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Welcome HOW TO CONTACT US Subscriptions, binders and back issues 03330 162119* Mon–Fri 9am–5pm Goodbye to long-serving Paul – and hello to darker skies! This issue, we bid a fond farewell to our reviews editor Paul Money, who is retiring after 17 years on the team. Paul’s enthusiasm and passion for the night sky meant that he arranged the sourcing and shipping of close to 1,000 review items, personally tested almost 250 pieces of kit, wrote more than 40 features and appeared in 150 podcast episodes. It’s a remarkable achievement and I’m sure you’ll join me in thanking him. Good luck in all your future adventures, Paul! Speaking of adventures, many of us have one particular item on our bucket list of sights we want to see: the aurora. These dazzling light displays have recently been witnessed from Cornwall in the UK to California in the US, places never normally treated to such shimmering green spectacles. On page 32, Ezzy Pearson explores the reasons behind these increasingly widespread displays and looks ahead to what promises to be an aurora season like no other. The residents of Presteigne and Norton in mid-Wales are now much better able to see any aurorae above them, thanks to the work they’ve done to protect their dark skies. Indeed, the two neighbouring FRPPXQLWLHVUHFHQWO\EHFDPHWKHƅUVWLQWKH8.RXWVLGH6FRWODQGWR be awarded International Dark Sky Community status. On page 36, lighting designer Kerem Asfuroglu explains how local residents there, as well as in two other communities, came together to get big wins LQWKHƅJKWDJDLQVWOLJKWSROOXWLRQWRSURWHFWWKHLUGDUNVNLHV Enjoy the issue! Chris Bramley, Editor *Calls from landlines will cost up to 9p per minute. Call charges from mobile phones will cost between 3p and 55p per minute but are included in free call packages. If calling from overseas, please dial +44 (0)1604 973727 Editorial enquiries +44 (0)117 300 8754 9:30am–5:30pm, Mon–Fri Advertising enquiries +44 (0)117 300 8803 subscription enquiries  Print www.ourmediashop.com/contactus Digital subscription enquiries www.ourmediashop.com/contactus Editorial enquiries contactus@skyatnightmagazine.com Subscription enquiries UK enquiries: FREEPOST OURMEDIA (please write in capitals) Overseas enquiries: PO Box 3320, 3 Queensbridge, Northampton, NN4 7BF, UK Editorial enquiries Please write to the Editor, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, Our Media, Eagle House, Bristol, BS1 4ST Become an Insider The more we know about what you like, the better placed we are to bring you the best magazine possible. So we’d like to invite you to join our exclusive online community. To get started, visit ourinsiders.comWRƅOORXWWKH short registration survey and we’ll be in touch from time to time to ask for your opinions on the magazine and other relevant issues. PS Our next issue goes on sale on Thursday 21 March. Sky at Night – lots of ways to enjoy the night sky… Television Online Social media Podcasts Tablet/phone eNewsletter Find out what The Sky at Night team have been exploring in recent and past episodes on page 16 Visit our website for competitions, astrophoto galleries, observing guides and more Follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram for the latest astro news Get each month’s issue on your Apple or Android device, now with bonus image galleries Discover the best things to see in the night sky every week by listening to our Star Diary podcast The best targets to observe each week, delivered to your inbox. Visit bit.ly/ skynewsletter Find out more at: www.skyatnightmagazine.com March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 3
32 COVER IMAGE: ASCENTXMEDIA/GETTY IMAGES. THIS PAGE: MARKUS VARIK/HTTPS://GREENLANDER.NO/WWW.INSTAGRAM. COM/GREENLANDER_TROMSO/WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GREENLANDERTROMSO, ESO/L. CALÇADA/M. KORNMESSER, DANI ROBERTSON, @THESHED_PHOTOSTUDIO, SKAO, ESA/EUCLID/EUCLID CONSORTIUM/NASA. BACKGROUND GALAXIES: NASA/ESA AND S. BECKWITH (STSCI) AND THE HUDF TEAM, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CONTENTS C = on the cover Regulars 6 Eye on the sky 10 Bulletin C If we’re all made of ‘star stuff’, where did it come from? 14 Cutting edge C 16 Inside The Sky at Night 36 Lighting for the dark 18 Interactive C Hear about three communities that have restored their dark skies 21 What’s on 23 Field of view 60 Radio revolution 24 Subscribe to BBC Sky C What we’ll discover from the at Night Magazine world’s largest radio telescope 32 Explainer EXTRA C 66 The edge of the Solar System 74 Skills for stargazers C We take a peek at what’s outside 98 Q&A: an observatory our cosmic neighbourhood president Astrophotography 68 Big data at the dawn of 76 Capture C DUWLƅFLDOLQWHOOLJHQFH 78 Processing How AI will supercharge our 80 Gallery quest to understand space Features 26 Cosmic factories 4 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Reviews 86 RVO Horizon 80 ED refractor (full imaging package) 90 QHYCCD QHY5III200M mono camera 95 Gear 96 Books 16-PAGE CENTRE The Sky Guide PULLOUT 44 Highlights 46 The big three C 48 The planets 50 March’s all-sky chart 52 Moonwatch 53 Comets and asteroids 53 Star of the month 54 Binocular tour 55 The Sky Guide challenge 56 Deep-sky tour 58 March at a glance
New to astronomy? To get started, check out our guides and glossary at www.skyatnightmagazine.com/astronomy-for-beginners 26 FREE BONUS CONTENT Find it at www.skyatnightmagazine. com/bonus-content MARCH HIGHLIGHTS Interview: X-ray eyes on the sky Dr Charly Feldman on China’s Einstein probe and how X-ray vision unlocks the secrets of the Universe. 36 86 60 68 This month’s contributors Download our lunar phases 2024 poster More amazing images of the Universe Keep up to date with Moon times and phases by downloading and printing our PDF poster covering all of 2024. View our galleries of the latest images captured by astrophotographers and professional observatories alike. Harry Cliff Kerem Asfuroglu Paul Cockburn Particle physicist Lighting designer Science writer The Virtual Planetarium “I can’t think of a more romantic VFLHQWLƅF discovery than the realisation that every atom in our bodies was ultimately forged by awesome forces inside stars.” Read about the atomic history of the Universe on page 26 “Light pollution is a growing problem, but thanks to the growing pool of committed communities, we’ve never been better equipped to tackle it.” Kerem explores places where lighting respects the night, page 36 “The scale of information generated by current, let alone future, space surveys is demanding new approaches to data. It’s fascinating how astronomers are meeting the challenge.” Paul explains how on page 68 Pete Lawrence and Paul Abel guide us through the best sights to see in the night sky this month. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 5
6 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
EYE ON THE SKY It’s a case of poultry perfection as the Running Chicken Nebula is revealed in high resolution his 1.5-billion-pixel image of the Running Chicken Nebula, which lies 6,500 lightyears from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus, is a mosaic compiled from hundreds of frames taken by the OmegaCAM instrument on ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope. The area depicted measures 270 lightyears across and within it you can clearly see the disparate elements that make up the Running Chicken: pink, round emission nebula IC 2948 (the ‘body’ of the chicken, lower left), open cluster IC 2944 (the fainter ‘neck’, centre) and Bok globules GUM 39, 40 and 41 (right). Also visible is Lambda Centauri, the bright blue star in the middle – although this is much closer to Earth, at just 470 lightyears’ distance. FREE BONUS CONTENT Explore a gallery of these and more stunning space images www.skyatnightmagazine.com/bonus-content March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 7 ESO/PHAS+ TEAM/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: CASU VLT SURVEY TELESCOPE, 21 DECEMBER 2023
U As clear as mud NASA/JPLCALTECH/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, IMAGE DATA: NASA/JPLCALTECH/SWRI/MSSS/IMAGE PROCESSING BY TED STRYK, ESA/HUBBLE & NASA/J. DALCANTON/DARK ENERGY SURVEY/DOE/FNAL/NOIRLAB/NSF/AURA/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: L. SHAT, NASA/ESA/STSCI/A. SIMON (NASAGSFC) MARS RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER, 19 DECEMBER 2023 The conical mounds with central, bowl-like depressions seen in this image of the Martian surface are believed to be mud volcanoes, similar to those found in many continents on Earth. Mud volcanoes are not igneous and spew no lava, but are instead formed when subterranean gas and liquid bubble up through muddy terrain. Peak performance Z JUNO, 22 DECEMBER 2023 This image of Jovian moon Io’s north polar region was originally captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft in October last year. Processing by citizen scientist Ted Stryk then revealed three previously unseen peaks (towards the top, close to the terminator) that are believed to result from volcanic activity. 8 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
U Spiral illusion HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE, 25 DECEMBER 2023 This image contains four spiral galaxies: IC 1947 on the left and sprawling NGC 1356 on the right, with LEDA 467699 above and LEDA 95415 directly to its left. You might assume the last three lie close together, but LEDA 95415 is actually 300 million lightyears further away than its large apparent ‘neighbour’ – indeed the two are likely far more closely matched in size than they appear. U Saturn’s spokes HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE, 21 DECEMBER 2023 Look closely at this image of Saturn captured by the Hubble Space Telescope and you’ll spot some faint grey smudges on the rings to the left and right of the planet. These so-called ‘spokes’ – seasonal, transient features that rotate with the rings for just 30 hours or so – are thought to be clouds of displaced dust or ice, although the mechanism behind their formation remains a mystery. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 9
The latest astronomy and space news, written by Ezzy Pearson ILLUSTRATION BULLETIN Comment by Chris Lintott How it should have landed: the craft was intended to lie on its side Japan’s Moon mission a success in the end JAXA, JAXA/TOMY/SONY/DOSHISHA UNIVERSITY/VIA KYODO, MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/ISTOCK/ GETTY IMAGES, THOMAS MÜLLER (HDA/MPIA) S. STUBER ET AL/ (MPIA) NASA/ESA/S. BECKWITH (STSCI) AND THE HUBBLE HERITAGE TEAM (STSCI/AURA), LAMONT POOLE/NASA LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER SLIM lander’s power system failed after touchdown but then recovered Japan became theƅIWKQDWLRQWRVXFFHVVIXOO\ soft-land a spacecraft on the Moon, on 19 January DW87,QLWLDOO\LWVHHPHGFHOHEUDWLRQVZRXOGEH short-lived due to a problem with the spacecraft’s solar power system, but the team were able to re-establish contact nine days later. The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM), from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), launched on 6 September 2023 and entered lunar orbit on 25 December. Its primary goal was to conduct a precision landing near Shioli crater. Soon after the expected touchdown time, NASA’s Deep Space Network received telemetry from the VSDFHFUDIWFRQƅUPLQJLWKDGODQGHGLQRQHSLHFH 8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKHVSDFHFUDIWKDGODQGHGRQLWVQRVH angling its solar panels away from the Sun, and was only able to operate under battery power for a few hours. The team hoped to re-establish contact when the Sun moved into a more favourable position. SLIM came back online on 28 January and the team immediately recommenced science observations as there were only a few days left until the Sun set, and SLIM is not designed to survive the lunar night. The spacecraft was also carrying two rovers, a small hopper and a basketball-sized rolling rover. 10 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 How it actually landed: a lost engine left SLIM nose-down near Shioli crater Both are believed to have deployed successfully. The hopper rover was designed to communicate directly with Earth, and so JAXA was able to use its cameras to photograph SLIM’s position. 6/,0ŝVSDUWLDOVXFFHVVFRPHVMXVWDIWHUWKH failure of the Peregrine mission, a lunar lander from 86VSDFHƆLJKWFRPSDQ\$VWURERWLF6KRUWO\DIWHU launching on 8 January, its fuel tank ruptured. The team were able to safely deorbit the spacecraft 11 days later. The setback could delay the launch of NASA’s water-hunting VIPER rover that Astrobotic was due to ferry to the Moon in November. global.jaxa.jp Faster, cheaper, better: NASA’s slogan from the 1990s has come to haunt anyone who dreams of lobbing satellites into space. Though the aim was for more rapid mission design, failures like Mars Climate Orbiter (which crashed after an infamous mix-up over metric and imperial units) made the approach something of a MRNH(QJLQHHUV muttered that you could only have two of the three – faster and cheaper inevitably meant riskier. Now NASA is handing off responsibility to companies like Astrobotic, while JAXA uses missions like SLIM to experiment with new technology, risky missions seem accepted – and sometimes, like SLIM, pay off in the end. Chris Lintott co-presents The Sky at Night
NEWS IN ILLUSTRATION BRIEF Alien oceans may sequester carbon dioxide like Earth’s do Carbon-light atmospheres may mean habitability Water oceans suck carbon dioxide from planets’ atmospheres Astronomers could soon be tracking down exoplanets with liquid water oceans not by looking for the presence of water, but instead by searching for the absence of carbon dioxide in their atmospheres. The search for habitable worlds has been governed by the search for liquid water, but there are no observatories that can detect surface water directly. However, space telescopes such as the JWST are able to observe carbon dioxide in a planet’s atmosphere. “On Earth, much of the atmospheric carbon dioxide has been sequestered in sea water and solid rock, which has helped to regulate climate and habitability for billions of years,” says Frieder Klein from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who took part in the study alongside astronomers from MIT. 7KLVPHDQVRXUSODQHWKDVVLJQLƅFDQWO\OHVV carbon dioxide in its atmosphere than the similarly sized Venus and Mars. By looking for extrasolar systems with several similarly sized terrestrial planets, it could be possible to spot one where a water ocean has absorbed most of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. news.mit.edu Mapping star formation in the Whirlpool Galaxy Astronomers have mapped the cold, dense gas that will one day become stellar nurseries in the Whirlpool *DOD[\07KLVLVWKHƅUVW time such an extensive map has been created for a galaxy beyond the Milky Way. “To investigate the early phases of star formation, where gas gradually condenses to eventually SURGXFHVWDUVZHPXVWƅUVW identify these regions,” says Sophia Stuber from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, who led the study. “We typically measure the UDGLDWLRQHPLWWHGE\VSHFLƅF molecules that are particularly abundant in these extremely cold and dense zones.” The team spent over 200 hours observing the nitrogenand hydrogen-bearing molecules hydrogen cyanide and diazenylium across the Areas of diazenylium molecule radiation detected in the Whirlpool Galaxy Stratospheric rainbows Sky-watchers in the last few months of 2023 reported an explosion in the number of polar stratospheric clouds – rainbow-hued clouds formed from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. Temperatures in the stratosphere reached a 40-year low of –85°C, causing more ice to form and create the clouds. How centaurs get tails Centaurs – space rocks the size of asteroids but with the composition of comets – appear to become more active after an encounter with Jupiter or Saturn. A study tracked the history of all known centaurs and found those with comet-like tails had their orbital paths changed following an interaction with one of the gas giants. Furthest FRB found Whirlpool Galaxy, using the Northern Extended Millimetre Array in the French Alps. Though further away than similar clouds in our own Galaxy, the Whirlpool Galaxy provides a much better view as we are seeing them straighton. This allows astronomers to easily trace the structure of gas clouds along the arms and centre of the galaxy. “Although we can learn a lot from the detailed observation programme with the Whirlpool Galaxy, it is, in a sense, a pilot SURMHFWŠ6WXEHUSRLQWVRXW “We would love to explore more galaxies in this way in the future.” www.mpia.de Astronomers have pinned down the furthest-ever fast radio burst (FRB), bright radio ƆDVKHVWKDWODVWMXVWDIHZ milliseconds. FRB 20220610A ƆDVKHGZKHQWKH8QLYHUVH ZDVRQO\ƅYHELOOLRQ\HDUVROG and seems to originate from a compact cluster of early galaxies, suggesting a galaxy merger may have triggered the event. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 11
BULLETIN Supernova light travel time: 615 million years S One of the thousands of supernovae discovered that challenge the accelerating expansion model of the cosmos Dark energy could change with time DES COLLABORATION/NOIRLAB/NSF/AURA/M. ZAMANI, PITRIS/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, NASA/ ESA/QUENTIN CHANGEAT (ESA/STSCI) MAHDI ZAMANI (ESA/HUBBLE), UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA The find comes from the largest sample of supernovae ever detected by a single telescope Dark energy – the mysterious substance that’s apparently driving our Universe apart – could vary with time, according to the latest results from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). In 1998, two teams of astronomers measured the expansion of the Universe by looking at Type Ia supernovae. These occur when a white dwarf steals stellar material from a nearby companion star until it reaches a critical mass and explodes in a supernova. Because they are always the same mass when they explode, Type Ia supernovae all have the same intrinsic brightness. By comparing this to their apparent brightness, astronomers arrive at an accurate measure of their distance. The 1998 study also measured their redshift and was able to gauge how fast the supernovae’s home galaxies were moving away from us. Together, this 12 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 allowed the teams to measure how fast the Universe was expanding. However, UDWKHUWKDQƅQGLQJWKHH[SDQVLRQZDV slowing as expected, the team found it was actually accelerating. To explain this fact, cosmologists hypothesised ‘dark energy’, which is driving the fabric of the Universe apart. Beginning in 2013, the DES sought to create the most accurate measurements of our Universe’s expansion. The initiative spent six years mapping one-eighth of the sky, observing two million distant galaxies. This latest study scoured the data for Type Ia supernovae and uncovered 1,499 – the largest sample ever detected with a single telescope. “It’s a really massive scale-up from 25 years ago when only 52 supernovae were used to infer dark energy,” says Tamara Davis, from the University of Queensland and member of the DES project. The standard model of cosmology, known as the Lambda cold dark matter model (ΛCDM), assumes the density of dark energy in the Universe remains constant over time. If this was the case, then it would mean the total proportion of dark energy would increase as the Universe gets bigger. But the DES results suggest this might not be so. “There are tantalising hints that dark energy changes with time,” says Tamara Davis, also from the University of Queensland and member of the DES SURMHFWş:HƅQGWKDWWKHVLPSOHVWPRGHO of dark energy – ΛCDM – is not the best ƅW,WŝVQRWVRIDURIIWKDWZHŝYHUXOHGLWRXW but in the quest to understand what is accelerating the expansion of the Universe this is an intriguing new piece of the puzzle. A more complex explanation might be needed.” www.darkenergysurvey.org
NEWS IN BRIEF With the right porosity, organic clumps may build the short-lived islands Titan’s magic floating islands Bennu sample finally out Transient isles form then dissolve on Saturn moon’s seas It is possibleIRUGLVDSSHDULQJLVODQGVWRƆRDW on the methane seas of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, a new study has found. Titan’s atmosphere is rich with organic material and its surface is covered in rivers and oceans of methane and ethane. In 2014, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft spotted bright, transient dots in the moon’s seas, called ‘magic islands’. “I wanted to investigate whether the magic LVODQGVFRXOGDFWXDOO\EHRUJDQLFVƆRDWLQJRQ WKHVXUIDFHOLNHSXPLFHWKDWFDQƆRDWRQZDWHU KHUHRQ(DUWKEHIRUHƅQDOO\VLQNLQJŠVD\V Xinting Yu, from the University of Texas at San Antonio, who led the study. “For us to see the PDJLFLVODQGVWKH\FDQŝWMXVWƆRDWIRUDVHFRQG DQGWKHQVLQN7KH\KDYHWRƆRDWIRUVRPHWLPH but not for forever either.” Yu’s team determined that any organics that rained down from the atmosphere wouldn’t immediately dissolve. If these clumps had the right amount of porosity, it would be possible IRUWKHPWRƆRDWRQWKHVHDV7KHFOXPSVFRXOG amass near the shore, then break off to form the islands. utsa.edu Wales’s first dark-sky community Presteigne and Norton KDYHEHFRPHWKHƅUVWHYHU International Dark Sky Community in Wales. The 40km2 area is home to 2,700 people who have worked together to ensure they meet the strict requirements to be named a dark-sky site. Turn to page 36WRƅQGRXW more about other communities working to keep their skies dark. Hubble shows storm-ravaged exoplanet Giant cyclones swirl around the distant planet WASP-121b only to vanish, according to a new study using data from the Hubble Space 7HOHVFRSH7KHƅQGLVDQLPSRUWDQWVWHSLQ studying exoplanet weather patterns. WASP-121b is a hot Jupiter that orbits its star once every 1.27 days. It’s tidally locked, with its day side constantly pointing towards its star, reaching temperatures of 1,870°C. Using observations of the planet taken when it was in different parts of its orbit, planetary scientists were able to measure how the atmosphere’s composition and temperature changed across the day and night sides. Astronomers combined this data with computer simulations to reveal a world ravaged by huge storms, which rise only to destroy themselves. Though WASP-121b is a gas giant, similar techniques could one day be used to understand other kinds of worlds. “Studying exoplanets’ weather is vital to understanding the complexity of exoplanet atmospheres on other worlds, especially in the search for exoplanets with habitable conditions,” says Quentin Changeat from After months of careful work, NASA has now completely extracted from its return capsule the sample of asteroid Bennu brought back by the OSIRIS-REx mission. The precious space rock will now be divided up DQGVHQWWRZDLWLQJVFLHQWLƅF institutions for analysis. Brown dwarf has aurora Weather-beaten WASP-121b orbits dangerously close to its host star the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, who worked on the project. “The assembled dataset represents DVLJQLƅFDQWDPRXQWRIREVHUYLQJWLPHIRUD single planet and is currently the only consistent set of such repeated observations. This provided us with an exquisite picture of the planet changing over time.” hubblesite.org NASA’s JWST has found the ƅUVWHYLGHQFHRIDQLQIUDUHG aurora dancing around a brown dwarf, W1935, a stellar object with a mass between Jupiter and a star. W1935 has no companion star to provide a stellar wind – which generates Earth’s aurorae – however either interstellar gas or a nearby moon could aid in creating the infrared glow. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 13
