                    С.А. ШЕВЕЛЕВА
Рекомендовано Министерством общего и
нршреесионадыюго образования Российской Федерации
а качестве учебного пособия для студентов
высших учебных заведений, обучающихся
по юридическим специальностям
юн и т и
и~н I т У
Москва * 2005

УДК [802.1:37J (075.8) Б БК 81.2ЛНГЛ-923 Ш37 Рецензенты: кафедра иностранных языков Юридического института МВД РФ (начальник кафедры И А. Горшенева); профессор В.В. Шпрыное (Московская международная школа пер сводя и коп, ЮНЕСКО) Главный редактор издательства кандидат юридических наук, доктор экономических наук 77.Д Эритивили Шевелева С.А. Ш37 Английский для юристов: Учеб, пособие для вузов. — М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2005. - 495 с. ISBN 5-238-00090-1 Учебное пособие подготовлено для студентов юридических специаль- ностей, (факультетов и вузов. В него включены основные сведения по фонетике и грамматике на основе специальной профессиональной лексики. Основной материал содержит тексты со словарными пояснениями и большим количеством разнообразных упражнений (смысловых, логи- ческих, творческих и т.д.), Тематика текстов: экономические преступления и законодательство, закон и отмывание денег, борьба с наркобизнесом, международное право, защита прав человека, торговое право, импичмент и тд. Тексты основаны нл фактическом материале, журнальных статьях, документах и Tjf. В учебное пособие включены детективные рассказы известных американских и английских писателей (тесты и задания к рассказом помогают проконтролировать правильность понимания текстов), и также русско-английский словарь юридических терминов. Пособие позволит развить и закрепить навыки чтения, переводи, устного и письменного изложения профессиональных митериалов. Может быть полезно всем, изучающим английский язык. ББК 81.2Англ-923 ISBN 5-238-00090-1 * © С.А. Шевелева, 1999 © ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ЮНИТИ-ДЛНЛ. 1999. Воспроизведение всей книги или части любой ее запрещается без письменного разрешения издательства
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fatdiz yauft fHAty лмгадзи Attezstaf&ftcd &U#t 7& tftatei&d ?UwSd 7^ and 9 quote fa&wd docu~ nt&d4. ад&*е 2^г адя^ qtdiod&i, 'fyaa 4ee 4otft# fa/яоио камея dew, Pazt <f 6л zat&ez dtffa&d fam, t&e ръе&ймя MateodaC V&e йки& лад fawtanted fa*n cavt&tt £нр&б4 and dfwii- сак neteOfiafaM- and ntaqazAteo, 4fa4& a&wt ttetu Ам&а and Saw 7^13^4, £&ev$&&tq сЖакфея eu&t At Snq~ tandf 7^ 4t?^ fa ^ur ^«w *iefat. ta <£ tpq. fiftgzt ont t№ амМт te’un, *?& л<ике dedd^dutn fet#t4 4» fetter rfttd 4td^ &dt ntrf ^dz? cantf л y^tfpf detectfac dfoti&t fa ^ct fo dfady and enja^ a4 л fa £vtd &м4, ye# 4at^ daAt^f ^aa az t^auz lltaic^fft 4a^j^e4tat da доад4№ fafow ews^ F&3 fax£ спал dew&fad At ca^aiaxatA^. H^iAfti л &юм&№#ь of Sn^diA^ dctec^e 4ta^4, ?adffafy ^t^a, S. S^&A^Uu^a ^,'S. 9f H4ed 4а/не a^z teidfao£i on ^4 4#&fatf Й» 4fydfy az 4tM4 dt^c^navA^ ti4^ ^oa tna^ zefa <rt> rt*^cSi^ of ^04^4 and И1;йЬ«4«^^ on c^4A^ fafO. 6
Contents Part A. Basic Words and Grammar for Law 9 Section 1: Sounds and Words 10 Section 2: Word Formation 20 Section 3: Word Combinations 23 Section 4: Grammar Rules and Exercises 30 Part B. Law and Economic Crimes In Europe 74 Section 1! Fraud 75 Section 2: Money Laundering Trends In the European Union 114 Section 3: Corruption and Remedies against It 142 Part C. Law and Money Laundering In Russia (Stitualion Report prepared by an International Bank in 1995) 162 Text 1: Outflow of Capital 163 Text 2: Methods and Means 169 Text 3' Bank and Law 174 Text 4; Legislation and Customs 180 Text 5: Criminal Proceeds and Cooperation with other Countries 1B6 Text 6: Two Levels of Cooperation 192 Text 7: Agencies and their Personnel 196 Part D< Drug Wars and Law 200 Section 1: Asia and Panama 201 Section 2: Colombia 216 Part E, Consumers and Law In the USA 227 Section 1: Consumer Fraud 228 Section 2: Frequently Asked Questions 240 Part F. Business and Law 264 Section 1: Companies In the UK 265 Section 2: Business Contracts 271 Section 3: A Contract for Services 275 __ ' .'Л-n ГГ--Г-Т' jtawiwijiFF f -ми- J . b-V- 7
Section 5: Russian Law on Joint Stock Companies 291 Section 6: International Trade and Documents 295 Section 7: SWIFT and Payments 303 Part G. international Law 311 Section 1; Greenpeace and the Rainbow Warrior 312 Section 2: The Pinochet Case 344 Part H. Human Rights 348 Section 1: The T yrer Case 349 Section 2: The 50lh Anninersaiy of the Declaration of Human Rights 371 Part I. Impeachment 380 Text 1 :What is Impeachment 381 Text 2: This is Why we Have Impeachment 387 Part J. Newspapers and Magazines on Law and Reforms 396 Section 1; India Set for Law Reforms 397 Section 2: New Bill Fails the Forests in Bulgaria 403 Section 3; Anti Smoking Law Proposed in the USA 408 Section 4: New Education Law in the State of Vermont, USA 414 Section 5: A Proposed Reform of the House of Lords in the UK 420 Section 6: Britain’s Referendum Campaign over the Euro 427 Detective Stories for Home Reading 431 Russian-English Vocabulary 480 List of Books and Dictionaries 495
Part A Basic Words and Grammar for Law Section 1: Sounds and Words Section 2: Word Formation Section 3: Word Combinations Section 4: Grammar Rules and Exercises
Section 1: Sounds and Words I English alphabet Letter Name of the tetter Aa Л ei Bb br. Cc в* si: Dd "Dd di: E e Sc i: Ff ef G g dgi: Hh eitf I I It ai J J dgei Kk KA kei LI e el M m n4C M em N n %* en Oo <?O OU P p pi: Q q 2$ kju: Rr Kt a: Ss Si es Tt Tt ti: Uu 7ta ju: V v 'If <f vi: Ww 'W at 'dAblju: Xx zt X eks Yy ¥ wai Zz zed 10
I Types of reading letters (vowels) in a stressed position Открытый слог Закрытый слог Слог оканчивается на гласную или непроиз- носимую букву с Слог оканчивается на согласную букву Type of reading II HI IV Открытый слог. Гласная читается как в ал- фавите Закрытый слог За гласной следует буква г За гласной следуют буквы ге Letter Type of reeding I II III IV а ei se a: EO е 1: c a: io I ai I aio о он 0 o: o: и ju: Л o: jus У ai I 11
I Rules of reading letters (vowels) in a stressed position I II [ei] [аг] state государство \ /act закон to legate завещать не- \ у ! fe^ факт движимость \ / panel список при- to evade обходить закон f сяжных или а арбитров III / IV [а:] М article статья закона care забота или договора to argue спорить, share доля, акция доказывать arson поджог spare запасной I [11] [е] II fegal юридический, \ /defence защита правовой \ y / offence преступление procedure процедура \ / Cfill тюремная to intevgne вмешиваться C e \ j камера "I / IV [»:] [19] to persecute преследовать mgre явный, сущий service повинность, су- sincere чистосердеч- дебное изве- ный щение deserter дезертир hgre здесь 12
crime fine br{be II свидетель совершать повреждение, оскорбление IV circuit to confirm circumstances H [a:] выездная сес- сия суда, су- дебный участок подтверждать обстоятельства [агэ] to hire to conspire to retire нанимать тайно замышлять удаляться cgde notary fa® before предписание II потеря, утра- та грабить, ли- шать приговоренный IV grder to perform to fgrge исполнять подделывать «fire to fgracaet ДО рана предвидеть 13
[G)u:] [a] Jyry rule to accuse [э:] |juo] murder burglar to hurt убийство грабитель причинять вред to lure pure obscure II судья заключение наркотик IV завлекать чистый безвестный 11 spy шпион f Л typical типичный to deny отрицать У system система to apply применять Ч / mystery тайна I Reading vowels in an unstressed position а х. е - ° и И i У Ф] calamity бедствие detective детективный to annul аннулировать to reverse аннулировать to fiffend нарушать закон conflict конфликт condition условие evidence показания lawfyl законный entity юридическое prudential благоразумный testimony лицо показания сви- детелей 14
I Reading vowel combinations In a stressed position a 31 Fell baJ* залог, поручительство L J jail тюрьма, тюремное ааклю- | чение Ггь-1 clause статья, пункт, клаузула 1 au LU’J (договора) fault вина \ aw Го ! право, закон J to pawn закладывать 0 meaning значение . еа Гт-1 L ,J appeal апелляция * s frlal СУД — ia laia I liable ответственный ОЙ Гои] oatb присяга / L J poacher браконьер / 00 fir] РГ00^ доказательство // L *J hooligan хулиган ! our [o:l court / ’ J to adjourn отсрочить, отложить к counsel совещание, обсуждение! Г 0 (\ ou Гаи] • совет \ ' council совещание, совет \ (организация) \ to own владеть \ [ou] to overthrow свергать 0W Г 1 crown корона, государство (Дналия) ’ vow клятва [ u , г. ч suit тяжба, процесс : Ui [lull ' suitor истец 16
В Reading letters (consonants) (перед буквами e, i, у) (с? остальных случаях) civil Incident violence гражданский инцидент насилие decree calumny судебное опре- деление клевета 9 [d3]^ ' [9] (перед буквами et i, у) (t/ остальных случаях) legislative законодательный gangster гангстер hostage заложник smuggler контрабандист danger +r* опасность litigant сторона (в судов ном процессе) (между гласными) (в остальных случаях) reason причина escape побег prison тюрьма to suspect подозревать abu^e злоупотребление 5lde сторона 16
I Reading letters combinations th [0] death threat смерть угроза M.6] thief theft вор воровство ph — [fl sphere phenomenon сфера явление ch search chastisement поиски, обыск кара ght „ и right oversight право * недосмотр sion — fan] evasion descisIon уклонение от исполнения обязанностей решение, судебное опре- деление tial/ cial -ни initial judicial первоначальный судебный, законный tual - №=>l] factual actual фактический фактический sure — fea] disclosure moaauro раскрытие мера gu - [g] guilt guard вина охрана, стража, конвой qu — [kw] quiet to inquire тихий,спокойный наводить справки, доби- ваться сведений 17
r i war war — [wo:] award . rf i fiduciary ciary - [fan] judiciary война решение арбитра основанный на доверии судебная система, суды I Exercises a Write the type of reading the vowels in a stressed position and read the words: 'fixtures (движимость, соединенная с недвижимостью) ,execution (приведение в исполнение (решения суда)) ^legislation (законодательство, закон, законопроект) 'tenement (земельная собственность) 'umpire (суперарбитр) , alie'nation (отчуждение имущества) attorney (поверенный, адвокат, юрист) b' Underline the vowels in an unstressed position and read the following words: assassin (наемный убийца) exempt (освобожденный, изъятый) duty (пошлина) restatement (пересмотр) to Implead (привлечь к суду) usury (ростовщичество) privy (тайный) 18
c Transcribe and read the following words, paying attention to the letters c and g: accomplice [ ] (сообщник, соучастник) advocate [ ] (адвокат, защитник) complaint [ ] (жалоба) to condemn [ ] (приговаривать, выносить приго- вор) legislation [ ] (законодательство, закон, зако- нопроект) magistrate [ ] (мировой (полицейский} судья) regime [ ] (режим) d Transcribe and read the following words paying attention to the combination th authority [ ] withering [ ] within [ ] the illusion [ ] the reward [ ] with the contract [ ] during the conflict [ ] e Transcribe and translate the following words war [ ] law [ ] right [ ] code [ J constitution ( J legislature [ ] полномочия отмирание в пределах иллюзия награда с контрактом во время конфликта V F 1 1+ » | j 1 Ч F 19
Section 2: Word Formation 0 Formation of nouns 1 verb + suffix - —> noun to execute ) tion । J execution приведение в ис- полнение to examine । i j examination допрос, следствие to impeach [ merit j impeachment импичмент to argue r i | argument довод to plead I er } pleader адвокат, защитник to mug i । mugger* грабитель to grant j ее | grantee стипендиат to defend J ant ! defendant подсудимый to defend ] ce [ defence защитник to seize I are s i | seizure i конфискация имущества to acquit | al ] acquittal оправдание to proceed I ing । f proceeding i рассмотрение ^ела в суде * Для того чтобы ударная гласная в слоне нс изменяла своего чтения, согласная удваивается. 2 verb > noun без изменения ударения to judge to assault 1 > 1 Judge | > | assault судь4 словесное оскорбление 3 verb > noun изменение ударения to sus'pect | > | 'suspect подозреваемый to con'vict J > ] 'convict приговоренный 20
4 noun + suffix —> noun * arson [ 1st j arsonist поджигатель robber | у ] robbery воровство owner | ship ] ownership право собственно- 1 1 сти 5 adjective + suffix —> noun- just j co Jjustice useful [ ness { usefulness справедливость польза 6 noun + noun —> noun law ] maker j lawmaker законодатель law ’ making ] lawmaking издание законов birth j day ] birthday день рождения 8 Exercises a Write down how the following English nouns are formed: opposition accusation Infringement persecutor employer employee complaintant (противодействие) (обвинение) (нарушение) (преследователь) (работодатель) (работник) (жалобщик, истец) й> tyfaU 4" H J Ji I * 4 i r -i ч 4 r i h.* 21
b Form nouns from the following words: to forge (подделывать) useful (полезный/ • - • #&&&&№ polite to dispute (вежливый) (оспорить) to arrest (арестовать) to challenge to hear (бросать вызов) (слушать) I Formation of adjective noun + suffix —> adjective controversy j ial | controversial противоречивый tradition ! al | traditional традиционный statute I ««У | statutory основанный на 1 I законе fault 1 у I faulty ошибочный fault ! less ! faultless безошибочный 2 verb + suffix —> adjective to legislate | ive J legislative законодательный to indict ( able i i 1 Indictable i i подлежащий су- дебному пресле- дованию to supervise 1 ory 1 | supervisory i наблюдательный, контролирующий 22
I Exercises a Write down how the following adjectives are formed: notarial (нотариальный) selective (разборчивый) manageable (управляемый) Inflationary (инфляционный) guilty (виновный) guiltless (невиновный) b Write down how the following adjectives are formed and translate them into Russian: motionless Interrogative predictable soluble conditional careless I Prefixes and word formation prefix + adjective —> adjective (with a negative meaning) Lin j lawful | unlawful незаконный in j capable । incapable неправоспособный im । material [ Immaterial несущественный II | legal J Illegal нелегальный If ! rational ! Irrational нелогичный 23
2 prefix + noun —> ПОиП (with a negative meaning) in non mis action compliance representation inaction non - compliance misrepresentation бездействие несоблюдение искажение prefix +noun/verb —>noun/verb (a repetitive ection) re ; hearing i rehearing повторное слушание ] to hear j to rehear заслушать повторно prefix + noun/verb -> noun/verb counter action to act counteraction to counteract противодействие против оде йствО’ вать 5 prefix + noun/adjective -> noun/adjective Inter ।dependence t j national | interdepen- dence {international взаимозависи- мость международный 6 prefix + noun —> verb en ] act J to enact узаконить im J prison | to Imprison заключать в тюрьму in | trust | to Intrust * поручать 24
В Exercises a Write down how the following words are formed: unbiased (беспристрастный) inadvisable (нецелесообразный).................................. irrespective (безотносительный)................ ................ non * interference (невмешательство)............................ misfortune (неудача, несчастье)................................. to reclaim (требовать обратно).................................. to endanger (подвергать опасности).............................. b Form verbs from the following nouns and translate them into Russian: I force.. ................... prison.............................. title...................... circle.............................. act........................ part................................ c Form adjective with a negative meaning: dated (датированный) .................................. authorised (разрешенный) ....................................... valid (действительный) responsible (ответственный) .................................... competent (компетентный) .................................. possible (возможный) ..................................,........ S Formations of adverbs adjective + suffix ly -> adverb legal [ ly inadequate , ly ] legally законным об | Inadequately неадекватно законным образом 25
I Exercises a Form adverbs from the following adjectives and translate them into Russian: accurate Indirect inaccurate ................ fair applicable .................... objective Illegal ................... offensive I Revision a Write down the parts of speech the following words are and translate them info Russian: to offend ........... offender .. offensive fatycHtitd. .. offensive ...... to oblige................... obligation.............. obligor................. obligator............... obligatory.............. to appeal................... appeal.................. appeal lee.............. appeallant............... notary.............................. notarial........................ to notarize..................... null................................ to nullify...................... nullification............................. to indemnify......................... indemnification................. Indemnity....................... b Match the English and Russian equivalents: just r- justice to Justify justifiable justification могущий быть оправданным справедливый справедливость обоснование оправдывать 26
legal Illegal legally illegally legality illegality - legalization to legalize незаконный незаконно законный, правовой законно летал изовать(ся) законность признание законной силы незаконность с Translate into Russian: lawyer.................... to legate................. legatee................... d Translate into English: закон..................... законный................. незаконный................ легализовать.............. законодательство.......... legislator........................ to legislate............... ....... legislation....................... законодатель.............. законодательствовать.......... законник...... законность................ правовой ..... е Write down as many words as you can which have the same roots (making word-families) and translate them into Russian, as in the example date — .................................................. to date — patfyqto&ufa................................... dated — ..................................... undated — ......................................... to update___«ЛмЛ**®*- r г ............................ use ............................................................. suspect.................,........................................ convict.......................................................... to accuse........................................................ to claim......................................................... to employ ............................................ -..... to hear.......................................-.................. 27
Section 3: Word Combinations adjective law процессуаль- ное право business law 1 commercial law торговое право law merchant case law прецедентное право International международ- trade law ное торговое право law of assocla- акционерное tlon право lawofobllga- доказательное tions право law of property вещное право lav/ civil law гражданское право conflict of laws коллизионное право contract law договорное law of contract nPaB0 criminal law уголовное право Roman law римское право maritime law морское право patent law патентное право registration law закон о регист- рации актов tax law налоговое право English law английское право right of action right of defence r right to work right to educa- tion право предъ- right to prop- явления иска erty право на за- fright) fundamental ЩИ7У () human rights право на труд right of asylum право на обра- зование право на соб- ственность основные пра ва человека право убежи- ща 28
arbitration court арбитражный суд court of appeal апелляцион- ный суд criminal court supreme court уголовный суд верховный суд court of chan- cery court of first instance court of second Instance суд лорда- канцлера суд первой ин- станции суд второй ин- станции lower court magistrates1 court суд нижней (rnurt инстанции J мировой суд juvenile court суд по делам несовершен- нолетних court of super- visory Instance суд надзорной инстанции I Exercises a Consult the dictionary you have got and write down a few other word com- binations with the above basic words: 1 law....................................................................... right..................................................................... court..................................................................... b Write down a few short sentences with the following word combinations: legal adviser (юрисконсульт).............................................. ......................................................... common law rule (норма общего права)...................................... labour dispute (трудовой спор)........................................ contributory negligence (встречная вина).................................. notarial attestation (нотариальное засвидетельствование).................. J l i 4 i -i h i -i h I lhdhHh44FFi"bl"hl ₽ЧЧ1И|л-1И|и-1Г|-1иии|1и-и1ЧиЧЧ1-1Й1ЧЧЬ11-||-г-«Ч-«"-«НЧЧРЧ . h Л r supervision by the public prosecutor (прокурорский надзор)................ ........... ..............+ hr ............* и И' ' i i ... contending parties (спорящие стороны).................................... advisory committee (совещательный комитет)................................ F Г....................I-....'...................*......... * * |»4F"1F" advisory opinion (консультация, заключение)............................... 29
Section 4: Grammar Rules and Exercises I Articles Articles The Indefinite Article a/an The Definite Article the The Zero Article —► The use of Articles 1 The Indefinite Article с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, ко- гда дается общая характеристика: I am a student It is a very important fact. He made an interesting remark. 2 The Definite Article » с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном или мно- жественном числе, когда ясно, о чем идет речь: The teacher asked us to read the text. The students of our group will take part In the conference. с исчисляемыми существительными-в единственном числе, ко- гда раскрывается их понятийное содержание: The defendant is a person against whom a legal action Is brought я с неисчисляемыми существительными, когда речь идет о каких- либо веществах, предметах или явлениях, ограниченных ме- стом, временем или обстоятельствами: The silence In the hall was oppressive. а с названиями океанов , морей, рек, озер: the Volga River, the Black Sea 30
3 The Ze ro Article м с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, когда им дается общая характеристика: We аге___students. We discussed ___ various problems, с исчисляемыми существительными, обозначающими пост или титул и употребляющимися в роли именной части сказуемого или приложения: Bill Clinton is_President of the USA. ___Tony Blair,__ Prime Minister of the UK, declared that Brit- ain did not support the proposal. NB. Если эти же существительные являются другими членами предложения, то они употребляются с неопределенными или определенными артиклями: The Prime Minister visited France last week. They applied to the President asking him to interfere. я с исчисляемыми существительными, если они даются с указа- нием номера: Turn to ___ page 23. __Contract A-455 has been fulfilled. __ Clause 5 Is now under consideration. » с исчисляемыми существительными, употребляющимися с ка- кими-либо предлогами в роли обстоятельств и образующими с этими предлогами неразрывные сочетания: Не Is away on business. Let us go by_______taxi, м с неисчисляемыми существительными, когда называются какие- либо вещества, явления и т,д.: Не studies___law. The witness spoke with ___confidence. м с названиями большинства стран, материков, городов, улиц, площадей, с именами и фамилиями людей: __Russia ______Moscow,_____London __Peter Brown 31
I Exercises a Insert the correct article wherever necessary: 1 Last month ... President of... USA visited ... Thailand and signed ... very important agreement. 2 ... Chamber of Horrors is ... part of Madame Tussaud's exhibition. 3 It is one of... most important questions'we discussed. b Underline the articles and explain their use: 1 The Convention of the Council of Europe was drawn up in 1950. 2 He is a United Kingdom citizen. 3 The United Kingdom Parliament has full power to pass such laws. 4 They signed the contract only yesterday. 5 The plaintiff is a person who brings an action in civil law. c Explain the use of the Zero Article in the following sentences: 1 He mentioned Article 4, 2 Judicial corporal punishment was abolished in England in 1948. 3 It did not have serious consequences. 4 They took the group by force. 5 New Zealand and France were involved in this case. 6 You shouldn’t jump to conclusions. d Make a few sentences of the following elements: Sherlock Holmes Conan Doyle Agatha Christie is a outstanding famous well-known detective detective story writer author of spy novels Poirot an English lawyer Meg re French Jan Flemming Anatoly Conie Russian 32
e Complete the following sentences with articles (if necessary): 1 It is ... serious statement. I cannot support it ... statement contra» diets... facts. 2 He is ... criminal. He was sentenced to 5 years of... imprisonment Did you see ... criminal when ... sentence was pronounced? 3 Last week they at last approved... bill. I hope it will become... law in May. 4 I'm afraid ... Clause 3 of ...Contract is not quite clear to me. 5 ... hijacker was arrested soon after... attack started. 6 One of... problems they discussed concerned ... arrest of... soldier. I The Construction there Is/there are Конструкция there is / there are употребляется, когда оп- ределяется предмет/лицо и одновременно дается дополни- тельная информация: There i$ a person who wishes to see you. There are a few clauses to discuss today. 8 Exercises a Complete the following sentences with attributive clauses and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 There is a lot of evidence that.., .№<&. . .. ................................................................ 2 There is no evidence that.......................................... 3 There is no threat that............................................ 4 There are a few witnesses who...................................... 5 There are a lot of people who...................................... b Complete the following sentences with adverbial modifiers of place and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 2 There are no people There is no trace........................................... 3 There was a gun , ? AUEJ1 ItsLCkHli >tFH НЦПН НЖ 33
4 There are a lot of counterfeit banknotes in circulation................ 5 There are no guards.................................................... c Read and retell the following passage: There are 52 police forces, or police authorities, in Britain, each employed and paid by their local councils. They are completely independent of one another, and have their own policies, but they are always ready to go to each other's help. Each force has its Criminal Investigation Department (CID), d Write down answers to the following questions: 1 How many police authorities are there in Britain?.................. 2 How many CIDs are there in Britain?................................ 3 Why do their numbers coincide?..................................... 4 Are they independent of each other?................................ I Some specific nouns evidence information news money advice Глагол-сказуемое в единственном числе It is unexpected evidence. The Information was re- ceived through the Internet The news speaks for Itself. The money was transferred yesterday. His advice was very helpful. N о t о : a piece of evidence a piece of Information a piece of news police jury Глагол-сказуемое во множественном числе Police are searching for the kilter. The Jury find the prisoner not guilty. 34
Exercise a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b c 1 2 Translate the following sentences into English: Это важные новости. Когда вы их получили? Она дала очень сомнительные показания. Неужели вы верите им? — Где он спрятал деньги? — Я думаю, никто не найдет их. Это вполне надежная информация. Полиция находится совсем неподалеку. Присяжные находятся в комнате 23. Все присяжные уже собрались. Write a few short sentences of your own with the following words and word combinations: important information......................................... financial news................................................ friendly advice............................................... lack of evidence.............................................. lack of money................................................. Complete the following sentences: Police believe................................................ The jury think................................................ 36
I Adjectives The,Degrees of Comparison The Comparative Degree The Superlative Degree longer long longest more important । ' ' " i i Exceptions: important 1 i i । । 1 1 most important 1 1 better i ! good 1 best worse I bad I worst less i little | least more 1 much 1 most more 1 many 1 most N o t e Jt Is a longer period, It is a more Important question, It is a most important question. It Is the most Important question we have ever discussed. I Exercises a T ra ns late the following I n to English: меныцая группа ........................... более крупная сумма..............................'...... самый значительный факт из ее биографии................. Ч J I I < JU F4 I , I F » I, , Ч Г F I 1 Ч I Ч 4 F F I F Ц Т Ч F + 14 Ч I Ч I * г Fl1 1 Ч Т F Ч < Т I Ч < F F I Ч Ч ' t-F F Г Ч F » Ь F I Ч F ь F 1 I наиважнейший документ................................... более серьезное преступление............................ менее серьезное наказание............................... более убедительное показание............................ 36
b Here is the list of punishments for crimes in the UK: capital punishment — life imprisonment — community service order — probation — fine — suspended sentence — corpora) punishment — Imprisonment Put the punishments in the order you think proper on the word ladder be-. low, starting with the least serious and ending with the most serious. For example you may think that the least serious punishment is probation, fol- lowed by a fine, followed by a community service order c Make a few sentences about punishments for crimes in our country. You may start like this: 4^9 fife &A61! fa 37
В Tenses of Verbs Time Form Indefinite Continuous Perfect Present Past Future Present indefinite Past Indefinite Future indefinite Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect 1 [ Действие обычное, । повторяющееся, по- । I стоял гное Могут НС- I < пользоваться обстоя- 1 теяъствд пм/аНу, often, . । wgif/oT/r, sometimes, । t every day, every month, 1 ! оно? a week и т.д. 1 ] 1 sometimes see } 1 English films, e ( f 1 ! l 4 Действие n рвзвн- ’ Действие, совершен- ! тип, на фоне какого- । ное к какому-либо । то момент» или ко- 1 моменту. Могут нс- i ротного действия. 1 пользоваться обстоя- I Могут использовать- тельства времени: [ ся обстоятельства । before, by that time, ever, вр&ЮК№ wir, al thte 1 never, lately и т.д. । moment at (hat moment и 1 , t _ 1 ТЛ i 1 have read a few i 1 am having an | books In English, ’ English lesson i i now. 1 I Note. Полное название времен; The Present Indefinite Tense, The Past Indefinite Tense и т.д, Общее количество времен, употребляемых в английском языке, 16. Одним из важных также является The Present Perfect Continuous Tense: I have been studying English for a few ypars. I Exercises a Underfine the predicates. Write down in what Tenses the verbs are used and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 They often publish information on economic crimes. ...ZW.!?&&...... 2 I do not know when she will give evidence.......................... 3 Do you believe all she has said?............................,...... 4 The newspapers write he is staying in prison in Switzerland........ 5 I'm sure he will make a good lawyer............................... 6 Is he studying law at the University?.............................. 7 I have never been to any court, criminal or civil.................. 3B
b Answer a few questions about yourself: 1 Have ycu ever been to any court? ................................... 2 Have you seen any court or prison .................................. in documentaries? ............................... 3 What films were they? ............................... 4 What were your impressions? ........................................ 5 Do you like seeing films of this ................................... kind? ............................... c Open the brackets by using the verbs in the correct Tense forms: 1 As far as I remember Fyodor Plevako, a famous Russian lawyer, (to be) born in 1842. And he (to die) in 1909. Though some official sources (to say) he (to die) in 1908, 2 Anatoly Conie, another outstanding Russian lawyer, (to be) born in 1844 and he (to die) at the age of 83. In what year he (to die)? Have a look at this picture. Say what you see in it using d the following: 7 au.... T'&ty 4U ... <vte dfaudd&f. done a$a ... Imagine you are a pedestrian who witnessed this accident Say what exactly happened. 39
e Have a took at these two pictures and answer the following questions: What was there In the room? ......................... on the wall near the window? ........................... on the wall near the door? ............................. on the floor? ......................... in the middle of the room? ............................. on the table? ......................... on the shelves? ......................... In the corner near the door? ........................... opposite the door? ......................... What things were stolen? ......................... What was left untouched? ......................... Who do you think was the robber? ......................... How had he/she or they, planned the robbery? ......................... f Translate the following sentences Into English, using the Present Perfect Continuous Tenses: 1 Я читаю ату книгу уже неделю.............................. 2 Он находится в Лондоне с 5 сентября....................... 3 Я не знаю, сколько времени он находится в Париже.......... 4 Она выступает уже 40 минут................................ 5 Они работают над текстом соглашения уже более десяти дней. 40
6 Если я не ошибаюсь, он переводит текст контракта уже три дня. 7 Насколько я знаю, они рассматривают претензию уже несколько дней..................................................... g Write down answers to the following questions: 1 How long have you personally been .................................. studying English? ............................. 2 How long have you been using this .................................. book? ............................. 3 What book In Russian are you read- ................................. ing now? How long have you been ................................... doing so? ............................. h Have a look at the picture, use your imagination and answer the following questions: 1 How Jong has this man been staying in jail? 2 What is the offence against him? 3 What Is in store for him, to your mind? 41
I The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses Правила согласования времен действуют для дополнительных придаточных предложений', если в главном предложении глагол употребляется в прошедшем времени, то в придаточном глагол ста- вится в одном из прошедших времен: 1 Past Indefinite Tense — действие в придаточном предложении совпадает по времени с главным предложением: I said I didn't know who the robber was. 2 Past Perfect Tense — действие в придаточном предложении предшествует действию в главном предложении: They explained how they had planned the robbery. 3 Future In the Past Tense — действие в придаточном предложе- нии следует за действием главного предложения: They were sure they would find the robber. В придаточных предложениях, начинающихся с вопроситель- ных слов, используется прямой порядок слов: Не asked the secretary why the mail had not been sent. П Exercises ® Underline the verbs in the object clauses! write down the Tenses in which they are used and translate the sentences Into Russian; 1 He said he was a real estate agent.............................. 2 We were sure he had legated his house........................... 3 The man thought they would evade the law........................ 4 He asked how many clauses there were in the Contract............ 5 The officer inquired when the arson started..................... 6 He wondered If the agreement had been signed.................... 7 They wanted to know if the lawyers would take part in the negotiations........................................................ 42
b Translate the following sentences into Russian using the Past Tenses: 1 Директор сказал, что контракт будет подписан через несколько дней. 2 Стороны решили, что внесут эти изменения позднее. 3 Он заверил, что дополнение уже составлено. 4 Я поинтересовался, подготовили ли они Протокол, 5 Он спросил, будет ли изменена процедура подписания. 6 Он официально заявил, что оба экземпляра имеют одинаковую, юридическую силу. 7 Я спросил, кто мне выдаст доверенность. с Rewrite this dialogue between a police officer (PO) and a tenant (T) after the house had been burgled, In inderect speech: PO: Now you say you're not sure how the thieves got In. Before I look round, can I ask you a few questions about the house? & ашйС die tenant T: Of course, PO: Do you always lock the front door when ....................... you go out? .................... T: Yes, and I definitely locked it yesterday...*................ PO: OK. What about the windows? .................... T: Well, the downstalres ones are always ....................... locked. .................... PO; And upstairs? ................... T: Well, I think most of the windows were probably lacked, .................... PO: Are you sure? .................... T: Yes, I checked them all because I knew we would be out all day. ............>....... PO: Well, 1 can't understand It. Let’s go and .................... look round. Perhaps I’ll notice somo- ...................... thing you’ve missed, 43
d Have a look at this picture and describe the episode. Write down a few sentences in indirect speech: e Read this interview of a journalist with a local police authority and write it down in indirect speech: — I have given money to a telemarketer and have not received anything, what do I do? — Contact your local police agency and they can direct you to the correct reporting agency. — Do the police work every case referred to them? — In an Ideal world probably. In a realistic world, it depends. Due to governmental cutbacks, cases have to be priortized. Cases which are of a high priority will more-than-likely be worked first. Some agencies have placed thresholds on the amount of loss Incurred by the victim as to whether they work the case. In many cases, involving loss of money, civil action can be taken in small claims court to seek redress. В The Use of Tenses in When I If clauses Будущее Орёмя в главном предложении Настоящие бремя в придаточных предло- жениях времени и условия союзы: when, after before,1 while until и тдь 1 shall speak with him after 1 do my home-work, союзы: if provided. on condition that, unless и т,д. Ho will make a report Ц he has enough information. 44
I a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 b 1 2 3 4 5 6 Exercises Underline the clauses and translate the following sentences into Russian: Please don't touch anything until the police arrive. JZ/d/d/J*..................................... If he breaks the rules he will be ............................... fined. ............................ As soon as you affix the statement .............................. the matter will be considered settled. .......................... We shall agree to your terms pro- ............................... vided you agree to expedite delivery. ........................... We shall compensate for your .................................... losses, if any, provided there is an ............................ appropriate clause in che Contract. ............................. If the agreement is translated this .................................. week we shall be able to give a copy 1................................ of it to you personally. .............................. As soon as we find out their legal ............................... address we shall contact you. .................................... Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the use of Tenses: Если вы представите все необходимые документы, мы немед- ленно рассмотрим этот вопрос. Как только мы получим новую инструкцию, мы направим вам копию. Если у вас будут вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Как только юристы завизируют Соглашение, мы передадим его вам на рассмотрение. Если они увеличат плату за юридические услуги, мы обратимся к другим специалистам. Если они понесут убытки, мы сможем компенсировать только часть этой суммы 45
I The Passive Voice глагол to be + причастие прошедшего времени в соответствующем (3-я форма глагола) времени The letter is written in English. The problem has been settled. He assured us the matter would be considered very soon. I Exercises a Make a few sentences from the following elements: As far as I know or If Гт not mis- taken the Constitution of the USA the Constitution of the RF the Bill of Rights the Crinriiinl Code of (he RF the Civil Code of the RF was approved in... b Underline the verbs used in the Passive Voice, write down in what Tenses they are used and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 In English law a contract Is formed when the offeree accepts the offer which the offeror has made, %* /ui м&неЯгИ, txupa 2 According to English law, people are Innocent until they are proved guilty................................................................ 3 All defendants are entitled to legal representation which will be pro- vided free if they cannot pay for it.................................. 4 A burglar alarm has been installed in the apartment............... 5 If he starts speaking the secret will be revealed................. 46
6 He was caught red handed....................................... 7 I asked him if the goods had been delivered in strict conformity with the Contract..................................................... 8 it was understood that the police wanted to speak to Mr. Norton in' connection with a number of his financial dealings............... c Have a look at the picture and say how the businessman was robbed: d Open the brackets by using the verbs In the correct forms: Yesterday evening, a black BMW (to stea/) from outside the home of Mr. John Simpson. Mr, Simpson (to telephone) the police. Later that evening, the car (to see) in the High Street by Mr. Simpson's wife, Laura. It was outside the Red Lion Hotel. The keys were in the car. so she (to drive) it home! The police (to took) for a careless thief! e Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice, and reproduce the text: British criminal law There are two forms, common law and statute law Com- mon law is made up of general customs, some of which have been regarded as the laws in the land for centuries. Common law has grown up slowly through the ages, like the British Constitution. It is sometimes called unwritten law. However, much of common law has become statute law, that is to say, it has been put down in writing by Acts of Parliament. Murder still belongs to common law, while at- tempts to murder have become statute law. 47
I The Complex Object After the fol- lowing verbs Complex Object Examples to see to hear to make to let somebody do (doing) something * saw him enter (entering) the building. Let me introduce mv friend. to allow to ask to tell to order to force to persuade to want to expect somebody to do something He ordered the man to drop the gun* Я Exercises a Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the use or non-use of the particle to before the Infinitives'. 1 Они заставили его выплатить выкуп. ........................ 2 Обстоятельства заставили его за- .......................... держаться в городе. ..................... 3 Я сам слышал, что они хотят внести ........................ дополнение к этому контракту. ............................ 4 Это позволит нам принять ваше ......................-...... предложение. ..................... 5 Изменения сроков заставили нас ис................. -...... ключить этот пунг из текста договора, .................... 6 Все видели, как он выхватил сумочку ....................... из рук женщины, ..................... 7 Мы видели, как его арестовали. .........................— 48
Ь Have a look at the picture and say what you see in it: c Write down the answers to the following questions: i What are the masked men forcing the man to do? 2 Will the man let the gangsters go with the money, to your mind? 3 What do you think the man can do to prevent the robbery? I The Conditional Moods Tense p— -««-м--. 4-, Гкагал в главном предложении Гпагол в придаточном предложении нереаль- ного условия Present or Future would do 1 would go to the concert did if you Invited me to. Past would have done 1 would have done to the concert last week had done if you had Invited me to. N o t f* : S русском языке а главном и придаточном предложениях употребляет- ся одна и та же форма оослагателиного наклонения: Я бы пошел на нонцорт. если бы вы приаласипи манн. 49
1 2 3 4 В а 1 2 3 4 ь 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 С 50 Examples: If you had informed the freight forwarder he would not have issued the document. If the consignor had wanted to ship cigarettes from Poland to France he would have used the same scheme, to my mind. If the consignor shipped tobacco he might have used the same tactics. I f I met an English customs official I won Id ask him a few questions about similar frauds. Exercises Underline the verbs in the principal clauses and translate the following sentences into Russian: He would stay at home today if he were ill. They would not have supported us even if we had them for help. If I were you I would tell him the truth. Believe me, it would be much better. And you would feel better. I saw him yesterday. If I had not I would not have learned the news. Complete the following sentences by opening the brackets and adding some necessary words: If I were you... (/<> tell the truth} If I had seen him yesterday... {to deliver the goods} If we had not signed this Contract last month... {to ask for advice) We would refer the matter to arbitration,,. {not to observe the terms) I would call the police if... {to threaten) I would have been much confused... {to ask this question) I would not have had the courage to intervene ... (to be present) Read and reproduce the following: Punishment by hanging was abolished by law in England in 1969. There was a free vote in the House of Commons: 343 votes for abolishion and 185 against. The police would probably have voted against, yet the murder rate has hardly changed since 1969, as Englishmen stress.
4 Have a look at the picture and say what you see in it Write down a few sentences about the possible thoughts of the two persons at that moment, like this: The man: *1 &ad The policeman: 7 &ad not dee^t.,.. R The Modal Verbs Note: 1 Вслед за модальным глаголом (за исключением глагола to be) употребляется инфинитив без частицы to We can discuses thia matter tomorrow. but The conference Is to start tomorrow. 2 Как правило, перечисленные модальные глаголы употреб- ляются в настоящем времени. При использовании других времен часто употребляются эквиваленты модальных гла* голое: S1
The Modal Verb Past Tenses Future Tenses can may must could, was/were be able might, was/were allowed had to do shall/wili be able shall/will be allowed shall/will have to We were able to come to an agreement. We were allowed to use this equipment You will have to rewrite it 3 Если после модальных глаголов употребляется Perfect Infinitives, значения модальных глаголов меняются: They must have done it. They can have done it. They may have done it. They might have done it. They should have done it They were to have done it. Должно бы I L (CK0/W fftxri’O) это сделали они, (ш.е. почти титан уверенность) Возможно эго сделали они. Может быть это сделали они. (.менынап етсншн> уверенности} Все-таки малоие^япю, иго это сделали ОНИ. (т. е. еще мвныная степень уверенности) Они должна были бы сделать это. (упрек) Они должны были сделать это. (по нмту но ие сМммн много} К Exercises a Read and translate the following sentences: 1 A solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice to his or her client and may sometimes represent them in court. 2 & trustee is the legal owner of property which s/he holds in trust for the benefit of the beneficiary under Rules of Equity and the trustee, must act in the interests of the beneficiary, according to the terms of the trust. 3 hi law «to appeal» is to ask a higher court to change the judgement already given by a lower court. Criminals have the right to appeal against their sentences to the Court of Appeal, If the appeal is re- fused there can be a final appeal to the House of Lords, but this ready happens. 52
4 Anyone who wants to own a gun, even a shortgun (a gun for shooting birds or rabbits) must get a firearm certificate from the police. b Read the following text, underline the medal verbs and explain their usage; The jury and the verdict In British law since the accused are considered to be innocent until they are proved guilty, the prosecution must prove their guilt; the defence does not have to prove their innocence. If there is doubt in the minds of the jury, the verdict must be «not guilty». In Scottish law, a jury may return a verdict of «not proven» (not proved), but even then the verdict is final and a person may not be tried twice for the same crime. Until 1966 in England and Wales all the members of the jury had to be in agreement. Now, at least ten of the twelve jury members must agree before a verdict can be given. c Read the following table and say what Russian young people can or must do at these ages: Ymintf people ami the law hi (he UK 711 ey must go to school 5 They can buy a pet without their parents being there 12 They can get a part-time job 13 They can leave home without permission of their parents 16 They can get married if their parents agree 16 They can leave school and work full time 16 They can apply for a passport 16 They can drive a car but not a lorry 17 They can go to prison 17 They can vote 18 They can drink alcohol in public 18 53
d Read the following and sum It up: Learner drivers and Saw In Britain all learner drivers need to display «L» plates. Tn the USA there is no law that says a learner driver needs to have «L» plates or any such warning device. A young person can apply for a learner's permit at the age of fifteen and a half and take a test at sixteen. In Germany you must go to a professional driving school to learn to drive. In Finland you have to do a written test. In Spain and France new drivers carry a slicker to show that the vehicle has a niaximum speed of 90 k. p, h. e Have a look at the picture and say what you see in it: Mark the true statement with «7»: 1 You can have a passenger on a motorbike provided he wears a helmet ........... 2 Unless you wear a helmet, you can't ride on a motobikc...... 3 No passenger is allowed on a motobike........ 4 No passenger is allowed on a bike........ 64
I The main functions of the Infinitive in sentences I Exercises a Underline the Infinitives, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian; 1 His duty is to make sure that the place of work is safe. ................................................. 2 He could not refuse to fulfill demands of court..................... 3 He has just finished to read the sentence........................... 4 I expect him to be acqu itied....................................... 5 Please telephone him to send this message........................... 6 I would like to see this witness again.............................. 7 This is the place to see............................................ 55
I The Participles and their functions in sentences The Participle The Past Participle (3-я форма глагола) stated The Present Participle (4-я форма глагола) slating I Exercises a Encircle the Participles, mark the Present Participles with«A*»» and the Past Participles with «Рады and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The fine (paid) amounted to three hundred dollars. 2 The executor is the person ap- pointed to «execute» the will, that is to give effect to the wishes ex- pressed in the will by the testator. 3 All criminal trials in Britain are held before a judge and a jury con- sisting of twelve ordinary people. 4 The police investigating the case are looking for three men, 5 The police never found die money stolen in the robbery. 6 They promised to compensate for all the expenses incurred. €6
7 I) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 в к в м The document corrected cannot be accepted. Complete the following sentences using Participles: They considered the application (/o date) 20 September 1999. The other party wanted to change the period .................. (to establish) pre vi otrs ly, The questions.................(to mention) were of no importance. The facts..................(to underline) by the girl were rather un- expected. The decision ...............(to make) aroused everybody’s interest. The contract................ (to make) between these two parties lias been completed. The Clause.................. (to describe) the terms of payment will be discussed tomorrow. The reports.................(to reveal) these figures has not been issued jet. Some prepositions Remember and use for reference: a party & a contract a party in an action n party in/at fault to claim smth a claim lor sin th to give rise ton claim to statu a claim against smb hi opposition to the claim * to sue a ease mto smb to bring a civil action smb to proceed л case pgainst smb to make charges snib p to accuse smh of sin th to charge snib with smth to acquit smb of sin th, H to be entitled to acquittal м to witness smth a witness to smth d HI 0 to testify to sm th at/in/ (turinu a trial x to keep/to detain smh hi cus- tody to take into custody to be in jail/prison 57
s under consideration a under/on until under legal duty El a to take smth into consideration/ account not subject to appeal without appeal to support smth in support of smth to to veto smth — it veto of/over smth я to search sm th — to searcli for sm th — in search of smth to consent to smth — tu give consent to smth — by mutual consent s incmisistcnt/iiicompatible with sm th a to be/to rem я in in force to comс/to enter into force n to refer । dispute । to arbitration to submit । 1 a mutter i i 1 difference ! I Parts of Speech Remember and use for reference: Существительное noun n. Глагол verb v. Прилагательное adjective adj. Наречие adverb adv. Местоимение pronoun pron. Причастие (отглагольная форма) Participle Part. Герундий (отглагольная форма) Gerund Ger. Инфинитив(неопределенная форма глагола) Infinitive Inf. Предлог preposition prop. Союз conjunction conJ. 58
8 Parts of Sentence Remember and use for reference: Поди ежа nice Сказуемое Дополнение Определение Обстоятельство места времени образа действия цели subject predicate object attribute adverbial modi- fier of place of time of manner of purpose subj, pred. obj. attr. adv. I Revise Grammar! a Read and retell how the story started: The police make an arrest One Sunday evening a police sergeant and a constable knocked at the door of Number 10 Royal Row, «Mr, Williams?» said the sergeant. «We have reason to believe that there is stolen property in this house, Werd like to see your son, Jim». Gary looked at the policeman suspiciously, «What's he done?» « The doorstep isn't a good place to talk, isn't it, sir?» said die scargent «May wc come inside?» Gary lies ista led, Then he said, «Have you got a warrant?» «As a matter of fact, we have, sir»t said the seargent. He showed Gary a document signed by the local magistrate which gave him the right to enter the Williams' house and search it. Without this warrant the police could enter the house only if Gary «invited» them in. The sergeant and the con stab к followed Gary into the sitting room. Jim was there, Jim looked at the policemen, then at his father. 59
«You don't have to say anything, son», said Gary. «But I’d like to know what you’ve been up to». Gary knew that the police could not use threats or force to make his son talk, and that they could not arrest him unless they had evidence that he had committed a crime. They could only «invite» him to go with them to the police station for question- ing but they could not keep him there unless they could charge him with a crime. 1 Vocabulary notes sergeant fserdgant] to knock [nok] to knock nt the door suspicious [sas'pifas] to hesitate warrant ['worent] to search What have you been up to? threat [Orel] сержант стучать, бить, ударять постучать в дверь подозрительный 1) колебаться; 2) запинаться 1) ордер; 2)предписание; 3) основание, право- мочие, оправдание I) обыскивать; 2) исследовать (разг.) Что случилось? угроза b Read the continuation of the story using the correct pre positions and retell it: The police have to bring prisoners.., the court as soon as possi- ble, usually within twenty-four hours. No prison without trial is one... the most important rights that an English person has. It dates... the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679. «Habeas Corpus» is the Latin,.» «You shall produce the body»,..» other words, the prisoner must be brought... the court, «Гт not saying anything!» replied Jim. 60
«Listen, son!» said Gary. «If you are hiding anything... this house, go and get it. Гт not having the police turn my cup- boards inside out». Jim went upstairs and came back a moment later... five ciga- rette lighters. He was arrested at once. He was taken out... the police car and driven straight... the local police station. 9 Vocabulary notes trial habeas corpus (Lett.) [traiol] ['heibjos 'ko:pas] act to hide (bid, hidden) cupboard to turn inside out lighter ['kAbad] суд предписание о пред отдалении арестованно^ го в суд для рассмотрс ний законности ареста 1) закон (парламента)} 2) постановление прятать 1) шкаф, буфет; 2) стенной шкаф, чулан вывернуть наизнанку зажигалка с Read the continuation of the story using the verbs in the correct forms and retell it: «Caution him!» the seargent (to tell) the constable as soon as they (to errnve). The constable (to take) out his notebook. «....you (to wish) to say anything?» he said to Jim. «You are not obliged to say anything unless you (to ww/0 to do so. But whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may (/og-fvc) in evidence». These are the words which policemen must (use) before ques- tioning people accused of a crime. This «caution», or warning (to mfortti) the accused that the police cannot (to force) them to convict themselves by what they say. The constable (to fell) Jim to sit down. «Now then, where (to be) you at 5.2 5 on Th и rsday even i n g?» 61
«Г not {to talk) — copper!» «All right!» {to say) the constable calmly, «1’11 wait. But it'll help you if you (Zo tell) the truth». R Vocabulary notes to caution ['ксфп] предостерегать Caution! Берегись! Осторож- но! {вывеска) caution 1) осторожность; 2) предостережение, предупреждение to be obliged to do smth [a'blaidsd] быть обязанным сделать что-либо whatever что бы ни, «се что copper 1)медь; 2) Qm>.) полицей- ский, полисмен calm спокойный, тихий, мирный cl Read the end of the story, insert the correct articles and retell it: At last Jim agreed to talk. In other words, he agreed to make... statement, in which he admitted that he knew,,, cigarette light- ers had been stolen. He also told.,, constable exactly who, when and where had given him.., lighter. After writing down Jim’s statement,... constable read it back to him. «Anything else you want to say?» «Nothing that you'd like to hear!» said Jim. ... constable handed him... pen. «Write this down,» he said. Jim wrote: «I have read,., above statement and 1 have been told that I can correct, change or add anything I wish. This statement is true. 1 have made it of my own free will». 62
Every written statement must finish with these words» prefera- bly written in... accused person's own handwriting. «Sign it,» said.,, constable. Jim signed. He was then charged with having «received stolen goods». I Vocabulary notes to admit [ad'mit] to change to add of my own free will preferably handwriting in one’s own handwriting допускать, согла- шаться менять» изменять (ся), заменять прибавлять, добав- лять, присоединять по своей собствен- ной воле предпочтительно, лучше почерк своей рукой е Retell the complete story in short and answer the following questions: 1 How old do you think J ini was? 2 Why do you think Jim had agreed to hide the lighters? 3 What was he going to do about them, to your mind? 4 Was his case heard in court? 5 What was the vcrd i c t, to you r mi nd? 6 What would you have fell if you were Jim’s father? 7 Do you think it is a fictitious or true story? What makes you think so? 63
I Get ready to work at texts thoroughly! Madame Tussaud’s Madame Tussaud’s is the best known and most visited waxwork exhibition in the world. In the Chamber of Horrors which is a part of Madame Tus- saud’s every exhibit deals with the subject of crime and punish- ment — it is a rogues gallery of dangerous and evil criminals. In a dark, dank Victorian street, where Jack the Ripper stalked his prey, the torn and twisted body of one of his vic- tims, Cathrine Eddowes, lies mu- tilated in a pool of blood. Jack the Ripper was never brought to justice but others were, vi Ilians and murderers who met their ends by guillotine, gallows or garrotte. Madaine Tussaud first arrived in England in 1802 from Ger- many, where she was bom in 1761. She brought with her gruesome souvenirs of the French Revolution, the instruments of death and death masks of their victims. The death masks of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are still on display next to the very guillotine blade that beheaded the French queen, More recent means of execution include the firing squad and the electric chair. American murderer Gary Gilmore is seen facing a : hail of bullets. Bruno Hauptman electrocuted in New Jersey, USA in J 936 can be seen here too. Acid-bath murderer John George Haigh who killed at least nine people and disposed of the bodies in an acid bath, stands in the clothes he wore before his execution. Many prisoners or their rela- tives bequeathed or sold the clothes or some items which belonged to the murderers to dress their portraits at Madame Tussaud’s, 64
And the «Brides tn the Bath» George Joseph Smith leans over a victim in the actual bathtub in which he drowned his well-insured brides. Notorious massHTiorderer John Christie is at work in a replica of the tiny West London kitchen where he concealed the bodies of three of the seven women he killed. Contemporary' criminals in Britain no longer face the death penalty — instead they must spend years behind bars. The exhibi- tion shows a bleak modern prison block with contemporary mur- derers standing before their cells. Guy Thorne’s 1912 description of the murderers in the Cham- ber of Horrors is still true today: «Row upon row of faces which differ in every way one from another and yet arc dreadfully alike. For these great sinister dolls, so unreal and so real, have all a like- ness. The smirk of cruelty and cunning seems to lie upon their waxen masks. Colder than life, far colder than death they give forth emanations which strike the very heart with woe and desolation». I Vocabulary notes horror waxwork I'hora] fwoksw&k] wax wax works ужас восковая фигура, муляж воск rogues [rou(fl rogue evil |KVf| to do evil the lesser evil of two evils choose the паноптикум злой (обычно о .жшюммых) негодяй, дегенерат 1) зло. вред: 2) злой, вред- ный •творить зло, наносить ущерб меньшее зло in двух юл выбирай меньшее .1 Am niiu'Kini -HU ft4’1 И ИН1 65
to stalk sinb [sto:k] подкрадываться к кому- либо prey добыча, жертва to mutilate ['mju:tileit] увечить, калечить, уродовать villian ['vilan] злодей viIlian of the piece главный злодей (д фильме, спектакле, ремаше) guillotine [,gih'ti:n] П1Л ЬО'П I! [а (ф) di И! ки Wl f, Hi Иван- им по имени изобретателя) gallows ['gtelouz] виселица to come to the gallows быть повешенным garrotte [go'rot] гаррота (орудие казни, ко- хожес на железный ошейник) gruesome [’gru:sam] ужасный, отвратительный means средство, способ means of execution средство исполнения, спо- соб экзекуции means of communication средства связи means of transport транспортные средства means of payment платежные средства means of employment средства обеспечения за- нятости meansand Instruments орудия и средства произ- водства by all means любым способом, любыми средствами squad [skwod] взвод, группа, команда дежурная полицейская машина bullet ['buht] пуля a hail of bullets град пуль a hail of (Ire сильный огонь every bullet has its billet от судьбы не уйти: пуля виноватого найдет billet заготовка acid ['ECSld] кислота 66
to bequeath bride bridegroom bridemaid bride man notorious replica to conceal contemporary cell condemned cell row row upon row in a row in rows sinister smirk cruelty cunning to give forth emanation woe Woe Is me! desolation [bt'kwrd] завещать, передавать невеста жених подруга невесты шафер, друг жениха [na'toinos] пользующийся дурной сла- вой, отъявленный, пресло- вутый ['replika] точная копия, репродук- ция, оттиск [kon'si:!] скрывать, умалчивать, утаивать, маскировать, прятать [kan'texnparan] 1) современный; 2) совре- менник камера камера смертников [roil] ряд бесконечный ряд, беско- нечная вереница вряд рядами f'siinisto] зловещий, злой, дурной самодовольная улыбка, ухмылка [Jkruolti] жестокость, . безжалост- ность хитрый, коварный объявлять, обнародовать, распускать олух, зд. издавать [^emo'nejjn] излучение, испускай ие^ истечение [wou] (мм,) горе, скорбь, несчастье 0, горе мне! Ldeso'Mn] горе, отчаяние j* 67
1 Suggested activities on the text' a Explain the use of the following in the text: я articles » prepositions в infinitives B participles b Find the answers in the text: 1 What is the name of the exhibition described?................ 2 How did Madame Tussaud start her carrier in England?......... 3 What are the crimes of: Jack the Ripper.............................................. Gary Gilmore................................................. John George Heigh............................................ George Joseph Smith.......................................... John Christie?............................................... 4 Is death penalty still in law in the UK?..................... 5 How are contemparary criminals shown at the exhibition?...... 6 What did Guy Thorne say about his impression of the Chamber of Horrors? When did he write those words?.......................... c Repeat what the text says about the Chamber of Horrors. <3 Translate the description given by Guy Thorne into Russian, e Write down answers to the following questions: 1 Have you ever seen any criminal? ......................... • 2 If so, under what circumstances? ............................ 3 What was his or her crime? .................................. 4 What did he or she look like? ............................... 5 What struck you about his or her ............................ appearance? .......................... 63
f Agree or disagree and support your point: 1 All criminals look very much alike. 2 Death penalty is in law in Russia. 3 Death penalty should be abolished in every country. В Word study a Write out all the words and expressions associated with crime, from the text. b Mark (with a tick J) the meaning in which the following words are used in the text: chamber collection of works of art display of commercial goods for advertisement squad bar block ё cell doll< to strike •<- quantity of liquid part of a river arrangement by business firms or banks a small group of persons working together a small group of soldiers long piece of bard metal barrier in a law court counter where drinks are served large piece of wood mass of buildings joined together small room in a prison small room in a monastery model of a baby model of a person to hit to impress 69
c Give the word families of the following words, as in the example: crime — сгйкшаЛ ft/J — cxcmcetflC (cldj) — ал&ы (&j — (ft) — ftt.J horror......................... to desolate...................... wax ........................... to strike ........................... real .......................... to die .............................. to differ ..................... murder .............................. d Write down how the following words are formed and translate all (he words into Russian: exhibition punishment electrocution description e Match the synonyms: contemporary^ best known \ rogues \ gruesome \ actual tiny chamber crime villian means squad portrait prey woe to be on display to behead to bequeath to conceal to be at work emanation dangerous mutilated cruelty h most popular evil horrible real \ small * modern offence murderer figure victim instrument room team sorrow to decapitate to be shown to hide to do sin th to gill 70
f Group the following words from the box into four or five logical groups; exhibition, crime, mass-murderer, to drown, to conceal bodies, gallery, punishment, ripper, guillotine, gruesome souvenirs, to stalk one’s prey, gallows, death masks, torn and twisted body, garrotte, portrait or figure, to be brought to justice, sinister doll, criminal, guillotine blade, prisoner, acid-bath murderer, to be- head, to face a hail of bullets, to kill Group I 2 3 4 " 5 ' ' A Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives: the most visited ...... the best known rogues gruesome mutilated of well-insured h Choose the correct preposition: to be brought for /to justice to dispose of/ with smth dangerous contemporary striking horrible notorious to lean on / over sm b to belong with /to smb 71
smirk of/ in cruelty to arrive in /at England to strike the heart wi/й / in woe and desolation to be on /in display in /at Madame Tussaud’s to be bom in /to Germany i 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 72 Translate into English using the following words: it seems to me, to differ Мне кажется, они очень or- .............................. личаются друг от друга, Мне кажется, они совсем не .............................. отличаются друг от друга. Мне кажется, они огни чают- ............................. ся во всем. to be alike Эти преступники похожи ...................... —.......... друг на друга. Два брата совсем нс были ................................ иохожи друг на друга. Они похожи друг' на друга? .............................. to be very miich like smb Oh ouetib похож на своего ............................... брата. ............................ Она очень похожа на свою ................................ мать. ............................ Мне кажется, она похожа на .............................. пас, - ............................ to look like smb/smth В нет не она похожа i щ брата. .......................... Внешне опа не похожа на ................................. своих родителей. ............................ Внешне это было похоже на ............................... убийство. ............................
К Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions: dangerous and evil criminals......................................... to be brought to justice.......................................... to stalk the prey................................................. to conceal the body............................................... to have a likeness................................................ to meet one’s end in/ by ......................................... a modern prison block ............................................ to strike the. heart with woe and desolation...................... I Discussion in class I Be ready to discuss with your group-mates the following topics: « Murderers and punishment м Death penalty m Have a look at this picture showing two famous persons at Madam Tussaud's. Say what you think about: a Allied Hitchcock’s horror films R Agatha Christie’s detec- tive stories and film ver- sions of s‘oino of her sto- ries, 73
Part В Law and Economic Crimes in Europe Section 1: Fraud Section 2: Money Laundering Trends in the European Union Section 3: Corruption and Remedies against it
Section 1:. Fraud This section outlines the recent crimes in the countries of the European Union, the successor of the European Eco- nomic Community. Text 1 Fraud against the Community and the present Union is not a question of petty pilfering but of large scale organised financial crime, The most frequent type of fraud is the one involving tobacco and cigarettes. It occurs in Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Ire- land and Italy. Fraud concerning agricultural products is carried out in most Union countries; specifically for beef (Belgium, Germany, France and the United Kingdom), cereals (Germany, Italy and Por- tugal). milk products (Germany, Spain. Italy and the United King- dom), and olive oil (Spain, Italy and Portugal). Industrial goods are rarely used for fraud, with the exception of textiles. Customs of- fences receive the most frequent mention, with several reports dwelling on frauds affecting the Community or international tran- sits (Belgium, Spain, France and Italy). The following case related to the European Community’s Tran- sit System gives the idea of the way in which fraud against the budget of the European Union (EU) is committed. It is a fact that organised criminals are increasingly avoiding payment of customs duty by fraudulently exploiting the European Community’s Transit System. The procedure is die following: under the system the owner of goods is responsible for the payment of duty. However, the des- tination of some goods requires the freight forwarder to become re- sponsible for the payment of customs duty instead of the owner. These goods are classified as Community Transit goods. All im- ported goods for consumption within the European Union are sub- ject to customs duty. However, the EU does not require the pay- ment of customs duty when the goods arc classified as Community Transit goods. Since they ordinarily originate outside the EU but always pass through one or several member states. The system aF lows a consignor to transport goods without repeatedly having to 75
pay and reclaim customs duly with every country. When goods are transported, the EU requires a guarantee to cover any potential customs duty loss in cases where goods are thought to have been consumed within a member state country not designated as the final destination. The freight forwarder provides the guarantee because he has legal possession of the goods and is responsible for duty and taxes. The freight forwarder is able to absolve himself of the guaran- tee after proving that the goods reached their destination. This is usually done when the EU customs official at port of entry is shown documentary proof that the goods have left an EU customs port of exit. The documentation that regulates the Community Transit, the 4T1 Form’, is the official customs stamp on page five of the docu- ment. Its return to the port of entiy relinquishes the freight for- warder from responsibility. If page five of the form does not arrive or is proved fraudulent, customs enforce the guarantee. I Vocabulary notes fraud [fro:d] обман, мошенничество fraudulently [Tro:djulonliJ мошеннический to outline ['autlam] 1) обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах, сделать па- бросок; 2) нарисовать контур outline 1) набросок, эскиз, очерк; 2) схема, план, конспект outlines 1) основы, основные прин- ципы; 2) очертания, конгу ры in outline в общих чертах petty ['pel j J мелкий, незначительный, маловажный petty cash мелкие статьи (расхода. при- хода) petty farmer мелкий фермер petty jury малое жюри, суд из двена- дцати присяжных petty warfare малая война 76
to pilfer ['pilfo] воровать, таскать; стянуть frequent ffnikwant] частый, часто встречающей- ся, повторяемый; обычный to involve involved in debt to involve the rights of involved involved mechanism involved reasoning [in'voulv] вовлекать, затрагивать, впу- тывать запутавшийся в долгах затрагивать чьи-либо права запутанный, сложный запутанный, сложный меха- низм тума i u iaii аргументация to осейг to occur again it occurred to me to carry out to carry out tn(to) practice [o'koj случаться, происходить повторяться мне пришло в голову выполнять, проводить проводить в жизнь, осуще- ствлять cereals ('sionolz] хлебные злаки rarely ['reob] редко exception with the exception of [ik'sepjn] исключение , за исключением to dwell on smth (dwelt, dwelt) to dwell on a note [dwcl] подроби io оста навл иваться на чем-либо выдерживать ногу to affect sinb/smtb to affect the interest to affect the character [o'fekt] влиять, действовать, воз- действовать на кого-либо/ что-либо затрагивать интересы порочить репутацию to relate to sm b/sm th [ri'kitj относиться, иметь отноше- ние к кому-лнбо/чему-либо to increase [m'tas] увеличиваться), возрастать increase ['inkrrs] увеличение, рост increasingly to be on the increase an increase in pay (m'krusnjk] все больше и больше расти, у вел ич иваться прибавка к зарплате to avoid smth [o'void] 1) избегать чего-либо; 2) уклоняться от чего-либо; 3) отменять, аннулировать что-либо 77
destination ['desti'nerfn] место, пункт назначения freight forwarder f freit 'lo:\voch] грузоперевозчнк freight груз, фрахт to forward отправлять, пересылать, посылать, препровождать customs f'kAStamz] 1) таможня; customs duty 2) таможенные пошлины customs duties/charges/ таможенные пошлины и dues/ fees сборы customs and excise du- таможенные н акцизные ties пошлины customs tariff таможенный тариф customs clearance таможенная очис тка customs declaration/ entry - там оже11ная ле кл араипя customs debenture удостоверение таможни па право обратного получения импортной пошлины customs examination list досмотровая роспись customs warrant ордер на выпуск груза из таможни customs ban запрет таможни the Customs там ожен ное у правде i1 не, таможня custom house таможня syii, custom of Heer/ surveyor/ official инспектор таможни custom area таможенная территория customs /custom free беспошлинный io undergo customs пройти таможенные фор- formalities мальности to be cleared пройти таможенную очистку to collect customs dues взимать ’таможенные сборы to pay/to cover cus* оплатить таможенные сбо- toms dues ры consumption [kon’sAmpfn] потребление consignor [kan'saint»] грузоотправитель consignee [jkmisai'm] грузополучатель 78
to designate ['deziQneit] предназначать io provide smth to provide for smth provided to possess [pa'zes] обеспечивать что-либо предусматривать что-либо 1) обеспеченный; 2) преду- смотренный; 3) при усло- вии, если; в том случае, ес- ли; если только владеть tax to absolve oneself of smth [ob'zoulv] налог освободиться от чего-либо to absolve oneself of re- sponsibility stamp to relinquish [rfliijkwjf] освободиться от ответст- венности за что-либо 1) штамп, печать; 2) плом- ба; 3) марка 2d. освобождать I Words and Grammar a Underline the roots of the following words and translate them into Russian: pilfer—-.................... pilferage................................. fraudulent —...................... fraudulently......................... successor— ....................... successive........................... b Choose the synonyms from the box: to describe, to make, to present, to happen, to use, to let, to apply, to increase to carry out................... to allow....................... to outline..................... to provide..................... to occur...................... to enforce..................... to exploit.................... to grow........................ 79
c Choose the antonyms from the box: rare, exit, usual, important, illegal, initial, unofficial, present entry...................... final............................. frequent................... legal........................«... petty.................... official............................ ordinary................... past /............................ d Match the English and Russian equivalents: petty pilfering — to avoid payment of customs to relinquish smb from re- sponsibility to enforce guarantee to cover a loss to absolve oneself of a guar- antee to prove fraudulent оказаться фальшивым, поддельным мелкие кражи покрывать убытки не платить пошлины прим спить гарантию освобождать кого-либо от ответственности освобождаться о т ответст- венности е Explain the difference between the following words: owner— freight forwarder — consignor — consignee f Translate the following terms into English: таможен» ые но шл ины....................... таможенные пошлины и сборы................. акцизные пошлины.......................... таможенная очистка,....................... там оже и нал декл а раш i я.............. ордер на выпуск груза из таможни.......... 80
досмотровая роспись................................... таможенным тариф..................................... удостоверение таможни на право обратного получения импортной пошлины....................................... й Тranslate the following sentences into Russian; 1 В таможенной декларации (таможенном паспорте) обычно ука- зываются следующие данные: наименование товара/груза......................... количество........................................ цена за единицу................................... общая стоимость................................... страна отгрузки................................... отправитель ...................................... страна назначения................................. грузополучатель................................... 2 В соответствии с нашим Контрактом 22—07 от 11 мая с. г. со- общаем что груз прошел*таможенную очистку 7 декабря. 3 В Контракте указано, что стоимость товара включает все та- моженные пошлины и сборы. 4 Мы вынуждены сообщить вам, что мы несем убытки из-за того, товар задержан в Таможне по вашей вине и мы не можем вы- полнить своих обязательств перед заказчиком в срок. Note: данные наименование за единицу общий отгрузка нести убытки V по вашей вине нс по вашей вине details description per unit total shipment to suffer tosses through your fault through no fault of yours 81
h Write down as many nouns as possible with the following adjectives frequent fraudulent customs < i Write down as many words and word combinations associated with fraud t as you can: j Fill in this simplified document: CUSTOMS DECLARATION (description of goods) (quantity of goods) (price per unit) (total value) (number of cases) (gross weight) Contract No (country of origin) (consignor) (destination) (consignee) OpF)C|AL USE 0NLy customs tariff_________________________________ duty to pay____________________________________ : additional charges_______________________. remarks__________________________ Customs official_______________________ ________________________ Date____________________________________ 82
к 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 1 2 3 4 Write down if the words in italics are the Present or the Past Participies and translate the following into Russian: the fraud involving tobacco........................................... fraud concerning agricultural products ............................... frauds affecting the Community........................................ the case related to the Transit System................................ to avoid payment of customs duty by fraudulently exploiting the Transit System................................................................ to transport goods without repeatedly having to pay and reclaim customs duty.......................................................... after proving that the goods reached their destination................ Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Absolute Participle Constructiont as in the example: Customs offences receive the most frequent mention, with several re- ports dwelling on such frauds. ... (цЬёсшгрыМШЛ,-d,j-Л.................................. .Деде&МОД. .............................. Note: The Absohiic I’nrticiple Cunsiruciion чист уии-чриОлие'гсп с предлогом with 11 перешли । с им ц 1нмн>щы0 couua ii/jjwv или отдельное предложение Customs offences receive the most frequent mention, with several reports dwelling on frauds affecting the Community................. Customs offences arc most frequent with several reports describing them in detail..................................................... Pilferage offences are very frequent, with losses exceeding I bn dollars............................................................. frauds are growing with organised criminals increasingly avoiding payment of customs duty............................................. 83
m 1 2 3 4 5 I D 1 2 3 4 5 О 1 2 3 84 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Nominative with the Infinitive Construction, as in the example: Goods are thought to have been consumed within a member state country. ........./fa*.................................................... ........................................... Note; 1 , The Nominative with Lite Infinitive Construction употребляется co следую- щими глаголами: to be thought, to he expected, to be proved, to be consid- ered, to be heard, to be said и Др. 2. П1е Perfect Infinitive (как а примере) а конструкции обозначает свершившееся дсйстнке, the Simple (ntlniiivc — иасгинтсс или будущее действии. Goods are thought to be consumed within a member state countiy.......................... .............4...... ............. a ba a I a ba b........................4 . , . b.4. Duties are expected to have been paid................................................... The guarantee is said to have been enforced............................................. They were expected to relinquish the consignor from responsibility. ......... .... - idr.i--ia-a-i.aai ........ a a a a -I a I । 4 - I । I + a| . a j l i - - 4 The country was expected to be designated as the final destination. ► - - ' I - I ► - й I k I . > a.aaaa.aaL4. II| ... 1,1 b h .н.нт.тгаа.агн L I I |a|4aa|.|.|a|.|l4.L|.L|,|.r|.I,,Irl4.b,,rj_,j a . J 4 l | 4 | | , Suggested activities Find the answers in the text and write them.down: Is fraud limited to any definite country?............................................... What goods does fraud involve?.......................................................... What is а «Т1 Form»?.................................................................... In what cases are goods classified as Community Transit goods? .... '"Г,Ь‘ ' r_| ’ - + r ’ ’ ’ ..л Г J.. rl4-laa4a4l|.4l44l44bblbh + akd4a|.. Ь*Г1'*«ЧГ1Г1 I i a i 4 I h ..- I 4 I 4 -k h 4 b a a b a a a What is the procedure of the European Community’s Transit Sys- tem?.................................................................................... Agree or disagree: The European Community’s Transit System is very easy to under- stand. Fraud is called both economic and financial crime tn the text. Any economic crime is financial crime too.
Text 2 Criminals abuse the system by pretending to be legitimate con- signors wishing to ship goods through the EU customs area to a consignee outside the EU. The consignor asks the freight forwarder to put up a guarantee to cover any customs duty, The goods arrive at a port of entry and customs are told these are Community Transit goods destined for a consignee outside the EC customs area. The goods are then transported. It is common for a cargo trailer to be towed by a chain of different hauliers and it is this part of the sys- tem that is open to abuse. Before the goods leave the EU customs area they are diverted and sold. The most common method adopted by criminals is to ensure a driver is part of the chain of hauliers. The driver deliberately delays reporting the loss of the cargo. If a freight forwarder makes inquir- ies the driver might falsely say that he has been delayed because of mechanical problems. Once customs officials at the port of entry become aware of the situation they enforce the guarantee and the freight forwarder has then effectively to pay the customs duty for the fraudulent consignor, The freight forwarder might then claim on his insurance which, in tn rm will result in higher premiums or re- fusal of future cover. These are variations of this fraud. The freight forwarder may be part of the scheme so that when customs try to enforce the guaran- tee they find it worthless. Alternatively, a customs official is cor- rupted with bribes to issue fraudulently the Tl document or crimi- nals may use a counterfeit stamp. The last two methods arc designed to mislead the customs offi- cials at port of entry into believing the goods have left the Ell. Criminals, in almost the same way, abuse the Transportes Interna- tionale Routiers (TIR) system. The system is regulated by the Inter- national Road Transport Union. But, unlike the EU and EFT A, the TIR system encompasses 57 members. Many countries are «emerging democracies» and their lack of stability can encourage fraud. 85
This kind of fraud can be illustrated by the following example: ® March 1998: a consignor wants to ship cigarettes from Poland to Spain. At the Polish-German border the carrier contracted by the consignor asks the freight forwarder to issue a Tl document. Because of the sensitivity of the goods, the freight forwarder is- sues a Tl document for one container and decides to wait until the goods are received by the buyer before issuing more Tl documents, ® April 1998: the first Tl document is returned with customs stamps and signatures. The freight forwarder then issues an- other Tl document for a second container. « May-October 1998: As the earlier shipments were uneventful the freight forwarder issues TI documents for 11 containers. « January 1999: the freight forwarder is notified that the customs stamps on the Tl documents were forged and he is liable for duties and taxes because the goods are not proved to have left Germany, if the freight fonvarder had been informed earlier, he would not have issued the subsequent Tl documents. Й Vocabulary notes to abuse [f>fbju:zl исправил ы io употреб- лять, нарушать to pretend [pn'tend] 1) притворяться: 2) пре- те и лопать Io tow Втянуть; 2) буксировать haulier rho:lp] владелец транспортных средств для перевозки гру- зов to divert [dai'vo:t| отводить, отклонять, от- влектъ deliborately [dfhbamtlij преднамеренно, умышлен- но to delay doing smth 1) медлить с чем-либо; 2) задерживать что-либо; 3) откладывать, отсрочи- вать что-либо 86
falsely [Todsb] 1) ложно, ошибочно; 2) притворно, фальшиво to become awnre of smth осознать, понять что-либо to be aware of smth знать, понимать что-либо, отдавать себе полный от- чет о чем-либо insurance .vy/7. cover [tn'Juarans] страхование premium ['pnmiam] страховая премия (плата за страховку) compare: bonus премия worthless [kwo:01es] ничего ле стоящий, беспо- лезный ant. worthy соответствующий, подо- бающий, ДОСТОЙНЫЙ to issue 'isju:] выдавать, выпускать counterfeit ['kaimtofitj поддельный, фальшивый, подложный to encompass [ш'клтрэз] включать, заключать to emerge [i'ma: ds] появляться, возникать emerging новые, вновь появившиеся lack нехватка, недостаток to encourage [т'клпбз] поощрять, поддерживать, ободрять encouraging поддерживающий, обод- ряющий uneventful Onfventftil] не богатый событиями to notify sinb ofsmth сообщать кому-либо о чем- либо луи. to inform smb of sin th to prove fi>ra:v] доказывать, утверждать The goods are not 11ет доказательств, что то- proved to have left Germany. вар ушел из Германии. subsequent ['sAbslltwont] последующий, соотвегст- пующиП 87
I Words and Grammar a Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are and translate the sentences info Russian: 1 Criminals abuse this 2 The system is open to abuse here................................ 3 These abuses are v ery freq uent................................ 4 They put up a guarantee to cover any customs duty............... 5 It may result in refusal of future cover,....................... 6 The driver deliberately de fays reporting the loss of the cargo. 7 Lie says a mechanical problem delays him........................ 8 They may use a counterfeit stamp................................ 9 They may counterfeit a stamp,................................... b Write down the following abbreviations in full or the abbreviations themselves: the ECU — йЕз Scrzafe&ttt- tfcwteticp the EC.............................................................. the EU.............................................................. the TIR system...................................................... the Tl documents.................................................... the European Free Trade Organisation................................ the UN.............................................................. the UNESCO.......................................................... the International Labour Organisation............................... c Insert the correct prepositions: 1 to ship goods ...........the area to a consignee , the EU 2 the goods arrive ......... a port of entry 3 the goods destined.......a consignee..........the EU 4 it is common........a cargo to be towed.........a chain of hauliers 5 to become aware ........the situation 6 their lack......stability 7 because........ the sensitivity of the goods 8 to be liable....duties and taxes 88
<8 Write down as many nouns as possible with the following adjectives and verbs and translate the word combinations into Russian: legitimate worthless counterfeit emerging uneventful to enforce to issue to encourage e Match the English and Russian synonyms: to ship goods through the cus- toms area to be destinied for a Spanish consignee to be towed by a chain of hau- liers to report the loss of cargo to be delayed because of me* chanical problems to claim on one's insurance сообщить об угоне (исчезновении) груза провести груз через опреде- ленную таможенную терри- торию потребовать выплаты стра- ховки задержаться из-за техниче- ских неполадок предназначен для получателя в Испании транспортироваться с помо- щью различных перевозчиков f 7ranslate the following sentences into English: 1 Они транспортировали товар через таможенную территорию Европейского Союза для грузополучателя за пределами этой территории. 2 Грузоотправитель обычно просит экспедитора обеспечить га- рантию для оплаты всех таможенных пошлин. 3 Сообщаем Вам, что товар уже прибыл в порт пересечения границы. 4 Грузополучатель должен иметь все эти документы на русском языке. б Таможня выдает асе эти документы в одном экземпляре, но если Вас устроят копии, то они будут направлены Вам в бли- жайшем будущем. 89
£ Encircle the Participles, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The freight forwarder may decide to wait until the goods are re- ceived before f issuing 1 more T1 documents. 2 Criminals abuse the system by pretending to be legitimate consign- ors....................................................................... 3 These methods are designed to mislead the customs officials into believing the goods have left the EU...................................... h Underline the Nominative with the Infinitive Constructions and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The goods are not proved to have left Germany. 2 The documents are expected to be issued next week, 3 The TIR system is announced to encompass 57 members, 4 The shipments are said to be uneventful. 5 The subsequent documents arc expected to have been issued. I Encircle the predicates and translate the following sentences Into Russian paying attention to the use of the Conditional Moods: 1 If they (hadlnformed] the freight forwarder he (wonldnot have issTicdl the document. 2 If the consignor had wanted to ship cigarettes from Poland to France he would have used the same scheme, to my mind. 3 If the consign or had shipped tobacco he might have used the same tactics. 4 If I met an English customs official I would ask him a few questions about similar frauds. I Suggested activities j Agree or disagree: 1 This text is much easier to understand than the previous one. 90
2 The example is not very illustrative. 3 The TIR system, mentioned in the text, is regulated by the Interna- tional Union. к Sum up what the text says about: я the way criminals abuse the European Community’s Transit System ar the role of drivers and hauliers in it n the actions of customs officials я the insurance claims J Imagine you are delivering a speech at a seminar. Yau represent customs authorities, Speak of the example mentioned in the text. The following may be of help; d cthtityiet, ftttMie. £4- ri& uftfawfaftce, йз ... Tcxt3 Within the EU 18 million Tl documents are issued annually. Each has mi average duty and tax liability of Euro 24,000. Each year Euro 432 billion of taxes and duties are channelled through the Tl system. An incidence of fraud of 0.2% has been calculated by the T IR system, meaning freight forwarders are liable for more than Euro 864 million each year. The European Commission reckons that the financial impact of organised crime on each member state from 1994 to 1998 was in excess of Euro 75 billion. 'Hie CT regime was designed in the 1960s lor six countries with internal borders. Today, transit is organised by freight forwarders acting as intermediaries to a transaction in countries with no inter- nal borders, hi addition, customs budgets have been reduced in relative terms and customs authorities have not been able to keep pace with an inc leasing workload. All this points to the fact that the 91
proliferation of fraud is directly related to the implementation of a frontier free EU. The present system places the burden of preventing fraud onto the freight forwarders. The prevention of fraud takes expertise and time. Those freight forwarders acting unilaterally to stop the fraud have found that their ability to process the Tl form transactions has slowed down dramatically and the resulting costs, which they pass on to their customers, have increased dramatically too. This has re- sulted in customers shifting business to freight forwarders who are more trusting and less punctilious. 1 Vocabulary notes annually average ['renjudl] ['ajvandj] on the average above the average below the average Liability [Jaia'biliti] to channel [tfaml] channel incidence ['instdans] to reckon ['rekonj im pact ['imptekt] to impact [nifprukt] excess [ik'ses] in excess to design [di'zam] We did not design this result We designed for his good, border internal border ежегодно средний, среднеарифмети- ческий в среднем выше среднего ниже среднего ответственность направлять канал сфера действий, охват I) подсчитывать; 2) рас- сматривать влияние, воздействие влиять, воздействовать избыток, излишек сверх, больше чем задумывать, замышлять Мы нс ожидали такого ре- зультата. Мы делали ясе для его блага. граница внутренняя граница 92
external border внешняя граница at the border на границе to border on/upon a country граничить со страной intermediary [,mta'nndian] посредник transaction [trasn'zrekjn] сделка лугъ deal [dEl] bargain ['ba:Qm] to make a transaction луп. to do a deal, to strike a bargain заключить сделку relative frehtiv] относительный, сравни- тельный, соответственный to keep pace with идти в ногу с workload syn. load нагрузка, количество рабо- ты proliferation [prajifo'reifn] распространение to implement ['nnplmientj выполнять, осуществлять to implement a deci- проводить постановление в sion жизнь burden rba:don] 1) бремя, ноша, тяжесть; 2) накладные расходы; 3) тема, основная мысль, суть; 4) ответственность burden of proof бремя доказательств to prevent [pn'vent] предотвращать, предупрс- ждать expertise ['ekspotmz] знания н опыт, компетен- ция Ltuiipure: (expert) экспертиза, заключение examination, expert opinion экспертов unilateral [jumi'fctoral] односторонний bihitcrai [#ЬаНаз1эгэ1] двусторонний 93
multilateral to shift shift eight-hour shift to trust a man to be trusted punctilious [piiAlti'lajtgrol] [pAijk'tdiss] многосторонний передавать, перемещать смена (рабочая} восьмичасовой рабочий день I) доверять; 2) надеяться человек, на которого мож- но положиться педант!।чj t ы й, шепетил ьны й до мелочей В Words and Grammar a Match the English and Russian equivalents: impact intermediary4*^ transaction proliferation implementation burden expertise incidence excess сделка знания и опыт влияние охват избыток посредник распространение бремя применение Ь Find the English equivalents in the text: обязанность платить таможенные пошлины и налоги таможенные пошлины и налоги в сумме (...) направляются в (-) экспедиторы должны платить (...) транзит грузов обеспечивается экспедиторами, действующими в качестве посредников по коммерческой сделке таможни не успевают быстро оформлять возрастающие объе- мы грузов время на оформление форм Т-l значительно увеличилось 94
c Encircle the suffixes and translate the following words into Russian: annually................... unilaterally.............. dramatically............... forwarder.................. financial......................... prevention........................ trusting.......................... ability........................... d Write down the following numerals as in the examples: Euro 24,000 foe/tty fiwt, ^и'го Euro 864 mhi and Euro 75 bn teu&tty few tk&faft Stew 270 twa dandled and Seventy 0.2% od jfofat Гам per cent USD 36,000............................................... KUR 48,000 .............................................. GBP 120 mln.............................................. 324,946.......................;.......................... 0.3 %.................................................... 0.7 %.................................................... 1.0%..................................................... e Open the brackets using the correct Voice forms: 1 Each year Euro 432 bn of taxes and duties (to channel) through the Tl system. 2 The Community Transit regime (to design) in the sixties. 3 Today, transit (to organise) by freight forwarders, 4 Customs budgets (to reduce). 5 Their ability to process the Tl form transactions (to slow down) dramatically, 6 Proliferation of fraud (to relate) directly to the implementation of a frontier free EU. @5
f Encircle the ing-forms, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The present system places burden of [preventing] fraud onto the freight forwarders....................................................... 2 Those freight forwarders acting unilaterally to stop the fraud have found that their ability to process the Tl form transactions has slowed down dramatically................................................. 3 This has resulted in customers shifting business to freight forward- ers who are more trusting and less punctilious,.......................... й Mark the correct translation of the sentences with a tick (J): 1 Each Tl form has an average duty and tax liability of Euro 21000. 2 Freight forwarders are liable for more than Euro 364 mil- lion each year. 3 An incidence of fraud of 0.2% has been calculated by the TIR system. 4 The financial impact of or- ganised crime on each mem- ber state was in excess of Euro 75 billion. По каждой форме Т-1 необходимо уплатить в среднем 24 гы с. евро, По каждой форме '1-1 необходимо уплатить 24 тыс\ сиро..... Экспедиторы грузов ежегодно должны платить более Й64 млн. евро....... Грузоотправители ежегодно долж- ны платить более 864 млн. евро, (’истома TIR подсчитала, что ко- личество случаев мошенничества и подделок составляет 0,2 %...... Система T1R подсчитала, что коли- чество случаен мошенничества и подделок превышает 0,2%________, Финансовый урон, нанесенный оргаининншной прсступностыо каждой стране-участнице, превы- сил 75 млрд, евро...... Финансовый урон, на несенный органггюиа и ной t ipecry ин остыо WKZtofl стране- участнике. соста- вил 75 млрд. евро...... 96
h Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 Customs authorities have not been able to keep pace with an in- creasing workload. 2 The prevention of fraud takes time and expertise. 3 The resulting costs which they pass on to their customers, have in- creased dramatically. S Suggested activities i Sum up what new facts this text gives on frauds. J Write a short summary on the functions of freight forwarders. К Imagine you are a customs official speaking at a seminar. The topic is The Financial Impact of Frauds, The following may be of help: Ml/tli-ied fy fat 7^ ft Гл (Vw yw. ft7e fatez&ifrd. 9 Text4 ............ ........ ............................... freight forwarders who act alone have been unsuccessful. The adverse factor of a protracted processing time, caused by investi- gating the consignor, has resuked in long delays when issuing a T1 document Th is delay causes financial loss to both the client and the freight forwarder. If the system is to work, freight forwarders must be able to swiftly verify who their clients arc. New proposals must be adopted. Commercial Crime Services, a department of the Interna- tional Chamber of Commerce, believes all organisations involved in the issue of CT' documentation and guarantees should be required to meet agreed standards of financial integrity and business ethics. It b..3-r.x.l..-..->.bddb +.- ..rkrr.l*^.lr4jb-b-«.................................. + 4 Леи ijihcmih .Q.’tn щип-м 97
also believes that documentation should be controlled and each movement be identifiable by ensuring that every Tl document is sequentially numbered and issued from a central EC Customs Of- fice. Analysis should be carried out of the methods, types and ex- tent of fraud and those involved. The information obtained should be collated and disseminated throughout the operators of the CT system, and that contact and liaison points should be available to provide confidential advice to freight forwarders, transport opera- tors and guarantors as well as national bodies. The fact that there is an evolution in the organisational aspect of fraud is clearly stated by the European Commission in the last report of May 1997. Being organised does not mean that frauds are necessarily committed by traditionally organised crime groups. Al- though it does happen in some countries (in Italy 19% of those re- ported for fraud have criminal records and are concentrated in the southern regions), it is not the rule for Europe. Different types of organised criminals commit fraud, Many points are not clear: What is their level of expertise? blow complex is their organisational structure and to what extent do they use consultants? And which kind of consultants? Private experts or corrupted customs person- nel? The only clear issue is that some level of organisation is re- quired in order to commit such complex fraud, as that against the financial interests of the European Union. Too little is known and more analysis should be made in this area In order to gain a thor- ough understanding and to act with proper instruments. I Vocabulary notes adverse ['redvots] protracted [ргэ'track! id] swift swift to hear, slow to speak to verify ['vcrifar] враждебный, неблаго- приятный, вредный затянувшийся, дли- тельный, затяжной быстрый, скорый больше слушай, мень- ше говори I) проверять; 2) удосто- верять ( nW^t lllllfUiWili) 98
to adopt принимать to adopt a decision принимать решение to adopt a resolution принимать резолюцию to adopt another course of action переменить тактику to adopt the attitude занять определенную позицию to meet удовлетворять to meet standards удовлетворять стандар- там to meet requirements удовлетворять требова» ниям to meet a request выполнить просьбу to meet a bill оплатить счет/ вексель He has many expenses Он несет большие рас- to meet., ходы. integrity [tn'tegnti] 1) честность, чистота; 2) неприкосновенность, целостность to identify [afdentifai] опознавать, устанавли- вать личность/припад- леж несть identity личность, идентичность sequentially [si'kwenjah] последовательно extent [iks'tentj размер, степень, мера to what extent до какой степени» на- сколько to a great extent в значительной степени to such an extent до такой степени to collate [ka'lcit] детально сличать, срав- нивать, сопоставлять to collate with the original сличать с оригиналом liaison [Ir'cizon] связь, взаимодействие 99
available [a'vcilabl] доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении, на- личный by all available means all available funds all the information available to make smth available всеми доступными средствами все наличные средства вся имеющаяся инфор- мация предоставить что-либо level [Icvl] уровень to gain to gain confidence of smth to gain experience to gain ill repute получать, приобретать войти к кому-либо в доверие приобретать опыт приобретать дурную славу thorough [’Олгг] пол f I ы й, ос нователь- ный, тщательный П Words and Grammar a Give the word families of the following words and translate them into Russian: to forward f”. t ..................................... to investigate............................................... to consign............................ .. ................... to finance................................................... to identity.................................................. to succeed................................................... to propose................................................... 100
b Choose the words having opposite meaning from the box: favourable, shortened 3 slow, simple, public, improper, unavailable, -здеееэвШ u ns uccessfu 1 ..... adverse.................... protracted.................. swift...................... complex....................... private....................... proper...................... available..................... c Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives and verbs and translate the word combinations into Russian: financial loss, ..*$№*?* drisiKw&d, confidential adv ice,............................................ organised crime.................................................. complex fraud,................................................... to meet standards,............................................., to number documents,............................................. to issue documents,.............................................. to involve fraud,................................................ to commit fraud.................................................. to adopt a decision.............................................. d Insert the correct prepositions and write down a sentence with each word combination based on the text: 1 to result ...long delays 2 to cause financial loss...die client 3 organisations involved.... . the issue of CT documentation 4 to provide confidential advice...... freight forwarders 5 it is not the rule...Europe 6 to act...... proper instruments 101
e Encircle the predicates in each sentence and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 If the system ps to"'work] > freight forwarders Гtiiust be"~able to) swiftly (verify ] [ whtj their clientsf are? 2 New proposals must be adopted. 3 Guarantees should be required to meet agreed standards. 4 Every Tl document is sequentially numbered. 5 Contact and liaison points should be available to provide confiden- tial advice. 6 There is an evolution in the organisational aspect of fraud. 1 ITie fact is clearly stated by the European Commission. f Write down what parts of sentences the words in italics are: 1 The adverse factor of a protracted processing time, caused by in- vestigating the consignor, has resulted in long delays when йш/ig a TI documeat. ................................ 2 It concerns all organisations Involved in the issue of CT docuineib hition................................................................ 3 Each movement should be identifiable by twwg that every document is issued from a central office.............................. 4 The information obtained should be collated and disseminated throughout the operators.............................................. il Suggested activities Й Write out what proposals Commercial Crimes Services made to combat fraud. h Answer the following questions, using the text: 1 Is fraud an organised crime ........................ :... throughout Europe? ........................... 2 Why is a certain level of or........ -—— .......... ganisation required? .... ; ... 3 With what aim should more -................................. analysis be made? ..........,.r. 102
I Write down evasive (уклончивый) answers to the foltowing questions: 1 What is the level of expertise of the organised criminals?......... 2 How complex is their organisational structure?................... 3 To what extent do they use consultants?.......................... 4 Which,kind of consultants do they use?........................... The following may be of help: 7 lea^fy don't tevet tyo 4л <?«*... Swk t&e. 7/ <3 й* зд^г,. (Pay attention to the direct word order in the subordinate clauses.) Text 5 The results of a comparative analysis carried out by the European Commission show the level of responses member states have devel- oped with regard to fraud against the budget of the European Union» The national Criminal Codes or equivalent bodies of legislation all make provision for offences that can embrace both the Commu- nity's and the member states’ financial interests. Of these, obtaining by deception, forgery and issuing forged documents and fraudulent conversion arc the-most important. Some member states (the Neth- erlands, for example) list dozens of provisions to be found in a great number of separate enactments that can be used against fraud- sters, depending on the form the fraud takes. Most member states believe that the ordinary criminal offences are adequately defined to protect the Community’s financial inter- ests. Assimilation for enforcement purposes is implied in provisions creating offences and penalties that are applicable in like manner: to Community and national interests. Even so, it is clear from some of the reports that the trend is to- wards making fraud against the Community’s financial interests an 103
offence in its own right. The trend has gathered momentum with the Convention on the protection of the Community financial interests on which an agreement was reached at Cannes and which was signed on 26 July 1995. Article 1(2) requires member states to take the necessary and appropriate measures to transpose into their criminal law the provisions of Article 1(1) (defining what consti- tutes fraud against the Community’s financial interests) so as to make the conduct described therein a criminal offence. The pur- pose, as is clear from the explanatory report, is that member states should make fraud either a specific or an express offence or at least bring it within the general definition of the offence of fraud. There is a trend towards the development of multidisciplinary con- trol structures with responsibility for all areas of fraud prevention and with wide-ranging investigative powers. In this way the member states hope that more effective steps can be taken to combat organised finan- cial crime which is not necessarily confined to one particular sector, I Vocabulary notes response [ns'pons] I) отпет; 2) отклик, реакция in response to with regard to в ответ на относительно, в отно- шении, что касается to embrace [im'breis] I) охватывать, включать; 2) обнимать (<j obtain [ob'tem] получать, добывать, приобретать deception to practice deception [di’sepjn] обман, жульничество, ложь, хитрость обманывать Conversion [kan'vojn] I) конверсия, переход, изменение, пересчет; 2) присвоение, обраще- ние в спою пользу dozen dozens [dAZll] дюжина множество, масса 104
enactment [in'sektmant] 1) введение закона, в силу; 2) закон, указ adequate fsedikwat] соответствующий, адек- ватный adequate definition точное определение to protect защищать to protect from/against защищать от assimilation ассимиляция, уподобле- ние enforcement [iiffoisment] давление, принуждение enforcement measures принудительные меры purpose [’parpas] цель, намерение, назна- чение on purpose нарочно to the purpose кстати, к делу to no purpose напрасно to imply [im'plai] значить, заключать и себе with all that it implies со всеми вытекающими отсюда последствиями trend тенденция to gather momentum усиливаться, расти, на- ращивать темп, скорость appropriate [o'proupnat] соответствующий, под- ходящий conduct ['kondAkt] поведение to conduct [kon'dAkt] вести (себя) express [eks'pres] 1) определенный, точно выраженный; 2) срочный io range [remdg] колебаться в известных пределах to investigate [investigate] 1) расследовать, разузна- вать. наводить справки; 2) исследовать, изучать to combat (against) srnth [kom'bast] сражаться, бороться с чем-либо to confine tosmth [bn'fatn] ограничивать чем-либо 105
I Words and Grammar a Write down the verbs from which the following nouns are formed and translate them all into Russian: respmise * ...... forgery........................... legislation.................. conversion........................ provision.................... enactment......................... offence...................... enforcement....................... deception.................... result............................ b Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick ) and make a sentence with each word on the basis of the text: enactment г<* to embrace ^9“ to investigate^ введение закона в силу закон, указ определенный, точно выраженный срочный охватывать, включать обнимать расследовать исследовать, изучать с insert the correct prepositions and make sentences on the basis of the text: with regard fraud................................................ to make provisions... offences................................... to depend ... the form of fraud.................................. fraud ... the Community’s interests.............................. to be applicable ... to Community interests...................... to be clear... the explanatory report............................ 106
d 1 2 e 1 2 3 4 f 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a trend ... the development of multidisciplinary control structures to be confined ... one particular sector........................... Put the words in brackets in the appropriate place in the sentences and translate them into Russian: {adequately} The ordinary criminal offences are defined to protect the Community’s financial interests. (necessarily) Organised financial crime is not confined to one par- ticular sector. Encircle the subjects of the following sentences and translate them into Russian: Of these, [obtaining] by deception^ forgery) and [ issuing] forged documents and fraudulent (conveisionj are the most important. Some member slates list dozens of provisions. The purpose, as is clear from the report, is that member states should make fraud either a specific or an express offence. More effective steps can be taken to combat fraud. Encircle attributes and translate the following into Russian: a [^inp^tfye) analysts ["carried out) by the( European) Commission offences that can embrace both the Community’s and the member slates’ financial interests provisions to be found in a great number of separate enactments enactments that can be used against fraudsters penalties that are applicable in like manner: to Community and na- tional interests the Convention on which an agreement was reached at Cannes and which was signed on 26 July, 1995 the conduct described therein 107
I Suggested activities Й Sum up what the text said about the latest trends in combating fraud, h Imagine you are making a short report on the Convention, signed at Cannes in 1995. Try to use the following formulas: attd, Ae£ ute aay л flat ivoidi % цмшйб yauz att&i&OH ta 7 wwAt && j& itiat,,, 41 оке Ktaie poirtt ... Text 6 There are many examples of this. In tlie United Kingdom the SFO (Serious Fraud Office) has multidisciplinary investigation teams; in 1992 the NCIS (National Criminal Intelligence Service) was set up to combat serious crime, including economic crimes. In Belgium the Central Office for the Prevention of Organized Eco- nomic and Financial Crime consists of members of the Criminal In- vestigation Department, the Gendarmerie and the CSC (a high level control committee) and, since the Tax Act of 30 March 1994, offi- cials responsible for customs, direct taxation and VAT. Л general directive states that the Office’s powers extend to all serious finan- cial, economic or tax offences involving organised crime, and in particular fraud to the detriment of the financial interests of the European Union, Similarly, Italian legislation should shortly assign to the Guardia di Finanza the essential task of monitoring and investigat- ing Community fraud, thus making it a key instrument of a policy ' laid down at the highest level, namely the Interministenal Commit- tee for the Prevention of Community Fraud, This Committee was set up in the spirit of Article 209a of the Treaty on the European Union, by ActNQ 142of 19 February 1992, and is under the Prime Minister’s own department for the coordination of Community policies, where the operational unit of the Guardia di Finauza es- r.l.ril^PT4T4,,,i4|,l.fTb4bibb..j--..^li,4hh'i-4+-r+<--ir4+-rTH44-*T--rr^rrhBri-i4aiiLidddAi.iib^'4b4ji^«tdA-ridui-iiiii4-*-i-a 108
tablished by Decree of the Prime Minister, dated 11 January 1995, is located. As regards the administrative organisation of fraud prevention, the national reports indicate on the whole that there is a great con- trast between the protection of revenue and the protection of ex- penditure* Where revenue is concerned, customs and tax authorities have had long experience of fraud prevention and apply the same control methods to Community revenue as have proved their worth in decades of use at national level. Both national and Community revenue may thus be said to enjoy a high level of protection. There are few examples of departments responsible for the monitoring of Community expenditure which are both independent of the administrative authorities and experienced in the field of fraud prevention. According to the national reports, controls tend to be the responsibility of bodies whose work involves the general auditing of government departments and the verification of ac- counts rather than detailed checks of Community expenditure. Between thv forces of dissuasion represented by high-level in- stitutions, on the one hand, and the primary checks carried out by the administrator himself, on the other, there is room for specific fraud-prevention controls carried out by specialists in the fight against organised financial crime, who should be independent of the special staff administering funds and who should hold wide-ranging powers of investigation. If the controls applicable to expenditure could be raised to the level of those currently applied to revenue, the protection of both national and Community finances would be considerably enhanced. I Vocabulary notes VAT**V»!ue Added Tax to extend fjks'tend] detriment fdetrimont] to the detriment of snib НДС (налог на добавлен- ную стоимость) расширять, распростра- нять ущерб, вред в ущерб кому-либо 109
without detriment to без ущерба для similarly ['simobh] так же, подобным обра- зом to assign [a'sam] i) назначать, определять; 2) передавать (права. иму- щество) task задач а. задание task force оперативная группа (создаваемая на время для решения какой-либо опреде- ленной задачи) revenue ['revonju:] годовой ДОХОД (осой госу- дарстве нный) expenditure [jks'pencijtfa] расходы (особ, государст- венные) decade ['dekerd] десятилетие to enjoy [m'dgoij I) получать удовольствие, наслаждаться; 2) пользо- ваться, обладать according to по словам, по мнению, по утверждению to tend I) иметь тенденцию; 2) заботиться to audit O:dit] проверять отчетность, ревизовать account [a'kauntj счет dissuasion [di'sweign] разубеждение, отговари- вание primary ['praiman] первоначальный, первич- ный staff штат служащих, служеб- ный персонал to administer I) управлять, вести (делtг); 2) отправлять (правосудие); налагать (взыскание) to raise I) поднимать; 2) собирать (налогщ средства и т.д.) current ['клгэпЦ текущий, теперешний, современный 110
currently syn, at present, at the present time, now current week, month, etc. of current interest to enhance [m'lios] в настоящее время текущая неделя, месяц и т.д. злободневный, актуальный увеличивать, усиливать, усугублять В Words and Grammar a Write down the word families of the following words: to administer^ to extend to tend $ to audit to organise to experience to assign b Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick: to assign ' to enjoy получать удовольствие пользоваться to tend ч иметь тенденцию заботиться to administer управлять отправлять (правосудие} 111
c Choose the antonyms of the following words from the box: unexperienced, «ккрешкяй? secondary light, worthless, irresponsible, inessential, few dependent ..... responsible............... experienced............... primary................... serious ............... . worthy..................... essential.................. many....................... d Match the English and Russian equivalents1 and write down a few short sentences with them, on the basis of the text: to the detriment of smth according to smth as regards smth in particular shortly currently similarly considerably как сообщает... и ущерб чему-либо в частности в настоящее время вскоре подобным образом значительно что касается ... е Write down what parts of sentence the ing-forms are in each case and translate the following into Russian: to combat serious crime including economic crimes ... .......................................................... the Office’s powers extend to all serious offences involving organ- ised crime......................................................... the essential task of monltoring Community fraud................... departments responsible for the monitoring of Community expen- diture ............................................................ Italian legislation should shortly assign to the Guardia di Finanza this task thus making it a key instrument of their policy.......... 112
f Encircle the Past Participles and translate the following word combinations into Russian: 1 the policy [laid down] at the highest level 2 the operational unit of the Guardia di Finanza established by the Decree of the Prime Minister 3 the forces of dissuasion represented by high-level institutions 4 the primary checks carried out by the administrator himself 6 specific fraud prevention controls carried out by specialists in the fight against organised financial crime 6 if the controls applicable to expenditure could be raised to the level of those currently applied to revenue й Underline the Nominative with the Infinitive Construction and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 Both national and Co m mu n i ty re yen ties are said toenjoy a high level of protection, 2 They may be said to be well-protected, 3 Controls are announced to be the responsibility of those bodies. 4 This organisation is announced to have been set up in 1992. 5 The Community finances are expected to be considerably enhanced. В Suggested activities h Sum up what has been done in each European country to combat fraud. i Write down a few sentences about the Community's efforts to prevent frauds. J After refreshing all the texts on frauds make H a plan of your report and p the report: itself on this subject, imagining you are speaking at a ’ symposium, h Work in pairs. Discuss with your group-mate the strong and weak points of your report. 113
Section 2: Money Laundering Trends in the European Union This section summarises the money laundering trends analysed in the European Union countries from a research carried out recently by TRANSCRIME for the European Union. Three main trends are outlined referring to methods, instru* ments and mechanisms for money laundering. Text 1 The money I aunderer changes the illicit proceeds from one form to another, often in rapid succession. The trend is towards acquiring tangible assets (such as cars, boats, aircraft, luxury items, real es- tate, and precious metals) with the bulk cash originating directly from criminal activity. Often, but not necessarily linked with off- shore centres, the mechanism of shell or front companies has been detected♦ These are entities that generally exist only on paper. These legal entities are usually conducted specifically in order to carry out a wide range of criminal businesses such as financial fraud, especially in the United Kingdom, and fraud against the European Union, especially in the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. They do not participate in actual commerce and are run by straw men, as often found in Italy. Their purpose is quite exclusively criminal and they often face a «law enforcement risk» from investi- gations about the real nature of their existence. This is the reason why they are closed down almost as soon as they are formed and often the accountancy books are physically eliminated in order to conceal any trace that could help future or further investigations. Money latmderers arc ever more oriented towards the use of non-bank financial institutions which are still not completely or properly regulated in some European Union member states. As they do not always come under the same obligation as the financial sec- tor, because they are not allowed to undertake banking activities to earn interest, they are used especially at the placement stage for entering the cash into the financial market. There is evidence, espe- cially in the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium, of criminal groups moving from major commercial banks to those called second line banks and often operating accounts in the name of offshore eompa- 114
nies. These include a wide variety of bureaux de change, cheque cashing services, insurers, brokers, importers, exporters and other trading companies, gold and precious metal dealers, express deliv- ery services and other money movers. Casinos or gambling houses are used at the placement stage. Enquiries into stockbroking mar- kets in Austria, Finland and the United Kingdom have, however,1 revealed that much illicitly gained money is laundered in this cir- cuit. A special mention has to be made of insurance companies which are increasingly popular laundering mechanisms, as in Ger- many, especially in the premium insurance bond sector. I Vocabulary notes to launder ['loaida] стирать и гладить (fay/bfi), от- мывши (перен.) laundry прачечная research recently [rfsailj] исследование, изучение недавно illicit IThstt] незаконный, недозволенный, запрещенный proceeds [pro'sudz] доход, вырученная сумма to acquire [a'kwaia] приобретать tangible ['tivndgiWJ ося заемы Й, матер нал ьны й assets ['resets] I) активы, авуары; 2) имущест- во; 3) имущество несостоя- тельного должника, имущество обанкротившейся фирмы luxury ['lAkJan] роскошь item real estate .vv/L real property real estate agent real estate duty ['mtom] предмет недвижимость, недвижимое имущество агент по продаже недвижимо- сти (Жм/аг, земельных участков и именин) налог на унаследованную не- движимость 115
precious ('prejas] драгоценный bulk cash to originate to link большое количество наличные (деньги) происходить, возникать связывать straw a straw man [st raj солома 1) соломенное чучело; 2) нена- дежный человек; 3) подти- пов, фиктивное лицо existence [ig'zistans] существование to eliminate t race strict strict truth in the strict sense [I'limmeit] устранять, исключать, уничто- жать след 1) строгий, требовательный; 2) точный истинная правда в строгом смысле этого слоив of the word to earn [arn] зарабатывать, получать interest major major reconstruc- ['interest] 1) интерес; 2) проценты; 3) доля, участие в прибылях главный коренная перестройка tion l<> operate 1) нести, производить (операции) вести счета (е банке)', 2) управ- лять, наведывать to operate ac- counts bureau de change /V. bureaux de change gambling house ['bjuareu do 'tjemdg] ['bjuero; da 'tjemdgj пункт обмени валюты игорный дом to gamble stockbroker [gajiublJ играть в азартные игры биржевой маклер io reveal [n'vtil] по козы вать, раскры пать 116
circuit ('sa:k[t] 1) кругооборот; 2) выезжая сес- сия суда; 3) (судебный) округ bond 1) облигация; 2) долговое обя- зательство; 3) таможенная за- кладная I Words and Grammar a Mark (with a tick) the meaning in which the following words are used in the text: активы assets имущество имущество несостоятельного должника соломенное чучело я straw шан < ненадежный человек подставное лицо интерес interest проценты доля кругооборот circuit ' выездная сессия суда (ci дебный) округ облигация bond < долговое обязательство таможенная закладная b Choose the synonyms from the box: to take part, to receive, to sum up, to come from, to connect, to carry out, to remove, to open to acquire to originate to link to summarise to undertake to eliminate to participate to reveal 117
c Choose the antonyms from the box: slow, imaginary, tHiek improper, illegal, incomplete licit ....................... legal .............................. rapid........................ complete.......................... actual ...................... proper ........................... cl Write down the word families of the following words: t<} exist to launder— йшЖси to operate.^- to gamble < to earn <; to originate g Write out the English equivalents from the text: криминальная деятельность.................................... оффшорные центры.......................................... головные фирмы............................................ фактическая торговля ..................................... бухгалтерские книги....................................... небанковские финансовые учреждения........................ особо следует отметить .................................... f Write down what parts of sentence the ing-forms are and translate the following into Russian: money laundering trends . three main trends are outlined referring to these methods and in-: struments................................................. 118
the trend is towards acquiring tangible assets.................. they are criminal groups moving to banks called second line banks and often operating accounts in the name of offshore companies insurance companies are increasingly popular laundering mecha- nisms .......................................................... I Suggested activities £ Write down a few sentences on each of the following, basing on the text: acquiring money criminal ac- second line banks tivity stockbroking markets shell companies premium insurance bond sector Text 2 The use of more sophisticated money laundering methods has also gone beyond wire transfers to include a seemingly endless Va- riety of licit and illicit financial instruments. The possibility for criminal organisations to launder their pro- ceeds through banking financial institutions exists without the knowledge of the illicit source by the financial or commercial op- erator or because of a more or less explicit complicity, if not even through a corrupted or criminally controlled institution, Individu- ally or in concert, employees of financial or business institutions are in fact facilitating money laundering operations by willingly ac- cepting large cash deposits, by failing to report transactions which exceed the threshold required by the law or by filing false reporting documents. This situation occurs for example in mature financial systems which are particularly exposed to organised crime, as Italy certainly is. There is, however, emerging concern about new banking prac- tices within the European Union, such as direct access banking (favoured customers are given the bank’s software and allowed to 119
process transactions directly through their accounts) or suspense accounts (of banks with other banks). Pass-through banking by it- self is posing a myriad of problems for regulators» by creating ac- counts within accounts, even banks within banks. These new bank services limit the utility of identification systems. Representative offices — an office representing a foreign bank that does not have a branch in a specific country constitute another privileged target used by money launderers. Normal financial regulations do not al- ways apply to them because a representative office is not an official banking institution, while the office accepts deposits and transfers the funds into its own account without disclosing the identities of the owners of the deposits. I Vocabulary notes wire transfer wire by wire financial instrument source complicity to facilitate to fail to fail to report without fail failure to exceed th rcshold to file false mature mature system to expose [so:s] [kanfphsiti] [fb'sihteit] ['feilja] [ik'snd] ['Orejhould] [foils] [nw'tjua] Jiks'pouz] телеграфный перевод телеграф no телеграфу финансовыИ инструмент (амнмна, ценные булшеи, депо- зштч) источник соучастие (а преступлении) облегчать, содействовать не исполнить, не сделать не сообщать непременно, обязательно неудача превышать порог заполнить ложный, подложный зрелый, развитый развитая система подвергать 120
to expose to difficul- ставить в затруднительное ties положение access ['xksas] доступ, подход favoured f'feivad] привилегированный, поль- зующийся преимуществом favoured few немногие избранные software ['softwea] программное обеспечение, программные средства, про- граммы suspense [sas'pens] временное прекращение, приостановка suspense account промежуточный счет (аля сомнительных операций пли от и бон и ыл noci купле пай) utility □u'tilitij полезность, использование target цель to disclose [dis'klouz] раскрывать, разоблачать disclosure [dis'klouja] раскрытие, разоблачение, открытие, обнаружение I Words and Grammar a Write down the verbs from which the following nouns are formed: transfer — Л» facilities..................... exposure............................... failure........................ favour................................. file........................... disclosure............................. maturity ...................... wire.,..,.............................. b Write down (he nouns formed from the following verbs: to know — to use........................ to organise.................... to vary....................... to control.,........... -...... to finance................... to cash....................... 121
c Write down the English equivalents, using the text: более изощренные методы..................................... бесконечное разнообразие.................................. более или менее явное соучастие........................... коррумпированная организация.............................. фальшивые документы по отчетности......................... развитая финансовая система............................... вновь появившееся беспокойство............................ огромное количество проблем............................... <1 Write down as many nouns as possible with the following adjectives and verbs: sophysticated equipment,. ................ criminal groups..................................................... financial institution............................................... to report transactions.............................................. to pose a problem................................................. to consitute a target............................................... to transfer funds................................................... to disclose the names............................................... e Write down a few sentences of your own with the following word combinations: to fail to facilitate to report the transfer to transfer the funds to open an account to open a representative office money laundering operations direct access banking accept!ng deposits reporting transactions opening suspense accounts 122
f Insert the correct prepositions and make sentences, based on the text: to launder proceeds...................banking financial institutions to be exposed........difficulties because.......a more or less explicit complicity individually or......concert to exceed the threshold required... the law to transfer funds........one’s own account the identities.......the owners.......the deposits these regulations do not apply...... such offices Й Underline the ing-forms and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 They fac i I i late money laundering operati on s by w i 11 i ngly accepting* large cash deposits. 2 Pass-through banking by itself is posing a myriad of problems for regulators by creating accounts within.accounts............................... 1 ’ .11Ч1-’ЬГ'’' i | ь ' J - i ' i j 4 i b i i 4 i I J h | 4 | ..i-.Fii-ibL.id . L I L , |H|4..rr.-ii. . J ..... 3 They transfer funds into their own account without disclosing the identities of the owners of the deposits...................................... I Suggested activities h Write down a title of this text and say why you like It. i Sum up what the text s ays about: я direct access banking к suspense'accounts № pass-through banking и representative offices of banks я money laundering through banking financial institutions in general 123
Text3 A random reading of cases in the country analysis reveals that a new category of professional money laundering specialists is emerg- ing. These professionals have been emerging in Belgium, the Neth- erlands and Portugal as white collar criminals acting as financial ad- visers both as individuals or as organisations like firms. In the United Kingdom they emerged mainly as solicitors. In Italy they are often members of the criminal organisation or very close to it, as a branch of the same, providing specific laundering services. They sell high quality services, contacts, experience and knowledge of money movements, supported by the latest electronic technology, especially in international financial centres such as Germany or the United Kingdom, to any trafficker or other criminal witling to pay their fees. In addition to buying into established companies, or creating shell corporations in out-of-the-way venues, and buying and trading commodities, purchasing equipment, and the like, the more sophis- ticated money managers put the traffickers’ proceeds into a wide range of financial instruments. The possibilities offered by impor- tant international financial and stock- exchange centres in the Euro- pean Union comprise an endless variety of possibilities of diversifi- cation. They often manage funds for third parties beyond contracts such as fiduciary contracts, financial management, foundations, third party accounts and new typologies of contracts such as trust companies. Professionals number criminal organisations among their many clients, and make available to them the same mecha- nisms used by other clients to smuggle gold or to hide profits and shelter proceeds from the tax collector. In a variation on this proce- dure, some,money brokers are buying cash in bulk, at a discount rate. The criminal organisations get their proceeds back from the point-of-sale countries without making the moves themselves. These professionals once acted as brokers, charging a commis- sion for handling cash and other transactions; today, they increas- ingly buy the entire proceeds at a discount and control its disposi- tion, reaping profits by investing in legal businesses. Organised crime is changing parallel to the way in which the laundering methods for proceeds of crimes are changing, These 124
changes are effects of many factors, including also the policies en- acted for combating organised crime. In just a few years an interna- tional anti-money laundering regime has been built up and inside it a European network, composed of institutions, mechanisms, hard and soft norms, has been formed. The European Money-Laundering Directive of 1991 is the main instrument for future development in this network. Having a regulatory task, as addressed to the financial institutions, and an indirect one in supporting tougher crime control policies, the Directive contributes to the future challenge of com- bining more free circulation and competition in the European mar- kets and, at the same time, less risk of infiltration of crime. Still, European countries have some difficulty in adopting harmonised anti-money laundering policies that could effectively combat this phenomenon. I Vocabulary notes random ['random] случайный, беспорядочный, выбранный наугад at random trafficker ['traefrko] наугад, наобум торговец (обычно о отрицатель- in addition to venue ['venju:] ном значении} в дополнение к 1) судебный округ, в котором commodity [ka'moditi] должно слушаться дело; 2) ме- сто сбора, встречи 1) предмет потребления; 2) то- syn. goods stock exchange to comprise [kom'praiz] вар; 3) удобство фондовая биржа включать, заключать в себе, diversification [dai,va;sifi'keifn] охватывать 1) разнообразие; 2) вклад капи- тала в различные по типу предприятия (США} 126
to manage ['maenidg] руководить, управлять fiduciary [fi'djurjian] 1) доверенный, порученный; to smuggle [зтлд1] 2) основанный на обществен- ном доверии 1) провозить контрабандой to smuggle into 2) заниматься контрабандой (out, tlirough) a country to smuggle a letter 3) тайно пронести письмо в into a prison тюрьму to shelter 1) приютить, дать приют, ук- collector [ko'lekto] рывать, прикрывать; 2) спря- таться, укрыться 1) сборщик (налогов и т.п.)} discount ['drskaunt] 2) коллекционер; 3) инкассатор 1) скидка; 2) учет векселей; to handle 3) проценты скидки, ставка учета 1) управлять, регулировать; entire [m'taia] 2) делать руками; 3) обращаться с полный, целый, цельный, со- disposition [,dispo'zijn] вершенный 1) расположение, размещение; to reap 2) характер, нрав; 3) избавле- ние, продажа снимать урожай, жать, пожи- network ('netwokj нать плоды 1) сеть, сет ка; 2) сообщество; tough (tAf] . 3) радиотрансляционная сеть жесткий, плотный, упругий, tough criminal стойкий закоренелый преступник tough problem трудноразрешимая проблема tough customer человек, с которым трудно challenge ['tjjelmds] иметь дело 1) вызов, сложная задача; peremptory chai* 2) отвод (присяжных) отвод без указания причины tenge умшмшых делах) 126
circulation [,sa:kju'lei[n] competition [jkompi'tijn] infiltration Lmfilt'reifn] 1) кругооборот, обращение; 2) денежное обращение; 3)тираж соревнование, конкуренция проникновение, просачивание I Words and Grammar a Write down the word families of the following verbs: to establish— vifa&fcMlfHeftt, to change...................... to collect.................... to count....................... to charge..................... to trust..................... to dispose.................... to smuggle..................... to challenge.................. b Encircle the suffixes of the following words and write down the words they are formed from: «nd Cless) .77. &............... possibility.................. professional..................... diversification.............. procedure........................ typology..................... competition...................... c Translate the following word combinations (starting with the last nouns): money laundering specialists..................................... white collar criminals........................................... stock exchange centre............................................ tax collector.................................................... money brokers.................................................... point-of-sale country............................................ the country analysis............................................. crime control policy............................................. anti-money laundering controls................................... 127
сП Group the following words and word combinations into a few logical groups: financial advisers, high quality services, solicitors, contracts, experience and knowledge of money movements, to manage funds, traffickers, fiduciary contracts, to hide profits, shell corporations, financial management, money managers, trust companies, to smug- gle gold, to shelter proceeds from the tax collector, money brokers, to buy cash in bulk at a discount rate, to reap profits by investing in legal business e Underline the Past Participles and translate the following Into Russian: the possibilities offered by important financial centres experience of money movements, supported by the latest electronic technology................................................................. the mechanisms used by other clients....................................... 4 Ь I -I 4 h .4 4 b 4IFF.LII-44-dabt + a.. h . к...4 F b Г I I Ч b.F J *- L. Ч 4 l Ч 4 ь the policies enacted for combating organised crime......................... ,1 F Г 4 4 4 I , .h.IFF,,.г.......... F 4 T h F b I *1..... , ь 4 r the network composed of institutions, mechanisms, hard and soft norms...................................................................... 128
f 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 I 11 1 Encircle the predicates, write down in what forms the verbs are used and translate the sentences into Russian: A new category of professionals [ is emergingj ******** They have been emerging in Belgium, the Netherlands and Portu- gal.............................................................. Organised crime is changing parallel to the way in which the laun- dering methods for proceeds of crimes are changing............... In just a few years an international anti-money laundering regime has been built up................................................ Inside it a European network has been formed..................... Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are and translate the sentences into Russian: A new category of professional money laundering specialists is ap- pearing. (defy J 'Tfofi&ffiCfficfb. Qftwrfi- These professionals are called white collar criminals.............. Professionals number criminal organisations among their many cli- ents. .............................................................. The Directive contributes to less risk of infiltration of crime,____ Many of them risk not only money but their lives too. Suggested activities Write down the answers, using the text: What new professionals in- ..................... volved in money laundering ..................... are emerging? S AlU-l(11h KILLl J IH hi]lhk'lu|L 129
2 What do they sell to crimi- nals? 3 Where are the traffickers* pro- ceeds invested? 4 What is the idea of the Euro- pean Directive adopted tn 1991? 5 Is the Directive very effective? i Make a plan of this text 2. ... 3........................................... 4t ......................................... I Agree or disagree and support your point of view: 1 The phenomenon of white collar criminals is new to Europe. 2 Shell companies originate from the name of Royal Dutch/ Shell, a famous Anglo-Hollandic oil producing, processing and trading company. 3 Fiduciary contracts are quite legal. 4 The main aim of all those criminals is to hide profits and shelter proceeds from the tax collector. Text 4 There are differences in the predicate offence in the criminal legislation of the members states. Some countries (Austria, Bel- gium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Motherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom) include in the predicate offences all sort of crimes, following the provisions of the 1990 Strasbourg F 'FTr.T.r + i ......................... Ml Hd 130
’ Convention; some others (Denmark and Greece) have a list with specific categories of crimes and the other countries (Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal) criminalise money laundering derived from drug trafficking offences only. These differences among member states in the range of predi- cate offences to which money laundering legislation is linked, pro- duce disparity in the prohibition of money laundering, legislations move towards the extension of the predicate crimes for the money laundering offence, including all categories of serious crimes, as recommended by Article 6, first paragraph, of the 1990 Strasbourg Convention, which obliges signatory states to criminalise the laun- dering of proceeds of «any criminal activity». Nevertheless, para- graph four of the same Article provides a clause of partial exemp- tion to this provision: according to it, each signatory state is al- lowed to limit the predicate offences to a specific list of serious crimes (for instance, organised crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, etc.). The request for exemption should be eliminated. This would move financial and credit sectors of European countries to extend the reporting provisions to all suspected money laundering activi- ties, independently of the typology of crimes. This development in the legislation will contribute to the improvement of the coopera- tion between financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. There is recurring evidence in the country analysis of incressing shifts of suspected money laundering activities from regulated to unregulated sectors within the same state and between single mem- ber states. This trend is the result of the risk evaluation made by crime entrepreneurs; they obviously try to lower the risk of being detected. The anti-money laundering preventive legislation of each mem- ber state nnisL therefore, be extended to eliminate the sectorial weaknesses. Measures will have to be studied to prevent certain sectors from remaining outside the field of the law and being possi- bly used for criminal purposes. It is necessary to pay attention to this extension. The risk of an 6 verregulation is incumbent and ap- ; propriate measures should be studied for optimising the defence of the free market and the entrepreneurial activity from any unlawful actors, and the basic rules of free and equal competition character- ising it. 131
