]; Ket 105b(ll); ]13'»1p X^'XEH XJlV'XW |'«rt>l concerning the question which you asked us [lit. which we were asked by you] Sab 30b(ll); Seel 1:218; ib. 13:77; 75:79; 108:70; 140:55; 163:71!; Xri7'XW X3n XJ1? Jl'X ]y3 we have here now a question TGHark 164:34; pi. f^X XDX'j'Xttf "ITTCn these questions which (so-and-so) sent ib. 76:12; 96:7; 105:8; 149:4; 169:17; iSGF 4:9; TGAs42 93b: 1; TOTO yd? XiaXOT 'XB ty ■pDrfr'XEn concerning what we wrote you in the answers of your questions TGHark 103:21; ib. 156:27; TGAs28 27b: 16; 2. matter, proposition (Se'elta) [cf. Sy rdiiVo-x- LS 749]: sg. Seel 1:1; ib. 2:1; 3:1 [and passim at the beg. of each section of this work]; "imtynm xnV'XW TGHark 191:25; 3. public lecture: sg. 'WITS (pfllV'X xrfr'wn xm'na ern win (an) nai na wisi (n)("](^DT these are the explanations which PN, the head of the academy, explained in his public lecture of the kalla HG3 287:69; 4. borrowed object: pi. XJlb'XW 7>'X12n Xn 'Xn the judge who (regularly) borrows objects Ket 105b(8); 5. responsum [caique < GeonH (TVmiWVl) niTW Geon 231:8; ib. 11]: sg. 3T "1ST XJl'r'X^a p'OSI ]1XJ 'XTin' it was decided in a responsum of PN HG2 504:78; xrfr'xisra mens xn xnyaw *wi XH 'Bpl we have, in fact, explained the rest of the legal tradition in the responsum before this TGHark 43:4; ib. 270:29; 275:31; pi. XmiX '3 XnX^'XBn as in the manner of the responsa ib. 24 Lit: Eps, Stl 88; Danzig, IHP 19824; 4152 [mng. 2]; Y: Xrfr'8* Ket 105b(8; BAYTN 179). bXW, Vl# vb. to ask, borrow (I xnV'XW; Sy AkLx, LS 748, Ma VxW MD 441) Pe. (e/a,u), pf. 1 sg. 'V W BQ 40a(47); n'7'XO Bo 4:6; inrrfr'X© BB 55a(16); 2m. T\V>m TGAs28 16:9; 3m. 7'Xtt? BM 97a(6); f. ,T717'XW &rf> 140a(43); lpl. XJ7'X1P So* 30b(12); 2m. ]i;i7'XW TGHark 102:21; Geon 253:19!; 3m. 17'XW &Z> 145b(19); imp. 2sg.m. bmn HM 40:13; 3m. 7lXm£M97a(16); 7W7 TOtfant 188:31; imper. 2sg.m. 71XK7 Me; 17b(21); inf. 7XETB 5er 13b(50); 7WB Mg 18a(4); part. lsg. X^'XC? Meg 5b(55); 3f. X7"P Mrf 6b(36); lpl. ]3'W tfag 22b(18); 3m. '7"W &A 96b(38); pass.part. 3m. []b 7'Xtt> =] ]Vw 5M 97a(22); f. X7'XK> TG^2S 29:22; 2pl.m. irrVw 5M 97a(24; V22); 3f. fr>ND TGHark 156:27;- 1. to ask: a. alone: XWTIB '3 7W1 Xnx he came and asked in the school RH 26b(2); Hul 97a(8); Meg 5b(55); AZ 33a(35); 5M 96a(21); Klin xV"ttn she asks again Mrf 6b(36); b. w. dir. obj., ■b, Dip, 'apa s.o.: -a xix 3-r7 n'nV'xim 'xnxi mnx she came and asked PN Sab 140a(43); Ned l#-|Nfi7 1099 1#"MV 56b(7); p7 n'XT na "73 71X2? ask whatever you want [lit. have] Mei 17b(21); n'JT 7Wm 731 "P'3'JT he will answer you whatever you ask him #M40:13; TapB 17'XW1 they asked him TGHark 264:11; j'fe 17; pass. XJ7'XBn XJ17W rayVl 113'mp concerning the question which you asked us Sab 30b(ll) [4- XTl7'Xtf mng. 1]; Seel 109:70; c. w. by about s.o.: n'rray 'xa n'?y Vw ask about him, [viz.] what he does 5M 83b(27); Dec 9:9; /£GF 48:1; 2. to borrow: VTTB p'7"tt> we borrow from them Hag 22b(18); 'TIB 'W 'B 'Tin do they borrow from one another? Sab 96b(38); TTJnB XVU 7'XBH XTJ1 Xinn a certain man who borrowed an ax from another BM 96b(39); Ket 105b(8) [4- XTVrxtf mng. 4]; XIW '"7'Xiy X1? xnx 'V'Xiy 1 borrowed an ox. I did not borrow a lion BQ 40a(47); Xrf?'33 HSpiX1? IX1? nrfJXto I did not borrow it [i.e. the animal] to put it in an enclosure BM 96b(35); 'jm }XB 'XH rvb 1DS31 n'TJna 'TB VlXiyn one who wants to borrow something from another and not to be responsible for it BM 97a(16); HM 41:16; IDp inJ'^XW a minor borrowed them Pes 11 la(13); Bes 38a(19); pass.part. *? W^"X» pnx I have 'borrowed' you [i.e. you serve me] BM 97a(24; V22); WX n"?3T 'BV3 in1? V'X^ XTX HTWI 'BT "73 1XW3 H'1? 'b'XW they 'borrowed' him [i.e. the teacher] for the days of the kalla. He 'borrowed' them for the rest of the year ib. 26(V22); 3. in idiomatic usages: a. to inquire about s.o.'s well-being [w. XB^lff; v. Pa., mng. 2, XBV© mng. 2b]: VKV VXK/'B Ber 13b(50) [*■ Vl#Tin af, mng. 9]; b. w. KajTB to console s.o.: XB5?B Vpb Vxtt/ab to console him San 113a(34); XB^D T3 bvriib bay he entered to console him MQ 18a(4); ib. 9; c. to insert the prayer for rain [caique < MH (D'BWin T1X) "7XW J 1506]: V'TXI Vw VxiffB one continues to insert the prayer for rain Tan 4b(8) Pa. 1. to ask: irU'Vl'l£rt> 133m lH'Bp XnXI he came before the scholars to ask them ... Bes 19a(14); RH 17a(50); Qid 22b(48); Hul 3b(37); Tarn 32a(20); Ara 16a(13); Tlbwb n:'B T'I3 inB3' he is shy towards his yevama to ask her (about her menstrual date) Pes 72b(35); 'Vxw» xp '"71X2? vb Tina Xp 'B: m'XI they were indeed asking (him), and he was also replying to them BQ 37a(52); Bes 27b(l); 3'T13 nB3 XISD1? n'"?"2/'3 let us ask a scribe how many (years) he writes (in a document) AZ 9a(ll); x"7 XJOOB 'Xn3 "\ 'Xp '3 'n'TIX xroOBS n',7"B;n when PN is dealing with [lit. is located in] this tractate, do not ask him (a question) in another tractate Sab 3b(2); 2. to inquire about s.o.'s welfare [v. Pe., mng. 3a]: '3 n'3 'brvb tbt xnx n'wsa xm xp mn when he was dying, PN came to inquire about his welfare Tan 22b(18); Ber 9b(43); Sot 35a(25); Git 16a(42); Sab 12b(12; Ar [AC 7:177]); 3. to borrow: XXlxV'B X^DSX bw borrow a garment of fine wool MQ 28b(14); UXB '^'Xtt/ borrow garments Ket 63a(7; V5); n1?"^ Tin 'BT nXB mix 'BT I'J/Wll n'3'a he hired it [i.e. the cow] for one hundred days, (and) afterwards borrowed it from him for ninety days BM 35b(24); AZ 15a(10) Af. to lend: 'bp n'3 'Jl'X JB'1?! ]bw\K lend me your garment to sleep in it a bit Sab 110b(43); Tan 21b(20); ib. 23b(26); BM 103a(18); X'nn nnxss'w1? x^enai xnwi xanaT xnirx a certain woman who used to heat up (her) oven and lend it to her neighbors Tan 21b(23); n'V p'"?12/lB X1?! we do not lend him (anything) Anan 14:17; '11J1K71 '■jlEnx'? to lend and to rent BM 116a(25); AZ 15a(35); Ara 24a(8); Yev 120b(10) // BM 27b(28) [4- #m pa.]; BM 116a(33) Itpe. 1. to be lent: "b V'tt?nn x"7 1SU XIX you, yourself, will not be lent to me BM 94b (9); 2. to be absolved by a scholar [caique < MH 7W nif. J 1507]: a. vow, Naziriteship: TiXpT Kin '17,wri'X,7 his intention is to be absolved (from his Naziriteship) Naz 9a(14); ib. llb(4); Ned 90a(15); Er 30b(21); b. oath: 'VlEWX1? rvb 3'OT TPby (an olive-sized piece) is significant enough for him to be absolved on account of it Svu 28a(6); Ned 65a(16); c. halla, teruma: 1XT "7'Xin '^inV xpsr xin n'aiaa n'^y Wb 'ya since if he wants he can be absolved concerning it, it is still his property, and it becomes unconsecrated food Pes 46b(9); Ned 59a(13); ib. 18; 21 [r\XW I V3TO vb.] 1#"1K# 4-Vt'B? vb.] [2#18B7 4- Vl#'1«7 vb., mng. 13]
t t : 1100 ]!?-)«# N"lNt27, cs. "INK/ n.m. remainder, rest (TA XW TO Gen 45:7, Sy K'-lii, LS 774) sg.cs. W IXtf the rest of the days RH 19b(9); BM 99b(28); /4/mn 62:18; 'WJ'X nxitf the rest of the people £W 70b(4); '"ITD "W the other orders (of the Mishna) Nid 8a(4); MQ 18b(2); AZ 49a(2); Wl pn^D 'p'ta "?3 all the rest of the demons Bo 88:6; ri>EnT31 K»5? nXW the rest of the people who were in GN Sab 114b(13); "733 nXP the rest of GN BB 145a(35); det. X13y X"W xn she, in fact, does the rest (of the work) Ket 61a(19); jnJTCttJ X"1XW ^y he swears concerning the rest BM 5a(34); 5er 40b(44); RH 27a(40); 50 71b(2); xnmXT mm the rest of the Torah BMsE 16:36 Y: XW A"e/ ib.(BAYTN 50). 3117 4- xyatf num. K3tP n.f. week (back formation from < 4- XJ13W; 4- Vri31£?) sg., only as a component of the name of a day: I X3W3 in, X3P3 '"in, X3E?3 taf?n, XJ/31X X3i»3, X3B/3 xwan Lit: Y. Breuer, Lesonenu 62 [1999] 36+; Y: !G» BAYTN 101. nN3B>, pi. 'N3B7 n.m. captor (4- V'3B?; Sy r/iSv. LS '750) pi. 'X3W 55 135a(19; P'H[emended]) [4- X"13tf] 33flS> vb. to burn (denom. < 4- X3'3W) Itpa.: -jixsa na nnx "ira aarrcm -awn jnwn may he be inflamed, heated, and enkindled after PN Bo 30:1; ib. 4 N'jfatfr, pi. »»l3tf, '3'^3# n.m. captor (4- V'ati, nxati) pi. n"i3E; 'sxs nos: nViuan n"i3E;3 in the case of a captive woman who makes herself repulsive in the presence of her captors Qid 12b(ll) // BB 135a(19) [Var: 'X3W P'H(emended)]; 'X"l3Xa lnr'iaw1? inrapiX he placed their captors outside (of the court) Ket 23a(42); ib. 44; Git 45a(46) NJ713B> n.m. week, sabbatical cycle (4- Xyatf num.; TA X'yi3E> pi. TO Ex 34:22, Sy rOLo -n t LS 753) 1. week: sg. W mxy 1DX ]yy& ab 'yi3W p'Ja do we count the days (until) Shavuot, (but) do we not count the weeks? RH 5a(9) // Hag 17b(21); RH 5a(l 1) // Men 66a(31); 2. sabbatical cycle: sg. '312? TOD J7T xVl ]X» 'XH (X)yiatt>3 one who does not know how many years it is in the sabbatical cycle AZ 9b(6); ib. 10; Xyi32?3 rvitf the sixth (year) of the sabbatical cycle Ara 12b(5; O4); ib. 19; 12a(24); pi. 'imi 'JTiatfa 'Dnsi '"73V3 'VV3 let him consider the general numbers [i.e. the hundreds] as Jubilee cycles (of fifty years each) and the 'portions' [i.e. the remainder] as sabbatical cycles AZ 9b (7); 'yiaan virps^i 'dibx vw*r\ nxa "73a vnn vi>b-\ let him bring two (years) from each (complete) century (from the time of the destruction), add (them) to the 'portions' [i.e. the remainder], and divide them by sevens [lit. the Sabbatical cycles] ib. 10; 'yi3W nn noanxi fourteen (years) are two sabbatical cycles Ara 12b(4) Y: X;j?«B Tan 18a(29; BAYTN 168). Knj713tl7 n.f. oath (< BH, MH njT12K> Yeivin, BV 918, HAL 1288, MH 1511; 4- Vyatf, 3#Xm'tf; TA Xfiyw TJ Jud 21:5, JPA nyi312; DJPA 533) a. general: sg. XJnyi3ltfX XTWT H3 XjyT I know that she is suspect (of falsifying) regarding an oath Ket 85a(30); BM 5b(20); ib. 6a(3); Git 68b(30); n'1? T3TX n'nyiaw he remembered his oath Svu 26a(46); 'JiyiaitfX 'bltfri'X I was absolved from my oath Ned 65a(16); Ket 77b(28); Sot 36b(55); Xnyuwa JVS3 'pj clear yourself with an oath Ket 87a(29); x:y3E?ai xn3T XJiyiSK? 113'^y I impose upon you a great oath Bo 48:6; ib. 37:3; TGAs42 79b: 17; ]Xai 'an'1? XTiyi3W 3"nan one who is required (to take) an oath regarding orphans HP 55:10; SSHai 5a(12); TGAs28 6:28; TO/far* 161:36; pi. p niB'K/ pi XriTU pi xnyi3W (we exempt the guardian) from oaths, court oaths, and shofars [i.e. threats of excommunication] Dec 9:16; Bo 107:4; b. as a term introducing an oath: sg. XJ^'DX Hbl Xnyia© I swear [lit. an oath] that I shall not eat Ned 16a(30) [expl. MH "?31X x'ptf ib.]; Er 30a(33) Y: xnjmip BB 74a(18; BAYTN 180). NB'BTMN TI3tf n.m. a forbidden bird (etym. unkn.)sg. Hul 62b{3\) Lit: Geig, AAC 37, rejects prev. etyms.; Y: NBBTHX Hul ib. 7j?"inn^, JNp"ll3NP n.m. steel (< NP saburaqan PED 720; i XaitJD; Sy ^-io^ii LS 754) sg. i#rntf noi i#Kn3fr ]Xp113XB? p xnpil in tyn)('1)3 sharp iron which is called steel OHT Ber 138:26 I#ri3tl7 vb. to praise, boast (4- l#Xn3B7, XnrQtthri; Sy •■< -> * pa. LS 751, Ma 2#X3K/, naw, 2T\V MD 446, 447, 450) Pa. 1. to praise: mm»l xriH3@DlST '3X03 lax he said (the tradition) according to the elders of GN and they praised him Pes 117b(39); Ber 6a(48); Yom 87b(49); Meg 21b(43); Git 56a(27); iSGF 43:18; xauan 3-13 xjin an"? xnon an 'V nswa mn pn was praising PN2 Qid 29b(43); Bek 30a(6); Xin 'ni3W n'WD3 ri31£?a XpT he actually praises himself Meg llb(16); San 42a(47); 2. to glorify: H'nratf nxi 'XH '^lS you glorified Him so much Ber 33b(44); 'maw iy31 Xin p'Xa it is the shining (stars) which are required to glorify (God) Pes 2a(29); TllSE;! "nx 'ya he should give thanks and glorify (his Master) ib. 116a(49); VSp 'maw pns ]in^l3 llH'Vy D'mi 'am all of them are required to glorify the Merciful One who had mercy upon them Anan 37:9 Itpa. 1. to boast: XB/Tia '3 narwa Xpi XfiX he went and was boasting in the school Qid 31b(15); n'1? rowa mn 'marrcrx he would have certainly boasted to him (about it) Bek 21b(20); niT\m ^'1 mapa xmrtn ypx nsiy1? m go (and) boast to Orpah, your wicked mother, in her grave San 95a(52; HeMGD 465:21) [cf. Tax1? Pil]ax 1? OH San 491:2]; 2. w. "3, "1J3 to praise, commend s.o.: xin nan xian n'ua na ]b mwoi xso the old man whom you commend to us as being a great man Bes 21a(10; L) // Hul 124b(35); Ber 38a(52); Ned 22b(29) // BQ 40a(29); AZ 4a(33); Nid l4b(7); xra1 i3yi 'TS3 n3)wa "ax pn used to praise the fruits of GN Er 19a(50); 'X» X"lp 1H3 n3J12?a Xp for what is Scripture praising them? Yom 75a(23); Pes 50b(37) 2# TOXO vb. to increase in value, improve (< Akk samahu to grow thickly, thrive CAD S7l 288, AIOA 99; 4- 2#XI132;, rra©; JPA 2#naitf DJPA 534, MH mitf pe., hif. J 1511, Sy ouo^_ to sprout LS 762; cf. Ma TPV worthy, valuable [Vm» pe., pass.part.] MD 453) Pe.: X1KH XiTya xin x'raaT xnais mm xjTya rav xp x"7 when he sowed (the turnips, the field) was not increasing in value. When it increased in value, the increase was of itself Er 25a(37); BQ 34a(22); BB 54a(3); T31 'ra mv 'aV'T perhaps in the meantime he increased in value Ara 19b(47);5g98a(2) Af. 1. intr. to increase in value: SH'l nxa3 n'nT inxa Vy Dpi n(3)D)K?xi 'an ij"?s 'in T^an rvi (if) he bought him for one hundred (zuzim), and (the slave) gave him fifty zuzim, half of (his) value, and he increased in value and had a value of two hundred Qid 20b(27) [O2: rUWI]; 2. intr. to improve: nswa 'ni3E/x in1? npasrn naa the more you leave it [i.e. the hair] alone, the more and more it improves San 15a(43) // Git 39a(28); nawa 'law '"D'Wa Xn33y (if) a mouse (falls) into s.-beverage, (its taste) indeed improves AZ 68b(40); 3. to increase the value of s.t.: "71TX ma2?X inJ'XT n'Xn lri'Xl 'air the orphans came and brought proof that they had increased the value (of the field) BM 110b(12); n'1? la'ltf lV»t naa/x x1? xynx msiyx mn ... mvxi xmv go (and) evaluate the added value which he increased (to the field). Did the oxen (alone) increase (the field's) value? Did not the ground (also) increase (its) value? BQ 96b(24); BM 39a(6); ib. 104b(37); 109b(6); Yev 101 a(30); Ket 104b (48); nnawai n'jnmn nnn ]totw n'1? xpoan it produces alluvium round about and makes it [i.e. the field] more valuable Ber 60a(21; P); pH x'jan 'nyi xnbna n'nsisxi 'ysnxs "?'x he bought a ram for four (selairn), increased its value by three, and (now) it is worth eight Kar 27a(26); pass.part. 4- n'ait); 4. to increase an amount: iTTUa1? 3TD1 KWa X:'31 PN used to write an excessive amount in his daughters' (ketubbot) BM 104b (7) Lit: Kut apud Kaufman, AIOA 99344. l#Nn3E7 n.m. praise, glory (4- Vl#n3tf; Sy rdii-LV^- LS 75°. Ma xnX3TO MD 453) 1. praise: sg. 'Xa tlTiaXi m\2V "flOlS Up! Xin X"3J Xlp'ya mm it is the prophet who relates the praise of Abraham as he originally was [i.e. called Abram] Ber 13a(30); Git 80a(33); nrawa Xlp 'ynitfap Scripture speaks in praise of him Bek 45b(5); TGAs27 33:17; pi. '"Iiy'l m'ns© the praises of the Jews Ber 6a(48; F); 2. glory: sg.
2# xrotf t t ; 1102 l6'3B7 t • : xnHywa 'wt nn xm'nai 'raws un xp xm they, in fact, used to see the glory of the yeshiva twice a year ib. 17b(21); "|raw ^'T'H D'jn DX Xabya if you want your glory to go forth into the world HM 43:18; pi. -pm nvnw irfrD all the glories of your Lord Ber 33b(42) Y: 'rntp Ber ib. 2# XPI31?, NriN3tl7 n.m. added or increased value, increased amount (of fields, animals, etc.; 4 V2#rntf) 1. added or increased value: sg. xmtm Xjnx -nyuo according to the price of the field and its added value BQ 96a(l); BM 110b(25); 'TS1 xmiff xnsitf the best value, the added value, and the produce ib. 15a(20) [quoted from a writ]; xV'aai Xmitf the increased value of itself [i.e. of the animal] BB 123b(37); Xri3© iTTiWU n'JTXT the increased value which is in his [i.e. the heir's] possession ib. 124b(20); Bek 52b (1); 'XFUW '"? "OH give me the added value due to me BM 109a(24); Xri3E7 x"?3 ID1? Xjp'^oa I shall remove you (from the property) without (giving you) the increased value ib. 37; 110b(30); 112a(40); 'J'3 Til WQV n'V 3',T he gives him [i.e. the tenant] the increased value of the difference (between the crops) ib. 104b(36); SSHai lla(13); XnX3© X1HH TGHark 204:32; pi. <pn){')'rWi lirrVayi ]U'X they, their incomes, and their increased values BM 15a(33) [in a writ]; jvrmtf SSHai 6a(20); 2. increased amount: sg. xmiriDS XrUKZ 3'TDI XD'Hl where an increased amount (of the dowry) is written in the ketubba [i.e. more than the actual amount given by the bride's father] HP 101:26; ib. 102:3 Y: Xrnti BB 54a(3). U3B7 vb. to fly (Sy irc'r^ ,\,\ y m -^y BBah 1928:5, PSm 4029, ^\^v astron. shafts of light PSmSup 326) Pe.: 4 B'3Bh X3313 B3K> n.m. Sevat, the fifth month (< Akk Sabatu AIOA 115; Sy ,\^r LS 752, Ma BX3XW MD 439) sg. D3P3 'Xj? he is in (the month of) Sevat RH 2b(36) Y: D3» RH ib. N&3B7, Nt33'B7 n.m. tribe (TA XB3» TO Num 1:4, Sy i<\,-iy LS 751) sg. IX 'lVi XB3'K?a T3 W1 XB3©a from the tribe of Levi or the tribe I of Issachar Yom 26a(13); WSlVb Xa'Xl XD3Wa X3XT from the mother's tribe to the father's tribe BB 112a(20); ROTV 'Vd X1?! 'T»J it is a tradition that no tribe will cease to exist ib. 115b(3) Y: XB3W BB ib. '387 vb. to capture (4 nX3tf, X"13tf, l#xri'3tf, X'3'ti; Sy ^^y LS 750, Ma 1# X3W MD 446) Pe.: xna xinn1? ni'3» xo"j xnx x'"?'1? x'nns an army came that night (and) captured (the inhabitants of) that town Ber 60b(58); SOZ 73:8; *|3 13W1 'xan Iran soldiers will come and capture you Ber 56a(8; F); lirbBp'D1?! ]iruT XSWD1? 1J731 they were about to capture them and to kill them TGAs28 77b:\0 Itpe. to be captured: 'XSHP'X bxw lOT HTlttX PN's maidservant was captured Git 38a(23); ib. 36; 45a(38); Qid 66a(54); 5A/39b(10); ]''3XWX1 '1W TOT n'JU3 PN's daughters were captured Ket 23a(41); ib. 47b(18) K3'3B; n.m. spark (4 V33tf; Sy rdAj^LX, LS 750, Ma X'3'3aX2/ pi. MD 443) sg. mn X3'32/ XTTCH3 (the fire of the altar) used to send forth a sparkZev61b(19; V'1) Y: X3'3ip Zev ib.(BAYTN 62). n'3B7 adj. valuable (4 V2# mtf; Sy ■** ■'« ;•*-»■» LS 751) a. alone: sg.m. ri'3en H'nS'JS n'^ xm he wants its [i.e. the ox's] full appearance, since it is valuable AZ 34b(43); 'BB n'3» TO XtVh "|H (the male offspring of) that (ewe) which gave birth to a single (offspring) is more valuable Bek 18b(48); ib. 19a(l); Xri'3P xn3J a valuable man Ara 19b(36) [* 4 V'T]; b. sg.f. in phrase Xn'3K/ xrfra -b : vr? xn'3» xdh xrrra in"7 xV't am Xjf?'a in that case (concerning the official mentioned in the dating) they debased it. In this case they raised its stature Git 80b (8); BB 52b(18) Y: xn'3» Ara ib. B'327 4 VB3tf vb. nV'3B7 n.m. path, course (TA friv pi. TJ Jer 18:15,' Sy re* V ; -■ y LS 752, Ma x"?'3P MD 447) 1. path: sg. x"?'3Ba X3n' mm XJIDX X'HH a certain woman who was sitting on a path MQ 16b(25); 5M 101b(32); 'X'lCH x"?'3B> a public xarip'stj; 1 path SSHai lla(19) [cf. MH2 D'3"in >1V BB 55b(l)]; ib. llb(2); pl.abs. 1'Vaw '! //A/ 44:11; cs. xriB ,s7'31tf the paths of the town ib. 42:3; det. ifer 62b(39) [4 Vl#'JB> itpa.]; xynnn 'V'3E/ the paths of GN 5er 58b(46); Meg 27b(38); iA. 16a(27); X1313 1H3 pD'D1? 'in"m 'Vaitf special paths on which to go out to the field Ber 62b(9); rfr'SW its paths SSHai 6b(10); 2. in astron. usage course [cf. Akk harrranu CAD H 108, mng. I.e. Sy r£L^h\ -V --^- Milky Way PSm 4032]: pi. XypTI 'V'31£? the courses of the sky Ber 58b(46) Y: KV'3W BM ib.(BAYTN 106). NinO'St^ n.m. lodge, inn (< NP sabestan private apartments [lit. place to spend the night] CPD 78) sg. X3n0'3C?T X"IW'J bridge of the overnight lodging Ber 59b(13) Geon. expl.: xVl pill iys' K'JB fir 1X3 ^rhbv. YiOtlW 10J {iy>(yiixx» xjxro ros 'vbi nV'V '3» .-nnr bridge [drawbridge?] of the towns which is bolted at night so that no boat can go upstream or downstream. '3W [= NP sab] (means) 'night' in Persian, MXJIO (means) 'points of ascent' [i.e. jtLJai] OHP ib. 106:15. Poss. a GN [v. AAC 389]; Lit: Geig, AAC ib.; Y: XJnD'SW Ber ib. nNJPSK/ adj. seventh (4 XJD© num.; TA ni$'3B; TJ Jer 41:1, Sy -^ • < •_ — •' LS 752, Ma X'X31B/ Nold, MG 192) sg.m. W3W XBT the seventh day HP 181:14; ib. 183:8; f. XJYT3W DIE/3 in the name of the seventh one [i.e. magical word] Bo 6:8 Lit: Eps, Gr 129; Y: nXj;'3W Nid 67b(23; BAYTN 330). NJTJP3B7 n.f. Sabbatical year (< MH T1'3?'31P J 1514) sg. X3131X '3S» Xn'J?'3tt;3 15?1T ipiB go out (and) sow in the Sabbatical year because of the annona-tax San 26a(14); ib. 39a(41) Y: xriy'SB San 26a(14; BAYTN 174). Nfl«7'32>*, pi. Nr)U>3t!7, '?>3?> n.f. branch (of a vine; TA xflB/'iW TJEzek 15:2, pi. yvii? TO Gen 40:10, Sy ^'rpr. LS 754) pi. ran Xasm '©3© certain branches of a vine 50 113b(32) [cf. TO Gen ib.: ymv XTftl) X5SU31]; Xiyixa xniff'SK; pT X3"l PN bought branches from (his) tenant farmer ib. 119a(3); Ber 5b(41); rf?-\yi nrVOTV branches of 'orla Sab 110b(14); xniy'3K/T X21D a load of branches BB 100a(24) Geon. expl.: DID'JX 3Dn pruned vines in a vineyard OHP Ber 107:4 [cf. Oki to prune a vine Hava 130]; Lit: Flora 1:69; Y: jntf xn^'3B Sab ib.(BAYTN 174). l#Nri'32> n.f. captive woman (4 V'3© pe., pass.part.f.det.) pi. XjniruV ]XnXT Xn"3W "\27\ certain captive women who came to GN Qid 81a(34) // xrm)3K> -\:r\ Ket 23a(38); TOH X71X"3W }fev45a(15; O2) Y: XJ1'!13W Ket ib.(BAYTN 71). 2# Nfl'SB; n.f. dill (Sy rc*& -t> y LS 754, > LB «6ftto AHw 1227, CAD §/2 381, MH miff MPeaK 3:2) sg. Ber 39a(43); HP 190:4; X'JJ Xri'31»T jfe 6 Lit: Flora 3:466+; Y: XW'W 5er ib.(BAYTN 130). xVae; 4 xntaw n. NriV'VaK> n.f. fenugreek (< Akk sambaliltu CAD §/l 310, AIOA 99; > MP sambaUdag CPD 79; cf. Sy K,3ft.\;\«v LS 569) sg. Sab 110b(6); Git 69a(38); Xn"?,!732?T Xnt3 fenugreek seed AZ 38b(33) [v. Geon. expl.]; xnV731tn X'» infusion of fenugreek Men 42b(48) Geon. expl.: n(3)DI71fl J1"B3 ]rifn yit toffi^V 113 TGHark 23:24, i.e. '<^L; Tain 1,11 ]rbn Xfl^'^B OHT Git 156:2 [= GC 111:3]; Lit: Flora 2:478+; Zimmern 56; Geig, AAC 389. The Sy form app. represents an Akk metanalytic form *baliltu; cf. the form sammu balillu CAD ib. [lex. section]; Y: Xrfr'T^W Sab ib.(BAYTN 295). yatf vb. to swear, adjure (< BH, MH l#J?3tf nif, hif. HAL 1298, J 1515; 4 Xnyutr;, V'»'; JPA J73W af, itpe. DJPA 535) Af. 1. to make s.o. swear, impose an oath: ''Dm JHWXI X3"T 'XH a judge who made (someone) swear (while holding) phylacteries Svu 38b(43); prUT y3»Vl 'mri ]wa"pm let him make them swear: "You are keeping the Torah" Ned 25a(37); Git 35a(45); 'V nysiffa X"?T 'V 31T1D write for me that you will not impose an oath upon me Ket 87a(6); 'XI rTVx?'' p'jnitfB XV Xin ]331» X311X if he is a s.w. we do not impose an oath upon him Svu 41a(34); TGAs42 79b:15; SSHai 17b(16); 2. to adjure [w. by s.o.]: in'poy 'X»3 lSrnySWX I have adjured you. In what are you engaged? Tan 24a(26); inrD,,!?1 IHi'yDlffX he adjured them and cursed them Svu 36a(16); MQ 16a(20); Qid 81a(39); Dnmx1? l^a'SX n'J?3WXl p'D when Abimelech adjured Abraham Hul 60b(34); X1D 'yiD^X1? to adjure an angel HM 40:2; ib. 37:4; HMGas 94:9; 03
Njratf 1104 patf •fiy xjj?32?b 'jnawx 5o 3:4; pa p^'Vy rryarcx x-nai x-nn xVa'm n'nraa? '••win I have adjured you by the one who placed His Divine Presence in the temple of fire and ice ib. 16:3; 13:4; 31:7; 37:1; 71:8 Itpe. to swear: 5?3ri2?X1 'Tin ISO 303 he took a Torah scroll and swore Ned 25a(17); '31 J/awa Xp Xip'2?2 ynrwnp he only swears falsely Svu 46b (3 6); 'TIT 11311 1TX 3?3ri2?a 'tit nam rra'x x$?3ri2?Bi win im'a^B?x 3133'X1 'VD1p3 TO'amx he swears that he gave that money to his mother, and his mother swears that she placed that money in a small basket, and it was stolen BM 42b(7); 'V mrtO W1X 'X X3*7'p2?1 X33?ari2?a if you had come and testified for me, I would have sworn and taken (the money) Svu 32b(8); ib. 41a(28); BQ 105a(7); BM 3a(34); Ned 25b(15); rG/fartfc 161:15; i& 202:30 Nj/atf, atf, f. srsts?, nf, Pi. I'jratf num. seven (4- nxystf, xjna»- ta nj?32? to Gen 7:2, Sy w'siy LS 752, Ma X3X2?, X312? MD 438) I. in form J?32>: sg.m. ,15?32? 'pixi ,1J?32? p'BX remove (the additional) seven (days) and keep the seven (original ones) BQ 25a(15); 'aD'p X}?32?1 '"iun XJ?32?a seven (portions of) ashes from seven ovens Sab 67a(3); X7132? 'BV XJ?32? the seven days of the week HMGas 94:15; Anan 42:8; '5?132? 13?32> seven weeks //P 16:4; f. 1DXB 5?32?1 two hundred and seven Er 83a(18); pn 5?32? seven daughters 7ev 83b(15); '32? 5?32? seven years /& 114b(47); pi. ]'32? ]'5?32? 13 seventy years old Ber 28a(5); Tan 23a(43); Meg 1 lb(42); Xtn '33 pj?32> sixty-nine £r 83a(31); 'ISO l'J?32? XJVnxi seventy Torah scrolls 55 14a(14); ]'J?32? ywb seventy languages Bo 56:10; II. in form 32?: sg.m. '13' 32? the seven seas Git 56b(46); T13 32? ]B 'xaiX aw 133'31 let them collect seven pieces (of meat) from seven houses Git 69a(9); '11 32? seven generations BQ 117a(42); f. 32?B '10@in '10@'3B;i iyi from seven to eighteen is eleven Ara 12a(29); Bek 45b(10); 32? 133 about seven (years old) Git 59a(24); XJ1B31X '1371 32? seven black dates Sab 109b(16); '33'1? 32? seven bricks ib. 129a(51); '32? 2V seven years Git 68b(8); Bek 8b(9); Git 70a(l); Sab 110b(13); Bes 28a(17); Ket 85b(2); /(Z28b(18) Y: 2V Ber 33b(17; BAYTN 328); X<?3W 5a6 74b(l). - "real?, "103'P, f. noatf, noa'tp, ifrjr snti? num. seventeen (Sy •* ™ y ■A * Nold, SG 93, Ma 1X0X312? Nold, MG 188) 1. seventeen: m. '13'1 1032? seventeen denars BB 10a(27); 103'2? X2?Bin '3: sixteen and four-fifths Suk 8a(19; M2) // X2?Bin '33 T03'2? £V 76b (7); 10@32? A/eg 2a(39); 10@'32? San 13a(25); f. '1D3'2? "133 about seventeen (years old) BB 91b(23); ]X'in '10327 there are (only) seventeen (interdictions) Sab 17b(14); Yev 21b(54); 'Vai' 10a2?B '1032? 'J1"X take seventeen (years) from seventeen jubilee (cycles) Ara 12b(18); ]'JT3 '103'2?1 ]nxa two hundred and seventeen eggs Er 83a(15); y32? pl2? 112?y seventeen rows iSGF 60:2; 2. seventeenth: m. 1032? ',13.3 10ri'2?1 XJ1TIX the night between the sixteenth and the seventeenth (of the month) Men 68b(19); ib. 23 Lit: Eps, Gr 127; Y: -IDTW San ib.(BAYTN 329). pat? vb. to leave, abandon, bequeath, let loose, divorce, permit, forgive {i ]'pi3'2>, Xp32>; Sy .n^y, LS 753, Ma p32? MD 447) Pe. (a/u) 1. to leave: a. objects: 2?'3'X p32?aV xyiXI XrillX XT'S2?lxa X32?ai XS^IJ a person customarily leaves an (empty) pitcher and a hide at an inn Yom 12a(25) // Meg 26a(42); rb p'32?1 na3 tbm X*7TX1 X'ay XBya the more you leave a coal, the fainter it grows BQ 9b(28); San 15a(42); 55 73a(24); 5a6 103a(4); ^Z 38b(33); ,Tp32?aV XT132?3 to leave it [i.e. a lit lamp] on the Sabbath Anan 69:8; ib. 88:21; AnanSch 6:13; TGtfar/t 118:7; b. places, buildings: bssVl H'Ona1? 1p32?l rmai xrunaa a'rv "?'ixi nVia he left gn and all of Babylonia and went to settle in the city of GN2 ISGF 118:17; 1p32?l "|3'a TIB'T'I '13'1 Vlpe? 'Xm^n"? take the denars that I borrowed from you and leave my store (which is mortgaged to you) Geon 162:7; c. people: '2?3'X p32?BV '^ 12?S'X X1?! 1331 'ap 'jvai 'Xri'3 I cannot leave my wife and come before the scholars Yev 115a(41); '0V '11 I'll? -I21? rrp32?1D since PN left his colleague [i.e. states his own opinion] ib. 60b(7); n'p32? ]nsax ,T^ 3'ri'Xl XT1X1 pn"? n'-IO'X the genius left Dagon and it went and settled on the threshold AZ 41b(ll); Zev 96b(3); Kar 8a(3); d. space: paa» _J p32? XYlXian"? xnxn he leaves room for other (rocks) San 64a(40); ,TJ»B WVpi ^ p2V KniTl he left space (in the document) for one senior than he (to sign) Gi( 10b(3); AZ 47b(6); 2. to leave intact, spare: nb ]Vp2V xn'am we leave the jug intact Gi( 56b(13); BB 3b(47); piat?'3 x"?l in'Tna n'n 1iT7 we shall not spare them a living thing in their dwellings Bo 78:19; 3. to abandon, forsake: a. people: '"? "?'riai 'TY7 '"? p'32? XV Xl'inX^ he will not forsake me and renounce (the debt) for another Qid 48a(6); Bek 35a(44); HP 147:26; '2?' f"lX^ ViXI np32? he abandoned her and went to Eretz Israel Qid 31b(26); Bek 33b(33); K'S "[3 lVa XriyB? X1H "|ripa2? the (favorable) moment has abandoned you (and) they make you draw water Suk 48b(21); Hp3tfl ana majn 'xmaxi 'xan 'in Va you have forsaken all of these Tannaim and Amoraim and have acted according to PN Ber 49a(44); Suk 19b(13); Ned 57b(17); BB 51b(14); b. objects: na'py 'n npat? rvniTOrf? PN has abandoned his compassion (in his biblical exegesis) San 110b(21); n'np32? inua'Tl"'^ have you forsaken your trust (by not watching the children? BB 8b(43); 'TS p'3Xtf n'J/'327T he abandons the fruit of the Sabbatical year Anan 12:10; 'X"lrOX Xm "M» pl3W forsake our Mishna and follow my view [lit. follow me] BQ 15b(47); Kar 19b(49); RH 28b(41); So( 40a(34); XD1T xnriBa ^"^l H31 Xrtfl'S p'32? he can abandon the bigger opening and enter by the smaller opening Er 10b(17); X1W1 p'32? xV XIIO'X V'3X1 (a person) does not forsake a permitted thing and eat a forbidden one Gi7 37b(24); Ket 79a(9); 4. to be survived by, to leave behind after death: a. heirs or dependents: xnxiwn X2/an p32?1 7W he died and was survived by five sons-in-law BM 109a(34); Xm3 Hp32?l n3'32?i n»U'X she was divorced, died, and was survived by a daughter Ket 85b(35); BM 39b(12); Anan 110:13; HP 58:17; ib. 117:15; 163:29; SSHai 17a(17); SSSad 232:14; Dec 10:4; b. property: X31X p32?l 3'D0 he died and left behind a boat £er 84b(37); c. guarantor: X31J? p32?1 3'a2?T Xinn a certain man who died and left behind a guarantor (of a loan he had received) Svu 48b(12); c. life for others: patf I "D n. usage c; 5. to bequeath [caique < Akk ezebu G CAD E 421, mng. 3b; JPA p3C> pe., mng. 6 DJPA 536]: xjnx p'32?T ]Xa one who bequeaths land Ket 50b(4); BB 13b(25); ib. 125a(l); X313X Xfl' p32?'T xyiX the field which our father bequeathed us SSSad 265b: 18; HP 60:17; 6. to let s.o./s.t. alone: 7132? DcVl Itm ]V3 mpas? Tay Xp when they saw that he was doing it for the sake of the Sabbath they left him alone Tan 24a(43); Meg 28a(28); MQ 28a(44); BQ 59b(15); mpa«? Xim mVaX tnn (the lions) ate one (thigh) and left one alone San 59b(41); V*S3 xp rrcsam tnrh n'pa«? leave the drunken man alone, for he will fall by himself Sab 32a(8); Er 52a(31); Tan 23b(52); MQ 12b(37); San 39a(6); 7. to let loose, release: m'?1? TUrrna nipafl they blinded it [i.e. the evil inclination] and let it loose Yom 69b(32; MGG 130:5); r^Dp mapi^ npaiPI onat you killed the males and released the females BB 21b(l); ib. 58a(19); Ber 56a(45); BM 78b(34); Naz 59a(23); AZ 18b(3); 5an 82b(37); '!'» ipiac? let go of me Bo 76:7; #t// 95b(14) [animal]; 8. to divorce [caique < Akk ezebu G CAD E 422, mng. 3c; JudA pat? ■pnai TDTJDA 131:2 (Mur 19); i 1'pia'tf]: nai 'a'"7 'a'n' ri'aonnm rrpat?! nnos now I have dissolved the marriage, separated, and divorced you -SSHai 3a(13) [in divorce document]; Bo 19:2; 9. to manumit, free [cf. Sy: ua •n t w "^ ^ y i t» \^ Jer 34:9; f^Hi^Jo i-=» jL~ . ? c. y , Ex 21:26]: ^laj? np32? 'ayt5 'X81 lTn^ why did you manumit your slave? AZ 17b(43); VTIXa X1? '3 H'lSy1? H'1? p'32? +'XT if (a man) manumits • his slave when he is not circumcised AnanEps 286:18; 10. to allow, permit, let: a. alone: bUMiV p'32? X1? Samuel will not allow (it) Tan 5b(21); H'V p'p32?l do we permit him (to do so)? Yev 44a(4); Ara 22a(30); xmix "la'aV nro ta rrb p'32? x"? 'yaw na'aV nns "IB n'^ p'32? X^ he began to say a legal tradition (and) one did not let him. He began to say a homiletical lesson (and) the other did not let him BQ 60b(32); SOZ 72:17; b. w. fol. vb. phrase: ma'"? 'Xn1? 'p32? let this one [i.e. Samuel] die Ber 31b(47); San 113a(49); in"? p'32? X1? "?Xia2n max mn '33 pai i^ P'3W n"71 ,c,,,n3 IP33 "'^a1? PN's 05
Ni??tf 1106 i#tfatf father did not let his daughters go out (on the Sabbath) with threads (in their ear), and he did not let them lie next to each other (in bed) Sab 65a(33; V); Bes 27a(13); BM 29b(10); San 28b(37); Hul 86b(12); Git 56a(30); San 38b(49); ib. 39a(30); 48b(36); 84b(38); BM 59b(41); ib. 84b(5); BB 19b(21); 11. to forgive, exempt, remit: a. sins: XMin*?! .T3inV pl3W'l bins'" XW VxiET bo '3inVl may He forgive and absolve his sins, our sins, and the sins of all the Jews TGHark 234:13; pass.part. ~p 'p'3W you are forgiven for them San 107a(45); in1? xp'3W fljmxi pB/y were they forgiven the twenty-four (sins)? Tan 5a(40) [cf. Ar (AC 6:254)]; b. debts: ]8 p3Wl ■rra upi n'^nxi nfra rppitn 'm 'X 'T» n'3iaa np3E> Xpi I1? n'X X31BB pi pi he remitted some of the money. Alternatively: He remitted all of it and he forgave him (the debt). And they obligated him: Such-and-such an amount of money is owed to you and you remit (it) HP 64:6 [expl. of compromise]; c. w. XD3B to exempt from taxes [cf. Sy: vS *™ \ \ . r, ^. v *>*> ■■• ^f*. r^rfi ^ *73ct BHChr 341:13]: '3P "lO^Jl X03B ''b ip3» they exempted him from taxes for thirteen years AZ 4a(34); BM 65a(54); 12. w. fol. vb. of motion to depart, go away [cf. Sy: Airfo .n "it , etc. PSm 4038]: 7(h "IBX b'TXl p'3B/ Xp '3 as he was departing and going he said to him Pes 62b(28); 'VlXl tfh 'p{')312/ mn they went away from him San 26a(l); b'TXI p'3»l n'Wa '111 «]'TH )XB D'n n3'!B^ one who borrows money from another and goes away overseas HP 124:13; 14. w. Km to let blood [Sy, LS ib., mng. 5, Ma prattf'JX1? XBT MD ib.]: n'niDXB XBi rrt» piSttf'1?! let him let his blood from his forehead Sab 110b(38; M) Itpe. 1. to be forsaken: lp3ni£?X '.iVd T,:m all of those (halakhot) were forsaken iSGF 30:15; 2. to be deserted: 3xn '3np nana psnwai wni where (the orphan child) is deserted by the father's relatives TGHark 99:21; 3. to be divorced: Xn31 "Xn'B p'3nW'Xi X3'J73 I want to be divorced from you HP 100:10; 4. to be omitted: ran -ian'a xbio i'3n xpsnwa mn xb (this matter) would not have been omitted so without itself having been said (in a Tannaitic source) TGAs27 35:29 Lit: Bacher 213; Gift 397 [Pe., mng. 5]. Nj?3tf n.m. testator (4- Vp3W pe. part., mng. 5) sg. \nyyo ixn r>P3 inri ixVt '"73x1 'an' let the orphans who consume what is not theirs follow their testator [i.e. to the grave] BM 70a(7) [Var: m'p3'P EsF'TGHark 75:7] // Ara 22a(50) K13tf n.m. Syrian rue (Peganum harmala; perh. < Akk sibburratu an aromatic plant CAD S/2 376; 4- TO, X3VS; Sy rc'iAjL LS 754, Ma xn3BXP MD 443) sg. Sab 20b(37) [expl. MH "irjan nb'ns Mib. 2:1]; X'a3 xt<3)(3W p'Vo boil Syrian rue in water HM 44:11 Geon. expl.: Kin cry-ii 'j'oi [<J#J °?ain law 'any iisto rtrav vv 'ab lmx I'nwi w: Kin Dm xin pa'o ya ly-in bsw fxi nrx 13 TRN 574:1 [= BBah 1932:10]; TGDr46 146:4; Y: S03P Sab ib. l#ftT"13(# n.m. night- and day-blindness (< Akk subrur dimmed or darkened (of eyes) [elative adj.]; cf. sa Tnasu subrura one whose eyes are blinded MSL 12 183:5 [v. AHw 1547], bararu G to become dim1 (of eyes) CAD B 106; 4-'T"l3; TA X*T13& pi. TO Gen 19:11 [H Dni.30]) pi. Pes 112a(23); 'TIS (')T13» 'TH32/a imi'X 'T 'T 'TT be careful of £.-blindness: sbryry, bryry, ryry, yry, ry ib. 25(V17) [an incantation] // AZ 12b(22); X^bl 'T"I3W night-blindness Git 69a(5); XBBH 'T13P day-blindness ib. 12(V18) Geon. expl.: ]lBfcj J'!np:w yy2V J'TTSB '^3 TO ]rn J'XSIB m33«fotl Wy^X '^Xynw TGHark 209:10, i.e. Lie. night- blindness, SjSli purblindness at night [< NP sabkurl PLA 176]; Lit: M. Geller, BiOr 43 [1986] 742; M. Stol, JNES 45(1986] 295+; Y: 'TT3W AZ ib.(BAYTN 236). 2# KT1327 n.m. radiance of the sun (cf. Akk saruru sunlight, radiance of the sun CAD S/2 140) pi. '©awa l©p XB/a'ltn "nrav the radiance of the sun is stronger.than the sun (itself) Yom 28b(46) Geon. expl.: O'TUOn ]n 'T-QW ]1»!? ip'y OHT ib. 14:19; Y: 'T-13W Yom ib.(BAYTN 236). 1 # (#3$ vb. to corrupt, confuse, be mistaken (4, entfa, Xntf3W, XEh3'tf; QA W3W itpa. ATTME 418, Sy r-ci-i~ to confuse LS 766, Ma V2V pa. to befool, WTO to confuse, 2#E?aE7 id. MD 448, 457, 470, > Arab jLyl II Fr, AF 250) Pa. 1. to distort, corrupt: a. alone: n'Tn 'Xai 2#WVD 1107 n3tf I'n'ana wdm 'xnp nB?32?ai why do you distort the biblical verses? Distort (instead) our Mishna Yom 71a(20); b. w. V'Jn pe. [4- ■Vim mng. II]: ':m wivft-i x'n 'a'3X is xix x'nn that is (according to) PN who learns the Tannaitic tradition in a corrupt manner Bes 26b(18; V"); 'am 2?'3tt?<») r'3n~' Vd xan does the Tanna corrupt (our Mishna) so much? Svu 38a(35; F2); pass. part, uwa n^nsn1? p'anurx xnaji xwb I'Dm 'SlV'n '3 ('l(')Xl W3^aT so we had to write the textual reading of the Talmud because it is corrupted and there are variants TGDr46 178:9; 2. to confuse: '3,T 135H Xin n'WSJ {ni'^lSlP1? he acted so in order to confuse him (to test his acumen) Yev 75b(44); H3 in»'3W '3D HDD how many scholars did you confuse by it? [i.e. by your incorrect interpretation of the Mishna] Zev 70b(10) Itpa. to be mistaken, err: a. general: n©3n©'X you were mistaken Svu 28b(24); ib. 29; Zev 26a(27); ib. 31; '3713 ttmnwx the priests erred Pes 17a(l); ib. 5; 15; ]xai VlTWm xV mb '3m ]Xa Vinvm Kb nvi '3m the one who learns H3'V (in MBQ 6:4) does not err, and the one who learns n3'3 does not err BQ 60a(3); ib. 116b(46); Er 61a(9); Suk 50b(4); Bes 35b(22); AZ 2a(8); n'31 VxiaU/3 pDST ]X» 5?3n^X the one who decided the law according to PN erred in it TGHark 193:21; b. w. ref. to the reading of the Bible: 'Virwm MsLm Gen 28:15; 'tf'Bl 133'X prf? 'im '3 H33'X (the word) n33'X occurs twice and it seems to them that it should be 133'X, and they are mistaken BMsG 7:8; H'3 'Vlit BMsN 36:1; BMsYFr 125:7; ib. 127:5; 130:5 Lit: Eps, MNM 678; Bacher 213; Yeivin, Fragment 116 [Itpa., usage b]. 2# t#3t# vb. to collect a fee on agricultural crops (< Akk sabasu to collect taxes levied on agricultural crops CAD S7l 6, mng. 2; 4- xra'©) Pe.: X2?3'tt; '©3ttn lH3n those who collect the agricultural fee BM 73a(24; EsF1) [cf. Akk: sibisni ul tasabbas you will not collect our i.-tax CAD loc. cit.] Rashi: pub on1? I'sVwai rift D'ons1? HKian D'l'jan D'ji3 'Vys HBin nxl3Jl; but cf. Geon. expl.: [.'JBS'W I'W&^aT V13[n]^ lrm i'3ni psi THK3 ]'xyi:i jn'a 'W3'w jvniDi I'amrtt; D]mx 'B3'» pB3]Ba Eps, St2 327:22. 3#B73t!7 vb. to cajole, coax, entice, persuade (4- Xtf3tf; Sy y?f to coax, wheedle LS 754, Ma V2V pa. MD 448) Pa.: nV 'n'Bl W3PB "?'TX he may go, cajole, and remarry her [lit. brings her] Yev 108b(18); Xtfsn^X x"?l 7W2V 133 Xn he, in fact, already cajoled her, but she was not persuaded ib. 20; n'l£?3E/l X3W r\2 xnx 31 xnx Xnn'X n'3D3Xl PN came, coaxed him, and permitted him to marry him a woman Ned 89b(20; Ar [AC 8:21]V2); 'Xn3 3'(n)(n)H 1PSX 'T13BX3 n'1? l»'3^ai X0'3 perhaps he is sitting at the other side of the door and can entice him [i.e. the child] with nuts Yom 84b(34; Ar [AC 8:21]L) [Rashi: innsa] Itpa. to be persuaded: XE?3nit?X Yev 108b(21) [v. Pa.]; XKnnW'Bl T\b 'nsa'T Tiai sometimes he entices her, and she is persuaded HP 134:10 NK73U/, NtPN3tP n.m. decoy (for catching birds; lit. one who leads astray/fools; 4- V3#©3©) sg. OH San 203:33 [expl. 4- 1#X1X]; pi. 'WX3P D'3T decoy doves ib. 204:1 l#Kfl.ti;3B7 n.f. error, confusion (4- Vl#©3tf; Ma xniyX3X27 MD 439) 1. error: sg. xViy X5?3p nS' 13 1B'33 '13 nVWlvb PN set his error like (the opinion of) PN2 Ber 38b(37); KSIIH DID1? xntP3E/ (the magnitude of) an error is according to (one's) ingenuity Git 20b(22) // BM 96b(2) // Nid 33b(2); XIWyD ''3na3 n3 n'X 'XI if there is an error in our Mishna iSGF 57:3; tyl XrW2V by an error which has entered remains [lit. has entered] Pes 112a(44) // BB 21a(43); xns/312/ XpS3 x"7'aa an error will depart of itself ib. 42; 2. confusion: sg. Xn©31!/ XnV'B3 n3 n'XT DIBa because there is confusion in the matter iSGF 72:11 Y: mV2V BB ib.(BAYTN 285). 2# XIW2W 4- KTIWIV n. T\2W vb. to rest on the Sabbath, be annulled (4- X3tf, Xmtf; Sy b\-fyr LS 750) Pe. 1. to rest from work: nSX^Ba m»a 'V3 he is required to rest from work (on the Sabbath) Anan 69:13; 2. to be annulled: pass.part. p'D31 p'32? 11^713
xria^ 1108 Nrvntf* all of them are annulled and void Bo 56:10; ib. 90b:4; 121:8; rn'3Bn rp'3tt? Kol Nidre XJiatf, pi. KWiatf, »3# n.f. Sabbath, week (4-'jmv, xai£?; OfA naa? or dnwsi 1107, s.v. 2#TUV, TA xfn& TO Ex 16:25, pi. N'3t& ib. Lev 19:3, Sy k^Sy., pi. r^ S y Sabbath, week LS 750, Ma l#XX13Xt> Sabbath MD 444) 1. Sabbath: a. general: sg. XJlf Xinm mS'DT X»V nin XJW the Day of Atonement of that year was a Sabbath Hul 101b(16); Sab 87b(ll); XBV "?3 XJUttn every Sabbath i& 30b(l); XTU» n» Wm XT132> "IDT (if) one expounds on one Sabbath, and the other (expounds on an alternate) Sabbath Ber 28a(43); Git 38b(16) [4- xmiyo mng. b.4]; Anan 72:13; XTOim x"7AlS Ipy he uprooted a radish on the Sabbath Hag 15a(27); XJDD nwm ]T1 x1? xjuk* ,_idjb x"?t tjti xrac? imVy "VVna XKW Vl'ty p'Wna we may desecrate the Sabbath (in midwifery) for our (children) who will observe the Sabbath. We may not desecrate the Sabbath for your (children) who will not observe the Sabbath AZ 26a(46); ib. 70a(35); TOXT Xin xmtW myax1? it is forbidden to kindle a fire on the Sabbath Anan 69:6; ib. 70:8; ]XB xnaw ,Tjns xnaiy1? I'T'T the Sabbath will repay the one who borrows for the Sabbath (to honor it) Sab 119a(26); yrath yiV nn» from your Sunday to your Sabbath [i.e. prepare for the Sabbath from the beginning of the week] Bes 16a(19); X"?im XTQ.V the Sabbath of the rigla Ber 30a(51) [4- i&xn mng. 2b]; pi. xnrav 'mn two Sabbaths Yom 84b (19); '31P "IplB 10V Joseph who honors the Sabbaths Sab 119a(20); Km mn 'aiff nn J'T PN used to expound on two (consecutive) Sabbaths Ber 28a(43); b. w. ref. to parts thereof: sg. XJ13Un X1SS the morning of the Sabbath Sab 87a(16); Anan 38:14; XT13«n XTiriM minha of the Sabbath Sab 116b(21); X'3S 'T13 XnattH towards evening of the Sabbath Er 43a(38); c. sg., as a component of the name of a day: 4- xnaw ira, kiuw 'Vya, xnatf 'pisx; 2. week: a. general: sg. XTiaW 'BV XTW six days of the week Anan 38:12 [* XTQ.WI X"©S]; W Xyattf XT131P//AfGar 94:15 Lit: J. Tigay, EI 14[1978] 111*+; Voc: XJtitf HGP 58a:35; '3* ib. 17a:24; Y: NTQW Sab 129b(9). JUtf, JUNP n.m. teak (Sy rd^i- LS 762, Ma XJXW MD 439, Arab cLi Siggel 41) sg. XIXW RH 23a(20) // BB 80b(40) [expl. BH 1ITW1 Is 41:19]; X1BH XpJDTl a teak chair Sab 129a(32); ib. 119a(13; MGE 323:3); mXE; ,SSH«i 6a(6); ib. lla(10) Lit: Flora 3:489+; Y: KJKW 55 ib.(BAYTN 7). Ut*> n.f.abs. error (4- V'lti; Sy rc'&Vo^L LS 755) sg. 1J7D Vol "111*/ "731V7» ^3 every negligence, every error, and every mistake sSSad 205:5; ib. 185:30; 1J?D3 xVl 11W xV SSHai 5b(18); i& 4a(5) NJtPMtf, pi. 'BjhJt!/ n.m. tumult, commotion (4- Vtfjtf; Sy kLLx,'cO^ LS 757, TA Pliw TO Dt 7:23) sg. XBJX3 X'WUltf XT2? (the angel) caused commotion in the marsh BM 86a(32; SM 145:5); pi. WW iSGF \\:\ J'tihitf n. (uncertain) Bo 33:9 The context consists of a group of nonsense words. rUEP vb. to pay attention, take notice (JPA UVD af. DJPA 537) Af.: a. alone: X^l X"?p ,T3 XB1 T\W& he shouted to him, but he did not pay attention Er 63a(29); MQ 27b(31); BQ 21a(30); b. w. -a: m mm X"?T Xin 'rrWX he did not take any notice of him BQ 20b(46); ib. 117b(3); Yom 77a(39); Swfc 31a(18); Ket 91a(40); Qid 44a(43); Mf 84a(46); 55 5a(9); San 107b(26); TGAs28 23b:6; Dec 1:6 'At£> vb. perh. to bend over (4- 1W; cf. Sy rO^ to stray, wander LS 754, Ma KW MD 448) Pe.: bsi HW he bent over (and) fell Yev 63b(32) KJVTatf*. pi. nyp, '*7JW n.f. almond (< XmpV; I XTmXD; Sy k'&u^, pi. rCjUv^c, LS 755) pi. Seel 117:15(Var); HIE*' //G3 395:6(HGP 54a: 12) Lit: Eps, Stl 123; Flora 3:152. TX& adj. heated (4- V2#-|1E>; Sy rt'-Lj^ LS 756, Ma TW MD 448) sg.m. XT11P XTU/1 a heated oven Yom 29a(3) [* XTip]; pl.m. '"run 'TJf 5o 78:13 Y: XTJtf torn ib. Nimtf*, pi. 'TUf/ n.f. almonds (4- XJVnti; Sy 2# K'T.Jyc- old scribal error for rc'x^jc LS 756, Ma 2#X"lJ'tt> MD 460) pi. HG3 395:6 tf'jtf 1109 l#'Ttt* Lit: Sok, Mutual Elucidation 406. tf'Jt? adj. confused (4- Vu/ltf; Sy r^ y ; \jt, LS 757, Ma vnm MD 448) sg.f. xin xww xnjn his mind is confused Git 70b(27); pl.m. 'B^n ■'WXD confused dreams Bo 26:4 Y: XJW'OT Gil ib. l#m&W vb. to send, make flow (4- Vl#TJtt>; Sy 1# i-^?- LS 756, Ma U1XD MD 448) Pa. 1. to send: "va xnxjna rvi ,-iJB?a mn '3 -itj/Vk 'i nX'l^i when they used to send presents to PN from the house of the Nasi Meg 28a(32); 2. to send forth, cast out: la 'nxa <ty) 'DWWl 'XTIXS I have sent you forth against PN Bo 72:6; pass.part. x'a^T xsiy1? *?yab x*w» HTi^'ia xnn xyiXT XTysVl may his corpse be cast out for the birds of the sky and the animals of the earth to eat Dec 7:15; 3. to make flow [Sy pa., mng. 1]: pnjnx ]BT X13"?B X'» TmB '3 'WB they used to make the reservoir flow outside of their field (onto the roads) San 109a(43; MGG 309:19) Itpa. to be sent forth: T~l p'ty XT1X1 -uniyxn n31p'V Eras? Samis was sent forth and came upon you, dews, for battle Bo 78:21; ib. 9 2# "\W vb. to heat up (4- TVO; Sy 2# -i^ LS 756, Ma 2# -\W MD 448) Pe. (a/ ): a. oven [cf. Sy rr'ico^ icO^. PSm 4055, Ma XlUXn T\XD md ib.]': 'Vya Vs xnun iiiyaV inn'si x"?'j-i mn XJ13E? his wife used to heat up the oven regularly every Friday Tan 24b(54); Qid 40a(9); ib. 81b(13); BM 85a(50); mnsiJI X^3D nj»l she heated up the oven and raked it Sab 109b(29); nnVpl XTUTv? W\XV she heated up the oven and burnt it [i.e. the skull] San 82a(34) // ib. 104a(44); ST 489:7; Geon 26:11; HG3 216:31; ib. 395:6; pass.part. 4- "VVO adj.; b. cauldron: xn"0-|B 'DIX yrm il~a,V she used to heat up (the cauldron) with sixty Persian stumps Ber 44b(47; P) [cf. Rashi: nsVn imp nnn na-no nivn] Pa. to inflame: XllttfB (X)nnV for an inflamed illness HM 37:6 [cf. Ma: X3X11X2/a inflamed, enraged MD 279]; Bo 141:13 Itpe. to be heated up: 33riC?'31 lin^'JI imri2;,3T "]TX33 na nnx ~\m may he be inflamed, heated up, and enkindled after PN Bo 30:1 The Y tradition of this word is w. 5 [< Arab j*^>], e.g. "HOT KIWI Sab 119a(14; MGE 323:4); KTJB Kni:n Yom 29a(3; E1). Kara 81 points out that this is also the modern oral tradition. [KUtf 4- xnnti n.] WM vb. to disturb, upset (4- WiM, WW; Sy Y-J^ LS 757, Ma MB MD 448) Pa.: x'j'X ma'XT xnmiK VW12 a foal (which) upsets the ways of its mother BB 9b (9) [cf. Sy ^Jso .. » \ v rdoiorc' deviating from the road PSm 4059; ,ri\r. K'iujKoK' the roads were disorderly ib.]; xr»H XD'l JV VWa^l XTV the demon which disturbs the right side Bo 59:4; ib. 7; 1:11; nBlB3 TiWb XEttWa she confuses her tongue in her mouth ib. 123:11 l#'1t£ vb. to throw, expel, spit out, pull down, place, insert, impose, plant (Sy t^K^l, LS 757, Ma 1#XTO MD 449) Pe. I. general: 1. to throw, cast, hurl: a. w. dir. obj.: 1) general: Xlim ]»'XH 'TSn "IT1X1 Hbp~ft XCS one who threw a clod at a date palm and caused the dates to drop off Mak 8a(4) // Sab 73b(30); Git 61a(8; O3) [1 XriSIX]; 'Tl nm ,1?,l ... n'la nxe? mm he used to throw pieces of straw from it, and they would turn into arrows Tan 21a(45) // San 108b(50); WWI rw irV'TO they threw away their stones from their hands Qid 70b (32); XilJlX1? XrDIO X1E>T ]XB 'Xn one who threw a bough into the oven Sab 74b(10; OHT ib. 69:13); T,mnnB X1TJ 'TO1 XnjX1? po go up to the roof and throw the ladder down from under you Ber 33a(15) // Pes 112b(16); 'nJ'TO X"in33 he cast them [i.e. the coins] into the river San 72a(30); Er 8a(27); ib. 74b(3); Meg 28b(46); Git 57b(45); BQ 92b(49); ib. 117b(34); San 109a(13); AZ 10b(46); Ara 29a(25); HM 42:17; ib. 43:13; 2) of an animal to its rider [cf. Sy, PSm 4063, mng. 5]: m'TO D"ri0X XTUVJl XOa '3 when (the donkey) reached the bridge, it became frightened (and) threw him Ned 41a(32; MGG 122:16V2); b. (a)syndetically fol. another vb.: 1) Voai pe.: 'IIP QU +DX cut (the fat off and) throw (it) away Hul 50a(10; MGL 74:8); 2) VD3n pe.: inVJW Dan he threw (the nuts and) flung them down (on his bald head) Ber 10b(10; MGL 588:23); 3) VfOJ pe.: xaV3V '1E> xnV'a flS shake off the salt (from the meat and) throw (it) to a dog Nid 31a(25); n'TrUB 1XT2?n '3V13 HXf 1 V'San he
!#'"!# used to shake (his nose) and cast out bundles of silk from his nostrils San 67b(26); 'TO1 flB3 shake (and) throw off (the dew from the hat) Sab 147a(10); BM 114b(13); 4) VpDB pe.: pDin 'T'X 11157132/ '3xn mm vft 'to p'OD imft'a since their matters [i.e. the laws of impurity] are few he disposes of them quickly and then learns (the laws of) oaths £vw 3a(10) [but Rashi: 'TO1]; 5) V^to pe.: vmi2/ «ft2/ *7tx wto *]ito V'i go, pull them out [i.e. the reeds], and throw them away. He went, pulled them out, (and) threw them away Er 1 lb(24); 2. to drop [cf. Akk nadu CAD N/1 79, mng. dl']: 1"TO xbp 1'3 XTO he threw a clod at it [i.e. the bird] (and) it dropped it [i.e. the samir] Git 68b(29); nft X'TO 'Bl does (the 13 \DV-bird) drop it [i.e. its egg]? Bek 57b(14); Hul 95b(38) [4- XJlftl3]; 3. to expel, abandon: "?3 in'3'B im XIXBn nft 1TO 111 XnilX every night they used to abandon to it [i.e. the lion] a donkey belonging to one of them BQ 116a(27); San 25b(38) [i V]13 itpa., mng. 2d]; X*?l Jllft'1 X3'11 xft'2/ TITO if (a woman) gave birth and did not expel the placenta HP 135:8; pass.part. (X3'1) "?3 fttXl112; ('3,1) do they continually abandon (the waifs) in such a manner? Qid 73a(42); 4. to spit out [cf. Akk nadu N/1 74, mng. 4']: pll ft ]B1T31 1'IWXV m'TOl his saliva accumulated and he spat it out behind him Ber 24b (22); '12/11,1 X3pl5? 112 1'Bp Xpll PN was spitting out saliva in front of him Ket 105b(30); Sab 121b(37); 1'3 XTO 1B3X he spit into it [i.e. his cup] again Qid 81b(2) [Ed: iri'3 ,T3 XTO 1B3X]; 'TO 1W "J1? <'>(]}TX1 Xpil "?3 ('X)(X')TO fiBn spit out (and) eject all the saliva that you have accumulated. She spat (it) out (and) ejected (it) Ket 61b(16); 5. to remove a garment [cf. Akk nadii CAD N/1 76, mng. lc]: HTO'J D'1T31 I'iXlft 113'TO'3 let him strip, remove his garments, and run Yom 84a(4); 1'Bftj 'TO 131 PN used to remove his cloak Sab 10a(8); XTX 'n'inx 'aft* 'D3'X 1"TO he went, removed it, (and) put on another garment Men 41a(17); 6. to pull down: 11s? lJVBpTl ftpl lTl'TOI you pull down date palms and plant them (anew) San 30b(35); Xp'T 1"TO the wind pulled it [i.e. the fence] down Ket 77b (42); Git 68a(54); BQ 92b (46); nft ]"TO ftB3 (1){'}J1X camels may come l#Htf (and) pull it down Er 24b(14); 7. to pluck off fruit: x^p'ia nan ft 'to xp <n)(i)ini xtjj xinn 'X ?ft 'ax 'run ft 'to ft max xnmx xmh 'xnx XTO'a 'IE? ft max ft WTp'B "ft X3'TO a certain man who was plucking dates from a date palm. A certain woman came and said to him: "Pluck two for me." He said to her: "If I pluck for you will you be betrothed to me? She said: "Go ahead and pluck." Qid 9a(10); 8. to place, put: a. general: "3X nft 'TO1 XSOHX 1'T H»'Jin 3iroft '3'1 let him write his signature on a sherd and place it with the court Ket 21a(15); XTO3 'flftl '1BUX 'TOftl 13'BE/ let him bring fat meat and place (it) on the coals Sab 109b(22); ib. 66b(40); Ket 67b(36); San 95a(12); AZ 29a(24); HP 40:25; XXftn 'in 1TO "'bpm 1713 after (the sellers) weigh (the produce) they place two (or) three (more) Ara 19a(26); lift "J'OSl maiB1? vft 'TO1 he puts them in his mouth and invalidates them Sab 14a(12); Git 68a(50) [I XTft'2/127 mng. 1]; Svu 22b(16); 113 XTO'B1? X'B ('){1)2/'B3 X"?1 X3'11 inaip ftl3 XJ1JVX where the water is not deep enough for a woman to place her entire body in it HG3 358:34 [cf. H translation: "?3 p'm'2/ '13 1B13 GnK4 8:23]; c. in seq. XTO ... bpv take ... place: 'X^BJX 'IK/1 131' ty)('}j?E7 take your load and place (it) on my camel Meg 18a(47); bp27 1'BIB^ m'TOl 'aim 113 he took the garlic head(?) and placed it in his mouth Tan 25a(35); Sab 110a(24); RH 25a(26) [+//'s; i 2#x"?p]; Tan 10a(12); MQ 10b(16); Ket 104a(10); Git 68b(29); BQ 85a(13); BM 24b(35); ib. 54b(18); AZ 57b(20); pass.part. X'TOl TTVn'D X"?'p2/ '1IT1X your kindness is taken and is placed on the thorns [i.e. it is of no value] 5M63b(13) [+ //'s; 4-1 #X1t'n]; 9. to place in a category [w. 1J13]: ift ]3'TO 1'TI1'im we place it in his category [i.e. the child is considered to have been fathered by the one who betrothed the woman] Yev 69b(36); ib. 70a(2); 78a(51); BQ 37b(2); Zev 104b(54); 9. to insert, put into s.t: 1X311 XTOa1? Xt3'J3 to insert a condition into a get BM 66a(16); '3'31 '3'3 ia rb '1X27 '3 when you insert it in between [i.e. a space of one quarter cubit between the boards] Sab 98a(16); 1'T 1'3 XTO 1'3 TO32/1 he put his hands into it [i.e. the bucket 10 i#'-ra/ mi 1#'1B7 of water] and dabbled (them) in it AZ 57b(18); 11'3'3 X133. '127 put (another) man between them Yom 9b(47) // Bes 28a(18); XailT 13 'TO Xpl (Sisera) was inserting sensuality into her (by copulating with her) Yev 103b(7) [cf. MH2: "?'tJ1 XailT 13 ib. 8]; 10. to impose s.t.: a. taxes: X1111 1'13DX 1TO1 X"?ft3 'ai a certain payment of the coronation tax which was imposed on GN BB 8a(39); ib. 43; 143a(38); b. ban [cf. Akk sipta nadu CAD N/1 95]: X3*?31 XrOUX xnaw 'TO impose a ban on the tail of a dog MQ 17a(54); c. oath: nft iib/ xnaia1? xito in *?d 'm lnrx they [i.e. the pagan court] also impose an oath upon each witness BQ 114a(3); 11. w. "X to add (of numbers): '11X 'TO ftar 103E?a '1032/ 'T1"X take seventeen (years) from seventeen jubilee cycles (and) add (them) to these Ara 12b(18); '71171 'nftl '57132/3 lirpsftl 'B1DX '12/ftl 1XB "?3a let him bring two (years) from each (complete) century (from the time of the destruction), add (them) to the 'portions' [i.e. the remainder], and divide them by sevens [lit. the Sabbatical cycles] AZ 9b(10); 12. pass.part. lying on the ground, situated: X'12/1 XT1 XTIO'BI '12/1 X3'H X13J a charred man who was lying on the ground and a hand which was lying (nearby) Yev 115a(12); '12/1 "7'Bpl nVD«7X he found him killed and lying on the ground AZ 10b(21); '12/ V'Bpl nD712/'Xl (the date palm) was found cut down and lying on the ground Svu 46a(43; HP 82:19); mil 'P'T 1131 Xtinai Xpno'is T'TO certain skin-bottles which were lying on the ground in the district of GN Er 44b(8); 13. to sow seeds, plant: '31!'3 1'3 XTO nas Xbl he sowed seeds in it [i.e. the garden], and it did not sprout Hul 60b(22); Git 68b(27); 'XTO x2/an vbx ni xto x"?i nax 'no inxi xn'2/13 (he said:) "I sowed six (measures of seed) in it," and witnesses came and said: "He only sowed five" BM 56b(40); X'11S3 X3JYO '12/ Xp 1111 X133 X111 a certain man who was sowing flax on Purim Meg 5b(28; Ed) [C: J71T]; 1TO X3"7'X '1p57 Xpi X371D133 they were uprooting a tree (and) planting (it) in a garden Meg 16a(44); Er 25a(35); BB 54a(l); San 109b(9; M); pass.part. 1"Tn ItJ/^X '1 1'msV X'13 n3 'TO! X5?1X X'nnV PN saw a certain field in which ... was sown across its width Yev 63a(29); X'TO xV DIX1? '(1>(1)X2/a X'12/ nans'? '(1)(1IX2/a (if the field) is sown as garden beds it is for human consumption. (If it) is not planted as garden beds it is not for animal consumption BQ 81a(29; Es); 14. to pour a liquid: fty '12/1 pour (the water) on me Ber 22a(55); X3Sm XaiDB X'B '12/1 mm he saw that he was pouring water from the opening of a pitcher Hul 106a(l); Ket 77b(21; MGG 226:4) [4* V3B1 pe.]; Git 69b(6); X1T3 1113 11X2/1 X'D the water which they pour into that basin Anan 34:20; ib. 25:15; HG3 212:75; X3S11X lft '1X27 13'SD1 he pours it [i.e. the waste water] on the side of a boat Sab 100b (45); Meg 16a(29) [i XS'SX]; Tan 25a(52) [of rain clouds]; Git 69a(25); II. in idiomatic phrases: 1. w. NTS to shoot an arrow: miB1? XTX XTO he shot an arrow to the east Git 56a(16); xVl XT3 1'3 XTO m'DD he shot an arrow at him, and it did not reach him San 95a(37; SM 112:6); XTJ XCITO X2/1S the horseman shot an arrow BB 73b(26); RH 24a(l); San 77b(8) // BQ 26b(35) [i VpOB pe., mng. 4a]; 2. w. 'Tit to invest money: 'XT1T1 X3'TO XV '133 I do not invest my money for nothing BQ 103a(7) [4- '133]; 'S X3X "TOT1 rX3ip 'TIT pi p xnyS'aa I, NN, invested in the common fund such-and-such an amount of zuzim of principal SSSad 205:13; ib. 209:10; 3. w. X1.TT to inject venom: '113 ... <1>'TI'T 'TO D'111 1J7 1'in'T '12/ *]ft271 while it is clawing it injects its venom. While it is pulling (its paw) out it injects its venom Hul 53a(36) [cf. Ma -jXTn'T X'TO MD 166]; 4. w. XT: a. to feel, touch [lit. to place the hand; Akk qata nadu CAD N/1 94, Sy n^-x- k'xjpc' PSm 4064, Ma XTO X1J7 MD 449]: X3X XITDWI '3XB3 'T 'X12/1 157 X357X3 111 X1? X1pJ7» '31^ ^3 13 initially, I would not break (bread) until I had felt (all the loaves) in my container, and I found in it all that I needed Sab 140b(16; V); San 39a(23); b. to attack: X3TX1 XT 13 '12/3 let us attack it now San 95a(21); 5. w. K»1M to inflict a blemish: 3'33 XB1B 1'3 XTO TIXpi '113 DT©2/ while (the animal) was coming he inflicted upon it a blemish in its upper lip Git 56a(10); Tern 8b(20); HG3 294:3; 6. w. XltJ'B to rain: XID'B XTO Yom 53b(22; E2L) [cf. Ma:
2#'Ttf 1112 l#TTtf !PTO KIB'81 MD 266; Var: XID'a XrlX M2]; 7. w KpTlOS to comb the hair: Xpmoa XIETaV HG3 358:43; See/ 113:30(Var); 8. w. JU1J to disagree [lit. to throw an ax at it; 4- xm]: n'BT '1 XJ1X1 XJ"1J na X11P PN came and disagreed in the matter Suk 12a(9); Par 32b(50); San 30b(34); /?// 13a(39); 9. w. K'ffffl 'i"?'y to turn vertically [lit. on its width]: iTJVB 'lW XrSD1? .T'lwV he should turn the knife to a vertical position HG3 111:1; 10. w. n'71'33 KnuiS to cause a rift in the family [lit. to make a split in his house]: San 96b(39) // Git 57b(18; MGN 600:15) [4- XTOTB]; 11. w. K3'BT to put out to pasture [cf. Akk: ana nabritim nadu CAD N/1 79, mng. I.e.7']: !CD13 nV 'X1W1 put it [i.e. the horse] out to pasture Slaw 105b(4) [+ //'s; I 3'DT mng. II.2]; 12. w. N'Bftjtf to cause commotion: X13JX3 VNTOO NIB? (the angel) caused commotion in the marsh BM 86a(32; SM 145:5) 2# '"W vb. to spin or twist thread (4- Vtlti; cf. Ma 2# HIV to fasten MD 449) Pe.: X(n),3nj? XVTI nab'S rN",((n}),lT£7 Xpl X3JT Xp mm a certain Arab woman who was sitting and spinning thread with her spindle Ket 72b(15); n'JVTCn XITHinn 'Bin nan na nan a crimson thread which NN b. NN2 [viz. a woman of ill repute] spun' Git 69b(49; Vl8OHT ib. 154:6) [v. infra]; xrf?3n na Jl'Xi TIXt VXbyb 'p'TX1? 'Bin X'<T)n}Bn there is in it [i.e. the chest] tekhelet-v/oo\ which she will spin into threads for the righteous in the world to come BB 74b(4); '"WX 'TO'B to twist ropes Suk 16a(6; M2) Geon. expl.: fllDlB mD JU3 rr3j?3 mi3Tfl iTIO Wj p (crimson thread) from the spinning [Jj&] of a woman known for ignominy, daughter of a known woman OHT Git ib. 158:8; Lit: Eps, Stl 72+. X'lE/ n.m. east wind (< Akk sadu B east, east wind CAD S/l 59, AIOA 97) sg. TVi X'Ttf the east wind blows Git 31b(48; Ar [AC 8:30],Ed) Y: X;T0 Git ib.(BAYTN 96). "yVD vb. to negotiate a marriage agreement (4- 'DITE/; Sy «ajc- pa. to make proposals of marriage LS 758) Pa.: "pw x"7i Xn JTWl Xn this refers to where he negotiated a marriage agreement, that to where he had not done so Qid 52b(2); ib. 13a(22); 36; 12b(28; HP 109:9) l#N3ltf, N3NT1P n.m. perh. branch, root (etym. unkn.) sg. ramv Sab 85b(15); X3TO BM 91b(40; EsAr [AC 8:33]); pi. Xn 'DXTO X3'Xl xn '3X12; XD'^T this refers to a case in which there are branches, that to where there are no branches Er 100b(18; HG1 243:97) [RaH: '3TO] Geon. expi.: T0X3 piTWBl prtnTOW O'SPX 0'B:y '3XTO Kin riTW|7 JTOta TiTW '3 DiTOBV OHT Sab 87:17; 'ONTO p nni O'SWy^W jeniW GnK4 19:19; TJ'X °7» rtfn X3X1P GnK5 173:11; OHP Sab 45:12(Ar); on 113'T X3XTO 'TB 1,111 OHT Sab 85:2, v. AAC 392; Lit: Low, Flora 4:150, points out that the Geon. expls. are merely derived from the context. 2# N37E7, JOItP n.m. perh. idle person (etym. unkn.; cf. Ma ~\"W pe. to be still, quiet MD 449) sg. X3TO BB 139a(17; Ar [AC 8:33) [Var: X3TO EsP1]; pi. •>yw~l Xrp (uncertain) BQ 92b(39; HAr [AC ib.]) [Var: 'STBn F] Lit: Koh, AC ib.; Geon. expl.: xVl mtn xV 13 ['X» [pn OTX 7\yt 13 ]'X1 mxia xVl nnno Sura 2 [1955-6] 302:5 [cf. R.G. ad loc.]; Y: X3T0 BB ib.(BAYTN 96). 7"Tfi? vb. to try to convince (Sy «A:uc pa. LS 759) Pa.: DH3T3 O'Bni'7 ]V17 ]J'7TOa we try to convince the heirs with words TGHark 98:20 tpti; vb. to blight (< BH «]1# pe. HAL 1322; 4- XJBTW; MH >yiV nif. J 1525) Itpe. to be blighted: iTJljnx ',1713 *)nn»X1 p'3 since all of the fields were blighted 5A/ 106a(16); influx XAX31 nan most of the rural area was blighted ib. 105b(38); IBIJlttHJ '7'1 perhaps (the fields) will be blighted Git 52a(21); ib. 49b(53); Ket 95a(30); Ara 23b(5) l#"TTtf vb. to send (4- Vxmtfa, l/nati, Vl#n?!»; Sy iijL LS 759, Ma TW pa. MD 450) Pa. 1. w. fol. dir. obj. to send: a. people: "3X "ITO mp13'a? pais XllI PN sent a pair of scholars to check him Tan 21b(41); 'miy1? X71 1,'mHtf 'Jlj?;i7 I sent you to remedy (the matter) and not to make (it) worse Ket 85a(21) [+ //'s; I Vniiy pa.]; Git 34a(6); 55 12b(15); Xp XJ'inX tf'J'Xl XJ7'TX XJ11E>a I shall go and send someone else Git 56b(21); Xn'7P YWa KTOV '?yai X'3B 'TO "731 tipwb he used to send an agent to the market every Friday towards evening Tan 20b(44); Qid 2#TTtf 1113 T T 33a(44); Dec 10:7; BM 86a(10) [4- xpJlD'IB usage b]; b. objects: "ft KJTOD nn» I shall indeed send (it) to you Sa6 108b(40); "ITO1 Xinn inn'Sl1? XCA n'V a certain (man) who sent a ge/ to his wife Git 29b (31); X331ip in1? TIP send them a sacrifice ib. 56a(8); 'jrvp ID''1?^ n'yip VtntO '3 no'1?!!1? nm»l he cut him up [i.e. the child] into thirteen pieces and sent him to thirteen schools Hag 15b(l 1); f^Bn rTrTfl!7 psi1? nV X*W Xat5 xai'a he permitted the scholars to send phylacteries r>n a holiday 5e? 15a(22); 'XD1B 'n 'TO? 'J^TIB TTOB the Persians send gifts to one another in return AZ 71a(17; J); ib. 10b(7); San 108b(53); ib. 109a(l); c. supernatural beings: 133 T33 '3X^0 'nVj? Il'TiBl I have sent against him the angels ... Bo 132:6; ia ty xnn •••\1~ivb 'aaiX "13 X1D1T to send a spirit against DN Bo 142:1; ii. 5; 1X30 by XW3 XTW 'TIW? n'ys DX if you want to send an evil demon against your enemy HM 46:2; j'2>. 42:10; 2. w. fol. asyndetic vb. to send s.o. to do s.t. [cf. Sy roxjjri' ixjL PSm 4070, etc., Nold, SG 274, MG 4433]: X'^73 n'TT Xinrf7 n"Sp rw at night he sent someone to cut down his own (branches) BB 60b(l; F2); rw (C33 '311 mbiaV rin''ni3'ny3xx inox xnv 'JXaiX nViaVl Esther sent someone to sequester all of the bath attendants and all of the barbers Meg 16a(18); n'ma XViT TPX VtX TW he sent someone to go (and) bring scissors from his house ib. 19; nm p yyav "b n,n,n,,x raw she sent someone to bring PN Ber 48a(23); '3T 1W n'J'a TO^p» -I0'p the officials of the government sent people to take it [i.e. the money] from them 55 10a(27) Itpa. to be sent: 13 XB^nm n,!?y TmwXT "?31 'atax ns xion -iai wby mnitf,V I'n'wra may all that is sent against PN be sent against DN Bo 141:8; pTflTJTCrxa jU'Xl they [i.e. the cases of n"?iy pu. in BH] (mean) 'to be sent' BMsG 38:17 [v. Ofer, BMs 4215«] For a similar distinction in Sy bet. -*:uc_ 'to send a person' and • " V y 'to send a message,' v. L. van Rompay, SCC 78+. 2#"IW vb. perh. to be twisted (4- lttXITO, xn-ntf) Pe.: ]-nv nm xaam 'a mm xrna'x x'nn Xnnna rcy-O a certain ewe which was in GN whose hind legs were twisted (?) Hul 51a(34; H2) [Var: m"W mm HG3 162:14] This translation is conjectural since this rt. does not appear to be known from any other A dialect. 1#KYW n.m. twisted rope, spine (4- V2#"n», Ximtf; Mng. 1: Ma XTHP twisting, spinning MD 460; mng. 2: MH2 nrHm Din §ab 151b[14]) 1. twisted rope: sg. Xpn3 KTIV strong twisted rope Git 69a(6) [Var: Xpiia X<TI){TlW OHT ib. 155:6]; 2. spine: sg. .T1? n^T p'3 XBD n "xm X"nC7 since an unclean fish does not have a spine Suk l8a(42); nVn xttc/ [lyyW 1»)1 ~amt xnrn xmamV (xmain pi) xmi£?i xom p'DB'xi an animal whose spine is broken from (its) ribs, and the spinal cord was broken between one vertebra and another HP 202:15; HG3 155:37 Geon. expl.: pTII im OHT Git ib., i.e. jjjj Jli [mng. 1], - NYlBn NDin n.m. spinal cord (4- XDW) sg. xmainV (xrnain f m> x-rran xoin p'OB'xi the spinal cord was broken between one vertebra and another HP 202:15; HG3 155:37 2# KVV& n.m. perh. elevation (etym. unkn.) sg. Tlp'a XjnXT 'TO they are called the elevations of the field BB 103a(ll; P1) // Ara 25a(26) // X"ntt/e/c/61a(16;02) Expl. Ar: flXH 'D3T AC 8:36. NJYmtf n.f. (uncertain; 4- 2#xnmo) sg. nan wmTO your ... Pes 104b(9; ISGS 65:4) [Var: n'JTimD M2; TUTiVnO V14] S'TO n. lees (etym. unkn.; 4- X'TTn) sg. BM 40b(4; EsF'Ar [AC 8:35]) Geon. expl.: DnDB X1J>n31 K'TIB X1DJ3 ,18B Kioni X'TTn GC 130:10. Nrmtf n.f. spine (4- V2# m©, 1# XTTO) sg. 'T» Xinw demons of the spine 5o 36:10; i& 37:7; 48:2 JS^rU^ n.m. hemp-seed (< MP, sah-danag CPD 79; 4- Xarp, DIBD'X HXtt?; Sy \jnout_ LS 760, Ma 'IXiXIX© MD 439) sg. HG1 94:28 [expl. 1 xaca] Lit: Geig, AAC 226, s.v. "11:3; Flora 1:261. jtontf 4- -mnu; n. NJTin^ n.f. pause, delay (< MH2 Tim J 1526;
i#'ntf 1114 i#K"ntf» 4- Vi# tib>, xrrnff) sg. xmrtff x'pai xrrrn x"73 without delay and without pause SSHai 4a(15) 1 # '!"lt£, Tlt^ vb. to remain, pause, delay, retain (4- xmnff, xriTlff; Sy rCcLx- LS 759) Pe. 1. to remain, remain still: ma"? 1*721531 ]X3 Tiff remain here and we shall ritually immerse you tomorrow Yev 46b (34); Xm'B T3JH jXB 'Xn Dip,!7 mm XmiD 'HE?'1? one who has let blood should remain still a bit and then get up Sab 129b(3); XVI JVI3 13 nnffi 'X if he remained (in the Temple court) he is liable for karet Svu 17a(25); 2. to pause: J/T xVl D'Tll Tiffl ]'»'! sometimes he pauses and presses (with the knife when slaughtering an animal) and he is unaware Hul 9a(14; V11); KTn DflffB H3 XHffl Dnff ('X) XJT1TI if he was slaughtering and paused for the time it takes to slaughter one animal HP 208:16; 3. to tarry, be delayed: 'V 'Tiff I have tarried (too long) BM 51a(8); Tty*V X13ff 'XXia1? nnff 'XT WmpB1? if he tarried on Saturday night the length of time required to bury it [i.e. the money] ib. 42a(29); X31D n'ja'O VTCn JXB one whose physical signs of maturity were delayed a long time TGHark 39:4; 4. w. 'im to live in matrimony with s.o. [< MH DJ? TWO J 1526]: ]X8 yiv -iffy mm xnffi xnrrx 3'on one who married a woman and lived with her for ten years HP 100:4; ib. 113:21 Pa. 1. to delay, postpone: X1? HIXB "inff V3 pTIffB we do not delay (the performance of) a commandment at all 7ev 39a(49); MQ 12b(42) [Var: HITlff HP 178:21]; Zev 101b(2); 'V Xl'Vl rT'inff1? X1?! nnrnV I can neither postpone it [i.e. payment of the dowry] nor delay it SSHai 18b(18); 2. to leave s.t. for a period of time: ]T>3 Xff,l7 713 VlffBl since he leaves dough in them [i.e. the kneading troughs] for a period of time Pes 30b(40); TTitf? m inffB DnmXT Xip' Olffa they left Sarahfs corpse unburied) because of Abraham's honor [i.e. until he came] San 46b(52); Sab 37b(37); Pes 115b(6); BQ 79b(53); ib. 112b(49); n'Tlff ib. 50(HP 81:32); 55 98a(7); ib. 164a(26); San 110a(55); Hul 53b(13); ]XB1 pav pmn iJ3m xnaff vrawr one who lets a Rabbinical ban remain (in force upon him) for thirty days Yev 52a(21); 3. to detain, retain, hold back: a. objects: Tf? TlffB XB'p mmerm ]TO since (the animal) is in his possession he can retain it (until after the festival) AZ 20b(52); RH 6a(24) [sacrifice]; AZ 16a(14); Bek 26b(l); Ket 100b(38) [s.-beverage]; AZ 56b(14) [wine]; b. documents: X1BDT 'CJ'ffBX .T1? TlffBI pfi'T sometimes (the creditor) retains his (writ of the paid loan) because of the payment [lit. coins] of the scribe Ket 19b(ll); Git 49b(31) [get]; Ket 64a(5); BM 20b(25) [4- XBl'j? mng. 2]; BB 22a(35) [4- XXM1X] Itpa. 1. to wait: ITOT ,T3 ^'Bn 1J? 'n™'1? let him wait until his [i.e. the child's] blood circulates properly Sab 134a(34; M) [V: TOT1?; 4- V.Tiri itpa., mng. 1]; 2. to be tarry, be delayed: 'mil xmiX3 TlllffX ]'i» he tarried on the road for two years Meg 17a(21); Sab 109b(3); X1H 'VrnffW 7IJ1BTX1 (its birth) was actually delayed Yev 80b(5); mjrxi inx ffiin vixiff'x "inrrerx she was actually delayed for a month and (then) became pregnant ib. 42a(27); b3X TUWXI x'PX nax X1? n,!? ]J7WB TUWX Xb we only said (this in a case where the burial) was (already) delayed. But (if) it was not delayed, we delay it (until after the festival) Bes 6a(8); Git 76b(5); Xin "innff'X Ttnia •>mTWH"l (the placenta of the first child) was actually delayed after it [i.e. the second child] HP 135:10; 3. to live in matrimony: Vys'D1? V>y x"?i tjv nas rraa 'xnriff'xi she lived with him for several days, but he was unable to have sexual intercourse HP 100:14 2#7lfi? vb. to be tired, lethargic (< Tiff; 4- 1# X'Tlff; JPA Tiff DJPA 544, Sy rc'cnjt. pe., mng. 4, LS 759, Ma l#XHff MD 450) Pe.: XHffB Tfb pTIffl Tiff mil he was very tired and remained silent Svu 40a(31) // ib. 45b(19) // //«/ 75b(15) Geon. expl.: ta' (6 lflyj'Sl ,W .iniX3 -irTO yj' B'pV W1 [xvro -] xvrw iuwta nsnpj nws njww pm -p's^i -al? TGKis 14:9 [4- l#x»,-|tf]. 1# N'Vltf*, NTW, abs. 71B7 n.m. lethargy, idleness (4- V2# Tiff; Sy relict loneliness LS 759) 1. lethargy: sg. XTPff TGKis 14:10 [4- V2#Ttff, note]; 2. abs. in adv. phrase T1S Tlffa in idleness and falling apart [Ma X"XS1 X"Xff MD 360, X'^X1?! XTlXffX1? ib. 359]: TPff3 XriffV Tib ysKH TPB they cause the year to pass in idleness and 2#*rw ins ™? falling apart Meg 13b(45; HeG) [Var: T1S Tlff3 Ar (AC 8:38)] Lit: Eps, GCIntr 50 [mng. 1]; Z. Ben Hayyim, Yalon Mem Vol 56+ [mng. 2]; Y: VJB 'TO Meg ib. 2# N'^nt^, N"ntt7 n.m. bending down, nodding of the head (< X'Tlff; 4- Vl# Tiff) sg. 'DT XDT1 "?3 X'Tlff Xin(3>{3) n,l7 'OXB mrOX DTTI wherever when ones runs after it [i.e. an animal] (and) reaches it in one bending down Sab 106b(23; OAr [AC 8:38]) // XTPff ITO Bes 24a(21); ffin'P n'DpJ ]Ti I'm x'Ti'ffi n'op: ix1? ixVt x'Tfff xaff let us consider that perhaps an (involuntary) nodding in a negative [lit. of no, no] or a positive [lit. of yes, yes] manner has seized him Git 70b(36; O3) [expl. pim Mib. 7:1] Y: XV1B Sab ib.(BAYTN 130). NlVrH& n.f. delay, pause (4- Vl#Tlff, xmnff) sg. JPMA 254:19; XJITlff SSHai 4a(15) Nsni^ 4- xsnff n. NnSNiti' 4- xnxiff n. VW, r\VP vb. to desiccate, muffle (4- XJTU'ff; Sy «.r> y to wither, become dry LS 761) Pe. 1. to wither s.t., desiccate: T1X1 mra 3'Xffl Xp'T 'flXI ruDO 1T,l7 a gust of wind may come and wither him, and he will be in mortal danger Sab 129a(51) [M: «]"ffl; cf. Sy: rd-=o_x-:i pcIjijot torrid wind PSm 4085]; rpV 3'Xff 3ff'a X113 the fire completely desiccates it [i.e. the blood from the meat] Hul 93b(20) // m1? '3"ff 3ff'a nail the coals completely desiccate it Pes 74b(28; V14); HG3 213:83; xm^n) m1? XD'Xff X113 xaV'T TGAs28 43b:2; 2. to muffle: m'OSl X1113 nVTO ibp 3"ff xmXT X13X3 place it [i.e. the evil inclination] in a cauldron and cover it with lead, because lead muffles sound Yom 69b (27) // '3 ri'Vp 3'XffT '3T1 in order to muffle its sound San 64a(18) Pa. to heat up: X<pn){np)(3)riX 3TI' mn 1H3X '1 X-I1J 1"ffB1 Xl'ffT PN used to sit on an ivory chair and heat up the fire Sab 119a(13) All the previous lexica have connected these exx. w. VaXB pe., meaning 'to draw (of water),' but since this rt. is otherwise unknown from A, the present derivation, which fits the contexts, has been preferred. KB31#, NtSBItf n. 4- xm'ff N'aia;* 4-2#xrsiff n. NMitf n.m. dovecote (TA niiw TJ Jer 48:28) sg. '31*1 X331ff BB 144a(28) Y: KMiW BB ib.(BAYTN 272). Xri1??^, Nrf?3B;, pi. '^3^ n.f. ear of grain (Sy rc"^ \ S t ., pi. r^\ -Sir LS 752, Ma xnVisaiff, etc., pi. x'^saiff md 455) sg. nnV X'lpTJ xn^aiff a moist (date) is called 'an ear of grain' (on account of its size) Yom 79a(4; E1); Xlfaff1? XDXD3 rP'V{{3)) Xnuyai (a small amount of pride) adorns him like a bristle on an ear of grain Sot 5a(40); ib. 16; 18; pi. '"7312; 'inn two ears of grain Pes 40a(5); BB 124a(22) // Bek 52b(2); Hul 119b(20; TGAs42 166:6); "7X5? 31 n^S'ff T31? PN entered among its ears of grain }fev63a(31) Y: 'V3W BB ib.(BAYTN 200). - '/NVgri 'VSIB; n.f.pl.cs. type of grain (caique < MH byw Ttf'iYV Yeivin, BV 974, J 1557; 4- Xtyfl) Pes 35a(19; E'HP 14:17) [expl. MH tyff Tbw Mib.K 2:5] II Men 70b(l) [expl. Mib. 6:5]; HG1 84:11 (Var) Lit: Flora 1:743; Y: K^yri 'Maw Pes ib. N13ia7 n.m. receipt (< MH 13% Yeivin, BV 942, J 1529) sg. rrhy ""xmiff"1 rmpn you held a receipt for it [i.e. the loan] SSHai 4b(5) K'"13L1t& n.m. basket woven out of palm leaves (< Akk sugrii basket CAD S/3 202, > Arab s>>i Fr, AF 78) sg. nam VTWO an i.-basket of dates Ket 80a(l; OHT ib. 245:10) Geon. expl.: J'VllJB ^im I'^JO NW '^31 Dnon^B Tfbmn X1p3 ni3? nwy»3 IN VHa WIS OHT ib.; Lit: Landsberger, Date Palm 37; Flora 2:347. 1V& vb. to spin or twist thread (sec. rt. < 4- V2#nff) Pe.: xp mm ma'x nsnyV n^'tn XS^'B X(l)n)'Xff he saw Orpah, his mother, who was spinning (thread) with her spindle San 95a(45); rV\rW {innwi Xiybn XTO1X he spun them for the purpose of (weaving) a cloak Er 96b(26) [v. also DS 374b]; HX13 lira to twist threads Anan 7:16; XTff IVti ib. 8:9; 'ffl pnyi 'jmas Iff'aV (cotton and goat's hair) which women make (into thread) by spinning on spindles 77W 588:2
RTW 1116 KB1£> T Lit: Eps, Stl 73. K"T!)t&' n.m. discretionary judgment (< 4- XimiJ? bribe; Ma Silly MD 453, Sy nt'iLoo-z, LS 768) sg. a. alone: »]'iy Xlltt? the discretion (of the messenger) is preferable Git 15a(8; O3); b. esp. in phrase TTI X111!/ discretion of the judges [JPA '3"11 mm» DJPA 544]: tef 85b(30); ib. 94b(26); g«/ 74a(8); BB 35a(l); ;& 62b(30); Svu 30b(l) Expl. Ar: 1'J'nn 1Q1X OHT Ket 263:26; Y: XIW Mo 89. KJS'TltP n.m. hot weather (4- V«]W, Xn3'12?; TA X3sil& TO Dt 28:22) sg. XJS111!/ V'pitf Xs?! the hot weather has not abated Tan 6b(29; L) Lit: D. Rosenthal, Yeivin Vol 351+. n.m. apprentice (< Akk samallu assistant, apprentice scribe CAD S7l 291, AIOA 99; Ma X'^XIU/, X'^XIIT/X disciple MD 40, MH2 ypftm Sab 96b[37]) sg. 'UJI X'"?11tt? a carpenters' apprentice Pes 108a(41); Git 58a(45; Ar [AC 8:40]); Mak 8b(27); V1M1 X'VlTC? a smiths' apprentice BQ 32b(45; F1) Y: »rtw? Pes ib.(BAYTN 158). jnxntt? 4- x-isw "llltf vb. to jump (4- xnmtfB, X111E?; Sy ia-t. LS 766, Ma 112? MD 456) Pe. 1. to jump: IXltPXp Geon 3:7 [v. Geon. expl. infra]; 2. to bounce around (of a liquid): '13J1 XS3X Xian "11X2/ wine bounces around on the shoulder of men (and ferments) BB 96b(l; HP 87:9,TGAs28 10b:21) [v. Geon. expl. infra] Pa. to jump: -\rvb Tnu?i kjti'3 xnanV n"Xi XJITI XO'l he stuck the spear into the Jordan and jumped to the other side of the Jordan BM 84a(40); Ket 77b(27); Xll'J nXM^ he should jump across a channel Sab 110a(16); mi£?X1 Xs?! X11J Pes 113a(12; C) [Var: 1OT OHT Pes 117:3, m2?'7l V; v. Geon. expl. infra]; 1tt?y Illim I'BX he jumped up ten cubits Ber 54b (27); ''Tib nxwipx ixiwa xp mm xmi1?'1? 13 ram ^ 'in XTinai I saw Hormiz, the son of liliths, who was jumping on the cupola of GN BB 73a(28); San 96b(13) [4- X1112?]; Qid 81b(13); SM93a(43) Geon. expl.: TIW pniX fBp 0X1 IXlWXj? ysip XTO |0I2 D1X '3 .tV Geon 3:7 [Pe., mng. l]; m '3 piyona rfriyo xian iVbx -|j?X XJ1'3> XJTtJ] p n'V TGAs28 ib. [Pe., mng. 2]; J1X flBpn ^X D'On OHT Pes ib. 117:4 [Pa.]; Lit: Beer, BA 1631 [Pe., mng. 2]. KTIltf, K*1K1K> n.m. jumper (4- Vl11E>; JPA 131 -in© BR 1056:6 [MGG 658:8]) pi. '1X12? "13 1X1E? jump, son of jumpers! [i.e. take the initiative] San 96b(13) Geon. expl.: JlVl O'jftin p "inn XVI p '"K1><W "13 "WTO pxso'jx px x' tsvx ^xyow ps^a xw pi [jfti I'ifrjn =] oh San 492:5, i.e. ^jjULlI ^1 U jitl be successful, son of successful ones Wal'd 48; X1TIB (flip) HX'Bpa Vn XTO pspm ib. 393:13(Ar). n.m.pi. robbers (cf. Sy ■ ^ * jin^-ae-rc* to attack LS 308 [V,t_> estaf] pi. "7X12?' If 311 VU'J most robbers are Jews AZ 70a(44) [Var: '331 J(corr.); 'TITO Ar (AC 8:42)] HirtVff n.m. bribe (4- X112?, Vin27; TA Xini2? TJ IK 15:19, Sy rc'ijjoj*. LS 768) sg. 'BytJ 'xa xsip'x mra xims? m1? ^api p'a xmi2?i ,TSU3 ,T^ mm (T3jfr iTTljnib} what is the reason for (forbidding) a bribe? Since (the judge) has accepted a bribe from him, his disposition has become close to his, and (the judge) has become like (the other's) self Ket 105b(13); ib. 105a(32); Sab 116b(l); Yev 63b(32); Git 28b(26); 3'1' "7IX Xini2? he went (and) gave a bribe Pes 57b(2) // Kar 28b(\0); SOZ 72:29 Y: XTtntf &A ib.(BAYTN 158). N^'nitf n.m. pipe (4- V?n2?; cf. Sy rf \ o y flow LS 769) sg. x"?'(n)(iy)w m> iwai rri> jym xmu a small log which one hollows out and makes into a pipe BQ 67a(7; GC 118:10) [expl. MH 111'X ib.] Lit: Eps, GClntr 53. jmtf vb. 4- Vjntf vb. Bltf vb. to fly (4- 1#XD"2?, 2#XB"2?; Ma 2#D12? MD 454, TA D12? pe. to move around TO Num 11:8) Pe.: X31B Xt5'2? D2/'a (the dove) actually flies a lot BQ 83a(36) // BB 23a(19) KttiK? n.m. whip, whiplash, scourge (4- XJVD12?; Sy 2# rsliicvi, LS 763, Ma XD1X2? MD 440) 1. whip: pi. X7U1 '012/ whips of fire MQ 28a(51) [cf. Ma XTU1 XB1X2/ MD 340]; 2. whiplash: pi. '^'»n Xn 'DW3 KH this refers to (persuasion) by whiplashes (and) that by words Ket 77a(51); 3. scourge: sg. Tl'X X1? '13 10X1 X31 XB(1)!P3 'n'a'fll T ,1'"? you should smite with a great scourge which does not have any remedy at all Bo 142:12 Y: XDit? MQ ib.(BAYTN 25). NJTBitf n.f. branch (1 XB1I», XTlD'tf; TA xfl'BIW staff TJ IS 14:27) sg. X301? XTl't311» I'1? X"3nX the branch benefited the old man Ket 17a(28) [// JPA -\T\yoyo BR 633:2; v. DJPA 537]; Sab 77b(32) [expl. 4- XJTO'lE? mng. 1]; X0X1 XD'BIE; a branch of a myrtle shrub Qid 12b(15) Y: XJVBW Sab ib. '107 vb. to be worth, place, make into, compare, agree (4- '112? adj., XJT1B;; Sy rf^_t. LS 760, Ma X1B/ MD 451) Pe. 1. to be worth: X'Hn X'lB? X'lH XIII XJiyitf at that time it was worth a zuz BM 43a(43);'ntt?an '1X1£?1 'Vptt?1 5?31X '3n'1 they used to give four and take something worth five San 25b(36); BQ 50b(53); '3,1 ]X'TO na3 'BD y\KV xa"?1 ... 'piriO'3 how much are these mattresses worth? Perhaps they are worth more Tan 22a(3); 'III XS"?X X'lE/1 xn'JJia a pearl worth one thousand zuzim Qid 26b(7); Dec 10:8; X'DX 'Ittn X1H ]ia ]iai a doctor who is gratis is worth nothing BQ 85a(52); 'ltt? X1? ,T0'13 DH31 X13J? il'iab a slave who is not worth the food he eats [lit. the bread of his stomach] to his master Git 12a(14) [+ //'s; 4- XD13 mng. la]; xVl XJa p 'lnx (n)'I7'3n 'llf show us a utensil that is not worth the damage it causes [lit. its damage] Bek 8b(42); 2. to be appropriate: ... 'Jl'jnaa n'3'mxV 130 vbm x'litn 'n"i3B '3'n'x 'ax he thought to refute him from our Mishna. He said: "I shall refute him from a barraita which is appropriate in all of them" Zev 115b(20); 3. to be equal, same: '1111? 'Iiyitf (l)CHXir; X1? their (standard) sizes are not equal to each other Suk 17b(6); 111^1 '1111? inVlD all of them [i.e. the fields] are equal to each other [i.e. of the same type] Git 50b(25); Er 83a(3); Bek 57a(14); ]"W '01S 37131 '135? 3713 n'311? the Hebrew and the Persian scripts are the same as far as he is concerned [i.e. he reads them both] TGHark 109:25; 4. to be agreeable: xrfra 13'llrf? X'lBH a matter on which both of you agree [lit. is agreeable to both of you] San 39a(41) // BQ 60b(34) [v. Af.] Pa. 1. to place: pn'IXllX Vy X3111 X3':a '12/1 he 'IB? placed a golden necklace on their necks Tarn 32a(42); xVx pin x"?i xnx'jym 'Vri n'1? yspi xmVi c?'n xVi'i"? n"it?i xyiirum xrixi"?! 'ir/n1? i11J3 he established for himself holidays and fast days which were (previously) only for the exilarchs and in GN and placed the rigla of the exilarch in it ISGF 90:19; ]ry "73p X'aitfl 'Wj ]'3X'1E? ]3'y3 we should place the words of heaven before our eyes AnanSch 27:15; 2. to transform s.o./s.t, make into: X131 ,1"1t?l n"3nxi n'laJX 131 he taught him, transmitted to him, and transformed him into a great man BM 84a(41); SSHai 15b(2); SOZ 72:28; m'IB/1 lX1p32? in xav XpJllS one day I sent you away, and they made you into a guide Suk 48b(20; M2); Ned 36a(10); Xisy nV '11PD 111 he can transform it [i.e. the brick] back into dust BQ 96b(6); n'331? 1'pna VlX XO'IISI n"lK?1 n'31 he proceeded to erase the horizontal portions of the bet (of X0'11S3) and made it into XO'UDl BB 167a(18); Er 13a(33); 'X^SJ1? '71' '1B?1 (inil'n' Tinc?l he emancipated me and made me independent [lit. made me for myself] SSHai 14b(6); ,TTC?1 ID'X Xn^'ll Xin JIS'S fold over one twisted thread and make it into a fringe Anan 10:1; 3. to consider, reckon: Xa"?y3 XBOn mmw he considered it merely a sherd [i.e. of no value] Ket 87b(35); XII ]inx 1'13S llJVltt/1 it is you who considered me unmarried Yev 92a(28); "Xri13 '3 13riW he considered you as Samaritans Pes 51a(44); 'B'K/S 'in laib lnrri'lB? I would have reckoned your value at two small coins [i.e. of no value] Pes 112b (48); ITUI rfrya l^'ysb ]331 m'12? the scholars considered his sexual intercourse as (mere) prostitution Yev 90b(17; O2); Ket 52b(38); Bes 1 lb(29); BB 139b(5); Bek 18a(42); iTl'W X3D8? X3D Xianil may the good Merciful One consider it [i.e. the dream] for good Ber 55b(20); ]3'1B?I3 X1? x"731X "HB/1? we indeed may not make (it) into food Sab 155a(25); Git 87b(5); AZ 52a(51); Bek 18a(42); x"?l,ia p'TOa X1311 we consider a man a circumciser Anan 78:19; Tl'll£?1 'ie?3 'ini2/ ]'im xnni2?3 'xVy nms'ii mia'a tp 'Wna I considered his statement and speech concerning me like the testimony of two fit (and) trustworthy witnesses SSHai 19a(4); 4. w. 17
'ltf 1118 w\y& "tfBJ to consider o.s., pretend: T'lEH DTO& T"y HTOD^ because (Haman) considered himself to be an idol Meg 10a(45; LM2); Qid 60a(13); Yev 66a(43); XTlO'Xl rD'Jlrl ITOSJ WTO VPX she considered herself unfit Ket 23b(26); /& 22a(33); 110a(36); BB 45a(4); nTOBJ 'TOST E/'3'X T3J? XV XJ/'BH a person is unlikely to incriminate himself [lit. consider himself an evil person] g;V/50a(24); .TJ'» '^pKH]X»3 WSJ 'TO ?T3tf> 'XB» '3 when I reached him I pretended as if I had taken (the bread) from him Sab 156b(15); 5. to make equal: 'XD ]»1 'VJBT 'X» "73 ]» ... HXT1 P'TOl '^J'Q X^H we have made each other equal in all that is revealed or is not revealed S$Hai llb(20) Af. 1. to compare: \m ]'J/V -\2Vb H'TOX he compared 'break' [Lev 24:20] to 'eye' [ib.] and 'tooth' [ib.] Anan 15:10; ib. 20:16; 75:9; 79:11; 2. to agree: .Tap1? X3^TX xbl Taj/ XJ'TOX XV we did not agree with him and did not go to him iSgf 121:8; xrvfa e/x-ii xnx3'na j'rnn itoxt 'ba^Baa rrox miroi main 'bys "lsix1? jimm the two (heads of) the academies and the exi larch agreed among themselves to authorize collecting from debtors and (from a man liable for) a woman's ketubba from movable objects OHT Ket 213:9; pass.part. lO'lin1? X'TOOT Xlfrm BQ 60b(34; MGE 502:23) // San 39a(41; MGL 685:21) [v. Pe., mng. 4]; 3. to level, make even: man "TOX to level the depressions BM 117a(35); 4. to lower the price: a. alone: 'SB H'V 'TOa Xpl xmis he lowers the price a bit more BM 80b(30); b. w. fol. vb.: W33ia OTTOa you will sell at a low price Pes 30a(16); U'3T1 1TOX sell at a low price Suk 34b(23) Lit: Friedman, BM VI:250 [Pa., mng. 3]. '1t# adj. worth, equivalent, inexpensive (4- V'TO pe., pass.part.; Sy rCeoc, rdievjL LS 760, Ma X'lXP MD 440) 1. 'worth: sg.m. HB1TS 'TOa x"?'y^1 from the value of a peruta and up 5&ftu 1 lb(6); 2. equivalent: pl.m. (X)npa1? 1TOT bx by byi Vy 'Tins (the words) by and Vx which are equivalent to read (at first glance) alike as "?y and by BMsN 4:19 [w. ref. to ixfra-bxi imisy-Vy Num ib.]; 2. inexpensive [cf. Sy tK'bLicJL. low value LS ib.]: sg.m. Xnan 'TO wine is inexpensive AZ 34b(19; J[Marg],Ed); yO'~ab 'TO! -pas'? J7TOJ? expensive for your back, but inexpensive for your stomach [i.e. spend much on clothing but little on food] BM 52a(14) Lit: Friedman, BM VI:250 [mng. 2]; Y: 'W BB 156a(2). - 'ltt?3 adv. equally (4- V'TO) 'TOa ]Vf? ]'2fa)l they divide it among themselves equally TGHark 272:22; 'TOa XmTl ]J1XJ'3 '{XIIH ... Xrixn "?31 '^'l1? Xlbsi n'1?'-!1? XlVs any profit will accrue between the two of us equally, half for him and half for me S§Hai 10b(5); ib. 13; SSSad 204:9; TGAs33 211A5; HP 58:1 NpO'lfi; n.m. (uncertain) pi. xVt p X!3'l ]X»1 wfoxi irumy 'pO'TO who will tell us that they did not make them ... and eat them? Pes 96a(l 1) [w. ref. to onxa nos ma'x ib.] Geon. expl.: <'3"l)y <p>tfal [...] D'31j?n TIKI DT3] W pjim)» ixamy GnK5 176:21 [cf. Arab '.ij./if., pi. ^i—c.1, s^>£ guts of a sheep or goat, folded or put together and then put into one of the winding guts of the belly Lane 2059]; Lit: Geig, AAC 393, rejects P etyms.; Y: 'j?0'ltp Pes ib.(BAYTN 210). NT1B7 n.m. outskirts (perh. < Akk sawirum ring AHw 1205, s/semeru CAD S 219, used in a fig. sense; 4- 1# XTE>) pl.cs. X1H3 D'3T VjH Xna 'TTOa in the outskirts of the town alongside the ... of the canal Git 27a(14) // BM 18a(33); 'TTO 'in two (different) outskirts ib. 18b(l) Geon. expl.: 'JX3 ]1TX XTO 'TTO the outskirts of the town are the rural district TGHark 86:27 [expl. TTW TBB 3:5]. The commentators understood this word as a GN [v. Eshel, JSB 236]. KTl'ltf n.f. comfort, relaxation (4- V'TO; cf. Ma XTO etpa. to be repaired MD 452) sg. mnn x"?an XTl'TO injury instead of comfort Bo 18:7; ib. 134:5 Lit: Eps, Stl 345, points out that this phrase is similar to the verbal clause pWTOSntVl !?K30Kny they were broken and not fixed Lidz, ML 79:6. 1 # "\V& vb. to be attached, attach, connect, belong (etym. uncertain) Pe. (u) 1. to be attached, connected: a. in a physical sense: TTO XJTOI J131 XTTOJa Xlian H'Vl3 all of the wine is connected by means of a siphon and a small siphon AZ 72b(32; Ar [AC 2:384]); vm X33X XTX11 n'a *|'tn & large stone to which a stick of wood is attached TGHark 86:13 [expl. 4- xrDIBt)]; b. in a non-physical sense: '^'a 'JM 2#TM> 1119 NiB'Htf •nOay na '3'tot 'rft'aa Vax '3'to x"n 'nV'aa in""lpTO 'plinx1? this refers to a matter in which they are not connected, but in a matter in which they are connected, they are apt to maintain their lies Git 28b(45); X3'p '1H3 XW'3 xVpT V'TXl "|'TO '31WT the bad date palm is continually connected with ... BQ 92b(39; Ar [AC 8:33]); nrTOtf XDTO "]£"» n"?'Xl£/3 the hiring is indeed connected with the lending BM 98b(17) [^ rmrfr]; /Z>. 20; mn' '*na tto -jiya 'ov 'ni 'TOaiyn p twilight according to PN is definitely connected [i.e. is a continuation] of that of PN2 Nid 53b(2) // Sab 35a(31; M); San 71b(29); mSM -|'TOT nay a slave who is bound to perform commandments [lit. he is connected to certain ones of them] BB 4a(32); Qid 23b(13); MQ 17b(36); 2. to be located: '"ry imn "|'tot '3'n ]"ry irx dx 7TO xVt XS'nV if (the biblical verse) is irrelevant where it is located, apply it to where it is located elsewhere [lit. where it is not located] Qid 42a(10); 3. to attach, connect: EUX -|TO'V X"7 'B-IDX 'p-IJTOB mbl XJyKnm Xa1?!1? one should not attach the lulav to the bundle (of the other species) lest the leaves fall off (the willows and myrtles) Suk 37b(3) [4- Vf n pe.]; X3'X Xrfr'B Xm XriDSDXT xna nwd? one can connect this matter to the law of 'asmakhta TGHark 101:27; XTDJHtfV rTTODl 1'TOT DTOH because (the guarantor) connected himself to the obligation Ket 102b(3); 4. pass.part. w. NT to own a share: '»T iiTJiaa ma x'at man nr xstot nn"?i n3iy ins x'3t xb in'U3 nr xsto x"?t rrnVi (as to) the increase in value of the fetuses in which she owns a share, she can acquire title to all of them. (As to) the compensation of the fetuses in which she owns no share, she cannot acquire title to them BQ 49b(13); n'fi'J? X3TO ]11 piXYI XT mm 137D1 XTfiBJlTOS he claimed that NN owned a share with him in the partnership TGHark 277:18; ib. 21; xnyrm pTO jimim pn'T the two of them owned a share in the common fund ib. 29 2#*T)t£ vb. to dabble (the hands) in water, wash lightly (MH2 -|2»B? J 1577; cf. Sy \i, pe., af. to wash LS 762, Ma 1TO pe., af. MD 453) Pe. to dabble (the hands) in water: mra©'*? X1H13 inmnb let him dabble both of them [i.e. his hands] in the river Seel 106:32(Var); -Htf'D1? H'T tfTX ib. 34; in'1J3 H'T TXW he dabbles his hands in them [i.e. the vessels] HG1 128:73; ib. 127:66; 68 Pal. 1. id.: H'3 -fOOV) H'T H'3 X12? he inserted his hands in it [i.e. the bucket of water] and dabbled (them) in it AZ 57b(18); ib. 59b(5) [in wine]; 2. to wash lightly: X3»'Xp mn ]'X'JD pDT x'M mxoa n'1? '3TO3i»i in rrap I used to attend PN many times and washed his shoes lightly in water for him Zev 94b(5); ib. 6 [* 4- Vl# 003 pal, mng. 2] Lit: Eps, Stl 120. UnVtf, N31DB; n.m. residence (4- Vptf; Sy i^Ur. LS 776, JPA rui3W, pi. pi3W DJPA 549) pi. "XU '33TO inner residences BB 29b(23; HP 88:14) [H: 'KTO] // 'X1J '3132; ib. 159b(35); "X13 '33TO outer residences ib. 30a(17; HP 88:25) [H: '3132/] Y: '3WB BB ib.(BAYTN 71). NripW n.f. pus exuding from an infection (Vniro; Sy K'^Lao.i- skin disease LS 778 [Lex]) sg. &rf>65a(31);#M39:l Lit: Lieb, TK 1:71519; Y: XTO!* Sab ib.(BAYTN 36). bVff 4- V"7Xtt> Vb. SJ^1B7 n.m. soapwort (4- XJbtfX) sg. &Z> 90a(20; OAr [AC 1:316, s.v. ibm]) [expl. MH ibVK Mib. 9:5] KWV^, abs. lOV1!^ n.m. authority, ruler (4- 4vbv, xmxfriti', xaioVe/; ta ib^to to Num 21:30, Sy ^i^?* LS 781, Ma XJXB^TO MD 454) 1. authority: sg.abs. 13"7» Ta p^TO authority is held by kingship Tarn 32a(40); det. X3'T 'ami X3B"?TO 3n'1 He gave authority and lovers of justice Ber 58a(43; MGE 144:7); XBPX X1H XJB'JTOT XWb (the root) VII [v. B/r Dt 15:2, w. ref. to TOJ3 Ex 5:10] is a term of authority Anan 11:5; nj?'pn3 XJB^TO Tjy he makes authority in heaven Bo 84:10; ib. 101:5; 103a:ll; 2. ruler: sg. ]31 p m'» Vptt/'a1? XIB^TO O'Bfl Xpl H'1? '313T1?! D'DT 'Tit the ruler is forcing (me) to take from him such-and-such an amount of zuzim of money and to sell (the field) to him SSHai
t t : 1120 pitfaitf 16a(21) [// KlMsbv SSSad 242:27]; TGHark 161:25 Y: XJB^W Ber ib.(BAYTN 269). KJTIJt?^ n.f. power, authority (4- OjVitf; Sy k*&?\ \ \cot, LS 781) sg. XDbm xjvudViip power of the king iSGS 93:7 DltP vb. to evaluate, appraise (4 NOVO; JPA OVD DJPA 541, MH OVO pe. LNVTH 358; cf. Akk samu A to buy CAD §/l 350) Pe. (u): DBHJ inV p'a"© as to evaluating (dishonor), we evaluate (it) of them [i.e. the slaves] BQ 86a(54); ib. 47a(16); jb OV ]XB who evaluated (it) for you? Ket 98a(16); 'TIT HXB ysnx HW they appraised it [i.e. the garment] at four hundred zuzim Ber 20a(20); BB 46b(6); ib. 133b(20); 7\rbfi '3 WWID according to (the value) that the three people appraise (the property) AZ 72a(27); Tern 27b(20); Tpb Dl» "?'T go (and) estimate it SM 101a(45); p')3"» j?'T&13 ... |3'a"P pH13 we appraise (the fo/er) according to the (value of the) injured/injuring party BQ 40a(23); Git 48b(19); Mak 2b(36); BM 67b(10) Pa. id.: X13J73 ma"© "71! go (and) appraise him as a slave BQ 84a(44); VU'X ma'Cr^ let them evaluate it BB 133b(20) Itpe. to be evaluated: DIW^ let it be evaluated Geon 154:9 Dltf n. 4- XB2/ n. *mb, pi. Nflffll? n.m./f. value, appraisal, entitlement (4- Vmti; MH DIP J 1536) 1. value, price: sg. XB12/31 Xnntt?B3 (they divided it) according to measure and value SSHai 1 la(9); ib. 11; 12; vranw 1'x'pa mby 'Vd ix"?i not everyone is proficient in its [i.e. the real estate's] value TGHark 44:14; ib. 45:7; 268:23; X3'?m x^y^ ensai xaiw pn 'ixtn we saw that it is worth this value that is stated above Geon 78:12; ib. 14; pi. jwixaw ja rrurarca non xa^i perhaps the sureties have been reduced in value TGHark 268:22; 2. appraisal, evaluation: sg. XD1T xaitt ... naT xaw large/small appraisal [i.e. above/below the actual value of the goods] Ket 66b(7); mH xaw ... n'Ti xaw his/her appraisal ib.; XBTC/ '3ns X1? they do not require an evaluation Qid 7b(27); XBllS ... '3"TT XB1K? X3'T ''aT the evaluation of the judges/court ib. 42b(10) [cf. MH Q'J'Hn DW7 MKet 11:5]; |V3 xai»3 XJ?'pS Kb XflXU'XI since a woman is not expert in evaluation Qid 7b(32); ATef 100b(30); Dec 10:8; 3. entitlement to a creditor of a debtor's property: sg. ab^b XYin XB1P an entitlement may always be returned [i.e. the debtor may always pay his debt and recover his property] BM 16b(29); ib. 27; 'XVI myD3 X»W the entitlement was by mistake ib. 35a(37); 4. document of entitlement: sg. 'T13 x^H XBTO "731 x'n xaiw ix1? xns-nxb mry-ip na any £.- document in which it is not written: "We have torn the '.-document," is not a (valid) s.- documenttftf 169a(17) This i.-document is written following the i XBTB and the 4- KrDYlX; v. Geon. expl. in TRN 664, where the text of the document is given [v. also Gulak, OS 323]; Lit: Boyarin, Ros Vol 13+; Voc: HOW VTM 92; Y: NOW BQ 30b(31; BAYTN 97). Xifflti n.m. fat, fatness (4- Vjatf; TA XJB12? TJ Jud 3:22, Sy «lLmc^, LS 786, Ma X38W MD 455) sg. Hul 120a(19) [expl. MH 3DV1 Mib. 9:1]; XIH 'atya X3aw X"VnO the spleen is merely fat Hul llla(28); 1TJBWB Vl'SU TttUH 'IIIX the geese whose wings fell off from (the weight of) their fat BB 73b(34); XIEm X3aiW fatness of meat Yom 25b(38) The mng. of XVI XTB1 XMW £r 27a(44) which refers to fish is unclear; Y: H20VB Hul ib. (BAYTN 158). - NliSl HlTiVff n.m. stacte, myrrh oil (4- XTM; Sy K'-ioJson oixioo-t. BBah 1039:19) sg. OHP Sab 39:17 Geon. expl.: Bi?B0 1J11K pij?W EH B3B0 WIX J'XTip ... Iran ]BW mm -\m-hv. ':sV bnynv petal xiiai x:ai» 'bix p»ta Kim xnp:n xim Kin «p» tdbi xip: p x^x xvi O'lann p xVi ai» [J3:1? 'BB] 11T1 -110 D1J-W XWl X'3T XTffl 'OIK ]l»ta TGDr46 176:3 = OHP ib. [v. Pes 43a(4)]; cf. expl. BBah ib.: rfio-Sj <^i* rC'-icO*)* cn-L^TScOL. cn_i^_iK'n ^ ^ ." \ ^"f "** • "~* jlijll JtKJ) jLiJ11; Lit: Low, Lehnw 80; Flora, 1:310+; Eps, GCIntr 1420. N3J7aW n.m. reputation (4- VyaE/) sg. xinn ■Tjyaw 'JD mm p3ia X3*ns a certain j.w. whose reputation was unsavory MQ 17a(9); Meg 25b(42); ib. 43 Y: rnynw Meg ib. j?!^^1!!^, pt^tt't^ n.m. marjoram (Origanum t : : 1121 anoitf Majorana L.; I 1# Xm3X, XTI'n Xlia; Arab i>ii^ Siggel 43) sg. pWKW Sab 109b(15) [expl. BH 3ilX Lev 14:4]; '31 "?a pVDHVD GC 101:8 [expl. MH li'SiT'X MNeg 14:6] Geon. expl.: WUina lawpsa W1X ]ni|7 J>»0'»1 TRN 627:12 [4- B1JTIO]; Bljano pXWn'W GnK5 168:26, i.e. MP marzangos CPD 54; Lit: Low, Pfl 135; Flora 2:84; Y: flWOlB Sab ib.(BAYTN 278). NM^aifi/ n.f. sesame plant, pi. sesame seeds (4-TXBEhtf) 1. sesame plant: sg. xawaTC/V X'lp '3 like a <jr.-pest(?) to a sesame plant Sot 3b(29); 2. pi. sesame seeds: 'awaW 'p"1 Tin they were pounding sesame seeds BB 25b(49); 'DTI X13y WailP ]a 'SB the field produced more wheat (in value) than sesame seeds BM 104b(35); Ber 38a(16); Yev 115b(10); ib. 116a(19); Ket 21b(2); BM 49a(50); im •'vm nm 'X13X xnxiwn i"in 'aa/aw there were sheds outside (the press room) where they used to spread out sesame seeds (to dry) BB 68a(6; P1); 'awaitm Xri^'a sesame seed oil Sab 23a(19) Lit: Flora 3:7+; on the poss. identity of this word w. Akk samassammu, v. CAD S/l 306; Y: 'DM1W BB 25b(49). KfflSa^, Naa^lt^ n.m. ant (Sy i^iSbt.ojL LS'767 [< ^V-^-r^^v.'NftlH, SG §31], Ma XJXaimw MD 458, Arab ^ivi Nold, Beitr 118) a. general: sg. XiVaj XMB?aw a large ant Sab 66b(39; Ar [AC 2:310]) // Yev 76a(24); pi. 'aVm Xtn 'jacailt; "\H 'Xn perhaps that man saw ants Ned 24b(17); ib. 25a(2); 'jai^aTOT CW1 xrp a nest of ants Hul 57b(42; M); '3Xa©11£?l XCCOp HM 46:10; //Gi 387:42; b. in a fig. sense: sg. X131 XJawiEn (a woman) whose husband is an 'ant' [i.e. small in stature(?)] Ket 75a(18) // Yev 118b(38) [v. Geon. expl. infra] Geon. expl.: nTrTOn p 1133 nV Iff' n^Bl ,HBXn ■?» nta3 lV'BX P'^X HK133 X03 7b niB'BOl OHT Yev 233:21; Lit: Nold, op. cit.; Y: XJBBBW Sab 66b(39; BAYTN 310). [N3NJltf n.m. alkali (< NP usnan PED 67; I xfrVD; GeonH ]&m Wehizhir Ex 33:3,6) sg. Sab 90a(20; Ed) Lit: Low, Flora 1:648, states that this is a ghost word originally XIX^TO > X3X31W (v. Mussafia, AC 1:316, s.v. j'pPX) > X3X31W.] l#S'31t& n.m. chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus; < Akk sunu CAD S/3 309; Sy kILscux. LS 764) sg. Bo 78:12 Lit: Low, Flora 3:492. 2# JWltf, pi. KnilMB? n.m. diversionary canal (4- Vl#'3tf, X'3W -Q; cf. Sy rtllo^c- change, transition LS 790) sg. OHP Git 241:5(Ar); pi. xn'Tn'UW Git 60b(46) The interpretation here follows Hai Gaon, quoted in Ar, as opp. to Rashi who interprets XJ1TUW as a GN [v. Geon. expl. s.v. 113 X'315?]. The basic mng. of V'TO in this word is found in Akk sarm B Saf [cf. sa Tebilti malaksu ustesna I changed the course of the GN river CAD S/l 408]. The Sy rc-^crun rsl^joj. quoted by Koh in AC 2:202 belongs to 1 1#XMW [v. PSm 2927, s.v. rcMco-n rf-U.]; Y: XniUW Git ib. NB'31tl? n.m. acacia tree (> Arab J^i Wehr 435) sg. BB 80b(40; MGE 575:19) [expl. BH HTO Is 41:19] Lit: Flora 2:380. J03ltf, tON3U£ n.m. cat (metath. < 4- X3Tlti; 1 xYruiti; Sy K'iscoc LS 791, Ma XHX3W MD 455) sg. X1X31B? H'1? npT XnnX3 in a place where they call it [i.e. the cat] sunara Ber 56b(49; MGG 696:2) [* 4 X3"lltf]; x"7 X1X3W H'3 irbl Xn'3 X13H3 n'V "?iy'3 he should not enter a house which does not have a cat in the dark Pes 112b(30); ib. Ulb(39); H'Vsx X13TC? Xnx X^UinnV the cat came (and) ate the rooster Ber 60b(57); BQ 15b(22); Er 100b(49; V'RaH); pDD X13W pBD XS'jS there is a doubt whether it is a dog or a cat (which attacked the animal) Hul 53a(47); VTMW TU3 O'TH 'XB "73 whatever claws, such as a cat HP 203:11; xnSl© /& 16(HPP 305:19); 205:3; nan "73XT Xn31C? 'XH a cat that ate dates BQ 19b(42); 5aZ> 75b(47); /fc 142b(45); BQ 80b(6); 5A/ 97a(6); Hul 52b(40); pi. y31X n3TO four cats Sab 110a(18); San 19b(28); Bo 78:12 Y: XT3W Ber 56b(49; BAYTN 161). - JOS N131B; n.m. civet cat (4- X13 adj., 1 # X3^n) sg.' OHP Ber 61:19 KJVUltf n.f. cat (4 X13W, Xrni3''^; Sy r^-vi-*- ls' 791 [Lex]) sg. xnasix ri3 xnasix xrr\m a black cat offspring of a black one Ber 6a(15) Y: xrnaitf fler ib.(BAYTN 268). jriOl^, KriOlC; n.m. napkin, towel (< MP *sustag [cf. NP sustaya handkerchief, towel PED 744]; Sy \£i_i»o-x- LS 791 [Lex], Arab ^SiiLS
yitf 1122 2# N3'Bltf r • ib.) sg. jjiown nn»x:n xoxVrriJO) xi?3 vrb let him bring rocket seed and tie it in a napkin Git 69b(25; Ar [AC 8:117]) [Var: <1>{|)J10W V18; xn(oi)0'}© v16] Geon. expi.: 2iv n^i np-o 'b iTsri ,-!(yp>ijw tj-u Vx -in nniO ]a let him soak [jiS] the seed of the rocket in a rag [M3»] and strain it, and he should not drink from (the seed) itself OHT Git 157:11; OHR ib. 45:18; fll)«fa R3)X"y (ID 'Ty] Jl'Blfao XJJ10TO <'3>iy GnK5 173:7. Lit: Geig, AAC 399; Tel 128; Y: aiTO'W Git ib.(BAYTN 250). Pltf, 'JTtf vb. to stop up, cover over (4- X5HP; Sy -y v to cover with pitch, stop up LS 764) Pe. 1. to stop up: xia'Pi xnx'an xjwa1? to stop up the jugs of £.-beverage MQ 12a(46; HP 178:4VV17); pass.part. J?'» X1?! 'MD 123 yw\ '1X0 fTP 13 an amount of six seahs (of £.-beverage) and stopped up (in a jar) is like an amount of eight (seahs) and not stopped up MQ 12a(49); 2. to cover over: X3H13 iT'STCttft 130 he thought to cover it [i.e. the Temple] over with gold Suk 51b(25; M2) // Wywti? BB 4a(26; F2); pass.part. XJPCH 13"?a XT1BX3 (the wall) is covered over on the outside for a cubit ib. 4b(l) Pa. to cover over: n'JP'lP nm iTy"D he covered it over (with plaster) and covered it over again AZ 47b(30) For the similar phenomenon of H-tv > Ul-y in Ma where the original third radical was h [= h], v. Nold, MG 254. l#*]lfl? vb. to rub, wear down (4- UXPBW, XB"©, «l'tf, l#XB'tf, Vl#'B27; Sy ■ *» LS 765, Ma 1#1W MD 455) Pe. (u) 1. to rub, smear: a. w. oil: .Tjn'M XTO'B •ywVl let him rub oil on (the hair covering) his temples Sab 129a(46); ib. 66b(23); 10b(19) // Bes 16a(29) // Qid 73b(2); Git 70a(3) [v. Geon. expl.]; ib. 28; .San 101a(37); vbnvn yra mV «]wi ... xm nra ty max say (the incantation) over olive oil and rub it (on the affected area) with your left hand HM 38:4; ib. 10; 39:3; 41:13; XrTCWi ipur'?} Bo 139:11; *\wm XJB'EH 'a you should rub (with oil) that I rub ib. 125:7; HG3 356:14; XTOB XJB1? m'Sltn he smeared the utensil with oil Bes 39a(25) // Pes 75b(24); b. w. other substances: XBnn xmBW they smeared her (body) with honey San 109b(39); m"? X^Bpl 'X13XB 113 DO H1? XB'KH (the wet nurse) smears poison on a teat from the outside, and she kills it [i.e. the sucking child] AZ 26a(40); m^ p'S'TPI X3171 p'JT'Bl we bring fat and smear it (on the cut area) Yev 76a(23); &r6 77b(18); Pes 25b(16); Gtt 86a(ll); fen 109b(39); Tarn 30a(l); 2. to rub off, wear down: 'Bbx *\V (the animal) rubbed off the pictures (on the wall) BQ 23b(9); pass.part. 'pBIOI 'Sin nana Tin because the coins were worn down and 'red' BB 32b(30); 3. to file down: 1'BXtf BQ 98a(18) [4 i# xrDTtf] Pa. to rub: ,T"]?»Vl n'S"^'1? let him rub him and give (the gall) to him to drink Ket 50a(29) [a remedy]; XBV 'im rrBprVl (XritfB) n'D"^'1? let him rub (the infant) with oil and hold him towards the sun Sab 134a(25; V) [a remedy]; W»wb ib. 110b(30) Geon. expl.: WICTT p 1"I3' X03 fm OHT Git 158:23 [Pe., mng. la]. 2#f)1B? vb. decant (sec. rt. < 4- V2#,S#) Pe.: ,t^ 'S"»i xibx ijn x'ibb m1? b'eraai nan 'rva ■ovis 'rinx nan x'a xinm r>'tf]3B nm x«aV ,T^ 'B"[tf] Tim 1(')(l)B<;i){0)oai he brings dates and cooks them overnight [lit. from evening to morning]. They decant the water, and then cook other dates in that water so that it becomes thick, and they decant it again TGAs42 160:6 3#TIE; vb. 4W3V0 vb. '3BBltf, '3NUBltf n.m.pl. idiots, fools (perh. metath. < 'Jtf BB*) ]rp'0y 'JBBWa are we dealing with fools? £A/40a(41); 'JXBBW ib. 47a(16); BQ 85a(9; F1) [Var: 'JBBW Ar (AC 8:132); r'JttfBlBn H]; BB 7a(38); ib. 122a(29); Svu 48b(23; F2) Lit: Geig, AAC 400, rejects P etyms.; note XBBW XOy TY Dt 32:6 [Ar (AC ib.), H ill], where TN has NWBB; Y: 'JBBltf BB ib.(BAYTN 267) 1# K3'B1tf n.m. file (4- Vl#*)1tf; TA xS'BW TJ IS 13:21, Sy «lLx°>clx, LS 765) sg. HVSW2 ITBXltf nnon mon (if) he filed it down [i.e. the coin] with a file, he severely diminished its size BQ 98a(18) [cf: Sy i^A.<So_*-a ... ■ *» PSm 4101] Y: XJ'BW fig ib.(BAYTN 164). 2# KS'Sltf, N3'3ltf n.m. perh. wooden handle of a spade (< Akk suppinnu a tool CAD S 392; lOBltf t : 1123 KjW 4- XJ'Blp) sg. TJ X1B1 xrSW "BX (the mice) gnaw even the handle of the spade Hor 13b(l) Lit: Kaufman, AIOA 93, takes both this and prev. word to be cognate. The Sumerograms of the Akk word all employ gi£ indicating that this object was made of wood. NlBlfi? n.m. beauty, best quality, strengthening (4-*'VlDtf; TA rriSTtf TO Num 18:29, Sy rfiao.*, LS 797, Ma l#X1DTtf MD 456) 1. beauty, elegance: sg. I'ya XJm 3m mBW mow I'ya insx '-n mora insx "n nnsw dixt nnsw pya wax apyn rnswi wax apn ITOXin PN's beauty is similar to PN2's beauty. PN2's beauty is similar to that of Jacob, our father. The beauty of Jacob, our father, is similar to that of Adam BM 84a(24) // BB 58a(15); 'XH wb "pBI© your beauty belongs to women BM 84a(40); XJT1X3 'Vxs VTiSW 'XH this beauty will waste away in the ground [i.e. the grave] AZ 20a(33) // Ber 5b(33); Sab 62b(41) [4- 2#X3'3 mng. 1]; ''JTim HJlSim tTiSW the elegance of the ordering of our Mishna iSGF 30:10; 2. best quality: sg. BM 15a(19) [4- 2#xn3tf mng. 1]; BB 122a(29) [4- X'JIO]; nnswa XJ"?'3X Xp XJX n'lBW I eat from its [i.e. the Paschal lamb's] very best part Pes 3b(36); Hul 95a(2); ib. 30b(8); 51b(13); 3. strengthening [cf. MH2 irVD m HB" BB 51b(3)]: sg. X1BBH XTBW strengthening (the effectiveness of) the document BB 69b(8); TGHark 1:11; ii. 167:4 The mng. of'in nana XIBltn OWa 5a6 156a(39) is unclear; Y: X-1BTO Ber ib.(BAYTN 163). '3nB1# n.m.pl. drinking vessel (4- XJTia) mm 'XH ^ 'inBWa '"j np^a he used to give me (wine) to drink in s.-vessels in such an amount ATe?65a(31) Expl. Ar: pipi inv ix nso iiyw n'sui iv tm "b 'j"! nswa 'I'TTS ITtlK OHP ib. 37:21. 1# NMBltf n.f. perh. handle (4- 2# XJ'STO) sg. 'XH xnai 'rsipa xdbib; ^"yan (i)cixb one who inserts a handle into the hole of a spade Sab 102b(31);/& 38; G/Y 32a(l) Since the Geonic passage: (HBT !X'3W [J"a J'"B D'ta] ninin VTtx 'wd nmn xinw [...] ri"D3 'aan 'wa'js gc 30:l [expl. mh IWIO coulter MKel 13:3] = !OaT K7IBW Ar [AC 3:490] refers to a metal object it cannot be identical with this word; Y: XriBW Sab ib.fBAYTN 158). 2# NDB1B; n.f., in KBWT XrB1t& n. a portion of the garlic (4- l#KBlri) sg. Sab 140a(14) Lit: Flora 2:142; Geig, AAC 402, rejects P derivs. N3'X1$ n.m. perh. date spadix (cf. Akk s/sissinu CAD S 325; i XXIH) sg. nam XJTIB? BM 99b(5; Ar [AC 8:144]) NlSIt^, NnSKIt^ n.m. species of artemisia (Sy k'^.L*. BBah 1955:15, LS 798, vrtsm Asaf 155:72, > Arab V^Vji. Siggel 47) sg. X1SXW -y>y artemisia root HM 37:5; ib. 40:15; pi. X*7 nsxwa IJ'aaOB we do not cover the sukka with artemisia Suk 12b(17); ib. 16 Geon. expl.: DH3 p'OH^ D'^'m b333 D^XX O'VlJ DiT D'3»y max W'JW O'rWD O'VlJl OHT ib. 21:16; Lit: Low, Flora 1:384+; Pfl 80; Flora 1:384+; 'ISXTO VTM 41; Y: '"KTO Suk ib.(Mo 109); '1XX1B BAYTN 21. Kplfi^ n.m. street, quarter, market (< Akk suqu street CAD S 400, AIOA 93; 4- nxpltf; TA XpTO TO Gen 9:22, Sy rdio-x- LS 766, Ma xpw MD 456) 1. street, open area [4- XpVtf 13, s.v. l#Xia mng. 7]: a. general: sg. XB'X 'J^Ba naa 'tn pIB Xpwa go out (and) see how many idlers there are in the street Ber 17b(41); Pes 68b(46); ib. 110a(9) [4- V'Tn pe., mng. Id]; Yom 18a(28); ib. 84a(6); Meg 16a(5); MQ 16b(23); Qid 12b(18); San 67b(38); AZ 70a(35); y4ra 16a(7); Ber 55b(42) [4- Vna af.]; BM 16b(21) [4- Xn'jpx mng. 2]; XBWB n'3 n,l7T XpTC?3 'BIT XBOn a sherd without any substance lying in the street ib. 5b(12); 'Vb XpW such-and-such a street it 8a(13); pi. BB 40b(16; Es) [4- xm'3]; Bo 78:19; b. pl.cs. w. GN's [cf. Sy uo m 'yyyn mj-ctU. Jer 49:27, MH Xn3B 'pw Er 29a(9)]: 13 XJn ai xyTinJT 'pwa 'ua nsnoa mn xara pn used to take a haircut from a pagan in the open area of GN AZ 29a(46); 2. quarter, district: sg. xpW ■pan the district of the scholars BM 24b(31); MQ 27a(30) [4- miry]; Hul 48a(47) [4- XrUB]; Ned 56b(8) [i 2#x"7S]; 3. market, bazaar: a. general: sg. X'jm 13TB1? Xpw1? p'^O in XBV riTllS1? one day he went to the market to purchase a dowry for his daughter Tan 24a(24); 'm X12? 'wrnx 'a xpws 'J13!1?! Vra1? xrixionp 'nan1? PN permitted those peddlers to go and sell in the market as was their custom MQ 13b(37; HP
NjMtfa 1124 t t ; 179:4); Tan 22a(2); Ned 31b(8); BM 105a(20); Xpl© p IT1? pan xmy a slave whom he purchased in the market AnanSch 15:2; Tan 20b(45); mix *?13X1 Xp1©3 Xfi1?^! DW flay a carcass in the market and earn [lit. eat] its fee Pes 113a(7) // BB 110a(20); Xp1©1 xav market day AW 99b(27); BB 22a(15); pi. ]'J1©1 nxa rf?m .13 D'X 'pi© X©am (Rome) has three hundred and sixty-five markets Meg 6b(36); b. w. VtJpl pe. to have the right of first right of sale in the market [lit. to take the market]: sg. 'p3© '^TXI X3M ^31 Xpl© inV 'Dpll XD3'a V\b wherever they go they exempt them from taxes, and they have the first right of sale in the market BM 65a(54); BB 22a(25); c. w. designations of GN: sg. Xpl© XSH-inn the market of GN BQ 59b(l); Ber 60a(37); Tan 22a(ll); Sot 10a(45); 5M24b(23); BB 22a(12); Hul 48b(3); /A. 60a(19); 4. pi. business dealings: 'Xin 'X13 'pl©3 XIX I was far away on business [lit. I was in external markets] BB 30a(i7; P1); xitid mn 'xpi©3 par \rbr\ I was occupied with my business for thirty days ib. 20 [4- VriD pe., mng. 4b]; V'D3 xp '3,11 '3mx n'p1©a in the meantime he is idle from doing business BM 32b(9) Lit: Lieb, apud Beer, BA 223 [mng. 2]; Beer, ib. 222 [mng. 3b]; Voc: NjjlW HPP 67:19; Y: XJW Pes 110a(9; Mo 106). - KpTl#3, NpitfV adv outside, in public (Sy rdiio y-, psm 4102, jpa npi©3, npi©1? djpa 542) xpi©3 mm vyb ©'i 'y;i©ai ]xa one with whom PN converses in public Yom 9b(46); )'T3ai Xp1©3 xaVab n,!7 they shame the king in public Meg 13b(46); Suk 56b(30); X©1X] '33 1X©3 Xpi©3 pn'Vll b}? pbnap like other people who walk outside on their feet SSHai 8b(9); XH13n3 Xpi©3 Xnianm they wrote it [i.e. the deed of the gift] and signed it in public ib. 1; OHTQid 67:22; xn^a1? naoiD'11 xpwb ips'll let them go out in public and publicize the matter Men 40a(6); Sab 34a(l 1); Ned 49b(40); Git 6a(12) nN|?W n.m. market vendor (4- Xpl©; Sy rdiiooc LS 766) pi. X1101 'Xpl© 'IT the market vendors of GN BM 11 la(10) Y: 'NjHtf BM ib.(BAYTN 21). 1#NTIE; n.m. wall (4- XII© 13 s.v. 1#X13 mng. 4; TA XII© TO Lev 25:30, Sy rc'icu*- LS 766, Ma 3#XYi© MD 456, > Arab jj^ wall, enclosure Fr, AF 237) a. of a city: sg. Pes 86a(30) [expl. BH bn Lam 2:8]; BB 7b(48); i& 8a(52); Xll'X X11©1 the ledge [rampart?; lit. roof] of the (city) wall San 109b (40); Xl,1 X»' ,T13tJ1 X11©1 XD'l in one side of the wall of GN is the sea Meg 5b(47); San 95a(13); MQ 26a(27); pi. 'ffm niltf the walls of Rome Hul 59b(35); b. other: sg. TITOI Xpmil XII© rvb he encircles it [i.e. the field] with a wall and an impediment BM 107b(l); XJHX iyi XII© ©'ia from the top of the wall to the ground BB 91b(20); X11©1 X3pj? the bottom part of the wall HM 42:13; X©nn X31 XII© a large wall of bronze Bo 4:6; pl.abs. ]'11© XJl^JI ]'3131 three large walls ib. 79:5; det. 'TIP X'O '31 Dip '11© did the waters (of the Flood) stand like a series of walls? Yom 76a(27) Y: V.y\V BB ib.(BAYTN 21). 2#N'TIB? n.m. umbilical cord (I Vll©; TA ,T11© TJ Ezek 16:4, Ma 2#X11© MD 456, Sy rc'iac- f. LS 802) sg. Bo 123:12 N3'3in£ n m species of cypress (Cypressus horizontalis; < Akk surmenu CAD 5/3 349; Sy rC \ ; ->-\c^ LS 806, Ma X1'311© MD 457, > Arab oxfi Siggel 46) sg. RH 23a(21; L) // 55 80b(40) [expl. BH 1WXJ1 Is 41:19]; Git 68b(48) Geon. expl.: D'lTN 'VO» inK Nini piTO bti OHT Git 154:23; Lit: Flora 3:28+; Y: NJ'J-flW S5 ib.(BAYTN 270). NriailB; n.f. family (Ma XJ13TI© MD 457, Sy rc'^Ga-ti. LS 806) sg. -jruii© nya he will remove your family Bo 7:17; '.I'mil© i& 124:17; 19 Wilt? n.m. sinew, vein, bronchus (< Akk ser'anu sinew, tendon CAD §/2 308, ser'an ini veins of the eyes ib. 311; Sy 1# ^i'-i; nerve, membrane, artery LS 808, Ma 1#X1X'T© MD 463, mng. a) 1. sinew, vein: pi. Xl'JH 'IX'11© l"7XJ1 X3'^3 the sinews of the eye are suspended from the heart AZ 28b (3 7); ]in'T1 'I'll© the sinews of their hands Bo 124:16; 2. bronchus: pi. 'JX'TI© ipDD'X the bronchi (of the lung) broke HP 200:19 Lit: M. Geller, BiOr 43(1986] 740; Y: ']'n* AZ ib.(BAYTN 267). Kjrnm; i Np»"nB/, Kp""llO n.m. perh. vein, streak (cf. Sy Kl_n_>Ho_x- glare of the sun or fire BBah 1958:14) 1. vein: pi. X&TT 'pxaiD 'px'11© red veins of blood Pes 74b(42); Xail '1'Bp 'jTTO thin veins of blood HG3 212:78; D'XI X31J1 "?3 moa 'paiD 'p'11© rra all fat which has red veins will putrefy BM 83b(51) [Es: 'p"-|1D]; Hul 93b(ll) [in testicles of a deer]; X7U31 'p'11© veins of the ileum NDGR 164:7; 2. streak: pi. bo ,T3 rfb xnyv x'nm 'paio 'p'nm; n'3 n'x xny© 'paiD 'p'niB; all the time (the rooster's crest) has red streaks in it. At that time it does not have red streaks in it AZ 4b(30) // Ber 7a(28; P) [F: 'P"YiO] // San 105b(29) [K: 'p"TI0]; 'Ti'n 'p""nw white streaks Hul 47b(56) [in a lung] The mng. of this word is deduced from context; Y: 'p'niW Ber 7a(28; BAYTN 267). Knitf, NSNI'lBi' n.m. cat (4- X"I1W; OA pv DNWSI 1193, Sy rdiWz, LS 809, Akk suranu CAD §/3 339) sg. X3X11B/ TVb TIXpT X1DX3 in a place where they call it [i.e. the cat] surana Ber 56b(50; MGG 696:2) [Var: WTTO F,T-S Fl.l 46]; X:i1» mam in the form of a cat Bo 107:7 Lit: Greenfield, JSS 11 [1966] 100. KP'JTltf, Kpj'Tltf n.m. species of hawk (etym. unkn.) sg. xp'lTlW Hul 63a(43; MGL 256:12,Ar [AC 8:168]) [expl. i X'TIH "13; V": xpi'lTO] Lit: Geig, AAC 404, discusses var. P etyms. w/o coming to a definite conclusion; Tel 130; Y: ^V0 Hul ib.(BAYTN 278) Nrnitf, pi. xriiia; n.f. row (jpa mw djpa 542) pl.abs. ]1W TWVy 3/3© '"linx X13TI' mn 3"n 'linx I was sitting seventeen rows back behind PN Hul 137b(33; I§GF 60:3,Ed); det. XmiB/ lO&bn thirteen rows Meg 28b(37) [G: xriXII© njmxi WWy twenty-four rows] Y: xrnw Meg ib.(BAYTN 37); pi. pw> Hul ib. N^ltt/ n.m. licorice wood (Glycyrhiza glabra; Sy rdinj, LS 766, Ma 2#X©11£; MD 457, Akk susu CAD §/3 385) pi. ]l'330a '©TO3 we may cover the sukka with licorice wood Suk 12b(17); ib. 16 Voc: '«hW VTM 41; Lit: Flora 2:435; Y: 'tflti Suk ib.(BAYTN 21). N3'at^itl7 n.m. best man, close friend (< Akk susapinnu friend of bridegroom participating in t : the wedding ceremony CAD S 416, AIOA 94; i xmratfltf, XJU'atilti; TA Xl'3©1© close friend TJ IK 4:5, Sy /i^Tca. LS 766, Ma ]X32/1© MD 457, MH flVW Yeivin, BV 1069, Gross, Patterns 169) 1. best man: sg. X1T7 pD Xl'32/TO (I)nin3 go up a rank (and) choose a best man Yev 63a(37); n'l'3©1©T XB1SX according to the testimony of his best man (who identified the body) ib. 121a(7); 2. close friend: sg. "?X'n mn 3XnXT nT3WW Hiel was Ahab's close friend San 113a(33); -jxVaT H'l'aWW XSS 13 Xl'in '1 mn man PN was a close friend of the Angel of Death Ket 77b(33); ia VTJ n'l'32?1© X^l are you not his close friend? MQ 28a(35) [w. ref. to the Angel of Death] Y: ,T:'2»W San ib.(BAYTN 278). KnM'a&ifi? n.f. function of the best man t • : (< Akk susapinnutu CAD S 416; 4- Xl'aehtf; Sy ^AiV.». -, v n y LS 766, MH mrawW Gross, Patterns 169) sg. BB 145b(7) Y: KTIU'Stpw BB ib.(BAYTN 295). Kri3'3Bnfl; n.f. close friend (4- Xl'Sthtf; Sy ^Ai". .-,v „y LS 766) sg. '3'3 31 'IX© ■T3 '0"11 'X1,1 'WaWTCH PN is different, since she was a close friend of his and she was familiar withhimg/'^81a(28; M) Y: fl'nJSltW Qid ib.(BAYTN 278). N3'B71tl/ n.m. species of locusts (etym. unkn.) sg. AZ 37a(33) [expl. JudA msap bnX MEduy 8:4]; n'aiSX X3'©1© 13J?a Xp mm he was passing an s.-locust over his mouth Sab 90b(31) Geon. expl.: miK I'OO ri]nK TRN 624:7; Lit: AAC 405; Y: KTVW Sab ib.(BAYTN 164). [kV'b;ib; 4- x"?'m© n.] XrbWVfr, ND'tB'IB; n.f. chain, posterity (4- xnV©1?'©; Ma xrf7X©1©, XlhvDyo MD 457, Sy k'&lA.xjc, chain, progeny LS 774) 1. chain: sg. X3T11 xVllDI xn"?'©1© a chain of iron and «.- metal Bo 48:4; ib. 50:3; xn"?'©1© H'^y XI© XDX (the demon) came (and) placed a chain upon him Git 68a(50); 'Xl'a xn"?'©1© "?(1){')p© take the chain off me ib. 68b(38); 39; 46; Ket 27a(41); 2. posterity [cf. MH n^©1?© genealogical chain J 1590]: sg. '^ai ]311 xnV'©!© Git 56b(22) 25
KS'Bfttf 1126 T T Y: Xffrw Gil 68b (46). NB'B?lt£ n.m. towel (poss. < Akk susuppu towel CAD S/3 376, AIOA 104; TA TPB/ifW TJ 2K 2:8, Sy rt'kr.ajt, napkin, towel LS 767) sg. XD'n XB'2/lB/n IX XTT103 nn B'pn if he held it [i.e. the lulav or etrog] in a scarf or a towel HGl 344:53 NTEhB? n.m. chain (< XTBhltf*) sg. Bo 57:6 NBt&ltP n.f. sesame plant, pi. sesame seeds (< I Xatiaiti; Sy rd^x_o_x_, ^^>r LS 767, Ma KBWim MD 458) 1. sesame plant: pi. '»»wb Xjnx "rnpn X111 Xinn a certain man who leased a field (to raise) sesame plants BM 104b(31); ib. 49a(42); San 5b(26); WW npya1? to uproot sesame plants MQ 12b(39); 2. pi. sesame seeds: ]Wm 'xa^> 'a»W for what are sesame seeds suitable? ib. 41; Ber 38a(16; Ar [AC 8:178]); Git 73a(34); HG1 94:29; WW 'iTni'na raw sesame seeds HP 192:2; 'aiSHi? ne/a sesame seed oil HM 37:11 Lit: Flora 3:7+. K3»Hha; 4 xaatfaitf n. 1#NJYI# n.f. talk, speech (< 4- XJliytf, Vl#'ytf; Ma 1#XT1W MD 458) sg. a. alone: xnw 'Tin XD^D (a woman) spins while (holding) a conversation Meg 14b(13; CAr [AC 8:180, s.v. 2IW]); Xpim nmv a child's speech SwA: 56b(30; M2); nan fWlW your speech Qid 70b(6; MGD 25:5); b. w. VpB3 pe. + n/indir. obj. to speak about s.t.: X7VIE? ISV piB71 xV do not speak about it BB 39a(10); ib. 11; XT1W pripsj X1? we did not speak about it ib. 12(HP 90:33) Y: XriW? SB ib.(BAYTN 21). 2#NrHt£ n.m. south wind (< Akk siitu south, south wind CAD S/3 408, AIOA 105; Sy rc'iioj.jc] SIB 1:7, Ma 3#XJVW MD 458) sg. xnren xar a day (of blowing) of the south wind Sab 32a(18); Er 65a(27); Yev 72a(6); HH3 xVr XJTWn xmn"? he did not bore a hole in it [i.e. the wine jug] towards the south wind HP 87:13 [= GeonH ffBm nn HR 67:13] Y: xnw Sab ib.(BAYTN 21). 3#NJVH£, NTl'S? n.f. sprouting, germination (< xnmtf*; 4- XBP3X; cf. Sy rslooo^ germination LS 762) sg. XJIjnx 'Ett'X 'JTBJ ^Vx XTllBn people plant a caper for the sake of the sprouting Ber 36a(39) [O: XJl'ttH]; xmST HTW sprouting of the caper shrub HGJ 95:59 Geon. expl.: JTnom ]'ty 1100 ]'N'3S p': '0'3 AW '7TO3 X3V 'Vkj/db' pttoi '»»3K -ny pnpji wx purta iotb pnpn pi 1'nui pi pVto p jxiy» r5? P ixs'xpVx Vaaa ]nix pip 3"?n 13 B'W -|0X33 1J11X ]'Wiyi tewiV OHT Ber 85:22 i.e. (jliiill [sg. '.ij.r.q branch of a stem; Lit: Pfl 264; Flora 1:324. 4#NXTltf 4- l#xn'tf n. iJJTltf 4- ^*\TVD vb. KBtfltf, pi. 'Smtf, 'BKTTltf, »3K»WI# n.m. partner (< Akk sutapu CAD §/3 397, AIOA 105; 4- ^*\rm, 'snw '3, xniBmtf; TA ysfnv pi. TJ Is 1:23, Sy rda&eui. LS 767, Ma XBXnitP, pi. X'BJITO, X'JXDXriW MD 458) sg. X3'Xi XH mra xsnw xann xm rn''nn3 xsrrrc? this refers to where he has a partner and that to where he does not have a partner Ber 59b(41); BQ 46b(34); ib. 70a(18); pi. TO'J 'SHW they are partners ib. 33a(47); BM 26b(16); ib. 69a(27); 108b(20); 'BJllEn ni3 a pit of partners Bes 39a(36); 'BXTIW nn TG/4i¥2 29:26; rG/^2S 23:25; TGHark 99:30; ib. 272:20; 'JB71W nn Kwi 86a(34; E1); 'JKB/IW ]n'X TGHark 271:9; //>. 272:31; Geon 256:14 Y: 'Bffltf fig ib.(BAYTN 161). NfflBJNtf, NflSrilB; n.f. partnership (4- XBD1E?; TA niBJTW cs. TO Lev 5:21, Sy K'&o.a&o.i, LS 767, Ma XDIDXTIXP MD 446) sg. a. general: n x'jnx 'xa 'xniBmpi 'xman what did my tam-status and my partnership benefit me? [i.e. I should pay only one quarter of the damage] BQ 53a(39); '« 'ITO XfilBmP 'T3J? xVr n '71VI I swear that I did not engage in a partnership with a pagan Meg 28a(46); p rpriBmw p nn '03 X1?! 'TS 0W (X)mBriW Xim XJiaa (he swears) that he did not conceal from him anything at all concerning his partnership (or) concerning the money of this partnership TGHark 277:28; ib. 272:35; 275:25; 3XT "JVIBnw 0TOO because of the father's partnership (with the fiance) Ned 67b(13); b. in legal texts: XTllBJlW T0V SSSad 160:5; ib. 205:10; TGAs33 210:4; xrnyi "•IX-M 'Xp3 XrilBnW we made a partnership in the presence of each other SSSad 205:12; ib. 208b:4; Xnxn X3"lp Xmsm© X3JVB we divided the partnership, the capital, (and) the profit ib. 6 Y: TttflBWIW BQ 53a(39; BAYTN 207). SapnW n.m. silence (i Vpntf; cf. Sy Kli^ojc Ls'812, Ma xpTV MD 460) sg. n'JXpnw Bo 84:14 TnB; vb. to give a gift, persuade (i XTmtf, X1W; Sy iv>v- LS 768) Pa. 1. to give a gift: xVl ]Xa nxpT iy nn xarnwa nxp> I give a gift (of fish) to whomever (among the children) cannot read until he can read Tan 24a(50); 2. to persuade: n'a3 iTTrW mnw he indeed persuaded him [i.e. Achan] with words (to confess) San 43b(37; F2); xaiaas nn xini^aT -wipx T??2b it is possible for her to persuade so-and-so (to marry her) by means of money Git 84a(51; V18) TlintP, ]Nint# n.m. an official (etym. unkn.) sg. -mnK?1? nnxanVi nn 'oaa nin nn mxn ixV 'x were it not that he had confessed to him, he would have brought him and his donkey to the i.-official BB 47a(15) [Var: ]8XW TGHark 166:34; v. Geon 251:21) This word has no connection w. a putative JTO BR 145:1 [v. DJPA 544, s.v. ]nv); Y: TIITO BB ib.(BAYTN 224). BnB; vb. to cut the throat (< BH, MH 1# VTVD pe., nif. HAL 1352, J 1546; cf. Sy ,\,uf to harm LS 768) Pe. (a/u): a. people: 'TOW 'IPX n'lb'J? Dna; n1?™ he brought the Great Sanhedrin (and) cut their throats above it [i.e. the blood of Zechariah] San 96b(32); XTT "b n'tsn© X31 Dp PN cut PN2's throat Meg 7b(21); Ned 22a(37); 'IB'a TIX1 X131 nV VSttV they slaughter a man to it [i.e. the idolatry] and it rains AZ 55a(31); b. animals in ritual slaughtering: X'Jp WTW1 iy X31»nT X3p'J?V 'BXai until he cuts (the animal's) trachea and reaches the root of the tongue AnanSch 24:18; aw xVi onttfa nenir; hw Xs? 'jDp'a n^Bp it makes no difference if he completely cut its throat or actually killed it San 112a(52); mBT 'TO XB1J? ,T3 Dn»1 he cut the bird's throat with it [i.e. an arrow] while it was flying Hul 30b(38); n"03n x"?l Dinwn let him cut (the animal's) throat and not cover it(s blood) Bes 8a(23); Hul 79b(26); n^npa lX^'X rf? ]WSnv we slaughter it only from its neck AnanSch 24:6; N'b>ntf B'nitf xp rfrim xnjnx o'n^ xp n he only slaughters (the animal) for the sake of a sick person Hul 15b(14); Yev 121a(l); Git 70b(34); BQ 41b(2); Bek 37b(4); Anan 57:19; AnanSch 23:16; pass.part. TBtt? &rwp mm XVI Xinn it was that one which was slaughtered properly Hul 4a(12) Itpe. to be cut in the throat, slaughtered: Xinn maipa nwbm mm D'nxitrxi x-rm a certain ox whose throat was cut in slaughtering in two or three places //«/ 30b(6); nn in32?X x"71 D'nriP'Xl x"?nD (the goat) was slaughtered, and they did not find a spleen in it Git 69b(42); Er 39b(20); BB 123b(30); AnanSch 24:11; HP 217:4; HG3 233:1 1# Tltf vb. to bend down (I 2# X'Vlti) Pe.: H3TJ 'nxtt? mn PN used to bend down Sab 41a(16); ib. 18 2#'nty 4-Vurntf vb. D'ns; 4- an^ adj. p'ntl? adj. crushed, pounded (1 Vpntt? pe., pass.part.) sg.m. Xp'niy XaiJl crushed garlic Bes 7b(10) Y: XjrnB Bei ib. ^nt& vb. to draw out, strain (I X^mti, X^nti; Sy .V.;>y. LS 768, Ma U^nV MD 450) Pe. 1. to draw out, pull out: xn^na XJU'3 Vnwa drawing a hair out of milk Ber 8a(32; Ar [AC 2:55]); 2. to be porous: "7TIW it is porous Yom 78a(25) [of a clay jar containing water; Var: b'niff Vnwa L]; 3. to strain: Xp'TlTD H'3 ]'p'Dm X^ns(l) XBD -IW3 n'3 innwi a metal spoon with which they lift out the meat gravy and strain the meat GC 29:5 = HG1 193:20 [expl. MH 13tin MKel 30:2, etc.] KVrUP, abs. ^'ntj? n.m. strainer, filter (4- ^brw; Sy'rkliii BBah 1963:13) sg. 'Sim xVmt/ 133m XJtt/'Vn a strainer of palm branches in JBA GC 68:9 [expl. MH Jinxa nB'BS MKel 26:1]; HGl 226:24; x"?riEn X'a water through a strainer TGAs42 164:13 [expl. MH «TB «]'B Pes 11 lb(36)] BBah ib.: rc'-uin-M _c~ ^ rd^Kjc^sn ^ r^ \ \» t . rdiiao; Lit: Eps, GC 6817; Pfl 125; Fr, AF 791; Brand 535. N'^ntl/, S"?n'B/ n.m. ear infection (etym. unkn.; cf. sjla x'a'mip nn GAp 20:26) sg. ri? nnyn xnn©1? they prepare it [i.e. the hargol's egg] (as 27
ana; 1128 i#*intf a remedy) for an ear infection Sab 67a(37) [Var: X^PIPM]; ri?WVBo 74:13 Geon. expl.: iTDITI X'b'lW 'SIX yW^S Vm pip 111X2 iniX» lyx nrrno nn1? ■?» tra ]'io wan r-xxvi nrf? n'wfr trn 606:1. Ont!;, DV1B7 adj. dark-colored, glazed (4- Xan©; Sy rdSuojL, -^ ■. v dark, black LS 769, Ma DiW to blush MD 451) 1. dark-colored: pl.m. 'an© vunsjn Tnn ... 'mn innasn 'an© dark- colored (zuzim) and he made them new, new and he made them dark-colored BQ 96b(14); 2. glazed [* i l#-ll'n mng. 4]: pl.m. 'anw '3Xn 'JH 'xaiXI glazed pitchers of the pagans (which are non-absorbent) AZ 33b(29); 1PW '"73'Wa glazed basins (from which water does not evaporate exerting a cooling effect) Hul 55b(27) The exact color intended cannot be identified; Y: 'D'tlB AZ ib. NI3ni£, N»rH? n.m. a dark color (4- mil) sg. ITanW JPT yra their (original) dark color [i.e. of the coins] is clearly recognizable BQ 96b(16); V.m>V l"713 m p'Voi X3VI ^D wherever a dark color can appear on the fetus (from the blow to the mother) ib. 49a(36; EsOHR ib. 59:2) Y: WW* BQ ib.(BAYTN 130). ]VXif vb. to be inflamed, heat (4- XJn'©; Sy ^xxr- LS 769, Ma pv MD 451) Pe.'( /u) to be inflamed (with love) [cf. Ma: |r>'3nx©n ]l"7niXB?ai they inflame them and they make them burn (with lust) MD ib., Sy ■ «j y etpa. to be inflamed w. love PSm 4120]: ]in»'n JTJ73 OX X3'^"3 if you want her to be inflamed (with love) in (her) heart HM 43:7 Pa. to warm, heat: rpfljnitn 1)13 after (Abishag) had warmed him [i.e. David] San 22a(32); pnwa ... nan dates warm (the body) Ket 10b(48) // Git 70a(14) [v. RaH infra]; Bo 141:13; Tin iapa xto pm© 'anp -] pw onp xjx I heated the fire (in my house) before you Ara 31b(27)[v. R.G.] Itpol. to become inflamed (of love) [Sy . u ■ y quad, ls 763]: -|ix3j ns nnx -im... imne/'n let him be inflamed of PN Bo 30:1; ib. 4 Expl. RaH: >]TO m moamif OHR Git 46:22 [Pa.]; Lit: Eps, Stl 351 [Itpol.]. rjnQ? vb. perh. to dredge (cf. Ma 1# «pE> to flow MD 451) Pa.: 'Sin©1? "jain '3 'J31? X"W "X3X X"ina PN permitted the people of GN to dredge the canal (on the intermediate days) MQ 4b(33) Expl. Ar: TIJ3 B'Vun rvU^X 'BV llpyV AC 8:54 [4- XBTO], NSntl7\ KBntf n.m.pl. papyrus reed (4- 4# XB'P; Ma l#XBnX» foliage MD 440, MH XBin'W TSuk 1:10 [259:32, Ms. Erfurt]) pi. X'Jpl 'SniP papyrus reeds Sab 110a(20) Geon. expl.: frum X°?»l n»JJ x'w D'3T D':p V» D'ty 'BTO GnK5 169:3. Lit: Flora 1:580; Eps, GC 9810. pJVff vb. to pound in a mortar (4-1# 'pnitf, p'nitf; Sy . o .;. y - LS 770, Ma j?,TO MD 451) Pe. ( /u): n3B73 ]'3BD pnttfa to pound drugs on the Sabbath AZ 28b(30); ib. 10; 29a(20); 'TO inrpifflff^l 'Tin let him pound them together Sab 110a(48); Ber 6a(17); Git 69a(2); BB 146a(22) [a pearl] l#'i?nt? n.m.pl. rags from worn-out garments (4- Vpntf; MH pn& Yeivin, BV 844, J 1551, TA \pTW 'X?3 TJ Jer 38:11; cf. Sy rf ri».iT. fatigue LS 770) MW 17a(50; M) [* 'mn]; XJfl'DT 'pnP linen rags Sab 110b(12) // Grt 69b(45) [v. Geon. expl.]; AZ 28b(ll); Svu 6b(38); Mrf 17a(47); XJB1J naj?T 'pnttf cotton rags Art; 110b(12) Geon. expl.: ,1B'B3 ]X7D p-Q OHT GiJ 157:25, i.e. jliS jji <Lii.; Y: ^IW AZ ib. 2# 'pHB; n.m.pl. heaven (< BH D'pTO pi. Yeivin, BV 844, hal 1358) jpna ,totdi xmox to na 'pnif '3 the Master of all remedies whose throne is set in heaven Bo 31:11 l#inti; vb. to be black or dark (4- l#xn-intf; Sy 1# ijii- pe., af. LS 770, Ma 2#Vllt/ MD 451) Pe.: JITS? pniP his eyes became dark Tan 25a(36; MGG 828:3) Af. 1. to become black or dark: "inE/X Suk 33b(14) [myrtle berry]; X*7X initfa pi xa"?B?3 "VWtt 'Xax D'ai granted (that the plastered surface of the bowl) becomes black from wine. But why does it become black from water? ib. 48b(32); "V\Va mmtfX Men 88b(39) [lamp]; Ber 28a(32) [walls of a house]; Yom 52a(3) [clothes]; ■bno nntPB 'Da from the time that the walls become dark (from the shadows) Pes 58a(26); Yom 28b(9); ib. 21; 2. to blacken: JITOS Xp "brtf? you blacken my walls BM 117b(14; F'MRashi) 2#-intf 1129 rpv 2# "lnfl? vb. to remain awake late 4- 2# xmntf n. [Kmnntf 4-1# xmntf n.] "nnt!7 vb. to emancipate (4- V2# Tin; MH Tintf LNVTH 363; cf. Sy -Ui pa. LS 252) Quad.: mm n'13J?V vf? Vinwa he was emancipating his slaves BB I55b(2i); wib*h nmnw wra in Dp one of them [i.e. the two owners of the slave] went (and) emancipated half of him Git 40a(49); HP 46:1; TGAs28 54:28; TGAs42 61:22; SSHai 7a(7); ib. 14b(4); 6 QuadRef. to be emancipated: Xnax pi' '33 ITinni&X the sons of PN, the maidservant, were emancipated Yev 97b(23; O2) l#Nmni^ n.f. blackness (4- Vl#inK?; Sy r^^t^ci u y LS 771) sg. a. general: xmnttf XnX'lSXT the blackness of the walls BQ 20b(28); BM 117b(14; HEs) [F1: WITTO]; b. an illness: Bo 74:13 2# NTlint^ n.f. slumber (V2#-im»; Ma xmxnx© MD 439) sg. xaan tamo slumber of the day Bo 7:16; ib. 9:11 NXintf, NJin'B; n. an illness (Vnntf; 4- xnniffX; cf. Sy rc'&_o«-x, rust, verdegris, foulness LS 771, Ma 2#xmw MD 458) sg. Git 69b(44; OHT 157:20) [Var: xnn'W Ar (AC 8:59)] Geon. expl.: mip^X OHT ib., i.e. ^JJ*1' sores; m'linnn hemorrhoids OHR ib. 45:23. The var. rdgs. mmn i'6.(V16) and Xnrmn i'6.(V18) are app. corrupt. KfflB^, pi. KriTlBtf n.f. foolishness (4- V'W; Sy ^Aj? . \J i LS 772, Ma XnXIB'C? pi. follies MD 461) sg. H'3 XW XTn' XnTO© he saw in him excessive foolishness BB 155b(21); X301? TPimv his foolishness (benefited) the old man Ket l7a(29; v5); pi. n'nxitw 'ana pn n'w px (l)n':3(!7) PN, the fool, recites foolish things to his sons in this manner Sab 121b(4; OHT ib. 113:6) [O: Xn(n>("W] Y: xrilD* Sab ib.(BAYTN 31). riDtf vb. to spread out (Sy -»\, •<• LS 772, Ma 2#XB© MD 458) Pe.: a. general: pass.part. x"7'pW ninx Xn'BB/1 X"I31 Xinm xni3'B your goodness is removed and spread out on the thorns [i.e. your words are to no avail] BQ 83a(34); b. for drying: 1) agricultural products: n'S H3 nW»V X'Tn (the Sabbatical year) is suitable for spreading out fruit (to dry) BM 106a(45); BB 29b(19); Sab 74a(38); BB 68a(6) [sesame]; 2) hides: na inmD2?a '"7 na inj'nVaa 'V what is the difference to me between spreading them out and salting them? Bes 1 lb(3); '3W'a n3 nvwifr to spread out hides in it TGHark 86:22; ib. 19; 3) wet objects: XS?'a@n'X n'nVea riVy <n>'ro» x'a n'mjn@'3 n'V his linen garment was soaked with water. He spread it on his sukka (to dry) Suk 10b(5) Pa. id.: mil? •'mmi'b to spread out hides Yom 28b(45) Itpa. to prostrate oneself: H'myax 'noniSXl '^TX I went and prostrated myself on his [i.e. Elijah's] burial cave BM 85b(38); Tan 23b(46; M2) 'BB7 vb. to be a fool (4- xniDtf, X'BB?; Sy i^\^y LS 772, Ma 1# XD© MD 458) Af. to make s.o. demented: XEtt'X 'XIBCXV HM 43:8 Itpa. to become demented: n'1? 'Dn«/X X13J Xinn nnan3 you became demented from (drinking) your wine Meg 12b(23) NW n.m. fool, madman (4- V'Btf, X'D© 13; LMA sa-te-e Uruklnc 18, TA 'tW TJ IS 21:15, Sy rd\L LS 773) sg. H'BW px Sab 121b(4; OHT ib. 113:6) [4- xniDti]; Er 101a(21); Hul 87a(22); X'Btt? Xinn1? yav onnn PN heard a certain fool BB 3b(39; TGAs42 156:20); ib. I2b(i0; P1); 'n'nxT iy x'ow 'n'in omwaVx xax X"Em (')pnBX nna1? I, Alexander, was a fool until I came to the country of Africa of women 7am 32b(5) Y: X;t3W Ber ib. NJDtf n.m. a bird (etym. unkn.) pi. '»» Hul 63a(12) *]W vb. to rinse, inundate, carry off, best in a dispute, do something offhandedly (4- XSD'IV; Sy -*\, y to cleave, cut LS 773) Pe. (a/u) 1. to rinse, wash: a. parts of the body: *pW 'D'Hl n'T how does he rinse his hands? Anan 25:15; ib. 26:1; 27:1; 32:27; 45:1; b. cups, utensils: lBTOBn nnn3 XOD rinse the cup after him [i.e. after the excommunicated person drank from it] Dec 4:14; n'nxi 110© 'nwi «yiO© rinse (the cup) and (then) drink. Rinse (it) and put (it) down Tarn 27b(38); X'B3 in1? p'SB© XTX1H '3Xa "731 we wash all
I&tf 1130 NBN'tf (impure) wooden utensils in water Anan 44:8; 2. to inundate: XBtyV mBBtfab" lyai X»W1 XBp the (waters of) the abyss rose to the surface and were about to inundate the world Suk 53a(41) // Mak lla(43); BB 73a(24; F2); 3. to carry off (of a river): mjHDb X'B H'SDIP the water (of the river) carried off his s.-cloth 5A/81b(10); ib. 109b(28) [a field]; 4. to best in a dispute: "TV pan niBDP 'y^X the scholars bested PN in the dispute Naz 32b(9); 5. pass.part. w. H nB'T3 dissolute [caique < MH2 na'ta mew J1552]: ^'rra xaty 'Vd iok nB'ia »1'D»1 Xlfl Hy^>m is everyone (like) Barzillai who is dissolute? Yev 76a(16); 6. to do s.t. quickly or in a slipshod manner [used mostly w. i V0"U pe., mng. 4]: T71jn ''J71» IBTOff nai 'Bp go through your Mishna quickly and enter before PN Hor 12a(42; HG3 310:51, Mss. YF8) [Var: TO"U P1]; XH3 'XOIJl ]'!WnW3 N31D1 ... 'Dill 'BDKH Xrfr'B the oral transmitters of the text are extremely corrupt in this matter in that they recite the text in a slipshod manner NDGR 102:1; xarrri xnmxi 'oia 'bob? 'dx-u pam «]Vxn T1X I'V'^aa the student oral transmitters recite the text in a slipshod manner as XJVTin (instead of xmixn) not pronouncing the alef TGQed 84:5; TGCas 26b(36) The mng. of <]WX1 3'0 ID ISGF 109:21 is unclear. "\13\ff vb. to smear, spread out (Ma ~\W MD 459) Pe. ( /a) 1. to smear: TOVm TV nDtfX I shall indeed smear (the ointment) on you(r eye) BM 85b(49); ma m1? iDt^a1? 'yx3 m1? p^nai ]xai n'jna by nV'B (they) are required to smear blood of the circumcision on the feet of the one whom (they) circumcise Anan 87:16; ]FT0V ib. 19; 'w pyanx lm^y nay xbi xaaaa vu'twji let him smear them [i.e. the barley cakes] with k. which is not more than forty days old Git 69b(ll); ib. 16 [honey]; San 109b(39; MGG 312:10); Pes 44a(23) // Naz 36b(8); xa'Bna "TOP "W^a with hot (wheat bread) he may indeed smear (his mouth) Hul 105a(14); 2. to spread out: mOP'1?! XJD'ffS Tinb let him bring the /?.-plant and spread it out Sab 110b(9) Xysti, K-INW, cs. 1B# n.m./f. document, writ, deed (< Akk sataru legal or administrative document CAD S/2 222, mng. l.b, AIOA 101; 4- X1D2? 12; TA XIDW TJ Jer 32:10, Sy r^i^.Y. LS 773, Ma [?]X"lXDXtt? MD 440, > Arab _>Li Fr, AF 250) a. general: sg. tpWIi X1? X1D2/3 XTU a wall (with writing) will not be interchanged with a document Sab 149a(12; V); 'XHX 71380 Xp 'XBX X'H xa^ya XBDn XlOtf X1DI2? why do you rely on this document? The document is of no value [lit. is merely a sherd] BB 32b(6); Git 10b(29); 'Xn XW XBl'T xntHP this document is a forgery BB 32b(l); X-Wa mpftl one who betroths (a woman) with a document Yev 31b(14); nxa rPSTlX X1D273 'TIT he lent him one hundred zuzim with a writ BM I03a(8); xpna "?y xia'Tin 'ine? xjmx XT'JX xnDWl we, the witnesses, signed on the erasure, and the document (was written) on the blank (portion of) the sheet BB 164a(ll); p'BBI nnxwV IT1? (the creditor) will produce his document Ket 56a(35); Svu 41a(26); Pes 78a(29) [4- V'3T pa., mng. 2]; "]TlT "jiptfl 'XntSff '■? an give me my writ and take your money BB 171b(10); X*lt3H7T X1BW strengthening (the effectiveness of) the document ib. 69b(9); 172a(16) [4- VOJB pe., mng. 3]; .T81BX XnDtt X3yna I would impair the validity of a document on his testimony Ket 85a(41); XIDff yin'X the validity of the document was impaired Svu 42a(10); KV3V 0DTX1 '^ mn X'bya I had a valid document and it was lost BB 32b (2); X1D2H XJV>>» XB'Vx the matter of the document is valid Ket 101b(43); HXD1S SIDE/ a Persian document [i.e. written in the Persian language] Git 1 la(26); pi. xpD'y in •HOW 'ini one business deal and two documents BM 104b(43); matn ttTX -I.TTT8 XTl'Sj? X71P a man guards his deeds the first year BB 29a(15); •>-|DEn '0D1D templates of documents ib. 44b(14; P1) [4- X0B1B]; "not; Tlin two documents BM 19b(8); 'fip'OB ItB contracted documents A^e/ 102a(l); nDBH X}T7B an w.-container of writs Ket 85a(22); BB 151a(32); b. specific: sg.es. ... itw: 4- nnrax, xxramx, xromx, xmsriD'sx, xri'jpx, 'rar, Hwbn, xruyo, xo'3, xnairo, xyma, xnntia, xjutib, xpey, xmVib, xmps, xnism^, xnxn^ Voc: Xl6o HPP 201:19; Y: iCJBW SB 30b(l8; BAYTN 46). KBK'E; 4- l#XB»B?n. KBK« i«i row? ksn'b; 4- xs"© n. 1#N3'# n.m. chip (etym. unkn.; 4 XD'tf) sg. '3 Xliwaa xa'W ]"Da''I?i O'n so that a chip from the log should come to me San 7b (15) // Hor 3 b (3 4) [i.e. a share of the responsibility; v. Geon. expl. infra]; pi. 11B3 nyaWB 'a'tf nyattf seven chips from seven logs &A 67a(2); ity'V 'aXIDT 'a'S; Vd na may all the chips of the plowings enter into it [i.e. the plow] BB 36b(12) Geon. expl.: VnoX K1? DSBM myo IX |>TO]Da H'.T Dfl'wi] On DK xiipn ]a DO'j? ^ yi' fta ]iyn nx 'ix TGAs42 153:22 Y: X3'W SB ib.(BAYTN 17). 2# S3't^ n.m. perh. groove (etym. unkn.) pi. 'TX "?i!naa n^ mm x^a p'sjna 'a1© n'a jrrxi since it [i.e. a spit made of a palm branch] has grooves, it exudes water (into the meat) and it is (considered) to be boiled Pes 74a(12) Ar: .f5>3» m-ITO 1»3 Winn AC 8:8. 3# N3'B7 n.m. 4- X3'tf 4#K3'B; n.m. a charm (cf. TA pa^ an ornament pi. TO Ex 35:22) pl.abs. p'W So 17:6 N33't&, K3N3'tf, pi. '33'B> n.m. neighbor (< Akk *se babi AIOA 101 [lit. neighbor of a city quarter; v. Akk se'u CAD S/2 363]; 4- XTTDa'tf, xnaa'is; Pal aai» pat 412, dnwsi noo, TA maS'W TO Ex 12:4, Sy rdiix. LS 749, Ma xsxa'it? MD 459) sg. xaa'^T xaisx on the testimony of a neighbor BQ 112b(57; Es); 'ya n'axa'iy -nvi Hyr\ ]B npim he is required to remove it from where his neighbor resides Anan 28:16; ib. 18; pi. x'V^ai xBB'a 'jrr yra 'aa'» the neighbors surely know (if the house is occupied) by day and by night BB 29a(32); pay Tin Wbrnrh 'l^a 'aXS'K; 3Xiai Ammon and Moab were bad neighbors of Jerusalem San 96b(45); mpiW '331 'axa'© neighbors and people of his street/quarter OHT BQ 97:26 Lit: S.A. Kaufman, LeSonenu 37(1973] 103. The mng. of the phrase '22'B '2 Sab 109b(24) is uncertain [v. also I X33'W]; cf. expl. Ar: VHB p X"B niBSBn p "B AC 8:8. Even if the mng. 'twilight,' is true there is no connection w. P [v. Geig, AAC 389]; Voc: '33W HGP 17a:14; Y: '33'W BB ib.(BAYTN 140). Kffl33'tf, KXTOltf n.f. neighborhood (4- MTV + XXIT; Sy k'&o iAy. LS 749) sg. X'ao Xinn ]inr 'IT mmaa'^a mm a certain blind man who was in PN's neighborhood San 34b(32) // Nid 50a(i3); b'jn mm mrrmra x"ay xinn xa'X mn xnaiy 'Vya "?a nit ya-ix n,!7 nn»7 there was a certain poor man in his neighborhood to whom he used to send four zuzim every Friday Ket 67b(49); Ber 7a(29); ib. 10a(4) [4- 'JTO]; &* 80b(16); /& 116a(49); 119a(20); 152a(51); Er 80a(38); 7an 21b(18); ib. 23b(34; M2); Meg 24b(30); Hag 3a(13); So/ 22a(36; V2); Git 52a(28); 55 25b(48); Hul 133a(24) Voc: .TTOS'W HGP 34b: 15; n'Jliaa'B HPP 268:20; Y: VTSWD Ber ib.(BAYTN 207). Knaa't?, pi. NriNH'B; n.f. neighbor (4- X33'tf + xn'"; TA nfa5'»Tfo Ex 3:22, Sy k^' -.At. ls 749) sg. nnaa'a; nna in'mn x'xra xp his wife was quarreling with her neighbor BM 84b (26); xmra r\TaTV -\Ti that bad neighbor Tan 25a(l); Ket 103a(47); San 97a(38) // ib. I04a(42); pi. xV^iai xman xanBT xjirrx x'nn nnKSS'^ a certain woman who used to heat up (her) oven and lend it to her neighbors Tan 21b(23); Xnrm'B; Ket 63a(6); (ffl'BpB X'13 xVlXI 'XXiSS'tt? she goes (and) reviles (me) before my neighbors Qid 49a(34; O2) Y: XJ133* BM ib.(BAYTN 140). KBTS'tf n.m. a scaled fish (Sy rcl^? *S y , ^\^ ^ . v LS 751, > Arab -L£i Fr, AF 122; 4- X'SID) sg. Pes 112b(22); TVDT*7 p'^D x"7 'B13«; the i.-fish does not go up on dry land BQ 55a(31); ib. 30 // San 59b(28; F2); n^B X3"l Xt513'tt/ PN used to salt the i.-fish Sab 119a(15) // Qid 41a(21); Xn"7'Bi XBTS'lt/T mm the head of a salted i.-fish Sab 110b(27); XDTran Xma the brain of an i.-fish Hul 109b(37; V11) [said to taste like pig meat; cf. Sy ^ \ -^ * salted pig meat LS 751, mng. 3] Geon. expl.: piBCXn D'71p U"m XBWBn X'B13T xmia TGAs42 161:3 = GC 130:6. It is mentioned in PT Tan 69b(36) as a fish which did not return to Eretz Israel after the Exile. Lit: Fauna 10+; Y: XB13'B Sab 119a(15; BAYTN 138). [KnVtt'B; 4- xnVaw n.] I'pto'B? n.m.pl. divorce (4- Vpatf pe., mng. 8; JPA ppn'ffi DJPA 546; cf. Sy «LLae^*. manumission LS 753) ppU'lffT XT1 (the letter) xvaw of ppTJ'B? [in the divorce writ] Geon 170:4;
Ktfia'tf 1132 XJH'tf t : • TGHark 229:7; pl3tf JTUX writ of divorce SSHai 3a(17); 'D'pi3'E; mix So 9:13; /& 28:6; 58:7 Kfift3'tP n.m. corruption (< MH2 Eh3'B? J 1557; 4- Vl# P3P) sg. X"?31 Xtfia'ff xVa p31piXl [pH] xnilT'B the students recite in this manner without corruption or dispute GnKl 16:14; pi. 'EHS'ltf "X"lp3 corruptions in (the recitation of) the biblical verses ib. 3 l#NB3't!;, NBB'tf n.m. demon, plague (4- 1# xm'tf; Ma XD3'P MD 459, mng. 6) pl.abs. ?VTV Bo 80:4; ib. 82:3; 114:8; p3W /& 17:6; ;/>. 44:2; 59:2; 14:4; pB'P ib. 86:9; det. 'DSltf '»'3 evil s.-demons ib. 33:18; 64:8 2# Nttt'tf 4- XB3E; n. Nrj'tf? n.m. captivity (4- V'atff; TA X'3P TO Ex 12:29, Sy rdi-^jt- LS 750, Ma 1#X'3'K7 MD 459) sg. "|V nviXI X'3'E? TOa from all the captivity which you brought for yourself Qid 72b(12) N|?3»ff 4- xpatf n. NtP3'tP n.m. a levy placed on agricultural crops (forbidden as interest; < Akk sibsu an agricultural tax CAD 5/2 383) sg. BM 73a(24; EsF1) [4-V2# B?3!P pe.] This word may perh. occur in BH 02tP [v. Cohen, Hapax 49]. 1 # Nfi3'tP n. name of a demon (phon. var. of 4- wmTti) sg. XJia'tf UWa Yom 77b(16; L) // Hul 107b(32; V") [personifying a serious illness] Geon. expi..- I. jkcii x'W:: 'wxi T ty x'-ien xm xni"i Bin xJ3oai xV:>ix ty xnn xinn x'-ip rrr wan x^a xbym yj:i HGi 315:26 = Ar[AC 8:24]; 2. mniKw nyi nn maw/ia ''S omx mwai -ixixn mnxw dtjs njriBsa -ixixa mpuvin nam ny "|^im muria AC ib.; Y: mt //«/ ib.(BAYTN 130). 2# NJ13'tP n.f. perh. a medicinal motion (etym. unkn.) sg. XJia'BH xm'» 7a« 20b(49; M2) [Var: xjiioxi xnV'n He] Expl. RaH: HX1S1 *?» npWB. Rashi equates this word w. i l#xm'W [v. Mai 83:7, note]. 3#Km'tf n.f. artificial word for 4- KTiyntf (poss. a popular pronunciation) sg. 'SX xV KIWV QItO if he said sivta, it is as if he had said nothing Ned 10b(27) N3D3'^ n.m. hot weather (4- Vaitf, XlSTltf; MH TOW BR 268:6 [v. var. lee.]) sg. V0>iVpW X*n X1T1YW the hot weather has not abated Tan 6b (29; HeRaH = Ar [AC 8:272], expl. of RaH) Lit: S. Naeh, LangSt 7 [1995] 97+ [contra D. Rosenthal, Yeivin Vol 351+, who compares Sy rd2=j<oL, Kli_Sa_x, sultry weather LS 761]. tOTU'tf n.m. a malady (Ma X'mil'tf hip disease MD 462; 4- XlVTl'-ltf) sg. xmi'tf 'XTI1 XH nV Vpll Xin the i.-malady, in fact, has certainly seized it Hul 51a(35; V12Ar [AC 8:26]) [Var: XlTO'tf H2]; ib. 38; Git 69b(46; Ar [AC 8:26]) [K"U'tf 4- xnilti n.] [Nana'tf 4- ximntf n.] KTB7 n.m. demon (< Akk sedu A CAD S/2 256, AIOA 101; 4- 'Ttf JV3 s.v. l#xrV3 mng. 6n, 13 XT#, piTti; TA |'TO pi. TO Dt 32:17, Sy rrtrclx, LS 748, Ma l#XTff MD 460) a. general: sg. Bo 21:14 [in a list of supernatural creatures]; ib. 78:21; 83:8; XTB? nn»7 Jpya DX "|XJ0 Vy XW3 if you want to send an evil demon against your enemy HM 46:2; HMGas 94:1; •OH xa'^> XTWV against a demon he should recite as follows Sab 67a(29); Pes lllb(22) [4- xyap mng. 1]; HM 37:7; XTP ypBI xms XIX the caper shrub dried up, and the demon burst Pes 11 lb(19); VT\y\ XTff a male demon Bo 54:5; ib. 83:3; pl.abs. p'tf ;/>. 64:10; 33:19; 44:6; det. 'TW ib. 7:14; 20:7 [and passim in these texts]; 'TW J'TO sixty demons Pes lllb(22); b. w. PN: XTB? IDT £> 43a(39); Pes 110a(26); pi. 'X1D1PX ">TVn XD^a PN, king of the demons ib.; Git 68a(33); 'TEH |lrP^>» X2113 5o 13:4 Y: XTW 5aA ib.(BAYTN 135). 'aiTtP n.m.pl. premarital arrangements (< MH2 piTff J 1558; 4- V-!^; cf. Sy k!-o«- gift which the groom gives the bride before marriage LS 759, mng. 2c) x"?3 nx'33 W'lptn ]X» 'SITiy one who betroths by sexual intercourse without the premarital arrangements Yev 52a (27) // Qid 12b(27); SSHaiGr 32:13 Y: '?1W Yev ib. Nrn'tT n.f. chest, box (cf. Akk siddatu A stand for a large vat CAD S/2 402, Sy k'&xjl LS 757) VrrW 1133 «nrw> sg. Git 68a(22) [given as Pal translation of 7VW nifl Eccl 2:8] Lit: F. Schulthess, ZA 24 [1910] 57; AIOA 102; Y: XJrnS Gil ib.(BAYTN 97). 1'jrW, pi. Nri'^TB? n.f. demon (4- XTti) sg. ITITC/I TVVO male demon and female demon Git 68a(21) [given as Babylonian translation of 7FW nftttH Eccl 2:8]; ib. 30; Trcb y\T\TO H'V X1DXT the female demon said to her son Pes lllb(13); pi. OTlTtn •'Tltf Bo 7:14 Y: pjTVtf Git ib.(BAYTN 17). VTWif n.m. remnant, omission (< MH2 THS* J 1558; 4- VT'tf) 1. remnant, leftover: sg. X1VB? X'H XnV'a IXV XIVU/ ... X'n XnV'a a remnant is significant/insignificant Afe/j 26a(9); ib. 39a(15); X1H XITlff there is a leftover (of the marriage not dissolved by the get) Qid 60a(18); Yev 51a(25); pl.es. XJOim XDD m'» remnants of an A.-fish hash AZ 28a(27); 2. omission, sg. in phrase lxV Kin XITtP there is no omission: JHSB UWa 'X X1H XITI^ lX1? XDT if because of (the case of) a man whose testicles were bruised [v. Dt 23:2], there is no omission (in the Tannaitic source) Yev 84b(18); Suk 54b(l); Tan 14a(9); Ket 41a(45); Naz 38b(24); Qid 16a(52); Bg 15a(48); 3. retention for oneself: IxV n3» Vy XTHP Tin XITtt/ (in a condition, the term) Tin implies retention for oneself. (The term) rua Vy does not imply retention for oneself Hul 134a(3); ib. I38a(35); x:xnoin3 p maxi rra Vds p'na nx XITl^S p you are believed in all that you say, whether involving a loss or a retention for yourself TGHark 268:7; ib. 15 Y: Kll'lb //«/ ib. ST't^ vb. to save, indemnify (< Akk usezib CAD E 424, s.v. ezebu §, AIOA 105; 4- XTYDrtf; BA 3H7 HALOT 1993, Sy ^Jn-i- LS 762, Ma 3TW MD 454) Quad. 1. to save: X131 tm HX» 3Ttt? n,"l3,X im he saved one hundred and one men with his one arm Ber 60a(52); mTttn rmy TSB? "I'^BJ you did well that you saved yourself (from death) Yev 114b(42); MGN 399:18; X31 xnVx XJDIDtt na1? ;T3Pttn the Great God who saved Noah from the Flood San 96a(15); BM 86b(54); •Wiri XBTO'Da ]lVWb xaam may the Merciful One save me from the shame (caused by the questions) of PN Tan 9b(6); Bo 106:10; ib. 114:5; 2. to indemnify: n'x 'xVy nynya xpT wrx "xn H'ra T* X3!,iyl? XJ'T ]a l^y you are required by law to indemnify me regarding this person who is making a claim against me TGHark 203:22; 3'HP: SSHai 6a(19) [in defension clause] Quadref. 1. to be saved: rUDD1? 'BXBT ]X» 3TTI2?ai one who arrives at a danger and is saved Anan 37:3; ib. 6; 9; 38:3; 2. to recover from an illness: SI'TOBl m'Xj? Tpm nSp'HT psi if, for instance, he becomes sick, his sickness becomes more severe, and he recovers ib. 11:1 KlTOT'f, Kmj'tf n.f. refuge (4- V3HP; TA xmf'lZ? TJ Jo 3:5; cf. Sy r<L~=!\c>^- LS 762) sg. XJYnrin Xnp 'the corner of refuge' Ket llla(34) [expl. GN Vsin as if < V?X3 af; V5: xmrw] Nn'ty n.m. desire, lust (Vn'tf; Ma 2# XTB? MD 460) sg. nxn'Wa'l [X]T[ri»a] with flame and desire Bo 30:4 Lit: Eps, Stl 352. K'n'tf 1 lttX'vnt; n. lttNVn'B; n.m. (uncertain) sg. XTn Xryt3 'Xn XT-n'tta x3io xryo 'xni xVn'i^a xnya this one [i.e. the wild goose] carries one egg in the ..., and that one [i.e. the domestic goose] carries many in the ... BQ 55a(27; F1); N»P NVrPltf the first s. Hul 58a(5); ib. 20; xrinx V^WV the other s. HP 205:4; HG3 190:14 Y: X^rrW Hul ib.(BAYTN 130). 2# N^n'B; 4- x'^ne> n. Nan'tt;, abs. I'nt? n.m. boil (4- V]ntf; TA xlnw to Lev 13:20) sg.abs. p's:T ]'nw Vaai ma Vaa rra any blemish or any boil which breaks out in him Git 86a(8) [in a writ]; det. SSHai 7a(12); XJirw1? //A/ 38:2; pl.abs. p'31 pn'» nXDX1? to heal boils and sores &* 67a(26); det. "-313ny 'S'ai 'an'W ,T17 "Tia 'BUT tetter of the body causes boils and sores Ned 81a(5); 'a'ai '1TPV ''»SJ x"?ai his body was full of boils and sores Qid 81a(51; M) Y: XJH'* Qid 39b(54; BAYTN 131). Nnn'a; 4- xnnu; n.
t : ■ 1134 T'tf XSD'ti> n.m. swiftness, hastiness, slipshod manner (4- V*]D#) sg. "|7 D',TI "\SUW 3JX XB7H ■pBJ perhaps by means of your swiftness your tradition came back to you quickly Sab 130b(34); ib. 35; "f? "71X TBB'W 3JX '87H AW 53b(25); ib. 26; pn ma/ai xin xbb'p j'V'sa 'o"u xpi 'xn n'17J7 mB'a1? JJ'anDX'X the reason that (people) recite p'B8 [v. Yev 109b(12)] in the text is hastiness, and because of this we had to work diligently to explain it TGAs42 70:24; NDGR 98:23; Merkazim 131:12; Win XBB'P the slipshod recitation of the oral transmitters OHT Meg 1A Lit: S. Emanuel, NDGR 9854; Y: XBB'W Sab ib.(BAYTN 197). NTip'tf n.f. branch, opinion (4- XTl'Dltf; mng. 1: Sy rf&\\ ; y pi. twigs LS 763; mng. 1: JPA 2# nD'» DJPA 547) 1. branch: sg. XOXT XTIB'W a branch of a myrtle shrub Qid 12b(15; HP 109:3) [cf. Sy rdxoK'* K'ai \,; y PSm 4095]; Sab 77b(32) [4- XTVDltf ]; 2. sg. in phrase / 'TlB'Ba Dip "T fl'TlB'tPa to adopt s.o.'s opinion or principle: 'a'p mn XTIB'P Xirn 1,1713 they all adopted the same opinion Zev 12b(19); Dp XTT 'T p'70 '3 xtt 'n rpntwa nan Dpi xyVx 'it rrnwjn when PN immigrated to Eretz Israel he adopted PN2's principle, and PN3 adopted PN's principle BB 158b(12); Sab 92a(9); Er 17a(2); Suk 46b(30); AW 8b(2); xfiB'B/ i/P 162:20(HPP 254:19); lirJiD'in 'lapixi 'ybx 'I1? pan vnsm the scholars bested PN in the dispute and made him adopt their principle Naz 32b(9) Lit: Bacher 215 [mng. 2]; Y: H'rjB'B Sab ib.(BAYTN 197). !"I"tP interj. (word in an incantation; etym. unkn.) WV n"» Sab 67a(49; M) [Var: rl'tf n'» Ar (AC 8:47)] Expl. Ar: 00n 00,1 AC ib. 1#ND'^, NUN'B? n.m. traveling, swimming (4- Vmtf; Ma 1#XB'XP coming and going MD 441) 1. traveling: sg. X3n "lBT n'DX'tf 'XB what is (the reason) for your traveling here? Qid 70b(5; O2) [V3: ''B"P]; 2. swimming: sg. XB'K? Yom 77b(36) [expl. BH WO (i.e. into) Ezek 47:5] Y: rtW* g/rf ib. 2# ND"fi7 n.m. swimmer (< JPA B"tf DJPA 547; 4- Vbie?, x"no) sg. x'no xd"k/7 "7333 imp pp because in Babylonia they call the XB"IP [i.e. swimmer in JPA] X'no Yom 77b(36; E1) D"K7, nKtt'B; adj. (uncertain) pl.m. TUTS 'JH 'a"© these ... entrances Afe/i 33b(24; P2V10) // 'XB'E/ THIS£r 1 la(25; V'Ar [AC 8:97]) [expl. ib. as either 'Bp'W n'7 71'7t without doorposts or npn n'7 rr'n without roofs] The interpretation in Ar [AC ib.] of 'XO'W as Palestinian [cf. Arab j»LJi]l j5L] is impossible. An interpretation of D"U? from a rt. DBtf* is unlikely since this rt. is not attested in A. NS'jtf n.m. salve (4- Vl#*yitf; Sy rdaJLt, LS 765) sg. TGDr49 100:3 [expl. MH m?'p M§ab 8:1]; XJ?S3 XB"P n'7 'TV'X he brought him a salve in a dish Hul lllb(39); pi. XJTBBIxn 'BX'P salves of glaucium Git 69b(45; OHT ib. 153:24); 'BX'P TGDr49 96:8 Geon. expl.: XrmOJK IK'W jJNiy ^>X3 '00' H3 it is called so in Iraq ll*.UI ^i^ OHT ib. 157:2; Y: XB':» Hul ib.(BAYTN 65). T'B7 vb. to leave over, retain, omit (4- XTWP; JPA T'ff DJPA 547, MH T'tf pi. J 1508) Pa. 1. to leave over: XmiB H'3 T'P'Jl XJTXn m'ia'J let him build it [i.e. the Temple] today and leave over a small amount of it (to complete at the end of the holiday) Svu 15b(13); MQ 9a(12); m T'tfl riBD leave the width of a fist (of the mat unrolled) Er 102a(40); X311 "T"W1 X7 do not leave over the greater portion (uncut) Hul 28b(36); ib. 18b(35); ,T7 XJUXB XT'Pa IX if the animal leaves over (leavened food) it conceals it Pes 21a(39); pass.part. H3 T'lPBl ]Xa whoever remained in it ISGF 117:5; 2. to retain: a. general: n'7 nima ana x?i m73 'xaip ]7'x 'rata rnrv x"?i ansa1? TTP '"ll'tf ru'8 ym n'7 since he should have written (in the document): "I have not retained anything for myself in this sale," and he did not write it, understand from it that he has indeed retained (something) BB 61b(ll); ib. 69b(14); SSHai 6a(ll); 3. in legal phraseology to omit: T'ttf 'xm T'» 'XB T'Pl XJn (the Tanna) learned (some matters) and omitted (others). What (other matters) did he (also) omit since he has omitted this? Yev 21b(50); BQ 10a(23); Tan 13b(44); Ket 41a(45); Sot 16a(18); Qid 16a(50); l»vn 'TX XPI T'E? "jan since he omitted those (items) he omitted this one BQ 10a(30); ''3718(3) T'tH 'X81 KnT,tjr 1135 Kn^» t : t : : . . ~ X7T133 VBIi Xp what he omitted in our Mishna he states specifically in the barraita BM 51a(43); nT'tf 'X8 Vlll what about 'foot'? Did (the Tanna) omit it? 5g 4a(l3) Itpa. 1. to be left over, remain: ''IT*? 'JH X3"J38 ni'TlWXI bricks that were left over from the building Sab 124b(35); ib. 43a(29); H1H 'X yosnTi -p T'7i»B mn 'tb i? nrn^'x^ Ti'in had you been worthy that something (of the field) should remain for you, it would have remained for something of yours BM 106a(31; Es); iSGF 93:12; ib. 117:15; d^OWl 'TBffB 'T'71B?X XiX I (alone) have remained of the beautiful ones of Jerusalem BM 84a(18); San 95b(19); Qid 12b(ll); 2. w. mb to retain for oneself: id *]X1 am ]n '^s Vy p'x '3C)ai +'ai ]b 'b ynm xa"?J73 DJ/Ta moreover I have not retained for myself anything at all anywhere from the price of this sale regarding NN [i.e. he owes me nothing] SSHai 6a(12) Lit: Bacher 216. KflT^ n.f. caravan (TA TITIJ? cs. TO Gen 37T:25,JPA TV'S; DJPA 547, Pal HT» PAT 414, dnwsi 1130) sg. xvim Vwi "772; mn xibd an XTlT'iy PN was traveling along in a certain caravan BQ 116a(26); Sab 69b(40); pi. Tan 21b(32); XTIT'W ]n'3tt7 X7 ... XTIT'E/ ]n'31t;T caravans are frequent/infrequent BM 18b(ll); Git 27a(25); Yev 116b(29); ]"71X1 X71T» l^TXT ly until the caravans go and come BQ 112b(49) Y: XJVTip Sab ib.(BAYTN 171). NS'tf n.m. perh. hole (4- 2# X3'2?) sg. y4Z 69b(38; Ar [AC 8:70]) [Var: '3'©1? P1] Geon. expl.: Vns t»s nwiyi jrarin '9 DmoB3 niaitrna ''B tik ^ owi i" ^v 'jan ks'w uina apin fma in bis K'an X3'B 'DTK llS^a 3j?3n X1J731 WH "pin Ar [AC ib.]; cf. Tos ad loc; Y: K3'B AZ ib.(BAYTN 12). tWS'tt; n.m. lying down, death (4- Vl#3Dtf; Sy r^-^A v LS 775, Ma X713'D1£/ MD 465) 1. lying down: sg. X'DTl Xin X33'1£?a X'n XBBpT ]1'3 because it [i.e. the TTIlVa of the pagans] is pressed down from lying down, it becomes loose Naz 39a(24); 2. death: sg. X3D'©3 n'WBJ Bpj "?S3 he fell (and) pretended to be dead [lit. in death] Qid 81b(2; Ar [AC 5:329, s.v. 3"ini]) The phrase '33'S? '3 Sab 109b(24; Ar [AC 8:8, s.v. 3», X"0]) is interpreted as JVTUp JV3, but the validity of the rdg. is uncertain [4- K33'W]; Y: X33W Naz ib. NM'tf n.m. forgetfulness (< H nn5l!/ Yeivin, BV 816, J 1572; 4- V2#rD1») sg. Er 53a(39) N33'B7 n.m. sediment, slime (< Akk siknu C t : v sediment in rivers and canals CAD §/2 439, AIOA 102; 4- Vptf; Sy pt'Uy LS 776, mng. 4, Ma XWB? MD 462) sg. mov TW X7T ]T3 'Xm p'7D 'SB X7 since its sediment [i.e. of the watercourse] is not firm, this (fish) cannot travel (from Babylonia to Eretz Israel) Sab 145b(35); XWPa nWBJ 'TimB7 nansi (when immersing herself) she must avoid slime HP 137:21 = HG3 346:70; ib. 360:71! Lit: Eps, Stl 127186. N13'B7 4- xnatf n. [NTIS'B; 4- J71DW n.] 'ilV't?, '!lV^ n.m.pl.cs. end (4- V'n7B) a. temporal: n'717'n 'nV'B? the end of his wedding feast }fev 115a(10); Ket 62b(37); 71BW 3nT rrp'S T17'W the end of PN's public lecture £■?• 65b(7); )fev 66b(17); BM 64a(9); /?// 6b(24); wp XB'p 'nV'B/ XB'pB the end of summer is more severe [i.e. hotter] than summer Yom 29a(2); b. spatial: 'nV'W X-inJ the end of the canal Git 60b(47); 'Vsa '!T7W the end of the loins Hul 52b(6) Voc: 'O1?* HPQ 204:8; Y: 'nVw &/ ib.(BAYTN 131). KaiV'B; n.m. entirety (4- Vn7lff) sg. '1BBT ]X81 nai7'^3 Xias one who roasts liver in its entirety HG3 217:53 n.m. leather, leather box, skin of fruit (4- V2#n7ti, Xri7tf; Sy r^o\ y. LS 780) 1. leather: sg. D'7n mn XrrV'Wa n'a '771'B XD'n 73 wherever the leather is stretched, (and) it returns to its original state Men 35a(47); xn7'P 75? Xn7'© TGAs28 67:5 [in the phylactery]; ib. 4; 2. leather box: sg. '7B7n xn7'W the leather box of the parchment (of the phylacteries) OHT Sab 74:2 [4- X5?3'p]; xn7'B/7 m? '7'yai they place it [i.e. the parchment] in the leather box ib. 75:14; 3. skin of fruit: sg. n37 nrf?'© 'TO! X7m71 713 eat a ?.-date and throw out its skin Hag 15b(33) [Var: Xn7'12; GM]
n,?V'b; 1136 K3'tf T ' NftV'tP n.m. cooked vegetable (4- Vp"?K?) pi. pnB 'p'rwa IT1? (PN) used to redeem it [i.e. a firstborn ass] with cooked vegetables Bek 9b(14); ib. 22 Xrbyb'V n.f. chain (I xrfj'tfltf; Sy ^W-y LS 774) pi. i^'ttf 5o 116:9 N3S13 nV'B?*, pi. K3BU '"?'# n.f. a species of plum (Cordia Myxa L.\ i X3SU; Sy ^Ardo. rdxao-^BBah 1312:23) pi. Ber 40b(49; OHP ib. 112:19) [Van D'JSJ *r>V Ar [AC 2:339]; expl. MH]JDilMDem 1:1] Geon. expl.: 1XJ1030^X lni XJBIJ 'Vb OHP ib., i.e. Arab jli»o- < NP sag-pistan sebestens [lit. bitch's teats] PED 691 [cf. Sy: qI*"ii.ii.i1I -*\ >- S^A- V^ * - r^A. — \ ^ ,'i^a BBah, op.cit.]; Lit: Low, Lehnw 324; id., Flora 1:296+. nX»'E/ 4- 0"2? adj. Nfih8't# n.m. use, ministration, compendium (4- VtfaK/; ta -firiepi) to Gen 40:13, jpa mwv DJPA 547, MH2 VVPV J 1563) 1. use: sg. T3J? Kj7 .T»l&'Brt> he makes it [i.e. the light] for his (own) use Ber 53a(31); 2. ministration, service: pi. 'WW© Y9T1 they know the ministrations Anan 34:18 [w. ref. to the priests]; 3. compendium [GeonH Bna'tfl p ri'3 Pia'S; nyXBlbx TGHark 62:20]: sg. K21 mitf® the 'Large Compendium' [viz. on the laws of phylacteries] hgi xivi+; rnin nsoT run xwib'e; GA/ 17:1; OMIKH X31 Xttia'tf OHT Meg 59:22 Lit: A. Harkavy, TGHark 62\ 390 [mng. 3]. KXB'tf n.m. suspicion (MH2 ym J 1600) sg. uwh xb 'xax x-d'e; xVx xxb'b/ owa xnan XXB'tlH XXB'W (he refused to drink) wine because of a suspicion. But why not i.-beverage? Because of a slight suspicion AZ 31b(22; J) Geon. expl.: jn 0Wb> DIM 131 <XS»'tn> XXH'» jn DW XXD'B TGHark 23:14; Y: KXB'W y(Z ib.(BAYTN 131). N$M'E? n.m. sun, sunlight, fever (4- 'tffi'tf '3; TA XVm TO Dt 4:19, Sy rdiiajL LS 788, Ma l#XWBXtt? MD 443) 1. sun: sg. Win XW1? a term of the sun Men 110a(8) [expl. BH DTI Is 19:18 in light of DTI ib. 43:6, assuming a he-liet interchange]; ip^lX 'Vp'T tfnx XPB'tf XS'XIX XAIiy light the lamps (on Friday) while the sun is still at the top of the date palms Sab 35b(l 1); Pes 93b(27); XWaitf 3"iyx the sun set Ber 2b(3); 'Da wyyon nxx ijn xwaiy xaiy from the time that the sun sets until the stars come out Meg 20b(5); xnan ^'oxn 'apa men xwav xa-ijn ins after the sun of the Sabbath sets (and) before darkness falls Anan 77:4; ib. 27:6; 44:6; 50:19; 114:23; mm b^pb Dip stand opposite the sun HM 40:11; XWB'PB '»j? X27BKH xm the radiance of the sun is more intense than the sun Yom 28b(46); XffB'en 'TTJB/ the radiance of the sun ib. [4- 2# XT13#]; xnpaiO XV11V the red sun BB 84a(16); 2. sunlight: sg. 'JXIBE;'? nTOffX D^3X X2/B'E/3 'JXJI PN found PN2 lying in the sunlight Sab 129a(46); KWVb x"71DB from the shade to the sunlight Ket 112b(l); Sab 128a(52); Bes 25b(34); Ned 23a(l); BM 84a(22); ^ljrn 'XBX Xn'3 1J^ XK/BW why does sunlight enter the house (of the emperor)? San 39a(36); Sab 119a(46); XttWBn X'^in sweetness of (the fruit dried in) the sunlight Men 87a(10); 3. fever: sg. 713 XttfB'W 'ar xn"?n ra ... 'ar '-in ra ... xar a fever of one/two/three days Git 67b(22); xnp'nj? XB?BB? an ongoing [lit. old] fever ib. 23; 28 Expl. RaH: Dl'V DT XT1J1 Jimp OHR Git 44:7 [mng. 3]; Y: XW13W ««/ 57b(43; BAYTN 131). NJltt't^ n.m. a disease (etym. unkn.) sg. HM 38:2 YP n.m. &"/i, twenty-first letter of the alphabet (Sy j-oc- LS 748) sg. |'©3 'TDT D1WB because it is written with sin Sot 5a(46) [i.e. bin® and 1&3 are both written w. this letter]; bans .THIS1? 'IP 1'ltfl it is permitted to denigrate him with gimel and sin Meg 25b(42) [cf. OHP ib. 81:12]; BMsD 6:16 Lit: R. Steiner, Morag Vol 161»; Y: \"D Meg ib. NS'tf, pi. '3'tf n.f. tooth, ivory (4- Ttf "111, Xirtf; TA xritf TO Dt 19:21, Ma 1#X3'» MD 462, Sy i^iy tooth, ivory, pi. rdjJL, rc'&iiL LS 789) 1. tooth: sg. ''TO X311 he has a large tooth AW 50b(19); pi. TJ'ir/3 'V 'linxi show me Your teeth Aef lllb(45); .Tnbnjn X^n ^ "?S3 nTE?3 nyDpl he bent over the tip of his prepuce and bit it off with his teeth AZ 10b(45); inrbptf inrpnn ('XXirra nnSlD^ he cut his fingernails with his teeth and threw them away MQ 18a(22); rrrK/3 XTn'p1? n'pDS he cut off the cluster (of dates) with his teeth Sab 156b(37); irU'pin K-I1B1 K3't& t : t 1137 JW "aitfJ.pSJ TVYVJi he gnashed his teeth (and) died Git 47a(17); Yom 47a(18); '3'W1 '3D n''? mn X1? rPBI ^D'aV (the ox) did not have molars and teeth to eat with and it died SW42b(10); MQ 25b(6); Hul 59b(36); San 39a(22); AZ 28a(12); Ber 56a(42; MGG 705:1); Bo 78:4; 2. a tooth- shaped point of support, protrusion: pi. 'XH X3rv TK/ nVflX XniWD the large intestine is situated on three protrusions Sab 82a(9); ib. 10; 3. sharp point of a saw, tooth [cf. Akk sinnu tooth of a comb, saw, etc. CAD §/3 52, mng. 3]: pi. XTJKn 'J'W the teeth of a saw HPQ 218:7 = HG3 113:15!; 4. ivory: sg. xren X(pn)(np)(D)n an ivory chair 5a6 119a(13) [M: X^'BT XpTlDn] The mng. of this word in X'tm WW //Gi 156:45 is unclear; on Sab 119a(13; O), v. I KJW; Y: K3'S7 &ft ib.(BAYTN 135). - N1WT N3'^ n.m. mountain peak (4- X7K5; Sy k'-vvVj w'iy PSm 4231, Ma XTltrt WV MD 462) sg. Git 68b(27); 5M 86a(45; G23); San 96b(52) [v. OH ib. 492:22] 1# N'^3'1!; n.m. change (< MH 'W& Yeivin, BV 960, J 1564; 4- Vl#M1» pa.; TA li» TJ Is 28:11; cf. Sy KLLicLi, LS 790) sg. XD,X(1) '3T mm ]TOT pam "TO 'Xn ,!?1D X'U'» when PN saw that there was such a change in the oral tradition of the Rabbis iSGF 20:11 2#N'^3'B; n.m. solution, answer (4- V2#'3E/ pa.) sg. X1H X"iri£; pj«n X,,i:''^ the solution which we gave is a (real) solution Pes 12b(45; V17) // Ket 98b(9) [v. pi.]; fiaon Dip'! X"iatt?X1 should we rely on a solution (of s.o.'s opinion as the basis of a legal decision)? BB 135a(8); Yom 57b(34); Tern 25b(39); XpTIT X"MV a contrived solution Ket 42b(12); X'13'W fTlT Xaj?B T13 xVl the reason for this solution is unclear TGHark 106:33; ib. 51:20; ra4,s42 63:4; ib. 66:4; pi. "W irU'X "13'W ]3'3»n the solutions which we gave are (correct) solutions Pes 12b(40); 'rrcn Xnii/m n'Vs 'XB3 xa-n "ax "to 'in Va now that we have given all of these solutions, in what do PN and PN2 differ? Tern 6a(33); ib. 6b(16); Kar 14a(37); Nid 26a(10); ym "13'» 5g 36a(18) // ib. 106a(25) // Tern 21a(3); TGAs42 63:24; IVTllW pm'^lp their questions and solutions ISGF 58:2 Y: X;U'W &6 3b(4; BAYTN 259). KlTIM't^ n.f. she-cat (4- xmJltf; Sy rt'^iix. LS 791, Ma xmxrw MD 462) sg. Sa« 105a(51) [Var:.Xnn3W OH ib. 528:28] KH'tP, K3N3'27 n.m. one having long teeth (< 4- xri» + xr; cf. 1 xa:pi, xary, xaspnp, X3J3B?) sg. 5er 36a(33) [nickname of Rav Yehuda b. R. Shim'on]; Sab 7a(37); Er 28b(48); ib. 54a(9); RH 24b(32); Hag 15b(43); ATe/ 53a(3); Gif 78b(21); Qid 32a(37); Bg 14a(38); BB 133b(30); AZ 43b(23); Kar 19b(48); Nid 13a(47); XiXriS 5a« 80b(26) Geon. expl.: Ybv l'J'W TWX '3 Q'J'W 'jya TOTTBl ... WXrW I'jbwb w ni3l7,i rrnww wxrw "xm ... inva mVra vn rnin' 'B3 iVbx uiiBba nna x::'B .pj'X xoVya 'V'n 'am ... vaye mix rmip -|3 crw 'jni 'raw D'wpi D'w: oht Ber 85:8; v. also OHT Ket 45:11; Y: XH'W Hag 14b(47; BAYTN 226). Xr\VV n.f. sleep (V^'; TA xrutf TO Gen 15:12, Sy k'^jjL LS 789, Ma XJlJ'tf MD 462) sg. X^ Sm'»7 X"?X X,l7,',7 'TJ'X the night was created only for sleep Er 65a(33); Swt 26b(6); IIHIU'W xaa'T their daytime sleep Bo 8:16; ib. 10:4; X'XIX Xnr!7 .TV he fell asleep Tan 23a(46); £r 65a(21); 5o 101:1; ib. 141:13; Wll'ltn XBD sleeping potion BM 83b(49; F1); xni,2;,7 n1? H3yT they prepare it [i.e. a fox's tooth] (to bring on) sleep Sab 67a(37); Pes 112a(5) Y: xrU'B &i ib.(BAYTN 33) 1# Nj?P'» n.m. jujube (Sy klAuu*, LS 768) pi. 'pO'W J'^S nx you, distribute jujubes 5A/60a(41) // 55 21b(25); ywv HP 191:4(HPP 293:19) Lit: Flora 3:140; Y: 70W BB ib.(BAYTN 132). 2#NpO'B/ n.m. weasel (etym. unkn.) sg. TRN 577:6 [stated to be 'BIX ]12/V; expl. MH ^'X x"?n Sab 28a(30) and expl. by Arab 3T3T, i.e. ^353 a type of cat Lane 3:1208] Geon. expl.: W'l opnBl 'jH) ^lfin niD31 JTPn ]0 X'H ni»j7 TPT3 D'jsw u I'DBinw X'aso'xs 'lxnw -ayom xin xaoi nsnn D':u is TRN ib. 4. J?'B7 adj. smooth (4- Vyyiff pe., pass.part.; Sy «- <: : y y LS 791) a. objects: sg.f. n"tn "?TX XaiD xyir; mm he went (and) saw that (the pitch-covered area of the winepress) was very smooth AZ 74b(17); pl.m. n,_IDp 'JH» its nodes [i.e. of the spit of pomegranate wood] are smooth
K2?'t? 1138 NXIB'tf T • Pes 74a(16); AZ 33b(40) [glazes]; f. ]y» Pes 40a(24) [barley]; b. parts of the body: sg.m. 'JXP y'EH 3^ the heart is different because it is smooth ib. 74b(4); 30b(26); f. xyttH K3'H where (the aborted object) was smooth Nid 21b(46); Hul 47b (5) [lung; i XTIDIX] V: yt> Pes 74b(4; Mo 239); X?'W /IZ 74b(17). KJPtf n.m. sealing clay (4- Vyitf; TA J/'K? JlBlia To'tium 19:15; Sy r^ < ; y. LS 764, > Arab £U~ mixture of clay and straw Fr, AF 7) sg. 'fi"a X'aa H'1? nxm X3"H xy© he brings sealing clay of a vat and soaks it in water Sab 66b(24); ib. 25; pi. rxm TV YW sixty (pieces of) sealing clay ib. 110b(8) Y: XJTI? &>A 66b(24; BAYTN 12). N"TUW#, cs. llJPfi? n.m. size, amount (4- Vnytf; JPA Tiy'tt DJPA 548) 1. size, measurement: sg.cs. XTliaX TiyW the size of a nut Gtt 69a(39); det. ]MTT XTljrP the (standard) size of the scholars Ber 20b(37); BB 27b(39); XTiyff XDWaa a measurement concerning the length Suk 2b(25); rr-nyw rr1? 1x3 nviryufr ri'V n'jpWT ira when you remove its [i.e. the olive's] stone, its (minimum) size is diminished Ber 39a(l); Hul 10b(26); pi. 'liyPX 'ytJ Xpl he errs regarding the (permitted and forbidden) sizes Sab 73a(31); ^31 'DlDXa '» TVf? 'TiyE? WO abt X3TI wherever their legal quantities are not equal to each other can they be combined? ib. 76a(30); Er 83a(3); 2. amount: sg.cs. 'Xrl3» TiyK/3 xynxi XV11 a g.-measure of land according to the amount of my amelioration BQ 96a(8); BM 15b(4); det. Xn^a X'^fl XTiy»3 the matter is dependent on the amount Pes 45b(32); XTIJWa 1D1T1 Xm'»3 ff'Bn in terms of the effort (picking out the refuse) is great. In terms of the amount it is small Bes 14b(17); XTiy'tf H'V n'V there is no (limiting) amount Meg 29a(13); XTiy'tf KMm na 3.T X1? the Merciful One did not specify an amount concerning it Zev 109b(22); "Xp XpT nap'l 'X» XTiy'tfa 'BD X'jy 'XH what is going on that this poor man is remaining (alive) more than the (usual) amount (of time)? San 109b(39) Y: tnvrV Ber 20b(37; BAYTN 142). I'tf, f]"B; adj. filed down (4- ^lw\W pe., pass. part.; 4- 1#XB'W; Sy w"\; y. PSm 4099) sg.m. XB"W XJX'-ITH X3"TD XTJ'I a filed down Trajanic Hadrianic denar AZ 52b(32; J) // XB'P 5e/fc 50a(l; MGN 28:2L") [F: XB'Xtt] Lit: Sperber, Money 2296; Y: XB'tf AZ ib. 1#KB'#, N3'tf n.m. perh. board (4- Vl#«]1^, «|'ti; TA XD'P TJ Hab 2:11) sg. XB'tf im (a door) having one board Er 101a(17) [expl. MH Jim ruaVx ib.; Van X3'K? OHP ib. 102:19] Geon. expl.: 1. inx irfr; 2. ,VTB 'JWB mBXJ nJ'NB OHP ib. 19. 2# NB'B? n.m. a measure (cf. Sy ■***;' • * » [var. .•A* «\. v ] a measure used by people of Askalon LS 794) sg. '"U'"n XB'W an i.-measure of denars Qid 40a(15; Ar [AC 8:129, s.v. u*p\) Geon. expl.: jnx OHP Qid 212:9; Lit: Eps, Stl 41 [rejects Geon. expl.]. 3# NS'tf n.m. (uncertain) sg. XD'W in 'V an give me one ... Qid 9a(2; V302HG2 206:99[Var]) 4# KB'# n. papyrus reed (< 4- XDntf; 4- XJ3TIX) pi. 'DIP 3W seven marsh reeds ^Z 28b(2; GC 18:6); '31 "?3 'B'tf GC 108:7 [expl. MH ]3TIX MPar 12:8 and expl. as i/Jjill v»^] Lit: Flora 1:580. n.m. lower portion, skirt of a garment (I VbBtf; TA '9lB» pi. TO Ex 19:17, Sy ■s Va «\ v LS 795, Ma xVlB'W MD 462) 1. lower portion: sg. xawi iyi n'blBPa H'b 'Jp he acquires possession of it [i.e. the date palm] from its lower portion down to the abyss BB 37b(21) // X^lB'ttfB Ara 14b(26); pl.cs. '^1B'»3 'TXn Hat 'ry 'rnm 'r-inx itxn xm 'a xry you see with the lower portions of (one) eye what others do not see with two eyes TGAs42 52:17; 2. skirt of a garment: sg. ,1'ViB'Bn H'1? J'Dpn (the children) used to grab him by the skirt of his garment Tan 23b(37) [cf. Ma: ffrlB'ttn X'tt?!'*? Jb 73:8]; San 102b(13) Y: ,1'VlS'B BB ib.(BAYTN 262). KflVlB'tf n.f. lower portion (4- V^Btf; Ma XrfrlB'P MD 462) sg. HX'm XJ1^1B'» the lower part of the lung HG3 152:14 NX1B'# n.m. repairing (4- VfBtf) sg. 'Xa XXIB'W /kM03a(32; Ar [AC 8:139]) Knis't? 1139 i6j?'t? SHIS't? n.m. shofar, vessel for holding coins (Sy k4q 'n ; y . LS 798, Ma X-|1B'1» MD 462) 1. sAo/ar: a. general: sg. XmXIXn XniSlSn XIIS'E; X11B'© (from the time that the Temple was destroyed), the shofar (was called) 'trumpet' (and) the 'trumpet' (was called) shofar Sab 36a(7) // Suk 34a(32); pi. ms'tf rump 'np ]in,aa'B you blow horns, you sound shofars Bo 78:18; b. used for announcements: sg. X71D'tt> XnTT the shofar (proclaiming) the new moon Nid 38a(35; Ar [AC 8:141]); San 41b(45); "?p ya© Xa32?T xniB'W he heard the sound of the shofar (announcing the appearance) of a dead person MQ 27b(27); BM 59b(43); pi. 'llD'tt XB"?X nri'B six thousand shofars Meg 29a(7); 'TIB'E? 'pB3 nxtt?i xij'n na x:in am niro 'pD3 noxi xa-n the shofars of PN proclaim a prohibition (on the fish hash). The shofars of PN2 proclaim a permission /1Z 40a(27) // ib. 57b(22); mB'W Vp '2?aiff '3T the sound of the shofars of Friday evening ib. 70a(29) [indicating the onset of the Sabbath]; c. used for proclaiming a ban [4- Vl#'1p pe., mng. 9]: sg. n'nattH miD'W p'BX he took out his shofar and excommunicated him Qid 70a(29); ms'«? my shofar San 7b(39) [as part of a judge's equipment]; pi. nxa yaixa maV pna rrnaw niB'» Barak excommunicated Meroz with four hundred shofars MQ 16a(16); Sot 47a(36); San 107b(26); MQ 17b(l); »fe 3 [expl. as 1JBB I'yiBJ^ they exact retribution from him]; niB'W3 mnn'1?! nan©'1?! let him be excommunicated and banned with shofars Geon 154:11; ib. 31; XJinaPl niB'»1 s«o/a« and bans 5o 53:2 [referring to types of demons]; ib. 120:16; 2. vessel for holding coins [MH 15W T§eq 3:4 (213:11)]: sg. Xip'ya mm XTIB'ff K1HH rmn1 aT '3 a certain i.-vessel which was originally in PN's house Git 60b(22) [v. Geon. expl.] Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: Wl XHMTiOT 1331T XBlp H1H X11B'»1 (nu1? 'ama) 'jxip' p iin1? 'nxi I§GF 87:23 [I 4#xDip>]; Lit: Brand 533 [mng. 2]; Voc: rvem VTM 45; Y: xniB'B G/7 ib.(BAYTN 138). n.m. fatigue, exhaustion (Sy rdiLa-x- LS 795, mng. 3) n'Diya x"?S'E?a HTP 'aTJII you should throw him on his bed in exhaustion Bo 142:7 1 # NX'fi? n.m. fin of a large fish (etym. unkn.) sg. X-HDT XX'©1? XX'P ]'a between one fin and the other of the fish BB 73b(24); pi. 'X'ff 'in /6. 73b(27) Y: 'S'B BB ib.(BAYTN 13). 2# KS't!7 n.m. a type of date (<Akk stsutu, susu a quality of dates CAD 5/3 124, 277, MH f'W J 1567, > Arab o^f dates of bad quality Hava 385) pi. 'X'© 'V uyD the date palms bore s.-dates Mg 25b(42) From the fact that the MQ passage refers to an event following the death of a scholar, it may be inferred that the dates were of bad quality. Lit: Flora 2:341; Pfl 114; Y: 'S'W MQ ib.(BAYTN 13). 'S't!7 vb. to destroy (< Akk usesi to expel CAD A/2 382, mng. 8, s.v. asu §; BA X'X'e? HALOT 1993) Quad.: H'V 'X©a 'ami the Merciful One will destroy him Anan 13:14; "73 ]'na n'X'tfVl 1'JTT 1'Vaaa to destroy with them all evil m.- demons Bo 7:17 QuadRef. to be destroyed: 'XTWl ib. 74:4 Lit: AIOA 104. l#Nn'3S'S; n.f. Glyceria fluitans (a grass; 4- XJlVD, xaTip) sg. Pes 35a(28; E'TGHark 179:6) [expl. MH n'anp THal 1:1]; Xn'JX'iZ/ XD'^ID '3'3 xnan^aT g.f found among papyrus reeds ib. 29 Geon. expl.: XBjn p ^333 D1B33 xxaji imx fsm' 13XB i'» xm OHT Pes 33:13; nVJBp 'J'Ba inx ]'B XrUX'W GnK5 175:2; Lit: Flora 1:704; Y: XIVK'W Pes ib.(BAYTN 197). 2# Nn'JS'B; n.f. (uncertain) sg. xn'JX'En xnV'a «l'iy salt of... is preferable 5fl 74b(33; P1) [M: Xri'JXWT; v. DS, ad loc, n. 0] [Kp'P 4- XTV n.] KflBip'^, pi. KmBip'P n.f. type of demon (lit. affliction, blow; 4- V«]p©; Ma XriBlp'P MD 463) sg. xnSip'U? X'nn Bo 61:3; ib. 36:7; 50:6; pi. 14:9; 37:4; 43:2; 86:2; 102:4; 119:14 N"P'tf*4-2#X'pttn. KVp'B; n.m. taking (4- Vl#"?ptf pe., mng. 3) sg., only in phrase N'"1D1 discussion,
'»p»tf 1140 nstk; t : negotiation [lit. taking and throwing; cf. Sy «? \\ * A /VnT. commerce LS 799, mng. 7]: XJlVtum xnDI xVp'W negotiation and business SSSad 201:26 'Mp'tP n.m.pl. (uncertain; I 1# XSp'tf) n'V Xl'Vl 'tipvo Men 33b(27; P2V10) NJ7p'# n.m. watercourse, trough (< X'p'KJ*; 4- Vl# 'j?B>, XJ'ptia; Sy ^ \ n y LS 798) sg. xn Xyp'ED X'S there is, in fact, water in the watercourse AZ 37b(43; P'JAr [AC 8:150]) Lit: Eps, Stl 123. l#NBp'tP n.m. perh. door post (4- V«]ptf) pi. 'Sp'tf 1.T7 n'bl £>- lla(27) // 'Dpw A/en 33b(27; V8) [expl. 'N8W<S"t) 'lOTS ib.] Geon. expl.: 1. >|lpwn; 2. n'jin TX 13 I'D'^aW 3p: 13W HlV fy OHP Er 87:1; Y: 'BjW £r ib.(BAYTN 104). 2#NSp'tf n.m. affliction (4 Vlptt?; cf. Sy k"^ nf»-g- LS 801) sg. 5o 38:3 NXp'B/ n.m. unclean animal (< BH ypf HAL 1519; TA XSp'W TO Lev 11:10) pi. XOS'Tl XXp'W unclean animal and creeping creature Bo 8:14; 'Spit? "p "jni they will make you graze unclean animals Ber 56a(4; Ed) Y: 'Sj?tf Ber ib.(BAYTN 132). Klp'ti; n.m. falsehood, lie (4- VlpP; TA XnpW TO Lev 5:24, Ma Xip'W MD 463, Sy k'-Lxxx. LS 801) a. general: sg. X1? XCWIp xn'DB? XIp'W NITOW falsehood is common. Truth is uncommon Sab 104a(35); Xip'iy rDTW'Xl rrWl *7TX1 he went and asked him, and it turned out to be a lie Ket 72a(39); -]B1Ba KIpV npSB xV you will not utter a lie Svu 31a(19); »(')n)JX .T1? XB'J] X1? n,!? I'Va xpT n,!? 3'iT xVi 't» -J8? xwm xpir1? Xlpttf a person should not say to a child: "I shall give you something," and (then) not give (it) to him, because he teaches him a lie Suk 46b (3 8); Yev 116b(12); XIp'KO 'Tmr&l D1WB because it appears to be a lie Ket 85b(l); /?// 20b(l); G/7 26b(36); BQ 70a(8); 55 172a(12); sywi XnV'a something which is untrue TGHark 105:24; pi. IH'np'W yvmb 'Taj? they are apt to maintain their lies Git 29a(22); b. in adv. phrase VXnp'IW falsely: 'jnrW'X Xnp'tyn XJ.X1 did I swear falsely? Svu 26a(38); ib. 46b(35); 5g 103b(39); yimx P'pTnB X1? 'TpW3 ,-7,Ttf we do not really assume that the witnesses (testify) falsely BB 7b (14) Y: Xy<B Sab 104a(35; BAYTN 132). 1#KTS? n.m. bracelet (poss. < Akk sewerum AHw'l205; 4- XTltf; TA ]'T» pi. TJ Is 37:29, Sy K'-Uly, LS 749) sg. XT1P in /fef 63b(27); #G3 244:25; pi. 'TP 5<2 119a(47) But Rashi: tnx °7'ya Ket ib. [v., however, 1 1# nXTW, where this term is used for a garment only in the pi.]; Voc: XTW HGP 54b: 10. 2#NTtf 4- l#nXTtf n. l#nNT#, NTtf, pi. 'NTtf n.m. silk, silk garments (< MP serai FiP 4:11; 4- 2#nXTB>, Xins; TA p% pi. TJ Ezek 27:19, Sy rciJ-W-x,, rdJ-U^. silk LS 749, Ma 1# X'XnXW MD 445) 1. silk: sg. XIJIS XTff p.-silk Sab 20b(31; M) [4- XIJ-IB]; pi. 'XTEH 'pDS pieces of silk AS 143b(10); 'XTttH '3113 bundles of silk 5a« 67b(26); D'p] D'PTp »j?r» '5?X3 .Tin ,<3){3) "XTtt/3 when he wanted to hold sacrifices, he would hold them in silk Pes 57a(41); 2. pi. silk garments: 'XTWX '03 'BWD to overturn (perfumed) cups on silk garments Bes 23a(3); 'XTCa E/'TpT XTJ1 XlTfl a certain man who betrothed (a woman) with silk garments Qid 7b(26); ib. 9a(17); 32a(20); 73a(21); Sab 90a(47) [4- TJT1]; Meg 27b(45) [4- Vaao itpe.]; ATe* 65a(40); San 82a(31) [4- XDBO]; XsVaT 'XTW the royal silk garments Ber 56a(56) Lit: H.S. Nyberg, Kungl. Vet. Soc. Arsbok 1967:33+ [< Mongolian origin]; W Henning, Transactions of the Philological Society, 1945:153+. The mng. of ,1KTW x:XH HM 43:21 is uncertain; Y: KVV Sab 20b(32; BAYTN 13). 2#nNT# n.m. perh. silk weaver (4- l#nXTB>) pi. 'XTSH XSVipa nnna she hit her with a club of the silk weavers (?) Ket 65a(34) KJirvtf 4- xrvntf n. N'TE/ n.m. a cantillation sign representing se#o/ (etym. unkn.) sg. BMsG 20:3; ib. 22:4 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 105. NXTtf, NXItf n.m. creeping animal (4- Vptf; Sy K^-Ur- LS 810) sg. n'p© TID'aT KSW 'Xa what is a creeping animal? One whose legs are low BQ 80a(38) NP,T^ 1 Y: KSnB Sg ib.(BAYTN 97). NpTfi/ n.m. pressed-out fatty secretion (< Mir *sirak [cf. NP sira pressed juice of fruit PED 774) sg. X'jraT XpTiy fatty secretion of the intestines Pes 68a(27) [expl. MH V2y ^m Mib. 6:1]; Xpnn 31X p'SJT X'5?aT Xpitt; a fatty secretion of the intestines which can be removed by (applying) pressure MQ 22a(23) [expl. MH nn1"? THul 3:11] // Hul 50a(13) Geon. expl.: 'jn nv,-r> 2TTp ma 103 Tl lSW OHT Pes 149:8(Ar). The mng. of X'lB NpTW roasted ... Sab 109a(15; Oxf., c.27, 11,VM) is uncertain; cf. KSTIBW 3Wy n"lD KpTW Dn3 GnK5 168:23; RaH: K'n 01 K'lB Xp'IW X'H 'X8 ^ Tn3 X^l j'nien rnowas pix pioaw otpdsx 'ya 'jw d'B ]n '3 nasi Vvtrm'} ]H I'B'l ]12b ]niX; Lit: Geig, AAC 405; Y: Xj?TB Wu/ ib.(BAYTN 132). KJTTIP n.f. (uncertain) sg. 'nV'BH Xa"pT XI1T» the ... which is located at the end HG3 155:34 1#NB;'«7 n.m. marble (Sy «L±+x- LS 774) sg. Yom 31b(2); /ev 121b(15); WV xbma '33X Xiaiai rocks of stibnite, i.-marble, and m.- marble Suk 51b(24); BB 4a(24); Xtf'Un Xn'3 a room of marble 5M 83b(49); Xev 121a(2; O2); San 77a(18); ATef 77b(20); KVV1 xn^'ST an upper chamber of marble 5a* 29b(27) Y: NB'W SS ib.(BAYTN 17). 2# NBTB; n.m. bottle (< Mir *sTsa [cf. NP iwa PED 775 < MP sisag bottle, flask CPD 80]; Sy r^T ;t .> r^^' y ; t LS 774, Ma XBTtt? bottle, phial MD 464) sg. XIP'K/T xaiS the mouth of a bottle Sab 141a(38) [Var: 'WltfXT H'aiS M; xaiS XWiyXT Ar (AC 1:326)]; mVOI XWV a bottle of oil BB 144a(31); xaDISXT XnwaT XWV a bottle of balsam oil San 109a(45; MGG 310:12) Geon. expl. [Sab ib.]: ntnp^K XB GnK5 170:9, i.e. ijjjUll li mouth of a long-necked bottle [cf. Blau, GMJA 150]. Ace. to Samuel, BH nW'BX 2S 6:19 should be interpreted as tail xnnm a jug for wine Pes 36b(40). KSt^'B; n.m. perh. window (Ma X3WX2? MD 446) pi. JYTOO 'SiyWHS}) I blocked up the windows Bo 139:14 [cf. Ma 'SEW1? ]1^XTJX0a (the soul) blocks up the windows (of the body) AT§ 1:281] N'llty'tt/ n.m. a rope made of palm cord (Sy r^nc. y ; y woven palm leaves for making a basket BBah 1975:3; cf. Akk serserru CAD §/2 321) sg. tnww irnyi X'Sin (he stole) .fi-material and made a rope out of it BQ 96a(27); "7HA XpT KTWV he plaits a rope Pes 82a(22) Geon. expl.: '3BTI l'a3 'Sin p GC 43:6 [4- X3B11]; v. GClntr 56; Y: xniB'B Pes ib.(BAYTN 139). l#KJTfi;, NJ1U& n.f. trap (< XJlJTti*; etym. uncertain) sg. nn'3 nVy isj'b xp mm arrv x'nn a certain trap about which two people were quarreling BQ 117a(28; HP 85:16,Ar [AC 8:181]) [= GeonH TITO HR 65:29; Var: XJIW HEs, Geon 291:20]; p3T1 tuwbl XD'K? GC 64:6 [expl. MH Din MKel 23:5 and expl. as H TTIXa]; iVipc; ... nVy 3,n,l7i xana"? xrn^ixi rrt> ot X3n3 'ap'a Xmiy bring the trap to PN and let him sit on it. Remove the trap from PN's presence Sab 124b(ll) Geon. expl.: H33W 'WW "731 'OTX 'ta GnK5 169:16, i.e. A -I XH33D, Arab ii^ netting, snare Wehr 453; RaH: X'H XniTO misn X'Hl H3 y'jain n'"nn OHR BQ 108:1; Lit: Eps, GC 6418. 2#NJTB; 4- 3iSBWn. Nri't?, f. Wti, pi. I'lTtf, Wt? num. six (4- xmntf, nxn'nw; Sy iut. LS 811, Man'»MD 464) sg.m. .Tfl'B? "Tip six (men) read (from the Torah) Meg 30a(2); XXW XIW2 Dpi Tip"X (the jugs of wine) rose in price and were worth six (denars) apiece Git 52a(43); 'pir xn'» xrw&l 'ITD XJl'iys I shall instruct six children in the six orders (of the Mishna) BM 85b(24); W xn'tt? XTQV six days of the week Anan 38:12; Tan 3a(ll); T1X3 HTTIS the sixth of Adar HP 185:24; 'S^X XlTtt? 6,000 Yev 16b(15); xn'B/B in one out of six Svu 35b(36); f. xn"lBX3 1TV six (years) with strangury BM 85a(9); 'IXO JTO six seahs MQ 12a(49); ym rm six years Er 61a(34); n'B? X'I7'1'7i six (hours) of the night Ber 3b(22); ptfy Jl'^1 twenty-six ^Z 8b(36); nxa n'B? six hundred /Te/ 98a(18); pi. 'pistil yrw sixty seals Sab 90b(24); Tl'tt? X'n he lived sixty (years) /?// 18a(31); 11] ••im sixty steps Pes 11 la(17); Tmy XrV'BX sixty bakers (f.) Ber 58b(13); ',T>X I'n'B? 'TJ'1 sixty male gods Bo 21:8; TTPW1 nxa Tbl\ 'av nj?31X1 three hundred and sixty-four days Yom 20a(5); ITO'T TJI't? 600,000 //«/ 7a(45) In BT, 'sixty' is often a typological number representing a large amount [v. e.g. Meg 7b(12); MQ lla(35); //ag 15a(22); BQ 92b(27); BW 85b(46); .A. 107b(29); San 7a(33); ^Z 28a(42)]. For a similar usage in Sy, cf: b\ 11 -t^ ii-imi ., y V ^jivjt.