Our experts examine the hottest new research CUTTING EDGE ILLUSTRATION Amino acids survived sulphuric acid baths, so could life survive above Venus? the complex molecules and chemical reactions of life – could be stable in concentrated sulphuric acid. But a team lead by Sara Seager at MIT has been challenging this by testing the assumption with experiments. Seager is a very active astronomer and has performed a lot of work on extrasolar planets and their atmospheres. In recent years, she has been exploring the possibility of life on Venus, including being involved in the 2020 study that made the controversial claim for the detection of phosphine gas in the Venusian cloud decks. Last year, Seager and her colleagues showed that the building blocks of DNA and RNA, nucleic acid bases, are in fact stable for at least weeks in the concentrated sulphuric acid environment of the 9HQXVLDQFORXGV1RZZLWKKHURZQVRQDVWKHƅUVW author, she has published a study on whether amino acids, which build the proteins of life, are also stable. The acid test Max Seager, at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, and his colleagues ran a very simple experiment. They bought standard preparations of 20 different amino acids used by terrestrial life from a chemical reagent supplier, dissolved them “They bought in concentrated sulphuric acid 20 amino acids, and left them at room temperature for several dissolved them in weeks. They reanalysed concentrated the amino acids after 12 sulphuric acid and hours, a week and a left them at room month, to see which had remained stable, or had temperature for EHFRPHFKHPLFDOO\PRGLƅHG several weeks” They found that even after a month, 19 out of the 20 had remained unreactive or were only FKHPLFDOO\PRGLƅHGLQWKHLUVLGHFKDLQ DVFDQDOVR happen in water) – the backbone of the amino acid molecule remains intact. As the authors point out, “complex organic chemistry is, of course, not life, but there is no life without it”. These experiments do demonstrate the Prof Lewis Dartnell possibility for biochemistry based on a concentrated is an astrobiologist at the University sulphuric acid solvent. Perhaps there is still hope yet of Westminster for the existence of Venusian aerial life. Life in Venus’s acid clouds Complex organic molecules may exist in the hellish atmosphere above Venus MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, NASA/ESA AND STSCI S cientists have long speculated about whether Venus could harbour life. Its thick, carbon dioxide atmosphere creates a powerful greenhouse effect and the surface is searingly hot (over 450°C). Indeed, the planet is often described as ‘Earth’s evil twin’. So while the surface clearly doesn’t offer any chance of liquid water or organic molecules – the fundamental prerequisites for life – the high atmosphere could offer a habitable environment. Venus is shrouded in thick cloud layers; between altitudes of 48km and 60km the atmospheric pressure and temperature are similar to those on Earth’s surface. There’s plenty of sunlight to serve as a power source for life too. The problem, however, is that the cloud droplets are made up of concentrated sulphuric acid. This is still an exceptionally hostile environment, with virtually no available water, and is orders of magnitude more acidic than that in which extremophile organisms on Earth can survive. But could the Venusian clouds still support microorganisms using an exotic biochemistry based on organic molecules dissolved in, not liquid water, but concentrated sulphuric acid as a solvent? The assumption has been that only simple organic chemistry – with limited functionality for supporting 14 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Lewis Dartnell was reading… Stability of 20 Biogenic Amino Acids in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid: Implications for the Habitability of Venus’ Clouds by Maxwell D Seager, Sara Seager et al. Read it online at: arxiv.org/abs/2401.01441
CUTTING EDGE affected. If something like a passing planet within the lens galaxy is causing the variation, the images we see should change brightness separately. But the authors need to be clever. Their models FDQŝWVLPSO\DVVXPHWKHSUHVHQFHRIIUHHƆRDWLQJ planets (or planet-mass objects) – that’s ruled out by those Milky Way observations. Instead, they revive an The blink of distant quasars may hint Prof Chris Lintott older idea of dark matter consisting of a population at one of the cosmos’s big mysteries is an astrophysicist of clouds of gas, each with the mass of a planet, but and co-presenter at a much lower density. Such objects, which they on The Sky at Night ost cosmologists believe that confusingly call ‘planets’, would not cause noticeable dark matter, the mysterious lensing of stars in the Milky Way, but would affect substance that seems to account light from quasars. Simulations seem to show that “They revive for six-sevenths of the matter events like dips in quasar brightness that last for an older idea of dark \HDUVVHHPWRƅWZKDW\RXŝGH[SHFWLIWKHUHZDV in the Universe, exists in the form of myriad weakly interacting massive such a population of objects. And they might matter consisting of particles, or WIMPs. be common enough to make a substantial a population of The WIMPs won out over ideas of a contribution to dark matter. clouds of gas, each FRVPRVƅOOHGZLWKSODQHWVRUEODFNKROHV New, much more precise observations of with the mass of a (collectively known, appropriately, as quasars like Q2237 will be needed before the MACHOs, Massive Compact Halo Objects) idea can be properly tested – a job for which planet, but at a much because of a set of experiments that used the Hubble Space Telescope is well equipped. lower density” modest telescopes to stare at stars in the Milky For now, it’s a useful reminder that we know less Way’s halo. The aim was to spot the effect of a about dark matter than we think we do. passing MACHO on a background star; if the alignment was perfect, gravitational lensing would Quasar G2237, cloned four times cause the background star to brighten and then fade by gravitational lensing, made the ideal test subject for the in a predictable pattern. roaming gas clouds theory The physics is sound – Einstein’s theory of relativity tells us that light should be bent by massive objects in just this way. But very few events were seen, so WKHUHVLPSO\DUHQŝWHQRXJKIUHHƆRDWLQJSODQHWVRU black holes surrounding our Galaxy to account for WKHGDUNPDWWHUZHWKLQNPXVWEHWKHUH,IIUHHƆRDWLQJ planet-sized objects exist, we should detect them passing between us and distant objects too – and variations in the brightness of quasars, extremely distant objects, have been attributed to the presence of hosts of passing planets in the distant Universe. Are roving gas clouds behind dark matter? M Quasar clues In this month’s paper, the authors aim to reconcile WKLVH[SODQDWLRQIRUTXDVDUƆLFNHULQJZLWKWKH apparent absence of such planets around the Milky Way. First, they set out to distinguish the effects of lensing by dense objects from changes due to the quasar itself, which might brighten and fade as material swirls onto the accretion disc around its central black hole. The trick is to use a system like Q2237+0305, where, thanks to lensing from a nearby galaxy, we see four separate images of the quasar. If the quasar itself is changing brightness, all four should be Chris Lintott was reading… )UHHƆRDWLQJş3ODQHWVŝŝLQWKH0DFUROHQVHG Quasar Q2237+0305 by Artem Tuntsov et al. Read it online at: arxiv.org/abs/2401.05590 March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 15
The Sky at Night TV show, past, present and future INSIDE THE SKY AT NIGHT Production coordinator Rachael Scott looks back on the last season of The Sky at Night and tells us what it takes for the TV show to run smoothly BBC X 7 T he year 2023 was the 66th year that The Sky at Night has appeared on our WHOHYLVLRQVDQGWKHƅUVW\HDUWKDW,ZRUNHG as the show’s production coordinator. The production base had recently moved from London to Glasgow and the new team were HDJHUWRƅOOWKHVKRHVRIRXUSUHGHFHVVRUVZKRKDG KHOSHGPDNHVXFKDZRQGHUIXOVKRZ7KLVZDVRQO\ WKHVHFRQGSURGXFWLRQ,ŝGEHHQDSDUWRIVLQFHMRLQLQJ %%&6WXGLRVDQG,ZDVH[FLWHGWROHDUQPRUHDERXW RXUEHDXWLIXOQLJKWVN\ %HIRUH,MRLQHGThe Sky at Night,ZDVZRUNLQJDV DSURIHVVLRQDOGRJJURRPHU,KDYHDGHJUHHLQ ]RRORJ\ZKLFKGUHZPHWRDMRELQWKH6FLHQFH8QLW at BBC Studios. Television was a completely new LQGXVWU\IRUPHEXW,KDGVXFKDQLQWHUHVWLQVFLHQFH VKRZVWKDW,WKRXJKW,ŝGPDNHDFDUHHUFKDQJH, OHDUQHGVRPXFKWKHUHWKDWZKHQ,VDZDSRVLWLRQ on The Sky at Night,MXPSHGDWWKHFKDQFH 16 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 S Rachael’s favourite episode saw the show team up with the popular science podcast The Infinite Monkey Cage At the start of each month, our talented editorial team collaborated with our presenters to identify LQWHUHVWLQJDVWURQRPLFDOƅQGLQJVRQJRLQJUHVHDUFK DQGWKHEHVWIHDWXUHVWRVSRWLQWKHQLJKWVN\WKDW PRQWK)URPWKHUHWKHWHDPVRXJKWRXWH[SHUWVDQG amateur astronomers to chat to. As production FRRUGLQDWRU,ORRNHGLQWRWKHORJLVWLFVRIƅOPLQJZLWK these individuals. Sometimes that meant organising DTXLFNUXQRYHUWRWKHVSDFHƆLJKWFRPSDQ\6N\URUD LQ&XPEHUQDXOG6FRWODQGIRURXUHSLVRGHRQWKH8. space race. Other times it meant arranging travel to the Very Large Telescopes in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Every month came with new challenges and new stories. That series had eight monthly episodes, concluding ZLWKRQHRIP\IDYRXULWHVWRZRUNRQDQH[FLWLQJQHZ collaboration with 7KH,QƅQLWH0RQNH\&DJH,W included a large studio recording in the Radio Theatre at London’s BBC Broadcasting House. Before the recording, our presenters Chris Lintott, Maggie $GHULQ3RFRFNDQG3HWH/DZUHQFHZHUHUHXQLWHGIRU VRPHH[WUDƅOPLQJDQGUHKHDUVDO(YHQWKRXJKZHWU\ WRJHWDOORXUSUHVHQWHUVWRJHWKHUIRUƅOPLQJDOOWKUHH being together can be less common and it was lovely to see them all catch up with one another. We also squeezed in some rehearsal time with 7KH,QƅQLWH 0RQNH\&DJHSUHVHQWHUV5RELQ,QFHDQG3URIHVVRU
INSIDE THE SKY AT NIGHT %ULDQ&R[DQGJXHVWSDQHOOLVW'DUD %ULDLQ7KH presenters’ time together was short but sweet, with FRQYHUVDWLRQVRQPHPRULHVRIZRUNLQJWRJHWKHU ƅOPLQJDGYHQWXUHVDQGFXUUHQWIDYRXULWHUHDGV $QRWKHUSDUWRIWKHHSLVRGHLQYROYHGƅOPLQJZLWK amateur astronomers in Leicester, at one of the long-standing Sky at Night star parties. One tradition ZHZHUHOHVVORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRZDVWKHXQOXFN\ frequency of rain and cloud cover on these star party HSLVRGHV)RUWXQDWHO\ZHKDGFULVSFOHDUVNLHVDOO QLJKWDQGVDZDPD]LQJVLJKWVOLNH-XSLWHU6DWXUQDQG in-depth footage of the Moon’s craters. Party guests included members of Leicester Astronomical Society Rachael Scott is a production coordinator in the BBC Studios Science Unit and worked on the 2023 series of The Sky at Night DQGWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI/HLFHVWHU(YHU\RQHZDVLQKLJK spirits, fuelled by numerous cups of hot chocolate. All ZHUHNHHQWRVKDUHNQRZOHGJHHTXLSPHQWDQG techniques with each other to identify the wonderous IHDWXUHVRIWKHQLJKWVN\+HDULQJHYHU\RQHŝV UHFROOHFWLRQVRIZKHQWKH\ƅUVWZDWFKHGWKHVKRZ DQGKRZPXFKLWLQVSLUHGWKHPWRWDNHDWHOHVFRSHWR WKHLURZQEDFNJDUGHQVUHPLQGHGPHKRZLQƆXHQWLDO and historic this show really is. :RUNLQJRQThe Sky at Night has been an amazing H[SHULHQFHZLWKDIDQWDVWLFWHDPZRUNLQJEHKLQGWKH scenes and such a talented group of presenters on VFUHHQ,FDQŝWZDLWWRVHHZKDWWKHVKRZZLOOGRQH[W Looking back: The Sky at Night 15 March 1980 VXFKGLVWDQWREMHFWV On the 15 March and with no modern 1980 episode of The WUDFNLQJKHKDGWR Sky at Night3DWULFN FRQVWDQWO\FKHFN 0RRUHVSRNHWRRQH the guide scope to of the heroes of his ensure the telescope youth, Clyde stayed on target. Tombaugh, who Once the images had discovered were developed, he Pluto 50 years would compare previously in 1930. S Patrick meets his hero, Pluto’s An amateur SODWHVWDNHQRQ discoverer Clyde Tombaugh sequential nights, astronomer with no ORRNLQJIRUVLJQVRIDSODQHWPRYLQJ degree, Tombaugh was nonetheless DJDLQVWWKHƅ[HGEDFNJURXQGVWDUV2Q JLYHQDMREDWWKH/RZHOO2EVHUYDWRU\ )HEUXDU\KHƅQDOO\VDZLW after sending them drawings he’d made ş,WZDVRQHRIWKHEHVWVXVSHFWV,ŝG RI0DUVDQG-XSLWHU7KHLUGHWDLOVR impressed the observatory staff that he run into in many months,” said 7RPEDXJKş,ORRNHGLQWKHUHDQGVSLHG was given the role of operating their it almost immediately. A tremendous QHZLQFKUHIUDFWRU1RZNQRZQDV WKULOOFDPHRYHUPH,DOPRVWVKRRNŠ WKH3OXWR7HOHVFRSHLWZDVVSHFLƅFDOO\ GHVLJQHGWRORRNIRUVLJQVRIDQHZ :HQRZNQRZWKDW3OXWRLVMXVWRQHRI planet at the edge of the Solar System. PDQ\ODUJHREMHFWLQWKHUHJLRQEH\RQG 1HSWXQHNQRZQDVWKH.XLSHUEHOW7KH 1LJKWDIWHUQLJKW7RPEDXJKWRRN discovery of similarly sized Eris in 2005 GHHSLPDJHVRIWKHQLJKWVN\7KH eventually led to Pluto’s demotion from H[SRVXUHVQHHGHGWREHRYHUDQKRXU long to stand a chance of detecting planet to dwarf planet in 2008. Explore the In Our Time archive The BBC Radio 4 programme In Our Time, hosted by Melvin Bragg, celebrated its WKHSLVRGHLQ<RXFDQƅQGHYHU\ episode of the show in the BBC Sounds archive, many of which cover topics in space and astronomy, including the planets Venus, -XSLWHUDQG6DWXUQDQGELRJUDSKLHVRI DVWURQRPHUVOLNH7\FKR%UDKHDQG:LOOLDP and Caroline Herschel. Past episodes also H[SORUHWKHGHDWKRIVWDUVWKHVFLHQFHRI HFOLSVHVH[WUHPRSKLOHVH[RSODQHWVFRVPLF UD\VWKH.XLSHUEHOWRXU6XQDQGWKH P\VWHULRXVVXEVWDQFHNQRZQDVGDUNPDWWHU Visit www.bbc.co.uk/sounds for more information S Melvin Bragg and his guests on In Our Time discuss a range of topics, with several episodes tackling space and astronomy March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 17
Emails – Letters – Tweets – Facebook – Instagram – Kit questions Email us at inbox@skyatnightmagazine.com This month’s top prize: two Philip’s titles The ‘Message of the Month’ writer will receive a bundle of two top titles courtesy of astronomy publisher Philip’s: Nigel Henbest’s Stargazing 2024 and Robin Scagell’s Guide to the Northern Constellations Winner’s details will be passed on to Octopus Publishing to fulfil the prize Meet the stars I’m an astrophysics student at the University of Leicester and Chief Astronomer of the University of Leicester Astronomy and Rocketry Society. I organise the society’s stargazing and observatory activities at the Oadby Observatory. In October we had the opportunity to attend a star party there that was being ƅOPHGIRUWKH1RYHPEHUHSLVRGHRIThe Sky at Night. It was great to watch and SDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHƅOPLQJRIWKHVKRZDQGJHWD FKDQFHWRPHHWWKHSUHVHQWHUVLQFOXGLQJ3HWH Lawrence. I produce observing guides for the VRFLHW\ŝVPHPEHUVDQG3HWHŝVPRQWKO\6N\ *XLGHVLQWKHPDJD]LQHKDYHEHHQYHU\KHOSIXO for me. A big thank you to everyone at the PDJD]LQHIRUVXFKDQHQMR\DEOHUHDGHYHU\ PRQWK,ƅQGLWYHU\LQIRUPDWLYHDQGKDYHUHDG HYHU\LVVXHVLQFHWKHVRODUHFOLSVHLQ0DUFK 6HSDUDWHO\EDFNRQ1RYHPEHUZH were observing Jupiter through the Oadby 2EVHUYDWRU\WHOHVFRSHDQGPDQDJHGWRVHHWKH *UHDW5HG6SRWLQWKHVRXWKHUQHTXDWRULDOEHOW Tweet JUPITER IMAGE: EDWARD SMITH, SCOPE DOCTOR IMAGE: WWW.ALTAIRASTRO.COM MESSAGE OF THE MONTH Alan Crossland #DODQŤ-DQXDU\ Orion rising over the Cuckmere 5LYHUFROGDQGFOHDU #southdowns #Astrophotography 6WRUP+RXU#VN\DWQLJKWPDJ S Left: the mystery dark smudge. Right: Luke (left) meets The Sky at Night filming team UHJLRQRIWKHSODQHW:HDOVRVDZDQRWKHU IHDWXUHGDUNHUDQGODUJHUWKDQWKH*UHDW5HG 6SRWDURXQGWKHQRUWKHUQHTXDWRULDOEHOWUHJLRQ :HWKRXJKWLWFRXOGKDYHEHHQDVKDGRZIURPD moon of Jupiter, or from the secondary mirror, EXWGLVFRXQWHGERWKWKHVHLGHDV&RXOGDQ\RQH KHOSXVWRLGHQWLI\WKLVIHDWXUH" Luke Morriss, Leicester What kind words, Luke! As for the feature you saw on Jupiter, we wonder if it was a dark storm, where a gap in higher clouds reveals the darker cloud layer below. – Ed. Glynis’s painting of the drama Malvern fireball 2QWKHHYHQLQJRI)ULGD\-DQXDU\DW DURXQGSP,ZDVRXWVLGHP\IURQW GRRUDV,ƅQLVKHGDSKRQHFDOOEHIRUH going indoors. Facing south and staring XSDWWKHIURVW\FOHDUQLJKWVN\WKHKDOI 0RRQZDVLQIURQWRIPHDQG2ULRQZDVXS WRP\OHIW6XGGHQO\DEULOOLDQWZKLWH ŜVQRZEDOOŝDQGDORQJZKLWHVWUHDNVSHG RYHUPH7KHVKRRWLQJVWDUVHHPHGWRMXVW FOHDUWKH0DOYHUQ+LOOVRQDQRUWKHDVWWR 18 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 southwest path, and I imagined it ODQGLQJLQ(DVWQRU3DUNEH\RQGEXWNQHZ WKDWWKHGLVWDQFHVZRXOGEHIDUJUHDWHU WKDQWKHLOOXVLRQ0\FDPHUDZDVLQP\ SRFNHWEXWLWDOOKDSSHQHGVRTXLFNO\ within two seconds it had gone. So I GUHZDSLFWXUHOLYHIURPP\GRRUVWHSWR capture my immediate reaction, then SDLQWHGWKHVFHQHŜOLYHŝIURPPHPRU\ZLWK WKHDGGLWLRQRIWKHGUDPDWLFƅUHEDOO,KDG MXVWZLWQHVVHG,GLGVHHDQRWKHUVROLWDU\ PHWHRUUHFHQWO\GXULQJWKH4XDGUDQWLGV DQGZRQGHUHGLIWKLVZDVRQHDVZHOO ,ZRXOGORYHWRKHDULIWKHUHZHUHDQ\ RWKHUVLJKWLQJVRQWKHWK Glynis Dray, Malvern Wells Escape artist 7KHUHŝVDORWRIDFWLYLW\RQWKH6XQDW WKHPRPHQW,WŝVUHOD[LQJWRVLWDQGZDWFK the changing face of our star with a K\GURJHQDOSKDVFRSH$VLPSOH
INTERACTIVE BBC Sky at Night Magazine is published by Our Media Ltd under licence from BBC Studios, which helps fund new BBC programmes. EDITORIAL Editor Chris Bramley Content Editor Iain Todd Features Editor Ezzy Pearson Art Editor Steve Marsh Production Editor Jess Wilder Reviews Editor Paul Money CONTRIBUTORS Kerem Asfuroglu, Melissa Brobby, Anita Chandran, Harry Cliff, Paul Fisher Cockburn, Charlotte Daniels, Lewis Dartnell, Glenn Dawes, Russell Deeks, Mark Garlick, Tim Jardine, Pete Lawrence, Chris Lintott, Mary McIntyre, Laura Nuttall, Jonathan Powell, Katrin Raynor, Steve Richards, Govert Schilling, Rachael Scott, Steve Tonkin, Emily Winterburn ADVERTISING SALES Advertising Executive Andy Williams +44 (0)117 300 8803, Andy.Williams@ourmedia.co.uk Inserts Laurence Robertson +353 (0)87 690 2208 PRODUCTION Production Director Sarah Powell Production Coordinator Hannah Gazzard Ad Services Manager Paul Thornton Ad Coordinator Charles Thurlow Ad Designer Parvin Sepehr Reprographics Tony Hunt, Chris Sutch LICENSING Director of International and Licensing Tim Hudson Head of Licensing Tom Shaw Head of Syndication Richard Bentley MARKETING Head of Marketing Jacky Perales-Morris Marketing Executive Kellie Lane Press and PR Manager Emma Cooney PUBLISHING & MANAGEMENT Brand Lead Rob Brock Managing Director Andrew Davies CEO Andy Marshall BBC STUDIOS, UK PUBLISHING Chair, Editorial Review Boards Nicholas Brett Managing Director, Consumer Products and Licensing Stephen Davies Global Director, Magazines Mandy Thwaites Compliance Manager Cameron McEwan UK.Publishing@bbc.com; www.bbcstudios.com EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Andrew Cohen, Head, BBC Studios Science Unit; Martin Smith, Executive Editor, BBC Radio Science Unit; Steve Crabtree, Executive Producer, BBC Studios; Dr Erica McAlister SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual subscription rates (inc. P&P): UK cheque/credit card £62.40; Europe & Eire Airmail £75; rest of world airmail £85. To order, call 03330 162119 (UK); overseas +44 (0)1604 973727 We abide by IPSO’s rules and regulations. To give feedback about our magazines, please visit ourmedia.co.uk, email editorialcomplaints@ourmedia.co.uk or write to Legal, Our Media Ltd, Eagle House, Bristol, BS1 4ST. Audit Bureau of Circulations 21,760 (combined, Jan–Dec 2022) © Our Media Ltd 2024 ISSN 1745-9869 All rights reserved. No part of BBC Sky at Night Magazine may be reproduced in any form or by means either wholly or in part, without prior written permission of the publisher. Not to be re-sold, lent or hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade at more than the recommended retail price (subject to VAT in the Republic of Ireland) or in mutilated condition. Our Media Company is working to ensure that all of its paper comes from wellPDQDJHG)6&nFHUWLƅHGIRUHVWVDQGRWKHUFRQWUROOHGVRXUFHV7KLVPDJD]LQHLVSULQWHGRQ )RUHVW6WHZDUGVKLS&RXQFLOn )6&n FHUWLƅHGSDSHU7KLVPDJD]LQHFDQEHUHF\FOHGIRUXVH in newspapers and packaging. Please remove any gifts, samples or wrapping and dispose of them at your local collection point. The publisher, editor and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any products, goods or services that may be advertised or referred to in this issue for any errors, omissions, mis-statements or mistakes in any such advertisements or references. 20 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 X much nearer to the Big Bang. Surely we should not be surprised to see them travelling faster? Tom Jones, via email Time check I notice that in the astrophotography Gallery section of the magazine, those photographers featured use abbreviations to denote exposure length, notably ’ and ”. I assume these are probably second and minute and I’d like to know for sure. I’ve VHDUFKHGWKHZHEDQGFDQŝWƅQGD GHƅQLWLRQIRUWKHP&RXOG\RXLQGLFDWH your interpretation of the correct symbols for second, minute and hour with regard to astrophotography exposure times? Michael Spoors, Alton, Hampshire Instagram urban.astrophotography • 14 January The iconic Horsehead Nebula meets Andy Warhol’s palette in cosmic Technicolor. Tech details: Astro Tech AT115EDT 4.5-inch triplet refractor at f/5.6, EQ6-R mount, NINA, ASI 1600MM 3URFDPHUD&KURPD6+2ƅOWHUV processed in PixInsight, 2.5h Ha, 1.5h OIII, 2h SII, Bortle 9. That’s correct, Michael: a single apostrophe (’) indicates minutes and a double apostrophe (”) seconds. We also use h to indicate hours. – Ed. Flare theory I just spotted the photo that Mike Nold sent of the Moon halo (‘Space oddity’, Interactive, February 2024 issue). The offset nature of the halo suggests to me WKDWLWŝVPRUHOLNHO\DOHQVƆDUHDVRSSRVHG to anything natural. If it was due to ice crystals it would be central around the Moon, and he’d have seen it at the time. If Mike still has the camera and lens, he may be able to reproduce the effect by positioning a bright light at the same position in the frame. This could be done with a modern mirrorless camera and a cheap adaptor to mount the lens, rather WKDQZDVWLQJDUROORIPPƅOP James Billings, via email SOCIETY IN FOCUS Kernow Astronomers is a friendly group sharing a common interest in all things astronomical. Our membership ranges from complete beginners to those experienced in observing and astrophotography. Our meetings cover most areas of astronomy, mainly via visitor talks, our own members’ presentations and group discussions. Members from the local area and wider west Cornwall meet on the third Thursday of the month throughout the year, in the village of Summercourt, an ideal mid-Cornwall location easily accessed from the main A30 route through the county. Practical observing meetings are held from October to March at Trevarrian, north of Newquay on the north coast. We’re keen to spread enthusiasm for the wonders of the Universe to everyone, young and old. We run regular star parties S Kernow Astronomers at a local school for a summer solstice solar observing day and open evenings, while individual members also give talks to local schools and other groups, and write articles in the local press. We stage events with the National Trust, such as our regular ‘Sun and Stars’ evenings at the Dark Sky Discovery Site, Carnewas, on the north Cornwall coast, and at Trerice. A recent event there drew 400 visitors excited to observe all things celestial through our telescopes and solar scopes. *O\QQ%HQQDOOLFN3XEOLFLW\2IƅFHU X www.kernowastronomers.com
We pick the best live and virtual astronomy events and resources this month , PICK OF THE MONTH Spring Star Party Kelling Heath Holiday Park, Holt, Norfolk, 5–12 March One of Britain’s best-known star parties returns. A strict no-lights policy is in force, making it the ideal place to meet up with fellow astronomers and enjoy the delights of the night sky. Plus: red squirrels! Prices start at £26.52 per night for a camping pitch, with more luxurious lodges starting at £350 for three nights. www.kellingheath.co.uk S The Practical Astronomy Show moves to a bigger venue for 2024, but is still free An Evening of Astrophotography The Practical Astronomy Show 2024 Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 8 March, 6pm International Women’s Day sees an after-hours panel discussion highlighting and celebrating the work of women in astrophotography, with guests including judges from the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. Tickets cost £12, concessions £8.50. www.rmg.co.uk National Agricultural and Exhibition Centre, Coventry, 23 March The annual gathering of the UK astronomy industry returns, with the free event having proven so popular that this year it’s moved to a new, larger venue. Exhibitors at this year’s show include the Campaign for Dark Skies, the Society for the History of Astronomy and the UK Radio Astronomy Association, as well as a host of astronomy equipment manufacturers and retailers, many of whom will be offering special discounts for show visitors on the day. Whether you’re in the market for a new telescope or just hoping to pick up some astrophotography tips, there’s something for everyone – including an on-site cafeteria, full disabled access and free parking. practicalastroshow.com Aberdeen’s Institute of Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology discusses the structural stability and long-term future of the Solar System. Free for all attendees. www.aberdeenastro.org.uk take a virtual night-sky tour in their mobile planetarium. Adults £25, ages 6–15 £20. astro-dog.co.uk KELLING HEATH, © 2024 PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY SHOW X 4 Tuning in to Primordial Stars Astronomy Ireland, via Zoom, 11 March, 7pm The University of Nottingham’s Dr Emma Whelan presents a live-streamed lecture VXEWLWOHGŜ6HHLQJƅUVWOLJKWZLWKUDGLR telescopes and JWST’. You’ll need to register online in advance, at a cost of €5 for members or €10 for non-members. astronomy.ie Stability of the Solar System and Chaos Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen and online, 12 March, 7pm Dr Nicolas Rubido from the University of Stargazing with Astro Dog Dalby Forest, North Yorkshire, every Thursday/Friday/Saturday, 8pm View the stars through some seriously powerful telescopes at one of Astro Dog’s regular public astronomy events in the Dalby Forest. Get expert astrophotography tips or, if it’s raining, BAA meeting Institute of Physics, Caledonian Road, London, 27 March, 5pm The British Astronomical Association returns to the Institute of Physics for its quarterly meeting, with talks on Mars, Jupiter and more. BAA membership is open to all amateur astronomers and costs £53.50 per year (concessions from £12.50). britastro.org March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 21