I Vocabulary notes predicate ['predikitj list to enter in я list to make a list drug drugstore disparity [drs'pajnti] disparity in years prohibition [jproui'bifn] signatory ['signatari] exemption [itfzempjn] exemption from mili- tary service to contribute (to smth) [kan'tribjirt] to recur evaluation [i,va;lju'cijn] entrepreneur [.ontrapro'na:] obvious ['obvios] for an obvious reason an obvious question to eliminate [I'hrnineitJ to eliminate a possi- bility incumbent [m'kAmbant] actor a bad actor утверждение список, перечень, реестр вносить в список составлять список 1) наркотик; 2) лекарство, медикамент аптека неравенство, несоответст- вие, несоразмерность разница в годах I) запрещение; 2) сухой закон сторона, подписавшая ка- кой-либо договор или дру- гой документ освобождение (от налогов и nut) освобождение от военной службы способствовать, содейство- вать (чему-либо) возвращаться, повторяться, происходить вновь оценка, определение предприниматель очевидный, явный, ясный по вполне понятной причине само собой напрашиваю- щийся вопрос устранять, исключать исключать возможность обязанность, долг 1) деятель; 2) актер ненадежный человек 132
Words and Grammar Form nouns from the following verbs and translate them into Russian: to list tiitez fat to prohibit to sign____ to exempt. to range.... to link...... to extend... to recommend to request.. Write out the English equivalents from the text: следуя статьям Конвенции ............................... отдельные виды преступлений............................. торговля наркотиками.......'............................ статья 6, параграф 1 ................................... включать пункт.......................................... определенный список серьезных преступлений.............. органы правопорядка..................................... Match the English and Russian equivalents: provision-^_ according to it signatory state to oblige nevertheless как в нем говорится положение (договора), условие тем нс менее государство, подписавшее (Конвенцию) обязывать to suspect просить to request подозревать 133
d Add as many nouns as you can which can be used with the following adjectives: inspected Z~~- cMfemi o^icei entrepreneurial rcgu fated partial organised financial appropriate s~ criminal < possible !!e Insert the correct articles wherever necessary: ... United Kingdom ... Austria ... Netherlands ... provisions of... 1990 Strasbourg Convention ... Article6 ... paragraph four ... same Article ... anti-money laundering pre- ventive legislation of ... each member state must therefore be extended to eliminate ... sectorial weakness. According to it,... each signatory State is allowed to limit ... predi- cate offences to ... specific list of ... serious crimes. 134
f Choose the correct prepositions: exemption fronifef\x\\litaiy service exemption ^owr/qfthis provision to contribute in/to the improvement of the cooperation differences of in the predicate offences from/fa the criminal legis- lation to criminalise money laundering derived fro m/of drug trafficking legislations move al/to the extension of the predicate crimes as recommended by/on Article 6 4 Write down sentences of your own with the following: to limit the predicate offences the request for exemption to extend the reporting provisions to produce disparity to lower the risk h Encircle the predicates, write down in what forms the verbs are used and translate the sentences Into Russian: 1 The request for exemption[should be eliminated) 7^. fa, ।..................... 2 These differences produce disparity m the prohibition of money laundering................................................................ 3 This would move financial sectors of European countries to extend the reporting provisions.................................................. 4 This trend is the result of the risk evaluation^....................... 5 They obviously by to lower the risk of being detected.................. Г r . M - 4 - H >1 |aaj,,Fai,l.Lipp4r|.Lap,|bii1|p||4*a|aaabb| | a a r 4 1 i h a 1 I a I p 4 l| 1 ajha4l4p1iphphlj 6 The legislation must therefore be extended to eliminate the sectorial weakness.................................................................. 7 Measures will have to be studied to prevent certain sectors from remaining outside the field of the law...................................... 135
В Suggested activities i Translate the sentences from the text which speak about: H possible overregulation Q defence of the free market и the 1990 Strasbourg Convention я the differences in the predicate offence in the criminal legislation of the European Union countries J Make a plan of this text and compose a title of the whole text. 1 ................................ 2 ................................ 3 ................................ Text 5 If too many obligations are posed upon a specific sector or in a specific country, there is a risk of creating serious distortions among different sectors in a single member state or geopolitical distortions in a specific area of the European region because they increase costs and time devoted to the controls. The resources allo- cated for anti-money laundering controls would not directly be in- vested in the production cycle of goods or services and would be perceived as an added fixed cost in respect of other competitors who do not have to sustain those same obligations, In this direction, Article 13 of the Directive provides for the crea- tion of a Contact Committee, whose main task is to facilitate the co- ordination and harmonisation of implementing measures between member states, including action regarding the extension of obliga- tions to additional unregulated professions and undertakings* Actu- ally, the Contact Committee is examining the possibility of creating for all ESuropean Union member states a common list of professions and categories of undertakings to be covered. In doing so, many problems arise: first of all, there is the consideration that money 136
laundering can be carried out through virtually any kind of business. However, this does not mean that the provisions of the Directive should be applied to all kind of professions and undertakings, re- gardless of the real risk involved. Any decision in this regard should keep the balance between the obligations and duties to be imposed and the real risk of money laundering. Secondly, it is important to understand the modus operandi of internal control systems and super- visory authorities for each profession* For this reason, the specific obligations to be applied to each profession and the appropriate sys- tem to enforce them should be carefully considered* Certain geographical areas remain scarcely regulated or not regulated at all, and some offshore financial centres are in the European continent or in territories somehow linked to European Union member states. Most offshore banks are subsidiaries or branches of banks headquartered tn European Union member countries. Further extension of regulatory provisions also to these subsidiaries or geographic areas should, of course, contribute to en- hancing the effectiveness of these obligations and distribute among more actors the economic costs of these preventive policies. The non-compliance io these obligations by external countries or by in- stitutions should be turned into an economic disadvantage, provid- ing sanctions for the institutions or into economic barriers and fis- cal disincentives for the countries. 1__________________________ I Vocabulary notes to pose to create distortion to allocate ['tebkcit] to invest to invest in smth (industry,..,) to invest, with sin th (power, ..*) формул if ронять, нала гать, ставить, предлагать творить, создавать искажение, искривление размещать, распределять, ассигновать I) помешать, вкладывать {деньги, капиталу делать капиталовложения в N ШЛ») 2) облекать (пОИПОЛНМиЯЛЩ и WJJf,) 137
to perceive [pa'snv] воспринимать, осознавать, чувствовать to sustain the court sustained his claim undertaking to arise (arose, arisen) {si/stein] 1) поддерживать; 2) испыты- вать, выносить, выдерживать; 3) подтверждать, доказывать суд решил в его пользу 1) предприятие, дело; 2) обя- зательство, соглашение появляться, возникать virtually regardless to impose modus operand! (Lat,) supervisory supervisory body ['vonjoli] фактически, в сущности, по- истине невзирая на, не считаясь с облагать (пошлиной, налогом н т.п.) образ действий наблюдательный, контроли- рующий контрольный орган scarcely ['skeosLi) 1) едва, как только, только что; 2) едва ли, вряд ли: 3) едва, с трудом subsidiary луп. subsidiary com- pany [sob'stdianj дочерняя, подконтрольная компания headquarters [jhed'kwoitez] 1) штаб, штаб-квартира; 2) главное управление, центр, центральный орган to distribute [dr'stnbjiutj 1) раздавать, распределять; 2) распространять; 3) клас- сифицировать compliance in compliance with your wish [kom'pinions] согласие в соответствии с вашим по- желанием disadvantage to be at a disadvantage Ldisad'vaintidg] невыгода, невыгодное поло- жение, вред, ущерб быть в невыгодном положении liscal fiscal year [W] финансовый, фискальный финансовый год disincentive f,taii'sentiv] сдерживающее средство, препятствие 138
I Words and Grammar a Match the English and Russian equivalents: to pose to create to allocate to perceive to arise to distribute творить формулировать . распределять появляться воспринимать ассигновать I) Choose the antonyms from the box: careless, Hidiffcreirt, indirect, external, inappropriate, unregulated, unreal, slight different.................... direct...................... regnal ted................... real....................... internal....................... appropriate.................... careful........................ serious........................ c Form the nouns with negative meaning (using prefixes d/s-. non-. im-) from the following nouns: advantage .... incentive .................. possibility..................... compliance................ balance........................... observance................ regard............................ d Make a few short sentences with the following words; to co ntro I CO tl t Го1т7. . LiibiaaiiLa-Liij-aa-ai-LiiaiJ^i-ariiii-Laiilibaiiiiia - lbrrjii-i-iil-ia-biair4iirial-iiilaallhliilaa4iih4al-4liibJh-ii to service — service..................................................................................... to cover — cover......................................................................................... 139
to balance — balance............................................. to cost — COSt .................................................. e Make a few short sentences with the following word combinations: an argument a tax an attempt to impose a duty to sustain a defeat an injury a task a resolution losses obligations sanctions f Encircle the Past Participles and translate the following into Russian: timef devoted) to the controls ...... the resources allocated for anti-money laundering controls.......... the real risk involved................................................ territories somehow linked to European Union member states.......... ................ . * . , ........ I 1 . I I L ... к I- . 1 I - 4 . □ . b b - . . . 4 > h b branches of banks headquartered in European Union member countries........................................................ ..... Й Underline the ing-form, write down what parts of sentence they are and translate the sentences Into Russian: 1 There is a risk of creating serious distortions. ......................... суметь - i I - > - I...b r f b 4 I 4 I- L . b b I 4 1 F J |FbP..j4^.l..b.rbkbl F 4 fe 4 И b , ц | | | i p I 4 4 4 F I- 4 I F F I I F I F I > M H 4 F F > 2 Their main task is to facilitate the harmonisation of implementing measures between member states................................................ 3 They examine the possibility of creating for all European member states a common list of professions........................................... 4 It should contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of these obliga- tions.......................................................................... 5 In doing so many problems arise........................................... 140
h 1 2 3 4 5 6 В 1 1 к н Я Underline the Infinitives, explain the use or omission (пропуск) of the parti- ole to and translate the following into Russian: They do not have to sustain those same obligations.®^?*1 The main task is to facilitate coordination of measures. They plan to create a list of professions and categories to be covered. Money laundering can be carried out through virtually any kind of business. Any decision should keep the balance between the obligations and duties to be imposed and the real risk of money laundering. It is important to understand the modus operand! of internal control systems. The specific obligations to be applied to each profession should be carefully considered. Suggested activities Make a plan of the text and compose a title of the whole text. Sum up what the text says about Article 13 of the European Money Laun- dering Directive of 1991, Say what you know about: offshore zones money laundering in such zones Work in pairs. Discuss with your g roup-mate one or another recent piece of news con- cerning economic activities in offshore zones, 141
Section 3: Corruption and Remedies against it Text 1 During a research recently carried out by TRANSCRIME on corruption in the 15 European Union countries, six main patterns of corruption and different patterns of criminal responses to corruption were outlined: a systematic corruption (Italy, France, Spain and Belgium); м emerging systematic corruption (Germany and Greece); 0 sporadic corruption (Ireland, Austria and Portugal); ' » casual corruption (the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark and Swe- den); 9 English corruption (United Kingdom); a managing others’ corruption (Luxembourg). With reference to legal responses the main criteria used for this analysis were: a) the definition of the crime of corruption; b) the distinction between passive and active corruption; c) the definition of passive and active subjects involved in the crime of corruption; and d) sanctions. The results show that there is less homogeneity with respect to the definition of the crime of corruption. The differences in definition are related to the fact that corruption takes on different forms in the various European countries, depending on each cultural and social context. It is important to study the cultural background of the various countries in order to discover the constant elements of corruption and thus to adopt the most effective preventive measures. For instance, when referring to «corruption prone environment» in Italy, we are talking about a phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the cultural tra* dition of Italian society, in the sense that corrupt activities are prac- tised and accepted by normal citizens. The penal codes of the United Kingdom and Germany envisage various levels of corruption crimes (misdemeanours or felonies), according to the position held by the actor. Another distinction is related to the nature of the corruption 142
act, in that it may be linked with, or contrary to the functional role of the actor In the case of the passive receipt of a bribe by a public offi- cial in order to speed up a service for which he/she is competent, the penalty of a fine is envisaged. On the other hand, a public official who authorises the issuance of a licence although this is not under his/her competence, is committing an offence. In Austria (Article 304, paragraph I), Denmark (Article 144), Finland (Article 40), Ger- many (paragraph 332), the Netherlands (Article 363) passive corrup- tion involving abuse of the public function is punished with a higher penalty than in the case of corruption that does not involve the abuse of a public function, S Vocabulary notes remedy ['renndil 1) средство от болезни, лекар- ство; 2) средство, мера (пропит чего-либо)'. 3) средство судебной защиты, средство защиты права pattern Гршт] модель, система sporadic [spa'raedlk] единичный, случайный casual ['каедазЦ 1) случайный; 2) непреднаме- ренный; 3) случайный, нерегу- лярный criterion (Cait) [krai'honan] критерий pl. criteria distinction [krat'tiorio] различие, отличие, разница homogeneity [Jiomoudge'nEati] однородность to be related относиться, иметь отношение background предпосылка, данные, объясне- ния, фон, истоки prone склонный prone to anger вспыльчивый He is prone to Он склонен к быстрым действи- prompt action. ям. 143
environment [in'vaiaianmant] rooted penal the penal code to envisage m isdemeanour felony contrary to bribe окружаю тая обстановка, ок- ружающая среда вкоренившийся, коренящийся уголовный уголовный кодекс предусматривать, рассматри- вать судебно наказуемый проступок, преступление уголовное преступление противоположный взятка [,mtsdt'mi:no] I Words and Grammar a Write down the nouns formed from the following verbs: to research — to corrupt................. to respond.................. to outline.................. to refer.................... to define................... to link..................... to service......... to issue........... to penalize..... .............. to fine........................ to break....................... to notify b Write down the nouns from which the following adjectives are formed: criminal — systematic................... normal.............................. cultural..................... functional.......................... effective.................... corrupt............................. 144
c Choose the antonyms from the box: long ago, similar, old, extraordinary, sporadic, secondary passive —. systematic................... emerging.......................... recently..................... normal............................ different.................... main.............................. d Match the English and Russian equivalents: to carry out a research to outline different patterns to take on different forms to depend on social context to study the cultural back- ground to discover elements of cor- ruption to envisage various levels of crimes рассматривать различные уровни преступлений проводить изучение обрисовывать в общих чертах различные модели принимать различные формы обнаружить элементы корруп- ции зависеть от социальных усло- вий изучать истоки культуры е Write down a short sentence with each of the following words: criterion — criteria...................................... phenomenon — phenomena.................................... analysis — analyses ....................................... 14S
f Insert the correct prepositions and make sentences on the basis of the text with the following word combinations: a research corruption................. ........................ responses .corruption............................................ reference ... legal responses.................................... subjects involved ... the crime of corruption.................... with respect ... the definition of the crime..................... the differences ... definition................................... to relate ... the fact........................................... to depend ... the context........................................ to refer... corruption prone environment......................... й Complete the list of words associated with corru ption. 1 to carry out a research on cor- ................................. rtiption ................................ 2 a pattern of corruption ................................ h Encircle the Participles and translate the following into Russian: Corruption takes on different forms in the various European coun- on each cultural and social context. 2 When referring to ‘corruption prone environment’ in Italy, we are talking about a phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the cultural tradition........................................................ 3 The Penal Code of the UK envisages various levels ofcrimes ac- cording to the position held by the actor........................ 4 Passive corruption involving abuse of the public function is pun- ished with a higher penalty........................................... 146
I Suggested activities h Complete the following sentences on the basis of the text: 1 The six main patterns of corruption in Europe are:................... 2 The main criteria used for the analysis were:........................ ......................................................... I , 4 I P I Write out the answers from the text: 1 What research on corruption was earned out?.......................... 2 What did it result in? k............................................. 3 Why were there differences in the definition of corruption?.......... I b ......I I - I- b I L - I I -I 1 I - I - 1 I I I I I L I I . J L L I .-.- I a - I . I. I F j Explain the meaning of the following terms in English: a passive corruption м 'managing others’ corruption emerging systematic corruption Text 2 Italy has also adopted this line of action as is shown in Article 319 (Corruption for an Act that is Contrary to Official Duties) which is cited below: «The public official who omits or delays, or who has omitted or delayed an act of his/her office, or who has committed an act that is contrary to his/her official duty.., is pun- ishable with two to five years of imprisonment». In accordance with Article 318, corruption in relation to official duty is punishable with between two months and three years of im- prisonment In several cases, the criminalisation of active corrup- tion depends on the nature of the act carried out by the passive ac- tor. The Netherlands and Denmark do not punish active corruption if this does not induce the public official to abuse his duties. On the other hand, Germany punishes this type of active corruption, ab 147
though it envisages a lighter sanction (maximum two years of im- prisonment) than that applied for corruption involving abuse of of- ficial duties (3 months to 5 years of imprisonment). In Portugal, the above-mentioned corruption was criminalised on 1 October 1995. The other states have not made any distinction in this respect. From an analysis of legislation in the various countries of the European Union, it is impossible to identify a distinction between active and passive corruption in all of them. These two criminal acts represent the two faces of the same coin since corruption crimes involve more than one actor and pre- suppose at least one person offering or promising an advantage and another person accepting or receiving the advantage. However, in most cases it appears that the corrupter cannot be prosecuted for having participated in the transgression of the corrupted person, and vice versa. As far as the definition of the passive actor is concerned, numerous countries including Denmark, Sweden, Holland, the United Kingdom and Italy, have adopted a wide definition that cov- ers public functionaries, judges, members of Parliament, political figures, members of the Armed Forces, functionaries of the Central Bank, and legal and economic consultants, in order to guarantee greater correctness in the public services. Other countries like Finland and Portugal, have opted for a more limited extension of the above-mentioned concept, so as to cover only certain categories of public functionaries and elected of- fices. Austria, for example, does not extend the law related to cor- ruption to members of an autonomous economic authority. Greece and Germany deal with corruption of judges and referees in a spe- cific separate article. In fact, the most significant differences be- tween the legislation of the various states relate to the definition of the passive actor. This represents one of the main obstacles in the international fight against corruption, and it is hoped that all states will decide on a single definition of the public official. There is no problem regarding the definition in the case of the active party. Since active corruption is not a crime belonging to a certain cate- gory, it can be perpetrated by anyone, whereas in the case of pas- sive corruption, the actor can only be a very qualified person. 148
I Vocabulary notes to cite I) ссылаться, цитировать; 2) вызывать в суд (fyxiwyttfecm- панна церковный) to omit [э'тн] пренебрегать, упускать to induce to induce smb to do smth [in'djivs] убеждать, побуждать, скло- нять, заставлять з встав ит ь ко го-л и бо еде л ать что-либо to presuppose [jpnso'pouzj предполагать transgression [trmns'grefn] проступок, нарушение (закона vice versa (Lai.) [jVaisi'vojsa] наоборот functionary to opt ['ГлдЦпоп] должностное лицо, чиновник выбиратЕ. referee [,refa'n:] третейский судья, арбитр obstacle to throw obstacles in smb’s way to overcome obstacles ['obstokll препятствие, помеха чинить препятствия кому-либо преодолевать препятствия to perpetrate to perpetrate a pun ['po;pitreit] совершать (ошибку^ преступле- нии it wjj.); шу/ш?' сотворить сочинить каламбур whereas [weor'fcz] тогда как qualified [’kwolifaid] J) компетентный; 2) подходящий, пригодный; 3) ограниченный I Words and Grammar a Write down the words from which the following ones are formed: imprisonment — ч , к ь i i 14 + 4 + h 1 I I ha 4 О cri mi utilisation.......... definition........................ corrupter................... accordance........................ functionary................. referee........................... 149
b Match the English and Russian equivalents: as is shown in article.,, which is cited in the article on the one hand \ on the other hand the above mentioned... the below mentioned... the Netherlands (Holland) Denmark a Dane a Dutchman с одной стороны с другой стороны нижеуказанный вышеуказанный как указывается в статье который цитируется в статье датчанин голландец Голландия Дания с Choose the synonyms from the box: to provide for, to commit, te-eever, to quote, to ignore, to define, to make to induce — zb to envisage.................... to cite........................ to perpetrate.................. to omit........................ to include..................... to identify.................... d Choose the correct prepositions and write down a few short sentences on the basis of the text: contrary to/tit smth in relation with/lo smth to depend oflon smth to belong in/to smth m/at this respect infal several cases 150
e Add as many nouns as possible which can be used with the following adjectives: punishable....................... active........................... official.. corrupted passive legal.... f Encircle the ing-forms and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 They apply this sanction (involving) abuse of official duties. ДО?**#/. 2 These acts presuppose at least one person offering or promising an advantage and another person accepting or receiving the advantage. 3 The corrupter cannot be persecuted for having participated in the transgression of the corrupted person.................................. £ Write down what parts of sentence the word that is, if it can be omitted in these sentences or not and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 Article 319 speaks about corruption for an act that is contrary to official duties........................................................................................... 2 It envisages a lighter sanction than that applied for corruption. Pl|l4ri>>rLL>l44P|4l>lLll4P444>ldJ.44 -4-rF4>,',-<bdFI-FI-ll-l-4J-rJ4l-4.-<4bdIdI>Ir>*4IIIi4>4F4|4-l4*FlhF4F*Fhb'4hF->d44Tl>-L 3 It is hoped that all states will decide on a single definition of the public official.......................................................................................... h Write down the answers to the following questions using the text: 1 What is the punishment for public officials who have committed an act contrary to their official duties, in Italy?................. 2 Are public officials punishable in similar cases» in the Netherlands and Denmark?..................................................... 3 What is the practice in Germany in this respect?.............. 151
I Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 In Portugal, the above mentioned corruption was criminalised on 1 October, 1995. 2 It is impossible to identify active and passive corruption in all of them, 3 As far as the definition of the passive actor is concerned, many countries have adopted a wide definition. 4 Finland and Portugal have opted for a more limited extension. 5 There is no problem regarding the definition in the case of the ac- tive party. 6 In the case of passive corruption, the actor can only be a very quali- fied person. j Write down a plan and compose a title of the text 1 ............................. 2 ............................. 3 ............................. Text 3 As far as the actual moment of the commission of the corrup- tion crime is concerned, there are no major differences. What mat- ters is the collusive agreement, in the sense that the corruption is perfect ioned when the passive actor does not expressly refuse the advantage offered to him. The fact that the promise is really main- tained is not relevant for the purposes of the commitment of the of- fence. According to German, Austrian, Greek and Danish legisla- tion, the legal interest that is protected by the corruption law is violated by the simple collusive agreement. The legal authority has only to prove the abstract relationship between the illegitimate ad- vantage and the performance or violation of the public function. Passive corruption involves the commission or omission of an act on the part of the passive actor, With respect to an analysis of the sanctions, it can be noted that almost all countries envisage more severe sanctions for passive cor- 152
ruption since the beneficiary of the bribe holds a public office and therefore represents the state institutions. On the other hand, the same sanctions are envisaged for both the corrupter and the cor- rupted person in Italy, Portugal, Finland, Greece and Sweden. The penalties that are traditionally envisaged by all the countries studied are pecuniary sanctions and incarceration, the minimum and maxi- mum duration of which vary noticeably from one country to the other. The Netherlands and Portugal inflict the mildest sanctions for corruption crimes, with three and six months of imprisonment re- spectively. In addition to the traditional sanctions, several countries envisage additional sanctions. In Finland, Sweden and Greece the authorities can confiscate illicit proceeds and, in some cases, inflict disciplinary measures such as dismissal from work. If the profits gained from corruption cannot be found, the Romanian penal law imposes the payment of a sum equivalent to the benefit received on behalf of the corrupted person. In the Russian Federation and Ukraine alongside the confisca- tion of illicit proceeds, conspicuous parts of the condemned per- son's patrimony are requisitioned. Austria, Finland, also envisage more severe penalties in the case of aggravating circumstances. In Austria, a circumstance is aggravated if the bribe exceeds 25,000 Austrian shillings, while in Finland an «outstanding» amount of money must be involved. In the remaining four countries mentioned above, recidivist behaviour, the involvement of con- spicuous sums of money, the corrupt ion of experts, provocation, extortion and the particular role held by the passive actor, are con- sidered aggravating circumstances. Several countries also envisage exceptional circumstances in addition to the aggravating circum- stances. Austria and Denmark, for example, tolerate the payment of small sums for anniversaries. I Vocabulary notes collusive agreement улажеш<ый тайным его- пором I) согласие; 2) договор, соглашение 153
to come to an agree- придти к согласию ment agreement of opinion единомыслие to perfection [pa'fekjn] 1) закапчивать; 2) совер- expressly шенствовать ]) определенно; 2) спе- to maintain циально, нарочито; 3)срочно 1) поддерживать, удержи- to maintain one’s com- вать, сохранять; 2) содер- жать; 3) оказывать под- держку, защищать, от- стаивать; 4) утверждать сохранять спокойствие posure to maintain one's family содержать семью He maintained that he 01 г утверждал, что он was right прав. relevant * ['relovont] уместный, относящийся к commitment делу 1) вручение, передача; to violate ['vaioleit] 2) передача законопректа в комиссию; 3) заключение под стражу; 4) обязательст- во; 5) совершение (прес- тупления} нарушать, попирать, пре- pecuniary [pi'kjurnjan] ступать денежный incarceration [m;ka:so'reijn] заключение в тюрьму to inf]icit [in'flisit] наносить, причинять, на- mild лагать мягкий dismissal [drs'misai] 1) роспуск; 2) увольнение, to dismiss отставка; 3) освобождение; 4)отпуск отпускать, увольнять 154
profit on behalf of smb conspicuous condemned patrimony to requisition to aggravate extortion [kon'spikjuos] [kan'demd] [рэЧпшэш] [xekwi'zijn] 1) польза, выгода; 2) прибыль, доход от имени кого-либо видный, заметный, бро- сающийся в глаза осужденный I) наследство; 2) наследие I) реквизировать; 2) предоставлять заявку отягчать, усугублять, ухудшать, обострять вымогательство I Word study a Write down the word families of the following words: perfect____ to agree................. to corrupt............... to commit............. to violate..................... to express..................... to aggravate.................. b Match the English and Russian equivalents and write down a few word combinations with each word: conspicuous collusive condemned relevant illegitimate mild pecuniary aggravating уместный мягкий заметный осужденный денежный у лаже 11 н ы й та й ным сговором ухудшившийся незаконный 155
c Mark the meanings in which the following words are used in the text, with a tick: commission agreement expressly commitment dismissal profit patrimony комиссия комиссионное вознаграждение совершение согласие договор (документ) специально, нарочито срочно заключение под стражу обязательство совершение роспуск увольнение отпуск польза полученная сумма наследство наследие d Group the words from the box into a few logical groups: incarceration, extortion, advantage, promise, offence, sanctions, beneficiary, bribe, imprisonment, punishment, profits, confiscation Group I 2 3 ’ 4 5 156
e Add as many nouns as you can which could be used with the following verbs: to niiii ntain to involve ...................................... to envisage ......................................... ... to inflict ...................................... to confiscate ............................................ to requisition ........................................... f Explain the meaning of the following word combinations in English: a the actual moment of the a collusive agreement commission of the corruption to maintain promise crime « to perfection corruption I Suggested activities £ Complete the following sentences with the words from the box: institutions, sanctions, legislation, corruption, agreement, beneficiary 1 According to German, Austrian, Greek and Danish ................the legal ........ interest that is protected by the...........law is violated by the simple collusive.......... 2 With respect to an analysis of the............it can be noted that almost all countries envisage more severe ..............for passive' .........since the of the bribe holds a public office and there- fore represents the state........ h Make a diagram showing the countries and their sanctions for corruption crimes, using the information of the text. 157
i Say which country has the most reasonable legislation in this respect, and substantiate your viewpoint Text 4 The corrupted person who reports the payment of a bribe to the legal authorities before being investigated is not punishable ac- cording to Article 236 of the Greek penal code. This is also the case in Germany which, in addition, allows for the acceptance of bene- fits that have been authorised beforehand. In Sweden, when sums amounting to less than 500 SK are involved, the act is not consid- ered a corruption crime. According to British legislation, a passive actor who is in good faith and unaware of the illicit nature of the payment is not punishable for corruption. In Romania, the party that has been forced to pay the bribe has the right to be reimbursed the amount paid. A large number of states punish attempted corruption as well as accomplished corruption. Consequently, not only the concession or acceptance of benefit of a predominantly economic nature are punishable as a major offence, but also the mere promise to give or receive, The same penalties are applied for attempted cor- ruption that are envisaged for committed corruption. On the contrary, Germany envisages milder sanctions for at- tempted active or passive corruption. According to the laws of nu- merous states, the benefits resulting from corruption need not nec- essarily be of an economic nature, but can also be of an abstract nature, such as improved career prospects, speeding up of paper work, etc. The important thing is that the beneficiary, the corrupted person or his/her faintly can improve their position with respect to the previously held one. The states that have adopted the wider definition of the concept of «advantage» are Germany, Greece, the UK and the Netherlands, while there are of course countries like 158
Austria, Denmark, Finland, etc. that prefer a more material defini- tion. Only Denmark and Sweden have laws that expressly prohibit corruption in the private sector. This is positive and should be imi- tated by the other states in order to encourage a greater sense of morality and correctness among the economic operators. I Vocabulary notes SK-Swedish Kronor(s) крон(ы) Швеции faith I) вера, доверие; 2) честность, верность, ло- яльность In good faith честно syn, in bad faith вероломно to reimburse ['Hmn'to] возвращать, возмещать amount сумма, итог, количество to accomplish [a'kAinphJ] совершать, эы поднять, дос- тигать consequently ['konsikwonth] следовательно, поэтому, в результате concession [kan'sejn] I) уступка; 2) концессия predominant [pn'dominont] преобладающий, господ- ствующий mere I) простой; 2) явный, су- щий of mere motion добровольно beneficiary [f bein'fifcn] бенефициар (лицо, получаю- щее какую-либо сумму или выгоду) 159
I Words and Grammar a Write down the corresponding nouns and their translation—,- to authorise — ..... to force................... to accomplish............... to reimburse........:...... to encourage................ to punish ................ to adopt.................... b Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are and translate the following word combinations into Russian: corrupted person .............. legal authorities............................................... corruption crime....................;........................... passive actor................................................... illicit nature.................................................. amount paid..................................................... attempted corruption............................................ accomplished corrupt ion........................................ promise to give or receive...................................... improved carreer prospects...................................... c Write down if the word that can be omitted or not in these sentences and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The legislation allows for the acceptance of benefits that have been authоrised beforehand/ /мумя&ке сумма. n /о&Яц&им й&м оффлшяа, & oytwe^a^- ....................................................... 2 In Romania, the party that has been forced to pay the bribe has the right to be reimbursed,............................................... 3 The same penalties are applied for attempted corruption that are envisaged for committed corruption.................................... 4 Tiie important thing is that the beneficiary can improve his position. 160
5 The states that have adopted the wider definition are Germany, Greece, the UK and the Netherlands.................................. 6 Everybody knows that Denmark and Sweden have laws that pro- hibit corruption in the private sector........................... d Write down a few short sentences with the following expressions, on the basis of the text: to report the payment of the bribe............................... not to be considered a corruption crime.......................... to be punishable for corruption.................................. to envisage sanctions............................................ I Suggested activities e Write down a plan of the text, f Draw a diagram showing the cases which are not punishable, in these countries: Greece;.......................................................... Germany:......................................................... Sweden:.......................................................... the UK:.......................................................... Austria:......................................................... g Explain the meaning of the following In English: 1 A large number of countries punish attempted corruption. 2 The benefits resulting from corruption can be of an abstract nature. 3 Austria, Denmark and some other countries prefer a more material definition of the concept of «advantage». b Say why Denmark and Sweden have laws that expressly prohibit corruption in the private sector, Is it positive or negative, to your mind? fi Jb'JЛ U)pFll!WH 161
PartC Law and Money Laundering in Russia (Stituation Report prepared by an International Bank in 1995) Text 1; Outflow of Capital Text 2: Methods and Means Text3: Bank and Law Text 4: Legislation and Customs Text 5: Criminal Proceeds and Cooperation with other Countries Text 6: Two Levels of Cooperation Text 7: Agencies and their Personnel
Pre-reading questions: 1. Is Russia a country of planned or market economy now? 2. Are drugs and arms trafficking and the illegal sale of nuclear materials widely practiced In Russia at present? 3. Have you heard anything about gray moray? What is it? Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and mark the paragraph which seems most important to you. Text 1: Outflow of Capital During the period of Russia’s transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy, the opportunities to launder money appear to be Ifruitless. Despite what is written in the media and debated in international fora, Russian law enforcement statis- tics do not support the thesis that criminally derived proceeds from abroad are entering Russia and subsequently laundered. This also holds true for foreign proceeds from drug or arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear materials, Russian officials admit that mecha- nisms to detect and measure money laundering are lacking or could be improved, but the general consensus is that foreign funds are not laun- dered in Russia. The country does, however, remain vulnerable to money laundering, given the current legal and economic conditions. What is happening is a massive outflow of capital from Russia. These proceeds range from criminally-derived funds from com- monplace offenses to the misappropriation of state assets through embezzlement, theft, and corruption. This money is legalized in Russia and eventually sent abroad, primarily to Western countries for laundering and safekeeping. Funds leaving Russia to be legalized abroad consist of a combi- nation of assets from the proceeds of predicate offenses stipulated by criminal codes and proceeds that are illegally transferred out of Rus- sia, commonly referred to as «gray money». Examples of this include corporate, private, and official funds sent to foreign accounts to evade hard currency restrictions, taxation, inflation, or detection. 6* 163
These types of illegal proceeds include more than those gener- ated by organized crime, Instances of embezzlement by individuals in positions allowing access to either private or public funds also occur; these proceeds are likewise sent abroad. The proceeds ulti- mately return to Russia in the form of cash, goods, services, and equipment. Those remaining in Russia are used for operational ex- penses in furtherance of the criminal enterprise. Russian officials estimate that during the years 1992 and 1993, assets valued at four trillion roubles were stolen from the state. At the nominal exchange rate of $1.00 = R200.00 during this period, the equivalent losses incurred in U.S. dollars were $20 billion. Ac- cording to Russian government estimates, approximately $100 billion of funds attributed to Russian sources lie outside the country in foreign banks. Approximately $30—40 billion of this sum is capital from tax and customs evasion. I Vocabulary notes transition syn. transition period forum (pL foras, for is, fora) (Lat.) in International fora thesis (pl. theses) ['Gi:sis, 'Gi:si:z] arms in arms nuclear ['njurkha] nuclear materials vulnerable (ro smtti) to range from... to... 1) переход; 2) переходный период 1) площадь; 2) место суда в международных про- фессиональных кругах 1) положение, тезис; 2) тема; 3) диссертация 1) оружие вооруженный 2)война ядерный радиоактивные вещества уязвимый, ранимый, чув- ствительный колебаться от... до... 164
misappropriation [nusa,praupri'eifn] незаконное присвоение, растрата embezzlement [im'bezlmont] хищение, присвоение to embezzle присваивать, растрачи- вать theft 1) воровство, кража; 2) украденные вещи eventually syn. ultimately finally in the end в конечном счете, в конце концов, со временем gray grey gray money серый corporate fkozparst] корпоративный, принад- лежащий или относящий- ся к корпорации corporate funds корпоративные средства, средства фирм to evade уклоняться, обходить (^Л-«/А ммрос) evasion уклонение customs evasion уклонение от уплаты по- шлин restriction ограничение to impose restriction вводить ограничение access f'aekses] доступ to allow access to smth позволять доступ к чему- либо furtherance [rfo:darons] продвижение, поддержка, помощь to incur [in'ka;] подвергаться to incur losses нести убытки to Incur debts влезть в долги Note; Обшпйченпя налют $. £. I< — устаревшие, в еоатаетстшш с требованиями Международной организации стандартн*зац1ш современные обозначения этик волют: USD. GRP ir RUR. 165
I Words and Grammar a Match the English and Russian equivalents: drugs arms misappropriation растрата хищение наркотики assets оружие embezzlement furtherance restriction активы поддержка ограничение b Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick: thesis тезис тема диссертация воровство украденные вещи наркотики медикаменты arms assets forum оружие война активы имущество площадь место суда с Write out the synonyms of the following words, from the text: support............................... in spite of smth.................. finally........................... mainly............ ............... atomic............................. to suffer......................... about.......................... very big....................., usual.......................... instance....................... limitation..................... to discuss.................... 166
d Write down the antonyms of the following words: hard currency.............. proceeds.......................... foreign banks.............. corporate funds................... inflation.................. a centrally planned economy....... expenses................... limited........................... estimates.................. inside the country................ e Choose the correct prepositions and write down a sentence with each word combination: to consist of/irj smth to range from/of smth to/with smth to hold true in/to smth to allow access for/to smth according wiih/to Russian government sources misappropriation of/off state assets at/in the nominal exchange rate furtherance of/to the criminal enterprise in/ai the media f Give the word families of the following words: to restrict........................ to evade................. ...... to embezzle................. to estimate................ A Group the following words into a few logical groups: cash, hard currency restrictions, goods, taxation, inflation, services, proceeds, predicate offenses, money laundering, funds, corruption, misappropriation, safekeeping Group I 2 . 3 4 5 167
I) Complete the sentences with the words from the box; vulnerable, nuclear, illegal, limitless, opeHrtiewftl, criminal 1 The proceeds remaining in Russia are often used for expenses in furtherance of the...........enterprise. 2 The country is.........to money laundering given the current con- ditions. 3 The opportunities to launder money appear to be.................... 4 This also holds true for foreign proceeds from drug or arms traf- ficking, and the sale of.,.,.......materials. 5 These types of........ proceeds include the proceeds sent abroad. i Encircle the attributes and write how they are expressed: the losses (Incurred) in US dollars .................. funds attributed to Russian sources ............................................ offenses stipulated by criminal codes........................................... proceeds commonly referred to as «gray money».................................... criminally derived proceeds...................................................... funds to be legalized abroad.................................................... opportunities to launder money................ ................................. mechanisms to detect and measure money laundering................................. I Write down the words which substitute the words in italics; 1 These types of illegal proceeds include more than those generated by organized crime................................................................... 2 These proceeds are sent abroad and those remaining in Russia are used for operational expenses........................................................ 3 These texts are different from those of the previous Section..................... i-i-i,--r-aaa-<l-->-i--.i-l-dr--rir-i--.i-.-.i+i>l-l-ii I l--4r-r-.rl i r I r 4 - a 4 iLlri-rliahiaiiai 4l-bal-aLaa-.rLaaar-iaa.ariaa.ai К Write out the sentences in which the verbs are used in Continuous Tenses and explain the use of these tenses. 168
В Suggested activities в Write a plan and a title of the text m Write a few sentences summing up the text. n Explain the term «gray money» in English. Pre-reading question: Do you think that money laundering is In any way related to foreign trade trans- actions? Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and underline the sentence or sentences mentioning for- eign organized crime groups operating In Russia. Text 2: Methods and Means Common methods used to launder assets are false invoicing schemes, keeping of double books, and contract fraud. A common scenario is a wire transfer of funds in Western currency to a front company abroad for a commercial transaction. A fraudulent pur- chase contract provided by the front company is presented as proof of the commercial need for wiring the funds, After the funds are wired, the legitimized funds are free to be transferred or converted to cash. This method is also used to embezzle state funds. Another method used to launder funds involves instances in which suppliers never receive payment for products that are pur- portedly ordered by the state. Schemes to defraud the state of stra- tegic materials — such as oil, gas, metal, gold, diamonds, and tim- ber — regularly occur in which the resources are shipped abroad with deliberately undervalued invoices and sold at world markets — the profits of which are embezzled by the perpetrators, 169
In Russia, organized crime is defined as activity of criminal formations of different levels of organization. These criminal formations are groups, gangs, and organizations. At present, there are approximately 6,000 organized crime groups operating in Russia, whose significant numbers constitute criminal organiza- tions. Seven criminal organizations operate in Moscow and ten in Sankt-Peterburg. In 1995, 25 criminal organizations were known to have international ties; 19 among them •— in the former Soviet republics. There is no concrete proof of foreign organized crime groups operating in Russia. Organized crime is countered by the main Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of In- ternal Affairs of Russia and its local offices in the various regions of the country. The connection between the shipments of massive amounts of bulk US currency to Russia and organized crime is speculative. One purely economic explanation for this currency flow is to satisfy the demand for US dollars by average Russian citizens. As a hedge against inflation, Russians convert their earnings in roubles to dol- lars, which are reconverted to roubles for routine purchases as needed. Given the size of the Russian economy, the US dollar would be the logical choice because of its relative stability, and the amount of US currency in circulation worldwide. This does not preclude the use of some of this currency by organized crime, but media reports overstate the magnitude. The theft of nuclear material is recognized as an extremely dan- gerous undertaking in Russia. It requires specialized professionals to handle radioactive materials, and it is well known that numerous intelligence organizations — both foreign and domestic — monitor the theft of and trade in nuclear materials. Arms trafficking in Russia is problematic for several reasons. Border controls have not kept pace with the arms trade, there are profits to be made, and weapons are used in the commission of other crimes. Arms trafficking is considered a serious and major concern by Russian law enforcement officials. 170
I Vocabulary notes to purport Грэ:рэ1] означать, подразумевать purport 1) смысл, содержание; 2) текст документа timber лес, лесоматериалы to counter 1) противостоять; 2) проти- воречить speculative ['spekjuleitiv] умозрительный, теоретиче- ский, недоказанный demand Гог smth спрос на что-либо hedge 1) ограда, преграда, препят- ствие; 2)гарантия to hedge страховать себя (от возмож- ных потерь) to hedge credit risks страховать кредитные риски to preclude [pro'klird] предотвращать, устранять, мешать to overstate преувеличивать magnitude [’mxgnttjwd] 1) размеры; 2) важность, зна- чимость of the first magnitude первостепенной важности to monitor ['monito] контролировать, проверять I Suggested activities a Place appropriate number before each title of the paragraph to make apian of the text: .........."fyS .......... ..................fttte&ai vtatetfafc ..........Zv«0^4 ....................ei&tt ..............................awftaefii 171
b Mark the true sentences as Tand false ones as 7, basing your choice on the text: 1 False invoicing schemes, keeping of double books, and contract fraud are very rare methods used to launder money.................... 2 A common scenario is a bank transfer of funds abroad for a com- mercial transaction.................................................. 3 When the funds for a commercial transaction are wired no special documents are to be presented as a proof of the transaction.......... 4 The funds wired abroad can be converted to cash.................. 5 There is no way of embezzling state funds........................ c Complete the sentences with the following words from the box: to defraud, deliberately, instances, to launder, purportedly, occur, world markets, embezzled 1 Another method used..............funds involves............in which suppliers never receive payments for products that are............or- dered by the state. 2 Schemes ............ the state of strategic materials regularly .........in which the resources are shipped abroad with.............. undervalued invoices and sold at...................................... the profits of which are .........by the perpetrators. d Sum up what the text says about organized crime in Russia covering: various formations the number of groups in Russia the number of criminal organizations in Moscow and Sankt- Peterburg the number of organizations having international contacts м foreign organized crime groups operating in Russia the Mu v of Internal Affairs of Russia combating organized crime 172
e Write down the answers on the basis of the text: 1 Is there any connection between shipments of US dollars to Russia and organized crime?................................................. 2 Do average Russian citizens buy massive amounts of dollars?...... 3 Why do Russians convert their earnings to dollars?............... 4 Why do they reconvert dollars to roubles later?.................. 5 Are dollars a relatively stable currency?........................ f Write down the questions for the following answers: 1 Yes, it is an extremely danger- ........................... ? ous undertaking. 2 ............................. Yes, it requires highly special- ............................? ized professionals. 3 ............................. There are a lot of organizations ........................ monitoring the theft of and trade ............................ in nuclear materials. 4 .............................? Both foreign and domestic. £ TransLate the paragraph speaking about arms trafficking into Russian. I Words and Grammar h Write out all the words and expressions associated with the following from the text: false commercial business...................................... organized crime................................................ dollars circulation hi Russia.................................. 173
Choose the correct variant: 1 Fraudulent purchase contracts (are present/ are presented) as proof of the transaction to have the funds transferred abroad. 2 After the funds (wire/are wired) the legitimized funds can (iransfer/be transferred) or (converdconveried) to cash. 3 Th is method (is also used/is used also) to em bezzle state funds. 4 Schemes to defraud the state of strategic materials regularly (occur!are occurring). 5 Organized crime (defines/is defined) as activity of criminal forma- tions of different levels of organizations. I In conclusion i Explain the meaning of the following in English; organized crime trade in nuclear materials fraudulent business transac- arms trafficking tions Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and write down another possible title of it. Text 3: Banks and Law The Bank of Russia has responsibility for bank oversight and regulation of the 1,253 banks that currently operate in the Russian Federation, Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) are regulated by a number of agencies along with the Bank of Russia. This over- sight and regulation is expressed in large part through the granting and revocation of bank licenses. In addition, the Bank of Russia has and exercises the right to apply the following sanctions to credit in- . . . . . .......... . oo t t i I " ......& 174
stitutions: (1) to impose a fine, (2) to appoint temporary admini- stration, (3) to ban certain types of licensed operations, and (4) to require the substitution of officials and the reorganization of the credit institution, The Bank of Russia also grants licenses to non- bank financial institutions for the movement of capital. There are 1,046 commercial banks authorized by the Bank of Russia to per- form foreign currency transactions. The current minimum capitali- zation requirement for operating credit institutions must reach the level of 5 million ECU before January I, 1999, and for those estab- lished since April 1, 1996, a minimum standard of 2 million ECU has been set, which must reach the level of 5 million ECU before July, 1998. No specific bank secrecy laws exist relating to the confidential- ity of the relationship between a bank and its customers and their transactions or the reporting of unlawful activities to law enforce- ment authorities; however, there is a general article on bank confi- dentiality as part of the law on banking activities. The only excep- tion to the disclosure of this type of information is through the serving of a court order as part of a criminal investigation. In the event of freezing or confiscation of an account, bank account in- formation is given to the case arbiter and tax authorities. There are no limitations as to the types of account information the bank may give to criminal investigators, This is left up to the discretion of the individual bank. The Bank of Russia does not have supervisory authority over offshore banks operating outside Russia that do business with Russians. Examples of this would be banks registered in Northern Cyprus and the Baltic nations that advertise in Russian newspapers. The Bank of Russia monitors these banks and provides information to law enforcement agencies in the event of question- able activities. There is no legal division of banks into types, such as commer- cial, savings, etc. The following financial institutions operate in Russia; banks, currency exchanges, securities companies, stock brokers, insurance companies, credit card companies, casinos, real estate companies, and travel agencies. 175
I Vocabulary notes to grant to revoke to revoke a license to revoke a law revocation to ban smth to substitute ['sAbstitju:tl substitution ['SAbsu'tjurfn] with the exception of smth ECU (European Cur- rency Unit) discretion at the discretion of smb at one’s discretion to leave sin th to sinh’s discretion securities [sa'kjuaritiz] предоставлять, давать, выдавать отменять, аннулировать, отзывать отзывать лицензию отменять закон отмена, аннулирование, отзыв запрещать что-либо, налагать запрет на что-либо заменять, замещать замена, замещение за исключением чего-либо ЭКЮ (слипая европейская елпли- ца/аал!ота). В январе 1999 г. заме- нена на евро (I ЭКЮ-1 евро) усмотрение, свобода действий на усмотрение кого-либо по своему усмотрению оставить что-либо на чье-либо усмотрение ценные бумаги I Words and Grammar a Give the word families of the following words: responsible^^ UtyattAtet confident license 176 commerce bank ~~
to operate to regulate to authorize ~ to express ^_ I) Encircle the roots of the following words: off(shore- supervisory disclosure discretion oversight reorganization outside questionable responsibility institution financial unlawful c Add as many nouns as possible which could be used with the following adjectives: questionable .,Wtyh.rffaty*................................... unlawful...................................................... legal......................................................... temporary..................................................... commercial.................................................... current....................................................... d Write a sentence of your own with the following word combinations: to grant licenses .......... to revoke licenses................................................ to apply sanctions................................................ to impose fines................................................... to report unlawful activities......................<.............. to freeze an account.......................; /.......:............ to monitor a bank................................................. to appoint temporary administration............................... 177
e Group the following words from the box into a few logical units: banks, commercial banks, currency exchanges, credit card companies, non-bank financial institutions, credit institu- tions, fines, revocation of licenses, securities companies, stock brokers, real estate companies, savings banks, sanctions Group I 2 3 4 5 ! .. f Choose the correct variant: 1 It is a (no/non) — bank institution. 2 There is (no/not) legal division of banks into types. 3 (no/none) specific bank secrecy laws exist here. 4 There are (no/nof) limitations as to the types of account information. the bank may give to criminal investigators, 5 The Bank of Russia does (no/not) have supervisory authority over offshore banks. d Write out the following from the text: 1 The types of'financial institu- ................................... tions in Russia: l; ..................................... 2 The responsibilities of the ....................................... Bank of Russia: J ........................................ \ I- J : 3 The law enforcement officials ....................................... mentioned in the text: .................................. 178
I Suggested activities 11 Write down the answers using the text: 1 Are there bank secrecy laws tn Russia? 2 To what aspects do bank se- crecy laws relate in general? 3 Is there a law on banking ac- tivities in Russia? 4 Does it speak about bank con- fidentiality? I. Complete the following questions using the text: 1 In what cases can a bank disclose .................................... ...........................................:......................? 2 In what cases can information be disclosed to tax..................... ....................................................................? 3 Can banks give account information to................................. ..................................................................? I Write down a few sentences about offshore banks on the basis of the text. I In conclusion H Say why you think this information was included in the report about money laundering in Russia. * Say what you know about banks and bank laws in Russia. i?e
Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and underline (or write out) the sentences speaking about the proposed law. Text 4: Legislation and Customs Russia has yet to enact anti-money laundering legislation. Leg- islation has been drafted by an interagency committee created by the President and is undergoing expert review before being sub- mitted to the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s Federal As- sembly or Parliament. Although the directives of the Council of Europe and the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) have been taken into consideration, the proposed Russian anti-money laundering legislation was drafted in the con- text of the country’s unique law enforcement and judicial systems. This anti-money laundering legislation will place Russia signifi- cantly in compliance with the anti-money laundering provisions of the 1988 Vienna Convention. There are no currency transaction reporting requirements for banks or NBFIs, for businesses at the time of customer purchases, or for the importation of bulk currency by financial institutions. Upon entry into Russia, travelers passing through Russian customs are required to complete a customs declaration form. This form in- cludes persona] information about the traveler such as full name, citizenship, the country of origin and country of destination. The traveler must list all holdings in rouble denomination to include cash, government bonds, lottery tickets, and checks. All foreign currency, to include monetary instruments (bank notes, exchequer bills, coins, checks, bills, letters of credit, securities, shares, and bonds) must also be declared by type of foreign currency and amounts of each foreign currency, Additionally, a duplicate of the initial customs declaration form must be retained and surrendered to customs authorities upon leaving Russia, along with an exit dec- laration form requesting the same types of information as the entry declarations form. These declarations forms are retained by the Russian Customs Service and are available, upon request, to Rus- sian law enforcement authorities. 180
Although there are no reporting requirements for money orders, exchanging currency, or for the export of currency, all such trans- actions are to be recorded and clients identified. Any amount of foreign currency exported from Russia must be declared; however, amounts over the equivalent of USD500 must be supported by a document proving its legal origin (i. e. bought at a currency ex- change, previously imported into the country, or withdrawn from a foreign currency account). The draft anti-money laundering law stipulates that a transac- tion report will be completed for all cash and non-cash transactions which exceed 200 times the minimum'wage for individuals and 10,000 times the minimum wage for businesses. A form must also be fi lied out if several transactions conducted by the same person or their agent totals the above-mentioned amounts over the period of a month. Financial institutions m usual so inform the tax authorities within 24 hours of any transaction of a suspicious nature. The onus for failure to file these transaction reports will lie with the manag- ers of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. The penalties for breaches of anti-money laundering regulations range from substan- tial fines for administrative violations to criminal liability if the violation is connected to money laundering activities. Under proposed law, the Russian Tax Inspectorate will serve as the central authority for receiving or collecting the currency trans- action reports, and entering them into a searchable database, I Vocabulary notes to enact to enact some legisla- tion to undergo [,лпйэ'дои] to undergo review to undergo customs formalities вводить в закон, предпи- сывать, постановлять начать применять закон, принимать закон подвергаться, испытывать проходить проверку, рас- сматриваться проходить таможенный досмотр 181
to undergo an opera- подвергнуться операции tion to submit [ssb'mit] представлять на рассмот- рение to submit a question задать вопрос в письмен- ном виде denomination [di,nomi'neijn] достоинство, стоимость in rouble denomina- в рублевом выражении, tion {банкноты) В рублях exchequer [iks'tfeko] казначейство exchequer bill казначейский билет/ век- сель Chancellor of the Ex- министр финансов, канц- chequer лер казначейства (в Велико- братании) coin монета bill вексель letter of credit аккредитив share акция to retain I) сохранять; 2) помнить to surrender [so'rendo] сдавать (ся) to withdraw [wi6'dro: wifl'dru: I) снимать (со счета)} (withdrew, withdrawn) wi6dro:n] 2) выводить {войска и т.д.) to withdraw some money from an account снять деньги со счета to stipulate обусловливать, оговаривать to suspect smb of smth [sa'spekt] подозревать кого-либо в чем-либо suspect ['sAspekt] подозреваемый suspicious [sas'pifas] подозрительный suspicion подозрение onus{Lal.) бремя, ответственность, долг penalty наказание, штраф penal уголовный to penalize наказывать breach [bri:tj] нарушение (закона, обяза- тельства) 182
to break (broke, bro-. ken) substantial [sab'stamjol] substance fine to fine нарушать существенный, важный, значительный вещество штраф штрафовать I Suggested activities a Mark the true statements with 7"and false ones with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Anti-money laundering legislation had not been enacted in Russia when this report was made. This legislation had been drafted by that time. A special committee had been created for the purpose. The legislation was undergoing expert review at the State Duma at that time. No directives of international bodies had been taken into account in drafting the legislation. The proposed legislation ignored the law enforcement and judicial systems of Russia. The proposed legislation did not contradict the provisions of the 1988 Vienna Convention. b Write down the answers using the text: 1 Were banks and financial in- stitutions to report on the cur- rency transactions? 2 Are travelers to report on the foreign currency they have when they crass the bolder of Russia? 3 Are they to state all their hold- ings in roubles too? 183
c Complete the following questions, using the text: 1 Why were the foreigners coming to Russia to retain...............' 2 Was this duplicate to coordinate with............................? 3 Why did the Russian Customs Service keep.........................1 d Write down the questions for the following answers: 1 ................................ 9 2 ............................? 3 ............................? 4 I ............................? No, there are no reporting require- ments for exchanging currency. Yes, they are to be recorded and clients identified nevertheless. Yes, any amount must be declared when you cross the border. No, only for the amounts exceeding USD500 a proof of the legal origin of the dollars is to be presented to the customs. e Write out all the provisions of the draft anti-money laundering law mentioned in the text, completing the sentences: 1 For all cash and non-cash transactions exceeding..................... 2 Of several transactions.............................................. 3 In case of any transaction of a suspicious nature................... 4 If such transactions are not reported............................... 5 The penalties range from............................................ 6 The Russian Tax Inspectorate is to serve as the central authority for f Write down a short plan of the text. 184
I Words and Grammar 4 Find the English equivalents in the text: предлагаемый закон (законопроект) ответственность за наруше- ние закона ответственность за непред- ставление информации о та- кой сделке уголовная ответственность ответственность будет воз- ложена на сомнительная сделка нарушение закона b Group the following words into a few logical groups: substantial fines, an interagency committee, law enforcement authori- ties, penalties, expert review, breach of legislation, the lower house of Russia’s Parliament, criminal liability, the recommendations of the FATF, transaction reports, the 1988 Vienna Convention Group I 2 3 - 4 ; ...5 185
I Complete the following sentences using the words from the text: 1 The customs declaration covers personal information about the traveler, such as his full name........................................... 2 All the holdings in roubles are to be listed, including cash........... 3 All foreign currency holdings are to be listed including bank notes _ . r , , I- , I- *. j l , , ....г г Ч 4 I Fh...... ...*...... . m.... 4 If the Russian traveler has got more than USD 500 he is to present a document proving the legal origin of the money, that is if he had bought..............if he had withdrawn.................................... I In conclusion i Say if and how the customs declaration requirements have changed, as far as you know. Pre-reading question: Do you think other countries also face the money laundering problem? Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and find lhe sentence saying that money laundering Is not a crime, Text 5: Criminal Proceeds and Cooperation with other Countries Russia has laws that allow for the confiscation of proceeds of drug trafficking, drug money laundering, and other offenses. Provi- sions also exist which enable asset identification and for tracing, freezing, and seizing of these criminal proceeds. As long as a case of this nature is opened and goes to trial, legal provisions are avail- able for seizure of criminally derived assets connected to the predi- cate offense. Russian laws also permit banking authorities and off- shore banking authorities to share account transaction information and other information with law enforcement authorities. The Rus- sian government may share account transaction and other customer information with foreign law enforcement authorities. 186
Russia has signed and ratified the 1988 Vienna Convention. Russia became a member of the Council of Europe in 1996, Rus- sia’s proposed anti-money laundering law is patterned after provi- sions in the Strasbourg Convention. As the continuing state of the former Soviet Union, Russia recognizes all treaties and interna- tional conventions signed by the Soviet Union. This includes Mu- tual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs) signed with current and former socialist countries and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States which have not abrogated these agreements. Intergovernmental agreements which may be applicable to money laundering offenses have been signed with Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Finland, Sweden, and the United States. Russia has intergov- ernmental agreement proposals with Germany, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, and Hungary. Some of these intergovernmental agreements may be applicable for civil offenses only, and, when applicable for criminal purposes, the information exchanged is for operational purposes only. There is no maximum limit on the import or export of monetary instruments. Reporting of these instruments takes place at the border if they are physically carried into the country. Under current Russian laws, monetary instruments used as a means of committing criminal activities or received as the proceeds of criminal acts can be seized and their existence reported to foreign authorities. No provisions exist for asset sharing or extradition in money laundering cases with other countries, since money laundering itself is not a crime. Under provisions in the proposed anti-money laundering legis- lation, banks and businesses will be required to report any non-cash transaction — under which monetary instruments fall — to the tax authorities. As with any other cash or non-cash transaction, trans- action reports involving monetary instruments will be forwarded to the proper law enforcement and regulatory agencies, entered into a searchable database, and made available to foreign law enforcement authorities through applicable agreements and restrictions. The proposed legislation contains an article recognizing judge- ment handed down in foreign countries for the purpose of estab- lishing liability for money laundering. The foreign confiscation or- der may be recognized and executed in the Russian Federation, and all or part of such money may be transferred to the country in which its confiscation was ordered, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity and under bilateral agreements. 187
I Vocabulary notes to pattern копировать to pattern af- ter/on/upon smth pattern копировать что-либо модель, образец commonwealth ['komonwelO] содружество the Commonwealth Independents States of СНГ (Содружество Незави- симых Государств) to abrogate to seize ['zebrougeit] отменять, аннулировать (зшаш) I) захватывать; 2) хватать; 3)понимать to forward to contain to hand down [To: wad] 1) направлять, посылать; 2) ускорять, помогать, содей- ствовать содержать, вмещать подавать сверху reciprocity to reciprocate reciprocal bilateral Lresi'prositi] взаимность, взаимодействие отплачивать, обмениваться (услугами} взаимный, обоюдный, ответный двусторонний I Suggested activities a Write down if Russian laws permit or not the following, using the text: the confiscation of proceeds of dru g traffic к ing: <#? ..... the confiscation of proceeds of .........•.............................. drug money laundering .................................. tracing, freezing and seizing of the .................................. criminal proceeds ................................... seizure of criminally derived as- ..................................... sets connected to the predicate ....................................... offense .................................. 188
banking authorities of Russia to ................................. share information with foreign ................................... law enforcement authorities ...................................... offshore banking authorities to .................................. share information with Russian ............... .................... law enforcement authorities ............................... the Russian government to share .................................. the information involved with for- ............................... ei^n law enforcement authorities ................................. b Complete the following sentences using the text: 1 Russia has signed and ratified ................................ 2 In 1996 Russia became a member................................. 3 The proposed anti-money laundering law ............... the Stras- bourg Convention, 4 Russia recognizes Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties signed with 5 Agreements which may be applied to money laundering offenses have been signed with.............................................. 6 Proposals for signing similar agreements with..............have been made. c Find the answers in the text: 1 Can all the agreements signed or to be signed be applied both to civil and criminal offenses? 2 If an agreement is- applicable to civil offenses can it still be applied to criminal offenses? 3 With what restrictions can it be done? 189
d Make a written report on importing and exporting monetary instruments following this plan: no limits on the volume formalities at the border possible reporting to foreign authorities under some special circum- stances no provisions for asset sharing or extradition м reporting to the tax authorities * information sent to foreign law enforcement authorities e Say why you think the proposed legislation: recognizes judgment handed down in foreign countries recognizes foreign confiscation orders в allows for transfer of the money confiscated to the country involved I Words and Grammar 1 Make a few sentences of your own with the following words: to issue an order ................................. to recognize an order ................................ to execute an order ................................ the principle of reciprocity ................................... under intergovernmental ........................................ (bilateral, multilateral) agree- ............................... merits ...............:................ J Complete the following: Under provisions of............... hi conformity with.............. In accordance with............. In compliance with.................. 190