"IOJW 1142 T ; T J; ■ — jjivjc, ^cnA I married sixty women and built them sixty castles AhSy 37:8; Lit.: Shaked, Dress 113; Voc: KJVW, yhv HPP 212:19; HGP 58a:12; Y: 1TB Ber 3b(22). - ipivtf, -io@n'tf, ifrj; n>&, f. norptf, '10@n't& num. sixteen (Sy -\m slkx- SG §148, Ma nXOXTl'2/ m./f. Nold, MG 188) m. T032/ TU: noirtsn xmiX the night between the sixteenth and the seventeenth (of the month) Men 68b(19); RH 20b(24); #P 186:3; nam ivy JVV Yom 4b(23); Pes lllb(33); AZ 3b(l); 1W XJW £r 56b(24); '^'B "I0@ri'2/ sixteen miles A/eg 6b(37); 55 106b(2; HP 96:18); -|0@ri'2/l nXB one hundred and sixteen Meg 17a(13); f. ty '-lOms/B 'mm D'12/J? from (the age of) sixteen to twenty- two Qid 30a(3); Yev 22a(2); XAIBX none/ sixteen cubits BM 107b(46); T3 non'2/ sixteen eggs //«/ 59a(7; V"); '32/ now sixteen years /5GF 113:2; jX'Tl no@n'2/ Sab 2b(25) Y: TOJTO tfu/ 76b(7). KljMD'tf n.m. boring a hole (Von2>; JPA Dime/ DJPA 549) sg. AZ 69b(36) Y: NffWW <4Z ib. N^n'C; n.m. plant (4- V?n2/; Ma x"?n'2/ MD 464, Sy pc'^vA^vjc, LS 812) pi. 'Vm2/ Vne/'B^" to plant plants SSHai 6b(16); 'jV'Xl 'tore/ "?31 all plants and trees ib. 8; Tin mnjn '^ne/ inin those are plants of 'orla AZ 22a(17; J) l#33t£, '3$ vb. to lie down, sleep, die (4- i# xm3t>x, X332/B, X33'2/, X332/, jna 3'3e>; Sy .-i«vt [e/a,o] LS 775, Ma 332/ [e/u] MD 465) Pe. (e/u) 1. to lie down: 'JXB3 JHTJ ]X» 3T IIH'^J? 3'3X2H one who touches garments upon which a gonorrheal person was lying Anan 49:19; San 29b(20) [4- X133J/]; 2. to sleep: 3'3B/1 D"3 '3 xnj/Be/ xn1? max 31 PN said this legal tradition when he was drowsy and falling asleep, Yev 24b(26) [+ //'s; 4- VdVJ pe, mng. 2.]; J'Tiam mn '3 P'32/ XT0S01 X'mSX XT'TJ/ when our love was intense we slept on (a bed) the width of a sword San 7a(33); XBB'31 X'^S ]'332/ XBN'X '33 D'J/l (the demons) sleep with people by night and day Bo 1:13; ib. 12:8; 59:14; 3. to have conjugal relations: p'S3T X3'32/ JTT "733 332/BV "p TDX nbvib JHT n332/ n3 you are forbidden to have any kind of conjugal relations in which semen is discharged for naught AnanSch 31:7; ib. 4; 4. to die [4- VOU pal., mng. 2]: "V? nBX X1? '3'32/ 13'X had I, indeed, died, I could not have told you Yev 46a(27) // Sab 152b(33) // BM 73b(26); Xinn mim 3TT n'm33'P3 3'32H a certain person who died in PN's neighborhood Sab 152a(51); Hag 5a(21); Yev 64b(36); San 34b(43; HGP 44b: 14); Git 69b(36); 5g 91a(39) // BB 26a(33); 3'32/ X^pT p32/l he died and left behind a date palm ib. 33a(12); Ket 84b(37); '32/1 eni'S she was divorced and died ib. 85b(37; HGP 44b: 14) [Var: n3'3e/l neni'X Fr]; Xri30 "n3 X3'3e/1 she died during the lifetime of (her) grandmother BB 125b(2); Sab 151b(49); BB 132b(22); nn 13'32/ H33 her two sons died San 97a(40); 3'32/ Xp '3 inb 'ax as he was dying he said to them BB 58a(26); ib. 133a(13); San 29b(21); X*7 Wl X33'3e/ so that I should not die again BQ H7b(7); 'xj/Vx '1 ai3^ xbi 'jnnx nxa 3'm n"n3 he fasted one hundred more days so that PN should not die in his lifetime BM 85a(49); BQ lllb(22); XT1X331 Xnn'X p32/l 3'3£H ]X» xnxmDT one who died and left a wife and minor daughters HP 105:9; ib. 117:15; iSGF 85:9; ib. 97:7; SSSad 265b: 16; 5. pass.part. situated together: XBIJ 'ITO p'DEH ]m pi! there are two (sinews) which are situated together with the bone HG3 156:41; ib. 157:54 Pa. to kill: mm VU'33tf he killed the oxen San 109a(51) [F2: inrtosp] Itpa. w. -1? to die: in1? 133fl2/X mn the oxen have died San ib. 2#33tf vb. to press (metath. < 4- Ve>33; Sy ~-.«- v ^ SIB 6:5) Af.: pass.part. p32/Bl ]2/'33 they are pressed down and suppressed Bo 18:11 Lit: Eps, Stl 345. N33EP n.m. sleeper, dead person (4- Vl# 332? pe., part.; Sy k4 <\ V ,-p^Y. Is 26:19 [H "IDJ/ '332/], Ma X3X3X2/ sleeper MD 441) 1. sleeper: pi. '77 'TID ~py nn^ '332/1 may the ones who are awake and the ones who are asleep be witnesses against you? San 29b(6); 2. dead person, corpse: sg. ^3 3',TH V31 ... X^IJOl X30BD 13 'ty» X332/ V'pBH x"?"nm '1S5?a 13 '"?ya X33^ anything which a dead person takes (in a dream) is good, except for yip 3'3ff 11 a shoe or a sandal. Anything which a dead person gives is good, except for earth and mustard Ber 57b(46); X332H X"lp' honor for the deceased San 46b(52); Sab 94b(8); MQ 27b(27) [4- KniS'O mng. 1]; Git 69b(36); BB 91a(18) [4- xn'31M]; X'3S 'ap p X33C pS3T X3'n if a corpse was taken out (for burial) before evening HP 167:4; ib. 7; n'33f 13p'a to bury his corpse HG2 227:67; X33W 'in3 "llVx1?! '"JIDS'X1? l'3"na they are required to be idle from work and to accompany the corpse (for burial) Geon 121:19; ib. 16; Dec 4:12; IKI 3b:3; pi. '33f I'm Wiax you say that the dead will live (again) San 90b(56); '13pT '33C they used to bury the dead (in Hebron) Ket 112a(21); '33W 'Dtsna xp they exhume the corpses Yev 63b(34); mbm '332? you stripped corpses Ber 56b(21); X'JSnm '332/ the corpses of GN San 48b(18; F2) Y: K33W Ber 57b (47). — JHH 3'3tp n.m. gravely ill person (lit. lying sick; < JudA jna 332/ MBB 9:6 [legal term]; 4- Vjna) sg.m. Git 75b(6); i& 77b(12); 5M 66a(ll);£S7/aj8b(16) Y: yia 3'3B Gi7 ib. [N33D27 4- XU32/ n.] 1# N313B; n.m. pledge (4- Vps>; cf. Sy pdiloJ- gift, legacy LS 777) sg. H'31 n3132/T its pledge is next to it [i.e. the mortgagee has the first right to buy the field] BM 68a(9) [expl. I XJi:32/B mng. 1] Y: toaw BM ib. 2# X313tf 4- X3312/ n. 1# ri3tf vb. to find (Sy >u ^ t. af. LS 775, Ma 1#X32/ MD 464) Pe., pass.part. 4- n'32> Af. 1. to find: a. alone: n32/H '31? whenever you find (them) Ber 19a(18) [4- '31? conj., mng. b.]; vam X1?! 1pl3 they searched and did not find (anything) Ket 61b(6); Git 68a(8); b. w. dir. obj.: n?Il n32/Xl pn pS3 he went out, investigated, and found three (cases) Ber 19a(18); y4Z68a(18); Xnp 2/mi m32/X they found a biblical verse and expounded (it) ib. 52b(24); x"71 n'n'31? VlX nTD2/X he went to his house and did not find him San 95a(43); Xian n'n32/X n"Vj he uncovered it i#n3t& [i.e. the pit] (and) found it (contained) wine Git 68a(46); Vs'aV 'TB X3n32/B 'X 'W'XI pIS'XI "7'1'X let me go out and see if I can find anything to eat Git 56a(37); nrDtt/a 'a XSOn "lb 'X"?T1 lX^ 'X nmn XmnB were it not that I had lifted up the oyster shell for you, would you have found the pearl under it? Yev 92b(28) [+ //'s; 4- 2#XS0n mng. 2a]; n1? nrD2ZB '3'n how can you find it? [i.e. such a case] Pes 27a(39) [and passim]; xVl XH3 n'apibn 'xmn'T xn"?x n'nst/1? so that the God of the Jews should not find me [lit. him] and bring me [lit. him] to court (in judgment) Git 56b(46); '"? '"ITO1? n32/B Xp X"?T XVI 2/'3'X 'Vh perhaps he cannot find anyone (with whom) to send (it) to me BQ 104a(39); mJIxV H32/B XpT 'X if he can find someone to whom to hire it out [i.e. the boat] BM 79b(7); c. w. "\ + vb.: ]n32/X 5/2/in' n'V yios'XT ]n32/x x^i ... 2/3j/'xn we found that he was punished, but we did not find that PN needed him [i.e. his advice] Er 63a(52; M); n"nXT iri32ZX '3'n where did we find that he revived him? San 47a(34; M); Sab 5b(34); Yev 5b(13); Men 15a(35); d. w. dir. obj. + "1 + vb.: .TE/M rm mrD2/X they found out that he had died BQ 117a(50); 2/'T! xpT ,Tn32/X Xnx he came (and) found him expounding (Scripture) Sab 148a(4); 3'SJZ mm nTI32/X "3X XTO PN came (and) found that he was sad Git 37b(ll); naxpi 'ami sn m ]mb inrn'n32/x I found the students of the be rav sitting and saying Qid 47b(i8); xp mm xTabxi Kinm n'nn32/x nmi3 X2/n'V3 D'lJ PN encountered a certain student reciting (the tradition) in a whisper Er 53b(46); 2. to apply s.t: rb nn32/B 'm32/XT ]T3 since you can indeed apply it Yev 9b(ll); Xnp3 m> m32/B X31131 Xp"?D1 X"n you can apply it to raw gourd, spinach, and cabbage Ber 38b(19); 7in32/BT ^DB ptl D1pB3 X"72/ inViS 'a: this implies that you can also apply all of them in a case without damage BQ 85b(12); Ber 27a(ll); Sab 70b(22); RH 6b(23); JVaz 34a(23); MaA 8a(8); Men lla(35); 3. w. MH to attain justice: X'3n2/'B nnB'V n'j?-ixV n'1? p'sai xan ma/ai xmsVa tomorrow the government will change, he will attain justice, and recover his field HP 50:32 Itpe. (a) 1. to be found: a. people: Von 'Xn 43
2#n3B; 1144 rratf rDJlfa X^f XT33 one who falls into a well and is not found Ber 56a(38); X1?! paxi by tan ITDnWtt woe for those who have perished and are not found San llla(37) [cf. Ma: TX3XT DXTJ'a Xaoma something lost will be found AM 143:10]; Nid 62a(22); b. documents: XD'l Xinn XJHTU3 n3JWXT a certain gef that was found in GN tev H5b(3i); xpwa inancwi xrr'jpx nn (deeds of) transfer which are found in the street BM 16b(21); BB 24a(33); /4Z 70a(35); #«/ 48b(33); 2. to happen to be: 'TT '3a nSTTC/BT 'XH one who happens to be in the granary BQ 113b(41); 3. impersonal usage it turns out, the result is [JPA rDTOX DJPA 550; cf. MH2 XXBJ J 825]: X31B 'ta'a mm naJWXI it turned out that it was raised a great deal Sab 92a(32); rontPX 'in xabya nrn&a in xypm naaioi it turned out that the thickness of the firmament was one-sixth of the world Pes 94a(17); Hag 3a(18); Ned 50a(36); Git 87b(35); fen 69b(53); mtVtTK xar rf?n laayxi p'u -iwy ina itaai it turned out that they were circumcised on the thirteenth of Nisan and they were delayed (by the circumcision) for three days Anan 82:3; ib. 14:6; 30:14; 104:4; AnanSch 24:21 Lit: Bacher217; Danzig, IHP I69193 [Af, mng. 3]. 2# T\y& vb. to forget (< BH 1# TOW pe. HAL 1381; 4- XrD'tf; JPA 2#n32/ DJPA 550) Pe. (a/ ) to forget (of a halakhic tradition): rDKfl 1BJ he learnt and forgot Sab 120a(ll) // Hag 14a(53); mnnyaetf? nirav am m»M ru xb p ty pn has not yet died, (and) we have forgotten his legal tradition Pes 106b(3) Pa. id.: rnttOT J"J?X1 VWX DCr/fnr1? a person should study even though he forgets AZ 19a(32) Af. to cause s.o. to forget: ]» natwn mya DX T^'T ta man if you want to cause another to forget all that he has learnt HM 45:24 Itpe. to be forgotten: a. Torah: DT?En on 'XT 'x^bV'ds ,m xmna 'rx-rc/'B rnnn xrorwa if-God forbid!-the Torah will be lost from the Jews, I can restore it from my argumentation Ket 103b(41); BM 85b(19); b. halakhic tradition: nanttf'X rOWXT what was forgotten was forgotten (and not recovered) Tern 15b(41); iSGF 47:3; mra ta3T xTiaVn mtwi xmyn nxa w he fasted one hundred days so that he should forget the talmud of Babylonia BM 85a(48); NDGR 234:6 '3tf 4 Vaatf vb. 3'3tf 4 xaais n. n'ptl' adj. present, available, frequent, common, close, familiar (4 Vl#rD© pe., pass, part.; Sy . u i ? r LS 775, JPA .TOE/ DJPA 550) 1. present, available: a. alone: matt? mn XT^X XBT ta 'm XJU'riaa Elijah was present in PN's academic session every day BM 85b(39); rvyi! xnaa he is available in the town BQ 33a(14); ib. H3a(i9); mann mb ]T?,ab pa maw xta xa'n where there is no priest available to whom one may give terumot ... AnanSch 14:4; f. 'a HWX XrTOIP X*7 XltfXma a woman is not usually present in the school MQ 18a(29); XJl'a U3 XJITOE? X3X I am usually at home Ket 67b(40); b. w. "V: sg.m. 7Pb ri'DC he is readily available to him Git 62a(18; As); 'TIT T3 m1? ITOEn (the copper denar) was available to him among the zuzim Qid 8a(48; O2); fe« 71a(16); f. mV '1T3W (an immoral woman) is readily available to him Git 13a(10; V15); pl.m. m1? VIW (water) was readily available to him Pes llla(14); 2. frequent, common: a. as a pred.: sg.m. ri'DlP X^> npB bwi annulling a purchase is not frequent BM 50b(25); ITWJ 'TB a frequent matter ATe/ 59a(7); xta 'TB W0V 5a? 16a(42); &6 lllb(18); Meg 7b(16); AW 43a(21); f. "71TX xrVOO X"?l XITOBn XJV7'a "73 xblpb xn'SEH "IJ13 )33T (in) any matter which is (both) frequent and infrequent [i.e. it has a frequent and infrequent use], the scholars followed the frequent (one even) for leniency Sab 78a(9); xmao xta xrfr'B Er 63b(29); Git 88b(30); BQ 84b(16); SA/ 47a(26); 5e/t 3a(20); Xn'3t!/ XJTTIX3 XBT "73 is a shortage (of food) common every day? Ket 97a(40); pl.m. '3'XT ]VD 'maw rwa 'jirui 'ptai jam since there are scholars who travel between Babylonia and Eretz Israel (witnesses) are quite common Git 6b(23); XTiaTia 'fl'S© xb members of the assembly are rare Er 21a(25; O); Git 6a(20); Ned 23a(17); Qid 71b(3); Anan 22:4; f. XrrT'W p'SP caravans are frequent Grt 27a(27); £>• 21a(19); b. w. fol. vb.: Kru'ptg 1145 t : ~ sg.m. xjtixV x:nxa pia^i mD'aV maw it is frequent to go to the trouble to purchase (provisions) from one station to another AZ 65a(46) // BM 79b(22; V22); yvsi matt/ one is frequently negligent (in such a case) BQ 60a(25); BM 17a(41); 'T'm matt/ xb it is not frequent that they dwell (together) Er 63b(27); Sab 42b(31); MQ 12a(7); Yev 26a(18); BM 51a(5); c. w. fol. prep.: 1) "3: sg.m. Xtt/ITpV XIBn ,T3 matt/ x"?l XfitaaXl wine was not usually available in it for qiddus or Jww/«/a Tan 24a(45); fle/t 25b(47); 2) 'ina: sg.m. mina in^x maw mn na Elijah was frequently with you Ket 61a(49); 3) "31: sg.m. msi ln'bx n'32; mm pana xmn BM 85b(32); az 4a(41); 4) mY. sg.m. X"W3 l"7 n'3»n px ]1J3 xav "?3 X"iam like us who frequently have meat and wine (to eat) every day Sab 119a(42; M); Pes 9b(22); 5) 'Op [v. RISB 199]: sg.m. n'3» mn 'TS ]3 liya© 'm map (PN) was frequently in the presence of [lit. frequent before] PN2 Ber 10a(31); Sab 82a(4); Bes 29b(16); Tan 23b(48); ^ar 8a(3); 3. close: sg.f. xnaV XIT3W1 'nsna '3 D'ST 13 'matt?! a synagogue which is close to a town, and many people are found in it Qid 73b(8); 4. familiar: sg.m. xmiX3 rUTOtf xV xaiyaa naxi are you not familiar with the aggada which they say in Eretz Israel ...? San 100a(47) Y: mv Ber 10a(3l). Kfl3'3ty n.f. Shekhina, the Divine Presence (< MH nriM J 1573; 4 Vp#; TA xfiriltf TO Ex 17:7, Sy rf^ \; >v t . LS 776, Ma X7ir3© MD 465) sg. -]by 7Vl\yyD 'Vtp 'If X the Holy One caused His Divine Presence to dwell upon you Sab 67a(21); TOT XTItJ by X'-IB/ nTll'SW His Divine Presence dwells on Mt. Sinai Bo 40:2; ib. 16:3; pi. '3'X 'Ji:P3W nB3 how many shekhinas are there? San 39a(35; M) Y: mFDV San ib.(BAYTN 174). ]3tf vb. to settle, sink, reside (4 X33tt>a, X:31C>, xwtf, i#xn3£>, X3'a», xnr3i», xuas;; Sy ^t LS 776, Ma l#p» MD 466, LBH p© BS 43:17 [v. M. Kister, Tarbiz 59(1980) 361]) Pe.: 1. to settle, sink: XJHXX XMttn 1J? x"?n mV 1'jyDl they load it [i.e. the boat] with sand until it settles on the bottom RH 23a(29; M); pw X1ET31 XBT blood of meat settles (to the bottom of the dish) Hul lllb(5; V") [4 V'Sp mng. 2]; #GJ 217:53; XJin1? '33B; 'Tp' X'aT 'TX since water is heavier it sinks to the bottom Hul 26b(6); 2. to reside, dwell: yiOVBo 133:8 [of angels] Itpe. id.: x"?a3 1J7 nU3 XJ?na XJSnisaT because a leg sinks into it [i.e. the sandy soil] up to the fetter Sab 54a(14; OM) [expl. GN ^133 IK 9:13] KH3t!7* n.m. a person with drooping eyelids (JPA pttf DJPA 550; cf. GeonH: <naTO> m'3B/ -\yvn na gc 103:11; 4 Vpw, mry, mspy, XH'tf) sg. X3(3>(a)a^ 5efc 44a(27) [expl. ib. as paiP va'ailff one whose eyelids droop; v. nPX 1'33W TT31» n'33B? Xin Tib. 5:3 (539:32)] In spite of the fact that VOl generally means 'eyebrow' in MH, it is clear from this text that here 'eyelid' is meant, since this word is derived from A p» eyelid. The corr. to XH3B in BT was clearly the result of influence of H popular etym. from i V33S7; Y: xmti Bek ib. 13$ vb. to intoxicate (4 Xlbtf, Xrmatt, V'Tl; Sy 2# j ^ y pe. LS 777) Pa.: nat>aT 'Ta something which intoxicates Yom 76a(48) [expl. BH -D# Dt 14:26] // 5vm 23a(8); Er 64b(35) Itpa. to become intoxicated: ]33m XJTt Xinm »y> p ywim 'm nnai x^^'na man^'XT a certain pair of scholars who became intoxicated at the wedding feast of PN's son Ber 9a(9) l#13tf n.m. sugar (< NP sakar PED 752; Sy -UdL LS 777) sg. HG1 95:51(Var) Lit: Pfl 345; Flora 1:751+. 2# "1387 n.m. type of date (etym. unkn.) sg. TAX T3En unripe s.-dates GS 314:15 = HG1 90:74 Lit: Flora 4:326. K13B7, J03'E> n.m. an alcoholic beverage not made from grapes (4 Vl31»; Sy 2# k'Jit. LS 777, Ma VTOV.V MD 441) a. general: sg. X*7 IX nnyx X1? X"l3f 'Xai had I not brewed s.- beverage I would not have become rich Pes 113a(20) [4 Vl#nn pe., mng. 15g]; xb "7x1a© xna'W ma n'XI xmaa ,!?sa PN never used to pray in a house in which there was s.-beverage Er 65a(46); 'BaiX '33 nb Tin XIS'lE/ XTIIOT (a woman) who drinks i.-beverage will have dark-skinned children Ket 60b(55); X13B/X •'VMpb to sanctify
»*ta ia» 1146 Kira** (the day) over ^.-beverage Pes 107a(22); Xn'3n XT3BH a jug of s.-beverage MQ 12a(46); AZ 68b(23); HP 178:4; X7ri nTOV mm his £.- beverage turned to vinegar BM 42b(36); K^TI XT3'tn vinegar of s. -beverage AZ 66a(15); b. varieties: sg. 1) dates: 'BTSJ '31 X"DB?7 'Ton '3H let these dates be for s.-beverage of... Er 80a(2) // AZ 48a(43); 2) cuscuta: XTJP7 X'Tn Xnit£?3 cuscuta is suitable for s.-beverage MQ 12b(40); 3) laurel: XJB"7("I> XT3'P .s.-beverage of (the wood of) the laurel tree Pes 56a(9); c. * XTon: sg. rWD Xnamn 0"01 'TJ'ttTO he began with (the blessing) of i.-beverage and concluded with that of wine Ber 12a(25); Pes 110b(37); Ber 51a(29); MQ lla(41); ib. 12a(47); /1Z 31b(21); d. in medicinal use: sg. Sab 109b(27) [for jaundice]; ib. 29; 110b(36); 40; 44; XTJ'tf XTOm O0T31? ir? "nya x'a XT3'en bot<3>(3}7 n'7 Tiyn £.- beverage removes pleurisy of wine. Water removes pleurisy of s.-beverage Hul 105b(33); XT32/3 ITT Xrma the gall bladder of a kite in i.-beverage Ket 50a(28; V5); XTTNT XBTOX XT3'K/3 a leaf of an '.-tree in s.-beverage Git 69b(55); 'ori'xi H-av 'n»i xnx'Ti1? mpnsi 7xy (the ox) entered, pierced the vats, drank s.- beverage, and was cured BQ 35a(10); e. w. var. designations: sg. 'XaiXT XTJ'W s.-beverage of the pagans AZ 32a(l); 'X7331 XT3'» s.-beverage of the Babylonians Sab 110a(42); XpTfl XTJ'P pure s.-beverage Yev 80a(4); Git 69b(46); XB'Trl XTJ'B? J13BT full strength s.-beverage of Tevet ib. 69a(33); '<1)(1)X1» T0'7n 13 XT3'» S.-beverage of thirteen m.-vessels Pes 107a(30) [v. OHT ib. 110:19+] Lit: Low, Flora, 1:718+; Stol, Beer, deals with the production of these beverages from dates in the NB Period [as opposed to their production from grain in earlier times] and points out many parallels from the Talmudic Period; Voc: TTGNj HGP 23a:35; X13'» HPP 278:18; Y: Kp'tf Sab 80b(18; BAYTN 131). 'NT3 *13tf n.m. hunting of falconers (< MP *skar hunting [cf. NP sikar PED 751] + 4- HXT3 pi. falconer) sg. 'XT3 132/7 pSJ Trl xai' one day he went out for the hunting of the falconers San 95a(37; HeF2MGD 464:20) Lit: Geig, AAC 396, suggests < MP *skar-T-baz falcon hunting, but this form requires emendation; G. Gnoli, Gignoux Vol 90+, points out that the first element of this word was already borrowed earlier into A in the form tUl*lBW 'hunting' in an inscription from Iran from the third cent. B.C.E. [v. ib. 88J; Y: 'XT3 13to San ib. KniTSt? n.f. intoxication (4- VT3IP) sg. n'JlVDW t3171 the intoxication of Lot HG1 47:57 "jtfStf 4W2#7ltf pal. 37t£ vb. (4- Vd7E7) Pa., pass.part, perh. well set: main '37WJ its [i.e. the infant's] limbs are well set Qid 73b(l; OHR ib. 48:7) [V: 'CJ7tfa] Expl. Ar: ni3>TO8 0'"D'X AC 3:184. n.m. spout, spigot (etym. unkn.) sg. X3X7P ,T7 ri'XT Sab 112b(39; Ar [AC 8:77]0!) [w. ref. to a pot]; HG1 127:64 [w. ref. to a basin] RaH: CUD Jtr>pO» TPai TI pJ3 AC ib. D3?t& n.m. turnip (Brassica rapa; Sy •jaJ^A-jL LS779, Arab fill Siggel 42) sg. <D){0»17» HG1 141:91 Lit: Pfl 241; Flora 1:489. K#p n.f. corpse (< Akk salamtu CAD S7l 203, AIOA 98; QA ]in'17«? ATTME 422, Sy t^ilx. f. LS 779, Ma XT1X72/ f, XT7XW MD 467, 442, MH TTO f. TOh 2:5) sg. XT7BO rrmX7 H'pOBI (the beam) blocked his path like a corpse BQ 32a(24; EsF1); ib. 31b(22) Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 471; Y: XY7P £g ib.(BAYTN 131). KH'SnVB', Kri'3Vlto n.f. flame (Vamtf; Sy w'&AjBcnVY. LS 779, Ma xnX'3XmW pi. MD 442, TA n'iimtf/ TO Ex 3:2) sg.cs. n'3n7C7 XTO'X flame of fire Bo 109:5; XJWX n'nirTTO ib. 109:9; det. Klin xnarrTOjSo 78:18; xn'3lrrTO /& 74:4 TITtP vb. to be weary (4- ',17'tf; Sy rdicn_Lx_r» weary LS 780) Quad.: lrYTOT '3T"'"'{(1))3 'in knees which were weary Ber 6a (10) inVs; 4- Vim© vb. KmVtf 4- xn'7tf n. n.f. neighbor ('Galilean' dialect) sg. X37 "|73'n VTOTW Er 53b(15) [given as 'Galilean' dialectal speech for X37rl -f? 'SDX Tl come I shall feed you milk ib.; RaH: xn'JDTW] Y: 'fDl1?* Er ib. yn tpte 1147 2#n?c; pn ipto 4-Vi#«yro vb. KSlVfi? n.m. one who draws out (4- Vl# "fiti; Ma XBT7XW one who removes fleece MD 442) pl.cs. XB"D 'BTTO sword drawers Git 57a(23; V18) 'SS17B7 n.m.pl. undeveloped dates (< Akk suluppii [ripened and plucked] dates CAD S 373) '"iail Tim 'BBT7B/ (they were originally) undeveloped dates and they became (ripened) dates BB 124a(22; P'Ar [AC 8:88]) // Bek 52b(2) Lit: Flora 2:342; Y: 'BBlty BB ib.(BAYTN 213). NHI?^, abs. iVtt; n.f. negligence (4- Vl#'72?; BA <t?ti HALOT 1994) sg.abs. TJN33 X71 17K/3 X71 without negligence and without mistake S$Hai 4a(5); SSSad 185:31; ib. 202b:13; TGHark 117:11; det. KnT?»l XJlTyD 73 55//a; 5a(14); ife 1 lb(20) l#n?t7 vb. to send a message, send away (4- xn'7tf, xmn'Vtf, Vmi»; Sy 2# .» V t . LS 780, Ma l#n7E/, 2#X7tt; MD 467, 466) Pe. (a/a) to send a message: a. general: n'mi'X3 ]'3T rl72?T PN sent a message in his letter Ket 49b(31) // BM 116a(26) // BB 139a(29) // Nid 68a(5); H'7 m7» XapTJ? 137 they sent a message to PN San 3ib(39); xxiV'an nVj? 'am 'y3'a7 imV inV n7ir?xi I shall send a message to the scholars to pray concerning the matter Tan 22a(24); riaV© rl7W XWYia '37 Solomon sent a message to the school Sab 30b(7); Ber 28a(36); 5an 95a(44); rbv n'n'37 he sent a message to his house Ket 62b(45); 13 XrlX 31 T3 X317 XlDn 31 H'7 rl7W X3in PN sent a message to PN2 by means of PN3 Pes 47a(25); X3T1X X7 '7 n?B? 'X if he sends me a message 1 shall not come BB 149a(19); MQ 16b(ll); DJ1B vbv they sent a message from there [i.e. Babylonia] Bes 4b(30) [4- Van adv.]; b. *■ 1 Vl#TT# pa. [cf. xn'72? TTCttS Tan 20b(44)]: n'7 n7i£?i ]an3 3m n'ap? nmwi he sent him to PN and sent him a message Ket 105b(49) [message follows]; X3piy 187 'XDT '"I H'7 nbiy n'7 rbv 7XT02? iaT piV'p i^na na i1? ttbt? "l"? fflTTOD 'TITO PN sent a message to PN2: "Send us some of that eye-salve of PN3." He sent him (a reply): "I shall indeed send (it) to you" Sab 108b(39) Pa. to send away: TTbv nmttn he sent it [i.e. the ox] away BQ 3a(17); ib. 29; X'75?a 711 rT?En 'X nnTTO 'jn xn rrnbv x?t 'xi xin if he sent (the birds' mother) away, it is certain robbery. If he did not send it away, he is, in fact, required to send it away BM 102a(50); 'M mi 17'BXT Hinaa m JI'iTTOH we also send even a menstrual woman away from the camp Anan 41:10; ib. 118:20 Itpe. to be sent: Dtp ]0 Tin'7y '3X7a imnttf'XI XH7X angels were sent against them from before God So 127:18 2#ri7tf vb. to remove clothes, flay (4 xm'tf, XH7B, V2#B7n; Sy 1# -"V * pa., af, itpa. LS 780, Ma 2# n7IT> af, 3# X7B/ pe., af. MD 466, 467) Pe. (a/ ): ,T1'1£?37X X1X1 ma ri?V remove your garment and I shall wear it Ber 28a(37); '3XD1 1TTI7 ]Vbv X7 H'mm they do not remove the garments under them [i.e. the weapons] Anan 117:9; pass.part. MXOa D"D1 7'DTj; n'?P stripped naked and wearing shoes Ket 65b(l) // Sot 8b(l 5; v2); Tnow'37 X7i i'n'n'7ip r7'DTy you(pi.f.) are stripped naked and are not clothed Bo 9:3; ib. 19:5! Af. 1. to strip a person, remove clothes: a. w. personal obj.: nrrTOX '33E7 you stripped corpses Ber 56b(21); ]rVr7'Oj? Tim '»na p'n'TOX 'aV'T perhaps (Samson) first stripped them and then killed them Naz 4b(49); XiTITOEn X»TT? Xmn712?X XnTO '1X7'y Xmspn XWin they stripped her naked, smeared her with honey, and impaled her upon the city wall San 109b(39; MGG 312:10); b. w. non-personal obj.: ,T3Xa? iru'mwn xnttf 'm' ftfy 'Tn ini'TJp'n let him remove his clothes and bury them for a full year Yom 84a(13); ib. 4; Sab 33b(33); ib. 110a(24); Meg 27b(46); 'Wl'XT X»'71 TVTOa 'Tl'n 'pXp 'white pelicans' remove the cloaks of people Git 73a(40) // Ket 85a(8) [metaph. of old men who act in a highhanded fashion; v. AC 7:179, s.v. 2\>p]; Svu 41a(36); 2. to flay a hide: TWa rTTO'1 (the ox) will flay its hide (against the tree) San 18b(38); mn' rTTOXl flay its [i.e. the donkey's] hide HM 41:12 Itpe. to be shed (of the skin): n'3S/a nW» his skin will be shed Hul 59a(3); ib. 5
3#nto 1148 !#'■?# 3# n^K/ vb. to grow hair long (artificial rt. < BH nbv pi.; cf. irfpET xV jnsi Ezek 44:20) Pa.: 'mVltf TiV^a X^H Xin they do not actually grow their hair long Tan 17a(40) n.m. stripper of or dealer in hides (4- V2#rf7tf, xrfr'tf; jpa 2#ir>p djpa 551) sg. mn NnViy X3X my father was a stripper/dealer of hides Sab 49b(l) Lit: Lieb, TK 3:53, 232; Y: xrbv Sab ib. *]nbW, *pb& vb. to overlap (metath. < *pl\&, safel of i Vn>ri; 4- V2#n>tf; JPA «)rfap DJPA 552, Sy .-vUt. to change LS 236) Quad.: iibl TTn» irusn^» so that they should not make them overlap each other Sab 98b(9; VM) [4- V2#«|^tf]; pass.part. 'Sn^H 111 'Birfasn X»^'TI perhaps (the weavers were sitting) in a completely overlapping manner ib. 96b(37); BM 25a(41; F1) [of coins; 4- V*)J3 pa., mng. 1]; 55 99a(16) [w. ref. to the pinions (liTT) of the Cherubim; Var: XSnVpa 'Dinto MGE 581:2]; rVVl 'D^D inbiyai (the embryo) overlaps (the sandal) towards its head Nid 26a(13; Ar [AC 8:82]) tt?E? vb. to have power over someone, dominate (4- XJB'jltf, TMVhtil, XilB1?©, &bv; Sy ■ \,\y LS 781, Ma vfro MD 468) Pe. ( /u) 1. to have power over s.o./s.t: a. general: Bl'WJ xVi DJH'JT XTU iT3 so that the fire of Gehenna should not have power over him BM 85a(50); 'ITU XJBW wbv xb 'SIX Satan does not have power (simultaneously) over two nations Sab 32a(15); ib. 151b(32); x"?nS3 &bm X^nST 'Ala axes of iron, which has power over iron [i.e. can break it] San 96b(7); ,tbii iv ypivm rra yvbv prx they overpower him and torment his body HM 46:18; pnV ri'XT pnrrp ^33 ito^btji x"7i you will not have power over all of their property Bo 6:10; ib. 43:3; b. esp. w. (XUT3) xry the evil eye: 'Xbs X3X xry n'3 xoto xVt xjtix xp nori xjnta 'jt>d ns XW3 I, NN, am a descendant of Joseph, over whom the evil eye has no power Ber 55b(37); ib. 20a(32); Sot 36b(18); BM 84a(34); BB 118b(l); Pes 50b(39); 2. to dominate: wbv X,!?Tai ]V3 'J'3 T31 XT1X H3 since (the pot) is raised (above the stove) the air in between dominates Sab 37a(44); Pes 30b(42); Suk 36a(10); Yev 75b(38); //«/ 46b(30) [4- l#Xp'I mng. 1]; X»rm XJVDX X3pT H3 D'Vb; X"?T a bronze mortar which does not rust Nid 36b(49); 3. w. subj. NJ'J? to perceive, discern: rpJ'y XB^E? obltfa he can indeed perceive it Suk 2b(l 1); ib. 2a(17); £r 3a(26); Bek 54b(34) Pa., pass.part., perh. set, fit: .Tain 'oVwa its limbs are ... g/rf 73b(l) [4- V3"?tf pa.] Af. to give power to someone, empower: l'03'n ]iaa "?3 Vy ]n jnin 'VsV ,tjp x:b'Vbw x'aw ^3 ninn yaru pi 'bs1? rr1? n'XT we have given NN, this claimant, power over all money and property under the entire sky [i.e. everywhere] which belong to NN2, this defendant Dec 5:8; TGAs33 211:26 fWtJ^fi? adj. empowered (4- Vd'w, wbv) sg.f. abs. '3'B?S33 nXB^K/l rtXBTl f'lnn you will have control and be empowered concerning yourself SSHai 3a(13) [in legal text] NJiUto n.m. ruler (4- Vb1?©, XJB^W; JPA \V3bv DJPA 552, H pB^ Gross, Patterns 29) sg. [Xjnx1?] 'JD^T1? TP] O'JX Xp XJIB^EH the ruler is forcing me to sell the field SSSad 242:27 1# 'VtP vb. to forget (4- XTll'w, Vl# 'EN; Sy ,V v to be quiet LS 778, Ma 1#xVe; MD 466) Pe.: lB'.TTI VTITbi. Libia lblPl all of them forgot their garments and ran San 109b(38) Itpe. 1. id.: a. alone: *7IWX "ibrWX he completely forgot (to erase the mark) Yev 115b(23); b'lSXl 'T» DJ?B 'W'X he forgot, ate something, and recited havdala Pes 106b(ll); 'bJTCPX HP 39:14(HPP 54:20); ib. 188:2; TGHark 102:32; p-TW'X we forgot Ket 33a(17); ,T01J3 T1B1 'bridal he is engrossed in his study and forgets BM 75b(42); ,1'b V'axi 'b/WBl b'MI pat xaVl sometimes (the bread) may fall, he forgets, and eats it Pes 10b(41); ib. 6b(55); ba'» "13 lxVl "?31 [V]lp "7'DNl 'Wa XL1 Wip anyone who is not permitted to eat a holy object (and) forgets and eats a holy object AnanSch 15:6; 11DX xbl lVlUPX H'1? they forgot and did not tell him BQ 113a(7); Bes 4b(l); San 100a(7); /4Z 72b(24); Ser 23a(34); Sab 120b(55); b. w. dir. obj.: 'XblTCPX X3111 rur I forgot a dove of gold Ber 53b(31); 2. to be forgotten: X'bjlKTa TGAs42 34b: 1 2#»Vtf n49 *?'$? 2# 'Vt# vb. to draw out (froth of wine; Sy /tr pe. LS 778, Ma '"72/ pe. JB 1637 [but v. 3"?» MD 467], MH 2#'"?B; pe. LNVTH 367) Pa.: 'bwa Xinn pnB/T Xinm X"inX3 in a place where the one who plasters [i.e. seals up] (the wine vat) is the (same) one who draws out (the froth) BM 92b(29); ib. 28 Klffp, w. suf. 'mbW, pi. >mb& n.m. agent, messenger (4- Vittrfw, xmrrttf; Sy -2# /-j;^ LS 780, Ma xn,!72? MD 468, MH llfrw, w. suf. -mby, pi. D'm1?^ J 1583) a. general: sg. Xn^W T\by l^a'a XH^'a "73 any matter about which an agent would consult (the sender) Mei 20b(2) // Ned 54a(22) // Hul 104a(7); ^H3 "?31 xpic;1? xirbw mwa xrao ^yai x'as he used to send an agent to the. market every Friday towards evening Tan 20b(44); -|rvH0 Hrrbv I made you an agent Ned 36a(9); Git 66a(46); BQ 70a(17); //P 128:8; TGHark 93:25; Xrvbltf nTO send a messenger 55 4a(18); X^'bp HWbv a swift messenger //Af 42:14; rrrrfrE^ n'1? 'ax he said to his messenger A:e^ 84b(37); Git 56a(33); BQ 71a(21); Mei 21b(5); pl.cs. ID'3 'mV^ the messengers (sent to announce the new moon) of Nisan /?//21a(5); Yev 37b(19); det. ... ]TT 'rrfw ''ai^T Til1?© our agents, agents of Heaven Aferf 35b(6); vrfttn 'm^l 'mVc; "Ua1? to appoint primary and secondary agents S$Hai 3b(ll); b. w. designations: 1) sg. X3'T '3T XirVlJ/ messenger of the court [caique < MH H n'3 Wbv MGit 3:6; cf. xri"? in1? 'jatai xjh '3a xn,!?«; m»m they send a messenger from the court and subpoena him San 29b(41)]: sg. MQ 16a(ll); Yev 104a(6); BQ 112b(54); San 8a(40); Svu 30b(31); TG//ar/t 161:18; 2) pl.cs. baiV 'mV» messengers of the Jews Dec 2:3; 3) pl.cs. X3"?a 'm^ royal messengers 5g 113b(39); 4) sg. HX'ttU '3T XWbv agent of the exilarchate: sg. Hul 46a(9); 5) Xn'^lt; P31T an agent of the scholars: sg. 'T3OT ]Xa ]23"n XirVltf one who shows contempt for an agent of the scholars 7ev 52a(20); Qid 12b(21); ib. 70b(13) Lit: V Aptowitzer, JQR 4 [1913/4] 39 [usage b.2]; Voc: Kn'1?© HGP 12b:19; Y: Kn'Vw BB 4a(18; BAYTN 63). - Xlia'ST Nn'VB; n.m. prayer leader (lit. agent of the congregation; caique < MH "IIS'S n,l71ff J 1274; 4- mars) sg. "?3x '-nssT xnrro xoa '3 13XDI1 when the prayer leader reached (the words) UXt?n V3X: Kom 87b(39); Ber 7b(48); ;6. 29a(55); Pes 117b(40); RH 30a(8); /4ro llb(42) Y: X-113'XT Xm^W fei ib. Nflin'^ n.f. commission (4- VXrbV; Sy r^^io u ; V t LS 780) sg. a. general: "?'TX X11X by®1} rrmn,!72>3 he undertakes his commission and takes (his) payment BQ 85b(25); X'JBS n'^l^T 'mwbv1? he annulled the messenger's commission Git 32b(23); ib. 32a(15); ,TTO1 Xmn'^BD ]31XT he sent NN on a commission TGHark 272:26; b. esp. w. Visy pe. to carry out a commission, act on s.o.'s behalf: mn Xnin,!71tf T3J7 Xp he carries out her commission BQ 102b(23);£V48b(12); Yev 10b(27); Ke?70b(23); Qid 8b(25); BQ 84b(6); BM 106b(37); Mei 21a(23); Hul 18a(17) Y: xrnn'1?* AZ 53b(29; BAYTN 178). t?'?^ adj. having control, n.m. ruler (4- VdVb?, nxo'jtf; TA B'1?^ TO Gen 45:26, Sy k'YjW LS 781, Ma D^X» MD 442) I. adj. having control, authority: sg.m. by pi 'bt XiT B'1?^! n1"? fl'ran ]'b'X 'JOT NN will have control over this sale which I sold him SSHai 6a(13); ib. 7a(5); xnxtra 'nn ta ^y b^p mm nsi naw pn this great name which has control over all of the evil spirits Bo 33:4; ib. 64:2; pl.m. ywbv yinx I'VBpl I'-nyai you have control, can blind, and kill ib. 33:13; 64:11; II. n. ruler, authority, tyrant: sg.m. 'JUT1? XB,!7P3 'IT DJX 'Vs ~\1 ,!7ST ri'aVs xrona ^ ri'XT xynx n'V NN compelled me by means of the ruler to sell him a field which I have in a such-and-such a place SSHai 16a(20); Xir"?'1?! X3T Wbv the great ruler of the liliths Bo 13:4; ib. 58:3; pl.m. 'B'V? 'XllPXa an'ab ■OXliVl to give on credit to tyrants and thieves TGHark 100:13 NJT'Vtf, abs. N'^'t? n.f. placenta, afterbirth (4- 2#xn,I?D; Sy r^<k ; \ y LS 778, Ma l#xn'^W MD 454) sg.abs. xa"7j;3 X^'IT/ rfrSXT Xnn'X a woman who merely miscarried a placenta HP 135:6(HPP 212:21); det. .TB'XI xri"1?© its [i.e. the infant's] mother's afterbirth Sab 134a(31);
D'to 1150 oto XriSDlX m XnB31X xmiien XT\"bv the afterbirth of a black cat offspring of a black one Ber 6a(l 5) Y: xnf?0 Sab ib. D'Vtf, D^tf adj. complete (4- VD7B? adj.; Sy ■^Vv ^4,Vy adj. LS 782, LJLA 'a'?E? TgPs 119:1) sg.m. XB7P XDn a complete ge/ S&fai 3b(12); xa7B7 xa'7 a complete mind SSSad 185:31; f. X71B'7P XTIJH complete [i.e. sound] mind S$Hai 14a(18); Xlttbv X7TIDX complete healing Bo 101:6 Nnwto n.f. perfection (4- Vtfctf; Sy rC&qj*! \ t LS 782) sg. xmB'7©3 p'JOT ]3X we who walked in perfection Sab 88b(l; V) Y: XniO'V* Sab ib.(BAYTN 178). adj. castrated (4- Vl#17tt? pe., pass.part.; TA "i'Stf TO Lev 22:24) sg.m. X'jana XB'7P Xp'X (the skin of) a castrated goat for eight (coins) Sab 152a(22; RaH) Y: NSrttf &6 ib. NS'^ n.m. sack, bag (Sy 2# ^^V LS 784, >TArab ^Li BAli 2 437:13) sg. XD('}7(')tt ST 490:22; pi. 'anan 'S'7P large sacks 55 86b(6); ntJIT 'D'7» small sacks Sab 154b(10) Y: 'B'Vtf Sai ib. NniB'^B; n.f. (uncertain) sg. XJTlS'Ven '}?B intestines of ... //M 38:1 p'TBP adj. cooked, boiled (4- Vp7tf pe., pass, part.'; Sy i^A.\ y. LS 784) sg.m. Xp'7P XniP'B butter [lit. boiled oil] ,4Z 38b(42) [4- xntf'B mng. 2]; Xp'7P XTJ3 a boiled liver Hul 11 la(14; V11); pl.m. 'P'7E? THX cooked dates AZ 38b(46); f. XJTip'7B/ 'J/'3 boiled eggs 5er 56b(21); »& 44b(20) Y: Nj?'1?* AZ ib. 77^7 vb. to sew together (MH 772? J 1585; cf. Sy «f W y seam LS 778, mng. 1) Pe.: 7WB7 in'JHp to sew together the torn pieces (of) their (garment) MQ 25a(50) [Var: 77WB7 HP 173:4] vb. to be completed, pay, hand over, make peace (4- xna7tf x, oVtf'&, 07tf a, xaaVtfa, xaiV'ti, D'Vtf adj., xma'Vti, xaVtf, xibVp, XBi7tfn; Sy -p\r LS 782, Ma d?V MD 468) Pe. (e/a) 1. to end, be completed, be concluded: a. alone: xin(n) xnan m-iyx D7W77 ,t> lam X"n me/x run quickly and give it [i.e. the get] to her so that my trouble should be completed Git 34a(30; As); Sab 35a(31); 731' 'BpB ,TfU3W» 'Jtt XB7ttn j'JBT sometimes the years of his mortgage were completed before the jubilee year BM 79a(44); b. w. fol. "7: 'BT 1,17 M?bv the days (of the new mother's impurity) were completed Nid 35b(43); Ned 89a(20); Kar 10a(31); Anan 27:11; 2. to be finished, used up: 7X'7BA pYT XJVD D7P PN's bread was finished /for 10a(47); ln'j'T 0'7P '3T Via '7Dp when their weapon(s) are finished (in battle), they kill with them [i.e. their shields] AZ 16a(2); Suk 19a(31); 'Tin YJ7 XnX7'B X7DXX VPD iTYTIT n'7 laVen borrow a garment of fine wool for a nobleman who has used up his provisions MQ 28b(15); 3. w. fol. '7 to complete: XB'7tf XJlTa'J? n'7 he completed his business Sab 49b(32); ib. 96b(7; Rashi); W nj?3tf in1? 1B'7© fOltn they completed the seven days of the sukka HP 31:6 Pa. 1. to pay: 07PB X7 'BlVen 'n: granted that he does not actually pay (for the stolen or lost object) BM 58a(l 1); BB 145b(l 1); 1VX3 'BJ in'riD n'7 'B17© they should also pay all of it to him Mak 3b(6); D'7P'X1 YpiX XYtfl 'XTT H'XT 'fl'X 7'T Y7 go (and) bring proof that this ox damaged you, and I shall pay you BQ 36a(18); Xin xpu U7S '7 J1B7WB1 it is half of the damage which you pay me ib. 13b(49); 'B'7tf n'B'X7 >Y> XB'J let us say to his mother: "Pay!" BM 42b(2); Er 29b(33); Ket 32a(10); 5an 30a(26); Svu 47a(30); 2. to hand over: TUXB172/7 3"n'B he is required to hand them over [i.e. the wife's properties] TGHark 36:6; 3. to exterminate [cf. LS ib., mng. 4]: in7137 raw1?!? have you exterminated all of them [i.e. the hornets]? Sab 121b(27); 4. to conclude peace: '817P7 WW X1H p'SJ Xp mn '3 as he [i.e. Shebna] and his retinue were going out (of the city) to conclude peace San 26a(57); 5. pass.part. perfect: n'TJiya D7PB1 because he is perfect in his deeds Meg 23a(32) [expl. PN DVtfB ib.] Af. 1. to complete: xai'7 XYI'D D'7E?a '3 when the moon completes the sun [i.e. the moon remains visible until sunrise] RH 21a(26); 130 xar 'Vyaa ktw '?i3i nrirns i,y>D7 inrmbvab KM1?!? 1151 K»7fi73 'YI9'31 he thought to complete (reading) all of the weekly pericopes for the whole year on the eve of the Day of Atonement Ber 8b(3); "paT nTQWV n,na,'V©X have you completed your Master's praise? Ber 33b(42; MGD 191:5); Tan 25b(46) [of fasts]; ib. 12b(18); 2. to hand over, entrust: a. money: IH'D'S H'1? w'WX they entrusted their money bags to him Yom 83b(32); Ber 18b(39); BM 42a(47); b. animals, property: 'a^W» XT1? XTB1 they hand over (the animals) from one to another BB 36a(34); pass.part. paT!' n'l? I'a'jcai (the properties) are given and handed over to him Dec 10:15; c. people: "V? nia^PXl n'D'XT mnx X'Jlp1? ]a 'O'X p 'ym they entrusted him (for instruction) to PN, his maternal uncle BM 85a(25); I*? 'B'^WX X131 ^ na'VlPX Xnai you handed over a man [i.e. the debtor] to me, (and) I handed over a man to you (to repay his debt) BB 173b(9); 3. to pledge: 'nVxV 1B,!?©X1 TTU XJiap'J xmnwx^l 'nan they pledged and vowed to the male gods and the female spirits Bo 46:3; ib. 94a:7; 4. to make peace: vfrtm nam ]1'3 '"iDB'a 'Bj in^'X since the majority are making peace, we [lit. they] will also give ourselves up San 26a(50) Itpa. 1. to be recompensed, paid: '"? ri'XT 'XB ira xwVjwb xnxiyi xjB^n^a Txna 'a^ncx1? whatever I can be recompensed by that one I am recompensed. As for the rest, I am recompensed by you BQ 53a(43); ib. 13a(39); 115a(25); BB 92b(i); 'xa "73 nTB n'B'-Vriiyxi n'^api tttoh n^J? 'V IPX mm I have taken, received, and was paid by him all that he owed me SSHai 4b(19); ib. 9a(i6); lla(l2); naV(n)2;B x"7 xsnts'a 'XT 'X^B if (the field) is seized you will not be recompensed by me BQ 9a(21); 2. to be requited: D!?ni2/(a>(Xl n'T ^TTBl 3'n' XlOa KIM the carpenter sits in the stock and is requited by his handicraft Pes 28a(9; E'C) N»Vl?, abs. DVt!; n.m. peace, well-being, greeting (4- Vd1?^, XjB1?©; TA XB?B? TO Lev 26:6, Sy ^4,Vv V Ardat, LS 782, Ma XBX'W, '» an' MD 467) 1. peace: a. general: sg.abs. oVe/'"? TB 'rrV come in peace Meg 7b(23); Yom 71b(8); D1?©1? 7TIB ^na blessed is your coming in peace Ket 17a(20) // San 14a(47); det. XBVw mn '3 when the situation quieted down ib. 107b(26) // Sot 47a(35); BB 9a(50); xaV^1? ^'1 go in peace BM 14a(21); b. w. Via? pe.: sg. Tayi VP'TD XB^2? let us make peace with them Git 56a(30); ib. 52a(32); /?GF 119:16; 2. well- being, welfare: a. in non-verbal salutations: sg.abs. oVtt? plan Xjin PN, our colleague, well- being! Ket 69a(43) [cf. Sy: ,-U*> ... -v^y -V >i\ y Addai 3:18]; 30 d?V good well-being Tan 24b(34); xaVa -py nbv well-being upon you, oh king! Git 56a(52); ib. 62a(50; MGD 214:9); d?V xai xn"?xV abv wwy amf? ubv n'pm xa'pa'? well-being to King PN! Well-being to the City of Jerusalem! Well-being to the great God! San 96a(47); ib. 98a(50); dVk? n'Tl'3 naa wb VTT1? San 31b(39; F2) [v. Rashi]; Dec 1:2; det. 13 Y> XB1?© well-being to you, my son Yev 97b(5); Git 62a(41); Bek 8b(22); b. w. V?X1S pe.: ma *7W 'nx Xina am mabtfa inquire about the well- being of PN, my brother Ber 9b(43); Dec 3:11; c. abs. in adv. phrase D^ED safely: vbV2 tJ'^S J1X1 you will escape safely HM 45:5; ib. 1; 3. greeting, salutation: sg. a. general: X3B1X X3X xbt ^d xypna xa1?© n'1? 'nx mn pn, the bloodletter, used to receive a greeting from heaven every day Tan 21b(33); b. w. Van'/Vina pe.: '31? xb^© 3'n'i a'3m xiwns by 3'n'i Vt1? m©y let him go and sit at the crossroads, and he will give greetings to ten people Ned 8a(21); '3 "IB1? KBVb? n'7 13'3n' when we greeted you Tan 23b(22); ib. 23a(55); Git 62a(40); Bek 8b(21); biym XB"?U? ]nm let (the sun) give greetings and (then) set San 91b(19) Y: Xrfpw Ber 6a(40; BAYTN 46). adv. it is all right, accords well a. in first position in a phrase: W3' XBX"7W3 X3'Vl mn [XJ'ya -] X3*3 (the prohibition on the second day concerning) a dry (lulav) is all right, (since) I require mn [v. Lev 23:40] and this is not so Suk 29b(16); Sab 2b(25); Pes 23b(14); RH 2b(37); BB 4b(16); Zev 114a(l); b. in phrase XB"?wa max 1X/'X if you say: "It is all right ...": irn xa'p mn rram n'anyaa xaV^a max 'x D'USn DnV T'ln'BT if you say: "It was situated in the southwest (corner)," it is all right that he answers (from) show bread Yom 17b(l); Bes
N'aVtf 1152 i#«lVtf 16b(42); Yev 120a(l); San 42a(43); Zev 5b(41); c. fol. by •?: XJ'BXl 'VT7 XB72/3 it is all right according to me, for I say ... Suk 17a(35); Pes 2b(35); Yom 4a(2); nmy ]2 TtyVx "17 XB7K/a Ser 9a(33); Sab 38a(22); Zev 37a(28); 1XB7 XB7B/3 'BXT it is accords well with the one who says ... Meg 29b(16); RH 6b(16); San 17a(41); XB7K/3 JTiaxi X3K/'7 "|n7 it accords well with that version which you say Yom 39b(50) Y: NCAtO Sab 54a(39). n.m.pl. type of sacrificial offering (< H □'B^tf J 1587) X'B72/ W31 pip Anan 72:7 K3aV? nm- perfect person (4- VD72/, XJB7B/B; Ma XaXB7XK/ MD 442) pi. rPB/SJ 3« rX"'71 'ID in Dp3 'JXB7I2/3 one (who) is lazy and (therefore) does not steal considers himself among the perfect ones San 22a(33); ib. 7a(25) [He: x:iXB7K/B] Geon. expl: J.TU 3U nvrb '13 13 ]'X1 ^Sy ,T,1» 01X Nil 'TOO '3 'jbd iri>i pay wb: jin swim <o'i>'om D'B'nn xm raxys 3UJV '13 13 I'Nl X1H Vxyw xVx Xl,1 Chv OHT ib. 165:5; Y: XWVW San ib.(BAYTN 226). 1# *\b& vb. to pull off, pull out, annul (I 1172/ pi, XB172/, 1'7E/; Sy ■■nVv LS 783, Ma *\bv MD 469) Pe. (a/u) 1. to pull off, remove: a. general: xsm xDn1? n'rc/ ,T7 132/B (n>'B7W'B7 'ya H'B7B/'a7 'Sa X71 (Og) tried to pull it off [i.e. the mountain from his head], (but) his teeth stuck out from both sides and he could not pull it off Ber 54b(23); X'in'BI XB7© 'a?'! perhaps she will remove (the jewelry) and show it (to a friend) Sab 59b(16); Seel 122:3 [4- Vl#7E>n pe.]; JV 'B172/ ,-rnaip 'Bin x'jam pyaixi \rta ]» n'nn remove his spirit from the 248 members of his body Bo 141:9; b. esp. of shoes: 1) general: 'JX0B7 1172/ XJV31 1TIJ7 Vtt'DBXl remove my shoes and bring them inside the house Qid 22b(49); Ber 20a(12); Tan 24b (21); pass.part. XJXOB XB'7K/ mn (her) shoe was removed Git 56a(37); 2) in the halisa ceremony: Xin 17U/'B I7y3 ,1X7111 'XT! 'XBB how (do we know) that (the words) fryj nsVm [Dt 25:9] refer to pulling off? Yev 102b(24); D'O 'XT XB7K/ X7 'ami prf? xB7cn xin 'job 'am if he is wearing socks, she pulls off (his) shoes but does not pull off (his) socks Anan 117:7; *]T7ttm ib. 22; 23:26; 116:25; •Win? "Xpl 'X7'y7 n'TlDTO she pulled it off upwards [i.e. the upper shoe], but (the lower shoe) remained downwards [i.e. on his foot] Yev 102a(55); 2. to pull out, draw: a. general: 11JTO 1TO 7TX WTO 1172? 7'J go, pull them out [i.e. the reeds], and throw them away. He went, pulled them out, (and) threw them away Er 1 lb(24); ,1X1 11,11 ns'TOl nXI (if) he inserted it in, pulled it out, and inserted it in (again) Sab 50b(40); inj'B17E/'7 let him pull them [i.e. the hairs] out Tern 34a(19); n'7 XB7B/ 17B/B she will completely pull it out [i.e. the hair net] Sab 112a(9); nxri 10X1 X2/'3B xpi' inr'''S({'))7^ X71 rP7 1JV73X1 you do not pull a vegetable out of a bunch which the gardener has tied together and eat it ib. 82a(2); n'TTT 'TO 1'TOI 'ina while it is pulling (its paw) out it is injecting its venom Hul 53a(35); vu'BW'? xxap1? n"ao7i 'yai ]xa 'xn n31p7 one who wants to blind a locust should pull out its antennae Sab 77b(29); n'7Dpi XTOSD *pv he drew (his) sword and killed him Ber 6b(30); pass.part. 'S"D 'B'72/ 'B7X nXB 100,000 (soldiers with) drawn swords Git 57a(23); b. in phrase: pi 1172? '13yi that practice 'pull out, stick in' Yev 109b(15) [i.e. they replace a surety by s.o. else; v. Geon. expl., infra]; 3. to annul: XJ17'a 73 ns7M37 mpy rra '3'ix mvy 'sxa xiaynai anything which is done in the presence of ten (men) requires ten to annul it Git 33b(8; V18) Pa. 1. to pull off: XJ'17 imm 13<')pa?B 1B'71£/ take off your />.-shoes and come down for judgment Svu 31a(29; HP 123:22); 2. to pull out: 'B17BZ pulling out (of vegetables) MQ 4b(l) [expl. MH ]'71B ib. 3b(42)]; 'a'7X T3a '3'Dj? «]'7B/» Xpi he pulls out the thin (onions) from among the thick ones BM 89a(20); 'BVTO IHJ'BTO he pulled them out completely Suk llb(18; E2); X131 'BTTO7 X31p7 to pull a man out to war Yev 102b(27) [expl. BH IS^nn Num 31:3]; 1H7 1'7tt/B 'ya 'XT if he wants he can pull them out [i.e. the slats] BQ 93b(16); 3. to pull apart: pass.part. XXIOT X»7'T X'TOI XB7tt?'a XH nrra perhaps now (the idol) is, in fact, (considered) to be pulled apart and is permitted Sab 83b(17) Itpe./Itpa. 1. to be removed, pulled out: 7B? n» 7y: n'7i3 Vyjn bw «)x xs^nu/a ©bj nVia vsn fnjl^ 1 n'7lltt» just as W of the soul [i.e. the rt. Wtt?3 in the verse WS1 H17X Vw' '3 Job 27:8] (means) the whole soul is removed, so 72/ of the shoe [in the verse ^tyl 7£> Jos 5:32] (means) the whole shoe (including the sock) is removed Anan 117:12; ■-sVrwa 'a'»m ly in1? T7W +'xt if he pulls them out [i.e. the veins] while they are (still) warm they can be (easily) removed Hul 93a(29); 2. to be pulled apart: in7 vyi O'ttnp 'D7JWB '3T when the boards are pulled apart he can hold them&6 99a(21; V) Geon. expl: l»ip»3 31J? INBy msn1? H'XT H'BB: fyfro OHP Yev 290:28. - pn *]&& n.m. an alkaline substance (lit. pull out, stick in; 4- Vl#«l72>, Vpi) sg. Sab 90a(19) [expl. MH X^ia'p Cimolian earth Mib. 9:5]; Nid 62a(20) [expl. MH X^ia'p Mib. 5:6; Var: p 172/ GC 115:1] Geon. expl.: [...] n"03 TOW 3»y XWl GC ib.; v. also OHP Sab 47:18+ and n. n. 2# 1^ vb. to order, arrange in an overlapping manner (< i in72>) Pa.: 'Tina 'n3'BVtt?'7 X7T so that they should not arrange them [i.e. the boards] in an overlapping manner Sab 98b (9) [Var: inrBn72/'7 M; inJBn7E/'7 V]; pass.part. 'B172/ 'B72?a BM 25a(32) [of coins; * antlBtt; Ed: 'Bin7f 'sn72/a] Hmshti n.f. bladder (Sy k,^ujq°l\y. LS 784) sg'. AZ 40b(4) Y: NniB>W /(Z ib.(BAYTN 246). ['S1S7B; i 'BB172> n.] p7t£ vb. to boil (i Xp7TO, p'72>, XpVc>, V2# p7D, V2#p7X; Sy . n V y LS 784) Pe. (a/u): 'JXff Tia'T nyas/ n'V 'pVs/T xoiain the lupine is different for it is boiled seven times (before it is edible) Sab 74b(l); Ber 38b(45); AZ 59a(10); 773 mr-ian X7i m'rya 'B'n p'Va/T X3'n if he boils wheat kernels in their natural state and does not crush them at all Ber 37a(26); pi7B/'Vl THP'71 Xn3'l»3 let him boil (the head of the fish) in i.-beverage and drink (it) Sab 110b(27); ib. 1; Git 69b(55); Ket 77b(19); 'BX 317 ,T7 'p7B? X^X 7|'I3X1 I boiled it [i.e. the liver] for PN, and he ate (it) Hul 110b(l 1); pass.part. I p'7tt> adj. Lit: Low, WZKM 23 [1909] 366+. Nj?^, N|?Vp, KpS70 n.m. boiling, boiled down vegetables (I VpVtt>; Sy w'nW. boiled down substance, boiling LS 784) 1. boiling [Sy ■^ A V- v -A LS ib., mng. 2]: sg. Xp7tt>3 '73Xri'B they are eaten by boiling Pes 84a(26); Hul 56b(27); 2. pi. boiled down vegetables: yrU'03X 'p72/ m7l3T X'B o^urapov is a sauce of all (types of) boiled down vegetables Ber 36a(l) [Var: 'PS7D HG1 102:48; 'pV'O Ar [AC 6:63]; X'B 'p7K/ 1H7133 'p7S? inVl3T (with regard to the blessing,) a broth of all boiled down vegetables is like all boiled down vegetables ib. 39a(42) [Var: 'p70 HG1 ib.] Expl. Ar: y?W lJ"n 'p"?0 AC ib.; Lit: Lieb, TK 2:458+. The Arab gloss p'^B^K Ar [AC 1:79] for Ber ib. should prob. be p'Vo, i.e. from JLI to boil; Voc: 'jrt«7 VTM 27; Y: K\??V Hul ib.(BAYTN 131). 1# 7^787 vb. to loosen the bowels (V77t>[?]; MH2 7C/72? J 1590) Itpal.: fivbVK ... nan dates loosen the bowels Git 70a(14) // Ket 10b(48); 7t>72?a itx 'Bin xap xoa the first cup (of 'a D'7pl) softens (the bowels). The next loosens (them)&6 110a(41) Pal. to have loose bowels: 72/7m/'7T '3'n '3 ib. 108a(41) 2#bwb& vb. to lower by a rope (Vb'tf; JPA btfrv DJPA 555, MH WlW J 1589; redup. of V77t> [cf. DJPA 553, s.v.]) Pal.: JU n'71f7t>7 yn to lower it [i.e. the bed] through the roofs MQ 25a(28) K»?£, cs. Of, mt^, pi. '»f, Nflnttf n.m. name, designation (1 DIE/7, X3B12/; TA XB2/ TO Lev 24:16, Sy rdiiut-, pi. r^cp Srv r , rc^^m 4i r LS 784, Ma l#xai2/ MD 454) 1. name: a. general: sg.abs. H7 JTXT D12/ 731 any (other) name that she has Git 34b(25); S.?5W 223:24; Bo 75:8; cs. SUIT '3X7B "?y x:BB1 Xno Dt/ the name of the archangel who is appointed .over the angels of anger HM 47:1; 1'7'B y32/ fm 0X02 in the name of these seven words Bo 6:7; ib. 9:6; 16:2; 84:11; X"imp 73 '1XB D2/3 in the name of the Lord of all the holy ones HM 45:17; det. 17H'B xatt/3 XB2Z one name may be interchanged with another Git 1 la(23); Yev 116a(2); D'll XB2/T J7 X3ai how do we know that a name is a cause of something? 153
mtfV 1154 m#» Ber 7b(24); 'XBP 71XB3 in my town-my name (determines my status) Sab 145b(42); ,TB» Xn' "P3B X31 may His great name be blessed Sot 49a(37); 'V7 .1W1 X131 a man whose name is Levi BB 109b(23); AZ 28b(31); XBP toin'B xp X'Bltn God's name will be profaned MQ 17a(l 1); pl.abs. TW "lOjnn eleven names 5o 67:6; ib. 129:6; cs. xno IlTO the names of the angels HM 47:1; det. W <ira pmri'X he was known to have two names Git 34b(12); //«/ 125a(42); TGHark 214:11; irPBtfa 'JPpSI JJ31 W&V the scholars are different since they are well known by their names Yev 37b(17); Hul 5a(16); 0V>1 DlplV Xpim ^"■cinnair? '3X wmaw 'pom 'or vra^ xVi x1? wnwa 'pom "W 'n'3Pi r,",(x)r"inx specifically Lucas and Lus which Jews do not usually employ as names, but other names which Jews usually employ-not Git llb(4); b. in an ascription of a tradition: sg. nJTlBX X3TT .TBCBl I said it in the name of PN Bes 23a(18); Ket 63b (21); X"l»n il'BtfB bbn "IBX '3,1 so said PN in the name of tradition [i.e. not according to his own opinion] Pes 115a(10) [4- X1B1 mng. Id]; Er 67a(38) [J, XJB^IX]; 1BX1 XJ'1 '31 Xn''?!? ^1X1 in'JB im XBPB a messenger of the court went and stated (the decision) in the name of one of them San 8a(41); 3YJ n'BPB TB'XI m3X 'BX 'an so said your maternal grandfather in PN's name Sab 156a(ll); Tan 8b(25); Qid 71a(44); BM 66b(3); //«/ 55a(22); 2. designation: sg. XBP "J1? '33T XB^>jn I sold you something that was merely designated so [lit. merely a designation] BB 7a(46); BM 104a(7); jl'VlX VXSO 1J13 we follow the designation (of the mixture) AZ 66a(6); ,1BP xmpO it is called [lit. its designation is] red paint Sab 104b (17) [expl. MH Xipo Mib. 12:4] // Meg 18b(51); n'BP pm.1 'T ty 7r?'n ■pV'n walking with difficulty is called walking Sab 8b(26); ]1BB ,TJ'B ]13J'1 p1? 'iprlBI ]"1 "73 ]"1 n'BP X^> ]'13 any judge against whom a lawsuit is brought, and they authorize to collect money from him in a lawsuit, is not called a judge BB 58b(3); Suk 13a(7); Git 34a(35); 55 2b(3); 3. w. V"D1 pe. to mention s.t.: IDT |XB ITBP/nOBP who mentioned it/them? [i.e. what is the connection to the matter at hand?] Sab 57a(9); Bes 7b(10); Meg 28b(8) [4- Vial pe., mng. 1]; 4. w. VpBJ af. to spread a rumor [cf. Sy rc'S.V .ju&k' LS 440, mng. 9]: VPJ Xin "?'1 XBP p'BB Xpl perhaps it is he who is spreading the rumor BQ 114b(48); 5. sg.cs. any [cf. Akk sarrum sumsu any king CAD S/3 294, mng. 3]: a. general: n"?'B ]B 131? Xni'3y DIP H'3 13'13y X"?T we do not do any (other) work with it [i.e. the knife] except for circumcision Anan 83:10; AnanSch 26:24; "71m xni'33? DP any kind of profane activity Anan 34:11; XV XTllBP DP xVl P1TB3 X^l D710 nor any excommunication, either unspecified or specified TGHark 1:6; DIP ^>3 X3/13 any written document Dec 10:17; PD xV P1X 01P in ]inJB not a single person remained from them SOZ 72:26; b. in phrases: 1) DIP Djn'B/'TB anything [cf. Akk mimma sumsu anything CAD ib.; I XTB, DJH'B]: DIP 'VlBS1? K1?! n'3'B DJHB not to annul anything from him SSHai I7b(2i); ojrra dip xixi'xns rrbi n'1? pyapa nTI Vyjb n'yiB'B1? they impose an oath upon him that he does not have anything now to pay to his legal adversary TGHark 83:24; ib. 268:30; Geon 165:14; G?32b:6; TGAs28 23b:4; OJ/IB OP NDGR 226:5; 'TB DIP ty3B 'piBX1? tf> n'^ she cannot remove anything from (her) husband HP 115:19; ib. 14:22; ^nan 34:21; /& 49:26; 83:16; XB1?^ DJHB DIP ... X1? nothing at all anywhere SSHai 4b(21); ib. 6b(13); 10a(5); 15b(9); 18a(20); xrimx 'TB DIP nothing else at all Anan 36:19; TGHark 211:2% Lit: Bacher 218; Y: XOP San 95a(52; BAYTN 2). — UW7, DB?7 PreP- f°r the purpose or sake of X'BP DIP1? 133H he did (it) for the sake of Heaven BQ 61a(12); San 96b(30); Vm UWb prU'XI ]V3 nx1? DIP1? XpjU'Bl *pm X1? since (the sofa document) was designated for the sake of NN (and was not used), it cannot be redesignated for the sake of NN2 Er 13a(44); Zev 3a(8); ib. 9a(18); xmnBX OVb mpiS they redeemed her for service as a maidservant Git 38a(23); Men 49a(18); MP1? Xiam Xri'3n nriS'"? let him open a jug of wine for his sake Git 69b(43) Y: OW? Er ib. — D1B7Q prep, because of, conj. because, since -rb awn i (MH tmm Yeivin, BV 767, J 1536) I. prep. 1. because of: a. w. fol. n.: ID'p '31 Xlp' OWO because of the honor of the imperial house Sot 40a(40); '33J DW»1 X3'5? DW» because of the (evil) eye or because of robbers BM 30a(13); XDTB 'Xn DTOtt because of this objection Men 82b(7) [and passim]; b. w. '3H for that reason, on that account: "inrVoB '3D DWB for that reason he disqualified them Qid 75b(28); I'Vs xp '3H DWB1 'lina (l)n1? for that reason he separates them from one another (in our Mishna) Sab 157a(31; V); '3H OWO IX1? not for that reason Zev 96b(7); Meg 5b(52); 5M46a(26); Anan 29:11; ib. 46:1; 57:23; AnanSch 5:14; ib. 7:14; TGHark 35:19; /SGF 19:9; c. w. fol. inf.: 'Bnsy'X DWB because of becoming moldy &A 124a(8); "103X DWB X3'yB because of concealment [lit. being hidden from' sight] Pes 31b(38); Xriyi 'Tnp'X DTOB because of cooling off (his) temper Ket 9b(7); Git 79a(26); BB 151a(21); ^Z29b(48); 2. w. fol. inf. in order to: XB5?CJ 'pinax DWB in order to sweeten its taste 5er 39a(31); XD'3 'MIOIS DWB in order to publicize the miracle Sab 23b(16); II. conj. because: nSIO Xan'B1? 'J73 Xpl DTO8 because he wants to learn the latter part Yom 69a(i); n'ins prb inox n'nran dwb because Esther invited Haman with him Meg 19a(49); n'mny'3 X1Z?'B31 DWB because his fear is great MQ 28a(41); m'J'B lilTIXlIB 1.lV WX'XI DTOB because their owners abandoned their claims concerning them BQ 113b (3 7); b'Sri'XI DWB because he was saved Anan 37:19; X'B31 DWB 13"inB because (seeds) grow by means of water ib. 5:18; 9:19; 43:23; AnanSch 19:12; iSGF 33:23; ib. 45:11 [and passim] Y: oWa Sab 94a(19). Dlt^U prep, because of (derived on analogy < TlVlDBX [i VlBBX w. suf] as if < 1DBX + mT\b) J?ps 'XnV BWB it split because of me BM 20b(7); ib. 106a(17); 26; 28; 'T1 'XXIs? DWB because of me ATer 53a(14; Seel 21:23); HG1 374:41 (Var); ni'i nn"? dtob nmnx ni'Ti it is a decree (concerning) her sister because of her Yev 29a(4)///& 114b(21) Lit: Eps, Stl 105. - "1 Dlfi? Vj? prep, in accordance with (Sy Jl^! -n KiSi^ LS 784, mng. 4) Xip'J?B1 OVS "?J? in accordance with its original status San 41b(4); by Xfliyni aw in accordance with its present status ib. 5 Y: "1 DP ty San ib. natf 4 ]jb2/ n. ]ABt&, lXfflfr n.m. a type of vinegar (etym. unkn.) sg. ]Xnv xVn a strong vinegar G/Y 70a(10; OHT ib. 158:25) // UBW /4Z 12b(14; JAr [AC 8:98]) Geon. expl.: n'DlKB TO'JS 'HI X1J THNn >)pn Wk p ya a type of very strong bitter vinegar, and it is a Persian word OHT Git ib.; Lit: Flora 1:104; 2:349; Geig, AAC 398, rejects a P etym. For other exx. of a zayin-nun graphic confusion, v. 4- PjW'Jp, -urn. 1MB; vb. to convert (4- XIBtfB, XIBti, Vnati; Sy 2# :U»-z, pa. LS 785, mng. 2, JPA IBP DJPA 556) Itpa. to convert of one's own will: mj'DBPI TIBrKtf'XI n'W 13 'nx "\ PN excommunicated them, and they converted (from Judaism) Qid 72a(39) XlKlty, N1KM87 n.m. religious persecution (1 Via©, XJiap; Sy rf-i^x- LS 785) sg. mm 'in it is a time of religious persecution Hul ioib(i5); n'psa na xibp 3jx 'jam na nan pn died on account of religious persecution BM 86a(6); iSGF 87:1; ib. 31:20; 94:13; XTT '1 'B'3 xn'jjma arra1? x"?i xixbp vin in the time of PN, they decreed a religious persecution not to fast Tan 8b(30); Bes 4b(31); pXa X1XBP P'BJI 1BD nxmn XDyariXI "?X1P' religious persecution was great in Eretz Israel, and instruction declined there iSGF 61:14; TGAs28 126:19 Y: XT?* W«/ ib.(BAYTN 51). XDltttJ' n.m. one who dislocates (4- Vt3DI£? i^a/d/- form; cf. MH 13'T nt3BP3P J 1594) pl.cs. '13 X3T 'B1BP sons who dislocate (their) thigh Ket 60b(53) Y: 'BWip /Te( ib.(BAYTN 71). Kyitt& n.m. official appointed to hear lawsuits (lit. listener; 4- VyBP, X5?BP; Sy pdi^»xi. LS 786, PSm 4216) pi. XriBI n'333 '5?BP1 n'yiBP the i.-officials who hear the lawsuits in the court 55
N71W 1156 uat? of our master Dec 2:4; 'ni7Kn 'J/W '111W7 to send /.-officials and messengers OHT Pes 54:14 [NriSM»B; n.f. legal tradition (4- VjW, XJiyBtf; TA XJiyiBW TJ IS 2:24, JPA nyiBW DJPA 556, Sy K'AL^cuioLjL report, tidings LS 786) sg. '31 psnyiao -|iiyan x'a prcai p',i just as water flows, so may your legal tradition flow Kar 6a(ll); ,1'BISB XJiyiBW 1B'J1 X71 so that you should not say the legal tradition according to him Pes I04b(i0); pi. ibjvx mix xnyiaw the legal traditions supplemented [lit. were stated upon] each other Men 43a(13); ib. 18; TO3 '301 XXinyiair; ]<3>n3B how accurate are the traditions of the old men! BB 149b(5); '11 '1713 XJiyiBW all of these traditions HP 148:14 Since the form 1 NJiyaw is much more common in JBA, it is likely that the sporadic occurrence of the present form is due to the influence of the other JA dialects; Voc: xnjn»W VTM 45.] NJTiatf n.m. excommunication (4 VriBW, XJlBtf) sg. pi '7S nofltrm XJllBW an excommunication by which NN was excommunicated TGHark 234:10; ib. 14; X73i xirra xVsi xnyisiy X73 XJ11B2/ without an oath, a court oath, or a (threat of) excommunication ib. 1:29; 111:35; SSHai 5a(21) WliXi? vb. to tear out, expropriate, avoid (4 xDiatfa, xdibw, xjibbw, mav, xjib'bb?; Sy 4r^*- LS 785, Ma BBW MD 469) Pe. (e/u) 1. to become dislocated [JPA BBK/ DJPA 556, mng. 1]: "717X1 1731 1.TBTO B'BUH iy 17B they were filling (the /.-vessel with water) until their shoulders were dislocated, they expired, and died Bek 9a(8); 2. to tear out: ,1'BBItf XM3 31 Dp 1'yipV PN tore out his windpipe 5g 117a(33); xVunm ,tjt>3137 rroaen xuw may a cat tear off the cock's crest Er 100b(49); Ber 62b(24) // Git 57a(21) [4 XP313]; ,TBBX7 ,1BBW31 ,iy31 (the sea monster) was about to tear out his thigh BB 74b(l; P1); 3. to pluck out: XB11 B'BW '3a XB1 'T1X1 1TB from the time that he plucks out a feather and blood flows Hul 22b(24; V11); TGDr49 99:12; n'jp'TI ,1"TB 737 1BBW1 they plucked out all the hair of his beard SOZ 72:19 [cf. Ma: DWJ 17y ,1'UXBI MD 470]; 4. to take away, remove: n'Bp'B X1117 lB'BWl XU'XX lp'70 they went up on the roof and took away the ladder from before him San 26a(36); 5. to expropriate: 7'3X1 B'BIP 'XT if he expropriates (the fruit) and eats (it one at a time) BM 66b(54) // Yev 93a(15); ib. 107a(28); BB 28b(23; Es); ib. 169b(5); Qid 26b(31) [movable objects]; 6. to steal: 'TITO 'BB2H XVI ]T1X it is brothers who steal (property) from each other BB 173a(19); BM 93b(40); Ned 48b(l) [Var: B'3P Ar (AC 4:294)]; 7. to set aside: pass.part. 'B'BIP 'TIT 13A the money is collected (and) set aside BB 3b(25; TGAs42 156:19) [H: TUB1] Pa. 1. w. "PS: to excuse oneself: rVVS2 'B1B2/7 13yi XIH he did (it) to excuse himself Ber 43b(34; F); Tan 12a(14); HP 77:9; 2. to place under stipulations of the Sabbatical year: 111310,1 Jn iy V'T'JIl BB1W1 let (the Sabbatical year) continue to place it under its stipulations until Sukkot RH 13a(l; E2); 3. to release a debt: Jipjil Wivb 137 VWm 1331 the scholars ordained that (the Sabbatical year) should release a debt to retain its memory Git 36b(l); XBBWB ib. 36a(39); B'BWB Anan 10:26; ib. 11:1 Itpe. 1. to be torn away: 'BlBrHS'X? XT3y '11111 the oesophagus is apt to be torn away Hul 28a(31); Sab 82a(10); Yom 87a(51); 2. w. -7 to transfer: XJ'XB XJX 17'XI '7 lJV7(')X2n Xin |lfiX urxa xb inx xraoa? xtoobb 137 'dibjupx '"7 'B1BJ1WX I have 'borrowed' you. For I can transfer you from one tractate to another, (but) you cannot transfer me BM 97a(25); 3. to slip, slip out: rrnina xm xws'xi rryi3 b'btox his foot slipped, and the ladder collapsed from under him Sab 30b(6); BB 10a(29); Xy3 X113 B'BJIWX ,Tp(W)(D)7 H'pDBB the ax slipped (and) was about to cut his thigh MQ 12b(37); Pes 51a(33); BB 86b(7); XB'BJUtf'BI XT3y (the nail of the claw) is apt to have slipped out Hul 53a(44); Xpl '1,13 H'3'a Xm'3 B'BJIW'X n'7 '0BJ1 while they were holding it, a hair slipped out of it Yom 69b (24) // San 64a(16); 4. to escape, avoid s.o. [w. ]1UJ: 'bVu nn ,i"nai lrrra in b'btwx one of them escaped and struck him two blows Ber 56a(44); XJllin? 7"yi B'BriWX (the monkey) escaped and entered the hole Ned 50b(4; V2); BQ 58a(20; MW&tf us? VW F'); Pes H3a(l); AZ 70a(19); Xp ,111 'TyT pni' 'n HTB BBTOB PN was avoiding PN2 Qid 71b(3); 5er 24b(27) // Sab 41a(18) // £e< 11 Ob (54); X7iy pBJlP'X PN avoided me BQ 12a(2); 5. to escape s.o.'s attention: ,1'JIB'BBW'X ,1111' 31 'BX1 Nil what PN said escaped his attention Ket 15b(5); Yom 27b(14); gW 71b(l 1); Hul 107b(5); ib. 120a(8); 6. to put off a claimant temporarily: iy ,T7 B'BWB 'BlBnitfX ,T7 X3WTI31 he puts him off temporarily (saying): "Until I can search for it" BM 5b(35); ib. 3b(2); 16b(40); Pay 57a(9); BQ 112b(42); BB 6b(34); ib. 48b(3); £e£ 36b(l); 7. w. "1 + fol. vb. to omit: l'7i731'p'pn 'nwa ni7n 3iri3'7i xip b'bjie/'7 x"? Scripture should not have omitted to write ni7rl frffi l'p'pll nin#a [cf. Lev 2:4] Men 75a(29; V10); Hul 22b(9); Tern 30b(2; M); B'Br«y'7 X7 ... TOlin7 'y'31 '3n'71 X3D the Tanna should not have omitted to learn a fourth degree (of impurity) for teruma ... Pes 19a(5; V14); Yev 72b(39); Nid 52a(53) KflUSt^ n.f. escaping from an obligation (4 VOBW) sg. XflBBW X73 55//a/' 4a(16); JPMA 254:20 Lit: Eps, SSHai 2022. '»B/ 4 Vyauz vb. N-'fttP nm.pl. sky, heaven, highest part, Heaven (4' x'aw 'ia, xyixi x'a«/ na; ta x'fiii/ to Gen 28:17, Sy KiiiojL. heaven, roof, highest part LS 785, Ma 2#X'aia; MD 455) 1. sky, heaven: cs. X'BW 'a© the highest sky Er 9a(29); det. pS3 "3X X'BW? 'lnxi X137 PN went outside and pointed to the sky Ber 48a(7); xyiX7 KWO ]'3 between the sky and the earth San 95a(48); HMGas 94:10; XyiXl X'BB; X13'1 IXB the one who created the sky and the earth Bo 29:5; XB1 'S'B 11711 r\Vl X'Biya three drops of blood dripped from the sky San 109a(50); X'BW ]'» XiV n'm XB'J a ge/ has descended to us from the sky Bo 9:7; X'BW 'Vl'l the wheels of the sky ib. 6:11; X'Bltf 73 mnil under the entire sky [i.e. everywhere] Dec 5:9; SSHai 4a(18); ib. 14a(3); 555arf 254:13; '3',1 '3 X'BW ia XiV linxi just as they have shown us from heaven iSGF 4:14; TGHark 32:9; TGAs42 93b:9; 2. highest part [cf. Akk samu A canopy CAD S/l 348]: cs. X77B 'BK/ the highest part of the ceiling Ber 48a(6); 3. Heaven [epithet of God; JPA T'BW DJPA 557, mng. c, MH D'BB? J 1595]: a. general: X'BW 'D73 xmi3n is there companionship towards Heaven? Ber 34a(l) [+ it's; 4 xrvran]; x'^na x'bk; 'D73 iVsx xssin boldness is effective even towards Heaven San 105a(53); X'BW 'apa 'Xy3 '7'B J17H I requested three things from Heaven MQ 28a(32); Pes 88b(43); AZ 2b(3); H'7 'S11 xp X'BIPB he is pursued from Heaven San 72b(28); b. in var. expressions: X'BBH XDB'X fear of Heaven Sab 156b(34); X'B© ni7m fear of Heaven AnanSch 26:14; XWI xmJB'n (by) the faith in Heaven SSHai 10a(4); XJ17'y X73 X'BIVI X3XBin (infertility) is a Heavenly order without reason TGHark 37:12; X'BEH '7'B Heavenly matters [i.e. of religion] Ber 7b(38); MQ 17a(5); ATe/ 105b(21); Qid 76b(32); AnanSch 27:14; XTiy'O X'B© ]B Heavenly assistance Meg 6b(10); X'aB?1 xm'3'y service of Heaven Anan 7:3; 'am X'BW the mercy of Heaven TGAs28 3:5; Bo 20:1; (& 26:5; 75:8; X'BB/I XB7IP the peace of Heaven Dec 1:9; X'BE/1 XBZ; Heaven's name MQ 17a(ll) Lit: E.E. Urbach, The Sages-Their Concepts and Beliefs, Jerusalem 1975 69+; Y: m$ Ber 3b(38; BAYTN 2). B'at? adj. thin (4 VoBtf; Ma XD'Btt/ MD 470) I. adj.: sg.m. B'BPl T1X1 long and thin Bek 43b(13) [expl. MH DIB© ib.]; II. n.: XB'Bttf X3'1X X'3D a tall, thin, (and) ugly (person) ib. 45b(36) [expl. MH nsp Mib. 7:6] Nnp'StP n.f. Sabbatical year or cycle (< MH nS'BE? Yeivin, BV 944; 4 Vsatt?; JPA IB'Btt; DJPA 557) sg. X/lB'Birn XTW Anan 11:12; ib. 17; 22; xnB'aW '31» y3!tf the seven years of the Sabbatical cycle Bo 71:7 I'BSfr adj. fat, fertile, n. superior one (4 Vptf, xri'JIJBtt?; TA ]vVi'&tfr pi. TO Gen 4:4, Sy ^ i ■ ^ v LS 786, Ma XJ'BXtff MD 443) I. adj.: 1. fat, fatty: sg.m. ]'BP 'XI 7"X XJ'BE; 1'7 T"X 'SB he brought him a fat (goat). He said to him: "This one is too fat" Hul 45b(37; V"); ]'Btt?1 31X (1}{1)'1p since (the meat) is fatty it penetrates Men 83a(22; V10) // Zev 98a(16); AZ 34b(ll); X3'»» X1tt;'3 fatty meat Gi7 67b(29); /A. 70a(7);
T ' T 1158 yatf Sab 109b(19); ib. 110a(31); Meg 3a(44) [ewes]; San 94a(10); pl.m. 'J'BW Sab 53b(44) [sheep]; Yom 47b(24) [priests]; f. ]J'BW Sab 53b(44); •"SB XJ'BWl X'T3T D1WB because (eggs of a pairing of a hen and cock) are fatter Bes 7a(l 1) [double rdg.]; 2. fertile: sg.f. XyTX XJ'BW nin ]jnr 'T 'JW3 in the time of PN the soil was fertile BM 105b(27) [cf. Sy rC^U , "njj. rdiiK' fertile soil Geop 3:16]; II. superior one: pl.m. n'XT TBW3 1H3 of the best ones among them [i.e. Sennacherib's troops] Saw 95b(36) [expl. BH 1'3BWB Is 10:16]; Zev 116a(36) [i.e. burnt offerings; expl. BH JilsVna Gen 4:4] On mng. II, cf. Fr: C'est la crime des homines 'he is a very fine man'; Y: J'OW Hor 12a(38). KT»# n.m. Samir (< BH 2#TBW HAL 1445; TA XTliw TJ Ezek 3:9, Sy rc'-L^ii LS 788) sg. ,Tr?y .T3VY»6 XTBW 'W *7TX (the bird) went (and) brought the samir to place it upon it Git 68b(29); ib. 25 Lit: Low, Fauna 255+; Y: KTB© ib.(Mo 118). N3»fi? n.m. a bulbous plant (Akk sumku onions CAD S/3 274, Sy rd^JwjL LS 786, Ma X3B1W onion MD 455) sg. XJOim XTS'W X3BW s.-plant, i.-beverage, and fish hash Ket 60b(52; FrAr [AC 8:101]); pi. Ara 19a(25); '3BWT XT1B peel of the j.-plants Qid 52b(9); 'XQ-IS '3BW Persian i.-plants Sab 110b(l) [used as a medication]; '3BW1 X"1W'3 'TXX1 meat, i.-plants, and spices. HG3 219:80 [used in a stuffing] V 4- 1#XT10 note. Lit: Flora 2:186: Schopfhyazinthe; Y: '?OW Sab ib.(BAYTN 131). IP® vb. to become fat (4- XJB1W, 1'BW, Xn'JUBW; Sy ^iojc. LS 786, Ma pW MD 470) Pe.: ]'BW ('}n<J)"rp the cattle grow fat 5o/ 34b(50); 'X rfatai yn TSW1 paw if (the cock) becomes fat and thrives, he will know that he will be successful Kar 5b(53) // Hor 12a(38) The phrase '»» yiz '3 Pes 112a(19) may be translated: I have become fat among the thin ones, but its mng. in the context following an incantation is uncertain. N3»fi? n.m. name (i XBW) sg. '3BW XTiy 31 PN is my name Hul 51a(10) Y: 'Ml? //«/ ib. KTMUOtf, KITU'SW n.f. fattiness (4 V]BW, I XJB1W; MH2 n'JUBW J 1598; 4- ]'BW) sg. xn'ilJBW XTID'XT the fattiness of the forbidden (meat) HG3 215:9 [cf. XTID'XT n'JUBW //«/ 8a(35)]; 31X xmraaw n'V x'bna xn'nbm rrs-nn because of the pungency of the Asafoetida, the fattiness (on the pagan's knife) 'sweetens' it [i.e. makes it less pungent] AZ 39a(38) Y: NlVJiMtf AZ ib.(BAYTN 288). J7fttf, '»# vb. to hear, heed, infer, obey (1 T3 yaw'B, xyawa, xayaiw, xyiaw, xnyiaw, xyaw, xnyaw, yawai tb'B; Sy -v «~v ls 786, Ma XBW MD 469) Pe. (a/a), qetil le- forms [cf. Sy ^ ,\ .«wt H rdla-.K' Nold, SG 219, Ma 113^'BW Nold, MG 382]: lsg. '"? yaw Zev 110a(18); 'V Xy'BW As 41a(4); 2m. T> yaw 5er 16a(33); 3m. n'^> y'BW Afg 24a(40); lpl. J1? yaw 55 51a(14); J1? xy'BW £W 13a(14);2m. 13V yaw g/rf 13a(15); 3m. vf? yaw //«/ 5b(35);- 1. to hear: a. active: 1) alone: yaw xV Xim X3X 'yBWTB since I heard (what the angels said) and he did not hear (it) Ket 69b(36); Ned 50a(16); Zev I3b(i5); Hul 7b(2i); n'nV'nx Vix 'xyaw she heard, went, and relinquished it [i.e. her mother's ketubba] Ket 86a(2; HGP 44b: 16); 'tn'X piS'X XjyBW 'Xa I shall go out to see what I am hearing Yom 75b(24); nyBW xp 'Xa 'T n'XX listen, then! What do you hear? San 110a(55); nyBW '3TJX XTn'T3 nap xn1?' in the meantime, PN heard (it and) arose in anger Ber 51b(15); lyawm '3'n '3 'W3'X 133 so that people should hear about you San 70b(33); Tpyn XTB'T yBWT XJTIX may the ear that hears music be torn off Sot 48a(42); 2) w. a complement [dir. obj. or adv.]: n'J'B yBWXl V'PX xnV'a I shall go and hear something from him Sab 41a(21); XIJ'Jl bp yBW he heard the sound of a quarrel AZ 70a(10); Meg 29a(29); 13 *J0V 31 'nxpT Xin nJlTXT yaw mn he heard that it was his coffin that was coming Qid 31b(36); yBWT ]1'31 XTl'xV p'Vo '3n when he heard this, he went up to the roof Ket 103b(14); 3) w. "3 about, concerning: 'XJ'B mV 'T0DB1 ]33T '3 'yaw (if) the scholars hear about me [i.e. that 1 sell teruma], they will cause me to lose (all) of them [i.e. the priestly gifts] AZ 40b(37); Git 40a(49); Bek 29b(13); 4) w. "V concerning: xayaw X3B'X XHl inV did we not, in fact, hear the opposite yafi; concerning them [i.e. they hold a contrary view]? BB 170a(24); Kar 19b(21); mn .TV Dyaw ]XB X130 'Xn n'V concerning whom do you hear that he maintains this opinion? Ber 52a(8); nyaw ]XB n31D3 wna n,!? n'XT n'b concerning whom did you hear that he expounds the ketubba? [lit. that he has an exegetical explanation of the ketubba] Ket 81a(13); BM 33a(7); Hor 2b(54); 5) w. pron. suff. + -b + "i + vb.: lruTa-!1? 'yawi xisi xinn nrnsb max mm a certain man who heard his wife saying to her daughter BB 58a(24); Yom 75b(25); Tan 21a(6); Meg 18a(41); Ket 104a(4); Hul 110a(7); 'DD Vp'BT l"3WnV .TyBWT ]1'3 when he heard that PN was very lenient Tan 18a(39); rra'XT Xyn3 Vp yaw mn 13 when PN used to hear his mother's footfall Qid 31b(18; O2); b. in qetil /e-syntagm: OTDpil ,!7pT 1I1HWT |1D'Vy ^ yaw in1? I have heard concerning you that you pull down date palms and plant them (anew) San 30b(35); 2. to hear or receive a (legal) tradition [i XJiyaw]: a. active voice: HXTyaW X1? XJX XJUBn 3TI Xn I did not hear this (statement) of PN Ber 57b(58); X*7iyT HTa Jl'yaw XnV'B XH X3D I heard this (statement) from PN Git 26b (22); 'mn "7X1BW 1BT n'3'B n'yaw I heard from PN two (statements) Ara 29b(34); XDD'X XH1 inV )ryaw did we not, in fact, receive an opposite (tradition) concerning them [i.e. the two scholars in the Mishna]? Ber 49b(26); Er 79a(3); BM 100b(17); TXa "b H'1? p'yaWT na'X say: Do we hear PN (express this opinion)? BB 79b(9); na'X "liybx "b H'b nyawi Sab 6a(17); Ket 36a(33); San 3b(26); b. in "V V'Dp-syntagm: Xyaw x"7 px ywiiT 3m n'13 X3in 3m Xn1? f? we did not hear this (statement) of PN Qid 13a(14); X1? yBWB 'V Xyaw I did not actually hear it Ket 53b(16); Xnyaw xn 'V Xyaw X1? I have not heard this legal tradition Er 66b(3); XT30 xV 1BV73 'V Xy'BW X1? '"? I did not hear it, viz. I do not agree with it Pes 41a(4) [I V-13D pe., mng. lb]; T> xy'BW W1TD3 'V Xyaw W1TS3 n'V 'ax x'jVsa lX did you hear it [i.e. the tradition] explicitly or by inference? He said: "I heard it explicitly" Er 46a(9); Yom 50a(34); Git 39b(22); y'BW X*7 XlBAl 'in 'IQi, Xn n'b this is a tradition, and he did not receive the tradition ib. 6b(33; M); TGHark 190:14; 3. to ywo heed [w. mb, Dip]: n'1? yawl n'bi '3T mis mm PN was protesting and no one heeded him Sab 156a(22); xnaWT X333 lamp yaW'l he should heed us in the Gaonic court Dec 1:4; 4. to agree [w. 'by. mi 'mv 'mi lb yaw ]Xa who agrees with you and with PN, your teacher? Mei 12a(18); 5. to consent: XT xn'jVs n'nyawi n'1? nB3'nxi this NN consented to him and became his wife by levirate marriage SSHai 13b(2); 6. to infer, conclude, derive [w. JH]: a. general: Xin^BB yBWB1? X3'X XnXT3'l Xm^n X^'bm one can infer important laws from the custom of Hallel Suk 38b(l); ]'mn n:'B yaWB1? to infer from it two (things) Anan 5:2; X3'1? xn'B n3'B yawa^ you cannot infer anything from this Svu 38a(l); Meg 27a(22); b. in legal phrases: 1) yaw xn come (and) conclude (from the following text) [cf. JPA 'Bn Xn'X CTY 2:256+]: Bes 27a(19); Yev 103a(38); BQ 2b(16); BB 2b(16); San 5a(21); Mak llb(17); 2) nra yaw conclude from it: Sab 64a(38); Yom 3b(19); BQ 25b(30); 'mn n^'B yaw conclude from it two things San 46b(27); Zev 4a(4i); n"?n ns'py 'ma nra yaw infer from (the statement) of PN three (things) Pes 5b(l); 3) nJ'B nyBW you can conclude from it Sab 37b(l); 'mn nra nyaw you can conclude from it two (things) Yev 68b(12); BQ 58b(ll); Hul 82b(6) Pa. to serve, administer to s.o.: 'yiBW*? 'V xn'l "IB1? n'"7 I want to administer to you Meg 28b(47); Dec 2:9; -|ryawji x^nsT nu ]b 3'n' jxb oh that we had legs of iron so that we could serve you Ber 41b(14); 'm H'V yBWB mn XBT "73 he used to administer to PN every day AZ 10b(26); ib. 12; MQ 25a(45) Af. 1. to let s.o. hear: 'nXUDT X"?p 'V ]yBWXl let me hear the sound of my 'enemies' [i.e. the lice] Sab 12a(40); 2. to impart a legal tradition to s.o.: iryawx xm 'xa xnn33 []b yawa xp -] V'ap ]'n'3nB3 (the Tanna) imparts a legal tradition to us in the barraita, a matter which he did not do in our Mishna Bes 6b(32); J\ p'yBWX 'XT X3'TX1 n'1? XT3D 3T3 Xn3 XJ'BX mn it is necessary. If (the Tanna) had imparted a tradition to us about that (case), I would have said that in this (case) he is of the opinion of PN Meg 29b(39); Yev
Nj;at? 1160 Njraitf 28b(7); Qid 7a(36); BB 64b(13); p'V»1Wn IV rbv l^'yaiy1? Tin before he imparted to us a tradition (of this law concerning) a pig, he should have done so (concerning) a lamb Bek 24a(36); Tl X'y3'a xVl XH p'yBW1?! let him impart a tradition to us in this (case) and that one is unnecessary Meg 29b(41); p'yiawx1? X1T\ ^BS'X 'JJI "?3 did the Tanna have to take the trouble to impart a tradition to us about all these (matters)? Sab 5a(30) [4- V2#VS3 itpe., usage a]; 3. to inform: ]'mn nr» 'ya^X^ BTinJl '7131 (Scripture) wrote EhnjFi [Dt 22:10] to inform from it two (things) Anan 4:24; ]b yBWB Xp n'miX 3JX Xrr>'B he informs us of (this) matter in an incidental manner Zev 19a(30) [and passim]; ]b yBltfBp rryaitf am3 he informs us that it is according to PN Pes 90b(47); 4. to prove, indicate: 'X"ip "1»3 'yBWBl TJ3 'y»I»» the biblical verses prove like you [i.e. your opinion] and prove like him Er 65a(i9) [M: 'yarna]; xwV pa'i 'xm yawa 'xa XVl ^D'DT what (biblical verse) proves that |to'J [M§ab 5:4] is a term of 'bending'? &z6 54b(42); Pes 7b(25); A/eg 29a(39); San 12a(23); Mrf 31b(10); XyaitfB 'XB SuA: 39a(13); A/0 2a(25); 55 16a(51); 5. to mean, imply: 'BB?B1 '3H yBWB '3n (the word 15) can mean so [i.e. i1? 'to him'] and mean so [i.e. xV negation] Sot 3 la(10); Zev 62b(l7); ]V yawai bn yawa (the vb. Vnbtf pi.) can imply (damage of) a foot and can imply (damage of) a tooth BQ 3a(21); mi'X nVO'J x"?l mix niriDj xbx [rna =] n-u 'x yawai he should not write (in the get) Jlll'X [i.e. plene yod] since it means 'if she committed adultery', but he should write JTUX (defectively) Git 85b(33; OHT Git 197:16); p'BXl 'J'^B X*7 y"3 X'XlBa P'sxt x'xian mo p"n ''xiana t^b '3 yawa yawa p'sai x'xian -oo Tan: 't yawa no one disagrees that X'XIB means 'who has produced.' When do they disagree? On X'XIBn. The first Tanna is of the opinion that X'XIBH means 'who has produced.' PN is of the opinion that X'XIBH means 'who produces' Ber 38a(47) Itpe. 1. to be heard: bp J/BriWXl "7SJT XT.D X1HH n'TVin'W a certain ox that fell, and the sound of its grumbling was heard Hul 51b(ll); Er l04a(37); '-inai 'yarupa nb xtjj ina 'Vp '-in 'yBJlWB '"DJ two sounds (of the shofar) from one person cannot be heard [i.e. are indistinguishable]. From two people they can be heard RH 27a(18; O); bVTWI XJimx yBJUWT) 'p'ltfy let the shout of the oppressed Jews be heard TGHark 189:24 [= GeonH TipyX JTCJWll Uywy btirw ib. 23]; 2. w. mb to hear (of a speaker): in1? yBTlWa x"7 y"3 WIlXl ]1'3 since everyone was making noise, they could not hear Ber 50a(37); yW'^X1?! 'axpT ]XB3 H'1? yBTWX he heard him as if he was saying yW^xVl [instead of JTChVl Ps 50:16] Hag 15b(9); 3. w. X71^'B to become known [lit. the matter was heard; cf. Akk (OA): ammakam awutum la issamme the matter must not become known there CAD 5/2 287]: X3Va TOO '3 xrfr'B yariK/'X «]10 finally it became known [lit. the matter was heard] in PN's palace Ber 56a(56); Tan 24b(36); BM 83b(31) [Var: 'XBIWX SM 63:18]; AZ 18b(5); 4. w. -'V'B to be respected, heeded: H'^B yyamrVl '3'H '3 so that he should be respected MQ 16b(23); Sab 23b(40); Git 52b(14); 5g llb(14); BB 132a(2); TGHark 96:2; 5. to obey [Sy, LS 787, mng. 2b]: "p pyaJlttn px'rB xysttfX1? to adjure angels that they should obey you //M 37:4; Bo 133:9; ib. 145:1 Lit: Bacher 220 [Pe.]; E. Diamond, Dim Vol 50+, has discussed the term (X)yawa 'KB and is of the opinion that it is a noun ['what is the meaning of ...'], but this is unlikely from a syntactical point of view. The mng. of the prov. V'jn^ "|miK 3JX ynnwX -pn San 95b(44) is unclear. Njrat!;, NJTNatf n.m. servant, attendant, disciple (4- Vyatf qattal-form; 4- XyW; cf. JPA 2#tfatf attendant, servant DJPA 559, Sy rciiSxjL servant, deacon LS 788, Ma XWXBXtt/ MD 443) 1. servant, attendant: a. general: sg. 'XJX0B -h *f?V TyBP1? rrb 'ax he said to his servant: "Take off my shoes" Tan 24b(19); Ber 62a(44); Sab 142b(45); RH 34b(27); Git 55b(54); BQ 113b(31); WWOVb T'lp "?IX he went (and) called his servant San 39a(36); 3TI -laV rryavb 'b -idb xp mn 'Tbpx ihVid xion 'a'XlB PN used to hand over all of his keys to his servant except that of the (storehouse of) firewood Git 56a(28); Xp XyxatP Dp 'l7,n3X,7 X»» Xniya XT3 •'bno he came to recite havdala, (and Nnyatf 1161 Nnyaty his) servant got up to light the fire from the lamp Pes 103b(16); Bes 22a(22); pi. TV ISriTH Xp 11H n'VaiS his attendants were pushing her away Ket 63a(10); b. w. PN: sg. T57BE7 XJ1D BB 90b(34); TyBE; XWn 13 XJns m Tan 24b(14); AZ 58a(2); 2. disciple [cf. Sy v<L±i^nA. LS 786, mng. 2]: sg. .Tyaw mmn 'ti n'snsx max 'n "7'ixi Tanoa (when standing) PN used to continuously lean on the shoulder of PN2, his disciple Yev 42b(38); max "la max 'ti itj/xbk/ Dinj "\ rrra xya PN, PN2's disciple, asked PN2 ib. (39; I§GF 38:6); RH 33b(8); BB llla(36); 'BI Xim 'lb '3T ]'WlTp3 '3TT n'yXttl^ in (the Tractate) J'tflTj? of the school of PN, who is also PN2's disciple iSGF 40:3 [cf. bb 52b(29)]; pnoyxaB; xim baaa bxiaiffl aTI (X>(.T)yB©l he was their disciple and the disciple of PN and PN2 in GN ib. 60:18; pi. p'bsT xnxiai "jam 'yxaw ]3an ri'x mm ]T3 since there were scholar-disciples of those Rabbis who differ ib. 29:20; 103:12 Voc: ,TJDB VTM 45; Y: ,TX8W 5aA 12b(48; BAYTN 228). N^a«;, pi. Nnriya^ n.f. legal tradition, legal discussion, adopted practice (4- VyBtP, xnyiBW; Sy rfJviciioi. LS 786) 1. legal tradition: a. general: sg. XTJD xnyBEH '1JX the reward of a legal tradition is (deriving it by) logical deduction Ber 6b(25); XWTIB '3 ]Blsa TTinyaW XBT bl we recite [lit. in our mouth] his legal traditions every day in the school MQ 25a(20); Suk 47a(12) [I X'lB mng. 4]; xnyae/T xriTX the outline of the legal tradition Sab 63a(49); »'*i 'a X13iy 13y n'nyBW3 Xmbl he decided the case in the exilarch's house according to his legal tradition Er 1 lb(24); Git 27a(23); BB 6a(38); 'mn XJiyBE? am n'BWB a new legal tradition in PN's name Sab 10b(29); pi. xnnyaw '3n "73 all these legal traditions Ber 42a(30); BB 150b(15); 'mxi XnnyBtt/ two legal traditions Nid 26a(44); 2V XrinyBB; seven legal traditions Hul 42b(17); "|nnya«; ma'3 your legal traditions will be (widely) disseminated Ber 56a(46); XJlKnyaw TGHark 112:31; I$GF 62:2; b. * XITON, Xn'JriB: sg. 'rTjxp xV xnyaiy i^naxp xri'ina we are stating a Tannaitic tradition. We are not stating an (Amoraic) legal tradition Nid 18b(3); pi. xnVin 'bna xnbin xmix xnVm xnyaiy a third legal traditions, a third aggadot, (and) a third parables San 38b(51) [contents of a public lecture]; 2. legal discussion: sg. XBV3 XTlVrx X'ya xnyBW X3XJ10XT legal discussion requires clarity (of mind) like a day of the north wind Meg 28b (26) [// Xnab'H Er 65a(28)]; 3. w. var. vbs.: a. Vl#blX pe.: sg. X"?TX ©"13 inyaw your legal tradition goes according to PN Yev 91a(40); San 86b(33); b. Viax pe.: sg. T3i 3m Tap 'yaisb nnnax XyTTOB I stated the legal tradition in the presence of PN from GN Yev 48b(38); Pes 60b(9); Nid 52a(43); Ket 77a(42); 3'31V1 Q"i '3 xnyaiy xm max 3T when he was drowsy and falling asleep, PN said this legal tradition Yev 24b(26) [+ //'s; i VDU pe., mng. 2]; g/rf 47a(41); Hul 50a(39); xnyBB? na'V xm inroap'1? in'B ''B2?a we will, however, punish them so that legal traditions will not be said [lit. they will not say] in their name Hor 13b(52); c. VlBJ pe.: sg. 'BT xnyaw 'wrx nai xVis paia 'xn it seems to this one of the scholars as if people cannot learn the legal tradition Er 15a(42) // BB 84b(21); Nid 48a(17); Ber 33b(22); n'BlSB Xnya^ marJ''Xl i"PBT I shall learn the legal tradition from the mouth of its possessor Bes 27a(15); d. Vmn pe. + "a: sg. 13'nyBWB 13a inmn did you renege from your legal tradition? Suk 10b(15); Hul 11 lb(43); e. Vmn pa., pass.part.: pi. ms ]3 Ty"?X n'Jiny&W ]mnm PN whose legal traditions are more honed BM 84a(48); f. V"]12/n pa., pass.part.: pi. xnnyaw nax xswm xinxs 'am awn pi^nai because they dwell in a place of darkness [i.e. Babylonia] they recite legal traditions which are obscure Pes 34b(15) [+ //'s; 4- V"]2?n af, mng. 1]; g. V]TD pa., pass.part.: pi. xnnyaK; ]:il3B HB3 'aDI how well-ordered are the legal traditions of the old men Er 12b(30; O) // BB 149b(5)!; h. V-]e;b pe.: sg. -pwan x'B pwin ]'3'n '3T ]13ny(l)aK/ just as water flows so should your legal tradition 'flow' [i.e. be incessant] Kar 6a(l 1) // pi. ''(n)nyaB/ pl»a Hor 12a(44); i. Vop: pa.: pi. TruiyaE^ lnj'Dipi1? \ll-\ blTX the scholars went to gather his legal traditions Qid 13a(37; O2); j. Viao pe.: '"? XT3D TnyBtt?3 X3X I am of the same opinion as your legal tradition BB
-istf 1162 T\Q& 55a(3); k. Vd"D itpa.: sg. D"riOJl "P'BI TH XIiyBW the legal tradition will be clarified (by combining) mine [i.e. my statement] and yours Pes 88a(44; M2); 1. Vp'PD pe., af.: sg. Xp"?D mn X1? XKbm XS'^X XTiyBP m1? his legal tradition was not in accord with the traditional law Sot 7b(42); ib. 21a(36); BQ 92a(51); X3,!?X xnyBtf 'plOX XJia^Tn to make the legal tradition accord with the traditional law Yom 26a(17); TGAs27 33:15; m. Vnns pe.: sg. win 'ax xnyaen rmDa 'yn 'a X3THTH31 XfibB whenever he was about to begin lecturing on a legal tradition, he would first make a mirthful statement Pes 117a(39) // Sab 30b(37); n. V-pX itpe.: sg. XJiyBtf m1? xaiDSm X3'X there is someone who needs the legal tradition Hul 86b(9); o. Vnvn pe.: sg. xnyap xnim ly until the legal tradition was clarified BM 84a(50); p. ■hv.il pe.: sg. XJiyBE/ "?X©B to ask about a legal tradition Yom 77b(28); q. Vyatf pe.: sg. xy'BE? X1? xnyfctf 'xn ,!? I have not heard that legal tradition Er 10a(15); Mak 4a(15); r. VntSI Vptf pe.: sg. Xflya©3 X-TOB1?! bpPB1? to engage in a discussion of the legal tradition Sot 7b(40); s. Vain af.: sg. )TiyD2?X p'SJllBl we can raise an objection to our (previously mentioned) legal tradition Sab 125b(14); Er 9b(25); Men 49a(10); t. V*an af.: sg. naxy 'asa xnyap1? rr? 'jnai xa'x there is someone who transmits it as an independent legal tradition BM 22b(34); 5a/) 48b(12); Suk 17b(21); u. Vann quad.: sg. myenn an nmni'in naa b>333 TJiyattb PN has already interpreted your legal tradition in Babylonia Ket 53b(2); AZ 54a(32); Git 41a(24) Lit: Bacher 224; Voc: xfiyStf HGP 27b: 12; V: XfiyHB Sab 63a(49; BAYTN 285). "1MB? vb. to direct attention (Sy i_i>a-j£_ pa. to direct the mind LS 787) Itpa. (w. -|J3, '3]: 1V3 rroa marox m1? 'ya'x t^b1? rmpai m> 'im since he saw that (the cow) was close to giving birth, he should have paid attention to it BQ 59a(l) [Var: maWX H(corr.); 'IIBWX^ Es]; m-m x'aa manwx^ *ya man bya the owner of the cistern should pay attention to the water of his cistern BB 99a(26; P1) [H: manOX^] fifattP vb. to spend time, minister, have conjugal relations, use (4- XffBtiB, XtflB'tf, Xtf'Btfn, XJltfBtfn; Sy r-iojL LS 788, Ma 1# &av pa. MD 470) Pa. 1. to spend (time): TTaa VVNTl 'IDaiX lay the fourteen (years) that (Jacob) spent in the house of PN Meg 17a(15); tt'Bffl yan ;I?S xnxi rWBT XTOVIBI X3X33 NN, the claimant, came and spent his time at the Gaonic court (waiting for the other party) TGAs33 213:20; 2. to minister, serve [w. "3, 'V]: "b m»BW 0WJ1WX PN served PN2 AZ 10b(49); JW im poy WW he ministered for twenty-one days Yom 77a(30; MGN 282:4); X"rl "11 liTX X3X "b ttBttB m 13 when he and PN used to minister to PN2 liul 54a(i6); ma yvmvn nraya nyia "?nx (the priests) minister in the tent of meeting standing up Anan 22:25; 3. to allow to pass through: nX'T xp'T XPBPB X*71 Ktryn a lung which is shriveled and does not allow a stream of air to pass through HP 205:6; HG3 146:1; 4. to have conjugal relations [caique < MH CtflD'B) tfa'ff J 1601]: xyiX ^y XPBWBT (a woman) who has conjugal relations on the ground Ket 60b(53); 'waPB XBB'3 they have conjugal relations in the daytime Ber 59b(17); Sab 110a(26); Pes llla(32); Nid 29b(7); HG3 365:18; Bek 8b(10) [of snakes]; Git 58a(16) [4- l#X0ny mng. l.b.2] Itpa. to use, make use of s.t.: a. alone: Xinxi X^anwai XEH since (the inner courtyard) can close the door and use (it) Er 67a(2); tPBniPX '3 WBniPX 'STI (if there was a danger) how did he use (it) when he used (it)? Pes 8a(41; V14); b. w. "3: n3 PBfflPX IB you made use of her [i.e. the maidservant] BB 29b(6); 1H3 PBTlttX X"?T J"yx 'B11H3 PBTOXT ]XD3 even though he did not use them, it is as if he had used them BM 29a(18); 'ixaa ,i?'it,?t,7,t vmamnvb xyix mix ixbn xma^BT it is improper to use and to treat royal garments with disrespect Meg 16a(17; L); ib. llb(26); Pes 30b(23); Ara 6a(41); HP 15:17; //M46:16 The mng. of W0»n '3^ BQ 20b(2) is uncertain. p>87»# i promt n. J"IMt£ vb. to ban, excommunicate (denom. < 4 xnatf; 4- xnnatfa, xniatf, Viair?; Ma nm MD 470, > GaonArab TlBD TGAs42 76:23) Pa.: Knap 1163 xmiiff a. people: TITOE? "IB n,nBK?,31 excommunicate him! Pes 52a(8); Meg 5b(29); Qid 39a(38); n'Ti1? mV jtbe/b -nm mips: jtbe/b xwna he used to first excommunicate himself, and then excommunicate him MQ 17a(46) // Ned 7b(22); Ket 28a(16) [* 4- VlM pa., mng. 1]; Pes 52a(7); Geon 200:15; mab pTJ riTB^ ,mS''B; HXB y31X3 Barak excommunicated Meroz with four hundred shofars MQ 16a(16) [I xms^ mng. lc]; 'J1W tixt xo:ix "73 n'Vy V'3pT ny n'1? p'naiya 'xn riTIBna we certainly surely ban him until he accepts upon himself any unforeseen circumstance that can result from it BM 108b(10); BQ 15b(28); Svu 41a(21); Meg 16b(34); MQ 14b(23); Yev 121a(21); Qid 1'0b(12); Hul 18a(6); n'riB2?3 n'Bl mnatn they excommunicated him, and he died while under the ban BB 174b (2) // ^ra 22a(53); HSJX3 nnVx1? H1? xn»l nilBW he excommunicated her and released her immediately in her presence Ned 7b(17); ib. 8a(24); irix ^33 rvjx' vimfr ]ii nirrB n,!?y lanai they wrote this decree of excommunication against him to excommunicate him everywhere (since he disobeyed it) Dec 3:8; TGHark 108:30; ib. 161:30; HM 46:13; b. demons: XJ'BIB xtf»Dam xjttb^bi X3TJ1 x:ya2?ai I adjure, impose an oath, imprecate, ban, and annul ... [followed by categories of demons] Bo 82:6; TU'X ,!?3'pi 'D'J "?3 linBtt/'l \buy let them annul and ban all g.-demons and charm-demons ib. 14:9; pass.part. !nBTOB1 Tan t5,V cursed, broken, and excommunicated Sab 67a(30); ]'B'-in I'Ttl TTIBIPBI decreed, banned, and excommunicated Bo 106:4; ib. 90:2 Itpa. to be excommunicated, banned: nanK^X! 1'BV I'nVn nriTlSa he was excommunicated for (ignoring) the subpoena for thirty days Dec 4:5; ib. 5:3; TGHark 234:10; Geon 154:11; nanwi 1W1 ria""'1 nari'l may (DN) be banned, broken, lost, and destroyed Bo 1AA Lit: F. Schulthess, ZA 19 [1905] 1331; G. Libson, A1RJL 2 [1975] 321+. *m&, NTlNaB', pi. KT\my n.f. ban, excommunication, type of demon (< XrnBB?*; 4- VnBtf, xma©, Him; Ma xrnxaxw, 2# xnxa© MD 442, 469, JNA xna© iami'tta HDJNA s.v.) 1. ban, excommunication: a. against people: sg. MQ 17a(50) [w. pop. etym.: 1. niTB D© there is death; 2. rr,T nBBW there will be desolation]; MQ 17a(46) // Ned 7b(22) [4- VflBtf pa., mng. la]; ma ttVt xna^ai ma n'xi xnaisa one who has it [i.e. some pride] should be under the ban, and one who does not have it should be under the ban Sot 5a(41); xnBW3 XTJ1 Xinn 'im1? let that man be under the ban Er 63a(29); MQ 17a(37) [i Vl#'1W pe., mng. 10b; Var: xnXBW HG2 490:39]; Ned 50b(20); AZ 26a(5); Ket 69a(45); "in xnaiffa xn' let him be under the ban of the Jews Dec 7:11; Hul 132b(24); mVy XnaiP Vn X^ TBI' (T>inmVn the ban has not been in effect upon him for thirty days MQ 16a(29); Qid I2b(22); ]n 'isb xna© n,!7 i^nxi xampsi we instructed them to pardon the excommunication on NN Dec 6:5; BB 174b(2) // Ara 22a(53) [I VxiBlP pa., mng. la]; lmriBE? 11X»1 they released their ban -4Z 26a(7); ]l'D 'maw n'TlBW1?! xna© lrn mixma nas x^t let him actually excommunicate him (and not curse him). Since his flax did not sprout this is (equivalent to) a ban Meg 5b(29); pan XfiBW the ban of the scholars MQ 16a(32); BM 70a(35); BQ 112b(55) [* i xmns mng. 1]; SSSad 202b:20; ya^a1? Xnxaiy to hear the (pronouncement of) the ban TGHark 161:32; b. against demons: sg. X3JTTIB xna-inxi xmrm xna© pa'Vy I impose upon you an excommunication, oath, and anathema Bo 2:6; ib. 29:9; x'rns tj yunm 'an xna© p,!?y n1?^ PN has sent a ban against you ib. 9:6; 19:8; 2. type of demon: pi. XDJIBW ib. 53:2 [in a list of demons]; ;6. 120:16 Geon. expi.: i^y carnal wix p:8w '1T3T xnaw 'it: xraw DV Q'wVb 17I1S I'lja© -mxb <X>mre TGWeisz 87b:9; nnx^ mn vby yiTm n'3 n'nw nas ia ntin lrxi dt "? mix inlaw Vxnw ^aa lmx I'X'xiai oht mq 17:18; Voc: xrioB hgp 49a:31; KflflBB HGP 25b:2l; Y: XTOB ftj 52a(13; BAYTN 285). N3fi; 4- xn# n. Nn313!& n.f. moss, algae (< Mir ? [cf. NP usna moss PED 67]; Sy ^A; < v moss LS 789, mng. 2; 4- XDB31X) pi. XHXiaaTI Tim 'XniUW algae of the ditches and the boats TRN 574:4 Lit: Flora 1:15.
T3B7 1164 1#'3B7 13$ vb. to deflect, turn aside (Sy uLx_ LS 791) Pe.: rvvm vnm nap xinnb n<T>cwi tito xnxi a ritual ly clean person came and deflected that reed under his armpit HG3 260:28 Geon. expl.: Offlin KlXV^l 11V1 (flip JTefa TUTJ [1BU Bom] GC 197:1; Lit: Eps, GC 197' [contra ib. 13410]. 1#'3!P vb. to be different, change (i X'31ti, l#X"13'tf; Sy w'i'y. LS 789, Ma X327 MD 471) Pe. 1. to be different [only in impersonal expressions w/o concord to logical subj.]: a. 'XB XiV what is the difference? [caique < MH XiV TO MHor 1:2; v. Yalon, Intr 107]: 1) alone: XiV 'XB1 rUV in what way is a dove different? 5er 53b(32); Pes 30b(29); /?# 20a(26); Yom 44b(ll); 5e? 38b(5); ATef 16a(47); BQ 65b(21); 5v« 14a(20); Hul 86b(34); 2) repeated: NJB/ 'xai xan X3P 'XB X3n wherein are the two cases different? [lit. what was different here, and what was different here?] Ber 49b(12); XS'D XiV 'XB1 XVI XiV 'X8 what is the difference between the former part and the latter part of the Mishna? Sab 70a(l); XIV 'XB iru'3 x:w 'XB1 imx what is the difference between him and them? Er 51b(28); Pes 17a(16); 0W 10b(26); BQ 9b(19); Zev 21b(7); b. XiV xb there is no difference: I) alone: XIV xb 'B3 xan here also there is no difference Sab 6a(13); Yev 40b(10); AZ 1 la(29); Men 35a(9); XIV xbt -|TY7 ... p "jV according to you, who do not maintain any difference between ... Pes 72a(20); (2) repeated: p3TT3 XIV xbl XTTTttna X327 X1? it makes no difference whether it is a Pentateuchal (injunction) or a Rabbinic one £> 37b(35); Pes 23a(5); Mg 18a(18); Ret 68a(47); 5M 39b(6); .Svk 37a(4); Ara 5b(5); <4«an 18:15; /& 21:12; 55:9; c. '3tf, '3XB? it is different: 1) alone: MX© xan it is different in this case Men 37b(l); Hul 29b(36); Bek 36a(53); H3 ri'XT XIIO'XI HD1D >iV\ Xin XMBB it is different (concerning) a so/a since it is a prohibition which has a monetary aspect in it [i.e. her ketubba] Svu 36b(6); 'y'tn xmn '3XP xy'3p X"?T it is different (in the case of) the festival of the Arabs since it is not fixed AZ l ib(40); imap xan 'ama imxyr 'xons vxv it is different (in the case of) the Persians since they place a table immediately before them Ber 46b(29); Hor lla(54); miy X3'XT ,TOH3 'JXtfl it is different (in the case of) an animal since its skin remains (after death) Ret 79b(ll); DTOTSI mpya nai '3X«n Xin because the male is different from the female in the male sexual organs Anan 80:4; nilb mi p ■'iXV xbl there is no difference between a menstrual and a gonorrheal woman /& 41:10; 2) w. fol. -1?: p n,!? "Wl K3T1 'XH ]XB T'lXI p'XPV T'lXI who is the Tanna who maintains a distinction between eligible and ineligible? Pes 72b(ll); ib. 83a(30); ITy^X 'I1? nyiB1? npiy p rf? ''iXV xb PN does not maintain any difference between one who abrogates and one who errs ib. 72a(17); xniD'X p f? ''iXV Xs?! xruaob do we not maintain any difference between (laws of) prohibition and (those of) mortal danger? Hul 9b(4); f? '3BH Er llb(8); "\vytb pin p in1? '3EH X'n p3"l it is (according to) the scholars who maintain a difference between unconsecrated food and tithe Hag 19b(4); Qid 13a(23); AZ 23a(2); 2. to be dislocated [cf. Sy . ~-iA ■-. v .'i coinvijij & i y o Jacob's hip joint was dislocated Gen 32:25; v. LS ib., mng. 4; cf. Ma riJXlXO ]B T)XiV XplX the earth shifted from its axis MD ib.]: n'T m1? X"3K; his hand was dislocated Sab 148a(10) [w. ref. to IT nj?"lS?tf 'B Mib. 22:5] Pa. 1. to change s.t.: ]3'3Wa "MVb "lffS'XI HD3 we indeed change as much as is possible (concerning permitted work on a holiday) ib. 148a(31) // Er 103a(34) // Bes 30a(9); Sab 128b(46); ib. 119a(45); Hag 1 la(5); Rar 1 la(21; FV9) [v. Itpa.]; SSHai 6a(15) [4- VTOJ pa.]; 2. to act improperly [w. "3]: W>bv V'T mjltf J1X you acted improperly. Go (and) pay Hul 105b(47); V'T TOB'Xl n'3 JTW xbl "ntW 'Jl'X go (and) bring witnesses that you did not act improperly with it [i.e. the tool] and be exempted BM96b(4l); D1WB bvb'l m W^ 'SH "73 n'3 '3BH because he acted so improperly much concerning it [i.e. the sacrifice], should he continue to act improperly concerning it? Zev 2a(24) // ib. 7b(6); 3. w. KJIJH to become insane [cf. Sy m ^ *■ ^ >J-jL LS 790, mng. 2e; cf. BA ]\i& XViX |B HSS^'Da 4:13, Akk tem(su) isanni, etc. CAD S/l 405]: Xj? mn nvun '3Bn ly nx xyn xvp*? n3 '33x nxpi b'tx 2#'3«? 1165 2#'3t^ he used to go around and call at the doors: "PN, where are you?" until he became insane BM 84a(52); 4. to change one's appearance [w. stPBal: rr1? 'ax ... -pyr xVi 'dti 'd ib;93 '^i ^'i ~>1VX 1xa3 go and change your appearance so that they should not recognize you. He said to him: "In what way should I change (it)?" San 96a(l); niX»3 rTOS: ''XiV she changed her appearance by her dress Yev 65b(47); 5. w. KtlS'lS to distort or change one's usual word or style: a. people: xaty 'Wn "?D wb 13n' Tin 'XT nni3H3 '327a mn Xb if they were to give him all (the contents of) the empty spaces of the world, he would not distort his word BM 49a(49) // San 97a(34; F2); BM 23b(56); b. Scripture [v. Af., mng. 2]: xxan 'san nx nni3H3 xnp 'mi Scripture changed its usual style (by saying) DX xsari XSan [Ex 22:3] BQ 65a(2); Pes 28b(26; C); RH 34a(40); Qid 35b(14; O2); San 40b(12); Hor 10b(ll) Af. 1. to move from one place to another: "'iVX "pilD change the place of your bed Tan 24b(42); xmsV m'mStt n'^Jl^X1? to move him from his bed to (another) bed MQ 25a(29; L); 2. w. K"ll3'lV to change one's usual style [v. Pa., mng. 5b]: TViVX nxaip X-113'TO nl113n1? (Scripture) changed its style [in Lev 12:4] from the first one [ib. 2] Anan 64:7 Itpa. 1. to change, be changed: a. of appearance: Xlbob 'OT'Xl msx 'iXWX his appearance changed and he resembled a dog San 96a(52) [cf. BA: ty \\inV"1, 'I'll Da 7:28]; im1?! UnWX XriXlX xnai ^yo until he came, the paths of his town had been changed Ret 62b(39); XS11 '2WX XH XS1J •'iJWX. xb xm in this case her body was changed. But in that case it was not changed Yev 59a(ii); <n)n)m3B '^rwx xbi xinny the mushroom which was not changed from its creation Anan 3:9; b. of status: 'JJHPXl V'Xin 'intffX since he was changed (concerning his judicial procedure), it was so (also concerning his liability) San 71b(25); RH 26a(25); MQ 18a(30); BB l5a(25); Bek 42b(24); nsnn: 'xm xyavii 'x» Xin ,(U>(t3in^X what (verse) informs us that JlS~in3 [Lev 19:20] (refers) to being changed? Rar 1 la(21; MGL 557:8) [Var: "1KH XlVb a term of changing FV9; VIIDTOX HG2 45:78]; 'JWXT \» n,,lV,y'7 wine whose status was raised (from that of the grape) Ber 35b(36); 'jrWK 'V'H mil '3M Vlpm n'3 3nn '3a in"aiy the names of three things have changed since the Temple was destroyed Sab 36a(6) // Suk 24a(30); 2. to depart [w. ]»]: XJn:aa •'inwb xbl so that he should not depart from the custom San 46b(40); lX'jniPXT DXS Tinaa who departed from the city of GN TGAs27 33:14 Lit: Bacher 226; Sok, JPA 558, note, w. lit. 2#'3$ vb. to reply, answer a question (< H V2#'3© pe. HAL 1477, J 1607; I XJlVltfa, 2#X"13'!7) Pa.: a. general: xybl X3'n 'V'B '3n ^iVH "MVb XD'XT XD'n "73X "li^1? this refers to where there is nothing to answer. But where there is something to answer we do so Qid 4b(4); "CSV rrb "W» xp he answers him well BM 56a(30); Sab 3b(5); Xnp'ya \>wa Xmnna it is evident (that it is) as we originally replied Er 96a(12) [4- xmnna]; RH 4a(39); m1? 'WD as he replied to him Svu 21a(l); Xin ">iV 11X1 Xin •'XiV XiX I answered one [i.e. the contradiction in the first part of the Mishna], and you, answer the other! [i.e. the one in its latter part] BQ 17b(5; F1); N3N «|0V 31 mV '3XW1 DHpl Wb •'iVXl 'Xys I wanted to answer him, but PN answered him first Sab 134b(38); mam 'ID mV m'lJtfV 13D he thought to answer it according to PN('s opinion) ib. 123a(8); mV '3Wtt pail ... m1? 'WS pan sometimes he replies ... [first answer follows], and other times he replies ... [second answer follows] ib. 7b(29); Tern 6a(33); b. preceded by var. vbs.: 1) V'lyp pe., af, itpa.: p'JWBl mnx ]"Vp (the two parts of MRH 1:1) are contradictory (concerning the dating of documents). We may reply ... AZ 10a(21); m1? '3P1 mV WpXl he asked it and answered it Ned 6b(12); nw anV WVp&X XJinsa XmaipS WiWi XmiX3 (the matter) was difficult for PN at night, and he answered it at dawn from a barraita Bek 31b(17); 2) V'BT pe.: X'Wp xb p'iTOl 'Tinx 'X"ip p'am we raise a contradiction between biblical verses and we reply: There is no contradiction Ber 7a(41); P'3wai ... p'ama Yom l7a(7); I'ri'sna 'axn
ym 1166 lays; 'JE?ai xn'13X he raises a contradiction from our Mishna to a barraita and he replies ... Zev 115a(27); Git 27a(28); ^Z 16b(7); XnX'M 'B1 '3WB1 'linx he raises a contradiction between (two) misnayot and replies 5Af 81a(12); Pes 20b(4); //«/ 102a(41); 3) Vain af: 'M "?3 ,T3'n'X in"? '3©1 Xnxavn he asked all these questions and answered them AZ 24b (27) Af. to clarify a difficulty: xnyBP Tfb n'^CXI he clarified the legal tradition for him Bek 60a(12; Rashi, §M) [F: X"J»@x"7] Itpe. to be clarified of a difficulty: xny^B xn xVi ym ppyi ymn *pv an1? nan 'a 'xrcp 'XJAPX this matter was difficult for PN for twenty-two years in the school of PN2 and was not clarified BQ 66b(27) // Ket 42b(21; V5) Lit: Bacher 226. YIW vb. to tighten a cord, noose (4- 'XJtf; JPA pff pe. DJPA 560, GeonH flV SSHai 18a[5]) Pa.: nx'xn ni'1? xVi n'1? isix n'b ir:iwi rrb isnx n'PSJ 'ip'1? X*71 H'V IX'Jtfl they loosened it [i.e. the cord around his neck] and tightened it. They loosened it so that there would not be an interposition. They tightened it so that he would not acquire his freedom [lit. himself] Yev 46a(22; OHTib. 107:18) [M3: 1BXBX1] NX3tf, KXN3B; n.m. lace (4- VfJtf; JPA ptff DJPA 560) pi. •'■Sam Kb n'XI xVUD a sandal which has laces Yev 102a(36); X*?3 '0'3 1H3 x"?m 'S32? they used to hang on them [i.e. the doorways] money bags without their laces Ber 58b(14; M) [v. SM 126:22]; 'XXJE? ma XD'3 (the possession of) a money bag is according to (where) the laces (lie) BM 26a(4); ib. 6; 'D'3 X3'X by '3-dbi vnv in1? n'xi 'a: 'x 'xjp in1? n'^i liT'BIS there are moneybags which do not have laces. Alternatively, they have laces, and they are wrapped around their openings OHP Sab 50:17 \>Vff vb. to torment, punish (Sy •" i v pa. LS 791, Ma pVD pa. MD 471) Pa.: ,T3 yvbv JU'X n'DU n' ]'p32?Bl they overpower him and torment his body HM46:18; n'flBlp 'Din 73ff ... IpWBl they torment all the members of his body Bo 59:6; ib. 4 DU0t£>, DX10B7, DDXB7, 0B00 vb. to shackle, fetter (< J- Vdbd saf.; 4- ]'BD010; Ma DBOO MD 334) Quad.: n'BDDW 'nV'BW Tfby 'It? he placed a chain upon him [i.e. Ashmedai] (and) shackled him Git 68a(51; M) [Var: ,T»nDttl Ar (AC 8:117)]; xai xanna pn' xaanm pn' kwoodoi I shackle you and seal you with the great seal (of PN) Bo 116:9; XBDXtf1? CBS 2981 1; pass.part. n'n'xa pn ddxpbi Dnnai D'nn this house is sealed, secured, and shackled Bo 64:21; ]W'T0X pn'BDXltfBl you are bound and shackled ib. 33:19; XBDOttB CBS 16059 II [of Lilith] Lit: C. Muller-Kessler, ANES 37 [2000] 224+. '0B7 vb. to incite (of a dog; MH 'Otf pa. J 1608) Pa.: 'OnffBI H'3 1DPB1 ^3,?^3 ,T3 nyi'1 ]V3 since you know concerning your dog that they incite it (to bite) and it is incited BQ 24b(16) Itpa. to be incited: v. Pa. Dn0t!7 4- VoBOtf vb. TCytP vb. to enslave, make responsible, obligate (< 4- Viay Saf; I '13ytfa, X113ytf; Sy t;> y LS 506, Ma T3XP MD 2, s.v. T3X saf.) Quad. 1. to enslave [w. "3]: 'TOJW '13ytfa they completely enslave San 106a(30); 2. to make subordinate: n'^y"? n'31? .Tiaytfl he made the (lower) room subordinate to the upper one BM 116b(45); 3. to obligate, make liable, pledge: WITD Vy3 rrnyv 'arm p'3 since the Merciful One obligated him against his will BQ 56b(23); pass.part. Xn"11X1B n'V 13yitfB1 he is made liable to him [i.e. the priest] according to Pentateuchal law Ket 102a(7); ib. 107a(7); Qid 65b(27); Ned 15b(16); l'E?3ya 13yPB XHB in V3 n'larf? each one of us is obligated to the other from now on SSHai 9b(20); 'iay©B 'VtjVtJD nainaV movable objects are pledged to a ketubba Yev 99a(32); 4. w. "ffS3 to make o.s. responsible, be responsible: 'lUyttf ima '3:6 "?3 n'IPSJ laytffB (a father) regards himself as completely responsible in all cases with regard to his son Git 49b(54) // BB 174b(40) // Ara 23b(6); n'lMU layWBl "IBA he undertakes to be responsible Git 14a(2); £>• 82a(17); BM 13a(6); /& 94a(32); fifl 173b(35) QuadRef. 1. w. "3 to force into servitude, enslave: ina '13ynWBl ln"^1? 'EN'XX 'TIT 'am t : 1167 Kfl'SW they advance money to people for their poll tax and force them into servitude Yev 46a(26; O2) // bm 73b(25); na layntrx x"?i 'iiaynwx (PN) certainly did not (re)enslave her Git 38a(28; As); ib. 39b(40); xV px towa ins naynwx inrx 1,13 ]J'iayni2?X they [i.e. the Romans] enslaved the Jews. We [i.e. the Persians] did not enslave them AZ 2b(43); ib. 8b(33); 2. to be liable, obligated, pledged: 13yntt/'B XV H3W31 3iyi a surety for a ketubba is not obligated (for its payment) Git 49b(51) // Ara 23a(39); Git 50a(4); BB 173b(33); '3n 13TlV Vb XH3yna;aT '3'H '3 n'1? XJTaynitfB just as I am obligated to you, so am I obligated to him Pes 31a(21); BQ 40b(13); BB 157b(20); 'D3'2 wb nsyn^'X Xn was not the property, in fact, pledged to him [i.e. the priest]? Bek 48a(9); X13ynwa K^nx*? xyiX the field is pledged to the tenant farmer (until the crops are ripe) BM 73a(35) [Var: Xiaywa V22Es (Pa., pass.part.)]; ib. 73b(22); 69a(29); BQ 20b(24); BB 44b(3) NliayB;, Nliay'B; n.m. servitude, legal obligation (< MH2 TGjrti J 1609; i Viaytf; Sy K'o-ii-cv^- LS 506) 1. servitude: sg. n'ypSX n'nisyB/1? he canceled his servitude [i.e. of the pagan slave] Yev 46a(3); n^ yps M11TO1 XH3y n'liayE? the servitude of a slave whom they have freed is canceled TGAs28 54:28; SSHai 14b(l); 2. legal obligation: sg. T^TX Xliay© ina we follow (the place where) the obligation (was incurred) Ket 110b (41); XTiayw "?31 Xin "ft ">ip n'3 n'XT you have acquired it [i.e. the writ] and every obligation which is in it BB 76b(20) // Qid 47b(49) [quoted from a legal document]; Xiny© XIBttn the obligation of the writ BB 32b(30); Nnrmn XTOjrtf the (hypothecary) obligation is from the Torah ib. 175b(18); 24; 35; Qid 13b(6); xap XliayK? the first obligation Ket 44a(3); ypS XpT Xin 1AT Xliayw it is the obligation to the proselyte which becomes void (at his death) Mak 16b(l); BQ 49b(25); Ket 70a(29) Voc: Xltajw HGP la:22; Y: XTraytf BB 76b(20; BAYTN 255). NViyt? n.m. cough (4- VVyB?; Sy ^ Va v , LS 79*3) sg. HM 39:13 MViyW n.f. speech, discourse (4- Vl#'yti, i#xm©; jpa nmyc; det. djpa 561) sg. xs'sn XlffJ'X 'la Vl3T xmyitf the discourse of all people is overturned Bo 130:4; ib. 67:3!; 115:5 Lit: AMB 138. l#'J7tf, »Kt^ vb. to speak, tell (4- l#xmu?, Xmy©; Sy r^\ r etpa. LS 793, Ma 1#XXB? itpa. MD 438) Itpa. 1. to speak, tell [w. 'ina w. s.o.]: xrynWB X2X nnS'X (if) I begin to speak Sot 35a(i0); lynwB xp xais ins mx '3 nna tox when two (witnesses) come, do they speak in one accord? San 30a(54); 'XflPB l^ni' 'T BB 74a(34; mgg 50:11); mwi "lyn^xV yr xVi ]xa 'xn "•ymrb Kb pna Xtra one who does not know how to speak slander like Haman should not speak (it) Meg 13b(40); 'V 'ynwx 'V'a nVn 'an (PN) told me these three things BB 55a(9); X»' 'ninj '"? lym/X the sailors told me BB 73a(17); Ber 19a(7); BM 84b(18); Qid 70b(10); Xlp 'ynB/'B Xp nua 'X if Scripture is speaking about (a woman) herself Yev 63b(19); n'na\£?3 Xlp 'ynWBp Scripture speaks in praise of him Bek 45b(5); San 93b(49); Tern 7a(9); 'ynB'B 'Bl nan 13 13 nsn '1H3 Vpb W-\ does PN speak with PN2? Yom 9b(45); 55 7b(28); San 65b(41); /4Z 1 la(13); n'in3 jJiynwa X1?! we do not speak with him Anon 14:15; 'lin 'ina ln'lin "iyn2/'X iya '3 when the two of them want to speak to each other Ber 46b(25); 'aix ii^a pnay D'ax^a lyxn^ai the angels speak with them [i.e. the scholars] in Aramaic TGHark 189:27; 2. w. -'1>13 (XJ'1) to sue s.o.: in"ina X3'i "lyn^'xV n'xa x"?i '3'n '3 so that you cannot sue them Yev 37b(47); Bek llb(8); ib. 47b(ll); "lyn^xV Xl'SB xVl XT3 n'in3 X3'1 in the possession of one whom I cannot sue BQ 45a(16); ib. 8b(41); 'in3 'yni£?B1 '2?3'X (a guardian) who can sue (these) people Dec 9:6 2# 'jrtf 4- Vyiti V.T?W n.f. species of bean (< xn'yytf*; 4- Vyyti; cf. MH n'yiya; Yeivin, BV 1054) sg. AZ 3 8b (29) [eq. w. X'^DB, X'VlD'S ib.] Lit: Low, Flora 2:511, points out that BT ib. also describes XJl'yw as a procedure for cooling down after a bath, but the connection between this word and this entry is unclear; Y: NnjTW AZ ib.(BAYTN 33).
^ 1168 xriyy by& vb. to cough (4- X^TJW; Sy ,\ > y LS 793) Pe.: rfp XB'^B xV'yun 'TO while (the animal) was coughing it disgorged it HP 201:18 [= GeonH rbyw nixnmOV Wehizhir2 79:5] Lit: BY 7354. NJTlfliaj/tf n.f. idiocy (VnayK?; MH Oiaytfr Yeivin, BV 1030) sg. 'TV XTB XJBt xm3T3-|y 'JFBiajNP a skin lesion caused by [lit. of] a garment leads to idiocy Ned 81a(4) Y: NJTaiayW Ned ib.(BAYTN 288). SW# vb. to smooth down (4- JTtf, xmytf; Sy ■ * * pa. to smooth LS 791) Itpe. to be smoothed down: X"Vxn&b Tim X'JaVx 'jD TjtfWX all the images were smoothed down and became like mats MQ 25b(39; Ar [AC 5:112]) [C: lniSttWN] lJTt!7 vb. to measure, calculate (4- XTiy'W; JPA W DJPA 562) Pa.: f'pi 'TB3 XJfl "lyPB the Tanna calculates (the coins) according to a fixed amount 5A/ 44b(30); ib. 31; ''"lTJH2rt> 130 XJ'31 "im nX83 PN thought to use as a calculation one hundred and one (measures to neutralize an unclean animal which fell into vinegar) AZ 69a(4); nyfJIP ib. 8 [Var: iyp mfl HGP 58a: 11]; fyv ns'3 xim nyawi m^xs rnywa xpnx D'X'3 Wbtfl ny»aa before you measure (the time) according to the roasting and swallowing of one egg, measure according to swallowing of three eggs Sot 4a(35; V2); JV7 'in pan 1W) -nyw noa1? ,T>ya!?a naxn '3'xi xnsx lyi xmixa -nyw rfryaV neaa naxn '3'xi the scholars calculated (the amount of oil needed in the lamp) overnight [lit. from night to morning] to be half a log. Some say: They calculated (this amount from the difference as measured) from the top down. Some say: They calculated (it from the amount added) from the bottom up Men 89a(38); mra p'sm 'XB3 ix "njwa mina pnywa '3 P'lJWa do we only calculate (the amount needed for neutralization) according to (the prohibited object) itself, or do we calculate according to what was exuded from it? Hul 97b(30); ib. 98a(20); 98b(13) The form tntbz *73 fimriWK :corr.] riywi'X MQ 25b(38) is unclear. NJTiytf n.f. (uncertain) sg. Xmpyi Wliyw XJT73ril ..., sterility, and destruction Bo 12:3 Lit: AIT 171 [poss. fever]. Hnyf, cs. TTj/tf, pi. 'JTtf, 'jmtf n.f. hour, time, propitious moment (V2# yW; I XJltf H; TA Ny0 TJ 2K 5:26, pi. X'JW ib. 20:11, Sy ^&±A., pi. ■^y v LS 764, Ma 3#xrW, pi. 2#X"X12? MD 464, 441) 1. hour: sg. XBT3 XJiyttf Xin one hour in a day #ag 15a(20); BM 30b(51); #P 166:2; XnjW U"?S half an hour Pes llb(38); pi. 'yxttf X'1?'1?! hours of the night Tan llb(22); ]'T0J7 'yxw XysnXl twenty-four hours RH 20b(14; OHT ib. 37:13); XTIX'XBp 'yXW Tbr\ the first three hours Ber 7a(27; MGN 415:3) // San 105b(26); Pes 58a(21); Ned 40a(35); 5g 10b(10); 2. time, moment: a. general: sg.cs. 'am Jiyu?3 in a time of supplication 5er 29a(30); Qid 32a(26) [4- xnri'1 mng. 1]; det. 'JITBT XJW a time of (plentiful) livelihood Tan 25a(39); HVIJW 'XDB n'1? aip'a1? man -jx^a "tb' xp x^i his time (to die) arrived, but the Angel of Death was unable to approach him Mak 10a(32); TGHark 166:11 [4- V'm pe., mng. 2]; b. in adverbial expressions: 1) (Xnytyi) Xnyw bo all the time: Ber 7a(28) // San 105b(28); Ber 55a(16); Sab 10a(24); ib. 131b(l); Afeg 7b(24); ^Z 44b(38); Kar 7a(47); /(waw 24:29; 2) XJiyttf X'nn at that time: BM 73a(30); i& 81a(39); San 105b(29); Men 41a(39); 3) XTiytP X'nnB from that time on: Tan 9b(6); Kev 61b(32); Ned 3b(22); 4) n'nyW3 at the very same time [lit. in its time]: Yev 121a(ll); San 57a(31); Hul 95b(8; M); Nid 13a(22); iSGF 10:1; 5) XJiyP (D)1SV temporarily [cf. MH2 'S1? njw mq 6b(i5)]: thd'x 'two msbi T?ya "iW'iy nb'xi p'a ttb xnyw <i){'is^ xnanx mm 'Ta '^ya (dates) do indeed improve (his constitution), but he was temporarily incapacitated, just as with wine. He is temporarily incapacitated. From then on it improves (his constitution) Ket 10b (51); ilia x^i xrvm x*7 xirt mnyw ci)!'^ for the moment he neither lends nor rents out (the animal) AZ 15a(34); mm Kin XriyiP (IX'IB1? Dm rT7 D"Sa mm nVy in that case he is only momentarily angry at it [i.e. the idol], and afterwards he is reconciled with it ib. 44b(38); 3. esp. favorable or propitious moment or time: KStf 1 a. general: sg. n"D"?X XnyW X'nn X'BB 'D when that (propitious) moment arrives I shall curse him AZ 4b(31); San 105b(33); "|ny«? "p'B-nn may your propitious moment raise you up AZ 34b(37; RaH) [statement of praise]; Xriyitf XTI -\T)p2V the (favorable) moment has abandoned you Suk 48b(21); Xnyw 1'Vm V'Xin since the (propitious) time has passed BQ 117b(8); Ber 7a(30); MQ 28a(42); San 105b(33); b. in phrase "V X»"p xnyif to have a propitious moment/time: 4- VDIp pe., mng. IV9; c. in phrase XJiyw mb X3'"lt5S'X ... was needed [lit. the time needed ...]: "13 XJin 31 xnyitf n'1? XD'IOS'X X"n PN was needed (to clarify halakhic matters) Bek 31a(13); 3m nam XnyE? in"? XS'nDS'X *\W Ber 64a(5; I§GF 85:i7,Rashi); xm xam xnyw x3'it5X'xi 3'dk; nai XH'13@msa nmn 'V1D31? when he died and PN was needed in order not to abolish the Torah in GNlSGF 86:16 Voc: myi> HPP 259:21; XTO HGP 36b:26; Y: XflJfW 5ofe 10a(24; BAYTN 30). KSt& n.m. sarcophagus, casket (Sy rdAjL LS 794) sg. XSlffV nna'X "?y his [i.e. Reuben's severed] arm entered into the sarcophagus Sot 7b(38; V2) // BQ 92a(49; Es) // Mak 1 lb(10; Ed) Geon. expi.: era 3"nxi \\-ob Tin i»iy ,rn lynt ohp Qid 212:9; on Sy, cf.: AursLsairC rc'-uoAubn rdjm t<ini«' ^=><\^\ K"iii>3 (. *w ig»^A^-» iildb r^°i t BBah 546:7; Lit: Eps, Stl 41. 1S$ vb. to pierce, skew on a spit (4- 1#XTIDE>; Sy :y pe. LS 794) Pe. 1. to pierce: TBtP nap mpia he pierces her brain before her Bo 78:8; 2. to skew on a spit: Pes 74b(25) // Hul 93b (18) [4- x-nsu/]; npn xax m 'am mm1? mnn Xl^'3 'iV'y X13D TBE? he saw that PN's son used to skew liver on top of meat on a spit (when roasting) Hul lllb(l); 3. pass.part, pointed: O'lQI TBE7 (its mouth) is pointed and split apart (like that of a pig) Bek 40a(45; Ar [AC 8:131]) Expl. R.G. [mng. 3]: vm VwD TIBW3 in AC ib. Nmsti; n.m. spit, top part (4- VlBW, XT1BW '3; Sy rc'AoAi. LS 795) 1. spit: sg. XTIBtfa nHSW 3'T 3TB (if) he put it [i.e. the meat] on the spit it will certainly drip (blood) Pes 74b (25) // Hul 93b(19); XTIDED xa'p 'X if the animal remains on 2#'SP the spit HP 206:12; pi. '11SW ib. 25:2; 2. perh. top part: 4- XTIDtf '3 Lit: Low, Lehnw 582 [not < Gr]; Voc: KilSW HPQ 210:10; Y: lOlBW Hul ib.(BAYTN 71). nX3iSty n.m. one who pours (of wine; 4- V"]B1£/ qatol-form + gent, ending) pi. 'X31BW man AZ 72b(22) [of wine]; inj'J bxlW 'X31B1»T n31T most pourers of wine are Jews BB 24b(l) Y: 'K31B1? AZ ib.(BAYTN 326). 'BBtf n.m.pl. Judges (caique < H D'OBitf) BMsG 6:l'l* 1#'S# vb. to smooth, be relieved (4- Vl#«)W; LJLA 'BIS Weiss 333 [Tg2Jb], Sy -^ ^ " pa. to plane, strain LS 794, Ma 1#XBW MD 471) Pa. to smooth, plane, trim: 'Bltfa xm naDT 0'Sy j'TIJ1? vf? as long as he does not shave the wood off into pieces Men 101a(22); a'THD) "13 <T'BW Dia'jIpD 'tt?X PN trimmed (the corona) like a reed pen Yev 75b(45); 7'TD '3 ^nb 'B^T he trimmed them [i.e. the boards] like the gore of a garment Sab 98b(16; TGHark 10:17s); pass.part. '33X T'BWan smoothed stones BB 3a(42) [expl. MH Tl'TJ Mib. 1:1]; ]"Btfa xm '33X unsmoothed stones ib. [expl. MH "7'11 Mib.]; pass.part. ]T3 ]apia xm V'yX ]X'BU;an as long as (the reeds) are trimmed even though they are not erect BB 69a(ll) Itpa. to be relieved: XflP'3 Xfl.TTD 'Bri^'X the evil sickness was relieved Bo 78:20 2# 'SB' vb. to pour out, let flow, stand at an angle (1 < ystt?; 1 V2# «]W; Sy -* ■* y LS 796, Ma 2#XBW MD 471) Pe. 1. to pour out: 1BXK? XJab xaaa Xn3'«> they used to pour out £.- beverage from one vessel to another &i I39b(43); m1? 'bct xim xaisx 'ma man -ie/b'x he may possibly place something on the opening of the vat and pour it (as a strainer through it) BQ 115b(40; F1); Hul 67a(32); ib. 112b(l) [w. ref. to fat on meat]; 2. to let flow: X'a1? iniBIP he let the water flow Git 68a(43); XiaiX .T1? ■'SUV! the bloodletter will let (the blood) flow from him Sab 129a(50); NDGR 95:4; X"Bttn iy msmi they bored a hole in it [i.e. the barrel] until it caused (the wine) to flow (onto his hand) AZ 59b(6; JAr [AC 2:198]) 69
3#'Stf 1170 "\BV Af. to place at an angle: IT1?) D(l)(')p;i X^> XJtfl'X "1BPX .V'SPTl x"?X XpU'f1?) <Hn^> {XT a woman should not stand opposite a child (when urinating), but should place him somewhat at an angle Bek 44b(29; MGL 294:15); rb 'BE?a XDWTD wne; xpi 'xnnrr? rrrniV he places his hand at an angle downwards and slaughters (the animal) in the oesophagus HG3 114:21 3# 'BB? vb. to satisfy a claim (lit. to clear; JudA n'BPa1? NS 9:8, JPA 'B» to pay DJPA 563, Sy r^<\ y. pa. to clarify, calm LS 794; cf. Akk sapu C to silence, subdue CAD S7l 491) Pa.: 'BE/ V>1 .TV go (and) satisfy his claim G;Y 73a(22; V18); ]"?'X '3'3T pOtina'Xl '3TX1 WX1 Ip'X X3X I shall stand up, satisfy, cleanse, and clear this sale of claims BM 15a(32); SSSad 187b:5; TGHark 186:31!; pass.part. ]"BWB X1? 'b'TJ perhaps the claims (on the fields) are not satisfied Git 52a(23); n'033 IBB/Bn X133 a man whose property is secured BM 70a(34) [but cf. .T03'3 l'J?BBtt) Dec 9:11] Lit: Kut, Studies 426 [Heb]; Greenfield, AKY 462+. Sni3'Bt? n.f. torrent (< MH JTD'Btf J 1616; i Vt,BE>) sg. XJTD'BBn xnXT (the rain) came in a torrent Tan 19b(13); BB 25b(18) [* i XJlin'3 mng. 4] Y: XJTO'Bti BB ib.(BAYTN 178). [*6'BB7 I K'jBti n.] TBB/ adj. beautiful, good, adv. well (4- VlBE>; TA TB& TO Gen 39:6, Sy k'-UAjL LS 797, Ma TBXtf MD 444) I. adj. 1. beautiful: sg.m. XJHT TI13 TBBH offspring that are beautiful like me Ber 20a(29; F); Qid 31b(26); f. 'X3a XTBEH Tinx my sister who is more beautiful than I BM 84a(41); pl.m. TO 'TBBH X31B 'P'B3 there are many (people) who are more beautiful than I AZ 18a(52); Ber 59b(17); '33 'TBW& 'TB» TO'XI XTWB they are the most beautiful [lit. the beautiful of the beautiful] citizens of GN RH 17a(27); BM 84a(18); TI13 'TB» '33 beautiful children like me ib. 31; 2. good, sound, of good quality: sg.m. Xin XTBE> (the coin) is of good quality BQ 99b(52; Oxf., b.10, 33); f. XTBE7 XB'ljn pn'JWinn their ordering (of the Tannaitic traditions) was better and preferable iSGF 29:14; XriTBP Xm'3'J/ good work BM 83a(43); pl.f. Iin ,T3'J? p'BP his eyes were sound ib. 85b(33); ]TSV X1?! xnnyap legal traditions which are unsound Git 41a(23); XJ1XTB2? XTlX3pn HB3 several commendable ordinances iSGF 90:18; 3. sg.f. in phrase fl'Jlsn KTBt? not fastidious [caique < MH2 nB' IXljn BB 145b(38)]: ]XB .TTljn XTBtH HP 206:9; II. adv. well, all right, properly: Pes 117b(6); Hag 26b(32); '81 TBtf it is all right Ber 13b(48); Sab 120a(25); Yev 43b(16) ^«a» 4:5; ib. 72:2 [for add. exx., v. K 39:1240+]; 12y TBtf he acted properly Sab 66b(20); Ber 48a(14); 5ey 27a(33); Git 14a(48); 5Af 35a(36); maxp TBt> do you speak properly? Suk 39a(l); Ket 74a(21); i& 109b(12) [statement]; BM 58b(47); ib. 84a(51); Xpi ]X8 3'nia Xp TBtf 3'TIIB the one who asks, asks well RH 29b(13); Kef llb(39); TH TB» he judged you well ib. 104b(34); X3T'T TBW X3X I am dwelling all right BB 6b(42); TB» 3'D sit properly gW 81b(l); 3'D3 TBK7 'Xm this one married (her) legally Yev 94b(23); X1?! XfiB'1 TBW X"?'»3 bread that is not baked well HP 15:15; ]'"?X 'TS'B pm fBV ]1H3 13"jn X3TpB we ordered them to investigate these two documents well TGHark 268:14; lUxVtJpaV '13XT TB» it is all right to kill them [i.e. the harmful creatures] ib. 190:29; 268:2; TB»1 TBW 113X"?1SX it is exceedingly proper to save them ib. 190:33; OHT Yev 7V.15 Lit: Bacher 227; Voc: TB$ HPP 45:20; HGP 27b:25; Y: TBti Ber 12a(38; BAYTN 234). NTBB7 n.m. fetus (MH TBti MNid 3:3) sg. Xinn ^XiaP nm .Tap1? XXIXT XTB» a certain fetus which was brought before PN Nid 25b(25); ib. 25a(48) Y: XTBtf Nid ib.(BAYTN 106). ."ItOTBtf adj. (uncertain; I nX3'Tll) sg.m. 'BX nX3TBE> G«?41a(23) Y: nsj TBB G/7 ib. J.'B7'Btf n. (uncertain) sg. rG,i.y42 157:9 [expl. MHD'XBBB llb(50)] "]Bt£ vb. to flow, pour out, converge, spill out (4- nX31BE>, XrvD'Btf, '3BC>; Sy u\<\r etpe. LS 795, Ma TBW MD 472) Pe. (a/u) 1. to cascade, '3BB7 1 ■■ : t flow: nVri"? !ms'ST 'sna -psm ny intra 'nxi it rained until the rain spouts of GN cascaded (water) into the Tigris Tan 24b(41; V17); xtiot 'T3Cia nro x'a ''a'i 'rnna -|0){')stn water cascaded from its two nostrils like the two river crossings of GN BB 74a(37; M); lynrttn ]1'31 ns1? 'n inx 13BP ins ins n'xi xai "731 iri? when (the sides of the womb) were torn, and all of the blood which is in them flowed (and) came out quickly Anan 114:19; Hul 47a(3); 2. to spill or pour out: a. general: '11,17 X'a pBEH '33J? 'in two clouds which spill out water [i.e. rain] into each other Ber 59a(23); HP 205:7; -|TPp Xfirmx "]1B© while your pot is seething, pour (it) out Ber 62b(7) [v. Geon. expl. OHT ib. 139:13; OHP ib. 106:23; but Rashi expl. as mng. 2b]; XTaVn 'Xn ,T3T IHl'ap "]'Bttn a student who pours out (water from a cup) in front of his teacher Tarn 27b (46); "7'txi amb xnan jsv mn he used to pour out wine for pagans one after another [lit. continuously] AZ 65b(l); ib. 72b(23); Git 68a(44); BM 73b(18); BB 73b(2); Zev 60a(21) [of blood]; b. fig. of bodily functions: pass.part. XTIpB "I'BWT iy 3'n'l Dpi 3'Xl'l DpT (a certain Arab) who continuously stood up and sat down until he voided himself [lit. was spilled out like a pot] Sab 82a(27); 3. to flow (of rivers): X3TXH Xiau "mi pil iru n3 tsbH now that the GN and GN2 rivers flow into it AZ 39a(20) // Suk 18a(47); Hag 13b(54); 4. to converge: HTOn rvmsa'O inVlD '3S©T the place where all the bronchial tubes converge Hul 45b(12); ib. 58b(17) Itpe. 1. to be spilled out: a. liquids: Xpl3' Xinn rra'an I'SniyXT a certain infant whose hot water (necessary for its circumcision) had been spilled out Er 67b(37); H'3'a *l'Bm»'B1 ]'38'T sometimes some of it [i.e. the blood] is spilled out Yom 56b(20); Pes 13b(36); ib. 65a(29); Git 57b(9); Zev 35a(3); b. objects: 11Br«»Xl "3p "inn1? ,T13IVI 'TIT in3n he broke the cane, and those zuzim were spilled out Ned 25a(19); "]-\2TVDX '31Britt?X BM 26a(10) [of articles in a wall]; 2. to seep out: 13 xssnw'B x"7i xn33 ns dtioi xrrna xspj'a when the gall bladder is pierced, the liver blocks it, and (the gall) does not seep out HP \99:2 *?BV '3B27 n.m.pl. gutters, drainpipes (for rain; < [X'B] '3Btf; i VlStf pe., mng. 2a; Sy i^^°>y rdiion BBah 2001:8) '3B2; i? ]'pm "W until he installed drainpipes for it [i.e. the synagogue] BB 3b(34); p'TnX X*7 'SBW1? 'SBE;1? p'TnX 'BC?3I7 p'TnX 'BBSb (if) he had a prescriptive right for dripping rain water, he had a prescriptive right for gutters. (If he had a prescriptive right) for gutters he did not have a prescriptive right for dripping rain water ib. 6a(34; F2) BBah ib.: j^Cii *>-ilt 'rtjlji rcLLisa ■** g » » : Geon. expl.: 'ana in1? T«?iyi inx nxV 1^13 psw TGAs42 157:6; Y: '3bb flfl 3b(34; BAYTN 119). vb. to go downstream, be humble (i xbiB'tf, xn'jiB'ir;, xbs't?, "jbw adj., x"?b©; Sy • Wv LS 795, Ma *?2V pe., af. MD 472) Pe. (e/e) 1. to go downstream: "7'TX1 V'B© mn 'WX 3T X31X3 PN was going continuously downstream in a boat BQ 113b(32); n'3'J/l XT11X 13 V'TXI "?'BB/ 'B'D'B XJ?"IX3 the duck goes continuously downstream, and its eyes squint at the ground (for food) BQ 92b(23) // Meg 14b(14); 'XBp X'a"7 in1? '"7BW 'Xap 'XBp! TJOp he was worshiping the previous water, and one after another it (the water) has gone downstream AZ 47a(45; M); X'n V'BW x"71p'm XB'X3 she falls asleep, and (her) d.-basket goes downstream San 7a(29) [proverb; v. AC 3:123]; 2. to go towards the end: "?'B2/ XlpT n'SloV go towards the end of the verse (to understand it) Ber 10a(13); Er 101a(21); Hul 87a(21); n'3 ''7131 nBID1? n'b'BE? I went towards the end of it [i.e. the book], and it is written in it ... Sab 116b(10); 3. pass.part. humble, submissive: in1? 'V'BW X1? 'Xn 'Vl3 they were not so submissive Er 61a(35) Af. 1. to carry downstream: XpT rXin"' X'a n'1? '"?'BiyB it is the water which carries it [i.e. the fowl] downstream Hul 51b(32); nr7BWX -|"8 1'yiX1? your water carried your field away downstream BB 99b(19); '"?3 'B'X '"?3 X3'XT ]1'3 m"?BB;x since there are waves (in the lake), say: "The waves carried him downstream" Yev 121a(25; O2); XJOTX X'nm Xn»'3 rX"'©'B3 Xin33 'BIX '3 in'3'B KlbsvrQTD (may) the misfortune that befalls me be great if I (have not) caused (children) of theirs to be carried 71
bs& 1172 lounstf downstream like stumps in the river AZ 26a(28) [cf. RaH]; 2. to vanquish: xa-IX^I X^BPX1? to vanquish and to uplift HM 37:3 Itpe. to be vanquished: X311W1 nai btlWX the men of darkness were vanquished Bo 78:20 ^>BK7 adj. low, feeble (4- V?BB?; Sy -* » ■> , det. Kii-a-x, LS 795, Ma x"7BXttf MD 444) pl.f. rTOIl xVflltfl his knees are low [i.e. bent] San 88b(33) NVBB/ n.m. low level (4- V?Slff; cf. Sy rC V °t y . humiliation LS 795, Ma lWX^XBXP degradation MD 444) sg. x'JBEn '1'H incompetent judges [lit. judges of a low level] BB 29a(36) adv. downstream, with the current t t : • ' (cf. Akk saplis downstream CAD S/l 467, mng. 2) X^BED J1X1 xVn Vl'X it [i.e. the fish] was (swimming) against the current and we were (sailing) with the current BB 73b(25; HP1) JO'JBtf n.m. turtle dove (TA Xl'lBP TO Gen 15:9, Sy rdLxxao-x. LS 796) sg. AnanSch 24:5; pi. Anan 67:15; ib. 68:3 J7BB7 vb. to discharge, overflow (4- \2# 'BW; Sy . y\ y LS 796) Pe. (a/): ms'ST 'axna iyxBP XE1 the rain spouts of GN discharged blood MQ 25b(36) // San 109a(50); W 'nbn 'yBWp (the gonorrheal woman) discharges for three days Naz 16a(7); x"7?Xl nyBW xn she is, in fact, continuously discharging (blood) Nid 63a(49; Ed) Pa. to slant: iT'llK?1?! ]103bx3 rryiSltf1? T\X na'ISI vbWQ you have to slant it on a diagonal and to make it a triangle TGAs28 207:20; pass.part. XO'l in1? '5?BWa (the walls) are slanted to one side BM 26a(9); n3n»3 yBTOT because he is slanted [perh. bent over] like a pestle Sot 22b(9) *)Btf vb. to slide, crawl (4- V*)tiBtf; Sy .at LS 793, Ma 1#>]BB> to crawl MD 472) Pe. (a/u) 1. to slide, be dislocated, displaced: «]»'» «]"W Xpl he actually slides Zev 14b(28) [expl. H 3»V ib.]; .TTOTO *]Bn XSDXT Xpia 'Xn a thigh joint which was dislocated [lit. slipped from its place] Hul 42b(18) // ib. 54a(48) [cf. OHT RH 44:2+]; iy xnrofr ix iby1? 'x xbbto xnrwp xb"kh until the fruit pit is displaced in the gullet either up or down HG3 119:74; 2. to crawl: ^"J? «yw p'Bll 1"XW) he enters crawling and goes out crawling San 88b(33) [reflecting humility]; «]W piB -J0'-I3X «]W "71J? *10'T3X enter crawling on your stomach (and) go out crawling on your stomach BB 7a(3) Lit: Eps, PLA 210 [mng. 2]. Y2& vb. to repair (4- XXIB'tf; etym. unkn.) Pa.: 'Xa J1XBE? (if) she repaired (the house), what (is the law?) Ket 103a(32; V5); VU'XBIPl XOX XI1X1 PN came and repaired them Meg 4a(10); X^T DID 'OT X"71 T'BMni f'BCNl stop up (a hole), and you will not have to repair (it). Repair (it) and you will not have to build Yev 63a(35; O2) HSt? vb. to thrive, be pleasing, beautiful (4- XlSltf, TBtf, IBB/; Sy i ^ y LS 797, Ma 1# nBB? MD 472) Pe. (a/) 1. to thrive: in'l'a 'n 'a'x 'in'V nap xbii xnbmbxip1? nsxitn let whichever one of them [i.e. the vines] thrives-thrive. Let whichever does not thrive be for firewood BB 102b(14) [4- Vina pe., mng. 2]; n7XB1 JH'1 -\2W\ 1'Dtt? 'X if (the cock) becomes fat and thrives, he will know that he will be successful Kar 5b(54) // Hor 12a(38); X»3T ]V3 ~IBE? 'BD n'b noai since the more that he prunes it the more it thrives TGDr49 98:15; 2. w. •bl">Wl to be pleasing: -\W\ XKTIX1? H,!? Jljnj n'V (if) you shaved the pagan's head, and he was pleased San 96a(12); n'l'jn XIBW XV 'XT if he is not pleased with her Anan 119:1 Af. 1. to beautify: miB^X1? XTljnX '1X8 na 113 he laid out vessels in it [i.e. the sukkd] for the purpose of beautifying it HP 28:25; 2. to improve: xnjnx x'» na rmsi x'n xynx dx '1X13 nan'D IX^l miBWX1? if it is a field and he let water run onto it for the purpose of improving it and not on account of fish ib. 65:12 Lit: Eps, Stl 113. "IBB? n.m.abs. best, choice (4- VlBlff; TA IB© TO Dt 12:11) sg.cs., only in phrase ]'D31 nx 15V bl all the best choice property S$Hai 2b (2); ib. 8a(7); 14a(3); SSSad 188:10 NaiaiBa; n.m. a permitted fish (4- X111) sg. AZ 39a(32; J) [P1: XllKanBtf] Lit: Fauna 10; Y: NJUIBip AZ ib.(BAYTN 20). rp^S^ 1 rit^Stj; vb. to move someone back and forth (4- V*]BW, VtfBWB; cf. Sy ««v;r. to crawl, creep LS 793) Pal.: IT1? «1»BW» XpT Xai1? rTTDWX "3X Xiam X31X rria1? PN found PN2 rubbing his son on the back of a donkey Sab 154b(22) DBXtf 4- Vo&Otf vb. XPTtf, NpNtf, n.m. leg, shaft (TA XjW TO Ex 29:22, Sy rCAL LS 765, Ma xpXP MD 445) 1. leg: sg. n'pwa X»0 rvb Xan he applied a medicine to his leg AZ 28a(33); ib. 34; Wpvb ma rrpOB n'ai the spade cut off his leg and he died Kar 7a(50); D1XT XJH31 xptt? the leg and foot of a man TGAs28 68:16 = GC 36:9 [expl. 4- X-mnD'X]; pi. 'p© //«/ 63a(3) [4- nXJU'pK/]; n'ptt/ Tin X3'Dp the thin one with his singed legs BM 85a(51) // Ber 46a(2) [appellation of R. Zera]; BQ 80a(38) [4- Vnn pe.]; ,TpX» ^nan 36:16; VVpV ib. 35:3; 'Tia IpE?1? VU'nTIJ xVtlBT I would have shorn your legs with iron shears BQ 81b(28); ib. 80a(39) [of a creeping animal]; x"?nB1 rom yv H'pa; its legs are legs of bronze and iron Bo 78:6; ib. 74:3; 2. shaft: sg. pB0"-n xpitf a shaft of a carriage Git 55b(52); ib. 57a(44); 46 The mng. of the phrase 'J71P3 H'TinK A^erf 62a(17) is uncertain; Y: N|?W Am 19b(29; BAYTN 8). npB7 vb. to be eager (BH nptf pe. HAL 1511) itpe.: priv '1 ipnwa xp mn rryvm "n rrwn 't ina'aaca1? irrVy PN was eager to ordain PN2 and PN3 San 14a(36); /7j. 30b(5) nsVip^, nX^ipNty n.m. porter (4- yllvbpv qatol-form + gent, ending; Sy rdSo n y LS 800) pi. nx(i)cmm xiam xri'an nam 'x^ipiy 'in porters who broke a jug of the tavern keeper's wine 5M99b(26); ib. 83a(26; MGE 516:1); VIM Xiam 'X'JipE? y4Z 60a(ll) [Var: "X>ipXW HGP 56b:30]; Hul 105b(43) Voc: "K5ipw HOP 29b:25; Y: fWfript* ^Z ib.(BAYTN 326). UmpV n.f. drink (4- Vl#'pB?; Sy k'&o n y . LS 798) sg. xna'i^x i^'npaT pi x^w n'mpis 'inn let the drink of the one who sanctifies the day on s.-beverage be s.-beverage Pes 107a(33; CE1) Bpt^ vb. to be in a peaceful state (BH VpW pe., hif. HAL 1514) Pe. (a/): bo p n'ara pan ^pm 1#N3?P 7QW in his time the Rabbis were in a peaceful state with regard to religious persecution ISGF 21:14; ib. 75:4 l#'pB7 vb. to give to drink, irrigate (4- xix'ptfa, xyp'tf, xmptf, i#x'ptf, 2#X'p», V'n^; Sy rfnY. af. LS 798, Ma Xptt? af. MD 473) Af. 1. to give to drink: a. w. var. liquids as dir. obj.: 1) wine: "lpltfX ypVK give me indeed (wine) to drink Qid 9a(8); AZ 58a(28); ib. 58b(5); "n xnan nrpi»xi ma'V x»a'ii will one who is about to be executed, and they gave him wine to drink live? BB 58b(9); 2) water: ]"pir;x X'a give me water to drink Sot 49a(51); BM 60b(20); ib. 97a(17); Pes 103a(32); Bes 40a(39); Tan 21b(42); MQ 27a(22); Git 56b(26); BM 97a(19); BB 58a(32); San 67b(37); //«/ 94a(17); 3) medicinal potion [cf. Akk saqu B CAD §/2 26, mng. 1.3']: innp^X XSB1T xao they gave them a purgative medicine to drink Nid 30b(21); ni'plPX XTll'CT xao they gave him a sleeping potion to drink BM 83b(49; F1); Ket 50a(29); BB 146a(22; P1) [liquid w. ground up pearl]; 4) the potion of the sota: nOTIX X'nwa n"7 'pa/ap he gives her to drink (even) when she is betrothed Qid 27b(21) // Yev 58a(29); b. w. a drinking vessel as dir. obj.: X"7m XD'll nrptPX they gave him a goblet of vinegar to drink AZ 38b(25); 'XriXI Tl'pBl '3 X03 nn ]"pE?X when I came out, he gave me a cup (of wine) to drink Sab 140a(28); Qid 9a(6); BM 86a(19); Ket 65a(31) [4- '1ITBW]; 2. to let water flow, irrigate: "ipiPXl n30'aa in the case of damming up in order to irrigate Git 60b(29) [of a canal]; n'jnx 'ipiffxV X'a mayx ]a n'yia'a1? to prevent him from bringing water across to irrigate his field TGHark 170:12; W? X'D 'pWXI 'ib'X irrigate all the trees HM 41:7; 'XpWXT 'X1PI xn'tV xn'n Xnwa I saw (in a dream) that I irrigated the olive tree with olive oil Ber 56b(14; MGG 707:8) 2#'ps; 4- Vi#Vpti vb. I#t^pt2; n.m. butler (4- Vl#'piy pe., part, det; TA tfpv TO Gen 40:1, Sy rC i n y LS 798, Akk saqu CAD §/2 28) sg. X'p^T XTIU'D nnxan Xnan the wine is its owner's, (but) the favor is the butler's BQ 92b(33) 73
2#N;j?tfr* 1174 l#Vj?tf Cf. Akk prov.: nadanu sa sarri tubbu sa saqi to give is the king's prerogative, to show favors the steward's Lambert, BWL 258:5+; v. CAD ib., lex. section; Lit: Melammed, BQ 153:809, note; Y: fl'JW BQ ib.(BAYTN 233). 2#N#t?*, pi. '3»ptf n.m. liquid, potion (4- Vl#'ptf, X'ptf '3; Sy w'i rt. LS 798) pi. xn'biai x'aa 13 xanx1? wp 'jx'pp inVis all fluids are harmful to the ear except for the fluid of a kidney AZ 2&b(l5); 'bVcrai 10B T'pp "73 all potions cure and are unabsorbed Sab 78a(20) [4- Vl#V?D itpa.]; ib. 147b(36); Git 70a(17) Geon. expl.: 71j?»a TGWeisz 83b: 10; Y: 'r'jW &rf> ib.(BAYTN 226). [KTll'ptf 4- Snip* n.] nNJW'ptf, n«at3j?tl7 n.m. name of a bird (etym. unkn.) pi. 'XII ... '"IB? 'paiO 'pft> '3'1X 'XJB'pP 'T^DDX 'pil'l 'p'Wlp) i.-birds (whose) legs are long (and) red are permitted. (Those whose) legs are short and green are forbidden Hul 63a(2) [V": •'XlVpv] Y: 'N:Bj?W Hul ib. 'J"ptf 4- 2#x'p* nSIB V'ptf 4,Vl#>7p27pe. p'l?K7 adj. split (< Arab 3^2 half, iijii hemicrania Wehr 480; cf. 4- 2#K1^S mng. 1, 2#X11X) sg.f. IViyi WpVl VTK a deranged person [lit. whose mind is split] TGHark 207:17 1# ^pfi7, 'ptf vb. to take, cut off (4- X'IDl x'rp'tf s.v. xVp'tf, nxViptf; Sy An, LS 798, Ma l#*?pv MD 473) Pe. (a/u), forms w/o final taerf [cf. w'linY o rdljui»T rc'io.a SIB 4:3; CAMIB 120SY:4]: Pf. 3sg.m. xp&> Em 25a(44; MGG 828:9); imp. 2sg.m. lpiWl BQ 103a(21; Oxf, b.10, 36); imper. 2sg.m. ipt> ife(0xf. ib.); part. 3sg.m. 'pXE? Zev 13b(37); 'p&> 50 119a(21);- 1. to take: a. alone: 1) w/o obj.: 'X x^'ptn xayane/a '■? mno n'nx if you come to testify for me, I shall swear and take (the money owed me) £vw 32b(8); xn3fc>3 V'pw he takes (a portion) of the increase in value BQ 34b(15); VTX VIX'1 'pxt> Xp he takes and gives Zev 13b(37); BM 40a(41) [4- 2#xrf>'3]; ib. 60b(33) [4- XpJI mng. 1]; ^ipen nx XJWX1 ,1"X1 'D"X bring proof that you are our brother and take (your portion) Yev 37b(36); BB 24b(31); AnanSch 28:4; "?'T l^DJ1? ^>lptt> go (and) take for yourself BM 23b(30); lp2?n X1? X^'XI ip» 'T (when they sold it, if they said it was PN's flax) go take (the money). If not, do not take (it) BQ 103a(21; Oxf, b.10, 36); "7'plPl yirwa he swears and takes (his pay) ib. 112b(2); 2) w. obj.: xp'nBTXI nnVpW she took it [i.e. the mat] and remained silent Qid 12b(31; O2); ib. 13a(20); Xltt'T X1JX blpvbl '3M '3 'n'inx so that he can take a payment a second time Bek 29a(10); H'1? ma n'n3113 I'V 'pX£> '3 when he takes it [i.e. a spadeful of earth] he puts it in its place MQ 4b(21); n'113 X"?xm Xp'T Xpfl he took a skin-bottle of vinegar with him BB 74b(2; MGG 50:19); 'XniSX JX'nai x"?CJlpOX Xp£> he took (his) finger bone and hit me on my forehead Tan 25a(44; MGG 828:9); X111 xpt> n'tf'IX iT'na he took a leather bottle (and) hit him on his head San 109b(26; MGG 311:16); X1fc>'3 Xp&> X3"?3 the dog took the meat Sophos 31:2; Vptt»» n'^ptf'1? let him simply take it (with his hand) Mei 14a(13); x"?mx 'TO1 yai' 'ripp take your load and place it on the camel RH 26b(25); Bes 29b(10); Xn'3 '»Xt?1 XJTBXC5 '"jlpEZ take the broom and sweep the house Meg 18a(48; M2) // RH 26b(21); b'pv XpT xpT I\d? does one take vegetables to a town of (plentiful) vegetables? Men 85a(7; V10); 'IP '3131 rOPD '313-I 'pi£/1 nuiT (a fisherman who) finds large (fish) throws back the small ones and takes the large ones BQ 42a(4; Oxf, c.21, 26); pass.part. 'IWX X'IB/1 Tni3'» x"?'pE7 your kindness is taken and is placed on the thorns [i.e. it is worthless] BM 63b(13) [+ It's; i l#X"1I'n]; b. w. fol. vb. phrase: 1) general: a) asyndetic: tfbpV XTU p nine pm vb take PN (and) throw him from the wall Tan 24a(51; M2); 1'3 pns x"?p bpv he took a clod (and) threw it at him Pes 62b(23); Hag 15b(10); Git 39b(41); BQ 27b(29); San 109b(28); XJn'aX .11013 'OJT m'rpP the orphans took it [i.e. the fine wool garment] (and) spread it over the corpse Yev 66b(32); BB 74b(12); Hul 105a(41); b) syndetic: '1D1T pan '3131 bpv (if) he took the large ones and left the small ones MQ iob(i8); 't»-ii nya-ix nvm x'jp bpv he took a measuring rod and measured four cubits Git l#b»pfr 1 68b(19); Tan 25a(35); San 109b(38); V\pv l'anaia b'apl T3'B'J take your gete and receive your oaths Bo 20:9; ib. 62:7; 135:7; 2) esp. * Van' pe.: in 3'm in b'pit/T IJ? until he takes one and gives one Yom 43a(31); 13.1113TH iVipf 'T1 'V take what is yours and give me what is mine BQ 28a(49); X1? fm b'p»1 'HI 3'H' pan '81 3'.T a hamsan [i.e. extortioner] pays and takes. A gazlan [i.e. robber] does not pay ib. 62a(37); XBmX1? n,!7 311 "]T1 KW» ^IpC TUX you, take your portion and give it to the tenant farmer BM 109b(20); 'pt» 'pm '1' 'pn 111 (the tenant farmer) used to weigh (and) give, weigh and take BQ 119a(21); Yom 86a(34); Zev 13b(41); 2. to remove, take out: l'D'3 ]B XT Vpf x"71 he did not remove his hand from his money bag [i.e. always gave charity] Ber 58b(14); "?'ptt?1 ]Xa 'XI 'a'Vja 'SlpX one who removes splinters from garments Sab 75b(24); XJ13 '»p'» XI11W l"?ipB? remove the trap from before PN ib. 124b(l 1); Er 94a(5); 3. to cut off or remove s.t. from the body [cf. Sy ndAj-vV • V A v . to decapitate LS ib., mng. 6]: a. w. 'xito'3 flesh: mm» bpwrf? D'sVa1? XIB/aV to cut off from his flesh to throw (it) to dogs BQ 85a(12); b. w. XB1 blood: -fi bpv Xai he has let blood for you San 109b(18; F2); xiyiai xbina nana1? xai ^pwa1? xnw xai pn permitted letting blood from an animal on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 10b(6); c. w. 'IBID fingernails or talons: 1"Ta3 V'pXfl n'1S1D31 he cuts his hair and fingernails Anan 89:13; Sab 110a(28); Pes 112a(3); MQ 18a(10); pass.part. n'ISIB 'b'pf its talons have been cut off Sab 63b(6) // BQ 83a(34; M); d. w. X'ta hair: xrnoi "ias bip^Ji x:V'txix x^'S' xb I cannot (appear before the king) until I go, cut my hair, and wash myself Meg 16a(17); ib. 22; Pes 112a(2); Sab 110a(28); Anan 89:5; ib. 13; HP 139:19 = HG3 367:1 l(HGP60a:15) [4- Vjnipe.]; ib. 283:92; e. w. X3'2 canine tooth: pass.part. n'3'1 '^'ptt? its canine teeth have been removed Sab 63b(6); f. w. .iViy prepuce: nViyV xVp^'a"? mi3Ta to cut off the prepuce from the penis Anan 85:3; 4. w. V'lts pe. to engage in discussion, have business dealings [lit. to take and to throw; v. mng. l.b.l.a]: a. in legal matters: yi' Xp mn XV l#VpC7 pai '113 XIB'ai Vpura he did not know how to deal with the scholars Mak llb(12) // BQ 92a(51); Sot 7b(40); "?'p&> in 131 'Bp '3T1' '3 'in in xnVn xiaj1? i':nx 'Vx -|i'x nsi 'ins noi x"7i 'im 'in3 noi •bpv nn nsi 'ins 'idi byv XiaiV 11'311X l"7X when two (students) sit in front of the teacher, one engages in discussion with the teacher (and) the other listens attentively to the tradition. (When there are) three, one engages in discussion with the teacher, two engage in discussion with each other, and they do not listen attentively to the tradition Hag llb(30); TGAs42 52:19; HG2 492:67!; b. in business matters: 'XI n'ina noi V'pn? x^i 'atya 'nxi crrx if (the lender) is someone who has come from elsewhere with whom he does not have business dealings 5M64a(6); l'y.1 n'Xia"? ]inT3 n'XI IWO'X X3'X1 11X01 T^pXfcH X'BBpID there are people who to all intents and purposes have merchandise with which they engage in business dealings TGHark 84:2; ib. 168:18; TGAs28 27:25; 5. w. Van' pe. to do business: X331'1 XlbyV"! "?D1 whatever business transactions we have made SSHai 10a(3); 6. w. subj. Kj?T3 to carry away (of a flood): 4- XpT3 usage b; 7. w. dir. obj. in idiomatic expressions: a. w. X01S1I5S to take punishment: 4- XD1STOS; b. w. Xmtth to get permission: 'Vvy1? ,1'3'a bpvn1? 'ya xni£»1 he has to get permission from him to bring (something into the courtyard) BM 8ib(38); xjinx "7XUB xmtn bpwti 'ya 'D when he needs to get permission from another redeemer Anan 111:26; c. w. xatf to possess a reputation: mm in'ni33'l£/3 XSOX^OIDS Xin,1 XintP tapa X"?1 I'XII xaw V^V a certain philosopher in their neighborhood who had acquired a reputation that he judges (cases) and does not take a bribe Sab 116b(l); 8. w. fol. vb. of motion to move along, travel [Sy <\ n t. pe. LS 799, mng. 15; cf. JPA, TA "7D3 DJPA 348, mng. 2; v. Lieb, TK 8:99512]: a. alone: "a linn n'BI Xp£> they rebuked him [i.e. Satan], he moved, and died [i.e. fell down and pretended to die] Qid 81b(2; M) [4- VtJjM pe., mng. II.8]; b. w. Vi#"?tx pe.: V'txi V'ptf mn max 'i xm xia'i 'am' '111'in3 PN was once moving along behind PN2 Ber 24b(46); ib. 33b(6); 58a(27); Sab 75
'ISM b'0 1176 rptf 108b(26); Pes 53b(38); ib. 110b(22); Qid 39a(36); BM 24b(23); Nid 65a(20); mn X"1BD 31 XJTT'ff XPTO "7'TXl V>pV PN was traveling along in a certain caravan BQ 116a(26); c. w. V'JIX pe.: xa"ya XPnx 3'JT 'TINT "772; '3 while he was coming on his way he sat down at a certain source 7am 32b(6) Af. 1. w. NB'J to force s.o. to give a writ of divorce to his wife: .TppPXl map X"l3a NUT XJ1X iTTTTD by KB1! a certain man came before him, and he forced him to give a get (to his wife) against his will Git 33b(39); ib. 34a(25); 2. w. KpT3 to cause a flood of water to carry away: 4- XpT3 mng. 2b; 3. w. KOIBIBB to give s.o. punishment: 4- KD1S1DS Itpe. 1. to be carried: nsij?3 in in bpTWai Xn nsip3 pJl Tin 'VpnW'm xm this refers to where they can be carried one at a time in a basket, and that to where they are carried two at a time in a basket Sab 127a(28); 2. to be taken away: ronsu xayV ^pnw^a xp-o tbxs paim (your daughters) appear to you as if they are being taken away to a foreign nation Ber 56a(24); 3. to be removed: nBB/'X rb vfrpmrm KTVOm now that the garbage dump has been removed Er 59b(36); ,TPT7'a b'pwk his speech has been taken away Hag 2b(20) // Git 71a(14) [i.e. he cannot talk; expl. BH D^X Ps 38:14 by notarikon]; XJltW ]» ^'prwai XJTD'm VWXlb the covering of the wheat (kernel) which is removed from the wheat Anan 84:24; HP 28:19 [4- XM11]; &A 94b(21); <7>. 142b(24); 4Z 59b(17); 4. to be severed from the body: ma'a XJTDTlp ^priiyxT a small portion of it [i.e. the bone] was severed from it Hul 77a(9); 5. w. KpT3 to be swept through (of a flood): 4- XpT3 mng. 2c Lit: Eps, Gr 57; id., Stl 337. - n?W "?'!?#, ns-ltj >|?Ktf n.m. nail cutter (pe., part, sg.m.; I X1B1D mng. lb, 'TOOlia) sg. T3J7XT PBTO bym '3 ,T3 'BDX ]PJ1 D'XpT XTOOX 'BOX pn the nut which is composed of two curved parts [i.e. the shells] is like the nail cutter which is made of two curved parts Anan 87:12; ib. 79:7; 83:21 Geon. expl.: W1TB1 'TB1B 'JW WX 'vbl |X"y ff> |7"ia] TBOUJ VX-pa1?)* k'"i rprbx 'jKyoB' rwfcii trnex Vbu Ar [OHT MQ 21:8], i.e. J^i-i, o-»!>u. bpW vb. to be equal (< H bpv J 1623; 4- XJPplPX) Pa. to make of equal authority: pass.part. 'Xlp pp»a Pipe? the (preceding and following) biblical are of equal authority Ara 18b(5) Itpe., w. P to be of equal authority: TJ'pjiBPX irb ib.(S); xin p3-o xin xnx'-n rirrc p'piwxi '313 the barraitot were of equal authority, one according to the Rabbis and the other according toPN GS 35:19 On Itpe., v. L. Ginzberg, note to G§ ib. j7pt£ vb. to lower, stick in, make sink (JPA ypv DJPA 565, BH ypv pe., hif. HAL 1517) Pa. 1. to lower: HP '•ypvii Tim tbfil an irrigation wheel with which they used to lower it [i.e. the laver into a cistern] Yom 37a(50) [expl. MH 'a3TQ Mib. 3:10]; Zev 21b(8) [* Vl#pVo af, mng. 2a]; ib. 8; 16; 2. to stick in, imbed: ypva 'jnpw D'Jp xb he imbeds the sticks deeply into them [i.e. the showbread] Men 96a(45); Xin XJ'333 mypltf na^B/ X3'333 nypv ib Solomon imbedded it [i.e. the wood] into the construction. He [i.e. Darius] did not imbed it into the construction RH 4a(19); 3. to make sink: ini'jnpP mj/plPP let him make it [i.e. the froth] sink (into the liquid) Hul 105b(32); 4. to dip into a liquid: IPX Tna "Xn XBp UWa myipUP one should dip maror (into vinegar) because of the o.-worm(s in order to remove them) Pes 115b(l); 5. to give up ownership: myipKP ,TJTjm 'U^ m'Tm mwa because he saw that the intention of the pagan was to give up ownership of it AZ 75b (48) Itpa. 1. to sink in: nTU3 Xyi3 xypJTtfaT (his) foot sinks into it [i.e. the sandy soil] Sab 54a(14; Ar [AC 4:184]); 2. to be given up (of ownership): D'U P'3 lypwa Xp (the ownership of the fields) was being given up to the pagans C7?47b(15) *]p& vb. to knock, beat (4- XJIBiprro'X, XJYIB'ptfa, XriBlp'tf, l#XDp'#, 2#XBp'iy; Sy 1# . <\ n t LS 801, Ma *\pv MD 473) Pe.: X'na x"?Dp1 XBpB/1 (a demon which) strikes, beats, and kills Bo 58:11; ib. 122:5; 151:8 Pa. id.: pass.part. IpitfB x"p XIJT X(1)niTIX a NSpC 1177 NJIt? flock of unbeaten wool (dyed) by pomegranate (juice) AZ 28b(23) Itpe. to be beaten: lS'pjW'X »]N1 labvm IB1?! they cursed and vowed, but they were also beaten Bo 94:7 NXpt5> 4- XXp'tf 1j?K7 vb. to lie, deceive (4- Xip'tf, l#Xlptf; Sy toy, pa. LS 801, Ma "ipv MD 473) Pa. 1. to lie: npiy IH'X IX np© X3X IX either I lied or he lied Yev 55b(33); ib. 33a(31); Git 57a(30); San 94a(47); Svu 31a(15); Xs? "iVrX1? XT3jn 'ibvs "lptt?a one does not lie concerning a matter which is apt to be revealed Yev 93b(29) // ib. 115a(23) // RH 22b(19) // Bek 36a(48); 2. to deceive [w. -3 s.o.]: im ppwa 'xVss npc/m '3(')n '3 VTHDa just like the Babylonians deceive, (so also) do their rains deceive them Tan 9b(24); Xp mptt? '3 ~\pwa he is definitely deceiving me San 98a(52) Itpa. to be proved to have lied [MH Tlpniyi J 1626]: TlpTOXI HHD 'Xn'XT Xn^'X X'H.T a certain woman who brought witnesses and they were proved to have lied Mak 5b(6); Bo 136:7 1# *nj?t?, *y>0 n.m. liar (I Vipitf; TA pj?(& pi. TJ Jer 9:l' Sy r^AfiY. LS 801, Ma XlXpXP MD 445) sg. Xin XIp&T n"Tm ]V3 since he saw that he was a liar &Z> 56a(43); H^Jn ^'PS mn xnpiy PN was a liar /'fe 152a(38); Git 45a(41); TGAs28 23b:4; pi. VU'a PXpW they are liars 5an 89a(47); 5e^ 28b(7); 5o? 35a(29); T3y 'Tpwb XD'3 '3am does the Merciful One perform a miracle for liars? Ber 58a(45); 'T1D P3'X rx"7"' Pp©1? x"7X witnesses were only created for liars [i.e. to testify against them] Qid 65b(40); PHO ''-W.pV lying witnesses San 29a(33); Ket 16b(3); Sot 6a(33); 55 31b(6); Svu 47b(25); PHD 'pltnxi P'pma X1? Pp2/3 we do not naturally assume that witnesses are liars Ara 22b(33) Voc: lOjW HGP 39b:8; Y: VF0 Sab 56a(43; BAYTN 233). 2# toptf 1 Xlp't? 131t!7 vb. to let something down (< 3327* w. dissim. of -bb- > -rb- [cf. Sy ^=ljL pe., pa. to let down LS 749]; TA 33Ttf infra, MH2 331W J 1627) Quad.: 13'3"W x"?P '33T '3X» WP3ya '3 O'Broa ntsa1? pV when you convey the soldiers' garments (on the Sabbath), let them down below your shoulders Sab 147b (29) QuadRef. 1. to be extended, extend itself: 313"VH£PX PlSiriWX (her arms) were completely extended Sot 12b(14); nBB rraPJa SPiniP'X regarding his cloak (if) it was extended a handbreadth (over his head) Er 102b(5); "7331? D^y1? 331J1I27X1 nP3 (pride) descended to Babylonia and extended itself to Elam San 24a(32) // DiinV 33-irwxi 'vma jrna xsn1? Qid 49b (3 5); 2. to descend: WU1 313-iriB;'X P(13){3inrnyx 'am these (birds) descended further and went down (to the lower nest) Bes 1 la(8); XD3 HP 331T12?'XT H'3 Dpai the (heavenly) throne descended to him, and he took hold of it Suk 5a(14; M2) Lit: Levy, TMW 4:608; on etym., cf.: TA iTBT 7T U'31W1 XllBKS TJ Jer 38:6 = rdLaji-a rcLLss^rcli ,a>^=>4.«> Pe5 ib. Dana; vb. (uncertain) Quad.: *\yy\ mn naH33 P'lWBa 'B3"IB/aT cattle, animals, and fowl which ... Sab 94a(12) A connection w. MH VTVB to beat [of cattle] LNVTH 377 [< B3W w. dissim. of -bb- > -rb-; cf. Sy . \ •? t to beat LS 751] does not seem likely. The exact action involved is not clear [Rashi: HOD 'S^S I'DDPB; J 1628: stiffen themselves]. J"ltf vb. to slip, slide (4- V2# pitf; Ma 2# 112? MD 475) Pe.: JPW XWQ XBT the blood slides down smoothly Hul llla(31; Vl2Ar [AC 8:163]); xmaV "?Ba ima'a in a(')nnw one of them [i.e. the animals] slipped (and) fell into the canal BM 93a(43; F'Ed); |"bp'»i jpw p xmara np 'snoai they overturn it [i.e. the jug] in the oven while it slides out, and (the grains of wheat) are roasted TGAs42 161:8 Pa. id.: V'TXI IPtt? '1VW (the louse egg) continually slid along (to the top of the hair) Naz 39a(21) Itpe./Itpa. id.: JPniWll P8 Vs anything which slips away (from another) //«/ 52a(8; H2); XJ?"I3 n3 XannE?a (his) foot slips into it [i.e. the sandy soil] Sab 54a(14; Rashi,Ed) N3,ntP, XWVD n.f. lamp, candelabrum (< MPar *SirSy [cf. MP ciray CPD 23]; LJLA XJ1B? J 1628[TgKet], Sy rO^iu*- m. LS 806, Ma l#XlXTtf m./f. MD 475, > Arab z\j? Fr, AF 95)
Nem-itf 1178 l#'"lfi? 1. lamp: a. general: sg. XJIBH X"linJ the light of the lamp Sab 12b(49); ib. 116b(14); 63a(15) [4- XT.TD]; Hul 60b(12); BQ 22b(24) [I Htxrfrv]; XIWOT XJTO an oil lamp Sab 46a(31); XBSJT XJTO a naphtha (burning) lamp ib. 35; Kin©1? ,T'33 Xp'T XJM'IX the wind came (and) extinguished the lamp Ber 60b(57); X»Vn 13TT XJ1B> Xipyna 13'm1? W"?'!X '3 perhaps when you go to your homes the lamp will be extinguished Pes 101a(19; E2); ib. 20; 13; btf?V XriW he moved a lamp Sab 46a(22); mm XW1 XJIBtt 'b'n he saw that they usually (used) a lamp (on the Sabbath) ib. 23b(24); 28; Suk 29a(6); Yev 14a(33); X113 "?3 |'31 XJTO ]'3 piVlib X"liy'31 to leave either a lamp or any burning fire (on the Sabbath) Anan 69:19; pi. 'JIB; '"in two lamps Ned 66b(36); b. w. van vbs. ref. to lighting: 1) Vpm af.: sg. XJX1P IT1? p'mx he lit the lamp for him San 77a(19); Sab 22a(40); ib. 35b(ll); 122b(2); pi. 'JTO ip'mx Git 57a(22); 2) V'"?n pe., af, itpe.: sg. xp'T 3'EN Xm X3'H Xn'33 XJTO '"771J let him light a lamp in a room where the wind does not blow Kar 5b(52) // Hor 12a(36); Dp XJ-WI3 XT1J bno Xp xyXBB; (his) servant got up to light the fire from the lamp Pes 103b(17); 'V'T XJ-W b 'xVjl'Xl go (and) light the lamp for me Sab 26a(6); 2. candelabrum: sg. X3nTJ XJ1B; a candelabrum (made of) gold Sab 116b(2); 313'X XTlBtta '31? XJ-TO (PN) donated a candelabrum to the synagogue Ara 6b(16); XJTO «]pT1 rpyat; Dp his servant arose and set up the candelabrum Bes 22a(22) [w. ref. to rniJBri JiX 1'Dpit Mib. 2:6] Lit: Geig, AAC 403, points out that the spelling w. i indicates a northern pronunciation as opp. to southern <5 [cf. I pSTOB; v. exx. in Gignoux 64+; also ISK 28102]; Tel 129; Voc: Hix'm HPP 30:19; Y: XJTO Sab ib.(BAYTN 46). KB71J"lfi? n.m. a small measure (etym. unkn.) pi. 'CIJIB; pn Er 29b(41) Expl. RaH: vwDy niyn' jrx ;ii:dj? nno p; mmjran 'jw GnK5 172:6; Lit: Geig, AAC 403, rejects proposed P etyms.; Y: 'Bin* Er ib. NJlltf adj. (uncertain) sg.m. XJVffi; XJXD1T a ... pomegranate BM 84a(21; MGG 827:7) NSIItf n.m. a pest that attacks trees (etym. unkn.) sg. XSTW ^11 '*nx iwtal in Aramaic it is called s. OHT BQ 26:7 [expl. BH mxtf Is 24:12, quoted in BQ 21 a(20)] Geon. expl.: ty ppyxaia jwqbi ]rt>rf7riai O'xya kxvb nyVw pin napa -mro ib. KJTTltf, NJllTtf n.f. meal (4- V3#'Tt>; QA VHP ATTME L36, Sy nr^o-vA. LS 804, Ma i# xdxvixb; pi. feasts MD 446, ta miim; pi. tj 2K 25:30, JPA nmT» det. DJPA 549) sg. XTT '1 nvilTB; ri'Vl3X y*3 mn PN used to break bread (to suffice) for his entire meal Sab 117b(51) // Ber 39b(26); -]DJ33 "inVlB; XIJ'X1? np"?0 (if) you go up to the roof, your meal (should be) in the lap of your garment Pes 113a(9); 3'm 31 '3 12 Wmvvfr V'3X X3"?3 XJHyra a dog eats the meal of a student of the be rav who is fasting Tan llb(7) Voc: XfYlT» VTM 27; Y: Kmrtf Ber ib.(BAYTN 142). l#'"lt£ vb. to dwell, untie, release, permit, absolve (4- xmtfa, xni'ltf; Sy rc/4_z. LS 803, Ma l#xnB> MD 474) Pe., pf. Isg. 'XTO Mak 19b(20); 2m. Trw Tern 24a(39); 3m. XTO &6 9b(33); vrrw BB 24a(33); f. 'XTO &6 87a(15); injm» Zev 86a(20); lpl. nriv Yev 92a(14); 2m. mrrrc; Gi/ 76b(39); 3m. VW £er 2b(28);- 1. to dwell, live, reside: a. general: rb pmm '3'H '3T nan xs'n p npim 'y3 'an xin "ran X3'n in n'3X3'B; just as he distances it [i.e. the privy] far from where he resides, so must he remove it far from the place where his neighbor resides Anan 28:15; m ptn XEU'X 'J3 "73 all the people who dwell in it Bo 8:6; ib. 14:12; X'-|EH XT!'1?'1? XTT7 'Xnn 713 'NTH' try against this Lilith who dwells with PN b. PN2 ib. 78:1; 142:3; "?y X"lEn xnW> XT1HXT n"?l D'3 against the spirit which resides on a woman's womb HM 39:17; pass.part. xa'jD TIT xnyxa "in; Vx"TCn David, King of Israel, is in a state of sorrow San 95a(40; SM 112:14) [cf. MH2 "iyX3 mm J 1295]; b. esp. of Divine Presence: Xroen XISS ly nj'3«7 'XTO x"?T the Divine Presence did not dwell (on Mt. Sinai) until the morning of the Sabbath Sab 87a(15) // Yev 62a(24); Yom 9b(2); San 39a(35); 2. to untie, loosen: n'J"»n n'V XnfT ]1'3 when he has untied his belt Sab 9b(33); K»T '"713 n'a'Vj1? H'"? '!» x"?l he does not loosen his garment the whole day i#ntf 1179 i#nc Men 43a(34); Geon 330:12; l^pB"! 'DS'ob irunt; in3 mm "73 they untied the boxes and took all that was in them San 109a(5); ib. 98a(49) [I 2#X1»'X]); Sab 92a(2); Pes 113a(17; E2) [I l#xpo mng. 1]; BQ 115a(25) [4- XtJ'3j;]; Bek 8b(45) [I- Xm'DD usage b]; Yev 39b(36) [4- XJ'O]; n© X^ n'ltJ'p ly'J'XT whose knot no man can untie Bo 86:11; AZ 75a(32); pass.part. 'TX 'JH TIW 'Jm these (coins) are tied [i.e. are in a sealed package], and those are untied BM 108b(27) [v. Geon. expl. TGAs42 28:26]; 3. to break off: "inn '3,!?1t7 '"iBTiaV 'bp'i? p'^DT '1i a certain pagan who climbed up a palm tree to break off a palm leaf AZ 57a(8; M); 4. to release: a. from marital status: m> '"IP Kim mOX Kin he bound her (by marriage), and he releases her (by his death) Qid 13b(25); mHB;,!7T '3'H '3 '3H T3yn let her act in this manner so that they can release her [i.e. the doubtful widow] Yev 116b(13); ib. 105a(20); b. from prison: XJ'T D'3 p Xn3J HlVlib to release a man from prison HM 44:7; 5. to permit [JPA 'IB; pe. DJPA 567, mng. 5, MH TUB J 946]: 10X1 'XI3 1DX X"IB;T 'Xm Xna; he has permitted what he prohibited, and he has prohibited what he permitted Git 82b(36); Xin 713 XBHip -|0XT "73 fl'TlTO f? X1B; the Holy One, Blessed be He, has permitted us something similar to everything he has prohibited Hul 109b(34); IX '1KB; X1B>'B BTVpfc 'tPVJpX does this actually permit (the remainder of the incense) or merely reduce (the prohibition)? Zev 110a(39); 1» X3n Jl^n X1B> Dlin vnn 'xox 'nnnx i» xib; '»j 'xi xib;t xin xin 'Jl'inx 'X1B; 'SJ XJX m1? '»X mj'J in that case he permitted three (things). In this case you have permitted one. If also you have permitted another one, they are still two. He said to him: "I have also permitted another one" AZ 37a(13); X3TI XnBP3 nj'H pn xriEnD XIB; PN permitted a suspected terefa and bought some of its meat Hul 44b (28); .T'lB; XJ»m XBnn the Merciful One permitted honey Bek 7b(9); AZ 39a(31); 'pDJ xjj'n 12 xjin am mw 'psj noxi xam mo'e; nXB;i the shofars of PN proclaim a prohibition (on the fish hash). The shofars of PN2 proclaim a permission AZ 40a(29) // ;6. 57b(22); pass.part. a. alone: TOX "j1?! n» XK)^? 'Via1? for everyone it is permitted. For you it is forbidden AZ 28b(34); mV x'tb; '»'Xin mnnx 'nyi 'pVo 'xi if you are of the opinion that she is his sister, is she permitted to him (in marriage)? San 21a(45); Xn'TlXIB 'IB; XTOft by Pentateuchal law it is surely permitted RH 29b(32); VW X'JipT 'JX» IH^ID all vessels with ^.-glaze (in which the pagan's wine was stored) are permitted AZ 34a(5); 1V1T\ imb fIV xriE? TIT (the dates) are permitted after a full year Hul 58b(2); Sab 11 lb(17); Ket 51b(36); BM 67b(5); Hul llla(31); Tern 30a(7); b. w. fol. inf.: '3H layaV 'p'lX^ 'IB; 'HI is it permissible for righteous people to act so? Meg 13b(9); Pes l I3b(24); '3b;3 bmnb 'ib;t xmj 'xn yr x^ does this man not know that it is permitted to circumcise on the Sabbath? Nid 42b(14); p '"IB; byab we are permitted to eat Anan 4:8; Ber 23b(30); Er 67b(29); Meg 26b(14); Ned 62a(38); 5g 79b(53); 6. to forgive: ^n "b ma m1? XTO may his Lord forgive PN (for his statement) San 99a(14); Er 29a(25); 7. to release from a spell: p^ nB>m ri'ys 131 when you want to release them from a spell //M46:7; 8. to release from a ban: "b '-ib;'1?! X3'1? mim 212 a'tpm X3i xn3J there is no man as important as PN who can release you from the ban MQ 17a(25); ib. 16a(33); Ned 8a(22); in'Jl&B; •'1W1& in^D im all of them came (for him) to release their ban AZ 26a(7; J); 9. to annul a vow or a Naziriteship [cf. MH TM3 D1X D'TU "73 MNeg 2:5]: Ip'pit'X "mj n'1? nwi ]'3X n3 'Jin 3m nna^ ]J3n m1? the scholars were obliged to deal with PN's son and they annulled his vow Ned 77b(ll) // Sab 157a(56); Ned 23a(8); Kar 8b(29); 10. w. X'8 to make water flow [v. Af., mng. 3]: xnBH lX^ 'X XbVj'B mn tib X'» in3 had he not made water flow over them [i.e. the husks], (the emmer) could not have been shelled MQ 13b(33); 11. to loosen the bowels [cf. Akk isaru loose (said of bowels) CAD I/J 226, mng. 4]: TTS? Git 69b(28) [i fD'O]; 12. w. KTI'Jl to resolve a dispute: 4- lttXIJ'Tl usage c Af. 1. to cause to dwell: "?3» m'3JT DTOD IX1? nxa'BT Diana x^x -by n'ru'sc; 'vip nt>x ••fru -by mru'SB; 'B;'np ,-ib;x 'jV'x Vsa not because you [i.e. the thornbush] are the tallest of all the
2#ntf 1180 T ; - trees did the Holy One cause his Divine Presence to dwell upon you, but because you are the lowest of all the trees did the Holy One cause his Divine Presence to dwell upon you Sab 67a(21); Anan 36:6; Seel 43:3; Bo 16:3; 2. to provide lodging: ai<3>(3) niyV n'PSBnxs ynna '3-nx '-wot ]xa "T113T3 TSnajn '3,1X 13 XIX let one who provides lodging for a s.m. in his inn provide lodging for one like PN who knows how to argue in his favor Qid 76b(33; M); AZ 22b(23); 31 '3 '33 ]X'lB;a TTT133 they provide lodging for the students of the school in their houses Ber 17a(49; MGG 374:7); 3. w. Jt'S to make water flow [Ma X'B X'lWXa letting water flow MD ib.]: yrwm n'0133 <'>X1'0 X'B Tb you will make black water flow in his stomach HMGas 94:7 Itpe. 1. to be untied: "|3 mil X1?! 7TT niS13@'X 13 min X1? 'BJ UTOX your breasts were 'tied up' [i.e. were undeveloped] and you did not repent. They were 'untied' [i.e. were developed] and you also did not repent Nid 48b(l) [4- V/1S13 quadref.]; 2. to be released from a spell: Xy3'ttf pTW'B X*7'l pD'X seven charms which cannot be released 5o 21:4; /& 133:10 [4- VlWD itpe., mng. 2]; 3. to be permitted: a. objects: Din Vj?3 'IJW'X "TOWX Jliaijn 'BJ a blemished one among the birds was also certainly permitted (to be offered) Men 6a(28); 'inwx 'inttfXl ]T3 since it was permitted (for a Noahide to marry his sister) it remained so San 58b(16); Yev 7b (6); Zev 32b(33); 'St? 'ini^'Vl '3'n '3 XflllS Hl'lJ move it in [i.e. the 'eruv] a bit so that more (area) should be permitted (for walking) Er 61b(29); XVI Vl'X mi3J7 '311? TQV T-b X'lTOXl it is he [i.e. the priest] for whom the Sabbath was permitted concerning the Temple service San 51a(9); *73 IX'-mtfV 'BJ JTDX^B let all types of work also be permitted (on the intermediate days) MQ 13a(33); Bes 2b(26); b. people: 3-10)2 13Y7 BltfBl n'^opab nmx xxr irxi nxsV v> because his master is exhorting him to go out and he does not go out, was he permitted to kill him? BQ 32b(46); Noty? 'irwm '3',1 '3 so that she should be permitted (in marriage) to everyone else Yev 106a(23); bl? '31M'X^ X'lriWB Tim Tib Xri'n and afterwards she is permitted to be married to whomever she wants Anan 115:3; 4. to be annulled (of a vow): VTTB "in» V'Etfl'Bp '3 'IJllPB when he is absolved from one of them [i.e. things forbidden to a Nazirite] it [i.e. his Naziriteship] is annulled Naz 1 lb(6) Geon. expl.: ]B3 W bn OHT Git 157:13, i.e. tjM Ji [Pe., mng. 11]. 2#ntf vb. to sing (< BH T# HAL 1372) Pa.: '3il rrai'O '33 rr1? 11X27 his fellow backbenchers (in the school) sang to him so San 14a(43); '1ET^ IB ]b sing for us Ber 31a(6); HT\bo "Dp VWO '3H X31J/B3 they sing so before the bride in the Eretz Israel Ket 17a(9); ib. 14; 19; Pes lllb(23); 'UN ]Xia>n ... '13J n»a (if) men/women sing So? 48a(49; NDGR 62:8) Lit: Y. Breuer, LeSonenu 62 [1999] 72+; Y: nw Pes ib.(Mo 85). 3#'*ltt? vb. to make the blessing over bread before eating a meal (denom. < 4- XJllltP; Sy rf'-uat. to eat a meal [* yia^] PSm 4307, mng. lc) Pe.: ]b •'-[■vb rrb rinx xrisn rrb vrip xnx '3 pxn ]n Dm X'XIB -]n3 in when he came, they brought him bread. They said to him: "Make the blessing over bread for us!" He made the blessing pXH JB Dm X'XIB Ber 38a(55); ib. 40a(13); 46a(5); X'SVAl XIP'B San 102b(8); 'ipxi X3'm xbttb am x'sian xiw Xs?! ' W'xi xaru mb ^dx if he happened to eat bread, and he forgot to make the blessing over the bread at the beginning HP 188:2; ib. 187:23; G$ 314:4 Lit: Ros, TI 7323. NJTU'ltf n.m. a malady (4- XJVU'tf) pi. 'JVU'lff G;7 69b(46; OHT ib. 153:8,157:26) [V16: xariJ'B/] Geon. expl.: lrup'B' K1? '7)1 T'jWO bw 1JB 'iX 'jXOinON 'Jlll'TO NJ\ i.e. jJSLillj ilill JLijiil relaxation of the shanks and thighs ... OHT ib. 157:26; X"D1J NljHn '^W OHR ib. 46:5, i.e. gout; Lit: Eps, GnK5 3:9, note, derives this word < xstpdypa gout of the hand L-S 1984, but while this has the textual support of the Geon. expl., the mng. does not fit the context. Nfl-VIB? n.f. permission (4- 1#'1£> adj.) sg. ixn x'nm xni'-iu? x'in x"7 lm Vitrn xrrya when they annulled them [i.e. their shares], there was no permission (for use) of that courtyard Er 69b(41); ib. 70a(45); n±n ]J31 H3 lpOS 133 pnpnifr \ XTWTVb the Rabbis have already decided the law in favor of permission OHT Er 76:14 Y: XJW-IW Er 69b(41; BAYTN 192). P'lp'lt^ interj. whistling sound of the bee- eater bird (merops; 4 Vl#pitf; cf. Sy kLtJ-Ld;^ Lev 11:18 [BH oni] merops LS 810) Sg. p'lp'lW T3JM (the Dm) makes a whistling sound Hul 63a(36); ib. 33; 34 Note, however, the rdg. in Ar: j?"lpl p'lWl AC 8:172. Til? adj. strong, fit, hard, n. complete one (I VtiB?; Sy rc'-L.-vi. LS 802, Ma T1XW MD 446) 1. strong: sg.m. XT1W Xn"7X the strong God 5o 21:17; XTltt? xann the strong sealing /'*. 3:1; 39:3; f. XJ1T1B? H'Tiaia his strong oath /'fa 33:17; 2. sound, fit: sg.m. D"p1 TUP sound and established 55 160b (42) [at the end of a document; for add. exx., v. 4- D"p adj. and Vlllff af, mng. 1]; Bo 137:6; 3. hard, firm: sg.m. xVl n'33B? TIB? its sediment [i.e. of the watercourse] is not firm Sab 145b(34) [4- XM'tf]; pl.m. T10 Zev 86b(l) [of limbs burnt on the altar]; f. J'Dn ]TTtn Vil wheat which is also hard Pes 40a(20); II. complete one, whole one [Sy, LS ib., mng. 2]: sg.m. XTTO3 X"3y HWbl XT1D1 I'D'1?! they wrap the piece of the unleavened [lit. poor] bread in the whole one TRN 260:14 [cf. H nOVIS ma r\rbv Tra Ber 39b(23)] Note also the PN XT1B Sarrira [for refs., v. TGHark 416]; Y: T-llp Sab ib. (BAYTN 63). l#NJmtf n.f. beam (TA 'jh'TO TO Gen 19:8) T • T V sg. ms '1 '33 mm XJl'-W Wnn a certain beam that was in PN's house Er 102a(31) Geon. expl.: HTIp 'Xn GnK5 173:11; Y: XJV1» Er ib. 2#Nn'1^, pi. NJlKntf n.f. release (of a previously married or engaged woman to marry; 4- Vl#ni» itpe., mng. 3b; Ma XTHV, pi. l#XriX'TW MD 475, 463) pi. XTIX'-W SSHai la(10) [contents] The text of the previously missing release document [v. the discussion in S§Hai 522] has now been published in sSHaiGr. NSltf 4- 2# X311P n. NS31B/, NSplB; n.m. coop (etym. unknown; LJLA XB3-W J 1632 [PsJ, TgKet]) sg. Hul 53b(8; 2#piP Ar [AC 8:168]) [V12: XBplE/]; XDXJn XS3TO hen coop HP 203:13 Y: m>-m Hul ib.(BAYTN 222). Kriyi^, pi. KTpryt? n.f. slippery ground (Vjhti; Sy rfirlbil, pi. LS 809) sg. XJljnP Xinn slippery area along the river BQ 29a(20; EsF1) Expl. RaH: "VUH I1BW; Y: Nrijnw BQ ib.(BAYTN 186). Y~l& vb. to creep, breed (4- XXT27; MH piff hif. J 1633, Sy^lx- LS 810) Pe.: X3'X XSim WW 'ith '3'3 x'jm <n')(xipiy 'ropi xnn 'axi it creeps and digs-some say: it pierces-its legs are thin, and it grazes among the brambles BQ 80a(38) [expl. MH 1'XJOl m^n ib.] Af.: yrWH 'XVWX (the unclean fish) actually bred (it) Bek 7b(38; M); ib. 41 NX-ltf 4- XXTB> l#p"ltf vb. to whistle, hiss (4- xrvpntia, p'ip'-llff; Sy 2# Knj^x- af. LS 810, Ma l#p*i» MD 476) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to whistle: XJTIXX 3'71' 'X Xn'2/n TIN p'112/1 if (the raham-bkd) settles on the ground and whistles, the Messiah will come Hul 63a(34; H2); p'-ffin X313 '3 XyiXX 3'ri'T XW1 a certain (ra/iaw-bird) which settled down in a plowed field and was whistling ib. 36(H2); Xim \np~\ p'll»1 'TBX 3'TTH this is when it settles down on something and whistles raqraq ib.(33; Ar [AC 8:173]); 2. to hiss: Wprmfl D'piB/1 I hissed with my hissing Bo 136:4 Pa. id.: 'p'"W 'miiy1? ... l»ixn one who says to the raven: "Whistle!" Sab 67b(9) Itpe./Itpa. to hiss: M'jn'3 ]in'pin^'n you hiss like serpents Bo 78:11 [cf. Sy: ixcvsLio PSm 4338] 2#pi!i; vb. to glide, slip off (4- Vntf; Ma 2#p-W MD 476) Pe. 1. to glide: 'TS yw X'n 'plW XV water glides (when poured out of a container). Fruit does not glide (and the container must be overturned) Nid 3b(45); H'1? JTXT "frl p'S3i p'-iw 'nvn Tb ri'Vi 'ijd p's: xbi pne? 'nvn a fetus which has life glides and does not go out (of the womb). The sandal which does not have life glides and goes out Nid 26a(21; M); 2. to 1181
3#|Tlff 1182 'tntf slip off: xa<i>n)H mn ty "rsx nin iru@3n p'TOl H'msx PN used to eat until a fly would alight on his forehead and slip off Ber 44a(16) Af. to make slippery: p'TOBT 'TB "?3 anything which causes slipping Hul 52a(8); 'pTOBi DIPB because they make (the ground) slippery BQ 30b(l) [of straw and stubble; v. Itpe.] Itpe. 1. to slip: D'jrD IpinE?'1? xbl '3T1 '3 so that the priests should not slip Zev 62a(33); 'X Kp'WK 'pnntf'X if (the animal) slipped at all HP 202:9; 2. to be slippery: p'-|ntf'BT "73 anything which is slippery Hul 52a(8; Rashi) [Var: I'lJWOT H2]; 3. to fall off: XVI 'pnne/X ITina xnxi plTTO'XT it was actually (the leaves) which fell off, and (the resin) came with them AZ 40b(12; J); 'B1DX 'ptnWB XB^T lest the leaves fall off (the willows and myrtles) Suk 37b(4) 3# pit? vb. to plaster, smear (JPA pTO PT Sab 10c [4]) Pe.: a. on people: 'J'D H'pnEn he smeared him [i.e. his face] with clay Ned 90a(l; V2); Tf"*? Tvry nyiv^i tbxi nvft'oV let him bring its [i.e. the infant's] mother's afterbirth and smear it over it Sab 134a(30); b. on objects: T*? p'TOH XJ'B he plasters it [i.e. the wall] with clay BB 4b(8); BQ 81b(20); XBl'a K113D T1? 1'pTO TJT X3B your (servants) plaster your oven (with clay) on the holiday (to keep in the heat) Bes 32b(35); 'TOB Xim p'TOl Xin.TT X*WX3 in a place where the one who plasters [i.e. seals up] (the wine vat) is the same one who draws out (the froth) BM 92b(29); pass.part. ib. 18b(24) [of ah oven]; 30; XB'nn X"?1 xp'TO plastered but not sealed AZ 31a(31) [of a wine barrel]; X3'D TV Xp'TO X1? 'm 'B an IX «m 13WV yVail (a reed hut which is) not plastered with clay, and half or most of the rain is absorbed into it TGAs42 157:7 T1B7 vb. to be strong, firm (4- 2#XTff, TTO, i#x-iTO, 2#xtTO, xnnTO, V2#TOx; Sy -u, pe., pa., af, etpa. LS 802, Ma TTO pe., af. MD 476) Pe., only 3sg.m. imp., in impersonal archaic usage TO" well done [< nVn) TO" may (your strength) be firm; cf. SA ]im TO" yissar DSS 934, Ma T,XTXn TX»'J MD ib., JPA T>T1 TO" DJPA 568]: Ber 42b(15); &6 53a(31); ib. 63b(36); £r 32b(28); Pes 53b(38); BM 51a(20); San 100a(24); //«/ 17b(30); /& 75b(14) Pa. to make strong, hard: X3XB niTO^ to strengthen the utensil [i.e. the coulter] AZ 38a(31)//&A74b(12) Af. 1. to authenticate a' document [in legal texts; 4- 1# xnTOX, mng. 2, TTO mng. 2]: TTUTOX TrUB'pl we have authenticated it and certified it Ket 21a(34; V5); TGAs42 150:22; TGHark 276:27; SSHai 14b(20); 2. to make hard: TOB X'TB 1TOBT because (the cold water) makes the hair hard Nid 66b(6) [4- V"|"I0 pa., mng. 2] Note that in NH 15:37, Greenfield now reads jlTOn she testified [t/i,TO], and not ineTI [VTIW haf.; v. JANES 22(1993) 406]. 1# NTltf n.m. strength (4- VtTO; Sy rc'i-io. LS 802, Ma X1XTO MD 475) sg. X1TOT XBnn a strong seal Bo 64:23 2# NTltf n.f. umbilical cord (4- VtTO; cf. Sy ne'i-ac-, rc'iojt, LS 802, Ma 2#X"TO MD 456) sg. Anan 86:1 KniTIt? n.f. power (4 VlTO; cf. Sy K'di'oT-.-vx. LS 802) sg. xnilTO 'XB what is the power (of the charity officers)? BB 8b(33) &1& vb. to take root, uproot (Ma PTO MD 476) Af.: W1TOX131 ... 2/1TOX x"H3 in a case where (the trees) did not take root/took root Git 22a(14);£A/56b(50)//Afe/i 69a(10); ib. 68b(48) Itpa. 1. to take root: 'tmntfB ymh O'jnn seeds take root to the sides BB 19b(l); 2. to be uprooted: TO"in»B Xp XH (the graves on the outside) will, in fact, be uprooted BB 101a(ll; HP1) [but v. 4- VtiTIitpe.] tniBhtf 4- XTti'ff n. 'B7"H£ vb. to benefit (< Akk usarsi to cause s.o. to get s.t. AHw 962, s.v. rasii I §; cf. Sy ^.V rc"&'o S . \, to confer a favor LS 745; 4- V2# 'Bh) Quad.: .1'!? UPTOB xpi XIH "WTO (the cooks) are actually benefiting him MQ 12a(19; HP 179:13) QuadRef., w. '*? to derive benefit, profit: ■UH Dipa ,T7 'Enm&'XT she profited the space of a rfenar (where she saved flour in the bread) Git 35a(14); ib. 44a(6) // Hul 131a(5); <xVr> '37! '3 rrV 'ttnniP'3 so that he should not derive benefit KS'Bhft 1183 T ~ Zev 80a(39); Kef 108a(7); BM 42b(35); ib. 65a(25); rpty t1? mx 'xax rrV 'Bnnwa xpi 'x DViy1? 3TP xp 'xax t1? 'Knnwa x"n 'x naijnn H'1? 'TTOB Xp X1?! if he profits (at the place where the donkey died), why does he have animosity towards him [i.e. the renter]? If he does not profit, why should he give (the renter his fee)? It can be maintained that he does not profit ... ib. 79a(15) NS'fint? n.m. footstool (etym. unkn.; cf. MH infra) sg. Xian XTO'^a XB'E/TO GC 62:2 [expl. MH IIBTO MKel 22:3]; inV rUB 'TX 3T1 IT'IT? XTTID rUBl XB'WTOX PN used to place them [i.e. the phylacteries] on a footstool and place a scarf over them Ber 24a(7); Ket 61a(44); BB 59a(28); Pes 27b(3) [made of wood]; X3n"? XB'WTO H'1? in^X they chopped up a footstool for PN (for firewood) Sab 129a(33; V) Geon. expl.: ■p'nw'? p 'Vy'jX wV} n'lrm OHP Ber 110:10 [v. GC 62:2]; HBD1? XB'WIB V? 1'tflJW 1K03 "75? 3WVW3 -|Va l'^y l^JT n'JBB GnK5 174:26; The second element in this word is poss. Akk sepu foot. Voc: XB'thfc HPP 216:21; Y: KB'thW Sab ib.(BAYTN 303). jntt?t# n.m. gold denar (< MP *sasdanag six danqas [< MP sas + danag [4- Xp31]) sg. in ri-IKW W 41:12(HPP 57:20); HG3 290:22(Var); m@mn x"?pna3 n'na 'au xam nan pi p such-and-such an amount of good and select gold denars according to the weight of the sasdanag sSHai 4a(9); in "?3T ma 'Vxpna TOaro pn iihb n"3 'yx'DT 'ma nxn jjtok; '"rxpna 't pnra Xp3T Xi"?B1 XjVsi the redemption of (the firstborn) son is with five of these weights [i.e. D'y^D], each one of which is equivalent to four mitqal-sasdanag weights [i.e. twenty mitqals] (which in) zuzim of the Arabs are equivalent to 28 7/12 (dirhams) TGHark 38:5; ib. 16; 18; 21 Lit: D. Sperber, Sinai 55 [1965] 336+, has shown that this weight is equal to the Arab JUl^ [4- X^jJTO]; cf. also in Karaite H text: inVB ni!>B O'B^X nwnn -m '3 Harkavy, StuMit 8:127. XW, abs. XIV, pi. '3B;, abs. \>X& n.f. year (i XJTO «;n; TA XM TO Lev 25:30, pi. yiv ib. Gen 11:10, Sy rf^LLL, pi. r^YJY. LS 789, Ma 2# xri'», KJlTff, X3K;a XTO MD 464, 460, 471) a. general: sg.cs. xrnn ai 3'3» V'3nn J1TO31 PN died in year 826 (of the Seleucid Era) iSGF 99:1; ib. 89:6; 105:4; nx» lf?m XflVx riTOT mxi x"?33 1'TOyi the kalla of Adar of year 1,320 (Seleucid Era) TGHark 76:15; det. XTVD Kin one year AZ 9b(6); XJTO3 '3X0B 'JIT XT^n three pairs of shoes a year Kef 65b(3); XJTO imm 'TB fruit of that year Git 60b(46); KT\V TIT nonn a full year [lit. twelve months of a year] Sab 33b(38); Yom 84a(14); Ket 64a(6); 5M 24b(29); IX 'BV<1> W 1'3W I'mn one or two years SS/Zai 8a(14); nnajn Xna; XTin"? they intercalated a month of that year San 18b(42); i& 13b(8); A^erf 63a(24); pl.abs. XTlTn' TfiV ymn an additional two years BM 110a(23); AZ 10a(l) [4- TT1' adj., mng. 1]; yiV X3B3 mn yw the famine lasted seven years San 29a(29); 'n"nnx yiV nos'niJl another twelve years Ned 50a(20); 5aZ> 33b(34); ]'TOJ? H31 -|Vb ]'JW j'jnm PN was the head of the academic session for twenty-two years Hor 14a(13); det. 1'TX K>1V these years BB 35b(15) [in legal document]; MP DiyB'X TIT '»'3 XH1 were the years (of life), in fact, not reduced in David's time? Yev 64b(14); 'IV -\27\ "73 all those years Ber 18b(47; F); Tan 23a(50); Git 59a(12); iSGF 90:14; '3» nVxi three years ## 15a(10); nVn 'mn '3» two (or) three years Git 58b(23); 'TO 31? seven years Bek 8a(46); xa"?'n3 'TO 1'5?3W seventy years as in a dream! Tan 23a(43); Xn'W 'TO 'B^X six thousand years RH 31a(24); TTO Vb m3y 'XB what do you do with her (allotted) years? Hag 5a(8; V20); 3'32? X1? TTO X^3 BTC'XI no one died there before [lit. not in] his (allotted) years San 29a(32); VTV1 'TO3 according to their [i.e. of the gnats] years (which are short) Hul 5 8b (10); 1TTO 1T;i3 X3T, "3X T3 'J'Vs IIT PN and PN2 disputed it all their lives [lit. years] Er 15a(45); 'TO HB3 several years iSGF 86:6; b. w. designations: sg. xm3ya KTVD intercalated year RH 7a(42) // San 12b(47); xnB'B^T xnir; the Sabbatical year Anan 11:21; "?3TT Xfltf Jubilee year ib. 15; c. w. Vp'rO pe., af. to complete the year: XnB? T1? XpVo XBT X1HH3 yvi 'XT if he plants on that day [i.e. thirty days before the New Year] a (complete) year will be reckoned for him (with regard to 'orla) Git 54a(5; As); ]XB 'XH X1? 'X 7Pm p'DB 'X J/TB1? 'jm one who wants to know if he will complete his year or not Hor
t : 1184 'Jltf 12a(36) // Kar 5b(52); d. in adv. phrases: sg.abs. ru» "?33 in every year Ara 9b(24) [cf. Sy Jlo r^JY-p t^i'r LS ib.]; det. 335?,!?1 Xfltt? Vr1? XriW TLTbl XJW let (the messenger) travel for a year, remain for a year, and return in a year BB 4a(i9); xrrcn vm mv njw xrnyi 'on xn© njnr1? 3iy let him sow it one year wheat and one year barley, one year lengthwise and one year crosswise BM 107a(3); HW [1*713 =] X*713 the whole year Ber 35b(26); Ned 62a(28); BB 147a(43); XflEn X7W *?3 every year Bes 23a(36); Sab 129a(47); BB 30a(18); HWb xrwa from one year to the next AnanSch 6:13; pl.cs. .TTI ''VD "73 all the years of his life BB 137b(15); 31 '3P3 Xion in PN's time £> 63a(4); Tan 24a(53); BM 105b(28); AZ 38b(32); WIS 'Jtfn in the time of the Persians Yom 77a(43) Voc: KM HGP 27b:21; Y: WV BB 4a(19; BAYTN 101). - NJtf'V adv. the following year (< 'b + i OT abs.; cf. Sy rC \ r V rfJr ^ LS 789) XJW'^ 11.1 he returned the following year BB 58a(19); ib. 39b(14); 73b(18); 3'XJ? mm .T'tn KW'? the following year he saw that he was sad Bes 16b(25); Pes 107a(14); £er 112a(7); niVW XWb xijnai xbirft n'cns1? xaty '^is the following year everyone postponed (the picking of) their vineyards until the intermediate days MQ 12b(42); 'IXn '33 X3P,!7 '13J? XT\V XI this year-slaves; next year-freemen SRSG 136:23 Voc: wW HGP 2a: 18; Lit: Eps, Stl 185. NaiJltf n.m. (uncertain) sg. Iffliaxp X^inw 'X 1'ra K-mnb nOJPIBWb if he says ..., let them remove the speaker from him Hul 84b(25) Ed: XOinwX; the mng. and etym. of this word are uncertain. XPftfip num. sixth (J- xn'tf num.; JPA miw DJPA 568, > MH m» J 1637; Sy k'Ai^c^, LS 811) sg. KTiVW XM&n Vl deduct eight (which is) a sixth (of forty-eight) BM 40b(2); 13"?a xmriP the sixth is 'from without' [i.e. for each five portions one is added] Men 77a(36); BB 90b(4); Bek 50a(3); X1.1 I'tfa XWain 13"?a Xflirw a sixth 'from without' [i.e. the combined amount, viz. 20%] is a fifth 'from within' [i.e. of the original amount, viz. 20%] TGHark 38:12; ib. 23 Y: mmv BB ib.(BAYTN 331). >J1# vb. to drink, be irrigated (4- X'rttfa, VlS'ptf; Sy j^-x-ry, rC&jc pe., etpe. LS 811, Ma 1# XTVO MD 476) Pe. 1. to drink: a. w/o obj.: 1) wine: X31D VWX in XaV one day he drank a lot (of wine) Pes 110b(19); 1X11X1 TilPX I shall drink and leave over Sab 67b(12); innorPX XTWob you were forbidden to drink Pes 103b(4; C); 2) potion of sota: WWI im ... WITT 'apa before she drinks/after she drank (the potion) Sot 6a(29); XTW X1?! XII XJ1B?a she does not actually drink (the potion) ib. 24a(23); b. w. dir. obj.: 1) water: X'T'ia '^73 n'i'O .TW(X>Un X'B ]a 'JW3 let him drink from water from which a dog drank at night Git 69b(7); Pes 11 lb(41); MQ 12b(28); Tivnb fl'1? X'Ml there is no water to drink HM 45:10; 2) intoxicating beverages: '333 1,13 tuyT Xian IJlttH XTina I know that the people of GN drink wine Ket 65a(37); Er 64a(16); ]Xa 'XI Xivn XOVOIIIB Tltt?l one who drinks white /.-wine G7? 70a(25); D3DT XS'lrl X13'tt/ wbl let him drink the full strength i.-beverage of Tevet Git 69a(33); ib. 69b(46); XW X'fiEH (a woman) who drinks s.-beverage Ket 60b(55); MQ 9b(48); Sab 140b(19); 'T» "73 IX Xian TlXIPI ]13 "73 '11S1 any priest who drinks wine or any intoxicating drink Anan 21:10; BM 86a (48) [4- 2#XpB3X]; 3) w. metonymic obj. XD3 cup (of wine): 4- 1#XD3 mng. lc; 4) other: TXWX X^TX xmpjn XDD she went (and) drank a drug (to induce) sterility Yev 65b(48; O2); Xny31 Tit! X2/3111 (one who) drinks a quarter log of honey Hul 59a(8); .TOT p Wltf'X drink from his blood Bo 72:8; c. w. V?3X pe.: 'n»'X »]1Dn "713X >]1Dn eat quickly (and) drink quickly Er 54a(14); Bes 30a(35); Tan 25b(53); Meg 13b(45); //ag 10b(9); San 95a(39); //«/ 4b(33); Dec 3:10; 2. to be irrigated [Sy, LS ib., mng. 3, Akk satu A CAD 5/2 215, mng. 3]: 'ITvV TlWl xar iri? X'TW Xb 'X 'av nrfrn if (the field) is not irrigated in one day, it will be irrigated (sufficiently) in two (or) three days MQ 4a(36); D'yiT rirrm X'a 'T)W! "?3 anything which is irrigated with water, viz. seeds Anan 6:14 [expl. BH 'TOH Lev 13:59]; n'XI ]Xa xri3K/T xav rr^is x'fl»i ... xnrj n^ one who has a vegetable garden, and it is irrigated the entire Sabbath TGDr49 96:4 snan sjntP 1185 N^rit? Itpe. 1. to be drunk: Xp 'TO IX8? 'DH 'nn»OT ]VD T3J? since (the wine) is drunk in this manner, he is not doing anything Sab 109a(20); 2. w. "V to drink: n'1? TtfW» x"?l he cannot drink £ee/ 139:27 - man N'ntf n.f. a forbidden bird (I 1# Xian; t : - t : t lit. drinker of wine) sg. Hul 62b(35) Y: >onn rcnv Hul ib. K'ril^ n.m. warp (V2#T12;; TA PW TO Lev 13:48, Sy rdJ^_sc- LS 811) sg. 711 HTitn VI X315?T which is of the warp? Which is of the woof? AZ 17b(35); ib. 37; 38 Y: X;nW AZ ib.(BAYTN 132). Knip'Trtf n.f. silence (i Vpn©; Sy k'^ci_q_.^L ls' 812) sg. xmp'rffi? myv X'nna rrby T3p he resolved to remain silent from that time Tan 9b(7); xmjrix xmpTiir; xosn "si xbTp the charm (against demons) of the privy is silence (and) modesty Ber 62a(27); ib. 6b(26); 58a(31); Qid 71b(30) Y: Kmp'JI* Ber 6b(26; BAYTN 178). NriTlty n.f. a porridge made from the meal of various grains or dried fruits (< XHTintt?*; Sy ^^Lih^yyk. LS 772) sg. a. general: Ber 38a(24); mnra 'ra xts xriD'ao xT3jn xdvi xrcw 11313 THJ "jDnW 'atys X'aD XT3J?1 X^^p where i.-porridge is made thick (the blessing is) X113 JliJiTa 'J'a. Where it is made thin, merely like water, (the blessing is) nX]3 TH? V312? ife 43; xrrrrc? 'na'isy 'nj'jnD 'nr'jp (if) he roasted them [i.e. the lentils or beans], ground them, (and) made them into s. HP 191:2; XrVTitt? y1?^ Tim ty "?(3)33 concerning (those people) who used to mix s. in Babylonia Sab 156a(21; OM); Er 29b(41); San 67b(35); AZ 38b(48) [made from lentils and water or vinegar; wheat and barley]; xrvw 'ra nn two types of s. ib. 54; xrrxitt? X'BI TIS^BI i.-porridge of water (soaked) lentils HM 39:15; 'po'tn '13'31 xfrfllff i.-porridge of ... and jujubes //P 191:4(HPP 293:19) [cf. Sy r<la^n r^-»^uy. BBah 1586:18]; XJTTIB; XT1S1 crumbled i.-porridge HG1 97:87; ib. 86 Geon. expl.: P'lD Kll'n'W OHP Ber 112:13; OHT Git 158:27, i.e. Arab jij-i meal of parched barley, wheat, etc. or dried fruits which can be moistened w. water or fat into a gruel Lane 1472; Siggel 44; cf. Sy jLllj ^{jjjil ... rr-J^Juxi. jjiill BBah 1965:12; Lit: Low, Pfl 286; Y: XJVJTO Ber 38a(24; BAYTN 28). nNirrK?, f. KrPTP^ adj. sixth (4- XXTtf; Sy rLibL,in^ LS 811, Ma X'Xn'© MG 192) sg.m. uravb xioa"? nxn'niy xara 'j/jsx to put aside (food) from Friday [lit. the sixth day] for safekeeping for the Sabbath Anan 73:14; HP 181:11; ib. 184:9; f. XJV1TO DW3 in the name of the sixth one Bo 6:8 [i.e. magical word]; ib. 107:9 "]JVZ? vb. to become rusty (etym. unkn.; cf. MH2 pmwa Tan 8a(18; Ar [AC 8:183]) Pe.: pass, part. v. Af, mng. 1 Af. 1. to become rusty: 'DD T,ri2>X1 they became very rusty BM 26a(l; HAr [AC 8:183]) [Var: 'su Tiran EsM]; 'sn 'isy x1? 'sniyai yn since (the needles which they bury) will become rusty, they do not do so Sab 102b(ll; Ar [AC 8:183]); 2. to cause to rust: ^Tlpb nV 'SriWai OWa because (the rocks) cause the pot to rust BB 19a(43) Expl. RaH: J'D ]7\2 nty BM ib.; Lit: Geig, AAC 406, suggests a connection w. Sy rc'&uoJt- rust LS 771 and Ma 2# X71W MD 458. brfif vb. to plant (4- X^n'ti, xVniy; Sy AiLx, LS 812, Ma Vm MD 477, Akk satalu CAD S 197) Pe. (a/e): TnitfX 'aj X3X Timx '^ l^riB/l 'D'H '3 "33V just as my forefathers planted (a carob tree) for me, I shall also plant (one) for my sons Tan 23a(45); ib. 47; 25a(43); Xpir llV I^TPX '3 XI1X ^blW when a male child was born to them they would plant a cedar Git 57a(45); VlS3 'XT in1? TrW 111 if (the trees) fall, he can replant them BB 71b(8); Wl '3110131 'D'lisa 7Vb nVB'V let him share with him from the vineyards and gardens which he planted BM 39b(40; Es); 'Vn'W biwti? to plant plants SSHai 6b(16); Men 70a(l) n.m. planter, gardener (4- V^nW ^aVaZ-form) sg. X^TW BB 21b(l0) // BM97a(20) [in a list of professions]; ib. 109a(38); 45; 109b(3); 24; xbxiW TV .HH IDT 31 PN had a planter «fe 109a(34); 110a(40; HP 93:22,Rashi!) Geon. expl.: ^3Ba D'ai1? my'BJ !>B13 'TB K^XriBl GS 392b: 11; Lit: Beer, BA 8917, w. lit.; Y: s6jTO BB ib.(BAYTN 228).
]fl& 1186 JJltf vb. to urinate (< BH ]'fltfn HAL 1371, s.v. ]'#; JPA ]V\VX DJPA 569) Af.: J'TWX Bek 44b(14); Git 69b(51); Tpa 'JITTOX1? .TOTTl 'TO something whose habit it is to urinate on a wall [i.e. a dog] 55 19b(21) [expl. BH Tpa J'fltfB IK 21:21] IflEP, «]JVI# vb. to make an ally, combine, become a partner (denom. < I KBJTltf; Ma IDE/ MD 477, Sy ^$>ft^- LS 767) Pa. 1. to make an ally: irrrn ^x-ie?'1? vu'Bnen iy vf? iVo' xVi they could not overcome them until they allied themselves with the Jews AZ 8b(20); 2. to combine: pT13 -] HM '133 pPSfllW -] 'DJ1W '31 "inx mx when he combined him also with another person TGAs42 34:18; fjiwa Xp Km does he not, in fact, combine (God's name with something else by saying n3T» "|Vl n'1?)? Suk 45b(35) [v. Tib. 3:1 and MH *\rrv J 1639]; 3. w. X&B1 to associate o.s.: n'PBJ PTX «]'{;iHWJI X"113'X 'TI3 a person should associate himself with the congregation (in prayer) Ber 30a(l); 4. to make a fictitious partnership (in an alley for the purpose of carrying on the Sabbath; MH ITiriOT J 1639): IBVW vf? XH they did not, in fact, make a fictitious partnership Er 67b(39); 'Jlpjfr 'JT)1J^> Xbl T71BJW I made a partnership with you to correct (my status) and not to pervert (it) ib. 75b(12; O) Itpa. 1. to become a partner [w. 'ina with s.o.J: vf? mtJST 'T'X 'W TOD '1,13 TJWX V'T in"T13 I,1? 'BTima nwiaa go (and) become a partner with Jewish butchers. Since (as a priest) you exempt them from the priestly gifts, they will make you their partner Hul 132b(10; V"); 'X xn'Vxi xaVd nu 3,t mm nsruwa if you become a partner with him, he will also give you half and the fat tail BM 69a(22); Pes 112a(37); nil 'XT'BBTIX 'in3 'D'1B3 XM'nTOB I used to be a partner (in the Hanukka lights) with my landlord by means of coins Sab 23a(14); my 13 XJBrWXI jnXJ'3 (X)niBnW X313J71 X3X»BJ we have become partners of our own free will and have made a partnership between ourselves SSHai 9b(6); TGAs42 30:2; '1,13 'BWWxV (DlXU'ya X1? ]JX '11,1 we do not want to be partners with each i?ntf other TGHark 171:23; ib. 33; 204:12; 2. to make a partner [w. mX?\: v. mng. 1 j?Xltf vb. to be silent (4- XplXltfa, Xipjllti, xmp'ntf; Sy ^ahyx, LS 812) Pe. (e/u), pf. lsg. 'p'TO BM 37b(3); 3m. p'/W'X Sab 30b(6); f. XpWX Yev 88b(28); np'riP'X Qid 12b(31; HP 107:3); 3pl.m. pWX Suk 10b(14); ipWX Yev 77a(l); imp. 3sg.m. plW1? BQ 10b(33); plTW'J Pes 24a(26); imper. 2sg.m. pKW San 39a(6; MGG 89:18); part. 2sg.m. npnv Ket 109b(32); 3m. p'fltf Kar 1 lb(28); f. XpTW 5o 59:10; 2pl.m. ID'pnE? 50 8a(41); 3m. yno Ket 104a(9);- Pe.: 'I'D X1?! .T1? 'DX xVl p'fWX he was silent and said nothing to him Ber 27a(39); Yev 57a(18); Svu 40a(31) [+ 11% i V2#'nw]; Nid 39a(46); p'WX ■T»B3 mi he became silent and died BM 86a(34; Es); n'1? V'3'l p'JW'X he was silent and (the Angel of Death) overpowered him MQ 28a(48); Mak 10a(33); Yev 110b(23); BB 152b(2); Hul 77a(4); lpWX XJlX'ffp 'in "?3 vf? 'tfpX he asked them all these questions (and) they were silent Yev 77a(l); Naz 32a(28); ip'TWO -f? 'P'TTC? 'X miT 'i? TTjn I'1? if I remained silent for you like PN's colleagues remained silent for him Sab 29b(28; M); BM 37b(3); Ket 14b(24); rf? 3TO'^> plJUP^l let (Scripture) write it and be silent Sot 3b(l); Pes 23a(31); Kar 4a(44); Zev 89a(17); piritf pine? be completely silent San 39a(6; MGG 89:18); OTpritf OTpJW 'X if you remain silent all is well Qid 70b(30; O2); npnv npnv 'X 7ev 37b(46) // Ket 109b(32); pfflTB p'TW tar 1 lb(44); ]rpn» px Xpritf 'n'X 'X if she is silent, are we (to remain) silent? Yev 65a(17); mn X*7T XDTJB n'aiB pTKP he did not cease [lit. his mouth was not silent] from reciting (the oral tradition) Sab 30b(3) [+ 11% I 2#X0T1 mng. 2]; 'am xy3'aa psi 'pni» xp nn x1? the scholars did not refrain from supplicating Ket 104a(9) Pa. to silence: Vj73b 'pvw ip'Tltf silence the husband completely Git 84b(32; O3); yaw Xn n'!? p'prwa vf? we do not, in fact, silence him completely (in his prayer) Ber 33b(51); Meg 25a(34); 'P'3 nP3'X '33 "731 naiB 'TDoVl yiTWb 'B'pm to silence and to shut up the mouth of all evil and violent people Bo 71:1 prm Itpa. to be silent: pjlXW'X Git 64b(36); BB 9b(23) 1187 pntf The mng. of IP'TON Ket 104b(18) // Ned 77a(27) is unclear [v. comm. ad loc. and Ar (AC 8:186)].
yafr 1188 t t ; V y"3JP, J730 vb. to be satiated, satisfied (4- Xy3lfc?; Sy ^.-pm LS 456, Ma X30 MD 316) Pe. (e/a): a. from food or drink: y3D TOVUB »<')(1}1X y30'B a person is fully satiated (drinking wine) from his throat [i.e. by gulping it down] Suk 49b(13); ]Xai y3W '3 p'SJ ]'S3 "?"y mm one who would enter hungry would go out satiated Ber 58b (17); Meg 7b(10); p'jntn '3'n '3 -|J?30'3 warn may the Merciful One satisfy you just as we were satisfied Tan 24a(14); b. other: <n)E;33 Xffltfn "•Vi? ]tVOXt IS W2V X1?! Hliby '"7131? you have now subdued everyone, and you will not be satisfied until you have subdued me Git 68b(23); n'JB X3in WIV Kb you will not have your fill of laughter from him San 96a(13) Pa. to satisfy: xy3E>a 'jrait; nX'33 a quantity of (food the size of) an egg fully satisfies Yom 79b(36); ib. 38; ]y3WB nan dates satisfy Git 70a(14); 7a« 24a(14) [v. Pe.] 17VO 4- VlHO vb. Knvrnfr 4- xrvnno n. Njrai^, XJ/afr n.m. plenty (4- Vyafr; TA Xjh6 TO Gen 41 '29* Sy re* < -p rr> LS 456, Ma 1# X3'0 MD 324) sg. XJS3T fmm xyaiEH y3W seven (years) of plenty and two of hunger Ber 55b(7); 3T1H X1H "n"? xy3B> n"3p an1 13 when the Holy One, Blessed Be He, gives plenty, it is for the living that he gives (it) Tan 8b (23) K31& i X31D n. N3BP 4- XJDD n. K3n>fc> n.m. load (Vjnfo; 4- XJ30; JPA nan''© det. DJPA 571) sg. Xin'W Xbai ms1? the load is according to the (size of the) camel Ket 67a(4) // ib. 104a(46)//Sof 13b(24) Geon. expl.: Vm 'W8 nay Jltto OHP Ket 39:5; Lit: Ros, Archive 1 [1972] 111; Y: Xjn'B /to ib. Kns'fr, njis'o, pi. Nnns'fr, ntivib'&, kjtub'o t ; ■ ' '* t t : • 7 t t : ■ 7 n.f. lip, shore, edge (TA xfiSD TO Ex 26:4, pi. TfilBO ib. Dt 23:24, Sy K'ft <\ nr>, pi. rc"&o «v rr> LS 489, Ma XXIS'O, pi. XXIXn'BD MD 329) 1. lip: sg. n'TlS'W yT3'X V'3Xpn Hn3 while it was eating its lip was split Bek 36a(34); Bes 27b(9); BQ 117a(49); nTiS'im X13 XTWl the outer row [edge?] of his lip Bek 39a(24) [expl. MH 171327 Mib. 6:4]; pi. plain Xp lim n'TlDSOV TUltn they saw his lips mumbling Ber 58a(42; MGE 144:5); n'nxriSW ]»IT1» Xpi n"tn they saw his lips moving Tan 22b(18); n'miS'W ]»ma Men 63a(13); //a£ 3a(17); San 90b(36); WJIIIBW /.SYjF 35:17; linnriB'D[3] Ip'BXl they pronounced with their lips Bo 94a: 8; 2. in a fig. sense: a. shore, bank: sg.es. X'B ITO the shore of the water Sab 100b(38); b. edge, rim: sg. xriB'W XTm the edge of the millstone Bes 28b(6); nriB'O XJXXXT the rim of the basin Pes 45b(14; C); BB 108a(4) [of a trench]; c. border: sg. n'Xn XJT^a XJIB'P n'1? a rag that has a border Sab 134a(23); XB'^n XJIS'O the border of the garment Er 96b(27; O) Y: anilBto San 67b(35; BAYTN 39). NSTfr n.m. lattice work (4- VriO; Sy rc'&A-j-U* lattice LS 496) sg. 'M'^T X1T» a lattice work of bricks gic/ 60a(13); San 64b(22) Geon. expl.: k'jK B'B Ori'3'3 1'XW X^X V03 103 ninJTOW Q'331? nn« ty 7WK J1TO1B OH San 393:8; Y: XJIW San ib.(BAYTN 97). Nrin'?^ n.f. rental (< MH2 mT3fe/ J 1573) sg. rrxirvotf 'BT the days of his rental SAf 35b(37) ifrxnto, nV»0 n.m. left side, left hand, left foot t t : ' ' (TA X?fi6 TO Num 22:26, Sy rtl^io LS 481, Ma x"?xao MD 332) 1. left side: a. general: sg. n'^xawa xs"?xi mra'a xs^x xnwy ten thousand nafr 1189 2#srnyifr (demons) on his right and one thousand on his left Ber 6a(9); &6 90b(23); Hul 47a(7); tf>. 93a(26); 5o 85:2; ib. 88:9; 112:5; XB<')SI')B x"?Xawa a doorpost on the left side (of the entrance) Men 34a(14); b. w. parts of the body: sg. n'VaOT XT^ mpOB cut off his left hand [lit. the hand of his left side] Pes 57b(2); Ket 61a(43); Git 69a(23); nrnn nVXBBH XBIBX the left flap of his nostril Ber 55b(40); (X^XBKH -[bit your left foot HM 44:13; ib. 25; IvftatfH XID'O their left side Bo 6:10; 59:4; 2. elliptical for left body part: a. hand: sg. n'VxaP1? n'pos Kar 28b(10) [v. mng. lb]; n"?xa©3 ^Vp "?D1 all knots (for magical purposes should be) on the left hand Sab 66b(32); bm insn ,T^xa»a xbhj; lion n'ra' the right hand of the (high priest's) aid is preferable to the left hand of the high priest Yom 39a(28); n'ra'a n^xawm n^xaisa n'ran xspt uipj'3 let him hold his straight right arm in his left (sleeve) and that of the left in his right (sleeve) Ber 55b(36) // Pes 110a(32); XJlTyT TTT "inyasx l^xa^T the small finger of your left hand HM 44:25; n"?a03 with her left hand Ket 61a(43; HG3 361:97); b. foot: sg. D"D "Vip xVl n'ra'T D"D n'ran iDp nim nt?pi n'VxawT he puts on (the shoe) of his right foot and does not tie (it). He puts on (the shoe of) his left foot, ties (it), and then ties that of his right foot Sab 61a(22); Tan 12b(12); Yev 103b(19) Y: N^XOW Sab 66b(32; BAYTN 51). nafr vb. to be happy (< BH nafr pe., pi. HAL 1243; QA na© ATTM 713) Pa. to make happy, give cheer: ij/o'a ryo xarf? nawai ryo xian nai!?a X"7 'niBiy wine provides sustenance and makes one happy. Bread indeed provides sustenance but does not actually make one happy Ber 35b(47) [NJVttOfr 4- nX3D n.pl.] ~W& vb. to grow hair (denom. < 4- Xiyitf, 2#xrrW; Sy 2# \±so pa., af. LS 489, MH lyitf hif. J 1612) Af.: 'SB Ijntfan N-nn an ox which grows much hair (on the gullet) Hul 44a(23; V11) Xyiff, NiyO, cs. 1S/& n.m. hair (4- Vnyitf, Xmyiff; TA Xiyo TO Lev 13:10, Sy rc^i s iy> LS 488, Ma 1#X1XD MD 315) coll.es. 1JW imi "W VVV") until the hair of their heads fell out Ber 44a(17); det. xnyo p'S3 N^T tM'xV for a person whose hair does not grow HM 40:1; Naz 3a(9) Y: linny? Ned ib.(BAYTN 102). l#Knij;&, pi. njrf? n.f. barley (TA )'iy6 pi. TO Lev 27:16, Sy r?lk\±-co, pi. rtyLso LS 489, mng. 2, Ma xnxo pi. MD 315, s.v. 2#X1XD) a. general: sg. Sab 110b(22; Marg); Yev 76a(22) [4- Void pa.]; xxiB'na *psn 'mywa n>ns less than (the length) of a barley grain and more than (that of a) wheat grain Hul 43b(34; V11); pi. njnt VlKl ny© he went (and) planted barley BM 106a(5); ]yin nyo smooth barley (grains) Pes 40a(24); Itybx1? nyw 1D3X give PN barley to munch Ket 77a(42); ib. 64b(37); nyn; Xiam ni'3 the steps of a donkey are (according to) the barley (it eats) Sab 51b(22); XJU'OXa ny© iai they place barley in the mortar Ket 8a(37); nyiffT 'mi nymx four g.-measures of barley BM 65a(9); b. pi. together w. 'DTI: 'nyiyi 'D'nn Xr'T X3X I can support (the city) with wheat and barley Git 56a(26); Anan 50:2; r'Tin Hni"1 nytt?1 'DTI y"II Xpi he used to plant wheat and barley together Qid 39a(37); BB 150a(19); AZ 15b(59); Zev 94b(12); Me« 70a(4); c. pi. as a component: 'tynn xna'p barley flour Ber 36a(26); Pes 56a(10); few 83b(25); G;7 56a(36); AnanSch 10:26; nytn 'D'm 'anVa 'D'n 'B'na nywm ny»Ta vtn ix nye/T 'an^n (a porridge) of wheat with wheat bread, (and a porridge) of barley with barley bread, or (a porridge) of wheat with barley (bread) and (a porridge) of barley with wheat (bread) Ned 49b(9); 'lyttH Xanj barley bread Sab 140b(18); Qid 62a(2); ny^n x;T"Km3 barley cakes Git 69b(ll); nyttn 'Tan barley yeast AZ 66a(15); ny» +T3 barley water Pes 42b(6); Sab 110a(43) // Pes 42b(19) [ingredient of Egyptian zythos] Lit: Flora 1:713; Voc: n£& HPP 304:19; 'iyw HGP 25a: 10; Y: njW Qid ib.(BAYTN 171). 2# Nn-ljrfc', pi. '"IJ/fr n.f. hair (4- Xiyfr; Sy K'&T-i-io, pi. rc'H.i-io LS 489, mng. 1) sg. XT1T1 n'myc WBJi an ox which has much hair Hul 44a(23) [4- V-ijw]; pi. "Ji'3 '©rx <i)(')noan ny )in^yiy n'"?y until his wife dishevels her hair because of him Ned 50b(29); 'am p'nyo TriOl
Nasi? 1190 2#«pfc 1'3'31 Tinx your hair is disheveled and thrown behind your back Bo 9:3; ib. 19:5; 60:3; n'V mm xnXIXin nytf '"logman he had eighteen white hairs Ber 28a(5; SM 119:23) XliSp, XftXSV n.m. upper lip (TA n'BBO TJ 2S 19:25) pi. KID 'aBEH XBV X3TXH today is the 'day of the upper lips' [i.e. a day of no profit] Sab 129b(32); ib. 31 Geon. expl.: ,T,TI 12V ivn ,TH X1? JliaBOT TOiy piKTO DV BT1 1T3 .ity x^i yv ,Tnw 'a ^a ivtb ,rn 13 tyi opn wa> -|Vn 'OXSHn NOV WW imp vn 13W Dl'jD OHP ib. 83:6(Ar); Y: 'Mi? So* ib. Hpiff 4- XpO n. Nlftf, N"10 n.m. angel, guardian angel (< LBH "It; HAL 1260, mng. Ill; 4- 1#X"I0'X) sg. XD'T 'tv the angel of the sea Git 68b (26); xni'jyi X"W the angel of poverty Hul 105b (26); XTO Vx'3n 'XDIBI DN, the angel of the Persians Yom 77a(29; LMGN 282:4); ,T0X npTTOl X1T X"ID pBtJ'B X3T DN, the great angel, who is called the great healer Bo 63:5; X10 'yiawxV to adjure an angel HM 40:2; Bo 109:6; XT1T1 '3XVa Vy XJBBi X10 the archangel appointed over the angels of anger HM 47:1; /& 2 Y: KVB #u/ 41b(3; BAYTN 8). Kit? 4 Vno vb. Wife? vb. to trace or write lines (4- VVlTD; JPA BD"lfc DJPA 572, MH2 DDTO J 1629; cf. Ma XDXEHXO portrait MD 315, Sy \j-a> LS 498, BH DTP HAL 1263) Quad.: D'DTOB XT71T "IB mns nViaV ril'lV "rai PN used to trace the lines and write the entire pericope Yev 106b(30); TTtl x1?! xnm d'd-ipb 'xi 'dtotpVi xnV'ja 'VinoV 'VlT03 "7'J-iom ly X1H DV73 he is required to trace lines on the leather sheet and to draw (them). If he draws (them) with ink, it is nothing until he incises (them) with incised lines HG2 144:9 Lit: N. Danzig, Dim Vol 283+. l#*pfr vb. to burn (JPA TW DJPA 573) Pe. (/u): D'trnpi nann vr'Vy «]vwV xVn '3'h '3 so that he should not burn teruma and sacred offerings on their account Sab 16a(21); VU'Tan'V .TSTM1 ITTT moV TpSJl let him break them [i.e. the bones of the Paschal lamb], remove their marrow, and burn it Pes 83a(23); ]W\V X1? *|"WB we do not actually burn (the teruma) Nid 4a(30); Yom 68a(31); BM 74a(29); San 52b(32) // AZ lla(33);//w/36a(28) Itpe. (e) to be burnt: VjyV TTwVi '3'n '3 so that he should be burnt (to death) quickly (during execution) San 52a(44); Sot 7b(44); VU'X 'XT «K'){inn»'K TS» mmpx had they sacrificed it, it would by rights have been burnt Zev 16a(28; V8) 2# *pfof vb. to gulp down, consume, quaff (Sy 1# *±-i*> LS 500, Ma l#«pD MD 338) Pe.: a. general: XCTI X3J'S «]'"IXB?1 n'3'1? K/Vn he did not feel well, and he was gulping down a plateful of the rf.-dish Tan 24b(43); ib. 44; «p»B TTPpI ]'X if he gulps (it) down completely Ate 36b(7); Par 44a(22; Ed); pass.part. nxxi' riBBNTO ny»3 *|'"W «|W8 when the (last) breath (of an animal) goes out, (its blood) is completely taken up (into the chamber of the heart) [lit. gulped down] Kar 22a(22; V10); TOpJj? ]8 <X)(')n(')n «pX01 VW1 Xiam he inhales and sucks up the vapor from his wine vessel OHT Sab 98:5; b. in a fig. sense for sexual intercourse: *]'"W xVl3 X3XT ,TaiD VTI xV'E?3n PN's mouth seems as if it has not consumed a cooked dish Ber 62a(15; Ed) [P: D'ye; // D'yo Hag 5b (22)] The orthography w. sin reflects an orthographic convention of MH [v. J 1632]. [NrrmtP 4- 2# xm-no n.] wn 1191 yan Ji isn 4- in n. nwnti 4- xni'n n. NVxri 4- xVyn n., xVxn '3ry s.v. xrary n. DKJ1 vb. to come together (Sy ■jnK'ii itpa. to be coupled LS 813) Pa., pass.part.: 4- D'TIB adj. xrnyan, Nrnyan n.f. claim (4- Vyan; mh nysn J 1643, Sy re&\ -ph\ LS 814) sg. xin xrnyan rowaf* ioi:3i; ^iyan rfr xyps your claim is canceled ib. 202:32; JTX1 XJliyan rXnT '"?S ^3 '^S Vy 'V any claim that I have against NN sSHai 9a(9); x:ya;i inabi iTniyana xwxp xjxt xna n,!7 I shall refute his claim, and tomorrow I shall lodge a claim against him SSSad 260b:7; Geon 103:2 Tan adj. broken (4- Vian pe., pass.part.; Sy -UjaAi LS 815, TA Tan TO Lev 22:22) sg.m. 13n XT3n X3a he broke a 'broken' vessel [i.e. a vessel which will certainly be, broken] BQ 17b(51) // ib. 26b(32); Bek 8b(37); pl.m. 'ixa 'T3n&6 105b(43) Y: 'T?ri Sab ib. KT3ri n.m. breaking (of bones; 4- Vnan) sg. ]V0 Xa"p Xl'an1? rmmn since he slaughtered it, it is ready for the breaking up (of its bones) Bes lla(34) ^aJl vb. to season, spice (denom. < 4- x"?3n) Pa.: TOX iTVd 'Vsna "7ana 'XI if he seasons (it) with spices, all of it is forbidden Hul 112a(17) // Pes 76a(49; M1) n.m. spice (4- Vban; JPA Van DJPA 574) pi Hul 112a(17) // Pes 76a(49; M1) [4- V?3n]; '"73m xn'DXI X3313 a pestle and a mortar for (grinding) spices Hul 105b(24); nsxi ^ifn 'JXa vessels for spices and condiments HP 25:3(HPP 280:18); MQ 13b(42); Git. 69a(33); TGAs42 160:8; TGHark 275:27 [text: 'Van] Y: '^311 ftis ib. pJI vb. to fertilize with straw (denom. < 4- X33'n) Itpa. to be fertilized with straw: 'XyiX pn'm X3'y3 I want my field to be fertilized with straw BM 103b(5; F1) J73J1 vb. to demand, claim, solicit (4- xmyan; Sy *±jpi* LS 814) Pe. (a/a) 1. to demand: xVl n'nawV yam 'nx he does not come (to the court) to demand (the removal of) his excommunication Yev 52a(22); Dec 4:6; myan'a TTiTaV 1TX 'Stt the other one can demand it [i.e. an oath] again Ket 94a(23); TGHark 113:3; mysn'B1? H'V TO'XT n'y'31£n n'ynD'aV nnsnV he is forbidden to demand that the other one repay it in the Sabbatical year Anan 11:3; 2. to claim, sue: a. debt: ysn Xp Vya xnx the husband came to claim (the property) BB 125b(3); XJip PTX yan '3 XW'ia yan a person only sues first for the principal BM 15a(16); Ket 42b(43); ib. 43a(3) // Sm 38b(i8); xin 'yam xnnx mona xna GN is a place where (people) are litigious Yom 86a(33); n'yam DHp he made his claim first Ket 110a(28); BQ 46b(32); BM lllb(32); yanni maxa nnaina let her claim her ketubba from her father Ara 23a(35); Ket 54a(45); in "73 ysn'1 XJlVlS XM'a each one of us will claim our half SSHai 9b(19); SSSad 268:16; Dec 7:3; b. w. XiH3, XJ'TV in court: X3'13 HTyanXI I shall make a claim against him in court BM 51a(14); BB 39a(l); Git 55b(49); XS'D3T 'mrp '3J XriV H'ysn'aV in the case of betrothal where she is reticent to make a claim against him in court Git 74a(41); 3. to claim a widow by a levir: ina "Xap "pn mysn'Vl are those previous ones [i.e. those who had a prior right] permitted to claim
Knyan 1192 utran t t : her? Yev 65a(9); 4. to solicit (illicit) sexual intercourse [cf. MH2 nysin Ket 65b (24)]: pD3 njrnn nail naitfX he went out, found a harlot, (and) solicited her Hag 15a(26); XTJIIBB X'.m Tnysn a certain noble lady solicited him Qid 39b(53; O2); ib. 40a(6); 81b(12); OHT Qid 199:10; 5. to seek, desire: TB11 pimi Xni3'D3 ysn'B1? 'in it is proper to seek the good of the child himself TGHark 99:11; WPxV K?'X1 ]'3 XB1?!!/ ysn'BV to seek (domestic) peace between the husband and his wife TGAs27 66:13; p DTK yaXXTT XnTB niltfn '3X"7B something which a person desires from the ministering angels TGHark 188:36 Itpe. to be sued: X31BB3 ysn'B Xp he is being sued for money TGHark 228:11 snyan 4- xmysn n. 13X1 vb. to break, adulterate, crush (4- X13na, i'3n, XT3/1, i#xi3n, 2#xi3n, 3#xi3n, xisn xbu, xnnsn, xmsn, xism, xi3'n; Sy \jph\ LS 815, Ma 13n MD 482) Pe. (a/a) 1. to break, smash, crush: a. general: 13TB '3W1? a term of breaking Hul 27a(23) [expl. MH ITXin ib., w. ref. to bh nnn Dt 1:21]; isnaV X3xt xnmp x'Bia 'TUBX n^y my father's baldness is fitting for breaking nuts on it Ber 10b(4; MGL 588:23) [v. Pa.]; HP 190:13; AZ 52b(28); X'nnV bwm man XnrBO a wave smashed that boat TGAs28 77b:4; Tianai 'Vp T3 >fipi let him (first) scrape off a bit of it [i.e. the flesh] and (then) break it [i.e. the bone] Pes 85a(21); Bes lla(26); pass.part. xni'n xail 13 T3XVT an animal in which a bone is broken HP 206:6; ib. 10; b. esp. vessels: '3XB nan 'Tan he used to break broken vessels (to vent his anger) Sab 105b(43); BQ 17b(51); Sab 54b(21); Hul lllb(15); Anan 48:17; nam 'xVipP 'JXI nxCOUlum Xiam xn'3n porters who broke a jug of the tavern keeper's wine BM 99b (27); BQ 20a(2); XBOn1? ,Tiam> let him smash the sherd Git 69a(15); X331 'K7'1 by ]inn' n3n '"j'T go (and) break them on PN's head Ned 66b(34); Ber 31a(l); ib. 37a(26) [4- Vp^# pe.]; //«/ lllb(18); HM 44:10; #P 76:7; c. metaphoric: T1X' Tan his desire is broken Qid 80b(30); nan IWB'X in'3'1? X113'X perhaps the public will will be remorseful Tan 25a(46; M2) [cf. 3^ '1132? Ps 147:3]; 2. to moderate: X12/33 inV pnaxi ]JX in1? innan 'XB3 ]inx XIOTI we moderate them [i.e. the pungent turnips] with meat and wine. With what do you moderate them? Ber 44b (45) Pa. 1. to break: 'T11BX ni3n breaking nuts Anan 72:1; '3a man breaking vessels Yom 78b(36) [by a child]; nanai 'to '^a T331? nV ]'3T run pn used to buy fractured vessels for his (young) children, and they would break them ib. 37; AZ 32a(8); pass.part. X13n'B man ib. 49b(54) [of an idol]; 2. pass.part. crippled: nana Xp '3 niXT 'IBX'B '3 1X1X1 they go (to the pagan temple) crippled and come back healed ib. 55a(14) [lit. broken ... joined; cf. Ma: X'SIQXWI Xnaxna the cripples and the lame MD 482] Itpe./Itpa. 1. intr. to break, be broken: a. general: XTBB 13TX it broke of itself BQ 65a(22); ib. 10b(8); BM 43b(42); ib. 96b(40); Ber 28a(2); ib. 56a(41); X13TB xn'Ty the upper floor is broken BM 116b (8); XB1J 13 13n'X a bone (of his) was broken on it Git 68b(2); xnrn nyi3 X13n'B1 an animal whose leg is broken HP 204:16; b. in a fig. sense: pm 311 T3Xn 13XPX PN's pitcher was 'broken' [i.e. useless] Ber 22a(59); 2. to break apart: 13n'X1 'mn xVma a new wall which broke apart ib. 56a(46); 3. to break into: X3"?B1 (n)'3"rT"' '3 TJn'X maV the next day the royal storehouse was broken into ib. 32(F); 4. to be crushed: Xn'0X3 '13nB1 'trn wheat kernels which are crushed in a mortar ib. 37a(26);//P 190:13 Only forms which can unequivocally be assigned to pa. on morphological grounds have been assigned to this stem. - NaU N-inn n.f. butcher's block (lit. breaker t : - t : t v of the bone; 4- 1# XB13) sg. 'mn XB11 X13n a new butcher's block Bes lla(25); ib. 22; 23 Y: 'Oil *n?ri Bes ib. 1# 103X1, JnK3.Jl, cs. "13fl n.m. breaking, calamity, broken pieces, pi. broken sounds of the shofar (4- Vl3n; TA X13I1 TJ Lev 24:20, Sy K-iiii LS 815, Ma X1X3n MD 482) 1. breaking: sg.cs. XJB 13n the breaking of the utensil BQ 17b(49); Via 13n DT the day of the breaking of a sickle BB 121b(12); 2. calamity: sg. mam X^'V a term of calamity tfer 28a(53) 2# sian 1193 sari [w. ref. to '113 Zep 3:18]; AZ 2a(ll) [w. ref. to DTX Dt 32:35]; X"?iy3 XT nnan may his calamity come [lit. be] quickly Dec 7:18; X13m iTp3T may calamity overtake him Bo 74:5; xVl n'V'Va xia(n) xVi naxa'3 xisn xV tV 'n'n may he have calamity neither by day nor by night ib. 88:8; 3. broken piece: nnan n,!7 111B1 he returns its broken piece to him BM 97a(2; Es) [Var: X13'n HP 75:18]; 4. fracture: sg. X13{')n XB111 bone fracture Anan 15:12 [expl. BH 13W Lev 24:20]; 5. pi. 'broken' sounds of the shofar [caique < MH2 D'13W J 1518]: 'T3X1 ... nxan 'XB 'na what are 'IXan? (Sounds) which break houses MQ 17b (4) Lit: Bacher 228; Y: Xian Ber 28a(53; BAYTN 51). 2# Kian n.m. receipt (4- Via'fl; cf. MH 1312; J 1527)'sg. nby xian pan 'ann xidw xinn a certain document of orphans against which a receipt was produced BB 7b(7); ib. 12; 17; Xinn pn ai ia n3i n'"?y D'nn mm xian a certain receipt on which PN's signature appeared ib. 167b(35); 168a(2); X38T WyT 'X X13n W3n3 '3 13in3 X1DC1 when you write a receipt, if you know the date of the document, write (it) ib. 171b(30); 172a(22); BM 20b(34); ib. 103a(12); n'3 'aj nm nnxow1? n'1? p'sai nnan ostb 'a^n Xi'inx Xia'T perhaps his receipt will be lost, (the creditor) will produce his document, and he will collect again a second time with it Ket 56a(35); TGHark 85:31; ib. 113:10; 228:11; TGAs42 103:4; T^y X1X3n nDp:i you take a receipt for it SSSad 198:18; ib. 22 The concept of 'breaking' as an indication of the invalidation of a document was borrowed from Babylonian culture in which documents were written on clay tablets [cf. Akk hepu G CAD H 172, mng. l.d.]; Y: >TM BAYTN 51. 3#tnan n.f. contradiction (lit. it[f.] breaks; 4- Vi3n pe., partsg.f.) sg. niv x*7 n nivv 'a nisn IT a contradiction. The one who learnt this (in the Mishna) did not learn that Sab 92b(20); Yev 108b(12);Kef75b(ll);fle40b(21);/&47b(17); BM 82b(21); Kar 24b(30); ib. 35 Lit: Friedman, BM VL379+; Voc: XTUl BM 82b(21; G); Y: Xl?ri Sab ib.(BAYTN 51). Na*u sian 4- Visn pe. snnan, Nrnan, Pi. xirnan n.m. surface area unit (4- Vi3xi[?]) pi. '<i)(xim nxo n'a n'nVn wbw whvi D'lyVwi mxa naia© xxinsxn a third part of a bet je'a-field which in surface area units is 8331/3 (squared cubits) TGAs28 205b:4; Xn"13n Geon 36:17; 'TB11 'D^X OTSn Xn('){1)13n3 5,000 (square) cubits in surface area units Er 23b(4) [size of a double beit se'a] RaH: nax 'i nnx 'i ami ,iax 'p ym nV x'im no1? pea -rann nxa <x)mnB p^x rremn Kncin{3>n3 i"1ln P« ^><a rM'' Er ib. [v. Lieb, YK 253]; Lit: Sarfatti, Term 46. Nrnan n.f. refutation (4- Vl3n; cf. Sy k'^-Uj^ destruction LS 815) sg. ]inni3n XT Vyi their refutation on this (claim) is (the following) AZ 2b(49) KV't&ari n.m. cooked dish (4- V?l£/a; TA V'»3Xi TO Gen 25:34) sg. a. general: 113 "©3n p he took a vow (not to eat) of a cooked dish AW 49a(18); RH 21a(2); Xns'1?! XTl£?3n a cooked dish of turnips Ber 39a(34; P); &6 37b(48); '11X1 xV'^sn a cooked dish of mushrooms Ket 61a(46); 'VntJI xV'imn a cooked dish of spleens Sab 129a(39; V); //«/ llla(30); ib. 110a(15); b. metaph. for sexual intercourse: 311 I'QIS 'B1 xV'U/3n D'yD X^l ]Xa3 PN's mouth is similar to (that of) one who has not eaten a cooked dish [i.e. you act like one who has never before had sexual intercourse] Ber 62a(15) // Hag 5b(24) Y: xVtfan RH ib.(BAYTN 236). NJX1, N1KX1 n.m. crown, a protruding part of a letter (< MP tag Nyberg 189 [cf. Armen t'ag Hiibsch, AG 153, NP taj PED 273]; Sy rO^i, rOCK^' LS 815, Ma XJXn MD 477, > Arab cli Fr, AF 62, PLAr 67) 1. crown: sg. ID'p n'Vptt? XyiXX n'3niX1 .Tixn"? the emperor took his crown and placed it on the ground Git 57a(18); XD^ai XJXn by the royal crown! Qid 9a(16) [an oath]; X'l XJXn x"?1 xnia^a it is a kingdom without a crown San 99b(30) [expl. BH 1V7X Gen 36:15]; ib. 105a(54) [expl. MH XSXin ib.]; Xin 'TBp '3Va ymn nxan^n three hundred and sixty crowned kings Meg 6b(3) [cf. Sy i \, n pci^ LS 662, mng. k, Ma X'VllXBJ XJXn MD 88]; ID^a1? XJn 1DX he places a crown for kingship Bo 84:10; 2. protruding part of a
Kamn 1194 i#'nn letter: sg. n?11 xaxn the protruding part of the dalet Er 13a(32) // Sot 20a(45) [on the right horizontal distinguishing it from res]; Sab 104a(31) [of qof]; Men 29b(46) [of he]; pl.abs. pxn STage 87; det. 'am xnXWXI Xn'3 XS7X 73 all of the letters of the alphabet with protrusions ST 491:33 Lit: Geig, AAC 408; S.Z. Havlin, Rackman Vol 79 [mng. 2]; Y: Xjn Qid 9a(16; BAYTN 101); on the gemination in this word, v. M. Bar Asher, Shivtiel Vol 25+. NHajfl n.m. perh. legion, cohort (< tdyjia L-S 1752; Sy ni^a-^i LS 816) pi. ,1'Baan Bo 15:1 Lit: AIT 179. "U71 sec. rt. < I Vnax itpe. NTS?], NTtOn. n.m. businessman, merchant (<TTAkk tamkaru AHw 1314, AIOA 107; i xnrwi, pan; TA n5ri pi. TO Gen 37:28, Sy rc'i-^ LS 816, Ma l#XTXaaxn MD 479, > Arab j*& Fr, AF 181) sg. XTan T3a D2 daughter of a businessman Pes 50a(28; M'V17) [expl. BH '3J?33 tf'X'ns Gen 38:2]; pT»l j'3T1 XTan a businessman who buys and sells BM 74b(28); ib. 40b(37) // XTXan BB 90a(24; MGE 767:18) // Men 77a(29); ^Z 13b(32); BB 91a(9); Men 77a(27); pl.cs. 7XTW nan Jewish merchants /1Z 24a(l 1); det. nam XTDS a loss for the merchants BB 90a(23); 'Tan XanX our brethren, the merchants Mg 28b(16); 'TXan SSHai 17a(20); SfiSW 209:9; TGHark 44:26; ii. 272:29; /.SYjF 120:17; TGDH9 95:\ [I XSTX] Y: Iran 5fl 90a(23; BAYTN 233). NJTnan n.f. business (4 XTan; Ma xniTXaaxn MD 4T79; Sy rc^inAt^ LS 816) sg. rG/fortt 100:14; xnnin 'B1 money of the business ib. 273:1; DWT3X1 XnvWl 113571 they engaged in the silk business ib. 277:12; xnrum 'SJX "73 all kinds of business TGAs33 209b:5; ,£$W 201:26; ib. 206:14 JTJfl adj. dealing in merchandise (I XTan) sg.m. pan 13J na daughter of a merchant /fes 50a(28) [expl. BH 'ajJU3 Bftrna Gen 38:2] Quoted in the name of a Pal /(mora, poss. from a Targum to this verse. "PIT] adj. frequent, adv. constantly (TA XTlil TO Num 28:3, Ex 27:20) I. adj. frequent: sg.f. Ollpn XM XTim (l)(])m that which is more frequent should precede Zev 89a(18); pl.m. XB71 'Tim DW» |'S0ia7 'Blpl Xin p'»n perhaps the daily offerings should precede the musaf offerings because they are more frequent ib. 8; II. adv. constantly: Tin Tib 'T10B1 they used to recite them constantly [i.e. their legal traditions] ISGF 62:4; TGHark 157:9; XT171 XBT 733 constantly every day TGAs33 214:6; O'Tai XTTfl xn'TIX3 he studies the Torah constantly San 88b(34) Y: XTin BS 25a(16; BAYTN 63). - NTTrO adv. constantly (BA XTina HALOT 2004, TA XTim TJ Hab 1:17) n'7J? X'33 xp mn XTina she was crying over him constantly MQ 27b(31; LM) [Van XTV1'C] HNliairi adj., n. Palmyrene (Pal 'Tain PAT 418) n., sg.m. .IXTiam Xttl Git 38a(36; As) xainri, cs. oinn n.m. abyss (< bh Dinn hal 1557; TA xainfl TO Gen 1:2, Sy rdSaoro^ LS 816) a. general: sg. mstwab ijni xainn xsp XB7J77 the (waters of) the abyss rose to the surface and were about to inundate the world Suk 53a(41); ib. 53b(l); 8; Mak 1 la(44); TIT W'lp '3 vip nai'Vy ,ibxt ix wip xainn iy did David sanctify (the Temple court) down to the abyss or did he sanctify (only) the upper pavement? Zev 24a(25); xainn nxnn xainn1? nxby xainn p 'xpi tiot mb 'ax nx7'i?7 -pa'a j?3X. m? 'ax nxnn "]'a'a (Ridya) stands between the upper abyss and the lower abyss. He says to the lower abyss: "Cause your waters to spring forth." He says to the upper abyss: "Distill your waters" Tan 25b(39; V21) [v. TGAs42 156:12; Geon 345:8]; b. in legal texts: sg. XJTpT D1T 1JT1 XBinn n'jnxa from the lowest part of the abyss up to the highest part of the sky BB 63b(8) [merism]; SSHai 6b(ll); Xainn 1J71 n'VlSPa from its [i.e. the date palm's] lower portion down to the abyss BB 37b(2\)//Ara 14b(26; V">) Voc: Xainn HGP 3b:29; Y: XOinn BB ib.(BAYTN 73). l#'nn vb. to be astonished, regret (4- X".Tn; JPA VUl DJPA 576; cf. Sy ,aA pa. to delay LS 816) Pe. 1. to be astonished [w. "3 at s.t.J: inn 2#'nn 1195 W 'Xymna n'3 the people of GN were astonished at it Er 66a(l); ib. 10; Ket 107b(26); Qid 55b(l); BQ 76b(2); ib. 112b(15); BB 39b(19); Bek 42b(9); Zev 13b(24); 2. to regret: n'nn 113 do you regret now (that you vowed)? Ned 21b(24) Geon. expl.: XW 'manxi KlB^l rwj?» 'nil ''S OHP BQ 137:18; Lit: Bacher228 [mng. 1], 2# TITl vb. to inhale (< Vwi*; 4- XrT»n) Pe.: a. general: Xiam XT3BX3 'nxn mm he used to inhale in a wine storehouse (to evaluate the wine) Ket 105a(37; MGE 539:6); b. fig. w. "ipapx/3 to appraise s.o.'s knowledge [lit. to inhale from s.o.'s vessel]: n'3p3p3 T'7 xnn 7'T go (and) appraise his knowledge Sab 108a(32); Tipapx H'7 'HD pis BB 22a(26) Geon. expl.: x1? 'x cp>:> irfjpapi <n>'"*»'«'"i n'apipa Tin 'tbi mp:? i» (x)i'in('>n >pxoi Yixm xnvi na o^n Rxaa -] pa Knarn OHT Sab 98:4 = Ar [AC 3:63] 1JF1, lKn n.m. taw, the twenty-second letter of the alphabet (Sy o& LS 813) sg. Tin pOX ln'TW !Xn3 the two prohibitions are (written) with taw Anan 69:10; in ,T3 'SO he added to it a taw [i.e. to the word n7T$7, viz. inV$ Gen 17:14] ib. 85:7; 8; BMsL 23:33 1J1, 2W adv. thus, again, more (< 3W; Sy t=oii LS 817, Ma 1#DW MD 483; 4- V3W) a. as a marker: 1) at beginning of narrative [cf. LS ib., mng. 2]: xpno<')(H3 Vwi b"p» mn xin xaa'i mi Xtinai and thus: PN was once moving along in the district of GN Ber 24b(46; P); ib. 54a(35); Sab 30b(46); Pes 112b(47; E2); Yev 121a(6); Ket 67b(43); Hul 57b(2); '3 'p^a mn XS9 3T 3ini n'T3 'Ta X3X1 xVlV'n and thus: PN was serving drink at the wedding house of PN2, his son Qid 32b(8); X2?'3 XT1D'X3 pV N3TDX 3in thus, I bind you with an evil charm Bo 4:3; ib. 11:4; 21:17; 75:7; 2) at beginning of a legal discussion: 'TO in xxanV xsan p nan then place (the word) man between XSan and X?an [Ex 22:3] BQ 64b(15); aim Pes 61a(8); HP 28:7 [v. Danzig, IHP 164183]; IHP 617:5; 3) before a responsum [cf. Sy l=jo^\ Sachau, SR 31; 33; etc.]: map ]a VrXP am again: They asked him ... TGMus 17a-19a passim [v. Danzig, IHP 4152]; 4) in lieu of repetition, ditto: mi 'nVm mi mnyssx I'mna xVsn Vsai 'xin n'T n'"?133 lm 5?3TX3 I saw that decay was present in his two fingers; ditto in three; ditto in four; ditto in his whole hand Ber 56a(55); b. in various non- verbal phrases: 1) X1? mi: 'aty '"71311 X"7 mi nisn iy and for everyone (recitation of the tefilla is) 'until midday.' And no more? Ber 26a(45); Sab 2b(5); xVwi naX D'sVx two thousand cubits and no more? Er 45a(ll); Meg 9b(45); 2) X3'"7 ini: Din'a XD'XHl HTb im is there nothing else? Is there not, in fact, Gehenna? Er 19a(47); Yom 21a(32); Meg 14a(29); Ket 105a(19); BQ 16a(30); X3'"?ini Meg llb(l); 3) 'Ta x"? mi: 'Ta x1? mi va ''^.Ta wbpwi pn 'x if it is (the opinion of) the scholars let him remove it from him with (his) hand! There is nothing more (to say about it) Er 103b(17); 4) '■? nab ... pm xn ain why do I need this additional case [lit. again] which we have learnt (in the Mishna)? Kar 2b(2); ib. 12; 31; VXh in Xn '"? why do I need this additional one? Sab 14b(l); Er 14a(48); Meg 13a(30); Yev 23b(29); BQ 32a(35); BB 64b(11); Svu 27b(28); Bek 60b(23); 3W n'V na1? Kar 4b(62); c. in verbal phrases: 1) w/o negation: yVp'X in X3W7 the following year he happened to be there again Pes 107a(14); Xtn 'n3 mm 3in he saw again that it was written BB 58b(6); San 110a(9); myT31 TT 3in '»XB1 he washes his hands and feet again Anan 36:13; ib. 38:18; [xVipnai ma^s xnw "?a sin imai to give the half shekel again each year AnanSch 15:11; 3'n3 aim again it is written TGAs28 27b:8; 2) w. negation: 'XT1T '7 'Tin X7 in my money will not return to me any more AZ 6b(43); xnx X7 in he did not come again Ket 103a(48); im n'75? V'3p Tysa X"? he took upon himself not to vex (him) any more Ara 16b(29); pi13'7 X7 in he should not examine (her) again Nid 45b(18); X7 W1 X33'3K; so that I should not die again BQ 117b(7); Hul 132b(27); J?ia' xV aim he will not be sick again HM 43:20; xV in plTS'X X7 xniPma 'pTB'B since they were not redeemed until now, they will not be redeemed any more Meg l ib(52); '3iorx7 x"tn X7 in 'aai nn naabxn: xn (if) she was, in fact, widowed twice, she is not fit to be married again Ket 43b(18); X7 aim pn"7 I'Tnn'n you should not appear to them again
KnnKin 1196 Bo 9:10; ib. 13:7; 20:8 Voc: x5im HGP 15b: 18; Y: aw AZ ib.(BAYTN 335). tWlKlJl, Nfl'TlTl n.f. perh. look, appearance (cf. V-ixri; 4- xnnrra) sg. xarm xnpmxm the appearance of bread Men 75b(38) // xnmn Xnrm Ber 37b(41) [Var: Xarf?! Xnmxn OHT ib. 88:14; v. Geon. expl. infra] Geon. expl.: ... XVI Orfr '3 yiTl 1311 orft 1XW l'ty WW TOTVB1 p-n p '3>f?xn nx pytao xarfn xnmn wj 'bow 'ox-ij ps-ii il3"Vl ly^rf? jliiilh OHT Ber ib.; Y: XJT-nn Ber ib.(BAYTN 38). 31J1, ID vb. to answer, raise an objection (4- xnsmx, 2# xm'na, in, xmvn; Sy ^aj pe., af. LS 817, Ma 31X1 pe. MD 483) Af. [-3WIX, "3VPX] 1. to answer, reply: .TIT bxvm tal "p'3'n' he will answer you whatever you ask him HM 40:13; 2. to raise an objection, refute: Wf? »m> pm» '1 D'3'mx PN raised an objection to PN2 Yev 62a(44); Kwi 65a(35); Hag 7a(40); nXJIX iT3imxV "5?3 I wanted to raise an objection against him (from) 'overcharging' BM 67a(l); Yev 90b(l); xnX31'n 'Jil "73 n'3'n'X he raised all these objections against him AZ 24b(26); ib. 16b(17); Er 67b(42); torn 10a(33); G// 73a(31); 1'n'inaa pmx xnnsa 'V mmm ny before you raise an objection against me from a barraita, raise an objection against me from our Mishna Er 93a(16); ,T3mx 'ax ... pmrttM n'SW'xV 130 1IT7133 X'lBH XTinaa he thought to refute him from our Mishna. He said: "I shall refute him from a barraita which is appropriate in all of them" Zev 115b(20); Sab 21a(28); p'3P 'BJTD 'XB XTina 3'niai pinna why does (PN) forsake our Mishna and raise an objection from a barraita? RH 28b(42); Ket 81b(3); '3H 3'niBT X3'X1 some raise an objection in this manner Yom 65a(14); BM 4b(17); Zev 23b(10); '3'ffia they raise an objection Yom 49a(l); Pes 2a(9); '3'n'a Ket 67a(12); BB 164a(7); J'nyawx p'3mai we can raise an objection to our (previously mentioned) legal tradition Sab 125b(14); Men 49a(10); Xin n8? pnsa Xim nV 3'niB he raises the objection and he solves it Sab 145a(3); Er 91a(40); Pes 59b(24); Yev 20b(7); BB 51a(24); 3'niB Xpl |XB 3'ma Xp TS2? the one who raises an objection does so properly Sab 123a(36); Yom 29b(14); Men 100a(51); '3^ n'1? 'ma he asks PN Yom 10a(33; E1); '33 OT 13111X1 xVl XM XnffSttB Xttma it is a corrupted version, and do not raise an objection from it in the school Hul 141b(2) Ittaf. to be refuted: 3nW'X xm he was, in fact, refuted Sab 40a(23); Pes 30b(5); BB 129a(4); San 27a(40); Zev 95b(34); tt'pV ffn STTUVX 1X"?1 was PN not refuted? BM 12b(24); xns^m SflOTXT 3J by *\ta VxiaM the law is according to PN even though he was refuted TGAs42 33:5; 'Simnx1? TaS 592b:4 31X1 4- in adv. N31J1 n.m. body (etym. unkn.) sg. WWI 3'1j?1 .T3in '3^ his [i.e. Absalom's] head was close to his body Sot 10b(52; V2[glossed: n'S1A],Ar[AC 8:194]) [O8: n'(31>(3')n] Expl. Ar: lBU1? TONT Itn AC ib.; Lit: AAC 407. n.m. rope device used to climb date palms (< Akk tubalu AHw 1364, AIOA 108; > Arab \M Fr, ZDMG 60[1906] 369) sg. JXB 'Xn X'^>3W1 xViB C?'pJ1 one who takes a sickle and a /.-rope BB 33b(13); ib. 36a(8; P1); XSJ(3)(3) tJVTI X'^SWl he ran with a ... and a /.-rope Ned 89b(19) Lit: Flora 2:319; Voc: s5'3W HGP lb:32; Y: Kfpm BB ib.(BAYTN 265). NnaiJI n.m. fracture (4- V"l3n; Sy rc'-Uxjdi LS 8 lV) sg. TGHark 159:33 PI1J1 vb. to be dismayed, stunned (4- xnvn; Sy mc,b\ LS 818) Pe.: 'D'n '3 Tnran8? '(n)1? 'Vrn xd's 'xn1? -py pnn 'en "p"? -fry pnm you should reveal (your affliction) to your friends, so that just as they are dismayed about you from that point of view, they are dismayed about you from this point of view Nid 66a(38); inTuT71 '3'n '3 'am (1)(')y3'1 rvby "MM'X so that people should be stunned by it [i.e. by painting the tree red], and they will pray (for it) Sab 67a(43; MGL 356:14); VOTK 1M3 'Him Pes 50b(42; E2) n.m. basket made of woven palm leaves, type of date (< Akk tuhallu, t. sa suluppi /.-basket for dates N311J1 1 T T " AHw 1366; 4- X0'£nS; Sy rC \ ijoAi BBah 531:8, rciljjcvn LS 149, > Arab *kjl Fr, AF 79) 1. basket made of woven palm leaves: sg. X*7nin GC 46:4 [expl. MH bnin MKel 16:5]; rfrmn TGAs42 165:16; pi. 'Vmn TRN 572:3 [expl. MH m"?mn Sab 20a(40)]; '"7mm nan dates of a /.-baskets HM 44:8; 2. type of date: sg. "713 na1? nrfr'B/ 'TO1 X^mn eat a /.-date and throw out its skin Hag 15b(33); X^mm XBX'X ... of a date Git 89a(50); pi. 'j'rmn BM 89a(27; F') [H: '■?nn]; mr? 'nmra 'jxfrrm ':n it is permitted to cut off /.-dates MQ 10b(29; HP 177:7, HG1 415:84) Geon. expl.: pwys] -my nemro 'ip-bv nv\rbv I'sin ftno jmx i'^sixi rmin D'lDn imx r^nm 3p jnsa imx i'y^p>i psm p^iTBl 1»W1] nyw 'B1? TRN 571:4+Ar [AC 3:518, s.v. Vnn]; ib. 572:3; cf. Sy: rd_Luo^ . i \<n-i . ■ *73ac* *** ^ ".^A, ... . V A^ rc'Ai-.yn BBah ib.; Lit: Flora 2:351+; Landsberger, Date Palm 36+; GC 4613; Y: x'pmn Gil 89a(50; BAYTN 158). NJIiri n.m. chamber (TA X'Slii pi. TO Dt 32:25, Sy rdjooii LS 819) pi. W'3n' X3'Vt '31in3 'XTin' you, Jews, dwell in the 'chambers' of the mind [i.e. are knowledgeable] Nid 20b(32) Y: 'J1W Nid ib.(BAYTN 233). SnilXI n.m. plower, one who fattens an ox (4- 1# xmn, 'inn 13; cf. Sy -U^ to plow w. an ox LS 819) 1. plower: sg. Tim mm X"11W "7'TX '3 as (much as) the plower with oxen (plows) on going and returning BB 54b(2; F2Es); pi. miJ13 IH'TOS VS21 in the cause of (inefficient) plowers who cause a great loss BM 30a(l; OHR BM 45:1); ib. 73a(23; OHR ib.); Hul 84b(23; OHR ib.); 2. one who fattens an ox: pi. '"IXin AZ I6a(36) [4- i-mri -a] Raft ib.: ,18 "73 <0')T0B»1 '1X13 JWin&T 0'fnyn 13'K» D'lpa jntB OHR BM 3 [but cf. other interpretation quoted in Tos, BM 73a, s.v.]; Lit: Beer, BA 120; Y: XT^n BB ib. NVmn 1 xVmn n. XnaiTI n. (uncertain; 4- xp'X) sg. XD'^ Ip'y Xn3in Sab 152a(30) [RaH: X'aan3] Y: nroin Sab ib. ~|1Tl "]1J1 interj. sound of boiling (onomatopoeic) lin -|W T3jn 'Sn '3X 3Vm Xim this is in a case where (the cooked dish) is placed on a stove and i#Nrfrin t : makes (the sound) 'tox tox' Ber 39a(40; F) // Er 29a(8; O) Y: -|in -|in Ber ib. ]NVin, IJrVin adj. worm-colored (4- XnyVm, l#x"7mx) sg.m. XJxVw X^mx worm-colored alkali plant Sab 110b(35) // XJX^in x"7nx AZ 28b(2); X3X"7in X^nx Git 69b(10) [Var: X^HX X<3)(3}Xyl7in OHT ib. 157:1] Geon. expl.: in 'PSS ,T3W ]i»m OHT ib., i.e. oillS *#i ^\ll\ saltwort similar to a worm; 1'XJ? 13 ]'K1 W^rb n»n» HB' ^HX oyn k^k GnK5 169:5; ]r\v inta v ni?vr\ xbnN lrasw inn npi1? ny'?in'7 ran xvw 13 »'i d'ju tos 13 w d'^s 13 rosso ny^W1? nuiTB nia D'3'a y3W i:an TGWeisz 83b:2; TGCas 41b:24 xnj?Vin n.f. worm (4- VyVn, ix'rin; ta xxiy^in TO Dt 28:39, Sy K'iL^o^ LS 826, Ma XXl'^IJI MD 483) sg. H2B xnj^in XVS3 a worm fell out of it [i.e. the pomegranate] San 108b(46); 30 Xrt? p xnybm take a worm from clay HM 44:5 Y: XTiy'pin San ib. (BAYTN 202). n.m. name of a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 62b(18; M) [Var: xatt/Vin MGL 255:7; 'a^n Ar (AC 8:239)] Geon. expl.: "BUS 1'yil' UK 1'K 'aw^W TGHark 145:9; in H context, v. San 108a(32); Y: ^BW Hul ib.(BAYTN 266). i#xnVin, NnV'n, pi. 'nVin, 'rvWi, 'an'rw num. one-third (4- XnVn; Sy rr"ivinJi LS 826) a. general: sg. xrfrnx xa"p x(nn)(nn)si nipta '3 when (a woman) grows old and depreciates she is valued at a third (of her original value) Ara 19a(2); XnVw trrx 'JHS a person can err by a third BB 90a(7); XTfl' xn^'n an extra third (of a c/enar) 5eA: 50a(19); X^'IXI XJ^S ^ihrw ^'pw xnVin a planter takes a half (of the crop) and a tenant farmer a third BM 109b(13); nyw xn"7W 'aomp xnVim xnVa xn^in a third barley, a third salt, a third safflower seeds Pes 42b (19) // XnV'm ... 'rt"m ... Xn^'n Sab 110a(43) [ingredients of Egyptian zythos]; Xn"7in xV^13 XnVin 'ID XnVw XnVa a third (of the fish) in a cooked state, a third prepared by salting [i.e. pickled], a third by roasting MQ lla(36); X<n)nya2/ XflVul ''ma xnVin xmiX XnVin a third legal traditions, a third aggadot, (and) a third parables San 38b(51) [contents of a public lecture]; BB 132b(21; P1); pl.cs. x"7'a IHl'^in 'in two-thirds 97
2# Nnton t : 1198 Nspw of a mile Sab 35a(l); BM 68b(47); det. Tl^Tl nn X'a xnV'm 'rfra two-thirds salt and one-third water Sab 108b(16) [composition of salt water]; Thin nn ib. 92a(32); 'JXn^in pn TGHark 271:8; b. in numbers: sg. XflVuTI xrfjm I'nbn 33 1/3 BQ 58b(31); ATe/ 93a(15); BB 27a(3); nxa xnbw '33 yaun ivrtfi 1662/3 £> 57a(i9) Voc: xrfr'ri HGP 5b:32; Y: 'ffr'n &rf> ib. 2# SnVlfl, Nfl^'fl num. three-year old (4- xrf?n; TA KJTiVri TJ 2K 11:5, Xifrin ib.[Var], niV?n ib.(Var), Sy rc'&Aoii three-year old LS 826 [H tf'ftfa], Akk sh/h/m CAD 3/3 263) only with X^'y calf [cf. BH Tl^iyp n"?jy Gen 15:9]: sg. xnVin xbvy Tan 12b(26) [4- xbl'y mng. lb]; lev H6b(i5); xyattn xaa'a xnb'n xbry in1? najn they prepared for them a three-year old calf on the seventh day Sab 136a(42); ib. 119b(24); Hul 133a(27); Pes 68b(45); Meg 7a(53); Tan 25b(38) Geon. expl.: mB p3 Xrfrn K^J'y pa XW T*13 XBHlj? X131 ii"ni xnnn xainrfr nxb'y xainn p irari crw 'j ra xvw xnn xawn p 'xp>i x^yyi 'axi xin p"t3 [,i"tt :rd.] ixnoi XWBW nVoi nx^'y XOVirfr TGAs42 156:12; v. however: bjy nana niT?i baa nawa xto jesb 'erbw xvw TRN 632:6; OHT Sab 133:7. 1# NI3VI n.m. garlic (TA 'fiiri pi. TO Num 11:5, Sy Kl^joii LS 819, Ma 3#DW MD 483) a. general: sg. npll xaw n"?3X (if) she ate garlic and spat Yev 106b(34); Tan 25a(35; M2); Xp'mtf XBW crushed garlic 5es 7b(9); pi. Trial 'aw garlics and leeks Ber 38b(21); Er 56a(2); 'Bin H3 iaya"7 to raise garlic on it [i.e. the field] BM 106b(23); 'Hin 'BXTI one who used to plant garlic San 109b(10); BB 86a(8) [4- x"?aoa]; b. parts thereof [i xaim xia s.v. 3#xia; xaim xnsiE? s.v. 2# XrlSW]: sg. nXTrV xain a clove [lit. a single garlic] G// 69a(34) Lit: Flora 2:142; Y: xaiJl Sab ib. 2# KMIfl 4 xax'D n. NJBlfl num. one-eighth of a certain coin (i xru&Jl; Sy r^L^ndi LS 828) pi. '1 yVom 103 nn xim noaw ]'x-ip:n i"?xa d'B03 ohr bq 90:21 [= GeonH Jl'Jian OHT Ket 40:3] Cf.: p' fixa way iy U'js1? D'xan n':a(n>inil7x D'soan 'tn ■?333B iV?n D'soaa rmawa inx la v pa in ^3 TGHark 202: l. N331fl n.m. stupor, type of spirit (I V3371; Ma X331J1 name of a disease spirit MD 483, Sy K'&'o.iDci-iii numbness, stupor LS 829) 1. stupor: sg. rf? D'pn X1H X3Tul XTO it is a certain stupor that is seizing her Er 68a(26); Yom 83a(7; L); Nid 37b(34); 2. type of spirit: sg. X33W nn pneumonia So 123:6 Lit: Ch. Mttller-Kessler, Renger Vol 35269; Y: X3:W Yom ib.(BAYTN 158). [ow i Voix vb.] riKSOiD n.gent. one who writes plene (4- VlC, XJ1SD1D; cf. Sy rc'iv^-oocidirt rc'iiodirr' afforma- tive letters PSm 1610) sg.m. XJJT) XTS3 xnso HXSDin the (Bible) scribe is the one who writes with defective spelling, and the Tanna is the one who writes plene AZ 9a(14) Expl. Ar: 10^ '1 X^>3 TOB 1U3 "r»'rn 3W31? X"IJ>8 37113,1 JHM wn x^a nxVa na'm swab unan x:nn bsx '1 xbs ac 6:112; Lit: Eps, MNM 701; Y: nXMin AZ ib. HNBOin adj. of GN sg.m. nXBOin X3T Ber 50a(38); Sab 95a(31); ^kA: 32a(24); Yev 75b(36); fig 119a(48);5B64a(19) Lit: Eshel, JSB 245. KflSOin n.f. additional amount, Tosefta (4- >/«lD', HXSDin; JPA nriSDin det. DJPA 578) 1. additional amount: sg. 'V^D XflBOira they differ with regard to the additional amount (of time the sun stood still; v. Jos 10:13) AZ 25a(16); XMrai XriSOim run»1 TtJ'Wani the dowry, jewels, present, and additional amount SSHai 2a(21); TGAs33 210:19; Geon 78:11; 2. Tosefta, a collection of Tannaitic traditions not included in the Mishna of Rabbi Judah the Prince: sg. Yom 70a(44) [i p«3]; Hag 3a(19) // Qid 49b(3) II Svu 41b(39) [in a list of the components of the Oral Law]; Irani '~\ XJlSOin QriD an anonymous authority of the Tosefta is PN San 86a(5); '^ai ix'jn iin'Vyi ]irx j'n'jna nrisi jcnna xnsoim the matters of the Tosefta are clear, (showing) that they postdate our Mishna and they are learnt upon them iSGF 34:13; ib. 42:7; XJlBOirn Xma the external Tannaitic tradition of the Tosefta TGAs27 25:1; TGHark 103:23 Lit: Eps, PLT 241+; Strack - Stemberger 149+ [mng. 2]; Y: XMDin San ib.(BAYTN 202). KSplfl n.m. anger (4- Vlpri; Ma XBpin wrath i#-nn n MD 483; cf. TA xSpiri strength TO Num 23:22, Sy r^Loc,b\ strength LS 833) sg. '3 'n'3a XSpin xa2?aw^ XHp anger in the home is like a q.- pest(?) to a sesame plant Sot 3b(29); XDpin XXlin'Jl anger and mildness Ara 17a(21) Y: XSpW Sot ib. 1# HID vb. to return something (Akk taru G D AHw 1332, Ma "ixn Gy 134:5) Pa.: "OXD rryapa nna1? xnor byi xiopa TCMil'Tia he returns the surety for the loan in this way to its owner in the Sabbatical year Anan 12:11; TVys n'1? rPTl'nV you are required to return it to him AnanSch 28:10; ib. 1; 14; 16; 22; 22 Lit: Eps, Stl 74. 2#Tin vb. to be awake (sec. rt. < 4- Vnyil [4- Vliy itpe.]; ModSy ta'ir to awaken Maclean 324) Pe., pass.part. awake [Ma X'Tri Jb 185:7 (v. Nold, ZA 30 [1915] 150), XriXTO waking MD 486, JNA TXfl Yona 431]: WYb 'y31 "Vm one who is awake and wants to sleep Er 104a(37); D'! TT1 X1?! TX1 D'l Xl71 partially awake Tan 12b(l) // Meg 18b(33) [expl. MH D»3Tia ib.; lit. he is neither completely asleep nor completely awake; ]; Pes 112b(42) Pa. to awaken: rraplX n'TTl he awakened him (and) revived him (from death) BQ 117b(8; Es) Lit: Nold, MG 84'. i#Nnin, KYnn, abs. lin n.m. ox (4- mn 'a, HXTin, Xmiri; TA XIIXl TO Ex 21:28, Sy r«4o& LS 819, Ma XIIXD MD 478) sg.abs. ISSa -\M\ DX m»' jVju if an ox can die in the morning in snow San 18b(37); det. fl'1? n^T Xai' 'yTl 'nm "V Il'XT 'ar nn 'yTJ 'IVl let the one who has one ox tend (the other oxen one) day. Let the one who has no ox (tend the other oxen) two days Nid 69a(33) // San 109a(50); 'V HSn' XTIinX mC? did you not give me (money) for an ox? Svu 42a(13; HP 126:19); xVlp'HS XTim XP'T the ox's head is in a rf.-basket (of fodder) Pes 112b(16) // Ber 33a(14); XTnm mix 'im X311X the length of two necks of an ox IHP 610:15; XJIS'IX XTtfl D"a Xri31U why is the ox's tail long? Sab 77b(26); bsi 'j'BD mn XTin (if) the ox has fallen, sharpen the knives ib. 32a(6); BQ 40a(47) [* i X'-lX];"Gif 62a(3) // Hul 6b(12; V1') [4- Xtf"TJ; Pes NOlin 112b(17) [4- Wl]; BM 84a(6) [4- l#XTj?3]; BQ 84a(44) [4- Vo'jX pe.]; 7om 85a(10) [4- VflM pe.]; 5g 33b(10) [4- x:nja]; fe. 36a(18) [4- Vl#pi3 af, mng. 2b]; ib. 45a(16) [4 Vosn af.]; 24a(28) [4- V2#ny pa.]; pi. xpwa mn naa nn pis go out (and) see how many oxen there are in the market BQ 84b(9); BM 90a(52); WTDD »'BjT mna in the case of oxen whose loss [i.e. damage caused by them] is great ib. 30a(l) [but v. 4- 2#XTWl]; ib. 73a(23); Hul 84b(15); Bo 78:12; ib. 56:6; BM 69a(18) // Ber 40a(4; F) [4- V?aa pe., mng. 2]; Sab 19b(22) [4- KTI] Voc: niw HGP 40b:30; Y: xnta Ber 33a(14; BAYTN 25). — KS'T Nlifl n.m. an unclean fish (poss. trans. t - : t ^ of poOq daXaoaic, a type of thornback) sg. AZ 39a(22) Lit: Fauna 12; Y: XBrj xnin /4Z ib. 2# inW n.m. line, row (TA X^n band TJ Jos 2:18) sg. xryT X13 Xim the outer 'row' of the eye Bek 38b(l) [Rashi: eyelid; expl. MH on ytffti Mib. 6:2]; n'nB'WT Xn3 Xim the outer 'row* [edge?] of his lip ib. 39a(24) [expl. MH insfe? Mib. 6:4] msnin n.m. perh. cattle dealer (4- l#X")in) sg. HXmn XBB Git 19a(44) Expl. Rashi; Y: nXTW Git ib. [K"?a"lin n.m. aurochs (< X"73 mn; 4- 2#X"73) sg. Hul 80a(42) [expl. BH ixn Dt 14:5] Quoted from Tg ib.; Y: xVriVI liul ib.] xoiamn 4- xoia-m Knnin 4- xnnxin NTTIIW n.f. perh. acacia (Sy rc'iijj-'to^ cypress LS 836) sg. RH 23a(19) // BB 80b(39) [expl. BH nDti Is 41:19]; Xpir in"? T^'n'X 'S xn'jmn (XTnxi 'Vn^ xnpir xnx ^nv when a male child was born to them they would plant a cedar; a female child, they would plant an acacia Git 57a(45) Lit: Flora 2:380. In AZ 14a(l), this word expl. MH I'VsilMX Mib. 1:5, but in spite of the fact that this is the ms. rdg., the text seems to be corrupt [v. Flora 3:43*]; Y: XJV3WI BB ib.(BAYTN 207). NOTttl n.m. shield (< GupEOc; Lehnw 593; cf. TA 99
XO'ifi TJ IS 17:7) sg. TGDr49 98:10 [in a list of weapons] Lit: Lehnw 593 1#NS"TW n.m. lower portion of a document (< MH2 «plTl J 1658) sg. XD'JI XEHW the lower portion of the get Git 84b(33); TGHark 6:18; ib. 276:17 Y: n'BIWl Naz ib.(BAYTN 158). 2# NS"1W n.m. perh. intention (etym. unkn.) sg. ,TT3 naiplX OWa XT23 p,T7 .TS11T1 this man's intention (?) was to make it [i.e. the cow] stand up through his action [lit. hand] Naz 10b(2; V2) The mng. is based on context. The expl. Tljn 'l^ of Tos, ad loc., is based on the identification of this word w. its homograph, which was equated w. BH ""iVan ISO Jer 32:14 [v. Koh, AC 8:285]. Nrnifl n.f. cow (4- 1#X"W1; Sy nr^'-io^ LS 819, Ma XT111T1 MD 483) sg. Git 52a(37); XT1TIT1 mnn a cow of bronze San 101b(14) Y: xrnw Git ib. Krinat^lD n.f. praise (4- Vl#n3tP; TA xn3tflTl TJ Is*63:i4[Var], Sy k'&juA -> y fr LS 751) sg. XJHX3 HTinaiPin his praise is on earth Bo 14:7; ib. 31:12; 102:6 NTlin n.m. bottom part (4- 'mn prep.) sg. ^yb <X)mn ,T3BiT^>1 let him turn it upside down [lit. overturn the bottom part upwards] Git 69b(6) l#N3riifl n.m. resident, dweller (4- Van'; TA fdrViri TO Ex 12:45, Sy k^jMo& LS 312, Ma 2# xsmn MD 484) sg. X3nw Ta'y 'simx8? xbi 'ITT J'b'X *?33 Xjnnx (I can)not bring in another resident to dwell with him during all these months (of the lease) SSHai 8a(19); .T3T11T1 AnanSch 14:24; pl.cs. X»bjn '3A1T1 *73 all the dwellers of the earth SSHai 8a(18) 2#N3riin n.m. shirt, garment (I V3n'; TA IT3J11J1 TO Ex 22:26, Ma l#X3mn woman's garment MD 484) sg. 'XD3 Kb(l)lV) 'X»P nXB3 'X3nW in my town-my name (determines my status); not in my town-my garment Sab 145b(42); pi. '03'I3 '31 '3nw '3M garments of GN Ket 67a(36) Y: 'K3J1W Sab ib.(BAYTN 159). 'flifl prep, under, below (< 'mnn; 4- xmn, mnn; xainri Ma X'TIITIX, X'DW MD 43) 1. under, below: xbp 'mm XTXns a seed which is under a clod Ta« 4a(l); X3'!3D X3'J? 'mm XlP'^p X3'J? thin cloudiness which is below thick cloudiness ib. 9b(20); mis 'T11T1 3'T1'1 he sat down under his bed Ber 62a(14); Hag 5b (23); X3'Xi 'X» DlDp'1?! rrmn let him divine what is under him Git 68b(37); Sab 88a(54); Pes 113a(10); Yev 92b(28) [4- 1# XSOn mng. 2b]; Ket 11 lb(50); Sot 35a(32); 0»tf 45a(24); BB 23a(l); ^Z 29a(24); Hul 55b(2); ^«a« 28:6; /& 44:4; 2. w. Van' pe. to be under s.o.'s jurisdiction [cf. MH2 nnn T\1VV ntya Ket I07b(i6)]: ntya 'mn naTi'i xnn'x a wife who is under her husband's jurisdiction BB 139b(14); San 26b(43); Yev 91a(22); /& 109a(16) Y: 'fllJI Ber 18b(40; BAYTN 337). - 'mn p I mnn l#Nimn n.pl. (uncertain) 'ITVlTl 5Af 68b(24) Expl. Raft: XXl'W nytM 13 J'33J1D» ]XX,1 'WjW D'3"IV1 tyw "tt»n i,r nbv n3 noxn lmx pin Tan |'ynm rfr(in)imi^nn ]o 'ym 13 p>ju J'^Jn Ar [AC 8:292], i.e. wool on the thighs of the sheep; Y: 'imn BM ib. 2#N"Win n.pl. (uncertain) nmn Sab 53b(40) [expl. MH l'313b Mib. 5:2] Ceon. expl.: 13"ljMTO '13 lia 11 l'^AT ty pPlpl 0'^3n 1^> J'Wiyp nxn 'T1? X3'l iprnn> X1?! 11^> ll lWiy'BB OHP ib. 23:23, i.e. leg shackles. Lit: Geig, AAC 416, suggests that if this expl. is correct, there may be a connection w. NP latum fetters for horses PED 272; Y: 'TTIW Sab ib.(BAYTN 159). KDinn n.m. boundary, Sabbath limit, study hall (Akk tahumu AHw 1303, TA xnSlrin pi. TJ Jos 18:20, Sy rOwcuuii LS 820, Ma l#xaixn MD 477) 1. boundary: sg. xawi p 'X13X outside the boundary Anan 29:4; ib. 30:23; 2. (Sabbath) limit [< MH (T13tf) DWn J 1660]: sg. xd'3 'xna xawn in1? <]3)'rro»i pso'Bpx '33 nn TtPTlXi the residents of GN, for whom we measure the (Sabbath) limit from this side of GN2 Er 57b(32); ib. 45a(4); 73a(40); pi. pn 'Binn two (different) limits [i.e. one for the Sabbath and another for a holiday] TGAs28 26:12; 3. perh. study hall: sg. XJ1TIX3 |3J Tim X^> Xawn3 you were not with us last night in the study hall BQ 20a(41) [cf. MH 13)35? Tl'Tt X1? V12X Eman n'33 AZ 37a(8; J)]; BB 51a(12) 00 ninri 1201 ■?rm Expl. Ar: min iv noinn xinw tmnn ri'33 ''B AC 8:2(6 [mng. 3]; Lit: AlOA 105; Y: KBVW BB ib.(BAYTN 71). niTlfl, 'Hinfl prep, under, instead of (archaic and dialectal; 4- 'mn, nnnVa, XTl'Tinn; TA 'fllTlinh TO Ex 10:23, Sy ^jjK ,^,^ju^ LS 821) 1. under: a. w/o suf: X'Htt? "?3 mnn under the entire sky [i.e. everywhere] SSHai 2b(3); ib. 8a(8); Dec 5:9; xVflST [n]3-| X11D mnn under the great mountain of iron Bo 78:13; ^Itf'1? mnn n'nxi place (it) under your tongue HM 43:5; ib. 44:18; XJHX mnn Xicm XflX Xin ©SI one small cedar remained underground SOZ 72:23; xVp'T 'mnn mnx ^'SDT under a date palm which supports another one Er 51a(7); ib. 86b(3); b. w. suf: X1?! nmnn Vxiau? na I'Vn mn PN would not pass under it [i.e. a tottering wall] Tan 20b(26); X3jnn XpTl XpV'D in'mnn I can sow mangel-wurzels and vegetables under them BM 101a(15); 2. instead of: xmox mnn xnnn xmns mnn nswn mnn xrin xjtw mnn xnban X3'3'a mnn xin'o xn'3 darkness instead of light, wound instead of healing, destruction instead of construction, injury instead of comfort, anger instead of tranquility Bo 18:6 // ib. 35:4; '13 D1T1DXT X3'?3 'mnn ybw I want PN, my son, to reign in my stead [i.e. after me] AZ 10a(42; J) Y: 'rrinn AZ ib. - ninna, 'Jrina, »rrtnn ]a, 'mn p prep, from under, out of, instead of (TA nirina TO Num 3:32, Sy Ji^jjii ^n LS 821) 1. from under, below: n'JHD mnna XISJ? bpvtb to remove earth from under his feet Hul 7b(35); '33 '3 nviB'X n'mna the bathhouse (floor) collapsed from under him Ber 60a(52) // Ket 62a(39); ib. 42; 62b(18); Sab 30b(6); Git 69a(23); gW 81a(26); BQ 117a(47); BM 84b(3); "pinna X31T '12? throw down the ladder from under yourself Ber 33a(15); MQ 28a(48); ^Z74b(18); mnnai xnSJ? (X)'?xaK?T lVj-| dirt which is under your left foot HM 43:3; ib. 44:12; 2. out of, from: xn3D Xinn n'T 'mna XTlsntS pS3'T a certain butcher who let a terefa go out from his possession (as permitted meat) San 25a(22); ib. 31a(52); Grt 64a(16); n'T mnn ]a paXplSanV to remove them from his possession [lit. hands] TGHark 272:9; ib. 44:10; 204:23; IX 'XT mnna ppiS' 'T l^'Vl 303 "?33 'XnT T mnna (documents) in any script or language which will come from my hands or out of the hands of my heirs SSHai 5b(10); ib. 6a(21); Dec 10:17; 1TO X1? 'HIT mnn ]»1 no one has jumped out of its [i.e. the spell's] control [lit. hands] Bo 21:14; 3. instead of: 'mn XnD'D3 'J7D xnD'D 'mna pS3T xnjW X'nn he erred regarding the new coin stamp which at that time went into circulation instead of the (old) coin stamp BQ 99b(52; Es) Voc: 'JiWB HGP 20a:3; VTM 'JWIB VTM 101; Y: 'nWB Ber 18b(40). Nmnn*, pi. Nminn n.f. name of a bird (etym. unkn.; called I xmpip in Babylonia) pi. X3iya3 xnnnn in1? npl in'1?;? IpVa in Eretz Israel they punish with lashes for (eating) them, and they call them t. Hul 63a(18; H2) [Var: xmnn Ar (AC 8:217)] Y: NJTirffl Hul ib. NnV'nn n.m. beginning (< BH nV'nn J 1661; I VVnn) sg.cs. X3'T nVnna X3'T «]1D the end of the judgment is like the beginning of the judgment San 109b(3) // Nid 69a(36); xnV'X© rt»Wl the beginning of the question TGHark 169:17; ib. 165:14; rt'Tv7» n"?nn the beginning of his statement Anan 103:25 Vnn vb. to begin (< MH Tnnn LNVTH 387 [denom. < BH nVnri HAL 1582]; I xn"?nnx, xn"?'nn) Af.: a. alone: xm ]3'"7'nna '^innx -p"?'n ]3'-iai 'M "ia3B is'^nnxn pai xsnyas ,!?nna therefore, we certainly begin (the third section of yaw), because they begin (it) in Eretz Israel. Since we began (it) we also certainly finish (it) Ber 14b(17); Pes 55a(42); 13"SX W'Tina 'Da 1331 lV'nnx XV(1)C13XT X33a from the time that you turn your face from the city gate begin to count (the days of mourning) MQ 22a(l 1; L); 'D V'nna XS'Oa X3Tin V'nna destruction only begins (in a house) at the threshold Sot 48a(45); 'X13'a in3 XTnnXT (the fire) began in them from within San 52a(34); Meg 22a(37); Naz 19b(15); Ket l04b(40); b. w. _3: wa xnxi 'n'x ns x"?'nnx ma31 she [i.e. Zipporah] began it [i.e. the circumcision], and Moses came and completed it AZ 27a(39); BB 14b(41) // ib. 108a(17)
Nrrt>nn* t : : - 1202 Knvnn [4- xnuyiiB]; 'Dps xVirra na V'nnxi aj Vy »|X XJiaE? xV'm even though he began it from the weekday before the Sabbath takes effect Anan 69:12; Men 44b(22); c. w. fol. mX7: fl'V b'WlXI ]1'3 X311 Tay since he began it, he does the larger part Yom 33b(36); d. w. fol. inf.: 31'a1? ^'Wia 'SB from the time that (the sun) begins to set Pes 58a(17); X13'WX 'TTID'X 'BIpJ1? X31 VtWIX PN has begun to collect his staters from s.-beverage [i.e. it is valuable for him] ib. 107a(35; E2); 'Xp'a1? ''W1X1 NJTya when he began to harvest Hul I38a(45); ib. 47; rbnm id 'ana1? m'nai b^lib you must recite a blessing when you begin to eat Anan 17:21 Ittaf. to be begun: larai XJTXia rVwrB 'Eni'p 'nub iy jriBJ X^ the qiddusin are begun today, but we do not actually complete (it) until tomorrow Qid 7b(13) In JBA, this Iw. replaced the more original A V'"W pa. [v. HALOT 2002] most likely borrowed from Akk surru A CAD S/3 359 [v. Sok, DSD 7(2000) 107]. xrbnrp, pi. '^nn, 'b>nn n.f. cress (Sy rdu>& Flora 1:506+, LS 820, f. ^-^- rdLuii r^^i i \ -i -lo Babylonian cress BBah 2068:20, OA f?rw [= *thfyn] dnwsi 1121, jpa ybnn DJPA 579; cf. BH rbm HAL 1356, MH D"Vrw pi. J 1548, Akk seWate CAD S/2 264 [Mari], sahlu pi. CAD S 62, Ug shit DLU 435) pi. Hill x'vn iira'yBi prf? ,x?nn (i)nmna there was cress placed there, and a snake had eaten from it Ned 91b(13) [cf. AZ 30b(5) and Tos, ad loc.]; '^rul XJU3D '113'Dl (eating) cress after [lit. and] bloodletting are a danger AZ 29a(2); i'& 28a(37; Ed); XJJ1'3 '31 'Vrm Ml cress which (is found) among the flax BM 107a(10); Sab 110a(32; Ed); ib. 113b(23); 140a(23); MQ lla(40); Ket 60b(54); xmi'n -hnn white cress &*£ 109b(21); Git 69a(39); 'bnn fe 11 lb(42) Geon. expl.: f 3N ixen xnxiXl'n ''PWl OHT Git 156:4, i.e. jLij o^i; Lit: HAL 1356; Flora, op.cit.; Y: tyffl Sab 109b(21; BAYTN 133). XiWrifl n.m. tahanun-prayer (i.e. 11X3 'nfrx at the end of the /e/iV/a; < MH |Unn J 1662) sg. 'XT o-frv &V Q"oa '31 nVsn yawa iai'x xbi ,!?riB;'x '31 xaC)n)' xaiarm 'B1X1 if he forgot (on a fast day) and did not mention (the U3J? prayer) in the I n^SJI yaW prayer, when he completes Qi1?© D'itf and recites the tahanun-prayer, he should say thus HGl 400:26 [v. SRSG 23:14]; XJ1V7X 17131 XJUrul the tahanun-prayer following the /e////a ///P 569:4 Jinn prep, below, only in the phrases: adv. downward, below (TA Xfinft? TO Dt 28:13; Sy b-u&l LS 821) 1. downward: Jinrf? 181B l"7'BX even if its mouth is downward Pes 74b (16); ->13V 'Tp' X'ai 'TX XJirfr since water is heavier it sinks downward Hul 26b(6); San 78a(l); Bes 15a(20); //«/ llla(28); 2. below: XXinnV'l W X3mx XWa'nn we, the witnesses, whose signatures are affixed below SSHai 16a(19); ib. 14b(18) Voc: mnk? HGP 2b:21; Y: XJirj'? 5g ib. adv. below, from below (Sy ^ ^_o&_l LS 821) nnjfta 'nVin nm "ryVa xrfrin one-third (of the load) is above (the porter's head) and two thirds are below Sab 92a(32); 'TU@xm nnnba they are tied from below Suk 13b(6); Naz 39a(10); ib. 16; 39b(l); Bek 8b(21); &?//« 6a(10) nSflnn adj. lower, terrestrial, n. lower one {nisbe-form < Jinn* prep.; 4- NTin, XWimi; Sy rdJ&jjJi LS 821) I. adj. 1. lower: sg.m. XBIITl nxnnn the lower abyss Tan 25b(41); 2. terrestrial: sg.m. nxnnJI xaVa the terrestrial king Meg 15a(26; G) [i.e. Ahasuerus; * nxb'y X3"?a God]; nxnnJI XJ'1 JV3 the terrestrial court TGHark 234:12; II. n. lower one: sg.m. nxnrtfl yps ypsa iT33n 3JX the lower (membrane) will certainly split because of its softness Hul 56a(16); ib. 93a(54); AZ 10a(44); pl.m. Xna1? 'x"?'y 'yoa 'xnnn xtiji the lower ones [i.e. those who are downstream] help the upper ones in the dredging of the canal BM 108a(15); rpBJI Ipsa Xs? vn '3'3 f'lyi 'Xnnn the lower teeth have come out, but the molar teeth have not yet come out Hul 59a(47); ]T1 'XJ1WTI ]T1 'XW the upper (money) is ours and the lower is ours Ber 18b(51); Pes 8a(32); f. XTlX'Tinm xnxwiJl the lowest (vats) of the lowest (rows) Pes 8b(40) NJTnnri n.f. lower floor (4- IXJin/l; Sy NSKTI t t : 1203 2# K-wn T T rflLibLtjin lower part LS 821, MH D'rinn J 1662) sg. xrrjinm 'ui xn'^ys bivw a Jew on the upper floor and a pagan on the lower floor AZ 70a(10); XlSJPa XrVTinri the lower floor is broken BM 116b(9) Ka*Pri n.m. fringe (etym. unkn.) pi. iHV Vxiac N^mo^ WTl n3ya"7 PN permitted making fringes for an s.-garment BM 60b(9) [Var: 'am F'EsAr (AC 8:241)] Expl. Ar: niyiXT AC ib.; Lit: Geiger, AAC 411. inia'Jl n.m. torch (I X113ia; etym. unkn.) pi. XTin 'Tia'Xl torches of fire MQ 12a(48; NDGR 96:11) KJVO'n n.f. chest, ark (TA xrna'h TO Ex 2:3, JPA nnia'Jl det. DJPA 580) 1. chest, ark: a. general: sg. ia aw rrnanxi xma'TC lay rTC>nia"Di 'xnsx iai xma'na he made a chest and set it down. He sat down in the chest and the other [i.e. Elijah] was outside it and explained it [i.e. Seder Eliyahu] Ket 106a(8); b. esp. that containing the Torah scrolls: sg. X"n '"f? VUTinX XXTia'n (neap rial he placed PN and his sons before the ark BM 85b(44); ('frail XJYn'Jl 'XI n» 'niBiT xma'n nra isya1? bstxi <'nai) it is permitted to make a small ark from a large ark which has fallen apart Meg 26b(35); ib. 42(G); 2. (Noah's) ark: sg. nil xma'na XS1 a plank from Noah's ark San 96a(14); xma'm XS3D a side room of the ark ib. 108b (47) Y: Krnyri San ib.(BAYTN 36). N33'n n.m. straw (4- XJa'H '3, V]3n; TA X33ri TO Ex 5:7, Sy r^i-i^i LS 814) sg. X*71 nni "?333 XWIX^ X33'n T3H' in Babylonia it is customary not to give straw to a tenant farmer BM 103b(31); Anan 80:15; n"ia ]a 'M'Tl H1? B'paap mi he used to pick [lit. gather] the straw out of her hair Ned 50a(7); ib. 10; 13; Er 44b(12); MQ 12a(16); '3'2£1 X33'n straw and firewood 5g 21a(24); BB 7a(32); 5Af 103b(8); XXIH H3 ri'XI X'lD X33T1 putrid straw that has prickly shrub(s) in it Sab 150b(24); ib. 155b(10); BB 19b(34); ID'^JI XM'm XnX"l)n)1X thirteen sacks of straw Svu 29b(4) // Ned 25a(49); XJt'3 T3yi XJa'H straw and it is made into a bundle Hul 52a(2; V'Ar [AC 2:32]) Y: Mrn BB 7a(32; BAYTN 132). S13'n n.m. the cantillation sign tevir (I Vl3J1; Sy rc'iia*! LS 815) sg. BMsG 10:14 Lit: Yeivin, Fragment 105. *«?'*) n.m. staff, walking stick (TA ]'1J'n pi. TJ 2S 3:29(Ar [AC 2:236, s.v. 31J), Sy rfLaZ\ LS 831) sg. Xirnx 'VtXI '3X0 old men walking with the aid of [lit. on] a staff BM 2lb(i6) [expl. MH nfohaj MPea 8:1] // Tan 6b(7) Expl. Ar: JUJWD3 fsVnm O'^t AC ib. But v. Geon. expl.: VDJ mm mt) Vs ty OHT Tan 9:8; Lit: Eps, MNM 95; Y: NlJ'n £Mib.(BAYTN 132). l#KlJ'fl n.m. quarrel, dispute (VlJJI; sec. rt. < "IJTIX* [4- Vl#'1J itpa.]; i XTJJB; JudA un NS 9:9, Sy k,4a«'*> LS 816, Ma l#Xirn MD 485) sg. a. general: Xirn vb n'XI 'ira two people who are having a quarrel Tan 22a(27); Xirn Wl tt?'pj X13 nyW O'r^as when the barley of the k.-vessel is finished, strife knocks (at the door) and comes BM 59a(48; EsAr [AC 7:220]); Xll'n "jp the sound of a quarrel AZ 70a(10); San 7a(18) [v. Geon. expl. OH ib. 57:1]; Geon 240:10; b. w. V'ai pe., af. to quarrel, be involved in a dispute [cf. Ma: xai ]Xa X71133 XIJ'Tl who cast strife into the light? Jb 6:10]: sg. naiTO XS'^I XU'ri na laxi xVl there is no ketubba- (settlement) in which (people) do not quarrel Sab 130a(39); pi. HM 1'3 X'Dia it involves him in disputes Yev 63a(33); c. w. V'lB? pe. to resolve a dispute [cf. Ma: 'Xim pXP Gs 14:17]: sg. '3 xirn xriw mn 'xap1? xri1? xnn'xi xiai inx mn XWia Xiail when a man and woman came before me for judgment, I would first resolve the man's dispute Yev 100a(20); ib. 22; 112a(15); MQ 16b(24); Ned 62a(42); Qid 70b(4); Svu 30a(52) Lit: Nold, MG 133; Weiss 333; Voc: KWlfl HGP 15a:33; Y: XTJ'fl Sab ib. 2# KlJ'n n.m. a vessel (< Mir *tigar [cf. NP tayar earthen dish or bowl PED 311 ]; Ma XlXl'n bowl MD 485, > Arab jlip Fr, AF 69, SyrArab tigar AASQ 90) sg. 'y'ja '3& 'ri'XI X'a 1,131 'D'X XIJ'313 11311^ he brought that water which he had brought from the chasm (and) poured it into the /.-vessel Bek 9a(6) [Var: XlXlUI'm Rashi] Lit: Geig, AAC 408 [contra Nold, MG 51].