The Books that Unlocked the Mysteries of the Universe By Karen Masters – Astronomy and Physics Professor at Haverford College, Philadelphia. PUBLISHED 25TH APRIL 2024 Pre-order online or from your local bookshop NOW ISBN 978 0711289819
The astronomer’s forum The expanding Universe of the mind A Jonathan Powell is a freelance writer and broadcaster. A former correspondent at BBC Radio Wales, he is currently astronomy columnist at the South Wales Argus s a species, the gradual unveiling of the mysteries of the Universe has only been achieved through the results of our own innovation, unaided and unassisted by anyone else. From early cave paintings that captured the heavens, to tracking the motions of stars and planets to form basic calendars, to agricultural usage, with the planting and reaping of crops. Soon, though, instead of just observing the points of light in the night sky, great minds such as Ptolemy, Copernicus and Kepler turned to attempts at explaining them. Landmark timeline events serve as poignant reminders of the parallel relationship between the human mind and the Universe. Galileo’s telescopic sketching of Saturn in the early 1600s, and in particular that of the planet’s rings, were humankind’s ŜƅUVWOLJKWŝRQDQREMHFWWKDWKDGEHHQZDLWLQJELOOLRQV RI\HDUVIRUWHFKQRORJ\RQ(DUWKWRVXIƅFLHQWO\ advance in order to make such an observation. Galileo’s puzzlement over what he saw as Saturn’s ‘arms’ was duly solved, as the optical revolution of the time allowed Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens to declare in 1659 that those ‘arms’ were in fact rings. $V*DOLOHRRSHQHGWKDWƅUVWGRRU+X\JHQVRSHQHG the second, and the momentum continued as the centuries passed, eventually leading to the Pioneer, Voyager and Cassini–Huygens missions. Environmental philosopher John Muir (1838–1914), wrote that “the clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness”. Just as a torch beam illuminates the interior of a cave as the explorer ventures deeper into its labyrinth, the path towards our own understanding is one revealed a step at a time. Those shafts of light through the forest canopy to the ground have not only produced discoveries upon our journey, but enhancements of phenomena that have already been captured lightyears distant, as the James Webb Space Telescope impressively sharpened the Hubble Space Telescope’s image of the Pillars of Creation. Perhaps more remarkably, Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, which predicted the existence of what American physicist John Wheeler later coined ‘black holes’, has now been presented to us in an image, thanks to the Event Horizon Telescope. It’s proof that at times we are perhaps ahead of the Universe in our thinking, but never naive enough to believe until proven that one’s theory is correct. As we look at the Universe, let us not forget that, in its own way, it has also been looking back at us. One of its emissaries (‘Oumuamua aside), is Halley’s Comet. With every periodic sweep of its body and tail, this comet has witnessed an ever-changing shop window of the life on planet Earth. With each pass there have been different residents looking skyward at the comet, using different means to observe it and with different thoughts to explain it. Recent studies suggest that the Universe is expanding faster than previously understood, but given our astronomical accomplishments, and maybe PRUHVRRXUGHYHORSPHQWVLQVSDFHƆLJKWWHFKQRORJ\ it would more than indicate that we remain closely aligned in both mind and capability with the accelerating expansion of the Universe. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 23 STEPHAN SCHMITZ/FOLIO Jonathan Powell reflects on where our finite understanding meets infinite space
The perfect addition to your stargazing, BBC Sky at Night Magazine is your practical guide to astronomy, helping you to discover the night skies, understand the Universe around us and learn exciting techniques for using your telescope. Enjoy our Premium App experience now available from SkyMAGAZINE at Night
ESO/L. CALÇADA/M. KORNMESSER ILLUSTRATION It’s elemental: the lives of stars, or rather their cataclysmic deaths, spawned all the ‘stuff’ in the Universe – including us 26 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
It’s said that we’re all made of star stuff, but how is that star stuff itself made? Harry Cliff explains E verything we can see in the world around us is made of atoms. But where did those atoms come from? It’s a question that’s fascinated natural philosophers and scientists for centuries, and is one we’re still learning more about today. At the start of the 18th century, Isaac Newton declared that atoms had probably been created by God at the beginning of time. He believed that atoms were indestructible, “no ordinary power being able to divide what God had PDGHRQHLQWKHƅUVWFUHDWLRQŠ +RZHYHULQWKHƅUVWGHFDGHVRI the 20th century, physicists found that they could break atoms apart in the lab using powerful, albeit earthly, forces, which eventually led to the realisation that every atom in the periodic table is made X March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 27
X of just three subatomic particles: electrons, protons and neutrons. The discovery of atomic substructure opened up the possibility that atoms themselves had been created out of these basic constituents. But how? Every atom has the same structure, a tiny positively charged nucleus orbited by negatively charged electrons. The nucleus itself is made of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons bound together by the strong nuclear force, and crucially it is the number of protons in the nucleus that determines whether an atom is, say, carbon, oxygen or uranium. Hydrogen is the simplest atom, a single proton orbited by a single electron, and most of the hydrogen we see in the Universe today was created shortly after the Big Bang. It is the obvious candidate for the raw material from which all the heavier elements are made. The next simplest atom is helium, whose nucleus is made of two protons and two neutrons. However, combining hydrogen together to make helium is far from easy. Protons are positively charged, and so exert an enormous repulsive force on each other when they come close together. For two protons to fuse, they have to get within around 10 -15 metres of each other – a distance comparable to the size of the protons themselves – at which point the attractive strong nuclear force begins to overcome their electrical repulsion. However, to get two protons this close they have to be moving incredibly quickly, fast enough to zip up the steeply rising electrical barrier that keeps them apart. This means that for hydrogen to undergo nuclear fusion it has to be very, very hot indeed, with a temperature of at least several million degrees. Where in the cosmos can such extreme conditions be found? One answer is, in the interiors of stars. ILLUSTRATION EMILIJA RANDJELOVIC/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, FAMBROS/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES,NASA/CXC/M. WEISS, BSIP/GETTY, XRAY: NASA/CXC/SAO/OPTICAL: NASA/STSCL/INFRARED: NASA/JPLCALTECH/STEWARD/O.KRAUSE ET AL Raw materials 28 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 S Stars fuse hydrogen into helium in their furnace-like cores, keeping the stars shining – until the fuel runs out Take, for example, the Sun. At its centre, the crushing gravity of our local star’s mass heats the core to a blistering 15 million degrees, allowing hydrogen nuclei (protons) to fuse together to produce helium. However, since you need two protons and two neutrons to make helium, this doesn’t happen in a single reaction but in a stepH by-step process known as the ‘proton–proton chain’, whereby a He helium nucleus is built O, up through a series C O, of nuclear collisions, Ne, Si, accompanied by S Mg the occasional Fe conversion of a proton into a neutron. Not only do these nuclear fusion reactions produce helium, they also generate the energy that keeps our local star shining and stops it collapsing under its own gravity. The Sun will carry on merrily fusing hydrogen into helium for another ƅYHELOOLRQ\HDUVEXWHYHQWXDOO\WKHK\GURJHQ needed to fuel its nuclear furnace will run out. At S A simplified view that point, things will get rather interesting for of the distribution anyone still living in the inner Solar System. of elements in a Without a source of energy to counterbalance core-collapsing star before it explodes gravity, the Sun’s core will start to collapse and heat up. Eventually, it will become so hot that hydrogen fusion will re-ignite, but this time in a spherical shell surrounding the helium-rich core. Previously, this layer
It began with a bang The amount of hydrogen and helium in the Universe was set after the Big Bang However, about three minutes in, the Universe had expanded and cooled to a few billion degrees. The photons no longer had enough energy to break nuclei apart. Suddenly, nuclear fusion could get going, and a blizzard of collisions rapidly converted protons and neutrons into helium. After about 100 seconds, all the free neutrons had been gobbled up and the amount of helium in the Universe was essentially set. 7RGD\SK\VLFLVWVƅQGWKH%LJ%DQJ theory predicts around 25 per cent of the Universe by mass should be helium, with the rest made up of hydrogen and a tiny sprinkling of lithium. This is more or less precisely what we see in the Universe today and is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that our Universe really did begin with a bang. Within minutes of the Big Bang, the Universe cooled enough to IRUPWKHƅUVWHOHPHQWV ILLUSTRATION Though stars have acted as cosmic factories, gradually enriching the Universe with heavy elements for the last 13.7 billion years, they cannot account for the second-most common element of all: helium. Stars do indeed make helium, but nowhere near enough to explain the fact that helium makes up a quarter of the atoms in the Universe by mass. To understand helium’s origin, we must look to the greatest cosmic forge of all: WKH%LJ%DQJ'XULQJLWVƅUVWIHZPLQXWHV WKH8QLYHUVHZDVƅOOHGE\DVHDULQJ plasma with roughly equal numbers of protons and neutrons, ideal conditions, you might think, for the formation of elements beyond hydrogen. However, up until about three minutes after the Big Bang, there were so many highenergy photons (particles of light) zipping about that any nuclei that formed were immediately blasted apart again by a collision with a photon. was too cool for fusion to take place. The restart of fusion will release a new blaze of OLJKWLQWRWKHXSSHUUHJLRQVRIWKHVWDULQƆDWLQJLW to become a monstrous red giant between 100 and 200 times its current diameter, so large that it will consume the inner planets, likely including Earth. Death throes Meanwhile, deep inside the red giant, the core will continue to shrink and heat up, eventually reaching a searing 100 million degrees. This is hot enough to allow even larger atoms to combine, igniting helium fusion into carbon, and then carbon–helium fusion to make oxygen. When this happens, the Sun will shrink back down to a yellowish star, around 10 times its current size. However, this new age of helium fusion will be brief in solar terms, a mere 100 million years, after which the core will resume its inward collapse. ,QLWVƅQDOJDVSVPL[LQJEHWZHHQWKHVWDUŝVLQQHU layers will result in the fusion of carbon and hydrogen to make nitrogen, until at last, the Sun will gently puff its atmosphere out into space, enriching the surrounding galactic medium in carbon and nitrogen. At the centre of this expanding cloud of luminous gas will be all that remains of the solar core, a glowing husk about the size of Earth: a white dwarf. The majority of the carbon and nitrogen in our bodies came from the deaths of small, yellow stars S Inside out: dead stars like Cas A scatter their elements (like the iron core shown here in green), seeding life across the Universe like our Sun. However, for heavier elements, we must look to even more dramatic stellar events. While our Sun will die with something of a whimper, larger stars go out with a bang. The nuclear career of a star more than eight times the mass of the Sun doesn’t end when its core is converted into carbon and oxygen. Instead, its enormous gravity heats the core to over a billion degrees – hot enough to X March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 29
ILLUSTRATION “The resulting stellar explosion, known as a Type II supernova, can briefly outshine all the stars in a galaxy” KEVRON2001 ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, ESO, ELIZABETH WHEATLEY (STSCI), NASA’S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER CONCEPTUAL IMAGE LAB X force carbon nuclei together to make even heavier elements, including neon, magnesium and sodium. When the carbon runs out – after DSLIƆLQJ\HDUVŚWKHVWDU undergoes a further series of collapses, heating up and igniting QHZQXFOHDUIXHOVƅUVWQHRQDQG WKHQR[\JHQ2QWKHVWDUŝVODVW GD\WKHFRUHUHDFKHVELOOLRQ degrees, hot enough to trigger LWVƅQDOIXVLRQUHDFWLRQWKH burning of silicon to make iron and nickel. Iron and nickel are the most stable elements in the periodic table, and so fusing them to make even heavier elements DFWXDOO\FRQVXPHVHQHUJ\UDWKHUWKDQ releasing it. This means that once the core has been converted into iron and nickel, the star has twinkled its last. With no further IXVLRQUHDFWLRQVDYDLODEOHWRFRXQWHUEDODQFHJUDYLW\ the star implodes, crushing the core into such a VPDOOYROXPHWKDWLWUHDFKHVWKHVDPHGHQVLW\DVDQ atomic nucleus. At this point the strong nuclear force ƅJKWVEDFNDJDLQVWJUDYLW\DQGWKHLQIDOOLQJEXONRI WKHVWDUHIIHFWLYHO\ERXQFHVRIIWKHFRUHFUHDWLQJD shockwave that rips the star apart from the inside DQGVHQGVDFDWDFO\VPLFEODVWRIOLJKWDQGPDWWHU out into space: a supernova. Meanwhile, the core 30 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 SN1987a S Supernova 1987A, one of the brightest supernovae seen in 400 years, blazed for months in 1987 itself collapses into a single, giant atomic nucleus PDGHHQWLUHO\RIQHXWURQVŚDQHXWURQVWDUŚ RULILWLVKHDY\HQRXJKDEODFNKROH The resulting stellar explosion, NQRZQDVD7\SH,,VXSHUQRYD FDQEULHƆ\RXWVKLQHDOOWKHVWDUV LQDJDOD[\,QWKHIHURFLRXV conditions inside the supernova, IXUWKHUKHDY\HOHPHQWVEH\RQG iron and nickel are created as lighter nuclei are bombarded E\DQLQWHQVHZDYHRIIUHH neutrons, resulting in elements including gallium, germanium, EURPLQHDQGNU\SWRQ$WWKH same time, particles accelerated to close to the speed of light tear through larger nuclei like bullets, breaking them apart to form much OLJKWHUHOHPHQWVOLNHEHU\OOLXPDQGERURQ 7KHVHQHZO\PLQWHGQXFOHLDUHEODVWHG out into the Universe, along with products of HDUOLHUIXVLRQUHDFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJFDUERQR[\JHQ magnesium and iron, enriching the cosmos with a KHDG\HOHPHQWDOFRFNWDLO Gold flingers Perhaps the most exciting recent advance in our XQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHRULJLQRIDWRPVFDPHLQ ZLWKWKHGLVFRYHU\E\WKH/DVHU,QWHUIHURPHWHU *UDYLWDWLRQDO:DYH2EVHUYDWRU\ /,*2 RI
Harry Cliff is a particle physicist at Cambridge working on the Large Hadron Collider and the author of Space Oddities (2024) ILLUSTRATION JUDYLWDWLRQDOZDYHVUHOHDVHGE\WKHFROOLVLRQEHWZHHQ two neutron stars. Along with the gravitational wave, observatories around the world detected light from the awesome collision, revealing large quantities of precious metals, including platinum and gold. In fact, E\RQHHVWLPDWHWKHQHXWURQVWDUFROOLVLRQSURGXFHG HQRXJKJROGWRPDNHVROLGJROGSODQHW(DUWKV 2IFRXUVHWKLVJROGLVQŝWƆRDWLQJWKURXJKVSDFHLQ VROLGSODQHWVL]HGOXPSV,QVWHDGWKHDWRPVDORQJ ZLWKDOOWKHRWKHUHOHPHQWVFUHDWHGE\VWDUVGLIIXVH RXWWKURXJKWKHQHEXORXVJDVWKDWƅOOVRXU*DOD[\ 2YHUWLPHNQRWVIRUPLQWKHVHFORXGVŚVWHOODU QXUVHULHVIURPZKLFKFORXGVRIK\GURJHQKHOLXPDQG the other elements come together to form new stars. 7KHVHDUHVXUURXQGHGE\VZLUOLQJSURWRSODQHWDU\ GLVFVƅOOHGZLWKDOOWKHHOHPHQWVFUHDWHGE\SUHYLRXV JHQHUDWLRQVRIVWDUV2YHUWLPHWKHVHFRPHWRJHWKHU to form the planets. ,WŝVH[WUDRUGLQDU\WRWKLQNWKDWHYHU\WKLQJWKDWPDGH HYHU\SHUVRQWUHHPRXQWDLQDQGRFHDQFDPHIURP WKHGHDWKVRIVWDUVELOOLRQVRI\HDUVLQWKHSDVW Colliding dead (neutron) stars have been detected creating planets’ worth of gold Small stars, big elements While we’ve explained the main routes through which the elements are made, the full story of their origin is incredibly intricate. Sometimes a smaller star can create elements much heavier than it normally would through fusion alone. In one rare case, white dwarfs – the end state of low-mass stars like our Sun – actually gain enough mass to go supernova. This happens when they’re close enough to a companion star that they gradually steal matter from it. The matter falls onto the surface of the white dwarf until its mass becomes so high that nuclear fusion restarts, violently detonating the white dwarf in a Type 1a supernova. This produces large amounts of elements like sulphur, iron and copper. It’s even possible for low-mass stars like the Sun to create heavy elements beyond iron, despite not being large enough to fuse elements heavier than carbon and oxygen. This is because although mostly composed of hydrogen when they form, stars contain some of the heavy nuclei inherited from earlier generations of stars. Neutrons released in the stars’ fusion reactions can be captured by these heavy nuclei, converting them into even heavier elements. Some white dwarfs are rekindled after siphoning matter from nearby stars March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 31 ILLUSTRATION Under certain conditions, stars like the Sun can create heavy elements as well
The fundamentals of astronomy for beginners E XTRA Aurorae and solar maximum SUMOS/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, TTSZ/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, NASA’S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER/MARY PAT HRYBYK KEITH, SOHO (ESA & NASA) We could be in for some incredible aurora displays as the Sun’s magnetic activity is due to peak this year A urorae are one of nature’s most beautiful spectacles, but also one of the most elusive. For aurora hunters, some nights will yield little more than a green smudge on the horizon, others nothing at all. But then will come the nights when the air will burst into life as light dances across the sky. There are no guarantees when it comes to seeing aurorae, but you might be able to stack the odds in your favour. The next few years are going to be some of the best for those hoping to catch the lights, as our Sun is currently approaching a time of intense activity, known as solar maximum. Scientists watching the Sun predict this could happen in 2024. 32 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 S With Solar Cycle 25 said to now be at or near its peak, more and more people are getting to tick ‘See the Northern Lights’ off their bucket lists To understand why, we must travel to the aurorae’s beginnings on the surface of the Sun. Our star emits a constant stream of charged particles, known as the solar wind, that traverses through the Solar System at huge speeds. This wind then eventually collides with our planet, or rather the protective bubble created by Earth’s PDJQHWLFƅHOGDURXQGWKHSODQHWNQRZQDVWKH PDJQHWRVSKHUH0DJQHWLFƅHOGVFDQVNHZWKHSDWK of charged particles, changing their motions so that WKH\PRYHDORQJLWVƅHOGOLQHV$VVXFKWKHVRODU ZLQGLVGHƆHFWHGDURXQGWKHPDJQHWRVSKHUHVRWKDW most of it passes safely around the outside, like water ƆRZLQJSDVWDURFNLQDVWUHDP
Solar wind 6RODUƆDUH (DUWKŝVPDJQHWLFƅHOG S Flares fired our way are generally seen off by Earth’s magnetic field – but some solar particles sneak into our magnetosphere Some of the particles, however, are able to sneak through into our magnetosphere. Once inside, they EHFRPHFDXJKWLQƅHOGOLQHVWKDWJXLGHWKHPGRZQ towards the planet. These solar particles, along with others that were previously trapped within our planet’s radiation belts, are then accelerated down towards the surface by Earth’s magnetic ƅHOG)RUPLQJDULQJDURXQGWKHQRUWKDQGVRXWK poles, known as the auroral oval, the particles keep travelling until they hit molecules in Earth’s atmosphere. This transfers some of the accelerated particles’ energy, causing the atmospheric molecules to glow. The altitude and the type of molecules they hit determine the colour of the glow. The aurorae’s famous green hues come from oxygen molecules at an altitude of 100–240km. The less common reds originate from oxygen above 240km, while the rarely seen blues are created by nitrogen under 100km. :KHQDƆXUU\RIFKDUJHGSDUWLFOHVERPEDUGWKH atmosphere at once, the glow is great enough for human eyes to pick up. This is when the aurorae dance before our eyes. Far from predictable Precisely how aurorae work is still being discovered, but one thing that’s clear is that the more active the Sun is, the more likely it is that spectacular aurorae will arise. Not only that, but if the solar wind is blowing faster, the more energy the particles have. This makes the auroral oval larger, pushing it closer to the equator, meaning the lights can be seen over a much larger area. For this reason, dedicated aurora hunters The kaleidoscope of colours we see at different altitudes 400km Ionosphere Thermosphere 240km 100km Mesosphere Stratosphere Not to scale Troposphere watch for times when the Sun is more active. One event to particularly keep an eye on are coronal mass ejections (CMEs), where the Sun’s twisting PDJQHWLFƅHOGƆLQJVDEORERILWVRZQVWHOODU material out into space. It’s possible to get some warning that a CME is about WRFROOLGHZLWK(DUWKWKDQNVWR1$6$ŝV Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), which monitors the Sun’s activity in real time, looking for the solar ƆDUHVWKDWXVXDOO\KHUDOGDQLQFRPLQJ CME. Currently, however, there’s no way to predict when a CME is going to erupt. X W An Earth-directed coronal mass ejection can send high-energy solar winds towards our planet, sparking dazzling light shows days later March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 33
The shape of the aurora MARKUS VARIK/HTTPS://GREENLANDER.NO/WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/GREENLANDER_TROMSO/WWW.FACEBOOK. COM/GREENLANDERTROMSO, EERIK/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, NASA’S SOLAR DYNAMICS OBSERVATORY/JOY NG, NASA/GSFC/SDO, ALEX RAMSAY/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO The lights take on many forms across the night sky Patches Arcs More diffuse than other displays, these blobs of light tend to spread out across the sky. Many displays begin as a curve of bright light across the sky, known as an arc, before transforming into more complex shapes. Coronae Curtains Bands Rays Created from rays of light moving together in bands, viewed from a distance these sweeping forms resemble a set of hanging curtains. Similar to arcs, bands tend to have a more undulating appearance to their lower border, creating a snaking glow across the sky. These shafts of light stretch upwards into the sky and during more active displays can even appear to pulse and move. Meaning crown, coronae are large starburst formations. They FDQEHGLIƅFXOWWR catch, however, as you’ll only see such a view if you’re directly underneath it. X It is, however, possible to say when it’s more likely for such events to occur. The Sun goes through an approximate 11-year sequence of rising and falling activity, known as the solar cycle, which solar scientists track by measuring the number of sunspots on the solar surface. Each cycle begins with a solar minimum; at these times it could be months, or even years between one sunspot and the next. Then, over several years the number of sunspots increases until they reach a peak, known as the solar maximum. After this, the sunspot numbers trail off once more to a new minimum and the start of a new cycle. Are we at the peak? Though the cycle tracks sunspots, the rise and fall of other activity of the Sun follows alongside, including CMEs, which usually reach a peak in the years just after solar maximum. We are currently in Solar Cycle 25, which started in December 2019, so-named because it is the 25th since records began. Initial predictions put the maximum in mid 2025 and forecast that it would be one of the weakest cycles, with low sunspot numbers. As the cycle has gone on, however, it’s quickly 34 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Solar maximum, 2014 S Look lively: sunspots flare dramatically at peak times, which is where we (probably) are now Solar minimum, 2019 become clear that those predictions were not correct. The actual number of sunspots is much higher than forecast, and the date of solar maximum has now been revised to sometime between January and October 2024. That means it could be the peak of solar activity right now, although we won’t know for sure exactly when the peak occurs until after it has passed and activity begins to fall again.