4 Write down the English equivalents used Ш: the text ••>••••’• нарушить соглашение .................. преступление, связанное с .................... отмыванием денег .................. гражданские (уголовные) ........... преступления .................. средства, полученные в ре- ... зультате криминальной дея- ................... тельности .................. конфисковать средства ........................ выдача преступника ино- ...................... странному государству h Choose the correct prepositions and make a few sentences of your own with the following: to be applicable to for such offenses to exchange information on for operational purposes only no limit onfin their import and export . to take place at/on the border to establish liability in for money laundering to make available for Ho foreign authorities I Encircle the predicates and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 The Russian government [may share] account transaction informa- tion with foreign states. 2 Intergovernmental agreements may be applicable to the predicate offenses. 3 Monetary instruments used as a means of committing criminal ac- tivities can be seized. j Write out a few attributive clauses from the text and underline their sub- jects and predicates. 191
К In conclusion Why do you think the report says «since money laundering itself is not a crime». Skim and scan Read the text quickly and say If the headline Joint Investigations may also suit it or not and why. Text 6: Two Levels of Cooperation Russian law allows for conducting cooperative investigations with other countries for money laundering, to include asset freez- ing, seizure, and forfeiture. Current Russian laws used to combat money laundering focus on the underlying crime that generates ille- gal proceeds. This international cooperation can be initiated on two levels: at the diplomatic level, which requires the legal procedure using letters rogatory described below; and at the operational level, whereby the information exchanged is used for investigatory pur- poses only. Until more formalized bilateral agreements are signed, the trend in Russia is to encourage more contacts at the operational ; level between comparable national agencies, not only for the ex- change of information but also for conducting joint investigations. Russian law enforcement authorities may act on a legal assistance request in a money laundering case when the state asking for assis- tance is seeking records, searches, seizure of evidence, freezing of funds held in bank accounts, and the seizure and forfeiture of assets. Formal legal requests, in the form of letters rogatory, must first be sent through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which passes the re- i quest on to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. The law en- i forcement agency evaluates the competency of the request, Then, based on the approval of the General Prosecutor’s Office, a case is opened, and the operational phase of the investigation may begin, As a result of the investigation, any evidentiary information conveyed to I the requester must be. in conformance with international and bilateral * agreements in effect between both countries. Problems occur when I agreements do not exist with other countries, especially in the area of I forfeiture and seizure of assets. Russia has signed no agreements with I other countries on recognition of foreign judgements. 192
I Vocabulary notes forfeiture потеря, конфискация to underlie (underlay, лежать в основе underlain) letters rogatory рогаторий, судебное пору- records freko:dz] чение (о допросе свидетеля) 1) записи, свидетельства; off the records 2) протокол неофициальный search J) ЛОНСКИ to be in search of smth находиться в поиске чего- to search for smth либо искать что-либо right of search 2) обыск права обыска (судов) to evaluate [I'vsljiieit] 3) исследование оценивать, определять ко- competence ['konipilans] личество 1) компетенция; 2) право- evidentiary (== evidcn- Levi'denfcn] мочность I) доказательный; 2) осно- tial) ванный на очевидности to convey fkan'vei] 1)сообшать, передавать; conveyance 2) передавать (ил1уи/еснюо или право на владение имуще- cmt; ait) перевозка, доставка I Words and Grammar a Write down the word families of the following words: to lie..................... to convey..................... .to record................. value......................... to search.........,........ evidence...................... to complete................ information................... 7 ЛлтлийскнИ JllHI Ю]Iистин 193
b Mark (with a tick S) the contextual meaning of the words: записи, свидетельство records протокол поиск search обыск исследование evidentiary s доказательный основанный на очевидности to convey сообщать, передавать передавать (имущество ши право) c Match the English and Russian equivalents: freezing seizure forfeiture letters rogatory searches requester judgement конфискация блокирование арест розыск судебное поручение приговор» решение проситель d Write down as many nouns as you can which can be used with the following adjectives: illegal....................... international................. diplomatic..................... operational.................... competent..................... investigatory.................. comparable...................... It appropriate..................... joint .......................... cooperative..................... 194
е 1 2 3 4 м 1 2 3 4 I h i 7* Write out all the words and word combinations relating to: investigations.............. legal assistance requests........... agreements................... foreign judgements................. I к i г к I L ь I + 1 b I I Ч Ч Ч к к Ч I к ’ I irai.4 ^.1ЧЧГЧГЧ-ЬЧЛ1ЬЬ|-Ьаа| 4bL^|.aL.i itxl.ll±J4 |. j -| r 4 > a a 4l4araia4-*-ariir4-F Write down the parts of speech the words in italics are and complete these sentences the way you like: Russian law allows for conducting................................. Current Russian laws am/to combat money laundering focus on......................................................... The diplomatic level requires the legal procedure using.......... At the operational level the information exchanged is ............ Translate into English paying attention to the use of Tenses: Пока не будут подписаны эти ..................................... соглашения» вопрос не может ..................................... быть полностью решен. ................................. Если эти средства будут ......................................... признаны незаконными, они ....................................... будут конфискованы. ................................. Они начнут расследование, ....................................... когда получат запрос. ............-.................... Как только они примут ре- ....................................... шеи не. они направят ответ. ..................................... Suggested activities Underline one sentence in each paragraph which seems most Important to you. Give logical reasons. Say what information given in the text is new as compared with the'previous texts on money laundering In Russia. w 195
j Write a short essay saying why Russia has not signed (or has signed by now) an agreement with other countries on recognition of foreign judgements. You may take the steps recommended: Essay Writing ____________ ..... _ _ i -------------- Read the topic carefully. . . . . ..._„,,?ZZ * ~ Underline words indicating the specific things to be answered in the essay. . 1 - - ZZ Z Prepare an outline or other organizational form. - - -...................................- - - - Write an introductory paragraph. Write the paragraphs for the body, trying to use one paragraph for each separate sub-topic. Write a good conclusion. Proofread carefully, checking especially for errors in Grammar and spelling. Pre-reading questions: 1. Do you think this will be ths last text on money laundering in Russia? 2. What aspects of the problem do you think this text describes? _Skini and scan Read the text quickly and say (1) how many new aspects, il any, the text states: (2) how you would entitle this text. Text 7: Agencies and their Personnel The Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs acts on economic crimes based on the gravity and scope of the investigation and, in some cases, will conduct joint investigations with the Economic Crimes Control Department. The Federal Service of the Tax Police initiates investigations as 196
they relate to tax offenses. The Russian Customs Service has re- sponsibility to prosecute violations of customs and other commer- cial fraud. Any of these agencies can request the participation of any of the others in a joint investigation when investigatory inter- ests coincide. Access to bank records and information without a prosecutor’s order is given to the courts, arbitrary courts, tax inspection and tax police units, and customs, in cases stipulated by legislation. Any investigative, operational, or law enforcement unit that has a prose- cutor’s order may inspect bank records and information. The Jaw enforcement units compel banks and N В FIs to give evidence in fi- nancial investigations by means of a judicial order. Under the proposed anti-money laundering bill, the agencies re- sponsible for combating money laundering and their areas of re- sponsibilities are specified. The State Tax Police Department and the Ministry of Finance are empowered to oversee the activities of all business enterprises, institutions, and organizations. The Bank of Russia is responsible for oversight of all banking transactions, A clause is included that also lists other ministries, departments, and executive bodies, as responsible for combating money laundering within the limits of their competence. The proposed draft law names the General Prosecutor’s Office as a central authority for coordinating overall policy and resolving any disputes between the agencies responsible for combating money laundering. Training for law enforcement personnel that deal with financial crime is active and ongoing. Personnel are recruited for their posi- tions based on their financial or economic backgrounds and previ- ous positions with experience in investigations, prosecutions, and seizures. Russian law enforcement agencies are associated with fi- nancial training institutes and academies, where initial training pro- grams and refresher training range from several months to five years in length. 197
I Vocabulary notes arbitrary ['aibitran] arbitrary court хун. arbitration [^bi'treijn] to compel smb to do smth to train background refresher training length произвольный, дискреци- онный jd. арбитражный суд заставлять, принуждать кого-либо делать что-либо подготавливать (персонал), тренировать, воспитывать I) задний план, фон; 2) предпосылка, происхо- ждение; 3) подготовка, квалификация повторительный курс, курс повышения квали- фикации длина, продолжитель- ность I Suggested activities a Discuss the following questions in pairs: м the authorities involved in combating money laundering in Russia я joint investigations cases when the legislation allows access to bank records and infer-' mation even without a prosecutor’s order power of a prosecutor’s order the idea of a judicial order I) Draw a diagram showing all the organizations, involved and their responsi bilities, according to the text c Write a short essay on training of law enforcement personnel, the text states. Give your assessment. State your proposals. 198
Я In conclusion d Look through all the 7 texts on money laundering and make a list of the most important terms and expressions refating to this subject e Say what is being done at the present time to combat these offenses and what legislation is in force. f Act out a press conference on anti-money laundering legislation in Russia at present. £ Have a look at the picture and answer the following questions: 1 Why do you think this man is masked and armed? 2 Where was the picture taken, to your mind? 3 Is alcoholic drinks trade to be licensed in Russia? 4 When does this trade involve illegal proceeds? 6 What steps do state and local authorities take to prevent crimes in’ this trade? 199
Part D Drug Wars and Law Section 1: Asia and Panama Section 2: Colombia
Section 1: Asia and Panama Text 1 Crime is crime, after all-armed robbery, bank embezzlement, drug dealing, It’s been around a long time, not too hard to live with. But then something happened. Something had endangered Amer- ica’s economic base. Where was all this drug money going? Could it be used to alter balances of power? In Washington power centers, including the White House, tele- phones were lifted in alarm, panic buttons pressed, emegrency meetings convened. What is the meaning of this? What is going on here? No one knew, . The CIA and DEA, embarassed by their ignorance, rushed to beat each other to the answers. EM DEA HQS WAS 11 DC TO DEA WORLWIDE CONFIDENTIAL. EMBASS1ES/CONSULS FOR DEA SUBJECT: OPERATION CASH PLOW THE OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE IS INVOLVED IN AN ON-GOING PROJECT DESIGNED TO IDENTIFY THE MAGNITUDE AND SPECIFIC RAMIFICATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL FLOW OF DRUG RELATED CURRENCY. ESTIMATES BY VARIUOS AGENCIES REFLECT THAT DOLLARS LEAVING THE U.S. FROM ILLICIT DRUG PROFITS AND PAYMENTS MAY WELL BE A SIGNIFICANT UNMEASURED PORTION OF THIS COUNTRY’S GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT AND CREATES SE- RIOUS INACCURACIES IN U.S. DATA ON INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY FLOW {BALANCE OF PAYMENTS). MORE AND MORE FREQUENTLY DEA IS BEING ASKED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION IN THIS SUBJECT AREA AND TO DATE, IN- FORMATION IN OUR POSSESSION HAS BEEN EXTREMELY LIMITED. DEA offices from Songhkk, Thailand, to Lahore, Pakistan, were ordered to «conduct a study and submit results» within six weeks, The CIA sent similar instructions to its stations. But no one waited for foreign-based agents to check in, Hardly two weeks after the cable went out, a senior agent from DEA’s office of strategic intelligence was on his way around the world, conducting the first inclusive intelligence operation (it was code-named Operation Cashflow) ever directed at the multi bill ion-dollar profits of the in- ternational narcotics industry, 201
I Vocabulary notes alarm тревога in alarm с тревогой raise alarm ложная тревога to take alarm встревожиться the CIA (the Central In- telligence Agency) ЦРУ (США) intelligence [m'telidjons] 1) разведывательная служ- ба, разведка; 2) сведения, информация; 3) быстрое понимание, понятливость the DEA (the Department Департамент экономики, of Economic Affairs) Министерство экономики (США) to em harass [rm'bseras] 1) затруднять, стеснять; 2) запутывать, обременять ignorance ['ignsrans] 1) невежество; 2) неведе- ние, незнание to rush бросаться, мчаться, не- стись, устремляться fin = from hqs = headquarters washdc = Washington, District of Columbia flow [flou] течение, поток cashflow поток денег (наличных) ramification разветвление, ответвле- ние, отросток estimate ($) ['estrnwt (s)] оценка, смета, наметка to reflect [n'flekt] 1) отражать, изображать; 2) размышлять significant [si'gnifikont] значительный, важный, существенный to create [kn'eit] творить, создавать inaccuracy [in'fekjurosi] неточность, ошибка 202
I Wordsand Grammar a Write down the words from which the following ones are formed: robbery — A**?.......................... embezzlement............. ignorance...................... dealing.................. unmeasured..................... to endanger.............. inaccuracy..................... meaning.................. multibillion.................— b Encircle attributes, write down by what parts of speech they are expressed and translate the following into Russian: Sinned) robbery .......... bank embezzlement.............. drug dealing................... drug related currency.......... narcotics industry............. balances of power............... power centers................... on-going project................ foreign-base agents............. America’s economic base......... DEA offices.................... c Match the English and Russian equivalents and write down sentences with them, on the basis of the text: to eiu harass вовлекать to alter затруднять, запутывать to lift оценивать to convene поднимать to involve собирать to estimate измерять to measure обеспечивать to provide изменять 203
d Underline the predicates, write down in what forms the verbs are used and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 It has been around a long time, not too hard to live with......... .................................................. 2 Something had endangered Americans economic base.................. 3 Where was all this money going?................................... 4 More and more frequently the DEA is being asked to provide this- information.......................................................... 5 DEA offices were ordered to conduct a study....................... e Write down a few sentences with the following words on the basis of the text: money intelligence я information drugs I Suggested activities f Explain the meaning of the following sentences in English: 1 The light dawned. 2 The CIA and DEA rushed to beat each other to the answers. 3 It creates serious inaccuracies in US data on international currency' flow. 4 Information in our possession has been extremely limited. 5 But no one waited for foreign-based agents to check in. £ Write out the words or sentences from the text which mean that: 1 The US had ignored drug dealing for rather a long time. 2 Once the US became aware of this problem they took urgent meas- ures. 3 It was an unprecedented operation. h Sum up arhat Instructions were sent from the DEA. 204
J Answer the following questions: 1 What time limit were DEA agents ..................*........... al lowed to send the information re~ ......................... qlin ed to the headquarters? ......................... 2 Did any of them react immediately? ........................... 3 Why do you think the DEA started ............................. the Operation Cashflow without ..............- -............ waiting for the agents to respond? ........................... ।--------------------------------,--„___._ . ........., ___________ Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and answer the following question: Dobs the text speak on the responses of the agents or of (he senior agent? Text 2 Arriving in Hong Kong after a first stop in Thailand, the agent wrote that he had found Bangkok «indeed interesting— in terms of drug money ending up there (as was the conclusion of Schoolboy) it really becomes a black hole». He was referring to Operation Schoolboy, the DEA intelligence program aimed at the Hong Kong- based Chinese banking system. The agent found that DEA’s Bang- kok office, «with nearly 20 agents and their Cis, has done zero» to study the movement of drug money and «where it goes once it*s transferred there from Hong Kong and Singapore», Much of Asia’s drug profits were generated, he said, by mari- juana. «When the Thais seize marijuana, they store it in military bases. Major American brokers are actually now residing in Bangkok, and a lot of the stuff is coming right out of these military bases». The DEA intelligence agent said, «The European connection, es- pecially Fiance and the Netherlands in the financial-drug network, is most interesting. Might even warrant a trip there.» Referring to the CIA, he said «the current race going on between us and our cousins 205
over at Langley to produce a report on this subject does not allow a lot of time». What he had seen so far in Asia convinced the agent «there’s a 'big picture’ here involving all the major banking havens. There are so many more answers to how the money moves and where it ends up in the cocaine and marijuana traffic using Panama and the Cay- mans, etc., than will ever be available here». I Vocabulary notes to aim целиться, прицеливаться to aim at smth to store to reside stuff хранить на складе 1) проживать, жить, пре- бывать; 2) принадлежать (о правах а т.п.') 1) материал, вещество; 2) имущество; 3) лекар- ство; 4) хлам, чепуха to warrant race fworant] оправдывать, гарантиро- вать состязание, гонка to convince [kan'vins] убеждать, уверять traffic the Caymans = the Cay- man Islands ['traeftk] 1) движение; 2) торговля; 3) грузы Каймановы острова {группа островов Вест-Индии, чисть Ямайки) I Suggested activities a Write down the answers, using the text: 1 What was Operation Schoolboy? ’.....*......................... 2 What conclusion had that Op- ................................. eration made about Bangkok? ................................. 206
3' Did the DEA agent agree with ........................... - that conclusion? ................................ 4 What was the DEA agent's ..................................... opin ion about the efficiency of .............................. DEA’s Bangkok office? ......................................... 5 From what places did the drug ................................ money come to Bangkok? ........................................ 6 What drug was mostly traf- ................................... ficked there? ................................ 7 Where was it stored? ................................ b Say what the agent meant by the following words, to your mind: 1 Major American brokers are actually now residing in Bangkok. 2 The European connection is most interesting. 3 Might even warrant a trip there. 4 The current race between us and our cousins does not allow a lot of time. 5 There’s a big picture here involving all the major banking havens. 6 There are many more answers than will ever be available here. c Write down the questions for the following answers: 1................................. Yes, this traffic used Panama. 2 You are quite right, they used .............................. the Cayman Islands too. 3 No, they trafficked both cocaine .............................. and marijuana. d Imagine you are the senior agent Write a report on your investigation, / using the text. You may start like this: 207
Say what you remember about the Operation Cashflow described in the previ- ous two texts. Skim and scan: Read this text quickly and say what countries involved in drug trafficking it men- tions. Text3 As the Operation Cashflow studies continued, couriers hurried several times a day between DEA and CIA headquarters in Wash- ington and Langley, Virginia. Reports reaching Washington from CIA and DEA agents in Latin America were startling. A secret CIA cable from Bolivia told of a major trafficker in La Paz promising a representative of President Herman Siles-Zuazo to pay off 25 to 35 per cent of the country1 s $4.4 billion foreign debt in return for exclusive rights to the coca traffic. According to the CIA, the offer was refused. Another secret cable, four pages in length, from the CIA’s Ba- hamas station reported government corruption with astonishing precision, detailing not only the names of a half-dozen bribe-taking officials but the exact amount of the bribes ($50,000 to over $100,000) and specifically what favors they bought. At least one DEA official expressed shock, not so much at the revelations as at the thoroughness with which they were known. It was almost as if the CIA had been involved in some way. The secret Bahamian cable recalled a similar, though far more extensive document, classified TOP SECRET, which had earlier detailed corruption among officials in the Cayman Islands. That bound report included not only evidence of extensive involvement of government officials with traffickers, but photographs of specific banks and individuals. Though a later CIA report went on to call the Cayman Islands «the supermarket of money-laundering cen- ters», the effect of both reports on the American government had evidently been minimal for, as one agent pointed out. «They’re still going strong». Despite a 1984 U.S.-British agreement promising American officials access to Cayman drug accounts, few investi- gators were claiming victory. 208
I Vocabulary notes courier ['kurio] курьер, нарочный, по- сыльный startling cable потрясающий, порази- тельный 1) телеграмма; 2) кабель debt to get into debts a bad debt [det] долг, задолженность влезть в долги безнадежный долг precision favor (4ш.) = favour (Лг.) [pro'sigan] точность, четкость, акку- ратность 1) благосклонность, лю- безность; 2) польза, ин- терес, помощь revelation [,reva' leijan] откровение. открытие, раскрытие to recall to recall a deputy/an ambassador/a docu- ment [n'ko:l] отзывать отзывать депутата/посла/ документ similar to point out ['simila] подобный, СХОДНЫЙ, по- хожий указывать, показывать victory to win a victory ['viktari] победа одержать победу I Words and Grammar a Write the English equivalents, using the text! крупнейший наркоделец .................. высший долг.................,........................ монопольное право.......;.................•........... официальные лица, берущие взятки...................... связь государственных чиновников с наркодельцами ..... 209
телеграмма на четырех страницах более пространный документ... b Underline the suffixes with the help of which the following nouns are formed and translate the nouns into Russian: thoroughness. involvement... trafficker.... representative corruption . precision.. .. investigator agreement.. c Form nouns from the following verbs: to refuse to operate to reveal to promise to claim to account^- d Translate the following into Russian paying attention to the ing-forms: reports reach i ng Wash i ngto n. *%№**$**?., £ . reports were startling.............................................. a trafficker promising to pay....................................... with astonishing precision.......................................... reports detailing the exact amount of the bribes.................... money laundering centers....................... an agreement promising access to drug accounts...................... e Write down in what forms the verbs are used in the following sentences and translate them into Russian: 1 The offer was refused, лнымь 2 It was almost as if the CIA had been involved....................... 210
3 4 5 6 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Й h 1 к recalled another document which had earlier detailed corruption among officials in the Cayman Islands.............................. It went on to call these Islands «the supermarket of money- laundering centers».................................................. The effect of both reports had evidently been minimal.............. Few investigators were claiming victory............................ Suggested activities Write out the sentences or parts of them from the text which prove that: DEA and CIA agents were very active in carrying out the Operation Cashflow. Their reports made their bosses surprised. The agent in Bolivia sent very concrete information. The agent in the Bahamas gave very precise information. The previous report on the Cayman Islands was very detailed and substantiated. Great Britain promised the US some cooperation. The investigations did not result in any concrete steps. Say which title you like and why: я ate dttft рз&р Write down a title of your own. Discussion in class. The geographical position and the political systems of the countries men- tioned in the text. 211
Say how close Panama is Io the USA geographically. Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and answer the following question: What new profession has emerged in drug trafficking? Text 4 After Asia, DEA’s Operation Cashflow agent traveled to Pana- ma. A few South Florida bankers had been indicted for accepting huge amounts of so-called suitcase cash without filing legally re- quired reports, and traffickers had returned to moving the currency out of the United States physically... But paper is heavy —* the pro- ceeds of a heroine or cocaine sale generally weigh five times more than the drugs themselves. The traffickers’ biggest problem had be- come the sheer bulk of their profits. Moving the money was harder than moving the drugs, and a cottage industry of currency reloca- tion specialists had emerged to handle the problem. One of these, a sharp-witted young entrepreneur named Ramon Rodriguez bought a Learjet and regularly flew from Fort Lauder- dale to Panama with half-ton loads of currency. Identified by DEA’s man in Panama City, Rodriguez was allowed to import sev- eral mu Itim i 11 ion-do liar shipments so he could be followed around the streets of Panama City delivering bushels of cash to various banks. What happened to the money? Was it wire-transferred to Colombia? Did it go on to Switzerland? Did it just stay in Panama? Where is it going? What happens after? Rodriguez was eventually arrested with $5.4 million in cash. His accounts, computerized on floppy disks, showed he had flown nearly a quarter of a billion dollars to Panama in the previous twelve months. He said he was only one of a crowd, that there were several other airborne money-freight operators he knew of and no doubt some he didn’t, To government analysts he looked like the tip of an underground multibill ion-dollar «Air Cashu service industry. 212
I Vocabulary notes huge [hju:d3j огромный, громадный, ги- гантский proceeds [pra'srdzj доход, вырученная сумма sheer [M сущий, явный, полный, полнейший wit (s) ум, разум He has quick (sharp) wits. Он очень сообразителен. currency ['kArsnsi] 1) валюта, деньги; 2) денежное обращение bushel [bujl] бушель (мера емкости л) eventually [fventjuali] в конечном счете, в конце концов, со временем floppy disk дискета crowd [kraud] толпа, множество, масса, группа людей freight [freit] груз analyst ['sens list] 1) аналитик; 2) комментатор tip 1) кончик; 2) наконечник; 3) верхушка I Words and Grammar a Choose the synonyms from the box and write down a few word combinations with them: complete, ргоЭД big, in the end, usually, various, clever/ freight, systematically proceeds ~ huge....................... generally...................J..... sheer...................... regularly......................... eventually................. load.............................. sharp-witted................ different........................ 213
b Choose the an tony ms from the box: light, easyy to export, foolish, small to sell, to refuse, to disappear hard «44^................... to accept......................... heavy....................... to emerge......................... sharp-witted................ to buy............................ to import................... big............................... c Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English and give Russian equivalents: suitcase cash................................................ to move currency physically.................................. to move drugs................................................ a cottage industry of currency relocation specialists........ airborne money-freight operators............................. the tip of an underground service industry................... d Make sentences of your own with the following phrases: to be indicated for accepting huge amounts to accept money without filing legally required reports to return to moving the currency out of the USA physically to import several nniltimillion-dollar shipments e Find the English equivalents in the text: самая большая проблема для наркодельцов...................... общий объем их доходов....................................... чтобы разрешить эту проблему ................................ смышленый предприимчивый делец............................... ящики с валютой весом по полтонны............................ сдавать огромные количества.................................. наличных денег в банки....................................... 214
f Encircle the predicates, write down in what forms the verbs are used and complete the sentences: 1 Identified by DEAys man in Panama City, Rodriguez[ was allowed) to import several shipments. ............... 2 Ke was followed around the streets of Panama City delivering bushels of cash to various ........................... ............... 3 His accounts, computerized on floppy disks, showed he had flown nearly a quarter of.................................................... 4 He said he was only one............................................ I Suggested activities g Write out the sentences from the text which mean that: 1 Rodrigue? did not know all the money-freight operators in Panama, 2 Money-freight operations made a big industry in Panama. 3 Some American bankers had been arrested for cooperation with drug dealers. h Sum up what the text said about Rodriguez and Air Cash service industry. I Agree or disagree and support your point of view: If Rodriguez had not been arrested these money-freight operations would not have been revealed. j Use your imagination and write a short account of how Rodriguez was ar- rested. К Write down a summary of the four texts on the drug wars in Asia and Panama. 215
Section 2: Colombia Pre-reading questions: 1. Where is Colombia located? 2. Is this country associated with drugs? 3. Have you heard anything about the Cali cartel? Text 1 So the Cali cartel, once the world’s most powerful criminal or- ganisation, is dead, is it? The cartel’s top bosses, most famously the Rodriguez Orejuela brothers, are now behind bars. Until now, the biggest Cali bosses appeared to be safely behind bars. Too safe, complained American officials, who alleged that they have been running their drugs businesses from the comfort of their prison cells. The brutal slayings inside jail of two of Colom- bia’s most notorious traffickers this month have silenced such talk. Now, the fear is that an all-out war might break out between the Cali has-beens and their putative successors. On November 5th, a well-dressed man posing as a lawyer strolled on to the football pitch inside the Palniira maximum secu- rity prison near Cali. He warmly embraced Helmer «Pacha» Her- rera — a top dog in the Cali mob — and, in front of Herrera’s team- mates, shot him six times in the head. Eight days later, Orlando Henao Montoya — the head of the Valle cartel, Cali's one-time ally — was gunned down in another maximum-security prison. This time, it was Pacho’s paraplegic brother who fired the shots from his electric wheelchair. When the Cali leaders were rounded up in 1995 and 1996, Co- lombian and American authorities declared the mob shattered. But recent events suggest tliat5 like the Valle mob, it remains a force to be reckoned with. The murders may be a sign that the mutual re- spect that once existed between the gangs is giving way to a power struggle. Equally worrying, say intelligence men, are signs that the biggest of the traffickers still at large are regrouping their opera- tions. 216
I Vocabulary notes to allege [a'ledj] brutal ['brutal] to slay (stew, slain) putative ['pjuztotiv] to pose as to stroll pitch mob mobster top dog team-mate to shoot (shot* shot) shot ally ally of moment paraplegic ['aelai] [.puera'plcdgik] wheelchair to shatter event to suggest to reckon with at large [I'vent] [safest] ['rekan] утверждать (особ. баз осно- вании) жестокий,зверский (KHRvnjJ убивать предполагаемый, мнимый принимать позу, вид фгого- янбо) прогуливаться, бродить I) обычное место; 2) пар- тия товара; 3) бросок, по- дача; 4) часть спортивно- го поля между линиями подающих I) толпа, сборище; 2) (сленг) воровская шайка член воровской шайки ХОЗЯИН (положения) I) игрок/член той же ко- манды; 2) член той же воровской шайки стрелять, застрелить выстрел союзник временный союзник больной параплегией (параплегия — паралич обе- их нижних или верхних ко нечностеи) коляска (с)ля инаемидоа) В форме кресла на колесах 1) разбить (ся), раздробить; 2) расстраивать (здоровье^ разрушать (надежды) событие зЛ. предполагать считаться с на свободе 217
I Words and Grammar a Choose the synonyms from the box: to announce, to kill, to stay in prison, to shoot, to begin, to seem, to silence to stroll to be behind bars to gun down....... to slay........... to appear.... to break out to declare ... to stop...... b Match the English and Russian equivalents: most powerful most famously safely notorious putative mutual печально известный возможный взаимный наиболее известно спокойно самый сильный с Find the English equivalents in the text: может начаться открытая война................................ недавние главари Кали..................................... их возможные преемники.................................... футбольная площадка....................................... тюрьма строгого режима.................................... бывший когда-то союзником Кали............................ они объявили группировку уничтоженной..................... d Underline the adjectives in different degrees of comparison and explain their formation. 218
e Underline the nouns to which the articles refer and translate the following into Russian: the Cali cartel................................................... the world's most powerful criminal organisation................... the Rodriguez Orejuela brothers................................... the brutal slayings............................................... a well-dressed man................................................ to pose as a lawyer............................................... the Palmira maximum security prison .............................. a power struggle.................................................. e Explain the meaning of the following in English and give the Russian equivalents: ► to run drug business from the comfort of the prison cells......... these brutal slayings have silenced this talk..................... when the Cali leaders were rounded up in 1995 and 1996............ it remains a force to be reckoned with ........................... the mutual respect is giving way to a power struggle.............. f Make the following short assignments on Grammar: 1 The biggest Cali bosses appear to be safely behind bars. 2 American officials alleged that the biggest Cali bosses have been run- ning drug business from prison. 3 This time it wax Рас ho'a brother who fired the shots. 4 Equally worrying, say intelli- gence men, are signs that they are regrouping their operations. Underline the Nominative with the Infinitive Construction. Inyvhat Tenses are the verbs used? Are the Rules of Sequence of Tenses observed here? Is this construction very emphatic? Why do you think the word order is inverted here? 219
£ Write out the words from the text which show that: 1 The author doubts that the Cali cartel is dead. 2 Many officials believed it was dead many years ago. 3 The gangsters are changing their tactic^. h Write out all the information about the Cali mob from the text I What’s your opinion? м Say why the Cali cartel and the Valle mobsters are not allies any longer, to your mind. • What brought about their splitting. Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: 1. Does the text give more details on the Cali drug cartel? ^2. Can the text be entitled Gmgo /nvo/vement? Text 2 Colombia’s drugs police lately had another reminder of the nar- . cotic trade’s tight grip on the country. On November 9th, American officials discovered nearly half a tonne of cocaine and several kilo- grams of heroine on a Colombian Air Force plane in Florida, It is not the first time drugs have been found on air-force aircraft; two years ago, a stasli of heroine was discovered on the plane that was about to take Mr. Samper to a United Nations meeting in Nevy York. On that occasion, officers denied the existence of a drug- trafficking ring within the air force, This'time they are beating a hu- miliating retreat. The drug seizure forced the immediate resignation of the air-force chief, General Jose Manuel Sandoval; and six of his men have since been detained by the attorney-general’s office. Both President Andres Pastrana and his defence minister say that they will, if necessary, let more heads roll to clean up the air force. 220 Д'.
Mr. Pastrana may have more success in this than his predeces- sor did in busting the Cali cartel. He has a powerful new tool: ex- tradition. A law introduced last year makes all traffickers arrested after it came into force eligible for extradition to the United States. Because the law is not retroactive this puts the mobsters already in jail out of America’s reach — a loophole about which American of- ficials have vehemently complained. Colombians have always been keen — sometimes with reason •— to blame an American conspiracy for the latest surreal twist in their drugs wars. Some claimed to see gringo involvement in the recent prison killings. Speculation intensified last week when an agent from America’s Drug Enforcement Administration was shot* 4 dead outside a fashionable Bogota nightspot. Police say the murder — the first killing of a DEA agent in Colombia — was the result of a bar-room brawl and had nothing to do with the current spate of drugs violence. Tell that to the conspiracy theorists’ I Vocabulary notes reminder напоминание gentle reminder намек tight [tait] grip to secure a grip on smth to stash 1) плотный 2) плотно прилегающий 1) хватка, сжатие 2) власть, тиски прибрать что-либо к ру- кам (разг,) копить, припря- тывать humiliating [hjm'milieitii]] унизительный, оскорби- тельный retreat [ri'tn:t] to make good one’s re- treat отступление легко отделаться 22+
resignation [jezrg'neijn] to detain [di'tem] predecessor to bust fprrdisesa] eligible [a'lfdsobl] loophole ['luiphoul} vehement a man of vehement character vehement desire vehement wind keen ['vinmont] to be keen on smth to blame conspiracy [kon'spairosi twist to claim gringo brawl [bro:l] 1) отставка; 2) заявление об отставке; 3) отказ от (или уход с) должности I) задерживать; 2) аре- стовывать, содержать под стражей предшественник (еле//?) схватить с полич- ным, арестовать могущий, подходящий, имеющий право 1) бойница, амбразура; 2) лазейка, увертка сильный, неистовый человек с сильным ха- рактером сильное желание сильный ветер 1) сильный; 2) сильно желающий сильно желать чего-либо обвинять L) заговор, тайный сго- вор; 2)конспирация; 3) тайная подпольная организация L) изгиб, поворот; 2) ха- рактерная особенность, отличительная черта (часто неодобрит.); 3) твист (танец) I) заявлять; 2) требовать; 3) возбуждать иск о воз- мещении убытков (првзр.) гринго, иностра- нец, особ, англичанин или американец (а Лат, Америке) шумная ссора, уличный скандал 222
spate Tell that to the conspir- acy theorists! (Tell that to the marines!) излияние, проявление Рассказывайте сказки! I Words and Grammar a Match the English and Russian equivalents: to remind to grip to deny to retreat to resign to detain to claim to blame обвинять напоминать схватить требовать отрицать уходить в отставку задерживать отступать b Choose the synonyms from the box: in that case, in this case, recently, inside, since then, about lately........................ on that occasion.............. this time..................... nearly........................ within........................ since.......................... c Choose the antonyms from the box: native, appointment, attack, peace, successor, failure predecessor................ retreat gringo..................... success resignation................ war....... 223,
<1 Underline the basic nouns in the following word combinations and translate them into Russian (usually starting with the last word): Colombia’s drugs police ........ narcotic trade’s tight grip .................................. a Colombian Air Force plane................................... a United Nations meeting...................................... America’s Drug Enforcement Administration..................... the recent prison killings................................. a bar-room brawl.............................................. e Choose the correct prepositions and write down a short sentence with each word-combination: to find drugs at/on air-force aircraft to discover heroine at/on the plane to be detained at/by the attorney-general’s office to come in/irito force eligiblefor/to extradition from/offas USA this puts the mobsters out of/off America’s reach f Encircle the predicates, write down in what forms the Verbs are used and complete the sentences: 1 The drug police lately (had) another reminder of................ 2 It is not the first time drugs have been found within........... 3 Six of his men have been........................................ 4 Mr. Pastrana may have more success in this than his predecessor did in busting.................................................... 5 Colombians have always been keen to blame....................... 4 Group the following words and word combinations into a few logical units and fill in the table: drugs police, to resign, extradition, narcotic trade, to detain, in jail, to discover a stash of heroine, drug seizure, to bust the cartel, mobster, conspiracy, to shoot dead, involvement, current spate of drug violence 224
Group I 2 3 4 5 _ h Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in Eng- lish and give Russian equivalents: a retroactive law............ a loophole.................... to be out of smb’s reach...... a drug-trafficking ring....... to beat a humiliating retreat_____ the narcotic trade’s tight grip on the country....................... to be keen to blame an American conspiracy....................... I Suggested activities I Find the answers in the text and write them down; 1 What did American officials .................................. discover on a Colombian Air ...............................- Force plane in Florida on 9 ................................. November? .............................. 2 What did it result in? .............................. 3 What law was introduced to ................................... combat drug trafficking in Co- .............................. lombia? .............................. 4 What are the weak points of .................................. the law? .............................. 5 What do Colombians think ..................................... about American involvement? ................................. Я AwjJJUiL'KUit wist HijuictoB 225
j Use your imagination and describe: a how a DEA agent was killed in Colombia n what newspapers wrote about that fe what conclusion the author of this article makes about American involvement 5? Write down your own title of this article and say why you like it. В Have a look at the picture and answer the following questions: One last drag 1 Who do you think this young man is? 2 Do you believe he is ready making the last drag? 3 Are many young people becoming drug addicts in all the countries of the world? 4 Is it easy to give up smoking, inhaling or having drugs, according to professional doctors? 5 Do you know the names of famous' people who managed to give up drugs taking? 6 Is drugs taking illegal in ail the countries? 7 Is drugs trafficking illegal in all the contries? 8 What do anti-drugs law adopted in Russia say? 226
Part E Consumers and Law in the USA Section 1: Consumer Fraud Section 2: Frequently Asked Questions
Section 1: Consumer Fraud Pre-reading question: What do you remember about fraud in Europe as was described in Part В (Section 1) of this book? Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and answer the following question: Is fraud described here similar to that shown in Part B? Text 1 Fraud costs North American consumers billions of dollars per year. The act of deceiving unsuspecting consumers can be easily committed, difficult to prosecute and very profitable for the crimi- nals. Whether the financial loss is large or small, no one likes to be swindled or conned. The unwary can be easy marks for criminals, unaware that they have been defrauded or too ashamed to admit it when they discover that they are a victim of fraud. The best way to reduce fraud is through increased awareness. The greatest enemy to the perpetrator of fraud is the informed con- sumer. Fraud can take many different forms, as the only limit to the con artists is their creativity and imagination. The following de- scriptions do not provide an exhaustive list of fraudulent practices, but serve to provide an indication of some of the more common consumer fraud schemes. Pyramid or Chain Referral Schemes A pyramid or chain referral scheme is a marketing program based on convincing people to buy the right to sell others the right to market a particular product or product line. Promoters select a product and sell large or overpriced inventories to «distributors», with the added incentive of allowing the distributors to sell sub- distributorships. The profit is earned primarily through investors enlisting new recruits who in turn enroll more recruits. In order to recoup the initial investment, new recruits are encouraged to sell 228
new distributorships and there is little real concern given to selling the actual product or service to the public. The attraction of the pyramid scheme is that it offers an unusually high rate of return on the initial investment. Investors are typically advised that they can get a full return on their money by getting two or more «new» investors to make an investment. The new investors must then get two or more new investors and so it goes, on and on... Promoters fail to tell or deliberately conceal that profit from this system becomes mathematically impossible for other than the initiators of the scheme. Similar pyramid schemes are also appear- ing on the Internet, Phoney Bank Inspector An unknown person implies that he/she is a bank representative or working with the police to investigate the misappropriation of money at your bank. Your assistance is required to trap a dishonest bank em- ployee. You are asked to visit your bank and withdraw money from your account. The con artist contacts you after the withdrawal, pro- duces phoney identification and takes possession of your money. You are assured that the money will be deposited to your account within a couple of days... The phoney bank inspector and your money then dis- appear. Your entire savings can be wiped out within minutes, Boiler Room Operations Numerous employees are hired by a con-artist as telephone so- licitors to sell products or solicit donations for charitable organiza- tions. The products are frequently of questionable value and the charities are fictitious or, they receive little or nothing. These schemes work well, as each victim consumer is taken for only a moderate amount and they do not usually pursue the issue. However the sm a I Mo-moderate individual amounts add up to thousands of dollars for the boiler room operator. Be prudent and verify the organization or product before mak- ing a commitment.
I Vocabulary notes to swindle [swmdi] обманывать, надувать to swindle money out of a person to con syn. to fraud to swindle con synt fraud swindler выманить у кого-либо деньги Жульничать, надувать 1) жульничество; 2) жу- лик wary ['wean] 1) осторожный; 2) подоз- рительный, насторожен- ный ashamed to be ashamed for smb to be ashamed of smb/snith 1 am ashamed of myself. He was ashamed to tell the truth. [a'feimd] пристыженный стыдиться за кого-либо, стыдиться кого-либо/ чего-либо Мне стыдно за себя. Ему было стыдно ска- зать правду. to admit to be admitted to the bar to admit smth [od'mit] допускать, принимать получать право адвокат- ской практики в суде признаться в чем-либо victim to fall a victim ['viktim] жертва стать жертвой perpetrator f pa:potreita] нарушитель, преступник exhaustive exhaustive list exhaustive information chain [rgfzc:stiv] исчерпывающий, пол- ный ПОЛНЫЙ список исчерпывающие свсде- • ; НИЯ 1) цепь, цепочка; 2) одно- типные магазины, принад- лежащие одной фирме р имеющие одно название 230
a chain of happenings promoter [pra'moutsj inventories inventory [m'ventanz] distributor [dis'trjbjuto] recruit to enrol [ri'laut] [in'roul] phoney.(= phony) ['founi] to trap boiler room donation [dau'neijan] charities ['tfcentiz] charity moderate ['modareit] prudent ['pruicbnt] commitment to make a commitment [ka'mitmant] to verify fvenfai] цепь событий 1) тот, кто способствует (кел/у-дидо); 2) учреди- тель, основатель; 3) агент, который помогает новому бизнесу запасы (товаров) 1) опись, инвентарь; 2) переучет товара, ин- вентаризация оптовый торговец, про- дающий товар дилерам, специал изиру ютимся на розничной торговле новый участник, новичок вербовать, вовлекать, принимать (риз?.) ложны Й, под- дельный, фальшивый, дутый ставить ловушки, пой- мать в ловушку котельное отделение, котельная дар, пожертвование (часто денежное) благотворительные уч- реждения или дела благотворительность умеренный, выдержан- ный, средний, небольшой I) благоразумный, пре- дусмотрительный; 2) осторожный; 3) расчет- ливый, бережливый обязательство связать себя обязатель- ством проверять, контролиро- вать 231
I Words and Grammar a Write down the verbs from which the following nouns are formed: decei pt —, &&&* promoter____ distributor.. perpetrator. commitment encouragement recruit....... trap.......... swindler...... b Write down the word families of the following words: fraud . to consume to list to suspect to lose tO enroll ^7” c Match the English and Russian equivalents: unsuspecting moderate prudent exhaustive wary phoney fraudulent мошеннический исчерпывающий ничего не подозревающий умеренный благоразумный настороженный дутый d Encircle attributes in the following extracts from sentences and write what parts of speech they are expressed by: the actf of deceiving] consumers .................. increased awareness................................................. a chain referral scheme............................................. 232
a marketing.program............................................... the right to market a particular product.......................... overpriced inventories........................................‘ incentive of allowing the distributors to sell sub-distributorships.............................................. the informed consumer............................................. e Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian: no one likes to be swindled the unwary to be too ashamed to admit to take many different forms to get a full return of money to fail to earn profit to conceal smth deliberately f Write out the English equivalents from the text: независимо от того, велика или ........ мала финансовая потеря ..... привлекать новых членов (шртшдьг) ..... капиталовложения на начальной ......... стадии (шдощндь}) ..... поймать (в л<мгрш«у) нечестного ....... банковского работника ..... все ваши накопления могут ис- ......... чезиуть в одну минуту ..... прежде чем вступать в какую- .......... либо сделку {брать на себя какие-либо . обязательства) ..... й Explain the meaning of the following words in English and write Russian equivalents; perpetrator of fraud......... phoney bank inspector................. con artist...................... boiler room operator.............. promoter — distributor — recruit...................... 233
I Suggested activities h Write down the answers using the text: 1 On what basis does consumer ................................... fraud exist? .............................. 2 How many and what forms ....................................... does it take? .............................. 3 What do promoters sell in ..................................... case of pyramid schemes? .................................... 4 Where does the profit come .................................... from? What makes the pyra- .................................. mid schemes attractive? ..................................... 5 Why do all pyramids col- ...................................... lapse? i Write down a few sentences showing the steps a phoney bank inspector takes to defraud a client. j Summarise what the text says about boiler room operations and say why Americans call such operations boiler room operations. К Write down questions for the following answers: 1 .................................................... ^latticed fife h ................................. 2 .................................................... (--|.|.FH|.4>- + 4-F4Fd4""4F-IFdi-|.4F + L|.|.4F4l--Fb4l- + F4+dl- + ll-4l-l 3 ..........................................'......... 4 ..................................................... Judging by this text boiler room operations are quite common in the USA. Yes, they often mention charitable organizations. Certainly they are fictitious. No, sometimes they sell various goods of questionable value. 234
5 Yes, consumers pay only moder- ............................. ate amounts, 6 ............................... No, usually they don’t turn to po- ............................. lice. I Agree or disagree and support your view-point: 1 Pyramid schemes were very common in Russia some time ago. 2 Boiler room operations are popular in Russia too. 3 Consumers are becoming increasingly prudent. Text 2 The Pigeon Drop Scheme The pigeon drop scheme has many variations and the following is but one possible scenario. A stranger approaches you on the street and starts up a conversation. As you are conversing another stranger nearby clajms to'having just found a large amount of money. The discussion turns to what should be done with the money. Stranger number two cl a inis to work for a lawyer and leaves to seek legal advice. The finder returns to say that the lawyer advises to say that the money should be put into a trust for a certain amount of time, until the owner is located. I f unclaimed at the end of the time period, the money is to be Shared among those in the group. However, to en- sure that all those in the group are legitimate, a specified amount of money is to be deposited in the trust by each member of the group. The coibartist then adds that once the lawyer has all the money, for an, additional fee, the waiting period can be waived. Both strangers then advise you to withdraw the amount of money re- quired. •' 236
The stranger who claims to work for the lawyer then offers to take the money to the lawyer, sign the papers and return with your share. The stranger then returns and advises that the lawyer wants to speak to you personally, and gives you directions to the office. Your search for the office is fruitless and you soon realize that you have been conned. This con, like many, appeals to a weakness in human nature... the desire to get something for nothing. NEVER GIVE CASH TO A STRANGERIl! Land Speculation People wishing to purchase a vacation or retirement property often find themselves trapped in land investment schemes. Through the use of slick advertising, unscrupulous promoters seduce poten- tial victims into buying worthless property. If the price seems too good to be true or it is «an urgent once in a lifetime opportunity» you may be buying a desert bed miles from civilization or swamp land that remain under water even during a drought. Never purchase property sight unseen. Visit the area, view the property, and have it properly appraised. DO YOUR HOMEWORK... INVESTIGATE BEFORE BUYlNGItl Home Improvement Schemes Most home improvement contractors are legitimate and provide a useful service. A small percentage of these contractors are not so honest. Con-artists practising home improvement schemes often solicit contracts from home owners by misrepresenting the neces- sity for repairs or the value of the home improvements. These op- erators will ask to be paid in cash, often in advance or with large deposits in advance. The contractual work is then often poorly done or not performed at all. Before making a commitment: и Check with the Better Business Bureau regarding the hon- est- and reputation of the contractor; : и О J'.a i n other estimates from reputable contractors; 236
Never pay for the work in advance; pay after it has been completed and examined; If the person represents a utility company ask for proper identification; Carefully read all forms and contracts before signing; « Never let anyone rush you into signing a contract or handing over cash. I Vocabulary notes pigeon fpidgan] I) голубь; 2) (разг.) про- стак, шляпа drop 1) капля; 2) падение, по- нижение, снижение to seek (sought, sought) искать, добиваться, про- сить to seek advice обращаться за советом to share 1) дел ить (ся), распреде- лять; 2) участвовать, быть пайщиком to share profits участвовать в прибылях to waive [weiv] отказываться to waive the right отказываться от права a claim отказываться от претензии inspection отказываться от инспек- ции to purchase ['pOitjos] покупать, приобретать vacation [vo'keifn] каникулы, отпуск the long vacation летние каникулы vacation pay оплата отпуска retirement [n'taiamant] 1) отставка; 2) выход в отставку или ни пенсию; 3) уединение, уединенная жизнь property fpropoti] собственность, имущество 237
a property property qualifica- tion property tax slick scrupulous to seduce desert swamp drought to appraise You should have it appraised. honest to be quite honest about it repairs value improvement improvements (Am.) reputable utility to hand Over ['skruzpjulasj [so'djuzs] ['dezat] [draut] [o'pretz] fontst] [n'pwz] f'vtelju] ['repjutobl] Hui'tiUti] земельная собственность, имение имущественный ценз налог на имущество ловкий, хитрый, скольз- кий I) щепетильный, совестли- вый; 2) добросовестный; 3) тщательный соблазнять, обольщать, совращать 1) пустыня; 2) необитае- мое пустынное место болото, топь I) засуха; 2) сухость воз- духа оценивать, расценивать Нужно, чтобы вам его оценили, честный, правдивый откровенно говоря ремонт 1) ценность; 2) стоимость, цена улучшение, усовершенст- вование удобства, перестройка, перестановка почтенный, достойный уважения коммунальные услуги, коммунальные сооруже- ния передавать 238
I Suggested activities a Complete the following sentences using the text: 1 Another stranger c laims to having just found a large.............. 2 The finder returns to say that the money should.................... 3 If unclaimed the money is.......................................... 4 A specified amount is to be........................................ b Write dawn answers to the following questions: 1 Do you think that all the three .......................... persons involved deposit the ............................ money then? ............................. 2 How do the two strangers ................................. persuade the third to with- .............................. draw the money from the .................................. bank and give it to them? ................................ c Write a few consecutive sentences showing how the pigeon drop scheme works. You may start like this: a tfredt, /4 ..... d Repeat how people can be conned when they wish to buy some land. e Agree or disagree and support your viewpoint: 1 Unscrupulous promoters seducing potential victims always act through slick advertising. 2 People never buy property without seeing it first. f Explain the meaning of the following sentences in English and translate them into Russian: 1 A certain percentage of home improvement contractors are not honest. 239
2 They often solicit contracts from home owners by misrepresenting the necessity for some work. 3 They will ask to be paid in cash and often in advance, £ Write out all the tips (советы) from the text. Say which of them seems most important to you and why h A class-room discussion: Various frauds and the consumers. Section 2: Frequently Asked Questions Here are a few questions about various frauds and answers given by a District Attorney of the State of Florida (FlaJ, USA: Text 1 Question: If someone gives me a check for service/merchandise and it later turns out to be worthless because of NSF, Account Closed, etc., what do I need to make a criminal police report? Answer: If the goods/service change hands at the same time as the check is passed, and the check is in the amount of $150.00 (Fla. Law) or more in order to initiate a police report you will need to: 1 Send a notice of dishonored check form to the last known ad- dress of the person who gave you the check, either certified or registered mail return receipt requested. 2 Wait the specified period of time for the person to make good on the check (7 days in Fla., after receipt of the notice), not required on checks returned «Account Closed», 240
3 Have identified the person who rendered the check, this is your responsibility as the recepient of the check. 4 Be able to identify the person from a photographic line up consisting of at least 6 similar photographs of individuals. 5 Be willing to give a sworn statement and testify in a court of law regarding the incident. 6 Not have taken a partial payment from the person toward payment of the check (makes civil). 7 Not have taken a check at the time that was post dated (makes civil). 8 Not have entered into an agreement with the person when they gave you the check to hold the check until a future date (makes civil): 9 Not have taken a worthless check from this person in the past (makes civil). Question: What if the amount is less than $150.00? (Fla. Law) Answer: The giving of a worthless check in an amount of less than $150.00 is a misdemeanor crime. 1 It is not necessary to make a police report. 2 You must accomplish items #I thru #5 above. 3 You must not have done items #6 thru #9 or the matter is con- sidered civil. • All checks, regardless of the amount, given before or after the goods or merchandise is received are misdemeanors. • All checks, regardless of the amount, which are given as payment on an account are misdemeanors. • All checks, regardless of the amount, which are payments for rent are misdemeanors. If you have a question, regarding a check which you took, you can call the State Attorney’s Office in the county in which you re- side for the answer. 241
I Vocabulary notes check (4/a) = cheque (Ba) merchandise jjw. goods, commodities NSF » not sufficient funds to pass to initiate to initiate measures notice to dishonour a check dishonoured check certified registered mail receipt to make good to swear (swore, sworn) statement a sworn statement to make a statement m isdemeanor to accomplish thru (Л/к.) - through (Вл) ['tna:tfatidaiz] [1'nifieit] ['noutis) [dis'oma] банковский чек; пере- водный вексель, выстав- ленный на банк и опла- чиваемый по предъявле- нии товары на счете средств недос- таточ но проводить, принимать начать, принимать, по- ложить начало приступить к проведе- нию мероприятий извещение, уведомление, предупреждение отказывать в платеже по векселю опротестованный чек заверенный заказная почта квитанция I) сдержать слово; 2) вознаградить; 3) под- твердить клясться, присягать заявление заявление под присягой делать заявление судебно-на казу ем ы й проступок, преступление совершать, выполнять, достигать 242
I Have a look at a cheque sample: The payee In words number code number in figures signature I Vocabulary notes sample payee payer counter signature to draw (drew, drawn) drawee drawer sort code amount Pay,,, or order (of) [ssempl] [po'i:] ['рею J [dro:, dru:, drain] [dro'i:] ['dro:o] [o'maimt] образец, образчик получатель плательщик контрольная подпись выписывать (чек) плательщик (бйял- плательщик) получатель сортировочный код сумма Платите (гжн<аму"1ш) лицу) ‘ или “приказу /или как он укажет/ 243
I Words study a Write down nouns formed from the following verbs: to check — ..e4ec£, ...... to initiate..................... to certify....................... to notice....................... to state......................... to honour....................... to accomplish.................... b Write down as many nouns as possible with the following adjectives: dishonoured worthless certified future similar c Give the English equivalents, using the text: по чеку нельзя получить .......... указанной суммы (чек, ниче- ...... го ив стоящий) ..... неоплаченный чек ..... написать заявление в поли- ....... цию ..... сделать первые шаги для за- ...... явлений ..... 244
если товар переходит к дру- * тому владельцу указанный период времени лицо, выписавшее чек d Write down a sentence with each of the following words, using the text: receipt.................... statement...................... recepient.................. to identify.................... notice..................... to enter into an agreement....... e Choose the synonyms from the box: goods? notification, sum, to go to, to live, to start, to concern, to forward, to fulfil, obligation merchandise ... — ... amount................... notice................... to reside................ to regard ............... to call........................ to initiate..................... to accomplish................... to send......................... responsibility.................. f Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English and write down the Russian equivalents: Account Closed............................................... NSF......................................................... a photographic line up...................................... a sworn statement...........:......................... ..... to take a check at the time that is post dated.............. to hold a check until a future date......................... makes civil................................................. a misdemeanor crime......................................... 245
I Suggested activities £ Write down answers to the following questions: 1 Who do you think asked the District .................................. Attorney of Florida those questions? ................................. 2 Why were very detailed answers given? ................................ 11 Write out the cases which are considered misdemeanors, i Write out all the instructions for making a criminal police report (you may make them as short as possible, but very clear at the same time). J Act out this dialogue between the District Attorney and his audience (you may omit detailed instructions). К Sum up all the details of the chegue illustrated, 1 Use your imagination and fill in this chegue form: 16-20-20 BANK PLC C. Brown □□7303 1 6 2D2D, 1 703 1 41 В 246
skimand_scan. Read the text quickly and say if it is the continuation of the talk of-the District Attorney of the State of Florida, USA. Text 2 Imposter Fraud/True name Fraud Criminals armed with a few simply obtained facts about you (name, Social Security number) can open fraudulent bank, credit card, etc., accounts and even get their hands on your money. There are things you can do to protect yourself from this kind of fraud, but with technological advances everyday, nothing is foolproof. Here are a few tips: Wallets/Purses Limit the number of credit cards that you carry because the fact is that thieves steal these items. The thief will have less to work with if s/he gets their hands on these items. Memorize your SS# so. that you won’t have to carry the card and limit the papers you carry with this information on it. When mailing outgoing mail with sensitive information, credit card bills, etc., mail them from an official postal pick up box and not your unsecured home mailbox. Use of your residential mailbox with the little red flag is a signal to the local thief that you have outgoing mail. Thieves sometimes steal the mail, others open the envelopes, copy the personal information, then reseal the envelope and mail the item. You don’t realize that there’s a problem until it’s too late. Don’t throw documents in the trash that contain personal in- fonnatioit Criminals «dumpster dive» through the trash for this kind of information, If you can, shred the documents, if not, use a black marker to mark out the personal information, then tear up the documents before discarding them. Pay attention to your mail. You should know bow much mail on average you receive each day. If there is an interruption in that amount you may want to contact the post office to find out why. 247
Never give out personal information over the telephone. (How many times do we have to say this?) If you initiated the call and know who you are talking to it may be OK to give the information if it is necessary to accomplish your needs. Check all of your monthly bills upon receiving them. If you find something that you don’t recognize on the bill, especially credit cards, contact the issuer immediately, and resolve the problem. It could just be a mistake on the issuers’ part or it could be criminal activity which will only become worse. In today’s market information is a valuable commodity and criminals are paying for this information from «brokers» who sell it. (This shouldn’t be much of a.surprise since spys have done this for years.). GOODLUCK! В Vocabulary notes imposter = impostor [im'posts] 1) обманщик, мошенник; 2) самозванец foolproof ['fu:lpru:f] безопасный, защищенный от неумелого или неосто- рожного обращения tip 1) совет, намек; 2) чаевые; 3) кончик, верхушка; 4) место свалки wallet [rwoht] бумажник purse 1) кошелек; 2) сумка (женская) to memorize ['memsraiz] запоминать,! заучивать наизусть trash 1) мусор, хлам; 2) халту- ра, ерунда dump свалка, мусорная куча dumpster тот, кто роется в мусоре dive ныряние, погружение to shred резать/рвать на кусочки 248
to discard [dts'ka:d] interruption [,int9'rApfn] issuer fisjua] to resolve to resolve a problem to resolve doubts [n'zoulv] 1) выбрасывать; 2) уволь- нять перерыв, прерывание, задержка эмитент, чекодатель (банк, выдавший кредитную карточку, организация. выпавшая какой- либо документ) решать, разрешать решить проблему разрешать сомнения I Words and Grammar a Form a few similar words and translate them into Russian: h waterproof, to reread,.................... ingoing,.................. daily,.......................... b Write down the families of the following words: technology..................... to res id .................... memory...................... to issue...................... to secure................. to dive....................... to sense.................... to inform..................... c Explain the meaning of the following words in English and give the Russian equivalents; gangster — dumpster. mobster... imposter criminal (n.). issuer....... commodity.... 249
d Write down as many nouns as you can with the following adjectives and translate these word combinations into Russian: fraudulent personal technological valuable "'-Ч sensitive unsecured e Underline the basic nouns and translate the following word combinations into Russian: imposter fraud ................... ............................... true name fraud .................................................... credit card issuer.................................................. bills issuer........................................................ credit card bills................................................... bank account........................................................ credit card account................................................. f Write down the following words in full: ss.................................................................. NSF................................................................. etc............................./................................... i.e................................................................. <=g‘................................................................ & Encircle the Infinitives, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 Criminals can (open) fraudulent bank account. /шм .................. 2 There are things you can do to ..................................... protect yourself. 3 The thief will have less to work ................................... with. .................................. 250
4 Memorize your SS# so that you ................................. won’t have to cany the card. .................................. 5 You should know how much mail ................................. on average you receive daily, ................................. 6 You may want to contact the ................................... post office. ............................... I Suggested activities b Write down for whom the following tips are important: check all the monthly bills received by post................... check if mail comes regularly.................................. send important mail from an official postal pick up box........ « never give personal information over the telephone .............. . never throw documents in the trash............................... B never carry many credit cards in the wallet or purse............. i Answer the following questions: 1 Which tip seems most im- ................................... portant to you? .............................. 2 Why do you think the speaker ............................... said «nothing is foolproof»? .............................. 3 Have you ever been de- -.................................... frauded in one of those ways? ............................. 4 What were the consequences? ................................ I Discuss with your group-mates the meaning of the statement: Information is a valuable commodity in today's market. к Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: 1 Criminals are very inventive. 2 Sentences passed for such offences can be a few years of imprisonment 251
Text 3: Bank Cards There are a few types of bank cards. The most popular are credit cards and cash cards, which look very much alike. Here is the face and the back of a sample cash card: ♦ Z AMIN A COMMERCIAL BANK <t 4*<M 4904 2515 1169 2228 VALID wow 05/92 ' MR CODE 22-33-44 м EX Pints ENO 05/S4 “— DAVIS . account 00869064 The drawer's bank The name cl tne card The card number The expiry date The sod code The account nnmbnr This card can ba used for . getting cash Irorn an ATM This card can be used for EFTPOS 252
Cash dispenser, automatic teller machine or cashpoint are some of the names given to machines from which customers can with- draw money from their bank accounts, using their cash cards. If customers want to pay for goods or services by cheque, they can use their card to guarantee their cheques. In a shop the salesper- son will ask to see the bank card or cheque guaranteed card. The salesperson will write down the number of the customer’s bank card on the back of the cheque. In tins way the customer’s bank guaran- tees payments up to a 50 or 100 limit. The salesperson also makes sure that the customer's signature on the cheque is the same as the signature on their bank card. The son code of the bank is also on the bank card. This number, and the name of the bank, should be the same as on the cheque. Credit cards are also very convenient because it is possible to buy things in shops, pay with for different services and so on. When a customer pays for his purchases in a shop, for example, he pres- ents his credit card to the seller. The seller takes the details of the card: the number, the credit limit and the expiry date. The customer signs the seller’s voucher (making two copies) which the seller uses to collect payment from the credit card company or the bank later. For this service the retailer pays a fee, around 4 per cent of the value of the transaction. Each month the credit company or the bank sends the cardholder a statement which lists that month's transactions and interest charges. When the company or the bank receives the vouchers it pays the banks of the payees through the clearing system the value of each retailer's total sales minus the commission. At the same time it debits the cardholders' accounts. I Vocabulary notes expiry [tkspaian] EFTPOS * Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale истечение, окончание сро- ка система электронных плате- жей в пункте продажи (сжугвдш. пазвачяющая испачьза- wttiHi HMtcnittKoeyio карточку с 253
HuMoitfью терминам в лккашме паи d/jjrai/ пункте продажи для прямо- го зо! шения в компьютер ыитея- та нпформсщнн о пмяпеже) ATM = Automatic Teller Machine teller (Л/л.) cashier (Дг.) dispenser salesperson to make sure clearing system j com mission to debit ['debit] ctni. to credit to debit/to credit smb’s account with a certain sum of maney 1 Word study a Give the English equivalents: наименование банковской кар- — точки номер карточки срок действия банк-плательщик банкомат кассир (в банке) 1) банкомат; 2) торговый автомат Продавец (я широком значении слона, включая продавца. касси- ра. владельца магазина imd.) убедиться клиринговая система (безналичная система расчетов па платежам. чекам, ценным бумагам, созданная группой ф шнтсивых учре. несений} комиссионные, комисси- онное вознаграждение дебетовать кредитовать дебетовать/кредитовать счёт на какую-либо сумму 254
магнитная полоска подпись владельца карточки ................................... гарантированная (банком) мак- ................................ симальная су м ма чека ............................... банкомат ............................... кассир (а банке) ............................... комиссионные ............................... система безналичных расчётов ................................. снять со счета фирмы сумму ............................... перевести на счёт фирмы ............................... b Say: what information the sample cash card gives what ATM is « what EFTPOS is м what a cash card is what a credit card is if bank cards are in circulation in Russia now c Translate the following sentences into English: 1 В соответствии с условиями контракта расчеты за услуги могут производиться по кредитным карточкам. 2 В контракте должно быть указано, по каким именно кредит- HtsiM карточкам могут производиться расчёты, т. е. должны быть указаны эмитенты карточек. 3 Они не принимают к расчету эти кредитные карточки с 1-го числа этого месяца. 4 Просим сообщить, возможно ли оплачивать услуги турагентов по банковским карточкам. 5 В случае утери карточки вы должны написать соответствую- щее заявление. d Write what you know about bank cards in circulation in Russia. 255