KiTfl T 1204 t : - KiTfl, NnTI n.m. vapor (< Xmil; J, xmn m/13, V2# Mri; Sy rcLu_.ii vapor, breath [= Arab o___ll BBah 2058:16 [v. ib.24], r-_L_i^, *dU>^ heavy breath BBah 2055:3, Ma Xmn breath, vapor MD 485) sg. nuixa rxn'rr p'sn iy tip jrur 'i pn used to drink until vapor came out of his ears Sab I29a(40; om); nupjp ;a <x>nn<')n «pxoi Mm Xiam he inhales and sucks up the vapor from his wine vessel OHT Sab 98:5 Geon. expl.: X,TJ1 XlpJ .TOl-V Woil n'DlBa DTK p'BOT NjTT 'H1X ]l»ta OHP Sab 82:18; Lit: Eps, GC 2003, note; Y: X,Tn BAYTN 13. N'TI'D n.m. astonishment (4- Vl#'n;i) sg. 'KB ITJ^X '"IT X'TPTl what is PN's astonishment? £/■ 66a(12) Y: Xt"nri £r ib. Nnai'ri, pi. NriNavri n.f. reply, refutation, repentance (4- V_W; TA Xfiavfl TJ Jer 12:5; cf. Sy r^hL^cub\ vomit LS 818, Ma liXirOXVl clemency MD 484) 1. reply, response: sg. Dec 2 [title]; mannirn xiia(i) map1? xrnvn U'tmsi X3T we have made a specific reply to our master under our signature ib. 2:9; xrrTXCn '3TTI3 map ]a j^'X-H in response to the questions which were asked of him TGHark 156:27; XWT ^ Dip. xrurn "J1? XJITTOl W xn^n allot me three days time, and I shall give you a reply Hul 87a(23); Xnavn mnXl XJTpSl we instructed them to give a reply TGHark 275:23; TGAs42 93b:8; OHT Git 159:5; pi. jri'miTI 137131 X.TpSl )1H3 XM'TI we investigated them and ordered them to write their [i.e. the questions'] answers TGHark 32:9; ]1X1 rwa 31 -1ST xriXSVn PN's responsa GS 229:4; 2. refutation, objection: a. general: sg. Sab 20b(33); Pes 94a(24); .TWO x"?l .Tram xV (the verse) is neither his refutation nor his support BM 48a(27); Nid 18b(7); iraTT) Aferf 76a(6); xmiTl Trap X'ln the first (barraita) is the refutation Ara 21b(20); Sab 22b(4); /?// 33b(7); Nid 68b(4); 11,11 xrai'Tl P'Sma XmiXIS '.'ami. nni nwya ].H3y pann nwya p'iay XJiavn in a Pentateuchal matter we (first) raise an objection and then perform an act. In a Rabbinical matter we act (first) and then raise an objection Er 67b(41); Yom 49a(3); Ket 73b(16); AZ 16b(17); ib. 68a(10); xrO^M! XJiam is it a refutation and a law (in spite of this)? Er 10a(21); Ket 41b(17); ... XJUl'n XH1 X13J XI XJ'tn Xp X1? xrai'n XJ'tn xp X13A here is the man and here is the objection! I see (the greatness of) the man, but I do not see (the greatness of) the objection BM 16a(38); xmiTI XB101 XE?'ia the refutation is from the first part' of the last clause (of the Mishna) ib. 35a(17); xrom XTIH xa'p 13 xrorm xroixx ipjmn x'n xroixxi xa'p that objection is from an 'asraxta. (If) the 'asraxta is removed, will the objection remain as it is? HP 191:11; pi. xmi'Ti \br\ m1? 'TllDpl he raises these objections against him Naz 37a(10); xraarn U,1 maVYIX he raised these objections to him Pes 89b(41); Sab 43a(24); Bes 18a(32); AZ 24b(27); b. in phrase ..."! xnaVJl: 311 warm it is a refutation of PN('s opinion) Pes 76b(16); Er 16b(13); Ket 94b(10); Wlim XTTJTTi it is a refutation of both of them Tern 23b(6); xmrm inVl31 is it a refutation of all of them? ib. 1 lb(24); b. xrOVTl ..."I xmi'Tl: XSS ail xmrn xravi) it is a refutation of PN. The refutation (stands) Pes 32b(38); Ber 10b(48); Yev 110b(40); Zev 34b(l); xrUTTI in'jiai X/13T71 it is a refutation of all of them. The refutation stands BB 128b(l); 3. repentance, sg. in phrase Yin KJ13V713 pe. to repent, af. cause to repent [caique < MH2 naitwn Itn RH 31a(52); cf. Sy rc'&o^jJAi penitence LS 817]: sg. Xp mm "?3 Tin xmvra limbi mranpb imby 'am 'yxa p31 'ISp the more that he prayed for them to bring them close to repent, (the more) the scholars were angry San 37a(28); Tan 23b(35; M2); Kmrrb lnrmmb that He should cause them to repent Ber 10a(10; MGN 415:17) Lit: Bacher 232; Y: xrOTfl Ber 21a(24; BAYTN 290). Nni'n n.m. perh. mishap, pi. indications of ruin (4- "tain; TA Xnvri anxiety TO Gen 27:33; cf. Sy rctirooAi remorse LS 816; cf. Ma Ximn dismay MD 485) 1. perh. mishap: sg. xmvi H'3 mn '3 when a mishap occurs in it BM 73a(21); 2. pi. indications of ruin: '331 mo Mm .13 XH1 (if) he saw in it [i.e. the synagogue] signs of ruin, he may tear (it) down and rebuild (it) BB 3b(31); ib. 32; 36 Y: Xm'nB5ib.(BAYTN71). Km>n 1205 nna»a [KT'JI I 2# Xlllri n.] [xbvn 4-2# xVan n.] Kn?'n, pi. '?'n n.f. rope, cord (TA pri pi. TO Ex 28:14, Sy rCALi^i, pi. rdi^i belt LS 822, Ma XXO'Jl, pi. X'D'n draw string, halo MD 485, > Arab & Fr, AF 55) 1. rope: sg. Tbrmb pi5?3 xrDTl '3 we need to plait it [i.e. the n,_,_'] like a rope Anari 8:13; 2. cord: pi. XnX^'Vn '3'n hollow (woven) cords Sab 57a(18) [in a woman's hair]; Seel 113:40; BQ 119b(19) // Bek 29b(26) [expl. MH J1K ib.] Lit: Eps, Stl 122; GC 4824; Geig, AAC 410; Y: '3'fl Sab ib.(BAYTN 135). l#NV'ri n.m. ruin-mound (< Akk tillu mound, ruin heap AHw 1358, AIOA 108; Sy -di^ LS 824, Ma X^'H pi. hills MD 485) sg. X^'Jl X1HH Xn©.3 ^T a certain ruin-mound of a synagogue Meg 26b(2); ifrvb '!-T (the house) is like a ruin-mound Ber 58b(19) Y: Kifi Ber ib.(BAYTN 136). 2# kV'D i XVJI n. NflV'n, NH^'H n.m. piece (4- Vrftn; cf. Sy rc__iS^ rent, fissure LS 825) sg. p'^a mn '31 vrWi 'nb'n n"?s.i xn^n'a ri? while we were lifting it up [i.e. the lung], it broke up and fell apart into various pieces Hul 53b(45) [Var: 'frWi 'rfrn nVs.i xnVri'a Ar (AC 8:232)] Y: '!T>ri Hul ib.(BAYTN 133). K'^'Jl n.m. suspension of letter(s) or word(s) between the lines or in the margin (4^ V'^n) sg. x'V'n I'-nn p ix noun n_p I'Vinu; ]D 'lxa nsini Xl^lTDT IX xn*131XT there are many such cases that (the scribes) insert in the margin of an exemplar or between the lines a suspension of a reference or an explanation OHT BQ 37:19; OHT Sab 70:11 [indicating that the fol. words are a marginal addition to ib. 2]; H31 H3 X'^Jl such- and-such a suspension SSSad 189:9; 1JWI ]J? X'^'TI the letter 'ay«n of "V*5 [Ps 80:14] is a suspension A&Im iix 34:14 [i.e. it is written T»] Lit: Eps, OHT Sab ib., n. 3. NJl'V'n n.f. (uncertain) sg. 'nW Xn'^TlV 'Til 'mSE/ X^ xrfbyV money for ... is available. It is not available for ... Hag 5a(53) V Rashi and RaH for suggestions; Y: Kri'Vn Hag ib. NflV'n, pi. 'V'R n.f. psalm, pi. Psalms (< MH2 n'rr.hin, pi. a^tfln J 1649) sg. BMsE 33:9 [w. ref. to Ps 106:23]; pi. ]X\ 31 m 'Vti the Psalms- (book) of the school of PN Pes 117a(49); ib. 7 Y: 'Vn Pes ib. NrDS'ri n.m. extraordinary thing (4- VnaJl; Sy rc'ii__»5? LS 827, Ma X»mn MD 485) 1. extraordinary thing: sg. ]in3 rr>X xna'n 'KI3 what extraordinary thing is there in them? TGHark 208:1; pi. 'W.'X 'TD113T» VKt>n nn "73 people certainly remember (a case of) two extraordinary things Hul 75b(27); 2. astonishment, sg. in adv. phrase Xna'Jia as a rhetorical question: XHI-'in Xaj?03 n'1? pil they recite it [i.e. the phrase '11 THWX Yev 39b(44)] in the intonation of a rhetorical question OHTYevl\:\5 NTS'71 n. a bird (etym. unkn.) sg. Hul 141b(21; V") [Ed: Xtt'TI] [Knaa'n 4- xruan n.] KIM'ri n.m. eyelid (Sy rfk^il*. LS 828, Ma X'laTI pi. MD 486; cf. BH 'rjr Dliaip Ps 77:5 [HAL 1466]) sg. '{KftTB X^lMim Xia'Tl 'Xn x7'^h the rooster's (lower) eyelid is raised upwards Sab 77b(29; OTRN 615:6) [Var: Xna'Jl Ar (AC 8:248)] Expl. Ar: nun Vw D'Bysy AC ib. The Geon. expl.: T7 ^J I'yaw \ybiv iito yxoxaw ibj? mnw NJ'yi Krran, i.e. pupil TRN ib., should be rejected [v. Brody, loc. cit.]. Nfina'Tl n.m, groan, sigh (4- VmX; Sy K'^joj'trc']^ LS 28, Ma XJimrn MD 486) sg. Bo 138:2 NTirn, Km'KJl, pi. '3'n, '3'Nn n.f. fig tree, fig (<'xnrxri; ta xfirji TJ Ho 9:10, pi. xu'ii to Num 13:23, Sy K^nc^, pi. rdiV^ LS 813, Ma XU'TI pi. MD 486) 1. fig tree: sg. x"?3 XJim fpl nifi'T he cut down a fig tree before its time BB 26a(33; MGD 453:2) [H: XJUXn]; XnJ'm xVlB the shade of a fig tree Pes 11 lb(8); San 18b(38); 2. pi. figs: UTI b'OX Xp X131 Xinn XJ1X a certain man came who was eating figs MQ 17a(39); Sab 90a(50); Hag 5a(16); TXria XB?311 honey from
KJimvn '3'xri T T T ■ 1206 ton figs Ket lllb(50); '10X1 n»n 'l'n 13W s.- beverage of dates, figs, and Dilmun dates Pes 107a(23; C); '1'xm IS the p.-pest of figs Sab 90a(47); ib. 50 Lit: Flora 1:224+; Goldmann, Figue 22'; for a discussion of the unclear Xa^>n 'JXrt Ber 40b(49) [expl. MH .10j?B Jli:3 MDetn 1:1], v. Low, ib. 1:278; Y: XJIJXn BB ib.(BAYTN 179). - KntCll'n 'S'Nn n.f.pl. Aleppo pines (Pinus halpensis; lit. white [non-productive] fig trees; Sy k^Hojj rdj'rc'^ BBah 2029:3) Xmxrn '1'Xn AZ 14a(9) // xmnn 'IXn 5er 40b(48) [expl. MH nw nil3 MDem 1:1]; Tarn 29b(32) Lit: Lieb, JQR 36[1946] 47+; id., TK 1:132; Y: xrnwi 'J'Xn Ber ib. K^S'n n.m. impropriety (V?SO; MH2 iVs'n J 1686) sg. AZ 63b(33); x"?SW Pes 91a(40) Y: H^S'Tl AZ ib. Ip'n 4- Vmp pe., mng. 1.6.a l#t6p'n n.m. weight, shekel (4, VlsVpn; TA X?pri TO Ex 38:26) 1. weight: sg. X^p'n '3 xnB'l volume (is as difficult to bear) as weight BM 80a(31); x'jp'TlS xVp'n /& 33; 2. shekel: sg. X*7p'n X'lBl'pV I'1? Tipi xron X3'X1 there is a place where they call the centenarius a shekel Bek 50a(26) // 5JW 87a(12; Ed); xbp'n in Wn'nVrfVliI) a .?/!efc;/-(weight) of /45a /oeiWa Hul 59a(4); pl.cs. Xfl'n'rn 'bp'n rbn ib. 2; &6 140a(39; M) Y: X^f>'n BA/ ib. 2# NV|?'n n.m. obstacle (4- V2# Vpn; Sy rdiLo^i LS 83 f, Ma xnxVp'n pi. MD 486, TA X^pri TO Dt 7:16) sg. xVp'n V'pm ]X» 'XI one who removes an obstacle BB 54a(12); MQ 10b(13; RaH, Ar [AC 8:264]) Y: X^'fl BB ib,(BAYTN 133). N3p'n n.m. improvement (4- V]pn) sg. Xlp'n XJHX1 improvement of the field MQ 10b(29; Sidra 9 158:10); Xip'n J'pna (unclear) Git 60b(47; OHP ib. 241:11) Geon. expl.: x^x vb>x I'biy o'an vw ntya1? rftiy lrpyp-ipw 'bi X'JB na ^x rVo roswj ohp ib. Nnp'n n.m. roof, ceiling (< MH nipn J 1694) sg. xnpn 'pun strengthening the roof BM 117a(34); pi. np'Ji n'V n'Vl (the rooms) of which do not have ceilings Men 33b(26; P2V10) [expl. '»"» 'n/l'S ib.] Tn adj. 4- V2# ~nn pe., pass.part. I'SlTn n.m.pl.abs. divorce (4- V"]in; JudA plTIl MGit 9:3, pill Mur 19:7) prill 1BD divorce document S$Hai 3a(16); SSSad 224:2; TGHark 229:8; Bo 10:10; '331TH ISO ib. 9:13; 28:6; 58:7; pn'm 1"'T> n'3Tr71 he should lengthen the iraw of (the word) pwn (in the get) Git 85b(37) ttSITn n.m. solution, answer (4- Vpn, xnxm; cf. Sy K^ioii correction LS 838) sg. Yom 17b(4; L); AZ 48a(27); X1? tf'pb ITT1 IXII'm H'Vj? p'3130 we do not rely on PN's answer TGAs42 64:2; ib. 63:13; 66:6; TGHark 33:34; pi. 'xrrn tgas42 63-.U Y: Kirpp Kwn ib.(BAYTN 142). NlW'Tl n.m. bridge, part of phylacteries (< Akk tituru, titurru AHw 1363, AIOA 108; Sy K'-Udi^ LS 839, Ma Xlinxn MD 482) 1. bridge: sg. p'DDB NTUrn X3'X 'XI if there is a bridge, we let (the children) go across BB 21a(35) [* i 2#X1?ai]; »"nox XTUI'ri XBD '3 1"TO when (the donkey) reached the bridge, it became frightened (and) threw him off Ned 41a(32; MGG 122:16V2); ]» 111 1X113 ]I31 X13 XT0)('}n'n he was from Baghdad, from the 'outer bridge' iSGF 103:10; 2. part of phylacteries of the arm: sg. 'V'SrXl) XlW'n Men 35a(9) [v. Geon. comm.] Geon. expl.: xnn noxn x*7w xym rwVy xrfr'w 'Vsm mwn anyi vw xnW *?y xrfrw xanx x^'x xin xrfrw irn xtisdidd raw mwn -nm ™ °?y -rena ni *?y nt GS 20b:3 = TGAs28 67:6; Y: XTVPfl BB ib.(BAYTN 142). ton n.m. table (etym. unknown) a. general: sg. iri'»pV X3n in"X they brought a table before him Git 67b(43); Pes 100b(3); 5M 86a(15); m'Vll iTMpH X3n"? they removed the table from before him ib. 16; Qid 81a(50); 5er 46b(29); Tan 25a(10; M); X3n» "?S11 XpT '"?3X xVl 'X.1 the fact that they do not eat a vegetable which has fallen from the table Hul 105b(41); Pes 110b(41); p'3»0 Xm1?! BP1 '31 X3nx ]1X we rely on the table of the House of the exilarch (to continue our meal) Ber 42a(26); b. w. Vowp xnb"3n t : •• : 1207 t6n euph. for sexual intercourse: sg. X3n 7Vb Xt32?pa she 'sets the table' for him Yev 63b(9; Ar [AC 8:224]) [cf. MH2: \ri?V lb 'n31J? Ned 20b(23)] This word should not be connected w. I Npron [v. AAC 201, s.v. K3D3B]; Y: X3n Ber 42a(23; BAYTN 101). ttnV'?n n.f. tekhelet color, tekhelet-dyed wool, fringes made of same (TA XlY7'3n TO Num 15:38, Sy rc"dvLa*\ LS 823) 1. tekhelet color: sg. Xn"73m Xiayi X331 a ball of wool of tekhelet-color Ber 9b(30); 2. tekhelet-dyed wool: sg. rb Vl'jm '3M Xn^"3n Xn how do you dye the tekhelet-wooW Men 42b (31); xrfom XBin a thread of tekhelet-dycd wool BB 74a(4); ,13 n'XI 'nxi xa^yV 'p'ls1? 'em x'(i)(i)B/i xn"?3n there is in it [i.e. the chest] tekhelet-dyed wool which she will spin into threads for the righteous in the world to come ib. 74b (4); Seel 144:1; X113'p xrtom a ball of thread of tekhelet-dyed wool Hul 95b(44); AZ 39a(41); 3. fringes made of same: sg. xansV xrf7'3n xm xi'on may 3i rrn'3 'I^IXI PN attached tekhelet-dyed fringes to his wife's apron Suk 1 la(37); XnV'3n iVlSI xa'Vl "711'a X"?'111 xn"7'3n rr^ 'BIT a garment entirely of tekhelet-dyed wool to which were attached tekhelet fringes which were completely woven around Men 39a(41); ib. 43a(28); 39b(2); Ber 18a(41);&e/ 143:12 The exact color intended by this word [e.g. dark blue, royal purple] has been the subject of much discussion for which there is now much archeological evidence [v. e.g. I. Ziderman, BASOR 265(1987) 25+]. The exact mng. of ^aai XnVsn Qid 72a(8); XS' Vorn xrfr'an ib. 9 is uncertain [v. DJPA 581, s.v. rfnrH; Y: Xrton Ber 18a(41; BAYTN 179). lpT\ n.m. a type of worm (etym. unkn.; cf. Sy uy& to harm LS 822) sg. 'XTttH ~pl\ the /.-worm of silk garments Sab 90a(47) Geon. expl.: D'B' nOSl|?3 ItnilO in]»3 I'XTWfl ]B mSIJB liy^W D'STTRN 623:1. Van 4- lffx^sn a, 2#x*73n n., xnVsn n. n.m. bereaved person (4- VVsn pe. part.) sg. x"7X3n ]13X PN, the bereaved one Pes 70b(34; CM1) [Var: x"?3n E'Ar [AC 8:225]) // xVsCin pX Hul 110a(16) n.m. bereavement by loss of children (4- V?3n; TA b5f\ TJ Is 47:9, Sy 2# rdi^^ LS 823, Ma x"?X3n MD 487) sg. 'mn XT0)Pnjn X"?3{')n two (things): bereavement and blindness Sab 151b(50); pi. '"7X3n ^m? X3X1 '3 there were sixty cases of bereavement in PN's household MQ 28a(30; SM 145:25); 'V3n XS^ai XA13 Vb (a woman) who is accustomed to bereavements is not ashamed (by additional ones) Ket 62a(27) Y: X^3n BAYTN 133. 3#t63n, Nl?3'n n.m. decay (perh. < "73n'X [4- Vl#tax itpe.]) a. w. V?B3 pe.: sg. ^Sll 'Xin n'nj/3XX3 X"73n I saw that decay afflicted his fingers Ber 56a(54); ib. 55; 'XTP3 x"?3'n "?B1 X3Vai decay was present in the royal silk garments ib. 56(P); pi. X33"7 m!?Dl '"?3I1 ]'n^ sixty decays were present in the molar BQ 92b(27) [cf. Sy ^K'iow decayed (of teeth) SBM 167:1]; b. w. V'lti pe. (?): sg. "?133 x"73{')n X12?'X1 decay permeated (?) throughout it [i.e. the egg] Hul 64b(10) YxVari BAYTN 133. Nn'Van n.f. end (< H rf73n J 1668) sg.cs. n'Vsn X3in the end of the 'sword' HM 46:14 n.f. spirit of barrenness (4- V?3n) sg. Bo 80:5 Ntt'Bton n.m. jewel (4- Vc?B3; JPA t5'2?3n DJPA 581) pl.abs. p'EOn Xl'y3 I want jewels Qid 31b(25) Ni?npn, Nj7D3t3, K3B3B n.m. chair (< Mir *taxtak [cf. MP taxtag plank, board CPD 83; MP taxt throne ib., NP plank, table, bed PED 286], IrArab X'in'3n, pi. 'mX'Dn Avishur, Elements 262+) sg. XIIZH xpnsn a teak chair Sab 129a(32); ib. 119a(13; MGE 323:3, Ar [AC 8:228]); xpnsn '1131 the chair of the priests AnanSch 29:17; pl.cs. XtXD 'pn3fl ID'Vn thirteen fine gold chairs Ket 77b(31; MGG 227:5) [Var: XT'S 'p»3B Fr; XI'D '3D3D Ar (AC 4:30)]; det. 'pTOfl DXQ V31X four hundred chairs Bek 31a(15; Ar [AC 8:228] L'M) Lit: Geig, AAC 201; Eps, Stl 83; Y: XjWOfl Sab ib.(BAYTN 222). t6n, N^'n n.m. peg, hook (< nxVn; 4- V'Vn; Sy
N?V? 1208 'Vn rdJ-S^ LS 824) sg. X"iBm x"?J1 'XH a meat hook &Z> 140b(6; Ar [AC 8:229]) [O: vfrfl] Geon. expl.: mi 13 fm\V fJTCl OHP ib. 89:4. N*V?>> abs. J^Jl n.m. snow (TA XjW TJ 2S 23:20, Sy rOJA& LS 825, Ma 1# xaVxn MD 478) sg.abs. iVjl TiD a mountain (is covered with) [lit. of] snow [i.e. my hair is white] Sab 152a(8) [cf. JPA rabn TiD DJPA 582]; San 18b(37) [4- l#XTiJ1]; det. XlVm for (a chill caused by) snow Git 67b(28); '"? ma 11H Xm"?l W"\ '3T Xj"?nx (the officials) of the exilarch's house used to make me lie down in the snow ib. 30; Tan 3b(42) [4- XTiD usage a] Y: Xjtyl Git ib.(BAYTN 97). nVn, tfon vb. to fall apart (4- Xn^'JI; Sy ^xi$&\ LS 825) Pe.: rf7J1 Dri^T {'}X1pT 31X it fell apart because of the heavy weight of the bread Men 94b(14) [Var: Tlbn Ar (AC 8:232)] Itpe. id.: 4- xnV'71 vb. to hang, suspend, stretch, make dependent, light a fire (4- X"?J1, X^'Xl, 1# X'^JI; Sy rdiii LS 824, Ma xV/1 pe., etpe. MD 487) Pe. 1. to hang, suspend: X*?pH3 X"ll3'p JJ'Vn ]XS3 according to whom do we hang a cluster of fruit on a date palm? Hul 78a(7; H2); Bes 40a(26); XrD'Oa XT13 (t)ji he hung the water pitcher on a peg Sab 137b(46); Yom 7b(12); Sot 6b(14) [1 2#XS3]; 55 59b(15); Git 68b(52); ,TB?M xVjl xrU'BCn X'HpD'XS he suspended himself from the sailyard of the boat Ket 69b(36); n'V '^XJH n,!7Xattn xn3'X3 he hangs it [i.e. the tube] on his left arm Sab 90b(24); BB 144a(30); Pes 11 lb(23) [4- 3#XJrn]; ib. 37 [4- xmo]; HM 37:18; ib. 40:9; 41:13; pass.part. XJ13'03 'Vm where (the wig) was hung on a peg San 112a(55; F2) // Ara 7b(18; O4); xVp'13 X'Vm XJVan a jug which is hung on a date palm Ber 56a(35); Bes 27a(19) [4- l#x"?iyx mng. Id]; XJTPn H'3 X'Vm XTn he saw that (the meat of) the animal was hung on it [i.e. the crack of the door] Hul 95b(14; V11); Wl XO'Tlsa 131? lVrn XM1VJ 'WaP certain branches of a vine which were suspended outside a vineyard 5g 113b(32); BM 107a(23); p»'J ]"Vm sometimes (the testicles) are suspended Bek 39b(31); l"?Xn Xa'^S xrjn 'JX'Tltf the sinews of the eye are suspended from the heart AZ 28b(38); XJ/'ap ,!7n (an infant) with an amulet hung (on him) Qid 73b(3; O2); 2. to place in mid-air, suspend: XJHX1? Xy'pT p xbn he placed (himself magically) in mid-air between the sky and the earth Bek 8b(34); JKb 2TQ 1X1 vn xjna1? n'1? ,!?xn xbi if he writes y\rt? (in the ge/) and does not suspend the leg of the he (so that it should not be read "jnaV 'to laugh') TGHark 5:32; XTI^ XTJ p 'Vjl he suspends (the letter) between one line and another TGAs28 19:17; pass.part. rrjro X^ri its [i.e. the letter he's] leg is suspended Men 29b(43); Sab 104a(32); 3. to lift: "TJ H'SMa n'P'T; .T'^n "7IX (the calf) went (and) lifted its head in the flap of PN's garment BM 85a(15); 4. to stretch: HI'1?;! 3T '3T XJ1X3 they stretched him on the cedar of the be rav (to cure a disorder) Yev 64b(21); 5. to coerce: 'rat n'J'3T ]'3J1 m'Vn (if) they coerced him and he sold, his sale is valid BQ 62a(38); BB 47b(19); ib. 48b(7); 13 [4- 2#X"IJ'3 mng. 1 and Rashi, X"V]; 6. pass.part. to adhere [Sy, LS ib., mng. 9]: 'xpi 'bm pnr -a rxrb .ttowx xran XWTJ xna'ya PN found PN2 standing against [lit. adhering and standing] the door bolt Git 32b(6) [4- XTJJ7 usage a]; 7. to make dependent [w. "3, -'1J3 on s.o./s.t]: a. alone: XJ»m VUbm X1H 'n ttnp»n JV3 ]"J33 it is these (fasts) that the Merciful One made dependent on the building of the Temple RH 18b(39); Ket 71b(8); AZ 53b(18); X'JJI xVia X'JJI '^n he makes something which was (specifically) learnt dependent on something which was not (specifically) learnt Sab 22a(22); BB 134b(9); pass.part. X'^JI XH3 XH this is dependent on that Naz 18b(9); Tern 18a(4); b. esp. w. xnV'a: xm'B x»m x^n pas the Merciful One made the matter dependent on the priest MQ 7b(l); Ber 25a(30); n'1J3 XflV'tt1? .T^Jl (Scripture) made the matter dependent upon him Anan 29:12; pass.part. XlVra X'Vjl XVBpa 'TM is the matter dependent on care (regarding the language)? Er 53a(41); Nid 62b(2); RH 7a(43); MQ 7b(21); Yev 54b(l); San 25b(4); Hul 63a(14); 8. to leave undecided, suspend: *]"H0'B 13'bn x'jJT'B p'S-Itt? x"7 we do not actually burn (the teruma but) leave its status really undecided l#nf?T\* 1209 t : ~ Nid 4a(3i); mita^ iruVn n'rfr'o1? xVn (if) he hung up his basket he has suspended his livelihood Pes lllb(38); pass.part. 'Xpi 'Vjl xVlVB it remains indeed suspended Yev 32a(27); 'XB ^31 D"Xp1 '^Jl mm everything which remained undecided iSGF 69:18; 9. to make an assumption, assume: p'Vn Xbrmb X3'XT X3'n "73 wherever it is possible to make an assumption we do so AZ 15b(16); p'^n X1? IX P'Vn '» do we assume (that he caused the perforation) or not? Hul 49a(19); ib. 10b(ll); 10. w. xnil to light a fire, lamp [v. Af.]: pass.part. XTiJ n'3 ^JVJ UWO because a fire (of passion) is lit in him Sab 156a(38; VRashi) Af. to light a fire [Ma X1XTP/XTU xVn MD 487; v. Lidz, JB 1357]: a. w. XT3: 'Vna xp X5?XaW Dp XJ1tt;a X113 (his) servant got up to light the fire from the lamp Pes 103b(17) [Var: p'Vra Xp V1]; XTJ 1H3 'bri'Vl let him set them on fire AZ 28b(19; Ed); Bes 39a(25); b. w. Klltf: XJliy ,!?J13 Xp'J YWi xVt X3'n XH'33 let him light a lamp in a room where the wind does not blow Kar 5b(52) // Hor 12a(36); K11B "h •'XVn'XI 'V'T go (and) light the lamp for me Sab 26a(5); ib. 6 Itpe. 1. to be suspended (of heavenly bodies): m-lixa n'3 I'VrrX the heavenly lights were suspended on it [i.e. Wednesday of creation] Sab 156a(31); 2. to be stretched: XJimn p'OT '3'rj xn^'iys n'3 'bira xs'n "?3 ... xnpTiy ym '3'm xajraa n'3 ^mn xs'n "73 'arx xnrnn D'Vn Tin xJipTiy irx xnmn (n),-ui3x x'Jix what characterizes new (straps) and old (straps of phylacteries)? Wherever the leather is stretched (and) it returns to its original state, they are new ones. Alternatively, wherever the strap is stretched and (the phylactery) follows it [i.e. the strap does not snap], they are new ones. The others are old ones Men 35a(47); 3. w. X113 to catch on fire [v. Af.]: nlJ13<1)3J3 X"YU n'3 X'VjVX n'JlVsxi its tail caught fire and consumed it MQ 17a(55); Yev 115a(10); mpn XTQ T1? '"?J1'X (if) his beard caught on fire San 96a(13) Lit: Bacher 233 [Pe., mng. 7]. l#N^?ri*, pi. 'NTF) n.m. suspended object (4- V'^JI pe., pass.part.) pl.m. W\? XJV33 "xVji Xiivay1? suspended objects in a house lead to poverty Pes lllb(37; C) 2# K'Vn, pi. »K^n n.m. (mng. uncertain) only in (NSi'Vl) N'^JI a part of the stomach (4- X3,!7; cf. Sy ^ —V — kIjlA^ rcLn-i^-.K' BBah 154:1) sg. xs'^x ... T3 noji'2; Vsxt ]xa 'xn X3,!?T x'bn npyira nan 'sipm xip'i the /.-part (of the stomach) of one who eats sixteen eggs ... on an empty stomach at the summer solstice will be torn out Hul 59a(10); pi. b'TXI X'J3 '3 X3,!7 'XII 'xVm X'T3 if the stomach is perforated, and the perforation reaches the inner /.-parts IHP 616:14 Lit: Pfl 92; in Akk, the tallu is part of the libbu [v. CAD L 167]; Y: K^fl Hul ib.(BAYTN 97). ^'Vfl adj. uplifted (VV7J1; LJLA ^J1 J 1672 [TgPs, TgKet]) sg.m. xV'Vn n'D33 n'J'J his weapon is in his uplifted hand Bo 112:5 i#io'^n 4- xmn num. 2# "10'Vn 4- nn num. HNrrVn, abs. 'nit1™ adj. third, threefold, n.m. intermediary (4- xmJI; Sy rIJ^LlA^ LS 826; mng. 2: ib., mng. 6 and MH 'W'Vtt; Sifra 24d[(9]) I. adj. 1. third: sg.m. nxWJfl xav the third day HP 181:7(HPP 283:16); f. xs"?n nxn^n XJllpTliys a third (troop) was passing in silence Ber 58a(31); XJnvtol Xnaw the third Sabbath HP 185:20; ib. 28; XJPJTbn Dltt?3 in the name of the third one [i.e. magical word] Bo 107:9; 2. threefold: sg.m.abs. ]X"TiX an' H Xiam T-TJ ,xn,'?n nT3 wbn r by wbn ayb 'xn^n blessed is the Merciful One who gave a threefold teaching, to a threefold people, by an intermediary, in a third month Sab 88a(14); 'Xn'^JI ]W*7 XnVn b,lOp a threefold tongue [i.e. slander] kills three (people) Ara 15b(43; M); f.det. XJIBTX n(JT'){X)n,1?n a tertiary fever [i.e. lasting three days] Sab 67a(l) [cf. Sy k'^vj^i.ilA^ pc'^v^-k' PSmSup 39]; II. n.m. intermediary [LS ib., mng. 6]: sg. ib. 88a(14) [4- supra, mng. 2] Lit: Ros, TI 48 [wWl IX'HIX mng. 1.2]; Lieb, Greek 292 DW1? "Jl^Jl mng. 1.2]; Y: nxirVfl Sab ib.(BAYTN 330). n.m. teaching, study of Oral Law, Amoraic discussion of the Mishna (< MH lia^JI J 1672; JPA TiaVn DJPA 583; cf. Sy K'n.iisAo^ LS 367) 1. teaching: sg. a. in phrase n/NTiaVn »xa (Xlp) what is the teaching (of the
r • ; - 1210 xra^n scriptural passage)? [i.e. the prooftext; cf. MH 1B11? lia^n Bacher 1:200]: xmB1™ 'XB Xlp Tern 25b(12); rniaVri 'XB && 149a(42); Pes 58b(35); torn 53a(35); ib. 64b(6); Suit 55a(7); Yev 72a(12); g/rf 69a(4); San 19b(20); tf>. 59b(25); SVw 35a(35); lev 115a(22); Men 34a(19); i& 75a(29); Hul 22b(9); j& 134b(24); 140b(32); Tern 9a(18); 16. 28b(38); b. in phrase rb 3'0J/'M XTia^ri: rxnp"1) xiiabn nV a'o: xpna nao xin X'n XJT'TIXn he is of the opinion that since (the Tanna) deduces it as a teaching (from a biblical verse) it is a Pentateuchal injunction Yev 72a(25); Yom 23b(10); MQ 3b(2); i& 5; 10; 5M 1 la(24); /*Z 45b(27); Zev 115a(21); Sefc 19a(17); ib. 53a(21); XTtcbn na pOMl OHT BQ 28:18; 2. talmud, study of the Oral Law with the intent of eliminating contradictions, making logical deductions, etc., the knowledge thereof: a. general: sg. inn "7i?xi1'mna1? xaVy 'Vis mpaw XTiaVn everyone abandoned (the plain study of) our Mishna and indulged in talmud BM 33b(2); -io@'ja;i -a 'xin '3 ,-na 'xtib1™1? mxrpixn by the time I was eighteen years old I had completed my study of the talmud from him MQ 25a(44) [cf. Hor l0b(24)]; mn yvo '-io@':bji -n xnn '3 XTia^l n^W1? XJTBi by the time I was eighteen years old, I had learnt the entire talmud Sab 63a(26); XTiabn [n'^lS -] '"?13 i& 114a(39) [94 n'TOOB]; Hag 3a(19); SVu 41b(39); '"? x"?'pm 'XTM^D pi'Vo >] '^13 '3 I consider it [i.e. that particular matter] to be equal to all my talmud Ber 24b(14; P) // Men 17a(25); XJMJtfi nxa 3Tr> n'J'B "733T XllB^n nSJW'n (PN) fasted one hundred days so that he should forget the talmud of Babylonia BM 85a(48); H'Vy 'am p3T 1J73 n'lia^n mm the scholars prayed for him and his talmud was restored Sab 147b(41); mm f? X3B1 XliaVn linV Ti'X how do we know that they [i.e. the Tannaim] had talmud? iSGF 50:3; ib. 49:12; XliaVn D'nJlD'X study of the Oral Law was completed ib. 97:13; b. w. Vmn pa. [v. infra, mng. 3]: pnv '-n rrap mia^n -nna mn par I'nbn "?3 0'"M every thirty days he used to review his talmud before PN and recite (it) Ber 3 8b (42) // Hul 86b(15) // Kar 27a(47); ]W jvbl) '"? 3'3J? 'XTlB,7rr7 mmnxi ty give me a respite of thirty days until I can review my talmud Ket 77b(34); MQ 28a(44); c. w. Vipy itpe.: H'liabn "ipfl'XI his talmud was forgotten BB 9b(24; F2); Ber 18b(14; Ed); AW 41a(15); mma'jn "Ipya &A 90b(28); ib. 147b(39); 3. Talmud, Amoraic discussion of the Mishna: sg.abs. xro'rn TbT\ '3n Xma"?n 'it? Tfb these three misnayot [i.e. MYevK 14:8-10] do not have Talmud Yev 114b(29) [editorial note]; det. ,T^I3 <X)in')Tia^l "nxm "•yo ynbra he went through the entire Talmud [i.e. sixty tractates at the kalla sessions] in thirty years iSGF 94:3; *?KW pXI XTtobl) the Palestinian Talmud TGHark 157:20; X^'T Xma'jn our [i.e. the Babylonian] Talmud ib. 32; 107:32 Lit: Bacher 235; S.Z. Havlin, Encyclopaedia Hebraica, 32:857- 895, s.v. Tin^ri; Y: XTIS1?;? Sab 149a(42; BAYTN 244). n.m. apprentice, disciple (< Akk talmidu apprentice AHw 1311, AIOA 107; Sy K'ijLj&aA^ LS 367, Ma XTBIXH MD 481, > Arab Jj-Jj Fr, AF 254) 1. apprentice: sg. "IB 'X xTabn nx nan nip 'x xraVn nx nan if this one [i.e. Moses] is the master, you are the apprentice. If Korah is the master, you are the apprentice San 109b(53); 2. student, disciple: a. general: sg. oni xp mm xrabn xinn1? nvinawx nmna XWn'Va PN encountered a certain student who was reciting (the tradition) in a whisper Er 53b(46); xrw n"?i3i xraVn xinn m"? mn 'xr 'i n'1? 'WpB mn PN had a certain disciple who used to ask him questions the whole year MQ 5a(54); xw-na 'aa narrxn xrfr'a p'sxn xra^n xinn yya ymm poy -[raff a certain student who revealed a matter which was said in the school twenty-two years later San 31a(27); XTftbn 'Xn xjvnp'sx awn n'3 rrb man (neap yswi a student who pours out (water from a cup) before his teacher is not irreverent 7am 27b(46); Sab 30b(35) // Pes 117a(38); pi. 'TB^r! 'B'jX lonn twelve thousand students Ket 62b(52); ib. 63a(5); Ned 50a(24); Sab 67b(35); b. of a certain Rabbi: sg. mn jam' 'm n'Ta^n 'ox "\ pn was pn2's disciple Sab 45b(43); mn 3m n'TB^n XJin 3T Bes 40a(28); torn 77b(19); Qid 25b(10); Men 72a(41); Hul 11 lb(16); 7e/w 25b(38); iSGF82:6; pi. 3m n'Tabn Par 105a(4); flg 106a(43); 5A/ Knvatoi 1211 t t : 107a(31); Er 65b(29); tfu/ 37b(36); Nid 52a(41); //SGi? 29:14; 'mnx 'B/1TB n'TD^n1? »'"fi» 3T "73 every Rabbi used to explain to his disciples different explanations iSGF 62:12; TGHark 32:8 Y: li.TTn'jn Sab 67b(35; BAYTN 236). NTlVaVn n.f. mending (etym. unkn.; -1- xnTaVs) sg. XHVaVm XOna a needle for mending Ber 63a(38; P) // xminvaVm Qid 82b(l) Geon. expl.: D'^XySW' IW^S p Xipn 'WN KflTO^m KBrlB IsrfrK TGHark 214:21, i.e. uj mending of clothes. While Low, Lehnw 590, rightly rejected the Gr etym. proposed, ib. 589, no other satisfactory one has been proposed. The present rdg. has both mss. support and Geon. tradition, an alternative rdg. [I KJITO^S] is also supported by the Geonim. y*?T\ vb. to become wormy (denom. < ! XJljrt'Vl; mh y'jnn lnvth 388) Af.: n'V x"?ax ybm '3i when (the bran) would become wormy, (the XTl'pT) would eat it San 108b(46); J^JIXT Xn ,T3X3 ybm X"?T Xn n'3X3 this refers to where it became wormy as its growing fruit, that to where it did not become wormy as its growing fruit Hul 67b(7); xi^'x yVnxn xn msu xts yVnxn xn n'BU this refers to where the fruit itself became wormy, that to where the tree itself became wormy ib. 9; MQ 10b(31) [of dates]; Mak 7b(44) [of a rung of a ladder]; lyVrTXT '"11131 X"IP'3 meat and fish which became wormy HG3 196:29; ny^im nans ybry iTBU may his body become wormy with maggot(s) and worm(s) Dec 7:12 &?T\ vb. to pluck out (Sy xAAi LS 826) Pe. (a/): 'rm wna xm©3 thm ]xa 'xn one who plucks out dodder from among prickly shrubs and thistles Sab 107b(46) [cf. Er 28b(15)]; Sab 107b(47); pass.part. Xin wbn it is (considered as) plucked out Men 70a(23); ib. 28; "jjm V^m "73 Xin whatever is plucked off belongs to the husband HP 114:20; Bek 26a(35) [wool] Pa. to tear out: !1JW jrttfalBl we tear out hair MQ 16a(20); X1?! VU^m a wave tore it [i.e. the water] away AZ 59a(4) Itpe. to be plucked out: pn IXnm 31 by IX 'Wl'jn'X1? n'BID even though afterwards (the produce) will eventually be plucked out HP 114:22 vb. to do a third time, make threefold (denom. < I xnVn num.) Pe. to do s.t. a third time: un xiB'D3 xnp'B1? 't xs'bi n3 T7xan xrom 'rfrro in a place where they are praying, and there are not seven people to read in the Torah scroll, (the same people may read) a second and a third time TGAs28 22:29 Pa. to make s.t. threefold: TO? 3pjT m XnX aT 'tf? n'Vnai ('nMn'l1? PN used to tie them [i.e. the straps of the phylacteries] and entwine them in a threefold fashion Men 35b(17); JWT3 Tibm he makes a threefold (knot) at the top (of the strap) ST 492:53 Nll^n, pi. '^NTI n.m. species of date palm (< Akk talu young date palm AHw 1312; Ma 4# xVxji MD 478) sg. nnana xjv?;i f pi xi3J xinn a certain man who cut down a f.-palm belonging to another BQ 58b(28) [Var: xawp Geon 246:28,Es; i s.v.]; ATeM12a(31; MGD 711:8V5); pl.abs. I'bxn BB 69b(7); det. '^Xn na imp t.- palms sprouted in it BM 109a(24); BQ 92a(6; F1) [Var: V?m '^p'T H]; '^XTO '3JT1 nBS ins lin the birds used to come and sit in the /.-palms BB 26a(29); ib. 22b(37); 23a(2); SSHai 6b(8) Lit: Flora 2:317; Y: 'tow BB 23a(2; BAYTN 7). xrhn, f. rbn, pi. yrffj), w. suf. ->rhy num. three (-1 ltx'nWin, 2#xn'?'/in, nxn'^r, VnVn, mrbn, TA ri?f\ TO Gen 15:9, Sy rc'^LS^ LS 826, Ma xnxVri MD 487) sg.m. mbn wb nn two out of three BM 32a(l); ntf?n xn WX1 X3X I and you (pi.) make three Pes 110a(33); n'na^XI XJfrxia he increased its value with three (zuzim) Kar 27a(26); '"TOm nn^Xl the third of Tisri Yom 8b(18); XJ'in nnVn 3ma3 we were in a session of three (judges) BB 165b(32); nn"?Xl3 '131 nrhn 'IB'D three men (reading) in three (different) Torah scrolls Yom 70a(15); '3BT XriVn nn two (or) three times Pes 7a(35); Yev 48b(41); BQ 24b(2); xapb xrbn xrbn ]a ">nsn no'^n thirteen loaves of bread of (the size of) three to a qab (of flour) Ber 42a(2); '3»'T Xlbn Xn1?^ three times each Sab 61b(6); VU'lfrn the three of them HG1 108:1; f. rbrb Xin one (grain) into three (pieces) MQ I3b(3i); t> xrax n^n 'V max rbr\ you said three (things) to me). I shall say three (things) to you Sab 152a(27); 'Va rbl\ 'an these three things Suk 34a(29); nxa rbr\ three hundred Sab
KaBn xrbri 1212 149b (49); mryBB/ nVn ri?T\ X3fl the 7a««a heard them in groups of three Qid 6a(6); pi. ]T^n bl remove thirty (cubits) Sab 98b(22); 'BV J'n^n thirty days RH 7b(10); '3np pm ]'rf»n thirty- two wars AZ 8b(19); Tbn\ ]Vbn "13 thirty-three years old San 106b(6) Voc: xffin HPP 260:19; HGP 25b: 1; Y: Xrfrn Ber 6a(39; BAYTN 328).. - N3tf 3 KnVfl, NnVn n.m. Tuesday (4- X3tf; Sy i^Sy-i iVkbai LS 827) sg. &£ 156a(29); Afew 49b(21); #«/ 60b(18); HP 2:23; 5o 136:16; Xrf7n Sab 87a(4); G7? 77a(20) Y: X3»3 Xrfrn &16 ib. - i#"ip'^n, "io@'^n, f. no'Vn, no'Vn, '"lOrfrri, nfrjr nVn num. thirteen (4- rbn, Ma -lOKVn m./f. Nold, MG 188, Sy irnsSu^ SG § 148) 1. thirteen: m. nOfffi'SIXI lD@^>n thirteen or fourteen San 13b(8); 'Xliax lO'^n thirteen speakers Ket 106a(22); HTO'X no^ns ]'3I X3X '1 'n3D no'Vna xnera 'trips pn used to buy for thirteen 'simple' staters meat from thirteen butchers Sab 119a(ll); 'p'SD ,!7ai ID'bn |1J7» xnS'lU thirteen camel-load(s of questions about) doubtful cases of terefas Hul 95b(30; V11); "ID'Vn 'SX'ja 'S"?X 13,000 angels tfag 14a(10); MQ 10b(36); AW 55a(21); BM 46a(12); 55 150b(27); f. ID'^n 13 thirteen years old San 69b (49); 'B'n "lD'^n thirteen loaves of bread K>m 75b(23); KffllP "I0@'^n thirteen rows A/eg- 28b(37); xnXP'33 no'^n thirteen synagogues /fag 15b(5); Ber 20a(ll); Xnil'n nO'Vn thirteen animals flu/ 10b(8); pitf ID'^n thirteen years Ta« 20b(26); Git 68b(34); 55 8b(43); &w 25b(47); AZ 4a(34); 'W 'TO'^D thirteen years Qid 70b(24); Xnxi3'"l nD@'^l 130,000 San 26a(46); rrm 'Tbn Ber 6a(4i); xnxra:i nipy rf?n thirteen rivers Tan 25a(42); 2. thirteenth: -|0@,!7m nD@'"W the twelfth and the thirteenth Meg 2a(42); nD'3nx 7M "lO'^m XmiX the night between the thirteenth and the fourteenth Ber 4a(15) Rashi [Sab 119a(ll)J points out that lO'^Jl is often used typologically in JBA to indicate a large number; Lit: Eps, Gr 126; Y: "lO'ty BB 8b(43; BAYTN 329). -2#*iO'^>n4-'-in ">TbT\ num. two (< Win [4- nil num.]; 4- '"in num.) f. Xn"3n 'D^JI two barrels Sab 110a(49; M) Lit: Eps, Gr 125. KJTnVn n.f. a third part (4- xrfjn) sg.cs. n'nVn nXO JT»3 a third part of a Z>e/ sea-field TGAs28 205b:3 DJF) adv. there (4- Dm, pi); Ma bxn p MD 479) only in phrase Dn'B inVtt? they sent (a message) from there [i.e. Eretz Israel]: Ber 8a(35; F); Bes 4b(30); G7/20a(21); Yev 115b(26); San 17b(28); Zev 87a(ll); Men 43a(18); Hul 101b(15); Ara 22a(53) Y: DJI G/( ib. iinri vb. to express astonishment, be tired (4- xnunanx, xnnanx, xna'n, .ran; Sy ca^b^ LS 827, Ma Dnn MD 483) Pe. (a/ ) 1. to express astonishment: ]1J\V '"\ nan Xp Din PN expressed astonishment fa« 9a(18); Ber 8a(17); AW 22a(39); "ITJ^X 'IT nitfyBB man xpil the fact that you express astonishment about PN's action TGHark 207:36; nan'B1? X3'X '3,1 nan'BV X3'X IX if there is reason to express astonishment, it is in this manner ib. 268:31; TGAs27 16:6; TGAs28 26:9; 2. to be tired: 13'miXB WHBJ1 XJTX.n you are now tired from your journey San 95a(22); mty n1? jwan wn'^sm 3ix xa"n lest since you are tired they bring it upon him [i.e. the pagan] AZ 60a(10; HGP 56b:31); 'XT n'3H Tl nb 3n'a nan nn miy ... rff 'sa sn'B 'ysi nan 3'n' 'SB with regard to the Temple mount, if he is tired and wants to sit he is able to sit. (But) with regard to the Temple court, if he is tired he is unable to sit at all Tarn 27a(28); xnxi nan Dnitfl n'"l3n he was tired and another came and slaughtered HP 208:16 [Var: nBJI'X HPQ 216:9] Af. 1. to express astonishment: X3D XB^n 'Tn '31 nana mn whenever he saw a good dream he would express astonishment Ber 55b(44; F); 'nanai lltfpan they ask in astonishment TGHark 228:18; iSGF 34:16; 2. to make a rhetorical statement: Xip nana Xp '.IIBnx the biblical verse actually speaks rhetorically Zev 113a(28) [concerning Ezek 22:24]; nan'B Xp 'manx nn David was merely speaking rhetorically Git nan ] 57a(20; MGD 622:10) [concerning Ps 60:12; Var: nana xp 'manx Vl6v18]; nan'a xp 'manx ib. 60b(7; MGE 715:16); Pes 17a(21; V17); San 20a(40); 3. to cause to desist: W'JXI 110133 'S'pn marym r^yb manxi subdue, bring to rest, and cause to desist his heart and strong thoughts Bo 127:27 Lit: Rashi San 95a(22), s.v. VTCISJI [Pe., mng. 2]. Tian n.m. Tammuz, the tenth month (< Akk * Tammuz AIOA 115 [cf. LB Du'uzu < Sum Dumu.zi AHw 179]; Sy wo»& LS 827, Ma naxn MD 479) sg. (nn^a xnw xmm nan nOM'l'^a they made Tammuz of that year a full month Tan 29a(19); RH 18a(52); BM 83b(50); n3 lOIPW nyi Tiara nna from the first of Tammuz until the sixteenth of it Pes lllb(32); Yom 4b(26); nan nsipn the summer solstice Sab 53a(38); Tan 14b(16); AZ 75a(29); Hul 57b(41) Y: nan Pes ib. NJ11BJFI n.f. tam-status (i.e. status of an animal whose owner had not been warned that it had caused injury; < MH2 man J 1676) sg. 'Xman naVunnwa xpn Cfrwb x':nx 'xa ■'b x'nx 'xa ib x'jnx 'xa 'xmanwi 'xman xVx xpn irts what did my tam-status benefit me? It benefited you that you pay half of the damage. But what did my torn-status and my partnership benefit me? [i.e. I should pay only one quarter of the damage] BQ 53a(39) V the similar rdgs. in OHP ib. 133:21+ and DS, ad loc. and n. p; Y: Nfflari BQ ib.(BAYTN 193). KTinttfl, KTinan n.f. a hard substance of a plant or tree (etym. unkn.; * I X"I33) sg. xnnan '©"n (if the bird fell on) the r.-substance we consider the possibility (of its being internally injured) Hul 51b(39; VI2R.G.) [Var: Xnnan Ar (AC 8:243); * 4- xnnan] Y: xjrirm'ji Hul ib. NTttri n.m. daily sacrifice (< BH Tan J 1676) sg. XTanV pc 'X' ini DX if young goat('s meat) is better, let it be brought as the daily sacrifice Pes 57b(l); XTBn Dpn'XT XBT 'Bp'a Xai' the day before the day on which the daily sacrifice was established Tan 18a(33) Y: Kypri Pes ib.(BAYTN 106). Njaari H'ttri adj. peculiar, puzzling (4- Vnan pe., pass.part.; Sy r^m ; Sa^ admirable LS 827) sg.f. 'u?rx '■'Von i3Ta xn'am 'n^'a "73 people remember well any peculiar thing Hul 75b(24); TGHark 193:11; ib. 268:30; pl.f. 'M "73 '"? 'a'X '"? pan xrvim mnyn 'b'a tell me all these things that you did since they are, in fact, puzzling to me Git 68b(30) Y: N.Tpn Hul ib. nt<3'Bn adj. eighth (4- X'JBn; cf. Sy rciiLo*^ LS 827, Ma X'XJXBn, X'Xran MD 488) sg.m. 'Xran 'aa1 the eighth day (in the daytime) Nid 67b(17); nxran xar HP 182:1; ib. 183:10; 184:1; 21 NflSBJI n.m. a bitter herb (etym. unkn.) sg. Pes 39a(9) [expl. MH nsan Mib. 2:6] Lit: Flora 1:430+; Y: X3»fl Pes ib. Dan vb. to cease (Sy •p-inin to make perfect LS 827) Pe.: K'a iam3 when the water ceased (flowing) BQ 30a(8); Nid 59b(l 1); mm 'tt'n Dn'B X'a 'VlX the water ceases completely and then flows again BM 117a(38); OT Er 88b(2); ib. 3 Geon. expl.: pin im Dif>»3 d'oxiji D'nn ixna '3 toitbi nbD3 I'BDsna i'xi npiy1? GS 78b: 13. ]Z3n adv. there (< nan + ]"; archaic and dialectal; 4- Dn, Qnn; QA pn ATTM 724, TA p?\ TO Gen 2:8, Sy ^^ LS 827) i"?3ia pnb 'ysnan inx"? .Tn' (his feet) bring him there to the place where he is requested Suk 53a(18); pn Tin pi pi ](XD ]an nn 'nso ]31 pi such-and-such scholars were there, such-and-such eulogizers were there Yev 121b(30); pnV ,!7nn <l){"l(nna mm cress had been placed there Ned 91b(14); ib. 51a(21); Ber 63a(32); BM 84b(34); BB 58b(14); San l03a(39); Zev 30a(i4); ]an nxmn xDyanxi instruction declined there iSGF 61:15; n»31 "7y ]an )xabvb iin'^a iipos'Vn im'ts niys'xn P3T make an effort as much as possible that their affairs should be decided there amicably by you Dec 1:7; TGHark 112:31; ib. 161:21; TXTI pn mnn'XI Xin he and his wife dwell there Anan 107:5 Y: ]Bfl Ber ib. }T3»n, f. 'aan, pi. laan num. eight (4- nxran, 13
•waari - ■■ t : 1214 Krnan XTUttJl; TA 'IBri, TO Gen 5:4, H'aSfl ib. 22:23, pari ib. 35:28, Sy rd^h^ LS 827, Ma X'lXBn, pi. ixixan MD 488) sg.m. rrtf" x'lan1? 'x if she gives birth at eight (months) Yev 42a(25); San 69b(28); X'IBn V-pttn njmx 3'iT 'a does one invest four (zuzim) and take eight? BQ 103a(24); W X'IBn eight days /f«<w 88:15; ib. 81:10; Kom 84b(17); 'SX X'IBn eight ways Ber 4b(36) [w. ref. to the eightfold acrostic Ps 119]; Qid 31b(8); 'III X'lam ynvy twenty-eight zuzim Bek 50a(8); Tan 18a(6); Nid 29b(16); 'Bin 'lam ]'jmx ]nXB rmaij? two hundred and forty-eight members of his body Bo 59:14; f. 'ian "13 an amount of eight (seahs) MQ 12a(49); BB 60a(14); "|rto 'ian your eight daughters-in-law Pej 116a(8); 'jr>3 'ian eight eggs Sk* 53a(31); Ber 33b(17); £r 82b(46); XnX3p'l xnxnXlO'X 'ian eight female spirits Bo 21:9; pitt 'jam J'j73nx forty-eight years AZ 9a(23); nXB 'ian eight hundred ATe? 106a(21); 5M I04b(i3); fffim ]'»am nxa 'ian eight hundred and fifty-two Git 88b(2); pi. 'TIT pan eighty zuzim BQ 115a(42); fiM35b(25);'IP pan eighty years/ft?F 83:17 Voc: '3'8n HPP 240:19, ,1*3Sn ib. 57:19; HGP 25b:28; Y: '3B7I Ber 33b(17); WW Yom 72a(13; BAYTN 328). - np'aan, io@'aan, loaan, f. np'aan, n0@'3ari num. eighteen (Ma "IDXlXBn Nold, MG 188, Sy i m s JfU-SA, imiiisJi, f. r^H m \ ) Sa^i SG § 148, TA IDy nifiii TO Gen 14:14) 1. eighteen: m. xmi'n 'T7 "ID'ian eighteen rows of white hair Ber 28a(5); "10'lBn 'W>3 eighteen headbands Sab 59b(36); "I0@'ian 'DID 'ElVx 18,000 parasangs Suk 45b(24) // San 97b(43); '13J7 10@'iam nXB nVn three hundred and eighteen slaves Suk 31a(19); San 21a(32); Men 29a(l); xnnwas Xian ]8 in one-eighteenth in length Anan 28:18; ib. 30:20; no@!lBn Su/t 8a(i8); ivy man ///> 185:29; f. no@'ian 'in ]"in '"lOWn ]"in are these eighteen (literary units of the Psalms)? There are nineteen Ber 9b(53); ib. 28b(50); Ara 12a(29); yVO n0@'lBn 13 eighteen years old Sab 63a(25); Ket 64b(27); BB 91b(23); 2. eighteenth: m. 'nil T.D3BH xmiX nD'ian the night between the seventeenth and the eighteenth (of the month) Men 68b(23) Y: 'TO '3D? Ber 28a(4; BAYTN 329). NDJan n.f. one-eighth qab measure (4- X'IBn, xiam; Sy klL^c,^ LS 828, jpa maw djpa 577) sg. xmaip Xfuan the previous t. -measure Pes 109a(24) Y: Xn':3M Pes ib. Kmnan n.f. (uncertain) sg. ]lTB'n xbl iTrnnara Bo 88:8 Nrnari, SniaW, pi. nan n.f. date palm, date (4- nan '3; Sy rc'&T.i.bii, pi. K'xiTa^ LS 828, Ma xmain, pi: xnain MD 483) 1. date palm: pi. nan("l) XTOD3 'rnn two branches of date palms Suk 32a(25) [expl. n'S3 Lev 23:40]; 2. date: a. general: pi. nan n'l'B V'SXi xVpH a date palm from which he can eat dates BQ 87b(34); Qid 9a(10); <')lxnaXD n'poy nn his business will be sweet like dates Ber 56a(36; MGG 704:15); '1"T ]PB 'Bl nan dates also indeed nourish ib. 12a(45); W~a nanx -|'-|3 he made the blessing on dates first ib. 41b(9); X11ST ]B 'Xn nan "mxi itbp-b XO'D one who threw a clod at a date palm, and caused the dates to drop off Mak 8a(5) // Sab 73b(31); Git 61a(9); b. properties: pi. ipjsa x"?i pence pvhvm \itwq \$im nan dates satisfy, warm, loosen the bowels, (and) strengthen, but do not pamper (the body) Ket 10b (47); xVpnb X111 '3 xa.11 'apa nan (eating) dates before bread is like an ax to a date palm [i.e. it is harmful to the body] Ket 10b(54; Ar [AC 5:388]) [cf. Ber 12a(43)]; nan ]r?3'n x"?1 X'V'Vs do not eat dates at night Sab 140b(29); BB 91b(48) [4- Xpmj?]; c. w. var. designations: sg. Xn'lll'.Tl Xman partially ripened date Ket 6ia(48); xmnim xmaw Sot 49a(43); pi. nan XTO31X black dates Sab 109b(16); ib. 129a(45); BB 124a(22; P1) // Bek 52b(2) [4- 'SSI1?©]; nan XnxiXl'n white dates Sab 109b(18); xp'TI nan dates (detached by) the wind Ber 40b(42) [expl. MH nr73fo Mib. 6:3]; BM 22b(21); 'I'Sp xn"?n Xn"01S inmam three (/.-measures of Persian dates Sab 110b(34); xm'BIX nam I'l'jna '1,1 (edible) stones of Syrian dates ib. 143a(26) [v. ib. 29a(29)]; d. parts thereof: pi. X3p nan '3p nn n*l01 Xn"Wp1 two qabs of dates (give) more than one qab of (date) stones Yom 79b(8); e. products made thereof: pi. nam XW311 date syrup Ber i#xan i 38a(9); Pes 113a(18) [date wine; 4- xnX'Tl '3]; f. processed forms: pi. X'113X1 nan dates which are on a reed mat (for drying) BM 67b(26) // Ket 50b(34; V5); nam XX13TI a pressed cake of dates Ket 80a(2; Ar [AC 3:335]); '13JH nan 'anD dates which they made into a .r.-cake Ber 38a(22) [i XanD]; nam XS013 residue of dates Tan 24b(18); g. containers: pi. nam XIX'TB a wicker tray of dates Pes 88a(2; V17); XBnil '1XX nam baskets of bread and dates Ber 58b(18); Tan 9b(25); nam Xniltf an s.-basket of dates Ket 80a(l; OHT ib. 245:10); X131 nan 'in dates (kept) in a k.-vessel Hul 58b(l); nan 'in XnX'Tl'31 dates (fermenting) in the vats HP 6:3; Git 78a(25) [4- 1# XpDD]; #M44:8 [4- xVmn mng. 1]; San 89b(10) [1 X"?3"IX]; h. measures: pi. Sab 110b(34) [v. supra, usage c]; nan 3p a qab of dates5A/21a(46;F') Lit: Flora 2:343+; Voc: ns/l HGP 16a:21; 'Tan HPP 7:16; Y: '.Tan Ber 12a(42; BAYTN 171). l#K3fl, N3NJ1, HXan, pi. 'NSn n.m. Tanna, a T-7 TT~r "T- scholar mentioned in a Mishna or a barraita, an oral transmitter of the entire Tannaitic tradition (4- Vl#'in qattal-ibrm, lin, XD11; JPA 2#"in DJPA 586, > MH2 ]'Xin Sot 22a[22], GeonH ]'Xin Eps, MNM 689, GeonArab I'Xin^X JQR OS 17 [1905] 755:13) 1. Tanna, a scholar mentioned in a Mishna or a barraita: sg. a. general: sg. Xin 'Xn '3 fiaxi ini'X they who said according to this Tanna (in the following barraita) Sab 47a(32); SIOT'1? x"?3n '3 Xin IDX b'T'"?! should the Tanna continue to enumerate like a peddler? Git 33a(2) [+ //'s; 4- xVsTI]; 'Xn Xin nxaV^lT Xin Xin this Tanna (of our Mishna) was a Jerusalemite Tanna BQ 6b(17); n1? *fr Xin XmiDpa max nxi ^yiaa the Tanna learns (it) from 'shoe', and you say (it) from a 'short cut' Ber 62b(53); Qid 40a(24); Bek lla(18); "ma Xin 'Xn '3 X1?! our Mishna is not according to this Tanna Sab 140b(33); Er 69b(9); Yom 39a(23); Meg 2b(33); 'Xp X3'n Xin on what does the Tanna [of MBer 1:1] base himself? [lit. where does the Tanna stand?] Ber 2a(15; P); Tan 2a(14); 1'Vsi Xin XlXn '31 PN is a Tanna and may disagree (with a statement in our Mishna) l#K3n T * Tan 14b(21); Ket 8a(45); BM 5a(21); XlXn ]XB TO1? n'1? '"rya Vim who is the Tanna (who maintains) that sand is beneficial for lime? Sab 80b(36); Er 59b(2); Hag 22a(35); BB 146b(15); n'ia 'dd Tanai n'ni3 D"xpn xin 'xn ]ai who is this Tanna who agrees with him and is more stringent than he? Pes 77b(31); pi. X'n 'Xin (the matter) is (a dispute of) Tannaim Sab 53b(23); RH 19b(l); Bes 19a(30); BB 21b(31); XB'l "Xin3 shall we say that (their opinions) are like (those of) the Tannaim (in the following barraita)? Pes 23a(41); Ket 27b(39); Zev 13b (41); 'Xin 'in3 'Xin 'im (the dispute of) these Tannaim (in the previous source) is like (the dispute of) those Tannaim (in the following source) Bes 19b(2); Sot 20b(4); Nid 16a(24); 'Xin ■'im xniT?S31 (do those Tannaim) have the (same) dispute as these Tannaim? Er 35a(14); Qid 59b(45); BQ 105b(30); Nid 21b(20); X'n H 'Xim XS'Vx nb 3'011 (the anonymous Mishna) is according to PN, and he states it [i.e. the former and latter parts of it] according to (different) Tannaim RH 7b(19) [4- V3D1 pe., mng. 3c]; nn mm' "TI X3'"7X1 'Xin two Tannaim (who differ) in the opinion of [lit. according to] PN Bes 23b(22); mm xn'Vx 'J'Vdt 'max nm "xin nn two Tannaim or two Amoraim who differ with each other (in a certain matter) San 6a(15); 'Xin 'in V3 'Xniaxi all of these Tannaim and Amoraim Ber 49a(44); b. w. a designation: sg. XBp Xin the first Tanna Sab 21a(31); Bes 7b(31); 5M23a(21); "?3 'nx Xp XnVB "ISt?"? Xnn3 Xin every last Tanna (in a Mishna) comes to add a matter (concerning a restriction) BB 93b(19); ]TH XM our Tanna [i.e. of our Mishna] Sab 37a(35); RH 7b(2); BQ 119b(43); BM 52a(9); Bek 57a(27); X13 Xin the 'external' Tanna [i.e. of a barraita] BQ 119b(44); MQ 17b(35); g/W22b(30); nXDDin Xin the Tanna is the one who writes plene AZ 9b(4); c. of a particular school [v. Bacher, Tradition 227]: 'Xn X'n X3'p5? 'T '31 XlXn Xin this Tanna (in the barraita) is a Tanna of the School of PN Yev 74a(21); Pes 34b(3); Sab 27a(12); n '3T Xin 'Xn 'VBW g/rf 37b(12); Xin nPia '3T Xin Xin 'Xn San 56b(45); 2. Tanna, an oral transmitter of the entire Tannaitic tradition (miSnayot, barraitot, 15
2#K3J1 1216 ^ halakhic midrashim, etc.): a. in BT: 1) misna- yot, etc.: sg. x-co 'rdrr\ ^m tj; xjx nx:n n"? 'ax XflBDWl nS'OI (if) he said to her: "I am a tanna." (This is acceptable) only when he can recite mis- nayot, Sifra, Sifre, and the Tosefta Qid 49b(2); 'X XTCbn X»,!7 X1H XJn if he is a tanna let him recite misnayot Meg 28b(30); Svu 41b(36); X1?! XJn 'JD 'jn 'XB J/T the tanna recites and does not know what he is reciting Sot 22a(8); XJn xpTB3 XJn 'ii"x xmax1? 'xi"x xan^ xaty ,!?i3 idx map the tanna recited (it) in the public lecture in his presence. Does everyone listen to the tanna"? They listen to the speaker Hul 15a(33); Pes 100a(3); miB 2T n"jnXi XJn 13'X if, indeed, there is a tanna to whom PN transmitted misnayot dealing with measurements BB 87a(32); Hul 110a(4); Zev 114b(19) [4- Vl#y3p pe., mng. 4]; xjx xd'xt n"an'n x1? xanb «]ov m V'x pn said to the tanna: "Do not recite it [i.e. fTUS! MSot 9:15] because there is I" Sot 49b(55); ;£>. 22b(13; V2); 2) barraitot, etc.: sg. map 'JXm XJn n3WX1 "7TX mi!T 3TT he went and found a to««a who was reciting before PN 5er 24b(31); BM 113b(28); San 103a(3); /(Z 46a(8); Hul 64b(ll); XJn 'Jn 'XliaXT XpTSa a to««a was reciting in the Chapter of the (Practice of the) Amorites [= T§ab, ch. 6-7] Sab 67a(45; M); pi. TOlW 'XJnV they asked the tannaim Nid 43b (50) [concerning the text of a halakhic midrash]; BM 34a(49); b. in Geonic lit.: pi. 'XJn p3"l TGAs27 33:19; ;'& 71:16; xnSDTO MT\ ]'DH ]Vn "XJfll our tannaim recite so in the Tosefta TGHark 156:34; «yfr'n yim'n pxi "x:m xf;i3 un pni all of the tannaim transmit in this manner, and there is no difference between them ib. 107:22; 'Xim XW1? the version of the tannaim Seel 38:65(Var) [fol. by quote from BT] Geon. expi.: ns Vy ]mwn ymow riray ^p piujin'k'0 UB' 1'Ki oyra x^x iiaVrn ppoiy ]'xi m'jwn ibV? pawn xotjq px-np ToVtii nrasan noma x"?x ryoya pxi iiaVn jna^a x°?x ia»a n:wa nai p»ix» x:n ,rn xV pin mixai ... Kan irnx V»3y ^Ba IUBO "?» pjYIO Tarbiz 69 [2000] 126 [Responsum of Hai Gaon]; Lit: Eps, MNM 673+, w. lit.; ib. 688+; S. Emmanuel, Tarbiz ib. 105+; Voc; 'XJiH VTM 45; Y: XJfl Ber 2a(15; BAYTN 102). 2# N3J1 n.m. Tannaitic statement (4- Vl# 'in) pi. "XJn AZ 4a(40; SM 190:27) [* "Xip; Mss.: "un] nN3fl n.m. condition, stipulation (4- V2#'3n, 'IJri; JPA "an DJPA 586) a. general: sg. N3'X nx:n there is a condition Yev 110a(l 1); mn HXJn ]WU n'V he had a stipulation concerning marriage ib. 94b(28); Kar 7b(45); mn nxjn Vr iTT1B"T1 T3 perhaps there was a condition in it, and she falsified it Git 22b(4); Qid 60a(39); pi. V\b pnBJ X3'na 'XJn "73 from where do we learn (in the Bible) about all stipulations? Git 75a(27); 'XJ71 SSHai 4b(ll); ib. 14a(15); Dec 10:16; '171 n1? 'axp 'XJn he states two stipulations to her Git 76b(l); JVerf 15a(l); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V'Jn af: sg. n'NJn (n)'1? 'Jnx his stipulation was effective for him Qid 23b(28); Bes 30b(21); 2) V2# ttn af: sg. rrxirf? .T^X 'Vinx he completely relinquished his stipulation Yev 110a(8); Ket 73b(14); 3) V?B3 pe.: sg. TPXirb .T^BD he doubled his stipulation [i.e. he stipulated what he would do if it was or was not fulfilled] Git 75a(26); 4) Vnpj/ pe.: sg. '"? XnpyT n{'}r»3 ^3 X1? iTXJn"? it is not her prerogative to repudiate her stipulation Qid 50a(18); 5) Vmp pa., itpa.: sg. 'jn Xp ">XJn 'BVp1? he wants to fulfill his stipulation Git 34a(36); ib. 84a(12); gW60a(34); mXJn .T1? tr'p'X his stipulation was fulfilled AZ 37a(21); pi. XJ'T? "imm IS'^X^n ia"p fulfill your conditions and (then) go to court Ket 19b(24); 6) V'TO pe.: sg. XD'13 HXJn XTOaV to insert a condition into a ge/ SM 66a(16); 7) V2#'3n af: sg. nXJTl mns 'IXWI he makes a stipulation with her //P 46:1 Voc: n'Sffi HGP 12a:30; Y: .TKJn G/r 74a(32; BAYTN 51). Sin vb. to become stiff (4 X3J1X1; Sy ^3Li^ LS 829) Pe.: jwVa paix «x» na3 WTn i^1? na n'1? SOClUri 'aiX what does the term Ehn mean (regarding dough)? As we say in Aramaic: "It became stiff" TRN 248:6 [expl. MH thnn p?3 Mib. 3:2] The quotation from the spoken A dialect shows that the rt. 21T\ has both a fig. and lit. mng. just like the MH rt. Win; Lit: Eps, GCIntr 50. 'Wn n.m. condition (I V2#'3n, nXifl; Sy ,co^i LS 829) sg. 'un "?y nyraa ma he admits "ian 1217 something conditionally TGHark 1:5; /fe 106:30; TGAs28 205:17 "i3ri n.m.pl. oral tradition, study of the oral tradition, Talmud (I Vl#'JJi pa., inf.; 4- l#xin) 1. oral tradition: pi. "13ri3 X3X naXT "na'X ID^ nax 'a 'Xlpa say that I said (to you that he is knowledgeable) concerning oral traditions. Did I say (this) to you concerning biblical verses? AZ 4a(40); 'xn 'Vis x'lrw X3'X(i) ^i mm iyoi 1'pVo xnV'a xinV pn'ayDi i"vxi ]:3m "ijris when PN saw that there was such a change in the oral tradition of the Rabbis, even though their explanations for a particular matter corresponded iSgf 20:12; ijxri mm "•nn -pn pn^is ip3w they abandoned all of those oral traditions which they used to study ib. 30:12(Var); ISGS 44:1 (Var); "ra "12n Tan (PN) learnt the oral tradition from him^Z 10b(27; M); 2. talmud, study of the oral tradition: sg. mn Tp'tia "i:n ^3 all of (their) talmud was (just) in (the order of) Neziqin Tan 24a(53) // Ber 20a(7) // San 106b(39); Xnpa xn^tsaa "a maVn "iin xnVVuai naa/ai (the study of) Bible and Mishna is in the sukka; "UJl (glossed: TiaVri) is outside the *«Ma 5mA: 28b(43; E2) [cf. AC 8:249]; 3. Talmud, the Amoraic discussion of the Mishna [4- V'in pa., mng. 2]: sg. rv?n p is1? "lan 'Viss '»x rna ibs n3"?m the law is according to PN in the entire Talmud, except for three (cases) TGHark 202:20; TXh'O ini'ian &rf> H4a(39; Ed) [^ xri3oa xnn one tractate; note ib.(Q): XTia^ri VC>Va * n'TOOa]; piD3 "lin V332; D'pns lapr they arranged chapters of the entire Talmud in their order STA 9:4; "13m Tpoijn they discuss Talmud Se/er /Va 'i«i>n 247 Lit: Eps, MNM 8972; Bacher, Term 239+; Y: "lajFI Tan 24a(53; Mo 263). lttSniari n.m. oven (perh. < Akk tiniiru AHw 1360; TA mifi TO Gen 15:17, Sy 1# k'Aco^ LS 829, Ma X"l13Xn oven, hollow space MD 480) sg. n'JiB-m xniin ni»1 she heated up the oven and raked it Sab 109b(29); nnVpi XTUnV VTTrWO she heated up the oven and burnt it [i.e. the skull] San 82a(34); XTJ.1T; XTJI1 a heated oven Yom 29a(3); Tan 24b(54); Qid 81b(14); BM 85a(50); X'nn XT3n Xanai Xnn,X a certain woman who used to heat up (her) oven Tan 21b(23); njwn TJ XTJn an oven of nine (handbreadths) Hul 124a(27; V11); XTUru XniX rf? "?SJ a half brick of hers fell (from its wall) into the oven Bes 32b(33; Ar [AC 1:279]); XTWn TSmXT '1J n^pm a pagan took it and placed it in the oven AZ 38a(39); Hul 59a(15); Hag 5a(l) [4- Xina mng. 2a]; Tan 22b(26) [i X'D3, XB1S mng. 2a]; Zev 95b(25) [4- X'ntJ]; MQ 17a(51); Bes 32b(36) [4- V3#p"ll» pe.]; Sab 110b(31); Anan 71:21; pi. 'TJItf 'TJM Bo 78:13; nun Xy31t;a 'aD'p XyaiV seven (portions) of ashes from seven ovens Sab 67a(4) Lit: AIOA 108; HAL 1623; ALBH 150; Voc: XTJli HPP 54:19; Y: XTUn Sab 18b(19; BAYTN 244). 2# KHiain n.m. helmet, corselet (< Ir *tanu-vara covering of the body [cf. NP tanura part of dress worn by dervishes, type of armor PED 331]; 4- nXTjn; Sy 2# K'ioj^ corselet LS 829, JNA XTUfi tannura skirt HDJNA s.v.) 1. helmet: sg. X"?nsi XT,JT13 ln'l^y XriX he attacked them wearing [lit. in] an iron helmet Pes 118b(17; TGAs42 165:3); 2. corselet: sg. 'DXT XTJri a corselet (woven from) myrtles Ket 17b(3) [expl. MH XBiJ'n Mib. 2:1]; pi. MQ lla(7) [4- nXTtin] Geon. expl. [mng. 2]: nnVD ,13 XBWjaT XDX p naip OHP Ket 15:8; cf.: pc*AuujA rc*icuiii ^_fi_a rCx^oi rOi<u» ?X ^i<* •** ^ \^j ^ KL^an-i. rc*^,. » fin rC^Li >* '\ K~* rd-xjino_u Audo 2:629. Lit: Lagarde, GA 51135 [etym.]; Eps, St2 816. nNIWfl n.m. corselet maker (nwfee-form < 4- 2# XTun mng. 2) sg. 'axb n'1? xiir; mm1 n nun Vlja"? nXTJn PN permitted PN2, the corselet maker, to weave corselets (on the intermediate days) MQ lla(7) Y: ronufl MQ ib.(BAYTN 326). nin vb. to place, lay something down (sec. rt. < nJfl'X [4- Vma itpe.]; Ma 1# XJnx MD 43) Af. 1. to place, lay s.t. down: irrty'XJ.a runx W Vanxa if he placed a utensil on them the day before Bes 31a(17); X5?1XX rrrunx 'T\rb n'BB '3a n,!?pl£;i when you arrive there, place it on the ground and pick it up Git 24a(16; V18); H'S^ltf XjnX "?y n'njnx TJn1? -\oy the emperor removed his crown (and) placed it on the ground Git 57a(18; MGD 622:6); iTlV'y nnnjnx mVpiy TTIXI he took it [i.e. the plant], placed it on it,
1#'371 1218 i#'an and revived it BB 74b(12); HTOnXI Xm3'rn'' 13y he made a chest and set it down Ket 106a(8); 'Xnbo'? nnnanXI I placed my basket BB 74a(29; Geon 344:18); VU'nmriX K3',l XayT X1?! X37I ^3 X'n xmyitfS wherever (a person says:) "I do not know where I put it" [i.e. the money], it is negligence 5A/42b(45; HP 83:10); runm 3"ayxi ND^a'n T3 even though he places mortar in it BB 6a(28; F2); Tn^'XE? xn"7'33 n'nanx1? IX1?! I did not borrow it [i.e. the bucket] to put it in an enclosure BM 97a(5; HP 75:14); Sab 155a(14) [i l#xrm mng. 3]; ib. 148b(l); HP 32:18; ib. 36:8; Xanana Xp X1TIJ7 XH I am, in fact, placing an 'eruv IHP 603:13; i& 604:21; TGAs42 166:13; //G7 348:33; pass.part. XTUm mn»1 'Bp ]B before it is placed in the oven HG3 214:3; 2. to put on phylacteries: -p3B mn»1 nB'X "73 whenever he put on (phylacteries), he would recite a blessing Suk 46a(25; HP 30:6); mn» 131 xwis xy-in nana xt? when he puts them on, he puts on (those of) the arm first ST 494:65 [ittaf. i Vma itpe.] Lit: Nold, MG 84. 1 # '2J1 vb. to repeat, learn a Tannaitic tradition, to recite, to report a tradition (4- 'ana, xmana, i#xan, 2#xan, "ian, ]"an, xa"an; Sy rdib\ LS 828, Ma l#xan MD 488) Pe., pf. lsg. 'Xan Pes 68b(49); nman /far 25b(5); 2m. man Meg 28b(45); 3m. Nan Sa« 3b(3); xaw Ket 76b(24); TG/ZarA: 103:32 [v. Eps, Stl 34+]; Xaxn Sab 139a(51) [v. Eps, MNM 888]; TOTl AnanSch 35:8; /£GF42:5; lpl. xa"an Svw 28b(ll); Xa'an Yev 69b(22); pn /ev 37b(40); 'naan 5a6 37b(17); na'an Pes 34b(29); 2m. mman5M 102b(35); 3m. ian >fev 9a(8); 1'aian /5GF 39:11; imp. 3m. 'am1? Gi? lla(6); n^JTr-V 7ev 3a(8); ma'am1? BB 19a(15); T'ama Qid 67a(14); imper. 2sg.m. 'an Pes- 62b(23); inf. xmti? Meg 4a(24); 'am»V Ned 65b(10); rvimb Er 9b(22); part. lsg. Na'an Qid 12a(17); ib. 49b(2); 2m. maxn RH 22a(22); 3m. 'JNn SwA: 50b(4); 'axnp San 34a(46); 'aw Zev 115a(24); lpl. p'an 5aZ> 28b(46); 2m. iman /4ra 29a(23); 3m. laxn San 99b(50); pass.part. sg.m. 'an BQ 117a(39); f. X'an fi/W 84a(49); pl.f. fan 5a£> 18a(16);- 1. to repeat, do again: a. alone: im X1?! 'aB'T nNB jmx T1? Nan he repeated it to him [i.e. the lesson to his pupil] four hundred times, and he did not learn Er 54b(47; O); xan 1'MT 1'jmx .Tra he repeated it after [lit. from] him forty times Ber 28a(51) // Pes 72a(ll) // Meg 7b(34) // Ket 22b(l); T'an'NI XflBns TDy'N I shall go through the scriptural reading and repeat it Meg 4a(27; L); xnV'B XnV'B 'XT xn T'am XplOB XplDS 'XI Xn iT'anT this (refers to where) he said each word and repeated it, that to where he said each verse and repeated it Ber 33b(51; F) // Meg 25a(35; L); xax !'axn xp AnanSch 15:17; Xlp T3 XJm l"yX even though Scripture repeated it Afen 19b(5); San 59b(12); Seel 112:24; T'an '3Xn"? for this reason (Scripture) repeated it Anan 34:8; j7_>. 90:16; Seel 78:2; rG/4.s2<? 22:29 [4, Vn"?n pe.]; rGtfartt 157:15; b. used adverbially w. another vb.: 1) preced. [Ma T0V XJIHX) he slept again MD ib., MG 444, Akk sanu G w. fol. vb. CAD 5/1 399; cf. I Vi#tot pe., mng. 7]: mnns "?y rvbpvK xan he forced him to give (a get to his wife) a second time Git 34a(24); TBp1? "?"y 'an bring (the case) before him a second time Hul 99b(23) [V11: Tin n,!?"5/]; ,T3 D'bn 'an X1? in he does not contract (the blood vessels in the meat) again a second time with it [i.e. the vinegar] Pes 74b(46; M1) [M: Wbn TOT]; Meg 30a(3); 'TIT ny3"IN TSTIX Nan he lent him again four znzim BQ 115a(36; HP 86:20); Nam 0*U Nam 01J he studied (it) again and again Hor 13b(48); N1SX3 '"7'Sn mNl N3'n in1? mna xp xam pa'p^oi ttji if he put on phylacteries in the morning, made a blessing, removed them, and put them on again Seel 47:36; Anan 114:9; 2) fol.: Xnn'SX 'axm T^m V'n mn XUa ]'3X1 he used to habitually pass back and forth at the doorway of PN, the carpenter Sab 23b(23); Tap X'am HS^m she was passing back and forth in front of him g/rf'81b(ll); '3m 3'TJ he plows back and forth BB 12a(28) [cf. Sy i<j^o i^w rc'tir*' PSm 4464]; BM 107a(5); V?m 'an mp 3in again it shouts a second time and wails Bo 131:2; 2. to learn a Tannaitic tradition: a. general: ]'n'ana xan'a1? m'1 to learn our Mishna relating to it [i.e. the Megilla] Meg 4a(24) [incorrect interpretation of 1#'3D J^ MH imaiy"? ib. 22]; 'V na1? 'mn xan'a why do I have to learn twice? Kar 17b(30); 1'n'anaa pm Xn'133 xa'ani we learnt (it) in our Mishna and we learnt (it) in a barraita BQ 92b(40); X"?T pn pm pn X1? ]an what we have learnt we have learnt. What we have not learnt we have not learnt [i.e. the Tannaitic law applies only where it is specifically stated] Ara 23b(20); Nid 47b(36); Bek 38a(38); frvm 'an im frwa 'an in one (Amora) learns (in MBes 5:1) j'b'lffa and another learns frxwn Bes 35b(20) [v. Eps, MNM 318]; AZ 2a(7); Hul 139b(32); BQ 6b(17); iSGF 25:3; 'anp x"7 xnapn nb n'xn -p 'anp xnapn nV n'"?n ^n he learns that (case) which does not have a remedy. He does not learn that (other case) which has a remedy Yom 27b(27); Tn'ana3 'iV 'an pi so PN learns in his Mishna BQ 78b(14); '3 xan ■?'T'ai 'an'a X"?3T1 should the Tanna continue to learn (the various cases) like a peddler? BQ 36b(32); 'an 'D31?! xn'nixn xaw1? 'an xnp'ya P3TI Xair?'1? initially (the Tanna) learns in biblical Hebrew [i.e. nppa rwii MQid 1:1]. Later he learns in Rabbinic Hebrew [i.e. IJHpM tf'Xil Mib. 2:1] Qid 2b(2); ... V2TWH X1? TaMW 'JXm ]Xa V2W0 X1? mwn 'axm ]xa the one who learns naiXlS (in MSuk 5:1) does not err, and the one who learns nawn does not err Suk 50b(4) [I Vi#tf3tf itpa.]; poyna rwn xam 'T'x xa"?n poyna nsiO Xan perhaps since (the Tanna) learnt poyna in the first part (of MRH 4:8), he learnt poyna in its latter part RH 33b(9); Sab 6b(10); Yev 86a(43); Hul 2b(32); xnmxT 'am pan xan (the Tanna) learnt the Rabbinic law (first) and (then) he learns the Pentateuchal one RH 12a(16); T'an'a 13 '3'n how then should he learn it? Qid 67a(15); X"Q"? 'an piS go out (and) learn i (this Tannaitic tradition) outside [i.e. it is not authentic] Sab 106a(6) [+ //'s; i mV, s.v. 2#XT3 mng. i.b.2]; itx x'am ... xin 'am x'n 'xan it is (a difference of opinion of) Tannaim. He learns one (Tannaitic source) ... Another (Tannaitic source) is learnt Ket 6b(17); pass.part. 'Xa Tin xn XaTXn 'am Xnn'na come (and) review the literary unit which was learnt today BQ 117a(39); X'am xn x"?TX ]Xas with whom does what is learnt (in a barraita) agree? Er 26b (10); "73 l#'3n x'yann 'i3i x"n 'ins x'an ix"?n xmana any barraita which is not learnt according to PN and PN2 Hul 141a(38); X'am3 Tan 16b(39); Yev 72a(35); San 70b(42); X'amS1? n'V 'yi'a he needs it, as it is learnt ... Yev 6a(25); Qid 17b(36); BM47b(41); AZ 51a(49); 'mn '31 'TO ]"an are they learnt together (in a barraita)! Sab I8a(i6); ]X'an im'byi iia'x ]'n'ana -ira (the words of the Tosefta) postdate our Mishna, and they are learnt concerning them iSGF 34:14; b. w. another vb.: 'am E/3©an X'n '0'3X T3 X'nn that is (according to) PN who learns the Tannaitic tradition in a corrupt manner Bes 26b(18); Xp 'am p'OD he learns decisively (in our Mishna) Yev 16b(l); BQ 61b(30) [I VoTt pe., mng. 4]; 'amx m'TJ 'am1?! ll^S'1? ... XS'O before he learns the last part (of the Mishna) let him draw a distinction in learning in this very case [lit. itself] Er 30a(39); Yev 103a(ll); BQ 28a(34); Bek 16b(16); c. as a correction of an error: 1) imper. 'an learn [v. Eps, MNM 509+]: Yev 12b(3); Git 10b(31); San 15a(5); Svu 29b(9); 2) 'am TfD combine and learn (together two Tannaitic statements; v. Eps, MNM 594+): Ber 59a(47); Sab 34b(24); Pes 75b(4); RH 14b(24); BQ 59a(30); Men 87a(9); 3) part, 'an: I'mana^ nn'1? XWTia '33 iam X^ma '33 'am» our Mishna is not (correct) since one learns (a contradictory barraita) in the school. As they learn in the school ... Yev 92a(5); Er 36b(22); d. in citation terminology of Tannaitic sources: 1) pn we learnt [< Tan*; v. Eps, MNM 815+]: a) Mishna: xama pn we have indeed learnt Men 67a(6); BM 54b(ll) [and passim]; b) barraita [v. Eps, MNM 843+]: Sab 90a(15); Suk 3b(15); Git 15b(27); BB 2a(18); Men 15a(4); 2) Dnn pn we learnt there [i.e. in another tractate; v. Eps, MNM 815+]: a) Mishna: Er 20a(39); Ket 42a(9); BB 35a(3) [and passim]; b) barraita: Er 10b(22); Yom 55a(46); Qid 40a(5i); Hul 87b(26); 3) xa'an, na'an, xa"an we learnt (it): a) Mishna: xa"an 'M ]ax f)X even we have also learnt (it) Ket 27a(3); Svu 28b(13); Hul 9a(17); Bek lla(3); na'an Pes 35a(6); b) barraita: p3T iam Xnb xa"an we have learnt (here) what the scholars learnt Qid 29a(28); Hag 2b(ll); BM 25a(7); Hul 117b(17); 4) ian
l#'3n 1220 !4f>lT\ X'B'an/pan the scholars learnt [v. Eps, MNM 879+]: a) Mishna: 1331 13n Pes 37a(27); Qid 29a(50); Xa^H Xn'anaa X'»'3n MT\ na so the scholars learnt in our Mishna Seel 73:33; ib. 109:20; 140:37; 172:15; b) barraita: pan MT\ Sab 75b(26) [and passim in BT]; piam pan ^lDp1? pan lan Xnaia p'nBX pn'tyl pan '2 the scholars collected them [i.e. the traditions of R. Hiyya and R. Hosaya] and learnt them in the be rabbanan, and we say concerning them in the Talmud: 13J1 pan iSGF 39:12; 5) HW'an you have learnt it [v. Eps, MNM 884]: a) Mishna: Yev 59a(2); Sot 45b(l); Git 85a(33); BM 23b(5); tfe/t 7a(52); b) barraita: Hag 19a(49); AZ 75a(10); 6) 'an/'anp (the Tanna) actually learns: a) w. ref. to a Tannaitic tradition mentioned in the discussion [v. Eps, MNM 885+]: (1) ATS 'anp at any rate (the Tanna) learns .... Er 12a(8); Yotn 7a(6); BQ 40b(37); Mei 6a(13); (2) 'anpn '»a Xp'n it is also in accord with what (the Tanna) learns: Bes 27b(31); Tan 14a(3); 7ev 79b(31); £g 14a(25); Hul 67b(10); (3) 'anpn "U"n this is what (the Tanna) learns: 5er 41a(l); Air 13a(22); Hul 58b(31); (4) 'anp '3m Xnon'D 'TIDn (the Tannaitic source) is actually truncated and (the Tanna) learns so [v. Eps, MNM 595+]: Sab 37a(2); Meg 6b(54); Ket 69b(31); &« 29a(43); Nid 56b(40); (5) 'anp rf?y xm does he not, in fact, learn concerning it?: Er 42a(3; O); Yom 69b(46; V17); BM 80a(36); (6) nty 'am (the Tanna) learns concerning it: (a) general: xn""133 n"?y '3m .fir 82a(10); 50 18a(30); BB 71b(4); #u/ 126a(l); (b) introducing a previously made statement [= na nBX; v. Eps, Stl 95]: 'anp Ate 19a(21); ib. 19b(34); 25a(19); 57a(17); Me/ 2a(12); 7b(30); Seel 65:13; z/>. 88:48; 7) X3'3n I learn [v. Eps, MNM 878]: px .tV 'ax nnsn nmxa 'ra na 'an X3'3n do you learn anything concerning the form of an entrance? He said to him: "Yes, I learn" [fol. by barraita] Er llb(26); Svu 45b(31); X3X nV X3'3n d'b'jx1? mnpi nb wan I learn it (in a barraita), and D'S^X1? 3np I learn it Qid 12a(17); Svu 37b(16); 8) Xan he learnt [introducing a barraita; v. Bacher, Tradenten, 236+; Eps, MNM 1291+]: Er 14b(22); Hag 25b(28); Git 31b(ll); 9) Xain Xan the Tanna learnt (so) [= tuna < *tana < tend; v. Eps, MNM 887]: Ket 76a(18); BB 84a(3); San 28a(42); //«/ 44a(25); 10) pass.part. X'an it is learnt [v. Eps, MNM 817+, 867+]: a) Mishna: Ber 21b(45); Sab 105a(l); Yom 26a(33); for 105a(35); BB 156b(17); b) barraita: (1) general: Sab 50a(50); BQ 12a(32) [and passim]; (2) in var. phrases: "]TX X'an another one is learnt Pes 79b(33) [v. Eps, MNM 153]; Ket 6b(19); Hul 131b(33); X'JftTI and is it not, in fact, learnt? Sab 61b(2) [v. Eps, MNM 154+]; Pes 88a(43); BQ 14a(10); Men 34b(29); X'an xm and this is learnt Yom 23a(20; OHT ib. 10:6); '3H 'B3 X'an it is also learnt so Pes 89a(36); Qid 72a(9); BB 19a(5); •f? XJT'OBn X'an (a barraita) which is learnt which supports you(r opinion) Er 3a(52); Yom 77b(21); Xion am irnTD X'an (a barraita which) is learnt according to PN Sab 24a(l); Yom 4a(10); BM 13b(13); X'an X^TJ X'an '"?n he makes something which was (specifically) learnt dependent on something which was not (specifically) learnt Sab 22a(22); Ket 2a(ll); 3. to recite a Tannaitic tradition [I l#xan mng. 2]: a. alone: 'ax 'Xa JJT X1?! xan 'an the Tanna recites and does not know what he is saying Sot 22a(8; V2); ib. 49b(55); BM 113b(28); San 103a(3); AZ 46a(8); Hul 64b(ll); pana Xinn Xnxa^H 'axn mm a certain one of the scholars who was able to recite misnayot Meg 28b(37); xnsV'n laxm '"in'3 two people who can recite misnayot Svu 41b(34; HP 126:3); Seel 31:1 = HG2 492:71; •h'tihsb J/T xVl 'axm ]Xa one who can recite (the Tannaitic tradition), but does not know how to argue iSGF 44:11; b. together w. knowledge of Scripture: 'an "pS nns np -]BB nns recite Scripture aloud [lit. open your mouth, read]. Recite the Tannaitic tradition aloud Er 54a(9); xnp x1? 'aa xnpa ... xan x1? xan'a he could not recite the Tannaitic tradition at all, neither did he know Scripture at all Pes 57b(5) // Kar 28b(l 1); Meg 29a(12) // Ket 17a(50) [v. Pa., mng. 3]; San 99b(50); 4. to explain, elucidate: a. esp. in *]0V 3T 'an [v. Bacher, Tradition 254]: 1) w. ref. to Tannaitic statements]: a) in Hebrew: Ber 13a(6); Sab 26a(9); Pes 117b(23); b) in Aramaic: Pes 42b(19); Tan 31a(13); Ket 17b(15); ib. 103a(26); BM 71a(43) // AZ 22b(22); 2) 1#'3H 1221 i#'an Aggadic statements: a) in Hebrew: Tan 3b(21); Git 37a(2); San 36b(21); AZ 10a(32); b) in Aramaic: Yom 10a(10); Ket 112b(6); Sab I55b(8) [xjnnnaa pn an]; b. anonymously w. xan explaining a Tannaitic source [v. Eps, MNM 12913]: Yom 66b(44); 5. to report: xan1? n'V"»'a 'anp H83 let him ask the Tanna how many (years) he reports AZ 9a(13); ib. 9b(2); 6. to sift flour [caique < MH2 ">lt pe.; cf. MH2 yiW ]'X 31t3 D1'3 nap Be? 29b(5); 4 Vi# mn pe., mng. 11]: m'an'a Xnap"? to sift the flour HG1 362:10; rT'ana1? '$731 aiD DT3 he wants to repeat it [i.e. the sifting] on the holiday Seel 55:8 Pa. l. to relate, tell: in1? ix'an am nx wx '3 barwh when Et and Heb [v. Nu 21:14] came, they told the Israelites Ber 54b(6) [P: lX'1?!]; 2. to study the talmud [i.e. the oral tradition]: a. alone: nan '3 mann lan pax na rraan am px an PN and PN2 studied the talmud of Terumot in the school of PN3 Pes 34a(8; C); San 41b(16); Svu 36b(49); Nid 17b(6); xp pxi mn ]'p'T3a "lan "?3 'mo xn'ir/ p'ana all of (their) talmud was (just) in (the order of) Neziqin, and we study the talmud of (all) six orders Tan 24b(l) // Ber 20a(7) // San 106b(39); 1'Xpijn p'ana pXl xnxa'na nOfffi'Vn we study thirteen literary units in the (Tractate) 'Uqsin Ber 20a(ll) // Tan 24b(5) // San I06b(4i); xna'na 'xa nnnT xn XaTXn lam come (and) let us review whatever literary unit that they studied today BQ 117a(39); nn'i non xnx3'na 'no@'nnn n"?3 "?33 "lanV to study at each fcj/7a-session twelve literary units more or less iSGF 94:1; b. * V'3n pe.: B/'an^'V 'axm ]xa3 ©'anw1? x"?i nysnx 'anan ]xa3 en nj?3nx let a person use one who can study the oral tradition and not use one who can recite four (orders of the Mishna) Meg 28b(43; OHT ib. 52:21) [v. Geon. expl.]; "?3X xnsV'n laxm Xim X1? lan xVl lana this (refers to where) they can recite the halakhot [i.e. the Mishna]. But (if) they can study the oral tradition and cannot recite the Mishna-no Ned 8a(18); 'axm 'npn ]Xa*7 '^B 'am xnijptf n'1? n'1? 'anan ]mb ^SX this refers to one who can read the Bible and recite the Tannaitic tradition. But for one who can study the oral tradition there is no (limiting) amount (of the mourners) Meg 29a(12) // Ket 17a(50); 3. to expound the oral tradition: an '3T xnD'D "lan^ to expound the book of the be rav Ber 1 lb(25); "ian 'nai xb xaua nanas V'x 'anai na wa 'a'anap come and expound (it). He said to him: "I have not learnt the grace after meals. Can I indeed expound (it)?" Ber 49a(39; F); Tan 7a(24); 'am nns I'XplJ? na 'an'a expound 'Uqsin (for us). He began to expound (it) Hor 13b(49) Af. 1. to teach the Tannaitic tradition (Mishna, barraita, etc.) [JPA 'an af. DJPA 586]: xa'anai m"? xa'ax vptb nm nn "?3i nn'D xn'ir?3 arrv "psn 'anx I shall teach the Mishna to six (children) in the six orders (of the Mishna), and I shall say to each one: "Teach the Mishna to another" Ket 103b(44) // 'Tin 'ini lanxi teach each other the Tannaitic tradition BM 85b(24); n"anxi n"npx he taught him Scripture and the Tannaitic tradition BM 84a(41; V22); MQ 16b(46) [anachronously in the time of David]; Ket 106a(5) [of Seder Eliyahu]; Kar 25b(5); ISGF 19:1; ib. 27:1; 2. to enable s.o. to learn the oral tradition: p3n '3 <')mn'33 "lanx by enabling their(f) sons to learn the oral tradition in the be rabbanan Ber 17a(48) // ]"ana So( 21a(33); 3. to transmit oral traditions: a. concerning the text of a Tannaitic source: m 'ana ... 'an na'ann x1? xax ... mna 'axn1? "rxptn' an m'an'X '3n X*?X PN was transmitting it [i.e. a Mishna] to PN2, his son. (He said to him:) "Father, do not transmit it so, but transmit it so" San 80b(15) // Qid 32a(26); Sab 121b(2); Er 2b(42) // ib. l ia(9); nna x"n"? an m1? 'anana as PN transmits it [i.e. a barraita] to PN2, his son Pes 70a(i2); 3n na x'^1? an na xaa'n an rrV 'ana n"anx vfo 'ax nxna na'xir? s"yx nsnn 3m map nX'nai nann PN was transmitting a Mishna to PN2 in the presence of PN3: nX'n3 na'Xtt? S"J7X. He said to him: "Transmit it (so): nX'n31 nsnn" Er 14a(38) [v. Mib. 1:4]; BB 87a(32) [v. Mib. 5:8]; Hul 110a(4) [v. Mib. 8:3]; ib. 137b(30); xmox"? pana ip'm 'a'n 'a n'a'an'xi nasx I shall reverse its transmission [i.e. the names of the tradents] in the barraita so that it should be established as forbidden in accordance with the scholars Pes 27a(34); Ber 50a(15); 'n n"3nx '3
2#'371 1222 2#'3J1 x"n '-b n"3nx '3i n":jix iiyaw 'tt xs'^x ,Tvrt> .T'iriX 'OT "T7 XS'bx PN transmitted it to him only according to PN2. He transmitted it to PN3 only according to PN4 Yev 33a(28); lev 30b(32); 'Vim "73H nm they transmitted it [i.e. the barraita] as a unanimous opinion Men 17a(33); b. concerning Amoraic traditions: 1) said of a place or of an institution: V.rb rb una X"I103 rb una xn('i3)aiD3 xion am ,rawa xnyaw '3nD 3TT nwa in GN they report this legal tradition in the name of PN. In GN2 they report this legal tradition in the name of PN2 Sab 48b(12); Yom 18b(7); Git 35a(24); una X3"iya3 '3H in Eretz Israel they transmit (it) so lev 55b(18); 3T '31 'SD 3T '3 '3H Una X1? X3H3 31 '3 '3H OX'Una TOT in the school of PN they do not transmit (it) so. In the school of PN2 and the school of PN3 they transmit it so Qid 72b(33); 2) said of individual(s): xn"7 rb '3na bm 13 nx» 3T pnr "n n'aa/a xnyaw PN transmits this legal tradition in the name of PN2 Sab 154a(15); Suk 4b(36); BB 163b(l); x"?3 rb Una px 13 X"H 3T '"131 PN transmits it without (additional) authorities [lit. men] Ket 6a(12) II Bek 25a(8); UX nV "[J'jna OH we transmit it in this manner BB 165b(14); Ara 6a(44); una xyTVUtt 'a'l 31 rDS'X PN from GN transmits it in the opposite manner [i.e. he reverses the tradents] RH 20a(40; GRH 10); Ned 21b(9); Svu 31a(32); nVlJ U"l ]3X puna X3S'X we transmit (the tradition of) the judges of the Diaspora in an opposite manner BB 7la(l); rb puna 'an px n1? inuna '3n inx you transmit it in this manner. We transmit it in that manner BM 47a(28); Hul 48a(16); 3) said anonymously: XUm XHX rb unai X3'X there is someone who transmits it in connection with what is learnt (in a barraita) Bes 24a(46); Ber 8b(46); naxy UD3 XnyaitfV n1? Unai X3'X there is someone who transmits it as an independent legal tradition BM 22b(34); XS1DX rb unai X3'X 'TCinai there is someone who transmits it in connection with the latter part of our Mishna Ber 23a(ll); Pes 88b(38); Ket 12a(6); Unai X3'X xnunax Xlp ■•xrb nC)1? there is someone who transmits this verse in connection with a barraita Suk 34a(13; M2); Jiyatf 'ID rb unai X3'X there is someone who transmits it according to PN Pes 53b(4); Ber 8b(46); 4. to derive a midrashic basis for Scripture: ]inx rb puna Xana px rb pnuna X3na we derive it from this verse [lit. here; i.e. Job 24:19]. You derive it from there [i.e. Dt 11:17] Tan 7b(13) // Ber 55a(46); Tan 4a(10) Itpe. 1. to be repeated: un'X xb 'M un these too were not repeated San 59b(14); 2. to be learnt (of a Tannaitic tradition): 'B'3 Un'Xl UXVa V3X matters which were learnt in the time of his father iSGF 26:6; »& 25:16; 18; 35:10; 46:18; 3. to be transmitted: un'a p3J7Xi pX3iy cases which were decided are transmitted ib. 64:9 Geon. expl.: p 1W1WB3 p 'U» NTO lit iya fjni' vn i! ibV?3 x':n vty naV? w xnxns *733 pi ns'03 fa xrsoiro max '01 HXJW '» BTIBB fXl miOXl ,TW TGHark 103:26; X3'X1 Vsx xnym xm xjxb1? 'Vidi fx'xia nnx x'jn xm foixn wip frota X'ln mi witbi xnnanxs ion x':n xm pax x'Bijn <n>iiw xVm x'3n xm witbi maw nxn OHT Yom 10:6 [Pe., mng. 2]; '3xm ]xa ix^ jnsbn njwn ni ntm'Bi pai ftni fai '3 xin ni mia^n x're iio^at f jo xin ':nai box xnx'ana xnx'rsa jnv xww 'a '3 -am xin pi naxi nis^-in 'jy m uiiaVn pj3 xnx'wa 'jxrm p niaxn 'anai xin m 'tto nysnxi 'ram B'B in'am ^xya»' 't '3t X':m '3 ni D3n ix m D3n rava ni3^n JJ'XW JH3 W'l 7113,?n3 OHT Meg 52:21 [Pa., mng. 2]; Lit: Eps, Stl 81, 110 [Pe., mng. 1]; Bacher, Term 2:239+; Eps, MNM 681+ [Pa., mng. 2] attributes these statements to the 'Tannaim' and analyzes the vb. as Af; on Af., mng. 3b, v. Lewy, Intr 4+; Bacher, Tradition 578+. 2# 'JJl vb. to stipulate, make a condition (I nXJJl, '13n; JPA 2#':n af. DJPA 586, MH '3n hif. J 1681; cf. Sy ,o->S\^rc' LS 829) Af.: a. alone: 'inx xVl "UriX1? 'VS'XT he should have stipulated (it) but did not do so Ket 2b(39); XJX xaans xV 'a: "i:nx I also do not have to stipulate BB 9a(2); 13T1XT xn1?^ 'X^PX 1101? Xlp'ya eventually the matter became known that they had made the condition a priori AZ 22a(15); Yev 48b(38); Git 84b(14); BM 66a(6); Svu llb(25); Men 105b(16); b. w. van preps.: 1) by, -x: xav 'Via in,!?y unxi xissa ia'T wa wash your hands in the morning and stipulate concerning them for the whole day Hul 107a(2; H2); UTIX mnx (if) they had stipulated among themselves BB 7a(9); rVPBJlX '3nx "Xm DWa because this person stipulated for himself TGHark 106:8; /& 271:23; 100:18; 2) 'TO: 'Tin nna UriX "13nx they indeed stipulated among themselves Meg HW 1223 xri'3j;ri 12a(14); Ifev 48b(37); 55 9a(5); AZ 8b(21); rG//aryt 270:30; //P 46:1; 3) p: pn'H (1)l')iTlX1 xj'js 'ya^i snxn ]a xj^s ]3ixn V^nn they stipulated among themselves that NN takes half of the profit and NN2 half (of it) TGHark 272:2 J'Jtfl, f. Kn"3H num. second (I Vl# 'in; TA pjh TO Gen 1:8, Sy r<iLs$i LS 829, Ma l#XiX'm MD 486) m. XJ'an xav the second day Meg 31a(24); HP 182:15; f. XTO'IT Xn":n X31X the second boat of the (floating) bridge Qid 72a(7; Ar [AC 1:267]); XTl'TIl HTOO the second Sabbath (of Adar) HP 185:13; XJirrn DW3 faiy'l in the name of the second one, PN Bo 34:8 Y: XJ"M BAYTN 330. N3"3n, N3N'3n n.m. one who is versed in or transmits legal traditions (I Vl#'Jn) pi. IR32' 'IX'JTl "|X:n linVia they abandoned all those (other) oral legal traditions I$GF 30:12; iSGS 44:1 K3'3n n.m. serpent, sea-monster (TA Xl'ifi TO Ex 7:9, Sy rd-o^ LS 828, Ma Xl'Mtfl MD 480) 1. serpent: sg. '»n 32/ 13 XJ'Jria H'1? 'BTX it appeared to him in the guise of a seven-headed serpent Qid 29b(38; O2); JV3 ]a X3'3ri H'yVsi (n),332?a a serpent swallowed him [i.e. Yezdegard] from his sleeping area iSGF 96:12; pi. TlTVa Tirrp-irrcra you hiss like serpents Bo 78:11; 2. sea-monster: sg. xnx r\tf?1 xrJXl XJIX anrb nyVa XSp©S a sea-monster came (and) swallowed it [i.e. the frog]. A female raven came (and) swallowed the sea-monster BB 73b(13); xran rb -nm xao px xinn1? xrwri we saw a certain precious stone which a sea-monster was encircling ib. 74b(8; P1); Nr:iJl ^V1? Leviathan, the sea-monster Bo 2:6; ib. 29:8; 52:7 Y: XJ'jn BB ib.(BAYTN 238). N3371 n.m. smoke (TA K33n TO Ex 19:18, Sy «iij*i ls 828) sg. rrra xaan p'Voi xriT'3 x'nn a certain crevice from which smoke went up San 110a(54; Ar [AC 2:31, s.v. 4T3]) [He: XIDip] Niaon 4- V-I3D pe. N310JT1 n.m. tasug, a coin equivalent to 1/4 of a dang or 1/24 of a mitqal-denar (< Mir *faj«g 1/4 [cf. MP tasum fourth CPD 82; NP tasu 1/24 of a weight, measure, or day PED 301]; Sy rO(o_in4 LS 281, Arab E.A El 4:692) pi. XT1T 'in <'non> woiwi, nVn pna-n a zuz of the Rabbis is three r.-coins OHP Qid 205:20 The mitqal-denar contains four biblical zuzim and twenty-four tasugs. Since the biblical zuz is twice the Rabbinical one, one tasug is equal to 1/6 of a biblical zuz and 1/3 of a Rabbinical one. Lit: D. Sperber, Le Museon 80 [1967] 265+; Hinz, IMG 34. KrnSOXl n.f. haircut (I >/2# ISO; MH2 miSOri J 1683) sg. xn,X^(,^>nn), xmson a ... haircut San 22b(50) [expl. MH n'F'Vfr miSOri Julian haircut ib.; F2: hXTn' xmBDri] Y: xrniBOJl San ib. tyn vb. (artificial word for invoking a vow of Naziriteship) Pa.: X3TJ?na Ned 10b(19) NVyn n.m. fox (4- xVxn '3ry, x^yn '"73112/; ta ]*h'f\ pi. TJ Ezek 13:4, Sy «lX-i.^ LS 830, Ma i#xVxn MD 478) sg. n'"7 iijo n'iaT3 x^yn bow to a fox in its time Meg 16b(24) [4 VlJD pe.]; Yom 43b(6) // Mrf 65b(30) [i ^lutpbo af., mng. 9]; Vbyn ... ]1 J3 D'm 'Xa Va whatever claws, such as a fox //P 203:11; pi. 'tyn '33 ,!?yn foxes sons of foxes #zg 14a(45) [expl. BH D'Vfyw Is 3:4] Y: X^yn Pei 35a(19; BAYTN 97). KlVagfl n.f. fast, fast day (< LBH n'3jn HAL 1628, J 1684; TA xMyf\ TJ Is 58:6, JPA '3jm DJPA 587) 1. fast: a. general: sg. XJVJyrr? '3'3ia brine for (breaking) a fast /1Z 29a(2); x:"?'3' x"7 xn'jyn p 'Vri wbm I cannot (mount the horse) because I [lit. my strength] am weak from the fast Meg 16a(23); b. w. VsJI' + "3 to fast: 1) pe.: 3'Tl'X xmjma p» 1,'SmX he fasted for forty years Git 56a(40); X33'n' xn'3yn3 I am fasting Sab 1 la(30) // Tan 12b(27); n'n'3jm "?y XD'3J?n rn'1? let him fast (again) for his fast (on the Sabbath) Ber 31b(54); Er 40b(35); Pes 68b(36); iW 21a(14); Yom 69b(19); Tan 8b(31); ib. llb(7); fe; 106a(6); 5a« 100a(8); Hul 87a(23); pi. 3T XJIX'jyn l'y31X 3'n' IDT PN fasted forty days BM 85a(45); ib. 33a(39); A/g 25a(46); 2) af.: 'a xmyra Vb 3'ma 'SB can one make them fast? BQ 91b(12; Es); 2. fast day: a. general: sg. X1JX XJlpTX xri'iym the reward for a fast day is (for
ij?n 1224 KTSJl dispensing) charity Ber 6b(26); XJl'ayn in (PN) decreed a fast day Tan 21b(24); ib. 29; 38; 25a(45); 21b(4); Meg 27a(46); Ket 104a(2); Ned 49b(42); BM 85b(43); XXl'aym XXinaa the afternoon prayer of a fast day Meg 30b(12); Sot 39b(47); pi. XnX'ayril '"?an festivals and fast days ISGF 90:19; HP 187:5; XllX'ayn 'BT TGHark 188:33 Y: Kri'jyri Ateg 16a(23; C) [v. BAYTN 189], iyn vb. to awaken (sec. rt. < "Sim. [I Vliy itpe.]; 4- V2#1in; Ma 1#-|J1X MD 43) Pa.: X1B3 xnsx1? nyna 'tt x-ixp' 'tfxa'xn x-ip' nyna the morning awakens people's honor. My honor awakens the morning San 16b(l 1) // Ber 4a(7; P) [expl. BH IMS nTJ?X ... '1133 niiy Ps 57:9]; 'X H'1? XB'a nnyjU n'll <ff)lxa}'a'X X3'X if there is someone with him, let him awaken him (and) say to him... Pes 112a(20) This rt. occurs once as a corruption in JPA [cf. NJliyjIO PT Bes 63a(46); v. DJPA 400, s.v. Vll?]. nSD vb. to swell, recover from an illness (sec. rt. < 4- Vnsa; 4- xrrsn; MH nsn lnvth 390, Ma 1# X53D etpa. MD 30, s.v. 2# XSX MD 488) Pe.: xnsn rf? 'BX7 ]1'3 when he bakes it [i.e. the shewbread], it swells Men 94a(42); nSJl'B 'niW'X nsn (if the corpse) had remained (in the water for an extended period) it would have become extremely bloated Yev 121a(l 1); Suk 36a(19) [of an etrog; v. Rashi] Itpa. 1. to recover from an illness or a wound: XTT '"[ nsrVX PN recovered Ber 46a(3); RH 17a(51); ""nS^'Xl TOl'S vbn he was sick, fell into a coma, and recovered BB 10b(23); ty 'am xyai ywbx xnx nsri'xi vrmt vbn xb yp'Vx WX lnBJVXl until (the time of) Elisha a person did not become sick and recover. Elisha came, prayed, and people recovered BM 87a(43); Ber 46a(2); BQ 85b(23); ib. 91a(37); San 96a(44); fPT nSD'X '3ni 'Smx in the meantime his hand recovered Sab 148a(ll); Yev 71b(7); San I02b(i); 2. to rest: nanai iTO'Vi nam era'x ray a person is apt to put down his cloak and rest BQ 20a(34); nSDD Xpl ]XB3 like one who is resting Bek 8b(18); nSJl'B Xpl ,T3mx he put it [i.e. his load] down and was resting BM 30b(16); Hul 105b(44) In SOZ 73:1, read: nitfl'K (vb)X Lit: Lidz, JB 2:1724 [Itpa.]. N'BJl n.m. stove (Sy rsila*> LS 830) 4- 'SJ1 *3 Kn'Sn n.m. one who is recovered from an t • : illness (4- Vnsn pe., pass.part.) sg.m. "'bvtib Xn'BJ13 to inquire about someone who had recovered from an illness Sab 12b (12; OMAr [AC 7:177, s.v. 2"SSp, X"D]) Y: nrrsn Sab ib. NJjV'Sn*, pi. 'V'Sfl n.f. phylactery (TA ffcf\ pi. TO Dt 6:8, Sy r^Vkfr LS 830) a. general: pi. 'XH 'V'sn na -ixi 'V'Brr? n'aaTxi x-rno a scarf which he designated for the phylacteries, and he had (actually) tied the phylacteries in it Ber 23b(29) // San 48a(ll); '3'3n '3T ^STS? ',T? X3'm xail'33 'n'TSm I saw the phylacteries of my uncle's house which he sewed with linen (thread) Mak 1 la(25); XB^y nm 'V'Bn the phylacteries of the Lord of the World Ber 6a(47); n'T 'ffai p'Bai ■p3Bl '^'STl naai he used to go out, wash his hands, put on phylacteries, and recite a blessing BQ 17a(13); Ber 14b(43); ib. 30b(48); #h/ 110a(32); 'V'SJl xnaa xVr Xjispip a head which does not put on phylacteries RH 17a(41); '33^1 'a-iaa in'V'sn 'pVoai -irm '3iya according to the people of Eretz Israel who make the blessing after they remove their phylacteries ... Nid 5 lb(56) // Ber 44b(14); T?BTia D'nj man IBS (the words) "han IDS [Ex 13:13] are erased from your phylacteries ib. 56a(40); 'V'Bm XriD3 the bag of the phylacteries ib. 23a(54); Git 45b(33) [4- l#XJT'n]; b. parts thereof: 4- 2#Xjnajra, i# xs^'p, xnyix-i, x-nrvn mng. 2 Y: VT'V'Sn Ber 44b(14; BAYTN 211). NniO'Sn n.f. association to a vow by means of a referential statement (4- VoBJl itpe., mng. 2) sg. xniD'STl 'in ]'b"n max 'X if you say that (her vows) take effect, there is association Ned 75b(2; V2) NTBJ1 n.m. stitch (4- VlSJl) sg. ni'STI its stitch [i.e. of the strap of the phylactery] Men 35b(6; -|sn 1225 obji V10) [M: xnsn]; pi. 'Tsn nonn twelve stitches ST 490:25 "]Sn vb. to reverse (sec. rt. < i\sm [4- ViBX itpe.]; 4- xnasn, V"jsn; Ma X'aiBXnV to overturn MD 31, s.v. isx ethpa.) Pa.: 'aytj naa ]a'3snai we reverse several opinions TGHark 8:17; )B1 xnyaiy1? nV |3'3Dna X'Wip pn we reverse the legal tradition from this question OHTSab 133:2; X71X"IBB 'aisn1? to interchange the sacks Ket 110a(19; TGAs42 144:19) [4- l#XrflBa]; X3'X H'V lOasnai 1'3BT sometimes (we) reverse it GS 19:18 STlSSn n.f. inconsistency (4- VlSn) pi. Xn xn(xa){axiBn naa na ri'x xnyaw this legal tradition has many inconsistencies TGCas 28b(41); pnriXSSm pnriXTIB inconsistencies [lit. shakings and overturnings] ISGF 46:20 Lit: Lewin, I§G 46s. KTSD n.m. table (dialectal form; 4- xVaB) sg. '3'B liaaai ^ Din X^BJI I had a table, and they stole it from me Er 53b(16) 0571, tPSn vb. to seize, take possession, be valid, put in a state (4- XJllD'SJl, XDSD; JPA OBD DJPA 588) Pe. (a/u) 1. to seize, catch: a. general: xax n'ina aiVs'xi oisrrxi "?'T'x I shall go, seize, and share (the find) with him BM 2b(3); XanDWB ■T1? xaO'Dm aaa1? rvb I shall find the robber and seize him ib. 5b(33); 83b(31); Ber 56a(8); DX1 Xma'ja 111' TOST! if the authorities seize you HM 45:5; /fe 7; 44:24; b. esp. property in lieu of debt: main Vya n,!? 'osm lay pi xax 'i1? n"m he saw PN of GN whose possessions creditors were seizing Sot 40a(30); nosn xV na'a ^a'psa x1? nosn nV p'an' X1? (if) she seizes (property) we do not take (it) away from her. (If) she does not seize we do not give (it) to her Ket 64a(4); XJirPX X'nn nrmrD1? XSOaT X0a msm a certain woman who seized a silver cup (in payment) of her ketubba ib. 98a(3); 84b(18); 85a(22); BB 36a(30) [to collect damages]; 2. to take possession: XpSOB D'Sn X1? 'X D'Sn 'X n'V (PN) is in doubt whether (a dead person) can take possession (of the surplus collection) or not [i.e. concerning its use for another purpose] San 48a(44); pass.part. 'a'T rra inV 'O'SJl the court is in possession of them [i.e. his deeds] Git 37a(56); BM 102b(24); BB 105b(2); 3. to hold: H'1? '0SJ1 Xpl '1H3 while they were holding it Yom 69b(24) // San 64a(15) [E1: 'opa]; D'sn 3iDi ni'Diaa csn xV awv the one who is seated (in the wagon) does not hold the reins. The one who rides holds (them) BM 8b(18); nb 'DSn Vl'rm both of them are holding it ib. 2b(23); 3a(45); pass.part. xn©3133 'D'Sn they are holding the fringes ib. 7a(28); 4. to be valid (of qiddusin) [caique < MH21'DDin I'ltflTp BB 145a(38)]: xnisn 'lTp H3 'DSm '3'H '3 'V>1 '3n "IJia 'aa 'OSJl perhaps just as the qiddusin are valid for her now, they are also valid for her afterwards Qid 62b(15); Yev 92b(30); Ned 6b(7); 5. to place in a state: osrvob n'Jimp xa'"?X Hbl nai'lB its sanctity [i.e. of food purchased with money of the second tithe] is not strong enough to place it in a state for redemption Zev 49a(5); ib. 103a(20); Tern 24a(37); Men 82a(25) [v. Af, mng. 3]; 6. to force: bpwab nxhw D'Sn Xpl rfb '313^1 D'aT 'TIT pi ]3 n'a'a the ruler is forcing (me) to take from him such-and-such an amount of zuzim and to sell (the field) to him SSHai 16a(21) Af. 1. to make s.o. hold s.t: ,TT3 XSBn 'DISJIX1? to make him hold a (sacred) object in his hand Svu 38b(42; F2); TGHark 202:28; 2. to put in s.o.'s possession, deposit: 'TIS n'DBJlXT 1X"7 'X TVb "?apa nin XV Xnp'ya had he not put serare in his possession, he would not have accepted it [i.e. to be a guarantor] BB 174b(18) [for add. exx., v. 4- ms mng. 3]; 'B^oa HWDnx put movable goods in her possession (as a guarantee for her ketubba) Ket 7a(4); pyaun DyTB 'WlBTlxV to put something of NN in the possession (of NN2) TGHark 112:7; X3H 'aV H'TIXIST D'BnXT Xiai a man who deposited his z. -writs with the court Ned 27a(19; TGHark 178:15) [4- X7VDT mng. 3]; 3. to put s.o./s.t. into a particular state by making a statement indirectly referring to it: Hivb 'OlBriXT (the word WT\ MTem 5:6) is a term meaning 'to put something in a state' Tern 26b(19) [w. ref. to Lev 13:23; * 4- V4#V?n af, mng. 4]; ib. 17; 27a(9); 1'BDT 'TB3 wa'X O'Bna n,!? a person can put himself in a state (of
NOSn 1226 b",?ri Naziriteship by expressing) something which is close to it [e.g. Dnsx instead of "IJ?U?, both mentioned in Dan 4:30] Naz 3a(31); ib. 21a(12); D'sn 'aa tV ncsna '3 when you put it [i.e. money of the second tithe] (in the state of a peace offering), it is also binding Men 82a(25) Itpe. 1. to be punished [cf. MH2 Tin ]15n 1'OBni Sab 33b(18; M); 1TJ? 'W:x ty OB™ ib. 54b(53)]: Tim xja/'snai n,!?y xn TpB'a xaV'i perhaps judgment will be decreed upon him, and I shall be punished with him Sab 32a(14); W~\ '31 'JH xaVy 'Vl3X 'OSma xmVj the people of the exilarch's house are punished for everyone('s sins) Sab 54b(54); ]1J7 Xinm D'Bma he is punished for the same sin HG3 10:60; JTIjn riDSna xV you are not punished for a sin /Jwa« 6:8; 2. to be put into a state by means of a referential statement: V<1){'}?X1 OIBrrXT 'BD '"131 Tim there were many men who were continually put into a state (of Naziriteship) [i.e. one after another] Naz 34a(22); ib. 21a(13); X1? T.3'1 H3» 'SB ]'0Bma 'ap3 I'OBU'a (if) they are (all linked) to the first one, they cannot be put into a state (of Naziriteship) for longer than the time of (his) speaking ib. 15; o'srf'a xp x-pn'm ix o'sma xp np'jn is it put into a (forbidden) state according to its original condition or (its current) permission? Ned llb(22); ib. 12a(5); Mzz 22b(4); 3. to be deposited: n'JlTOT (pniOBn'a his z.-writs are deposited (with the court) Ned 27b(9; V2) In general, the JBA usages are caiques of those found in MH2 DBn J 1687. N0ST1, NOB'Jl n.m. seizure (4- VoSJl) sg. XDSD X1H it is a (temporary) seizure (of part of the sacrifice) Pes 64b(30) [Var: XOB'n TGAs42 163:20] ISD vb. to spit (Arab ^ to spit Wehr 95) Pe. (u): a. alone: OTSn 'Tim 'pTTJ you spat with each other's spittle [i.e. you are of the same opinion] Nid 42a(30) // 'Tim Xpi"l3 l<3>in»Vl3 Xn)(ni'sri'x Sab 99b(i0) [v. itpe.]; 'xnab .Tram n'T.nx'? I spat it [i.e. the spittle] out behind him Ber 24b(22; P); xpTl T3 ixmab to spit saliva upon him [i.e. the sick person] IHP 599:16 = HG1 237:61; b. w. V'ltf pe.: "ft OlpTST xpn "73 ('X)(X'W nsn 'TO »Vtn spit out (and) eject all the saliva that you have accumulated. She spat (it) out (and) ejected (it) Ket 61b(16) [4- Vl#'ltf pe., mng. 4] Itpe. ib.: v. Pe. In Pes 11 la(16), all the mss. read Xpn V13 ID, and the rdg. in is an emendation of BaH ib. 1ST1 vb. to sew (4- XTBJl; JPA "IBn DJPA 588) Pe.: ixiV m'sn1? ^>0)f}'jn (npsna1? ina is it permitted to sew it [i.e. the strap of the phylacteries] and to place its stitch on the inside? Men 35b(6; M); Mak lla(25) [I XnV'Bn] Nrrtfsn n.m. cutting off (4- Vnws) sg. x'nn yw Tbr\ xn'wsm x^p'i nVsxi xnrrx a certain woman who consumed the usufruct of a date palm for three years by cutting off (the branches) BB 54a(20); Xri'WBn "XH MQ 10b(13; Sidra 9 156:19) Np"insn n.m. (uncertain; 4- Xpnsn) pi. inV Top 'piriSfl nxa J/mX he built for them four hundred ... Bek 31a(15; FV9) [Var: 'ptJBD §M ib.] Nri'insri n.m. perh. clearing the land (4- VrWB; caique < Akk teptitu clearing the land, newly cleared land AHw 1347) sg. npin 'in X1? Xrrnsn clearing the land is not considered taking possession BB 36a(18) Expl. RaH: X^pm X-Ql 'plCffl cutting off the web of the date palm TGAs42 216:11; Lit: Eps, PLA 262 [traditional explanations]; Voc: XJrrfflfi HGP lb:36. Njppfl, pi. N-^Jhpfl n.m. one who blows the shofar (4- Vypn; /pa ypn DJPA 590) pi. bp 'XTfl'T X'JHpn the sound of the ones who blow the shofar RH 30a(9; OME2) Y: K^ipn RH ib.(BAYTN 108). NJISipn n.f. cycle (< BH nBipn HAL 1641) sg.cs. only solstice: nan nBlpn the summer solstice [lit. the cycle of Tammuz] Tan 14b(16); Hul 60a(l); TOO nBipn the winter solstice [lit. the cycle of 7evef]/?//21a(21) 1#'PI1 4-Vlttb'pn vb. 2# 'pxi 4- Vipn vb. V'j?ri adj. full-weight (lit. weighed; 4- Vl^pTl pe., pass.part.) pl.m.abs. p<')pm pXD pn unrpn J227 2#Vj?n good and weighed denars BM 44b(17); det. 'TIT 'V'pm '3X» Tin 'a are there zuzim which are (both) good and weighed [i.e. have full weight]? BM 69b(\); ib. 5; 108b(26) KJTg'pfl n.f. shofar blast, teqi'a (< MH nj/'pn Yeivin, BV 886; 4- Vypri; JPA nnypn pl.det. DJPA 589) 1. shofar blast: pi. XtVb/ p'OB '3 bp »<'){i)3x yaw mb am xnypn xto'si Xnj/'pri "?pa .TJ<1){T)X when the prayer leader completes the shofar blasts in GN, a person is temporarily deaf [lit. cannot hear the sound of his ears] from (the volume of) the shofar blasts RH 30a(8); 2. teqi'a, one of the types of shofar blasts: pi. p'pDBB Xb 'Tina Xnypn 'plOD we do not actually divide the teqi 'ot one from the other [i.e. a double-length teqi'a cannot be considered as two] ib. 27a(12) Y: iwrpri RH 30a(28). I'jJfl adj. strong, grievous, n. powerful or harsh person (4- V«lpri; TA «]'pfi TJ Is 19:4, Sy r^ynft LS 833, Ma Tpxn MD 481) I. adj. 1. strong, powerful: sg.m. XinV Tpn DITp DX if an east wind is very strong San 18b(40); TpTl ^31 a powerful hero Bo 70:8; XB'pJl Xpia a powerful lightning flash Ber 59a(25); XB'pn X3D0 the strong s.-demon Bo 5:4; ib. 78:17; f. Xir1?'1? nriB'pri a powerful lilith ib. 28:4; pl.m.abs. paiy I'B'pn powerful magical practices ib. 5:2; 18:11; 63:6; 79:4; det. 'B'pn 'laya ib. 41:4; '3a"rt»ya 'S'pn powerful enemies ib. 36:8; 2. severe, hard: sg.m. XB'pn W'3'X a severe person BM 64a(2); 3. grievous: sg.m. H'VsX Tpm niya '3X2? Moses is different since the mourning for him was grievous MQ 21a(36); pl.f. n'3 mj?1»» '3X2; X3TO XB'pm Vlpm the reports (of the destruction of the) Temple are different since they are very grievous Ket 62a(19); II. n. 1. powerful person: sg.m. ]J1'X "Xm nyatt?a 'Xa X1H XB'pn<l> Hivb what informs (us) that this (word) ]ri'X [Num 24:21] is a term meaning 'powerful one'? RH lla(30); 2. harsh person: pl.cs. bmwn Xjnx 'B'pn the harsh ones of Eretz Israel Tan 23b(41; V17) // Meg 28b(40) // Hul 122a(44) [* i Ton mng. Il.a]; det. 'Xap 'B'pn the earlier harsh ones San 1 lb(l) [* I Ximiry] Voc: KS'pfi HGP 24b:23; Y: yp 5a« 18b(40; BAYTN 238). 'pJI vb. to weigh, be even, be equal to (4- xmnpna, x"?pna, i# x^p'n, "?'pn; Sy ±j>b\ LS 831, Ma Ubpn MD 489) Pe. (a/a) 1. to weigh: a. intr.: xVpn HDT3X Xn'3'3 a 6.-fish weighs according to (the size of) its stomach BM 79b(31); b. tr.: Tpm 'D'Xl ^"ST X3'XT there is (a place) where one measures, and (a place) where one weighs Ara 19a(22); ib. 24; H'Vpna bpirbl XnV'a let him weigh its weight in salt Sab 66b(38); yv 'pm '.T 'pn mm (PN's tenant farmer) who used to weigh (and) give (to PN), weigh (and) take (for himself) BQ 119a(20); BM 70a(10); Tarn 32b(15); pass.part. 4- "j'pn; 2. to be even, equal to: niD 'T13 lap! X'tt l"?pm iy until the water stood even with (the tops of) the mountains Yom 76a(30); pass.part. '^ X^'pm 'XT.a'jn n'!7,D3 I consider it [i.e. that particular matter] to be equal to all my talmud Men 17a(25) // Ber 24b(14) Pa. to weigh: x"?pna Tpna xran "\ PN used to weigh the weight (of the stones) Ket 112a (47; Ar [AC 8:263],Tos) [// X"B'3 Vpna used to weigh stones PT Svi 35c(17; Vat)] Lit: Kut, Studies 254 [Heb; on V'pri], vb. to remove obstacles, stumble (4- 2#x"?pTI; Sy AJ>b\ LS 831, mng. 5, Ma 2#"7pn MD 489) Pe.: X^p'n bym ]Xa 'XH one who removes an obstacle (to even the level of the field) BB 54a(12); MQ 10b(13; RaH, Ar [AC 8:264]) [4- Vipn af, mng. 2] Pa. id.: Xbp'n V'pnaT MQ ib.(Rashi) Itpe. 1. to stumble: D'Xpl "j'BJ mn H3 Tpma mn had (the ox) stumbled on it [i.e. the stone], it would have fallen down and gotten up BQ 53a(47); ib. 29a(23); Vipn'XI X(l)nilX3 11T1 '3H Xllpl1? HTnm (porters) who were carrying with a pole, stumbled, and broke the barrel BM 83a(25; HP 76:7); Tpn'X HW1? his tongue slipped (so that he said the wrong thing) Svu 20a(7); 2. to have a restricted flow (due to obstructions): bymn ]T,3 nn: ':x» the B.-canal is different since it has a restricted flow BM 24b(17); pnJ Tpna the flow of our canal is restricted Git 60b (47)
*6pn 1228 \pr\ Expi. RaH: '(ax1? +x@<i>ninyia xntyn px bx hji rf?>x he smoothed the surface of the ground and ... to prepare it ... MQ ib. [v. OHP MQ 65:27]. K^>pn 4- 2# xbp'n n. ■Jpn, 'pn vb. to make fit, ordain, institute, prepare (4- xnipna, xip'n, ipn, xnapri; Sy ^^ LS 831, Ma pn MD 489) Pa. 1. to make fit, remedy, fix, improve: a. general: -pnilW ^prb 'miy^ X^l I sent you to remedy (the matter) and not to make (it) worse Ket 85a(21) [+ //'s; i Vnny pa.]; xrfra ppn'x xo'i ^ p'rrwxi ^xii since a miracle occurred for me, I shall remedy a matter (for them) Sab 33b(50); ib. 53; IttfSX ruipnV 1WBX X1? IX nnprf? is it possible to remedy it or is it impossible to remedy it? Zev 15a(l); X131 'npn^ to fix (the disqualification of) a man Zev 76b(4); Yev 46b(26); ]'pn» 'X^'y J'pna '» who fixes (it)? The one who is above fixes (it) BM 117a(21); Sab 146a(51); X1X» 'pnai'aipm but is he not, in fact, fixing the 'vessel' (on the holiday) ? Suk 33b(24); ,T"? 1'pna X1? 'llpni (the second Passover) does not actually fix it [i.e. the first one if it was deliberately neglected] Pes 93a(29); XII ]pnai he improves (by means of it) Hul 8a(29); b. w. "WS1: n'PBl J'pna 'ya 1X1 if he wants he can make himself fit Pes 62a(6); msTOii rr'ixaa "rpitn rprcsi rrnpn1? to make himself fit by cutting his hair and fingernails Anan 89:12; "|PM ]'pJl D'lpl 70S1 ]'pn TOT prepare yourself at night and prepare yourself early in the morning (to do your bodily functions) 7am 27b(36); 2. to ordain, introduce, institute: ppri 'n"11X1 l'J7D pan ppm ^3 whatever the scholars ordained, they ordained (with a force) similar to Pentateuchal authority Yev lla(23) // Pes 116b(32) // Git 64b(36) // Qid 43b(12) // AZ 34a(6); Ber 22b(5); 5a£ 24b(12); BM 18a(ll); 55 172a(2); rf?STQ Vll'ipm they introduced them into the tefilla Ber 33b(43); ib. 27; m X3p ipn TSp ]T7rt (PN) instituted the oai-measure of three (/.-measures BB 90b(5); '1'pn Xmn X3p XIX I introduced a new <?a£ ib. 8(F2); 'Jlpn1? XJ^'D' mil nbiob I can institute (a calendar) for the entire Diaspora RH 20b(2); TGHark 36:10; ;7>. 108:20; 167:2; iSGF 93:18; zfc 105:5; ^«a« 9:23; 3. to order, arrange: X0"B m U'pn they arranged a lot for it (in order to choose the order of the priests) Yom 22a(16); J'pn jxa J'rt'ina '13a now, then, who ordered our Mishna? }fev 64b(13); 4. to install: '3BE> ,T7 1'pm iy until he installed drainpipes for it [i.e. the synagogue] BB 3b(34); pass.part. a'pro1? yno 'a ipna itoidi whose throne is installed between the heavens Bo 31:11; 5. to set aside the priestly gifts [JPA ]pn pa. DJPA 589, mng. 4]: x"?a'D 1'pna ''71X1 Xiai 'J1X 'JT71XT a man under the obligation of the Torah, may come and set aside the priestly gifts from Pentateuchal teve/AW46b(40); Yom 83a(39); Git 30b(37); ib. 86a(4); Bek 37a(33); pass.part. Pes 35b(40) Af. 1. to institute: '7D'p3 max "1 I'pnx PN instituted (the custom) in GN ... RH 34a(45); Suk 55a(29); G/f 67b(10); Hul 107a(24); Upnxi ]1'31 n'ona xnaa xnxi1?! 'kpii 'bin when they instituted the r/g/a-celebrations of the exilarchs in GN iSGF 91:11; 2. to prepare: 1'pnai jxa 'XI '1T31 XnyiX XyiX one who prepares a field for the sake of a threshing floor A/g 10b(13) [4- V2#"?pn pe.]; '3ax xip'ya lrrai 'ipnai xmiai '13X1 XniBIT they used to prepare and bring in advance small stones and large stones Tarn 26b(23); in'Bft'n Wai '1'lriX 'ipnai they prepare others and bring (them) instead of them San 45b(14; K); rrrap y31X I'pn'Vl let him prepare four graves ib. 47a(36); Men 104a(20); Hul 8b(23); xnan x'rra 'xiaV ps'aV 'ysi Tpnxi he is required to go outside to that place which he prepared Anan 30:26; ib. 40:1; 70:4; pass.part. ppna BB 69a(5) [of stones]; 3. to apply, focus: ,T3'tf> I'V '3HT 'xa Vy (pID'llipnX to apply them [i.e. the words of the Torah] upon what pleases his heart AnanSch 26:3; ib. 13 Itpe. 1. to be made fit, fixed: a. of ritual impurity: X13A jpri'X X1? TDX the man has not yet been made fit (to eat ritually pure food) Pes 7b(31); Zev 102b(2); b. of irregular menstrual period: pn'X 11,1@'X1 her menstrual period became regular [lit. she afterwards became fixed] Md 12b (16); mpn'ai mora mrxi par sometimes she goes, gets married (to another), and becomes fixed ib. 18; 2. to be instituted: P" i ]lpnx '1'1 '3 '1J13 'aV'11 but perhaps (the ordinances) were instituted in two courts BB 131b(2); Xlpn1"'"^ 111 Xip'ya xm was not (the Pentateuchal reading) originally instituted (before Ezra's time)? BQ 82a(18) [Var: Xlpn'a F'Es]; Xnxna ]lpn'X '311 W3 the barraitot were instituted in the time of PN iSGF 35:10; pn'Xl '*?'» ''V'x wwx nx wiiaw tya^ mipx1? it was instituted to recite these words to a husband who divorces his wife TGHark 165:16 On the phrase Mp'71 1'prffl [unclear] GiV 60b(47; OHP ib. 241:11), v. I x:p'n. A preferable rdg. for x'jfTO IpnD ATer 112b(l) is xV10 ''f"113 [i N^pTO] ]l?n adj. steadfast, trusty (4- Vjpri; Sy rt-Lnih LS 832, Ma XJpxn MD 481) pl.m. pTiX D"n l'3pm ]'3B a long, good, and steadfast life Yom 7la(27); f. ppm ]rmxa -final m m 'ri'in x1? ]'13 I did not see anyone walking in trusty paths like this one Suk 44b(26; M2) [Var: ppm j'73 HTimx whose ways were trusty like this one O9] XWpri n.f. solution, remedy, ordinance (4- "^pn; Sy K'^LiJi^ pi. LS 832) 1. solution: sg. a. alone: 'XfUpn 'Xa what is the solution to my problem? [lit. what is my solution?] MQ 17a(41); Tan 8a(3); Meg 3a(43); Ket 95a(2); Git 56b(17); BB 4a(14); Sab 110a(26); Yev 63b(40); Hul 105b(32); HP 199:8; 'T'ap HTUpna 'S'D the latter part (of the barraitd) deals with his solution Naz 17a(22); XrUpn inV nb -\X1 those (cases) do not have a solution Hul 93a(35; H2); Zev 76a(19); b. w. Viay pe.: XJUpn "fi T3J?X X3X -fi X^V'Sai I shall contrive a solution for you and will save you San 109b(54); Xrupn ia fi T3J?'3 find a solution for us Yom 83b(36); San 7a(15); xnapn T3J? V'T go (and) find a solution Er 25b(20); fev 37a(4); 5g 96a(20); BM 51a(3); 2. remedy: sg. XJUpJl 'V D'Xl (the disease) has a remedy G;Y 69a(27); ib. 31; .TJUpn 'X» what is its remedy? 5er 44b(26); Sab 134a(l); 7ow 27b(27) [I Vl#'3n pe., mng. 2a]; H'V 'IH'n xVl Q1?y,7 xrupn may he have no remedy forever Bo 141:15; 3. ordinance: a. general: sg. xropn JWim an ordinance of Joshua Er 17a(43); pam Xmpn an ordinance of the scholars Yev 67b(17); BQ 8b(16); BB 50a(9); SSHai 14a(5); IP" 'TT xrupn my ordinance BQ 8b(6); ft* 90a(30); XIID'XT Xnapn ... XTn'm Xnapn a permissive/ prohibitive ordinance Yev llla(31); Ip'JH nVsn XT! xn^pn the tefilla which is the ordained place [lit. main part of the ordinance] (for havdala) Ber 33a(49); pi. inrj xnipn inn xnxnV'n 'an are these traditional laws? They are ordinances BM 112b(4); b. w. var. vbs.: 1) V"?Da pa.: sg. 'Sa '3'H Vmi 'xa» 'Ta^m xnapn boaa how can he abolish an ordinance of the disciples of Shammai and Hillel? AZ 36a(23); 2) Viay pe.: sg. Xnapn P'lay xV XnapnV XTUpm X'n it is an ordinance, and we do not institute one ordinance upon another BM 5b(l) // Svu 41a(18); Git 50a(41); BB 4b(15); Geon 233:6; pi. Xnx:pn TOD H3 layi xnXTBIff he instituted in it [i.e. in GN] several commendable ordinances iSGF 90:18; 3) V]pn pa.: 1131 ll'pn Xnipn the scholars instituted an ordinance Tan 27b (40); xnipn 'Ipy pal 1HX 'D'H nVllin n013 'iflX ll'pm how can the scholars come (and) annul an ordinance which the men of the Great Assembly made? Meg 2a(24) Voc: xrupri HGP 19b:ll; Y: Xmj?n Ber ib.(BAYTN 285). J7p71 vb. to strike with the hand, to blow the shofar (4 xyipn, xnypn; BH ypn pe. to strike, blow a trumpet HAL 1642, > Sy . \ n^ to blow a trumpet LS 833, JPA ypn DJPA 590) Pe. (a/a) 1. to strike with the hand: I'V ypm X131 Xlin mam a certain man who struck another with his hand BQ 36b(26); ib. 90b(17); 37a(3) // Bek 50b (24); 2. to blow the shofar: ypn -fi X1111 '3 'V when I snort at you, blow the shofar for me RH 34b(27); p'ypn '3M ©Ipaa how can we blow the shofar in the Temple (on the Sabbath)? ib. 29b(27); 29a(l); 30a(12); ypn'V Sab 114b(7); ib. 21; ypn 1"1 D'a ^Diai Xliy3 when he libates water and wine (on the altar) he blows the shofar Suk 54a(14); Hul 26b(26); p'IDSI p'ypm we blow the shofar and cease AnanMann 2r: 13; 3. perh. to shout: 'XMIT^ vp1? Vt llV ypn PN shouted (?) to the inhabitants of Darom Zev 22b(33; V") Expl. Rashi [mng. 3]: "?ltl "?V m^ P^- IpD vb. to become strong, to intensify, hold, ferment, raise an objection (4- xnspnx, XSpm, 29
Kin 1230 NX'3-iri __________________________________________________ ________ t • : - TpJl; Sy *°>-nb\ LS 833, Ma *1J?J1 MD 490) Pe. (e/o) 1. to become strong, intense, severe: a. alone: ''I^Vin rppn his weakness intensifies Ned 40a(37); I'TSp *]'pm his sickness becomes more severe Anan 11:1; Ka'KD *]'pn 'SP xrf?n iT>» the pain of circumcision is severe for three days ib. 82:20; xmil *ypJTD when the decree intensified Sab 33b(30); 30.a7 _»X1 XTID'X Tpm '3V1 '3 TTTUVlp just as the prohibition for a man to marry his female relatives is strong Anan 97:18; 'pass.part. XB'pJl nil IpTO she would become extremely vehement (in her anger) Yev 63b(7) // San 22b(5) [cf. Sy, LS ib., mng. 3]; b. w. "V: 7U1 Tpn xV -|oj pi r"$n xir m'3jn xix> inV «j'pm in1? granted that their desire for promiscuity would become intense. Their desire for idolatry and libated wine would not become intense AZ 69b(39) [cf. mr Tpn *pv MV 342:20]; Sab 110a(27); BQ 19b(15); c. w. "3: 'ani3 'Spn they are intense in (their) prayers 5A/ 85b(42; V22); 2. to take hold, hold, seize [MH *)pn J 1693]: .Tim "7IX H'Spn he took hold of him (and) went with him Hag 5b(40); XW11B '3^> n,!?"jn H'Spn he took hold of him and brought him into the school ib. 15a(44); nspfitf? ,T^ 'JD'X he should have held onto it [i.e. the animal, to prevent it from falling] BM 36b (47); nin xan 13 *\0V 31 'TIT X13 p'DST '_>J'X» '1337 *]'pn PN used to seize slaves from people who owed him money BQ 97a(15) '// BM 64b(22); /& 73b(30); 3. to ferment, become sour (of wine) [cf. Sy i___o r^°> i n^ PSm 4491]: Xian Xl,m Ipn that wine became sour BM 106b(35); i'& 83a(20); 72wi 7a(55); 55 98a(23); 4. impers. w. "V to be upset: T? TlprTJl xV do not be upset Men 42a(26); BB 10a(28; MGD 328:13); '131 ]0 rft «ppn she was upset with her husband Ned 91a(17) [but v. Rashi ad loc.]; 5. w. '*? + anby to be ill: »]'pm iT'tn X31D XB7J7 ,T7 he saw that he had become critically ill Qid 22b(48); Git 77b(14) Af. 1. to raise an objection: XSS 31 17 «i'pna PN raises an objection to it Sab 6a(13); Pes 71a(41); Ket 16b(35); £0 42a(28); AZ 72a(23); 7em 25b (34); Kin |7 JlS'p™1 you have raised an objection for us in one case BB 129a(20) [* i V2#nn: af.]; 2. to contend: »]'pn» Xp 11.1 X31B iT3 he was contending with him a lot //wY 7b(23; MGG 612:14) [4- Vtf/n itpa., mng. 3]; 3. to seize [v. Pe., mng. 2]: ]131 75? 7111B TpjlX he seized control over the Rabbis iSGS 102:16 Itpe. to ferment, become sour (of wine) [v. Pe., mng. 3]: XIBn 'J1 HX» JT31X ,T7 Til X-ll 31 X7n n'7 Tim I'pn'X PN had four hundred vats of wine. They turned sour and became vinegar Ber 5b(38); ib. 56a(34) Lit: Bacher242 [Af., mng. 1], Kin, abs. ID n.m. place (< [X]1JIX; Ma 1# ixn MD 481) 4- X1T1X n., 1717X7 adv. N3" n.m. (forbidden) fat (TA X31J1 TO Lev 3:3, Sy t__.-i& LS 833, Ma X3TJ1 MD 486) sg. a. general: X3ini XB1 blood and fat Hul 39b(40); ib. 93a(31); moa 'p!31D 'p'TIIP H'3 "XI X3171 73 all fat which has red veins will putrefy BM 83b(51); X1EP3 J7731 X31T1 3"11 the (forbidden) fat flows (from above), and the meat absorbs (it) Hul 8b(36); Sab 136b(6) // Yev 37a(2); ib. 76a(23); ,T7 JTX '» XW7 X31J1 is there (a connection in the verse 'in 3*711 Ex 23:18) between fat and holiday? Hag 10b(12); la'BX in"3in •'IV PN permits their [i.e. the wild goats'] fat Hul 80a(39); b. w. a designation: XtttJXI X31T1 fat of the thigh Bek 30a(l); 'iriB 'mm X31J1 'XI the fat which is under the loins Hul 93a(7; V"); XnD13@'7pi X31D 'XH the fat on the os innominatum ib. 16; X3'71 X3171 the fat of the heart Geon 27:16; xrjn X31J1 the 'fat' [i.e. the white] of the eye Bek 38b(28) [expl. TO'ry. 3^0 Ps 73:7]; nns('X) X71 XriTSSI X31T1 fat of a virgin she-goat AZ 28b(8); ib. 17; X31D1 XDDTTS ilX'TI the covering of the fat of the lung HP 202:2; c. w. a measure: X3im xrPP3 Xini a certain olive-sized piece of fat Hul 98a(19); ib. 23; X3im XIX X7B a basketful of fat ib. 59b(16); X3im 'ixa IV seven portions of fat Sab 133b(37); X31JV7 '>7Tp,1 '7ip'1 many </.-baskets (full) of fat BM 83b(50; Es); d. in a fig. sense: rrn^xi n'3in mswa vii xnazn GN is under a ban: its skin, fat, and fat tail [i.e. all of its people] Hul 127a(28) Voc: Kllf\ HPP 299:19; Y: XfW Sab ib.(BAYTN 97). XS'Siri n.m. type of irrigated field (4- Vpl) Nsann 1231 win t t : - sg. ijnn b» i^ins n'sisixV n» xs'3in 'xn it is permitted to water a r.-field on the intermediate days of the holiday MQ 6b (22); XtVbox iT'DM in xrnim xinn am xs'3in ,i"Ba im the vaulted chamber accrued to one and the t.-field accrued to the other (as their inheritances). The one of the r.-field came ... BB 7a(33); pi. 'S'Sin 'T'3 x"71 the t.-fields are not fallow Tan 6b(29; O) Geon. expl.: r» fansn ids D'aa lxairuw maifo jn 'rami ^'m'rn'? ra mK»:i nmx ipwnw ,tw.i xti xx'anm ... imo nmx I'tnin BTn'Bai OHT Tan 10:5; i'w me wa xx'airi npwoi nrnx p'sioi [x]na xnn D'O uothbsi dim nyin1? lnyi D'D nnw OHT MQ 10:17; Y: xrain BB ib.(BAYTN 240). NSairi, NXN3-in, cs. yanri n.m. courtyard, study hall (< Akk tarbasu court AHw 1327, AIOA 107; i .1XS3iri; Sy rc^_=»i^ LS 710, Ma XSX31XJ1 MD 481, MH2 pin BY 7895) sg.cs. ^ISX f3in a courtyard of large houses BB 98b(19) [expl. MH -UVUj? ib.]; ib. 6b(3); det. XSX3in GC 94:7 [expl. MH ISn MOh 18:10 and expl. as Arab O&l) <J^>1, n'n'31 XS3in the courtyard of the house Er 89b(35); ib. 90a(l); XSC(3in BB 67a(18) [clarification of 4, XrVTH]; IHP 557:18; pi. 'S3in HG1 262:82; n{X)XX3lri SSffm 6a(6; O); 2. study hall [cf. LJLA XS'31rl X'TOVn1? TglCh 2:55, MH nnrf? pm Tanli Tazria' §9]: sg. IIBX XS(,)3in31 they said in the study hall Men 82b(21) Lit: Geig, AAC 413. nKSanri n.m. student (< 4- XS3in w. gent, ending) pi. 'XSCOim nriX131 the teachers of the students OHT BQ 7:24 Jin vb. (uncertain) Af.: ym*b ll'TAK £r 53b(23) [quoted as n»3n ]wb] Xttllin n.m. Aramaic version, interpretation (4- Vo'nn; jpa mnn djpa 590, Sy t<L^k^\c,b\ LS 834) 1. Aramaic version: sg. n'fcUin xW7X Xlp 'Xm were it not for the Aramaic version of this verse San 94b(18); Meg 3a(32); MQ 28b(33); 2. the Aramaic portions of the Bible [cf. MH VX!J131 X1$3f 01-nn MYad 4:5]: pi. 'HI J1I13 1'in twice in the Aramaic portions of the Bible BMsD 7:12; 3. interpretation: sg. Hm X:X ,!? naV '3D1X11 xainn why do I need-the interpretation of the old men? Sab 134b(25); Xjninj naiJim its interpretation is Nehardea Er 45a(31) [expl. GN ^33 as a frontier city]; Yom 19b(50); BB 145a(34) Lit; Bacher 245 [mng. 3]; Y: nOUin BB ib.(BAYTN 244). [Nwann 4- Vajin vb.] DJlin vb. to translate into Aramaic, explain (4- MSITBIS, xainn; Sy >J^A\ to explain, translate LS 834) Quad. 1. to translate a biblical passage into Aramaic: □'JlflS 'ITVai PN/PN2 translates Zev 54a(10) [fol. by an A translation of Gen 49:27; v. FLT 2:62]; Xpl W DJ1DD this is what he translates Git 68b(28) [fol. by an A translation of Lev 11:19]; jrarinai and we translate Sab 10b(9) [fol. by an A translation of Dt 7:9]; MQ 2a(25) [fol. by an A translation of Dt 25:18]; RH 33b(25); Ara 15b(18); BB 12b(29); San 106b(46); AZ 2b(l); Mak 10a(44); Nid 31b(ll); «1DV 31 Dlinai3 as PN translates Ber 28a(53) [fol. by an A translation of Zep 3:18]; Pes 68a(30); MQ 26a(10); Sot 48b(48); BQ 3b(37); ^Z44a(28); 2. to explain, interpret: a. general: 1313 pi XS'Vx ip33 'b Dlinai ]Xa (if) there is someone who can explain to me 1p33 [Dt 7:26] according to PN Er 27b(9); BM 41a(14) // San 62b(43); Er 88b(6); Ket 110a(30); x^ris X3ii .Tap nnno 13 xnx 3i nann PN explained it in the presence of PN2 at the rigla Bek 60a(7); nWllXl ni13n3B? 'IXl '3X I and a 'lion' of the collegium explained it Qid 48b(47; O2); Sab lllb(8; M); Naz 50b(10); BB 88a(5); San 8b (6); "i^xi imana mira mrr 'n PN explains (PN2's statement ib. as referring to) from 'his mother-in-law' onward Yev 9b(8) // ib. 28b(i6); V333 Tnyaw1? vrytm 3i nanon 133 PN has already interpreted your legal tradition in Babylonia Ket 53b(l); Sab 43b(18)'; BB 136b(24); AZ 54a(32); "7333 XDX'ISS n^SXIX nsioa Xia'lin while you were eating the inflorescences of date palms in Babylonia [i.e. before you immigrated to Eretz Israel], we interpreted (the first clause of the Mishna) from its final clause BB 107b(24) // Bek 18a(29); XJX Xia'nn mat 13 'aim 3111 and PN explained (it) Kar 15a(44; L1); D1X namn interpret it with regard to blood Pes 16a(38) [Var: naiin M'V17];
mn 1232 KTIViri Er 28a(23); /fe.76b(19); Pes 40a(27); Ket 23a(2); 1,Y>1D3 'BUnnV yTT Xim (this refers) to where he knows how to explain all of them [i.e. Bible and Mishna] ST 495:83; b. esp. H words or phrases: 1) in JBA: a) BH: XB' 'Vny IB'inn XDH here [i.e. in Babylonia] they interpreted D3'3n Gen 1:21] as sea monsters BB 74b(23) [# TA X'rjfi TO Gen ib.]; Git 66a(20) [4- yrSVV}; b) MH: p'Binnana inUl'3 '■0TQ.1 XJ'B xVamn from the fact that we explain (13 nW MKil 8:6) as xV3mn, (it follows) that it is a species of cattle Hul 80a(42) [cf. TO Dt 14:5, BH ixn]; 'SDttflxn xnins IB'inn XDH here [i.e. in Babylonia] they explained (D'nsioVtf ]Vip MPes 3:1 as) 'shoemakers' glue' Pes 42b(25; C); RH 18a(44); BQ 52a(ll); BM 20a(21); BB 61a(7); ii. 68a(25); 69a(l); 74b(23); an HBinn ... XSS PN explained it [i.e. the barraita] BQ 22a(3) [followed by an A explanation]; ib. 83a(24); BM 29b(48); 46b(24); 80b(2); Sab 52b(36); Pes 73b(27); fom 37b(4); BB 146a(30); Hul 16b(26); Bek 44a(51); ATar 27b(30); 2) in Hebrew: "?3X n'3 Vltf DID IB'inn XDH here [i.e. in Babylonia] they explained (the phrase bv DID DiVb/ [Ned infra] as) 'a cup of the house of mourning' Ned 38b(20) [* nBX '3nyB3]; 'D.l 'X Tim 'in x'aan mpa -pna p'amnan iinn thus, this is how we explain n,inB [Num 31:50]-'the place which leads to promiscuity' (?) Sab 64a(46; V) [4- Vl#nin and cf. BH pnx pi.]; ib. 28a(34); nov 13 ly&BWa bxMlV HBinn PN explained it as (a case) where they heard about him that he had died Ket 107a(17); Ber 51a(2); Yom 37a(35); ib. 61a(5) QuadRef. 1. to be translated (of a biblical passage): XTia'X3 1'Binna X1?! 'piOS verses which are not translated in public BMsE 32:22 [v. Ofer, BMs 464197]; 2. to be explained, interpreted: ru'lTl1? IBiyrt TRW -]'n'WB Oinn'n let your barraita be interpreted as (a case of) an ox that is to be executed BQ 91b(34); 5M27a(6); BB 77b(23); lev 118a(20); mnnyBE? nmnn let his legal tradition be interpreted (as follows) Git 41a(24);5Af 77b (54) Lit: AIOA 107 [poss. < Akk]; Bacher 242+. [NTW 4 xnnn] m71, mn, 'iTW, 'mjl vb. to remain, delay (perh. sec. rt. < XH1* itpe.; cf. Sy nfmi, expl. as r^m^o -\\n x-irc" vy.K' BBah 1876:2) Pa. 1. to cause to remain, wait: ny IT31 IT'nnn XEHpn n'31? n"13n (Solomon) made him [i.e. Ashmedai] remain with him until he built the Temple Git 68b(37; Ar [AC 8:276]) [Var: n"mn V16]; 2. to delay: n'^ pnnna XBV 'pIDX we delay the exit of the day Pes 105b(15); nn p'mnB 'J?2? 'Tlin we delay it [i.e. the sacrifice] for two hours ib. 58a(21) Itpa. 1. to remain, wait: a. alone: miu ]xa 'OX 3T IX 31 mrui "7X1BW who should wait? PN? Should PN2 or PN3 wait? BQ 80b(2; Ar [AC 8:276]) [but H!EsF': nnDCP]; Xllinn'a I shall wait (for you) AZ 18a(52; M) [Var: Ximna Xp AC ib.]; (')nnn'X^ Xl'XB X1? I cannot wait TGAs42 165:16 [expl. MH ,TIXp 'nyn Hul 107b (5)]; man nn ybaan ny nn mnnn let them wait for him [i.e. the infant] until his blood is absorbed Sab 134a(34; V); [M: 'nnwn]; b. w. indication of time: 'BV nrbr\ nn mn'X he waited two (or) three days San 113b(l); yrbft ,!7 nnn'X ]'BV wait thirty days for me MQ 28a(44; LTGHark 189:33) [Var: nnn'X AC ib.]; 71 nayx Tim par I'yanx <nn>{nnin'x mprv the (maidservant) of the female (child which was born) waited (to have intercourse) for forty days and then became pregnant Nid 30b(25); nnn'X xmiB wait a while Qid 31b(30; O2); W'mnx 'X xmntb ly if you had waited until the night Sab 136a(43); 2. to be delayed: XTI'O rTUTM D"xn 'bv nn xnmo mnn'ap) rnrra 'ai xn©n w xmn if so [i.e. if there are five defective months], the new moon will be delayed for three days. Now, too, the new moon will be delayed for two days Ara 9a(ll; MSM) [Var: XHnn'B Xp Ar (AC 8:276), -inxna ib., X"D]; X1ITWN Xaj?D 'XB why were you delayed? Ket lllb(47; MGD 710:6) Geon. expl.: nyt? -inx1? iy fin1? w 'n mn ]xn ohp bq 140:22; Lit: Eps, St2 836 [etym.]. NllllJl nm- spoonful (lit. a metal spoon; Sy rrtoi!^ LS 834, MH TITVI J 1696) sg. XTITW XB/3m a spoonful of honey AZ 29a(24); Git 69a(41) Geon. expl.: np'TO 'I'D 13 V^DIXI npy'jD 1H1K pip (O'^xys)^'! mn 1233 nri TGCas 42a(10), i.e. SiiL; GC 29:5 [-1 Xp'TYTD]; Lit: Eps, GC 8222; Y: KJirm AZ ib. [v. BAYTN 222]. rnn 4 Vnnn vb. NBin n.m. a measure (etym. unkn.) sg. XD*in XDin 11*731 a f.-measure or half a /.-measure 5e.y 29a(l) [of meat]; XDin 'D like the size of a r.-measure Hul 124a(43); BQ 97b(32) The spellings in Ar NDnn [AC 8:277], KB'TB [AC 1:49, s.v. X'TK; expl. Jfv'jV] are based on Gr ipi-in [Lehnw 272, s.v. Xtt'-lt)]; however, since it is unlikely that a Gr word should be attested only in JBA, this should be rejected as an ancient emendation; Y: Xtnn BAYTN 98. l#'"in vb. to warn (4- XJTnriX; Sy rCrc^ LS 833, Ma 1#X1J1 MD 490, MH '171 hif. J 1698) Af. [w. -3 s.o.]: H3 "TmxV ■•yr they know to warn him Sot 7a(16); m T1T1X xVl XD'H (in an instance) where they did not warn him Ket 32b(15); San 9a(l); ib. 41a(19); Mak 13b(40); Hul 81b(21); m pnna 'Xa DTOai concerning what do we warn him? Sab 138a(21); TJ7 'in 'M'l xjT?m ,-in innas lanna xpwi we warn the owner of the goats (to be sold) at market (which are causing damage) two (or) three times BQ 23b(37); 'Vop mm linai X1J1X3 in a place where (first) they warn (the owner) and afterwards they kill (the animal) BM 3 la(35) 2# 'in vb. to soak, steep (Sy v?kh\ LS 834, Ma 2#X"in MD 490) Pe.: Wim inrpll he pounded them [i.e. the pigments] and soaked them BQ 101a(14); X1SS 1J?1 XJTIIXa X'a3 mnJT'JI let him soak it [i.e. rocket seed] in water overnight Git 69b(26); AZ 38b(33); Men 43a(l); lixm XD'H XirPD (in a place) where they soak flax BM 18b(ll) // Git 27a(24); vb V\T\ IBai XD'H "?D1 H'^'a inc?l wherever (the wine-impregnated sherds) arrived, they used to steep them (in water) and drink from it AZ 32a(10); xm XJ/'f 'J1"a X'BD 7?b '"IXJ11 he brings sealing clay of a vat and soaks it in water Sab 66b(25); ib. 140a(34); Pes 42b(20); Suk 12b(13); HP 15:8 nn, inn, f. 'nnn, Tnin, w.suf. ">r\r\, -"iin num. two (I nn''3, s.v. 1#'3, TlVri; TA pri TO Gen 1:16, y'rnf\ ib. Ex 25:10, lim'hJl ib. Gen 2:25, Sy ^H^, f. _^H^ LS 834, Ma pn, f. TJTiri MD 490) a. w/o suf: 1) alone: m. in ty pn twice as much Men 87a(23) [i Vy prep., mng. 1.8]; inr3 nm '"in it is two (witnesses) against [lit. and] two Yev 88a(32); Ket 22b(29); g/rf 66a(55); BQ 74b(25); nn HH1? nn two (witnesses) against two Yev 31a(37) // Ket 20a(12); 'mn-'tip nn two (portions) before two (animals) Sab 156a(18); n31 XTftn nn two (or) three men Er 97a(33) [cf. Sy k'AiA^ ^iii PSm 4469]; Yev 48b(41); Zev 94b(35); ]nm fVVT\ ninety-two San 17b(36); f. 'mn nra nyaf you can learn from it two (things) Yom 4a(31); "p'tV 'mn "|n'3nXT for you whom I taught two (cases) Zev 30b(32); Bes 31a(29); Yev 46b(26); 'mn "\X\ Qid 35b(3); BM 3lb(l); nVn ]'mn two (or) three (times) Naz 10a(17); XBB'T 'mn two (hours) of the daytime Ber 3b(22); X3SD1 'mn two (years) of famine Meg 17a(12); )'mna HJ/'T Kin one 'knowledge' out of two Kar 26a(46); 'mn1? Xin one (grain) into two (pieces) MQ 13b (31); 2) w. fol. n.: m. ]'J3 pn two sons Ber 56a(42); Suk 46b(45); Ned 66b(32); BB 26b(24); 'axit;'1? pn two terms Anan 46:15; rjniSl '»T ]nn the two days of Purim AnanSch 29:28; 'TIP ]nn two witnesses 5^//a! 19a(4); SSSad 189:10; ]nn '»1TB two explanations TGHark 158:14; nn Xiru nay the two sides of the river AZ 6b(5); nn 'tit two zkzww &n 109b(8); '3'a nn two types Zev 90b(12); Svu 16a(50); //or 7b(6); Tern 24a(l); f. xnX3'na ]'mn the two academies ISGF 107:13; TGHark 112:31; xnx'"?3 fmn XiXn'DT two linen rags Anan 85:20; Xnnax 'mn two maidservants Ket 80b(7); Ber 56a(55); 'mn H'T his two hands Pes 110a(14); |'mm pwy 1'iiy twenty-two years Ber 55b(7); b. w. suf: nax IH'Tin both of them say BB 40a(12); '3T1 XJ'Vbi lH'nnn ri"n it differs with (the statement) of PN in both of them San 60a(53); Anan 59:24; lrPVW lnrx 'Tir] 'D both of them [i.e. the terms] are the same as each other Pes 3b(8); Anan 70:19; Wlia 'n'TinV 'H1? he divorces both of them Yom 13b(5); HP 147:27; 'nun TTTin we have learnt both of them Sab 37b(17); p'Tim (X)T3 mn'Xl it is the possession of both of us SSHai 9b(8); ib. llb(15); in'IH pan 1D"inn the two of you will become scholars Ber 48a(8; F); xrfra IdV XB'X ID'innV X'Wan I shall say something to you in
-iD'-in 1234 Din which both of you will agree BQ 60b(34; MGE 502:23) // San 39a(41; MGL 685:21); TGHark 277:24; c. repeated: m. in im '"im nn nm nn two (threads) twofold and two singly Yom 72a(19) [cf. Sy ^\h\ ^-yb, PSm 4469]; xnVn nn '"in1? 'Vxsa three (sinews) branch off into two apiece Hul 93a(27); f. xp 'mn 'mn 'S3 MX ■T7 xrax I also say in twos Zev 74a(15); m"?,!? 'rnn 'mn Vr713 let all of them give birth to two apiece Bek 20b(28); ib. 26 Voc: lH'TO HGP 2a:25; 'Snn ib. 19a:30; Y: nn Ber 6a(38; BAYTN 328). - -ipnn, no@nn, -ifrj; nn, lonn, f. nO@*lVlfl num. twelve, the Minor Prophets (Ma nonn m./f. MD 490, Sy imsj^ SG 93, ModSy ?/e.yw Maclean 327) 1. twelve: m. "lonn HIW TIT a full year [lit. twelve months of a year] Sab 33b(38); 7ev 79a(l); AZ 34b(l); "lO'in 'xVina twelve circumcisers &a* 135a(25) [M: -iD'bji]; -ic^n /A. I40b(24; M); xrww n "ionn twelve synagogues Ber 30b(12) [F: "ID,!7n]; 'It? -l0@'-m twelve fogs M?n 89a(33); 'sVx "ionn 'TaVn twelve thousand students Ket 62b(52); BQ 104b(14); 11»y nn fam 84a(14); "wy pfl Bo 11:4; f. 'J1P nD@Tnn twelve years Ket 62b(34; V5); nD@'mn Dpi (the sun) stood still for twelve (hours) AZ 25a(13); Xl^Bl no@vnn 121/2 (cubits) Sab 89b(38); 'n"3"inx \W no@'mn another twelve years Ned 50a(20); no@,n"in Xnxa'TO twelve literary units Ber 20a(8; I§GF 94:2); 2. twelfth: m. IDtgcVm -)0@nn the twelfth and thirteenth (of the month) Meg 2a(36); 3. the Minor Prophets: TVWy nn BMsD 4:10 Lit: Eps, Gr 126; Voc: ionn HGP 27a:3; xnri VTM 92; Y: 'TO 'JVW Sab 3a(8; BAYTN 328). - Xat&3 nfl, nn n.m. Monday (4 X31S; Sy i^4t -» ^yyln LS 835) sg. X3W3 nn &<6 156a(28); /& 87a(2); HP 185:23; nn Grt 77a(20) Y: X3»3 'TM .&/> ib. pnn adj. straight, correct, honest (4- Vpn pe., pass.part., xnixnn; TA finfl TO Ex 23:8, Sy r^i^ LS 838, Ma fin MD 490) 1. straight: pl.m. 'Snn '3 when (the pieces of meat are laid out) straight [i.e. not one on top of the other] Hul 8b(37) [Van 1,T7 f\T\ 'X HG3 201:78]; 2. correct, true, exact: sg.m. Kin"1 HXnn rmVT\ nnj? p,rDaoi it is a correct answer, and we rely on it TGAs42 66:6; f. XXnm XpH exact and correct /5GF47:5(Var); xnxnn Xnjn a true mind TGAsii 210:17; pl.m. 'Xnn '"?pna true weights .See/ 119:1; 'Snn ...TIT exact zuzim SSHai 4a(7); 'Snn X1?! "lriPl 'Snn ["1]rB/ correct answers and incorrect answers TGAs42 63:25; 3. honest, upright: sg.m. fnm janai he is trustworthy and honest £>ec 9:10; ]pinai pin .T^T>ai .TJXtfVl rT>aiB3 his speech and his utterance are honest and fixed in his mouth SSSad 213:5 [cf. Ma: XXnn X3Xl£P^a with an honest tongue Gy 5:9] NfflSnn n.f. integrity (4- fin adj.; Sy K'kj.^-.i^ LS 838, Ma Xmxnn MD 490) sg. XWipi nmsnm xrruavi trustworthiness, integrity, and honesty SSHai 10a(6); Tajn 'xa "?D Xmsnn3 whatever he does with integrity ib. 17b(21) "]-\T\ vb. to divorce (4 prvn; JudA "|-mai p3E> TDTJDA 131:2 (Mur 19), JPA Tin DJPA 592) Pe.: pass.part. pp'Sltf pnn divorced (and) separated (people) Git 85b(38) [v. Geon. expl. infra] Pa. id.: xn'jVs rr Tim IDs xyraj 'xV'rmx rrnnrx PN of GN dissolved his marriage and divorced NN, his wife Yev 115b(33); ib. 116a(6); ,d,i7 ovr noonnm n'pawi nnDs toi now i have dissolved the marriage, separated, and divorced you SSHai 3a(13) [in a divorce document]; SSSad 223:27; Bo 19:3; ib. 58:6; 10:9; 62:6; pass.part. XDin'tt 'lf?S na Xfl'J^S NN b. NN, a divorcee SSHai 2a(13) Geon. expl.: x1?! ixV? ns-n1? Tpiawi prvna 'onxs pan xam ix D'»-ma o'bjk nso naV?3 ryat? rnjxi j'yin nso yawn D'3Hy D'UK OHT Git 198:4 Din vb. to give teruma (< MH Din pe. LNVTH 394, denom. < BH nann HAL 1645; JPA Bill DJPA 592) Pe. (a/u): HB' p3 Dnm XD'XT |V3 iTjn j'J/a Dnm X3'X1 since there are some who give teruma generously, and others who give teruma stintingly Ket 100a(13) // Bek 61a(34); DTin 'ina rrb 'ax x"?i onn V'T it1? 'axi he said to him: "Go (and) give terumaV He did not say: *n»-in 1235 KnViJtDn "Give teruma from these!" BM 22a(33); Hul 12a(31); Tern 5a(40); BQ 115b(41) Kiain n.m. a plant (4- nXTOnn; cf. Arab tarmada a bitter plant [Nold apud Low, Flora 4:147]) pi. nann mm 'I'S firewood which is called t. Geon 343:3; ib. 4; 5 nNlBin n.m. one who gathers the /.-plant (4- Xiain; cf. Sy K'no-ini^ very poor LS 835) pi. 'XlClia-im X*?m X'Vai T>> until the gatherers of the t.-plant leave (the field) Sab 21b(18) [Var: "Xiann TRN 575:7] Geon. expl.: 'is °?3 inx pnKn'a m»a Twiyn ff'jyiB mx '33 X^T pn'pBDl IX^^ISIK 1'1W ^ D'Sy HB1J1 rBp^O l'x:ie'3'1 D1" 03'na n»nm '3'X pta1? pn^ -IBBX Geon 343:3; TRN 575:7; Lit: Flora 4:146+; Y: 'Klbiri Sab ib. NOIttin, NOiaWI n.m. lupine (Akk tarmus AHw 1331, Sy ^ m ^-io^ LS 835, Gr Gepaot; Lehnw 585, > Ar o^ Wehr 94) sg. XDiain •'IXV fim T\y2V rvb 'p^T the lupine is different for it is boiled seven times (before it is edible) Sab 74a(43) [Var: XDianW VM]; Xpimin Ber 38b(44; F); Yev 46a(31) // AZ 59a(10); yopa XDiann bvnwn prpXJEn pn'Vll the lupine will cut off the legs of the Jews Bes 25b (9) [4- bxntn prfJU?, s.v. nx:o] Lit: Flora 2:453+; Y: XD'anW Ber ib.(BAYTN 271). N^ain n.m. bag, sack (TA n^'finn TJ IS 17:40, Sy ^V^-i^ LS 835) sg. Ttll '^ain bags of /;en«a TG/ZarA: 275:27 Nn'mJin n.f. hen (4- xVlinn; Sy rc'iiAcO^i^ LS 836) sg. 'ira iid ann xnVuj-im (x)^nnnx GN was destroyed because of a hen and a cock Git 55b(52); VUX 'm xnVttnn Sab 145b(15); Bo 40:6; ypya inpSX xnblMnn did you put a hen out of your house? Sab 151b(50); Hul 56b(10); ib. 56a(44); xar xw33i xav x'aii xn^niin a hen which lays (an egg) one day and withholds the (next) day Nid 39b(ll); 'n»D1X xnVlMin a black hen Git 67b(24); BM 86b(29); xnVlinn xna'BS a fattened hen Ket 67b(27; SM 148:22) Y: xrfrurw Sab 66b(14; BAYTN 311). - xmx-i NnVwann, xmtn sn^imn n.f. 'marsh' hen (4- xaiX) sg. XS1XT Xn"?1j:in Hul 62b(28) // Nid 50b(17) [Var: xaJXT xn^lX'imw MGL 255:14] Y: XMOT xn^JJiri Hul ib. - *na xnVisann n.f. hoopoe (4- xna adj.) sg. Git 68b(26)'; /& 28; 51 sVjiain, N^Jimn, K^unn, s^:in, abs. 7iJ3"in n.m. rooster, cock (< Akk tarlugallu AHw' 1330, AIOA 108; 4- xVu"W; Sy rdl^j-^, «il\oJi^ LS 836, MH yVirin pi. MBQK 7:7) a. general: sg.abs. nia'a "?"Unn bp the sound of a rooster at dawn Bo 38:6; det. xVnnn "jp Sab 66b(14); ib. 128b(25); X7ltl1tl Hip the rooster crowed [lit. called] Yom 20b(12) [expl. nxnp T3M ib.]; X^JUin XVIH //«/ 52b(46); '3T3 X17J^i^^ let him raise a rooster Kar 5b(53); X*?mm San 105b(27); x"?1Hnn 5er 7a(27); Git 57a(15); Xn'ai xVimn domestic rooster Sab 78a(28; RaH); pl.abs. f?yr\T\ HP 207:14; det. •ai3T bu~lT\ "73XT xniW a cat which eats large roosters BQ 15b(23) // 'Vunn /&r 41b(23); Sab 35b(12) [4- xnm]; 'toinn 5g 99b(38); XBTa ,!7Ji:nn XD'X xnxaa XS'yT on a cloudy day in the town there are roosters Geon 128:14; b. portions: sg. X^mm xn"?3na XTin 'D when the cock's crest becomes white AZ 4b(29) [+ //'s; 4- Xn"73-|3]; xVlirm "ya cock's feetSer 6a(14); x"7J3in D1S3 n'nxi place it in the mouth of a rooster HM 42:12 Lit: Sok, KS 51 [1976] 472; Yeivin, BV 1070; Y: X>ii:nn Gil 68b(26; BAYTN 311). - KmNT K^JIinn n.m. 'marsh' cock (4- xaJX) sg. Hul 62b(25); 'ib. 27 // Nid 50b(16) Y: xajsci x'mj-iri Mrf ib. n.m. hoopoe (4- X13 adj.; Sy rfksp AaS^-\it\ LS 836, mng. 2 [H nS'OVJ]) sg. Nid 50b(10); G/7 68b(28; SM 77:8) Geon. expl.: trm OHT Git 155:3, i.e. .liii hoopoe Wehr 1023 = BBah 2089:1; Y: X-!? VilJ-Jf; WW ib. NViJ-idJn n.m. cock (4- xtouiri; Ma xVixnxn MD 482, Peh ideog. X'VlXjVn FiP 8:3) sg. xVimn Yom 20b(17; E1); KITTI xVirm Kin this white cock Bo 127:6; pi. 'Vinn Bg 15b(23; Oxf, e.73, 83) Lit: Kara 76. NnViJlOJn n.f. hen (4- xVinn; Ma xnVixjnxn
Bin 1236 pn MD 482) sg. xrf7<1)Crain Git 55b(52; Tobi, TY 35:3) Lit: Kara 76. Bin vb. to oppose (MH2 D'lm J 1700) Af./ltpe.: -byyb nonnxi xain 3n .tpm ru i3'x if, indeed, PN were dead, you would have opposed me [i.e. my opinion] BB llla(32); na l"?npb JinO'l^X ]'1 why did you oppose us? Tarn 32a(38); rrty n'XI 'X8 3,TBVa O'ina Xpl ]X8 one who refuses to pay what he owes TGHark 84:9 NJpn n.m. gate, market price (4- Xjnn tf'1; LMA ta-ra-ha Uruklnc 13, TA Xjhn" TO Gen 19:6, Sy rcii-i& gate LS 836; mng. 2: OA JIJW measures Fekh 32) 1. gate, door, entrance [dial.; i X33]: a. general: sg. Xym3 W ,11,1 X1? ,TWB he spread it out [i.e. the mat], (and) it did not go through the entrance Bek 8b (43); ,1'V n'Vl ty V3n T3J? xm'lV Xjnm JOin woe upon one who does not have a dwelling and makes a gate for his dwelling Yom 72b(35) // Sab 3 lb(4) [prov.]; 3W31 naifl "pitf Xjnn by write your name and her name on the gate HM 41:19; SSHai llb(2); pi. Xinn ■•yiri? that [i.e. nian nap Ezek 40:3] is for (measuring) the gates Er 58a(21); Q1T3 Tin the gates of Hell 5o 143:8; b. in a fig. sense: pi. '"103 y\n inns 'yin guardians of the gates [i.e. the angels], open the gates TGHark 189:24 [opening line of a Babylonian Geonic prayer; v. TMHP 3:436, no. 690]; XJlia'l Tin the gates of sustenance Bo 56:14; 2. market price: sg. 'XT Vr Xjnn nana if (the value of the fruit) went down because of the market price BQ 98a(l); xV'T X5H/1 low market price BM 74b(21); Xjnn XBin the price of the early crop [lit. early price] ib. 63b(19); XBin3 ,TT3 |'3Ta mn VxiBttfl m3X in"? piai x"?sx iy in1? vwa "?xw xsin xjnm XBin Xjnm PN's father used to sell fruit of the early crop at the price of the early crop. PN used to hold them back until the late crop and would sell them at the price of the early crop BB 90b(21); ib. 24 [i Vmil pe.]; '31X1 '3V3X3 ''3710 VPjnn "pltfai our Mishna deals with (wheat) in storehouses and boats whose price remains stable BM 72b(28); Xjnn TpBX1? to raise prices arbitrarily BB 90a(19); Men 77a(23); pi. 'jnri 'in two market prices BM 74b (22); n'1? l^Jai n'b 'IT J 'jnn he wants them to reveal the market prices to him tf. 73a(7; F1) c: XJHfl HGP 25a:5; Y: Xyin Sab 31b(4; BAYTN 98). NnaiJTin n.f. complaint, quarrel (< MH naij/in J 1701; I Vojn) pi. SSSad 205:7 NnSin n.f. incision (V*pn; 4- XIS'I; cf. Sy ^aiii -rs to make an incision LS 837, mng. 2, Ma Tin to bite MD 490) sg. ni3'01 Xnsin an incision of bloodletting Ket 39b(13; Ar [AC 8:286, Rashi ['out n'x]) [Var: niD'DT 'nsnn v4] Expl. Ar: -KB,! p DT ntfVD AC ib. yin vb. to be straight, set up, arrange, explain (I xnsma, xximn, fin, xmnn, xnsin; Sy sj& LS 838, Ma fin MD 490) Pe. (e/) 1. intr. to be erect, straight: a. alone: mb J"na pin 13 xin(3) '^'i1? noa(i) xanni xjb"3 nsx1? when they were striking my father (with the whip), I would bend over and become erect (in the womb) and one (blow) reached my head OHT Ber 46:14; pTJ3 I'SJX ]Xin his [i.e. the child's] countenance was straight SOZ 72:27; b. esp. w. Vsn' pe. to sit upright [cf. Sy: Q.WVil ... i^dAvjo s\b\ BBah 2090:20]: 3VH f im .T'nXI he revived him and he sat upright BQ 117b(4); "lyntf'X1? '5/3 '3 3'n'l fin fin'a ,Tin3 when he wants to speak with him he sits completely upright Ber 46b(25; F); trnox Tna mi3 'aix vtp fin '3 when he sits upright he says: 'Blessed is He who loosens the bound ones' Ber 60b(33); Yev 63b(32) [as a sign of joy]; 2. tr. to set up s.t: msim ,1133,1 they overturned it [i.e. the chair] and set it up Git 35a(44) [I x'ons]; mvrt? nb f mi he sets up the animal HG3 118:72; 3. to arrange, order: ins xm xnxBoaV prno x1? u'nj^a1? nrwrn m ,tod: 'SX3 x'an xm xm x"?x xmsn when PN arranged our Mishna, he did not recite the tractates one after another, but each one was learnt by itself iSGF 32:2; ib. 9; 'XTDXD J331 'aa mra (mm) nmi mijnpi mixm "xins the last Savoraim arranged it and codified it also as well as other (texts) ib. 71:12; 7:2; 24:16; 26:14; 29:17; 31:1; 34:9; 39:9; 46:17; 59:1; pass.part. i fin Nnsin r Pa. 1. to make straight, straighten: X'110 ,XlinI7 XT3J? (an old man's cane) is made to make (his) walking straight Sab 66b(l); OTXin ,131 Vxj? PN entered (and) reset them [i.e. the bricks from a north-south to an east-west orientation] Ber 61b(58); myisV 'Sim1? to straighten his leg Yev 103a(16; Alf [xnnx Xnoi]); 2. to explain, interpret: a. biblical verses: '13 'Xlp1? in"? final n'W he interprets the biblical verses according to PN BM 95b(38); '3nV in1? 'nna '3'n ]3311 "Xlp how do the scholars explain these verses? lev 101a(16); "OPI 'Xina X31J?a3 in Eretz Israel they interpret (the verse) thus Ber 4b(38); b. Tannaitic statements: p'S: X'J/ltfin '1 XJS'Ott? '3 n'ni3 ''ina XJSinai mV when I die PN will come towards me, since I explain the Mishna like him BQ 11 ib(23) // BM 63a(i); 'an n'am "nb nsim he explained PN's (statement) in this manner Sot 47b(28); Yev 117b(25); mayD1? f-\m Xmy PN interprets (the Mishna) according to his opinion Sab 29b(34); Yom lla(40); '3,1 Xa'XI fin interpret and say so Bes 19a(27); BB 80b(19); 'Dn ynn nV nsina xp 'Sim ixm do you not indeed (need to) interpret it [i.e. the barraita]! Interpret (it) thus Yev llb(47); BM 115a(5); AZ 40b(2); nsma 'a nnsa mns rm nsin you have explained (the barraita regarding the case of) the size of an olive. Can you explain (it regarding the case of) less than an olive? Pes 45b(12; V14) [Var: n'^TO ... mv E1]; nsnnV ns'is 'xi nClV p'Sina if it is necessary to interpret it [i.e. our Mishna] we do so iSGF 57:2; nsiin^l nDXWD ]a nplSXl yrPSTtth to interpret our Mishna and to remove it from its simple meaning TGHark 51:23; pass.part. XSina '3m xn^na how can the barraita be interpreted? BQ 10b(9; F1); c. other: n'nSH fina Xp he harmonizes his statement Kar 12a (30) Itpa. 1. to be explained: Fim'X 'Xlp the biblical verses were explained Nid 44a(33); 2. to be ordered, arranged: MT\Wa niS^n ISin'XI in31 Xn«3Din XSin'X after the halakhot of our Mishna were arranged, the Tosefta was arranged iSGF 34:12; ib. 59:2; xVx l<1)C)3n3'X X1? mrai maVn lSin'X 'Sim the Talmud and Mishna were not written but were (orally) arranged ib. 71:16 Ktf'»tfn Lit: Bacher 245. NflJnn n.f. ordering, answer (1 Vfin, XSlTfl) 1. ordering: sg. 'Mnai nmim X1S1W the elegance of the ordering of our Mishna iSGF 30:11; ib. 29:15; XB'IJM lin'nsillin XTStt? their ordering (of the Tannaitic traditions) was better and preferable ib. 29:14; 2. answer: sg. mnsm Yom 17b(4); Xpl X3X 13 maT 311 Xnsm31 nB1D3 fma in the answer that PN gives at its end Geon 28:15 [v. Hul 57a(37)]; TGAs28 4:13 K3j?in n.m. a measure equal to three qabs (etym. uncertain; MH 3pin J 1702; 1 X3p) sg., only in phrase 'IJ'n X3pin a {.-measure of denars: a. general: Git 30a(9); Qid 1 la(14); b. as an amount of a bribe: Yom 18a(22) // Yev 61a(25); San 7b(20); AZ 18a(49) Geon. expl.: TOO 'Xn ),1W 1'3P 'J ww ^P""1 Gc 25:7- The etyms- connecting this word w. A 'in and K3j? [v. e.g., already: VOp 'J 3p1 ^n 13"m R.G. to Tan 10a] or deriving it from *tpkaPo<; [v. Mussafia in AC 8:287] do not fit the form of the word and should be rejected [v. BY 79234]; Y: X3J7-IJ1 AZ ib.(BAYTN 222). Klin, NINin n.m. perh. idiot (etym. unkn.) sg. XlXIXn BQ 105b(21) [corr. in ms.: XTW; Var: NIXin AC 8:287]; XlXin BM 20b(5; F1); Kar 18b(27); Zev 25b(23) Geon. expl.: "B ]1XJ1 ,T1 yv'tD XTV\ .13pl Vy nn inia Klin nDTO XlXin OHP BQ 160:20 [cf. AC ib.]. On Varr w. dalet, v. J 1696; Lit: Koh, AC 8:288. K»ifrtfn n.m. compensation, payment (4- VdVe?; JPA 'afwn pl.cs. DJPA 593, MH 'ni'wn cs. J 1704) pi. "bya 'arwn full compensation BQ 26a(8) [for damage]; Yev 90a(18) [for a sacrilege] Y: 'Sl^tM Kev ib. N^'P^JI n.m. usage, implement (I -Jvw, KTWlltiT); cf. JPA PWn DJPA 593) 1. usage: sg. xin rnnV xepbot xm xin mn1? xwaun xn onn x'n xi^a^n xin nVis xsn "?3X in that case this one and that one have separate usages, but in this case it is all one usage BB 61a(23); TGHark 86:18; 2. implement: pi. 1,TX 'Ta BPJ'X l'3Ta '31 pia n'lya^n Vsi a person sells something (together) only with all of its implements BB 78b(12; P1) 37
Nwaa/n 1238 NKPl Kfl^ai&n, NWStPfl n.f. use, purpose (I Viyatt?, Xtf'atiJl; Sy K'&v^Y.fr LS 788) sg. nvwaem xn'3 its [i.e. the road's] use is convenient Er 22b(14); ib. 58a(37); Sab 7b(23); y^iwm>r\ xp'm their [i.e. the two towns'] use (of the qarpaf) is cramped Er 57b(6); xn'y3 nTIBTDltfri its use [i.e. of the wall] involves fear ib. 77a(30); X7J XniMJlWl Xim TWO a field which has one purpose BB 61b(27); ib. 67a(24); an •Qb ITnBWn most of their [i.e. the shops'] use is outside ib. 16; ^>3X XT1X3 'Diya1? "T? 'XXinX '3 xV xnwawm 'Diya1? I only agreed with you with regard to limiting (my) air space, but not with regard to limiting my use (of the ground) ib. 2b(l3); xj?'3p xV nxi 'x<n)2;Btyn xysp mx irW'QVn my usage (of the courtyard) is fixed [i.e. at a set time]. Your usage is not fixed ib. 36; Ned 7a(19); pi. NJWawn 'JXB utensils (for various) uses S$Hai 2a(17); (pi xnXEP»em 'JCia XJT3T various household utensils ;6. 18b(15) Y: KTO'EIOTI BB 61b(26; BAYTN 295). [xrotpn i xjion n.] nypfi, f. JN0n, pi. J'SWri num. nine (TA ytfrji TOGen 9:29, h$vh ib. Num 1:23, Sy .a_x-A, LS 838, Ma XEm, pi. ]'Bm MD 491) a. alone: sg.m. Tin nyitf Jl '3n these are (only) nine (statements) Meg 21b(35); Yom 32a(l); Er 56b(30); Kev 42a(26); BQ 3a(43); 55 118b(30); TO XTUn ny^n an oven of nine (handbreadths) Hul 124a(27); nywm poy the twenty-ninth (of the month) Tan 18a(4); /W 25a(26); for 94b(34); f. XmiyD yitfn nine meals £r 82b(44); Pes 107b(ll); pi. W T5?iyn ninety days 50 112b(38); 5M 35b(25); ]'JP ]'jl"im J'ywn m ninety-two years old Sab 152a(38); MQ 28a(29); San 17b(36); b. repeated: m. nyisn ny»m 'in two (garments) of ninefold (thread) Yom 71b(55); f. T'JIX J71£>n ywm imnn xaVl perhaps both of them begat at the age of nine San 69b(28); Git 59a(25) Y: yra Hul 59b(24; BAYTN 328). - -lOtfri, f. nptyri, nt^J? ytin num. nineteen (Sy im\ y.^LS 839,'Ma IXOXIWI MD 491) f. '10W1 5er 9b(53); /& 28b(50); 33b(16); &6 17b(24); '310 "Wy yVT\ nineteen years iSGF 89:13 Y: 'TOOTI fler ib. '"itffl n. TiSri, the first month (< Akk Tesritu AIOA 115; Sy ,t-*-*i LS 805, Ma pB'fl MD 487, > Arab oi^ Wehr 94) XntJW n'1? 3n31 '"Htfn3 he wrote him a document in 7mW 55 171b(23); BM 17a(49); p'JB n^na xa"7T perhaps we count (the months of the year) from Tisri RH 2b(29); ib. 8b(16); 'IBNl nmV '-Wna from TwW until after 7/in 50 113a(23); '"IW13 xn^n the third of 7w>z torn 8b(17); fl// 21a(2); num 'BV the days of 71?/-/ 5er 35b(25); &6 43b(16); BQ 7b(3); /& 113a(21); 5e/t 55b(17) Voc: ntfn HGP 27b:25; Y: ntfn flg ib. NJIItSTI n. (uncertain) sg. xmtfm Xnann1? Bo 33:2 Nrifl, HNrifl, f. Nfl'flfl adj. lower, inner, n. lower one, inner one (< 4- nxnnn; 4- VtiJ); Sy rdJALo^ LS 821, Ma X'Xn'n MD 487) I. adj.: sg.m. nxnn XBIp the inner membrane Hul 46a(31); f. xn"nn xn"B3X lower GN Qid 71b(43); II. n.: a. general: sg.m. ... 131 nx^'y "13J nxnn the upper/ lower (layer) prevails Pes 76a(3) [concerning the heating or cooling of two layers in contact]; Nfim XTWO~\ the domain of the lower (dweller) BB 7a(7); X1? nxnn 3'p3'X nx*?'y j'ja nxnn S'pJ'X the outer (membrane) was perforated, (but) the inner (one) was not perforated. The inner (one) protects (the lung) ib. 34; 46b(i); 56a(i5); nxysa nxnn nn 'j"» nrhn nxb'y there are three phases of construction: the lower one, the middle one, and the upper one Sab 102b(25); f. 'n^TTI xn'nn XVin that lowest one of all of them [i.e. the loaves] Yom 75b(23); pl.m. X'a iy3 'XVy the upper ones (fields?) require water Tan 10a(32); Git 60b(31); BM 25a(39); f. nn'TUT? "onx nnX'b'J? the upper (ears of the grain) need the lower ones Hul 119b(20); XJl'TIJl XJT'nm the lowest (vats) of the lowest (rows) Pes 8b(41; M); b. in describing a boundary [cf. OfA nTinn the lower end DNWSI 1211, mng. 2]: pl.m. x:x fip'x mm 'xnm 'xb'y is<i>C}p,t? let the ones above and the ones below (me) cut down t ~ : (their sections of the forest), and I shall then cut down (mine) BM 107b(50); ib. 108a(15) Y: nXWl Meg I5a(26; BAYTN 327). — KflflV adv. 1. downward [fig. from Eretz Israel'to Babylonia]: xnrf? 1'Tinm K1?'^ Tp^DT those who 'go upward' [i.e. to Eretz Israel], and those who 'go downward' [i.e. to Babylonia] BQ 23b(37); ib. 113b(47); BB 45a(8); 2. below: ]1H xnnV I'B'Jim XJ'TS we, by our hands, who are signed below SSSad 268:6 'KOFI adv. below (i V'nn) TH mm 'in '3 run 'Xnil nm 'X'j'y nn two certain people, one (of whom) was dwelling above and one below BB 6b(4i); n'1? p'na 'xb'y 'x rvb rxi 'xnn 'x if it is below he can cut it off. If it is above he can erase it ib. 164a(12); BM 117a(19); '3 X5?X"D «)^m 'Xnn x"?aj S'Sn an Arab passed by below while riding a camel Tan 22b(50); Er 16b(27); Hul 20a(26); Sab 8b(4) [4- 'X^T adv.] Y: 'Knri Sab ib. adv. downward, from the bottom (Ma Wrf? MD 487, s.v. rrri) 1. downward: 'X"?'ya 'Xrin1? from above downward Sab 109b(23); Anan 84:19; ib. 85:10; 'Xnn1? rvnn (a root) which grows downward £r 100a(12); g/<i 71b(50); 'Xnrr> -|JI7''S"'a from your waist downward San 39a(29); 'XDIl1? nST he stuck it in downward Bek 8b(27; V9); Yev 102a(56) [i 'XW? mng. 1]; wri? ?rami X^y1? nsipl the eye (of the needle) is upward (in the lung) and its head [i.e. the point] is downward HP 201:4; 2. from the bottom: 'xnn1? D'nso nwVwa mns3 less than three handbreaths from the bottom ib. 25:13 Y: TttirMoA 81b(15). - 'Nflrip, 'NAD p adv. from below, below 'nn rn^pl 'Xnna X-ITJ ITplXl they lit a fire from below and burnt it Yom 69b(27); XT3 X13 ^TX 'XJlTia he went (and) dug a pit from below Git 68a(43); "ipx 'Xnna xnan wine becomes sour from below BB 96a(l 1); 'XTina im 'xV'ya nn one from above (and) one from below MQ 10b(23) [of irrigation gates]; X"isy3 nXS 'OSrim p'H 'S 'xV'y 1»1 'Xrin p so that the excrement should be covered with earth from above and from below Anan 32:8; Sab 149a(10); Suk 22b(29; HP 26:6); BB 73a(29); Men 24a(24); Zev 64b(21); //m/ 8b(38) Y: 'KWID Sab 109b (24). 'Jin vb. to lower (denom. < 4- XJin; 4- 'XDII adv.) Pa. a. alone: ^i n"nm XJX'an 'V '^T» mm my belt was high, and he lowered it for me Zev 19a(3); XmiB n'3 Tin'V 3DTO it is better that we should lower it [i.e. the Temple] a bit ib. 54b(17); minrn mi1?!1? m1? nir/n p'D since he is permitted to raise it [i.e. the lamp] and to lower it HP 6:6; pass.part. mpW 'WVan XXTP 'Xa what is a creeping animal? One whose legs are low BQ 80a(38); XTVTIS BTT) 1^7 M\jm\ mb '^TBI 131 'iS1? 32?rn n'abriD (Moses' table) was lifted above them and their own (tables) were lowered a bit (below), like a pupil who sits before his teacher Men 99a(8; V10); b. used asyndetically w. a second vb.: mpCS'1?! n"riX1,!7 n,!7 p'OS '31 let him only cut it [i.e. the thornbush] off below [i.e. close to the ground] Sab 67a(20); Hul 76a(19); 'in31 XrV?'JlB3 'TOn Xb he should not show (his signature by signing) at the bottom of the sheet BB 167a(5; HP 67:29); nx<1)("l} Tin Xn3'D bpv "?y X1?! he took a peg, stuck it in below, and it did not go in Bek 8b (26); Hn"? nmCl) 'nn x"n (D'naw) he did not bore a hole in it [i.e. the wine jug] below opposite the lees HP 87:13 39
Babylonian Talmud 1243 Berakhot I. Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 2a(15) 2a(25) 2a(30) 2a(35) 2b(l) 2b(3) 2b(4) 2b(5) 2b(7) 2b(8) 2b(I0) 2b(25) 2b(26) 2b(26; P) 2b(51) 2b(51; F) 3a(27) 3b(2) 3b(2; P) 3b(3) 3b(16) 3b(22) 3b(27) 3b(28) 3b(34) Dip vb. i# -nn vb. Xtf'13 adv. ■nilN 33X prep. X113 n. 1# TO vb. mv n. 1# X131 n. i# to vb. 1# TO vb. 3# 3iy vb. xywy n. 1# '31 vb. 'S73 vb. i# to vb. B»S vb. i# to vb. 2# X31Ty n. tot vb. *pn vb. Dip vb. X3X pron. SOO' n. i# np vb. f-IS adj. XTOn n. 103 adj. xayo n. xaa' n. i# x;W> n. XTO num. xrnix n. Dip vb. xnilX n. XflllX n. KJTNH adv. 1 3b(34; F) 3b(35) 3b(35; F) 3b(36) 3b(38; P) 3b(40) 4a(7; P) 4a(ll; F) 4a(15) 4a(30) 4b(13) 4b(30) 4b(30; P) 4b(31) 4b(36) 5a(2) 5a(3) 5a(7) 15? prep. X1DX n. ina adv. XSWJ n. 2# 1^: vb. na'K adv. Xp'DO n. x:a'p n. XOTX n. Xip' n. my vb. 1D31X num. 'a adv. KHDll n. 1# T1X adj. 1# inx adj. i# ynp vb. Tao vb. XJV3 XSbX n. 1# XSX n. XpjOS n. 'arn n. X^> adv. 5b(7; OHT ib. 11:10) 5b(15) 5b(16) 5b(17) 5b(19) 5b(21) 30 adj. X'0niD3 adv. XyrXS adv. '1,1 vb. 1# X13 n. i# xan? n. fl pron. nxTfry adj. '311? prep. XTn. y?y vb. Dip vb. 5b(27) 2# ,(73 vb. Nira n. bsi vb. 5b(27; MGG 827:13) 5b(28) 5b(29) xyrr n. xp part. '33 vb. 5b(29; MGG 827:15) 5b(31) 5b(33) 5b(37) 5b(38) 5b(39) 5b(40) 5b(40; P) 5b(41) 5b(42) 5b(43) 5b(44) 6a(6) 6a(7) 1# V21 vb. xjira n. XJHX n. 1# 'Va vb. X1S1W n. X^31X num. X°7TX n. 1# X31 n. 2# XjTJ n. i# x-ian n. TDn adj. ™ vb. i# xripa n. 'X conj. 1# KJ'y n. 1# xrr?'? n. xa^y nn n. xrw'aiy* n. XTQ n. aw vb. 1# X33? n. DyD vb. i# -nn vb. 2# xVn n. ip' vb. inrx pron. P'SJ adj. 6a(7; FOHT ib. 12:8) x;?x n. 6a(7; F) 6a(8) 6a(9) 6a(9; P) 6a(10) 6a(ll) 6a(13) 6a(14) 6a(15) 6a(15; Ar 6a(16) 6a(17) 6a(18; F) 6a(20) 6a(21) 6a(38) 6a(39) 6a(41) nbOD n xra? n i# xpnn n xVxai? n Xn3a,"l num N?T? n nV? n Tht vb 1# '"?3 vb. xsin n. xjxa n. i# -nn vb. yn? adj. 2# XniS n. XaB'p n. 1# X5H3 n. □SIX adj. 'in vb. xrnro n. xrrVtf n. [AC 6:66]) 2# Xri'V'P n. Xn-1313 n. i# xrns n. np vb. i# 'Va vb. pn© vb. i# xrnu n. XpiSTO n. onn vb. 1# pi] vb. |DD vb. 1# 'OX vb. '»rn n. n inxa conj. ana vb. ■i inxa conj.
Berakhot 1244 Babylonian Talmud 6a(47) xa^ n» n. 6a(48) 1# ITO vb. 6a(48; F) 1# xrOT n. 6a(52) 1# XJV3 n. 6b(l) Xjni n. 6b (22) Xtf'ia adv. XpTS n. 6b(23) 1# V?n vb. 6b (24) 'B3 adv. urn vb. 6b(25) nV? n. X130 n. XpTS n. 1# KBnn n. xnyaw n. 6b(26) 1# X13X n. xats '3 n. 'Vl vb. XTSDn n. xnpix n. xriipw n. 6b(26; F) 1# xpnil n. 6b (27) tMrn '3 n. 6b(28) (-)fl'V part. 6b(29) 1# XSX n. 'm vb. i# nn vb. 2# '^S vb. 6b(30) 1# XTDBO n. 1# fpV vb. 6b(30; GY214*) X^Hip n. 6b(30; OHPib. 108:8) 13'1D n. 7a(16) 113 vb. 7a(18) 'a adv. (-)13j? prep. xnrn n. 7a(21) yT vb. 7a(22) X?010 n. D'Dl adj. 301 vb. 7a(26; MGN 415:1) XJN'I n. nm vb. 7a(27) niin vb. xn1??"!? n- 7a(27; MGN 415:3) xrijftf n. 7a(28; P) XjJ'nw n. 7a(28) xrijfti n. 7a(29) X31D adv. 1"J? vb. xrrasip n. 7a(30) Kri5f» n. 7a(30; MGN 415:9) iVn vb. 7a(31) xyiXniiXn. 7a(41) 1# 'an vb. 2# '3$ vb. 7b(17) XJTIT33 n. 7b(21) XJTIT33 n. 7b(24) 1# 013 vb. XOT n. 7b(38) XW n. 7b(48) me vb. Vd' vb. xiis'xi xri'V© n. 7b(48; F) »pD vb. 7b(49) 'Xil ,]?13 adv. NIB'S n. 8a(16) 3D adj. 8a(18) XfiW'33 (71)'3 n. •pn vb. lioV adv. Xni'3'S/ n. Dip vb. 8a(19) 1# 11X vb. 8a(19; P) 1# 11X vb. 8a(19) XWlia '3 n. •pn vb. Dip vb. 8a(25) 13 conj. 303 vb. 8a(31) X33Jn. i# xirn n. Kiaj; n. 8a(31; Ar [AC 2:221 + 5:396]M) 1P3 vb. 8a(32) 1# X3*7n n. XllD'S n. 8a(32; Ar [AC 2:55]) xrirs n. bnv vb. 8a(34; Ar [AC 3:265]) N1?'?! n. 8a(36) 'Vya adj. 8a(41) 1# 013 vb. xiiria adv. 8a(42) 1# Xni!7'33 n. 8a(44) X;i»'33 (Jl)'3 n. 8a(45) Xliaj? n. 2# 'Vx vb. 8a(49) 1S3 vb. 8a(51) 113'X pron. 1# 013 vb. "T1 pron. Xpl05 n. 8b (3) oVm vb. 8b(4) '"AS'?! Xai' n. 8b(9) 130 vb. Dip vb. 8b(10) 30 adj. 8b(23) Xnii'J n. 8b(29) "?3X conj. 8b (30) 331 vb. 8b(42) XDU n. W adj. 8b (45) XP3'X n. in pron. 8b (49) XB1T n. 9a(2) 1# '33 vb. 9a(7) lax vb. »1TS3 adv. xV'jsa adv. 9a(8) X31? n. 9a(9) 'vMm n. 131tf vb. 9a(10) ITOpron. 9a(13) XI part. 9a(33) XaV^3 adv. 9a(34) ]B prep. 9a(40) 'UK vb. 9b(9) HXira adj. 9b(30) X331 n. xiaj? n. 9b(38) 1# pT3 vb. tbo vb. 9b(39) X0X n. X3Va '3 n. 9b (40) 1# XDX n. 9b(43) Vxtt? vb. mbti n. 9b(44; F) X3in n. POD vb. 9b (45) rpD3l? adv. 9b(53; F) N™n? n. 10a(4) '3T13 n. 1131 pron. xriortf n. 10a(7) 1# 13X vb. 10a(10) 1# lin vb. 10a(13) XDlOn. Vsw vb. I0a(i5) nxran. 10a(17) Dip vb. 10a(18) l#Xipn. 'W adj. 10a(31) xniSXn. 110 vb. IV3E7 adj. 10a(37) X3X pron. 10a(49) IP prep. (Xll 1,'13) XWlIp n. 10a(49; MGL 588:10) xiras n. 10a(49; F) l#8B3'3n. 10a(49; MGL 588:10) xaVy 'ia n. 10a(50) xa^'lconj. xn»n adv. 3iT vb. Babylonian Talmud 1245 Berakhot 10a(50; 10a(51) 10b (4; I 10b(10; 10b(10; 10b(10; 10b(10; 10b(10; lla(15) lla(16) lla(22) lla(41) llb(4) lib (24) llb(25) llb(25; Ub(26) 12a(23) 12a(24) 12a(25) '1 'XB pron. 'S3 adv. pS3 vb. y"0 vb. MGL 588:12) lltfD'X adv. BH'X n. 'Vya adj. VlGL 588:22) xrirnp n. MGL 588:23) xtiaax n. MGL 588:22) X3lV'l n. 1# 'ID vb. MGL 588:23) can vb. MGL 588:21) 331 vb. MGL 588:23) 1# 'IE? vb. 10D vb. 11D vb. Xll'D n. '31 pron. iy prep. XJtf'b n. %B adj. XJO'I n. '3D adj. 31 '31 XID'O n. Dip vb. F) Xpl'S n. '»8 vb. XjJTS n. Dip vb. i# xian n. 1# X03 n. '3 prep. 130 vb. "13 prep. 1# D"0 vb. X13W n. 12a(42) 12a(43) 12a(45) 12a(51) 12a(52) 12b(l) 12b(2) 12b(32) 12b(40) Xa,13 n. 130 vb. K'lJ? n. ]lt vb. "1 conj. 1# '3 conj. yi3 vb. f|pi vb. i# xirn n. yi3 vb. x;vn n. 2# bbn vb. XplOS n. pOD vb. 13a(22) (Xl,l T13) Xtflip n. 13a(30) 13a(50) 13b(29) 13b(33) 13b(34) 13b(35) 13b(44) 13b(45) 13b (46) 13b(48) 13b(48; F) 13b(49) 13b(50) Dnn adv. K','33 n. 110 vb. i# xrn» n. IIS vb. 1# 013 vb. (P'3'n '3 conj. 1# px vb. ■*? nnb conj. i# pa vb. •ya vb. -b naV conj. iyx vb. Xap adj. 1# X3X n. 'SB adj. 1# '33 vb. 'ai vb. i# ''rs vb. •VSti adj. TplSX adv. DlV vb. 1# 'ip vb. 1# 11,1 vb. xriOT adv. nana prep. Wv vb. I4a(ll) 14a(16) 14b(4) 14b (6) 14b(8) 14b(10) 14b(23) 14b(43) 14b(52) 14b(53) 1# xp'3 n D01D vb O'^p1? prep 1# mi vb 'Vya adj. iax vb. X3ij;a n. xnv^a n. 131 vb. rru vb. "13 prep. xrinrio n. miy vb. 15a(13;OF) yi vb. 15a(14) 15a(46) 15a(50) 15b(7) 16a(6) 1# 11,1 vb. X317 n. xrii^x n. 13^'Xl adv. 'nx vb. XTO1 adv. X31 n. XDiO n. Xlffn n. X333 n. 1# IDp vb. 16a(6; IKI 24:15) 16a(7) 16a(8) 2# ]33 vb. 1# VlX vb. 'nx vb. 16a(8; IKI 24:16) 16a(15; Ar 16a(15; F) 16a(32) 16a(33) 16a(39) 16a(49) 16b(2) 16b(3) 16b(8) 16b(43) X1?l'? n. AC 3:32]) 2# XOT1 n. 1# X3T0 n. XTa n. yatf vb. X'TX n. 1# Xlp n. 11D vb. Xll'p n. 11D vb. 1# D"0 vb. xnfrx n. 16b(46) iris prep. 16b(56) XSISp n. 17a(5) XJliVs n. 17a(18) HIS'31 xai'n. 17a(23) l#'3conj. 17a(27) 1# D"0 vb. XID'O n. 17a(31) xaiSn. ^31 vb. 17a(34) Vsivb. 17a (3 7) "?31 vb. 17a(40) ^31 vb. 17a(44) V31 vb. 17a(48) ]331 '3 n. xri^'33 cnrg n. 1# X133 n. '31 vb. 103 vb. 1# 'ip vb. 17a(48; P) 'j'lS prep. 17a(49; MGG 374:7) 1# ne? vb. 17b(18) ,1X313 adj. nxe?BB adj. 17b(19;P) Xli"3n. 17b (20) I'Vlpron. 17b(21) l#XI13»n. 17b (24) Xlll'n. H?1 «• 17b(25) X3D'X n. 17b(32) ISXvb. 17b(35) xrijiln. ]13 vb. 17b(37) X111' n. 17b(39) )3X pron. XTJO n. 17b(40) 2# 'SB vb. 17b(41) '3Vp3 n. nas adv. XjW n. 18a(37; HPP 271:19) X'jV '?^3 adv. 18a(41) l#X13pn.
Berakhot 1246 Babylonian Talmud 18a(42) 'Vlvb. 18b(7; OAr [AC 2:262]) i# m-a n. HJ adj. 18b(8) l#ta»vb. an 'a-! xns'p n. 18b(9) xai'n. XW'O n. 18b(ll) 'Xconj. 18b(13) l#xn3n. i# xrrnp n- 18b(13; MGG 804:3) Xfl'n n. 18b(14) l#X3Xn. 1# in num. XV n. "V prep. ipy vb. 18b(14; P) l#X3Xn. nyx vb. 18b(17) XnyXn. 18b(38) XaVxadv. 18b(39) XBt'BBfoX n. "1 conj. 1# X0'3 n. d?V vb. 18b(39; MG 805:12) xnaspstfix n. 18b (40) "max prep. 1# "?TX vb. X?'n adv. xju n. an' vb. xuni xnia'x n. 18b(41) 1# xraiJ n. n,n n. x'pnia n. xpnioa n. 18b(41;F) ftSn. 18b(41; MGG 805:15) X$>3 n. 18b(42) '3iprep. 18b(42;P) npsvb. 18b(44) 18b(45) 18b(46) 18b(46; P) 18b (47) 18b(47; P) 18b(47; F) 18b(48) 18b(49) X31D adv. 1# X3X n. i# xrp'ria n. i# pbo vb. x?'i?1n- 2# XO'J n. 'Xnax adv. 'XDX conj. xnyn n. i# ti^n vb. an' vb. i# xna'ra n. VW vb. xritf n. 'OTX adv. nnx vb. 'aa vb. n,nx vb. aivn adj. XByp n. 'jay'? adv. 1# 'Xa pron. 18b(50; MGG 806:9) 18b(50) 4# xnax n. nan vb. a'»n adj. 18b(50; MGG 806:9) 18b(51) 18b(51; F) 18b(52) 19a(2) 19a(3; F) 19a(7) 19a(8) XVI'1 n. aw vb. XJJ'Xa adj. nxVy adj. nxyra adj. i# Vax vb. Dip vb. pm vb. xma'D n. i# 'ytf vb. xpanx n. 'ys vb. X^D n. xraa n. «Si? n- 19a(8; MGG 807:8) yT3 vb. 19a(18) pnvb. 'a1? conj. PS3 vb. i# mv vb. 19a(40) -Wl vb. 19a(48) nriD vb. 19b(30) inX vb. 19b(33) HOD vb. 20a(5) xap adj. 20a(8) iVx conj. Xp part. 20a(8; MGG 826:1) XnTO n. 20a(12) xaxoa n. 1# f\bv vb. 20a(12; MGG 826:4) 2# xrnvia n. 20a(13) xno'a n. nyx vb. 20a(15) 1# toa vb. 20a(17) m vb. 20a(18) XTl1??-]? n. Vlb vb. 20a(18; OHP ib. 110:4) xrrana n. 20a(19) ynp vb. 20a(20) HXa num. aw vb. 20a(21; Ar [AC 5:289]) 1# ]T\a vb. 20a(22) Kilt n. 20a(23; MGG 826:10) Vxnir na n. 20a(25) 18 n. 2# 'SO vb. 20a(26) 1# nrn n. 20a(26; MGG 826:12) (-)'SX3 prep. 20a(26; F) 2# Xpp n. 20a(28) 1# pVo vb. 20a(29) -nil3 prep. i# bx vb. 20a(29; F) 20a(30) 20a(31) 20a(32) 20b(20) 20b(37) 20b(58) 21a(42) 21a(44) 21b(20) 21b(20; F) 21b(21) 21b(26) 21b(55) 22a(38) 22a(42) 22a(43) 22a(44) 22a(46) 22a(54) 22a(55) 22a(57) 22a(59) 1# XJHT n. VStf adj. 1# XJ'y n. W'3 adj. i# xjnt n. vbv vb. ain vb. "3 prep. 1# 'Xa pron. pay vb. xniytf n. i# ona vb. XpT? n. an 'a n? n. xaiTi n? n. rno vb. pes vb. Tl'X part. ""13 prep. 'ya vb. nT\"h part. Via adj. xa vb. 3D adj. Voa vb. xraVap n. xm^'Da n. mb vb. XJVy n. xniax n. "T1113 prep. XJJ1X n. xranpa '? n. x;an. 1# rlE> vb. i# xssn n. "X prep. i# xasn n. i# mn n. 22a(59; Ar [AC 2:4]) 22b(l) 22b(3) xw'xa n. X^'p n. nas vb Babylonian Talmud 1247 Berakhot 22b(4) Xliax n. i# xasn n. 22b (5) a*?S vb. 22b(27) XjiT n. 22b(40) bsa vb. 22b (42) "7S3 vb. 22b(42; F) an' vb. 22b(43) 1# "?3D vb. "nil3 prep. "?ya vb. xnps n. 23a(6) 'm adj. 23a(ii) xrnnan. XDiO n. 23a(20) IX conj. P"1S adj. 23a(34) 1# •'bv vb. 23a(54) -1 VxiH conj. Dp: vb. 23a(54; OHP ib. 110:8) xnnax n. 23a(54; P) 1# XTO'3 n. 23b(4) nea vb. 23b(9) '3a pron. 23b (14) IX1? adv. 23b(17) X3TT n. 23b(20) nDX vb. Dpi vb. 23b(21) 'Vya adj. 23b (28) XTT10 n. 23b(29) pi vb. T1X vb. 23b(30) 1# ntf- vb. 24a(4) KBhlD n. psa vb. 24a(5) 1# xrf?'? n. lib adv. TIS vb. 24a(7) XS'tintf n. 24a(9) XJB'T n. 24a(10) loVlXvb. 24a(36) 4# 'na n. 24a(48) 1# XO'3 n. 24b(13) y^3 vb. 24b(22) -ninx^ prep. 1# n# vb. 24b(24) pax, adj. 24b(27) TIB vb. VDV vb. 24b(27; F) (013'? n. 24b(28) 1# pbo vb. 24b(30; F) Xl^l '3 n. 24b(40) ms vb. 24b(46) 1# bK vb. 1# bpv vb. 24b(47) X3',n adv. 24b(48) 130 vb. 25a(5) nrfrx1? adv. pOS vb. 25a(25) an '3 n. XJIS'X n. 25a(26) °73X conj. 25a(30) xniyap n. 25a(40) "i conj. Xin pron. 25a(49; P) 'as n. Dip vb. 25a(50; Ar [AC 6:331]) 1# 'bs vb. 25b(18; F) XJIO'3 n. 25b(19) '03 vb. 25b(27) 1# 'an vb. 25b(32) xVa'PB n. xriy'an n. 25b(42) "|SX vb. Xjy,3 n. 25b(43) 1# ]Xa pron. 25b(51) 3oa vb. y"0 vb. poy vb. 25b(52) i3'X part. ]30 vb. 26a(l) XTOp n. 26a(9) -nyiX IX1? prep. 26a(23; Ed) X0'3 'a n. 26a(28) 1# ]X3 adv. 26a(47) 1# ^TX vb. 26a(50) xniVs n. 26a(51) 'am n. 26b(7) xap adj. 26b(44) T,ao vb. 27a(ll) l#n3«;vb. 27a(13) 'X conj. '3P! adv. 27a(18) '3a conj. 27a(27) xrirna n. 27a(39) xrirna n. pT\V vb. 27a(40) 'l'a XV adv. 2# '"?X vb. 27a(41) X/naniX adv. XflllX n. 27a(44) 'linx prep. 27a(45) pOS vb. 27b(8) "?na vb. 27b(9) na n. 27b(i4) naa vb. Vya vb. xVp n. XT'as n. 27b(15) l#m,Tvb. xrnyo n. 27b(33) X^13 pron. 1# X^'V n. 27b(45) -l$ntiX adv. nys vb. 27b(45; P) '?'H "73 adv. 27b(46) n3y vb. Dip vb. 27b(48; F) np'p '3 n. n'rs vb. 27b(49) n'a adj. viy vb. 27b(49; SM 119:17) 1# bip vb. 27b(50) 2# l^a vb. xra'na s?n n. 27b(50; F) Xn'3 'K/J'X n. 28a(2; Ar [AC 4:267]) xnpaa n. 28a(3) 1# nvn n. 28a(3; F) pa"a adj. 28a(4) 1# Xp'a n. tfrn vb. 28a(5) 1# X13 n. 1# X1T n. i# mn vb. i# ni'n n. Xjnw num. 28a(5; SM 119:23) 2# xmyv n. 28a(12) HB3 adv. 28a(13) «]0' vb. XVOSO n. 28a(14) nxa num. xVpsp n. 28a(15) XaV'Iconj. 28a(16) xaVn n. 28a(17) 1# X3SI1 n. p'lO adj. 28a(17; P) 2# xrnpnp n. 28a(17; O) xnpip n. 28a(17; F,Ar [AC 3:471, s.v. 23Sn, X"0]) XBD'P n. 28a(18) sn'vb. 28a(28) -T "73 pron. EhS vb. xan n. 28a(31) 0"Svb. 28a(32) 1# xri'BX n. 1# irw vb. 28a(36) mb vb. Xian. i# nV© vb. 28a(37) 2# nV» vb. 28a(38) 2# X.bl n. pnD vb. 28a(39) '3rn:X adv. mi n. i# ino vb. 28a(43) na n.
28a(48) 28a(49) 28a(51) 28a(53) 28a(53; F) 28b(l) 28b(2) 28b(2; FO!) 28b(3) 28b(4) 28b(7) 28b(50) 29a(6) 29a(7) 29a(15) 29a(17) 29a(30) 29a(42) 29a(44) 29a(46) 29a(47) 29a(55) 2# 'lp vb. miy n. 1# XOTJ n. i# vbn vb. Dip vb. i# xnp'3 n. "1 1XB3 conj. ""13 prep. xyy'V n. ins;?n- nan vb. XpTS n. xnjn n. y:x vb. XpTS n. i# vbn vb. Djra vb. XSOia n. nan. xrrfrx n. 2# 'Vx vb. 3PD vb. "1»1 vb. I!7'3 adj. 3B adj. PCI adj. 1# p"?D vb. '!?rn n. xnyw n. 'B adv. 2# ^D vb. tid vb. yXBX3 prep. x-to'x-i xwbv n. 29b(l) 29b (9) 29b(24) 29b(30) 29b (46) -m vb. "iraa prep. 1# X3X n. xna n. mn vb. *73' vb. Vb vb. 'in vb. 30a(l) 30a(8) 30a(9) 30a(ll) 30a(45) 30a(51) 30a(51;F) 30a(52) 30a(52; F) 30a(54) 30a(55; F) 30a(61) 30b(l) 30b(2) 30b(4; P) 30b(6) 30b(10) 30b(ll) 30b(13) 30b(14) 30b(33) 30b(39) 30b(40) 30b(42) run vb. XTa'X n. «UM> vb. lil vb. 2# 'Vx vb. Xp part. 'B3 adv. □lp vb. i# xrnix n. 1# '3 n. xmy n. «|» vb. xVjn n. XpTS n. XTO'X n. xVl'l n. 2# 'Vx vb. rno vb. tf'VP adj. 133T n. XS01B n. xpiaVis n. TIB vb. xaVa n. XTO n. 2# Xnp n. n?V adv. pBJ vb. 1# Xlp n. i# np vb. VlX vb. tn vb. 2# ]XB pron. ino vb. XVK conj. xniay n. 2# 'Vx vb. i# oil vb. "DO vb. X3B adv. X3'1? n. Tia adj. ^rn n. 30b(44) 30b(47) 30b(50) msi n. ]"X vb. 2# 'Vx vb. rjH3 adj. xW'n n. 31a(l; Ar[ACib.]) 31a(2) 31a(3) 31a(3; F) 31a(4) 31a(5) 31a(6) 31a(7) 31a(8) 31a(38) 31a(39; P) 31a(40; F) 31a(40) 31a(58) 31b(23; F) 31b(23; M) 31b(28; F) 31b(42) 31b(47) 31b(48) 32a(17) xnpan n. xVlVT! n. 3Xy vb. XiTJlT n. 1# X03 n. nH3 adj. i# "irn n. axy vb. BIT adj. "1 conj. 11 interj. 2# "HV vb. nax vb. ma vb. i# p vb. I1? vb. xrirx n. ri'X part. 'XII adv. xnrx n. -Q'J adj. xnsVvt n. i# xnain n. x;ap n. xrivap n. ]1'3 conj. i# ino vb. T1X vb. xjsnip n. Xa'X n. ■OS vb. 2# V?n vb. patf vb. FIX pron. ■wn n. »'3 adj. XJTn. 32a(38) 33a(12) 33a(13) 33a(15) 33a(34; F) 33a(54) 33b(l) 33b(2) 33b(3) 33b(5) 33b(6) X013 n. XP'X n. KXX'X n. 1# pU vb. Xll'X n. 1# xVip"! n. XATt n. 1# 'IK/ vb. nxrrnp adj. "I conj. xroVn n. vnp vb. XEhVp n. Vns vb. 2# xnan n. 1# *?pti vb. 33b(6; OHP ib. 111:5) 33b(22) 33b(23) 33b(28; P) 33b(37) 33b(40) 33b(42) I1? vb. pn vb. xnyatf n. xais n. ]3X pron. xn'jJia n. X31?a n. iin vb. 113 vb. 'XT vb. "1 conj. na pron. i# ro"D vb. 1# xrn© n. 33b(42;MGD 191:5) 33b(43) - 33b (44) 33b(46) 33b(48) 33b(51) 33b(51;F) 34a(l) abv vb. 1 lXV 'X conj. i# mv vb. 1BX prep. "IB1T adj. '311? prep. pnw vb. i# xnV'a n. XplDS n. xnnsn n. (-)'SX1? prep. Babylonian Talmud 1249 Berakhot 34a(2) 34a(2; P) 34b(14) 34b(18) 34b(52) xrisna n. xns? n. 2# xnsnx n. 1# 'Vx vb. JT13 vb. «psn adj. BIS vb. tfns vb. 34b(52; FOHP ib. 49:2]) 34b(53) 35a(13) 35a(29) 35a(46) 35a(50) 35a(52) 35b(25) xrips n. nxpn n. xnwnp n. in' vb. xanp n. 'TB V3 pron. X130 n. 'nx vb. 31 '3 n. xai' n. xrriBa n. 19'3 n. 35b(25; MGD 212:20) 35b(25; F) 35b(26) 35b(36) 35b(37) 35b(39) 35b(40) 35b(44) 35b(46) 35b(47) 35b(48) 35b(50) 35b(51; F) 35b(55) mo vb. ]!? prep. tid vb. xjita n. xntfn. 1# '3# vb. XI1?'? n. XS1J n. in vb. 11T vb. XITO'B n. 1J?D vb. V?3 adv. iy0 vb. nyo vb. naw vb. xanV n. 1# JT3p vb. xrnysp n. i# pn vb. xpV,?l s;n n. 36a(l) 36a(10) 36a(12) 36a(13) 36a(17) 36a(18) 36a(22) 36a(26) 36a(27) 36a(29) "'T Vy prep. XpVtf n. i# xnp'n n. lit XTS n. snap n. XV adv. "J1113 prep. i# xriVa n. Xl"?'J? n. "0 adj. xnpp n. 4# xnp n. i# xmjjto n. jnj vb. xwrx n. 'Cp adj. 36a(29; OAr [AC 7:181]) 36a(30) 36a(32) 36a(33) 36a(34) 36a(35) - 36a(36; F) 36a(38) 36a(39) 36a(51) 36a(52) 36b(15; F) 36b(17) 36b(19) 36b(34) 36b(36) 36b(36; F) '3plp n. i# xnip n. 1# XV31X n. XJ3'» n. 5TD3 vb. 1 XnyiX prep. xVp'T n. jrw vb. xVllS n. i# xnip n. »rn9 n. ye: vb. 3# xriTO n. p-IT vb. V?p vb. XnM n. x"?nna n. 3# XnS13 n. 'pV vb. xn-is n. xjan n. 3# XS: n. 36b(37; Ar[AC 1:44]) 36b(42) 36b(43) XJl'Dia n. xriVsVs n. HTX vb. 36b(44) 36b(49) 36b(50; L) 36b(51) 36b(52) 36b(53) 36b(54) 36b(54; F) 37a(26) 37a(26; P) 37a(27) 37b(13; F) 37b(13; Ar 37b(13; F) 37b(15) 37b(15; F) 37b(20; F) 37b(41) 37b(44) XV'33UT n. 1# DD3 vb. xriVs1?'? n. &T adj. 3'DT adj. xm>a'n n. nxra'n adj. xx'sn n. K-\Tp n. T1J adj. XD'n n. XB311 n. KX'an n. xrao n. -|i»n3X n. T?3 prep. XD'n n. 1# XJIB'n n. xnip'a n. 135T vb. p^V vb. xrirpx n. xjnx n. •pi vb. Vcn vb. "n adj. 1# 003 vb. XT}'p n. nxVpn n. [AC 5:106]) xrra n. 2# XDH'T n. 2# xonn n. xjina n. XX'?n n. Vj? prep. X?-1X n. i# xrnp n. 37b(44; PAr [AC 4:219]) 37b(45) 1# X313 n. 1# Xll'ID n. nrn vb. 37b(45; OHP ib. 112:9) 37b(46) 37b(46; F) 38a(2) 38a(3) 38a(4) 38a(9) 38a(10) 38a(14) 38a(15) 38a(16) xnnmx n. i# xnnp n. xanV n. nao vb. XV3B n. xanV n. xniiyo n. XW311 n. 2# Xyi n. xano n. 1??1 n. ina pron. xatpaitf n. 38a(16; Ar [AC 8:178]) 38a(17) 38a(19) 38a(22) 38a(24) 38a(37) 38a(43) 38a(47) 38a(49) 38a(52) 38a(55) 38b(3) 38b(19) 38b(22) 38b(37) 38b(42) 38b(43) 38b(44) 38b(45) 38b(53) 38b(54) xaipw n. XWX-11S* n. xap-iip n. 13T vb. XJlV'OT n. XB'-IB n. xri'nc n. XV'SB adv. T80 adj. tf'"?p adj. xnuiw n. yaw vb. pM vb. 1# ri3W vb. xrisn n. 3# nw vb. ps: vb. 3# xsns n. 1# XpV'D n. 4# Xlp n. i# mv vb. xni? n. i# mtim n. 1# TV\ vb. 1# D1J vb. ]"! pron. pbv vb. X3'V part. xwyii n.
Berakhot 1250 Babylonian Talmud 39a(l) 1X3 vb. Xliy'tf n. 39a(4) xriryii n. 39a(10) (-)'!3|7 prep. 39a(20) xb vb. 39a(27) 1# xri'3 n. 11! vb. 39a(28; F) Xl'VjliJ n. 39a(30) '3J1? prep. 39a(31) Dltfa prep. D1S vb. 39a(31;FP) pra vb. 39a(31; F) XBTS n. 39a(33; P) XTO n. 39a(34) Kil'a n. 1# tiBl vb. KTOp n. 39a(34; P) XTO'V n. 39a(36) KM n. 39a(37) p31 vb. 39a(37; P) p31 vb. 39a(40; F) '?n '2 n. 39a(41) Hp/rOT Xja n. 39a(42) XriD''? n. X»an. Xp^ n. 39a(43) ina pron. 2# Xri'3tf n. 39a(44) xanil n. isy vb. 39a(51) 2#',73vb. 39b(3) XB'X n. 39b(26) yX3 vb. xrvntf n. 3 9b (27) xai> °73 adv. 12y vb. xrwroyi n. 39b(29) 1# X211'y n. i# 'an vb. 39b(30) X1XB n. 40a(4; F) °731 vb. 40a(12) Xril^J tf'l '3 n. 40a(13) 3#'IP vb. 40a(13; F) 1# X'lnb adv. 40a(15) tf»3 n. ]'l pron. (-)n^ part. 40a(32) 'tip adj. 40a(35) XoVin n. 40a(41) XI3'X n. p31 vb. Xrt pron. XBgD n. 1# XT! n. 40a(57) X}V>X n. pS3 vb. 40a(57; F) 1# KT11J n. 40b(5; Ar[AC 1:246]) 2# XTISX n. 40b(15) 131 vb. Xni(l)3 n. 40b(21) X^l n. 40b(22) 2# 'X,l pron. 40b(24) T13 adj. xjarn n. 40b(41) Xl'lX n. Njnx n. pr vb. 1# '31 vb. 40b(42) xtylS n. 1# Xp'I n. 1# X1B13 n. 40b(44) X^W n. 1# X1813 n. xixti n. 40b(46) x'JKNS n. 1# Xiai3 n. 40b(48) 1# ll'n n. XtiVlD vb. 40b(48; PAr [AC 4:262]) 2# Xi:'3 n. 40b(49) XJS1J n. xrns n. 40b(49; OHP ib. 112:19) X:DU Tlb^D* n. I 40b(50) Stan. 1# X1B13 n. itoy vb. 40b(51) XT-pai n. 41a(3) xVtilS n. i# xiai3 n. 41b(6) ~m prep. i# xip n. 41b(7) KHDaOK n. 41b(9) Xti'13 adv. 41b(13) 1# X1J': n. 41b(14) 3,Tvb. xVns n. yati vb. 42a(2) X3p n. 42a(2; Ar [AC 4:282]) X3J73 n. 42a(2; OHT Ber 94:5) xris'i n. 42a(3) ]'S3 adj. ]X1J! adv. 42a(3; F) ]S3 vb. 42a(3; OHT ib. 94:8) N»? n- 42a(5) poy vb. 42a(8) l'Xl'X n. 42a(19) lai vb. 42a(23) 1# p"?D vb. 42a(24) xrrf?J ti'l n. 42a(24; Ar [AC 3:105]) 1# XWOl n. 42a(26) xrnVj 0'1 '3 n. 42a(27) HBO vb. 42a(28) KITO'a n. Vn vb. 42a(29) 'an pron. 42a(30) Xnyati n. 42b(15) lltivb. 42b(37) 'y3 vb. 42b(44) Kan? n. 42b(44; P) f?S n. 42b(47) XT n. xniyap n. 43a(l) -ninxV prep. yip vb. i# xjnp n. 43a(2) Xjiia 71313 n. la: vb. 43a(5) xniy'3p n. 43a(22) Kriyi n. 43a(25) 1# '31 vb. 43a(37) 'tia vb. Dip vb. 43a(38) 'Tins 13 n. urn vb. 43a(39) Xiiia rl313 n. ]"y vb. 43a(48; Rashi) Xl1?'? n. 43a(53; OHP ib. 113:2) xapisx n. 43a(56; FPHG1 138:40) xnitiD n. 43a(56) XITO'I? n. 43a(57) J'lTO adj. »'33 adj. nXJ/lTi: adj. 43b(l) pVa'O n. 43b(3) 2# XS^'n n. 43b(6; Ar [AC 5:389]) Dj?"J3 n. 43b(8) XrniJJ n. XnVj'D n. 43b(9) XJlinX n. XBlSil n. nn vb. 43b (10) pBJvb. 43b(10; F) XjV'X n. iblb vb. 43b(18) Ktij'Xn. lax vb. 1# Xllp n. 43b(34; F) VBV vb. 43b(44) 2# XJ?'T n. 43b(48) X7USX n. 43b(49) 1# XJlplX n. 43b(50) XJTy n. 43b(52; F) 1# -|PB vb. Babylonian Talmud 1251 Berakhot 43b (54) 'IZ>B'ti '3 n. 1# 111 vb. XEhTp n. 44a(10) Dp^vb. 44a(ll) 1# '3 n. 44a(13) pin vb. xrixp* n. XJX n. 44a(14; MGD 711:15) 2# x:"l n. 44a(16) XrilSX n. X2T1 n. 2# plti vb. 44a(16; MGD 711:16) pT adj. 44a(17) in: vb. xiyto n. 44a(18;F) TIB vb. 44a(19) IX'ti: '31 n. 44a(19; MGD 711:18) xctoix n. 44a(20) Xfbl n. 44a(30; P) ly prep 44a(32) 33 "?J? f]X conj. XJU13 n, 44a(54) Onn vb. 44a(56) XI pron "'r prep 44b(2; Ar[AC 7:158]) 4# XBlp n. 44b(3) xpT n. 44b(7) 1# in num. XJB'O n. 44b(8) 131 vb. 44b(13) 1# X13 n. 44b(14) 1# p*7D vb. 44b (15) 1# xn'l n. 44b (17) XJiy'3 n. 3D adj. 44b(18) Xri'jlDn. X0"p n. 44b(18; Ar [AC 2:284]) XJplX n. 44b(19) 'IDp adj. 44b(19; OHPib. 113:9) bfrXQ adj. 44b(20) p'1?© adj. 44b(26) O^X vb. 44b(27;T-S Fl,l 111) x;b n. 44b(35) 1# X13 n. xn?n. 44b(36) Xff?': n. 44b(36; F) 'V'J '3 n. 44b(37) xpJIX n. Xp:iy n. 44b(38) 1# XSI31X n. 1# Xri'3 n. mo vb. 44b(42) XriS'"? n. 44b(45) WX pron. i# xnan n. '311D n. 44b(46) '3'X n. 44b(47) nXDIS adj. 44b(47; P) XrlSlX n. 2# IM vb. 44b(49) »n adj. 1# 'ID vb. fflXJ adv. X^ adv. 44b(51) Dya vb. 45a(l; F) 1# XXB1X n. 45a(l; P) pan vb. 45a(4) 131 vb. na pron. xaj?n. 45b(l) 1# J?3p vb. 45b(9) XniriS n. 45b(15) 2# D"0 vb. 45b(24) O'Bpa prep. i# nn: vb. 45b(27) 1# 'jy vb. 45b(33) Op: vb. 45b(41) pos vb. 45b(43) 'Tin pron. 113 vb. 45b(46) tf'rx »'rx n. )2^ pron. '113 Pr°n. 45b(47) »T1K vb. 45b(48) ]ai vb. 45b(53) 1# ':y vb. 45b(54) XriT3'y n. 45b(55) Vn vb. XWn'1? n. 46a(2) Tin adj. •]in vb. 1'Bj? adj. XpK?n. 46a(3) X3D HW n. 13y vb. ]331 n. 46a(5) 3# 1© vb. 46a(7) 1,13 vb. 46b(10) yiX vb. 46b(19) xrebl W'l n. 46b(20) WX pron. nXDIS adj. tf'tfp adj. 46b(21) xriiyp? n. 'SO adj. 46b(25) 1# yti vb. 46b(26) IXDIS adj. 46b(27; F) una n. 46b(28) ID: vb. 46b (29) 3Jl' vb. 1# 'JB vb. 46b(33) ,1X^33 adj. nxois adj. 46b(48) Xjiia J1313 n. 46b(57) '©a vb. 47a(2) Dip vb. 47a(4) 1# 01J vb. xriyi n. mX7 prep. 'DO vb. 47a(5) XnB'Jf (n)'3 n. id: vb. V?y vb. 47a(6) XJX pron. xnwn adv. ia n. 47a(20) poy vb. 47a(24) 2# ^3 vb. 47a(33) xrniyo n. V>V vb. 47a(34) xnyi n. 3H1D vb. 1# «11X vb. 47a(35) 133 adv. 47a(36) xbliJ n. 47a(36; OAr [AC 1:273]) xVXt'11X n. 47a(38) 1# X13J n. 31 adj. 47a(41) lion1? adv. 47a(42) 1# IpS vb. 47b(2) ]J1 vb. 47b(i4) nxriis n. 47b (15) mivb. 47b(26) 31 '21 XID'O n. 47b (29) pi vb. 47b (31) l#013vb. 47b(41) -l'l»Xconj. 47b(52) 133 vb. 47b(53) 113 vb. 47b (54) 'in vb. 48a(5) -1 conj. x:ani n. 48a(6) 'in vb. xV?tp n. 3n' vb. 8TO n. 48a(7) 1& adv. wm n. 48a(8) ]:31 n. 48a(8; F) m vb. 48a(9) Xrsi3 n. 48a(9;TGHark 209:13 Ar [AC 2:153]) 1# X3'p n.
Berakhot 1252 Babylonian Talmud 48a(14) 48a(17) 48a(18) 48a(19) 48a(20) 48a(21) 48a(23) 48a(24) 48a(25) 48a(28) 48a(31) 48a(32) isy vb. TStf adj. N?1?? n. 133 vb. K3n n. -pa vb. xroVa n. i# xi3J n. until) adv. an' vb. 13?1 n- xrai? n. 1# 'JO vb. 1# 11E> vb. 'T1 pron. 11X pron. Xlp) n. an' vb. pa vb. i# xaij n. lay vb. 1','JJ?1? prep. 48b(9; OHTib. 112:24) yr vb. 48b(9; OHTib. 112:24, TGHark 209:15) 49a(20) 49a(21) 49a(22) 49a(25) 49a(27) 49a(31) 49a(39) 49a(40) 49a(40; P) 49a(41) 49a(41; Ed) 49a(42) xstpip n. yVp vb. 1# D"0 vb. nns vb. 2# xnraj n. nnn vb. nay vb. mp vb. C)'SX3 prep. xjita nsis n. 'X!3X conj. 'xn 'Vre adv. nnn vb. x;rn n. xiiix n. X!7ip n. 131 vb. 49a(42; F) xri'S n. 49a(44) 49a(51) 49b(l) 49b(12) 49b(13) 49b(15) 49b(19) 49b(26) 49b(33) 50a(16) 50a(20) 50a(21) xiiax n. p3» vb. x<nx niix n. XJ71X n. "3 prep. X31 adv. i# 'Jtf vb. IX conj. xi30 n. "IDS vb. ]'X part. yaw vb. '3 prep. X130 n. nxVain: adj. nD' vb. (Xin JJ3) XC?-Tip n. 50a(34) 50a(35) 50a(36) 50a(37) 50a(38) 50a(40) 50a(41) 50a(42) 50b(2) 50b(3) 50b(8) 50b(23) i# nn vb. jhj vb. xnibj tf'i '3 n. X"7J'l n. shut vb. xrois n. xjtt?} tin n. yaw vb. '311 pron. JOT vb. JO vb. n'nyi1? adv. xntf'33 (n)'3 n. i# np vb. tfnx vb. xis'p n. 30 adj. xnji1?? n. i# xjns n. 1»T vb. ms vb. j"?D vb. ms vb. 1# XD'nip n. 50b(27) 50b(29; Ed) 50b(44) 51a(2) 51a(29) 51a(42) 51a(43) 51a(44) 51a(45) 51a(53) 51a(54) 51a(56) 51b(4) 51b(5; P) xjan n. i# xjnpi n. OXB vb. nXIOlDj? adj. X13# n. "3 prep. yjs vb. X3T1 n. i# xiu n. om vb. i# nn vb. fpn vb. xVw n. i# ioy vb. XTTIO n. «]oy vb. DPS vb. xnyi n. nw vb. T13 vb. 5ib(6) xjiia nana n. 51b(8) 51b(15) 51b(16) 51b(17) 51b(18; OP) xnana n. yatf vb. 1# X31 n. 2# XTH't n. xns-i? n. XJ3J n. i# xiiiri n. 51b(18; MGG 299:12) XDioia n. 51b(18; MGG 299:12,P) 52a(8) 52a(23) 52a(24) 52a(25) 52a(26) 52b(10) 52b(12) 52b(32) 52b(42) 52b(51) xnabj? n. yaw vb. y?y vb. xnia'an n. mp vb. i# inx vb. xjiyp n. ~vf? prep. "CIS, adj. vvn vb. Xpl'S n. i# na vb. 1 52b(52) 52b(53) 53a(ll) 53a(12) 53a(15) 53a(17) 53a(27) 53a(30) 53a(31) 53a(38) 53a(42) 53a(44; F) 53b(4) 53b(ll) 53b(17) 53b(20) 53b(21;F) 53b(27; P) 53b(28) 53b (29) 53b(31) 53b(32) 53b(40) 53b(42) 53b(43) 1# '3 conj. Tns; adj. TJT$! adj. xiin: n. xap xap adv. xj'inx adj. 1# '3 conj. X'n pron. i# itfa vb. xira n. 'as; adj. xitpip n. XTI'D n. XJjn n. xwa'ii; n. xanit n. i# xri'-i n. i# xrm n. nn vb. 1# -]UW vb. 'ay vb. xV'Jl n. 1# ]X3 adv. y^p vb. i# nn vb. XpJlK n. xiri n. 1# VlX vb. xis i? n. 1# 'tfj vb. 1# Tin vb. 1DJ vb. vm vb. 1# ''TO vb. Xji' n. "?na vb. 1# '3tf vb. pSJ vb. -p3 vb. *)»n vb. i# 'jy vb. 53b(47) "I XJTya conj. 53b(48) IDS vb. Babylonian Talmud 54a(34) xnx n. 1# XO'J n. ^SJ vb. 13y vb. xn? iry n. i# xia'y n. 54a(35) 'Da vb. *?XJ vb. 54a(36) XflpS n. 54a(37) XJB n. yaj vb. 2# xry n. 'nx vb. 54a(37; MGE 146:14) 1# '13 vb. 54a(38) 1)13 prep. 1# X^BJ n. VIP adJ- pis vb. Dm vb. 54a(38; MGE 146:15 D? adj. 54a(39) 1# XJVWX n. iJ1? prep. xnps n. 54a(40; MGE 146:14) xpnpi n. 54a(41) X13 13 "13 n. T'n adj. 54a(51) nXliBX adj. 54b(i) xnrpj n. 54b(l; MGN 388:4) 1BD vb. 54b (2) XJ11X: n. pSJ vb. 54b(3) 2# 'JO vb. 54b (3; EY) -pa vb. 54b (3; OP) 13B vb. 54b(4) p31 vb. X11D n. 54b(4; OHP ib. 105:13) TXX vb. 54b(4; MGN 388:6) 54b(5) 54b(6) 54b(7) 54b(20) 54b(21) 54b(21; F) 54b(22) 54b(23) 54b(26) 54b (27) 54b(31) 54b(38) 54b(49) 54b(52) 54b(53) 54b(54) 54b(58) 55a(7) 55a(12) 55a(16) 1253 i# □'rn vb. xain. xVn: n. bvp vb. 1# '11 vb. 'b prep. 'J'3B prep. X1BJ n. X11D n. Ipy vb. 1# XD1S n. 3pJ vb. xxap n. i# ipb vb. xiiix n. 1# JSV vb. 2# xnax n. nas adv. xjij n. Xltoy num. i# xrna n. X^Olp n. in© vb. xnuyiB n. 'Tin pron. x;nw n. xan n. 'T vb. nxnu3 adj. '^J vb. Wy vb. XB1?!? n. T1? adJ- xisy n. IDS vb. xjarn n. i# 'jy vb. xnr'fya n. 1# VSl vb. lay vb. 'i?rn n. xnr'fya n. xVl3 pron. 55a(17) 55a(18) 55a(19) 55a(19; P) 55a(19) 55a(25) 55a(45) 55a(46) 55a(47) 55a(48) 55a(49) 55a(50) 55a(50; F) 55a(51) xnyw n. xn'jiioa n. IB 13 prep. XniJB'll n. oyo vb. 1# X03 n. -IV2 vb. Kmjf n. 1# p13 vb. XO'D '3 n. mx vb. X'0mS3 adv. X^J'X3 adv. 1# X13 n. XDH adv. 'bxi adv. xaVn n. miD n. »'3 adj. 3D adj. mp vb. xaVn n. -np'B n. xnis'xy n. xran'is n. nps vb. 1# X1JJ n. 55a(51; OHP ib. 105:16) XJIJ'B n. 55a(51; MGG 633:5) 55b(7) 55b(14) 55b(18) 55b(19) 55b(20) 55b(28) 55b(29) 1# X1JJ n. XT1 part. XJ53 n. xjf3iiy n. xni'Vya n. xaVn n. xrm'X n. i# np vb. 'W vb. 'Iin pron. 1# in num. 3n' vb. XJ13 n. 55b(30) 55b (34) 55b(35) 55b(35; 55b(35; 55b(36) 55b(37) 55b(39) 55b(40) 55b(40; 55b(41) 55b(42) 55b(50) 55b(56) 56a(2) Berakhot (-)'Bp prep. -1 xjrys conj. 2# DID vb. p3 vb. 1# pbO vb. Wn vb. Dp: vb. i# xry n. MGG 630:7) XJ1B n. OHPib. 105:17) 2# 'SO vb. XSp'T n. XJ'B^ n. xVxato n. i# xry n. zhv vb. XBSJ n. 'Trui xsipx, n. "1 conj. ly'Vn adj. xVxaiy n. MGG 630:10) i# vbn vb. X^JBn. yyi vb. 'in vb. 113 vb. 'JO vb. oni vb. Xpltf n. Tya prep. iiys vb. X^p'l n. i# XDna n. V?y vb. 1# xV'S n. I'll pron. 'in vb. 0'3n adj. X31D adv. i# x;V''? n.. 1# 'KB pron.
Berakhot 1254 Babylonian Talmud 56a(3) x»>'n n. ]TO vb. nxpns adj. nxain n. 56a(4) X3nn n. X'THB n. xrrtfp vb. 56a(4; SM 144:5) xvrn n. 56a(4; Ed) XXp'tf n. 56a(5) -mn vb. 56a(7) nnx vb. 56a(8) nxain n. i# 'yn vb. 56a(8; M) 311 vb. 56a(8; F) '3tf vb. 56a(9) xarn n. nnnn vb. 1# Xn»W n. 56a(10) xa>n n. an' vb. ■TOD vb. 56a(ll) XJ1T n. "1 1KB pron. 56a(ll; MGG 703:7) 1# XniX n. 56a(ll;F) U't?1? adv. 56a(12; MGG 703:8) xniyni n. 56a(13) in vb. 56a(15) nat? vb. X3'V n. XpD'y n. IDS vb. 56a(16; MGG 704:2) 1# 'in vb. 56a(16; Ed) XSXiy n. 56a(17) 1# 'in vb. xnn n. 56a(17; MGG 704:2) 1# '31 vb. 56a(18) xa'Vn. 1# 'ip vb. 56a(19) XTIW'3 n. 56a(20) 1# xns n. i# xrns n. 1# Xnai n. aw vb. 56a(21) (")'9X3 prep. Ill vb. 1# np vb. 56a(23) 1# -ri'3T n. 3«!j? adj. 56a(23; MGG 703:15) xrira n. 56a(24) 1# Vptf vb. 56a(25) Xrifl'X n. ma vb. 1# nOB vb. nxnsu adj. xay n. 56a(25; MGG 703:16) '1'V prep. 56a(27) mn vb. 56a(28) xnn n. nOS vb. 56a(29; F) rOB vb. 56a(31) 2#Xl"T'3n. bm vb. X3"?a n. xna'Jia tfn n. 56a(31; MGG 704:5) xna'x n. 56a(31; GTB1 16:16) xrraij n. 56a(31;F) 1# 1>B vb. 56a(31; MGG 704:5) i# -ioa vb. 56a(31; MGG 704:6) xisinns n. 56a(32) 2# X1"T 'a n. xaWi n. i# np vb. 56a(33) XDn n. '"pa adj. T-ia adj. XpT0'J7 n. IB? vb. mp vb. 56a(33; GTB1 16:16) in vb. 56a(33; MGG 704:9) i# nni vb. 56a(34) D1SX prep. □'03 adj. 1# X1T n. DJ? prep. 56a(35) '13 vb. 56a(36) 2# XD'tfS n. xian n. 56a(36; MGG 704:14) '^7 vb. 56a(36; MGG 704:11) 33n vb. 56a(36; MGG 704:15) xri'an n. '^n adj. 56a(37) 1# Xian n. «]sy vb. 56a(37; Ed) p'Ety adj. 56a(37; MGG 704:13) i# yps vb. 56a(37; F) nip vb. xian n. 56a(38) 'ya vb. '10 vb. 1# mti vb. 56a(38; MGG 704:16) OT3 vb. XT3 n. 56a(39) 'in vb. 1# pbo vb. •n? adj. 'l.V'y prep. Dip vb. xnrjia tfn n. 56a(39; SM 141:23, Ed) Xnp'X n. 56a(39; SM 141:24) xniax n. 56a(39; OHP ib. 105:20) 2# nyi vb. 56a(40) »m vb. 56a(41; P) *n. 56a(41) "Trf? prep. "?sa vb. 56a(42) 1# xna n. 56a(42; F) Xli' n. rns vb. 56a(42; MGG 705:1) XJ'tf n. 56a(43) y^a vb. Bhl vb. 1# ]XB pron. i# 'na vb. xtfn n. 56a(43; MGG 705:3) XT^snia n. 56a(44; MGG 705:5) 1# Oil vb. 56a(44) "1 conj. 'SI vb. xni.ni 'jo n. B»B vb. 56a(44; SM 142:14) tfia vb. 56a (44; P) pns vb. 56a(44; MGG 705:5) Dip vb. 56a(45) tn vb. 1# X^ni3 n. <]10 adv. paw vb. 56a(45; MSM 142:17) 1# xri'PX n. 56a(46) i# xna'jia n. 2# nno vb. xnyaiff n. 56a(46; MGG 705:9) xnnix n. nna vb. 56a(46; P) nn3 vb. 1255 Babylonian Talmud 56a(46; MGG 705:9) yT3 vb. 56a(46; MGG 705:10) '03 vb. 56a(46; MGG 705:8) 1# xnx'a n. 56a(47) Xp3X n. xinsx n. nn3 vb. 56a(47; MGG 705:12) "?S1 vb. 56a(48) XnniX n. XHO '3 n. i# xnpia n. nxnra adj. nni vb. 56a(48; F) K^n n. 56a(49) "3 prep, xnaa n. 56a(49; MGG 706:1) 2# X3nx n. 56a(50) 2# XT! n. xns'p n. 1# p"?D vb. Dip vb. 56a(51) 1# noa vb. xniyn n. 56a(52) 1# '^1 vb. oin vb. xniaVa n. nyx vb. 56a(52; MGG 706:7) XT n. 56a(52; F) Dnn vb. 56a(53) Dip vb. 56a(53; MGG 704:10) xpn n. nna vb. 56a(53; O) XJTW tf'n n. 56a(54) 1# xnix n. 1# XJJ n. "?D1 vb. 56a(54; T-S F9, 59) xniHJ n. 56a(54; MGG 706:12) an' vb. 56a(54; MGG 706:11) 2# xona n. V?y vb. 56a(55) nax vb. xyaxx n. 56a(56) xniHJ n. i# xriV'a n. ■?S1 vb. 110 adv. 'lVy prep. 7p3 vb. 1# nXTtf n. yatf vb. 56a(56; MGG 707:4) Ipt vb. 56a(56; Ar [AC 4:76]) 2# Nino n. 56a(56; MGG 707:3) an' vb. 56a(56; MGG 707:4) xnai n. 56a(57; MGG 707:5) VlDBX prep. 56a(57) '3TI1 '3n adv. nos vb. 56b(l;F) 1# riS3 vb. 56b(l; MGG 707:6) 2# 'an vb. 56b(2) Xjnx n. 1S3 vb. i# xyns n. Xtf'n n. 56b(2; MGG 707:6) xaox n. 56b(3) XD1J n. 1# nn num. 2# V?n vb. Dip vb. 56b(3; MGG 707:7) 1# pVs vb. 56b(12) (-)ri'Vpart. ]0'1 n. 56b(12; MGG 708:9) xrivrnx n. xri'nix n. 56b(12; MGG 708:8) 2# nxp vb. 56b(13; MGG 708:9) ma vb. Xli'01 n. 56b(14; MGG 707:9) °?y3 vb. 1# XJVT n. xrrera n. 56b(14; MGG 707:8) 1# 'pffi vb. 56b(15) yV3 vb. W'W'. ng n. xaais n. 56b(16; MGG 707:10) ptil vb. xnn'p n. 56b(17; MGG 707:13 K1WX n. "pa vb. 56b(18) XOX n. 1# 'an vb. 56b(l9) i# nnn vb. 56b(19; O) Xli' n. 56b(19; P) xaniyn. 56b(20) XJW'X n. XD'J n. nno vb. 56b(21) ri'X part. xny'3 n. 'pp vb. xaatf n. in nbv vb. p'1?* adJ' 56b(21; MGG 707:16) T"?i? adJ- 56b(22) n'X part. xVys.n. Berakhot x'rrn pron. n3p vb. 56b(22; SM 143:32) '03 vb.' 56b(22; MGG 708:1) '^ vb. 56b(23) IX1? adv. 56b(24) xniH n. xnwre n. 56b(43) l# xnip n. 1# XTp n. 4# Knp n. 56b(44) xaV'n n. xana n. X^p n. 56b(49) 1# np vb. 56b(49; MGG 696:2) xnn© n. 56b(50; MGG 696:2) KITO n. 56b(51) Xplin n. 33n vb. 57a(l) mo vb. 57a(2l) nnnn vb. 57a(25) 1# pVo vb. 57a(39) Vy3 vb. 1# pbo vb. 57a(48) 2# x'jan n. 57a(50) XDJX n. V?y vb. 57a(51) xV30n. 57a(52) nai vb. nVa 2>'n n. 57a(55) X^l'rl n. nny vb. *?Bp vb. 57b(19) mo vb. 57b(20) xnp n. 57b(22; P) 1# X33 n. 57b(23; MAr [AC 7:66]) 57b(23; FP) KSlS'p n. 57b(45) noil adj.
Berakhot 1256 Babylonian Talmud 31 adj. 57b(46) XJKOB n. 1# xVi:o n. X33# n. 57b(47) xVnn n. 57b(47; MGG 699:9) an1 vb. 57b(56) 1# IPX vb. X'T»n adv. i# >pD vb. xna n. xisj? n. xrnyi n. 57b(57) 'X13X adv. XTTO n. •m vb. 57b(58) ym vb. 58a(27) 'in vb. 1# *7p» vb. 58a(28) 31 '3 13 n. 1# X3Xn n. i# xin: n. 58a(29) 1# X131J n. 'tn vb. 58a(29; OHP ib. 106:7) tfllX vb. 58a(29; TGHark 215:5) XJ13 n. 58a(29; TGHark 215:4) X'f? adv. 58a(31) xnipw n. 58a(32) xntfn adv. 'XII adv. nxra n. xjtdVb n. 58a(36) 333 vb. X1U n. 58a(36; OAr AC 2:40]) XBB13 n. 58a(36; Ar [AC 2:40]) 333 vb. 58a(36; Ed) bm vb. 58a(37) 'p1? vb. i# xry. n. 58a(38) XS1?!? '3 n. 1# in num. nxim; adj. 1# XXIIp n. 2# xnwi n. 58a(38; MGE 143:11) xjain n. 1# X1'3 n. epj vb. 58a(39) Vy3 vb. X^Bp 13 n. 2# X1BH n. 58a(39; Ed) XpflO'lS n. 58a(41) WX pron. 1# '"?! vb. •1 nip pron. yy vb. 2# xriWI n. 58a(41; P) 2# "I ]Xa *73 pron. 58a(42; MGE 144:5) Qiai vb. 58a(42; MGE 144:4) 2# iyj vb. 58a(42; MGE 144:5) xns'to n. 58a(43) xjnx n. 1# '13 vb. PX? prep. XfflsVa n. ^VPl n. 58a(43; MGE 144:7) 3n' vb. XJBVltf n. 58a(44) XJ'1 n. XsVip n. nxaii n. 58a(44; SM 32:28) xnia^ai/xsVai xsan. x^a n. 58a(45) pM vb. 13? vb. 1# Xlptf n. 58a(47) XsVip n. 58a(47; MGE 144:14) 13y vb. 58a(47; P) X^IIS n. 58a(48) XplOS n. 58a(48; MGE 144:14) XEhia '3 n. 58a(55) xniMJ tf'1 n. 58a(62) XJBin n. 58b(7) 111 vb. xmvs n. 58b(8) mx vb. 58b(9) nix vb. 58b(13) mx vb. XIT'SX n. XH'tf num. 58b(14) 'SX vb. 1# Vptf vb. 58b(14; M) X?:tf n. 58b(15) 1# XO'3 n. 58b(16) XBH n. nns vb. xnn n. 58b(17) l#xriB'nn. I'?? adj. 'X131? adv. yafe? vb. 58b(18) l#X0'3n. 10D vb. I'?? adj. xaru n. X3Xn. 58b(18;F) «]03 vb. XB>T| Xli3'X n. 58b(27) 1# D"0 vb. 58b(34) 'tn vb. tfm vb. 58b(38) XCtoiX n. D'3n adj. xriasn n. 'X,1 '*?13 adv. 58b(46) B'3tfl X3313 n. xV3# n. 58b(46; P) T,i: adj. 58b(47) D'3#1 X3313 n. 1# xVp'3 n. ps: vb. 58b(48) XV! n. 3in vb. 13? vb. 58b(48; MGE 147:10) pm vb. 58b(48; Ar [AC 3:273]) XVI'T n. 58b(49) 71J73 vb. 2# XO'J n. blbl vb. 1# X^D'3 n. K11.1J n. TH n. 58b(53) X^a'pX conj. piB vb. XXpi? n. X3ip? n. 58b(53; OHP ib. 106:12, Ar [AC 6:249]) XDlp? n. 58b(54) piB vb. N31p:J? n. 58b(56) 113 vb. xrir n. «p vb. 58b(56; MGG 168:15) 58b(57; F) vbxy n. 59a(l) 1# *)1D vb. 59a(l; Ar [AC ib.]) 1# «]1B vb. 59a(7) X3313 n. 59a(8) Bm vb. 59a(10) 1# KiTtf n. 59a(ll) l#X3iXn. 1# xmj n. i# rm vb. 59a(ll;MGE 148:1) 1# VTX vb. Babylonian Talmud 59a(l 1; FM) 3# '31 vb. 59a(12) 1# mi vb. 3# '11 vb. 1# 'B1 vb. 59a(14) 1# nil vb. 59a(15) 1# Xilll n. 59a(15; MGE 148:5) 1# X31K n. 3'13 adv. 59a(15; M) X3T3 n. 59a(17) 'J?D vb. 59a(22) xVl1?? n. X1J5? n. 59a(23) -pV vb. 59a(24) '1ir| pron. x;»n. 59a(24; MGE 149:5) XID'B n. 59a(25) 1# Xp13 n. brfrn vb. piB vb. XT? n. 59a(25; Ar [AC ib.]) 1# X113 n. T'Tl adj. 59a(26) 701 vb. xbis n. 59a(27) piB vb. 59a(27; F) pi3 vb. 59a(27; MGE 149:7) 'OB vb. 59a(27; MGE 149:8) Ojn vb. xayi n. 59a(28; P) XSJH n. 59a(32) 1# Xp13 n. piT adj. nXTIV adj. MJS; n. 59a(32;MGE 148:14) 1# Xri3'riB n. X1U n. 59a(33) xni?q n. 1257 1# p'jO vb. XJJ? n. 59a(33; MGE 149:1) 59a(34; F) 59a(36) 59a(37) 59a(37; F) 59a(38) 59a(38; F) 59a(42) 59a(45) 59a(47) 59a(51) 59a(51; F) 59a(51) piT adj. '#P adj. (-)Jl'b part. X&BB n. 2# Xian 13 n. 1# '11 vb. pa vb. 2# xnrisa n. XpOn. X33 n. XJJ? n. XTl'D n. X3'J/ n. 1# IBp vb. rf?B vb. ""? prep. 113 vb. xino'x n. 2# 'Vl vb. «l'in adj. 59a(51; MGG 186:17) 59b(4) 59b(5) 59b(6) 59b(ll) 59b(13) 59b(16) 59b(17) xnia n. i# nn vb. xiiina n. bsi vb. '3?3 n- '3 adj. xV'?1? adv. ,1X015 adj. XI^'J n. x:rip'3i2? n. 1'in adj. x;a n. 2/B0 vb. TSW adj. 59b(17; OAr [AC 2:271]) TrlJ adj. 59b(18; OAr [AC 2:271]) 1# 111 vb. 59b(18; MGG 82:16) 59b(18) 59b(19) 2# yilS vb. T'XI adj. 13 conj. 59b(19; OHPib. 106:16) 59b(34) 59b(41) 60a(20; P) 60a(20) 60a(21; P) 60a(30) 60a(34) 60a(37) 60a(39) 60a(40) 60a(52) 60a(53) 60b(13) 60b (27) 60b(33) 60b(34) 60b (3 5) 60b(36) isna adj. nn vb. XSflTO n. Xpl'3 n. 1# pVo vb. NJlim n. 2# mv vb. i# •'in vb. 'oni n. iyn vb. xsio n. XplDS n. XS/'I n. ins vb. Xp part. Xpltf n. 'J1X vb. i# xrrra n. KaVj; n. '3? '? n. XTOJ7 n. nns vb. 3Ptf vb. X13'X n, onn vb. nj? vb. 1# '3 conj. '03 vb. ^3"7 vb. 1# '3 conj. 2# 'JO vb. 10X vb. 60b(36; OHPib. 106:19) 60b(36; P) 60b(37) 60b(37; M) 60b(39) 60b(41) Din vb. xrjan n. 1# '3 conj. X111D n. K?T! n- 1# 'S conj. 60b(42) 60b (54) 60b(55) 60b(56) 60b(56; P) 60b(57) Berakhot 1# XSX n. 'CB vb. 13? vb. xjani n. 1# Xl'SWlX n. X131 n. T113 vb. 1# "?3X vb. X^IX n. 'rlX vb. 1# Xp'I n. '3D vb. H,-\1W n. XJIlp n. 60b(57; SM 110:3) 60b(58) 1,1J vb. 1# XD'^J n. 2# X313 n. 3D adj. xrian. '31; vb. 60b(58; RaH) 311 vb. 61a(10) 61a(ll) 61a(17) 61a(23) 61a(35; P) 61a(47) 61a(49) 61b(13) 61b(57) 61b(58) 62a(12) 62a(14) 62a(15) 62a(15; Ed) 62a(16) TOl vb. »D3 vb. 1# '13 vb. i# nn vb. 1# xri"33 n. xn'!?Vp n. 31 '3 n. XB'13 adv. 2# m vb. XJiyB n. X*7 adv. inn. xrir?1? n. TDX vb. V?V vb. xrny:x n. iri3 prep. 3n' vb. 'B1 vb. 2# lift; vb. J1X pron.
Sabbat 1258 Babylonian Talmud 62a(24) 62a(25) 62a(26) 62a(27) 62a(28) nxaiix adj. 1# in num. 1# pH vb. 2# 'SO vb. X;>3'p n. 'TWC Jl'a n. xrny'jx n. 1# '31 vb. '&rn n. xnip'ric? n. 1# X18'X n. XHJ n. *{?n vb. X*?3'p n. 62a(28; MGG 378:18) '» adv. 62a(29; GS 96:17) 62a(30) 62a(37) 62a(39) 62a(43) 62a(44) 62a(44; P) 62a(45) 62a(51) 62a(51; P) 62a(52) 1# XipV n. tfpip vb. XJTI13 n. i# Jin: vb. X31S0 n. 1# >pX vb. 1# X1?'!? n. xna n. xyatf n. xsini n. 'jn vb. ':s vb. Din interj. i# tfatfa vb. 2# XtfTI n. 'ehn n. xnifhn n. 62b(3; OHP 106:22) 62b (3; OP) 62b (6) XaDON n. XBitJO n. 1# *?3X vb. I'M adj. 13? prep. T1X vb. 62b(6; OHT ib. 139:3) JB3 vb. 62b(7) XTI'p n. 1# 'lp vb. X3"!j? n. nrn vb. 132? vb. 62b(9) xV'atf n. 62b(9; P) 'in vb. 62b(10) 'in vb. 62b(10; Ed) j6|?n n. 62b(12) 1# ^30 vb. 62b(13) 2# in: n. 62b(24) pm vb. XJipTI n. Xinn pron. XP313 n. oatf vb. 62b(29; GS 96:17) XTiaax n. 62b(46; L) 2# '11 vb. 62b(46) 3# «lp3 vb. 63a(17) K»BJ n. 63a(30) tfll vb. 63a(31) CW'Vpart. 63a(31; Ar [AC 3:293]) ttl vb. 63a(31;OP) XTSBpiS n. 63a(31;OAr [AC 3:293]) 1# VBp vb. 63a(32) 1# X13J n. 63a(33) XIJ'X n. 1# X32J n. KM n. warn n. 63a(38) 1# XDITO n. 63a(38; OHP ib. 106:25) xnvaVx n. 63b (12) 11} vb. 64a(5) Qlp vb. 64a(5; ISGF 85:17 Rashi) xnytf n. 64a(6) X3in 'la n. 64a(8) 1# -[^a vb. 64a(9) 64a(29; 2b(10) 2b(12) 2b(25) 3a(l) 3a(2) 3a(21) 3b(l) 3b(2) 3b(3) 3b(4) 3b(5) 3b(ll) 3b(19) 3b (25) 3b(33) 4a(4) 48(5) 4a(10) XJH1X n. Ed) xnyi n. Sabbat xavn n. "b prep. X31»n n. X11BB n. mbm adv. lOn'KJ num. X33 n. xsio n. TU vb. rTO vb. 'nns tj n. xnsea n. Dip vb. °?Xtf vb. xrinx adj. «]03 vb. 2# 'J» vb. 1# Mp vb. IX1? adv. '»P adj. "ia prep. 1BX prep. Vl3 vb. 1# X113 n. '31? conj. 1# xrfr'a n. 13y vb. '3'n adv. 4a(ll;Ed) 1# Tin vb. 4a(20) 4b(ll) 4b(14) 4b(15) 5a(14) 5a(30) 5a(37) 5b(5) 5b(7) X'ina adv. BtfB vb. 'il pron. (')'Bp prep. XM3 n. VVS vb. 2# °?B3 vb. yaw vb. atin vb. m vb. rru vb. 5b(10) 5b (34) 6a(2) 6a(13) 6a(14) 6a(16) 6a(17) 6a(19) 6a(49) 6b(7) 6b(ll) 6b(18) 6b (26) 78(11) 7a(12) 7a(15) 7a(26) 78(27) 7a(37) 7b(22) 7b (29) 88(0 8a(14) 8a(16) 8a(24) 8b(3) 8b(4) 8b(14) 8b(21) 8b(22) 8b(24) 8b(26) '1IX vb. i# mv vb. m: vb. 1# 'Jtf vb. Vi adj. X3'X part. lax vb. yaw vb. 'awn n. oya vb. i\VX pron. 3tfn vb. "px vb. 1# pSD vb. pm vb. il1? prep. x'ina adv. on vb. 2# '10 vb. on vb. xrai n. xnarn n. ri'aa adj. Xll'tf n. n'3 adj. 2# 'Jtf vb. xaby. (ni'Via n. OTI vb. "ina vb. lXb adv. 'ai vb. nxVi n. 'm vb. 1XV adv. 'X conj. tf'l'X n. lay vb. i# ~\y vb. 3JX prep. «pB vb. 2# 'lp vb. IK1? adv. xati n. Babylonian Talmud 1259 Sabbat 8b(28) XtTI n. 8b(29) «ipt vb. 8b(36) XTa adv. 9b(20) XaVj?3 adv. l"y vb. 9b(21) XJ'3Tn. 11D vb. 9b(23) 1# J013 vb. 9b(24) XB1?'! conj. 2# ino vb. 9b(32) 1# Xian n. 9b(33) XJ'^an n. i# ntf vb. i0a(2) i# yap vb. 10a(3) 1# X^'1? n. ytfs vb. nrn vb. 10a(5) 1DX vb. xr;an n. xninnt? n. 10a(5; Ar [AC 4:317]) XriVTTJ n. 10a(7) XpaiD n. i# 'an vb. 10a(8) 1# 'TO vb. 10a(9) '3 prep. 1# Xiay n. las vb. 2# '"?X vb. (-)'ap prep. 10a(10) 1# '3 conj. 10a(ll) XiyXn. 10a(13) '03 vb. 1»y vb. 10a(15) 1# T1X vb. xnfrx n. 10a(18) 1# MJ vb. I0a(i9) arno vb. 10a(23) «Hn- poy vb. 10a(24) 'I'S prep. 1# OH vb. nSD n. xiiay n. xnytf n. 10a(24; MGE 362:12) i# xiay n. 10a(25) xri n. X^ia pron. 10a(26) 1# vbn vb. X3'1? n. 10a(49) OtfB vb. iob(i) xanit n. ti'Bl adj. 10b(8) XnUBTJ n. 10b(19) X;»ni3 n. i# 'Va vb. 1# t\W vb. 10b(20) Xjfxn adv. Wn vb. 10b(24) "I conj. 13y vb. I0b(28) xnina n. 10b(29) nin adj. xnyati n. 10b(30) -brpi prep. 10b(33) 3an vb. 10b(34) K^aV n. 2# xnV'a n. 10b(35) Tf! adj. Tig adj. 10b(36) XiriS adj. 1# X31J n. BpJ vb. 10b(46) 1D1! adj. Din vb. lla(7) lSXri^Bn. 1 la(7; OAr [AC 7:225]) Xpipip n. lla(8;OAr[AC 1:17]) X11113X n. lla(9) 3invb. lay vb. lla(29) QyDvb. lla(30) «]rvb. lla(38) Ua(45) Hb(2) llb(3) 12a(15) 12a(17) 12a(29) 12a(38) 12a(39) 12a(4.0) 12a(41) 'TIS vb. 3D adj. X'n pron. ]3X pron. TS vb. Qip vb. 131 vb. xriaVTi n. 1# K13 n. nxbpn n. xtina n. yep vb. 1# XJp1? n. yaw vb. nx:o n. 12b(12; Ar [AC 7:177]) 12b(12; Ar 12b(13) 12b(46) 12b(48) 12b(49) 13a(42) 13a(43) 13b(44) 14a(12) 14a(13) 14a(30) 14b(25) tihn adj. [AC 7:177]) TSp adj. iKV vb. "131 vb. xjani n. ■13 prep. xrrcra n. xds: n. xiina n. i# -ri'ai n. XJl* n. XT JT3 n. pw: vb. xnn '3 n. "Tl pron. xai? n. XTH n. linp adv. 3ip vb. vm vb. 1# '11^ vb. U^iTpron. 'I'V prep. XTDS n. 1BX vb. 1# '3 conj. 14b(27) 15a(25) 15a(45) 15b(l) 15b(2) 15b(3) 15b(21) 15b(22) 16a(17) 16a(20) 16a(21) 16b(18) 17b(l) 17b(4) 17b(7) flffl pron. XJWT7B n. xain. D'lp adj. X®« n. XTW n. XT1TTJ n. •13 prep. Dip vb. Ill vb. i# nn: vb. XT3H n. lay vb. by prep. 1# t\~M vb. 1X1 vb. X3tin n. •wn vb. BIS vb. p'n vb. 5:324]) 17b(13) 17b(14) 17b(25) 18a(5) 18a(36) 18b(3) 18b(ll) 18b(13) 18b(14) 18b(18) 18b(21) 18b(22) 18b(24) 18b(25) 18b(31) 18b(35) 18b(36) nxnv: adj. ion vb. 1D3B num. 3K?n vb. xnao n. i# xm1? n. Xipip n. 1# IpS vb. i# 'nn vb. XlBlp n. 1# Xp'l n. "rj adj. Xll'p n. b&2 vb. i# xaii n. 'TJ adj. Xlip'3 n. X'U n. xni? n. xrna n. Xlip'3 n. xmaw n.
1260 Sabbat "n adj. 4# xnp n. 19a(20) 1# mil n. xria n. 19a(35) XJXa n. XJH'X n. i# xnxp n. 19a(35; M) "1 conj. J73X vb. 19a(37) "I ]xa 'XI pron. 133 adv. Dip vb. 19a(38) XJXan. i# xixp n. 19a(39) 2#nTOvb. 19a(40) yVDvb. 19a(40; M) nm vb. 19a(44) 'TaVspron. xV'Ba adv. 19b (5) l#xV31Xn. mm adv. xnp'ya adv. I9b(9) xrnra n. 19b (12) 1# xri"l? n. 19b(19) 10X vb. 19b(20; OHT ib. 19:5) 19b(22) 19b(24) 19b (26) 19b (28) 20a(10) 20a(15) 20a(16) 20a(25) 20a(36) 20a(38) 20a(41) 20a(42) 20b(8) 20b(10) 20b(ll) 20b(20) 2# X11T n. xni n. 'T vb. '5D vb. *7X3 vb. TX1 pron. nru vb. X3a adv. J7"0 vb. X3nnx n. i# xrians n. X/1311X adv. na vb. 1# xrfro n. X310 n. XTXT n. XDiD n. 20b(21) Xri'TTOJ? n. 20b(24; M) KM'? n. 20b(25) ppi vb. ys: vb. 20b(26) xVlS pron. xa? 'mm n. 20b(27) K3\>» n. 20b(28) 1# XlpTO n. X33n n. 20b(29) Vlb vb. xrnVj tfn n. 20b(30) XDDpn n. 20b(31;M) X13ns n. 1# rtKTtf n. 20b(33) nirf? adv. m n. 20b(34) x:nnx n. 20b(35) 1# xmny n. 20b(36) xrnnay n. I'jp vb. 20b(37) X31WX n. ")-|S vb. Xnstf n. 20b(37; M) D31X adj. XS'Tn n. 20b(38) D31X adj. 20b(38; M) 2# X3"1X n. 20b(39) nin vb. T113 vb. 20b(40) xnS'l n. KfflTp n. 20b (42) XCTl n. KflS't n. xrfaos n. 20b(43) X31p'J7 n. 21a(l) 1#'Xa pron. )B prep. ps3 vb. 2ia(i0) xrnff'a n. XJp n. 21a(ll) 'mvb. "T"!1? prep. 21a(12) XJptf '3 n. X3'^X n. i# 'an vb. 21a(12; RDQ, s.v. py) 21a(13) 21a(14) 21a(39) 21a(45) 21b(10) 21b(12) 2Ib(14) 21b(15) 21b(17) 21b(23) 21b(24) 21b(51) 22a(3) 22a(5) 22a(14) 22a(22) 22a(23) 22a(30) 22a(38) 22a(39) 22a(40) 22b(4) 22b(15) 22b(19) 22b(33) 23a(13) 'pttfS '3 n. 'Vl vb. xriun n. (-)JP part. Xl'xns n. XiTIS n. m: vb. XS3J? n. i# ntia vb. XIH pron. '3! vb. 1# XDTJ n. xrnpr n. '33 vb. p"n vb. 2# '^a vb. 1? prep. x^rn n. xniax n. xanya n. mo vb. jnn vb. tfm vb. 1# X3X n. nax vb. (-)'ap prep. xna n. "13 prep. 1# X3X n. 1# '?3 vb. ms vb. xp part. xjntf n. xorp n. 1# '30 vb. i# yap vb. xorp n. m vb. p^l vb. xtfna adv. Babylonian Talmud 23a(14) KriBns* n. TJlIt? vb. 23a(15) 2# NI'BtflX n. 303 vb. 23a(16) 1J3 prep. pVl vb. 23a(19) 1# Tin vb. XITO'a n. mymv n. 23a(20) 'SB adj. xiin: n. 23a(21) XITO'a n. 23a(21; MMGE 611:21) b'S adj. 23a(22) Xli,13 n. 23a(44) V?T vb. 23a(46) X1OT n. 23a(47) 1# X13 n. X1OT n. 1# ]Xa pron. 23a(49) «]bn vb. 23a(50) pVl vb. X38 adv. 23b(16) am prep. 23b(17) "iriSprep. 1# 111 vb. 1# Xf'3 n. DD1D vb. 23b(23) fpn vb. 23b(24) ^>jn vb. xjnw n. 23b(25) pS3 vb. 31 adj. 23b(27) xnn'S n. Vjl vb. 23b(28) RV1 '3 n. Xjnti n. 23b(31) 1# inx vb. p1?! vb. 23b (3 5) Dip vb. 23b(37) 1# Xia n. ]331 n. Dm vb. Babylonian Talmud 1261 Sabbat 23b(38) 23b(39) 23b(40) 24a(10) 24a(18) 24b(l) 24b(5) 24b (10) 26a(l) 26a(3) 26a(4) 26a(5) 26a(6) 26a(39) 26b(2) 26b(23) 26b(25) 27a(5) 27a(6) 27a(23) 27a(24) 27a(25) 27a(30) 27a(31) 27b (3) 27b(29) 28a(16) 28a(20) 28a(24) 28b(26) 28b(28) 28b(38) ^m vb. xjrin n. '?? 13 n. jot vb. xrvfra tf'n '3 n. lai vb. T3 prep. Dp: vb. On'1? part. XrD1?',! n. myn 'an adv. liy adv. 'in vb. i# xnan n. xrVps n. '3D vb. xapnDX n. xrrcra n. vvp vb. VVp vb. nsi vb. mv n. 2# D"D vb. nax vb. "1 conj. X'l pron. XTI3 n. XDiya n. 2# 'Vj vb. xjann n. X'nn pron. 'nx vb. X'in3 adv. xrinx adj. xrrna n. XJpll n. 1# 'ip vb. i# mn vb. XS1A n. 1# 'Xa pron. VVS vb. X31p n. ri'X part. 28b(43) p1?! vb. Xp part. 29a(23) lyni'Da adv. xV73a adv. 29a(25) XJ313 n. 'HIS 13 n. xrrop vb. 29a(28) i# xriyn n. 29a(29) 2# nxanx adj. nxonD adj. 29a(30) 3JX prep. XS'X n. 29a(34) n,Dl vb. 29b(27) nnj vb. 1» V'?1? prep. 1# Xri'V'? n. IXliS'S adj. 1# X^'B n. 29b(27; M) X^DDO n. 29b(28) 1# Xn3il n. 29b(28; M) \>T\V vb. 29b(29) 1BX prep. X31in n. xn^'33 »'n n. 29b(30) nni vb. xVpSD n. 30a(9) '33 vb. ma pron. 30a(9; M) ]a V'5?1? prep. XriV'XK; n. 30a(10) XTO3 n. X3'S13 n. Dip. ]I3 prep. Xni3 n. 30a(ll) ]Xadv. A3X pron. X'H pron. xriasn n. XJiwriVaio n. 30a(35) 1713 prep. D,ll vb. 30a(36) y^>a vb. 30b(l) 1# 013 vb. xai' Va adv. mzp n. 30b(3) 1# XDTJ n. pn* vb. 30b(4; M) X3ri013 n. 30b(5) vm vb. X}Vx n. 30b(5; M) OT3 vb. 30b(6) Xjni n. i# xj;ns n. nns vb. mv vb. pI\V vb. 30b(7) 1# rbti vb. 30b(ll) T^bprep. xriVxi; n. Wv vb. 30b(12) °li?:prep. *?XV vb. 30b(36) inib prep. 30b(37) Xria'X n. xrnn'13 n. lioaV adv. mym n. 30b(38) ]"? vb. 30b(41) O'ap1? prep. 30b(43) 1# '3,1 vb. XTjaa n. xriibs n. 30b(49) ern vb. Xp part. 30b(51; MGG 770:10) X133 n. 1# Xllp n. 31a(25) Wxadv. T'J vb. ■]Dn vb. 31a(29) l#Xiann. ifr adv. '3D vb. lay vb. 31a(30) ^1'X pron. lai vb. XCTTS n. 31b(3) 'Hpron. ^30 interj. 31b(4) KJ?T1n- 31b(9) Vnivb. nxori n. 31b(10) 1'JliXian. 31b(ll) nxpnn. 31b(19) 1# 'Xa pron. 31b(21) yv-\ vb. 31b(39) nxV'Vjadj. by prep. 32a(6) 1# xnax n. lin vb. X3'3D n. 32a(6; RaH) 1# tfS3 vb. Dll vb. 32a(7; RaH.Ar [AC 6:455]) Xp3na n. 32a(7) xnpna n. 32a(8) ^33 vb. X»D3 n. p3ti vb. 32a(9) X;?n n. 32a(9; MGG 438:16) X33n. 32a(9; MMGG 438:16) xnon n. 32a(9; MGG 438:16 MO) nana adj. 32a(9; MGG 438:16) XJ'3? n. O'nn adj. 32a(10) xmri'Sn. X33»in n. 32a(10; MGG 438:17) X33n. 32a(10; M) 'TJ '3 n. 32a(ll) xnnian. W'S3 adj. 32a(ll; Ar [AC 2:4]) xVlX n.