We won’t know exactly how active Solar Cycle 25 will be until then, but it’s already shaping up to have a higher peak than the previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 24. And it’s already begun to show in the aurorae. ,QWKHUHZHUH;FODVVVRODUƆDUHVŚWKH PRVWSRZHUIXORIWKHLUNLQGŚVHYHUDORIZKLFKZHUH accompanied by CMEs. The Northern Lights were seen as far south as West Wales and Cornwall in the UK, while a photographer was able to capture them over Death Valley, California in the US. Meanwhile, their Southern Hemisphere counterparts, the Southern Lights, have been making rare appearances above mainland Australia and New Zealand. Getting to witness an aurora display always involves an element of chance. But if you’ve always wanted to get out and see the Northern Lights dance DFURVVWKHQLJKWVN\WKHQH[WIHZ\HDUVZLOOGHƅQLWHO\ give you the best chance of catching the show. Huge X-class solar ƆDUHVDUHRQWKHXS – a trigger for intense aurora displays Southerly places like Knighton in mid Wales have been treated to the lights Ezzy Pearson is BBC Sky at Night Magazine’s features editor. Her book Robots in Space is available through History Press How to catch an aurora display Finding the right time and place is the key when tracking down the Northern Lights Aurora displays can show up at any WLPHDIWHUGDUNEXWWKHUHDUHGHƅQLWHO\ times when an aurora sighting is more likely, whether it’s near solar maximum or not. As aurorae are most visible against dark skies, it’s best to hunt for them in spring, autumn and winter, when the nights are longer. For an even better chance, stick to the months around the equinoxes: March and April, September and October. During this WLPH(DUWKŝVPDJQHWLFƅHOGLVEHVW orientated to the solar wind, and more likely to create the interactions needed to produce the lights. The best place to see the Northern Lights is in the auroral oval. In the Northern Hemisphere, the oval sits at a latitude around 65°N to 70°N, covering the northern regions of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Canada, as well as Iceland and Alaska. These are all popular sites for aurora hunters. Those located a little further south would do well to keep an eye on aurorae forecasting apps and websites, however, to see if a particularly energetic CME is on its way. This can push the oval to more southerly latitudes and it’s not uncommon for the lights to appear above Scotland. A particularly strong solar storm will move the oval even further south than that. Whether you’ve travelled to see the aurorae or they have come to you, the faint lights are best viewed from a dark site as far away from light pollution as Geographic pole Geomagnetic pole 65º 70º 75º S Go north: the auroral oval at the north magnetic pole, where solar particles hit Earth’s atmosphere, is the aurora hotspot possible. They can appear at any time, but the best views are usually between 10pm and 2am. Once you’re in position, it’s just a case of watching and waiting for the lights to begin forming on the sky. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 35
Plas y Brenin outdoor centre, one of the sites transformed by dark-sky-friendly measures March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 37
Before After Before After S Streets in the centre of Presteigne, before and after the lighting improvements. The scheme installed hundreds of warm-white LED luminaires on timers in place of glaring cool-white LEDs, winning the community Dark Sky accreditation at the start of this year LEIGH HARLINGBOWEN & KEREM ASFUROGLU, LEIGH HARLINGBOWEN, GEORGIA MACMILLAN X 2 Presteigne & Norton Dark Sky Community, Powys, Wales This project gained the recognition of DarkSky International in January 2024, E\EHFRPLQJWKHƅUVW'DUN6N\ Community in Wales. This achievement is also a product of a unique collaboration that brought together the local community, Presteigne & Norton Town Council and Powys County Council. Covering an outer area of 40km2 and a combined population of 2,700, the historic Radnorshire towns of Presteigne and Norton are located on the border with England, in Powys, Wales’s largest county. In contrast to other areas of the UK, more than 18 per cent of Wales has been assigned dark-sky status. Precedents like this project are important, as they pave the road for bigger and more populated settlements to challenge the norms in order to become dark-sky-friendly. In developing environmentally friendly lighting for the residents, a judicious lighting approach has been essential. In Presteigne and Norton’s case, the street lighting was the main layer of illumination causing problems. Orange-tinted sodium lighting had been replaced with coolwhite LEDs (a colour temperature of 6,500K), which saved Powys County &RXQFLODVLJQLƅFDQWDPRXQWRIPRQH\E\ reducing running costs. However, the bluerich colour of this LED light introduced PRUHVLJQLƅFDQWOLJKWSROOXWLRQSUREOHPV ƆRRGLQJWKHVWUHHWVZLWKUDGLDQFH Frequent sky-quality monitoring and engagement programmes organised by the local community raised awareness, which eventually ensured the protection of a large area that is home to lightsensitive bat species and the nearby Spaceguard Centre observatory. A total of 380 lighting columns were refurbished with warm-white LED luminaires (lighting units, with a colour temperature of 2,200K); about half of them were programmed to switch off and the rest to dim by 50 per cent after midnight. Comprehensive lighting tests were carried out and feedback was sought from the wider community throughout the project, which has reduced the town’s annual carbon dioxide emissions by 4.5 tonnes. Its success has prompted the local authorities to consider rolling out similar lighting schemes across the county. This will empower many other communities to pursue dark-skies accreditation if they so choose, an important ripple effect for the continuity of dark skies across Wales and the UK. Before S Looking back on Presteigne and Norton from a nearby hill, it’s clear how the new lighting scheme drastically reduced skyglow 38 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 After
of the church both by day and at night. These lanterns are designed to provide a warm colour temperature (2,200K) and subtly illuminate the church periphery without causing any glare. This has encouraged the public to visit and explore the church grounds after dark, RYHUFRPLQJWKHGD]]OLQJƆRRGOLJKWVZKLFK formerly inhibited movement. A matter of emphasis Attention was drawn to ground features instead of shining light into the sky Newport, County Mayo, Ireland Ireland has great potential to establish several dark-sky areas, and these possibilities have been adopted in Newport, a town with ambitious DVSLUDWLRQVWREHFRPHWKHƅUVWGDUN sky community in Ireland. Located near the Wild Nephin National Park, which becomes Mayo Dark Sky Park after nightfall, the town aims to establish an important precedent in veering away from UXUDOSUHFRQFHSWLRQVDQGFRQƅUPLQJWKDW populated settlements can also become valuable dark-sky destinations. As part of this project, two local architectural landmarks, St Patrick’s Church and the Seven Arches Bridge, were LGHQWLƅHGDVVLWHVZKHUHOLJKWLQJUHGHVLJQ could eliminate the light pollution and visual discomfort currently caused by their poor illumination. 7KHƅUVWSKDVHRIWKHSURMHFWIRFXVHG RQUHSODFLQJWKHJODULQJƆRRGOLJKWVFKHPH Before at St Patrick’s Church, which was lit by luminaires that diminished the beautiful heritage architecture of the 100-year-old building. Visible from numerous points in WKHWRZQLWVKLOOWRSORFDWLRQLQWHQVLƅHG the adverse effects of the poor lighting, with large quantities of wasted glare ascending into the sky and failing to bring out the ornamental features of the church’s facade. The project sought not only to change the lights one by one, but also to futureproof the design. The community grasped this as an opportunity to change the relationship between the church and its surroundings. Before, vertical façade lighting had shaped the visual emphasis when seeing the church at night, and this was inverted by instead putting the emphasis on the horizontal ground plane. Next, lanterns were reinstalled on the perimeter railings, which has restored the heritage fabric On the church itself, we explored the potential of emphasising key architectural elements by replacing the formerly undifferentiated illumination of the building’s facades. This was coupled with the decision to make more use of the interior lighting in the church, which the removal of the glaring façade illumination revealed more acutely. In addition, a switch-off time was established for the lighting, allowing a period of rest for both the environment and the architecture, and the impressive, silhouetted form of the darkened church to stand out against the night sky, adding a different dimension to its visual impact. 7KHƅUVWSKDVHRIWKHSURMHFWKDV already reduced the annual carbon dioxide emissions by two tonnes. From successfully applying for grant streams to organising dark-sky festivals and carrying out lighting tests on site, the community of Newport has a tremendous capacity and willpower to initiate change. Not only has the project improved the night-time experience of the town, but the aim is to secure further dimming measures across Newport that could save a total of 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. X After 7KHƅUVWSKDVHSXW6W Patrick’s Church in a whole QHZ HQHUJ\HIƅFLHQW OLJKW March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 39
Plas y Brenin outdoor activity centre overlooks Yr Wyddfa (Mount Snowdon) in North Wales Plas y Brenin, Snowdonia, Wales DANI ROBERTSON, DYLAN PARRY EVANS & DANI ROBERTSON, DYLAN PARRY EVANS & KEREM ASFUROGLU, DYLAN PARRY EVANS Located in the lush heart of Snowdonia, North Wales, Plas y Brenin is a vibrant outdoor centre that attracts thousands of international visitors every year. The site KDGEHHQVXIIHULQJIURPDVLJQLƅFDQWOHYHO of light pollution visible for miles around, causing several issues for itself and for biodiversity in the area surrounding it. Together with Snowdonia National Park Authority and Prosiect Nos, the North Wales Dark Sky Partnership, a lighting design was developed to restore the area’s dark skies and tackle the growing Before concern for the region, which has been an accredited Dark Sky Reserve since 2015. The project was conceived with an environmentally and socially sustainable ethos, which aims to reduce energy waste and the impact on biodiversity, while exploring further opportunities to enhance the outdoor experience for visitors after dark. Budgets for dark-skies projects can be low in comparison to commercial developments, encouraging designers to push the boundaries of creativity. Initially envisaged as a car park lighting improvement project, the project expanded into a more holistic scheme that covered the whole site. This was in part because the existing lighting mostly FRQVLVWHGRIƆXRUHVFHQWEXONKHDGVDQG /('ƆRRGOLJKWVJODUHDQGXQFRQWUROOHG light dispersal shaped the visual experience across the space and reduced the site’s legibility. Moreover, the lighting was unevenly distributed, with certain areas over-lit and other regions of the site deprived of light. The holistic approach After The majority of the new lighting was installed below eye level 40 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
Before After Fluorescent bulkheads were replaced with warm, downward-facing lights sought to strike a balance between lit and unlit spaces and create a visually pleasant and consistent experience. Low-level lighting After investigating the relative costs of the large range of luminaires offered by international suppliers, budget decisions were made that sought the best value for money. Warm-coloured, glare-free, lowintensity lighting was installed to meet dark-sky-friendly measures and create a more inviting atmosphere, while high HQHUJ\HIƅFLHQF\HQVXUHGWKDWORQJHU term costs would not be exceeded. The majority of the newly installed lighting at Plas y Brenin is situated below eye level and at door height; by focusing on the diffusion of light across a horizontal plane, illumination is at a more human scale. There were also areas where vertical illumination was essential to make ZD\ƅQGLQJHDVLHU7KLVZDVGRQHZLWK the imperative that luminaires faced downwards, avoiding upwards travelling light. To create a textured visual character unique to the site, luminaires with elliptical and forward throw effects were used to increase reach and coverage. $OOƆRRGOLJKWVZHUHUHPRYHGIURPWKH VLWH5HVSRQVLYHLOOXPLQDWLRQZDVƅWWHGDW all less well-used entrances, with passive infrared sensors (PIRs) introduced to avoid unnecessary illumination, where lights only come on when movement is detected. PIR technology was also The new design created DXQLƅHGDQGLQYLWLQJIHHO across the whole site put into areas where supplying mains power proved to be challenging, with solar lanterns deployed as a low-energy solution. To minimise material and economic waste, the existing bollard bodywork was refurbished so that only light sources were replaced. Gratifyingly, the project has encouraged the return of bats to the site to forage around hedgerows that were formerly too brightly illuminated. The project has ensured that a core area of the dark-sky reserve is further enhanced and protected, offering an inviting night-time experience aligned with Plas y Brenin’s brand and environmental ethos. The overall transition to LEDs has maximised the longevity and energy savings of the scheme, and the highly HIƅFLHQWOLJKWLQJSURGXFWVLQVWDOOHGKDYH cut annual carbon dioxide emissions by two tonnes. The multiple award-winning project has also served as an exemplar for other environmentally and dark-sky-orientated lighting schemes. It was featured on BBC One’s &RXQWU\ƅOH programme in 2022, extending awareness about the important role of considerate lighting design within the dark skies movement. Kerem Asfuroglu is the founder and director of Dark Source lighting design studio March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 41
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16-PAGE CENTRE PULLOUT MARCH 2024 COATHANGER CROSSING PETE LAWRENCE Catch morning comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS’s close encounter with the Coathanger Cluster VOLCANOES ON THE MOON Hunt down lunar domes from our Moon’s volcanic past About the writers Astronomy expert Pete Lawrence is a skilled astro imager and a presenter on The Sky at Night monthly on BBC Four Steve Tonkin is a binocular observer. Find his tour of the best sights for both eyes on page 54 Also on view this month… ✦ Brightening comet 12P/Pons–Brooks ✦ Waxing crescent Moon, Jupiter and the Pleiades ✦ Mercury at greatest eastern elongation SUPER BOWL Six beautiful galaxies to find in the Bowl of Virgo Red light friendly To preserve your night vision, this Sky Guide can be read using a red light under dark skies Get the Sky Guide weekly For weekly updates on what to look out for in the night sky and more, sign up to our newsletter at www.skyat nightmagazine.com March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 43
MARCH HIGHLIGHTS Friday X 1 Bright Venus appears very close to Mars this morning, but the mag. +1.3 Red Planet is rapidly lost to the brightening dawn sky. Your guide to the night sky this month The view through 7x50 binoculars Saturday 2 Minor planet 3 Juno reaches opposition today, when it can be found shining at mag. +8.6 against the stars of Leo. Sunday 10 The Moon reaches perigee at 07:07 UT, a couple of hours prior to new Moon at 09:03 UT. According to the ‘official’ definition, this counts as a new supermoon, although you won’t be able to see it. Thursday 14 16 Look directly above this evening’s 46%-lit waxing crescent Moon and see whether you can spot mag. +1.6 Elnath (Beta (β) Tauri) immediately north of it around 21:20 UT. Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday The clair-obscur effect known as the Eyes of Clavius is visible around 19:50 UT. The Northern’s Hemisphere’s vernal equinox occurs today, the centre of the Sun’s disc moving south to north across the celestial equator at 03:06 UT. Venus is 27 arcminutes from Saturn at 06:00 UT as they rise above the east-southeastern horizon. Mag. –3.8 Venus should be visible, but at mag. +0.8 and against the bright dawn twilight, Saturn will be tricky. See this evening’s 98%-lit waxing gibbous Moon occult mag. +4.0 Sigma (σ) Leonis at around 21:00 UT. Monday Tuesday 18 25 PETE LAWRENCE X 7 Saturday X Catch this evening’s 26%-lit waxing crescent Moon around 23:40 UT and look out for the Pleiades open cluster located 3.2 ° to the northeast. This morning’s full Moon experiences a penumbral lunar eclipse. This is not well presented for UK observers, who only get the start of an already difficult-tosee event, just before the Moon sets below the horizon. 20 26 As the just past full Moon rises this evening, around 20:30 UT, look out for mag. +1.0 Spica (Alpha (α) Virginis) very close to it. 44 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 22 23
NEED TO KNOW The terms and symbols used in The Sky Guide Sunday X 3 Universal Time (UT) and British Summer Time (BST) This morning’s last quarter Moon sits immediately west of M4 and 1.9 ° west of Antares (Alpha (α) Scorpii). Universal Time (UT) is the standard time used by astronomers around the world. British Summer Time (BST) is one hour ahead of UT RA (Right ascension) and dec. (declination) Monday 11 This evening’s 2%-lit waxing crescent Moon sits 7.5° east-northeast from mag. –1.2 Mercury, both visible 30 minutes after sunset, very low above the western horizon. These coordinates are the night sky’s equivalent of longitude and latitude, describing where an object is on the celestial ‘globe’ Wednesday X 13 See the 16%-lit waxing crescent Moon 3 ° northwest of Jupiter as both objects approach the west-northwestern horizon this evening around 22:30 UT. Family friendly Objects marked with this icon are perfect for showing to children Naked eye Allow 20 minutes for your eyes to become dark-adapted Sunday X 17 Four popular clair-obscur effects are visible today: the Lunar X and V, optimal at 14:21 UT in daylight; the Face in Albategnius, best seen around 22:15 UT; and Nessie in the crater Ptolemaeus is visible around midnight. Photo opp Use a CCD, planetary camera or standard DSLR Binoculars 10x50 recommended Small/ medium scope The Face in Albategnius Reflector/SCT under 6 inches, refractor under 4 inches Sunday 24 Large scope Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation, appearing separated from the Sun by 18.7° in the evening sky. The mag. –0.1 planet sets nearly two hours after the Sun. W Friday 29 The eighthmagnitude comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS crosses the Coathanger Cluster (Collinder 399) from today through to 31 March. Reflector/SCT over 6 inches, refractor over 4 inches Family stargazing GETTING STARTED The term ‘conjunction’ has a specific technical meaning, but it’s also used loosely to refer to when one celestial object appears close to another. There are several conjunctions that young observers can look out for in March. On 13 March, the crescent Moon sits near bright Jupiter in the evening. The following evening, it will have moved to sit near the Pleiades. Suggest sketching where the Moon is in relation to the cluster stars. If it’s hard to see the cluster with the naked eye, use binoculars; both objects should fit into the same field of view. www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/stargazing IN ASTRONOMY If you’re new to astronomy, you’ll find two essential reads on our website. Visit bit.ly/10_ easylessons for our 10-step guide to getting started and bit.ly/buy_ scope for advice on choosing a scope March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 45
THE BIG THREE DON’T MISS The top sights to observe or image this month 102 CYGNUS ` g 109 _ Rasalhague HERCULES Albireo 110 VULPECULA Comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS and the Coathanger OPHIUCHUS _ 10 31 Mar 13 4 9 M27 a 111 1 c b _ Collinder 399 (Coathangar Cluster) ¡ C/2021 S3 NGC 6572 c 11 PanSTARRS 21 Mar NGC 6633 ` 62 e Tarazed Altair 46 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 ALL PICTURES: PETE LAWRENCE 67 73 Collinder 350 70 68 Poniatowski’s Bull 11 Mar c 59 Alya 61 4 d 60 + SERPENS CAUDA b 1 Mar o k i Alshain 20 Feb ` AQUILA Althalimain h 12 d M11 j Gum 84-85 _ ¡ M16 NGC 6605 b SCUTUM BEST TIME TO SEE: 1–17 March and 29–31 March Visible in the morning sky, comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS is predicted to shine at a binocular-friendly eighth magnitude all month. It’s currently passing through a part of sky more associated with summer than spring, heading north-northeast from Serpens &DXGDWKURXJK$TXLOD6DJLWWDDQGƅQDOO\ into Vulpecula. Its incursion into Vulpecula takes it across the deep-sky object known as Collinder 399, Brocchi’s Cluster or the Coathanger Cluster. Despite its name, the Coathanger is an asterism rather than a true star cluster. This region of sky does get to a decent altitude before dawn kicks in, so you VKRXOGƅQGWKHUHDUHSOHQW\RI opportunities to look for and follow the comet. On 1 March, you’ve got until around 05:00 UT before astronomical twilight begins and true darkness ends. By the end of March, this occurs earlier at around 04:50 BST (03:50 UT). On 1 March, the comet will be located in a region of sky that, at the start of dawn, has an altitude around 22° as seen from the centre of the UK. By the end of the month, when the comet is passing through the Coathanger Cluster, its altitude will have virtually doubled to around 40° while under true darkness. Unusually for a comet, this one will be fairly well positioned and shouldn’t cause \RXWRRPXFKVWUHVVWRƅQG 7KHUHLVRQHƆ\LQWKHRLQWPHQWWKRXJK the Moon. This will interfere with views of m ` Cebalrai a 66 IC 4756 18 SAGITTA NGC 465 72 a M23 M17 S C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS tracks from Serpens to the Coathanger in Vulpecula this month the comet from 18 March through to the end of the month. However, at the early part of that range, the Moon will be on the other side of the sky and not too much of a nuisance. At the end of that date range, trying to grab the comet as soon as it’s above the horizon is the best strategy as you may be able to locate it before the Moon has time to rise too high. There are several key nights that will KHOS\RXƅQGWKHFRPHWLI\RXŝUHKDYLQJ trouble locating it. On the night of 3/4 March, it lies very close to mag. +3.2 Eta (d) Serpentis, moving into the vicinity of mag. +5.2 star 59 Serpentis in the early hours of 7 March. On the mornings of 14 and 15 March, it sits 3.3° northwest of mag. +4.6 Theta (e) Serpentis. As we’ve mentioned, the Moon interferes in the last half of March, a key date here being the morning of 22 March, when the comet sits really close to mag. +3.0 Zeta (ζ) Aquilae. The Coathanger crossing takes place between 29 and 31 March. S The comet crosses Collinder 399 from 29 March, reaching the coathanger-like asterism on the 30th. Your best chance to see it is at around 03:00 UT, before the Moon gets too high
Almach a TRIANGULUM NGC 925 q a NGC 752 ` NGC 278 NGC 185 NGC 147 Comet 12P/ Pons–Brooks ARIES Hamal 31 Mar Collinder 21 _ M31 i Mothallah + Mirach NGC 672 M33 ` 26 Mar M32 M110 NGC 404 21 Mar BEST TIME TO SEE: 1–17 March and 26–31 March Comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS is not the only bright comet around at the moment. 12P/Pons–Brooks is predicted to brighten from mag. +7.1 to +5.2 throughout the month, the latter value taking it close to naked-eye territory. There’s a bit of cosmic balance at play too, because whereas C/2021 S3 is best in the early morning sky, 12P is best in the evening sky. 12P starts its monthly track just north of the Great Square of Pegasus, technically within Andromeda. As the sky gets properly dark from the centre of the UK, it’ll be approximately 24° above the west-northwestern horizon. The comet then heads southeast, brightening as it goes. On 12 March, it’ll be just shy of 2° north of mag. +3.2 Delta (δ) Andromedae, zipping past this star over the following evenings before exiting Andromeda and entering Pisces just before midnight on 14 March. _ ` o Sheratan NGC 772 a Mesarthim l 16 Mar 12P/Pons–Brooks b q / e m 11 Mar 6 Mar ¡ 1 Mar M74 d c d k Alpheratz _ PGC 3529 PISCES PEGASUS PGC 1467 S Where to see 12P/Pons–Brooks on early evenings in March, brightening to possible naked-eye visibility as it travels from Andromeda towards Hamal (Alpha Arietis) ,WZLOOWKHQSDVVWKURXJKWKHLOOGHƅQHG QRUWKHUQƅVKRI3LVFHVWUDFNLQJVRXWKHDVW to eventually arrive at a position very close to mag. +2.0 Hamal (Alpha (α) Arietis). On the evening of 31 March, comet 12P/Pons–Brooks lies less than half a degree from this star. The expanding evening twilight will cause issues at the end of the month, Hamal being just 10° above the west-northwestern horizon as true darkness falls. The Moon moves through the region mid-month, but as a thin waxing crescent it shouldn’t become an issue until 18 March, moving out of the way again around 26 March. The comet will be in a part of the sky with bright Jupiter and less bright Uranus nearby, especially towards the end of the month. With the Andromeda Galaxy, M31, on the table too, there is plenty of opportunity here for a stunning astrophoto to be taken of the scene. Crescent Moon, Jupiter and the Pleiades BEST TIME TO SEE: Evenings of 13 and 14 March There’s a lovely encounter between the waxing crescent Moon and Jupiter on the evening of 13 March. This bright meeting will be a great target if you have a smartphone with a camera sensitive enough to record astronomical objects. The Moon will have an illuminated phase of 16% and will appear 3.8° from Jupiter as true darkness arrives. The gap continues to close until just before they set at around 23:00 UT, when they will be just 2.8° apart. The next evening, the Moon will have moved further east to sit between the dim planet Uranus and the Pleiades open cluster, M45. The Moon’s phase will have increased to 26% on this date, slim enough to allow the stars of the Pleiades to be easily seen above and left of the Moon’s position as seen from the UK. Again, if you had success taking a photo of the Moon and Jupiter together using a smartphone, have a go to see whether you can record the Moon and the Pleiades together. With a wide enough view, you should also be able to capture mag. +0.8 Aldebaran (Alpha (α) Tauri) together with the V-shaped Hyades open cluster. As a challenge, see whether you can record Uranus as well. S The waxing crescent Moon creates a stunning scene with Jupiter, the Pleiades and Hyades open clusters in mid March March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 47