Sktrn and scan: Read the text quickly and say if it describes only credit cards frauds, Text 4 (continuation of Texts 1 and 2) Question: Someone has gotten credit cards in my name and I don’t know who it is. What do I do? Лвди'ег: When you are not tiled by a credit company that some- one is using your identity to obtain credit you should: 1 Advise the credit company that you did not open the account. 2 Advise them not to extend credit to the person. 3 Contact your local police agency and make a police informa- tion report regarding «imposter fraud». 4 Contact the credit bureaus (TRW, CB1, EQUIFAX, etc.) and request that they «flag» your file. These cases are very difficult to investigate. Due to the nature of the crime, you by definition under Fla. law, are not the victim of a crime. If the individuals responsible are ever identified they can be charged with their illegal acts and you could also bring a civil action against them. This could be very costly. Due to information kept in computer banks about you these types of crimes are be- coming more prevelent Question: I have given money to a telemarketer and have not received anything, what do I do? Answer: Contact your local police agency and they can direct you to the correct reporting agency. Question: Do the police work every case referred to them? Answer: In an ideal world probably, hi a realistic world, it depends. Due to governmental cutbacks, cases have to be prioritized. Cases which are of a high priority will more-than-likely be worked first. Some agencies have placed thresholds on the amount of loss in- curred by the victim as to whether they work the case. In many cases, involving loss of money, civil actions can he taken in small claims court to seek redress. 256
8 Vocabulary notes identity [ai'dentiti] 1) подлинность; 2) иден- тичность; 3) личность, индивидуальность to fBag bureau; (pl.) bureaus (Jm.) •= bureaux (flr.) due to costly syn. expensive, vahiabic ['bjuarau] 1) сигнализировать, ук- рашать флагами; 2) вы- стилать плитами; 3) от- мстить, выделить бюро благодаря дорогой, ценный cutback cutback of economic activity ['kAtbask] сокращение, снижение спад экономической ак- тивности priority to consider smth a priority order of priority to take priority of [prai'onti] 1) приоритет, старшинство придавать чему-либо большое значение 2) порядок срочности, очередности очередность 1) предшествовать; 2) пользоваться пре- имуществом redress [ri'dres] 1) исправление, восста- новление; 2) возмеще- ние, удовлетворение I Words and Grammar a Write out the English equivalents: получить кредитную карточку на чье-либо нм я Я не знаю, кто это и что мне делать. AuiJiuhdiiili дпн Hipncnni 257
когда аы получаете сведения от кредитной организации сообщите кредитной организа- ции получать кредит предоставлять кредит b Translate into Russian: 1 Contact your local police agency. 2 Make a police information report. 3 Request the credit bureau to «flag» your file. 4 These cases are very difficult to’ investigate. c Choose the correct prepositions: Due/о/7/о the nature of a crime, the person, by/in definition under Fla. law, is not a victim oflfrom a crime in this case. И the swindler is identified he can be charged about/with the illegal act and the person can bring a civil action on/agamst the swindler. These types in/of crimes are becoming more prevelcnt. d Reproduce the answers to the following questions: 1 I have given money to a tele- .................................... marketer and have not received ................................... anything, what should 1 do? ...................................... 2 Do the police work every case .................................... referred to them? ................................ e Say what the speaker meant by the following words, to your mind: governmental cutbacks Cases have to be prioritized. Such cases will more-than-likely be worked first. 258
f Discuss with your group-mates the following topic: Cases of a high priority Pre-reading questions^ 1. Are you gfad the last text of the series Is coming? 2. Do you think it will be the most Important one? Skim ,and scan ; Read the text quickly and say which question seems most important to you. Text5 Question: Pin a small businessman and think that I have a dis- honest employee. What do I do? Answer: You must attempt to determine yourself whether the individual is dishonest. If you have proof that the employee is stealing from you, based upon surveys done, you must report it to the police. Once you re- port it you must be willing to follow-up and prosecute the individ- ual. If iPs worth reporting if s worth following up. If you do what most other small businesses do and terminate the employee he will move on to another business and victimize them the same way. Question: I got a counterfeit ($ 10, $20, $50, $ 100, $500). Who do I call? Answer: The United States Secret Service (USSS) is responsible for the investigation of counterfeit treasury notes. It is however, sometimes quicker and easier to contact local law enforcement. They will take a report, once the bill has been determined to be counterfeit, They will make a property receipt, and place the bill in evidence. The counterfeit currency can then be obtained by the USSS at their convenience. Question: I know someone who was flim-flammed on the street but they are ashamed to report it What should 1 do? Answer: Unless the victim of the crime is willing to cooperate it is not of much use for you to make a formal report. However a call 9* 269
to the «Crime Stoppers» Hue could prove to be of some help if you have any information about the subjects and location. Question: I think my mother/ father/ grandmother/ grandfather/ an- other elderly person is being exploited by someone, who do 1 report it to? Answer: You have a choice: Yon may report it to the Division of Health & Rehabilitative Services (HRS) or your local law enforce- ment agency. The simplest way is to call the 1-800-ABUSE line, they will handle it from their end once the report has been made. I Vocabulary notes to determine [dr'ta:mm] 1) определять, устанавли- вать; 2) заканчиваться, истекать (о сроке, аренде) proof This requires no proof. 1) доказательство Это не требует доказа- тельства; 2) свидетельское : показание survey [fsa:vei] 1) обследование, инспек- тирование; 2) отчет об обследовании to terminate ['ta:mineit] 1) заканчиваться), завер- шать(ся); 2) ограничивать; 3) ставить предел, поло- ; жить конец treasury note ['trejoo] банкнота, казначейский ; билет, среднесрочная сво- бедно обращающаяся ка- , значейская облигация {США) 1 treasury the Treasury сокровищница государственное казна- чейство, министерство финансов to place smth in evidence представить что-либо в качестве доказательства 260
to flim-flam unless unless and until to rehabilitate (pent.) обманывать, мо- шенничать если не, пока не до тек пор, пока не [jrs'biliteit] 1) реабилитировать, вос- станавливать в правах; 2) (ли.) исправлять, пере- воспитывать (преступника) 3) ремонтировать; 4) вос- станавливать здоровье I Word study a Group the following words and word combinations from the box into a few logical units and fill in the table; small busuness, counterfeit, crime stoppers, dishonest em- ployee, to report it to police, employeer, to victimize, treasury note, to steal, to terminate, property receipt, to follow-up, to flim-Пяш, to prosecute, to be ashamed to report it Group I 2 3 _. 4 5 261
b Use one of the following words in these sentences, based on the text: rehabilitative, worth, investigation, local law enforcement, attempt to determine, survey 1 The USSS is responsible for the......of counterfeit treasury notes but sometimes it is easier to contact.... 2 HRS stand for Health and________Services. 3 The employer must ..........himself that he has a dishonest em- ployee. 4 He must do a........proving that the employee is stealing from him and then he must report it to the police. 5 If it is..... reporting, it’s....following up, c Translate the following words into English: поддельная банкнота определить, что банкнота под- дельная местный орган правопорядка выдать квитанцию о приеме банкноты получить банкноты b Match the English and Russian equivalents: security features the face of the note the back of the note to be in circulation to counterfeit to withdraw from circula- tion to issue new banknotes to declare invalid лицевая сторона банкноты оборотная сторона банкноты средства защиты объявить недействительным находиться в обращении выпустить новые банкноты изъять из обращения подделать 262
I Suggested activities c Write down ali the questions the District Attorney was asked, according to this text. d Write down shorter answers than those given by the Attorney. e Reproduce this talk of the Attorney with the audience. f Answer the following questions: 1 Why do you think the audi- ...........-....................... ence was so inquisitive? .................................... 2 Do you think they were satis- ................................ tied with the answers? .............................. 3 What exploitation do you ..................................... think the person who asked ................-................. the last question meant? .................................... 4 Does the l-800-ABUSE line .................................... remind you of any other ..................................... similar line? .............................. I In conclusion 4 Look through all the texts of this section and write a short essay Consumer frauds in the USA. h Make a list of the organisations combating consumer frauds in the USA, according to the texts. i Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: 1 Consumer frauds have spread worldwide. 2 Lawyers often deal with consumer frauds. 263
Part F Business and Law Section 1: Companies in the UK Section 2: Business Contracts Section 3: A Contract for Services Section 5: Russian Law on Joint Stock Companies Section 6: International Trade and Documents Section 7: SWIFT and Payments
Section 1: Companies in the UK The company is a body corporate, whose regulation is governed by one of the various Companies Acts, reduced effectively to the Companies Acts 1948 and 1967. In popular usage it is a company with a share capital. Companies may be created by royal charter, by a specific act of Parliament, or may be registered with the Reg* istrar of Companies under one of the various Companies Acts, par- ticularly the Act of 1948. Certain organizations must be registered under the Building So- ciety Acts 1874, 1894, and 1939, the Industrial and Provident Soci- ety Acts 1893—-5 and 1913. These are not strictly companies but are often called such. In the case of companies dealt with under the 1948 Act, the li- ability of members may be limited by shares, or by guarantees, or may be unlimited. The commonest type of company in existence in the UK is a company limited by shares. The principle charac- teristics of a company limited by shares are that each is a separate i legal persona’ (i. e. it can contract as a separate person) and that the liability of the company is limited to the nominal value of the shares. Companies may also be public or private. About 97 per cent of the limited companies registered in Great Britain are private companies. A private company is one which restricts the right to transfer its shares, limits its members to fifty (but has a minimum of two), and cannot invite the public sub- scribe for shares. It has certain legal privileges, but these are not of great consequence and the tendency today is towards removing them. All companies registered as companies under the Companies Act 1948 are public companies, unless they satisfy the conditions necessary to constitute them. 265
A company may have any name provided that the board of trade does not think it undesirable. The last word must be 'Limited' except in the case of certain non-profit-making compa- nies formed to promote the arts, science, etc. The name must be fixed or painted outside every office or place of business, and must be conspicuous and easily legible, ft must also appear on all business letters, notices, cheques, advertisements, bills, etc. If the word iLimited’ is omitted the consequehces could be serious. The Registration of Business Names Act 1916 applies to any company canying on business under a name not its corporate name. Where the word ‘Limited’ does not appear, the organization is not a com- pany in the legal sense. The names of directors must also appear on catalogues, circulars, etc. Undesirable names are those too much like those of other com- panies. At one time words like ‘royal’ and ‘imperial’ were prohib- ited. They may still be disallowed by the Board of Trade. The objects of a company must be stated in its memorandum of association. Anything inconsistent with these objects would be ultra vires. For this reason the powers or objects of the company tend to be stated in very broad terms. If the main object of the company disappears, the company may be wound up. Objects must not be illegal. Objects or powers may be changed by altering the memorandum by special resolution. This alteration must enable the company to achieve its objects more ef- fectively, to carry on some other business that can be conveniently combined with its own, to restrict or abandon some of its objects, to sell the business, or to amalgamate with another company. Appli- cation to the court to have the alteration cancelled may be made by holders of at least 15 per cent of issued share capital, or debentures, or any class of these. The application must be made within twenty- one days of the resolution. The court may confirm or cancel the al- teration or may order the interests of the objectors to be purchased. Whatever the alteration, the court can do nothing if application is not made within the specified time. No alteratian can be made which increases the liability of any member. 266
I Vocabulary notes body 1) юридическое лицо; 2) корпорация, организация the body politic autonomous bodies государство органы самоуправления legislative body corporate body законодательный орган корпорация как юридиче- body corporate ['ко: parot] ское лицо, правосубъектная regulation [jeQjii'IeiJn] организация регулирование regulations to govern [Qavu] устав, инструкция, обяза- тельные постановления 1) управлять, править; particularly [po'tikjuhh] 2) регулировать, руководить; 3) владеть 1) очень, особенно; generally and par- 2) индивидуально в общем и в частности ticularly to limit ['limit] 1) ограничивать, ставить share legal persona - legal предел; 2) служить грани- цей, пределом акция (ценная бумага. дающая право на долю в акционерном капитале ком- пании и на пропорциональную чисть прибыли и остатка активов при ликвидации, а также обычно право голоса ж» общих собраниях акционе- ров при выборах директоров к jm- верждснни деятельности кампании) 1) юридическое лицо; person 2) субъект права syn, body persona (Lat.) лицо, личность pk personae circular ['soikjuh] реклама, проспект memorandum of asso- [.mema'rsndam] меморандум, устав юриди- ciation ческого лика, устав акцио- мерного общества 267
pL memoranda (memorandums) consistent ^ksn'srstsnt] последовательный, согла- ultra vires (Lat,) [,Altro'vaiaL’i:z] сующийся превышение прав, полно- to wind up to abandon [a'brendati] мочий ликвидировать (компанию, предприятие и т.п.) 1) покидать, оставлять; object [g'bdsekt] 2) отказы ваться от 1) предмет, вещь; 2) цель to amalgamate [a'maelgomeit] соединять (ся), объединять debenture [di'bentja] (ся), сливаться (о кампаниях, организациях, учреждениях) 1) облигация, (ценная бумага, objector [ab'dsekto] п/кдс/шш.чякш1М собой свиде- тельство на часть асу бы, обеспе- ченной активами компании: 2) необеспеченное долговое обязательство (США) возражающий; тот, кто воз- ражает I Words and Grammar a Insert the articles wherever necessary and translate the following into Russian: ...body corporate ...Companies Act . .. act of Parliament ...royal charter ...share capital ....Registrar of Companies ....Building Society Act ....Industrial and Provident Society Act ....name must be fixed b Insert the correct prepositions: In the case of companies dealt with.........the 1948 Act, the li- ability of members may be limited...........shares, or.guarantees, 268
or may be unlimited. The commonest type of com- pany....existence in the UK is a company limited..........shares. The principle characteristics of a company limited.....shares are that each is a separate «legal persona» and that the liabil- ity...the company is limited..........the nominal value_______the shares. c Insert one of the following words into the text: limited, private, shares, members, public, removing, privileges, trade, business, directors Companies may be...........or....About 97 per cent of the com- panies registered in Great Britain are .......... companies. A ...company is one which restrict the right to transfer its ____, limits its.....................................................to fifty, and cannot invite the .to subscribe for shares. It has certain legal.., but these are not of great conse- quence and the tendency today is towards.....them. All companies registered as companies under the Compa- nies Act 1948 are ......companies, unless they satisfy the con- ditions necessary to constitute them. A company may have any name provided that the Board of ...does not think it undesirable. The last word must be «....». The name must be fixed or printed outside every office or place of business. If the word «......................................» is omitted the consequences could be serious. The Registration of ........... Names Act 1916 applies to any company carrying on______under a name not its corporate name. The names, of........ must also appear on catalogues, circulars, etc. e Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms: The objects of a company must (to state) in its memoran- dum of association. The powers or objects of the company tend (tosfate) in very broad terms. If the main object (to disappear), ., the company may (ro wind up). Objects may (to change) by al- 269
tering the memorandum by special resolution. No alteration can (to make) which (to increase) the liability of any member. f Write down the English equivalents: юр ид ическое л и uo ...................... ........... устав юр иди ческого лица ......................................... (в Великобритании) .................................. превышение прав ликвидировать компанию ............................................ цели компании .................................. акция .................................. облигация (свидетельство на часть ................................. ссуды, обеспеченной активами компа* ............................... I Suggested activities d Write down answers to the foIIowing questions: 1 What acts govern the regula- .............................. tion of companies in Great ............................... Britain? ............................. 2 How are companies created? ................................ 3 What is the memorandum of ................................. association? ............................. 4 Can the memorandum of as- ................................. sociation be altered? 5 What are the requirements for it? ......................... h Write the description of private limited companies in the UK. 270
Section 2: Business Contracts The Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 lay down fundamental terms about the sale of goods and contracts for the supply of goods and services which all business contracts must comply with. They are as follows: a the seller must have title a goods/services must be of merchantable quality H goods/services must be fit for a particular purpose и goods/services must be as described n there must be no misrepresentations At common law,- suppliers of services, e. g, plumbers, builders, repairers, etc., have a duty to exercise reasonable care and skill in carrying out their jobs. Professionals, e. g. solicitors have to exer- cise the degree of care which is to be expected of a professional man of ordinary competence and experience. These common law duties have now been clarified and enhanced by the 1982 Act. The 1982 Act implies in each contract, under which a person agrees to carry out the service, that the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill, It must be noted, however, that this applies only where the services are provided as part of a business, but does not apply to services given free, nor to advocates in connection with their ap- pearances in court, company directors or building societies. The main standard terms and conditions of a contract are as follows: и Names of the parties to the contract м Subject of the contract a Price e Terms of delivery и Time of delivery и Terms of payment, including time of payment, currency in which payment is to be made, etc. в Risk and property 271
a Warranties a Arbitration a Termination s Governing law The contract is to stipulate which legal system is to regulate any dispute. This is very important, as otherwise large sums can be spent just deciding which legal system applies. В Vocabulary notes to lay down 1) сложить (тишамтия), оставить службу 2) устанавливать, ут- верждать to lay down the duties of office to lay down the law отказаться от должно’ СТН устанавливать, форму- лировать закон to comply with smth [kam'plai] 1) исполнять что-либо; 2) подчиняться чему-либо title [taitl] 1) право собственности; 2) документ, дающий право собственности; 3) заголовок merchantable fnKKljontabl] ходовой (а товаре) quality ['kwobti] качество misrepresentation [’miSjrepnzon'teijn] искажение plumber skill [гр1лта] 1) водопроводчик; 2) паялыаик искусство, мастерство, умение, ловкость, сно- ровка to cla rify to clarify the disputes ['kloenfatj разъяснять, вносить ясность улаживать споры 272
warranty arbitration otherwise f'woranti] [,a:bi'trejjh] ['Adowaiz] гарантия, ручательство третейский суд, арбитраж в противном случае, иначе I Words and Grammar з Find the English equivalents in the text and make short sentences, on the basis of the text: искажение.................. гарантия................... арбитраж................... умение..................... проявлять внимание и умение иметь право собственности....... разъяснять обязанности.......... это следующее (условие)...... b Insert the correct prepositions and make short sentences, with the follow- ing word combinations and phrases: to comply... terms................................................. to be... merchantable quality...................................... to be fit... a particular purpose.................................. to carry out a service... a contract............................... to apply... services............................................... to exercise care and skill... carrying out a job................... a party... the contract............................................ c Write down the words from which the following words are formed: merchantable............... skillful............. fund a men tai......... reasonable.............. professional............ payment................... misrepresentation......... service.................... 273
<S Write down the words with a negative meaning, using the prefixes: -un, mis-t -inf -ik -sub: representation , appropriation.............. appropriate............... understanding....г........ fortune.................... fortunate.................. to apply...................... to calculate.................. to inform..................... informative.................... literate....................... standard...................... e Underline the predicates, write down the form in which the verbs are used and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 These two acts lay down fundamental terms about the sale of goods and contracts.................................................... 2 Goods or services must be as described............................. 3 Professionals have to exercise the degree of care which is to be ex- pected of a professional man........................................... 4 These common law duties have been clarified and enhanced by the 1982 Act............................................................... 5 The Act implies that the supplier will carry out the service with rea- sonable care and skill................................................. I Suggested activities f Answer the following questions: 1 What acts govern sale of ....................................... goods and services in the UK? ................................. 2 What are the basic tenns of sale? .............................. 3 What are principle terms of .................................... contracts? 4 Why is it necessary to indi- ................................... cate governing law in every contract? 274
& Sum up what the text says about common (aw. Section 3: A Contract for Services Pre-reading questions: 1, Have you ever read any contracts? 2. Do you think it is necessary for a lawyer to be able to translate various contracts? 3. Do you think the style of contracts is very specific? Text 1 Hotel Star CON TRACT TO PROVIDE BANQUET AND CONVENTION SERVICES This Contract to Provide Banquet and Convention Services (hereinafter referred to as «/Ле Сол/mc/»), relating to the provision of certain services (such services, as described in Article I below, are to be collectively referred to hereinafter as «the £venb>) is con- cluded between the Joint Venture Star, a legal entity organized and existing under the laws of the Russian Federation (hereinafter re- ferred to as «the Hotel»), and (hereinafter referred to as «the Client»), (the Hotel and the Client collectively referred to as «the Parties») on the following terms and conditions: Article. 1Details Concerning the Event [see attached function schedule. (Sc Article 2. Conclusion of this Contract 2.1 This Contract shall be considered concluded by the Parties when the Client, without making any additions, limitations, or other modifications to the terms of this Contract, countersigns and dates this Contract and returns it to the Hotel by telefax or by hand before [time] Moscow time,, 199_. 275
2.2 Unless the Client returns this Contract in the form and within the time period provided for in Article 2.1, this Contract shall not be- come binding and the Hotel has no duty to the Client to additionally inform or otherwise notify the Client of such. The Hotel may then rent any facilities referenced in the Contract to other parties. 23 If the Client returns this Contract with any additions, limi- tations, or other modifications to the terms of this Contract, this Contract shall not become binding unless and until the Client re- ceives from the Hotel written acceptance of these changes. I Vocabulary notes event событие, мероприятие joint venture совместное (смешанное) предприятие {реализация зцзо- екню днул/я или более юридиче- скими или физическими лицами на основе контракта или созда- ния акционерного общества) . to attach . [a'tastj] прилагать to attach smth to прилагать что-либо к modi Heat ion [jnodifi'keijn] изменение (небольшое) compare: change изменение {довольно зна- чительное) to countersign ['kanntosam] 1) подписать документ еще раз, поставить кон- трольную подпись; 2) поставить вторую под- пись to bind (bound, bound) [bamd, baund] связывать binding обязательный to rent 1) брать в аренду; 2) сда- вать в аренду facilities [fa'sihtiz] 1) оборудование, аппара- тура; 2) средства обслу- живания, удобства reference ['reforansj ссылка 276
to reference ]) снабжать ссылками; 2) находить по ссылке» указывать I Words and Grammar a Find the English equivalents in the text: в дальнейшем именуемый «Контракт»................................. заключать контракт на следующих условиях.......................... предоставлять услуги.............................................. совместное предприятие............................................ прилагать перечень................................................ добавления, изъятия, изменения.................................... подписать контракт................................................ поставить дату на контракте....................................... I) Choose the correct prepositions and make short sentences with these phrases: ‘ to make modifications mlfor a contract................................ to return a contract in/by telefax or in/by hand ................. to have no duty to/in the Client.................................. to inform/notify the Client qflin such............................ to rent the facilities to/at other parties........................ to receive the Hotel written acceptance oflfo these changes....... hbl-->-4*4l-4dF4l-ab + 4ll-bala+b + baaa>'-bbaaaar dbr4P4aBiaa44a4aa4 + aPaax44a|.*4*+r>i4*JI+4l-4^^da + 4l4l-l-4da4 + 4aabb + V+ ala c Encircle the attributes, write down by what parts of speech they are ex- pressed and translate them into Russian: the Contract to Provide Banquet and Convention Services........... the Contract relating to the provision of certain services........ such services as described in Article 1........................... a legal entity organised and existing under the laws of the RF.... details concerning the Event...................................... attached function schedule........................................ the time period provided for in Article 2.1....................... 277
d Check how well you know English Grammar: 1 Article 2.1 2 Such services are to be collec- tively referred to as the Event. 3 the Hotel and the Client collec- tively referred to as the Parties 4 This Contract shall be considered concluded... 5 Unless the Client returns this Contract within the time provided for in Article 2.1, this Contract shall not become binding. 6 Unless the Hotel has no duty to the Client to additionally inform the Client of such. Why is no article used here? Why is the particle to used here? What part of speech is the word referred? Is the translation «Контракт считается заключенным ...» correct? Are Future Tenses ever used after the conjunction unless? What other conjunctions should be mentioned as well? What word (words) does such substitute? fi Suggested activities e Sum up the information this part of the Contract gives: the type of services, sold and bought the parties to the Contract the conclusion of the Contract additions, limitations or modifications to the Contract f Write a similar contract changing the type of services to be rendered and the names of the parties to the Contract. Contract No.......................... This Contract..................Is concluded................ on the following terms and conditions....................... 278
Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and say if this Article of the Contract dwells only on pay- ment. Text 2 Article 3. General Terms and Conditions for Events ЗЛ For reservations of Banquet snd Conference facilities, a 100% deposit (Deposit) must be provided to the Hotel within one (1) week of conclusion of the Contract, but in no case shall the De- posit be given later than() days prior to the Event. If the Deposit has not been made within these time limits, then the Client has breached the Contract, and such breach shall permit the Hotel to cancel the Contract without payment to the Client of any dam- ages, and furthermore, the Client shall reimburse the Hotel accord- ing to the schedule contained in Article 3.2 herein. The Deposit shall comprise the Hotel’s estimate of the total revenue to be received by the hotel from the Client with respect to the Event from the sale of goods or provision of services, including without limitation, banquet room rental, food, and beverages in connection with the Event. If the Hotel determines that the actual price of the Event exceeds the Deposit, then the Hotel shall submit to the Client a written demand for payment of the additional amount in excess of the Deposit. The Client shall pay this addi- tional amount within 30 days of the date on which the Event is scheduled to be held. 3.2 In case of cancellation of this Contract at any time by the Client, for any reason, the Hotel shall charge a Cancellation Fee, the amount of which shall be defined as follows: X 100% of the revenue to be received by the Hotel relating to the banquet room rental, even if not specifically itemized in Article 1 herein, based on official banquet room rental rates of the Hotel; plus B. in the event the Hotel has made any payments to third parties on behalf of the Client for goods and services relating to the Event 279
(including without limitation, band, flowers, and translation serv- ices), even if not specifically identified in this Contract, 100% of the amount so paid by the Hotel, plus 10% of such payments made to third parties; plus C, A percentage of the revenue, as anticipated and estimated by the Hotel, from sales of food, according to the following schedule: Cancellation Prior to the Event Percentage of Refrsntte 14 to 7 days 30% 6 to 4 days 60% less than 4 days 80% 33 The Client shall inform the Hotel Banquet Department of the exact number of attendees for the Event no later than 72 hours prior to the start of the Event. The Client may increase or decrease the number of attendees only by written agreement of the Parties but in no case later than 72 hours prior to the start of the Event. 3.4The Client may bring onto the premises of the Hotel any material including without limitation decorations, artifacts, exhib- its, other valuables, or equipment (hereinafter Materials) only upon the prior, written consent of the Hotel. The Hotel reserves the right to see all relevant licenses, approvals, or other certificates required by the laws of the Russian Federation before it permits the Materi- als onto the Hotel premises. The Client hereby agrees and understands that any consent pro- vided by the Hotel to the Client shall not be construed to be an ad- mission by the Hotel of responsibility or liability for any loss, dam- age, harm, or injury caused by, or relating to the aforementioned Materials, nor shall such consent be interpreted as a representation or warranty regarding the quality, suitability, or fitness of such Materials for the use to which they are to be put The Client hereby unconditionally agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Hotel for any loss, damage, harm, or injury caused by, or relating to the mentioned Materials in this Article 3. 33 The Hotel shall be held responsible for any loss or damage to, or resulting from, any Materials only in the case of the Hotel’s negli- gence or intentional harm, ‘ 280
I Vocabulary notes to permit [pa'mit] разрешать permit ['pamrt] разрешение damages ['daemidgiz] 1) убытки, ущерб; 2) де- furthermore Lfofo'mo:] нежное возмещение (компенсация) ущерба (по ОФ) к тому же, кроме того, with respect to более того что касается beverage ("bevandj] напиток percentage [pa'sentidg] процент (без указания коли- percentage of revenue чества процентов) процент дохода Compare: 3 per cent to anticipate [aen'tisipeit] ожидать, предвидеть to attend [s'teiid] посещать, присутствовать to attend lectures посещать лекции premises ['premisiz] 1) помещение, дом, вла- exhibit [ig'zibitj дение; 2) вступительная часть документа 1) экспонат; 2) вещест- license - licence ['laisons] венное доказательство лицензия driving license водительские права approval [a'pruival] 1) одобрение; 2) утвер- to submit for approval ждение, санкция; 3) рас- смотрение представить на рассмот- hereby E'hiobai] рение для оценки настоящим (документом) injury ['mdsari] повреждение, порча, вред to do smb an injury причинять вред кому-либо 281
g Words and Grammar ft Mark the stressed syllables of the following words and read them: to per'm it — 'permit to contract — contract to convict — convict to discount — discount to dispute — dispute to object — object to record — record to increase — increase to decrease — decrease to export — export(s) й Complete the table with as many nouns as possible: -tiofl. (and its variants) -meat -ее J44+l4->44 + + 4*ri44-4 + 1baLLq4ad.ddab|l|aa1a4 - c Choose the correct prepositions and make short sentences with these word combinations: 7 days prior atHo the Event........................................ payment oft on damages............................................. to reimburse according inIto the schedule.......................... to receive revenue in! of respect w/ofthe Event.................... a written demand for! on payment................................... additional amount inlat excess ofiofftiw Deposit................... <6 Write short sentences with the following: for any reason......................................................... to charge a Cancellation Fee....................................... to define the amount of the fee.................................... rental itemized in Article 1 herein................................ 282
banquet room rental rates...................................... in the event of smth........................................... on behalf of smb............................................... e Find the English equivalents in the text: даже если не указано в кон* ................................... тракте ................................. определенный процент дохода, ...............................- ожидаемого и рассчитанного .................................... отелем ................................ в соответствии со следующими .................................. цифрами ................................ сообщить отелю число у част * ................................. ников ................................ не позднее чем за 72 часа до ........-.....—..- -............. начала мероприятия .............................— приносить различные материа.................................... лы в помещение отеля ................................ оставлять за собой право ................................ f Check how well you know English Grammar and words: 1 certificates required by the law 2 before the Hotel permits the Materials onto its premises 3 The Client hereby agrees and understands that,.. 4 damage — damages 5 no shall such consent be interpreted as... What Participle is it? Translate this word combination into Russian. Are Future Tenses ever used after the conjunction before? What words does the word hereby substitute? Write down as many words starting with here as possible. Are these two words absolutely differ* ent? Translate them into Russian. Why is the inverted word order used here? 283.
6 the quality of such Ma- terials for the use to which they are to be put Is the verb to be a modal verb in this sentence?* Write down all the modal verbs you remember. I Suggested activities К Sum up what the Contract says about: I the Deposit the Cancellation Fee a the Materials h Choose one of the sub-articles and write a similar one making some changes or alterations. Skim and scan; Read the text quickly and say the governing law of what country is applied to this Contract. Text 3 3.6 All Materials shall be removed from the Hotel premises immediately upon the conclusion of the Event. The Client must reimburse the Hotel for any costs or expenses incurred by the Hotel associated with the removal and disposal of the aforementioned Materials. 3,7 The Client hereby accepts all responsibility and liability for all potential costs incurred by the Hotel regarding the Event, in- cluding without limitation, replacement or repair of damaged prop- erty caused by the Client’s emloyees, assistants, agents, or guests. The Client shall transfer all amounts to be paid under this Article 284
3.7 to the Hotel within 14 days of the receipt of the bill. For pay- ment see Article 3 J 5. 3.8 The Event may not endanger the reputation or safety of the Hotel or its inhabitants. If the Hotel reasonably believes that the Event will endanger the reputation or safety of the Hotel or its in- habitants, then the Hotel may cancel die Contract. 3.9 The Client shall not bring food products or beverages onto the Hotel premises. ЗЛО The Client shall use the rented property only for the uses as specifically enumerated in, and specified within Article I of the Contract. ЗЛ1 The Client or employees and agents of the Client may ad- vertise or make other public statements regarding the Event at the Hotel only with prior, written approval of the Hotel. ЗЛ2 The Hotel reseves the right to increase any and all prices, fees, and other amounts stated in the Contract, including the Can- cellation Fee and amounts of tax obligations (collectively «Prices») at any time earlier than two (2) months prior to the start of the Event, and in such a manner that the Hotel, in its sole and exclusive discretion determines to be reasonable and appropriate. ЗЛЗ All Prices quoted in this Contract are identified in U.E. (Conditional Units), and are exclusive of Value Added Tax and any other applicable taxes. All invoices shall be denominated inU.E., but shall be paid by the Client in Russian Rubles at the applicable Hotel exchange rate, indicated on the invoice, on the date of pay- ment. ЗЛ4 Amendments to this Contract shall only be effective if executed in writing and signed by both Parties, 285
3.15 The Client shall be held responsible for the prompt pay- ment of all costs of the Event and any other additional charges itemized in the bills. Payment obligations including the Deposit shall be discharged in the following bank account of the Hotel: _____________________________________________________ Alterna- tively payments can be done in cash or by the following credit cards: American Express, Master Card, Euro Card, Diners Club, JCB, Visa Card. Should the Deposit paid by the Client exceed the demand for payment, the difference will be reimbursed to the Client within 14 days after conclusion of the function. The Hotel shall re- turn any amount to be reimbursed to the Client using the same method in which the Client originally paid; L e. by reverse transfer (if the Client paid by electronic funds transfer)* cash refund (if the Client paid in cash) or credit memorandum (if the Client paid by credit card). Any reimbursements shall be denominated in U.E., but shall be reimbursed to the Client in Russian Rubles at the applica- ble Hotel exchange rate in effect on the date the Hotel effects reim- bursement in the manner described in the preceding sentence. 3.16 The Contract is to be construed and interpreted in accor- dance with the substantive law of the Russian Federation, excluding its choice of law principles. Any and all disputes and differences which may arise out of, or in connection with the subject of this Contract shall be settled as far as possible by means of negotiations between the Parties. Otherwise the disputes have to be settled by the International Commercial Arbitration Court with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, with the ex- ception of disputes exclusively involving Russian parties, in which case, such disputes are to be resolved at-and by the Moscow Arbi- tration Court Signatures By signature below, the undersigned Hotel and the Client hereby formally express their intent to be bound to each other, and to create a binding agreement regulating the respective rights and obligations of the Hotel and the Client with regard to an Event, scheduled for, 199__________________. 286
E Vocabulary notes to remove [n'niwv] 1) убирать, уносить; 2) передвигать safety безо пас кость, с охра н- ность with safety без опасности, без риска in safety и безопасности inhabitant [m'haebitant] житель to enumerate [fnjurmoreit] перечислять sole единственный, моно- польный to quote [kwout] 1) цитировать; 2) назна- чать цену, котировать quotation [,kwou'teijn] котировка, предложение to denominate [di'nommeit] называть, обозначать exchange rate курс обмена валют, об- менный курс amendment [o'mendmont] дополнение, поправка, исправление to move an amendment внести поправку (в закон, резолюцию^ to discharge [dis'tjaidsl 1) выплачивать; 2) раз- гружать; 3) выпустить снаряд alternatively [al'to:natovli] как альтернатива, вместе с этим to exelude [iks'klu:d] исключать negotiations [m.gouji'eifnz] переговоры Chamber of Commerce торгово-промышленная and Industry палата intent [in1 tent] намерение, цель respective [ns'pektjv] соответственный in their respective каждый на своем месте places 287
Words and Grammar Translate the following words into Russian and make short sentences with these words: to accept accept iSswca. to reimburse............... to quote..................... to incur............... to discharge................. to endanger.............. to amend..................... b Find the English equivalents in the text: ставить под угрозу безопас- ................................... ность проживающих в отеле ............................;..... цены» указанные в контракте, ............................... даются в условных единицах ................................. по обменному курсу, исполь- ................................ зуемому отелем .............................. дополнения к контракту имеют ............................... силу, если они оформлены в ................................. письменном виде и подписаны обеими сторонами клиент отвечает за своевремен- .............................. ную оплату всех расходов по ................................. мероприятию с Group the following words and word combinations into a few logical units and fill in the table: premises, costs, damaged property, expenses, food products, taxes, charges, beverages, in cash, fee, VAT, deposit, credit cards, amount, reverse transfer, cash refund, bill, account, credit memorandum, invoice, reimbursement, exchange rate 288
d Open the brackets using the correct Participles: 1 The Client must reimburse the Hotel for any costs or expenses (to incur) by the Hotel. 2 The Client shall use the rented property only for the uses as specifi- cally (Го enumerate) in Article 1. 3 The Client may advertise or make other public statements (to re- gard) the Event. 4 The Hotel reserves the right to increase any and all prices (to state) in the Contract. 5 Payment obligations (to include) the Deposit shall be discharged in the following bank account... e Check how well you know English Grammar: 1 Should the Deposit exceed the demand for payment, the difference will be reim- bursed to the Client within 14 days. 2 any amount to be reim- bursed to the Client Why do you think the inverted word order is used? Translate the sentence into Rus- sian. Make a few similar sentences. What part of sentence is the In- finitive in this case? Translate the word combination Into Russian. Write out similar combinations from the text. Ю Английский jajBc lupiiirl'tiH 289
3 Otherwise the disputes have to be settled by the Interna- tional Commercial Arbitra- tion Court. Underline the modal verb. Translate the sentence into Rus- sian. Write out modal verbs from the text. I Suggested activities f Write a short title for each sub-article: •3.6................................................................... 3.7.................................................................... 3.8............................. 3.9.................................................................... 3.10................................................................... £ Give answers to the following questions and substantiate your answers: 1 Which sub-articles seem very important to you? 2 Did you find any sub-article rather peculiar? h Translate the following pairs of words and make short sentences with them: costs and expenses removal and disposal responsibility and liability sole and exclusive (discretion) reasonable and appropriate to be construed and interpreted disputes and differences strange and peculiar I Choose one of the sub-articles and write a similar one making some changes or alterations. 290
Section 5: Russian Law on Joint Stock Companies This is Article 1 of Chapter 1 Genera/ Provisions of the Russian Law on Joint Stock Companies translated by English native experts into English: Article 1. Scope of Application of this Federal Law L In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation» this Federal Law sets forth the pro- cedure for the establishment of joint Stock companies, determines their legal status and the rights and duties of their shareholders, and ensures the protection of such shareholders rights and interests, 2, This Federal Law applies to all joint stock companies^ already es- tablished or which are being estab- lished in the Russian Federation, unless otherwise stipulated by this Federal Law or other federal laws. 3. Specifics regarding the estab- lishment and legal status of joint stock companies in the spheres of banking, investment, and insurance activities are determined by federal laws, 4. Specifics regarding the estab- lishment and legal status of joint stock companies established on the basis of collective farms, state farms, and other agricultural enter- prises reorganized pursuant to Rus- sian Presidential Decree No,323 «On Urgent Measures to hnple- Статья 1. Сфера применения настоящего Федерального закона L В соответствии с Гражданским кодексом Российской Федерации настоящий Федеральный закон определяет порядок создания и правовое положение акционер- ных обществ, права и обязанно- сти их акционеров, а также обес- печивает защиту прав и интере- сов акционеров. 2. Настоящий Федеральный за- кон распространяется на все ак- ционерные общества, созданные или создаваемые на территории Российской Федерации, если иное не установлено настоящим Федеральным законом и иными федеральными законами. 3. Особенности создания и пра- вового положения акционерных обществ в сферах банковской, инвестиционной и страховой деятельности определяются фе- деральными законами. 4, Особенности создания и пра- вового положения акционерных обществ, созданных на базе ре- организованных в соответствии с Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 27 декабря 1991 года № 323 «О неотложных мерах по осуществлению зе- ке 291
ment Land Reform in the RSFSR,» dared December 27. 1991, as well as peasan t/farm er entities attending to and enterprises providing serv- ices to agricultural producers, and particularly: inventory supply en- terprises, technical repair enter- prises, agricultural chemicals en- terprises, forestry entities, farm in- dustry construction organizations, rural power companies, seed- growing stations, flax processing mills, and vegetable processing enterprises, are determined by fed- eral laws. 5. Specifics regarding the estab-' lishment and legal status of joint stock companies by the privatiza- tion of state- and municipally- owned enterprises are determined by legal acts of the Russian Fed- eration on the privatization of such enterprises. The specific features of the legal status of joint stock companies es- tablished by the privatization of state- and municipally-owned en- terprises are operative from the moment of the privatization deci- sion until the state or municipality disposes of 75 percent of their shareholding in such joint stock company, but not later than the ex- piry of the privatization period es- tablished by the privatization plan of the respective enterprise. мельной реформы в РСФСР» колхозов, совхозов и других сельскохозяйственных предпри- ятий, а также крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств, обслужи- вающих и сервисных предпри- ятий для сельскохозяйственных производителей, а именно: пред- приятий материально-технического снабжения, ремонтно-технических предприятий, предприятий сель- скохозяйственной химии, лесхо- зов, строительных межхозяйст- венных организаций, предпри- ятий ссльэперго, семеноводческих станций, льнозаводов, предпри- ятий по переработке овощей, оп- ределяются федеральными зако- нами. 5. Особенности создания и пра- вового положения акционерных обществ при приватизации госу- дарственных и муниципальных предприятий определяются пра- вовыми актами Российской Фе- дерации о приватизации указан- ных предприятий. Особенности правового положе- ния акционерных обществ, соз- данных при приватизации госу- дарственных и муниципальных предприятий, действуют с мо- мента принятия решения о при- ватизации до момента отчужде- ния государством или муници- пальным образованием 75 про- центов принадлежащих им акций в таком акционерном обществе, но не позднее окончания срока при- ватизации, определенного планом приватизации данного предпри- ятия. 292
I Translating skills a Find the Russian equivalents in the text: joint stock company ......... shareholders...................... scope of application......... specifics................:........ the Civil Code............... to set forth...................... legal status................. to determine...................... rights and duties............ to ensure the protection.......... b Find the English equivalents in the text: в соответствии с Указом Пре- ......................... *....... зидента ................................ неотложные меры .......................—........ осуществлять земельную ре- ............................ ....... форму ................................ крестьянские (фермерские) хо- ......•.................... -.... зяйства .................................. государственные и муници.....................*............... пальные предприятия ................................ правовой акт ............. .................. с момента принятия решения ..................................... до момента отчуждения госу- ..............—..................... царством ................................ не позднее окончания срока .........*......................... с Complete the following sentences: 1 Unless otherwise stipulated by this Law.................. ,..... 2 Unless otherwise stipulated by the Federal Law.................. 3 Unless otherwise stipulated by this Contract.................... 4 The enterprises are reorganized pursuant to Decree No. 323...... 5 ............................ pursuant to Instruction No. 6 ............................ pursuant to Agreement No. 293
d Write down a few similar word combinations with Infinitives used as attributes and translate them into Russian, like this: measures to implement the land reform e Translate into English like this: Указ от 27 декабря 1991 г. — Феспм dated ‘Dec&ufot- 27, iWt Контракт от 30 сентября 1999 г.............................................. I IllTlhlhlllll 14 11 fa I Н I I I 4 " I IT’" 1 '1 11 1 I ’ H ► 4 bi a > a a a a a I jaaaaiaai r i a a r a h - lrnaa-iaaraaaaiaaaaai4 Постановление от 2 мая 2000 г............................................... |-|ЧЧТЫ|-Ч|-Ч||-ЧЧ I Ч I F 4 h I > aaa a -a -1 I i n . i i ranai-ia4l h J r + I - I- I- I b + I h + h b I 4 1 J 4 b|.|.aba|.ia ьааРЧ"""> "’->4>44dl-4i | Закон от 5 января 1998 г.................................................... .1 F 1 I I - I I r l a I - I 1 a a 1 I 1 - I ’ ’ - г ч - I - i i ..a.. j a , . lx. . . x . l. , Инструкция отЗ февраля 1967 г............................................... I - ’ Г..I*................*............................................. Письмо от Ю апреля 2000 г................................................... а| I ьь I | I q I ВВ4ЪВВВЧ4 1ГВВВВВВВВ1 В 4 В4ВВВГ44ТТЧГВч1441 Г - 4 14 14 К Г 4 В Г Г I 14 Г I 1 — 1 вНгЧ4ТЧт|-4 I В 4 Г I В I г г 4 ГВГТ4ВВЧГВ11В Телеграмма от 7 июня 2000 г................................................. f Pay attention to the word entity and say what entities are mentioned in the text, й Say if there is any difference between these words, judging by the text: to set forth — to determine — to stipulate specifics т— specific features
Section 6: International Trade and Documents As trade barriers break down and international trade increases, more and more businesses want to buy and sell goods abroad. Both first-time importers or exporters, and experienced international businesses require an effective and efficient means of dealing with the documentation. There is a great variety of documents used to precede, to record and to perform a transaction. And at every step of preparing or working with documents efficient advice or active participation of legal advisers qr lawyers is required. Here are the names of the main transaction documents: n letter of enquiry u quotation и order form invoice a various transportation documents (bill of lading, air waybill etc.) к insurance documents (insurance policy, insurance certificate etc,) and many others. The samples that follow relate to various transactions. L A letter of enquiry MATTHEWS £ WILSON Libdkf Cfoihfng 44! Michigan Aveiwc Chicagti. ItL 6П6О2 М«мг$ Gr^nt & Clarkson HQ Mortimrr Street Lcndoh WIC 37 D EngLind Cuto^j/r 21, Glntauv W* saw yoiitf vronun’i and suiti At the London ГляНоц ЯЬслг held in Mew York on October 17, The Itnflf you shewed for [мпасигъ Ф* ‘Swinged and <гсянйг vllLts, would be most xuitabk for our markfl к Wettd Van Jcindljr send US yaur qwadnn tar spring atttf summer oioitb infl trtst you cotiH supply to из by th & end of January rte^t We yrauld racpjir# 2,000 drcsits and suits m uach of rha ril»i Ю— L4, and 50Q in Sizq? Q ind Hi. Pldata quota c.i.f, Chicago pritai- РдуспнП и normally madi by of credit, TMnk y<in for .w иг!у гй Very truly ymirtF f. Wtls&nb Jr. Buytr 296
I Vocabulary notes experienced [iks'pirionst] efficient [a'fijiant] means to precede smth to perform SJ'fl. tO fulfil enquiry quotation to quote Messrs. Gentlemen: (Am,) Dear Sirs, (Br) cif Chicago price [pn'si:d] [paffo:m] [in'kwaian] ['mesaz] ['si 'at 'ef/sif] Truly yours, (Лт.) ['tru:h] опытный, знающий 1) квалифицированный, подготовленный; 2) эффек- тивный средство/средства, спо- соб/способы предшествовать чему-либо выполнять, исполнять коммерческий запрос коммерческое предложение давать цену (употребляется в письмах перед наименованием фирм) (обращение, стоящее в на- чале письма) цена сиф Чикаго (цена вклю- чает стоимость товара, транспортные расходы и рас- ходы по страхованию) Искренне ваш (а), Sincerely yours, (fir.) [sin'si ah] I Word study a Match the English and Russian equivalents and make a few sentences of your own: efficient experienced main various suitable различный подходящий опытный квалифицированны й главный 296
b Find the English equivalents in the text: запрос........................................................... предложение................................................... Уважаемые господа............................................. Искренне ваш,................................................. Просим указать цену сиф Чикаго................................ коносамент.................................................... авианакладная ................................................ страховой полис............................................... с Answer the following questions: 1 Does international trade really ............................ involve very many documents? ............................... 2 What documents exactly are is- ............................... sued in case of various business ............................. transactions? 3 Who wrote the enquiry? 4 What goods was he interested in? ............................. 5 Why did he write the enquiry to .............................. this particular manufacturer? ........................... 6 What terms of delivery and pay- .............................. merit d id he prefer? ........................... d Write a similar enquiry using English opening and closing formulas, following this layout 297
2. A quotation CENTRAL LEATMERCRAFT LTD 8S-87 Ch saps Ide, London EC2V 6AA i; Telephone 071-243-217710 Quotalion no <105/234 Date 20 August 19-- , Ммвгв Smith Jenkins <fc Co 15 Holme Avenue SHEFFIELD ' 86 2LW Catalogue Number Item ’ Quantity Uml Price S Я0 Men's Box Calf Shoes (brown) 12 pairs ae.ra Mens Box Calf Shoes (blfiokl 36 pairs 26,50 8 27 Ladle a’ Glade Kid Tie Shoes (various colours) 4S pairs 24.80 3 42 Ladles' Calf Colt Court Shoes 24 pairs 04,3B H Й1Й Ladles' Handbags - Emperor 36 26 30 H 221 Ladles' Handbags - Paladin 38 Й8.73 H 32S Ladies' Handbags - Aristocrat < 1Й 30.00 i FOR ACCEPTANCE WITHIN 21 DAYS Delivery ex works Terms 49D one month; two months (glgnortl for Central LeathuroraU Ltd LJ . . .LL__1' *_J_ ТЦ-'.'.-.T ГT" 11 Х — —-- 298
I Vocabulary notes leather [ledo] кожа ieathercraft quantity ['kwontiti] кожаные изделия количество unit price acceptance ex works [eks] цена за. единицу принятие Франко завод, фабрика (условие прода- terms жи, при котором покупатель принимает товар непосредственно на заводе и сам обеспечивает транспорт для вывоза) ад, скидка a Translate the following words into English: номер каталога.................................................. наименование товара..........,................................. количество..................................................... цена за единицу................................................ общая стоимость................................................ для принятия в пределах 21 дня (действительно 21 день)......... условия продажи: фраико фабрика................................ скидка: 4% при оплате товара в течение одного месяца........... скидка: 2,5% при оплате товара в течение двух месяцев.......... Ь Write down the answers to the following questions: 1 2 3 4 5 Who issued this quotation? For whom was it meant? What goods were quoted? How long was the quotation valid? Why do you think the Sellers made this reservation? 6 What terms of delivery did the Sellers quote? 7 For what purpose did they offer the discount, to your mind?. 299
3. An order J В SIMPSON & CO LTD 18 Deansgate, Blackpool FY3 7YG Telephone 234612 Order no 337 Dale 7 July 19 - - Nylon Fabrics Led 13 Brazen о &e Street MANCHESTER M60 6AS Please supply: f Quantity Item(s) Catalogue Number Price 25 Bed Sheets CXOfl cm) blue 75 £3.50 each Я5 Bed Sheets (120 cm', primrose 62 £4.00 each 50' Pillow Cases blue 117 £1.90 each BO Pillow Cases primrose 121 £1.90 each (algnad) for J В Simpson & Co Ltd 300
a Answer the following questions: 1 Who issued (he order? 2 What was the number of the or............................... der? .......................... I 3 Who was to supply or sell the ............................... goods? .......................... ) 4 Why do you ihink the total sum .............................. f was not indicated? .......................... : L_^_________________________________ ______________________________i 4. An invoice JOHN G GARTSJDE b CO LTD Atbkin Warks, Thames Srrs^t Manchester M60 2QA Teiephantr 061-980-2132 ГК VOICE Мдюыгд John Hugh&a Co Yaur order no: AIV У5 l Lil К mgs way LIVERPOOL Date; Ifl August 19-- L20 8HJ Invoice not В Quantity Unit Price ! Total 10 I PoJyoaW aiUrta, email J ! JLOO jf 50.00 XI Palye&tur flhtrtft, medium 6,00 laa.oo l a 1 PolyGS tor BtUTU, Ur go 7.20 37.00 Й63.00 VAT (® 17.6%) <16.03 Ona сещ& (raturn^biu) 3.B5 ' 31Й.23 i i j_ Terms опв month 1‘ Oil Registered in England No 523807 301
Note: I, VAT was introduced in the United Kingdom in April 1973. A tax on goods and services, it is payable to HM (Her Majesty) Customs and Excise. 2. The inclusion of E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excepted) in invoices and state- ments reserves the supplier’s right to correct any errors which may be contained in the document. error [’era] ошибка omission to except [o'mijn] пропуск, упущение, оплошность [ik'sept] I) исключать: 2) отводить (свидетеля) a Answer the following questions: 1 Who was the issuer of this ..................................... invoice? ................................ 2 Who was to pay against the ..................................... invoice? ................................ 3 On what condition was the ...................................... discount off the price of- ..................................... fered? ......................*......... 4 Why do you think was the ....................................... E&OE reservation made? ......................................... I Suggested activities a Tran slate all the documents into Russian and write similar ones, changing the names, dates, figures. b Say to what specific features of these documents a lawyer would pay spe- cial attention, to your mind, 302
Section 7: SWIFT and Payments Text 1: Methods of Payment 1 There are three methods of international payment and they can be summarised as follows: 2 A telegraphic transfer (TT) involves a set of instructions sent to a correspondent bank abroad by cable, requiring that bank to pay over a sum of money to a stipulated beneficiary. A SWIFT transfer achieves the same objective as a telegraphic transfer and uses a telegraphic means, but instead of using cables open for use by the general public a closed cable system is used. The member banks of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) have their own computer network using direct cables between the banks concerned and a central computer base. It is thus a safer system and does not pres- ent the same problems of authentication that exist with tele- graphic transfers, Authentication and verification procedures are carried out automatically. Messages are mainly coded and stan- dardized, Security procedure ensures that no fraudulent message can enter the system nor can any message be modified during processing. It takes less than 20 seconds to deliver a message from one bank to another if the sender and the receiver are logged-in simultaneously. Due to the high volume of messages, the message price is much smaller than that of a telegraphic cable transmission. SWIFT trans- fers are now the most widely used method of payment. 3 A mail transfer again achieves the same abjective as both of the previous two methods, but the instructions are sent by airmail and not by cable, hence the method is cheaper but it is of course slower. 303
Here is a sample SWIFT message: *****^*******4**************** *****i****** *******************************£** INQUIRY! ! [INQUIRY! ! ! INQUIRY! ! 1 INQUIRY! !.! INQUIRY! ! I INQUIRY! ! ’ * *# **#+************ Ф* ***♦*♦»*«+♦****** ^ ♦**+*♦ * + *#*****’>**+#****♦ *ih'i|t** REQUESTED BY: NBG ON: 99-09-25 PRINT SEQ: 0028B . SW1 755 — Advice of Reimbursement/Payment . 02 Message ID .... 91092500550 Message Type , Priority ..... Status/Queue ,. DELV Delivery LT ............ BFEASUMM A Department ., NOSTRI Information . PRNN02C3 Date/Time ..... 0925 09480004 Origination CID . .......... HETSJPJT HOKUETSU BANK, LTD., TOKYO Source ......... SWIFT Originator ..... SAFENCS References SRN ............ 25 HETSJPJTAXXX 1535 6 1547 ORN........... 25 BFEASUMMAXXX 61387 0943 Authentication Status SUCCESSFUL Code .......... EOEE5415 Sender's TRN 20 Presenting Bank's Reference 21 Total Amount Claimed 32B Amount Reimbursed or Paid 33A Sender^s Correspondent 53A Receiver's Correspondent 54A Sender to Receiver information 72 Trailers MAC HL 22628 6EXPDEPT USD XXX 910925USD BKTRUS33 BANKERS TRUST COMPANY NEW YORK NEW YORK, NY BKTRUS33 BANKERS TRUST COMPANY NEW YORK NEW YORK, NY OUR REF BR91015444 DRAFT AMT USD XXX PLUS CMOS USD XXX EOEE5415 JOURNAL ENTRIES ASSOCIATED WITH MESSAGE 1 99-09-25 09:47:52 Received from SWIFT 99-09-25 09:47:53 Automatic Authentication 99-09-25 09:48:00 Delivered to Print I i_________________,_____________________________________ 304
I Vocabulary notes transfer [trans' fb:] bank transfer SWIFT transfer telegraphic transfer mail transfer to make a transfer cor respond ent bank objective to achieve the objec- tive authentication verification hence SEQ (sequence) ID (identification) advice advice of reimburse- mcnt/payment credit advice debit advice queue EXPDEPT » export de pa rtment presenting bank draft AMT-amount CHGS- charges trailer journal [sb'dsektiv] Cvenfi'keifn] [hens] [fd3o:tiai] перевод банковский перевод перевод по СВИФТу телеграфный перевод поч товый перевод сделать перевод банк-корреспондент — банк- агент других банков (обычно ано* странны^ с которыми заключе* но соответствующее соглаше- ние о выполнении платежных инструкций цель достигать цель определение подлинности сообщения, расключевание проверка, контроль отсюда, следовательно последовательность номер авизо, уведомление, извещение авизо о платеже кредитовое авизо дебетовое авизо очередь экспортный отдел, отдел по экспорту представляющий банк (банк цребсташтющий Оакулмнты дру<а~ му банку для платежа) тратта, переводный вексель - концевик, заключительная часть журнал, сводные данные 30S
entry to print delivered to print ['entnj запись печатать передано на принтер I Words and suggested activities a Translate the following words into English: сообщение по СВИФТу ........... расключевание.................. контроль ...................... дебетовое авизо................ тратта......................... сумма.......................... банк-корреспондент............. представляющий банк............ запись......................... ссылка......................... b Write down the following in full words: SWIFT.......................... amt............................ cbgs........................... id..........................♦.. delv........................... our ref........................ NY............................. c Give answers to the following questions: 1 Who sent this SWIFT message? ................................. 2 What payment instructions did ................................ it contain? ............................ 3 Who do you think the present- ................................ ing bank is? ............................ 4 Why do you think the figures ................................. are missing here? ............................ 306
d Sum up all the information about: « SWIFT, as an organisation в SWIFT messages в this SWIFT message Text 2: Instruments of payment International payments are made with the help of various in- struments, among which the following can be mentioned: я bills of exchange « drafts promissory notes s and many others. One of the most popular instruments of payment is a bill of ex- change < It is drawn by the exporter upon the importer or, by arrange- ment, upon the importer’s bank. As legally defined a bill of exchange is «an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to an- other, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a stated future date a sum of money to a certain person or to the order of that person or to the bearer». Most bills of exchange are drawn for three months afterdate. The bill of exchange illustrated below is drawn by a British ex- porter, the Excel Machine Company, on an Indian Importer, Raja Singh ! mport Co., and it is payable at 90 days after date. It is an order to pay and once it is accepted by the drawee, he is legally liable to pay. London...........24 January / 999 -5t)r £ 5027,50 Ninety Days After Date sole bill d^xckan.$tt .................,..,................ ,....../о ike Carder Ourselves Five Thousand and Twenty-seven Pounds Fifty Pence Raja Singh Import Co, Oe Amin Street Director Bombay, India Excel Machine Company 307
I Vocabulary notes bill of exchange sole bill of exchange promissory note ['pronuson] l) вексель (безусловный приказ odwo- голица другому по предъявлении знюго документа или и назначенный срок уплатить определенную cr.v.uy tie нес' предъявителю или указанному в доку- метче лицу)', 2) тратта (приказ сексе- мдерлситеяя должнику об уплате определенной суммы третьему лицу а указанный срок) С 031D- В 6 К сел Ь (вексель, еыетаати /- нын в одном экземпляре) ПрОСТОЙ вексель (обязательство искселедащеля об уплате определенной суммы лицу, которому вексель был первоначально выдан, или по указанию последнего — другому яйцу. имеет все реквизиты векселя, кроме наименова- ния плательщика) Ъеагег ['Ьеэго] предъявитель to bear (bore, borne) [Ьеэ, bo:. bo:n] нести Note; тратта часто трактуется как переходный вексель и пере солится как draft I Words and Suggested activities a Translate the following words into English and make short sentences with them: вексель .................................................... соло-вексель................................................ простой вексель............................................. предъявитель ............................................... платить приказу............................................. 308
D Answer the following questions: 1 What is a bill of exchange? ................................ 2 What is a promissory note? ................................. 3 Who drew the bill illustrated .............................. here? ........................... 4 For what sum was it drawn? ................................. 5 Who was the drawee?......................................... Text 3: Bank guarantees Very often the exporters prefer having some guarantee of pay- ment issued by reliable banks or first-rate banks. Here is a sample guarantee form of Barclays Bank: Our guarantee no_______________ We are informed that (hereinafter called the Seller] have entered into a contract with you dated for the supply of and that a bank guarantee for [amount] being ____% of (he contract price is required, On behalf of the Seller we Barclays Bank PLC [branch] hereby give you our guarantee and undertake to pay you any amount or amounts not exceeding in total a maximum of [amount] on receipt of your first de- mand in writing, Алу claims must bear the confirmation of your bankers that the si gnaw res thereon are authentic. This guarantee is valid Гог written demands received by us on or be- fore [date] after which date our liability to you under ibis guarantee will cease and th is guarantee will be of no further effect. This guarantee is personal to you and Is not assignable. This mia ran lee shall be governed by English law. I 309
I Vocabulary notes PLC = public limited com рапу to undertake [,Anda'teik] undertaking to exceed ;s ittheutic to cease to be assignable to assign assignment contract of assignment [i(ksi:d] [o:'0entik] [srzj [a'samabl] [э-sam] [o'sainmont] общество с ограниченной ответственностью брать на себя обязательства обязательство превышать аутентичный, подлинный прекращать может быть переуступлен переуступать переуступка контракт переуступки В Translating skills a Find the English equivalents in the text: далее по тексту Продавец........................................ заключить контракт.............................................. стоимость контракта................;............................ от имени Продавца.............................................. выдать гарантию................................................. обязаться уплатить............................................... не превышать в целом суммы ..................................... в письменном виде .............................................. b Translate into Russian: on receipt of your first demand.................................... to bear the confirmation of the bankers......................... authentic signatures............................................ to be valid for written demands................................. our liability will cease........................................ the guarantee will be of no further effect...................... this guarantee is not assignable................................ to be governed by English law................................... c Translate the text of the guarantee form into Russian. <1 Use your imagination and complete this form. 310
PartG International Law Section 1: Greenpeace and the Rainbow Warrior Section 2: The Pinochet Case
Section 1: Greenpeace and the Rainbow Warrior j Text 1 'Greenpeace' is the name of an ecology group which is based in Britain. Its members are people of different nationalities who wish to protect the environment we live in, They do research, bring problems to the attention of the public and take non-violent direct action on many issues related to environmental protection and pol- lution. One of the issues which particularly concerns Greenpeace is the damage to the environment caused by the use of nuclear bombs in experimental tests. In July 1985 the French planned a series of nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean, Members of Greenpeace decided to stop the tests if they could, and set off for the area in their boat — the Rainbow Warrior HL When Greenpeace was preparing for action in the Pacific, French secret agents attacked the boat with explosives while it was moored in Auckland Harbour, New Zealand. Fernando Pereira, the Greenpeace photographer on the expedition, was killed by drown- ing in the attack and the Rainbow Warrior was sunk. 312
I Vocabulary notes rainbow ['reinbou] радуга warrior ['wona] поущ. воин; боец pollution [pa'lu:Jji] загрязнение environmental pollu- загрязнение окружающей tion среды to concern [kan'sam] волновать, тревожить to cause вызывать, быть причиной to cause damage to наносить, причинять smth вред чему-либо to set off отправляться to set off for a certain отправиться куда-либо place explosives [iks'plouzivz] взрывчатые вещества io moor [muoj швартоваться, ставить (становиться) на якорь to be moored стоять на якоре to drown [draun] тонуть He fell over board and was drowned. Он упал за борт и утонул. to sink (sank, sunk) топить, пускать ко дну В Suggested activities a Find the answers in the text 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What is Greenpeace? Where is it based? Does it unite people from differ- ent countries? What is the aim of this group? What do they practically do? hi what way are their activities associated with nuclear tests? What was the practical aim of the Rainbow Warrior Шexpedition? When did it take place? 313
b Insert the missing words from the box: the Rainbow Warrior III, research, environment, non-violent, direct, pollution, nuclear bombs, nuclear tests This group wishes to protect the......we live in. They do ., bring problems to the attention of the public and take .......action on many issues related to environmental protec- tion and ........One of the issues is the damage to the .......caused by the use of.......in experimental tests. In July 1985 the French planned a series of.......in the Pacific Ocean. Members of Greenpeace decided to stop the tests and set off for the area in their boat —.... c Find the English equivalents in the text: группа, штаб-квартира которой нахо- ......................... дится в Великобритании ....................... среда, 0 которой мы живем ....................... вред для окружающей среды, причиияе- ........................ мы й испытанием ядерных бомб ....................... вопросы, относящиеся к защите окру- ......................... жающей среды ....................... d Sum up what the text said about: the Rainbow Warrior III expedition Greenpeace I Word study e Say how the following words are formed: Greenpeace Rainbow background hereinafter thereof waxwork copyright cross-exam ination 314
f Give the word families of the following words: violent ecology environment pollution nationality to protect experiment to prepare to attack explosive war S_ g Add as many nouns as you can to the following: environmental protection .......................) damage to the environment ................................) to attack the boat with explosives .•.....................) the ship ........................................ ) was sunk h Encircle the correct word and make a short sentence: to do/ to make research the damage caifsing/cattsed by the use of nuclear bombs in/on the Pacific Ocean to set off to/jbr the area in/ on the boat the boat moored/wax moored in Auckland he was killed in/by drowning the boat sankAvas sunk I Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions: to be based ......................................................... to bring to the attention of the public.......................... 315
non-violent action................................................ to prepare for action............................................. to drown.......................................................... to sink........................................................... j Write down the synonyms of the following words and a few sentences with them: group ........................ to relate.......................... issue........................... different........................ to protect................. to wish.................... non-violent.................... to set off..................... Text 2 Two French secret service agents using false names were arrested in New Zealand on 12 July 1985 and duly charged with passport and related offences. On 23 July they were further charged with conspir- acy to commit arson, with wilfully damaging the Rainbow Warrior by means of explosives, and with the murder of Fernando Pereira. They pleaded not guilty and were remanded in custody. In mid-Augtist the French press identified them as Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur. The charges against Mafart and Prieur were altered to manslaughter and wilful damage at the hearing on 4 November 1985. The agents pleaded guilty and were sentenced on 22 November to ten years1 im- prisonment for manslaughter and seven years’ for wilful damage, the terms to run concurrently. The French Defence Minister told them that the government would work for their release and on 28 November he urged negotiations for their return to France. The French government recognised the identity of the agents but found no evidence to indicate that their mission involved anything other than surveillance. On 6 September France notified New Zealand of its concern that Mafart and Prieur should enjoy all the guarantees of in- ternational law. After further press revelations France acknowledged 316