Sabbat 1262 Babylonian Talmud 32a(ll; Ar 32a(ll; M) 32a(!l; Ar 32a(12) 32a(13) 32a(15) [AC ib.]) 1# Xr'T '3 n. xrn:n n. [AC 2:4]) xarn n. 1# pi3 vb. X13a n. ny vb. IpS vb. XJBO n. B1?© vb. 32a(15; MGG 439:3) 32a(16) 32a(18) 33a(l) 33a(36) 33a(37) 33a(38) 33a(39) 33b(23) 33b(28) 33b(29) 33b(31) 33b(31; M) 33b(31) 33b(32) xnaix n. 1# 'Xa pron. i# xip n. xai' n. pDJ vb. 2# XJTO n. i3y vb. ron vb. ]S3 vb. x:s? n. X"?13': n. n'sa adj. V'Dp adj. NTH? n. Xm(l)3 n. N«7 n. 3m vb. XEHia '3 n. 'E?D vb. 113 vb. 1# VlX vb. 1# '13 vb. 2# '■?! vb. xrinn n. 'PB vb. xrnyTB n. 1# XO': n. 2# XJ'J? n. »m vb. i# on vb. i# x^n n. 33b(33) 33b(34) 33b(35) 33b(36) 33b(38) 33b(40) 33b(41) 33b(44) 33b(45) 3m vb. Xlll? n. 1# 'ba vb. '03 vb. KJT? n- 2# rfptf vb. VT vb. 3JV vb. 1# ]X8 pron. xrnjra n. xnms n. Dip vb. xrro n. "703 vb. XriTIJ n. 313 vb. ma vb. "ID'i? n- jnt vb. xnT n. XTO n. 1# 'DX vb. XDX n. Xl'B n. op: vb. 30 adj. M3 '3 n. 'HO vb. "3 prep. xito'3 n. '33 vb. X3Jn. pn vb. 2# X^'S n. Xp part. 33b(45; MGG 584:6,M) 3 3b (46) 33b(48) 2# 11X vb. xnyai n. inn vb. in: vb. i# mix vb. Xpll'B n. plS vb. 33b(49) 34a(l) X^lp n. 'tfp vb. x:ns n. 3# 1p: vb. 34a(4; Ar [AC 6:157]) 34a(5) 34a(ll) 34a(23) 34a(24) 34a(26) 34a(27) 34b(24) 34b(32) 34b(35) 34b(36) 34b(37) 34b(39) 34b(40) 35a(2) 35a(3) 35a(13) 35a(16) 35a(18) 35a(28) 35a(31) 35a(31; M) 35b(ll) 35b(12) 135? vb. yyi vb. 1# TIB vb. 1"X vb. '31 vb. XpW3 adv. ma vb. JMl n. xnim: n. XH pron. X130 n. □ip vb. -p3 vb. '1TX vb. 1# XJ1?? n. 1# xV'B n. Xya'1 num. i# xVa n. 1# X°7'a n. xp:i n. XBlV'n n. i# xrf?n n. 1# Xni3 n. 2# xnVn n. 1# X113 n. 2# '11 vb. 2# '11 vb. xmis n. XJB'O n. lax vb. abv vb. i# -\m vb. xVp'l n. pVl vb. x»n n. XBO'» n. XJ1W n. X131 n. 35b(13) 35b(13; 36a(6) 36a(7) 36a(8) 36a(10) 36a(12) 36b(14) 37a(l) 37a(43) 37a(44) 37b(l) 37b(4) 37b(10) 37b(24) 37b(34) 37b(37) 37b(41) 37b(45) 37b(48) 37b(50) 37b(52) 38a(22) 38a(25) 38b(9) 38b(48) 39a(12) 39a(33) 39b(4) 39b(5) 39b(16) 39b(21) X311J? n. Ar [AC 3:246]) x:in n. 1# ^V vb. XTIS'ty n. xrnxixq n. xiws n. xniws n. '?? '3 n- xWain n. X33 n. ion vb. 1# pVo vb. Xl'lX n. 'J'a 'J'3 adv. xVan n. ]1'3 conj. vbv vb. yw vb. 1# 11,1 vb. ^l pron. XJpll n. WX pron. 31pa adj. 1# 'IB vb. X13iyi il'ia n. xrra n. xrra n. Jl'K part. XO'^1 n. X1S1? n. XaV^3 adv. Diy vb. 1# Xai3. n. X*?3n n. 1# '3 conj. Dll'S n. 133 adv. x:ft"p n. 'X conj. xVx conj. '31 adv. CTTS3 adv. Babylonian Talmud 1263 Sabbat 39b(22) 40a(l) 40a(2) 40a(28) 40a(50) 40b(3) 40b(36) 40b(43) 41a(l) 41a(3) 41a(10) 41a(ll) 41a(12) 41a(15) 41a(16) 41a(17) 41a(18) 41a(21) 41a(23) 41a(24) 41a(25) 41a(26) 41a(29) 41a(30) 41a(38) 41a(39) xV?3B adv. xV73 n. '311? prep. xm:na n. 1# VtX vb. 1# xVlp n. 13J7 vb. xrjnj? n. X^3,l n. VIS vb. xri'paax n. X11TJ n. X1? adv. i# y« vb. nyn vb. 103 vb. njn vb. inin vb. xninjra n. nn. 1# '3 conj. 1# Jim vb. IPT vb. '3 prep. 1# TW> vb. ... '31 n. ipt vb. i# nn: vb. i# w vb. bbw vb. yatf vb. i# pbo vb. mX7 prep. x^an n. ps: vb. nns vb. '33 '3 n. xais n. x;a n. xru'V^a n. T? '3 n- i# xri'a n. 'I'D '3 n. 42b(12) 42b(30) 42b(31) 43a(2) 43a(4) 43a(6) 43a(14) 43a(20) 43a(29) 43b(3) 43b(13) 44a(l> 44a(26) 45a(8) 45b(21) 45b(41) 45b(44) i# xma n. nVw'3 n. i# xriVa n. 11X vb. 1# XSVlJ n. 1# J?ps vb. mtti adj. i# xri'3 n. 1'nj adj. X1TO3 n. I1?! vb. mm adj. 'SI vb. iJ'B prep. 'Sp vb. TV vb. 3tfn vb. US vb. '33 vb. xnjfi n. B'D: adj. 2# X13n n. xri3i:n n. Wb vb. O'Bpa prep. X'll'p adj. xni:a n. xnija n. 46a(4; AC 3:504) 46a(6) 46a(7) 46a(22) 46a(23) 46a(24) 46a(31) 46a(33) 46a(34) Xpl'n n. Xpl'n n. Xpl'n n. ^B vb. XJlip n. nxy1?? adj. xnnja n. XITO'B n. XBS3 n. XXTV n. 01X vb. m vb. j/Vp vb. XJ'B n. 46a(35) 46b(5) 46b(13) 46b(16) 46b(26) 46b(29) 47a(18) 47a(18; M) 48a(l) 48a(3) 48a(4) 48a(6) 48a(7) 3m vb. 103 vb. 2# xnis n. XBS: n. xjiir? n. 1'13 adj. 103 vb. XB1B n. *7S: vb. ppt vb. ]13 vb. XllO'X n. ^dVo vb. X}U3 n. XIJB'p n. xVsn n. l# pbo vb. XJ13 n. m: vb. x;a n. i# nt: vb. XS1S n. XBlpBlp n. I1?' vb. 1# X?13 n. XB1B n. 2# 013 vb. 48a(7; Ar [AC 6:26, s.v. 110]) 48a(8) 48a(9) 48a(10) 48a(19) 48a(20) 48a(21) 48a(22) 48a(26) 48b(ll) 48b(12) mnoi n. xVb: n. 'XBX conj. 'in vb. ixy vb. xp:ns n. '3H adv. 1# 'JT vb. X111X n. i# nn vb. xno '3 n. xn pron. *1» vb. inn vb. xnsfBi; n. 48b(15) 49a(10) 49a(30) 49a(30; V) 49b(l) 49b (5) 49b(24) 49b(25) 49b(32) 49b(47) 50a(30) 50a(38) 50a(43) 50a(44) 50a(45) 50a(50) 50b(7) 50b(9) 50b(10) 50b(12) 50b(13) 50b(15) 50b(18) 50b(20) 50b(23) 50b(40) 50b(42) 1 50b(44) 1# XJ11?'B n. X}B adv. ]J31 n. XBBX n. XB1B n. Vra vb. ^m vb. Xlfrv n. IBp vb. x:'T':a n. ':b vb. dw vb. -Bi' 13 n. J^S vb. Xplll n. l^SX conj. 1# X13 n. 1X^> adv. XS10 n. Xp part. 1BX vb. 'jn vb. XS013 n. RM'3^ n. K^BJ? n. T90! n. X1S? n. xribs1?'? n. 1# X^llX n. XOX.n. 2# X113 n. xn1??'? n. yss vb. OXB vb. 'nx vb. 'BB vb. ]B 13 prep. Til vb. xnoip'^o n. 1# *pti vb. xnanx* n. X}'30 n. *#?-n-
1264 Sabbat 5 Ob (44; Ar [OHP ib. 22:9]) 51a(15) 51a(24; V) 51a(25) 51a(27) 51b(17) 51b(18) 51b(19) 51b(20) 51b(21) 51b(22) 51b(27) 51b(28) 51b(38) 51b(39) 51b(44) 51b(45) (]: 52a(l) 52a(6) 52a(7) 52a(8) 52a(ll) 52a(22; M) 52a(36) 52b(10) 52b(20) 52b(36) 53a(31) 53a(32) 53a(33) 53a(37) xrnn n. ira1? prep. ]W vb. i# nxaix adj. i# oan vb. xV'Sj? n. X31 n. XrijJKJ n. xaat n. i# irn n. vblfB n. 2# xiipn n. nx3i7 adj. XJ9 '3 n. nx vb. i# xi3'3 n. i# xrnyfr n. xnii'p3 n. Tn? adj. X;>X conj. 1# X3J1B n. i# xrnix n. Dip vb. xnyi n. i# tbn vb. )'?',1 '3 conj. 3n' vb. nru vb. 3X3 vb. 'nx vb. 'SI vb. 2# D"0 vb. '80 vb. vbvyr n. ms vb. XI pron. xn'ru n. 1? adv. ne> vb. 13B pron. 1# D"0 vb. Xlg? n. 53a(40) Tip adj. 53a(53) XTO n. 53b(8) (-)Ji'b part. xV;a n. 53b(37) Xjiia n. 53b(40) Klfb n. 53b(41) Tip vb. 53b (42) 7D3 vb. 53b(43) XII? n. Xtf'1 n. 53b(44) '3,1 pron. ]W adj. 53b(45) 1# X311 n. Ipt vb. xntpiri n. 53b(49) 2# '73 vb. 54a(!l) |'X part. |1'3 conj. I'TO adj. 54a(12) Xni'3'y n. 54a(14) X>3?n. 1# XJTD n. 54a(14; OM) pti vb. 54a(14; Ar [AC 4:184]) ypW vb. 54a(14; Rashi.Ed) 54a(15) 54a(21) 54a(38) 54a(42) 54a(48) 54b (2) 54b(14) 54b (15) 54b(16) 54b(17) 54b(18) 54b(19) 54b(21) 31# vb. XJ71X n. 7330 adj. 1# XTB n. C)'SX3 prep. xn^'xa n. XSlOn. 1# X33'n n. 'nx vb. 2# xV3n n. 'in vb. i# xjrn n. X^l? 13 n. -pn vb. 1# X1T'3 n. XJB'O n. ms vb. 54b(22) XJl'Vx. n. onn vb. 54b(25) 3fl' vb. 54b(36) '11,1 pron. mi vb. 54b(37) XTT3 n. XBO'p n. 54b(38) xann n. 54b(41) XT3 13 n. 54b(42) >]S3 vb. ya# vb. 54b(44) xV» n. 1# 'S» vb. 54b(48) XII? n. Xbj'j? n. Ifoy vb. 54b(51) fpnvb. xVl3 pron. 77V vb. 54b(54) 55a(3) 55a(6) 55a(7) 55a(ll) 55a(13) 55b(13) 55b(17) 56a(3) 56a(22) 56a(38) 56a(39) 56a(43) 56a(45) 56b(13) 56b(44) 56b(46) 56b(47) i# mis vb. Tip adj. Xtf'1 n. D'an adj. nD' vb. ]l? prep. X1B3 n. X,1 pron. '38 pron. 1# 'Dn vb. '83 adv. XrilDI n. l«y vb. tf'tfp adj. pb vb. 1# Xlptf n. 1# 73p vb. 2# XX3 n. 1# X3X n. 3# Xri'SIX n. XJ117J tf'1 n. D13 vb. Babylonian Talmud Xpi'S n. DPS vb. Xp part. 57a(9) 1D1 vb. xntfn. 57a(16) 'nx vb. 57a(18) 7'Vnadj. 57a(22) xnnx n. 7? prep. 57a(24) «]3D vb. 57a(26) n3B vb. 57b(l; MRaH) 2# X7Dp n. 57b(2) Wl adj. 57b(7) 1# 'IX vb. 57b(20) xniain n. 2# xns'Dp n. 57b(22; Ar [AC 1:1]) X3"t3X n. 57b(30) X^>33 n. 57b(38) X3"I3 n. 57b(39) Kf?3 n. nils adj. 58a(2) X^33 n. 58a(5) 1,TX pron. XWD3 n. 58a(8) POD vb. 2# 7Sp vb. ran vb. 58a(14) D'nq adj. "B 131? prep. 1# X^31D n. 58a(19) 1# 'ai vb. 58a(42) POD vb. 58a(44) 'nx vb. xnx'a n. 58b(15) Xny'XBn. 58b(27) 1# 13n vb. 59a(14) TSX vb. 'in vb. 59a(23) DKa vb. 59a(24) Tp? adj. 59a(25) X3111 O'WIT n. Babylonian Talmud 1265 Sabbat 59b(l) 1# VT31 n. 59b(8) X3T1 n. 59b(10) SW3 n. 59b(ll) X30'3Xn. 59b(l2) xnpnx n. 59b(i3) xnpnx n. 59b(15) XDD'3X n. 59b(16) l#17E?vb. 59b(17) X^S n. 59b(21) 1# T1X adj. 1# y70 vb. 59b(22) Xbb? n. 59b(25) '33 prep. 59b(29) >]S3 vb. 59b(30) 1# '3 conj. 1# "|7B vb. 1# 'JD vb. 59b(31) Xppart. 59b(35) abbs n. 59b(36) ibb3 n. 1X138 n. 59b(37) xnpnx n. XIBp n. 59b(38) XDD'3X n. 59b(39) X3';a,1 n. XIBp n. 59b(40) xn'msa n. 59b(40; O.Ar [OHP ib. 25:23],RaH) XpiD'1 n. 59b(41) '1XS Xtsp3B n. 60a(13) ,1X»13 adj. 60b (4) X;?13'3 n. 60b (6) XTn',1 n. 60b(15) 130 vb. 60b(27) XJJ/X1 n. 60b(50) -1 Mb 'X conj. 130 vb. 60b(51) ,1X^33 adj. 60b(53) ion vb. 61a(8) X3X0B n. 61a(15) '31 adv. 135? vb. 61a(21) X3'B: n. 61a(22) 61a(41) 61b(3) 61b(4) 61b(6) 61b(7) 61b(8) 61b(9) 61b(12) 61b(13) 61b(14) 61b(27) 62a(ll) DID vb. 1# IDp vb. X^XW n. 3# 'nB n. 1# in num. 1# X133 n. 1# in num. 3# 'na n. 3# 'na n. 1# in num. xjpapn. 3# 'no n. XJJ'Bp n. 3# 'na n. X^a n. X3J13 n. 'nx vb. X1.1I n. xmvuo n. 62a(ll; GC 24:6) 62a(12) 62a(33) Xn330 n. xpais n. xn333a n. 62a(33; V) xniBin n. 62a(40) 62b(12) 62b(13) 62b(14) 62b(17) 62b(18) 62b(24) 62b(27) 62b(28) 62b(32) 62b(37) ]17'S n. 1# '3 conj. r:p©'3p n. X7I173 tf'1 '3 n. XI part. 1'3p<tf'3p n. 113 vb. "3 prep. 1# XSX n. i# nn vb. 'BB vb. xjsin n. Xni3'B n. bn adj. 'ua vb. xVro n. 1# '78 vb. 181 vb. pOS vb. 62b(41) 62b(41; M) 62b(41) 63a(6) 63a(ll; M) NB17'n n. XIIX'3 n. 2# X3'3 n. XlSltf n. XJ3 '3 n. nxasas n. XSj'lp n. 63a(i4) -x nirn 'T» n. 63a(15) 63a(25) 63a(27) 63a(49) 63a(50) 63b(4) 63b(4; V) 63b(5) 63b(6) 63b(7) 63b(8) 63b(20) 63b(35) 63b(36) 63b(44) 64a(26) 64a(35) 64a(36) 64a(38) 64b(14) 64b(21) Xin'P n. XJ1P n. iai vb. 1BJ vb. 130 vb. xniis n. xriya» n. X31n. 'SX vb. V?y vb. XlVl n. 1# X3"73 n. n33 vb. ipy vb. Vm vb. 1# X3'3 n. 1# 7p» vb. X1D1B n. *i?\ n- i# xirn n. 133 adv. 113 vb. iy prep. Q13 vb. ny vb. •nv vb. 1# p70 vb. in' vb. "X^> adv. '13'a adv. TBO adj. '3D vb. yatf vb. 11X vb. 2# '13 adv. 65a(17) 303 vb. pin vb. 65a(18; OHT ib. 63:2) '3'ir; in n. 65a(19; TRN 601:6) 65a(19) 65a(23) 65a(30) 65a(31) 65a(32) 65a(33; V) 65a(34) 65a(35) 65a(36) 65b(l) 65b(2) 65b(4) 65b(6) 65b(15) 66a(12) 66a(14) .. 66a(17) 66a(31) 66a(35) 66b(l) 66b(8) r?n n. xV'3J3I n. 2# '33 vb. xjnx ns n. i# xson n. 13y vb. Xn311^ n. XOD n. 2# XO'JIS n. xniis n. p3B vb. '33 prep. 1# '33 vb. 'IIH pron. XBin n. "7 prep. }3X pron. XS5B n. i# xrra n. 1S7 vb. XS13 n. nX1313 adj. X1.10 n. 113 vb. 2# XS'3 n. '33 vb. ]3X pron. . '31/31'3 n. XjiO'p n. i,aon. X3177! n. X3B adv. 1# XJ310 n. 2# xian n. 2# X93 n. 66b(8; MTGAs28 161:27) 66b(9; Ar 'ITO'p n. AC 6:296])
Sabbat 1266 Babylonian Talmud 66b(12) 66b(13) 66b(14) 66b(15) 66b(15; M) 66b (16) 66b (19) 66b (20) 66b(21) 66b(22) 66b(23) 66b(24) 66b(25) 66b(27) 66b(28) 66b (31) 66b(32) 66b(37) 66b(38) 66b(39) xans n. 1# 'OX vb. Dip vb. Xin pron. xyra n. i# xnj'j n. Xf>ns n. 1# X^p n. XT3 n. xms. n. X'TX n. xsi^'n n. xrusp n. Xni30 n. 1# X03 n. fio vb. TStf adj. XH pron. 1# '3 conj. 1# xrfp'a n. V?X vb. 1# "]ltf vb. x'r'rx n. *?# n. i# xnan n. ■r^S vb. xyir'» n. xpir n. ID1? vb. 'an vb. xr;w n. Ehs vb. x'pxafc; n. XJTO'X n. xai' ra n. XJ1T n. i# nvn n. xV?n n. xnrfra n. x^pria n. If™ '1 n. 2# XT: n. 66b(39; Ar [AC 2:310]) 66b(40) 66b(41) 66b(43) 66b(44) 66b(45) 67a(l) 67a(2) 67a(3) 67a(5) 67a(6) 67a(7) 67a(7; OM) nxjbaj adj. xjitobw; n. X13H n. i# xnais n. 2# m vb. 2# XWrU n. □DO vb. i# ntf vb. Xp:StflJ n. i# m vb. Dffl vb. XJiyp n. Vy prep. Vns vb. xns n. pOS vb. 2# xrnix n. i# -nn vb. «]?' vb. "'■linx^ prep. 2# xrnix n. xai' n. "T na pron. xjto'x n. xV?'0 n. X^p'T n. m vb. XTWb n. 1# Xa'tf n. xto'j n. xro'p n. xap'p n. XJ7TO num. 2# X31X n. X33 n. 1# Xtt3 n. 2# xnsis n. xnsio n. xrira n. x:p"i n. x:ias n. Y1S vb. 1 67a(8) 67a(9) 67a(10) 67a(ll) in in interj. 2# pm adj. TBS adj. XJ'SO n. xVn? n. x:"it,x n. i# nop vb. i# xrnis n. 67a(ll;M) 2# pin vb. 67a(12) 67a(20) 67a(21) 67a(21; M) 67a(22) 67a(23) 67a(24) 67a(25) 67a(26) 67a(27) 67a(27; Ar 67a(27; Ar 67a(29) 67a(30) 2# pin vb. pOB vb. XlV'X n. 1# X3DX n. rraa adj. IX1? adv. tf"!P adj. xrirptf n. i# 'to vb. T?9 adJ- I'D adj. XJTO'X n. 2# 'an vb. °li?= 1» Prep. xjto'x n. Da interj. 1# XDB'O n. T^'X pron. 1# 'OX vb. 2# X3'3 n. x:ri'» n. xjnx n. xtix n. 1# XJHT n. X1TS n. ns vb. [AC 4:179]) 2# X3'3 n. [AC 4:269]) 3# X0'3 n. plpST interj. 'IT vb. XT0 n. natf vb. 67a(31) 67a(32) 67a(33) 67a(37) 67a(37; V) 67a(38) 67a(42) 67a(45) 67a(45; M) 67a(48) 67a(49; OAr 67a(49; M) 67b(l) 1# X'OIX n. xnx n. xrinu n. N?i?*]i? «• 1# XJV3 n. can vb. 2# xian n. xira n. XJjfr n. X13D interj. i# non vb. "0 adj. nay vb. X'^ntf n. xru'ti n. 01: vb. XSTT n. 'in vb. i# X("n n. OT3 vb. X033 n. nxniax adj. in interj. JVUn. [AC 1:32) 2# XTTX n. n"» interj. pi:o interj. 67b(l;OAr [AC 2:234) 67b(8) 67b(9) '3P1X n. 'Dtfia n. i# mix vb. i# p-ra vb. 67b(9; TGAs28 162b:9) 67b(12) 67b(13) 67b(30) 67b(34) 68b(33) xro-ny n. ViV vb. in' vb. 2# 'Vl vb. XjTO'B n. xos: n. i# xnan n. XB19 n. xaj?Dn. Babylonian Talmud 1267 Sabbat 69b(ll) 69b(35) 69b(38) 69b(39) 69b (40) 69b(41) 70a(l) 70a(4) 70b(10) 70b(22) 71a(34) 71a(36) 71b(31) 72b(16) 72b(30) 72b(31) 72b(34) 73a(12) 73a(20) 73a(21) 73a(25) 73a(31) 73b(l) 73b(3) 73b(5) 73b(15) 73b(17) 73b(28) 73b(30) 73b(31) 73b(34) VV3 adj. xrrri?N n- na: vb. XlfflTp n. pM vb. X3iya xtfan n. •ay vb. 2# np vb. myy n. 3na vb. i# xnV'a n. i#'to vb. D1*73 pron. »ns vb. i# mv vb. 1# xVip n. XDIO n. Dip vb. "fills'! prep. XBTUX n. TJO vb. Ota XV adv. 3in vb. X3 adv. XyaiX num. pi! vb. nax vb. ■^H pron. xiiyiy n. xr;:a n. 313 vb. X»'13 adv. 313 vb. xripspx n. ^tsp vb. 1# XpV'O n. 3Jp vb. Vjp vb. XO'S n. 1# 'TO vb. xVp"! n. "ITU vb. «pa vb. 73b(35) 74a(l) 74a(38) 74a(40) 74b(l) 1# xnV'B n. xnnVa n. "1 conj. 3OT vb. (-)'ap prep. now vb. ]13 vb. pVtf vb. 74b (20; TGAs42 3:24) 74b(3; M) 74b(4) 74b (5) 74b(6) 74b (9) Din vb. 1# XpV'P n- DID vb. i# nVo vb. i# xn1?'? n. xnnvn n. XIITO n. 74b(10; OHT ib. 69:13) 74b(ll) 74b(12) 74b(14) xnsio n. 1# 'IB vb. x:wx n. xjxa n. 1TO vb. 2# X1S13 n. nm vb. 74b(15; OM) tfpx vb. 74b(17) 74b(19) 74b (20) 74b(32) 75a(6) 75a(7) 75a(30) 75a(31) 75a(32) 75b(3) 75b(4) xri'3n n. 2# xnVn n. 13V vb. Din vb. i# nup vb. 1# 'B1 vb. xni^uax n. XD1TJ n. Tin n. n'»n p'OS n. HB3 adv. Xj;3'X n. 2# nVs vb. 1# XIT n. inx vb. Xiri3 adj. X1? adv. rj'3 adj. 75b(5) 75b(8) 75b(10) 75b(13) 75b(14) 75b(24) 75b(47) 76a(14) 76a(17) 76a(30) 76a(31) 77a(4) 77a(10) 77a(12) 77a(24) 77b(13) 77b(14) 77b(18) 77b(22) 77b(23) 77b(24) 77b(25) 77b(26) 01X vb. p33 vb. 1# n"?B vb. i# xn-iix n. X^3'B n. XDlpX n. 1# *?pV vb. yjs vb. xnjitt; n. xnnix n. xnsx n. xVx conj. xniyw n. i# ins vb. 2# m vb. i# xian n. Vy prep. 'ST vb. 3'OT adj. TB0 adj. ^'Vp adj. xi^nia n. XJIlin n. D31X adj. 1# 1TO vb. IT"ia adj. "1 conj. xrisn n. 'in vb. i# xan n. i# xna'x n. Xlf?'ia adv. x^n n. XB^O n. 2# '3D vb. xry n. 2# 'Vi vb. X3Wq n. xnin: n. 1# xVaj n. 1B1! adj. '03 vb. 1# T1X adj. 2# Xrl3i:j n. 77b(26; Ar [AC 2:130]) 77b(27) 77b(28) 77b(28; 77b(29) 77b(29; 77b(30) 77b (31) 77b(32) 77b(33) 77b(33; '0'3 n. XB1X n. i# xri'a n. 1# Xpa n. i# Ktoia vb. xxap n. xnp n. T3T adj. 'ao vb. xsap n. M) 1# 'i: vb. ■my vb. xV'y1? adv. XJlp n. 1# fpV vb. Ar [AC 8:257]) 'DJ1 '3 n. xrn n. Xipi n. 2# 'bS vb. t# xn^'sina n. ■iny vb. V?y vb. XlBip n. Xnp^ '3 n. Xnp'3 n. XT pron. 1# XJ1D13 n. 133 vb. xxin n. 1# X3Xn n. XI13 n. xV3'tfB n. xri'pic n. xritp'i!; n. xnrpx n. XJlV? n. TO vb. xnb'SBa n. 2# XniS n. Ar [AC 2:90])
Sabbat 1268 Babylonian Talmud XJ313 n. 77b(33; M) 2# ^i vb. 77b(33; VAr [AC 1:203) TDn adj. 77b(34) Krfas n. Xp'Vj n. OTftS^ n. 77b(35) xriBX n. xjjrnia n. xtjio n. 78a(5) 1# 'Xa pron. 78a(8) I# xnV'a n. 78a(9) l# VtX vb. "1J13 prep. n'DW adj. 78a(20) 2# X$W* n. 78a(20; TGAs42 4:20) nyo vb. 78a(21) ltf'OXvb. 1# V?D vb. 78a(25) 1# nra pron. irn pron. 78a(28) 2# X^3 n. X11J n. 78a(28; Ar [AC 4:344]) xrnema n. 78a(37) y:x vb. 78a(40) "731 vb. 78b(41) 1# xppa n. Xpvn n. 79a(7) XJX pron. 1# Kia? n. UP)? adj. 79a(27) y-|T vb. 79a(28) V31 vb. crapa prep. 79a(31) VaJvb. 79a(34) fBX vb. i# rf?a vb. nap vb. 79a(35) X^an num. 79a(39) xtota n. 79a(41) X^Dlip n. 80a(18) xn part. 80a(28) X^D'S n. 80a(31) VrDvb. 80b(14) Xia'X n. 1# "7BD vb. 80b(i6) xniartf n. 80b(17) XW'T n. 80b(19) 2# X*?Bp n. 80b(22) xy/PX na n. X^TS n. 80b(24) TBI! adj. tf'SJ adj. 80b(25) 'TK pron. XJ7TX T13 n. XITPS n. 80b(28) xniBX n. 80b(29) 1# Xna n. 80b(30) 1# X-ian n. "V prep. XJVyny. n. 80b(3!) xsn:xn. •^ pron. i# xbrra n. 80b(37) 'Vya adj. 80b(43) X^XlX n. xrns'x n. 81a(6) \ay\ adj. 81a(27) XTpWB n. 81a(30) nxVaa adj. 81a(30; OHT ib. 82:13) xn:ehp* n. 81a(32) ]30 vb. 81b(ll;V) l#KS?Tnn. 81b(14) 1# XX? n. 81b(20) XO'SnSn. 81b(22) XO'BIB n. 81b(23) 'T1? prep. 81b(32) vn vb. xayo n. 81b(41) 1# !?TX vb. 2# xanx n. xrnnpa n. 81b(43) nax vb. TOX vb. 2# xanx n. i# xriVa n. 81b(44) lay vb. 82a(l) 1# KSpn n. xr? n. ^>Dj7 vb. rop vb. 82a(2) XJ7T n. 1# ^lff vb. 82a(3) 1# "?3X vb. nxra n. X#'3 n. 82a(4) rrptf adj. 82a(5) Tin vb. 82a(7) V7y vb. 82a(8) 1# XHfft adv. 82a(8; Ar [AC 4:22]) 82a(9) 82a(10) 82a(ll) 82a(27) 82a(38) 82b(6; M) 82b(16) 83a(2; V) 83b(9) 83b(17) 83b(35) 84b(5) *ira vb. 3fl' vb. 1# Xntf313 n. xr# n. i# xnstona n. 'T^ prep. X3'tf n. oaw vb. 2# xjvna n. ™n n. XJ/'JO adj. 3^' vb. Dip vb. TDtf vb. 'ya vb. "? 'TB n. ns: vb. 1'X part. tip} vb. i# nan vb. 1# 'fiti vb. tip} vb. xjarn n. xnjn n. *?x: vb. 84b(14) 85a(l) 85a(2) 85a(23) 85a(24) 85b(6) 85b(15) 86a(2) 86b(5) 86b(6) 86b(21) 86b(23) warn n. irr vb. py vb. Dip vb. 'Tin pron. ... 'an/a-i'Sn. nnaxa adv. 2# 3iy vb. 1# XDltf n. 1# X;>lp n. nax vb. 'S7B'» '3 n. XS1J n. JXT vb. 1# ^3n vb. i# Van vb. 86b(38; M) xyjB'p n. 86b(39) 86b(40) 87a(l) 87a(4) 87a(6) 87a(13) 87a(14) 87a(15) 87a(16) 87b(4) 87b(10) 87b(ll) 87b(12) 87b(13) 87b(25) 87b(35) 87b(36) i# yap vb. xrrrn. xatfa xy,rix n. i# xrnix n. xtfbin n. xstfp xtfan n. XJTXn adv. 1# xV? n. xai' n. pS3 vb. i# ntf vb. xnpx n. xna# n. TpB vb. ID'pn num. X3C3 xtfan n. 1P'3 n. XITV #'"1 n. T?X n. 1]'P n. xroti n. T»X n. nay vb. ]1'D n. 19^ n- xatia xjmx n. Babylonian Talmud 1269 Sabbat 87b(36; M) Ipnm adv. X3^a X^anx n. 87b(40) 88a(13) 88a(14) 88a(15) 88a(21) 88a(22) 88a(53) 88a(54) 88a(54; M) 88a(55) 88b(l; V) 88b(2) 88b(10; M) 88b(25) 'in vb. Vy prep. 1""11X n. T1? adJ- -'T °?y prep. xay n. xjnia n. i# bap vb. nxra n. py vb. TSX vb. ya: vb. xay n. i# pro adj. 1# K3-J1K n. XJ73XX n. 1# PfB adj. onp vb. 2# 'XD vb. xrmns n. i# Vap vb. Dip vb. XTO'Vo n. 2# '10 vb. xniVVy n. xnia'sn n. '•n n. ]»' vb. xap n. xnia"i xao n. 8Sb(30; GC 64:4) 89a(44) 89a(45) 89b(29) 89b (31) 89b(36) 89b(37) 2# x»m n. 1# X13 n. xrrax n. py vb. 'nrn n. ?T}1 n. 3D adj. 'Vt vb. 1# X^'V n. WIS vb. 89b(38) 1# XJ1?? n. ■'tis vb. 89b(42) 1# XJ1?? n. 89b(53) XrVpx n. 1# X33 n. 90a(12) 1# 'Xa pron. 90a(i3) xrina1? n. 90a(18) 1# X^niX n. 90a(19) Tn "fiti n. 90a(20; OAr [AC 1:316]) XjVltfn. 90a(20; Ed) X:X11B n. 90a(2i) m] 'mm n. 90a(22) XJl'ina n. xapu n. 90a(23) XS8T n. 90a(31) 'm adj. xnnVx n. 90a(46) ppa n. X-lD'D n. 90a(47) xriary n. ns n. 1# nxi'W n. 90a(47; MTRN 622:7) 2# xV'X n. 90a(48) nn n. xn:3D n. xjam n. 90a(49) 1# VDX vb. 90a(50) HS n. 90b(20) nx'a x'Vs n. 90b(21) X133 n. 90b(21; Ar [AC 6:344]) xbpni xnns's n. 90b(22) xnnpn n. 90b(23) i# xnau n. 2# Xtini n. 1# XJ1?? n. i# 'ai vb. xbxato n. 90b(24) X-irx n. Kp:SBU n. 1 90b(25) 90b (26) -ina/ 90b(29) 90b(31) 90b(34) 90b(36) 91a(9) 91a(18) 91a(26) 91b(4) 91b(33) 91b(40) 91b(41) 92a(l) 92a(2) 92a(3) 92a (4) 92a(9) 92a(10) 92a(31) 92a(32) 92a(33) 92a(42) 92a(42; M) 93a(9) 93a(25) 93a(32; V) 93b(41) X 94a(10) 94a(12) 94a(21) Xfl'E? num. Xja'O n. 73 vb. D3n vb. 'Xa *?3 pron. nas adv. XBp adj. lay vb. HTtiW n. XVX conj. ma vb. ISO vb. pBJ vb. X3H adv. 1^'X conj. 'lin pron. i:x vb. 'TJ? »■ xo:nix n. X3D3 n. i# yps vb. 1# •'Iti vb. 1JX vb. 'xiaa adv. ■J13 vb. xnp'iy n. i# 'm vb. 2# m vb. xjiyp n. 'j'y'i'a adv. i# na» vb. 'Via adj. "1 conj. X211 n. xpiya n. ]3X pron. IX conj. xnipoi n. ^ 'B1?? adv. 1# ]X? adv. D3")» vb. l^BX conj. 94a(23; Ar [AC 3:2853]) nxvxa n. 94a(23; Ar [AC 3:285]) 94a(25) 94a(27) 94a(28) 94a(28; M) 94b (8) 94b(13) 94b(21) 95a(5; M) 95a(19) 95a(20) 95a(29) 95a(32) 95a(33) 95a(35) x;oio n. 1# nBD vb. xniai n. DH1 vb. XtilTIS n. ran vb. xap© n. xrra adv. 1# bpti vb. i# ari"a n. xn'ybp n. xajx n. VDp vb. x;:p n. Ktifin '? n. Xrf?T n. nys vb. xban n. lxV adv. -nyiX lxV prep. 95a(36) 96a(l) 96b(2) 96b (7; Rashi 96b(12) 96b(13) 96b(15) 96b(21) 96b(32) 96b(32; M) 96b(35) 96b(37) iao vb. npil adj. XD'H adv. Cbti vb. X13D n. in'a conj. pBJ vb. am vb. ■^n pron. i# xpna n. Tjn pron. 1# X3D'2 n. nin pron. «inb» vb. 96b(37; OMAr [AC 3:463]) 96b(38) 96b(40) 96b(49) 97a(10) XB'n n. 'a adv. Wti vb. xnai n. 1# pBD vb. 2# ,!?J vb.
1270 Sabbat xja'nn adj. (Kin Tiaj xtfrip n. 97a(23) 97a(37) 97a(44) 97b(35) 97b(44) 97b(45) 97b(46) 98a(9) 98a(10) 98a(ll) 98a(12) BltfB vb. IX1? adv. 'Via adj. 'Win adj. xro^'H n. xrun n. 'm vb. na? adv. XJ/?1X num. pnt vb. X3TX n. 1# XTI n. nas adv. x;ms n. 2# xriax n. "V prep. P1D vb. 2# xriax n. T3 T3 adv. 98a(13) STO n. 98a(14) XTin n. 98a(14; M) X3B10 n. 98a(16) 1# 'TO vb. 98a(21) X3BX n. 98a(22) X3TX n. X3?n. 98b(8; V) XTJ'3 n. 98b(9) 2# «]TO vb. 98b(9; VM) f\rbv vb. 98b(13; M) 1# 'Va vb. 98b(14) X3B10 n. 98b(15) 1# 'XH pron. 98b(16) psi vb. 98b(16; TGHark 10:17!) i# 'se> vb. 98b(19) XT'mS n. 98b(20) Xnj'X n. 2# XO'J n. 98b(24) XVI1S n. 98b(25) in vb. 98b(29) 99a(14) 99a(17) 99a(19) 99a(20) 99a(21; V) 99b(10) 99b(13) 99b(14) 99b(45) 100a(3) 100a(17) 100b(15) 100b(16) 100b(17) 100b(19) 100b(20) 100b(22) 100b(24) 100b(24; V) 100b(35) 100b(38) 100b(39) 100b(42) 100b(45) 101a(6) 101a(7) 101a(ll) 101a(12) XjniX num. pm vb. m vb. "iD'Bn num. TJT adj. 1# ffrti vb. 1# Xpn n. XEhlB n. xxiin n. i# 'an vb. i# xrnis n. ix conj. nu vb. 2# 'JO vb. nay vb. i# Tip vb. «]JD vb. T1X vb. 3# «lpJ vb. yoD vb. pnr vb. nu vb. 3# XTJ n. XTig n. 2# rrera vb. xjnx n. 2# ntfn vb. Tao adj. xnsw n. VbVb vb. nXOTM n. xehia n. O'ap prep. 2# XJDT n. oxa vb. i# *ro vb. xiin n. xri'xa n. xja-wx n. k;?p n- xnx'iro n. i« vb. i# nm vb. 101a(18) 'BB vb. 101b(29) XT3n n. 102a(ll) xnaVn. i# xjjib n. 102b(ll; Ar [AC 8:183]) 102b(24) 102b(25) 102b(25; M) 102b(26) 102b(31) 102b (3 8) 102b(41) 102b(43) 103a(2) 103a(2; M) 103a(4) 103a(6) 103a(9) 103a(10) 103a(20; M) 103a(20; Ar 103a(20; V) •\W vb. xr;:a n. XJ?'?a adj. nxV'y adj. tt$ vb. xrp n. y?y vb. xrsip n. i# xnsw n. XJ'Dlp n. i# xnsitf n. i]|n pron. 'in vb. xr^a n. xmin n. i# nn vb. na vb. xxan n. pa» vb. ppn vb. xap n. KJ'Sp n. '#P adj. XJB1X n. TOJ vb. '?n adv. XT? n. [AC 2:169]) XT? n. 4# xnp n. 103a(30) wn p'pS n. 103a(45) 103b (24) 103b(25) 104a(l) 104a(3) 104a(7) 104a(15) i# xriia n. I1?? n. XTDVj n. 'ty vb. yil vb. m vb. pill n. Babylonian Talmud XJTXn adv. 104a(17) "Illiaprpp. 104a(19) VB'J n. 1# XJH3 n. 104a(21) Va'J n. rfrj n. 1# Xjn? n. 2# 'SO vb. 104a(22) 1# X9X n. XJtt'Sa adv. VB'J n. ri?Tn. i# Tin vb. ]jis vb. 104a(23) «ps vb. 104a(30) 1# Tin vb. Hip n. tf'ln. 104a(31) l#TT,nvb. «]ipn. 104a(32) lip n. 104a(35) 1# XII1?'? n. 3-ipa adj. pnna adj. i# mmp n. xnp'tf n. 104a(35; TGAs42 68:27) X7lp'3 n. 104a(36) 1# Xjn? n. 13V vb. Dip vb. 104b(16) xriin n. X»0 n. 104b(17) Xmpo n. X8»n. 104b(18) l#XSipn. I04b(i9) i# xrnn n. 104b(25) xVy? n. 2# VlJ vb. 104b(25; M) n30 vb. 105a(2) ]"1 vb. 105a(10) XWSln. 105a(ll) 3n'vb. 1271 Babylonian Talmud 3H3 vb. 105a(12) 3713 vb. 105a(13) an' vb. 105a(34) D'Vx adj. 1'Bp adj. 105a(35) 2# "1)10 vb. 105a(44) XTJ n? n. I05a(45) xri'aisa n. 105a(45; GC 56:9,Ar [AC4:31178],0!) 2# XTI3 n. 105a(45; OHP ib. 67:26) 105a(48) 105b(l) 105b(18) 105b(42) 105b(43) 105b(44) 106a(6) 106a(16) 106b(23) XTl'3'X n. ran adv. xp part. 3# X710'3 n. 1# XJi3n? n. xna'x n. xn'a 'tfrx n. i# 'an vb. x:xa n. xrraixa n. i# 'an vb. x»ju 'a n. tjV adv. 'in vb. "max prep. 106b(23; OAr [AC 8:38]) 106b(26) 106b(31) 106b(32) 106b(34) 106b(35) 2# X'W n. XDplX n. X1M n. xmiat n. 2# '3T vb. i# raa vb. 106b(37; OAr [AC 1:83]) K3X31Xn. 107b(ll) TttXadv. I07b(i7) i# xrnp's n. 107b(21; M) sapn n. 107b(46) xmn n. xriltf? n. 108a(l) XHX n. i# xasn n. 108a(4) 108a(9) 108a(10) 108a(20) 108a(27) 108a(29) XTiB'S n. 2# XD'3n n. X?p'3 n. xriya n. XXTS n. xanit n. pOS vb. 2# KVi n. 'tn vb. i# xnnj n. 97:23) 'Vl vb. 108a(30) Xja n. T3y adj. 108a(31) tftfnvb. x'jya n. 1# V3p vb. 108a(32) H X5X n. KJpJp n. i08a(39) xriiyn n. 108a(40) 1# "?3X vb. ps: vb. 1# XJ'? n. X}"ip n. 108a(40; V) 108a(41) 108a(42) 108b(l) 108b(15) 108b(16) 108b(18) 108b(19) 108b(20) 108b(20; V) 108b(22) 108b(23) xanV n. i# bv'm vb. Dip vb. D1JT vb. i# xnV'a n. xo'nia n. i# nVa vb. x»na adv. nos vb. KSTfl n. xVilS n. 'XTi adv. 1# "730 vb. u nVa vb. XTO'3 n. yao vb. xa^n. nsn vb. 108b(26) 108b(27) ninx prep. 1# Vpt? vb. 2# XTJ n. 108b(27; Oxf., c.27, 11) 108b(28) 108b(28; M) 108b(28; O) 108b(36) 108b(38) 108b(39) 108b(40) 109a(ll) 109a(12) 109a(13) 109a(14) 109a(15) 109a(18) 109a(20) 109a(24) 109a(26) 109a(27) 109a(28) 109a(29) 109a(31) 109a(32) 109a(34) 109b(2) 109b(3) 109b(ll) no vb. nns vb. fax vb. fya vb. ]a prep. TBX vb. i# rbv vb. i# rw vb. xnnaois n. IX conj. xTsna n. 'Vy vb. Nine n. TOX vb. xny'? n. 1# 'IB vb. ysys vb. 1# V3X vb. •>T\V vb. 2# xVn n. 1# XTon n. p3Sa adj. 1# 'OX vb. X?Jn. i# ^^^ vb. 2# xVn n. i# nax vb. i# nax vb. i# Nian n. p3Sa adj. Dip vb. i# 'nw vb. ran -n xrrox n. ix\ na xmax n. 109b(13) 1# Tj'n n. xina n. 109b(15) pi#BW? n. 109b(15; OAr [AC ib.]) Sabbat 'jpip n. 109b(16) Q31X adj. snap n. XJ/3W num. 109b(17) tpn vb. P3B1S n. 109b(18) 1# xxaiX n. 1# T'n n. 109b(18; TRN 628:5) 2# xripnx n. 109b(19) xa'V n. IP'1 adj. ]'S* adj. 109b(20) XT1JBX n. 1# XT? n. x'an n. 109b(21) 1# T'n n. XV adv. 109b(22) yBlvb. i# xan? n. 2# xVn n. Txa vb. 1# 'TO vb. 109b(22; Rashi) TXB vb. 109b(23) l#OTTJn. T« vb. 'XV'yB adv. 109b(23;GnK5 169:1) 2# XJOX n. 109b(24) Xrljnp '3 adv. 'X^y1? adv. 2# pVo vb. 109b(25) xVp"I n. xap': n. nso vb. XTO'S n. 109b(26) X'TBan n. 109b(26; OAr [AC 3:374, 1:4]) X'yn Knoin n. 109b(27) X'JlV'J n. X3>a W>3 n. xnpan.
Sabbat 1272 Babylonian Talmud 2# p\>0 vb. X130 n. 109b(29) X?Vd W>3 n. NADS n. 2# 1W vb. xirw n. 109b(30) 113 vb. xxin n. piT adj. srr vb. xriyrn n. 109b(31) XJIlJlXn. 1# 11Y1 n. 1# K^n n. ppn vb. XJ'y n. 109b(31;M) XJVinX n. '^n adj. 109b (32) Xiznn n. 2# xV?n n. X1U n. 109b(33) X'^'Jn- Xy3'l num. 109b(33; M) XJ'Tl? n. X113'T n. 109b(34) ]llj':x interj. 109b(34; AC 4:255) "133? n. 109b(35) 1# °?3X vb. y"?3 vb. XJ11W3 n. i# xrfr'B n. 109b(36) UK^On. 109b(37) XiTO? n. Oy prep. 1# XtflS n. Dm vb. 109b (3 8) 1,1'Xpron. 1# X31J n. 109b (39) 'Bl vb. xriw? n. 1# XW1S n. 109b(40) l#X31Jn. 109b(41) 110a(l) 110a(2) 110a(2; Ed) 110a(4) 110a(5) 110a(6) 110a(9) 110a(ll) 110a(12) 110a(14) 110a(15) 110a(16) 110a(17) 110a(18) 110a(19) 110a(20) 110a(21) 2# xibo n. xnian n. piD vb. xi3iy n. i# irn n. XTb n. yip vb. Xtfp 1? n. xrnan n. 2# xian n. 1# °?3X vb. 2# XO'J n. Kyn a. ]mn- pio vb. XOX n. xVfrri 'a n. xaiu n. xVap n. 'Da vb. VD vb. 1# X*?ip"! n. Kjrn n. fO vb. 2# ':p vb. 'X conj. i# xisn n. x;vn n. 331 vb. xi'Dia n. 2# Xia: n. TO vb. i# xin: n. '3313 'a n. Xljltf n. 10X vb. 1# Kyi3 n. 2# XniS n. K'3p n. KSTO n. ]B? vb. x;vn n. Dm vb. 110a(22) 110a(24) 110a(25) 110a(26) 110a(28) 110a(29) 110a(29; XIW'X n. 1# Xfl'3 n. i# ne> vb. 2# nViy vb. 113 vb. mti vb. X1S1D n. xna n. i# bpv vb. invi n. VI,Oxf., c.27„ 13,Ar [AC ib.]) 110a(30) 110a(31) 110a(32) x:n<zn n. xran n. yos vb. XJJX n. xiip'3 n. xrnau n. V®P adj. 3rr vb. 110a(32; Rashi) 110a(33) 110a(34) 110a(40) 110a(41) 110a(42) 110a(43) 110a(45) i# xian n. irinn adj. plD vb. pB: vb. op: vb. 1# Xri3'S n. n'i vb. i# xrpi n. '^p vb. xVp'l n. X3iya n. pSl vb. 2# xry n. ps: vb. 1# 'wVtf vb. nxVria adj. xiptf n. xaoiip n. i# xrnyj?/ n. XI13"! n. xrmy n. oap vb. 'ST vb. 110a(46; Oxf., c.27, 13) nxiTOpV*? adj. i# xaip n. 110a(47) XJlTn. xarro n. X'3M n. 110a(48) '111 pron. pnv vb. nob(i) i# xian n. nxois adj. Xl'Dp n. pbv vb. X3DK; n. U0b(2) X31T n. 110b(3; Marg) 1# XD3 n. 110b(4) TO3 vb. 110b(4; M) 'linXB prep. 110b(5) X31Tn. 1# XTO n. X31B3 n. U0b(6) XpllB n. XnV,l73I£/ n. 110b(7) X31Tn. 110b(8) Xy^pn. 110b(9) IDltfvb. 110b(9;OM) XiD'KJSn. 110b(10) X31!n. uob(ii) xrrali xrain. U0b(ll; Ar [AC 3:246]) 1# KllJ-in n. 110b(12) Xjn'pn. 303 vb. 1# 'pn» n. 110b(13) l#'13vb. XW'p n. x:su nay n. xjntf num. 110b(14) ''jpvb. xnii/'ae;* n. 110b(15) Qipvb. 110b(16) 1# in num. Babylonian Talmud 1273 Sabbat 110b(18) 110b(19) 11 Ob (20) 110b(22; 110b(23) 110b(23; 4:288]) 110b(23; 110b(24; 110b(26; 4:163]) Xl'Dp n. 'nx vb. xrray: n. XD'^p n. Marg) i# xrnj/i?/ n. i# ivn n. N,'fll3 n. Ar [AC Xni33 n. Marg) Dp: vb. M) pDS vb. Ar [AC XjipT n. 110b(26; Marg) ipy vb. 11 Ob(27) 11 Ob(29) 110b(30) 110b(34) 110b(35) 110b(36) 110b(37) 110b(37; 110b(37; 110b(38) 110b(38; 11 Ob (39) 110b(40) 1# XnV'B n. XD13'tf n. pVtf vb. 'r:ia n. Tp: adj. xrap n. 'I? '3 n. y?v vb. 1# r\W vb. nXOlS adj. XT'Sp n. 1# xSlIX n. xsrw: n. 1# Xl'p n. X13B n. 1# X>X n. 1# X13 n. m: vb. GnK5 169:5) Xll'J n. Oxf., c.27, 14) XrilX'B n. xriisx n. 'T1X vb. M) plti vb. 'BD vb. xrns n. 1# XWT? n. 110b(41) 110b(41; Ar 2:215]) 110b(42) 110b(42; M) 110b(43) 11 Ob(44) llla(18) llla(19) llla(21) llla(23) llla(25) llla(42) lllb(l) lllb(12) lllb(17) lllb(18) lllb(19; M) lllb(25) 11lb(27) 11lb(42) 112a(2) X13» n. Xrl313 n. ]ipin adj. xrns n. [AC N??'3 n. nxrj n. vtin vb. Xltfa n. xa'Vf n. i# ':j vb. 113 vb. xrn? n. V'Vp adj. bm vb. i# Dan vb. XjipT n. bBl vb. ipy vb. Dip vb. X13W n. i# 'ai vb. 1# T1X adj. '^y vb. 2# xVn n. xnvp n. 1# 'DX vb. 'SI vb. X'131DB n. xn'T} n. pin vb. V?'X conj. i# nw vb. n'DB> adj. xns?'B n. XBBt n. i# nop vb. 1# XlD'p n. xaai n. xri part. X3Tn n. 112a(2; O.Ar [AC 1:204]) xvrno'x n. 112a(5) 112a(8) 112a(9) 112a(16) 112a(18) 112a(19) X^ adv. ina pron. mn vb. 1# ^bv vb. XS3B1X n. xniain n. xy;p adj. 1# IDp vb. 1# Xllt n. Ton adj. i# xVi:p n. XJ11J 'XH '3 adv. 112a(23) 112a(24) 112a(26) 112a(27) 112a(28) 112a(33) 112b(18) 112b(30) 112b(37) 112b(39; Ar 8:77]0!) 113a(5) 113a(17) 113a(25) 113a(45) 113a(47) 113b(3) 113b(10) 113b(ll) 113b(15) pOD vb. T13 vb. xnno'x n. id: vb. -pn vb. xi'ino'x n. 'in vb. 1# ]XB pron. xiiax n. VTX 13 n. ]'l pron. (-jn'1? part. ■?D3 vb. [AC X3^ n. xnnai n. I^n vb. 1'X part. T3 prep. H.b adv. 'SI vb. xriiai n. xjxa n. ';n"? interj. X311?',! n. 1# V31 vb. 3# «ip: vb. D1X vb. 'CB'iy '3 n. NOTI'p n. 113b(22) U3b(23) 113b(37) 113b (47) 114a(9) 114a(14) 114a(37) 114a(39) 114a(40) 114a(41) 114a(44) 114b(13) 114b(15) 115a(5) 115a(6) 115a(7) 115a(27) 115b(15) 115b(20) 116a(24) 116a(44) 116a(45) 116a(48) 116a(49) 116b(l) XTO'JIJ n. yb vb. XS'V n. mp vb. p31 vb. xi'ninx n. Triy adj. 1# xVx n. amib n. mo vb. xns'i n. X1J1X n. ':a vb. xrippa n. mTm w'i n. 1# ll'n n. paiD n. X1OT n. yi' vb. n: vb. 3# X313 n. 3:p vb. mn vb. XfllJ'X n. X3iya n. xrwn adv. ■ps: vb. xniVj »'i n. 3H3 vb. 1# 'JTX vb. 'y3 vb. 1'X part. XV adv. 'SI vb. ]T3X '3 n. ISIS: '3 n. ]3D vb. xnnx n. XSOVS n. Xril33'iy n. "1 conj. xiniw n. 1# bpti vb.
Sabbat 1274 Babylonian Talmud 116b (2) 116b (3) 116b(4) 116b (5) 116b(6) 116b(7) 116b (8) 116b(9) 116b(10) 116b(ll) 116b(12) 116b(14) 116b(15) 116b(19) 116b(21) 116b (26) 116b(27) 116b(42) 117a(12) 117a(15) 117a(17) 117a(18) 117b(14) 117b(25) 117b(48) U7b(50) 117b(51) XOT n. Xjitf n. jVs vb. KVi '3 n. 1# *?pV vb. xmnix n. X?1X n. 1# '"?J vb. 1# boi vb. xmnix n. 3,T vb. JIT vb. NirD adv. ,1X3lV adj. *?5V vb. 'J1X vb. Kb adv. nns vb. ID' vb. xiin: n. 1# TU vb. l«y vb. mv n. #03 vb. X1J1X n. xrinra n. XJ13W n. '1TX vb. '3'J13 n. xito n. XJJIO'X n. 'I'S prep. '3,11X adv. Xp part. .T#'1 p'OS n. 2# XH3 n. ma vb. '33 vb. mxbs n. IB^X1? adv. yxa vb. xjmrnjn n. XJintf n. 117b(52) 117b(53) 117b (56) 118a(7) 118a(ll) 118a(13) 118a(14) 118a(17) ybp vb. xns'i n. 1# Xail'y. n. XJ111X n. xniiina n. 10'Bn num. 'plSN v.n. xb adv. xai' (nj'Vis adv. 118a(17;M) 1# Vdx vb. 118a(26) l#xV?lXn. 1i?'1 adj. 118a(27) '1*7 vb. 118a(28) XlO'Sn. 2# XniS n. 118b(17) 2#X03n. 118b(18) fflfffln. 118b(31) XIBTn. XJ7109 n. 118b(38) '11 vb. Itfn vb. 118b(50) 'JlXvb. 118b(51) 2#'J0vb. 118b(54) l#N3Xn. XJTT n. 118b(55) XBWn. xrppa n. pOS vb. N3T.X n. ]331 n. 119a(l) X3DXai'n. 119a(2) XflWn. 119a(3) XJ113J n. 119a(3;M) Xt'10 '3 n. nsn vb. 1# 'IT vb. ,1B3 adv. 119a(6) *py vb. Dip vb. 119a(7) x;j?n. 119a(9) '03 vb. 'V?a adj. 119a(10) mvb. xvip n. xnxo* n. 119a(ll) XTJID'X n. 'a adv. «H37 adj. DTPD adj. 119a(12) 1# ItfX vb. X'VJ adv. Xrl3D n. xtfrj xiirx n. 119a(13) 31tfvb. XJ'tf n. 119a(13;OAr[AC 8:128]) XTJ n. 119a(13;MGE 323:3) Xltf n. 119a(14;MO!) WT1J n. 119a(15) Tinvb. 1# nte vb. K&n n. XW3'» n. 119a(16) 2#Vuvb. XrvTJlS n. 119a(16; MGE 323:7) 1# XpV'D n. 01S vb. 119a(17) «]JOvb. V^y vb. '3'X n. i# nVx vb. J1J1X vb. 119a(18) pBJvb. 119a(19) «]Jl3vb. 119a(20) y vb. «]J13 vb. XJ13P n. xmartf n. 119a(21) "Iconj. X3TO adv. nxi1??* n. '9?'? "• 119a(22) "3 prep. XJl'W-ia n. XJ"P n- 13y vb. 119a(23) yV3 vb. 1# Xp'T n. X1113 n. X13B n. XJ'I? n. 1# pbo vb. rns vb. 119a(24) XJIOTadv. 'SAb prep. l I9a(25) xjhjib n. 119a(25;M) Vn vb. 119a(26) It'vb. 2# xmb'y n. yis vb. XJUtf n. 119a(41) xrnbjtf'ln. 119a(42) l?Xpron. ]1J3 prep. 119a(42; M) IT?© adj. 119a(45) bilvb. 1# 'Jtf vb. 119a(45; MGE 414:13) i# inx vb. Dip vb. 119a(46) ]&•) n. NtfB'tf n. 119a(46;M) XD"p n. 119a(47) X'VJadv. 119a(47;M) "3 prep. 'B» vb. 119a(87) -Iconj. 119b(l) l#11,1vb. 1# X11T n. 119b(24) 'piSX v.n. 119b(25) W'jllvb. 'xn 'Vl3 adv. XJl'ViS n. 119b(26) XJl'ViD n. 120a(ll) 2#n3tfvb. Babylonian Talmud 1275 Sabbat 120a(24; M) 120a(25) 120a(28) 120a(29) 120a(31) 120b(12) 120b(22) 120b(47) 120b(49) 120b(51) 120b(55) 120b(56) 121b(l; V) 121b(2) 'VB vb. 'B1 vb. xmyo n. •CSV adj. "?X3 vb. '3T vb. 1# '31 vb. Bib vb. Bib vb. 2# XB11 n. '#p adj. pin vb. 1# 'btf vb. i# nn vb. 2# xnre n. Dip vb. 121b(4; OHT ib. 113:6) 121b(ll) 121b(12) 121b(22) 121b(23) 121b(27) 121b(33) 121b(37) 121b(38) 121b(38; Ar 121b(39) 122a(9) xjito n. NW n. XpBISD'X n. X133J? n. op: vb. 1# XJVX1X n. V1J1B adj. X'l pron. tfara adj. bop vb. d?V vb. 'rsa prep. i# xjiV'a n. pS3 vb. XJjb'p n. 1# '127 vb. 1# Xpn n. [AC 6:33]) i# xsrpp n. 'JIX vb. ino vb. IX'iM '3 n. 122b(l) "1 XJIJ71X prep. 122b (2) pbl vb. xrw n. 122b(4; TGAs28 186:30) 122b(24) 123a(8) 123a(ll) 123a(24) 123a(35) 123a(41) 123a(43; Ar 123b(l) 123b(4) 123b(14) 123b(15) 123b (15; V) 123b(16) 124a(8) 124a(9) 124a(ll) 124a(28) 124b(4) 124b(ll) 124b(12; V) 124b(35) X3J13 n. 1# 13n vb. 2# 'JP vb. T'l adj. in' vb. xiira n. Xbjl5 n. Xp part. xabu n. [AC 1:164]) '3/31DX v.n. DJJin adv. ipS vb. 2# xbaix n. XJ1S3BX n. xsin n. xrsq n. i# xij: n. DTO prep. vsy vb. 1# XJTTB n. 130 vb. 1# X13I1 n. IX conj. (-)'apa prep. 1# XJ1'» n. 1# *?p» vb. Xt'10 '3 n. XJ'^3 n. 1# 'JI vb. xnrsV n. J10 vb. 1"© vb. 124b(35; IHP 594b:8) 124b(36) 124b(38) 124b(39) 124b(40) 2# XJ1":3 n. 'Xp vb. XpJlOl n. i# xspn n. XJ'B n. 1DD vb. XJXOB n. 1# 'B1 vb. -JTO'B n. 124b (45) 125a(5) 125a(6) 125a(24) 125a(31) 125b(14) 126b(9) 126b(10) 1# Xbp n. pit vb. '03 vb. X;S13'B n. 1# 13n vb. 'T'X adv. mynti n. vn vb. xnw n. xmVj i»'i '3 n. 127a(28) 127a(30) 127a(30; Ar 127a(32) 127a(41) 127a(43) 127a(52) 127b (44) 127b(51) 127b(52) 128a(44; M) 128a(44; Ed) 128a(45) 128a(46) 128a(51) 128a(52) 128a(53) 128b(18) 128b(21; M) 128b(24) 128b(25) 128b(25; M) 1# in num. 1# bpti vb. nx:sm adj. [AC 7:301]) Xllpl n. X3TO adv. ]X1J adv. 1# in num. |'X part. X1? adv. ""? prep. pi vb. TIB adj. X?r3 n. '■TO n. XJl'JIlp n. 1# XJ113X n. 2# XOT n. Xn'JIlp n. x;ilX 13 n. xblD n. bobD vb. mwy n. 2# xsaix n. XJlljt 13 n. T31 adj. 711 vb. 'Sp vb. 11 vb. I?3D vb. i# xins n. om vb. 128b(26) 128b(36) 128b(43) 128b(43; V) 128b(46) 129a(26) 129a(27) 129a(32) 129a(33) 129a(33; V) 129a(34) 129a(38) 129a(39) 129a(39; V) 129a(40) 'bl vb. X1S1B n. 'np vb. prn vb. XJ113H n. am vb. ,1B3 adv. 1# '3© vb. 133 prep. i# xoiy. n. i# nbx vb. XTOn. 0131' n. X1WS n. i# nbx vb. XS'^IW n. XSW n. rfyn prep. X»S3 n. paw n. 1# NjVf'B n. xbnp n. xbnp n. 'Sp vb. 129a(40; OM) X31X n. 129a(41) 129a(41; V) 129a(42) 129a(43) 129a(44) 129a(44; Ed) 129a(45) 129a(46) XS1DX n. 1# X13 n. i# xian n. X13'1 n. XJlb'OlS n. XJ11DB n. D1J? vb. I^D'X adv. xm:n n. xny'3i n. T? adj. XllB'a n. xy,TX n. tf'3 adj. i# ':j vb. D'?n adj. nxiim adj. 1# «)1B> vb.
1276 Sabbat XWB'W n. 129a(47) 'ty vb. XTO n. 129a(50) X1B1X n. 1# Xp'T n. T» vb. 1# Nn^p n. Dip vb. 2# 'B» vb. 129a(51) 1# xnnx n. 1# Xp,'T n. XM'aV n. •pm vb. Xjnw num. 2TO vb. 129a(52) 1# xnnx n. TOO adj. DVD vb. XT» n. on vb. 129a(53) 1# jrv vb. psi vb. xtfsi n. yiB vb. "?Dp vb. 129b(2) 1# xrff'B n. 129b(3) l#xrni5n. 1# Tltf vb. 129b(7) XBnn. xai' n. 1# XPniS n. 129b(9) X3W2 XyriX n. 129b(14; Ar [AC 3:276]) I29b(15) 129b(18) 129b(19) 129b (20) 129b(22) 129b(23) 129b(26) 1# X11T n. Dip vb. 1# VV1 vb. XJU30 n. x^in n. Vya vb. K?"!?? n. Xam Xnfc'3 n. niD vb. V?p vb. 129b(28) 129b (30) 129b(31) 129b(31; 129b(32) 129b(38) 130a(9) 130a(18) 130a(26; 1 130a(27) 130a(38) 130a(39) 130a(48) 130a(49) 130b(22) 130b(30) 130b(34) 130b(35) 131a(3) 131a(5) 131a(6) 131a(7) 131a(8) 131a(22) 131b(l) 131b(34) 131b(48) 131b(53) '?n adv. 'Vya adj. (')'BpB prep. ■W adj. nna prep. TO vb. xbdw n. V) Xtf'n n. nax vb. yr vb. 2# niP vb. xasi? n. nru vb. XTOn n. 33n vb. 0 X3»'n n. 1# xaVn n. XP11D n. anp vb. XP'n n. i# 'an vb. X'jn adv. Dpi vb. bm vb. I'la'tV adv. Xtf'n n. 21X prep. xnai n. Dnn vb. XSD'P n. XSD'P n. DflP vb. fjiD adv. xns? n. xain xa1?? n- x;:s n. "I NITya conj. "xV adv. 'IS vb. xnjw n. nai vb. 'lit! pron. X1B adv. 132a(20) 132a(29) 132a(36; M) 132a(40) 132a(42) 132b(37) 132b(52; M) 133a(13) 133b(30) 133b(31) 133b(32) 133b(33) 133b(33; V) 133b(34) 133b(37) 'TO vb. Xinn pron. 1# nnn vb. Dya vb. 'DB vb. X^'3 n. npy vb. nao vb. X'lru adv. 2# pSO vb. 2# pSO vb. XM3P n. nay vb. X1B1X n. pa vb. 2# nan vb. nps vb. xa'x n. xri'l^SO'X n. 133b(38) 133b(39) 134a(l) 2# X3'3 n. xnia n. 1# XTp n. X3"?p n. XJPX n. tiTT vb. ynp vb. 1# XSX n. 'tfa vb. 311 vb. op: vb. xn'isoin n. 134a(2) XpV'D"! Xt»B n. 134a(10) 134a(ll) 134a(12) 134a(17) 134a(19) 134a(19; M) 134a(21) nan vb. Wl pron. XWS1 n. X3'1? n. ID1? vb. ntfD'X adv. xrnau n. xai' n? n. xnraa n. i# xnna n. pan vb. Babylonian Talmud 134a(21; Ar [AC 6:39]) xnp'c n. 134a(22) XB'X n. 3# XIID'3 n. 134a(23) Krl'^n. xris'to n. 134a(24) XrllS'S n. 134a(24; M) nsy vb. 134a(25) XripSB '3 n. JUT vb. 1# «pi vb. JTP vb. xai' n. xpir n. nn^ prep. XITO'B n. 134a(25; V) 1# fltf vb. 134a(26) ynp vb. 134a(27) ym vb. i# nnp vb. 134a(28) Xrnail n. i# oan vb. n? conj. 1# X03 n. 134a(29) *]S1 vb. xmssi n. 134a(29; O) O/OTTO vb. 134a(30) 2# Xri'Vp n. 3# pntf vb. 134a(30; 0[Marg] Ar [AC5:201]) 'iy vb. 134a(31) XB'X n. 1'BP adj. xri"Vi?; n. 134a(31; Ed) XlDip n. 134a(32) D'^adj. 134a(32; Ar [AC 1:97]) xaVix n. 134a(33) yVa vb. xann. pBlO n. 134a(34) piT adj. 134a(34; M) 1# 'ntf vb. Babylonian Talmud 1277 Sabbat 134a(35; V) 134b(24) 134b(25) 134b(38) Vsi vb. X'VI adv. TJT adj. 1# p'rp vb. i# vbn vb. 3P adj. 2# 'IP vb. 134b(50; OAr [AC 5:385]) 135a(25) 135a(26) 135a(27) 135b(4) 136a(l) 136a(5) 136a(7) 136a(42) 136a(43) 136a(44) 136a(47) 136a(48) 136b(4) 136b(10) 137a(25) 137a(39) 137b(46) 138a(2) 138a(3) 138a(23) Xnp'l n. i# mn vb. xVina n. '71X vb. ~l$ prep. *?na vb. *?na vb. nan. nay vb. xnnix n. 1# V3X vb. Vax vb. n1?' vb. xpir n. xrr'imix n. □lp vb. xrnix n. i# -py vb. nay vb. an' vb. xra n. xns'p n. xrnain n. Dpi vb. xri'ira n. nap vb. 138a(36;TRN 633:1) 138a(39) 138a(40) 138b(ll) 138b(15) nxinnp adj. xnnix n. i# xnV'? n. oan vb. nu vb. i# 'an vb. Xl'JP n. jnn vb. 138b(16) 13 8b (22) 138b(39) 139a(24) 139a(48) 139a(49) 139a(51) 139a(53) 139a(54) 139a(55) 139a(56) 139b(l) 139b(12) 139b(20) 139b(21) 139b(22) 139b(24) 139b(25) 139b(26) 139b(41) 139b(42) 'T'X adv. nna vb. 1# pSP vb. 'X conj. xraax n. ■?oa vb. XDSTtl n. TIT adj. 1# *?TX vb. xans n. XJTO3 n. VTO pron. ny prep. Q'3n adj. "73 prep. xmws n. i# xam'y n. TPn adj. -pp vb. i# nxanx adj. 'I'X part. w^'13 (n)'a n. 'X conj. ^03 vb. Ttin adj. nD' vb. i# xriVa n. xanis n. xawn xna n. 1# XH3 n. i# xin n. ]13 vb. i# ma vb. xpuns n. p~m vb. 1# X313 n. 139b(42; O) XCT13 n. 139b(42; OHG1 226:20) 139b(43) 139b(44) 1# X7UX n. ... 'an n. XBiS n. 2# 'SW vb. X1XB n. 139b(45) 140a(13) 140a(14) 140a(22) 140a(22; Ar 140a(27) 140a(28) 140a(29) 140a(29; V) 140a(30) 140a(34) 140a(37) 140a(38) 140a(39) 140a(39; M) 140a(40) 140a(43) 140a(44) 140a(45) 140a(46) 140a(47) nxi'nnp adj. s;na vb. (")'Bp prep. 2# xnsit; n. «;?'? n. [AC 5:349]) xnn n. xriinoa '3 n. 'i!? '3 n. vvn vb. VVy vb. 1# 'p» vb. xrnnx adj. XJTDT n. XnSiD n. '31 vb. 2# 'SP vb. X»1n. xru'3 n. i# xyn? n. ny prep. i# TOn vb. 'rixn xaby n. i# xsaix n. nxn'rt' adj. xri'iria n. X3'1? n. xnn'p n. vvn vb. xnpr n. sa'1? n. xn'ri^'n n. xynna '3 n. Vxb vb. Vn adv. 1# ^TX vb. ]3P vb. n,»p vb. xrinx ns n. 1# PP3 vb. 'ea vb. xri'iri'? n. npn vb. 140a(48) 140a(49) 140a(50) 140b(l) 140b(3) 140b(4) 140b(8) 140b(9) 140b(10; V) 140b(12) 140b(12; V) 140b(13) 140b(14) 140b(16; V) 140b(17; V) 140b(18) 140b(19) 140b(21) 140b(22) 140b(23) xri'iri'3 n. VTO pron. xnnip n. DIPS vb. nb" vb. xri'iri'3 n. X^i? n- xsin n. *nn- 'If! adj. 1# Tnx adj. X3-11X n. X»'3 n. XV'BB adv. K^i? "• xiiyo n. 1# V3X vb. '81 adv. 1# V3X vb. XJT n. xriviy n. xmn'riy n. xnip'3 n. nm vb. xniis n. xniTriy n. ysa vb. an 'a n? n. »'S1 adj. i# ntf vb. XTn. 1# "?3X vb. i# xriB'n n. xarii n. i# xnnyip n. 'n» vb. 3n '3 n? n. xs'nn n. XTO'B n. '»a vb. 1# XSB1X n. XpllX n. xrran'3 n.
Sabbat 1278 Babylonian Talmud 140b (24) xn'3ri'3 n. 2# X31J? n. 140b(24; Ar [AC 6:310]) 'DBvb. 140b(25) 1# ^>3 vb. 140b(25;V) XTIS'X n. 140b(26) 2# XT'SltflX n. Tlin vb. XJXB n. 140b(28) NttoKvb. 1# X13J n. J?'3X adj. 140b(28; O) (-)'SX3 prep. 140b(29) 1# tiff? n. 140b(30) "X prep. K33 n. '33 vb. 1# 'ip vb. 140b (31) 2#X113n. i# xspn n. X1? adv. '3B pron. xrnjia n. 140b (32) -iyx vb. 140b(44) O'ajJO prep. 140b(46; V) Xl'l n. 141 a(3) ppi vb. 141a(18) ppi vb. xrpp n. xn1??1?'? n. xrip n. 141a(18; Ar [AC 6:440]) XrfrSTS n. 141a(20) 'HO vb. 141a(21) Xtf'13 adv. 333 vb. 1# p*?0 vb. 141a(22) 'nx vb. 141a(28) nj6j?n n. I4ia(33) nap vb. 141a(35) 1# TT33 vb. 141a(36) 1# X313 n. TO vb. 141a(37) pin vb. 141a(38) X111X n. V1X vb. Xa1?"! conj. XaiB n. 2# XP'tf n. 141b(2) 'DO vb. 142a(3) 71X vb. 142a(13) Dp3vb. 142a(15;M) 1# 1J?3 vb. 142a(23) Dp3 vb. 142b(l) 3*7S vb. 142b(24) 1# bpti vb. 142b(39) 1# X13 n. 4# XS'3 n. 1# XS3 n. X3'30 n. 142b (40) pill n. Tin adj. 'jdVd vb. 142b(42; Marg) 1# '3? vb. 142b (43) 2# XX131X n. 142b (44) xn part. 142b(45) 1# 'ID vb. X'JJ/a n. X13W n. xym n. 143a(l) 1# mo vb. 143a(26) 2# nKSTJC adj. I43a(26; M) xru'jnj n. 143a(27) xa'X n. 143a(28) 3JX prep. 1X01B adj. 143a(31) l#x:pVn. x;a n. 143a(35) pi! vb. 143b(24) '31? conj. 144b(6) X^X conj. 1# 'Xa pron. 144b(17) Kan n. 144b(25) IPX part. 3Wn vb. 144b(33) XXX'X n. V1X vb. 145:21) X31X n. 145a(3) xn pron. pis vb. 145a(33) XaiB n. 145b(6) 1# X1313 n. 145b(8) Xn'tfia n. 145b(10) 1# xVpiX n. 145b (16) 1# *73X vb. y*?p vb. 145b(17) nx^33 adj. po vb. 145b(17; V) xnWD n. 145b(17; M) 003 vb. 145b(17; V) ppi vb. 145b(19) xnWD n. 145b(19; Ar [AC 4:317]) tarns n. 145b(19) 13y vb. bxv vb. 145b(23) D13 vb. 145b(26) TIJ? vb. 145b(27) pill n. 145b(34; MAr [AC 2:51]) Xlll? '3 n. 145b(34) TIE adj. 145b(35) K33'tf n. 145b(42) xna n. xatf n. 146a(5) xbjB n. 146a(5; M) '1,1 vb. 146a(25) 1# Xpnn n. I46a(27) xrnna n. '2>p vb. 146a(36) X'D113 n. ra vb. xrran n. 146a(56) xV?n n. pB3 vb. i46b(i) xwnn n. 146b(2) mil vb. 146b(15) UXffilJn. 146b(18) l,nn vb. 146b(22) x;'nx pron. 146b(24) 'B3 adv. 146b(32) K3»n n. 146b(33) XBTDX n. X0X n. 146b(36) 10X vb. 1# ODp vb. 146b(42) X1J1X n. xrmi n. 146b(43) psi vb. 146b(45) 113 vb. 146b(54) XS10 n. D'PB adj. 146b(55) ptJ vb. 147a(2) (-)n^ part. p'ri? adj. 147a(3) D31X adj. 1# ll'n n. paw n. 147a(5) yB3 vb. 147a(5; RaH) fBl vb. 147a(6) 1# V?n vb. 147a(7) fB3 vb. 147a(8) Dip vb. 147a(9) X3'X part. 1# Don vb. tfryn. i# xnais n. 147a(10) 1# 'TO vb. 147a(32) nx^>33 adj. 147a(32; OAr [AC 4:350],OHT Sab 153:20) Sf?n. 147a(3-5) 1# 'Xn pron. Dpi vb. 147a(36) «|33 vb. 147b(6) tum"\ n. 147b(10) 131 vb. 147b(27; Ar [AC 6:10]) xrrao n. 147b(29) xVn 13* n. Babylonian Talmud 1279 Sabbat 147b(36) 147b (37) 147b(39) 147b(40) 147b(47) 13J? vb. 33ltf vb. xna'i n. 1J7 prep. xrnxy n. Tip adj. 2# X$ti* n. xVan n. D'an adj. 'Bp adj. i# itfa vb. ipy vb. XlB'p n. 1# 'lp vb. XB03 n. xmuo n. 147b(48; RaH) Xf'3 n. 147b(51) 148a(2) 148a(3) 148a(4) 148a(7) 148a(8) 148a(10) 148a(17) 148a(26) 148a(31) 148a(32) 148a(33) 148b(l) 148b (2) 148b (7) IS1? vb. xpi'S n. 313 vb. xVn n. 'nx vb. '1 conj. 1# n3E? vb. "Tl pron. 313 vb. Xl'l n. 1# '3E> vb. 4# 'na n. ISp vb. X3D K?i' n. i# '*?a vb. 1# '•SO vb. 2# '11 vb. 1# X3Xn n. tqrrn n. BIT adj. X1110 n. VW vb. xaros n. D1BX prep. X'Yt'V n. xbib n. 148b(8) 148b(9) 148b(ll) 148b(12) 148b (26) 148b (27) 148b(30) 148b(39) 148b(44) 149a(3) 149a(12; V) 149a(14) 149a(24) 149a(42) 149b(32) 149b (3 8) 149b (49) 150b (7) 150b(8) 150b(24) 150b (27) 150b(28) 150b(31) 150b(37) 150b(40; M) 150b(41;M) 150b(42; V) 'DX vb. 1# TO vb. i# xsxn n. 1# XTI3 n. 130 vb. 1?3TJ adj. 3H' vb. jua vb. 1# 1,11 vb. X3'l n. X313#Bn. D1J? vb. DTin adv. 'aa vb. 'XVia adv. 1# X1H n. XlDtf n. ppn vb. 'xVlB adv. 1# 'XB pron. pi? adj. HW-'b n. X11B n. nxa num. XB13 n. xaj;p n. 'tfp vb. Xl'J>t n. 'lp adj. XPX n. Ill vb. Ill vb. TTJ vb. xa'ba n. Vl3 vb. X311X n. i# rbo vb. XJ'ilX pron. 150b(42;OHTib. 155:17) 151b(32) 151b(40) i# xnVp n. xnx n. D1?* vb. 2# 'iy vb. 151b(41) 151b(42) 151b(47) 151b(48) 1# 11,1 vb. 'J?, adj. 1# Xia n. Dip vb. XJIS'l n. X^aiX num. xriyai n. i# nn vb. 1# 1X3 adv. xVna n. 'Va adj. nxiia n. Dip vb. mn vb. 151b(48; OAr [AC 1:80]) 151b(49) 151b(50) 152a(7) 152a(8) 152a(9) 152a(10) 152a(10; Ar 152a(ll) 152a(13) 152a(14) 152a(15) XJMX n. D'Vft adj. nas adv. x'roa n. 1# 33iy vb. ps: vb. X111X n. 'nx vb. ]T3X '3 n. XT1?? n. X11B n. 1# X31?? n. x:imo n. X3ITO n. n33 vb. 1# 13X vb. [AC 2:37]) 1# 13X vb. ens vb. 1# *?TX vb. 1# Xlll n. xnipr n. X^"1?? n. 3# xsVn n. Xni3'0 n. ppi vb. 1# X33 n. 1# XIJ'3 n. 152a(17) 152a(18) 152a(19) 152a(19; Ar 152a(22) 11J vb. XpO n. Xb3'B n. '^5?a adj. xjnipa n. [AC ib.]) 2# Xtlll n. Xlll? n. 152a(22; RaH) Xp'X n. 152a(22; V) nip adj. 152a(22; RaH) T1?* adj. 152a(24) 152a(25) 152a(26) 152a(27) 152a(29) 152a(38) 152a(43) 152a(44) 152a(51) 152b(l) 152b(l;M) 152b(2) xsVa n. xVy^a n. xVa prep. isn vb. xVj'l n. 3D adj. 13p vb. lax vb. xnip 13 n. 1# 'IX vb. i# xnax n. i# xnia n. ni vb. xni'ip n. 1# Xlj?© n. XYPD n. «« vb. *7D3 vb. xian n. 'Da vb. XpiOB n. xriiarw n. 1# 33» vb. 1# '3 n. 131 vb. in vb. 152b(2; HP 172:6) 152b(3) 152b(33) 'in vb. xa^'n n. xaV'n n. 13'X part. 1# 33\y vb.
Sabbat 1280 Babylonian Talmud I52b(36) 152b(38) 152b(39) 152b (40) 152b(42) 152b(43) 152b(44) 152b(45) 152b (47) 153a(5) 153a(6) 153a(6; M) 153a(7) 153a(8) 153a(9) 153a(35) 153b(35) 2# nn3 n. nx*?13p n. 1# "?Sp vb. in'3 pron. TJiy adj. p"!? adj. *n conj. Xnsy n. 1# np vb. titii vb. '3J1? prep. x'ja? n. 1# Xnap n. nxra n. 1# X31X n. 1# XT33 n. 1# pbo vb. xn'spn n. i# Dan vb. i# onn vb. i# oan vb. '30 vb. i# Dan vb. -np'a n. 1# X0'3 n. (Vl'Vp ('?),Vi? adv. 153b(36) 154a(ll) 154b (2) 154b(8) 154b(10) XT3n n. xVlX n. Vfl pron. X3B1X n. xjnp n. XS'V?; n. 154b(12; Rashims.) 154b(19) 154b (20) 154b(22) 154b (22; M) 154b(24) XO'pis n. i# x^aa n. 'in adj. Xtf'JD n. i# ns vb. K35n. I^Dtf vb. tf3»S vb. nan n. 154b (25) Xp°?X13 n. 154b(25; RaH) 154b(26) 154b(27) 154b(28) 154b(31) 155a(8) 155a(ll) 155a(ll; Ar 155a(12) 155a(21) 155a(25) 155a(27) 155a(29) 155a(34) 155a(36) 155a(41) 155b(6) 155b(7) 155b(8) 155b(10) 155b(10; M) 155b(15) X311 155b(16) 155b(22) 155b(30) 155b(33) nax prep. XJ131? n. ppn vb. -pO vb. 'S3 vb. 1# XT11J n. X33'on3 n. TU vb. 1# XJ113 n. XJT1 n. X?n adv. [AC 1:115]) xbnax n. x'jp"! n. X310 n. i# x'jpix n. ""? prep. 'ltf vb. X310 n. 'a: adv. DOS vb. T?H adJ- 1# XV'X n. ]TOX adj. nplT adj. ppt vb. ]\m adj. xrnia n. 2# X*7'S n. noil adj. mo vb. np adj. xnospx n. 'Xn '3 adv. XJ/'JB adj. i# xnis n. 1# 'SO vb. pn vb. 4>T1 vb. xnrps n. 155b(37) 155b(38) 155b(38; V) 155b(39) 15 5b (40) 15 5b (40; M) 156a(9) 156a(10) 156a(ll) 156a(13) 156a(17) 156a(18) 156a(21) i# xxaix n. xjnx nnix n. i# xnpin n. 1# X31?? n. 2# n»a vb. X13T n. XTin n. l'S3 adj. C)n^ part. TO vb. 1# X31?? n. TTO adj. '}? adj. x"?33 n. &>D3 vb. "733 vb. mti n. Bp1? vb. 1# 'SO vb. 3J13 vb. tit? pron. X0p3'S n. Dip prep. 1# in num. XOprs n. 156a(21; OM) ^33 vb. 156a(22) 156a(23) xnw n. 1# X^'n n. by prep. i# mis vb. yatf vb. "1 ]Xa 'XH pron. 156a(23; V) 156a(24) 156a(25) 156a(26) xatfa nn n. nra adj. 'in vb. wy) adv. X3X pron. xrro'a n. m vb. "^ prep. VTX pron. 156a(26; MGG 65:15) 156a(26) 156a(27) 156a(27; O) 156a(28) 156a(29) 156a(30) 156a(31) 156a(31; V) 'in vb. "1 conj. 1# "l^a vb. xtf'n n. IX conj. xra»'3 n. 1# X333 n. IS'B1? adv. 1# Xn33 n. Xbt vb. inn adj. i# na vb. 'X3T adj. D'3n adj. nvij adj. 3# X^ai n. X3»3 xtian n. 156a(32) 156a(33) 156a(34) n?n adj tya vb m vb "?y_ prep xav n 3"} adj 156a(34; MGG 65:23) 156a(36) 156a(37) 156a(38) 156a(39) 156a(40) 156a(41) 156a(41; V) 156a(42) 156a(43) ti'np adj. V?V1 adj 333 vb 2# rf?X vb XJTn Tfly adj n',13 adj 'V'T pron K^> adv xjnan 1# ^30 vb 2# nno vb Vea adj xrrn xnatfna n 3#n vb Ipns adj TOX vb 1281 Babylonian Talmud xann. 156a(44) IX conj. xjaix n. xnao n. xVina n. 156a(45) tiiy vb. 156b(l) 1# Tin vb. 156b(5) XB3X n. 156b(6) l#VlXvb. piB vb. 156b(8) poy vb. 156b(9) X3iyt?n. 156b(10) l#X3tin. pDS vb. 156b(ll) xnS'ln. 156b(12) Xrxpart. 156b(14) 'DB vb. i# 'an vb. 156b(15) 'Wvb. 156b(16) f)D3vb. VX3 vb. 156b(17) XtpTfa'an. tin vb. I56b(i9) i# xrns n. 156b(19; MGD 323:1) 'in vb. 156b(20) XJJJ (JD'S n. nxV??* n. 156b(21) axivb! by prep. 156b(23) fynvb. XJ1333a n. i# 'an vb. 156b(23;V) Xy,T'3 n. 156b(23; MGD 323:2) Tin vb. 156b(24) x;pn n. 156b(25) nra prep, nno vb. 156b(26) X?33n. 156b(27) TIBvb. 156b(28) XS'Vpart. xnniyp n. Dip vb. 156b(28; V) Dip vb. 156b(29) l#X3ripnn. an' vb. 156b(33) l#Xnan. 2# 'bx vb. 1# X333 n. nxn1??* n. 156b(33;TGHark 207:31) l#mnvb. 156b(34) XJIB'X n. (P'3'n '3 conj. '03 vb. XP'n n. mm n. 156b(35) l#onivb. an' vb. 156b(36) D^Xvb. xVp'n n. 'Vn vb. 'lV'jm prep. 1# X3'y n. 156b(36; V) XnS' n. 156b(36;TGHark 207:33) nna vb. 156b(37) upbovb. pDD vb. Xni3'p n. XJ'iy n. 156b (41; Rashi) 2# X11I n. 156b(42) 'invb. xnsnp n. 156b(43) XTOn. XriVp'p n. 156b(44) n»3 vb. 157a(5) xnx n. XfflBX, n. 157a(8) XariDn. 157a(12) xaVlX n. xanp n. 157a(31;V) DTO prep. 157a(55) ppt vb. 157a(56) X-1T3 n. 1# -nti vb. 157b(6; HG1 243:91]) X3T1X n. 157b (9) xa'jjn adv. poy vb. Eruvin 2a(20) 2a(31) 2b(15) 2b(23) 2b(26) 2b(34) 3a(14) 3a(15) 3a(16) 3a(17) 3a(20) 3a(26) 3a(34) 3a(35; 0) 3a(36) 3a(37) 3a(40) 3a(41) 3a(43) 3a(44) 3a(46) 3a(50) 3a(52) 3a(53) 4a(2) 4a(8) IVb adv. 'X conj. X^ adv. na3 vb. Xa]13 n. 'yD vb. xrny'3s n. '■?n vb. xrnna n. 'K?P adj. '133 adv. 'nnn pron. Xja'D n. Vbti vb. 3# X3'p n. xnx n. XpO'S n. 2# N3M n. ri'X part. 3'»nadj. l^'Vp adj. tibp vb. ff'jp vb. n3T vb. nan vb. tibp vb. 'sriw'? n. D'an adj. n,ao vb. xnn:'p n. Ynp adj. yo vb. ti^p vb. 'in vb. 'B adv. Dip vb. Eruvin 4a(9) "nils prep. 4b(7) X1??1?'^ n- 4b(8) 4b(36) 5b(4) 5b(7) 5b(8). 6a(18) 6a(24) 6b(5) 6b (9) 6b (20) 6b(22) 6b(23) 6b(26) 6b(29) 6b(30) 7a(12) 7a(24) 7a(26) 7a(37) 7b(6) 8a(12) n30 vb. xnpapx n. nap adv. 10' vb. 1# '3D vb. ns3 vb. i# xnnis n. xniT3 n. 4# 3ny vb. 4# 3iy vb. 1# XV13X n. xnaiy n. 1# X^13X n. DBD vb. y?y vb. xnpy n. 1# Xlb? n. '33 vb. by prep. i# 'an vb. i# xnam n. 2# nno vb. xnaa n. 1# pDO vb. i# xnain n. 1# D"0 vb. 2# xnn n. x;yn n. 2# n.'ja vb. pos vb. 8a(24) XH13 n. xri'aiapy n. 8a(27) 1# n3n vb. DlVp xV adv. Dp3 vb. xris'p n. nns vb. Xp part. i# 'niy vb. 8a(32) "73X conj.
Eruvin 1282 Babylonian Talmud 8b(ll) 8b(37) 8b (3 8) 9a(28) 9a(29) 9b(20) 9b(21) 9b(22) 9b(25) 9b(30) 10a(15) 10a(31) 10b (9) 10b(16) 10b(17) 10b(18) 10b(19) 10b(21) 10b(29) 10b(44) lla(l) 1la(25) on vb. TJ'X pron. Xl'3,1 n. •nVp adv. Vibti adv. K3'?! n. Xli'J n. SW n. 'Xa 'XI adv. DX conj. rVX part. •V nn1? conj. xnyatf n. i'pS vb. xnjratf n. 1# xVlp n. Xl'lX n. 2# XO'J n. 1# 'XH pron. mo vb. 'Nil 'Vl3 adv. piti vb. xnir? n. 31 adj. XD^'n n. :6s vb. i# 'in vb. XSS'X n. X'.TI pron. lla(25; v'Ar [AC 8:97]) D"K/ adj. lla(27) 1# XDp'tf n. 1 lb(8) 1# '30 vb. l ib(i9) xnpsx n. llb(23) XfflVj !H '2 n. llb(24) 1#'TO vb. 1# «]TO vb. XflJOT n. llb(25) X33n. XJTr?J tin '31 n. »3n vb. llb(25; Ar [AC 3:287]) 1# Xl'V '3 n. llb(26) ps: vb. llb(32) 'TBX^adv. 12a(31) Xin pron. 12a(52) bD^D vb. 1# na vb. 12b(l) X11TJ n. poy vb. 12b(30) 30 adj. 12b(30; O) ]13 vb. xrijratf n. 12b(44) X3'3n n. 13a(31; HGP 48a:37) 13a(32) 13a(33) 13a(36) 13a(36; M) 13a(37) 13a(41) 13a(44) 13a(45) ri?? adj. JlVln. tf'ln. 'TO vb. 2# 'SB vb. Dip vb. xibj n. "1 conj. 130 vb. 'in pron. OWb prep. pT\: vb. pna vb. 13b(2) XT)!?,!'3,1 adv. 13b(16) 13b(17) 13b(18) 14a(2; O) 14a(3) 14a(32) 14a(47) 14a(48) 14a(51) 14b(4) 14b(6) 14b(U) 14b(12) 14b(13) nn vb. T1? adJ- xVaVx conj. i# xisn n. ninxa prep. Tin vb. ]lb vb. xr? n. '3 prep. i# im vb. ■b na1? conj. 'XIJa adv. nxa num. X?13'1 n. 'a: adv. na3 adv. 1# Kins n. 14b(14) 14b(15) 14b(34) 14b(35) 15a(5) 15a(29) 15a(36) 15a(39) 15a(40) 15a(41) 15a(42) 15a(44) 15a(45) 15b(34) 15b(35) 15b(37; O) 16a(19) 16a(35) 16b(l) 16b(6) 16b(28) 16b(29) 16b(46) 16b(47) 17a(2) XEnil n. X2H11 n. xrpV'n n. 131 vb. 1# 'XB pron. xaj? n. Vajvx adv. '"!)'? interj. xrm n. "3 prep. ,1X13B n. TX vb. XT13 n. 'in vb. X'jn'1? n. Dip vb. "13 prep. xriyBtf n. "13 prep. 2# Kpl3 n. xnti n. lai vb. T1S vb. 1# 11J vb. xri'a adv. 1# xVlOS n. 'nx vb. Ttin adj. 'X1?'? adv. 'yra '3 n. 'STP? adv. 13JP vb. xiiax n. xno'tf n. 17a(4) Xini ]XB pron. 17a(5) 17a(46) 17b(17) 17b(18) 18a(20) XJT'liX n. «"?3 n. xmn n. xnarn n. 1# X113 n. XDllp n. "?13 vb. POD vb. 18a(54) 18b(7) 18b(26) 18b(35) 18b(46;0) 19a(32) 19a(33) 19a(34) 19a(35) 19a(47) 19a(50) 19b (9; RaH) 19b(12) 19b(16) 19b (3 8) 19b(39) 19b (40) 19b(41) 20a(l) 20a(18) 20a(38) 20b (15) 20b(16) 20b(23) 20b (44) 21a(17) 21a(18) 21a(19) 1# Xn"33 n. NJTyVp. n. Xtfns adv. 2# 'JO vb. 31 '3 n. 1XV adv. 1J7 prep. xiiin n. Din'J n. fan n. 1# in num. 3in vb. ip«n vb. i# i^a vb. xnViiy n. jws vb. 1# p*70 vb. X3'^> part. 1# XTS n. i# mti vb. Xlll n. 1# xn"13 n. 1# ")1X vb. 1# tiSl vb. X111J n. xrmiu n. N'?i? "■ xjvttu n. xnniia n. X111J n. BBS vb. xrran n. xV73a adv. bbp vb. 2# XO'J n. X^lll n. bbp vb. XH part. 'lin pron. Dp: vb. xpi'3 n. XSS'X n. ITTO adj. Babylonian Talmud I283 21a(23) l#X31Jn. 21a(25; O) i# xrn'ria n. rj'TO adj. 21a(27) TIX vb. xriO'J? <n)'3 n. 21a(29) X3XlX3Xn. 21a(30) 'invb. 21a(31) y^vb. xna n. 21b(15) xniJXn. 110 vb. 21b(25; SM 115:20) XJJO '3 n. XB^IJ? n. 21b(28) XJJO '3 n. 21b(28; SM 115:22) XV n. 2# "7DJ vb. 21b(28; SM 115:21) 031 vb. 21b(48) "3 prep. 1BJ vb. KIB'O n. 22a(7; TGHark 179:9, O) xanp n. 22a(39) 1'ippi, T1X adj. 22b(l) 3# ipj vb. 22b(2) X1JTO n. 22b(3) OiJ';piX n. 2# XO'l n. 3# IpJ vb. 22b(5) XJDpip n. 22b (6) Xliay n. 22b(13) "1 X3'Vx prep. 22b (14) na pron. rj'J adj. 22b (3 6) xntfil adv. 23a(36) am adv. pOD vb. 23b (4) XTB1J n. 3# jm vb. 23b(8) XD#S n. 1# Xlp n. 23b(17; MAr [AC 7:246]) 24a(12) 24a(22) 24a(33) 24a(40) 24b(6) 24b(8) 24b(10) 24b (14) 24b(19) 24b(20) 24b (21) 24b(23) 25a(19) 25a(20) 25a(21) 25a(35) 25a(37) 25a(40) 25a(41) 25a(42) 25a(43) 25b(l) 25b(2) 25b(10) 25b(12) 25b(13) X?13'l n. IB n. Mib adv. K/J'X 13 n. ]'l pron. '11 '3 n- i# xn? n. 'X mni n'a n. nns vb. 2# XT J n. '3',1 adv. 1# XiriJ n. 1# 'TO vb. 1# '11 vb. 'in1? prep. XriBn. ^oVd vb. xna n. j'js vb. XWtfn adv. by vb. dV?3 pron. xns'V n. XJ/p'S n. 1# 'TO vb. xV'Ba adv. 2# tllti vb. X'nn pron. psi vb. i# mix vb. Xp part. pin vb. _1? prep. XYI03X n. xVnx n. XSIB'J n. xjnpis n. i# xri'^x n. 1# X11J n. VSJ vb. 1'BO adj. 25b(14) 25b(15) 25b(17) 25b(18) 25b(19) 26a(8) 26a(9) 26a(14) 26a(15) 26a(17) 26a(31; O) 26b(10) 26b(25) 26b(30) 26b(31) 26b (3 6) XJ15X n. X13 adj. 1# Xlll n. IXllJ adj. 1# X11J n. nXllJ adj. XpJITDX n. xrii^J tin n. xjripis n. XV3'11X n. xniyjx n. 4# 31J7 vb. 2# xoi;; n. nin '3 n. 2# Kl'S n. xniVj tin n. i# m vb. 1# bK vb. 1# ]XB pron. -J'B3 "?3 lX^1 prep. 1# p"?0 vb. nmb adv. X11SX n. 26b(36; v'MRashi) 27a(4) 27a(22) 27b(10) 27b(ll) 27b(12) 27b(13) 27b(20) 27b(31) 27b(40) 27b(42) 27b(45) 27b (47) 27b(53) 28a(2) 28a(10) ,1X110 n. Dip vb. XD31X n. \>T vb. XJXB n. xriinpa '3 n. 3H3 vb. warn n. xnrp n. "XV adv. 1J13 prep. xoiya n. X';i3'1 n. i# xrrpa n. X^Vs n. 1# '13 vb. Xrt'DlD n. Xplll n. 28a(l1) 28a(12) 28a(15) 28a(16) 28a(21) 28a(29; O) 28a(33) 28a(34) 28a(38) 28b(l) 28b(4) 28b(5) 28b(6) 28b(7) 28b(9) 28b (10) 28b(ll) 28b(15;0) 28b (22) 28b(27) 28b(44) 28b(48) 28b(49) " 28b(50) 28b(53) 28b(54) 28b(55) lxV adv. 1# '31 vb. XBp adj. 1'X part. Kb adv. 1# '31 vb. 4# 31J? vb. Xplplll n. HXIB adj. ~\Tab prep. X311 n. xnsn n. Xri'JUJ n. 1# X0TJ n. i# tibn vb. bby vb. (-)'apB prep. Dip vb. 21 '3 n. X/1311X adv. XT1X n. 1# '31 vb. X1BJ n. xriarn n. XnW3 n. bop vb. 'JIIO'J n. '13 prep. 'jnp'J n. 1# Xllp n. 130 vb. xjj'i?; n. 1 Xri371X prep. X1? adv. X^JIS n. 1# Xllp n. obp vb. XJlVl'X n. X113'X n. X^V'pl XpT n. X^'p "• i# xrrnp n. XiyilB '3 n.
Eruvin 1284 Babylonian Talmud 28b(56) 29a(l) 29a(3) 29a(7; O) 29a(24) 29a(25) 29a(26) 29a(31) 29a(40) 29b(l) 29b(l; O) 29b(l) 29b(l; Ar 29b(5) 29b(7) 29b(13) 29b(16) 29b(17) 29b(22) 29b(25) 29b(28) 29b(33) 29b(37) 29b(40) 29b (41) 29b(42) 29b(43) 29b(44) "rj adj. 1# XpV'O n. *7Bp vb. "7»3 vb. "n adj. 'sn '? n. 3'tin adj. xna n. 1# 'IP vb. xrnna n. xa'pix n. "?^?a adj. ^3X conj. *7X3 vb. xrni n. Vj? prep. [AC 6:393]) VXD vb. by prep. by prep. xja n. X?3'X n. X?3'1 num. ty prep. 2# 11 vb. Vj? prep. 1# X03 n. XJ3S n. tfrv vb. 1# X1'13 n. X313T n. 1# TDp vb. Xt£h311!> n. xrrrrc; n. lax vb. •703 vb. X30'3 n. X3'1? n. D'X part. xifrin n. X3'V n. xmtfna n. X8BN n. 1 X13'1 n. 29b(44; OAr [AC 4:288]) 29b(45) 29b(45; O) 29b(46) 29b(49) 30a(8) 30a(13; O) 30a(26) 30a(27) 30a(30) 30a(31) 30a(32) 30a(33) 30a(34) 30b(20) 30b(21) Xril33 n. xyr\ n. 1# "73X vb. 333 vb. '3"31D n. 1# Xn3iy_ n. 333 vb. pa adj. '3H pron. Xp.130 n. nxois adj. □in vb. mn vb. lit vb. 1# VtK vb. m vb. nxa num. 1# Xl'IJ n. pin vb. X3X n. xrijratf n. 2# XJ"I n. xrin'i: n. *?Xtf vb. 30b(24) ,T31 ,T3'a adv. 30b(25) 31a(3) 31a(5) 31a(6) 31a(28) 31b(15) 32a(12) 32b(l) 32b(2) 32b(9) 32b(28) 32b(29) 32b(30) BIS vb. KpDS n. 'BB vb. Vnx vb. Xlin n. i# ips vb. ]31 vb. 1# 'X,1 pron. Vxy vb. 'X113 adv. ifry vb. xiio'x n. V'Vp adj. 11W vb. ins vb. ins vb. 32b(31) 32b(40) 33a(2) 33a(13) 33b(15) 34a(14) 34a(15) 34b(16) 34b(19) 34b(20) 34b(42) 35a(27) 35a(46) 35a(48) 35b(29) 36a(l) 36a(21) 36a(38) 36a(39) 36b(16) 36b(18) 36b(19) xiaj n. i# jnp vb. 'Va adj. «]pt vb. XJ'nx pron. 1# 1TJ vb. xrix'na n. i# xniis n. W>p adj. XJ1113 n. i# xjna n. 133 adv. 1# 'B1 vb. xoiaVis n. xaix n. #33 vb. 1# Xtf3'3 n. xiiix. n. xnr?1? n. i# xjna n. xrso n. pos vb. 1# IBp vb. yi vb. xV'31 n. 1# Kia n. '33 prep. XrrilXI adj. xpjn n. 2# "?3B vb. 1# V3X vb. *713 vb. 1# S"li3 n. i# xn'?,a n. i# yps vb. xrnpnp n. XM'X n. xna na n. X333inS n. 3rr vb. yoy nnp 'ipa n. 36b(21) Xpl'S n. 'SB adj. 37a(7) 37b(9) 37b(10) 37b(32) 37b(35) 38b(9; O) 38b(13) 38b(14) 39a(4) 39a(5) 39a(6; M) 1# X11I n. "]SX vb. (-)'apS prep. XJEhp n. "1? prep. 1# '3tf vb. nxna'no adj. 130 vb. xiaa n. X311X n. 1# "|»B vb. 031 vb. 39b(18) xni^J 0'1 '3 n. 39b(19) 39b(20) 39b(22) 39b(37) 1# X13 n. 115 vb. ontf vb. X1»'3 n. X£D n. 1# X13 n. 11X vb. 40a(3) Xrilbj »H '3 n. 1# "1 40a(6) 40a(7; OV1) 40a(12) 40a(13) 40a(14) 40a(15; O) 40a(18) 40a(31) 40b(25) 40b(26) 40b(27) 40b(28) 40b(30) 40b (31) 40b(32; RaH )Xa "?3 pron. Xns'1? n. tias vb. X333 '33 n. 1# »B3 vb. xniix n. 113 vb. X3» xai' n. inVx adv. nn vb. 10X vb. 'nx vb. Vn vb. xinai' adv. ma adv. ybp vb. 113 vb. VT3 vb. nan. -jno vb. xn# tf'i n. 3'B1 adj. Babylonian Talmud 1285 Eruvin 40b(33) 40b(34) 40b (3 6) 41a(27) 41a(43) 41a(48) 41b(l) 41b(28) 41b(29) 41b(33) 1# 051 vb. 1# X03 n. 31 '3 13 n. 'in vb. ira prep. XS13 n. ibx vb. 'B3 adv. 130 vb. 'J>3 vb. ]B prep. 1TK pron. n'X part. xrniii n. 2# mvn vb. 41b(33; GnK5 172:15) 41b(44) 42a(30) 42b (9) 43a(24) 43a(26) 43a(26; M) 43a(37) 43a(38) 43a(39) 43b(16) 43b (19) 43b(20) 43b(23) 43b(35) 43b(39) 43b(41) 44a(l) 44b (4) 44b (5) 44b(6) 44b (8) 1# n3X vb. V?y vb. 'in vb. Vd^B vb. Ta° adJ- XXSip n. XXS'P n. IBX vb. 'irn prep. XJ3S n. xnatf n. XTtf n. X3K/3 in n. 1# pBO vb. riB'X adv. 113 vb. 1# I^B vb. 'iinx: prep. an' vb. X'XVB* n. X'X^a* n. X,TB adv. X33J '33 n. IB n. Vyr vb. 2# Xj?'I n. XpnOT n. 44b(9) 44b(ll) 44b(12) 45a(10) 45a(13) 45a(38) 45b(46) 46a(2) 46a(3) 46a(9) 46a(10) 46a(13) 46a(48) 46b(18) 46b(30) 46b(31) 47a(3) 47a(4) 47a(24) 47b(8) 47b(33) 48a(l) 48a(30) 48a(35) 48a(45; 0) 48a(47) 48b(10) 48b(12) 48b(21) 49a(30) 49a(32) 49a(35; O) 49a(39) 49b(5) 50a(l) 1# 1» vb. bby vb. XpTD n. Vry vb. xripsox n. l^SX conj. X^X conj. Tp adj. 2# nVx vb. y"?3 vb. 113 vb. 0i3'T'piX n. IX conj. BhTD3 adv. XV73B adv. J?BU? vb. xV73 n. 1# xVip n. V?p vb. xro\"n n. Ori'b part. XV73 n. X3B adv. X3'n adv. 1BX vb. X^IIB '3 n. lxV adv. X13"I n. -|nx vb. an' vb. pn vb. tim vb. 4# 3iy vb. 4# 3iy vb. xrrorty.n. 4# 31? vb. in' vb. xnixya n. xVon. Wp vb. in'3 pron. Xp part. 2# 0"0 vb. 50a(5) 50a(15) 50a(29) 50b(5) 50b(5; M) 51a(4) 13'a prep. ©ip vb. xario n. 2# D"0 vb. XJTXB adj. 2# '30 vb. (Vi'Vp (W'Vp adv. 51a(7) 51a(8) 51a(9) 51a(25) 51b(5) 51b(5; O) 51b(12) 51b(28) 51b(30) 51b(30; O) 52a(10) 52a(30) 52a(31) 53a(29) 53a(38) 53a(38; 0) 53a(38; Ar 53a(38; M) 53a(38; O) 53a(39) 53a(41) 53a(42) 53a(45) X^IX n. Xbp'1 n. 1# V30 vb. X313 n. pis vb. yv vb. ■jao vb. 'V?'? prep. 'B1 vb. X3'V part. X3'H adv. X^'HX pron. Dip vb. 1# '3» vb. pS3 vb. ■^3n pron. mo vb. 1# '3 conj. m3 vb. X311 n. i# rvu vb. Dip vb. p3W vb. 1B3 vb. 3# XT3 n. xris'p n. X?3XX n. AC 1:249]) xrijnxx n. xiaj n. 1# XTp n. Xn3'» n. XTB n. XTSp n. XJB'D n. 2# 'bl vb. 53b(4; O) 53b(9) 53b(13) 53b(14) 53b(15) 53b (16) 53b(17) 53b(18) 53b(19) 53b(19; V 53b (20) 53b(21) xrippa n. pn vb. XJ^'V n. '3 prep. 2# xian n. 1# 1X8 pron. 1# XIB'X n. 1# XIBn n. waV vb. 033 vb. X1BJ? n. 331 vb. 'HX vb. 2# X3b3* n. X3Vn. 1# 'SO vb. Xn'Sl^tf n. xrin'x n. 2# 'T3 interj. 113 adv. 'XI vb. X12H n. ri?y n. xrrnn n. 'iy vb. 1# X3'P n. 0) 1713 n. 1# blX vb. XSV'X n. XB?n. n"?y n. 'Sp vb. 2# XT'StflX n. 53b(21; RaH [AC 2:229]) 53b(22) 53b(23) 53b (26) 53b(43) 53b(46) X3J'S2>1X n. 1# X133 n. XB1S n. X31I n. xans n. ypi vb. xrppa n. 1# VlX vb. 1# 013 vb.
Eruvin 1286 Babylonian Talmud 54a(l) 54a(9) 54a(10) 54a(13) 54a(14) 54a(49) ' 54a(49; 0) 54a(50; O) 54a(51) 54b(30) 54b(43) 54b(47; O) 54b(48) 54b(49) 54b (50) 54b(51) 54b(52) 55a(22) 55a(24) 55a(25) 55b(8) 55b(9) 55b(34) XOT'V n. 1# mv vb. 1PB3 vb. nns vb. i# np vb. Xll'tf n. 1# 71X vb. 'Jin. Dip vb. ion vb. xW"n '3 n. 'Tltf vb. nis'?7 xav n. 1# XD3 n. J?a vb. 0"S vb. 3iT vb. 118 adj. 1,TX pron. Kin pron. 1# XJH3 n. Ehs vb. Dip vb. V7V vb. nai vb. Kfl»n adv. nOl vb. 0'? adj. '5D vb. 1# XII n. '31 vb. 'TOT Xa1?!/ n. 1# VTX vb. ]JX pron. WX pron. X1TIB n. B'tfS adj. ■J-1S vb. 3# y31 vb. 3# jm vb. pm vb. pm vb. xinx n. 55b(42) 55b(43) 56a(2) 56a(10) 56a(ll) 56b(13) 56b(14) 56b(21) 56b(23) 56b(24) 56b(29) 56b(30) 56b(31) 57a(l) 57a(13) 57a(14) 57a(15) 57a(16; O) 57a(19) 57a(21) 57a(22) 57b(18) 57b(32) 57b(35) 57b(37) '7'7 pron. 1# X0"1S n. 'I'S prep. 1# 'Xa pron. 31pa adj. 1# X1.11 n. Ni?T n- 1# xf?lB n. )pt vb. xna n. XS^X num. i# xi? n. nxnltfa n. 2# xnax n. 'Vl vb. 10JTO num. BhB vb. Xy,3'7 num. DID1? prep. XS^X num. DH1 vb. XKhlD n. xna n. ^'ly adj. 3# J731 vb. nxiina adj. 'M adj. 2# xriax n. wain num. xyon n. XjiD3^X n. nax vb. XH part. 2# ntia vb. pes vb. y*?i vb. 57b(37; ORaHAr [AC 1:62]) 58a(13) 58a(14) 58a(37) 59a(19) xbbx n. X^'171 n. x'jp'l n. X131 n. rri adj. xmpoi n. 59a(20; V'RaHAr [AC 7:72]) XlBinp n. 59a(22) '31 prep. XmpDI n. '7.7H pron. 59a(23; O) lUTni n. 59b(22) inx vb. 59b(30) 4# 3iy vb. 59b(32) '3,1 pron. 30 adj. 59b(36) 1# Vpti vb. 59b(41) ms vb. 60a(3) "13 prep. '7'31 adj. 60a(l7) X3H adv. 1# p^D vb. 60a(18) in vb. 4# 3iy vb. 60a(19) 1# *?TX vb. nns vb. 60a(21) xriVO n. nns vb. 60a(23) 2# Xtnj? n. 60a(26) XH'ri '3 n. 60a(28) 1# mix vb. 60a(37) XmiBT n. 61a(9) 1# #3tf vb. 61a(25) 2# Xpi n. 61a(26) n$T3 vb. 61a(32) 11DB vb. 61a(33) ^3 prep. 11BB vb. 1# X31?? n. 61a(34) 11BB vb. xna n. nsi vb. xn'tf num. 61a(35) Vstf vb. 61b(28) XffiffrD (n)'3 n. 1# X31TJ! n. 61b(29) 11 vb. i# ne> vb. 61b(30; O) nxibs n. 62a(20) pin vb. 62a(33; Ar [AC 5:96]) 1J'73K1 adj. Xpinia n. 62b (21) Tvb. 62b(22) Xn$T'3 n. xnnis n. 62b(28) 'T vb. 63a(2) 1# no vb. X1'30 n. 63a(4) tmv n. 63a(8) '311? prep. ia n. 'SI adv. 63a(9) in vb. X3-11X n. 63a(l I) X13PSK1X n. 63a(12) 'SI1? prep. 63a(21) 30 adj. 63a(23) my vb. 63a(27) BhS vb. 63a(28) 1# IBp vb. 63a(29) xni'X n. 1# X^p n. i# 'an vb. mtf vb. xriaw n. 63a(30) 2# Xniipsx n. in vb. Kill 'Nil '3 adv. 63a(52; M) 1# n31£? vb. 63a(53) Dip prep. 63b(2i) nxisan. 101 vb. 63b(23) 11X vb. 63b(24) 1# "7TK vb. *7B3 vb. 63b(27) rratf adj. 63b(28) 1# '3 n. 2# Kmsh n. 63b(29) rj'3lf> adj. 64a(3) K?T"13K n. 'Till1? adv. Babylonian Talmud 1287 Eruvin 64a(12) 64a(16) 64a(26) 64a(28) 64a(30) 64b(l) 64b(2) 64b (3 5) 65a(14) 65a(17) 65a(19) 65a(21) 65a(25) 65a(27) 65a(28) 65a(29) 65a(30) 65a(32) 65a(33) 65a(34) 65a(35) '^5?a adj. xnjn n. V"S adj. xri^'ni n. 'Tltf vb. 'Tin pron. xisa n. IBS vb. xna n. nns vb. isy vb. Xpp'y n. mn vb. i3ip vb. Xliy'V n. -ay vb. 2# '^l vb. '3 prep. 'IS'a adv. yatf vb. fl'X part. i# ica vb. xru'tf n. nm vb. Xl'7 n. xav n. 2# XniW n. sroVri n. XmVx n. xnyatf n. xinp'x n. i# on vb. xnnis n. X1'3 n. pp vb. 1# '13 vb. NOT31? n. XVK conj. 1# K;1?'1? n. xni'tf n. 1# K0T1 n. xirrp n. '1 conj. 65a(37) 65a(38) 65a(39) 65a(40) 65a(44) 65a(45) 65a(46) 65b(7) 65b(9) 65b (10) 65b(20) 65b(24) 65b(26) 65b(32) 66a(13) 66b(3) 66b(4) 66b(21) 67a(2) 67a(3) 67a(8) 67a(ll) 67a(12) 67a(l5) 67a(20) 67a(23) 67a(36) 67a(38) 67b(29) 67b(30) 67b(37) -nn vb. nas adv. Dll vb. pppi 7'IX adj. 7jn pron. ]1X pron. xair n. xVys n. «|P vb. 2# jns vb. i# xmix n. 1# XJV3 n. 2# ''JX vb. N13?> n. 'nV'W n. i# wois vb. 1# K131 n. 'J70 vb. U?7 n. 1# 'S conj. nm vb. K3'n adv. 1# '3 conj. Kiln. yati vb. -Vni prep. 2# XniKh n. Baw vb. 1# K31TJ; n. ]1X pron. xn'ina n. ym vb. X^sV'S n. "7 X3'Vx prep. 4# 31J? vb. ■7D3 vb. 'SI adv. in' vb. XlsVlX n. my n. i# n© vb. ^B vb. Kinn pron. 67b(39) 67b(42) 68a(6) 68a(8) 68a(9) D'an adj. Kpir n. -\SV vb. f]T)V vb. '?n adv. 1# in vb. nxi3B n. 31 adj. ]137 n. i# xmix n. 1# X07'l n. 1TB vb. IX1? adv. mrx pron. X'ppn. 68a(ll; V*Ar [AC 4:34]) 68a(13) 68a(14) 68a(24) 68a(27) 68a(28) 68a(29) 68b(l) 68b(51) 69a(24) 69a(25) 69b(9) 69b(19) 69b(25) 69b(41) 70a(24) 70a(25) 70a(26; M) xsin n. xVlVB n. 2# xVn n. xri'sn n. i# Dan vb. Bpi vb. 1?J '3 n. 'IB vb. '©I '3 n. arin adv. 311' vb. mi vb. 10K vb. xrnain n. xwna n. nx'fen n. Tan adj. xns'sa n. 'Tin pron. Knrw n. Jl'R part. Xl'P n. X'TX n. n'K part. Kn pron. "73 prep. X^'7 n. 70a(37) 70a(45) 70b(l) 70b (4) 71a(18) 71a(26) 71b(19) 72b(16) 73a(6) 73a(33) 73a(38) 73a(38; Ed) 73a(39) 73a(40) 73a(43) 73b(21) 74a(22) 74a(27) 74a(28) 74b(l) 74b(3) 74b(5) 74b(6; M) 74b(7) 75a(7) 75b(9) 75b(10) 75b(12;0) 75b(13) 2# 'Vl vb. X3'^ part. xniniz? n. 4# 3iy vb. 1# X!713 n. 'ia pron. 1# pbo vb. xro^"n n. Xl'H'n n. T1? adJ- n'l adj. xjnnx adj. ]113 prep. X13 n. 37 '3 13 n. 713 vb. mi vb. J113 vb. 2# n^B vb. onn adv. K3'X part. xnys'a n. 1# XJ'SipiK n. nxi3a n. X'W'? n. i# in vb. in vb. nxi3B n. 37 '3 1? n. 1# Itf vb. 'XISX adv. Klin n. 713 vb. ni3 vb. 1# Dll vb. xn's n. in vb. inx vb. (-)'SK3 prep. inx vb. X©7 n. «intf vb. miy vb.
Eruvin 1288 Babylonian Talmud 75b(29) 75b(30) 75b(34) 75b(36) 75b(37) 76a(19) 76a(20) 76a(31) 76b(3) 76b(4) 76b(5) 76b(7) 76b(9) 76b (10) 76b(14) 77a(26) 77a(27) 77a(34) 77a(39) 77b(3) 78a(3) 78a(27) 78b(10) 78b(13) 78b(32) 78b(36) 79a(2) 79a(3) 79a(ll) 79a(25) 79a(40) xna n. 'pn vb. yr vb. n'N part. 'ys vb. Xp'BO n. XBB' n. Xnjl'B n. x^u'y n. X^iry n. xyia'i n. XBhl» n. NjiDS^K n. Xtt/ain num. '?? adj. 1031!/ num. KJ'Jl n. x'piJ'y n. xVwy n. 1# XJ1?? n. "1 ]XB3 conj. xrnu n. xpaiy n. xpiya n. 1# TJfl vb. 'ya vb. XJ'Xn n. 1# Xia n. mn vb. KOyD n. yr vb. xnx n. 'lVy prep. i# yai vb. (')'apa prep. pn vb. Tin vb. X3B'X n. yaw vb. QD!3 vb. Dip vb. 133 vb. Tins vb. 79b(6) 79b (10) 79b(25) 80a(2) 80a(34) 80a(37) 80a(38) 80a(39) 80a(50) 80b(5) 80b(33) 80b(34) 80b(37) 81a(32) 81a(33) 82a(l) 82a(10) 82a(17) 82a(27) 82a(28) 82a(41) 82b(3) 82b(9) 82b(39; O) oya vb. 1# OT1 vb. i# xrrra n. ibix: n n. X13W n. D'»S adj. i# xiam n. xittib n. xrnaai? n. ux vb. ina pron. y«0 vb. nro vb. Dp3 vb. 1# X3X n. "V prep. 1# 'JO vb. X,l part. 1# *73X vb. 1# X31?? n. 1# X13J n. 1# 'ai vb. Vy prep. iay» vb. i# xrnix n. 2# 'to vb. i# xia n. xniix n. OJl'V part. nXIB'X adj. xro'i n. 82b(40) HXBB TU adj. 82b(42) 82b(43) 82b(44) 82b(47) 83a(3) 83a(14; RaH) 83a(15) xaios n. xmn n. xmiyp n. 'J13X adv. X3p n. '3'X n. Ti? adj. '10 vb. xiiyt? n. xnia n. ipaip num. 83a(15; RaH) XOYJip* n. 83a(16) 83a(18) 83a(19; O) 83a(20) 83a(27) 83a(29) 83a(31) 84a(18) 84b(15) 84b(17; M) 84b(17; O) 85a(4) 85b(3) 85b(20) 86a(23) 86a(24) 86a(36) 86a(37) 87a(3) 87a(12) 87b(23) 87b(23; Ar 88a(19; G§ 88a(28; M) xriy? n. nxa num. Xy3» num. i# xri^n n. 10'an num. xsiiy n. xs-iiy n. '33 adj. XBliy n. xy3ti num. ion vb. XX vb. i# xriais n. xtjid n. NT'Jp n. 1# XJ'Mfax n. 'in vb. i# 1133 vb. 'Via adj. 'Wia adj. mi vb. xrnu n. "13 prep. 1# X3to n. 2# 3iy vb. x«a n. 133 vb. xnrpx n. mx vb. XBIB'J n. AC 5:366]) XpB3 n. 79b:6) 'IXil pron. xnyi n. 88b(4) I'Dpi ijnx adj. 88b(12) 88b(27) i# xpnn n. 1# 'Xa pron. xriuria n. Dip vb. Dip vb. V?p vb. 88b(36) 89a(3) 89a(17) 89a(20) 89a(40) 89a(41) 89b(8) 89b(9) 89b(12) 89b(20) 89b(25) 89b(29) 89b(35) 90a(l) 90a(5) 90a(13) 90b(4) 90b (22) 90b(23) 91a(40) 91b(23) 92a(29) 92a(30) 92a(31) 93a(23) 93a(29) 93b(17) 94a(4) 94a(5) 94a(6) 94a(7) 94a(34) 94a(51) 95a(16) 95b (21) »'B3 adj. Vtj'rB vb. 2# XTOT n. 1# X13 n. ii: vb. xm'na n. D'bx adj. 'a adv. Dip vb. 'Vn': prep. XBIB'J n. XBIB'J n. 1# ptol vb. ]1J3 prep. 1D3 vb. xsiin n. l"y vb. 'S3 vb. xrpton n. "71113 prep. nns vb. i# xriV'a n. i# xriais n. xiiio n. -TT7 prep. xrirna n. 133 vb. on vb. 311' vb. y-ii vb. i# ips vb. pB3 vb. 4# 3iy vb. u/a u'3 adv. 1# XTO n. 133 vb. 1# bpV vb. 1# XBX n. X3'?an n. 'B1BT1 n. xmr? n. isy vb. 'BO adj. 1289 Babylonian Talmud 96a(12) 96b(25) 96b(26) 96b(27) " 96b(27; O) 96b(28) 96b(32) 97a(8; O) 97a(ll) 97a(13) 97a(16) 97a(39) 97a(40) 97b(3) 97b(4) 97b(27) 98a(8) 98a(19) 98a(26) 98a(30) 98a(37) 98b(31) 99a(23) 99a(37) 99a(43) 99a(44) 100a(10) 100a(ll) 100a(13) 100a(14) 100a(19) 100b(8) "1? prep. xrnnna n. xip'ya adv. 2# '31!/ vb. xa'to n. ysx vb. llti vb. 1 XnyiX prep. xris'iy n. *]sy vb. 3# XB'3 n. 3Jy vb. 'Vya adj. 3:y vb. I?1? adv. 1# Xllt n. 113 vb. tfnx vb. i# xntoa n. "rys prep. xnys'B n. in vb. ]"y vb. pi! vb. isn vb. 2# XO'l n. 'B Vy >)X prep. 03X vb. X'il pron. X31J n. xnis n. "1 conj. 'xVy1? adv. xri'3TC/a n. i# jiru vb. 2# xiJ3 n. XIJ'N n. XBIB'X n. 1# ptol vb. 1# Tin vb. «]B3 vb. in: vb. 1# XT* n. 100b (9; O) llUvb. 100b (9; Ar[AC 7:148]) X30ipn. 100b(9; OAr [AC 7:148]) xprp n. 100b(16) DID vb. 100b(18; O.HG1 244:99 XSpiy n. 100b(18; HG1 243:97) 1# X3TO n. 100b(38) ("I'Spprep. 'XI vb. 100b (40) -TTpron. in' vb. 100b (41) IDXvb. X^ adv. 100b (48) ]3Ivb. 100b(48; OM) XJ'T n. 100b (49) Tl'Xpart. xn1??!? n. mv vb. 100b (49; V'RaH) XTfIB n. 101a(17) WXB'Wn. 101a(18; V'RaH) xa'iya n. 101a(18) ("jri'Vpart. 2# xnina n. ioia(i9) xnya n. 1? adv. 2# XniB n. XTTp n. 101a(20; Ar [AC 3:349]) nxpnn adj. 101a(21) XWn. bBB vb. 102a(17) l#X13yn. 102a(20) 'aJ n. pno vb. i# nop vb. 102a(29) XJ313n. 102a(31) l#Xri'1Bn. 102a(32) XBH n. 102a(33) xnrpx n. ptn vb. 102a(33; V!Ar [AC 1:274]) XaTIXn. 102a(35) 1# XnV'a n. 'Vya adj. 102a(36) 2#X31Xn. 5# XB'3 n. 102a(39) X13'1 n. 'in vb. xVlB n. 102a(40) XT1X n. Xni3 n. T'W vb. 102b(3) K1"0 n. 102b (5) 3311^ vb. 102b(6) pin vb. 102b(27) O'ap prep. 102b (32) 130 vb. 103a(17) 11B vb. 103a(34) 1# 'JW vb. 103b(18) 'Tip H) adv. 104a(5) -nilX 31X prep. 104a(6) 'BJ n. 104a(27) Xliax n. Chi vb. Dip vb. 104a(32) X33n. 1# «pB vb. 104a(33) 1# "?Vn vb. 104a(36) liy vb. 1# X*7p n. 104a(37) 'y3 vb. "1 conj. Dial vb. yatf vb. 104a(40) 1DX vb. I1?' vb. 104a(45) X^X conj. 104a(48) '33 '3 n. X^bj n. 'Vl vb. Pesahim '11 pron. 1# 'ba vb. 104b(l) Xjn'3 n. 104b(l; RaH) 1# XW'3 n. 104b(30) '3 prep. 1# tiBJ vb. 105a(13) Wn3n. y"D vb. 105a(22) XS'iladv. Pesahim 2a(7) 2a(8) 2a(ll) 2a(12) 2a(22) 2a(23) 2a(24) 2a(25) 2a(26) 2a(29) 2b(2) 2b(9) 2b(35) 2b(35; M) 2b(41) 2b(42) 3a(28) 3a(29) 3a(38) 3a(40) 3b(2) 3b(7) 3b(15) '0?3 n. 1# Kfr)> n. Xin pron. 1# TU vb. X1BS n. xaa' n. xiin: n. 1# 'ip vb. xjani n. mi vb. xrnxa n. X3iiyn n. xrnix n. i# mv vb. xaa' n. DlV vb. x^jnn. xa^3 adv. J^D vb. XW pron. XpTJin n. 1# yjJ vb. i# xfrb n. 'fJM n. Dpj vb. 13311 adj. xa^y n. xrinya n. xririya n. 'a adv. Ill pron. (-)'ap prep.
Pesahim 1290 Babylonian Talmud 3b(23) 3b(32) 3b(33) 3b(36) 3b(37) 3b(38) 3b(42) 3b(46) 3b(47) 3b(47; V1) 3b(48) 3b(48; V17) 3b(49) 4a(l) 4a(9) 4a(9; V17) 4a(ll) 1TX pron. yy-i vb. 1# pbo vb. xnsitf n. 01^3 X1? adv. 1# '3D vb. 1# p13 vb. "T conj. 1# 'Xa pron. Dip vb. i# ert>n vb. 1# *?TX vb. nu vb. yip vb. 'pa vb. X3"i n. -ninx1? prep. 3'XJ{ adj. 1# XJHp n. 1# XJT'lp n. XI1K 13 n. xnnx -a n. bj-1 vb. i# in vb. W-n- 4a(ll; V17TGHark 141:25) 4a(12) 2# XS'3n. i# pna vb. 2# xrna n. 4a(12; OHT ib. 3:6) 2# xrna n. 4a(12;TGHark 141:25) 4a(14) 4a(17) 4a(18) 4a(24) 4a(25) 4a(26) 4b(6) 4b(6; V1) 4b(9) 1# X30'0 n. □Ip vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# pTJ vb. NJT? n- nns vb. 'OJJ n. i# Ttfa vb. fl'X part. XOTJB n. xayo n. 4b(12; V1) 4b(22) 4b(27) 5a(31) 5a(34) 5b(l) 5b(34) 5b(35) 5b(40; V1) 5b(45) 5b(46) 6a(3) 6a(4) 6a(10) 6a(13) 6a(28) 6a(32) 6a(44) 6b(23) 6b(28) 6b(33) 6b(40) 6b(48) 6b(50) 6b(54) 6b(54; V1) 6b(55) 6b(55; V14) 7a(5; C) 7a(15) 7a(23) 7a(29; V17) 1 7a(35) pin vb. 0'3 adj. X3B adv. 'nn. 11 conj. "pV prep. yaw vb. X';1? 'sbs adv. TSX vb. 1# Tin vb. i# nya vb. KTaq n. 03x vb. '3 prep. _rS?3 prep. 1# iya vb. -px vb. Xp part. 2# xriltt>-i n. "I3, prep. 1# 'XB pron. xp part. "ra vb. ]B prep. xrrra'y n. Xti'ia adv. XJ"W n. n'3 adj. XJ"W n. 1D3 vb. an&rj adj. '31? conj. ■rob prep. boa vb. Xtfan num. 1# 'W? vb. i# xniya n. nxmip adj. trip vb. 1# btX vb. <ap xap adv. im vb. 7a(36) 7a(37) 7a(44) 7b(4) 7b(13) 7b(14) 7b(16) 7b(25) 7b(30) 7b(31) 7b(32) 7b(33) 7b (50) 7b(51) 8a(ll) 8a(20) 8a(21) 8a(33) 8a(35) 8a(38; S< 8a(39) 8a(41) 8a(41;V 8a(45) X3B'T n. D'an adj. xarw n. i# nm vb. tfsy vb. "lira prep. xnro adj. xaby. (nj'Via n. IH'X pron. 1XV adv. 1# 'JO vb. )1'3 conj. na: vb. "| T»X conj. Dip vb. ya» vb. ... ':n/3Van. ')13X adv. bbp vb. '311 adv. xnini n. noil adj. 'TV? prep. nys vb. 1# 'Xn pron. i# -\m vb. xnin: n. «)Dp vb. 'Via adj. xy/XB adj. 'JWa adj. IX conj. ;el 93:21 [Var]) mm n. 'IT>'B '3 n. '3'X '3 n. 'Tj? '3 n. nan '3 n. IX conj. 1# 'Xa pron. XW30 n. H) mv vb. l"y vb. 8a(46) 8b(9) 8b(ll) 8b(14) 8b(15) 8b(17) 8b(41) 9a(22) 9b(17) 9b(21) 9b(22) 9b(24) 9b(43) 10b(23) 10b (26) 10b(27) 10b(29) 10b(35) 10b(37) 10b(41) 10b(43) lla(ll) lla(17) lla(33) lla(36) lla(37) Ub(2) llb(ll) llb(35) llb(37) llb(38) 1 lb(39) 12a(3) 12a(23) 12a(26) p"!? adj. •ron vb. xp'in n. X33 n. 3T '3 13 n. i# -in vb. 3T '3 n. xrisem n. xriaip n. 1# |Xa pron. nxilj adj. i# nxtin adj. XT7in n. xVl3 pron. yjs vb. IT3\p adj. yr vb. X3'n adv. 13"n pron. pS3 vb. 1# Vil vb. 1# VS1 vb. i# 'an vb. □X conj. xrinys n. 1# 'bt? vb. mo vb. Via vb. xma n. i# 'an vb. l"?n vb. TjJ vb. T3y vb. IX conj. pS3 vb. «69 n. xriytf n. 'ye vb. pn vb. na pron. nra'a adv. IX conj. 'yo vb. 1291 Babylonian Talmud 'gn '^13 adv. 12a(27) xniyo n. 12b (10; C) «bs n. 12b(12) ny prep. 12b(18) xnnp 'a adv. 12b(22) "| X3'Vx prep. 12b(40) 2# X'?I3'» n. 12b(45; V17) 2# X'?13'tf n. 12b(49) B'tfS adj. 13a(l; Ar [AC 3:275]) 13a(l;M') 13a(37) 13b(l) 13b(2) 13b(19) 13b(24) 13b(36) 13b(37) 14a(19; C) 14a(31) 14a(42) 14b(3) 14b(6) 14b(13) 15a(5) 15b(27) 15b (32) 15b(33) 16a(18) 16a(26) 17a(l) 17a(5) 17a(6) 17a(15) 17a(16) xnbia n. xiini n. nax vb. XTtfn n. X38 adv. '13'a adv. IDS vb. 21p vb. xWi n. pis vb. TStf vb. 1# X3X n. '13'8 adv. IX conj. "13 prep. 1# Xpmi n. •"Dp vb. 1# bos vb. 'il pron. i# nn: vb. xaVya adv. xnsy n. 'ya vb. -in vb. V?y vb. i# 'ai vb. X3TI3 n. i# tfatf vb. i# tfatf vb. 'ya vb. i# cntf vb. 1# '3# vb. 17a(27) 17b(13) 17b(28) 17b(39) 18a(31) 18a(41) 18b(13) 18b(14) 18b(15) 18b(24) 18b(26) 18b(27) 18b(28) 19a(5; V14) 19a(7) 19b(7) 19b(28) 20a(8) 20a(19) 20a(24) 20a(26; C) 20b(4) 20b(13) 20b(20) 21a(14) 21a(35) 21a(39) 21a(43) 21b(9) 21b(10; C) 21b(14) 21b(17) 21b(39) 21b(46) 22b(33) 23a(5) 23a(31) xm(l)3 n. na pron. 'BB vb. 'ya vb. 2# any vb. Xtf'1 n. 'nx vb. 'bb vb. Tan adj. "Xj> adv. bbp vb. xrn'an n. xiVf'p n. ma vb. onv vb. -|B0 vb. 'BB vb. 3# Xri'Tl n. -«73 vb. 'BB vb. '80 vb. xri'U n. 2# '3# vb. xn interj. bbp vb. 'I conj. )'bn pron. •'? naV conj. yjx vb. T'tf vb. I'^n pron. friTD adj. nxmip adj. i# yps vb. i# 'in vb. xayB n. xnao n. ITi vb. ps: vb. K?nln- i# nv vb. KjanT n. prvo vb. 23a(41) 'Tjq pron. 23b(l) 1# 'XB pron. 23b(12) 'TB ^3 pron. 23b(14) Xabca adv. 23b(16) IX conj. 'J1X vb. 23b(19) X3'X part. -]1S vb. 23b(22) 'Op vb. 23b(23) fm pron. 23b(27) TJX vb. 23b(33) ]to1 n. 23b(39) "la prep. BtfS vb. 24a(26) pm» vb. 24a(36) niq pron. «/pi vb. 24a(42) Xn'BIS n. 24b(2) tfn vb. Tfl! adj. lxV adv. 24b(12) Bya vb. 25b(li) xinnan. 25b(12) 1# "7IX vb. 1# xV'X conj. bop vb. 25b(14) 1# xnsn n. pBID n. 25b(15) 'SB adj. 25b(16) xp-lll n. 1# «11» vb. 25b(19) XJTO'X n. X'n pron. XW3D n. TBS adj. 25b(22) ]13 vb. 25b(36) 'ys vb. 26a(2) 1113 prep. 26a(20) Xin pron. 26a(41) 1# 'Xa pron. 26a(44) xrnnx adj. 26b(6) XW n. 27a(17; V14) 1# 'B1 vb. Pesahim 27a(27) 27a(39) 27b(2) 27b(3) 27b(10) 27b(14) 27b(20) 28a(7) X^TO'3 n. '?'n adv. 1# mti vb. xjorn n. XS'inO n. ps: vb. IHJ'X pron. bya vb. ppn vb. 1# XS3 n. 1# XTA3 n. 118:8) DDnvb. 28a(8) tirrin n. 1# xnjl n. 28a(9) 1# xVll n. 28a(8; CM2) an' vb. 28a(8; CM2, TGAs42 160:4) 28a(8; CM2) 28a(9; M1) 28a(9; E'C) 28a(10) XIDn. nx^o n. nxya n. DVB vb. 1# XTJ n. i# xVn n. bop vb. 28a(21) X/nayiX adv. 28a(23) 28a(35) 28b(14) 28b(26; C) 28b(42) 29a(20) 29a(25) 30a(5) 30a(6) 30a(8) 30a(9) 30a(10) 30a(16) "|SK vb. TJD vb. oxa vb. 'W pron. xayo n. 1# '3B> vb. y-u vb. Dip vb. 'TtK vb. 1# XD3p n. "3'ya prep. pSJ vb. xn'an n. pS3 vb. xV'n -ia* n. 3# X133 n. It? vb.
Pesahim 1292 Babylonian Talmud 30a(18) 30a(19) 30a(20) ehn vb. xinx n. V1B vb. 30a(20; E'CGeon 224:3) 30a(2I) XTO n. i# xrfra n. xrisn n. 30a(21; Ar [AC 4:247] V14) 30a(22) 30b(5) 30b(ll) 30b(13) 30b(14) 30b(15) 30b(16) 30b(17) 30b(i8; V 30b(21; V 30b(22) 3Ob(23) 30b(24) 30b(25; V 30b(26) 3Ob(27) 30b(27; V 3:54]) 30b(29) 30b(30) 30b(32) 30b(33) X3KI3 n. XIWD n. XaVx conj. -i inxa conj. X;213 n. '3TI pron. xrsp n. ]3X pron. lay vb. IWB'K adv. mn adj. T»? Prep. XJ'B n. »6riB n. Xflp n. M) 1# °?Bp vb. ,4V17) pll' adj. XyXn. x?3ip n. piv adj. Via pron. xnps n. vnv vb. 031X adj. 1# '3 conj. ) XS1D-)P* n. y» adj. y'ra vb. 7Ar [AC i# nn vb. 1# '3# vb. X^ip n. xri'nixT adj. xn'nixi adj. 30b(40) 30b(42) 30b(46) 31a(2) 31a(4) 31a(5) 31a(12) 31a(13) 31a(14) 31a(15) 31a(21) 31a(22) 31a(25) 31b(38) 31b(39) 32a(9) 32a(10) 32a(17) 32a(18) 32b(28) 32b(50) 33a(34) 33b(6) 33b(7) 33b(18) 33b(20) XBXn |1'3 conj. W^ n- 1# 'Htf vb. XT1X n. tibv vb. *]T' vb. "iTab prep. Xi>X conj. 2# 'Vj vb. Pr'3 conj. i# xnV'a n. 'DO vb. 1# «pB vb. xri n. 0"D vb. 1# X3X n. x^e'ppa n. '33 prep. (p'3'n '3 conj. laytf vb. i# xax n. bWBK prep. '3,1 adv. '03 vb. DWa prep. .1193 adv. i# xry n. lioaV adv. 1# Xinj n. x:ia: n. 1# TSp vb. (-)'8j? prep. xnvn n. xj-i: n. i# ntf vb. xthia 'a n. T vb. nps vb. nx3 vb. ano vb. IX conj. y^ vb. 33b(21) -ffi/3 vb. 33b(22) Dno vb. 33b(27) 1# yn vb. 34a(l;CE1) "TNI? pron. p'Vp adj. 34a(7) p'Vo adj. 34a(9) yjs vb. 34a(38) 'ya vb. 34b(14) XITIX n. nXBJBB adj. an' vb. 34b(15) "Tconj. X31OT n. -|OT vb. xnyatf n. 34b(15; V14) yizmadj. 34b(20) lay vb. 35a(5) IX conj. 35a(18) Xa'j'Wn. 35a(18;V14) Xnip'T n. 35a(19; E'lHP 14:17) 7xb>yn ^sra> n. 35a(25) 1# yan vb. 35a(28; E'TGHark 179:6) 1# xn'3X'tf n. 35a(29) 1# xn'3X'tf n. 35a(29; CE1) '3'3 prep. xnVo* n. 35a(39) piTl n. 35b(21) pivb. 35b(36; C) XtfYI'B n. 36a(5) xnnnna n. 36a(28;M') &b vb. 36a(29) 1# X3"?n n. 36a(32;M') XKOTI n. 36a(34) 1# xry n. 36a(36) T\ri? vb. 36b(37) XITn'tfn n. 36b(40) 1# X313 n. 37a(3; C) XEhTB n. 37a(9) Off part. 37a(13; Ar [AC 2:377]) 2# X0T3 n. 37a(13) XX1J n. 37b(2) -T ]Xa3 conj. 1# DIB vb. 37b(33) 3T1' vb. 37b(34) 'linx prep. 38a(16) XTlpron. 38a(22) pB3 vb. 38a(39) xnain n. Xl'n. 39a(8) Xa^JTl n. xprjn. 39a(10; E2) xVpm xnxx n. 39a(10;CV14) Xn^n n. 39a(25;V14) xn'TlB n. 39a(26) xnyi n. T-iaadj. 39a(27) XJani n. 39a(30) 1# IT! vb. 39a(30; V14) XHYia n. 39a(31;V14) XJB13 n. 39a(32; C) XS1TV1 n. XB'ffl n. 39b(5) D'Vs adj. 39b(30) XVI pron. 39b(35) Vtfa vb. iy prep. 39b(36) yan vb. 39b(38) xp'm n. 39b(38; V17) «]'B «]'B adv. rTS?? PreP- 39b(39) xp'm n. i# xnV'a n. XITO'B n. 39b(40) xaiwax n. xnap n. 39b(41) *?»3 vb. xyia'n n. i# B*?n vb. 'T1? prep. 40a(2) 1# p°70 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1293 Pesahim 40a(l) 1# XHB'n n. 40a(2;OHTib. 41:6) 13X prep. 40a(2;OHT Pes 41:6) 2# XJTX n. 40a(3; E2) 1# xVip"! n. 40a(3; C) 1# xVpf n. OTn. 40a(5) xrb3W n. 40a(6) KyiB'n n. 40a(8) Xtfn n. 40a(ll) X31#aXn. 1# blK vb. 1# f»n vb. 40a(12; CM1) XBp'T n. 40a(12; CM1) i# xsivp n. 40a(17) 2# xnn n. 40a(20) mx vb. TTO adj. 40a(21; TGAs42 161:8) xtiaix n. 40a(21) nn"? vb. 40a(22; V17) fin vb. 40a(23) 2# JTJ'S n. 40a(24) TV adj. i# xrnyto n. 40a(27) nn1? vb. 40a(36) "! XJTya prep. 40a(38) HSn vb. 4# KS'3 n. 40b(l) 2# X31X n. Bp3 vb. 40b(l; E2) 2#X3-|Xn. 40b(2) XntfX n. y3B vb. 40b(9) 2# '^3 vb. (")'Bp prep. 40b(23) XTT3 n. 40b(24;GnK5 171:3,5) xnp'ryns* n. 40b(25) XO'Dn n. nna vb. 40b(27) 41a(4) 41a(5) 41a(7) 41a(8) 41a(9) 41a(16) 41a(29) 41a(33) 41a(33; V14 41b(5) 41b(9) 42a(14) 42a(15) 42a(17) 42a(19; C) 42a(27; V14 42a(34) 42a(35) XP'Pn n. nna vb. yap vb. nap vb. yan vb. i# nax vb. yan vb. "■p prep. X31in n. nX0"19 adj. D'lYJX adv. 1X> adv. Xil'a adv. ti'M adj. 'ip vb. i# xasn n. n'ja adj. 4# 'na n. i# xaVn n. '3V01 n. i# xaw n. xn':aip n. 42a(36; RaH) xpoiB'O n. 42b(l; V14) 42b(l; E2M 42b(2) 42b(2; E2M 42b(3) 42b(4) XTaOn. ) nns vb. KnTSS n. 'Wp adj. ) p'ny adj. xVaja! n. xranx xrfrs'rs n. 42b(5) 42b(6) 42b(7) 42b(16) 42b(18) 42b(18; V14 42b(19) 3'B1 adj. XS1J n. 1# '81 vb. i# xnnyt? n. i# fan vb. 1# X13 n. xnjxnis* n. ) Ni?T!n- i# xnV'a n. xatnip n. i# xnnjrto n. 42b(20) ps: vb. 'Vp vb. 42b(21) xna"I n. ]a prep. xrnxs; n. 'BT vb. 42b(22) KM30 n. Bap vb. 42b(23) 83^ n. ysx vb. 42b(23; E'Ar [AC 3:297]) Xltm tnz n. 42b(25) xan adv. 42b(25; V17) nxTina adj. 42b(25; V14) nwnna adj. 42b(25; C) XinB n. 42b(28) XS3CTX n. xnno n. 42b(29) vrrns n. 43a(13) 1# X-13 n. 43a(14) Hn? prep. 43a(15) xnno n. aip vb. 43a(15;E'C) XnViaa n. 43a(15; Ar [AC 5:288]) 2# xn^'sma n. 44a(19) «]T0 adv. 44a(22) -ry3 prep. 44a(22; Ed) 2# *pV vb. 44a(23) -\W vb. 44b(20) -linV prep. 44b(33) DJS vb. 45a(3) 'H'X pron. 45a(39) Xina adj. 45b(4) '00 vb. 45b(5) xnTan n. ("J'apa prep. xn^'p n. 45b(12) VtJ3 vb. 45b(14; C) XHX n. X3J n. xns'j? n. 45b(15; E2C) 45b(22) 45b(23) 45b(26) 45b(32) 45b(33) 46a(2) 46a(5) 46a(10) 46a(ll) 46a(17) 46b(9) 46b(13) 46b(15) 46b(22) 47a(14) 47a(25) 47a(26) 47b(6) 47b(6; C) 47b(9) 47b(16; C) 48a(13) 48a(17) 48a(23; C) 48a(28) 48a(30) 48a(35) 48a(35; CE1 48a(37) 48a(37; v'v 48b(3) 48b(3; RaH) 48b(4) «)BX vb. 1# »» vb. xanya n. 1# VTK vb. treipf n. XTSp n. xmiVs n. XTBp n. 1# "?aB vb. 1# pVo vb. u yu vb. Vxti vb. yVp vb. "T"]b prep. XT?n n. xna n. i# nVii? vb. Tl prep. mm n. XB1TS n. xrp n. ]ina adj. X3TO n. xrnmx n. X3I1 adv. 1# "in num. xayp n. xn':na n. Krfroa n. ynj adj. xri pron. Ton adj. xri part. nxttiba adj. xap n. xyan num. ,4) nx^ia adj. "T conj. m vb. 'XB3 '33 n. 'DX vb. xrsp n.
Pesahim 1294 Babylonian Talmud 49a(37) 49a(39) 49a(40) 49a(40; 49a(41; 49a(42) 49a(43) 49a(45) 49a(49) 49a(49; 49a(50) 49b (3 8) 49b(39) 49b (41) 49b(42) 50a(ll) 50a(13) 50a(16) 50a(17) 50a(23) '3'X part. p31 vb. i# xjnr n. 1# tftn vb. snans n. "71113 prep. Tn? ^J- E2) '3 prep. V1) 303 vb. my vb. 1# 'Vl vb. 1J13 prep. nun D'na is n. i# ipi vb. C) '313 '3 n. 'pi's ijrrVa i? n. -pa vb. 1# y31 vb. 'Vj/B adj. 3tin vb. TSX vb. X130 n. Ill vb. Jl'X part. )3X pron. •OH lxVa adv. 1# ]XB pron. inin pron. 1# 1X8 pron. pDS vb. ■?Dp vb. 'JIN vb. 50a(23;M') 313 vb. 50a(28) 50a(31) 50a(37) 50b(5) 50b(21) 50b(22) 1# X131 n. XlTXn adv. Xpi'S n. X'TX n. Vya vb. XlTXn adv. 50b(27; V17) xriipisa n. 50b(37) 11X vb. xriVipria n. xnn n. 50b(39) 50b(39; E2V 1:210]) 50b(39; E2) 50b(44) 50b(45) 50b(5O) 50b(51) 50b(52) 50b(52; C) 50b(52; E2) 50b(52) 50b(53) 51a(2) 51a(3) 51a(31) 51a(33) 51a(40) 51a(41) 51a(44) 51a(46) 51b(15) 51b(15; C) 51b(18) 51b(25) 52a(3) 52a(5) 52a(6) 52a(7) 52a(8) 52a(10) 52a(12) 52a(22) 52a(30) i# mv vb. D^ti vb. 17Ar [AC xmsx n. i# xry. n. 2# V?n vb. 1# XO'l n. y"0 vb. mi vb. 1# X3X n. in: vb. 1# X3X n. 1# X3X n. ItiS'X adv. 138 pron- xnix n. i# xriVn n. ini vb. nxnis n. ■po vb. i# xr/pa n. DBti vb. xi? i? n. xijv n. V?y vb. 'W vb. '191 adv. X1T3 n. n'TiiV adv. ns vb. i3y vb. '^P? n. x;px n. m vb. 'in vb. i# xij: n. rati vb. rati vb. ti'l'X n. xaty n. 3T '3 13 n. i# xiain n. X31n. 52a(31) 52a(37) 52b(17) 52b(19) 52b(25) 52b(26) 52b(27) 52b(29) 52b(31) 52b(32) 52b(33; C) 52b(35) 52b(37) 53a(7) 53a(7;V17) 53a(23) 53a(37) 53b(38) 53b(39) 53b(42; v'v 53b(44) 53b(45) 54a(22) 54a(48) 54b(23) 54b(27; E2) 54b(44) 54b(47) 55a(3) 55a(10) 55a(14) oVp vb. ibs vb. '193 adv. 1# X311 n. i# xnan n. T3 prep. Dpi vb. lai vb. pn vb. X31 n. 1# '^X vb. 1# Xfl'lS3 n. yxp vb. -ay vb. i# nm vb. 1# XT? n. xVnra n. 3# X1S13 n. 1# '3 conj. 'ino'3 n. 'TX pron. xnpp n. 331 vb. 1# Vpti vb. Tlti vb. Xl'B' n. ,7) mti'3 adv. 1# 'iy vb. 'in vb. X1J7 pron. 13y vb. i# xro'x n. 3tin vb. yo vb. xyi3'p n. v?p vb. xV?i? n- X3D'X n. Xini' n. 1331 n. Xini' n. ]13 vb. 55a(16) 55a(21) 55a(33) 55a(42) 55a(48) 55b(25) 55b(27) 55b(31) 56a(9) 56a(9; M1) 56a(10) 56a(ll) 56a(12) 56a(16) 56a(24) 56b(3) 56b(9) 57a(9) 57a(10) 57a(41) »pi vb. '^03 n. xinia n. 1031X num. xrap* n. ibsx conj. '83 adv. I^SX conj. xriy'3 n. 'b prep. IDS vb. rns vb. 2# Xia'S n. xaV? n. IDS vb. xaVs n. 1BX vb. i# nn vb. XDX n. i# ''ra vb. KTIn. Xlpti n. 1# K1S1 n. X3'1? n. 1# p*?0 vb. xnap n. 1# 'B1 vb. nm vb. i# xrnyv n. •\T\bxb adv. 2# 'IX vb. Xipn n. 3# X1S13 n. xrapu n. XtilTS n. pDS vb. 1BX vb. 'BO vb. m vb. oati vb. 3n' vb. Dpi vb. 1# pVo vb. 1295 Babylonian Talmud i# nxi'ti n. 57a(42) Xn? n. 'X; adj. xroVa n. 57a(43) 1# XIB'X n. n3' vb. 57b(l) 'in vb. '£ adj. 1# p'jD vb. 57b(2) V?1 vb. pos vb. xiniti n. xVxati n. 57b(4) 57b(7) 58a(17) 58a(21) 58a(26) 58a(43) 58a(44) 58b(l) 58b(15) 58b(41) 59a(24) 59b(5) XV n. Xl'B? n. XD1S1DS n. 1# '1p vb. '38 conj. 3# 3iy vb. xnyti n. i# xVnis n. '3B conj. i# in© vb. 3# 183 vb. 3# 1B3 vb. 3# 183 vb. 1DX prep. 3ip vb. ■"! xivy? conj. pbn vb. 2# IDp vb. 59b (36; Ed) pm vb. 60a(6) 60a(18) 60a(44) 60b(9) 60b(32) 60b(33) 60b(35) 61a(31) 1# *?0S vb. XVI pron. ins vb. xnyati n. p31 vb. 'IB vb. 1# TtiB vb. 'IB vb. 'IB vb. tipl vb. 61b(20) xrap* n. 61b(36) 1# y3p vb. 61b(38) X'ni/Xini V3 pron. 62a(31) ^'X pron. Dip vb. 62b(18) 1# "?!X vb. (-)'Bp1? prep. 62b(20) K3'n adv. 62b(22) J1X pron. 1# 111 vb. 'S3 vb. 62b(23) 1# pns vb. 2# X°?p n. 2# 'yi vb. 1# Vpti vb. 62b(25) iai vb. XjmtiB n. 62b(26) Xn33'1 num. 62b(28) XI1T n. p3ti vb. 62b(28; V14) Xp part. D.11 vb. 62b(43) 1# X(>B1 n. 63a(6) IB prep. Xp part. xmii n. 63a(18) 1,ns vb. 63a(22) 1,ns vb. 64a(17) 3in vb. 64b(13) psi vb. V?y vb. 64b(16) 1# XO'l n. 1BD vb. 64b(28) 2# IDp vb. 64b(30) 1# in num. "V prep. 64b(31; TGAs42 163:21) Xll'ViSn. 64b(36) 1# '10 vb. 64b(38) 111 vb. 1# XnilS n. 65a(5) III vb. 65a(29) -\Sti vb. 65a(30) Xrm'IT n. 65b(9) XIX? n. 65b(9; V1) D1X vb. 65b(18) X3DS'Xn. 65b(34; Ar [AC 4:29]) 66a(42) 66a(46) 66a(47) 66a(48) 66b(9) 66b(35) 66b(45) 67b(l) 68a(27) 68a(51) 68b(13; V 68b(36) 68b(38) 68b(44) 68b(45) 68b(46) 68b(48) 68b(49) 68b(51) 69a(14) 69a(32) 69a(34) 69a(40) 69b(2) 69b(3) niy;D adv. X'in3 adv. "1 inXB conj. 1B1 vb. m vb. 1# ]11 vb. 'B1 vb. X^3a adv. D^y vb. 'm vb. 'BD vb. x»ya n. XpT» n. 1# 'OX vb. "n vb. M) lis vb. •B 131? prep. xnisy; n. i# xnis n. i# xnis n. xriisy n. 1# D11 vb. XpTO n. 'in vb. xton n. 1# X13y n. 1# Ipl vb. i# np vb. 13y vb. IIS vb. X181 n. ipy vb. xayo n. X31'n n. ri'X part. (-)ri'b part. Pesahim 69b(5) 69b(6) 69b(9) 69b(18) 69b (27) 69b(33) 69b(38) 70a(l) 70a(14) 70a(16) 70a(29) V,1B vb. Dip vb. 1# blO vb. 1# 11,1 vb. 'in vb. 'IP adj. 'm vb. 131 vb. 'nx vb. 73 vb. tfpl vb. X13D n. 70b(l; E'CRaH) 70b(2) 70b(20) 71a(17) 71a(18) 71a(41) 71a(42) 72a(10) 72a(12) 72a(13) 72a(17) 72a(20) 72a(34) 72a(48) 72b(ll) 72b(26) 72b(28) 72b (3 5) 72b (3 6) 73a(10) 73b(31) 74a(9) 74a(12) 74a(13) 74a(15) xaiop n. riB'X adv. ma vb. ■ip1? prep. na'X adv. 1# bos vb. xiani n. X7I11X n. Xp'jpix n. Dip vb. mi vb. 1# XnD'3 n. 1# ']© vb. 1# 'IK) vb. poy vb. Dip vb. 'tip vb. 1# 'Iti vb. 'pn vb. 11D vb. xyjrp n. bRV vb. T13 vb. 1# VlX vb. "1 conj. 1# 'ID vb. 2# X3'ti n. VnVn vb. pSl vb. pSl vb.
Pesahim 1296 Babylonian Talmud 74a(16) 74a(17) 74a(18) 1# xnp'p n. XT adj. 1# Xn3 n. CW'b part. XJ3'3 n. 1# xnp'p n. 1# XJT3 n. 74a(18; TGAs42 162:i2) 74a(30) 74a(35) 74b(l) 74b(4) 74b (5) 74b (5; C) 74b(6; C) X311T3 n. xtt'Vd n. W?n vb. an vb. ytf adj. 1# ^SB vb. x"??iJ n. 2# X^Sp n. 74b (7; v. Rashi, Ar [AC 6:69]) xido n. 74b(7; Ar [AC 6:69], Seel 81:26) US vb. 74b (8) XJ11X 12 n. 74b(8; TGAs28 44:23) 74b(9) 74b(12) 74b(12; V14) 74b(13) 74b(14) 74b(15) 74b(15; V14) 74b (16) 74b(17) 74b(19) 74b(23; M1) 74b (24) Njrnvn n. 1# ^SB vb. 331 vb. i# ivn n. 331-vb. XI'DD n. 2# Tip vb. xrap n. xrinrn n. 331 vb. pao vb. KTOp n. I^SX conj. K71"Vn n. K^'Sf1? adv. X131S n. xny:'3 n. xpvia n. 1# XXalX n. i# nVa vb. 74b(25) 74b(26) 74b(27) 74b(28; V14 74b(39) 74b (40) 74b(41) 'B 74b(42) 74b(44) 74b(45) 74b(46) 74b(46; V17) 75a(l) 75a(2) 75a(16) 75a(37) 75a(38; V1) 75a(46) 75a(47) 75a(47; O) 75a(53; V14) 75b(4) 75b(13) 75b(24) 75b(25) 76a(3) 76a(7) 76a(12) 76a(19; V17) 76a(19; M) 76a(20; M1) an vb. i# Tin: vb. tSV vb. xniSW n. (CmOM n. i# nax vb. aw vb. 3# xVn n. pao vb. "?J7 n,X prep. xann. paio n. Xp'pW n. 1# X3X n. ya; vb. ""? prep. 1# tj'jn vb. 2# xVn n. i# obn vb. nana adj. 1# XT? n. xnvp n. "3'y3 prep. 2# 'Vj vb. xjarn n. 3# ip: vb. 'bp vb. X'M adv. ma vb. b^ adv. XTB n. TO vb. ]13'X pron. ]133 prep. 1# *|ltf vb. XTI3 n. 133 vb. nxV'y adj. i# nan vb. 1# Tip vb. XJTIin n. nm vb. xrna'pn n. 76a(23; 76a(35) 76a(39) 76a(44) 76a(45) 76a(46) 76a(49) 76a(49; 1 76b(2) 76b(4) 76b(5) 76b(31) 76b(32) 76b(33) 77b(19) 77b(22) 77b(25) 78a(14) 78a(29) 78b(2) 78b(3) 78b(3; M 78b(15) 78b(20) 78b(28) 78b(48) 78b(57) 79a(36) 79a(42) " 79b(6) 79b(40) 79b(44) 79b(45) 80a(19) V18) l#npvb. 1# Tip vb. 1# Tip vb. 1# XTJ n. X13 n. xpa? n. DDn vb. 31 adj. 2# X*?'S n. i'C) XnV'S n. □DS vb. i# xnn n. DlVp X^ adv. 1# X1T3'3 n. 1# 'ID vb. nox vb. xnrio n. i# xrfra n. '#i? adj. i# xnn n. 1TX part. x™n adv. ni3 vb. 'XT vb. '31 vb. xnpw n. 731? vb. lajrin adv. ') nay vb. 335? vb. Vpi vb. i# ntfa vb. 1# ]Xa pron. iprwx adv. pTi vb. 'BD vb. T X3'n Vs conj. 1# XJ1?? n. XJP'V n. xpp adj. 'in vb. •*n vb. 1# Tin vb. 80a(20) 80a(34) xron n. x;tfip n. mx vb. 80a(35; MV14) 80a(35; V 80a(43) 80b(38) 81a(18) 81b(16) x:3!»a n. 4) xro'p n. xp'n adv. Xfl-113'1 n. "11113 prep. JIT vb. XpVy. (fll'Vo n. 81b(17) 81b(18) 82a(3) 82a(17) 82a(18; CE 82a(22) 82b (18) 82b(33) 82b (3 6) 83a(23) 83a(30) 83a(45) 83a(46) 83b(8) 83b(18) 84a(5) 84a(8) 84a(26) 84a(34) 84b(6) 84b(20) 84b(23) 85a(20) 85a(31; M1) 85a(36) 85a(40) xiaj n. xraapx n. Xn pron. '3'3 prep. 2) xrmn n. 2# ^13 vb. xthshp n. X1D3 n. nix vb. "Pa adv. 1# «pto vb. 1# ••It vb. i# yVn vb. i# fm vb. 1# X1'3 n. pm vb. XS13 n. nxn pron. '»i? adj. i# ^ax vb. Xj7^V n. xnap n. nax vb. xrnaia n. by prep. 'Vp vb. xbx conj. *pp vb. in1 vb. bxy vb. IX conj. ma vb. Babylonian Talmud 1297 Pesahim 85a(54) 85b(12) 85b(21) 85b(34) 86a(28) 86a(30) 86a(35) 86b(ll) 86b(12) 86b(18) 86b (20) 86b (22) 86b(25) 86b(30) 86b(37) 86b(37; V14) 87b(31) 87b(42) 87b(44) 87b(45) 88a(2) 88a(2; V17) 88a(4) 88a(5) nnt vb. piD vb. nxn pron. xnpx n. xW?n n. i# xri'i n. xnps n. i# yps vb. xr;:s n. xann n. X303 n. 1# X13 n. 1# XTW> n. '3a pron. xrnria n. DPS vb. 'ys vb. X3X pron. 13a pron. na n. xnp n. 1# Tin vb. xnp n. XJO't n. 1# XSX n. xVn n. tit vb. '3D vb. 13X pron. ]P prep. 'Vya adj. y'PP adj. 3# XS3 n. 1# fflU vb. 1# p"?D vb. 'TIX vb. xrn'p n. xttan n. XJIt n. 'Va adj. X3X n. xrrnix n. nxb33 adj. 88a(6) 88a(6; C) 88a(22) 88a(36) 88a(42) 88a(44) 88a(44; M 88a(44; M 88b(36) 88b(43) 88b(45) 88b(48) 89a(2) 89a(7) 89a(9) 89a(46) 89a(46; E1 89a(46; C) 89a(47) 89a(48) 89b(7) ■ 89b(17) 89b(21) 89b(21; C n 89b(22) 89b(23) 89b(30) 89b(32) 89b(38) 89b(40) 89b(50) pay vb. nyx vb. xVra n. XJ? n. xniai xap n. xrnoo n. "111131 prep. 30 adj. OO'X adj. ]P prep. nsp vb. ') 2# 0"0 vb. i# x;ris n. 2) mynv n. pm vb. (")'Bj? prep. x;a» n. 13J? vb. 'nx vb. 1# "in num. '3a vb. oya vb. Xp part. oya vb. RaH) xnvn n. 2# Xlll'n n. i# tjvn vb. '3D vb. 1 XmnX prep. XJ^TS'l n. ,1XTJ13 adj. 1# V3p vb. 1# 'JSX vb. qrp'n *73 conj. i# bap vb. mo vb. xnii? n. Xin pron. 2# any vb. xrisn n. XJ131X num. niffD'X adv. 90a(3) 90a(17) 90b(5) 90b(6) 90b(8) 90b(15) 90b(30) 90b(34) 90b(38) 90b(47) 91a(ll; C) 91a(39) 91b(l) 92b(5) 92b(14) 92b(16) 92b (19) 92b (24) 92b(26) 93b(8) 93b(10) 93b(27) 93b(27; M 93b(31) 94a(3) 94a(ll) 94a(12) 94a(13) ,1X^33 adj. i# xnan n. xayo n. □lp vb. xricn adv. Dip vb. xV'SD adv. 3# 3ny vb. y»s vb. xayp n. 1# xnp n. IX conj. non vb. pT vb. yDK? vb. ntJ3 vb. pD3 vb. 'linV prep. xriix'ns n. xiv'nixn adj. Din vb. xjorn n. xjDnn n. X^Vpa adv. xpin n. '3D vb. 1,n3'3 pron. I^X vb. 1# 'Xn pron. xnnix n. 1# VlX vb. np'X adv. 3in vb. np'pn num. xnss n. xyp'iy n. ) V?y vb. xnnx n. "Vn pron. 'a adv. N?1?? n- X3B1D n. XD^X num. 94a(17) 94a(26) 94a(27) 94b(15; M1) xnai n. X3aiD n. i# mv vb. 1,13'X pron. xmyn n. xrianp n. X310 n. 94b(l5) x»nn xni3'x n. 94b(15; M1) 94b (31) 94b (3 2) 95a(14) 95a(20) 95a(35) 95a(36) 95b(10) 96a(l) 96a(10) 96a(ll) 96a(30) 96b(15) 96b(33) 97a(12) 98a(ll) 98a(15) 98a(31) 98b(8) 99a(ll) 99a(12) 99a(13) 99a(16) 99b(23) 99b(23; M) 100a(l) 100a(2) 100b(l) 100b(4) 100b(10) 101a(2; V1) x;rtn n. V7V vb. bna vb. Dip vb. X3'n adv. 'y3 vb. xpnp n. "|SX vb. Dya vb. lXb adv. X3'n adv. 2# nop vb. niy adv. xpo'iir; n. "mipn prep. 3np vb. Tig. vb. x'^yn n. np'X adv. 1# y3p vb. ms vb. Vin vb. xrronp n. '3D vb. xrnria n. pn vb. '33 prep. ipria adj. ynrip adj. V2fa adj. XpTS n. 1XV adv. 2# DID vb. ra'X adv. Bip vb.
Pesahim 1298 Babylonian Talmud 101a(5) 101a(10) 101a(12) 101a(13) 101a(14) 101a(18) 101a(19) 101a(19; E2 101a(20) 101a(20; C) 101a(23) 101a(28) 101b(8) 101b(16) 102a(17) 103a(4) 103a(19) 103a(28) 103a(30) 1# mwn n. xjnx n. vnp vb. tpy vb. Xlltf n. XJJJ (7i)'3 n. D3>B vb. -|» n. ~\y_ prep. Ipy vb. npy vb. Xntf n. Ki.1V n. 1# b'DK vb. mp vb. -H l?1? prep. 1# X^lp n. xmna n. xV?i? n- 'a adv. 1# X3X n. i# ':j? vb. xnsis n. XrilVj »n '3 n. 103a(31) 'invb. 103a(32) 1# yv vb. 103a(33) 'JDvb. "1 nria'x *73 conj. 103a(34) XJX pron. nno vb. 103a(35) xmiyp n. 103b(l) 3D adj. 103b(4; C) TDK vb. Vltf vb. 103b(5) 'invb. 103b (10) l#]XBpron. 13J? vb. 103b(ll) "I conj. n3J7 vb. 103b(15) 1# T1X adj. xrons n. xV)3 pron. 103b(16) 103b(17) 103b(18) 104a(l) 104a(24) 104a(38) 104a(40) 104a(46) 104a(47) 104b(3) 104b (7) 104b(9; CV1) 'nra pron. npy vb. Vn vb. xyjtf n. ^ na^ conj. xntf n. xrcn n. X;> adv. X11T n. 1# ^30 vb. xmix n. ]B prep. 'ao vb. ■ion vb. am vb. trr? vb. i# btx vb. 1# "?TX vb. 2# xnvno n. 104b(9;C) XniHTIn. 104b(9; I§GS65:4) xnmtf n. I04b(l0) naxvb. xrijnatf n. 105a(5) Dip vb. 105a(6; V1) 1# n« vb. 105a(6; C) pOB vb. 2Hp vb. 105a(7) TlXvb. 105a(7;C) 1# J?3p vb. 105a(14) taK conj. I05a(i6) i# xnan n. 105a(18) VlSvb. (")'8p prep. 105a(19) 2#'SDvb. 105b(10) XW pron. Q'3n adj. 105b(10;E2M'v'V14Ar [AC 3:355]) 2# nXTin n. 105b(ll) XT-Bin. XfTIO n. 105b(12) irahTB '3 n. 105b(12; C) 105b(13) 105b(14) 105b(16) 106a(6; C) 106a(7) 106a(8) 106a(12) 106a(14; V1 106a(19) 106a(20) 106a(21) 106a(22) 106a(23) 106a(27) 106a(29) "11113 prep. 'T vb. Vty vb. 33n vb. xjiyp n. O'JS adj. 1# X3Xn n. O'JS adj. xrrari n. □'IS adj. Eftp vb. i# Tin vb. tip vb. VT3 pron. XtflTp n. 31 adj. '1 part. Kinn pron. ]nj vb. 30 adj. 1# np vb. Xn pron. X3#3 in n. 106a(30) X3E/3 XJJSIX n. 1113 prep. X3W3 xtfan n. 106a(31) 106b(3) 106b (4) 106b(5) 106b(ll) 107a(8) 107a(10) 107a(ll) 107a(12) 107a(13) 107a(14) 107a(15) tya vb. 2# H3B vb. m vb. 33n vb. Dip vb. vnp vb. xrisn n. Dyo vb. XTB n. i# •'Vb vb. -ia n. 1# X13 n. xnrix n. J113 vb. J11W adv. Xjtf''? adv. 'nx vb. 107a(22) Bhj? vb. XTJK? n. 107a(22; C'E1) xaniD n. 107a(23) 2#XJ0Xn. 107a(25) XVI pron. VIp vb. 107a(26) ^3 vb. 107a(30) D'p3 adj. xyjtf n. 107a(30; V14) XJJB n. 107a(32) TH vb. 107a(33; E2VM TGAs42 164:3) P'lt 'a n. 107a(33; CE1) xmpti n. 107a(36) T13 vb. 1# ?3p vb. 107a(42) pS3vb. 107a(44) l#Ttiavb. I07b(i) yaavb. 107b(7) xmn n. 107b(14) 1# VaB vb. Xj?T n. 107b(19) TU vb. xai' (nj'^a adv. xnps n. 107b(19; M) ]S3 vb. 107b(20) XT'? n. 107b(21) TUvb. 108a(3) lyo vb. 108a(5) Vya vb. 108a(6) xrjpS n. 108a(13; M1) Vari'X adv. XJTXn adv. 108a(15) DJ7D vb. 108a(18) TJXvb. 108a(21) 1# X03 n. 108a(30; E'CV17) llp-13 adv. 108a(37) 1# *JI vb. 108a(37; V14) X3T3 n. Babylonian Talmud 1299 Pesahim 108a(41) l#XTj:n. KjVlltf n. 108b(9) l#K03n. 109a(21; Ar [AC 7:144]) XpO'p n. 109a(22; V14) XO'niB n. 109a(23) XJ11? n. N?Hi?l? n- 109a(24) nxaip adj. 109b(4; C) pin vb. 109b (5) 2# XriBX n. 1# 'XB pron. 109b(6) XJtiip n. 109b(10) XTU30 n. 110a(l) (-)'SX3prep. 110a(9) Xpltfn. 110a(9;M') 'in vb. 110a(13;C) XTiKJA n. 110a(13) XT«?3n. 110a(14) l#X03n. Bp3 vb. 110a(24) pM vb. 110a(26) XpTS n. XT?; n. 110a(27) l#XWn. 'IB vb. 110a(28) 2#XB'Jn. "n adj. X31?!? n. nrn vb. 110a(30) 1# pn vb. U0a(31) »pjvb. 110a(32) WX pron. XSp'T n. xra? n. xVxafr n. 110a(33) XH part. 110a(36) y»vb. 110a(36; M'TGAs42 164:4) 1# xVlp"! n. 110a(36; OHT ib. 113:25) X'*?n*n. U0a(36; m'tGAs42 164:4) 2# X'nn n. 110a(36;V17) Xnif?'l n. 110a(37) Xnip-inn. 110a(37; v') 4# Xmp n. 110a(37) XJ3p-ip n. 110b(l) WXp'tn. xpnia n. ms vb. 110b(2) ]Wvb. 110b(2;V17) Dpjvb. 110b (4) l#XllTn. tsp vb. 110b(5) XTOnn. 110b(5;C) Xaifft"1n. 110b(6) Xri'3nn. X^3 n. 1# VpS vb. nsp vb. 110b(10) l#pS0vb. 110b(ll) l#Klltn. 110b(14) iVsXconj. 110b(15) l#X13Jn. B1J vb. 110b(16;V14) nxiurin. 110b(18) 2#'lTvb. 110b(19) -inivb. X31D adv. TiV vb. 110b(20;C) Vsadj. 110b(21) Til vb. 1# ]X3 adv. 110b(21; V1) 2#'XB vb. 110b(22) psjvb. 1# 'jptt? vb. 110b(23) 2#0Uvb. ^'Dp adj. 110b(24) l#p3nvb. 2# 'IS vb. 110b(25) X^p'ln. 110b(34) l#Xl!Tn. 110b(36) 1# «pX vb. 110b(37) X-13»n. 110b(43) 'ysvb. llla(2) Qianadj. iJ1? prep. tnp adj. llla(12;E2) pDS vb. Ula(13) bmvb. llla(14) n'3C?adj. llla(16) X"lSJ?n. pOB vb. 1# Xp,n n. llla(17) XH'Bnum. llla(18) l#Xni'3n. nia(i9) 2#xnann. DID vb. llla(21) lajvb. X3X0B n. llla(22) 2#'1Xvb. llla(23) 2#'XSvb. llla(23;V14) yxa vb. llla(24) l#'3n. yX8 vb. 2# 'XS vb. 11 la(26) 3n'vb. 11 la(27) Hinpron. llla(27;V14) ]13 vb. llla(28) X?'lv,!n. llla(28;E2) injn pron. llla(28;M) 1# X11T n. llla(28;E2) poy vb. llla(31; VNV17E2) p'n b3pn. llla(32) inxvb. anp vb. vmv vb. llla(36) xVlDn. llla(38;C) bsivb. nia(40) xnjnan. lllb(l) '39 vb. lllb(l;TGAs42 164:7) XTnj n. lllb(2) inxvb. 2# XJ^S n. lllb(2;E2TRN 622:6) 2# xnnx n. lllb(2;E1TRN 622:6) xnn n. lllb(4) Jrtfflvb. Ulb(5) l#Tnvb. lllb(7) X^annum. XV|» n. nxi'ny adj. lllb(8) xmiln. 2# Kl}'? n. xrns n. lllb(9) 2# X3-1X n. i# xraiy. n. lllb(10) Tpadj. lllb(10;E2) NSJgn. lllb(ll) X»an3n. Xl'|"p n. ""Dp adj. nib(l3) nntvb. 1'JlTW n. lllb(14) -Vnpron. lllb(15) 'ms'3n. xrmi m n. X^ID n. xmi n. Ulb(16) 'mS'3n. X!?'ap n. lllb(16; C) 'ipX'Sln. Ulb(16; TGAs42 164:10) Dmvb. lllb(16; CV14) XSl&'l n. lllb(17) W'TlXvb. '3 prep. TJ vb. xrns n. lllb(18) 'Uvb. 1# p3n vb. urns n. 2# 'IX vb. lllb(18; TGAs42 164:11) nDvb. XBJ'-l n. nib(i9) xrmt'mn.
Pesahim 1300 Babylonian Talmud lllb(20) lllb(21) lllb(22) lllb(23) lllb(23; V1) lllb(23; V14 lllb(23; V1) lllb(24; V1) 11 lb(24) lllb(26) lllb(26; E2V lllb(27) lllb(27; C) lllb(27; CM 11 lb(28; V141 lllb(28) lllb(30) lllb(32) XTITIT n. Ta° adj. n'HD adj. 1# ypS vb. XTt> n. Ntfj? 13 n. xmii n. pO vb. '33 vb. Km-I! '31 n. 3na vb. xyap n. xtp n. X1110 n. 2# 'Itf vb. iax vb. ) 3# Kjrn n. mx vb. 1# p!3 vb. 'pa vb. xiitb n. X3Bp n. (Tap prep. M) X3B3 n. x»ina n. 1# Tin vb. ') «1? n. XJB3 n. X3ip n. i# nn vb. 'in'? prep. i# pi: vb. Dip vb. lllb(33) lOTO num. lllb(34) lllb(34;M) 11 lb(34; E2) 11 lb(35; E2V X^IB n. x;3s n. X1BX n. XTaiJ n. 3xn vb. X31XH n. ,7) X3131X n. lllb(36) 1'B I'D adv. lllb(36;M2) tf'radj. lllb(36) 2#p-IOvb. lllb(37) l#X?13n. xriVo n. 3'B1 adj. lllb(37;V14) JlTOadj. lllb(37;C) XHW3n. lllb(38) NlllSn. lllb(39) Krinj?n. 2# KM* n. X131H7 n. lllb(41) lttXlO'Xn. KJ1TD n. XriTlJ? n. XJJX n. Tl» vb. lllb(41; V14) 1# X3XPI n. lllb(42) 2# pro adj. ins vb. S?Sn. 11 lb(58) xVlB n. 112a(l) ins vb. 112a(l;E2) 1# 1310 vb. 112a(2) XVB n. 1# Vpttf vb. 112a(3) XlSlBn. '»a vb. 1# bpc vb. U2a(4;M') 1# X'OIX n. 112a(4; E'CV^RaH, TGAs42 164:14) KJS n. 112a(5) XJllSX, n. XJ11 n. Kin? n. xri3't> n. 112a(10) MX vb. 112a(13) XSlDn. 112a(19) '5313'3 n. X",l ':"?'n interj. 3D1 vb. 112a(19;E 112a(20) 112a(21) 112a(21;E 112a(23) 112a(24) 112a(25) 112a(25; V 112a(26) 112a(30) 112a(37) 112a(44) 112b(5) 112b(6) 112b(7) 112b(7; C) 112b(8) 112b(16) 112b(17) 112b(17; E2 112b(18) 112b(18; E2 112b(19) 112b(21) 2) tfpip vb. MX vb. pn vb. 2) xbtd3 n. xri330 n. 1# XT13tt> n. IX conj. 1# xV>X conj. mi vb. X'^S n. ") "n>n. 'TIS interj. 1# X03 n. '1 interj. 'Tl interj. "1 conj. XJOlil n. 2# X03 n. «intf vb. y?y vb. i# xmm?? n. X3X'b n. xnws^ n. i# T»a vb. 1# pbo vb. 2# XniS n. X3'X part. "1 conj. 303 vb. xrnrj n. xirx n. 1# Xblp'l n. i# iti vb. xirx n. Kill n. xnn n. ) in m interj. i# xbai n. X1X1 interj. XTXT interj. (,1)X31X n. 1# '33 vb. 112b(22) 112b(22; C) 112b(23; E1 112b(24) 112b(25) 112b(26) 112b(28) 112b(28; M 112b(29) 112b(30) 112b(31) 112b(32) 112b(33; C) 112b(42) 112b(47) 112b(48) U2b(49) 112b(50; V17 113a(l) 113a(l; E2) 113a(l; V14) 113a(2; M1) U3a(3) XB13't> n. X330 n. 1# xVx n. ) D'an adj. i# jn vb. xns'Vp n. inn vb. XTO1? n. 2# na vb. xian n. XJXDB n. ) TPP adj. i# xaia n. 3JP vb. N'vn n. ps: vb. 130 vb. xijitf n. V?y vb. ]30 vb. X3'l b'gS n. 1# X13 n. 013 vb. X3B1 n. HO vb. xbi n. Ttin adj. 2# Xp't>S n. Xjrp") n. 'ie; vb. xnitsa n. ) xmii n. iai vb. mv vb. 1# Xn'I3 n. x;oio n. i# m vb. xrta n. 1# X31?? n. n33 vb. «)S3 vb. X1D10 n. Babylonian Talmud 1301 Pesahim 113a(3;M') 113a(5) 113a(6; V17) 113a(7) 113a(8) 113a(9) U3a(10) 113a(12) 113a(12;C) «]3X vb. 303 vb. isn vb. 1# X1JX n. i# xriVa n. xn1?'?^ n. B»3 vb. Xplti n. X3X pron. 1# X13J n. "1 conj. X3TI3 n. X;> adv. '30 adj. xrintf n. XS33 n. xran. X1? adv. 2# XIJ3 n. xaon. nnt> vb. H3a(i3) i# nxaix adj. 113a(14) 113a(15) 113a(16) x;vn n. 1# X33 n. ipy vb. 2# '3p vb. 1# X311X n. xricVa n. iai vb. K3'3T n. p vb. X33't n. 1# Nyi3 n. 113a(16; TGAs42 164:15) X33'T n. 113a(16; TGAs42 164:15,E'C) 2# xWl 113a(16; C) 113a(17) 113a(17; E2) 113a(17; V14) n. Bin vb. XlfX n. 1# X0'3 n. XpOn. X3pn. 113a(17;E2) 113a(18) 113a(18; V14 113a(18) 113a(19) 113a(20) 113a(21) 113a(21; E2) 113a(30) 113b(2) 113b(4) 113b(5) 113b(5;C) 113b (6) 113b(7) 1# n# vb. xr»H3 '3 n. ) X3110 '3 n. Xll^'H n. XJ1X0* n. iy prep. my vb. i# 'bi vb. XJTlV'Ba n. X13ti n. 'xitix n. 'ya vb. X^3J n. xnV]3x n. rix pron. 1X^> adv. an' vb. X3X0B n. lay vb. 010 vb. 'Vl vb. Tin. 113b(7; Ar [AC 5:161]) 113b(7) 113b (8) 113b(8; V14) 113b(15) 113b(16) 113b(18; V17 113b(24) 113b(25) 114a(2) 114a(5) 114a(6) 114a(6; V17) 'B' vb. 1# ^30 vb. 1«T n- KJJ-1X n. W'lP adj. 1,10 vb. 1# 'BO vb. 113 vb. "lin1? prep. i# m& vb. '30 vb. 135? vb. XM'p n. X3'1? n. Ill vb. x'W'a n. "?y prep. X^rit*B n. U4a(6;C) 114a(7) 114a(8) 114a(9) 114a(9;C) 114a(9; M1 114b(2) 114b(5) 114b(9;C) 114b(13) 114b (25) 114b(26) 114b(36) 114b(37) 115a(8) U5a(10) HSa(lS) 115a(17) 115b(i) 115b(4) 115b(6) 115b(7) 115b(8) 115b(9) 115b(15) 115b(18) 115b (30) 115b(31) 115b(32) 115b(32; M 116a(5) nns vb. xrii'i n. bra vb. i# xbna n. xri'bx n. 'C>B vb. xaiya n. Kill n. arr vb. xrfrp'p n. ) xVipp n. Xfl'J? n. i# Vao vb. xVia'B n. xVlS'B n. XI11X n. i# xpV? tilt 11,1 vb. '?V c°nj- xpn n. xniibs n. XIBJ n. xat> n. xri'nixi adj. 1# IXa pron. yp» vb. XSp n. i# xnn n. i# 'nt> vb. 1# X^in n. N11B n. 131 vb. X331 n. Bll vb. XV«'B n. XFI1JX n. xVVn n. ,133 vb. X1WS n. ipy vb. IBS vb. ') IDS vb. xon n. 116a(6) 116a(7) 116a(8) 116a(9) 116a(ll) 116a(12) 116a(40) 116a(46) 116a(47;M' 116a(48;E2) 116a(49) 116b(28) 116b(29) 117a(8) 117a(38) 117a(39) 117a(49) 117a(50) 117a(52) 117b(6) 117b(8) 117b(10) 117b(16) 117b(17) 117b(23) 117b(27; C) 117b(28) 117b(30) XBpn. 2# xan n. o'arj adj. xrii? n. '?nix adv. i# xriia n. 131 vb. XSpn. xrha n. •^Vin adv. ■JBO vb. nip vb. pill n. pS3 vb. ) xani n. X503 n. T vb. i# nat> vb. 1331 n. xmjx n. 1# XJV3 n. X31n. xriinns n. xtfna adv. nra vb. d'ap prep. 1331 n. xnyBt> n. XpO'S n. yxaxa prep. XPO'S n. •irai n. TS» adj. ',1 pron. XplOS n. X|>nn. XJliVs n. xriibs n. 'Bni n. xrnpsx n. an1 vb. Xtfll'p n. X3D XBi' n.
Ros Hassana 1302 Babylonian Talmud 117b(31) 117b(32; M 117b(33) 117b(39) 117b (40) iax vb. *) i# ysp vb. XI1T n. i3y vb. 3D adj. i# nan; vb. lax vb. i# rra vb. XTfl'Xl XITty n. I18a(21) 118a(30) 118b(17) 118b(17; E1 118b(18) 118b(46) 119a(31) 119a(31; C) 119a(31;CE 119b(32) 119b(37) 120a(18) 120a(21) 120b(6) 120b(8) 120b (9) 120b(9; E2) 120b(34) xsfcry n. 2# B*?S vb. K("Vn n. X3313 n. i# nn: vb. C) 2# XipK n. np vb. i# np vb. xiran n. XT^pK n. X^'J n. TBS adj. ') xVpip n. Xf'XHlX n. xVtlJ n. xayp n. "i iaia conj. i# nn vb. i# ':y vb. ou vb. xaVjn adv. di: vb. DU vb. xtf'pn n. VIS pron. Ros Hassana 2a(8) 2b(4) 2b(19) 2b(35) xrisVn n. i# i^a vb. '3a vb. D'tfS adj. -|TJ vb. ax n. 2b(36) 2b(37) 3a(17) 3a(18) 3a(19) 3b(l) 3b(5) 3b(28) 4a(5) 4a(8) 4a(12) 4a(15) 4a(16) 4a(19) 4a(20) 4a(25) 4a(29; E2) 4a(32) 4a(34) 4a(35) 4a(36) 4a(37) 4a(38) 4a(39) 4b(10) 5a(8) 5a(9) 5a(ll) 5a(14) 5a(14; M) 5b(12) 5b(38) 6a(23) 6a(24) 6b(ll) B3tfn. xa^tfa adv. Dip vb. 3X n. T?X n. xrjja n. Dip vb. Tp adj. 1# XJ1B n. xrir'pya n. •yi vb. 2# yan vb. ■na vb. ^p vb. xrjaa n. yptf vb. TO vb. Xl'B n. i# xria1?? n. KVTOO n. ifra vb. xiaa n. xrpVa n. IX conj. 2# pan vb. xriix'p n. xniiina n. 2# ':© vb. '13'a '3 adv. 1# pbo vb. xrnxy n. xyntf n. xyinc? n. 'm vb. 2# '13 adv. IX conj. 3ip vb. T1X vb. tax conj. BhD vb. XTan n. 1# WO vb. 1# Tin vb. 6b(16) 6b(23) 6b(24) 7a(42) 7a(43) 7a(44) 7b(3) 7b(10) 7b(ll) 7b(19) 7b(29) 8a(16) 8a(18) 8a(25) 8a(42) 8b(13) 8b(14) 9b(19) 9b(20; E2) 9b(20; Ar XabtfS adv. 1# mv vb. TJX n. XiriS adj. •'rfrv n. V7T vb. 13ya adj. xrw n. XJSOT n. 1# pVo vb. XJTXn adv. POB vb. TX3 adj. tik vb. 3W vb. °?in vb. bSH adj. Tin adj. TJX n. Tjy vb. T1X vb. 'X13X adv. xjnx niix n. 'X1J adv. 1X^> adv. 1# VSi vb. xnn'n n. 1# XrVS n. [AC 3:134]) 2# 111 vb. 9b(20; E2M2) 9b (20; Ar 10b(22) lla(30) lla(40; E2 lla(40) lla(41) lla(47) lla(50) 2# XT'! n. [AC 3:134]) XJTI n. xrr?rmx n. XJP''? n. ) xri n. I0'? n- X#'X n. M? vb. Dip vb. 1X3 vb. 'Vl vb. 12a(16) 12a(17) 12a(20) 12b (3 2) 12b (3 8) 13a(l) 13a(l; E2) 13a(2) 13a(10) 13a(19) 13a(20) 13a(28) 13a(32) 13a(33) 13a(35) 13a(39) 13b(2) 13b(ll) 14b(15) 14b (23) X»'13 adv. XrriiXl adj. 33n vb. Dip vb. XJ11J n. lyx vb. i# 'rap vb. 'Ba vb. Vn adv. ca» vb. 1# *?JX vb. XrisV'H n. "P "01? prep. pw vb. bby vb. xjarn n. xpai n. V?y vb. Xyt3H num. VfS vb. 1# 'Xa pron. 1# '^a vb. 2# 'SO vb. XTn. XJ13 n. 1# '1E> vb. xrinx adj. XS1J n. 1# btK vb. Xiaj n. 1# pDD vb. -|13 vb. 15a(8) "nilX 31X prep. 15a(9) 15a(10) 15a(41) 15b(22) 15b(25) 15b(27) 16a(5) 16a(6; M2) i# wawa vb. 2# ]yo vb. 1# XTS n. xntf n. 131 vb. 'XQX conj. J,1J vb. xriia n. na'X adv. xprmin n. Babylonia 16a(7; E2) 16a(13) 16a(13; E2) 16a(14) 16a(14; E2) 16a(15) 16a(34) 16a(39) 16b(4) 16b (26) 17a(27) 17a(40) 17a(41) 17a(50) 17a(51) 17a(51; M2) 17a(52) 18a(14) 18a(29) 18a(31) 18a(44; O) 18a(44) 18a(48) n Talmud iy vb. i# ]n vb. •^sVin adv. 2# rf?x vb. yn vb. Dip vb. ^SX adj. 2# Xy,T n. T"l vb. Tin adj. '33 pron. '?m 'Dil adv. T'y vb. 1# ]xa pron. yip adj. 2# '^X vb. TXp adj. 33iy vb. i# 'n vb. XITDl n. llf X pron. •VSV adj. xnppip n. nu vb. i# cfrn vb. xa1?? n. "7KK? vb. 1'X part. Krniii n. 'in vb. 103 vb. i# mx vb. 1111 vb. xrniii n. Dip vb. yip vb. poy vb. xrrty num. xra'x'» n. X31 adv. 1# '13 vb. in' vb. X3'1? n. 18a(52) 18b(38) 18b(39) 18b(43) 18b(50) 19b(9) 19b(ll) 19b(12) 19b(16) 20a(l) 20a(8) 20a(9) 20a(13) 20a(19) 20a(20) 20a(23) 20a(25) 20a(26) 20a(27) 20a(37) 1303 ps: vb. '3 prep. xjani n. 001D vb. xrinx adj. x~!W n. VlVx n. ]1'3 conj. W7X n. bbp vb. i# Vm vb. ina adv. Kftp vb. ybp vb. IK1? adv. 1# X13n n. xrvn'p n. l# 'Xa pron. Ni?? n. TB n. mo vb. 13y vb. '»?» n. D'an adj. 1# 'Xa pron. i#':» vb. 4# ^an vb. -TlV prep. xaby, n. xrtT n. 20a(40;GRH 10:17) 20b(l) 20b(6) 20b(13) 20b(14) 20b(14; 20b(15) 20b(16) X3D'X n. Xlp'W n. "ia prep. vm vb. xino n. xy.aix num. '03 vb. XTP0 n. DHTib. 37:13) xnyip n. p'fiy adj. m.q adj. 20b(24) 20b(25) 20b(26) 21a(l) 21a(2) 21a(3) 21a(4) 21a(5) 21a(6) 21a(7) 21a(8) 21a(9) 21a(10) 21a(ll) 21a(12; E2) 21a(14) 21a(16) ID'an num. 10TfV num. lay vb. ion vb. XI1T n. 1# xVp n. y'jp vb. D'B3 adj. IDin num. ,1X^33 adj. xai xai' n. XJl'Xil adv. X3iya n. liwnia n. ino vb. 113 vb. xn,l7» n. 13y vb. 1DX prep. X1J1X n. 'Da vb. xai' n. ISp vb. 1X^> adv. Vn vb. xniix n. 21a(16; GRHIntr 59) 21a(17) 21a(21) 21a(25) 21a(26) 21a(27) 21a(28) 21a(29) 21b(28) 22b(13) 4# '13 vb. 1# X13? n. JQBn. i# -\va vb. mi 'riinj n. WX pron. XriT n. X1.TD n. xy,;p n. d?V vb. na'X adv. 1# iy3 vb. 1031X num. "Tl1? prep. 2# 'Vl vb. 1# ^IX vb. Ros Hassana 1# 'Xa pron. 1# «]1X vb. 22b (14) lax vb. ina pron. Xp'SD n. 22b(18) *'3'*t n. xatya adv. 22b(19) 2# '"71 vb. 13y vb. -\pv vb. 23a(8) Vari'X adv. o:x vb. 23a(13; GRH 13:16) 1# X11X n. 23a(14; L) ^a^i: n. 23a(14; GRH 13:16) xi'^sai n. 23a(19) XI1X n. 23a(19; E1) XP1 n. 23a(20) XaOlSX n. 2# xriia n. XJK) n. 23a(21;L) XJ'SITO n. 23a(23; GRH 13:19) xapis n. XDl1?? n. 23a(25) XS'jTt n. xiy n. 23a(25; GRH 13:19) Xn'D3 n. 23a(29; M) 1# xVn n. 2# ]yD vb. \SV vb. 23a(30) XJIBX n. x:ri'3 n. xri'ps n. 1# IBp vb. 23a(30; Ar [AC 5:84], GRH 13:22) 'XliBX 13 n. 23a(31) 'Xis'j'adv. 1# 'JBJ vb. xrirsp n.
Ros Hassana 1304 Babylonian Talmud 23a(32) 'Vl vb. 'pn vb. naa adv. Vy prep. 23a(32; GRH 13:24) 'S3 vb. 23a(34) Xfl'O? n. 1# p*70 vb. 23a(34; M) X)V33ia n. 23a(35) Xfl'03 n. 23a(36; 0,Ar [AC 6:416]) xrvns n. 23b(5) '3'3 '3'? adv. Dip vb. 23b(6) 2# XO'l n. 23b(9) X?TO adv. 23b(10; E2) X3T1 n. 23b(10; GRH 14:6) am vb. 23b(24) XJll'T'ya n. 24a(l) 1# Xl'J n. 1# 'IB vb. 24a(16) 'S'lVsadv. 24a(19; M2) i# xrrois n. X3'y n. 24a (43) 0013 vb. 24b (15) Xpl'S n. 24b(28) T13 adj. 24b(32) 'OD vb. xjrB n. 24b(34) K1CT n. 24b(36) XriB'33 (TD'3 n. 24b(37) XB113X n. 24b(37; M) Dip vb. 25a(25) XTl'O n. Dip vb. 25a(26) 2# X^p n. 1# 'IB vb. 25a(27) xnr n. '03 vb. Bip vb. Dip vb. 1 25a(28) 25b(29) 25b(35) 25b(41) 26a(7) 26a(25) 26a(37; 26a(42; 26a(43) 26a(45; 26a(47) 26b(l) 26b(2) 26b(5) 26b(8) 26b(9) 26b(ll) 26b(13) 26b(13; 26b(17) 26b(17; 26b(21) 26b(21; 26b(22; 26b(24) 26b(25) Nja'O n. D01S vb. Bip vb. XSiO n. T1X vb. xrnat n. XBS3 n. 1# '3B vb. GRH 18:11) Nl1?'? n. GRH 18:14) '111 pron. 1# 13n vb. 1™"! n. GRH 14:16) xV3i' n. Xp31 n. BIS vb. x;^s n. 2# yap vb. XBiia 'a n. Va vb. *7XB vb. lax vb. 2# yap vb. 1# XJTOX n. nn vb. XpO'S n. 1# 'XB pron. ma vb. GRH 18:33,0) xrnsis n. -)sn vb. GRH 18:31) wm n. xrnan n. 1# VpB vb. GRH 18:33) 'DXD vb. GRH 18:33) XJTOXD n. 1# VlK vb. 2# '11, vb. 26b(25; GRH 26b(26; GRH 1# XJIO'3 n. xnos n. 1# °?pB vb. 18:34) X3303 n. XyT"D adj. 18:35) X3,T n. 26b(43) 1# 'Xa pron. 26b(44) 26b(45) 27a(5) 27a(10) 27a(12) 27a(12; E2) 27a(13) 27a(18; O) 27a(23) 27a(26; E2L) 27a(28) 27a(29) 27a(40) 27b(20) 27b(21) 27b(32) 3*73 vb. IB? adv. TS3 vb. DBS vb. 1# x'pp n. p53 vb. 1# p^O vb. pDB vb. XplDS n. 'Ill pron. yaB vb. aan vb. X?S13'3 n. VjSXconj. nay vb. xiaiy n. X1NB n. -pi vb. X3W3 n. ppn vb. mp vb. 27b(32; HP 21:21) 27b(32; HP 2 27b (3 6) 28a(5) 28a(7) 28a(8) 28a(18) 28a(20) 28a(21) xnnpi n. :20) ppn vb. i# 'bi vb. xai*n n. Xja'T n. xai«n n. favn n. aaiy vb. 1# X^p n. pS3 vb. aaiy vb. 28a(25) 28a(27) 28a(34) 28b(l8; 28b (30) Xp part. >ya vb. 331 vb. HB'X adv. nria vb. GRH 21:15) ra: vb. -pa vb. X3B'T n. 28b(30; GRH 21:21) 28b(38) 28b(40) 28b (41) 28b(44) 29a(39) ibn vb. lay vb. 2# '13 vb. pas; vb. X113'X n. 1# 7XB pron. 29a(39; M2) nxi'1? n. 29b(4) 29b(5) 29b(13) 29b (3 2) 29b(44) 30a(7) ... 'ai/ai '? n. XB'IX n. X131 n. TSB adj. X'l pron. 1# 'IB vb. 'Xipx adv. 1# pVo vb. 30a (8) XlU'Xl Xn'VB n. 30a(9) 30a(38) 30a(44) 30a(45) 30a(49) 31a(24) 31a(25) 31a(27) 31a(32) 31a(35) 31a(43) 31b(13) X31X n. 1# X^p n. X13B n. pDS vb. 1# V3X vb. IpTOX adv. '33 vb. IX conj. 'in vb. xaVyt n. xhb n. am vb. XS01B n. xriqrn n. xVl3 pron. X1BJ n. int vb. Babylonian Talmud 1305 Yoma 31b(14) 31b(15) 31b(24) 31b(46) 31b(52; E2) 32a(9) 32a(32) 32a(44) 32b(4) 32b(5) 32b(29) 32b(48) 33a(3; E2) 33b(8) 33b(9) 33b(20) 33b(21) 33b(25) 33b(27) 34a(10) 34a(12) 34a(40) 34a(48) 34a(52) 34a(52; M) (Tap prep. ana vb. xrrris n. XpTS n. XBp adj. xjnx niix n. X31 n. 130 vb. 131 vb. lay vb. X31D adv. XnJTl n. nm vb. plS vb. l?y'Xl adv. xriBn adv. X^ia n. ]13 vb. xytaB n. "7 'T?X conj. xa? n. X33 n. XI? adj. XB'X n. i# n:j vb. Vr> vb. XB'pn n. xabi adv. 1# '3B vb. 1# n33 vb. V?' vb. xarip n. yix vb. I1?' vb. 34a(52; HP 19:26) 13y vb. 34a(53) V?' vb. 34a(53; M2HP 19:28) 1# n33 vb. 34b(ll) «f?nvb. 34b (14) nx pron. iao vb. 34b(27) 2# in3 n. xj/bb n. 35a(4) IXllS'X adj. 35a(ll) 1# BS3 vb. 35a(14; Ar [AC 1:48]) B11X vb. 35a(21) llOvb. 35a(22) xnibx n. 35a(24) 03X vb. '311 pron. Yoma 2a(23) XT?n n. 2a(31) Dip vb. 1# Xlp n. 2b(10) Vaxconj. 2b(ll) ^'vb. 2b(16) 2b(20) 3b(19) 3b(29) 3b(53) 4a(2) 4a(5) 4b(21) 4b(23) 4b(24) xal'i xai' bs adv. TJ pron. yaB vb. XJBip n. X71 pron. XB^BS adv. "Vf? prep. 1# pVo vb. 1VD n. iprj'B num. i# nm vb. 4b(26;V17) xnTf? n- 4b(44) 4b(46) 5a(2) 5a(35) 5a(39) 5b(l) 5b(5) 5b(19) 6a(10) 6a(13) 6a(19) 6a(23) 6b(17) 2# D"0 vb. Dl1?? pron. aay vb. Dya vb. xais'y n. xr^y n. '3,1 adv. 'in vb. Jl'X part. yen adj. jVs vb. riB'X adv. 1# X''?''? n. mty (npte n. 6b(19) 7a(6) 7b(12) 7b(14) 7b(15) 8a (3 6) 8b (4) 8b(9) 8b(16) 8b(17) 1# 111 vb. KiTH adv. xrip'p n. 'XI vb. 1BX vb. D13 vb. tipi vb. X3'X part. 1# pSO vb. xy,?p n. '1 (')riB'X V? conj. 1# 'Bl vb. 9a(7) niD vb. 9a(8) 2# XD11D n. 9b(2) 1# 'IB vb. 9b (19) X^ni3 n. 1# -ba vb. '00 adj. 9b (3 8) xri'nix n. poy vb. 9b (40) 'no vb. 9b (41) xn^X n. XI'n. '30 vb. 9b(45) 1# 'y«? vb. 9b(46) 'in? prep. XpW? adv. 9b(47) XV? prep. «]t' vb. 1# 'IB vb. 9b (48) 1# pVo vb. 10a(2) nxpiSadj. 10a(ll) XI? adj. nXllJ adj. 1# in num. 10a(12) XS'pn n. 10a(33) yi'vb. -1 )XB pron. BIS vb. 1# Xip n. 10a(34) 1D1T adj. 10a(36) 1# ,1X3? n. 10a(36; L) 10a(38) 10b(5) 10b(12) 10b(14) 10b(16) lla(5) lla(6) lla(ll) lla(12) lla(36) lla(44) lla(45) llb(15) llb(18) llb(31) 12a(25) 12a(25; L) 12a(26) 12a(32) 12b(9) I3a(15) 13a(17) 13a(18) 13a(21) 13b(5) 13b(10) 13b(14) 13b(18) X^i3? n. XI'n. 1# XnB'33 n. '83 adv. xiinp n. 2# iriO vb. 1I3X prep. xayo n. 1BX vb. Xni(l)3 n. "V3 prep. l^SX conj. XriTH n. 1# X7/13X n. 1# XlpX n. xarip n. B'S3 adj. xanit n. 1# p"?0 vb. rl'3J adj. i\VK pron. X3'B? n. 1# Xy,13 n. ipy vb. xj;ix niix n. '3 prep. 1# XS^IJ n. 1# X3B? n. p3B vb. X33T'SB1X n. 1# Xl'BBlX n. xrnnna n. nB'X adv. ni vb. 033 vb. 033 vb. XrDll n. XJBip n. 'V prep. XB'J n. Dip vb. Dip vb. 14a(6) XriBH '3n adv.
Yoma 1306 Babylonian Talmud 14a(10) Vin vb. '0 adv. 14a(ll) mvb. 14a(12) intJ vb. 14a(44) X3? n. 14b(2) X^B n. 14b(5) 1# 'Bn vb. 14b (8) X3S'X n. 14b(15) XB1' 110 n. 14b(16) XBi' TTO n. 14b (23) Xnaa n. mo vb. 15a(l) KJTJ? n. 15a(15) X3nadv. XJVana n. 15a(19) Xny'XBn. 15a(20) XS10 n. 15a(26) 1# 'nx vb. XTl'p n. 15a(27) XSUn. 15a(44) 'in vb. XjnaaB n. 15a(45) "13 prep. 15a(46) XTI'Dn. 15b (5; E) 3n'vb. 16a(31) 2# XI1BX n. 17a(3) 'Xp vb. 17a(5) nao vb. 17a(7) 2# 'J# vb. 17b(l) XaVtfa adv. 17b(4) 1(6 adv. 17b(8) XjatfWn. 18a(3) TSSadj. 18a(18) XJlia 'Xn '3 adv. 18a(22) Xnrn n. 18a(23) XJTD n. 'J» vb. 18a(23;E') 1 J? prep. 18a(23) an adj. 18a(27) l#Rrr>'&n. i8a(28) xnropsn. KVH n. Xpltf n. 18b(7; Rashi) XTanj n. 18b(10) 19a(31) 19a(32) 19a(34; L) 19a(38) 19a(40) 19b(25) 19b(25; E1) 19b(43) 19b(49) 19b{51) 19b(52) nxanra adj. m vb. xai' n. xnnix n. i# ^ao vb. 1# 'aa vb. 'TO^ prep. x;as n. i# no vb. XarD n. 2# '3 n. '? n- VPX pron. an 'a n. 'in vb. xnnx n. iax vb. T?n adj. xrraa n. *?ya vb. nB3 adv. 19b(52;MGG 116:15) xrfrw? n. 20a(2) 'nis'rn xai' n. 20a(3; L) 20a(5) 20a(15; L) 20b(2) 20b(5) 20b(7) 20b(8) 20b(12) 20b(15) 20b(17) 2# XnTCh n. pO vb. "1 conj. nxa num. Xfl'tf num. X3'n adv. i# nnx vb. Onp vb. ns'pn adv. x»Vin n. IP'S: adj. 1# Xnaa n. xniax n. X3H adv. BhB vb. xaiax* n. nxina n. xnat n. 20b(19) 20b (21) 20b(22) 20b(38) 21a(l) 21a(16) 21a(29) 21a(30) 21a(32) 21a(34) 21b(14) 22a(16) 22a(25) 22a(27) 22a(39) 22b(4) 22b(8) xnn* n. i# np vb. na n. ma vb. VTa pron. nax vb. ysa vb. xan',1 n. xai' n. by_ prep. ian"i n. 18 n. atfn vb. psa vb. in x^ios n. nxa vb. y?y vb. X3'^> part. nxiia adj. 1# XS'a n. KBKI adv. atfn vb. 1# XO'a n. 2# XCTB n. 2# XO"S n. i# 'aa vb. Dip vb. '3'3 'a'3 adv. "TT^ prep. pia vb. i# xiaa n. "T 'TB n. 22b(8; Ar [AC 2:34]) 22b(25) 22b(31) 22b(34) 22b(36) 22b(43) pta vb. xnian n. 2# '"?n vb. xna n. yo vb. ©an vb. 2# ynB vb. '^X1? adv. 2# yns vb. xa^n n XDVO n. 22b(44) XDl'O n. 23a(ll) XSUn. xnyx n. 23a(15) KS'^n. Dpa vb. 23a(17) 0"B vb. 23a(29; OHT ib. 10:22) 1# KfflTIB n. 23a(30) XJT'D adj. xpnoa n. pOS vb. 23a(31) Xtf'na adv. 23a(32; E1) xnV'JlS n. 23a(36) 1# Xlja n. 23a(45) tnp vb. 23a(46) 2# XCTS n. 23a(48) 'Xnpx adv. nao vb. 23b(io) aoa vb. 24b(7) 2# any vb. 24b(42) rpn vb. 24b(42; E!Ed) Dan vb. 24b(43) xnia'sn n. 2# np vb. 25a(48) Hffl adv. 25b (7; L) nny vb. 25b(i3) xnia'an n. 25b(21) «]X conj. 25b(27; L) Xna'X n. 25b(27; KS 31 263:90) XDiy n. 25b(36; L) XJlVy n. 25b(38) xaaitf n. 26a(12) X3TIX n. 26a(13) XB3P n. 26a(17) "I xa'^X prep. Kra^'H n. 1# p"?0 vb. xnyatf n. 26a(30) DT vb. 26a(37) nxa vb. 26b(27) 1'X part. Babylonian Talmud 1307 Yoma 27a(2) 27a(18) 27a(35) 27b(14) 28a(5) 28b(7) 28b(9) 28b(10) 28b(ll) 28b(19) 28b(21) 28b(38) 28b(44) 2 8b (45) 28b(46) 29a(2) 29a(3) 29a(4) 29a(5) xV adv. an' vb. nao vb. xnnia'i n. ira adj. oaiy vb. X^X conj. '3n adv. 2# naa vb. '3a conj. xniVx n. i# irw vb. i# xVjtd n. naa vb. X^lp n. ]D vb. i# ~\nv vb. xna'x n. XID pron. 2# d?n vb. nK>B vb. xry n. TO# vb. XsV'l n. 1# Xan n. xrw n. 2# XjTJ n. xaa'p n. '#P adj. 2# xn'natf n. XPa'W n. XD"P n. '#p adj. ~rf?V n. XJTO'X n. XW'P n. TM> adj. naa vb. XO"p n. nnn adj. 29a(5; OHT ib. 15:7) 29a(5; OHT nax prep. ib. 15:6) 29a(5) 29b(l) 29b(13) 29b(16) 30a(12) 30a(20) 30a(22) 30b(13) 30b(14) 30b(19) 30b(29) 30b(31) 31a(2) 31a(9) 31a(10) 31a(13) 31b(2) 31b(4) 31b(20) 31b(42) 32a(2) 32a(3) 32b(5) 32b(29; L) 32b(30) 32b(41) 32b(43) 33a(4) 33a(22) 33a(31) 33a(42) 33b(l) 33b(8; E2) 33b(8; L) 33b(9) 33b(25) 33b(26) XJ'tS n. p'ny adj. Tap vb. 1# Vos vb. w<y 'a n. 1# X$'> n. xanii n. r?*$ adj- Hx, adj. i# nx vb. i# 'an vb. "T'X pron. noa vb. 'I part. i# vm vb. Nrr'nixn; adj. 1'X? prep. 'xna1? adv. 1# IVli vb. IX conj. 1# XV-ty n. 2# xjnax n. XCTTp n. Xtt'lTp n. DIPS vb. tfa1? vb. psa vb. psa vb. "ia prep. no'an num. xa^'V n. 1# X^pp n. xnaa n. nsx vb. xnnan n. xnaa n. yas vb. x^ni n. xrtSDio n. nay vb. XriSDlB n. pOS vb. rj'a adj. 33b(31) nn'^a adj. 33b(33; E1) Dip vb. 33b(34) 34a(17) 34b(15) 35a(2) 35a(7) 35b(16) 36a(12) 36a(15) 36a(16) 36a(19) 36b(31) 36b(32) 36b(34) 37a(6) 37a(37) 37a(50) 37b(4) 37b(4; L) 38b(15) 38b(21; E1) 38b(23) 38b(24) 38b(26) 38b(48) 39a(19) 39a(22) 39a(27) 39a(28) 39b(50) 40a(13) "I.'a X1? adv. XM adv. m vb. xtoiaax n. TSa adj. 'BO adj. i# xnan n. '3 prep. 2# xara n. "•vp adj. D'X part. wbm n. 1# X'ln1? adv. yo vb. i# nna vb. xns'p n. "1 'Xa pron. ns vb. x^a n. ypv vb. xana n. xa'sq n. 1# p'jD vb. 1# pVo vb. xrnax n. Xja adv. mo vb. jaan n. nria prep. i# xnV'a n. nax vb. ... 'an n. ]D vb. nay vb. NJ'B? n. 1# p1?© vb. 1# IXa pron. X^XBiP n. xaVwa adv. 'py prep. a*?B vb. 40a(18) 40a(19) 40a(23) 41a(l) Ofo X^ adv. Dip vb. aay vb. '3a pron. an 'an xns'p n. 41b(14) 41b(39) 42a(3) 42a(9) 42a(23) 42a(35) 42b (41) 43a(16) 43a(17) 43a(24) 43a(31) 43b(6) 43b(6; L) 43b(7) 43b(ll) 44a(26) 44b(10) 44b(ll) 45a(15) 45a(40) i# 'an vb. 2# any vb. a^s vb. xaa'p n. l?n ^s adv. 1X^> adv. xri&n adv. xayo n. 'nx vb. nno vb. xayp n. i# bpti vb. 1# p'jO vb. xana 'a n. n?"P 'a n. na1? adv. nax vb. 1# 'n? adv. naa vb. 2# 'np vb. i# 'aw vb. xyV'n n. psa vb. 45a(45; e'L) xnisa n. 45b(12) 46a(l) 46a(12) 46a(16) 46b(ll) 46b(12) 46b(13) 46b(17) 46b(21) 47a(16) 47a(17) 47a(18) 11 conj. 2# XO'a n. nax vb. xnyn n. xnap n. i# nna vb. '33 vb. pna vb. xrnxB n. pna vb. pna vb. isn vb. 'Xia1? adv. xrw n.
1308 Yoma 47a(23) 47a(24) 47b (6) 47b (7) 47b (8) 47b (9) 47b(10) 47b(20) 47b(23) 47b(24) 47b(30) 47b(33) 47b(36) 48a(l) 48a(4) 48a(5) 48b(5) 49a(4) 49a(23) 49a(25) 49a(25; E1) 49a(25) 49a(25; E1) 49a(30) 49a(32) 49a(41) 49b(18) 49b (19) 49b(22) 50a(9) 50a(34) 50b(13) 50b(13; M) 50b(28) 51a(9) 51a(13) UTT n. xni'a n. nxiy adj. 'KM adv. 'Xn3 adv. 1# '3 conj. HKiy adj. 2# IDp vb. 1# 'XB pron. T»p vb. yipV adj. n,n pron. Xap vb. ]sn vb. p3T vb. 2# XJ£n n. xjxb n. •\5X vb. Kfl'S'lX n. ]B prep. xniax n. "7 'N conj. 1# 'OX vb. 1# 'OX vb. i# V?n vb. i# V?n vb. "n vb. 1# X?n3 n. XP'n n. 'in vb. 1# 'Xa pron. 2# xm»n n. XTB adv. '?n adv. xjnp n. '3? adv. yatf vb. nss vb. xyia'p. n. X'3'p n. anp vb. vn vb. 8W3 n. 51b(9) X«'3n. 51b(10) 1# npB vb. xaarn n. 51b(34) 2# 'JO vb. 51b(34; RaH.Ed) bby vb. 52a(3) 1# nn# vb. 52a(14) xVpn n. 52b(5) xivnixn adj. 53a(20) 1# Xlp n. 53a(46;MGL 566:11) im vb. 53a(46) -b prep. ■'"linx1? prep. y?y vb. 53a(47) iy_ prep. Dip vb. 53a(48) '03 vb. 53a(49) 01X vb. xnsipo'X n. 1# XJH3 n. 1# «lp: vb. 53b(2) 53b(12) 53b(15) 53b(19) 53b(22) 53b(22; E2L) 53b(23) 53b(24) 53b(25) 54a(13) 54a(45) 55a(l) 55a(41) 1# «lpJ vb. 1# XT13 n. an vb. Xtf'n n. xrnyn n. i# nnn vb. yos vb. 1# D"0 vb. XnD'B n. 1# 'Ttf vb. pOS vb. 1# 'IT vb. xnp'B n. xrriVs n. xnoa'j n. xrnis n. xnjua n. xnnx n. '3 prep. na n. 55b(3) 55b(18) 56b(15) 56b(16) 56b(20) 56b(21) 56b(24) 57a(9; M) 57a(25) 57a(26) 57a(27) 57a(38) 57b(10) 57b(34) 58a(27) 58a(29) 58b(18) 58b(31) 59a(23) 59a(30) 59a(33) 59a(34) 59a(36; L) 59a(38) 59a(51) 60a(12) 61a(l) 62b(6) 62b(24) 62b(31) 63b(35) 64a(4; L) 64a(13) 64a(15) <fin vb. TO vb. 'X conj. npi! adj. •\<DV vb. 1# 'Xn pron. i# nrn n. paio n. i# nrtt vb. XW'T n. nxVaa adj. nXtfSDadj. X3W] n. •\vn vb. nai vb. nXWSB adj. 2# na vb. 2# X'JMT n. Vrfjn vb. «^P adj. 2# n: vb. xnri'S n. 2# n: vb. 'M pron. 01X vb. 2# TIB vb. XTPD n. xai'T xj1?? n. XBi' n. X'^'J n. 2# 'TJ vb. i# -pra vb. aya vb. i# nx vb. X3'n adv. K313'y n. xaiS'y n. 'T31? prep. oxa vb. '?n 1? n. nna adv. nn vb. V?3 adv. Babylonian Talmud 64a(24) 64b(2) 64b(5) 64b(16) 65a(41) 65b(14) 65b(16) 'ST vb pn vb "11113 prep xrrcria n "13 prep Dip vb XBp adj "I XS'Vx prep 3np vb nu vb nnx vb 66b(45; M2Ar [AC 7:37]) 67a(23) 67a(28; V1 67b(3) 68a(31) 68b(13) 69a(l) 69a(16) 69a(19) 69a(24; M kjitss n. ■b na1? conj. ") vm vb. Tn vb. 1# «p& vb. xainn n. 01EJB prep. 13B vb. pOS vb. 2Ar[AC 2:307]) IDX adj. xdb: n. 69b(17) X'?3 interj. "1 conj. 1# 'Xn pron. U"n pron. x"?3'n n. ann vb. xns' n. '7p vb. 69b(17;E') KSl]fflii. 69b (18) Wtovb. p'1? adj. 69b(19) Vl'K pron. Xpri'S n. 1# "?3p vb. 69b(20) XJJ'pn n. 69b(22) vrra n. xt: n. pS3 vb. 69b (24) XJU'3 n. Babylonian Talmud 1309 Yoma 1# X°?p n. i# 'an vb. mv vb. 69b (25) XBty n. 1# X^p n. 69b(26) Xnax n. xnn n. 69b(26; MGG 129:18) 'Sn vb. 69b (27) ip' vb. xnu n. 1# xVp n. 3ltf vb. 69b(29) pnn vb. XIX' n. 1# nOB vb. 69b(30) XJlg'3 n. 'y3 vb. 69b(30; MGG 130:3) XBi' J13 n. 69b(32) a,T vb. Vro vb. XJJ'pn n. 69b(32; MGG 130:5) p3tf vb. 69b(33) 1# nj vb. 3'np adj. 69b(35) 'W vb. 69b(42) nBX vb. n,ao vb. npy vb. 69b (44) iVl vb. 70a(5) 113 vb. XnEm? n. 70a(ll) XajSn. 70a(15) xnS'O n. XBJS n. 70a(43) fWI? adj. 70a(43; V17) )pjia adj. 71a(20) 'in vb. 1# Xnp n. 1# P3P vb. 71a(26) 'Tin pron. 71b(3) 71b(8) 71b(9) 71b(10) 71b(27) 71b(29) 71b(30) 71b(31) 71b(39) 71b(40) 71b(53) 72a(2) 72a(19) 72b(35) 72b(36) 72b(37) 72b(40) 72b(46) 72b(50) 73a(26) 73a(28) 73a(30) 73b(14) 73b(15) 73b(19) 74a(9) 74a(10) 74a(20; M) IDS vb. 'I1? vb. TIX vb. 1'BBJ? 13 n. xaVti n. X13iy n. 1# X13 n. x:n'? n. xnay n. ■rss vb. XJJl'3 n. XJVlp1? n. xnBJ n. -|B0 vb. DVB vb. xjann n. 'in vb. 1# in num. ^3n interj. XriTT n. xmtra n. Dan'? n. JIT vb. ]8' vb. xaon. xriiB-j xao n. XJI'JJIB n. 1# n3 adv. "Jills'! prep. 1# XSX n. 10'p '3 n. Xlp) n. n?n. Jl'B n. 3?"0 vb. Xin pron. Dfin adv. 3") '3-1 XnS'O n. 74a(25) 1# «]ns vb. 74a(31) XJ13BDX n. 74a(34) X'TX n. 74b(ll) X^TOn. 74b(44) 75a(19) 75a(21) 75a(23) 75a(23; E1) 75b(3) "1 75b(4) 75b(22) 75b(23) 75b(24) xriniyo n. XTO'1? n. KTpSn n. i# mv vb. T'lS adj. Jl'X part. ]XB 'Xn pron. xrniyp n. ?na adj. 3J1' vb. xrnrs n. i# bax vb. 1# pbo vb. xris'T n. XB1X n. '3'S '3 n. 75b(24; E1) 75b(25) 75b(35) 76a(27) 76a(30) 76a(40; M) 'Tn vb. yatf vb. XTJS n. XIJ'X n. ym vb. 'in vb. 1# KWN) n. XTD n. XJlV n. 76a(45) XpV'O"! XJB n. 76a(48) 76b(2) 76b(4) 76b(17; L) 76b(22) naw vb. Xin pron. IX^i adv. i# xnpn n. nps vb. i# xnn n. D'an adj. xan: n. 76b(22; M'MLOHPib. 58:22) 1# XJl'J n. 76b(30) 'X13XB adv. 76b(31) X3S'X n. 77a(25; M) 1# XIO'X n. 77a(26; L) 1# XO'jlS n. 77a(27) nps vb. 77a(29) "^3in3 prep. 77a(29; LMGN 282:4) xny n. 77a(30; M) -p'TIS prep. 77a(30; MGN 282:4) 8>0«J vb. 77a(34; MGN 282:6) 3n' vb. 77a(35) XJns n. 3J13 vb. ]3?n n. 77a(36) Xjnj'X n. DJin vb. 'DB vb. 77a(39) nm vb. 77a(43) Xjnj'X n. ona vb. Vj>l vb. V?y vb. xn?;n. 77a(46) X3'X part. 3n' vb. Xjnp n. nxpns adj. 77a(46; M,Ar [AC ib.]) XJlinD n. 77a(47) X3'b part. 'iy vb. 77a(55) xpnpa n. 77b(16; L) 1# XJ13'B n. 77b(i9) nay vb. 77b(20) 1# xn37 n. xann. 77b(21) nD3 vb. yo vb. nsy vb. xniis n. 77b(22) 'TO vb. 77b(27) xnaa n. 77b(28) Xflya© n. 77b(35) Xbna n. «]nn vb. 77b(36) X'jnp n. 1# XB'^ n.
Yoma 1310 Babylonian Talmud 77b(36; E1 77b(41) 78a(ll) 78a(13) 78a(14) 78a(15) 78a(16) 78a(17) 78a(18) 78a(22) 78a(23) 78a(25) ) 2# XV»V n. nxiis'x adj. nx'»j '3 n. 'in vb. xinn n. x;b n. 2# xmpny n. 'DB vb. 1# ifrtx n. XpTS n. xrrfra tin n. xnyi n. 'ya vb. 'in vb. 3X3 vb. 1# X3H3 n. X3Jn. 1# Xjn3 n. 010 vb. i# x'j'uo n. 2# xaipiy n. px vb. 4# Kip n. Tpn adj. 1# X03 n. XS03 n. 'Vb adj. 2# XirjS n. XJ3fSOTX n. Ten adj. bnv vb. 78a(25; LAr [AC 1:51]) 78a(27) 78a(34) 78b(8) 78b(8; M 78b(9) 78b(10) 78b(26) 'ait vb. x'nx ia n. 'Vya adj. xss'x n. xjdti n. ') xnVn* n. "1? prep. xsin n. to vb. KTI10 n. xwx n. 78b(30) 78b(31) 78b(32) 78b(33) 78b(34) 78b(35) 78b(36) 78b(37) □JKJ vb. i# 'jj vb. DID vb. 2# xtran n. in vb. XB'X n. 2# xn'ai n. D'an adj. xnirB n. xnr? n. xriwo n. xjxa n. I'll adj. 78b(37; Ar [AC 5:325]) 79a(4; E1) 79a(7; Ar 79b(8) 79b(25) 79b(36) 79b(38) 80a(14) 80a(43) 80b(2) 80b(27) 80b(31) 81a(13) 81a(23) 81a(46) 81a(47) 81b(23) 81b(24) 81b(31) 81b(32) 81b(33) 81b(35) ft J adj. xrtow n. [AC 3:515]) 1# xtoin n. 2# mo vb. xap n. xrrop vb. xraVn n. yato vb. yaw vb. xrns'x n. D'Vx adj. i# xiain n. i# xxaix n. i# xr/ra n. i# xbaix n. 'Bl vb. ■rate vb. air vb. tf'M adj. "XV adv. -in' vb. 1# 003 vb. xVaait n. 3'D"1 adj. xrf?a'n n. W'3? adj. PIXVUVI adj. nx^ja adj. 81b(39) 81b(40) 81b(41) 82a(ll) 82a(24) 82b(3) 82b(3; E1) 82b(4) 82b(5) VTI vb. MB vb. iax vb. "PI adj. j'ta adj. XJ1,niX',| adj. xairn n. Kb adv. X$S n. xin na n. 'in vb. "?0p vb. XB1?"! conj. XBT n. paw n. 82b(7) nwrn xai' n. 82b(7; L) 82b(8) 82b(9) 82b(10) 83a(l;M) 83a(5) 83a(ll) 83a(15) 83a(16) 83a(17) 83a(22) 83a(38) 83a(39) 83b(22) 83b(25) 83b(27) 83b(28) 83b(28; L) vnb vb. nn vb. 1# np vb. psi vb. vrh vb. (-rap1? prep. XiXX n. Dip vb. 1# 'DO vb. 1# '3 n. '3 prep. xjiaix n. "irQ prep. 1# '3 n. lao vb. ■KJS'K adv. TU vb. xwan n. xrap n. i# xrnjw n. i# xrnix n. tnx vb. oiaVia n. 'S3 vb. nsp vb. 83b(29; M) 3# XJ^S n. 83b(29) xjjs n. 83b(30) 83b (31) 83b(31;L) 83b(32) 83b(36) 83b(36; E1) 84a(3) 84a(4) 84a(5) 84a(6) 84a(7) 84a(9) 84a(9; E1) 'DB vb. # Xt'SKhX n. pn vb. 1# XD'3 n. d?V vb. 13y vb. KtiOT n. *pn vb. ma vb. mi vb. i# -nti vb. 2# rftti vb. em vb. isn vb. XJNB n. XpW n. Dm vb. xnD"I n. 2# XSX n. 84a(9; OHT ib. 34:12) 84a(9; E1) 84a(10) 84a(ll) 84a(13) 84a(14) 84a(15) 84a(16) 84a(17) 84a(18) 84a(19) 84a(21) 84a(22) 2# XST n. 3nD vb. 1# X3Wa n. 1# X13 n. K^V? "■ ana vb. nap vb. 2# rfrtt vb. -na vb. xnr n. nriaV prep. XBD'p n. '•yp vb. xrron. i# xnaia n. PO vb. xnu n. xarn n. nay vb. xinsx n. ■px vb. 2# ''rj vb. lOT vb. Babylonian Talmud 1311 Sukka 84a(24) 84a(26) 84a(26; M) 84a(27) xay n. XfllX n. XJJt pron. 1# 'OX vb. XS1? n. X^ adv. xnw'B n. nay vb. pai vb. 1# XTH n. i# xri't n. xirtfp vb. i# na vb. □'an adj. xja'p n. Tip adj. i# 'an vb. 84a(27; Ar [AC 3:136]) 84b(17) 84b(18) V1X vb. 1# XTH n. i# lax vb. i# V?n vb. id: vb. 84b(I8; HP 24:8) 84b(19) 84b(27) 84b(29; E1) 84b(31) 84b (32; LM) 84b(32) 84b(33) 84b (34) i# ina vb. xratf n. X1113 n. Xplin n. pa vb. po vb. i# xrnis n. XB11X n. i# xb>an n. X33n. 84b(34; Ar [AC 8:21]) 84b(34; O) XliJBX n. &inp vb. 84b(34; Ar [AC 8:21]L) 84b(35) 84b(37) 84b (40) 84b(43) 3# #3W vb. xsio n. 1# XJ1?? n. ShS vb. xnxp* n. 85a(10) 85a(ll) 85a(16) 85a(26) 85a(37; M) 85a(38; L) 85b(15) 85b(16) 85b(18) 85b(20) 85b(22) 85b(23) 85b(34) 86a(l) 86a(31) 86a(32) 86a(34) 86a(34; E1) 86a(35) 86b(53) 87a(l) 87a(l; L) 87a(2) 87a(3) 87a(5) 87a(36) 87a(44) ru: vb. 1# XJV? n- ri'X part. TIX vb. '33 vb. xny;xB n. 1# 11S vb. 2# xni'n n. m part. (-)Tl'b part. X3TS n. Dip vb. 1# Xllt n. Tin adj. 3D adj. xnbs1?'? n. 'te adj. X3?n. 4# Xlp n. '31? conj. "Jlliai prep. Xlto'3 n. X113D n. ]1J3 prep. 'Bl n. an' vb. in^X1? adv. 1# bpv vb. XSffitf n. XJ3E?in n. 2# 'JO vb. XJ"I n. 1# xri'3 n. pD3 vb. xmas* n. 1# X^Dp n. xriiax* n. li?1 adJ- xnisax n. ina vb. X^J'l n. xrn n. xpax n. 87a(44; 87a(45; 87a(46) 87a(47) 87a(48) 87a(49) 87a(50) 87a(51) 87b(4) 87b(5) 87b(ll) 87b(13) 87b(14) 87b(34) 87b(39) 71X vb. X»3'3 n. '03 vb. 1# xn^'a n. pS3 vb. E1) Xri'j'p'P n. O) XJlBTlt n. "1J13X prep. '"in? prep. i# xnVa n. 2# 'SB vb. XJX pron. xriyi n. niS'3T XBf n. bya vb. yJB vb. riX pron. 'bl vb. 1# 'Vs vb. i# xa-ia n. an' vb. XiT? n. Xp part. xy,ip n. DBtf vb. 1# btx vb. '-nS'3"! XBf n. 0"S vb. »lpt vb. 'tn vb. m vb. Ktf'l n. xri'nix n. 1BJ vb. Xr*n'l n. xiia'xi xrj'Vip n. 87b(41) 87b(46) 87b(49) 88a(19) X^l'l n. TJV adj. xriiVx n. 1# D"0 vb. i# mv vb. i# mn vb. 88a(33) 2a(ll) 2a(17) 2b(ll) 2b(17) 2b(25) 2b(50) 3a(8) 3a(9) 3a(14) 3a(15) 3a(16) 3b(15) 4b(8) 4b(13) 4b(37; Ar 5a(14) 5a(14; M2 5b(l; M2) 5b(2) 5b(12) 5b(15) 5b(16) 5b(25) 6b(6) 6b(7) 6b(16) 6b(17) 6b(18) 6b(20) 6b(24) »nn. 1# VQ1 vb. 1# 'JO vb. Sukka pOB vb. Vbv vb. D1?© vb. xVie n. mn vb. 2# X3»B n. xiiyw n. na vb. an' vb. xniy:x n. '3 prep. XVI pron. nt vb. y-u vb. nao vb. xnxvra n. ij: vb. 1# p'ro vb. [AC 3:276]) 1# Xllt n. Dp: vb. ) aa-itf vb. 'J3T ia n. xrns'x n. xpir n. x;ai n. 1# XSX n. xVpn n. ai adj. X33^a n. X3B1S n. 'M adv. XS1J n. Dip vb. «hs vb. xroV'n n. yu vb. 'Vl vb. X330 n.
Sukka 1312 Babylonian Talmud 7a(3) 7a(16) 7a(24) 7a(37) 7a(38) 7b(14) 7b(17) 7b(43) 7b(44) 8a(l) 8a(3) 8a(4) 8a(6) 8a(6; M2) 8a(8) 8a(13) 8a(19; M2) 8a(21) 8b(22) 9a(9) 9a(16) 9b(20) 9b(21) 10a(21) 10a(31) 10b (4) 10b (5) 10b(14) 10b(15) 10b(16) 10b(16; E1) 10b(29) xk/tto'3 n. 'T vb. 1? adv- 1# 'JO vb. n^'K pron. nao vb. XIlV'p n. xn-ran n. xbjb n- «1S3 vb. 1# XnniS n. 2# XJ1BX n. an' vb. 1# 'ID vb. xVny n. x^iy n. iVB prep. XjnS'n n. HS'B adv. xtfma n. Xjnp n. xjiddVx n. 2# xrax n. 1032; num. xVjiy n. x'wy n. X3N3'n n. X31»n 13 n. 'J/3 vb. 3113 vb. i# nnx vb. xaVx adv. i# on3 vb. i# xnnix n. 1# X135? n. BQD vb. not? vb. pric; vb. i# nnn vb. xnyaw n. ]3X pron. nas vb. r|'3J adj. 1# J73p vb. 10b(33) 2# xVniX n. TX3 adj. 'SB adj. lla(2) 2# xVniX n. lla(29) 311'vb. lla(30) D'Bpprep. 1 la(36) Ttf3 vb. 1 la(37) "TO prep. 1# '»n vb. lla(37;E2) XBins n. lla(38) X)V3TO3'Xn. llb(18;E2) ltnVtfvb. 1 lb(22) XaVj? (Hl'VlS n. 12a(9) xn? n. 1# 'TO vb. 12b(13) pf>T vb. ys3 vb. 12b(13; E2) TO n. 12b(14) '3X1H n. 12b(16) XnXlti n. X27TO n. 12b(17) XnXTOn. XEN» n. 13a(l) l#xn'ln. 13a(l; 09HP 26:21) '3D adj. 13a(l;M2) 'IP adj. 13a(3) xrunn. xriapn n. 13a(4) nil3 vb. 13a(4; Ar [AC 8:40]) xroio n. 'ty n. 13a(5) XrilpSX n. 13a(6) -DX vb. *k\H n- npO vb. 13a(7) Xb adv. Un. 13a(9) x;ap_ n. 13a(9; OH Suk 111:15, Seel 191:8) Xnpn n. 13a(10) 13a(ll) 13a(16; M) 13a(23) 13a(25) 13b (2) 13b(3) "]3D vb. 1JX vb. xmx n. xrrna n. xn'nna n. xaix n. xnnio'x n. -|30 vb. nax vb. xr;:a n. 13b(4; HP 26:29) 13b(4; M2) 14a(5) 14b(42) 14b(42; M2) 14b(49) 14b(52) 14b(53) 16a(6; M2) 16a(7) 16a(21) 17a(ll) 17a(17) 17a(35) 17b(5) 17b(6) 17b(21) 18a(7) 18a(10) 18a(36; E2) 18a(40; E2) 18a(41) 18a(41; E2) 18a(42) xjstix n. xsnx n. 3tfn vb. 'in vb. 1X^ adv. J7"0 vb. 01SX prep. xnV?BB n. X32>13 n. 'Xn?1? adv. 'KuV adv. 1# x"?tix n. 2# 'TO vb. ',TK pron. 1# 'an vb. X330 n. X3B adv. XBbra adv. iVs vb. 'TO vb. xnyac; n. 3rr vb. '57X'B3 adv. 'in vb. xamx n. XTI3 33 n. xrunx n. xjan. rj'Va adj. Tin vb. Dip vb. i# xtto n. 18a(46) 18a(47) 18b(5) 18b(ll) 19a(12) 19a(26) 19a(27) 19a(29) 19a(31) 19b(9) 19b(ll) 19b(13) 19b(14) 19b(23) 19b(37) 20a(31) 20a(32) 20a(33) 20b(ll) 20b(13) 20b (15) 20b(16) 20b(18) 20b (20) xrp n. 'BO adj. 1# '3n vb. nstf vb. X'nn pron. -n XS'Vx prep. XJ^'V n. 1# 'XB pron. 'Xn?1? adv. 'SUV adv. 1# -\VU vb. ran. cbv vb. 1# '31 vb. i# xri'";? n. p3tf vb. X'n pron. nxTrr> adj. "IXrt pron. xano n. x*?3ina n. X*?3ia n. 'ntx vb. X'ttinB n. XpVxiJ n. X3Xn. K?B3 n. 2# XCTB n. 'jn adj. 2# ]Xa pron. Kill J n. xjtu n. 2# XOnS n. Kp'j'Xll n. 20b(21;OHib. 112:2) 2# XFI33 n. 20b(21;M) 2* Kffl? n. 20b (25) 20b(26) 21b(31) 22a(29) XW"TJ n. "7 conj. X1M pron. XJTI3 n. -nnix 3ix prep. can vb. Babylonian Talmud 1313 Sukka 22b(25) 1# 'Bn vb. 22b(25; E2) XJTS n. 22b (28) KTriO'X n. Kill n. VyVa adv. 23a(43) 1# KVWX n. '3'3 '3'3 adv. V'S^B adv. nna vb. Bp3 vb. 2# 'an vb. xmin n. 23a(44) 1# X3ST. n. 23b(l;E2) yilDvb. 24a(30) 1# '3W vb. 24b(14) 1# 'XH pron. xnap n. 24b(29) 1# XJST n. '271 adv. 24b (33) 1# K3En n. 25a(9) Dp3 vb. 25a(10) 1# X3EH n. 25a(i9) xjann n. 25a(21) nDS vb. 25a(23) nno vb. 25a(29) Xnn'B n. 25b (10) XM'T n. X31»n n. 25b (13) XS1J n. 25b (24) 311' vb. 25b(27) Hn vb. 26a(16) K^J'n n. 26a(17) 1# '33 vb. i# xripn n. 26a(27) 1# x;n? n. 1# XTS n. 26a(33) 1# '33 vb. 26a(33; HPP 40:3) 1# Xrr?'3 n. 26a(34) 1# Xp3 n. 26a(36; E2) XDjnj n. 26a(36; HP 30:27) Xnn'D n. 26a(36; E2) Xnn'D n. 26a(43) 1# '3D vb. 26a(45) ,n^3 n. xanix n. 26a(52) 2# Xanj; n. nnx vb. 26a(55) nn3 vb. 26b(6) 26b(8) 26b(28; E2) 27a(18) 27a(19) 27b(10) 27b(27) 27b(38) 28a(29; M2) 28a(42) 28a(44) 28b(19) 28b(43) 28b(44) 29a(2) xnnio n. XI13TO n. XBP3 n. KJDW n. xnnr n. IX conj. 1# "?3X vb. xrnnx adj. n,nx vb. 1# VlK vb. XBi' n. nxin n. 1'3 prep. "1 conj. ■)BD vb. Il'X part. xroaox n. '11X vb. xr^Ba n. i# np vb. xnaa n. 1# Dn3 vb. enn vb. XJB?'1? n. (-)'Bpa prep. 29a(2; E2) 29a(3) 29a(4) 29a(6) 29a(10) snn vb. 1# Dn3 vb. XVD'B n. NJiroa n. Xjnc n. i# 'Va vb. 29a(10; Ar [AC 7:207, s.v. onp]) 29a(10; M2) 29a(ll) XJT31XB n. 2# TO3 vb. i# xmx n. X3Xa n. 30a(29; E2M2) 30a(30) 30b(2) 30b(3) 30b(3; E2) 30b(4) 30b(4; E2) 30b(5) 31a(l) 31a(16) 31a(18) 31a(21) 31a(22) X-13311X n. 113 vb. an' vb. nn vb. xnaiix n. 110 adv. 113 vb. •n"l pron. X3JTOV1 n. X-13311X n. XDX n. xriibj wn n. nw vb. xri'ys n. xnTO3 n. 31a(22; HP 31:27) XnTOl n. i# Vn vb. 31a(23; HP 31:27) 31a(27) 31a(28) 31a(30) 31a(42) 31a(44) 31b(8) 31b(17) 31b(20) 31b(27) 32a(3; M2) 32a(7) Xny?BB n. -3'!I3 prep. i# nsn vb. X3'B n. K?p3 vb. sVp"l n. 1# Xn;?'3? n. xra n. 1# in num. 1# XTS n. xnna'p n. I1I13 vb. P3BH3 n. xxin n. xrW n. 1# pVo vb. xn1?^? n- '3S vb. 29a(13) -1?"! pron. 29a(13; M2) ]'3X adj. 29b(14) pOS vb. 29b(16) Xa^BS adv. 30a(29) 1# VlX vb. 32a(9; E2) 2# X'Sin n. 32a(9; M2) T1S vb. 32a(19) XyW? n. 32a(20) XIIS1X n. xmnn n. 32a(22) 3# XnD13 n. 32a(25) XJ1S3 n. 32b(26) X^ain num. 32b(31) pnvb. 32b (43) 1# Xri't n. 32b(44) XsVn n. 32b(49) 1# XJ'p n. 32b(50) 1# Tin vb. 32b(52) nxn pron. 33a(l) '1?7ra adJ- 33a(3) XDX n. 33a(16) 'invb. 33b(9) na'X adv. 33b(14) 1# mti vb. 33b(28) n'W'n p'DB n. 33b(29) H'X part. Kjy^in n. 33b(30) 3jy vb. 33b(33) "3 prep, nao vb. 33b(34) Xnn pron. 34a(8) »ns vb. 34a(26) X3J?»in n. nw? adj. 34a(26; E2) XV>3 KB>n n. 34a(30) ann vb. 'SB conj. 34a(31; E2) 1# xranjl n. 34a(32) xrinxixn n. xnisTO n. 34a(34) KnWS n. xrnws n. 34a(36) '03 '3 n. xVoti n. 34b (23) 'TO vb. 34b(24) «hl vb. 34b (25) 1# DBp vb.
Sukka 1314 Babylonian Talmud 35a(16) 'Badv. 35b(6) TJ'X pron. X'n pron. 35b(19) iK conj. il'B prep. i# ips vb. 35b(45; M2) Xl'.lX n. 35b(45) X111J1X n. iVl vb. 36a(l) K™i?* n- 36a(8; Ar [AC 6:76]) 36a(10) 36a(19) 36b(3) 'S 36b(7) 36b(ll) 36b(27) 37a(3; E1) 37a(23; E2) 37a(27) 37b(3) 37b(4) 37b(6) 37b(7) 37b(10; M2) xnsa'o n. XTlJt n. 2# '13 vb. tfrti vb. i# mo vb. by «]X prep. Kayo n. 1# °?30 vb. i# xip'j? n. pi vb. 2# ^II vb. xijwin n. xiytfin n. opi vb. xmo n. 1# -)TO vb. XSIOX n. xiytfin n. 2# pitf vb. Ill vb. XXP n. xa'^V n. 'Xp vb. 37b (21) 3 7b (28) 38a(4) 38a(6) 38a(15) 38a(18) 38b(l) X1XB n. naa vb. -07 vb. 1# Xl'l n. 1# '11 vb. )1311 adj. pOD vb. X3'X part. 38b(17) 38b(18) 39a(l) 39a(13) 39a(14) 39b(9) 39b(ll;M 39b(15) 41a(33) 41a(35) 41a(37) 41a(41) 41b(42) 42a(2) 42a(25) 42a(26) 43a(8) 43a(9) 43b(10; M 43b(15; M 43b(30) 44a(13) 44b(17) 44b(18) 44b(19) 44b(20) 44b(21) 44b(22) JTBtf vb. Xltfll n. 0'3rJ adj. 1# X1S0 n. xbj? n. Xtf'l n. 1# p"?0 vb. Xp part. TStf adj. yBti vb. oip vb. piB vb. 2) xiita n. 1# *7TX vb. 1# *?3X vb. IpntfX adv. K3'X part. "10'an num. IX conj. 2# 'Vx vb. PI31 vb. i# xnis n. 1X^> adv. 1# *73p vb. inf'X pron. Xjnp n. yv vb. 2) psps vb. 2) Xy,13'P n. X'JIX 13 n. naa vb. xrns is n. D3n vb. Dip vb. mp vb. n'X part. XB13 n. i# xri"ip n. i# xri't n. i# xrrnp n. 1# VpVp vb. 44b(23) 2# ij'ix adj. 44b(24) lax vb. 44b(25) 1# in vb. VD adv. i# xri'np n. 44b(26) 1# xniix n. 2# 'an vb. 44b(27) 1# XJl'T n. na pron. 1# ipS vb. 44b(28) X31»n n. xnp'is* n. 1# tfptfp vb. 44b(32) 2# na vb. i# umpyp n. 44b(33) ono vb. 2# xV'S n. 44b(37) in? prep. 44b(39) 2# XB? n. 44b(40) XlOin n. 45a(23) XJ13 n. psi vb. 45b(24) 1# X-n n. Xap adj. 45b(30) )B prep. xaty n. nns vb. p'1? adj. 45b(31) l#XSKn. 1# bip vb. 45b(32) Xnoa'l n. 45b(33) 13 n. 45b(35) «17TC? vb. 45b(48) (-)'SX3 prep. xai'i: xai' Vs adv. 45b(49) 1# ipx adj. 'Bl vb. xai' n. 45b(53) Kliax n. Dip vb. 46a(l) 13y vb. 46a(18) 1# X13 n. i# xrns n. 46a(19) 13y vb. 46a(25) ...'31/ai'3 n. '1 (')JIB'X "73 conj. i# nni vb. ]131 n. 46a(26) ...'31/31'3 n. -f (')JIB'X b3 conj. 1# PBITO vb. 46a(31;M2) Dip vb. 46a(48) mo vb. 46b(10) 'Xp vb. 46b(22) 'Xp vb. 46b(30) xriB'B? n. 46b(33) tf'l'X n. xiytfii n. K3D xai' n. 46b(34) 1# 'ip vb. 46b(36) "1 conj. 46b(38) Xip'tf n. 46b(53) 371' vb. XB^ (n)'VlS n. 47a(12) xna n. Bpl vb. xnynti n. 47a(15) -[13 vb. 47b (4; M2) XinBi' adv. 48a(19; HP 31:3) 13 interj. 48a(24) X1XB n. V?y vb. 48a(25) ]a 13 prep. XrfrVpB n. X^D'B n. XWB n. 48b(16) 112 adj. 48b(20) XpllllS n. 48b(20; M2) 'itf vb. 48b(21) 1# '*?a vb. piV vb. xriytf n. 48b(23) nXl'B n. TJiy, adj. 48b(24) 'J1X1 XBty n. Babylonian Talmud 1315 Besa 48b(26) 1# X131 n. 1# X3»B n. 48b(27; Ar [AC 2:239]) 48b(32) 48b(36) 48b(37) 49b(5) 49b (8) 49b(13) 49b(14) 49b(14; M2) 50b(4) 50b(18) 50b(28) 50b(29) 50b(37) 51a(8) 51a(9) 51a(48) 51b(23) 51b(24) 51b(25) 51b(25; M2) 51b(26) 51b(38) 51b(46) 52a(7) 2# Xlll n. 1# "in# vb. i# xiBn n. T8? adj. x;b n. vrfyp adj. 1# *7TX vb. D'jp vb. Xlill n. yafa vb. yai vb. xrois n. 1# W3tf vb. lXb adv. X^3 n. X'^Q'l n. 1# '31 vb. 130 vb. 1# 'ID vb. DD3 vb. 1# X^>p n. '13 vb. X13X n. x^nis n. XIBTB n. pDl vb. V?y vb. 1# XtiW n. XTO n. XSO n. 1# bip vb. yw vb. xnx* n. XB? n. 'J?3 vb. 113 adv. xni'sp n. Xlfry num. 1# Xlp n. XTSD n. 52a(14) 52a(15) 52a(53) 52a(53; M2) 52a(53; E1) 52a(54) 52a(54; M2) 'XBX conj. 1# X13 n. VIS vb. )^>Sn. Dip vb. i# xn-;ix n. D'03 adj. 3# XT1 n. 1# '3 conj. Vs: vb. *?X1 vb. xniix n. p'nn adj. 'arn n. 'ID vb. -iyx vb. 52a(54; Rashi) Dip vb. 52b(38) 52b(41) 52b(50) 52b(51) 53a(17) xriiix n. 1# 'Xa pron. 1'i?! adj. ipr vb. 1'3'X pron. 53a(18) "1 (X)lrlX conj. 53a(20) 53a(21) 53a(22) 53a(22; M2) 53a(23) 53a(24) 53a(28) 53a(30) 53a(31) 'in vb. nx»13 n. O'Bp prep. 'V3 vb. 3'Xy adj. xiina n. i# noa vb. xn'yo n. 'JD vb. n'13 adj. K>1'X 13 n. i# 3ny vb. xVl'l n. ■73' vb. On; part. i# ybv vb. ip pron. 2# V7V vb. lia pron. 2# Xlta n. 53a(32) 53a(38) 53a(39) 53a(41) 53a(44) 53b(l) 53b(8) 53b(9) 53b(9; Ed) 53b(12; Ed) 53b(13) xriy'3 n. Dll vb. xmix n. '8 adv. mo vb. (-)'Bp prep. 'V3 vb. 'in pron. xaby n. 'Sp vb. rpv vb. X3'X part. i# mn vb. i# xspn n. 1# p'jD vb. Dip vb. XSbx num. xi'ani n. ip'Bn num. 3DT vb. X3B1D n. 1# '13 vb. 53b(13; Ar [AC 5:299]) 53b(14) 53b(37) 54a(13) "] 54a(14) 54a(16) 54a(25) 54a(27) 54a(28; M2) 54a(35) 54b(l) 54b(8) 55a(2; M2) 55a(20) 55a(22) 55a(29) 131 vb. XaVlO n. XIB'O n. xirya prep. 1# p"?0 vb. 1,01 vb. XBllT n. 1# in num. x»an num. xnap n. ''jl vb. XDD1B n. XTTO n. pSl vb. XT3,1 n. 3fl' vb. XniSBX n. 1# X1SD n. iVl vb. 55b(17; M2M) D'S vb. 56a(22) 56b(2) 56b(3) 56b(28) 56b(30) 56b(30; 2a(13) 2b(l) 2b(4) 2b(7) 2b(8) 2b(ll) 2b(15) 2b(21) 2b(26) 3a(10) 3a(13) 3b(14) 3b(17) 3b(22) 4a(10) 4a(12) 4a(13) 4a(24) 4a(37) 4a(38) 4a(39) 4a(40) 4a(42) 4a(45) 1# ]X3 adv. bl part. 'Vl vb. Xl'XiS n. 1# 'On vb. Xpl»3 adv. "1 conj. Xpr n. M2) Xpir n. i# xraw n. Besa 1# X^31X n. mo vb. ono vb. ano vb. V7T vb. V?p vb. 15? prep. XTfl'n n. Van'x adv. 1B1 vb. lb' vb. 1# 'Itf vb. 1# XT5 n. 2# 'Vl vb. Dip vb. Xp'DD n. Xp'Sp n. ^03 vb. ll"n pron. IX conj. xaiii n. XllS'X n. Xp part. 1# xVip n. XBIU n. Xipi'SOTX n. 1# '10 vb. 1# "7DX vb. ina adv. V3X conj. xiprswix n. xiiax n.
Besa 1316 Babylonian Talmud 4b(0) 4b(l) 4b(3) 4b(7) 4b(13) 4b(20) 4b(21) i# xi3n n. X3B XB1' n. lay vb. i3'X part. 1# '■?# vb. 1# X^lp n. xai' ng n. "TO adv. X,1 part. 1,D1 vb. XIIO'X n. 'Vp vb. 4b(25; V17) 1# pso vb. 4b(26) 13y vb. 4b(29; OHT RH 40:20) X!?3p n. 4b(30) 4b(31) 5b(13) 5b (24) 6a(5) 6a(8) 6a(12) 6a(13) 6a(15) 6a(16) 6a(32) 6b(7) 6b(32) 7a(I) 7a(4) 7a(4; V1) 7a(5; M) 7a(6) 7a(7) 7a(ll) ]D prep. 1# nViy vb. tf>p vb. Xiatf n. "13 prep. xn'nixi adj. IpntfX adv. Wx n. 1# M» vb. XOX n. TO vb. TtJ vb. 2# xisn n. 3'?y adj. 'XaX conj. lax vb. 'TO "?3 pron. yatf vb. X'nB n. x'ns n. 31X vb. 'J'a 'J'3 adv. Xny'3 n. X13'1 n. 2# ISO vb. '"!? adj. I'Btf adj. 7a(12) 7a(24) 7a(28) 7a(29) 7a(41) 7a(42) 7b(3) 7b(4) 7b(5) 7b(7) 7b(10) 7b(30) 7b(38) 7b (44) 8a(l) 8a(I5) 8a(18) 8a(19) 8a(20) 8a(23) 8b(2) 8b(10) 8b(13) 8b(14) 8b(21) 9b(10) 9b(15) 9b(26) 9b(39) 10a(19) 10a(28) 10a(34) 10a(36) 10a(37) 10b(13) an' vb. 1# VS1 vb. 1# "?DN vb. 1,15 vb. ibj vb. 2# ]S0 vb. N13B n. 13y vb. 2# ]SO vb. i# 'an vb. X'^'J n. IDT vb. xruDO n. p'TO adj. xatfn. 13y_'X1 adv. xsio n. jVs vb. vix vb. y:a vb. i# xau n. 1B1T adj. 'DD vb. (-)JPV part- X'TX n. Bntf vb. n'X part. iax vb. '1 X3T J?3 conj. '1i13 prep. vm vb. nxysiru adj. 1# XJT'ip n. Kb adv. Xp part. Ti? adj. 1# '1! vb. 2# pa vb. XH part. Xlp'ya adv. bvbv vb. OTX pron. px vb. 10b(20) 10b(22) 10b(34) lla(l) lla(7) lla(8) lla(12) lla(14) lla(17) lla(18) lla(25) lla(31) lla(42) llb(3) llb(4) llb(7) llb(29) llb(31) 12b(36) 12b(38) 12b(40) 12b(41) 12b(42) 13a(7) 13a(9) 13a(13) 13a(29) 13b(21) 13b(24) 13b(26) 13b(35) '3,1 pron. xrinx adj. xatya adv. X'n pron. ma vb. "?Dy vb. 1# XIB'p n. 1# *?TX vb. XBtyV adv. 3312/ vb. 1# piO vb. pO vb. m vb. '11 vb. i# xrp n. niri adj. 'nx vb. y:a vb. i# mo vb. nt5E> vb. i# n°?a vb. 1# XB1J n. 'W vb. XflJlbS n. l"?SX conj. 1# X31S n. xjarswx n. xn'iitrx n. KVnn n. ins vb. XT n. 2# "?3B vb. xrnio'x n. 2# too vb. 2# Vat? vb. 3,T vb. qrD'n 'a conj. ]11 vb. 1# XOD n. pp vb. "X prep. iax vb. ops vb. 1 14a(2) 14a(13) 14a(14) 14a(24; V1) 14a(25) 14a(26; LV 14a(27) 14b(2) 14b(4) 14b(5) 14b(5; L) 14b(6) 14b(!7) 14b (22) 14b(41) 14b(41; M) 14b(41; V1) 14b(43) 15a(2) 15a(4; L) 15a(5; V17) 15a(13) 15a(15) xVia pron "?273 vb. Xp'llB n. ppl vb. 1# ■b* vb. X3313 n. ll'B prep. 1# Kj>i? n. ) b»S adj. OX conj. na: vb. 1# xb>p n. W,l n- ppl vb. 1BX vb. 'JD vb. 1# XIH'X n. fpp vb. XriW'TB n. 1D1T adj. Xni'B n. »'8J adj. Xliytf n. 1# xV'J n. TBI vb. 'It! adj. 'DD vb. 'py prep. pa vb. pa vb. '3'3 '3'a adv. 1# '3 conj. pDS vb. IBJ adj. xoai n. TJ? n. X1T3 n. VbVb vb. Dp: vb. XTO'O n. 15a(20; Ar [AC 2:346]) 15a(22) x-ito'3 13 n. 1# Illy vb. 1317 Babylonian Talmud 15a(26) 'I'1? prep. 15a(27) 'I'1? prep. 15a(37) 1DJ vb. 15a(39) IVSX conj. 15a(42) nana prep. 15a(43) y?T vb. 15b(40; MGG 159:6) 15b(42) 16a(10) 16a(19) 16a(26) 16a(29) 16a(32) 16a(38) 16a(38; V1) 16a(39) 16a(42) 16a(44) 16a(45) 16a(51) 16b(17) 16b(22) 16b(23) 16b(25) 16b(42) 16b(44) 178(1) 17a(10) 17a(ll; L) 17a(30) 17a(43) 17b(12) 1# X11K n. '1111? adv. nVtX n. i# nxtln adj. XtfTB n. X3#3 in n. mX? prep. xratf n. 2# 'Vl vb. lay vb. x^ma n. 1# f\W vb. my vb. "I T? n. nsV vb. ,1XtfSB adj. n'Dtf adj. XO'n n. xari: n. xjoin n. 2# XD? n. 4# any vb. xn'3na n. no vb. x;ao n. 3'?? adj. KJB'V adv. XB^#3 adv. ifr\pV>p n. V?p vb. x)ipYvn- tflp vb. tfip vb. X3D xai' n. •yn vb. nan vb. 18a(7) 18a(10) 18a(26) 18b(31) 19a(l) I9a(6) 19a(7) 19a(8) 19a(9) 19a(14) 19b(27) 20a(7) 20a(24) 21a(9) 21a(10) 21a(10; L) 21a(12) 21a(14) 21a(18) 21a(19) 21a(38) 21a(39) 1BX prep. •vn vb. xaV"! conj. wrn n. xri^ria n. W?T n. an 'a n. Bp: vb. xp part. mi vb. "1 conj. VxiET vb. i# rbo vb. 303 vb. x;?'3 n. xaniy n. rns vb. 1X^ adv. i# natf vb. 1# 'Xa pron. xaya n. Xp part. '3T vb. X»n. i# xna n. 'SK vb. 21a(40) XnSH n. 2ib(9) i# xnrn n. 'VsiO n. 2lb(U) ^adj. 21b(12) mivb. 21b(13) 18X vb. VD' vb. 21b(22) aiXprep. "?bVd vb. 21b(23) l#xri'3n. 'in vb. 21b(23; Ar [AC 4:255]) k:ud n. XBB'P n. 21b(27) ian vb. 21b(29) rn» vb. yVp vb. 21b(30) xrn'D n. TFtl adj. 22a(22) «)pT vb. X?SW n. xnt? n. 22a(25) "nyix IxV prep. 22a(25; V17GC 42:5) 22a(45) 22a(46) 22a(47) 22a(50) 22a(51) 22a(54) xarp n. XS'T n. mi n. xnyai n. xrrri?n. XTT n. 3# xtalX n. nss vb. bm vb. 'ai vb. "ID prep. fax vb. nns vb. 22a(54; L) y"0 vb. 22a(56) 22b(2) 22b(3) 22b(19) 23a(2) 23a(3) 23a(6) 23a(9) 23a(10) 23a(ll) 23a(12) 23a(13) 23a(15) 23a(18) bm vb. iao vb. ifrx n. 'an adv. 'B3 adv. iV' vb. i# xnn n. <ino vb. 1# nXT» n. Xin pron. «)0' vb. KJTTBtt n. "S ™1 "5,a n- xmbj «»n 'a n. 1# XllB'p n. RT T'3 n. '3D vb. TT n'l "■ 2# XllB'p n. xaB>n. Besa 23a(35) Xbry n. nipy vb. 23a(36) Kliy n. XTOn. 24a(21) 2# X'^nw n. 24a(23; Ar [AC ib.]) XDpiX n. 24a(24) xVlD n. VBJ vb. 24a(29) xmiBt n. 24a(38; GAr [AC 3:2]) 2# '31 vb. 24a(39) 2# '31 vb. 24a(46) "X prep. XH pron. 24b(20) '1,1 vb. an' vb. 24b(23) 'in vb. 24b(30) D1X vb. #aD vb. 24b(31) XpTn. 25a(6) VS3 vb. 25a(7) 1# X13n n. 31 adj. 25b(7) XaiXn n. yap vb. xbri n. y'Bh adj. 25b(8) X3Sp n. 25b(9) ,1X30 n. 25b(33) psj vb. 25b(34) X^ID n. XVWV n. 25b(35) Dnn adv. 1# pbo vb. 25b(39) '3'X part. 'pnVx n. 25b(40) 'p:i"7X n. ny3 vb. PD3 vb. 25b(41) 'p:iV« n. ina vb. xVj'1 n.
Besa 1318 Babylonian Talmud 26a(12) °?M vb. 26b(8) X33 n. 1# Xri"13 n. 26b(l5) xnpnan. 26b(23) 'in vb. 26b (27) "I 'X conj. 26b (29) 'in vb. 26b(37) xa'X n. 26b(38) xaia n. 26b(40) 'in vb. 26b (52) fat vb. 27a(l) X*?1K?'3 n. 27a(4) XflllX n. 27a(6) nx'iy: n. 27a(7) 1# X1313 n. 130 vb. 27a(13) piv vb. 27a(15) iaj vb. 'Dt vb. xini )xa pron. 1# p'jO vb. xnya© n. 27a(19) 1# xVtfX n. 31 adj. yatr; vb. 27a(22) 1,13'X pron. xn part. 27a(30) pn vb. 27a(32) 1# X1313 n. nxnn adj. 27a(33) 'in vb. TSE> adj. 27a(34) ban'X adv. 27a(34; HP 5:15) 113 vb. 27b(l) Wvb. 27b(3) '1,13 prep. 27b(3; HP 5:16) X3p xai' n. 27b (4) ''n vb. 13n vb. 27b(6) lax vb. 27b(6; Geon 364:14) 'I part. 27b(7) XXin n. 27b(8) DIB vb. 27b(9) 1# D1J vb. xns'ip n. 27b(10) 2# XD1J n. 27b(31) pilvb. 'a: adv. 27b(32) P'lp adj. 28a(7) inn vb. 28a(8) X}-)i? n. 28a(17) IBp vb. 28a(18) 28a(23) 28a(33) 28a(34) 28b(l) 28b(3) 28b(5) 28b(6) 28b(15) 28b(40) 29a(l) 29a(2) 29a(3) 29a(4) 29a(39) 29a(44) i# xn'rs n. i# 'to vb. X3'X part. vhn vb. i# xrr?'a n. 1# x'pip'l n. xrpp n. 135? vb. xais n. XFI5H n. 'in vb. Dip vb. xrsp n. XYt'l n. xns'fc/ n. i# xpnn n. xro^a n. xrnna n. 1J1?? n. 1# Xp^'n n. li^s n. X'llX n. xria n. XJ?3'1 num. X3'X part. xV'3 n. x:xa n. 131 vb. X331 n. 29b(8) MI adj. 29b(10) l#XH'nn. pM vb. 1# Vpe; vb. 29b(ll) l#ll,lvb. 103 adv. 29b(ll; Seel 124:35) xnVina n. 2# ipi vb. 29b(12) X31n- xrbinn n. Vn: vb. xnap n. 29b(13) xns'l n. 29b(14) X3Jn- °?nj vb. X1171S n. 29b(16) XKJJ'Sn. X13ij?l H'la n. ITDty adj. 30a(3) xprni n. 30a(4) xVl'l n. 30a(5) 30a(6) 30a(9) 30a(10) 30a(13) 30a(14) 30a(16) 30a(17) 30a(18) 30a(24) 30a(25) 30a(26) 30a(27) 30a(35) 2# '11 vb. XIIX n. 2# XB3 n. XT110 n. "1 XM *?3 conj. 1# MP vb. XI part. x-a n. 1# X3Xn n. i# 'ba vb. X3V?'n n. 1# VB1 vb. xaroi n. pOD vb. i# nop vb. X'^'1? n. i# n:i vb. 1# *?tX vb. 1# X3Xn n. 1# TIM vb. tw vb. 30a(40;V17) Sn*!i n. 30a(48) XJ'B n. '10 adj. XSlp n. 30b(3) 2# xVniX n. 2# mo vb. 30b(7) XJTTiO'X n. 30b(46) 1# T")X adj- 30b(46; L) 1# T1X adj. xai' n. 31a(8) nxyn'adj. 31a(16) 'Vlvb. 1# Xp'I n. ]1'3 conj. 31b(14) 2#X0'Jn. iJ'a prep. 31b(25; Rashi ms.) X111X n. 31b(26) xru'?'? n. 31b(27) NJ'^Sn. 31b(28) l#'Mvb. J1D vb. 'Xp vb. 32a(26) 'in adj. 32a(33) 'in adj. 32a(34) 2# XB'WB n. 32a(38) nxVpn n. XJ7X n. 32b(l; Ar [AC 5:94]M2) X3TOn n. 32b(5) 'iy vb. 32b(5; Ar [AC 5:94]M2) 'iy vb. 32b(12) Triyadj. 32b(14) xpp'yn. 32b(14;L) pi vb. 32b(33; Ar [AC 1:279]) i# xnix n. 32b(34) XJ11X 13 n. 'in vb. 'Vya adj. Xp part. XriD'l n. Babylonian Talmud 1319 Ta'anit 32b(35) 32b(36) 32b(37) 32b(40) 32b(41) 32b(44) 33a(l) 33a(10) 33a(ll) 33a(19) 33a(25) 33a(26) 33b(22) mi vb. X31in n. 3# pltf vb. lao vb. i# xripi n. 1# IIS vb. xap'p n. 2# x^nix n. Bll adj. 2# xrnna n. xnjj;'? n. 1? adv. XlTp n. i# xirn n. i# xirn n. 3'B1 adj. tf'T adj. 1# 'IB vb. i# mo vb. XflV'X n. 33b(22; RaH) xrTCTB n. 33b(22) 33b(23; MO 33b(23; MO 33b(37) 33b(41) 33b(41; L) 34a(7) 34b(25) 35a(12) 35b(22) 35b(36; L) ntfs vb. ') xai: n. 9) xrii? n. xpriois n. xpnoia n. «]» vb. xinai' adv. pm vb. 'B adv. xrnyi n. ifry vb. 2# 'S3 vb. 1# V2V vb. V?3 adv. 36a(18; Rashi ms.) 36a(19) 36a(36) 36b(6) 36b(9) 36b(10) X111X n. '1IX vb. Dip vb. ]0': n. XYl'l '3 n. I1?! vb. Dnn adv. 36b(12) 36b(16) 36b(18) 36b(19) 36b(20) 37a(9) 37a(14) 37b(24; L) 38a(17) 38a(19) 38a(21) 38b(2) 38b(3) 38b(5) 38b(9) 38b(10) 38b(12) 38b(13; M) 38b(18; V17 39a(21) 39a(25) 39a(26) 39a(28) 39a(35) 39a(36) 39b(ll; V1) 39b(22) 40a(16) 40a(19) 40a(26; L) 40a(28) 40a(34) 40a(35) '3niX adv. '71X vb. XT)'! '3 n. '»P adj. 130 vb. X'nn pron. X13DJ? n. xpaisp'x n. op: vb. i# xirxix n. 2# V3D vb. TTA adj. ?y vb. Vn vb. °?Xtf vb. xmyi n. 71X vb. XrfpiJ n. i# nn vb. 1# 'M> vb. nva interj. nXSO'Dp adj. Ton adj. V,b»3 n. ) Xni33? n. 'TIS vb. 0X8 vb. 1# «]1^ vb. i# xson n. (-)Il'V part. 'IX vb. Xl'pai n. XSffltf n. 1# '^a vb. Xl'3 n. n'3 adj. 1# pVo vb. 1# X13J? n. 1X^> adv. 'a adv. no vb. Xja'O n. 40a(38) -niiX 3JX prep. 40a(39) Ta 2a(18) 2b(8) 2b(15) 2b(39) 3a(ll) 3a(15) 3a(35) 3a(39) 3b(l) 3b(3) 3b(5) 3b(9) 3b(20) 3b(27) 3b(30) 3b(32) 3b(33) 3b(36) 3b(38) 3b(39) 3b (40) 1# X3»a n. 2# XDTO n. 1# 'pi? vb. 'unit 1# p^O vb. iaj vb. xiaa n. XM'T n. Xfl'K? num. tan vb. (-)'apa prep. i,ao vb. ixy vb. -i inxa conj. ixy vb. i# nn vb. XW adv. ixy vb. 113 vb. ixy vb. VSX adj. Tin adj. '")"! '? n. KJS3 n. 1J13 prep. 1# Xp'I n. xni'^a n. rn adj. '11 adj. H^n. (-)'BP prep. XID'B n. '3 prep. X1B1? n. 3b(40; M2Ar [AC 2:294]!) 3b(41) 3b(42) 3b(45) 4a(l) xnVw n. 3# xrnp n. X?1X n. XTiD n. rj'3 adj. '11 adj. Xl'Xl? n. 2# xVp n. 4a(l; M2V 4a(2) 4a(3) 4a(4) 4a(5) 4a(13; M2) 4b(8) 4b(24) 4b(27) 5a(40) 7) xV?iy n. ny vb. X^'Eliy n. 2# X^'S n. XTX1S n. ]1'3 conj. D31 vb. xri'nix n. nm vb: •JSV vb. xrnn': n. 'jxb vb. lax vb. i# 'ai vb. X131 n. P3tf vb. 5b(ll;Mal 13:12) 5b(20) 5b(21) 5b(22) 5b(30) 5b(33) 5b (34) 5b(35) 5b(38) 5b(39) 5b(39; M) 5b(39; L) 5b(43) 5b(44) 6b(7) 6b(8) OTp vb. ma vb. p3tf vb. "iri3X prep. pi vb. TTT vb. XaVx adv. 1# X13J n. (-)'apa prep. iax vb. xmiyp n. lyo vb. Din vb. i# xwn n. 2# '13 adv. ISO vb. XISO n. 2# X13p n. X^33 n. XJ1D0 n. 1# «)3X vb. 'lin pron. IDS vb. 1# VlX vb. 30 adj. iri3 prep.
Ta'anit 1320 Babylonian Talmud 6b(18) 6b(23) 6b(24) 6b(25) 6b(26; L) XBlpV n. X1??? n. XTiniX n. x:;y n. XTOB n. X1DX n. X33 n. 6b (27) 2# xnan na n. 6b(27; M2) 6b(28) 6b(29; O) 6b(29; L) 1# '31 vb. -|3B vb. Xi?Dn. X?'?. n- i# nap vb. xrfranx n. (•"?) '3W n. KM? n. "I»3 adj. XJSnitf n. 6b(29; HeRaH = Ar [AC 8:272]) 6b (30) 7a(24) 7a(25) 7a(53) 7a(53; M2) 7a(54) 7a(54; L) 7a(55) 7a(55; M) 7b(l) x:na'tf n. ™9 n. (-1?) '31D n. VllJB adj. xnjj'ya adv. to' vb. xnnax n. '*? prep. i# xrna n. i# xnan n. xjxa n. 2# Xins n. 10'i? n. i# 'an vb. ID interj. i# xax n. WX pron. XJXB n. xann n. 3'tfn adj. XD03 n. 'nx vb. 'no vb. '3P adj. 1 7b(13) 7b(37) 8a(6) 8a(8) 8a(9) 8a(40) 8b(19) 8b(21) 8b(23) 8b(25) 8b(30) 8b(32) 9a(4) 9a(5) 9a(6; M2) 9a(15) 9a(16) 9a(19) 9a(20) XJ11? 9a(24) 9a(24; O) 9a(44) 9a(51) 9b(l) 9b(2; M2) 9b(4) 9b(5) 9b(6) WX pron. x?,n adv. 2# K»m n. no vb. nno vb. xrnra n. xniax n. x:sa n. xjnia n. i# too vb. 'nnn n. "n adj. xyaifc; n. xatf n. X^ adv. xnatf n. xrron adv. an' vb. #ns vb. nax vb. 1# '03 vb. -px vb. 'an adv. XJIOS n. '3'J13 n. 1BX prep. 'Xn '3 adv. tan vb. nay vb. yyn vb. xnn conj. 1# tfto vb. xa^n n. i# np vb. to: vb. X31B adv. 'tfp vb. "?n vb. 1# XSX n. XB10'3 n. i# 'rap vb. xjarn n. 3T'tf vb. 9b(7) 9b(15) 9b(16) 9b(19) 9b (20) 9b(22; L) 9b(23) 9b(24) (]) 9b(25) 9b(26) 9b(27) 10a(12) 10a(13; M2) 10a(14) 10a(24) 10a(29) xnytf n. xmp'm n. 'j?a vb. xru'j n. X'nn pron. xntfa n. ps: vb. i# mo vb. xnp'a n. X?'?. n. T8? adj. tf'Vp adj. 2# X'nn n. "1 conj. IIO1? adv. toy vb. '?'n '3 conj. xritona n. xnp'a n. xto'J n. XM'O n. nptf vb. XIII n. xrn'p n. 'to adj. X3? n. xri'nix n. XJ'30 n. nxtoa adj. 1? n. W'l n. i# ntf vb. i# nn: vb. iwn vb. 'Jp adj. x?ffi n. nxn vb. XJ3J31B n. xjcav n. tits; adj. '3a conj. '3'X n. X3»H n. 10a(32) 10b (7) 10b(35) 10b (45) 10b(45; M2 lla(l) lla(2) nx^'y. adj. xnppa n. i# onj vb. l"y vb. 2# xr'ya n. X3H adv. IX conj. XJ11X n. 2# xanx n. _ 1# XOn? n. KHB'1 n. lla(3; Mai 36:28) lla(3; M2) lla(49) 1 lb(6) llb(7) 1 lb(22) Ub(25) 12a(l) 12a(2) 12a(3) 12a(14) 12a(17) 12b(l) 12b(2) 12b(9) 12b(10) 12b(ll) 12b(ll;M2) 12b(12) 12b(13) x'^ya n. 2# xr'ya n. i# 'an vb. 1# 3X0 vb. an 'a na n. i# xato n. xmntf n. 1# xf?'1? n. xriytf n. XTn. i# nnn vb. DyB vb. '^ya adj. 2# n>a vb. Batf vb. 1# Xp'I n. 'to adj. xnisa n. X1? adv. DU vb. i# ':y vb. i# 'np vb. xnao n. mo vb. □10 vb. Xp part. ito vb. lOl?! n. XWSX n. xtoato n. i# xrnix n. 1321 Babylonian Talmud 12b (18) tbv vb. 12b (19) nyx vb. I2b(24) nna adv. 12b(26) oyBvb. nay vb. 12b(28) «]!' vb. 2# yns vb. 12b (47) X;S13'3 n. xnss n. 12b(48) xai'n. xria n. T'y vb. nBD vb. x;:s n. 2# 'to vb. 'nnn n. xyan num. 13a(l) n,SX vb. 13a(20) IX conj. 13a(35) xppart. i3a(40) -x mnn 'tb n. 13b(15; M2) xnn? n. ros vb. 13b (25) xriiton. 13b (26) n3n vb. nan vb. 13b(44) T'tf vb. 13b (45) l#'nxvb. 13b (46) X?'1? part. XJ/'Xa adj. 14a(3) pn vb. Xp part. 14a(9) xm'127 n. 14a(10) 1TX pron. Xpn'S n- 14a(21) xyxa adj. Bp: vb. 14b(l) nu vb. I4b(5) i# xanj n. 14b(15) 1# xns n. 14b(16) ]JX pron. 14b(21) jto vb. 15b(42) WX pron. 15b(43) 15b(45) 16a(18) 16a(19) 17a(10) 17a(ll) 17a(27) 17a(38) xrra'tfn n. 3Tq adj. VU'X pron. yn vb. xri^'jp (ri)'a n. XSU n. 1# 'Vj vb. xVl3 pron. nna prep. onp vb. XJTXri adv. i# xnan n. x:ns n. 1# IXa pron. V?3 adv. 17a(38;V17) tof adv. 17a(40.) 17b(3) 17b(21) 17b(30) 17b(31) 17b(40) 17b(41) 18a(5) 18a(33) 18a(39) 18b(7) 18b(10) 19a(46) 19a(48) 19b(l) 19b(2) 19b(7) 19b(10) 3# rtm vb. niWD'X adv. 2# nso vb. i# bbn vb. xnaj n. (')'apa prep. nao vb. "b na1? conj. xri"nixn adj. Dip vb. O'apa prep. y?p vb. yaiy vb. npanx num. i# np vb. np'an num. IpX vb. xnapx n. i# xnn: n. xrinix'a n. XJS3 n. xnrna n. xrnira n. 3# Xnp'X n. x^sa n. rj'33 adj. 'in adj. 19b(12) '3ni '?n adv. 19b(13) XTO'SK; n. 20a(35; M2) xnn? W'n n. 20a(36) XBSn'U n. xa? 'an? »'n n. 20a(38; Mai 79:20[Var]) X3X np'X n. 3B adj. XJlp'^3* n. XS'pip n. 20b(24) XnaiJ n. 2# Xn'J n. 20b(25) i# xrwr;x: n. yyn adj. 20b(26) Dip vb. 20b(27) 3# «ip: vb. 20b(29) 1# -|^a vb. yyn adj. 20b(30) '3S vb. 20b(31;M2) Wjn vb. 20b(40) 'Vya adj. 20b(4i) nan vb. xriipr n. xrntf'^p n. 20b (42) Xpninj n. i# mo vb. X3'y n. 20b(43) 2# nno vb. ?'5?1 adJ- 20b(44) 1# xV'X conj. n»3'X adv. '13 vb. ■»s?n n. xVl3 pron. x;:s n. 1# TIV vb. xn'Vw n. 20b(45) nxj'J n. 3n' vb. Npm n. xpiir; n. 20b(46) n,ao vb. 20b(48) xrilOX n. Ta'anit nai vb. XI13 n. i# 'Va vb. 20b(49) -n V3 pron. ]30 vb. n,ns vb. 20b(49; M2) 2# xns'K; n. 20b(50) -]n3 vb. 20b(51) 2#'Savb. n,nx vb. 21a(l) xV'n ns* n. W'S: adj. 21a(2) pnn vb. i# xriVa n. 21a(2; RaH, HG2 268:45,L [Mai]) 21a(3) 21a(4) 21a(5) 21a(6) 21a(6; V17) 21a(10) 21a(14) 21a(17) 21a(21) 21a(23) 21a(23; V17) 21a(24) 21a(25) 21a(26) X?1?? n- X31B adv. XpO'y n. Dip vb. 1# °71X vb. i# xn'ir>x n. yatf vb. DU vb. Dip vb. XJX pron. Xin pron. Dip vb. i# n.'ra vb. ny prep. 2# xanx n. xpxnp n. xnpo'x n. XTU'DD n. xmria n. ^s: vb. yaa vb. xoxnp n. 21a(40) ■nna/'xa^ppron. 'BB vb. i# pVo vb.
Ta'anit 1322 Babylonian Talmud 21a(41) 21a(42) 21a(43) 21a(43; Ar 21a(44) 21a(45) 21a(45; Ed) 21a(46) 21a(47) 21a(48) 21a(49) 21b(18) 21b(19) 21b(20) 21b(21) 1# ]XB pron. XS^B n. 10'i? n. ma vb. 2# X1V1 n. 1# Xli'1 n. 1# 'Va vb. XBSD n. [AC 6:143]) i# pio vb. i,nx vb. i# "]in vb. nxiT.T adj. 'Va adj. ISp vb. 1# X3X n. 'OT vb. X1H pron. xsin n. X1S? n. 1# 'TO vb. 1# Xff»0 n. 1# XV'J n. 1# XI'J n. in vb. xro'ia n. 2# 'Xa vb. XJ? '3 n. W33 vb. XDSO n. xip? n. 'Xn '^13 adv. 13? vb. '»a vb. xfiiai n. iao vb. Xfiiaa'W n. XfilDJ n. xV'3T n. idit vb. 1# X1B n. *?Xtf yb. xiap '3 n. 21b(23) 21b(24) 21b(25) 21b(27) 21b(29) 21b(32) 21b(33) 21b(34) 21b(36) 21b(37) 21b(38) 21b(38; M 21b(39) 21b(40) 21b(41) 21b(42) 22a(l) 22a(l; L) 22a(2) 22a(3) XW1?! n- i# oan vb. VXP vb. xriartf n. in vb. xxap n. I!11,! n- Xl'in n. xjfiia n. xaii xito'3 n. X'$B n. X3'X part. xxrria n. xjbix n. i# ns vb. Xfi1','tf n. '71X vb. xypi n. XB^C n. 'TIS'31 XBi' n. XOT'X n. Xfifi'X n. "linV prep. xyra n. 1# *730 vb. 2) V& vb. 2# XD'tfS n. (-)'BpB prep. 2# '13 vb. 1# X11T n. 1# TO vb. i# Vax vb. XplfiO'3 n. TpB vb. 1# 'p» vb. xisx n. ins vb. in? prep. I^n vb. Xplti n. XplfiO'3 n. '3ni 'DH adv. '11 pron. 22a(6) 22a(7) 22a(9) 22a(10) 22a(ll) 22a(ll; M 22a(12) 22a(13) 22a(14) 22a(15) 22a(15; Ar 22a(16) 22a(16; M2 22a(17) 22a(18) 'IP vb. •von vb. ybp vb. no: vb. 1# ]U vb. xro n. 1# X313 n. "flOl? n. xpitf n. 2) 1# ]X8 pron. '3,iix adv. ffin vb. DID vb. D31X adj. 1# X13 n. XDWn. 'fiXI xaVy n. 1# 'ai vb. 1# 'XB pron. Xiaiy n. iox vb. [AC 3:305]) Xjpra* n. XIIO'X n. i3j? vb. ) i# 'an vb. i# noa vb. "7X3 vb. 1# Kiy_ n. 'fiX vb. xnin n. xin 'ia n. 1# XJ'J? n. i# 'an vb. 22a(19; Ar [AC ib.]) OM2) 22a(20) 22a(21) xjrrcn n. *?ax vb. xpm n. XJXOB n. i# nn: vb. xriTtJ n. in vb. 22a(22) 22a(23) 22a(24) 22a(26) 22a(26; M 22a(47) 22a(47; M nX-HT adj. 1# 'XB pron. Xfil'TJ n. 1# rt>tf vb. rH3 adj. 2) ma vb. Nfljn n. a'S? adj. xbjx n. 2) 2# X313 n. XTJX n. 22a(50; LAr [AC 1:136]) 22b(6) 22b(17) 22b(18) 22b(19) 22b(20) 22b(26) xarx n. noa vb. *?y vb. "V prep. 1# '3 conj. m: vb. Xp part. tfrn vb. "7XK? vb. XfiS'to n. xaV"! conj. (-)'sxb prep. 1# Xfi1?'!? n. xi?? n- jn: vb. XTO n. 22b(26; Mai 93:21) 22b(27) 22b(49) 22b(50) 22b (50; Ar 2# XD'3 n. 013X prep. i# nn vb. XS1S n. nn vb. 1# X^a? n. Xyjpadj. 1# '3 conj. in n. 331 vb. [AC 1:136]) X3'r n. 22b(50; OHT ib. 31:7) X3Jn. Babylonian Talmud 1323 Ta'anit 23a(3; Ar [AC 4:286]) 2# XS3 n. 23a(43) 1# °?TX vb. X3'X part. 1# MJ vb. xaVn n. XJ/atf num. Xfi» n. 23a(44) Xaiin n. 2# 1VD vb. '13'a adv. yvi vb. 1J? prep. 23a(45) 1# X3X n. 1# *?3X vb. "n vb. X3iin n. (P'3'n '3 conj. mX7 prep. brm vb. 23a(46) 1# X13 n. i# nn vb. 3fi' vb. '03 vb. xirawa n. di: vb. 'S3 adv. i# xry n. xnrw n. 23a(47) 'in vb. 1# )XB pron. up: vb. Dip vb. Vnts vb. 23a(47; M2) X31in n: 23a(47; Ar [AC 7:281) X3D1n. 23a(48) 'XII adv. 23a(49) X13 1? n. Xin pron. ~b prep. Dip vb. 23a(50) XCH1B '3 n. 23a(51) 23a(52) 23a(53) 23a(54) 23a(55) 23a(55; M2) 23b(l) 23b(l; V17) 23b(l; M2) 23b(2) 23b(3) 23b(4) 23b(5) 23b(5; L) 23b(5; M) 23b(6) 23b(9) 23b(ll) ]D'n vb. 1# '3 conj. 2# in: vb. xnw n. 1# VlX vb. XJX pron. pIS vb. x;irnp n. 1# X13I1 n. "13 prep. xa vb. 'X conj. XfiW'B n. -|1X vb. '»ni n. 1# VlX vb. xiai n. Dip vb. pSI vb. XbVb n. XpS'1 n. 1# XSX n. 'fiX vb. 1,13 vb. Dp3 vb. '3'X n. 2# '11 vb. XJIVD n. XSfi? n. DID vb. xnarn n. 'DB vb. XfiB n. ps: vb. 'Vl vb. 'Vl vb. 1# '3 conj. TB^? prep. 'DB vb. V?y vb. VVp vb. xpir n. 1# p^D vb. 23b(12) 23b(12; V17) 23b(13) 23b(14) 23b(15) 23b(15; M2) 23b(16) 23b(20) 23b(21) 23b(22) 23b(24) 23b(25) 1# Xfi'V'? n. 'XI vb. XrVD't? n. XID'B n. 2# XS'J n. 1# in num. 1# Xfi'1?'? n. Xfi'lT n. i# fin: vb. VlDBX prep. IB n. mo vb. XBJD n. m*?y n. 2# US vb. NB'Vi n. 23b(26) "i Xfi^lX prep. 23b(27) 23b(29) 23b(30) 23b(31) 23b(32) 23b(34) 23b(34; L) 23b(34; M2) 23b(36) 23b(37) 23b(39) 23b(41; M2) i# xniix n. bXV vb. Xfiin n. O'BP prep. X^'13 adv. 1# pi3 vb. ptn vb. B'S: adj. x::? n. Dip vb. 3'1p adj. xri':nx n. ':via n. xfiiarw n. ai '3 n. Xfi13 13 n. xpir n. XID'B n. i# xax n. an' vb. _l? prep. Dp: vb. xVis'?; n. 'tn vb. Ton adj. «]J3 vb. 23b(42; Ar [AC 2:219]) Xp^W? n. 23b(43) xpp n. 23b(43; M2) X113J; n. 23b(44) '03 vb. 23b(45; M2) XB1?!? n. 23b(45; M) p'B? adj. xyrx n. 23b(45; M2) mil vb. 23b(45; Ar [AC 7:266]) Xp'lil n. 23b(46) HX'to: '31 n. XfilJJB n. 1J?X vb. 23b(46; M2) nvv vb. 23b (47) n>n vb. 1# Xj;i3 n. 23b(47; V17) Dp: vb. X^piD n. 23b(48) 1# Xfi'3 n. 1# XBq n. 2# ':y vb. Tfij; adj. n'327 adj. 23b(49) Xfi'3 '(I/J'X n. pm vb. Kb adv. V? prep. my vb. i# Vap vb. 23b(50; Ed) 2# n:3 vb. 23b (51) D3n vb. 'DD adj. 23b(52) p3W vb. 24a(5) XVI pron. 24a(9) "1"! pron. Din vb. 24a(i0) i# n:: vb. XfiD'1 n. 24a(12) ps: vb. 24a(12; V17) xVys n. 24a(13) Itin vb. 24a(13; LM2) 2# '10 vb.