THE PLANETS Our celestial neighbourhood in March PICK OF THE MONTH Mercury PETE LAWRENCE X 2 Best time to see: 25 March, 40 minutes after sunset Altitude: 10° Location: Pisces Direction: West Features: Phase, surface markings Recommended equipment: 150mm scope or larger Mercury is an evening planet, but having passed superior conjunction on 28 February, it’s pretty close to the Sun at the start of March and won’t be seen. The good news is that the inclination of the ecliptic plane – the projection of Earth’s orbital plane in the sky – is steep against the western horizon at this time of year at sunset. The Sun, Moon and main planets stay on or near the ecliptic, and the steep angle helps keep Mercury above the horizon at a better altitude than if the inclination were shallow. On 7 March, Mercury shines at mag. –1.4 and sets 40 minutes after the Sun. If you KDYHDƆDWZHVWHUQKRUL]RQ\RXPLJKWEH able to pick it up using binoculars, say 20 minutes after sunset, but it won’t be easy. The bright evening twilight sky will do a very good job of hiding the planet! On S In later March, Mercury is reasonably well placed above the western horizon after sunset the evening of 8 March, Mercury sits half planet as seen from the UK. a degree from Neptune. Unfortunately, By the middle of the month, Mercury though, at mag. +7.9 you’re not sets an impressive 90 minutes going to see this dim planet. after the Sun and, still shining Jump forward to 11 brighter than mag. –1.0 March, when mag. –1.2 on 14 March, should be Mercury sets an hour relatively easy to see, after sunset. Wait for given clear weather. 30 minutes after the Its position improves Sun has gone down through to 25 March and the planet should when it sets two hours become visible. A slender after the Sun. By then 2%-lit waxing crescent its brightness will have Moon sits 7.5° east-northeast decreased to around mag. of Mercury on this date, S Mercury is an evening +0.1, but it should still be fairly above and to the left of the easy to see. planet this month phase and relative sizes of the planets this month. Each planet is The planets in March The shown with south at the top, to show its orientation through a telescope Venus 15 Mar Mars 15 Mar Jupiter 15 Mar Saturn 15 Mar Uranus 15 Mar Neptune 15 Mar Mercury 1 Mar Mercury 15 Mar Mercury 31 Mar 0 48 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 10 20 30 40 ARCSECONDS 50 60
Venus Best time to see: 1 March, 20 minutes before sunrise Altitude: 2° (very low) Location: Capricornus Direction: East-southeast Venus is visible in the morning sky, but is getting trickier with each passing day. On 1 March, it shines at mag. –3.8 and rises just 40 minutes before the Sun. On this date it sits close to mag. +1.3 Mars, but this planet is rapidly lost in the bright morning sky. Venus sits less than half a degree from mag. +0.8 Saturn on 22 March, but the pairing will be lost in the dawn twilight. By the time the end of March arrives, Venus will rise just 16 minutes before the Sun. Mars Mars is in the morning sky, but is unlikely to be seen. Jupiter Best time to see: 1 March, 18:30 UT Altitude: 42° Location: Aries Direction: Southwest Jupiter is slowly losing its battle against the evening twilight. On 1 March, it appears 40° up against a fairly dark sky, but by the end of the month it’s only 16° up under similar darkness. Despite this, Jupiter remains bright and beautiful to look at through a telescope. On 1 March, it shines at mag. –2.0, dimming slightly to mag. –1.9 by the end of the month. A 16%-illuminated waxing crescent Moon will appear 3.8° from Jupiter as true darkness arrives on 13 March. The distance closes until the Moon sits 3° northwest of Jupiter as both objects approach the west-northwestern horizon around 22:30 UT. Saturn After lining up with the Sun in solar conjunction at the end of last month, Saturn is now a morning object, but it is still too close to the Sun to be seen properly. On 22 March, it sits 26 arcminutes from mag. –3.8 Venus, but at mag. +0.8 and battling against the bright dawn twilight, Saturn is unlikely to be seen. Uranus Best time to see: 1 March, 19:40 UT Altitude: 40° Location: Aries Direction: West-southwest The observing window closes for Uranus this month, the evening twilight rapidly expanding to engulf the mag. +5.8 planet. It’s visible under dark-sky conditions at the start of March, 40° above the west-southwestern horizon on 1 March. The apparent separation between Uranus and mag. –2.0 Jupiter is closing currently. On 13 March, both planets appear 6.3° apart. A beautiful 16%-lit waxing crescent Moon lies 3.8° west-northwest of Jupiter on this date around 20:00 UT. By the end of the month, Uranus will be just 14° above the western horizon as true darkness falls. Jupiter will be 3.5° to the west of the planet at this time. JUPITER’S MOONS: MARCH Using a small scope you can spot Jupiter’s biggest moons. Their positions change dramatically over the month, as shown on the diagram. The line by each date represents 00:00 UT. DATE WEST EAST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Neptune 24 As it reaches solar conjunction on 17 March, Neptune isn’t currently visible. 25 26 27 FREE BONUS CONTENT 28 29 30 31 1 8 Print planet observing forms www.skyatnightmagazine .com/bonus-content 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 arcminutes Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 49
THE NIGHT SKY – MARCH Su Explore the celestial sphere with our Northern Hemisphere all-sky chart m m er ia Tr ng le Vega ` R 3. The centre of the chart is the point directly over your head. 18:07 UT 21 Mar 2024 06:09 UT 18:26 UT 31 Mar 2024 06:44 BST 19:44 BST a TE BOÖ M3 17:48 UT 06:33 UT e 06:56 UT 11 Mar 2024 Kit 1 Mar 2024 ` _ Sunset _ STAR-HOPPING PATH Sunrise b CO BO RON RE AL A IS SERP EN S CAPUT b Date E A ST Sunrise/sunset in March* ASTEROID TRACK a a COMET TRACK _ Arcturus Moonrise in March* Moonrise times 17 Mar 2024, 09:20 UT 5 Mar 2024, 04:45 UT 21 Mar 2024, 14:05 UT _ 9 Mar 2024, 06:44 UT 25 Mar 2024, 18:58 UT 13 Mar 2024, 07:29 UT 29 Mar 2024, --:-- UT ¡ QUASAR Vindemiatrix *Times correct for the centre of the UK STAR BRIGHTNESS: MAG. 0 & BRIGHTER VIR GO Lunar phases in March Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 1 Saturday 2 D To eep ur -S , p ky ag e5 Sunday 3 MAG. +2 4 5 6 7 8 9 N E CHART: PETE LAWRENCE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W COMPASS AND FIELD OF VIEW S 6 a Ecliptic _ Sp ica ST 5º NEW MOON 27th A HE MAG. +4 & FAINTER 10 UT SO MAG. +3 G b Thursday MAG. +1 Bowl PLANET 1 Mar 2024, --:-- UT 3 ASTERISM M5 Ci rcl et METEOR RADIANT _ 2. The lower half of the chart shows the sky ahead of you. b THE MOON, SHOWING PHASE ` VARIABLE STAR M13 DOUBLE STAR K e ys to ne DIFFUSE NEBULOSITY 1. Hold the chart so the direction you’re facing is at the bottom. LES PLANETARY NEBULA How to use this chart HERCU GLOBULAR CLUSTER On other dates, stars will be in slightly different positions because of Earth’s orbital motion. Stars that cross the sky will set in the west four minutes earlier each night. M92 OPEN CLUSTER a GALAXY LY RA CONSTELLATION NAME 1 March at 00:00 UT 15 March at 23:00 UT 31 March at 23:00 BST ST PERSEUS STAR NAME TH EA Arcturus When to use this chart NO R KEY TO STAR CHARTS a MILKY WAY FULL MOON 50 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 COR
NORTH M1 10 FREE BONUS CONTENT _ ` e da ` _ US b SE a R PE _ Capella ` b Kids h bV 15t a _ ` Aldebaran ` AURIGA ub RR _ Th M 35 I IN _ lgeu se M GE Castor 1 ` Bellatrix Bete h 8t ` Pollux a URSA MAJOR ION M ak er LY N X 7 b a AT E ` M Ve irror nu of s a ` M5 ` T _ 7 ES HW S _ CR b 0 b rd ha Alp OU T TAN S Siriu M4 SEX M104 s M4 _ r uato al Eq sti Cele M4 6 a O _ RA D HY im NO R CE M cyon b 24th` b _ b CANIS M INOR _ Pro _ S O ` 8 / M95 ` M6 k s M105 96 M ER 7 _ lu 5 M66 NC X t 21s e M6 CA b a gu ` o a Re M99 86 M 87 M M89 M58 D b te M98 b ne la W M M8 10 5 0 Sic LEO 78 M M44 kle in e 111 le Melott S M ng M64 LEO a _ R INO rT ria an ar ` C BER OMA ENIC ES a PIS PUP R _ a _ R NO a U 81 M Miz M3 M94 ` US UR TA 6 M3 th Elna e bh M38 Plough ` _ ES CAN TICI A VEN M88 45 M _ b a RVUS T Algo l a M82 Du Alcor 01 M1 M51 Po rr Pleiades ALIS OPARD CAMEL _ M61 ES E PH CE 2 M49 W TH T US URSA MINOR ris hab Koc M10 M M 91 9 M M 59 0 60 Re l al alm ax o ie f s R M34 ¡ ` D ` f ` a er Clus t Dou ble W 03 M1 b IA PE IO S S CA a b 63 C6 NG M52 _ _ House MEDA ANDRO S ch b ` A l d e ra mi n US d a Pol a OR _ Deneb C YG N RA CO _ M63 Co rC aro li www.skyatnightmagazine. com/bonus-content fak Mir b ES Southern Hemisphere guide WE S T M39 r Paul and Pete’s night-sky highlights ` _ March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 51 SOUTH
MOONWATCH March’s top lunar feature to observe N ƆRRU,WVPDLQLQWHUQDOIHDWXUHLVWKHNPEHDXWLIXOO\ bowl-shaped crater Isidorus A, offset from the centre Type: Crater of Isidorus towards the west. In contrast, Capella’s rim Size: 50km is so worn that it can be tricky to make out under Longitude/latitude: 34.9 ° E, 7.6° S FHUWDLQOLJKWLQJFRQGLWLRQV:LGHLOOGHƅQHGWHUUDFHV Age: 3.9 billion years create an undulating surface that extends from the Best time to see: )LYHGD\VDIWHUQHZ rim edge toward the singular central mountain at the Moon (14–15 March) or four days after full heart of the crater. Even this isn’t particularly jagged, Moon (28–29 March) rising in a gently rounded fashion to a sharp central Minimum equipment: 50mm refractor point. Capella has an estimated depth (from the rim HGJHWRWKHORZHVWSRLQWRQWKHFUDWHUŝVƆRRU RI 1RWDOOFUDWHUVDUHVKDUSO\GHƅQHG7KHUH around 3.5km. are plenty of ancient, battered examples, The most striking feature associated 50km Capella being one. It lies just north with Capella is best seen at low of 350km Mare Nectaris (Sea of Nectar) illumination when the terminator is close and forms a close pair with 41km Isidorus by. At such times it’s possible to see a valley passing northwest–southeast to the west. When we say close, we mean across Capella. This is another ancient very close, both craters apparently sharing feature, older than Capella: Vallis Capella. ZKDWORRNVDWƅUVWJODQFHDFRPPRQ It’s 110km long but pointed, spanning 14km section of rim. However, Capella is the one at the widest end to the northwest and narrowing to that overlaps Isidorus, the former being slightly the younger of the pair. about 2km at the southeast end before the valley Not that you’d guess this from their appearance, peters out. Capella looking very battered and distinctly rounded. Various smaller craters litter the area which have ,VLGRUXVKDVDEODQGULPVXUURXQGLQJDƆDWLQWHUQDO been divided up into satellites of Isidorus to the west and Capella to the east. The largest crater located east of Capella is the MARE TRANQUILLITATIS ODYDƅOOHGIRUPRINPGutenberg. This is an interesting crater to observe DQGLVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKDVHULHVRIƅQH Rimae Gutenberg rilles extending from Gutenberg up to the northwest. Running for a distance of Vallis 330km, the rilles are collectively known Capella as Rimae Gutenberg. Being just 2km Capella wide, a 300mm or larger scope is Isidorus SINUS recommended to observe them. Isidorus A ASPERITATIS To the south of Isidorus, within the Gutenberg lava plains of Mare Nectaris, lies the ancient 131km ghost crater Daguerre. This is best seen when the lighting is oblique, when the terminator is close by. It has been almost completely Madler Daguerre swallowed by the lava of Mare Nectaris, but its form echoes superbly on the Theophilus mare’s lava surface, its ancient outline preserved beautifully. 7RWKHZHVWRI,VLGRUXVOLHVDƆDW MARE NECTARIS region of lava that joins Mare Nectaris Cyrillus to Mare Tranquillitatis further to the north. This is not smooth lava and is a region that shows a rough texture when the illumination is low in its sky. It is named Sinus Asperitatis, the Bay of Roughness. To the south of this bay Dilapidated Capella is slashed Catharina lies a spectacular trio of craters: by the deep rift of Vallis Capella and sits in a region scarred by 101km Theophilus, 98km Cyrillus many small impact craters and 101km Catharina. Capella Capella’s rim is so worn that it can be tricky to make out 52 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
COMETS AND ASTEROIDS A potential binocular catch, 11th-largest asteroid 3 Juno is at its brightest in March Asteroid 3 Juno reaches opposition on 3 March, when it can be found in southern Leo, near the border with Sextans, shining at mag. +8.6. It starts the month close to mag. +4.8 58 Leonis and shining at mag. +8.8 – a binocular possibility, but best seen using DVPDOOWHOHVFRSHDWORZPDJQLƅFDWLRQ,WKHDGVQRUWKZHVW clipping the border between Leo and Sextans. On 16 March, the asteroid crosses into Leo, very close to mag. +6.4 37 Sextantis. Its magnitude will have dimmed to +9.1 and it will continue to dim as it tracks northwest. By the end of March, it will be located less than a degree east-southeast of mag. +5.7 49 Leonis, having faded to mag. +9.5. 3 Juno is the 11th-largest asteroid, with a mean diameter of 247km. It’s the second-largest stony (S-type or siliceous) asteroid (after 15 Eunomia) and contains 1 per cent of the entire mass of the asteroid belt, and around 3 per cent that of the largest body in this orbital region, the dwarf planet Ceres. Juno’s elliptical orbit is highly eccentric, and takes it out as far as 3.35 AU from the Sun and in as close as 1.99 AU. The entire orbit takes 3.36 years and is quite inclined, with a tilt of 12° to the ecliptic plane. It’s a highly studied object; observations suggesting it has a massive 100km impact crater on its surface. Spectral analysis suggests it may be the source of chondritic or stony meteorites that have impacted Earth. NGC 3377 NGC 3489 M105 NGC 3384 M96 M95 NGC 3628 M65 M66 Leo I _ Regulus e Chort 45 LEO l 44 49 31 Mar f 3 Juno 48 37 r 21 Mar 56 NGC 3169 35 59 11 Mar m 1 Mar 58 36 SEXTANS NGC 3640 55 ` NGC 3521 26 33 S See Juno skirt the border between Sextans and Leo this month Its location in southern Leo this month, combined with a small-telescope-favourable magnitude, makes this an ideal time WRWU\WRORFDWH-XQR7KHXVXDOWHFKQLTXHIRUƅQGLQJVXFKERGLHV LVWRLPDJHRUVNHWFKWKHVXVSHFWHGƅHOGRYHUVHYHUDOQLJKWV comparing results to look for some object that is moving between observations. STAR OF THE MONTH 55 Cancri, a star waiting for our message Castor Cancer the Crab is represented by a faint, inverted Y shape. The base of the Y, which marks the north point of the pattern, is mag. +4.0 Iota (ι) Cancri. Located 1.3° further to the east-southeast is mag. +5.9 Rho1 (l1) Cancri, with mag. +5.2 Rho2 (l2) Cancri 0.8° further to the east-southeast. Rho1 or, as we’ll call it from now on, 55 Cancri, is an interesting star that can ignite the imagination. Before we get on to that, there’s an easy way WRFRQƅUP\RXKDYHWKHULJKW star: mag. +6.3 53 Cancri lies 4.5 arcminutes south and slightly west of 55 Cancri, forming a distinctive and easily recognised pair. 55 Cancri is located 41 lightyears from the Sun. It’s a K0 IV–V type star; a cool, main sequence or sub-giant star. It’s not alone, having a dim mag. +13.2 red dwarf to keep it company. From Earth, the pair appear separated by 85 arcseconds and seem to be gravitationally bound to one another. The primary, 55 Cancri A, is marginally smaller and less massive than our Sun, and is around 60 per cent as luminous. &DQFUL$DOVRRIƅFLDOO\ named Copernicus, is known WRKDYHDIDPLO\RIƅYH planets, possibly even more. On 6 July 2003, a message named ‘Cosmic Call 2’ was l _ + l f f l l l g ¡ 55 53 58 48 m ` LEO h Asellus Borealis CANCER a p f g GEMINI d Asellus Australis ¡ Pollux M44 b Tegmine e c Acubens _ M67 Tarf HYDRA c ` ¡ CANIS MINOR ` 55 Cancri’s Sun-like primary has at OHDVWƅYHSODQHWVLQRUELWDURXQGLW sent to the system. This message will arrive in May 2044. Four of the planets orbit Copernicus closer than Earth orbits the Sun. 55 Cancri d, the ODUJHVWRIWKHƅYHZLWKDPDVV of 3.12 Jupiters, orbits at a distance of 6 AU. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 53
BINOCULAR TOUR With Steve Tonkin Use averted vision to make these widefield gems around Coma Berenices pop M51 M94 M63 4 ` c i Chara j Cor Caroli Algieba N CANES VENATICI W 5º _ a LEO E S Zosma a 6 Melotte 111 86 7 M3 1 ` 3 90 M64 11 Denebola 24 _ Arcturus M53 d _ l f r j 5 VIRGO M49 ¡ 1. Melotte 111 10x We’ll start with a favourite ‘made for 50 binoculars’ target. Look midway between mag. +2.9 Cor Caroli (Alpha (_) Canum Venaticorum) and mag. +2.1 Denebola (Beta (`) Leonis) and you should see a misty patch about 6° across. Your 10x50s will resolve it into 30 or more stars, all of which are mag. +10.5 or brighter; any fainter ones have been gravitationally ejected from the cluster by a process called mass segregation.  SEEN IT 3. M3 2. M53 10x A degree northeast of mag. +4.9 50 Diadem (Alpha (_) Comae Berenices), there’s a small misty patch that appears to grow in size and brightness if you centre it in the field of view but look at Diadem. This is the globular cluster M53, and the trick you used to make it grow is averted vision, which puts the light from the object onto a more sensitive part of your retina. We’ll use it later for galaxy hunting.  SEEN IT 4. M94 15x Return to Cor Caroli and imagine a 70 line between it and mag. +4.2 Chara (Beta (`) Canum Venaticorum). From half-way along this line, navigate 1.6° to the northeast. Here, possibly needing averted vision at first, you should find the 13.6-million-year-old glow of light from the spiral galaxy M94. Like all galaxies, it benefits greatly from dark, transparent skies, but it is usually quite easy to see even in suburban skies.  SEEN IT 54 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 ` m k o Vindemiatrix Leo Triplet (M65, M66 & NGC 3628) 27 Diadem Muphrid p PETE LAWRENCE X 2 36 2 BOÖTES Chertan e 23 COMA BERENICES b 10x Our next target is one of the finest 50 globular clusters in the northern sky, but there are no nearby bright stars to help you find it. However, if you look half-way between mag. –0.1 Arcturus (Alpha (_) Boötis) and Cor Caroli, you should find what looks like an out-of-focus star. Use averted vision and you will see more of the glow of the nearly half-million stars that comprise M3, discovered by Charles Messier in 1764.  SEEN IT ` Zavijava 5. M49 15x Locate mag. +4.9 Rho (l) Virginis and 70 place it on the northeast of your field of view. On the opposite side you’ll see two sixth-magnitude stars, just over a degree apart and orientated southeast– northwest. The 37-million-year-old fossil light from M49 is the small, oval patch between them. Using averted vision, see how many more galaxies you can find between M49 and Melotte 111.  SEEN IT 6. 86 Leonis star field 10x Let’s finish with a colourful star field. 50 Locate the orange-yellow mag +5.6 86 Leonis between Denebola and mag. +2.6 Zosma (Delta (b) Leonis); compare it to brilliant-white mag. +6.3 90 Leonis, 2° back towards Denebola. Find the curved string of multicoloured seventh and eighthmagnitude stars that extends 3° eastward from 86 Leo. Scan northeast of here too, if you like colourful stars.  SEEN IT  Tick the box when you’ve seen each one 
THE SKY GUIDE CHALLENGE Lunar domes are remnants of the Moon’s volcanic past. How many can you find? i g d j c h e a b Recommended domes a – Arago _/` b – Cauchy o/t c – Gardner Megadome d – Gruithuisen a b HŚ+RUWHQVLXVGRPHƅHOG f – Kies / JŚ0DULXV+LOOV KŚ0LOLFKLXV/ i – Mons Rumker MŚ9DOHQWLQHGRPH f -XVWDIHZORFDWLRQVWRJHW you started in your hunt for OXQDUYROFDQRHV As the Moon is well placed in the evening sky during March, this month we’re taking a look for lunar domes. Much of the Moon’s detail you can view through a telescope has come from meteoric impacts on the lunar surface. Features such as craters and basins are the result of impacts that occurred a long time in the past. However, there is evidence of vulcanism on the Moon’s surface too. Some of it is obvious when pointed out, such as the dark patches around the inner edge of the 118km crater Alphonsus, the UHVXOWRIƅUHIRXQWDLQHUXSWLRQVIURP FUDFNVLQWKHFUDWHUŝVƆRRU A less obvious structure which can take DOLWWOHZRUNWRƅQGLVWKDWRIWKHOXQDU dome. These are shallow, rounded features rising to a height of perhaps several hundred metres. Best seen when the terminator is close by and the lighting oblique, they can stand out surprisingly well. When you see a lunar dome, you’re looking at a formation resulting from a shield volcano. Hunting down lunar domes can become a bit of an obsession A shield volcano is a type of volcano that produces low-viscosity lava that is able to travel a long distance from the eruption point and forms generally thinner ƆRZV7KHQDPHFRPHVIURPWKHUHVXOWLQJ shape, which looks like the domed appearance of a warrior’s shield laid on the ground. There are many examples of lunar domes, and hunting them down can become a bit of an obsession. We have many favourites that we can recommend to get you started, but these are by no means all of them. In the east, there’s the Cauchy Tau (o) and Omega (ω) domes, located south and southwest of 13km crater Cauchy. The XQRIƅFLDOO\QDPHG*DUGQHU0HJDGRPHLV a huge but tricky domed structure 80km across, with a depression at its centre. It OLHVVRXWKRINP*DUGQHU7KH9DOHQWLQH Dome, near the interface between Mare Serenitatis and Mare Imbrium, is worth a visit too. It sits 105km northwest of 3km /LQQH,Q0DUH7UDQTXLOOLWDWLVWU\WRƅQG Arago Alpha (α) and Beta (`). To the west, there’s dome overload, starting with Mons Rumker, a feature near the northwest limb which resembles a raspberry. Two obvious domes sit near to 0RQV5XPNHULQWKHIRUPRI*UXLWKXLVHQ *DPPD γ) and Delta (δ). These are often likened to upturned bathtubs! West and north of 41km crater Marius there’s a ZKROHƅHOGRIGRPHVNQRZQDVWKH0DULXV Hills. Further east, towards Copernicus, seek out Milichius Pi (π) and the superb +RUWHQVLXVGRPHƅHOG In the south, around Mare Numbium there’s Kies Pi (π), which lies immediately west of 45km Kies. Using our guide chart, VHHKRZPDQ\\RXFDQƅQGDQGUHFRUG March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 55
UGC 7780 IC 3474 NGC 4544 NGC 4527 PGC 42748 PGC 42860 ° +02 PGC 41121 NGC 4600 NGC 4533 NGC 4536 30m 1 2h NGC 4587 2 NGC 4636 NGC 4665 45m 1 2h PGC 41153 PGC 42244 NGC 4581 3 UGC 7824 UGC 7807 NGC 4643 ° +02 NGC 4493 UGC 7806 UGC 7841 N 1 NGC 4599 UGC 7873 NGC 4517A NGC 4517 00° UGC 7820 1º W º 0.5 UGC 7813 NGC 4541 UGC 7755 E UGC 7720 UGC 7800 S or UGC 7911 l tia s e l PGC 43279 at u q e Ce NGC 4632 4 NGC 4592 PGC 42963 NGC 4666 5 PGC 42767 NGC 4653 NGC 4642 NGC 4668 00° UGC 7763 Porrima UGC 7883 PGC 42759 NGC 4629 VIRGO a ° -02 UGC 7752 UGC 7840 UGC 7798 PGC 42308 6 NGC 4690 NGC 4753 4 12h PGC 43603 NGC 4684 5m ° -02 PGC 42559 PGC 42909 PGC 41982
AT A GLANCE 1 F 2 S 3 S 4 M 5 T 6 W 7 T 8 F 9 S How the Sky Guide events will appear in March 10 S 11 M 12 T 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S The Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune SC 11 Mar: 2%-lit waxing crescent Moon near Mercury 13 Mar: 16%-lit waxing crescent Moon near Jupiter Calendar highlights 14 Mar: 26%-lit waxing crescent Moon near Pleiades 25 Mar: Penumbral lunar eclipse (not favourable from UK) Moonwatch Deep-Sky Tour Comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS and the Coathanger (page 46) The Big Three Comet 12P/Pons–Brooks (page 47) Crescent Moon, Jupiter and the Pleiades (page 47) KEY 1 F 2 S 3 S 4 M 5 T 6 W 7 T 8 F 9 S 10 S 11 M 12 T 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S CHART BY PETE LAWRENCE Observability IC Optimal Poor Morning twilight Daytime SC Superior conjunction Best viewed Sky brightness during lunar phases Inferior conjunction (Mercury & Venus only) Evening twilight Night OP Planet at opposition Meteor radiant peak Full Moon First quarter Last quarter New Moon 'DUN ƅUVW Light (full quarter) Moon) 58 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Dark (last quarter) Total darkness (new Moon) Planets in conjunction