on 22 September that the agents had obeyed orders, and declared that they should be exempted from blame. Meanwhile New Zealand had notified France that it would take legal steps to secure compensation from the French State. Further, the New Zealand Prime Minister, David Lange, said that he had prohibited extradition of the agents and political interference in the legal proceedings. After the convictions he remarked that New Zealand would consider repatriating the agents provided they con- tinued to serve their prison sentences. Negotiations between New Zealand and France continued intermittently until 19 May 1986 when New Zealand suspended them in protest at continued economic sanctions by France. Early in 1986 France began impeding New Zealand imports. New Zealand formally complained to France on 26 February, and on 4 April the European Community Trade Commissioner upheld the complaint. France did not admit to imposing the trade barriers until 22 April. Other European States were concerned to see the dispute re- solved, but efforts at mediation were hardly possible until the facts had been ascertained and the New Zealand proceedings completed. On 12 September 1985 the European Parliament condemned secret service activity against the Rainbow Warrior and demanded a full explanation from France. The UK government took little part in the dispute but on 24 September 1985 called on France to settle com- pensation without delay. During a visit to Europe in June 1986 Lange indicated that various governments had impressed upon him the need for an early resolution of the dispute. Between 31 May and 2 June, Ruud Lubbers, President of the European Council of Ministers of the Netherlands, explored with the parties a proposal for independent arbitration. France and New Zealand announced on 19 June that they had agreed to refer all matters without precondition to arbitration by the UN Secretary-General. The ruling was completed on 6 July 1986 and signed on 9 July. It required France to apologise and pay a fixed sum to New Zealand; required New Zealand to transfer Ma- la rt and Prieur into French custody; and enjoined France not to im- pede New Zealand exports to the European Community. The terms were carried out on 22—23 July 1986, and France subsequently abided by the ruling on New Zealand exports. 317
France reached a settlement with the family of Fernando Pereira on 12 November 1985, encompassing a formal apology, compensa- tion totalling 2.3 million francs, and reimbursement of the insurers. France and Greenpeace agreed on 19 December 1985 to negotiate damages — France having admitted legal liability on 10 December. Unable to reach agreement, they referred the matter to a panel of three arbitrators on 10 July 1986. I Vocabulary notes affair [£rfsa] дело, история business affairs коммерческие дела foreign affairs иностранные дела an affair of honour дело чести It is an affair of a few Это вопрос нескольких дней. days, false pretences ['foils prf tensiz] обман, притворство to give a false colour to искажать, представлять . smth что-либо в ложном свете duly ['djuh] должным образом, пра- to remand [ri'mamd] вильно I) отсылать обратно под to remand in custody стражу (йлл продолжения следствия) 2) отсылать на дос- to alter ['oilto] ледование изменить (ся), менять (ся) syn. to change manslaughter ['mmtvlorte] непредумышленное убийство concurrently [кэп'клгэпгИ] действующий одновре- to urge smth [«•з! менно или совместно I) настаивать па чем-либо; surveillance [sa/veilons] 2) убеждать в чем-либо надзор, наблюдение (за under surveillance подозреваал/ым) под надзором to acknowledge [ak'nodidg] признавать 318
л;?'/?, to recognise to exempt [rg'zempt] освобождать to exempt from taxes освобождать от уплаты налогов blame 1) ответственность, вина to bear the blame принять вину на себя to lay the blame on smb возложить вину на кого- либо 2) порицание, упрек provided при условии, если только, в том случае, если to serve 1) служить; 2) отбывать срок (службы, наказания и т.п) to serve the prison sen- отбывать срок тюремного tence заключения intermittent [jnta'mitant] прерывистый, скачкообраз- ный, перемежающийся to impede [nn*pi:d] препятствовать, мешать, затруднять to complain [kam'plein] жаловаться to complain to smb of жаловаться кому-либо на smth что-либо to uphold (upheld, up- held) поддерживать, защищать to uphold the view [Ap'hould] придерживаться взгляда dispute [dis'pjmt] разногласия, спор hbour/industrial/ trade dispute трудовой конфликт to dispute спорить effort ['efbt] усилие, попытка to make efforts прилагать усилия mediation [,medr'eijn] посредничество mediation board конфликтная комиссия to ascertain [„EBsa'tem] устанавливать, выяснять, удостоверять(ся), убеж- даться) to ascertain the situa- выяснять обстановку tion 31®
to condemn [kan'dem] His looks condemn him. to explore [iks'plo:] syj?. to study to consider proposal [pra'pouzel] ruling ['ru:htj] to enjoin subsequently ['SAbsikwantli] to abide (abode» abode) to abide by smth to encompass [ш'клтрзз] insurer panel [fpaenl] 1) осуждать; 2) приговари- вать, выносить приговор; 3) конфисковать (судно^ груз); 4) уличать Лицо выдает его, исследовать, изучать, рас- сматривать предложение постановление, судебное ре- шение, постановление судьи I) предписывать, приказы- вать; 2) запрещать впоследствии, потом, позже оставаться верным, при- держиваться, выполнять твердо держаться чего-либо окружать, заключать страхователь, страховое общество 1) список присяжных (заседателей), присяжные заседатели; 2) комиссия, группа (специалистов, экс- пертов и т,п,) I Words and Grammar a Mark (with a tick) the meaning in which the following words are used in the text: list of names group duly in a right or suitable manner nt the right time 320
blame responsibility finding fault to say that smth is wrong to condemn to give judgement against smb to show conviction of guilt perception by sound (legal) trial of a case at law conditions periods of time act of pressing machine for pressing newspapers, periodicals; journalists hearing terms press b Translate the following word combinations Into Russian: further press revelations.......................................... continued economic sanctions................................... passport and related offences.................................. ten years’ imprisonment........................................ secret serv ice agent.......................................... secret service activity,,.,.................................... the European Community Trade Commissioner...................... the Rainbow Warrior affair..................................... the UN Secretary-General....................................... c Encircle the correct preposition and make short sentences: a charge against/on smb.......................... to be charged with/ of passport offences......... a charge is altered for/ to manslaughter......... to be remanded at/ in custody.................... to transfer smb in/ into French custody.......... to sentence smbjfer/to ten years’ imprisonment... to notify smb q/7tJ^’smth........................ to be exempted from/ of blame ................... U АнглuiicKitil дли nipitcwii 321
d Insert the correct article and make short sentences: without............delay............................................ without........precondition..................................... .......Rainbow Warrior.......................................................................... ................................................................Rainbow Warrior affair.................................................................................... ................................................................murder of the photographer. to be remanded in..........................................................................custody... ..French Defence Minister........................................................................ ............................................................to enjoy all the guarantees of. interna- tional law. e Underline the roots of the following words and make short sentences with them: guilty imprisonment negotiation revelation interference manslaughter precondition concurrently f Choose the synonyms from the box: intentional, imprisonment, killing, to excuse, incorrect, personality, to change, later manslaughter............... to alter........................ false...................... identity........................ wilful..................... to exempt....................... custody.................... subsequently.................. 6 Find the English equivalents in the text: Франция заявила, что эти агенты должны быть освобождены от какой-либо ответственности. Их арестовали 12 июля 1985 г. 322
Их обвинили в том, что у них поддельные паспорта. Затем их обвинили в участии в заговоре. Их снова отправили под стражу. Обвинение заменили на обвинение в непредумышленном убийстве. Агентов приговорили к 10 годам тюремного заключения. Решение суда было вынесено в июле 1986 г. I) Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are and translate the following into Russian: the legal proceedings ............................ The ruling was completed on ................................... 6 July. ............................ the agents using false names .................................. He remarked that New Zealand .................................. would consider repatriating the ............................... agents. France began impeding New Zea.................................. land imports. ........................... France did not admit to imposing .............................. the trade barriers, ............................ France reached a settlement with .................*....-....... his family encompassing a formal .............................. apology. I Underline the infinitives in the following sentences and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The agents were further charged with conspiracy to commit arson, 2 They were sentenced to 10 years1 2 3 4 imprisonment for manslaughter and 7 years1 for wilful damage, the terms to run concurrently. 3 Tile French government found no evidence lo indicate that their mission involved anything other than surveillance. 4 New Zealand wanted to take legal steps to secure compensation from the French State. 11* 323
5 6 7 j 1 2 3 4 5 к 1 2 3 4 5 I I New Zealand insisted the agents should continue to serve their prison sentence. Other European States were concerned to see the dispute resolved. The UK government called on France to settle compensation with- out delay. Write down the part of speech of the words in italics and translate the sentences into Russian: The charges were altered’to wilful damage. The Minister urged negotiations for their return to France. They suspended negotiations in protest at continued economic sanctions by France. Various governments impressed upon Lange the need for an early resolution of the dispute. [I enjoined France not to impede New Zealand exports to Europe. Underline the predicates and write down the forms of the verbs: te t&c Ас&м) К t The Minister told them that the government would work for their release. France notified New Zealand of its concern that the two men should enjoy all the guarantees of international law. France acknowledged that the agents had obeyed orders. Efforts at mediation were hardly possible until the facts had been ascertained. He remarked that New Zealand would consider repatriating the agents provided they continued to serve their prison sentence. Suggested activities Write out all the information from the text (In short sentences) about: the two secret service agents the policy of France in respect of the agents 324
и ' New Zealand’s stand on the matter я the way the dispute was resolved H the role the French press played in this case B the attitude of European countries to the dispute m Answer the following questions: 1 Do you know what the award of the three arbitrators was in the end? 2 Do you think that the resolution of the conflict was very slow in coming? 3 What factors were of great im- portance in resolving the dispute? Text3 The Rainbow Warrior sinking did not have serious conse- quences for peace. It was an officially inspired military operation with strictly limited intentions. Nevertheless, since the UN Charter was signed international lawyers have increasingly addressed the problem of low-level uses offeree. French action clearly fell within the broad concept of «international delinquency» encompassing acts short of belligerency such as «violation of the dignity of a for- eign State, violation of foreign territorial supremacy, or any other internationally illegal act». The attack and the infringement of New Zealand sovereignty were universally condemned as contrary to in- ternational law, and the French government’s Memorandum pre- sented to the Cuellar, UN General Secretary, conceded in section 5 that the abuse of New Zealand sovereignty had been illegal The French government initially claimed that its agents had merely engaged in «surveillance». A more accurate description would be «spying». Unfortunately, as Richard Falk, a famous jurist, 325
observed: «traditional international law is remarkably oblivious to the peacetime practice of espionage»; and while Articles 29—31 of the 1907 Hague Convention deal with spying in wartime, there is no peacetime equivalent. Many jurists, however, would agree with Falk who characterised espionage as illegal but tolerated in many countries. By contrast, Julius Stone argued that spying itself was not illegal and advocated «reciprocally tolerated espionage» for the su- perpowers as a kind of confidence-building measure. But such an ap- proach is inappropriate to New Zealand and France for whom, as far as one can tell, reciprocal spying is hardly an assumed aspect of their relationship. In the event the New Zealand authorities ignored the «surveillance» by French agents and concentrated on the attack itself. I Vocabulary notes contravention [,kontro'venjn] contravention of n law consequence ['konsakwans] to have serious conse- quences to take consequences in consequence of smth It is of no consequence. Is it of any/ much con- sequence? a man of consequence Intention [m'tenjn] done without intention charter ['tja:to] force by force нарушение нарушение закона заголовках артикли часто опускаются) 1) последствие иметь серьезные послед- ствия принимать на себя всю ответственность (за со- деянное) в результате чего-либо 2) важность Это не имеет значения. Это имеет какое-либо/ большое значение? важная персона намерение, цель, замысел сделано неумышленно устав 1)сила силой, насильно 326
by force of arms посредством оружия by force of habit brute force the force the forces to come into force to put in force to remain in force action to take prompt action to bring/ to enter/ to lay an action against smb delinquency [di'liukwansi] с силу привычки грубая сила, насилие полиция 1) вооруженные силы, войска; 2) сила, действие (закона, постановления ит.п} вступать в силу вводить в действие, осу- ществлять, проводить в жизнь оставаться в силе, дейст- вовать 1) действие принять срочные меры 2) обвинение, иск, судеб- ны й процесс возбудить дело протии кого-либо 1) проступок, упущение, short of belligerency [bi'hd^oransi] провинность; 2) правона- рушение (особ. несовер- шеннолетних) исключая состояние войны act act of God to be caught In the very act of committing я crime dignity [fdigiuti] Одело, поступок, акт стихийное бедствие быть пойманным па мес- те преступления 2) закол, постановление (л пл t Сип и г, суда ) 1) достоинство to stand on onc*s dig- nity держаться с достоинст- вом 327
beneath one’s dignity supremacy Act of Supremacy [sju'premasr] in fringein ent [m'frmdsmatit] sovereignty ['sovrsnti] universally to present smth to smb [ ju:nr'vo:saLi] [pn'zent] to concede [kon'sud] abuse [o'biiKZ] initially [j'nijali] in ercly to engage to be engaged in sinth ['mralij [m'geidj] su rveiltancc [safveilans] under surveillance ниже своего достоинства 2) звание, сан, титул 1) верховенство, верхов- ная власть закон о главенстве анг- лийского монарха над церковью 2) превосходство нарушение (закона, обе- it pt mtit. авторского право)', посягательство (ни права, свободу) 1) верховная власть; 2) суверенитет; 3) суве- ренное государство везде, во всем мире представлять, вручать, передавать что-либо ко- му-либо 1) уступать; 2) допускать (правильность, возмож- ность чего-либо)', призна- вать 1) оскорбление; 2) злоупот- ребление, использование; 3) неправильное употреб- ление/ использование в начальной стадии, в первоначальном положе- нии, первоначально всего лишь I) заниматься заниматься чем-либо 2) занимать, привлекать, вовлекать надзор, наблюдение (за подозреваемым) под надзором (особ. но- /нн/г/н) 328
accurate ['aekjurat] точный to spy шпионить, следить to spy into smth тайно расследовать что- либо to spy out выслеживать, разузна- вать to spy upon smb следить за кем-либо oblivious [a'bhvjos] непомнящий, забываю- щий to be oblivious of smth забывать о чем-либо to deal with smth иметь дело с чем-либо, заниматься чем-либо to argue ['a:gju] 1) спорить; 2)обсуждать; 3.) убеждать to argue against smth выступать против чего- либо to argue in favour of приводить доводы в smth пользу чего-либо to argue smb into smth убеждать кого-либо в чем-либо to argue smb out of разубеждать кого-либо в smth чем-либо to argue smb out of an opinion переубеждать кого-либо to advocate smth ['ajdvokot] отстаивать, поддержи- вать, пропагандировать что-либо reciprocally [ri'siprakah] взаимно, обоюдно measure ['mesa] 1) мера beyond/ out of measure f чрезмерно in some/ a measure до некоторой степени 2) мера, мероприятие to take measures принимать меры approach [a'proutj] подход approach to smth but to approach smth подход к чему-либо inappropriate [jno'proupnot] неподходящий, неумест- ный 32Й
to assume assumed an assumed name [a'sju:m] I) напускать на себя, притворяться; 2) предпо- лагать, допускать I) вымышленный вымышленное имя 2) притворный 3) допускаемый, предпо- лагаемый I Words and Grammar a Give the ward families of the following words and translate them into Russian; to contravene............. to intend................ to toletare............... to condemn............... to assume.................... to present.................. to act...................... to ignore................... b Form adverbs from the following adjectives, translate them into Russian and make a few sentences with them: initial..................... appropriate...................... mere........................ increasing....................... accurate.................... universal........................ reciprocal.................. assumed.......................... c Underline the roots of the following words and translate them into Russian: inappropriate............. superpower...................... unfortunately............. peacetime....................... Zealand................... wartime......................... 330
low-level................... nevertheless.................. confidence-building....... espionage........................ d Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with э tick: действие action Обви11ение дело закон to argue спорить обсуждать убеждать sovereignty с-- верховная власть суверенитет суверенное государство to condemn осу ждать, порицать выносить приговор конфисковывать уличать to concede уступать допускать е Match the English and Russian equivalents: delinquency belligerency abuse approach surveillance dignity supremacy состояние войны использование подход правонарушение достоинство надзор верховенство 334
f d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h i 1 2 3 4 5 Explain the difference between the words in English and translate them into Russian: violation — infringement — contravention lawyer — jurist act — action Explain the meaning of these sentences, in simplier words and translate the sentences into Russian: International lawyers have increasingly addressed the problem of low-level uses of force, French action clearly fell within the broad concept of «international delinquency». This concept encompasses acts short of belligerency. The attack was universally condemned as contrary to international law. The «abuse of New Zealand sovereignty was illegal. The govermeiit initially claimed the agents had merely engaged in «surveillance», A more accurate description would be spying. International law is oblivious to the peacetime practice of espionage. Summarise the text in English and translate it into Russian. Complete the following sentences the way you think appropriate: This law review article says that................................... The article adds that............................................... The article also mentions that...................................... It stressc that..................................................... It underlines that.................................................. 332
Text 4 The concept of State criminality although widely used in propa- ganda is not strongly supported in law. State responsibility for de- licts is limited to liability for reparations. It is also an established principle that a State which sends agents to commit an acta jure im- perii abroad is liable rather than the agents who should enjoy im- munity from local courts. After Mafart and Prieur had been charged with murder and ar- son but before standing trial, the French government admitted re- sponsibility for the act and was willing to apologise. Consequently, so France claimed, the trial in New Zealand was unjustified and contrary to international practice. There is a view that individuals are increasingly recognised as subjects of international law, and that agents are liable because they are the means by which acts of State are carried out. On the ques- tion of superior orders precepts of the Nurnberg Charter (adopted by a UN Resolution on 11 December 1946) are commonly regarded as part of positive international law. New Zealand’s Memorandum to the Secretary-General cited the International Treaties to support the argument that superior orders was no defence, either in international law or in New Zealand law which the agents were subjected. New Zealand treated the two agents as common criminals. International law is inadequate to cope with perpetrators of spo- radic violence across State boundaries. Besides the situations in- cluding the Rainbow Warrior incident, it has been impossible to establish immunity from local jurisdiction for perpetrators making unauthorised, illegal entries with the official purpose of committing unlawful acts. The principle of agent immunity cannot apply since officially spies do not exist in time of peace. Sponsoring States typically dis- own them. For example in the Powers case of 1960 President Eis- enhower broke with usual practice and admitted that Powers was spying in plain clothes in a camouflaged U2 plane. American offi- 333
cials justified the espionage, but Powers still stood trial in the then Soviet Union. When a Soviet submarine ran aground inside a Swedish military security area which it had entered without consent on 27— 28 October 1981, the Swedish authorities assumed jurisdiction over the vessel and crew without Soviet permission. Though for political reasons Sweden made only limited use of its rights. I Vocabulary notes immunity [I'mjiEiuti] неп p и косновен кость, иммунитет congressional immu- nity diplomatic immunity parliamentary iminu- nity personal immunity presidential immunity неприкосновенность члена конгресса дипломатическая непри- косновенность парламентская непри- косновенность лепр HKOCHouet шость личности, право личной неприкосновенности президентский иммуни- тет delict in flagrant delict acta jure imperii (Lai.) Udnlikt] нарушение закона, пра- вонарушение на месте преступления приказ верховной власти to apologise to apologise for smth to apologise to sin b view [o'poladjaiz] приносить официальные извинения; извиняться извиняться за что-либо извиняться перед кем- либо взгляд, мнение, точка зрения 334
there is a view that». существует мнение, что... in my view по моему мнению subject ['sAbdsakt] 1) субъект; 2) подданный superior [sju'pinoj старший, начальник precept ['pntsept] 1) указание, инструкция; 2) вызов в суд, предписа- ние to cope with sin th справляться с чем-либо boundary ['bauntbir] граница, межа to form a boundary являться границей to codify fkoudifai] составлять кодекс, коди- фицировать to codify the laws составлять кодекс зако- нов unauthorised [An'oiOannzd] 1) неправомочный; 2) неразрешенный to sponsor устранит, организовы- вать, поддерживать, суб- сидировать in plain clothes в штатском pliiiibclothes man переодетый полицейский to run aground сесть на мель syn, to go aground, to strike aground consent [kan'scnt] согласие by common consent с общего согласия age of consent совершеннолетие silence gives consent молчание — знак согла- сия vessel [vesl] судно ™. ship crew [kru:J команда, экипаж (нисуд- не, самолете) comparts: team команда (политическая, спортивная) 335
Я Words and Grammar a Find the English equivalents in the text: признать ответственность.................................... ответственность государства................................. право личной неприкосновенности............................. пользоваться неприкосновенностью............................ предстать перед судом....................................... поддерживать мнение......................................... приказ свыше................................................ относиться к ним как к обычным преступникам................. b Match the words which are close in their meanings: perpetrator covert boundary delict liability precept view incident secret affair crim inaS breach of law frontier responsibility instruction opinion c Match the words having opposite meaning: legal authorised adequate justified responsible lawful official inadequate illegal unjustified unauthorised unofficial unlawful irresponsible international superior common peace with inside to own to assume sporadic inferior without local special war to reject outside to disown continuous 336
d Mark (with a tick) the meaning in which the following words are used in the text: subject субъект подданный state государство штат precept — указание, инструкция вызов в суд, предписание to cite цитировать вызывать в суд поддерживать (физически) to support iюлдерживать (.wмение) to claim заявлять, утверждать возбуждать иск и возмещении ущерба to recognise : узнавать признавать to adopt усыновлять, удочерять принимать e Choose the correct preposition and make a few sentences with these phrases: to cope wit h/ш perpetrators to admit responsibility of/ta the act the responsibility is limited fo/iu liability/br/w? raparations to be contrary to/with international practice to be subjected lo/wiih New Zealand law sporadic violence d/7q// State boundaries to spy m/at plain clothes f Insert the correct article, if necessary: It is not strongly supported in.,, law, part of.., positive International law in,,, international law 337
in... New Zealand law to be charged with... murder and... arson to stand... trial ... NUrnberg Charter ... President Eisenhower й Use the correct forms of the verbs: 1 This concept (not to support) strongly in law, 2 After the French agents (to charge) with murder and arson, the French government (to admit) responsibility. 3 The French government (to be willing) to apologise. 4 They (to subject) to New Zealand law. 5 New Zealand (to treat) the agents as common criminals. h Underline the participles and translate the following into Russian: the concept widely used in practice..................................... the NUrn berg Charter adopted by a UN Resolution.................... situations including this incident.................................. perpetrators making illegal entries................................. an established practice............................................. codified legal provision........................................ - a camouflaged plane................................................. I Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 A State which sends agents is liable rather than the agents them- selves. 2 T he individuals are increasingly recognised as subjects of interna- tional law. 3 The agents are the means by which these acts are carried out. 4 Superior orders was no defence either in international law or in New Zealand law. 5 It has been impossible to establish immunity from local jurisdiction. 6 Powers stood trial in the then USSR. 7 In another incident the Swedish authorities assumed jurisdiction without the other side’s permission. 338
j Write out all the words and expressions associated with immunity from the text. i Suggested activities ft Find the answers in the text: 1 How does law treat State criminality and responsibility? 2 How does law treat individuals involved in such cases? 3 What was France’s view on this case before the agents stood trial? 4 What was the position of New Zealand government? I Complete these question: 1 Were the French agents codified as spies or..................? 2 Did the Americans recognise Powers was a spy when............? 3 How did Sweden react when a Soviet submarine................? m Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: 1 Spies exist only in time of war, 2 New Zealand bad every reason to treat the French agents as com- mon criminals. Tcxt5 The Rainbow Warrior affair bolsters the notion that there is an international doctrine of non-intervention, France was obliged to recognise Ibis, and also to make restitution for contravening the doctrine outlawing armed attack. Further, the case may have a positive long-term benefit in drawing attention to those areas of de- ficiency, remarked upon by Falk, Lauchterpracht, Crawford and others, in both the substantive rule of international law and its pro- 339
cedures, especially concerning immunity, low-level force, and peacetime espionage. Certainly in government torts the interna- tional trend in State practice is to restrict State immunity and assert local jurisdiction, to the extent that it has been said to contribute to the «demystification of the State as a supreme being». Jurists will note that the outcome of the in tergo vern men t dis- pute was based on an individual’s concept of fairness, producing a ruling rather than a legal judgement. De Cuellar resisted any at- tempt to imbue the case with theoretical significance or to refer to norms — though no doubt legality as well as practicality formed part of his private deliberations. Yet in so far as the settlement can be con- sidered as an example of State practice, it significantly challenges the principle that either a State or its agents — but not both — are liable for acts contrary to law outside the Geneva Conventions. I Vocabulary notes to bolster to bolster a notion to bolster an idea to bolster a theory to bolster a cause restitution [jesti'tju:Jn] to draw (drew, drawn) [dro, dru:, drain] to draw attention to smth 1) поддерживать, под- креплять поддерживать мнение поддерживать идею поддерживать теорию поддерживать какое-либо дело 2) подстрекать I) реституция (восста- новлена нврвощщаяьного нра- новом поломсеты) 2) реституция (иошенгнне убытков} I) привлечь (втыктне} привлечЕ* (чье-либо) внимание к чему-либо 2) рисовать 340
to pay attention to smth deficiency [di'fijnsi] substantive ['sAbstantiv] a substantive motion tort to assert [a'sait] to assert oneself (one’s rights) mystification Lmifltifi'keijn] outcome ['аигклт] хуы effect, result outcome of a dispute outcome of an event outcome of some cir~ cuius tan ees fairness in all fairness to resist smth to resist an attempt to resist temptation to imbue deliberation after long deliberation to challenge ['tJ&lmdj] [ri'zist] [mi'bju:] обратить (свое) внимание на что-либо недостаточность, отсут- ствие (законов) самостоятельный, по сути, по существу предложение по существу деликт, гражданское пра- вонарушение отстаивать, защищать отстаивать свои права мистификация результат, последствие, исход результат обсуждения результат мероприятия результат каких-либо обстоятельств справедливость, чистота, незапятнанность по совести (говоря) противостоять чему-либо устоять протии чего-либо противостоять попытке устоять против соблазна 1) насыщать; 2) окраши- вать I) обдумывание, взвеши- вание, размышление но зрелом размышлении 2) обсуждение, дискуссия бросать вызов отрицать, сомневаться оспарив'ать, подвергать сомнению 341
I a b c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Word stady Give the word families of the following words: fair beneficial deficient restrictive to contribute to mtervene to contravene to procede assertion to settle Write what parts of speech the following words aret how they are formed and translate them into Russian: international.............. non-intervention........... low-level.................. long-term.................. peacetime.................. to outlaw............. to outcome............ especially............ espionage............. demystification....... Complete and translate the following sentences into Russian: The case may have a positive long-term......................... Probably many countries may ........................in future* He spoke without a........................ Jurists will.....................that the outcome was based on an individuаГs concept of fairness, He resisted any........................to imbue the case with theo- retical significance. They cannot...................... to disagree now. It significantly.....................this principle. They supported his........................ 342
d Write down synonyms or synonymous expressions of the words in italics and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The Rainbow Warrior affair bolsters the notions (................. ........) that there is an international doctrine of non-intervention. 2 France way obliged(............................) to recognise this* 3 It made restitution for contravening (........................ ) the doctrine outlawing armed attack, 4 The outcome of the dispute based on an individual’s concept of* fairness produced a riding (.................................... ) rather than a legal judgement. 5 The Secretary-General resisted any attempt (...................... .................) to refer to norms. 6 Yet in so far as the settlement can be considered (............... ............) as an example of State practice it challenges the principle that only a State or its agent — but not both — can be li- able for acts contrary to law outside the Geneva Conventions. e Group the words and expressions from the box into a few logical units: government torts, interg overrun ent dispute, doctrine of non- intervention, doctrine outlawing armed attack, area of deficiency in the substantive rule, area of deficiency in the procedures, low-level force, peacetime espionage, concept of fairness, to make restitution for contravening the doctrine, to be Hable for nets contrary to law Group 1 2 . . .. 3 4 . ? 5 343
№ Suggested activities f The text contains both statements of fact and statements of personal opinion. Decide which statements are based on the author’s personal opinion. Write down the words, phrases or sentences expressing the author's opinion. & Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint:: 1 The outcome of the dispute is very simple, 2 The Greenpeace activities are constantly in focus of worldwide press, 3 This material is of great importance to any jurist Section 2; The Pinochet Case For 83-year old General Augusto Pinochet, his regular trip to London is this year turning into a nightmare. First an aching back forces him to seek medical treatment. Then, as he lies still groggy after sur- gery. a squad of London- po- licemen barge into his hospital room to deliver an arrest war- rant at the behest of some Spanish magistrate. The British government ignores his claim of diplomatic immunity, A respite comes when Thomas Bigham, England's Lord Chief Justice, rules that the general enjoys legal immunity as a former head of state. Then, after weeks of legal argument, the judicial committee A hitter pill for Pinochet 344
of the House of Lords, Britain's highest court, overruled Lord Bigham and declared that the general could be extradited to Spain after all. In what will become a landmark case in both British and inter- national law, the five Law Lords ruled in a 3—2 split decision that murder, torture and hostage-takiiig are not the functions of a head of state, and so do not enjoy immunity from prosecution. Then Jack Straw, Britain’s home secretary, took the decision to extradite the general to Spain to face charges of crimes against hu- manity. the High Court granted the general the right to appeal the home secretary's decision. The three-judge panel'delayed the appeal hearing until after April 15. In the meantime Pinochet must remain in custody, the judges ruled, denying a request from his lawyers that he be «set at liberty and returned to Chile». Whatever General Pinochet's fate, the Law Lords1 ruling is a gi- ant step towards establishing the rule of international law. Over the past 50 years, nations have agreed a range of treaties outlawing the systematic murder, torture and arbitrary imprisonment perpetrated by General Pinochet and his sort. Many of these treaties explicitly rule out immunity for any official, including a former head of state. But these provisions have rarely been translated into national laws or applied by national courts. The perverse result has been that anyone who commanded the minder of thousands had nothing to fear from the law, while the murderer of a single person could be pursued to the ends of the earth. In General Pinochet's case, individual countries have also shown themselves more willing than ever before to put a tyrant on trial. Relatives of victims and survivors of General Pinochet's brutal regime are scattered throughout Europe. At their urging, prosecu- tors across the continent have launched proceedings. France, Swit- zerland and Belgium arc now also seeking the general's extradition. Authorities are pursuing investigations against him in Germany, Luxemburg, Sweden and Italy as well. 'Nevertheless, the attempt to bring the world's greatest criminals to justice is only just beginning. It may be years before the planned permanent international criminal court is established. As the clos& decision by the Law Lords makes clear, much also remains to be done to give national judges the tools to apply international law. 345
As the Pinochet case has shown, mounting an international prosecution is enormously difficult even when there is plenty of evidence of wrongdoing. What’s more, international arrests and ex- traditions remain as much a political as a legal proceeding. Courts can only rule whether they are legal. Political leaders everywhere have the final say about whether they go ahead. I Vocabulary notes nightmare groggy behest ['naitmca] кошмар слабы й at the behest of smb to overrule приказ по приказу кого-либо I) господствовать» вер- ховенствовать; 2) брать верх; 3) аннулировать, считать недействитель- пым; 4) отвергать, от- клонять предложение hostage to delay ['hostidg] заложник to deny su rvivor [sa'vaiva] откладывать, задержи- вать 1) отрицать; 2) отказы- вать (ся) оставшийся в живых 9 Suggested activities a Answer the following questions: 1 When do you think this article was written? 2 Where was it published, to you г mind? 3 Of what was the general accused? 346
4 5 b 1 2 3 4 5 С 1 2 3 4 S 6 d И я How was the general arrested? What is the generaPs fate? Complete the following questions using the text: Did the British government first ignore.................................................. I . . I ч ь ь ч a h . I l 4 F F 1 Г 1 1 -I r -I г 4 I -BBl-iBBI--i4BBi.ji-i-iI I -I h L I в I ч I i4hi.|4B.ji.j4. . - -I - I . r I ibd I I- h I г в I h h h I J 4 I i -B-IBI--B1.I-I What was the dici si on of England’s Lord Chief.......................................... Р14ьии144и1ииь-14-иииььиин₽ьиьн r I i44hl--i-lrBr-ir-i-il-iBBLiB i r i j l i -i ljfiili i i i i i p - 4 F 1 F J 1 4 - - ь ь l - P I |ньллвьр+1Ч Who overruled............................................................................ Did Britain's home secretary............................................................. Did the High Court..................................................................... Mark the correct statements with a tick: Many treaties have been signed ruling out immunity for any offi- cials, Many international treaties of this kind have been applied by var- fious countries.О No other countries started proceedings against the genera 11__ A perntanent international criminal court is being planned.EJ Mounting an international prosecution is very easy .□ Extraditions remain as much a political as a legal proceeding.!— Summarise what the article said about: General Pinochet extradition and international law
Part Н F Human Rights Section 1: The Tyrer Case Section 2: The 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights
Section 1: The Tyrer Case Text I The European Court of Human Rights was established by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fun- damental Freedoms and was set up in Strasbourg in 1959. The Convention, which was drawn up by the Council of Europe in 1950, was inspired by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Hu- man Rights of 1948 and protects many essential rights as the right to life, freedom from torture and slavery, freedom of thought, con- science and religion, the right to marry and found a family, freedom of peaceable assembly and association, and the right to a fair trial. Only states which are parties to the Convention and the European Commission of Human Rights have the right to bring a case before the Court. Some states have incorporated the Convention into do- mestic law, but Britain has not, so that it is not directly inforceable as British law. A few lexis that follow describe a case referred by Mr. Tyrer, a British citizen, to the European Commission of Human Rights in J978. The applicant claimed before the Commission that the facts of his case constituted a breach of Article 3 of the Convention which provides: «No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment». He alleged that there had been torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or any combination thereof in its report, the Commission expressed the opinion that judicial corporal punishment, being degrading, constituted a breach of Arti- cle 3 and that, consequently, its infliction on the applicant was in violation of that provision. rfhe ease was then referred to the European Court of Human Rights. 349
В Vocabularly notes to establish ps'trebhj] 1) основать, создать, учре- дить; 2) доказать fundamental the fundamental rules fundamental truth Strasbourg ['strtezbsrg] основной,коренной основные правила аксиома tortu re to put smb to torture ['txtja] пытка (и) подвергать кого-либо пыткам slavery [’slejvon] рабство conscience good conscience bad/ evil conscience to have smth on one’s conscience ['konfans] совесть чистая совесть нечистая совесть иметь что-либо на своей совести to incorporate [m'ko:p3reit] Г) принимать, включать в состав; 2) регистрировать enforceable [m'fasibl] 1) осуществимый: 2) обеспечиваемый' приме- нением силы или угрозой применить силу breach breach of law breach of trust breach of contract breach of peace to be subjected to smth treatment infliction provision condition term requirement stipulation [bn:tj] нарушение нарушение закона злоупотребление доверием нарушение контракта нарушение мира подвергаться, быть под- верженным чему-либо обращение, обработка, лечение, уход наложение, применение, наказание положение, условие (noeiiituiO(Uieinint договора) 360
to agree on the following provisions прийти к соглашению по следующим пунктам В See how well you remember the text a Complete the table using the text: The human rights b Write down the definite articles wherever necessary: 1 ... European Commission of... Rights 2 ... European Convention for... Protection of... Human Rights and.., Fundamental Freedoms 3 ... Convention which was drawn up by... Council of... Europe 4 ... Articles of... Convention 5 ... right to... life 6 ... freedom from... torture c Write down the answers to the following questions: 1 Who established the European Court of Human Rights? .................. ............ ...........................+ 4 b 1.1................4 r 2 When and where was the Court founded? ................................. 4 - Г ь I .rnnn.4.jj.... 14 14 > F I 4.J.4 1 4 1 I 1 1 ь 4 1 |J'4bJFF4hl-h' FH4r4ln4nnh4-4J-ln I 4 b.. 3 When and where was the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights made? .................................................... bnad.lablrbl I44aa.n.-nn. p I 4 ч + I I |<Ь4ЧГа4Ь4|-4*4Чаа1Ь|.|4 >ЬЬ||ЧР4Ч4а|-чг^Р*ч14а|.4 h I I .F4b4l1J-444rJJ"' .HbllHIlahlhh d Complete the following questions: 1 What does Article 3 of the Convention.................................? 2 What d i d Mr. Ту re r,............................................. ? 3 To whom did the Commission refer ,....................................? 351
е Тranslate into Russian: The applicant alleged that there had been torture or inhuman or de- grading treatment or punishment, or any combination thereof. f Summarise the information on: « the European Court of Human Rights the European Convention and its Article 3 ц Mr. Tyre г and his claim I Word study & Match the synonyms: to establish to draw up to have the right to protect to claim to sei up to make to prepare to found to be entitled to be allowed to defend to allege 11 Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick: convention assembly fair state party C conference agreement number of persons who have come together a meeting of law-makers honest quite good organised political community, a country one of 51 states of America political party one of the sides in a legal agreement 352
to say that sin th is a Pact *° claim ю say snjb |Ш8 ft r^|K to gmji , 4, to give legal authority to constitute z. to amount to Write down the word families of the following words: ni^ to protect fliafartw to enforce to think to establish to inflict to inspire to direct j Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian; to convene — convention — eonventiomil — conventional weapon to incorporate — incorporation — certificate of incorporation to apply — application — application form to provide — provision — provisional — provisional government essence — essential — essential goods — essentials conscious — consciousness — conscience —* conscientious к Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions: 1 right to life work education many found a family 2 right of defence sett lenient (шипение) passage («/шум) че/Н'7 лю/jckhi1 и <кндушные nfiociupatienieu} 12 Aruijiiikhuil .'rhi iu|hk:hui 353
freedom of 3 I 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 representation and performance (на публичное нс- полнение музыкальных w других произведений) thought conscience religion peaceable assembly peaceful association* Translate into English using the following words: to be л party to the (Convention) Они ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ ОДНОЙ 113 СТО- ...............................- рон, подписавших Конвенцию. ................................. Кто является участниками .................................... данного договора? ............................... Я не знаю, кто является сторо- .............................. нами, подписавшими это со- .................................. глашение. ............................ Дополнение (amendhrenf) должно .............................. быть подписано обеими сторо* ................................. нами, заключившими контракт. ' .............................. to be subjected to smth Он подвергался пыткам. ............................. Если он будет молчать, его ................................ могут подвергнуть пыткам. .......;......................... Почему ее подвергали нецело................................ веческому обращению? ............................. Мне кажется, его подвергли ................................ унизительному наказанию. .................................. it w*s In violation of smth Это было нарушением статьи 3 ......*........................ данной Конвенции. ............................... Это было нарушением Констн* ................................ туции, ............................... Он заявил, что зто нарушение ............................... общих условий (Genera! Сап- ................................ diiiom) контракта. 354
4 Я думаю, что это не был о на- ..................................... рушением соглашения. .................................. there had been (torture) 1 Он заявил, что имели место ...................................... пытки. ' ................................ 2 Он сказал, что распространи- .................................... лисъ слухи (rumours) о ее аресте. " ‘'.......................... 3 Газеты писали, что распро- ...................................... стран ил ись слухи об их разве- ................................. де (divorce). 4 Участники договора заявили, ..................................... что имели место определенные .................................... нарушения. .................................. m What’s your opinion? 1 Which human right protected by the European Convention seems most important to you? 2 Why do you think Britain did not incorporate the Convention into its domestic law? 3 Do you til ink it is very good that there is a real case here showing how human rights arc exercised and protected? Text? Here are a few extracts from the Court’s judgement on the Tyrer case: EUROPEAN COURT OF lUMWWllTS -25 APRIL l‘J7« JUDGEMENT tn the Tyrer case, The European Court of Human Rights sitting, in accordance with Article 43 of the Convention .for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as *the 12- 355
Convention’) and Rule 21 of the Rules of Court, as a Chamber composed of the following judges: Mr. G. Balladore Pallicri, President Mr. J. Cremona, Mrs. H. Pedersen, Mr. Thor Vilhjalmsson, Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, Mr. P.-H. Teitgen, Mr. F. Matscher, and Mr. H. Petzold, Deputy Registrar, having deliberated in private room from 17 to 19 January and on 14 and 15 March 1978, delivers the following judgement, which was adopted on the last*mentioned date: PROCEDURE 1. The Tyrer case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Commission'). The case originated in an application against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission on 21 September 1972 under Article 25 of the Convention by a United Kingdom citizen, Mr. Antony M, Tyrer. ASTOTHE FACTS .............................................................. A. The applicant punishment 9. Mr. Antony M. Tyrer, born on 21 September 1956, is a resi- dent in Castletown, Isle of Man. On 7 March 1972, being then aged 15 and of previous good character, lie pleaded guilty before the lo- cal juvenile court to unlawful assault occasioning actual bodily harm to a senior pupil at his school. The assault, committed by the applicant in company with three other boys, was apparently moti- vated by the fact that the victim had reported the boys for taking beer into the school, as a result of which they had been caned. The applicant was sentenced on the same day to three strokes of the birch in accordance with the relevant legislation. See paragraph 11 below. He appealed against sentence to the Stuff of Government Divi- sion of the High Court of Justice of the Isle of Man. The appeal was 356
heard and dismissed on the afternoon of 28 April 1972; the court considered that an unprovoked assault occasioning actual bodily harm was always very serious and that there were no reasons for interfering with the sentence. 10. Mr. Tyrer was birched late in the afternoon of the same day. His father and a doctor were present. The applicant was made to take down his trousers and underpants and bend over a table; he was held by two policemen whilst a third administered the punish- ment pieces of the birch breaking at the first stroke. The appli- cant’s father lost his self-control and after the third stroke «went for» one of the policemen and had to be restrained. IL The applicant was sentenced pursuant to section 56 (1) of the Petty Sessions and Summary Jurisdiction Act 1927 (as amended by section 8 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1960) of the Isle of Man, whereby: ‘Any person who shall — (a) unlawfully assault or beat any other person; (b) make use of provoking language or behaviour tending to a breach of the peace shall be liable on summaiy conviction to a fine not exceeding thirty pounds or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months and, in addition to, or instead of, either such punishment, if the offender is a male child or male young person, to be whipped/ The expressions ‘child’ and 'young person’ mean, respectively, an individual of or over the age of 10 and under 14 and an individ- ual of or over the age of 14 and under 17. 8 Vocabularly notes pigment ['d^xdsmontj приговор, решение суда, за- ключение суда в отношении правильности процедуры judgement reserved отсрочка решения суда по- сле окончания судебного разбирательства to pass / to give/ to ren- der judgement on smh выносить приговор кому- либо 357
to deliberate [ di 'Liberal] to deliberate on/ upon/ over/ about a matter In private to adopt [o'dopt] to adopt judgement to adopt resolution to adopt a decision to adopt another course of action to adopt the attitude isle [ail] the Isle of Man the Isle of Wight to lodge to lodge an application a complaint a statement to lodge,,, in/ With some authorities juvenile ['dsmvsnadj juvenile labour juvenile offender/ de- linquent juvenile delinquency juvenile court assault assault and battery to assault to occasion совещаться, обсуждать обсуждать вопрос наедине, конфиденциально принимать принять решение (в суде) принять резолюцию принять решение переменить тактику занять определенную пози- цию (<? чем-либо) остров (обычно с именем собственным) подавать подавать заявление (о приеме) подавать жалобу подавать заявление (<? еяучш- темен) подавать в какие-либо официальные органы юный, юношеский ipyд подростков малолетний преступник преступность несовершен- нолетних суд по делам несовершенно- летних словесное оскорбление и .угроза физическим насилием оскорбление действием угрожать физическим наси- лием служить поводом, давать повод, вызывать, причинять 358
His behaviour occa- Его поведение доставляло sioned his parents much anxiety. родителям много волнений. harm вред, ущерб bodily/ body harm телесное повреждение actual harm реальное, фактическое по- вреждение out of harm’s way в безопасности to commit [ka'imt] совершать to commit assault допустить словесное ос- корбление и угрозу физиче- ским насилием to commit suicide покончить жизнь самоубий- ством to commit an error совершить, допустить ошибку to canc бить палкой stroke 1) удар; 2) решающий довод birch [) береза; 2) розга to restrain [n'strein] сдерживать, обуздывать, удерживать to restrain one's tem- сдерживаться, подавлять per свое раздражение pursuant to... [pa'sjuont] соответственно, согласно (чему-либо) petty мелкий, незначительный, маловажный petty cash мелкие статьи (прихода, рас- ходи) petty bourgeoisie мелкая буржуазия petty farmer мелкий фермер petty warfare малая война petty jury малое жюри (cyd из 12 при- СЯЖНЫХ) jurisdiction [,d3uoris'dikfn] 1) отправление правосудия; 2) юрисдикция, подсудность; ЗЙ сфера полномочий It doesn’t He within my Эр не входит в мою компе- jurisdiction. тенцию. conviction [kon'vikjn] осуждение, признание ви- новным 359
summary conviction male an/. female to whip [wtp] приговор, вынесенный без участия присяжных 1) мужчина; 2) мужской сечь, хлестать IS Words and Grammar $ Explain the use of articles and make short sentences with the following words: the Tyrer case............................................. Article 43................................................. the Isle of Man............................................ the Rules of Court......................................... the last mentioned date.................................... a United Kingdom citizen................................... b Write down questions for the following answers: 1 He was held by two policemen whilst a third administered the punishment 2 .............................. If the offender is a male child or ................................ male young person he shall be whipped. t c Underline the predicates in the following sentences and say In what forms (Tense and Voice) the verbs are used: 1 The judgement was adopted on 15 March, 1978, 2 The Tyrer case was referred to the Court by the European Commis- sion of Human Rights. 3 Asa result they had been caned. 4 The father had to be restrained. 5 In these cases any grown-up offender shall be liable to a fine or be imprisoned. 360
d 1 2 3 4 5 6 e f 1 2 3 4 Underline the Participles and translate the following sentences into Russian; The Court as a Chamber composed of seven judges delivered the following judgement. Having deliberated in private for five days they delivered the fol- lowing judgement. The Tyrer case was referred to the Court by the European Commis- sion for Hainan Kights (hereinafter referred to as «the Commis- sion»). The case originated in an application lodged with the Commission, On 7 March 1972, being then aged 15, he pleaded guilty to unlaw- ful assault. The pupil had reported the four boys for taking beer into the school. Translate the following into Russian: assault occasioning bodily harm ................................. behaviour tending to a breach of the .......................... peace a fine not exceeding thirty pounds .............................. a term not exceeding six months ................................. the number of strokes to be inflicted ........................... reasons for interfering with the ................................ sentence ........................... as soo n as p ract i c abl e "' ....................... Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are: He pleaded guilty to unlawful assault............................ The assault committed by the applicant was motivated by a very peculiar fact;................................................... The court considered that an unprovoked assault occasioning bod- ily harm was very serious........................................ Any grown-up who shall unlawfully assault another person shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment............:.................... 361
I Suggested activities 6 Write down the answers to the following questions: 1 hi accordance with what legal ............................ documents did the European Court have a sitting? 2 Of how many judges was the Chain- ........................ ber composed? ...................... 3 On what dates did they have a sitting? ................... 4 On what date did they adopt the .......................... judgement? .......................................... b Say what new facts, if any, you learned from the text about the Tyrer case. I Reread paragraphs 9 and 10, and complete the following plan: 1 Mr. Antony M. Tyrer, together with three other boys took beer into the school. 2 A senior pupil saw that and reported the boys. 3 The four boys assaulted the senior pupil occasioning actual bodily harm. 4 On 7 March 1972 Mr. Antony M. Tyrer pleaded guilty before the local juvenile court. 5 Mr. Tyrer was sentenced to three strokes of the birch. 6 He appealed against sentence to the High Court of the Isle of Man. J Retell all the details of the case and the father's behaviour when his son was being punished. К Reread paragraph 11 and find the answers In the text 1 In accordance with what legal act was Mr. Tyrer sentenced to being caned? 2 What did the act say about the offence and the punishment? 3 Why wasn’t Mr. Tyrer fined or imprisoned? 362
Text 3: The Background to the Tyrer Case The Isle of Man is not a part of the United Kingdom but a de- pendency of the Crown with its own government, legislature and courts and its own administrative, 11 seal and legal systems. The Crown is ultimately responsible for the good government of the Is- land and acts in this respect through the Privy Council on the recom- mendation of Ministers of the United Kingdom Government in their capacity as Privy Counsellors. In that capacity, the Home Secretary is charged with prime responsibility for Isle of Man affairs. The Isle of Man’s parliament, the Court of Tynwald, is one of the oldest in Europe. It consists of a Lieutenant-Governor appointed by and representing the Crown, an Upper House (the Legislative Council) and a Lower House (the House of Keys). Tynwald legis- lates in domestic matters, the Jaws it adopts requiring ratification by the Queen in Council; the Home Secretary is responsible for advis- ing the Privy Council whether or not to recommend that the Royal Assent be given. In strict law, the United Kingdom Parliament has full power to pass laws applicable to the Isle of Man but, by constitutional con- vention, does not in the ordinary course legislate on the Island’s domestic affairs, such as penal policy, without its consent. Judicial corporal punishment of adults and juveniles was abol- ished in England, Wales and Scotland in 1948 and in Northern Ire- land in J 968. The punishment remained in existence in the Isle of Man. While under various provisions Judicial corporal punishment could be imposed on males under the age of 21 for a number of of- fences, since 1969 its application has apparently been restricted in practice to offences of violence. The name and address of a juvenile sentenced in the Isle of Man, whether to corporal punishment or otherwise, are not pub- lished. 363
I Vocabulary notes dependency [di'pendonsi] зависимая территория, страна ultimately ['Altimath] в конечном итоге the Privy Council Тайный совет capacity [ko'paesih] 1) положение, качество; 2) правоспособность in the capacity of a teacher в качестве преподавателя in his capacity as Privy он как член Тайного со- Counsellor (legal ad- viser.,.) counsellor » councillor вета (юрисконсульт,,,) 1 ieu ten a n t-gover п о r губернатор территории (провинции) royal assent [a'sent] королевская санкция (одобрение монархом зако- нопроекта, иринтнаго обеими палатами парна- мента, после чеео закона- проект становится зако- ном) course 1) порядок; 2) течение in the ordinary course в обычном порядке, в обычном смысле in the course of a year в течение года to abolish [&'bohj] упразднить, отменить Nou: The Privy Council — юридически основной орган государственного управле- ний а Аюни; созданный в Средние пекл как совещательный орган при монархе. В настоя- щее время выполняет поминальные функшш и служит главным образом для придания юри- дической силы королевским указам, Глава Совета — монарх; фактически деятельностью С онета руководит лорд-предссдятелi> (Lord President of the Coinicil): члены Совета назнача- ются монархом пожизненно, это принцы крови, вмешай аристократия, высшие судебные ЧНН0ЫН1КН, аыешес духовенство, члены кабинета, политические деятели. 364
Suggested activities a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 And the answers in the text: Is the Isle of Мал a part of the UK? Has the Isle of Man got its own government and courts? What is the role of the Privy Council? Who makes recommendations to the Privy Council on Isle of Man affairs? What minister bears prime responsibility for Isle of Man affairs? What is the name of the government of the Isle of Man? Who is the head of the government? Of what two houses does it consist? Who ratifies laws adopted by the government of the Isle of Man? Complete the sentences using the text: The Court of Tynwald consists of................ appointed by, an Upper...............and a Lower.......................... .... Tynwald legislates in............................................ The Home Secretary is responsible for advising.................. Judicial corporal punishment was abolished..................... Corporal punishment remained.................................... Its application has been restricted to.......................... Insert the correct prepositions: The UK Government has full power to pass laws applicable... the Isle of Man. But,.-, constitutional convention, the UK Government does not legislate... the Island’s domestic affairs, such as penal policy with- out Tynwakfs consent. Under various provisions corporal punishment could-be imposed... males... the age of 21... a number of offences. Since 1969corporal punishment application has been restricted... offences of violence in the Isle of Man. The name and address of a juvenile sentenced... corporal punish- ment or otherwise are not published. 365
d Repeat what the text said about: the Isle of Man as a depending territory of the UK the legal system of the island v the legality of corporal punishment in the Isle of Man I Word study e Give the families of the following words: legal law ir- responsibility ^2 to punish offence f Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions: to adopt laws.......................................................... laws applicable to...................<............................. to legislate in/ on................................................ to legalize smth................................................... legal system (affairs, offence, adviser)........................... to take legal action against smb................................. d Translate into English using the following words: " ’* J to be responsible for smth В конечном итоге они несут ответ- ;............................... ответ гость за деятельность прав и- :.............................. тельства. Кто отвечает за деятельность этой ................................. группы? ............................. Он утверждал, что не отвечает за ; ................................ эти действия» ............................. <:г 366
Никто не хотел нести ответствен- ность за выбранную политику. Он занимается делами данной тер- ритории. Мы знали, что он будет курировать эту комиссию. Если он будет курировать этот коми- тел; они смогут подготовить ряд важ- ных законопроектов. Пока мы не знаем, кто курировал (отвечал за) эту лабораторию. Телесное наказание ограничивается только случаями насилия. Их действия ограничены (сведены к) участием в демонстрациях. Наши полномочия сводятся лишь к выработке проекта решения. Дополнение к контракту свелось лишь к изменению дат. Контракт состоит из 38 пунктов. Великобритания состоит из четы- рех частей. Британский парламент состоит из двух палат. Парламенты н конгрессы различ- ных стран обычно состоят из двух палат, Телесное наказание может быть применено к лицам, не достигшим 21 года. Они ввели санкции против этого государства. Этот налог был введен в начале года. Новые таможенные пошлины были введены в конце прошлого года, to be in charge of smth to be restricted to smth to consist of smth to Impose smth on smb 367
Text 4: The Court’s Decision on the Tyrer Case THE COURT 1. decides unanimously not to strike the case out of its list; 2. holds by six votes to one that the judicial corporal punish- ment inflicted on Mr. Tyrer amounted to degrading punish- ment within the meaning of Article 3: 3. holds unanimously that in the present case there are no local requirements within the meaning of Article 63 Para.3 which could affect the application of Article 3; 4. holds by six votes to one that the said punishment accord- ingly violated Article 3; 5. holds unanimously that it is not necessary to examine the question of a possible violation of Article 3 taken together with Article 14; 6. holds unanimously that it is necessary to apply Article 50 in the present case. Done in English and French, the English text being authentic, at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, this twenty-fifth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight. Signed: Cr iorg i о В a 11 ad ore Pa 11 ier i President As you can see, the Court’s decision on Article 3 was not unanimous. In fact, the British judge, Sir (.Jerald Fitzmauricc, dis- sented. In his separate opinion, he explained that in his view corpo- ral punishment, when inflicted on a juvenile, is no more degrading than any other form of punishment, lie remembers that corporal punishment was quite normal when he was at school, hi fact, boys preferred it to some other forms of non-violent punishment, and the hoy punished did not feel degraded. For these reasons he does not consider that Tyrer’s punishment amounted to degrading punish- metil within the meaning of Article 3. 368
I Vocabulary notes unanimously to strike out (struck, struck) to hold to amount io smth [jiii'naeniniasli] единогласно вычеркивать What does it amount to? to dissent [di'sent] считать, полагать составлять, означать Что это означает? расходиться во мнениях I Word study a Choose the synonyms from the box: usual, to impose, to disagree, to cross out, to break, decision, obligatory, to be equal to, to influence, real to dissent... to strike out to inflict... to amount to to violate .... necessary.... authentic .... normal....... to affect...................... judgement................. b Write down a few word combinations with following words: . .й>. ct......n^. decision application to mean to decide to require 369
to violate judicial degrading accordingly^ Suggested activities Write down all the unanimous decisions of the Judges. Translate the other two decisions into Russian. Repeat what the opinion of the British Judge was. What’s your opinion? 1 Do you think Mr. Tyrer and liis par-, ents were satisfied with this deci- sion? 2 Is it clear or not that the case was classified as violation of human rights? 3 Would you have applied to the Euro- pean Court in Mr. Tyrer’s case? 4 Do you think it was the idea of the father of Mr, Tyrer to send the appli- cation? 5 Is corporal punishment degrading? 4 Agree or disagree and substantiate your point of view: The Tyrer case seems to be a storm in a tea-cup. Ii Discussion in class. Be ready to discuss with your group mates the follow- ing topics; « The most important human rights. n International organisations defending human rights. 370
Section 2: The 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights Text 1 December 10 1998 marked the 50th anniversary of the Univer- sal Declaration of Human Rights. Since 1948, the idea embodied in that document helped accelerate the independence movements in the developing world and triggered the civil rights revolution in the Western world. It provided legitimacy for the struggle against tyr- anny all over the world and played a crucial role in bringing down some undesirable regimes. Not a bad record for one idea. Only the concept of individual liberty at the end of the 18th century and of equality 100 years later have exerted a comparable impact on man- kind. And whereas the political application of the original ideas of liberty and equality resulted in more exploitation, dictatorships and bloodshed, the idea of human rights secured for a great part of mankind orderly freedom, equality before the law and more equal opportunities than humanity had ever had before. And yet a funereal aura hovered about that year’s celebrations. For the industrialized West, expanding exports to China seem to be more important than defending the human rights of its citizens. In the post-communist world many former dissidents who entered politics have traded their interest in human rights for support of “law and order” and, quite often, populist, anti-minority positions. Even in the United States a growing number of politicians perceive human rights as a subversive liberal idea fueling to many demands for guaranteed benefits and for toleration of nonconformist behav- iour at home and resulting in too many costly adventures abroad. The very idea of human rights is complex. In fact, an interna- tional consensus has never formed as to what the concept includes. During the cold war, the West stressed civil liberties and political rights enforceable by courts. Communist regimes emphasized social and economic rights. It seemed for a while that the political definition had emerged victorious, but in the past decade leaders of third world countries have formulated a new variant — the «right to develop- ment», which consists of a claim to the transfer of resources, capital and technology from rich Northern countries to poor Southern ones. 371
I Vocabulary notes ! ” я human fhju:man] человеческий, свойсь .. венный человеку humane humanity human rights human race [hjufniem] гуманный, человечный челоЕЕечество права человека человеческий род to embody [im'bodi] воплощать, осуществ- лять, объединять, пклю- чать to accelerate to trigger trigger [ak'scbreit] ускорять (ся) начинать, вызывать, приводить в движение спусковой крючок, ку- рок crucial ['kru:H решающий, критический record ['reko:d] 1) рекорд; 2) запись, отчет, протокол; 3) фак- сы, данные, характери- 1 стика; 4) документ, дающий право на владе- ние bloodshed ['blAdfed] кровопролитие funereal ['fjirnoral] похоронный, мрачный, траурный to hover ['houvaj парить, нависать subversive fuel adventure definition [sob'vorsiv] разрушительный, гибель- ный топливо, горючее 1) приключение; 2) рис- кованное предприятие, риск, авантюра; 3) со- ** бытие, переживание1 1) определение; 2) яс- ность, четкость 372
i Word study a Form nouns from the following verbs; to dccb re —.............. to develop — ................ to help —................... to trigger —................. to accelerate —............. to legitimate—............... to move —................... to support —................. № Match the English and Russian equivalents: to exert to perceive to secure to hover to embody to trigger to expand воепринимать оказыщпъ расширять (ся) начинать парить гарантировать воплощать с Form the adjectives with the negative meaning: desirable —............ comparable —................. dependent—............. equal—....................... human —................ orderly —......:............. d Underline the roots of the following words: tyranny mankind bloodshed nonconformist victorious to fuel cosily populist e Translate the following word combinations, starting with the last word, into Russian: the independence movements ................................... the civil rights resolution................................... 373
that year’s celebrations.......................................... anti-minority positions........................................... f Underline the Participles, write down what Participles they are and translate the following into Russian: the idea embodied in the document................................. expanding exports................................................. agrowing number of politicians.................................... guaranteed benefits .............................................. the developing world.............................................. Й Encircle the ing-forms, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 It played a crucial role in bringing down some undersi table re- gimes................................................................. 2 For them exports to China seem more important than defending the human rights of the country........................................... 3 Even in the USA many politicians perceive human rights as a sub- versive liberal idea fueling too many demands for guaranteed benefits.............................................................. h Underline the predicates, write down the forms (Tense, Voice) of the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The concepts of individual liberty'a nd equality have exerted a com- parable impact on mankind............................................. 2 The idea of human rights secured more equal opportunities than humanity had ever had before.......................................... 3 Many former dissidents have traded their interests in human rights for support of «law and order»........................................ 4 An international concept has never formed as to what the concept of human rights include.................:............................. 374
i Explain the meaning of the following in English: 0 to trigger a revolution a a funereal aura hovered about that year’s celebrations M this idea fuels too many demands I Suggested activities I Write out all the positive effects of the Declaration. к Write down the drawbacks the Declaration has, to your mind: 1 2 ..................................................................... I Act out a short discussion with your group-mates of the concept of human rights. Text 2 -..... rJ—1 .--ЧЫ ЫЫ-- ..fc-i-i-'-- ,-- uirm. п ЛТЛЛ -J -lu'.i/i .u --T — т-.-I-... .. X». I-. ! м I rju.^1_ini I I I -...P ..r-.i--1—a_L-.i-.aLBr uaiaiu_ The problem is that the right to development not only won’t work, the demand for it also serves to blur responsibility for the economic deprivation of nations. In Africa, dictators and military leaders used the idea of traditional supremacy of society over an in- dividual to destroy local communities, to rob their own populations and turn great parts of (he continent into’never-ending tribal wars zones. The right to development has the support of the majority of members of the United Nations, so it is no wonder that many people in the West want to take human rights off the international agenda. The very idea of human rights becomes meaningless when rights are confused with needs, claims with entitlements, judicial proc- esses with the goals of public policy, and individual rights with de- mands made by state leaders on the international community. Disposing of the idea of human rights would be one way of dealing with confusion. But what to do then about the c ontinued 375
mass violation of human rights in much of the non-Western world? A better approach would be to return to the original meaning of human rights and accept that not every claim that invokes that phrase should come under the purview of an international rights protection regime. What should be claimed as universal human rights are the minimum standards that can assure personal dignity regardless of cultural differences. Freedom of conscience and expression, free- dom from arbitrary deprivation of liberty; freedom from torture, some guarantees of due process, right to assembly and freedom of association are obvious. Once the short list is ready, adherence to it should become the absolute prerequisite of behaviour required for membership in the international community of nations and for eli- gibility for all foreign aid-induding assistance from the World Bank aiid the International Monetary Fund. Victims of abuse should be heard worldwide and receive international help. Sanctions could be imposed in cases of obvious violations. And when violations border on genocide the international community should be able to intervene, I Vocabulary notes to blur deprivation to destroy tribal it is no wonder that agenda fc/dgeneb] on the agenda to take smth off the agenda to confuse eti tstfcmciit [m'taidmant] затуманить, затемнить потеря, яншенне разрушать, уничтожать племенной, родовой неудивительно, что повестка дня н повестке дня снять что-либо с повестки дня I) смешивать, спутывать; 2) приводить в замешатель- ство 1) право; 2) документ о праве; 3) предоставление права 376
goal to invoke purview ['pa:vju;] to assure l9'JU0] due obvious adherence ['obvios] [ad'hiorans] prerequisite eligibility [,pn:'rekwizit] Lehdja'bibtj) assistance to render assistance цель, задача призывать, взывать 1) часть статута, заклю- чающая самое постановле- ние; 2) сфера компетенции, область (действия) 1) уверять, заверять; 2) гарантировать, обеспе- чивать должный, надлежащий, соответствующий очевидный, явный, ясный I) приверженность, вер- ность; 2) строгое соблюде- ние (правнл, принципов н т.п.) предпосылка I) право на избрание; 2) приемлемость помощь, содействие оказывать помощь И Words and Grammar a Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text, with a tide: to confuse смешивать приводить в замешательство to assume уверять гарантировать entitlement право документ о праве eligibility \ право па избрание приемлемость adhere nee < *4- приверженность строгое соблюдение 377
b Explain the meaning of the following in English: a to blur responsibil ity 0 traditional supremacy of society over an individual to take human rights off the international agenda я much of the non-Western world я adherence to this list should become the absolute prerequisite of behaviour required for membership й victims of abuse should be heard worldwide c Write down if to is a preposition or a particle, used with infinitives, and translate the sentences into Russian: 1 The problem is that the idea of the right to development won’t work............................................................... 2 It serves to blur responsibility for the economic deprivation of na- tions.............................................................. 3 The dictators used the idea of supremacy over an individual to de- stroy local communities............................................ 4 But what to do then about the continued mass violation of human rights in the non-Western world?................................... 5 A better approach would be to return to the original meaning of human rights....................................................... <S Write down a few short sentences with the following word combinations on the basis of the text: to rob their own populations.................................... never-ending tribal wars zones.................................. it is no wonder that............................................ the idea becomes meaningless.................................... to claim smth as universal human rights......................... e Write out all the words and word combinations associated with human rights, from the text 378
S Suggested activities f Write down a few sentences about two different approaches to the right to development, basing on the text g Sum up what article says about: B confusion of notions й the original meaning of human rights H sanctions and intervention h Say what you know about these famous human rights advocates and the contributions they made in fight for human rights: Andrey D. Sakharov, a prominent scientist Alexander .Z Solz- henitsyn, a gifted contem- porary writer, a Nobel prize winner Anatoly F. March- enko, a talented writer who died in prison in 1986 after 19 years of impris- onment on political charges Sergei Kovalev, a well known political figure in Russia» who was the first human rights adviser to the President of Russia.