Ta'anit 1324 Babylonian Talmud 24a(14) 24a(15) 24a(17) 24a(17; L) 24a(19) 24a(20) 24a(20; M 24a(21) 24a(21; M 24a(22) 24a(23) 24a(24) xjarn n. jnfc vb. '?ni '?n adv. 2# pi2 vb. KSVJ n. i# '13 vb. 2# xn"i3 n. i# nn vb. xisy. n. XHllX n. rf?s vb. 2) ux vb. 3JX prep. 1# X11X n. 1# XJV3 n. 2) 1# 'SB vb. 1# TO vb. 1# xVlJD n. 2# 'JO vb. ~\ na/'xa *?3pron. 24a(25) 24a(25; L) 24a (26) 24a(27) 24a(28) 24a(28; Ar 24a(29) 24a(30) 24a(31) 24a(35) 24a(36) 24a(38) 1# pbo vb. KtfW n. 1# Xni3 n. (")'Sj?0 prep. xT':n: n. piy vb. om vb. ISO vb. 57212; vb. PIS vb. i# xn';»y n. [AC 4:235]) XSV? n. 1# -n'3'I n. 1# p^D vb. X33 n. 1# Xn'V'y. n. nns vb. Xlfhia '3 n. nxTO '3i n. XlO'a n. iu vb. 1 24a(39) 24a(41; Ar 24a(42) 24a(42; Vn 24a(43) 24a(44) 24a(45) 24a(45; L) 24a(45; Ed) 24a(46) 24a(47) 24a(48) ' 24a(49) 24a(50) 24a(50; M) 24a(50; M2) 24a(51) 24a(51; M2) 24a(53) 24b(l) nx'toj n. i# xi3n n. [AC 7:179]) 1# Xj?j7 n. i# xia n. ) '3V13 n. P3B vb. 2# TO vb. W vb. rratf adj. 1# 111 vb. XDDlp n. xnV^x n. xroin n. XOTI'P n. PHI '1PP n. 2# TO vb. PIT! 'IP? n. 1# 'Ip vb. 1# X13 n. X1113 n. TTIg adj. 2# Xl'S n. D31S vb. i# np vb. intf vb. D"S vb. ytfs vb. 1# XTO n. D3n vb. mX7 prep. no vb. 1# *?pv vb. xrre/n. Xll'P n. 24b(6) 2# xnrna n. 24b(8) 24b(9) 24b(ll; M2) 24b(13) 24b(14) 24b(15) i# mis vb. Xl3iy n. n? adj- XJS? n. i# xry n. x^a© n. 1# '3 conj. 24b(16) 24b(17) 24b(18) 24b(19) 24b (21) 24b(21; V17) 24b(23) 24b(24) 24b(25) 24b(26) 24b(27) 24b(29) 24b(31) 24b(34) 24b(34; M) 24b(35) 24b(36) 24b(37) 24b(38) 24b(39) 24b(41) 24b(41; V17) 24b(42) ( y?y vb. TPP adj. xnnax n. mp vb. XS013 n. XJjaE) n. i# tfm vb. "b prep. 3in vb. xaty n. Dip vb. 2# KTS n. 'OT vb. xpxVa n. i# xbn n. 1# xrf?a n. XTao n. 2# X31X n. nn vb. xaVri n. 3D adj. 31B vb. xay. n. xjian n. xato n. X31 n. i# xi3J n. 1# K7J3 n. "Ill vb. yatf vb. Ij?'? n. XJD'l n. XW'O n. J13 vb. xana n. -\SV vb. 1# X3X n. in vb. xa^'n n. mo vb. "b prep. ')'ap_ prep. 1# 'JB> vb. 24b(43) 24b(43; V17) 24b (44) 24b (45) 24b (47) 24b (51) 24b(54) 24b(55; M2) 25a(l) 25a(l; M2) 25a(2) 25a(3) 25a(4) 25a(5) 25a(6) 25a(6; L) 25a(6; M) 25a(6; V21[gk 25a(8) 25a(10) 1# vbn vb. 2# xniS n. VII vb. 2# «|lt? vb. xrsp n. DEh vb. N?"! n. xprs n. 2# T1V vb. »)03 vb. 1# '11 vb. xniVs n. 1# Q"0 vb. °?ya vb. ton vb. 2# 130 vb. xnippx n. in pron. Xn33'K; n. XS10'3 n. nni part. X33 n. 1# 110 vb. «]DD vb. 1# XD'3 n. XBX n. Xtf"V n. 1# '^a vb. xaru n. xaru n. N^S n. Tin vb. i# xpa n. 3SS]) 2# KT18 n. 1# tox vb. na'X adv. 3,T vb. iy_ prep. iyx vb. X3ni n. 1# 'Xa pron. TJlj; adj. Babylonian Talmud 1325 Megilla 25a(10; Yal) 25a(U) 25a(12) 25a(15) 25a(17) 25a(19) 25a(20) 25a(21) 25a(22) 25a(22; M2) 25a(24) 25a(35) I 25a(36) xiws n. XJX13X n. 1# X?13 n. ipna adj. 13 conj. xtoy1? adv. 3'?5? adj. 1# «px vb. T]in pron. XJ'y n. 1# 'pax vb. 'nx vb. 1# X3'l n. IDS vb. XJlp n. 'oa vb. X1TC/3 n. X1TO3 n. rami xia n. oyo vb. i# xntoa n. i# ■nv vb. 1# VpiP vb. '33 vb. 25a(36; MGG 828:3) 25a(37) 25a(39) 25a(39; Ed) 25a(40) 25a(42) 25a(42; V17) 25a(43) in' vb. i# int) vb. XfflDX n. X1U n. i# xn'xis n. 1# '13 vb. ito vb. xnytf n. lax vb. IX conj. IPS'X adv. "1 conj. "n vb. 'Xn 'tos adv. xjira n. i# xiru n. jjy vb. xapisx n. '?! adj. toll!/ vb. 25a(43; MGG 828:8) xivnn n. 25a(44) XJllSX n. 1# Xl'J n. 3# '1J vb. 25a(44; MGG 828:9) xtoplpOX n. 25a(44; M2) piD vb. 25a(44; MGG 828:10) D3J vb. 25a(44; MGG 828:9) 1# *7p2J vb. 25a(46) X.1 interj. ]13 vb. in n. 1# 'ip vb. 25a(46; M2) X3'1? n. X113'X n. 25a(48) '03 vb. 25a(51) 'invb. i# ytoj vb. (-)'ap prep. 25a(52) 'nx vb. XJJ2? n. i# -nv vb. 25b(38; Geon 345:8) XllJ'X n. 25b(38; TGAs42 156:12) I'asprep. 25b(39) 1'3 prep. 25b(40; V21) itfn vb. 25b(40; V17) nfry adj. 25b(41) Xja n. J?33 vb. 25b(46) d?V vb. 25b(52) 2# 'OT vb. 25b(53) 'nti vb. 26a(2) XTO'JS (n)'3 n. 26b(32) 2# 01S vb. 26b(35) fpn vb. 26b(38) Xpi'S n. 26b(39) 26b(41) 27a(2) 27a(3) 27b(34) 27b(36) 27b(40) 27b(44) 28a(l) 28b(3) 28b(5) 28b(14) 28b(23) 'T vb. 'a: adv. T»P adj. iyp: vb. xnoapx n. XplOS n. XplOS n. pDS vb. ybi vb. pOS vb. xnni n. 'm vb. *nil3 prep. □ip vb. ixb> adv. xVVn n. in vb. 1# 'ip vb. xnr tf'i n. 28b(23; HP 37:6) 28b(24) 28b(25) 28b(50) 29a(l) 29a(19) 29a(20) 29a(35) 29a(35; M2) 29a(42) 29a(43) 29a(44) 29b(l) 29b(2) 29b(3) X113'S n. pOS vb. jVl vb. 'in vb. 1# X13PI n. nJX pron. 3in vb. '3X vb. '?? adj- 1# 'Va vb. xnu5?iis n. xrfrnnx n. 'e;d vb. XIJ'X n. ^xa vb. ma vb. °?D3 vb. 'rxito' is n. 2X n. XJ"! n. '13 adj. xVja n. J7'l adj. 29b(14) 29b(34) 30a(19) 30b(37) 31a(13) 31 '3 n. 1# XISp n. 01*7 vb. Xin3 adj. Vll vb. XS'X n. 13p vb. Megilla 2a(19) 2a(24) 2a(28) 2a(30) 2a(39) 2a(49) 2b(21; L) 2b(29; M) 2b(30) 2b(32) 2b(42) 2b(48) 3a(27) 3a(28) 3a(28; M2) 3a(29; M2) 3a(32) 3a(40) 3a(42) 3a(43) 3a(44) 3a(52) 3b(13) (Tap1? prep. Ipy vb. ]ni n. rai vb. 1# 'Xil pron. 1031» num. nxna'no adj. V73 adv. pOD vb. 1031X num. "1 conj. xn':na n. 1# '13 adv. X1W11 n. jm vb. x'n: n. i# xnV'a n. BIS vb. nno vb. xW?Xconj. inrx pron. ti? adj- ny3 vb. in vb. x'tjd n. XT13 n. 1# °?1X vb. 1# x'f'X conj. 2# 'pi vb. XJ'3? n. xrnp '3 n. Xipil n. ]'BK/ adj. ps: vb. T12 adj.
Megilla Babylonian Talmud 3b(27) 3b(42) 4a(9) 4a(10) 4a(24) 4a(27; L) 4b(3) 4b(17) 4b(18) 4b(19) 4b(20) 4b(47) 4b(49) 5a(4) 5a(32) 5a(33) 5a(34) 5a(36) 5a(39) 5b(12) 5b(13) 5b(18) 5b(28) 5b(28; Ed) 5b(29) 5b(35) 5b(43) 5b(44) 5b(45) 5b(47) 1# X0'3 n. D01S vb. XBVya adv. ■?S3 vb. ysti vb. xrnix n. 1# 'ip vb. XrKfhS n. n'X part. aip vb. iorrp n. XBi' n. Nnv n. HSX vb. xnn'p n. '38 pron. 1# "7TK vb. tna adv. xrra adv. xisiy n. xriujnra n. trip vb. xjB'i n. wvn n. 'm vb. Vhix conj. '3a pron. 'Dp adj. yv: vb. "lO'an num. i# xrtoa n. Xjri'3 n. i# xnis n. i# 'to vb. -ai' is n. nax vb. natf vb. xratf n. '0*7 vb. i# xrrVjn n. 1D31X num. 1# pBO vb. IX conj. 5b(50) 5b(51) 5b(52) 5b(55) 5b(55; G) 6a(4) 6a(5) W- n- 1# n» n. 'an pron. 1# 133 vb. '03 vb. awa prep. i# np vb. Wti vb. x;"?P n. 1# XTI3 n. i# xnpn n. pna vb. 6a(5; Ar [AC 4:262]) 6a(5; M2Ar 6a(7; M) 6a(8; M) 6a(9) 6a(12) 6a(29) 6a(30) 6a(33) 6a(34) 6a(35) 6a(44) 6a(45) 6b(3) 6b(4) 6b(5) 6b(6) 6b(10) 6b(ll) 6b(12) 6b(29) 6b(36) i# xnr? n. [AC 4:262]) 2# X13'3 n. P'ria adj. XDn adv. ISO vb. Xjinjt n. 1# p'jD vb. XJISO n. «H3? adj. 'in vb. i# xnpx n. XfllX n. x^rns n. pn vb. 1# '3T vb. Dip vb. X?1?!? n. 1# IDp vb. xwna n. '3H pron. yiB vb. TIB vb. xny'jp n. Xjatf n. Tin vb. 1# X0T3 n. Dip vb. i# xriVa n. n'X part. 6b (37) 6b(54) 6b(55) 6b(60) 7a(15) 7a(16) 7a(38) 7a(43) 7a(45) 7a(46) 7a(47) 7a(49; G) 7a(50) 7a(53) 7b(l) 7b(3) 7b(4) 7b(5) 7b(7) 1# XOTB n. XpW n. nprj'tf num. ion vb. i# nx vb. 7ao vb. ff?n vb. y?y vb. 3fl3 vb. X^X conj. (-)n'V part. X3V? n. Xn30 n. "1 xnjnx prep. 1# VB1 vb. xpripns n. I^n adj. 3D adj. xrfrsTs n. X3Sn. XBDX n. 1# X313 n. nx'»3 n. 1# K31J n. 1# XpOD n. 'Va adj. XStfp n. X3TC73X n. 1# X03 n. xriap n. 1# xblpn n. nx^pn n. i# nm vb. Xj"333! n. xprwo n. 'Va adj. xronx xriVsi'? n. 7b (7; LG) 7b(8) 7b(9) 7b(10) 7b(ll) 1# Xppp n. «n$ adj. 1# K;"?in n. xsnin n. ysfr vb.- DJTTI adv. 7b(12) 7b(14) 7b(15) 7b(16) 7b(17) 7b(18) 7b(20) 7b(21) 7b(21; M2) 7b(22) 7b(23) 7b(24) 7b(27) 7b(28) 7b(29) 7b(30) 7b (34) 7b (50) 8a(5) 8a(19) 8a(38) 8b(9) 9b (39) xra n. snp vb. X^S n. X1B1? n. 3# X&B n. X!?Xn. Xfl'tf num. 1# 003 vb. T9? adJ- xmri n. xaws n. n'3» adj. Tin pron. *fm vb. xmiyo n. 003 vb. iy prep. 1# XH1S n. 003 vb. Dip vb. onv vb. nos vb. "n vb. Tjy vb. W] n. 'flX vb. xabi; n. »m vb. xriytf n. 1# i133 vb. i# -inx vb. xtf-na'? n. mo vb. xrnix n. 1# XriO'3 n. 'TX pron. ISp vb. "X prep. ■1 ]XB3 conj. '*? prep. XtfYI n. 1# Xlp n. XP'l n. Babylonian Talmud Megilla 9b(41) 9b(49) 10a(30) 10a(45; LM 10b (23) 10b(32; G) 10b (33) 10b(41) 10b (42) 10b(48) 10b(50) Ua(12) Ua(14) lla(45) lla(48) " lla(49) llb(l) 1 lb(2; G) llb(4) 1 lb(9) llb(16) llb(20) llb(23) 1 lb (25) llb(26) llb(39) llb(41) llb(42) llb(43) 1 lb(48) llb(50) 303 vb. X3H adv. 3np vb. xrny'sx n. !) 'TC? vb. XS'X part. '3i1 adv. xnri's n. nrs vb. KX) adv. xnirn? n. xnri's n. xriKhs n. nn vb. xrrcns n. xnri's n. xriiD1?? n. xnri's n. Tff adj. I lX1? 'X conj. 1# T^B vb. 'lVy prep. XS'X part. T1D vb. 1# p"?0 vb. VIV adj. #33 vb. i# mv vb. 'ytJ vb. xtfan num. xn part. TO adv. pS3 vb. vm) vb. KH part. X1B3 n. X3X? n. i# '^a vb. pns vb. Xjntf num. XWipa '3 n. '3B vb. 1S3 vb. llb(50; LG) llb(54) llb(55) 12a(2) 12a(3) 12a(ll) 12a(15; G) 12a(19) 12a(20) 12a(21) 12a(31) 12a(37) 12a(37; CG) 12a(48) 12b(l) 12b(19) 12b(21) 12b(22) 12b(22; G) 12b(23) 12b(24) 12b(25) 12b(26) 12b(26; M) 12b(28) 12b(29) XD^'n n. TS3 adj. m'X pron. np31X num. ipin num. 1# l^a vb. X^lpB '3 n. '33 vb. IX conj. X33»m n. 'yD vb. 1DX prep. 'X conj. x3-isn n. x?1?? n. )B prep. p'Cn adj. 0"S vb. TIB vb. Xlin n. i# xnT n. 3# xnn n. '3 prep. 4# xnp n. xrxis n. xrnrns n. pbl vb. N7HWX n- 1# X13 n. ^i?,1? prep- X3XT X3X n. i# xnan n. in vb. 'dk; vb. ]33T n. V?l vb. H3T vb. nss vb. i# x-jan n. nDS vb. '33 prep. ]13'X pron. x;t]" n- 12b(41; G) 12b(43) 1# "1 12b(45) 12b(50; GL) 12b(51) 13a(l) 13a(2) 13a(4) 13a(9) 13a(14) 13a(22) 13a(30) 13a(37) 13a(48) 13a(48; G) 13a(49) 13b(7) 13b(7; G) 13b(8) i# xnan n. X»3T1S n. 2# xrnp n. i# xrin? n. ]xa 'rs pron. on' vb. i# anx vb. T]TX pron. 2# XO'3 n. xVaVx conj. T> vb. i# era vb. *nys n. 2# '3p vb. 1# n3 vb. nno vb. "1 conj. 1# '3T vb. i# np vb. •i nib conj. XTtq n. 2# xVrro n. xjns n. Ma n. '^1 vb. xmiis n. WB conj. 303 vb. 1# X3X n. V3' vb. 13b(8;MGG 517:11) 13b(9) nXBT n. p"tX adj. 1# nw vb. 13b(10;MGG 517:12) 13b(U) 2# '30 vb. XrjIXBT n. 1# 'XB pron. 13b(ll; MGG 517:13) 13b(12) Tjy vb. xnnx n. n'X part. ]B prep. 13b(13) 13b(14) 13b(16) 13b(38) 13b(40) "1 13b(41) 13b(41; L) 13b(41) 13b (42) 13b(43) 13b(44) 13b(45) tff'iyp adj. 1# '3 conj. Vnr vb. XD10'3 n. xrron adv. iy prep. 1# 1XB pron. m3'3 pron. B'3 adj. 1XB 'Xn pron. yr vb. i# -yv vb. xnVx n. 2# 'V3 vb. 2# 'B0 vb. Tjy vb. n'X part. xm&n n. ]33n n. XS'X part. xruna n. 'TO prep. 303 vb. 1# '13 vb. T1 vb. V\V vb. 13b(45; HeG) pS3 vb. 13b(46) 14a(30) 14b(l) 14b(9) i# x"nw* n. Xpl»3 adv. X31D adv. ]"T vb. xjppa n. 14b(13; CAr [AC 8:180]) 14b(14) 14b(16) 14b(17) 14b(20) I^S vb. i# xrro n. 2# «)1D vb. *?SV vb. '3'n adv. ',TX pron. '33 vb. '33"7 prep. 14b(33; Ed) XniTn^ n. 14b(38; M 2) XT1T n.
Megilla 1328 Babylonian Talmud 14b(39) TTPadj. 14b(39; Ed, Rashi) 'JO adj. 14b(40) XrniS'T n. 1# X:TO3-13 n. 14b(49) 031X adj. T'J vb. 2# 0"D vb. 1# XJJIS n. 14b(50) 1# X13 n. 'in vb. 1# X?ni n. 15a(l) l#X3Xn. WIS vb. 15a(16) XTOiajn. 15a(18) ehS vb. 15a(21) Vtyvb. 15a(23) l#«pXvb. "I»K vb. Xp part. 15a(25) 3#'3Jvb. XpVp n. 15a(35) Xai'n. 2# xaipiy n. xnps n. 15b(2;G) XB'NBn. 15b (44) XTOX n. 15b(48) nxa num. 15b(50) XniHTI n. YT vb. X3'1? n. "?£U vb. bap vb. 15b(51) l#trinum. Dm vb. 15b (52) '3? prep. xjto'b n. 16a(5) 'Hpron. Xpiti n. 16a(6) Xmpoi n. 16a(7) 3,Tvb. 16a(8) 371' vb. (Tap prep. 16a(13) 16a(14) 16a(16) 16a(16; G) 16a(17) 16a(17; L) 16a(17) 16a(18) 16a(18; M2) 16a(18; He) 16a(18; G) 16a(19) 16a(20) 16a(21) 16a(22) 16a(23) 16a(23; G) 16a(24) W? "■ XW^pa '3 n. X133 n. i# xxaip n. 'y3 vb. "?3' vb. 1p' vb. n?xb n. XJ01D n. 331 vb. '3n pron. fab vb. bbl vb. xixa n. x;ja n. xriD^a n. 'no vb. tfatf vb. 1# bpv vb. 'STIX adv. x:aix n. '33 '3 n. yix vb. 1# TIP vb. 2# HXH n. 1# X11T n. i# -mo vb. xrm n. 1# TO vb. rux vb. ■im vb. 3'tfn adj. B31? vb. xva n. 1# bpv vb. "1 conj. 1# X^'n n. W'Vn adj. 1# pbo vb. Dy3 vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# pbo vb. Xp part. 16a(27) 16a(27; G) 16a(28) 16a(29) 16a(34) 16a(39; G) 16a(41) 16a(44) 16a(45) 16a(46) 16b(9) 16b(24) 16b(24; G) 16b(25) 16b(33) 16b(34) 16b(35) 17a(5) 17a(ll) 17a(13) 17a(15) 17a(18) 17a(21) 17b(16) xna'x n. xb'3© n. vpi vb. 1# X3X n. XX'XX n. X0'3 '3 n. 130 vb. 1# H» vb. *?3' vb. 2# 'jp vb. V1X vb. in? prep. X#'X n. xjrioa n. 'OT vb. npy vb. i# ntf vb. TpS vb. '11 interj. XlTj? n. "3 prep. XJB'T n. ■no vb. XJ77 n. XJ11TX3 n. '7T! pron. 11 conj. 1# XS'pT n. nna vb. xriaip: n. na» vb. 1# XB'pJ n. «ipt vb. i# xns n. 1031X num. XTI part. ■ft' vb. 10J)'I> num. »a» vb. toy vb. 1# 'HP vb. iax vb. Xron n. 17b (34) 17b(43) 17b (47) 18a(23) 18a(24) 18a(26) 18a(28) 18a(30) 18a(34) 18a(36) 18a(40) 18a(41) 18a(42) 18a(43) 18a(45) 18a(46) 18a(47) 18a(48; M 18b(16) 18b(25) 18b(33) 18b (34) 18b(36) 18b(37) ■jao vb. xnVnnx n. XJTChS n. 1# 'Xa pron. xpintpn n. K^lbo n. xapn. xpiwpn n. Xa1??? adv. U'TI pron. 'ai vb. XJl'JTO n. XH part. mby (,i)'Vi3 n. 1BX prep. ]«'X pron. 1# X0'3 n. Dons vb. 1# XriBX n. yatf vb. XpO'S n. ma vb. xrnsns n. TBn vb. XJ1B n. 2# 'Tt vb. Xja'l n. XyjB adj. X130 n. XJ303 n. N?'T n. 1# 'Itf vb. 2) 'OXB vb. XJTBXB n. 1# bpv vb. nx-pir adj. '»P adj. X1? adv. OU vb. 121 vb. 1# 'jy vb. TID vb. XplOB n. Babylonian Talmud 1329 Megilla 18b(39) 18b(51) 1# np vb. XIB'O n. i# onj vb. xao n. xrnpp n. XBP n. 18b(51; CMV45:9) 18b(51; M2) 19a(l) 19a(2) 19a(27) 19a(34; G) 19a(49) 19a(55; G) 19a(56) 19b(5) 19b (7) 19b(25) 19b(28) 19b(31) 19b(38) 19b(43) 20a(9) 20a(17) 20a(36) 20a(38) 20b(5) 20b (6) 20b(12) 2# xail n. i# xaip n. i# xrnn n. i# nVa vb. TDX vb. xpna n. nap vb. ri'X part. 1# Oil vb. |BT vb. □ll£?a prep. isna adj. ■W'?a adj. 'jax conj. XniB n. xnia n. Tjy'lH adv. xnjn n. Dip vb. 'BT vb. 1# 'XB pron. Dip vb. iVpX conj. X3T n. Tiy adv. Vpi vb. 1# taB vb. xai' n. '3B conj. 3# any vb. Dip vb. XPB'P n. i# xfr1? n. «l"in vb. -\vn vb. Dtp vb. 20b(40) 21b(7) 21b(12) 21b(18) 21b(24) 21b(30; G) 21b(43) 21b(44) 21b(46) 21b(47) 22a(ll) 22a(16) 22a(26) 22a(27) 22a(32) 22a(36) 22a(39) 22a(42) 22a(45) 22a(46) 22a(48) 22a(49) 22a(49; L) 22a(50; G) 22a(50) 22b(l) 22b(5) 22b(7) 22b(16) 22b (17) 22b(18) 22b(25) tipi vb. xnyi n. 33n vb. XJljr'? n. Dtp vb. (-pap1? prep. 1BX vb. 1# XJTl'3 n. i# mv vb. 113 vb. XplOS n. XJJ31X num. WIS vb. XplOS n. xayo n. &1 vb. xmri n. y?p vb. pSl vb. xroVn n. 'n'l pron. onn vb. XlB'p n. i# np vb. '7.3'a adv. XJH3 n. i# np vb. xj;-ix n. 3'OT adj. XJH3 n. -at vb. >]D3 vb. psi vb. Xil part. 'nx vb. XJB'D n. tjpi vb. 1# X13rl n. 1# 'SB vb. XV?3 n. 1# XSX n. xaty (ni'Vis n. *?m vb. 22b(34) 22b(38) 22b(45) 23a(l) 23a(19) 23a(20) 23a(21) 23a(27) 23a(32) 23a(33) 23b(3) 23b(5) 23b(26) 23b(27) 23b(37) 24a(13) 24a(17) 24a(38) 24a(39) 24b(9; L) 24b(28) 24b(30) 24b(42) 25a(7) 25a(16) 25a(19) 25a(21) 25a(25) 25a(30) 25a(34) 25a(35; L) 25a(36) 25a(37) X-113'X n. xjrua n. 1# y^B vb. Vs: vb. 1# '^X vb. xni'p n. "3 prep. DJT prep. )B prep. cbv vb. X13iy n. 1# p^O vb. xr^y n. 'JO adj. Dip vb. TX3 adj. xjjix rnix n. -!\VK pron. XSU n. jVl vb. bb? adv. 'S3 vb. 'x: vb. X331X* n. '3? adj. Xinri pron. 2# 013 vb. xriwrw n. XjiJBX n. in vb. i# nm vb. 1# 'XH pron. 'XT vb. Tin vb. 3J1D vb. noil adj. pnv vb. 1# Xri1?'!? n. XplOS n. ]13 vb. 2# xnsnx n. xrirnn n. 25a(37; LGM) 25a(38) 25a(47) 25b(2) 25b(6) 25b(ll) xnsna n. xns: n. twn vb. B'lffS adj. 'T vb. «■??:n- X-113'X n. 25b(14; MEd) J1S vb. 25b(16) 25b(36) 25b(40) 25b(42) 25b(43) 26a(ll) 26a(15) 26a(17) 26a(18) 26a(23) 26a(42) 26b (2) 26b(3) 26b (6) 26b (7) XH?? n. IP 13 prep. -a 131? prep. XJlUX'b n. Vxito' 12 n. 1# '13 vb. Va'J n. 'JO adj. xj^aw n. ytin. xiymv n. 'Xnpx adv. Xinri pron. XB^B adv. XriB n. "I xnjnx prep. XVI pron. m vb. nBlI adj. xyTix niix n. 1# XI'BCTX n. 1# XsVlJ n. 1# X3»a n. p3» vb. XJJIX n. xrnp'13 (ni'3 n. ym vb. xrrcn? tn)'3 n. '33 vb. ain vb. 26b(7; G) p'ny adj. 26b(8) 26b(10) 26b(ll) 26b(12) Xlltf? n. 2# IK vb. xriiyiys n. XJ11? 'XH '3 adv.
Megilla 1330 Babylonian Talmud 26b(14) 26b(15) 26b(15; 26b (16) 26b(17) 26b(18) 26b(19) 26b (22) 26b(30) 26b(31) 26b(34) 26b (3 5) 26b(36) i# ■nv vb. XflOTlj? n. VI2) UX vb. ptfa vb. xnti'33 (n)'3 n. *f?n vb. xnr?1? n. i# V?n vb. p'fly adj. xnwnp n. lax vb. 'It! adj. 10X vb. ID interj. xtf'ia adv- X^pilS n. isy vb. 2# D1S vb. DDT vb. 1# ■•bl vb. XJ11 n. D1T adj. nOIT adj. x;piis n. lay vb. 26b(36; M2) XO'IS n. 26b(37) 26b(38) X;"3T n. xrnop n. xis'p n. XPBin num. 26b(38; GM2) XIS'O n. 26b(39) 26b(40) 26b(42) 26b(44) 26b(49) xioap n. xjiitx n. xatya adv. XrHTM n. lay vb. XJllTX n. n/is vb. □Tin adv. XJOID n. Vd'jD vb. i# jiru vb. 13?-} '3 n. 26b(50) xritf':3 (ri)'3 n. 27a(l) 27a(12) 27a(15) 27a(16) 27a(18) 27a(22) 27a(25) 27a(26) 27a(29; L) 27a(40) 27a(40; M2 27a(41) 27a(42) 27a(46) 27a(47) 27a(47; G) 27b(7) 27b(8) 27b(34) 27b(38) 27b(40) 27b(44) 27b(44; G) 27b(45) 27b(45; G) nao vb. 'oni n. 'Vy vb. 'ai vb. X^7 n. 1# '3 conj. yaw vb. 113 vb. XlS'0 n. 1# XS1 n. plS vb. xrrax n. L) X'010311 n. 1# XtflS n. X311X n. XCTTS n. 1# X13 n. 1U vb. 1# 'Bl vb. xria n. '3? adj. an' vb. o:is vb. xmi adv. X3'X part. i# yap vb. XiPIWVTj? n. Vip vb. x^"aw n. vrn vb. X3',l adv. xr;an n. i# xxin n. ptfa vb. XCTTp n. 10X vb. xnn n. tf'J'X n. fU adj. dbd vb. 1# V?3 vb. 1 27b(45) 27b(46) 27b(47) 28a(I6) 28a(18) 28a(18; G) 28a(19) 28a(21) 28a(22) 1# -1 28a(25; CAr 28a(28) 28a(32) 28a(33) 28a(45) 28a(46) 28b(8) 28b(20) 28b(24) 28b(25) 28b(26) 28b(27) 28b(28) 1# nXT«7 n. 'nx vb. xrcra n. 1# 'M vb. aw vb. 1# pbo vb. 2# xnis n. ISp vb. 2# rf?ti vb. X1? adv. xsra n. i# xia n. op: vb. 2# 'T! vb. ton vb. ip' vb. XTllV'T n. rn adj. 2# XniS n. ]Na °73 pron. lyx vb. [AC ib.]) 2# XTTIl n. paw vb. nx'to: 'a n. xruria n. i# uw vb. ]BT vb. TIK vb. xnisnrc? n. isi vb. xaw n. 13?1 '3 n. xrf?i n. XID'B n. V?y vb. Xro^'il n. xjrrrx n. xnyaw n. xjnp'x n. V?y vb. -px vb. 1 28b(30) 28b(31) 28b(32) 28b(33) 28b(34) 28b(35) 28b(37) 28b(38) 28b(38; 28b(39; 28b(39; 28b(40) 28b(44) 28b(45) 28b(46) 28b(47) 29a(7) 29a(9) 29a(l0) 29a(12) 29a(13) 29a(23) xsiix n. 2# Xlp n. '?? "13 n. XplDS n. XTSOn n. Dip vb. Xntf'33 (TD'3 n. xrrw n. ISO vb. XljT n. ISO vb. -ion vb. ISO vb. xrnw n. xrisV'n n. 132*1 n. G) 3*) '31 XlS'0 n. VI) 'X interj. 3M) XJX n. 'in vb. 1'pn adj. 'VB adj. xis'p n. XS713 n. lay vb. 2# xaipiy n. 331 vb. 2# bQS vb. 2# iyD vb. tf'i?1? adj. 1# 'TO vb. ibi vb. yap vb. XllS'tf n. i# x^iax n. Tin vb. XIO'O n. i# 'ip vb. xiiyw n. X*lVy,-3 ("1)'3 n. 29a(23; iSGF 73:3) i# xrrcj'33 n. Babylonian Talmud 1331 Mo'ed Qatan 29a(25) 29a(29) 29a(30) 29a(34) 29a(39) 29a(41) 29a(41; G) 29b (7) 29b(16) 29b(26) 29b(32) X3n adv. '3m '3,1 adv. pa'T adv. mxn n. yatf vb. nya vb. xtfi'i n. Xtf'lB adv. 2# 'Vx vb. yaw vb. i# nn vb. 3# ipi vb. 2# '11 vb. 11X n. xaVwa adv. KIWIS n. 1# 'Bl vb. 29b(33; MLAr [AC 2:306]) XBA n. 29b(34) XIT'llX n. 1# X13 n. m<7 prep. 1# p*70 vb. 29b(39) 'X conj. ^n pron. ya» vb. 29b(40) 1#"10 vb. 29b(41) xni?n n. yatf vb. 29b(43) 1# 'ip vb. 30a(2) xn'tf num. 30a(19) 110 adv. 30a(20) ps: vb. iy prep. 30a(31) nx; pron. ybp vb. 30b(10) X3'X part. xVin n. 30b(ii) xrinra n. xr?:y n. 30b(12) X;S13'3 n. 30b(13) XBV n. X?3S n. 30b(14) 30b(15) 31a(8) 31a(ll) 31a(14) 31a(15) 31a(35) 31a(36) 31a(40) 31a(41) 31a(42) 31a(45) 31b(ll) 31b(12) 31b(30;G) 32a(8) 32a(9) 32a(27) 32a(28) 32a(32; G) XTQ'X n. X1SX n. IDS vb. X3?3'l num. XSS'X n. n'X part. xiaia n. XJTXn adv. Ml vb. i# i^a vb. Ql adv. IDS vb. i# np vb. IDS vb. 1# X1313 n. y^P vb. Vari'X adv. XB1?!? n. IDS vb. nnx n. DJ8J vb. XS'X part. X3'V part. 1# X^p n. )'X part. X131 n. 1XV adv. □03 vb. Mo 'ed Qatan 2a(14) 2a(24) 2a(25) 2a(26) 2a(29) 2a(30) 2a(31) 2b(3) 2b(12) 2b(13) Vsi vb. xriinx n. yatf vb. xriun^a n. XTOS n. xn'iin n. niD vb. 1# 1XB pron. 1# 'Bl vb. "Tl pron. TI113 prep. xyix n. 'a: adv. 'Dl vb. 2b(15) 1# XTS n. nax vb. 3a(23) xa>3;3 adv. 3a(27) 1# XCTp^p n. 3a(28) 2# '13 vb. 2# X1?'? n. 3b(4) 'T1X vb. 3b(6) XD1S n. 4a(5) XriS^'n n. 4a(32; L) pOS vb. 4a (3 6) 'ntf vb. 4a(38) pOS vb. 4a(43; F 1,1 69) vtym n. 4b(l) 1# fpv vb. 4b(7; Ar [AC2:125],GC 77:6) X3113 n. 4b(10) XB13n. 4b(ll) p'jny adj. 4b(19) 'X13X adv. 4b(21) 1# bpv vb. 4b(30) xni'D n. I'm adj. Xp part. 4b(3i) pay vb. 4b(33) 1# '13 vb. ooa vb. i# xin: n. fW vb. 4b(34) D'BD adj. mp vb. 5a(34) X'113 adv. 5a(38) 130 vb. 5a(41) X1BJ n. 5a(42) -|B0 vb. 5a(54) xVl3 pron. '»p vb. Xbl'l n. 5b(14) ion vb. 5b(32) XByp n. 5b (40) 1"X vb. 5b (42) 'X13X adv. 'XI? adv. 6a(7) xriB n. 1# '81 vb. 6a(16) 1# Vsp vb. 6a(17) '?'3 'J'3 adv. 6a(37) Vn vb. 6a(41; V) 6b(23) 6b(47) 6b(48) 7a(12) 7a(22) 7a(24) 7a(28) 7b(l) 7b(6) 7b(17) 7b(20) 8a(l) 8a(12) 8a(34) 8a(34; G) 8a(35) 8b(13) 8b(15) "I Xa3 ^3 conj. VSX adj. «pn adj. T31 vb. X3'V part. 1# X13'y n. Xllp'J n. 2# X^BJ n. 2# XlX'a n. 1# X3S1 n. 2# ino vb. yia vb. Xrill'Dl n. i# xn1?'a n. XKI1X n. X13'X adv. 2# '^J vb. "1 'KB pron. 'BB vb. Tff adj. i# nn vb. X3iya n. XJIDO n. xay Vs n. X3'1? n. TIB adj. i# xripo's n. 1# X13 n. 64:21]) 2#X,llJn. 9a(3) xni'D n. 1# Xlp'y n. 9a(ll) IDlvb. 9a(12) T'tf vb. 9a(14; Sidra 9 140:18) 1# Xpll n. 9a(22) 1# "73X vb. 9a(42) IDS vb.
Mo'ed Qatan 1332 Babylonian Talmud 9a(43) xrniX n. 9a(49) 1# 'm vb. 9b(8) 1# "PTX vb. 'in vb. 9b(9) xrnyi n. 9b(10) yiT vb. ixn vb. pS3 vb. V?y vb. 9b(ll) l#XPS«hXn. 1# XJV3 n. tata vb. 3in vb. an' vb. xaVy. n. 9b(12) 'invb. '33^ prep. xnira n. 9b(12; VL) mn adj. 9b(12; MGG 466:13) SM 104:10) xp'^n. 9b(13) 'ya vb. •pa vb. 9b(14) 'Dm '3n adv. nys vb. 9b(i5) xriaia n. 'nrj pron. 9b(15; SM 104:13) xnns n. 9b(16) ir vb. 9b(17) xrr>3 n. ma vb. 9b(17; Sidra 9 148:6) ■?a-ix vb. 9b(19) l#Tinvb. '33^ prep. 9b(19; Sidra 9 148:7) 1# WSU vb. 9b(20) 8«in pron. 9b(22) Va'ja vb. xnws n. 9b(23) XJW'X n. 9b(23; MGG 466:13) fUJl'lD n. 9b(24; Sidra 9 148:12) 'V7 vb. 9b(24; MGG 466:13) xjtois n. 9b(25) XJTiyi n. 9b(26) Kna-13 n. 9b(31) xrf?3n. 9b(31; Sidra 9 148:20) mp vb. 9b(34) x"73B n. Dm vb. 9b(46) X13'X n. i# xrna n. i# bsv vb. 9b(46; V) 031X adj. 9b(48) TO vb. 9b(48; Sidra 9 152:2) i# xrna n. 9b(49) 2# X^SC! n. 10a(6) 2# xria1?? n. 10a(34) j"7S vb. 10a(35) 1# 'ba vb. 10a(39; GC 77:4) XlipJ* n. 10a(40) XJ'y ra n. 10a(46) -\pi vb. kvpi n. 10a(47) XJ'y T13 n. mX7 na1? conj. 10a(48) 'SB adj. 1# XnilS n. mn vb. 10a(49) Xiytal xVin n. ipi vb. N'tH n. 10a(49; Sidra 9 156:1) P13 prep. 10a(50) 1# V?n vb. I0b(i) x;nn n. iob(2) 2# xnan n. XnSlD n. Dip vb. 10b(2; Sidra 9 156:9) xjinp n. 10b(3) '33 vb. iob(4) i# xnix n. XJD10 n. 2# plO vb. iob(5) xaprx n. xrmpx n. 10b(6) XOT n. 1# VpE7 vb. 10b (9) 1# 003 vb. xarp n. 10b(9; Sidra 9 156:15) ppl vb. 10b(ll) 1# XTID'p n. 10b(13) X^-IX n. 'T! '3 n- 10b(14) "1 xnyiX prep. 2# X^ia n. 10b(16) 2# Ktyta n. 1# XX3 n. 1# 'TO vb. 10b(16; Sidra 9 158:2) xoaa n. 10b(17) '3'S n. 10b(17; HP 177:5) X'3'T n. '3T vb. 10b(18) l#"?ptfvb. 10b(20) "IOT adj. 10b(21) XJBn. nns vb. 10b(23) X33 n. 'X^'ya adv. 10b(24) X33n. xniia n. 10b(25) X^p'T n. rros vb. 10b(25; Sidra 9 158:8) O'^X adj. WP adj. "?Dp vb. 10b(30) 1T3 vb. 10b(30; Sidra 9 158:12) yxx vb. 10b(34) ]3T vb. xpp'y n. 10b(35) iriaV prep. 10b(35; HP 177:11) x-jyia-j x^nn n. 10b(37) 1# Xipx n. 10b(38) 1# 'NX vb. 10b(39; Sidra 9 158:18) 113 vb. lla(4) XTOCn. 2# ^73 vb. lla(6) S^8n. lla(7) 2#^lvb. lla(8) 2#*n3vb. xnVina n. lla(23) "TSprep. 1# X1J3 n. XriS3 n. 1# X^p n. lla(24) BIT adj. xrxn n. X^ja n. Ua(27) *n. X3TXH adv. lla(27; CHP 17:26) xiyia-i xVin n. lla(27; CSMel 41:200) xni3'p* n. Ua(29) X1113 n. '31? vb. i# rf?a vb. y?y vb. lla(29; HP 177:27) IIS vb. lla(33) l#rf?Bvb. TO vb. lla(34) XXX'X n. lla(35) XXX'X n. xmVj ern 'a n. xiyy? num. 1 la(36) X^OT3 n. Babylonian Talmud 1333 Mo'ed Qatan xniia n. lla(37) Nrl,Bn- 2# xrt>B n. 1# pVo vb. X3B0 n. xt;x n. lla(38) KVlXn. 1# 'IB vb. X1113 n. i# rno vb. lla(39) xVa'Bn. lla(40) XSlln. 1# X3"?n n. 2# jyD vb. 2# xn» n. lla(41) Xn3#n. llb(32) X^n. 1 lb(33) •'•nn pron. Ub(34) l#xiasn. m vb. pOS vb. 12a(4) X3'X part. oriri adv. anjya adj. 12a(7) 1# "7TX vb. rpSp adj. 12a(8) xron n. x-jirta"! xVin n. 12a(9) X3"TSX n. '33 vb. 12a(12) V?y vb. 12a(12; HPP 280:20) y?y vb. 12a(15) y"0 vb. 12a(17; Rashi, ed. Ven) xnj31px n. 12a(19;HP 179:13) 'thtf vb. 12a(41) 1# XiTlpp'S n. 12a(42) XT0S n. 12a(46) X-13W n. 12a(46; HPP 278:18) xri'sn n. 12a(46; HP 178:4 VV17) yw vb. 12a(47) X13tt n. 12a(48) Jl'X part. 12a(49) 1# ira n. xrixo* n. yit? vb. KTPti num. 12a(51) XriTO n. 12a(52) xnna n. XTM n. 12a(53) XnTB n. "W adj. XJ13 n. xnra n. 12b(2) Xisn n. 12b(17; HP 179:12) X1J3T3X n. 12b(24) nxn vb. xwj n. 12b(25) i# xriB'n n. xixn n. 12b(27) xri-lBin n. nx1?3 n. 2# D"0 vb. 12b(28) 1# nxa-IX adj. i# oan vb. xtfria n. VI0 vb. 12b(30) xV'Sp n. 12b(34) 2# X3X n. 12b(35) fxp vb. 12b(37) xn part. P3B7 vb. BBE? vb. 12b(38) XJ-13 n. nso vb. P0S vb. 12b(39) XJfl'S n. xrm»3 n. npy vb. Vop vb. XB*1* n. 12b(40) «)Dn vb. Xjn'3 n. XfflOT n. X13» n. 12b(41) 'T3 n. XOII? n. XBipiE? n. I2b(42) xnytai x^n n. XJW'V adv. 'Ba vb. XO'l-lS n. •pp vb. 1# 'HIP vb. 12b(42;V17) 'j? prep. 12b(43) X'nn pron. 1# nps vb. 12b(46; HPP 279:17) xnwfa n. 12b(46) X"1W3 n. 12b(47; HP 178:24) tf>y vb. 12b(48) xni31B n. 12b(48; V) 'y3 vb. 12b(48; HP 178:25) 12b(49) 13a(12) 13a(15) 13a(33) 13a(38) 13b(10) 13b(18) 13b(20) 13b(30) 13b(32) 13b(33) 13b(34) 13b(36) XBB' n. X^3'S n. ty\K vb. X1U n. 1# X^nt n. "TlV prep. i# nw vb. Xm'B n. 1XV adv. xrnwia n. I?Vp vb. HB0 vb. xruis n. Xri313 n. 2# tpi vb. 1# 'T* vb. 2# Xp^'n n. 1# 'XB pron. 1# in num. ~b prep. 13b(37) Xra3 n. 13b(37; HP 179:4) 13b(38) 14a(14) 14a(20) 14a(23) 14a(29) 14b(l) 14b(5; M) 14b(23) 14b(34) 14b(35) 14b(38) 14b(39) 15a(26) 15a(37) 15b(28) 15b(33) 16a(7) 16a(10) 16a(ll) 16a(12) 16a(14) 16a(15) 16a(16) 16a(17) 16a(19) 16a(20) 16a(21) xri'snp n. Xpw n. i# xrnix n. pi vb. ns' vb. IBn. imp pron. 'BT vb. xmVs n. TriX adj. X3«I n. ms vb. natf vb. T'y vb. 1BJ vb. 0"S vb. X3"I ^73 n. i# xrais n. X111D n. xnps n. y?p vb. xsnnx adj. pt vb. XM't n. 2# ips vb. xn'Vw n. Era adj. mn vb. nxpn n. BIS vb. xnia'x n. xnis'w n. IlBlff vb. X3313 n. XW adv. 'S3 vb. y3ti vb. 10X vb. 1# 71S3 vb. 16a(21; OHP ib. 68:17)
Mo'ed 16a(27) 16a(28) 16a(29) 16a(31) 16a(32) 16a(33) 16a(43) 16a(47) 16a(49) 16a(50) 16b (5) 16b (7) 16b(ll) 16b(18) 16b(19) 16b(23) 16b(24) 16b(25) 16b(26) 16b (27) Qatan '3pi X3X3 n. 2# XJIllpSX n. Kn30 n. '3B vb. D"D vb. XflBtf n. DID interj. 2# XnilpBX n. 1# '3 n. J3311 adj. xnatf n. XJ'inX adj. i# n# vb. 1# '3 n. 1# 013 vb. 'in vb. 3,13 vb. XITIS'U n. XV51 n. xrns'n n. 11D31? adv. Xlp'ya adv. i# rf?tf vb. xai' n. nV? n. xa^x adv. 1# XTW1X n. no vb. an' vb. 'I1? vb. iy prep. xnsx n. Xpltf n. yaw vb. 1# Xrfp'P n. 2# H33 vb. Op3 vb. xVatf n. Xil pron. «y?n adj. y33 vb. xsiix n. xriwu n. 16b(28) 16b(31) 17a(5) 17a(8) 17a(9) 17a(ll) 17a(17) 17a(18) 17a(19) 17a(20) 17a(21) 17a(23) 17a(24) 17a(25) 17a(26) 17a(29) 17a(30) 17a(31) 17a(32) 17a(33) 17a(37) 17a(39) 17a(46) 1334 'on vb. XTPD n. J7T vb. XrilS'U n. Dp3 vb. ra n. pOS vb. X311X n. '30 adj. X3ytaitf n. i# V?n vb. xntpn. x;atf n. i# sfrn vb. '83 adv. V?y vb. inx vb. •no'a n. i# xi3j n. 1X^ adv. «]3n vb. 3'tm adj. 31 adj. 1# 'IP vb. X3'l n. Dlj? vb. Xri part. 30 adj. 'nx vb. XllS'T n. piD vb. 1# '3 conj. Xp part. 3# xrax n. Ton adj. xrnjra n. X3'H n. mm n. 1D3 vb. XO'TIS n. i# 'an vb. Xltf'13 adv. Ton adj. 17a(47) 17a(48) 17a(49) 17a(50) 17a(51) 17a(54) 17a(54; M) 17a(55) 17a(56) 17a(57) 17b(l) 17b(2) 17b(3) 17b(5) 17b(5; V) 17b(16) 17b(35) 17b(36) 18a(3) 18a(4) 18a(6) 18a(9) 18a(10) 18a(15) 18a(18) 18a(20) 18a(22) la n. mv vb. xnatf n. V?y vb. '71X vb. '3B vb. 1# X1J3 n. 2# '3,1 vb. XWW n. xvid n. 'TX pron. 1# X&3 n. i# ntf vb. 2# Xri313J n. 1# "?3X vb. 13a pron. O^X adj. iyx vb. XITJ15 n. i# np vb. xiis'tf n. XI? n. D^X adj. Xlffi'P n. 1# XTIpO'S n. Dl adj. n"?3 vb. X13 adj. 1# fltf vb. jnx vb. X1S1D n. *?m vb. v?t vb. 'a adv. Vxtf vb. D3n vb. X1S1D n. 1# bpv vb. yo vb. 1# '3tf vb. Dip vb. piT vb. XJ'P n. Babylonian Talmud 18a(29) 18a(30) 18a(35) 18a(37) 18b(2) 18b(3) 18b(4) 18b(15) 18b(33) 18b(34) 18b(35) I8b(37) 18b(50) 18b(51) XKhia'? n. 1# ©33 vb. n'3tf adj. 1# '3tf vb. 3# X1SO n. 3# xisp n. XlXtf n. x'pa'tfa n. 3# «lp3 vb. xiyiai xVin n. XJfl'3 n. X3XB n. 1# Xnpp'B n. pi vb. x$? "■ iss vb. '?n adv. IX1? adv. m vb. itfn vb. pOS vb. 1# X^p n. XB'X n. pOS vb. 18b(51; Seel 42:83) 18b(52) 18b(53) 19b(34) 19b(35) 20a(31) 20a(44) 20a(52) 20b(38) Djn vb. 033 vb. XSp'jm adv. 3,13 vb. 1# '3 conj. Xy^'p n. i# nxjin adj. xnx, is n. xniV'ss n. -'SX X^3 prep. ian. 20b(38; L) 3n3 vb. 20b(40) 20b (49) 20b(50) 1# '3,1 vb. xrrmnx n. X13 13 n. (-)'SX3 prep. 131 vb. jnp vb. Babylonian Talmud 1335 Mo'ed Qatan 21a(l) 13y vb. 2ia(2) nay vb. 21a(3) layvb. 21a(6) TJPadj. 13y vb. 21a(22) 130 vb. 21a(23) Xpl'S n. 21a(24) Xliax n. 21a(36) X^3Xn. 21a(37) Xlia n. 1# Xlp'y n. 22a(8) '1,13 prep. 22a(10) 1# XSX n. IJTQ prep. '30 conj. 22a(ll;L) MB vb. 22a(23) 1# Xpnn n. x'jya n. Xpl'iy n. 22a(24) '3T vb. Xini )XB pron. xna n. 22a(26) 113'3 pron. Kmtbs n. 22b (12) 1# fin vb. 22b(22; HP 168:19) 2# XJTKhX n. 22b(22; CHG1 434:67, HP 168:19) Xjy/llSn. 22b(48) XflrOhi n. 'S3 vb. Dip vb. 22b(49) X8y_ n. 1# Xjnp n. 23a(23) X113 n. 1# XV310 n. 23a(24; Ar [AC 3:218]) mn adj. 23a(24; M2HP 169:15,Ed) XJlXlB'n n. pBlO n. 23a(24; Ar [AC 3:218]) nxaii n. 23b(5) JH3 vb. 23b(23) 'TOX adv. 24a(3) (-)'ap prep. 24a(21) m)y (npVo n. 24a(26; M2) 2# N313 n. 24a(27; M2) Xjp'l n. 24a(31) l#"?IXvb. yip vb. 24a(31; CAr [AC 4:256]) 2# X133 n. 24a(32) 2# xrf?'B n. 24a(34) 131 vb. 24a(40) ya» vb. 24a(41) 2# 01S vb. 24a(42) 1# "?TK vb. X1110 n. 24b(19) nX'fctt '3 n. 24b(21) XfflVj tf'l '3 n. xnw n. 24b(26) iai vb. 25a(5) 3in vb. 25a(9) 1# X31315? n. 25a(13) Dip vb. 25a(2C) NEH1B '3 n. xais n. xnyaw n. 25a(21) 'I'xa pron. 130 vb. 25a(23) 3^' vb. 2# XJllS n. 25a(24) 'm n. Dip vb. 25a(25) 3^' vb. 2# xn» n. 25a(26) XJ/31X num. «isy vb. 25a(26; M2) X13 n. 25a(27) pS3 vb. 25a(28) X33 n. 2# btihti vb. 25a(29; L) 1# '32> vb. 25a(32) X33 n. DID vb. 25a(35) nBD n. 110 vb. 1# xVl3D n. 25a(36) 1# pbo vb. 25a(41) '©p adj. 25a(42) 2# D"0 vb. 25a(44) Vry vb. Dip vb. 25a(45) 1SX vb. X13iy n. 3# Xnp n. 1# XJflp n. ym vb. 25a(46) X?31X num. 1# '33 vb. XJ'a? n. 25a(47) xyiX niiX n. '113 prep. xiiay n. Dip vb. 25a(48) XniVj »'l '31 n. my vb. 25a(48; Ed) X311X n. 25a(50) Xb adv. 1# XJ71p n. Vrv vb. 25a(51) wp^Ovb. 25b(l) X1»'J n. 1# X^BJ n. 25b(2) XJ/'JD adj. 1# 'XB pron. 25b(3) X^'13 adv. 'Till pron. 13y vb. 25b(4) 1# X13 n. 1# X133 n. 25b(6) X3'» n. 25b(7) xpi3J n. 25b(12) nra vb. 25b(13) XJ1S0 n. 25b(20) 1SX vb. 25b(21) Xl'spn n. 2# f?n vb. 25b(22) Dip vb. 25b(24) ,1X'»3 '3 n. XJJin n. 25b(25) m vb. 25b(26) 'in vb. 25b(27; M) 1# p^O vb. 25b(32) 1# XB1J n. 25b(34) X31S0 n. nns vb. 25b(36) xriyai n. xana n. i# nra vb. xiiay n. ysc vb. 25b(37) XTIX n. xa^n. 2# 'an vb. X3313 n. ipy vb. 25b(38) X1131 XS'3 n. ]B prep. X113 n. 1# Jim vb. XB1?? n. XJf'pl n. 25b(39) XD113X n. Ipy vb. 25b(39; CAr [AC 5:112]) XTfrWn. 25b(39; Ar [AC 5:112]) yy» vb. 25b(40) -\m vb. X1131 XS'3 n. xrnnna n. 25b(41) 2# XS'3 n. pK/3 vb. Xy,'pl n. 25b(42) xVp'l n. 2# ]yD vb. 2# XS'3 n. 2# XS'» n.
Hagiga 1336 Babylonian Talmud 26a(24) jnp vb. 26a(26) nxim'adj. 26a(26; L) '71X vb. 26a(27) 1# xVp n. 1# Xlltf n. 26a(34) XJX pron. 26a(39) XflSDiD n. i# nn: vb. ':d vb. 26a(40) XHO '3 n. xrraj?: n? n. XM adv. 26a(48) JUS vb. 26b (45) yix vb. i# xriV'a n. 26b (46) «]j7T vb. 'S3 vb. 26b(47) rtfi'V part. 27a(21) "X DITT 'TO n. 1? prep. 27a(22) 1# V2X vb. xrapn adv. 1# 'p# vb. 27a(23) 'tfp adj. 27a(28) 2# X1J n. xin xciv n. 27a(30) nXlV'J n. xV?1 X01? n. Xpltf n. 27a(38) Xin pron. 27b(15) 1# X12 n. 27b(15; CAr [AC 7:10]) 1# Nil? n. 27b(17) ISOvb. 27b(25) «]Vn vb. 27b (27) XtifX n. xna n. 12y vb. XriT2'y n. xiistp n. myy n. 27b(29) xrnnn n. 27b(31) TJVadj. 27b(31;V) 13? vb. 27b(31) mtfvb. 27b(32) xmilt n. ma vb. »tf a vb. nix vb. 27b(38) xV3X; n. 28a(23; L) X3D XBi' n. 133"3 n- 28a(25) JX1 vb. 28a(27) xro n. xjira n. fen. 28a(28; LSM 145:22) p'1X adj. 28a(28; L) U31 n. 28a(29) "n vb. 28a(30) 'y3 vb. xVlV'rt n. 1# X31?? n. xarf? n. xan: n. »p: vb. xrao n. 28a(31) xanin. X113p n. 28a(31;LSM 145:25) XBrf? n. 28a(32) xnapri n. (-)'BpB prep. xiniy n. K'm n. 28a(32; L) XnuniU'y n. 28a(34) xVlX n. Di: vb. Xpt part. 28a(34; H) BU vb. 28a(35) VPJ pron. lyx vb. X:'3tfitf n. 28a(36) nn vb. • xaVn n. Xiy? n. 28a(36; L) xVjB n. 2# iob vb. 28a(37) xnV'013 n. XTjn n. 28a(39; EdJGHark 189:30) l'Spadj. 5?'i?"! adj. 28a(40) 1# nn vb. 28a(41) xniny,'? n. 01#B prep. 28a(42) ffm vb. xnytf n. 28a(42; OHT Sab 6:7) 2# an vb. 28a(43) hi prep. 28a(44) 1# nn vb. p3tf vb. 28a(46) pm vb. 'XH ''Vis adv. xVri n. 28a(47) "»' vb. 28a(48) XJ1X n. 1# XDTJ n. xbis n. 1# ypS vb. pntf vb. 28a(49) X22 n. '81 vb. 1# «|1D vb. xar n. 'J? adj. 28a(50) ps: vb. NW adj. Dm vb. 28a(51) 2# 'SO vb. Xli: n. XBltf n. 28b(ll) laxvb. 11 interj. 28b(12) 1# XB1A n. 28b(12; OHT ib. 55:11) 2# xV?n n. 28b(13) 'ST 13 n. 28b(13; L) «py vb. 28b(14) xVpX'X n. '2121 13 n. 2# xnV'a n. Vxtf vb. 28b(14; OHT ib. 55:15) "in "12 n. 28b(15) 'T3 13n. T>1! n- X1313 n. dm vb. 28b(16) l#pi3vb. x$un n. II' vb. XJIBP n. xnia n. XJ718 n. 28b(16; Ar [AC 3:264]) 2# XJT3I n. 28b(33) xVbVx conj. lax vb. 1# 'XB pron. 29a(l;TGHark 144:7) xiid's n. Hagiga 2a(14) 'nx vb. 2a(15) 1# 'Xa pron. 2b(20) xWra n. 1# ipv vb. 2b(23) 1BX vb. 3a(4) IDS vb. 3a(12) oV'X adj. 183 vb. inil pron. 3a(13) Xni3 13 n. Xni33'» n. 3a(l4) xnnx i? n. 3a(15) XEhlB'Sn. "I CIJIB'X V3 conj. 3a(17) 'am n. tim vb. xns'i? n. 3a(18) l#'OXvb. Babylonian Talmud 1337 Hagiga ia: vb. xroV'n n. 31 '21 XIS'O n. i# mv vb. 2J Vj7 «]X conj. lax vb. X'1,12 adv. inx vb. ODITU'J n. IX conj. ■i naV conj. IH'3 pron. pasa adj. '33 vb. 'Da vb. 'IIS prep. 'y3 vb. Dip vb. 3fD vb. Dip vb. 'X,1 'Vl3 adv. XH pron. Xja'T n. 2# ill vb. XB1' n. XJX pron. 1# ill vb. pill n. i# nn vb. V3' vb. X]7 part. 4b(41; V20M) X1TO n. 3a(28) 3b(26) 3b(48) 4a(6) 4a(ll) 4a(38) 4b(l) 4b(17) 4b(30) 4b(31) 4b(32) 4b(37) 4b(37; L) 4b(38) 4b (3 9) 4b (40) 4b(41) 5a(l) 5a(l; G) X33 n. 1# 'an vb. xina n. ps: vb. 'J? adj. 2# oan vb. 5a(l; Ar [AC 3:481]) 'in vb. 5a(l;V20) mpvb. 5a(2) xVjB n. yyi vb. 5a(6) 5a(8; V20) 5a(9) 5a(ll) 5a(15) 5a(16) 5a(17) 5a(18) 5a(18; V20) 5a(20) 5a(21) 5a(21; L) 5a(43) 5a(44) 5a(45) 5a(47) 5a(51) 5a(52) 5a(53) 5b(3) 5b(4) 5b(5) 5b(12) 5b(13) 5b(14) 5b(17) 5b(18) 1# XII n. 1# 'Va vb. 1J? prep- 1# 'J71 vb. mv n. XSlV'n n. 12y vb. 1# 'Xil pron. op: vb. 'BB vb. i# xrnix n. 'J?2 vb. 'an pron. id: vb. id: vb. X31« n. xpir n. 1# 3Dtf vb. 1D1T adj. XJ1T n. 2H' vb. 3,T vb. f)D3 vb. X1OT n. 'I'V prep. XTD'I n. piD vb. X2ipV. n. xri'Vy n. nVs vb. 1# XJl'2 n. XJj:'X2 adv. 31J vb. X3Va '31 n. xsVa n. ID'P. '3 n. Dip vb. 1# XSX n. i# nn vb. XBJ? n. 'in vb. una n. '1,1 vb. 5b (20) 5b (24) 5b (25) 5b(28) 5b(29) 5b(37) 5b(38) 5b(39) 5b(40) 5b(41) 5b(42) 5b(43) 5b(45) 5b(46) ipt vb. 1# '3 conj. IB pron. nxra n. iv. prep. 1# VlX vb. X111 n. '81 vb. ■yts vb. (-)'Bp prep. 1# XJl'3 n. X12 adj. ,1X11? adj. XIJ'X n. XT3 n. XplOS n. DI adj. X'nn pron. xna n. Wy vb. P'B? adj. X311S n. VVt vb. XJX pron. 1# XSX n. xnix'iv: n. V?y vb. IDS vb. 1# V3p vb. i3'X part. xrisis n. y:a vb. XjJI'S n. Vji vb. 1D11 adj. 'a adv. iys vb. K)»p vb. ]J31 n. i# xmlx n. XI1T n. 1# VlX vb. 31 '3 13 n. 5b(47) 6a(10) 6a(ll) 6a(18) 6b(35) 7a(12) 7a(16) 7a(48) 8a(19) 8a(21) 8a(22) 8b(4) 8b(23) 9a(21) 9b(12) 9b(32) 9b(37) 9b(38) 10a(24) 10a(26) 10a(42) 10a(43) 10a(48) 10b(4) 10b (9) 10b(9; L) 10b(ll) 10b(25) 1# in num. i# vin vb. xai' n. xniea n. X»11B '3 n. vn vb. ■VW adj. xmpfsa n. XffVin n. [ XD'il V3 conj. 'B0 vb. 1# V3p vb. 'nx vb. ma adv. 1# pVo vb. xaV'T conj. xnipp n. xVin n. "IdV prep. xiiax n. "XV adv. xnsprix n. XT1T n. ipin num. 2# XT13 n. nxiin' adj. paio n. x;pio n. XJll'W n. 1# 11'n n. 'T1 pron. X3TS n. 1'in adj. 2D adj. xnVsVs n. XJS n. Up vb. Xrj2"! n. 'rlB vb. i# xjn n. ::n vb. XJ'n n. I1?' vb.
Hagiga 1338 Babylonian Talmud 10b(31) lla(l) lla(4) 1la(5) lla(18) lla(19) 1la(30) llb(2) llb(3) 1 lb(4) llb(30) llb(31) 1 lb(32) llb(34) 12a(50) 12b(4) 12b(47) 13a(l) 13a(38) 13a(39) 13a(47) 13a(48) 13a(49) 13b(10) 13b(37) 13b(39) 13b(43) 13b (46) '#i? adJ- "] X3'n *?3 conj. HS'a adv. 1# 'IE? vb. 1# pSO vb. ]"V vb. ps: vb. 'TO vb. 'in pron. TS part. "!J3n pron. XV adv. 1# XITX n. i# ''rx vb. xann. 1# *7pE> vb. X1S1 n. Tjn pron. 1# 'Vx vb. ■ran vb. xnr n. 'Iin pron. 1# XJT3 n. Jl'X part. KV'PI n- nxill adj. Vtip vb. '31 vb. "Ml vb. 1# ]XD adv. 1# *73X vb. #tt vb. xpir n. XTI1 n. pSl vb. X3'n adv. Xpir n. Xt'31 n. 1# XSX n. 31 adj. 'H pron. Bya vb. "1 IXj" 'X conj. 'in vb. I3b(48) xjnxnnixn. 1# XSX n. 2# ''jl vb. 13b(54) -\SVvb. 14a(8) X'nx 13 n. 14a(10) 1# '13 vb. X3X1?!? n. 14a(ll) naxvb. °7D3 vb. 14a(53) 2# mti vb. 14b(2; Tarbiz40 [1971] 196) 2# xrn'tia n. 14b(38) 'XI vb. 14b(45) 1# DID vb. 14b(46) 1# X31?? n. 15a(17) 3#XTln. xa'Vi n. 2# DID vb. 15a(18) inovb. 15a(20) xriO! n. 2# XfllEh n. xnyp n. 15a(22) 1# 'na vb. xti n. 1# XO^IS n. XTl'P num. 15a(23) xrilDIn. '^p vb. 15a(23;Ed) Dip vb. 15a(24) "I TXin conj. TIB vb. 15a(25) T]TX pron. 1# '11 vb. pSl vb. 15a(26) ipy vb. 15a(27) x'niSn. Xrntf n. 15a(45) X7W'13 (Jl)'3 n. VW vb. XplOS n. 15b(8) . Diaivb. Xpir n. Xl^'V n. 15b(8; Oxf., Ms. 2826.31) I'jX vb. 15b(8; Ar [AC 5:17]) 011? vb. 15b(8;M) lV7vb. 15b(9) yawvb. 15b(10) Xl'30n. 1# Vptf vb. 15b(ll) XWTja'3n. yip vb. 1# X^"jp n. 1# TIP vb. 15b(12) m vb. XT n. X1'30 n. 15b(14) '71XT Xaty n. 15b(15) l#011vb. 15b(17) "3 prep. 2# xmi31 n. Xltpip n. 15b(17; G) 1# pbo vb. 1# X13p n. 15b(18) 'Xconj. XT n. 2# 'Xa vb. X1U n. Vxi vb. 'Vp vb. 1# 'ai vb. 15b(19) ]Pprep. pOD vb. 15b(20) XllSOn. nns vb. 15b(26) nai vb. 15b(29) 1# Xip n. 15b(32) 'tfpadj. 15b(33) lffVsxvb. xn1?'?; n. 15b(37) 73y vb. 15b(38) xaiSn. 113"] n. 15b(43) '33 vb. 1# X13J? n. XJfti n. 15b(43; ISGF App. X, 1.2) 15b(46) 15b(49) 16a(25) 16a(36) 16b(30) 16b(44) 16b(51) 17a(2) 17a(27) 17b(10) 17b(12) 17b(16) 17b(19) 17b (20) 17b(21) 19a(7) 19a(10) 19a(ll) 19a(12) 19a(24) 19a(25) 19a(48) 19b(4) 19b(7) 20a(26) xnxy n. X$3 n. xa'x n. i# nni vb. 1# p°70 vb. xiay. n. ™nV interj. XnX' n. i# «px vb. ■po vb. 'Sp vb. X31 n. 'inV prep. xraVn n. X'nn pron. -iax vb. Tjn pron. bpd vb. 'HI adv. 'IB vb. XJ713B? n. ]13 vb. "1 conj. 1BX prep. nax vb. TH vb. pSl vb. Ill vb. 1# ']tf vb. 'TO vb. 'a adv. X7I1TD1 n. 20a(30) '80 vb. 20b(ll) iao vb. 21b(l) pin vb. 1# xntp'p n. 21b(2; L) 'Sp vb. 22a(15) bri7n vb. 22a(18) 1# p'JO vb. 22a(40) XlTXn adv. Babylonian Talmud 1339 Yevamot 22a(41) 22b(18) 22b(19) 23a(26) 23a(33) 23a(49) 24a(3) 24a(27) 25a(5) 25a(14) 25a(18) 25a(19) 25b(23) 25b(32) 25b(37) 25b(40) 26a(31) 26a(33) 26a(34) 26b(ll) 26b(29) 26b(32) 3a(6) 3a(9) 3a(18) 3a(22) 3a(33) 3a(35) 3b(46) 4a(33) 4a(35) 4b(13) xrinno n. bm vb. 1# "73B vb. -mi vb. Tit vb. XT3H n. T1 vb. Xni3n n. 'TO vb. 1# '3T vb. i# xnrin n. Tin adj. ^SX adj. P'H vb. 3D adj. ll'B prep. XJ7ia"I n. 1# XsVll n. mo vb. xrnxya n. XJfVp n. X1TXH adv. xiarn n. ■qTX pron. "?B3 vb. TSP adj. 'evamot xpn n- 33n vb. X33 n. 1103"? adv. X3")ip n. xsnip n. 2# ybn vb. 'la pron. xi"ia n. oya vb. T")l adj. n3' vb. 'IS vb. xiarn n. xn'inx n. xprn n. 4b(21) 4b(22) 4b(32) 4b(32; O2) 4b(38) 4b(41) 5b(13) 6a(17) 6a(18) 6b(33) 7a(19) 7a(21) 7b(4) 7b(5) 7b(6) 8a(6) 8a(13) 8a(22) 8a(24) 9a(8) 9a(21) 9a(22) 9a(41) 9a(47) 9a(54) 9b(8) 9b(ll) 'fl3X adv. -px vb. xri'inx n. xnaj? n. Xlfl'3 n. x;pn n. J73X vb. i# mv vb. "1 conj. Tan adj. 1X;> adv. TIB vb. TT1 adj. 'm vb. Bit adj. i# xnain n. "1 'Xa pron. psi vb. 1# '"itf vb. '1'3 '1'3 adv. X0'pn n. V\>1 vb. XTD'X n. 'in pron. X130 n. 1# '1p vb. 'TO vb. XSS'X n. XpTS n. "?3X conj. X33 n. 1# mv vb. 9b(14; HPP 252:20) 10a(24) 10a(28) 10a(30; O2) xnil1?? n. 301 vb. 1DX vb. il'a prep. 2# p!3 vb. 10a(30; Ar [AC 6:467]M) 10b(21) 10b(22) 10b(27) 2# pns vb. ^J? prep. Dip vb. xnin'V^ n. lla(23) llb(12) llb(15) llb(23) llb(25) llb(47) llb(52) 12a(31) 13b(48) 14a(ll) 14a(12) 14a(31) 14a(33) 14a(45) 14a(46) 14b(7) 15a(9) 15a(10) 15a(28) 15b(l) 15b(15) 15b(16) 16a(37) 16a(44) 16a(45) 16a(46) 16b(l) 16b(5) 16b(6) 16b(14) 16b(15) 16b(19) xri'nix't adj. ]W n- X'TI3 adv. 'It vb. |13T n. ipy vb. IX1? adv. D'bX adj. 'XW'l n. xap adj. xinia n. K3'n adv. Tin vb. 1# 'IX vb. Nj™ n. 1»1S vb. ■b nnb conj. xaVix n. 2# T^n vb. oxa vb. oxa vb. xnai n. 1# pSO vb. 1# BS1 vb. xrini n. xriun n. Dip vb. nximp adj. nximp adj. N;vnp n. nximp adj. POD vb. xiiax n. 3D adj. I'jS vb. xpntyp vb. X^iTll^p vb. xn'W num. (X1H T-13) X^Tp n. 16b(26) tivp vb. EhS vb. 1# 5?3p vb. 17a(10) 17a(16) 17a(17) 17a(18) 17a(19) 17a(22) 17a(23) 17a(29) 17a (30) 17a(32) 17a(33) 17a(34) 17b(21) 17b(29) 18a(15) 18a(30) 18a(37) 18b(7) 18b(12) 18b(30) 19a(7) 19a(24) 19b(10) 19b(13) 19b(31) 19b(38; O 20a(6) 20a(13) 21a(18) 21a(24) 21a(37) 21b(8) I# xy\ n. 1# ns vb. X3D xai' n. 3in vb. 1# bSp vb. 2# XD'l n. 3in vb. 3^' vb. "1 lxV 'X conj. 1# X-131 n. na pron. xn"?iVn n. «]D3 vb. XS03 n. 2# xVlOS n. 2# xVlOS n. 2# xVlOS n. Bit adj. X3p n. 1# Till vb. 'IS vb. in' vb. 2# ybn vb. 03' vb. □3' vb. 1# D"D vb. X'in3 adv. X'TU adv. X33 n. IDS vb. tij? adv. X33 n. 2# 3iy vb. iV' vb. 2) X^'nX pron. XTfl'n n. X3'n adv. 'in pron. xnn3 n. pos vb. XIX pron. 1# X131 n. nxi1??* n-
Yevamot 1340 Babylonian Talmud XJ?1?!? n. 21b(9) 'pill nj?a n. 130 vb. 21b(10) Vm vb. 21b(ll) 130 vb. 21b(13; Ar [AC 5:2535]) XTr?? n. 21b(20) NSW n. XM pron. 2ib(24) 'rai xa'x n. 21b(24;OHTib. 30:25) '3'3 n. 21b(27; AC 2:45]) 'ran xsx '3i n. 21b(27; TGAs28 50b: 19) Tin. 21b(31; Ar [AC 2:45]) 21b(33) 21b(35) 21b(43) 21b(44) 21b(48) 21b(50) 21b(53) 21b(54) 22a(l) 22a(2) 22a(26) 22b(l) 22b(44) 23a(2) 23a(31) 23a(40) 23a(41) 23a(42) 23b(21) 23b (22) 23b(27) X3I1X '31 n. X3iya n. X^3 n. XBlTp n. XBITp n. 1# XII n. lbs vb. 1# 'X» pron. 1"B vb. xrnna n. 103© num. '81 vb. TJ3 Pron- IDTI'B num. X3iyB n. ppl vb. mo vb. XBITp n. ■px vb. ri'3 adj. xayo n. 1# 'Xa pron. 11X vb. 03' vb. Via pron. 23b(29) 24a(7) 24a(28) 24a(45) 24b(l) 24b(25) 24b(26) 24b(29) 24b(40) 24b(44) 25a(7) 25a(10) 25a(16) 25a(26) 25a(27) 25a(36) 25b(28) 26a(l) 26a(ll) 26a(18) 26a(19) 26a(22) 26a(32) ijn pron. xraaox n. Xatys adv. nm1? adv. B'Bp adj. xmyij n. xraV'n n. lax vb. 1# '3 conj. "V prep. en vb. 1# 33B vb. xnyaB n. pOS vb. i# xpnn n. xrrcria n. 'Bp vb. POD vb. Dip vb. 1# XJ^S n. 1# X^p n. oVx vb. DAT adv. 1# xVp n. X3,1 adv. X3fl3 n. •rem vb. 'a: adv. ill vb. n'3B adj. 1# X13J n. 113 vb. i]TX pron. iy prep. 27b(6) -1J13X prep. 27b(27) 2# 'fm vb. 28a(36) n3' vb. 28b(7) ya-i vb. 28b(10) U'M pron. 1# in num. 18 pron. 29a(4) Tb DIBa prep. 29a(17) 29b(40) 30a(21) 30a(39) 30a(42) 30b(33) 31a(15) 31a(17) 31a(29) 31a(37) 31a(38) 31a(41; C 31b(l) 31b(13) 31b(14) 31b(20) ps: vb. IIS vb. 33n vb. tnp vb. 'm vb. 'in vb. X1J13 adj. Dip vb. Dip vb. xri'nixi adj. X?n adv. i# xiain n. •nrb prep. Dip vb. XTptf 13 n. xpm n. "X nvf! T» n. 2) '1,13^ prep. xripm n. NSD3 n. Blp vb. XIDtf n. 'Sn vb. 31b(22;02) X3ri3n. 32b(2) 32b(6) 33a(6) 33a(26) 33a(28) 33a(31) 33a(32) 33b(3) 34a(24) 34b(30) 34b(31) 35a(22) 35a(25) 35a(35) 35a(39) 10' vb. xrinx n. 10X vb. 'i na1? conj. -1 XS'Vx prep. ipB vb. "T*f? prep. X11DS n. py vb. VU'K pron. "irax prep. ]:i vb. xrtyi n. X',1,1 pron. 1"3 vb. 103 vb. id: vb. 1# 1i13 vb. XB: '3 n. 36b(26) BIS vb. 37a(2) XBi' n. xrnyi n. 37a(4) I3y vb. 37a(13) -TO'an. X13iy n. XplTy n. 37a(17) I1?' vb. 37a(18) '8 adv. 37a(22) X311 n. yyi vb. 37a(51) ttfp vb. 37b(15) m vb. xai' n. 37b(16) J?'|?3 adj. 37b(17) xaBn. 37b(19) yv vb. xri'V© n. 37b(20) in' vb. 37b(27) m pron. 1# X13 n. "T1 pron. 1# XJJVO n. 37b(30) nx pron. 'in? prep. 37b(35) x^TX n. '71X vb. 37b(36) riX pron. ira1? prep. i# xjrra n. l"?S vb. 1# "?p» vb. 37b(38) XV|X n. 'X conj. 1X^ adv. xnn n. l^S vb. 37b(39) 1# X3X n. XJ'1 n. Dip vb. 37b(44) Xni3 n. 37b(46) '3J prep. X3T1 n. 1341 Babylonian Talmud 37b(47) 38a(12) 38a(16) 38b(37) 39a(45) 39a(46) 39a(47) 39a(49) 39b(21) 39b(31) 39b(32) 39b(33) 39b(34) 39b(35) 39b(36) 39b(37) 39b(38) 39b(39) 39b(44) 39b(54) 40a(15) 40a(47) 40a(48) 40a(49) 40a(50) priB vb. xri n. i# 'yB vb. 1# 'XI pron. Xp:i n. BID vb. pn vb. 'S3 vb. "I'lV prep. *)S3 vb. 1# 'ai vb. 103 vb. 2# T^n vb. 1# MB vb. 'xax conj. D3' vb. 31p vb. xar n. on; part. D7$ PreP- yna vb. i# xjjvb n. 1BX vb. D3' vb. 2# yVo vb. XJ'B? n. X^'l n. xrg n. ppi vb. 1# 'IB vb. 'in vb. 1# Xpll n. 1# D"0 vb. xri"iix n. 1# XII n. 1B3 vb. ^103*? adv. '133 adv. XJ11J n. D3' vb. 2# Xlp n. 131? adv. 'BO vb. 40b(10) 1# ':B vb. 41b(13) Xp part. 42a(26) Xira adj. 42a(27) -1? prep. 1# MB vb. 42a(32) 1# X13 n. 42a(33) 1# XJ1?? n. 42a(49; V3Ar [AC 3:35]) XOm n. 42b(l) 1# 13y vb. 42b(2;TGHark 169:12) 0B0 vb. 42b (7) M pron. M'J pron. 42b(ll) NB11B'3n. iiy vb. 42b(12) XB11B '3 n. 13?"} n- 42b(24) XB13 n. 42b(29) 1# 'ai vb. 42b(33) Xnap n. 42b(37) yiQ vb. 42b(38) XSJ13 n. Dp: vb. XJOT n. 42b(39) X^BB n. 42b(41;02) xano n. 43a(10) ]B 13 prep. X'nn pron. 43a(17) 1X11J adj. X^Blp n. 43a(23) D'Vx adj. ]'0p adj. 43a(24) Iplll adj. 1# D"0 vb. 43a(36) xmiyo n. IDS vb. 43b (16) 01X vb. 'ai vb. TSB adj. 44a(4) p3B vb. 44a(l 1) iVsX conj. 44a(12) 'Da vb. 44a(19) 2# f?n vb. 44a(28) Xjani n. 44a(30) 'X13X adv. 45a(10) IB n. 45a(15) pis vb. 45a(15; O2) 45a(20) 45a(22) 45a(30) 45a(34) 45a(38) 45a(41) 45a(42) 45a(43) 45a(44) 45a(46) 45a(47) 45a(48) 45b(27) 1# XTOB n. xrini n. «]7n vb. 1B3 vb. by3 vb. 'in vb. 3.T vb. "V prep. 1# Xb'BJ n. X?pn. 'X conj. 1# ipi vb. 3,T vb. 18 n. Xl'n',1 n. 'T vb. iao vb. IX conj. xra ra n. 'M vb. 2# X011S n. 45b(33) xriwrx n. 45b(35) xnir: n. 45b(37) 1# nxBIX adj. 45b(38) xmi'J n. 46a(3) 1# ypB vb. XliayB n. 46a(21) 1# ^30 vb. 46a(22) XO'lIX n. X111? n. DSBX vb. 'SI vb. 46a(22; OHT ib. 107:18) X10DX n. xnipsx n. fS6 vb. Yevamot 46a(23) 46a(24) 46a(26) 46a(26; O2) 46a(27) 46a(28) 46a(29) 46a(30) 46a(37) 46a(41) 46b(34) 47a(14) 47a(20) 47b(17) 47b(41) 48b(38) 48b(41) 49b(22) 49b(23) 50b(33) 51a(l) 51a(25) 52a(17) 52a(19) 52a(20) 52a(21) osax vb. xtiVt n. xrp n. nu vb. XD'J n. xrin'n n. ps: vb. 13J?B vb. 13'X part. XpTIlB n. 1# 33B vb. XJ13 n. XDSO n. 13y vb. 1TB vb. xi't: n. ■^1'X pron. 1# MB vb. X31D adv. yo vb. BIS vb. 'T1 vb. xnyaB n. 1# in num. xayp n. ]a prep. KJ1X n. y"?3 vb. 'l.lV prep. io: vb. xio: n. xais n. 1# "?TX vb. 2# fin vb. IX conj. Xll'B n. "11XB pron. "?D3 vb. 1# 108 vb. Vy prep. 1# '13 vb. xri'^B n. 1# MB vb.
Yevamot 1342 Babylonian Talmud 52a(22) 52a(24) 52a(25) 52a(26) 52a(27) 52a(28) 52a(45) 52b(3) 52b(10) 53a(l) 53b(7) 53b(17) 53b(22) 54a(28) 54a(29) 54a(45; O2) 54b(27) 55a(47) 55a(48) 55a(50) 55b(17) 55b(18) 55b(22) 55b(23) 55b(33) 56a(10) 56a(46) 56a(47) 56a(49) 56a(50) 56b(l) 57a(16) 57a(18) 57a(19) x:rin n. X33 n. >frn vb. i# xan n. 1M vb. oyi vb. nxjfiTna adj. mp vb. •OITP n. xmx'ip n. ■Oil adv. T'? n- 11X vb. DPS vb. i# yps vb. 1BX prep. X3'X part. Xp part. 1# 'jy vb. IDT vb. V1X vb. XtfTfn. xjarn n. T>'N adv. 2# ■*?! vb. xmxis n. iox vb. XTSJ7 n. ISp vb. IX conj. IH'X pron. Iptf vb. obx vb. i# yps vb. XftEfilp n. A"7S vb. 1# D"0 vb. i# in: vb. i# yps vb. x?"?i? n- pIW vb. 'TO X1? adv. lioV adv. 1 57a(24; O 57a(25) 57a(30) 57a(40) 58a(24) 58a(29) 58a(30) 58a(33) 58a(40) 58b(36) 59a(ll) 60b(3) 60b(7) 60b(31) 60b(43) 60b(51) 60b(53) 61a(24) 61a(25) 61a(26) 61a(27) 61a(33) 61b(2) 61b(8) 61b(9) 61b(10) 61b(31) 61b(32) 61b(49) 61b(54) 62a(23) 62a(24) 2) xirs n. xwpnp n. ixb adv. xarn n. xn pron. 2# 'jp vb. 1# 'p© vb. i# xrna n. NW» n. i# ino vb. Tiria adj. 1JX vb. 1# ':# vb. 1# '21 vb. xjit -a n. p3» vb. X:» adv. OTVS3 adv. X^3Q adv. XjrD n. 30: vb. X31X n. psi vb. 1# XID'P n. xijn n. 1? prep. □lp vb. xirra n. pOS vb. xrvfrj tf'i n. ips vb. yy vb. xrnix n. ps: vb. tn vb. '31? conj. "7 'X conj. xriyw n. boa vb. I1?' vb. XJTSCT adv. "0 l?1? prep. 1# 'itf vb. 1 62a(41) 62a(42) 62a(49; O2) 62a(50) 62b(10) 62b(ll) 62b(12) 62b(17) 62b(23; O2) 63a(29) 63a(31) 63a(33) 63a(33; O2) -px vb. 'M adv. on' vb. X3X1 X3X n. Y> vb. 303 vb. X£T3 13 n. i# xya n. 'm vb. VIS'} pron. xpi'S n. 1# 'jp vb. Dip vb. X311X n. 3# X'13 n. X;ffl9 n. i# itf vb. T,sn vb. 'J'?1? prep. «|1J vb. XpO'J? n. nrbiw n. xnsn n. i# xnbia n. i# 'ai vb. 1# 'M vb. 63a(34; Ar [AC 3:67]) 2# Vn vb. 63a(34; M3OHR ib. 317:2) 63a(35) 63a(35; O2) 63a(36) 63a(37) 63a(40) 1# Vn vb. xpnnp'3 n. □ao vb. ?9tf vb. i# jna vb. 30: vb. 1# TDp vb. -iro vb. xjti n. i# nm vb. 30: vb. 1# pbo vb. xrstfitf n. xjnia n. 1 63a(41) 63a(42) 63a(43) 63a(43; 0 63a(44) 63a(45) 63a(47) 63b(3) 63b(7) 63b(9; Ar 63b (10) 63b(16) 63b(19) 63b(22) 63b(32) 63b(34) 63b (3 5) 64b(13) 64b(14) °?x: vb. 1DD vb. '?>p adj. xriia n. xri£r?B n. nay vb. lyx vb. t,sx vb. i# Vn vb. isn vb. 2) 'xavi n. XVI pron. ^y vb. fpH vb. xra n. X1TI0 n. 11X vb. X&'X n. 1# 1KB pron. 13y vb. [AC 8:224]) Otfp vb. '3? prep. 1# ITT vb. Btfp vb. "3 prep. xrnan n. i# xrfrp n. i# 'y© vb. o*T? n. 2# xisn n. "V prep. i# bap vb. 'Itf vb. ximtf n. DDn vb. X33tf n. Don vb. xV?3 n. HfB adv. xri':na n. oya vb. xntfn. Babylonian Talmud 1343 Yevamot 64b(16) 64b(17) 64b (20) 64b (21) ips vb. '3T vb. XBp adj. inx vb. xnx n. xxin n. pir adj. 64b(21; Ar [AC 6:92]) 64b(22) 64b (29) 64b(31) 64b(32) 64b(33) 64b(35) 64b(36) 64b (3 8) 64b(42) 64b(43) 64b(45) 65a(12) 65a(17) 65a(19) 65a(20) 65a(22) 65a(23) 65b(2) 65b(3) 65b(3; Seel xrraiioo n. 3D adj. ipy vb. NpT? n. xrvnnpx n. pm vb. 'XlpX adv. 1# 'XB pron. i# xn&n n. XllO'X n. xrusp n. 1# 33K7 vb. paio n. XDBO n. x"niy n. XS'X part. 'SI vb. xai n. D»p vb. IX conj. 01X vb. 'JP3 prep. bsi vb. vm vb. ]JX pron. pW vb. 2# 'la vb. VPX pron. IBM vb. XplS'O n. Dip vb. bs: vb. pin vb. 18:44) xrvnpy n. 1 65b(6) 65b(8) 65b(12) 65b(33) 65b(36) X13iy n. xVs'3 n. bs: vb. XW adv. 2# D"D vb. "ID'p '3 n. 65b(39) XTO':? (rt)'a n. 65b(41) 65b(42) '3 prep. Xrtfl'X n. m vb. 65b(42; TGHark 37:14) 65b(42) 65b(43) 65b(44) 65b(45) 65b(47) 65b(48) 65b(48; O2) 65b(49) xrvo'o n. Vy prep. '3 prep. «]S3 vb. ^n pron. i# xnpin n. XT n. 1# Xia n. 1# 'TO vb. 13'X part. 2# 'bj vb. XHDn. xnnpy n. TiV vb. T> vb. xpi? n. 66a(l; TGHark 234:23) 66a(30) 66a(40) 66a(41) 66a(43) 66b(17) 66b(31) 66b(32) xnnx n. 3X3 vb. 1# b3X vb. 'nx vb. XOT '3 n. xn»n adv. yr vb. Xap adj. 'TO vb. 'n1?'© n. XbpX'X n. bby vb. DTI' adj. 2# DID vb. 1# VpW vb. 66b(33) 66b(37) 67a(7) 67a(28) 67a(35) 67a(40) 67a(51) 67b(16) 68a(12) 68b(5) 68b(10) 68b(ll) 68b(12) 68b(14) 68b(15) 68b(16) 68b(17) 68b(20) 69a(26) 69a(51) 69b(35) i# xjrra n. xrpu n. Dip vb. 1# pbo vb. 't part. xrra adv. (-)'SX3 prep. 130 vb. pSi vb. niy adv. 'X13X adv. i# ':p vb. 'riSX adv. sra vb. 1# X"Jp n. yniy vb. '3 prep. vn vb. 11 conj. T1V adj. 1# 'an vb. XrWVTp n. 1# "70S vb. Xp'SO n. 1# xbip n. xabjra adv. 69b(35; O2) Dyn vb. 69b(36) 69b(40) 69b(42) 69b(43) 69b(45) 70a(2) 70a(5) 70a(26) 70a(27) 70b(17) 70b(33) 70b(34) 71a(6) 71a(18) i# -nv vb. DyT vb. xabj; n. 2# TpD vb. iax vb. xaby. (nj'bis n. nao vb. i# n» vb. i# bax vb. XJ13 n. XlSn. Ijn pron. 3Dy vb. WT\ n- oxa vb. X/nSTW adv. 71a(30) 71a(49) 71b(6) 71b(7) 71b(15) 71b(17) "I ]Xa3 conj. Vna vb. xV'na n n. 3X3 vb. i# xry n. '3'3 '?'3 adv. XJTO'X n. ]1I vb. XTI^'X n. 71b(18; RaH [OH ib. 318:18]) 71b(19) 71b(23) 71b(24) 71b(25) 71b(42) 72a(l) 72a(6) 72a(7) 72a(25) 72a(26) 72a(38) 72b(8) 72b(15) 2# ny vb. "n vb. 2# X'Vin n. TOin num. bna vb. ~ay vb. nax vb. 73 vb. 2# X'Vin n. 3»: vb. xry n. 2# Km* n. 1# 1310 vb. aw vb. 1J3TI adj. xanp n. Xp part. 11 conj. 72b(19; I§GF 42:6) 72b(20) 72b(39) 72b(41) 72b(51) 73b(6) 73b(ll) 73b(35) 74a(20) 74a(34) "a prep. 130 vb. XriT n. D»» vb. HTX vb. ibpx conj. Vpi vb. tip} vb. 130 vb. 2# XO'J n. Xl'jn',1 n. "la prep. "Xb adv. IIS vb.
Yevamot 1344 Babylonian Talmud 74b (5) 74b(7) 74b (32) 75a(2) 75a(21) 75a(22) 75a(30) 75a(39) 75a(47) 75b(l) 75b(l; Ar 75b (2) 75b(19) 75b(38) 75b(41) 75b(41; O 75b(44) 75b(45) 75b(46) 76a(l) 76a(ll) 76a(12) 76a(16) 76a(21; Ar 76a(22) 76a(23) 76a(24) 76a(25) '71X vb. x;an n. tf'33 adj. i# xnV'a n. "|SX vb. Tan adj. p33 vb. xr;:p n. X'jp'l n. 1# pVo vb. xpin n. [AC 3:488]) nn vb. XlV'O n. D'apV prep. xbm n. xis 13 n. XI'IX n. &>V vb. 1# XJ13 n. xn'?n n. 2) xrvrvij n. i# tnii vb. 1# 'SW vb. i# xrau n. Dno vb. nx^ia adj. D'Bn adj. xaru n. XipiD '3 n. 3# np vb. 1BX prep. ^DE/ vb. [AC 7:200]) 3# xri'3i n. 010 vb. i# xrnjw n. 1# IW vb. nxjba? adj. 7133 vb. pDS vb. xjarato n. 1# »TIT vb. 76a(32) 76a(37) 76a(38) 76a(40) 76a(45) 76b(2) 76b(28) 76b(30) 76b(35) 77a(l) 77a(2) 77a(9) 77b(12) 77b(22) 77b(35) 78a(l) 78a(2) 78a(49) 78a(51) 78b(20) 78b(24) 78b(26) 78b(44) 79a(41; Ar 79a(44) 79b(29) 79b (31) 79b(47) 79b(48) 79b(50) 80a(3; O2) 80a(4) xbns n. xriiris n. xntonp n. rt>3 vb. 1# X13 n. 1"3 vb. 1# VTX vb. i# xriV'a n. yr vb. XrfD'ton n. '311 pron. '^p vb. pfitf vb. ?13 vb. lOTI vb. ^I pron. 1?V adv. 130 vb. 13y vb. xra ra n. '3 prep. X11BJ7 n. Xjspip n. 1# 'TO vb. 1# ]n vb. yr vb. xi'iaa n. )B prep. fc>13 vb. xi'iaa n. pS3 vb. [AC ib.]) 13T11* n. by_ prep. D3' vb. j?n vb. tis adj. '?>1 1? n. bm vb. xriTOTl? n. XTPB n. pIB adj. xipto n. 80a(6) 80a(21) 80a(33) 80a(34) 80b(5) 80b(31) 80b(34; 82a(15) 82a(23) 82a(32) 82b(5) 82b(14) 82b(18) 83a(l) 83a(5) 83a(9) 83b(3) 83b(ll) 83b(14) 83b(15) 83b(34) 83b(37) 84a(35) 84a(38) 84b(6) 84b(18) 84b(28) 84b (3 8) 85a(18) " 85a(21) 85a(41) 85a(44) 85b(28) 85b(39) 86a(5; O2 86a(42) 86a(43) 2# '13 vb. 'nx vb. 'J?3 vb. 1# XTI1?' a n. 'in vb. 1# Tl» vb. 1J? prep. o2) xro'p n. xrr'iixi adj. xVl3 pron. x;ri3 n. X'?13'1 n. X';i3'1 n. isy'xi adv. B'K/S adj. (-papa prep. XJit 13 n. nxiTI' adj. i# xnV'B n. (-)jrt part. ... '31/31 '3 n. 13B pron. x;pi« '3 n. yip vb. 1# Xfl13 n. X?3E; num. T13 adj. 'Vya adj. Xpi'S n. Xrip'3 713/13 n. Xplll n. XITO n. Xp part. X'TX n. 1 X3T1 V? conj. pill n. xjira n. 33y vb. •?31 vb. *731 vb. ) xiaj n. X'TX n. 1'X part. 86b(U) 86b(13) 86b(14) 86b (21) 86b(29) 87a(45) 87a(46) 87b(l; O2) 87b (47) 88a(l) 88a(7) 88a(8) 88a(12) 88a(23) 88a(26) 88a(28) 88a(30) 88a(32) 88b (26) 88b(28) 88b(37) 89a(6) 89a(19) 89a(23) 89a(31) 89b(ll) 89b(23) 89b (3 7) 89b(47) 90a(8) 90a(24) 90a(27) 90b(3) 90b(8) xrirs n. X13p '3 n. 1# 11,1 vb. xnri's n. "n vb. 1# XWp n. XM adv. Xlp'ya adv. X313 n. ''pa adj. P'X adj. OT3 vb. l»'na adj. '13 adj. pin vb. 1# '3 n. 331 vb. V?p vb. inx vb. X3iya n. '38 conj. 110 adv. xrran n. X^sa adv. pnto vb. 1# XjVs n. 13y vb. i# nn vb. XjO'B n. ytos vb. mx vb. i# xyia n. T3 prep. ■IB prep. i# ':y vb. -1 "pa n. 1BX prep. 'SI vb. ipy vb. 1# 113 vb. 90b(14) "1 XTiyiX prep. Eftp vb. ]331 n. 1345 Babylonian Talmud 90b(17; O2) 90b(27) 90b (39) 91a(9) 91a(10) 91a(12) 91a(14) 91a(16) 91a(18) 91a(38) 91a(40) 91a(44) 91a(45) 91b(6) 91b(12) 91b(16) 91b(21) 91b(37) 92a(l) 92a(3) 92a(5) 92a(14) 92a(28) 92b(10) 92b(27) "I 92b (28) 93a(15) 93a(20) 93a(20; O2) 93a(21) 93a(22) 93a(25) 'W vb. 1# 113 vb. "I7"! pron. ',TX pron. 1# XJHT n. 2# fVn vb. '18 prep. xira adj. 'T vb. 1# Xlp'y n. 1# 03p vb. 333 vb. 1# X333 n. mb rmb conj. xnyBto n. 3*73 vb. 03X vb. 'in vb. 13y vb. 1# 'ip vb. i# ]na vb. i# ]m vb. tbo vb. Dip vb. 1# xVp n. (-)'ap prep. xtona '3 n. 1DX vb. 1# '1£> vb. 'TO vb. 13X vb. IX1? 'X conj. 'n vb. 1# XDOn n. xrnna n. oVp vb. i# nsto vb. oato vb. tyn vb. 2# xru? n. 1# ,133 vb. itoy vb. IX conj. 93b(l) 93b(2) 93b(19) 93b (20) 93b(21) 93b(26) 93b(29) 94a(5) 94a(23) 94a(24) 94a(30) 94a(34) 94a(35) 94b(18) 94b(23) 95a(30) 95a(31) 95a(40) 95b(19) 96a(ll) 96b(22) 96b (31) 96b(36) 96b(42) 97a(23) 97a(29) 97a(38) 97b(l) 97b(3) itoy vb. 1# 'ip vb. xaVn n. 2# '"?3 vb. 13y vb. XS13 n. pll vb. '3D vb. 1# '3 n. 1OT13 vb. ip» vb. -po vb. i# xyit n. xVlpV'p n. mn vb. OT/33 n. l'3a'T adv. ton vb. XJV331B n. i# xspn n. '8 adv. TSto adj. nana prep. 133 vb. abyb adv. i# mo vb. 2# '3p vb. Dip vb. X3B'I n. XVJPB adv. 2# fin vb. '331? prep. xriii3q n. 'X,1 ''plS adv. 2# '13 vb. xrii'-n n. to'n? adj. OT3 vb. 1H3 vb. ■1 X?'n V? conj. 1.SX vb. X1??? n. xVlX n. 97b(4) 97b(5) 97b(6) 97b(7) 97b(7; O2) 97b(8) 97b(9; O2) 97b(10) 97b(U) 97b(12) 97b(15) 97b(17; O2) 97b(20) 97b(23; O2) 97b(24) 98a(9) 98b(33) 99a(32) 99a(34) 99b(14) 100a(2) 100a(3) 100a(8) 100a(13) 100a(19) 100a(22) 100a(23) 100b(15) 100b(17) 100b(24) 101a(18) 101b(l) 101b(3) xrinx n. 1# X1| n. XII pron. 2# '11 vb. XB'TO n. xnnx na n. IX1!"! n. 'n vb. X'jlll n. 2# '11 vb. ins ino n. xnx n? n. X'^3 interj. 1# X3X n. N1??? n. xnri'x n. xn'p n. JT1X pron. X^TX n. 1# X13 n. nnto vb. 303 vb. 1# IpS vb. 1# in num. isyto vb. xj;pipa n. 2# 3iy vb. 1# pVo vb. OXB vb. xria n. X031X n. 'nx vb. xrin'x n. xni^'T n. y3S vb. 1# X3X n. 1# )Xa pron. 13?1 n- 'm vb. 1# Xlp n. 'in vb. IIS vb. 1# Xpll n. Yevamot 101b(7) X'ni/Xini "?? pron. 101b(17) '1?Vprep. 101b(23) Dno vb. ioib(28) xario n. 101b(35) XJl?n n. 101b(37) XB'pys adv. i# xnV'a n. 0013 vb. 101b(39) XITT n. 101b(41) XTTT n. 1# ''JB vb. 101b(42) X3X pron. 101b(43) D1SX prep. 102:20) X^DS'X n. 102:22) 1# Xjri'B n. 102a(16) 13y'X1 adv. 102a(18) xppart. 102a(19) I'jSXconj. 102a(31) 1# XllplX n. 102a(31; Ar [AC 1:221]) XJ13BX n. 102a(34) '83 adv. 102a(35) X3'3n n. 2# ybn vb. 2# 'an vb. 1# X("13p n. 102a(36) XS3to n. 102a(37) pin vb. XJ?'*D adj. 1# X^"[30 n. 102a(38) '3 by IX prep. XfllBin n. i# xjna n. 1# IDp vb. 102a(47) om vb. 1# X^'n n. 102a(52) 2# '^ vb. 102a(53) Dip vb. 102a(55) 'xVyV adv. 1# *pv vb. 102a(58) IX conj. 102b(l) 'B adv.
Yevamot 1346 Babylonian Talmud 102b(2) l#X11Tn. 102b(13) Xp8"U n. xaVy n. 102b(22;O2) Xpip n. 102b(24) 1# *fiv vb. nt vb. K?1i? n- 1# fpV vb. Til vb. 1# XB1J n. Xnjn n. 2# T^n vb. XM n. •]i3 vb. X1110 n. 'X conj. i# ]n vb. om vb. "1 ]XB 'X,l pron. 2# T^n vb. -]1X vb. 1# X^IS n. 1# Xjns n. 2# 'JO vb. 103a(20; M3OHT ib. 201:10) mrbn. 102b (25) 102b(27) 102b(31) 102b (32) 102b (3 6) 102b(38) 102b(44) 102b (46) 103a(15) 103a(16) 103a(17) 103a(20) 103a(29) 103a(30) 103a(33) 103a(38) 103b(5) 103b(7) 103b(19) 103b(36) 104a(4) 104a(6) XllWO'X n. xyix n. i# nni vb. pOB vb. '81 vb. "1 *73 pron. XJW'V n. yaw vb. 131 vb. xanir n. i# ntf vb. tax vb. x'pxBir; n. nns vb. K311?',-! n. IBp vb. xn'Vw n. 104a(17) 104a(49) 104b (20) 104b(33) 105a(19) 105a(20) 105a(22) 105a(23) 105a(26) 105a(28) 105a(31) 105a(41) 105b(13) 105b(17) 105b(18; 105b(19) O2) 105b(27) 105b (28) 105b(29) 105b(37) 105b(39) 105b(44) 105b(47) 106a(21) 106a(23) 106a(27) 106a(35) 106b(19) 106b(21 i# xi3u n. nxyrp adj. 31 adj. 2# V?n vb. xVx conj. Kin pron. 3X3 vb. (-)Jl'V part. 2# f'jn vb. 1# ntf vb. i# nn vb. xsiw n. ppi vb. (-)Trt part. pn vb. i# xn"ip n. X^3B adv. 1# X13 n. poy vb. poy vb. '3rnx adv. VVp adj. 31X prep. Xlpl' n. yos vb. X01B1DB n. vix vb. 2# y'rn vb. 1# °?TX vb. 1# p!3 vb. xran n. yos vb. 103 vb. xaty n. "1 conj. XJ8 adv. 2# T'rn vb. i# n© vb. X1? adv. Xa'K n. X3',l adv. tunm n. O2) 106b(22) 106b (25) 106b(30) 106b (34) 106b(35) 107a(17) 107a(28) 107a(30) 107a(31) 107a(38) 107b(7) 107b(17) 107b(18) 107b (30) 107b(48) 107b(49) 108a(28) 108a(29) 108a(30) 108a(31) 108b(18) 108b(20) 108b(21) 109a(16) 109a(17) 109a(17; O2) "linV prep. 1# np vb. XD'J n. (")ri'V part. i# xri^a n. 1# pbo vb. DD1P vb. 1# XSX n. xak/'jij n. ppl vb. 01^3 X1? adv. □1^3 pron. doc; vb. 2# mti vb. ■py vb. 2# 'SB vb. 'XTO'3 n. ipy vb. 'm vb. xws: n. '3X vb. 2# 'yi vb. 1# XID'P n. 2# 'yi vb. 'y3 vb. xiia'i n. (-tfl'b part. 'in vb. xip/ya adv. ao: vb. IXiy adv. Vip vb. na vb. "I"! pron. tn vb. m vb. lxV adv. 3# Bbtf vb. 3# W3W,vb. 3# W3W vb. Jl'K part. xniix n. i# nn vb. 109b(7) 109b(8) 109b(15) 109b(28) 110a(4) 110a(7) 110a(12) 110a(17) U0a(18) 110a(21) 110a(22) 110a(44) 110b(23) 110b(39) I10b(43; Ar [AC 7:71]) ^p vb. xnvip n. nob(49) xran?n. llla(30) X'TX n. llla(32) XTflTl n. lllb(38) l#Tlnum. 11 lb(39) "nnpron. lllb(41) Xnilina n. liib(42) '3ni3n. lllb(43) 'Dnixtaadv. X'ni/Xini *73 pron. lllb(48;Ed) Dipvb. lllb(51) l#0Uvb. 112a(l; Ar [AC 5:211]) 113 vb. Din vb. 1# X13 n. 1# 'pV vb. '01 vb. i# xrfp'a n. iVs vb. 2# V?n vb. 033 vb. ty3 vb. Vip vb. XT3113 '3 n. byi vb. X^DllS '3 n. 1# XfllS n. prw vb. If X pron. 112a(14) 112a(33) 112b(45) U3a(l) 113a(7) 113a(10) 113a(26) 113a(27) 113a(28) 113a(40) 2# fin vb. "1 conj. 130 vb. J3311 adj. y:a vb. XB1?'! conj. i# tax vb. i# xwin n. 3M vb. D3n vb. xnyi n. Babylonian Talmud 1347 Yevamot 113b(l) 113b (7) 113b(25) 113b(26) 113b(37) 113b(39) 113b (40) B'Vp adj. V'X adj. till vb. 2# 'xa vb. tan adv. xn"iixi adj. D'W9 adj. nana prep. XS10'3 n. i# xnnsa n. 031 vb. 113b(40; Geon 337:8) 114a(l) 1# 13X vb. 131 vb. xf?D n. xn'f?p n. 2# V?D vb. 114a(l; Geon 337:9) 114a(12) 114a(18) 114a(20) 114a(31) 114a(42) 114b(21) 114b(29) 114b(36) 114b(38) 114b(39) 114b (40) 114b(42) 2# VjD vb. "TlTOl prep. liyy vb. 1# pSO vb. xfjaix n. 1# 'BO vb. •rb avm prep. xroyn n. 'ai vb. 2# trt>B vb. 1# XTJ n. id: vb. "n vb. 130 vb. 1*180 n. 13y vb. xnan n. 1# xniB n. 3T'» vb. 114b(42;02) Xn'SM n. 114b(47) 115a(2) 115a(5) xf/ria n. Xjntf num. 'ai vb. 'TlV prep. 115a(6) 115a(10) 115a(ll) 115a(12) 115a(16) 115a(17) 115a(18) 115a(19) 115a(20) 115a(23) 115a(41) ll5a(42) 115a(46) 115b(2) 115b(3) 115b(4) 115b(5) 115b(6) 115b(8) 115b(10) 115b(22) 115b(23) 115b(24) tfm vb. XJJJ n. '1 conj. xW?'n n. XTU n. l"?T n. 'Tn vb. TIC adJ- xriO'S n. i# nw vb. XriO'S n. xrio's n. Vx: vb. X11J n. XriO'S n. xaia n. iptf vb. p3W vb. Xri'3 'OT'X n. 130 vb. X38'0 n. by_ prep. '3J prep. ]3] 1? adv. xri'sn n. W) pron. 1# VtX vb. xawaiw n. ri'X part. 133 vb. 'M vb. 1# ^ vb. XJinX 13 n. xrn"?j w'i n. 115b(24; Ar[AC 6:368]) 115b(31) 115b(33) 115b(34) 116a(2) 116a(3) 116a(5) n'n:s n. 1X3 prep. i# nsw vb. ("in; part. nx'tn n. xawn. 1# TOB vb. xnan. 116a(6) 116a(9) 116a(10) 116a(ll) 116a(15) 116a(17) 116a(18) 116a(19) 116a(26) 116b(l) 116b(ll) 116b(12) 116b(12;0 116b(13) 116b(27) 116b(29) 116b(32) 116b(42) 117a(29) 117a(38) 117a(39) 117b(4) 117b(6) 117b(6; 0: 117b(31) 117b(32) 118a(5) 118a(30) xnn'x n. nxy/nru adj. 1BX vb. sno vb. '3? prep. 1# ^tX vb. XXS'P n. n'X part. 1# X1S0 n. i# ioa vb. xawaiw n. 'Bl vb. "?a-i vb. x:xa n. xna n. 1D0 vb. 2# ino vb. yip vb. Xlp'W n. 2) «]Vx vb. i# nv vb. nm vb. xni'JW n. xnj^s n. ]:31 n. na pron. 1# "?3X vb. mi '3 n. X30TJ n. X10T31 n. 1# tax vb. XJ0TJ n. y?p vb. 'nx vb. TO vb. lyx vb. ) WJ1 vb. 1# 'XD pron. ina prep. ma vb. V?p vb. KD1J n. x"iyx n. 118b(34) 118b(37) 118b(38) 118b(39) 118b(39;\ 118b(40) 119a(10) 119a(32) U9a(33) 119b(2) 119b(6) 119b(38) 120a(l) 120a(2) 120a(4) 120a(15) 120a(38) 120a(39) om vb. xrru n. xniVaix n. 3D adj. il IP adv. 3n' vb. XJBl&a'IW n. 2# xnin n. X^pilS n. KOS: n. 1# XS'O n. 1# 'Bl vb. ,5) 4# 'ip vb. xns^p n. XpVip n. XlTp n. 'Xax conj. 1BD vb. 1# XjVs n. xpiya n. xpiya n. xws: n. y?p vb. X»V»3 adv. 3d: vb. X'n pron. W>p vb. T vb. 1# Xl'P n. xnisx, n. xn'bs n. p31 vb. «]Vn vb. 120a(40; 02Ar [AC 2:208]) lpB3 vb. 120a(40; M3Ar [AC 2:208, X 120b(7) 120b(10) 120b(ll) "o]) yna vb. XB31X n. 3p0 vb. i»nj vb. ]B0 vb. Wti vb. i# irn n.
Ketubbot 1348 Babylonian Talmud paiO n. 120b(14) XH part. "n vb. 'BB vb. 120b (19) 2# 'S» vb. 120b(24) "in1? prep. 'Tl vb. 120b(25; O2) T'J vb. 120b(25) xy>»D adj. 1# XTOSp n. 120b (26) 1# x^>? n. xnny: n. pOS vb. 120b(27) tfvn adj. 121a(l) DH» vb. I21a(2;02) l»SWn. 121a(3) DDnS vb. 121a(5) lttp^Ovb. 121a(6) y3Bvb. "irQ1? prep. I2ia(7) xr3tfii£/ n. 121a(10) XS'^part. i# nax vb. i2ia(ii) xnytfn. 121a(20) XBJX n. yso vb. 303 vb. 121a(20; Seel 177:7) 2# XTJ n. 121a(21) natfvb. 121a(24) 'ya vb. 121a(25) >ip vb. Dip vb. 121a(25; O2) 1# X^J n. <?5V vb. 121a(34) rj'S n. 121b(l) XSS'X n. 1# pT3 vb. 121b(15) lSXtf'tfn. 121b(16) QUvb. flO vb. 1# XrniS n. 121b(29) XXB3 n. 121b(29; 240:10) 121b(30) 121b(30; 121b(31) 121b(39) 121b(41) 121b(42) 121b(43) 121b(46) 121b(47) 121b(49) 121b(50) 122a(l) 122a(2) 122a(30) 122b(l) 122b (8) 122b (26) OHT ib. xnxaa n. 1?1 ]3 adv. 02) 1# p*?0 vb. xnsp n. X3'X part. 1# ixa pron. '11 interj. ini adj. 1# X2H9 n. y3B vb. 1# *?3X vb. xnii? n. i# ■n'?,i n. pSl vb. Jl'X part. 1# xbp n. xnpsox n. Vx-TO' "13 n. i# xnvn n. ^3 vb. Xll'p n. X^J'l n. 1# blK vb. Tl" adj. (-)'ap1? prep. X}'30 n. 'B1 vb. xniy-ia n. '33 vb. Xp part. Ketubbot 2a(10) 2a(ll) 2a(30) 2a(32) 2b(5) 2b(8) 2b(14) 2b(16) 2b(28) xna n. 'H pron. 03X vb. XJX pron. Dip vb. xnpn. n. TO'X pron. •1"! pron. xabx adv. XJH '3 n. 1# 'itf vb. 2b(33) 2b(36) 2b(37) 2b(38) 2b(40) 3a(l) 3a(8) 3a(24) 3a(26) 3a(28) 3a(29) 3a(34) 3b(17) 3b(18) 3b (20) 3b(22) 3b(27) 3b(28) 4a(7) 4a(14) 4b(25) 4b(26; M) 5a(20) 5a(25) 5b(3) 5b(13) 5b(25) 6a(l) .. 6a(2) 6a(6) 6a(8) °?SJ vb. 'jiDS prep. POS vb. 'in vb. X0J1K n. "T conj. xnsp n. 130 vb. ]>y vb. i# yps vb. 'nx vb. xnsa n. X'TO v.n. IH'X pron. XIH pron. IDS vb. •1 'XI2 pron. 1# 10B vb. »TI vb. *?B3 vb. npy vb. 33y vb. xinsox n. dm vb. X3B'X n. xna n. psi vb. xnib'sx n. "SX X^>3 prep. jn: vb. xrityn adv. xnjn n. i# -np vb. pbn vb. 2# nsn vb. Ip5 vb. x^'aa adv. . 'SH/Sl '3 n. HXy'lTIJ adj. pin vb. xnsioa n. xjvu n. fPtfn p'DS n. 6a(12) 6a(16) 6b(l) 6b(10) 6b(12) 7a(l) 7a(12) 7b(6) 7b(7) 7b(14) 7b(23) 7b(26) 7b(40) 8a(28) 8a(30) 8a(34) 8a(35) 8a(37) 8a(38) 8a(41) 8a(42) 8a(45) 8b(12) 8b(13; M) 8b(15) 8b(16) 8b(17) 8b(29) 8b(30) 1# X13J n. 2# -an vb. bys vb. -no vb. 2# 'xa vb. npy vb. ipB vb. xnyi n. i# xriV'a n. p'DS adj. TX3 adj. Xfl^W? n. ]8 prep. on vb. 1# 'JO vb. nxmj3 adj. "N nvn 'I'a n. 1# V51 vb. 113 vb. xVl1?',-! n. iy prep. XriT n. xnrpx n. i# 'ai vb. i# xrnyfr n. poy vb. 1# ipK adj. 1# K-13 n. xrpV'n n. xb'na '3 n. )6s vb. 'Ipa n. '3ria n. 13T vb. xjarrma n. Dip vb. ^aj? "73 prep. nns vb. Dm vb. lyx vb. 8b(55; Ar [AC ib.]) 9b(7) 1# NllS n. DWa prep. Babylonian Talmud 1349 Ketubbot 9b(8) 9b(10) 10a(18) 10a(31) 10a(32) 10a(40) 10b(2) 10b(10) 10b(13) 10b(29) 10b(31) 10b(38) 10b (40) 10b(41) 10b(43) 10b (48) 10b(51) 10b(53) 10b(54) 3rr vb. 1# ]yD vb. T.DX vb. 3# X1S13 n. xnsnaa n. 303 vb. D3n vb. 1# X13y n. xrnain n. nsy vb. 1J3 prep. "Pf pron. V?T vb. xrro; n. ins vb. nns vb. xirnix n. TJiy adj. rny adj. 2# IPX vb. pV vb. i# bv*?v vb. •no vb. DID1? prep. 'Vy vb. xnyw n. X1M n. X^p'T n. XJTJ n. KV1 n. 1# X13y n. 10b(54; Ar [AC 5:388]) 10b (55) lla(l) lla(10) lla(ll) lla(12) lla(13) lla(24) Ua(25) '3 prep. XJIJ n. 2# XniS n. xrnisn n. xrpsn n. oyo vb. xnio'x n. yo vb. xni'J n. xrains n. i# 'm vb. lla(25;M) lla(25) llb(8) llb(21) 1lb(23) 1lb(24) llb(39) 12b(l) 12b(2) 12b(16) 12b(28) 12b(29) 12b(35) 12b(39) 12b(40) 13a(21) 13a(43) 13b(10) 13b(31) 14a(14) 14a(25; V; 14a(26) 14a(29) 14b(18) 14b(24) 14b(30) 15a(10) 15a(ll) 15a(17) 15a(19) 15a(26) 15b(4) 15b(5) 15b(26) 15b(27) 16a(8) 16a(15) 16a(42) 16a(47) i# 'na vb. ps: vb. C)'SX3 prep. 'BT vb. iy prep. i3y vb. naj1? adv. TS» adj. 'tn vb. 303 vb. 'Vy vb. Dip vb. xjiaa n. '3,1 adv. iJ'a prep. xpin n. xn:yp n. XJ^'1? n. X131 n. X3-)in n. i# nno vb. xrwn '?n adv. ) Xp'SO n. D'Vx adj. V?p vb. 2# X'JIOS n. 1# «px vb. -np'a n. X'jV '3^3 adv. Ill vb. 1# y3p vb. '3J prep. N31T n. XS1J n. on1 vb. mv vb. ni: vb. 1# XlV? n. i# nx vb. XpTS n. 1# ^OS vb. ira prep. i# ':w vb. 16a(50) 16b(l) I6b(3) 16b(8) 16b(21) 16b(27) 16b(36) 16b(42) 16b(43) X3'V part. yyn vb. 1# xnp© n. xnsms n. pD: vb. xrnna n. ■"a adv. nsy vb. xn'j'ins n. 16b(44; V5) 0JX vb. 17a(9) 17a(10) 17a(14) 17a(16) 17a(17) 17a(18) 17a(19) 17a(20) 17a(24) 17a(25) 17a(26) 17a(27) 17a(28) 17a(29; ' 17a(30) 17a(31) 2# ntf vb. xnV? n. ■|B0 vb. 2# n» vb. I'oain n. X0(l)ail» n. i# xnax n. *l?'i? 'S n. O'SX1? prep. pSJ vb. xrana n. xay n. X3T n. 2# '"># vb. xnaix n. xrxis n. Tl? adj. x'jna v.n. xniru n. xaVip n. 103 vb. XniJ n. XTOy n. pos vb. xaVy tni'Vis n. i# xni n. 30 adj. XJTpltf n. Vs) XniDW n. xsn? n. 33T vb. 1# Ipl vb. Via pron. 17a(32) 17a(48) 17a(49) 17a(50) 17b(4) 17b(7) 17b(8; V5Fr) 17b(9) 17b(13) 17b(15) 17b(20) 17b(30) 17b(32) 17b(33; V5) 17b(39) 18a(18) 18b(4) 19a(9) 19a(14) 19a(17) 19b(ll) 19b(21) 19b(30) 19b(32) 20a(9) 20a(12) 20a(14) 20a(32) 20a(37) 20a(38) 20b(2) 20b(3) 20b(4) Xll»3 n. '»rf7 interj. 1# X^S n. fin vb. ]a prep. X-13'0 n. i# np vb. xnV? n. D13 vb. 2# xn'np n. yr\t vb. xns'sn n. im vb. Dn' adj. xrnp'a n. 1TT1 vb. x:p'3 n. 1# ^SX vb. XpiH n. nana prep. Dip vb. Dp: vb. XWB n. T vb. □nn vb. 1# X33J n. XJ'T n. i# nn: vb. 1# ™ vb. ipy vb. xnnno n. npy vb. "nil3 prep. X^p» 13 n. vvf7 prep. 1# X3X n. ]13 vb. 'IT pron. 1# 'Vl vb. 13T vb. xnnno n. 13T vb. m vb.
Ketubbot 1350 Babylonian Talmud '3,T1 '31 adv. 20b(6; Fr,HG3 35:97) 20b (7) 20b(25) 20b(28; V5) 21a(7) 21a(14) 21a(15) 21a(16) 21a(18) 21a(19) 21a(31) 21a(34; V5) 21a(42) 21a(43) 21a(44) 21a(45) 21b(2) 21b(5) 21b(6) 21b(13) 21b(14) 21b(43) i# oon vb. 1# '8T vb. T3T vb. T3T vb. xrinno n. xy3'T num. 1# KSDn n. 1# 'Ttf vb. ino vb. i# xn'pjs n. 'VyB adj. xniann n. Oy prep. nnc; vb. xni'Vya n. Xp part. XJ'H n. 2# V?D vb. xVta n. ms vb. xatfaw n. obp vb. 133 adv. 1# XflTPX n. M»l n. 2# 'X,T pron. pin vb. xmbn n. 22a(2) XjVf'a '^J v.n. 22a(5) 22a(7) 22a(12) 22a(26) 22a(27) 22a(33) 22b(33) 22b (3 5) 22b(36) 23a(16) 23a(21) 23a(23) ]B prep. TTX vb. X33T n. XT30 n. "p1? prep. 'ltf vb. y"0 vb. 113 vb. XB'J n. Xjma adv. Wip vb. Xtff X n. 23a(38) 23a(38; V5) 23a(39) 23a(40) 23a(41) 23a(42) 23a(44) 23a(44; V5) 23a(45) 23a(46) 23a(47) 23b(13) 23b(21) 23b(24) 23b(26) 23b(38) 23b(45) 24a(8) 24a(17) 24b (19) 24b(27) 24b(28; V5) 24b(29) 24b(45) 24b(46) 25a(l) 25a(39) 25b(10) T3y vb. i# xn'3tf n. iiUT pron. xjtxti adv. an' vb. XT1B1 n. y?? vb. 'xri 'Vis adv. TBI vb. '3# vb. XBhTO '3 n. 'X13Xa adv. Dip vb. X'PStf n. 1# X71T3 n. 2# '"?J vb. f\\0b adv. X'T'i3B n. 1# XflT3 n. xrnia n. 1# XnT3 n. 2# °?3B vb. Xn»n adv. xnjrsa n. xnyra n. T3X vb. 'ltf vb. Xp part. Xtf'T n. 2# XTTI n. x:iaa n. XS1J n. XSS'X n. T10 vb. i# tax vb. «pn vb. 1'Xn adj. 2# 013 vb. Xpin n. J?'T adj. XTp'ya adv. an' vb. Xinri pron. 25b(24) 26a(16) 26a(17) 26a(18; V 26a(29) 26a(30) 26b(31) 27a(3) 27a(23) 27a(38) 27a(40) 27a(41) 27a(45) 27a(47) 27a(55) 27b(2) 27b(3) 27b(5) 27b(7) 27b(12) 27b(21) 27b(26) 27b(29) 27b(33) 27b(34) 27b(37) 27b(38) 28a(12) 28a(15) 28a(16) 28a(18) 28a(23) 28a(25) nw>'3 adv. 1# Ojp vb. 2# 'Tp vb. pm vb. 2) 1# pDO vb. 1# Xj'p n. i# nn: vb. 1# pta vb. 'a: adv. |133 prep. byi vb. 013 vb. i# xrnis n. 1# X111J n. 1# X3ta n. XflV'tfltf n. XJ11X n. TPK pron. 'B adv. TJX vb. "b prep. 2# XTan n. i# xrnix n. WB conj. xtftfrj n. "TT pron. KiT pron. xntfn adv. yr vb. X^tX n. n'X part. 2# '30 vb. i# ]n vb. □Vx adj. WX pron. 1# XT3I1 n. 1# XT3J n. X'jlB'p'B «. ppt vb. mti vb. tj: vb. "nj'a prep. 1# Oil vb. 28a(26) 28a(28) 28a(41) 28a(42) 28a(43) 28b(21) 28b (31) 28b(38) 29a(2) 29b(19) 30a(21) 30a(22) 30b(15) 30b(21) 30b(23) 30b(26) 31a(10) 31b(8) 31b(10) 31b(20) 31b(26) 31b(29) 31b(38) 32a(7) 32a(10) 32b(8) 33a(17) 33a(22) 33b(2) 33b(22) 33b(23) 33b(38) 34a(13) 34a(26) 34b(3) 34b(26) 35a(22) "1 conj. _nj'3 prep. 3T adj. xna'x n. X3T n. ]a'n vb. TiTO vb. p33 vb. X?'HX pron. 1# tas vb. Tn' vb. 1# XTp n. xnx n. T,TT vb. X3'X part. nai vb. "I XJl'yB prep. oVx vb. ]ra vb. i# xrnix n. 'yra 'a n. pm vb. onri adv. xjpn n. pn vb. -1 XB3 ta conj. X3'X part. d?V vb. yb vb. 1# *bv vb. 131 vb. TJ3 vb. nta vb. xtaVx conj. xata n. "1 conj. xrnnn n. X'plS pron. ,TX'fc?3 '3 n. ri3D vb. "?Bp vb. X031X n. 1# Xtap n. Babylonian Talmud 1351 Ketubbot 35b(l) 35b(16) 35b(17) 36a(5) 36a(20) 36a(33) 36b(l) 36b(5) 3 6b (9) 36b(12) 36b(14) 36b(15) 36b(19) 36b(21) 36b(22) 36b(55) 37a(7) 37a(27) 37a(33) 37b(4) 37b(10) 37b(ll) 37b(13) 37b(15) 38b(7) 38b(13) 38b(14) 3 8b (23) 39b(ll) 39b(12) 39b(13) 39b(13; Ar 39b(14) 39b(15) 39b(31) 110 adv. xVx conj. xni0)3 n. '3a pron. 303 vb. yntf vb. i# iyo vb. B3n vb. 1# Xni3 n. TS1 adj. XSI'l n. '31 vb. ppt vb. 1# TT,T vb. 1"! vb. 3na vb. T.3X vb. TB3 vb. p33 vb. Taq adj. 1# 1,'TX adj. xjiaa n. 1# xtap n. xjarn n. 1# XTp n. TBS vb. p33 vb. P33 vb. 'lajV adv. XDBS n. lbs vb. xa'x n. o'an adj. nTp adj. xnV'pis n. XT3'T n. [AC 8:286]) 'T13'0 n. HXT10 adj. tfipH adj. X33T1 n. XB,T3 n. P33 vb. 39b(35) 39b(36) 40a(5) 40a(20) 40b(20) 40b(21) 40b(46) 41a(12) 41a(25) 41a(27) 41a(28) 41a(29) 41a(32) 41a(36) 41a(41) 41a(45) 41b(22) 41b(26) 42b(12) 42b(21) 42b(21; V5) 42b(23) 42b(23; V5) 42b(24) 42b(33) 42b(43) 43a(3) 43a(5; V5) 43a(10) 43a(13) 43a(20) 43a(35) 43a(47) 43b(ll) 43b(30) Tyx vb. TBI vb. TH vb. X3'J31B n. 1# X03p n. 1# TOa vb. 1# "7IX vb. D33 vb. Xpt'3 n. lata n. Xpt'3 n. 2# TV vb. 1# XOip n. TB3 vb. lXb adv. VOX adv. XTTO n. T"E> vb. 1# XTB'X n. 1# X3ta n. X3B'l n. pTH adj. 2# X'pj'tf n. 't?P adj. '»p vb. 2# '3tf vb. pTS vb. 1? prep- pT3 vb. onn adv. m' vb. Xp part. "1 T» n. TXp vb. TBD vb. pi vb. Xri'lTT n. Xni^'T n. xr;3u n. XTX? n. XrpV'T n. na'X adv. 1# '33 vb. 44a(2) 44a(3) 44a(22) 44b(14) 45a(5) 45a(16) 45b(2) 45b(10) 45b(ll) 45b(15) 45b(16) 45b(20) 46b(16) 46b(17) 46b(30) 47a(9) 47a(12; V5) 47a(23) 47a(24) 47a(26; M) 47a(27) 47b(9) 47b(17) 47b(18) 47b(19) 48a(31) 48b(14) 48b(15) 48b(33) 49a(l) 49b(16) 49b(17) 49b(18) ]a prep. 2# ^Vn vb. xiiay© n. 2# XpDB n. pT3 vb. "1 conj. mn vb. 1# blX vb. xnyT n. ^3 vb. xjarn n. |B prep. '31 vb. na'X adv. 1# ^03 vb. X303 n. VIp vb. "mi3T prep. '31 vb. 1# TOa vb. xnyps n. yja vb. pTS vb. '3T IX^a adv. 1# VlX vb. 1# X0'3 n. |nn vb. ni3 vb. '3» vb. pT3 vb. "1 conj. 1# Vll3 vb. rj'3 adj. 1# blX vb. X3S'X n. xanp n. X^3 '3 n. i# Tin vb. 1# XT3 n. 'S3 vb. xru'px n. X3T1J? n. 49b (21) 49b(22) 49b(25) 49b(31) 49b(38) 49b (42) 50a(2) 50a(12) 50a(19) 1# Tl'n n. Ill vb. '33 vb. 1# n^W vb. X3'1? part. ]nj vb. 1# KJTQ n. ptil vb. 'Dy vb. XTTO'y n. TS3 adj. 50a(20; Ar [AC.ib.]) 50a(2O) 50a(27) 50a(28) 50a(28; V5) 50a(29) 50a(29; V16) 50a(30) 50a(31) X^p 50a(36) 50a(37) 50a(41) 50a(44) 50a(54) 50b(4) 50b(5) 50b(9) 50b(ll) 50b (12) 50b(16) 50b(17) 50b(18) 1# 'SO vb. 1# tap vb. X3Tpy n. xniox n. "n vb. □Vlff'B v.n. XT3?> n. l'T n. 1# T1T1 n. 1# 1TO vb. 1# 'ptf vb. xri'n n. XT13'1 n. Tl X11SX n. X^p'T n. ©TO adj. 'T3 adj. xotaix n. Dip vb. 1# xnp'3 n. 'nx vb. B11X vb. p3tf vb. xyix n. m' vb. pi vb. X^lV'y n. XBBB n. x^;x n. xtaVaa n. Ill vb.
Ketubbot 1352 Babylonian Talmud 50b(21) 50b(22) 50b(24) 50b(25) 50b(34; V5) 51b(26) 51b(29; M) 51b(36) 51b(36; V5) 51b(39) 52a(17) 52a(24) 52a(34) 52a(46) 52b (9) 52b(16) 52b(17) 52b(18) 52b(33) 52b(34) 52b(36) 52b(38) 52b(41) 52b(42) 53a(l) 53a(3) X13iy n. '3 prep. 1# '31 vb. NJ'H n- "1 conj. 1# X;"K conj. X11SX n. X13iy n. ]1T vb. xnis n. i# mix vb. X~!V. n. »aV vb. 'Ill pron. 1# 'lit; vb. 311 vb. 1# K311 n. XSS'N n. Dip vb. Ill vb. 1J13 prep. XljTjra adv. XH pron. N3'3q n. 1# x'plp n. X3X JW'X n. 3'ip adj. Nai' V? adv. -|ns vb. 'Cap1? prep. pp vb. '03 vb. KttV vb. i# ysp vb. yia vb. '127 vb. nxiio adj. poy vb. 'in vb. xrairp n. pDl vb. n'l adj. xnipnx n. 53a(4) 53a(5) 53a(6) 53a(8) 53a(9) 53a(9; M) 53a(10) 53a(ll) 53a(13) 53a(14) Xll'W n P'3 adj 30 adj 1# X?1T n 2# n'rx vb '31 adv -Jiyia prep 'Oy vb "7 conj 'S3 vb. tya vb. (nfr'5? n. nrn vb. '."n n. 3# XT1 n. xra n. xra'p n. 53a(14; Seel 21:23) 53a(15) 53a(17) 53a(23) 53a(26) 53a(43) 53b(l) 53b(2) 53b(5) 53b(12) 53b(16) 53b(17; V 53b(18) 53b(20) 53b(21) 53b(32) 54a(3) 54a(ll) 54a(17) 54a(19) 54a(30) -7lV DWa prep. 'Tl pron. Xllin adj. xVsx n. . OIK vb. rap vb. 1# X1TYI n. xriync? n. 2# 112 vb. XttU'X n. 'in vb. ya» vb. ) oix vb. v?t vb. '133 adv. X130 n. U",l pron. XllO'X n. "1 XT'?* prep. plsa adj. xnp'3 n. xiira n. -TT? prep. 1,12 vb. xnns n. 54a(31) 1# xrna n. 54a(31; M) 301 vb. 54a(33) '"IXyiin: adj. 54a(33; V5Ed,TGHark 205:25) 2# '10 vb. 54a(34) X3'H adv. X3p n. 54a(37) XrfraiX n. on' adj. XIS'O n. 54a(41) '1 -inx» conj. 54a(42) XTIX31? adv. em vb. 54a(44) 1# X13 n. xri1?? n. 54a(45) V?T vb. on' adj. xraira n. 54a(46) '03 vb. 54a(46; V5) 1# "7TX vb. 54a(48) NTH n. x;:ni n. Kills n. 54b(l) lp'vb. 54b(2) xmil n. 54b(3) X3X nri'X n. xiiia n. IDS vb. 54b(5) 1H' vb. 54b(9; V5) N31X n. 54b(10) (-)'Sp1? prep. 54b(28) xniS'p n. 55a(4) ,ixn'13ais adj. 55a(6) 1# N13 n. 55a(7) 'ISytfa n- 55a(8) -373 prep. 55a(ll) irrvb. 55a(12) 1# XlX'a n. nxn'iziais adj. 55a(24) KliaiX n. 55b(7) "X prep. Xt£J3'l n. 331 vb. 56a(4) 31p vb. 56a(5) 2# Xlp n. 56a(7) 131? adv. 56a(15) '311'3,1 adv. 56a(24) 1# 1.X3 adv. 56a(28) X31"I n. 56a(35) pDl vb. 2# yiB vb. X1DI? n. 56a(37) IDS vb. 56b(35) nns vb. 56b(38) XJinX n. 57a(l) xraw? n. 031 vb. 57a(22) '111 pron. 57a(24) XliBX n. 57b (12) 33y vb. 57b(14) X'l pron. 57b(15) navb. 57b(19) Xins n. 57b(43) in' vb. 57b(45) 1# 'SO vb. 57b(46) 1# pi3 vb. 'V prep. 57b(48) yv vb. 57b(49) 1# T3X vb. 'Xll adv. 59a(7) ir?» adj. 59a(8) fxp vb. 59a(46) 'ai vb. 59b(12) DVx vb. Xntfil adv. 59b(26) XTl'l n. 60a(6) XSlin n. 60a(8) mi vb. 60a(9) xVm n. 2# tto vb. 60a(10) X'nn pron. 60a(12) 1# pi3 vb. 1# Xll n. 37V vb. 60a(12; TGHark 99:15) 1# 'JIX vb. Babylonian Talmud 60a(12; TGHark 99:15) 60a(13; V5) 60a(14) 60a(14; V5) 60a(15) 60a(33) 60b(25) 60b(27) 60b(28) 2# 60b(29) 60b(31) 60b(35) 60b(37) ,lj>3 n. 1# 11,1 vb. #33 vb. '10 vb. 2# '11 vb. 2# 101 vb. XSlV'n n. 1# pi vb. i# xbn n. 1# X01S n. xny'3 n. 'T vb. xnnis n. xnnpsx n. X31n. Xil part. y"0 vb. aby vb. 30 adj. xi3iy n. NJIlVl W'l '31 n. 60b (3 8) 60b (3 8; M) WX pron. '31? conj. xnpia n. 60b(45) -nyiX IX1? prep. 60b (46) 60b(47) 60b(49) 60b(51) 60b(52) 60b(52; V5) 60b (52; FrAr 8:101]) 60b(53) pin vb. pin vb. 13y vb. pa vb. xshan n. 1# Xllp n. x;nn'? n. 'in vb. i# x3Vn n. 3# X1S13 n. 1# 13y vb. pOS vb. xaas n. [AC xsait? n. 1# X13 n. 1353 1# -|11 vb. xViin n. 2# X3T n. 'S?'! n- xpiaii/ n. VQV vb. 60b(53; Ar [AC 2:360) Xllll'l n. 60b(53; Ar [AC 2:352]) Xlllll n. 60b(53; Ar [AC 2:352, s.v. 1111]) xai n. 60b(54) xnip'lll n. IsV'l adj. f?ty adj. 'I'lia n. T'Sl adj. 60b(54; Ar [AC 4:57]) 2# 110 vb. 60b(54; Ar [AC 5:214]) 2# piX vb. 60b(55) 031X adj. 60b(55; FrV5M) lyiaa adj. 60b(55) X13W n. 'ntf vb. 61a(43;V5) fjVn vb. 61a(l) xriy'3 n. '13 adj. xiry n. 61a(2) Lilian. XDS13 n. 61a(2; M) pn adj. 61a(3) ITIl'T adj. Xni3013 n. 61a(4) Tlto'3 adj. 61a(5) 1# Xni3 n. inrri adj. 61a(6) 1# X3X n. 61a(7) 1# Xil'l n. XP'l n. 61a(9) 2# 'Xa vb. 61a(19) XlXiy n. 61a(20; V5Ar [AC 3:248]) 61a(21) 61a(25) 61a(28; V5) 61a(31) 61a(43) -p'1,13 prep. 'Tl pron. niD vb. 2# XniX n. y"0 vb. x;io '3 n. XT n. 1# X313 n. na vb. i# nni vb. Xbxoip n. 61a(43; HG3 361:97) 61a(44) 61a(46) 61a(47) 61a(48) 61a(49) 61a(50) 61a(51) 61a(52) 61b(l) 61b(l; V5) 61b(2) 61b(4) xVxaiy n. XS't71?> n. 1# X11X n. ]30 vb. Dip vb. (')'ap prep. Xl'Vllil n. 2# X^n n. XTl'lUM n. '1 Vs pron. xV?:i n. xnvp n. 1# xn'l n. W3V adj. Ton adj. 1# 'SO vb. 1# inx vb. X111113X n. I^n vb. 3H' vb. xsVa n. xnri's n. 1# XSX n. Xy,3XX n. mi vb. mn vb. xniiyp n. xais n. IDS vb. i# rax vb. 61b(4; V5) 61b(5) 61b(6) 61b(8) 61b(9) 61b(10) 61b(ll) 61b(12) 61b(13) 61b(14) 61b(15) 61b(16) 61b(17) 61b(24; M) 61b(25) 61b(29) 61b(30) 61b(30; V5) 61b(35) 61b(37) 62a(20) 62a(21; V5) 62a(22) 62a(26) 62a(27) 62a(28) 62a(35) Ketubbot 1# ^03 vb. 1# p!3 vb. X^3XX n. 1# n31^ vb. 1# XO'l n. 1B0 vb. ms vb. nxaii n. 'nx vb. 1# 'Vs vb. yV3 vb. nx vb. 1# Xpll n. 1# 'OX vb. 1# '11 vb. "V prep. XM11 n. 11X vb. 1# 'HW vb. xxin n. Xttl'3 n. nxaii n. xroVa n. TBlll n. xri'lll n. 2# bbv vb. HXIO'P adj. "1 conj. 1# Dll vb. I1?' vb. i# xniix n. 1# VTX vb. '1,1 vb. 2# 'xa vb. 131 vb. 2# '10 vb. 1# TO! vb. mn adj. ^X vb. rm vb. X^> adv. 'PI'S '13 n. 1# '11 vb.
Ketubbot 1354 Babylonian Talmud 62a(36) 62a(36; Ar V16) 62a(37) 62a(38) 62a(39) 62a(40) 62a(41) 62a(42) 62a(43) 62a(43; Ar 62a(43; V5) 62a(52) 62b(ll) X3"TSX n. X^ID n. [AC 3:161] KEPT!* n- X33n. p3BB adj. X3"lJ?n n- '3? '3 n. JMB vb. 1# pVo vb. XTO? n. 1# '8T vb. xrn n. 1# p^O vb. yx> vb. XJTJ n. pOB vb. •On adv. [AC 3:388]) >n adj. ISO vb. 2# *?B3 vb. 1X(> adv. XPS3 n. xisiy n. 62b(14) '"VlS'Zn X81' n. 62b(15) 62b(16) 62b(17) 62b(23) 62b(24) 62b(24; V5) 62b(25) 62b(28) i# -|tfa vb. Xfltin adv. 1# '30 vb. i# tfbn vb. i# nra vb. X"U'X n. xnya't n. i# xry n. nns vb. xjrin n. 371' vb. 1# VlX vb. X^13 pron. W» '3 n. xiiay n. 'bb vb. poy vb. 1 62b(28; OHT ib. 188:21) 62b(29) 62b(31) 62b(32) 62b(33) 62b(34) 62b(35) 62b(37) 62b(38) 62b(39) 62b(40) 62b(41) 62b(42) 62b(44) 62b(45) 62b(46) 62b(49) 62b(50) xripr n. 'nx vb. 371' vb. y'D vb. 1# Xj»10S n. 1# lOVa") n. pOB vb. 033 vb. «)03 vb. ]!? prep. 1# "?tX vb. 371' vb. 'nx vb. 1# -TrST n. 7$ prep. npy vb. 1# 'OX vb. 3") '3 n. 'ani n. •>rfrf n. "I conj. 33y vb. xrian. Xb'3» n. 1# '3tf vb. 2# XT? n. 1# Xri'31 n. 1# Xri'3T n. 3rv vb. X3'1? n. ^13 vb. '10 vb. i# npo vb. rns vb. xp part. xnap n. xnm n. 3]V vb. i# rbv vb. inn vb. N?5D n- 3T '3 n. 1 62b(50; V5 62b(51) 63a(l) 63a(2) 63a(3) 63a(6) 63a(7; V5) 63a(8) 63a(9) 63a(9; V5) 63a(10) 63a(ll) 63a(12) 63a(13) 63a(15) 63a(16) 63a(18) 63a(18; V5) 63a(20) J?'3S adj. ) vnp vb. X?3'X3 adv. 3TC vb. tu vb. 131 vb. 3JT vb. mx vb. •nn vb. O'SX1? prep. Xri33'tf n. '03 vb. X3Xa n. bKV vb. '3ib prep. 'BO vb. 1# XSX n. «]Pn vb. X?atf n. "T conj. 3T adj. 1# VTX vb. "I#B'X adv. STT? n. 't'X adv. XBU n. '3ni on adv. xisiy n. X3X pron. Xin pron. ^33 vb. p#J vb. i# x<n? n. XB'X n. X"J3iy n. X^'n") n. 3"1 '3 n. pOS vb. 63a(21) 'Da vb. 63a(22) XJT3 'W3'X n. 63a(23) 63a(24) pB3 vb. XJ-13 n. tib vb. 63a(24; Ar [AC 6:384]) pDS vb. 63a(27; Rashi to Job 39:18) 63a(30) 63b(5) 63b(21) 63b(26) 63b(27) 63b(27; V 63b(28) 63b(30) 64a(l) 64a(4) 64a(5) 64a(6) 64a(7) 64a(7; M) 64a(20) 64a(24) 64a(30) 64a(33) 64b(21) 64b(28) 64b(32) 64b(34) 64b(37) 65a(29) 65a(31) 65a(32) na vb. ';rfr interj. XB13 n. XJ13T3 n. xatfn. 'S3 vb. xrvot n. ■na vb. 1# XTtf n. 5) xny;;p n. '3? prep. 13n vb. T.BX vb. '?n adv. lxV adv. i# 'n# vb. xntf n. xjlia n. xiai n. 1# X"JDin n. XTn. i# xia n. 11X vb. HB3 adv. 303 vb. XTJID'X n. xnr n. na? adv. nns vb. '3a pron. 'X13Xa adv. '3'X n. 2# XniX n. i# xrn^to n. i# -jv>tt n. *nn. '3T1SW n. 1# 'ptf vb. 1# XTI13 n. 2# '^3 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1355 65a(34) 65a(36) 65a(37) 65a(40) 65a(41) 65a(41;V5) 65a(42) 65a(42; M) 65a(46) 65a(47) 65b(l) 65b(3) 65b (6) 65b(16; V5) 65b(28) 66a(23) 66a(26) 66a(27) 66b (7) 66b(14) 66b(15) 66b(17) 66b (40) 67a(4) X^T n. xnin3 n. Vs3 vb. pB3 vb. XD^p n. 2# nXTtf n. pDS vb. 'Jltf vb. x-rran n. i# nxre? n. i# '"7a vb. JT13 vb. 2# xnis n. ■bntb conj. 2# Xb3n n. 1# 113 vb. I'M'! adv. 1# '31 vb. 'V?'y prep. DID vb. VDiy adv. 2# rf?W vb. XJII n. xrre; n. XJ1T n. B'tfS adj. 2# '33 vb. tfY! vb. xmV'i n. 1,713 vb. XS1J n. xaitf n. xpo'y n. XV adv. »'B3 adj. xniri n. BIT adj. 1# K3«T n. 1'13 adv. ^na vb. i# xVjib n. 1# X'JOJ n. 67a(13) 67a(18) 67a(26) 67a(27) 67a(34) Otih prep. X3n't7 n. nns vb. Xpnx pron. i# xnns n. i# xnns n. x?rn n. TT9 adj. 67a(34; Ar [AC 5:143]) 67a(37) 2# xV?a n. 1# x'TOX n. XpOn. 67a(37; Ar [AC 1:315]) xmix n. 67a(37; FrV5) XTTIBB n. 67a(38) 67a(39) 67a(40) 67b(17) 67b(19) 67b(22) 67b(24) 67b(25) 67b(27) 67b(27; Xp31X n. xwna adv. X31W n. xroaox n. xraapx n. XTOl n. ■jlBSX prep. 10B vb. p3B vb. i# xpnn n. xnwx n. 1# "?3X vb. '?rnx adv. xnnx n. 'in vb. SM 148:22) O'BS adj. 67b(36) 67b(37) 67b(37; 'VI vb. '3? adj. xism xiu'x n. 1# 'I© vb. 'nx vb. "3 prep. 'BT vb. xra'B n. 1# HJ3 vb. MGG 652:6) XfT] X1i3'X n. 67b(38) XJWX n. ira prep. 113. vb. Km n. 'in vb. V?y vb. 67b(38; V5) 1# '"?S vb. 67b(39) 1# xyT-13 n. Xni3 n. 'Vp vb. 67b(39; MGG 652:8) 333 vb. Xp part. 67b(40; V5) Xri'3nx n. 67b(40) XJX: pron. 67b(40; V5) 3ipa adj. 67b(40) n'3» adj. 67b(43) 'VI vb. bit vb. 67b(44) 1# I1?! vb. 67b(44; MGD 320:11) n"7T vb. 67b(45) X33TO n. p3?a adj. ni3 vb. «)Dy vb. Xp part. 67b(46) 1# XriniX n. m n. 1'no'p adj. p'riT adj. 67b(46; V5) 1313 vb. 67b(46; MGD 320:14) TTO »• 67b(46; V5) Xpi'JO n. 67b(46; MGD 320:14) V'^p adj. 67b(48) '3'3 prep. -ninx1? prep. 2# 'Sa vb. X1110 n. '32 adj. TBS vb. 67b(49) 67b(50) 68a(40) 68a(43) 68a(44) 68a(47) 68a(51) 68b(17) 68b(27) 68b(31) 68b(35) 69a(l) 69a(8) 69a(25) 69a(26) 69a(28) 69a(30) 69a(31) 69a(33; 69a(34) 69a(35; V5 69a(36) 69a(40) 69a(42) 69a(43)" 69a(44) 69a(45) 69a(46) Qlp vb. 1# '^S vb. nxan n. Xni33'iy n. T3 prep. X^0'3 n. xwa^ n. xnp'ya adv. xnaix n. 1# '3tf vb. 1# 1BX vb. i# 'na vb. ]lt vb. '■jQSWB n. x^pVoa n. xj?pnpa n. xerin. n'3 adj. "IJ13 prep. XmiT n. xmyi n. 2# 'SB vb. xjnx n. HGP 43a:29) Dip vb. xriyi. n. 'P?'? n. xnw'y n. ) 1# p'jO vb. 1# X3X n. "T conj. BIT adj. x'jailBX'X n. x;nn n. i# xnsn n. x"?By n. xaV© n. (-)'BP prep. in vb. xrw n. 1# Xri'3 n. K^'-|3 adv. '33 prep.
Ketubbot 1356 Babylonian Talmud 69a(47) 69a(48) 69a(50) 69b(l) 69b(3) 69b(4) 69b(31) 69b(35) 69b(36) 69b(36; V5) 69b(37) 69b(38) 70a'(6) 70a(7) 70a(28) 70a(29) 70b(10) 70b(13) 70b(15) 70b(15; V5) 70b(16) 70b(16; V5) 70b(19) 70b(23) X31 n. 1# X1V3 n. 1 part. xnna n. '?ni '?ri adv. xmna n. xnna n. p! vb. non vb. lxb adv. xjvnix n. 1# bix vb. l# XTO n. vn vb. XnpD'X n. i# Tin vb. xjxta n. i# -fm vb. XM'BO n. V. prep. XpD'y n. Dip vb. yatf vb. xroa n. !?BJ vb. yao vb. xpxnp n. rn adj. xaVjn adv. TIT vb. X^3 pron. XliayW n. 2# pBD vb. X^lj? n. Vn vb. XPJ '3 n. bfii vb. Xfltfn adv. •m vb. xntfn adv. Wl vb. 'BD adj. xrmrVtf n. 71a(3) 'nx vb. 71a(36; Ar [AC 3:276]) 71b(15) 71b(17) 71b(20) 72a(7) 72a(14) 1# XW n. Vnja adj. run vb. rj'3 adj. ':o vb. taa vb. -J'a3 ta IxV prep. 72a(18) 72a(39) 72a(53) 72b(14) 72b(15) 72b(16) 72b(17) 72b(25) 72b(30) 72b(38) 72b(43) 73b(14) 73b(18) 74a(20) 74a(21) 74a(22) 74a(24) 74a(26) 75a(ll) 75a(16) xrnria n. xyvo n. 2# np vb. i# nxriy n. X3b'S n. 2# 'TO vb. X3b'S n. POB vb. xaViy n. XSV'S n. 1# b3X vb. xnx n. 30 adj. xrniina n. TOX prep. I*T?P n- Xp'BD n. 1# pBO vb. T1S adj. ]V3 conj. 3T '3 n? n. 2# y?n vb. TStf adj. 'IS'l? adv. '3 prep. Dip vb. 10X vb. XTn/XlTT ta pron. 75a(17) 75a(18) xmta-ix n. n ]D adv. 1# X13J n. X;pil3 n. 75a(19) xjatfaitf n. 2# xrnn n. i# 'an vb. 75a(19; Ar [AC 5:365]) 75a(21) 75a(26) XOBJ n. xrata n. XOVip n. i# xian n. 13y vb. xnrp n. 75a(26; Ar [AC 5:281]) 75a(27) 75a(28) 75a(33) 75a(36) 75a(37) xttb n. ]lpt?ia n. nip vb. op: vb. xritaVs n. X3H adv. 1'JB'T adv. 'in vb. HXT3 adj. xmyna n. 75a(40) Him 'XH '3 adv. 75a(44) 75a(46) 75b(10) 76b(ll) 76b(21) 76b(22) 77a(8) 77a(23) 77a(33) 77a(34) 77a(35) 77a(38; V5) 77a(39; V5) 77a(42) 77a(44) 77a(45) TT? adJ- Dflri adv. HXBteO adj. '/1X vb. 1# X^'X conj. XpOS n. 2# ta3 vb. 1# tap vb. in3'3 pron. xbib n. pOB vb. XpTB n. xayo n. 'tfp vb. X111 n. xtarn n. 1# 003 vb. xriyatf n. i# xrnyto n. an' vb. XT pron. 1# 003 vb. 77a(51) XBltf n. 77b(l) Hna prep. 77b(6) (")'BX3 prep. 77b(15) D5TB vb. 77b(16) 311 vb. «]ta vb. 1# XJ'y n. 77b(17) xain n. xTru n. XT1 n. 77b(17; MGG 225:17) on vb. 77b(18) XJTX n. xrnox n. XTU n. 3# KTS n. 77b(18; RaH.Ar [AC 2:356], MGG 226:2) XB»X n. 77b(18; RaH,Ar [AC 2:356]) 1# XTl'l n. 77b(18; MGG 226:1) xrft n. 77b(19) Xta/"T n. xsba rta n. paio n. >TCB n. pTO vb. 77b(19; MGG 226:3) xtan n. xtann n. 77b(20) xrirab n. 1# XE/'tf n. 77b(21) XTVyiXn. 1# tai vb. 'BT vb. 77b(21; MGG 226:4) 2# ta: vb. 3B1 vb. 1# 'TO vb. 77b(22) xniB n. i# xra'x n. Babylonian Talmud 1357 Ketubbot 77b(22; MGG 226:6) xsnpx n. XOX n. 77b(22; MGG 226:5) J»3 vb. xrso n. 77b(23) ro vb. 77b(23; MGG 226:7) Wry prep. 77b(24) -p3 vb. nxiaa n. poy vb. 77b(24; MGG 226:8) 2# xtalX n. 77b(25) 1# ]il vb. 1# '3 conj. 77b(25; MGG 226:12) ITU vb. 77b(26) Kron n. 'in vb. 'b prep. ""jfi interj. xmyi n. 77b(26; MGG 226:12) 2# 'an vb. 77b(27) W3 vb. 'ta vb. op: vb. i# xrnis n. TIP vb. 77b(27; MGG 226:13) 2# XB3 n. 77b(28) XJ1P n. xnyraip n. 77b(29) X^p T13 n. "ta': prep. XJ'30 n. 77b(30) 2# xri'na n. 77b(30; V5) '?3 vb. 'xW? "13 n. 77b(31) MX pron. 'Xl'V 13 n. 77b(31; MGG 227:5) Xin pron. xrs n. 77b(32) 'Xl'V 13 n. 77b(33) pm vb. xnia'B n. XJ'TOitf n. 77b(34) 1# Tin vb. 13? vb. 77b(36) '!rr> interj. 77b(37) JOvb- Dip vb. 77b(38) 1'3 prep. XTIBJ? n. poy vb. pOB vb. 77b(39) 3ip vb. 77b(42) 1# 'TO vb. 78b(45) 'V3 vb. rna vb. 78b(46) till vb. 79a(3) nxta:n n. jnp vb. 79a(9) P31ff vb. 79a(35) XJ^'X n. X3BU n. 79a(36) 2# X3X n. xrmT n. XTTp n. 2# XTS n. 1# XTB n. 79b(6; M) 1# XTS n. 79b(ll) l#'3Wvb. 79b(20) 1# ^TX vb. 1# 'ta vb. '03 vb. 1# XT? n. 79b(34) 2# 'ta vb. 79b(38) 1# XTS n. 79b(50) 1# XTB n. 80a(l;OHTib. 245:10) vra& n. 80a(2; Ar [AC ib.]) XX13'n n. 80a(4) 80a(6) 80a(ll) 80a(12) 80a(13) 80a(18) 80a(29) 80a(36) 80b(l) 80b(6) 80b(7) 80b(8) 80b(9) 80b(ll) 80b(15) 80b(16) 80b(17) 80b(42) 81a(13) 81a(22) 81a(27) 81b(2) 81b(13) 81b(18) 81b(27) 81b(29) 81b(30) 81b(35) 82a(4) 82a(5) 82a(9) 82a(ll) 82a(12) 82b(ll) 82b(12) X3")?a n. X"T3iy n. 103 vb. ta: vb. nxa num. psi vb. xrip n. 1# NU vb. 1# pta vb. xmin n. y?y vb. i# xnax n. 1# X13J n. 3^3 vb. 303 vb. i# mis vb. xmis n. mn vb. xmn n. xjnx n. xnan. 'X conj. .'a: adv. XpO'y n. nsp vb. ya* vb. 'JT vb. T3 prep. irp vb. tal vb. XJ'3T n. 3# XB'3 n. "13 prep. pn vb. 3D adj. nan vb. i# xnam n. i# tas vb. 2# 'BO vb. nay vb. nxrrnais adj. 1# 'jp vb. po vb. 82b(19) 83a(33) 83b(9) 83b(U) 83b(46) 84b(3) 84b(7) 84b(18) 84b(19) 84b(23) 84b(31) 84b(34) 84b(37) 85a(2) 85a(3) 85a(7) 85a(7; V5) 85a(8) 85a(9) 85a(13) 85a(14) 85a(15) 85a(17) 85a(21) 85a(22) 85a(26) 85a(28) 85a(30) 85a(31) 85a(33) 85a(39) 85a(40) lX^ adv. n30 vb. xrxis n. 30 adj. 4# XHp n. KPrX n. xayo n. rru vb. xiaiy n. 3")P adj. 2# XDa'O n. 2# Xipa n. 2# XDa'O n. «]:n vb. 2# X3-1X n. "ta'3 prep. P3* vb. 1# 33ti vb. mbv n. 2# nta vb. 1# xVwx n. nna vb. ]3X pron. XM'in n. 2# Xpp n. 2# rf7tf vb. XB'ta n. nXID'P adj. ]I\1 vb. 2# yns vb. T^y1? prep. nny vb. 1# 1TO vb. XJlVa n. xnp© n. -ta'3 prep. 3in vb. •\SH vb. xriyuc n. I'M'T adv. yiB adj. TOn. 01BX prep.
Ketubbot 85a(41) 85a(42) 85a(43) 85a(44) 85a(45) 85a(47) 85a(48) 85a(53) 85b(l) 85b(2) Dip vb. yyi vb. trim n. Xl'l '3 n. Xl'l y?3 n. xna n. XJTDT n. 'T vb. nx'pia adj. 1# xf?ia n. 1# XrrTOX n. (TapB prep. 'in vb. ipS vb. Xip 'tf n. Xl'lO n. nx vb. X5?3© num. 85b(2; HGP 44a:37) 85b(4) 85b (6) 85b(7) 85b(8) 85b(10) 85b(12) 85b(16) 85b(23) 85b (26) 85b(30) 85b (31) 85b(32) 85b(35) 85b(36) xrniin n. ips vb. Tax adj. X*7 adv. lij? adv. orin adv. pSl vb. "?n vb. X3D3 n. Tax adj. X^TX n. XDDTO n. 'D?': n. 1# Oil vb. XYltf n. T« vb. 1'nix i? n. 1# XnV'B n. 'Vya adj. xrawi? n. 3'ip adj. p30 vb. 303 vb. 85b(37; HGP 44b: 14) 86a(l) 1358 1# 3312? vb. 2# tan vb. 86a(2; HGP 44b: 16) 86a(4) 86a(9) 86a(ll) 86a(13) 86a(14) yaw vb. xip'ya adv. tfplp vb. 2# xail n. 1# ]11 vb. Xl'l n. 'S3 vb. X1't'1 n. X11EO n. XBta n. 86a(18; HP 103:24) 86a(27) 86b(13) 86b(28) 87a(5) 87a(6) 87a(8) 87a(20) 87a(21) 87a(25) 87a(29) 87b(5) 87b(21) 87b(25) 87b(26) 87b(35) 87b(46) 88a(5) 88a(34; HP "I XflyiX prep. i# nm vb. '1 part. rnu vb. lirf? adv. pn vb. -px vb. xraw3 n. yiv vb. 371' vb. X113 n. xnnpx n. Xta prep. 'pj vb. "3 prep. 'pi vb. xrijraip n. Xp part. 'J?3 vb. 'Xil 'VlS adv. oiy vb. i# xspn n. 'TO vb. xypipa n. lao vb. 116:12, Geon 390:9) 89a(8) XniX pron. Xri3W3 n. 89b(19) 89b(21) 89b (3 8) 89b(39) 89b(40) 90a(15) 90a(16) 90b(6) 90b(10) 90b(22) 91a(l) 91a(7) 91a(8) 91a(14) 91a(39) 91a(40) 91a(41) 91b(4) 91b(7) 9Ib(9) 91b(12) 91b(13) 91b(17) 91b(20) 91b(28) 91b(32) 91b(34) 91b(35) 91b(36) 91b(38) 92a(l) 92a(13) 92a(14) 92a(15) IDS vb. XD'l n. yip vb. 31X prep. 1# '31 vb. Xia'l n. •yo vb. 1# Xlp'y n. Dip vb. 'isytfa n. 31 '3 n. ita vb. 'in 13 n. '13JJ0D n. Xltf'1? n. TOn adj. 1# VtX vb. "3 prep. i# 'na vb. xV?'p n. 0"S vb. mti vb. xai n. (-)'ap1? prep. ysi vb. XS^X num. 1# T1D vb. 1# pta vb. Xl'OS n. XSl'D n. Xl'Dp n. nxa num. Xl'Dp n. Xp part. Xl'Dp n. 'Bin. XT13W3 n. 1# 'XS vb. Xp part. xni n. D"S vb. iax vb. '31 prep. Babyl 92a(15; 92b(5) 92b(7) 93a(3) 93a(4) 93a(29) 93b(26; onian Talmud V5) 1# X3X n. 1# 'XS vb. Vy prep. i# xn"n n. 1# tap vb. 1# IDp vb. vn vb. pm vb. 1# XlX'a n. Xlfc/y num. TGHark 51:11) Xl'riO'X n. 93b(26; Alf) XJTl'X n. 93b(26; 94a(8) 94a(12) 94a(13) 94a(22) 94a(23) 94a(24) 94a(27) 94b(2) 94b (4) 94b(8) 94b(15) 94b (17) 94b (18) 94b(26) 94b (27) 94b(28) 94b (29) 94b(33) 94b (34) 95a(l) 95a(2) 95a(23) V5) ]'X1 adj. '1 conj. Wtip adj. 'in pron. 'ins prep. '1,1 vb. 1# 1JTO vb. C)n'^ part. 1# tap vb. ni3 vb. Xaty (H)'^3 n. *l'iy adj. xrrmna n. niD vb. XB'X n. xniix n. IX conj. X1TO n. lxb> adv. ian. iilll pron. 'I1X vb. IDS vb. 1# X13 n. ]D'l n. l'?X n. 7IX pron. 1# X13 n. 1# in num. iy prep. Babylonian Talmud Ketubbot 95a(30) 1# 110 vb. TIP vb. 95a(31) 'ISytfBn. 95a(37) 'TBlV adv. 95b(l) ptfa vb. 95b(2) XO'llS n. 95b(2; V5) 'V prep. 95b(2; Ar [AC 5:340]) XJV31 n. 95b(2; V5) tftfp vb. 96a(17) 1# nni vb. 96a(32) -mi3 prep. 96b(l) Xnpinn. 96b(16; M) 96b(18) 97a(13) 97a(17) 97a(19) 97a(25) 97a(28) 97a(33) 97a(34) 97a(35) 97a(36) 97a(37) 97a(40) 97a(42) 97b(24; V 97b(26) 98a(3) 98a(16) 98a(17) 98a(18) 98a(31) 98b(9) 98b(10) 99a(12) nxirayi adj. xri'ina n. 130 vb. xni'inx n. xrfraix n. xni'inx n. Xllll adj. X1'3T n. xrnix'3 n. X11SX n. xn^y n. 1# "TO vb. 2# X31X n. xVlpJ? n. xniis'3 n. IV3K7 adj. xniix'3 n. 5) 1# '13 vb. 1# Xl'n n. xraw? n. aw vb. Xfl'03 n. xni n. Dip vb. xnTO num. mn vb. 2# X'JUTO n. xsri'V n. 1DX prep. 99a(15) 1# X113 n. X3JV1? n. 99a(20) n'l adj. 99a(21) 'lV'y prep. 99a(28) byn vb. 99b(2) "I (X)IJIX conj. 99b(3; V5) tal vb. 99b(4; V5) Vl3 vb. 99b(9) Xl'Dp n. 99b(17) Xllll 'Xn '3 adv. 99b(23) nny vb. iooa(7) xroVn n. 100a(8) 3ipaadj. 100a(14) 1# iax vb. xniyo n. 100b(16) "13 prep. 100b(19) TOpadj. 100b(26) X113 n. Xllia n. 100b(27) X?n?K n- 100b(30) yp3 adj. xaw n. 100b(33) N?™N "• 100b(37) pniaadj. 100b(38) V1X vb. XI11 n. 1'in adj. 0^' adj. Xta'l n. i# 'niy vb. 100b (3 8; FrAr [AC 1:248]) 100b(39) 100b (40) !01a(24) 101a(25) 101a(31) I01a(33) 101a(34) 101b(5) 101b(24) 101b(25) 2# XS'X n. D1T adj. 1# pta vb. 103 vb. 'in vb. "1 'X conj. "Tl pron. Xllp n. 1# 'ta vb. nxna'no adj. xn'ina n. 'yD vb. 101b(43) D'Vx adj. XIDK? n. 102a(l) p'09 adj. X1DW n. 102a(l; V5Ar[AC 6:384]) 1# XJipO'S n. 102a(7) 13yw vb. 102b(3) 1# "\m vb. 102b(13) 'lin pron. )nn vb. 102b(24; V5) 1# XnpO'S n. 102b(32) xpos n. 102b(35) 1# Tin vb. ]l!3 prep. 102b(38) yil vb. 103a(3) HXvb. 103a(4) IJiy vb. X^n'l n. 103a(6) jnD vb. 103a(ll) X013 n. 103a(12) )nD vb. 103a(13) On'1? part. Xjn'l n. 103a(30) Dpi vb. 103a(32; Ar [AC 8:139]) XSIB'E? n. 103a(32; V5) ^SV vb. 103 a (46) 'WB'tf '3 n. 103a(47) 1# XflBX n. X33 n. '311? prep. (Vj'Vp (bl'Vp adv. XrmTO n. 103a(47; MGG 869:13) 1# 11D vb. 103a(48) 'Xll adv. 103a(48; SM 150:31) 1# pta vb. 103a(49) poy vb. 103a(50) 1# XOiy n. Dip vb. 103a(52) 1# ]11 vb. Xll pron. xro n. iy prep. 103b(6) XJll1?'! n. 103b(7) 113? adj. 103b(10) ISO vb. 103b(ll) l#011vb. 103b(ll; MGG 870:6) XBIT n. 103b(12; V5) 1# Xfl331!;X n. 103b(13) XS'Xpart. 1# Xn331»X n. 103b(14) Xll'X n. 1# pta vb. ynv vb. 103b(15) talvb. I03b(i8) xniyVpa n. 103b(24) X^'13 adv. 103b(25) 1# TU adJ- i# yta vb. 103b(31; SM 151:32) Dip vb. 103b(40) 2# US vb. 103b(41) 1# lin vb. 'XI vb. 2# noi» vb. 103b(42) yil vb. Xlfl'3 n. X^IS1?'? n. 103b(43) 2#llXvb. XJ3D n. mm n. 1# pta vb. nx vb. 103b(44) 1# X13n n. X1OTTI num. 'p'ln 'IP? n. Xll'O n. 1# 'ip vb. ]131 n. 103b(51) l#wtavb. 103b(51; MGG 871:4)
Ketubbot 1360 Babylonian Talmud i# vbn vb. N?1?? n. 104a(l) 0'03 adj. 104a(l;MGG 871:4) mty n. 104a(2) "T ^3 pron. Wl n. 104a(4) yiSV vb. 104a(6) 'in vb. I04a(8) nyx vb. 104a(9) pilti vb. 104a(10) 1# 'TO vb. 104a(10; MGG 872:6) Xjxa n. 'arnn. 104a(ll) K?1Kn. 104a(12; MGG 872:7) 1# VtX vb. 104a(13) "'Tinx> prep. yip vb. 1# xy/ip n. 104a(46) XSITfr n. 104a(49) 1# xrniS n. 104a(55) op: vb. I04a(57) xrrsria n. 104b(18) IBXvb. I04b(i9) i# xrian n. I04b(20) xnx nri'x n. 1# T1X adj. 104b(21) 11T vb. XtfBri num. 104b(24) XSiia n. 104b(26) 'T part. 104b(27) xtfj '3 n. »nn. 104b(28) X-)21 n. 104b(30) XBW'3 n. 104b(34) TStf adj. 104b(34;V5) 1# JVT vb. 104b(35) Xinn pron. I04b(36) xtotix n. XJTXn adv. I04b(37) y-na vb. 104b(38) l'V>X pron. i# xjri'a n. 104b(39) 1# ^TX vb. I04b(40) xnrpx n. 1# '31 vb. 104b(47) 'an pron. 104b(48) 2# mv vb. 104b(50) XS'T. '3 n. 105a(4) 1# X13 n. 105a(26) XYTW'X n. via vb. 105a(28) 1# 'Vx vb. 105a(32) XVIltf n. 105a(34) 1# XTIX n. xVos n. 105a(35) X>'B3 n. 105a(37) xV03 n. rD' vb. 105a(37; MGE 539:6) xnsax n. 105a(38) xV'B? n. X3"I n. XIII n. 105a(39) xVllT n. 105a(39; FrAr [AC 3:248]) -p'TI3 prep. 105a(44) ]U'X pron. 105b(8) XTrfXti n. ^Xtf vb. 105b(8; V5) XJ'H n. 1# ^>DB vb. 105b(10) Tl'X part. 105b(ll) xrf?'X»n. 105b(12) 3OTvb. 105b(13) Ofltf n. 105b(14; M) 2ip vb. 105b(17) 1# pi vb. onivb. 105b(18) '30 vb. 105b(19) XTVDI n. 'in vb. XT11S n. 105b(2O) 1# X13 n. Dm vb. 105b(21) xjati n. 105b(23) '3T vb. *ina adv. '30 vb. 105b(24) IX conj. 3in vb. Xj7 part. 105b(26) xnsa n. 1# pVo vb. 105b(27) Tl'X part. 105b(28) XBIl n. 105b(29) XTTT'3'y n. 105b(30) t>3 vb. (')'ap prep. i# xpn n. i# ntf vb. 105b(32) "?ya vb. bsn vb. 105b(32; MGE 537:5) X#HX n. 105b(32; Vs) 2# XT133 n. 105b(33) X3#3 Xtian n. 105b(33; MGE 537:7) -Vrrs prep. 105b(35) 1# "?ix vb. XSiT n. 1# lytJ vb. 105b(38) ifrr n. X'Via v.n. ftsn. 105b(38; MGE 537:13) N$? n. 105b(39) 'T1X vb. 105b(41) 1# ]TT vb. 105b(43) 2# XTU3 n. 105b(44) ''TJ '3 n. 105b(45) 1# fn vb. 105b(46) X> adv. ysa vb. 3ip vb. 105b(48) T?3 vb. 1# ^»3p vb. 105b(48; MGE 538:3) 1# *?3p vb. 105b(49) 1# ri?V vb. 105b(49; MGE 538:4) 1# V3p vb. 105b(50) X}"I n. 2# otb vb. 3"ip adj. 106a(2) 1# Tins vb. 106a(3) X3"J ^'y? n. 106a(4) XTUJB n. DI1D vb. 106a(6) 1# pbo vb. 106a(6; Ar [AC 8:194]) 3T1' vb. 106a(7) ny3 vb. -f (')Tia'X ^3 conj. 'VjV interj. XYT'O n. 106a(8) 'XTOX adv. 2# D"0 vb. 106a(8; Ar [AC 8:194]) ny3 vb. 106a(10) Oil adj. xaVy. n. xnri'"! n. 106a(12) na pron. IBS vb. 13f3 n- 106a(13) WIS vb. 106a(14) ITS vb. 106a(21) nxa num. 106a(22) XHiax n. tin vb. Dip vb. 106a(23) XB'Vs n. i# xrn'Tia n. fSS vb. 106a(24) xp3X n. xai'n. '03 vb. m<? prep. Babylonian Talmud 1361 Nedarim 106a(25) 106a(26) 106a(27) l-06a(30) 106b(7; V5) 106b (8) 106b(12) 1# pbo vb. X?'y n. HX^33 adj. 1# XrD'JlB n. 1S3T n. Dn' adj. 1# np vb. DA' adj. 1# 'ip vb. K'OS n. i# yps vb. xrronp n. 106b(22; Seel 184:51) 106b(45) 107a(7) 107b(7) 107b(14) 107b(21) 107b(41) 107b (42) 108a(7) 108b(ll) 109a(18) 109b (9) 109b(12) 109b(14) 109b(15) 109b(20) 109b(31) 109b(32) 109b(33) 109b(34) 109b(37) 109b(41) 109b(42) 110a(ll) nVs »n n. 'S? adj. -QyE> vb. ,-™ n. xrnira n. 13? n- D31X adj. i# am n. X^Sip n. pin; adj. XSlBlp* n. 'eft» vb. JIT vb. 1# ]m pron. XSilD'SX n. TS» adj. Xn'B adv. Vy prep. X33'"l n. XrilDJ n. yv vb. '33 prep. K?T! n. pn» vb. Xap adj. 1# XT1"13 n. 'm vb. 1# Xf1?? n. xVpn n. 1# 100 vb. 110a(12) 110a(19) i# xian n. -|sn vb. 110a(19; V5TGAs42 144:19) 110a(21) 110a(25) 110a(27) 110a(28) 110a(34) 110a(35) 110a(36) 110a(37) 110b(29) 110b(41) 110b (48) 110b(49) 110b(54) llla(18) llla(20) Ula(21) llla(23) llla(24) llla(34) llla(38) lllb(ll) lllb(43) lllb(44) lllb(45) lllb(46) i# xriipa n. 1# Xri")BB n. ~b na"? conj. i# xrnpa n. X^'13 adv. mp vb. XW'I n. XM'T n. 'Da vb. D^W'a v.n. '1K> vb. 1# '3J vb. 'T1K vb. Kvayy n. X30S n. XD03 n. 1X^ adv. xnons* n. Datf vb. 1# XJJ'3 n. bn vb. X5?1X n. *?51 vb. i# nns vb. 'in vb. xrip n. xtoj'k; n. TO vb. X^3B n. Xlta n. V'Vp adj. xna n. KTOS n. D'D3 adj. 'in vb. TDT vb. DD3 vb. i# xa^n n. Hyp n. 1# Xn3 n. '*!pa n. 'SO? n- 2# US vb. lllb(47) 2#13Dvb. lllb(49) l#'Vavb. 2# US vb. lllb(50) l#"?3Xvb. XW311 n. i# xsVn n. 1# «)DS vb. xry n. lllb(50; HP 90:21, MGD 125:16) iniT pron. lllb(51) xnnn. lllb(53) "T-lVprep. 112a(l) 1# XlpK n. 112a(2) X3-11X n. x;nis n. 112a(2; MGD 125:21) 4# X^riS n. 112a(4) xponsx n. xnnx n. 112a(7) XSlp'Vadv. ybp vb. 112a(8) Dpsvb. 112a(10) XSIDp n. 112a(12) XSlDp n. 112a(14) 'invb. xriisa n. 112a(14; MGD 710:18) Byavb. 112a(15; MGD 710:20) 13yvb. H2a(i7) xVpna n. 112a(19) l#'3Tvb. U2a(21) 13p vb. X33W n. 112a (24) lonvb. 112a(28) W adv. nxra n. H2a(30) nxniax is n. 112a(31) It ST3 n. 112a(31; 711:9V 112a(31; 711:9) 112a(32) 112a(40) 112a(44) 112a(45) 112a(45; 83:20) 112a(46) U2a(47) 112a(47; MGD 5) ITS vb. VI6MGD 2# XTJ n. i# xni3 n. "V prep. xrniyp n. 13y vb. 2# B'JB vb. 2# XO'J n. "I3T vb. y3B vb. "V prep. xnsa n. 2# XlX'a n. BpS vb. 1# XJ11X n. ]Xiy adv. xay n. 1# HS adj. Dip vb. MGD XrilT'IS n. '31 vb. Xp'1 n. 1# KS'3 n. pm vb. Ar[AC 8:263],Tos) X^pra n. 112b(l) 112b(2) 112b (6) xVlB n. Dip vb. XTO'iy n. i# nss vb. NISy n. XT113 n. Nedarim 2b(4) 2b(7) 2b(8) 2b(13) 2b(28) 2b(30) 'Tin pron. 1# XXD'n n. Dyi'a pron. 1# XSS'n n. 1# pVo vb. »nx vb. lynx vb.
Nedarim 1362 Babylonian Talmud 3a(10) 3b(22) 3b(24) 3b(25) 4a(3) 4a(5) 4a(6) 4a(7) 4b(13) 4b(14) 5b(2) 5b(9) 6b(8) 6b(12) 6b(16) 6b(22) 7a(3) 7a(6) 7a(22) 7a(25) 7b(2; Ed) 7b(17) 7b(l?) 7b(22) 7b(23) 8a(4) 8a(18) 8a(21) 8a(22) 8a(24) 8b(2) 8b(4) ■on vb. xriyw n. irfrxa adv. XaV'1 conj. *1{"? prep. 1Tr?xa adv. &B vb. i# mx vb. xms'p n. xmi'?3 n. m vb. '»p vb. Krnan n. 'in vb. 2# '3W vb. Xt'3X n. Xin pron. 1# '3 conj. XT1T n. xnpw n. 1# in num. U'a prep. 1# '13 vb. Xt'lT3 n. nn'j'KV adv. pS3 vb. nai? vb. O'SXS prep. Ton adj. jibe? vb. mm n. 31 '3 13 n. 1# '3 conj. TIT vb. xri3"?'n n. xroVn n. jrty vb. XBbtf n. 1# ]X8 pron. 1# 1* vb. J1BW vb. XTT'3 n. 133 vb. 8b(6) 8b(6; Ar 8b(16) 9a(13) 9b(33) 10b(15) 10b(16) 10b(18) 10b(19) 10b(20; V 10b(27) 10b(28) 10b(29) 10b(31) llb(21) 12a(14) 12a(16) 12b(7) 12b(20; Ar 14a(6) 14a(10) 14b(5) 14b(7) 15a(16) 15b(16) 16a(21) 16a(24) 16a(26) 16a(30) to' vb. K1T3 n. [AC 3:253]) 'Vxi adv. 1# 1BX vb. XJI'n n. xai' n. pS3 vb. 1T3 vb. Dip vb. 2# D3j? vb. 1# ni3 vb. 2# p!3 vb. nts vb. ]iy vb. nis vb. i# ms vb. 2) 2# XS31P n. i# xajip n. 3# XTia'tf n. XplptfX n. 1# XOJIlp n. XTOlB n. i# nm vb. X3P3 in n. 113 vb. KIWI n. X3W3 in n. X31B adv. X#"V n. [AC 6:124]) lyo vb. X3'X part. x^'aa adv. xrriix n. i# nru vb. xVia n. 013 vb. •nyv vb. Dpy vb. 3# '13 vb. 1# b3X vb. XJiyi3tp n. 16a(31) 16b(18) 17a(12) 17b(28) 18a(6) 18b(19) 19b(15) 19b(17) 20a(22) 20b(8) 20b(24; V 20b(35) 21a(16) 21b(13) 21b(24) pOB vb. ]'in pron. «]0' vb. TO adj. TBn adj. W>y vb. X'TX n. Wy vb. ppr vb. 1X1313 adj. 2) 1# xri'3'3 n. 'SI vb. ti'3'X n. X3'> n. 113 adv. 21b(25; HG2 301:11 21b(26) 21b(27) 2# XTI3 n. DlVs pron. T31 vb. 113 vb. 21b(29; HGP 9a:37) 22a(l) 22a(2) 22a(3) 22a(5) 22a(8) 22a(36) 22a(37) 22b(21) 22b(22) 22b(25) 22b(29) 22b(33) 22b(34) 22b(34; §M xrrna n. 2# 'an vb. XA31IX n. 113 vb. Xni3 13 n. 'a adv. i# wbwb vb. xisiy n. xoprs n. wis vb. *r? vb. i# nxjin adj. niXJ adv. vrm vb. ppi vb. oytj vb. xV adv. i# mv vb. 113 vb. X$»p n. 25d) 22b(35) 23a(l) 23a(8) 23a(U) 23a(12) 23a(17) 23a(19) 23a(22) 23b(13) 23b(16) 23b(18) 24a(10) 24a(ll) 24a(22) 24a(23) 24a(29) 24a(30) 24b(17) 24b(17; V2) 25a(2) 25a(7) 25a(10) 25a(13) 25a(14) 25a(15) 25a(16) 25a(17) xVjf'P n. xnri's n. X^IB n. lys vb. XtfB'tf n. X1T3 n. l# '1» vb. 1# XISp n. 2# X^>31X n. 1# Xisp n. Xllp'BX n. jyyB adj. 10K vb. 3'ip adj. 113 vb. 1# XISp n. xtfwa n. DTO vb. Npi'S n. XTI'3 n. 1# '3n vb. 1# X3^3 n. lxV adv. 1# '31 vb. xj'bt n. X33aia n. 113 vb. XJ'BJ n. ]ai vb. X338TB n. xjatfaw n. 1# pbo vb. X3BTO3TO n. 'YI31p0'X n. XWS3 n. trap n. 1# btX vb. inil pron. tbo vb. 303 vb. Bp3 vb. N^p n. yaw vb. Babylonian Talmud 1363 25a(18) 25a(19) 25a(20) 25a(37) 25a(47) 25a(48) 25a(49) 25a(50) 25b(15) WM «• tJI vb. •pil vb. 1# Xtttftp n. (-)JT part. yaw vb. mo vb. xjvn n. i# 'ai vb. X11X n. yVs vb. 1# 110 vb. yaw vb. 27a(19; TGHark 178:15) 27a(20) 27b(l) 27b (4) 27b(5) 27b(6) 27b(16) 27b(17) 28a(29) 28a(30) 28b(6) 28b(10) 29b(3) 29b(18) 30a(4) 30b(16) 30b(28; V 30b(30) 30b(31) 31a(10) 31a(17) XTOT n. XJTOJ n. 183 vb. yi' vb. irfrx1? adv. X138 n. 'm vb. X031X n. 03X vb. xroapx n. XJTDJ n. nns vb. 113 vb. 1# Xp'T n. VS3 vb. VlBaX prep. '133 adv. D13 vb. '3,1 adv. ny vb. 2# 'Vj vb. '03 vb. NW'1 n. 2) iV vb. TJiy adj. 1*7' vb. X33 n. Wlp vb. 1# 1p vb. 31a(31) 31a(36) 31b(l; V2) 31b(7) 31b(8) 31b(9) 31b(12) 31b(13) 32a(14) 32a(48) 32b(l) 33a(6) 33a(23) 33b(15) 34b(10) 35b(6) 36a(9) 36a(10) 36b(19) 37b(5) 37b(6) 37b(7) 37b(21) 37b(28) 38a(3) 38a(4) 38a(19) 38a(42) 38b(6) 38b(20) 38b(24) X3'3T n. 'SX "?g prep. X3'at n. 1'in adj. HXJJS'a adj. 2# XI'DSO n. 113 prep. Xpltf n. 03X vb. 3in vb. •2# XI'DSO n. X33 n. 1# X1313 n. X33WW n. xjawin n. ]B0 vb. X3S n. ma vb. pyi'B pron. ]BT vb. m^y n. xn'Vw n. miy vb. 'IP vb. fXri pron. i# xn? n. 1# X3X n. xmsa n. Tp! MJ- mty n. 3TD vb. 1# '1p vb. I'Vri pron. XpiOS n. pOS vb. 1# Xlp n. X'piS1?'? n. xarn n. X13'1 n. 'in vb. X?n adv. DBS vb. 38b(24; MAr [AC 5:173]) xnniM n. 38b(24; OHP ib. 90:2) 39a(13) 39a(17) 39b(22) 39b(28) 39b(40; V2) 39b(44) 40a(l) 40a(16) 40a(17) 40a(18) 40a(19) 40a(35) xnnp3a n. 113 vb. 2# xni'n n. i# na vb. 1# y3p vb. xrnifr'y n. i# vbn vb. pS3 vb. WX3 vb. xVjB n. yyi vb. "1 V3 pron. T13 vb. pD3 vb. in vb. '30 vb. Dm vb. xnyw n. 40a(35; MGG 288:8) 40a(36) 40a(37) 40a(43) 40b(3) 41a(6) 41a(15) 41a(16) 41a(19) 41a(20) 41a(21) 41a(23) lyo vb. TSp adj. XBi' n. no3 vb. xtfV'n n. nin vb. 2# X3'3 n. xino n. XSSB n. XI pron. ipy vb. xron n. 1# XSX n. 1B3 vb. xris^'n n. «]10 adv. 1# X9K n. i# nn vb. (-)nj part. 1# Xisp n. 41a(31; Ar [AC 2:249, s.v. 11113]) nXI^S* n. 41a(32; MAr [AC 2:249]) XJill'J n. 41a(32; MGG 122:16V2) BlOvb. 41a(34) 1# 1W vb. iay vb. N31py n- 41a(34; Ar [AC 1:261]) 41a(36) 41a(39; V xripnpx n. pD3 vb. 2) X113'1 n. 41a(40; OHT Sab 66:7) 41a(40) 41b(l) 41b(4) 41b(5) 41b(6) 41b(38) 42b(15) 44b(3) 45a(l) 45a(2) 46b(13) 48b(l) 48b(2) 48b(3) 48b(5) 48b(9) 48b(U) 48b(13) 49a(14) TBS adj. XJIW'X n. xriia Tixba n. Xp3111S n. 1# XIT'n n. X301X* n. 1# X^Win n. N??3 n. p'fly adj. X^IW'3 n. X^IX n. 'SI vb. xi'psn n. n'3i n'ra adv. (-)'SX3 prep. 1# IpS vb. 1# '3 n. 2# XpOB n. BBW vb. 4# XS'3 n. X3fl'3 n. X13 13 n. nxri'isBis adj. X1110 n. TIB'X adv. X1110 n. xirix n. 49a(19; V2) ^03 vb. 49a(20) 49a(24) 49a(25) XTO'1 n. XJOX n. ]'1 pron.
Nedarim 1364 Babylonian Talmud 49a(26) 1# 'OX vb. JltfN adj. ij'31 adj. 49a(27) 4# Xip n. 49a(28) xnn» n. X3'1?!1? n. 4# Xip n. 49b(l) XJTXnadv' 1# JXB pron. yiB adj. 2# '^X vb. TSp adj. 49b(3) yia adj. 49b(4) nx"?33 adj. KJJ'Mia n. 49b(5) iW&BB adj. XB.13 n. 49b(6) XO'T n. 49b(6; M) XJ1p3 n. 49b(7) xarf? n. 49b(8) xarf? n. 49b (9) XD'On n. i# xrnj»w n. 49b(ll) X?3XXn. 49b(12) XD'jn n. 49b(13) O'M adj. J31 "?3 adv. 49b(15) KO';i n. 49b(18) Dyi'a *?3 pron. 1# B'jS vb. 49b(19) XO'H n. 49b(21) XJ73XX n. XO'H n. 49b(22) xxin n. 49b(32) xraa'n n. '11 vb. 49b(33) xrfrax n. 49b(36) ja prep. 49b (37) XtfTJB '3 n. 49b(38) 1# KS'pia n. 49b(39) xsro n. X3Xn. 49b (40) Xj?W3 adv. 49b(41) 49b(43) 49b(43; 50a(l) 50a(2) 50a(3) 50a(6) 50a(7) 50a(8) 50a(9) 50a(10) 50a(ll) 50a(13) 50a(13; V 50a(15) 50a(16) 50a(20) 50a(22) 50a(23) 50a(24) 50a(25) 50a(26) 50a(27) 50a(30) 50a(31) 50a(32) xa'bj n. X3»in n. 13 conj. Xiay n. 113 vb. '03 vb. 2# 'Vx vb. X^D'3 n. v2) xmos n. xris's n. i# 'n vb. i?np vb. XJ3']1 '3 n. 1# '33 vb. X1JV0 n. xna n. ja prep. Dp3 vb. xjnii abmy n. xtfrx n. 'an vb. X33n. 1# '33 vb. Oyi'B pron. m vb. 2) an '3 1? n. oVtf'B v.n. ninxa prep. ya» vb. xrinx adj. ms vb. xntf n. -ninx^ prep. XS^X num. XJiT n. ("I'SX1? prep. Dip vb. ysh adj. '?n vb. xtpj n. iny vb. 1# X^X n. xjirso n. 50a(33) 2# XS'3 n. 1# '»3 vb. *??. prep. 50a(33; V2V2lMRaS) 50a(34) 50a(34; V2) 50a(35) 50a(36) 50a(37) 50b(2; V2) 50b(4; V2) 50b(4) 50b(4; V2) 50b(5) 50b(6) 50b(10) 50b(ll) 50b(12) 50b(17) 50b(17; V2) 50b(18) 50b(18; V2) 50b(19) 50b(20) 50b(23) 50b(24) 50b(24; V2) 50b(25) X3J>n. 3# XT113 n. X31S0 n. 3# XTTI3 n. xa?n. 13J? vb. X^'l n- jno vb. Xj?0'y n. i# nvo vb. 3# XT113 n. XjiSD n. xnnn n. isn vb. 1# XSip n. oatf vb. xrnria n. 1# y31 vb. 1?'p n. 2# Xins n. xarn n. XS03 n. 'io vb. i# jn vb. yv vb. D31X adj. 1*13 adj. XD13 n. 31 adj. Xf tf n. ma vb. i# yps vb. XJ1BP n. D'an adj. xja n. noil vb. Tip adj. x»a n. 2# X3'3 n. 50b(26) 50b(27) 50b(28) -po vb. xaon. 73 vb. xjra 'tfrx n. 50b(28; V2Ar [AC 7:98]) i# pia vb. 50b(28; V2) 2# 1JTO vb. 50b(28; V2Ar [AC 7:98]) 50b(29) 50b(31) 50b(32) 50b(33) 50b(34) 50b(36) 50b(37) 50b(38) 50b(39) 50b (43) 50b(44) 51a(l) 51a(2) 51a(2; Ar 5U(3) 51a(4) 51a(7; V2) 51a(8) 51a(9) 51a(10) 51a(12; Ed) xnVp n. 2# XrnjW n. xra n. 'IS1? n. 'IS1? n. jai vb. Xbl1?'.-! n. x::j (ri)'3 n. xjjj ou'3 n. pS3 vb. XH33'1 num. jat vb. ni3 vb. xrmjnw n. 1# Xl'IJ n. '5?3 vb. i# xvij n. 1# xbip'1 n. 'TO vb. 2# xisia n. ino vb. AC 6:306]) 'ns vb. *?13 vb. 1# ih vb. m3 vb. inr vb. xjpip n. Xlipi n. jaT vb. xjjin n. xVlV',1 '3 n. 'am '?n adv. xbt>3 n. 1# 'ai vb. 1365 Babylonian Talmud 51a(13) 51a(15) 51a(19) 5Ia(21) 51a(30) 51b(6) 51b(7) 52b(3) 52b(4) 54a(22) 54b(12) 54b (20) 54b (21) 54b(27) 54b (28) 54b (29) 55a(7) 55a(22) 55a(23) 55a(26) 55a(27) 55a(29) 55a(30) 55a(32) 55a(32; V2) 55a(33) 55a(34) 55a(35) 55b(13) ibx vb. 1# ipi vb. NJ\'W "■ xrt'3y n. 1# "730 vb. nxnpip adj. ©33 vb. W33 vb. i# xsVn n. i# np vb. 1# xa'p n. 2# l^a vb. xrp'w n. P3'X 13 n. 1# 1310 vb. ms vb. XIS'X n. 3X3 vb. J13n. iaon. l??n. XJ13 n. xao n. 1# X3'? n. jn vb. XnV?2 n. XrWy n. xri'pVy n. xnV?y n. XJlVpy n. nns vb. '1 inXB conj. 1# X03 n. JTB vb. arr vb. 3TB vb. Xp part. I'JD adj. in'} pron. XBgD n. 1# XJ?13 n. 1J? prep. XI'IX n. X^IX n. p:' vb. 1# '31 vb. 55b(27) 2# xn:'3 n. 55b(28) 2# X1?? n. 56a(21) 2# X1J n. K1J1 KOI? n. 5 6b (7) bxtf vb. 56b(8) XpW n. 56b(9) X1??! X01J? n. 56b(16) pSJ vb. ^y vb. 56b(16; Ar [AC 2:31]) Kjjra n. 56b(17) XJip3X n. 56b(23) 1# X113'5? n. 57b(13) Xiri pron. 57b(14; V2) 57b(17) 59a(13) 59a(18) 59a(21) 59b(16) 60b(2) 60b(12) 61b(l) 61b(25; 61b(27; 61b(27; nXJPDip adj. ¥13'3 pron. p3tf vb. "7X27 vb. ^KV vb. bKV vb. nXB'IB adj. ffin vb. my_ »'i n. Xp'SO n. V2) J>xp vb. v2v21) nt vb. Tos.Ar [AC 7:254]) m vb. 62a(8) xrix:? n. 62a(8; V2) XJll'M n. 62a(18) 1# Xina n. 62a(19) piy vb. 62a(28) xrisry n. Xfl» n. 62a(29) '?n adv. 62a(38) yv vb. 1# '11» vb. 62a(41) X311S n. 62a(42) XK/'ia adv. 62b(3) 62b(5; V2) 62b(7) 62b(7; V2) 62b(8) 62b(9) 62b(10; V2) 63a(18) 63a(24) 63b(4) 64b(6) 64b(8) 65a(8) 1 65a(9) 65a(10) 65a(ll) 65a(13) 65a(14) 65a(16) 65a(17) 65b(19) 65b(19; V2) 65b(20) 66b(3; V2) 66b(13) (J) 66b(15) 66b(16) 66b(17) 66b(18) 66b(30) 66b(31) XJ13 n. xriVa1?™ n. XS03 n. K1H n. 2# X13!f n. x;ix n. ni3 vb. 2# K3X n. X11J '3 n. 11X n. 13J? vb. XflB) n. 13J7B adj. «jsn vb. 1# 'JO vb. .# xmiia n. X331X n. "n adj. 2# 'bl vb. liO1? adv. iys vb. 1# 'T3 vb. '111!? n. "1 conj. 135? vb. Vxtf vb. X71S13© n. X1?S n. 2# 'W vb. biSj vb. o:ib vb. XJ1S0 n. '3'n '3 conj. 113 vb. iiy adv. ■731 vb. X©13,7 n. ppi vb. xriib't n. ppi vb. xrnV'i n. 1# N13 n. 1# p^D vb. Nedarim 66b(33) 66b (34) 66b(35) 66b(36) 66b(37) 66b (3 8) 67b(13) 68a(8) 68a(10) 70a(2) 71b(2) 72a(12) 72b(14) 72b(15) 72b(22) 72b(23) 73a(6) 73a(13) 75a(19) 75b(l) 75b(3) 76b(21) 76b(22) 77b(l) 77b(10) 77b(ll) 77b(12) 78a(29) btl vb. xns^p n. nm vb. 1# VlK vb. 1# Xl'IJ n. 2# Xl'IJ n. (")n; part. xrsia n. xjik; n. xaa n. i# jn vb. xrnswra n. IT3 vb. Vbp vb. 1# xn'l n. ns vb. TT3 vb. 303 vb. i# xrnix n. i# nn vb. 'D1? conj. IIS vb. 11D vb. 1# X13 n. xprn n. ^in vb. X1T3 n. XTOI? n. X3'3n n. 1# XI'J n. XJlD'p n. ppT vb. X3iyB n. X1T3 n. 1# '1W vb. 1# 'On vb. 'oni n. "1I13X prep. 2# WS3 vb. 78a(31) IDOBprep. 79b(10) J'Vn pron. IIS vb.
Nazir 1366 Babylonian Talmud 79b(13) KIT: n. 80b(20) Xr^J? n. 80b(22) in-l'y n. 80b(23) k;«'J? n. 81a(2; Ar [AC 3:500]) XTPSlDin n. 81a(3;V2) 1# XOT n. 81a(3; Ar [AC 3:500]) 'T1? prep. XTiy n. 8ia(4) Kri'tnny© n. 81a(5) 2#X3'3n. Jtjn'tf n. 8ia(i4) 2# xnan n. 81a(22) 1# XrOTlB n. 81a(25) xnpart. 81a(33) JUTBlBin n. xnyx n. 81a(39) 'PXadv. XTB adv. 82a(6) XpTB n. 83b(l 1) ]1T vb. 84b (10) i# nps vb. 84b(l2) nm vb. 85a(6) 1# Dip vb. 85a(7) 333 vb. 85a(9) xta'B n. 85a(12) XlBy n. 86a(17) 'a adv. 86b(4) D>X vb. 88a(17) (-)rr part. 88b(l) 1# "?TK vb. Xn pron. 88b(16) '3T vb. iJ'D prep. 89a(20) D1?© vb. 89b(17) Kff'n n. 303 vb. 89b(18) 4#XSJn. xroVn n. 89b(19) 2# 'SB vb. 89b (20) 303 vb. 89b (20; Ar [AC 91a(28; Vz) 91b(l) 8:21]V') 3# M vb. 90a(l;V2) 3# piV vb. 90a(2) 03n vb. 90a(15) bxti vb. 90a(16) XT13 adj. 90a(17) 'n pron. 90b(29; HP 113:1) If! adj. 91a(12) xVys n. '»B vb. Dip vb. nxibnx n. 9lb(4; V2) rrra adj. 91b(8) X;iBD3n. 91b(9) MX pron. 9ib(i0) pnnvb. 91b(ll) xxinn. DIB vb. 91b(12) XTO'Xn. xruvx n. DDT vb. 91b(13) "Xprep. X33n. 91b(13; V2) 1# X^3 n. 91b(13) 'XT? adv. 91b(15) XTn n. □VD vb. 9ib(i6) ma vb. Nazir 2a(16) EhB vb. 2a(27; V2) EHB vb. 2b(3) XKhl n. 33n vb. 2b(10; Mo) 1# pSD vb. 3a(3) 2# IDO vb. 3a(5) KrilTt: n. 3a(9) xnyti n. 3a(16) ]1I vb. '3? adj. 3a(31) TPPadj. 3b(26) in vb. 3b(31) N#7?Xn. 4a(7) n>X vb. 4b(27) 'in vb. 4b(45) 'ao vb. 4b(47; V2Ar [AC 2:357] Rashi) 11J vb. 4b(49) 2# rf?ti vb. 5a(21) X*?13pron. 5a(29) rf?3 vb. 5a(30) tya vb. xnsx n. 5a(31) J'Vripron. 2# 'SB vb. Xt'3B n. 5a(32) XriT3'y n. 5a(38) Xnpa'J n. 5b(2) xrjaa n. 6a(13) 'a: adv. 6b (3) 2# "ino vb. 6b(27; V2) XfflTon n. 7a(!6) X311X n. '38 vb. i# xons n. 7a(27) xaa' n. 7a(28) vgp vb. 7b(l;V2) xpinn. 7b(8) V-n vb. 7b(9) Tff adj. 8a(27) 'XBX conj. 8b(9) xniTU n. 9a(14) \>KV vb. 10a(26) T]3n pron. 10b(4) l#y3"lvb. 10b(12) 1# y31 vb. 10b(16) Tvb. 10b(17) n?Pron- lla(23) j"?Svb. llb(l) T3vb. llb(4) ^Xtivb. llb(6) 1# ntf vb. llb(22) XTn'Tn. 12a(10) TI3vb. I2a(24) nxaip adj. 12b(23) TlDvb. nm vb. 12b (31) VlXvb. 12b(34) -3'B3 bs m6 prep. 13a(28) Dm vb. 13b(4) Vlllpprep. 14a(3) JT>x part. 14a(7) ntiB'X adv. 14a( 11) nxa-jpadj. 14a(17) l#T"IXadj. 14b(3) KJTITT3 n. 14b(18) 2#-tfl0vb. 14b(19) 33yvb. 15a(12) 1JX vb. I6a(6) 1# pbo vb. 16a(7) yDtivb. 16b(6; V2) 'in vb. 17a(13) 'pbvb. 17a(23) X^pb'p n. 17a(29) T3 vb. 17b(3) 'X13X adv. 17b(6) KJTITT3 n. 17b(ll) rfnvb. 18a(33) xrixaTOn. I8b(5) i# xpnn n. 19b(15) I'Vripron. 20a(30) '"nn pron. OT3 vb. 20b(2) xrr?'p n. 21a(6) X^piTn. 21a(13) 1# 'jTX vb. 21a(26) "IT'S conj. 21b(7) in vb. ipy vb. 21b(10) npy vb. 21b(16) TIB vb. 21b(24) xtann. 22b(4; V2) m n. 22b(4; Ar [AC 7:30]) XB3? n. 22b(8) X33S n. 23a(39) 1# J?3p vb. 23a(50) 03X vb. 23b (3 9) iyx vb. 1367 Babylonian Talmud 24a(25) 24b (10) 25a(5) 25b(12) 26b(12) 26b(16) 28a(32) 28b(l) 28b(18) 29a(17) 29b(17) 30a(5) 30b(15) 30b(16) 30b(21) 31b(9) 31b(15) 31b(25) 31b(27) 31b(28) 31b(29) 31b(30) 32a(28) 32b(9) 32b(14) 32b(17) 34a(2) 34a(23) 34b(20) 34b(21) 34b(24) 34b(42; Ar 35b(10) 35b(ll) 35b(23) 36a(ll) 36b(7) 36b(8) ]1J3 prep. i# xjro n. ^TOBX prep. xiaa n. X303 n. xnno n. -ns vb. pit vb. xaniT n. X31T3 n. 'm vb. 'yra '3 n. xripV'n n. rrVi vb. nbi vb. xnrro n. D31X adj. XITO'B n. 1# X3tiB n. paiD n. 'i?1? adj. nxjaip adj. pnv vb. «ptf vb. xrip'ti n. 'in vb. DJin adv. •m vb. 3in vb. •m vb. i# mv vb. xpiya n. x»13'1 n. xV73 n. 1# '31 vb. [AC 2:377]) XpT.3 n. xpis n. i# ':n vb. 1# '31 vb. 'in vb. 2# tip vb. idp vb. 37b(29) 37b(30) 38a(10) 38b(22) 38b(24) 38b(25) 39a(5) 39a(15) XTO'X n. Tan adj. ■^sVin adv. i# irn n. paio n. 'P1? vb. XTW n. '1'B *73 pron. 1# ]XB pron. X33'X n. 39a(15; OHP ib. 183:23) 39a(15) 39a(18) 39a(19) 39a(20) 39a(21) 39a(23) 39a(24) 39a(25; V2) 39a(25) 39a(26) 39b(l) 39b(9; V2) 40a(19) 42a(5) 42a(8) 42a(32; V2) 42b(14) 43a(l) 43a(4) 43a(9) X33n. XSp'y n. X33'X n. xsrx n. xrir? n. xrir? n. yyVa adv. i# xVn n. i-rc; vb. 2# bli vb. 'sn vb. X3D'W n. xrinpp n. 'BT vb. XJp'T n. inn vb. 3D adj. y3S vb. xa'3 n. xap'y n. x;ra n. m>i n. 2# 110 vb. nsy vb. xjann n. inx vb. im vb. 'tip vb. ]1'3 conj. 1# 3XD vb. '■jtin pron. 1# X5TQ n. 43a(14) KJiati'a n. 43a(33) T^y1? prep. 43a(34) T^yV prep. xtip: n. 43b(4; V2) Xnp? n. 46a(14) 'a: adv. 47a(27) 130 vb. TTS; adj. 47b(23) lU'X pron. 1# in num. 50a(12) tiip vb. 50a(14) Vip vb. 50a(24) 2# 'na vb. 1# mo vb. 50b(5) XT1 n. 50b(6) Tap adj. 50b(ll) 'in? prep. nm vb. 50b(16) KTT n. 51a(23) l#Tjnvb. 51a(33) Ppprep. 3pn vb. 51a(38) tilSvb. 51b(2) 1# TIS vb. 51b(4) xbn?conj. 51b(9) *n. 2# ^0 vb. 51b(20) 3pivb. 51b(21) 3pivb. 52a(23) in' vb. 53b(4) nap vb. 53b(13) X^pa adv. 55a(2; MoV2) XTO n. 55a(20) 1# p*?0 vb. 55b(5) 1# Tin vb. 56a(7) 1# 'JO vb. 56b(42) Xira adj. XJ/'Sa adj. 56b(42; Ar [AC 7:57]) XjVsp n. 57b(14) 13p vb. 57b(20) x;p"I n. 57b(25; HP 139:26) Sota 58a(ll) 58a(17) 59a(22) ym vb. 3# 1p2 vb. XJP'I n. Dip vb. 2# '^J vb. 59a(22; HP 140:8, HGP 60a:29) 59a(23) 59a(24) 59a(26) 59b(26) 60a(19) 61a(6) 61a(9) 62a(18) 62b(12) 62b(18) 62b(29) 63b(2) 64a(17) 64b(16) 65b(l) 66a(5) 66a(15) 1# K])l n. pit vb. ]'l pron. 'nns n3 n. 1# Xpl n. 13y vb. 13y vb. XtiJ n. 2# 110 vb. i# iny vb. 1DX vb. 1# '3 conj. 'S3 vb. 1# X13 n. H'X part. yv vb. TBD adj. 3# 3iy vb. 1# pi3 vb. '3S vb. yu vb. XtiVin n. Sola 2a(12) 2a(35) 2b(4) 2b(8) 2b(ll) 2b(14) 2b(29) 2b(33) 2b(36) 2b(37) 2b(41) 2b(43) 2b(45) 1# pVo vb. Xja adv. xjarn n. 13 interj. i# xnp n. la'n vb. xnVnnx n. Vpl vb. 2# ':p vb. 1# 1T10 vb. xri'3 '»rx n. DVyV adv. ^13 vb. Dip vb.
Sota 1368 Babylonian Talmud 2b(46) 2b(48) 3a(46) 3b(l) 3 b (22) 3b(27) 3b(28) 3b(29) 4a(27) 4a(29) 4a(35; V 4a(36) 4a(38) 4a(40) 4b(l) 4b(5) 4b(6) 5a(16) 5a(18) 5a(40) 5a(4l) 5a(42) 5a(46) 5b(27) 5b(34) 6a(5) 6a(23) 6a(29) 6a(33) 6b(2) 6b(3) 6b(9) 2# 'jp vb. 2# KJ'p n. 2# XJ'p n. Kp part. pnv vb. ps: vb. kjtui n. 2# X'np n. 2# X'np n. rarow n. Dip vb. 'TX pron. 2) nytf vb. 31pa adj. pnna adj. pnn vb. "Hi? adj. tfipX: adj. T?n adj. X3n n. BTT7 vb. X00 n. xnVsitf n. Xrr>31© n. KDD n. i# ney vb. xnbiw n. xrixp* n. xnatf n. noil adj. 1# 'Xa pron. 1'B n. 03' vb. 2# nno vb. D3' vb. 1# TU vb. 'fflP vb. xnno n. 1# xnptf n. (-)'apa prep. xbin n. vnp vb. xnnpon n. 1 6b(14) 6b(29) 6b(33) 7a(20) 7a(31) 7b(38; V2) 7b(38) 7b(38; V2) 7b(39) 7b(40) 7b(41) 7b(42) 7b(44) 7b(45) 7b(46) 8a(16) 8a(31) 8a(39) 8b(8) 8b(13; V2) 8b(15; V2) 9a(17) 9b(ll) 9b(30; V2) 10a(21) I0a(22) 10a(22; V2) 10a(24) 10a(36) 10a(37) 10a(45) 2# XS3 n. fl'X part. 11 conj. Tan adj. 1# VV1 vb. Xna'N n. V?y vb. V.5V n. i# Nna'jia n. xnyaw n. 1# b?V vb. 1# pbo vb. xrisVn n. xnyatf n. mX7 nab conj. 1# «p» vb. «)'Sn adj. nxon n. DID vb. ern vb. xayo n. xninnn n. tfi£/n vb. i# m vb. ■?Bp vb. X^? n. i# Vn: vb. DID vb. Tpny adv. 2# rfjV vb. i nnxa conj. i# xrnix n. 1# p!3 vb. KJTIVWP n. U"n pron. K^?- "• XplSI n. XJ'?13 n. '3 prep. 4# xnp n. "n adj. X3T n. xpm/ n. 10b(41) 10b(49) 10b(51) 10b(52; 10b(53) lla(10) llb(41) llb(51) 12a(l) 12a(3) 12a(43) 12a(44) 12a(45) " 12a(46) 12b(14) 12b(27) 13a(21) 13a(22) 13a(23) 13a(25) 13a(26) 13a(28) 13a(30) 13a(30; V2 13a(31) 13a(34) 2# nps vb. 1# NTDSD n. pDD vb. xja'i n. V2) 1# p^D vb. 'rixn xaty n. '^p vb. ir vb. '0 adv. xanin n. pn vb. 30J vb. *» vb. nxnra adj. xnp'ya adv. n3y vb. 1 ND'n b? conj. T> vb. Xpir n. 'Da vb. 'iy vb. x3Vn ra n. 33ntf vb. XHTIJ n. xrua n. »1B vb. xnrraa n. XrilD'CS n. XniT?3 n. XniD'WS n. XJ/nx n. 'nx vb. xrrrjx n. y?P adj. 1# KjniX n. T|?! adj. '^n vb. nn: vb. xrsip n. ) XsVip n. nnx vb. nriD vb. poy vb. 13b(5) 13b(24) 13b(45) 14a(47) 14b(2) 14b(35) 14b(36) 15a(7) 15b(32) 15b(35) 16a(6) 16a(18) 16b(l) 16b(5) 16b(31) 17a(24) 18a(ll) 18b(28) 19a(6; V2) 19a(21) 19a(21; V2) 19b(17) 19b(29) 19b(39) 19b(39; V2) 19b (40) 19b(42) 20a(6) 20a(8) 20a(45) 20a(49) 20a(50) poy vb. KiWV n. 1# (ODD n. 3n adj. pna vb. pnn vb. yap vb. xrinra n. n'X part. i# nnn vb. 'm vb. ]1'3 conj. VVB vb. pp vb. 1 X3'Vx prep. T'E? vb. X'JlS'l n. 1# 'an vb. xna'p'n n. -a nab prep. X';i3'1 n. 1XV adv. i# nnn vb. l»n n. pill n. 1# xnn n. 2# '13 adv. J^D vb. nay'Xn adv. riana prep. xjv/n n. xni'na n. TOX adv. ^3 adv. xrvrin n. pna vb. pin vb. NJVJ11 n. rbi n. 3JT vb. »n n. xnaj n. xnaj n. 1369 Babylonian Talmud xrV n. Dip vb. 20a(51) n30vb. XnaD n. 20b(10) pm vb. 20b(ll) pnavb. 20b(12) 1# 1X3 adv. 20b(23) "I Xa3 °?3 conj. 20b(24) 1# pn3 vb. 20b(39; V2) xnwy'3 n. 20b(39; MGL 420:3, TGAs28 183:10) xrwys n. 20b(39; V2) Xnns n. 1# TOX vb. 'ST vb. 21a(7) npSvb. 21a(10) l#pjvb. 21a(26) "J JUTJI3 conj. 21a(27) l#pjvb. Vsi vb. 21a(28) l#'Bnvb. 21a(29) XlvniXn. 21a(30) l#pvb. 21a(33) nps vb. i# np vb. 21a(36) "| XS'Vx prep. 1# p"?0 vb. X3-VIX n. XTIgm n. 21a(38) xVrX conj. 21a(39) 111 vb. 21a(43) xVlX n. ia n. xpo'y n. poy vb. 21b(18) XJW'Xn. y3D vb. i# xnn: n. 21b(19) 1# V3D vb. 22a(7) xraax n. IDT vb. 22a(32) 1# XSX n. 22a(36; V2) 22b(9) 22b(10) 22b(l7) 22b(18) 23a(34) 24a(23) 24a(24) 24b(4) 25a(10) 25a(25) 25a(26) 25a(29) 25a(31) 25a(37) 25a(50) 26a(42) 26a(45; V2) 26b(12) 26b(18) 26b(41) 28a(19) 29a(l3) 29a(15) 29a(24) 31a(5) 31a(6) 31a(10) 31a(23) 31a(25) 31a(29) XKhna '3 n. xnr n. ^M vb. 2# 'Vs vb. XrVD3'\? n. ys» vb. xrivVya n. xri '3 n. 2# '^J vb. 'DD vb. *]Sn vb. 2# yiS vb. X13D n. 'TO vb. xn part. 2# '3p vb. m part. xn part. 2# 'Jp vb. xrviny;? n. nsp vb. xario n. xnrp n. X'^irp n. xnrp n. '31 vb. '?? I? n- i# V?n vb. V3X conj. XrilSHS n. "I"! pron. x;an n. nits vb. ■b naV conj. iVx n. •V?b n. 11 conj. yatf vb. Tap adj. xa^'ri n. 1# 'ip vb. WX pron. 1331 n. 31b(20) OTDvb. 32a(6) 1# KpS n. 32b(16) T-lJadj. 32b(38) in'X pron. f|03 vb. 34a(39) '"?T vb. xjiyo n. 34a(39; Ar [AC 4:286]) 2# XS? n. 34a(43) KXrW n. 34b(39) nap vb. 34b(49) "I'T^Xconj. ^,l?i? adj. 34b(50) XJ';ap n. x';yn n. ]nv vb. 35a(9) nriS vb. 35a(10) 1# y?a vb. ypp adj. XC'n n. i# yv vb. 35a(l 1) 1# DDn vb. 35a(12) KfflM n. 35a(24) nno vb. 35a(25) -nrax prep. m: vb. bm vb. 35a(26) nnD vb. xaty (n)'bi3 n. ISO vb. 35a(29) 1# xnp» n. 35a(30) ■"rb interj. 35a(31) XV3X: n. 4# '13 vb. 35a(33) X:V'X n. 35a(34) XSap n. 35a(55; V2) XriV'jy, n. 35b(l) na vb. 0"D vb. 36b(ll) nS3 vb. 36b(18) 'DX vb. «?'3 adj. bVk; vb. Sota 36b(22) 36b(22; V2) 36b(53) 36b(54) 36b(55) 37b(26) 37b(27) 38b(25) 38b(48) 39a(18) 39a(21) 39a(22) 39b(39) 39b(46) 40a(8) 40a(16) 40a(18) 40a(19) 40a(22) 40a(22; V2) TS3 adj. '?? adj. XJ^'V n. liD1? adv. na; vb. xnyntf n. 2# X3ny n. Kjainwin n. nu vb. i# xrnis n. pj adj. pos vb. npy vb. 1# XSX n. nan vb. XJ3n n. xspia n. xriqra n. VspV prep. nax vb. x^'na adv. x:rniry n. xjniiry n. xmrniry n. 40a(23) xniax n. 40a(24) pS vb. 40a(25) inj vb. «pi vb. 40a(28) IB prep. 40a(29) XW'na adv. '» vb. 40a(32) tin vb. 40a(33) XrnjX n. 40a (34) pa© vb. 40a(40) 1# Xl'SipiX n. Diwa prep. 40a (41) np'P'an. 'I1? vb. 40a(43) an' vb. 40a(53) 1# nop vb. 41a(18) inavb. 4lb(l) xnVnnx n.
Gittin 1370 Babylonian Talmud 42b(27; 08V2) '3W n. XBXB n. 42b(53) X>3t n. ti'BJ adj. 43a(15; V2) XD'XI XB'X n. 43a(16) xa'XI X3X n. 43a(17) Kj7 part. 43b(27) 2# 1>a vb. 43b(47) 1# XflTS n. 43b (52) xmiin n. 44a(6) turarm adv. 44a(7; OsRashi) TI vb. 44b(48) 1BJ vb. 44b(49) 181 vb. xr?:a n. 45a(21) 'Xll adv. 45a(38) Xl'.'lJ? n. 45b(40) XBU n. ma vb. 45b(40; Ar [AC 5:312]) 1# '13 vb. 45b(41) 1# XSX n. 2# XJWn n. X113D n. 1# Xip'y n. 45b (44; Ed) XiT^'Xa n. 1# 11X vb. 46a(21) 'JlSXadv. 46a(26) pS3 vb. 46a(45) X»13'1 n. 46a(50) tflB vb. 46a(53) >py vb. 46b(36) ■"b vb. 46b(39) XrifX n. 46b(40) IDT vb. 47a(4) 71573 vb. 47a(33) )J31 „. 47a(35) 1# NT'BEnx n. xrinx n. 1# '3 n. «lpt vb. 1BD vb. xrirgV n. piy vb. y"?p vb. xaVtf n. 47a(36) 110 vb. Xp part. xira'tf n. 47b(29) 1# xjVs n. 47b(43) Xri'3 '»3'X n. TIP adj. 47b(43; V2) m' vb. 47b(44) Vn vb. »]iD3V adv. 1# XJ7 n. 1# *73p vb. 1# V3p vb. 48a(6) tflB vb. 48a(42) 1# XJ11X n. xiai n. ipy vb. yav vb. 48a(43) X1BT n. xaiin n. 1# XB'O n. 48a(45) X31W n. 1# XB'O n. 48a(46) 2# Xip? n. xiar n. rua vb. 1# Xia'a n. 48a(46; Seel [Eps, Stl 438:20]) ,1XX13 n. 48a(47) nXTia n. XJ1T n. xia? n. xrixo* n. Dip vb. 48a(47; OH ib. 271:29) nx¥?'l n. 48a(48) XJ11X n. 72 vb. IB! vb. JlV vb. XfflX'IB n. 48a(49) (-)'apa prep. i# 'ay vb. 48a(49; NDGR 62:8) 2# ntf vb. 48b(5) 1# pVo vb. 48b(6) f'3B'? adv. 48b(44) XiaiB n. 49a(36) na pron. Dip vb. 49a(37) xniix n. XtfH'p n. XBtfn. 49a(43) xmUM n. 1,13 vb. 49a(44) m vb. i# xiri n. 49a(48) "1 conj. 49a(50) 1# 'm vb. 49a(51) Xfl13 -13 n. 1# 'p» vb. 49a(52) 1# X13 n. 49b(20) «>» n. 49b(22) XllsaD n. 49b(22; GC 417 [Var]) X3131 n. 49b(24) 1# X3Xn n. xaiB n. 49b(49) Xriiyax n. 49b(55) XS'X part. Gittin 2b(10) ptn vb. 2b(13) 1# X1B0 n. 2b(14) iai vb. xrn n. 3a(l) X3U'J7 n. 1# xVip n. V?p vb. 3a(3) ijny vb. 3a(6) pn vb. 3a(7) yyi vb. 3a(17) Xll pron. X3U'y n. T1X vb. 3a(18) l#'Xripron. 3a(26; V18) 1# VB1 vb. 3a(27) IT! vb. X113'1 n. 4a(10) 1# Tin vb. 4a(12) 1# XEhn n. 4a(17) "PI1? prep. 4b(9) X1J13 adj. ]331 n. 4b(16) Xin3 adv. 4b(18) 133?'X1adv. 4b(30) 1# y3p vb. 5a(19) -ijny vb. 5a(36) Dpi vb. 5b(3) X^ adv. 5b(8) -px vb. 6a(l) ]p n. 6a(l; Ed, Rashi) xoia'rip n. 6a(12) xpitf} adv. 6a(19) 1# Xrn'fiB n. 6a(20) 1# XrO'JlB n. ri'Dtf adj. 6a(21) 1# XDTJ n. 11D vb. 6a(34;V18) 2# X21X n. 6a(35) xitf'l n. 6a(36) '2 adj. 6a(42) 11D vb. 2# X01J> n. 6a(46) TU vb. 6a(47) 'X conj. 6b (2) -Ijny vb. 6b(14) 2ipa adj. 6b(23) 1# nna vb. rratf adj. 6b(24; V15) X3B0 13 n. 6b(24) X3B0 n. 6b(32) Xiai n. '•n1? interj. X120 n. 1371 Babylonian Talmud 6b(33) XW pron. □3D vb. "'T. ^ PreP- 6b(33; M) 5>8ti vb. 6b(35) (XII T13) XEHlp n. 6b(37) XP'BD n. 6b(39) XmO'XB n. XrU30 n. 6b(40) XriVTB n. 7a(l) XTOVa n. 7a(2) X13D n. 7a(16) X31D adv. 7a(21; Seel, St2 439:22) 110 vb. 7a(24; V18) X1BT n. 7a(25) X1BT n. 7a(27; M) XflD n. 7a(34) XWO n. xniVa tfn n. 7a(40) '?rnx adv. 7a(41;V18) lion adj. 7a(42) 2# bll vb. xW? n. 7b(5) XflB'X n. Dip vb. 7b(13) XJB'Dn. 7b(14) Xja'D n. 8a(4) TBO adj. pDD vb. 8b(9) XTli* n. XTO n. 10b(3) ti'tip adj. xniyi n. p3tf vb. 10b (24) pOB vb. 10b(27) O'ap prep. W\ vb. 10b(29) XB^3 adv. XITI pron. 1# XBDrj n. xr\yv n. 10b(30) XJH n. 1la(23) 1la(24) lla(26) 1la(27) llb(3) llb(4) llb(12) llb(23) XJTDVa n. X-111X n. xa»n. i# nxanx adj. fpn vb. XJBU'3 n. nXDlB adj. XIDlp n. nn 13 n. Xplll n. 1# pVo vb. XB» n. '?3 vb. D1J vb. llb(26;03) liyvb. 1lb(27) 12a(3) 12a(13) 12a(14) 12a(15) 12a(24) 12a(37) 12b(2) 12b(3) 12b(4) 12b(8) 12b(22) 12b(23) 12b(37) 13a(4) 13a(10) 133(10;' prn n. 'Dt vb. 2# pBO vb. XD13 n. XBHJ n. 1# X13J? n. 1«> vb. 'J73 vb. 2# xrii»n n. 'B» adj. "in 13 n. Dm vb. XJTXn adv. xrron adv. 1# 'JO vb. xap xap adv. nbs vb. 1# 1BX vb. 1# 'OX vb. 1'in adj. xao n. 12? vb. xaVj;1? adv. xri'iria n. xi'psn n. n*2 adj. 1# X12J? n. v18) Vn vb. 13a(10; V15) n'3» adj. 13a(ll;Ed) TI? adJ- 13b(22) nana prep. 14a(2) 13y«? vb. 14a(4) '11 pron. i# ns3 vb. 14a(12) '3? prep. 3n' vb. Xp'llB n. X3pn. 14a(13) X^B n. 14a(20) nXJ'J n. XJ3nn n. 135? vb. 14a(22) Xna n. 14a(24) "TI pron. k^b: n. 14a(25) 135? vb. 14a(28) '3J prep. 14a(43) 2# xmWX n. 1# X^310 n. 14a(44) 'ir|3 prep. 14a(45) -Vn'J prep. 14a(48) T9P adj. 14a(51;V18) xpBO'X n. 14b(6) 1# J1B3 vb. 14b(7) 'J1X vb. 14b(7; Ar [AC 4:2]) 14b(8) 15a(8; O3) 15b(3) 15b(ll) 16a(42) 16b(41) 17a(l) 17a(2) 17a(3) 17a(8) 17b(16) 3D adj. 1# 'B1 vb. -np'B n. X1W n. D1BX prep. ps: vb. ^3 adv. "?XB> vb. V?y vb. 2# X13n n. X^ID n. nXOIB adj. nxaii n. 2# X13PI n. !TJ vb. Gittin 17b(20) 17b(24) 18a(l) 18a(2) 18a(6) 18a(38) 18a(39) 18b(2) 19a(4) 19a(15) 19a(16) 19a(17) 19a(18) 19a(40) 19a(44) 19a(45) 19b(19) 19b(25) 19b(26) 19b (28) 19b(30) 19b(33) 19b(46) 19b(47) 19b (48) 19b(54) 19b(55) 19b (56) 19b(57) -irai n. 3J13 vb. 1# XrO'3 n. 0"B vb. xriiaj/iiB n. llf X pron. 1# X^>p n. OJin vb. 3rlD vb. '1'B XV adv. n'X part. X'nn pron. xni'i n. XBOn. i# xaip n. i# xriin n. X13X n. xi3X:i x;a n. ]3adv. u: vb. xi3iy n. lyx vb. nXOIB adj. 1# '1p vb. 'isy^a n. xino n. 'jj? prep. ysx vb. 1# pi3 vb. XI} n. Dl1?? XV adv. 1# D"?B vb. xriwn adv. ffm vb. irnV prep. 'i'3 prep. 1# X13A n. 1# -n'31 n. pit vb. xritira n. "IB prep. X13D5? n. xrny'a? (ri)'3 n.
Gittin 1372 Babylonian Talmud 20a(3) 20a(26) 20a(33) 20a(39) 20b(3) 20b(12) 20b(22) 20b(33) 21a(19) 21b(2) 21b(36) 22a(14) 22a(27) 22a(28) 22a(29) i# xiso n. pSl vb. ppn vb. yin vb. >]» vb. XBtfn n. 'XIJa adv. XT1X, n. i# iwtoa n. xsim n. DlsV prep. 1# Xfflftetf n. 1# 'ip vb. 1# '31 vb. an' vb. rro vb. "13 prep. VT& vb. 1# 'KB pron. xajix n. 2# any vb. XT1X n. baVa vb. 22a(33) 22a(36) 22b(4) 22b(6) 23a(5) 23a(42) 23b(44) 24a(U) 24a(16) 24a(20) 24b(16) 24b(18) 24b(28) 24b(35) 25a(27) 26b(ll) TBX vb. i# rf?a vb. nap vb. XJ/3'1 num. >V'T vb. IDT vb. xnjn n. xrnyao n. X^pb'i? n. '38 conj. 'X prep. 'Da vb. xayo n. oya vb. VII vb. Jl'X part. '33 vb. p-IT vb. an* vb. py vb. 26b(ll;V18) pyvb. 26b(14) 26b(22) 26b(23) 26b(31) 26b(33) 26b(34) 26b(35) 26b(36) 27a(14) 27a(16) 27a(17) 27a(23) 27a(24) 27a(25) 27a(27) 27a(28) 27b(22) 27b(23) 27b(26) 28a(8) 28a(9) 28a(20; Ar 1# XISO n. Xn pron. yatf vb. 3D adj. xr'aio n. i# xnitfx n. 3TO vb. xrnann n. xip'tf n. 0'31 n. XTltf n. py vb. xrnix n. Xp part. xjri'9 n. xny atf n. Xjn'3 n. xni''tf n. rratf adj. 2# 'TO vb. KBhlB '3 n. xmysB n. xaiix n. Xp'"7B n. 30 adj. [AC 6:336]) :6s vb. 28a(20; V15V18) jVs vb. 28a(33) Xtf'13 adv. ma vb. 28b(4) XmpOT n. 28b(5) 2# X3iy n. 28b(6) TlX vb. 28b(23) iai vb. 28b(24) bop vb. 1# X^Bp n. 28b(26) mmv n. 28b(27) am vb. ITU1? prep. jajty'OTis n. 28b(39) )8',1 vb. 28b(45) 1# TM vb. 28b(46; V18) 29a(3) 29a(14) 29a(22) 29a(43) 29a(44) 29a(53) 29b(19) 13y vb. xnoj n. 'X8X conj. xip'tf n. T|3^1n adv. yr vb. i# iob vb. iVs vb. *ya vb. 29b(28) 29b(29) 29b(31) 29b(32; V18 29b(35) 29b(38) 29b(38; As) 29b(38; V18) 29b(41) 29b(42) 29b(43) 29b (49) 30a(5) 30a(ll) 30a(ll; V18) 30a(38) 30b(6) 30b(7) 30b(22) 31b(19) 31b(30) 31b(31) 31b(32) 31b(33) 31b(43) xriwop n. 1# 'X8 pron. Xl'8 n. D'X part. 1# T7W vb. 3n' vb. 1# 108 vb. MF3 n- TP<? adj. nap vb. xnunsp n. Xinn pron. o:x vb. MX vb. 103 vb. X138 n. ]T\1 vb. 0"S vb. JpX vb. xnipx n. i# xmri n. 2# ItfX vb. iny vb. 5?'?n adj. XpTS n. *pn vb. j'nix is n. 1# in num. nmbs n. Dip vb. 'DHIX adv. xpiinj n. X3,m n. 3ri' vb. 1# X^310 n. 2# DID vb. 31b(44) SMn. 31b(45) xniVj tfn *3i n. 31b(46) mrxpron. 31b(46;V18) lis vb. 31b(48) 2# '■« vb. 3PJ vb. 31b(48;As) X?m n. 31b(48; Ar [AC 8:30], Ed) xntf n. 31b(57) pnvb. nxiio adj. 'IJ? pron. 32a(l) Xl'Sipn. 'SI vb. 1# XJIBltf n. 32a(2) 2# XJS7 n. xro'o n. 'SI vb. 32a(3) xn'SB n. K^aj? n. '31 vb. 32a(3;V18MGE 272:1) 2# xnsia n. 32a(14) '13 vb. 32a(15) XJWr'TOn. 32a(16) *?B3 vb. 32a(21) 1,TX pron. 32a(29) ton vb. 32b(7) 1# X13y n. 32b(8) via pron. 32b (21) xnK/,1'3,1 adv. 32b(23) Xmn'Vip n. 32b (43) xriWI n. 33a(2) 1# tox vb. 3»n vb. '3 prep. Xtolil n. 33a(6) X'TX n. 33a(28) ITU vb. 1373 Babylonian Talmud Ehp vb. 33b(7) 13y vb. 33b(8;V18) 1# i?V vb. 33b(ll) 2#'XBvb. 33b(39) Xni(l)3 n. (-)'Bp prep. 1# bpV vb. 33b(40) IBB vb. 33b(41;V18) IBB vb. 33b(44) ma vb. IBB vb. 34a(6) 1# mtf vb. 34a(7) an* vb. 34a(8) 2# toll vb. 34a(8; HP 62:27) 3# '13 vb. 34a(13) Xnyi '.'ito v.n. 34a(19) to>3 vb. XB'J n. -px vb. 34a(21) Sinn pron. 34a(22; As) ]S1 vb. 34a(22; Vl8RaH) X'USl n. 34a(23) nXT3 adj. xinn n. 34a(25) Xni(l)3 n. 1# bpv vb. 34a(27) Xnyi ''ito v.n. 34a(29) 1# 1K/X vb. 34a(30) X'jn adv. 34a(30; As) Dto> vb. 34a(35) X^1 adv. X''nB v.n. XB» n. 34a(36; As) an' vb. 34a(36; As,OHR ib. 24:5) 1# XTp n. 34a(37) Dip vb. 34a(38) 301 vb. 34a(39) xnyi ','iVj v.n. 34a(40) xni' W'l n. 34a(41) YW n. 34a(42) 34b(10) 34b(12) 34b(24) 34b(25) 35a(l) 35a(13) 35a(14) 35a(19) 35a(20) 35a(23) 35a(24) 35a(30; V18) 35a(33) 35a(37) 35a(38) 35a(40; As) 35a(43) 35a(44) 35a(45) 35a(48) 35b(ll) 35b(20) 10'? n. Xto3 pron. XBtfn. ptn vb. i# xniis n. mv n. 1# X3'n n. V?p vb. tfiy vb. thtf vb. niB vb. trftm n. 'T vb. 1# '3J vb. 'b prep. xntonx n. xm'i n. to>p vb. xVx conj. n3J? vb. 1# X3X n. X'")B n. X'ilB n. isn vb. X'0113 n. x^in n. pns vb. X31X n. nXT3 adj. m: vb. ya» vb. TK conJ- i# xnns n. X'lVs n. mi vb. ra vb. 36a(8) 'P^m 'IpB n. 36a(9) 36a(10) 36a(16) 36a(25) mi vb. VVQ vb. xpir n. 1'ia'T adv. xnnn n. xnn? n. 36a(26) 36a(27) 36a(27; As) 36a(28) 36a(39) 36b(l) 36b(3) 36b(17) 36b(18) 36b(25) 36b(26) 36b(28) 36b(28; Ed) 36b(31) 36b(32) 36b(35) 36b(36) 36b(39) 36b(40) 37a(4) 1# "11X vb. TBOn. ]y.n. ypa adj. XJTDB n. 2# ypS vb. XpD''1 n. BBiy vb. BBtf vb. '8 adv. *?V1 vb. i# xm n. xa,?j» n. D'Vx adj. 1# yps vb. XI',"! n. xisbiy n. xbispiis n. 2# n»X vb. i# xyn n. Dip vb. xssin n. X1K?'1? n. xia'jiy n. xnin'i n. 1X1? adv. Xni3'3n n. xjiy'7 n. 37a(4; MGD 311:11) 37a(5; V18) 37a(17) 37a(18; As) 37a(19) 37a(22) 37a(43) 37b(ll) 37b(13) 37b(18) 37b(20) 37b(24) xbisons n. 1# X011S n. mi vb. xns'p n. XBTIJ n. 1# 108 vb. IIS vb. 3'lp adj. S'SS adj. i# mv vb. 'BB vb. 'Vn'l prep. xn?i n. p3tf vb. Gittin 37b(25) XllO'X n. 37b(40) yia vb. 38a(21) xnipnadv. 1# 108 vb. 1# Xbop n. 38a(22) ^Sl vb. 38a(23) awb prep. pis vb. '3B vb. 38a(23; V16HP[Eps, Stl 66:25]) xninax n. 38a(28; As) isytf vb. 38a(36) IBlt adj. '3tf vb. 38a(37) XnWl'X n. nix; adv. 38a(40) xnil'n n. 38a(42) 1# ian vb. 38a(44) Wt vb. ]1'3 conj. 38a(45) pis vb. 38a(47) X'0niS3 adv. Xjn'X? adv. ibi vb. 38a(48) 1# XMX n. 38a(49) XllO'X n. 38a(51) «153vb. 38a(52) X'lB n. 38b(4) in' vb. 38b(14) '11 pron. 38b(15) 1# 110 vb. 38b(15; MGL 720:3) xnrrn n. 38b(i6) -xrniyp n. 1# J?3p vb. Xn?» n. 3 8b (17) XlfJ? n. 39a(12) &B vb. 39a(27) wni vb. Dip vb. 39a(28) 2# mt vb. 39a(33) 2# D"0 vb. 39a(42) X»8 n.
Gittin 1374 Babylonian Talmud 39b(2) 39b(10) 39b(14) 39b(22) 3 9b (39) 3 9b (40) 39b(41) 40a(39) xtap n. 2# X0'3 n. KNTS2 adv. xtaOB adv. 2# X0'3 n. 1XV adv. yap vb. 'T'X adv. ibx vb. XS1J n. '3'il adv. xi2iy n. '33 vb. 13ytf vb. i# xriais n. 1# '3p vb. 1# tatf vb. xriiyo n. 40a(42; Geon 82:17) 40a(43) 40a(44) 40a(45) 40a(49) 40a(50) 40a(52) 40b(l) 41a(23) 41a(24) 41b(15) XfllpDI n. 1# K^aj? n. xiro adj. 2# 'ta vb. xna n. i# Tin vb. ana vb. xna n. Nap adj. 1# Xjta n. -nro vb. yap vb. IDS vb. 13X pron. xnyi n. XJ1T n. '331? prep. 3ipa adj. xrrn'n n. tiplp vb. TS# adj. nX3TS# adj. xny atf n. TW, adj. 42a(15) 42a(29) 42b(3) 42b(10) XJFltfn adv. 1# '3p vb. 2# 'ta vb. X31p n. xia'a n. 42b(20; As) 1# tan vb. 42b(46) 43a(36) 43a(43) 43b(9) 43b(32) 43b(36) 44a(6) nu vb. xiiax n. »n vb. Dip vb. 01N vb. 1# XJT13 n. TI113 prep. 'pW3 n. ym n. •"01V vb. 44a(24; 03OHT Git 88:11) 44a(24) 44a(41) 44a(43) 44a(44) xn'p'sa n. ]"J? vb. Xpill n. 1# ypS vb. xai'i xai' ta adv. 44a(51) 44b(21) 44b(22) 44b(27) 44b(35) 44b(39) 45a(l) 45a(7) 45a(7; As) 45a(8) 45a(9) 45a(ll) 45a(21) XHIXB n. 1# in num. 'SO adj. IPX part. 1# NPSOTX n. '3 prep. 1# 'JO vb. xra n. i# xrri? n. 333 vb. xiin n. 'in vb. Mib adv. 1# 'XB pron. X133y n. 1# 03p vb. 120 vb. 'H13X prep. 1# ypB vb. piy vb. 45a(26) 45a(27) 45a(28) 45a(32) 45a(33) 45a(36) 45a(38) 45a(40) 45a(41) 45a(42) 45a(43) 45a(44) 031 vb. XJB'O n. -1 1X^> 'X conj. 311 vb. i# xpnn n. XIIS'X n. iax vb. pID vb. vm vb. 1# Xni3 n. XITp n. 1# 013 vb. '3tf vb. XJB?'1? n. Xp part. i# np vb. XVI pron. "|B0 vb. X31iy n. 1# Xlptf n. 1# np vb. wn vb. xrwa'n n. "ina/'xatapron. 45a(45) 45a(45; O 45a(45) 45a(45; O 45a(46) 45a(47) 45a(49) 45b(33) no vb. 1# X13J n. 3) 1# X133 n. nxyiTu adj. ') '"$ pron. prn vb. WW n. xiaa n. vm vb. i# xri"n n. XyjD adj. 45b(33; Ar [AC 4:29) 45b(34) xriy'jo n. 1# 'ta vb. 45b(34; Rashi.Ed) 45b(35) 46a(2) ©'1 tf'1 adv. 2# XTI'T n. i# xin: n. x'rip'j'p n. 46a(9) 46b(15) 46b(39) 46b(41) 46b (46) 46b(47) 47a(3) tap vb. xira adj. '3 prep. XJEJ'1? n. typYp n. «ir vb. 313 vb. ]3t vb. 13y vb. 2# nxil1? adj. xblp^'p n. 47a(10; V16Ar [AC 2:283]) 47a(10) 47a(ll) 47a(14) 47a(15) 47a(16) xrftaa n. i# xivn n. 2# IXIlV adj. X1J13 adj. i# 'no vb. cap vb. i# xri"n n. 1# XJV'n n. 47a(16; V18) xriBtf'3 n. 47a(17) 47a(18) 47a(20; M) 47a(22) 47a(40) 47a(41) 47a(45) 47b (13) 47b (15) 48a(6) 48a(50) 48b (5) 48b(19) 49a(9) 49b(26) -\m vb. i# pin vb. Xp part. xrtu n. i# xrvn n. 1# '31 vb. Xp'ITO n. XBS3 n. N?i?n. 1# 'ip vb. Vpb vb. 1# IpD vb. Dip vb. 1# ipS vb. xrronp n. ypv vb. i# nm vb. 1# X13 n. 1# XTS n. OW vb. ■131? prep. psi vb. Babylonian Talmud 1375 Gittin 49b(28) 49b(31) 49b (44) 49b (49) 49b (51) 49b(53) 49b (54) 50a(3) '£ 50a(4) 50b(5) 50b(18) 50b(23) 50b(25) 51a(8) 51a(14) 51a(20) 51a(22) 51a(34) 51b(12) 51b(17) 51b(22) 52a(21) 52a(23) 52a(28) 52a(29) 52a(29; HP 52a(31) 52a(32) 52a(33) 52a(37) 52a(37; As) ',1'X pron. 1# W vb. i# xrn n. '3 prep. 12ytf vb. TUP vb. laytf vb. ! by *)X prep. i2ytf vb. XI'OS n. X1J13 adj. XrilpB n. 'TO vb. 3no vb. XpOS n. yi3 vb. '11X n. nra vb. XWJ7D n. 133 vb. T vb. Tltf vb. 3# '32; vb. XSIID'SX n. XJTI33TO n. 'in vb. 55:29) 'in vb. xaV'O n. 1# '3 n. ww'? n. 1# '11 vb. 'Iin pron. 'S3 vb. 'tfa'tf '3 n. Dm adv. 13y vb. 33y vb. xata? n. '11 interj. inan pron. '33 prep. DTI' adj. 52a(37) 52a(42) 52a(43) 52a(45) 52a(46) 52a(46; M) 52a(47) 52a(49) 52b(7) 52b(9) 52b(10) 52b(ll) 52b(12) 52b(14) 52b(14; HP 52b(15) 52b(17) 52b(18) 52b(19) 52b(27) 52b(28) 52b(31) 52b(38) 52b(39) 52b(42) 52b(83) 53a(l) 53a(10) 53a(19) 20 adj. □n' adj. 1# -|»a vb. XJ21 n. X?21X num. XJH'B? num. 1# '3p vb. tat vb. ip' vb. 1# "]»B vb. 120 vb. 2rr vb. 1# XTS n. iy prep. QT1» adj. X313 n. xrinsx n. XSIID'SX n. DTI' adj. XSJ2X n. '03 vb. yatf vb. 56:17) XTB n. T!3X adj. 1# pta vb. 1# X13rl n. IDS vb. XBtys adv. i# xnV'a n. i3y vb. yia vb. P'3'X n. 1# X13 n. bio vb. "13 prep. Dip vb. XTB n. 1# XOJp n. IB prep. Dip vb. 31 adj. '1B3V adv. 53a(27) 53a(32; M) 53b(5) 53b(30) 53b(36) 53b(43) 54a(5; As) 54a(10) 54a(ll) 54a(33) 54a(34) 54a(36) 54a(43; V18 54b(7) 54b(47) 55a(2) 55a(15) 55a(20) 55a(32) 55b(19) 55b(24) 55b(25) 55b(47) 55b(48) 55b(49) 55b(50) 55b(52) 55b(53) 55b(54) 55b(56) 55b(57) 56a(l) 56a(4) yi' vb. i# pn vb. n03 vb. 1# 03p vb. ta3 vb. '13'8 adv. 1# pta vb. XW n. Tan adj. 1# X13 n. i# urn n. 113 vb. Dip vb. 1# Dip vb. 133 vb. ) 1# 1HD vb. Diy vb. 13y vb. tip vb. 103 vb. 'B adv. XSIO'3 n. 1# '13 adv. ■jnx vb. Dip vb. 2# XriTOI n. Xni'T3 n. XJ/'SB adj. tap vb. X031X n. ina adv. XJ"! n. "X prep. 3in vb. xpy n. X331 Ty3 n. xrniyp n. 13y vb. xya\!> n. 'y3 vb. 'B1 n. 1# Xjta n. 1331 n. 56a(5) 56a(6) 56a(7) 56a(8) 56a(9) 56a(10) 56a(ll) 56a(12) 56a(16) 56a(18) 56a(19) 56a(20) 56a(21) 56a(22) 56a(26) 56a(27) 56a(28) 1# ta< vb. 1^3 prep. i# 'na vb. X3ta '3 n. 1# XSIlp n. nxiin; adj. 11B vb. "10'p n. X3211p n. 1# 1TO vb. 'in? prep. xaia n. 1# 1» vb. xnsn n. XI31B n. -T11? prep. 31p vb. 1# XT3 n. "I0'i? n. 1# 'TO vb. Xpi3J n. XplOS n. 2in vb. 1"3 vb. 133 vb. pS3 vb. piy vb. 113'X pron. 2# US vb. "ID'i? n. Tny adj. 11! vb. i# xrio'n n. 1# Xn^'B n. xnip'B n. i# xniyti» n. XI'VpX n. i# mv vb. xyw n. 56a(28; MGD 626:21) Xl'tax n. '2'X '3 n. 56a(28; Ar [AC ib.])
Gittin 1376 Babylonian Talmud N?1?? n. 56a(29; Ar [AC 4:235]) 'ya vb. 56a(29) '1T13 n. 56a(29; Ar [AC 4:235]) Xf?3 n. '?'? n. 56a(30) psi vb. lay vb. paw vb. mby n. 56a(31) lay vb. 'Vp vb. 56a(31; MGD 626:25) X13BX n. 56a(32) Tny adj. 56a(32; MGD 626:26) 3'tfn adj. 56a(33) XTBO n. XTbv n. 56a(34) pi vb. 56a(34; MGD 626:27) xn'ii'n n. K?'V part. 56a(35; MGD 626:28, SM 43:18) XiptflS n. 56a(36) 'nx vb. xnap n. i# xrny> n. 56a(36; MGD 626:29) '1'B X^ adv. 56a(37) "1 'TO n. psi vb. i# mv vb. 1# I1?!!; vb. 56a(37; SM 43:20) 1# VlX vb. 56a(37; MGD 626:29) 'pa vb. 56a(37; MGD 627:1) Oyi'a pron. 56a(38) an' vb. 1# Xin? n. i# xrns n. 56a(39; V18) 001 vb. 56a(41) 4# '13 vb. 56a(41; MGD 627:4) X'»ya n. 56a(42) X?ni n. XSD? n. nil vb. 56a(44) xnnx 13 n. '1V13 n. lp'0 adj. Xtf'l n. 56a(45) X1S3 n. lay vb. 56a(45; V18) XJ/1'X3 adv. 56a(47) xnty Olivia n. Vpl vb. TXp adj. 56a(48) 1# '11 vb. XTO n. np adj. 56a(48; MGD 627:12) bby vb. 56a(49) tJJl vb. 56a(50) "n adj. 56a(50;V18) V'^p adj. 56a(50; AsAr [AC 7:223]) 3tfp vb. 56a(51) *|m vb. Ipl vb. xmvs n. 56a(52;MGD 627:16) xaa n. 56a(52) X?1?? n. ^S prep. I# X;>pp n. ittbv n. 56a(53) nx pron. X1TKT1 adv. liy adv. 1# 'lp vb. 56b(l) X13'X adv. IX1? adv. 56b(2) T1X vb. i# loa vb. 56b(7) -a prep. '1V13 n. 56b(12; V18) i# xria's n. 56b(13) pa»vb. 56b(13; SM 44:18) Xllpll n. 56b(14) 'nx vb. 'IB vb. 56b(14; V18) xpnp'lS n. 56b(15) XP'13 adv. 3'tfn adj. DID vb. nxan n. 56b(i6) lyx vb. 56b(16; MGD 627:30) vm vb. 56b(17) layvb. 56b(18) «]7nvb. an' vb. 56b(18;MGD 627:32) 1# efrn vb. 56b(20) 'nx vb. 56b(21) 1# *?1X vb. 'ya vb. ]JU vb. i# ntf vb. 56b(22) XJDX n. XnV'WIB? n. 56b(26) Xja n. 56b(26; V18) XpDIS'D n. 56b(26) 2# XrPIS* n. 1# 'ptf vb. 56b(27) 1# xnilS n. nm vb. 56b(27; V16) X'jyB n. 56b(35) l^SX conj. 2# '*?! vb. iao vb. 56b(39) Xipsa n. 56b(40) 1# in num. 56b(41) 2# XnSTlX n. xaa n. XnSl '3 n. xnsi n. 1# x"7p n. 56b(41; MGD 728:13) xnun n. xnsi n. 56b(41; MGD 728:14) Vpi vb. 1# X110 n. 56b (42) -np'a n. nxip n. 56b(43; MGD 728:16) 1# VV1 vb. 56b (45) ma vb. np vb. 56b(45; MGD 728:17) 'ya vb. 56b(45;V18) ma vb. 56b(46) Xif?X n. TO vb. Xl'l n. .1X11,1' adj. XEP n. 'b prep. Dip vb. XBD'p n. xjntf num. i# naiy vb. 56b(47) 1# XTU n. 1# p"?D vb. n?1?? n. 56b(48) 1# '11 vb. p31 vb. 56b(49) -3 prep. 1# X13A n. XI"! n. 1# 'Xa pron. 57a(l) pos vb. 57a(l;V18) 113 vb. 57a(2) XBD'p n. Babylonian Talmud 1377 Gittin 57a(2; MGD 728:27) 1# '13 vb. 57a(3) 1# Xl'll n. 57a(4) TVQ adj. 57a(7) 1# P'JO vb. 57a(15) 3invb. Ill vb. 57a(16) XlJin n. xn1?? n. 57a(17) 1# X1111 n. na vb. nxah n. 57a(18) Xy,lX n. xiian n. 57a(18;V18) 1# xVb n. 1# pp vb. 57a(19) XT n. °?Eto vb. 57a(19; MGD 622:7) X1X: pron. 'Bl adv. 57a(21) Xlipil n. •i Win conj. i# xntfaia n. bbp vb. 57a(21; MGD 622:11) XW313 n. 57a(22) pVl vb. ipi vb. 'in vb. 1# xb'a n. Xpnil n. Xllttf n. 57a(22; MGD 622:13) XplSKHl n. 57a(23) XDVx num. 'in vb. nxa num. V?y vb. 1# rpV vb. 57a(23; V18) 1# XS"D n. XSiVw n. 57a(24) x'jlV'n n. 2# Xll'd n. xal' n. 57a(28; V18) 1# XPStflX n. 57a(29) X17IX n. Xlin pron. Xn33'l num. 57a(30) pin vb. N??i? n- ipti vb. 57a(31; MGD 622:27, Ar [AC 2:307]) lai vb. 57a(31; MGE 52:1) Ifl' vb. 57a(35) 1# in num. 57a(43) "738 vb. 'XI '^13 adv. p'lX adj. 57a(44) psp'!l n. XpWn. 57a(45) XIIX n. I1?' vb. Npir n. xnpir n. 13 conj. isy vb. l>xp vb. bnv vb. 57a(45; M) 3D1 vb. 57a(46) X11A n. psp'T n. I^n vb. ^Dl vb. ID'p n- Xptf n. 57b(8) nm vb. 57b(8; MGN 599:20) nm vb. 57b(9) lax vb. 'Bl vb. ■ptf vb. 57b(l 1) Xlt?'3 n. Xpipa n. 2# plO vb. xVll? n. 57b(ll; MGN 600:3) XpllOB n. 57b(12; MGN 600:5) na' vb. X'Ol n. 57b(13) xnpart. Dip vb. 57b(14) mi vb. D"3 vb. 57b(17) l#13Xvb. 57b(18) "rop vb. 57b(18; MGN 600:15) xnois n. i# ntf vb. 57b(20) lll'X pron. 1# ]XB pron. 57b(35) nbs vb. 57b(37) psi vb. 57b(45) ]ni vb. XlBin n. "?3n interj. xaVa n. •?y prep. 1# "73p vb. 1# '1E> vb. 57b(46) Vtjp vb. 57b(47) 31' vb. ptfl vb. 57b(50) 'in vb. 58a(12) 'Dn vb. Xl'S n. 58a(13) XTJID'X n. XI'D n. 58a(15) a'Wnadj. nxaii n. 58a(16) Dpi vb. 1# XDiy n. tfBtf vb. 58a(16; Ar [AC 2:99]) Xll'Va n. XplSl^ll n. 58a(17) l#X!;i3n. 58a(18) Xlpron. 3na vb. 2# XniS n. 58a(19; M) pniB adj. 58a(20) lll'X* n. '311? prep. xnpis n. 58a(21) -pxvb. 58a(45) 1# X1J1 n. 58a(45; Ar [AC 8:40]) 58b(20) 58b(21) 58b(22) 58b(23) 58b(24) 58b(27) 58b(31) 59a(l) 59a(6) 59a(12) 59a(13) 59a(17) 59a(23) 59a(24) 59a(25) 59a(29) 59a(30) 59a(32) 59a(33) 59b(31) 59b(34) 59b(36) X^ITO n. 11X1 '3 n. '31 prep. 2# Vm vb. 1# Xia n. 2# XpDD n. i# "rap vb. Dip vb. mv n. xpa n. XSp adj. xia n. i# xia n. '?! adj. Xl'Jia n. xi';in n. my n. 'in vb. «pa vb. 'in vb. ly prep. Xj/aw num. xsiin n. xiiiax n. Xpnp'S n. ■|SX vb. (Tap1? prep. 1# xyt13 n. 'SI vb. '1'X part. X113 n. 3'OT! adj.
Gittin 1378 Babylonian Talmud 59b(42) 59b(43) 60a(10) 60a(12) 60a(17) 60a(21) 60a(22) 60a(23) 60a(31) 60a(44) 60b(ll) 60b(22) 60b(25) 60b(27) 60b(29) 60b(31) 60b(32) 60b(35) 60b(36) 60b (3 8) 60b(40) 60b (46) X113 n. BpJ vb. 1# Kjni n. 1# tas vb. 1# V?n vb. X©T1B '3 n. B©S vb. xV adv. xrnpsx n. )"y vb. xrrax n. 1©S'X adv. pai vb. i# 'ip vb. xjmiwa n. Xil part. X11S'© n. X1©n n. nxV'y adj. 130 vb. i# 'p© vb. 1# Kin? n. XD©S n. 1# 'Xa pron. xran n. D'Vk adj. 133 vb. an1 vb. XJT y n. X©'1 n. 2# X?31© n. xn©n. 60b (46; Ar [OHP ib. 241:6]) 60b (47) 60b (48) 60b(48; As) 60b(49) 60b(49; O3) x;ji© ia n. i# xin: n. 'iV© n. ©3' vb. i# xniis n. 2# NTS n. xinix n. xVrx n. 1# pta vb. 61a(2; Ar [AC 7:181]) 61a(8; O3) 61a(9) 61b(15) 61b(16) 61b(18) 61b(26) 61b(27) 62a(l) 62a(3) 62a(16) 62a(18; As) 62a(22) 62a(23) 62a(24) 62a(28) 62a(37) 62a(39) 62a(40) 62a(41) 62a(42) 62a(49) 62a(50) i# xm1? n. Xlplp n. xrisix n. iru vb. i# 'i© vb. Op1? vb. in: vb. ran n. i# nx vb. *pn vb. 31 '3 13 n. 'T vb. i# tax vb. □'an adj. Tip adj. 333 vb. i# tax vb. X©'H n. 'T vb. 1# X13X n. n'3» adj. 1# J?33 vb. xta'p n. 1# >]3X vb. 2# nsa vb. XT3,1 n. '3 prep. 1# XTI1©X n. Dip vb. xb1?© n. xbV© n. pTn vb. nxjta n. ty prep. 62a(50; MGD 214:9) 62a(51) 62a(52) 62a(53) 62b(32) 62b(35) 63a(14) xb1?© n. Xja adv. 1# 'ip vb. xsta n. 1# ta3 vb. 1# XB©lp n. X.TB adv. ©13 vb. "I 63a(17) 63a(27) 63b(18) 63b(28) 63b(32) 63b(40; V 63b(42) 64a(10; O 64a(12) 64a(15) 64a(29) 64b(12) 64b(27) 64b(30) 64b(33) 64b(35) 64b(36) 65a(l) 65a(43) 65b(6) 65b(6; As) 65b(28) 65b(31) 65b(39) 66a(l) (P'3'n ta conj. 'yo vb. X113"! n. Xp'DO n. ©lV vb. (-)'SP prep. 18) ana vb. 1# X0'3 n. ') 3,1' vb. 'Tin pron. ]B',1 vb. pB3 vb. '31 vb. XI pron. nx3'in adj, '3'H adv. 'MX vb. pn© vb. xn"iixi adj. 1# tap vb. J?3S vb. 2# 013 vb. pll vb. »B>D vb. Xp part. xrita n. 66a(25; V18) '01 vb. 66a(44) 66a(45) 66a(46) 66b(20) 66b(24) 66b(35) 66b(47) 67b(9) 67b(ll) 67b(12) 67b(14) 67b(19) 1# '3 n. mXf prep. 'pi:; 'ipa n. X©3'X n. mby n. i# ica vb. D©D vb. XJ'1 '3 n. xniann n. xsiin n. xnxp* n. xVl3 pron. |D prep. ann vb. ta' vb. i# xian n. 67b(20; V18 67b(21) 67b(22) 67b(23) 67b(24) 67b(25; As) 67b(26) 67b(26; As) 67b(27) 67b(28) 67b(29) xrnxya n. J133 vb. ) xnn n. XfflOX n. xrnaia n. i# xian n. pIB adj. paw n. xypp n. 1# Xfl13 n. XT13 n. XIB'O n. X©8'© n. X©B'© n. D31X adj. nta vb. xny;'xa n. p'W adj. yip vb. 1# mi vb. i# mo vb. 2# 1BK vb. 1# pta vb. xrn? n. i# rm vb. X111X n. XTIIBIJ n. piB adj. X©a'© n. XTIlta ©'1 '31 n. 67b(30) 67b(31) 67b(32) "n adj. i# xian n. lyx vb. pa© adj. 1# '33 vb. -)SX vb. 'nx vb. xrnau n. 67b(33) xriinoa '3 n. 67b(34) xain. 1>1 vb. 2# XC>'©9 n. Babylonian Talmud 1379 Gittin Dip vb. 67b (3 5) poy vb. X7P1 n. 67b(35;OHR Git 44:10) X11©3 n. 67b(36) '33 prep. 67b(36; V18) iyo vb. 67b(37) 'in vb. 67b(38) 333 vb. 67b(39) Q1,1 vb. xain n. i# xrirn n. 1# X?13 n. 67b(40) XB^B adv. pOS vb. 67b (43) 1# X3TI01 n. 67b(44) 1# tax vb. ©©3 vb. i# xrian n. p3n vb. "]13 vb. X1110 n. 68a(l) '1,13 prep. 331 vb. yy vb. 68a(2) 1# XJflOl n. -pa vb. XTJ10 n. 68a(4) 1# tax vb. 68a(4; As) DytJ vb. 68a(5) 1# 1171 n. 68a(7) D31X adj. 1# 11'n n. xnip^ n. 68a(8) 1# '3 conj. 1# '13 vb. Xp part. 1# rati vb. 68a(9) xriS'X n. 68a(10) ni3vb. 2# in3 n. 68a(13) xriS'X n. 68a(15) X3B adv. 68a(16) 68a(17) 68a(21) 68a(22) 68a(30) 68a(31) 68a(33) 68a(34) 68a(34; 68a(35) V18) 68a(36) 68a(37) 68a(37; 68a(38) 68a(41) 68a(42) 68a(42; 68a(43) 68a(44) 68a(45) 68a(46) 2# in: n. liy adv. XplOS n. I'TIT© n. XTH'© n. I'TIT© n. 'TIN vb. 2# 'ta vb. n'X part. X3'n adv. xata n. XT© n. XT3 n. 1# '13 vb. Xja'O n. ]tan. 1# xV?3 n. □Tin vb. xirp n. '03 vb. 1# 'ta vb. Xp3S©13 n. 1B3 vb. V18) 2# xria'na n. Xp3S©13 n. ppn vb. ta. prep. XT3 n. 2# Xp'T n. 1# '13 vb. Xiaj? n. SM 76:11) K333 n. X33J n. ono vb. 2# 'S© vb. 'X'rya adv. 13© vb. Xjb'X n. OBD vb. 1# pta vb. Xp35©13 n. 2# 'ta vb. 1# 110 vb. 1# mti vb. 68a(49) ',1S vb. '11 vb. 68a(50) 1# '33 vb. Vy. prep. 1# '1© vb. arb'vw n. 68a(51;M) liy vb. •JTIS vb. DBOtf vb. 68a(52) XnB n. 68a(53) isn vb. 68a(54) 30 adj. 1# 1© vb. 68a(54; SM 76:21, Ar [AC ib.]) 2# X313 n. 68b(l;V18) ]3nvb. 68b(l) 'S3 vb. xnaip n. 68b(2) 1# XB1J n. 68b(3) X;ao n. 68b(4) X^ll n. 68b(5) yv vb. 68b(6) XTIllin n. 'in vb. 68b(8) inx vb. X?3© num. 68b(8; AsSM 76:26) nta vb. 68b(8; V18) Xapp n. 68b(9) 00p vb. XriS'1 n. 68b(l 1) '?3 vb. '331? prep. 68b(12) 03Xvb. xnr?1? n. x;n»B n. 68b(i3) xrran n. 68b(14) ma adv. 68b(16) xta'a n. 68b(16; AsSM 76:25) 68b(17) 68b(18) 68b(18; 68b(19) 68b(21) 68b (22) 68b(23) 68b (24) 68b(25) 68b (26) 68b (27) V18) 68b(28) 68b(28; 68b(29) 68b(30) 68b (31) XS3©1X n. X!?1X n. V'nb prep. xta'B n. 133 vb. (-)'apV prep. 2# nWB vb. W?. n- 1# ta© vb. 1# X13J n. xaVy, n. XTB1J n. ©33 vb. "TlV PreP- ys© vb. '33 vb. XTB© n. XB?n. XI© n. X3^'X n. X113 n. X11D n. i# yps vb. 1# 1© vb. X1101 X3'© n. Xri'Jlt n. 'sn vb. nip vb. 1# X3'p n. SM 77:13) XT1'313T n. 1# 11'n n. an' vb. 2# 'SB vb. 1# X^p n. 2# xVp n. 1# '1© vb. XTa© n. p:n vb. xVl3 pron. X^BO n. xriyia© n. 'tiki xata n.
Gittin 1380 Babylonian Talmud 68b(32) 68b(34) 68b(35; 68b(36) 68b(37) 68b(38) 68b(39) Xp part. *5Vi?"? n. i# xrnix n. -id: vb. i\s) XJXOa n. "X prep. Xfl '3 n. xsba n. nop vb. KOSj? n. xrinVa n. xrra-t n. xn'TKW n. 1# XSJ n. xri^yy n. xriui n. xrfr'tfw n. 68b(39; SM 78:1) 68b (40) 68b(42) 68b(43) 68b(44) 68b(45) 68b(46) 68b(48) 68b(49) TSH vb. xjnx n. i# pns vb. N?'i?1 n- ,-™P n. T10 vb. Xp part. 1# p13 vb. xro^a n. ppn vb. xpia n. xrin'i n. xripry n. xnwy;? n. XflWltf n. i# xrs n. xain. xranw n. 1# xri'T n. 2# xsWi n. i# xsVn n. ibll n. 1# X03 n. 68b(49; Ar [AC 6:63]) 2# p'rD vb. 68b(49; 68b(50) 68b(51) 68b(52) Ar [AC 7:255]) xnn. 1# XT11 n. 2# *?d: vb. 2# XD'J n. 1# irn n. xnrfrx n. X33 n. *isn vb. 3X3 vb. 1# XS'D n. 'ao vb. Vr> vb. 69a(?; Ar [AC 6:419]) 69a(l) 69a(2) 69a(2; V 69a(3; V 69a(3) 69a(5) 69a(6) 69a(7) 69a(8) 69a(9) 69a(10) 69a(12) DHD vb. 2# pil3 adj. xrnain n. #3' vb. xVlB n. pntf vb. 18) X^ITD n. xrija n. 8) x^rDa n. i# 'Va vb. i# x;Vb n. 1# XJ'S n. 1# VpD vb. 1# XT13E/ n. 1DX vb. 1# plTJ adj. 1# X1TO n. 1# T1D vb. XD3X n. XWX n. 1# X31?? n. i# xxaix n. 1# XJT3 n. Xjntf num. xna n. xtsm xnirx n. xri'pp'p n. inx vb. 1# Xri'313 n. 1# XJ'J? n. 1# XT13BT n. 69a(12; V18) xaa? n. 69a(13) XJH1X n. XII? n. i# xnrn n. 1# 'ID vb. 'XWO adv. 69a(13; OHT Git 155:9) paiD n. 69a(14) T-Xn pron. IT vb. 'Xiaxa adv. T1JT adj. 69a(15) XlTIn. 303 vb. np'S adj. 69a(15; Ar [AC 6:358]) p*7S vb. 69a(15; V18) O'JIS adj. 69a(16) 'fix vb. XTIU n. 69a(18) WlOjryn. 69a(19) Xnpspx n. 2# x'TOX n. xpnia n. P'TO adj. 2# XniS n. xap-rip n. 69a(19; OHT Git 155:14) X3'W?n. paiO n. 69a(20) X33J n. 2# btX vb. wao vb. xt: n. xriVris n. 'bp vb. 69a(21) 2# X;>n n. an' vb. XTn: n. xap'p n. 69a(21; Ar [AC 2:349], Rashi1) talJ vb. 69a(22) 2# XD'J n. yos vb. 69a(23) xrp n. xrra? n. xVxato n. 69a(24) 1# TTM vb. 69a(24; OHT ib. 157:9) nxn n. 69a(24) XflVnS n. 69a(25) XJ» n. (])'?'n '3 conj. XTru n. 1# 11? vb. 69a(25; As) (Capo n. 69a(26) 'nx vb. i# xna n. XOTn. X$S n. pOS vb. 69a(27) 1# xV'A n. T10 vb. 69a(28) XSS'X n. X-J3D n. 69a(30; OHT ib. 155:16) ma vb. 69a(31) 1# xpV'D n. K0T9 n. 69a(32) 1# XJ13 n. Xni? n. 69a(32; Ar [AC 6:412]) XT"!S n. 69a(33) ^3 vb. T-TJ adj. 3# xn:a n. TB9 adj. xtjk; n. 'dk; vb. 69a(34) rap n. nxrrp adj. tna vb. 69a(34; M) 1# X33 n. 69a(35) Nr^'X n. Babylonian Talmud 1381 Gittin x?ru n. i# mn vb. xnsiD n. 3X3 vb. i# xrfr'a n. 69a(36) TIT vb. i# -ivn n. xsrn n. X»'?b n. 69a(37) "7»3 vb. 2# xnain n. nan n. i# xnp'j? n. Dip vb. 69a(38) XJBJ n. xns? n. 2# xrns* n. Xtfn n. Xriy?3» n. 69a(38; OHT ib. 156:3) xmtf? n. xrna'o n. 69a(39) Ktisax n. ns: vb. nns vb. XTytf n. 69a(39; OHT ib. 156:1) nns vb. 69a(40) "73X vb. 'Vj?a adj. 1# pVo vb. 69a(41) Ktijax n. D0TJn. nxjwan n. xri'ia^n n. '3 prep. 69a(42) i# xrna n. wparo n. i# irn n. i# xnan n. x^pj n. 69a(42; V16OHT ib. 156:6) Ti?J( 69a(43) TrTOJX n. "7W3 vb. X^13 pron. XP? n. 69a(47) 1# TIM vb. 69a(77) T1X vb. 69b(i) xayj '3 n. «]BD vb. xnVp n. 69b(l; OHT ib. 156:8) tfm vb. 69b(2; OHT ib. 156:9) 1# MS n. 69b(2; Ar [AC 5:255]) nna-ia n. 69b(3) 1# X3^3 n. xps'3 n. 69b(4) "?3J vb. n?3 adv. XpS'3 n. 69b(4;OHTib. 156:12) XDD'J n. 69b(5) TIX vb. 1# XT? n. 69b(5; Vl6Ar [AC 5:28], OHT ib. 156:23) 1# XT| n. 69b(5; Vl6Ar [AC 5:28], OHT ib. 156:21) xri'W n. 69b(5; Ar [AC 5:366], OHTib. 156:13,M) PIS vb. 69b(6) IjSn vb. xV?V adv. 1# 'IS? vb. 69b(7) 'Jfl» vb. 69b(8) 1# xpSUX n. vriri n. nm vb. 69b(9) 1# xVmx n. 1# KpSlK n. "n adj. xonia n. 69b(9; OHT ib. 157:2) XOTO n. 69b(10) X?'"? n. 69b(10; V18) XITl'S n. 69b(ll) WMn. Xn'BhTJ n. noi^ vb. i# xnn?t? n. 69b(12) Tjy vb. 69b(13) -nriSX prep. PTJ adj. ms vb. 69b(15) xnpi' n. xrn'S n. 69b(16) 1# xnB'n n. XTl'lJITJ n. ~\av vb. 69b(17) X»an n. 69b(17; OHT ib. 153:5) 1# b3X vb. 69b(l8) xns;'a n. Kfnn n. 69b(18; OHT Gif 157:6) K'f3 n- 69b(18; V18OHT ib. 157:5) Krn'S n. 69b(19) Kjla? n. 69b(20) 1# K3'3 n. X'«?B n. xriy-ix xriVsV'? n. 69b(20;GnK5 3:ll) xrapx xjji^bt? n. 69b(22) xri'Vl1? n. 69b(23; OHT ib. 153:11) KST3 n. 69b(24) XST3 n. 69b(24; V16[corr.]) X9"1BK n. 69b(24; OHT ib. 153:11) xn?n. 69b(24; Vl6[corr.]) K-J?n. 69b(25) 69b(25; 69b(26) 69b(27) 69b(28) 69b(29) 69b(30) 69b(30; 69b(32) 69b(32; 69b(32; 69b(32; 69b(34) 69b(34; 69b(35) 69b(36) 69b(36; XT? n. XTJ1J n. 1# X313 n. Ar [AC 8:117]) ■ra vb. word n. xnnix n. 2# tarra n. nnt vb. ]B prep. xnss n. 1DX vb. I'D'D n. I'D'p n. 3'P"1 adj. 1# nw vb. 1# XX'X n. X^TOn. 1# KTIJ n. TJO vb. #3' vb. OHTib. 157:15) 2# xra n. 1# 'ID vb. xVnp n. xiias n. v18) nns vb. OHTib. 157:15) xrms'x n. V18) KriTSX n. X$S n. OHTib. 153:16) xVnp n. »3' vb. KratlK* n. '3'3 prep. 'm? vb. 'pa vb. "1 conj. i# aaw vb. X33V n. OHTib. 153:17) 'in vb.
Gittin 1382 Babylonian Talmud 69b (3 8) X^np n. 69b(39) 1# Nrn'3 n. 69b (40) XilS? '3 n. 1# 'ID vb. K1S? n. 69b (41) 'in vb. KJ'J? n. 69b(42) vnv vb. 69b (43) 1# XIBn n. OW1? prep. nns vb. 69b (44) Kri'iri n. Vn vb. 69b(44; OHT 157:20) xnmt; n. 69b(45) xrfr'X n. X3TS0X n. xrnain n. KJfl'3 n. xsnna n. ]l^B n. XB"p n. i# 'pro n. 69b(45; OHT ib. 157:20, Ar [AC 1:259]) N'i?i?N, n. 69b (45; OHT ib. 153:24) xn'aa* n. KB'Jtf n. 69b (46) 'j'Jto n. pia adj. KTJVO n. XJS1J IBS n. 1# XV1S n. xnptf n. VN) vb. 69b(46; Ar [AC 8:26]) xmi'tf n. 69b(46; OHT ib. 153:8, 157:26) Kimntf n. 69b (47) 4# XnSIS n. xnnoa n. XTO'a n. XnBlB'J n. xnry n. 69b(47; OHT Git 154:1) xapx n. 69b(47; OHT ib. 158:6) xrn? n. 69b(47; OHT ib. 158:4) xrnaox n. 69b(48) xnsiD'J n. 69b(49) xri'lint n. 2# Xp'T n. xpin n. 2# 'ID vb. 69b(49; V18OHT ib. 54:6) 2# ntf vb. 69b(50; OHT ib. 154:4) X3'3 n. 69b(51) Niaadj. xrnain n. 2# X30'0 n. 1# Xia'S n. x^ii xnirx n. ]I\V vb. 69b(52) XSIDX n. 1# Kins n. "Iin1? prep. X*?SO n. 69b(52; OHT ib. 154:9) 1# XniX n. 69b(53) an' vb. 'Vryg prep. xVa'tfa n. nu vb. X1WS n. 69b(53; Ar [AC 5:293] RaH [OHRib. 46:19]) xnxwa n. 69b(54) 1# XTJX n. X^3n n. 'no vb. X^SO n. 1# Xlip'S n. npy vb. 69b(54; M) 1# '3 conj. 69b(54; OHT ib. 154:10) x;a n. 69b(54; OHT ib. 154:11) npy vb. 69b(55) nXVU adj. 1# Xtt3 n. xntfa n. X1S? n. NaTS n. xnatf n. pVtf vb. 69b(55; OHT Git 158:19) lttKpJp'On. 69b(55; OHT ib. 154:10, 12) 2# pbo vb. 70a(l; V16Ar [AC 3:356]) xri'ljn n. 70a(l) x^yn/xVxn 'ary n. X^aw num. 70a(2) mq adj. 1# Xia n. np vb. 70a(2;V18) niunx adj. i# xnpn n. 70a(3) XITO'l? n. 1# «]1» vb. 70a(6) XM11? n. nxons adj. 70a(7) xmaiJ n. 1# 'SO vb. yav adj. 70a(8) nps vb. 70a(10) 2# xVn n. 70a(10; OHT ib. 154:16) "n vb. 70a(10; OHT ib. 158:25) ]XBV n. 70a(14) 2# "1»X vb. p:s vb. jnti vb. 1# bv*?ti vb. ya» vb. 70a(16) WKn. i# xan? n. 70a(17) X3'>n. 2# X;pB* n. 70a(19) talvb. Tin pron. 1# XJD n. p'n? adj. 70a(20) 1# '31 vb. 113 vb. xjno n. Dip vb. 70a(21) Xjnp n. 70a(25) "I ]Xa 'Nn pron. X'^'D n. Vltf vb. 70a(26) m vb. i# xnan n. xra n. 70a(27) yni adj. X'V'B n. jnnn adj. 70a(28) XnpX n. 1# 110 vb. 70a(37) ninn xpnia n. 70a(37; OHT ib. 159:1) XDIl n. XTJTT n. 70a(38) O^X vb. 70a(39) p^ vb. XT'Sp n. 70a(39; M) 1# xnn* n. xapiip n. 70b(5) 'E/p adj. 70b (12) V?X vb. 70b(13) 2# T>8 vb. 70b (19) piaadj. 70b (26) Vin vb. XniK/'n? n. Vs adj. 70b(26; Ed) XniVx n. Babylonian Talmud 1383 Gittin 70b(27) 70b(34) 70b(36; O3) 70b(37) Xnjn n. WW adj. 'X13XO adv. D31S vb. oniy vb. 2# xnw n. op: vb. 70b(41; Ar [AC 2:383] HG2 178:7 70b(41; V18) 71a(14) 71a(38) 71b(15) 71b(16) 71b(34) 72a(5) 73a(2) 73a(10) 73a(ll) 73a(20) 73a(21) 73a(22; V18) 73a(25) 73a(32; As) 73a(33) 73a(34) 73a(35) XpSTO n. XlpSl1?} n. X^lV'a n. 1# ^ptf vb. *?s: vb. UhB vb. inn adj. 1# '3 n. Dnn vb. i)TK pron. "1 ^3 pron. 1# J?ps vb. Xjnx n. 1# XTU n. pS3 vb. 3# 'Stf vb. Vj1?! vb. B3»a adj. xnap n. mww n. -I1X vb. 2# XTJ n. 73a(35; OHT ib. 165:15) 73a(37) 73a(40) (nixanx n. nix vb. nao vb. xa'1?? n. 2# Xpp n. 2# rf?W vb. 73a(40; SMel 243) 74a(34) 74a(37) xana n. 'aV conj. XCTTp n. ^X conj. anp vb. 74a(41) 74b(6) 74b(13) 74b(32) 74b(34) pm vb. xri n. 103 vb. XTfl'H n. Xplll n. xrrnn n. 'bl vb. 74b(34; V16) xm^I n. 75a(8) 75a(20) 75a(26) 75a(27) 75b(6) 75b(8) 76a(26) 76a(36) 76a(44) 76b(3) 76b(3; V 76b(5) 76b(8) 76b(9) 76b(12) 76b(17) 76b(18) 76b(39) 77a(l) 77a(20) 77a(21) 77a(23) 77a(25) 77b(12) 77b(13) 77b(15) 77b(17) 77b(20) 77b(41) "I 'Xa pron. 0"S vb. i# 'rss vb. X3'n adv. yna 3'3tf n. xnuynis n. trip vb. i# Vsa vb. X^'nx pron. Dip vb. XOi' n. 18) irbx adv. i# n» vb. IDS vb. TIE! pr°n. irbxb adv. x:©'1? n. i# '^a vb. iriVx1? adv. i# n» vb. ps: vb. "iri3 prep. xaiwa xyanx n. xai?;a Ryipn n. O^p vb. xrisVn n. yna a'3t? n. Vya vb. XJ3S n. K?V? n. tm vb. nns vb. 103 vb. IIO1? adv. Dip vb. 77b(41; V'8MAr[AC 2:318]) l#TMvb. 77b(42) X^O'S n. 77b(44) 2# xnwn n. 78a(25) T1K vb. 1# Xppp n. 78a(31) 1# XXnn n. 78a(31; HG2 157:50) pax vb. 78a(38) 1# Xni3 n. 78b(i4) nxVaa adj. i# xnan n. 78b(17) 'S'n'jSadv. 78b(18) ltf'jtXvb. 78b(21) XWVn. 78b(24) ^X vb. 79a(26) Diwa prep. IB: vb. 79a(35) xri':ria n. 30 adj. 79b(5) 'Xn 'Vl3 adv. 79b(6) isp vb. 80a(30) m vb. 80a(33) XT?? n. i# xnaiy n. 80a(38) 3D' vb. 80a(39) 1# noa vb. 80b(3; Ar [AC ib.]) xn^nox n. 80b(8) b^ vb. irap adj. 80b(i5) 2#anyvb. 81a(ll) ^03 vb. 8ib(27) nir;3 vb. 81b(36) 't?p adj. 82a(l) j"?T vb. 82b(21) l#^nvb. 82b(36) 1# n* vb. 83a(8) XaV^ n. 83a(28) "a 1?? prep. X3TS n. 83a(32) 1.TX pron. ipy vb. 83b(12) 1'3 prep in'ID conj 83b(16) 1JX vb 83b(25) Dip vb 83b(47) pDS vb 84a(13) n^D'X adv. 84a(20) 113 vb 84a(20; Ar [AC ib.]) nn vb. 84a(20) ma vb. Xl^'P n. 84a(42) X',1 pron. 84a(51;V18) Xliaa n. •mv vb. 84a(52) Dip vb. 84b(13) DlVppron. 84b(31;As) inin pron. 84b(32; O3) pT\V vb. 85a(32) Tns; adj. 85a(34) nay vb. 85b(25) na' vb. 85b(26) XB'J n. 85b(32) H pron. 85b(33; OHT Git 197:16) l#TUvb. yaiy vb. 85b(37) 1# inx vb. 11 conj. 85b(39) inx vb. 1# lin vb. xain n. 85b(44; O3) JJ1 pron. 85b(47) psi vb. 86a(4) XJ'3T n. 86a(5) pnsa adj. IDS vb. 86a(5; V18) KJina?* n. 2# noy vb. 86a(6;V18) 1# Xinn n. 86a(6) Xn?1?? n. 'blVy n. '"liiy, n- 86a(7) Vy prep.
Qiddusin 1384 Babylonian Talmud xaBn n. niq adj. TOD num. ps: vb. 1J7 prep. P'TO adj. XfTPB n. 86a(9) XJllOX n. 86a(9; V18) X131'J n. xrp-n'3 n. 86a(9) XpniD n. 86a(10) 2#xVlln. xrtB'a n. XBS1 n. 86a(ll) XJ11X n. X511 n. 1# «yiB vb. 86a(35) Xl'Jia n. 86b(5) prua adj. 1# X1D0 n. 86b(15) STOln. 86b(18; RaH.Ed) srari n. 86b(18; RaH) 4# XS'3 n. 86b(24) 1# in num. "7 prep. 87a(15) X3B3 1rln. 87a(39) 1B3 vb. 87b(2) -Tl pron. Dnn vb. 87b(3) xniin n. 87b(4) ]'y n. 87b(5) 1'xn adj. NniDD n. 'IB vb. 87b(12; V18) n'Viiu adv. 87b (17) n'VlilJ adv. 87b(33) XD'l n. 87b(35) XD'l n. ©11 vb. lX^ adv. 1# n3B vb. 87b(37) m vb. 88a(2) 2# -)7a vb. 88a(5) 1# XTta n. xnrma n. 88a(9) ',1 pron. 88a(10) 1# X13y n. 88a(14) XpD'H n. 88a(19) 1B3 vb. 88b(10) VlfXpron. 'Oy vb. 88b(10; V18) 1B3 vb. 88b(17) l#7DSvb. 88b(30) rt'3E? adj. 88b(36) 10X vb. 89a(46) X1J1X n. 1# xVp n. 89a(47) 31 '3 13 n. 1# X1?]? n. 89a(49) "I'M 73 IX1? prep. 89a(50) XBX'X n. X'ni pron. 2# xry n. Bip vb. 89b(16) lyiy vb. 89b(43) ]"y vb. Qiddusin 2b(2) XJB'V n. 2b(3) Xri'niNl adj. XIB'V n. 2b('9) '11.1 pron. 2b(37) tjv adj. X1??'!? n. *™ra n. 3a(10) "I X3'l 73 conj. 3a(18) l#':pvb. 3b(i) xr;ia n. 3b(15) XSD3 n. 3b(25) Xliaa n. 3b(27) 1# XOip n. 4a(4) psi vb. 4a(20) li' n. 4a(39) XD1J n. 4a(44) 'V3 vb. 4a(51) X1'3T n. 4b (4) 2# 'IB vb. 4b(34) 'nx vb. Xfl'9 n. 5a(14) 2# XJ73'p n. 5a(21) XB11 n. 5a(31) 1# in num. 5b (19) X'T13 adv. 5b(34) xpill n. 5b(35) 2# '13 adv. 5b(35; O2) 2# 1TO vb. 6a(l;02) X1J13 adj. 6a (6) Xin? adv. 6a (10) BBSvb. 6a(15) X311 n. 6a(31) XJB'bn. 6b(13) IXJtina adj. 6b(39) KnsVn n. 7a(7) 1# 'ip vb. 7a(13) 'I'Vprep. 7a(17) lonvb. 7a(34) il ]B adv. 7a(35) xniVaiX n. 7a(36) 3,T vb. yaB vb. 7a(41) 'in adj. 301 vb. 7b(4) pDS vb. 7b (14) ma adv. 7b(26) 1# rixi'B n. 7b(27) xaiB n. 7b(32) X'll/Xlll 73 pron. -jao vb. xaiB n. 7b(33) 'M adv. fxp vb. 8a(i7) xrvinx n. 8a(22) xVl3 pron. 8a(25) XT110 n. 8a(45) 2# '71 vb. 8a(48) 1# 73p vb. 8a(48; O2) IT3B adj. 8b(7) XntJ'lS* n. 8b(8) lioV adv. 8b(8; HP 106:15) X3D1 n. 8b(13; O2) XBIl'P n. 8b(17) Bip vb. 8b (18) inmadj. 8b(19) Xll pron. 8b(24) xnyi n. ■jao vb. 8b(25) xnin'VB n. 8b (26) Xfljn n. 3ipa adj. 8b(32) 7X1 vb. 1# '3p vb. 8b(33) "la prep. 8b(33; O2) 3in vb. 8b(35; O2) 3in vb. 9a(i) xniain n. xniin n. xn'sns n. 9a(2; V302HG2 206:99 3# KS'B n. 9a(3) it vb. Bip vb. 9a(4) 3,T vb. D173 XV adv. 9a (6) Xnn'X n. xniin n. i# yv vb. 9a(7) 1# XD3 n. 9a(8) 1# 'pB vb. 9a(10) X^p'ln. 1# 'IB vb. 9a(16) XnsV'n n. 9a(17) 1# IXl'B n. 9a(24) X1'3T n. 9a(25) Xl'Jiy n. 9b(2) Bpi vb. 9b(3) 1J13 prep. 1# 11,1 vb. 9b(22) 7y3 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1385 Qiddusin 9b(23) 10b (26) I0b(39; O2) Ua(7) 1la(8) lla(13) lla(14) lla(24) llb(26) llb(30) llb(33) 12a(l) 12a(2) 12a(18) 12a(23) 12a(29) 12a(30) 12a(30; O2) 12a(31; O2) xiarn n. 1# 'IB vb. NJ'Jlp n. inan pron. la n. IDp vb. xbdi n. Bip vb. ViV?3 n. Xl'np'X n. 135? vb. 1# 'ip vb. yil vb. JTU vb. x;an n. 1# iy vb. 'in vb. 17D vb. 3# XID'X n. 771 vb. □ip vb. ip' vb. XJ11 n. 12a(34; HG2 206:12 12a(35) 12a(37) 12a(39) 12a(40) 12b(3) -rap X111X n. X111T* n. yy vb. X13X n. xVnis n. py vb. Bip vb. X,l part. -rap 73 ix1? prep. "3 prep. 1D1T adj. 73 IX1? prep. 12b(6; Ar [AC 1:46]) 12b(7) 12b(10) 12b(ll) 2# X?11X n. IX1? adv. 1# 7111 vb. X';i3B n. 1"B vb. 12b(15) XDX n. XJTDIB n. 12b(15; HP 109:3) xnp'B n. 12b(18) Bipvb. KplB n. 12b(20) 1# 1DB vb. 7J7 prep. 12b(21) 7in vb. xivVb n. 12b(22) XTI8B n. 12b(24) 1# xan n. 12b(24; O2) HI vb. 12b(25; HP 109:10) Oyi vb. i# xnan n. 12b(26; HP 109:8) nxy, iini adj. 12b(27) '311'?; n. 12b(28) XniX'ISn. 12b(28; HP 109:9) -|1B vb. 12b(29; O2) XDX n. xns'x n. 12b(31;02) l#7p^vb. 12b(31; HP 107:3) pnv vb. 13a(7) 31'vb. 13a(10) "]1S vb. 13a(13) ]1X pron. 13a(14) yotivb. 13a(15) OTnvb. yati vb. 13a(16) X3Cnin. 13a(17) X3Blln. 13a(18) »ipvb. 13a(19) 73'vb. 13a(20) 1# 7piy vb. 13a(22) "|TO vb. I3a(23) 1# 'IB vb. 13a(33) 1'Xpart. 13a(36) 1TO vb. 13a(37;02) Bpi vb. 13b(6) 13b(8) 13b(25) 14a(33) 15a(32) 15a(33) 15a(52) 15b(29) 15b(32) 15b(34) xnyaw n. xiisyc; n. xri"iixi adj. 1DX vb. 1# 'IB vb. X313'y. n. *nyia prep. xni(l)3 n. 1# ]Xa pron. 1# Dip vb. XTOlp n. yia vb. xai'i xai' 7? adv. 15b(35) 16a(50) 16a(52) 17a(20) 17a(21) 17a(21; O2) 17b(25) 17b(50) 18a(33) 18a (40) 18a(41) 18b(ll) 19a(8) ]3T vb. T'B vb. (-(n'1? part. Xll'B n. 1S3 vb. xr^ia n. TS3 adj. 'SB adj. Xn part. 7Vp vb. '3T vb. i# xspn n. xri'iiia n. Xni(l)D n. i# iy vb. x;an n. XTll/Xini 73 pron. 20a(49) 20a(50) 20b(7) 20b(14) 20b(23) 20b(27) 20b (30) 20b(36) 21b(27) ]31 vb. yii vb. pDl vb. Xn'3'1 n. yao vb. BID vb. lai vb. 2# n3B vb. IXa num. 2# 'Vl vb. XD'l adv. X';i3'l n. 21b(38) 21b(38; O2) 21b(41) 21b(49) 22a(49) 22a(50) 22b(30) 22b (31) 22b(47) 22b(48) 22b (49) 22b(49; O2) 23a(23) 23a(24) 23a(25) 23b(6) 23b(8) 23b(13) 23b(25) 24a(10) 24b(39) 24b (49) 24b(50) 24b(51) 24b(51; M) 25a(2) 25a(3) 25a(4) 25a(4; O2) 25a(7) 25a(8) 25a(ll) HlllpD'X n. '11 vb. 2# 770 vb. '1'P X^ adv. 1# 'Ip vb. X3T1 n. 1# 111 vb. X13 adj. nbvbm n. xjfpipa n. nxiii'n adj. 1# B7n vb. '331? prep. xa^y, n. 7XB vb. ilV prep. 'Da vb. xixpa n. 1# «]7B vb. "7 prep. 1# 'Xn pron. lin1? adv. 2# XyT3'D n. BBS vb. xiarn n. 1# -|1B vb. 1# 'Ip vb. XB1 '3 n. ny3 vb. H'l pron. '13 adj. Xl|7'ya adv. xiini n. BT13 adj. 'laiV adv. 'ao vb. 3D adj. Xpl'S n. 1# 71X vb. yis vb. 'y3 vb. BBD vb. Xllllp n.
Qiddusin 1386 Babylonian Talmud 25a(23) 25a(26) 1# Q^n vb. Xtf'13 adv. oip vb. 26a(15; TGAs28 37:27) 26a(16) 26b(5) 26b(7) 26b(16) 26b(26) 26b(31) 27a(15) 27b(13) 27b(21) 28a(9) 28a(13) 28a(14) 29a(23) 29a(43) 29b(34) 29b(36) XJHK n. XSD3 n. 2# "733 vb. cap vb. xnt n. xripria n. •"IV vb. ti'S3 adj. 'Din. DBtf vb. K10SX n. K^IXI X310 n. 1# 'pi vb. XI part. xruyo n. '3 j prep. am vb. ml7 prep. plS vb. nn vb. 1J?T '3 n. 29b(37; O2) 29b(37). 29b(38) 29b(38; O 29b(38) 29b(39) 29b(43) 29b(45) 29b(46) 29b(51) 30a(l) 30a(2; O2) 1# XT'SlplX n. ItfS'K adv. 1# pT3 vb. ma vb. 2) '81 vb. Xtf'1 n. yia vb. 1# X0'3 n. iri3 vb. J30 vb. i# na© vb. X1110 n. 303 vb. i# xisrj n. fTS, adJ- 1# KTS n. XT n. 30a(3) 30a(28) 30a(30) 30a(31) 30a(32) 30a(35) 30a(35; O2) 30a(37) 30a(40) 30a(45) 30a(46; O2) 30a(49) 30b(40) 30b(41) 30b(42) 31a(15) 31a(24) 31a(47) 31b(4) 31b(5) 31b(7) 31b(8) 31b(9) 31b(10) 31b(10; O2) 31b(13) Kills n. Ipnp? num. TaP adj. K30'1 n. 1# 'KB pron. '0 adv. 1B1T adj. 'KH p« adv. 1# KS81X n. ays vb. 10' vb. KKh-ra'? n. "n vb. vix vb. '3a vb. 3H?3 adj. XflOS n. pOB vb. 1# Kip n. 2# Kffl'n n. laj vb. xp©7 n. xmsa n. 2# 'JO vb. thl vb. xap xai' n. ]W "• xasn. em vb. 1'X part. nns vb. oru vb. mX7 prep. yo vb. ny vb. 1# XSK n. 1? prep. 3TB vb. ]8 prep. Ma vb. "i oria'K *?3 conj. 31b(14) 1# p*?D vb. 1 31b(15) 31b(18; 31b(19; 31b(23) 31b(25) 31b(26) 31b(28) 2# KniS n. Dip vb. 1# mti vb. o2) ya# vb. O2) 1# X^IS n. xrifpia n. i# xi33 n. 1"J? vb. p3tf vb. YStf adj. "iri3X prep. 31b(30; O2) 1# XflllS n. 31b(35) 31b(36) 31b(43) 31b(45) 31b(46) 32a(15) 32a(20) 32a(21) 32a(23) 32a(25; 0 32a(26) 32a(31) 32a(37) 32a(52) 32a(53) (Kin 32b(7) 32b(7; O2 32b(8) 32b(32) 32b(51) 32b(53) prnx adv. nrn vb. K311K n. JTP vb. yaw vb. 1# X3X n. 1# X3K n. xna n. Xpl'S n. xitoK n. v?t vb. 1# riXTt? n. 1# VlX vb. nrn vb. xip; n. 2) '3"3B1S n. xnri'-i n. xriytf n. 13 interj. X33'tf n. xntfn pn adv. T13) XKHip n. ISp vb. ) 13?n n. X^lV'n '3 n. p,1 adv. Qpn adj. m «• 1# 'Kn pron. xjarn n. 32b(54) 33a(6) 33a(21) 33a(27) 33a(29) 33a(30) 33a(31) 33a(33) 33a(34) 33a(37) 33a(39) 33a(40) 33a(42) 33a(43) 33a(44) ]'X part. xrrcjia n. 3p3 vb. xrnnoa p n. nKTIJ adj. 1BX prep. y#1 adj. KM'! n. K3WI n. 1# X311X n. 2# KTJ n. i# xi,i3 n. 331 vb. 3# ipj vb. Tsn adj. Ktf'1 n. 1# 013 vb. i# nKa-ix adj. 30 adj. Dip vb. xpnsin n. ny vb. Dip vb. RTn. 30 adj. 1# TIE? vb. 33a(44; Ar [AC ib.]) 33a(45) 33b(8) 33b(18) 33b(22) 33b(27) 33b(36) 33b(38) 34b(8) 35a(16) 2# XT11I n. X?'K part. P prep. mu vb. Dip vb. nlnxa prep. (')'BpB prep. xn part. X1H pron. Oip vb. X31n. WIX pron. Dpn adj. Bib vb. X11B3 n. ,1X3133 adj. Babylonian Talmud 1387 Qiddusin 35a(17) 35a(44) 35a(47) 35b(2) 35b(10) 35b(14; O2) 35b(22) 36a(40) 36b(8) 37a(23) 37b(12) 38a(2) 39a(8) 39a(36) 39a(37) 39a(38) 39a(38; O2) xayo n. oin vb. 2# Sffl'O n. xjarn n. (-)ri'b part. 1# '3P vb. Kj\':y n. KrMB'n n. 1# K11 n. xraVn n. 1# 'Kn pron. in'px'? adv. 1'in adj. 1# bptf vb. 1# KriD'n n. i# Krni/to n. natf vb. nun vb. 39a(38; Ar [AC 3:353]) 39a(41) 39a(43) 39a(43; O2) 39a(50; O2) 39b(3) 39b(24) 39b(43) 39b(43; O2) 39b(45) 39b(46) 39b(47) 39b(48) 39b(49) 39b(54) 40a(6) 40a(7) i# ivn n. nns vb. y-ii vb. Xip n. 2# 3iy vb. 31 '3 n. xrup n. xitfa n. XITl'B n. tfp adj. i# ]33 vb. 'T1? prep. xiinin n. xp'jn n. 1# X0'3 n. -|B0 vb. X^X conj. xrns is n. 113 vb. '33 '3 n. 'E?B vb. piy vb. xrniiDa n. tfpn adj. 40a(9) 40a(10) 40a(13) 40a(14) 40a(15) i# vfrn vb. 2# "Utf vb. 133 prep. 1# X°?lp"! n. XIJ'X n. X?"1K n. 1# p"70 vb. D»p vb. rn» vb. xrirsy n. 40a(15; Ar [AC 8:129, s.v. ,41^]) 41a(ll) 41a(21) 41a(23) 42a(10) 42b(l) 42b(8) 42b(10) 42b(17) 42b(18) 42b(45; O2) 43a(30) 43a(44) 44a(40) 44a(41) 44a(42) 2# XS'C n. ■jnn vb. i# nVa vb. X»'l n. XBIS'W n. xmbanx n. 11 ]B adv. X3'il adv. 1# T,ltf vb. 'yB vb. nny vb. xavtf n. XJlV'y n. xrimpa n. Dip vb. X3"I n. BIT adj. 3*1 adj. DVx vb. XKrnn p n. X3X pron. IK conj. xw-jia p n. xrnpn n. 1# 13n vb. 44a(42; Ar [AC 4:325]) 44a(43) 44a(43; O2) 44a(44) Xp-TD n. i# mis vb. mv vb. XDap na n. X3X pron. 1# X33'B n. 44b(4) 44b(5) 44b(13) 44b(30) 44b(32) 44b(41; O2) 44b(41) 45a(24) 45a(26) 45b(2) 45b(3) 45b(6) 45b(ll) 45b(14) 45b(27) 45b(36; O2) 46a(10) 46a(36; O2) 46b(9; O2) 46b(13) 46b(15) 46b(15; O2) 46b(16) 46b(25) 46b(26) 47a(22) 47a(24) 47a(37) 47a(41) 47b(7) 47b(18) 47b(21) W-n- X'n pron. Bhj vb. 'DO vb. D'Vk adj. •pH vb. 1# XJHI n. "V on interj. Vtp vb. 'bya adj. xrisp n. tflp vb. IPO adj. 'ST vb. XP? n. KB/p n. Kftp vb. XSOSn. »]S3 vb. xnpm n. xna n. ni3 vb. KM'X n. xripnx n. «)DD vb. farm n. 'Tin pron. tilV vb. XV3'B n. ms vb. ms vb. J^S vb. 1# "?DX vb. -tfsri n. Xp part. 1# X13n n. xnyac n. Xn pron. B3#a adj. firja adj. i# mv vb. 03X vb. 1# p conj. 47b(26) 47b(32) 47b (49) 48a(6) 48a(45) 48b(33) 48b(36) 48b(40) 48b(52) 49a(ll) 49a(20) 49a(31) 49a(34; O2) 49a(37) 49a(38) 49a(38; M) 49a(38; O2) 49a(39) 49b(3) 31 49b(7) 49b(35) 49b(50) 49b(51) 50a(19) 50a(24) 50a(26) 50a(30) 50a(35) 50a(36) 50a(36; M) 50a(36; O2) 50a(37) 50b(3) K031K n. 1# Tin vb. Kyssrv n. p3» vb. Wip vb. 2# XTI'S n. n'3 adj. TJO vb. MP? n. TIS vb. XTSp n. i# xyj? n. Kjxoa n. DX conj. 3# H3 vb. XJ133'» n. X^X conj. xjrnix n. 2# X^p n. i# np vb. KpllT n. X'p3 n. xnaVn n. pi K-lDp n. xriaoa n. aaiw vb. ]3T vb. i# pbo vb. i# xnp n. DWS vb. yph adj. 1B> vb. 1# 111 vb. I1?' vb. TIX vb. 31p vb. 3# 'ba vb. i# xriV'a n. i# xnVa n. 1# «]DK vb. prn vb. 1 '1"K conj. Xp part.