In association with MASTERCLASS IMAGING THE PLANETS Join host and editor Chris Bramley for a three-part series of online masterclasses all about imaging the planets, taking them from dots of light to real worlds rich in detail – from Saturn’s majestic rings and the cloud bands of Jupiter to the rocky terrain of Mars. The three talks, from some of the best planetary imagers in the game, will prepare you for the fantastic period of planetary apparitions coming in 2024, with expert insights into capture and processing. MATT_GIBSON/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, PETE LAWRENCE X 2, DAMIAN PEACH X 2, MARTIN LEWIS X 2 Book each Masterclass for £15 • Book all three at once and save £9 All registrants will also receive a link to view a recording of each talk after it has aired Masterclass 1 Masterclass 2 Masterclass 3 Pete Lawrence Damian Peach Martin Lewis Sky at Night co-presenter and expert astro imager World-renowned astrophotographer, lecturer and writer Prize-winning planetary photographer The planets in their prime Capturing Jupiter on camera Join us to understand why the observing prospects for Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn improve markedly in the second half of this year, and for capture and processing advice that will prepare you for taking great images of the spectacle. Take a front row seat as we look at the special considerations for capturing the largest planet in the Solar System, such as its rapid spin, and how to process images to reveal remarkable details in Jupiter’s cloud bands and even its moons. Thursday 21 March 2024, 7pm GMT Thursday 25 April 2024, 7pm BST 10 (less-well-known) ways to improve your planetary imaging Discover 10 nifty tips and tricks to improve your planetary imaging, based on Martin’s wealth of practical experience photographing the planets with his home-built 222mm and 444mm Dobsonian telescopes. Thursday 23 May, 7pm BST Save 20% when you book all three Masterclasses! Visit skyatnightmagazine.com/virtual-events to find out more
With construction of the Square Kilometre Array now in full swing, Govert Schilling looks ahead to the largest radio observatory ever built ILLUSTRATION: SKAO he largest and most sensitive radio observatory in history, the Square Kilometre Array is currently being built in two remote areas in the Southern Hemisphere: the Great Karoo semi-desert in South Africa and the outback of Western Australia. As 60 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 \RXUHDGWKLVLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKHƅUVWRIIRXUGLVKHV at the site in South Africa should be under way. Eventually, the entire SKA observatory will consist of almost 200 radio dishes and more than 130,000 smaller antennas, distributed over two continents. 6.$LVH[SHFWHGWROHDYHLWVPDUNLQHYHU\ƅHOGRI astronomy, from solar physics to cosmology. X
After years in development, WKHƅUVWDQWHQQDVRIWKHZRUOGŝV biggest radio observatory are due to be deployed this year March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 61
S First to be assembled at the South African site, 500km north-east of Cape Town, was one of two prototype mid-frequency dishes in 2019. Construction on both continents began in earnest in late 2022, with the first antennas due to be installed at both sites this year NASIEF MANIE/SARAO X 2, SKAO X 2, SONJA BLOM/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO, PGIAM/ISTOC/GETTY IMAGES, THANAPOL SINSRANG/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/ALAMY X 2 X At the SKA Global Headquarters at Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, UK, close to the venerable 76-metre Lovell Telescope, SKA director Phil Diamond recounts the history of the project. “More than 30 years ago, in October 1990, University of Manchester radio astronomer Peter Wilkinson presented the idea of a ‘hydrogen array’ at a conference in Albuquerque – an instrument to precisely map the distribution of cold, neutral hydrogen gas in the Universe using radio waves. Back then, the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in the Netherlands and the Very Large Array in New Mexico were the most powerful radio observatories in the world,” explains Diamond, “and astronomers wondered what the next big step would EH7KHVHƅUVWLGHDVHYHQWXDOO\OHGWRWKHREVHUYDWRU\ that we’re building right now.” Even in those early stages, it became clear that the new observatory would consist of two parts: an interferometer of mutually connected large dish antennas for observations at medium radio wavelengths (SKA-Mid), and an extended network of smaller dipole antennas to detect longer radio waves at much lower frequencies (SKA-Low). Both arrays require an extremely ‘silent’ environment, far away from any form of human radio interference. Both South Africa and Australia were hopeful of hosting the future array. “But if only one country were chosen, the other partner would have left the project,” says Michiel van Haarlem, the head RIWKH1HWKHUODQGV6.$RIƅFH “That’s why the decision was made to build both SKA-Mid in South Africa and SKA-Low in Australia.” Where is the ‘square kilometre’? SKA may be vast, but it doesn’t technically live up to its name… yet SKA director Phil Diamond admits that ‘Square Kilometre Array’ is a bit of a misnomer. The 197 dish antennas of SKA-Mid in South Africa have a total surface area of 33,000m2 (0.033km2). The effective receiver surface area of the dipole antennas of SKA-Low in Australia can be calculated with a complicated formula that is dependent on the observing frequency; it’s in the order of 0.4km2 . However, the name ‘Square Kilometre Array’ was conceived in the late 1990s, with the future second phase of the facility in mind, which will have 10 times the number of dishes and antennas. “If that second phase will indeed be realised in the future, we will easily reach a total surface area of one square kilometre,” says Diamond. 62 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Even with 131,072 dipole antennas, SKA won’t reach its advertised size S Forerunners of the SKA, the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (left), completed in 1970, and the Very Large Array (right), going strong since 1976
ILLUSTRATION S The SKA will transform our understanding of (clockwise from bottom left) transient phenomena like fast radio bursts; hydrogen from the cosmic dawn; how galaxies are born; and planets form Laying the groundwork $WERWKVLWHVUDGLRDVWURQRP\LVDOUHDG\ƆRXULVKLQJ The MeerKAT observatory, consisting of 64 13.5-metre radio dishes, is operational in the Great Karoo, about 100km north of the small town of Carnarvon. Eventually, MeerKAT will become part of 6.$0LG0HDQZKLOHWKH$XVWUDOLD6.$3DWKƅQGHU $6.$3 DQGWKH0XUFKLVRQ:LGHƅHOG$UUD\ 0:$  are two further ‘SKA precursors’, located in an uninhabited area of Western Australia. “All these precursors do a fantastic job,” says Diamond, “but we will become much more sensitive.” This extreme sensitivity is the result of the huge number of individual receivers: 197 radio dishes in South Africa and no less than 131,072 personhigh, Christmas-tree-shaped antennas in Western Australia. The 197 dishes of SKA-Mid (the 64 MeerKAT dishes plus 133 slightly larger 15-metre dishes built in China) will be distributed over an area 150km across, with the largest concentration in the core of the interferometer. This maximum baseline determines the observatory’s angular resolution. SKA-Low in Western Australia will have a comparable layout, with some 70 per cent of the 512 ‘stations’ (each consisting of 256 ‘Christmas trees’) in the central part and a (preliminary) maximum baseline of 75km. According to André van Es, senior project leader of the Australian part of SKA, the core of SKA-Low lies some 30km west of the existing ASKAP array. ş7KHƅUVWVWDWLRQVZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGLQŠ says van Es. “As soon as 10 per cent of SKA-Low is realised, we will already be the world’s most sensitive observatory in this part of the radio spectrum.” Similarly in the case of SKA-Mid, as more radio dishes are added over the coming years, the interferometer will become ever more sensitive and keen-eyed. Scientific challenges Thanks to its high sensitivity, SKA will be able to map the distribution of neutral hydrogen in galaxies hundreds of millions or even billions of lightyears away. This will shed light on their structure and dynamics, but also on the evolution of galaxies in general. Closer to home, the birth process of stars and planets can be studied in detail, and SKA will create WKHƅUVW'PDSRIPDJQHWLFƅHOGVLQWKH8QLYHUVH both within and beyond our Milky Way galaxy. The new observatory will also study the evermysterious fast radio bursts. Detailed observations of these powerful explosive events should provide information on the distribution of charged particles in intergalactic space. And precision measurements of pulsars (rapidly spinning neutron stars) will reveal very-low-frequency gravitational waves: minute ripples in spacetime produced by supermassive binary X March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 63
North stars Some of the current and future top radio observatories in the Northern Hemisphere (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) (Low-Frequency Array) A huge radio dish, built in a natural bowl-shaped valley in Pingtang County, Guizhou, southwest China. With a surface area of 0.2km2, FAST is currently the most sensitive radio telescope in the world. (The 300-metre Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico collapsed in late 2020; the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the German Effelsberg Telescope have diameters of approximately 100 metres.) An array of some 20,000 dipole antennas, spread over seven European countries, with the core in the northeast of the Netherlands. Thanks to its long baselines of more than 1,000km, LOFAR has a larger angular resolution than SKA-Low, which will operate at comparable low radio frequencies. However, SKA-Low will be much more sensitive. “LOFAR was a real pioneer,” says former LOFAR director Michiel van Haarlem. SIPA US/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO, LOFAR/ASTRON, NRAO, THE DEEP SYNOPTIC ARRAY PROJECT, RYTIS BERNOTAS/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO, SKAO ILLUSTRATION LOFAR ILLUSTRATION FAST ngVLA DSA-2000 (Next Generation Very Large Array) (Deep Synoptic Array) This future facility will be more than 10 times as sensitive as the current VLA observatory in New Mexico. The plan is for 244 radio dishes with diameters of 18 metres, supplemented with 19 smaller 6-metre dishes, distributed across large parts of the USA. ngVLA will fill the gap between observations by SKA (at relatively long wavelengths) and by the ALMA observatory in Chile, which studies cosmic microwave radiation. A future array of no less than 2,000 small, simple antennas with diameters of 5 metres, in the remote Hot Creek Valley in Nevada. A 110-antenna prototype is under construction in California. DSA-2000 will be able to quickly map the whole visible radio sky. By carrying out such surveys on a regular basis, astronomers hope to discover many short-lived transient phenomena, such as fast radio bursts. X black holes in the cores of remote galaxies. One of the outstanding challenges for SKA is the detection of the so-called EoR signal (Epoch of Reionisation). A few hundred million years after the Big Bang, the QHZERUQ8QLYHUVHZDVƅOOHGZLWKWHQXRXVQHXWUDO hydrogen gas. During these ‘dark ages’, the hydrogen atoms emitted radiation at a radio wavelength of 21cm. But because of cosmic expansion, this radiation arrives at Earth with a much longer wavelength – a 64 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 phenomenon known as redshift. SKA-Low should be able to observe this ancient, weak radio signal. 7KRVHFRVPLFGDUNDJHVHQGHGZKHQWKHYHU\ƅUVW stars were formed. During the Epoch of Reionisation, the neutral hydrogen was ionised again by the HQHUJHWLFUDGLDWLRQRIWKHƅUVWVWDUV RUPD\EHWKH YHU\ƅUVWEODFNKROHV %\REVHUYLQJDWGLIIHUHQW wavelengths, astronomers will measure radio waves from neutral hydrogen at different redshifts,
ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION Science goals include hunting down radio signals from intelligent civilisations elsewhere in the Universe S Dish wish list: project leaders want to eventually see 2,000 radio dishes erected across Africa corresponding to varying distances and epochs in cosmic history. Thus, the EoR signal can be followed through cosmic time, revealing when and how the cold gas was heated and ionised again. Finally, the reams of data produced by SKA will also EHVFRXUHGIRUSRVVLEOHDUWLƅFLDOUDGLRVLJQDOV6(7, WKH6HDUFKIRU([WUD7HUUHVWULDO,QWHOOLJHQFH LVSDUW RIWKHRIƅFLDOSDJHVFLHQFHFDVHZKLFKZDV SXEOLVKHGLQş$QGRIFRXUVHZHH[SHFWPDQ\ VFLHQWLƅFVXUSULVHVŠVD\VYDQ+DDUOHPş,WZRXOGEH PXFKOHVVH[FLWLQJLI\RXNQHZHYHU\WKLQJLQDGYDQFHŠ Data deluge Govert Schilling is an astronomy writer and the author of Ripples in Spacetime According to Rosie Bolton, who coordinates the data ƆRZLQIUDVWUXFWXUHIRUWKH6.$2EVHUYDWRU\WKH future facility will produce humongous amounts of VFLHQFHGDWDş:HZLOOREVHUYHDKXJHSDUWRIWKHVN\ DWGLIIHUHQWIUHTXHQFLHVŠVKHVD\Vş(DFKUDGLR ŜSLFWXUHŝFRQWDLQVDIHZKXQGUHGWHUDE\WHVŠ That’s after a drastic data reduction: SKA-Mid DQG6.$/RZZLOOSURGXFHWHUDE\WHVDQG terabytes of raw data per second, respectively. Because of technical bottlenecks in data transport DQGVWRUDJHWKHVHGDWDƆRZVKDYHWREHUHGXFHGWR some 12 gigabytes per second. ş:HMXVWFDQŝWVWRUHHYHU\WKLQJŠH[SODLQV%ROWRQ ş7KHUHIRUHDUDSLGLQLWLDOGDWDDQDO\VLVRFFXUVULJKW after observations take place. A lot of data will be discarded, but still more than enough remains to IDFLOLWDWHUHYROXWLRQDU\VFLHQFHŠ%RWK6.$ORFDWLRQV will yield approximately one petabyte (one billion PHJDE\WHV SHUGD\IRU\HDUVRQHQG :KHQFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHODUJHVWDVWURQRPLFDO observatory in history is completed, which is likely to be within a few years, astronomers hope that won’t be the end of the story. Ever since the early days of WKHDPELWLRXVSURMHFWWKHUHKDYHEHHQSODQVIRUD second phase (sometimes called SKA2) that would EHWLPHVDVSRZHUIXO ş:HŝGORYHWRDFKLHYHERWKDKLJKHUUHVROXWLRQDQG DKLJKHUVHQVLWLYLW\RQERWKFRQWLQHQWVŠVD\V6.$ GLUHFWRU3KLO'LDPRQG7KDWZRXOGUHTXLUHVRPH UDGLRGLVKHVLQ$IULFDDQGPRUHWKDQDPLOOLRQ dipole antennas in Australia, distributed over a much larger area in both cases. Although Diamond doesn’t want to speculate about the feasibility of this second phase (the current observatory already has a price WDJRIPRUHWKDQŲEQ şZHFHUWDLQO\KDYHQŝWJLYHQ XSRQWKHSODQVŠKHHQWKXVHV 6.$/RZSURMHFWOHDGHU$QGU©YDQ(VLVKRSHIXO ş7KHVHFRQGSKDVHZLOOHQDEOHFRPSOHWHO\QHZ VFLHQFHŠKHVD\Vş-XVWOLNHWKH-DPHV:HEE6SDFH 7HOHVFRSHVXUSDVVHVWKHVXFFHVVIXO+XEEOH6SDFH Telescope. As soon as a new observatory starts to \LHOGSURPLVLQJVFLHQWLƅFUHVXOWVDVWURQRPHUVZDQWWR WDNHWKHQH[WVWHSŠ 7KLVLVDFRQGHQVHGYHUVLRQRIDVWRU\WKDWƅUVW appeared in the Flemish magazine Eos March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 65
The edge of the Melissa Brobby looks at what lies at the outskirts of our Solar System B eyond the Solar System lie cold, dark and vast regions that were once shrouded in mystery. It is here that we have discovered various worlds, objects left over from the early days of the Solar System, a barrier that shelters us from KDUPIXOLQWHUVWHOODUSDUWLFOHVDQGDJLDQWFORXGƅOOHG with icy objects. Right now, NASA’s Voyagers 1 and 2, and the New Horizons spacecraft are travelling into these uncharted territories, giving us a glimpse into the realms beyond our cosmic neighbourhood. Here we take a look at the regions found at the edge of our Solar System. Sa tu rn A st er o id be Melissa Brobby is a science communicator and space writer n Ve M us ar SU N nu The Kuiper belt 66 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 cu ry Ea rt h J i up te r N a Ur The Kuiper belt is a huge ring-shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune. The main belt spans from 30 to 50 AU, with a more sparse, scattered disc stretching out to 1,000 AU. It’s made up of dwarf planets, comets and bits of rock and ice, and is like the asteroid belt but 20 to 100 times more massive. So far, er s Solar System (planets not to scale) MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/ISTOCK/ GETTY IMAGES, NASA/JPLCALTECH la lt M ILLUSTRATION So t ep un e s A frigid realm where Pluto resides more than 2,000 Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) have been catalogued, but this number may just scratch the surface as it’s estimated there are hundreds of thousands of larger objects that are at least 100km in diameter or larger. Many KBOs have moons or much smaller bodies orbiting them. Pluto, Eris, Haumea and Quaoar are all KBOs that have their own moons. NASA’s New +RUL]RQVZDVWKHƅUVWVSDFHFUDIWWR visit an object in the Kuiper belt when LWƆHZE\3OXWRDQGLWVPRRQVLQ EHIRUHJRLQJRQWRƆ\E\DVHFRQG.%2 Arrokoth, in 2019, located 1.6 billion kilometres beyond Pluto. ys rS te m
The Oort cloud The origin of long-distance comets Far beyond Pluto lies the Oort cloud, which is theorised to be a giant bubble that surrounds the Sun, planets and Kuiper belt, and is made up of billions, if not trillions, of bodies ranging from comet-like objects to potential dwarf planets. It’s named after Dutch astronomer Jan Oort, who proposed the existence of the cloud to explain the origin of long-distance comets that travel in from all directions instead of along the same orbital plane as the planets. Notable objects thought to have travelled from the Oort cloud into the Solar System include comet Hale–Bopp, which passed within 197 million kilometres of Earth and was visible to the naked eye in 1996 and 1997, and Halley’s Comet, which travels backwards around the Sun every 76 years and was last seen in our skies in 1986. The Oort cloud is incredibly far away. According to NASA, its inner edge is located between 2,000 and 5,000 AU from the Sun (1 AU being about 150 million kilometres), while its outer edge is possibly between 10,000 and 100,000 AU, nearly half the distance between the Sun and the closest star to our own, Proxima Centauri. i Ku The heliosphere A magnetic bubble protecting our Solar System Termination shock Voyager 1 ILLUSTRATION Voyager 2 Heliopause The heliosphere is a giant bubblelike region that surrounds the Solar System as it moves through space. It’s formed by a constant ƆRZRIFKDUJHGSDUWLFOHVVHQW out by the Sun that spreads out to just beyond the Kuiper belt, before being obstructed by the interstellar medium, creating a giant bubble around the Sun and planets that acts as a protective shield against cosmic radiation. The heliosphere has several different features. The termination shock is where the solar wind slows down and begins to interact with the interstellar medium around 75 to 90 AU from the Sun. p b er el t The heliosheath is a region where the solar winds travel slower and compress to become hot and dense. Finally, there is the heliopause, the outer edge of the heliosphere, where the solar wind meets the interstellar medium. NASA’s Voyagers 1 and 2 are the ƅUVWKXPDQPDGHVSDFHFUDIWWR cross the heliopause – when they were around 90 AU from Earth – and enter interstellar space (in 2012 and 2018, respectively). However, it will take the twin spacecraft about 300 years to reach the Oort cloud and they won’t exit its outer edge for another 30,000 years. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 67
at the dawn of artificial intelligence As ever more ambitious space surveys begin to create unprecedented mountains of data, Paul Fisher Cockburn asks if the future of astronomy will be found in AI A ILLUSTRATION: MONSITJISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES s the late Douglas Adams wrote in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is.” And, to be fair, he wasn’t wrong. For astronomers – especially those focusing on cosmology – this has one obvious consequence. The more detailed and accurate their studies of such a “really big” cosmos become, the larger the amount of data they are likely to generate – and have to process. Arguably this has been a looming SUREOHPHYHUVLQFHDVWURQRPHUVƅUVWVWDUWHGVWLFNLQJ cameras onto their telescopes, but the latest digital technologies have pushed the issue to the foreground like nothing else before. X Too much information? :LWKDJDUJDQWXDQƆRRG RIVSDFHGDWDRQLWVZD\ scientists face the Herculean WDVNRIDQDO\VLQJLWDOO 68 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 69
ESA/EUCLID/EUCLID CONSORTIUM/NASA. BACKGROUND GALAXIES: NASA/ESA AND S. BECKWITH (STSCI) AND THE HUDF TEAM, ESA, ESO/M KORNMESSER/VPHAS+ TEAM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: CAMBRIDGE ASTRONOMICAL SURVEY UNIT, EUCLID CONSORTIUM ILLUSTRATION Move over, Hubble: Euclid will send back more data in one day than the veteran telescope has done over its entire life X Take the Square Kilometre Array, featured earlier in this month’s issue. Once it’s fully operational, it will create terabytes of data every second. The latest European Space Agency (ESA) mission, the Euclid space telescope (launched on 1 June 2023), is another prime example. Its mission is essentially an attempt to measure the geometry of the entire Universe, improving our understanding of dark matter and dark energy. It requires the incredibly precise observation of billions of stars and galaxies. The amount of data that the mission will generate during LWVRIƅFLDOVL[\HDUPLVVLRQLVDOPRVWLQFRQFHLYDEOH “What I think is interesting is that no human will look at all the Euclid data. It’ll be too big, it’ll never happen,” explains Andrew N Taylor, professor of astrophysics at the University of Edinburgh. “There’s a good chance that if anyone picks on a random piece of sky, no other human will have ever looked at that bit of sky in such detail before.” Information overload Andrew has been part of the ESA’s Euclid Consortium, which runs the space telescope, for almost 20 years, helping devise the initial concept, the design of the mission and its science goals. During the last 10 years, as the telescope and its various optics and detectors were designed, built and tested before launch, his focus – along with many others’ – shifted towards data analysis. “Euclid produces an enormous amount of data,” he says. “We’re downloading hundreds of gigabytes of data per day. Just to give you an idea of the volume, a good analogy is what is seen from the Hubble Space Telescope. In terms of image quality, a single image from Euclid and an image from Hubble are very similar, but if you put together all of the pictures Hubble’s taken during its lifetime and laid them on the sky, it would cover an area only about 20 times the size of the full Moon. Euclid can do the 70 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Portions of the sky covered by Euclid’s Wide Survey Euclid Deep Fields (10 per cent of observations) Excluded region (due to obstructions such as Milky Way stars) S Euclid’s plan of attack is breathtaking, surveying more than one-third of the sky equivalent of what Hubble has done, in its lifetime, in a single day. In fact more, because it takes not just optical images like Hubble, it also takes ones in the infrared and spectra of the galaxies and objects out there. It’s just a huge step up for astronomy in the amount of information that we’re going to get.” This isn’t just because the multinational Euclid team wanted to go out and collect lots of data. ş7KHVFLHQWLƅFJRDOLVWRWU\WRXQGHUVWDQGWKHQDWXUH of dark matter and the dark energy Universe, and in order to test our theories we know we’ve got to look for very subtle little differences in things like the distribution of matter and its evolution in the Universe,” he says. “It’s the classic large data problem: we’ve got a very small signal, so we need a huge dataset to try to get the levels of precision we need to test our theories.” In order to process the data, the Euclid Consortium has developed both bespoke computer algorithms, to assist with data compression, and an IT infrastructure
1. Detector 5. Matching background level S Stages in a data ‘pipeline’ that wrangles unmanageably large raw data into images astronomers can interpret 2. Raw data 6. Manually cleaning artefacts 3. Reduced data 4. Building a mosaic 7. Assigning colours WRHDFKƅOWHU 8. Final colour image ‘pipeline’ that takes the raw data and turns it into something astronomers can actually use and interpret. The techniques used are all based on the same traditional methods used by astronomers for hundreds of years, but the scale of the work requires a novel approach. Although all the data from Euclid will initially be received at the European Space Astronomy Centre near Madrid, that won’t be where it’s processed. Work on the Euclid data will be carried out in nine science data centres across Europe, the UK centre being at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. “The original concept,” says Taylor, “was that each of the countries would take responsibility for one area of processing, and that the data would move around the countries. Pretty early on, we realised this was not feasible; the solution we came up with was that we’ll An early Euclid test image showing how algorithms sift unwanted artefacts from the bits researchers need split the sky up into ninths. Every data centre is doing all of the processing for their own patch of the sky.” Break it down That processing will entail transforming the individual images into ‘catalogues’. Algorithms will detect particular features the Euclid team are interested in, such as stars and galaxies, and then create lists of their positions, sizes and other properties. It will only be at that point, when the data is of a more manageable size, that each of the data centres ZLOOVHQGDOOWKHLUGDWDWRWKHPDLQFHQWUHIRUƅQDO compiling and processing. This is not without its challenges. “One of the things we’ve had to deal with,” explains Taylor, X Finding the ‘weird’ When it comes to spotting strange things in the data, humans are far better than machines Can machine learning and AI help detect the unexpected in astronomical datasets? Alex Andersson, a researcher at the University of Oxford, believes it might. “You can look at certain models of physics, like how stars work or galaxies behave, and so have things that you can predict but haven’t seen yet – the sort of ‘known unknowns’,” he says. “And then there’s the ‘unknown unknowns’. I spend a lot of time working on anomalydetection algorithms, where I try not to assume much about the physics or what I’m expecting, and just see what the data says and what comes out that looks ‘weird’.” All Andersson’s work involves MeerKAT in South Africa, the radio telescope People power: rare quasar ionisation echoes discovered by Dutch schoolteacher Hanny van Arkel that will form the core of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Alongside this, he runs a citizen science project called ‘Burst from Space MeerKAT’ on the Zooniverse platform, asking hundreds of online volunteers to search the telescope’s data for unusual features. Similar citizen science projects have helped other astronomical surveys wade through vast amounts of data. Repeatedly, these volunteers have been fantastic at picking out the weird, out-of-place things in images that can lead to new discoveries. One of the earliest examples is from Zooniverse project Galaxy Zoo, where helpers found strange green blobs that turned out to be compact galaxies. But the data from Euclid and SKA will be too huge even for teams of citizen scientists to handle. Could AI be trained to search for those unknown unknowns? Andersson is testing just such anomalydetecting algorithms on the same data his citizen scientists are trawling through, seeing if it will uncover those same ‘weird’ objects. His goal, though, is not to replace the citizen scientists, but rather to use AI to reduce the data to a more manageable size for them to take on. “I personally think that discovery in the Universe is a uniquely human experience, so I don’t think that machine learning will replace us in that regard,” he says. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 71
