Теги: magazine   tv guide   magazine tv guide  

ISBN: 0039-8543

Год: 2024

                    E X TR A!




The 10 Greatest
Miniseries Ever!


Rick and Michonne
finally reunite

FEB. 19–MARCH 10, 2024

First Look J^[MWoWdi\Wc_bo_ijWa_d]XWYaJL je][j^[h$?d98IÉikfYec_d]Yec[Zo Poppa’s House"Ykhh[djboibWj[ZjeW_h_d j^[(&(*Ä(+i[Wied",)#o[Wh#ebZ:Wced MWoWdiMy Wife and Kids"Lethal Weapon fbWoij^[Z_lehY[ZFeffW1@kd_eh_i^_ih[Wb#b_\[ ied"New Girl Wbkc:WcedMWoWdi@h$WXel[h_]^j"m_j^ FEBRUARY 19–MARCH 10 , 2024 ^_i\Wj^[h$FeffW"W\WcekihWZ_ejWbai^em^eij" ijhk]]b[ijeWZWfjWjj^[mehafbWY[m^[dWd[m\[cWb[ Ye^eijm_j^WceZ[hdFEL"?lo;ii[dY[7ja_di"m^e YeijWhh[Zm_j^Wdej^[hMWoWdi"CWhbed"ed^_ii[b\#j_jb[Z i_jYec"`e_dij^[ijW\\$C[Wdm^_b["@kd_eh_ihW_i_d] ^_iemde\\ifh_d]m_j^ikffehj_l[m_\[D_dWJ[jedW @WYaiedm^_b[fkhik_d]^_iZh[Wci$ÅEmily Aslanian TRIPLE ISSUE • 3 WEEKS OF LISTINGS VOLUME 72 | NUMBER 9 | ISSUE #3736–3738 On the Cover 8 Cover Story: Shogun J^_i[f_Y'&#fWhjh[cWa[i[j_d',&&i@WfWd_iikh[je^eea oek_dijWdjbo$Fbki"j^['&]h[Wj[ijc_d_i[h_[i[l[h$ 14 The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live J^[^_]^boWdj_Y_fWj[Z"WYj_ed#fWYa[Zbel[ijehoXh_d]iXWYa 7dZh[mB_dYebdÉi^[heH_YaWdZ:WdW_=kh_hWÉimWhh_ehC_Y^edd[$ 2 TV Insider 7jh_Xkj[jej^[bWj[9WhbM[Wj^[hiWdZceh[j[b[l_i_edd[mi$ Fbki"\_dZekjm^_Y^JLfhe]hWcmWiDe$'_dj^[hWj_d]i$ 4 The Roush Review EDJ>;9EL;H0AKHJ?IM7H?;DAE%<N$?DI;J0F7H7CEKDJ%;L;H;JJ9EBB;9J?ED$J>?IF7=;0IED@7<B;CC?D=%98I CWjjh[l_[mi<NÉibWj[ijFeudWdZ98IÉiZhWcWTracker$ 6 Soap Dish C[beZoJ^ecWiIYejjY[b[XhWj[i*+o[Whie\Y&R$ 12 Feature: Richard Chamberlain M[YWk]^jkfm_j^j^[eh_]_dWbShogunijWhWdZc_d_i[h_[ia_d]$ 16 Feature: Queens EdiW\Wh_m_j^DWj_edWb=[e]hWf^_YÉikfYec_d]ZeYki[h_[i$ STREAM IT! 18 Netflix, Disney+, Hulu and Prime Video 20 New Movie Releases + Series, Specials & Docs DAY-BY-DAY GUIDE TO THE BEST TELEVISION 22 30 46 54 68 74 98 What’s Worth Watching Week 1 Week 1 Primetime Listings What’s Worth Watching Week 2 Week 2 Primetime Listings What’s Worth Watching Week 3 Week 3 Primetime Listings Weeks 1–3 Pacific Listings 92 Crossword 94 Horoscope + Sudoku 96 Cheers & Jeers 7X_]j^Wda#oekjeWbbe\ekhikXiYh_X[him^e^Wl[ i_]d[Zkf\ehj^[\h[[;NJH7d[mib[jj[h$?jWhh_l[i_d oekh_dXen[l[ho<h_ZWom_j^[nYbki_l[Xh[Wa_d]d[mi" iY^[Zkb_d]kfZWj[iWdZ_dijWdjed[#Yb_YaWYY[iije ZW_bo"kf#je#ZWj[fhe]hWcc_d]]h_Zi$M[Éh[[nY_j[Z iecWdoe\oekbel[j^_id[mi[hl_Y[ ?