Qiddusin 1388 Babylonian Talmud 50b(25) 50b(26) 50b(27) 50b(28) 50b(29) 50b(30) 50b(38) 51a(5) 52a(3) 52a(28) 52b(2) 52b(3; O2) 52b(4, O2) 52b (9) 52b(10) 52b(ll) 52b(12; O2) 52b(13) 52b(15) 52b(27) 52b(39) 53a(27) 53a(35) 53b(1) 53b(12) 53b (14) 53b(16) 53b(17) 53b(18; O2) 54a(20; O2) 54b(5) -l 54b(ll) 54b(32) 54b(47) 1# 'X!? pron. 1# 11.1 vb. 2# ^30 vb. Vhp vb. 2# ^>30 vb. 2# "?3D vb. X311 n. 2# ^>3D vb. xwya n. 1# X1SD n. tfip vb. □3' vb. "71113 prep. "|TO vb. 'tfa vb. xV3'E/a n. 1# XJIO n. X3atf n. 2# ^Vn vb. i# xna n. Xtf'3 n. XJ010 n. xans n. TW adJ- XBIO'3 n. '37 vb. '3D pron. xiaa n. 3D adj. X)"aB adv. 1# 'jp vb. X33'X n. i# xrnix n. Xni'D n. N031X n. i# xrnix n. i# 9m vb. Pip vb. mxa conj. ono vb. x^rp n. na pron. xano n. 54b(49) 55a(8) 55a(19) 55b(9) 56b(l) 56b(2) 56b(3) 56b(30) 56b(42) 56b(49) 58a(ll) 58a(18) 58a(39) 58b(l) 58b(3) 58b(18) 59a(2) 59a(4) 59a(ll) 59a(16) 59a(18) 59a(22) 59a(23) 59a(31) 59a(32) 59a(41) 59b(34) 59b(40) 59b(45) 59b(48) 60a(13) 60a(17) 60a(18) 60a(27) 60a(34) xriyra n. i# V?n vb. psi vb. Xja'T n. XH part. X133y n. xiin n. 1# Vpo vb. xri'nix n. w?nn- xnri's n. nxjVs n. Dip vb. xpiya n. nxxm adj. -71113 prep. Dip vb. 333 vb. xtiui n. lao vb. 1# btX vb. tfip vb. 1# Wx vb. 13t vb. XJ3n. -\sn vb. 2# *?3p vb. ]ao vb. i# nm vb. 1# 'rsx vb. xna n. xti^'iI n. '»P adj. 'tfp adj. '3 prep. 3ip vb. xrir?1? n. 'ltf vb. MTiP n. '3a pron. Xirtf n. XM n. '31? conj. 60a(40) 60b(7) 60b(8) 60b(39) 60b(50) 60b(53) 61a(16) 61a(16;0 61b(20) 61b(24) 61b(28) 61b(29) 61b(31) 62a(l) 62a(2) 3,T vb. 103 vb. «]03 vb. Tit vb. y:x vb. nwpi n. 'jx» n. 2) 2# XTltf n. 1713^ prep. 1# X13X n. IT3 adj. Xni(l)3 n. "TlV prep. nx^a adj. i# xn^'a n. K;ipX adj. 1# X^SIS n. xa,13 n. i# xrnyv n. 62a(3; MGN 565:6) 62a(16) 62a(21) 62b(2) 62b(31) Tp adj. 1# in num. 1# E?B3 vb. ppt vb. XJtf'V n. 62b(31; V3Ar[AC 1:23]) 62b(33) 62b(40) 62b(41) 63a(34) 63a(40) 63b(6) 63b(24) 63b(33) 63b(38) 63b(43) 64a(34) 64a(35) 64b(3) 2# X*?X13 n. 1# "?TN vb. XP33 '3 n. x;ptf 'a n. 1# Xpnil n. xrijr'xa n. pm vb. rim vb. ja'n vb. XIJ'X n. J1S1 vb. '1TX vb. 1,31 ^3 adv. 1# XDKhp n. X113'1 n. yyi vb. XD'J n. 64b (25) 64b(30) 64b(31) 64b(32) 64b(33) 65a(6) 65a(9) 65a(18) 65a(21) 65a(22) 65a(24) 65a(25) 65a(30) 65b(9) 65b(26) 65b(27) 65b(40) 66a(6; M) 66a(16) 66a(17) 66a(18) 66a(19) 66a(21) 66a(22) 66a(24) 66a(54) 66a(55) 66b (27) 66b(45; O2) 1DD vb Xfll'3'y n. ibsx conj. tf'rx n. i# Tim vb. Xp'SO n. "5]n pron. IBM adj. xap adj. ■'in pron. ijn pron. tf'tfp adj. xnps n. (-)'ap prep. X113'1 n. X113'1 n. •1 '1"X conj. '"nb interj. '11.1 pron. )'X part. X^> adv. 'SI vb. iax vb. X3'1 '3 n. vbpbm n. 13y» vb. 1# '13 vb. xino n. 1# R-)p_V n. Dip vb. N?»0 n. xrnria n. no vb. 1713 prep. 1# 133 vb. 1# XnilX n. P'n vb. pB3 vb. '3 prep. '3tf vb. -]1X) vb. -711131 prep. yop vb. Babylonian Talmud 1389 Qiddusin 67a(14) 67a(15) 67b (22) 67b(28) 68a(28; O2) 68a(34; O2) 68b(19) 69a(10) 69a(10; O2) 69a(ll;M) X113 adv. 13 interj. 'DB vb. XlthTp n. 1J7 prep. pm vb. 1# 'ip vb. XJST'SWIX n. xi'taa n. i# ino vb. 69a(ll;HG2 131:82) 69a(12) 69a(13) Dip vb. 303 vb. 131 vb. 69a(29) -niix 3JX prep. 69b(14) 69b (15) 69b (21) 69b(30) 70a(27) 70a(29) 70a(30) 70a(31) WIS vb. 1# pVo vb. lit vb. Xpm n. Xlp'ya adv. 1# p"?D vb. Xlitf'3 n. 33y vb. 3ip vb. XllS'tf n. 1# X135? n. 1# 'ip vb. XpD'H n. 70a(31; V3Ar [AC 3:100) 70a(32) 70a(33) 70a(36) xriwat n. 1# btX vb. ix'fcn '3 n. Xlp^ n. '10 vb. 70a(36; 02Seel 43:73) Xl'TJM n. 1# X7111S n. 70a(37; MGD 24:14) 70a(38) XTl'ipX n. 2# XD3p n. X3BS'X n. XJ1171X n. 70a(38; MGD 24:16) 70a(39) 70a(40) 70a(41) 70a(41;O2) 70b(4) 70b(5; O2) X713pxa n. XJ1171X n. XJ1171X n. "13 prep. X333X n. 2# xps:x n. nf n. 1# XD'JII/ n. 70b(6; MGD 25:5) 70b(8) 70b(10) 70b(ll) 70b(12) 70b(13) 70b(15) 70b(16) 70b(18) 70b(19) 70b(20) 70b(24) 70b(25) 70b(26) 1# "1 70b(29) 70b(30) 70b(30; O2) 70b(31) 70b(32) i# xtw n. xnn'? n. XpD'?1 n. pS3 vb. 1# 'ytf vb. 13n vb. TOT vb. m^y n. T13 vb. "1 conj. bn vb. '311X adv. xri Ty? n. "1 conj. pm vb. T1? adJ- '71X vb. 1# X71'3 n. "1 V3 pron. 1# X12J7 n. '11 vb. DTin adv. 2# XT? n. 131 vb. 1# X!713 n. 1X3 V3 pron. yip vb. DJ1 vb. pm vb. xri'yiT n. Xp3X n. K1' n. 1# pbo vb. 70b(33) 70b(34) 70b(35) 70b(35; M) 70b(36) 1J7 prep. xari n. 1# 'TO vb. XOD'X n. XB'J n. XTVTVn n. 113 vb. xi'taa n. XTliai n. 1X^3 adj. 1XJXJ n. nxn n. HX^D adj. nx'ja adj. nXJiJ73J adj. 1X31J adj. KJ'Ti: n. 70b(36; V302Rashi) 71a(21; Ed) 71a(33) 2# X111 n. XVS'I n. 130 vb. XpTS n. 71a(33; MGE 56:18) 71a(44) 71b(3) 71b(5) 71b(6) 71b(7) 71b(ll) 71b(15) 71b(23) 71b(25) DVy vb. _1 conj. 30 adj. my n. XJTX1 adv. nxai n. rrazJ adj. oa» vb. 1# XT113 n. 3o: vb. 2# xaipiy n. 331 vb. XJV'IIX n. 1# Xfl13 n. 1^3 adj. 13y vb. oaw vb. 1# VlJ vb. X13iy n. mi vb. 71b(29) 71b(30) 71b(31;02) 71b(44) 71b(45) 71b(47) 71b(47; O2) 71b(48) 72a(l) 72a(3) X^X conj. 1# X13 n. 'S3 vb. xriip'rw n. xriion'^a n. nxb'y adj. 1# in num. ISp vb. XIW'31 n. 1# XIpX n. Dlb vb. 'Vl vb. 1X019 adj. orj':a adj. 72a(7; Ar [AC 1:267]) 72a(ll) 72a(13) 72a(16) 72a(17; O2) 72a(27) 72a(31) 2# X31X n. 2# 3iy vb. XJX pron. X^'yV adv. xrraya n. lin1? adv. 1# X311 n. 113 vb. 72a(34; Ar [AC 5:343]) 72a(35) 72a(37) 72a(38) 72aX38; Ar 72a(39) 72b(ll) 72b(U; Ar Ed) 72b(12) 72b(14) 72b(31) D13 vb. 1# XriT? n. xi'iaa n. nwiay adj. 1# XJTl'3 n. X1113 n. 2# XT? n. IIS vb. 'Sp vb. AC 7:155]) '31? vb. 1# XIpX n. iao vb. "1 ]Xa pron. [AC 1:206] X113710X n. X;3'© n. 3'Wn adj. nxiina adj.
Qiddusin 1390 Babylonian Talmud 72b(43) 'mx n. 72b(45) mm num. xVilp n. 73a(l) 1# in num. X113 n. 73a(4) psi vb. 73a(6) XTTBB n. ni'i pron. 73a(7) "in' vb. 73a(17) Dllvb. 73a(18) XS'Xpart. XlTinX n. 73a(21) 2# jyo vb. i# nxTtf n. 73a(22) 105 vb. 73a(23) 3D adj. 73a(29) ',TX pron. 73a(34) 'jt vb. 73a(38) 1# Xl1?? n. 73a(42) 1# Htf vb. 73b(l) V<7V vb. 73b(l; OHR ib. 48:7) XOTH n. 31?© vb. 73b(2; O2) 1# 'm vb. 73b(2) 1# t\w vb. 73b(3; O2) XJTap n. 73b(6) xrmi n. 73b(7) XTO'13 (npa n. 73b(8) n'3» adj. 73b(10) ''psiOn. 2# XTS n. 73b(ii) xnsnnn. 73b(12) l#X1#Bn. 73b(15) X?YIX pron. 73b (32) 1# Tin vb. 74a(l) XJ1T n. 'm vb. op: vb. 74a(2) -JlJTO prep. 74a(3) Xm(l)D n. 74a(8) |'n vb. xrvDt n. X1TO n. 74a(28) 'DX vb. 75a(35) "X prep. 1# '01 vb. 75a(55) 'Tin pron. 75b(28) Dim prep. 76a(34) 1# pi3 vb. 1# KT31 n. 1# '3 conj. 76a(35) 'XI vb. 76a(36) X3'X part. n'X part. 76a(37) 'XI vb. 76b(24) 'XI vb. 76b(26) 2# XT'SKfiX n. n'X part. Xll'l n. 76b(27) 'XI vb. i# xni-no n. 76b(28) xria n. i# xni-no n. 76b(32) niD vb. i# xri^a n. ID n. py vb. K'ny n. 76b(33) X2-11X n. 76b(33; M) 1# '"TO vb. 76b(34) xni3J n. 76b(35) Dip vb. '"113 tf'1 n. 76b(36) xmill tfn n. 76b(46) ny3 vb. xaty n. 77b(18) «p' vb. 77b(20) 1X15? adv. 78b(41) XTSHn. 79a(21) DV»'a v.n. 79a(28) X/n3YlX adv. 79a(32) xniy-l n. 79a(41) l#T»anvb. 79b(13; M) psi vb. 79b(24) X?p n. 79b(25) X3p n. 79b(25; M) Vl3 vb. 80a(19) niX vb. 80a(24) "jao vb. 80a(25) ori'V part. XDiy'B n. 80b(4) yv vb. 80b(4; M) npi vb. 80b(23) fly vb. 80b(30) Hf n. 80b(41) HM3Hvb. 80b(42) 'Tin pron. 103 vb. X1TO3 n. 80b(45) K/'l'X n. 8la(7) i# xrnix n. 81a(9) DlTJn. 1# Xjn? n. 81a(16) 'p*?vb. 81a(18) X3'X part. 81a(21) X1D3X n. 81a(26) njtj n. 81a(28; M) XM'3TO/n. 81a(29) 1# oil vb. 81a(33) 1# XsVlJ n. 3# "111 vb. "^3ri pron. X3p0 n. 81a(34) 'nXvb. 81a(34; M) 1# p°70 vb. 81a(34) 1# XTOtf n. 81a(35; Ar [AC 1:217] V3[corr.]) xaiS'X n. 1# XTI'T n. 81a(36; Ar [AC 1:245]) nvs vb. 81a(37) t]D3 vb. 3Ia(37; OHR ib. 51:5) i# in vb. 31a(38) 103 vb. 'nxi xBty n. Sla(39) Xliay n. y3K? vb. 81a(41) 'Bl vb. 2# XTJ'B n. 81a(42) 'D» vb. xjrp-i n. 81a(43) xa^n. XnyB n. 81a(44) X>p"|n. »pl vb. 81a(45) na vb. 81a(47) l#XTJn. '-)1S'3T xai' n. X100 n. i# xry n. 81a(48) '3? adj. KflS'T n. 81a(49) 'X13X adv. 'X11X adv. 3ip vb. 81a(50) "Tin1? prep. 81a(51) XfflO'XBn. 81a(51;M) 2# X3'3 n. XtfSl n. tatyv n. 81b(l) TStfadj. 81b(2) l#ia3vb. 1# '1» vb. 81b(2; MAr [AC 1:78, s.v. "IB3X]) 2# "im n. 81b(2; Ar [AC 5:329, s.v. 3iru]) op: vb. X33'W n. 81b(2; M) 1# bpv vb. 81 b(4) '#D vb. piy vb. 81b(6) 2# 'to vb. 8115(8; Ed) Ijn vb. 81b(8) to>lvb. 81b(9) 1# XSX n. 81b(10) XHpart. m<7 prep. «hB vb. 81b(ll) nx pron. Babylonian Talmud 1391 Bava Qamma xnra n. i# oil vb. 1# ]XB pron. Btfp vb. 81b(12; Ar [AC 3:347]) xniriri n. 81b(12; M) Xian n. 81b(13) X^p"! n. 1# xri'XIX n. 2# 1X0 vb. -ma vb. 81b(14) '?ni '31 adv. 81b(15) XIX pron. 81b(35) 1# XTtl n. -ay vb. 81b(35; V3Ar [AC 4:226]) 2# 'to vb. 81b(36) 1# 011 vb. an' vb. 81b(39) 2# 'to vb. '10 vb. 81b(39; M) 'XI vb. 81b(45; O2) W31? vb. 8ib(46) xrna na n. xinn n. Xf 13 n. tjo vb. 82a(9; M) XB'X n. 82a(38) X1B1X n. V» vb. 82b(l) 1# XBIIB n. Bava Qamma 2b(13) xrfr'B 'ito v.n. 2b(16) yatf vb. 2b(17) Vl'3 pron. 2b(23) X^JB n. 3a(5) TO pron. 3a(6) 2# 'ta vb. xinp n. 3a(17) 1# n1?* vb. 3a(21) ya* vb. 3a(25) in vb. TTi: adj. 3a(26) 3a(29) 3a(44) 3a(45) 3b(13) 3b(14) 3b(25) 3b(41) 4a(13) 4a(14) 4a(35) 4b(23) 4b(33) 5a(6) 5a(20) 5a(33) 5a(40) 5b(4) 5b(7) 6b(17) 6b(18) 6b(32) 6b(39) 6b(40) 6b(48) 7a(31) 7a(32) 7b(l) 7b(3) 7b(4) 7b(5) 7b(8) 7b(9) 1# Xip n. IX conj. xn pron. 1# rt?V vb. xjani n. Dip vb. mi vb. pa prep. xnaV'n n. pn vb. nan. i# xnp n. T'tf vb. xnna adv. DWS vb. na pron. i# nx vb. XT'IJ n. nai vb. vb Vaa adv. 1# in num. "PS vb. xnayn n. nxa'rcftT adj. XJW'V n. b'Vp adj. poy vb. TXn pron. i# 'in vb. nil vb. xy^xn. Vn vb. np' vb. 1# 'SO vb. 1# KffflB n. noi vb. 19'] n. ■i Vxln conj. "13 prep. "1 conj. xnwn adv. xnpv n. '3 prep. 7b(13; F1) 7b(15) 7b(24) 7b(26) 7b(30) 8a(41) 8b(14) 8b(17) 8b(35) 8b(41) 9a(3) 9a(4) 9a(7) 9a(13) 9a(21) 9b(4) 9b(5) 9b(19) 9b(27) 9b(28) 9b(31) 10a(23) 10a(30) 10a(44) 10a(46) 10b(9; F1) 10b(10) 10b(ll) (')'Bp^ prep. 'BT vb. 1# XflllS n. TX3 adj. xipr n. O'apV prep. xiia; n. 1# fsp vb. pIW vb. 2# 'XB vb. iao vb. ■mian prep. XI"! n. 1# 'yK7 vb. i# xn"n n. i# Vap vb. BTlvb. '38 conj. ]B prep. XST0 n. xnaVn n. i# ino vb. d?V vb. 1'lVa adv. igVa adv. 1# 'M> vb. xa")"! n. naa adv. pni vb. im vb. 'ay vb. paw vb. 1# Oil vb. i# xna'x n. T"D vb. '7 'TIS conj. "!"# vb. K3'X part. VTK pron. X^3 prep. '3'n adv. xny» n. 1X^ adv. 10b(12) 10b(14) 10b(33) lla(9) lla(10) lla(12) lla(13) lla(19) lla(21) lla(30) llb(2) llb(14) llb(17) llb(19) 'X conj. 1X^ adv. i# xrnis n. Dip vb. 1# '1! vb. p7W vb. 2# XT? n. rno vb. X3'X part. XTn n. XJIt n. XTO3 n. Kfll n. '^ya adj. 'TV prep. 1BX prep. ya# vb. '^>y vb. jni vb. 1 lb(24; M) p'n vb. llb(28) 12a(2) 12a(3) 12a(4) 12a(6) 12a(7) 12a(20) 12a(34) 12b(l) 12b(5) 12b(13) 12b(16) 12b(28) 13a(32) 13a(39) 13a(41) 13b(5) XB'Vl n. xsna n. oaip vb. i# ]n vb. 1# '31 vb. 1# '31 vb. xn interj. 'ai vb. '3 prep. KJ?i?1i?» n- i# xriy n. 1# '3 conj. Dip vb. Xin pron. xjjnxri xno n. iVsx conj. '31 vb. n'X part. "1 xa'Vx prep. 07V vb. Xn'3n. lya conj. B'BS adj.
Bava Qamma 13b(6) 13b(10) I3b(!2) 13b(17) 13b(48) 13b(49) 14a(24) 14a(28) 14a(29) 14a(33) 14a(37) 14a(38) 15a(22) 15a(27) 15a(31) 15a(34) 15a(48) 15b(19) I5b(22) 15b(23) 15b(25) 15b(26) 15b(28) 15b (47) 15b (48) 16a(28) 16a(38) 16a(45) 16a(46) 16a(47) 16a(51) 16b(21) NTEbn n. O'Bi?'? prep. EhB vb. xrnna n. i# pi: vb. N?1?? n- Mbs n. d?V vb. pn vb. XniBX n. xrnria n. NplTS n. XS10 n. V)K vb. XWV n. ]'$$> prep. wins n. xpr: n. 1# XWp n. Din vb. 2# IT vb. x:ann n. Xni'ltf n. pDD vb. 1# Xna'X n. 1# V3X vb. 1# X31?? n. xpr: n. Kim n. 31 adj. pSJ vb. ]»T vb. nw vb. xri':na n. pair; vb. "nrax prep. X3'X part. yo vb. xns: n. 2# XDX n. 2# XSX n. JH3 vb. IVSX conj. 16b(37) 17a(7) 17a(10) 17a(ll) 17a(12) 17a(13) 17b(l) 17b(5) 17b(5; F1 17b(10) 17b(ll) 17b(14) 17b(15) 17b(48) 17b(49) 17b(51) 18a(4) 18a(5) 18b(12) 18b(14) 18b(17) 18b(18) 18b(28) 18b(30) 19a(4) 19a(7) 19a(32) 19a(35) 19b (7) 19b(8) 19b(ll) 19b(21; F1) 19b(25) 19b(41) 19b(42) 19b(43) 1392 XJT n. m: vb. ps: vb. 1# blX vb. '1,1 vb. 'tfa vb. TO vb. WVI pron. xrnnna n. ) 2# ':» vb. n^I pron. XEhn n. 33n vb. 1# p^O vb. "1J13 prep. x:xa n. x:xa n. xnjfya adv. D1X vb. 2# "jy vb. 'nx vb. flB vb. XS13 n. pm vb. X?1?? n. nn: vb. K1T3 n. xV^Sp adv. Dip vb. Xnra adv. nx'fc/: n. XJfb'p n. ':'3D prep. 1# xrr?'a n. i# xnnix n. ■1 nnxa conj. y:x vb. nx vb. XTO? adv. i# xrrrs n. xnjw n. 2# xnan n. X^p n. 19b (44) 19b(45) 19b(47) 0*73 vb. xan: n. X^P n. Xki n. O^S vb. 1P3D n. 1# 'TO vb. 19b(47; Ar [AC 4:18]) 20a(l) 20a(2) 20a(5) 20a(8) 20a(16) 20a(17) 20a(23) 20a(24) 20a(41) 20a(42) 20a(43) 20a(45) 20a(46) 20b(l) 20b(2) 20b(4) 20b(5) 20b(8) 20b(13) 20b(24) 20b(28) 20b(32) 20b(36) 20b(37) X7'1TO n. Xni? n. 1# XJl n. 'in vb. xns'1? n. nno vb. xais n. 1# pVo vb. -po vb. y"0 vb. Dip vb. •?jbl vb. xnV'ns n. XflOSOX n. XnniX n. '3J prep. '^ya adj. 1# XnjX n. n3y vb. ion vb. i# 'n vb. -p3 vb. xnnio n. 2# 'Vn vb. xna n. mi vb. yo vb. i# nps vb. xs'prj n. nay© vb. 1# XITPX n. i# xmntf n. '3',n °?3 adv. W1T33 adv. X^M adv. Babylonian Talmud 20b (46) 21a(22) 21a(23) 21a(24) 21a(25) 21a(28) 21a(29) 21a(30) 21b(2) T vb. njtf vb. m: vb. 3JT vb. 3n'^a adj. '3'? n. x:nsx n. '33 vb. "n conj. XTl'l'P'p n. nxjanp adj. 0"D vb. mti vb. -J'M *73 lXb prep. 21b(18) 21b(30) 21b(36) 22a(3) 3np vb. 1# XTS n. 1# 'Xa pron. i# xnnx n. xnyn n. n,sx vb. 1# xaVs n. 22a(3; RaH.Ar [AC 6:122]) 22a(4) 22a(ll) 22a(ll; Es) 22a(16) 22b(3) 22b(ll) 22b(22) 22b(23) 22b (24) 23a(ll) 23b(2) 23b(9) Xnp'D n. KH1 n. 1# X3T0 n. xroa n. xraa n. HX vb. 'XnSXD adv. Dip vb. 1# Xn3'X n. 1# Kill* n. i# noa vb. 1# Xn^'O n. y"0 vb. Kjn» n. 2# '3D vb. xais n. xaW n. 1# «1TO vb. 23b( 10; Rashi) 'OS vb. 23b(10; Es) yos vb. 1393 Babylonian Talmud 23b(13) 'V3 vb. xn' n. 1# X31?? n. 23b(15) 1# X3': n. ps: vb. ono vb. 23b(23) XJl'n n. 23b(28) 2# KriWh n. 23b(30) nOD vb. 23b(32) 1# "?IX vb. xna n. y:X vb. 23b(33) XTnj n. i# tij vb. 23b(35) 1# XTIJ n. bBl vb. 23b(36) -n conj. xV'yV adv. i# nn: vb. 23b(37) XJ'y n. 23b(38) xna n. rta vb. 23b(39) XIII n. XriSB n. xrinpa n. 1# °?3p vb. 24a(26) 2# ny vb. 24a(27) Xri'3 n. ps: vb. xn.np n. 24a(28) 2# ny vb. 24a(30) Xl,n pron. XTOn adv. 24b (2) '13 adv. 24b(6) Xrn n. "n 'TS pron. 24b (7) 3in vb. Xpj'3 n. 24b (8) ran vb. 24b(ll) 1# Xnps n. XjnJJ n. 24b(12) 1# Xnp? n. ntJJ vb. 24b(16) 24b(32) 24b(33) 25a(15) 25a(31) 25b(13) 25b(25) 25b(30) 25b(40) 25b(41) 26a(8) 26a(36) 26a(42) 26b(l) 26b(35) 27a(40) 27a(41) 27a(42) 27b(12) 27b(14) 27b(19; F1) 27b(23) 27b(24) 27b(25) 27b(26) 27b(27) yn' vb. 1# X3V? n. 'D* vb. X'nn pron. 3in vb. Dy3 vb. 2# 'JD vb. np?nx num. pDJ vb. Dip vb. Xjnw num. ym vb. n33 adv. "XV adv. '33 vb. yaw vb. i# ]in vb. Dip vb. xnnx n. i# ]in vb. '^ya adj. -p3 vb. n3D vb. Xja adv. 1# XTJ n. PD3 vb. 1# •'IV vb. 1# 'np vb. X3in n. xn'3n n. xns n. XIH pron. i# pi: vb. X3nya n. msy '3 n. xjnp n. xn? n. X:'3ip n. Xp part. 'I'X adv. 1# '3 n. xnun: n. 'Vn vb. 27b(29) 27b(30) 27b(31) 27b(34) 27b(37) 27b(40) 28a(l) 28a(18) 28a(19) 28a(20) 28a(44) 28a(49) 28a(51) 28b(17) xns n. 1# *?pv vb. xns n. tf'J'X n. X3'^ part. xrps n. X3',n adv. NJ'n n. nsy vb. 2# 'Sa vb. nxn'n' adj. XJTXH adv. xn»n adv. xna'x n. xsn n. op: vb. Xn'13 n. 'V] pron. 1# bpv vb. xn'ts n. XSiD n. 29a(20; EsF1) Xnyn?; n. 29a(21) 29a(23) 29a(30) 29a(31) 29b(37) 29b(41) 29b(5l) 30a(2) 30a(33) ■ 30b(l) 30b(4) 30b(19) 30b(20) 30b(41) 30b(41; F xsn'n n. i# xVaa n. nos vb. "n? prep. i# xpnin n. xn':na n. 'J13X adv. X3n n. ■n ]xa 'xn pron. TOO adj. Dip vb. 2# pit vb. 1BX prep. i# o:p vb. 1# HK vb. i# nps vb. ''Es) i# xVipin n. 31a(l; Ar [AC 3:418]) xnoip'^n n. •31a(l; F1) Xmp'Vo n. Bava Qamma 31a(20) 31b(3) 31b(16) 31b(22) 32a(9) 32a(22) 32a(24) nDS vb. XT3 n. 1# 'n3 vb. IXb adv. i# nps vb. XnW3 n. K$V n. ]"y vb. Dy3 vb. ■npra n. i# y3n vb. Xnil»3 n. p03 vb. 2# '3n vb. 32a(24; EsF1) mbf n. 32a(25) 32a(27) 32a(28) 32b(3) 32b(29) 32b(31) 32b(35) 32b(38) 32b(42) 32b(45) 32b(45; F1) 32b(46) 33a(9) 33a(14) 33a(16) 33a(17) 33a(18) 33a(43) 33a(47) 2# XD'J n. yo vb. i# xnnix n. '3 prep. 2# Knwi n. noy vb. n3D n. x:'^:a n. i# x^n:p n. 'ye vb. "1 'X conj. 2# 'Ip vb. XSID n. xns: n. Dip vb. X^llW n. i# -nv vb. 'na:1? adv. xna n. n'rw adj. X33 n. Vrs vb. xnsin n. Dip vb. nax vb. i# xnV'a n. 1# pbo vb. xsniir; n.
Bava Qamma 1394 Babylonian Talmud 33a(49) Tit vb. 33b(l) -I'DD b? lxb prep. 33b(4) XH1 n. 33b(9) Jl'X part. 33b(10) KM3U n. 33b(46) isn vb. Xl't'l n. 34a(21) DBS vb. 34a(22) 2# mtf vb. 34a(26) tim vb. 34a(27) OT3 vb. 34a(28) XJip n. 34b(15) 1# bpti vb. 34b(22) C)n'^ part. 34b(46) 131? adv. 34b(51) XWIn. 35a(6) 1# THJ vb. xap'p n. 'Vp vb. 35a(8) X3'X part. XJ111 'X,l '3 adv. 35a(9) KM'n ri. 3X3 vb. 35a(10) XJTTJ n. 2# p71S vb. xi3tf n. 35b(43) 'XEIX conj. 36a(10) 'Bl; n. 36a(16) (')n'V part. 36a(17) TIX vb. 36a(18) pViladj. 2# Xnrti n. Cbti vb. 3 6b (22) 1713 prep. 36b(31) X°?3iln. 36b(36) XT1T n. an' vb. 36b(37) 2# '13 vb. 36b(39) ]1K pron. 37a(3) ti'3 adj. 37a(5) Km n: I? adj. 37a(21) 37a(30) 37a(43) 37a(52) 37a(53) 37a(56) 37b(2) 37b(5) 37b(8) 37b(18) 37b(28) 38a(4) 38a(19) 38a(22) 38a(33) pn vb. ps vb. n« vb. *7Xtf vb. ibj vb. xntfn adv. i# ■nv vb. 2# iy vb. xra n. xai' n. TXn pron. XDl'O n. ruu vb. 1# 'Vl vb. ux vb. IDS vb. 38a(35; MGG 380:4) i# bm vb. 38a(36) ,1X^33 adj. Dm vb. xnam n. 38a(36; Es) XSH'J n. 38a(37) itfS'K adv. •l\Tlb prep. 38b(40; Es) 1# OJp vb. 39a(l) >1% adj. 39a(33) XpaiJ? n. 39b(i) y:a vb. 39b(3) 1# yu vb. 39b(52) Dip vb. 40a(13) 1# X1S13 n. 40a(18) 1# X1S13 n. xjiaa n. 40a(20) 1# X1S13 n. 40a(23) 0W vb. 40a(29) 1# mti vb. 40a(31) 'y3vb. 40a(36) )»y vb. 40a(40) Tan adj. ptfa vb. 40a(43) 130 vb. 40a(43; F'H!) 110 vb. 40a(43; Ar [AC 1:207] RaH) 40a(47) 40a(48) 40a(49) 40b(2) 40b(3) 40b(9) 40b(ll) 40b(13) 40b(24) 40b(41) 41a(2) 41a(3) 41a(25) 41a(33; F1) 41a(47) 41a(55) 41b(2) 41b(3) 41b(ll) 42a(l) 42a(4; Oxf., 130 vb. Vxtf vb. M^S n. 110 adv. xp,ri n. xmx n. piy vb. piy vb. 71'X part. isytf vb. 2# iy vb. 2# ysi vb. 2# ysi vb. XJlp n. XB1X n. piy vb. x:naa n. xs'n adv. 1# *?p0 vb. Y%3 prep. ontf vb. ana vb. XtfTT n. 1B1T adj. c.21, 26) 42a(12) 42a(13) 42a(35) 42b(ll;F') 42b(13) 42b(16) 42b(22) 43b(20) 43b(20; Oxf. 28) 43b(29) 44a(29) 44a(31) 44b(16) 44b(27; F1) 45a(15) 1# *?pV vb. xrr n. xii'a n. xain n. X;>t?p 13 n. oya vb. xpi'S n. Xt'TJ n. 'ya vb. Xp part. heb. c.21, 'ya vb. i# 'an vb. xpT n. nan vb. «p' vb. )13 vb. XBJX n. 45a(16) 45a(19) 45a(23) 45b(42) 46a(21) 46a(23) 46a(25) 46b(l) 46b (2) 46b(5) 46b(7) 46b(18) 46b(19) 46b (25) 46b(31) 46b(33) 46b(34) 47a(4) 47a(7) 47a(15) 47a(16) 47a(17) 47b(14) 47b (16) 47b(22) 47b (24) 47b(27) 47b(30) piy vb. "I conj. xri n. i# yti vb. lai vb. i# xi? n. XTX n. 'a1? conj. i# xi3? n. xrrcpa n. xni n. '01 n- lp' vb. xnpaj n. Dip vb. Krnn- 1# VtX vb. lm)Ti*? part. xmuh na n. 2# yis vb. XH1 n. xan n. axa vb. X130 n. 1# "?TX vb. 1# X3'3 n. V?i vb. XJX pron. "Tl pron. oip vb. xsnio n. ma vb. Xtfl'S n. lay a adj. -Dltf vb. XnS'3 n. xap's n. xrirvw n. xsio n. di: vb. lay vb. i# xnsiix n. 'B adv. Babylonian Talmud 1395 Bava Qamma 47b(36) 1# 'pap vb. 47b(37) XB^y n. 48a(15) 'SX vb. V?y vb. 48a(16) l#*?3Xvb. xnia n. i# ban vb. Xtf"1? n. 48a(16; OHR ib. 86:12) pn vb. 48a(17) '81 n. 48a(21) XJflTM n. 48a(25) XTliyJX n. 48a(26) xna n. 48a(27) 1# 'ai vb. 48a(28) 1# p"?D vb. xniy:x n. 48a(35) TX,1 pron. 48a(36) "I JXM conj. 1# '13 vb. 1# '"?B vb. 48a(49) 1# pi: vb. 48b (12) 1BX vb. 48b (14) xatya adv. 2# XB1J n. 48b(35) lax vb. XBTO n. 48b(42) XS10 n. 48b(44) xVlS pron. 49a(16; HEs) 2# Xian n. 49a(17) laya adj. 49a(25) pis vb. 49a(34) Ihl vb. 49a(36; Es.OHR ib. 59:2) 1# p"7D vb. 49a(36; EsOHR ib. 59:2) XBTO n. 49a(38) '3t vb. 49a(40) '3'1 'IB pron. 49a(41) '3T vb. ,-™ n- 49a(44) Dip vb. 49b(13) 1# TVD vb. 49b(25) Xliayw n. 50a(13) ran pron. 11X vb. 50a(15) l#'J0vb. 50a(16) 080 vb. 50a(28) '3B pron. xny'xa n. 50a(32) mil vb. 50a(48) 1# XSX n. 1# -]1X vb. 1# '31 vb. xnn n. 50b(27) x'ni/xmi Va pron. 50b(33) X'1,13 adv. 50b(36) X^3,l n. T13 adj. 50b(37) 1# TIX adj. 50b(42; Es) 1# Vn vb. 50b(45) 'xVya adv. 50b(46) mil vb. 50b(49) XD3n n. (-)ri'b part. 50b(51) 1# Xfl'lX n. nxbi n. 3# 110 vb. 50b(52) X3p n. 50b(53) 'TO vb. 50b(54) XKOn n. 51a(10) H3J vb. 1# "?na vb. 51a(18) 'XlSXadv. 'Vl vb. 51a(19) ppnvb. 'XUa adv. 51 a(21) 1# Xfl'lX n. 51a(24) 1# li:j vb. 51a(31) l#'13vb. 51a(44) "labprep. 51b(23) xn»3^ n. 51b(26) XpBiy n. 51b(27) rt'N part. 51b(28) 51b(29) 51b(30) 51b(34) 51b(46) 51b(47) 51b(50) 51b(51) K;'M adj. 'Sp adj. p'ay adj. Xb3H n. 1# 'ba vb. '1TX vb. 130 vb. ■VS11 n. XS03n. 1# '3p vb. 52a(12) 52a(12; 1 52a(13) 52a(14) 52a(24) 52a(32) 52a(33) 52b(17) 52b(28) 52b(38) 53a(ll) 53a(13) 53a(14) 53a(18) 53a(24) 53a(33) 53a(35) 53a(36) 53a(37) 53a(39) 2# Xrllffl313 n. XW'13 adv. Es) XJ'y n. Vy prep. TJ1 vb. x^yi n. xiij: n. xrirao n. XJJJ n. na'x adv. yyi vb. TIB pron. 'ya vb. 1# '3 conj. »p3 vb. iJ'B prep. X03n n. "X prep. 1# XSX n. ■jsn vb. -'linx1? prep. yo vb. xp'jn n. Xp'?,l n. Xp'?,l n. 11'X pron. xrn n. xri n. i# mi vb. xpaiy n. 1# '11 vb. XpT'} n. 53a(40) 53a(41) 53a(43) 53a(47) 53a(48) 54a(12) 54b(38) 54b(45) 54b (48) 54b(50) 55a(ll) 55a(15) 55a(16) 55a(19) 55a(20) 55a(22) 55a(24) 55a(25) 55a(25; F1) 55a(26) 55a(27) 55a(27; F1) 55a(30) 55a(31) 55a(34) 55b(39) 56a(12) 56a(24) 56a(27) 56a(33) 56a(39) 56a(48) XrilBflTO n. Xp part. IDS vb. abv vb. KUX n. XT3 n. XpiS n. xjarn n. x'^ian n. ari3 vb. 1BJ vb. IXaiSS adj. ni vb. 71'On. iax vb. 2# '3 n. ffDn. ri'D n. N3ra n. 1# '31 vb. 1# TIX adj. 1# Xpp n. D'Vx adj. 1# X^BJ n. Bit adj. Xjj'jp adj. nxois adj. xyip n. xyip n. ]'PP adj. xny,'3 n. i# xbn'c; n. xry n. XB13'1£? n. XBia'» n. xavn n. pn vb. X3'X part. X31D adv. 2# ino vb. '03 vb. ino vb. 1# '3 conj.
Bava Qamma 1396 Babylonian Talmud 56a(54; F1) 'piSD n. 56b(l) pS3 vb. 56b(2) (")'3X3 prep. 56b(15; HAr [AC 4:320]) xV'tl? n. 56b(16) 1# 10a vb. 56b(19) 1# xniiX n. 56b(22) '3J7 adj. 56b(23) 13yw vb. 57a(8) V?y vb. 57a(10) xra n. 57a(14) Dp: vb. 57a(15) X13 adj. xrin'p: n. 1# X13'3 n. 57a(36) 1# '3n vb. 57b (26) IDS vb. 57b(27) 1# ]ytJ vb. 57b(35) poj? vb. 57b(42) 1# pt3 vb. 58a(12) XJTIJHite n. 58a(20; F1) Datf vb. 58b(l) lao vb. 58b(l 1) yov vb. 58b(28; Geon 246:28 Es) fSp vb. 58b(28; Geon 246:28Es) X3ttfp n. 58b(29) XJTrVl »n n. 58b(30) 1# X3'p n. 58b(32) X3'1 n. xni^j »'i n. 58b(32; Es) ,1X019 adj. 59a(l) -rati vb. 5 9a (8) XTO adv. 59a(30) -]13 vb. 59a(35) X3SU n. Xtfrl? n. 59a(35; Es) 2# O"0 vb. 59a(42) n'ps adj. 59a(45) X^p'T n. 59a(46) 2# HXaiX adj. x'pp'l n. Tyr adj. ,1X01S adj. xrvfrj tfn n. 59b(l) D31X adj. X3XOB n. XplW n. 59b(2) xri^S »H 'ST n. 59b(3) "?3X vb. 59b(3; Es) DID vb. 59b(4) "?3X vb. TVH adj. 59b(5) Win vb. 59b(5; F1) TTP adj. 59b(7) WIK pron. 59b(8) IX conj. 59b(9) 3# X1S13 n. l"Sp vb. 59b(12) '! part. 59b(15) p3tfvb. 59b(19) pDS vb. 59b(27) '11 '3 n. xipj n. 59b(27; Ed) EH1 vb. 59b(34) 1# XtllJ n. 1# XrD'S n. 60a(l) 1# Oil vb. 1# XriVp n. 60a(3) 1# V2V vb. 60a(13) 1# IDS vb. 60a(17) 2# Xail n. 60a(25) y»S vb. n'rw adj. 60b(10) 'Xliaadv. 60b(ll) '3'3prep. xriiis n. 60b(12) 'Sp adj. 60b(14) X3Ty n. xnrn n. 60b(14; F1) Xmi? n. 1DD vb. 60b(24) 2# XniEh n. 60b(25) 1# X'lrf? adv. 60b(26) 1# '3n vb. 2# '3D vb. 60b(28) 1# '3 n. Pill "■ 1# 'ip vb. 60b(30; MGE 502:18) Xnsin. 60b(31) XniJX n. ia n. 60b(32) nns vb. p3K> vb. 60b(34) 'W vb. 60b(34; MGE 502:23) '1© vb. 60b(41) 13D vb. ina pron. 60b(44) «l>n vb. 60b(44; F1) nxntf'Vs n. 60b(49) nxntf''?? n. 61a(6) Xiai n. 6la(l2) dip1? prep. 61a(14) Xiai n. 61a(18) 3tfn vb. 61a(34) 1# xrinx n. nxVi n. 61b(l) '3X13 n. 61b(30) Dm vb. 62a(14) XJTITP3 n. 62a(20) XS03 n. 62a(21) XrnTD3 n. 62a(27) PD3 vb. xrisps n. 62a(33) Xri'33ia n. 62a(33; Es) xriSOS n. 62a(35) W'3'X n. TDX adj. "I conj. m vb. 62a(36) ips vb. 62a(37) 'IT; n. 1# bpv vb. 62a(39) X3'3t n. 63a(12) Pan n. 63a(30) XD1S n. 63a(31) 63b(30) 64a(18) 64a(24) 64a(27) 64b(22) 65a(2) 65a(9) 65a(12) 65a(18) 65a(20) 65a(22) 65b(10) 65b(21) 65b (25) 65b(28) 65b(35) 65b(36) 65b(37) 66a(19) 66a(20) 66a(25) 66b(3) 66b(ll) 66b(12) 66b(27) 66b(32) 66b(34) 67a(6) Dya vb. X»'pn n. 1# '31 vb. xira adj. X^3 n. i# nn vb. i# xrfp'a n. 1# '3P vb. 013 vb. riX pron. ODD vb. Nlp'jra adv. bti vb. xrron n. X j"ap adv. XVD3 n. i#'3tf vb. 2# 3iy vb. pOS vb. 1# Xlp n. 1# 'JO vb. xntfn adv. 331 vb. X13'1 n. Vx3 vb. xjarn n. in'a conj. "X nyn 'T» n. 'I'1? prep. 'Vya adj. xiay n. X^X conj. '2/p vb. 2# '32/ vb. 1'rax n. XJTC/n adv. 1# X3Pa n. xVVp n. X11B3 n. xrisxp n. 67a(7; GC 118:10) i# xroia n. ppn vb. Babylonian Talmud 67a(ll) 67a(16) 67a(23) 67b(3) 67b(13) 67b(16) 67b(21) 67b(24) 68a(41) 68b(26) 68b(40) 69a(ll) 69a(15) 69a(28) 69a(30) 69b(13) 69b(19) 69b(37) 69b(38) 70a(l) 70a(8) 70a(10) xVnitf n. 1# VOS vb. X^3'p n. XVtX pron. na'X adv. irra adj. 1# in num. 331 vb. n3D vb. 1# in num. K3WI n. n3D vb. pDS vb. 1# '31 vb. inn vb. 1SX vb. 1.SX vb. xanp n. y'O vb. i# Vm vb. I'^yV prep. Tint part. nxyrr adj. 1S3 vb. Xlp'tf n. xraiix n. '3T vb. 70a(ll; HP 66:23) 70a(17; F1) 70a(17) 70a(18) 70b(27) 70b(30) 70b(34) 71a(3) 71a(14) 71a(21) 71a(23) 71a(34) 71a(40) 71b(2) xtftfa n. 1# '3y vb. xrt'Vtf n. xsrntf n. 1# ]Xa pron. ni3 vb. Dip vb. 'in vb. xrrran n. xVl3 pron. xri'Vtf n. Dip vb. xnrps n. ■?1DBX prep. X1XB n. 71b(5) 71b(31) 71b(39) 728(1) 72a(2) 72a(15) 72a(16; Es) 72b(20) 72b(23) 72b(23; M) 72b(24) 73a(2) 73a(3) 73a(14) 73a(32) 73a(35) 73a(36) 73a(41) 73a(44) 73b(23) 73b(32) 73b(35; Es) 74a(l) 74a(9) 74a(12) 74a(13) 74a(17) 74a(19) 74a(21) 74a(25) 74a(36) 74b(26) 74b(39) 75a(25) 75a(31) 75a(39) 1397 n3B vb. xroa n. X1SS n. XTO'3 n. 1# 'ip vb. 30 adj. nxjtina adj. X'nn pron. nn vb. mx vb. '11 pron. 1# bOS vb. xriuVti n. 2# ■*» vb. i# nn vb. 'flX vb. X3'n adv. in'3 pron. i# oar vb. 1# VOS vb. 1# '3 conj. PS3 vb. "3 prep. •1 'Xa pron. 1# DOT vb. 1.SX vb. i# mx vb. X3VI113 n. mp vb. x;pn n. i# oai vb. Dip vb. WD vb. D1SX prep. pes vb. xrin'n n. ms vb. '?? adv- 'a adv. xrnnsr? n. nana prep. Xp part. 31 '3 n. 75b(37) 76a(6) 76a(12) 76a(24) 76b(17) 77b(4) 77b(14) 77b(26) 77b(27) 78a(8) 78b(8) 78b(14) 78b(24) 78b(25) 79b(l) 79b(14) 79b(15) 79b(16) 79b(52) 30 adj. nsp vb. -'SX XV| prep. in3ri pron. i# oat vb. xino n. 2# xrrran n. '3.1 adv. 'JT3K adv. pit vb. XrMJTB n. (-)Il^ part. 1# in num. 2# XS'l n. 2# 31? vb. X'^3'1 n. X'1,13 adv. xwria n. ITl vb. til vb. X1DB 13 n. XjVtl n. iao vb. lXb adv. VU'3 pron. N»rXn. piy vb. '3a conj. PB3 vb. 79b(52; H.Oxf. c.23, 12) 79b(53) 80a(38) 80a(39) nmvB n. i# 'ba vb. i# 'n© vb. i# ■nv vb. XrillN n. tin vb. Tin vb. H>i? adj. i# 'jn vb. XXTtf n. Kp^n. T1W vb. Xp^n. Bava Qamma 80a(41) 80b(5) 80b(6) 80b(6; F 80b(18) 80b(19) 81a(16) 81a(22) 81a(25) 1# X?1T n. 13p vb. Dip vb. 131 vb. '?niX adv. X13W n. 'H[bef. corr.]) ypp vb. D31X adj. 1# X13 n. xriin n, xriarn n. i# 'ai vb. OT3 vb. 81a(26; EsOHT ib. 141:26 [X"1?]) 331 vb. 81a(26; OHT ib. 141:26) 131 vb. 81a(29) xiwa n. 81a(29; Es) 1# 'TO vb. 81b(20) 81b(21) 81b(22) 81b(25) 81b(27) 81b(28) 81b(33) 81b(34) 81b(40) 81b(51) 82a(26) 82a(28) 82a(34) 82a(37) 3# pTO vb. X^Dn. i# xrnix n. i# pbo vb. yos vb. '31 prep. 'Ttl n. Itl vb. xVns n. xp»n. xisa '3 n. i# nn vb. xisa'? n. i# nn vb. ipin num. "1 conj. nXTIT adj. XpiOS n. XIB'D n. 1# '1p vb. xmj?'3S n. 01X vb. ]"y vb.
Bava Qamma 1398 Babylonian Talmud i# iop vb. 2# X^niX n. XlBlp n. XDJU n. Xni'D n. xim n. 1DX vb. tin1? adv. 1# VlX vb. ro: vb. 83a(32; MGN 160:19) V?y vb. 82b(26) 82b(29) 82b(30; Es) 82b(31) 82b(41) 83a(4) 83a(32) 83a(33) 83a(34) 83a(34; Es) 83a(34; M) 83a(34; Es) 83a(34; M) 83a(36) 83a(37) 83b(28) 83b(29) 83b(47) 83b(54) 84a(10) 84a(12) 84a(14) 84a(19) 84a(24) 84a(24; Es) 84a(25) 84a(26) 84a(30) 84a(34) 1# Rf?3 n. TU vb. xisiy n. *i?\ n. n: vb. 1# X3': n. nDKJ vb. i# mm n. X1S1D n. 133 adv. 1# bp& vb. X31B adv. Bltf vb. 2# XTOK n. 1# xVpp n. Tap adj. x:arn n. xiin: n. mtfip n. X3'l adv. TOS'X adv. 1# K^in n. tin vb. 1# KJ'J7 n. xnati': n. my vb. i# lax vb. xnn n. 'SB adj. p3M? adj. XTO'3 n. 84a(35) 84a(39) 84a(40) 84a(41) 84a(42) 84a(43) 84a(44) 84b(6) 84b(9) 84b(ll) 84b(12) 84b(16) 84b(20) 84b(29) 84b(36) 84b(38) 84b(42) 85a(9; F1) 85a(12) 85a(13) 85a(15) 85a(29) 85a(38) 85a(50) K'VJ adv. 1# p"?0 vb. '71X vb. 'a adv. Kpir n. yop vb. xpr: n. Kpn n. •1 'rxin conj. 3W vb. obx vb. 1# *m vb. "V"! pron. 'dV conj. D"S vb. DIP vb. xrnrrVw n. 1B3 adv. lly adv. fSp vb. ra adj. 1# '3J vb. 1# XMp n. 2# 1JT vb. 2# ^1 vb. x/nsnx adv. NJppa n. ':D3lti n. 103 vb. 1# bpti vb. 1# 'TO vb. 1JTC vb. 31 '3 n. 1??"D n- i# x<>rnx n. 85a(50; F'HAr [AC 5:361) 1X313 n. 85a(50;F'H) Xnx: n. 85a(50; F1) 85a(51) 85a(51; Oxf. XS^p n. XJX pron. XJOX n. xnx n. heb. c.23) 85a(52) 85a(53) 85a(53; Oxf 85a(54) 85b(12) 85b(16) 85b(17) 85b(17; F1) 85b(18) 85b(19) 85b(20) 85b(24) 85b(25) 85b(36) 85b(37) 85b(46) 86a(6; EsF1) 86a(7) 86a(8) 86a(9) 86a(9; Es) 86a(10; F1) 86a(10; Es) 1# X31X n. 'ai vb. '3 prep. XJOX n. Kin pron. Ija adv. p'rn adj. 'TO vb. XJX pron. 1# 'OX vb. 1# X}'? n. , c.23, 14) 1115? vb. yvs vb. fxp vb. i# mv vb. 3X3 vb. XT!? n. 1# p*?D vb. 1# pbO vb. xap n. inn vb. XJllJ n. Dp: vb. XJ11TX n. pnn vb. 1# XSX n. "V prep. ppi vb. xVlll n. xrnrrto n. i# lax vb. in in adv. X^13 pron. rins vb. xris'o n. 1# XJ11X n. «$? n. i# nn vb. xti: n. 2# 1,10 vb. i# mix vb. XSTOlp* n. 1 86a(ll) 86a(12) 86a(13) 86a(15) 86a(24) 86a(25) 86a(42) 86a(44) 86a(54) 86a(56) 86b(l) 86b(l; Oxf., 86b(10) 86b(ll) 86b(18; F1) 86b(23) 86b(24) 86b(30) 87a(15) 87a(33) 87a(34) 87b(21) 87b(21; F1) 87b(21; Oxf. 87b(26) 87b(27) 87b(28) 87b(31) 87b(32) 87b(33) 87b(34) 1# 'OX vb. '313 '3 n. XJllJ n. 1# Ipl vb. XSlBlp* n. 2# XD'l n. 1# XJ11X n. pDS vb. XTrU n. XP'l n. 3,1' vb. xniiina n. DTO vb. 1# D"73 vb. 1# an vb. c.21, 34) i# dn vb. 1# Xp'T n. ni vb. V7T vb. i# dn vb. XSID'3 n. i# an vb. X3D Xai' n. ipS vb. 1?31 n. i# ion vb. 1# *?3n vb. ino vb. xrnix n. c.21, 34) 13y vb. xni'ry n. xatyB adv. Xp part. ISp vb. X"!?? n. 1# X^3n n. 1# X13J n. n?i? adj- nsi? adj- ion vb. xVp'l n. Babylonian Talmud 1399 Bava Qamma 87b(36) 1# X°?3n n. 88a(l) XB03 n. nno vb. 88a(3) nns vb. 88a(42) Xni»n '3,1 adv. 88a(53) X8'X n. 88a(54) 303 vb. 88b(7) -byi prep. 88b(43) BtiS vb. 88b(45) 1# X3X n. JIT vb. 88b(46) ni3 vb. 88b(47) ni3 vb. 89a(10) "1 *?'Xin conj. 'I'V prep. 89a(25) ]ra vb. 89a(26; Oxf, c.21, 36) pT vb. 89a(35; Oxf., c.21, 36) X313T n. 89a(37) 1# *?3n vb. 89a(37; F1) IDS vb. 89b(2) XTB n. 89b(3) '133 adv. mo vb. 89b(3; Oxf, c.21, 36) XI'l '3 n. 89b(14) 1# XrillS n 89b(17) TI'X pron 1# X*?3n n 89b(23) B'BJ adj 89b (24) 'J1X vb. 89b(29) o:x vb. 90a(3) d?X vb. 90a(3; Oxf, c.23, 15) XJ'l '3 n. 90b(19) XJX pron. XI interj. 90b (22) 'in vb. 90b(32) 1# X13 n. XJ'l n. 90b(33) 130 vb. 9la(i) xrraix n. 91a(2) la: vb. 91a(2; EsF1) 3# '3JJ vb. 91a(4) l^SX conj. 91a(7) ni3 vb. 91a(7; Oxf, c.23, 15) 1# ^3p vb. 91a(ll) Xni n. 91a(13) 1# Xtep n. 91a(20) X'ni/Xini *?2 pron. 91a(22) Xl'a n. 1# p?: vb. 91a(26) ny3 vb. 91a(31) 1# ISp vb. 91a(32) 1# lax vb. 'X113 adv. 1# XSS'n n. 91a(33) XpT'J n. 91a(37) xni'3'y n. 91a(38) onivb. 91a(39) 'Xax conj. 1# 33© vb. 91b(12) XJ11TX n. pnn vb. 91b(25) 1# 11,1 vb. x:xa n. 91b(33) »nn. X^13 pron. 'ao vb. 9ib(34) xri'ana n. 91b(37) K^p'ln. 2# ]yO vb. X3p n. 91b(38) 3'OTadj. 91b(39) KM't n. ?Xp vb. 92a(2) nj?0 vb. 92a(3) XJD1J n. xayo n. 92a(5) 1# Xllp n. 92a(6) X»'1X n. ipy vb. 92a(7) X2S1J n. 92a (22) 1# 111 vb. 92a(40) Km n. 2# X313 n. 92a(44) 1# bss vb. 92a(45) 1# "?D3 vb. 92a(49; Es) X13'X n. XBti n. 92a(50) 1# Xfl3'ria n. V"0 vb. 92a(51) "I XS'^X prep. 1# p^O vb. xnyaiy n. 1# °?ptf vb. 92a(51; F1) 1# Xlll n. 92a(52) 1# bm vb. 1)13 prep. 92a(53) 'is; adj. xriwj? n. 92b(4) 1# X13J n. 1,13 vb. '03 vb. xpini n. twn vb. 92b(4;OHTYom 11:1) 2# 111 vb. 92b(5) X1SS n. 92b(16) XS31X n. X3J n. 1# X13n n. 2# xian n. vvn vb. 1# 'ip vb. 92b(19) KM adv. 92b(20; MGG 404:1) ni3 vb. i# xriV'a n. Dip vb. 92b(23) xjiix 13 n. bst> vb. 92b(24) 2# 11D vb. 92b(27) 1# X33 n. Vs: vb. xn'© num. 92b(33) 1# Xian n. XTO'D n. xnn n. 1# X^py n. 92b(37) ybl vb. 2# «V?i n. 1# X31?? n. XJS3 n. ~b prep. 92b(39) 0'3 adj. 92b(39; HAr [AC ib.]) 2# X31W n. 92b(39; Ar [AC 8:33]) 1# -\W vb. 92b(40) 1# xri"13 n. xri'jra n. 92b(46) XJl'ay 13 n. 1# X11J n. 'm vb. i# ':y vb. i# -nv vb. 92b (46; MGG 265:14) xnnx is n. 92b(48) XT3 n. 2# X^p n. 92b(49) 1# '!» vb. 92b(51; MGG 265:18) 'Vl vb. 92b(53) 1# X13J n. IDlt adj. 92b(54) pill n. OTp vb. 93a(3) '03': 'la n. '3'? n. 93a(4) VVtt vb. 93a(9) X^IX n. 93a(29) XTa n. 93a(40) 'l'1? prep. 93a(43) Xp:iX n. 93a(44) 'nx vb. 3:: vb. i# x;:j n. JWD vb.
Bava Qamma 1400 Babylonian Talmud 93a(45) 93b(16) 93b(22) 93b(23) 93b(30) 93b (31) 93b(32) 94a(26) 94a(38) 94a(54) 94a(56) 94b (8) 94b(9) 94b(33) 95a(15) 95a(16) 95a(25) 95a(39) 95a(40) 95b(25) 96a(l) 96a(8) 96a(9) 96a(21) 96a(22) 96a(23) 96a(23; Es) 96a(24) 96a(25) 96a(26) 96a(27) 96b (5) '18! adj. 1# ibv vb. XJ313 n. NDIM n. os: vb. 2# piO vb. inn vb. '133 vb. 2# *?S3 vb. TJP adj. xtfrp n. i# nn vb. xvm n. XU1 pron. »TB vb. bn vb. 1# XOJp n. vm vb. "I'lV prep. 1# '3 conj. i# o:p vb. TSa prep. 1# pVo vb. 2# KrUW n. xyix n. 1# Xl'IJ n. Xliytf n. p}3 prep. *?n vb. bop vb. 1# 'Jp vb. '3U '3 n. xVp'1 n. Xriltfl adv. 1# X312 n. X11IM n. X3'W> n. xrixxp n. xxin n. 2# X'Sin n. lay vb. Xlltf'P n. xnj'a1? n. 96b(6) 96b(7) 96b(10) 96b(ll) 96b(14) 96b(16) 96b(21) 96b(22) 96b(23) 96b(24) 96b(26) 96b(27) 96b(28) 96b(41) 96b(42) 96b(44) 97a(ll) 97a(13) 97a(15) 97a(18) 97a(19) 97a(20) 97a(24) 97a(43) 97a(44) 97b(l3) 97b(20) 97b(32) Xisy n. 'lti vb. xru'3V n. X30J n. XJ1I n. rnn adj. Dntf adj. xantf n. xjis n. yn vb. ai3 vb. 1# X313 n. 2# Xjni n. liD1? adv. (Tap1? prep. 2# na# vb. 1# '3 conj. XJ'1 n. tf'J'X n. XJ^TJ n. XJ'1 n. i# o:p vb. XSS'X n. 1# XJT'13 n. xri'jria n. lay vb. "]SX vb. D'BpB prep. 1# in num. a;v vb. 3TPB adj. tfra vb. O'J adj. 1# X13y n. X013 n. 1# Ipl vb. '313 '3 n. no vb. 133 vb. xpnn n. »na vb. ''0 adj. X?DJ n. 97b(33) 97b(34) 98a(2) 98a(3) 98a(6) 98a(9) 98a(17) 98a(18) 98a(26) 98b(l) 98b(13) 98b(14) 98b(15; Es) 98b(27) 98b (49) 99a(12) 99a(18) 99a(18; Es) 99a(20) 99a(21) 99a(21; Es) 99a(23) 99a(31) 99a(33) 99b(22) 99b(24) 99b(24; OHF 156:30) bbl vb. 2# Xjn'B n. '33 vb. 2# rav vb. Xiaiy n. Xri interj. nu vb. 'IX vb. 1# BID vb. 1# XOJIlp n. ion vb. 1# «]!» vb. 1# XJ'Ditf n. Dip vb. X3'X part. 2# xaia n. »Vj?a adj. 'S3 vb. xt;j n. X1TCJ3 n. xa1?? n. 'ina prep. X'TX n. 2# 'bl vb. in vb. X11J n. xna n. 1# xVaip n. -|31 vb. 1IX vb. XWB'3 n. "b prep. 2>D3 vb. xriya n. tfD3 vb. i# xVaip n. 13 interj. 1# 'XI? pron. Ehp vb. Xp part. 1# 135? vb. ib. 13y vb. 99b(26) 99b(28) 99b(38) 99b(42) 99b(43) 99b (45) 99b(48) 99b(51) 99b(52) 99b(52; Es) 99b(52; Oxf 99b(53) 99b(54) 100a(5) 101a(l) 101a(14) 101a(16) 101a(19) 101a(21) 101a(22) 101a(31) 10*la(32) 101a(33) 101a(34) I01a(36) 101a(37) 101b(2) 102a(24) IflX pron. pll vb. i# 'ai vb. 3# ma n. IBS vb. xriaija n. 3# «]1D vb. xrnyia n. xriT^a n. X'1,1 pron. yvt vb. NIJ'1 n. nn vb. xro'p n. , b.10, 33) 1'Stf adj. nn vb. pM vb. 'JO adj. tf'3 adj. ]'1 pron. ana vb. XpO'y n. XOpJ'S n. -po vb. Xp part. X111 n. X1S3 n. ppi vb. yas vb. 'TB V.b adv. XSD n. 2# XO'J n. IDS vb. psa vb. 'Din. Xy3'X n. 1# XSip n. yas vb. Dl1?? pron. xnnn n. xnnn n. 'linx prep. Babylonian Talmud 1401 Bava Qamma 102a(47) 1# in num. 102a(48) xVlSpron. xrppa n. 102a(48; HHG2 56:82) xrppa n. 102a(49; Oxf., b.10, 35) xro^m n. p'03 adj. J02b(9) nnadj. 102b (11) inxvb. 102b(23) lay vb. xriin'Vrc n. 102b(40) 1# X13 n. XrilVj E/'l n. 102b (44) 'ya vb. xriP'T n. Xip: n. Kb adv. 103a(6; Es) flTUD n. 103a(7) '133 adv. X11T n. 1# n» vb. 103a(17) Xllln. an' vb. 103a(18) ip'vb. Xjri'3 n. 103a(18;M) X,'1B n. 103a(20; HP 51:2) 1# °?1X vb. 103a(21; Oxf., b.10, 36) 1# bpti vb. 103a(27) 1# -]PB vb. 103b(24) l#'3conj. 103b(25) XJ1BB n. 103b(35) liy adv. 103b(39) Xip'tfn. 103b(44) '13'aadv. 104a(l) bn\b. 1# ^Xa pron. 104a(38) '3? prep. N'?1?? n. 104a(39) 1# mV vb. 104b(10; HP 66:13) 104b(13) 104b(16; 93:28) 104b(17) 104b(18) 104b(41) 105a(6) 105a(7) '?niX adv. -Sl'J prep. rGHark XS10X n. (TSX1? prep. ps: vb. 1? prep. xjiaa n. xnan n. ■ry3 prep. Xp part. yatf vb. 105a(7; Es) 1# XDtflp n. 105a(19) 105a(20) 105a(22) 105a(50) 105b(l) 105b (2) 105b(24) 106a(l) 106a(25) 106a(26) 106a(27) 106b (2) 107a(5) 107a(6) 107a(9) 107a(10) -rya prep. 3J by «]X conj. Kffltfrl adv. ma vb. aw vb. 133 vb. 'Vya adj. xrrj n. xtisj n. lay vb. nja Vy conj. "X prep. '1'X pron. p'rn adj. 2# X'JU'K; n. Ti? adj. "X prep. p»B vb. VlDBX prep. 'ya vb. 133 vb. m vb. iy prep. 2# yiD vb. 1# 'ai vb. xjani n. 107b(23; Ar [AC ib.]) 108a(5) 108a(18) 2# 111 vb. ain vb. xymn num. 108a(19) 108a(26) 108a(30) 108a(36) 108b(25) 108b(28) 108b(42) 109b(8) 110a(22) 110a(40) 110b(5) 110b(18) XV'D3 n. XV'33 n. XJ11J n. xjiaa n. x;pn n. '31 n. 1# pbo vb. 1JX pron. D1T adj. i# xrnix n. xjani n. pSl vb. XniBWB n. 1# K3X n. 110b(18; F1) JlTvb. 110b (20) 110b(43) llla(l) xisy n. x^in n. PBJ vb. »1S vb. X'ni/XHI *?3 pron. llla(2) llla(26) lllb(6) lllb(22) lllb(23) 112a(9) 112a(ll) 112a(37) 112a(38) 112a(39) 112b(2) 112b(22) 112b(26) O'J adj. xriVraix n. 11 ]D adv. 2# Vm vb. CK' vb. 1# 33» vb. nimb prep. 1,11 vb. XJTJTO n. xan i? n. piD vb. D'SXa prep. 2# X1?! n. pin vb. IB n. 1# bpv vb. nra vb. xpp'n n. 112b(35; HP 81:21) 112b(36) 112b(38) op: vb. yyi vb. xrpiix n. 112b(39) 112b(40) 112b(42) 112b(43) 112b(46) 112b(49) 112b(50) 112b(54) 112b(55) 112b(56) 112b(57; Es) 113a(3) 113a(7) 113a(8) xn'ris n. XBp adj. XJf'SB adj. XH311X n. xnsiix n. inWb adv. DBtf vb. inVx1? adv. xbvbm n. K!?p1pa n. XH311X n. xVp'roa n. 1# 'PIX vb. iy prep. i# 'n» vb. xrrro n. 1# ',1» vb. xn'bc; n. ion vb. xn'ris n. xrw n. D1SX prep. XJB'l n. xn'ris n. xaa'w n. xaa n. XJ'I '3 n. 1# '^ vb. xn'ris n. 113a(8; HP 82:8) 113a(10) 113a(ll) 113a(12) 113a(13) up: vb. iy prep. XJ'I n. nix vb. yip vb. XJP'T n. iria prep. XJP'T n. ma adv. 113a(15; HP 82:12) 113a(16) 113a(19) xrnix n. xn'ris n. n'3» adj.
Bava Qamma 1402 Babylonian Talmud 113a(21) IWn. 113a(21; F1) X3p XBi' n. 113a(21; HP 82:14) Vya vb. 113a(22) X3B XBI' n. tya vb. 113a(22; HP 82:14) ■?J7B vb. 113a(24) Xrotf T13 n. bya vb. 113a(25) TIBvb. 113a(26) n'psnSn. X^'l 13 n. nta n. x^in n. 113a(27) «]33vb. nxan n. 113a(27; HP 82:18) -nO'B n. 113a(34) XJ'In. xrnsVi? n. 113b (28) "naSprep. i# xipb n. 113b(28;EsF1H,Ar [AC 6:339],HP 88:6) ^33 prep. 113b(28;Es) Xani n. 113b(28; EsF'Hfcorr.], Ar [AC 6:339],HP 88:6) XT'1?? n. 113b (29) yVavb. Tff adj. 113b(29; HP 88:7 F'H) ^33 prep. 113b(30) K>|7Hn. 'HI vb. 113b(31) X3';38n. i# nVs vb. NJ?a# n. 113b(31;F1) X3j?'j;B adv. 113b(31; Ar [AC 6:65]) 1# rf70 vb. 113b(32) 2#XXlXn. X3B13 n. ran pron. •a n?^ prep. XO'ins n. XSlBp n. xntf'stf* n. 'jStf vb. 113b(33) l#pb0vb. 113b(36) Xntf'Jn. nsto vb. nsy vb. "?Dp vb. 113b(37) tiX'vb. DltfB prep. 113b(39) X3>Bn. xn'V» n. 113b(39;F1) X33 n. 113b(41) 'Bin. XrUB n. 1# mv vb. 113b(42;F:) xmtf'nx n. 113b (42) l#X13n. 113b (43) 2#XrHJn. I^n vb. say vb. 113b(43; EsAr [AC 2:105]) Xl'jUn. 113b (44) 3#nmvb. 1# XT'? n. 0"B vb. H3b(45) i#xnvnn. 2# 3ny vb. 113b(47) X^ adv. 113b(48) 'rxnto'nsn. 1# X13rj n. T10 vb. xnnnp n. 113b(48; HP 82:21) xnmno n. 113b(49) XjiaBn. pB3 vb. 114a(l) OlSXprep. 1# in num. XTID n. 114a(2) XnO'lBn. 114a(3) XriaiBn. i# -nv vb. 114a(3; HP 82:23) nixn '3 n. 114a(5) ]BM vb. 114a(7) TlOvb. 114a(10) l#xnX'Bn. 114a(13) (-)n'b part. 114a(14) XnXn. 1# XnX'B n. 1# jm vb. 114a(15) X031Xn. 114a(16) TV'vb. nana prep. 114a(27) l#H3adv. 114a(31) Bp3vb. 114a(32) 2#Xn'Jn. 114a(35) PX'vb. 114a(40) 30 adj. 114a(44) '38 pron. 114a(46) XJTjJn. 114a(51) xrnriBn. 114b(36) l#0"0vb. 114b(38; Es) nX33'pnp adj. 114b(47) 1,T3 pron. 114b(48) XBIfJn. 114b(54) mavb. 1# xVpp n.' 115a(l) -]lXvb. 115a(24) XB'W 333 vb. X313T n. 115a(25) l#'?TXvb. #'3 adj. XB'ay n. tbv vb. 1# 'ntf vb. 115a(27) xriW'3 n. 115a(27; HP 86:15) xnti'3 n. oons vb. 115a(28; HP 86:15) XJ11333 n. 115a(28; F1) i# xrnm n. 115a(30) nXBnum. 115a(35) l#XBnn. 115a(37) XjnnXnum. 115a(40) W73vb. ja'n vb. 115a(41) nxBh3 adj. HX31SD adj. 115a(43) xnan. 115a(44) HX31BS adj. 115a(45) xnD'pn. 115b(8) XTpSnn. '3T vb. 115b(39) xn'ann. 115b(40; F1) 2# 'Stf vb. 116a(10) xaVxconj. 116a(25) Dnivb. 116a(26) XflT^n. 1# bpv vb. 116a(27) l#XITliXn. xnnix n. I1? vb. 1# ■nt vb. 116a(28) 'BB vb. 116a(29) TTOadv. Dip vb. 116a(30) -bnaVconj. 116a(31) l#npSvb. xmn n. 116b(13) 2#xnann. 116b(14) l#nOBvb. 116b(24) lsxtyxn. 116b(26) 2#X»rnn. Bp3 vb. 116b(36) 1# Tin vb. 116b(40) 3Jl'vb. TO3 vb. 1403 Babylonian Talmud 116b (46) 116b (49) 116b(52) 116b(53) 116b(54) 117a(13) 117a(16) 117a(19) 117a(22) 117a(23) 117a(27) 117a(28) 1# V2V vb. 03X vb. xjnx n. "'j'n pron. i# xritp'n n. i# xn? n. ninx prep. 1# X03p n. TJO vb. 1103'? adv. xnaiy n. 'in vb. 'BB vb. i# xnry n. 1# '3 n. 'S3 vb. 117a(28; HP 85:16,Ar [AC 8:181]) 1# xri'ti n. 117a(29; HP 85:17) X333T1S n. 117a(32) X33Tl'3n. 'in vb. 117a(33) nip vb. X?ip n. (-)'Bp prep. bbp vb. 117a(36) nxjl'adj. XrVDbB n. 117a(36; HGP 18b:16) XBI n. 117a(37) pny vb. nxcns adj. 117a(38) 'tipvb. 117a(38; GTB2 201:14) 1# !?IK vb. 117a(38;Es) XtflTS n. 117a(39) xna'Xadv. X3TXn adv. 1# Tin vb. 2# xrp'na n. 117a(39; GTB2 201:15) 1# 'KB pron. 117a(39;F') 2# D"0 vb. 117a(42) 2#xri3'riBn. yy vb. X373P num. 117a(42;F') 1# xnn n. 117a(44) 'Xn'VDadv. 117a(46;Es) Xpnno'3 n. 117a(48) X3'33n. 'Vt vb. XS03n. 2# mo vb. 117a(48; GTB2 201:22) 'V3 vb. 117a(48; Es) X^rDB n. 117a(48; HGTB2 201:20) TOp vb. 117a(49) inxvb. 1# «^n vb. Viy vb. xns'ir; n. 117a(49; Ar [AC 6:423]) BIS vb. 117a(50) Bn3vb. Xj? part. i# mti vb. 117a(50; LPT 151:5) X3T1n. 117a(50;F') 'in vb. 117b(l;HEsF') 1# Tin vb. 117b(l) X33yn. l i7b(3) nm vb. 117b(4) 'VI vb. "n vb. X^lp n. 117b(6) 2#'SBvb. Dip vb. 117b(7) -Tconj. 1# 33W vb. 117b (8) fpn vb. 2# 'SB vb. xnyy n. 117b(8;Es) Dip vb. 117b(ll) X03BB n. 117b(12; GTB2 202:8) 117b(13) 117b(18) 117b(20) 117b(22) 117b(26) 117b(28) 117b(32) 117b(33) 117b (34) 117b(44) 117b (46) 117b(47) 118a(10) 118a(23) 118b(l) 118b(l; F1) 118b(3) 118b(4) 118b(6) 118b(8) 118b(24) 118b (25) 118b(39) 118b(41) 119a(3) 119a(6) 119a(13) 119a(18) 119a(21) 3fl' vb. K|1S3 n. 1# "?TX vb. 2# xani n. 'in vb. IpD vb. TBX adj. Xp3-|X n. X13B n. 1# p*70 vb. yas vb. 2# 'ba vb. 1# XT!3 n. 1# 1B> vb. XBW'B n. ran n. 1# '3T vb. xsns n. 1# "?3p vb. xnpm n. Bp3 vb. 1# X13'3 n. ,133 vb. tran n. 'in vb. xnn? n. 1# xVp n. i# 'an vb. '38 vb. J?ipT adj. 1# X0'3 n. 1# X0'3 n. 'T3 adj. E?'I13 adj. 1# X^ip n. x»nx n. XTO'3iy* n. "BS^ n. X^'H n. 'Vya adj. 1# bpV vb. Bava Mesia 19a(39) 19a(47) 19b(5) 19b(8) 19b(ll) 19b(12) 19b(23; Es) 19b(27) 19b(39) 19b(40) 19b(43; M) 19b(43) 19b(44) 19b(45) 19b(47) '»! "■ X^33 n. 1# XTW n. Q'Vx adj. TBp adj. 'Ba vb. i# xVsno n. xrjan n. XBB3 n. 1# XISp n. 2# XISp n. xns'p n. IX^1 adv. X3'Xq n. an adj. X13 adj. nsp vb. XriBn. Bava Mesia 2a(27) 2a(38) 2b(2) 2b(3) 2b(4) 2b(10) 2b(ll) 2b(12) 2b(18) 2b(30) 3a(24) 3a(26) 3a(31) 3a(34) 3a(45) 3a(52) 3b(2) 3b(3) 4a(35) 4a(42) Bp3 vb. 1# '13 adv. 1# 'Bl vb. non vb. XTB n. 3^0 vb. X3'1? part. XTlt n. -Jiyna prep. Bp3 vb. Xnn(l)D n. H33 vb. 2# xnnn n. (P'p'n 'Sconj. xnnnna n. 'X113 adv. P'n vb. yaz? vb. "I 'Xa pron. 133 vb. BBW vb. 2# yns vb. 1# 'n interj. H? Prep.
Bava Mesia 1404 Babylonian Talmud 4b(22) 4b(26) 4b(46; Es) 4b (47; Es) 5a(2) 5a(21) 5a(29) 5a(34) 5b(3) 5b(4) 5b(12) 5b(19) 5b (20) 5b(21) 5b (3 5) 5b(36; V22) 5b(37) 5b(38) 5b(46) 6a(3) 6a(16) 6a(20) 6a(21) 6a(22) 6a(31) 6a(32) 6a(32; RaH) 6a(34) 6a(36) 6a(38) 6b(l) 6b(4) 6b(16) 6b(19) 6b(20) 6b(21) 6b(22) ■TO prep. oiy vb. 303 vb. X113 n. "]1X vb. 3*?S vb. i# xrirn n. i# loa vb. *%1 n- i# nn vb. Vy prep. XIXP n. xaty n. 'X conj. yyi vb. XpW n. iem vb. xnyiotf n. 13'B prep. bbp vb. tfns vb. Xl,10 n. mo vb. '131 n. XJiyi3tf n. Khs vb. Kj? part. lioa1? adv. i# mix vb. 1# blX vb. 'OTn. i3x vb. Krrn^t? n. "|10 vb. X01TO n. 'S3 vb. ]W n. yo vb. '?n adv. Dip vb. x'pX conj. X31'n13 n. itoy vb. 6b(23) 6b(24) 6b(25) 6b(26) 7a(l) 7a(ll) 7a(12) 7a(18) 7a(21) 7a(24) 7a(28) 7a(29) 7a(30) 7a(36) 7a(37) 7a(38) 7a(45) 7b(3) 7b(25) 7b(26) 7b(27) 7b(36; Es) 7b(37) 7b(44) 7b(46) 8a(2) 8a(13) 8a(15) 8a(22) 8a(33) 1# X13 n. X',1 pron. 1XV adv. i# xrVpa n. 1# X13 n. 1# X13 n. JVX part. 1# 'KB pron. xi?iy n. WB vb. 13D vb. 1# X13 n. 'in vb. 2# xrrosi? n. X1110 n. pOB vb. 'yra '3 n. '33V prep- 31pB adj. 3*73 vb. i# xson n. psin n. xri'a adv. 1# XfllS n. lX^ adv. '"™ n. 'yra '3 n. 1# 'Xa pron. 1# '33 vb. '3'3 '3'3 adv. 3*73 vb. Xpltf n. '0? vb. ,133 vb. Xr'pn n. 8a(33; Geon 103:19 F1) 8a(34) 8a(36) 8a(42) 8a(43) 8b(12) 8b(16) 1# Xpn n. ,133 vb. 'b TVpb conj. oiy vb. 'in vb. 1SX vb. |3X pron. 8b(17) 8b(27) 8b(28) 8b(30) 8b(34) 8b(35) 9a(8) 9a(32) 9a(47) 9b(2) 9b(15) 9b(20) 9b(32) 10a(9) 10a(33) 10a(43) 10b(3) 10b(4) 10b(14) 10b(32) 10b(33) 10b(34) 10b(44) 10b(46) 10b(48) lla(33) lla(35) llb(5) 12a(l) 12b(2) 12b(3) 12b(18) 12b(43) 12b(48) 13a(6) X13'X adv. 130 vb. i# ioa vb. 1# 'jp vb. X3113 n. TT» adj. 2# 3iy vb. Xri'13 n. isy vb. b'l adj. m: vb. m: vb. lJ'B prep. 2# '"?3 vb. X310 n. 'x: vb. i# ':p vb. 133 prep. warn n. i?n vb. pm vb. X31»n 13 n. i# xrns n. X31V! 13 n. 3# 1P3 vb. 'X conj. lxV adv. Xlin pron. 'J13X adv. "13 prep. 1# '31 vb. 13X vb. 1# X13 n. Vpb vb. Vpb vb. xaix n. X1113 n. 'Sp vb. 'in 13 n. 1# '33 vb. 'isytfa n. y'l adj. 13ytf vb. 1 13a(ll) 13a(21) 13b(23) 13b (25) 14a(16) 14a(21) 14a(26) 14a(29) 14b (2) 14b(3) 14b(ll) 14b(12) 14b (20) 14b(24) 15a(13) 15a(16) 15a(19; F1) 15a(19) 15a(20) 15a(32) 15a(32; Es) 15a(33) 15a(34) 15a(38) 15b(4) 15b(ll) 15b(12) 15b(13) 15b(21) 15b(22) 15b(32) 15b(37) 15b(49) 2# 'Ip vb. yyi vb. 'Da vb. 'isytfa n. 1,13'3 pron. '133 adv. xabw n. 1# «]1D vb. i# nn vb. i# xn"n n. 1# "?3p vb. XlXa '3 n. tfn vb. in vb. ]'X part. X;>adv. '31 vb. 'in 13 n. pnv vb. 1# *pD vb. xario n. XpOS n. 2# "pa vb. X13W n. 2# xrotf n. 1# '31 vb. Dip vb. 3# 'DP vb. pia vb. xbay n. 2# xrntf n. |31 pron. yo vb. Xliy'E/ n. XflOT adv. 1# X1'13 n. poy vb. 100 vb. 3*73 vb. ,1X1013 adj. X3X pron. i# Jim vb. rj'3 adj. Babylonian Talmud 1405 Bava Mesia 1# 'ip vb. 15b(50) Xnua'Hn. Dip vb. 16a(2) XTOa'nn. 16a(5) N3Vl3n. 16a(14) "?33vb. 16a(15) 1# X3in n. 16a(17) XJHXn. 16a(19) 2#yiDvb. 16a(24) iy prep. i6a(25) xraa'n n. 16a(26) K?371X n. 'Ba vb. iy prep. 16a(28) XntlOX n. 16a(28; TGHark 161:4) xnnox n. 16a(29) 1# '3p vb. 16a(30) 1# XSOn n. 16a(32) 183 vb. 16a(37) Xn interj. 16a(39) TOO vb. 16a(50; TGAs33 235b:8) 1# 'XB pron. 16b(20) 1# X13 n. 101 vb. T13 vb. 16b (21) xrnpx n. Xpltf n. 1# notf vb. 16b(25; F'.OHTib. 37:15, TGHark 216:5) xno'rn n. 16b (27) xaw n. 16b (28) X3X pron. XITV n. i6b(29) i# nn vb. ,1X3711,13 adj. xaw n. 16b(31) lOSvb. 16b(36) Xtf'lB adv. 16b(39) yip vb. 16b (40) OBtf vb. 16b(41) '33 prep. 1# X1S0 n. 2# XB'tfS n. 16b(42) 1# 111 vb. 16b(44) p33,l n. 16b(52; OHTib. 37:15) xrpnx n. 17a(7) 3"7Svb. 17a(14) l"y vb. 17a(15) X3'l n. 17a(19) 3rO vb. 17a(20) X^pX'X n. xriVo n. xrnino n. 2# xriV'a n. 17a(20; HP 78:17) xVpX'X n. 17a(21) XriSiriS n. 17a(39) Xinai' adv. 17a(40) Xa"?X adv. 17a(41) SOT n. xai' n. n'OW adj. 17a(45) IDS vb. 17b(2) XT n. 17b(5) 1# XSOn n. 17b (9) Dp3 vb. 18a(14) XD'3 n. yip vb. 18a(15) 303 vb. 18a(16) 33X prep. 18a(17) XD'Jn. |31 pron. 18a(18) x'j'X conj. 18a(33) XJ1B n. Vy prep. O'Ol n. Xl'ltf n. 18b(l) Xl'lWn. 18b(3) pllvb. 18b(8) X3fl'3 n. 18b(ll) XflT^ n. 18b(12) XJfl'On. 18b(13) 18b(24) 18b(25) 18b(30) 18b(41) 18b(46) 19a(7) 19a(13) 19a(28) 19a(33) 19b(4) 19b(8) 19b(9) 19b(19) 19b(21) 19b(28) 19b(34) 19b(39) 19b(41) 19b(49) 20a(l) 20a(22) 20b(2) 20b(4) 20b(6) 20b(7) 20b(ll) 20b(18) 20b(20) 20b(23) 20b(25) 20b(28) 20b(32) 1# xri"13 n. xri'3ria n. 3# pur; vb. D'^X adj. 3# pIV vb. 1# '01 vb. 'X conj. tf'3'X n. pD3 vb. ib adv. (-)'apa prep. ]3y vb. Dip vb. 2# 1TO vb. xicre; n. XHp adj. X3ra n. X3J13 n. Dip vb. Xira adj. i# im vb. X3113 n. xriaino n. ri'X part. xruyp n. xniix n. PS3 vb. fy vb. Bl^D vb. xnx n. i# yps vb. •rb awn prep. Xp'Vo n. 30 adj. ■J10 vb. 2# X^3'B n. '33 prep. Dip vb. 1# X1DO n. xai'p n. 1# MW vb. XT n. l# Xiso n. 21a(12) 21a(26) 21a(27) 21a(28; F1) 21a(28; V22) 21a(34; V22) 21a(35) 21b(5) 21b(7) 21b(17) 1# '81 vb yyi vb iVpX conj TX3 adj xni'p n XriW33B n tf'S3 adj xni'p n 'T1? prep. XJB'O n. '"!1'? n. XriK/33B n. 21b(17; Ar [AC 4:264]) 2# Xflip'33 n. 21b(25) 21b(25; Es) 21b(27) XlpV n. TjT adj. Xni3'»n n. i# vmn vb. 21b(28) 21b(36) 21b(37) 21b(38) 21b(39) 21b(40) 21b(41) 33X prep. 1# "?!X vb. 30 adj. 1J13 prep. mSp) n. WX' vb. xnsn n. 13,1 pron. Dp1? vb. 21b(47) l#K;BBBvb. 21b(48) 21b(52; V23) 1H3 vb. XDiO n. »'3'X lff'3'X n. 22a(4) 22a(14) 22a(38) 22a (40) 22a(44; Es) 22b(6) 22b(15) 22b(16) 22b(22) 22b(24) xne/n adv. k;k' vb. XB'IX n. X3TO13 n. 'Xax conj. XrilD'Op n. 1# 'ip vb. xt'an n. 1'3 prep. 1# Xp'l n. »X' vb.
Bava Mesia 1406 Babylonian Talmud 22b(25) XJ3 n. 22b (27) X/D13 n. 22b(34) xnyatf n. 22b(42) Xp part. 23a(l) on vb. 23a(3) ,T3J adj. IV? conj. 23a(6) 'fiVl vb. 23a(7) TjT adj. 23a(8) «]ntiJ vb. 23a(l 1) ti'J'X tf'J'X n. 23a(49) XITI3X n. 11 interj. 23b (2) 1# XlD'p n. 23b(2; Es) KTJS n. 23b(10; Rashi) Xtyia n. 23b(ll; Ar[AC 1:62]) 2# XJS1 n. 23b(ll;Es) XpBl n. 23b(12; Ar [AC 1:62]) XBtSX n. 23b(16) XpDSn. 23b(17) KJip n. 23b(30) 1# bpti vb. 23b(36) 1# xripi n. 23b(43) 2# X1S13 n. 23b (43; Es) xrnxya 'a n. 23b(45) 1# Don vb. 23b (48) 3#XSl7'nn. mp vb. 23b(53) 1# Tin vb. xrnyats n. 23b(54) Dip vb. 23b(56) Xlia'l n. xrpoa n. i# 'j# vb. 24a(l) 1# xrsehx n. 24a(2) xrnax n. 24a(5) ajJ vb. Ton adj. 24a(6) an '3 13 n. XS03n. 24a(7) 24a(7; Es) 24a(8) 24a(16; V22) 24a(36) 24b(15) 24b(20) 24b(23) 24b(28) 24b(29) 24b(31) 24b(34) 24b(35) 24b(48) 25a(14) 25a(15) 25a(19) 25a(21) 25a(27) 25a(32) 25a(39) 25a(39; Es) 25a(40) 25a(41;F') 25a(41) 25a(41; F1) 25a(43) 25a(45) 25b(16) 25b(17) 25b(24) 1# XTJrj n. 133 vb. 'tfa vb. 3JJ vb. 1# 1DX vb. 1# 'Xil pron. xaio n. 1# "?TK vb. xrio n. 11X vb. 130 vb. Xpltf n. i# Vpc; vb. xisia n. xrw n. ,1XT7'J n. 1W n- XpW n. VI n. xrij'x n. i# n# vb. 2# "?TK vb. X113'p n. i# xaia n. XJXn. 1# XSX n. (-)'SX1? prep. 1# Tin vb. nx^ija adj. 2# «|to vb. XJJ'Xa adj. nxV'y adj. rt'1-1 adj. mi vb. iaa vb. nu vb. i# 'an vb. in^iw vb. 2# Xy3't? n. DPS vb. y:x vb. an' vb. y:x vb. 25b(31) plans n. 1# X313 n. 1# X03 n. xrsp n. 25b(45) yjX vb. 26a(l; HAr [AC 8:183]) "\jy& vb. 26a(3) ira prep. 1# XO'3 n. XJ'30 n. xnpn. 26a(4) XXW n. 26a(6) Tib adv. XTlp n. XXJtf n. 26a(6; V22) 1XJ1? adv. 26a(7) X111X n. X3M n. 26a (9) ysv vb. 26a(10) TStfvb. 26a(12) X1J13 adj. 26a(18; M) xap xap adv. 26a(27) Kin pron. 26a(30) 1# Tin vb. "IB prep. 26b(7) Dpj vb. 26b(l 6) 1,13'J pron. xsriw n. 26b(17) '3? prep, ^jn pron. 2# bbn vb. xrija n. 26b(28) 1# xri'3 n. 26b(31) 'jaiXvb. x'paix n. 27a(5) '00 vb. 27a(27) )2311 adj. 27a(41) "ID1? prep. 27b (9) 2# '13 adv. 27b(17) 1# ij'-ix adj. f|j adj. 27b (18) ronvb. 27b(20) XS31X n. 27b(21;V22) 3p0 vb. 27b(28) XSl'I n. 1# Ti'rl n. cma vb. paiO n. bxV vb. 27b(28;F') ]aO vb. 27b(37) 1BX vb. 27b(42) xaty (Hl'VlS n. 27b(44) rj'J adj. 28a(22) l# Ti'n n. paw n. 28a(23; Es) 2# "1 )Xa bl pron. 28a(38) -3 prep. 'in vb. XB»' n. 2# 'JO vb. 28a(38; V22) 2# 713X n. 28a(43) 'y3 vb. ra vb. 28a(44) ]"y vb. 28b(i0) xaVa n. 28b(ll) XpjlXn. 28b(l 1; Es) H«n. 28b(ll; HF1!) i# oon vb. 28b(i l) nxaii n. 28b(12; RaH) i# oon vb. 28b(12) IX* adv. 28b(13) Xrnax n. ~b prep, nxois adj. 28b(20) xrnax n. 28b(26) -bTl prep. 28b(31) 031 vb. 28b(32) nxan n. 28b(34) m pron. nxan n. 28b(35; Es) xriain n. 28b(47) X'^yi n. Babylonian Talmud 1407 Bava Mesia 28b(48) 29a(18) 29b(10) 29b(18) 29b(42) 29b (43) 29b(43; F1) 29b(45) 29b(45; 29b(46) 29b (48) 29b (49) 29b(49; Es) 30a(l) 30a(12) 30a(13) 30a(44) 30b(5) 3Ob(8) 30b(16; Es) 30b(17) 30b(18) 30b(21) 30b(39) 1B1I adj. xap's n. VttV vb. piV vb. 1# X13 n. 1# XltJin n. xiay n. XJfl'3 n. 2# X«hn n. 1# X03 n. 1# XlltfS n. *73X conj. 1# fllX vb. Ar [AC ib.]) 1# 'IS vb. xa'x n. XJfl'3 n. nxaii n. i# ivn n. Xri'JII n. XT03 n. ''jp vb. Oltra prep. vix vb. am vb. 2# X*?p n. N3T1 n. xnsix n. X3J1S n. 'Vl vb. '31 vb. 1# TpS vb. x:'i n. 30b(40; Ar [AC 5:79']) 3 Ob (40) 30b(51) 30b(51; Es) 30b(52) 31a(10) '3 interj. xno'ja n. i# in num. 1# XjW? n. xriytf n. XrQOT n. xriaip n. i# 'ai vb. yo vb. 31a(12) 31a(26) 31a(28) 31a(33) 31a(39) 31a(50) 31a(51) 31b(36) 31b(37) 32a(l) 32a(2) 32a(5) 32a(6) 32a(29) 32a(40) 32a(44) 32a(51) 32a(52) 32b(9) 32b(10) 32b(43) 32b(44) 33a(7) 33a(13) 33a(33) 33a(37) 33b(2) 33b(28) 33b(33; F 33b(46) 34a(l) 34a(10) 34a(14) 34a(26) "|1X vb. xni'an n. 1# XSX n. X131 n. apo vb. no: vb. 2# D"0 vb. 'X conj. "ft pron. N7^? n- 'Tin pron. 'BJ adv. iJ'a prep. XJB adv. xjiaa n. pDJ vb. ]n: vb. xrrra "hi v.n. 'XTJX adv. nix vb. J11X vb. 2# D"0 vb. xjiyt: n. i# 'ai vb. *D3 vb. Xp part. XpW n. "1 'Xa pron. XpOS n. W'J'K B'J'K n. 1J13 prep. ym vb. xiap n. 130 vb. 11X vb. xri'jna n. 1# 'jp vb. ') XVS3 n. ''jp vb. 3JJ vb. XaVj??? adv. x;»ip n. xVD3 n. 34a(29) 34a(34) 34a(43) 34a(45) 34a(48) 34b(l) 34b(6) 34b(8) 34b(10) 34b(32) 34b(35) 35a(4) 35a(8) 35a(24) 35a(28) 35a(31) 35a(31; F 35a(32) 35a(33) 35a(34) 35a(35) 35a(36) 35a(37) 35a(39) 35a(42) 35a(43) 3 5b (7) 35b(8) 35b(10) 35b(24) 35b(37) 36a(10) IDS vb. XV'DD n. O'Vx adj. Drin adv. Kplll n. 'lin pron. ina pron. 'm vb. Dip vb. xb'sa n. Xri'^J n. 13J? vb. i# xax n. X^'SD n. X^'nx pron. XSiO n. 'nx vb. pSJ vb. V?y vb. 10M vb. Dip vb. X3V1 adv. i# nnj vb. ) 3# XS'3 n. xriir^s n. xnsx n. 3# XS'3 n. 3# XS'3 n. (Tap prep. Xj?TB n. TS2> adj. xaitf n. nxyiinj adj. ni' vb. i# nna vb. na'K adv. XSIO'3 n. xnpinx n. xnrax n. UX vb. bXV vb. xriiTDK; n. am vb. 36a(34) 36a(37) 36a(38) 36a(39) 36a(40) 36a(41) 36a(45) 36b(10) 36b(ll) 36b(18; F1 36b(23) 36b(24) 36b(25) 36b(26) 36b(31) 36b(42; Ar 37a(28) 37a(41) 37a(42) 37b(3) 37b(23) 37b(34) 38a(24) 38a(28) 38a(37) 38a(57) 38b(l) 38b(l; Es) 3 8b (2) 3 8b (24) 38b(36) 38b(38) 38b(39) 39a(6) 39a(20) ■by vb. nXJ'J n. 1# Xia n. ips vb. xblV',1 n. 3JJ vb. 30 adj. riJX pron. iJ'Xn pron. xVsn n. *7Dp vb. na pron. 1# Xri'3 n. XJX31X n. X3n adv. [AC ib.]) XJX31X n. xripm n. WX pron. XD1J n. ISp vb. pI\V vb. XriJl1?? 13 n. Tj pron. XB1?!;? adv. XBI1J n. X^a'D n. "7 conj. Dip vb. X^'J n. XB'JID n. 'b prep. nxTTJ n. 1# X^BJ n. xayo n. QVB vb. i# xpna n. bby vb. 1# xVs n. 3# XDlp n. V73 adv. 2# mil vb. 103 vb.
Bava Mesia 1408 Babylonian Talmud 39a(27) XJH3 n. nana prep. 39a(34) NHpM n. 39b(2) XB'Xn XI1X n. 39b(3) 1# XJTa n. 39b(5; V22) xnD'X n. nay vb. 39b(6) 1# '3B> vb. 39b(8) xnD'X n. 39b(9) 3D adj. 39b(10) ',TX pron. 1# Xnna n. 'in vb. 1# in num. mb? vb. 39b(ii) i# xnna n. 39b(ll; HP 73:15) IB prep. 39b(12) pan; vb. 39b(13) xnmt n. XT n. 39b(15) xpir n. 39b(18) XSinp'SX n. 39b(23) n,TX pron. Xpri n. 3 9b (24) xpjn n. Dip vb. 39b(28) &B vb. 39b(32) xVTX n. 39b(33) B?'}'X n. "1 conj. 2# '3D vb. 39b(34) DVx adj. 39b(36) 1# ]n vb. 39b(37) D^X adj. i# xnan n. 110 adv. 39b(39) nno vb. 39b(40) xjnpia n. XO'Tffl n. 3 9b (40; Es) br\V vb. 40a(2) 'an vb. 40a(3) W?J vb. 2# V?n vb. i# xrfra n. 40a(4) CPapV prep. 1313 vb. 40a(6) (Tap1? prep. 40a(21) Tonvb. 40a(35) 2# pDO vb. 40a(41) 2# Kn^S n. 'JBSIB? n. 1# "7pB> vb. 40a(45) XXX'X n. "1 conj. N13 n. 1# ypS vb. 40a(50) xnnx n. 40a(51) 'snvb. 2# Xnsi3 n. 40a(51;F') fSO vb. 40a(51;Es) 1# XTj? n. 40a(52) Xntf'ru n. yxa vb. 1# 'm vb. 40a(53) 1# Xjn n. xiis n. 2# DID vb. 40b(l) Ml vb. 40b(2) xniriB? num. 40b(4) 1# XS^IJ n. 40b(4; EsF'Ar [AC 8:35]) m» n. 40b(5; EsH!) Xmna n. 40b(16; F1) 2# my vb. 40b(20) n'3 adj. bvt adj. 40b(21) 2#V?nvb. 40b(37) p? vb. 40b(41) 'Ops n. 41a(3) 'ya vb. 41a(14) ta' vb. 4la(l5) xninpa 'a n. 41a(39) IX1? adv. 41b(8) NT pron. 41b(12) xV'83 n. xjnp n. 42a(29) 1# MB? vb. 42a(30) nap vb. 42a(31) Krfrnxn. XJTXri adv. XM pron. 'b prep. 42a(32) nXB?iB?J n. nxains n. 42a(32; F1) xnamx* n. 42a(34) xmSB n. 42a(39) '03 vb. i# xry n. 42a(40) x:amx n. MA prep. i# xnan n. XSMX n. 42a(41) T^yVprep. xnu n. XfflTt?: n. 42a(43) xmy'B?S n. 42a(45) XJ1T n. 42a(46) xniyTO n. 42a(47) 3H vb. an' vb. nps vb. □be? vb. 42a(47; HP 83:15) xnnwip n. 42a(48; HP 83:15) nax vb. 42b(2.) D°?B? vb. 42b(5) nnt vb. 'SD adj. 42b(6) M'X pron. 42b(7) yaB? vb. 42b(8; Es) Xri'Vpnp n. 42b(9) XDinp'SX n. DTI' adj. 42b(i0) 2# xnpa n. 'M vb. 1# X33 n. X3'B? n. 42b (11) pi vb. XJM n. 42b (12) M'Mn. 42b(13) 2# xnp? n. i# noa vb. 42b(15) l#X^>31Nn. oip vb. 42b(16) 2#xnpan. 42b(17) 'Xconj. T'y vb. Xl'DS n. 42b(23) 2# XT0SO n. 42b(24) 2# Xnpa n. 42b(26) X711B?3 n. 42b (27) 1# XM3 n. x;pnp n. i# 'an vb. 42b(33) xnyi n. rn adj. 42b(35) 'BhB? vb. 42b(36) 2# xVn n. Xn3B> n. 42b(36; HAr [AC 4:270]) 'D'D n. 43a(l) 'O'Dn. 43a(21) Km n. 43a(33) xn'an n. 43a(37) n'X part. '3'ya prep. 43a(41) am vb. 43 a (43) IB? vb. 43b(14) XMS n. 43b(35) 1# '3 conj. 43b(41) 1# mn vb. 44a(22) Xp:iX n. XfflTM n. 44a(43) Ttin adj. 44b(l) xarn n. 1'nn adj. 2# X5?3'p n. XD03 n. 1# XT9 n. I 44b(6) 2# XBMJ n. Babylonian Talmud 44b(7) 44b(8) 44b (9) 44b (10) 44b(ll) 44b(ll; 44b(12) 44b(14; 44b(16) 44b(17) 44b(19) 44b(30) 44b (31) 44b(36) 44b(38) 44b(38; 44b(42) 44b(51) 45a(4) 45a(7) 45a(9) 45a(17) 45a(33) 45b(l) 45b(4) 45b(5) 45b(15) 45b(16) 45b(23) 46a(4) 46a(8) 46a(9) 46a(14) 46a(26) 46b(25) 'ajV prep. 3'B?n adj. 2# X^a'D n. 1"in adj. 'JO adj. F1) xnpms* n. 'Sp adj. F'V22) It'vb. injl n. 2# xya'P n. 'in vb. nys? vb. Vl adj. nys? vb. 2# XJ?a'D n. 2# K?3'P n. HTGHark 46:5) i# bbn vb. 2# X^a'D n. i# bbn vb. 1# 1KB pron. nax vb. Tp? adj. 1'nn adj. x:©'1? n. xnpms* n. i# V?n vb. XJ1T n. i# '"?a vb. 1# pVD vb. apn vb. nay vb. xnnix n. bm vb. MTJ pron. nxnai: adj. 2# VD3 vb. nxV'pny adj. XS10X n. O'SX1? prep. 2# xya'p n. DH£?a prep. Xnj'lX n. 46b(28) 46b(29) 46b(31) 47a(16) 47a(19) 47a(26) 47a(27) 47a(28) 47a(32) 47a(40) 47a(53) 47b(l; EsF1 47b(6) 47b(7) 47b(14) 47b(19) 47b(32) 48a(12) 48a(28) 48a(34) 48a(39) 48a(42) 48a(45; F1) 48b(3) 48b(9) 48b(14; F1) 1409 xnrn n. XpX'3 n. xna n. 2# X!?a'p n. x'onnsa adv. xj/rxa adv. ':dsib? n. wby n. i# -\m vb. n'3B> adj. na n. WX pron. nai vb. l# XD^B n. nB>3 adj. xjxa n. 1# 'Jp vb. xpma n. nax vb. xpma n. £hS vb. 2# Xp'j'lS n. ^x: vb. yo vb. XV adv. xny:'»p n. i# mn vb. 1# -|t£?a vb. 'K?p adj. 2# pna vb. yn' vb. 1# XnV'B n. mob n. 48b(45; EsH) 49a(l) 49a(2) 49a(12) 49a(13) 49a(14) 49a(15) 2# pns vb. 13 interj. an' vb. 13 interj. an' vb. np' vb. Xjn'3 n. "1 'Xa pron. opa vb. 49a(42) 49a(48) 49a(49) an' vb. xara? n. x^Vn n. "?ya vb. X^S n. 1# '3t> vb. 49a(49; HP 84:5) 49a(50) 49b(2; F1) 49b(20) 50a(4) 50b(25) 51a(5) 51a(6) 51a(8) 51a(12) 51a(14) 51a(16) 51a(20) 51a(22; Ar 51a(23; Es) 51a(29) 51a(30) 51a(31) 51a(34) 51a(38) 51a(43) 51a(49) 51b(27; F1) 52a(10) 52a(14) M,nax prep. xaiffaiir? n. -|t?n vb. xb'sm n. nn'rx'? adv. ri'3t> adj. XJST'S^IX n. 'yo vb. rrair? adj. a'sy, adj. 1# MB? vb. X3B?ni n. Bp: vb. XJM n. 3# XS'3 n. mm vb. AC ib.]) i# xnn? n. TIT adj. xnraj n. Dip vb. nnr vb. i# nax vb. pi vb. 'aj prep. xrai n. 2# Vm vb. '3D pron. B>nD vb. T'B? vb. yn' vb. X';inn? n. xna adj. X3J n. xpn? n. p'B?y adj. 52a(31) 52b(5) 52b(6) 52b (18) 52b(20) 52b(35) 52b(35; 52b (40; 1 52b(41) 52b(45) 53a(10) 53a(20) 53a(21) 53a(24) Bava Mesia 'IB? adj. -mix aax prep. i# xrinis n. nns vb. XJO'T n. XE?rX n. Dip vb. iia prep. Dip vb. \r [AC 7:71]) Mp vb. V22) y?T vb. y?t vb. xVl!1?? n. V?T vb. 1# X^lp n. 1# ^n vb. mm pron. i# ins vb. 53a(44; M) mm pron. 53b(8) 53b(10) 53b (22) 53b(23) 53b(36) 54a(7) 54a(10) 54a(17) 54b(15) 54b(18) 54b (27) 55a(7) 55a(37) 55a(46) 55a(51) 55a(54) 56a(26) 56a(30) 56b(40) pns vb. 1# '3 conj. vbp vb. B'jp vb. XB?Bin num. na1?!? adv. 1'jVa adv. naVa adv. V}1?!? adv. aay vb. (-)n^ part. XB?ain num. 11 conj. 1# MB? vb. 1# 'Xa pron. 'ai vb. xri':ria n. 'ra '5'a adv. 1# MX vb. x:np n. Taq adj. 2# '3B? vb. 1# MB? vb.
Bava Mesia 1410 Babylonian Talmud 56b(42) X^X conj 56b(50) W1C? vb. 56b(52) JHT vb. ixn vb. 56b(53) tpn vb. 57a(l) Dp: vb. 57a(2) X}3 n. 57a(30) ri'X part. 57b(13) XVW n. PBJ vb. 58a(ll) DVtfvb. 58a(12) 103 vb. 58a(41) X','1?'S1?? adv. 58b(l) 1BX vb. 58b(4) Dyo vb. 58b(47) TStf adj. 58b(48) patt) n. 58b(49) 1# XSX n. inn vb. 58b(52) 1# tfjft vb. U'VI pron. 59a(30) XIUTX n. pj adj. 59a(31) jnjvb. 59a(32) xaty n. 59a(47) m3 n. Dpj vb. 59a(48; EsAr [AC 7:220]) Dpi vb. 59a(56) ip' vb. (])'3'n '3 conj. 1W vb. 59b(26) ]m vb. 59b(41) TO n. 1# -JV?'! n. X5J7T n. xa?n. rru vb. patf vb. 59b(42) l# XSX n. I'jn vb. ■?SJ vb. Xm' tf'1 n. . 59b(43) 59b(50) 59b(51) 59b(51; V 59b(51; F 60a(15) 60a(31) 60a(31;F' 60a(32; F1 60a(40) 60a(41) 60b(l; F1) 60b(6) 60b(8) 60b(8; Es) 60b(9) 60b(10) 60b(ll) 60b(ll;F') 60b(12) 60b(15) 60b(16) 60b(17) 60b(20) 60b(21) 60b(22) X^IX n. W adj. XflS'l n. XllS'tf n. Xfp'T n. i# xrvrs n. «]pt vb. 22) xprvn n. H) iptvb. X1J> pron. jia vb. ) xriun n. jta vb. ) 0'03 adj. jia vb. J'ta adj. xtiaax n. XJX pron. lbs vb. i# xppi? n. mn vb. xmm x'a n. xnspia n. x;an. xi?m x'a n. i# xbs-ip n. 1# 003 vb. xarp n. 1# XTJ n. oVx vb. ppl vb. i# xtjx n. 1# xVip"! n. mn adj. P'TO adj. jnx vb. XJp'7 n. ■nm vb. 1# 'ptf vb. XJp"I n. lxV adv. tf'ISp adj. XPM n. 60b(32) 60b(33) 60b(36) 60b(48) 61a(38) 62a(l) 62a(13) 62a(30) 62a(32) 62a(34) 62a(46) 62a(51) 62b(36) 62b(45) 63b(13) 63b(14) 63b(16) 63b(17) 63b(18; F1) 63b (19) 63b(20) 63b(29) 63b(30) 63b(31) 63b(31; HP 63b(33) 63b(34) 63b(38) 63b(38; M) i# ■np vb mi vb. Xj7« n. «]T' vb. 1# bpv vb. Xp« n. xnvn n. 'bp vb. X'TO adv. "n vb. Dy prep. -] 'TTX conj. X^|a adv. Dip vb. jnp vb. "I 'xa pron. xVV? n. xrv?: n. XJ1T n. nrtft? prep. 1# XTWi n. xrna'D n. i# ntf vb. 1# *?p» vb. i# xriB'n n. X3^3 n. mp vb. 2# XT0S0 n. XT1T n. XrilTDSD n. «pn adj. '11'? n. xrvan n. i# xnjx n. nBJ vb. nXTp n. 1 50:18) V?y vb. (-)rvb part. 'XTOX n. 11' vb. 2# XB'tfS n. «)T' vb. 63b(39) 'SB adj. 64a(l;Es) XWiavi n. 64a(l;V22) XJTll&'J? n. 64a(2) En'X n. 64a(3) "?n vb. 64a (6) 1# bpv vb. 64a(8) yVa vb. 64a(9) xpTB n. 'nV'tf n. 64a(10) 4#X1pn. 64a(13) nxj'S n. 4# Xnp n. 64a(14) 1# X13 n. xnil n. 64a(15) Xl'anj n. 64a(16) 1#'IT vb. 64a(32) 1# 'n interj. 64a(33) X)T3n n. 1p' vb. 64a(34) tf>t vb. 64b(2) Xlpr n. 1# *?3p vb. 64b(2; EsF1) X^ll n. 64b(12) 1# X1JX n. 64b(22) 1# X-J3J? n. 64b(25) XO-13 n. 64b(27) 1# X13J7 n. 1# ip-\ vb. 65a(l) '10 vb. 65a(3) 1# p*?o vb. 65a(8) xri'3'1 n. 65a(9) 1# *?TX vb. XJJ3-1X num. 1# Xl'IJ n. XI1T n. i# xnr$o n. 65a(ll) pSJ vb. 65a(13) 'T1? prep. xn'3'1 n. 65a(16) 1# '3 conj. 65a(19) '03 vb. Xn'3'1 n. 65a(21) UXvb. Babylonian Talmud 1411 Bava Mesia 65a(25) 'tfTO vb. 65a(27) UX vb. 1# "73p vb. 65a(43) IB: vb. 65a(47) 1# XBhB n. 65a(49) fxp vb. 65a(50) Xin pron. IDS vb. 65a(51) 'in vb. ia n. 65a(53) 1# X2hB n. Xlp V n. (Tap1? prep. 65a(54) 1# X03I3 n. Dpi vb. piV vb. X]7TO n. 65b(16) 65b (3 8) 65b (40) 66a(l) 66a(3) 66a(ll) 66a(12) 1# X^IB n. 1# '35? vb. -fijn? prep. 3'XJJ; adj. 'Va 'aiss n. 'V'a 'aies n. yia 3'3» n. n:x vb. XD'J n. 3713 vb. 1JJ vb. 66a(12; F1) 111 vb. 66a(13) 66a(14) 66a(16) 66a(18) 66a(24) 66a(25) 66a(26) 66a(28) 66a(32) Dip vb. 'V'a 'aies n. 1# 'TO vb. "1 XlljnX prep. XS1J n. nai vb. y-\p vb. xrn^a tin n. 'in vb. pTfl n. xrpapx n. X^> adv. 1# '3p vb. 66b(3) 66b(4) 66b(7) 66b(ll) 66b(13) 66b(14) 66b(15) 66b(16) 66b(16; V 66b(18) 66b(23) 66b(31) 66b(34) 66b(36) 66b(44) 66b(48) 66b(54) 67a(2) 67a(10) 67a(ll) 67a(12) 67a(13) 67a(14) 67a(22) 67a(25) 67a(26) 67a(29) 67a(30) 67a(92) 67b(2) 67b(3) 67b(4) 67b(5) 67b(7) xa?>n. xVs prep. Xja'T n. "ira1? prep. 1# 'Jp vb. TO vb. ■|sn vb. nss vb. xins n. ■top vb. •22) -|ao vb. y?i vb. xr?3!5 n. 1# '3J vb. xpi'3 n. xt»a n. 1# '3 conj. Dip vb. i# mn vb. mv vb. pn vb. rn adj. xriri'x n. |3T vb. 3"lp adj. rilX pron. 2# X1?™ n. xn:?»a n. Yip vb. 135? vb. "i (xinrix conj. a»n vb. 2# xVn: n. 2# 'Xri pron. XfUSfa n. 1# "73X vb. XIV?? n. 1# p^O vb. 13 interj. xn:?©a n. xnirp n. 1# 'TO vb. XfflS'j? n. 67b(9) XIllS'p n. 67b(10) l#]X3adv. ova vb. 67b(12) xrv?: n. 67b(13) XJ1'?3 n. 67b(14; HG2 404:47) 67b(17) 67b(18) 67b(25) 67b(26) 67b(27) 67b(29) 67b(30) 67b(40) Dip vb. o'TO'B v.n. XT pron. 1# p>"?D vb. xni3 n. H3J vb. 1# XJO'O n. 1# •'ip vb. 1# XJO'O n. 1# pbo vb. XIV?} n. 68a(5) 68a(9) 68a(10) 68a(ll;F') 68a(ll) 68a(12) 68a(13) 68a(19) 68a(20) 68a(21) 68a(30) 68b(3) 68b(4) 68b(24) 68b(40) 68b(43) 68b(44) 68b(47) 1# XWTO n. xriis^a n. xarra n. xn»iya n. 1# XJTTO n. xns'a ia n. 1# X^IB n. nxjiina adj. KT3n n. 1# X^lB n. nxinj adj. HXllSS adj. IpT vb. xrip n. XT3n n. ptfa vb. nsn vb. xsio n. 1# 'JO vb. XriTD n. '31'OJ n. 1# IpD vb. pSJ vb. 3113 vb. 1# X13X n. XT0SH n. U1?? n. 69a(13) xbj'J? n. xap's n. x»n n. 69a(13; EsF1) xaiDS n. 69a(18) ^35 vb. 69a(19) XW'IX n. 69a(20) DBS vb. 69a(21) llVsn. 69a(22) xri'^X n. intf vb. 69a(26) 1# XnniS n. 69a(27) XSnil» n. 69a(28) Xffi'lX n. xna n. 69a(29) -nyv vb. 69a(29; V22) X'^T n. 69a(43) HXI113 n. 69b(l) 3D adj. 69b(l; F'Geon 360:10) Ton adj. 69b(3) D'03 adj. 69b(6) UX vb. 69b(7) 2# 'V3 vb. 2# XB'»S n. 69b(9) 1# Xlins n. 69b(i2) x;:Vs n. 69b(17) XJJX n. 1# XTp n. nxrp n. 69b(19) xn'3'1 n. 69b(36; EsGeon 361:8) 313 vb. 69b(36; V22) XB11S n. 69b(38; Es) X'lpO'X n. 69b(39) 1# X11X n. 1# X11S n. 69b(46) 1# X13D n. 70a(l) X1D13 '13 n. 70a(2) xjn:a n. 1# X1JS n. 70a(7) 1# bw vb.
Bava Mesia 1412 Babylonian Talmud 70a(8) 70a(9; F 70a(ll) 70a(12) 70a(13) 70a(14) 70a(23) 70a(24) 70a(25) 70a(26) 70a(27) 70a(32) 70a(33) 70a(34) 70a(35) 70b (9) 70b(9; EsF 70b(ll) 70b(14) 71a(23) 71a(23; Es) 71a(35) 71a(42) 71a(43) 71a(44) 71a(45) "I conj. "H pron. yv vb. lXb adv. xisiy n. Xp3tf n. 'T'X adv. ') XW n. 1# XnjX n. 'X conj. i# xnns n. i# xrins n. XHp"I n. X30V1 n. 2# WBm n. tWP adj. an' vb. 2# 'bs vb. 'pa vb. xrustfa n. TT? adj. T1? adj. i# *?3X vb. 'pa vb. 3# 'Stf vb. XJ"J n. i# bap vb. Xflatf n. X031X n. ') X^IT n. X;>1T n. Xtal n. sya vb. BIB vb. xjnx rnix n. yns adj. ?'M adj. xrfraix n. 1# X3^3 n. 1# '31 vb. # Kt'BBhX n. 1# m vb. i# xxaix n. 1 71b(4) 71b(5) 71b(31) 71b(37) 71b(39) 72a(23) 72a(28) 72a(29) 72a(30) 72a(31) 72b(14) 72b(15) 72b(16) 72b(28) 72b(34) 72b(35) 72b(38) 73a(9) 73a(10) 73a(ll) 73a(12) 73a(18) 73a(20) 73a(23) 73a(24; EsF1) 73a(26) 73a(27) "PO vb. nm vb. Vl'J pron. xri'an n. WTO n. VU'K pron. wma n. 1BX prep. 1# OJp vb. ptfa vb. 1# "?3X vb. ■bn'J prep. XOHIS n. xrustfa n. XJ'3T n. X#TJ n. xjnuo'n n. ma vb. 0"S vb. Dip vb. 2# xanx n. XsVs n. i# itfa vb. V7? vb. xarjp n. ix conj. -IOX vb. an '3 -a n. 135 n. 2# jns vb. '35 prep. 1# ^TX vb. 3# xnan n. X0J1X n. xonis n. 1# X1JX n. 1BJ vb. XI'OS n. 2# 2732; vb. XKJ'tf n. xib:b n. X33 n. 73a(30) T\ '3 n. ■jsn vb. y?r vb. Xri?tf n. 73a(31; TGAs42 25:25) 73a(34) 73a(35) 73a(36) 73a(37) 73b(l) 73b(3) 73b(4) 73b(7) 73b(9) 73b(10) 73b(14) 73b(15) 73b(18) 73b(19) 73b(20) 73b(22) 73b(24) 73b(25) 73b(26) 73b(27) 73b(28) 73b(29) 73b(30) 73b(31) 73b(39) 73b(44) xn'3'i n. xtfnx n. x:yix n. l# pbo vb. i3y» vb. nas adv. "I"X n. 1BJ vb. mn vb. ptfa vb. 1# X1JX n. XJI'xn adv. m vb. nas adv. 1# p*70 vb. "TO vb. 139 n. 2# xVn n. 1# Xipx n. -\5V vb. XJVS1B n. V?T vb. 2# XpDD n. ■uytf vb. i# xna n. xns n. ■nytf vb. 13'X part. 1# 33tf vb. "3 prep. "7 conj. xptima n. XBBO n. X}13 n. XOT'X n. xpninj n. xnns n. xroapx n. 74a(4) 74a(5) tf'rx tf'J'X n. iTnj?lV adv. 74a(5; AS 9:171) 74a(7) 74a(15) 74a(16) 74a(18) 74a(19) 74a(20) 74a(23) 74a(24) 74a(25) 74a(28) 74a(29) 74a(32) 74a(33) 74a(44) 74a(45) 74a(47) 74b(3) 74b(4) 74b (5) 74b(20) 74b (21) 74b(28) 74b(35) 74b(35; Es) 74b(36) 75a(30) 75a(33) 131 vb. xnaiB'o n. #11 vb. 1# TJ vb. #3' vb. Xt'W n. 2# iaa vb. xn-ixya 'a n. tfn vb. 1JJ vb. 1JJ vb. XST '3 n. 2# naa vb. Bhl vb. ■u: vb. XJlflX '3 n. #3' vb. IB1? vb. VT vb. 1# «]1& vb. ppt vb. '^p vb. ppT vb. X1BJ? n. PTX adj. ■po vb. U'YI pron. i# xan n. IPJffl n. PCS vb. Xlp'ya adv. XJFIJH n. 7'T adj. J3T vb. xtfnx n. nas adv. X1I3 n. xna n. 2# T7X adj. VIO vb. Babylonian Talmud 1413 Bava Mesia 75b(39) 75b(40) 75b(41) 75b(42) 75b(46) ■T 73 pron. 'TDX prep. XJHX n. X3J13 n. XJ'Bp n. 1# '81 vb. 1# XOVi n. TIB vb. 1# '7tf vb. PX3 vb. 75b(47; MGE 526:6) 76a(4) 76a(5) 76a(6) 76a(18) 76a(20) 76a(25) 76a(26) 76a(30) 76a(33) 76b(l) 76b(5) 76b(8) 76b(29) 76b(31) 76b(32) 76b(33) 76b(35) 77a(4) 77a(6) 1# 7TX vb. xrnnx adj. 'J?B vb. 'Tin pron. 1JX vb. "7 prep. "UX vb. •UX vb. 13J? vb. xnra'j? n. Xpsn n. 1# 73p vb. XJlV'J? n. XSB'X n. XllS"! n. naj1? adv. 'in vb. xraq n. 1# D"D vb. XJX pron. V?S adv. t\n pron. XTJX n. -IJX vb. 1# '"?a vb. 1# 110 vb. x;V^i xjVs n. xpsn n. XlB'a n. XTJX n. 77a(6; V22Es) 2# X7H n. 77a(7) 1# KTI3 n. xai'i xjVs n. 77a(9) 77a(ll) 77a(12; V2) 77a(13) 77a(16) 77a(21) 77a(21; F1) pDS vb. ton vb. i# xns n. XHT37 n. n'3 adj. "nilD'7 prep. IpS vb. X^lVDX n. D"S vb. na vb. 77a(23) "1 xnjnx prep. 77a(24) 77a(26) 77a(27) 77a(28) 77a(30) 77a(35) 77a(36) 77a(36; F1) 77a(37) 77a(38) 77a(41) 77a(43) 77a(45) 77b(34; Es) 77b(35; F1) 77b(48) 77b(50) 77b(51) 78a(l; V23) 78a(21) 1# 'SB vb. 1# X13X n. ma vb. xni'3'y n. IJX vb. XTlt n. 'SB adj. ip' vb. Dip vb. Dip vb. Vn vb. na vb. 0"S vb. D"S vb. 1X3 vb. V?T vb. TS3 adj. Dip vb. xano n. V?T vb. XT1T n. It' vb. pS3 vb. 2# yiD vb. EhS vb. TOD vb. 1"? vb. Xp part. X313! n. l^D vb. 78b(23) 78b(30) 78b(31) 78b(32) 78b(34) 79a(15) 79a(18) 79a(28) 79a(39) 79a(42) 79a(43) 79a(44) 79a(47) 79a(48) 79b(7) 79b(10) 79b(ll) 79b (12) 79b(14; F1) 79b(20) 79b(22; V221 79b(23) 79b(30) 79b(31) 1»n vb. i# xmin: n. pi3 vb. 2# xnVa n. '^B n. p3tf vb. ihe> vb. X?n adv. 2# '"73 vb. 'BB vb. 110 adv. 2# '^D vb. 130 vb. '3'X n. 1# nVs vb. XJ"lp n. xn:?»a n. a^v vb. xnrsp n. 'J1X vb. i# ns\r? vb. xnpEn n. XM?B n. 'V?a adj. XW'BO n. '3J prep. 1# X^ipx n. 3DJ? vb. tyyp adj. X37"! n. 1# xri'J'3 n. "X prep. 80a(?; D'lyyan '0 Tarbiz 2 [1931] 408:18) 80a(7) 80a(8) 80a(9; F'H) 80a(31) 80a(33) 80b(2) 80b(4) xrnVpVp n. 1# X13 n. 2# X^nS n. xjxa n. xt:iij n. xns'j n. xns'3 n. p'na adj. DX conj. 80b(5) 80b(9) 80b (10) 80b(ll) 80b(30) 81a(ll) 81a(12) 81a(26) 81a(27) 81a(30) 81a(35) 81a(36) 81a(37) 81a(38) 81a(39) 81b(3; F1) 81b(5) 81b(6) 81b(7) 81b(8) 81b(9) 81b(10) 81b(13) 81b(14) 81b(15) 81b(25) 81b(34) 81b(37) 81b(38) 2# 'Xa vb. x^Vin n. xario n. 1# XTO n. Itf vb. 1# '81 vb. '"l"jn pron. xri'iria n. 2# 'Jtf vb. in n. 'Ba vb. ]Vsn. i# nin vb. XJ13T n. X"13D n. nxiSix n. 'DX vb. xVl3 pron. na: vb. yts vb. «1D3 vb. liD1? adv. Xn?E> n. 103 vb. 1# T1X adj. T« adj. 2# xnan n. '03 vb. XJ'IP n. 331 vb. 1# XJflS n. 2# 'JO vb. 1# XVSIO n. 1#.XV3-|P n. XJ'IP n. *pv vb. ail' vb. X^3 prep. i# xrnix n. xario n. i# xnis n. ~\y prep. 1# bpv vb.
Bava Mesia 82a(ll) Xllinnan. 82a(13) "12 prep. 82a(14) KS^X num. XT1T n. 82a(15) X^aBn. XIlp n. 82a(16) 1# 13X vb. 82a(32) mty (n)'Vl3 n. 82b(8) P'S3 adj. 82b (9) i# xrins n. 82b (20) Dip vb. 82b (22.) X3'1 n. 82b (24) ytiS vb. 83a(ll) }/V2 vb. 83a(17) KPT n. 83a(17; HP 75:31) XpIlOl n. 83a(18) IDDvb. 83a(19) '3 prep. 130 vb. 83a(20) 1# X31 n. 83a(21; BL Or. 5531) nip vb. 83a(23) 1# Xian n. ^?» adj. 83a(25) X13X n. '1 conj. 2# '11 vb. "*3n pron. 83a(25; Es) pIB vb. 83a(25; HP 76:7) 2T53 adj. XTipi n. 83a(26) xVf'1 n. 1D1T adj. 83a(26; MGE 515:22) 13X vb. 83a(26; MGE 516:1) nx'piptf n. 83a(27) XIl'3n n. 83a(28) xa'Vf n. arr vb. 83a(29) |3K pron. 1 83a(30) 83a(30; V22 83a(30; M) 83a(41) 83a(42) 83a(43) 83b(5; HAr X"D]) 83b(5; EsF1 5:379]) 83b(6) 83b(19; F1) 83b (20) 1414 '?? adj. 1# X13X n. m<? prep. ) (H)'Vl3 xai' adv. ]S3 vb. 1# 'SD vb. Dip vb. xrn'a'y n. T9» adj. [AC 5:379, 'NDip1? n. Ar[AC 'XBip3 n. UX vb. xjajnns n. i# xirpn n. VD' vb. bna vb. 83b(20; SM 63:11) 83b(23) 83b(24) 83b(25) 83b(27) 83b(28) 83b(30) 83b(31) 83b(32) 83b(41) 2# 'SO vb. P'lS adj. ?'I2H adj. 183 vb. i# xian n. xirun n. "V prep. DU vb. X311S n. "7XW vb. 1# XOTJ n. Dip vb. m vb. iqr?a '3 n. yav vb. 1,TX pron. Xp3111? n. 8?7?P n- xiiyi n. HO1? prep. rru vb. 83b(41; SM 63:24) tfin vb. 83b(42; V22) pis vb. 83b(43) IpT vb. 83b(44) 1# XS'pT n. 83b(49) y?y vb. yip vb. 1# KK/'W n. 83b(49; SM 64:1) xmisx n. 83b(49;F') XB? n. xru'tf n. 1# 'ptf vb. 83b(50) 3X n. xp'1 n. 83b(50; Es) 1# xb>lp'1 n. 83b(50; SM 64:1) X3il3 n. 83b(51) Xp"1W n. 83b(52) 1# mo vb. 84a(l) yjs vb. 84a(3) X3BTI n. 84a(4) ni3 vb. 84a(6) 1# K1p3 n. 84a(6; Es) X31S n. 84a(8) XIl'3i1BB n. 84a(13; F1) X13'X n. 84a(16) X13'X n. 84a(17) ,1X331,1 adj. 84a(17; F',AS9 32, HP76:7,SM 64:19) Xllpl n. 84a(18) 1"© vb. VStf adj. 84a(19; MGG 827:6) 'I1X vb. 84a(20) 'X^ipo '3 n. XTS1S n. xjan n. 84a(20; Es) 1# '*?a vb. 84a(21) 1# 111 vb. 1# X711 n. K^3 n. paio n. 84a(21; SM 146:18) 1 Babyl 84a(21; 84a(22) 84a(23; 84a(24) 84a(29) 84a(30) Dnian Talmud ',13 adj. MGG 827:7) X3112; adj. xVlB n. XEJB'tf n. MGG 827:8) Xl'lll n. ]'!/B prep. X1S1P n. an' vb. 1# b20 vb. 84a(30; MGG 826:13) 84a(30; 84a(31) 84a(32) 84a(33) 84a(34) 84a(39) 84a(40) 84a(41) Vxito' na n. MGG 826:14) ?3B vb. '11 vb. TSB adj. "11113 prep. 2# 'SO vb. tf'3 adj. 1# X3'? n. B1?© vb. 'no vb. xn'nix n. ^1'X pron. XJW'X n. 2# X0'3 n. Til vb. 1# 'XI pron. XII pron. 1# Xb'fl n. 3# 71S3 vb. xnan n. TO vb. X1D1W n. xiinx n. 'X conj. 183 vb. i# nn vb. 3,T vb. NJXa n. 2# 'SB vb. itf vb. Babylonian Talmud Bava Mesia TStf adj. 84a(41; MGG 828:15) 1# '1p vb. 84a(42) 3"?S vb. 31 adj. 84a(44) 1# '31 vb. DIVI adv. yi' vb. nXBD'V n. XIIVBO'V n. 1# '1p vb. ai n. 84a(44; MGG 829:2, Geon 239:21) 331271 n. 84a(44; MGG 829:2) xais n. 84a(45) XJinx n. 84a(46) '33 vb. 'in vb. nitf vb. 84a(46; MGG 829:6) 1# X13 n. 84a(47) 1?S vb. 84a(48) TIX vb. nn vb. an' vb. xriyatf n. 84a(49) W'p1? adj. i# xnV'a n. TIX vb. 84a(50) XpiTS n. piD vb. Xlfflp n. mil vb. xnyBW n. 84a(51) 1BX prep. X33 n. 84a(52) X3'n adv. '??ni n. 1# 'iiy vb. 84a(52; MGG 829:14, SM 147:13) Dm vb. 84b(2) XII11X n. '110" n. xai' *73 adv. 84b(2;F') 1,38 vb. XD!?3 n. 84b(3) pS3 vb. 84b(3; M) 13: vb. 84b(4) 2# X3'3 n. xbyvn n. 84b(5) 1# -n'31 n. X1S1? n. xra n. pS3 vb. P31» vb. 84b(5; SM 64:22) 2# '13 vb. 84b(5; F1) 2# '13 vb. 84b(6) XII11K n. pm vb. 84b(8) lia vb. 84b(8; Ar[AC 1:126]) XW3 '3 n. na vb. 84b(9) Ijn pron. 1# pVo vb. X31SD n. 84b(9; V22) 1# '3 conj. 84b(10; F1) 1# *7TX vb. 84b(ll) Xppart. 84b(ll;Es) lax vb. 'p3 vb. 84b(U; SM 65:12) in vb. 84b(U;Es) 13? vb. 84b(13) xai n. 1# 1,1D vb. reap1? prep. ]31 vb. 84b(13; F1) XB1?? n. 84b(14) ]331 n. 84b (17) po? vb. nill vb. 84b(18) 1#'33 vb. Vm vb. 1# XJ1'1?'? n. i# yv vb. 84b(18; SM 65:8) 1# p*70 vb. 84b(19) TSa adj. 84b(20) 1# '33 vb. 'SB adj. 1# pVo vb. ]"? vb. 84b(21) Xri3'3 n. x;ia n. Xtfn'1 n. 84b(22) XfIX n. 1# Vbn vb. 84b(23) XIvfr'T n. i# 'na vb. xaiis n. 84b(24) -X prep. xaa n. xn'V'y 'a n. 84b(25) 'S3 vb. 84b(26) XI133'ti n. 84b(27) X?1X niix n. 84b(28) XaV'n n. 84b(29) poy vb. 84b (30) '11S'31 XB1' n. Vya vb. XriB n. 1# XII'1?'? n. 84b(30; V22) 1# p"?0 vb. 84b(31) lspVovb. 84b(32) Xlliya n. X33J? n. 84b(32; Es) 1# 111 vb. 84b(34) "I (X)inx conj. 84b(35) X3't n. 'X3"?lp n. NIl'plp n. x;yi n. 84b(38) XVOSO n. 84b(39) 'iyp vb. 84b(40) '33 vb. 1# pVo vb. X^OSO n. 84b(4i) i# nna vb. 84b(43) 1# '3 conj. 1# p^O vb. 85a(6; F1) 113 vb. 85a(6; SM 66:18) 1# ntfa vb. 85a(8) '110" n. 85a(9) Xl'ninx n. XIIIBOS n. X3'1SS n. XIl'W num. 85a(10) 1# Xlll'n n. 2# XIip'3 n. 1# XV'B n. 1'P? adj. 1# '81 vb. 85a(ll; SM 66:24) D'JX vb. 85a(12) 1# X'pp n. 85a(14) xV3'? n. 85a(15) XS33n. 85a(15; SM 66:29) 13p vb. 85a(17) 1# XIIBX n. 1# E/33 vb. Xp part. Dip vb. 85a(18) 1# 'JIX vb. 85a(19) '110" n. 85a(20) "|1S vb. TP adj. 85a(21) "llX^'Xconj. 2# KII"13 n. X3'11 XBi' n. 85a(22) X1K/B n. XVJIS n. 85a(23) X1'3 n. X'B n. 85a(25) XB'XI XTO n. X1110 n. 1B0 vb.
Bava Mesia 1416 Babylonian Talmud 85a(26) oVc vb. xrfpia n. X3rn n. (")IP part. i# xjr'-ip n. 85a(26; MGN 446:21) 85a(27) 85a(28) 85a(29) 85a(32; Es) 85a(37; F1) 85a(38) 85a(45) 85a(46) 85a(48) 85a(49) 0'3n adj. 'aia n. 31T37 adj. 2# 013 vb. 3Tn. Xtf'"l n. 1# Vu vb. an' vb. 1# K^|7 n. K3DJ7 n. XDD13 n. 'XaX conj. »-u vb. 303 vb. KO^n n. i# np vb. HXa num. "1 conj. 2# n3W vb. "n n. TV3 vb. X-TQ'X n. 1# 332/ vb. 85a(49; MGN 448:4) 85a(50) 85a(51) 85a(51: F1) ■po vb. 1# p!3 vb. Dim n. XTI3 n. 2# 1W vb. bto vb. Tin adj. Tin vb. x-ria n. 1# X3'y n. FPi? adj. xi?? n. inn vb. 85b(9) 85b(10) 85b(15) 85b(19) 85b(20) XTflO'X n. era »'? n. xri1? n. i# np vb. xri-ij;a n. J"X vb. '"in? prep. "TT pron. 1# TBI vb. 'xi vb. 2# TOP vb. kVisV'S n. 85b(20; Es) liy vb. 85b(21) 85b(22) 85b(22; F 85b(23) 85b(24) 85b(30) 2# *n3 vb. N3K>3 n. x;ao n. '3D adj. 1# xrr>lB n. lay vb. TIX vb. 'Ed) 2# "px vb. XV'IJ n. X©Bin num. xran num. xpir n. 1# pbo vb. i# np vb. XTTO n. i# np vb. XITO num. Xpip'T* n. 85b(30; EsF1) XJTO'X n. 85b(31) 85b(32) 85b(33) 85b(34) xniys n. xns: n. xjis n. rratf adj. xnu n. i# xry n. 'Vp vb. TS# adj. 'in vb. ]# 'a conj. 1 85b(35) 85b(35; F1 85b(36) 85b(37) 85b(38) 85b(38; F1) 85b(39) 85b(40) 85b(41) 85b(41; F1) 85b(41; V22 85b(42) 85b(44) 85b(45) 85b(45; Es) 85b(46) 85b(47) 85b(48) 85b(49) i# xrn'rta n. p"IX adj. H?"5 n- XIB'O n. i# bao vb. Xplinj n. xpnra n. xaxVa n. 2# 'SO vb. i# raw vb. Dip vb. ntro vb. 'BO vb. i# xmrria n. n'TO adj. XJTXn adv. 1# 313 vb. xnT tfn n. 1# '31 vb. 7% prep. ) Dip vb. xrrtfa n. 'arn n. i# nni vb. 2# 'Ett vb. xrm n. 131 vb. mi vb. 'J1X vb. 2# 'Vl vb. 1# XpVlS n. XJ?'pl n. Xri't> num. i# xan n. 'bi vb. 11D vb. nxrnT adj. X?DX n. i# vbn vb. "?3' vb. i# 'Va vb. xap n. 1ITO vb. 85b(50) 85b(51) 86a(l) 86a(5) 86a(6) 86a(7) 86a(8) 86a(9) 86a(10) 86a(ll) 86a(12) 86a(I4) 86a(15) 86a(17) 86a(18) 86a(19) 86a(20) 86a(21) 86a(22) 86a(22; Es) 86a(24; Es) XnO '3 n. T.BO vb. lyx vb. 'in vb. XIS'O n. XfflDX n. D'an adj. -'V ty prep. xnia ia n. 33X prep. 1# XXlip n. xiat> n. X3'X part. XSVd '3 n. nfllT adj. 1# J?pS vb. XJ13 n. xyvo n. "IJiaX prep. Xpnp'19 n. 1# 1TO vb. X03X n. mX? prep. ply vb. X3'1X n. xnsx n. xpnp'iD n. 1# XT'StflX n. aip vb. •ninxV prep. XS1X1D n. 1# 'JIX vb. 1# 'pt> vb. 1# 'OX vb. lay vb. "I conj. »n4r>a n. xpipa n. 2# piO vb. 'lV'y prep. xWis n. vm vb. 133 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1417 Bava Mesia 86a(24; SM 144:3!) 1# X1J3 n. 86a(25) Xjill'X n. O'SXa prep. 3# '30 vb. 86a(26) XB3X n. piy vb. 86a(27) XT13 n. 1# 013 vb. xVp'l n. 86a(27; SM 144:34) V^T n. 86a(28) 1# XrO'JlB n. 86a(30) TO' vb. 1# ]XI3 pron. 86a(31) 2#'XBvb. 31p vb. 86a(32) 1# XOl'3 n. 86a(32; SM 145:5) XaiX n. 86a(32; Ar [AC 1:48]) OTX vb. 86a(32; F1) ^>3' vb. XE/3'1 n. 86a(32; SM 145:5) x;rat> n. 1# 'TO vb. 86a(33) XI' n. 1# 10B vb. mi vb. 86a(33; SM 145:6) Xail XTO'3 n. 86a(33; Es) 1# X1313 n. 1# XBhB n. 86a(34) 1# '3 conj. 86a(34; Es) pm> vb. 86a(35) XJ7'p-l n. 86a(35; V22) XpJV? n. 86a(37) XrQll n. x'fTO n. poy vb. XIS'X n. 86a(37; SM 145:11) DTO vb. 86a(37; V22Ed) 1# V?V vb. 86a(38) 1# X^'V n. ISO vb. 86a(39) xpri'5 n. 86a(40) 1# X^a? n. '"?! vb. XSJH n. XJJ'^p adj. mi vb. 86a(42) mty n. xiian n. 86a(43) XSJfT n. ann vb. 86a(43;F') mi vb. 86a(44) m vb. D'an adj. 86a(45; G23) XTIEn Xl'» n. 86a(46) '3'T n» pron. 2# 'W3 vb. 86a(46; GC 47:3) 3H' vb. 86a(46; V22GC 47:3,Ar [AC 4:221]) X333 n. 86a(47) "I (X)inx conj. 333 vb. 86a(48) 2# XpD3X n. X131 n. fO vb. TW vb. 86a(49) "3'a3 ^S lxV prep. 86b(26) D3X vb. X^"I3 conj. 86b(29) D31X adj. 86b(30) msy '3 n. by vb. 86b(30; MGG 296:3) xrpa adj. 86b(30; EsAr! [AC 3:272)] D'BS adj. 86b(31) 86b(31; Es) 86b(32) yos vb. 'OS vb. T?"l adj. 86b(35) Xap xap adv. 86b(49; F1) 86b(50) 86b(52) 86b(53) 86b(54) 87a(12; V22) 87a(17) 87a(42) 87a(43) 87a(43; F1) 87a(47) 88a(9) 88b(12; Es) 88b(36) 89a(20) 89a(21) 89b(l) 89b(2) 89b(ll) 89b(ll; Es) 89b(24) xraia'n n. nox vb. mi'3 pron. -|SX vb. pn vb. 3T'» vb. xnprp n. nXPpB adj. mbm n. i# vbn vb. 1# IXp vb. x'iria n. i# nxtin adj. Dps vb. pay vb. 1# n,TO vb. D'^X adj. '3'aa prep. VW adJ- TO3 vb. 1# XTS n. pna vb. pna vb. "I X3'H V3 conj. 89b (3 6) 90a(27) 90a(48) 90a(52) 90b(l) 90b(2) 90b(3) 90b(10) 90b(17) 91a(34) 91a(36) 91a(37) 2# b3D vb. xrron adv. Xin pron. 13V vb. 1# X13 n. C)nj part. Diy vb. i# xna n. fpn vb. Ton adj. DCS vb. H}f"b n. xrnxns n. mo vb. 91b(7; Es) 91b(8; F1) 91b(10) X33T n. xniVj u?'i n. l^SX conj. 91b(40; EsAr [AC 8:33]) 91b(50) 92a(19) 92a(26) 92a(30) 92a(35) 92a(39) 92b (14) 92b (17) 92b(18) 92b(23) 92b(28) 92b(29) 92b(47) 93a(9) 93a (10) 93a(27) 93a(42) 93a(43) 93a(43; F1 93a(44) 93b(l) 93b(2) " 93b(3) 93b(4) 93b(7) 93b(12) 1# X31C n. "ia prep. XWna adv. 1713 vb. 2# xn'na n. 'Tl n. XT3X: n. 13X vb. XD'TI? n. '37 vb. Xp3T n. xjann n. xniyp n. 2# ^30 vb. 133 vb. 2# 'TO vb. 2# 'TO vb. 3# pTO vb. xiys n. yxp> vb. "mipi prep. yxp vb. 2# V3D vb. X3S'X n. 2# XT? n- i# xrivn n. i# 'jn vb. -mv vb. Ed) 3TO vb. 'in vb. "73 prep. 1D3 vb. 1 X3Ty3 conj. i# xnnis n. 1# '33 vb. xna ijn n. xra ]jn n. Tfl^ adj. XJ11T03 n.
Bava Mesia 1418 Babylonian Talmud 93b(16) V?y vb. 93b(18) Xtfl'Xn. 93b(19) xnx n. 93b (29) 1# xrirn n. X1P13 n. 93b(30) TJV adj. 93b(32) 1# xnix n. XrilTDl n. 1D1 vb. 93b(33) 2# xbai n. i# xrirn n. nxVoo n. nay vb. 93b (34) «]m vb. 1# KJJl'n n. yso vb. 93b(36; HGH 392:29) 03 adv. 93b(36) 1# Tn num. 93b (37) XJTO -13 n. 93b(38) 1# mis vb. Xap adj. 93b(39) (-)'Hj? prep. 93b (40) Xiri'3 n. oatf vb. 93b(46) XOittViS n. 93b(46;G§ 385:11) XpO'BIS n. 93b(53) nrh prep. 93b(54) Dip vb. 93b(55) 1# X331 n. xron n. no adj. 94a(l) X3'X part. 94a(2; HAr [AC 3:317]) 1# Xnp'I n. 94a(32) nai vb. 13ytf vb. 94b(8) fix pron. 94b(9) XSU n. bm vb. 94b(25) X°?'S3 n. Xlip n. 94b(27) 95a(2) 95a(6) 95a(21) 95b(l) 95b(23) xntpi n. X13D n. "WS'X adv. TBI vb. X'T13 adv. xap xap adv. 95b(23; H,Ar [AC 7:295]) 95b(26) 95b(30) 95b(38) 95b(40) 96a(l) 96a(ll) 96a(13) 96a(20) 96a(21) 96b(2) 96b(8) 96b(16) " 96b(26) 96b(35) 96b(39) 96b(40) 96b(41) 96b(42) 1# PBl vb. xnui n. XJTOl n. 1# Xlp n. (-)JT^ part. 130 vb. T7X adj. X011X n. i# xrnlx n. bm vb. xsnin n. i# xntfstf n. Dip vb. 7 XS'^X prep. *?ya vb. 1# xn1?'? n. bat vb. bxv vb. Xl")l n. 1# 'Itf vb. IBS vb. 96b(42; HP 75:12) 97a(2; V22) 97a(3) 97a(4) IBS vb. 1# '*?a vb. xVirr n. yi3 vb. 97a(4; HP 75:13) 97a(6) nns vb. i# nan vb. X133J? n. bx& vb. X11TC? n. 97a(7) Xllll 'Xn '3 adv. 97a(10) ^Dp vb. xrin'x n. 1# X131 n. 97a(ll) 97a(12) 97a(12; Es) 97a(16) 97a(17) 97a(19) 97a(20) 97a(21; Es) 97a(21) 97a(22) 97a(23) 97a(24; V22) 97a(25) 97a(26) 97a(27) 97a(28) 97a(28; Es) 97a(29) 97a(32) 97a(36) 98a(5) 1# *73X vb X1"T n 1# *?3n vb X133y n. 1# bin vb. bxv vb. 1# 'p» vb. 1# 'ptf vb. X1B1X n. PTHT?9 n. 1# X1S0 n. XfW n. XflTry n. XH'y n. 1J3T. n. "?X» vb. i# yps vb. WIK pron. bxv vb. XB30a n. 2# 'SB vb. oatf vb. 2# 'SB vb. bati vb. n^3n. 11X vb. xrnira n. ian. 'Vl vb. xiiyo n. «]03 vb. i# mo vb. 311 vb. yps vb. 801' n. xai'T xiVs n. 98a(36) 98b(8) 98b(17) 98b(20) 99a(20; F1) 99a(22) 'Vp vb. 'T'X adv. 1# ~\W vb. i# lis; vb. 3# XTTTl n. inV prep- TBO vb. 99a(33) byn vb. 99b(3) XJIT3'y n. 99b(4) btJ vb. 99b(5; Ar [AC 3:335]) XX13T1 n. 99b(5; Ar [AC 8:144]) xrxitf n. 99b(6) 33X prep. "tilt? prep. 99b(7) Xtfan num. '3? adj. 99b(8) 1# in num. 99b (23) XWI pron. 99b(26) nx'j'lpti n. 99b(27) Xpw n. 99b(27; F1) nxilin n. 99b(28) xtfan num. xixtf n. 99b(33) '33 vb. 99b (33; HEsAr [AC 2:188]) xrvarn n. 100a(38) "Pprep. 100b(2) isbvb. 100b(ll) l#OT3»n. I00b(i2) abobm n. 100b(16) yep vb. 100b(17) X3S'X n. yaw vb. 100b(23) vpi vb. 100b(45) Jtt vb. 100b(54) TXpvb. 100b(57) IBp vb. 101a(4) yoi vb. 101a(5) 1# *?3X vb. 101a(15) XJT n. 1# XpVo n. 101a(25) layvb. 101a(34) -nbprep. 101a(35) 33nvb. 101a(38) XT pron. 101a(44) OTTS3 adv. 101a(45) X^3a adv. aw vb. 1419 Babylonian Talmud 101a(46) 101a(47) 101b(3) 101b(ll) 101b(13) 101b(25) 101b(26) 101b(27) 101b(28) 101b(29) 'y3 vb. 1# TT1 vb. rn adj. XOT3 n. -iix vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# X0313 n. Op3 vb. np' vb. "731 vb. rn' vb. 1# V?3 vb. 115?, adj. 101b(29; Es) 2# X31X n. 101b(31) 101b(32) 101b(34) 101b(36) 102a(l) 102a(ll) 102a(12) 102a(24) 102a(37) 102a'(46) 102a(49) 102a(50) 102b(10) 102b(13) 102b(14) 102b (26) 102b (34) 102b(35) 103a(5) 103a(6) 103a(8) 103a(9) 103a(10) XB'l n. H'31 n'l'B adv. X("3B n. Dip vb. 1# X3TX n. 1# XJ1313 n. IPJi? n- WV? adj. ■pX vb. XBtyn adv. bll vb. POS vb. *7S1 vb. 1# 'lp vb. '31 vb. 1# rf?tf vb. am adv. XTJW'X n. .. '3T/31'3n. xiiya n. -|SX vb. 2# yis vb. D^'B v.n. nix vb. xrcan num. IT' vb. X1DW n. ]a'na adj. xi'pu n. mb prep. Dip vb. 103a(13) pin vb. 103a(18) X0'T13n. pST vb. bm vb. 103a(19) pST vb. 103a(20) 1# "?TX vb. XO^I? n. 103a(21) l#mnvb. Xflpn. 103a(23) xmnin. 103a(24) xrilJIJ '3 n. 1# '13 vb. 103a(25) xnnun. 103a(32) ntX vb. 103a(38) TOXadv. 103b (5) Xy/lX n. ^31 n. 103b (6) 2#'TO vb. 103b(7; Ar [AC 5:376]) 1# ipi vb. 103b(13) »33vb. 103b (14) m: vb. 103b(15) 313 vb. 103b(22) IS! vb. XJ?3'"! num. 103b(26) 1# bl? vb. 103b(28) 1# 'SO vb. 103b(31) Jnivb. 103b(34) XJ133nX n. 2# X1313 n. i# xnt'n n. xriso n. 103b(35) X»'1Xn. X^3 n. XB-Q n. 1# X"li?'y n. 103b(35; HM) 2# abo vb. 103b (3 6) xVlTln. XV'3I n. 1# XIB n. 103b(37) XniX '3 n. XpWIT n. 103b(37; V22H, Ar [AC 4:104]') 103b (44) 104a(l) 104a(3) 104a(4) 104a(5) 104a(7) 104a(20) 104b(l) niX' '3 n. U?3' vb. 1# XT1? n. xVni n. xraran n. xnwVap n. xmrDn n. xni:^3p n. xrrunsn n. xriuVsp n. XBipn. XTSp n. X3J13 n. I04b(4) nxVaina adj. 104b (5) 104b(7) 104b(9) 104b(ll) 104b(13) 104b(23) 104b(24; Es) 104b(27) 104b (29) 104b(29; Es) 104b(30) 104b(31) 104b(32) 104b(33) 104b (34; Es) 104b(35) 104b(36) ' 104b(37) 104b(38) 104b(40) 1# '31 vb. 3J13 vb. 2# n3tf vb. 1# VS3 vb. xrairo n. ]irx pron. x^nx n. 1# bip vb. 113 vb. XrDBOX n. Tfl^ adj. DTI vb. XBTU n. myw n. 13y vb. XOT3 n. '3: vb. tfno vb. mymv n. •3'3 '3'3 adv. 2# Xn3» n. XpO'y n. 1# KJ^S n. 2# mv vb. n'l adj. XpO'y n. Bava Mesia poy vb. 104b(43) XlDiy n. 105a(l) XpO'yn. 105a(2) 103 vb. 1# b3p vb. 105a(3) 1# '^O vb. 105a(4) TXn pron. 105a(4; HP 63:16) '31 vb. 105a(6) noDvb. 105a(7) mn vb. 105a(8) iVD vb. mn vb. 105a(9) XI"! n. 105a(10) xmi-ln. 105a(ll) U^Sn. 105a(ll;V22) X?-)P n. 105a(13) 'DB vb. XTOS n. 105a(14) 1# '? n. X^jan. 105a(19) ]3T vb. 1# XriD'n n. 313 vb. '■jya adj. 105a(20) Xy,-lX n. V31 vb. XplB n. 105a(21) 301 vb. 105a(22;HEs) X1T3 n. 105a(26) T1X vb. 1# bvi vb. 105a(27) X?i??fl "■ xb>ny n. 105a(36) X^IX n. 1# Xll3 n. 105b(24) Xjnn num. 105b(27) y&O adj. 105b(28) E/n3 vb. Xll^n. 105b(33) IXiy, adv. 105b(38) X13 n. X31T n.
Bava Mesia 1420 Babylonian Talmud *pB> vb. 105b(40; Es) 1»3 adj. pOB vb. 106a(5) 1# K/yijfll n. 106a(6) ^ilpron. 106a(9) 1# XJTO'n n. Dip vb. 106a(14) XJ3n. 106a(16) '33 vb. IIP vb. 106a(17) -rbuvtoi prep. 106a(25) Njnx n. 106a(26) -lb UW1) prep. 106a(28) -Tb OVSli prep. 106a(31;Es) TIP vb. 106a(32) -tfBJl n. 106a(35) XW n. 106a(43) KflyjJBXn. 106a(45) ntJtfvb. 106a(52) '71X vb. 106a(52;V22) »m vb. 106a(53) UUDTn. Bit adj. '.in adj. 1# XO'J n. xry n. NJ-lj? n. 31 adj. 106b(9) na'Xadv. yiT vb. iy prep. 106b(10) Xtf'lXn. K131 n. 106b(ll) K!hn. 106b(18) V?pvb. 106b(20) inn adj, 106b(21) *7BXadj. 106b (22) lay vb. 106b(23) 130 vb. 106b(23;Es) 2# XTJ n. 106b (25) '33 vb. 130 vb. 106b(30) XriDBOX n. 1# X113 n. 13y vb. 1# "?ap vb. 106b (31) ynivb. i# inn vb. 'p1? vb. 106b(31;TGAs28 58:16) l#XfiB'nn. 106b(31;TGAs28 58:14) KWTnn. 106b(31;TGAs28 58:16) 'pbadj. 106b(32) XJ11J 'Xil '3 adv. 106b(34) l#K«n. Kl»y num. XO'llB n. 106b(35; TGAs28 58:20) 106b(37) 107a(2) 107a(3) 107a(4) 107a(15) 107a(16) 107a(23) 107a(27) 107a(28) 107b(l) 107b (4) i# xian n. mp vb. 013 vb. xrary n. xrnn'1?^ n. 113 vb. Wi adj. xntfn. 313 vb. "Tl pron. XIX'8 13 n. 2# NO'J n. XJiyt? n. |3T vb. Tap adj. xria n. i# nn vb. xpri'l n. 1# Nil© n. N??i? '3 n. 13y vb. I07b(9) nnao n. 107b(28) xjaadv. 107b(29) 1# X13J n. 113 vb. 'D8 vb. XBi.ll n. Bill vb. Xfl'tf num. 107b(30) X1B? n. 107b(41) ^t vb. xrirrcto n. 1# KfiTB n. 107b(42) XBfTDn. 107b(43) nxmtfB n. 2# X1JJ n. 107b(44) 2#ntfBvb. 107b(45) l# X13 n. 2# X1JJ n. 107b(46) 2#XJlBXn. 1# Xll'J n. 1# X13'y n. lOfl'BJ num. 107b(47) XJTlE/a 13 n. IB! vb. 107b(48) 1# x^X n. NBJ13 n. 1# Nil': n. 107b(48;Es) nflO vb. 107b(49) 2# X3X n. 107b(50) 1# nn vb. nxb'y adj. TSp vb. 107b (52) XTB11 n. 107b(53) l#X^Xn. nna vb. 108a(l) 108a(2) 108a(3; F1) 108a(7) 108a(7; Es) 108a(8) 108a(10) 108a(ll) 2# 'JO vb. 2# 'JO vb. 2# X31X n. XT1X n. 2# Xl'J n. xwy n. HP vb. 1# Xyi? n. 2# XBJ n. 2# X'13 n. Xmi'ttt n. 2# xtib n. "|1X vb. ]J31 n. 108a(13) Xjto n. 108a(14) 2# X'13 n. 1# Xinj n. 108a(15) y"0 vb. nxb'y adj. 108a(16) XffrWtn. XlB'a n. 108a(24) pm vb. T?E! adj. 108a(24; V22) 1# xripl n. 108a(25) IXOlBadj. 108a(26) 'bo adj. XTO n. 1# p^O vb. X111X n. 108a(30) KIX'B 13 n. 108a(35) lp' vb. 108a(36) Vn vb. nxa num. I08a(39) nny vb. 108a(40) 1# Xl'lJ n. 108a(41) y?aX3 prep. 108b(3) Jl'Xpart. 108b(8) xnx n. ni3 vb. 'b prep. i# xira n. 108b(10) na» vb. 108b(12) XlfBlSn. xrostfa n. 108b(19) XfltlDXn. XJ13 n. 108b(20) XBflW n. 108b(26) XJlIn. 108b(27) lis vb. i# ntf vb. 108b(29) niD vb. ib: vb. 108b(30) TBS adj. Babylonian Talmud 1421 Bava Mesia 108b (32) 108b(33) 108b (34) 108b(35) 108b(37) 1# xri'3 n. 1# in num. xna n. 33y vb. XyiX n. xna n. xjnx n. X^p'l n. 2# X?1T n. XJVJWB n. pOB vb. X33'l n. XIX'B 13 n. 108b(38;HHP93:4) 109a(ll) 109a(13) 109a(17) 109a(18) 109a(22) 109a(23) 109a(24) 109a(26) 109a(27) 109a(28) 109a(29) 109a(30) 109a(31) 109a(34) 109a(35) 109a(37) 109a(38) 109a(44) 109a(45) limp n. 'DB vb. 1# ypB vb. 1# XpV'P n. i# xrinpsx n. xnypsx n. XfiOBOX n. 1# ^3p vb. mp vb. 2# Xrntf n. i# mi vb. lax vb. XriOBOX n. XB3113 n. 1# '31 vb. 1# pVo vb. 1# 111 vb. xmn n. XJTIWB n. mp vb. xwan num. pnv vb. Xb™ n. x:nn n. 1# pVo vb. 2# XI13ip n. xbny n. IDS vb. vbm n. 109a(46) 109a(47) 109b(l) 109b(2) 109b(3) 109b (4) 109b(6) 109b(9) 109b(10) 109b(14; 109b(15) 109b(17) 109b(18) 109b(20) 109b(24) 109b(25) 109b(28) IB n. 13y vb. XJB1K n. xnsB n. 'pill '1p» n- 1# X1B0 n. i# nn vb. xbm n. 1# pVo vb. 2# mti vb. Xtf'lX n. 3.T vb. XJH'l num. V22)" 1# p1?© vb. 10B vb. Xp31 n. XtfBB n. Xpn n. rux pron. xrua n. 1# bptf vb. xbri» n. 3.T vb. 'pV vb. 109b(28; EsF1) 109b(29) 109b(30) 110a(4) 110a(6) 110a(22) 110a(23) 2# xsip n. ptfa vb. ~b prep. Vtip vb. 2# 'V3 vb. (-)'apa prep. Dip vb. P33 vb. 1# °?3X vb. xrra n. 110a(23; HP 93:14) Tin? adj. U0a(24; HP 93:14) 110a(26) 110a(30) xnisipa n. XDD3 n. 2# XpOB n. 1# 'ID vb. 110a(31) 110a(32) 2# X'13 n. 2# X'13 n. 1# 'na vb. 110a(32;M) 1# 'na vb. 110a(36) 110a(37) 130 vb. X»'1X n. 110a(40; HP 93:22 Rashi!) 110b(5) 110b(10) 110b(12) 110b(20) 110b(25) 110b(30) llla(9) llla(10) llla(26) llla(34) llla(35) Ula(36) lllb(31) 112a(38) 112a(40) 112a(40; V 112b(4) 112b (8) 112b(13) 112b(19) 112b(24) 113a(l) 113a(4) 113a(19; V 113a(27) 113a(28) 113b(19) 113b(26) 113b (27) Kbw n. 1# '31 vb. •1 ]Xa3 conj. X}'?311 n. 2# mt vb. 'B adv. 2# XI13E; n. 2# XI130 n. 'Ill pron. nxpw n. X3'b part. "13 prep. 1B3 vb. 'T vb. «)03 vb. X11J n. 1# xV31D n. pi vb. xriya n. 2# xmy n. 22) 1JX vb. X»D'3 n. xrisV'n n. ipy vb. UK vb. rn» vb. 131 vb. 131 vb. xpjn n. 22) pm vb. nn: vb. p»a vb. mu vb. X';V 'B^3 adv. xriiox n. 10X vb. 113b(28) 113b(30; Es) 113b(32) 113b(46) 114a(4) 114b(2) 114b(8) 114b(9; EsV 114b(ll) 114b(ll; F1) 114b(12) 114b(13) 114b(14; M) 114b(15) 114b(35) 115a(3) 116a(16) 116a(16; Ar 116a(18) 116a(19) 116a(22) 116a(25) 116a(26) 116a(30) 116a(32) 116a(33) 116b(6) Xjri'3 n. i# x:na n. xrnx n. i# xsin n. 113 vb. X3'V n. TIB adj. li?'1 adj. 110 vb. 110 vb. '3*3 'r? adv. xnil'X n. 1iT3 pron. 2# 'SB vb. 22) pm vb. XB'VJ n. i# 'Vb vb. 3# 'BO vb. Dip vb. i# nn vb. 1# 'IIP vb. ono vb. XlJin n. 'B0 vb. 131»B vb. 3# bsn vb. [AC 6:53]) XriBSWX n. XJ'30 n. xri n. Dip vb. 1# X^in n. 1JX vb. WV vb. 13y vb. i# nbv vb. xrnax n. XJIt n. 2# Xb'SlO n. D3B vb. ^XV vb. XD3n n. X03n n.
Bava Batra 1422 Babylonian Talmud 116b(8) 1# Xri'V'y n. 116b(10) 'invb. '3S vb. 116b(12) 1# ]Xa pron. 2# XrVIEh n. 116b(16) X311J 'XH '3 adv. ISp vb. 116b(30) riadj. 116b(30; f'M) lpK?3 vb. 116b(31) YNnpron. ■^an pron. 116b(33) XjabSn. rrn adj. ii 6b (34) Tjyvb. 116b (42) IJXvb. 116b(43;F') 1# nm vb. 116b(45) Tjytfvb. 117a(2) pSJvb. 117a(7) 'V7'y prep. M7a(io) i# nn: vb. nns vb. 117a(ll) l#pVovb. 117a(17; EsF1) xnif? n. 117a(18) 1# '3 n. 117a (19) 'K^Jadv. 117a(20) 1# pn vb. 117a(34) pmvb. 117a(35) * vb. 117a(37) l#XTJn. 117a(38) l#VlXvb. 117b (14) 1# X1TOX n. 117b(14; F'MRashi) i# -to vb. 117b(14; HEs) 1# W1TO n. 117b(37) X3"In. i# nru vb. xpaiy n. 117b(38) IDSvb. 118a(12) TBvb. 118a(13) lay vb. 118a(17) XVOpron. 118a(25) ]13 vb. H8a(3i) xrrreh na n. 2# VIS vb. 2# XIVIS* n. 118a(32) 1# X13X n. 119a(14) l#XlS0n. 119a(17;V22) p3X n. Sava Ba/ra 2a(18) 1# XTIJ n. 2b(2) xn part. 2b(3) xaiy n. 2b(4) xnjl1?? n. 2b(12) 'ST vb. 2b(13) Ti vb. 2b(i6) yaw vb. 2b(36) X3X pron. 1# yap vb. 2b (3 8) XJT-y n. 3a(l) y3X vb. 3a(13) "73 prep. XflJlVs n. 3a(42) XJ3X n. 1# 'B» vb. 3a(43) 1# xpx n. xnrg'? n. 3a(44) 1# X3T n. KBhia n. 3a(45) W xn-ix n. 1# X3T n. '3'a^ prep. 3a(46) xnaj n. 3a(47) 1# xniX n. 1# X3T n. 3a(47; P1) Xnr3> n. 3a(50) X3'B n. X03T n. 3a(50; TGAs42 156:18) xru-nx* n. 3a(51) X,TJ1J n. 3a(52) 2# xriax n. 3a(53) iT3J adj. x:a adv. 3b(13) XH part. 3b(17) 3T adj. 3b(19) xrw'33 (n)'3 n. 2# "IJKJ vb. 3b(2l) xrny'tfs n. 2# '^X vb. 3b(23) Xp"p n. 3b(24) XlJl'O n. 3b(24; Es) XlJl'O '3 n. XB"p '3 n. 3b(25;TGAs42 156:19) Datfvb. 3b(26) 1# 'an vb. 3b (27) XTffi/3 n. xnra1? n. 3b(27; TGAs42 156:20) xrwi n. Tin vb. 3b(27; Ed, Rashi) no vb. 3b(30; P1) XJlTTt n. 3b(32; P1) XJ1131?!? n. 3b(33) Xn»'33 (71)'3 n. 3b (34) '3Btf n. 3b(38) 1# XJ1'3 n. 3b(38; F2) XlID n. 3b(39) X^p n? n. 1# X13J? n. 3b(39; TGAs42 156:20) xyy n. 3b (40) xripir n. ■na vb. xna n. 2# nVx vb. Dip vb. ^Dp vb. 3b(41) xnj'X n. 1»X vb. xripii; n. 1# '3 conj. *?D3 vb. 3b(41; MGD 398:22) 1# XJl'3-) n. 3b(42) TIX vb. 3b(42; M) "T ^3 pron. 3b(45) xnr n. 371' vb. 3b(46) xg^a jig n. 3b(47) 303 vb. 13?1 n- p3© vb. 4a(l) l# Tin vb. kV"! n. X^S n. np3 vb. 4a(4) 'D1? vb. 4a(13) Jf'JS adj. 4a(18) KTOte n. xn'ty n. 4a(19) '3rnx adv. '33 vb. 1# IT! vb. 33y vb. xny n. 4a(21) X3'l n. 2# l^a vb. XnS'O n. 4a(21; Ar [AC 6:45]) 1# XS"0 n. 4a(22) ,13T 13 n. 13J/ vb. x'^i? n- H3T n. 4a(24) X33X n. xVnis n. 1# Xtf'W n. 4a(26) Xltna n. ps: vb. X7'0 n. XSD n. V?y vb. 1# V3p vb. 4a(26; MGD 400:3) XOT n. 4a(26; SM 166:7) Babylonian Talmud 4a(26; F2) 4a(27) 4a(28) 4a(32) 4a(37) 4a(38) 4a(47) 4a(48) 4a(49) 4a(51) 4a(51; Es) 4a(52) 4b(l) 4b(3) 4b(5) 4b(8) 4b (9) 4b(15) 4b(16) 4b(18) 4b(19) 4b(33) 4b(34) 5a(l) 5a(2) 5a(3) 5a(4) 5a(5) TO vb. yw vb. X'lX* n. xa?n. 303 vb. 1# TTO vb. 1# X3EH n. 3H3 vb. 2# XrilWI n. <p3 vb. 1# X"13n n. 1XA1? adv. 'Xigxa adv. ngVa adv. XJIp n. in vb. xtirj n. xrwn adv. 'p'? vb. yr vb. XS1S'1? n. ngVa adv. yiB vb. 1# ^Dp vb. X3'l n. 130 vb. 3# p"TC? vb. X^lS'p n. 1# ^Dp vb. nxa-i n. XbVk/3 adv. nxai n. 'nx vb. "TO prep. 1# X1JX n. X11B3 n. 3# 1p3 vb. 2# 111 vb. X11D3 n. 2# mi vb. xVp'T n. xrnx n. X"113'p n. 5a(6) 5a(7) 5a(9) 5a(9; Es) 5a(12) 5a(13) 5a(15) 1423 i# 'an vb. rj'3 adj. XJ'y n. mm vb. 2# '"w vb. i# xnra n. xnra ng n. 130 vb. 1# xV? n. 5a(15; HG2 438:19) 5a(25) 5a(26) 5b(l) 5b(6) 5b(ll) 6a(24) 6a(25) 6a(26; F2) 6a(27) XJ/31X num. K^S n. iig prep. xjav n. 13y vb. i# 'an vb. no vb. XM'I n. xVl3 pron. XSOn. nax vb. 180 vb. xnsi1? n. -1 'Xa pron. X31p n. 3# X3'p n. xmsx n. X-1W3 n. xriy'gp n. 6a(28;TGAs42 157:2) 6a(29; F2) 6a(29) 6a(30) 6a(31) 6a(34; F2) 6a(35) 6a(36) 6a(37) mi3 '3 n. xo'pa'n n. 0"D vb. 1# xri'^S n. XITIH n. pin vb. X1W3 n. 'Sp3 n. '3DW n. 'SD3 n. V3X conj. 'SDJ n. xngiy n. 6a(38) 6b(3) 6b(7) 6b(ll) 6b(17) 6b(19) 6b (20) 6b(22) 6b(28) 6b (29) 6b(34) 6b(34; EsAr 6b(41) 6b(42) X33-11X n. XD'IS n. xriyaiy n. xnsx n. xnw3 n. Krbbpn n. KFp n. y3X vb. 1'3 prep. KW, n- 1# '3 conj. l"y vb. XpS'llX n. 1# Xri'WS n. yyn vb. mv vb. [AC ib.]) 2# ixa vb. 1# in vb. 'X^'y adv. '33 vb. TS2> adj. 6b(42; HG2 440:57) 7a(l) 7a(2) 7a(3) 7a(4) 7a(5) 7a(6) 7a(9) 7a(14) 7a(17) 7a(18) 03n vb. X3X, pron. '33 vb. 13X vb. xrisn n. 1# in vb. X?1X n. 1# ID vb. ppn vb. Wy vb. «1BB vb. Xp-)3 n. •VB vb. X"11B3 n. 2# iriO vb. 1# Xpl3 n. P'1P adj. Xri'llO'X n. 'linx prep. i# xriiss n. Bava Batra 7a(19) 7a(19; F2) 7a(20) 7a(20; F2) 7a(21) 7a(23) 7a(24) 7a(25) 7a(27) 7a(32) 7a(33) 7a(34) 7a(35) 7a(38) 7a(38; F2) 7a(40) 7a(40; P1) 7a(41) 7a(46) 7a(47) 7b(7) 7b(ll) 7b(14) 7b(17) 7b(18) xriii? n. VSX vb. 130 vb. xrmg n. ^'jVp adv. xriii? n. 1# XJ1W n. yyn vb. 1# Xn'l?!< n. X3'?33 n. xriii? n. 3# XS'3 n. 1# XJ1?? n. 2# ino vb. Dip vb. '3'? n. XTVspX n. 'DB vb. xtVsox n. VSX vb. 1# xn'»>! n. '33 vb. -tfsri n. '3BS1K> n. '^y vb. X3TXH adv. XlllH n. XTVspX n. XriBH adv. mv n. 1# X3X n. pD3 vb. OJ1' adj. 'gV conj. pin vb. xyti n. pS3 vb. '»n n. 7b(18; HP1) l#TISvb. 7b(27) 7b(28) 7b(29) 7b(39) xrii'Vya n. i# 'yn; vb. 'Xl?a adv. pm vb.
Bava Batra 1424 Babylonian Talmud 7b(43) 7b(43; Es) 7b(48) 8a(4) 8a(5) 8a(19) 8a(20) 8a(22) 2# np vb. 1# XO"? n. X7I1TB3 n. ]W "• 1# 'HI vb. 1# Xllti n. XJ13 n. Ijai n. i# 'ai vb. xrp'iixi adj. ,?,n3 n. K™3? n. KnV?1?!! n. XS03 n. 2# X'13 n. 2# XT1S n. 2# pi vb. 8a(24; TGAs42 157:11) 8a(25) 8a(26) 8a(28) 8a(35) X"?rx n. 2# XS1 n. 2# X'13 n. 2# X'JIS n. KTiVD n. oris vb. 8a(36; TGAs42 157:14) 8a(39) pB vb. X^'V? n. 1# ntf vb. 8a(39; SM 174:33) 8a(41) 8a(43) 8a(47) 8a(52) 8a(53) 8a(55) 1# '01 vb. •tyl vb. piy vb. 1# KjVs n. K^"1?? n. 1# vVO vb. i# xis n. X3JV n. 1# Nllti n. XrillB n. n*0 *73 pron. 1# XKH? n. XEPX n. 3»n vb. 8a(56) 8b(2) 8b(10) 8b(13) 8b(33) 8b(36) 8b(37) 8b(42) 8b(43) 8b(43; Es) 8b(52) 8b(52; Es) XpJlX n. O'apV prep. 'n'3 pron. yy vb. 13?1 n- i# 'mi vb. lyx vb. XrfiVKJ n. TBX adj. KH pron. 'S3 vb. 1# 1X0 pron. xnra n. p3tf vb. XJlUa'n n. K»na adv. xn»'33 (n)'3 n. 8b(54) 9a(3) XJIS'X n. 1# KD'S n. "1 *?3 pron. -px vb. 9a(5; Ed, Rashi) 9a(13) -ra: 9a(23) 9a(25) 9a(29) 9a(37) 9a(39) 9a(50) xr;:y n. V3 IX1? prep. 1# '13 vb. DJIH adv. 1# 'X.l pron. Xno '3 n. 2# KplS n. i# nn vb. Xl.in pron. ppt vb. '3X adj. xnjvs n. 'in vb. xjtd1?? n. xabv n. 9a(50; HP'lvI) 'Oy vb. 9a(53) 9b(l) 9b(9) 1# X^X n. XH'X n. i# xrnix n. 9b (20) 9b(21) 9b(22) 9b (23) 9b (25) 9b(26; F2) 9b(27) 9b(27; P'F 10a(25) 10a(26) 10a(27) 10a(28) 10a(29) 10a(30) 10b(23) 10b(24) I0b(25) 10b(27) 10b(28) 10b(50) 10b(53) lla(l) lla(51) 1# X^'X n. mv vb. xnn3 adv. i# nn vb. xrnrna n. ipy vb. ?nv vb. xrmx n. "1 conj. xnn n. T>xa vb. 1# 'OX vb. 2) i# nn vb. xrinx i? n. ■73 vb. '33 prep. KTJ1 n. ion vb. 'oy vb. WIS vb. 10'p '3 n- 10'p '31 n. lyx vb. 1031? num. 1# 11» vb. Vm vb. XJB adv. xrn n. oatf vb. 3in vb. 13 interj. 1# tfVn vb. Ill vb. 'Tn vb. aiz/n adj. l,i:'3 pron. "On ixb>3 adv. xp:ix n. N?ri n. 3T vb. ISp vb. 2# □,,D vb. 'VSID n. 1 llb(4) llb(7) llb(8) llb(19) llb(42) llb(51) 12a(9) 2# NTS n. 'XIJ1? adv. piD vb. XTTO3X n. 31 '3 n. XllODX n. 'X1J1? adv. IDT vb. yo vb. X3T1 n. 12a(24; F2Es) 111 '3 n. 12a(25) 12a(26) 12a(27) 12a(28) 12a(28; Es) 12a(29) 12a(29; Es) 12a(34) 12a(35) 2# XJfll n. 1# X313 n. 1# X313 n. 1# X313 n. 313 vb. i# xiiin n. xonis n. 1# XTO n. Xn'XN n. XJS1J n. pSl vb. 12a(44; TGHark 26:11) 12a(45) 12b(3) 12b (9) 2# 111 vb. X^ja 13 n. xVra 13 n. Dip vb. xpripi n. I2b(i0) xnrna »,_i n. 12b(10; P1) 12b(ll) 12b(13) 12b(14) 12b(15) 12b(16) 12b(17) KTOi n. i# iVa vb. "Tl1? prep. □ip vb. X»'13 adv. 'M vb. XJ11 n. '3 J1? prep. 1# lltf vb. '3J prep. 1# Tin vb. 2# iVa vb. 33y vb. 1# '3 n. Babylonian Talmud 1425 Bava Batra 12b(23) 12b(35) 12b(38) 12b(41) 12b(41; V22 X5J3 n. X'n pron. XVI '3 n. 1# XlX'a n. lbs vb. ■•by vb. xmnx n. 12b(45; TGHark 171:35) >2b(47) 13a(l) 13a(2) 13a(4) 13a(6) 13a(18) 13b(25) 13b(26) 13b(26; P1) 13b(27) 2# X1JU n. Xtf'lX n. 1# V21 vb. 2# XO'J n. 2# X13G n. nt:ip n. ■n: vb. (-)Tl^ part. -n: vb. p3E/ vb. i# xrax n. 'SX vb. Vtf3 vb. XS'TS n. XplflD'3 n. 13b(27; HG2 443:24) 13b(27; Ed) 14a(14) 14a(16) 14a(17) 14a(20) 14a(21) 14b (5) 14b(8) 14b(10) 14b(ll) 14b(23) 14b(30) 1# XJID n. i# xVrn n. xri"iix n. XID'D n. N!?3W num. 1# X3©a n. vbxy n. 1# XJ'y n. yvi vb. XI313 n. J'3 'ra adv. X3KJ1S n. xmii n. 113 vb. X^y1? adv. 1# XS1 n. 'X13XB adv. pM vb. Dip vb. 14b(33) XW'13 adv. Dip vb. 14b(34; F2Es) KJ1K133 n. 14b(35) 14b(36) 14b(37) 14b(38) 14b(40) 14b(41) 15a(8) 15a(25) 15a(26) 15a(30) 15a(49) 15b(8; F2) 15b(10) 15b(10: P1) 15b(ll) 15b(30) 15b(41) 16a(25) 16a(27) 16a(37) 16a (3 8) 16a (40) 16a(41) 16a(51) 16b(22) 16b(23) 16b(24) 1D1T adj. 'linV prep. 031 vb. xniin n. xVl3 pron. xran? n. xsio n. -]8D vb. Dip vb. xrmyiis n. 1# pVo vb. 1# 'JW vb. 1# p^O vb. 3»n vb. Xp part. '3: vb. xrnx'3: n. 1# Xlp'J? n. X'J3: n. X';3} n. 130 vb. xriia1?? n. xaVn conj. 153 vb. 1# VOl vb. xriiani n. xrarn n. 1# X^13 n. pvi vb. X1SJ? n. xais n. xrinsn n. xrinx adj. 1# blO vb. Xlp'ya adv. yaw vb. xV1?? n. WB3 vb. i# np vb. 'X conj. 16b(30) 16b(31) 1# X13n n xriwa n inx vb XI33113 n xmp^ n Kl-Ji? n !> vb 16b(39; F2) 'Vl vb 16b(44) 16b(55) 17a(7) 17a(26) 17b(14) 17b(20) 17b(26) 17b(27) 17b(35) 17b(48) 18a(3) 18a(10) 18a(14) 18a(19) 18a(30) 18b(9) 18b(10) xai' n TSp adj xrig's n Dn: vb 131 vb xiys n xiaj n 2# i^a vb -1 XJl'SS conj i# 'na vb. i# xia n. 'SI vb. K?1X n. XI part. i# nx vb. Xp part. iao vb. lira adj. W adj. X;iB n. x^n n. POD vb. mm n. 'in pron. i# pt: vb. X91DX n. 18b(10; GTB2 216:5) 18b(ll) 18b(14) 18b(16) X1T3 n. 2# 111 vb. 'IS vb. pm vb. X1T3 n. 2# XnT3 n. 19a(l; GTB2 216:12) 2# 111 vb. 19a(ll) X,in3adv. 19a(15) 2# 31J7 vb. 19a(17) Xp'Tl n. 19a(18) X^3,l n. pna adj. 19a(43) -jnw vb. 19a(45) 1# Dan vb. xaana n. xiipa n. 1# lip vb. 19a(46) pra adj. 19a(47) pra adj. 19a(49) 1# y3p vb. 19a(53) ps: vb. 19a(53; F2) pra adj. 19b(l) Bltf vb. 19b(21) XSTln. p3S; vb. ]T)V vb. 19b(22) 1# X31?? n. 19b (26) DXavb. 19b(34) 'ID adj. 19b(35) 'tn adj. xrp n. XXip n. 19b(36) pra adj. 19b(39) 1?V adv. 20a(l; EsF2) 1# fsn vb. 20a(12) 1# XnstlX n. 20a(13) '»padj. 20a(16; HAr [AC 7:303]) ypi vb. 20a(17; F2) Tap adj. 20a(17) xpp n. 20a(19) pys prep. 20a(22) pes vb. 20a(23) 1# X31?? n. 20a(24) niD vb. 20a(26) BID vb. Xn'^Vp n. 20a(31) Xri'lia n. 20a(32) 1# yxn vb. XXip n.
Bava Batra 1426 Babylonian Talmud 20a(32; P1) 1# XSOn n. 20b(2) 'in adj. l#-'m vb. 20b(3) XJ31X n. 20b(14) Xno n. 20b(16) XntJ n. 20b(41) XflOSOX n. 21a(7) BTvb. 21a(18) l#Vapvb. 21a(19) 1# 'SO vb. 21a(19; p'Ar [AC 6:97]) 1# 'SO vb. 21a(20) Xpir n. i# 'na vb. 21a(21) 1# xripix n. 1# 'lp vb. 21a(22) XfillX n. 21a(32; P1) 1# XnSO n. 21a(33) Xpir n. 'B» vb. xna n. 21a(34) XHP'JD (n)'a n. 21a(36) 2# X^aj n. KDOn. 21a(37) 'pirnpan. 21a(38) 371'vb. Y\V. Di?B n. y"0 vb. XM« »n n. 21a(39) 1#0-Uvb. VtH vb. 21a(41) 1# 012 vb. pn vb. 'i?in np? n. 21a(42) pSJvb. 1# XJWtetf n. 21a(43) V?y vb. i# xrra;a» n. 2ib(i) pan; vb. 21b(2) XH part. 21b(3) 1#'ip vb. 21b(4) 1# np vb. 21b(5) 'ya vb. I 21b(10) 21b(13) 21b(14) 21b(15) 21b(16) 21b(19) 21b(25) 21b(36) 21b(37) 21b(38) 21b(40) 22a(6; Es) 22a(7; Es) 22a(ll) 22a(12) 22a(14) 22a(15) 1# XTOSO n. xjaix n. XI13D n. 'kHT! '1i?a n. vbny n. 1# X13 n. Dip vb. i# xnsn n. XVI'1 n. pOS vb. 2# xniTi n. XTO n. xraax n. J^B vb. 1# XpO'tf n. i# xna n. D'PS adj. say vb. 1# X13 n. 1# X13 n. i# iin vb. i# ysp vb. 1# XOTJ n. HX^p'T n. nan pron. vix vb. i# xna n. 1# X'flp"! n. aay vb. XpTO n. xnty'? adv. X^3 prep. Xpltf n. 22a(17; HP'SMel 40:150) 22a(18) 22a(21) 22a(22) 22a(24) 22a(25) x^inay. n. xnay n. nowx n. 'Xltfx n. 2# xni'n n. ~W prep. xnrso n. xril'rj tf'l n. Dpi vb. Xp, W> n. 22a(27) XJpJp n. 22a(29) nBD n. XTn. na n. Vfi pron. 22a(30) 1# tfn» n. 22a(30; MGL 699:1) xstj n. 22a(3i) xmma n. X3T n. 22a(32; P1) 10S vb. 22a(34) XJVJIX n. 22a(35) X?bti n. 1# Tltf vb. 22a(39) DlV vb. VI? vb. 22a(41; Ar [AC 2:3704 SM 147:29]) 3# 01J vb. 22a(41; MGL 699:6) xi3iyi ana n. 22a(42) 1# XB"1J n. 22a(42; MGL 699:7) EniA vb. 22a(42; F2P*) 2# Oil vb. 22a(43) 'J1X vb. 1# XJl'3 n. viy vb. 22a(44; P1) 1# XXaiX n. 22a(46) way vb. n1?? tfn n. 22a(47) n^3 n. Dm vb. 22a(47; MGL 699:12) 1# Tin vb. 22a(49) Xai'O n. 22a(51) 'DTTXadv. 22a(51; MGL 699:15) '?rnx adv. 22a(51; MGL 699:16) 1# FIJJ vb. 22a(53) 22a(54) 101 vb. 1# XOiy n. 1# X^p n. ma vb. i# xcny n. 22a(54; MGL 699:18) 22b(17; F 22b (24) 22b(34) 22b(35) 22b(36) 22b(37) 23a(l) 23a(2) n^n vb. z) 1# Kthn n. i# xtfin n. 1# XVJ ri. i# Tsp vb. 2# xana n. m vb. X3S1X n. 1# *?DX vb. 371' vb. xaniy n. 1# p*?0 vb. 23a(2; HG2 445:45) 23a(3) 23a(6) 23a(7) 23a(8) 23a(9; Es) 23a(19) 23a(20) 23a(36) 23a(46) 23b(7) 23b(16) 23b (20) 23b(21) 23b(25) 24a(2) 24a(26) 24a(27) 01X vb. lip lip n. pin vb. 'a adv. xnpip n. 1'JK adj. X31D adv. XO-1? n. die; vb. 2# xriax n. 'ba adj. 0"B vb. 3"ip adj. xanip n. a'lp adj. XT pron. Xt>Y!a '3 n. xa1?;/ n. m vb. yaD vb. x^ipy, n. i# xasn n. xns'nn n. i# xnna n. Babylonian Talmud 1427 Bava Batra 24a(28) i# xnan n. xo'tis n. 24a(31) yiXvb. 24a(32) 2# xp't n. 1# Xnan n. xrory n. 24a(33) 1# X^Sip n. i# natf vb. 1# 'itf vb. 24b(l) 3T adj. X31T n. nXDlSP n. 24b(3) sniinax n. XB10 n. 24b(24) 'SATO '3 n. 24b(24; F2TGAs28 200b: 8) 24b(27) 24b(28) 24b(30) 24b(31) 24b(40) 24b(41) 25a(45) 25a(48; P1) 25b(17) 25b(18) 25b(32) 25b(33) 25b(47) 25b (48) 1# Qan vb. XT|'p n. 1# nip vb. D'an adj. I'll? adj- TXp vb. VIX vb. 1# *?pV vb. xpax n. xaa1? n. 2# 'IS vb. alp vb. 2# XniX n. xrivn n. XrVD'BW n. 1# ''JX vb. WX pron. mi vb. an' vb. ]1J3 prep. X?a adv. XJIS'X n. 1# XTA n. XrjBX n. nX33T adj. xnixy, n. xroaaip n. 25b(49) 25b(50) 26a(l) 26a(2) 26a(3; Es) 26a(5) 26a(28) 26a(29; M) 26a(32) 26a(33) 26a(34) 26a(35) 26a(37) 26a(38) 26a(39) 26b(2) 26b(3) xnsx n. ppi vb. 113 vb. xatfany n. 1# XTJ n. i# xaxn n. ■"13 prep. ma vb. xanaa n. Xjn'3 n. ?sa vb. XJnpT n. i# pia vb. 1# XTJ n. inan pron. 1# XIX'B n. XO'TiS n. XIS'X n. prn vb. xVp'T n. 2# ]yo vb. X3pn. TXp vb. i# aat> vb. 7Xp vb. isn vb. yxp vb. isn vb. nsn vb. *73' vb. -\T}^7 prep. XV adv. 26b(6; TGAs29 204b:2) 27a(5) 27a(6) 27a(9) 27b(8) 27b(9) 27b(10) 27b(ll) 27b(15) X3X;iD n. 1# xVlp n. x^iry n. 2# X71BX n. xri'a adv. xaaix n. 2# 3iy vb. XT1X n. Vs'ja vb. X31D adv. 27b(16) 27b(28) 27b(34) 27b(39) 27b(42) 27b(44) 27b(45) 28b(6) 28b(12) 28b(14; F2) 28b(16) -1 28b(22) 28b (23; Es) 29a(5; P1) 29a(8) 29a(10; Es) 29a(12) 29a(13) 29a(15) 29a(25) 29a(26) 29a(29) 29a(30) 29a(32) 29a(34) 29a(36) 29a(37) 29a(38) 29b(3) 29b(3; P1) 29b(6) 29b(9) 29b(12) 29b(15) pV vb. Dip vb. xiiaix n. "1 conj. xniy?; n. ]m vb. 1# 'JO vb. rM?m n. ]?X pron. i# iyo vb. i# xn3n n. 1# XTS n. X:TJ?3 conj. xnpspx n. rnp vb. mv vb. 2# V?n vb. xa^x conj. ISp vb. ffin vb. i# xnx'a n. nnl7X'7 adv. nnt vb. X1D2> n. 113 vb. 113 vb. yiT vb. XJ3 n. 1DJ vb. X33'C> n. -UX vb. 1?X pron. 1# in vb. xj'n n. X'JSW n. i# xnjx n. ino vb. man n. xriuri n. B»B> vb. pm vb. XID'X n. 2# xj;1!] n? n. 29b(16) 2# Xy,1!! na n. 29b(18) xajlXn. 29b(19) 1# Xni'n n. nov vb. 29b(21) 2# 'XH pron. 29b(22) 1» prep. 29b(23) nxilJ adj. 29b(23; HP 88:14) X}3ltf n. 29b(24) xri^ax n. ma vb. 29b(25) RJ"! n. 30a(9) Dip vb. 30a(14) Dip vb. 30a(15; HP 88:23) i# nn: vb. 30a(16) 30a(17; P1) 30a(17; HP 88:25) 30a(17; P1) 30a(18) 30a(19) 30a(20) 30a(21) 30a(23) 30b(4) 30b(5) 30b(6) 30b(7) 30b(15) 30b(16) 30b(18) 30b(20) 31a(8) 31a(12) 31a(14) 31a(15) 2# 'XH pron. X13 adj. XJ311T; n. Xplt> n. X'flS pron. xm n. 'in vb. mo vb. Xplt> n. X^13 pron. x;:Vs n. 'ya vb. i# 'rax vb. XJ^Ta n. x;:^s n. 2# iVa vb. xrnix n. XJ"! n. 137 vb. Xn part. X31D adv. Dip vb. 1# X3X n. 1# X^n n. 'XnaV adv. i# ]yo vb.
BavaB 31a(19) 31a(20) 31a(21) 31a(26) 31a(27) 31a(28) 31b(6) 31b(13) 31b(23) 31b(25) 31b(31) 31b(36) 32a(9) 32a(10) 32a(ll) 32b(l) 32b(I; P ) 32b(2) 32b(3) »atra »'rx n. "1 conj. lay vb. 2# 'V: vb. xruyp n. nKjj^-inj adj. i# xax n. xrf?'3X n. xripm n. i# xax n. Xri^'SX n. vm vb. 'ina prep. 1# Xir?tf n. xrnb'j n. PM vb. 1# xVtfX n. U'VI pron. xpp'y n. xniTI n. i# Jin: vb. 1# pbo vb. mi vb. NSl'T n. tirb vb. xipp n. T! ^J- Xiptf n. 031 vb. 32b(4) X'rn/Xl.11 *73 pron. 3 2b (6) 32b (7) 3 2b (9) 32b(10) 32b(18) 32b(20) 32b(23; P1) 32b(29) 32b(30) Xlptf n. i# xspn n. XSTI n. T! a4i- VPP conj. Dip vb. 2# xaiy n. IT' vb. nana prep. paio n. i# fitf vb. xinytf n. 32b(31) 32b(32) 32b(33) X3'X part. 1# *73X vb. TX adv. XS1J n. xn:?tf» n. xisiy n. 33a(2; HP 121:23) iax vb. 33a(3) '33 prep. 33a(7; HG2 454:91) 33a(8) 33a(ll) P',1 vb. '3J prep. TIT adj. 1# 11.1 vb. 1# '3 conj. 33a(ll; HG2 454:92) 33a(12) 33a(14) 33a(15) 33a(17) 33b(9) 33b(13) 33b(14) 33b(15) 33b(16) 33b(17) 33b(19) 33b(22) 33b(24) 1# V3X vb. 3'ip adj. 1# 332* vb. aipa adj. 'Sp adj. XflOT adv. i# *73X vb. xbsa n. 1# ^TX vb. in vb. TXrt adj. "Tl pron. TXn adj. 1# "?3X vb. XV adv. 1# XTS n. lay vb. 1# XTS n. 130 vb. tpn vb. 33b(24; HP 89:32) X301 n. 33b(26) 34a(l) 34b(l) 34b(l; P1) ion vb. j"l vb. 2# xaiX n. ^5? prep. 'X: vb. 1428 34b(6) 34b(7) 35a(l) 35a(2) 35b(l) 35b(8) 35b(9) 35b(12) 35b(13) 35b(15) 35b(16) 35b(17) 35b(19) 36a(8) 36a(ll) 36a(13) 36a(18) 36a(19) 36a(20) 36a(27) 36a(28) 36a(29) 36a(33) 36a(34) 36b(2) 36b(10) 36b(12) 36b(13) ps: vb. D'Vx adj. ia: vb. XJ'Jl n. Xlltf n. Clip vb. 2# Kill n. 'Vl vb. 1# XTS n. ffin. 1# mi vb. i# 'na vb. J'V'X pron. xn?J n. #33 vb. XS03 n. xruptfa n. '1'^ prep. Xl'OS n. xb:a n. 1# XTO n. xiiiy n. xiiiy n. i# pu vb. 1# X113 n. pm vb. 1# 'tf: vb. 1# XI? n. i# x^ehn n. X?'Jp adj. i# ioa vb. xry n. x;:? n. X1BX n. Xl'V XI' adv. d?V vb. 1# XTS n. N?1K n. lay vb. 1# X313 n. y?y vb. 1# xa'P n. xais n. Babylonian Talmud 36b(17) 36b(28) 37a(5) 37a(10) 37b(l) 37b(2) 37b(15) 37b(20) 37b(21) 1X1X3 prep. xniai n. xiiy: n. 2# '13 vb. X#'X n. era vb. ipy vb. xnpspx n. xitfa n. pi vb. ly prep. X^iS'tf n. 37b(21; RaH [TGAs42 218:33]) 38a(l) 38a(2) 38a(7; P1) 38b(14) 39a(l) 39a(l;F2) 39a(4) 39a(10) 39a(ll) 39a(12) 39a(14) 39a(26) 39a(29) XllStf '3 n. xapiis n. ipy vb. xn:3tfa n. "TlV prep. xri n. Dp: vb. lax vb. 1# xriltf n. i# xrnty n. i# xrntf n. i# 'ai vb. 130 vb. i# xrf?'» n. 39b(10) XJlVa "ft: v.n. 39b(ll) 39b(12) 39b (14) 40a(l) 40a(12) 40a(13) 40a(14) 40a(42) 40b(2) 40b (5) 40b(7; Marg) 40b(12) i# x/vna n. i# 'na vb. XJW'V adv. 11X vb. X0J1X n. xjnia n. xri n. fllX vb. xjnia n. i# pi: vb. xyiia n. o:x vb. x:'ai n. XO'llS n. Tap adj. Babylonian Talmud 1429 Bava Batra 40b(14) 40b(15) 40b (16; Es) 40b (17) 40b(18) 40b(19) 40b (20) 40b (21) 40b (24) 41a(15) 41a(16) 41a(17) 41a(21;P') 41a(22) 41a(23) 41a(24) 41a(25) 41b(2) 41b(3) 41b(12) 41b(13) 41b(14) 41b(16) 41b(18) 41b(19) 41b(20) 41b(21) 41b(28) 41b(29) xruna n. iao vb. an' vb. xrm'a n. XpW n. IPll'sa adv. xW>3B adv. 1# "7TK vb. 'in vb. 3fl3 vb. i# xia n. 'in vb. na pron. 'Pp'? n. tf'IPp adj. iria prep. p adv. 1# X13'y n. i# ':p vb. Xpl'a n. i# -m vb. 1# X11J n. pin vb. yo vb. 'a adv. 1,1'X pron. yi' vb. xpra n. 1# TO vb. xn'xx n. ia'P prep. xrnrx n. xsiya n. Xinn pron. i# in vb. i# xri'V'y n. (-)'ap prep. Dip vb. xa'an n. (-)'ap prep. xriyi n. '133 adv. lay vb. 41b(30; F2) 42a(7) 42a(8) 42a(9) 42a(10) 42b(7) 43a(ll) 43a(17) 43a(24) 43a(25) 43a(35) 43b(9) 43b(13) 43b(17) 44a(l) 44a(5) 44b(3) 44b(ll) 44b(12) 44b(13) 44b(14) 44b(14; P1) 45a(4) 45a(7) 45a(8) 45a(10) 45a(13) 45a(14) 1# 110 vb. X:'31 n. xy,:'xa adv. y?i vb. IT vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# xVp n. xrnxya n. poy vb. i# pbo vb. 'K?. adj. i# Vos vb. mn vb. ino vb. lyiy vb. ps: vb. Dip vb. Dip vb. '81 n. tff vb. laytf vb. 3JX prep. i# ':p vb. Xin pron. xrpapx n. '3 prep. X0S1D n. Xipip n. 'lti vb. xV'y1? adv. ■jxito? ia n. XJ'l n. 1# 'XS vb. XS31X n. o:x vb. 45a(16; HGP 2b:25) 45b(12) 46a(19) 46a(20) 46a(21) 46a(22) 46a(23; F2) xpi:x n. pi vb. 'in vb. nxai n. 1# X^aip n. 'in vb. X13'X adv. 46b(4) 46b(6) 46b(10) 46b(ll) 46b(13; Ar 46b(19) 46b(31) 47a(8) 47a(15) " 47a(18) 47a(26) 47b(20) 47b(21) 48a(17) 48a(24) 48a(26) 48b(2) "Tl pron. 133 adv. xap adj. Dl» vb. lay vb. X©'1X n. i# nn: vb. [AC ib.]) x:ainp n. i,:ai n. i# pi: vb. xroyp n. 1 ix^> 'X conj. mmr; n. xaxi xax n. 'a: prep. 2# Vm vb. o:k vb. xp:ix n. am vb. 1# D"0 vb. xia'a n. 'XI vb. 48b(2; Stl 56:5) 48b(3) 48b(7) 48b(ll) 48b(14) 48b(14; Es) 48b(15) 48b(17) 48b(18) 48b(19) 49a(3) 50a(7) 50a(12) 50b(20) 51a(2) 51a(5) 51a(6) 2# 'Xa vb. oa© vb. 2?ip vb. m: vb. Dnn vb. 2# XIJ'3 n. xriVpwx n. xjnia n. xnVpwx n. xnbpwx n. xrfrrwx n. yyi vb. |U3 prep. xaV?1? adv. 1# *73X vb. li:x pron. 130 vb. x:iia n. in' vb. 51a(12) 5Ia(14) 51a(31) 51b(13) 51b(14) 51b(15) 52a(4) 52a(5) 52a(6; P1) 52a(8) 52a(U; P1) 52a(26) 52a(27) 52a(28) 52b(18) 53a(3) 53a(18) 53a(21) 53a(24) 53a(24; HF2) 53b(8; P1) 53b(19) 53b(24) 54a(l) 54a(3) 54a(4) 54a(6) xriiix n. yaw vb. 2# ''PJ vb. xnia ia n. x:ai n. ipil adj. 31 adj. p31W vb. '3 prep. Xp part. 3# XS'3 n. P'l vb. Tax adj. xVp'l n. 1# ]yD vb. Dl^p pron. 1# Xlll n. ps: vb. 2# X'jaiO n. XfllJX n. mo vb. iraw adj. xnipn adv. 1# Xpnil n. 130 vb. nns vb. 2# lax vb. X10SX n. isn vb. xri':ria n. i# in: vb. 1# Xri'3 n. XflS'1? n. 1# 'Itf vb. 2# P3» vb. ntfs vb. 2# XO'J n. 54a(8; HAr [AC 3:289]) 54a(8) 54a(9) 54a(10) X'3'l n. '31 vb. '?'X n. 1D1I adj.
Bava Batra 1430 Babylonian Talmud 54a(13) 54a(14) 54a(17) 54a(20) 54a(23) 54a(25) 54a(26) 54a(27) 54b(5) 54b (10) 54b(15) '17 '? n. 2# K^a n. 1# KH n. Knip n. 1# "?3X vb. xVp"l n. x1'n- pin vb. xrira n. xrnix n. '3D conj. xrnrx n. NSW n. 54b(I5; Es) X13 n. 54b(16) 54b (17) 54b(18) 55a(3) 55a(9) 55a(10) 55a(ll) 55a(13) 55a(15) 55a(16) 55a(18) 55a(19) 56a(4) 56a(9) 56b(24) " 1BD vb. 3rr vb. 1# °?3X vb. xjnx n. 2# XpOD n. pSl vb. xnyaw n. xrii^j »n n. 1# *yw vb. HfTlXI n. Nlim n. KJ'3I n. 2# XpOD n. XJ13 n. N?i?1i? n. xjis n. "Vp adj- 2# XpOD n. Nil? n. *7X0 vb. rons n. XpO'llX n. xriy;p n. xVp'S n. Krmu '3 n. nJHX 1X^ prep. 57a(l; HPP 202:17) 57a(l) 1# '3 n. Dnn vb. 1 57a(2) 57a(3) 57a(6) Dip vb. xrnarin n. D1SX prep. xjiaa n. '?? adj. 57a(6; HP 128:6) 57a(6) 57b(2) 57b(7) 57b(21; F2) 58a(5) 58a(7) 58a(8) 58a(9) 58a(10) 58a(ll) 58a(15) 58a(16) 58a(18) X'311 num. xjnn num. 1# '73 adv. 'TX pron. o:x vb. xrnya n. ]"X vb. "X prep. X33 n. 13J? vb. X933 n. )"y vb. ■?b>y vb. yr vb. ]"X vb. xrnya n. f'S vb. xisrc; n. I'jra prep. KCTJDX n. DDn vb. xrnya n. 58a(18; Ar [AC 1:113) 58a(19) 58a(20) 58a(20; F1) 58a(20; P1) 58a(21) 58a(21; P2) 58a(22; P1) 58a(23) DDn vb. Xjpn n. X3E?-,!7 adv. XffiDa n. p3W vb. 1# Yin vb. iy prep. xispa n. xrnspa n. tn vb. xn'3n n. X111X n. i# xnrn n. la n. 58a(24) 58a(25) 58a(26) 58a(27) lax vb. Xp/WO'3 n. Xbs vb. yatf vb. XIIO'X n. xriri'x n. Xb adv. yiX adj. 1# '3 conj. 'ot: n. 1# 33W vb. 1# X13 n. D3n vb. 58a(27;EsP') D3n vb. 58a(27; M) XD'3n n. 58a(28) 58a(29) 58a(30) 58a(32) 58a(33) 58a(34) 58a(35) 58a(36) 58b(l) EhS vb. 1# X13p n. i# xxiip n. 1# N13J n. .1X11,1' adj. pSJ vb. pOS vb. □lp vb. xpn n. 1# 'pP vb. Wn. 3rP vb. XpUlT n. ps: vb. 3D adj. "X prep. X33 n. x'mXl X33 n. )"1 vb. D'3n adj. 3JV vb. 'XI ''PIS adv. xatya adv. i# np vb. xrn n. Xja'I n. xV adv. i# ysp vb. 58b(l; F2) 58b(2) 58b(3) 58b(3; P1) 58b(6) 58b(7) 58b(9) 58b(10) 58b(ll) 58b(12) 58b(14) 58b(14; F2) 1# Vos vb. 1# '33 vb. XJ'l n. □13 conj. 3J13 vb. mv n. D'3n adj. KT13 adv. XBln. xriia n. "n n. Vs: vb. "n vb. ma vb. ''Da vb. 1# 'pw vb. X3X pron. tf'13 adv. xVl3 pron. 3113 vb. xyia n. XrilDX n. ©'13 adv. i# xian n. .INlirr adj. X33 n. "1 (X)inx conj. 58b(15) 59a(5) 59a(8) 59a(10) 59a(28) 59b(14) 59b(15) •73 vb. nrfr part. xap n. 333X n. Vd:x n. 1# XpD3X n. na? adv. 1# XJT?/X; n. yyi vb. 1# '3p vb. XIJ'X n. x&y-iv n. i# Tin vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# XSX n. Babylonian Talmud 1431 Bava Batra 59b(27) 60a(8) 60a(14) 60a(16) 60a(25) 60a(26; P1) 60a(28) 60a(30) 60b(l) 60b(l; F2) 60b(3) 60b(4) 60b(5) 60b(14) 60b (21) 60b (40) 60b(41) 60b(42) 61a(7) nys vb. y:x vb. i# xnsx n. XySIX num. BIT adj. 2# 'Xa vb. xnri's n. y3x vb. Tins vb. XI'l n. 1# X13 n. '33 prep. nxi3a n. 1# X133 n. ma adv. NU1 pron. 1# 1W vb. 'a: adv. fxp vb. «liD3V adv. 130 vb. orin adv. 2# X03 n. XJDTI n. xyrx ns n. i# xnsx n. 1?,l?n adj. 61a(7; HHP 94:27) 61a(8) 61b(l; P1) 61b(8) 61b(ll) 61b(12) 61b(25) 61b(29) 61b(37) 61b(38) 2# Xpl3 n. i# xnsx n. N13 adj. 1# XlX'a n. i# ixa vb. X311 n. xrst n. 1"© vb. T^'X pron. 01*73 pron. □lp prep. ninV adv. i# ixa vb. i# np vb. XyiX n. 61b(39) 61b(41) 62a(l) 62a(12) 62b(ll) 62b(17) 62b(23; F2) 62b(25) 62b(30) 62b(32) 62b(33) 62b(34) 62b(37) 63a(4) 63a(4; P1) 63b(7) 63b(8) 63b(9) 63b(10) 63b(13) 63b(15) 64a(l) 64a(3) 64a(18) 64b(ll) 64b(13) 64b(14) 64b(15; M) 65a(4) 65a(20) 65a(21) xarip n. xjnpra n. 3# Nin'T n. XO'llS n. 1# xri'3 n. 1# XlX'a n. xnn n. X33'l n. ybi vb. XJ^'V n. X33'l n. 1# XJ^S n. XTO n. xyt3n num. 130 vb. 1# ^3p vb. lbs vb. i# xira n. 1'^'X pron. 3J13 vb. Xri'^lK n. "1 conj. ]P prep. 1# ••ip vb. XCT1 n. TP"! n- NpBiy n. xan n. y"0 vb. XpaiJ? n. xan n. xpaiy n. xan n. 3OT vb. W adj. ■^n pron. ynv vb. xrnyis n. i# xym n. '10 adj. TT13 prep. X33 n. 3ipa adj. 65a(22) 67a(3) 67a(16) 67a(17) xnibj wn n. xrn n. x'ray. n. 131? adv. 1XJ1? adv. xrrn n. 67a(24; EsP1) KJTO 67b(ll) 67b(12) 67b(14) 68a(5) 68a(5; P 68a(6) 68a(6; P 68a(ll) 68a(20) 68a(22) 68a(25) 68a(26) 68a(28) 68a(31) 68a(33) 68a(34) 68b(3) 68b(5) 68b(7) 68b(15) 68b(26; 69a(2) 69a (4) 69a(8) 69a(ll) 69a(13) 69a(14) 69a(17) 69a(21) XyiXl n. Xns1?!? n. xripisa n. xriiain n. 1# XE;33 n. 'X13X adv. ) XJTUn n. not; vb. ) xaratf n. i# xira n. X^pbDa n. l^SX conj. X'??,7?D n. xn':ina 13 n. xn'iina 13 n. xri'^ina 13 n. X33 n. xri'juj n. xrnuj n. XJ3 n. xmina 13 n. xn'iina 13 n. xr\':ina 13 n. XJ3 n. 'Vra n. XpOS n. F2) XpnJl n. X33N n. XSDX n. XS3X n. no vb. 1# ^V vb. isn vb. 31 by IK conj. XS3X n. □'Vx adj. 69a(24) 69a(25) 69a(27; F1) 69a(27; F2) 69a(30) 69a(31) 69a(44) 69b(7) 69b(7; P'F1 69b(8) 69b(9) 69b(13) 69b(14) 69b(15) 69b(17) 70a(30) 70b(2) 70b (7) 70b(21) 71a(l) 71a(19) 71a(22) 71a(23) 3 71b(6) 71b(8) 72b(13) 73a(7; P1) 73a(8) 73a(15) ■]1X vb. r?p adj. 1# 13H vb. xr? n. Dp: vb. xra'p n. VdVd vb. 1.11'? "• Xpp'y n. XX1,1 n. 1# 'Jp vb. xrirs n. X1BTO n. X1DW n. 1# XJT3 n. X^p'l n. X^p'l n. ■a -Qb prep. 1"» vb. xj'rx n. C/'3 adj. XJD1J n. 73 vb. 1# 'Xa pron. 18'n vb. XpO'y. n. 1# XJ1?? n. ]3X pron. XSS'X n. 1# XS^W n. pm vb. xa^X adv. » Vj? IX conj. 'XSX conj. -COT n. pr vb. bnv vb. 3JX prep. piS vb. X'ipO'X n. 2# X11K n. nxV33 adj. i# xri^a n.
Bava Batra 1432 Babylonian Talmud 73a(16; F ) Nri'XH n. 73a(i7) xavninin. i# 'y» vb. 73a(17;F2) l*shn. 73a(18) l#ll'rin. y3D vb. xii: n. XTIX'X n. 73a(19) xnV'X n. ppn vb. nu vb. 73a(19; MGG 32:1) 2# Xri'PX n. 73a(19; MGG 32:2) 2# nu vb. 73a(19; EsF2) 1# X1TX1X n. 73a(20) 1# xVj n. xa? 'nim n. i# xpis n. xan n. 73a(21) 1# X1?? n. 'n vb. 73a(22) i# xrra n. 1# XI'IJ n. X3313 n. 73a(22; MEsH!) pT3 vb. 73a(23) 1# x^J n. K^nq n. x'nin n. 1# X*?p n. 1# 'ai vb. 73a(24) 3in vb. XT? n. p3» vb. 73a(24; F2) tpv vb. 73a(25) Knn n. i3y vb. 73a(25; MGG 31:15) xna n. 2# xnras n. 73a(25; Es) Xpin n. 73a(25; MGG 31:16) i# xbn n. 73a(27; P1) 1# X13 n. 73a(28) ,lX33ipX* n. X^DID n. 1# NBHS n. TITO vb. 73a(29) 310 vb. 73a(29; Es) 2# in vb. DH1 vb. 73b(l) XTtf'J n. 73b(2) 1# 'X,l pron. 2# X3T8 n. x«a n. IDtf vb. 73b(3; Es) 1# «]DJ vb. 73b(4; Es) XriSHBU n. 73b(5) XrilD1?!? n. 73b(6) y»p vb. 73b(6; P'Ar [AC 1:277]) 1# xb'TlW n. -ai' i? n. xan n. 73b(8) m vb. 73b(8; p1) xrroan. 73b(8; MGG 51:9) 2# X3TO n. X111X n. 73b(9) 1# XJV3 n. 1# 'an vb. 73b(10) XJTDSn. 130 vb. 73b(ii) xnpnpx n. 73b(12) 1# XlpX n. 73b(13) ybl vb. 1# p"?D vb. 73b(13; HAr [AC 6:459]) XXptfS n. 73b(14) XJ^'X n. 'in vb. i# xVn n. 73b(15) Xnj'SD n. 73b(16) 1# X'OIX n. xrp nVox n. 73b(16; 73b(17) 73b(18) 73b(18; 73b(18; 73b(19) XTI13 n. 133 vb. MGG 51:15) 3JV vb. 2# '13 vb. 2# XT3 n. 3in vb. xiina n. i# nn vb. K3W'1? adv. xtina n. i# n*?a vb. Es) xryi x^a n. MGG 51:16) 1# X313 n. xntf'a n. ia: vb. vix vb. '33 vb. i# xai? n. 103 vb. 2# xiip n. 73b(19; MGG 51:17) 73b(20) 73b(21) 73b(22) 73b(23) 73b(24) 1# V?D vb. xjinn n. Xllil pron. xrnrn n. i# x^n n. xmjv n. *?y prep- mp vb. 'DX vb. X33 n. m vb. isn vb. i# Dan vb. tirh vb. 1# pVo vb. xru'so n. 1# *7TX vb. y3D vb. 1# *?TX vb. 1,TX pron. KQi' n. X1113 n. 1# xft'1? n. 1# XX'IP n. 73b(25) X3TO adv. 2# 'JO vb. XM'Sp n. 73b(25;HP') ]3X pron. xVsitfa n. X^l n. 73b(25; Ed) 2# XD'pi n. 73b (26) 1# Dan vb. ■?D' vb. xnrsp n. 1# XEH? n. xaipaip n. 1# '12? vb. 73b(26; MGG 52:5) i# pns vb. 73b(26; MGG 52:4) Dip vb. 73b(27) 1# XX'tf n. 73b(27; Es) X3ft'3 n. 73b(28) iy prep. xrra'x n. 73b(29) 1# nm vb. ]Xt vb. xVlOlp. n. xypi n. 73b(29; P1) tf'?3 adj. 73b(29; MGG 52:7) 1# nip vb. 73b(30) '133 '3 n. xVp n? n. xrxn n. Vs: vb. ]3X vb. 73b(30; P1) X133 13 n. 73b(30; MGG 52:8) Xn part. 73b(31) XyiX n. 1X^> adv. Babylonia 73b(33) 73b(34) n Talmud p'ay adj. Ill vb. XfllX n. '3 prep. XS1? n. X131B n. XS1J n. Kill n. xpin n. NTO'B n. Ill vb. in: vb. xjaw n. 73b(34; MGG 52:12) 73b(34; Es) 73b(35) 73b(38) 73b(39) 73b(41) 73b(42) 73b(42; Es) 74a(l) 74a(2) 71'X part. x^n: n. xapx n. '■?! vb. xpVin n. nxi xa°?y n. Xyt*D adj. xisia n. xisy n. n'i vb. xran n. 3n' vb. ft? "■ i,sn vb. ■73' vb. prna adj. 1# VlX vb. xpiai n. 'in vb. 'in vb. DD3 vb. 1'PIDX adv. X3T3 n. 1# '33 vb. f)S3 vb. Xyr"D adj. 1# '3 conj. Wy vb. 331 vb. 74a(3) 74a(4) 1433 i# xVaa n. 1# yj3 vb. Dp3 vb. pOB vb. xnan n. xpin n. 74a(4; Es) XJip n. 74a(5) 74a(7) 74a(8) 74a(9) 74a(12) 74a(12; 74a(13) 74a(13; 74a(13; 74a(14) 74a(20) 74a(21) 74a (22) 74a (23) 74a(24) 74a(26) 74a(28) 74a(28; i# xVaa n. 2# '3D vb. 2# '3D vb. 'TIX vb. xtfna '3 n. xn';Vri n. '13'!? adv. XD3'D n. 'in vb. MGE 43:15) XJID n. 2# Xian n. EsMGE 43:15) i# nn vb. MGE 43:15) X31py n. nxib adj. 'yiV; '3 n. xyrs n. ]a prep. X333 n. xoin n. 'E>a vb. xiay n. XlDlp n. yyi vb. 1,13 vb. x*a n. xnan n. -|in vb. 'T'X adv. ms vb. i# nn vb. ino vb. TGHark 190:12) 'V? vb. 74a(28; TGHark 190:13) pW3 vb. 74a(29) XriTD n. xn1?? n. xypi n. 74a(30) 1# nn vb. 74a(31) XS'Xpart. 1# X333 n. XDil adv. 74a(31; TGHark 190:22) X3313 n. xypi n. 74a(32) 1D3 vb. 74a(33) XV?^ n. 1# 111 vb. xnwn adv. '3 prep. ina adv. 74a(34) 'n vb. Xja'T n. 74a(34; MGG 50:11) i# -yvi vb. 74a(36) '81 vb. XTl'O n. 74a(37) X13B n. 2# xa'p n. 74a(37; M) XB'T n. 74a(37; MGG 50:12) xjn: n. 74a(37; M) 1,S^ vb. 74a(40) JTX part. "?y prep. X31p n. 74a(41) ]at vb. 74a(42) xaw n. 74a(42; Es) ETTip adj. xan xry n. 74a(44) 1# 'TIX vb. 74a(45) xri'^pip n. 74a(46) p31 vb. 74a(46; MGG 50:17) y3D vb. 74a(47) X»13 n. Bava Batra XJ'B n. 74b(l) 'Xliax 13 n. 74b(l; P1) 73 vb. tmv vb. 74b(2) 2# Xj?'I n. 2# X^n n. 74b(2; MGG 50:19) 1# bpv vb. 74b(3) Xri'Vpip n. 74b(4) 2# '1I» vb. 74b(6) nxnrn adj. 74b(7; P1) 3D adj. 74b (8) 'Xliax 13 n. 1# nn3 vb. 74b(8; P1) l#nnvb. 74b(9) 73 vb. 74b(9; MGG 51:3) tf31 vb. 74b (10) XXpWS n. 74b(10; MGG 51:4) XIS'X n. yop vb. 74b(ll) xain. 1D,1 vb. i# xnn n. x;a n. 74b(12) "n vb. 1# bpv vb. 74b(13) y^vb. 74b (14) "n vb. DftP adj. XIS'X n. 74b (15) niSvb. 74b(15; MGG 51:6) xnplpl? n. 74b(15; MGG 51:7) i# xVn n. 74b(19) XDDX n. xnia n. 74b (20) 1# D^n vb. 1# 'ID vb. ni3 vb. 1# ip3 vb.
Bava Batra 1434 Babylonian Talmud 74b (20; 74b (21; 74b (21; 74b (22) 74b(23) 74b(23; 74b(32) 74b(33) 74b(33; 74b(35) 75a(23) 75a(24) 75a(26) 75a(27) 75a(29) 75a(29; 75a(30) 75a(38) 75a(38; 75b (22) 75b(26) 75b(27) 75b (48) 75b(49) 75b(51) 76a(5) 76a(18) xafc/'y n. '3'X n. M) d'jx vb. Es) xrnaia n. "n vb. P1) CT1? vb. xrnau n. nfloo n. xari'i n. X3,1 adv. MS? n. Ar[AC 1:34]) xVnx n. 1# DID vb. PS vb. V'"!? adj- P1) 1# xrfj'a n. 2# xmrtf n. xifcra n. 2# V?D vb. i# rbn vb. n'1?!? adj. '^B adj. X3X1?!? n. ]U'X pron. N?'P1 n. tiTT vb. '3 prep. KSsW n. Es) xbxiX n. 103 vb. Xp'T '3 n. P1) XriTDn. 1# X019 n. X?"1X n. X3'» n. VOX adv. Ill vb. xrjrsp n. 1# XflllS n. 1# !»» vb. XVDVOI? n. 1# Mp vb. 76b(20) X113JTO n. 76b(22) 3TO vb. 77a(5) 1# xrff'B n. 1# 'jp vb. 77b(9) 3JX prep. 77b(13) Xpp'J? n. 77b(26; Es) XIB'X n. 77b(29) XIB'X n. 78a(28) xrosia n. 78b(l) xtiSJ n. 78b(8) m vb. 78b(10) 1# Xrff'a n. 78b(l 1) "1 to pron. 78b(12; P1) 1,TX pron. 79b(9) ym vb. 79b(10) 13V vb. 79b(17) ]3I vb. 79b(17; P1) XT3 n. 79b(18) tfipvb. 79b(21) nxi'rr adj. 80a(6) XB'X n. 2# TUX n. 80a(9) XB'X n. 80b(28) '^a adj. 80b(38) ... 'ai/31'3 n. 80b(39) XOX n. XJ1X n. 80b(39; Es) XaOISX n. 80b(40) 2# Xni3 n. XJ»n. XJ'3-W n. 80b (40; MGE 575:19), wm n. 80b(41) xat?13 n. XCT1?? n. 81a(2) Katm n. Xri'03 n. XI? n. 81a(2; MGE 575:21) XJllia n. 82a(3) XplOB n. 82a(9) 1# pbo vb. 82a(14) no: vb. 82b(22) «pB vb. 83a(17) STOn. 83b(3) X33'1 n. 83b(12) JHTvb. 83b(12; Es) xrraii xjui n. 83b(14; P1) a'tfn adj. 84a(7) ':' vb. 84a(8) 2# 'SB vb. 84a(16) paiO n. Xtfa'ti n. 84a(i7) nun vb. pao vb. Xr'3S n. 84a(18) '13 adj. Kin pron. X1VU n. 84a(24) pao vb. 84a(25) 1# X111 n. X;» n. 84a(26) D1TJ n. Xnri'S n. 84b(10) rPJadj. 84b(ll) 2#X'?nn. 84b(21) l?prep. Xn?B# n. 84b(22; SM 65:14) 2# XJ1B1 n. 85b(5) X"73X n. 85b(25) xppS n. 85b(26; P1) XBno n. 86a(8;HP') X^aOB n. 86a(28) Xjriia n. 'a: adv. 86a(32) '1'B b3 pron. 86b(6) XS'Vw n. 86b(7) mv vb. 86b(12) -\-a vb. 87a(7) 130 vb. 87a(9) 1# X1AX n. 101 vb. 87a(32) 13'X part. 87b(23) '1TX vb. 87b(24) ]J3l n. 88a(3; F2) 1# X1J': n. 88a(5) ua pron. Dip vb. 88a(10) 'ain. l>Xp vb. 88a(ll) XBDX n. Xrnp 'a n. aaj vb. 88a(12) Xlto'3 n. 1# XP1S n. 88a(13) 3in vb. 88a(15) 4#X1£n. 88a(15; HP 87:5) XBIS n. 88a(16) tiip yb. 88a(23) Dip vb. 88b(25) X^X conj. XSIiy n. 88b(25; HP 98:34) 2# 'AT vb. 89a(16) nX'fcU'31n. Dip vb. 89a(17) v-n vb. 89a(19) Kiy_ n. 89a(20) 1# XJ'tf n. 89b(l) ':B11J vb. 89b(33) "1 (X)iriX conj. 89b (34) om vb. xann n. 89b(35) nB3 adv. 89b(36) XTIfl n. 89b(36; M) nil vb. 90a(19) 1# yps vb. 90a(23) XT0? n. 90a(24) p! vb. 90b(4) xnintf num. 90b(5) i# urna n. 90b(5; Es) X^»? n. 90b(5; EsP1) XI'Sp n. 90b(7) O'BXa prep. X1?"? n. 90b(9; Ar [AC 7:266) Babylonian Talmud 1435 Bava Batra PI* n. 90b(20) Tin adj. 1# XTS n. 90b(21) Vsx adj. 90b(24) mil vb. 90b(34) 1# 1XX vb. 1# XTS n. XJjatf n. 91a(9) iris prep. 91a(9; P1) ty prep. 91a(18) X332? n. 91a(18; Ar [AC 5:171) KM'3138 n. 91a(18; Ar [AC 5:171]) X("I IS? conj. D'Jp adj. 91a(23) JPfTD n. 1# Xip? n. 91a(25) PIT adj. iV vb. 2# °?S3 vb. 91a(29) XB'X n. 91a(30) SOT n. 9la(32) nxra n. 91a(33;P') TJ7T adj. 1# K13'J? n. 9ib(3) xmm fn n. 91b(12) 1? conj. 2# n: vb. 91b(13) rj'SJ adj. Dip vb. 91b(13; Es) XJ?1?? n. 91b(14) 3# XIB'X n. XJS? n. 91b(15) "IJX vb. xmia n. 2# in: vb. x"?jra n. 91b(16) XJl'9 n. i# xrrnp n. i# xn'i n. 91b(17) 2# TU vb. XJl'S n. 91b(17; EsF2) J7Xa vb. 91b(18) Xjni n. xpin n. Ill vb. 9ib(i9) xannn. 2# TU vb. ao: vb. X3-11J? n. X»'"l n. 91b(19; Es) 1# ^Vl vb. 91b(20) X©311 n. xpin n. •UJ vb. 1# XTO n. 91b(21) 2# "VU vb. 91b(21; P'Ar [AC 4:34]) 2# V?D vb. 91b(22) XJI'^B n. 91b(22; P1) XjVo n. xri"1?? n. 91b(22; MGL 715:14) 2# y?V vb. 91b(23) l#xn3n. 1# 'On vb. 103B num. 91b(24) 2# Ti: vb. 91b(25) 1# 108 vb. 1# fm vb. 91b(42; EsP1) XM'S"! n. 91b(48) XJ0TI n. '^!?B adj. xpniy n. 92a(9) '?ri adv. 92a(ll) Dipvb. xn-in. 92b(l) d?V vb. 92b(2) xriliy-l 'IB n. 2# JHS vb. 92b(i3) yy-\ vb. 93a(8) bsi vb. 93a(9; HP1) xrwya n. 93a(10) ninXB prep. 93a(10; Es) n33 vb. 93a(22) X3V1 n. 93b(3) 1# 'JIX vb. 93b(14) X-1J13 adj. 93b(19) Xira adj. 93b(42; Es) nXSO'Dp adj. 94a(7; Geon 107:25) Ipy vb. 94a(18) mBvb. 94a(20) 2# 3iy vb. 1# 03p vb. 94b(6) 'Tn vb. 94b(10) l#irjnum. 94b(15) 2# 3ny vb. 95a(3) m vb. 95a(ll) xriSfl.n. 95b(19) 1# xri'na n. 95b(23; HEs) i# xian n. 1# Dip vb. 95b(25; HAr [AC [6:444]) XaiXIS n. 95b(25) XJ-ip n. XS1XT n. 95b(26) '? prep. 1# ]XB pron. 130 vb. 96a(5) 1# Xian n. 96a(6) lp' vb. 'Xb'ya adv. 96a(7) 2# xVrj n. 96a(8) Xa?D n. i# xnn n. 96a(16) nXBVn adj. 96a(22) 2# xVn n. 96a(22; HP1) priSIO adj. 96a(24) prjBlO adj. 96b(l; Ar [AC 4:286], HP 87:9, TGAs28 10b:20) 2# XS? n. T11B> vb. 96b(10) ^!?aadj. 96b (11) 2# 'TT vb. 96b(14) 1# '»1 vb. 96b (15) psi vb. 96b(16) Dlta XV adv. 1# KlbB n. 96b(17) W1D vb. 96b(18) XT13n. 97a(9) xni'P n. 97a(22) XT#3n n. 97a(23) 1C3 vb. 97a(26) 1J3 vb. xap xap adv. 97b(ll) 'Vyvb. 97b(16) "| 'X conj. 97b (20) 13V vb. 98a(5) xn interj. XJi??i? n. 98a(7) 1# 'HW vb. 98a(8) 1# Xpmt n. xri'ina n. 98a(16) l#DUvb. X^JB n. xna n. 98a(17;P1) TH? adj. 98a(18) xri'aWXn. 1# *?2\> vb. 98a(23; P1) HXIOT n. 98a(23; HP87:11,HG2 481:17) '30 vb. 98a(23; HP 87:11) XJ30 n. 98a(24) 1# XH3 n. 98a(25) "I ]XB 'Xn pron. 'OB vb. 98a(26) "1 xnjflX prep. x'?'! 13? conj. xnns n. 1# 'pSp vb. 98a(27; HP 87:18) 2# xVn n. 98b(10) 1# XJI'3 n. 1# 111 vb. X3T1 n. i# xan n.
Bava Batra 1436 Babylonian Talmud xjTin n. 98b(18) TJl'Sn. 98b(18; Ed,Ar [AC 4:96]) XTQip n. 98b(19) X31SX n. 98b(25) nip '3 n. i# XTrip n. i# 'ai vb. 99a(15) «]B3 vb. 'xb'ya adv. nm vb. 99a(16) ^nVw vb. 99a(20) 11X vb. 99a(26) X1'3 n. lao vb. 99a(26; P1) latf vb. 99b(16; Es) brf?n vb. 99b(19) bsti vb. 99b(24) XTTS n. 99b(25) XC>S3 n. 100a(6) xjbn n. iooa(i8) xrnran n. 100a(24) 2# '11 vb. xjiyt? n. xrro'3?>* n. iooa(25) xris'na n. 2# D"D vb. 100b(3) i# xip n. ioob(i8) xrinxn. 101a(ll;HEsRaH) tfn vb. lOlaOIjHP1) tfltfvb. ioib(7) xnnn n. 101b(8) X7T13 n. ioib(9) xaiosVN n. 101b(14) xbs'3 n. 102a(20) XJlDSbx n. 102b(2) »$?': n. 102b(4) xbs'3 n. 102b(10) yw vb. 102b(13) 1# bra vb. 102b(14) istf vb. 102b(14; Q§ 72:17) 113 vb. 102b(15) '3'X n. 103a(2) (")'SX3 prep. tflp vb. 103a(9) 2# X^IT 13 n. 1.13'3 pron. 103a(ll) '3X33 n. 103a(ll; P1) 2#XYltfn. 103a(16) lxb adv. 104a(10) WIS vb. 104a(20) TjT adj. 104a(21) Xfltfn adv. b'l adj. xip'ya adv. 104a(22) xblT n. 104a(24) XblT n. 104b(l) TJV adj. xrp'ba n. 104b(12) X';1? 'Sb3 adv. 105a(2) XJD'y n. 105a(7) xpo'y n. 105a(10) 'Xlladv. 105b(3) XIWX n. 105b(4) XTiya n. 106b(l;Es) 2#n»avb. I06b(2) ic'an num. 106b(2; HP 96:18) 107]'?> num. 106b(4; HP 96:19) Dip vb. 106b(5) 1# bap vb. 106b(13) '11,1 pron. 1# '3p vb. 106b(20) 1# '3 n. 106b(22; HP 96:27) X3p'J?a adv. 106b(23) Dip vb. 107a(9) 1# pSD vb. 107a(21) X?'Xa adj. 107b(l) 'ye vb. 107b(7) T3 prep. 107b(12) 1# 'SB vb. •rem n. 107b(15) Dp3 vb. 107b(24) 1# X71'3S3 n. XSiS n. iy_ prep. 108a(2) 1# fsp vb. nm vb. 108a(3) 1# fsp vb. 108a(4) pep adj. XTlB'fr n. 108a(17) XTMyilS n. 108b(2) Xtfll n. 33n vb. 109a(7) '11,1 pron. 109a(15) '71X vb. 109b(23) xaw n. 110a(l) XB'XlX3Xn. 110a(20) X7lb'33n. Xpltf n. 110a(20; Ar [AC 5:393] MGE 104:19) otfj vb. 110a(21) X3,13n. 110a(29) m'vb. 110b(l) Xtfp 13 n. 110b(l;P') 13interj. 110b(14) XSlipn. 110b(16) '3.1713 11. ixb adv. llla(27) XJIXn. llla(31) f)03vb. llla(32) te'Xpart. llla(35) XSTDn. "]a0 vb. llla(36) 4#'bavb. X?a?> n. llla(37) Xl,l pron. (-)'SXb prep. ^3$ prep- 11 la(38) XTlblJ n. VV1 vb. T, adj. '33b prep. nm vb. 11 lb(l) 113 vb. '35 vb. lllb(4) '31 adv. lllb(21) Tin adj. X3'3D n. pDS vb. 1# Xip n. 112a(9) TllOvb. 303 vb. 112a(19) Ipyvb. 112a(20) XMtfn. 112a(28) 303 vb. 114a(9) tftfn vb. 114b(l) KJ'JJyn. Dip vb. 115b(3) Xt?3»n. 115b(18) 138 pron. 116a(15) 1# XaiJ n. ]'l pron. 116a(16) 2#0"0vb. IXTfry adj. 116a(17) '3'X part. 116a(17;F2H!) xb'3X n. 116a(18) xbsprep. 116a(21) xain. 116b(l) XSlinn. py vb. 118a(4) l#miSvb. 118a(5) l#nilSvb. 118a(12) l#miSvb. 118a(16) laOvb. 118b(l) 'TlXvb. »btf vb. 118b(24) 711'vb. 2# bS3 vb. H8b(3i) xaxixrixn. 118b(32) 'XI vb. H8b(35) xaxixnxn. 119b(3) XSlJn. 1# pBO vb. 119b(21) ibSvb. 120a(12; V22) jbs vb. 120a(23) pis vb. 121a(3) lai vb. Babylonian Talmud 1437 Bava Batra 121a(4) ©IB vb. 121a(6; Ar [AC ib.]) 2# VS1 vb. 121a(10) X3»3yn. 121b(12) XBi'n. xbaa n. 121b(13) xa'X n. lap vb. 121b(29) Jbs vb. K?i?1i? n. 122a(27; HEsP1) 13T11* n. 122a(29) X31ip n. '3BS1P n. X1STO n. 122a(29; P1) Xr'31D n. 122a(30) Xpnil n. 122a(32) lxbadv. 122b(7) X1111S n. 123a(17) Xabjn adv. Xbp'l n. 123a(22) 1# 'Drt vb. 123a(39) 1# X3X n. XXI pron. nxai n. 123a(40) xnnx n. ]B prep. bby vb. tf'tfp adj. 123a(41) X7I1XB1 n. 123a(41;Es) 2#'JO vb. 123a(42) 1# 1DB vb. 123a(43) «p3 vb. 123a(44) Xbbaa adv. 123a(46) X'll'p adj. 123b (14) '3'7I3 n. X™33 n. 1# np vb. 123b(30) Untfvb. 123b(37) xb'BB adv. 2# mip n. 124a(13) 'l'b prep. 'Da vb. 124a(20; Geon 61:20) obx vb. 124a(21) l#pbovb. 124a(22) XTlbaW n. 124a(22; P1) Xlisn n. 124a(22; P!Ar [AC 8:88]) 'BSlbtp n. 124b (9) '30 pron. 31 '31 XIS'O n. 124b (20) 2# XTDtf n. 125a(l) paK; vb. 125a(3) 71X pron. 125a(5) X3'3? n. 125b(l) '03'3 n. 125b(l;F2) KTITn. 125b(l; P1) 30 adj. 125b (2) 303 vb. 1# 33S7 vb. 125b(3) 17J3 prep. 30 adj. 125b(7) XayD n. 125b(16) 30 adj. 126a(5) Xlp'ya adv. 126a(12) XTI33'y n. 126a(26) -flO'a n. 126b(5; HEsHP 59:3) X3X n. 126b (6) Xnbsb'S n. 126b(6; HP 59:3) xribsi's n. 126b(30) bDO adj. 126b(31) l#X1313n. "1 conj. b30 adj. 126b(34) 1# 'OX vb. 1# X1313 n. 1# Xfll n. 127a(16) Dip vb. 127a (17) XliBX n. 127a(19) 1# XlpX n. 127b(3) 'X conj. 127b(23) XDlb'n n. 127b(28) 3# XIX'B n. 128a(12) 1P3 vb. 128a(16) 113 vb. 128b(23) 717)1 vb. 128b(27) y"0 vb. 129a(4) XTISpTlX n. 129a(19) 2# 7in3 vb. 129a(23) XliBX n. 130b(26) in vb. XSl'S n. O'ap prep. 130b(26; F2) XJ'l pDS n. 130b(27; TGHark 175:26) 1# Xb'X conj. 130b(28) 1B3 vb. yip vb. 131a(4) 1# X13 n. TIT vb. 131a(13) l#TK5vb. 131b(9) X3'l'3n. X1713 adj. 132a(l) rj'3 adj. 132a(2) ya» vb. 132a(18) X3101X n. 132b(16) 1# XTlia n. Xl'a adv. 132b(17) XTITI'X n. 1# XTS n. 1# Xjbs n. 132b(22) 1# 33K; vb. 133a(3) 3bs vb. 133a(6) 1# 7in3 vb. 133a(9) 1# X333 n. 133a(13) 1# a32? vb. 133a(I4) '03'3 n. 133a(20) yi3 vb. I33b(3) iyiy vb. 133b(5) X3'H n. XTIXXn n. 13 3b (14) XlJ'l n. 2# XTl'b'y n. 133b(15) 1# Xblj n. xb'bs n. 133b(16) 1# X7I'3'3 n. X7l'3Jia n. 133b(18) 'Davb. 133b(18;HEs) X13JJ n. 133b(18;Es) b'bp adj. 133b(20), DTOvb. 133b(21) 2# XTl'b'y n. 133b(27) 1Kb adv. 133b(30) lay vb. X3iro n. 133b(30; Inyanot 190:22) X7l30nx n. 133b(31) l#N13n. '1 pron. 1# X?1T n. 134a(25) nxi.1 n. 134b(9) Xnan. 134b(16) nS3vb. 134b(24) "laprep. 134b(27) XSWn. 135a(8) Dipvb. 2# X';i3'W n. 135a(9) t/lln vb. 135a(10) ptn vb. 135a(15) yi' vb. 135a(19) 1# bll3 vb. X'W n. 135a(19; p'h) ,1X3?; n. 135a(21) If! pron. 135a(24) Kin pron. 135b(7; V22) Dbx vb. 135b(19) X1103X n. 135b(24) LIT vb. 135b(27) -[ISvb. 136a(l) 10' vb. 136a(2) X7l37ia n. 136a(23) X7)'3pX n. 1# '3p vb. 136a(25) yi'vb. 136a(27) xajriSn. Dip prep. 136a(27; P1) X31311 n.
Bava Batra 1438 Babylonian Talmud 136a(29) 136b(5) 137a(ll) 137a(20) 137b(l) 137b (2) 137b(12) 137b(15) 137b(17) 138a(15) 138a(18) 138b(8) 138b(14) 138b(30) 138b(31) 139a(16) ]1X pron. '3,1 adv. Xia'T n. 13y'X1 adv. X'ni pron. pSl vb. xaVy. (rii'Vo n. fl'X part. i# ':p vb. RPiti n. nx^ia adj. 1# 'Jp vb. i# mix vb. PTT vb. Trp adj. 1# 'SB vb. 1# xrr?'a n. XJ'l '3 n. pn vb. '03 vb. 139a(17; Ar [AC 8:33) 139a(18) 139a(29) 139b(5) 139b(13) 139b(22) 140a(12) 140a(22) 140b(3) 140b(4) 140b(14) 141a(4) 141a(10) 141a(21) 141a(26) 141a(30) 141a(33) 141b(7) 141b(8) 2# X31KJ n. Wt vb. 1# rf?E7 vb. 'TO vb. xtfsi n. IDS vb. 1# '3 conj. oya vb. X1';3U n. 1# *?1X vb. BE7S vb. poy vb. TT? adj. xrnin n. i# xrns n. ion vb. v?t vb. i# did vb. X»'13 adv. psi vb. 1# "ri'31 n. lay vb. 141b(14) 142a(15) 142b(l) 142b(3) 142b(21) 142b(24) 142b (25) 142b(26) 142b(27) 142b(28) 142b(35) 142b(36) 142b(36; P 142b(37) 142b (3 8) 142b(39) 143a(l) 143a(32) 143a(33) 143a(35) 143a(36) 143a(38) 143a(38; P 143a(39; P 143a(40) 143a(41) 143a(42) 143b(5) lax vb 'SI vb Xtf'13 adv. X0131S n. 031S vb. nxmi3 adj. 1# '3 n. m vb. 1# X131 n. m vb. flB pron. iron pron. xpbin n. Xf?D n. (-)rr^ part. "71113 prep. WX pron. "71113 prep. ') PTH n. •mi3 prep. tf'tfp adj. XTQ n. xrjw'iyp n. xays n. 130 vb. 1# 10313 vb. xtf'i n. xpVin is n. BIS vb. X,1 part. 1# '31 vb. »W>? n. 1# 'TO vb. ) xsba m n. ) " 2# x'riSX n. Xl'BIBO'X n. Xl'BIBO'X n. 2# X*713X n. 3713 vb. y"0 vb. 1'TI pron. 143b(7) HD3 adv. 143b(9; P'HP 118:13) XpO'S n. 143b(10) 1# HXI'tf n. 143b(10; HP 118:15) Xrf?3 n. 143b(13) 303 vb. 143b (16) Xtfl'X n. 1# X13 n. 143b(24) X13 13 n. 144a(3) 2# 'SB vb. 144a(8) 1# XDI'l n. 144a(9) niB vb. 144a(13) X3T1 n. 144a(17) niD vb. 144a(28) Xll' n. X33TO n. 144a(29) XX'Xht n. XlOin n. 301 vb. 144a(30) 1# xVlip n. 144a(31) xmpa n. 2# XW'tf n. 144a(33) i]1'X pron. 144b(7) f)'in adj. 144b(8) 1# Oil vb. XSlin n. 144b(12) 3,T vb. 144b(13) "1 X3',1 *73 conj. 144b (3 8) TX.1 pron. 145a(12) ion vb. 145a(13) '31 adv. Xp part. 145a(35) XTlia n. xixtf n. 145a(39) XTl'13 n. 145a(40) X3'X part. 145b(3) "1 XTUHX prep. 145b(7) xVw n. xmi'SEhtf n. 145b(9) xtaB n. 145b(ll) lyprep. d?V vb. 145b(12; F2P') NJJ? '3? n- I45b(i4) tf'i'x tf'i'x n. X7I13'OT n. 145b(27) X3in 'ia n. 145b(28) Xiai n. 145b(31) X3S'Xn. 146a(13) Xplll n. 146a(22) pnv vb. 146a(22; Es) XTl'llia n. 146a(22; P1) 1# yti vb. 146a(29) 1# '"73 vb. 146a(30) XJ1330 n. 146a(30; HP'SMel 50:208) X3V3 n. I46a(33) xrio'tzm n. 1# 1J?D vb. 146b(l) 31' vb. 146b(2) 1# tax vb. X31in n. 1*a adv. bsi vb. Vj? prep. 146b(6) 3D adj. 146b(8; HP 118:29) Xta'13 n. 146b(9) xp/v n. XW'3 n. 146b(30) ri3' vb. 147a(8) 1# 'IX vb. 147a(9) 131 vb. XI?? n. 147a(17) -7$ prep. 147a(21) 1# xniiX n. 147a(42) my »n n. 147a(43) D'an adj. Tip adj. xntfn. 147b(2) "IB prep. 148b(ll) ]"yvb. 148b(12) pn vb. 149a(19) 1# TbV vb. Babylonian Talmud 1439 Bava Batra 149a(22) XJT11X n. 149a(23) XJTliX n. 149a(24) iai vb. xriiyp n. IDS vb. 149b (5) ]13 vb. 3D adj. xriyiat!/ n. xnya© n. 149b (8) X711113 n. 150a(17) Oil adj. 150a(19) l#XriBT!n. i# xrnyip n. 150a(29) 111 vb. 150a(30; TGAs42 149:20) Xyplpa n. Ill vb. 150b (15) xnyawn. 150b(16) X?pipa n. 150b(19) '03'ln. 150b(20) l#'ipvb. 150b(28) XSlOXn. 150b(32) TT'Xpron. 151a(18) xa'Xn. 151a(20) lio'padv. 151a(21) DH!>a prep. 151a(23) nxVinadj. 151a(24) Xfljnn. 151a(25) XnilX n. 3713 vb. 151a(27) Dip vb. 151a(32) XllVa n. X1BP n. 151a(32; HP 119:4) 1# -ftn vb. 151a(34) xrinx n. 151a(35) X;iSn. 151a(36) '33 vb. 151a(37) ixb> adv. 151a(37;F2) Xl'1 n. 151a(39) "1 OTIB'X V? conj. XO'IIS n. Xllp n. 151a(39; HP 60:11) i# tfVn vb. 151a(39; F2) XTip'DS n. 151b(l) Dipvb. 151b(2) ltttibnvb. 151b(7) 1# TIB vb. Xl^'D n. 151b(8) y31 vb. 151b(9; P1) '11 interj. Xp part. 151b(10; P1) Xrwi'X n. 151b(18) 'a adv. 151b(19) 1# Xpl3 n. 152a(5) Xtf3'1 n. 331 vb. 152a(10; Ar [AC 2:37]) xVl iy conj. 152a(ll) 1#'81 vb. 152a(22) 'linx prep. 152b (2) pn» vb. 153a(3) BhDvb. 153a(5) l#'ipvb. 153a(15) 3D3vb. 153a(24) IIDvb. 153a(25) l#X1DDn. 153a(26) 2# X31X n. 'yD vb. 153a(26; HAr [AC 4:5]) y3D vb. 153a(27) Xixa n. 'l»n vb. 153a(28) 1# Xy3'D n. pIS vb. 153a(28; MRashi) X^liy n. 153a(33) 1# XOiy n. 153a(34) ll'aprep. N?ia n. IDS vb. 153b(5) l#VlXvb. 154a(15) yyi vb. 154a(20) T>nvb. 154a(22) 154a(23) 154a(25) 154b (7) 154b(13) 154b(33) 155a(3) 155a(5) 155b(ll) 155b(12) 155b(13) 155b(21) 155b(22) 155b(28) 155b(30) 155b(32) 155b(32; P1 155b(34) 155b(38) 156a(2) 156a(8) 156b(31) 157a(26) 157a(35) 157b(20) 157b(24) 158:28) 158b(12) 158b(14) 159a(4; Es) 159a(5) X^l'1 n. TSp adj. 1# 'ai vb. 1# XOiy n. xripm n. iyiy vb. 1# bill vb. D'VX, adj. xVl3 pron. i# nni vb. 'OP'J ". 2# '13 vb. 2>'n3 adj. CT3 vb. Xffl'13 n. xnw'ns n. TJV adj. 1ini£> vb. xrutw n. 1# K13y n. XJTOp vb. Xtlt n. xssin n. 13y vb. ) 13D vb. X1'3I n. V?T vb. Dip vb. i# xn^'a n. 13y vb. '30 pron. xsn? n. 1# X13n n. 13yi» vb. X1J13 adj. i# xin.in n. XHp adj. 1# Xll'l n. XTO'ty n. XT1X n. D3n vb. xnis n. 1# X3X n. 159a(7) 159a(18) 159a(19) 159b(21) 159b(25) 159b(30) 159b(32) 159b(35) 159b(36) 159b(37) 159b(40) 160b(3) 160b(25) 160b(26) 160b(33) 160b(36) 160b(41) 160b(42) 160b(44) 160b(45) 161a(9) 161a(ll) 161a(12) 161a(16) 161b(3; F2) 161b(4) 161b(5) 161b(6) 161b(7) 162a(5) 163a(7) 163a(8) '»P adj. ]a',1 vb. ]a'n vb. 1# X3X n. ni' vb. JIT vb. X'nrt pron. Xl'1 "■ nxill adj. X13TO n. xrVrpx n. 113 vb. 'Wp adj. 1X^ adv. -|SK vb. X31B adv. X1H3 n. ISp vb. '3.11X adv. »11 vb. 'Xlia adv. 1# 'Vs vb. D'JP adj. T1W adj. pna vb. D"p adj. 113 vb. xniyi n. 1»3 vb. 1# XII n. xriiann n. Xia'D n. xrinn n. X1113 n. i# ns vb. ]3D n. 1'Sn adj. xriisa n. Xia'D n. «)"1 vb. 1"! vb. 1# X1S0 n. 1# bw vb.
Bava Batra 1440 Babylonian Talmud 163a(16) 163a(18) 163a(19) 163a(20; P1 163a(21) i# xrnwx n. «l"t vb. i# xnitfx n. ) DIB vb. DID vb. 163a(21; Ar [AC 3:40]) 163a(22) 163a(23) 163a(24) 163a(25) 163a(26) 163b(3) 164a(3; Es) 164a(10) 164a(ll) 164a(12) 164a(13) 164a(17) 164a(19) 164a(20) 164a(21) 164a(21; P1 2# Jin vb. XDVB n. i# xrntfx n. KOTO n. XDVD n. TT3 vb. XBVO n. pna vb. Dnn vb. xVl3 pron. xriv"! n. Xjmx pron. ar\n vb. xpna n. kt;j n. xiptf n. 'X^y adv. xinp n. 110 adv. xpna n. xpna n. pna vb. ) 164a(22) 164a(23) 164a(26) 164b(4) 164b(5) 164b(6) 164b (9) 164b(10) 164b(14) 164b(15) 164b(15; F 164b(18) i# xn'pia n. vn vb. xpna n. xniann n. 1# VTO vb. IT' vb. T3 'ra adv. 031 vb. J?'p? adJ- 1# ''JD vb. piy n. piy n. 2) xrmsiy n. nay vb. 164b(19) 164b(30) 164b(31) 164b(33) 164b(34) 164b(35) 165a(7) 165a(10) 165b(3) 165b(4) 165b(19) 165b (20) 165b(29) 165b(32) 165b(34) 165b(35) 165b(43) 165b (44) 165b(45) 166:34) 166a(l) 166a(3) 166b(14) 166b(16) P'l piy n. Dip vb. Jtitf'3 adv. X^X conj. XB'TI n. Xll'O n. XIS'O n. IX1? adv. XB'jn n. nay vb. NT9i? n. in: vb. 1# xVlOD n. i# xnan n. 1# «px vb. "| XS'^X prep. i# ins vb. xania n. m vb. xehTa '3 n. X30J n. 2# 'JO vb. Xrip'lS* n. XSP3 n. mnti n. xani n. xripns* n. T"1B adj. IX conj. XJ11 n. Ibn JanahHeb 338:3) 1# "|1D vb. 167a(2) XTTO^X n. 167a(5) 'in vb. 'Vjra adj. 167a(8; Es,Ar [AC 2:32]) XjatS n. 167a(9) xnwnqn. 167a(10) 133? vb. 167a(10; HP 67:32) Xpp'T n. 167a(ll) 113 vb. Xtf'l n. 167a(ll; HP 67:32) 1# XJI^Ja n. 167a(ll; HP 68:1) rm» vb. 167a(12) 133 adv. Dip vb. 167a(13) «]"T vb. 3HD vb. 167a(14) Xlia'1 n. i# nn vb. 167a(17) pna vb. XO'11? n. 167a(17; HP 67:23) XIJ'X n. 2# '3 n. 167a(17; F2) Xll n. 167a(17; HAr [AC 4:220]) 1# X33 n. 167a(17;M) 133 vb. 167a(18; HP 67:23) 11 conj. 167a(18) itfvb. 167a(19) 'X,1 ^13 adv. x?'?? n. mil vb. 167a(20) Tvb. 1# riS3 vb. 167a(21) l#innum. xnja n. 167a(22; Es) 11 conj. 167a(24) pm vb. 167a(25) Qnn vb. 167a(27) 'T1 pron. 167a(29) «p vb. 167a(29; HP 68:6) ]13 vb. 167a(29) 1# 71S3 vb. 167a(30) inn adj. 167a(31) "Xprep. Xpi:iT n. 2# xira n. nu vb. 167b(29) 167b(33) 167b(34) 167b(35) 167b(37) 167b(38) 167b(39) 168a(l) 168a(2) 168a(3) 168a(4) 168a(5) 168a(6) 168a(7) 168a(10) 168a(17) 168a(19) pin vb. xna n. pin vb. i# 'iy vb. 1# np vb. ,1X31 n. xmxai n. -ini vb. 'in vb. VI'X pron. Wp vb. i# U3 vb. X311X n. i# xmix n. 1Kb adv. XIS-'X adv. X$ pron. pn vb. 1# 'Xil pron. ]1'3 conj. nai vb. XJTXn adv. aip vb. i# oa n. 168a(19; TGAs42 151:11) -raadj. 168a(21) xmypn. 168a(28) 'a? prep. 168b(13) 168b(14) 168b(15) 168b(16) 168b(17) 168b(20) 168b(21) 168b(26) 169a(10) i# xaix n. i# nxaiy n. cux vb. NSPX n- *71X vb. xna n. 'in vb. 03X vb. -no vb. l# xiso n. xri'3 xs^x n. 2# 'Xil pron. 2# H»3 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1441 Sanhedrin 169a(14) 169a(16) 169a(17) 169a(18) I69a(19) 169a(21) 169a(25) 169b(5) 169b(9) 169b(12) 169b(18) 169b(21) 170a(4) 170a(12) 170a(18) 170a(24) 170a(37) 170a(45) 170a(47) 171a(l) 171b(3) 171b(10) 171b(ll) 171b(14) 171b(21) 171b(22) 171b(23) 171b(25) 171b(28) 171b(30) xstd n. xrpiix n. yip vb. xanr; n. yip vb. i# xax n. xnis n. 2# *pl vb. XT pron. DD0 vb. 1# p"?D vb. 0"S vb. nn na n. naywa n. an' vb. nny vb. j'jd vb. ma vb. rra vb. yaw vb. i# xspn n. \m vb. Dip vb. lap vb. D'Vx adj. KJ1 '? n. xjiaa n. i# yps vb. xaiin n. X1DP n. XT1T n. 031 vb. an1 vb. i# '"?a vb. xisy n. 1# '3 conj. J'JO'T adv. n?9 n. XJTO.l adv. |}1 pron. inixa adj. 1# X1D0 n. ana vb. 171b(31) 172a(3) 172a(5) 172a(9) 172a(12) 172a(13) 172a(15) 172a(16) 172a(19) 'X conj. XJP'T n. IDS vb. xrnpx n. Dip vb. Xlp'P n. 1# X13 n. i# xrhvs n. DID vb. X1BP n. 013 vb. 172a(21; HP 69:34) 172a(31) 172b(3) 172b(18) 173a(19) 173a(22) 173b(9) 173b(10) 173b(ll) 173b(32) 173b(33) 173b(35) 174a(15) 174a(19) 174a(21) 174a(22) 174a(23) 174a(25) 174a(26) 174a(28) 174b(l) 174b(2) -b^l prep. Xri '3 n. XflllX n. 'ya vb. py vb. 'Xax conj. Datf vb. ini vb. 1# X13J n. d?v vb. in? prep. nXDIS adj. 2# xaiy n. xroapx n. laytf vb. iayw vb. in n. i# una vb. D3n vb. 'P?'} n. ]13'X pron. i# aiy vb. 2# xaiy n. yv vb. on' adj. 2# yiD vb. 1# Xia n. 'J'a prep. ma vb. JTO vb. xna\? n. 174b(10) 174b(13) 174b(15) 174b(18) 174b (20; 174b(21) 174b(22; 174b(23) 174b(23; 174b(25) 174b(27) 1# 174b(29) 174b(40) 174b (44) 174b(47) 175a(13) 175a(13; 175a(14) 175a(20) 175b(18) 175b (24) 175b(35) 175b(43) 2# X3iy n. ,_™ n. 2# X3iy n. nix n. P1) xrr?3 n. xriains n. 2# xaiy n. Es) pm vb. aoi vb. Naty n. HP 52:17) TV vb. i# nn vb. xnawp n. »1J vb. "i ]xa ^3 pron. xrii'iy n. -nyv vb. 1'3 prep. xra n. Iff? 'D^S adv. HP 52:21) X/nailX adv. pPS vb. pOD vb. xiiayi? n. xiisyiy n. X113y?> n. xi'3 n. xais n. Sanhedrin 3a(23) 3a(24) 3b(18) 3b(19) 3b(26) 3b(43) 3b(46) 4a(28) 4a(29) 4a(31) U1?? n. iax vb. X^'V n. xn^j; n. xri n. 3ip vb. ya^ vb. Taq adj. Ill vb. XDU n. yu vb. xrisV'n n. 4b(2) 4b(4) 4b (22) 4b(30) 5a(2) 5a(4) 5a(5) 5a(6) 5a(7) 5a(8) 5a(15) 5a(21) 5a (26) 5a(28) 5a(29) 5a(30) 5a(35) 5a(39) 5a(40) 5b(l) 5b(3) 5b(4) 5b(8) 5b(9) 5b(26) 6a(10) 6a(16) 6a(17) xiap n. 1# 'Xn pron. X33Dn. 1# '3 conj. ]1J3 prep. lai vb. pp: vb. 130 vb. 2# XJITOI n. xriiVj »n 'a n. xri n. 2# XriWl n. 'yo vb. X3,l adv. DJin adv. ]a prep. xri n. ynv vb. 'ina prep. 'x: vb. XrilVl ETl n. i# xax n. x;ia n. Dip vb. -i mxa conj. i# nru vb. xnx 13 n. xnx 13 n. xnapn n. XV adv. "3 prep. ypa adj. xaia n. yps adj. XBJ'X n. y^p vb. xawiy n. "T XriyiX prep. 1# ]11 vb. "I xa'Vx prep. 'lin pron. '? Prep- 1# X;31D n.
Sanhedrin 1442 Babylonian Talmud 6a(30) 6a(32) 6b(56) 6b(56; 7a(4) 7a(12) 7a(13) 7a(15) 7a(19) 7a(20) 7a(21) 7a(23) 7a(25) 7a(27) 7a(29) 7a(30) 'in vb. 1# '30 vb. X3'7 n. HGP36a:13) 2# tr\va n. -1 X133 ^3 conj. Dip vb. irhKb adv. 'in vb. Xp7'3 n. 3# XT3 n. Kiirx n. tf'tfp adj. run vb. 1# X133 n. 1]'3 conj. T'fy adj. Dip vb. 1# VlX vb. XBtf'3 n. 2# PET! vb. Cb) '31B n. 1# X333 n. XT3 n. W'3 adj. xja'ftfa n. XM'ro n. 1# 'JTX vb. nai vb. i# xVipn n. D13 vb. Vfltf vb. i# ym vb. 7a(31; TGHark 108:7, TGCas 7a(32) 7a(33) 42a[33]) 2# HX vb. X?'!3 n. 1# XTOSO n. T'TJ? adj. xvns n. xnarn n. Xl'ai'J n. 2# xnis n. 7a(38) 7b(14) 7b(15) 7b(16) 7b(20) 7b(21) 7b(30) 7b(31) 7b(31;M) 7b(32) 7b(33) 7b(34) 7b(39) 7b(39; Yal 7b(48) 7b(49) 8a(2) xri'P num. 1# 33tf vb. 2# #33 vb. X3P'1? n. X3'7 n. »)33 vb. 3T '3 n. Xll»3 n. 1# Xa'tf n. '71X vb. xrno n. xrisno n. naj vb. nx'to '37 n. 'T!? X^> adv. Dip vb. xniax n. ■\m vb. X3BJTWB n. Dip vb. pB3 vb. XtfM n. xrvnx* n. 1# X^tpp n. xmyn n. (-)n'b part. 135? vb. Ii?n adj. xniaax n. *]ro vb. xjwin n. i# xnV'a n. Xja adv. 1# XlBin n. xnujn n. pM vb. 1# XV730 n. xnyixn n. xnis'tf n. ns.) xprrn n. X3'7 n. X33T'BlplX n. 1# OU vb. 8a(3) 8a(6) 8a(7) 8a(17) 8a(39) 8a(40) 8a(41) 8a(43) 8a(46) 8a(48) 8a(53) 8a(54) 8b(13) 8b(39) 9a(l) 9b(7) 9b(8) 10a(3) 10a(13) 10a(16) 10a(17) 10a(31) 10a(42) 10a(43) 10a(44) 10b(l) 10b(2) 10b(6) 10b(39) lla(ll) lla(ll; F2) lla(38; F2) lla(39) X31X n. mx vb. l"y vb. 1# XBCftp n. 'X conj. 1# xV'X conj. 'JH pron. pi vb. KJ'n n. 3J1' vb. xirVtf n. my n. "p vb. 2# XfflEh n. KB'Kl X3X n. «]33 vb. •m vb. "^ prep. tflB vb. Kin pron. xno'a n. 1# xVop n. poy vb. pro vb. j'rs vb. XH part. 3*?B vb. X$? n. -|J13 prep. B»B vb. 1# Dai vb. xnaix n. i# 'na vb. X3Jn. ma vb. "n adj. tip vb. 138 pron. Oy prep. an' vb. XSIO'3 n. xay Vs n. TJiy, adj. llb(l;F2) 12a(18) 12a(23) 12a(24) 12b(17) 12b(44) !2b(45) 12b(46) 12b(47) 12b(48) 13a(6) 13a(23) 13a(25) 13a(28) 13b(8) 13b(29) 13b(30) 13b(32) 13b(35) 14a(21) 14a(21; I§GF 14a(32) 14a(36) 14a(37) 14a(40) xjmu'y n. asm vb. m'3 pron. yaw vb. X}©'1? n. 'tfp vb. i# xnis n. xnps n. tin vb. i# xnis n. 'Ba vb. pni vb. XJ3Khn n. -oya adj. KJltf n. 1# pVo vb. '?n IXb? adv. 2# D"D vb. X3E? num. XjJ part. llXn. 1D3-1X num. 1# 'Va vb. 13y vb. xritin. XJ31 n. 3D adj. 700 vb. 1# 'JO vb. 3m vb. 'TDK adv. 1# '3 conj. 3D adj. ■)SD vb. 14:18) 1# 'rap vb. Dy prep. y"D vb. 7pti vb. 1# KJJ'3 n. X31B adv. nyx vb. nao vb. Babylonian Talmud 1443 Sanhedrin 14a(41; F2) 14a(42) 14a(43) 14a(44) 14a(46) 14a(47) 14a(57) 14b(15) 14b(16) 14b(38) 14b(43) 15a(13) 15a(14) 15a(27) 15a(42) 15a(43) 15a(45) 15b(8) 15b(ll) 15b(34) 15b(35) 16a(22) 16b(ll) 730 vb. "?'3p adj. 2# 'SB vb. H.KV0 '33 n. 2# '1* vb. xai»p '?3 n. -|ao vb. "lO'p '3 n. O'SX1? prep. xri'3npa n. xnaix n. X3'S13 n. T1? adj. X3T31.8 n. X'TO v.n. xnVu n. xay n. X3"ln. mby n. 11 conj. 1# XjV? n. 'X1J adv. B'#S adj. runic adj. 1# '3D vb. xnao n. na pron. pB3 vb. tip} vb. tim vb. n»3 adv. paw vb. 2# mti vb. pDS vb. X^Bp 13 n. 1# x'jBp n. 1# 'Bn vb. 1# 'Xa pron. 3*?S vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# x"?Bp n. Xtf3'X n. *•??? n- 16b(51) 17a(l) 17a(39) 17a(41) 17a(42) 17a(43) 17a(44) 17a(50) 17b(18) 17b(20) 17b(22) 17b(23) 17b(26) . 17b(27) 17b(28) 17b(36) 17b(39) 18a(40) 18b(5) 18b(25) 18b(35) 18b(36) 18b(37) 18b(38) 18b(40) 18b(41) 18b(42) X1BX n. xaya n. 'in? prep. ID' vb. POD vb. xabtf? adv. xjnx nnix n. ri'3 adj. 2# D"D vb. xro n. XJ'T n. 3D adj. Tin adj. xniax n. .. '3i/an'3 n. xsnya n. ■|nx vb. xri part. lD3nx num. 1# '^ vb. 2# '3T vb. pB3 vb. T33 adj. Xin? adv. »'pV adj. nns vb. T1X n. Yl pron. TX3 vb. DX conj. XTI'B n. ma vb. IHBX n. -\m vb. X^IB n. 2# rf?tf vb. xyib" n. ta^ PreP- nB3 vb. pB3 vb. DlTp n. ■?apV prep. X33»in n. 18b(43) 18b(43; K) 18b(44) 18b(45) 19a(12) 19a(13) 19a(14) 19a(20) 19a(38) 19a(42) • 19a(43) 19a(46) 19a(48) 19a(49) 19a(50) 19b(24) 19b(25) 19b(28) 20a(38) 20a(42) 20a(44) 20a(45) 20a(54) 20b(6) 20b(6; Ar 20b(7) 20b(49) 21a(13) 21a(31) nsy vb. xrron. •pQ vb. TOn. yo vb. i# xriV'a n. x-i'sn n. 'BB vb. n'V prep. xina n. 2# ^p vb. i# y33 vb. nn vb. xaby ms n. 7 xji'ys conj. om vb. 1# XOT3 n. i# in vb. bop vb. X»B3 n. nx pron. '7'X pron. 'DX vb. '33 prep. xnjw.n. XB»B n. xayB n. toy vb. 2# XI? n. IS? prep. X737 xony n. Dip vb. 1# X"13 n. nxi^'j n. xV?7 xony n. pS3 vb. ^y vb. [AC ib.]) xyi'3 n. xnpax n. i# xnnix n. X?B'X n. m vb. 21a(32) 21a(39; K) 21a(40) 21a(43) 21a(45) 21b(ll) 21b(23) 21b(28) 21b(48) 21b(48; F21 22a(21) 22a(32) 22a(33) 22b(l) 22b(5) 22b(31) 22b(33) 22b(34) 22b(47) 23a(25) 23a(26) 23a(46) 23a(47) 23b(7) 23b(13) 23b(31) X'J33 n. 11 conj. "11X8 pron. XD1B1BB n. 1# 1X3 adv. nya vb. xaby n. i# n» vb. XJTDT n. Xn part. NW17 n. nxra n. xsris n. 0 nxjia'V adj. XpBB'J n. 3J13 vb. X^ITB n. 10X vb. 303 vb. pV vb. 333 vb. non vb. Dp3 vb. 'TO adj. xxby n. 1133 prep. nay vb. xro n. 2# nso vb. □13 vb. i# xrinis n. 7ao vb. 1# ^OB vb. m vb. la'n vb. 1# ^OB vb. "7 conj. '3 prep. 711 pron. xrii3^n n. 'nx vb. xnis n.
Sanhedrin 1444 Babylonian Talmud 23b(47) 24a(3) 24a(5) 24a(10) 24a(32) 24b (45) 24b(47) 25a(3) 25a(14) 25a(15) 25a(16) 25a(21) 25a(22) 25a(23) 25a(24) 25a(25) 25a(31) 25a(32) 25a(39; F2) 25a(45) 25b(l) 25b(3) 25b (4) 13 n. 1# *?0S vb. 1W3 vb. iJ'D prep. pn vb. 331# vb. XTOBOX n. "TljnB prep. p93 vb. pS3 vb. O'aj? prep. «p vb. XTl'3'1 n. KI13B n. pS3 vb. xtb'ib n. X1B1B n. 13J? vb. 1# '31 vb. 1Kb vb. Diy vb. Xj? part. 'X conj. X3i' n. Dip vb. 1# NIX n. ibs vb. 1# 'IX vb. W>j? adj. xtfw n. Xtip3 n. Dip vb. »p: vb. 25b(4; Ar [AC 7:220]) 25b(4) 25b(5) 25b (26) 25b(32) 25b(35) tip: vb. X^pj n. xnrr?xx n. 1# XIX n. '?i? n? n. 130 vb. 1# K13X n. xjiaa n. n»3 vb. 25b(36) 25b(37) 25b(38) 25b(39) 25b(40) 25b(45) 25b(47) 25b(48) 25b(49) 26a(l) 26a(I; K) 26a(2) 26a(3) 26a(9) 26a(14) 26a(17) 26a(20) 26a(22) 26a(26) 26a(35) 26a(36) 26a(41) 26a(43) 26a(46) 'Itf vb. 'Xipx adv. 113 vb. 1# nti vb. fxp vb. SHn. «]t?n vb. xrvD^a n. X'TX n. 1# '3 n. XTira n. 13JT vb. XTI3 tin n. X311X n. 033 vb. X1.13 tin n. xiru tf'i n. p3tf vb. T33 vb. XTiya n. xjaix n. xj'io n. T1X vb. nx vb. «]0X vb. «]P vb. '3? adj. y-lT vb. T13 vb. Kjryatf n. 2# VSD vb. 313 vb. TO3 vb. t\n pron. xirx n. xiiiB n. XJil n. rrapa prep. satf vb. 'aa vb. XT pron. XTipy n. ti-n vb. I 26a(47) 26a(48) 26a(49) 26a(50) 26a(51) 26a(54) 26a(55) 26a(57) 26a(57; F2) 26b(l) 26b(l;K) 26b(2) 26b(34) 26b(37) 26b(38) 26b(39) 26b(43) XTnri num. 10in num. 2# 11X vb. X7)33'i num. 1# X1'3 n. Xpn'9 n. ins vb. 'B3 vb. D^tf vb. i# loa vb. x'piB1?'? n. 1# X133 n. irw vb. X33 n. 1713 prep. ~b prep. O^tf vb. XTPltfB n. xrijrp n. xnntfD n. i# Tin vb. XJ^T? n. onn vb. 113 vb. X71371B n. X'0niS3 adv. X'0niS3 adv. ]1T vb. 1# 13 vb. X?3'X3 adv. 2# XTOTI n. nnsx adv. -i oria'x *?3 conj. IT3 adj. 26b(45; HGP 39a:24) 26b(45) X113'X n. 333 vb. 26b(45; HeRaH, Ar [AC 4:284]) 26b(46) 1# X?3 n. xrnx n. 7TB n. 1# bos vb. nxiisp* n. 27a(3) 27a(6) 27a(7) 27a(9) 27a(12) 27a(16) 27a(40) 13p vb. XllS'p n. "I N3TJ7B prep. ino vb. «3'3 pron. "pB vb. '3 prep. xnuVn n. ]'S3 adj. X',1,1 pron. 27a(42; OH San 221:5) 27a(43) 27a(44) 27a(44; At 27a(45) 27a(47) 27a(48) 27a(48; Ar 27b(l) 27b(5) 27b(14) 27b (24) 27b(25) 28a(5) 28a(30) 28a(33) 28a(41) 28b(l) 28b(15) 28b(17) 28b(21) 28b (22) 28b (31) ■?Dp vb. xnibj tin n. XJ'l n. 'Xll adv. XPD3 n. [AC 4:202]) 1# M3 vb. "?n3 vb. "Tl pron. 1# X^Win n. X3pn. [AC 3:515]) 1# X93 n. X'BTD n. XTlpn. ano vb. i# oat vb. ptil vb. X313 n. X130 n. X;>X conj. xaVya adv. x'piO'S n. xVlJ n. X^SX n. 2# X31 n. '? prep. xVx conj. 31p vb. xnjn n. 1# XO'J n. xrunn n. Babylonian Talmud 1445 Sanhedrin 28b(34) 28b(35) 28b(37) 28b(43) 29a(3) 29a(4) 29a(5) 29a(7) 29a(13) 29a(29) 29a(31) 29a(32) 29a(33) 29a(42) 29a(43) 29a(44) 29a(45) 29b (3) 29b (4) 1# XO'J n. ]3X pron. 'B3 adv. Dip vb. p3tf vb. xan is n. XTllPX n. X31?a n. p31 vb. X3pn. 1# XTp n. X3'l n. mx vb. xnjn n. pnia adj. xjaix n. X33 n. 'in vb. X3S3 n. xVaa adv. 2# 'Xa vb. XTTOn. xjriia n. X^3 prep. xn» n. 2# X13X n. >I adj. 1# XlpW n. 131 vb. ion vb. 1# 15?D vb. Xj?TB n. 2# '13 adv. 131 vb. ]83 vb. 29b(4; HP 79:5) 29b (5) 29b (6) 29b (8) ]BB vb. 1# X13TI n. 1# KriV'3 n. T3? n. X33II7 n. X13p '3 n. ]B3 vb. 29b(9) 29b(16) 29b(17) "n adj. 7113 n. X3pn. 1# 'lp vb. 1# XTVIEh n. 1# pbo vb. 29b(17; HP 79:34) 29b(20) 29b(21) 29b(35) 29b(36) 29b(37) 29b(38) 29b(40) 29b(41) 29b(43) 29b(47) 29b(48) 29b (49) 29b(50) 29b(55) 29b(57) 29b(57; K) 30a(l) 30a(2) 30a(10) 30a(ll) 30a(22) 30a(24) 30a(26) X?3V? n. KlJ'l n. X133J7 n. 1# IDti vb. 1# 33P vb. xrnix n. «]33 vb. «]33 vb. m vb. xron n. ]BT vb. m^ti n. X?plpB n. -3'Sf3 prep. X^Ba n. 'Bl vb. ion vb. xyplpB n. Xrj313 n. onn vb. 1# X1SD n. xn'iix n. X'll pron. 1# X13D n. X313H n. xVl3 pron. Xin? adv. X3J11B n. ]331 n. XJ31 n. '3'ri adv. 3D3 vb. xnja n. WX pron. 'B3 adv. d7ti vb. 30a(27) 30a(29) 30a(46) 30a(49) 30a(54) 30b(5) 30b(U) 30b(14) 30b(30) 30b(31) 30b(33) 30b(33; F2) 30b(34) 30b(35) 31a(15) 31a(16) 31a(27) 31a(30) 31a(49) 31a(50) 31a(52) 31a(55) 31b(l) 31b(39) 31b(39; F2) 31b(40) 31b(43) 1,13'X pron. XI13B n. 1XV adv. 1# pbo vb. 1BX vb. 73 vb. pD3 vb. XB1S n. 1# yti vb. tpti vb. 1713 prep. po vb. X1J13 adj. T vb. «]iD adv. X1J13 adj. IV vb. xf n';3 n. xrvirn n. X313 n. i# nti vb. xVp'l n. «pt vb. i# nw vb. ynti vb. 3in vb. xrran n. irn prep. XTO'B n. pD3 vb. XII n. Xpi3J n. 3in vb. X3H '3 n. 'Vp vb. ptn vb. Xri'3 13 n. i# rbti vb. Xl'T n. xaVit; n. 2# V3p vb. Dip. prep. mx vb. 32b(33) 32b(41) 33a(17) 33a(19) 33a(20; F2) 33a(21) 33a(39) 33a(41) 33b(7) 33b(25) 33b (27) 33b(28) 34a(26) 34a(31) 34a(45) 34b(21) 34b(31) 34b(32) 34b(37) 1# DDn vb. Vm vb. 1BX prep. ]3X pron. *7Dp vb. KJ3p n. XliBX n. 2# np vb. 1# XJ31D n. ins vb. -3'X3 prep. Dl^S XV adv. 1# 3733 vb. 31 '3 n. 1# 'ip vb. ip' vb. 1# XlpiB n. 1? prep. yxp vb. 3# ^X vb. 4# Xlp n. XH'B adv. '?n vb. TIX vb. 'Ill pron. X?B0 n. xnnri? n. 'SJ prep. XJ'l n. xris'p'n n. 34b(43; HGP44b:14) 35a(21) 35a(22) 35a(25) 35a(28) 35a(33) 35a(34) 1# 33» vb. i# pan vb. 1B3 vb. ]"1 vb. Vya vb. "?Bp vb. X3??3 in n. 3713 vb. KTb n. XaiD n. D1SX prep. xayB n.
Sanhedrin 35a(34; K) 36a(14) 36a(15) 36a(22) 36a(29) 36a(34) 36b(ll) 36b(20) 37a(21) 37a(22) 37a(27) 37a(28) 37a(29) 37a(29; F2) 37a(30) 37a(31) 37a(32) 37b(17) 38a(6) 38a(7) 38a(17) 38a(25) 38b(2) 38b(2; F2) 38b(27; He) 38b(34; F2) 38b(38) 3 8b (44) 3 8b (47) 3 8b (49) 1# TO3 vb. XJ'riB n. 1# XJT3 n. Xn part. X3 adv. «]S3 vb. X3'X part. 'in vb. nxra n. 1# X13A n. in' vb. '3V13 n. 3ip vb. i# nn vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# )XB pron. Tin adj. |'Bj? adj. imn vb. xr1? n. an1 vb. 711 vb. xarj n. X'jBp 13 n. liy adv. 131 vb. PTH n- i# xian n. DD3 vb. ia n. xran num. xaix n. 1# Xipx n. "T'X pron. 2# IpD vb. -b naV conj. i# nn vb. J?T vb. nxra n. xriua'n n. XpJlllS n. i# nn vb. p3tf vb. 38b(51) 38b(52) 39a(4) 1446 Shi vb. XpTS n. xrijfatf n. xrnax n. i# xVria n. xnVx n. 1# X33J n. 39a(5; MGG 89:17) 39a(6) X1BJ? n. piV vb. i# nn vb. 39a(6; MGG 89:18) 39a(13) 39a(14) 39a(14; M) 39a(15) 39a(16) 39a(17) 39a(18) 39a(20) 39a(2I) 39a(21; M) 39a(22) 39a(23) 39a(24) 1X11.T adj. X31n. p;ro vb. i# xsaix n. xnns adv. 1# *73X vb. Xlfr'3 n. XPrl'3 n. X'1,13 adv. xn'px n. xrrn adv. Ill vb. Vl'J pron. 10'p n. n:x vb. X3'X part. X3/1X n. 'in vb. X3313 n. '» vb. N?T! n. X'j'SlX n. "1 conj. xran n. Dip vb. Kyi?"! n. "?31X vb. XJTO n. xais n. i# hv vb. X?'pl n. 39a(29) 39a(30) 39a(31) 39a(33) 39a(34) 39a(35) 39a(35; M) 39a(36) xraax n. 'XV'yV adv. 1# KlbB n. -ay vb. P30 vb. •"nb interj. brm vb. VP8 conj. xaj? n. 13'3 n. '3t vb. ]'?? adJ- 1# '3 n. 1# HV vb. xrirptf n. Vty vb. i# np vb. xwbto n. xya» n. 39a(36; F2M) xpnsn n. 39a(37) 39a(37; F2) 39a(39) 39a(41) XBbx num. xntfn adv. xra?n num. m: vb. xnVx n. xjsna n. nxra n. xri'J?'3!f> n. 'TO vb. 39a(41; MGL 685:21) 39a(46) 39a(47) 39a(49) 39a(51) 'TO vb. xro n. 1# °?3B vb. 13p vb. XniVsD n. 1# pVo vb. 1# Xlp'JP n. xrmi n. 39a(51; MGN 416:8) 39a(52) 39b(7) 2# 31? vb. 1.10 vb. nn vb. 39b(38) ,V31 n'jl'B adv. Babylonian Talmud 39b(40) 40a(51) 40b(l) 40b(3) 40b (5) 40b(l 1) 40b(12) 40b (16) 40b(22) 40b (24) 41a(10) 41a(19) 41a(22) 41a(29) 41a(49) 41b(4) 41b(5) 41b(17) 41b(18) 41b(20) 41b(24) 41b(31) 2# X3X n. xn: n. TOp vb. i# nn num. 'inn pr°n- «T>' vb. '■nn pron. "xV adv. 1# 'Jtf vb. 'in vb. loin num. >yn vb. Tan adj. y?p vb. "13 prep. bvp vb. opi vb. 130 vb. X31 n. "1 DTO *?5? prep. "1 DTO *?2? prep. JttS vb. 1# Xri'3 n. TOp adj. 'TX pron. XJTO'B n. 41b(32; HeF2) XriW'Tl n. 41b(45) 42a(2) 42a(3) 42a(4) 42a(14) 42a(25) 42a(27) XllS'ff n. re n. xr's: n. 113 vb. 'a adv. 'lin pron. ins vb. XPSJ n. 1# 'ip vb. 1# 'Xn pron. 42a(28; F2Ar [AC ib.]) xnVu n. 42a(28; TGAs42 169:38) 42a(37) 42a(40) xi'inr n. Xri '3 n. XSS'X n. 1447 Sanhedrin 42a(42) 42a(43) 42a(44) 42a(46) 42a(47) 42b(39) 43a(8) 43a(21) 43a(27) 43a(29) 43a(36) 43a(37) 43a(42) 43b(37; F2) 43b(45) 44a(l) 44a(5) 44a(14) 44a(19) 44a(32) 44a(33) 44a(43) 44a(51) 44b(18) 44b(51) 44b(53) tivp vb. TSX vb. xrn n. osn vb. mbv? adv. D3n vb. titip vb. VTX pron. 1X^ adv. 1# 'JO vb. •BVp vb. D3n vb. i# rati vb. 311' vb. Oil adv. ■?Dp vb. '5?3 vb. ns: vb. 1# XW n. i# noa vb. 3JX prep. 1# X13 n. xntfn adv. 1# DBI vb. Xipt'3?B adv. intf vb. xnwn adv. viy vb. tf:y vb. K0X n. 1# xri'3 n. i# np vb. 2# IpB vb. 2# IpS vb. X^BX'X n. 2# xrrra n. i# xVaip n. 1'IS adj. xaya n. xitax n. 'xn 'Via adv. X^O pron. XBJB n. 45a(12) 45a(13) 45a(20) 2# xraa n. xiinin n. vvn vb. mW adv. l# HI vb. "?Bp vb. 45a(31) xa^V (ni'^13 n. 45a(32) 45a(33; K) 45a(34) 45a(47) 45b(5) 45b(8) 45b(14;K) 45b(52) 45b(54) 46a(l) 46a(18) Xji't'3 n. xrri n. Xji'T'3 n. KPTl n. n3J vb. 1# Vlll vb. XBU n. X'TIB adv. XBlVn n. till vb. xV73 n. XB19 n. XTP n. 'lin pron. pnia adj. 1# '31 vb. 1# 111 vb. 46b(22; OHT Hag 30:30) i# n'xV'rp adv. 46b(24) 46b(24; K) 46b(27) 46b(35) 46b(36) XB1?? n. y?p adj. V?p vb. ym vb. xri'nixn adj. i# noa vb. 46b(37; OH ib. 361:7) 46b(37; K) 46b(38) 46b(39) 46b(40) 46b(41) 46b(42) JT1X n. nxwso adj. "la prep. xAnia n. 13p vb. xinia n. 1# 'TO vb. Xji'T'3 n. 13p vb. 46b(44) 46b(47) 46b(49) 46b(50) 46b(52) 46b(53) 46b(54) 46b(55) 46b(56) 46b(58) 47a(5) 47a(9) 47a(12) 47a(15) 47a(34) 47a(34; M) 47a(37) 47a(40) 47a(44) 47a(49) 47a(52) 47b(10) 47b(18) 47b(19) 47b(20) 48a(6) 48a(10) 48a(ll) 48a(12) 48a(15) : 13p vb. m vb. Ijn pron. lip vb. XTSpn n. "rj adj. «■??: «• 'a: adv. i# 'n* vb. K??? "' ip' vb. XljT n. inn pron. 1B0 vb. ip' vb. P'lS adj. ?'W1 adj. 1# X3X n. ip' vb. 2# V?n vb. HIP] n. ip' vb. T113 vb. (-)Jl'V part. "n vb. i# ratf vb. X1BJ n. 'm vb. 1# pbo vb. i# xniix n. 3in vb. V3X vb. 13p vb. 1# X13p. n. XTO'X n. xai' n? n. T\W adv. 1# X13p n. xnio n. ]8T vb. ns vb. 2# KB'M n. 11 by *)X conj. 48a(19) 48a(20) 48a(43) 48a(46) 48b(l) 48b(17) ri'an. 'JS vb. 1# pBO vb. xrnVi n. 2# V?n vb. xiia n. nx vb. 48b(18; Seel 150:34) 48b(18; F2) 48b(31) 48b(35) 48b(36) 48b(36; K) 48b(42) 48b(45) 48b(46) 49a(l; K) 1# H3X vb. K??? n- i# »d: vb. xrin'i n. BlV vb. "1 conj. KiroV? n. p3» vb. xriiaV n. 1# X13J n. Xlip'3 n. 'ai vb. "n adj. vvn vb. X31n. RBIlb n. 49a(l; HeMGN 586:14) 49a(l) 49a(l; K) 49a(5) 49a(6) 49a(9) 49a(13) 49a(41) 49a(41; K) 49a(42) 49b(14) 49b(15) 49b(29) Bl1? vb. XBiB^ n. XB'1? n. XB'jb n. by vb. mb prep. TO vb. 1# VlX vb. Wll vb. xri3pa n. WIS vb. xnjns n. 'I'lte n. DJ?B vb. 2# DID vb. 1# 'IX vb. xai' no n. Dip vb.