Artificial intelligence AI trains computers to think like a human Arguably, 2023 was the year that artificial intelligence (AI) really gained mainstream attention, inspiring – like any technological advance throughout human history – both evangelical enthusiasm for its potential benefits and apocalyptic horror at its likely downsides. Yet AI has been around for much longer than the likes of ChatGPT. The term itself was first coined back in 1956, and scientists have been working on ways for computers to ‘think’ and respond to us in a more ‘human’ way since at least the 1960s. Without us even noticing, much of our modern life today relies on AI, Siri, how much dark matter is there in the Universe? whether it’s your social media activity, Netflix viewing choices or digital home assistants like Alexa and Siri. X “is how do you make everything the same when the underlying computer infrastructure might not be. So there’s a lot of what we call virtualisation, which is that we try to emulate the same computer everywhere.” Rise of the machines While this ‘distributed’ model is in part inevitable within a multinational organisation like ESA, it means the Euclid team have unexpectedly become pioneers in how to carry out massive computing projects on distributed networks, and have already been approached by large companies interested in how they did it. It’s not just astronomers that have to process big datasets, after all. With all this talk of IT systems and algorithms, how important are people when it comes to the data processing? “We’re certainly entering an age where it seems computers can do more and more, and take over more and more things,” says Taylor. “I think [Euclid] was at a lucky phase, in the sense that we’ve been working on this for nearly 20 years. The real algorithm-writing started only about 10 years ago.” S Training at Goddard Space Flight Center as NASA races to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the new technology 72 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 It’s all about making our technology appear to act in a more responsive way, a principle that can be employed in several different ways. One of the biggest advancements has been in the subfield of machine learning, where increasingly sophisticated software algorithms enable machines to remember their mistakes and learn from them, instead of just repeating whatever tasks they’ve been programmed to carry out. Many of the concerns around the technology are based on a computer’s ability to carry out many tasks – especially computations – far faster than humans. With astronomers facing ever larger datasets, however, it’s likely machine learning will become a commonly-used tool. S Workshops on AI and machine learning have been showing how automation will revolutionise data science across the agency
ILLUSTRATION No human could ever look at all of Euclid’s data; people-guided algorithms must ultimately do the job There are also, however, some newer methods being XVHGRQ(XFOLGGDWDVXFKDVDUWLƅFLDOLQWHOOLJHQFH $,  the technique of using computer programs that mimic how humans think. One particular subset of AI used in astronomy is ‘machine learning’, where programs learn from experience as they process the data, improving their analysis over time. Currently, Euclid uses these newer tools in a limited way, such as helping to classify galaxies. “The tendency was to go with things that were understood, and had been shown to be reliable on previous projects,” says Taylor. “A lot of things are being done more traditionally – for ‘robustness’, for reliability.” Keeping people in the picture Paul Fisher Cockburn is a science and astronomy writer At the moment, astronomers are only just receiving the data and so are still in the early stages of processing it. As they proceed to more advanced stages of analysis, they will eventually start wanting to compare the data with what their theories predict – one of the main methods astronomers use to test their ideas about how the Universe works. “One of the issues there, is how you generate the theoretical models,” explains Taylor. “For the detailed analysis, we do want to have simulations of the Universe based on different theories of what’s going on. It’s a very expensive thing to run a whole simulation, so there’s a lot of work going LQWRWU\LQJWRXQGHUVWDQGLIZHFDQXVHDUWLƅFLDO intelligence or machine learning to provide shortcuts – not to lose precision or accuracy, but to provide rapid ways of doing it.” Ultimately, Taylor accepts that the volume of data being produced by Euclid will encourage the increased usage of machine learning, the automation of the Euclid data processing. But he sees astronomers – people – very much still at the centre of what’s going on. “At the moment, even though we’ve now got a pipeline and analysis in place that does this, the algorithm development was all done by people, using their knowledge and understanding of the problems to process these sorts of datasets,” says Taylor. “It’s not just a case of ‘Let’s have some AI look at the images and it’ll tell us the answers’, because there are lots of details in the images that you need to understand.” One of the characteristics of AI programs is that they need data in order to learn. At the moment, AI doesn’t know what Euclid data looks like, as the spacecraft has only just begun its mission to survey the sky. Even once AI does begin to process the data, it will still require human input to understand what it’s looking at and to begin teaching it its ƅUVWOHVVRQV “There’s a huge amount of detail to go through and really understand,” comments Taylor. “And it’s people who bring that knowledge.” The issues around handling Big Data are only going to grow over time. It’s only via a team effort – using both processing tools such as AI and teams of humans spread across the world – that astronomers will be able to work together towards a better understanding of the Universe around us. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 73 ANTONIO_DIAZ/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES, SEAN KEEFE/NASA GODDARD X 2, ESA “Even though we’ve now got a pipeline and analysis in place, the algorithm development was all done by people, using their knowledge and understanding”
Practical astronomy know-how for every level of expertise SKILLS FOR STARGAZERS Setting up a Go-To altaz mount Take the time to get it right – the results will be worth it improve the Go-To and tracking performance of your altaz system if you pay a little more attention to the initial setup of your mount and tripod. Level up ALL PICTURES: PAUL MONEY W e all want to get the best out of our equipment. Whether it’s equatorial or altaz, your Go-To system will work at its best if you pay attention to how you initially set up your tripod, mount, telescope and accessories. Equatorial mounts need precisely aligning with the north celestial pole and that can add additional complications, including the polar alignment process, the weight of the equipment and what counterweights are needed to achieve good, and indeed great, Go-To results. However, altaz Go-To mounts offer a simpler solution to your observing and, to a lesser extent, your imaging needs. Gone is the complicated nature of the polar alignment and the need for counterweights; instead, as long as the mount and tripod are set level with your horizon, you can enjoy an observing or lucky imaging session for as long as your clear night sky lasts. However, you can greatly 74 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 S Altaz Go-To mounts are beginner-friendly, and great for observing and astrophotography – but only if they’re set up properly It’s easy to think that if you have Paul Money is an astronomy writer simply placed the mount and and broadcaster, tripod down, without paying and BBC Sky at much attention to it except for a Night Magazine’s rough levelling of the setup, that reviews editor performing a Go-To alignment will take care of any errors. But take a little more care and patience here and your night under the stars will be more productive, satisfying and useful. Once you become familiar with setting everything up carefully and with a little more thought, it will become second nature every time you get that rare clear patch of night sky to take advantage of. It’s especially useful if you can choose a location in your garden that you can repeatedly use. By marking out the positions for the tripod legs, you can do the setup once and, if you need to put your equipment away between sessions, you can return to the exact same place time after time. This enables you to use the hibernate function of your chosen mount to pick up from where you left off. The good news is that this is independent of the make of the mount/tripod, as almost all of them require a level setup with the initial or home position of the telescope pointing north. Paying attention to levelling the tripod and rechecking this once the mount and telescope are attached, along with knowing where true geographic north is from your chosen location, will make setting up a breeze for future sessions. Follow our simple step-by-step guide to getting the best out of your altaz Go-To system. What you’ll need X Altaz Go-To Mount, tripod, suitable telescope X Handset (or smartphone and app) X Power tank, compass, spirit level X A suitable location to set up
Step by step Step 2 Step 1 Using a compass, locate north for your observing site. Set up the tripod assembly on firm ground, ensuring that one leg is pointing towards north. Spread out the legs for stability and adjust to a comfortable height suitable for the user. Use a spirit level, or else the tripod’s own in-built bubble level, to level the tripod. This ensures that the azimuth corresponds precisely to your horizon, ignoring anything cluttering it such as trees, houses or hills. With this done, your mount is correctly set up for when you perform a star alignment. Step 3 Step 4 Attach the mount to the tripod, orientated so that when the telescope is added in the next step it will be pointing exactly northwards. Don’t over-tighten the mount at this stage, in case you need to make minor adjustments to refine its position later in Step 6. Attach a suitable telescope via the saddle on the side of the mount and affix it firmly in place. Ensure the telescope is set level and pointing northwards, adjusting if necessary. In most cases this is the initial ‘home’ position you’ll use when beginning the star-alignment procedure. Step 6 Step 5 Make sure you’re using fresh batteries. Alternatively, connect a suitable powerpack and adaptor using the power port on the mount head. Attach the handset and turn power on, or power up and connect to the mount’s Wi-Fi network with your smartphone. As a final check, once it’s dark manually point the telescope up at Polaris to check that you’re precisely pointing north. Make any adjustments to the azimuth that are needed, then set it back to level. You can now begin the alignment process to achieve accurate Go-To navigation to your targets. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 75
Take the perfect astrophoto with our step-by-step guide ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY Clair-obscur effects There’s a knack to photographing lunar tricks of the light. Here’s how to do it ALL PICTURES: PETE LAWRENCE L unar clair-obscur effects are tricks of the light that produce recognisable shapes on the Moon’s surface. They occur when jumbled areas of light and shadow produce something that looks familiar. Most occur near the terminator and fade into and out of view in a few hours. This isn’t true for all clair-obscur effects, though. The L-Shaped Mountain, for example, is visible on the waning gibbous Moon under direct lighting away from the terminator for many days. It occurs when the steep sides of a mountain to the west of crater Lamèch become fully illuminated to form a bright letter ‘L’. Others such as the popular Lunar X and V fall under the transient category. As the light of the lunar dawn hits the regions in which they form, recognisable patterns slowly create a capital X and V. At optimum illumination they look impressive and are pretty easy to recognise, causing you to question why you hadn’t noticed them in the past. This isn’t always the case, though, and some are very obscure! 7KH/XQDU;DQG9IRUPDURXQGWKHWLPHRIWKHƅUVW TXDUWHU0RRQVSHFLƅFDOO\ZKHQOXQDUFRORQJLWXGHLV 358°. Lunar co-longitude indicates the position of the morning terminator and is measured in degrees from when it crosses the Moon’s central meridian. Its value is near 0°DWƅUVWTXDUWHULQFUHDVLQJWRQHDU° at full Moon, near 180° at last quarter and near 270° at new 0RRQ7KHŜQHDUŝTXDOLƅFDWLRQLVEHFDXVHWKH GHƅQLWLRQVRIWKHVHSKDVHVGHSHQGRQWKH0RRQŚ (DUWKŚ6XQDQJOHDQGDQREVHUYHURQ(DUWKVHHV slightly different illuminations depending on location. $VWKHƅUVWTXDUWHU0RRQLVDSRSXODUSKDVHIRU 76 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 S The L-Shaped Mountain (left) is one example of a long-lived clairobscur effect, visible for several days, while the Lunar V (right, top) and Eyes of Clavius (right, bottom) are more time-sensitive and fleeting photography, your images may contain the X and V without you realising. Imaging clair-obscur effects is relatively easy. A smartphone can record a large effect such as the Jewelled Handle. A DSLR or equivalent setup with a 1,000mm or longer lens or telescope can show many more. A high-frame-rate planetary imaging setup should be able to capture all of them. But of course there is a catch. In order to record the transient effects, you’ll need the Moon above the horizon at the correct time and the weather will need to comply. Timings don’t always favour dark skies, but clair-obscur effects can be seen fairly well even in daylight. For those using a mono KLJKIUDPHUDWHFDPHUDDQLQIUDUHGSDVVƅOWHUFDQ darken daylight to produce high-contrast images. However you do it, capturing clair-obscur effects is an interesting way to get familiar with the Moon and the ‘chase’ element introduced by time-sensitive shadow play can add extra excitement. If you become adept at capturing static results, consider recording a timelapse of how the effect forms. This can be tricky as you’ll need a clear view of the Moon for many hours. As we head towards spring, the early phases of the Moon are well presented and high in the sky for long periods of time, making this a perfect time to give it a go. Equipment: DSLR or equivalent with 1,000mm or longer lens or telescope, or a planetary imaging setup Pete Lawrence is an expert astro-imager and a presenter on The Sky at Night Send your images to: gallery@skyatnightmagazine.com
Step by step Curtiss’s Cross 3 March, 06:00 UT Co-longitude 183 ° Nessie 18 March, 00:01 UT 16 April, 12:46 UT Co-longitude 2.9 ° Lunar X & V 17 March, 14:21 UT 16 April, 03:08 UT Co-longitude 358° Eyes of Clavius 18 March, 19:55 UT Co-longitude 13 ° Face in Albategnius 17 March, 22:14 UT 16 April, 11:00 UT Co-longitude 2.0° Star-Tip Mountain 22 March, 02:25 UT Co-longitude 52.8° Stars of Aristillus 16 April, 16:54 UT Co-longitude 5° Jewelled Handle 18 April, 18:07 UT Co-longitude 30° Cutlass 1 May, 03:37 UT Co-longitude 181° STEP 1 STEP 2 Pick your target and make plans for capturing it. A few upcoming events are listed above and we publish predictions in our Sky Guide every month, but there are others out there too. There’s an excellent list at the-moon.us/wiki/Clair-obscur; you may have to research the best co-longitudes that the effects become visible. Lunar co-longitude can be determined from a number of sources. Try the ephemeris section of Virtual Lunar Atlas at ap-i. net/avl/en/start or WinJUPOS jupos.org/gh/download.htm (both are freeware). Determine the time and date of an effect, make sure the Moon will be visible and keep an eye on the weather. STEP 4 Handheld smartphone shot of the Moon, just about showing the Jewelled Handle (arrowed) If using a planetary imaging setup, clair-obscur effects that reach optimum visibility in daylight skies will benefit from the use of a mono high-frame-rate camera fitted with an infrared pass filter to darken the sky. Aim to capture around 1,000 frames and process as you would normally for a lunar surface shot, using a registrationstacking program such as AutoStakkert! 100mm refractor (focal length 920mm) using a DSLR STEP 3 How will you capture the effect? Large effects may be recorded with certain smartphones, but smaller ones require a DSLR or equivalent with a long-focal-length lens, say 1,000mm, or else a planetary imaging setup. Putting a smartphone up against the eyepiece of a telescope (afocal photography) works too. STEP 5 STEP 6 Consider taking shots at around 30-minute intervals from at least 2–4 hours before optimum appearance. This will provide you with a set of images showing the effect at different stages of formation and allows you to pick the best result for presentation. Remember to add date/time and equipment details to the images. If you obtain several images in the run-up to and after optimum appearance, these can be aligned in a layer-based editor and then turned into an animated GIF showing how the feature forms over time. The success of this will hinge on image scale, closeups showing more shadow movement than wide-angle shots. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 77
CAUTION When observing atmospheric optics, always block the Sun with your hand, a roof or a tree. NEVER look through a camera YLHZƅQGHUSRLQWHG towards the Sun Expert processing tips to enhance your astrophotos ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY Atmospheric optical phenomena How to process your images to reveal haloes, arcs, sundogs and moondogs ALL PICTURES: MARY MCINTYRE A lmost everybody has seen a rainbow, but far fewer people have seen any kind of atmospheric optics display, despite how frequently they occur. These haloes and arcs form when sunlight (or moonlight) is refracted through tiny hexagonal ice crystals in cirrus clouds, which are found at an altitude of around 5–10km. The light gets refracted on the way in and again on the way out of the ice crystals, and this causes the light rays to deviate and disperse to form the haloes and arcs. Some arcs exhibit colour separation, while some are white. Atmospheric optics are beautiful and fascinating to observe. Although photographing them can be challenging because of the Sun’s glare, cameras can pick up fainter haloes and arcs than can be seen with the naked eye. There may be more faint detail hidden in your images too, which the colour subtraction method we look at here can reveal. Colour subtraction is a process that subtracts one colour channel from another to help remove cloud structures and dramatically enhance the edges of the haloes, making them stand out better against the background. It works more HIƅFLHQWO\RQQRQFRPSUHVVHGUDZƅOHV and subtracting the red from the blue gives the best results. The easiest way to do the colour subtraction process is to use the channel mixer in Photoshop. Here we go through the steps we used to process our starting LPDJH ULJKWWRS WRUHYHDODZHOOGHƅQHG upper tangent arc, faint parry arc, parhelia (sundogs) and a faint circumzenithal arc. In this example, we used Photoshop 78 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 BEFORE Circumzenithal arc Parry arc Upper tangent arc Parhelion Parhelion AFTER Circumzenithal arc 46° halo Parry arc 22 ° halo Left-side parhelion Upper tangent arc Faint middle Lowitz arc Right-side parhelion S Top: Mary’s original colour image, taken from Oxfordshire, UK in May 2023 with a Canon 1100D and 10–18mm lens at an exposure of 1/50” at ISO 100 f/22. Bottom: The final colour-subtracted image revealing faint, hidden details of arcs, haloes and sundogs
3 QUICK TIPS 1. The output should be greyscale, so make sure you tick the ‘Monochrome’ box in the channel mixer window. 2. White halos may require different settings to bring them out, so experiment with the colour channel sliders. S Screenshot 1: To begin, open or drag-and-drop your image file into Photoshop. From the top menu, select Image > Adjustments > Channel Mixer S Screenshot 2: In Channel Mixer, subtract the red channel, raise the blue channel and make the image greyscale. Next, adjust to remove clouds and boost any haloes and arcs S Screenshot 3: Our final settings were red –92%, green +12%, blue +124%, Constant +10%. Once you’re happy with your adjustments, click ‘OK’ and then save your file CS2, but the same steps can be followed using newer versions. Older versions of 3KRWRVKRSFDQQRWRSHQUDZƅOHVEXW you can use free software like FastStone Image Viewer to save the raw image DVDQXQFRPSUHVVHG7,))ƅOHZKLFKLV 3KRWRVKRSFRPSDWLEOH Opening Photoshop, we dragged and dropped in our image. From the top menu, we clicked Image > Adjustments > Channel Mixer (see Screenshot 1). In the Channel Mixer box, we set the red channel to –100%, the blue channel to +100% and ticked the ‘Monochrome’ box to make the image greyscale. Cloud removal Next, we adjusted each of the colour channel sliders further until we removed the cloud structures and got the best GHƅQLWLRQSRVVLEOHRQWKHKDORHVDQG arcs (see Screenshot 2). Note that aircraft contrails will remain visible. We used the ‘Constant’ slider to increase overall brightness as much as needed. Some faint, colourless haloes may need a 3. To get better results with JPEG images, try subtracting the red channel from the green channel. different set of adjustments than coloured ones, so this step will be particular to the display you’ve captured and to the sky conditions. With our image we ended up with the red channel at –92%, green channel at +12%, blue channel at +124% and ‘Constant’ at +10% (see Screenshot 3). We clicked ‘OK’ to apply the changes, then saved our image. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the contrast XVLQJ\RXUXVXDOLPDJHHGLWLQJVRIWZDUH at this stage. -3(*LPDJHVKDYHDYHU\SRRUTXDOLW\ blue channel due to compression, so if that’s what you’re working with you may get better results by following the above steps but subtracting the red channel from the green rather than from the blue. Although some haloes and arcs are rare, many are not. In fact, some optical HIIHFWVRFFXUVLJQLƅFDQWO\PRUHIUHTXHQWO\ than rainbows, so while from any given location you may see approximately 10–15 rainbows a year, avid observers can spot upwards of 10 times that number of optical phenomena. The most commonly observed include the 22° halo, parhelia (sundogs) or paraselenae (moondogs), tangent arcs and circumzenithal arcs. Some of those ZHUHYLVLEOHLQRXUƅUVWLPDJHEXWWKHƅQDO FRORXUVXEWUDFWHGLPDJHVKRZVWKHPRUH rarely seen parry arc, 46° halo and middle Lowitz arcs. It’s always worth doing the colour subtraction on all photos of haloes, because you never know what may be hiding in them. Mary McIntyre is an outreach astronomer and teacher of astrophotography March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 79
Your best photos submitted to the magazine this month ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY FREE BONUS CONTENT Find our extended Gallery at www.skyatnight magazine.com/ bonus-content U Milky Way over Volcán de Fuego Chirag Upreti, Acatenango summit, Guatemala, 9 November 2023 Chirag says: “To get this shot of Volcán de Fuego with the Milky Way, I climbed to the summit of Volcán de Acatenango, another dormant volcano. From 13,000ft, I had a clear view and waited hours for it to erupt, with Sagittarius on the right of the frame along with the late-autumn Milky Way.” 80 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Equipment: Sony a7 III camera, Sigma 14–24mm f/2.8 lens, Leofoto LS-255CEX Ranger tripod Exposure: ISO 2000 f/2.8, 20” Software: Lightroom, Photoshop Chirag’s top tips: “In night landscape SKRWRJUDSK\SURƅFLHQF\ZLWK\RXU equipment in the dark is paramount. PHOTO OF THE MONTH 2XWLQWKHƅHOGSDWLHQFHDQGSHUVLVWHQFH are also vital: sometimes, capturing your envisioned shot demands waiting for the ideal conditions, and repeated attempts. So persist and keep shooting! Nightscapes are an art–science blend, involving much trial and error. Cherish both the process and the best available outcomes as you explore the night’s beauty.”