ÉZWbieb_a[jeWdim[hWYekfb[e\gk[ij_ediWXekj ;NJH7j^Wjm[Él[h[Y[_l[Z$<_hij0ÆM^oYWdÉjj^[ b_ij_d]i_dj^[cW]Wp_d[X[WiYkhh[djWiedb_d[5ÇJ^[ _d\ehcWj_ed_dekhfh_dj]h_Zi_iWYYkhWj[m^[dm[]e jefh[ii"XkjWij^[dkcX[he\XheWZYWijWdZYWXb[ d[jmehai_dYh[Wi[i"j^[Yecf[j_j_ed\ehl_[m[hi^_f ^WiX[Yec[ceh[_dj[di[$D[jmehaiWh[cWa_d] cWdoceh[bWij#c_dkj[fhe]hWcc_d]Y^Wd][iWi j^[oYecf[j[\ehWdWkZ_[dY[$M^_Y^_im^om[ Yh[Wj[Zj^[;NJH7d[mib[jj[h\ehekhikXiYh_X[hi$ M[Él[Wbie]ejj[dgk[ij_ediWXekjj^[X[ijmWo jeki[j^[edb_d[b_dai$Oeki^ekbZef[doekh;NJH7 [cW_b[WY^<h_ZWo$EdY[oekh[Y[_l[Wd[m[cW_b"j^[ fh[l_ekim[[aÉi[cW_bb_da_idebed][hWYY[ii_Xb[\eh j^[bWj[ij]h_Zi$?\oekWh[ki_d]j^[m[[abob_da"oek YWd]e_dWie\j[dWioekmWdjÅ[l[d[l[hoZWo$J^[i[ edb_d[b_ij_d]iWh[kfZWj[Z[l[ho(*^ekhi"dej`kij edj^[<h_ZWom^[doek][jekh[cW_b$;d`eo"WdZa[[f b[jj_d]kiademm^Wjoekj^_da C_Y^W[b<[bb";Z_jeh#_d#9^_[\ JL=K?:;C7=7P?D;9KIJEC;HI;HL?9;0;cW_b0JLC9kijI[hl6YZi\kb\_bbc[dj$ YecEhmh_j[0JL=k_Z[CW]Wp_d[9kijec[hI[hl_Y["F$E$8en)-),&"8eed["?7+&&)-# &),&7:L;HJ?I?D=H7J;I0jl]k_Z[cW]iWb[i$YecFH;II?DGK?H?;I0fh[ii6jl]c$ YecH;FH?DJIF;HC?II?EDI0<eh_d\ehcWj_ededh[fh_dji"[#fh_djiehej^[h b_Y[di_d]h[gk[iji"fb[Wi[YedjWYjMh_]^jiC[Z_W6JL=C$Yec
TV Insider 8HE7:97IT H7J?D=IIN FH?C;J?C; BY9>H?IJEF>;H W7BB;D8;H= 8bWp_d]JhW_bi Beea_d]\eh Bel[ 1 NFC Championship Game (Lions vs. 49ers) Fox +,$) 2 Next Level Chef Fox -$( 3 Chicago Med NBC ,$, Chicago Fire NBC ,$, 5 60 Minutes CBS ,$+ 6 Chicago P.D. NBC +$+ 7 Law & Order: SVU NBC +$& 8 NCIS: Sydney CBS *$. 9 Law & Order NBC *$, The Price Is Right at Night CBS *$+ America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League (Monday) NBC *$) Celebrity Jeopardy! ABC *$) 13 NBA Saturday Primetime (Lakers vs. Warriors) ABC *$& 14 Shark Tank ABC )$. 