Sanhedrin 1448 Babylonian Talmud 49b(35) 50a(5) 50b(22) 51a(8) 51a(9) 51a(15) 51a(20) 51a(23) 51b(6) 51b(7) 51b(12) 51b(15) 51b(16) 51b(19) 52a(7) 52a(8) 52a(32) 52a(34) 52a(38) 52a(44) 52a(48) 52b (6) 52b(14) 52b (19) 52b(32) 52b(34) 52b(35) 52b(39) 52b(41) 52b(43) 53a(3) 53a(28) 53b(22) '03 vb. Dip vb. i# x-iain n. bj-i vb. nan vb. WX pron. 1# 'ito vb. psa vb. 1# V?n vb. Jl'ijt part. mi n. 1# p"7D vb. 1# N3T0 n. Kris>V>n n. xn'toa n. 1# XjaiO n. 1# X"13 n. yton adj. p"!? adj. 1# XTJ n. 'xiaa adv. I1?' vb. Vay1? adv. i# tos: vb. 1# 1"lto vb. i# xbaa n. xaain n. 1# X3toB n. to'M adj. 30 adj. 3# *\pi vb. i# -nn vb. Tl pron. 1# into vb. xrt"iix n. Xpi'9 n. T13 vb. XTpOJ n. nn tj n. psa vb. xiaa n. *iy prep. V?3 adv. 54a(29) 54b(47) 55a(6) 55a(7) 55a(24) 55a(26) 55a(39) 55b(20) 56a(10) 56a(ll) 56a(12) 56a(16) 56a(18) 56a(19) 56a(33) 56a(43) 56a(44) 56b(35) 56b(36) 56b(46) 56b(54) 57a(4; Ar 57a(6) 57a(7) 57a(10) 57a(20) 57a(28) 57a(29) 57a(31) 57b(2) 57b(17) 57b(21) 57b(30) 57b(33) 57b(40) xriip n. ri'X part. DJ/l'I? pron. i# xrnix n. XtoTf n. top vb. Din vb. xaarn n. "1"! pron. Din vb. Xato'V n. "|"n vb. XJ1TITX n. X?n adv. yta vb. J7T2 vb. ppn vb. yt3 vb. xsnin n. Xr?D n. psa vb. i# '3"i vb. xnsa n. DJ?a vb. ips vb. V?y vb. (-)'SX3 prep. [AC 6:307]) xrnsx n. 1# Xtep n. IfX pron. xnnx n. 2# ,]?3 vb. TIB'X adv. 'VyB adj. xriyto n. xrnjx n. 31 '3 n. XDiO n. IpS vb. 2# any vb. Drin adv. xa"j n. 58b(ll) 58b(16) 58b(27) 58b(38) 58b(41) 59a(6) 59a(26) 59a(39) 59b(15) 59b(16) 59b(18) 59b(19) 59b(28; F 59b(39) 59b(40) 59b(40; F 59b(41) 59b(43) X3T,p n. 1# '"ito vb. /IB'X adv. ]8 prep. i# xjv3-i n. (")JT part. X*7 adv. iy prep. fXp vb. *m vb. n'3 "13 n. XTB n. K3p'?a adv. TIT vb. xannx adj. 3in vb. 2) xois'to n. xnx n. ona vb. yas vb. (-)'SX1? prep. 2) Xatpx n. p3to vb. xtt n. 59b(43; KM) X1?} n. 60a(19) 60a(55) 60b(13) 61a(8) 61a(9) 61a(25) 61a(35) 61b(4) 61b(16) 61b(33) 61b(38) 62a(8) 62a(28) 62a(50) 62b(44) Dp: vb. 2# "IpS vb. 3»n vb. xVtpp 13 n. "X 'iinn 'va n. D3T vb. 1# 'B"l vb. XT3"J n. 'JW vb. nil vb. 2# T^B vb. XS1J n. XDT«X n. 110 vb. "D1? adv. Dl1?? X^> adv. 1# '»: vb. xmnpa'a n. 63a(26) 63b(21) 63b (22) 63b(29) 63b(45) 63b (48) by vb. Xp part. J113 vb. X3'n adv. ma vb. )B 13 prep. XJTUr1? n. xrn? n. nnp adj. i# 'ay vb. 63b(48; HeMGD 268:14) 63b(49) 63b(53) 63b(53; K) 64a(6) 64a(8) 64a(9) 64a(ll) 64a(13) 64a(14) 64a(16) 64a(17) 64a(18) 64a(20) 64a(21) 64a(22) 64a(22; K) 64a(35) 4# in vb. xna n. xanp n. pai vb. pax vb. pax vb. X'J3 interj. ain vb. i# ''ri vb. xVa'n n. p"IS adj. '■?p vb. 1# Xiax n. Dl1?? pron. Xpri'S n. 'Brn n. XJJ'pT n. xnu n. xrira n. oato vb. xnax n. xnn n. aito vb. toan vb. xnr n. i# ioa vb. 'B^H n. xris'3 n. i# 'ia vb. bm vb. 3"ip adj. 1# '13 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1449 64a(36) 64a(37) 64a(38) 64a(40) 64b(18) 64b(19) 64b(22) ]13 vb. D11 vb. XD'D n. KtollB 'a n. xrran n. xnm n. p3to vb. 1# p"?D vb. XtoTj n. Nna'3'7 n. xiTto n. 64b(22; Ar [AC 4:202]) 64b(23) 2# TD vb. 'yX'B '3 n. 'yX'B3 adv. 2# XD'J n. 64b(24; Ar [AC 8:42]) 65a(9) 65a(35) 65b(22) 65b(25) 65b(26) 65b(27) 65b(39) 65b(40) 65b(41) 65b(42) 65b(43) 66b(38) 67a(28) 67b(12) 67b(12; 67b (16) xrniitoa n. 1# Xlp n. xtb't n. xripy n. IBS vb. XD'n adv. 1# X13J n. nip pron. ]B prep. xna n. 'as vb. xrrxn adv. 1# '13 vb. 1# K13J n. 2# X"13n n. i# 'yto vb. i# -nn vb. xnpy n. 1# '13 vb. '3 prep. xVys n. 2# Vl! vb. 'DO vb. Xlil pron. F2) X75? pron. i# mn vb. 67b(17) 67b(21) 67b(25) 67b(26) 67b(27) 67b(29) 67b(30) 67b(31) 67b(33) y"0 vb. nsp vb. 1# '13 vb. tyB vb. X3113 n. 1# 'tto vb. 1# nXTto n. xTna n. iaD vb. T'l vb. i# xn'psp n. XV3D n. 1# T1D vb. T/131? prep. i# xrns n. 'DB vb. ntos vb. Qlp vb. 67b(33; HeAr [AC 1:197]) 67b(35) 67b(35; F2) 67b(36) 67b(37) 67b(38) 68a(39) 69a(10) 69a(12) 69a(16) 69a(19) 69a(26) xmpoix n. 2# xVBJ n. 1# XT'StolX n. 31p vb. XlTJlto n. torn vb. WX pron. "1"! pron. X31py. n. 1# xriTS n. xrnan n. 2# xnan n. i# pVo vb. ntos vb. 1# 'pto vb. xriivx n. 331 vb. Xplto n. 130 vb. Vtoa vb. -ay vb. (-)'BpB prep. 3# 1p: vb. 2# 'at vb. 69a(28) 69a(32) 69a(33) 69a(34) 69b(27) 69b(28) 69b(29) 69b(35) 69b(36) 69b(37) 69b(38) 69b(52) 69b(53) 70a(21) 70a(28) 70a(33) 70a(34) 70a(35) 70a(39) 70b(26) 70b(27) 70b(32) 70b(33) 70b(34) 71a(16) 71b(l) 71b(25) 71b(29) *1J13 prep. 'Tin pron. tons vb. xan n. XI1T n. i# xnia'y n. tois vb. I1?' vb. i# xnis'y n. '13 adj. HB3 adv. to'top adj. to'top adj. xV]X n. D1T adj. yi' vb. "ipsnx num. i# nsto vb. Vtoa vb. 1# X3JJ n. "n adj. 2# X3'3 n. X^> adv. i# "|toa vb. 1# '1p vb. 3J1D vb. npD vb. i# xn'i n. nxb'Vj adj. 1# "jtoB vb. 1# p^D vb. DD1D vb. "3 prep. Tin vb. VVy vb. yato vb. i# xniix n. i# itoa vb. n'3to adj. Xtoni n. TJT adj. i# 'ato vb. 1# llto vb. 71b(35) 72a(18) 72a(21) 72a(24) 72a(30) 72a(33) 72a(38) 72b(2) 72b (4) 72b(5) 72b(28) 72b(35) 73a(8) 73a(31) 73a(32) 73a(47) 73b(3; K) 73b(17) 73b(24) 73b(25) 73b(27) 73b(28) 74a(43) 74a(44) 74b(l) 74b (2) 74b(ll) 74b(14) xrix'jp n. Dip vb. -a'ya. prep. ]■>■$$) prep. 2# xniton n. i# nto vb. 33a vb. X13"! n. xrnnriB n. 'top adj. '71X vb. '3 prep. "I ^3 pron. xriinna n. ^Dp vb. xrnnnB n. las prep. Dm vb. in vb. XJBto n. 2# 'SB vb. "?sa vb. i# xnry n. "131? prep. xtosa n. XT?^ n. DJS vb. Xp part. XBJS n. xpiya n. xaan-i n. 1# xVpp n. Das vb. XBJS n. xaariT n. xnn '"iB n. TXn pron. paio n. bap vb. i# xripnx n. x^prns n. x^nns n. Npa'BI n.
74b(17) 74b(18) Xpllp n. Vxiip' 13 n. ^>Bp vb. XriOBOX n. i# xrivn n. "V prep. 74b(19; Teuda 15 181:1) 74b(20) 74b (24) 74b(25) 74b(41) 75a(13) 75a(16) 75a(23) 75a(37) 75b(13) 75b(20) 76a(24) 76b (21) 76b(39) 76b(41) 76b(46) 76b(47)' 77a(18) 77a(19) 77a(21) 77b (8) 77b(25) 77b(36) 77b(37) 77b(39) 77b(42) ^Dp vb. lay vb. 'in vb. xinx n. xpiip n. 'Xax conj. 'X,l 'Vl3 adv. an' vb. 3D: vb. X'lm adv. 71X vb. VU'X pron. xinx n. i# ]n vb. Krfr'a viVj v.n. '71X vb. 113 vb. XJTI31 n. □sax vb. 1# xril'n n. pVl vb. V?y vb. 1# Xtf'tf n. XJltf n. X;>3n n. 3# xri'»n n. 1# Xi'j n. pOS vb. 1# 'Itf vb. 'a: adv. 1# xrillB n. xp part. 1# DSD vb. Ni?T? n- 2# XB1A n. X^ adv. 78a(14) 78a(19) 78b(8) 78b(12) 78b(22) 79a(22) 79b(3) 79b(37) 80b(26) 81a(4) 81a(10) 81a(14) 81a(30) 81a(39) 81a(49) 81b(l) 81b(7) 81b(8) 81b(10) 81b(ll) 81b(23) 81b(28) 82a(l) 82a(2) 82a(4) 82a(24) 82a(27) 82a(30) 82a(31) 82a(32) 82a(33) 82a(34) 82a(41) 82a(41; K) w vb. -jnn vb. xVpp 13 n. 1# X^Bp n. ton vb. XJ1B1X n. )13 vb. pSJ vb. iVs vb. XHItf n. U'VI pron. 1JX vb. O'tiS adj. ^'DP adj. 'y3 vb. 1# Tin vb. "n vb. i# in vb. 1# X^pp n. 31pa adj. in' vb. 130 vb. □ae vb. tai vb. era vb. xibj n. 1# TO vb. xa^'ri n. i# np vb. 131 vb. xrbf?n n. A3J vb. X31?? n. ■J13 vb. XBBO n. 1# IXl'tf n. pBJ vb. xap adj. 1# '»J vb. ''jp vb. 2# Utf vb. 2# IpS vb. 2# ipS vb. 82a(55) 82b(28) 82b(29) xrnj'x n. xpaiiis n. xJ"li? n- XJ311X n. •yi vb. N^JJ? n. >]11 vb. 82b(29; MGN 442:15) 82b(37) 82b(44) 82b(45) 83a(9) 84a(17) 84b(38) 84b(39) 84b(40; Ar 85a(20) 85b(28) 85b(37) 85b(44) XflB'7P n. p3tf vb. 131 vb. xiaj n. XrDBOX n. X1BX n. p3tf vb. XV?'0 n. [AC 2:137]) xriya n. row vb. *?'Pp adj. pBJ vb. xtf'pn n. 1# 'JI vb. Dip vb. 86a(5) 31 '31 XIS'O n. 86a(12) 86a(14) 86b(12) 86b(17) 86b(33) 86b(38) 86b(39) 87a(30) 87b(37) 88b(33) 88b(34) xano n. IBB vb. ■^in adv. 'jna n. 'pV vb. xnVrmx n. xnj?at> n. TBI vb. xnan n. psj vb. "7 conj. X3T3 n. xjmu'y n. Vw vb. *?Bt> adj. «]Bt> vb. xri'nix n. 1# Oil vb. 88b(35) 88b(36) 88b(38) 88b (50) 89a(4) 89a(28) 89a(43) 89a(47) 89a(49) 89a(54) 89b(10) pin vb. XriU'B n. 1# XJ^ n. xVBp 13 n. Xlp'J?a adv. 'lirf? prep. 1# XJT3 n. XBty (nj'V» n. xnnnp n. •yv vb. 1# XljTO n. X3'X part. 3,T vb. -i jxa? conj. X^31X n. 'i?1? vb. 89b(ll;K) l#X13rjn. 89b (15) 89b(41) 90a(31) 90b(2) 90b(36) 90b(36; F2 90b(43) 90b(56) 91a(l) 91a(9) 91a(24) 91a(25) 91a(26) 91a(48) xsp'ya adv. DHl vb. n'X part. 1# DU vb. xnp'ip n. ) t>m vb. Vpi vb. lax vb. m vb. "n vb. 10'p n. X33fc> n. i# nn vb. nxra n. '11 interj. "rj adj. T'l) adj. ma vb. ran. ojn vb. '11 vb. 3';n adj. Dip vb. xri'aiapy. n. DBS vb. "1 conj. 1451 Babylonian Talmud 91a(48; F2) 91b(19) 91b(41) 92a(7) 92a(46; M) 92a(49; F2) 92b (50) 93a(4) 93a(25) 93a(29) 93a(30) 93a(33) 93a(34) 93a(39) 93a(40) 93a(41) nxaii n. xn^ n. 1# 'OX vb. 2# X*731X n. 1# XlXp n. 1# X1J n. V3p adj. X1BJ n. 1313 prep. 1# 11'n n. xaWi n. XJ010 n. X1T3 n. X110 n. 1# '13 vb. 1# XTH n. xnpspx n. X^3 prep. xi'in n. XJ113T n. *?x: vb. Dip vb. xrfrx n. XW adv. 110 vb. '"?p vb. 1# "?TX vb. 1# X1113 n. '3}V prep. 1# VlX vb. |3X pron. XriMT n. 93a(42) X';33 n. '83 adv. 93a(43) 1# p!3 vb. -J1113 prep. -TT? prep. XJ?1 n. 93a(44) IHf X pron. ]1K pron. 1# '3 n. '573 vb. 93a(44;SM21:9) XpBB n. 93a(45) 1# p vb. xni31 n. ■pn vb. tf'B: adj. '"?p vb. 93a(46) 1# XB11S n. 93a(47) 2# '11 vb. X1U n. p'lX adj. 93a(48) XJX pron. 1# in num. 93a(49) ti'3? adj. ip' vb. xprp n. 3'B1 adj. 2# XriWl n. 93a(49; F2) X11X n. 93a(49; Ar [AC 7:142]) 93a(50) 93b(18) 93b(29; F2) 93b(31) 93b(34) 93b(40; F2) 93b(47) 93b(48) 93b(49) 93b(53) 93b(54) 94a(l) 94a(2) 94a(5) 94a(6) 94a(8) 94a(10) XO'p n. my vb. VB adv. nn vb. i# -fin vb. nn vb. xn1?'?13 n- X13'l n. i# xVsq n. X1U n. i# x^sn n. xrvua n. 1# '5?t£? vb. i# -np vb. XIB'O n. mrx pron. X'J33 n. nja vb. xbja n. nj?3 vb. p'ni adj. 2# 11»J vb. XJ'J? n. ym adj. 94a(26) X'J3: n. 94a(29) XliT? n. 94a(38) Xli'J n. 1# Xll n. XIV? num. 94a(39) O'SXS prep. 1# '13 vb. 94a(39; F2) i# nxnix adj. 94a(47) 1# '''J vb. xm3l n. ipv vb. 94a(49) 'Ba vb. Vj? prep. 94a(50) '3 prep. 'Vl vb. xnjri n. xriain n. xjxa n. 'Ba vb. 94b(36) 1# XTO1 n. XW11S n. 94b(37) 1# 10D vb. 94b(38) IH'X pron. xnnya n. xni'ii n. 94b(57) 2# 'BO vb. 95a(l) '33 vb. Tny adj. 95a(9) n)i?(?3* n. 95a(9; MGG 405:15) 1# pbo vb. 95a(10) *?y vb. 95a(ll) -3 prep. 2# 'JO vb. 95a(12) 1# ni£> vb. 95a(13) xpiTO'3 n. X11B n. 'in1? prep. 1# X1W n. 95a(14; Ar [AC 3:285]) 1B11 vb. Sanhedrin 95a(17) ^nadj. 95a(19;F2) TO vb. XB'l n. 95a(20; F2) XniTJ? n. 95a(21) l#1»vb. 95a(22) 1# xniiX n. 95a(23) xrp n. 95a(23; MGG 406:1) XplSWl n. 95a(23; F2) JiniaVj n. 95a(23; MGG 406:1) 2# Xy,3'B n. 95a(27) ni3 vb. VB3 vb. X}"! n. 95a(37) 1# Xl'J n. 'Bl vb. xpp n. 'Ba vb. 1# 12/B vb. 1# priS vb. 95a(37; SM 112:6) 1# '1© vb. 95a(37; HeF2MGD 464:20) 'XT3 13» n. 95a(38) irn pron. 95a(38; SM 112:7) nxruff'1?? n. 95a(38) BBp vb. 95a(39) 1# "?3X vb. XJHX n. XHO '3 n. 95a(39; MGD 464:24 He) 2# V?B vb. 95a(39; F2) 13B vb. 95a(39) 1# XO'3 n. 3# 'JO vb. mil vb. vni vb. Titi vb. 95a(40) IBn vb. 95a(40; SM 112:14) I i# nir; vb.
Sanhedrin 1452 Babylonian Talmud 95a(41) '33 vb. 2# «]TB vb. XJV n. X3 adv. Vra vb. 95a(43) 1# mv vb. 95a(44) X3'il adv. IH'J pron. 1# XO'J n. KITS n. 2# TSp vb. 33T vb. i# nVw vb. 95a(45) xy/]X n. 'in? prep. 2# 'ID vb. V?J7 vb. XSV'S n. pOD vb. Xp part. IIP vb. 95a(45; SM 112:23) Xnj'X n. 95a(45; M) 2# 'ID vb. 95a(45; F2) My vb. 95a(46) XJHX n. VJH vb. 1# XipiB n. 'DO vb. bsj vb. i# pns vb. 95a(46; HeMGD 465:13) 2#X30':n. 95a(46; HeMGD 465:11) XB'My n. 95a(46; Ar [AC 6:346]) xaMy n. 95a(46;SM 112:26) X3b"S n. 95a(46; HeMGD 465:11) Xj^Sn. 95a(47) xV'y> adv. i# pns vb. 95a(48) XjnX n. 1'3 prep. □lp vb. Xjatf n. 95a(49) XI? 13 n. xnfrx n. 95a(49; MGD 465:16) 1# XTp n. 95a(51) tnvb. *\T\ vb. 95a(52) 1# Mx vb. XS'X n. xnu n. 1# Xiap n. S'*1 adj. 95a(52; HeMGD 465:21) 1# na# vb. 95a(53) 1# xain n. 110 adv. 95a(53; MGD 465:22) 1# xMn n. 95a(53; F2) tfro vb. 95b(2) an' vb. 95b(3) mi vb. 95b(6) 1# Tin vb. 2# TSp vb. 95b(ii) xaa^n. 2# '^X vb. 95b(16) 1# kj?tj n. 2# '^a vb. 95b(19) T'tfvb. 95b(31) TXaadj. 95b(36) ]'Btf adj. 95b(55) tf'rx n. 'flX vb. 'm vb. 3'Km adj. '3jV prep. 30 adj. 95b(56) nax vb. 271' vb. XTO3 n. 96a(l) l# 'XB pron. 96a(2) 96a(4) 96a(5) 96a(5; P 96a(6) 96a(7) 96a(8) 96a(8; F 96a(9) 96a(12) 1# 'Jtf vb. m vb. xnspa n. i# xnaj n. jnD vb. XS^B n. xnsoa n. ,2) xnnsoa n. 1# XinJ n. Xnspa n. jro vb. xnspa n. iy prep. xn'tfp vb. ivn vb. 2K) T,#n vb. 'T13 prep. yu vb. xnu n. i# nxanx adj. yii vb. IStf vb. 96a(12; OH ib. 491:10) 96a(13) 96a(14) 96a(15) 96a(17) 96a(26) 96a(33) 96a(44) 96a(46) 96a(47) 96a(48) 2# nj vb. Xjp"l n. xsin n. yato vb. 1# Xf! n. xrfrx n. XJSiD n. ai adj. 2VV vb. 1# X-J3 n. 1# p^O vb. ap adj. xnsj n. XpiDS n. Xlfry num. 1# 'Xn pron. i# tf^n vb. xnVx: n. xbVp n. i# xnsp n. 1 96a(49) 96a(50) 96a(52) xr6x n. «]ioaV adv. 1# ^p vb. i# xrrnp n. an adj. X?1?!? n. yos vb. xp:iyis n. NJ'r'T? n- 1# XSX n. 'm vb. an' vb. i# xab? n. i# ':# vb. 96a(52; Ar [AC 2:115) 96a(53) 96b(7) 96b(8) 96b(9) 96b(ll) 96b (12) 96b(13) 96b(14) 96b(15) 96b(16) 96b(17) xapiy n. 1# '3 conj. Xffl3b>8 n. 2# )yD vb. XTO13 n. KJ"U n. D1?© vb. xM/is n. yVa vb. XBHn. 2# 'SO vb. PIS vb. i# xna? n. 13y vb. i# xna n. N^i? na n. pSJ vb. Tlltf vb. xiw n. XJB'T n. 'Da vb. XJ1? n. xnpn. i# xMag n. nns vb. 1# "?TK vb. 'oa vb. "?Dp vb. Babylonian Talmud 1453 Sanhedrin 96b (18) X^3'H n. Xni: n. 96b(20) X'j'P 113 n. m? vb. 96b (21) XnX n. xMp'n n. Vpp adj. 'Vp adj. 96b(22) 1'np adj. ]riD vb. xnap n. 96b (25) XBT n. run vb. 96b (27) 3ip vb. 96b(28) 1# xV'X conj. 96b(29) Xnfr'a n. '03 vb. Xpipa n. 2# piO vb. X^HS n. 96b(30) T'J vb. H3' vb. OW1? prep. X'»33 n. 96b(32) D"3 vb. unv vb. 96b(38) ann vb. 133 vb. 96b (39) XrUTIB n. 1# •'TV vb. 96b(39; OH San 492:13) DID vb. 96b(44) nxVaa adj. X^'ai n. i# xna n. i# p°70 vb. 96b(45) x:a-yin n. 'a: vb. xarv n. 96b(46) 1# pVo vb. Dip vb. 96b(47) xa-lip n. 96b(48) ri'X part. 96b(50) 96b(51) 96b(52) 96b(57) 97a(29) 97a(30) 97a(32) 97a(34; F 97a(35) 97a(36) 97a(37) 97a(38) 97a(39) 97a(40) 97a(41) 97a(42) 97a(43) 97a(52) 97a(53) 97b(7) 97b(40) 97b(41) anp vb. yri adj. XW'D n. 'J1X vb. xnw n. xVp n. XlD'a n. xwi xri? n. 'bs: na n. X3'V part. x^na adv. i# myip n. x^n n. 2) 1# '3W vb. X^a prep. 1# XIB'X n. XJ'J n. 2# xnVa n. Xp part. x«n n. 1# «po vb. xnari; n. xj/ix nnix n. XBJ'X n. 1# xn? n. 1# 331!? vb. '3H1 '3H adv. X^J'X n. xniDa n. xria n. i# m vb. f|3n pron. XjniB n. pm vb. XTIIDB n. XS"?X num. m vb. ain vb. x>ai' n. 1# '30 vb. ]a prep. nns vb. 1# X3X n. xVl3 pron. P"I? adj. 1# ^ap vb. 97b(43) 1# XnT n. XBp adj. 97b(45) 'Xn '^13 adv. 97b(47) n? n. 98a(37) 'X conj. XOTBX n. "?Da vb. Til? adJ- 98a(38) XDSTTJ n. 98a(40) TOO adj. 98a(45) 2# Xian n. XJOIO n. 98a(45; He,MGG 687:16,Ar [AC Tn' adj. 98a(38) XDSTT3 n. 98a(40) TPO adj. 98a(45) 2# X"lBn n. XJ010 n. 98a(45; He.MGG 687:16,Ar [AC 2:200]) 1# inxa n. 98a(45; M,G§ 400:15) J?iJ n. 98a(45; G§ 400:15) 13 n. 98a(46) XJ11J n. "lin num. xrin^B n. xroy? n. 98a(48) nB'X adv. 'nx vb. xn'wa n. XJB'O n. 98a(49) 'J'3 prep. 'ra 'ra adv. x:a'i n. 1# 'IE/ vb. 98a(49; Ar [AC 1:127]) 2# XIB'X n. 98a(49; HeAr [AC 6:117]) XJ3pp n. 98a(50) 73 vb. say vb. m)y n. 98a(51) nD3 vb. 'nxn xb1?!/ n. 98a(52) yv vb. 98b(8) 'nx vb. 2# 'Bn vb. 98b(9) '3! vb. xVlD n. 98b(i0) 2# xnan n. 98b(10; OH ib. 516:20) 98b(33) 98b(42) 98b(43) 98b (45) 98b(50) 98b (51) 98b(53) 99a(2) 99a(3) 99a(14) 99a(15) 99a(16) 99a(38) 99b(12) 99b(13) 99b(31) 99b (3 2) 99b(34) 99b(50) xriias n. 1# Xlp n. i# xnix n. p^'Sl pVn n. i# na vb. "n adj. n'B n. -lO'p llVs n. ID'p n- i]|n pron. 'sn vb. X3iwn n. Xp part. i# ne> vb. 'm vb. 'TD'B adv. xna n. 'a: vb. x^na adv. xpnsm n. '3? vb. (-b) '31D n. T'J vb. ps: vb. xnnr n. ■JO'aiD n. xn1??'? n. 1# '3n vb. ]:an n.
Sanhedrin 99b (52) 99b(53) 100a(l) 100a(2) 100a(3) 100a(4) 100a(7) 100a(8) xran n. 733 vb. X?OX n. na n. xaniy n. Xnp'no n. XTn'n n. 'nx vb. 1# 'to vb. '3n pron. Xai' (H)'Vl3 adv. 100a(10) 100a(12) 100a(24) 100a(26) 100a(27) 100a(33) 100a(34) 100a(35) 100a(45) 100a(47) 100a(48) 100a(49) I00b(15) ... 'Xl/an '3 n. 2# xnmpsx n. nntf vb. 1? adv. y"0 vb. xtoix n. xnpn n. n03 vb. K7T7 vb. 'to adj. xpaiy n. XrnJX n. IVDtf adj. Xnoa'J n. Xnfry num. X3nV'J n. 100b(15;TGHark 145:14) 100b(16) 100b(17) 100b(18) 100b (27) 100b (29) 100b(36) ok;: vb. X31X n. i# x'psn n. ifr adv. xrana n. 1# 'ID vb. (-)DJ part. XOWS n. X,'H "■ X3'1? n. -13'J adj. C)n? part. liH1?! n. li?TM adj. 100b(37) 1454 l?pnp n. 1# X03 n. X03'0 n. ms vb. 'nx vb. 100b(37; OH ib. 524:5) 100b(38; F 100b (3 8) 100b(39) 100b(40) 100b(41) 101a(32) 101a(33) 101a(37) 101a(38) ns: vb. 2) xanV n. XBrU n. xjnx n. i# xy;n n. XJp'n n. to' vb. m vb. xns'p n. i# ona vb. Xjnx n. yVa vb. Xjnx n. 1# D7S vb. 1# ypS vb. 1# XT'SWX n. xntf'a n. ps3 vb. 1# 11» vb. 'tn vb. xnp's n. 101a(38; HeAr [AC 7:299]) 101a(39; K) 101b(14) 101b(15) 2# xpin n. 1# 'DX vb. 1# xn^'a n. oys vb. TO n. xnu n. 2# K#ru n. 1# '3y vb. nyx vb. Xin pron. 1# nto vb. 10Ib(34; MGE 21:19) «]iO adv. fiy vb. xnry n. 101b(36) 101b(51) 101b(56) 102a(56) 102b(4) 102b(5) 102b (6) 102b (8) 102b(10) 102b(ll) 102b(12) 102b(13) 102b(15) 102b(37) flj? vb. X3to n. 1# '03 vb. nto vb. K/TT vb. i# xnsn n. 'in vb. xpV'n n. X31 n. i# xnsn n. inj vb. 3# 'ntf vb. »Y[ vb. D'pn adj. nto vb. i# xnn n. in vb. 1# ODD vb. xbis'tf n. xan n. 3D adj. 102b(37; TGHark 145:10) 102b(39) 102b (46; Ar 7:129]) xnnn? n. (-)n'b part. [AC 2# yns vb. 1# X3'|7 n. 102b(46; F2Ar [AC 7:129]) 103a(9) 103a(37) 103a(39) 2# Xrp n. 'to vb. n,nx vb. 0'3 adj. '11 interj. 30 adj. J?T vb. ■1 (X)nnx conj. 103a(39; K) 103a(40) 103b(41) X3't n. «'! 'na n. 'xaVip n. N$n n. xn^ip n. 'D3 vb. Babylonian Talmud 103b(46) 103b(47) 103b(48) 104a(24) 104a(25) 104a(28) 104a(36) 104a(38) 104a(39) 104a(41) 104a(42) 104a(44) 104b(43; F 105a(33) 105a(34) 105a(51) X»p adj. n33 adv. un vb. xnsna n. 1# XSX n. #33 vb. 2# KtolX n. nno vb. 1# X3X n. '31 vb. xrfra'pa n. 333 vb. n3p vb. xrhfru n. Xin pron. tot vb. 1X^ adv. xn^u n. xpsp n. Xn33'tf n. 'to vb. 2# 1W vb. 2) xjVaip n. xnnn n. pns vb. nnn vb. Xto'3 n. X^lV',1 n. N??P n. 1# XtWian? n. xrniriy n. 105a(51; KAr [AC 4:328]) 105a(51; Ar 105a(52) 105a(53) 105b(4) i# xna n. [AC 4:328]) X3D XBV n. xssin n. i# 'in vb. xsxin n. O'SX1? prep. moa1? adv. xw n. XW n. 3'pn adj. Babylonian Talmud 1455 Sanhedrin 33n vb. i# 'ntf vb. 105b(6) XJiyDn. 105b (12) X'J33 n. 105b(26) xnytfn. 105b (27) mm vb. xnton? n. 105b(28) xnytfn. 105b(29) Xp'^TC/n. NriJfE> n. 105b(32) nox vb. i# xnp n. 105b(33) X'nnpron. «]to vb. 1# '3 conj. 1# X?n? n. D17 vb. 'Da vb. 2# XniS n. xnytf n. 105b(44) 1# xV'X conj. 106a(12) 30 adj. xnp'w:* n. XS^lp n. 106a(30) naytfvb. 106a(53) Qrinadv. 106a(55) X31X n. 1# 7TX vb. 'ya vb. 1# xtoj n. top vb. xjnp n. 106a(55; MGN 271:21) m vb 106a(56; OH ib. 529:12) 106a(56; F2) 106b(3) 106b (6) 106b(8) 106b(9) 106b(10) i# xnr; n x:j'o n nxra n 'X conj xpprs n Tin adj (-)n; part nXDO'1? n I06b(ii) »nn vb. 1# B?B3 vb. 106b (12) nap adv. I06b(33) 'nxn xato n. 106b(35) in vb. l?an n. 106b(38) 'ya vb. x;y3 n. 106b(39) 'y3vb. 106b(39; iSGF 68:17) 2# xmnaj n. 106b(39; HelSGF 69:1) xnrp n. I06b(39) xniann. 106b(40) 'Oavb. 106b (41) 2# xm'na n. 106b(42) 1# mis vb. nys vb. 106b(43) XnBJ n. nao vb. 106b(45) "T XS'to prep. 107a(7) l#'03vb. 107a(9) 1# X)V?'a n. 1# '03 vb. 107a(18) 'Bn vb. xrns'x n. 107a(19) isn vb. 107a(19; F2) 2# Xnto n. i# pns vb. 2# pns vb. 107a(20) l#XT3n. 2# '73 vb. i# 'ni vb. 107a(20; OH ib. 536:19) xpnni n. 107a(26) 13'Xpart. xaat n. 733 vb. 107a(29) 2# 'V3 vb. 107a(30) '3t vb. yn' vb. xnr n. «]S3 vb. x;na n. O'ap prep. 107a(42) nx pron. 1# Dli vb. 303 vb. 107a(45) p357 vb. 107a(50) 1# Xn3J n. nno vb. 1# 73p vb. 107b(4) niO" n. yns vb. i07b(20) yja vb. 107b(21) l#'DXvb. xann n. xnp? n. XS03 n. xVtoa adv. (-)'ap prep. 107b(26) 1# XT'SCTX n. nnx vb. xnnx n. nao vb. X1i?! n- 1# 73p vb. i# 'an vb. mv vb. xnis'it/ n. xato n. 107b(26; SM 181:5) 1# XT'SWIX n. 107b(27) IP! vb. Xn3'3V n. 130 vb. 107b(27; SM 181:11) 1# nT3 vb. 107b(35) (-)'apa prep. nps vb. 107b(36) #'3'X n. 1# nxp vb. 107b(37) X38'T n. I08b(30) i# xnnx n. #'3713 n. 108b(30; HeAr [AC 3:296]) Xltoat n. 108b(31) NtolXn. 108b(32) 'X conj. I08b(33) xnins n. 108b(35; He) i# xVnnix n. 108b(36) nOX vb. 108b(44) IflX pron. '3T vb. 108b(45) 2# 'Xn pron. y7S vb. 108b(45; HeMGG 172:10) 2#xnp'tn. 108b(45; K) 1# 'to vb. 108b(45; MGG 17:11) pto vb. 108b(45; MGG 172:11) xjain n. 108b(46) XJTO'X n. 1# V3X vb. x;nx n. V33 vb. ]11 vb. xnm n. 108b(46; MGG 172:12) XpOlS'O n. 108b(46; MGG 173:1]) trmn vb. 108b(47) XJ^niX n. 1# '33 vb. xra n. XD30 n. n'ns adj. 108b(47; F2) 'SO adj. 108b(48) 'nx vb. 'in vb. nn vb. TID vb. 'Xn 'Vl3 adv. xnyx n. xniyn n. 108b(48; Ar [AC 3:386) p3' vb.
Sanhedrin 1456 Babylonian Talmud OTp vb. 108b (49) 'TO vb. 108b(50) l#H27vb. 108b(50; Ar [AC 2:33]) pI3 vb. 108b(51) l#xV'ln: 1# XT1 n. '1,1 vb. I08b(53) ID'P'ln. ]inn n. 'Da vb. 1# p"?0 vb. 1# 71V vb. 108b(53; SM 18:28) "ina/'XB Vspron. 108b(53; Tarbiz 65:513) xisnip n. 109a(l) l#)XBpron. 1# TIP vb. 109a(2) ma vb. 2# Xnvn n. *?in vb. 109a(4; MGG 238:9) XinD n. 109a(5) «x;Wn. XDSp n. 1# n» vb. 109a(6) 1# '"?a vb. 109a(7) nxnVTadj. 109a(7;M) 1#-|W vb. 109a(9) 'DTvb. 109a(ll) X3inn. 109a(12) XTlTOn. 109a(13) *73'vb. xnsy n. 1# ■'IV vb. 109a(14) XJl'an. »aa vb. "1 *?3 pron. 'Da vb. VJ? vb. 109a(15) rj'ladj. 109a(16) XaVa'an. I 1# Xli'T n. 2# XTn n. ^in pron. 109a(17) 'Da vb. 109a(17; SM 19:12) nao vb. 109a(18) np'P'Sn. 2# XTn n. 'an vb. 109a(18; MGG 239:3) 111 vb. xrann n. 109a(43; MGG 309:19) x»a mtf»'? n. 109a(43; MGG 310:2) xrma n. 'lV'y prep. 109a(43; MGG 309:19) 1# -nv vb. 109a(45; MGG 310:12) xro'a n. 2# XW'tf n. 109a(46; MGG 310:13) Xatpnsx n. xpnoins n. 109a(46; MGG 310:12) n'l vb. 109a(48) rn vb. nnn vb. 109a(49) 'JlX vb. 1# X331 n. xrnnna n. 109a(50) xann. 1# «]B1 vb. poy vb. 1# 'jn vb. xw n. ystf vb. 109a(50; MGG 310:17) XWDn. 109a(50;K) xana n. 109a(50; HeMGG 310:17) Xainin. 109a(51) xrfranx n. i# soa n. DJV adj. i# aatr; vb. 109b(l) (-)JT^ part. 1# X3WB n. 109b(l; MGG 311:4) 1# X3#a n. DPI vb. 109b(3) XS10 n. I09b(7) -ay vb. 109b (8) xnsa n. 109b (9) Xfll'3'? n. i# 'an vb. 109b(9; M) 1# ntf vb. 109b(10) l#nrinum. 1# 'BT vb. 109b(l3) l#'nBvb. 1# '^X vb. I09b(i4) i#xnann. Vsi vb. 109b(15; MGG 311:8) 2# XrUlll n. 109b(16) XllXn. '31 prep. 2# xnan n. Dpi vb. 109b(17) psivb. yns vb. 109b(17; K) mp vb. 109b(18) xmOX n. "1 conj. am n. nay vb. 109b(18; MGG 311:10) pSl vb. 109b(18; F2) 1# bpv vb. 109b(26) JHSvb. 109b(26; MGG 311:16) 1# ^ptf vb. 109b(27) l#xniXn. 109b(28) 1# itbbi n. yiD vb. 1# bpv vb. 109b(28; MGG 312:2) 2# xnil n. 109b(30; MGG 312:3) 1# *?TX vb. 109b(31; MGG 311:11) 1# XT'SOTX n. 109b(31; MGG 311:12) 2# XniS n. 109b(31) XJVOTDn. 109b(32) fll adj. TT1 vb. 1# '11 vb. nna vb. 109b(33) l#'llvb. DJiri adv. 109b(33; MGG 311:14) mi vb. 109b(33) XTP1 n. 2# XniB n. 109b(34) 'in vb. 1# '3 conj. ma vb. '33? adj. 109b(34; MGG 312:4) xna'-i n. 109b(35) 2#xnp'Xn. XJlOpX n. ]DT vb. abs vb. 109b(36) '31 prep. X^V'n n. X3P7 n. 109b(37) X?n adv. ]BT vb. 109b(38) XO'Vln. Xl'H n. '311? prep. 'DO vb. Dm vb. 1# ^V vb. 1# bpV vb. 109b(39) 1# X3Sn n. Babylonian Talmud 1457 Makkot 2# na vb. ]"y vb. i# xrran n. xns'n n. i# iie; vb. xniyw n. 109b(39; MGG 312:7) i# xxaix n. 109b(39; MGG 312:8) (-)rl'V part. 109b(39; MGG 312:5) 3# "|Wa vb. 109b(39; MGG 312:8) nyx vb. 109b(39; MGG 312:10) im> yb. 2# ri?V vb. 109b (40) xni'Xn. xnia'i n. mp vb. 1# X1W n. 109b(40; MGG 312:10) xtfam n. 1PT vb. 109b(40; MGG 312:12) xnVy '1? "• 109b(40; MGG 312:11) 1# 'iy vb. 109b(53) riXpron. 'IB vb. X3n n. 109b(54) inripron. "?S1 vb. n3? vb. O'np adj. 109b(55) Xa3n. 'XII adv. 'IT vb. 109b(55; Ar [AC 7:26]) 2# DBS vb. 110a(l) yVa vb. 'ya vb. 1# 111 vb. i# nn,n vb. 2# 1VD vb. -'ninx1? prep. x;ra n. DrlO vb. 2# nno vb. Dip vb. 110a(4;F2) Xin3 n. 110a(6;K) Xnfrya n. 110a(7; HMGN 269:2) x;ni n. 110a(7;K) 2# V?D vb. 110a(8;K) xm33 n. 110a(8; Ar [AC 5:158]) XliDsV'B n. 110a(9) 1# XIS'X n. tin vb. XlTXn adv. 110a( 12) XB'Vln. 2# mi vb. '03 vb. 110a(12; HeMGN 269:9) iVs vb. 110a(13) nri"?Xadv. '03 vb. 110a(13; K) i# xrn'na n. U0a(42) XTVpx n. xn^'i n. -I'D? adj. 110a(42; F2Rashi) X*?Slp n. 110a(51) XMBn. 110a(53) xyj1?? n. Xy/'D adj. 110a(54) Xy,t'3n. tim vb. mb prep. ]a prep. xnay n. xnpip n. XnBTl n. Xtf'n n. 110a(54; Ar [AC 2:30]) xyj'3 n. 110a(54; Ar [AC 2:31]) xm'3 n. 110a(54; HeMGN 280:1) X331 n. 110a(55) 'T part. mt vb. 'Vp vb. 1# 'nB vb. yaw vb. 110a(55;F2K) n,nn vb. 110b(l) X3riadv. 110b(21) p3U>vb. ll0b(22) xrarpnn. nob(42) xmn'pnn. nob(45) xmrpn n. nob(5i) spia; n. 3# XT1S n. llla(15) «]Snvb. 2# pno vb. x^n n. llla(21) mb\b. llla(37) l#n3Xvb. bin interj. i# mv vb. lllb(3) ltfp^Ovb. lllb(4) Xlin n. nib(6) xr;iy n. lllb(62) 1» sA? n. 11 lb(63) Vap: V3 prep, i^ns vb. 112a(2) iXconj. 112a(5) mivb. 112a(16) f'y vb. 112a(25) 1# xns n. 112a(26) OT n. 112a (42) nBX vb. 112a(43) 113 prep. 112a(52) xnri'Sn. on© vb. 112a(55) xri3'0n. 112a(56) psi vb. 112b(19) 112b(20) 112b(23) 112b(51) 113a(l) 113a(4) 113a(5) U3a(16) 113a(33) 113a(34) 113a(37) 113a(37; F2) 113a(39) I13a(41) 113a(42;M) 113a(44) 113a(47) 113a(49) 113a(52) 113a(55) 113a(57) 113a(58) 113a(59) 113b(l) 113b(2) 113b(3) 113b(5) pos vb. xmiria n. -r?3 prep. '3! vb. xn part. "13 prep. ^sVin adv. D^p vb. '1B11? adv. XlWiK; n. XBD '3 n. *?X» vb. X3Tn. xnpi1? n. Dip vb. xripi1? n. Dip vb. Hl'VpN n. i# noa vb. X3'n adv. xan^ n. 'JIX vb. xnp'a n. nay vb. xrf?yt n. nyx vb. paw vb. XTVpX n. 1# 'Xil pron. an' vb. Vy prep. i# nax vb. 2# xVl n. pno vb. mX? prep. i# xnnDn n. '311? prep. Vm vb. n?i? adi- nsp vb. mi'l pron. Makkot 2a(22) 1# X^nt n.
Makkot 1458 Babylonian Talmud 2b(10) 2b(36) 2b(39) 2b(40) 2b(42) 3a(6) 3b(6) 3b(35) 1# 'Vj vb. Dltt vb. MX pron. p? vb. •Ti? prep. 1# K^'X conj. 1# D»t vb. D^tf vb. TX3 adj. 3b(36; HPP 201:20) 3b(39) 3b(48) 4a(12) 4a(15) 4a(16) 4a(21) 4a(27) 5a(28) 5a(30) 5a(31) 5a(32) 5a(40) 5b(6) 5b(7) 5b(13) 5b(18) 5b(22) 5b(47) 6a(19) 6b(31) 6b(32) 6b(33) 7a(2) 7a(4) X3'3n n. 1# Xyi3 n. i# xian n. 3'T8 adj. 3*?S vb. xnyatf n. _l?n'3 prep. 'lpvb. xpm n. nip vb. xivu n. 2# 'SO vb. x'}? n- 1# xb'Ba n. nis adj. -T XJI'y} conj. xino n. iptf vb. 'Jttt vb. riTO'3 adv. i# Tin vb. 'JH pron. yr vb. xrinnp n. K3'1 n. 0"B vb. mo vb. Kjiy^ n. ■JU'3 prep. i# nn vb. yr vb. P'rn adj. 2# X?iy n. 1 7b(8) 7b(45) 8a(4) 8a(5) 8a(8) 8a(9) 8a(25) 8a(35) 8a(44) 8a(46) 8a(47) 8b(27) 9a(8) 9a(15) 9a(22) 9a(23) 9b(l) 10a(4) 10a(22) 10a(28) 10a(32) 10a(33) 10b(4) 10b(28) B'»S adj. pin vb. i# ■nv vb. X'jp"! n. •VU vb. XO'Et n. XB'9 n. i# mv vb. xaiia n. X033 n. ]"y vb. Wl n. lXb adv. 2# '31 vb. X3'n '3 conj. xjaix n. 2# xrmn n. 1# X133 n. Xfplltf n. i# 'an vb. XJ'a 13 n. IDT *?3 adv. 1# 'JO vb. i# nn vb. nxyra adj. i# xipx n. 2# xni'n n. i# 013 vb. V3' vb. 'BB vb. Xp part. aip vb. xriytf n. XJ1X n. 31 '3 n. 1# X0T3 n. *?3' vb. i# yps vb. pw vb. xnjvs n. KW1? n- 'X conj. X^Bp 13 n. 1 lla(25) lla(26) lla(38) lla(39) Ua(40) lla(41) lla(43) lla(44) lla(47) llb(10; Ed) llb(ll) llb(12) llb(13) llb(17) llb(32) 12a(19) 12a(49) 12b(5) 12b(12) 12b(17) 13b(39) 14a(3) 14a(17) 14a(29) 14a(31) 15a(35) 15a(36) 16a(32) 16a(36) 16a(38) 1# XJT3 n. X3fl'3 n. XpT? n. 2# 'Vx vb. 113 vb. D7TI adv. 1# 'On vb. 133 vb. 303 vb. 1# *?3X vb. Xnx n. yi vb. 'Bp vb. *pV vb. xron n. i# xson n. 3TD vb. Via pron. Dip vb. i# nn vb. xirx n. XSP n. i# xro'na n. yv vb. 1# Vptf vb. pis vb. yatf vb. 1S3 vb. 2# 'V3 vb. i# in vb. 2# 'XB vb. 'XI? adv. mi n. 1# X^Dp n. pos vb. TV1 adj. T"!?adJ' TJ'X pron. IX1? adv. yi3 vb. '3^ conj. ■"13 prep. VI'X pron. 1 16b(l) 16b(14) 16b(15) 16b(18) 16b(18; 16b(18; 16b(19) 16b(21) 16b (26) 16b(32) 17a(8) 17b(2) 17b(19) 17b(20) 18a(3) 18a(4) 18a(7) 18b(6) 18b (20) 19a(21) 19a(25) 19b (20) 19b(32) 19b(36) 19b(38) 19b(39) 20a(4) 20a(6) 20a(20) 20a(21) 20b(4) 20b(5) 20b(6) X113ytf n. TfP '1i?9 n. 113 vb. y»s vb. 1# "?3X vb. G§ 402:12) *1~$ '? n. G§ 402:11) 1# Xri'3'3 n. 'P1? vb. 133 vb. KIWIS) n. X381X n. X3"ip n. 1B1I adj. 31 adj. nis vb. WIS vb. Y?' vb. 1# OX vb. 1# Xip n. xjani n. in' vb. BIS vb. 'pV vb. 1'X part. X3'n '3 conj. . X313'3? n. X3'1 n. i# nn vb. i# ntf vb. xnri's n. XJ3p n. XS'il '3 conj. i# np vb. pS3 vb. bby vb. xV3'B n. 113 vb. )133 prep. 2# 110 vb. X»3 n. 1# 11} num. 1459 Babylonian Talmud 20b (14) 20b (29) 21a(9) 21a(10) 21a(ll) 21a(27) 21a(28) 21b(19) 21b(21) 21b(22) 21b(33) 22a(2) 22a(7) 22a(16) 22a(30) 22a(32) 22a(34) 22b(4) 22b(7; M) 22b (8) 22b (10) 22b(18) 22b(21) 23a(15) 23a(17) 23a(19) 23a(19; M) 23a(29) 23b(18) 23b(26) 23b(39) 23b(41) 23b(43) bby vb. X^31X n. '3 prep. 'in vb. Xp, TS n. X3p'1 n. 1XV adv. xroVa n. xrfr'ore n. ISp vb. i# xson n. oVp vb. lax vb. Xiy pron. pS3 vb. X311X n. XriTIIX n. 3»n vb. Vin vb. iJ'B prep. 'as vb. X3'?3B n. nxtfSB adj. (-)'apa prep. Dip vb. 1X3 vb. xni' n. xinai' adv. i# lax vb. by prep. X33 n. D1S1? prep. Xnp3X n. 'SI vb. B^p vb. X'lia adv. xV'yV adv. D30 vb. my vb. xni; n. 1# 'm vb: K1B3 n. Dm vb. 24a(l) loin num. 24a(22) xna n. X31n. 24a(30) XBiO n. 24a(41) xrilVl n. 24a(54) 2# 'BO vb. 1# Kip n. Sevu 'ot 3a(10) 4a(27) 4b(9) 4b(10) 4b(14) 5a(5) 5a(40) 5b(19) 5b(24) 6a(15) 6b(23) 6b(29) IB!? adj. i# xriVa n. pOS vb. 1# 10 vb. xni'3'5? n. ehi vb. XB1S n. XBiya n. "13 prep. . XTIBS n. 2# 1X8 pron. 1# 11X vb. X3'a 13 n. 1S3 vb. X31S1 n. xsVa n. XBSpVx n. xV'sn n. 6b(30) V.Tp\ «;'1 n. 6b(31) XBSp'rx n. "1 conj. K3Va n. Xb'SlI n. 6b(32) 10'p n. 6b(33) 3'2>n adj. 6b(34) 2# Xj;3'B n. 6b(34; Ar [AC 3:506]) 1# "T3X vb. XBlin '3* n. 6b(35) 1# ]Xa pron. 2# '3D vb. 6b(38) XD'Vf n. xiay. n. 1# 'pn» n. 6b(39) Xjri'3 n. 7a(7) 7b(33) 8a(6) 8a(7) 8a(24; F 8b(ll) 8b(14) 8b(24) 9b(2) 9b (28) 10a(16) 10a(29) 10b(24) llb(25) llb(26) 12a(5) 12a(8) 12b(5) 12b(6) 13a(39) 13a(44) 13a(49) 13b(2) 13b(4) 14a(20) 14b(27) 14b(29) 14b(31) 14b(45) 15a(20) 15b(l) 15b(6) 15b(7) 15b(ll) 15b(13) 15b(14) 103 vb. X'jpp 13 n. IX1? adv. ia n. ) X?3'3 n. yv vb. -\SK vb. »p3 vb. xriV'a '^iVi v.n. 133 vb. '1ir| pron. X13'X adv. X13'X adv. X31n. 13",1 pron. X31X n. 1# XVB3 n. 'JIBBX prep. 31p vb. 31p vb. XJ13113 n. -^TJ'J prep. 31 '31 XIS'O n. '»P adj. 'Ba vb. i# xxaix n. p3n vb. 133 vb. i# '3ir? vb. 'JlX vb. xirn adj. X1J13 adj. '11 pron. xrfl3'??n n. i# fan vb. x?b xai' n. tya vb. V1p vb. '33 vb. ay prep. VIp vb. V'tf vb. I^S'X adv. Sevu'ot 15b(30) 15b(43; F2) 16a(10; F2) 16a(39) 16a(46) 16b(6) 16b(30) 17a(18) 17a(25) 17a(28) 17b(2) 17b(3) 17b(6) 17b(9) 17b(10) 17b(12) 18a(25) 18a(28; F2) 18b(10) 19a(17) 19b(37) 20a(6) 20b(ll) 20b(18) 20b(23) 1# '33 vb. 110 vb. ftp vb. tflp vb. xmy'3S n. O^pb prep. 1)^8 adj. 1# Xlp n. D? prep. ■13 prep. i# 'nc; vb. 03X vb. XJtfip n. isn vb. XliJ'X n. boy vb. Vsy vb. nsn vb. 1# X13n n. 2# 'SO vb. T11S vb. ion vb. 1# pl\5 vb. 2# X^p n. Dl1?? pron. K1BJ n. XJ^'1? n. 113 vb. xrnntx n. X'TX n. 20b(36) X'f7 'S^3 adv. 21a(l) 21a(ll) 21a(12) 22b(10) 22b(16) 22b(37) 22b(40) 22b(53) 23a(3) 23a(8) 2# '3» vb. ©1TS3 adv. xVjisa adv. T vb. xa» n. 1# '1© vb. Xil part. x;ix n. 1# 5?31 vb. DyB vb. ■jpV'pi x;a n. 13tf vb.
Sevu'ot 1460 Babylonian Talmud 23a(29) T1J adj. 23b(ll) TXSadj. '311 pron. 'BB adj. 23b(15) XBUn. 23b(27) XB1S n. 23b(28) X^S n. 24a(18) ty prep. 24b(l) 3OT vb. 25a(5) Vin vb. "1 "I'a n. 25a(6) Xtifli 13 n. 25b (3 8) 3in vb. 2# 'Xa vb. 26a(28) XB1B n. 26a(29) 1SX vb. 26a(38) OJX vb. flX pron. 1# in num. xrV n. Xip'tf n. 26a(40) inx vb. 26a(41) 1# XXB'n n. 26a(46) 1# 'EN vb. xnypti n. 26a(52) ob? pron. 26b(29) xVin n. 27b(ll) l#Xipn. 27b(28) X31»n n. 28a(6) *?m vb. 28b(24) 1# V2V vb. 28b(29) 1# V1& vb. 29a(28) XIB'X n. 29a(29) 1# p*?0 vb. 29a(35; F2) 'TUlpO'X n. 29a(37) Xr'3p n. 29b(4) X11X n. pm vb. 29b(5) 1# «po vb. 29b(46; V19) xpvi n. 30a(37) xinx rnix n. 30a(52) 'Xax conj. «pn vb. 30b(l) 30b(13) 30b(16) 30b(I6; F2) 30b(20) 30b(25) 30b(27) 30b(28) 30b(29) 30b(31) 30b(32) 30b(33) Xlltf n. D'SjM prep. □no vb. XJ11X 13 n. niB vb. i# xripix n. X3X0D n. 1# in num. EJD3 vb. Dip vb. XMJ>B n. 0"S vb. xrr1?© n. X311X n. Hit! Pron- 30b(33; HP 122:21) Dip vb. 30b(35; HP 122:22,F2) no vb. 30b(36; HP 122:23) nns vb. 30b(37; Rashi) PJ13 vb. 30b(37; F2V 4:365]) 30b(39) 30b(43) 31a(15) 31a(17) 31a(18) 31a(19) 31a(29) 18MAr [AC tfra vb. X3'l '? n. y?T vb. xnnno n. xjiaa n. ipv vb. N3X pron. xino n. OJTTI adv. V?DX conj. xip'tf n. ton n- i# nm vb. 31a(29; HP 123:22) XpaiS n. 1# fpV vb. 31a(36) Xn'HlXladj. 31a(39) 31a(42) "13 prep. ]P prep. i# in vb. 31b(10) 31b(19) 32a(9) i# jn vb. ]a prep. X3'^> part. X'ni/XVll ^S pron. 32a(ll) 32a(12) 32b(6) 32b(7) 32b(8) X3il adv. 1BX prep. XpTH n. TOT vb. 'T1X vb. ino vb. ya» vb. 1# *7pV vb. 32b(12; F2) X303 n. 32b(14) 33a(36) 33a(38) 33b(18) 33b(19) 34a(16) 34a(17) 34b(5) 34b(16) 34b(19; F 34b(38) 35b(3) 35b(36) 35b(37) 35b(42) 35b(43) 36a(16) 36a(45) 36a(51) 36b(6) 37a(3) *pn vb. Xpl'3 n. IJ^B n. xro^'H n. xrtnix n. X3'il adv. 133 vb. x/naiix adv. I1?' vb. J1X pron. V?y vb. -njHN lxV prep. 1# '81 vb. 2) X3in n. 'in vb. xra n. xnis^a n. toy vb. xrw num. X3?'pl n. nX30 n. BlV vb. B11? vb. JHtf vb. '33 vb. Xplll n. TOri vb. 1# 'J© vb. 'T1X vb. 37a(4) 37a(6) 37a(7) 37a(ll) 37a(16) 37a(18) 37a(19) 37a(38) 37b(28) 38a(l) 38a(16) 38a(19) 38a(23) 38a(35; F2) 38a(42) 38b(3) 38b(18) 38b(42) 38b(43) 38b(45) 38b(46) 38b(47) 39a(33) 40a(17) 40a(31) 40b (9) 40b(12) 41a(2) 41a(5) 41a(8) 41a(9) 41a(20) 41a(21) 41a(22) 1# '3tf vb 'p1? vb XB1?"! conj XH pron. i# xiain n. ]B 13 prep. 1# XJTO n. si?n n- yo vb. 031 vb. yatf vb. i# xrpn? n. pn vb. xVj>3 n. T vb. 1# V2V vb. xtns n. xr^a n. "T 'TB n. TSp vb. 1# XXB'n n. 1# XXB'n n. ?2V vb. xnsVn n. OJH'a pron. Bp3 vb. 1# XXBTI n. 3.T vb. y«D vb. 2# MP vb. pn# vb. XT}J n. 30: vb. xiiax n. ^3X conj. 2# X1TJ n. 1DX vb. '03'J n. '03'? n. "13 prep. Jiatf vb. 1# XD313 n. Bp3 vb. Babylonian Talmud 1461 Avoda Zara 41a(24) 13: vb. 1# X1J3 n. XJTJ? n. 41a(26; F2) pS3 vb. 41a(26) XlBip n. 41a(27) -r»3 "?3 IX1? prep. J7'1S adj. 41a(28) J73EJ vb. 41a(31) 1# ]yB vb. 41a(34) ?2V vb. 41a(36) 2# rf?K/ vb. 41a(36; TGAs28 6:22) xa'Va n. 41b(2) 1# '3 conj. 41b(3) )B',1 vb. 41b(30; F2) 2# yiS vb. 41b(32) lax vb. 41b(34) 03X vb. Xri3l7,.l n. 41b(36; HP 126:5) 1# 'Bl vb. 41b(37) 1# "?3p vb. 41b(38) 71X vb. Kris'?'.! n. 31 '31 XIB'O n. 41b(40) 1# pbo vb. 41b(41) JU'X pron. «]P vb. 41b(46) X3pn. 41b(46; HP 126:14) 2# yiB vb. 42a(l) XSBX n. Dip vb. 42a(3) XJ731X num. 42a(6; F2) XTIlS'p n. 42a(9) nXIB'O adj. 42a(10) yyi vb. X1BKJ n. 42a(14) XJin?a n. 42a(15) inw pron. 42a(16) xmm '31 adv. 42a(26) ]D'n vb. 42a(26; TGHark 33:7, ib. 113:11) n nrja'x Vs conj. 42a(27) 2# yiB vb. 42a(32) (-)'SXa prep. 42a(33; TGHark 33:9) T1? adJ- 42a(34; F2) XJ1B1X n. J?'p3 adj. 42a(48) 'SJ^ prep. 42b(7) 'T vb. 42b(ll) xVl3 pron. 42b(19) '13 adj. 43a(38) rph vb. 43b(l) x;'HX pron. 43b(14) xbja n. ]3*a vb. xnp n. 43b(16; HP 76:14) XJip n. 43b(18) XJip n. 43b(20) xnp n. 43b(24) "ia prep. 44a(3) "13 prep. 45a(53) 13X vb. 45a(54) 13X vb. 45b(4) 131 vb. 45b(9) 1# '3 conj. 45b(10) 1# '01 vb. 45b(U) xpmn. 45b(19) 2# Mtf vb. 45b(25) '^a adj. xrivVjra n. 45b(27) ips vb. 46a(33) ,ia pron. 46a(34) bbp vb. 46a(42; F2) XJ1? n. 46a(43) xVp'l n. x'^? n- ^Bp vb. 46a(43; HP 82:19) 1# -HV vb. 46a(44) DtJ vb. 46b(8) lff'3'X n. "1 conj. 2T3X adj. 46b(10) pin vb. 46b(16) XJ11JX n. 46b(16; F2) 2# X^ID n. 46b(21) 'X conj. I'BK adj. 'in vb. 46b(22) -1 conj. la'ia adj. 46b(35) Xlp'iy n. 46b(36) y3» vb. 46b(37) 1# mmp n. 47a(3) 1# X^lOB n. 47a(26) IBn vb. 47a(28) TX part. 47a(29) 1"! vb. 47a(30) Q1?* vb. 47a(35) "nil? prep. 47b(13) I'll adj. Tpn vb. 47b(21) 103 vb. 47b(25) 1# »ij?B> n. 48a(12) 1# Xl'B n. 48a(13) 3pi vb. 48a(28; F2) '3'il bp adv. 48a(30) 'l'1? prep. 48b(9) 2# "?B3 vb. 48b(10) I"? prep. 48b(12; HP 125:18) 2# xrn? n. 48b(12) pit vb. 48b(14) xVlX n. 48b(17) 13J? vb. 48b(18) yipvb. 48b(19) 1#'33 vb. 48b(20) X311S n. 48b(23; F2) '3BD10 n. 48b(26) Xl'ri'n n. 'T vb. 48b(31) l#ypsvb. Avoda Zara 2a(8) 1# V2V vb. 2a(12) 1# 013 vb. 2b(2) 'a adv. 2b(3) x;aw n. 2b(4; M) 33iy vb. 2b(9) 3'OT adj. 2b(14) 'X1?X adv. 2b (15) 1# V23 vb. 2b(41) 1,13'X pron. '33 vb. 2# iriO vb. 2b(43) 13J?iy vb. 2b(44) XTllsVa n. xri'ca n. i# i»a vb. 2b(49) XI pron. 2b(56) 13X vb. 3b(l) 1# l^a vb. ipn'W num. 3b (3) BJ>3 vb. 3b(29) X»lpa '3 n. 3b(29; J) nxV'Vj adj. 3in vb. '?a conj. 3b(38) )'5?3 prep. 4a(33) nxra n. i# mv vb. 4a(34) 1# X03a n. piV vb. 4a(36) »'3 adj. XT n. 1# pbo vb. xoni n. 4a(36; MTGHark 85:23) Xt'01D n. 4a(37) "V prep. X11TO n. iyx vb. Xp part. 4a(37; SM 190:25) Xlll? n. 4a(38) 'XHX conj. 4a(39) lax vb.
Avoda Zara 1462 Babylonian Talmud 4a(40) 4a(41) 4b(5) 4b(7) 4b(25) 4b(28) 4b(29) 4b(30) 4b(31) 4b(32) 4b(32; J) 4b(34) 4b(35) 4b(36) 4b(36; J) 5a(4) 5a(6) 5a(23) 5a(34) 5b(7) 5b(27) 5b(30) 5b(31) 6a(7) Xtill'9 n. yi' vb. 'T'X adv. ]"y vb. 1# 'ai vb. Pl'pti adj. X?010 n. 3'B1 adj. 331 vb. xjiyp n. 1# '3 conj. xia'a n. X|7 part. xy3'l n. nm vb. xrr??1? n. mn vb. xp'niti n. 1# '3 conj. xriyti n. xjnx niix n. 'D1? vb. 'DU vb. nxra n. □13 vb. XSOia n. 2# 'bx vb. 'm vb. IpS vb. xnti ti'i n. 'i?ni n. ti'S3 adj. nxpn n. 0019 vb. ti'M adj. 'ani n. i# 'en vb. ma vb. X31 n. 1# '30 vb. xain n. xai' n. TfTCn prep. 6a(9) 6a(14) 6a(27) 6a(36) 6a(37) 6b(5) 6b(21) 6b(22) 6b(24) 6b(28) 6b(37) 6b(38) 6b(40) 6b(50) 7a(4) 7a(17) 7a(19) 7b(13) 7b(28) 7b(29) 7b(33) 7b(36) 7b(43) 8a(2) 8a(26) 8a(27) 8b(l) 8b(6) 8b(7) 8b(7; J) xniix n. 3tin vb. Xllbp n. pS3 vb. niri vb. 1# X13'y n. X7J1 n- nxra n. J'nD'i? adj. i!X'ti3 n. 'T vb. mn vb. 'X»X conj. oya vb. 3'tin adj. ninx prep. i# nn vb. xrpea n. xroVn n. p'OS adj. xira adj. )331 n. Dip vb. 3*7D vb. '33 prep. 1# X133 n. XJV3133 n. yVp vb. 31 adj. 1# xVtiX n. ]B 13 prep. pn vb. i# xnu n. 31 adj. TOX adv. D1T adj. xai' n. 'Xn '^13 adv. xVlV',1 n. riS'X adv. XnT n. '3a conj. xnrpx n. 8b(Il) 8b(19) 8b (20) 8b (22) 8b(23) 8b(24) 8b(31) 8b(32) 8b(33) 8b(36) 8b (48) 8b(54) 8b(55) 9a(6) 9a(9) 9a(10) 9a(ll) 9a(14) 9a(14; Ar 9a(17) 9a(18) 9a(19) 9a(20) 9a(23) 9b(2; J) 9b(3) 9b(4) 1# 'ai vb. 'T vb. 13y vb. nxaii n. nxji' adj. by vb. *]ntf vb. 'X conj. X31?n n. xs^a n. ]a prep. xjrxn adv. nxji' adj. ]3X pron. •ay vb. «]D3 vb. xnua'n n. 1# )X3 adv. isyti vb. XJR'ti num. i# oi3 vb. ti'S3 adj. 1# 'Vl vb. Dip vb. XaVx adv. i# -fin vb. Vltsax prep. 'yD vb. 3713 vb. °?xti vb. nXTXS* adj. i# xisp n. [AC 1:57]) xianx n. 'Sffl 'Vis adv. l"y vb. XD1S n. laa vb. TX3 adj. 1# 'DO vb. 1X3 vb. Xja'O n. nXl'X3* adj. 9b(6) 9b(7) 9b(8) 1# 'BP vb. X?13ti n. xntin. N3/13ti n. 3tin vb. 9b(9;TGHark 21:36) 9b(10) 9b(18) 10a(l) 10a(3) 10a(4) 10a(5) 10a(10) 10a(ll) 10a(21) 10a(23) 10a(31) 10a(42) 10a(43) 10a(45) 10a(46) 10a(46; J) 10a(47) 10a(48) 10b(l) 10b(2) xVai' n. XV73 n. XtPS n. ID' vb. IP prep. pS3 vb. xjmti n. i# 'iti vb. 1# 'BD vb. TIT adj. 130 vb. xntin. Xja'T n. 1# «]1D vb. 'Da vb. IPIII adj. 3J13 vb. 1# X1S0 n. 3tin vb. XS^X num. xy?3 n. op: vb. 2# '3ti vb. ':a vb. aip vb. 13y vb. x'?^i?n- 1# X13 n. ms vb. lyx vb. X^Vp n. 1# l^a vb. xnr? n. X*731S n. 1# '13 vb. X'lm adv. xyrxs adv. Babylonian Talmud 10b(4) 10b(5) 10b(6) 10b(7) 10b (8) 10b(9) 10b(10) 10b(ll) 10b(12) 10b(13) 10b(14) 10b(15) 10b(19) 10b(21) 10b(23) 10b(24) 3'tin adj. nxaii n. XIIO'X n. •ay vb. XT313 n. xpn n. xn-gpis n. xrn? n. i# xrnpa n. ij'lS adj. i# nti vb. xais n. X31B adv. -px vb. 1713 prep. Xira adj. pS3 vb. xrn'ps n. yaw vb. 'nx vb. 1# X13J? n. X33 n. '1H3 prep. "1 X3Ty3 conj. 1# '33 vb. 1# 'iti vb. b1?! vb. xrvD1?!? n- 1B1T adj. "n vb. 10b(24; M) BIT adj. 10b(25) 10b(26) 10b (28) 10b(29) 10b(31) 10b(37) 10b(39) 10b(41) 10b(43) rra n. yati vb. in3 vb. 2# XniB n. xjnx rnix n. Vn vb. 1"3 vb. '3D vb. 10'p n. 2# ''JS vb. 113 vb. '3T vb. 1463 10b(43; MRaH) 10b(44) 10b(45) 10b(46) 10b(49) 10b(50) lla(2) 1la(3) y'PP adj. '11 interj. ^'Vn adj. xrniipa n. X?3iap n. 1# bw vb. XS'f'X n. X^3 prep. "1 conj. 1# X03I? n. VS3 vb. xriViiy n. yop vb. Xti'i n. xrti n. tin vb. ffin vb. 1# XD33 n. 1# 'Iti vb. tiati vb. 1# '3 conj. "iriSX prep. ID'p n. nxaii n. iax vb. 1# X1313 n. lla(3; SM 46:18) xiaytia n. lla(3; SM 46:14) 1 la(6; Ar 1la(6) lla(7) lla(8) lla(13) 1# p'jo vb. [AC 5:367]) X1D'3 n. X1S3 n. Bp3 vb. XITS'SX n. X0311 n. X113 n. xjiasn n. 2# xaip n. 1# '3 conj. Bp3 vb. 1# 'yti vb. lla(14) lla(15) xriiita n. xmi'S n. rix pron. lla(26;TGHark 22:16,RaH) lla(29) lla(33) lla(36; J) llb(13) llb(14) llb(15) llb(16) llb(17) llb(18) llb(20) llb(21) llb(25) llb(26) i# nxaix adj. 2# X^>3 n. 1# '3ti vb. 1# llti vb. nVs vb. XIII n. XI'D n. ID n. ino'rs n. 2# Xl'p n. "1 conj. Xin pron. XJS'T n. 2# 'an vb. xna n. nxai n. XJS'T n. xrms't n. 1# D"0 vb. xriixai n. ]'! pron. '11 interj. 13 conj. X^TX n. XD13 n. XJS'T n. 'PD"1D n. 'pima n. moia n. mna n. nx'??? adj. 'pima n. ,1X01? adj. nxaii n. llb(27;TGHark 22:21) llb(40) Xltiy num. "S prep. xnsn n. 12a(4) 12a(5) 12a(36) 12a(37) 12a(38) Avoda Zara XJTJP adj. 1# y3p vb. 1# '3ti vb. i# nn vb. xn'p n. xrosn n. KISS n. xrusp n. 12b(3; P'HG3 249:16) 12b(3; Ar xpVy n. [AC 6:275] HG3 249:16) 12b(12) 12b(13) 12b(14) xpiy n. ya3 vb. X113'I n. "n vb. 2# xVn n. in'B conj. xriy'ai n. 12b(14; JAr [AC 8:98]) 12b(15) 12b(18) 12b(21) 12b(22) 12b(23) 13a(31) 13b(5) 13b(13) 13b(15) 13b(28) 13b (29) pati n. 1# xri'3 n. "n vb. 1# XfillS n. IpD vb. 'X conj. 'IS vb. N$? n. 'T13 interj. Ill vb. '1 interj. 'Tl interj. 1# XT13ti n. 1# ll'n n. 1# X03 n. 1# XD?a n. X1D03 n. '»! n. X,Ta adv. xrjri's n. oya vb. 1# xVpp n. Xri'D n.
Avoda Zara 1464 Babylonian Talmud 13b(29; JfMarg]) 13b(30) 13b(32) 13b(35) 13b(37) 14a(7) 14a(10) 14a(16) 14a(39) !4a(41) 14a(42) 14b(8) 14b (9) 14b(10) 14b(14) 14b(23; M) 14b (29) 14b(31) 14b (32) 14b(33) 14b(34) 14b (3 5) 14b(41) 14b(42) 14b(42; J) 15a(10) 15a(ll) 15a(12) 15a(13) 15a(14) 15a(32) 15a(32; J) 15a(34) 15a(35) 15b(26) 15b(50) 15b(5I) xny'a n. DJV adj. Xfln. 1# X13H n. 1# XD3a n. xVa'pX conj. xnx n. i# ivn n. 2# IDp vb. riio n. 1# XriBT! n. 1# 1171 n. p3X vb. p3X vb. pax vb. my vb. XpTS n. X3tfp n. 1# XD'nip n. 1# XD'^llp n. 1# '11 vb. DJTI adv. 1# XD'plp n. X?™ n. XllO'X n. :n: vb. i:x vb. ■pxk; vb. Xji'p: n. bya vb. i# 'o: vb. nana prep. xji'p: n. 2# XTDSD n. 2# XTDDD n. Xnytf n. bxv vb. itfn vb. "1J13X prep. 1# X013 n. orn vb. i# Tn vb. i# xVn n. 15b(55; P'Ar [AC 5:276]) 15b(56) 15b(58) 15b(59) 16a(2) 16a(4) 16a(7) 16a(8) 16a(9) 16a(10) 16a(14) 16a(21) 16a(35) 16a(36) 16b(7) 16b(17) 16b(19) 16b(25) 16b(26) 16b(41) XDWa n. I'M'! adv. ?x: vb. 1# pi vb. 1# XJIDVI n. i# xnijw n. xri n. CbV vb. xr? n. piy vb. 2# "?»n vb. xrxn n. i# xia n. XJT X,l adv. nxvuvi adj. N^H? n. 1# pi vb. 1# MP vb. XSW'O n. 'llin 13 n. 2# '13 vb. i# xniis n. ^3? prep. i# xrria n. xrnna n. 2# ':# vb. xnpna n. xpp: n. ]no vb. xiiiy n. lai vb. xna n. 16b(42; Marg) 16b(43) 17a(23) 17a(35) i# xT'ns n. 2# D"0 vb. xnnx n. an 'a n. XT Jl'a n. ptf: vb. "7 "?? pron. WIS vb. 17a(40) 17a(40; J) 17a(55) 17a(58) 17b(l) 17b(2) 17b(3) 17b(27) 17b(30) 17b(31) 17b(32) 17b(33) 17b(33; J) 17b(35) 17b(36) I7b(37) 17b(38) 17b(39) 17b(41) 17b(42) 17b(43) 1111 vb. xniiii n. mo vb. pax vb. xnri's n. 2# *XB vb. Kir n. 03: vb. 1# X11X n. XIX' n. '33 vb. *"? prep. 1# Vap vb. y:a vb. JOTl vb. "13 prep. 333 vb. 1# 'X8 pron. i# xiso n. 'X conj. "la prep. 1# 'ip vb. 2# KB';? n. 31 n. VI pron. i# xaiy n. xiia'p n. W? n. xniis'i n. tfm vb. xiis'i n. XTO n. xw n. irax 'a n. 30 adj. oai vb. 1# in num. 1# KB'J n. 3D adj. 001 vb. xniTn n. i# xpy n. pnc? vb. 17b (44) 17b(45) 17b (46) 17b (48) 17b(50) 17b(52) 17b(59) 18a(8) 18a(49) 18a(50) 18a(51) 18a(51; Ar 18a(51; J) 18a(52) 18a(53) 18a(54) 18b(2) 18b(3) 18b(5) 18b(6) 18b (8) mo vb. '»! vb. a'^n adj. xnia^a n. xnw'a n. 1# X131 n. xnii'x n. T3 prep. i# pns vb. 31 n. 2>:y vb. V?l vb. XIIO'X n. op: vb. X31?? n. 1# XKHS n. [AC ib.]) Kirnpi n. XEtollS. n. 2# inx vb. TStf adj. XTO1??! n. "ViT: prep. 2# 'SO vb. xnVx n. ■re: vb. i# ':y vb. rf7B vb. Xp'X part. 1# ^3X vb. i# xa1?? n. xrfrx n. i# pns vb. 2# xVp n. paw vb. X31?? '3 n. yaw vb. '?? adv. 1# XS'pi n. u nn: vb. 1# p"?0 vb. x-niy n. Xniai n. Babylonian Talmud 1465 ppn vb. xnrre n. nxaii n. 18b(9) 1# in num. 18b(10; Ar [AC 3:325] SM 190:7!) 2# «]1T vb. 18b(ll) iraprep. ■J13 vb. D,ll vb. 18b(13) XI pron. waD vb. pna vb. 18b(14) piy vb. 18b(14; SM 190:10) 1# p3n vb. 18b(39) xriiea-n. 18b(40) '110" n. 19a(21) XlTOn. XIS'D n. 1# p"?0 vb. 19a(23) 'S3 vb. 19a(32) l#01Jvb. 2# n3B vb. 19a(40) i:ai n. 19a(48) 2# 'DO vb. 19a(50) XiaJn. xain. 19b(l) x:^'1? n. D33 vb. 19b(3) "I conj. 'a adv. 19b(13) iy prep. 19b (31) 113 vb. 19b(32) »n n. 1# 1KB pron. 20a(33) XyTlX n. 1# '"73 vb. 1"1 vb. 30: vb. Tny adj. X1BTO n. 19b(33;J) «l»vb. 20a(34) H' vb. 20b(16) P'nyadj. 20b(17; Ar [AC 1:322]) XISPX n. 20b(21) 11D vb. Xni'3'y n. 20b(22) "I conj. 20b(23) "l IX1? 'X conj. 20b(24) 2# Xrri3 n. Vtin vb. Xlp? n. 20b(25) inn vb. 20b(46) IDS vb. 20b(52) 1# 'IP vb. 21a(l) pniaadj. 21a(3) TXlpron. 21a(40) ^xripron. 21a(42) 1JX vb. xf?3Q adv. 21b(ll) XJTO'IX n. 2lb(l2) xrvrerw n. 21b(15) XP'IX n. 21b(39) l#'aivb. 22a(l) xnitf'ix n. 22a(2) niS vb. 22a(8) Dp: vb. 22a(8; P]TGAs27 63:20) Xp"lia n. 22a(8; Geon 153:14, ib. 194:17) nxp'Tian. 22a(8; Geon 153:14) 13y vb. 22a(15) *)03vb. IID1? adv. 22a(17; J) X^n'iy n. 22b(5) nVs vb. 'Sp vb. 22b(16) nmvb. 22b(17) yrvb. XV adv. 22b(18) yi3 vb. 1# X^J n. x?npa n. 22b(19; Ar[AC 3:16],J],Tos) X1?:! n. 22b(22) Xn^aiK n. 1# X31?? n. 1# '31 vb. 22b(23) 1# Xl'SOTX n. 31 '3 13 n. 1# ■nt vb. 22b(24) y:x adj. 22b(25) 1# '13 vb. nm vb. 22b(26) 1# XXaiX n. 110 vb. 22b(29) in' vb. 22b(38; Oxf., heb. d.63) 73 vb. 23a(2) l??'!*! adv. 1# VV vb. 23a(23) 1# XnilS n. 23b(5) 1# X13n n. 23b(7) Wt| n. 2# y31 vb. 23b(22) 1# 'JDS vb. 24a(5) 2# 3iy vb. 24a(ll) -'TVyprep. 24a(19) 2# yai vb. 24a(24) 2# y31 vb. 24a(36) XM adv. 24b(7; J) X:i31 n. 24b(13) tn vb. 24b(13;J) lttKniy'ln. 24b(13) 'ppiipi XJ'y n. 24b(27) 2# ':# vb. 24b(42) Dn' adj. xiiaia n. 24b(53) T31 n. 2# IXa pron. 1# X1S0 n. IXpiS adj. 24b(54; Ar [AC 3:169]) x:n«H n. 24b(54) 1XD1S adj. 24b(54; Ar [AC 3:169]) 1# np vb. 25a(ll) 25a(23) 25a(29) 25a(37) 25b(32) 26a(4) 26a(5) 26a(6) 26a(7) 26a(7; J) 26a(8) 26a(9) 26a(10) 26a(10; J 26a(25) 26a(26) Avoda Zara Dip vb. xia: n. 'Xn 'Vl3 adv. iai vb. 1# "?IX vb. nxai n. xcrx n. m vb. xnaip n. i# xn3i:: n. lay vb. xrw n. i# n» vb. x:itj n. x;ix n. IP'D adj. i# xa:: n. isa vb. xnisx n. "13 prep. 13X vb. xnisn n. nxiirr adj. xiVia n. 26a(26; St2 562:3) i# ws: vb. 26a(26; St2 562:9) 26a(28) 26a(28; J 26a (29) 26a(30) m vb. 7BE; vb. ) xnn'X n. xn»'a n. xnsix n. mp vb. 26a(38; St2 562:11) 26a(38) 26a(39) 26a(40) pa vb. ps vb. 'ra prep. 'xiaxa adv. 1# 11W vb. 26a(40; St2 562:10) 26a(42) 26a(45) xnn n. 'ra prep. 17' vb.
Avoda Zara 1466 Babylonian Talmud 26a(46) 103 vb. xrotf n. 26a(47) "l"! pron. 1# V?n vb. p3' vb. 26a(47; HG3 267:51) 1# V?n vb. 26a(49) Bit vb. 26a(52) XIJ'X n. 11X1 '3 n. xjan n. Bp>3 vb. Dip vb. 26a(52; HG3 268:56) 1# X13 n. 26b(4) 'no vb. 26b(13) oyo vb. 26b(15) xriOT adv. 26b(18) l# nm vb. 1# xV'y n. 26b(19) 'lV'y prep. 26b(21) l# xnyn n. isy vb. 26b(22) i# rra vb. 26b(24) X3T,a n. 26b(30) xj'30 n. 1# 'Vx vb. 26b (33) isx vb. 27a(8) isx vb. 27a(32; J) bm vb. 27a(39) iaj vb. 27a(44) XrV?'pi3 n. X13'l n. 27b(3) yyi vb. 27b (22) i# itfB vb. 27b(25) XJIIOX n. xrpn n- piB vb. 27b (28) X'OniB3 adv. 28a(8) XTltf'X n. Tax adj. 28a(ll) l#X33n. 28a(12) 'X13 adv. 28a(16) 28a(17) 28a(18) 28a(19) 28a(20) 28a(22) 28a(23) 28a(24) 28a(25) 28a(26) 28a(27) 28a(28) 28a(29) 28a(30) 28a(33) 28a(34) 28a(36) X3'tf n. 'ai vb. X31D adv. 3X3 vb. 3X3 vb. '3J prep. TOn vb. xnsx n. xrniioa n. ■px vb. _3 prep. ina adv. Xpl'B n. xay n. xnsx n. i# 'an vb. 'TO vb. 1# XTH n. D'an adj. Tip adj. XT'tf n. NfllX, n. XJX pron. XS1J n. xntpa n. 1# 'OX vb. xn'tfp vb. "X prep. P3T vb. 1# XJT1 n. 1# X1B n. Vy vb. »Vj7 vb. nxra n. xaon. 1# 'ai vb. Xptf n. -p1? vb. Xptf n. 2# 'Xn pron. X'il pron. nxra n. XM3D n. 28a(37) 28a(38) xriyis n. pDS vb. xip'3 n. 1# pbo vb. KnVi?'? n. XT! n. 28a(38; Ar [AC 2:356]) 28a(38; Ar 2# K3DK n. [AC 2:356] TGHark 22:26) 1# X1T3 n. 28a(38; TGHark 22:26) 28a(39) X^T n. 'TO vb. X'^'D n. NOBIS n. xnary n. xpfins n. 28a(39; Ar [AC 6:293]) 28a(40) 28a(40; Ar 28a(41) 28a(42) 28a(43) 28b(l) 28b(2) XK311 n. X31'B n. xra na n. xrisi'y n. [AC 2:318]) i# Tm vb. D31X adj. 1# ll'n n. "*? prep. i# xoa'o n. xpriyis n. xrnox n. xbpippx n. i# tis vb. yip vb. Xfl'1?; num. ^>3X conj. i# ii'n n. XP'l n. 'T vb. xyp's n. i# xbnix n. 1# X313 n. 28b(2; GC 18:6) 28b(3) 28b(3; M) 28b (4) 4# XB'0 n. X11X '3 n. -nx vb. x^n n. i# irn n. tfao vb. 2# XT3 n. xb?3 n. 28b(4; TGHark 22:30) 28b (5) 28b(6) 28b(7) 28b(8) 28b(9) 28b(10) 28b(ll) 2# pl!3 adj. '3niX adv. TJ3 vb. 2# X30X n. 'TjV prep. X^p'S n. xri'tfp vb. Xjjp'S n. XJITBX n. itis vb. nns vb. XB1BX n. YT3 vb. X^IBn. #3' vb. 'bp vb. 4# Xlp n. pntf vb. p31 vb. X3it'?n n. xrupa n. 1# XTp n. i# 'pntf n. 28b(ll; JMAr [AC 5:282]TGHark 23:2P') 28b(12) 28b(13) 28b(14) 28b(15) xiptfa n. Xjri'3 n. XW'p n. X3BU lay n. XD'^p n. XB'X n. X'DK n- 1# '13 vb. 1# X311X n. Babylonian Talmud 28b(16) 28b(17) 28b(17; M) 28b(18) xrra n. xri'Vis n. x;an. '#P adj. 2# XJptf* n. X'Bn. 2# xV?a n. V?X vb. yip vb. i# xrnx n. X11J n. □'an adj. xn'tfisn n. litfB adj. Tip adj. itfB vb. Xy3tf num. 28b(18; P*TGHark 23:4) 28b(19; M) 28b(19) nxjVa? adj. XB01BX n. xrfr'JlB n. 28b (19; TGHark 23:4) 28b(19; M) 28b(22) 28b(23) 28b(24) 28b(25) Kip! vb. xrfrris n. XITO'a n. XflWlB n. Xtf'l n. X111X n. 1# X311X n. X31X n. 'in1? prep. X13 n. «lptf vb. mt vb. 1# Xp't n. 'TO vb. i# xnis n. i# xraia n. nXjVVj adj. nxa num. i# xnVa n. i# ''ra vb. x;?i? n. 28b(26) 28b(28) 28b(30) 28b(31) 28b(33) 28b(34) 28b(35) 28b(36) 28b(38) 28b(38; Ed) 28b(38; J) 28b(39) 28b(39; J) 28b(40) 28b(41) 1467 XrUBX, n. tf'3? adj. 3'B1 adj. 1# >)lt vb. "rajvx adv. pntf vb. -Tf> prep. xatfn. 1# V?n vb. Vns vb. mx vb. 1# 'Iff vb. 1BX prep. i# xry n. i# yps vb. xmix n. mp vb. XBln. X3'V n. 1# Kiy. n. XT! n. X331X* n. XXI n. 3# XV31X n. xriyai n. nxs vb. xnrp n. XT,3't n. nn vb. 1# 1310 vb. xVro n. xn^'x n. 'H '3 n- 1# Xp't n. XBiV'n n. 1# XpV'D n. xriaso n. 28b(41;RaH,Ar[AC 3:4243]) 28b(42) 3# xan n. 2# xan n. XT,3'I n. D'an adj. XlV'O n. 29a(l) 29a(l; J) 29a(2) 29a(3) 29a(4) 29a(8) 29a(9) 29a(10) 29a(12) N?lpy n. TIP adj. 2# X^n n. T3'0 n. xra?p n. XJl'WOin n. XB11?'!! n. '3'jte n. xri»'x n. '113'0 n. 1# X3'3 n. i# my. n. i# xian n. i# ny vb. xriy:'3i n. 'JB vb. 1# Krl'l n. xrnox n. X3'1?"] X?aiDXX n. 29a(13) 29a(14) x:ias n. "m?n- XJJ'i n. i# xrnax n. X31JX n. 29a(14; P'TGHark 23:7) 29a(14) 29a(14; J) 29a(15) 29a(15; J) 29a(16) 29a(17) 29a(19) 29a(20) 29a(21) 29a(23) 29a(24) 2# xriia n. i# xian n. X3'1? n. '■W? n. xnn n. Xja'O n. i# xrmx n. X113 n. xysxx n. xyan num. xnysxx n. 1# in num. ptW vb. IBlt adj. X113 n. Sinn n. rnn adj. X3313 n. 1 29a(24; J) 29a(45) 29a(46) 29a(46; J) 29a(47) 29a(52) 29a(53) 29b(2) 29b(45) 29b(48) 29b(49) 29b(52) 30a(l) 30a(3) 30a(8) 30a(17) 30a(22) 30a(24) 30a(25) 30a(28) 30a(29) 30a(30) 30a(32) 30a(33) 30a(34) \voda Zara 1# •n.il vb. '3313 '3 n. 2# ISO vb. 'TO vb. XpW n. T, adj. xyip n. 13y vb. xri'jria n. xroVa n. 'TO vb. 'TO vb. i# yan vb. i# yps vb. I^n vb. QWli prep. 1,01 vb. >)"t vb. mo vb. ^3 vb. X^adv. X^ adv. xriinpa '3 n. ua pron. bV2 vb. i# xian n. crnpb prep. V»3a adj. i# -]»a vb. i# xriax n. 2# 'bi vb. ^313 adj. 3'ta adj. J'ta adj. xVadv. J'ta adj. 2# X31X n. JPl'n n. 'BO vb. 1# 'IX vb. "0 adj. ■'linxV prep. i# ioa vb.
Avoda Zara 30a(35) 30a(37) 30a(38) 30a(39) 30a(40) 30a(42) 30a(44) 30a(45) 30a(46) 30a(47; Ar 30a(48) 30a(49) 2# 110 vb. ^"Vi? adj. J'TB adj. i# xiBn n. 1# X313 n. #13 vb. XpillB n. IIS vb. 1# p*?0 vb. XpJllS n. jia vb. KflMD n. XPITS n. XJBn. XBO'P n. Kan? "• i# nxaix adj. xrfraix n. X'i'l'?'J n. 1# X3T0 n. '03 vb. [AC 5:377]) xrinpja n. Tin adj. X'V'B n. JVUOSX n. 2# xp'T n. 1# X^in n. NJi?T n- Xr'lV'y n. xr^s1?'? n. i# nx vb. 30a(49;TGHark23:13) 30a(50; J) 30a(51) 30b(3) 30b(8) 30b(10) 30b(12) 11X3"!? n. '^0 adj. i# xian n. xrip n. i# oip vb. 2# 'ip vb. i# 'u vb. xiip'j n. X1H pron. TP I'D adv. 30b(20) 30b(23) 30b(38) 30b(40) 30b(41) 31a(30) 31a(31) 31a(32) 31a(33) 31a(37) 31a(41) 31b(7) 31b(8; P1 31b(ll) 31b(12) 31b(13) 31b(17) 31b(20) 31b(21) 31b(22; J) 31b(23) 31b(24) 31b(26) 31b(27) 1468 "1 conj. 1# X^'n n. tf'113 adj. nB3 adv. 2# xtpt n. ti'^p adj. 'sin Man n. 2# '13 vb. tf'113 adj. IDS vb. KJJX n. xais n. 3# pltf vb. xrran n. DJin vb. pin vb. onn vb. lXjb adv. nx vb. ^ioa"? adv. TSX vb. jirn vb. RaH) 1# "|TT vb. X'^'J n. 2# 'Vl vb. xrran n. xrra n. y?X vb. X33 n. xriun n. 'J1X vb. X13tf n. xxp'tf n. 1# 'XH pron. i# nxaix adj. X';!1?'? n. •i 'rxin conj. 2# Kill n. xrros n. 'p1? vb. xiia n. 'bp vb. 31b(32) 31b(34) 31b(36) 32a(l) 32a(2) 32a(3) 32a(7) 32a(8) 32a(8; J) 32a(9) - 32a(12) 32a(13) 32b(7) 33a(l; J) 33a(13) 33a(26) 33a(28) 33a(31) 33a(33) 33a(33; J) 33a(34) 33a(35) 33b(10) 33b(ll) lax vb. i# nxaix adj. IplT adj. i# *?3n vb. 2# )6n n. 2# any vb. *ra# n. XHTPI n. 'TO vb. i# xian n. 1# 1W1 n. Txa vb. 1# XfVlJ n. 2# 'TI vb. i# xspn n. ] X3',l *?3 conj. -I0X vb. 1# in num. xrniai n. pax vb. DX conj. X1TB n. ibx vb. Xl^a adv. 'rfra'? n. MX vb. XJ?»D adj. 2# Xp'T n. "?xc; vb. iru vb. xorp n. 'SI vb. 33b(ll; TGAs27 174:9) 33b(I2) 33b(16) 33b(17) 33b(18; JP 33b(19) 33b(20) 33b(21) i# m vb. xrisVn n. i# 'an vb. 'XlpX adv. ') x:xa n. X°?ips n. rru vb. iox vb. i# yps vb. chfi adv. Babylonian Talmud 33b(25) 33b(27) 33b (29) 33b(30) 33b(34) 33b(35) 33b(35; J) 33b(36) 33b(38) 33b(40) 34a(l) 34a(2) 34a(5) 34a(24) 34b(l) 34b(2) 1# '^B vb. o:x vb. 1# X313 n. xV'sn n. 1# X313 n. i# nxaix adj. '11 pron. 1# X3Xn n. Dntf adj. i# xvis n. 1# X3Xn n. 10X vb. XJJip n. 2# «]1X vb. D31X adj. H Prep. #11 vb. xj:ip n. XSIBip* n. pin; adj. xnps n. J?'?' adj. i# mi vb. y"?2 vb. i# ntf vb. 1J13 prep. XJ1111 n. XJ/'JB adj. KMSTiB* n. 34b(2; Ar[AC 1:75]) 34b(3) 34b (3; Ed) 34b(ll) 34b (13) 34b(14) 34b (15) 34b(17) XB3X n. i# nxaix adj. 1# XS^U n. ■]1X vb. )W adj. 2# X31X n. 'TO vb. xo'nia n. X^'BJ n. 2# X31X n. XliBJ n. no: vb. i# xian n. Babylonian Talmud 34b(19; J[M Ed) 34b(20) 34b (25) 34b (26) 34b(32) 34b(37) X81"? n. XO'JTiB n. 2# aiy vb. XBO'p n. arg] 'IP adj. X("lp2 n. 2# xiws n. xwya n. 2# X1TOS n. Xn part. ]Bt vb. 34b(37; RaH) Din vb. 34b(41) 34b(43) 35a(l) 35a(4) 35a(8) 35a(9) 35a(20) 35a(23) 35a(24) 35a(25) 35b(10) 35b(ll) 35b(35) 35b(36) 3 5b (37) 3 5b (3 8) 35b(38; J) xnsfK; n. xiao n. xriS'3 n. n'3tf adj. Xtfl'S n. XPTS n. Dip vb. -3'J?3 prep. XHTTl n. 2# 'Vj vb. 130 vb. TH vb. i# xnn n. XSp'p n. XSB'p n. pin; adj. 2# aiy vb. Xp part. Dip vb. X3B3 n. poy vb. I?,l?p adj. Dip vb. '31'0: n. 35b(39; TGHark 23:20) 3 5b (50) XSB'X n. 1# V3X vb. X1XB '3 n. XriB n. ra: vb. 35b(52) 36a(13) 36a(14) 36a(19) 36a(22) 36a(23) 36b(10) 36b(23) 37a(5) 37a(6) 37a(13) 37a(14) 37a(19) 37a(21) 37a(24) 37a(25) 37a(27) 37a(31) 37a(33) 37a(34) 37b(3) 1469 1# .1XB1X adj. xana n. 1# HX]!1? adj. 103 vb. nxm1: adj. xnnno n. 2# 'Xa vb. XB^lX n. i# -]tfa vb. ^n pron. bin vb. -po vb. i# ■nw vb. 'B: adv. irbxb adv. Dip vb. '?'■? adv. XJ'^B n. 30 adj. '31? conj. XB'l n. XDU n. T& adj. X3W n. ■p'aoio n. X'ni/Xini *?3 pron. 37b(4) 37b(20) 37b(34) 37b(39) 37b(43; P 8:150]) 38a(l) 38a(8) 38a(9) 38a(13) 38a(14) 38a(22) 38a(23) 38a(24; J) 38a(29) 133 vb. Dip vb. 1# Xpl3 n. 'T vb. JAr [AC X?pT n. xraapx n. 1# X11X n. XO'T n. 2# XD3 n. xio-in n. Tin vb. XJ1X n. xajx n. 2# '^J vb. x:wx n. 38a(31) 38a(33) 38a(35) 38a(36) 38a(38) xnsio n. -ap vb. xjxa n. ■TO vb. ^3 vb. ■]sn vb. "?C3 vb. X^W'? n. Xrffp n. 38b(15; JRaH) Hn vb. 38b(15; Ar 38b(24) 38b(25) 38b(26) 38b(26; J) 38b(29) 38b(30) 38b(32) 38b(33) [AC ib.]) nn vb. JTB vb. 1# 'p© vb. 2# xVn n. 2# XTJ] n. xrtyv n. XH part. XTJiy n. xosns n. xrw n. 1W5 adj. xriV'1??^ n. pa» vb. 38b(33; TGHark 23:24) 38b(34) X1T3 n. xjri'3 n. p31 vb. 1# ''JB vb. 3# "?3p vb. 38b(34; TGHark 23:26) 38b(35) 38b(36) 38b(36; Ar 38b(36; J) xnty'jnj n. i# nrn n. i# xaxn n. 'nD vb. xnra n. aVa"? vb. 1# Tip vb. xisio n. i# xjns n. [AC 3:387]) 'Vn adj. 1# xriV'B n. 38b(39) 38b(42) 3 8b (43) 38b(46) 3 8b (47) 3 8b (48) 38b(49) 38b(50) 38b(54) 38b(55) 38b(56) 38b(57) 39a(12) 39a(13) 39a(14) 39a(15) 39a(16) 39a(17) 39a(19) 39a(22) 39a(23) 39a(24; J) Avoda Zara Din vb. XrW'B n. p'Vtf adj. '10 vb. 2# 3iy vb. xrnx n. TIB pron. TIB adj. P'ty adj. X?'XB adj. xn'n» n. xnsVp n. TOX prep. Ill vb. XH pron. xra n. X3Xn. xnw n. (-)^'V part. xanit n. lay vb. pra vb. xnnx n. X1H3 33 n. Ill vb. Ill vb. in vb. ira n. n'Va adj. XJ'B n. 1# '31 vb. 10X vb. .xbh xian n. 'Bl vb. X313K?lp n. 39a(25; JAr [AC 7:62]) 39a(28) 39a(29) 39a(30) X31313p n. 1# X^lp"! n. XVlS'n n. XJ'B n. 2# XsVp n. 'in1? PreP- xra n.
Avoda Zara 1470 Babylonian Talmud 39a(31) 39a(32) 39a(32; J 39a(33) 39a(34) 39a(37) 39a(38) 39a(39) 39a(41) 39a(42) 39a(43) 39a(44) 39a(45) 39b(3) 39b(6) 39b(7) 39b(8) 39b(9) 39b(12) 39b(21) 39b(43) 39b(44) 40a(8) Bp3 vb. Krafts n. xijix n. Xna'X n. i# ntf vb. i# ii'n n. 'sn vb. xVa'WB n. X3i3istf n. 1# XlpX n. xnjnx n. 31p vb. XB3 n. i# nxaix adj. XJ'SO n. pOS vb. xsiin n. Xn'jft'n n. i# ftn vb. xrnuatf n. XJTjft'n n. XJT3 '»3'X n. Ton adj. yjs vb. "Tl pron. XB';n n. xi3iy n. xWx n. *?S3 vb. 1'li? adj. T'l vb. ps3 vb. V?y vb. X3113 n. yi' vb. XTJI',1 n. jvn vb. no vb. Klffi1?? n. 40a(8; TGHark 23:31 Ar [AC 6: 40a(24) 548]) X1S n. xronx n. 40a(24; HG3 276:67) 40a(26) 40a(27) 40a(29) 40a(33) 40a(39) 40a(43) 40b(4) 40b(7) 40b(12; J) 40b(14) 40b(37) 41a(15) xriDa n. 2# XSTp n. X11S'» n. 1# 'IP vb. 10X vb. 3# Xlp n. 'no vb. xnis1??/ n. 'T vb. 2# pltf vb. 'SI vb. IDS vb. nm vb. yatf vb. 1# X1?!? n. 41a(16; P'jTGHark 23:33) 41a(20) 41a(21) 41b(6) 41b(ll) 41b(12) 41b(27) 41b(29) 42a(24) 42b(9) 42b(32) 42b(33) 42b(34) 42b(35) 42b(36) 43a(4) 43a(10) 43a(26) 43a(33) 43a(36) XaX'Jltf'X n. V?T vb. in'3 pron. (-)'SXa prep. TPK pron. xtfw n. Vx3 vb. p3tf vb. 1# XIO'X n. an1 vb. 2# *?3B vb. ifry vb. i# nxrin adj. rm vb. xa"?jfa adv. TO *73 pron. i# nx vb. 3'tfn adj. op: vb. xniain n. xrnna n. xny;xa n. 1# Kin? n. VlD vb. «]13 vb. IPX' vb. rf?S vb. 43b(5) 43b(19) 43b(23) 43b(25) XpTS n. T13 adj. '80 vb. XM'tf n. Xltfn n. 43b(26) xrw'33 (Jl)'3 n. 43b (27) 44a(16) 44a(22; J) 44a(23) 44a(26) 44a(26; Ar 44a(39) 44a(42) 44a(44) 44b(25) 44b(35) 44b(38) 45b(29) 46a(32) 46b(20) 46b(24) 46b(27) 46b(28) 47a(6) 47a(7) 47a(24) 47a(30) 47a(38) 47a(42) 47a(44) 47a(45) 47a(45; M) xbiisx n. Dip vb. xnuxft n. 2# fts vb. nJ13 vb. 'J7D vb. ma vb. [AC 3:135]) 1# m vb. 2# m vb. mi vb. xV'Vs n. xrii3'3J n. xrna':j n. D"S vb. njn vb. xriytf n. -|Ji' vb. 2# 0"0 vb. 1# xVip n. 113 vb. xiaa n. ipy vb. xiaa n. 131 vb. X33n. Xlp'yB adv. B'»B adj. K$3 n. ooa vb. 130 vb. (")'ap prep. xrvrai n. 1# XT13 n. xap xap adv. *?5V vb. 1 47a(48) 47b(6) 47b(7) 47b(ll) 47b(12) 47b(21) 47b(30) 47b(36) 48a(32) 48a(43) 48b(24) 48b(27) 49a(2) 49a(28) 49a(36) 49a(37) ya: vb. xrmi n. paw vb. xrnyjx n. i# to vb. xrai n. xnarn n. xVlB'3 n. yitf vb. xVl3 pron. 2# ft>3 vb. XJIjn n. trot n. i# xrnix n. X3T1 n. xixtf n. nan vb. xrira n. ton. 49a(38) X3113 'X.l '3 adv. 49b (12) 49b(13) 49b(13; J) 49b (22) 49b(23) 49b(25) 49b(42) 49b(54) 50a(19) 50a(23) 50a(25) 50a(27) 50a(31) 50a(37) 50b(3) 50b (4) ias vb. -:'ya prep. ftp vb. 2# any vb. xn'an n. Tf X pron. i# xrnix n. xarip n. 'J'3 '3'3 adv. xnau n. 1# XJI'3 n. ain vb. rf?s vb. ]B prep. BhS vb. Kill n. 1# ^30 vb. xrnix n. 'J1X vb. 1# X13 n. 1# X133 n. pis vb. XJX pron. Babylonian Talmud 1471 Avoda Zara X133 13 n. X1? adv. 1# X1J3 n. 50b(5) 'tfp adj. 50b(ll) 1# X1J3 n. 50b(i5) xni'B n. 50b(19) xft'X n. 50b(20) 2# na vb. XVI pron. 50b(27) 1# XtZhptfp n. 50b(28) 2# X^'S n. 50b(28; P'M) XB1.T1 n. 50b (29) Dip vb. 50b(34) 'a adv. 50b(35) DBS vb. 1# XTS n. 51a(17) IX conj. 'PP adj. 51a(24) xnriaadj. 51a(36) 'in vb. 51a(42) XSlJn. 51b(25) X/lfllX adv. 51b(29) Xjft'SPB n. ino vb. 51b(31) Dp3vb. 51b(32) lysvb. 52a(12) V?3 adv. 52a(13) 10X vb. 52a(16) Dip vb. 52a(41) "I XSftx prep. 1# ]Xa pron. 52a(49) i3'B prep. 52a(50) 1# in num. 52a(51) 1# Xiaffi n. 'IP vb. 52b (18) Kftpvb. 52b(24) tin vb. i# now vb. 52b(27) 103 vb. xio3 n. 52b(32; J) X13'l n. xrnin xrnt? adj. Ttf adj. 52b(42) 52b(44) 52b(45) 53b(3) 53b(4) 53b(6) 130 vb. 1 XflyiX prep. •vsn n. "IB prep. '33 vb. 'ya vb. n oria'x Vs conj. 53b(8) 53b(27) 53b(33) 53b(35) 53b(40) 53b(44) 53b(45) 53b(46) 53b(47) 53b(48) 54a(ll) 54a(12) 54a(17) 54a(21) 54a(22) 54a(32) 55a(13; J) 55a(14) 55a(15) 55a(30) 55a(30; Ar 55a(31) 56b(10) 56b(ll) 1# Tin vb. n'3 adj. XTB n. na' vb. 113 vb. XOiO'3 n. D'3S adj. Vn vb. rf?3 vb. i# fta vb. xjani n. IBS vb. XyrX3 adv. yo vb. rf?s vb. xnyatf n. X3'V n. x^aa n. lax vb. XlB'a n. 333 vb. [AC 2:267]) 113 vb. mv vb. 1,03 vb. 11X vb. 56b(ll; HGP56a:34) 56b(14) 56b(14; J) 56b(15) 57a(6) 57a(7) 57a(8) "Vn'3 prep. i# 'niy vb. vn vb. xVfl n. xi3iy n. xVp'l n. X311 n. X3'l?l'? n. 1# y33 vb. 57a(8; M) 57a(9) i# nw vb. xa'Vi1? n. XW'l n. 57b(15; HGP 56b:3) 57b(16) 57b(17) Wy vb. xrmn n. i# xiarj n. 57b(17; HGP56b:4) 57b(18) an' vb. XT n. i# -nv vb. 2# -]W vb. 57b(19; HG3 257:85) 57b(20) 57b(22) 58a(2) 58a(2; J) 58a(3) 58a(8) 58a(28) 58a(29) 58b(l) 58b(5) 58b(7) 58b(9) 58b(14) 58b(16) 58b(17) 58b(25) 58b(27) 59a(4) 59a(5) x'?9 n- 1# '15? vb. XllS'W n. 1# 'IK? vb. xjraw n. plB vb. 2# X'JS n. 11D vb. '331? prep. 3# 1p3 vb. 3J1' vb. insV prep. 1# 'Bl vb. 1# 'p^ vb. 2# '"?3 vb. 1# X03 n. 1BX vb. 1# 'p^ vb. XV03 n. nn vb. p-1-! vb. lin1? adv. XTU n. 31B vb. 130 vb. XllBpB n. iy_ prep. 1# xV3 n. >]iD adv. "1 conj. 59a(6) 59a(10) 59b(3) 59b (3; J) 59b (3; M) 59b(5) 2# D"0 vb. nBB n. pbti vb. xannx n. 2# '11 vb. 2# Kill n. Dp3 vb. 2# "[TO vb. 59b(6; JAr [AC 2:198]) 59b(8) 59b(10; J) 59b(17) 59b(18) 59b(19) 60a(2) 60a(8) 60a(10) fl3 vb. 2# 'DW vb. -[03 vb. ftp vb. 1# XI13 n. xri'3n n. 1# bpti vb. ni3 vb. i# xra n. 1# X113 n. 1# X31 n. 1# X313 n. p-'t vb. 2# '11 vb. xn'an n. yo vb. nx vb. 60a(10; HGP 56a:30) 60a(ll) 60a(13) 60a(15) 60a(16; JP1) 60a(22) 60b(l) 60b(2) 60b(4) i# ^y vb. 2# Xp'I n. nx^ip?; n. Ton adj. 2# Xp't n. fta adj. 1"! adj. xixya n. xn'an n. X311X n. i# yps vb. 1# p3n vb. x;nis n. 60b(5; HGP 56b:39) xnraV n. lay vb.
Avoda Zara 1472 Babylonian Talmud 60b (7) 61a(18) 61a(20) 61a(21) 61b(16; J) 61b(26) 61b(27) 61b(28) 61b(29) 61b(30) 61b(31) 61b(32) 61b(32; J) xrraya n. nrtrn p'ps n. i# ™ vb. ]"y vb. xrnyna n. xtf'ix n. i# xn'3 n. 3JP vb. xV'Dn n. 1# '3 conj. 130 vb. '33 prep. 1# 'Xil pron. xVsn n. 'Sn vb. XTI1DJ n. 371' vb. 1# 8« n. 1# K313 n. 61b(33; HG3 261:446) 61b(52) 62b(ll; J) 62b(ll) 62b(12) 62b(13) 62b (14) 62b(15; J) 62b(20) 62b(22; J) 62b (24) XtfVl'B n. X*?'sn n. 11X vb. 2# X3"1X n. 1# XnjX n. K^np '3 n. 13p vb. TI3 vb. *73T n. n3' vb. «]r vb. JYUP adv. 62b(31; HGP 57a: 18) 63a(l) 63a(3) 63a(9) 63a(25) 63a(26) 63b(8) 63b(18) 64a(20) an* vb. Vin vb. "I?n,3 prep. '33 prep. 1# '3p vb. Dip vb. 1# XrniX n. 2# «|pj vb. in1 vb. ran pron. 64a(24) 64a(25) 64b(3) 64b(5) 64b(42) 65a(9) 65a(ll) 65a(13) 65a(14) 65a(15) 65a(18) 65a(19) 65a(20) 65a(45) 65a(46) 65b(l) 65b(2) 65b(5) 65b(6) 65b(6; J) 65b(7) 65b(8) 65b(22; J) 65b(30) 65b(35) 66a(l) 66a(6) 66a(14) xnyi n. b02 vb. "V prep. rf?S vb. xra na n. xjanip n. Kjannp n. 'Ill '3 n. Kill? n. '3D adj. Xlia'X n. WX pron. xraVa n. •yi vb. xpnpns n. vn vb. XrllW'3 n. 1# X3'y n. 1# ypS vb. 33y vb. tarn n. X3T1 n. mo vb. "V prep. rratf adj. fSV vb. 1# X5Vl3 n. 2# Xp'T n. i# ns vb. lay vb. xpcns n. X130 n. x'ma n. 3rr vb. 1# XlD'p n. 1# X1V3 n. 'DX vb. ]tm vb. "I V'XTI conj. 2# IPTX n. xrnry n. xaw n. i# xnan n. 66a(15) 66a(21) 66a(28) 66a(32) 66b(l) 66b(5) 66b(9) 66b(14) 67a(7; J) 67b(17) 68a(3) 68a(17) 68a(18) 68b(8) 68b(9) 68b(12) 68b(22) 68b(23) 68b(27) 68b (3 7) 68b(40) 69a(3) 69a(4) 69a(7) 69a(8) 69b(2) 69b(7) 69b(8) 69b(10) 69b(26) 69b(35) 69b(36) 69b(37) 1# XJIBTl n. 2# xVn n. xTan n. xnaw n. i# xrnjw n. KTan. n. 'TK pron. 131? prep. 2# X^n n. i# xnn n. xn'B na n. i# xnn n. '"?p vb. xnsVn n. □3D vb. X»Vj73 adv. xnsy n. 71'X part. i# mv vb. X33 n. X33 n. xnwn adv. Vs: vb. KT33? n. xrran n. xi??; n. OXB vb. "13 prep. X-131 n. 2# niV vb. oena vb. -\yv vb. xayo n. -ij;iy vb. iao vb. V2 vb. J^S vb. 2# XT3 n. inx vb. 1# D^n vb. Dip vb. xaww n. XDT1 n. 69b(38; 69b(39) 70a(2) 70a(3) 70a(5) 70a(7) 70a(9) 70a(10) 70a(12) 70a(13) 70a(14) 70a(19) 70a(25) 70a(29) 70a(30) 70a(33) A.r [AC 8:70]) X3'tf n. xnr n. V?l vb. 1# XJl'3 n. inx vb. x?r? n. SB1 n. Xyj'3 n. 2# XO'3 n. 1# in vb. 1# xri'1?'? n. 1# Xb>p n. yaw vb. (")'SX3 prep. Dip vb. 1# Xl'SWIX n. Daw vb. XTO'33 (ri)'3 n. 2# '"7X vb. 2# X3-1X n. xnis'w n. '»»'» '3 n. xrivaix n. X"li»3 n. 70a(33; M) Rni'l n. 70a(34) 70a(35) 70a(38) 70a(39) 70a (40) 70a(41) 70a(42) 70a(43) 70a(44) 70a(51) 70b(l) ilNTliT adj. 1# XO'3 n. XTOT n. XplW n. 1# n3W vb. x;nx n. □,13 vb. xrnxya n. 1# X31 n. (])'?'n '3 conj. 'WD vb. 1# X33J n. 1# p"?D vb. '-inw n. Xp'SD n. 1# X31 n. 1# XTO-l n. Babylonian Talmud 1473 Horayot 70b(2) 70b (3) 70b(4) 70b(4; J) 70b(ll) 70b(13) 70b(13; J) 70b (20) 70b(33) 70b(33; M) 71a(12) 71a(17) 71a(17; J) 71a(20) 71a(22) 71a(23) 71a(24) 71a(26) 71b(l) 71b(2) 71b(5) 71b(6) 71b(8) 71b(12) 71b(13) 1# XJDin n. Dp3 vb. X31n- X3'1? part. 1# 'B1 vb. 1# p*?0 vb. XDiaVlS n. xirrm n. X31D adv. nno vb. i# -iob vb. xraioa n. i# xnnsa n. D'Vx, adj. 2# nxa vb. jja vb. '81 vb. 'ITI pron. nxois adj. X3W11S n. i# nw vb. Dp3 vb. xniai n. i# xian n. "713 vb. XJ30 n. i# nn vb. «]P vb. 2# KfflBh n. i# i»a vb. 1# '3p vb. *713 vb. 1# y33 vb. 1# 'B1 vb. xtix n. X3Xa n. xrryix n. xjxa n. xjnx n. X3XB n. xais n. xap xap adv. 103 vb. 71b(31) 71b(32) 72a(6) 72a(9) 72a(24) 72a(25) 72a(26) 72a(27) 72a(29) 72b(36) 72b(7) 72b(9) 72b(10) 72b(16) 72b(18) 72b(20) 72b(21) 72b(22) 72b(23) 72b(24) 72b(26) 72b(27) 72b(32) Dip vb. XDiD n. 2# 'Xil pron. X38 adv. 03X vb. 1# '3 n. 13'B prep. 1# '3 n. DIP' vb. Dip vb. npw'3p n. '3'a ,3,3 adv. XTJ? n. X3Xa n. IDp vb. X11J n. xrinn n. 'Xl?1? adv. XJ3D n. TS3 vb. «]Dp vb. nxaisw n. ■)SW vb. 1# ■bti vb. xrrcm na n. xnwu n. 1# pVo vb. "X prep. xnwn n. "X prep. xnwu na n. xnwu n. mj vb. 72b(32; Ar [AC 2:384]) 72b(33) 72b(34) 72b(36) 73a(9) 73a(10) 73a(18) 73a(23) 1# 11© vb. T^pW^p n. POD vb. xni1?! »n '3 n. XniD'X n. XTH'n n. liV prep. XTH'n n. BTS3 adj. 74b(l) 74b(15) 74b(17) 74b(18) xtoj; n. 'J1X vb. 1# 'DT vb. xrnsya n. TV adj. 2# X1?1? n. 74b(18; JHG3 263:84) 74b(19) 74b(20) 74b(21) 74b(33) 74b(34) 74b(35) 74b(36; J) 75a(5) 75a(8) 75a(10) 1# 'Vs vb. 'Va adj. XT2n n. i# mix vb. 'TO vb. XS1D n. N15?3 n. 1# XS1?!! n. nno vb. xais n. XST3 n. X5f3-)X num. xnra adj. i# nxaix adj. 75a(10; P!Ar [AC 2:349]) 75a(16) 75a(22) 75a(29) 75a(30) 75a(31) 75a(32) xriJ-jlJ* n. "7SX adj. inn adj. X1?? 'dVs adv. J13D n. >na n. Xpll") n. xnay n. 2# xnVn n. i# xnp'p n. i# n\t> vb. 75a(32; M) 1# xVip'T n. 75a(33) 75b(l) 75b(10) 75b(27) 2# Xb>3n n. Din vb. xns* n. i# xnax n. pOS vb. K'ni/XIHI V? pron. 75b(28) 75b(38) warn n. ]3T vb. 75b (46) 75b(47) 75b(48) 76a(7) 76a(16) 76a(23) 76a(24) 76a(28) 76a(30) 76a(32) 76a(35) 76a(40) 76b(l) X3XB n. 2# xnia n. pvn vb. "1 conj. 1# ^30 vb. xruawa n. 'in vb. ypw vb. 5?Va vb. Dnn adv. Xin? adv. 1# 'JSX vb. bVl vb. ■?ari'K adv. Xja'l n. 2# inp vb. 1# D'JS vb. xnn n. i# nnn vb. i# '^a vb. xais n. ran vb. 76b(l; HP 15:20) 76b(2) 76b(14) 76b (15) 76b (16) 76b(17) 76b(18) 76b(70) 2a(37) 2a(46) 2a(48) 2b(4) 2b(6) XS313 n. XW"V n. D3n vb. xjnnx n. pDD vb. T5n vb. xynx n. HKTin? adj. IX1? adv. Ija prep. X1H pron. Dip vb. xnnix n. Horayot 'ya vb. VT vb. XSD'X n. lax vb. 130 vb. '?n adv. .
Horayot 1474 Babylonian Talmud 2b(7) 2b(24) 2b(25) 2b(53) 2b(54) 3a(36) 3a(39) 3a(40) 3a(47) 3b(15) 3b(32) 3b(33) 3b(34) 3b(46) 4a(16) 4a(30) 4a(43) 4a(48) 4b(6) 4b(r9) 5a(44) 5a(46) 5a(50) 6a(26) 6a(29) 6a(33) 6b(6) 6b(40) 7a(32) 7a(51) 7b(7) 8a(39) 8a(40) 8a(41) ]!3 prep. X'TH adv. #tb vb. ^H pron. xpiya n. yatf vb. fjari pron. xntfri adv. "13 prep. 1# «]TX vb. "I X^X prep. i# m-o vb. XJ"! n. «]» vb. 31 '3 n. xna» n. xns'Tp n. inwb n. 1# Xa'tf n. 1# '3A vb. TTD vb. 13 interj. 1# 'XB pron. 31'? n. xan! n- ipy vb. nori" adv. xayp n. xVrip n. i# xrnix n. Xt'jVs n. Xpiy'B n. PIS vb. x^pn n. 13'B prep. TX3 vb. XJB adv. 2# '13 adv. Dlbp XV adv. XTIO'X n. XPTT n. pSJ vb. 1# 'Tp vb. 8a(49) 8a(50) 8a(52) 8b(5) 9a(ll) 9a(12) 9b(26) 'UK vb. XM'X n. 1# H3 adv. xrnnna n. vn vb. tds vb. 1# XJS n. 'TB X^> adv. 10a(44; Ed) XfflX'BN n. 10a(46) 10a(47) 10a(48) 10b(ll) 10b(24) 10b(25) 10b(26) 10b(38) 10b(39) lla(l) lla(3) lla(54) lla(57) llb(7) llb(33) llb(35;M) llb(37) 1lb(39) 1lb(43) 1# ^TX vb. 'T|3 prep. Ty prep. xriVw n. Xri'S n. abv vb. 'in vb. 'XH 'V)3 adv. X313'y n. 1# 'Jtf vb. xnppa n. ftsn. Dip vb. Try vb. i# xrnus n. xrop n. OJX vb. m vb. Tyx vb. V» adv. xn'nixf adj. 3irt vb. DOTD vb. 1# 'Jtf vb. OyD vb. «1S3 vb. xnpa'j n. XJlV n. i# ntfa vb. 'y3 vb. TIT vb. ps: vb. XBOTDX n. '?! adj. llb(44) 1 lb(46) llb(48) llb(49) 12a(36) 'a adv. TD1T adj. D'apB prep. 31 adj. 3tfn vb. 1# -{m vb. 1# xri'3 n. i# pbo vb. K?l? n. xntfn. 12a(36;HG3 315:27) 12a(37) 12a(38) 12a(39) 12a(40) 12a(41) 12a(42) 12a(42; M) i# i»a vb. i# "]tfa vb. xtvu n. atfa vb. 2# rf?x vb. 1# 'ST vb. latf vb. TSP vb. Knan n. XpO'y n. Dip vb. i# Tin vb. XbjBn. yjn vb. sto'x n. xja'p n. 4# XTp n. Vn vb. X'3n n. xritf tf'l n. xrii? n. 1# XpVp n. y?y vb. 12a(42;HG3 310:51 Mss. YF8) 12a(43) 12a(44) «]Dtf vb. 1# OTA vb. 1# '3 conj. xb adv. 1# TPB vb. ty? prep. Xrfjp'p n. xnypiz; n. 12a(45) 12b(15) 12b(39) 12b(52) 13a(17) 13a(42) 13a(50) 13a(50; Ai 13b(l) 13b(17) 13b(37) 13b(38) 13b(42) !3b(44) 13b(46) 13b(47) XJTSX n. X:T>A n. 3D adj. xnriis n. '10 adj. 303 vb. NSiO n. p&l vb. X»'13 adv. xna n. levari n. xa'Va n. fS3 vb. [AC 2:233]) xa:i n. 2# XJ'Sltf n. nps vb. i# xnn n. 1# pT3 vb. 2# X'Vin n. 1'3 prep. -^"I pron. na pron. 'in vb. nay vb. ninx prep. 'T1? prep. i# xr/'p'y n. 13b(47; MGE 698:20) 13b(48) XS10'3 n. 1# OTJ vb. py vb. Dip vb. 13b(48; MGE 699:1) 13b(49) VVS vb. i# otj vb. «]03 vb. nns vb. Dip vb. 13b(49; MGE 699:3) 13b(50) 103 vb. xpttb'? n. TpD vb. Babylonian Talmud 1475 Zevahim piD vb. 13b(50; MGE 699:4) xrn»,l?n n. 13b(50; MGE 699:5) Xpri'S n. 13b(50; MGE 699:4) X?»lp n. 13b(51; MGE 699:6) XplTS n. 13b(52) 1# Ojp vb. xnyatf n. 13b (53) 'invb. xaVn n. 0"S vb. 13b(54) 1# ,X\ vb. xnap n. I4a(i0) xjmiry n. 14a(ll) IIS; adj. 14a(13) 1# Tin vb. 1# T^a vb. x?in na n. xrra n. 14a(14) XjaiX n. 14a(15) Vs vb- 14a(16) mi vb. 14a(17) «nn adj. 1# pbo vb. 14a(23) xVl3 'IB n. 14a(25) xVl3 na n. 14a(26) xVl3 na n. Zevahim 2a(19) 2a(24) 2b(4; Ed) 2b(35) 2b(36) 2b(42) 3a(4) 3a(8) 3a(18) 3a(23) 4a(19) xrwnp n. IX conj. 1# ':# vb. xrnix n. -ay vb. XBTO n. 3ra vb. pna vb. avth prep. 3in vb. xanp n. TTS vb. 4a(25) 4a(41) 4b(l) 4b(31) 4b(35) 5a(3) 5a(15) 5a(21) 5a(27) 5b(17) 5b(19) 5b(28) 5b(31) 5b(41) 6a(l) 6a(8) 6a(15) 7a(29) 7b(l) 7b(6) 7b(44) 8a(21) 8a(24) 8a(32) 9a(18) 9a(29) 9a(35) 9a(42) 9b(5) 9b(6) 9b(39) 10a(33) 10b(16) 10b(28) 1la(23) 1la(27) lla(30) llb(23) pS3 vb. ym vb. Xplll n. XTrl3 adj. 'BT vb. xV?3 n. xdts n. i# 'an vb. xnri'S n. 'XT vb. 'ST vb. xirria n. XTrria n. an' vb. 'XT vb. Xa^©3 adv. TIB vb. 1# X3X n. X??P n. X'S'p n. T»3 vb. X'S'p n. '3'H V? adv. 1# ^V vb. 2# ''ri vb. *TT vb. TBJ vb. 'TTH pron. I1?' vb. OWV prep. xaVya adv. TriX V33 adv. ■T3V prep. 'Taj1? adv. IX conj. irUH pron. yo vb. XJ'T n. xayo n. WpJ vb. 1# XTp'V. n. i# xnpp's n. 'XT vb. llb(29; V 12a(23) 12b(7) 12b(16) 12b(19) 12b(20) 13a(4) 13b(15) 13b(22) 13b(37) 13b(41) 14a(9) 14b(15) 14b(28) 14b(29) 15a(3) 15a(5) 15a(10) 15a(12) 15a(13) 15a(17) 15a(18) 15a(20) 15a(21) 15a(22) 15a(28) 15a(30) 15b(l) ") XTTJ n. ao: vb. XflTlX n. 'm vb. 'm vb. "T conj. xnp'» n. 1# xripO'S n. XT8J n. ym vb. 'nx vb. X';i3'l n. IX conj. an' vb. xV'aa adv. 1# ^p«7 vb. na pron. 1# bpti vb. 1# XripO'S n. 'X HVIT '7'B n. f\SV vb. ti: vb. i# xrnis n. IX conj. 'XT3X adv. 'X1J adv. 'XT?1? adv. 'XW1? adv. P33 vb. 2# "?D3 vb. XpT'5 n. xaVy ini'Vis n. T,nx vb. awn vb. DlVp X^> adv. (-)'Bpa prep. T3J? vb. xpin n. TB1T adj. 'Da vb. 16a(28; V8) 1# «p» vb. 17a(l) 18a(13) X3'X part. X3D XBi' n. 18a(17) 18b(5) 18b(7) 18b(12) 18b(26) 18b(42) 18b(44) 18b(47) 19a(3) 19a(3; V1 19a(20) 19a(30) 19a(34) 19a(35) 19a(36) 19a(41) 19a(42) 33y vb. 1# pVo vb. XHT'SCTX n. TT5 vb. -T ]XB3 conj. XJR'3 n. xriip1? n. XTBy n. ^XS vb. iy_ prep. XTB? n. ■|BD vb. 1# XTp n. xran n. •bm prep. ') 'VlB adj. XJ©'1? n. ■nTiX 3JX prep. i# xn1?'a n. ya» vb. i# Txn vb. i# yxn vb. Dip vb. i# fxn vb. i# Txn vb. 19b(14; Vn) XriSlX n. 19b(32) Vlp vb. 19b(46; V11) IP'l adj. 20a(6) 20a(13) 20a(29) 20b (9) 20b(ll) 20b(22) 20b(29) 20b(31) 20b(36) 20b (45) 20b(46) 21a(l) 21b(0) xayp n. SV2 vb. x^in n. mn adj. VS vb. •vn vb. ftp vb. xma adv. WTS vb. 'an adv. no: vb. poy vb. 'BD vb. 'BD vb. xrnain n.
Zevahim 21b(7) 21b(8) 21b(16) 21b(16; V 21b(17) 21b(20; V 22a(36) 22b(33) 24a(12) 24a(23) 24a(25) 24a(28) 24b (3) 25a(3) 25a(ll) 25a(29) 25b(ll) 26a(27) 26a(31) 26b(7) 27a(12) 27b(31) 28a(23) 1# 'Jtf vb 1# pbo vb. ypti vb. ypti vb. ") KW18V1 n. NVfVj n. ") Xl'3,1 n. Vhpvb. nxaiii adj. xra n. BIT adj. Pip vb. ly prep. "la prep. pSJ vb. 1»3 vb. T»p vb. rap vb. 'ya vb. 1# B>3# vb. 1# Ebtf vb. XpTS n. 1# 'TOS vb. B"?p vb. T1?! adj. 28a(25) XJ11I 'X,l '3 adv. 28a(47) 28b(15) 29a(33) 29b(7) 30a(14) 30b(2) 30b(3) 30b(4) 30b(19) 30b(32) 30b(36) 30b(40) 30b(41) 31b(32) T1?? adj- 1# T"!X adj. Krrrnw n. Xp part. *?irt vb. xrmi n. 1# yil vb. XI part. -1 'Xa pron. rwfaa adj. "Tl1? prep. B'tfS adj. xbis n. 0'4 adj. rtrn vb. i# xniix n. 1476 Babylonian Talmud 32a(25) WO?!?K n. 32a(26) bby vb. 32b(24) 1# XJ1B n. 32b(33) i# 'itf vb. 32b(35) X/1311X adv. 33a(7) -]ao vb. 35a(3) 3JX prep. I'll adj. HSW vb. 35a(3; V11) X»,l adv. 35a(17; V11) D1X vb. xjxa n. 35a(25; V8) X3BX'X n. 36a(12) 'nx vb. 36a(26) X^X conj. xisp n. 36a(28) xrniS'T n. 36a(32) x'pra pron. 36a(45) 77y vb. 36a(46) 3»n vb. 36b(21) bbs adv. 36b(22) 7J1 vb. 37a(28) XBVtiS adv. 37b(29) l# 'n vb. 37b(30) 1X3 vb. 1# 'SD vb. 37b(33) l# xri'3 n. 37b(36) 2# XJS1 n. 38a(l) XS1J n. X330 n. 38a(36) XJ1JJB n. 38b(2) XTI'B n. 38b(20) 7J9 vb. 39a(19) nnaV prep. xiibs n. 40a(4) 1# ?S3 vb. 40a(13) 1BX vb. xriyi n. 40a(21) i# 7B3 vb. 40a(23) xraVvi n. 41a(12) xtf'pn n. 42a(21) bis vb. 42b(8) 2# 'U vb. 43b(l) ms vb. 43b(2) T]3'pin adv. 43b(3) 1# p^o vb. 43b(7; Vs) '3'1 'IS pron. 43b(24) BIB vb. 44a(38) '11,1 pron. TBp adj. 45a(l) xnsVn n. Xn'tfa n. 45b(35) tf'sj adj. 46b(33) X333 n. 47b(9) i# 'jo vb. 48a(3) Xtthl n. 33n vb. 48a(26) XB'pn n. 48a(30; Ar [AC 6:320]) XjilBS n. 48a(31) l#X13n. xjiibb n. 48b(16) -l 7'Xil conj. 48b(18) mjvb. 48b(20) -1 'xa pron. 1# '31 vb. 49a(33) 1# 'xn pron. 49a(35) 73X conj. ll'X pron. ibi vb. K#? n- 49b(3) -px vb. 49b(5) i# mn vb. 49b(ll) tfpjvb. 49b(25) iaj vb. 49b(50) tiv adj. 50a(4) xroy-n n. 50a(10) 'nx vb. 51b(3) ISXvb. 52a(l) X13 adj. 1X11J adj. 52a(5) XSp't n. 52a(17; V11) 33y vb. 53b(2) 1# -pn vb. XJa'O n. 54a(10) XllSlBn. 54b(l) tIJ vb. 54b(13) X3'l adv. VPJ pron. 54b(14) XIB'O n. )"y vb. 54b(17) 'ha adj. nao vb. 54b(19) 18J vb. 54b(21;V8) I?B vb. 55a(39) xrniina n. 55b(l) J7Bvb. 55b (4) "|1X vb. 55b(24; V11) X131J n. 55b(28) ,T3J adj. 56a(32) 2# ]X3 adv. '00 vb. 56b(5) 1# 73X vb. in» adv. 56b (6) Xnnai' adv. 56b(14) pnj vb. 57b(ll) X'^3'1 n. 57b(23) ijan pron. 57b(23; V8) '3 prep. 58a(31) 1X3 vb. 58a(33) pn vb. 58b(18) IDinnum. 59a(22) 1# '3 conj. 59a(34; V11) ]pi vb. 'b prep. 59b(17) XiaiJn. 60a(21) -]SWvb. 60b(26) X3il£?n n. 1XPSB adj. 60b(26; V11) 71BBX prep. 60b(27) f6n vb. 61b(19; V") X3'3»n. 61b(20) 1# XJ'SENX n. BpJ vb. 61b(24) 2# pBO vb. 62a(24) X313'? n. 62a(33) 2# pltf vb. Babylonian Talmud 1477 Zevahim 62a(35) 62a(37) 62b(l) 62b(15; V8) 62b(16) 62b(17) 62b(18) 62b (33) inx vb. i# np vb. xrra i? n. i# 'ai vb. 2# '31 vb. 1# yai vb. 3# yai vb. 'DH adv. yap vb. 'I1X vb. ?iy vb. 62b(34) fDpl T1X adj. 63a(4) 63a(13) 64a(19) 64b(21) 64b(24) 65b(8; V11) 66b(21) 67a(28) 68b(8) 69b(25) 70b(10) 72a(5) 72a(6) 73a(15) 73a(16) 73a(17) 73b(l; V11) 73b(6; V8) 74a(35) 74b(10) 74b(17) 74b (3 5) 75b(ll) 75b(12) 76a(ll) 1B1? adj. pis vb. ja prep. yyVp adv. xis'x n. i# 'xa vb. xnyx'B n. i# nra vb. XTB3H n. tin vb. 3D adj. 1# tilti vb. 7B3 vb. 7'B3 adj. 'J1X vb. Xp'SO n. *7B3 vb. 2'tfn adj. 1# "|WB vb. W3D vb. .111 vb. XO'JH n. xniO'X n. 13J vb. yaj vb. i# itin vb. Vjy adj. IX conj. XJll1?'! n. Tl? adj. 'D adv. 76a(25) 76a(26) 76b(8) 76b(10) 77a(2) 77a(3) 77a(12) 77b(ll) 77b(12) 77b(13) 79a(l) 79a(8) 79a(9) 79a(ll) X31B adv. sno vb. 2# 31J? vb. 1# '"7H vb. 2# IBp vb. i# xniis n. yap vb. 'Xl? adv. 'Xll adv. 1# Xia'X n. X13"! n. •Tib prep. 'T vb. □nn adv. oxa vb. X31n. xayB n. xrinn n. xrmn n. 79b(ll;Vu) lipvb. 80a(38) 80a(39) 82a(3) 1# XDjp n. ■>VTti vb. pDD vb. 82a(13; V11) KT8 n. 82a(23) 82b(30) 82b(36) 82b(40) 84a(10) 85a(33) 85b(34) 86a(20) 86a(20; V 86b(l) 86b(9) 86b(14) 87a(16; V 87b(15) 88a(2) 88a(6) 1# 'Xn pron. XD1J n. 'TB V3 pron. 1# np vb. xinai' adv. i# xrns n. pi "73 adv. 1# 'IB vb. ') xr?p n. XPpn. Tlti adj. i# inx vb. »'SJ adj. Dip vb. ") 'i inxa conj. BVp vb. i# j?jj vb. N^p n- 88b(46) 89a(7) 89a(17) 90a(7) 90a(12) 90a(32) 90b(20) 90b(24) 91a(2) 91a(10) 91a(27) 91b(17) 91b(24) 91b(36) 91b(40) 92a(9) 92a(10) 92b(6) 92b(30) 92b(35) 94a(l) 94a(ll) 94a(16) 94a(32) 94a(33) 94b(5) 94b(6) 94b(12) 94b(13) 94b (18) 95a(2) 95a(4) 95b(l) yi' vb. □lp vb. pr\ti vb. 'X13X adv. XrillS'T n. 1# in num. Dip vb. MI vb. 1# '11 vb. 3iVy «]Xconj. D'lp adj. 'Xa 'XI adv. 1# 111 vb. '33 vb. 'VI vb. 1BJ vb. nxmj3 adj. 1# '3 n. i# xniix n. -|1X vb. XT1X n. 1# TOS vb. (-)'Bj? prep. Xn?OTB n. yxp vb. XJD'T n. 'JO adj. (-)'BP prep. x;a n. Dip vb. 2# ^ti vb. X1XDB n. 2# -pti vb. 1# XriB'n n. mp vb. i# xnij;i» n. XT! n. xiiax n. 1# 003 vb. Dip vb. 3pj vb. t)Xl vb. y"73 vb. 95b(2) 95b(25) 95b(25) 95b(26) 95b(27) 95b(37) 96b(3) 96b(4; V11) 96b (5) 96b(5; V11) 96b(7) 96b(8; V11) 96b(10; V11) 97a(25) 97a(45) 97a(45; V8) 97a(49) 97b(35) 98a(15) 98a(16) 98a(24) 99a(13) 99a(33) 99a(35) 99a(43) 99b(6) 100a(22) 100b(6) 100b(19) 100b(21) 100b(28) 101a(15) 101a(21) iay vb. TIB vb. XTJB n. XX vb. XriD'l n. XWI13 n. 1# Xri^'B n. XJ313 n. oin vb. '3jV prep. p2ti vb. XBSp"?X n. KT "■ 1# ^IX vb. BpJ vb. D1#B prep. D»S vb. 113 vb. Xri'JJlB n. Mil? n. XJB'I n. ■b naV conj. 11X vb. D'^X adj. 1# Xlp n. 1 '1"X conj. T?"5 adj. lip vb. ynti adj. 2# '13 adv. Xl'a adv. 331 vb. no: vb. XJllTBJ n. Vlbj vb. 'Ill pron. '#P adj. ms vb. XTl'13 n. Dip vb. 1# X13J n. '31 pron. 31p vb.
Menahot 1478 Babylonian Talmud 101a(33) 1# Xip n. 101a(40) XTJB n. ytfs vb. 101b(2) l#'ntfvb. 101b(30) on'vb. 102a(43) X/nrnXadv. N'$ 'S^3 adv. 102b(l) .l#inDvb. 104b(29) 1# '3n vb. 104b(34) IX conj. 104b(54) 1# 'TO vb. 105a(15) 'X1J adv. ■fpn pron. 105a(18; Ar [AC 7:105]) NO*?!]?? n. 105a(39) 105a(42) 105a(43) 105b(15) 106a(19) 107b(l) 107b (5) 107b(33) 107b(50) 108a(25) 109b (22) 110a(l) 110a(2) 110a(3) 110a(15) 110a(18) 110a(20) 110a(39) 110a(42) 11 Ob (7) 113a(21) 113a(28) 113a(47) 113b(4) DPS vb. 1# rm vb. Dp3 vb. 1# XI/13 n. iOlin n. irrg n. «,'?'? "• isp vb. xrnjns n. iJ'a prep. XTiytf n. i# -]»b vb. xrnyap n. 3ip vb. xmyap n. xmyap n. i# lax vb. yaw vb. "J'?3 prep. eftp vb. i# n» vb. "1 conj. X3H adv. HXST adj. pm vb. 1# Xnp n. 'JS vb. X'TX n. 113b (6) 113b (8) 113b(18) 113b(19) 113b(21) 113b(22) 113b(24) 113b(31) 113b(40) 114a(l) 114a(2) 114a(15) 114a(17) 114a(18) 114a(23) 114b(18) 115a(27) 115b(17) 115b(20) 115b(30) 116a(17) 116a(36) 116b(l) 116b(15) 116b(16) 116b(18) 116b(19) "'?"! pron. N^arj n. xan n. X3'i1 adv. xan n. i# xWm n. ■ai' na n. xan n. xnygia n. 2# xptfa n. i# xtns n. xivrx n. xrvn? n. tjd vb. i# 'ai vb. xayp n. 2# 'JO vb. 1# XnT n. i# Ttfa vb. KlibV2 adv. 2# yan vb. 'in vb. 1# X^lDS n. 1# XVlOS n. y?y vb. i# yap vb. i# xri"ia n. xri'ana n. 2# '3tf vb. pOS vb. 'ltf vb. tai vb. xrmx n. |'a© adj. l^DX conj. 'tfp vb. ('('apV prep. 1# pbo vb. 1# HX^'J adj. nai vb. X3'n adv. XB'^iy n. rnrt adj. 1# pb>0 vb. '3'X n. 116b (20) XTO n. -bn'J prep. 116b(20; C$M) 1# XJXJa n. 116b(32;Vn) PIT vb. 1# Xfi0"J n. 'pp-iipi xry n. 116b(33) 1#'lp vb. i# 'an vb. 118b(ll) xntt;'33 (ni'a n. )'y3 prep. 118b(22) 118b(29) 118b (46) 118b(47) 119a(38) 120a(2) 120a(14) 1# in num. aipa adj. nay vb. i# xna n. '33 adj. 'Da vb. xrix'na n. tjVp vb. 2# XO'l n. Menahot 2a(15) 2b (37) 3a(17) 3a(30) 3a(31) 3a(41) 3a(51) 3a(51; M) 3b(26) 5a(9) 6a(3) 6a(12) 6a(28) 6a(42; V10) 6b(28) 7a(2) 7a(10) 7a(12) xnao n. 133 vb. lay vb. xrnyap n. ofo xV adv. 'XI vb.. □31X adj. X13'7 n. 3©n vb. aip vb. XJ"I n. X3TS n. i# ntf vb. 3# «pe vb. 13T "?3 adv. 1# b-OS vb. fap vb. 2# X3S1 n. TO vb. 7a(16) 7a(19) 7a(21 7a(22) 7a(23) 7a(26) 7b(3) 7b(4) 7b(15) 8a(2) 8a(12) 8a(47) 10a(3) lla(4) lla(25) lla(27) lla(28) lla(29) lla(35) 1 lb(36) llb(37) llb(38) 12a(35) 12a(36) 12b(15) 12b(18) 12b(47) 13b(9) 13b(16) 13b(17) 13b(30) 13b(33) 13b(43) 14a(8) 1# yj3 vb. y'ra vb. 3D adj. NS'jIp n. P2V10) xrooan. ipy vb. Xiaa n. yo vb. H33 vb. i# nm vb. X3\'3B n. X3B adv. iai vb. i# xjnVa n. -ma adj. X^3 prep. 1# 'XH pron. Irian pron. ■px vb. 1# y3p vb. jsn vb. p3T vb. 2# X3£n n. isn vb. xjvyix n. i# natf vb. 13'7I pron. ~b T\lf? conj. TT3 adj. ■1 ]XI33 conj. pns vb. -rya prep. 1# X^OS n. 2# *7S3 vb. X'n pron. X'lm adv. °?JS vb. 2# IDp vb. XK>'"13 adv. 'an vb. xm(l)3 n. '3D vb. tUQVt n. 1479 Menahot 14a(40) 14a(43) 14b(4) 14b(16) 14b(17) 15a(35) 15a(44) 15a(47) 15b(14) 15b(15) 15b (27) 16a(46) 16b (8) 16b(26) 17a(l) 17a(19) 17a(24) 17a(25) 17a(34; M) 18a(39) 18b (2) 19b(18) 20a(37) 21a(l) 21a(ll) 21a(12) 21a(24) 21a(29) 21a(42) 22a(l) 22a(12) XTPlp n. "7JS vb. *?1D vb. 'ITl pron. 33y vb. prna adj. anpa adj. i# mv vb. bis vb. "?1S vb. °?33 vb. VlS vb. X1? adv. VlS vb. 2# H3 vb. 130 vb. ©ip vb. 1"in adj. VlS vb. y^a vb. xVl3 pron. iVn vb. X313'y n. 'in vb. i# xnp n. lib vb. pS3 vb. XH part. i# nba vb. ps: vb. 'ITC vb. 131 vb. T10 vb. '31 vb. xjarn n. Din adj. 22a(17) 'Op-lip-! XJ'y n. 22a(18) 22a(18; MV 23a(15) 23a(26) 23a(40) on vb. 10) i# xrro'i n. wis vb. xra n. 'p1? conj. 23a(41) 23b(l) 23b(10) i# mo vb. rns vb. 1# "71X vb. xri'm n. IWS'X adv. 23b(12; Fl.l 75) 23b(23) 23b(36) 23b(47) 23b(48) 24a(16) 24a(22) 24a(23) 24a(29) 24a(30) 24b(22) 24b(32) 25b(15) 25b(43) 25b(44) 26a(9) 1# VlX vb. xba'p n. i# xrnis n. yap vb. i# vs: vb. 'in vb. n?sy vb. •^n pron. 2# any vb. 2# any vb. xap n. XT'Sp n. 'xVya adv. XT'Sp n. 'X1J adv. i# ian vb. xrip'a na/ng n. aip vb. ■JSX vb. 2# 'Xa vb. Wp vb. 1# 'BT vb. vr\vy n. 26b(46; V10) DPS vb. 28b(19) 28b(27) (-)'BPB prep. 'BO vb. XDiya n. 29a(20; Ar [AC 3:455]) 29a(50) 29a(52) 29b(l) 29b(5) 29b(6) 29b(7) Ton adj. VIS vb. i# xan n. i# xj;n? n. pOS vb. xap'j n. xpi:; n. 0'3n adj. 2# WSD vb. 29b(29) 29b(30) 29b(30; V10) 29b(30) 29b(37) 29b(52) 29b(54) X1? adv. 1# X1S0 n. ipin adj. XJJ n. 2# IDn vb. rrn n. XJX pron. 'S?P adj. JTX part. 3H' vb. XIS'O n. xns'p n. 30b(19; GM 24:26) 31b(6) 31b(8) 31b(9) 32a(7; M) 32b(6; M) 32b(15) 32b(17) 32b(17; M) 33a(l) 33a(7) 33a(8) 33a(9) 33a(10) 33a(13) 33a(15) 33a(16) 33a(17) 33b(24; P2V 33b(27; P2V 33b(33) 33b(36) Xj'nx pron. Vax conj. X^BB n. TSX vb. X3DX n. p'riy adj. 1# 013 vb. 1S3 vb. isy vb. xnsn. prj-lB adj. xnpax n. ]133 prep. xnn's n. '33 vb. xriniB n. i# yap vb. xrinta n. XW11B '? n. xnp'p n. XTIWO'X n. 10s 0"V adj. 10) 'ap'ty n. 33b(27; V8) 1# XSp'l!; n. XI'VSOX n. XB'XS n. X3PTX n. XYI03X n. 33b(37) 33b(38) 34a(7) 34a(7; M) 34a(10) 34a(12) 34a(14) 34a(20) 31 '3 n. nxain n. 'P'nn 'a n. 30 adj. 1# 'Xn pron. XlilTX n. X33 n. xnn's n. X31p n. '15? pron. XB'XS n. XB'XS n. xVxaiy n. X2H3 adv. xra^ n. npy vb. 34a(20; MGD 140:1) 34a(43) 35a(l) 35a(7) 35a(9) 35a(ll; V8) 35a(15) 35a(18) 35a(39) 35a(46) 35a(47) 35a(48) 35b(l) 35b(2) 35b(3) 35b(8) 35b(14) 35b(15) 35b(16) 3py vb. 1# XS'O n. Xia adj. nXllJ adj. XTTX n. ""? prep. 1# '3© vb. xniaya n. 1# XS^'p n. i# pia vb. xpia^ip n. XI13BX n. 'ai vb. '3'n adv. mn adj. p'ny adj. xnV'K? n. 1# D^n vb. i# xjna n. ^3n pron. pOS vb. 13T vb. xay n. 'in vb. 1# IDp vb. DWS vb.
Menahot 1480 Babylonian Talmud 35b(21) "|SX vb. 1D1T adj. 35b(23) "nyiX IxV prep. 36a(27) XflllX n. 36b(l) 2# 'Vs vb. 36b(25) xriyi n. 37a(ll) n'nn. 37a(24) l1?' vb. Xpir n. 37a(24; M) X©'1 n. 37b(l) 1# 'J© vb. 37b(13) HnV prep. X3'1? n. 3 7b (14) 2# XH'X n. 37b(37) 1X3 vb. HO'1?? n. 37b(38; Ar [AC 7:2]) 11X vb. 3 7b (40) Din vb. 3 7b (41) pos vb. 37b(44) "iraK prep. XBin n. pOS vb. XJlp n. xbri n. 3 7b (45) om adv. ]B prep. 38a(17) "lin1? prep. 38b(2) '11,1 pron. 38b(9) ©is vb. 38b(14) Dip vb. 38b(21) N5?3'Xn. 3 8b (22) Dm J vb. 38b(27) xVlS pron. 38b(28) D'^X adj. 3 8b (29) 3jy vb. r?i? adJ- 39a(l) 1# iDp vb. 39a(12) DTUvb. 39a(15) xil"© n. 39a(40) '03 vb. 39a(41) XB'^Jn. XVl3 pron. 1# 'ai vb. 39b(I) 2# VlS vb. 39b(2) 'K; adj. 39b(6) xr;» n. 40a(6) 1# '3 n. Xpl©3 adv. 40a(8) xpl'S n. 40a(13) Xpp'H n. po vb. 40b(l) xptp'?l n. 40b(6) xjnp n. 41a(8) XJB'T n. 41a(12) Bpj vb. XrD'O n. 41a(14) 1# '131 vb. 41a(15) 2#X°?S3n. 'irf? prep. B©S vb. 41a(17) Xri'niXn. XD'Vj n. '03 vb. 1# '1© vb. 4ia(i8) xrainn. 41a(21) lanvb. 41a(22) XOX^a n. 41a(23) '03 vb. 41a(24; TGHark 190:4) xrip n. xirpp n. 1# XbSlO n. XD"p n. 41a(26) ©:y vb. 4ia(27) xrainn. ©:y vb. xrai'i n. 41a(31) 1# Milan. 41a(33) 'piXB n. 41a(38) X'.TI pron. '03 vb. 4ia(39) xny© n. 41b(21) 1# Xixp n. 41b(22) XO'On. 41b(23) Din vb. mt? prep. 41b(28; Seel 154:13) XJ'^'N n. 42a(9) 1# ,1XB1X adj. US vb. 3# XJTX1X n. 42a(18) ,1B3 adv. 31JB adj. 42a(22) Xa'^J n. K3-1J? n. 42a(23) 1X3 vb. 2# iro vb. 42a(26) ]B prep. 42a(27) «]Sy vb. 1# 'BT vb. 42a(28) p3X vb. m<7 prep. 42a(31) p3Xvb. 42a(34) l'XVX n. 42a(41;V10) m n. 42b(31) '3'nadv. y3X vb. 42b(32) TIX vb. 42b(33; MGN 255:8) nrn vb. 42b(34) xny'3 n. DyB vb. 42b(34; MGN 255:9) i# 'an vb. 42b(35; MGN 255:10) xiiix n. 42b(48) Xja n. xrbbiv n. 42b(48; M) X'3ia n. 43a(i) xniix n. 43a(3) Kffin n. 43a(4) XTBq n. 43a(5) XMIX* n. 43a(6) Xlliy'lJ n. 43a(8) la n. 43a(10) Xmm n. IIS vb. 43a(ll) xriT'pya n. 43a(13) 43a(15) 43a(18) 43a(19) 43a(20) 43a(21) 43a(28) 43a(29) 43a(34) 43a(34; V 43a(38) 43a(42) 43a(47) 43b(48) 43b (49) 43b(50) 43b(51) 44a(l) 44a(42) 45a(7) 45a(8) 45a(19) 45b(28) 46a(6) 46b(19) 46b (20) 46b (26) 47b(9) 48a(3) 48a(7) 48a(15) 48a(18) 48a(19) 48a(31) 49a(10) 130 vb xnyia© n. xrnm n. TIB vb. xriyia© n. Tin pron. xrnain n. xrnra n. xap adj. 2# rf?x vb. (-)'Bj? prep. xains n. i# 'an vb. Xri'3 '©}'X n. i# n© vb. 10) JHS adj. XJ01X* n. ID interj. IDS vb. X3f y n. X3p xai' n. xpansp'x n. xira n. 113 vb. 'X,l '"?13 adv. 1# 'SB vb. X1XB n. X3,l adv. i# xnV'a n. nap adv. l,lf X pron. D'©S adj. XflllS'T n. xrnm n. ~\rbi(7 adv. 'X13X adv. pis vb. Xj"aa adv. 1X^> adv. ©ip vb. nxriTD adj. 1# in num. xmya© n. Babylonian Talmud 1481 Menahot 49a(18) 49b (21) 49b(22) 50a(26) 50a(27) 50a(37) 50b(42) 50b(46) DWb prep. X1SX n. *?ya vb. iny vb. y©s vb. -pn vb. "J1113 prep. 'SX vb. 1# fpi vb. 50b(46; Ar [AC 2:382) 50b(47) 51a(3) 51a(41) 51b(45) 51b(46) 51b(47) 52a(3) 52a(4) 52a(9; V10) 52a(27) 52a(27; V10 52a(28) 52a(32; M) 52b(23) 53a(27) 53a(29) 53a(30) 53a(31) 53a(32) 53a(33) 53b(50) I©! vb. "3 prep. «i?"!- n- ©33 vb. Vari'x adv. 11X vb. pm vb. ]1'3 conj. 'in vb. y©s vb. Dip vb. 'in vb. ©is vb. Xinx* adj. XJHX n. X3i©p n. nx©sp adj. •pn vb. xril©'3 n. Xni3'D n. xiiax n. X13 13 n. X33 n. 'X,l '^13 adv. 1# 'Xa pron. ]il3X 13 n. 1'HlX 13 n. T, adj. X©'X n. 1# *73X vb. T3y adj. V?y vb. ■713 vb. 53b(51) 53b(52) 54a(10) 55a(24) 55b(12) 55b(l3) 55b(14) 55b(40) 56a(5) 56a(41) 56b(13) 56b(25) 57a(6) 57a(7) 57a(20) 1# fan vb. ©1*7 vb. jVs vb. pm vb. D1S vb. Ill pron. 3in vb. x'flS pron. 1# '31 vb. 1# '31 vb. 3# -|1X vb. xVp'l n. XJTU 'Xil '3 adv. 1&1 vb. V©3 vb. Xl'VpN n. 57a(20; P2V10Ar [AC 7:98]) 57a(35) 57b(27) 57b(31) 57b(34) 58b(9) 59a(30) 59a(31) 59a(37) 59b(2) 60b(43) 60b(45) 62a(40) 62a(41) 62a(44) 62b(5) 63a(10) 63a(13) 63b(31) 64a(4) 64a(16) Xl'VpXl X33 n. i# pn vb. 'Tin pron. 1# X0'3 n. bl3 vb. in' vb. lxb adv. 'ap adj. 1# 'JSX vb. X^U'S n. 'BD vb. xVlJ'B n. -|1S vb. 13n pron. 1# XTJ n. 1# 'U vb. 1# ]11 vb. xaj;p n. ns: vb. xiaa n. vrn vb. xris't? n. xni'p n. i# V?n vb. 13y vb. D01S vb. 64a(18) 64a(19) 64a(35) 64b(26) 64b(27) 64b(28) 64b(32) 65a(9) 66a(27) 66a(28) 66a(31) 66a(41) 67a(19) 67b(7) 68a(4) 68b(12) 68b(19) 68b(21) 68b(22) 68b(23) 68b(48) 69a(5) 69a(10) 69a(13) 69a(14) 69a(15) 69a(16) 69a(22) 69a(24): 69a(39) 135? vb. 135? vb. 1# ^TX vb. i# x^in n. XIJ'K n. XS'IX n. XJ1311 n. "X prep. 371' vb. X131D n. i# xr? n. ••iV^ "?'3 n. IB 13 prep. X3TS n. XJVMia n. 'iB vb. X2»3W n. 18 n. xn^i n. V?T vb. x;n'i n. lbs vb. 'il?3 n. 103© num. 1071'© num. 1# '3 conj. xa'X n. ''1?2 n. Xp'SO n. 103© num. ©1© vb. XX11 n. 2# XD^n n. 1# XTS n. ©1© vb. yit vb. ixn vb. >frr\ vb. Dpi vb. X13 n. "13 prep. XI? n. 'ItX vb. 69a(40) 69a(41) 69b(16) yn vb. ]1'3 conj. xnio'xa n. Vin vb. xrii©'n3 n. ©'113 adj. XJ/'JD adj. 2# X30'3 n. xan n. 69b(16; Ar [AC ib.]) 69b(17) 69b(28) 70a(l) 70a(4) 70a(13; V 70a(18) 70a(23) 70a(24) 70a(28) 70b(l) ' 70b(36) 71a(12) 72a(39) 72b(43) 73b(34; P 74a(27) 74a(32) 74a(35) 74a(36) 75a(29; V 75b(20; V 76a(10; V 76a(37) 77a(23) 77a(28) Xp'Til n. 1# X01S n. ]i33 prep. 1# 1BX vb. bnv vb. i# xriB'n n. i# KJinjyty n. I0) i# isn vb. xb>3'D n. i# yps vb. ]m vb. xoprs n. 13y vb. X3VlJ n. X1©'1 n. /xVyri ^21© n. 2# 3iy vb. '1110 n. 2# IXp vb. 7Bp vb. ■Ar [AC 1:5]) X1I3X n. inx vb. xrsp n. 1SX vb. D'03 adj. i# xn'i n. 10) DB© vb. 10) XX'3n: n. 10) 'DB vb. ©IS vb. i# yps vb. i# xrn n.
Hullin 1482 Babylonian Talmud 77a(29) 77a(31) 77a(36) 78a(9) 78a(20; V10 78a(28; V10 78b(17) 78b(28) 78b(29) 78b(33) 79a(34) 79a(42) 79a(50) 81a(12) 81a(37) 81b(41) 82b(6) 82b(7) 83a(22; V10) 83a(32) 83b(10) 84a(10) 84a(18) 84b(27) 84b(33) 85a(6) 85a(7; V10) 85b(12) 85b(14) 87a(9) 87a(10) 87a(10; V10) 87a(22) Xmil n. J3T vb. tfYI vb. pn vb. ■nVa adv. xriw num. xnsn n. ) xnux n. ) "l»n. X',in pron. ma pron. i# ons vb. KOTO n. '3J1? prep. 1# xnp'y n. 1# "70S vb. 'XISX adv. 'XW adv. ■n: vb. 1# 'JO vb. Dip vb. 01EJB prep. rip vb. l'S* adj. 2# 13 adv. ps: vb. np vb. "IpMtfX adv. i# Vax vb. xsWj n. 1# xrf?'B n. k?T n- xna n. 1# bptf vb. XJ-lj? n. XTBD n. 1TJ vb. XtfB'tf n. 1# N^Vin n. 'BD adj. XO'TB n. Xrip n. XpB'l n. 87a(23) 87b(9) 87b(13) 88a(28) 88b(5) 88b(22; §M) 88b(25) 88b(39) 89a(29) 89a(38) 90a(24) 91a(24) 91a(40) 92b(3) 92b(24) 92b(37) 93a(6) 93a(7) 93b(14) 93b(15) 93b(48) 93b(49) 94a(12; V10) 94b(8) 94b(9) 94b(ll; V10) 94b(14) 95a(14) 95a(39) 95a(43) 95b(24) 95b(31) 96a(45) 96a(46) 96a(47) 96b(3) pST vb. ty prep. xmip: n. xrnipj n. m vb. '#p adj. 31t? vb. TIT vb. i# m» vb. oin vb. xatx n. XIBX n. lyv vb. iJ'B prep. "linV prep. 1# 'JO vb. in pron. HOB adj. Xp/l'S n. xroaox n. 1BX vb. '3B pron. "pO vb. XB1J n. ■TO1? prep. Xfljn n. rru vb. 113 vb. xshia n. iao vb. Viy vb. Xlpl' n. 2# XO'J n. 'Vl vb. npy vb. xnna n. 'BX vb. tfsy vb. ypK; vb. rm vb. 110 adv. m1? prep. IpID vb. 96b(10) 97a(5) 97a(30) 97b(16) 98a(10) 98a(18) 98b(3) 98b(5) 98b(5; V 98b(34) 98b(39) 98b(39; V 99a(4) 100a(38) 100a(50) 100b(l) 100b(38) 100b(39) 101a(22) 101a(23) 101b(33) 101b(46) 102a(3) 102a(32) 102a(33) 102a(38) 102b(17) 103a(24) 103a(33) 104a(2) 104a(15) 104a(23) 105a(36) 105b(8) 105b(16) 105b(18) 106a(39) 1# XTJ n. 3#n vb. tfsy vb. TX3 adj. xVVm adv. xj'jja n. x;ms n. 2# xriax n. °) "3 prep. 2# 'JO vb. TIS vb. xyn adv. I0) 1# XT! n. '3'3 'J'3 adv. 1# Tin vb. EHp vb. Wtf '3 n. 1# XjW> n. ^>BJ vb. piB vb. 1# 'Btf vb. TW vb. (TO adj. pT vb. "?JD vb. 1# J?ps vb. xntinp n. 331 vb. 1# XjOIX n. m vb. xjtojib n. '»p vb. i# Tin vb. xrniB n. 1# 'te vb. 3ip vb. 10' vb. xpits n. "Dy'lO adv. Tap vb. yap vb. "| X?'n Vs conj. 106a(40) 106b(13) 107a(4) 107a(9) 107a(27) 107b(32) 108a(2) 108a(3) 108b(7) 108b(8) 108b(12) 108b(28) 109b(48) 110a(8) 'DO vb. 2# nop vb. i# yjj vb. X30J n. xmns* n. i# in vb. xnjrxa n. 's: vb. tfsy vb. TM vb. 1# p*?0 vb. tis vb. X'TX n. xn»np n. -ian. Xtfa'tf h. Hullin 2b(12) 2b(21) 2b(35) 3a(2) 3b(ll) 3b(37) 3b(48; V11) 4a(12) 4a(14) 4a(16) 4a(19) 4a(32) 4a(36) 4a(37) 4b (4) 4b(6) 4b (20) 4b(29) 4b(33) 4b(41) 4b(44) 4b(45) 4b(48) 4b(52) 1^;m adv. T-tf adj. 'ae vb. 'ao vb. 1# p!3 vb. *?X» vb. l"?JI vb. VTW vb. 113 prep. XM'O n. i# oaoa vb. pm vb. pin vb. XTJl'n n. mo vb. XTO'X n. Xir'niXI adj. bbp vb. i# vvn vb. mi vb. 'n# vb. i# xrnix n. nai vb. n3I vb. 1BD vb. nsi vb. Babylonian Talmud 1483 Hullin 4b(56) 4b(57) 5a(l) 5a(4) 5a(16) 5a(33) 5b(12; V 5b(17) 5b(19) 5b(20) 5b(26) 5b(35) 6a(4) 6a(7) 6a(14) 6a(29) 6a(41) 6b(4) 6b(5) 6b(10) 6b(12; V 7a(28) 7a(30) 7a(31) 7a(36) 7a(37) 7a(38) 7a(39) 7a(39; V1 n3t vb. n31 vb. j"7B vb. m vb. XB#n. XBW n. 'tip adj. ') xrwia n. xm'Vya n. pVn vb. tin1? adv. "13 prep. ya» vb. NBjre n. 3D adj. mvs n. KpllS n. I^n vb. 3T '3 TJ n. □'an adj. 'T vb. TIP adj. *?n vb. ') i# Vax vb. x»';i n. 2# 1XB pron. mo vb. yjs vb. 1# XTU n. pin vb. 2# TI vb. xnos n. p*?n vb. X3'X part. X^'JO adj. ') 'l1? vb. 7a(42;MGG 611:18) 7a(42) 7a(43) 7a(45) 7a(46) 7b(l) 1# X131J n. Xri33'1 num. djti adv. Xn'W num. 1# XT'SOTX n. D3n vb. 7b(l; MGG 402:4) 7b(2) 7b(14) 1# tpi vb. ■it?y vb. D'BX1? prep. ps: vb. 7b(18; SM 89:20) 7b(19) 3TI0 vb. Vty vb. 1# '8n vb. 7b(20; SM 89:22) i# nyn n. 7b(20; SM 89:21) 7b(21) 7b(22) XJJ113 n. iri? prep. yatf vb. 1# V31 vb. npy vb. 7b(23; Rashi) #713 vb. 7b(23) 7b(24) 7b(30; V11) 7b(33; V11) 7b(34) 7b(35) 7b(36) 8a(3) 8a(20) 8a(22) 8a(29) 8a(35) 8a(35; M) 8b(4; Vn) 8b(14) 8b(15) wns vb. '3'3 prep. H3J vb. XTD n. 13 interj. "n vb. 1# X3;i3 n. K&n n. X1SJ? n. y"D vb. mn vb. x^n n. xpsn n. enp vb. X^3n n. xpsri n. TTJ vb. V?p vb. sri'raa^ n. XBBX n. XJ3Tp n. 1# XTllf n. POD vb. i# xpnn n. xr?p n. 8b(17) 8b(18) 8b(20) 8b(21) 8b(23) 8b(28) 8b(36) 8b(37) 8b(37; V1 8b(38) 9a(l) 9a(2; MV 9a(2; H2) 9a(14) 9a(14; V1 9b(2) 9b(3) 9b(4) 10a(18) 10a(31) xri'V? n. 1B3 vb. 2# XfflS n. 'S1? conj. 101 vb. i# Dan vb. XTJl'n n. ps vb. B'3'X n. an vb. 1# X(>S3 n. ino vb. KTfera n. y"?3 vb. ') 1# '3 conj. pos vb. xanp n. 'xV'ya adv. i# vnvn vb. W'Vp adj. KBip n. n) msvb. nns vb. DTI vb. ]) i# 'ntf vb. XTB'X n. 'BT vb. NM3D n. XTD'X n. 1# XlBin n. 1# '3C> vb. Xp'BD n. DIB vb. yyn vb. 10a(39) Xfin 'Xn '3 adv. 10b(l) 10b(7) 10b(8) 10b(ll) 10b(15) 10b(21) T> vb. xriiyn n. 3# 110 vb. DIB vb. i# xrivn n. HS'a adv. xriipns n. i# xriVa n. 10b(22) 10b (26) 10b (3 8) lla(l) lla(2) lla(ll) lla(13) lla(14) lla(18) lla(19) llb(16) llb(17) 12a(9) 12a(26) 12a(27) 12b(12) 13a(l) 13a(5) 13b(l) 13b(5) 13b(16) 13b(17) 14a(10) 14b(24) 15a(32) 15a(33) 15a(35) 15a(42) Xpjq n. XTy» n. pin vb. 1# XII n- xan n. 1# 'Vs vb. inn vb. nai1? adv. IB1? vb. xrnau n. by_ prep. 'Da vb. ty. prep. '^p vb. i# ira vb. i# 'nu vb. nai vb. "?1D vb. 1# xn^'B n. 1# XlSn n. Til adj. 113 vb. 2# IpB vb. 1# 'Bl vb. nnn pron. '3 prep. p'lX adj. 113 vb. 1# X"?31X n. rra vb. vn vb. XpTB n. XpTS n. XlteX n. mx vb. 3d: vb. 15b(10; Seel 145:35) 15b(14) 16a(4) 16a(5) 16a(7) 1# X33 n. one; vb. XTI?! Xnp n. 1# XTO n. x;an xjip n. •1 1XB 'Xn pron.
Hullin 1484 Babylonian Talmud 16a(8;Vn) XpV3 n. 1# rtsa vb. 16a(10) 2# xana n. 16a(ll) ninxprep. 16a(15; M) XJ131X n. I6a(i6) xrmni n. 16b(19) XSiyn. ^'Vp. adj. 16b (26; Ar [AC 6:75]) XWO n. 16b(27) inn vb. 16b(27; V11) jjt vb. 16b (45) prn vb. 17a(28) 2# X^rVD n. 17a(29) XTVJ n. 17b (6; V11) 2# tfVn vb. xirhia n. 17b(7) XSTVT n. 2# efrn vb. 17b (8) yn vb. 17b(8; V11) XJ'30 n. 17b(9) 2# tfbn vb. 17b(16) 3,T vb. XOOn. 17b(20; V11) 1# pi3 vb. 17b (23; Seel 108:24) 2# XO'J n. 17b(23) X1B1B n. xnn n. 17b (28) xj'30 n. 17b (29) 1# pTa vb. 17b(30) YK> vb. 18a(4) X33X n. XT? n. 18a(5) l#7IOvb. XJ'30 n. 18a(6) DBtfvb. i8a(io) i# oaoa vb. i# xrns n. 18a(12) layvb. 18a(13) T13 vb. 18a(15) 1# xV?B n. 18a(17) 3D adj. xmn'1?© n. I8b(9;v") xnanian. 18b(14;Vn) Xp'BOn. 18b(23) «p3vb. 18b(29) 1# XTU n. mva n. 18b(30; V13Ar[AC 3:347]) XW1 n. xyaia n. 18b(31; Ar [AC 2:325]) 2# XO'JJ n. 18b(32) 2# XriBVI* n. 18b(33) yjS vb. 18b(34) l#yjJvb. 18b(35) 2# XTIBVI* n. T'# vb. 19a(5; M) pV'ai p"?'n n. 19a(23) XSB'X n. 19a(42; V11) 2# XfflVl n. 19a(45; V11) 1tf3 vb. 19a(46) 3# «HB vb. 19b(2; M) XT»3n n. 20a(3; Vn) 1# Tin vb. 22a(16) 2# n3 adv. 22b(9) Batf vb. 22b(24) XB"]J n. 22b(24; V11) Batf vb. 22b(28) ps: vb. 24a(44) "7'Vj? adj. 25a(37) ppn vb. X3p n. Xt'Sp n. 25a(37; Ar [AC 3:370]) BBn vb. 26a(7) 1# yan vb. 26a(15) xmm n. 26a(20) n'aj ,T3'a adv. 26b(6) vjP adj. X,»a n. 'ryVa adv. 'Sp vb. ]3» vb. 26b(8) VaVa vb. 27a(13; V11) "Kb vb. 27a(18) 27a(21) 27a(27) 1# "7TK vb. '71X vb. X1BOJ n. xnaj n. 27b(34; V11) nxVfa adj. 27b(36; V11) 27b(38) 27b(47) 28a(l) 28a(2; V( 28a(5) 28a(31) 28a(49) 28b(l) 28b(5) 28b(36) 28b(43) 28b(44) 29a(6) 29a(13) 29a(27) 29a(32) 29b(36) 29b(41) 29b(42) 30a(l) 30b(6) 30b(8) 30b(17) . 30b(38) 30b(39) 31a(l) nxpmsp adj. i# na vb. 1# pVo vb. xa'r n. ') X3^ n. pDS vb. satf vb. XJ11X 13 n. i# oaoa vb. xjnp n. i# "nn vb. -pn vb. T'tf vb. X3'X part. X3H n. DlVp XV adv. "1P3 vb. 1# 'JO vb. 1# pVo vb. 1# ':» vb. xnra adj. ]a ia prep. nxnavio adj. BITB> vb. BpJ vb. XIBTCJ n. . 'ST/ST'? n. 1# XTJ n. Bn» vb. nna prep. xsiy n. rns vb. XB"TJ n. '03 vb. 'Xiab adv. DIB vb. 31a(l;MGL37:8) 31a(6) 31a(7) 31a(22) 31a(23) 31a(24) 31a(25) 31b(5) 31b(19) 31b(39) 31b(43) 32a(17) 32b(9) 32b(24) 34b(9) 34b (21) 35b(28) 36a(28) 36a(33) 36a(40; V11] 36b(25) 36b(42) 37b(26) 38a(2; V12) 38a(3) 38a(ll; V11) 38a(18) 38a(25) X.'IO'? n. 1»T vb. xnps n. yt3 vb. i# XBna n. xn,13 adv. "130 vb. vhs vb. 1BX prep. Xja adv. vn vb. 'ar vb. o:x vb. nn? adj. X3'K part. Tiy adv. Xjtfip n. XBp adj. 1# X;>lpn n. xniax n. 1# 'BO vb. 1# VoB vb. KV1 pron. na pron. 1# «pfc; vb. 1# X<>TO3 n. Xlin" n. -©3 vb. 1# 'Xa pron. 1# XjOlX n. xrwa-i n. TTX vb. X31X n. «]D3 vb. BtfB vb. '3? adj. '»?, adj. 1# X^p n. 1# *?tX vb. "n vb. '3'n *?3 adv. Babylonian Talmud 1485 Hullin 38a(39) 38b(4) 38b(8) 39b(36) 39b (3 8) 39b(39) 39b(40) 39b(43) 40a(9) 40b (2) 40b(4) ~V\> adj. XB'X n. T?' vb. 2# xtivti n. i# mix vb. H'V prep. K-\yi n. inil pron. xy»D adj. an' vb. i# xstfa n. ckK adj. 1# X1J n. Tjn pron. xvn/xvn ^a pron. 40b(14) 40b(16) 41a(18) 41b(3) 41b(37) 41b(39) 42a(l) 42a(2) 42b(13) 42b (14) 42b(17) 42b(18) 42b(28; V1 43a(4) 43a(13) 43a(36) 43a(37) 43a(37; Ar 2# 'S3 vb. '3 prep. iyx vb. i# xio'x n. W-n- -na vb. th vb. TI'X part. ■fa vb. 1# xVp n. °7BJ vb. 3OT vb. ps: vb. xriyaw n. XaBX n. 2# Xpi3 n. 1# 'Xn pron. 'pti vb. ') X3ip: n. xnipb n. Bya vb. 1# Yin vb. i# xn3n n. 'ys vb. nai vb. [AC 2:307]) nna vb. 43a(38) 43a(41) 43b(2) 43b(4) 43b(5) 43b(6) 43b(22) 43b(22; H2) 43b(33) 43b(34; V1 43b(35) 43b(37) 43b(41) 43b(44) 43b(45) 43b(46) 44a(12) 44a(23) 44a(23; V1 44a(29) 44a(34) nn vb. nu vb. xroVn n. i# pia vb. 1BX vb. XBnip n. xain. rm vb. 2# nxia adj. xry n. XSip n. xnyVaa n. "J? prep. ) i# xmyw n. i# xia n. i# xnain n. 3# 11B vb. 'an^X adv. W?J vb. '91 n. (-)'BK1? prep. nwo n. 1# xVip n. 2# bVs vb. 2# xrn?i» n. ) iyit? vb. oai vb. ipy vb. apa vb. 1# 'jBp vb. 44a(34; Ar [AC 3:66] V12) 44a(35; M) 44b(7) 44b(21) 44b(22) 44b(28) 44b(29) 1# VlVl vb. pns vb. XTriO'X n. B'WB adj. xnao n. x-rem n. psa vb. pi vb. xrisnB n. i# nw vb. 1# X3X n. 44b(31) 44b(32; V 44b(42) 44b(43) 44b(44; V 45a(l) 45a(16) 45a(18) 45a(23) 45a(27) 45a(31; V 45a(32) 45a(33) 45b(8) 45b(12) 45b(17) 45b(17; V 45b(18) 45b(32) 45b(37) 45b(37; V 45b(38) 46a(6) 46a(9) 46a(17) 46a(18) 46a(20) 46a(30) 1# X1313 n. x^pna n. ') 1# XXB1X n. nx'ir?: '3 n. ]ai vb. ') "n vb. y vb. xsiy n. x;bj n. xja'p n. nxVaa adj. wns vb. 'raa prep. 1# xn1?'!? n. ') nxVy adj. i# xn"n n. xma n. xniyn 'an adv. -|Btf vb. X3'1? n. VIS vb. U) WVn- xia? n. xninoa '3 n. no vb. X^'l n. y^a vb. ") l'a» adj. 0^3 vb. -\m vb. xnaj n. xsiy n. xri'V© n. 1# "?3B vb. xoiaVis n. xpiny n. xanp n. 46a(32) Xl-lin XJin'3 n. 46a(34) 46a(35) 46b(l) ap: vb. nxV'y adj. 1# ]11 vb. xrnx n. 46b(2) 46b(5) 46b (6) 46b (7) 46b(8) 46b(9) 46b (10) 46b(14) 46b (15) 46b(17) 46b(29) 46b(30) 46b(31) 46b (31; 46b(32) 46b(32; 46b(32; 46b(32; 46b(34) 46b (3 6) 47a(l) apJ vb. paio n. nxVy adj. IN conj. 1# 1J3 vb. wnx vb. xsnj n. 1# XV? n. T3X3 vb. OTX vb. yaxa vb. T113 vb. 2# Via vb. Tip adj. ':'3 ':'3 adv. V3X3 vb. NBU n. xnV'ssa n. nsj vb. niBB adj. iVj vb. 2# na vb. 1# Xp'l n. Vbti vb. 2# na vb. HP 199:5) Dip vb. D31X adj. Xl'p'J n. "fa vb. 1# p'jO vb. HP 199:6) XJIIJ n. v11) xrmnn. HP 199:6) xasy n. X21X n. ■]10 vb. 3# Xri'31 n. xriyis n. nifl pron. 47a(l; HP 199:7) Tao adj.
Hullin 1486 Babylonian Talmud 47a(2) 47a(3) xrap'-n n. na vb. XlV'D n. "|Sw vb. 47a(3; HP 199:9) 47a(4) pis vb. ]13'X pron. 47a(4; HP 199:9) 47a(5) 47a(6) 47a(6; V1 47a(7) 47a(7; V1 47a(8) 47a(9) 47a(ll) 47a(13) 47a(14) 47a(16; V 47a(16) 47a(17) 47b(l) 47b(2) 47b (3 47b(4) 1'3'X pron. X31X n. XJ'B? n. ') 1# X?X n. xVxato n. ') TDn adj. W adj. ("Pap1? prep. XBHn. lax vb. Kipin. an' vb. 1# Nil n. 'J'3 'ra adv. •Sm) 2# ,1K"D adj. Nl'n n. xrniry n. XOX n. xnsix n. H2HP 200:3) KTI'in n. xraix n. 47b (4; HP 200:2) 47b(4; M) 47b(4) 47b (5) 47b(6) 47b (7) 47b(23) n'SX adj. 1# XJl&'J n. rj'pj adj. xnsix n. 2# T'ns adj. jn? adj. XfIX n. xpwn n. x'jnis n. Xrii'T n. XJB'O n. 47b(24; HPQ 200:11) 47b(24) KTO n. Xp'TIB n. 47b(25; HG3 147:38) 47b(25) 47b(28) 47b(29) 47b(30) 47b(35) 47b(36) 47b(37) 47b (3 8) 47b(40) 47b(55) 47b(56) 48a(8) 48a(9) 48a(15; H2) 48a(17) 48a(20) 48a(24) 48a(25; H2) 48a(28) 48a(29) 48a(42) 48a(45) 48a(45; Vn) 48a(46; V11) 48a(47) 48a(48) 48a(51) pll' adj. XriTOS n. X^Jia n. 1# Xpn n. psa vb. xrfr'swa n. □'an adj. liWS adj. 2# BhB vb. piD vb. nSj vb. W11X vb. X^X n. X^ip n. 1# Ifrl n. xp'niw n. xrsp n. »^n adj. plS vb. WX pron. xnipna n. xmyi n. 3# xivan n. xawn n. XVI pron. ■po vb. ^0 vb. 3# «po vb. X^JIB n. '^a adj. xri'Via n. 'ya vb. snap n. xnB'X n. Dip vb. XplW n. 1# XXaiX n. 2# ipa vb. 2# 'JO vb. 1 48b(l) 48b(2) 48b(3) 48b(4) 48b(12) 48b(13) 48b(27) 48b(28) 48b(30) 48b(31) 48b(32) 48b(33) 48b(35) 48b(36) 48b(36; V11) 49a(3) 49a(5) 49a(6) 49a(8) 49a(9) 49a(ll) 49a(12) 49a(15) 49a(19) ™^'? n. 1# N1j3 n. Dip vb. XpTO n. XIJ'D n. Dip vb. ap: vb. Dp: vb. xjisa'p n. V?y vb. xawn n. xjisa'o n. xn-jn n. 1# XW3 n. ap: vb. i# xpna n. XJISB'O n. 31 adj. nxsi-ip n. xiisa'p n. XDWn n. *na? n. i# nap vb. 3# 11B vb. 3# XSlp n. na1? adv. 1XJ1? adv. ap: vb. XjiSO'D n. O'Vx. adj. 1'Dp adj. 1XJ1? adv. i# xpna n. xjisa'p n. xia? n. XB'Vj n. nxsiip n. xri'wp vb. 1# 72-\ vb. yia vb. i# xri't n. XJ11X n. IX conj. 49a(22) 49a(25) 49a(26) 49a(27) 49a(32) 49a(34) 49a(39) 49b(9) 49b(17) 49b(19) 49b(25) nte tin n. X2N1 X3X n. XJllB n. wis vb. 1# '3 conj. i# nxaiy n. ™n n. ia n. XX13 n. y"0 vb. 1DX vb. pin vb. DriO vb. 2# 'bj vb. Wms n. 49b(25; Ar [AC 2:136]) 49b(34) 49b (3 5) 49b(37) 49b (3 8) 49b(40) 49b(41) 50a(l) xpnoia n. X';!;"? n. 'T vb. xa'Vi xwsip n. xwaia n. xxa'n ia n. xxa'n n. D710 vb. xsa'n ia n. xxa'n n. xxa'n ia n. xsa'n n. N#p. n. 50a(l; MGL74:4) 50a(2) 50a(4) 50a(9) DrlO vb. X1JV n. xnwp n. an' vb. 50a(9; V12H2M) 50a(10) 50a(10; V Tap vb. flX pron. nxVaa adj. ob* vb. nMGL 74:8) i# oon vb. 50a(10; MGL 74:8) 1# '1W vb. Babylonian Talmud 1487 Hullin 50a(13) 1# Xpnil n. Xpl'W n. 50a(15) 'aapron. 50a(22) ia: vb. '3T vb. xini ]xa pron. 1# p70 vb. 50a(25) XnilVs n. 50a(29) 'an vb. i# wawa vb. i# ip: vb. 50a(30) 1# "1]XB *73 pron. i# wawa vb. 50a(31) DDn vb. 50a(36) xf?in 1? n. 50a(39) xnyaw n. 50b(l) 1# Xpl3 n. 50b(3; VHV12Ar [AC 2:43]) Xioa n. 50b(5) XW'l n. 50b(7) xa'l X'30* n. 50b(8) X3'T X':0* n. 50b(8; H2) X3B1DX'X X0131 n. 50b(U) xya n. X013 n. 50b(i9) xnyisa n. 50b(25) 1# Xia n. 50b(29) yip vb. 50b(37) XIW'J n. 50b(39; V11) V?y vb. 50b(40) 1# Xpnn n. V?y vb. XSSn. xrrwp vb. 51a(6) xaipjn. 51a(6; M) fit) vb. 51a(8) JlOvb. 5ia(9) xaiya n. xaiix n. 51a(10) x:aw n. 51a(13) XIJ'N n. 51a(14) 'a?1? prep. i# nn: vb. 1# p70 vb. 51a(15) TXadv. 1# XlD'p n. 51a(15; Ar [AC 6:384]) Jl'pOS adv. 51a(17) nXliS'Xadj. 51a(21;Vn) 'ID vb. 51a(25) xnin. 51a(26) -lllvb. 1# X^in n. 51a(30) -po vb. 51a(34) xnia'Xn. 51a(34; H2) 2# 1TO vb. 51a(35; Vl2Ar [AC 8:26]) XjTO'1» n. 51a(37) pDSvb. 51a(38) fflnrtn. 51a(41) 2# Xia'X n. 51a(41;Vn) 1# 'IT vb. 51a(42) X^-IXn. Vs: vb. Dp: vb. 51a(43) WNajJn. X13"I n. 1# priD vb. 51a(44) 2# Xjna* n. 51a(49) X3Jn. 51b(ll) xnin'iJn. 7S1 vb. yaw vb. 51b(13) XlSTOn. 51b(15) l#X10inn. 51b(23) "]? prep. 51b(32) 7SVvb. 5ib(33) nnavb. '3'X n. 51b(34) KVt'Xn. aipa adj. t)Dy vb. 51b(35) WXlD'pn. 51b(36) XJTOn. 51b(37) ppi vb. p3 vb. 51b(38) X1T3 n. XripT n. 51b(38;V") X31D3 n. pipi adj. 51b(39) xap'p n. 51b(39;V12) X13} n. 5Ib(39; Ed) 'j'ni adj. 52a(2; v"Ar [AC 2:32]) XJT'a n. 52a(3; H2) 52a(6) xra n. 'sa'n n. x'an n. 52a(7) 2# XSS'n n. X^V3 n. 52a(8) 2# pi© vb. 52a(8; H2) 31W vb. 52a(8; Rashi) 2# plK> vb. 52a(10) "IDX vb. 52a(10; V12Ar [AC 3:7]) Xpiai n. 52a(13) 1# XS1 n. xap'y n. Dip vb. 52a(18) 1# XSJ n. 52a(30) xnrpx n. 52a(32) XJirpx n. X1313 n. 52a(33) OVB vb. 52a(35) 2# XO'J n. 52a(36) nrn vb. 52a(38) xnnn n. 52b(6) 'nVw n. 52b(7) 1# xVs? n. 52b(32) 1# XnilX n. 52b(40) iri3 prep. N1JW n. 52b(41) inx vb. XjiTI'X n. XSin'D n. 52b(42) XDllp n. 52b(43) 2# XTl'I n. '^p vb. 53a(8) 1# XIB'X n. 53a(34) on vb. XT n. pOD vb. -|1S vb. 53a(35) 'TI3 prep. on vb. iy prep. 1# 'pV vb. 53a(36) 2# XTl'T n. 1# n» vb. 53a(42) Xi?m n. Dip vb. 53a(44) V3X conj. Daw vb. 53a(45) 1# Xl-1 n. xsirrp n. 53a(47) 1# XSV? n. Xp'SO n. X1J1W n. 53a(48) 'ra prep. yep vb. 53a(48; V11) Sim n. 53a(49) nya vb. 'iy vb. ■^py vb. 53a(49; Ar [AC 5:217]) 1# 'IX vb. 53b(3) W11X vb. xriiy? n. 53b(8; Ar [AC 8:168]) xsa-ra n. 53b (9) p:n vb. '3J1? prep. 53b(ll) Xinx n. 53b(12) pin vb. 53b(13) mB vb. 1# 'HW vb. 53b (17) DD1D vb. 53b(19) 1# DBDD vb. xyip n.
Hullin 1488 Babylonian Talmud 53b(19; 53b(21) 53b(45) 54a(4) 54a(8) 54a(9) 54a(10) 54a(15) 54a(16) 54a(18) 54a(19) 54a(26) 54a(27) 54a(30) 54a(31) 54a(34) 54a(47) 54a(48) 54b (7) 54b (9) HP 203:16) 'tfl vb. X^j? n. 'Vl vb. Vsj vb. lit XTPT n. ■by vb. 1# XS3 n. 1# NS3 n. XapX n. xma n. 2# in: vb. tivm vb. 2# |Xa pron. "3 prep. -m vb. •■m vb. X^CT) XTJ n. Xatf'l n. xri'Vis n. ma vb. xaon. "13 prep. 2# Xpia n. IS© vb. XJ"T n. 2# Xpia n. 54b(10; OHT Yev 10:24) 54b(Il) 54b(12) 54b(13) 54b(14) 54b(15) X'n n. 2# X3': n. pOS vb. 2# X3M n. Vay vb. WX pron. 2# 'an vb. xnj'1 n. xriya n. nxr-nip n. xarn n. 54b(15; V1') 54b (16) 2# XD'tPS! n. ]a *?yb prep. ronws n. 54b(17) 54b(18) 55a(22) 55b(l; Ar 55b(2) 55b(3) 55b(5) 55b(6) 55b(10) 55b(13) 55b(15) 55b(24) 55b(25) 55b(25; H2) 55b(26) 55b(27) nxr'nip n. xris'-to n. D"l|? )B prep. Xmp1? n. xatf n. [AC 3:353) i# "irn n. 2# XjriD* n. nxsnp n. x?1J>a n. XE^lp n. X3D1D n. xVb>3 n. '31 vb. i# mo vb. T3y adj. V'X adj. Xnp"! n. xi:na n. pOX vb. xtfma '3 n. i# -irn n. Xp"p n. xVs'tfa n. 2# '13 vb. ma vb. THj? adj. 1# '^a vb. XlJVp n. ITOS adj. OTW adj. 55b(37) ]'Dpl ijnK adj. 56a(13) 56a(14) 33 56a(15) 56a(17) 56a(25) 56a(32) 56a(37) 56b(l) xaip n. by nx conj. 3pJ vb. nxV'y adj. 3JX prep. i# yps vb. XD?n n. i# pia vb. 2# Q"D vb. XfflpH3 n. xjnx n. 1# X;"A n. 56b(26; H2) XJIITO n. 56b(27) 56b(28) 56b(52) 56b(55) 56b(56) 57a(l) 57a(2) 57a(3) 57a(27) 57a(34) 57a(35) 57a(36) 57a(42) 57b(4) 57b(18) 2# '^J vb. K$ti n. ptn vb. 1# XD-13 n. 'in vb. nxah n. xirx n. ]P prep. 2# xvya n. 1# VpD vb. 2# xr'ya n. TM vb. 1# 'OX vb. Din vb. xiipax n. XJX n. xotfs n. Ti? adJ- "X prep. nx pron. ''n n. "YTI3B prep. xna n. 1# p*?0 vb. '»p vb. T vb. 57b(19; V,2R.G.) 57b(19; V1 57b(30) 57b(38) 57b(41) 57b(42) 57b(42; M) 57b(43) 57b(44) D'31S n. ') cans vb. XT pron. 3# mD vb. 1# °?7X vb. xa'Vj n. XJB'O n. 2# D1S vb. 1# X3'p n. Himaw n. x'plB n. ■n1? adv. ^SJ vb. xirnn n. 58a(4) 58a(5) 58a(15) 58a(20) 58a(21) 58a(21; V 58b(l) 58b(2) 58b(3) 58b(4) 58b(5) 58b(6) 58b(7; V" 58b(9) 58b(9; H2) 58b(10) 58b(15) 58b(16) 58b(17) 58b(18) 58b(18;H2) 58b(18) 58b(19) 58b(20) 58b(22) 58b(24) 58b(29) 58b(35) 58b(41) 58b(47) 59a(l) 'Xfl adv. 2# ]SD vb. 1# ifrWV n. 2# ISO vb. i# vbrrv n. 2# na vb. nH2) 2# )J?D vb. NnT n. XT? n. "Una1? prep. 1# Xpa n. 1# Xia n. i# ntf vb. 1# XI? n. N?T1 n. xripa n. na vb. 1# Xpa n. ma vb. xjno n. ) T^a vb- i# xpa n. X7'W n. 2# xo:nip n. x;ja n. xntfn. i# xrivn n. X3'T X'JO* n. •JSP vb. '0? '3 "• i# xriaw n. x^ain n. 3# 11D vb. 2# nxna adj. xvn n. -rate vb. 4# via n. 2# aiy vb. XTB n. 2# xr'ya n. XJTU n. 1# Xlp'y n. Babylonian Talmud 1489 Hullin 59a(l; Ar [AC 5:390]) XJV"Ti: n. 59a(2) xri'nV'n n. 1?'") adj. 59a(3) 2# tftv vb. 59a(4) Xiaiy n. 59a(5) 2# rfjti vb. 59a(7) xnjra n. 59a(7; V11) "TOrTO num. 59a(8) XtiJax n. 59a(8; Ar [AC ib.]) 59a(8) 59a(9) 59a(10) 59a(ll) 59a(13) 59a(14) 59a(14; V1 59a(34) 59a(35) 59a(46) 59a(47) 59a(48) 59a(57) 59b(12) 59b(14) 59b(15) 59b(15: Ar 59b(16) 59b(22) 59b(23) xirpia n. xrn? n. xri'tfp vb. xriyrn n. •>TIV vb. xtfan n. xa'V n. ipy vb. i# xia n. i# xyis n. pOD vb. xrivVa vrn n. 2# XXaiX n. an' vb. ') Xllp': n. i# xr: n. 1# XTJ n. 1# xa'} n. 1X1? adv. xra n. X3'1? part. ^XD vb. yba vb. XpTn n. 'Vn adj. xry n. ipy vb. [AAC 233]) nan? n. X3X n. x^ao n. xnx n. O'll'P n. 59b(24) X31X n. 59b(26) X^ap n. 1# X3OT n. 59b(26; V") 2# xriax n. 59b(27) nO'p n. 59b(28) '3 prep. 59b(28; V11) Xnx n. 59b(28; SM 10:5) "?na vb. 59b(29) 1# Xy^B n. xrna-i n. 59b(30) Vna vb. 59b(31) 'invb. 59b(33) Xna'X adv. npy vb. 'ann n. 59b(34) prna adj. 59b(35) 1# Xl^ n. 59b(35;V") nay a adj. DHJ vb. 59b(36) IX conj. 1# X33 n. •\m vb. i# xons n. xrtf n. 59b(38) XriSB n. 1# Tin vb. X;p-113 n. 59b(41) 'ya vb. 'in vb. 59b(42) Xia'X adv. xnVx n. 60a(l) Xai' n. rvb prep. 60a(2) 'Vl vb. 60a(2; MGG 599:3) xrnyxn n. 60a (2) 1# ^30 vb. 60a(3) XTO??a n. (xin th?) xwTip n. 60a(6) XriVx n. 60a(7) 60a(8) 60a(8; V11) 60a(8; H2) 60a(9; V11) 60a(10) 60a(ll) 60a(12; V11) 60a(13; V11) 60a(14) 60a(15) 60a(16) 60a(17) 60a(18) 60a(18; M) 60a(19) 60a(23) 60a(24) 60a(28) 60b(12) 60b(13) 60b(22) 60b(26) 60b(27) 60b(29) mri? n. i# nax vb. V-'B; adj. i# nax vb. i# mm n. i# xVn n. i# nax vb. 2# KTi n. 4# xn'a-i n. mn vb. 1# Xp'T n. i# w:a vb. XD"p n. yao vb. X1JVO n. nx«;u3 n. nmb] n. ID'p. n- i# xnj: n. xrninpa n. ""!?? interj. 2# y33 vb. xrininpa n. ana vb. 2# yjj vb. xwrx n. x^Vn n. 3# "WO vb. XpW n. xrininpa n. xrmja n. XDlV'n n. XTPp n. x™ n. 'IB vb. XnTIX n. sin n. xnra n. nas vb. i# -nv> vb. xmax n. 1# D"0 vb. xmax n. 60b(31) 1# Xm n. 60b(34) yair; vb. 60b (44) X;1?}* n. 61b(7) ^3 adv. 62a(14) OTI vb. 62a(16) -ao vb. 62a(21) ?y adj. 62a(22) X013 n. 62b(l 1) Xr'XIS n. 62b(ll; V12Ar [AC 4:194]) '2E?ai3n. 62b(13) X3-ip,,an. 62b(13; Ar [AC 4:313]) 'TO 'a n. 1# xri'3 n. 62b(13; AC 4:313) XHD n. 62b(14) T« vb. 62b(15) 3# XT13 n. 1# XTIS n. 62b (16) 1# X-na n. 62b(17) XJinn. XJ10 n. 62b(17; MGL 255:7) 2# xain n. 62b(l8) i#xnsanan. 62b(18; VnAr [AC 2:271]) XjV'nin. 62b(18; Ar [AC 3:246]) 62b(19) 62b(20) 62b(21) 62b(22) 62b(23) 62b(24) 62b(25) 62b(26) 62b(30; M) 2# xn:nn n. Xp'SO n. I^p vb. XJ'30 n. xiapip n. 'D1 vb. I'jp vb. XJ'30 n. rpp vb. 1# XTia n. XniTJ n. XQSTUX I1TB n. xd'stux iiaiy n.
1490 Hullin 62b(33) ni'5 n. mns n. 62b(33; Ar[AC 4:257]) xms X'i3 n. 62b(34) Xtfliax n. I'tai ma n. V'3X1 Tip n. 62b(35) Kian KW n. 62b(36) XTan sw ra n. 62b (3 8) XTan KJia n. 63a(i) xnan xira ra n. 63a(2) 1# ipx adj. nXIB'ptf n. 63a(3) paiO n. 63a(3; Ar [AC 5:247]) xama n. 63a(5) yu adj. pTl' adj. 63a(l1) 2# X1B3 n. 2# XlpV n. 63a(12) X1BX n. XlBtf n. 63a(14) XiniB n. 63a(16) 2# XpJ? n. 63a(17) XJlpTpT n. .TXlpp n. 63a(17;H2) HXip n. nxpip n. XJl'pip n. 63a(18;H2) 'pb vb. 63a(29; Ar [AC 7:210]) 'rrawx n. 63a(33) pnp'Ttf interj. 1# p-lti vb. 63a(34) Ta adv. p'Tp'Ttf interj. 63a(34; H2) 1# pntf vb. 63a(36) 1# xV?l n. 63a(36; H2) X3T3 '3 n. 63a(36; MGL 256:5) xnia n. DOS vb. 63a(36) pnp'Ttf interj. 1# pIV vb. 63a(37) X'JTJ n. 63a(42; M) tf'TS adv. 63a(43; Ar [AC 8:169] MGL 259:15) vrm ia n. 63a(43; MGL 256:12,Ar [AC 8:168]) 63a(52) 63b(l) 63b(4) 64a(22; M) 64b(2) 64b(15) 64b(22) 65a(2) 65a(23) 65a(24) Xp'lTltf n. )1J'X pron. 10' vb. TDK adv. X3Tiy n. xrpapx n. U"n pron. 1# XTSO n. pDS vb. XJITS'X n. tfrp vb. 65a(36;MGL259:16,Ar [AC 1:198]; 66a(ll) 66a(14) 66a(15) 66a(20) 66a(26) 67a(10) 67a(32) ) XTpOX n. vbbs n. X^S n. xcns n. X371 adv. xtjix n. oya vb. 2# 'Btf vb. 67a(33; MGL 251:17) 1# XJ13X n. 67a(34) 2hD vb. 67a(39) XT3 n. 2# XlfT n. 67b(8) 3# X3X n. 67b (9) X^'X n. XBU n. 1# XT'S n. 67b(10) pn vb. 67b(19) "?3A vb. 67b(21) XrisVn n. '3pip n. 67b (22) 1# X'DIX n. 67b(22; M) 67b(23) 67b(24) 67b(30) 68a(30) 68b(25) 68b(30) 69a(21; H2) 69a(25) 69a(26) 69a(27) 69b(37) 70a(16) 70a(24) 70a(30) 70a(45) 72a(5) 72a(15; H2) 72b(27) 72b(28) 73a(5) 73a(20) 73b(3) 73b(22) 74a(10) 74b(35) 74b(36) 74b(43) 74b(46) 75a(25) 75a(27) 75a(38) 75a(43) 75b(14) 75b(15) 75b(24) "V prep. Oil vb. X1TT n. XT113 n. XlTia n. y"?3 vb. "731 vb. 1BX prep. 1# '"?a vb. BTS vb. 1# VtX vb. W>3 vb. -|jin vb. 1# X^TT n. VaVa vb. HTX vb. 'XT3 adv. new adv. X3TT n. N$3 n. i# yii vb. xaya n. X0S1 n. XSlJl'n n. Dip vb. T ]XB3 conj. jits vb. 1# H3 adv. Xn'a adv. TIl'l pron. xa'pix n. Xia adv. 1# X^ip"! n. am vb. tf'3! adj. XSU n. XTl>t n. 1# 013 vb. xBiya n. 3Tp vb. TTtf vb. 2# >n# vb. "7 conj. Babylonian Talmud T3T vb. 75b(31) l#X3'Tn. 76a(18) 'Vlvb. 76a(18;Vn) 'xVlB adv. 76a(18) '3 adv. 76a(19) pOS vb. 76a(23) i# xaipTy n. 76a(24) JllX vb. 76a(25) Xn3B n. 1# jns vb. 76a(26) 1# "?sp vb. 76a(27) EhD vb. 76a(30) TO3 adv. 76a(30;Vn) XTB3 n. 76a(31) ptSJXadj. B"?3 vb. y^a vb. 76a(32) D'Vx adj. 1'Bp adj. 76a(33) X1? adv. 76b(l) 31 by «]K conj. 76b(l;Vn) lltvb. 76b(2;VH) 1# Tl'n n. 76b(3) XBin n. 76b(4) 'TTX vb. 76b(7) NSiy n. 76b(8) pos vb. 76b(10) l#pTJvb. TP'an num. 76b(ii) Ttfavb. TB3 vb. 76b(37;Vu) 1# mn vb. X3T9 n. 76b(41) »aiV prep. 76b (48) XT3iy n. 76b(49) 1# XT3 n. "7 conj. 76b(50) T-sn adj. 76b(99) 1# TTTJ n. 77a(4) pntf vb. 77a(9) XJVBTlp n. 1# bpti vb. 77a(10) xVl'Tn. Babylonian Talmud 1491 Hullin 77a(12) T10 adj- 77a(20; Ar [AC 7:304] Tos) XTT n. 77a(25) 1# TIT vb. xVns n. 78a(l) vm vb. 78a(7; V11) X033 n. 78a(7) XTIS'P n. 79a(12) 1# XT3 n. XW n. 79a(i3) 2# x-ian n. xnpio n. 79a(14) Xl'B n. 79a(24) 1# X3X n. XJOIO n. 79a(32) 2# y3T vb. 79a(36) '3? adj. 79a(37) 1# KT3 n. 1» vb. 1# xVp n. 79a(37; Seel 116:44) BIT adj. 79a(38) X11X n. 2# XJ13U1 n. 31 adj. 79a(38; M) TBI! adj. 79a(44) 1# pSO vb. 79a(45) psp'?T n. xrniis n. Vw vb. 79b (26) BTO vb. 79b(40) ITS pron. 80a(16) 'P1? vb. 80a(31) 2# X^-3 n. xry n. 80a(38) Xl'B n. 80b(16; V11) 1# ml vb. 80b(23) lxV adv. nXT3U adj. 80b(26) "| X3'n "?3 conj. 81a(35) pt! vb. nas adv. 81b(2) 1# XJ1T3 n. 81b(15; H2) Dip vb. 82a(9) 1# XT3I1 n. 301 vb. 82a(25) XTIO'X n. T3y vb. 82b(6) yaw vb. 82b(26) XJTOn adv. 83a(25) -nniX 3JX prep. 83a(25; M) (TIB vb. 83a(26) HOT n. X^I'B n. 'SB adj. XJlV? n. 83b(25) mi vb. 84a(7) 301 vb. 84a(2i) nxra n. 84a(33; V11) i\X) pron. 84b(4; V11) 2# XChn n. 1# XD3 n. i# xnws n. 84b(7) X3'S n. 84b(9) 1# TTIS vb. 84b(13) XlJl'? n. nxain n. 84b(14; MGD 160:11) Xri'llT n. 84b(14) Xn'31D! n. i# ni'n n. 84b(14; MGD 160:11) nxain n. 84b(15) XTDS n. 84b(23) xni1?! tfn '3 n. vn vb. 84b(25) XaiTO n. 84b(26; Ar [AC 1:128]) xniax n. 85a(10) XQ vb. 85a(33) XS'X part. 85b(37) 1BX prep. 85b(39) 11X pron. 85b(40) X3'l' n. "?S1 vb. 85b(41) Xiri'3 n. 85b(42) x;a n. XSiy n. »ns vb. m vb. 85b(42; V12) 2# Xn'313 n. 86a(14) XS'l' n. 86a(19) XaVj; n. 86a(41) TBI vb. 86a(42) 1# D"0 vb. 86b(4) 'n pron. 86b(6) psi vb. 86b(8) XlTy n. 86b(8; M) Dip vb. 86b(9) xriyaiy n. 86b(10) XTI1X* adj. TIB vb. 86b(12) XTflX* adj. p3tf vb. 86b(12; MV11) XTflX* adj. 86b(34) 1# '!» vb. 86b(36) an' vb. 86b(38; V11) 2# ^SB vb. 87a(2) '03 vb. 87a(3) 1# Tfl num. 87a(21) bsv vb. 87a(22) 1# TT.T vb. Bpl vb. KW n. 87a(24) X33 n. 'J73 vb. 4# 'T3 vb. 87b(19) Tti3 vb. 87b(22) 3»n vb. 87b(23) XriV^S n. 88a(36) T.T3 vb. 88b(16) X713T13 n. 89a(51; V11) "i xas ^3 conj. 89b(l) nr)3 vb. 89b(2) JW3 vb. 89b(13) 89b(28) 90b(6) 90b(17) 90b(37) 91a(29) 91a(37) 91a(37; V 91b(15) 91b(16) 91b(26) 'Vj?B adj. i# yps vb. "1 conj. 'a adv. '3'T •no pron. mm n. B1?S adj. 'p1? vb. 'TinXB prep. ") 3# '»! vb. 2# fsp vb. Tri3 prep. 2# '"7X vb. yis vb. 91b(30;V") T?3vb. ]30 vb. 92a(16) X13T n. 92a(17) X7IT3 T3 n. 92a(41) XriTlX n. 92a(44) kVbVx conj. xbsrix n. •ny n. flltl n. 92a(45) Dip vb. 92a(51) X31Tn. 92a(52) 1# XnSX n. 92b(4) ■?'??, adj. 92b(5) V'ly adj. 92b(6) X'rll'y n. 92b(29) -Jill? prep. 92b(38) BBTB vb. 92b(39) DD1 vb. 93a(8; V11) 2# XJJia* n. 93a(9) XIX pron. 93a(9; H2) pTS vb. 93a(10) 2# mi vb. 93a(10; H2) XI13B n. 93a(16) XJlDU'^p n. 93a(19) ntfa interj. 93a(22) •VTI vb. 93a(23; Seel [ST2 427:10]) XTTln. 93a(25) XBin n.
Hullin 1492 Babylonian Talmud 93a(26) JU1?! n 1# xVb? n X^>XB» n. 93a(27) bss vb. 93a(29) BBn vb. 1# >pv vb. 93a(32) xVnp n. Xri'Ms n. 1# X^M n. 93a(33) X?V7 n. 93a(34) inn vb. 1# nb» vb. 93a(35) ^an pron. (-)n^ part. 93a(36) XBip n. 93a(38) xriy'3 n. Xftlp n. 1# X^S? n. 93a(39) 1# XipiB n. 93a(40) xbnp n. ff?p vb. 93a(43) XS'XT X3X n. 93a(44) «8 pron. 93a(54) xnjrs n. 93a(54; V11) 1# V'^n adj. 93b(l) -18 prep. 93b (2) 2# XWn n. i# rno vb. 93b(4) XT1X n. 2# '13 vb. Xmti'nS n. 93b(5) t>pi vb. 93b(6) xnjj'3 n. 1# V'Wrj adj. 93b(8) xrig'3 n. Xnj n. 93b(9) yi! vb. 1# ]X3 adv. 93b(ll) KJ'n* n. 93b(12) XpTTB n. 93b(12; V11) i# xxaix n. 93b(16) XTO^n n. 93b(i7) inn vb. pOO vb. 93b(18) IBtf Vb. 93b(i9) an vb. xi»tf n. 93b(i9;Vn) xrnaun. 93b(20) X1U n. 312? vb. 93b(21) 1# TOX vb. 93b(22) 1# XW3'3 n. xpria n. 93b(23) an vb. ip vb. 93b(24; Ar [AC 3:115]) 3# '13 vb. 93b(24) 93b(31; M) 93b(33) 93b(42) 93b(47) 93b(50) 94a(3) 94a(4) 94a(6) 94a(12) 94a(13) 94a(14) 94a(16) 94a(16; V11) fn vb. X1VU n. "lip vb. XD',1 adv. 1# yiS vb. 1# XII n. 1Kb vb. 1# TM vb. xa^n conj. inn vb. xrnrrn n. tfrrsa adv. xV?}a adv. xisb n. D"S vb. x'Tiaa n. 2# xpBJX n. 94a(17) 94a(19) 94a(20) 94a(27) 94b(6) 94b(8) 94b(23) "I183 prep. J'ta adj. 1# 'p» vb. 2# XpS3X n. "n adj. '31 lxta adv. ]3T vb. xriy'xa n. xflysa n. 94b(27) xVn 13* n xns'ip n. to» vb. 94b(28) xin pron. 94b(29) 'yt? vb. Xp part. 94b(33) iyx vb. 94b(36) Xriyi n. i# tin vb. 94b(37) vrx pron. VT3 pron. 95a(l) 1# 'so vb. 0"S adj. 95a(2) xiSltf n. 95a(4) i# 'DO vb. 95a(7) am adv. iyx vb. 95a(35) X1313 n. 95b(l) xtfn n. 95b(l;H2) 3#Wnvb. 95b(l;Fl,l 78) 1# Xri'V'O n. 95b(2; H2) 1# p*?o vb. 95b(6; V") xnns n. 95b(8) i# sj'y n. oty vb. 95b(8; M) xriyti n. 95b(io) inn vb. XpOS n. 95b(ll) KJ-ipn. 95b(i2) x:rin n. O'SXV prep. xisa n. 95b(13) X33 n. 1# «p» vb. X3D xai' n. mi adv. Dip vb. 95b(14) xtfl n. i# xnrn n. pa» vb. 95b(14; V11) xy?'3 n. 95b(14; V12Ar[AC 1:37]) pnvb. 95b(15; MGG 395:9) xb1?;/ (pi)'Vd n. 95b(16) l#xryn. oty vb. 95b(17; MGG 395:11) Xfi13 13 n. 95b(17; V11) 1# X13 n. 1# 'BO vb. 95b(17; MGG 395:11) I\SO vb. 95b(19) tfnj vb. D^y vb. 95b(23) 1# pi3 vb. 95b(24; MGG 395:16) xis'p n. 95b(25; V11) Dip,"? prep. 95b(27) DipV prep. 95b(28) 1# X113'y n. 95b(29) XJSIfJin n. 95b(30) Dip vb. 95b(30; V11) 1# xba? n. XJlyp n. xrisnp n. Xp'SO n. 95b(31) XplOSn. 95b(34) pm vb. 95b(37) bya vb. reap prep. 95b(38) Xri'ViS n. xsiiy n. i# nti vb. 95b(39) 1# 13X vb. '31 '? n- XP313 n. 95b(41) 1# 13X vb. X3Jn- 95b(43) 1# 13X vb. XTQ'p n. 95b(46) XfTOX n. xrnysp n. x:o'P n. Babylonian Talmud 1493 Hullin 96a(l) 96a(8) 96a(21) 96a(22) 96a(23) 96a(23; 96a(25) 97a(3) 97a(8) 97a(10) 97a(14) 97a(15) 97b(3) 97b (5) V12) 97b (6) 97b(30) 97b(39) 98a(15) 98a(19) 98a(20) 98a(22) 98a(24) 98a(30) 98a(37) 98b(3) 98b (4) 98b(13) 98b(23) xrnynp n. XJB'O n. xapx n. DM vb. 1# ipi vb. i# nru vb. XIIO'X n. nm vb. nso vb. 'T vb. i# xrn»'» n. im vb. '#i? adj. xVsp n. xayp n. xVsp n. xayp n. xapx n. XrilVj K7'1 '3 n. X1EP3 n. i# nVa vb. xTO(l) XTl n. iytf vb. 'y'3T x;a n. N'TX n. 2# 'Vl vb. 1# XiVT n. isi vb. xnto'3 n. i# xVipn n. lytf vb. "I conj. XTnVt n. 1# xri'T n. nx'iyj 'gi n. -TT pron. -a "Tib prep. D»S vb. irra conj. bV2 vb. -jnn vb. -iyi/ vb. 1# xVip n. 99a(l) 99a(5) 99b(16) 99b(22) 99b (24) 100a(2) 100a(12) 101b(13) 101b(15) 101b(16) 101b(17) 101b(17; 102a(41) 102b(15) 103a(14) 103b(ll) 103b(ll; 2:363) 103b(26) 103b(27) 103b (32) 104a(2) 104a(7) 104b(7) 104b(30) 104b(35) 105a(14) 105a(15) 105a(16) 105a(26) 105a(28) 105a(31) 105a(32) 105a(33) 105a(34) 105a(35) 105a(36) xjani n. -\m vb. 2# Xy'T n. X33 n. pD3 vb. VB3 vb. VTI vb. Dip vb. i# yap vb. XIBW n. 'lis'?-! xai' n. KTB& n. "13 prep. V11) xriinj n. 2# •'IV vb. XD'^p n. Vin vb. Tyt adj. Ar[AC xrra"]J n. "la prep. xnaa n. ipy vb. XJB'T n. 1# ]XB pron. 2# I^B vb. xri'Vip n. 1# p^O vb. 1# XBq n. 'nx vb. D'an adj. -mv vb. tfipX adj. "B I?1? prep. i# xnan ia n. 2# xVn n. ina adv. i# xnan is n. 1# 110 vb. Xja'l n. 1# 110 vb. XTTO'X n. 1# in num. 105a(37) 105a(38) 105a(39) 105a(41) 105a(42) 105a(43) 105a(50) 105b(13) 105b(14) 105b(16) 105b(17) 105b(19) 105b(19; V1 xrisix n. 2# m vb. XSrlD n. 1# xri'3 n. 133 adv. 1# 110 vb. XpT3 n. XliJ'S n. 1# bpti vb. 1# 'BT vb. XTJIO'X n. 130 vb. xprp n. XBIlp n. 1# X113 n. x^na adv. X1J13 adj. xanit n. x;a n. X1W5 n. ') Dpi vb. 105b(20; TGAs42 165:12) 105b(23) 105b(24) 105b (25) 105b(26) 105b(27) 105b(28) 105b(29) 105b (29; V 105b(30; Ar 2:197]) 2# X11X n. xmiyo n. xrirpx n. XJ313 n. 1# V1D vb. xrinpja n. X1W3 n. -U13X prep. i# nn vb. xnr:y n. 'PP adj. Xlt? n. ini vb. X111W n. K)T n. ipy vb. X!>3- n- ') 1# X1B n. [AC i# x;sin n. XniO'XB n. 105b(31) 105b(32) 105b(33) 105b(34) 105b(35) 105b(35; V 105b(36) 105b(37) 105b(38) 105b(39) 105b(40) 105b(42) 105b(43) 105b(44) 105b(47) 105b(48) 105b(50) 105b(51) 0013 n. ns: vb. 'm vb. xnv:y n. ypv vb. D013 n. i# xian n. lay vb. X13» n. xrii':y n. 1# tax vb. 10X vb. nxra n. mn- xnurayi n. n) X^'3 n. 'E>P adj. 1# VlX vb. xri'aiipB n. 10X vb. 2# X31X n. i# xspn n. XJ'3 n. lay vb. tap vb. rap vb. nxr j n. an' vb. •<vp adj. X3I1B n. nx^ipw n. 2# '11 vb. xri'an n. xana n. i# yps vb. 2# xnwi n. i# ':w vb. XJB'I n. XJB'I n. "713 vb. 'TB ta pron. US vb. XTpSH n.
Hullin 1494 Babylonian Talmud 105b(52) l#X3Xrjn. 1# KH3X n. 105b(53) XTtf 13 n. 1# KTU n. 33JT vb. 106a(l) l#'1K/vb. 106a(2) '?nadv. I06a(21) Xni'3 J13 n. pOS vb. I06a(22) xnTaran. 106a(28) xriTSran. 106b(10) IXl'Vn. 107a(l) WXpron. 107a(l;V12) Xflps n. 107a(2) KVn. 'tfa vb. ^5? prep. 107a(6) 1# XW>1X n. nxVl n. 107a(7) XITOn. 107a(8) xVlHn. 3ipa adj. 107a(9) yn vb. X^lll n. 107a(10; V11) »)tb vb. 107a(18) ispvb. I07a(i9) xrninn. 107a(19; MGL 427:9) xrmn n. i07a(2i) xrmnn. 107a(25; V") ld>M n. 107a(26) Xra n. xny;31 n. 107b(l) piSadv. 107b(4) 31 adj. ]331 n. 107b(5) Datfvb. 107b(8) '1,1 vb. 107b(ll;M) 0*73 vb. !07b(12) 1# XXD1X n. 107b(13) 1# 'BD vb. 107b(14) PIT adj. 107b(32; V11) i# srati n. 107b(33) 'Xax conj. '33 vb. i# 'na vb. X31n. 107b(34) 'tfa vb. 1# 'SO vb. 107b(35) 1# 'na vb. -no'a n. 108b(ll) y*?3 vb. 1# D^S vb. 108b(18) ]3adv. 109b(2) X.lpart. 109b(4) "I 'T»X conj. 109b (34) l#'1tfvb. 109b(36; V11) xma n. 109b(37) XJTI'Jn. X111? n. Xlf^ n. 109b(37; V11) XW3'tf n. 109b(40;H2) pitvb. H0a(7) yaw vb. 110a(8) lax vb. xrran n. Xjn'l num. 110a(9) 'J73vb. ^3 vb. 1# XS^ri n. na? adv. 110a(10) 33V vb. 110a(15) XbnD n. H0a(i8) xi3ijn ana n. xnw n. 110a(18; V") "7 IX1? 'X conj. 110a(19) X#J'3n. 110a(20) X"?nDn. 110a(22) 'IIS'SI xai'n. 110a(23) X"?n3n. 110a(26) X1J1X n. xbm n. 110a(29) l#'TOvb. 110a(30) XM?niS*n. 110a(32) 3#XS,7'nn. na vb. mp vb. 110a(32; Ar [AC 7:156]) 2# XSip n. I10a(33) 1# WU vb. 110a(34) XDin n. 110a(40) X°?n3n. 110b(3) 1# X3X n. 1p' vb. 1# fiSD vb. 110b(6) Tin adj. X31D adv. 11 Ob (8) XSIWn. 110b(9) l#'?conj. 110b(ll) pbtivb. 110b(18) X13?n. llla(5; Ar [AC 7:156]) X'?p n. XJSp n. llla(5; TGAs42 165:21]) 1# xpp n. llla(8) WB^nvb. 11 la(9) 2# X;>n n. 1# Dbn vb. llla(12) J^S vb. 1# Bbs vb. llla(13) X13?n. llla(14;V") lXjVadv. P'Vtf adj. llla(16) laxi n. llla(22) xriXO* n. llla(22;V") XYIO n. 11 la(23) 'a adv. 11 la(26) 13? vb. llla(27) ITinvb. yip vb. llla(28) X^TOn. XMTC; n. llla(29) 13yvb. llla(30) N'pnpn. i# xrrra n. llla(31) X13?n. 'l^'J? prep. i# nit; vb. llla(31; V12Ar [AC 8:163]) n»vb. llla(32) xWl3n. llla(33) 710 vb. llla(34) xWlDn. llla(36) xbHDn. llla(37) lay'XIadv. lllb(l) T,Tadj. ISP vb. lllb(3) 'JH'Sn. lllb(5) 'Spvb lllb(5;V") ptivb. lllb(14;V") XSJ'Sn. lllb(15) lsn^Ovb. lllb(18) X?rsn. lllb(23) XI Win. lllb(24) liOadv. lllb(28) l#,1XaiXadj. Dyo vb. xV'Sp n. lllb(35) xVspn. lllb(38) X1313n. lllb(39) X^'3n. 1J13 prep. inn vb. 1# KJ7 n. XS'^ n. lllb(40) Xrilian. lllb(41) Xlian. ktdj adj. lllb(43) l#nnvb. xnyatf n. lllb(44) -"? on interj. lllb(45) X13Bn. lllb(47) DTP adj. 18n. 112a(2) l#X)T3n. xns'V n. XO^ip n. 112a(4) TOpron. 1495 Babylonian Talmud 112a(5) 112a(7) 112a(9) 112a(10) 112a(ll) 112a(15) 112a(17) 112a(20) 112a(21) 112a(22) U2a(25) 112a(32) 112b(l) 112b(4) U2b(4; V1 112b (9) 112b(10) 112b(ll) 113a(15) XI? n. X?a? n. 'a?1? prep. i# xnVa n. VlD vb. 1# X113 n. i# xn^a n. 1# X13 n. XI? n. x?a? n. DDn vb. xnrro n. 2# XV'S n. 3# '13 vb. pao vb. TPP adJ- W'Vp adj. 1# X31?? n. 1'Jjt adj. 1# xVr'J n. 1# xrfra n. 2# 'SW vb. xsiin n. ') xr?p n. xaip n. 1# dVs vb. Dap vb. i# rfra vb. 2# 'Vl vb. 3# V?n vb. 113a(29) nXjVrJadj. i# xnVa n. i# nVa vb. ps: vb. 113a(31) xn-jq n. i# xro? n. XP313 n. x';j?a n. U3a(39) 2# XXKIW n. 113b(16) XHJ n. 113b(18) ps: vb. 113b(19) XffiTSn. 114a(25) 114a(33) 114b(10) 114b(21) 115a(15) 115b(39) 115b(41) 115b(42) 115b(46) X3TS n. x;r3 n. 'il pron. 1# D11 vb. XI? n. xjani n. xri n. IIS vb. xaVija adv. X'HI/Xini ■?? pron. 116a(l) l#xVipn. 116a(2) llSvb. 116a(36) XKTIn. X3Bn n. 116a(37) ltX^Vrin. XDTlp n. 116b(14) "713 vb. 116b (3 8) XtfTSn. 117a(5) '31 pron. Xja adv. H7a(23) xninnan. H7b(i) xpiya n. 118a(3) l#'1?adv. 118a(17) ps:vb. 118a(20) TlXvb. 118a(34) xnsVnn. H8b(7) anavb. 118b(8) l#Xipn. 118b(10) Bllvb. 119a(24) mbp n. 119b (8) l#pjvb. 119b(18) xn'j'pn. 119b(20) nx^ adj. U9b(20; TGAs42 166:6) XnVsTO n. 119b(21) l#X11n. 119b(32) ^nvb. 120a(8) Daii/vb. 120a(19) XJOTn. 120a(20; Vl2VnAr[AC 3:392]) 3# xVn n. Vftp vb. 120a(21) X'TX n. tip vb. 120a(23) 3H' vb. 120a(24) X'rn/Xini V? pron. 120a(25) »ip vb. 120a(26) XBTS n. tip vb. 120a(31) 'Spvb. 120a(37; V12SM) 7113 vb. 120a(41) 1# niD vb. 120a(52) 1# XS^IS n. 1# 3X0 vb. 120a(52;V12) JSO vb. 120b(24) 1# ]11 vb. 120b(29) 1# ]11 vb. 121a(2; GC 126:2) XpDIia n. 121a(18) 3iynvb. 121a(19) "7D3vb. 122a(37;Vu) piBX adj. 122a(37) T?1 adJ- 122a(42) <?2pb prep. 122a(45) 'tn vb. Ton adj. 122b(33) 1# Kllf? n. 123a(27) yip vb. 123a(35) Din vb. 123b(14) 1# Xni3 n. 123b (31) WO^nvb. 123b(32; V11) 123b(37) 123b(40) 124a(23) 124a(24) 124a(36) 124a(43) 124a(44) 124a(46) 1# XHnV adv. 1# DVn vb. 1# D'jn vb. Dip vb. 1# p'jS vb. X1D0J n. mpn* n. XJS3 n. mx vb. nx'toa '3 n. i# nn vb. Hullin xarin n. 124a(51; V1') _l7rn prep. 124a(52) xnim n. 124b(13) 1# TIB vb. 124b(33) X31W n. 124b(34) 1X^ adv. 30 adj. ms vb. 124b(35) 1# niV vb. 125a(19; M) 125a(39) 125a(42) 126a(2) 126a(23) 126a(26) 127a(9) 127a(29) 127a(30) 127a(31) 127a(37) 127b(30) 129b(31) 129b(35) 130a(26) 1# xri'f'a n. «]X conj. 1# «]1S vb. xa»n. 1# TIB vb. xVVn n. K'in3 adv. ]:31 n. xrrtx n. 'iV vb. 'ja vb. rOTIJ adj. pm vb. 1# KPStpiK n. I1? vb. nxrrraare adj. Xril2J711S n. XI'X n. ]?1 V? adv. xrwn adv. 113 vb. 130b(l;M) 'XWXadv. 130b(2) 130b(23) 131a(5) 131a(ll) 131a(18) 131a(19) 1K;S'X adv. "ipV prep. X^3'P n. '»1» vb. -ryj prep. 'in vb. ion vb. nxp'? n. xnina n. -ITO1!? n.
Bekhorot 1496 Babylonian Talmud 131b(22) ITipron. 131b(36) X7lin3 n. XfllTO n. 132a(l;Vn) 1# X11D n. 132b(8; HPP 60:18) X13I'S»1X n. 132b(9; MGD 411:8) j?m vb. 132b(10;V") intfvb. 132b(ll) Xippn. 132b(14) xilXn. 132b(21) XTTIOB n. i# yap vb. 132b(23) xin? n. 132b(24) XTIBtfn. 132b (25) xnpart. Dip vb. 132b(32) XJTnnXn. 132b(34) l#xanin. lbs vb. 133a(10) anvb. 1# 'ID vb. 1# '3 conj. 133a(ll) 17111 vb. i# rf?a vb. I33a(i3) aanvb. xnina n. 133a(14) ttl vb. 133a(18) npnvb. 133a(22) pmvb. 133a(23) XlTy n. 2# DID vb. 133a(23; MGD 412:14) SIX vb. 133a(24) pm vb. i# xrrra n. xsnix n. xrrartf n. 133a(26; V11) in n. 133a(27) '31 vb. nay vb. 133a(28) 'ya vb. 'in vb. 133a(30) 133a(31) 133b(l) 133b(2) 133b(6) 133b(7) 133b(8) 133b(9) 133b(21) 133b(33) 134a(3) 134a(25) 134b(15) 134b(16) 135a(26) 135a(35) 135a(41) 135b(3) 135b(14) 135b(16) 135b(26) 136b(13) 136b(14) 136b(15) 137a(13) 137b(12) 137b(16) 137b(31) Kas>'V n. nay vb. i# np vb. an' vb. "711131 prep. xnnpa n. xnsps n. X7IS03 n. )B',n vb. 'ys vb. 'ye vb. xai»n n. xnTO n. 1# xVip n. XpOn. '31 vb. m vb. in vb. 2# any vb. pOS vb. in' vb. xavn na n. x/nannx adv. xra n. an' vb. ]WH adj. 1'3n adj. xnap n. Xri part. nxs vb. 1# 1'nx adj. 137b(31; I§GF80:4) X"lTp tfn n. 137b(32;M) 2# ini vb. 137b(33) ninXprep. 137b(33; V11) Xj7ip'I* n. 137b(33; I§GF 60:3 Ed) X7I-TO n. 137b(34) C)71'^ part. XQ1S n. 138a(35) xni'tfn. 138a(45; 138a(47) 138b(l) 138b(27) 138b(30) 139a(l) 139a(20) 139a(25) 139a(42) 139b(28) 139b(34; V 139b(35) "»■ 139b(36) 140a(6) 140b(42) 141b(l) 141b(16) 141b(18) 141b(19) 141b(24; Ar 6:438]M) 141b(28) 141b(33) V") 2# nxp vb. in vb. xnny n. pi vb. "1 1»I3 conj. ini vb. Vip vb. xbpp ns n. nai vb. i# yps vb. xrrcnnp n. wnp vb. ]1'3 conj. ma vb. XJ1 '3 n. nxilSS adj. '") 1# X^'a n. 4# X^ns n. 'in vb. 1# 'T3 interj. xa*?o n. V 'Tp interj. 1# 'T3 interj. 1# xnV'l? n. psi vb. nax vb. yo vb. mm adj. XS13 n. m vb. 1# XS1 n. XSIl n. i# 'an vb. [AC XOpnD* n. *?S1 vb. '31 vb. 141b(36; V11) 142a(2) i# «pe vb. i# xrp n. Tinn adj. 3# XTD n. 142a(4; M) H31 vb. 142a(5) -V,1'J prep. Bekhorot 2a(20) 1# XriniX n. 2b(4) naya adj. 2b(22) ODS vb. 2b (32) pos vb. 2b(33) DBS vb. 2b(51) Dplvb. 3a(9) xai'l xai' <?3 adv. 1# ypD vb. 3a(14) pos vb. 3a(15) xp¥in n. 3a(19) 1# nn num. '3D adj. 3a(20) nptf adj. 3a(29) yni vb. 1# '^a vb. 3a(50) xtfJiB 'a n. 3a(5i) XEhna p n. 3b(30) xnrna n. n'7l_' adj. xnitf'rp n. nana prep. 3b(31) 2#'navb. 3b(32) Xnni'J n. vno vb. 3b(33) i# xnrn n. 3b(37) l# xrpx n. 1# 'lp vb. 3b(40) -n nnxa conj. 3b(43) 1# xni'il n. 2# 'Vd vb. 3b (44) XTflfJVJj? n. 4a(l) nDS vb. 4a (9) nDS vb. 4a(22) 1# yps vb. 4b(33) XV adv. pDD vb. Vip vb. 4b(37) anp vb. 5a(3) xa1?'!! n. Babylonian Talmud 5a(8) 5a(9) 5a(31) 5a(33) 5a(41) 5a(42) 5a(47) 5a(48) 5b(5) 6a(8) 6a(18) 6a(20) 6a(51) 6b(19) 6b(21) 6b(44) 7a(33) 7a(35) 7a(50) 7a(51) 7a(51; V9) 7b(4; M) 7b(9) 7b(23) 7b(24) 7b(25) 7b(27) 7b(28) 7b(37) 7b(38) 7b(38; M) 'Vya adj. WX pron. '3,n adv. X3D'X n. Ti? adj. XII '3 n. Xn33 n. Xn33 n. Dll adj. 3OT1 vb. xns? n. XDnS n. Xn33 n. xania Tip n. oya vb. 2# any vb. pos vb. xa'x n. i# xaVn n. ins vb. tim vb. nay vb. "nip prep. pSl vb. npy adj. xVsn n. fxa vb. xiipr n. x»an n. xiann n. 1# '1» vb. 3# X'jn n. xnniair n. nao vb. xnyp n. 2# Xb"X n. X7lV;X n. nn: vb. Xa^a adv. y'ja vb. X,n part. 'in vb. flO vb. 7b(41) 8a(2) 8a(42) 8a(43) 8a(46) 8b(6) 8b(8) 8b(9) 8b(10) 8b(ll) 8b(12) 8b(13) 8b(14) 8b(14; V9) 8b(16) 8b(17) 8b(18) 8b(18; V9) 8b(19) 1497 ^sy vb. yiv vb. XW '13 n. Xia adv. 'D8 vb. i# xnV'a n. XTOn. 'in vb. no'an num. nay vb. i# xnp n. n1?' vb. 'b prep. 30 adj. 2# yan vb. xyptf num. fat vb. ]1X pron. D'Sn adj. ]B prep. XTIl'SO n. nsy vb. n'X part. xpnnpp n. i# xnp n. xnap p n. nay vb. nax vb. 'in vb. i# xnrn n. 2# '10 vb. xw'n n. 'in vb. "1 ^3 pron. xpins n. 2# 'SO vb. x;?i? n. Ipl vb. xpnn n. 'Xlia adv. 1SX vb. 'XllV adv. bby vb. 8b(20) 8b(21) 8b(22) 8b(23) 8b(24) 8b(25) 8b(26) 8b(26; L1) 8b(27) 8b (28) 8b(30) 8b(31) 8b(32) 8b(32; V9) 8b(33) 8b (34) i# xbnip n. 3D adj. mbv n. lll'X pron. pnnn n. X'i'lS pron. W'1?P adj. mbv n. 'ya vb. nai vb. Dpn adj. xnapn n. nxnin' adj. 'X conj. '31 vb. '•nb interj. nsy vb. •73 vb. '31 prep. "I conj. Tin vb. 'bn vb. xrp'p n. 'Vna adj. X°?IB n? n. «]t' vb. xaix n. i# ino vb. *?Dp vb. W\> n. ir vb. 2# '13 adv. xnnio n. Xp.71'3 n. XSVx num. ini'l pron. 2# Xn'V'P n. i# xnb'a n. no vb. xnnira n. 'B adv. xytnx n. Xl'D n. 8b(34; V9) 8b(35) 8b(36) 8b(37) 8b(38) 8b(39) 8b(40) 8b(41) 8b(42) 8b(43) 8b (45) Bekhorot xni'31? n. 1# pbo vb. xriyasx n. Ipl vb. xriyra n. 1# X^»X n. XT3 n. Xpi n. 2# X^3n n. 2# ni»a vb. V?y vb. bVS vb. i# xnni n. Din vb. ins vb. V?y vb. 2# xnns* n. x;n'n n. Xn^B n. Xl'30 n. bop vb. xinp n. □31X adj. 'n pron. 1# XII n. i# nvn n. xnoa n. D31X adj. X711'31 n. xnyp n. X3'n adv. xxpni n. psi vb. xmn n. xnia n. i# xV'an n. '10 vb. i# xVan n. 2# nno vb. 'nna prep. XliSO n. XTll'Sp n. Xp part.
Bekhorot 1498 Babylonian Talmud 9a(l) 9a(2; M) 9a(3) 9a(4) 9a(6) 9a(7) 9a(7; V9) 9a(8) 9b(7) 9b(13) 9b(14) 9b(22) 10a(14) 10a(37) 1la(2) lla(2;L') lla(5) i# ■nv vb. 'yna '3 n. xna n. Wn. Dip vb. «6 adv. 3# 'JJ? vb. X1SJ? n. D'SX1? prep. '»p vb. 'ypa '3 n. "V prep. X!3j? xap adv. 2# 'ta vb. xsn? n. Wt vb. '30 pron. pns vb. K^l? n. n'X part. X$>'» n. 2tn vb. 11JT vb. 1# X13 n. XTinta n. XJ7JT n. XtilDS n. lla(9; MGN302:4,HG3 299:15) lla(ll) X'3T n. xrisVn n. lla(51) iT31 iT3'0 adv. llb(2) llb(4) llb(7) llb(8) llb(13) llb(33) 12a(17) ntoy vb. nna vb. ma vb. 1# Xnaa n. xnis n. 2# 'SB vb. X3"T n. 1# 'ytf vb. I'rn vb. 'DB vb. 1# x'Pipn n. xnipn adv. 12a(18). 12a(33) 12a(49) 12b(7) 12b(15) 12b(21) 13a(29) 13a(31) 13b(14) 13b(35) 13b(44) 14a(23) 14b(17) 15a(5) 15a(37) 16a(26) 16a(40) 16b(ll) 16b(12) 17a(5) 17a(13) 17a(22) 17b(10) 18a(20) 18a(24) 18a(28) 18a(29) 18a(33) 18a(39) 18a(41) 18a(42) 18b(35) 18b(46) 18b(48) )V3 conj. U.T1 vb. "nnSX prep. 'TH pron. nWT adj. 1# 'Xa pron. n»3 adv. i# xnna n. pm vb. T vb. -T 'T"X conj. pOSvb. IT3 adj. 1# "1»8 vb. ]"y vb. Xni3"! n. x^n n. xnna adv. 31p vb. Dip vb. xtf'pn n. 1# *?3X vb. KrisV'n n. X0J1X n. X^T n. i# nna vb. 1# '3 conj. V?y vb. XB'Xn XB'X n. p:a'T adv. lX^ adv. Xtfna adv. i# xn'asa n. T% prep. xsio n. Hlfl pron. 'Tl pron. 'T1? prep. 'Da vb. V!t vb. oyn'a pron. J1S vb. I1?' vb. 19a(l) 19b(27) 19b(44) 20a(3) 20a(24) 20a(28) 20a(34) 20a(36) 20b(26) 20b(27) 20b(28) 21b(ll) 21b(ll; V 21b(20) 21b(24) 23a(12) 23b(9) 23b(24) 23b(32) 23b(33) 23b(34) 24a(5) 24a(17) 24a(18) 24a(36) 24b(7) 24b(24) 25a(2) 25a(3) 25a(5) 25a(31) iratf adj. rpatp adj. TO'J pron. i# xnnix n. 1# '3 conj. «]3D vb. xnniina n. «]3B vb. xnaa n. i\Sf pron. "1 'T'X conj. Hi]? prep. yaya vb. XOTn. i# xriyn n. X.'jn n. 9) -vsy vb. xnVx n. 13a vb. i# natf vb. yr vb. 'ao vb. JOB? n. 1# XJ^S n. xVl3 pron. XpTS n. ]a 13 prep. D13 vb. X?'.nx pron. xnaibs n. Drn vb. "1"! pron. xV adv. 1? prep. yatf vb. Drn vb. WS vb. xnaioa n. xri'TJ n. pin vb. xa? xai' n. .Tttfn p'Cffl n. ITJ vb. 25b(19) 25b(27) 25b(28) 25b (45) 25b(46) 25b(47) 26a(25) 26a(32) 26b(l) 26b(28) 27a(6) 27a(7) 27a(9) 27a(10) 27a(15) 27a(16) 27a(17) 27a(22) 27a(24) 27a(28) 27a(80) 27b(l) 28b(2) 28b(6) 28b(7) 28b(Il) 28b(26) 28b(31; V9) 29a(6) 29a(10) i# nnn vb. 1# V?n vb. psa vb. 1# )XB pron. X31OT n. nxtfso adj. 1»n vb. X3TT n. nap vb. aJX prep. xaia n. naa vb. Vsa vb. inf adj. xn-vna n. "PX pron. i# 'n» vb. i# nnx vb. Tao adj- i# ^n vb. 'nx vb. xntfnp n. xftn n. i# 'an vb. x Vin n. i# 'an vb. xVpa n. (-)rl'^ part. 1# XB8 n. 1# btX vb. 2# xanx n. 1# pVo vb. '3B vb. 'nx vb. ttn vb. 1#. XWp n. vro vb. i# xnjw n. Xbbsa adv. 2# xana n. i# yaa vb. n»n vb. 1# Vptf vb. Babylonian Talmud 1499 Bekhorot 29b(10) 29b(13) 29b(14) 29b(16) 29b(25) 29b(32) 30a(l) 30a(5) 30a(6) 30a(7) 30a(21) 30a(23) 30a(26) 30a(29) 30a(32) 30a(33) 30b(35) 31a(12) 31a(13) 31a(14) 31a(14; L 31a(15) 31a(16) 31a(30) 31b(10) 31b(17) 31b(18) fpn vb. ya» vb. nos vb. xrinan n. ppn vb. XBB3 n. xrao n. XBDX n. ■1 na3 prep. 1# XWS n. 1# Dip vb. XliJBX n. 1# 'ni vb. pnnn n. xnao n. i# mv vb. -n naa prep. 1# XW3 n. xri"nixn adj. ttn vb. Ttn vb. ttn vb. nxna'no adj. Tan adj. 'nx vb. i# xna n. 1# XTH n. 1# 'JTX vb. nax vb. noa vb, l"y vb. nnx vb. '33 prep. VVy vb. xnytf n. XJ1T n. ') i# nop vb. lioV adv. XJTO'OT n. xny n. 1# '3D vb. 2# '3V7 vb. xrnix n. 31b(20) 31b(23) 31b(46) 32a(22) 32a(23) 32a(27) 32b(16) 32b(21) 32b(22) 32b(24) 33a(30) 33b(33) 34b(ll) 34b(15) 34b(37) 35a(17) 35a(31) 35a(34) 35a(35) 35a(36) 35a(38) 35a(43) 35a(44) 35b(4) 35b(22) 35b(27) 35b(33) 35b(38) 36a(l; V9) 36a(7) 36a(8) 36a(19) 36a(20) xmanp n. xjpno n. ypy vb. N31?5? "■ ny vb. '33 vb. "X1? adv. '3B vb. ]3/! ^3 adv. XVI pron. xnaiy n. pns vb. xnn'p n. 1# 1X3 adv. nj? prep. pa» vb. S 'Xa pron. i# nno vb. 113 vb. Bp3 vb. n,no vb. nan vb. ma pron. xnyx n. "3 prep. x;n: a n. i# xna'x n. 'ys vb. xayp n. 'ys vb. xaai1? n. mo vb. pa» vb. xaii1? n. xnny n. xaia n. intn n. i# pi vb. sroo n. n»3 vb. i# xnaia n. nax vb. i# xnnix n. 36a(23) 36a(28) 36a(32) 36a(33) 36a(34) 36a(48) 36a(53) 36b(l) 36b(3) 36b(8) 36b(ll) 36b(12) 36b(14; L 36b(15) 36b(16) 36b(21) 36b(24) 37a(5) 37a(7) 37a(30) 37a(32) 37a(33) 37b(4) 37b(42) 38a(10) 38a(31) 38b(l) 38b(9; V 38b(28) 38b(56) 39a(4) 39a(15) 39a(18) 39a(24) ma vb. Httn n. xaia n. i# xnaia n. nna prep. yra vb. XflB'tV n. 2# 'Va vb. ipt vb. 1# ->lt vb. mt vb. nnn vb. xnra adj. XJ^'1? n. i# xnan n. ttn vb. ') np»a vb. nn vb. 2# osn vb. XJX pron. an' vb. 1'Sqadj. xnwn '?n adv. 'nx vb. lias prep. nso vb. nos vb. "1IX1? 'X conj. 'in vb. "'jn'a prep. pna vb. mt vb. xna'n n. 'ao vb. xn'?n n. xn? adj. ') 2# pna adj. i# xry n. ^X n. XHDn. 1# 'OX vb. ^ya vb. KflB'to n. 39a(42) 39b(30) 40a(32) non vb. T113 vb. pno vb. b'as; adj. 40a(44; Ar [AC 7:44]F) D31X adj. 1# XJTS n. 40a(45; Ar [AC 8:131]) 40b(16) 40b(20) 41a(8) 41a(10) 41a(28) 41a(30) 41a(34) 41a(41; V9) 41a(43) 41a(46) 41b(5) 41b(13) 42a(31) 42b (9) 42b(24) 42b (3 6) 43a(3) 43a(ll) 43a(25) 43a(33) 43a(34) 43a(46) 43b(2) 43b(7) 43b(8) 43b(9) 43b(ll) 43b(12) i# ons vb. ISt vb. D'Vs adj. T1? adJ- 1'Bp adj. 'ye vb. 'ya vb. nxrri' adj. Dno vb. 2# na vb. tf'n? adj. 'in pron. pn vb. oxa vb. naa vb. psa vb. xnna adj. 'BO vb. ttn vb. 1# '3» vb. ynp vb. X3,n adv. nnn pron. 1'Tn pron. I1?' vb. X3H adv. 'n pron. i# nn num. i# V?n vb. X^SX n. xn'^nia n. xns'1? n. X?pB n. XO'S n. can vb.
Bekhorot 1500 Babylonian Talmud 43b(13) 43b(16) 43b (29) 43b(39) 44a(21) 44a(22) 44a(23) 44a(24) 44a(25) 44a(26) 44a(27) 1# T1K adj. D'atf adj. x-npnp n. i# Tin vb. 133 adv. xrmiona n. sn^s^aa n. b&i vb. xnritfa n. Kims n. xri'VaVaa n. xn'iiona n. xnviwa n. "T1 pron. 'in vb. ISp vb. X113tf* n. fai vb. 44a(29; L1) 2# Til vb. 1# X2'y n. 44a(30) 1# XB'I n. tf'Bl adj. 44a(31) XaiTlln. 44a(43) KHJ n. TKin adj. 44a(50) Dai vb. ipy vb. 44a(5i) xrrnrn n. '1^'ya prep. 44b(9) T1X vb. 44b(10) 111 vb. x^i'i n. 44b(ll) JJllvb. 44b(12) m pron. N13iy n. 44b(13) 3# XT1 n. ]30 vb. 44b(i4) i# xrian n. ]TV& vb. 44b(15) xpVy n. 44b(15; Ar [AC ib.]) xpny n. 44b(27) 1# XTIB n. 44b(27; Ar [AC ib.]) XTia '3 n. 44b(29) 2# XO'l n. 1# X'lrf? adv. 44b(29; MGL 294:15) 2# 'Btf vb. 44b(36; MAr [AC 5:296]) xbl n. 45a(18; Ar [AC 4:92]) 45a(19) 45a(38) 45a(46) 45b(4) 45b(5) 45b(10) 45b(19) 45b(20) 45b(27) 45b(28) 45b(29) 45b(30) 45b(36) 45b(37) 45b(55; V 45b(57) 46a(5) 46a(7) 46a(8) 46b(ll) 1# «p» vb. ptO vb. Ktfl'K n. X3n n. ■T 'T'N conj. "1D11 adj. ma vb. KTfiM n. i# xnp n. 1# xmtf n. i# 'ytf vb. X?3tf num. Vin vb. xrvrarn? n. Knma n. D31X adj. TIJ adj. 1P11V adj. I# Ti'll n. Til adj. paio n. D'aw adj. '10 adj. ') Xiy. pron. '3lV prep. m vb. 'Pill 'l?a "• Til vb. y»B vb. pn vb. 1# '10 vb. PBI vb. 46b(34) 47a(55) 47b(ll) 48a(9) 48a(16) 48a(19) 48a(24) nan vb. Vy3 vb. 1# 'y© vb. •nyti vb. xrua n. 1# pVo vb. H'K pron. '03'1 n. 48a(27; V8) Dip vb. 48b(25) 48b(26) 48b(40) 49a(2) 49b(3) 49b(25) 49b(3I) 49b(32) '13'a adv. '03'1 n. JU'X pron. 1# 2~\y vb. TH vb. Xiri3 n. 1B3 vb. "I X3'ri ^3 conj. '13y#8 n. i# nxriy n. XTj'1 n. nxOTIO adj. 49b(32;MGN28:l) XTJTO'X n. 50a(l) Xll'T n. xrnin xrntp adj. 50a(l; MGN 28:2L') 50a(3) 50a(5) 50a(7) 50a(9) 50a(ll) 50a(19) 50a(20) 50a(25) 50a(26) 50a(32) 50b(23) 50b(24) 50b(26) «]'# adj. XJ11JTO num. XpiT n. '5? adj. JU'X pron. x^pna n. xri'nixi adj. xjrt>p n. XTpl'p n. Tfl? adj. 10' vb. xron n. XlDl'P n. 2# Kyt3'0 n. i# np vb. tT3 adj. XIII n. 51a(l) 51b(7) 51b(16) 51b(17) 51b(18) 51b(19) 51b(26) 51b(27) 52b(l) 52b(2) 53a(36) 53b(4) 53b(7) 54a(12) 54a(13) 54b(34) 55a(8) 55a(46) 55a(47; V9) 55a(48) 55b(l) 55b(2) 55b(9) 55b(ll) 55b(16) 56b(l) 56b(10) 56b(12) 56b(15) 57a(12) 57a(14) 57a(15) 57b(l) 57b(14) 57b(15) 57b(36) Kill n. T9 adj. psi vb. «]V' vb. Vn vb. 1# VlX vb. i# -nn vb. lai vb. #'3 adj. Oyi'a pron. 1# X"lp n. 1# '3 conj. 2# XI13B n. xn1??^ n. 'BBl^tf n. i# xnix n. xaia n. xyiy n. "7 V3 pron. xrrnixi adj. i# xry n. »V# vb. 1# X31?? n. xrnya n. xriroi n. XrHTJT n. 'Via adj. 2# xry n. XaVlD n. 2# XB'3 n. xinp n. xxsa n. -fay vb. XCTTp n. 1# Xy/IT n. i# xrnix n. TO vb. IB vb. i# xaV? n. 'Vya adj. i# ntf vb. 1I1B adj. Tin adj. Babylonian Talmud 1501 Arakhin 57b(37) 58a(7) 58a(13) 58a(17) 58a(20) 58a(28) 58a(29) 58a(31) 58a(35) 5 8b (24) 59a(14) 59a(15) 59b(10) 60a(8) 60a(12) V?X adj. vy adj. 1# 'Xa pron. 1# 0TB vb. y*?p vb. Dip vb. 3Xn. ion vb. XT31 n. Tiy adv. xrnpp n. Dip vb. OJlllb prep. TO vb. 'in vb. T13 vb. xbin n. '31 vb. 60a(12; Rashi, §M) 60a(27) 60a(30) 60b(33) 60b(37) 61a(16) 61a(23) 61a(29) 61a(35) 2# ']» vb. 1# '3 conj. m_ num. xr?ia n. X'TX n. xwy n. 'IB pron. 31 '31 XIB'O n. Vsi vb. nny vb. i# nax vb. Arakhin 2b(l) 3a(32) 3b(8) 4a(44) 4b(49) 5a(15) 5a(31) 5a(39) 5b(5) 5b(13) ■W vb. 130 vb. 3in vb. 13 interj. fl'X part. xrnp '3 n. Ryn n. Vhp vb. pis vb. X3'^ part. 1# ']» vb. i# xrra n. 5b(15) 6a(ll) 6a(12) 6a(33) 6a(35) 6a(41) 6b(l) 6b(2) 6b(15) 6b(16) 6b(18) 6b(21) 7a(17) 7a(31) 7a(41) 7a(42) 7a(43) 7b(7) 7b(18) 8b(4) 8b(10) 9a(l) 9a(5) 9a(15) 9a(16) 9a(19) 9b(12) 9b(21) 9b(24) xn»,i adv. 1# Tin vb. xriisVa n. X11D n. X/n3TW adv. xriinnx n. mv vb. 'oy vb. nap adv. 'ys vb. XTO'13 tn)'2 n. Xj?'jp adj. 311 vb. KllP n. Xlffl n. 2# '1p vb. XT3 n. xais n. XSU n. 2# Xrll'n n. X^'13 adv. X'n pron. "1 conj. X0131S n. 2# xni»n n. xro'p n. 'Xri 'Vl3 adv. 1# XrilS n. XTI'O n. Dip vb. 'J13X adv. XI1T n. 'V» adj. TSn adj. 'TO1? prep. Xin pron. 'in vb. -nyix 1XV prep. 'in:3V prep. 13y vb. XD"p n. xr;ia n. my n. 10a(2) 10b(25) 10b(28) 10b(46; 1 'inb prep. Dip vb. ]1X pron. '^0 adj. 1# kV]7 n. \r [AC 3:240]) ximi n. 10b(46; Ar [AC 2:350]) lla(7;L lla(10) lla(44) llb(30) llb(41) llb(42) xVsp n. ') xaiu n. D03 vb. 1# Xbp n. X3il adv. xrii'3'y n. 'N nvii 'i'a n. 2# "pa vb. X"ii3'?i xrr'w n. llb(51) llb(52) llb(53) 12a(14) 12a(17) 12a(24) 12a(29) 12a(30) 12a(33) 12a(35) 12b(3) 12b(4) 12b(5; O 12b(7) 12b(18) 12b(19) 12b(20) 1# 'HI vb. X3©3 Xyt31X n. X^'X n. X^'X n. xsnin n. 3nn vb. xyti3ip n. xyt3?> num. ipi.n num. 1# 'Xa pron. 1# "hi vb. Dip vb. npanx num. xV?i' n. WIS vb. Xy,13» n. 4) Xyt13B n. xV?i' n. xV"3i' n. ~\oyy num. 1# 1J> vb. 1# 'Vl vb. ny prep. xjrae; n. i# nn vb. nvn vb. 13a(6) 13a(6; M) 13a(25) 13b(35) 14a(l) " 14a(5) 14a(7) 14a(ll) 14a(44) 14b(26) X3 adv. 1# pVo vb. 1? prep. 1# xn? n. '?3 adj. "1 '1"X conj. 1# DDp vb. I'Bp adj. 1# X^p n. 111X 31X prep. xraix n. mp vb. lXb adv. 31X prep. pis vb. xViS'W n. 14b(26;V10) iy prep. 15a(17) 15b(35) 15b(43; M; 15b (48) 15b(49) 15b(50) 1# Dll vb. xssin n.. KlVp n. 'y3 vb. "1 conj. W'3 adj. Xl^'V n. X1U n. pBl vb. 15b(50; MGL 382:3) 15b(51) 15b(52) 16a(3) 16a(6) 16a(7) 16a(8) XJllO n. xssin n. (-)ri'b part. xna n. '3 prep. i# xn3n n. 1# XJ'StpiX n. 1# Wx vb. XpTO n. 113 vb. me vb. 16a(9; MGL 383:16) 16a(13) XOilX n. 01X vb. i# vbn vb. Wv vb.
Arakhin 1502 Babylonian Talmud 16a(14) 16a(54) 16b(l) 16b (24) 16b(29) 16b(30) 16b(37) 16b(38) 16b(41) 16b(42) 16b (46) 16b(54) 17a(9) 17a(10) 17a(21) 17b(3) 17b (7) 17b (8) 18a(46) 18b (5) 18b(32) 18b (3 6) 19a(2) 19a(4) 19a(4; O4) 19a(4; V10 19a(20) vix vb. Dip vb. xyrxs adv. X'oni33 adv. T1X adj. 'Dm '311 adv. 1# Xjni n. ~b OH interj. «]03 vb. NTO'SII n. i# loa vb. 1# "Jl'31 n. 110 vb. 'XIpX adv. XriTB n. xnvVjra n. 1# XII n. 'Vya adj. snin'j n. 1# '31 vb. X3W1 n. oya vb. '» vb. 2#Vptt? vb. Xpl'5 n. XpT? n. )p! vb. nns vb. Dip vb. XnD n. 30 adj. xa'p n. [X"i], Rashi) xnns n. XTn/Nini V? pron. 19a(21) 19a(22) 19a(25) 19a(26) 19a(37) 19a(42) 2# xietd n. Vis vb. xsatf n. 1# Htf vb. pn vb. TB? adj. 1# 'SB vb. 19b(27) 19b(28) 19b(35) 19b(36) 19b(43) 19b(46) 19b(47) 20a(l) 20a(8) 20a(13) 20a(54) 20b(l) 20b(3) 20b(14) 21a(7) 21a(26) 21a(28) 21a(37) 21b(4) 21b(22) 21b(23) 21b(25) 21b(33) 22a(13) 22a(17) 22a(21) 22a(23) 22a(28) 22a(30) 1# xriV'8 n. XIIWO'K n. 1# 'XI pron. KJPX n. i# nn: vb. V'T adj. D'3» adj. XJ1B1X n. 1# '3 n. 1# 1BX vb. 'J'3 'J'3 adv. 2# mti vb. i# lax vb. xja'i n. i# lax vb. xjiaix n. i# xrnix n. 313 vb. 1# 1BX vb. xrfr'a «iVa v.n. D'Vs adj. tya vb. ps: vb. yvs vb. Dip vb. "T1 pron. 133 vb. IX1? adv. 'XI vb. xjnia n. i# ioa vb. 'oy vb. 'SI vb. °?D3 vb. n'3 adj. ybi vb. 3D adj. KSfoj? n. 1# 1#B vb. xjiia n. 2# pSD vb. Xri'3'1 n. xnrax n. 22a(31) 22a(33) 22a(44) 22a(48) 22a(49) 22a(50) 22a(52) 22a(53) 22b(7) 22b(10) 22b(30) 22b(31) p3» vb. nm vb. ppi vb. ]1'3 conj. ]'3 prep. xjiia n. 103 vb. XP'ia adv. ppT vb. '03'} n. Xp3tf n. T3? n. rati vb. xriatf n. i# xrn n. 1# bll vb. 1D3 vb. pm vb. ppt vb. 22b(31; HP 121:18) 22b(33) 23a(33) 23a(34) 23a(35) 23a(36) 23a(37) 23a(39) 23b(5) 23b(6) 23b(16) 23b(19) 23b(25) 24a(8) 24b(2) 24b(26) 25a(2) 25a(3) DX conj. 1# Xlptf n. xrff? n. Kri3W13 n. 2# X31J7 n. X311X n. 30: vb. i# nn vb. 1BX prep. liD1? adv. Kffl'JS n. 13JW vb. «)1» vb. i3ytr; vb. BhJ vb. Xj7 part. Xbpil n. IDS vb. "?XW vb. '3t vb. Xm(l)3 n. JH1 vb. X'1H3 adv. 25a(26) 26a(9) 26a(32) 26a(34) 27a(l) 27a(31) 27a(34) 27b(15) 27b(30) 27b(36) 28a(l8) 28a(20) 28a(40) 28b(25) 29a(20) 29a(21) 29a(22) 29a(24) 29a(25) 29a(29) 29a(30) 29a(38) 29b(ll) 29b(31) 29b (34) 29b(35) 29b(38) 30a(l) 30a(8) 30a(9) 30a(42) 30b(2) 30b(3) 30b(27) '3X}3 n. 2# X11K7 n. XJ'3D n. y?3 adv. XI'n. »TI vb. mx vb. 33n vb. 1# '3D vb. 'XBX conj. ]'Dp adj. "p'lilS prep. Din vb. )1W01 n. 2# Xffl'n n. Din vb. Vpl vb. xrnria n. 13? vb. X33'X n. 'Tn vb. (-)'apa prep. xim n. Din vb. i# V?n vb. 1# X11J n. 1# '1» vb. D01S vb. Drin adv. xVpVpn n. XJJplpa n. tfpip vb. 13T vb. ynv vb. XJ'3I n. XJ'3I n. 1# XTT13 n. X133J? n. xiin n. ip' vb. X3'X part. 1# X;"lp n. yu vb. Babylonian Talmud 1503 Temura 30b(27; O4) 30b(27) 30b(27; O4) 30b(28) 30b(35) 30b(48) 31a(23) 31b(27) 31b(28; V10) 31b(33) 31b(34) 31b(42) 31b(47) 32a(31) 32b(5) 32b(6) 32b (22) ( 32b(47) 32b (48) 32b(49) 32b(51) 33a(14) 33a(15) 33a(27) 33a(37) 33a(39) 33b(48) 34a(l) 34a(2) 34a(3) Tern 2a(8; V9) 2a(28) 2b(28) 2b(29) 2b(37) ]3? vb. 11' vb. xri'3'1 n. «p' vb. J7BD vb. Xl"iy n. 1# X113'j; n. Dip vb. ]n» vb. 1# mi vb. XpT n. 1# X1137 n. 1# '31 vb. 2# D^n vb. XptfS n. "JYipi prep. 2# DVn vb. "I'apV prep. 1# ]11 vb. XIX' n. U'Vt pron. XJTDJ n. 1# Xlp n. xron n. xrira; n. Xja adv. i# -fin vb. by prep. 'ai vb. "13 prep. Dip vb. 2# obn vb. '"nb interj. 2# iriD vb. 2# 1J10 vb. 2# D^n vb. ura Ti? adj. pSl vb. •ia prep. vnp vb. na vb. DPS vb. 3a(5) 3a(23) 3b(39) 3b(43) 3b(45) 3b(46) 4a(3) 4b(l) 4b(13) 4b(35) Dip vb. Hlniy n. XW'1 n. 'P1? vb. jni vb. 1# 'JO vb. psi vb. xninix n. X11D3 n. 1XV adv. 1# '11 vb. 135? vb. 4b(37; Ar [AC 3:246]) 4b(37) 5a(2) 5b(17) 5b(40) 5b(41) 6a(33) 6b(16) 6b(18) 6b(19) 6b(21) 6b(37) 7a(9) 7a(19) 7a(32) 7a(43; M) 7a(44) 8a(22) 8a(23) 8b(20) 8b(26) xjain n. xib'b n. 13i> vb. xia'a n. X130 n. 'XI vb. tip vb. 2# X'^l-l'tf n. 2# MP vb. 2# X'^rtf "■ 1# pbo vb. 113 prep. Xri'3'1 n. XJ'^5? n. i# xrnix n. 1# '5?W vb. xaj;p n. X'jp'l n. Wt vb. 1# 'T3 vb. 2# 'Xa vb. 'm vb. xain n. 1# '1» vb. DVD vb. ia n. 8b(27; Seel 46:92) 8b(27) 8b(28) 1# XXB1X n. Xlip'3 n. 1# K1313 A. 8b (29) 8b(29; F§M) 8b(38) 8b(43) 9a(l) 9a(22; V10) 9a(28) 9a(33) 9b(8) 9b(14) 9b(17) 10a(25) 10b(2) 10b(4) 10b(33) 10b(34) 10b(44) lla(21) lla(40) lla(44) llb(30) llb(31) llb(40) 13b(8) 13b(9) 13b(10) 14a(16) 14a(41) 14a(44) 14b(7) 14b(14) 14b(15) 14b(16) 14b(43) 15b(5) 2# '13 vb. 1# ©Vn vb. mby n. n3' vb. "XV adv. xrxia n. ip'!a adj. 'ty vb. na vb. tip vb. na vb. ]'1'n pron. 1# in num. iil'a prep. 133 vb. V733 prep. 'X13X adv. DPI*? part. na vb. Vhp vb. Wlp vb. 2>1p vb. xrnria n. |'Vn pron. '31 n. i# nm vb. iJ'a prep. VIp vb. vm vb. 1# '31 vb. J>1J vb. "1 'Xa pron. 1# '31 vb. xrnis't n. 'ao vb. xnipx n. x:ajiina n. nin adj. ]"J? vb. XH1JX n. »TJ vb. 31p vb. 3ip vb. 15b(41) 15b(43) 15b(53) 16a(3) 16a(34) 16b(4) 16b(6) 17b (44) 18a(21; Ar 18a(21; V1 18a(42) 18b(16) 18b (44) 18b(45) 19b(21) 19b(31) 20a(19) 20a(21) 20a(35) 21a(3) 22a(19) 22a(39) 22b(23) 23b(37) 24a(l) 24a(29) 24a(39) 24a(40) 24b(16) 25a(19) 25a(21) 25b(3.9) 25b(43) 25b (46) 2# mti vb. S3'1? n. tsya vb. 1# XII n. 1X3 vb. X3'V n. xjiin n. Xni(l)3 n. iai vb. X1TD n. 1# X13 n. [AC 5:239]) Xl'lia n. °) XJia n. 'XIpX adv. XrillilDX n. 'I'lV prep. xrra adv. 1# ffl] vb. 'I'l? b3 pron. XS15 n. 1# 'Dn vb. 31p vb. 1X^33 adj. P'ni adj. 2# X';W'B n. 3XDB adj. Dip vb. linV adv. pit vb. 1# 'J?1 vb. X1TO n. XII'O n. xriK/np n. 1# '1W vb. 1# 'DD vb. XflOTp n. X^13 pron. i# xrnis n. Vin vb. 2# X'^W'W n. 2# ■j'ja vb. l"y vb.
Karetot 1504 Babylonian Talmud 26b(13) 26b(20) KW-h n. 1# VVn vb. 27a(14) "I X3TI Vp conj. 27a(15) 27a(27) 27b (20) 27b(27) 28a(21) 28b(2) 29a(6) 29a(18) 29a(19) 29a(20) 29b(2) 30a(7) 30a(8) 30a(29) 30a(31) 30b(2; M) 30b(14) 30b(15) 30b(55) 31a(ll) 31a(16) 31a(22; R.G. 31a(29; V11) 33a(34) 34a(13) 34a(17) 34a(19) 34a(32) Xl'Jl'n n. 'TOX adv. OW vb. bbp vb. OXa vb. X3T5 n. 1# XIB'X n. XB1X n. XfflDt n. 1# pVo vb. i# era vb. nXD'lB adj. nn'pxV adv. i# n» vb. X,l part. X3KJ'1? n. 1# X3V3 n. 'inV prep. xrpits n. DBt> vb. N"3?P n. XnS'3 n. 1# 13 vb. Xl'lfrt n. i# '3i vb. Nth'? n. X"V) V33 vb. njCIWB adj. "]SX vb. XnV'PB n. KT8 n. xrns'x n. 1# lVt> vb. 2# my vb. Karetot 2b(3) 2b(18) 2b(43) KJ"W n. Vin vb. DID vb. 3a(29) 3a(31) 3a(56) 3a(57) 3b(5) 3b(10) 1X3 vb. 1X3 vb. XB113X n. •no vb. DlV3 XV adv. yv vb. xra n. 3b(10; ENA 2093/6) 3b(20) 3b(21) 3b(28; O 3b(28; Ar 3b(31) 3b(37) 3b(50) 3b(61) 4a(12) 4a(29) 4a(34) 4a(40) 4a(41) 4a(42) 4a(44) 4a(60) 4b(18) 4b(30) 4b(42) 4b(43) 4b(52) 5a(4) 5a(17) 5a(21; F) 5a(27) 5a(37) 5a(43) 5a(46) 5a(49) xppiip n. 1# 'Bl vb. "V"! pron. '§M) X3313 n. On; part. [AC 4:252]) 1# X33 n. X3313 n. XP'pn n. 01! adj. X1131 n. X3ipy n. ibx vb. irra adj. xbVix n. "|1S vb. I'TH pron. l"?' vb. X3TS n. 'Tin pron. pntt? vb. inx vb. TQn adj. Xtf'pn n. 1XV adv. Djra vb. ]'Vn pron. in' vb. Tja prep. "|1D vb. 'yX'a3 adv. T1X vb. □DD vb. 2# IDp vb. 2# 3iy vb. 5b (7) 5b(20; Ed) 5b(28) 5b(30) 5b(31) 5b(33) 5b(52) 5b(53) 5b(54) 6a(2) 6a(3) 6a(4) 6a(5) 6a(8) 6a(8; Ar [AC xnpn'j n. XII1? n. i# nm vb. xapisx n. 'PI adj. »'!2>p adj. Dip vb. 1# iVa vb. 1# XJV3 n. Xp'il adv. 1# Xp'T n. 3t>3 vb. i# pVo vb. X31P n. KPiV n. 'J?3 vb. yv vb. 1# "J^a vb. xiin3 n. Xpp'J? n. 2# nVx vb. 1# '31 vb. [aw vb. i# xniix n. 1# XJT3 n. X13n n. ps: vb. V?y vb. IDti vb. i# t>Vn vb. i# nn vb. xV}B n. yyi vb. Xja'O n. xrii? n. 1# KpV'D n. 4# Xlp n. X'311 n. Km tf'l n. 'in vb. (TPp prep. xjisn n. 3:29]) 6a(10) 6a(H) 6a(12) 6a(13) 6a(13; V9) 6b(26) 6b(30) 6b(41) 7a(19; V10) 7a(27) 7a(43) 31 7a(47) 7a(48) 7a(49) 7a(50) 8a(3) 8a(4) 8a(34) 8a(49) 8a(50) 8b(l) 2# 11 vb. 1# 013 vb. 1# '3 conj. i# xirn n. by prep. xV adv. i# i»a vb. xnVp'p n. mymv n. xnyais; n. X319X n. 3p adj. xxnn n. Xrai3 n. '1? adj- loin num. "XV adv. ■px vb. 'yX'B '3 n. 'yX'BS adv. 1# VVn vb. nxpn n. '31 XID'O n. XTfhp n. xrew n. 1S3 vb. i# xfrb n. i# xxaix n. p:n vb. ma vb. xarn n. xrn'p'y n. p03 vb. Xptf n. p3E> vb. n'3t> adj. yjs vb. XJP'T n. X31»n n. 3in vb. 110 adv. 1# 1,1D vb. IDS vb. 1505 Babylonian Talmud 8b(28) 8b(29) 9a(44) 9b(10) 10a(7) 10a(9) 10a(18) 10a(21) 10a(25) 10a(28) 10a(31) 10a(32) 10a(35) 10b(23) 10b (24) 10b(25) 10b(28) 10b(33) IK/3 vb. V?y vb. xVin n. i# nt> vb. 2# •'by vb. 1# T1X, adj. i# 'Va vb. 1# xVlp n. Iff "?3D vb. "xV adv. E?'r adj. '3B pron. nXBip adj. OV© vb. '3B vb. Xlp'yB adv. oin vb. X3am n. ilB3 adv. xjn'i num. XJJ31X num. xnons n. 'nx vb. xjnx niix n. XJ73'1 num. lla(10;Ibn Janah 106:11) ip3 vb. lla(21; MGL 557:8) lla(21; FV9) lla(34) llb(l) 1 lb(28) 1 lb(29) llb(31) 1 lb(43) 1 lb(44) llb(47) 12a(30) 12b(10) 12b(48) 12b(51) 13a(38) 1# '3fc> vb. 1# '3W vb. -TlV prep. 'BO vb. pntf vb. W13 vb. xriyxa n. 110 adv. pTO vb. "IP prep. X113"! n. OT3 vb. XTlV'DX n. POD vb. iVpX conj. 13a(43) 13b(9) 13b(32) 13b(34) 13b(35) 13b(41) 13b(42) 14a(8) 14a(24) 14a(28) 14a(34) 14a(37) 14a(39) 14a(51) 15a(25) 15a(34) 17a(9) 17b(24) 18a(12) 18a(23) 18a(31) 18b(17) 18b(27) 18b(31) 18b(40) 19a(23) 19b(21) 19b(48) 19b(49) 20a(23) 20a(24) 20a(27) 21a(9) 21a(12) 21a(14) 1P0 vb. 3'lp adj. Xi'piD n. xtj'3 n. X3D XBi' n. 1# 'Bl vb. 31 '3 n. 'T vb. 10' vb. 'X13XB adv. 'X13 adv. )1J3 prep. 1# 'Vb vb. 2# X'13'?> n. 1# 'IX vb. XTl'13 n. J7'?h adj. VlBBX prep. Xin pron. XSS'X n. 1# 5>3p vb. xniypp n. "1 conj. 'M pron. T\1H pron. yv vb. 1S3 vb. xnnix n. ]J31 n. V3X conj. XlBJ n. yac> vb. x:r?> n. "iri3 prep. p31> vb. -ay vb. xrawna n. i# inx vb. D5?1'B pron. XiriS adj. xVVs n. nxaip adj. XV?3 n. 21a(16) 21a(23) 21a(37) 21a(37; V9) 21b(l) 21b(2) 21b(7) 21b(30) 22a(21) 22a(22; V10) 22a(41) 22b(21) 22b(27) 22b(28) 23a(48) 23a(50; V10) 23b(15) 23b(22) nxanp adj. 130 vb. Xp'SO n. 'It! adj. i# nni vb. i# 'Va vb. 3t>n vb. 'sn vb. 'B adv. i# nn vb. 2# lit; vb. 'M pron. XC>'pn n. 1# XTI13 n. rn adj. X1H pron. XJl'ViS n. 2# 'Vl vb. 'lin pron. 23b(35) "1 XITJ3 conj. 24a(7) 24a(18) 24a(19) 24a (40) 24a(41) 25a(l) 25a(44) 25a(46) 25b(38) 25b(47) 26b(2) 26b(7) 26b(ll) 27a(8) 27a(22) yv vb. 1S3 vb. 031 vb. l# '3 n. ]'Vri pron. mx vb. HXBip adj. i# 'on vb. 2# jni vb. 303 vb. yv vb. 3X1 vb. in vb. 1BX vb. 1# Xlp n. •IXBip adj. 'lin pron. I1?' vb. yi' vb. yi' vb. mo vb. 133 vb. ion vb. Me'ila 27a(24) 13';n pron. 27a(26) 2# n3t> vb. 27b(30) IpVin adv. 1S3 vb. Vyo vb. 27b(43) 2# '3y vb. 27b(44) OlS vb. 28a(38) ipria adj. 130 vb. 28a(41) Vinvb. xric>np n. 28a(43) "XV adv. 28b(8) 1# XIB'X n. Xn? n. n3' vb. xripVa n. 28b(9) in vb. xmoVa n. 28b(10) X3W n. p0D vb. Xinitf n. xVxpt; n. 28b(ll; Oxf, heb. b.10) X01S1BS n. Me 'ila 2a(17) 2a(20) 3a(9) 4a(7) 4b(4; O4) 7a(8) 7b(16; M) 7b(17) 8a(l) 8b(7) 9a(3) 9b(7) 9b(18) 9b(30) 10a(9) p3n vb. xVl3 pron. ■|1X vb. 1# in num. 13'B prep. 2# 'V3 vb. plT vb. yo vb. 2# '3,1 vb. yxp vb. xVl'l n. 'XI vb. Vbp vb. Tfl; adj. XOTa n. 'H'3 pron. 1S3 vb. isn vb.
Tamid xii3'x n lla(5) pOS vb llb(32) Obpvb. llb(33) XrpBDXn. 12a(18) jmtf vb. 12a(26) nn'bpart. Xlp'ya adv. 12b(6) Dip vb. 14a(13) 1# bpe? vb. 14a(15) 130 vb. 14a(22) 313 vb. 14b(ll) '33 vb. 1# '31 vb. by prep. 14b(15) "1 conj. 14b(16) bya vb. 15b(36) -Jjan pron. 16a(ll) Dm vb. I6a(12) 1# «]1X vb. 16b(9) obp vb. 16b(13) 1# xnilS n. 16b(14; Ar [AC 3:7]) xpri n. 17b(18) bbyvb. Dip vb. 17b(l9) ID'pn. 17b(20; T-S Fl,l 45, Ar [AC 2:125]) 'TO vb. 17b(20;MGG 267:15) xix;. n. 17b(20) J1'3 conj. 17b(21) bxti vb. 17b(22) XJ3 '3 n. 17b(40) JU'Xpron. xnp'a ns/ia n. 17b(45) XlXr'n. 18a(23) Xtfnb n. nxyra adj. 18a(24) Xbaba n. 19a(10) 1# ntfa vb. tfp3 vb. 19a(20) XTlb? n. □33 vb. 1506 Babylonian Talmud 19a(21) 20a(21) 20b(l) 20b(2) 20b(13) 20b(15) 20b(20) 20b(21) 20b(24) 21a(l) 21a(23) 21a(24) 21b(5) 21b(6) 21b(ll) 21b(15) 21b(15; V10) 21b(16; V10) 21b(17) xnb? n. Dm vb. 2# "pa vb. xri'btf n. »3'X 13 n. i# xrirn n. 1# 1310 vb. XIS'X n. X3'b n. ms vb. 3K3 vb. ]Un. XJ13 n. xaon. laon. l??n. 1# XJ'y n. ipy vb. xnimbtf n. 131 vb. i# xiis n. xmbtf n. xsri'b n. 'nx vb. V?T vb. Nybo n. 2# X33 n. pOS vb. Tamid 26a(30) \# in num. 26b(2) ,133 vb. 26b(19) 2# 'IT vb. 'lin pron. 26b(21) xniT3 n. xraoxa n. 1# pbo vb. 26b(24) X33X n. 1D1T adj. 26b(26) 'xax conj. 27a(17; V10) XH11X n. 27a(19) (-)'SKb prep. 27a(38) ><?! vb. 27a(39) vis vb. 27a(52) 27b(8) 27b(15) 27b(28) 27b(36) 27b(37) 27b(38) 27b(46) 27b(47) 27b(48) 29b(13) 29b(16) 29b(23) 29b(24) 29b(25) 29b(29) 29b(30) 30a(l) 30a(2; V10) 30a(3) 1# 1133 vb. p05 vb. 1B3 adj. XDB3 n. 2# im n. ■pn vb. mp vb. 2# '"?3 vb. prn vb. i# nro vb. *]D# vb. On'b part. 1,S» vb. 2# xnnpsx n. Dyi'B "?3 pron. 1# D^D vb. ]a 13 prep. XD'H n. 2# DDp vb. xipn n. 2# ODp vb. 2# ODp vb. 2# DDp vb. 2# QDp vb. na pron. 13y vb. 2# Xb3H n. i# xnsx n. i# iii; vb. xir? n. 2# xiip n. 30a(3; Ar [AC 8:167] F) 30a(4) 31b(22) 31b(23) 32a(10) 32a(14) 32a(19) 32a(20) 2# X3113 n. 2# xbw n. pm vb. 1# nSD vb. X3.ll n. xxin n. '03 vb. 2# X'llb adv. xins n. 'xipx adv. bxtf vb. 32a(23) 32a(23; V10) 32a(24) 32a(26) 32a(3I) 32a(32) 32a(33) 32a(34) 32a(34; V10) J'TX pron. 1# np vb. D'?n adj. I'l'X pron. ITS pron. xn»ba n. Dm vb. tfj'X 13 n. i# in vb. Xri!3'D n. T. adj. XKPn. DJ? prep. xjtos? n. an' vb. 32a(35; V10) 32a(35) 32a(36) 32a(37) 32a(38) 32a(39) 32a(40) 32a(41) 32a(42) 32a(43) 32a(44) 32a(45) 32a(46) xa; 'ninj n. 1# pbo vb. 1? prep. xbl3 pron. Xirp adv. ins vb. ^3$ prep, xn part. X3D0 n. xjpbto n. 'K,' adj. (")n; part. X3T3 n. Xtfab n. »3b vb. TB adv. xnaba n. X31131X n. CT n. X3'3B n. X111S n. 'TO vb. xru'ip n. 1# VlX vb. POS vb. 1# '30 vb. 2# xian n. Babylonian Talmud 1507 Nidda 32a(47) 32a(48; V10) 32a(49) 32a(50) 32a(51) 32a(54; V10) 32b(l) 32b(4) 32b (5) 32b(6) 32b(7) 32b(8) 32b(8; V10) 32b(9) 32b(10) 32b(ll) 32b(12) 32b(13) 32b(14) nX3lb adj. X13H n. 1# K3J1B n. VIS vb. 1# IDp vb. XllS'p n. Dp3 vb. 'Da vb. xjina n. 13y vb. X1W? n. xsrn n. xan3 n. X33 n. 3n3 vb. xjina n. 'in vb. XW n. xnn'x n. I1?' vb. 1# bptf vb. nn' vb. 1# X3'3|B n. '1,13 prep. inn vb. XJlb'J n. irba adj. i# xrpra n. 'ID vb. 1# XSX n. 'bl vb. nns vb. 2# Xbp n. XIX pron. 3'OT adj. 3H' vb. 32b(14; Oxf., heb. d.24) 32b(15) 32b (16) 3'3J1X adj. Kflblbu n. "b'l pron. 32b(16; V10) X3H1 n. 32b(17) XSO? n. xnbjbii n. 32b(17; V 32b(18) 32b(19) 2a(16) 2b(l) 2b(13) 2b(15) 2b(23) 2b(24) 2b(25) 3a(28) 3a(31) 3a(45) 3b(3) 3b(45) 4a(30) 4b(30) 5b(27) 6a(22) 6b(10) 6b(ll) 6b(21) 6b(36) 6b(47) 7a(5) 7a(24) 7b(23) 8a(4) 8a(7) 8a(26) 8a(30) 10) xj'yi xbaba n. 1# Xl'y n. xa-n xito'3 n. inbx adv. b'bp adj. Nidda (-)n'V part. Dip vb. 'nx vb. xrnyi n. xntfn adv. 'in vb. i# pn vb. xabjra adv. my vb. xiyx n. 1'Xil pron. pi3 vb. Xjtf'b n. 1# 'Xn pron. XKJ'b n. x;a n. 2# pltf vb. i# mi? vb. nn vb. la 13 prep. X'rin pron. 2# Xlll n. 1# X13n n. 1# '31 vb. m»b n. bXtf vb. VI3'3 pron. 1# Xblp n. ins vb. i# 'na vb. Xll'O n. xixty n. xabix n. X1TD n. 1# Xl'S n. XSD'p n. 8a(31) 8a(38) 8b(l) 8b(2) 8b(12) 8b(15) 8b(37) 8b(42) 8b(45) 9a(l) Xp part. -]1X vb. X,l part. X31D adv. WVft adj. XnD'ff n. XSD'p n. i# xnii n. XSD'p n. l>Xp vb. X313T n. 1# TSp vb. i# mo vb. 9a(7) "| X3173 conj. 10b(7) 10b(9; gloss) 10b(29) 10b(40; M) 10b(42) lla(15) Ua(18) lla(23) lla(25) lla(33) lla(36) 12b(l) 12b(2) 12b(5) 12b(12) 12b(16) 'X conj. X31 n. xninj n. 1# D"0 vb. nns vb. p3' vb. V'V adj. X3W3 in n. 'in vb. i# ysp vb. i# Dia vb. 1# TSp vb. xrinx adj. X3©3 in.n. n'3 adj. 1# '3 conj. 2# '33 vb. '3110 n. Xn'3 '»3'X n. ian vb. -TlV prep. V?p vb. i# nn vb. 12b(17; HP 138:25) 12b(24) 13a(17) 13a(18) 13a(22) pS3 vb. bbp vb. ipy vb «p' vb xnyt; n 13a(35) Xbx conj. 13a(47) X13'X n. Xntf'33 <n)'3 n. X33TO n. 13a(52) xabx adv. nys vb. 13a(52;M) 101 vb. I3a(53) xrany;? n. 1# X^'b n. 13a(54) X31 n. 13a(56) T vb. 13b (2) 1# '13 vb. 13b(19) 303 vb. 13b(23) xmob n. 13b(24) n? vb- 13b(31) XniDbn. 13b (40) 1# p!3 vb. xni?n n. 13b(48) X03?'B n. 14a(4; V5Ar [AC 4:78]) 2# 13X vb. 14a(5) X,l pron. ]D1D vb. 14a(6) Tpl?X adv. 1# '33 vb. DlV vb. 14a(10) 1# 'bx vb. 14a(32) T vb. 14b(7) 1# n3W vb. I4b(l7) xnrnaiB'in. 15a(37) 1# 'Bl vb. 15a(42) X'^'S1?? adv. 15b(ll) "3vb. 16b(41) -IDb prep. 17a(7) 1# #313 vb. 17a(8) 2# 'V3 vb. 17a(8; V5Ar [AC 2:261],RaH) 2# XT3 n. 17a(8) X3T1 n. 17a(9; Ed) nilS adj. 17a(15) nnn vb. xbo n. | 11X vb.