U The Andromeda Galaxy Oliver Carter, Leesburg, Virginia, USA, 1–21 September 2023 Oliver says: “Capturing an Andromeda image worthy of a large-format print has long been one of my astrophotography goals, and this is now proudly GLVSOD\HGLQP\KRPH,XVHGDQ+DOSKDƅOWHUWRUHDOO\ make the nebulae in the bands pop.” Equipment: ZWO ASI6200MM camera, William Optics FLT 120 refractor, Sky-Watcher CQ350 Pro mount Exposure: R 350x 180”, G 350x 180”, B 340x 180”, Ha 132x 600”, total 74h Software: PixInsight, Photoshop U Planetary nebula NGC 6826 Andrea Arbizzi, Modena, Italy, May 2023 Andrea says: ş1*&ZDVP\ƅUVWSODQHWDU\ nebula shot with my new 8-inch EdgeHD scope, after upgrading from a 140mm refractor. For me it was exciting because it was the start of a new adventure, imaging such tiny deep-space objects.” Equipment: ZWO ASI533MC Pro camera, Celestron EdgeHD 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain, iOptron GEM45 mount Exposure: 14h 40’ Software: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Photoshop Y Supernova remnant Sh2-224 and emission nebula Sh2-223 Bill Batchelor, Coquitlam, BC, Canada, October–December 2023 Bill says: “I enjoy taking images that contain multiple deep-sky objects. These two are quite faint and required a lot of integration time, but I was lucky to get several clear nights.” Equipment: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro camera, William Optics FLT 98 refractor, Celestron AVX mount (DSO detail); ZWO $6,003URFDPHUD&DQRQ()PP860OHQV ZLGHUƅHOG  Exposure: 80h Software: PixInsight, Photoshop, NINA March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 81
U Quadrantid meteor shower Josh Dury, Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, 4 January 2024 Josh says: “I climbed the Tor in a bid to capture the Quadrantids ‘raining down’ on St Michael’s Tower. There was a lot of wind and rain, but I captured this shot during 30 minutes of clear skies at around 3am.” Equipment: Sony a7S II camera, Sigma 14mm f/1.4 DG DN Art lens, Benro CyanBird tripod Exposure: ISO 1600 f/1.4, 10” Software: Photoshop, Lightroom U Lobster Claw & Bubble Nebulae Nicole Poersch, Prestwick, South Ayrshire, September–November 2023 Nicole says: “Living on Scotland’s west coast, it’s not easy to collect good data due to our very changeable weather. This LVWKHƅUVWWLPH,ŝYHPDQDJHGWRFROOHFW over 20 hours of usable data.” Equipment: ZWO ASI1600MM camera, William Optics Zenithstar 73 refractor, iOptron CEM25P mount Exposure: R 34x 60”, G 46x 60”, B 30x 60”, Ha 46x 600”, OIII 38x 600”, SII 37x 600”, total 22h Software: PixInsight 82 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 U The Sun Arturo Buenrostro, Dallas, Texas, USA, 24 November 2023 Arturo says: “I’m passionate about imaging the Sun because it always looks totally different. Every time you look through the WHOHVFRSHWKHUHŝVDOZD\VDQHZƆDUHEODFNVSRWVƅODPHQWVť always a different landscape.” Equipment: Player One Apollo M-MAX solar camera, Lunt LS100MT solar telescope, Sky-Watcher EQ6-R mount Exposure: 50” video, best of 2,500 frames Software: AutoStakkert!, RegiStax, Photoshop
Y The Moon 6WHYH:KLWƅHOG5HGUXWK&RUQZDOO'HFHPEHU Steve says: “The Moon is an ideal learning object to practise on using inexpensive equipment. I clamped the phone to my Maksutov using a digiscoping adaptor and used the 10-second timer to avoid camera shake.” Equipment: Samsung A22 smartphone, Meade DS-2102 Maksutov Exposure: ISO 10 f/1.8, 1/33” V Galaxy cluster HCG 88 :DUUHQ.HOOHUDQG0LNH6HOE\UHPRWHO\YLD6&2EVHUYDWRU\ (O6DXFH2EVHUYDWRU\&KLOH$XJXVW Warren says: “This Hickson Compact Group was expertly captured by Mike using the PlaneWave CDK1000 and CDK700. For such ‘small’ galaxies, the resolution was excellent and AI-based tools helped bring out the tiny details in each member of the group.” Equipment: FLI ProLine PL16803 camera, PlaneWave CDK700 Ritchey-Chrétien (RGB), PlaneWave CDK1000 Ritchey-Chrétien (L) Exposure: R 21x 900”, G 19x 900”, B 21x 900”, L 48x 900” Software: PixInsight U The Pleiades 6WHYH$OOHQ&DOQH:LOWVKLUH1RYHPEHU Steve says: “I love using a mono camera, because you can check the quality and content of each shot produced by HDFKƅOWHULQUHDOWLPH0LVDIDYRXULWH target as the blue nebulosity can be a challenge. I was pleased with this result considering we had an almost full Moon.” Equipment: ZWO ASI1600MM camera, William Optics FLT 132 refractor, Sky-Watcher EQ8-R mount Exposure: R 10x 120”, G 10x 120”, B 10x 120”, L 10x 120” Software: Astro Pixel Processor, Photoshop ENTER YOUR IMAGE Whether you’re a seasoned astrophotographer or a beginner just starting out, we’d love to see your images. Send them to us at www.skyatnightmagazine.com/send-us-your-astrophotos March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 83
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The best in equipment, accessories and books each month SUBSCRIBE Discover the best new kit every mon th SEE PAGE 24 Find out more about how we test equipment at www.skyatnightmagazine.com/scoring-categories 86 Should you splash out on RVO’s Horizon 80 ED IXOOLPDJLQJSDFNDJH" Read our verdict @THESHED/PHOTOSTUDIO HOW WE RATE (DFKSURGXFWZHUHYLHZLVUDWHGIRUSHUIRUPDQFHLQƅYHFDWHJRULHV +HUHŝVZKDWWKHUDWLQJVPHDQ PLUS: books on humanity’s lunar love affair, the exploitation of space and more, plus the latest astro gadgets and gifts +++++ Outstanding +++++Very good +++++Good +++++Average +++++Poor/avoid March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 85
Our experts review the latest kit FIRST LIGHT RVO Horizon 80 ED refractor (full imaging package) A solid, sensible choice if you’re stepping up to deep-sky imaging WORDS: CHARLOTTE DANIELS ALL PHOTOS: @THESHED/PHOTOSTUDIO VITAL STATS • Price £1,015 with 1.0x flattener; £1,025 with 0.8x flattener • Optics FPL-53 doublet • Aperture 80mm • Focal length 560mm, f/7 • Focuser Dual-speed rack and pinion • Extras Tube rings, Vixen bar, dovetail, guidescope, 1.0x field flattener, illuminated eyepiece • Weight 3.45kg (OTA), 4.75kg (full package) • Supplier Rother Valley Optics • Tel 01909 774521 • www. rothervalley optics.co.uk R efractors are generally considered an ideal imaging telescope due to their sturdiness and reliability. This makes them attractive for beginners and advanced astrophotographers alike. The RVO Horizon 80 ED doublet joins Rother Valley Optics’s Horizon family of imaging refractors, which also includes the 60 ED, 72 ED and 102ED, each instantly recognisable by their distinct orange and turquoise tube rings and accents. We were keen to see how this midweight sibling stacked up against other doublets on the market. We received the full Horizon imaging package, which included an impressive array of imaging accessories within a smart aluminium carry case. 1HVWOHGEHVLGHWKH27$ZKLFKFRPHVƅWWHGZLWK tube rings, mounting points and a dovetail, were the guidescope, an illuminated eyepiece and a 1.0x ƆDWWHQHU<RXFDQLQVWHDGFKRRVHD[ƆDWWHQHU 86 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 when ordering from the RVO website. Overall, the kit SURYLGHGDQH[FHOOHQWƅUVWLPSUHVVLRQZLWKDOO components beautifully machined with a smart, EUXVKHGPHWDOƅQLVK Time to test it Winter skies were typically temperamental, but we soon had an opportunity to use the 80 ED for a visual VHVVLRQSRSSLQJWKHH\HSLHFHLQWRWKHƅQGHUVFRSH and attaching to the OTA (we should note that the top Vixen bar arrived upside down, so an Allen key was QHHGHGWRƆLSWKLVDURXQG :HSDUWLFXODUO\OLNHGWKH DGMXVWDEOH9L[HQFODPSDWWDFKHGWRWKHƅQGHUVFRSH ZKLFKPDNHVLWHDV\WRƅWDUDQJHRIGLIIHUHQW mounting points, while the illuminated eyepiece allowed us to swiftly locate and centre targets. First slewing to a 60%-lit waxing Moon, we were pleased with the 80 ED’s colour correction, observing very little fringing, even when pushed to higher X Illuminated crosshair eyepiece The 24mm eyepiece is a handy tool for many astrophotography processes, including ƅQHWXQLQJRXU*R7RPRXQWVWKURXJK three-star alignment. Slotting easily into the back of either the guidescope or OTA, the red crosshairs also allowed us to optimise long-exposure images via more accurate drift alignment or centring on guide stars.
SCALE 50mm guidescope with helical focuser Guiding is considered a must for maximum exposure times. This 50mm Horizon guidescope is perfect for imagers looking to make this leap. ,WDOVRGRXEOHVXSDVDQH[FHOOHQWƅQGHUVFRSHWR help with manual star alignment. Meanwhile, the helical focuser ensures no focus creep once a guide camera is attached. Top mounting points $WRS9L[HQEDUDQGƅQGHUVFRSHPRXQW are supplied, allowing for the addition of a guidescope, guide camera or even a second imaging telescope if desired. The ability to easily adapt or upgrade is a much-desired capability of any setup. As accessories change, mounting options can prove expensive, but the Horizon 80 ED solves many tinkering challenges. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 87
FIRST LIGHT One to grab and go At 80mm of aperture, the RVO Horizon 80 ED doublet is placed comfortably between widefield and heavy-duty refractors, with a focal length that’s perfect for Messier Catalogue and NGC objects, including nebulae, star clusters, or galaxies such as Andromeda, M31. For astrophotographers who are hungry for more imaging opportunities, it also provides an excellent field of view for capturing the disc of the Moon. But a refractor is only as good as its optics. The FPL-53 glass of the Horizon 80 ED’s objective lens reduces aberrations to optimise image quality. As a doublet, the two-lens system is also designed to limit light distortions for a clean image, without the weight of extra glass. The standard 30cm Vixen-style dovetail bar provides plenty of scope to balance this OTA once kitted out with a full suite of accessories. This makes it an ideal grab-and-go astrophotography option for a variety of different mounts and configurations. 1.0x field flattener $ƆDWƅHOGLVDQDVWURSKRWRJUDSK\HVVHQWLDOEXWRIWHQFDQŝWEH GHOLYHUHGE\EHJLQQHUVHWXSV+RZHYHUWKHƆDWWHQHULQFOXGHGLQ WKH+RUL]RQLPDJLQJEXQGOHDOORZHGXVWRFRUUHFWƅHOGFXUYDWXUH 'HVLJQHGIRUWKH+RUL]RQ('WKH[ƆDWWHQHUSUHVHUYHVLWV PPIRFDOOHQJWKIRUSLQVKDUSVWDUV$QRSWLRQDO[ UHGXFHUƆDWWHQHULVDOVRDYDLODEOH Rack and pinion focuser Furnished with a 10:1 microfocus, this dual-speed focuser speeds up achieving sharp stars. A lock secures focus once reached, while the indexed GUDZWXEHIXUWKHUVLPSOLƅHVDVHVVLRQE\DOORZLQJ \RXWRQRWHWKHIRFXVSRVLWLRQ7KHLQFKEDUUHO is ideal for most imaging setups, although a LQFKDGDSWRULVLQFOXGHG 88 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024
SCALE IR850nm filter The clear CMOS chip cover can be replaced with the LQFOXGHG,5QPƅOWHUZKLFKDOORZVQHDULQIUDUHGOLJKW WRSDVVWKURXJKZKLOHƅOWHULQJRXWRWKHUZDYHOHQJWKV This can allow for sharper lunar and planetary images on nights with poor seeing, as infrared light is less affected by atmospheric turbulence. 512MB DDR3 RAM A hefty half-gigabyte of fast onboard memory enables the QHY5III200M to charge through data capture as fast as it can, buffering the data as the images are produced, thereby reducing the pressure on the recording computer to keep up with the high speed of the camera. USB connection It’s nice to see the new standard USB 3.2 Type-C ƅWWLQJRQWKHUHDURIWKH camera, as this offers a solid and dependable connection that’s easier to insert in the dark. A good-quality 1.8-metre QHYCCD-branded USB cable is included in the package. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 91
FIRST LIGHT High near-infrared sensitivity QHYCCD describes the SC2210 sensor as a ‘domestic CMOS’ unit. It isn’t entirely obvious what they mean by this, but that doesn’t detract from the excellent performance that the diminutive chip is capable of. The 4+m x 4+m pixels are arrayed in a 1,920 x 1,080 grid for this 2MP camera, and exposure times between 15 milliseconds and 15 minutes are possible. Being sensitive to near-infrared wavelengths adds an extra dimension to this camera and opens up the possibility of imaging in less- than-ideal conditions using the IR850nm filter. It could be a useful camera for capturing images of close double stars and similar objects that need a bit of manipulation to get around any issues with seeing, and to that end we used the high sensitivity to the red end of the spectrum to get a close-up image of Orion’s delightful Trapezium region, which is rich in bright hydrogen and sulphur emissions. This ‘domestic’ CMOS chip is capable of revealing the secrets of deep-sky objects too. Handy tin @THESHED/PHOTOSTUDIO X 3, TIM JARDINE X 5 The camera is supplied in a handy storage tin that is foam-lined, with cut-outs to protect the unit in storage. There’s room for the camera, a USB cable and the various other accessories, including WKH67JXLGLQJFDEOHDQGƅOWHUER[ 92 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024

Charlotte Daniels rounds up the latest astronomical accessories GEAR 1 Ouranos Pro: Weather Astronomy app 2 1 Price from £2.99 • Supplier Starmaze www.ouranos-app.com Available for Apple and Android devices, this app offers hour-by-hour forecasts for astronomers, including the seeing, cloud cover and visibility from your location. The Pro version provides a seven-day forecast, updated hourly. 2 3 Legged Thing Charles 2.0 tripod Price £319.99 • Supplier 3 Legged Thing www.3leggedthing.com $VWXUG\WULSRGLVNH\IRUFDSWXULQJZLGHƅHOGLPDJHV and this magnesium alloy version is both lightweight and stable. The full kit, including carry bag and AirHed Pro ball head, weighs in at 2.44kg with a 40kg load capacity, allowing easy carriage to dark-sky sites. 3 Jodrell Bank coasters Price £14 • Supplier Kitsch Republic www.kitschrepublic.co.uk Astronomy accessories don’t need to stay outdoors! This set of four colourful coasters featuring Jodrell Bank’s famous Lovell Telescope will liven up any room. Made from hardboard, they are heat, water and fade resistant. Jodrell-themed cushions are also available. 3 4 Celestron lens pen 4 5 6 Price £12 • Supplier Harrison Telescopes www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk Dust on your lenses calls for specialist equipment to avoid damaging the delicate glass. This small and lightweight pen is easy and safe to use, perfect for on-the-go optics maintenance. 5 Chroma 3nm Ha high speed ultra narrowband filter Price from £575 • Supplier First Light Optics www.ƅUVWOLJKWRSWLFVFRP Capturing hydrogen-alpha is key for detailed images RIQHEXODH7KLVXOWUDQDUURZQPƅOWHULVGHVLJQHGIRU fast imaging telescopes with a focal ratio of f/3 and ensures optimal separation from sulphur emissions. Available in 1.25-inch and 2-inch versions. 6 Astronomy neck gaiter Price £24.99 • Supplier Astro Gear www.astrogear.co.uk Spring nights in the UK still mean cold dark skies, which can affect our stamina for long observing sessions. This fun, galaxy-themed neck gaiter will help you stay toasty but stylish, and it can turn into a handy bandana for the summer months. March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 95
New astronomy and space titles reviewed BOOKS humans and our planet. From the opening pages of the introduction, the reader is drawn into the story by a factual account of war and the importance of the Moon’s WLGDOLQƆXHQFH Boyle takes us back billions of years to explain the birth of the Moon, before going on to explore the effects that our closest companion has on our natural world, with some enjoyable and interesting details about ‘calendar keeping’ organisms. She introduces us to the ancient astronomers and pioneers of WKHVFLHQWLƅFUHYROXWLRQZKRFKDQJHGRXU understanding of the Solar System, and the astronauts who bravely stepped on the Moon’s surface, topics that Boyle presents easily and concisely. Throughout the book, she writes about the lunar journeys she has personally made and the people she has met while undertaking her study of the Moon, from Rebecca Boyle archaeoastronomers to scientists at Sceptre Books NASA. The record of the author’s own £22 z HB journey is an entertaining addition to the Why are we so fascinated with the Moon? book. There are no illustrations, which is a It is a cold wasteland, devoid of life, shame for newcomers to the subject who but since our ancient ancestors PD\KDYHEHQHƅWWHGIURP walked the Earth, the Moon diagrams and images to has been a source of aid their understanding. wonder and curiosity, That aside, Our Moon evoking spiritual is a splendid, feelings within us thought-provoking and featuring tale of the ‘eighth heavily in art, continent’, the literature and author inviting us song. Formed to consider the 4.5 billion years Moon in the past ago, our lifeless and present, and to Moon has played ponder what the an important part future may hold. in evolution on Earth: One thing is clear: even it stabilised our orbit in this modern age of Special relationship: Boyle’s DQGLQƆXHQFHVRXU discovery and globe-trotting tale captures why climate, natural world understanding, our our Moon is so special and tides. fascination with the Our Moon: A Human History, written Moon, and the prospects it may hold, by award-winning science writer and certainly hasn’t waned. ★★★★★ journalist Rebecca Boyle, is an insightful Katrin Raynor is an astronomy and captivating read about the historical, writer and a fellow of the Royal FXOWXUDODQGQDWXUDOLQƆXHQFHVWKH0RRQ Astronomical Society has had, and continues to have, upon STEVE MARSH Our Moon: A Human History 96 BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 Interview with the author Rebecca Boyle How important is the Moon? You can’t overstate its importance. Thanks to its cycles, we invented timekeeping, civilisation, religion, philosophy, the scientific method, even science fiction. The Moon’s tide dragged vertebrates onto shore, enabling the evolution of life on land. The Moon stabilised the climate of our planet over millennia. It’s beautiful: a muse for poetry and art, a companion in the night. What’s your favourite lunar feature? I love Mare Imbrium, the ‘Sea of Rains’. It makes me think of springtime, the promise of growth. It’s one of the largest impact basins in the Solar System: something huge must have walloped the Moon to carve it out, enabling it to fill with soft magma later. The Apollo missions landed in roughly the same area, and there’s a chance most of the samples are Imbrium rocks, making it harder to draw conclusions about the overall Moon. How do you feel about future lunar missions? We risk marring the Moon’s unspoiled beauty. We tend, as a species, to act rapaciously in our expansions. On the Moon, there are no peoples at risk of exploitation, but Moon exploration efforts are imbued with some of the language and motivations that caused past tragedy on Earth. Mining rigs, settlements, even corporate logos may be visible on the Moon in the near future. We need to be cautious and consider the Moon’s role in our shared history, before we turn it into a mining depot, or worse, a battlefield. Rebecca Boyle is a science writer and lifelong Moon enthusiast
Eyes in the Sky Choosing & Using Binoculars Andrew May, edited by Brian Clegg Icon Books £10.99 z PB Eyes in the Sky: Space Telescopes from Hubble to Webb isn’t really a just title for this cute little book. Yes, it’s all about space telescopes, but over six chapters the author covers most of the electromagnetic spectrum, not just the regions that Hubble and Webb span. In 150 pages, the reader is taken on a voyage through successive generations of telescopes designed to study everything from the cosmic microwave background, which includes COBE, WMAP and Planck, to the planet hunters TESS and Kepler. Given the compact nature of Eyes in the Sky, it’s a quick read and clearly designed to prompt the reader to further investigation. The book explores the tremendous science contributions of Astrotopia Mary-Jane Rubenstein University of Chicago Press £15 z PB 15 telescopes, starting with perhaps the most famous of them all: the Hubble Space Telescope. As the story evolves, May touches on the most exciting discoveries in astrophysics and cosmology in the last few decades, covering the life cycle of stars, the structure of galaxies and the evolution of the Universe. The author nicely describes the instruments that feature on each telescope, their purpose and the reasons behind the odd naming conventions. In places some of the descriptions of key ideas are too brief, and the final chapter on future telescopes does not do justice to the excitement of planned missions over the next decade. However, the writing is accessible and engaging, and will no doubt spark the imagination of any space enthusiast. ★★★★★ Laura Nuttall is a Future Leaders fellow at the University of Portsmouth SPACE RACE Elon Musk does not come out well in this book. Nor does Jeff Bezos. These facts alone make for a compelling read, but they only constitute Rubenstein’s opening gambit. Her target is far broader, as she tells an at first depressing story of how the giant, international corporations that now dominate and control life on Earth are trying to do the same with space. The first half of the book makes for alarming reading. For many of us, astronomy is about a sense of wonder, curiosity and awe, about learning and understanding. This is not, as Rubenstein argues, the view of the corporations now taking over space exploration from governments. Instead, they consider space exploration in the same way that European colonists saw terrestrial exploration: as a source of resources to make the rich richer. The second half of the book thankfully gives a more uplifting message, one of hope and of new ways to view both our Earth environment and that of space. Astrotopia keenly analyses current trends in space exploration in a way that feels fresh and original. While Rubenstein acknowledges arguments that ask why billionaires are spending so much on space exploration when they could solve world hunger and/or climate change, she does not conclude that space should not be explored. Rather, the argument is that we explore space with care and respect. This is an excellent book that makes so much sense of the recent history of space exploration, while leaving a strong sense of hope for the future. ★★★★★ Emily Winterburn is an astronomy historian and author Neil T English Springer £24.99 z PB This comprehensive ‘Guide for Star Gazers, Birders and Outdoor Enthusiasts’ is unique in that it describes, reviews and compares more than a hundred different models of binocular. The book is organised in two parts. The first, A Survey of the Binocular Market, begins with a comprehensive introduction to binocular basics and an interesting history of binoculars, before looking at what is available in various classes of binocular, one of which is astronomical. The second part includes an overview of some better-known binocular brands, some recommended accessories and ‘top bargains’, as well as information on testing binoculars. There is a glossary and an index. English’s familiarity with binocular optics becomes evident in the opening chapter, Binoculars 101, where he leads the reader from the simple basics to the optical qualities of different glass and prism types. His love of binoculars shines through his prose – and his poetry: he has even included a paean to one of his favourite pairs! The writing style varies between very formal (“this author”, “the reader”) to conversational (“I hope you’ll agree”). The reviews are mostly his own, but he has included the opinions of people he knows and information from other reviews. There are a few production and copy-editing issues. For example, the glossary of binocular terminology is not arranged alphabetically, and there are inconsistent designations such as BK7, BK-7, BAK7 for the same glass, but these do not greatly detract from the overall utility of the book. If you want the most comprehensive overview of binoculars in a single resource, this book is for you. ★★★★★ Steve Tonkin is a binocular astronomer and astronomy communicator March 2024 BBC Sky at Night Magazine 97

THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE With Glenn Dawes NO R Explore a stellar tribute, some usually hidden areas of the Moon and the unassuming constellation Pictor M3 Ar ct e Kit T 1 Mar at 00:00 AEDT (29 Feb, 13:00 UT) The chart accurately matches the sky on the dates and times shown for Sydney, Australia. 15 Mar at 23:00 AEDT (12:00 UT) The sky is different at other times as the stars 31 Mar at 22:00 AEDT (11:00 UT) crossing it set four minutes earlier each night. B O ÖT ES TH E AS When to use this chart ur us _ b ` _ LIBRA ` b US A HE ST METEOR RADIANT VARIABLE STAR QUASAR MAG. +3 COMET TRACK PLANET MAG. +4 & FAINTER BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 MAG. 0 & BRIGHTER MAG. +1 MAG. +2 NORMA RPI 6 DOUBLE STAR OPEN CLUSTER SCO M62 M ASTEROID TRACK a _ t M7 UT SO STAR BRIGHTNESS: DIFFUSE NEBULOSITY t 1s a 31s 4th Just 0.6° west of Eta2 lies double star HD 32278, with mag. +7.3 and +9.0 yellow companions 10 arcseconds apart. A true showpiece is Theta (e) Pictoris (RA 5h 24.8m, dec. -52° 19’). With matched mag. +6.8 stars a comfortable 38 arcseconds apart, Theta stands out in the field of view like brilliant white headlights. Chart key CHART: PETE LAWRENCE M5 showing an oval halo (1.0 x 0.5 arcminutes) with a stellar nucleus. M4 Antares M19 This month, a trip to the Pictor constellation, just west of Canopus, home to impressive double stars such as Eta (d Pictoris (RA 5h 02.8m, dec. -49° 09’). Binoculars show a colourful wide pair, with mag. +5.4 white Eta1 (d making a great contrast to mag. +5.0 orange Eta2 (d 0.5° away. Here’s a real challenge requiring dark skies and large aperture (20cm+): in the same field with Eta2 (0.1° east) is the faint (12th-magnitude) galaxy NGC 1803, PLANETARY NEBULA APUT DEEP–SKY OBJECTS GLOBULAR CLUSTER _ Red Planet, as it drops into the dawn glow heading towards conjunction. By month’s end this ‘Morning Star’ is a dawn object only. Saturn returns to the morning, rising out of the Sun’s glow, and passes Venus, being closest on 22nd, only 0.6° apart. OPHIUCHUS You need to start early to see planets this month, for Jupiter and Uranus are setting around 21:00 (mid-month). A drought then sets in until Mars arrives in the predawn. This is followed by brilliant Venus, which quickly moves away from the GALAXY b THE PLANETS SERP ENS C Argo, the ship of Jason and the Argonauts fame, and one of Ptolemy’s original 48 constellations, today exists as Vela, Puppis and Carina. They retain many links to Argo, including Arabic star names, but Gamma Velorum (in Vela) is also known as ‘Regor’, which is Roger backwards. Gus Grissom inserted this into NASA’s star charts as a joke on his fellow astronaut Roger Chaffee. When they were ERWKNLOOHGLQWKH$SROORƅUHWKHQDPH remained to honour their memory. b STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS The Moon slowly wobbles on its axis, allowing us to see slightly more than half of its surface. However, those revealed areas are often still in shadow. The two maximum librations in March are both visible. One occurs during the last quarter Moon on 5 March, where the western limb shows the dark crater Grimaldi more face-on. The other, on 17 March, has the first quarter Moon displaying great views of Mare Crisium, with Mare Marginis now peeking over the eastern limb. E A ST MARCH HIGHLIGHTS _
NORTH URSA MAJOR M1 06 LYNX ` CANE ATICI b M44a a b R _ IN O _ S M7 8 _ 2 M4 ` _ b a CA NI ’ ‘Regor X SM ` 1 M4 b PU ` a a PI _ _ O LO G C ES RO TI rna r HW OU T R b _ xA na r Fo HO RE IUM a UM UL T RAD ER I _ _ ` R ¡ f R _ a CT O N b a g DO CA S Ach e O th ` ` PP PYXIS _ b a IS a M a ON ` b a RO E OC Win 7 M4 _ M4 M50 d 8 riang ter T le har RG Ec lip tic CE NT AU RU S Alp c UM EL _ PHEONIX _ SOUTH BBC Sky at Night Magazine March 2024 WE S T Cele VI 25 SEXTANS ula TUCANA 03 C 18 NG  d d SMC 47 Tuc b _ A l Pole ” _ e HYDRUS b ` b a osett _ stial Equ ator S EN lestia ar US P LE MBA ` b ula Ne Tarant M h Ce St a LMC a ` ` NS b Sout OCTANS ck e Neb ula _ b _ LA l ge Ri COL U n Ca CARINA LEON b co us op 16 NGC 25 VO N O RI O Procyon ss ` “P ea AJ ` OR 49 b a a MUSCA ` CHAM b _ AE PA VO s ` M R ` C A NI ` S M d s lu eg u M65/66 bula Ac rux A b R _ ` 22n . UM UL E NG AL IA TR TR US A AR a LEO ¡ rina Ne Cen _ ` APU a S Siriu False Cro b _ HW b c _ f Eta Ca ga a Gamma Normids Peak 15 March a RT NO kle 19th b ` Om e _ b _ H b ` _ ` a _ dar ` _ a CIRCINUS ` a Rigel Kent 5 MA S CO NICE RE Sic _ oli BE e _ 3 b Jewel Box ` ES x OR llu Po ` Car LEO MIN ` ` M8 A VEL Betelgeu se _ + _ a a b a ` b a UX CR ` T or st Ca _ R b C R A TE R b CORV US 04 M1 R b GE E NC ` a Spica _ a MINI CA M86 b HY DA NU S Cor a _ M87 M60 M64 ANTLIA DRA M3 94 S VEN ` 3 M6 M _ ` t 28 M68 piter of Ju t Ghos