Parti Impeachment Text 1 :What is Impeachment Text 2: This is Why We Have Impeachment
Text 1: What is Impeachment Here is an extract from the brochure High Crimes and Misde- meanors written by Robert Barr: Rep. Barr (R., Ga.) serves on the House Judiciary and Govern- ment Reform Committees. He was the U.S. attorney in the Northern District of Georgia under Presidents Reagan and Bush. The American Constitution provides that the «President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors». Thus, impeachment is the constitu- tional remedy — the only one, addressed to serious offenses against the system of government and the public trust. The impeachment procedure, outlined in the Constitution, has been given content over the two centuries since its adoption, What conduct justifies im- peachment has been the subject of some controversy among legal scholars. One cause of the controversy is the political nature of im- peachment. As constitutional scholar Michael Gerhardt has noted, «Impeachment is by nature, structure, and design an essentially po- litical process». Our Founding Fathers adopted this view of im- peachment from English law and made it uniquely their own. Its a scope confined to political officials; it charges only «political crimes» and imposes purely «political punishments». Thus, impeachment is not a criminal proceeding dependent on proof of a criminal infraction. An inquiry of impeachment examines the «undermining of the integrity of office, disregarding of consti- tutional duties and oath of office, arrogation of power, abuse of governmental process, and adverse impact on the system of government». Impeachment was intended to be a «safety valve, a security against an oppressive or corrupt President and his sheltered minis- ters». Our Founding Fathers were familiar with the despotic rule a too-powerful executive could impose. Consequently, they con- structed a safeguard against the executive abuse and usurpation of power that might occur in the separate executive branch they fash- ioned. Janies Wilson, a member of the Pennsylvania ratifying con- 381
vention, noted that the President is «plated high, and is possessed of power far from being contemptible, yet not a single privilege is annexed to his character; far from being above the laws, he is ame- nable to them in his private character as a citizen, and in his public character by impeachment». James Madison noted that impeachment was «indispensible» to protect the state from «the incapacity, negligence or perfidy of the chief Magistrate» and «as a supplementary security for the good behaviour of the public officers». Our Founding Fathers conceived of impeachment as a device to preserve constitutional government, designed to address actions by an official that subvert the structure of government and impugn the integrity of office. There are three major duties imposed on the President by the Constitution and his oath of office. His first duty is «to take care that the. laws be faithfully executed». The other two duties — «to faithfully execute the office of President of the United States» and to «preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States» — are included in the oath of office. The power of im- peachment serves as a guarantee that these duties are performed. Я Vocabulary notes impeachment misdemeanor Rep. = representative R. ~ Republican Ga. ~ Georgia treason [im'putjniant] [4misdi'mi:na] 1) порицание; 2) обвине- ние; 3) привлечение к суду {особенно за государ- стввниое преступление) судебно наказуемый про- ступок, преступление член палаты представи- телей в Конгрессе США член Республиканской партии Джорджиа, один из юж- ных штатов США 1) измена, предательство; 382
2) государственная измена лул. high treason bribery ['braiban] подкуп remedy trust to have/put/ repose trust in smb a position of trust breach of trust to outline средство судебной защи- ты, средство защиты права 0 доверие, вера; 2) ответственность доверять кому-либо ответственный пост нарушение доверенным лицом своих обяза- тельств излагать content to give content to smth [kan'tent] чувство удовлетворения, дать согласие па что- либо conduct хун, behaviour ['kondAkt] поведение, образ дейст- вий to conduct oneself [kan'dAkt] вести себя controversy without/ beyond co lb troversy [fkontroV0:si] спор, дискуссия, полемика бесспорно scholar cause xyn. reason scope a inind of wide scope II is beyond my scope. to be confined to to be confined to bed I'skozb] ученый причина, основание, мо- тив границы, рамки, пределы человек широкого круго- зора Это вне моей компетен- ции. быть ограниченным чем- либо быть прикованным к по- стели 383
infraction нарушение (правила, зако* на) ar rogation требование, претензия arrogant высокомерный valve I) клапан; 2) электронная лампа shelter 1) приют, кров; 2) при- крытие safeguard ['seifgaid] 1) гарантия, охрана; 2) охранное свидетельст- во; 3) предосторожность contemptible [kaiVtemptebl] презренный contempt презрение, неуважение (к ашншш) contempt of court неуважение к суду amenable [o'mrnabl] ответственны it, подсуд- ны й amenable to law ответственный перед законом indispensible необходимый, обяза- тельный, не допускаю- щий исключений (о за- коне it т, п ) perfidy вероломство, измена, to subvert [sAbvoit] предательство свергать, ниспровергать, разрушать I Words and Grammar a Translate the following words into Russian: misdemeanor............. oath........................... treason.................. scholar....................... bribery................. controversy.................... offense................. conviction...................... 384
b Match the English and Russian equivalents: Founding Fathers high crimes tiviTofficers the public trust criminal proceedings constitutional duties a corrupt President his sheltered ministers коррумпированный президент прикрываемые нм министры гражданские служащие преступления в высших эшелонах вла- сти основатели государства доверие общественности уголовное расследование обязанности, указанные в конституции С Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives: an oppressive President, c&tf................................. . adverse impact, ................................................. despotic rule, .................................................. legal trust, .................................................... political crimes,...........................................*.... governmental process, ..................:........................ constitutional scholar, ......................................... cl Complete the sentences with the following words: infraction, airogution, abuse, proceeding, impact Impeachment is not a criminal..........dependent on proof of a criminal........... An inquiry of impeachment examines the undermining of the integ- rity of office disregarding of.........of power,...........of governmental process and adverse ............on the system of government. 11 AllL"lH 1КЕЦН !E!bl 1чi|lI14' kUII 385
e Write a few short sentences with the following word expressions, based on the text; to charge political crimes..................................... to impose political punishments................................ to undermine the integrity of office........................... to impugn the integrity of office.............................. to subvert the structure of government......................... f Insert the correct prepositions and write a few short sentences with the following: 1 to remove..........office on impeachment..........treason 2 to adopt this view of impeachment.........English law 3 to be dependent..........proof of a criminal infraction 4 to be familiar........the despotic rule 5 offenses.........the system of government Й Underline the predicates, say in what forms the verbs are used and trans- late the sentences into Russian: 1 The impeachment procedure has been given content over the two centuries. 2 It has been the subject of some controversy. 3 They constructed a safeguard against the executive abuse. 4 Impeachment was intended to be a safety valve* 5 It is a device to preserve constitutional government* I Suggested activities h Write short sentences describing the idea of impeachment, on the basis of the text. Translate these sentences into Russian. i Compare the above description with: м James Wilsoif s words a James Madison’s words 386
j Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: 1 The idea of impeachment can easily be*expressed in one sentence, 2 The last paragraph of the text is the most important one. 3 When Robert Barr wrote «our Founding Fathers» he meant «the American Constitution», Text 2: This is Why We Have Impeachment Here is a part of an article of The Wall Street Journal, written by Robert Barr and published on January 22, 1998. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr’s recent authorization to investigate allegations that President Clinton conducted a sexual af- fair in the White House with a 21-year-old intern, then attempted to tamper with a witness, to obstruct justice, and to induce her to commit perjury has drawn wide attention, as it should. The matter once again raises the troubling question of how best to hold the president accountable for his actions. Some might now argue that this scandal, as it has developed in the past few days, shows that the independent counsel statute has teeth and the Justice Department has integrity. But in fact we know that such important matters deserve a forceful political reaction — including possible impeachment proceedings — if only because the independent counsel law, so beloved inside the Beltway, has proved unworkable, Following public revulsion on a mass scale over the Watergate scandal. Congress in 1978 passed legislation to allow «independent counsels» to investigate and prosecute top executive branch offi- cials suspected of wrongdoing. The law has been used, on the whole, quite effectively, resulting in many successful prosecutions, such as those of former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker and Tyson Foods Inc. It has also served as a potent encouragement for top of- ficials to follow the (aw, Lately, however, this we 11-intended law has ceased to serve its purpose, and is now working to hide the wrongdoing it was meant to expose. Rather than a sword to light corruption, the independent * 387
counsel statute is being used as a shield to protect a rogue executive by a complicit Justice Department, Justices thwarted and corruption becomes the norm. Attorney General Janet Reno and a three-judge panel of the D.C, Circuit Court of Appeals acted promptly on Mr, Starr’s re- quest to expand his mandate to cover the president’s role in alleged perjury from Monica Lewinsky» who claims to be his former lover, But it’s doubtful whether Mr. Starr can indeed gather evidence suf- ficient to prove a criminal case against the president, and even more unlikely that under our Constitution a sitting president can be prosecuted through the courts for criminal conduct. The question then becomes: How do we fight corruption at the highest levels of government without special prosecutors? The an- swer is simple: We do what we did before 1978. We use the mechanisms provided in the Constitution, including if necessary the process of impeachment. Even before the news about the former White House intern, Mr. Clinton had provided sufficient grounds for the House to begin a debate on drawing up articles of impeach- ment. His alleged conduct with Ms, Lewinsky, if true, only adds to an already imposing mountain of evidence against the president, Because history does frequently repeat itself Congress may in- deed be moved by public outcry to enact a new version of the inde- pendent counsel statute. But for now, this law should be removed from the books. Keeping it while openly and brazenly refusing to enforce it does too much harm to the credibility of federal law en- forcement. Instead it’s time for Congress to step into the breach and perform its constitutionally mandated role to root out corruption in the executive branch. H Vocabulary notes counsel King’s Queen’s) Counsel 388 адвокат, юрисконсульт, груп- па адвокатов (лкаком-либо де- ле, прессе) королевский адвокат (но наркь чению и/ >aei tu ieji ьtinea)
intern студент, практикант to tamper with smb witness in witness of smth to obstruct [ab'strAkt] оказывать тайное давление, подкупать кого-либо 1) свидетель; 2) очевидец; 3) понятой; 4) доказательство, свидетельство в доказательство чего-либо затруднять, мешать to induce to induce smb to do smth perjury ['pa:djan] убеждать, побуждать, скло- нять. заставлять заставлять кого-либо сделать что-либо 1) клятвопреступление, лже- to commit perjury accountable accountable to smb accountable for smth integrity territorial integrity Beltway revulsion to cease [si:z] свидетельствование; 2) вероломство совершить клятвопреступле- ние ответственный ответственный перед кем- либо ответственный за что-либо 1) прямота, честность, чисто- та; 2) неприкосновенность, целостность территориальная целостность колыхая дорога вокруг Ва* шиигтояа внезапное сильное отвраще- ние, возмущение прекращать(ся), переставать sword [so:d] меч, шпага, рапира the sword of justice at swards1 points to cross swords shield меч правосудия, судебная власть на ножах, враждебный, гото- вый к враждебным действиям начать борьбу, скрестить мечи 1) щит, защита, защитник; 2) (ом.) значок полицейского; 3) экран 389
the other side of the другая сторона вопроса shield complicity соучастие npecmynmmuuu tn, «.) to thwart [0wo:t] мешать исполнению, рас- страивать, разрушать to suborn [sAFbo:n] подкупать, склонять к престу- плению (особ, к лжесвидетель- ствованию) outcry ['autkrai] I) громкий крик, выкрик; 2) (общественный) протест brazen 1) медный, бронзовый; 2) бесстыдный to root out вырывать с корнем, уничто- жать I Comprehension questions to answer: 1 Who is the author of this article? 2 Who is Mr. Starr? 3 What charges were made against President Clinton? 4 is impeachment legal in the USA? 5 Were impeachment proceedings in progress against President Clinton at that time? I Words and Grammar a Match the following abbreviations and the full words: D. С. Governor Dem, Semite, Senator Ся, Republican Dept, Democratic R. Representative • N.Y. the United States of America Rep, Georgia Sen, Department Gov. District of Co- lumbia US the state of New York 390
b Match the full and shortened forenames: fen Wo men William < Bob Eliza, Bess, Jacqueline Betsy, Betty Elizabeth Robert Bill Jackie Margaret Kenneth Jim Kate, Kathy, Kitty Kathrine James Ken Maggi, Madge c Match the synonyms and write down a few sentences with these words: to suborn often to cease responsible to allege to bribe to induce to stop accountable to make frequently to claim d Use the correct articles and make a few sentences with these words: ... USA Congress ... District of Columbia ... D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ... Northern District of Georgia ... House Judiciary Committee ... independent counsel ... Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr ... President Clinton ... Attorney General Janet Reno ... former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker ... Watergate scandal 391
... Wall Street Journal ... White House ... Justice Department Beltway e Underline the basic words and translate the following word combinations: top executive branch officials................................. ’ the independent counsel statute............................... the independent counsel law.................................... possible impeachment proceedings............................... federal law enforcement........................................ a 2 Ьуеаг-old intern........................................... a three-judge panel............................................ f Underline the infinitives and translate the following word combinations: his recent authorization to investigate these allegations legislation to allow «independent counsels» to prosecute top executive branch officials encouragement for top officials to follow the law his request to expand the mandate to cover the President’s role evidence sufficient fp prove a criminal case against the President sufficient grounds for the House to begin a debate its constitutionally mandated role to root out corruption a sword to fight corruption a shield to protect executives Й Say what participles the words in italics are and write down a few sentences with these word combinations: the troubling questions a sitting president 392
including possible impeachment proceedings following public revulsion officials suspected of wrongdoing the mechanisms provided in the Constitution the law has been used resulting in many successful prosecutions h Mark the word combinations associated with impeachment, with a tick: П to tamper with a witness I 1 to obstruct justice |~ to commit perjury | to hold the president accountable for his actions to expose the wrongdoing to tight corruption justice is th waited corruption becomes the norm [ | a president can be prosecuted through the courts for criminal conduct la debate on drawing up article of impeachment impeachment proceedings I evidence against the president ___Ito root out corruption in the executive branch I Insert the following words from the box: perjury, counsel, prosecutions, rogue, complicit, evidence 1 The independent..........law, so beloved inside the Beltway, has proved unworkable. 2 The president attempted to induce her to commit...... 3 The counsel statute is being used as a shield to protect a ...........executive by a.........Justice Department. 393
4 The law has been used quite effectively, resulting in many success- ful ............ 5 His alleged conduct with Ms. Lewinsky only adds to an already imposing mountain of..............against the president. ’ j Translate the following into English and make a few sentences of your own: бороться с коррупцией ................................. искоренить коррупцию ................................. подкупать свидетеля ................................. лжесвидетельствовать ................................. показания против президента ..................................... процедура импичмента ................................. зако и о незап нсим ых адвокатах ............................*... принять закон ................................. следовать закону ................................. I Suggested activities К Say what words i n the text prove that: о there is a lot of evidence against President Clinton s the author shares public opinion that the President should be kept responsible « the author thinks it is next to impossible to prosecute a president I Repeat what the author said about: a Mr. Stan’s activities the Watergate scandal s the persecution of J.G, Tucker м Janet Reno a the American Constitution 394
m What do you think the author meant by the following words: this scandal a forceful political reaction public revulsion we I к intended law a sword to fight corruption a shield to protect a rogue executive imposing mountain of evidence It’s time for Congress to step into the breach. n Sum up what: the newspaper said about Robert Barr Robert Barr said about accountability of President Clinton o Write out Robert Barr's statements about н the independent counsel statute 0 corruption « impeachment p Classroom discussion: B Watergate scandal resulting in President Nickson’s resignation to avoid impeachment я President Bozis Yeltsin facing impeachment and the Dumat the lower house of Russia’s Parliament; activities.
Part J Newspapers and Magazines on Law and Reforms Section 1: India Set for Law Reforms Section 2: New Bill Fails the Forests in Bulgaria JF Section 3: Anti Smoking Law Proposed in the USA Section 4: New Education Law in the State of Vermont, USA Section 5: A Proposed Reform of the House of Lords in the UK Section 6: Britain’s Referendum Campaign over the Euro
Section 1: India Set for Law Reforms Pre-reading questlops:. 1Js the official name of India the Republic of India {Hindi Bharat)? 2, What do you know about the past and present of this country? The prudish spirit of India’s former empress, Britain’s Queen Victoria, lives on, embodied in Section 377 of India’s Penal Code. Try committing suicide in India and you could go to prison. Ac- cepting a bribe is not considered corruption unless taken by a gov- ernment servant. And if you have plans of hijacking an aircraft, there is no law under which you can be prosecuted — hijacking is a crime but at- tempted hijacking is not. And nearly 50 years after the constitution declared them equal to men, a woman still cannot be the legal guardian of her child until a court deciares her fit. Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral has vowed to overhaul some 1,500 irrelevant laws, some of which were written in the 19th century. «The effective delivery of services and benefits under various welfare schemes to the public is frustated by rigid procedures and archaic laws», the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Griev- ances recently admitted, It is working closely with a panel of legal ex- perts charged with reviewing sonic federal and state laws of India, A few social activists are working to introduce a Freedom of In- formation Bill which will provide 930 million people with the right to information about the functioning of government. Law in India is further complicated by separate regulations for each of its religious groups — Hindus, Moslems, Parsis, Christians and other communities. Each is covered by different civil laws. These complex distinctions arc a sensitive legal area that the gov- ernment dare not touch for fear of offending religious leaders, who fiercely defend their right to be different, Constitutionally secular, but mostly Hindu, India has the world's second largest population of Moslems. According to civil law drawn from the Korun, a Moslem can divorce Ins wife merely by uttering the word «talaq», or divorce, three times in front of two 397
witnesses. Moslem women were granted the right to seek divorce in 1939, but a Moslem woman's share in ancestral inheritance is still half of her brother's. Most official forms in India ask the applicants to fill in their father's name — unless the applicant is a married woman, in which case she is supposed to write her husband's name. The Sanskrit word for husband, «pati», means owner. * It is considered disrespectful for a woman to utter her husband's name, and Election Commission officials say their reluctance to provide that vital detail is the reason why many women are not in- cluded in voters lists. Lawyer Sona Khan, who in 1986 won a landmark ruling that granted Moslem women the right to maintenance, says Indian laws still have a tenuous link with justice. «We borrowed the judicial system from the colonial power», she says. «It was meant to ad- minister a colony». В Vocabulary notes prudish ['pruidifl не в меру щепетильный, ханжеский empress fimpres] императрица to hijack ['haidjaek] 1) угонять самолет; 2) нападать с целью гра- бежа to vow [vau] давать обет, клясться to overhaul irrelevant ['ouvaho:!] 1) разбирать, тщательно осматривать; 2) пере- страивать неуместный, не относя- щийся к делу welfare to frustrate ['we! fee] 1) благосостояние, благо- денствие; 2) благотвори- тельность расстраивать, срывать, делать тщетным, беспо- лезным 398
rigid archaic grievance distinction [ai'ketk] rgrmns] sensitive to dare to offend fierce ['fr©s] secular ['sekjubj to utter to utter a lie ancestral [sen'seswol] inheritance to be supposed to du smth reluctance vital tenuous ['tenju&s] to borrow 1) жесткий, негнущийся, негибкий; 2) непреклон- ный; 3)строгий архаический, устарелый I) обида; 2) жалоба I) различие, отличие, раз- ница; 2) индивидуальность; 3) известность; 4) знат- ность 1) чувствительный; 2) чуткий; 3) легко под- дающийся раздражению сметь, отваживаться, рис- ковать обижать, оскорблять, за- девать 1) сильный, горячий, не- истовый; 2) свирепый 1) вековой, вечный; 2) мирской, светский 1) произносить; 2) выра- жать словами; 3) пускать в обращение (особ. фалыии- вые деньги) солгать наследственный, родовой 1) наследство; 2) наследие иметь определенные обя- занности сделать что-либо н еже ла н и е, пера с по ложе- ние 1) жизненно важный; 2) существенный незначительный, тонкий 1) занимать, брать в долг, заимствовать (средства); 2) заимствовать (слова, традиции) 399
I Words and Grammar a Write out the English equivalents from the text: раздел 377 Уголовного кодекса............................... строгие процедурные требования.............................. устаревшие законы........................................... экспертная комиссия юристов................................. комиссия, которой поручено пересмотреть .................... законы штатов............................................... внести закон о свободе информации........................... законы гражданского права................................... законодательная система..................................... федеральные законы.......................................... b Match the English and Russian equivalents: rigid prudish sensitive secular vital tenuous ancestral строгий жизненно важный ханжеский сильный незначительный чувствительный родовой с Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives: archaic teg#fatten M effective........................................................ irrelevant ..................................................... Пегое........................................................... former.......................................................... complicated..................................................... judicial........................................................ 400
d Choose the synonyms from the box and write down short examples with them: to entr ust, to promise, to reconsider, to pronounce, to agree, to express, to try, to state to vow.................. to overhaul............. to utter................ to embody............... to attempt.............. to declare................... to charge.................... to admit..................... В Translating and Speaking e Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 Law in India is further complicated by separate regulations for each of its religious groups. 2 The religious groups are each covered by different civil laws, 3 These distinctions are a sensitive legal area. 4 The government dare not touch them for fear of offending religious leaders. f Sum up what the text said about religious groups and law In India. Say what you think about these figures, showing the percentage of various religious groups In the population of India: Hindu — 80% Sunni Moslems— 10% Christians — 2.5% Sikh — 2% The foliowing may be of help: 401
*7 £&fa&,., &<$ ww4 iHc^it /icw c&iftp&d, t. S Find the answers in the text: 1 Is committing suicide (accepting a bribe, hijacking) considered a crime in India? 2 Are women equal to men in their rights? 3 What ts the idea of the Freedom Information Bill? 4 How old arc some of the laws in India? h Sum up what the text said about the interelation between India and Britain, Then agree or disagree with the following: The role of Britain and India's former empress was very important in the formation of the judicial system of India. Note: Victoria, who lived from £819 to 1901, was Queen of the UK from 1833 to the last day of her life. She became empress of India in 1876, Though now India is an independent state it is u member of the British Common wealth, which is a voluntary association of 51 countries und some 20 territories that once formed the British Bmp ire. The heads of the governments meet every two years. The Commonwealth has no charter or constitution.
Section 2: New Bill Fails the Forests in Bulgaria Skim and scan: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: 1. For whose benefit was the new bill introduced? 2, Who Is Mr. Raev and what is his attitude to the bill? Bulgaria risks losing its diverse forests due to legal gaps in a new bill aimed at restoring forest land collectivised in the past to its original owners. «The draft law does not clearly define the respon- sibilities of the new forest owners... there is no funding mechanism to back the high forest maintenance expenses», said Evan Raev, di- rector of the Academy of Science of Bulgaria, The forest restitution bill was passed on preliminary reading by parliament but it has yet to pass final approval before becoming law. Raev urged deputies to take into account the institute's recom- mendations. The legal gaps in the current bill will cause long-term chaos in forest ownership and responsibilities which will affect the country's rich biosphere, said Raev. The Balkan state has 17 nature reserves and its forests are home to many species of plants, birds and ani- mals. «What happens in case of massive fire? Who will pul it out and who will pay the reforestation costs?.. The bill does not cover these issues», said Raev. One third of Bulgaria's 111,000 square km mountainous territory is covered by woods which are now state- owned. More than 40 per cent of the woods are older than 40 years and need investment to preserve their environmental balance. Many of the former owners or their heirs say they do not know what to do with the forests. Many do not have the means to pay for the protec- tion of the forests from poaching, plant deseases, fire, erosion and the like. «The new owners may resort to cutting wood and selling it. It is doubtful whether they will re-invest the revenue for forestation», 403
said Alexander Alexandrov, Forest Research Institute’s deputy di- rector, quoting foreign advisors. Restitution of property since 1989 has not so far covered forests. Under the bill, former owners whose forests cannot be returned are to be compensated through forests in different regions or through vouchers. Foreigners will be prohibited from acquiring ownership over forests. Bulgaria pledged earlier this year to set up a functioning land market and the forest restitution bill is considered an essential cle- ment. I Vocabulary notes diverse [dai'va:s] gap to restore draft contract maintenance ['memtanons] maintenance expenses preliminary preliminaries reforestation heir [Ьеэ] heir apparent heir presumptive to fall heir to smb I) иной, отличный; 2) раз- нообразный, разный I) брешь, пролом, щель; 2) промежуток, интервал, «окно»; 3) пробел, про- пуск восста! щвливап, возвра- щать, возмещать проект содержание расходы на содержание предварительный предварительные перего- воры, вступительные об- суждения восстановление лесных массивов, лесонасаждения наследник бесспорный наследник предполагаемый наследник стать чьим-либо наслед- ником 404
to poach plant decease erosion former the former the latter voucher to pledge ['vautfo] l) браконьерствовать; 2) вмешиваться; 3) пере- нимать чьи-либо идеи болезнь растений эрозия, размывание, вы- ветривание, разрушение 1) прежний, бывший; 2) предшествующий первый (из двух названных) последний (нз dejx назван- ных) 1) оправдательный доку- мент, расписка; 2) руча- тельство, поручительство;' 3) путевка обещать (обычно публично) I Words and Grammar a Translate the following words Into Russian: legal gaps..................................................... to define some responsibilities................................ to pass the bill on preliminary reading........................ to pass final approval......................................... the bill does not cover these issues........................... to be state-owned.............................................. to fail the forests............................................ plant deseases, fire, erosion and the like b Write out the English equivalents from the text: финансовый механизм для покрытия расходов на содержание........ , Р ь , , , + d d 1 ь ч h * F Ы Ч Ч ' ь I ' н * * F * ' * * И ь I * I I * , И ь ' ' ' Ч < I Ч I К < Ч i » { Ч Ч u I Ч Н I м Ч> нести расходы по восстановлению леса........................... не иметь средств для оплаты мероприятий по защите леса......... 405
реинвестировать доходы в лесное хозяйство.......................... бывшие владельцы должны получить компенсацию в виде................ получать право на владение огромными лесными участками............. Ь I Г Ч 4 II J I I I . I i + F I М I К I 11-441 . | I 4 ' 1 < ' Ь ’ ’I I < * ч b 1 Ч I Г 4 с Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases in English: reforestation to be compensated through poaching vouchers quoting foreign advisors t0 acquire ownership restitution of property to set up a functioning land market d Write down synonyms and/or antonyms of the following words: synonym (s) antonym (s) diverse rich massive preliminary current essential chaos expenses issue to lose to prohibit I Translating and Speaking e Tran s 3 ate the following sentences info Russian; 1 They need investment to preserve their environmental balance. 2 The new owners may resort to cutting wood and selling it. 3 It is doubtful whether they will make reinvestments. 406
4 Bulgaria risks losing its diverse forests. 5 If the new bill becomes law it will fail the forests/of Bulgaria. f Find the answers in the text: 1 What are the titles of Mr. Raev and Mr. Alexandrov? 2 Do tliei r points of view on the matter coincide? What words prove that? 3 What do the former owners think about the Forest Restitution Bill? 4 What was the opinion of the foreign legal advisers on the problem? Й Sum up what the text said about the Bill. Then answer the following questions: 1 How do you think the bill was ini- .................................. tiated? ........................... 2 Who invited the foreign legal ad- ................................... visers, to your mind? ........................... 3 ' What opinion were the advisors .................................... expected to express? 4 Do you believe the Bill has passed .................................. final approval? ................. |inl I pill I ...... I I ' Hl h . ... h Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: Every country should have strict environment protection laws, and it especially concerns Bulgaria. Note: Environmental pollution has practically killed all species of fish once caught by Bulgarians in the Black Sea. Traffic pollution in Sofia is twice the medically accepted level, according to the official sources.
Section 3: Anti Smoking Law Proposed in the USA Pre-reading questions; 1. What countries, if any, have anti-smoking laws? 2, Where are such laws being debated, as far as you know? Skim end scan: Read lhe text quickly and say for what age category the law Is proposed and who opposes It. President Clinton has called for new laws aimed at cutting the number of teenagers who smoke, including penalising tobacco companies for failure to meet new targets. «The President is going to call for national legislation to reduce youth smoking», Bruce Reed, a domestic policy adviser, said on the ABC television pro- gram «Good Morning America» on Sunday morning. Clinton alms to curb Juvenile smoking by 60 per cent in 10 years Reed said 3,000 young people were taking up smoking every day, with 1,000 of them dying early as a result, «We want to cut that in half over the next 10 years, and we want to put in place fi- nancial penalties that will give the tobacco industry an incentive to stop marketing to children and start taking responsibility for rc- 408
ducing youth smoking», he said. Reed added that the Administra- tion favoured a combination of payments and penalties that could raise the price of cigarettes as much as $1.50 a pack over ten years. The Administration also favoured a national «counter- advertising campaign» to warn young people of the dangers of smoking, he said. However, because of stiff criticism from anti- smoking advocates, the agreement is unlikely to be taken up in Congress this year, leaving it open to further changes and possible collapse. Under the settlement reached in June, 1998, tobacco companies agreed to curb advertising and marketing and to pay cash penalties if they failed to meet targets for reducing youth smoking. In ex- change, they would be protected from certain categories of law- suits. The settlement currently says smoking by those 18 or under must fall 30 per cent in five years, 50 per cent in seven years and 60 per cent within 10 years. If those targets are not met, the compa- nies would collectively be required to pay an $80-miIlion fine for each percentage point they fall short. This penalty would be capped at $2 billion a year. Clinton said that he would invite congressional leaders to the White House to fashion a bipartisan stance on tobacco legislation. He also said that legislation must protect the interests of to- bacco farmers and ensure broad disclosure of tobacco industry documents. The President made no mention of the possibility of any immunity from class-action lawsuits for the tobacco industry, a key part of the original tobacco settlement that was negotiated between the industry and states suing it to recover the vast health-care costs of treating smokers. I Vocabulary notes to cut to cut prices, taxes 1) резать, стричь; 2) уре- зать, сокращать, снижать снижать цены, налоги 409
failure l) неуспех, неудача, про- the Administration вал; 2) недостаток, отсут- ствие; 3) банкротство, не- состоятельность; 4) не- способность; 5) неудач- ник, неудавшееся дело правительство (США) stiff жесткий, негибкий, неэла- collapse [ka'lasps] стичный, тугой I) обвал, разрушение, to curb осадка; 2) крушение, ги- бель, падение, крах, провал обуздать, сдерживать to fali short не хватать, иметь недоста- to cap ток в чем-либо I) покрывать голову; 2) to fashion покрывать, перекрывать придавать форму, вид, bipartisan [bai'paitizn] смоделировать, демонст- рировать двухпартийный stance отношение (дело) to negotiate 1) вести переговоры, до- to negotiate a deal, говариваться; обсуждать условия; 2) устанавливать, улаживать; 3) продать обсуждать условия сделки, loan кредита to negotiate an ex- продать вексель change bill to sue [sju;] 1) преследовать судебным to sue a person for порядком, возбуждать дело; 2) просить, искать возбуждать дело против libel кого-либо за клевету to sue a low court for искать защиты у суда redress to sue out выхлопотать (в суде) 410
vast vast costs vast scheme громадный, безбрежный, грандиозный огромные расходы грандиозный план I Words and Grammar a Find the English equivalents in the text: предложить закон призвать к принятию новых законов • наложение штрафных санкций на табачные компании несоблюдение новых предельных объемов производства государственные законодатели при пять согла пrei ше оставить соглашение непринятым - для дальнейших изменений оставить соглашение непринятым — с тем, чтобы провалить его*воз- можно, и в будущем b Translate the following Into Russian and write down short sentences: a domestic policy adviser. ....................................... an anti-smoking advocate............................... ........ cash penalties .......................,........................... to reach settlement............................................... to meet the target................................................ to ensure broad disclosure of documents .......................... to recover the health-care costs.............;.................... 411
c Choose the synonyms from the box and write down a few short sentences with them: to support, to prosecute, to show, to curb, to adopt, to discuss to cut...................... to fashion.................... to favour .................. to sue........................ to take up................... to negotiate.................. d Write down synonyms and antonyms of the following words and a few sentences with them: synonym (s) antonym (s) stiff ....................................... vast ....................................... certain ....................................... broad ....................................... original ....................................... current ....................................... e Make the following short assignments and translate the texts into Russian: 1 About 3,000 young people take up smoking every day, with 1,000 of them dying early as a result. 2 The agreement is unlikely to be taken up in Congress this year. 3 to pay an $80-in i 11 ion fine 4 the dangers of smoking, costs of treating smokers What Grammar construction Is used in this sentence after with? Underline the Nominative with the Infinitive Construction. Say if the verb to take up is used in the same mean- ing as in sentence 1. Say why the Indefinite Article is used here. Write down a few similar phrases Write down a few similar word combi* nations. 412
I Translating and Speaking f Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 If those targets are not met, the companies would collectively be required to pay the fine for each percentage point they fall short. 2 Congressional lenders will be invited to the White House to fashion a bipartisan stance on tobacco legislation. 3 The President made no mention of the possibility of any immunity from class-action lawsuits for the tobacco industry. g Write down a few sentences about the viewpoint of President Clinton on American youth smoking and his consequent actions, b Sum up what the article said about the standpoint of the American tobacco companies. 1 Answer the following questions: 1 Do you think that anti-smoking ............. legislation can be effective? 2 Is smoking prohibited in public ............ places by law in some countries? 3 What is being done to curb ................. smoking in Russia? j Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: 1 No laws can curb smoking and drugs taking. 2 It is easier to make laws than enforce them. 3 Legislation should not be concerned with law enforcement. к Write a short essay about anti-smoking campaigns and laws.
Section 4: New Education Law in the State of Vermont, USA Pre-reading questions: 1, How many states make the USA? 2. What is Vie state of Vermont famous for? 3. What other slates of this country do you know? It is a placid state usually, but these days Vermont is riven with cries of class warfare. The reason is Act 60, a law which transforms education finance by taking from rich towns and giving to poor ones. Until this academic year, each town in Vermont (like many towns in other states) paid for its own public schools with local property taxes, determined by resident tax assessors. The state con- tributed a portion of its own tax revenue — 30%, one of the lowest figures in the country. «Gold» towns such as Stowe, with popular ski resorts, or Man- chester, with dozens of designer discount stores and three ski moun- tains, easily topped up the meagre state contribution to pay for extra- splendid schools, Poor towns («receiving» towns in the jargon of Act 60) were obliged to rely on higher property-tax rates; even then, since there was not much property to tax, their budgets were slim. The figures tell the tale. Manchester spent $5,844 per pupil in 1998, little Whiting in central Vermont spent about $2,300. But Whiting had to tax its property-owners 35% more heavily than town with plenty of rich properties. The case of one Whiting pupil, Amanda Brigham, was eventually brought before the state Supreme Court by the American Civil Liberties Union as an example of un- fairness in spending on schools. And on February 5th last year the court found the system unconstitutional. It ordered the legislature to act Quickly to implement the law. And, as the first sign of that, management of school spending was taken out of local control and transferred to the state, 414
Ill June the legislature passed a sweeping reform bill that sought to correct the inequities by pinpointing certain towns as richer than others, and adjusting the properly tax accordingly. In the richer towns, where property taxes had been relatively low in the past, those taxes have now risen sharply; in poorer towns they have fallen. The reform has hit some people, as well as some towns, harder than others. Many farmers, living near the richer towns, with many acres of land but low incomes, or people living in the richer towns who do not even have children, and others are up in arms. The law has already been larded with more than 70 pages of «technical corrections». It is so complicated that even legislators have trouble understanding or explaining it. Vermonters remain al- most evenly divided in their support or rejection of the law. В Vocabulary notes placid ['plresid] to rive (rived, riven) warfare assessor to top up meagre ['школ] slim sweeping спокойный, мирный, без- мятежный раскапывать, расщипы- вить, разрывать (ся) 1) война, приемы ведения войны; 2) столкновение, борьба I) эксперт-консультант суда; 2) налоговый чинов- ник; 3) заседатель, асессор доливать, досыпать (доверху) I) скудный, недостаточ- ный, небольшой; 2) худой, тощий 1) слабый, скудный, не- значительный; 2) тонкий, стройный; 3) хитрый I) широкий, с большим охватом; 2) стремитель- ный, быстрый; 3) огульный 415
sweeping changes sweeping statements inequity [in'ekwiti] Io pinpoint sharp to hit (hit, hit) acre ['еткэ] acres to be up in arms to lard to have trouble (in) do- ing smth They had trouble in reading his handwrit- ing. to reject [n'dgekt] радикальные перемены огульные утверждения несправедливость 1) засекать цель; 2) ука- зать точно, заострить внимание крутой, резкий, острый ударять, задевать, нано- сить удар акр (- 0,4 га) земли, владения 1) готовый к борьбе, со- противлению; 2) охвачен- ный восстанием 1) шпиговать, начинять; 2) пересыпать с трудом делать что-либо Они с трудом разбирали его почерк. 1) отказывать, отвергать; 2) отбрасывать I Words and Grammar a Write out the English equivalents from the text: местный поимущественный налог................................ налог с резидентов (данного района/.......................... города/поселения и т.д.)..................................... более высокие ставки налога.................................. налоговый инспектор.......................................... выделять определённую часть из своих посту пленяй от налогов. 416
увеличить налогообложение владельцев собственности на 35% по сравнению с................................................. передать дело на рассмотрение Верховного суда штата......... признать такой порядок противоречащим Конституции......... b Translate the following phrases into English and make short sentences with them: to implement the law........................................... to adjust the law /...................................... _... to have trouble (in) understanding smth........................ to transform education finance................................. to determine local property taxes.............................. to rely on higher rates..........................;............. c Write down the following adjectives in the Comparative and Superlative Degrees and make short sentences with them: rich....................... difficult..............*......... meagre..................... slim............................. complicated................ unpopular........................ high....................... placid........................... d Underline the ing-forms, write down what parts of sentences they are, translate the sentences into Russian and write down a few similar sen- tences of your own: 1 This law transforms education finance by taking from rich towns and giving to poor ones. 2 It is an example of unfairness in spending on schools. 3 Management of school spending was taken out ofJocal control, 4 Many farmers, living near the richer towns, are up in arms too. ]4 ЛнипВктЛй djum lojiiitjiiii 417
е . Form nouns with negative meaning using various prefixes and make a few short sentences with those nouns: un- Ш- mis- non- - - 1 ................................................................ 2 ....................................................................... з ............................................................:............ f T ran slate the following word combinations Into Russian and write down a few sentences with them: designer discount stores.................;........................ meagre state contribution......................................... extra-splendid schools............................................ tax revenues...................................................... relatively low taxes.............................................. nigher property-tax rates......................................... 4 Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English: м public school - м tax revenue of the state « class warfare м academic year м «gold» towns «receiving» towns 418
I Translating and Speaking h Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1 Act 60 is a law which transforms education finance by taking from rich towns and giving to poor ones. 2 There was not much property to tax. 3 The figures tell the tale. 4 The reform has hit some people harder than others, 5 The law has already been larded with more than 70 pages of amendments. I Sum up what you learned from the text about: rich and poor towns of Vermont Vermont education finance system in the recent past v the new education law м the reaction of the residents of Vermont I Role-play 1 Imagine that all the students of your group are a panel of judges of the state Supreme Court of Vermont. Use your imagination and act out how the Amanda Brigham case was considered. 2 Now imagine twp^pfyou are legal advisers and the others are leg- islators of the State Government of Vermont. Discuss the draft bill. Note: L Prepare Jbur speeches at home. Try to use as many words as possible from the jexi. ; 2, When in class try io spent away from your papers. You may also im- provise a little. It will be better if you listened to the other speakers and found the right moment to join in.
Section 5: A Proposed Reform of the House of Lords in the UK Judges In their State robes and fullbottomed wigs at the House of Lords for the State Opening of Parliament Before reading the text say what you know about the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Queen's speech at the opening of Parliament is usually heard in silence. This year, however, something unprecedented happened. When the Queen announced that the government would soon legislate to deprive hereditary aristocrats of their right to vote in the House of Lords, there were sounds of approval from the MPs at the back, and growls of anger from the Lords at the front. Tony Blair wants to end the absurd anachronism (hat gives the peers voting rights. He is planning to get rid of the hereditaries but he does not say what will be put in the place of the current House of Loftis. Long ago the Constitution Unit, an independent think-tank, gave warning that abolishing the voting rights of he red i fades before a concrete plan for a reformed House of Lords was made will do no good- It will make the reform process more partisan. It is less likely to lead to a stable solution, The Constitution Unit insists that a 'sunset' clause should be set up, requiring the House of Lords1 abolish ion and replacement after a set period, perhaps seven years, preferably on the basis of a referendum. 420
An explicitly transitional arrangement looks necessary, since so many other elements in Britain's constitutional arrangements are in flux.— Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish parliaments, possible electoral reform, elected mayors, possible regional assemblies for England, Many things may change during the transitional period. Instead of a definite scheme for a new second chamber, Labour is setting up a royal commission to decide on the next stage of reform. The Government says that it will announce its transitional pro- posals in a white paper, but they will include the establishment of an independent commission to nominate and vet new life peers. The important issue will be the relationship between the commission and the prime minister: the more’members that he cont in ups to ap- point (or ‘nominate'), the stronger will be the accusation that Mr, Blair’s aim is to create a new 'House of Cronies'. It would be far belter if this commission could be genuinely independent, perhaps even with commissioners elected in some way, or if it were a com- mission of the House of Lords itself. Better still if it were to make its nomination according to some openly published rules. And what might a longer-term arrangement look like? That depends on what has happened in the meantime, House of Lords Composition, t(Qvember2nd 199B 0-200 400 600 ................* Hereditary SSRSSffiSBSSSffl&B peers* *rrtcludfrhg bishops S Vocabulary notes precedent (n.)- precedent condition unprecedented io announce ['president J [pn'si:dant] [An'presidsntld! прецедент предшествующий предварительное условие не имеющий прецедента, беспрецедентный . I) объявлять, заявлять, из- вешать’ 421
The date of the refer- endum has been an- nounced. The secretary an- nounced another wit- ness. to deprive to deprive smb of smth hereditary [hi'reditan] MP = Member of Par- liament Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Member of Par- liament is a deputy to the House of Com- mons. growl [graul] absurd anachronism peer hereditary peer life peer peers comprise: dukes, marquises, earls, vis- counts, barons to get rid of smth think-tank partisan (я.) 2) публиковать .-nui 3) докладывать Дата референдума уже объ- явлена. Секретарь доложила о при- ходе еще одного свидетеля. лишать лишать кого-либо чего-либо наследственный, традици- онный член Парламента Парламент состоит из двух палат; палаты лордов и па- латы общин. Член парламента является депутатом палаты общин. I) рычание, ворчание; ' 2) грохот нелепый, абсурдный, смеш- ной, глупый анахронизм пэр, лорд наследственный пэр пожизненный пэр (титул. не передаваемый по наследству) титулы пэров: герцоги, мар- кизы, графы, виконты, ба- роны отделываться, избавляться (елэяг) голова, башка I) приверженец, сторонник; 2) партизан 1 L Si,.' 422
partisan (adj.) 1) узкопартийный; 2) фана- тичный; 3) партизанский stable 1) стойкий, устойчивый; - прочный, крепкий; 2) постоянный; 3) твердый, непоколебимый, решительный sunset ['sAnsel] заход солнца, закат, конец, последний период explicit [iks'plisit] ясный, подробный, явный, точный, определенный He is quite explicit. Он совершенно точно сформулировал свое мнение (по этому вопросу). transitional переходный, промежуточный to be in a flux быть в состоянии постоян- ного/ непрерывного изме- нения to elect He was elected chair- 1) избирать, выбирать; 2) назначать man. Он был выбран председате- лем. mayor мэр to set up учреждать, основывать, от- крывать я white paper compare1. a yellow-paper честная /прямая/ объективная газета (белая пресса) to nominate ['nomineit] 1) выставлять, предлагать (лег выборах) 2) назначать (на должность) to vet рассматривать, исследовать, проверять crony близкнй/закадычный друг genuine 1) подлинный, истинный, настоящий; 2) искренний genuine sorrow искренняя горечь commissioner [ko'mijona] 1) специальный уполномо- ченный, комиссар 423
High Commissioner верховный комиссар (предана- autit&ib одной its стран Содруже- ств Наций в другой стране Со- дружества, представитель бри- танской колонии или доминиона в Англии)', 2) член комиссии I Words and Grammar a Write out all the words associated with the British Parliament, from the text and translate them Into Russian, b Write down if all the words of each group are synonyms or in the opposite case and explain the difference between the words in English: Labour — the Government — the MPs — ............................ 10 Downing Street the House of Lords — the Lords — the ........................... Government . ................... hereditary aristocrats — hereditary peers — ................... hereditaries transitional period — transitional arrange- .................... ment — transitional proposal ................... their right to vote — their voting right ....................... c Write down one or a few synonyms of the following verbs and make a few short sentences with them-: to arrange...................................................... to accuse ...................................................... to appoint..............................;....................... to approve ..................................................... to reform....................................................... to legislate.................................................... 424
d Insert the correct prepositions and make short sentences with these, word combinations: to deprive smb....smth to get rid...smb/smth to be....а Пих to decide....smth ....the meantime ....the basis....smth e Explain the meaning of the following In English: an independent think-tank H a white paper B a sunset clause a a new «House of Cronies» f Write down what parts of speech the words in italics are and make short sentences with the following: a proposed reform.............................................. at the opening of Parliament................................... something unprecedented........................................ voting rights............................... ;.............. to give warning................................................ abolishing their voting rights will do no good................. they insist on that requiring its abolition-................... commissioners elected in some way.............................. й Make the following Grammar assignments and translate the sentences in the left-hand column into Russian: 1 It is less likely to lead to a sta- ble solution. 2 The more’members he contin- ues to appoint the stronger will be the accusation. 3 They speak about a new «House of Cronies» of Mr. Blair’s . Underline the Nominative with Infini- tive Construction In this sentence. Say with what other verbs it is used. Why Is the Definite Article used before the words more and stronger? Make a few similar ex- amples. Why is the Indefinite Article used here?* What articles are usually used with the names of Govern- ments and their parts? 426
4 It would be far better if it were a commission of the House of Lords itself. 5 Better still if it were to make its nomination according to some openly published rules. В Practice in Speaking h h What words of the text prove that: In what Moods are the verbs used here? Underline the principal clause of this complex sentence and say what words are missing. 1 The House of Commons supported the‘idea about the reform, 2 The Prime Minister wanted to put an end to the voting rights of the hereditary peers. 3 The Prime Minister had no concrete programme of the reform. i Sum up what the text said about: n the Constitution Unit the transitional period proposed J Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint: 1 The Lords were indifferent to the proposed reform. 2 The authour of the article supports Labour. 3 Lvery change ii) laws needs a transitional period. к Have another look at the picture and diagram accompanying the text and answer the following questions: в What do you think about the appearance of the Judges? a Do the Judges sitting in the House of Lords have life or hereditary titles, to your mind? a What about bishops? How many life and hereditary peers are there in the House of , Lords? a For what date were these figures valid? 0 Why do you think the figures sometimes change?
Section 6: Britain's Referendum Campaign over the Euro Prejearfng questions: 1, Do you remember when (he Euro was Introduced? 2. Is It used only for clearing purposes? 3. Do any European countries use it In cash transactions now? 4. Has the UK joined this system by now? 5. Was the European Union created on the basis of the European Community? 6, When was the Community set up and when did the UK join the Community? 7. Is the UK a member of (he European Union? Skim and span: Read the text quickly and say when approximately this article could be written. This week the European Movement, Britain's oldest and most important pro-European lobby group, published a glossy document laying out a strategy for a referendum on British membership of the single European currency. The government merely says that it is willing to sign Britain up for the Euro when it becomes convinced that such a move would be in Britain's economic benefit. But unofficially the pro-Europeans in the government are working to a much more definite timetable. They are assuming that a referendum will be called soon after a second election victory for Labour — an event already pencilled in for 2001. At that point the full weight of government will be behind the Yes campaign. The European Movement has already set up a.steering group-to coordinate the referendum campaign, with good connections to 10 Downing Street. Representatives of the London office of the Euro* pean Commission which provides a bit of money for the European Movement have been spotted at the planning sessions. The movement's planning document says that the Yes campaign now needs to establish before the next general election fa majority of the public who favour British participation1. That’s a tall order, since currently a large majority is opposed. Next month, the Treasury gets in on an act by launching an ad- vertising campaign designed to tell Britons about the launch of the 427
single European currency in 1999. Officially this is simply a 'fa- miliarisation' exercise. But people involved with the campaign ac- knowledge that it contains an element of'political education'. Oth- ers might call it propaganda. The Noes campaign has also begun to get serious. There is no shortage of anti-European groups — 29 at the last count. Since the beginning of the year» a series of six lunches in the Attlee room of the House of Lords has gathered together all the principal «antis» from across the political spectrum to thrash out a plan of action. Out of this has grown support for Business for Sterling (BFS), which was officially launched on June 11th, 1998. The aim of BFS is to attract serious money from businessmen and companies. BFS will put only the economic arguments against the single currency, and ignore politics. BFS already has the financial backing of several big businessmen such as Sir Stanley Kahns, the Chairman of Dixons. The new director of communications at BFS is from that elec- tronic retailer, and they have already had 200 pledges of support. S Vocabulary notes gtey to sign up for smth to steer to spot a tall order a (all story to bi until [lointj] to launch a campaign to familiarise [fo'milpraiz] блестя u u i R, гл я ij цс виты й, лоснящийся 1) нанимать (ся) на рабту, иод* писать контракт на выполнение какой-либо работы; 2) зарегист- рироваться для получения посо- бия но безработице !) управлять, направлять, руководить; 2) следовать, ИДТИ (//О лз/чу) у и плеть, узнать, опознать, определять 11свс|к>ят11ым/‘!резмсфнь.!й заказ небылица начинать, пускать к ход, нести начинать компанию . знаком irrb, ознакомлять 428
to familiarise oneself with smth shortage №:Ыз] to thrash out/over smth retailer pledge освоиться, ознакомиться с чем-либо нехватка, недостаток, дефицит тщательно обсуждать, выяс- нять, прорабатывать розничный торговец, лавочник, фирма, занимающаяся рознич- ной торговлей (публичное) обещание I Suggested activities a Explain the meaning of the following in English: bi a lobby group й a steering group c pro-European a the Yes campaign ж the Noes campaign и BFS b Summarise the different viewpoints on Britain’s membership in the Euro (your answers to the following questions will help you): The European Movement 1 Is it a British group? 2 Dues it support or oppose Britain’s membership in the Euro? 3 Why do you think the author called the Movement’s strategic document «glossy»? 4 What referendum did it propose? . 5 * For what purpose did it set up a steering group? 6 Where does their money come from, judging by the article? 7 Is it heading the Yes campaign? The citizens of the UK 1 Do most people of the UK support or oppose the British member- ship in the Euro, according to the article? The British Government 1 Does the Government comprise the House of Commons, the Cabi- net of Ministers and the Prime Minister? 429
2 What signing-up did the government declare? 3 For what time are the pro-Europeans in the Government planning to hold the referendum? 4 Are they optim istic Judging by the authdr's appraisal? 5 When did the Treasury plan to join the single European currency? 6 Who called their advertising campaign «a familiarisation exercise», «political education», «propaganda»? The House of Lords 1 Is it a part of the British Government? - 2 Is there any hint in the article about the attitude of the House of _Lords to the British membership in the Euro? 3 Do the 29 groups mentioned hi the article support the Yes or Noes campaign? 4 What is the BPS campaign? When did it start? 5 Does Big Business support it? c Draw a table showing who supported the Yes campaign and the Noes campaign at the time the article was published. The table may look like this: tile d Have another look at the diagram given below the text and answer the fob lowing questions: 1 When and where was the diagram published, to your mind? 2 Do you think it was based on a public opinion poll? 3 Why do you think it was entitled «still sceptical»? e Agree or disagree: 1 A special bill is to be passed by Parliament to let the UK join the Euro. 2 Many things have changed in the UK since the article was issued.
Detective Stories for Home Reading
Gideon and the Chestnut Seller after John Creasy Old Ben Fairley had sold roasted chestnuts for more winters than he could remember. As a matter of fact, he remembered very little of his seventy-odd years, for he had always lived almost en- tirely in the present, whether it was good or back Each summer he went out on the road, calling on those farms where he could find temporary work. Each winter he came 'home’, to the rooming house near London’s Co vent Garden, where he stored his barrow and brazier, bought his chestnuts at wholesale, and roasted them. Old Ben’s pitch was near Leicester Square. Many people knew him, passing his barrow with a smile or a nod, sometimes pausing to hand him a shilling, usually ‘forgetting* to take their bag of chestnuts. Some, on the other hand, liked chestnuts, eating them just in the street. Among these was George Gideon, Commander of the Crimi- nal Investigation Department of New Scotland Yard. From time to time he strolled round the square mile which included all Soho as well as Picadilly Circus and Leicester Square. The sight of his massive figure, his square chin, his broad forehead, was familiar to newsdealers and taxi drivers, pavement artists and policemen. On cold nights he often stopped at old Ben’s barrow, paid his shillings, took off a soft nut, and ate it hot and whole. Gideon stayed for a few moments talking to old Ben, One night, only a half an hour he had left the chestnut seller, a taxi drew up close to old Ben’s barrow. Ben watched first one then two, three, four ycntihs scramble out, and he sensed some kind of trouble. Almost at once another taxi appeared at the far end of the street. This.time Ben was too busy to count how many men got out; he grabbed the handles of his barrow and started to move off. He did not get far. Suddenly one of the youths pushed him aside, another began to take the chestnuts out of the basket. Angry now, as much as frightened, old Ben shouted a protest. 432
More youths rushed up. and the two groups began fighting, In the struggle someone tipped the brazier over. As Ben ran for- ward to save his chestnuts, red-hot coals stroke against his out- stretched hands. He screamed with pain. A police whistle was heard. In five minutes old Ben Fairley, groaning and half con- scious, was being carried to the hospital. The two gangs had disappeared. Gideon heard of this at about half-past ten the next morning. It was mentioned by Superintendent Lloyd who was in charge of the police attempt to curtail the activities of the teen-age gangs in Soho, — I could understand if they had a purpose, Lloyd was saying. But they fight just for the sake of fighting. — Did you catch any of them? Gideonr asked. — No. They were gone before our chaps arrived. An old chestnut seiler was badly burned when they knocked over his brazier. — Chestnut seller? Where was his pitch? — Just past the National Gallery, near Leicester Square, Lloyd answered. Gideon pressed a bell on his desk and when his assistant came in he said, — A chestnut seller was burned last night near Leicester Square. Find out what his name was, where he is, and how he’s doing. — Do you know him? asked Lloyd. — If it’s the man 1 think it is, I’ve known him for thirty years. Have you put in your report: yet? — It’s being typed out now. — I want to get a copy, said Gideon, Very soon he learned that it was indeed Ben Fairley, that old Ben was comfortable, but that for a man of his age the shock might have grave consequences. IS Английский для юристов 433
Then Gideon studied the report and went to have a word with old Ben at the Charing Cross Hospital, He had never seen the man washed and shaved before. Both of Ben’s bands were bandaged, and he looked tired and worn; but his eyes were bright in his lined face, and h is frail voice held a note of anger. — Just rushed at me, and I’d never done them any harm. Never even seen them before in my life! — We’ll get them, Ben, said Gideon. Tell inc a little more, — There’s nothing more to tell. One gang came up in a taxi and the other gang came up in another, — How did you burn your hands? — Trying to save my chestnuts, of course. They were my capital, Mr. Gideon. — Now, Ben, what happened after that? The report says there were no chestnuts left in the basket. — They grabbed them. — How many chestnuts did you have? — About five pounds, I think. That would be including those the young lady gave me. But.,. — Young lady? interrupted Gideon. What young lady? And when did she give you the chestnuts? — Yesterday afternoon. She came out of one of those new apartment houses at the back of Oxford Street. I’ve seen her sev- eral times before. — Now, Ben, think hard. Are you quite sure about all this? — Of course, I’m sure! cried Ben, She has long blond hair hanging down her back. Funny thing, life, ain’t it, Mr. Gideon? In the afternoon someone gives me chestnuts — in the evening’ someone pinches them, and my own with them. Gideon got to his feet, — Yes, it’s a funny life, Ben. But take it easy. When you’ie well, you’ll get aft you need to start up in business again. Leaving the hospital Gideon hurried back to New Scotland Yard, and as soon as he reached his office he sent for Superinten- dent Lloyd. 434
— Any lead on those lads in the fight last night? Gideon asked, — No, Commander. Two of our chaps saw them, but they weren’t the usual Soho troublemakers. — Find out if Dicey Gamble still lives in one of the new apartment houses behind Oxford Street, said Gideon. And find out what colour his wife’s hair is. — Dicey? 1 saw him only last week, and he’s still living in that flat. His wife’s a blonde. What’s on your mind about Dicey? Dicey Gamble was the leader of a small group of raiders who specialized in robbing jewellery shops. --- Find out if any of his fellows bought any chestnuts re- cently. if necessary, check every grocer in the district, said Gideon. Get a move on, there’s no time to lose. Lloyd hurried out and within an hour he was on the tele- phone to Gideon. — You were right, sir! One of Dicey’s boys bought two pounds of chestnuts yesterday morning. ......Good! Get all the help you need and raid Dicey’s apart- ment now. Phone me and let me know what happens. At seven o'clock that evening the police arrived at Dicey Gamble's apartment. Panic showed in Dicey’s eyes when the policemen appeared at his door, but the panic was quickly veiled. — I’ve got nothing here, Super, he said. You can search the place, but you won't find anything. — Lloyd walked through the apartment to the kitchen. The table was covered with a sheet of newspaper, and on the news- paper was a pile of chestnuts. Dicey had obviously been in the process of cutting each nut in two — - several had already been halved. In eight of the halves, buried Inside the hard nuts, were dia- monds. 435
— There’s nothing new in this game, Gideon explained to Lloyd, I once knew a thief who split a hazelnut in two, put a dia- mond inside, and stuck the shell together. The gangs that attacked old Beu weren't in it for the sheer fun — so they were in it for the chestnuts. Add to that the fact that old Ben was given chestnuts by a woman who lived in the same house as one of our cleverest jewel thieves, and it all started to make sense. — Г11 say it made sense, agreed Lloyd, Dicey and his gang had these hot diamonds and hid them in the chestnuts. One of the boys brought them at Dicey's flat on instructions. But Dicey was out, and as neither he nor his wife eat chestnuts, his wife gave them to old Ben. Later that day, as he sat with old Ben at the Charing Cross Hospital, Gideon finished the story. — As soon as Dicey discovered what his wife had done, he got his gang together for a raid on your barrow to get hack the chestnuts — but another gang learned what had happened and reached you first. Dicey’s gang caught up with them, Simple, Ben, wasn *t it? Old Ben gave a pleased smile. Perhaps when he next roasted chestnuts he would dream of a fortune in diamonds. Note: the Commander of the Criminal In- vestigation Department pavement artist to shout a protest to scream with pain half conscious who was in charge of the police at- tempt to curtail the activities of the teen-age gangs they fight Just for the sake of fighting grave consequences his frail voice had a note of anger начальник Управления уголовных расследований уличный художник закричать в знак протеста закричать от боли в полубессознательном состоянии который возглавлял работу поли- ции по пресечению деятельности банд тинейджеров они деру гея просто ради того, что- бы драться тяжкие последствия в его слабом голосе слышалось негодование 436
la pinch lead What's an your mind about Dicey? Get a move on lh(ty weren ‘t in it for the sheer fun to make sense to catch up with I Suggested activities a Choose the correct answers: 1 Who was old Ben? 2 How did old Ben hap- pen to be badly burned? 3 How did Ben happen to get the bag of chest- nuts? 4 Who was the young woman with long blond hair? 5 Why did the youths rush at old Ben? 6 What did Dicey hide in the chestnuts? красть зацепка Какие у вас соображения по поводу Дайси? Поторопитесь. они сделали это не просто ради забавы. приобретать смысл догонять Не was a newsdealer. Не was a fanner. Не was a chestnut seller. Не was burned trying to light a fire.. He was burned when the brazier was tipped over. He was,burned roasting his chestnuts. He found the bag near the place he lived. A grocer gave it to him. A young lady gave it to him. She was also a chestnut seller. She was Dicey’s sister. She was Dicey’s wife. They wanted to grab his money. They wanted to grab the chestnuts. They did it for the sheer fun. He hid drugs in them. He hid diamonds in them. He hid gold coins in them, 437
b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a C d 1 2 3 4 e Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view: Old Ben picked chestnuts, roasted and sold them. Though Gideon liked chestnuts he never ate them in the street, Gideon’s massive figure was familiar to newsdealers and taxi driv- ers, pavement artist and policemen. Old Ben rushed to save his chestnuts but fell down and broke his arm. When the police arrived the two opposing gangs had already disap- peared. The report said that there were only a few chestnuts left in the basket. Old Ben told Gideon that an old lady with grey hair had given him the bag of chestnuts. When Lloyd arrived at Dicey’s apartment Dicey was reading a newspaper. Write down the names of London streets, squares, areas, theatres etc. mentioned in the text. Say what you know about each of them. Answer the following questions: What kind of man was Old Ben Fairley? What was your impression of the Commander of the Criminal In- vestigation Departmen? Why do you think Dicey had not told his wife about the chestnuts? Did this fact become fatal for Dicey? Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to hand, to sense, to shout, to scream, to put in, to chock, to search, to teach: Многие останавливались, чтобы дать ему шиллинг. Бен почувствовал тревогу. Беп закричал в знак протеста. Он закричал от боли. Вы уже составили отчет? Проверьте каждого бакалейщика в районе. Можете обыскать всю квартиру, но вы ничего не найдете. Другая банда добралась до вас первой. 438
f Translate the following sentences using these adjectives and nouns: odd, wholesale, lined, funny, troublemaker, mind, move, sense. Бен мало что помнил из своих семидесяти с лишним лет. Старый Бен оптом покупал каштаны я жарил их. Глаза ярко сияли на его изборожденном морщинами лице. Жизнь — забавная штука, Они — не обычные возмутители спокойствия. Какие у вас соображения насчет Дайси? Поторопитесь, нельзя терять времени, Все это начало приобретать смысл. й Think and answer: 1 Imagine that you are old Ben, One day you find a diamond in one of the chestnuts. What would you do then'? 2 Suppose that Gideon buys some chestnuts and finds a diamond in one of them. What would his actions be in this case? 3 Imagine that you are Dicey Gamble. Where in your flat would you hide the hot diamonds? h Write down all the facts related to this crime, in chronological order. Here is an example: . I .. I.. ..................... i Write down the facts which helped Gideon to reveal the crime. j Write down the qualities a good detective should have. h Work in pairs. н Ask your group-mate what he/she thinks about detectivies, about their education and experience. «1 Discuss with your gro up-mate what he/she knows about Scotland Yard, 439
The Case for the Defence after Graham Greene it was a very strange murder trial, i have never attended such a strange trial, They named it the North wood murder in the head- lines, because the house, where the old woman was found battered to death at two o’clock in the morning, was in Northwood Street, The murderer was found immediately: and now no one present at the trial believed that the man in the dock had any chance of being acquitted. He was a stout man with bulging eyes. Yes, an ugly customer, one you wouldn’t forget. The Crown counsel proposed to call four witnesses who had seen him hurrying away from the little house in Northwood Street soon after two that morning, Mrs Salmon, a neighbour and one of the witnesses, was unable to sleep that night: she heard the gate shut and thought it was her own gate. So she went to the window and saw Adams (that was his name) on the steps of Mrs Parker’s house. He had just coine out and he was wearing gloves. He had a hammer in his hand and she saw him drop it into the bushes by the front gate. But before he moved away, he had instinctively looked up.....- at her window, Mrs Salmon could see him clearly in the light of a street lamp. Mr MacDougall, another witness, had been driving home late and nearly ran Adams down at the corner of Northwood Street Adams was walking in the middle of the road looking dazed. And old Mr Weeler, who lived next door to Mrs Parker, was wakened by a noise — like a chair tailing — through the wall, thin as paper. He got up and looked out of the window, just as Mrs Salmon did, saw Adam’s back and, ns he turned, those bulging eyes. In Laurel Avenue Adams had been seen hy another witness — his luck was badly out, — I understand, counsel said, — that the defence proposes to plead mistaken identity. Adams’s wife will tell you that he was with her at two in the morning on February 14, but after you have heard the witnesses for the Crown and examined carefully the features of the prisoner, 1 do not think you will be prepared to ad- mit the possibility of a mistake. 440
After the formal evidence had been given by the policeman who had found the body and the surgeon who examined it, Mrs Salmon was called. She was the ideal witness, with her expression of honesty, care and kindness. She spoke very firmly. There was no fear in her, and no sense of importance. She was standing calmly there in the Central Criminal Court. She was not afraid of the judge in scarlet who interrogated her. She was not afraid of the numerous reporters who impatiently wrote down every word of her evidence. Yes, she said, and then she had gone downstairs and rung up the police station. — And do you sec the man here in court? She looked straight at the big man in the dock, who stared at her with his bulging eyes without emotion. — Yes, she said. There he is. — Are you quite certain? ..I couldn’t be mistaken, sir. — Thank you, Mrs Salmon. Counsel for the defence rose to cross examine, — Now, Mrs Salmon, you must reinember that a man's life may depend on your evidence. — 1 do remember it, sir. — Is your eyesight good? — I do not have to wear spectacles, sir. —You are a woman of fifty-five? — Fifty-six, sir. — And the man you saw was on the other side of the road? — Yes, sir. — And it was two o’clock in the morning. You must have remarkable eyes, Mrs Salmon? — No, sir. There was moonlight, and when the man looked up, he had the lamplight on his face, — And you have no doubt that the man, you saw is the pris- oner? 1 couldn't make out what he whs at. — No doubt whatever, sir. It isn’t a face one forgets. 441
Counsel took a look round the court for a moment. Then he said, — Do you mind, Mrs Salmon, examining again the people in court? No, not the prisoner. Stand up, please, Mr Adams. And there at the back of the court stood up the exact image of the man in the dock, with stout body, muscular legs and bulging eyes. He was dressed the same tight blue suit and striped tie, — Now think very carefully, Mrs Salmon. Can you still swear that the man you saw drop the hammer in Mrs Parker1 s garden is the prisoner — and not this man, who is his twin brother? Of course, she couldn’t. She looked from one to the other and didn’t say a word. There the big man sat in the dock with his legs crossed, and there he stood too at the back of the court and they both stared at Mrs Salmon. She shook her head. What we saw then was the end of the case. There wasn’t a witness prepared to swear that it was the prisoner he had seen. And the brother? He had his alibi, too; he was with his wife. And so the man was acquitted for lack of evidence. And no- body knew who did the murder. That extraordinary day had an extraordinary end. I followed Mrs Salmon out of court and we got in the crowd who were wait- ing, of course, for the twins. The police tried to drive the crowd away. But all they could do was keep the road clear for traffic. I learned inter that they tried to get the twins to leave by a back way, but the twins did not want to, One of them — no one knew which — said, «I’ve been acquitted, haven’t I?» and they walked out of the front entrance. Then it happened. I don’t know how, though I was only six feet away. The crowd moved and somehow one of the twins got pushed on to the road in front of a bus, He gave a squeal like a rabbit and that was all; he was dead, his scull smashed just as Mrs Parker’s had been. Divine venge- ance? I wish I knew. There was the other Adams getting on his feet from beside the body and looking straight over at Mrs Salmon, He was crying, but whether he was the murderer or the innocent man nobody will ever be able to tell. But if you were Mrs Salmon, could you sleep that night? 442
Note; i/g/v customer Crown counsel his luck was badly out the defence proposes to plead mis- taken identity witness for the Crown Central Criminal Court scarlet counsel for the defence to cross examine I couldn ‘t make out what he was al, exact image for the lack of evidence to drive the crowd away squeal divine vengeance неприятный тип государственный адвокат, обвинитель ему действительно не везло защита предлагает заявить об оши- бочном опознании (принятии одного лица за другое) свидетель обвинения Центральный уголовный суд пурпурная мантия защитник проводить перекрестный допрос Я не мог понять, куда он клонит, точная копия за недостаточностью доказательств рассеять толпу пронзительный крик божья кара I Suggested activities a Choose the correct answers: 1 In what way was Mrs Parker murdered? 2 Who saw Adams soon after the murder? 3 What did Adams drop in Mrs Parker’s garden? She was killed with a knife. She was killed with a hammer, She was shot down. Only Mrs Salmon did. Mrs Salmon, Mr Weeler and one more witness did. Mrs .Salmon, Mr MacDougall, Mr Weller and one more witness did. He dropped a knife. He dropped a gun. He dropped a hammer. 443
What alibi did Adams have? What was the end of the trial? What happened after the trial? 4 5 6 b 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 С н и His twin brother said that he was talking with him when Mrs Parker was murdered. His wife said that he was with her at that moment. His neighbour said that he saw Ad- ams near his house at that moment. Adams was found guilty. Adams was acquitted for the lack of evidence. The trial was postponed, One of the twin brothers died of a heart attack. One of the twin brothers was killed in an accident. One of the brothers committed suicide. Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view: Many people present at' the trial believed that Adams had a chance of being acquitted, Mrs Salmon was sleeping when she heard the gate shut. Adams had a hammer in his hand and Mrs Salmon saw him drop it into the bushes. Adams was quite a pleasant person. Mrs Salmon was afraid of the judge who interrogated her. Mrs Salmon’s eyesight was bad and she had to wear spectacles, Nobody knew which of the twin brothers was the murderer. Complete the following plan of the story: aw a. fa* ^nedded <tt 444
ей Use the following words: chance, headlines, acquitted, found, dock, mur- der, dead, trial, attended, murderer. It was a very strange murder ... . I have never.,, such a strange trial. They named it the Northwood... in the,,., because the house, where the old woman was found... at two o’clock in the morning, was in Northwood Street. The... was.., immediately: no one present at the trial believed that the man in the.., had any... of being.... e Paraphrase the following in English: 1 She was battered to death. 2 His luck was badly out. 3 There was no sense of importance in her. 4 Is your eyesight good? 5 I couldn’t make out what he was at. f Translate the following sentences using these nouns and adjectives: door, luck, certain, image, back. Мистер Уилер жил по соседству от миссис Паркер, Ему действителыго не везло. Вы вполне уверены? Он был точной копией человека на скамье подсудимых. Они могли выйти через черный ход. £ Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to make out, to depend, to dress, to wear, >1 не мог понять, куда он клонит. От ваших показаний может зависеть жизнь человека. Of । был одет ггочно так же. На нем были перчатки. 445
h Translate the following sentences Into Russian paying attention to the verb to get 1 Mr Weeler got up and looked out of the window. 2 I followed Mrs Salmon out of court and wc got in the crowd who were waiting for the twins. 3 The police tried to get the twins to leave by a back way, but the twins did not want to. 4 The crowd moved and somehow one of (he twins got pushed on to the road right in front of a bus, 5 Tliere was the other Adams getting on his feet from beside the body and looking straight over at Mrs Salmon. i Write all the words related to law and courts, out of the text. Compare your list with those of yourgroup-mates. J Think and answer 1 Why, do you think, Mrs Parker was murdered? 2 Which of the twin brothers was the murderer and which of them was killed in the accident, to your mind? 3 Did the accident happen by chance? If not, who could push the twin brother on to the road? 4 Would the twin brother have a revenge on Mrs Salmon, in your opinion? 5 If you were Mrs Salmon, could you sleep at night? К Imagine you are counsel for defence. Write down the closing speech you would make at this trial. 446
Not. Tonight Danger after Brett Halliday The telephone in Michael Shayne’s Miami apartment began ringing shortly after eleven o’clock. A man’s voice answered Shayne. .It sounded agitated. — Is that Michael Shayne, the detective? Thank heavens I’ve reached you. Tins is Mr Schoolman speaking. Harold Schoolman. Shayne said, — 1 don’t know you, do 1? — No. I’m staying at the Splendide Hotel on Miami Beach. Something terrible has happened, Mr Shayne. 1 must consult you. Shayne glanced at his watch. — Can't it wait until morning? — It definitely cannot. You see I... 1 hardly know how to say this. 1... I’ve done a horrible thing. I’m... a thief — Wait! Splendide Hotel? Are you telling me you stole the Duchess Montalba’s diamond this afternoon? — Good heavens, no! I wasn’t even present at the concert when it happened, though my wife was, This is another matter, Гт not far from your place at the moment I fl could come up and explain...? — Come along, said Shayne. Harold Schoolman arrived a short time later. He was a slight, middle-aged man-wlth a bulging forehead and rimless glasses. He gave Shayne a limp hand. — This is the most upsetting experience of my life. I find myself a criminal, Mr Shayne. I want you to find the owner of the stolen property and return it without publicity. — Sit down and tell me about it. Schoolman sat on the edge of a chair, reached in a side pocket and brought into view a small, beautiful evening bag with gold clasp and n thiii gold chain, — I bought this for my present wife last Chritsmas. It cost three hundred dollars, and you see there’s a chain to go over the wrist for safety while it is being carried. 447
Shay не nodded. — But my wife is very careless. She refused to use the chain, though I often warned her how easily a .thief might snatch it from under her arm. So ( decided to teach her a lesson. We were leaving the hotel at nine o’clock for a party here in Miami. It was raining hard and there was a crowd under the marquee waiting for taxis. I left Alice to give the doorman a dollar bill, and when I pushed back to her I saw the bag just begging to be stolen. So I took it. She had lucked the bag in the crook of her white fur sleeve, and she was not even aware it had been taken. At that moment some men shouldered their way between us and 1 lost sight of Al- ice. Then the doorman waved that he had a taxi and we both pushed forward through the crowd and drove away with the bag in my pocket. Then I put my plan into effect. I said, 4 have nothing smaller than a ten for the driver. Do you have a dollar bill in your bag, my dear?’ Mr Shayne, you will never guess what happened» Shayne grinned at him, — Your wife took a bill from her bag. You put your hand into your pocket and realized you had become a thief. |u the crowd you mistook another woman for your wife, one wearing a similar white fur coat and with a similar evening bag. So you snatched the wrong one. Is there some identification inside? — There was nothing inside the bag . — Nothing? Shayne took the bag in his hands. It was empty except fora small torn piece of paper, with a margin on the right and printed lines on the left, — Only that, said Schoolman, A piece torn from a galley proof, with proofreader’s corrections on the margin, — Galley proof? How do you know? — 1’ma publisher in Boston, you see, Schoolman explained. He pointed to the pencilled marks. — Quotation marks, you see. The next is the symbol for more space. Then a single quote and a dollar sign I ha I have evidently been omitted. 448
Shaync nodded. - Three of the printed words are underlined. Not. Tonight. And danger. Looks like a message. ..- A message? But what can it mean? — Thai's what we’U have to find out. I’d like to talk to your wife, said Shaync. — Yes, Of course. Schoolman looked at his watch. I must be getting back to the hotel. I expect a long distance call at twelve fif- teen from my daughter in Boston — from my first marriage. I left Alice al the party while I came here, and she promised to return to the hotel at twelve thirty. Would you like to see her? - Very much. Shayne replaced the scrap of paper in the bag and rose, Г I! drive you to the hotel, he said. It was a little after midnight When (hey reached the Splendide Hotel. As they entered the lobby, Shayne said, ......Suppose you go up to wait for у on г call. Г11 nose downstairs a while mid join you in half an hour. « Very well. Our room is 610. Shayne crossed the lobby to a nail-studded leather door. He knocked and entered. A pudgy man, seated at a desk, looked up at him with a smile, — Hi, Mike. What brings you here? — Hello, Branson. Had any robberies lately? - Do you mean that crazy Spanish Duchess and her quarter- niillicit-dollar diamond? asked the security officer. Yes, How did it happened? - It was и benefit concert in the main ballroom. A hundred or more guests were present, ft happened at the punch bowl. A dame stumbled into the Duchess just as she was drinking a cup of punch. It spilled on her and (here was a lot of confusion, A minute later she screamed that her medallion was missing. There were four persons close enough to steal it. A Mrs Davis from Atlanta, who stumbled into her,., insisted (hat she was pushed. A Myrtle Hodson, unem- ployed secretary. Lucille Lassale, the movie actress, and... John Tarleton, who registered here yesterday. Gentleman John? Good Lord, Branson! 449
— Gentleman John Tarleton. With a record of arrests in every major world capital for suspested jewel thefts. Sure he got it. Right under my nose. I recognized him at once and grabbed him. We also grabbed the three women and they agreed to be searched, after we explained that John is suspected of always working with a woman confederate to whom he passes the loot. But it had no re- sult. — So he passed the diamond to some other woman before you got him? — Yes. To any one of two or three dozen. He had sixty sec- onds. That’s all Tarleton needs. — Arrest him? — How the devil could we? We had to let him go with an apology. All we can do is tail him and wait for him to contact his confederate. Monitor his telephone line. — Any idea how many of your guests wear white fur coats? — There were three at the concert. The Duchess, Miss Lassale and a woman from Boston. Mrs Schoolman. Shayne drew the evening bag from his pocket. — I hoped that this bag had been reported stolen this evening. About nine o’clock. — Sorry. Branson looked bewildered. «Nothing like that was reported stolen. — Shayne said, — See what you make of the paper inside. — Three words underlined. Could be some sort of message, A warn ing? — Could be, agreed Shayne. You say you’ve got men on Tar- leton. What were his movements this evening? Branson picked up one of the papers and read: «Stayed In his room until eight. Down to lobby at eight twelve. Bought newspaper and cigar. Sat alone in chair and read until nine six. Spoke to no one. Went out al nine six where there was a crowd waiting for taxis. Stayed there, closely observed, for ten minutes. Returned Io room». Suddenly the telephony began ringing. Branson listened n moment while his pudgy face went white. — I'll be up at once. Stay right there.