Nidda 1508 Babylonian Talmud 17a(16) -RJXvb. 17a(17) l#Xnp'yn. 17a(18) XflB'Vpn. 17a(18; Ar [AC 4:226]) 2# '^3 vb. 17a(25) povb. 17a(28; MAr [AC 5:309]) nt»lM n. 17a(30) mvb. 17a(33) Dye vb. 17a(41) 2# xnVa n. xanns n. 17a(44) aJXprep. 2# 'JJ vb. 17a(46; Ar [AC 6:399]) NVipS n. 17a(47) 17a(49) 17a(50; M) 17b(13) 17b(I7) 17b(18) I8b(2) I8b(3) 18b(7) 18b(16) 19b(10) 19b(22) 20a(4) 20a(8) 20a(10) 20a(ll) Xjri'3 n. xaru n. '# 'i?ntf n. Xjn'S n. 1* 'Kjtf n. '31 adv. Ipl vb. Xtftfn n. ir vb. xnyatf n. xriy'jp n. xpiya n. Xp. part. «1^X vb. xjaix n. K?T? n. Xain. xni'i n. xmnnn n. xrnn?s n. xenip n. 20a(14; Ar [AC 6:40]) a"P adj. 20a(15) D31X adj. xy^'D adj. XW31? n. #3^ vb. ona vb. ynp vb. 20a(16) 1# xrillS n. 20a(17) D31X adj. 20a(21; Ar [AC 6:467]M) XTT13 n. 20a(34) 20a(38) 20a(39) 20a(47) 20a(50) 20a(51) 20b(2) 20b(3) 20b(4) 20b(5) 20b(6) 20b(9) 20b(17) 20b(18) 20b(20) 20b(29) 20b(31) '11 vb. 1# '31 vb. X3'V n. pay vb. XS1BX n. 1# XTJ n. X?'XB adj. XflS n. 'B1 vb. 1# 13y vb. i# 'an vb. 1# 'Vs vb. xnsox n. xntf'an? n. xcnip n. D'Sn adj. xriasrt n. 1# T1D vb, 'BD vb. xnurmry n. i# mi. vb. 'in vb. na pron. i# ;iro vb. Xp'SO n. 2# Xy3'D n. xna n. xain. nn vb. xain. 1X111' adj. 20b(31;Ar [AC 6:144]) i# xmp'np n. xra&p n. 20b(32) W vb. X3'1? n. xtfna adv. 20b(33) 20b(36) 20b(38) 20b(39) 20b(44) 20b(51) 20b(52) xain. 'in vb. XJIS'p n. xap adj. 1# '31 vb. '8D vb. vtin vb. 1# '31 vb. 'in vb. n3B vb. 20b(52; Ar [AC 6:330]) 13B vb. 21a(8) tf'^p adj. 21b(30; Ar [AC 3:277]) 1# XW n. 21b(44) 21b(45) 21b(46) 21b(47) 22a(25) 22a(30) 22a(31) 22b(21) 22b(22) 22b(24) 22b(28) 22b(44) 23a(l) 23a(12) 23a(33) 23a(35) 23a(35; Ar [AC 7:66]) XSIS'p n. 23a(44) K'lp n. 23a(48) -I0X vb. 'b?B adj. 24a(25) 1# xri"np n. 24a(40) xatys adv. 24b(16) l# x^p n. 24b(17) XiTBadv. 24b(18) XIID'X n. i# nno vb. i# 'Vs vb. 1# '"73 vb. ?T adj. 1# 'Vs vb. 2# any vb. 311 vb. i# xrnix n. Wipx adj. T?"? adj. As vb. tfnp vb. '33 vb. MS vb. X3T3 n. D31X adj. 1# XJTX n. *Hi? n. 24b(24) 24b(25) 24b(36) 24b(40) 24b(41) 25a(l; TGAs28 82:22) xirntfis n. ]'? prep, "n vb. VVS adj. nai vb. xayD n. non vb. ma vb. ma vb. 25a(2) 25a(42) 25a(48) 25a(50) 25b(25) 25b(29) xVt«1 n. 1# XSnn n. 1# Xlbs n. Dip vb. i# xnain n. XTStf n. tf'Vi? adj. XTStf n. 1# TO3 vb. 25b(29;MGL 317:1) xrni'i n. 25b(30) i# xiau n. 25b(44) i,tx pron. '3T vb. 26a(10) 2# X"13'# n. 26a(12) TDvb. 26a(13) O'SXb prep. 26a(13; Ar [AC 8:82]) in^tf vb. 26a (20) 26a(21; M) 26a(23) 26a(44) 26b(28; M) 26b(30) 26b(31; M) 26b(3I) 26b(35) 27a(35) 27a(40) 2# XJWn n. nno vb. 2# pfO vb. p31 vb. xriyatf n. 2# 'Va vb. i# bn vb. 'mvb. 1# KV? n. 'm vb. i# xriB'n n. mtf'3 adv. 'ninx prep. "|nx vb. 1509 Nidda 27b(16) 28a(ll) 28a(ll; Ar 28a(ll; Ar 28b(17) 29a(13) 29a(46) 29b(7) 29b(12) 29b(20) 29b(22) 29b(23) 30a(2) 30a(3) 30a(16) 30a(18) 30a(19) 30a(21) 30b(20) 30b(21) 30b(22) 30b(30) 31a(15) 31a(25) 31b(10) 31b(44) 32a(ll) 32a(34) 32a(38) 32b(7) 32b(9) 32b(27) 32b(38) 33a(35) 33a(45) «]]3 vb. Tin vb. [AC 6:299]) xnrs n. [AC 6:299]) xins* n. 'BD vb. (■)'SX3 prep. «|JB vb. wm vb. xan n. xrnix n. 1# "730 vb. XBB' n. #13 vb. '33 adj. 1# 'IX vb. rni adj. 1# "73D vb. '3B pron. nsy vb. XSSI n. XBOn. 1# 'ptf vb. X80 n. 1# V3p vb. y"D vb. nsn vb. 1# X31?? n. 1# xrf?'B n. 1# 'IP vb. 1# '31 vb. yaw vb. 'in vb. xoiya n. 1# '31 vb. 1.BD vb. xjann n. '3n adv. xnsV'n n. om vb. X'^3'1 n. 1# 130 vb. 33a(47) 33a(49) 33b(2) 33b(8) 33b(12) 33b(13) 33b(14) 33b(15) 33b(17) 33b(18) 33b(23) 33b(24) 33b(34) 34a(18) 34a(21) 34b(ll) 34b(12) XBl'1 KpB n. pm vb. Dip vb. xsnin n. 2# nno vb. i# xnwa^ n. na pron. xanis n. 1# blp vb. 3D adj. '11 vb. 1# 'B1 vb. i# 'an vb. xniyn n. 1# 'jSX vb. xp'SD n. xn'sn n. nu vb. KD1J n. 1X1 vb. 1# "73n vb. i# nno vb. 34b(35; M) BP3 vb. 34b(44) 35a(30) 35a(32) 35b(43) 36a(32) 36b(45) 36b(45; 36b(46) 36b(47) 36b(49) Til adj. \?TT vb. tfp: vb. ti?V vb. xnnx n. t*T! vb. xna^'n n. 1)13 prep. mi vb. mx vb. \r [AC 7:30]) y:x vb. "3 prep. 1# Tin vb. Xnp'^1 n. Xin pron. xnrpx n. 2# X^m n. xapn n. vbw vb. 36b(50) 36b(51) 37a(l) 37a(3) 37a(4) 37a(5) 37a(13) 37b(15) 37b(27) 37b(32) xnrpx n. XJ313 n. i# vbn vb. D'an adj. V?y vb. Tip adj. xniiit n. 1# I13X vb. ms vb. XDX n. 2# XniS n. 1# XD^9 n. 1# D1J vb. 2# nno vb. 1# #32 vb. P03 vb. 38a(35; Ar [AC 8:141]) 39a(18) 39a(46) 39b(6) 39b(8) 39b(ll) 39b(20) 40a(30) 40a(31) 40a(37) 40a(41) 41a(7) 41a(9) 41a(20) 41b(3) 42a(23) 42a(30) 42a(35) 42a(41) xnis'iff n. X^lpVp n. 'm vb. vwn vb. i# yap vb. pnv vb. '3B vb. xntoy num. xai' n. ^33 vb. 1# 'B1 vb. XnT B'l n. i# xnia'y n. i# xnis'y n. tp-1 vb. X/n311X adv. 'XB 'Xn adv. xVin n. ins vb. liy adv. nan vb. 1# Xpll n. '".if? interj. 1# V31D vb. nao vb. X^'l n. 42b(4) 42b(5) 42b(12) 42b(14) 42b(15) 42b(16) 42b(17) 43a(9) 43a*(20) 43a(21) 43a(29) 43a(38) 43b(47) 44a(28) 44a(31) 44a(42) 44b(2) 45a(6) 45a(7; M) 45b(19) 45b(22) 45b(27) 45b(30) 45b(41) 45b(42) 46a(44) 46a(47) 46b(6) 46b(26) 46b(40) 46b(48) 47a(6) 47a(8) 47a(12) no J adv. pi3 vb. "ma vb. i# nu? vb. XSU n. XlVl n. xnaiy n. 1# T11S vb. XMS n. 'xnaxa adv. i# mn vb. 1# DBn vb. ri'air; adj. X3tf'V n. ym vb. xnnx n. XJTOn adv. 'Vb adj. P'lDadj. HT vb. XDlSn? n. 1# VlX vb. 1# IIS vb. X33 n. «]'nn adj. 'ip1? prep. 1# xn"33 n. XJVyVp, n. pn vb. XS10 n. XS1J n. xn':na n. Vy3 vb. y"D vb. 'p1? vb. ]3311 adj. X^a'B n. nao vb. XJ/IB'1 n. i# yps vb. an 'a n. 47a(43; MGL 720:13) in' vb
Nidda 1510 Babylonian Talmud 47a(44; MGL 720:14) 47a(49) 47b(9) 47b(34) 47b(35) 47b(36) 48a(8) 48a(13) 48a(17) 48a(39) 48b(l) 48b(8) 50a(13) 50b(13) 50b(14) 50b(20) 51a(4) 51b(36) 51b(54) 51b(56) 52a(l) 52a(43) 52a(44) 52a(52) 52a(53) 52b(44) 52b(47) 53b(2) i# nxsiy n. ]pt vb. 30 adj. '1? adj. 2# '13 vb. tf'rO adj. l'»'t adv. xrflti'rD n. tim vb. xnina n. xprs n. iax vb. Ijn pron. 'Dt vb. 1# p*?0 vb. xnyatf n. in: vb. nana vb. i# ntf vb. 1# 'Xil pron. 'in vb. *rao n. xriiartf n. inx vb. 3# '13 vb. KJirn n. y?p vb. 2# fta vb. vix vb. Npl? n. 1# pbQ vb. 1# XIT1 n. xriyatf n. K^i1?? n. nx'fr: n. xraVa n. XJB'D n. Tp adj. Datf vb. '31 vb. xanli n. 1# TTO vb. 53b(14) 53b(25) 53b(26) 55a(8) 55a(23) 55a(44) 55b(ll) 55b(21) 55b(36) 55b(38) 55b(39) 55b(41) 56a(31; Ed) 56a(54) 56b(3) 56b(8) 56b(30) 56b(39) 56b(44) 57a(14) 57b(23) 57b(28) 57b(35) 57b(47) 57b(51) 58a(13) 58a(17) 58a(34) 58a(47) 59a(31) 59b(34) 59b(39) 59b(40) 59b(45) nny vb. XSp'tf n. XSp'tf n. ITS vb. NTW n. yiJ vb. x:';:a n. i# ni vb. xjarn n. bm vb. 'ao vb. 1# nXBlX adj. '5?3 vb. "7 conj. bm vb. ma vb. 'ao vb. 2# Xll'I n. ps: vb. XA13T n. 133 vb. 133 vb. Nip'O n. poia vb. ion vb. 'ao vb. 13 interj. y:x vb. ini vb. Ml vb. mi vb. ffjl vb. ip: vb. E/Jl vb. pin vb. yos vb. xnwa n. ],;jjrt> prep. 183 adv. 13y:'Xl adv. pm vb. X?'?V n. pm vb. 59b(46) 60a(2) 60a(20) 60b(13) xaVy n. □i: vb. y?p vb. '!" adj. 61a(21; Ar [AC 7:35]) 61a(24) 61a(45) 61a(46) 61a(47) 61a(48) 61b(15) 61b(18) 61b(19) 61b(21) XS? n. ibs vb. tf'a adj. inan pron. iao vb. xtfs: n. (-)n; part. '13'B adv. 30 adj. 1# p^O vb. xyrx n. in: vb. xa'ba n. xpin n. pn: vb. xiay n. i# 'ai vb. 61b(21;HGP53b:18) i# lax vb. 61b(21;HG3 391:34) 61b(22) 62a(13) pn: vb. xri'nixi adj. "18 prep. Xn'13'3 n. 62a(18; GC 114:8) 62a(19) 62a(20) 62a(21) 62a(22) Xnj n. XJ111 n. Tn i^ir? n. XJ^BX n. xa? 'nim n. xn':aia n. xapu n. i# mv vb. 62a(22; GCG 115:4) 62a(23) 62b(1) XnftjlB n. ps: vb. xsai n. Xl'pp n. 63a(4) 63a(12) 63a(13) 63a(20) 63a(33) 63a(49; Ed) 63b(41) 64a(9) 64a(17) 64b(36) 64b(45) 65a(6) 65a(14) 65a(20) 65b(4) 65b(20) 65b(20; Ed) 65b(24) 65b(29) 65b(30) 66a(20) xrnix n. oytJ vb. 1# ':y vb. 131 vb. X^>3n n. 'Da vb. ys» vb. 110a prep. 1# xft'b n. ll'a conj. 1# 'IX vb. xyix niix n. K3T1 n. an' vb. an' vb. 1X3 vb. nXJOipO adj. 1# bpti vb. ^>SX adj. »]in adj. i# nu vb. 2# 'aj vb. i# nn vb. X3TB n. 1# pbo vb. X?"?? '? "• 1# D"D vb. IDS vb. 66a(20; Ar [AC 2:12]) 66a(28) 66a(34) 1# lAa vb. nj?3 vb. "1 (')ria'X "73 conj. 66a(37) 66a(40) 66a(48) 66a(51) 66a(53) 66a(54) 2# '•?: vb. 'oni n. 131 vb. ian vb. xjn:a n. poy vb. 'oa vb. 33y vb. 66a(57; Ed,HG3 359:60) ian vb. 1511 Geonica 66b(l; TGAs42 162:14) 66b(2) 66b(6) 66b(6; HP 66b(19) 66b(22) 66b(23) 67a(3) 67a(6) 67a(7) 2# xVn n. fpn vb. 110 vb. IDp vb. TW vb. 137:6) 110 vb. «pn vb. i# xnVp n. nya vb. JO'? n. 'IPTI n. i# fsn vb. Xrr7'pi3 n. X13'l n. 67b(13) «1X conj. 67b(17;HPP 214:21) XJ1X n. 67b(17; V5M) 2# xn'lX n. 67b(20; MHP 136:19) nxViax n. 67b(44) 1# V3D vb. 67b(48) XJV3 'tfj'X n. 67b(49) 0"S vb. Xni1?! tf'l n. 67b(49; Ed, Rashi) 2# DDp vb. 68a(2; Ar [AC 4:102]) 68a(5) 68a(36) 68b(30) 68b(40) 69a(15) 69a(27) 69a(33) 69a(34) 69a(34; V xprrop n. i# nbv vb. (-)'SXa prep. pOS vb. ^n vb. nxnra n. Mb adv. 1# 'yi vb. xnVnix n. i# xia n. 5M) 2# ItfB vb. 69a(35) 69a(37) 69a(39) 69b(l) 70b(26) 70b(28; M) 71a(ll) 71a(13) 71a(14) 72b(36) 1# X3tfB n. «l'iy adj. ',TX pron. 1# Kft'1? n. xn pron. 1# 'JO vb. xniny'3 n. xins n. xmny'3 n. i# nax vb. 'SI vb. xraVn n. II. Geonic Writings 1 3:6 3:7 26:11 26:19 26:26 27:1 27:2 27:3 27:4 27:5 27:13 27:14 27:15 27:16 27:17 . Responsa Geonica xssp ira n. Til* vb. 2# 1OT vb. VY vb. i# xn:? n. 2# X3T0 n. 2# XaiX n. X31X n. xmiry n. is^in adv. ion vb. xmiry n. xpin n. 'xV'ya adv. xn':iry n. p31 vb. 2# X3T0 n. 2# X3T0 n. 2# X31'P n. 2# XaiX n. 110 vb. 27:18 27:19 27:21 28:10 28:11 29:15 30:15 31:20 31:24 32:8 32:9 32:11 37:12 45:8 45:12 63:15 78:7 78:10 78:12 78:14 x?p'y n. 2# xaix n. 110 vb. -|10 vb. p'OS adj. Vax conj. X1331 XtfSTD n. xrilp'13 n. 2# X3T0 n. 2# XSl'D n. 3T? n. 1# XJJ'P n. xri'iiry n. xri':iry n. xj?rx n. tVx vb. Xlll n. xn?1?':! n. k;jvh n. ]31 ]3 adv. xjrin n. xaw n. XBTO n. 83:7 84:16 97:2 98:13 101:22 101b:3 101b: 11 101b:16 102b:19 103:1 104:18 104:19 104:20 104b:3 105:10 112:12 119:23 119:24 119:25 121:16 nx'to 13 n. X^ll'S n. '!3 adv. XrSIB n. "1 conj. 'in vb. 1# p^D vb. XSlip'SX n. ';a vb. ""?"! pron. i# 'ran vb. p'ay adj. nxin n. K3'1? n. xpaiy n. p'ay adj. 2# 'J0 vb. jvy»p adv. i# xsyn n. 'pi^ '1i?D n- XKPX3 n. '13 adj. 1# 011 vb. 121:17 121:18 121:19 150:21 150:22 154:9 154:10 154:11 154:13 154:14 154:19 154:24 154:30 154:31 X33B n. 'l"7 vb. xripir n. VD3 vb. 1# 01J vb. 'ft vb. X33B n. ll'a conj. xriiarin n. DIE? vb. xa:u n. XV'TJ n. piiaa adj. Din vb. TTO vb. XM1J n. □in vb. 1# XXSTl n. Dip vb. XJl'Xn adv. Xril'TJ n 2# ]yo vb 1# 'lp vb
Ginze Kedem 1512 155:16 162:1 162:4 162:6 162:7 162:9 162:10 162:15 162:18 163:1 163:4 163:8 163:10 163:15 164:5 164:10 164:11 165:3 165:14 169:9 169:10 169:11 169:19 169:22 170:4 170:19 171:3 171:19 172:19 175:22 182:13 182:28 183:26 200:15 201:9 201:18 213:19 X33y n. xjip: n. 13X vb. xnun n. «1,P vb. p3t£? vb. xnun n. 3'1j? adj. Krrun n. xriun n. pern vb. xjtoj n. xruyp n. ps: vb. O^X adj. n»3 adv. «l^n vb. xriun n. xriun n. ixn vb. 'DB vb. XBi'l Xj'pS n. pDB vb. XBtf n. 1# 013 vb. XK/1TS n. xrisV'n n. X3in n. 1# XOTJ n. 11 conj. Ppn'tf n. IV n. 2# ipX adj. xriiyp n. XT B n. XJ©'1? n. ■Tirax n. 33 °?y «]X conj. xrrv n. nap vb. ma*? n. 2# XriTipSX n. xprnx n. 213:21 213:23 213:31 220:8 230:18 230:27 231:3 231:4 231:15 231:18 233:6 234:10 234:11 239:2 239:11 239:16 239:22 239:23 240:9 240:10 251:5 251:6 251:7 253:19 256:3 256:7 256:14 257:21 266:1 266:13 266:18 266:23 267:3 267:4 270:3 "1 conj. xprnx n. xp_ jsirni n. ian vb. xjiia n. 13ya adj. IDS vb. x:n:x pron. xias n. '3,1 adv. xruria n. I'PX vb. xran n. nap adv. '3 interj. ]'X part. OTJ adv. i# xsVn n. JUT vb. saaVn n. xaVa^n n. i# xsV'n n. 'B3 n. xrr'px n. *?S3 vb. X^lD'a n. xy,iia n. nnrax n. ^XW vb. Tin pron. xrrnno n. xsrntf n. dV adv. 3# any vb. lax vb. XpDS n. Via vb. 1# *pX vb. Dip vb. "1 conj. X013X n. nx'wa '?i n. XW'X n. 1 270:7 270:16 270:18 271:3 279:7 282:20 282:21 283:17 287:9 318:10 325:12 330:12 330:13 333:4 335:7 339:21 340:15 340:22 343:12 354:1 358:5 368:4 370:14 373:11 381:3 394:4 -na vb. «py vb. X°?T'X n. pin vb. 1# XID'p n. 1BX vb. xtpo tfn n. xrao n. 1# XJJ'D n. rf?3 &n n. 2# X111 n. DH adv. i# mx vb. 1# '1# vb. '03 vb. xrnop n. mu vb. nm vb. 'X conj. XJI'TJ n. i# 'm vb. X3 adv. 2# '3T vb. NJ"?P n. DpJ vb. 'ya vb. 1BX vb. □H adv. Ginze Kedem I 8:3 8:11 16:3 16:10 16:14 22:12 56:8 70:8 72:4 11 21:14 IV xpp1? n. XpO'S n. xtfia'tf n. ipill adj. w&nw n. XTB n. xptfs n. lay vb. 1# '33 vb. X3T1X n. 28:12 59:2 59:11 VI 74:12 'in vb. xarp n. 'xiiao n. ]331 n. 'Xiiao n. J331 n. paTOD n. Ginze Schechter 30b:9 32b:6 35:19 37:11 37:14 56b: 1 80:18 82b:6 179:19 188:11 296:2 297b: 1 311:3 312:12 313:6 313:14 314:4 314:13 314:15 314:16 315:19 315b:13 315b:14 330:18 409b: 11 412b:l 413:11 424b: 13 425:19 425b: 1 428b: 10 KTSy n. xaipn. 2ttbpV vb. DXaX n. xri»'33 m)'3 n. X33B n. xnapix n. xap adj. xnnn n. xraiix n. DX3X n. xn'rap n. Xfll'Dp n. DDn vb. 1# 003 vb. 1# '50 vb. "?sa vb. 3# rVO vb. xira n. 2# ~OV n. JXIO'J n. I'lmo n. 2# xnnp n. XIJ'B n. 2# ^ vb. 2# XT1B n. ran vb. xriup: n. XTOp: n. xriBpJ n. XSp adj. nXJJX'B adj. Xira adj. xirn adj. 1513 I§GF 429b:7 4:9 4:10 4:13 4:14 7:1 7:3 7:5 7:8 8:6 8:12 10:1 10:4 10:6 10:10 11:1 11:4 13:19 13:20 14:17 14:18 14:23 15:5 16:14 17:16 17:21 18:2 18:3 18:21 18:22 19:3 xira adj. iSgf xrfrw n. xrO'JlB BP1 n. r'y vb. ipS vb. Dip vb. 'in vb. i# np vb. v?m n. XTI'O n. xrpVn n. xibj n. X1J13 adj. xan n. yr'vb. xpnpi n. nxin n. mn vb. (l)'3'n '3 conj. xriytf n. ninVa adv. jVd vb. J^D vb. x;»uw n. ]Xiy adv. 1B0 vb. Xpi3J n. 1# pVo vb. xpir n. X1B3 n. Il'X part. xro^'i n. XrlTB n. pn vb. DPS vb. ^31 pron. Xp'SO n. D1S vb. x;an n. mn vb. i# inx vb. Dip vb. 19:4 19:9 19:10 19:13 19:14 19:17 19:18 20:11 20:16 20:17 21:14 21:15 21:16 22:2 22:11 22:12 23:14 24:6 24:7 25:5 25:14 25:21 26:1 26:6 26:19 27:9 27:11 27:20 28:12 28:22 29:7 29:8 29:10 29:14 29:16 29:19 29:20 30:1 mn vb. D11PB prep. PIS vb. X1B3 n. pn vb. 1# XTlV'B n. iri3 prep. xrnna n. i# xryrt n. 1# pVo vb. X3KVB n. Dptf vb. xniani n. xri3,?,ri n. D30 vb. (-)'Bp prep. xins n. yo vb. inn vb. 130 vb. XBVX adv. i# yap vb. pOS vb. XW1TD n. xnppa n. Dip vb. XTB n. i# xniix n. 1# Xri')13 n. Dp1? vb. X3B0 n. Xpl'S n. xriipr n. XrSID n. XJ1311 n. D'ya adj. inn vb. TStf adj. Dp1? vb. xnji"?s n. /TO part. xyas; n. xanp n. 30:4 30:10 30:13 30:15 30:17 30:18 31:1 31:3 31:4 31:7 31:20 32:1 32:3 32:4 32:5 32:7 32:8 32:9 32:12 33:1 33:7 33:9 33:14 33:21 33:23 34:1 34:2 34:3 34:10 34:14 34:18 35:8 35:17 1# p"?0 vb. Xnp'SO n. X1STO n. mJ7^ n. DISS vb. i# xrrna n. P3» vb. HW^b n. X3B0 n. IT11 adj. i# xniix n. xan n. mn vb. "71113 prep. X1BK) n. 'tn vb. X7130B n. no vb. 1J13 prep. xnian n. (-)'SX3 prep. i# inx vb. Vax conj. xraVn n. XpTS n. xriaoa n. XA30B n. xaa n. vrn conj. 3'©n adj. XBV 110 n. i# inx vb. awn prep. xr^y n. "?31 vb. i# inx vb. Dip vb. XP30B n. 2# D"© vb. D'»9 adj. 1# I^B vb. XBVX adv. xnp'?; n. 36:5 36:6 36:8 36:10 36:11 36:13 37:11 37:17 37:22 38:14 38:18 39:1 39:2 39:3 39:10 39:11 39:12 39:13 39:19 40:1 40:3 40:9 41:1 41:2 41:5 41:14 41:21 42:7 42:14 43:3 43:4 43:5 X^'V n. D'p adj. xriy;;p n. 1# XSX n. D'OT adj. mn vb. X3ap n. j"?B vb. 1# X^JID n. 1# XJJIO n. yia vb. piD vb. '©p vb. X»TI n. 1# Xlp n. xrisV'n n. TBI vb. i# xniix n. Dp1? vb. 1,331 '3 n. 'S "?y IX prep. 1? adv. 1,331 n. Iiy vb. 1# xri"13 n. xrippa n. X5JB?? n. xnpn n. inil pron. xrnna n. i# np vb. xron n. i# yap vb. (Vl'Vp. (Vl'Vp adv. i# yap vb. 1# 013 vb. 1,331 n. XliBX n 1331 n I'V'X pron pS3 vb 1# XnV'B n p'ay adj
iSgf 1514 43:6 43:8 43:9 43:18 43:19 44:2 44:3 44:11 44:13 44:14 44:15 44:17 44:19 44:20 45:3 45:11 46:18 46:19 46:20 47:2 47:3 47:10 47:11 48:1 48:4 49:19 49:21 50:1 50:11 50:12 50:13 51:20 51:22 51:23 52:3 52:7 52:8 B'j? adj. xjan n. XW n. xVlS1?'? n. 1# m» vb. X31B adv. Bip vb. mn vb. p'S? adj. Vs1?!) vb. '81 vb. 'S ^ »|X prep. ^Sbs vb. 'T vb. Xiaa n. (-)n'^? part. ^3X conj. 1# XjaiO n. DltiB prep. 1331 '3 n. linbs adv. snip n. pn vb. 2# n3ti vb. 11T1 adj. i# xivn? n. xnpia n. \>XV vb. xris^'n n. 1# XSX n. '3'n adv. X'^IB'l n. xra1?',-] n. tilB vb. 1# Xpn n. X$>3 n. inan pron. XtilTS n. X3H3X, pron. 1# XSX n. 1# Q"D vb. N?'1? n. BpV vb. 52:10 52:13 53:5 53:6 53:7 53:11 53:12 53:13 54:2 54:17 55:8 55:19 56:7 56:9 56:16 56:21 57:1 57:3 57:4 57:13 57:19 58:1 58:2 58:3 58:4 58:6 58:8 58:10 58:11 58:13 58:16 59:3 59:5 Bya vb. i# xrnix n. i# xnVa n. 1# Xpn n. i# xrrV'a n. '13'a '3 adv. xnpixx n. l# p"?D vb. ens vb. XB1S n. '01 vb. 130 vb. '83 adv. xia'a n. xiiax n. xrijrjp n. ti3tiB adj. 'no vb. Tin1?? adv. i# xpn n. ion vb. i# xntisti n. 113 vb. 1# Xirns n. tisn vb. pn vb. 'n'3 pron. xjtiip n. 2# X'W? n. xronix n. xnvn n. Xjrn's n. xnsi3x n. xnapix n. xnnanx n. ti'B3 adj. XtilTS n. DISb prep. by vb. mn vb. xiaa n. Btis vb. 1J138 prep. 59:6 59:13 59:15 59:17 60:2 60:9 60:13 60:15 60:18 61:3 61:14 61:18 62:1 62:2 62:3 62:11 62:13 62:14 62:16 62:17 63:1 63:2 63:4 63:6 63:10 63:17 64:8 64:11 65:9 66:11 66:13 66:15 66:16 1# 013 vb. Bp^> vb. "13 prep. n'X part. X3H adv. 1031; num. xiiax n. ,lX'ti3 'ST n. X3I13X pron. 1# XJ71T n. tytW n. 1113 prep. XlBti n. X31 adv. xnim n, i# nn3 vb. 1'Vx pron. 1# KIT n. xnyati n. no vb. tilS vb. xT'pn n. tiin vb. X^3n. XJit 13 n. Bya vb. X3'1? n. B'tiS adj. ms vb. xiaa n. 1# XOl'a n. 1# V3p vb. 3n' vb. xiaa n. xi3iy n. Xin? adv. 'SB adj. in? 84J- 1# '13 adv. 10' vb. xp'SO n. K,73 n. tiin vb. 67:1 67:2 67:3 67:4 68:12 69:6 69:10 69:11 69:16 69:17 69:18 70:1 71:6 71:7 71:8 71:11 71:12 71:16 71:18 72:4 72:7 72:8 72:9 72:11 72:17 72:19 73:7 73:16 73:17 73:18 74:3 x;pn n. nxin n. tiin vb. xap adj. 1331 n. 3# YJJ vb. 1# tiB3 vb. xxpiy n. 1# XTJ n. 10' vb. OlsV prep. pOS vb. X130 n. Xtill'B n. inan pron. i#'np vb. ]331 n. X31 n. Dip vb. 1# 11X vb. 1«'X pron. X130 n. ""W31 n- 'X1130 n. 1# y3p vb. 3J13 vb. xnpia n. 'X1130 n. 1# XlJ'y n. xnitin n. xrmtin n. Dli?: IP prepays vb. 1# XfltiSti n. XtifpB '3 n. i# np vb. XTI pron. '? Vy «]X prep. n'X part. b>3X conj. xniba tin n. xrnvia tin n. IBS vb. 1515 I§GF VJVUI1IV 74:4 74:10 74:13 75:4 75:15 75:19 76:3 77:15 78:10 78:13 78:14 78:15 78:17 78:18 79:10 79:11 80:6 80:10 80:15 81:2 81:8 81:9 81:11 83:2 83:14 84:1 84:6 84:13 85:9 85:14 85:16 85:17 86:5 86:6 86:9 86:11 86:16 87:1 XM'Jia tin n. (-)'ap prep. 1# RTJ n. Dpti vb. 1# *nn vb. xiaa n. tilB vb. xniVa tin n. 1J13 prep. 1# 'ip vb. 1?31 n. Xti'l n. 13 conj. 131 vb. '3X vb. '3X vb. ti'tip adj. X'l pron. pm vb. oip vb. 133 vb. i# y3p vb. i# xrirna n. 1'pTS1? adv. Jil3 vb. i# xrn'na n. nX'ti3 13 n. -B 131? prep. i# "(m vb. 133 vb. X31T13 n. 1# 3D© vb. fi3X pron. tilS vb. Xti'l n. -|1X vb. (-)rm1? prep. XBtin. 1# "fin vb. xniatin n. xsin. xnyti n. xri'nix n. 87:2 87:5 87:18 87:21 87:23 88:1 88:7 88:11 88:12 88:14 89:5 89:6 89:7 89:8 89:9 89:15 90:5 90:14 90:18 90:19 90:21 91:2 91:3 91:11 91:15 92:5 92:6 92:7 92:15 92:16 92:17 92:18 rro vb. xiati n. 1# XXllp n. llXn. ^iVx n. •ffS n. XpriO'19 n. 1# I^B vb. liOS1? adv. xnrna tin n. i# xnrna n. (P'D'H '3 conj. «]33 vb. 13 ]Q prep. Xms'j'B n. 1031X num. xriiDVa n. xriw n. 1'V'X pron. X^13 pron. i# xns'na n. a'js vb. 1713 prep. i# -]bn vb. xn» n. HB3 adv. i# ysp vb. fBV adj. X^J'l n. 'ltf vb. -1 'j'Xin conj. xrnVa »'i n. XW'l n. X'jfl n. xri^a en n. 1# J?3p vb. xrn"?a tfn n. X^a'l n. 1331 n. piy vb. 1# X3X n. i# xniix n. 1331 n. 93:1 93:4 93:5 93:10 93:12 93:15 94:1 94:2 94:3 94:6 94:13 95:1 95:2 95:3 95:4 95:5 95:10 96:12 96:14 96:15 97:1 97:3 97:4 97:7 97:8 97:9 97:13 97:14 98:3 X3mx pron. (-)'Bj?a prep. 5>3B vb. DlpJ? prep. x^an n. x"?a'i n. 1"» vb. ana vb. xnrriB tin n. rfr? n. 2# XB3'na n. i# nn vb. ni vb. i# xinna n. na vb. X3Ty n. xiati n. •?D3 vb. V1X vb. yV3 vb. VD3 vb. xni'ia n. X33tia n. 1# ~l"?» vb. X3ti3 XJJ31X n. V"?P? n- X33tia n'3 n. H3B n. 10X vb. X331 n. xra^a tin n. *7Bp vb. HX'ti3 n. 1# 33ti vb. 10X vb. nx^33 adj. 1# Xflti'33 n. 'XIW^ 13 n. Xpl3J n. □no vb. 'X1130 n. X311 n. 1!'0 n. 98:4 98:9 98:11 98:13 98:14 98:17 99:1 99:3 99:8 99:11 99:12 99:15 99:16 102:4 102:13 102:14 102:15 102:16 103:1 103:2 103:3 103:7 103:8 103:10 103:12 103:13 104:5 104:6 104:7 104:8 104:9 104:10 104:11 105:4 105:11 X33n. fpn vb. l'Vp? n. llXn. xriiVa tin n. XSJft n. Xfltin. i# xrn'na n. i# xra'ra n. "?3' vb. i# yap vb. 131 vb. 3n' vb. 1# XTITJIB n. Xpl'S n. xri;na n. xrina n. xniain n. 3ia n. i# i^a vb. inn vb. ,lX'ti3 '31 n. i# nn vb. i# xna'na n. 1# I^B vb. 1# ^-\p vb. X?n3 n. X13 adj. 31? n. x;;ati n. 131 vb. nx'ti3 n. i# iVa vb. 31B n. i# nm vb. nx'ti3 n. nB3 adv. «]33 vb. i# xra'na n. lX'ti3 n. IBS vb. xnti n XsVx num
iSgs 105:12 2#1,13vb. 105:13 Tl'Xpart. 105:14 1# Tin vb. xnp n. 105:15 T12adj. 133 adv. 106:2 1# Yffl vb. 106:16 J7Bvb. 106:17 Xm7JP'1n. 107:2 jnnvb. 107:7 318 n. 107:9 X3'X part. 107:10 l?Bvb. 109:16 I3ivb. 109:19 an' vb. 109:20 2# 2ND vb. 109:21 nm vb. 110:2 mvivb. 110:3 IBOa prep. 110:7 Ttfvb. 110:9 yovb. 1# XOTA n. xmpr n. 310 n. 110:11 xnoixn. 131 vb. '31 vb. 111:2 ,1Xfi3* n. 111:4 111:5 111:6 111:8 111:9 111:11 111:13 111:14 112:1 112:2 112:5 112:10 liD1? adv. «]J3 vb. 1# '1p vb. 310 n. 1# '01 vb. 130 vb. xrirrio tfn n. yn vb. ITbx adv. xjnrn n. i# i>o vb. 31Bn. i# nn3 vb. X13 13 n. X3"1 n. 112:11 112:13 112:14 113:2 115:1 115:2 115:7 115:18 116:17 116:19 116:21 117:4 117:5 117:6 117:12 117:14 117:15 117:16 X33 n. 'XI vb. 2# xyTJ n. 1071'© num. 310 n. xrui7s n. TBO vb. 1# T>0 vb. 2# 7171 vb. '30 vb. 100 vb. 703 vb. T'tf vb. 030 vb. ]3ai '33 n. TJX n. T'tf vb. I??T 'J? n. 117:18 118:14 118:17 118:18 118:20 119:15 119:16 120:15 120:16 120:18 X^ity n. i# xna'ra n. inx vb. 2# 7171 vb. pati vb. xrij'io n. i# xrnvia n. 717X n. Xa^P n. 310 n. j:ai 'js n. 1# XII n. 31 adj. 120:22 1# pp vb. 120:23 7H1 vb. 121:1 (-)'ap1? prep. 121:3 1113 prep. 121:7 O'SpVprep. xrixp* n. 121:8 'ltfvb. 121:10 XJTy n. 121:15 O'OpOprep. xmyi n. 121:16 (-)rp part. 121:17 13T vb. 1516 '3T vb. 122:1 J73Xvb. Xll'tfa n. 122:2 X^3 adv. iSGS 13:18 20:2 25:21 26:12 34:13 57:15 64:5 69:18 87:3 92:16 93:7 97:8 97:9 Tin vb. ipj? vb. Dip vb. xroeo n. T13 adj. X$?n. 17' vb. 'Xli30 n. 7D3 vb. nx'iw '3i n. xrjup^tf n. Bp3 vb. Xtittax n. NDGR 22:28 60:12 65:11 66:9 84:5 87:1 95:4 95:21 97:17 98:23 102:1 2# X311 n. 1# XB'tfB n. IIS vb. 11B vb. 37n vb. 'tfO'tf '3 n. 2# ,DE> vb. tf'Vp adj. 113 vb. XSB'tf n. 1X013 n. «]B» vb. 103:1 Tjyvb. 159:15 Ipllladj. 160:4 J7B vb. 160:5 TJ'vb. xiin: n. 161:1 xrnainn. 163:2 -ITin vb. 164:7 Xp'nitf n. 164:8 1# XM3 n. 180:12 WXIllJn. '3113 n. 199:6 XW',1 n. Geonic Writings 225:2 113 vb. 225:3 XBBte n. 225:11 XT»n. 226:2 xail n. 226:3 'ip vb. 226:5 2# X3H n. mv n. 226:7 XJD"BO n. K3'5? n. 227:3 tf'B3 adj. 227:4 X011 n. 227:16 tf'BJadj. 234:6 2# TOti vb. 235:3 «pn vb. 1# yjJ vb. 236:2 (7)i>j? (7)'Vp adv. 236:5 XpflOl n. 237:7 f'lS adj. 240:8 X3B1X n. X3Sp n. OHTBerakhot 6:24 B'P adj. 12:11 XJV3ltfOn. 30:9 1# p70 vb. 33:19 XJV3XBl?Xn. 34:5 38:7 46:2 46:4 46:6 46:7 46:8 46:12 46:14 76:9 85:24 91:16 128:17 xrjujn n. xrirrio e>n n. X1BX n. HXip adj. ppl vb. 1DX vb. ppl vb. 10X vb. 1# X3B3 n. «]S3 vb. «)S3 vb. iri^X adv. XDP3X n. J3T3 n. '/XOrpI X1111331 n. 129:25 B'yB adj. 130:2 D'yo adj. 1517 OHP Berakhot VJVUinv 130:22 130:23 138:26 P33 vb. 1# IBp vb. xain n. 3# Xllp n. BBp vb. 'B1 vb. IpTDtf n. OHP Berakhot 9:17 28:24 38:24 42:26 45:22 61:19 nisn. IBS vb. 1331 n. 1331 n. XpO'S n. X13 X13TO1 X3"?n n. 61:20 63:8 86:25 88:4 88:5 91:7 91:8 92:3 92:21 93:1 93:10 95:21 99:13 105:12 108:7 108:15 X13 X131tf n. XTO'B n. Xa013 n. X30'^ n. 331X3 n. i# xri'i n. i# xinna n. 77X Vb. 77X vb. 0'3iyi X3313 n. '1XX1 X3313 n. yi' vb. XJV32 n. 311 vb. 'in vb. 1# 013 vb. N"?3'p n. 331 vb. XpnO'1 n. 1# XIT'n n. XlV'P n. OHT Sabbat 7:10 16:26 34:22 39:6 50:17 56:10 xnpu n. proa adj. xVl3'3 n. X110 n. X11X '3 n. xriy^n n. 64:10 64:11 64:12 64:13 66:10 69:20 73:26 73:27 73:28 74:1 74:2 74:3 74:8 74:14 75:14 76:5 76:18 77:16 89:5 97:23 98:3 98:5 98:6 101:29 118:13 126:8 127:16 151:22 151:24 172:8 1# XTI3 n. XmiB n. 2# 7373 vb. XJ113 n. i# xVa n. XV'2I n. 2# 7373 vb. Xpl'n n. Dap vb. 'B1 vb. 13J7 vb. nno vb. 1# XSX n. i# xrfna n. 13J? vb. 17p vb. Xjn'p n. xnVtf n. 1# XSX n. i# xjiVjo n. 1# XSX n. 1# xrf?JB n. 1# XSX n. Xrfr'lt; n. i# xns'na n. ipill adj. 1331 n. 1# Kill n. 1# 'SO vb. X13iy n. 2# lit? vb. 1# 'OX vb. Xnpi3 n. X110O n. piy vb. XVIIS n. 1# «]B3 vb. 1# XI13 n. XTllTp n. XJllTp n. Xy3'p n. OHP Sabbat 2:11 1# XpOB n. 39:17 46:22 48:14 49:32 50:17 59:14 74:10 77:14 X11B1 X3BW n. X7X7piITI n. DTI vb. KTl'1 n. 1# 'IS vb. XX3t» n. 1# X015 n. xnoip'Vn n. i# xjnoi n. OHT Eruvin 28:1 31:3 31:4 31:23 72:21 76:14 X11H3 n. xriiVna n. -|10 vb. □n adv. xnapix n. XJIl'IW n. OHP Eruvin 103:6 105:3 X3H11 n. 3# X133 n. OHT Pesahim 17:15 18:1 18:4 18:6 18:7 22:26 29:15 31:14 32:7 36:20 36:24 49:1 53:31 54:14 54:16 83:24 84:9 84:13 84:17 84:20 2# X333 n. Xp"1B n. 17' vb. p,13B adj. iVso n. Xp"1B n. XpSD n. 1# mi vb. X0113 n. xrivp n. 33'1S3 n. JJTO3 n. XT33B n. XO'niO n. Tin adj. xyiatf n. 1B1I1 adj. xn"7B n. Xr)"7B n. US vb. 2# np vb. 2# xVsd n. 2# X'jSD n. 2# Up vb. 84:24 113 vb. 2# lip vb. 84:26 1# 7SB vb. 84:30 X1T'7B n. 104:20 XflV'SB n. 107:21 XI? adj. 107:23 K13adj. 108:20 xpsp n. 129:30 XTO13 n. OHT Rosh Hashana 12:20 Xnp n. 22:22 tqf> n. 29:9 lU'iyp adj. 35:26 ma vb. 36:7 1# Xlia'y n. 40:25 Tin adj. 42:14 N!?apn. OHT Yoma 10:6 rj'3 adj. xny';p n. 10:7 xnnarix n. 10:23 2# 111 vb. 34:2 Xixn n. OHTSukka 17:9 XliBX n. 57:26 X3313 n. OHTBesa 34:8 1321 n. 34:11 1331 n. 38:1 2# XniTO n. OHT Ta 'anit 25:2 XT'B n. XBl'S n. 35:23 1# XOI'J n. 37:11 '.113 n. OHTMegilla 7:4 nXOIJ n. XSB't? n 7:6 1X013 n 7:10 1J711T adj 18:11 1331 n 43:1 '^0 adj
OHT Mo'ed Qatan 1518 Geonic Writings 43:19 1# X0T3 n. 49:3 Xffl3"T n. snia vb. 52:23 1# 013 vb. 52:25 KflVpa n. 53:18 Nnpirn. 53:19 ■•bvb. 54:8 i]B vb. 59:22 XKha'tf n. 66:18 XniOSXn. OHT Mo'ed Qatan 21:4 KJIS'XIX n. 23:27 xpriS' n. 24:10 XJIU'H n. xpTIS' n. 24:11 'in vb. 24:12 NJTr?rn n. OHT Hagiga 21:1 X3T1 n. 31:2 1# rrxb"1?,? adv. 31:3 2# X^ip n. OZ/r K?vamo< 2:12 RTiruon. 19:20 xTBn. 39:7 nxpiS adj. 39:10 XJlSipn. 39:12 XfftiaXn. 39:19 l#-f?»vb. 61 1B1H adj. 68:1 vtiS vb. 71:4 Xnil'.Tn. 71:10 ripwin. 71:11 2#bapvb. 71:12 xrvmsn. 71:13 1# XOT3 n. 71:15 xa$7B n. TB» adj. 72:12 K3J77 n. 73:4 xbVjb n. 78:2 Dp1? vb. 103:21 DXSXvb. 112:21 Xffl'pVp n. 133:3 nxnpron. I 156:13 l#XJTBn. 161:21 X13iyn. 175:15 KJHn- 196:22 XSJVS n. 201:3 l#XT3n. Nfj"? n. TBS adj. 209:16 xroiln. 209:19 onivb. 213:4 X31 n. 213:5 X'31D3n. 215:27 xnpu n. 237:28 1# X1'3 n. 238:6 W73 vb. 240:9 XTO? n. 241:12 xiiax n. OHP Yevamot 270:17 -inVxadv. OHTKetubbot 29:8 n?X n. 39:6 XDap n. 55:22 XOiaiO n. 69:11 Kpapn. 134:4 1# XSX n. 162:2 xna n. 162:6 1# xin n. W'tfp adj. 162:7 vxarpi xiii ijai n. 198:18 XI3?n. 198:26 2# XniX n. 198:34 2# XniX n. 201:22 XfOTISn. 201:23 X>33n. 212:26 nVpenn. 212:27 X3J13 n. 212:28 Xp3S2/U n. 212:29 XfilBin n. 212:30 xrnsy n. 213:5 XP'l n. 213:9 l#xri3'rian. 'lti vb. 213:10 l#'33vb. 218:3 224:11 224:12 224:15 230:30 230:31 281:13 298:2 298:3 315:3 315:6 315:7 315:10 321:18 321:20 H3'B '3 adv. x'?x "■ xtoib adj. xjain n. snj vb. X^pl' n. S>D' vb. xpns' n. xripib n. POS vb. nt vb. xiin: n. xmb's n. xnpu n. xnpu n. proa adj. XTO n. OHP Ketubbot 4:6 54:17 54:22 57:22 60:27 1# Xpn n. xnpu n. xnpu n. xnpu n. xaao n. OHT Nedarim Intr 8, n. 3 1# 013 vb. 20:19 23:2 30:6 35:12 35:15 tin adj. Xli.13 n. xnpu n. pn vb. X713T7 n. OHP Nedarim 84:23 XT1X n. 84:428 XT1X n. OH Sola 270:26 X3'l 13 n. 270:38 NlTO'Sy. n. 271:1 XTO^p-I/XSVa-I X33 n. OHT Gittin 9:9 xiBT n. 9:12 X3Xa n. 11:9 '11 vb. 12:7 NpO'T n. 37:8 X3rD n. 44:24 1# nxaiX adj. 114:27 3#H1?avb. 120:14 B'^n adj. 120:15 B'JTB adj. 152:19 XpD'S n. X^3'p n. 152:24 piy vb. 152:26 X^3'p n. 197:25 X113 n. Xjti'V n. 197:26 1# 113 vb. 3*73 vb. 200:19 l#XTJn. 204:13 rtTO n. OHP Gittin 241:5 2#XUltfn. 242:28 xpB3 n. 1:11 xrisinp n. 38:8 XIHIX n. xionx n. 67:22 XpW3 adv. 71:15 xrt'3pX n. 72:2 1# T1X vb. 85:11 XmiDa n. 199:10 1# XS'pI n. 3VX vb. 199:11 3*?Xvb. OHT Bava Qamma 7:25 1# X01J n. XTO'1? n. 8:22 X11X n. 11:22 il'll adj. 14:5 XJ^'V n. 26:7 XSTO n. 94:6 ,1X013 n. 97:26 X33'K/ n. 110:18 '03 vb. OHP Bava Qamma 127:19 irra adj. 127:24 2# Xn'3S3 n. OHT Bava Mesi'a 8:31 Til adj. 1519 OHP Bava Mesi'a VJVUI11V 27:1 1101X1 n. '113'a n. OHP Bava Mesi'a 3:16 HXIJS'B adj. OH Sanhedrin 181:19 203:33 204:1 393:27 28:16 28:19 105b: 13 548:16 570b:9 583:2 583:3 589b:2 591b:ll 601b:l 605:18 605b:2 634:8 634b: 1 15:3 15:4 16:3 16:6 22:4 22:13 22:18 22:21 23:4 23:10 23:11 23:12 23:23 24:1 24:33 Blp vb. mn vb. X»3# n. XW3W n. xniiitfa n. TaSl ■\r\-\ vb. x:nn n. xijnipi xnn n. xnris n. no: vb. xrrrn n. 113 vb. no vb. x"?31p n. 1# Xpn n. 1# X11T n. xVlpV'p n. x^iipi xmi n. xnou n. X1V13 n. TGAs27 X1131 n. X1131 n. ina vb. x;ya n. 2# y?n vb. (-)mi1? prep. XJTIBB n. linV? adv. xniBB n. ino vb. 1# XBtflp n. xriiarin n. xrirnai x?3 n. x;pn n. Xjna n. xrvfr'ps n. 25:25 27:22 28:9 29:1 30:2 30:4 33:13 33:14 33:15 33:16 33:17 33:18 33:19 p'OS adj. XJtt'l n. xrnps n. 1# pVo vb. i# Tan vb. X3J73 n. nxna* n. Xlia'X n. TI13 adj. Tnj adj. X311? n. 1# '3© vb. xiVsVpa n. xnjratf n. "n vb. xriiani n. xnjn norra n. xriuarna n. i# xraip n. n^3 tin n. XKhia tin n. '/XBTO"! XTH 1331 n. 33:22 35:29 36:16 37:3 45:13 65:20 66:14 68:12 68:26 69:3 69:11 71:15 74:16 74:17 92:30 1 96:1 XpTS tin n. n1?? n. p31^ vb. nxin n. pm vb. 1D1I adj. XplOS n. DH adv. xVns n. Xay"'! conj. xnax n. xjain n. xniojis n. nmtis n. 1331 n. xrnsjra n. 2# xins n. XpTS n. X3313 n. XpTOTn. TGAs28 3:5 3:7 3:10 5:27 5:28 6:10 6:28 6:29 7:25 8:24 8b:3 10:28 12:18 12:19 15:13 15b:2 15b:4 15b:5 16:9 16:13 16:14 17:20 17:21 17:22 19:13 21:29 22:24 22b: 10 22b: 14 22b: 15 23:25 23b:4 23b:6 23b:9 23b: 14 XW n. XJ1V13 n. Dip1? prep. Xra'Jiai X33 n. 'in vb. puy1? prep. 3# -pi: vb. XJ3'T n. IBS vb. XJiyi3» n. xri V'ja n. Dn adv. pOS vb. X3T"! n. X'lJadj. XJ'B n. 1# X^3 n. HXlDUadj. 1# x"?B3 n. 0313 vb. 1# Xp't n. bXti vb. ni3 vb. ■qsVin adv. i# xriVia n. XpO'S n. X37I3 n. XnT3'J? n. XXDX n. 'SB adj. 'in vb. i# n^a vb. xavp n. Xja'T n. 131 1? adv. bn vb. XSWffi? n. mti n. 1# Xlp# n. mti vb. Xja'I n. xriun n. 23b: 16 23b: 18 24:19 24:23 24:26 24:29 24b: 1 24b:7 24b:8 25:14 25:15 25:22 26:8 27:25 27:26 27:27 1# 27b:2 27b:5 27b:7 27b: 11 27b: 16 27b:18 27b:21 28:23 28b:9 28b: 17 29:18 29:22 30b:9. 30b: 16 1 30b: 19 f|Vn pron. '13»SB;X n. TD3 adj. '13»S1»X n. xnun n. xnun n. '13©S»X n. '?n adv. xriun n. aVx adj. '13BSE>X n. XJ111 n. i# xri'^x n. ^Vn pron. xmi? n. □no vb. '?x^i;, la n. i# xniix n. i# bpti vb. ]tib vb. □in vb. "1 ixa b3 pron. xVnp n. t\m vb. X31T3 n. X;TO'p n. XJTO'p n. am vb. x'jrip n. 1# p"?0 vb. xn^w n. X331 n. xnp'na tin n. Dip1? prep. "^Vn pron. X}'3T n. nxaip adj. ,1J?T3 n. □X3X n Wti vb X33'T n nyi'3 n xriips n
1520 Geonic Writings 31:21 31:25 31b:l 31b:4 32b:13 32b: 17 32b:18 33:27 33b:2 33b:4 33b:5 33b:7 35:17 35:19 35:20 37:9 37:21 41:5 43b: 1 43b:2 44:17 44:19 44:20 44:21 44:24 44:26 45:30 45b: 12 53b:4 54:19 54:28 56:27 58:2 58:27 67:4 xmps n. m: vb. i# xisp n. ^Vn pron. 1J13B prep. prn vb. XJ?1?i?,i? n- 1# XIX'B n. xribp/p. n. X^TT n. x^r? n. X^'7 n. xbrr n. piy vb. xoiix n. 1# pbo vb. XJ3 n. 1# XOl'l n. xippa n. i# xis n. 1# Kit n. 3ltf vb. 2# xrirn n. xaty (,i)^i3 n. KT!? n. xsiy n. pBD vb. 1# bVs vb. xi'ap n. 1# XI? n. 1# B^n vb. xja n. xsp'y n. W] '3 n. ^sVin adv. nn» vb. Klisytf n. xtfns adv. 2# XI? n. XJISX n. XJH7 n. XflDBiB n. xrtry n. 67:5 68:16 68:17 70:11 70b: 1 76:2 76:3 76:5 77:25 77:27 77b:2 77b:5 77b:6 Xrfp'tf n. Xptf n. 'U n. iayX7 adv. 2# •*?} vb. .11X n. nxro* n. inbx adv. °1$ prep- xrninp n. X31B adv. XM'BD n. 2# XO'l n. nxV'piy adj. W "• "i na/'xa 'jspron. 77b:8 77b: 10 77b: 11 78:12 78:15 78:24 78:25 78:27 88:17 98:6 99:10 102b:9 102b: 12 115:14 116:9 116:10 126:19 126:20 127:1 143:11 143:15 2# XO'l n. On; part. '30 vb. tfrn vb. ^>xi vb. nxVpiy adj. Pl'X 13 n. 1# XI''? n. «7? n. mn vb. Xap adj. 133"! n. XOTTS n. XiniX pron. 1# *?3n vb. i# xV3n n. OT part. T»S adj. xisVia n. ^f?W adv. xrm n. xjppa n. Kia«7 n. Xlppa n. 1# XOl'l n. PT adj. X1111 n. 143:16 155:20 158b: 11 164:7 164:9 167b:4 167b:5 181:8 181:9 181:12 181:14 183:9 183:12 186b:l 192:9 192:10 192:11 192:13 192:16 192:21 196:9 198b:2 198b:7 198b: 11 199b:2 199b:4 199b:5 199b: 10 199b:21 199c:l 200:4 200:13 201:2 201b.i 201b:2 pil' adj. XI©'1? n. on adv. 'T«n n. 'TXn n. tiirna n. X13 n. xrfri'p n. XniK/3 n. xritplp n. X0111BX n. xi'?x n. 1# 'Bl vb. nm vb. i# nta vb. 'plSX v.n. DID vb. 2# DID vb. 1# XsVll n. i# XV710 n. Nl'71 n. ens vb. i# nxaix adj. mn vb. 7'?n pron. xix'pwa n. im vb. isn vb. yyi vb. 1# Xl'l n. Xl'ip n. • f?? n. pn vb. Xl'a n. Xll»y n. pm vb. Kii' n. X3Tp n. X'snp n. xriy;';p n. Vtfi vb. IX73; adv. 1# Xl'l n. 202b: 15 202b: 16 203:17 203:18 203b: 19 204:14 205b:6 206b:7 206b:9 206b: 15 206b: 16 206b: 19 206b:21 206b:22 207:6 207:13 207:20 207:22 209:18 209:19 2# xaii n. 1ST vb. XTS n. D3H vb. X7';: n. 1# X3Sn n. 1# Xl'l n. xarp n. X7'aii n. Tin adj. pvn adj. 3# «]pl vb. xbny n. 1# 'BO vb. xbny n. XrSTO n. xpin n. NliOpVx n. xpin n. X'fllS n. *?iy vb. ystf vb. 2# XO'l n. xiai n. 1# XOl'l n. TGAs33 41b:l 41b:4 41b:9 41b:19 45:26 103:14 109:7 209:2 209b:4 209b:5 210:4 210:9 210:10 210:18 210:20 ia'n vb. xrn'n n. 'bm vb. inn vb. 7BM vb. xpns1 n. xrniny. n. X3113 n. X^IS conj. 301 vb. 1# XSX n. xjnia n. xrnsnw n. '3 adv. xriy'xa n. T3K adj. 1'3>< adj. Geonic Writings 1521 TGAs42 211:2 211:3 211:9 211:11 211:13 211:14 211:15 211:25 211:26 212:2 212:4 213:14 213:19 213:20 214:7 214:8 214:13 223:9 223:10 223:11 3:24 5:30 5:31 5:32 5:33 8:1 8:9 8:14 8:26 10:28 11:11 13:23 xniyiy n. xriaix n. xrrn n. T'33 adv. ypa adj. xnrwa n. X37J n. '7TI pron. XJ1TD n. 130 vb. x;a nia? n. nns vb. 'IE/3 adv. 'ai/SlVy prep. 1# 'ih vb. dVe; vb. i# 'iy vb. xrmq n. xto'i? i? n. XTO'lp tf'l n. '?i?? n. KOT vb. 'Si?? n. xrmaix Vjra n. X17 pron. Xy/XB adj. XJJ'XB adj. XJJ'XB adj. r04s« mn vb. xni'iJ n. fl3 prep. X'0niD3 adv. ps: vb. PIT adj. 1# 71X vb. xnpiix n. xrnpx n. 1# 71X vb. xrpiix n. Xlll n. 1# '31 vb. 1BX vb. 13:25 13:26 14:36 15:6 22:5 22:19 23:5 23:8 23:10 23:14 23:15 23:16 23:18 23:19 23:20 23:21 23:22 23:25 24:2 24:3 24:4 24:14 27:2 27:3 27:14 27:23 28:5 28:11 28:25 - 28:26 29:14 29:16 29:17 29:21 29:22 1BX vb. XlB'ip n. 'in vb. 1# Oil vb. 1# Oil vb. iax vb. 'in vb. Vxifc' 13 n. XDilX n. T13 adj. 11X1 '3 n. T13 adj. Vtl vb. T1X7 '3 n. mx vb. XDUX n. 1# X3J1 n. xran n. n'ns adj. XDilX n. dVx adj. 11X7 '3 n. Tin adj. ]';sa adj. 1# 'XD vb. XS31X n. 1# 'SB vb. XDilX n. 1# xnpD'B n. 1# XD11 n. X3p'y n. Dp1? vb. 1# XBX n. mn vb. '31/31 by prep. XlX'a 13 n. THB/'Xa1?? pron. TJS n. X113OT n. Dil adv. DH adv. IX conj. xVpn n. 29:26 29:30 29:34 29:35 30:2 30:3 30:26 30:27 31:4 33:13 33:23 33:24 34:18 34b: 1 36:18 37:6 37:16 37:17 37:18 37:20 37:21 41:14 41:35 42:5 43:16 43:21 43:25 43:31 43b:5 44:26 51:10 52:14 52:15 52:16 52:17 52:18 X7n3 adv. xsriw n. 1# XCWp n. 1117 adj. 1# XJia'JlB n. *\nv vb. 'jax conj. xnppa n. X17'D n. 1BX vb. HT7 adj. •!\f?Sn adv. '13 adj. f\IW vb. 1# '"?» vb. 1# Xpll n. X130 n. X31 n. XlpSB n. 'm vb. 1# pVo vb. X3B0 n. 1# XOl'l n. 1# Oil vb. '31 adv. 'in vb. "T7K n. Ql adv. pBl vb. 1# «]3X vb. pi' vb. X©"1? n. pax vb. '11X3 adj. X131 n. 1# p^O vb. X113'l n. 2# 1111 vb. •1 'Xa pron. 1# Xl'y n. xVlS'iy n. XiniN pron. 1# KIT n. 52:19 57:26 60:13 "I'M 60:25 61:5 61:11 61:22 61:23 61:29 61:31 63:4 63:6 63:7 63:11 63:13 63:18 63:24 64:4 64:5 64:11 64:27 65:5 65:17 66:4 67:3 67:4 67:9 67:18 67:26 68:27 70:21 70:23 70:24 70:25 X131 n. 1# "?p2? vb. in^X adv. ■73 lxV prep. TioV adv. '13 adj. xn'ipx n. nm» vb. 'pn vb. tf'M adj. XB111?? n. XW'l n. yi3 vb. 2# xnj'B n. xrui1?? n. XplT? n. xnapix n. xn'ri7 n. 1# X9K n. 2# X'^ll'?; n. 1# X'110 n. D'B9 adj. x;an n. X'?? n. 1B1 vb. Kpnp7 n. 1# pBO vb. x;y,3 n. POD vb. 2# X'^l'W n. 1'13 prep. D'7p adj. xyi'i n. D'lp adj. X33 n. 1'V'X pron. NOT?? "• 1# Oil vb. 1# XOl'l n. 113 vb. 1# 011 vb. XSB'K? n. 2# 'Vl vb.
1522 Geonic Writings 70:26 71:4 72c:5 73:12 78:15 78:20 78:21 78:25 79:17 79:27 79b:4 79b: 15 79b: 16 79b: 17 79b:23 79b:24 79b:26 79b:27 80:7 80:14 80:15 80:17 85:14 85:18 85:21 85:24 85:26 88:16 89:2 91:11 91:14 93b: 1 93b:3 93b:4 o:s vb. ipin adj. xjrua n. D','i? adj. ma vb. yo vb. xira is n. 13 interj. itj vb. K313T n. xririnx n. RSSV n. xix'b is n. xim iy_ adv. jntf vb. xjsjia n. xrijmtf n. >]7X vb. 113 vb. N,'?™ »• 1# 7B3 vb. 13 interj. 13? vb. )K1S; adv. DOIS vb. 310 vb. xiaria n. i# nn: vb. ■pn vb. >)?' vb. l'J3 prep. xnia n. T8J adj. 1# XOTJ n. XKhTS n. 1# XSX n. 1# XSX n. I'W pron. 1'i?! adj. □7(7 la prep. xrvrxtf n. xraviai X33 n. D"T(7^ prep. 93b:7 93b:9 100:31 100b:29 102:10 102:11 102:12 102:15 102:16 XJ31 n. IpS vb. xjatf n. xj'Hi? n- XJTIiB n. xron n. '3J prep. 1# X3in n. xjiaa n. -ina/'xaVspron. 103:3 104:2 110:13 110:14 111:19 113:27 150:22 151:23 156:2 156:3 156:12 ■na vb. 73X conj. xajs n. Wl n. □IS1? prep. 77p vb. 2# rbo vb. TO) vb. XI31S n. xyia n. xaty Ji'3 n. (xin Ti3) xenip n. 156:21 156:22 157:2 157:3 157:4 157:7 157:9 157:11 157:14 158:13 158:14 159:7 159:8 160:1 on1 vb. i# xia^ n. xj$'3p n. 1# X1U n. 7'Vp. adj. 3# pltf vb. XS1DX n. J'tf'Stf n. 2# ]1T vb. iyx vb. XJ5X n. X?r? n. 1# XJT n. ino vb. '33 vb. paio n. 1# 7TX vb. 1# pT3 vb. iprHD adj. 1 160:6 160:8 160:9 160:10 160:13 160:15 160:16 161:1 161:4 161:5 161:6 161:7 161:8 161:9 161:10 162:6 162:8 162:11 162:15 163:11 163:18 163:21 163:22 163:23 164:3 164:4 164:7 164:8 2# "fltf vb. '!?N n. x:ias n. xni? n. #17 vb. xsiin n. pa vb. f??! n. Xljno n. xrba'p n. 7BTC vb. xtj:» n. run vb. jvn adj. xsiop n. 733 vb. Xntf'B n. xnap n. i# xn'fa n. XJTCTCX n. i# xssn n. xsifsr n. «]no vb. JIB vb. 1# lp3 vb. »3' vb. 3in vb. 2# 7SD vb. 303 vb. xy'fy n. xjitj n. xxa n. xri'pm n. 7BS vb. 3OT vb. X3TiX n. 'as vb. xrnpi 'a n. I'll? adj. X^T'X n. 1# Xlp'J? n. 2# XO'J n. »3' vb. 164:9 164:12 164:13 164:14 164:16 164:19 165:1 165:10 165:11 165:15 165:18 165:19 165:22 166:1 166:9 166:10 166:13 166:14 166:15 169:38 171:33 174b:2 180:3 180:5 213b:20 216:11 2a(40) 4b(24) 5a(19) 26b(36) 30b(16) 39b (10) 41a(20) XS1X1S n. X3D3 n. X^ITO n. i# xsxn n. 2# X93 n. 1# ipx adj. XTJJ n. nxxix n. 731 adj. xrii? n. 2# xmipsx n. xnrria tfn n. ]13 vb. i# xrirnn n. 1# XI'IJ n. xnrria tin n. 113 vb. xj^ari n. 1# X3»n n. 1# VBO vb. XJXD n. WD adj. 1# X31T5! n. Xl'3 n. XTinT n. Xtill'S n. XTjl n- XOTl'V n. i# inx vb. xnpu n. X13: n. TGCas □in vb. XaV'l conj. DTI adv. 1# X01J n. fpV vb. xaVi conj. xaV'7 conj. xpSD n. TGDr46 163:12 163:13 1# X13p n. 13p vb. 1523 TGDr49 172:6 178:8 178:9 221:17 94:3 94:16 94:17 95:1 95:7 95:8 95:12 95:14 95:15 96:2 96:4 96:5 96:8 96:11 97:7 98:6 98:10 98:15 99:7 99:8 99:10 99:12 100:1 100:3 100:9 101:2 101:15 103:18 103:19 Xpp'S n. XJtf'1? n. 1# tf3tf vb. 13p vb. TGDr49 1# 13X vb. 110 vb. X1S»X n. ?ya vb. X111X n. 1# XJ11J n. 2# 010 vb. XS1X n. 1# '?X vb. XOT'l n. 2# XtilS n. 'DJ vb. xra'x n. 7J7B vb. nriD vb. 'Tlti vb. '133 vb. XS'$ n. 1# Xri'V'O n. an' vb. 2# 'JO vb. 2# Xri'313 n. 1# Xl'OBO n. noa vb. isir; vb. im vb. X}"! 13 n. 1# ri70 vb. XS1J n. Datf vb. 3# XSip n. XS','^ n. XJ"! 13 n. xmi'p n. xrrop vb. 'oa vb. xn:'3J n. n"?T vb. 105:9 105:14 105:17 105:19 106:1 107:7 107:16 108:1 108:20 3# X113 n. 1# va vb. Xni3 n. 2# xnsnx n. V?p vb. X7p3 n. X'ltttp adj. XpiriO'3 n. ninoi n. X111X n. X1WX n. 1# 01J vb. xV3T n. TGHark 1:5 "I na/'xa 73pron. 1:6 1:7 1:11 1:15 xao n. xia'a n. X1STC? n. xriT n. 1:16 2# "fixa 73 pron. 1:18 1:20 1:22 1:25 - 1:27 1:28 1:29 2:13 2:17 2:22 2:24 2:27 4:19 5:1 5:20 5:21 5:22 5:24 5:28 7J7 prep. XFITtJ n. ]a'n vb. IBTI vb. ina/'xa Vspron. ]B'n vb. XlB'a n. pSJ vb. XB1S n. xmatf n. J7D vb. pis vb. I'Jljft prep. Kpll'S n. 1# '11 vb. 5?13 vb. xioap n. XOTTS n. 3713 vb. 1# 70S vb. xnxp* n. ■7"I pron. 1# XOl'J n. 5:30 5:32 5:34 6:1 6:12 6:16 6:17 8:30 10:17 15:31 21:37 23:2 23:23 24:16 25:16 25:18 25:19 27:10 27:11 27:12 29:30 30:16 30:20 30:22 30:23 32:6 32:8 32:9 32:16 '3n adv. -|V1 vb. xjan n. TXp adj. iX conj. xiijnjr n. 1# X^13 n. 1# Xpn n. l!n. 2# Kill n. yv vb. xn'isx n. xriinoa '3 n. 1# Tip vb. Dli?^ Prep- X31!?a n. 1# XJJl'B n. '3,1 adv. 3ian. xiana n. m 1» Prep. 131 vb. 1J31 n. X31^a n. xn'JS1?!! n. xap adj. 1331 n. Bp7 vb. X31 n. xjnja n. Dp7 vb. 1'V'X pron. XrU'lB n. xinx n. X31JfB n. 1# 'lp vb. 1331 n. in vb. "13 prep. l"y vb. IpS vb. 8TO n. i# nn vb. 32:18 33:3 33:4 33:16 34:1 34:13 34:16 34:17 34:18 34:21 34:25 34:26 34:28 34:30 34:32 35:1 35:3 35:4 35:5 35:6 35:8 35:11 35:13 35:18 35:19 35:29 35:31 36:2 36:4 XlB'a n. 1# pso vb. 1BX vb. 1# Xpn n. l'^?1? prep. -x rem 'i'a n. Xpi'S n. X»'l n. Oip vb. 73X conj. "nn adj. xraixx n. Xp'S? n. ^'Vi? adj. XB31XX n. X130 n. P'^i? adj. 1BJ vb. XH31XX n. 130 vb. Xia'B n. PSJ vb. xrpaox n. xjsshn n. xna n. XTJ] n. TBD adj. xna n. XTJJ n. TBO adj. xruria n. x;pnis n. 1# xV'X conj. 1# XSX n. ri'X part. x^pni? n. □1$B prep. IDS vb. X»: '3 n. X11T3 n. XOT '3 n. X;3113 n. DJl'B pron.
TGHark 1524 Geonic Writings 36:6 36:10 36:14 37:3 37:4 37:6 37:8 37:10 37:11 37:12 37:17 37:18 37:27 37:28 37:29 37:30 37:33 38:1 38:2 38:3 38:5 38:11 38:12 38:16 38:18 38:21 38:23 38:24 d?ti vb. X1B3 n. 1'3'K pron. in vb. xrm1?: n. 2# 3X0 vb. xmr?.' n. ipy vb. IX conj. ]B prep. '33 vb. 1# 'Xn pron. D'an adj. 3'B1 adj. KJBTfJ n. xri1?'? n. XW n. X13n n. XJPJB adj. xnrna n. pOS vb. QJ adv. x^pria n. Ki?f1n- xnpu n. m vb. RJ1T n. KIW n. X£'»B adj. X11T3 n. Xp_31 n. x^pna n. 3XTOtf n. xrsw n. -aVa adv. l'ltop adv. XJTMtf num. 33TO# n. X303 n. 33Tfftf n. 3312W n. xrmtf num. ]'3'X pron. 38:26 38:27 38:29 38:30 38:37 39:1 39:2 39:4 39:5 39:6 39:7 39:28 40:1 40:21 40:30 40:32 40:33 40:34 40:35 41:10 41:12 41:13 41:21 41:30 42:2 42:3 42:28 43:4 43:9 43:10 43:12 43:29 2# X»m n. 73X conj. jnra adj. X31n. XjrUX pron. Tin adj. 1ST vb. X3'V part. "| X3TJ?a prep. V1X vb. XJTJ? n. 1# 'fltf vb. 1# X31XJ n. xroVn n. pvn adj. XTIT3 n. 130 vb. xnaj n. X1BJ n. T-13 adj. i# "inx vb. C)'8j?8 prep. lax vb. x'tu adv. XV'5?1? adv. IX conj. ID'an num. P'DS adj. 'ye vb. •ytoaV adv. xniyt? n. Xp'SO n. xroixx n. prr vb. xroriix n. -inn vb. 1# Xrff'B n. tap^Kti n. i# inx vb. i# inx vb. D1S1? prep. '3,1 adv. IIS vb. 44:1 44:2 44:10 44:11 44:14 44:20 44:22 44:23 44:25 44:31 45:7 45:9 45:12 45:18 45:21 45:24 45:26 45:27 45:28 45:29 45:32 45:33 45:34 45:35 46:27 46:30 47:16 47:17 47:28 48:7 48:8 48:9 2# XBB'O n. 2# XBB'O n. X33'T n. 0,1 adv. xaitf n. P'OS adj. 1# Xpn n. X3'b part. X'1,13 adv. I'll! pron. pos vb. xibj n. lirf?? adv. muti n. x;an n. 2# XJH'B n. 71BBX prep. ibx vb. X303 n. T® adJ- 2# Xtfm n. 2# 'JO vb. XriB'lS* n. 2# Xjn'B n. 'SB adj. X3113 n. y3B vb. 2# XoVlS n. Kjpoa n. 2# Xjn'B n. T-Q adj. Till adj. '331? prep. xjppa n. iCmp n. 771 vb. lp' vb. 1<T3 pron. 1# XSX n. ]X1? adv. )13'X pron. 1# X,'310 n. 1# p?0 vb. 48:11 48:23 48:24 48:32 50:12 50:17 50:21 50:23 51:11 51:12 51:13 51:16 51:17 51:18 51:20 51:24 51:25 51:26 59:13 63:5 74:31 76:12 76:14 76:15 76:16 76:17 80:31 82:4 82:5 82:8 T13 adj. B'0S adj. DJH'B pron. xriapix n. ibx vb. 1# Oil vb. B'p adj. XfiBpiX n. Tin adj. 3,13 vb. P'ny. adj. XW n. 1# p70 vb. wi n. 1#3 vb. xmna n. xrisn n. nasi adv. 2# X'Wtf n. XBBS n. 'B3 vb. 13 conj. J331 n. ,1X013 adj. X031X n. X331 n. xriV'x© n. XrOTlBl X33 n. ,T>3 tin, n. nV?n. xna n. X331 n. xritfn. l"y vb. Dip. prep. 1# np vb. 'in vb. ■"73 prep. 3'Tj adj. 1# 13X vb. 1# '03 vb. T13 adj. xsap n. Geonic Writings 1525 TGHark 82:17 82:18 82:28 82:30 82:31 83:23 83:24 83:25 83:33 83:34 84:1 84:2 84:3 84:5 84:6 84:11 84:12 84:13 84:14 84:16 84:17 84:18 84:19 84:20 84:21 84:22 xai' n. X7B7J tin n. D,l adv. xarp n. 1P3 adj. xrn'na tin n. 2# yis vb. mtin. XJ'l 7'J73 n. x?in 7^3 n. 'TB X1? adv. i# i3n vb. x?ri3a n. xrm'spa n. 1# bpti vb. 3,T vb. •3133 73 IX1? prep. pina n. (-)n; part. ]'30B adj. TfS vb. 1# X13 n. X3"I13 n. ]'3DB adj. 1# XBtflp n. WX pron. ]31 pron. 3,13 vb. titS vb. 73X conj. 'SB adj. 1# X^SB n. DIS1? prep. X3TIX n. pin vb. 1# pT3 vb. 13J? vb. I'SOB adj. xrn3'?oa n. pi vb. 13 adv. xrpns n. 1# "I ]XB 73 pron. 84:23 84:30 84:34 85:6 85:15 85:20 85:26 85:27 85:28 85:31 85:33 86:9 86:10 86:11 86:13 86:14 86:15 86:17 86:19 86:20 86:21 86:22 86:23 86:26 XTO'33 (ID'S n. ptn vb. 113'X pron. Xn'313'5? n. pm vb. X3ri3 n. X3J13 n. •3'B3 73 IX1? prep. Oil adv. 1# 1£>S3 vb. X113"! n. pS3 vb. pjna n. 2# yiS vb. ■jnx vb. xr'nn '3 n. X13 JT3 n. 1# xri't n. nxy vb. 1"T adj. xnsya n. '83 adv. •tsy vb. 1# XJ11J n. ins vb. XlBBp n. 1# -\W vb. XJ3'1 n. Xri3'S0 n. xnrp n. nm vb. XTSJ n. 1# X3»a n. nvti vb. 1D3 vb. xario n. X313T n. 'Tn vb. IB b^b prep. nBW vb. 33 by_ ix conj. XriB 'IB n. 1# X13y. n. 86:27 87:17 93:9 93:18 93:19 93:20 93:21 93:22 93:25 93:30 93:33 93:34 94:1 94:5 95:33 95:34 95:36 96:2 96:7 96:8 98:5 98:19 98:20 98:24 98:27 98:31 99:21 99:23 99:26 99:27 1# X1S0 n. xmxns n. nX1313 adj. XV7BB n. X5?pnpB n. xrpapx n. 13 conj. 1# XM'JIB n. P'O? adJ- pm vb. 73' vb. i# xri^hx n. mpti n. xraiix n. xri'3px n. xnpnix n. Xjri3B n. 1# '30 vb. xri'3px n. 1'BJ adj. xnrnix n. nan vb. 77p vb. PCS vb. xrinno n. xnaj n. 1# XJ310 n. Wti vb. xii'p tin n. xrfr'xtf n. Dip prep. 1# np vb. 1# XSX n. 'in vb. i# xriVa n. blti vb. X31B1X n. T3? n. D1S1? prep. piti vb. 'X1BX n. OJ? prep. niB vb. 99:30 99:31 99:32 99:34 99:36 100:2 100:9 100:11 100:13 100:17 100:25 100:30 100:34 -nna 101:5 101:8 101:11 101:12 101:16 101:18 101:19 101:20 101:21 101:27 101:28 101:29 101:31 xtin n. mmti n. Tax adj. X3BTI n. T?8 adJ- ■'KltiK n. TBS adj. T3B adj. B'3'X n. 3n' vb. 'X11»X n. xnrix n. Xjn3B n. T1S vb. 1# X333 n. B'V?; adj. '13'a '3 adv. 1?1 1? adv. VT vb. xia'a n. '3'3 prep. 'XB 73 pron. xaVj>» adv. xrinno n. xni7j tin n. 1# 73p vb. 73' vb. in'a conj. 1# 73p vb. i\fm adv. xaVj; na n. 'Xli3D n. -no vb. 1331 n. J'13X;a n. no vb. pOS vb. XjrUX pron. 'in vb. 1# "]W vb. ?na vb. 7na vb. 7na vb.
TGHark 1526 Geonic Writings 102:12 102:13 102:14 102:16 102:17 102:18 102:19 102:21 102:32 103:7 103:13 103:14 103:16 103:20 103:21 103:22 103:24 103:31 104:1 104:7 104:30 105:8 105:9 105:11 105:12 105:20 105:23 105:24 105:25 105:26 105:30 106:6 106:7 106:12 106:15 106:16 Vtis adj. 1# inx vb. '3,1 adv. yw vb. oois vb. X3p'ya adv. "I NJTjra prep. 7XP vb. 1# '7K7 vb. ?7p vb. xripn n. 'jxri'j n. 11 conj. 11 conj. XOTT3 n. xrfr'xtf n. 1# KJT'13 n. 1# 013 vb. •ma prep. 73X conj. Tin adj. 'in vb. '3T vb. Xri'DS n. i# xisn n. xnxp* n. xrfrw n. 1713 adj. nV? tf'i n. inx vb. Xtfln. Oyi'B pron. inx vb. Xip'KJ n. inx vb. xaripa adv. XDK?S n. xrisprix n. xrpapx n. IX conj. TI3 vb. 2# yis vb. Tff adj. 106:18 106:33 107:8 107:10 107:15 107:16 107:20 107:21 107:22 107:28 108:21 108:25 108:30 109:5 109:6 109:8 109:9 109:11 109:12 109:13 109:15 109:16 109:19 109:25 109:34 111:17 111:21 111:23 111:26 111:28 111:31 111:33 111:34 K?'V part. T13 adj. l'T> pron. 2# X'JU'tf n. '3T vb. 7J73 vb. J331 n. 1# XOl'3 n. Xtfll'S n. ]«'K pron. 3ia n. lin1?? adv. '3,1 adv. 31 'ai XIS'O n. Xyil n. XflSpip n. irfrx adv. "1 XS'^X prep. naw vb. N?"W n- yp3 adj. ins vb. ipn vb. Dip vb. □lp vb. yv vb. 1# pl3 vb. XEtt'X n. yia vb. pn vb. pm vb. 1» vb. ins vb. T1J adj. 1# Krn'JTO n. mx vb. C)'SX3 prep. 113 vb. "1 ]X!23 conj. 11X1 '3 n. 'pill 'DH adv. 11X1 '3 n. xpiiy. n. 111:35 112:1 112:4 112:6 112:8 112:9 112:13 1# 112:17 112:19 112:23 112:30 112:31 113:8 113:18 113:19 116:33 116:34 117:3 117:4 117:5 117:7 117:11 117:15 117:16 117:17 117:18 117:20 117:25 118:7 118:9 118:10 118:12 118:16 118:17 118:18 piy vb. 1# 13X vb. 130 vb. xmatf n. T13 vb. pvn adj. 1311 pron. XrUJJD n. D1S1? prep. hb vb. "1 1KB 73 pron. na vb. i# k;jw n. na vb. piy vb. xrrns n. xnyatf n. 731 vb. 703 vb. y'13 adj. is^in adv. 1# '3p vb. K^l? conj. ■m vb. X113'3 n. 1P3 vb. xjna n. XJ113X* n. wbti n. K3rl3X pron. XJTDT n. xnnnp n. 3713 vb. 1# p!3 vb. 1# Xri1??!? n. p3E* vb. XV?3 n. Op7 vb. 111! adj. 113 vb. D1S vb. xpisx n. 118:23 118:30 123:11 126:27 128:6 129:5 129:6 130:6 130:8 130:9 130:10 130:29 130:31 131:8 131:9 133:31 135:14 135:20 135:22 135:23 137:3 137:30 137:33 138:6 138:11 138:12 139:9 139:10 139:12 142:20 145:21 149:4 149:5 K^OVl n. XpO'S n. xnsprix n. xiiax n. xroapx n. ,1X11,T adj. (-)71^ part. K3J13 n. .wis adj. XB'J n. Clip vb. xpnpi n. xiiyiy n. 11'n. "lin1? prep. yos vb. X31'y n. 33y vb. XllS'X n. 17n vb. I3?"! n- i# irao n. XEhl n. Xll'O n. xriaVn n. xrifV'n n. 1# XJ310 n. 1# 013 vb. Xnpi3 n. xrnsix n. iax vb. inx vb. xai'p n. X*71B'3 n. 7D3 vb. 7D3 vb. n»3 adv. Xpll'S n. piS vb. 13 interj. xarf? n. xrfr'Xtf n. xrip'nai X3? n. Geonic Writings 149:6 149:7 149:8 150:14 151:9 151:13 151:14 151:15 151:16 151:21 151:22 152:8 154:33 154:36 155:1 155:2 155:8 155:11 155:12 155:19 155:26 155:27 155:28 156:23 156:24 156:27 157:2 157:6 DIpV prep. X3iya n. xna n. X331 n. xrn'ria tin n. 01J? prep. 'in vb. l"y vb. XW1TS n. 1# 113 vb. xira i? n. I'll pron. TBX adj. P'OS adj. 1# «]DX vb. i# inx vb. TBX adj. ]30a Vb. 130a vb. my vb. '•nn. XJ111 n. pi 1? adv. 1# XtftNp n. lin1?? adv. 1J13B prep. 10DO vb. X3'3T n. i# xrvroi n. X33'7 n. IIH adj. Xia'B n. X33'T n. 1X1? adv. 1'V'X pron. Xnp'rlBl X33 n. X331 n. Dip vb. x:i3'i n. xrbvti n. 7Xtf vb. in in adv. X3Ty n. 157:7 157:8 157:11 157:12 157:19 157:32 157:33 157:36 158:1 158:2 158:12 158:21 158:30 158:31 158:33 159:1 159:5 159:7 159:8 159:11 159:12 159:18 159:19 159:20 159:22 159:23 159:24 159:25 159:26 159:27 133 vb. JUTS? n. 1# 'Bl vb. 1# xrfp'B n. XllS'X n. X1B3 n. tins vb. oyi'B pron. 1# 013 vb. xny'jp n. ion vb. 73' vb. 1# p70 vb. Xp'BO n. piD vb. xsipy n. iax vb. 110 vb. 2# X3T0 n. XnB'X n. 7'^ adj. xnyis n. xna'x n. 2# Xpl'O n. XjrUX pron. 1# xV'X conj. 2# X3T0 n. 1# p!3 vb. X3WI1 n. X3pU n. 2# XB1X n. mn vb. Dip vb. X1H pron. X3WT1 n. X31X n. T'Vx adj. pm vb. 130 vb. 1'DX adj. 130 vb. X3pl3 n. 130 vb. 159:28 XpSln. DH adv. 1DO vb. 159:29 p31 vb. piS vb. 159:30 pXSvb. 159:31 2#XBlXn. 1# xb>S3 n. xVlX n. 159:32 X71Xn. 159:33 110 vb. X71X n. 160:7 Xni'Bn. Xri«'3 n. 160:9 1# pSO vb. K^pip n. 160:10 'invb. 160:11 130 vb. piy vb. 1# XOJP n. 160:19 1# Xlp'y n. 160:32 l#'ipvb. 161:2 13 conj. 161:15 IBXvb. yiti vb. 161:16 Slffln. 1# n 1XB 73 pron. xnpy. n. 161:18 Xri'Vl? n. 161:20 xnainx n. 161:23 1# 13X vb. 161:24 Dinvb. Itin vb. yv vb. 161:25 l#10avb. XJp'jlB n. 161:26 X$3 n. 161:28 xpriS'n. 161:30 mtivb. 161:32 X71B© n. 161:33 y3avb. 1# 'Bl vb. 161:34 '13'a'3 adv. TGHark 161:35 161:36 162:1 162:2 162:3 162:4 162:7 163:11 163:14 163:16 164:11 164:16 164:18 164:26 164:28 164:34 164:36 164:37 165:5 165:6 165:7 165:8 165:9 165:13 165:14 165:16 165:17- 165:18 165:19 7m vb. X1CT n. xnpy. n. xriyi3» n. '03 vb. xrip n. 73X conj. Xni(l)3 n. 1? adv. 333 vb. ion vb. i# ioa vb. XprlS' n. "13 prep. XpO'S n. 1# Xlp'y n. XJITS n. XJ»lp n. ip^in adv. 1# XSK n. X1B3 n. Xnpi3 n. X031X n. X^IB'3 n. 10S vb. xjnin n. xriVxc n. yna vb. 13113 adv. xjnia n. 33 7? IX conj. 13y vb. X^3 prep. XOS1D n. 2# 17B vb. W1TS3 adv. mn vb. 1# X13X n. 1'V'X pron. lin^p adv. X031X n. 1# xV'X conj. D3S vb.
TGHark 1528 Geonic Writings 165:20 165:24 165:29 165:30 165:33 166:1 166:5 166:7 166:8 166:10 166:11 166:16 166:19 166:25 166:27 166:31 166:33 167:1 167:2 167:4 167:7 167:10 167:18 167:19 167:20 168:18 168:19 168:20 168:27 169:17 169:22 169:23 169:24 170:9 170:12 D\'i? adj. (-)'»]? prep. ino vb. KhTM adv. XTOT n. TTiy adj. 703 vb. ;ra vb. Xp'V part. o:x vb. piy vb. 'm vb. xriyw n. X031X n. 1# xV'X conj. ]13'X pron. xVy1? adv. fi'ipax "■ 03N vb. D'-tj? adj. xnyi n. 7D3 vb. n'lrax n. 1# WB3 vb. X1B10 n. Xp'BO n. ma vb. xnria n. X1J1X n. X3iya n. D1p^> prep. 1# 7ptf vb. xruyp n. XtfZ/q n. KM?? n. 1# Xia n. Xrr>W n. yip vb. VTO conj. '3X vb. X;pil3 n. yja vb. i# yv vb. 170:18 170:28 170:30 1# 171:2 171:18 171:19 171:21 171:23 171:28 171:30 171:33 178:16 179:5 180:34 184:25 186:31 188:31 188:32 188:35 188:37 189:4 189:21 189:22 189:24 irfrx adv. J>T vb. "t ]KB 73 pron. 1# Tin vb. 2# Kppp n. XHD "■ 303 vb. ]'^'X pron. "1 conj. 1# X3X n. □'JP adj. «]TO vb. xrua n. xrua n. X?3'1 n- «]rre? vb. o:x vb. X1TJ pron. xipap n. xrppa n. rrjpjB adv. X','313 19 n. 113 vb. 3# 'B» vb. x?ya n. X311X n. 'Onn n. 7X# vb. i# xnavm n. tf'ip adj. Dn adv. 73K conj. 3D3 vb. DIB1? prep. N?'PP n. X33 n. yja vb. X311X n. *orn n. iax vb. ]Xiy adv. X1D3 n. 189:25 189:26 189:27 189:32 190:1 190:6 190:14 190:15 190:28 190:29 190:30 190:33 190:34 191:19 191:24 191:25 192:2 192:3 192:5 192:13 193:11 193:21 193:27 i# pvy vb. nns vb. xnrms n. ya» vb. linVa adv. xriiDa n. X13PX n. 7'Vp adj. □y prep. i# 'ytf vb. 17n vb. 1'^'X pron. KT8 n. T"V'K pron. XIB'l? n. yatf vb. nxji' adj. xrraisip ia n. xwi n. xaVy, n. IDS vb. TBtf adj. ply vb. xbry n. TStf adj. "3p'y3 n. XIB'B n. xia'a n. XBftTD n. xr/rxtf n. 113 vb. "7'1 pron. i# xriVa n. x^tiip n. yia vb. Kjy? n. X31D adv. 13 conj. D173 XV adv. 1# »3tf vb. nOB adv. T-13 adj. Dp7 vb. 193:31 193:33 193:35 195:33 195:37 196:2 196:7 196:21 196:22 198:5 199:34 201:14 202:11 202:15 202:17 202:23 202:26 202:30 202:32 202:33 203:7 203:8 203:13 203:20 203:21 203:22 203:25 203:27 204:12 204:15 204:18 204:27 204:32 yi3 vb. 1# XJ310 n. xjppa n. 3# TIB vb. X3n3X: pron. nm vb. XTn. ,1X1313 adj. N7P?n n. XOT'X n. yw vb. xppn n. D3 adv. 1# 013 vb. H?1 n. Xnj'31 n. Dp7 vb. am vb. XJTXH adv. XriTTJ n. 1# XXB'n n. Dp: vb. yaw vb. i# yps vb. X1H pron. XJVO'n n. 1# 'B1 vb. Tip adj. XaV'l conj. 'ST vb. IDS vb. 2# ino vb. XpVin n. tf'rx n. art; vb. 1# 'SB vb. 'an adv. nxa num. <inty vb. 'V'a 'BiDB n. pB3 vb. 3in vb. 2# xnatf n. Geonic Writings 1529 TGHark 205:19 205:27 205:30 205:32 205:33 205:36 206:1 206:2 206:13 206:14 206:15 206:18 206:19 206:21 206:22 207:8 207:9 207:10 207:13 207:14 207:15 207:16 207:17 207:18 207:21 207:22 207:24 207:28 nap adv. 1# X?310 n. 1# x;310 n. xny'jp n. ana n. IX conj. in' vb. 'pb conj. ]K vb. IBB vb. xirjx n. •qpVin adv. (-in'1? part. yi3 vb. xrua n. xrua n. nn adj. IX conj. X??? n. x:ii? n. inia n. X033 n. on adv. '3xipa n. ps vb. i# Dan vb. XrH33J n. xnnj n. 2# «pB vb. •pa vb. pyp adj. 133 vb. xmfrn n. XTO33J n. xrinj n. 1S3 vb. "V,,!! pron. xrinj n. XplTB n. 133 adv. i# x^n n. 1# X13X n. 1# 730 vb. 207:33 207:34 207:35 208:4 208:5 208:6 208:7 208:17 208:18 209:3 209:13 209:14 209:17 209:19 214:4 214:11 214:15 215:6 215:15 216:5 216:7 220 222 222 226 226 226 227 9 18 19 14 16 17 1 227 227 228 228 228 228 228 31 32 II 12 15 17 18 228:23 229:5 229:7 H3'B '3 adv. xrryp n. xjppa n. 1.BX vb. X3'V part. 1# p70 vb. 2# X^3n n. 2# X^3n n. 'in vb. yn vb. x;a n. X73ip n. 1# 013 vb. XJplp n. fpp vb. xrisVn n. nxVpn n. xa^n. XT n'3 n. xmnarix n. xn':i:a n. XH311X n. xnpapx n. XD91B n. vm vb. xriin'ii n. on' vb. ysx vb. 1^?1 n. i# xrop'ria n. KpHpl n. pis vb. 1# pT3 vb. xia'a n. IX conj. P'ni adj. xri n. X183 n. 133 adv. ehs vb. yo vb. 1# XDTJ n. fpia's; n. 229:10 229:15 229:16 229:21 229:27 230:2 232:32 234:10 234:11 234:12 234:13 234:14 264:11 264:17 268:1 268:2 268:6 268:7 268:8 268:9 268:11 268:12 268:14 268:15 268:20 268:22 268:23 268:24 268:28 xpin n. 1# D13 vb. ■7'1! pron. xan n. xnxp* n. xmyp n. 303 vb. 17DX conj. XpO'S n. 1?11? adv. xmatf n. mv vb. 2# 77n vb. nxVy adj. i# X3in n. 7na vb. p3tf vb. xriainx n. xmatf n. 7X» vb. 7X1V vb. IJI pron. TSV adj. xripin n. "1 conj. xr;3y n. Kyro n. I'V'X pron. xrn; n. xri3a n. xjipin n. JWftTS n. xjipin n. IBM vb. xia'a n. TSB> adj. XITtf n. 2# yiS vb. xa,7,'^ conj. XSW n. xaw n. IpS vb. xnioa n. 268:29 268:30 268:31 269:2 270:29 270:30 270:31 271:5 271:7 271:9 271:12 271:14 271:15 271:16 271:22 271:23 271:24 xri'ss n. xpin n. 1# VtS vb. 10X vb. XB»n. XIB'a n. Xp{»in n. xriun n. Kri^KW n. 1# 730 vb. XrVISTX n. X310in n. 1# 'BO vb. 11D vb. 1# X13X n. XBBTO n. Xlfl n. X11D n. y»B vb. 1D3 vb. 1D3 vb. xrnytys n. TlP^in adv. Slip n. yiyfr prep. xriypn n. 2# '11 vb. "tna/'Xa 73 pron. 271:26 271:27 271:28 271:29 271:31 272:1 272:2 272:3 272:4 272:7 272:8 KJ03 n. x;03 n. 1# X^'X conj. xruyp n. X;pil3 n. 1# 730 vb. XO'P wn n. XTO11B n. nw 75? conj. 2# '11 vb. xjipin n. i# xr;i n. 1# 730 vb. xnni n. V'13 prep.
TRN 1530 Geonic Writings 272:9 272:11 272:13 272:16 272:17 272:19 272:20 272:22 272:23 272:24 272:26 272:27 272:28 272:30 272:31 272:34 272:35 273:3 275:22 275:24 275:25 275:26 275:27 275:29 275:31 275:33 275:34 275:35 ('Will1? prep. X3713 n. ntfB vb. 'X113 adv. Xta'3 n. T13 adj. «pt vb. xVp'3 n. Ifflfltf n. 'ltf3 adv. XJITB n. xwn n. X33'J n. xrnn'Vtf n. inx vb. X33 n. I'V prep. X33't n. xsrne; n. XTI pron. X33'T n. xriisnw n. KhB vb. OJi; part. i# xrnix n. xrfr'xtf n. xrnsrntf n. '3'3 prep. nXM* n. nmb prep. pOB vb. 2# X3'n n. 13X3 n. 1,10 vb. nxra* n. xtb n. nxra* n. xrVrxtf n. TO vb. 1# 'JO vb. mi vb. X33»in n. 3OT1 vb. 276:5 276:6 276:7 276:9 276:10 276:12 276:13 276:14 276:15 276:21 276:22 276:23 276:24 276:25 276:26 276:27 276:29 276:30 pn vb. nxra* n. XMlpin n. I'V'X pron. i# jn vb. "1 conj. xna n. PCS vb. XJ'l pDS n. ein vb. X3T13 n. IS1? vb. DIP,!1 Prep. IpS vb. Dip vb. i# xjrra n. xrni n. 1B3 vb. xjarn n. xrnVa tfn n. T13 adj. 13'3 adj. xrisb'ri n. XrD1?',"! n. ijny vb. XT 3J13 n. xrirriBi X33 n. pm vb. xrnarin n. ntf vb. xrnix n. -i nra'x *?? conj. 276:34 276:36 277:3 277:4 277:6 277:9 D'?X adj. 1# XSX n. '1 ]X03 conj. 3,13 vb. 133 adv. xrni n. yvn pron. X3'l pOS n. X3I13X pron. Xrn'rjai X33 n. 277:11 277:12 277:13 277:16 277:18 277:19 277:21 277:23 277:25 277:27 277:28 277:29 277:30 277:31 278:1 278:2 278:3 278:7 278:8 278:11 278:12 278:14 260:13 260:14 366:1 565:10 572:5 573:2 574:4 574:5 X3'l »3 n. 3ip vb. Ditfnax n. T?n adj. 1X3 vb. X0'3 #'1 n. DJ? prep. 1# "Jltf vb. Know n. (-)nil1? prep. 1# "]ltf vb. XM'T n. xrmn n. xjioin n. Xin3 adv. XBTTJ n. xmsrntf n. xatfn. i# "ptf vb. xr$ra n. KWII n. Xp^in n. 2# m vb. X0'3 tf'l n, X3313 n. X?013 n. XJFITTJ n. XJ'^5? n. xna'a n. xnou n. Top adj. XM'ia n. TRN ISV vb. 'J? adj. XBB'l n. TIP adj. 1# XJ113 n. ibx vb. xnra n. nitf'-nx n. xnmv n. xrroa n. 575:1 577:6 588:1 588:2 588:3 589:1 589:3 590:1 590:11 591:10 592:8 592b:4 593:1 598:6 601:1 601:3 602:4 625:12 627:1 629:2 646:4 469:16 469:18 469:21 469:22 470:27 14:10 17b:9 84:4 xrrop vb 2# XpO'tf n XD113 n. TJH? n. Hwa lay n. XJlia n. Tltf vb. 1X31'13 n. xrinn n. X3113 n. >6no n. 2# bpO vb. nxrp n. xrnnsy n. svroip n. 1'ap! n. xri^ip n. »OD vb. 1# XBS'Dp n. "?1S vb. xs'n x;ja n. i# xiii n. 3# xna n. X1TT n. X33n. XHTD n. x^xVpinn n. xsba V1?? n. fforia Dim Vol 1X13 adj. IT' vb. 2# XBtfip n. TTP3 n. 2# XDBip n. it: n. TGKis 1# X'Mtf* n. TGMus 2# XJia n. TGgerf 1# X01J n. TGWeisz Geonic Writings 1531 Halakhot Gedolot I 89b: 14 xapx n. 2. Legal Compendia Halakhot Gedolot I 8:59 8:69 38:16 40:39 40:41 41:54 42:66 47:53 47:57 56:59 66:99 68:19 75:27 75:30 76:59 77:62 81:45 84:11 85:19 90:74 93:26 94:28 94:29 94:30 94:34 94:36 94:38 95:47 95:49 95:51 95:59 95:60 Tpy vb. am vb. 331 vb. xrnanx n. 03X vb. 'pj vb. 'pj vb. D'?n adj. xrrnptf n. x;sirt> n. pD3 vb. VlBaX prep. XBIB'P n. XSIB'P n. 'JO adj. i# xxaix n. XJ'ilX pron. '/xVyrj 'VsTO n. X30'3 n. xrrix n. IXID'J n. prfio n. 2# xnnp n. 2# 13P n. i# xnn n. X30'3 n. Xjtf'1? n. inntf n. xara? n. X30'3 n. XJD'3 n. ns vb. XH3'X adv. XDX n33 n. xtiaax n. 2# xna n. 1# nDW n. xnns n. 3# XJ11B> n. xnx n. 97:80 97:86 97:87 97:88 97:90 97:91 98:4 99:16 99:17 100:25 100:27 101:32 101:42 103:64 103:66 103:76 104:79 105:89 112:13 112:44 113:48 114:64 116:90 117:12 127:64 127:65 127:66 127:68 128:73 131:24 137:18 137:22 137:25 137:29 138:38 138:42 138:43 141:91 V*?p vb. XT'SU n. xnvw n. T1D vb. XWltf n. T1S vb. *$?&, n. XSD13 n. xnsu n. 'jno'3 n. X*7p3 n. xja n. xn'ai n. 2# pVs vb. X'3n. xarmx n. IBJn. firm n. xpaiffsx n. XpDD n. 33D3 n. 3333W13 n. xs'o xnan n. KJTTHy n. XH'niff n. "f conj. ]13-\ n. i# xxaix n. 'ISX n. X3V» n. 0*73 vb. 2# ^l» vb. 2# 1W vb. 2# -|ltf vb. »'B3 adj. 2# XSTn n. DISD'X P1XB n. 2# xrn n. 2# XSTn n. D'0X3 n. xaonsx n. NITO'a n. a&v n. 141:92 141:94 159:88 161:18 172:14 181:8 189:59 193:20 194:35 194:37 194:39 195:55 195:56 196:77 204:32 211:54 216:68 225:16 226:24 237:57 237:61 244:10 251:56 261:65 263:92 264:29 264:30 265:31 265:38 274:65 280:77 283:7 287:2 287:8 288:11 XnSJlp n. 1# XT1X n. '03 vb. 3n' vb. 2# '30 vb. X»3V n. 2# XS"?'n n. pn vb. xpTm:? n. 1# X93 n. brw vb. xpnno'3 n. ninoT n. 311013 n. X3311 n. 133 vb. X3311 n. X113X n. X11W n. X"?013 n. 2# ri3X n. xriiVna n. X?3'3 n. XJB1X n. 3303 n. xVriB n. iinraya n. 1# XJlVa n. ixy vb. ai adv. XD'p1? n. XOS0 n. i# xrny'i n. i# nxaix adj. 1# nXBlX adj. nxoin n. i# xaix n. 3'B1 adj. xniix n. xV'BS n. 2# J13X n. XB113 n. 1# ibbl n. 296:75 298:1 298:3 316:38 316:40 319:75 326:3 327:10 327:11 327:12 344:50 344:53 347:19 367:6 370:63 374:41 375:50 379:10 379:11 380:37 381:42 381:44 381:46 390:40 392:62 400:30 406:53 406:54 408:72 420:77 433:57 451:32 451:37 491:34 498:19 500:47 503:26 646:4 ma vb. 'n?J. n. xiaiy n. X13.1 n. xax'o n. 1# 113 vb. 138 vb. '11B '3 n. 'l?X n. Xp013 n. xnpp n. Xb'31 n. XS'Bfttf n. npV vb. "733 vb. 113,1 vb. ■rb mate prep. xpnia n. XT33 n. DTI adv. ^ n. 3^ vb. 3"?n vb. aVn vb. isya adj. ni3 vb. 131 vb. "?310 vb. xni'i n. nxpnon n. xprioi n. XpO'^l n. xprnx n. xprnx n. TSp adj. i# xrix n. 1# XS'O n. xerin. xai'p n. 2# xsVn n. Halakhot Gedolot II 18:92 27:22 ]331 n. P'OS adj.
Halakhot Gedolot III 1S32 Geonic Writings 35:81 36:97 56:83 73:8 74:19 83:25 84:31 95:24 98:83 114:57 129:42 136:82 143:1 144:7 144:9 145:9 163:52 165:80 165:85 165:91 173:17 173:18 184:9 190:1 190:2 227:67 227:71 239:67 245:58 249:26 250:52 255:55 277:1 278:29 382:18 392:39 405:63 1# VTX vb. 1# *?TX vb. p'OB adj. fl'X part. 1»X vb. 1# Don vb. '0? vb. 'at vb. 1# '81 vb. 2# ^p vb. IBB vb. yxs vb. □10 vb. 1# '3 n. xrji"; n. baio vb. xVa-iD n. B012? vb. "f conj. i# xrfoa n. "1 conj. nten. 1??"3 "• "1 conj. XBn'a n. XriBBBD n. nXTO adj. xriains n. Vxiiy' J1'31 n. X33KJ n. i# ixp vb. i# xrns n. 1# X13 n. xrn^aix n. XplOB n. 2# xnns n. pOB vb. xri pos n. XJTIBB n. ]X1J adj. xsir n. XaBTlB n. xri'D: n. 408:14 410:19 429:47 482:19 489:14 489:27 492:67 501:26 504:78 521:25 521:26 521:31 522:37 522:42 Vb: vb. labs n. X^SIX num. 113 vb. 1U vb. -inn vb. xvb n. 1# bpti vb. X^BIX n. xrfrws n. Xrfj'XIp n. nXJJI adj. nxjai adj. nxpnon n. Tria n. X"13X n. inij n. Halakhot Gedolot III 10:60 15:31 17:1 27:2 28:95 30:14 34:12 34:36 36:23 49:60 65:20 65:37 99:74 110:73 111:1 111:92 111:93 111:94 112:4 112:7 113:15 113:18 Dip vb. 2# XltfB n. 1# X13 n. )J3n n. 'Vjm adj. 1'aran n. n.'jmn- XJJ73 n. xiaa n. X3'n adv. 1# 13K vb. □H adv. XTOBXB n. "13'a adj. XjniB n. 1# 'TO vb. Jl-mp n. oi-nap n. xrij/pn n. XaiB n. xnirs n. iVn vb. 1# XnDB n. xrti n. 2# n»a vb. 114:21 114:25 116:39 116:41 116:42 117:49 117:51 118:69 118:73 119:74 119:83 120:11 120:12 121:21 121:23 121:25 128:17 140:66 141:73 141:78 142:89 145:21 146:1 148:55 149:72 151:88 151:90 152:14 153:15 153:111 154:30 155:32 155:34 155:35 2# 'B» vb. 3# Ola vb. xrnain n. ira adj. 2# X.'Via n. 1# xxa n. Tip vb. xtibVti n. i# xana n. 1# XBa n. XnTI n. 1# p^O vb. XltilB n. rpV vb. 1# btX vb. mty*? adv. XpTTB n. ]XO vb. 1# 'Xa vb. xmaa n. i# 'aa vb. 1# X1W n. lb' vb. K3313 n. X7337 XtfflB n. X3H X'30* n. '3?, adj. ona vb. V11V vb. p313 vb. p313 vb. tfipX adj. 1# Xia3 n. XWB-1B n. xriVisT n. xarnn n. xrnin n. XTO1TB n. XJU'Bj? n. XBW n. 1# X^B3 n. KflTtf n. xbbx n. 155:36 155:37 155:38 156:39 156:40 156:41 156:44 156:45 157:46 157:47 157:50 157:51 157:52 157:54 158:61 161:4 167:88 189:7 190:14 3# X3aa n. xmpj n. X3p'J? n. X3Tpy n. xanp n. XBBX n. Srtiri) XTa n. XTl'aOB vb. xrirpp n. X1TO1 XBin n. i# xnpia n. ins vb. 1# X1TO n. xrinn n. *7XB vb. XTl'Vx n. xriry. n. xnrpx n. XriBl1? '3 n. 1# X3»B n. XM'Bp n. i# xxin n. XpTTB n. XpiB n. 1# 33# vb. XTIlpBX n. XpBT n. xpTia n. 2# xoa n. XpTTB n. N3131 n. X3313 n. XpTTB n. XrU'Dp n. xria'Bp n. XrU'Bp n. 1# 33» vb. XriOlTB n. XBB'X n. Via adj. XBIV n. i# 'an vb. i# 'ai vb. Geonic Writings 1533 Halakhot Gedolot III 190:17 190:21 190:23 190:24 191:26 195:16 196:37 200:62 201:85 202:90 206:15 210:61 211:65 211:68 211:69 212:74 212:75 212:78 213:79 213:80 213:82 213:83 213:88 213:89 214:92 215:9 215:11 216:31 217:46 217:48 217:49 217:52 217:53 1# X^n'tf n. *?Ba vb. 1# XJt n. t/m vb. Xfl?31B n. r»°? n. xnyria n. xna n. 2# XJl'31 n. xmnx n. rns vb. 'oa vb. I1?' vb. XpTia n. -inn vb. pna vb. nno vb. ys: vb. ixy vb. BBp vb. xnia n. i# n^a vb. xVaix n. 1# X^'J n. 1# 'TO vb. I'Bp adj. Xp'nw n. 1# XJITB n. xr;ip. n. ysvs vb. 3TO vb. 'an '3 n. X3B3 n. X^p'B n. xri'aiaatf n. 371' vb. 2# iatf vb. 1# B^n vb. 'nrn n. mn vb. 1# D^B vb. '3p vb. xaiV'w n. 218:56 218:61 219:71 219:72 219:73 219:74 219:76 219:77 219:80 230:74 230:75 230:76 230:77 231:79 233:1 236:20 236:29 238:56 238:59 260:27 260:28 273:25 273:36 280:35 281:53 281:54 282:61 282:64 282:69 282:74 283:92 283:93 283:95 284:11 284:16 284:23 284:27 ptf vb. i# xxaix n. tfaB vb. i# xsaix n. an vb. i# xnpia n. i# nan vb. XTrii n. 1# X11X n. XpBB n. "Wt n. xri"Va n. XBBttfn. BBna vb. 2# XT1B n. s^n vb. 3Vn vb. X3B3 n. onv vb. XBp Xap adv. 3# ftO vb. I1?' vb. i# 'an vb. XOT'3 n. T\l vb. TO vb. 1# bVb vb. X'3Ja n. 1# 'Va vb. Vn: vb. xnVina n. xnax n. 31J vb. ir vb. 1# 'SO vb. 1# Vp» vb. XJB1J n. k;ib vb. i# xn? n. K/l1? vb. •>n vb. XaiB n. xr;:p n. 285:39 286:10 286:42 286:50 286:54 287:60 287:69 290:19 290:22 291:30 291:35 292:52 293:64 293:66 294:1 294:3 294:5 295:13 295:14 298:10 341:3 343:43 343:46 343:47 345:63 346:67 346:70 347:83 349:8 353:46 355:90 356:14 357:25 357:27 357:33 358:34 358:35 1# 'Va vb. IBB vb. rj'Jadj. XJ"U n. 'SB adj. bn vb. xrfr'xip n. xrfrwa n. mpv n. 1# VlJ vb. pns vb. xriraia n. 13J? vb. TOp vb. XJ? "■ i# ntf vb. bs: vb. 'in vb. "?b: vb. x,'i?^ n- i# nn vb. OIX vb. '»a'W '3 n. •va vb. i# m vb. X3T"11 n. ?ms vb. XM'W n. Bpj vb. xaii xnto'3 n. xj'Si xVaVa n. wns vb. OIX vb. i# nnn vb. 1# «)TO vb. 1# pVo vb. i# -nn vb. E?'Ba adj. 1# TUJ vb. xnaip n. ]W- n- i# n» vb. 130 vb. 358:38 358:39 358:43 358:50 360:70 360:71 364:1 364:5 365:18 367:10 367:11 368:15 386:21 386:22 387:1 387:42 388:67 392:42 392:45 392:46 393:61 393:62 393:67 394:7 394:68 394:73 395:1 395:6 395:7 395:9 "IBb vb. KB1?? n. XpllOB n. 1# 'Itf vb. 3# XJVX1X n. XTVnB n. XJB'B n. tV vb. xnsria n. 1# xVlJO n. mv> vb. yna vb. 1# Vpffi vb. 3# «lpa vb. Bp"? vb. XniTW n. 2# tf33 vb. pOB vb. 2# TI vb. xxap n. xja»aio n. VT vb. 2# yan vb. BpJ vb. XriOlD n. tfn vb. i# aon vb. i# xr«?>n n. yax vb. 1# XriE?"| n. 313 vb. iax vb. i# 'an vb. 1B3 vb. xrisVp n. xri'wp vb. XJlTltf* n. xni'att;* n. 2# 1J» vb. xnra n. 'jan rns n. xraVp n. psa vb.
Halakhot Gedolot P 1534 Geonic Writings 396:19 Xp'TlD n. 396:20 piB vb. 397:35 XO'TIB n. 397:36 XlXftK/a n. 397:39 XJpilB n. 398:2 pipa n. la:12 lb:32 15b:10 17b:9 36b: 17 39b:19 42a:33 60a:5 iax vb. 1# 7TX vb. 2# XJMB3 n. nxi '3 n. ara vb. 1# 7TX vb. 1# 7TX vb. xiaa n. Halakhot Pesuqot 2:38 1# xril'n n. 3:4 7jra vb. 3:13 '33 vb. XJ111 'X,1 '3 adv. 4:16 TOT vb. 5:16 XMB n. 6:3 XJTO n. 6:6 773 vb. '71 vb. 6:8 XJXB n. 7:3 XfiB'1 n. 8:3 1# -|jn vb. 8:6 ]'3'K pron. 9:22 l#?TXvb. xrpn n. P'rn adj. 10:12 73; prep. 12:3 'in vb. 12:13 XI'Bnn. 12:15 milvb. 13:2 1# yw vb. 13:6 XBIO n. 13:7 *pp vb. 13:9 l#X^n. 13:10 ©17 vb. 13:13 l#'JTvb. xin* n. 13:14 13:15 13:16 13:19 13:21 14:2 14:6 14:10 14:14 14:18 14:19 14:22 15:3 15:5 15:6 i# xian n. 1'3'X pron. 1# 1JP3 vb. x-ran n. IDS vb. TO? adj. ]3 adv. 'DO vb. Jl»3 adj. EJ17 vb. XUX n. TOX vb. inn vb. X»"V n. X^Xp n. xroin n. 113 vb. XU'B n. X311X n. xarf? n. xatf n. xrrax n. X311X n. ibi vb. x'rVn n. 15:8 XJTO'3? n. ma vb. jijib vb. 15:9 7tf3 vb. 15:10 xrnin n. 15:12 XBrfpn. 15:14 'SX vb. XpSD n. 15:15 7^3 vb. XDin n. xjib'i n. TBtf adj. 15:17 -innvb. VfoV vb. 15:18 1# XB3 n. X7'DB n. KTI'j? n. 15:19 xilln. 16:1 2# XTIB n. 16:3 XJXBn. 2# xins n. XMip n. 16:4 XB113 n. 1# X^J n. 2# XBnj n. Xy3W num. 16:5 ID'Bn num. TIM n. IP'3 n. 16:7 1# 'tfj vb. 16:9 xnaa n. 16:10 X1JB n. 16:11 '7pvb. 16:14 XJI17'3X n. 19:7 19:17 19:19 19:20 19:21 19:22 19:23 19:29 20:18 23:3 23:6 23:7 23:8 23:16 23:24 24:3 25:2 3# My vb. XJI17X n. xntf tin n. VPJ pron. IX-Jj; adv. 1# nil vb. pMn adv. X33 n. i# nn vb. 77' vb. pOB vb. X33 n. Qlp vb. 1# 113 vb. pOS vb. -p»n vb. i# mx vb. XJ117X n. X'11'1 n. xtian n. x:jx n. '11D '3 n. 'BO '? n. "X1D 13 n. 'B 131? prep. XTPp n. XHStf n. 25:3 25:4 25:13 26:10 28:2 28:17 28:19 28:24 28:25 29:4 30:2 30:10 30:32 30:34 31:6 31:7 31:9 31:18 31:19 31:27 32:7 32:9 32:15 32:31 33:3 -a 'X13X prep. '1?N n. xjxb n. XpOU n. 1# X313 n. 1# X03 n. XTlpp n. 'xVyV adv. 'DK vb. xs'ix n. XBJ1J n. XBilJ n. X3p'3?a adv. 1# bpti vb. 2# pSD vb. XlJ'a n. IBtf vb. 1# VIS vb. pa vb. 17BX conj. iJ1? prep. xrniyo n. pSl vb. Xipy n. D7P vb. jins vb. X3D XB1' n. jins vb. 1# 77D vb. 1# 770 vb. 7IJ vb. XX1TI n. np7 vb. TIB vb. p31 vb. xxin n. B"_m adj. i# xipin n. xnyx'B n. XS1DX n. 'JIB adj. 31 adj. XB1DX n. Geonic Writings 1535 Halakhot Pesuqot 33:31 33:35 34:32 35:8 35:9 36:16 36:17 36:19 36:28 37:3 37:8 37:11 38:11 38:12 39:2 39:3 39:4 39:7 39:11 39:12 39:14 40:8 40:21 40:25 40:26 Dip vb. 1# XJ'P n. f?n pron. XJUin n. 1# "in num. ps: vb. XHp adj. 'Xp vb. 'Xp vb. xraax n. XJlflVp n. □lp vb. nx»'an adj. XJpllB n. xVVn n. «p3 vb. «]J3 vb. xVVn n. 1# '3 conj. 2# X31X n. 1# XJID'3 n. XJ'Bp n. xnx;'? n. xpain num. XTO'n num. XV'3 n. pipa n. 'BX vb. no: vb. x'pOn. i# 'an vb. 1/1? vb. 1# Xl'11 n. XBX n. 13 conj. 1# XJI^n n. 1# '?# vb. XB'X n. xtfain num. XPB'n num. ps: vb. 1# 'IP vb. X3D XBl' n. X'ni/Xini 73 pron. 41:4 41:7 41:8 1# 41:12 42:24 42:27 43:14 43:23 43:27 43:29 43:30 44:1 44:2 44:3 44:14 44:17 44:27 45:2 45:3 45:10 45:15 45:16 45:19 46:1 46:2 46:9 47:5 47:7 47:11 47:13 47:15 48:9 48:11 48:14 49:16 XJV71J13 n. 1# T,'n n. "1 1X8 73 pron. ITOtf n. VVp vb. 1# J1TU vb. xjsn n. (-)Jl'^ part. DX conj. xn:ri3 n. 1# 13X vb. 1# Xia'X n. xnj n. xai' n. DH adv. nna adv. xn^ns n. HH'a conj. 'JI vb. i# nps vb. 1# X?i! n. XB'J n. 7snftr na n. n7B vb. 30: vb. TIB vb. i# xnnx n. -nn» vb. T7' vb. T'J vb. nXJJT adj. 77y vb. 1X1J adj. V3X conj. KIJ'I n. ]331 n. 'XII adv. ptfa vb. X3'n adv. T! '2 n- xn'a adv. 2# JHB vb. 49:17 49:22 49:23 49:24 49:25 49:26 49:27 49:28 49:29 50:2 50:3 50:17 50:31 50:32 51:8 51:15 51:18 51:47 52:3 52:7 53:12 53:17 53:20 53:22 54:1 55:10 56:25 57:12 57:27 57:31 57:32 pay vb. mo vb. MX vb. DX conj. 2# 'TJ vb. 1# XJ'V n. IDS vb. mn vb. (|)'5'n '3 conj. 1# X1JX n. 2# TT vb. i# nxaixadj. Vxniff' n? n. «]T' vb. XJl'3'1 n. IT' vb. 113 prep. xa-p xnip'3 n. '03 vb. XJI'3'T n. 1# X11X n. XJIlS^a n. i# mt vb. KM'! n. DTJ adv. llI>'nX13 n. I^TIXIS n. (-)'apa prep. xriniy. n. IpB vb. IX conj. Xtil '3 n. JIT vb. ipB vb. xr;au n. W'rx n. 1J7 prep. xriyn^ n. 'Bl adv. XJTOW n. Dip vb. W^j? adj. 1# X13 n. 57:34 58:1 58:4 58:7 58:14 58:15 58:17 58:24 59:1 59:9 59:10 59:11 59:30 60:7 60:17 62:1 62:5 63:9 63:16 63:20 63:22 63:26 63:28 63:32 63:33 63:34 64:2 64:3 64:4 64:6 64:8 64:9 ]'^n pron. XpVin n. '12/3 adv. 13J?B adj. Xp31 n. 1# X3X n. X3'i1 adv. X3X1 X3X n. p3ti vb. pm vb. XTB n. xrua n. •pS vb. '08 vb. X11B n. 1# XIX'B n. 1# XJJl'B n. XJUa n. '13 adj. 'B: adv. '11 interj. p2V vb. 'Ill pron. 77T vb. XJIS1?'."! n. IDS vb. Xillll n. i# xr;i n. i# xr;; n. 1# XJ'T n. mn vb. i# xr;; n. xmii n. Xplll n. 1'BJll n. XJIO'IB n. i# xriVa n. xjiaa n. '3J prep. 1BTIX13 n. pa» vb. J'UXja n. pOB vb.
Halakhot Pesuqot 1536 Geonic Writings 64:10 64:15 64:24 65:3 65:8 65:12 66:2 66:3 66:4 66:28 66:29 66:30 67:4 67:8 67:18 67:21 67:29 68:25 71:27 72:8 72:14 72:19 72:25 72:27 72:33 76:8 76:9 77:9 77:13 77:29 79:16 79:17 79:18 79:21 1# 73p vb. xr;jj? n. "f conJ- 13 conj. 13 |P prep. ]I\i vb. "7rPJ prep. nns vb. IBti vb. (-)JV^ part. '33/33 Vy prep. Oy prep. DX conj. 1# T1X vb. ana n. xroiix n. 2# -]?n vb. 1# 1,1X vb. 7m vb. -1 XJTyS conj. i# mx vb. VT» conj. «1"T vb. 7^0 adv. X1BX n. xri 'a n. 'Xll adv. 11? adj. XJS^B n. xppiip n. xaxi xnx n. xiD'X n. VP3 pron. 2# '11 vb. 7'^np adj. BBW vb. i^Vin adv. xtuix n. xnrriT n. nr vb. 2# yi3 vb. arrx n. X3'b part. 79:25 80:20 81:14 81:28 81:31 82:10 82:13 83:2 83:6 83:7 83:20 83:23 84:1 84:4 84:11 85:13 87:13 88:3 88:10 89:9 89:14 91:19 92:16 96:20 97:21 97:23 97:24 97:25 98:4 100:4 100:6 100:10 100:11 inn vb. xniirio n. 73X conj. inVx adv. nijja adj. irbm adv. xap'yp adv. xya n. lai vb. 1# 13X vb. TO'X pron. 713 vb. 03X vb. 7m vb. 'ya vb. xsp'yp adv. IT3 vb. xnn n. 2# xrvrc; n. ?ax conj. am vb. xiaa n. 1# 'Xll pron. i# xax n. 'ya vb. 'yrps adv. Xlitfy num. X«hTB n. xapn. xriy'ai n. X31? n. xriy'ai n. 1# X13 n. "13 prep. 1# 'ntf vb. #13 vb. nsa vb. '33 vb. '3! vb. patf vb. 133 vb. xriia'p n. lis vb. 100:14 100:16 100:17 100:20 100:22 101:3 101:8 101:26 101:27 102:1 102:3 102:27 103:1 103:7 103:30 103:31 104:9 105:6 105:8 105:9 105:10 105:11 105:12 107:7 107:12 107:34 108:21 108:23 108:24 109:10 109:14 110:18 110:1.9 110:30 1# Tl» vb. xia? iy adv. 7ya vb. i# ioa vb. ©13 vb. xrny n. 1# xV'X conj. X3'n adv. rrp vb. xriaws n. 2# xnatf n. xririnx n. 7?y vb. 2# XrOtf n. xrnws n. ]m vb. XrT"7B n. 1331 n. x^BVea n. xypipa n. xVx conj. "J11131 prep. i# xnpx n. 103 vb. xni'ry n. 1# 73X vb. i# xrna n. 1# a3tf vb. 1B1! adj. Jl! vb. XrOTO n. "31.1 interj. "3in interj. xmniD n. 2# 133 vb. ]Xiy adv. 2# 133 vb. xrnapi? n. Pip vb. XKH3 adv. IX conj. D1X vb. p3' vb. 111:32 112:1 112:4 112:6 112:7 113:10 113:20 113:21 114:6 114:7 114:9 " 114:12 114:13 114:14 114:17 114:18 114:20 114:21 114:28 114:31 115:1 115:10 115:13 115:14 115':15 115:18 115:19 115:24 117:15 xrnprn n. DVtJTO v.n. 13y vb. p3' vb. xnp'3in n. p3' vb. xnp'3to n. 7aX conj. 133 vb. XlW'y n. "1 83TJ3 conj. ■?'l pron. pi vb. in'3 pron. 733 vb. 1# MP vb. DIB1? prep. X3pB» n. 3'B3 73 lxV prep. DyTB pron. X31113 n. X3TX1 adv. i# xnrria n. PDB vb. tix vb. "3'ya prep. 113 vb. ixn vb. ^SX adv. irQ1? prep. i# xnpx n. ma vb. "Tl pron. 1# X13 n. 77y vb. XraV n. 1# 73X vb. 1# '73 vb. X3XB n. 1# 73X vb. xpip n. X3iaa n. piV vb. Geonic Writings 1537 Halakhot Pesuqot 117:16 117 117 117 118 118 118 118 119 19 30 31 6 14 16 18 23 123:8 124:13 128:8 128:9 128:10 128:11 128:18 128:20 128:21 128:22 129:1 130:9 130:10 130:12 130:13 130:16 130:18 131:27 131:28 131:31 132:8 132:10 1# aDtf vb. Xm7BlX n. 133 vb. lit vb. Xllfr'y n. 2# 133 vb. IP prep. xia? n. 303 vb. xwy n. IpB vb. Xni|73 n. '33 prep. patf vb. xm1?© n. B13 vb. XB'3 n. Xin pron. nxaip adj. Dl adv. "3 prep. pB3 vb. '31 vb. -7rP3 prep. 7m vb. 130 vb. 1BX vb. nxivr adj. 1# X13D n. nxivr adj. ana vb. xarp n. JTO19 adv. i# np vb. yip vb. 1# xrr?3B n. pOB vb. N1??? n. i# 'Va vb. "I XB3 73 conj. 130 vb. 1# 'Xl pron. in'3 pron. 134:10 135:3 135:6 135:7 135:8 135:9 135:10 135:14 135:17 136:10 136:13 136:15 136:18 136:19 136:23 136:24 136:25 136:26 137:1 137:7 137:10 137:12 137:14 137:18 137:20 137:21 138:7 138:17 138:18 138:20 2# 'AD vb. 3# EOT vb. 1031X num. XJV'Vtf n. !?' vb. ma vb. 733 vb. 1# Itf vb. ma vb. 1# Mti vb. niB vb. 113 vb. X37I adv. X^3'3 n. *]?n vb. X031X n. xnx n. 01X vb. Wti '3 n. 2# plO vb. «)3n vb. nsn vb. 2# 713 vb. KrU'3 n. x;ip n. 3# Xfl'XlX n. 1# 10p vb. XP'l n. "n adj. XJB n. X^lll n. i# xaxn n. xbipy n. i#-]tfa vb. xaii3 n. i# pia vb. T113 vb. X331© n. W37 vb. Xp3BI2>!3 n. xnyasx n. XW'IB adv. ppt vb. 139:2 139:3 139:19 141:12 142:4 142:6 142:9 143:6 143:8 143:9 143:13 143:18 144:11 144:18 144:25 147:7 147:9 147:15 147:16 147:21 147:23 147:26 148:2 148:14 149:16 150:11 150:13 150:14 151:5 151:18 151:24 XfflBl n. 733 vb. xaii xitra n. xryi x^1?? n. yi3 vb. i# bpv vb. N311p n. '3t vb. 7?y vb. '31 vb. T'3 vb. 13 conj. irfrxB adv. 1# Xia n. i# xnia n. 1# Xll n. xrri3 n. 7Xliff? 1? n. i# nn vb. xria?' n. 77p vb. KBhTB n. xaxi xnx na n. 'IXn pron. 1# XJJl! n. 1D3 vb. xriaip'3 n. 1# 1133 vb. pa© vb. 2# T7n vb. xnar n. ("CBpa prep. xnyraty n. XWITB n. rj'3 adj. 303 vb. 'ax vb. mn vb. Wl adj. 'nx vb. Vlp vb. TIX vb. 2# T7n vb. 152:16 153:12 154:4 156:17 157:19 157:20 157:21 162:20 163:16 163:27 163:28 163:29 163:30 163:31 163:32 163:33 164:2 164:4 164:14 164:17 164:18 164:27 165:2 166:1 166:2 2# 13a vb. iy prep. 2# '31 vb. xrai n. 2# ybn vb. 033 vb. NJTO n- 303 vb. 303 vb. 303 vb. KTIB'B n. 1# ?!X vb. nas adv. "0 n. ion vb. XJ1T n. pa© vb. 11! vb. 'in adj. (")JP part. xri'nix n. 031B vb. 7na prep. Da' vb. Dip vb. 'in adj. xnpa1 n. xinia n. ip' vb. 1?1 1? adv. 13 IB prep. 77y vb. xai' n. ?ya vb. 7Vy vb. xa1?:; mr'piB n. poy vb. xmi3n n. poy vb. xma's n. 1# '81 vb. pB3 vb. xnyy n.
Halakhot Pesuqot 1538 Geonic Writings 166:3 166:4 166:7 166:8 166:18 167:4 167:6 167:7 175:15 175:16 175:17 175:18 175:19 177:29 178:4 179:12 179:24 179:25 X^>X conj. mv n. I? adv. *?D3 vb. ("),?i? prep. TOn. 1# HID n. 1# XD1S n. XJJS n. X33ti n. DUO vb. xwti n. xiymi xVin n. Kl'OSH n. ixn vb. i# xripvi n. piB vb. XSp^B adv. XIBti n. xnrry n. W?T n. XpD'n n. xprffl' n. 2# xrntii n. 180:27 nx»7i?adj. 180:28 Xrnnn. 181:3 Njnt?S»n. XfffihS n. 181:5 KJipsan. 181:8 rmyniadj. 181:10 nxti'anadj. xrrchB n. 181:11 nXJTTltiadj. 181:14 HXJTStiadj. 181:16 xpO'B n. 182:2 XB10 n. "J?, prep. 182:6 NpO'Sn. 182:7 nxa-Ii?adj. 182:8 xriBBB n. nos vb. 182:14 XpO'B n. 182:17 IBBvb. 182:20 182:21 182:22 182:23 182:25 183:1 183:3 183:8 183:11 183:12 183:13 184:7 184:8 184:9 xrinra n. xr;jy n. xrixn: n. "W,n- xrn'i n. xrbbm n. XrjBBB n. xrixu: n. XjJO'S n. IDS vb. i# nn vb. nx?'3ti adj. xjnosa n. ]a prep. xsio n. XpO'B n. 13 conj. y*?p vb. xjnosa n. XJ'r'jy n. nxri'rup adj. 184:14 -irtaadv. 184:15 nxanpadj. 184:18 nxy?") adj. 184:23 ra»n. Kj'l1! xar n. 184:24 XflTtinn. 185:1 NriEhSn. 185:3 lOB'Dn. 185:4 y*?pvb. 185:5 l#X13Jn. 185:6 IBS vb. 185:7 TlXn. 185:14 nxy'31 adj. 185:15 nxti'anadj. 185:16 xrrehs n. ybp vb. 185:19 13? prep. 185:21 Nr«n? n. 185:23 Dipvb. y°?p vb. 185:24 Xfl'tinum. 185:27 X3ti3X3?31Xn. 185:29 185:30 185:31 186:1 186:2 186:3 186:4 186:5 186:6 186:7 186:9 186:10 186:11 186:14 186:15 "lOin num. 1'V'X pron. xrrr tin n. pOB vb. 13 conj. IWI'ti num. KW1? n- XJIBBa n. XjJO'B n. xrnp-19 n. XflOS n. xnrna tin n. ]'Vl pron. xsio n. on adv. XIB'O n. 1# np vb. 187:4 X3ti3 Xtian n. xroun n. xrinra n. 187:5 X3B Xai' n. 187:7 NrifUn n. i# xn» n. 187:8 mn. 187:10 nODvb. xnti tin n. 187:22 'JB vb. 187:23 Xtina adv. 3# nti vb. 188:1 2#npvb. 188:2 1# nti vb. 3# nti vb. 188:5 -p3vb. 189:3 l#'JJvb. 190:1 xjvwx n. itiJn. xnn? n. 190:4 xrnsora n. xjia? n. ]3 adv. xn^s1?'? n. 2# Xfl'Sti n. 190:5 XV'SJUI n. 3'BT adj. 190:6 2# Kfl'3ti n. 190:9 1# xVsiS n. 2# pVo vb. 190:11 xVp3n. 2# xwn n. 'xbti n. xjan. 190:13 XJQ'Sn. 2# pto> vb. 191:2 B1 adv. np vb. xri'nti n. 191:3 2#XmTjn. ]no vb. 191:4 XTVlXn. 2# Xir? n. 1# 003 vb. xrir^a n. 1# XJD'ti n. xri'nti n. 191:5 191:6 191:11 191:12 191:13 192:1 192:2 192:3 192:4 192:16 192:17 196:16 198:18 nap vb. xan: n. xnrnxx n. Dip vb. xjns n. "7ti3 vb. 1# '3 conj. ps: vb. inu vb. xatiiti n. 1# xn'T n. XB013 n. xnti'a n. QT adv. xnti'a n. xrary n. xjan n. K3i"D n. 1# Xfl3p n. *pp vb. 3# *\-\V vb. X3pi: n. Geonic Writings 1539 Halakhot Pesuqot 198:19 198:20 199:1 199:2 199:3 199:4 199:10 200:6 200:7 200:8 200:9 200:10 200:11 200:12 200:13 200:14 200:15 200:16 200:17 200:18 200:19 xrnria n. xraa n. 3pj vb. 1# pVx vb. xanp n. 'Xllb adv. X3'1? n. XJ3pip n. 'l^B 'J3 n. i# xrap n. X133 n. X0"13 n. xrma n. ono vb. IBti vb. xV^n n. 3p: vb. pao vb. □no vb. xman. nD3 vb. 1# xp'l n. dbo vb. XJ'SO n. IX conj. 'nx vb. XpDIB n. pBl vb. nsj vb. tinx vb. yt3 vb. 1# Xp'l n, xanp n. X^S'tiB n. p313 vb. 'XII adv. X3pi: n. xtiyx n. 130 vb. TtiX vb. pos vb. i# oan vb. xrniti n. 200:20 bib vb. -no vb. xbib n. 201:1 l#X9Xn. 2# XJST n. xanp n. 201:2 ltxm'nn. 130 vb. 201:3 l#X1J3n. 201:4 api vb. 3# XBip n. 201:6 3#XBipn. 201:8 ti'Vnadj. xnTO n. xri'tip vb. 201:9 'OB'Sn. i# xona n. K3B10 n. 201:10 yt3vb. 2# XO'J n. XB"llp n. 201:11 DXconj. 3p3 vb. 201:12 Xyi'3 n. •m vb. 201:13 3#n3vb. X3pW n. 201:15 3J by_ IX conj. xjisa'o n. 201:16 'XlJ^adv. 201:17 XJisa'On. 3# XBlp n. 201:18 ltoVflvb. Vyti vb. 201:19 la n? prep. urtn n. i# xri» n. Xti313 n. 2# xr'ya n. 202:1 xn-rn n. 1# XM3 n. 3p3 vb. 202:2 XnoiTB n. 202:3 1# X»na n. 202:4 3pi vb. 202:8 XtiD13 n. 202:9 X"JJ'X n. i# -mi vb. «]m vb. xmn n. 2# p-lti vb. 202:10 10X vb. i# xnnx n. 'VlB adj. p'SJ? adj. 202:11 l#Xril'nn. 202:12 KnJ'Xn. 1# 18X vb. xriosox n. m vb. '^B vb. 202:13 1# xan? n. 03T vb. 202:15 XTltiT XBin n. xnnain n. 1# Xllti n. 202:21 'bB vb. 203:1 Kjrt*3? n. 203:2 npy vb. 203:4 xnnain n. ion vb. 203:6 xrvury n. 203:9 1# X?'1! n. 203:10 l#X13n. XIB'X n. 203:11 omvb. xf?m n. i# xrivn n. Xljlti n. 203:12 1# 1J3 vb. 1# "?3n vb. i# oaoa vb. 203:13 l#XJIn. XB3lti n. 203:14 1# 1J3 vb. Oil vb. 203:16 203:17 203:18 204:3 204:5 204:6 204:8 204:9 204:10 204:11 204:13 204:14 204:19 205:1 205:3 205:4 205:6 205:7 205:8 205:9 205:10 205:11 206:1 206:5 206:6 206:8 XlJlti n. XB^n. X?B'S n. on vb. pOB vb. xnr n. 13y vb. i# xrivn n. XJBn. XIBlp n. 2# IDp vb. ti'3 adj. x;an. Tip adj. xrnx n. 1# Xlp^ n. bm vb. xr/rVrn n. XB-lip n. ra: vb. 1# 1J3 vb. pr vb. i# xriisa n. i# x^n n. 1# X"13 n. on vb. Xljlti n. 1# X^n'ti n. ti3' vb. tiBti vb. 01B vb. IBti vb. XJ11B n. i# Dan vb. tirn vb. Xpi31 n. xjns'x n. XB1J n. vrfn n. Tb: vb. 'X13V adv. X3TX n. XB1?n n.
IHP 1540 Geonic Writings 206:9 206:10 206:11 206.12 206:14 206:15 206:19 206:20 207:1 207:12 207:14 207:22 208:2 208:5 208:7 208:9 208:13 208:16 217:4 301:17 TStf adj. 2# xrrt»? n. 2# XXaiX n. plB vb. XTT'p n. XTIStf n. xira adj. XJTDin n. xairir n. X710'3J 13 n. XTI'p n. i# xrivn n. "fl adj. N13iy n. X8'X n. ray vb. Oil adv. xoiy n. XIS'X n. 1# XJJ n. )B prep. xiina 'ap n. i# xrivn n. xriai'S n. 113 vb. XBDX n. xpiax n. 03X vb. 1# VW vb. Bntf vb. xma n. IHP 556:10 557:20 558b:4 562:11 562:12 584:11 591b:5 593:26 594:20 597:5 599:16 KB1S n. XBSO n. 1# xntf"! n. W# '3 n. 'Palp '3 n. xrivaix n. 'y3 vb. 3mo vb. IIS vb. Xpl'3 n. i# xrr?'a n. 599:19 XJ'TI XBi' n. 603:8 nn vb. 605b:7 *?1D vb. 610:15 XlllXn. 611:5 'BO vb. 611:6 xrnpBXn. 611:10 xmpsxn. 611:14 XriipBXn. 611:19 (V)'Vj? t1?)'^ adv. 613b:16 XriipSX n. 615:2 2# 'JO vb. 616:13 2#'13 vb. 616:14 2#'13 vb. xyj'3 n. 616:15 2# t3 vb. Halakhot Pesuqot [Qafih Vol] 205:13 1# X31 n. 211:20 Xlip'an. 217:2 XIB'P n. 218:7 1# XTOO n. XJ'tf n. 222:2 '03 '3 n. X5?|'3 n. 223:12 nxyX'Badj. xrary n. 223b:5 3V7 vb. Se 'eltot 1:1 "7 conj. bxiip' rv;n n. 3in vb. xrr7>xti n. 1:3 2# ]«a pron. 1# n3X vb. 1:4 xW>'n n. 1:49 013 conj. -px vb. 1:56 ipa adj. 1:218 xrfr'Xtfn. 1:230 Xjppa n. 2:1 xrVrxtfn. 2:2 xrna'Vx n. 'J?3 vb. 2:25 3:1 3:36 3:59 4.1 4:2 4:34 5:6 5:9 5:13 6:1 8:22 8:29 8:31 9:41 10:1 10:130 10:131 11:2 13:7 13:37 14:39 15:15 15:71 16:48 16:61 17:7 18:5 20:3 20:20 20:61 24:2 24:13 25:1 26:89 28:33 29:1 31:36 32:26 33:2 33:18 013 conj. Xrfj»X» n. ■jxiip' rm n. ••ys vb. "I conj. DJin vb. J7U vb. xprnx n. xprnx n. xprnx n. "1 conj. 'rxito' rrai n. •yi vb. ^3 vb. 'y3 vb. 2# Xri'XlX n. bxifcr n'3i n. KTb part. IPX vb. Dyi'a pron. oao vb. xjpoa n. xprnx n. Xll'X n. lax vb. X3',l adv. 'H3 adv. XD'H adv. X3',l adv. 'Xll adv. X3'n adv. I'^y"? prep. 'in?1? prep. xriapiap n. "1 conj. ibx vb. rrrj pron. "1 conj. on adv. D.1 adv. iVx conj. XBiP n. xasiia n. 33:54 33:56 36:4 36:32 37:109 37:145 37:147 38:1 38:14 39:41 41:69 42:96 43:1 43:3 xsir n. xasiia n. Ill pron. 1'1'n pron. lax vb. i# xrVpa n. 1# »SB vb. 2# #31 vb. iV'X conj. xrsao n. IPX vb. ^ll pron. 'Xll adv. xprin n. 1# Itf vb. 44:93 44:96 45:2 45:3 45:4 45:5 45:6 45:7 45:55 45:56 46:9 46:15 46:92 49:26 49:27 50:1 50:32 51:1 51:19 51:44 51:49 51:81 53:4 53:43 54:48 ppi vb. XTOSOX n. XJSTiB n. XSiP n. XSlP n. 7133 vb. XBiP n. XJSTia n. xasiia n. xrisr n. xnsr n. 3ip vb. in vb. nso vb. 1# rax vb. Bp: vb. BpJ vb. Dyi'B pron. 'Xp vb. 'Xp vb. 2# XJ18X n. '83 adv. iV'X conj. nraV prep. IBX vb. XailVl n. ]"riyb prep. 'XII adv. Geonic Writings 1541 Simmusa de-Tefillin 55:21 58:14 58:29 59:22 60:45 60:61 62:3 62:10 69:29 71:30 72:2 73:32 73:33 73:77 73:80 74:19 74:23 75:6 75:13 75:19 75:79 78:2 79:64 80:16 80:28 81:13 82:2 82:14 83:32 86:38 86:39 89:31 91:37 91:55 93:14 93:15 95:1 98:2 99:13 OH adv. 'XII adv. IXV vb. ]1'n pron. Djn'a pron. 1# TU vb. Nrr>3: n. 0"X vb. 2# ]XB pron. iV'X conj. 113 vb. T1? adj. 0'3rj adj. xri'ana n. xrfrw n. Xlpn' n. 'pa adj. 013 conj. p'10 adj. 4# '13 vb. 0'?n adj. xri'ana n. rjayV prep. xriV'xs; n. 'rjaa n. pna vb. xnon's n. xmnx n. 2# XXB1X n. Tl'n pron. 'Xll adv. inan pron. XpO'!l n. XpPTI n. 130 vb. 1# X'll1? adv. xnnb n. 113 vb. 1# XXB1X n. aay vb. 1'Til pron. ■?3J vb. inan pron. 100:3 100:48 100:150 101:26 104:79 104:139 104:143 106:1 106:32 106:34 106:38 108:8 108:32 108:70 109:20 109:70 110:31 111:5 111:10 111:17 111:28 113:13 113:30 113:37 113:41 113:74 114:70 116:34 117:15 117:16 117:17 117:29 117:74 117:75 117:79 2# '13 vb. ™? n- 'B adv. Vila n. ^an pron. 01X vb. 2# "|1X vb. 2# "|1X vb. XBrV? n. 2# l,ltf vb. 2# -\W vb. 1# XXB1X n. T1? adj. 1^3 vb. Tjayb prep. Olp prep. xrfrw n. D'?n adj. xn'aria n. Wti vb. xraoxa n. 2# X31X n. px vb. 2# 1XB pron. Bin vb. 01X vb. XpllOB n. 1# 'TO vb. 3# Xri'XIX n. 2# XT13 n. Bap vb. Bpa vb. 'B adv. xnian n. xnoio n. 'Xll adv. XnTJtf* n. Xn'3 n. 'jail D» n. XO'1.13 n. 1'Vn pron. XaX^pBB n. X^JX n. 117:86 117:90 119:1 119:55 120:23 120:25 120:29 120:48 121:29 122:1 122:3 122:19 124:2 124:76 126:36 128:7 128:17 129:1 129:22 129:26 130:3 130:4 130:37 132:4 132:54 138:17 139:27 140:32 140:55 144:1 145:18 146:27 146:75 146:127 XO'TIS n. xnis n. 1BX vb. xnis n. X1?"? n. i# xaria n. xV'^3 n. inan pron. xaiivi n. piin vb. i# t?in vb. "Sp'ya prep. xa'jap n. i# bvn vb. 1# fpV vb. 2# naa vb. 31p vb. 1# 003 vb. 4# '13 vb. (-)'SX1? prep. 2# 1X13 pron. xn'ja n. 113 vb. 113 vb. XJ13T n. xaasta n. XJ13] n. IjnVx adv. 2# XIX'B n. 1# XIX'B n. T13 adj. O'snadj. xri'iriB n. 1# *?3X vb. 'n» vb. i# nu vb. Dip prep. xriV'xip n. XS:3 n. 1# tax vb. T.11B vb. mis vb. THIS vb. 147:1 147:42 152:21 152:45 153:33 157:44 159:2 161:9 161:19 163:52 163:71 165:17 170:2 170:7 170:12 170:15 170:62 171:1 171:2 180:22 184:55 185:49 189:8 189:9 189:10 192:1 192:4 192:62 xaa'i n. 31p vb. 1# p?B vb. 1'1'n pron. xprin n. xaj^is n. X1113 n. ypy vb. DBJ vb. NJ'^ap n. Dlpi: prep. XrfrXB n. 1'Vil pron. xi'taa n. xni'taa n. 2# '31 vb. yxs vb. xnms n. 131 vb. xprrn n. xni'j'ps n. xr;ap n. Dip prep. 0"?X vb. X311J n. X13H n. ■jm vb. X3B xai' n. xiyiai xVin n. 2# rnx n. Simmusa de-Tefillin 488:1 488:3 489:4 489:7 489:10 489:11 490:15 490:19 490:22 490:25 xyx n. xni'sn* n. i# 'ns vb. 1# XS^'p n. 2# UP vb. xyx n. BDn vb. 1# XS^'p n. 1# XSVp n. xyap n. X&iV n. pra vb.
Decrees 1542 Geonic Writings 491:2 491:28 491:35 492:48 492:49 492:53 492:54 492:55 492:57 494:64 494:74 495:79 496:11 3. 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 2:1 2:2 2:3 1# TO vb. 1# Xn'3 n. 2# XJl'T n. T\V] n. «]Dy vb. xnis'y n. Ti'n. V?y vb. «)sy vb. "IDpa prep. 2# X31X n. i# nn: vb. 2# KrO'Tia n. i# xriau n. xprrn. IS1? vb. ■brmularies Decrees 3'an adj. K$? n- xnrna ©'■) n. "i'i?! adj. N??i? n. mby n. 'Spa n. mo vb. 1# p"?D vb. yatf vb. 'Sp? n. i# xrnix n. nxv vb. -'T Vy prep. pOD vb. nyx vb. D7$ PreP- x;ati n. X33 n. Dli?> PreP- id: vb. 1# X-JSD n. i# np vb. xrmarna n. xiiax n. 2:4 2:5 2:6 2:7 2:8 2:9 3:1 3:2 3:3 3:4 3:5 3:7 3:8 1# X1SD n. xwby n. X33 n. -Qi vb. xVja n. xna n. xyiatf n. '11D" n. X^'yb adv. 1# pVD vb. !"?? n. yT vb. XJniVv n. i# yap vb. Xniyi n. 'spa n. xj"i n. i# xrnix n. ■sjjri pron. '3T vb. O'apV prep. ehe vb. yatf vb. ]3an n. KrnS'33 tfn n. ■wx baa adv. 'BTH '*!i?» n. XDJIS n. a'an adj. Tj?! adj. D7i?, PreP- x:"I n. XJD'T n. K'#? n- '?p? n. ^jn pron. xnr n. 'in vb. ■WX taa adv. ]rj pron. nr? part. xrrre n. natf vb. 3:9 3:10 3:11 3:13 4:1 4:2 4:3 4:4 4:5 4:6 4:7 4:8 4:9 4:10 4:11 4:12 4:13 WX pron. "I ]»T3 conj. ]?? adv. nrmb prep. 'Da vb. 'Spa n. TO vb. WW vb. i# lan vb. mbti n. 1# xntf'33 n. irfrxV adv. xrrris n. xnannx n. a'an adj. "I'i?! adj. D7i& Prep- ps: vb. xrrns n. 'pn vb. nov vb. 1# '3D vb. i# bap vb. x:h V"xa n. mn vb. On; part. xnainx n. ■wx baa adv. XT pron. mn vb. P?3 adv. IX conj. WX pron. Din vb. XDin n. yxp vb. xrima n. npy vb. xnibx n. xpir n. nap vb. xaaw n. 'raa prep. 4:14 4:15 4:16 4:17 5:2 5:3 5:4 5:5 5:7 5:8 5:9 5:10 5:11 5:12 5:13 5:14 6:1 6:2 1U vb. it: vb. ao: vb. f3V> vb. xnainx n. i# xntf'33 n. XW'P n. xnr n. -!\D) i)3 adv. NT'#S n. D"!i?,-' Prep- IpS vb. 1# np vb. mn vb. n$? n. nan; vb. x:"t b'ya n. xn'nix'i adj. XJ"! n. nay vb. xnrrnx n. by prep. D*?tf vb. i# xn'a n. 2# X13 n. xw n. 1JX vb. ptia vb. nana prep. 2# yis vb. 2# xniEh n. xrirmx n. VxTfcp na n. "b"! pron. xia: ny adv. ]K vb. XT pron. ron vb. xrfrpx n. XJ"! n. am vb. pDS vb. xn'ns n. Geonic Writings 1543 IKI 6:3 6:4 6:5 6:6 6:8 6:9 7:1 7:2 7:3 7:5 7:6 7:7 0"S vb. xj"! b'ya n. xnbpx n. 2# bbn vb. nmb prep. xmy n. xnVpx n. WX pron. XT pron. ]y3 adv. Onif? prep. xn'ris n. 2# ^n vb. NnVpN n. XpnS' n. xrnDb n. 1# X1DD n. ]?ai n. XI"! n. °1Z PreP- xaa n. OnilV prep. Onif? prep. '3 interj. XpnS' n. XniD^ n. 7:8 Tl?adv- 7:9 Dl1? vb. xrnDV n. 7:10 1# -T ixa V3 pron. OmV? prep. xrnyn n. yr vb. xnatf n. xbjya adv. XD1S n. xnVsa n. XJ'T '? n. nay vb. nxV'y adj. Dip vb. xyya n. xnVa: n. 7:11 7:12 7:13 7:14 7:15 7:16 7:17 7:18 7:19 8:2 8:6 9:1 9:2 9:3 9:4 9:5 9:6 9:7 9:8 9:9 9:10 9:11 9:12 9:13 TU vb. xsiy n. 1# 1W vb. i# xa-i? n. Kpll1? n. 2# yns vb. nxaip adj. xbjya adv. XjVlJ n. i# xn^':3 n. my\b n. •!]3n pron. 'Da vb. mo vb. maigV prep. xnnno n. xVya n. 'Tin. xjaVs n. ftS vb. '38 vb. xjawn n. xsinp'sx n. '31 vb. i# 'ytf vb. xprnx n. Xjn:X pron. )"y vb. X3TO n. D3D vb. D-JP prep. 13?"5 n- 1# X13J n. ma vb. by prep. bm vb. IB'na adj. i# Vap vb. Dm vb. XrfDT n. 1# '3D vb. 'Sp? n. i# in vb. 9:14 9:15 9:16 9:17 9:18 9:19 10:1 10:3 10:4 10:5 10:7 10:8 10:9 10:10 10:11 10:12 10:13 10:14 10:15 10:16 10:17 10:18 KSTW n. XpJ'tlX n. Onil1? prep. XnT n. 2# pSD vb. xrrra n. xnyiaw n. XDll1? n. xrnjny n. ppi vb. O'SXa prep. 'T na pron. i# nni vb. Dip prep. •q'X conj. ]'13n adv. Dlpb prep. Tyi adj. patf vb. ppi vb. i]31 ^3 adv. m adj. i# nv vb. S'p? adj. 'IB vb. XDW n. 1?1 p adv. 113 vb. 1'V'X pron. ao: vb. 131 pron. i# xns'a n. 'ax vb. TM adj. D"p adj. dV^ vb. xniin n. D^yV adv. xynia n. Dyn vb. ps: vb. my n. Vpa adj. 10:19 10:20 10:21 10:22 10:23 10:24 1:23 3:9 3:12 3:17 3b:3 3b: 15 40:3 240:3 240:4 1 225:16 391:12 544:44 604:2 604:6 604:15 607:18 607:24 la(10) lb(8) 2a(3) btn vb. x:'ai n. DTI' adj. x:ita n. nna prep. X0S1D n. XnT n. xninnx n. i# ':p vb. xV'y1? adv. V~\S vb. D'Jp adj. IKI x:ana n. "fr vb. 'in vb. i# 'ai vb. X33W n. xna'na wn n. XpTS Bn n. Lucena i# xrrwx n. pm vb. IS1? vb. PDFMP i# xri'na n. nnt'ax n. xpri'j n. nnrax, n. x:a-in n. x:'i 'a n. Dip vb. i# ':y vb. ,T31 n'3'D adv. SSHai 2# nrrvo n. xnaws n. 031 vb. xania n. xran. i# Knna n. by prep. X'^S n.
S§Hai 1544 Geonic Writings 2a(4) xrrVira n. X^S n. 2a(6) XnW3'X n. ]lt vb. 1# W?3 vb. 2a(7) 1# W?3 vb. rf?D vb. one vb. 2a(9) in adj. xrilDS n. nXB num. xtiib n. 2a(10) xpiB'O n. 2a(ii) xjnx b>3 rnix n. 2a(14) xrr?3 n. Y?V vb. '35 vb. 2a(15) X?rn n. 2# Wn adj. 2a(16) xpinp'3 n. OT>nV n. XJXB n. 2a(17) 151 J? adv. X3X8 n. X?3B n. 2a(19) 1# "?3p vb. 2a(20) xrnw3 n. '35 vb. 2a(21) XT pron. jnrvnj n. 2b(2) Xninnx n. XJTV n. notf n. 2b(3) 1# Xri'3 n. 2# XT3 n. TJiy adj. 2b(4) 3AX prep. 2b(5) niOIIX adj. 2# ,"IX3'1J7 adj. 2# jns vb. 2b(6) xriiB n. 2b(7) xrpBDX n. X0S1B n. 2b(8) NrOirQ n. 3a(6) T]31 T3 adv. tOPSO n. 3a(7) xania n. '38 vb. X10S n. 3a(8) H'K conj. X3'3rj n. 3a(9) xrnjn n. 3a(10) 'n3X pron. 3a(ll) l#X3Xn. 3a(12) 1# X3X n. X3T pron. 'in vb. n? adv. naTp ]a prep. 3a(13) 'in vb. tds vb. 'XtfT. adj. p3tf vb. nxoVtf adj. 3a(14) "|in vb. 3a(15) T3 prep. aby<? adv. 3a(16) XB'J n. m vb. xns'p n. 3a(17) XrilJ'X n. plB'9 n. 1'Ptt'tf n. 3b(7) XJHia n. 3b(8) 1# xna n. 3b(9) rux pron. 3b(10) XB'l n. N^S n. 3b(ll) '38 vb. xn'Vtf n. 3b(12) Q'Vw adj. 4a(3) XJTDT n. XTO'V n. 4a(4) X^W pron. XWS3 n. xniax* n. 4a(5) 4a(6) 4a(7) 4a(7; O) 4a(8) 4a(9) 4a(9; Var) 4a(9) 4a(9; 0) 4a(ll) 4a(15) 4a(16) 4a(17) 4a(18) 4a(19) 4a(20) 4b(4) X031X n. Xbl? conj. x^ia n. Xj7 part. UWn. xriiVw n. xnr n. T vb. XSD3 n. rprrc adj. DTj? prep. -pro adj. 3D adj. 751 1? adv. 'V?a adj. tf'P3 adj. N?rn n. x^pna n. TIT3 adj. XTOT n. J37»» n. 1# xnilh n. 2# JHB vb. xVs prep. xn'rn n. xmrw n. xri'TO n. xnin'x n. xriiyp n. xrnyiy n. xnaatf n. 3TX n. xjatf n. 1'3 prep. XO'1?? n. xsro n. xVp'rca n. xyp-ipa n. pma n. VHn pron. 'SJ/SJ^prep. 4b(5) 1# X^'X conj. 13 conj. •t nna'x *?3 conj. jnp vb. X131tf n. 4b(6) p'n vb. 4b(8) XB1S n. 4b(9) OTl'33 adv. 4b(10) XES3 n. X3';3J? n. EhS vb. 4b(ll) X^adv. 4b(12) Tab adj. 4b(13) XT pron. xrinno n. ehs vb. 1# '3p vb. 4b(16) ipx conj. C)'SX3 prep. xrinno n. 4b(17) 1# '3p vb. 4b(19) -ina/'xaVspron. abv vb. 4b(21) XaV?3 adv. xa»n. 5a(4) Xrw n. 5a(5) l# X3'1 n. xmri n. 5a(6) 1# XSX n. 5# '13 vb. 1# 'SS vb. 5a(7) 1J'3X adj. 'P3 vb. 5a(8) Xn33?B n. xrnjn? n. 5a(8; O) "IB1 TI n. 5a(9) 1# xn3n n. 5a(10) ip'9 n. 5a(10; O) 1B'n n. 5a(ll) Urnvb. '3T vb. xmsa n. 5a(12) xruyp n. xrijratf n. Geonic Writings 1545 S§H ai 5a(14) 5a(15) 5a(17) 5a(20) 5a(21) 5b(l;0) 5b(2) 5b(3) 5b(4) 1# 5b(5) 5b(6) 5b(7) 5b(8) 5b(9) 5b(10) 5b(ll) 5b(12) 5b(13) ■J13'3 prep. 2# V?n vb. xniyp n. ^na vb. 2# R-\W9 n. xni'w ]J?3 adv. xaty n. X3X pron. xrrra n. xmatf n. xjatim n. .TTP3X n. '31 vb. X3H '3 n. i# nxa-ix adj. 'nx vb. i# xrra n. "1 ]Xa "73 pron. '?i?? n. xnain n. Dip vb. XJX pron. (-)n^ part. nana prep. nt'ax adj. 5# 'T3 vb. 'p3 vb. xrpapx n. xV'jr1? adv. X0S1D n. X3ri3 n. ps: vb. n'"!!'3X n. DJ?T vb. 2tin vb. i# xspn n. (-in'1? part. WOfQ n. nay vb. 1# 'BT vb. b'pa adj. i# ioa vb. 5b(14) 5b(15) 5b(17) 5b(18) 5b(19) 5b(20) 5b(21) 6a(l) 6a(3) 6a(4) 6a(5) 6a(5; O) 6a(6) 6a(7) Xl&b n. xmaj n. xrinno n. x^-ia n. XTOX* n. W n. xmyp n. pi 1? adv. xrisn n. Xrl-IT n. N^Vs n. i# xnsi? n. ihS vb. nxisa n. B'Vn adj. 3,T vb. XJ1T n. D'JP adj. XT pron. xrm n. xnsj? n. X33K n. NjnX n. 1# xri'WX n. xrp n. xnra1? n. xnwx n. X3'J3a n. XSJ n. XT3 n. XJ/ibs n. 1# XJ113 n. XpSD n. 1# XT3V n. x^ns n. XJTO n. xnrx n. X^p n. Xi>13 pron. X1TO3 n. xpaiy n. i# xn,!?7 n. xan n. 6a(8) 6a(9) 6a(10) 6a(ll) 6a(12) 6a(13) 6a(14) 6a(15) 6a(16) 6a(17) 6a(18) 6a(19) 6a (20) 6a(21) 6b(2) 6b(4) 6b(5) 6b (6) p)1 n. xja n'a n. xnp'a n. xpjin n. Vl^a adv. xjppa n. xjpsa n. ID' vb. naVa adv. "?'J?^a adv. xnpm n. T'B vb. «]X conj. xaVjfa adv. T'» vb. I'V'X pron. B''?© adj. i# in vb. pn vb. rlT vb. 2# nno vb. 1# '3» vb. D^V adv. '3X vb. xriinnx n. K3'3] n. -ijny vb. Dip vb. 5# na vb. 1# '3T vb. XJTIT n. pna vb. 1# 'SS vb. at'w vb. abyb adv. 2# xnac? n. 1# X3';t n. xjipin n. nnrax n. xrinno n. x;a n. 2# X3'5? n. X^pK; '3 n. 6b(7) 6b(8) 6b(8; O) 6b(9) 6b(10) 6b(ll) 6b(12) 6b(13) 6b(14) 6b(15) 6b(16) 6b(17) x;a n. x;ax n. XjV'X n. xsvi n. XJ'^O n. xVrro n. xnrx n. XT? n. x;a byvs ri'a n. i# X5?nj na n. i# xjnt n. xan? n. x;;iaa n. i# xrriix n. x;a ps'a ri'a n. i# xiay n. v!r2v n. xyrnx n. xnpm n. xaVj? n. K?'i?l n. X3'3I n. XB1??? adv. XBt> n. tjVn vb. pvn vb. 1# '3p vb. njx vb. XW'TX n. inn vb. i# nn3 vb. 1# "?3p vb. y-it vb. nsn vb. X?D3 n. 1# p'jO vb. npy vb. X'jri'ff n. Vnn; vb. 113 vb. 3n' vb. T3 vb. E?D3 vb.
S§Hai 1546 Geonic Writings 6b(20) 6b(21) 7a(l) 7a(l; Var) 7a(l) 7a(3) 7a(4) 7a(5) 7a(6) 7a(7) 7a(8) 7a(10) 7a(ll) 7a(12) 7a(15) 7a(16) 7a(17) 7a(18) 7a(19) 7a(20) 7a(21) Krai n. ]3T vb. 'T vb. nxnavi adj. HKSJ! adj. nxaya? adj. nxsi1? adj. 1# X'ny n. nxaii n. ote>a adj. xatera adv. xV'y1? adv. xastea n. 3# -J^a vb. TIM adj. xastea n. B'te* adj. ion vb. AT vb. tto vb. 1# XJIBX n. p'TXa.adj. xnnay* n. xrete n. 2# nay vb. 'tete n. '"lily, n. IBS vb. mfn n. T1XB num. ''J? prep. xan'c? n. xy-ix n. xrm n. Dip vb. Taj adj. tjvj adj. 1# 'jp vb. 1'? Prep. 1# xn'3 n. XJ'3T n. 1J3 prep. xpjn n. 7b(l) 7b(2) 7b(4) 7b(12) 7b(14) 7b(15) 8a(l) 8a(2) 8a(4) 8a(5) 8a(7) 8a(8) 8a(12) 8a(13) 8a(14) 8a(16) 8a(16; O) 8a(17) xnana n. 7 ! - - xptin n. 1# pte vb. 'Dt vb. 1?3 adv. ]a prep. xate, n. 2# fix adj. Dte,1? adv. XJVH n. D'te adj. ote/a adj. xnana n. Ta» adj. xnnno n. D"Ji?, Prep. "ter pron. 2# xsiy n. xnuiy n. nxn. xaiaa n. nstfn. i# xri'a n. 2# XTJ n. xnian n. nix vb. XJia'T n. xnra'y n. xntfn. 1# X1JX n. XnT n. 'te vb. 1'^'X pron. i# in vb. 8a(18) xn'3 'tfrx n. 1# "I jxa te pron. Onil1? prep. 8a(19) XVIM n. piy vb. 8a(20) on; part. I 8b(l) Xpltfa adv. 8b(2) ina prep. 8b(6) C)Ttrf? prep. 8b (7) xy^aa n. yna adj. 1# XDiy n. TSp adj. 8b(8) yr vb. 30: vb. 8b(9) Xpltfa adv. yT vb. Xten n. 8b(10) Xnin'Bn. 8b(15) XBteT JP3 n. iJ'B prep. xjna n. IBS vb. 8b(16) xmpS n. yiB a'ati n. 9a(l) X??™ n. 9a(2) XSilB'SX n. nana prep. xmas* n. 9a(3) KTa-JJ n. 9a(5) 1# 'ap vb. 9a(7) TTin adj. 9a(8) 1# 'ap vb. x?i?li? ". 1# 'Eh vb. 9a(l 1) te. prep. 9a(12) XJ"! n. '3! vb. anp vb. 9a(13) te3 vb. XJB't n. xro n. Kffltq n. Dip vb. 9a(14) 1# 'aj vb. "ina/'xatepron. Vy prep. 9a(15) (-)'SXaprep. Dy prep. 9a(16) ote>vb. 9a(17) 9a(19) 9a(20) 9a(21) 9b(2) 9b(3) 9b(5) 9b(6) 9b(7) 9b(8) 9b(9) 9b(10) 9b(ll) 9b(13) 9b(14) 9b(17) 9b (20) 10a(l) 10a(3) 10a(4) 10a(5) 10a(6) 10a(10) 10b(3) air3*?n- Xi;n. □yi'a pron. XT,3«J n. XMTJ n. xna'a n. xsins'sx n. . *?B3 vb. ]y\ pron. XJ'T '3 n. al$ Prep- "na'3 prep. xniyi n. 'flV vb. ]311? adv. xny,'xa n. Klip n. 1?] )3 adv. ]?! pron. X0'3 2>n n. Xm'3! n. XJD'T n. xnian n. yo vb. XrSIB n. n'X part. i# xtjii n. 'XTpX n. Vjyt> vb. yaa vb. xaatpin n. 1# teti vb. xniaa'n n. XJBtf n. 'Tin pron. )a3 vb. tea vb. xatf n. xniaa'n n. 1# X0'3 n. XpD'y n. xtel' n. tey vb. Geonic Writings 1547 S$Hai 10b(4) 10b(5) 10b(6) 10b(7) 10b(12) 10b(13) 10b(15) 10b(16) lla(3) 1la(4) lla(5) lla(6) lla(7) lla(8) 1 la(8; 0) lla(9) lla(10) lla(10;O) lla(ll) lla(12) lla(13) xte prep. xraaa'n n. xte'a n. 1# XBthp n. "Jia'3 prep. '1E>3 adv. i# tan n. i# xate n. xanoin n. te prep. XnTB n. i# xrn n. xanoin n. 'lt>3 adv. XpO'y n. xmri n. "te| pron. xajte9 n. xnnno n. 'tel pron. xriTJ n. '3X vb. xmsa n. XJX pron. xmi n. xjnya n. 2# ntfa vb. xniroa n. *t^i?*li?n- xaitf n. XTiyi n. xniaa'n n. XT£>3 n. xVns n. XJW n. 1# XJ11J n. xannv n. XmiT n. xbtc; n. XrBIB n. xaw n. oVtf vb. xaa1?^ n. lla(14) lla(15) lla(16) lla(17) lla(18) lla(19) lla(20) lla(21) llb(l) llb(2) llb(3) llb(5) 1 lb(6) llb(7) llb(8) 1lb(9) llb(10) llb(12) llb(14) llb(15) llb(16) llb(16;0) x;k 2# xrotp n. XB^S adv. xmsa n. Dip vb. i# na vb. tea vb. X ~iS vb. ojin vb. lys.adv. i# 'ap vb. xnn n. Xin pron. Kruno n. XV?W n. 1# KIS'B n. no adj. 1'V'X pron. i# xate n. riKsnya adj. 'JO adj. xV'31p n. xVyV adv. &-\5 vb. Kpjin n. 'TO adj. Kriwa n. xaaVis n. TBJ adj. B'te adj. Tfin adj. WJV n- XBi' n. aty? adv. Kp^in n. Kaa'piB n. KapVin n. 1# Kri'BK n. xri'ynx n. Ka'ja? n. XT'? n. WIS vb. nisy ri'3 n. llb(17) llb(18) llb(19) llb(20) llb(21) "inn 12a(l) 12a(2) 12a(16) 12a(17) 12a(18) 12a(19) 12a(21) 12b(l) 12b(2) 12b(3) 12b(4) 12b (5) 12b(6) xrni? n. TJO vb. 2# ten vb. xnays n. 1# in num. xannv n. KfflyB n. 1» vb. Kmte> n. 2# 'Vj vb. 'KB Vs pron. xmnnx n. ptn vb. T/13 prep. xpnn n. TX conj. 'VI vb. X3niB n. 1# pte vb. xrwx n. 1? adv. D7^ PreP- xVys n. 1# X"13 n. m vb. "On. ion vb. xriT n. 03' vb. lys adv. XT pron. ynia vb. x;ate n. i# xari'a n. x;ate n. 2# yte vb. (-)'SXa prep. (-)mi1? prep. xrp n. snp vb. pp-\ vb. xais n. 1# Xpn n. 12b(8) 12b(9) 12b(10) 13a(8) 13a(8; O) 13a(9) 13a(ll;0) 13a(12) 13a(13) 13a(16) 13a(17) 13a(19) 13a(20) 13a(21) 13b(l) 13b (2) 13b(3) 13b(13) 13b(15) 13b(16) 13b(19) 13b (20) 13b(21) Dy prep. xmx'te n. xrinj n. 'nx vb. xri^ia; n. 'yB vb. i# ica vb. tip vb. Dip vb. TO vb. xanas pron. XnT n. i# xrina n. D3' vb. na? adv. i# xari'B n. xrrnix n. xns'p n. xriwa'x n. m vb. D3' vb. cans vb. 2# nsio vb. XTI1B n. ya» vb. nxanp adj. TX conj. xriri'x n. x;ate n. 03T vb. vin vb. xrisuis n. 1# X-J3J n. 2# 1310 vb. nte vb. XBCTpS adv. ]"I pron. ip' vb. On; part. x;ana n. 2# 1310 vb. tey vb. "tel pron.
sSh ai 1548 Geonic Writings 14a(2) 14a(3) 14a(4) 14a(5) 14a(6) 14a(8) 14a(15) 14a(16) 14a(18) 14a(19) 14a(20) 14a(21) 14b(l) 14b(4) 14b (5) 14b(6) 14b (7) 14b(8) 14b(9) 14b(10) xni'inx n. t\3) i\3 adv. nx n. ]y\ pron. XW n. -ISWn. xhbbox n. XS713 n. XOBHJ n. ino vb. xmy-i n. xrurx n. in vb. i# -iob vb. xmrn n. JUX pron. xnyi n. xriiys n. D'btf adj. nn is n. XJT pron. Xn interj. n? adv. n»7i? JB prep. V?y vb. 2# xni-in n. 1# XJJU n. x'raytf n. (-)'SX3 prep. -nntf vb. xnirn n. ps: vb. xain. xrnx n. 'ltf vb. ■nntf vb. 2# Oil vb. bay vb. fnj'l n. Xfitfn adv. 3D adj. i# -inx vb. 'T vb. 14b(ll) 14b(15) 14b(16) 14b(17) 14b(18) 14b(19) 14b(20) 15a(15) 15a(19) 15a(20) 15b(2) 15b(3) 15b(4) 15b(5) 15b(6) 15b(7) 15b(8) 15b(9) 15b(10) 15b(15) 15b(17) " 15b(18) 15b(19) 16a(l) 16a(2) 16a(3) xmst n. XJ1 pron. Dip vb. xnnx n. xV'yb adv. ,T3i rrra adv. xnou n. xino n. xarp n. •JB1? vb. XT aro n. 'in vb. xriiarin n. XJB'O n. T<0 vb. XjnJX pron. fflpV prep. xjnis n. b'B3 adj. 'IP vb. »sn vb. pIXB adj. iao vb. xrinay* n. ]W pron. i# iob vb. □7i? prep. K$? n- 'VB vb. 11X vb. (-)n'V part. xatfn. V'B3 adj. X$>3 n. 1 XflJHX prep. 1# Xpj? n. XJ'£X n. xrnyi n. 2# T")X adj. D'jp adj. XSiO n. xriirn n. 1«'X pron. 16a(4) 16a(5) 16a(19) 16a(20) 16a(21) 16b(l) 16b(2) 16b(3) 16b(5) 16b(13) 16b(14) b'B? adj. Dip prep. 2# T")X adj. 3713 vb. XJ"J n. '31 vb. pma n. D»p adj. Kino n. B'V# adj. XJBbltf n. 2# 'JH vb. 'm vb. 13 conj. XJ';3S n. IB prep. pSl vb. nm vb. onn vb. 1# '2p vb. i# x?in n. xjiaa n. by prep. nnt'sx n. WIS pron. JH' vb. "i cjna'x bs conj. 16b(20) 17a(2) 17a(5) 17a(ll) 17a(15) 17a(16) 17a(17) o:x vb. D7i$ PreP- xjnia n. 1# 'Jp vb. xmy) n. nnt'?x n. "b prep. XJtf'b n. XBPB'BX n. XjmX pron. xrnsho'sx n. Olp prep. )31 J3 adv. '» vb. TJJt adj. 071' adj. 17a(18) 17a(19) 17a(20) 17a(21) 17b(2) 17b(3) 17b(4) 17b(5) 17b (6) 17b (8) 17b(9) 17b(10) 17b(12) 17b(13) 17b(13; G§ 17b(15) 17b(16) 17b(19) 17b(21) nu vb 1# '30 vb. ]"J? vb. p3» vb. xprnx n. 'xtox n. omib prep. 1# 'eh vb. 0U)b prep. -1 ]XB pron. xpwp n. Dip vb. X3-TIX n. bm vb. xminj n. D'yD adj. ja'na adj. T30 adj. i# np vb. XfflBriB'BX n. 0"B vb. "13 prep. 1# '3D vb. 030 vb. 1# TTI vb. 'xntfx n. 033 vb. XplS'D n. xprnx n. 3np vb. ^i?? n- i# \n vb. XTTOT n. '31 vb. xrmn n. 297:13) 2# xriiirh n. xn'ns n. xnb'3p n. -in vb. y3t> vb. nana prep. 1549 Geonic Writings "1 na/'xaVspron. XT' adv. XBtfn. 18a(l) XfnB'SXn. ^ pron. 18a(2) XfTOVln. ps: vb. 18a(3) pman. 18a(6) '3Bvb. 18a(7) Dnnvb. 30 adj. 18a(8) l#xrib'Bn. f'y vb. 18a(9) l#xpnvin. pi vb. nana prep. 18a(10) tf'BJadj. Dip vb. 18a(ll) xrilln. 18a(12) 1'b'Xpron. Dip vb. 18a(13) posvb. 18a(15) XJBTI n. 18a(17) 131 ^ adv. 18a(18) Xf3tn. 18a(19) X^Sn- 18a(20) Xl?ipn. I8b(i) xrvnnx n. 5# '"13 vb. 18b(2) XbByn. i8b(3) i#xr;jn. Dbjjb adv. 18b(4) D30 vb. 18b (5) x:'3Tn. 2# Bbn vb. i8b(6) ny-iy vb. 18b (7) "inapron. 18b(9) l#X7lpO'Sn. 18b (12) posvb. 18b(13) X^VUn- bby vb. 18b(14) XIO'3 n. pi 1? adv. xjxa n. xra n. 2# XtTO n. 18b(15) xpW3n. 18b(16) 3in vb. X^S n. 18b(17) nX3 vb. 18b(18) 'm vb. 1# Tltf vb. 19a(4) X-113'Tn. on; part. n»3 adj. 'IB vb. 19a(16) xrilAlJ n. 19a(17) XfflTJX n. 19a(18) XmOT n. rj': adj. S&HaiGr 31:1 xriraxn. 32:9 1# 'BT vb. SSSad 160:5 160:7 161:12 175:12 175:13 185:30 185:31 187:15 187:16 187b:l 187b:3 187b:5 188:8 188:10 XrilSfflB n. xronix n. XblB'3 n. ij'X conj. xVx conj. xriiyo n. X3'1? n. XW1X n. Uffin. xrii1?^ n. a^V adj. 1^3 adv. 5# na vb. "I °?3 pron. 1# 'XS vb. nana prep. nyny vb. pna vb. 3# 'BB vb. 'BB vb. nx n. n?B n. 189:5 189:6 189:9 198:16 198:17 198:18 XB"?"! conj. «l"t vb. 3# '13 adv. 2# yns vb. 1'^n pron. Bp: vb. '3?/31 bj? prep. -1 OJia'X "?3 conj. 199:24 199:26 200:21 201:23 201:24 201:26 201b:2 201b:8 201c:10 202b: 12 202b: 13 202b: 17 202b: 18 202b: 19 202b:20 203:3 203:4 203:5 203:6 204:7 204:8 204:9 204:12 204:13 pB2 vb. "1 OJia'X ^S conj. xrrra n. by prep. 302 vb. xibj ny adv. xbp'B n. l^Bl 3D'B v.n. yaiyai na'a v.n. xriny,-!? n. 5# na vb. 'pi vb. 1# 'SB vb. "irax adj. xriibB n. xnuany n. xni:bap n. xriionx n. xriir n. xnpis n. IB'n n. np'B n. XriHB n. xn-iT n. xniBB n. 'Tin pron. XJjblB n. xruyB n. x;b niay n. x:n?X pron. '1B3 adv. Dip, prep. xr«3! n. S§HaiGr 204b: 1 KttlBinn. 204b:2 'Ba vb. 205:4 1# in num. xniBB n. 0"B vb. 205:5 Xbl3 pron. MVn. 205:10 xrnsrnc? n. 205:12 'Xp? n. 'l"jn pron. XmBTOD n. 205:13 1311? adv. xriyx'B n. i# -nv vb. 207:7 Xpbin n. xmn n. 207:11 XITVpn. 208b:3 XJlblS n. 208b:4 XTIlBrvre? n. 208b:5 iri'Bl 30'B v.n. '3X vb. xmyi n. 208b:6 XJllBrfflP n. 208b:7 pn vb. 209:8 Dip vb. 209:10 in? prep. X0'3 B'l n. 1# -HV vb. 209:11 -TXB pron. xnyx'a n. 210:7 211:13 212:7 212:9 213:3 213:4 213:5 xrrrj n. B'bq adj. XT pron. TBB adj. V?y vb. TXp adj. xnyi n. KJ©'1? n. xblb'B n. XjnJB n. i# xony n. 1# 'B1 vb. BJ'X 13 n.
SRAG 1550 Geonic Writings 213:6 215:6 217:11 217:13 217:15 223:24 223:25 223:26 223:27 223:28 229b:4 229b:7 230:13 230:14 230:15 230:16 230:17 230:18 230:23 230:26 232:13 232:14 232:15 232:16 232:18 232:19 233:1 233:9 235:3 235:9 235:10 235:11 235:12 •pa vb. xVj'n n. XBty TT3 n. U'a prep. XIWU n. XJT3PI n. xajris n. xVlV'B n. XJH1B n. xatfn. OJX vb. 'TUX pron. Xin pron. IDS vb. TOn adj. 'as vb. DlpV prep. ion vb. 2# y°?B vb. 'ax vb. i# np vb. On; part. D"7j7 prep. ppn vb. XiniX pron. ■pn vb. xnaiy n. '•n n. pan; vb. an' vb. lp' vb. 2# nam vb. rf?s vb. 2# 1310 vb. xrnnrx n. 'in adj. aw vb. by prep. i# nax vb. xnt n. xrrou n. ]'Vn pron. ■f (')riB'X V? conj. 236:7 236:8 236:9 237:10 237:11 239:11 239:12 239:14 241:11 241:14 242:27 242b :2 244:22 244:24 244:25 249:5 254:13 255:23 255:25 260b:3 260b:4 260b:6 263:16 263:18 263:20 265b: 13 265b: 14 265b: 16 265b: 18 IS? adv. run Vy conj. rf7B vb. 131 n,3 adv. "V"! pron. xrvrvn n. xriist n. 1# XTlTCh n. vnp vb. 'in vb. xnpir n. xa'V n. xjnia n. 7573 adv. Xivhw n. xaiDVw n. 2# 'IT vb. nana prep. lJ'B prep. °7'B3 adj. on adv. xnrn-m n. 2# pT vb. NTO n. J?'p3 adj. O'li? adj. VTJ vb. 1# XIS'B n. tffX adj. XJTXn adv. fHpajt n. psi vb. yia vb. 'as vb. 13 conj. xnn? adv. xania n. i# xirra n. Via prep. i# xain n. piy vb. 1# 332; vb. 1# X3X n. 265b: 19 265b:20 266:1 266:2 266:8 266:9 266:11 268:7 268:8 268:9 268:10 268:11 268:12 268:13 268:14 268:15 268:16 268:17 268:18 269:23 274:2 4. (-)JV part. p3tf vb. (-)Jl'V part. 12?3 adv. Kin pron. yr vb. yma vb. X113'T n. "pa xb adv. xnai ny adv. xruonx n. xpVin n. nns vb. 1# xn3 n. pill n. XBiys n. P'tfp adj. pay vb. xsms n. -pS vb. XJ113T n. nxivr? adj. xiiaa n. i# nxanx adj. T'-IT adj. i# xVti n. 'S' vb. kVj^ adv. xb^b adv. 'jn vb. (-)n'V part. x;wa n. xmyny n. 1# xb'0 n. ':a vb. 1# 'Eh vb. •Q7 vb. i# 'na vb. D30 vb. nan vb. X?013 n. Liturgy SRAG 1 64:2 66:1 112b:18 113b:2 116:127 116:130 136:23 136:24 154:21 154:23 154:26 xrremp n. xrronp n. Xp'^n n. '3? adj. i# xsaix n. tim vb. SRSG Klfp adv. I'M adj. nos vb. ■ps vb. XlTXri adv. xnaiy n. 'Xai' adv. xnaiy n. xnaiy n. 5. Historical texts 72:15 72:16 72:17 72:18 72:19 72:20 72:21 72:22 soz xrvfrj on n. xro'ria tf'n n. ©ns vb. XpTS n. part vb. '7.113 prep. 'b'S n. ips vb. 1# XT'StflX n. Xjp"! n. «TO n. xrian. DBW vb. xrn'rj urn 'a n. Xriip'13 (ri)'3 n. '33 vb. xnyan n. xinia n. 1# '*?B vb. *?B1 vb. xtipp n. an adj. xpn? n. TfflD vb. xnx n. Geonic Writings 1551 Agur 72:23 72:24 72:25 72:26 72:27 72:28 72:29 72:30 72:74 73:1 73:3 73:4 73:5 73:6 73:7 73:8 73:9 73:12 78:13 84:12 xiripia n. xani n. °7Bp vb. 1# X"13J n. 3D adj. 'TO prep. xpnsn n. 1# XSX n. i# nnn vb. -'ninxV prep. 1# '31 vb. XBipn. i# np vb. 'IP vb. xjiaa n. Xtf'n n. XfTO n. Xin pron. xriw'n n. *7Bp vb. NaTn n. xanin n. xmni n. 1# IIS vb. xrq'riB »n n. nay vb. xniay n. 2# XTl'TJ n. pnnn n. JIT vb. 'IT vb. X3"?a n. 1# p"?D vb. Bpl vb. 2# 'JD vb. 3*?X vb. '3W vb. nV vb. i# np vb. xrnVa tin n. xpn's tin n. xpp'H n. Dna conj. 6. 17:7 17:9 17:10 17:13 38:11 3:6 6:1 8:7 9:6 13:14 14:2 14:6 17:7 18:3 18:4 19:6 20:3 20:7 22:4 23:7 24:7 24:8 24:11 24:12 25:1 27:7 28:5 28:6 28:7 29:5 30:7 34:10 35:4 35:11 Lexical texts Agur 1# XJTKh n. rrra tin n. DX3X n. DX3X n. nn vb. GC xmpn n. 2# xsmp n. X'31B n. 2# XtinS n. xVr n. xmpn n. xpninj n. xntiu n. XJD'n n. xiom n. XJ3-TIX n. xaan. nxys'a adj. xo'iain n. xwr\ xnirs n. xbsip n. X31£>'V n. XD'D n. Vana vb. xpais n. xnr1? n. 'ryna n. xravis n. XJinain n. XS'n n. X*7J» n. Jltpi n. 2# xnwsn? n. xp'inn.3 n. 1# XS3 n. bnv vb. XJ'^'X n. xns'p n. 1# xnBp n. x'pina* n. 36:9 39:1 39:4 40:1 42:5 43:6 44:4 45:7 46:4 47:2 48:4 49:1 49:26 52:4 54:6 55:9 57:6 58:1 58:3 59:2 59:4 60:1 60:6 60:7 62:2 63:4 64:6 68:8 68:9 69:8 70:2 72:5 72:6 73:8 74:1 79:7 80:12 81:2 pin. Xp» n. pawt? n. X»ft3 n. Xn"T3 n3 n. xrrt>?np n. xsin n. XJSl n. Xn'llD n. xVmn n. XD'SnD n. xjimna n. 1# '13 adv. pian3 n. XDiniX n. nmnp n. XS'S n. xnia n. 1# X^>3 n. xoimx n. 1# XT1 n. i# xn»p n. X1«/'V n. xii;'a n. xns'p n. i# xsnia n. XT JV3 n. X3n adv. XS'tJnW n. xino n. i# xn'K; n. nax vb. vbnv n. X?3 n. bSi vb. xjnp n. nnn vb. 2# XTO3-13 n. 2# xnpy n. xpn'x n. 1# XDB'D n. xpsn n. T5H vb. 81:7 84:8 86:3 87:2 88:9 92:3 93:1 93:10 94:5 96:2 96:5 96:7 98:4 100:6 101:8 102:10 104:8 104:10 105:11 108:7 108:9 118:10 124:3 128:13 130:2 130:3 130:4 130:6 130:7 133:6 136:4 136:6 136:11 137:1 137:2 137:14 DTT adv. xn'Vanp n. XD'O n. xnnis'p n. Xl?1?';-! n. XBDD n. 2# xnais n. i# xms n. 2# Xn'j'JB n. Xri'llWB n. xisnix n. nxin n. XOTI'3 n. x;nn n. xrrpp n. xri'ninpa n. 'Sri '3 n. pmaTO n. □n adv. xmnn n. i# xrau n. X?n adv. 4# XS'B n. Klf^ n. XD'D n. X33 n. XflST n. xna'n n. nay vb. vm vb. xnrp n. 2# xsmp n. xpm n. X^'3 n. X;S13 n. xjryny n. X33 n. xns'n n. i# x;pin n. xrra na n. 2# XnV'B n. on adv. XT'Dp n.
LPT 1552 Writings of Anan 138:4 138:5 138:7 139:1 139:4 140:4 140:5 142:15 143:1 143:2 143:10 144:7 145:1 145:2 145:6 149:16 150:1 151:5 184:7 2# Kan n. x'j'llS n. xnra n. R33V1 n. XpVlp n. X^JHSOX n. 4# Xlp n. XT"1? n. vm vb. XTPp n. x^xia n. irnsa n. array: n. r?17 n- KI1TO n. xrfra'n n. 'i/OI xp'lia n. 3# X1S13 n. 1# Xllp n. S'31?!* n. 'i?"!?t? n. 2# xeh? n. ■?3n3 vb. 186b:2 200b:3 203:22 204:24 1604:13 147:5 150:15 150:21 153:34 154:6 154:21 160:12 160:36 160:37 215:6 38:61 39:78 39:81 39:82 41:177 41:197 X33 n. NiVn 13 n. xnriais* n. xbllSDX n. XT1S n. LPT X^nX pron. 1b?tixi3 n. 135?'>n adv. xri'sno n. 'X conj. X'f? 'Bta adv. KpV'S n. 2# XJlpl n. x:d'i n. X'f? 'SV? adv. SMel mm n. xmri n. i# xVtfin n. xrntn n. XHD'riS n. xntyrij? n. 42:1 42:4 42:8 42:17 43:20 43:26 43:27 43:28 43:29 43:36 43:39 46:61 48:141 48:145 48:146 48:152 49:159 50:203 50:211 52:261 53:303 53:318 55:384 XJJX n. XS31X n. XS3OTX n. xrns n. 2# xb-ij n. xisn n. . Kjonn n. xjcnn n. xnVi n. 1# XIJJ n. xarip n. '^N n. xnipsx n. xpawsx n. ■brn xrrosx n. 'I?!* n. jVriK n. XBT.3 n. 'SfiPB '3 n. R3TU n. 1*1 n. xrvpTn n. pawn n. 1 56:403 56:407 56:413 57:443 58:477 59:508 60:527 63:635 67:41 67:761 67:784 71:905 71:917 72:176 72:929 72:945 74:1007 73 74 130 2# »JT vb. XJ'I n. UT vb. xnxia'n n. xrfrs-in n. KflEtotip n. XJ'Bp n. kjbw na? n. XJVS n. xnrep n. MJ'S n. xrnaeix n. xjipp n. xis:ip n. xis:ip n. xriiop n. XTlpp n. SMelG 1# Xl'IJ n. 2# XnD n. i# xrisnx n. Writings of Anan 1553 Anan III. Writings of Anan 3:3 3:7 3:8 3:9 3:10 3:11 4:4 4:5 Anan xnap n. worn n. ]'13 prep. 1# XV1X n. ]'J3 prep. 3# XT,? n. 1# '3* vb. V3X conj. 3^>n vb. 1# X3"?n n. i# Qan vb. IXV adv. 'ai vb. 4:6 4:8 4:12 4:14 4:15 4:16 4:24 5:2 5:3 5:10 T9E? adj. xrrxn adv. i# xnan n. vn vb. 1# 'IB? vb. 1# VS1 vb. XTJ?3 n. 2# 5?31 vb. m n. 1# pVD vb. yatf vb. 5?atf vb. «hs vb. lxVx conj. 5:12 5:13 5:15 5:18 5:19 5:20 5:21 5:22 6:1 "T conj. tilb vb. 135? vb. XTH adv. "3 prep. DWa prep. 1# ■>21 vb. "3 prep. T£r?n. XtfBB n. Dip vb. 1# '3T vb. JUX pron. ■1 'Xa pron. 6:5 6:6 6:8 6:11 6:13 6:14 6:15 6:19 6:20 xran 31 ty 1? conj i# xstfa n 1# "in num KhS vb 1# in num xnaj?n 2# 3ny vb jurra n 'rut? vb. JUTTl pron. 1BK prep. prx pron. warn n. 6:22 6:23 6:24 6:26 7:3 7:4 7:6 7:7 7:8 7:10 7:13 7:16 7:17 7:19 7:22 8:6 8:8 8:9 8:11 8:12 8:15 8:16 8:18 8:19 8:20 8:22 9:3 9:4 9:5 9:7 tit vb. \P3B prep. ,-nn pron. VIS vb. "nils prep. VS vb. XW n. "T ('IJIB'X V? conj. 1# D"IJ vb. XlT3ij? n. 135? vb. xivnix n. (]),D,n '3 conj. 133 vb. XD'Vj n. IpS vb. tjj vb. Xp part. 112? vb. 1# XTTJ n. tfns vb. 135? vb. TiX vb. '3TI pron. lit? vb. 'SVl adv. 2# Via vb. 1# XTTJ n. xriVna n. X3B adv. 'in vb. KOTIX n. xo'nx n. era vb. 013 vb. xnVia n. p^l pron. R^l n. XrjV'lJ n. -1C>D vb. xonix n. X311X n. xrrria n. 9:8 9:9 9:11 9:12 9:13 9:14 9:16 9:17 9:19 9:20 9:21 9:24 9:25 10:1 10:3 10:4 10:6 10:10 10:12 10:15 10:16 10:17 10:18 10:21 10:23 xnV'-JJ n. 1DJ? vb. 1# Tit vb. XBirt n. XE?'l n. 2# XO'A n. x?ipx n. O'SX1? prep. xrV n. i# xi3n n. xsibx n. na pron. XjVx n. DWa prep. XS1DX n. XJ^'X n. XVl pron. xiai? n. 135? vb. KpD'? n. xnl?ris n. 1S5? vb. 'IB vb. Tal? adJ- 1# XT? n. XfTIX n. 11 conj. X3-11X n. lxV'X conj. XJ11SX n. 3713 vb. "linV prep. 1#. 'DD vb. "I X3T1 Vs conj. 3J13 vb. X3'X part. 1B3 vb. 11 conj. KVS1D n. XfllJ 'XH '3 adv. X'PX conj. f\r vb. xnpr n. 10:26 10:27 10:28 10:29 10:44 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:5 11:7 11:8 11:12 11:15 11:17 11:18 11:21 11:22 11:24 12:2 12:4 12:6 12:7 12:8 12:10 12:11 12:13 12:14 12:16 12:17 BBt£? vb. Xfl4'3T n. BhB vb. 1# X13X n. '3J prep. '8? adv. 1# X1JX n. IX conj. '3J prep. •jt' vb. Xrf?3p n. oat? vb. Xp part. i# xnsn n. XJB?'1? n. xjpVia? n. 'in vb. 1# p"?0 vb. vnp vb. xrip'ai? n. xn?? n. XriB'BI? n. na pron. XJTC? n. xriD'at? n. on vb. '3J prep. XflB?' n. XV]X n. XJ131£?B n. ■s]3^Vl adv. XJ130B n. 1# lin vb. p3E? vb. X}i3I?B n. xriixa n. 1p9 vb. XriB'X n. np' vb. 2# 'Vx vb. (Tap prep. xna'x n. xrrrn n. 12:20 12:21 12:22 12:23 13:3 13:6 13:7 13:8 13:9 13:10 13:12 13:14 13:15 13:16 13:17 13:19 13:20 13:22 13:23 13:24 13:25 13:26 14:4 14:6 14:7 14:8 14:9 14:10 14:11 np' vb. X-ljr'n. Dip vb. y?p vb. Njarn n. TKn pron. DJin adv. X3ri adv. 'BJ adv. Dpi vb. xn?i n. ~b,rl pron. V?]> vb. xjrnix n. «rrx n. naj vb. vrv vb. lax vb. ]irx pron. Din vb. XJB'7 n. XB1T? n. 11 conj. tnp vb. xni^'Vp n. xjann n. XS1D n. Xp part. -I3T vb. xraWp n. IX^'X conj. X3'^ part. xri'nix n. i# np vb. 1# n3E? vb. i# xriV'B n. 1'3'X pron. 13T vb. xriiV'Vp n. 1# pi vb. XVT n. XJTXH adv. i# xriVa n.
Anan 1554 Writings of Anan 14:13 14:14 14:15 14:17 14:18 14:19 15:2 15:3 15:4 15:6 15:7 15:8 15:10 15:12 15:23 16:1 16:3 16:4 16:5 16:9 16:11 16:12 16:14 16:16 16:17 1# K^Oj? n. ens vb. K7I pron. 'in? prep. '31 prep. 1# 111 vb. 1# 'ytf vb. 1# ^3p vb. Vxtf vb. atfn vb. Dm vb. *\X conj. "11X03 conj. xaia n. xriyis n. xtfn n. 'nx vb. XBU n. XBln. i# xrina n. XW n. xnyis n. J'i'X pron. '71X vb. i# xrra n. 'ltf vb. 1# xail n. i# jn vb. 1# "?TX vb. xnrry n. Xin '3 n. xtfna adv. xran. 1# pSO vb. xirix n. 'atf> prep. 1'^'X pron. xri n. pOS vb. -iax vb i# ^>ap vb. in vb. i# xain n. 16:18 16:19 16:20 16:21 16:23 17:9 17.16 17:19 17:20 17:22 17:23 17:26 18:1 18:2 18:6 18:7 18:9 18:11 18:13 18:14 18:15 18:16 18:17 18:20 18:21 18:24 19:4 19:9 19:11 19:13 19:14 19:15 19:17 1# xVDp n. Vax conj. 1# Yin vb. 0"S vb. xjn Vya n. 2# IpS vb. iax vb. Xp part. na pron. xiia"! n. 'Tjn pron. am vb. ma vb. xis'p n. i# ip vb. on vb. IxV adv. i# xnp n. xmyap n. i# yap vb. X113'X n. i# xnp n. i# "?3X vb. ■pa vb. -px vb. xarrV n. (-)Tl^ part. xriiyap n. 1# '1© vb. Dyi'a pron. 'Tin pron. X3WI n. xmyap n. 1# 'xa pron. "WaV prep. X31D adv. XlS'0 n. Olp vb. nns vb. Dip vb. xa1?;/ cu'Ve n. Oy prep. 1# X?X n. 19:18 19:19 19:20 19:24 20:1 20:6 20:7 20:9 20:10 20:11 20:16 20:18 20:21 20:24 21:1 21:2 21:3 21:4 21:5 21:6 21:7 21:10 21:11 21:12 21:14 21:18 21:19 21:24 21:25 22:2 p31 vb. 'xVy1? adv. 110 vb. 13? prep. xyix n. an' vb. 1# D"0 vb. on vb. K7?n- 131 vb. ■1 V'XYI conj. iax vb. 'Vap adj. ^1 vb. 110 vb. xi«"j n. 1# vb. -px vb. 13y vb. xna'S n. 'Tin pron. tf'j'x tf'rx n. X311 n. -lin1? prep. X^3 prep-. xnia's n. X^TIpn. XS1D n. ens vb. X13'0 n. i# np vb. 'n» vb. 'Ta *73 pron. m vb. i#'itf vb. TDX adv. pBl vb. 1# X^op n. iax vb. xritf'13 (npa n. 1# '3 conj. 'n vb. ain vb. 22:4 22:5 22:7 22:12 22:13 22:14 22:15 22:19 22:20 22:21 22:23 22:25 22:26 23:5 23:11 23:12 23:13 23:16 23:17 23:21 23:22 23:26 23:27 23:28 24:4 24:6 24:7 24:8 24:9 24:10 24:11 24:12 IT?* adj. xrnps n. 1# '3 conj. t£hB vb. i# 'an vb. fpK vb. ija^ln adv. xrra n. nxi'^ n. XtflYS n. *|X conj. I^X vb. na pron. «)bx vb. »B» vb. «£>X vb. Olp vb. >f?X vb. isa vb. ^a*t conj. XTIB'X n. ibi vb. i# on vb. ]"y vb. xp part. J'V'X pron. na'X adv. psi vb. "] XlTya conj. «]13 vb. xbnp n. 1# »)V» vb. i# nni vb. 1Xj"X conj. 11^ prep. xri'nix n. xron n. -a na^> prep. iax vb. ini vb. XKftYB n. xriisnri n. "1 conj. Writings of Anan 1555 Anan 24:13 24:14 24:16 24:17 24:18 24:19 24:20 24:22 24:25 24:26 24:28 24:29 25:3 25:4 25:5 25:8 25:9 25:10 25:11 25:13 25:15 25:16 25:17 25:18 25:19 25:21 25:23 26:1 «pn vb. xri'nix n. 1# XTOBO n. rilX pron. 1# xri'3 n. X3Y1 n. 1# Oil vb. 1# '11 vb. Dip vb. X3Y1 n. Dip vb. ibi vb. i# xrff'a n. ■a'1? *7y prep. 1# Oil vb. l"y vb. XlS'0 n. "1113 prep. xriytf n. iy prep. 131 vb. 31T vb. Xp part. Dp: vb. xri'nix n. 13 conj. oms vb. 3J *7y IX conj. i# Yin vb. BBB vb. 1# 'iti vb. *pV vb. mn vb. xrnan n. »bd vb. 'b prep. 'in vb. •!|Vn pron. '«?a vb. pSl vb. XW n. 1# Xyi3 n. «]Bti vb. 26:6 26:8 26:10 26:14 26:17 26:19 26:20 26:22 26:24 26:25 26:26 27:1 27:2 27:3 27:5 27:6 27:7 27:8 27:11 27:13 27:15 27:16 27:17 27:18 27:19 27:25 27:26 27:27 28:1 28:2 X3Y1 n. 1»a vb. xnpsa n. 2# xVp n. nip vb. nun vb. rop vb. mm vb. X$n. nip vb. 2# K^j? n. Va: vb. xri'1?? n. nip vb. "?ai vb. ~\rqb prep. X?T! n. HO* vb. xp'P] n. 133 vb. nn?1? prep. x;is n. 1# '31 vb. XtfBT!? n. Dip vb. i# inx vb. cbv vb. 2# Trn vb. (])'3',1 '3 conj. 2# X^p n. xmi'p n. '03 vb. xisy n. xri'Va n. 1# Xia n. ll^n pron. IX j> adv. ■vnn vb. X3'1? n. 'DO vb. -nin vb. inx vb. 13y vb. 28:3 28:5 28:6 28:10 28:11 28:14 28:15 28:16 28:18 29:2 29:3 29:7 29:9 29:10 29:11 29:13 29:17 29:21 29:26 30:3 30:6 30:7 30:12 30:13 30:14 30:15 30:16 30:20 30:25 30:28 xrpnix n. q)'?'.l '3 conj. ipB vb. 'VI vb. Xin pron. 2# xriwh n. "I7'l pron. -a 'X'ISX prep. prna adj. X3'n adv. pm vb. 1# 1* vb. xaa'is n. xartf n. |8 prep. -a 'Xiax prep. xrin*a n. XKhx adv. ^p vb. ^ vb. Xp'pi n. 1# XjV'V n. DltfB prep. Xp'pi n. on vb. 1# 'X,l pron. ppt vb. ina prep. ly prep. 3# aiy vb. X,'1S n. 'X'nax adv. ppt vb. xrirnpn n. K,'lp n. XTB11 n. i# na* vb. Kt'lp n. "1 conj. pm vb. 'ya vb. 'X'naV adv. X013'a n. 31:1 31:2 31:4 31:6 31:7 31:9 31:12 31:13 31:14 31:15 31:18 31:19 31:22 31:23 32:3 32:6 32:7 32:8 32:9 32:11 32:13 32:14 32:20 32:21 32:23 32:24 32:25 32:26 32:27 33:1 33:2 33:3 33:4 33:7 XrB'O n. Dpi vb. X?n adv. xri'iatia n. xri'Htia n. xri'»IlB n. K013'B n. tit ' X013'B n. 'X^ax adv. Dpi vb. 'X'W1? adv. xriS'D n. X^tl? "■ DIl vb. Xl'B n. X3ri adv. isn vb. isn vb. xsriia n. 'X'JSV adv. '03 vb. 'xVya adv. '03 vb. mp vb. ttl adv. 2# xVp n. 11V1 vb. X511 n. *1S vb. Dy prep. 33y vb. X^U'l n. yfTin adv. mn vb. xmi'p n. fpv vb. nip vb. mn vb. X3T1 n. '3'n adv. XViri pron. IXVx conj. Xli'3 n.
Anan 1556 Writings of Anan 33:9 33:11 33:23 34:2 34:3 34:8 34:11 34:17 34:18 34:20 34:21 35:2 35:3 35:8 35:10 35:13 35:14 35:15 35:16 35:23 35:24 35:25 36:6 36:8 36:9 36:10 36:12 36:13 36:14 36:15 pn vb. xnrx n. 1# XbBj? n. Olb prep. anp vb. i# -nn vb. 18X vb. (-)'BpB prep. XOtpn. U'VI pron. xmwy n. KWI pron. xnio n. 1# 'Itf vb. xVx conj. nay vb. xatf n. xnio n. xna'x n. y?5> vb. Xptf n. ■|ns vb. 1# 'JO vb. anp vb. 'Xnsx adv. xnio n. psj vb. 1'3 prep. XTon n. 1# '9B vb. fcHp vb. "1 X371 bs conj. 1# n» vb. xrifrx n. 3OT vb. (")'8p8 prep. 1# TIB vb. 1# Tin vb. i# xyo n. 13 conj. 2# '"?X vb. Xn3'X n. xrro'13 (ri)'? n. 36:16 36:18 36:19 36:22 36:23 37:3 37:4 37:5 37:6 37:7 37:8 37:9 37:10 37:11 37:19 37:20 37:21 37:22 38:3 38:5 38:12 nB9 vb. xrifrs n. Xptfn. t>0 vb. XBtf n. 2# IDp vb. XniO n. 1# VtX vb. I'33 prep. '00 vb. are; vb. X3TT n. 'VB vb. X13-IB n. 'TOX 71'3 n. *?bi vb. ]'13 prep. boy vb. 3# 'iy vb. xVtn? n. at'tf vb. ]'13 prep. TXp adj. 1# Tip vb. art> vb. 1# "?TX vb. XBJfl n. O'Hp prep. i# natf vb. artf vb. 'T vb. Dm vb. 1# XO'l n. '3 interj. D1#B prep. Vxi vb. xpiOB n. 'ann n. nai vb. ai'» vb. n^Vin adv. xai' n. xtqk; n. 38:14 38:16 38:19 39:3 39:4 39:5 39:6 39:8 39:11 39:15 39:16 39:19 40:1 40:5 40:7 40:9 40:11 41:10 41:13 41:17 41:18 41:22 XTl'tf num. it'? n. xroe> n. xsoia n. xnfrx n. ■pa vb. XID'O n. Tna prep. xsom n. ]3adv. 2# 'bx vb. 1# 'Bn vb. X9018 n. nxanp adj. fO vb. XSiO n. XpO'S n. 1# p*?0 vb. xspia n. XB01B n. XpO'S n. xaix n. TO vb. XnB'O n. 1# pVo vb. i# nVtf vb. 1# 'itf vb. Vax conj. 'no vb. 'X8X conj. '3 interj. anp vb. "1 OTIB'X *?3 conj. 42:3 42:5 42:6 42:7 42:8 42:13 anp vb. 'in vb. 1# "in num. na3 adv. nna prep. i# nso vb. xyatf num. am vb. 'bb adj. 42:14 42:20 43:1 43:2 43:3 43:5 43:7 43:8 43:9 43:10 43:11 43:17 43:23 44:5 44:6 44:7 44:8 44:14 44:15 44:18 44:19 44:21 45:1 45:2 45:3 45:4 45:7 45:10 45:12 45:13 45:18 1# ISO vb. 1# 01 vb. yv vb. VJ n. ^||fl pron. 'BB vb. 1 X3'n *?? conj. 3# any vb. am vb. 2# pnn vb. RWlb n. 2# pnn vb. BIS vb. □n adv. (])'3'n '3 conj. 2# pnn vb. X3',n adv. xp part. QVSp prep. i# axo vb. XtiB'tf n. lip vb. 1# XT111 n. X1X8 n. «]B£> vb. lX^ adv. ans vb. U'Vp adj. pax vb. 1# yil vb. xtfsi n. «)&£> vb. ppn vb. nnn vb. i# axo vb. 'no vb. 1# OT vb. 3# any vb. X^O pron. by prep. Xp part. 'BB vb. X3TT n. Writings of Anan 1557 Anan 45:19 45:22 45:24 45:26 46:1 46:15 47:2 47:4 47:9 47:10 47:13 47:14 47:17 47:18 47:19 47:20 48:1 48:2 48:5 48:6 48:7 48:8 48:15 48:17 48:18 48:20 48:21 48:23 ■s|Vn pron. 2# 'Tl vb. Xnfr'3 n. 1# Xjf-n n. '?n adv. DltfB prep. XP 91 n. i# xpin n. Xltf'1? n. "IB prep. pSl vb. TJX vb. at>n vb. "| X3'n *73 conj. X3'n adv. |'Vn pron. bbp vb. Tin pron. 1# in num. "a prep. lay vb. i# xri't n. X3B3 n. xanV n. Iffll n. p3 vb. rj'Va adj. i# xnan n. xwi n. XT31 n. n,Vn pron. ^n pron. i# axo vb. 2# xnre n. Vpl vb. 1# 'Xn pron. X1XB n. 2# xnn? n. "13XB prep. 1# yil vb. nb prep. "13X8 prep. il1? prep. 49:4 49:5 49:13 49:14 49:16 49:19 49:22 49:23 49:26 49:30 50:2 50:3 50:6 50:8 50:9 50:10 50:11 50:13 50:18 50:19 50:20 50:21 51:3 51:5 51:8 51:9 51:11 51:13 51:14 51:15 51:16 51:17 51:19 51:23 51:26 XT? n. '971 '3 n. Bn9 vb. Dip vb. ^ prep. 1# 33tt> vb. P91 vb. X^X conj. XBtf n. X7IUJ n. 2# '30 vb. x;an n. 1# X7IBT1 n. ]'13 prep. 1# XTnjW n. ym vb. lxV adv. Dip vb. on adv. on adv. n,in pron. Tt'X part. 'BB vb. X7I1T90 n. XtfB'W n. 'no vb. X-f 91 n. 'Tin pron. nai vb. 1'V'X pron. ybn pron. xnra'y n. 1# TIB vb. On adv. loanx num. Dn adv. ■T (])'?'n b? conj. 'BB vb. 3713 vb. XB^X adv. 1# '"?B vb. "V"! pron. Dy prep. 51:27 51:28 52:2 52:3 52:5 52:9 52:10 52:12 52:14 52:15 55:3 55:5 55:6 55:7 55:8 55:9 55:10 55:11 55:12 55:14 56:5 56:6 56:9 56:11 56:13 56:15 56:16 56:17 56:20 56:23 57:1 1# yap vb. anp vb. "n adj. XB1' n. 'no vb. 2# nax vb. x;an. 1# '9B vb. xntoo n. 'ya vb. 1# "73B vb. Vry vb. xVo pron. 1# "711 vb. t>m vb. iy. prep- xnV'31 n. IX conj. 1# '3 conj. 2# 003 vb. vnn vb. 1# ']» vb. tint vb. 1# XT9 n. xe>n'i n. 'n n. m9 vb. X9n n. '"lin pron. i# xy,n| n. 'n3'B '3 adv. XIB'O n. 'BT vb. XTn. (-)'BpB prep. X9rin. X9rin. 1# X?!? n. 1# 'BB vb. '7I3X adv. 1-U'X pron. nas adv. Xl'B n. 57:2 57:11 57:13 57:18 57:19 57:21 57:23 57:24 58:3 58:7 58:8 58:9 58:11 58:15 58:17 58:18 58:25 59:1 59:3 59:7 59:10 60:3 60:22 60:23 61:3 61:9 61:14 61:15 61:16 61:18 'Tin pron. Rby-\ n. 1# 'BB vb. Vax conj. anp vb. ma vb. one> vb. i# np vb. DTO prep. i# xrna n. 'in vb. y-)B adj. X7I1TBO n. 1# Xllll n. xyvb n. X1XB n. 1# X3»B n. XpOn. 3# any vb. X7I13T n. 'no vb. i# on vb. X;iS n. i# yn vb. 'no vb. 2# nn vb. 'BB vb. X9713 n. l^BX conj. ynr vb. n? conj. n? ]B prep. nox vb. xby? n. ppt vb. nV' vb. 11 conj. 2# nn vb. X9713 n. nnn vb. 'no vb. 'BB vb. 'in vb.
Anan 1558 Writings of Anan 61:22 62:4 62:10 62:11 62:18 62:19 62:21 62:25 63:2 63:3 63:7 63:20 63:21 63:26 64:4 64:7 64:15 64:16 64:24 64:25 64:26 65:3 65:4 65:5 65:14 65:17 65:18 65:21 65:23 65:27 66:4 66:6 66:10 66:14 'J1X vb. anp vb. Dip vb. DJJTI adv. XlXti n. X3Ty n. anp vb. (-)'apa prep. DH adv. 'Xax conj. T> vb. naya adj. KSH n. Vb3 vb. □y prep. X8'X n. "TinVa prep. noanx num. Xn«"I n. 1# '3ti vb. 'no vb. 'no vb. 1# XStiB n. xrixp* n. nnn vb. X3XB n. xtiiaV n. inn vb. XVlil pron. X3H adv. XnBB n. nan vb. X'VI adv. xnsp n. 03 adv. 03 adv. □n adv. X'TI adv. xnsp n. 2# 'JO vb. xan n. xajn n. xsrtn. 66:15 66:16 66:18 66:19 66:24 66:25 67:3 67:11 67:12 67:14 67:15 67:19 67:20 68:1 68:3 69:6 69:7 69:8 69:12 69:13 69:14 69:15 69:16 69:17 69:19 70:1 70:6 70:7 2# 'JO vb. 1# Xyn3 n. xsrin. 2# '30 vb. ]H'X pron. XysnX num. 1# Vni vb. anp vb. xxap n. 1# IB vb. 2# pVx vb. nriaV prep. XtiB3 n. X"1B'X n. xrwti n. 1# '10 vb. pn vb. i# xnp n. 1# pVo vb. xVx conj. X3i' n. xrssti n. 2# nys vb. xriati n. xVw n. pati vb. 33 Vy «]X conj. Vin vb. O'BpB prep. rati vb. 2# xniya n. 2# xniy'3 n. i# -pi vb. MX pron. □H adv. )'3 prep. xjnti n. 2# Xniya n. xrrn n. xVl3 pron. Xnu n. Vya vb. ]ns vb. 70:8 70:16 71:2 71:7 71:8 71:10 71:11 71:12 71:13 71:14 71:15 71:16 71:18 71:19 71:20 71:21 71:22 71:23 71:24 72:1 72:2 72:5 72:6 72:7 72:8 033 vb. 'BX vb. |iJ3 prep. xriati n. Vya vb. ps: vb. 1# V3X vb. Vjn vb. x?3S n. i# x^V n. xaa' n. pB3 vb. Vtia vb. Vya vb. 'tiO'tf '3 n. 'piBX v.n. J1S vb. atin vb. pB3 vb. xnnnp n. xVlti'3 n. na: vb. xran n. IX conj. xVm n. 1# pVo vb. BIB vb. 'BX vb. X3113 'xn '3 adv. 10X vb. Xin pron. xpT n. Bp: vb. POB vb. xjiaax n. 'm vb. TBti adj. XJ"! n. xnos n. xrios: n. XBftlp n. X'aVti n. 3# X3ny n. 72:9 72:10 72:13 72:14 72:15 72:16 72:17 73:4 73:6 73:9 73:10 73:11 73:12 73:14 74:1 74:6 74:7 74:8 74:9 75:5 75:9 75:13 75:18 75:21 75:23 76:3 76:5 76:8 76:12 76:13 76:15 76:20 76:23 76:24 77:2 77:3 77:4 xnos n. 03: vb. xti-np n. xrati n. On; part. xnos n. xjanip n. i# xan n. )3adv. xnyto n. nax vb. tip: vb. xrnia'i n. xnyto n. 'Xni adv. 2# XtflBa n. nxrwiti adj. xnyja n. nw part. Dip vb. Dip vb. xnrp n. X3H adv. 'lti vb. tinp vb. on vb. nox vb. X13"! n. Dip vb. 1# pVo vb. Vna vb. tiip vb. 13y vb. i# 'an vb. Vna vb. □OH adv. x:a adv. 1# pVo vb. 'X conj. xVx conj. nonn num. "1113 prep. 3# any vb. Writings of Anan 1559 Anan 77:5 77:6 77:15 77:17 77:18 77:19 77:23 77:26 78:1 78:6 78:13 78:15 78:19 78:20 78:22 79:2 79:3 79:4 79:7 79:8 79:11 79:12 79:15 80:4 80:8 80:17 80:18 80:26 80:28 xtiaiy n. xnan n. (-)'apa prep. Vb3 vb. xai' n. ina adv. i# yap vb. XM'T n. anp vb. Xp part. nra prep. xnan n. Tg prep. xnan n. 1# pVo vb. 1# XjV'V n. i# np vb. Vna vb. ]U n. ]U n. xVina n. lti vb. Vxnti? na n. 03: vb. )13'X pron. 'ITI pron. Vna vb. nay vb. □n adv. nBlB V'pti n. '■nn pron. lti vb. Vax conj. T'l vb. 1# '3© vb. Dn adv. X311J 'Xn '3 adv. '83 adv. na'X adv. 13 conj. in vb. n? la prep. Wy vb. 81:1 81:2 81:4 81:5 81:6 81:8 81:9 81:10 81:18 81:24 81:26 82:3 82:4 82:13 82:20 83:1 83:10 83:11 83:15 83:16 83:19 83:20 83:21 83:23 84:11 84:14 84:16 84:17 in vb. (")'ap prep. Xni'3 n. ^sVin adv. 1# 'Vn vb. xntiy num. BIB vb. -n oria'x Vs conj. '83 adv. XIJT n. npB vb. naa vb. xriT n. Vna vb. in vb. nonn num. ]0'3 n. 33y vb. 1# n3ti vb. noanx num. Tl'X part. 1# X3'3 n. OXin adv. Vna vb. xati n. xnTa^ n. XV adv. vnp vb. xatin. X3"in n. 'Tin pron. U"n pron. (-)'SXV prep. 3# mx vb. nsiB V'pti n. X311? 'Xn '3 adv. i# nn vb. ain vb. 1# X3»a n. 'inVa prep. 'xV'ya adv. 'nnV prep. iy prep. 84:23 84:24 85:3 85:4 85:5 85:6 85:8 85:10 85:12 85:13 85:14 85:15 85:16 85:18 85:19 85:20 85:21 86:1 86:17 86:20 86:21 86:22 87:2 87:7 87:8 87:11 VTl vb. tiaV vb. i# xnp'n n. KtiuV n. 1# Vpti vb. 1# Vpti vb. i# xris'n n. xVl3 pron. xanp n. pOB vb. xanp n. 'xV'ya adv. KpOB n. 'inVa prep. 'xV'ya adv. inV prep. XpOB n. nnpn xb-ibx n. Xjti'V n. -inn vb. i# xnV'a n. XtiJBX n. 10X vb. xri'Va n. X3fl'3 n. 2# xmti n. i# xmnaa n. xrinpir n. i# xnV'a n. 'nn. ins prep. nay vb. 1# xnV'B n. xnti'B n. i# nVa vb. 2# any vb. KITO'a n. on vb. xiisax n. i# xnp n. XBB'X n. xmax n. Dip vb. 87:12 87:16 87:19 87:22 88:1 88:2 88:6 88:8 88:13 88:14 88:21 89:2 89:3 89:4 89:5 89:10 89:11 89:13 90:12 90:16 91:19 94:14 94:18 94:21 95:2 95:9 97:10 97:15 '1B1B V'pti n. nsti vb. 13"n pron. •WV vb. xan adv. ■"inn pron. (-)'SXV prep. K33n. i# xjns n. i# np vb. «|V' vb. x:a adv. tip: vb. xapn. anp vb. 'BB adj. pati vb. 'no vb. inn vb. X3Xa n. i\S} pron. «]sn vb. tiaV vb. xjxa n. xna n. 1# Vpti vb. nna adv. nnn vb. x?no n. X1B1B n. >na n. 1# Vpti vb. ^sVin adv. 1# 'BB vb. 303 vb. xVlX n. xVya n. XWI n. i# nn3 vb. 1# 'BB vb. 'xax conj. TIT vb. xVadv.
Anan 1560 Writings of Anan 97:16 97:19 97:24 97:27 98:2 98:6 98:8 98:16 98:20 99:3 99:5 99:14 99:16 100:3 100:6 100:7 100:10 100:13 100:14 100:16 100:17 101:3 101:4 101:23 102:14 102:21 103:5 103:14 103:18 103:25 103:26 103:29 104:1 104:4 104:5 104:8 104:15 104:16 1# 'SB vb. XIIO'X n. nas adv. 1# p7D vb. 1# 'Ip vb. -7'1 pron. (P'3'n '3 conj. 'Iin pron. 'ITl pron. X7UTX n. "ia prep. 1'3 prep. 17' vb. XTinx n. J'3'X pron. 1? adv. (•)'»!?» prep. on vb. X7I13T n. ^Vn pron. nas adv. i# mi vb. -I0X vb. X7113 13 n. 17' vb. 10X vb. 1# X7I13 n. on vb. TO n. xnx titi'x n. no: vb. 1# 'XII pron. 1# X133 n. 1# X7r?'a n. xsn n. X^X conj. ps: vb. 1# H3iy vb. XTinx n. 'X3T adj. ps: vb. 2# XTIWh n. nxaip adj. 105:6 105:13 105:14 105:18 105:19 105:22 105:25 106:4 106:6 106:11 106:12 106:14 106:20 106:21 106:22 106:23 107:3 107:4 107:5 107:7 107:9 107:10 107:11 107:16 108:2 108:7 108:9 108:10 108:19 108:20 109:5 109:6 109:8 109:9 109:10 109:11 109:12 n'?!>? n. 'Ill pron. -ION vb. XTinx n. WIS vb. i# mx vb. XTinx jia n. XririX 713 n. 'TH prep. pos vb. 11 conj. "IJjaV prep. (-)Tl'b part. 1# X13 n. "7'1 pron. Tl'&n. '33 prep. '33a prep. 'X conj. 1# 111 vb. ID: vb. X^tX n. 1# X13n n. XS13 n. 13'7I pron. 1# 'SB vb. N31ip n. ma vb. 73X conj. XII pron. "1 ]ryb conj. 733 vb. rra n. pn vb. 31pa adj. D3' vb. XTinx ra n. D1X vb. XTtar n. O'Spa prep. 733 vb. war n. xrinx ra n. 109:14 109:18 109:21 110:13 110:18 110:21 110:25 111:7 111:8 111:24 111:26 112:3 113:4 113:6 113:7 1# 113:8 113:12 113:15 113:16 113:20 114:2 114:4 114:10 114:13 114:15 114:17 114:19 ps3 vb. XTinX 713 n. '3X vb. ■7'1 pron. XJ'J3S n. p3tf vb. JHJ vb. 01X vb. 303 vb. ijs'ni adv. 'It! adj. 03' vb. 2# N7VK£h n. X7I311 n. XJ','1 n. '3a vb. 7'Vp adj. tan'? n. 2# N7IW1 n. 1# 7ptf vb. 1# '3 n. «]33 vb. ta^xt n. '3X vb. yi vb. •1 ]Xa 73 pron. 303 vb. X3'?3X n. 303 vb. X3'£X n. 1# '3 n. «]33 vb. ,1X713* n. nxris* n. 1# 'SB vb. 311 vb. 2# X0'3 ri. XJ3X n. X?3X n. XJ3X n. 5?T3 vb. 2# XO'J n. xai n. 114:20 114:23 115:1 115:2 115:3 115:4 115:18 115:19 115:20 115:23 115:26 115:28 116:2 116:3 116:4 116:5 116:6 116:7 116:15 116:18 116:25 116:26 116:29 117:1 117:5 117:6 117:7 'tn vb. -]Stf vb. pDS vb. xca'tf n. 03' vb. _a 13^ prep. X3'1 '3 n. 1# 'ip vb. 1# 11,1 vb. 2# pT vb. 1# 'itf vb. rn adj. 303 vb. '3S vb. 30 adj. on vb. 1# 'Xil pron. _1 |at3 conj. Dip vb. Xp part. 1# XS3'3 n. "1 X3',1 73 conj. Xl'1 '3 n. 1# XTlVa n. 1# J?3p vb. ?^i? adj. (-)TI'1? part. 1# X*7Dp n. ,1X713* n. 30 adj. yv vb. 1# 'Ip vb. '33^ prep. 1# «]7tf vb. 2# pi' vb. x:xoa n. irm n. XS13 n. #37 vb. '81 vb. X3'T n. X3113 n. 1# fpti vb. Writings of Anan 1561 AnanEps 117:8 X3'T n. 117:9 2# n?H/ vb. 117:12 WpVvb. 117:14 X3113n. 117:15 XJXOan. 117:16 73Xconj. 117:20 X311 n. 117:22 1# 17iy vb. 117:25 X3113 n. xjxoa n. 118:4 01 adj. 118:11 71'a n. 118:13 l?adv. 118:16 7^'vb. 30: vb. 118:20 l#n7tfvb. 118:25 7JH vb. 119:1 '30 adj. ISt; vb. 119:3 '3X vb. 119:5 pos vb. 119:7 l#Xjntn. 119:8 1?5?aadj. 119:14 yi'vb. 119:18 tilSvb. 120:3 X3X1 X3X n. 2# K3T n. AnanEps 146:17 xa^X adv. 286:5 1# XTVraa n. 286:18 l#'3conj. p3<T> vb. 286:20 xaVx adv. 287:14 11 conj. 289:13 13? prep. xai'i xj1?? n. AnanMann lr:8 'aril n. 1 r:9 733 vb. 1 r: 11 N331ip n- 2r:6 XpO'S n. 2r:ll 1# XniS n. 2r:13 IBS vb. 2v:3 nxi'1? n. XS? n. 2v:4 XpO'S n. 2v:10 Wtf'3 n. 2v:13 Niatran. 2v:14 Xintfa n. X7117S n. x'j'np n. 4r:8 #37 vb. 4r:16 1# XSN n. 1# 0"0 vb. 4v:5 XaiX n. AnanSch 3:4 3:6 3:12 3:13 3:14 3:16 3:17 3:18 3:19 3:24 4:5 4:6 4:7 4:13 4:17 4:20 4:22 4:24 4:27 5:9 5:14 111 vb. n7S vb. 3in vb. 2# XtfTO n. 13y vb. 5H! vb. "1 73 pron. 1# X11X n. XXBX n. tfip vb. 1# 'ai vb. 1# 73X vb. X131 n. oa n. 1# 'ip vb. '3a vb. xj'^a n. 1# 713 vb. Xjtf'1? n. piS vb. X3',1 adv. X»a« num. 1# 'SB vb. X71TO1SX n. xtfain num. XJpllS n. 1# X13J? n. 3ip vb. 2# 773 vb. am prep. 5:16 5:20 5:21 5:27 6:9 6:10 6:11 6:12 6:13 6:14 6:22 6:24 7:3 7:9 7:13 7:14 7:17 7:19 7:27 7 7 8 8 8 28 29 5 8 9 8:10 8:11 8:12 8 8 8 16 17 29 iax vb. ifry vb. 'in vb. '3'n adv. 13 conj. i»y vb. xi'a n. 5HT vb. T1X vb. Xin pron. 17' vb. xna n. p3tf vb. xrron. 13 JO prep. piS vb. X3T1 n. Xai' 713 n. piS vb. 2# 773 vb. OWa prep. □Tin adv. 1# X1313 n. XSD3 n. xbpna n. X^pTia n. XDI'P n. xbpna n. XBTp n. x^na n. B'S3 adj. X^n3 n. Xbj'5? n. X'ln pron. x^n: n. tf'S: adj. yir vb. 1# X371T n. X^ni n. 33JJ vb. X3011S n. XJD11S n. piS vb. 9:4 9:12 9:17 9:18 9:23 9:25 10:5 10:16 10:17 10:22 10:23 10:26 10:27 10:28 11:3 11:9 11:13 11:15 11:19 11:23 11:25 11:26 12:5 12:6 12:9 12:12 12:13 12:16 12:20 12:25 13:12 2# 773 vb. 1# X1313 n. pil vb. xaia n. (-)n'^ part. 31' vb. Ttin adj. X113JT n. 13 conj. 'Da vb. 77? vb. X113J; n. EhB vb. '7p vb. XVI pron. i# XTriyiy n. Xja'T n. 1# 73X vb. 1# XTip'n n. xan^> n. xy"^ n. 1# XTID'n n. xixn n. 'SX vb. 1# X313 n. 1# X313 n. xiaiy n. XITO'a n. 2# xn3iy n. 1# 001 vb. mnb n. XV'13 n. '1'B 73 pron. XJ^'V n. K?ni n. XS03 n. X^pTia n. x;:a n. N1?"? n- X^pTia n. x,':a n. xVpTia n. X133 n.
AnanSch 1562 Writings of Anan 13:13 13:14 14:2 14:3 14:4 14:5 14:6 14:8 14:12 14:13 14:14 14:16 14:23 14:27 15:1 15:2 15:3 15:6 15:7 15:10 15:11 15:13 15:14 15:15 15:16 15:21 16:1 16:2 16:4 16:8 16:9 16:20 16:26 16:29 17:2 17:4 X133 n. XTjn n. XBlWl n. i# xnax n. Tin pron. K3'V part. KITJ n. n'3» adj. ]T\1 vb. nm vb. W n. pr vb. XB1B n. xria n. 3-ip vb. N3'?3p n. -1?"! pron. '33B prep. '33a prep. XjW n. in vb. 1# '*?# vb. xtfain num. XJpTS n. X^jjriB n. T OJia'K "?3 conj. '38 vb. XJpTB n. on vb. xjriia n. ]m vb. x^jjria n. K^ria n. i# p\ra vb. 1# XJ1?? n. '38 vb. xVjjna n. 1# '3T vb. xVpria n. ShS vb. xVjjna n. xrra'33 (n)'3 n. 17:7 17:8 17:10 17:12 17:13 17:14 18:1 18:2 18:15 18:24 18:25 18:27 19:5 19:6 19:11 19:12 20:3 20:4 20:6 20:9 20:15 21:7 21:9 21:10 21:12 22:7 22:9 23:3 23:4 23:9 23:11 23:12 23:16 23:23 23:25 23:26 23:29 24:1 XriTS'J? n. xjyjn n. ns3 vb. 1# '31 vb. KHt n. 2# '3D vb. 1# TX vb. 2# XB'tfS n. 303 vb. XT3 13 n. xrnxns n. KB'K"| X3X n. 71'K part. 10X vb. X3X WTO n. X3K T13 n. X3X 713 n. xa'x ra n. 'TTI pron. DIED prep. X3X TO'X n. T> vb. 1# X3X n. i# np vb. □n vb. ]»'X pron. "1 conj. xnnx n. X3XT XI1X n. "W3 prep. i# nn vb. on vb. Vw vb. 1# 'ID vb. in vb. 2# XS3 n. X3 adv. VJVS vb. lxV'X conj. xjti'tj n. XJTXn adv. 71'X part. 2# xV"X n. 24:5 24:6 24:7 24:10 24:11 24:15 24:17 24:18 24:19 24:20 24:21 24:24 24:25 24:27 24:29 24:30 24:31 25:3 25:5 25:6 25:7 25:8 X$B n. X31' n. xriwa n. XJ17 n. X3'3B# n. 1XVX conj. 1# XVTJ? n. Wti vb. XnipSN n. XT)*! n. Bffitf vb. XrflpBX n. XfflpBX n. XJB?'1? n. XBp'J? n. XT'3j? n. VIVO vb. TH vb. '33 prep. 1# xVjp n. Xp'V n. 'BB vb. xVl3 pron. P0B vb. X-ITj? n. i# nstf vb. XBIpl n. 'X conj. X337I n. Xttth n. X33'n n. nn^ prep. xt,ix n. 1# 'SB vb. nan. 1# xVjp n. -I3T vb. 13'a prep. 2# xVl3 n. 131 vb. xjnn. xrrfJS n. XBin n. 25:9 25:10 25:24 25:25 25:26 25:27 26:2 26:3 26:5 26:7 26:8 26:9 26:10 26:11 26:12 26:14 26:15 26:21 26:22 26:23 26:24 26:25 27:1 27:3 27:4 1# XBX n. 121 vb. pm vb. 1# -fl'n n. 1# 1H3 vb. !<V3'X n. "IB prep. XB'bll n. Xpi3J n. xa'Vs n. xnp n. i# xn1?'? n. l"y vb. X3'1? n. 3'3T adj. i# *m vb. 1# '3T1 vb. 3'3") adj. XKP1? n. xra'y n. 1# 'XTI pron. py vb. xV3'B n. 3'31 adj. xrmn n. xriui n. xnfarj n. XJBtfn. '3! vb. 1 OTO'X *?3 conj. Dip vb. •1 JXB3 conj. 1# Vsp vb. 2Hp vb. XWn. 1B3 vb. TpB vb. 2# p3n vb. xnir? n. i# xrina n. 1# XTOBO n. xrran n. Incantation Texts 1563 AnanSok 27:6 27:7 27:8 27:10 27:11 27:12 27:13 27:14 27:15 27:16 27:17 27:19 1# XTOSO n. 2# p3n vb. 2# Jl'XyVp adv. 'nx vb. Xnfp'3 n. xran'B n. 1# XT0S0 n. xnan n. lxV'X conj. xrson n. 2# p3n vb. XT13 n. 2# p3n vb. i# am vb. 1# pVo vb. x;ati n. mp vb. Itf vb. •mi vb. X1H3 n. r|T' vb. 27:20 27:22 27:25 27:26 27:27 27:28 28:2 28:4 28:7 28:12 28:13 28:14 28:25 28:26 «)T' vb. 'XTI adv. '338 prep. Hlfb n. snpa adj. 2# TJ33 vb. «|r vb. xn'sn n. 2# T133 vb. 1# p^>0 vb. 13 conj. 1# Vptf vb. 'BB vb. V?y vb. ay prep. Xinn pron. XtfU^ n. (-)n'V part. X3iB8 n. sya vb. T1X vb. 28:27 28:28 28:29 28:30 29:9 29:11 29:18 29:21 29:28 29:29 30:1 30:3 30:4 30:12 31:4 31:7 31:8 31:11 i# in vb. V3' vb. 1# TIT vb. "H vb. pm vb. K1&8V1 num. xwn n. x^ripn. 'TS'3T X81' n. '03 vb. xrirns* n. xaB'p n. •my vb. 1# 'SB vb. m vb. (-)'ap prep. K3nn. l# 33W vb. 1# 33» vb. '30 vb. byi vb. 31:12 32:5 32:8 33:7 33:8 33:12 33:16 34:13 35:13 35:18 35:24 1:19 1:23 1:24 1# xy/)I n. Kffljn n. X3'^> n. xnijn n. 1# '33 vb. 3n vb. Tin vb. XVS3 n. BIS vb. 31p vb. xblX n. 303 vb. T^ vb. AnanSok ""13 prep. X13 ra n. '13 prep. xrinx n. IV. Incantation Texts 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:9 1:10 Magic Bowls in vb. XTI pron. 1'BX adj. xjrap n. xn'jni n. Xn,l?',7 n. XJ'B n. XT3 TJ n. XriTt3 n. TIB vb. 'B0 vb. oan vb. "I conj. i# Vsn vb. D3B vb. 1:11 1:12 1:13 1:14 2:1 «]VX vb. oan vb. 0^3 vb. 1# T-B vb. xrais n. VXD vb. xrmn. n. 'BT vb. 1# 33!7 vb. X3fl3X pron. Vy. prep. XX'X3 n. i# xVn n. x^ns n. xriaip n. XflBpT? n. 2:2 2:3 2:4 X08TO n. 1# bTX vb. 1# 'TJ vb. '?! adj. XCT31? n. W3V vb. 2# ^B vb. y3B vb. XBW'X n. *\m vb. xMf Vya n. 1# 'Bn vb. DJH'B pron. T-)B adj. nX30 n. 333 vb. 2:5 2:6 2:7 XB^n. *WR?P. n. 1# xri'3 n. Xiri! n. BBS vb. xnannx n. xnTts n. xri n. XTB n. W33 vb. ^IB'a conj. m3 vb. i# nn3 vb. xriaw n. XiriO'X n. Xrap« n.
Magic Bowls 1564 Incantation Texts XTTO n. XHn. 1ST vb. 2# XIO'X n. X'9X n- J8T vb. xnann n. Klin. '»rn n. TIE; adj. tf'3 adj. SI"! n. 2# niJ vb. XJBO n. pm vb. XB'X n. X^?? n. '»* vb. nifp'B n. ]B prep. nilV'a n. yatf vb. On; part. xntf'x n. ton vb. Tfl adj. xnia ijxVa n. ytoj vb. 13 conj. piy vb. 'in vb. Dip ]8 prep. "1 conj. xriia tjx1?? n. Dip ]1p prep. IX conj. 1? adv. nox vb. "?13 vb. xrbbm n. ti"!P adj. XJT3 'KN'X n. xrni n. 4:3 4:4 4:5 4:6 5:1 5:2 5:3 5:4 6:1 6:2 6:3 6:4 1# 'Bn vb. 2# tojO vb. 2# XIO'X n. XIIO'X n. TOX vb. xjtj xai' n. xtfxito? n. TIB adj. XW1XT1 n. 2# tojO vb. XJjTTIS n. n? vb. to<» vb. 1# Xlltf n. 1# xrra n. onn vb. C)n; part. vrb vb. ny vb. pm vb. tf'3 adj. onn vb. xn'to1? n. XTl'J n. '10 adj. !H3iy n. i# x;'3 n. xann n. x^to? n. X3B0 n. i# xry n. Xi'i n. #33 vb. 1# X»3'3 n. 3# XO'l n. xrnsin n. Xtoj'j? n. 'iV vb. DJ? prep. xnsipp'x n. i# -pi vb. 1# X»3'3 n. i# 'ai vb. 6:5 6:6 6:7 6:8 6:9 6:10 6:11 7:2 7:3 7:4 7:5 X^"13 pron. 1# tox vb. onn vb. 2# 131? vb. xnn's n. nx vb. "3 prep. J'tol pron. 1# Xtf3'3 n. i# xntoa n. xa»n. nxtf'Bri adj. nx?'31 adj. nxjrstf adj. nxn'ntf adj. #33 vb. xnV?a n. n'X part. xrs; n. xitp'p n. 3ip vb. B^tf vb. xVxafc? n. xnx n. 1# XJ'3 n. xVf'J n. J'l pron. Dby1? adv. XBI'a n. i# yps vb. i# nx vb. Wf n. x;px n. onn vb. nx vb. '»rn n. □nn vb. XtiSj n. i«';?P n. xntot n. 31 adj. yu vb. XI'T n. XX'X n. 7:6 xni'1 n. ]8 prep. XJBO n. 7:9 NJItMB n. xrm n. 7:10 "3 prep. Xin pron. 7:11 xrnis n. xnmb n. X1J7X n. '#p adj. 7:12 yiT vb. 1J13B prep. °"!i?, ]P prep. 7:13 Nni'TJn. 2# XS'T n. 1# X#n n. 3# X0'3 n. 2# xrnea n. tjjt vb. xnp:y n. xn n. 7:14 #'3 adj. xniai n. HXJTt adj. Xp'IB n. XBiy n. xjns n. xpan n. XTtf n. yrtvy n. 7:15 XJV3 'EU'X n. xnn'x n. bm vb. i# xyjj n. xniai n. ]'TI pron. X^13 pron. pSJ vb. 2# X1JS n. 7:16 ]nPron- m vb. Incantation Texts 1565 Magic Bowls i# torn vb. 1# X^3n n. i# 'on vb. xaton n. 'a' vb. t\y adv. 2# xmntf n. 1# X13J n. 1# X1J1J n. 1# XaiJ n. 1"in adj. X"733a n. xtolB n. BpJ vb. i# xoij; n. DOS vb. 1# 'ai vb. xnsiw n. 'X'tf vb. xnann n. X?OX n. -nx vb. xr/px n. xann n. yu vb. XI'I n. )'1 pron. nXJTI adj. 1# 'IP vb. xj^na n. Xtoj3B n. xnpjy n. W'3 adj. yn vb. X11B n. Dip IP prep. toj3 vb. EU'K 13 n. xmsns n. xn n. XXp'P n. XJ111 n. TV1 vb. 9:1 9:2 9:3 9:4 9:5 9:6 9:7 9:8 9:9 9:11 9:12 9:13 9:14 9:15 xnrtf n. pi vb. 1# X03 n. tf'3 adj. XTJ'T n. xrision n. 2# Xjto1? n. xri'V'1? n. X^3")X num. N3Jn. W31? vb. 2# ino vb. 1# 'BT vb. 2# n1?!? vb. 2# xrnjw n. 1# X3X n. ]B prep. ps: vb. ^IB'B conj. XB'X n. xa#n. xna# n. XB'X n. XB'l n. TVl vb. XW n. 'n:x pron. xn'son n. xn'V'? n. p»9 n. xa; 13'jr n. XnpT'J n. 2# xmn» n. xn'son n. xri'^B n. NS prep. X1??? n. 30: vb. tf'lp adj. Tp13'# n. xnaia n. X3SVB n. IX conj. 9:16 10:1 10:3 10:4 10:6 10:7 10:8 10:9 10:10 10:11 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 11:5 11:6 11:7 12:1 12:2 12:3 Ipy vb. 1# Tin vb. XBi' n. xrrn n. XTiS n. i# 'ai vb. 'in vb. 3fl3 vb. xnn'x n. xru'tf n. y:3 vb. ipy vb. i# xnan n. 1# 13X vb. 'nx vb. 1'33 adv. 2# X»in n. K30V n. xaiiB n. by_ prep. xnnx n. x^sna n. XB1?'!! n. xnij'x n. xm n. xnsipp'x n. XJf'ap n. inx vb. □nn vb. xann n. nxaip adj. I'Vil pron. XbSSB n. XIS1B n. ]B prep. pm vb. K33#a n'3 n. xniox n. 1# 'OX vb. VD3 vb. 2# PIU vb. 'Brn n. xnnp? n. 12:4 12:5 12:6 12:7 12:8 12:9 13:2 13:3 13:4 13:5 13:6 13:7 13:8 14:1 14:3 14:4 14:5 pm vb. xmjw n. inx vb. xrfwn n. xn'1?'1? n. xrns n? n. XDSTD n. xrrriia n. 1# 33# vb. 1# X13 n. 1# <\>n vb. ("in; part. XB1?? n. *?B3 vb. 1# Xni3 n. XTB'X n. y3# vb. XTV n. D''?» adj. DX conj. xni3 n? n. X13"I n. XOBTiQ n. xn'iiia n. i# 'na vb. xnapw n. ^3 vb. TJ'J adj. xnn'x n. NB'J n. 1# bK vb. xnprj? n. pny vb. mp vb. xrnox n. 1# X13 n. "n vb. id: vb. Dip vb. xnpi1? n. XJBD n. 1# XD3'# n. 1# XS'1 n.
Magic Bowls 1566 Incantation Texts 2# «lVt vb. 'B' vb. 13 conj. 1# X#3'3 n. lay vb. xmyi n. 1# 'Xtf vb. i# kijpj. n. n'vao n. XX'X n. 1# 'Xtf vb. p!3 vb. i# xpis n. 1# llffj vb. Xipi n. 3# XO'l n. xnVta n. Xta'p n. xrisip'ti n. mv vb. xri'V''? n. xntana n. 2# nu vb. xrifi'x n. xrn'i n. in pron. 1# 'Itf vb. XJilTX n. Xl'taox n. 130 vb. X»3?n. XSX1?!? n. aan vb. i# pan vb. X7I103 n. Xtfista n. mt vb. novn n. °"i? adj. X^p n. XTln. xrfara n. 2# Van vb. 1 15:10 15:11 16:1 16:2 16:3 16:4 16:5 16:6 16:7 17:1 17:6 17:7 17:9 18:1 18:4 18:5 18:6 2# con vb. 1# xVp n. KVi?ft?n- 2# '3n vb. llV prep. KJl'tax n. 2# tan vb. xW>3 n. xriarin n. 1# X03 n. xrasia n. Tl? vb. xatfn. 1# X113 n. xta'n n. xiu n. yatf vb. xrirstf n. i# n© vb. notix n. 1# XJ'T n. 131 vb. xrrarx n. rfl adj. xna n. xi3iy n. XJ7J9 n. 4# X3'» n. 1# Ntja'K? n. -I0X vb. xii: n. 2# Xtfm n. 133 vb. xrnix n. xariin n. xmox n. Dip vb. Kl'JJp n. xrr?x n. BHp adj. »?"?? n. xntan n. »33 vb. 18:7 18:8 18:9 18:10 18:11 19:1 19:2 19:3 19:4 19:5 19:7 19:8 i# xrina n. xivu n. 2# X1J1D n. xrfrx n. XT'pil3 n. xrr: n. xun n. x;m n. TON vb. xniain n. xrixaiB n. K113 n. X31OT n. xnta3B n. xriaia n. xrfrVa n. xtan. no adj. xripaj? n. xta'p n. 2# XIO'X n. xnsipntf'K n. x^p na n. xriu'soa n. xriyis n. XJtV''? n. 2# 33» vb. 1# Xll n. p3tf vb. 'MS pron. IBS vb. xrision n. xroV? n. X3?n. 2# ire vb. Vj? prep. "?'Dn^ adv. 2# nta> vb. 2# xrnjfo n. xrn'l n. 13 interj. 'a' vb. xnatf n. 19:9 19:10 19:11 19:12 20:1 20:2 20:4 20:5 20:6 20:7 20:8 20:9 20:11 21:1 21:2 21:3 21:4 21:5 21:6 *i\>:n- 1,'llB'S n. XB'X n. lipn adv. xa? is'j? n. 1# XJV3 n. mn vb. xmox n. xrnp: n. xnpi'5? n. xVl3 pron. '?ni n. xjati n. Dip vb. xiib'x n. xsba n. xrns ra n. pin vb. i# «|id vb. i# 'na vb. xraia n. xnx'aia n. xosno n. xr/rria n. i# 'na vb. XT» n. XB'J n. 3J13 vb. xriaia n. 1# tap vb. mp vb. 1# Vptf vb. N?'?? n. XJOXn. '»ni n. xsswa n'3 n. xriaip n. xanrt n. i# ntf vb. xna n. i# xrna n. xirio'x n. X31J3 n. Incantation Texts 1567 Magic Bowls xreta n. xVta n. xrfrx n. X13'l n. 2# X3'3 n. i# xrina n. xjan n. Xfi'V? num. xinp'x n. 4# XW3 n. xnapu n. xisx n. 2# xiaw n. 2# XWm n. 1# xn'b'p n. xVns n. Dladj. i# xibo n. 'arn n. 13'J adj. I'll adj. T'ta adj. xsxVa n. XJBO n. XllO'X n. -I0X vb. T^n pron. ]a prep. NTS? n. xjnx n. ]P 13 prep. 2# Xll? n. Xl'1 n. tfwr n. xrnain n. xisrjs n. i# np vb. onn vb. xtaia* n. Til) adj. XM'3 n. Dnn vb. X1D1B n. 21:20 23:1 23:2 23:3 24:1 24:2 24:3 25:1 25:3 25:4 26:2 26:3 26:4 26:5 27:1 27:3 27:5 27:6 27:7 28:3 28:4 28:5 28:6 XWXlta n. xaiy conj. 'in vb. XBSlpO'X n. 1# Xp't n. Dnn vb. >tf>i?FJ? n. 1# XB13 n. xmi n. xnsipo'x n. 31p vb. xarin n. XJ7JS n. xann n. xripi'? n. Xp'ia n. XJl'tX n. 1# 'OX vb. xmox n. xaVn n. X1BD n. EJ'Jt? adj. x;a» n. xriirx n. m vb. 2# m vb. Xji3'l n. tfrx 13 n. lin pron. xr^p n. xV'ta n. t,'T pron. inx vb. 'MX pron. xri'V'1? n. xnn n. yn vb. xaa' n. xVl3 pron. xwai n. XB'J n. O'apa prep. XID'O n. 29:2 29:3 29:4 29:5 29:6 29:8 29:9 29:10 29:11 30:1 30:2 1'1!B'9 n. TP13'» n. XJOXn. 1# xV'n n. CSV vb. X^TIS n. xrialp n. xoanx n. 1# VlX vb. 1# '13 vb. '?! adj. XE/IS1? n. 2# V?1S vb. J?JS vb. XW n. X331 V'5?3 n. 3331 vb. X1JV n. D^Ta pron. TIB adj. nxjp n. B»S vb. XPt7p n. X?»'X n. «1»X vb. xa^n. xnainx n. xrn'n n. XJiatj? n. Xl'l n. "71B'a conj. XITO'X n. xri'V'V n. X1TO n. X3'1D n. ID! vb. 1# X03 n. X^lXl Xt'Bl» 'la n. 33* vb. 2# U* vb. ]UV vb. l'ax adj. 1# X»3'3 n. 30:3 30:4 30:5 31:4 31:6 31:7 31:8 31:9 31:10 31:11 31:12 32:2 32:4 32:5 33:2 33:4 33:6 1# taB vb. xriani n. 1# ipi vb. 33C7 vb. in* vb. xmti n. XJ13H n. X'pW pron. i# xriia n. H? adj. x;|j?a n. xrsp n. XJll'il n. xj;is n. 1# X13 n. XaB n. X03'3 n. T»3 adj. jntf vb. 2# XBin n. 1# X13 n. 131 vb. xpia n. 1U vb. Dip vb. Xjpiis n. xna n. xrrai n. 2# 'pn* n. xnVx n. V'ni adj. xriiw'n n. x:bd n. XB"p n. nxjion adj. "D prep. x:irn n. xnarin n. B'V» adj. xW?rn n. xjirn n. xa'p'n n. xVl3 pron.
Magic Bowls 1568 Incantation Texts 33:7 33:9 33:10 33:11 33:12 33:13 33:14 33:15 33:16 33:17 33:18 33:19 33:20 34:1 34:4 34:5 Krf?D2n n. '3P adj. XfiDipO'N n. xpnna n. ]a prep. WX pron. iTutf n. Xl'1 n. pM vb. my vb. 3J13 vb. i# ica vb. X'Olll n. pyi vb. Kn,'?,'7 n. D'to adj. XJDO n. xri'3 'wr« n. X33tfB IP3 n. Kr,'?i?n- pyt vb. 2# xisn n. 1DX vb. WX pron. Xlffil pron. '»' vb. xnaia n. nntf adj. to n. XJT11 n. X3iia n. 1# XD3T n. XDI'O n. 2# XJ^S n. KIT n. dock; vb. X3aira jva n. tfaa vb. i# xtfra n. xniai n. '81 vb. i# tti vb. 3# XO'J n. 34:6 34:7 34:9 34:13 35:1 35:4 35:5 35:6 35:7 35:8 35:9 35:10 35:11 36:3 36:6 36:7 nXJl'T adj. xniain n. xians n. xbrp n. ino vb. fVil pron. am vb. XTX n. pa» vb. 4# xm n. xrnox n. i# xrina n. xr;:a n. »aa vb. xnn n. XX vb. K11 n. KWB n. op: vb. xaitin n. xnxaio n. no adj. xriDiprro'x n. xna^x n. XJlDi1? n. xriaia n. xripjy n. xjns n. xnyis n. 2# XIO'X n. 2# xxm n. xmsn' n. xriwa n. xrniy n. xin n. tfaa vb. xrtaan n. oyi'B Va pron. 2# rm vb. XStf'X n. XD1SX n. 3# Xia'X n. xrrsen n. 36:8 36:9 36:10 36:12 37:1 37:3 37:4 37:6 37:7 38:1 38:2 KiT^D n. X11T n. 3# XO'3 n. xmrro n. KJHS n. KflSlp'B n. KniSK n. X31SK n. xrni V'ya n. KniSK n. K31DX n. X10XB n. Kp'ya n. KJlpJ? n. KiriD'X n. ^3 n. xnntf n. xioxa n. XEHX n. xosn n. yaiy vb. 2# XIB'X n. 'Khn n. xnj?ia» n. xrrV?a n. xtp: n. xnaity n. 3# xia'x n. xnsipT n. XniO'X n. xaai Vys n. 2# xioa n. xp'ya n. 'IS adj. XDVTS n. xrmna n. K11TO n. xniTsp n. xrnTi? n. xrmtf n. BJ'K 13 n. i# xrinn n. anp adj. 38:3 38:4 38:6 38:7 38:9 39:1 39:3 39:4 40:1 40:2 40:3 40:4 40:6 41:8 42:1 42:2 43:1 xirn n. 'SX *?y prep. 2# XSpT n. xmia n. b>3i3 n. n?3 n. 2# xip'x n. X^lV' n. XrV?lV' n. 1# pbo vb. IIS vb. xra^x n. D^VV adv. K"?TJ n. XfflBI n. KIT pron. xrfoaa n. xaV? n. xarin n. xnarin n. inw adj. xrra Tj'X n. xniox n. 3D adj. xm'j n. xnpry n. ann vb. xnw n. xm'ptf n. xrnsaa n. xaVa n. KniTB'B n. xaovi n. xayn n. sn* n. xrrvm n. Xr'0T,3 n. 2# xnaj? n. xnn n. xruna n. xnapw n. -|SX vb. xriaVwx n. Incantation Texts 43:2 43:3 43:4 44:2 44:3 44:5 44:6 45:2 45:3 45:4 46:3 46:4 46:5 47:6 47:8 47:9 47:10 47:12 48:1 48:2 Tin n. xnpV? n. ]J1 pron. xraipT n. &V vb. WX pron. Wi n. 1# XD3T n. XJlT'n n. X?D"? n. xra n. '3P adj. X33K7B n'3 n. xrnn n. XBin n. xnaip n. XlT n. 1# Xp'I n. XyJ? n. xarin n. Xp'ia n. abv vb. xrfrx, n. xino'X n. 2# X13y_ n. xisya n. 1# X13 n. xaoV n. i# xis n. VVp adj. 1# X13 n. P'm adj. i# xnix n. »n?n. n. 2# ^no vb. xripi1? n. K"3T? "• 130 vb. -niy vb. 13S vb. xiara n. xnn n. »n vb. 48:3 48:4 48:5 48:6 48:7 48:8 49:1 49:2 49:6 49:7 49:8 49:9 50:3 50:4 50:5 1# -|TJ vb. 2# IVl vb. IDS vb. xrrntf n. 1# XJfIT n. 1# 'Dn vb. x?"?i? "■ >OX,7a n. X3T3 n. X^TIS n. ]T\Vn adj. KnV^i* n. WX pron. TI13 adj. '^ adj. xaxVa n. irS'3 adj. xnaia n. 2# HT2 vb. xnpns n. xriyiai; n. niis adj. Killtp n. 2# xia;; n. |ai vb. xVjya adv. #nj? adj. (-)n; part. xriVan n. Til n. x-iaya n. xriaVipx n. □on adj. Dyi'a Va pron. 2# X^'V n. XTI'3 n. xriija n. xr^ww n. xnaaia n. xnp:y n. xnyjs n. XniO'X n. nox vb. xnann n. 50:6 XPlSlpT n. 50:7 xann n. 50:9 2# XIVB n. 51:1 yi'vb. XjaWl n. 51:2 xni-]B n. xaiya n. 51:3 xainin. xnina n. XllS'S n. 51:4 Vn3vb. id: vb. nsy vb. 51:5 DyTI? pron. xriaip n. 52:2 XIlSlSp n. 52:3 XDB1X n. '31 adj. XWiaV n. 52:4 yJS vb. 52:5 OX conj. '11 interj. □STO pron. nna adj. 52:6 X5ETX n. ^m vb. 52:7 XTTCJp n. 52:8 33J vb. IITff n. 52:9 xnannx n. 52:10 l#"?TXvb. HXJI'T adj. xniain n. X1T0 n. 52:11 naivb. VlB'B conj. xnxnn na n. 1ST vb. 52:12 1# 'On vb. tfaa vb. 2# Vao vb. 52:13 8;|?n. Magic Bowls 2# °730 vb. 2# X1JS n. 52:15 XJPIlSn. 52:17 XllO'Xn. 10X vb. WX pron. XVI n. 53:1 NfnWn. XJfBp n. 53:2 1# X13 n. XliT n. xn'y? n. xbaaa n. XJBO n. xiarjs n. X11ST n. xna» n. 53:3 Xa"?X n. XJlXaiB n. X11T n. 2# X;'?,,? n. X1?: n. 53:4 xrnn n. 54:2 i# xrna n. 54:4 T13 adj. xnppy n. 54:5 xnin'y n. XTB n. 54:6 xriDlpn^'X n. Til n. X!^',7','? n. 54:7 Xnri'X n. ,1X2Tt adj. i# xrian n. •yon vb. xn1?? n. "*V. ^S PreP- 54:8 QJ?Ta V? pron. 13y vb. XJTBp n. 54:9 2# X13S n. 55:2 113 vb 55:3 1# xVipn n.
Magic Bowls 1570 Incantation Texts 55:6 55:7 55:8 56:3 56:4 56:6 56:7 56:8 56:9 56:10 56:11 56:13 56:14 57:1 57:2 57:4 2# X'ln n. xVl'1 n. xVjBn. ipy vb. 1# 7TX vb. i# nn vb. •'linxV prep. xrrrtfa n. xiiay n. xrn'i n. xriarin n. xrnw n. xariia n. 1# Xiay n. XfiSipO'X n. 1# XiFIBX n. XTya n. TX? adj. T"jn n. nxvjivi adj. xy;o adj. nxii' adj. ,1X015 adj. 7'B3 adj. 1'3 prep. xitf'V n. xia'a n. xyatf num. ratf vb. ]U'X pron. 1# XIO'X n. 1# xVai n. xi3'i n. xriapu n. X»3'1 n. »33 vb. XB13 n. yiV'a adv. XDXba n. 7'yVB adv. 1# XID'p n. XrijJt'J? n. ,1X1'1 adj. 57:5 57:6 57:8 58:3 58:4 58:6 58:7 58:8 58:9 58:10 58:11 58:12 59:1 59:2 XII n. i# xiB'p n. 2# XIO'X n. Dm vb. XTBhtf n. xarin n. xaVy na n. XriD^O'K n. xinn. Xn'V'V n. cVer adj. 13'1 adj. xxiaia n. xraraia n. 'riJX pron. JIIB'S n. 7?n adj. xnpin n. xjtiVb n. rpiai? n. |'ax adj. xrrn n. xiimn n. Kim n. 1# '73 vb. 1# 73X vb. ivia adj. xrna na n. XB'l n. XOSTIB n. 7J? prep. ms vb. «lptf vb. xriys'a n. 2# X11S n. mp vb. XB'X n. 1# 'OX vb. xiaya n. i# xia n. X13"l n. xVinVn n. i# xea'tf n. 59:3 59:4 59:5 59:6 59:7 59:8 59:9 59:10 59:11 59:12 59:13 59:14 yit vb. xan: n. nm vb. xiVana n. xii'yi n. nm vb. VW vb. pl» vb. xVxafr n. i# xis n. i# np vb. tfrx ia n. oyVo vb. yen vb. pjtf vb. xriiBin n. xVln. xjns n. Xip'S n. 2# XlVf n. Xii'yi n. t>lt> vb. yai vb. an' yb. xrna n. xosn n. i# Van vb. xra; n. nm vb. X13'X n. xra; n. nm vb. pro vb. 1# 77B vb. i# xia n. yn vb. xp'ia n. piy vb. xyaix num. xast>a n'a n. xain n. pSl vb. Dip vb. 59:17 60:1 60:2 60:3 60:4 60:6 61:2 61:3 61:4 61:5 61:6 61:7 61:8 61:9 61:10 61:11 61:12 61:13 62:1 62:2 62:3 62:7 63:1 63:2 xnaip n. i# aatf vb. 1# X30X n. XII pron. Din vb. xj»s n. 2# ino vb. Vwy adv. 2# xrnyfr n. WIK pron. xrrt»V n. xniis n. i# xia n. NT!?8 n. xtpi n. XflSlp't? n. xrnix n. X1B? n. XTPI n. xnny n. xntpiV n. xrnix n. Jill pron. xirca n. xnny n. xrnix n. xiiaa n. xiiaa n. xnny n. xrmy n. xrrv n. iV vb. 1# XIO'X n. 1.DX vb. xriDiV n. XYiO'X n. xrna na n. xnaia n. mp vb. 1# 7pfc> vb. XIIO'X n. iox vb. TIB adj. Incantation Texts 63:3 63:4 63:5 63:7 63:8 64:2 64:3 64:4 64:5 64:8 64:9 64:10 64:11 64:13 64:14 64:15 64:19 64:20 64:21 64:23 Hy adj. 'in vb. xaVvj n. >yo vb. xVln. 1# xVp n. Dladj. XJOX n. xi»n. flln. xrrcftn n. i# xixia n. E>11 vb. xaaia n. xVjan. i# 'na vb. D'V» adj. i# Van vb. 031 vb. pS3 vb. xaVn n. xnsipo'X n. xaaipa n'a n. 1# XB31P n. 13 conj. XTtin. tf'3 adj. HUffi n. xnasn num. B'Vw adj. y?a vb. HA pron- piy vb. X031 n. xanin n. 7D3 vb. XI"! n. X1B0 n. i# xrra n. xrn'i n. 1# X13 n. □DD» vb. mn vb. 64:24 64:25 64:26 65:1 65:4 67:2 67:3 67:4 67:5 67:6 67:7 67:8 67:9 68:1 68:2 68:3 68:4 69:2 69:4 1571 xarrin. 033 vb. 1# XTJB n. xiin n. xnVsaa n. xana n. 2# XjVf n. ]H pron. rVn vb. xripj'y n. isn vb. xVjBn. xmyc> n. xwrx n. xnri'x n. "1 conj. i# xnan n. xrieiV n. tjV'x n'a n. xriip'aa trij'a n. xnai n. IDin num. DlV vb. XBBn. ]'Vn pron. 1# -1 ]Xa 73 pron. 1'V'X pron. ms vb. B1? vb. xriaeri n. Dpi vb. xriiox n. -pi vb. i# xVan n. piy vb. xnrenn n. Dip IB prep. 2# XTO'X n. i# xiap n. TO prep- xVaa n. xnro n. xns n. 69:6 70:1 70:2 70:4 70:6 70:7 70:8 71:1 71:2 71:3 71:4 71:5 71:6 71:7 71:8 71:9 IBS vb. *fafr n- xniD'ptfa n. xrnox n. m vb. "V prep. xyap n. 1# XS'3 n. pill n. 30 adj. XB'Viy n. pjn vb. WX pron. XB'5 n. XV?'1 n. X^'pi n. 13'J adj. X3ip n. 130 vb. XJIn. pnv vb. tfJ'X 13 n. Dm vb. 1# XJ11X n. 13'J adj. 2# 'an vb. ^pVprep.. X»J'X n. KJW'X n. V3X vb. 1# XJ11X n. DV'X adj. mi vb. fnn adj. yia adj. xripipt; n. xriT n. 3# X03 n. ya» vb. 1# XIpX n. xri'i'a n. 7711 adj. XIS'O n. 71:10 72:1 72:2 72:3 72:4 72:6 72:7 72:8 72:9 72:20 73:7 74:1 74:2 74:3 74:4 Magic Bowls Xllp n. i# xrnix n. pai vb. XJ»'V n. i# VVa vb. 1# xVVb n. XB19 n. ]8t vb. 1# XriV'B n. 1# ip vb. X'73X n. xn^'x n. XJVBX n. i# xiap n. 7BJ vb. 1# 1XD vb. 2# xnau n. nn vb. X11D n. i# Vax vb. Vm vb. 118 vb. 'n» vb. IflVx adv. xmiasx n. X13'1 n. xriapw n. X3313 n. xVjBn. VT vb. XJB'V n. 'oa vb. 1# Xpn n. xnnsu n. xrilJIJ n. pVl vb. »a' vb. Xp»n. 110 vb. ma vb. 2# lay vb. 'sir; vb. xri'arrro n.
Magic 74:5 74:9 74:10 74:12 74:13 74:14 75:1 75:3 75:4 75:8 76:2 76:3 76:4 76:6 Bowls jiatf vb. nnx vb. jrtn vb. i# xyn n. xri'sHa n. Dip vb. xnaox n. xy>3 n. xrrana n. X'B3N n. xsrn n. 1# 'TO vb. X^iys adv. 3# X3n? n. xri'inj; n. xnu?nw n. xriaVj? n. X'^ntf n. i# xnnntf n. >n?i?'? n. xnio n. nxpp'^ n. xnsipp'x n. □Dn adj. xnna n. x^aa n. xy^an. xnyx n. xnionx n. xnaVtix n. V>rn adj. 2# xnan n. DST» ^? pron. 'arnn. xatfn. XN?tf n. alZ P prep. irr vb. XJX pron. nna prep. i# jn vb. 13>V prep. DfoVs n. 76:7 76:8 76:9 77:1 77:2 77:8 77:9 77:13 78:1 78:3 78:4 78:5 1 inn vb. "i (xjnnx conj. nan vb. j?:n vb. xVl3 pron. p3tf vb. Jl'X part. 1# XJV3 n. nn vb. i# Van vb. noxvb. xjrra n. 'MX pron. Dnn vb. xnVsaa n. 1^ vb. Dy prep. pm vb. 0i:6B n. inn vb. D^$> adv. □y prep. i# ■nv vb. xrfcx n. i# xb'n n. xnrn n. i# xnam n. "n adj. i# xaa n. rta adj. 2# XniTlB n. 1# XJJW n. xrtf n. xnnx n. X-13'X n. 2# xnsnx n. 1# Xjjn? n. xVjfa n. xnnn. 1p' vb. X3t£ n. xna?n. 1# XJTO n. 572 XBTO n. X^riB n. xy/ps n. 78:6 X3'3 n. 3# XO'l n. xnasna n. 2# Xtfru n. l# xVup n. rms adj. 1# X^pp n. XpWn. 78:7 xrn n. 'X3T adj. I'SfJ adj. xri'VV n. xrnVa n. 78:8 1# xrins n. xsnn n. i# xnpia n. xnpVis n. 1BV vb. 78:9 xV'n n?» n. i# xna n. 3*0 adj. xmjB n. i# njtf vb. 78:10 XTrWHn. 1# XT^l n. XJTO'T n. srVn adj. ann adj. N?n?n- XJinVn. xn?n. 1# X3^>3 n. X*?'B n. X^riWB n. n33 vb. ns: vb. COB adj. xmrn n. 78:11 SMXn. xrnan n. Incantation Texts 'tn vb. XTin n. 2# XOT3 n. 'JO adj. 1# pTB vb. 78:12 X#'X n. XOXn. xnx n. xrups n. xnian n. xnn n. Il'an. xna? n. 30 adj. XB'Viy n. xra^iy n. xnab'x n. 1# Xr'J1tf n. xnjitf n. 78:13 xniOn. tarfr n. nx$s» n. xaixs n. xna n. 1# X^TU n. i# nro vb. xjimno n. xWns n. xrirns n. i# xnap n. •VXB adj. 78:14 XTXn. xnnp'x n. xaiasx n. 1# nV?i n. i# Wrn n. 1# »)1D vb. xnrp n. X3T7 XBV n. 2# XB'3 n. i# nna vb. lffpl vb. Incantation Texts Magic Bowls xnuns n. xnnp'x n. xnx n. 2# XmXI n. xjian? n. xn?n. xrpanta n. xri'B n. D'OB adj. asn vb. XJJX n. V1X vb. 'rfr'X n'3 n. 1# XJT3 n. X7TIX n. xri'it n. n"?T vb. 2# XS^n n. naVa adv. ino vb. xjnp n. xvn n. nan vb. nxjn'i adj. xinn n. xnnain n. 'OB adj. 13 conj. 0'03 adj. XMX n. 33' vb. X1?'1?? n. Jia vb. xni: n. xnws n. X3np n. VVp vb. Xn»T!? n. xri'snV?' n. □V'X adj. xns^'x n. 3# XJOX n. 1# XTT n. 78:20 78:21 78:22 79:1 79:2 79:3 79:4 79:5 79:6 79:7 80:4 80:5 "n adj. ap adj. inn vb. paw vb. XpW n. XTX n. '11 interj. XVT n. i# xVri n. xpwri n. 2# nn vb. ■?y prep. nas vb. 1# 'B» vb. ■?B» vb. 1# Xri'3 n. »'nan n. Dng prep. 1# 11B vb. XT» n. xprsnn n. 'X3T adj. ("in; part. xn'l?,l? n. xriapu n. xsno n. xnprjs n. XJJin n. Dnn vb. pnn vb. xjrvn. n. D5JT8 ^3 pron. '3P adJ- xnaiy n. i# xnw n. nai vb. nxy'art adj. xnn'o n. xnnis n. xypn n. xrn'na n. 1# XD3'» n. XTl^DSB n. 80:6 80:7 80:8 81:1 81:2 81:4 81:5 82:1 82:3 82:4 82:5 82:6 82:7 82:8 82:9 82:10 xnratfB n. xnr: n. xrvnpy n. xraVipx n. xn'yp n. xsina n. xnnna n. 2# HTi vb. i# xrix n. Dnn vb. xn n. xnian n. X3H pron. xaVx n. xnio'x n. xann n. xnann n. xnno: n. xn'3 'CT'X n. nn vb. xnn'x n. xn n. Xp'lB n. 1# XD3'iy n. xnpi1? n. 'B' vb. 2# XB'7 n. 3# X0'3 n. xn^a n. xnpjy n. xn n. nnv vb. xnaya n. xj;nx na n. xjbe; na n. xna n. 1# K3X n. V?y vb. xanrt n. 3# XO'3 n. xnnis n. snp vb. 1# Xp'T n. 83:1 83:2 83:3 83:4 83:5 83:6 83:8 83:9 84:1 84:3 84:7 84:8 84:9 84:10 84:11 84:12 84:13 84:14 85:2 85:3 85:7 85:8 86:1 xna n. 2# xnp'x n. xnp'n n. 2# ntJ vb. XTW n. xvn n. xropi: n. xnnain n. i# noa vb. xn'tf n. HT'ran n. xnpns n. ]8T vb. 1# xya'3 n. xnn. xns;'? n. tan vb. B3D vb. Xp'OB n. nwp n. xVnx n. Xp'OB n. xacV-w n. xa©n. XJ1X n. ino vb. ©p: vb. xap'y n. xjjy n. xypn n. 1B3 vb. xjpnre; n. xra^ n. x^xaip n. ninxa prep. xap^> n. X^JBn. xnp'B n. xnnp'x n. xnpns n. 1©X vb. ithn vb. nax vb.
Magic Bowls 1574 Incantation Texts 86:2 XJnn n. Kjinun n. IW3J7U n. XflSip'tf n. 86:4 XStf'X n. 1# Xri'J n. Tax adj. 86:5 XDpyx n. X^J'p n. 86:6 WX 13 n. 86:9 XfVltfa n. 1# X»3'tf n. 86:10 nXJTtadj. 86:11 1# ntf vb. 87:1 XB103 n. KriUTBJa n. 87:2 xpnpT n. 87:5 0'03 adj. ISO vb. 88:2 Xnpra n. tawfr n. 88:3 XJ'W n. xVlB n. KTW n. X?JD n. 88:4 1# Xp'T n. oVy^ adv. Xp'?a n. 88:5 xnpia n. xrapu n. 88:6 1# n3 vb. xp'fa n. pry vb. XnXB n. 88:7 xnpn3 n. i# nss vb. 88:8 Xjpsa n. 88:9 'MK pron. xnpna n. xjnri n. x?'a- n- xVxato n. 88:10 xriia^n. xiirnn n. xmax* n. 88:11 l#7TXvb. xri")1 n. xrint n. xjpsa n. 89:5 x;0X n. Ton adj. xsxVb n. 89:6 1# X3'3 n. 89:7 xntf'X n. X<nB n. Kfl'TJ^ n. 90:1 'Ehn n. 3'ip adj. p'rn adj. 90:2 natf vb. 90:3 xain n. xriaip n. 90:4 «]?x vb. X3313 n. 90:5 xritrhn n. ens vb. 90b: 1 XjnSn. Xn\'J n. 90b:2 73$ prep. 90b:3 7'D3 adj. 90b:4 mv vb. 91:1 XJ17?an. KTI'J n. 91:2 XJITIB n. yy vb. 91:3 «j?Xvb. xrrcnn n. its: adj. 92:3 XTTJ n. 92:4 xriy'3 n. TITO adj. 93:1 xriDipirxn. 94:1 xrnw n. 94:4 XriXn'3 na n. X1»'9 n. 94:5 1fc>S vb. 94:6 94:7 94:8 94:10 94:11 94.12 94:13 95:2 95:4 95:5 96:2 96:4 96:5 96:8 97:1 98:1 99:1 99:2 100:2 100:4 100:5 100:6 100:7 100:10 100:11 100:13 100:15 101:1 101:3 xnaVtfx n. pyx vb. 07t> vb. «lpK; vb. '71 vb. xns'» n. pVtt pron. XTP: n. pyx vb. 1# 13X vb. ■^3 vb. Kfltfn? n. xn n. ■mx vb. XjnS n. xrnox n. 1# 778 vb. X*lt>ns n. 2# XTp n. xn n. XJ?3S n. xrbx n. x'pu na n. in vb. X3ri3 n. wi?n- xrnox n. 1# XIO'X n. '?nn n. i# xrrV'a n. XTJ1 n. xn1?? n. 'SX Vy prep. XBlV7 n. XJ/3S n. 1# X3'1 n. nXJTT adj. X#3rj n. xnpay n. 2# XTiy. n. xrirti n. 'MX pron. X3137'n n. i# xrna n. xnsnp n. ioi:5 xriaen n. 2# xntfs n. XJ0Vl» n. 101:6 D'^adj. 102:1 xaonn. xriarin n. xrnw n. 102:3 xiaya n. 102:4 xriBip'tf n. 102:6 »n adj. 3# X0'3 n. X^3'p n. D'»p adj. 103:7 X(>3'P n. 103:9 xTjra n. 103:11 XiriD'Xn. XJD1?!© n. 103c: l xriia ^xVa n. 104:2 xrrans n. 105:2 2# KjfrB n. 105:3 X33n n. 2# X3'3 n. 105:4 XtH n. xriyai n. xrinb'x n. 105:5 3X3 vb. 1# X3'3 n. •yrn adj. 106:3 KJTO3 n. 106:4 13B vb. mv vb. 106:5 XJ1T3 n. kjwi n. xrr?3pa n. xnrmx n. X77p n. 106:6 Rjrrn n. 3# KO'l n. xwr'? n. X'nOB* n. 106:7 XJITYI n. Incantation Texts 1575 Magic Bowls 106:9 106:10 106:11 106:12 107:3 107:4 107:5 107:7 107:9 107:10 108:4 108:5 109:4 109:5 109:6 109:7 109:9 111:4 111:5 112:5 1# TO3 vb. xriaia n. X13rj9 n. i# xonn n. 'juain n. von adj. Rums n. □en adj. xrraoa n. 2# m9 vb. 3T'tf vb. xrnox n. Xffin n. xriaip n. XVI n. Xn'BD n. ]'WX pron. xrnVo n. XTPJ n- xprp n. xnyiatf n. 'a' vb. 1# x'TOJ n. XfW n. XTtq n. XJTK? n. nxtf'sn adj. nxjjnn adj. nxn'jitf1 adj. XJBO n. X5?l? n. xpjaa n. DX conj. Xrif'X n. iJ1? prep. xn'sn'j'is n. xnto n. 1'i?! adj- xri'ari^ n. xnwx n. KOSniD n. xnx n. X}'! n. 112:6 112:7 112:8 112:9 112:10 112:11 113:4 113:5 113:6 113:7 113:9 114:5 114:6 114:8 115:2 115:3 115:5 115:6 115:7 115:8 116:4 116:6 116:7 116:9 xra? n. 1# XS3 n. xnsio n. 2# '3T vb. x^xa» n. XlfX n. TBX adj. WX pron. pn vb. 3in vb. I'S? adj. yv vb. 'nx vb. xnsipo,x n. 1# X?-)7 n. 7B3 vb. X^jy3 adv. 1# X^J n. xm_ n. ■mx vb. X1310 n. |m vb. 3in vb. r?? adj- nx vb. artf vb. Xp'ia n. 1# XD3'» n. xiprjs n. xino'x n. 2# X313 n. xri1?? n. X^JB n. i# xnan n. X3T3 n. '?X ?y prep. 131 vb. "lOin num. ninx ?y prep. xmyr n. XJIJ? n. xiaya n. faooio n-. 117:3 117:4 117:5 118:1 118:3 118:5 119:9 119:10 119:15 119:16 119:17 119:18 119:19 119:20 119:23 119:29 119:30 120:1 120:11 120:12 120:14 120:16 120:18 120:26 120:30 120:33 120:34 120:35 120:37 xrr?'?''?,t?' n- xrfrni n. XHiT n. X?D"? n. 2# X1SU n. 1# xV?l n. 1# Tin vb. X3ri3 n. xVjya adv. yir vb. 1# 778 vb. xoniy n. xrjya n. xaiTi n. Kp n. XJWX n. xnn n. xmyp n. 2# X^'X n. 3X3 vb. XJTITD n. 1# X3'3 n. xri'nq n. 1# KT1J n. mm n. xnap 'a n. xrin n. xn'ya n. i# xna-j n. 3X0B adj. X^3'p n. ^S^ vb. XTl'O n. x-jaya n. XTO'W n. xra?; n. xa»w n. xnir n. xn n. nXJTt adj. xrfrana n. xniT n. ms vb. 120:38 1# 120:43 120:45 120:47 120:49 120:50 121:2 121:7 121:8 121:15 122:3 122:4 122:5 122:6 122:9 123:4 123:5 123:6 123:7 123:9 123:11 123:12 124:13 124:16. 124:17 "11XB 73 pron. BhBO adj. 2# XIJS n. xann n. xriaip n. ninx prep. xVjVj n. xriai'p n. - xnyj? n. raw vb. prn n. VTH1 n. xri'f?a n. «l'Xn adj. xx'aia n. xnx'anB n. «1P* vb. X0S11B n. xVan n. mp vb. i# mp vb. 2# pn3 adj. xj'y na n. 3n' vb. 2# xnnx n. 2# xnnx n. X?TX n. xrirfrx n. X13p '3 n. '3X'n n. X3TO n. xosn n. xri'nn n. XSTO n. 37X vb. mv vb. 2# KW n. 3# xna'x n. X73X n. XM'Bp n. xrnw n. xrainy n.
Magic Bowls 124:19 124:20 125:1 125:2 125:3 125:4 125:5 125:6 125:7 125:8 125:9 125:10 125:11 126:14 127:1 xra-ro n. KjWin n. XJX, pron. X33 n. XS1DX n. nNDOTD adj. tf'J'X n. riN^aa adj. «|B3 vb. XS'ITn n. 2# nta vb. Via adj. tf'3'X n. XflSipO'X n. 'TO vb. xnna n. on vb. nax vb. 2# K«nn n. (')'SX1? prep. xnV?a n. "1 conj. "1 'Xa pron. 1# *|ltf vb. 1# bax vb. '3'n adv. '31 adv. tf'J'X n. i# 'rax vb. xs'inn n. nsa vb. TTB adj. Nlin n. 1# MTU n. VIS adj. xnay. n. KniJK n. )an vb. i# xasn n. xan: n. °?M vb. i# xnna n. i# xtfa's n. 127:5 127:6 127:8 127:12 127:13 127:16 127:17 127:18 127:19 127:21 127:22 127:24 127:25 127:26 127:28 127:29 128:2 128:14 129:4 129:5 129:6 129:7 129:8 129:10 130:2 130:4 130:12 131:1 1576 KM'IO n. xVa'TlX n. tfaa vb. i# in vb. tfaa vb. y^a vb. xrntfna n. 1# XI? n. 3# XpV'n n. i# Tin vb. XjnplS n. i# rhv vb. tfaa vb. i# xrian n. »aa vb. 2# xn?a n. ... '3n n. waa vb. 1# xnpffi n. 2# n: vb. xany conj. awn vb. xrvra'3 n. oba vb. xnnp n. wn vb. oVa vb. 1# XS'pI n. xmn n. xan n. xri1?? n. xna'j'n n. xnsnp n. X13T n. '■nV'R J1'3 n. xa» n. 333 vb. nix vb. 1# Xn")3 n. xnaT n. xmytf n. Qp3 vb. "?313 n. 1 131:2 132:2 132:3 132:4 132:6 132:7 132:10 133:4 133:5 133:6 133:7 133:8 133:9 133:10 134:1 134:4 134:5 134:6 135:1 135:3 135:4 135:7 135:9 136:4 136:5 136:6 'fj?3 n- mp vb. XSlIp n. xpnn n. 333 vb. xb'jaa n. 1# TIB vb. nna vb. xrra'x n. 2# xrinx n. vMm n. i# V?n vb. rns vb. xypn n. mx vb. xn n. i# xnx n. xW?a n. "I'y n. ptf vb. X^^a n. ya» vb. i# xnyns* n. nips vb. xrrax* n. XlpTlp* n. i# ntf vb. 2# xsra n. xriun n. xrro n. xaitsm '33 n. xna n. XJWK n. an' vb. 30 adj. xais n. XriT n. XpO'?n n. 1# Vpti vb. □yTa pron. 1# pi© vb. XJTpi-ltfa n. Pill n- Incantation Texts 136:7 136:16 136:17 137:6 138:1 138:8 139:5 139:6 139:7 139:9 139:11 139:12 139:13 139:14 139:17 141:3 141:5 141:8 141:9 141:10 141:11 141:13 141:14 141:15 TAJ? adj. i# nxanx adj. iptf vb. 1# XT13 n. N?'p] n. nn» adj. xaon n. *)P vb. i# mn vb. xna'x n. V?y vb. pa vb. i# xony n. i# xasn n. 3X3 vb. 1# «)1W vb. 'XJflin n. xnypn n. xjnay n. nnx vb. 3in vb. l»n vb. nao vb. Kaertf n. i# pi: vb. -IDlTadj. xnsnp n. p-ina vb. 1# TO vb. 1# «]Vtf vb. i# xnna n. 1# X3'3 n. xrjnu n. Vl vb. arr vb. »aa vb. 2# nj# vb. jnti vb. Xnrtf n. xjiaWi n. i# xrna n. pp vb. 2# XTOS n. Incantation Texts 1577 Harba de-MoSe 141:17 142:1 142:2 142:3 142:4 142:5 142:7 142:8 142:9 142:10 142:12 142:13 143:4 143:7 145:1 145:2 145:3 147:2 150:4 151:8. 151:11 XJ'TT KBi' n. 1# TTtf vb. xrria •<\tty} n. 1# VlK vb. i# ntf vb. xnaxn. baj vb. an' vb. 2# X3'3 n. nsj vb. «|T0^ adv. i# mm vb. 1# bK vb. an' vb. vb adv. i# 'an vb. X^S'ti n. «]JX vb. rnp vb. 2# XOnj n. nXS num. 3^ adj. xmox n. aai vb. 1# '31 vb. 2# 13 adv. i# 'no vb. BS?S vb. Dip vb. XDTO n. KB! '3? n. VW vb. ... '31 n. xaan. Xfltfn adv. yaw vb. ria vb. 2# #no vb. 1# HTTia n. pTTtn. xrnsna n. Iptf vb. i# rnp vb. 152:10 CBS 2981 pj'Ill n. ODOtf vb. CBS 16059 11 ODOtf vb. Ifarba de-Mose 36:20 37:1 37:2 37:3 37:4 37:5 37:6 37:7 37:8 37:10 37:11 37:12 ■mx vb. in vb. i# xnan n. (-)nilV prep. 1# 1JS vb. taw n. xrnpa? n. nay vb. ny vb. on adj. nnx vb. "n adj. iran. i# ^a vb. nao vb. xaisn. on vb. ^Stf vb. i#xnnon. ya* vb. yatf vb. XSli n. t?rn vb. ftrjTm n. xmnn. 2# nj* vb. XT*n. xnnaox n. 1# XT)1 n. «7n^> vb. xnf a n. xriTno n. 1# K3'3 n. 2# pna adj. XTO'B n. 117B vb. xaww n. 2# xVn n. 37:13 37:14 37:16 37:18 37:19 37:20 38:1 38:2 38:3 38:4 38:5 38:6 38:7 38:8 38:9 38:10 38:11 uVlTD n. tfrfr vb. D7i?, la PreP- 1# TOU vb. 2# XniS n. 2# XlVs n. xViin n. 2# nn vb. xrinVs n. xyap: n. 1# fflTlK n. 1# X3'3 n. 2# Xlffnu n. 2# p^>0 vb. nws vb. xms'^w n. 1# XTJ n. 2# KnS'O n. xriM'y n. W»j? adj. xmn n. xjrpwn. xnaiS n. xri'ttn n. KJl'BlSnn n. &T adj. xaj?o n. 3'Bn adj. K3lpT n. 1# *[W vb. 1# XT3 n. 2# pVo vb. wn^ vb. XTm n. 1# X3'3 n. x'jya n. xasn n. xristfK n. xmitn n. x:xonD n. xntT'a n. 1# «)1* vb. i# nvn n. 38:12 38:14 38:15 38:16 38:17 39:1 39:2 39:3 39:4 39:5 39:6 39:7 39:8 39:9 xra n. nxiV: n. i# 'Va vb. 1# Xj?n n. ppn vb. XPJ'X n. xnrixn. X^'fl n. i# xrina n. Hfnn n. xVa'p n. xyrrn n. nax vb. xann. XJIS'I n. nn vb. xVno n. xris'Vp n. 1# X3'3 n. xri'B?: n. 1# lop vb. nax vb. xnntfx n. «)lff3 adj. xnap n. xmw n. x;f3(i) xn'j n. i# xriVia n. i# xri'i n. vrt? vb. xyap n. i# f\m vb. XBDK n. 3X3 vb. xrnaox n. XTJ1X n. 1# XD3 n. i# 'an vb. lffBD vb. xrrefas n. XJX;3iy n. tmvi n. XBtf'J n.
Harba de-Mose 1578 Incantation Texts 39:10 39:11 39:12 39:13 39:14 39:15 39:16 39:17 39:18 39:19 39:20 40:1 40:2 40:3 40:4 40:5 40:6 vao vb. xrm n. xnay n. i# xnna n. xa»'i n. 2# xnno n. xVin? n. 1# «p? vb. i# xnna n. xdsi n. 1# X3'3 n. xa'1? n. xMytf n. 2# KTO n. XpS'l n- 2# p*70 vb. xnary n. Xia? n. yia adj. Xn'ntf n. 1# XpSIX n. i# xnan n. V*rn adj. tVi rra n. xnlsa n. XrreJ'B n. 1# '1» vb. xnnix n. xnay n. in vb. 'IS vb. xtiaax n. XI1?] n. xnti'a n. Xnyfr n. yatf vb. xnfr n. (-)nil1? prep. aay vb. 1# 'OX vb. pm vb. 2# XS'3 n. 1# Xnni n. 40:7 40:8 40:9 40:11 40:12 40:13 40:14 40:15 40:16 40:17 40:18 40:19 40:20 41:1 41:2 xyri n. i# ^ao vb. orra n. XOBn. ana vb. paw n. ny vb. 2# Xtfm n. XIDT n. xnai n. xtra'tf n. Xl'ITIX n. i# nrn n. »a"? vb. Xl1?'? n. 'ya vb. i# mi vb. bxv vb. xapx n. XpDn. XS03 n. x;a n. aoi vb. xmo n. xnxitf n. oVaDnx n. xnnaia n. i# xnp'y n. xi'nsns n. 1# XTI'T n. nmb prep. xnu n. xyraa n. QJ?l'a Va pron. xpi'x n'a n. XflBX n. i# nvn n. i# xson n. X1U n. TIX vb. 2# XS'3 n. aoi vb. 1# 'an vb. 41:3 41:4 41:5 41:6 41:7 41:8 41:9 41:10 41:11 41:12 41:13 41:14 41:15 41:16 41:17 xi'Sia n. mq adj. 2# p*m vb. XS1BX n. mn adj. xnia n. yax vb. 'BS vb. 1# Xfon n. 1# XTS n. XlVx n. psi vb. 1# 'ply vb. x;ptf 'a n. i# xa1?? n. xaix n. i# xson n. Ofl; part. ana vb. 1# xn1?'!? n. X'ana n. xao'p n. 13 conj. vrb vb. ppn vb. Xtt3 n. TOl vb. 1# xatia n. I^p vb. 2# rf?tf vb. 1# >11» vb. Xntf'R n. 1# X13 n. xrina n. i# xnpia n. xanp n. i# xnnix n. 1# VlX vb. •yv vb. N-ITIX n. *?Xtf vb. XOipX n. XntfT? n. 41:18 41:20 41:21 42:1 42:3 42:5 42:6 42:7 42:8 42:9 42:10 XDlDn JXOIO n ana vb. XSIOK n. 2# nxV'l adj. xorjn. DtfB vb. 2# nVx vb. caa vb. tag£ prep. OX conj. 1# Xl'^t 'a n. 2# xrrna n. i# xnai n. 'IS vb. 2# XSl'3 n. xna n. ^y prep. xnsy n. xb'aw n. Xtfl'X n. Xl'D n. 2# XS'3 n. 301 vb. •jDp vb. xn'ipoix n. i# mi vb. XV?'D n. 1? adj. xa1?? n. xntfp n. nna vb. xVrp n. xritfp n. Xyi'l n. '!? la1? prep. -n txjnnx conj. p?a vb. "TO prep. i# n,nn vb. t 1? adv. aoi vb. X'010 n. Incantation Texts 1579 Harba de-Mose 42:11 42:13 42:14 42:15 42:16 42:17 42:18 42:20 42:21 42:22 42:23 43:1 43:2 43:3 43:4 nap vb. 1# TIP vb. xnSipO'X n. xaV'n n. ana vb. 2# X3T n. xap'J? n. 1# STO n. •j'Vp adj. xroyn n. xn'Vtf n. XSVlj! n. #3' vb. i# 'ba vb. ^i?,1? prep. 1# xV71 n. blpb prep. xnsy n. 2# Xb>p n. i# -nv vb. ntfs vb. XTI'p n. nay vb. °"!i?, Pfep- 1# Xijn n. ppn vb. xmn? n. XB? n. XnniO n. DlV vb. ni3 n. Oy. prep. xnfrx n. xmin n. i# Van vb. 2# xn"n n. Xl'B? n. xnsy n. nax vb. DX conj. xnnnt n. (-)'SX1? prep. rms vb. 43:6 43:7 43:8 43:9 43:11 43:12 43:13 43:14 43:15 43:16 43:17 43:18 43:19 43:20 43:21 43:22 43:23 43:24 xrya n. i# xxaix n. xa'1? n. ]nv vb. W vb. 'X conj. DX conj. ann vb. '10 vb. xna n. Xtfl'X n. yna vb. i# nw vb. ix conj. xrra'a n. T?P adj. 1# X5X n. "n vb. 1# X1"I1X n. 1# XTO n. ma vb. Dpi vb. Xl'TO n. 2# XJWin? n. Bpl vb. 1# XID'p n. N?'l?i? n. i# xnaip n. x;nx n. xmnt n. nxrn^ adj. 2# TSp vb. 1# 'OX vb. yna vb. xrrop vb. Vai vb. 'Vp vb. xnn n. xonx n. ppi vb. xiiaa n. xnax n. 44:1 44:2 44:3 44:4 44:5 44:6 44:7 44:8 44:9 44:10 44:11 44:12 xny;a n. 1# tff?l n. xn-iain n. 13 conj. i# 'an vb. 1# T1X adj. D31K adj. xnia n. yas vb. nap vb. Dn^ prep. 'lanan n. 1# XTl n. i# xnan n. xipn; n. "7S1 vb. Dpi vb. 'PI adj. rf?! vb. xa?;a xyan n. BBD vb. 1# X^'V n. XflS'1? n. 'H?3 n. ^Sl vb. xpwi n. i# xnau n. Xl'B n. nao vb. 1# X1'?T 'a n. XS01D n. i# •nv vb. pSl vb. 1# XTS n. i# xnVa n. XT13 n. B'Vn adj. 2# pVo vb. TSp adj. XV'3W n. xna» n. 301 vb. nay vb. 44:13 44:14 44:15 44:16 44:17 44:18 44:19 44:20 44:21 44:22 44:23 44:24 44:25 44:26 45:1 45:2 45:3 45:4 ',ns vb. nnx vb. xVi'n n. x^xato n. ana vb. xixa n. nay vb. xn?s n. xsnya n. xaiwn n. xnini n. i# nni vb. xopnp n. xs>n n. xixa n. i# xnVia n. pSl vb. Dp] vb. X3313 n. xann n. X1'30 n. ifyns n- '''tin pron. "7Dp vb. xap'y n. 1«'X pron. i# nni vb. xap'y n. mi vb. isa vb. TJ7T adj. onp IB prep. onn vb. xVxaip n. nnx vb. xnx n. 1# X3I?/B n. xaV» n. i# 'on vb. n? conj. Dynn? pron. yao vb. xno'n n.
Harba de-Mose [Gaster] 1580 Incantation Texts 45:5 45:6 45:7 45:10 45:11 45:14 45:15 45:16 45:17 45:18 45:19 45:20 45:21 45:22 xnoVa n. 2# B*7S vb. mby n. Xn?3XX n. □Tj7 prep. 1# X0';j n. (')Tl^ part. Vs: vb. xn^pa n. «li?T vb. Vtti vb. 1'?? adj. 2# XJ'5? n. XTI10 n. *3i# prep. "1 na pron. ibs vb. «y>K vb. N3TI n. xna n. EJ"!p adj. XBtfn. 1# VlX vb. DX conj. 013 vb. K^J'-l n. xripn n. i# rwu vb. D'?n adj. xriT wn n. 19'3 n. nns vb. ■inVx adv. xni' na n. 45:23 45:24 46:1 46:2 46:3 46:4 46:5 46:6 46:7 46:8 46:9 46:10 'JO vb. *f?' vb. "rj adj. pna vb. Ojn'B pron. 2# n3* vb. Nsnpx n. o'jbvt n. »'3 adj. pT adj. nx:o n. xxap n. i# titf vb. XT* n. 2# XT1J n. 1# XB1A n. xri'V? n. HIS n. xoanp n. xiap'? n. i# ioa vb. xnyaxx n. TJT adj. i# n» vb. xns n. XIJ'X n. nVi vb. ninp adv. 1# XO"l n. -iinp adv. xnsj? n. 1# KJ'p n. x:a»Bitf n. 46:11 46:13 46:14 46:15 46:16 46:17 46:18 46:32 47:1 47:2 Harba 94:1 94:2 94:3 13 conj. Xp'fB n. 1# xn1?'!? n. natf vb. X3TI n. xna n. X310 n. ]'V'X pron. i# too vb. x-niy n. mv vb. 2# xnan n. xax^a n. '» vb. XTin n. ]H'X pron. XS1J n. B1?* vb. p:tf vb. tf"!P adj. 2# xnan n. xatf n. xn»n. X3iin n. xn»n. de-Mose [Gaster] nxiTDX adj. nx:o n. XT* n. XTO3X n. N'PP '3 n. xrmarna n. OTX 13 n. 94:4 94:5 94:6 94:7 94:9 94:10 94:11 94:12 94:13 94:15 94:19 94:20 x;a n. arp adj. K$? n. Xjaplp n. xntf'3 n. 1# Wx vb. X1?}^? adv. i# n» vb. xai' ns n. nx:p n. yiv vb. XJHX n. .183 adv. uha vb. xw n. Ih9 vb. xnws? n. xa?n. Tl'ip n. i# xti: n. xnaV: n. xpitfn n. xaa' n. XTI'O n. xav n. xaa' n. XJOT num. Xn3W n. 1# X3'3 n. xnrrs n. x-inx n. On; part. pm vb. Masoretic Texts 1581 BMsGen V. Masoretic Texts BMsGen 6:4 6:5 6:8 6:11 6:16 7:8 7:14 8:9 8:10 8:15 9:5 9:27 10:2 10:7 10:8 10:10 10:15 10:16 10:18 10:26 14:18 16:5 16:8 18:20 19:29 19:33 'ITS n. XpiDS n. xrntfna n. 'aipix v.n. X?1?? n. •'VBW n. li'n. 1# V2V vb. rnp adj. XntflTS n. nxaiya adj. xajns n. xpiDS n. XSB'n n. 1# X13J n. an' vb. xnan. i# idb vb. xna n. x'an n. xa?n. 10' vb. nxxiya adj. NTPD n. nip adj. 20:3 (xin T1?) WW n- TO^n. XSS'i n. l!n. xn'nix n. 2# '3 n. XEtt"! n. 11 conj. i# xnV'n n. XJf'Sa adj. XT* n. 20:5 22:2 22:4 22:11 24:5 38:17 44:13 5:28 16:29 16:33 16:36 17:3 22:8 22:11 22:19 23:28 23:30 23:31 24:1 24:10 25:12 32:18 32:29 32:34 33:13 13:9 13:33 27:32 1:10 4:19 xn'nix n. XKtt'T n. Da n. XT* n. Kt'^>9 n. l!n. 1# TTO vb. 1# XJVnp n. BMsEx 11'n. X$1S n. 1# XSn'O n. XlXtf n. nxjiina adj. ,1x710 adj. xn'nix n. nun n. pos vb. H?a adj. fln, 11 conj. rnp adj. XjbiS n. i# -iob vb. 'PiDSX n. XJ311P n. nip adj. Ti'n. BMsLev ]« n. 1# p*?D vb. XpiDS n. 1# Xi"?S n. X'S'p n. BMsNum 1# 'SB vb. X3113 n. 1* adj. 4:23 31:22 32:1 32:13 32:24 33:44 34:27 36:1 2:2 2:4 4:31 5:4 5:14 5:16 6:4 6:16 7:1 8:2 23:39 24:4 25:1 25:4 54:4 54:7 54:13 54:14 54:15 54:25 123:3 125:7 'plDBX n. 'Sn. 2# '3 n. xatya adv. iV? n. xna n. n'n n. 1# #3* vb. BMsDt Xpp'S n. nxyriru adj. psn vb. nVin. xajns n. nip adj. 1# Xll n. imD'n adj. ^On. r*n. xa1??? adv. xa?n. X'S'p n. BMsJer 'piOSX n. i# ioa vb. xVn'3 n. xss': n. 1# ^-\p vb. BMsY xais nns'a n. xnri's n. xais is'a n. xais fsp'a n. XSip'X n. XSD'n n. BMsYFr nia adj. i# tfatf vb. 125:10 127:5 128:6 130:5 140:2 140:8 140:12 142:3 143:5 145:9 147:8 147:10 150:12 151:1 151:3 151:26 153:8 153:9 157:4 'a'TD n. 1# V2V vb. xntfn's n. 1# 5?3* vb. xn'nix n. 2# X1J'3 n. xntfn's n. xn'nix n. Xja'I n. 1\rf? adv. xpiya n. xan n. xn'nix n. XBCTTS n. K1J"I n. xn'nix n. i# •np vb. 1# 1DB vb. 1# np vb. Xn*TS n. l# xsrnp n. Xja'T n. MsLm Gen 28:15 1# *3tf vb. Ex 34:14 Ex41:45 Lev 15:3 Lev 15:3 87 88 89 Van n. xnia n. n'nn. n^in. B'ln. STage NJT? n- D'PX adj. T't vb. xjnp n. bby vb. 1"! vb. xais n. 1# xVip n.
Asaf 1582 Varia VI. Varia Asaf 155:27 XTlpn. GM 17:1 KSftBT? n. Inyanot 189:7 N?nPn- 189:11 '"nb interj. 227:14 XTUKn. XSO n. ISG 127:23 nwn adj. igSs 60:7 XJ13FI n. iSGSup 28:12 n?3n. 254:19 KJJ'iltfn. 254:20 RJlDBtf n. ./sag 23 xna KaR 204:59 1# 7TN vb. 263:36 Kjnfl? n. 263:37 N™n3™n- Mann2 218, n. 9 8BTO '33 n. 348b:9 NJT33 n. 348b:12 2# K3ft n. Merkazim 57:9 RBTO '33 n. 131:12 RSB'tfn. MGG 121:16 IO?Wn. 378:5 TXj? adj. 543:17 KWllpln. 544:1 KBTIpJn. MGN 399:18 IPtfvb. PDMFP 544:20 1# X3't'T n. e* 18:7 K33 n. ALOW 24a(23) l«m 12:4 1# 1Xp vb. 50:203 1# R^S n. Sophos 31:2 l#7ptfvb. 32:13 'SlT^n. 34:14 2#njvb. ITS? n. St2 571:4 l#RTJn. snrsn n. 45 X] interj. '33 vb. 1# mSO n.