He put down the phone and told Shayne: — Harold Schoolman has just been murdered upstairs. The woman who confronted them in Room 610 was obviously fighting hard to hold back tears. She stepped aside to show them the body of her husband lying on the floor beside a small table where a portable typewriter stood, Schoolman's head was crushed, and the blood still flowed from the wound onto the carpet. A heavy, blood- stained whiskey decanter lay beside the body. From his position, it appeared that Schoolman had been seated in a chair before the typewriter, with his back to the door, when the fatal blow was struck. A single sheet of paper was in (he typewriter with the fig- ures 2 and 3 typed on it. Schoolman had died instantly, and not more than ten minutes the detectives arrived. Mrs Schoolman’s white fur coat lay on the floor, with a pair of white gloves and an evening bag beside it. — I returned from a party just a few minutes ago, she ex- plained. 1 expected Harold to be in because he was expecting a telephone call. I rang the bell but he didn’t answer. 1 thought he was on the phone, and used my key. He was... like that. She covered her face with both hands. Shayne said: — Branson, check Tarleton’s room. «Is it on this floor? — One above. Branson turned to the phone. Shayne looked down at the dead man and the typewriter. — Did you or your husband use this machine, Mrs Schoolman? — I... mostly. ..- What do the figures two and three mean to you? — I don’t know, she said. Branson came from the phone. — Gentleman John has been on the phone in his room chatting with a friend in New York for the past twenty minutes, Shayne nodded. He took out the evening bag that Schoolman had given to him and asked Alice Schoolman. — Have you ever seen this before? She looked at it with surprise. — It’s like mine on the floor. Isn’t it the one Harold grabbed by mistake? Didn’t he explained that to you? 451
— He told me. Shayne opened the bag and withdrew the scrap of paper. He also showed you this. Do you agree that these are proofreader’s marks in the margin? — I suppose so. He said they were. He was a publisher, you know. Shayne told Branson: — Ask the Duchess and Miss Lassalle to come here at once and bring their evening bags with them. In a few minutes Branson turned from the phone. — Miss Lassalle is out. Her maid insists that she has only jew- elled evening bags. The Duchess refuses to come and denies owning such a bag like these. Shayne was looking down at the scrap of paper and the two dig- its on the sheet in the typewriter — I think 1 know why Schoolman typed those two figures. Where is the private safe in this room? Alice Schoolman pointed to a silver dial in the wall above the divan. Shayne went to it, asking her, — What is the combination? — I don’t... know. Harold set it this morning and didn’t tell me. — Can you get the combination? he asked Branson. — Not a chance. Each guest sets his own. It’s a simple one. Just two figures on the dial. You make two full turns to the right and stop. Then back to the second figure you’ve chosen. Shayne turned the dial two full circles to the right* stopped on two and started to turn back to three. — Not that way, said Branson. The first digit has to be larger. You can’t turn back past zero. Shayne made two more full turns, stopped at three. He turned back to two. Nothing happened. He glanced at Alice Schoolman. She was pale and frightened. Shayne went to the typewriter and studied the scrap of paper again. Then he pressed one of the keys of the typewriter. An eight appeared next to the two and three already on the sheet. He pressed another key and had four figures in a rowf two, three, eight, four. 452
He told Branson: — That’s the real message that was hidden in the bag. Not the three underlined words. They were camouflage to draw ab tentlon away from the tour pencilled symbols in the margin, Quotation marks, a space symbol, single quote, a dollar sign.,. He pointed to the symbols on the top row of the top line of keys. — A beautifully simple code. The same key that has quotes is also the figure two. The space symbol is a three. A single quote and a dollar sign — eight and four. — So what? asked Branson. — Try eight and four on the wall safe, said Shayne. When it opens, reach inside and take out the diamond medallion that Gentleman John snatched this afternoon and passed on to his confederate for safe keeping while he was being searched. Branson was on his way to the safe when Alice Schoolman rushed to him like a fury, crying hysterically. — She had to kill her husband, Shayne told Branson later. As soon as she entered the room and saw the sheet of paper in the typewriter with die two and the three typed on it. He’d evi- dently remembered the proof marks and just noticed the posi- tion of those symbols and numbers on the top row of keys. Twenty-three and the combination to the safe, — Whnt was the twenty-three for? asked Branson. — Twenty-three hours. Eleven о‘clock. Those were the two items of information she had to pass on to Tarleton after bring- ing the diamond up and putting it in her own safe this afternoon, The two things they couldn't set beforehand when they planned all this in Boston where Tarleton picked her as his confederate. They couldn’t afford to see each other or speak together in the hotel, yet Tarleton had to know when the room would be vacant and the safe combination- Tarleton knew he'd be watched every moment after the robbery, and bought her another evening bag as a means of passing the information. She had them both with her when she went down tonight. 453
Imagine how Tarleton must have felt when he fol lowed her from the lobby to pick up the information... and had to stand help- lessly by while her husband snatched the bag from her in front of his eyes. To teach his wife a lesson on the perils of carelessness, Shayne ended sardonically. Note: upsetting experience I saw the bag just begging to be sto- len. She had tucked the bag in the crook of her white fur sleeve. to mistake smb for smb different Is there some identification inside? margin galley proof proofreader‘s corrections quotation marks the symbol for more space single quote lobby nail-studded leather door punch bowl to stumble into smb with a record of arrests in every major world capital for suspected jewel thefts to grab woman confederate this bag had been reported stolen bewildered See what you make of the paper in- side. was obviously fighting hard to hold 454 досадный случай Я усидел, что сумочка просто на- прашивается на то, чтобы ее украли. Она сунула сумочку за отворот своего белого мехового манто, принимать кого-либо за другого Есть ли что-нибудь внутри, что подсказало бы, чья она? поля гранка корректорская правка кавычки знак, означающий пробел одинарная кавычка вестибюль обитая кожей дверь чаша с пуншем случайно толкнуть кого-либо с целым списком арестов во всех крупных столицах мира по подоз- рению в краже лрагоцснносгей задержать сообщница поступило заявление о краже этой сумочки озадаченный, сбитый с толку Посмотрим, что ты скажешь о клочке бумаги, которая лежала внутри. очевидно, изо всех сил пыталась
to back tears bloodstained decanter when the fatal blow ют struck denies owning such a bag like these They were camouflage to draw at- tendon away from the four pencilled symbols in the margin. (op raw fury picked her as his confederate peril сдержать слезы окровавленный графин когда был нанесен роковой удар отрицает, что у нее есть сумочка, похожая на эти Это была просто уловка, чтобы отвлечь внимание от сделанных карандашом четырех значков на полях. верхний регистр (на пишущей .маг- ишнке) фурия выбрал ер себе в сообщницы опасность fl Suggested activities a Choose the correct answers; 1 What did Mr Schoolman tell Shayne? 2 What was there in the bag? 3 Who was Gentleman John? 4 Who could steal the diamond medallion, in Branson’s opinion? Fie told him that someone had stolen his wife’s bag. l ie told him that he had stolen a bag. He told him that he had stolen the Mental ba diamond. There was a piece of a letter in it. There was a piece of a newspaper' in it. There was a piece of a galley proof in it, He was a private detective. He was a famous thief. He was the owner of the Splcm dide Hotel. It was Mrs Schoolman who could do that. 455
5 What did Branson learn an- swering the telephone? 6 Whal was Schoolman doing when the blow was struck? 7 Where was Tarleton at the moment of the murder? 8 Who put the medallion into the safe? 9 What did the symbols in the margin of the paper mean? It was Miss Lassalle who could do that It was Tarleton who could do that. He learned that the medallion had been found. He learned that Mr Schoolman had been murdered. He learned that Tarleton had es- caped from the hotel. He was trying to open the safe. He was speaking on the phone. He was typing. He was in the Schoolmans’ room. He was in his room. He was in the lobby. It was Alice Schoolman who did that It was Harold Schoolman who did tlult. It was Tarleton who did that. They meant the safe combination. They meant the time when the room would be vacant, They meant both the safe combi- nation and the time when the room would be vacant. I) Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view: 1 Mr Schoolman said that he bad snatched his wife’s evening bag because he was a cleptomaniac. 2 Alice Schoolman was very careful and she always used the chain not to lose her bag. 3 There were four persons close to the Duchess to steal the medal- lion. 456
4 5 6 7 8 С 1 2 3 4 5 6 'Т |Г (Л 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tarleton was known of always working alone. When Schoolman and his wife were waiting for a taxi Tarleton was speaking on the phone in his room. Tarleton and Alice Schoolman planned the robbery after they met each other at the hotel. Alice Schoolman killed her husband because he had learned what the symbols in the margin meant. The underlined words were camouflage to draw attention away from the four symbols in the margin. Paraphrase the following sentences in English: Th is is the most upsetting experience in my life. I want you to return the bag without publicity. I’ll nose downstairs. A dame stumbled into the Duchess. He got it right under my nose. See what you make of the paper inside. You vc got men on Tarleton. Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to teach, to beg, to shoulder, to mistake, to hold back, to mean, to own. Я решил преподать ей урок. Я увидел, что сумочка просто напрашивается на то, чтобы ее украли. В этот момент какие-то люди протиснулись между нами. Вы приняли другую женщину за вашу жену. Она пыталась сдержать слезы. О чем говорп вам эти цифры? Герцогиня отрицает, что у нее есть подобная сумочка. 4S7
е Тranslate the following sentences using these nouns and adjectives: experience, sight, effect, wrong, mark, confusuon, eyes. Это был самый досадный случай в моей жизни. Я потерял се из виду. Я осуществил свой план. Вы схватили не ту сумочку, Он указал на пометки карандашом. Произошел большой переполох, f Think and answer: 1 Why did Tarleton get the nickname Gentleman John? 2 Do you think it was necessary for Alice Schoolman to kill her hus- band? 3 Why didn’t she get rid of the sheet of paper in the typewriter? 4 Suppose Harold Schoolman had opened the safe just before his wife returned. What would be the end of the story then? 5 Do you think that the way Tarleton used to get the information is very complicated? If so, why did he choose it? й Write down all the facts related to the crime, in chronological order. h Write down all the questions you would ask Mis. Shayne at the interroga- tion. Act out this interrogation, 3 Work in pairs. Imagine one of you is a lawyer and the other Is Tarleton. Act out their talk after Tarleton has been arrested. 458
after Ruth Rendell — Six chests and one trunk will be enough, he said. If you deliver them tomorrow, ГЦ pack up the things and your people will be able to take them on Wednesday, He made a note on a bit of paper. — Fine, round about lunchtime tomorrow. She was still sitting in the big arm-chair at the far end of the room. He made himself look at her and grinned pretending all was well. — I couldn’t believe, she said, that you’d really do it. Not until I heard you on the phone. You’ll really pack up all those things and have them sent off to her. He wasn’t going to argue or make long defensive speeches. He lit a cigarette, thinking that the pubs would be opening soon and he could go out then and get a drink. — 1 don’t understund why you саше here stall, she said, He didn’t answer. She went white. — Just to get your things? Maurice, did you come back just for that? — They are my things, he said evenly. — You could have sent someone else, You could have written to me and asked me to do it.., I never write letters, he said. ......- As if I didn’t know I You were in Australia for a year, and you never wrote to inc once, — I phoned. -..Yes, twice. The first time to say that you loved me and missed me and the second time, a week ago, to say you’d be here by Saturday and could I put you up. My God, I lived with you for two years, we were practically married, and then you phone and ask if 1 could put you up! — Words, he said. How would you have put it? For one thing, I would have mentioned Patricia. I would not have the decency for that. 459
— I did tell you about Patricia. — Not until after you'd made love to me fisrt. He thought that it had been a mistake. Of course he hadn’t meant to touch her beyond the requisite greeting kiss. But she was very attractive and she seemed to expect it. Women never could understand about men and sex. And there was only one bed, wasn’t there? — You made love to me, she said. You were so passionate, and the next morning you told me that you’d got a resident’s permit to stay in Australia, that you’d got a job, and that you’d met a girl you wanted to marry. She got up and began slowly to pace the room. By a small table she stopped. There was a china figurine on it, a bronze paperknife, an onyx pen jar that matched the ashtray. — All those things, she said. I looked after them for you. And now you are going to have them all shipped to her. The things we lived with, I can’t believe it! She picked up the china figurine and hurled it at him, It didn’t hit him because he ducked and let it smash against the wall. She flung herself onto the sofa and burst into sobs. He wasn’t going to be moved by that — he wasn’t going to be moved at all, Once he’d packed those things, he’d spend the next three months in Europe. A free man, free for the fun and the girls. After that, back to Patricia and a home and a job and responsibility. It was a glow- ing future which this hysterical woman wasn’t going to mess up. — Shut up, Betsy, for God’s sake, he said. Then he went out because it was now eleven and he could get a drink. In the night she had got up, found his wallet, taken out the photographs of Patricia, and torn them up. But she remembered her face, pretty and greedy, and she thought of those bright eyes wid- ening as Patricia unpacked the chests and the trunk. He would marry Patricia, of course, Betsy thought. That would be a nice wedding present to give her, along with al! the pretty things in the trunk. Well, why not? Why not rock their marriage before it bad even begun? A letter, A letter to be concealed in, say, that blue-and- white jar. She sat down to write. Dear Patricia — what a stupid way to begin a letter even to your enemy. 460
Dear Patricia: / dan‘t know what Maurice has told you about me, hut w have been living here as lovers ever since he arrived, I mean w have made love, have slept together. Maurice is incapa- ble of being faithful to anyone. If you don't believe me, ask your- self why, if he didn’t want met he didn’t stay in a hotel. That's all Yours — and she signed her name and felt a little better. Six chests and a trunk arrived on the following day. The trunk was made of silver-coloured metal and had clasps of gold-coloured metal It was rather big, and the lid fitted so securely that it seemed hermetic. Maurice began to pack at two o’clock. He filled the chests with kitchen equipment and cups and plates, with books and clothes. Betsy didn’t help him. She watched, chain-smoking. He nailed the lids on the chests and on each lid he wrote his address in Aus- tralia. But he didn’t write his own name. He wrote Patricia’s. This wasn’t done to needle Betsy but he was glad to see it was needling her. He hadn’t come back to the flat till one that morning, and of course he didn’t have a key. Betsy had refused to let him in, and he had to sit in the car he had hired till seven, — Don’t forget your jar, said Betsy. 1 don’t want it. — That’s for the trunk. All the pretty things are going in the trunk as a special present for Patricia. He wrapped the onyx ashtray and the pen jar, the alabaster bowk the bronze paperknife, the tiny Chinese cups, the tall glasses. He opened the lid of the trunk. — 1 wish the customs to open it and confiscate things! Betsy shouted at him. — As lor the customs, he said, Patricia is a customs officer — didn’t 1 tell you? I very much doubt if they’ll even glance inside, He wrote a label and pasted it on the side of rhe trunk. Miss Patricia Gordon, 23 Burwood Park Avenue, Kew... — And now I’ll have to go out and get a padlock. If you try to keep me out this time, I’ll call the police. 461
When he had gone she put her letter in the blue-and-white jar. She expected him to close the trunk at once, but he didn’t, Me left it open, the lid thrown back, the new padlock dangling from the clasp. — Is there anything to eat? he said, — Go and find some other woman to feed you! He liked her to be angry; it was her love he feared. He came back at midnight to find the flat in darkness, and he lay down on the sofa with the chests standing about him like barricades. Suddenly Betsy came in. She didn’t put on the light. She made her way between the chests, carrying a candle in a saucer which she set down on the trunk. — Maurice. — Go away, Betsy, Гт tired. — Maurice, please. Гт sorry I said all those things. I’m sorry [ locked you out. — OK, Гт sorry too. Maybe I shouldn’t have done it the way I did. But the best way for me is just to go. And now will you go away and let me get some sleep? What happened next he hadn’t expected. It hadn’t crossed his mind. Men don’t understand about women and sex. She threw her- self on him and began kissing his neck, his mouth, He gave her a savage push. She fell and struck her head on the side of the trunk. The candle fell off and died. He put on the light and she got up, holding her head where there was a little blood. — Oh, get out, for God’s sake, he said, and he manhandled her out, slamming the door after her. In the morning, when she came into the room, with a blue bruise of her forehead, he was asleep. She shuddered at the sight of him. She began to get breakfast but she couldn't eat anything. When she went back to him he was sitting up on the sofa, looking at his plane ticket to Paris. — The men are coming for the things at ten, he said as if nothing had happened, and they’d better not be late. 1 have to be at the airport at noon, —You’d better close the trunk, she said absent-mindedly. — All in good time. I’ve got a letter to put in yet. 462
— You never write letters. — Just a note. One can’t send a present without a note to ac- company it, can one? He pulled the Jar out of the trunk, pulled out her letter without even glancing at it, and threw it on the floor. Making sure that Betsy could see, lie wrote across a sheet of paper: Ail this is for you, darling Patricia, for ever and ever. ...Now I hate you, she said. He took a large angle lamp out of the trunk and set it on the floor. He put the note into the jar and tucked it in between the tow- els and cushions. Then he turned round for the lamp. It wasn’t there. She was holding it in both hands. I want you to give it to me, he said. Suddenly she raised the lamp and struck him with it on the forehead. He staggered and she struck him again, and again, and again, raining blows on his face and his head. He screamed, cov- ering his face with bloody hands. Then with all her strength she gave him a great blow and he fell to his-knees, rolled over and at lust was stilled and silenced. There was quite a lor of blood, though it quickly stopped flawing. She stood there looking at him and sobbing. She was cov- ered with blood, She tore off her clothes and dropped them in a heap around her. for a moment she knelt beside him, naked and weeping, speaking his name, biting her fingers. But self-preservation is the primal instinct, more powerful than love and sorrow, hatred or regret. The time was nine o’clock, and in an hour those men would come. Betsy fetched water in a bucket, detergent and a sponge. She thought of nothing, working hard. When the carpet was dean, the lamp washed and dried and polished, she threw her clothes into the basket in the bathroom and had a bath. She dressed carefully and brushed her hair. Fifteen minutes to ten. Everything was clean, but (he dead thing still lay there on a pile of reddened newspapers. She opened the trunk, took out almost every thing Maurice had put in, drew the dead body closer to the trunk............... Soon the dead was Inside and the reddened newspapers covered him. 463
— I loved him, she said aloud-1 hated him. The men were punctual. They came at ten sharp, They carried the chests and the trunk downstairs. When they had gone, Betsy sat down on the sofa. She looked at the angle lamp, the onyx pen jar and ashtray, the blue-mid-white jar, the alabaster bowl, the glasses, the bronze paperknife and the little Chinese cups. She was quite calm now. She thought of the future, of the three months hence, and laughed. Miss Patricia Gor- don, 23 Burwood Park Avenue, Kew, Victoria, Australia 3101. The pretty, greedy face, the hands so eager to undo that padlock to find the treasure within... And how interesting that treasure would be in three months’ time, like nothing Miss Patricia Gordon had seen in all her life!' It was as well, so that she would recognize it, that it carried on top of it a note in a familiar hand: All this is for you, darling Patricia, for ever and ever. Note: trunk to put smb up decency Of course he hadn V meant to touch her beyond the requisite greeting kiss. resident's permit to pace the room china figurine to fling oneself to burst Into sobs lo rack incapable of being faithful clasp the lid fitted so securely that it seemed hermetic to chainsmoke bowl дорожный сундук принимать кого-либо, давать кому- либо приют порядочность Конечно же, он не собирался захо- дить дальше этого необходимого приветствен и ого 1 юцелуя. разрешение rut постоянное проживание шагать по комнате, мерять шагами комнату фарфоровая статуйка броситься разразиться рыданиями зд, расстроить неспособный хранить верность застежка крышки прилегала настолько плотно, что казалась герметичной курить одну сигарету за другой кубок, чинш 464
If hue'll17 сгош/ his mind. • lie gave her a savage push, bruise to shudder ubsent-inindedly tingle lamp tn stagger blow selj-preservatiou the three months hence Это не пришло ему в голову. Он грубо ее оттолкнул, синяк, кровоподтек содрогаться рассеянно настольная лампа шататься удар самосохранение через три месяца I Suggested activities 1 What did Maurice come to Eietsy for? 2 To whom did Maurice want to send his things? 3 Why did Maurice want to go to Paris after leaving Betsy? 4 I low did Betsy happen to get a bruise он her fore- head? 5 What did Betsy put into the jar? 6 How did Betsy kill Maurice? Не came to her to borrow money. He came to tell her that he wanted to marry her. He came to take away his things. Me wanted to send them to his sister. He wanted to send them to his lover. He wanted to send them to his par- ents . He had a very important appoint- ment there. He was going to visit his aunt. He just wanted to amuse himself. She stumbled into one of the chests and fell down. Maurice struck her with the angle lamp. Maurice pushed her and she fell down. She put her own photograph there. She put her letter there. She put both her photograph and her letter there. She killed him with a knife. She struck him with the onyx ashtray. She struck him with the lamp. If' Alll HUkMlH .tiJH HijUlvlOli 465
7 What did Betsy do after she had killed Maurice? She escaped from the place at once. She called the police. She put the body into the trunk, b Say И you agree or disagree and support your point of view: 1 Maurice and Betsy were married. 2 Maurice told Betsy about Patricia on the phone. 3 Maurice came to Betsy to pack his things and have them sent off to Patricia. 4 Betsy wanted to ruin Maurice’s marriage. 5 Maui ice pulled Betsy’s letter out of the jar and read it attentively. 6 Maurice’s death was just an accident, c Paraphrase the following In English: 1 He wasn’t going to be moved by that. 2 She watched, chain-smoking. 3 11 had n ’ t crossed h i s m i nd. d Translate the following sentences using these nouns and adjectives: good, way, savage, sight, sharp, Все в свое время. Она протиснулась между ящиками. Он грубо оттолкнул ее. Она содрогнулась при виде его. Они пришли ровно в десять, е Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to go, to put, to match, to make, to burst, to cross, to die. Она побледнела, А как бы ты выразилась? Карандашница составляла пару с пепельницей. 466
f 1 2 3 4 б 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 I it* Он не собирался произносить длинных речей. Она разразилась рыданиями. Это не пришло ему в голову. Свеча упала и погасла. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the verb to put My God, I lived with you for two years, we were practically mar-, ried, and then you phone and ask if I could put you up! How would you have put it? When he had gone she put her letter in the jar. He put on the light and she got up, holding her head. Think and answer: Do you feel sympathy for either of the two main characters? Why? Why was Maurice more attracted to Patricia than to Betsy? What will Betsy do if a murder investigation begins and all the evi- dence points to her? Will she try to run away or not? Imagine that you are Betsy’s older sister or a lawyer. What would you advise her to do in this situation? Suppose that when Maurice pushes Betsy away, she hits her head hard and is killed. What would be the end of the story then? What do you think Patricia did after she opened the frunk. Do you think Betsy was arrested? Imagine Betsy is being tried, Write down the first speech she made at the trial. Write down the questions she might be asked. Act out the trial Work in pairs. Discuss the sentence Betsy faced. 467
The Impossible «Impossible» Crime after Edward D. Hoch Pin no detective. But when you are living all alone with one other man, 200 miles from the nearest settlement, and one day that only other man is murdered — well, that's enough to make a de- tective out of anybody. His name was Charles Fuller, and my name is Henry Bowfort, Charlie was a full professoral Boston University when I met him, teaching an advanced course in geology while he worked on a volume concerning the effects of permafrost on mineral deposits, 1 was an assistant in his department, and we became friends at once. Perhaps our friendship was helped along by the fact that I was newly married to a very beautiful blonde named Grace who caught his eye from the very beginning, Charlie’s own wife divorced him some ten years earlier, and he was at the stage of his life when any sort of charming feminine companionship aroused his basic maleness. Fuller was at his early forties at the lime, a good ten years older than Grace and me, and he often talked about the project closest to his heart. — Before I’m too old for it, he said, I want to spend a year above the permafrost line, And one day he announced that he would be spending his sabbatical at a research post in northern Canada, near the western shore of Hudson Bay. — I’ve been given a grant for eight months’ study, he said. It’s a great opportunity. 1*11 never have another like it. — You’re going up there alone? Grace asked. — Actually, I expect your husband to accompany me, I must have looked я bit startled, — Kight months in the wilds of nowhere with nothing but snow? And Charlie Fuller smiled. — Nothing but snow. How about it, Grace? Could you give him up for eight months? 468
— If he wants to go» she answered loyally. She had never tried to stand in the way of anything I’d wanted to do. We talked about it for a long time that night, but I already knew I was hooked. 1 was on my way to northern Canada with Charlie Fuller. The cabin — when we reached it by plane and boat and snowmobile ~~ was a surprisingly comfortable place, well stocked with enough provisions for a year’s stay. We had two-way radio contact with the outside world, plus necessary medical supplies and a bookcase full of reading material, all provided by the foun- dation that was financing the permafrost study, The cabin consisted of three large‘rooms — a laboratory for our study, a combination living-room-an d-kitchen, and a bedroom with a bath in one corner. We’d brought our own clothes, and Fuller had brought a rifle, too, to discourage animals. The daily routine with Charlie Fuller was great fun at first. He was surely a dedicated man, and one of the most intelligent I’d ever known. We rose early in the morning, had breakfast together and then went off in search of ore samples. And the best of all in those early days, there was the constant radio communication with Grace. Her almost nightly messages brought a touch of Boston to the Northwest Territory. But after a time Grace’s messages thinned to one or two a week, and finally to one every other week, Fuller and 1 began to get on each other’s nerves, and often in the mornings I was awak- ened by the sound of rifle fire as he stood outside the cabin door taking random shots at the occasional owl or ground squirrel that wandered near. We still had the snowmobile, but it was 200 miles to the nearest settlement at Caribou, making a trip into town out of the question, Once, during the evening meal, Fuller said, — Bet, you miss her, don’t you, Hank? — Grace? Sure I miss her. It’s been a long time. — Think she’s sitting home nights waiting for us — for you? I put down my fork. — What’s that supposed to mean, Charlie? 469
— noth ing — nothing at all. But the rest of the evening passed under a cloud. By this time we had been up there nearly five months, and it was just too long. It was fantastic, it was unreasonable, but there began to de- velops between us a sort of rivalry for my wife. An unspoken ri- valry, to be sure, a rivalry for a woman nearly 2,000 miles away — but still a rivalry. — What do you think she’s doing now, l lank? or — 1 wish Grace were here tonight. Warm the place up a bit. Right, Hank? Finally one evening in January, when a heavy snow had made us stay in the cabin for two long days and nights, the rivalry came to a head. Charlie Fuller was seated at the wooden table we used for meals and paperwork, and 1 was in my usual chair facing one of the windows. — We’re losing a lot of heat out of this place, [ said. Look at those icicles. — I’ll go out later and knock them down, he said, I could tell he was in a bad mood and suspected he'd been drinking from our supply of Scotch. — Wc might make the best of each other, I said. We’re stuck here for another few months together. — Worried, Hank? Anxious to be back in bed with Grace? — Let’s cut out the cracks about Grace, huh? I’m getting sick of it, Charlie. — And Pm sick of you, sick of th is place! — Then let’s go back. — In this storm? — We’ve got the snowmobile. — No, This is one project I can’t walk out on, — Why not? Is it worth this torture day after day? — You don’t understand. I didn’t start out life being a geolo- gist. My field was biology, and I had great plans for being a re- search scientist at some major pharmaceutical house. They pay very well, you know, 470
— What happened? — The damnedest thing, Hank. 1 couldn’t work with ani- mals. t couldn’t experiment on them, kill them. I don't think I could ever kill a living thing. — What about the animals and birds you shoot at? — That's just the point, Hank, 1 neves’ hit them! I try (o, but I purposely miss! That’s why I went into geology. That was the only field in which I wouldn’t make a fool of myself. — You couldn’t make a fool of yourself, Charlie. Even if we went back today, the university would still welcome you. You’d still have your professorship. — I’ve got to succeed at something, Hank. Don't you under- stand? It’s too late for another failure — too late in life to start over again! He didn’t mention Grace the rest of that day, but I had the sensation that he hadn’t just been talking about his work. His first marriage had been a failure, loo. Was he trying to tell inc he had to succeed with Grace? I slept poorly that night, first because Charlie had decided to walk around the cabin at midnight knocking icicles from the roof, and then because the wind had changed direction and howled in .the chimney. I got up once after Charlie was in bed, to look outside, but the windows were frosted over by the wind- driven snow, and I could sec nothing. Toward morning I drifted into an uneasy sleep, broken now and then by the bird sounds which told me that the storm had ended. I heard Charlie preparing breakfast, though I paid little • attention, trying to get a bit more sleep. Then, sometime later, I sprang awake, knowing I had heard it. A shot! Could Charlie be outside again, firing at the animals? I waited for some other sound, but nothing reached my ears ex- cept the perking of the coffee pot on the gas stove. Finally I got out of bed and went into the other room. Charlie Fuller was seated in my chair at the table, staring at the wall. A tiny stream of blood was running down his forehead and into one eye. He was dead. 471
It took me some moments to comprehend the fact of his death, and even after I had located the bullet wound just above his hairline, I still could not accept the reality of it. My first thought had been suicide, but then ! saw this was impossible. The bullet had obviously killed him instantly, and there was no gun any- where in sight — in fact. Fuller’s rifle was missing from its usual place in the corner near the door. But if not suicide, what? There was no other explanation. Somehow he had killed him- self. I switched on the radio and sent a message to the effect, tell- ing them I'd bring in the body by snowmobile as soon as I could. Then, as I was starting to pack iny things, I remembered the coffee. Do men about to commit suicide start making breakfast? Do they put a pot of coffee on the stove? And then I had to face it. Charlie Fuller had not killed him- self, it seemed impossible — but there it was. I sat down opposite the body, then got up to cover it with a blanket, and then sat down again. What were all the possibilities? Suicide, accident, murder — as simple as that. Not suicide. Not accident, l ie certainly hadn’t been cleaning his gun at the time. That left only one possibility. Murder. I walked over and crouched behind his chair, trying io see what he must have been seeing in that final moment. And then 1 saw it. Directly opposite, in the center of a frosted window, there was a tiny hole. I hadn’t noticed it before the frost had effectively camouflaged the hole. A few cracks ran from it, but the snow had somehow kept the window from shattering completely. The bullet had come from outside — the mystery was solved! But as soon as I put on my coat and went outdoors, I realized that a greater mystery had taken its place. Though the drifting snow had left a narrow walkway under the roof of the cabin, drifts higher than my head surrouned us on all sides. No one could have approached the cabin through that snow without leaving a visible trail. 472
1 made my way to the window and saw the butt of Fuller’s rifle protruding from the snow. 1 pulled it out and stared at it, wondering what it caufcl tell me. It had been recently fired, it was the murder weapon, but there was nothing more it could say. 1 took it back into the cabin and sat down. Just the two of us, no one else, and somebody had murdered Charlie Fuller. As the day passed into noon, I knew [ would have to be moving soon. But could I go back under the circumstances? Charlie fuller was dead, and L had to discover how it had hap- pened. Pacing the cabin, I knew that the answer must lurk here somewhere, within the walls of our temporary home, 1 went back in my mind over our conversations about Grace, He had loved her, he bad wanted her — of that much I was certain, Could he have committed suicide in such a manner that I would be accused of his murder? No. there were two things against that theory — it wouldn’t get him Grace, and it would n’t get me convicted of the crime. Because even now i could change the scene any way I wanted, invent any story I liked. The police would never even make the crip to the cabin to check my story. I had already called it sub cide in my radio report, but I could change it to accident. And there was no one to call it murder. No one but myself 1 went outside again and started sifting through the snow where I’d found the rifle. But there was nothing — a few bits of icicle, but nothing more, Here and there fuller’s footprints re- mained undr I fled, from Ids icicle-breaking expedition, but I could identify no other prints. If someone had stood at that win- dow to kill Charlie Fuller -... But no one could have! The snow and crystallized frosf had made the window completely opaque. Even if an invisible mur- derer had dropped from the sky4 and somehow got Charlie’s rifle out of the cabin, he could not have fired at Charlie through thnr window because he could not have seen him through it! 473
—------ . ...... 1 ...... I I Ч .............«гя r So I went back inside to (he rifle, emptied it, and tried the trig- ger, It had been adjusted to a hair trigger — the slightest pressure of in у finger was enough to click the hammer on the empty cham- ber. Suddenly I felt that I almost had an answer. 1 stood staring at the blanket-covered figure in the chair» then went outside and looked through the bullet hole at it again. Lined up perfectly, even through an opaque window. And then I knew who had murdered Charlie Fuller. I was staring at his body in the chair, but it was my chair! Twenty minutes later» and I would have been sitting in that very chair, eating breakfast. Charlie would have called me when the coffee was ready, and J would have come out to sit in that chair, as I did every morning. And Charlie Fidler would have killed me. It took me five minutes of sorting through the bits of icicle in the snow under the window to find the one that was something more. It was ice, but ice encased in a tiny heat-sealed plastic pouch. We used pouches of all sizes in the lab for the rock speci- mens we collected* This one had served a different purpose, Charlie had driven one of the icicles into the snow and bal- anced the rifle on top of it — probably freezing it to the icicle with a few drops of water. Then he hud wiped away a tiny speck of frost on the window to line the gun barrel with the chair in which 1 would be sitting. He’d fixed the rifle with й hair trigger, and then jammed the tiny plastic pouch of water between the front of the trigger and the guard. When the water in the pouch froze, the ice expanded against the logger, and the rifle fired through the window at (he chair. The recoil had thrown the rifle free of its icicle support, and the frozen pouch of water had dropped into the snow like a simple piece of ice. And what had gone wrong? Charlie Fuller must have timed the freezing of the water filled pouch, but he probably hadn’t timed it in subzero cold with a wind blowing. The water had simply frozen sooner than he’d planned — while he was sitting in my chair for a moment, adjusting it to the precise position facing the window. ........... ii । И.— h i. нН i ........fif ..Ji. ши .чингц i i« f.—। mu iifw*>1iHiUihj ты, .LtH i 474
But why had he gone to all that trouble to kill me, when we were alone? 1 thought about that all the way back to Caribou in the snowmobile* He’d probably feared that it would be like the animals he’d told me about, that at the final moment he wouldn’t have been able to squeeze the trigger. Perhaps in the night he’d even stood over my bed with his rifle^ unable to go through with it. This way had made it impersonal, like a lab experiment to be set up and ob- served. So Charlie Fuller had murdered himself. But for the authorities, and for Grace, I decided to stick to the suicide story. 1 didn’t think they’d bother too much about things like the absence of powder burns. Under the circumstances, they were stuck with my story, and I wanted to keep it simple. As I said in rhe beginning, Гт no de- tective. Note: permafrost mineral deposit to catch smb’s eye He was at the stage of his life when any sort of channing feminine companionship aroused his basic maleness, sabbatical ore. sample to get on each other’s nerves io come io a head icicle IVe might make the best of each other. Lei's cut out the cracks about Grace. chimney perking h had been adjusted to a hair trig- ger. вечная мерзлота месторождение минералов привлечь чье-либо внимание Он находился на том этапе своей жизни, когда общество любой очаро- вательной женщины пробуждало его мужские инстинкты. годичный отпуск (для научной работы) образец руды действовать друг другу на нервы достигнуть критической точки сосулька Давай-ка потерпим друг друга. Давай прекратим этот треп насчет Грейс. дымовая труба шум (издаваемый водой при прохо- ждении через филыпр кофейника) Он был отрегулирован таким обра- зом, что требовал лишь легкого на- жатия. 475
hummer chamber he ar- mi a led pouch speck barrel iujain guard recoil to stick to smth powder ударник (затвора) патронник теплонепроницаемый мешочек пятнышко ствол, дуло зажимать предохранитель отдача придерживаться чего-либо порох I Suggested activities a Choose the correct answers: 1 In what Held of science did Fuller and Bowfort work? 2 Where was their research post situated? 3 Who was the cause of the ri- valry between the two men? 4 Why didn’t Fuller become a biologist? 6 What facts made Bowfort think that Fuller hadn’t com- mitted suicide? They worked tn the Held of biol- ogy- They worked in the field of medi- cine. They worked in the Held of geol- ogy- It was in Alaska. It was situated in northern Canada. It was located in the Antarctic. It was Fuller’s wife. It was Bow fort’s wife. It was Bowfort's girl-friend. He was not interested in biology al all. His parents were against that. He could not experiment on ani- mals and kill them. There was no weapon beside the dead body. Fuller had started making break- fast. 476
6 7 8 b 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 Where did Bowfort find Fuller’s rifle? Whose footprints did Bowfort find by the cabin? What did Bowfort say in his radio report? The above two above facts made him think so. He found it in the laboratory. He found it in its usual place in the corner near the door. He found it outside in the snow. They were Fuller’s footprints. He found a stranger’s footprints. He discovered both Fuller’s and a stranger’s footprints. He said that Fuller had been nnir- dcred. He said that Fuller had committed suicide. He said that his death had been an accident. Say if you agree or dasagree and support your viewpoint: Grace caught Fuller’s eye from the very beginning. Fuller’s dream was to spend a year above the permafrost line. Fuller and Bowfort began to get on each other’s nerves from the very beginning of their stay at the research post. Bowfort suggested that they should go back, but Fuller refused to do so. Fuller sometimes shot al animals, and he often hit them. One day Bowfort found Fuller dead in the laboratory. There was a lot of snow around the cabin, and nobody could ap- proach it without leaving a visible trail. Though Bowfort was his rival, Fuller had no intention to kill him. The pouch filled with ice was the last clue to reveal the «impossible» crime. Fuller's death was an accident. 477
с 1 2 3 4 5 6 d е t i 2 3 4 5 6 Paraphrase the following sentences in English: We began to get on each other’s nerves. Let’s cut out the cracks about Grace. We might make the best of each other. This is one project 1 can’t walk out on. That’s just the point. I sent a message to the effect. Translate the sentences using these verbs: to catch, to stock, to thin, to face, to miss. Грейс привлекла его внимание с самого начала. В хижине имелся запас продовольствия на год. Послания от Грейс сократились до одного-двух в неделю. Я сидел на своем обычном месте лицом к окну. Ружья на его обычном месте не было. Translate the sentences using these nouns and adjectives: early, question, head, failure, uneasy. Фуллеру в то время было сорок с небольшим. О поездке в город не могло быть и речи. Соперничество достигло критической точки. Его женитьба была неудачной. Я погрузился в беспокойный сон. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the verb fomakp: That’s enough to make a detective out of anybody. It was 200 miles to the nearest settlement, making a trip into town out of the question. We might make the best of each other. That was the only field in which I wouldn’t make a fool of myself. Do men about to commit suicide start making breakfast? I made my way to the window. 478
7 8 й h 1 2 3 4 5 i i The police would never even make the trip to the cabin to check my story. The frost had made the window completely opaque. Write out all the words related to guns and rifles, from the text. Compare your list with those of your group'mates. Think and answer: Do you feel sympathy for Charlie Fuller? Why? Why didn’t Bowfort tell the truth about Fuller’s death in his radio report? Suppose that Fuller kills Bowfort. What would the end of the story be then? Imagine that you are Fuller. Would you decide to kill your rival? Have you ever happened to solve any mystery? What was it? Write a report Henry Bowfort might have written for.the police. Work in pairs: Act out the talk Henry might have had with the law authorities.
f Russian-English Vocabulary A АРБИТР arbiter referee АРБИТРАЖ arbitration АРГУМЕНТАЦИЯ reasoning argumentation - запутайиan involved reasoning Б БЕЗЗАКОНИЕ lawlessness anarchy БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ safety БЛАГОТВОРИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ charity welfare В ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ liaison reciprocity ВЗЯТКА bribe ВИНА blame 480 ВЛАСТЬ authority supremacy - верховнаи sovereignty ВМЕШАТЕЛЬСТВО interference ВОЗМЕЩЕНИЕ reimbursement recovery - денежное, ущерба no суду damages ВОРОВСТВО theft pilferage ВРЕД injury вымоглтмьспю extortion ВЫПИСКА (in документа) abstract ~ in протокола abstract of record г ГАРАНТИЯ guarantee warranty ГОСУДАРСТВО state the body politic
ГРАНИЦА border houndary ~ внешняя external border - внутренняя internal border ДЕЛИКТ (гражданское право- нарушение) tort д ДЕЛО affair action ДОВЕРИЕ confidence ДОГОВОР agreement treaty ДОКАЗАТЕЛЬСТВО evidence proof - вещественное exhibit ДОКУМЕНТ document paper - вегушпелыпш часть premises - текст purport долги debts - безнадежные bad debts ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ amendment ДОСМОТР examination ~ таможенный customs formalities/ examination ДОСТУП access - в судебные учреждения access to courts ~ к произведеншо, изданному в нарушение авторского права access to the pirated work ~ равный equal access ~ свободный free access /IV ЖАЛОБА complaint grievance ЖЕРТВА victim ЖУЛИК con thief ЖЮРИ jury - малое petty jury 481
3 ЗАВЕЩАНИЕ testament will ЗАГОВОР conspiracy ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ (в тюрьму) incarceration ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ (но делу) decision resolution ЗАКОН law act enactment вне закона out of the law without the law ~ ВОЙНЫ law of war ~ истории law of history ~ о бюджетном праве law on budget rights ~ о водопользовании law on water use ~ о всеобщем образовании law on universal education - о главенстве английского монарха над церкошяо (J/zzjz.) Act of Supremacy - о государственном бюджете law on state budget ~ о гражданстве law on citizenship ~ о здравоохранении law on public health ~ о землепользовании law on land use ~ о мерах и весах law on measures and weights ~ о навигации navigation law ~ о налогах law on taxes ~ о продаже товаров (zb/гл.) Sale of Goods Act - о прокурорском надзоре law on procuracy supervision ~ о содействии торговле (Англ,) Trade Facilities Act - о суде law on the court - о судоустройстве law on court organisation ~ об аграрной реформе law on agrarian reform ~ об изменении норм нрава, отноенщ и хс и к испод пей и ю договоров (ЛНг’Л.) Law Не form Enforcement of Contracts Act ~ об охоте law on hunting ~ об охране труда law on labour protection ~ природы law of nature - причинности law of causality O2
ЗАЛОГ deposit pledge security ЗАПРЕТ prohibition ban ЗАПРЕЩЕНИЕ prohibition ЗАЩИТА defense protection advocate ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ statement ~ под присягой sworn statement ЗЛОДЕЙСТВО crime evil deed ЗЛОДЕЯНИЕ crime ЗЛОУМЫШЛЕННИК plotter malefactor ЗЛОУПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ abuse ~ властью abuse of authority - гражданским процессом abuse of (civil) process ~ доверием abuse of confidence ~ имуществом, взятым в обеспечение выполнения обязательства abuse of distress и ИММУНИТЕТ (непри- коеновенностъ) immunity ~ дипломатический diplomatic immunity ~ личности personal immunity ~ парламентский parliamentary immunity ~ президентский presidential immunity ~ члена конгресса congressional immunity ИМУЩЕСТВО property assets ~ несостоятельного должни- ка/ обанкротившейся фир- мы assets ~ налог на property tax ИСК claim ИСКАЖЕНИЕ distortion ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЕ exception ИНСПЕКТИРОВАНИЕ survey ИНСТРУКЦИЯ regulations 481
к КОДЕКС code (of law) codex ~ гражданский civil code ~ о семье Code of Laws on the Family - о труде Code of Laws on Labour ~ об опеке Code of Laws on Guardianship ~ о льготах военнослужащих Code of Exemptions for Military Servicemen ~ процессуальный code of practice ~ уголовный penal/criminal code комиссия panel ~ конфликтная arbitration tribunal КОМПЕТЕНЦИЯ expertise КОНТРАБАНДА smuggling contraband goods - ввозить что-либо to smuggle smth into a country - вывозить что-либо to smuggle smth out of a country КОНТРАБАНДИСТ smuggler КОНТРАКТ contract - переуступки contract of assignment КОНФИСКАЦИЯ forfeiture КОНФЛИКТ conflict dispute ~ трудовой labour/industrial/tradc dispute КОРПОРАЦИЯ corporation - как юридическое лицо corporate body body corporate КРИТЕРИЙ criterion criteria QV,) Л ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ license licence ~ импортная import license ~ экспортная export license ЛИЦО person {Lal.) persona, personae (p/.) ~ должностное functionary фиктивное, подставное straw man 484
~ юридическое entity body legal persona/person личность identity установить ~ to identify smb M МЕМОРАНДУМ, УСТАВ ЮРИДИ- ЧЕСКОГО ЛИЦА/ АКЦИОНЕР НОГО ОБЩЕСТВА (документ. представляемый к регистрации и определяющий внешние отношения компании) memorandum of association МЕРЫ measures - принудительные enforcement measures МОШЕННИК fraud imposter impostor МОШЕННИЧЕСТВО fraud - с контрактом contract fraud H НАДЗОР surveillance НАКАЗАНИЕ penalty infliction. НАЛОГ tax duty ~ акцизный excise tax ~ включенный в стоимость товара buried tax ~ единый single tax ~ на добавленную стоимость value added tax - на унаследованную недви- жимость real estate duty ~ начисленный, но не уплаченный accrued and unpaid tax ~ с корпораций corporate tax - co стоимости ad valorem tax ~ уравнительный equalization tax НАМЕРЕНИЕ intention НАРУШЕНИЕ violation contravention infringement breach ~ существенное substantial breach НАСЛЕДСТВО patrimony inheritance НАЧАЛЬНИК superior 485
НЕСООТВЕТСТВИЕ disparity о ОБВИНЕНИЕ charge prosecution ОКМАН deception fraud ОБЫСК search ОБЯЗАННОСТЬ liability incumbent ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВО liability for a duty - долговое bond - необеспеченное долговое (США) debenture ОГРАНИЧЕНИЕ restriction ОКРУГ СУДЕБНЫЙ circuit ~ в котором должно слушать- ся дело venue опись inventory ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ definition ~ точное adequate definition ОРГАН body ~ административным administration body ~ арбитражный arbitral body ~ вспомогательный auxiliary body ~ выборным elected body ~ законодательный legislative body ~ контролирующий supervisory body ~ надлежащий appropriate body ~ самоуправления autonomous body ~ совещательный advisory/ deliberate body ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ organisation body ~ правосубъектная corporate body, body corporate ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЕ release ОСКОРБЛЕНИЕ abuse - действием assault and battery ~ словесное с угрозой физиче- ским насилием assault 486
ОТВЕТ response ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬ (legal) liability burden blame consequences ОТМЫВАНИЕ ДЕНЕГ money laundering ОТСТАВКА resignation retirement ОЦЕНКА estimate ОЧЕРЕДНОСТЬ ДЕЛ order of priority ОШИБКА mistake error inaccuracy П ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ negotiations ПЕРЕУСТУПКА assignment ПИСЬМЕННОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО ПО ДЕЛУ rccord(s) ПЛАТЕЖ payment ПОДАННЫЙ subject ПОДЛИННОСТЬ identity authenticity ПОДОЗРЕВАЕМЫЙ suspect ПОДПИСЬ signature ~ вторая countersignature ~ комтролывгш countersignature ~ первая first signature - уполпомоченмси'о лица authorised signature ПОЖЕРТВОВАНИЕ donation ПОИСКИ search ПОКАЗАНИЕ evidence ~ спиде сельское proof ПОПРАВКА amendment ПОРИЦАНЦВ blame ПОРУЧЕНИЕ СУДЕБНОЕ О ДО- ПРОСЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЯ rogatory ПОСЛЕДСТВИЕ consequence ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ decision ~ обязательные regulations - суда ruling ПОХИЩЕНИЕ abduction - жешциш с целью жениться abduction with intent to marry 487
~ насильственное abduction by violence ~ путем открытого применения наем л ня abduction by open violence ~ с помощью обмана abduction by fraud ПРАВИЛО rule. ПРАВО law right entitlement ~ автора right of author - акционерное law of association. ~ брать на поруки right to take on surety ~ вещное law of property - взыскателя right of recovercr ~ владения right of possesssion - выделения доли имущества right to apportion - голоса right to vote ~ государственной собствен- ности right of state ownership - гражданское civil law ** договорное law of contracts - должника right of debtor ~ законодательной и ниц ни- ти вы right of legislative initiative ~ залога right of pledge ~ защитника right of defender ~ коалиции right of coalition ~ л и ли oii собственности right of personal ownership ~ международной торгенлн international trade law - морское maritime law - ня вето right to veto - па защиту right to defence ~ ня избранно eligibility - и а имущество right to property ~ на иск right to sue - на нейтралитет right to neutrality наследования law of in her i lance ~ обвиняемого right of accused ~ обжалования right of appeal 488
- общее common law - пользовании right of use ~ НОМНПОuhunн right of pardon ~ прецедентное case law judge-made law ~ процессуальное ad jective law law of procedure ~ регулирующее оборотные документы law of negotiable instruments - ридресса (иенравленил. вос- ('тишнлтия, удоем творения) right of redress - собственности title law of property - справедливости (law of) equity - торговое trade law law merchant commercial law mercantile law business law (Am) человека human right - экон омическое economic law ПРАВОМОЧНОСТЬ competence ПРАВОНАРУШЕНИЕ delinquency delict ПРАВОСПОСОБНОСТЬ capacity ПРЕВЫШЕНИЕ ПРАВ, ПОЛНО- МОЧИЙ ultra vires (to.) ПРЕДПИСАНИЕ precept ПРЕДПОСЫЛКА prerequisite background ПРЕДШЕСТВЕННИК predecessor ПРЕДЬЯВИТЕЛЬ bearer ПРЕСЛЕДОВАНИЕ (СУДЕБНОЕ) prosecution ~ злонамеренное судебное malicious prosecution ~ необоснованное судебное unfounded/ unwarranted prosecution ~ обоснованное судебное warranted prosecution - уголовное prosecution ofcrime ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЕ УГОЛОВНОЕ crime offence misd emeaiiouг (миедтинор) felony (фелония) ПРЕСТУПНИК criminal perpetrator (of crime) 489
~ малолетний juvenile offender delinquent ПРЕСТУПНОСТЬ criminality ~ несовершеннолетних juvenile delinquency ПРЕТЕНДЕНТ applicant ПРИГОВОР judgement ~ вы несенный без участия присяжных summary conviction ПРИКАЗ order ~ о возобновлении дела производством order of reviver суда о принятии дела к своему производству order of jurisdiction - судебный order of court ПРИНУЖДЕНИЕ enforcement ПРИОРИТЕТ priority ПРИСВОЕНИЕ embezzlement conversion ПРОБЛЕМА issue ПРОЕКТ draft - закона draft law ~ кодекса 490 draft code ~ контракта draft contract ~ соглашения draft agreement ПРОНИКНОВЕНИЕ infiltration ПРОТОКОЛ records ~ дактилоскопической регистрации record of fingerprint ~ заседания присяжных record of the jury ~ снятия следов йог record of footprint ~ судебный /судебного заседания по делу record of trial ПУНКТ provision ПЫТКА torture P РАЗНОГЛАСИЕ dispute РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ permit РАСКРЫТИЕ disclosure revelation РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ investigation
РАСТРАТА (незаконное присвое- ние) misappropriation РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ regulatioia РЕЗОЛЮЦИЯ resolution РЕПУТАЦИЯ reputation РЕСТИТУЦИЯ (воссташюлен ив первоначального положения) restitution РОСПУСК dismissal РУЧАТЕЛЬСТВО warranty С САМОУБИЙСТВО suicide САНКЦИЯ approval assent ~ королевская (одобрение мо- нархом Англии закош троек- /на, принятого обеими нала- /нами парламента, после чего законопроект становится законом) royal assent свидетельское показание (св пдетельскне показания) evidence* testimony СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО certificate - нотариальное certificate of acknowledgment о браке certificate for marriage ~ об аннулировании чего- либо certificate of annulment ~ о расторжении брака certificate of annulment ~ о назначении certificate of appointment ~ о рождения certificate of birth ~ регпстровое/судебмое certificate of purchase СДЕЛКА transaction deaS bargain СЕССИЯ session sitting term выездная, суда circuit СИЛА force ~ грубая brute force СЛЕД trace СЛУЖБА service ~ разведывательная intelligence (service) - таможенная customs 491
СОБЛЮДЕНИЕ adherence СОВЕСТЬ conscience ~ нечистая bad/evil conscience ~ чистая good conscience СОГЛАСИЕ agreement compliance consent СОГЛАШЕНИЕ agreement СОУЧАСТИЕ complicity СПИСОК list - полный exhaustive list ~ присяжных panel СРЕДСТВО means ~ судебной защиты remidy СРОК time term period ~ тюремного заключения prison sentence СТОРОНА side party ~ подписавшая контракт party to the contract ~ подписавшая соглашение/ договор/коивенцню signatory СУБЪЕКТ ПРАВА legal persona/person СУД court ~ арбитражный arbitrary court arbitration ~ верховный supreme court ~ первой инстанции court of first instance ~ по делам несовершеннолет- них juvenile court - уголовный criminal court СУДОПРОИЗВОДСТВО (legal) proceedings СУДЬЯ judge ~ третейский referee T ТЕНДЕНЦИЯ tendency ТОРГОВЕЦ merchant trader dealer tradesman trafficker 492
- наркотиками drugs trafficker ~ оптовый wholesaler ТОЧНОСТЬ accuracy precision У УБИЙСТВО murder ~ предумышленное manslaughter УБИЙЦА murderer ~ наемный assassin УБЫТКИ losses damages УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ notice УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ certificate ~ личности identity card ~ таможни на право обратно- го получении импортной пошлины в случае реэкс- порта импортного товара customs debenture УКАЗ enactment УКЛОНЕНИЕ evasion УПРАВЛЕНИЕ administration authorities board ~ главное headquarters УСЛОВИЕ condition term stipulation provision УСЛУГИ services УСМОТРЕНИЕ discretion УСТАВ regulations charter УСТУПКА concession УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ institution - благотворительное charity (institution) УЩЕРБ detriment disadvantage harm Ф ФАЛЬШИВКА forged document ФАЛЬСИФИКАЦИЯ forging falsification forgery counterfeit ФОРМАЛЬНОСТИ formalities 493
X ХИЩЕНИЕ embezzlement ХОДАТАЙСТВО intercession petition ц ЦЕНЗ qualification ЦЕССИЯ (передача) cession ~ имущества cession of property ~ прав cession of rights ч чиновник official officer clerk ~ налоговый assessor Ш шпион spy ШПИОНАЖ espionage ШТАМП НА ДОКУМЕНТЕ stamp ШТРАФ fine penalty Э ЭКСПЕРТИЗА expert opinion (expert) examination ЭКСТРАДИЦИЯ (выдача преступника другому госу- дарству) extradition ю ЮРИСДИКЦИЯ jurisdiction ЮРИСКОНСУЛЬТ legal adviser ЮСТИЦИЯ justice я ЯВКА appearance presence place of secret meeting ЯД poison
£ List of Books and Dictionaries 1. Андрианов C.H, Берсон A.C., Никифоров A.C. Англо- русский юридический словарь. — М,: Русский язык, 1993. 2. Батлер У Русско-английский юридический словарь — М.: Зерцало, 1995, 3. Назаров В. Курс юридического перевода по англо- американскому торговому праву. — М.: Инфосерв, 1994. 4. Толковый русско-английский юридический словарь бизнес- мена — М.: Контракт, 1993, 5. Шевелева С.А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс — М,: ЮНИТИ, 1997. 6. Шевелева С,А., Скворцова МВ. 1000 фраз. Деловая пере- писка на английском языке. — М,: ЮНИТИ, 1995. 7. Just English / Под ред. Т.Н. Шишкиной. — М.: Тейс, 1997. 8. Riley A. English for Law — New York, London: Phoenix, 1996.
Учебное пособие Шевелева Светлана Александровна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДЛЯ ЮРИСТОВ Редактор Клебче Оформление художника А.В. Лебедева Оригинал-макет изготовлен в ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВЕ Ю НИТИ-ДАНА Лицензия серия ИД № 03562 от 19.12.2000 г. Подписано в печать 10.07.1999, Формат 60x845 1/16 Усл. печ. л. 31,0. Уч.-изд. л. 23,9 Доп, тираж 3 000 эка. Заказ № 4536 ООО «ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ЮНИТИ-ДАНА» Генеральный директор В.Н. Закаидзе F 123298, Москва, ул, Ирины Левченко, 1 Тел. (095) 194'00-15, Тел/факс (095) 194-00-14 www.unity-dana.riT E-mail: unky@ uni ty-dima.ru Отпечатано на ФГУП ИПК «Ульяновский Дом печати» 432980, г. Ульяновск, ул. Гончарова, 14
1 _ , . ‘-‘т . ’ “ " “ ™r — ь j- rrw- ™ ' Classification of Crimes I’ _ . Capital crime Преступление, наказуемое смертной казнью Common law crimes Преступления по общему праву Crime against humanity Преступление против человечества Crime against law of nations Преступление по международному праву Crime against nature Противоестественное преступление Crime against property Преступление против собственности Crime of omission Преступное бездействие Crime of passion Преступление по страсти Crime of violence Насильственное преступление Crimes mala in se (Lat.) Деяния, преступные по своему характеру Crimes ma/a prohibita (Cat.) Деяния, преступные в силу запрещенное™ законом Felony Уголовное преступление, фелония (категория тяжких преступниц, по степени опасности м&кйу аосубар&теиной изменой и мисдиминором) Infamous crime Бесчестящее, позорящее преступление Misdemeanour Мисдиминор, судебно наказуемый Проступок, преступление (хдатао/хя нште опаснь IX преступлений, грвничшцщ с пбминистрллтиетми правонарушениями) Organised crime Организованное преступление Quasi crimes Квазипреступ л е ния Statutory crime Преступление по статутному праву White-collar crime «Беловоротничковое» преступление (rtpecrnyrtiмахинации, ожришиоя служащим оло лицам, зднцмвйщши вь.ютои oftwcriNnwoe положа rt/e)
Criminals Criminal of war Accidental criminal Accused criminal Adult criminal Amateur criminal Born criminal Career criminal Common criminal Computer criminal Dangerous criminal Detected criminal Drug criminal Established criminal Experienced criminal Fugitive criminal Incidental criminal International criminal Neurotic criminal Petty criminal Red’handed criminal Relapsed criminal Sophisticated criminal State criminal Street criminal War criminal Военный преступник Случайный преступник Преступник, обвиняемый в совершении данного преступления Совершеннолетний преступник Престу п н як- ди лета нт Прирожденный преступник Профессиональный преступник Обычный преступник, субъект общеуголовного преступления Лицо, совершившее преступление или совершающее преступления с использованием компьютера Опасный преступник Обнаруженный преступник Лицо, совершившее преступление в связи с наркотиками, преступник-наркоман Установленный (судом) преступник Опытный преступник Беглый (скрывающийся от правосудия) преступник Случайный преступник Международный преступник Преступник-невротик Мелкий преступник Преступник, пойманный с поличным Рецидивист Изощренный преступник 1. Государственный, политический преступник 2. Субъект преступления по уголовному праву штата (США) Уличный преступник , Военный преступник _________