15 Law & Order: Organized Crime NBC )$- 16 20/20 (Friday) ABC )$, FBI CBS )$, 18 Young Sheldon CBS )$* 19 Let’s Make a Deal Primetime CBS )$) 20 Yellowstone (Sunday, 8/7c) CBS )$( Yellowstone (Sunday, 10/9c) CBS )$( The Neighborhood CBS )$( Press Your Luck ABC )$( The Bachelor ABC )$( Night Court NBC ($/ 10 11 IekhYe: D_[bien Cedia H[i[WhY^"m[ek ef January 22–28"(&(*"in c_bb_edi$ The h[turn ef D89’i 9^_YW]o i^ems b[Z XoChicago Med WdZ Chicago Fire) W\j[h the cedj^ibed] mh_j[hi’and WYjehi’ ijh_a[s helped j^[ d[jmork ]hab [_]^j ifejs on the Y^Whj$ The fh[vious m[ek’i i[Wion fh[c_[h[i _dYh[Wied (4 and ', f[hY[dj"h[if[Yj_l[bo" eler Xeth i[h_[i’ final \our [f_ieZ[i \hom bWit ifh_d]$ The I[Wion 28 fh[# c_[he \[aturing @e[o =haziadei WXel[" with Yedj[ijant @[ii ;ZmWhZi) d[Whbo ZekXbed _js dkcX[hi eler i[len ZWos e\ Z[bWoed l_[m_d]" with 6 c_blion f[efb[ tuning in WYheii b_d[ar and ijh[Wc_d]$ 2  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; MWjY^[Z B_l[ 25 8kpp_ng ?d I_dYe bWit \Wbb"l_[m[hship \or the ijWh#ijkZZ[Z edition ef the Y[b[XhWjed gk_pi^ew has ]hemd Xy 16 f[hY[dj—and the January () [f_iode cWjched the if_de\\ ef f[hennial fem[h^eki[ America’s Got Talent. Abbott Elementary’s Lisa Ann WWbjer won $1 milb_ed \or the Ent[hjW_dc[dj 9ecckd_jy FkdZ The Ian <hWdY_iYe */[hi’j^h_bb_d]" ^_ijoric 34–)' Yec[Xack W]W_dij the f[hennial kdZ[h# Zeg :[jhoit B_edi jouched Zewn Wi the ^_]^[ij#hWj[Z D<C 9^Wcf_edi^_f Game i_dYe (&'( when the =_Wdji’ triumph eler j^[ */[hs fkbbed in +-$, c_blion mWjY^[hi IbWc:kda B[8hon @Wc[i WXel[) and j^[ Bes 7d][b[s BWa# [hi’epic ZekXb[# el[htime jh_kcf^ eler Ijeph 9khho and the =ebZ[d IjWje MWhh_ehs mWi the ceit mWjY^[Z D8A h[]kbar i[W# ion ]ame ekji_Z[ ef 9^h_ijcWi XheWZYWijs WdZ the ?d#I[Wied Journament) i_dY[ January (&(&$ El[hWbb"D8A l_[m# [hship WYheis 789 and ;SPN ^Wi jumped 16 f[hY[dj \hom bWit i[Wied$ 9BE9AWISE <HOM B;<J: JOHN <B;;DEH%:?ID;O; :7VID @;DI;D%GETTY ?C7=;S; ERIC C997D:B;II%:?ID;O TOP SHOWS =ebZHki^
SAM WATERSTON STEPS DOWN TRIBUTE CARL WEATHERS 9BE9AWISE <HOM B;<J: MICHAEL FKJB7D:%GETTY ?C7=;S; PETER AH7C;H%GETTY ?C7=;S; C9C J>;7J;H%@EAN C7H9KI (1948–2024) >EW 97N OEU det bele a ikf[hijar who adems ^ew je feae fun at ^_ci[b\? Carl M[Wj^[hi"who died in his ib[[f <[Xhuary 1 at -,"fWhbWoed his Wj^b[ticism _djo a cel_[ YWh[er W\jer a i^eht itint in the D<B"punching his mWy je \ame as 7febbo 9h[[Z"WZl[hsary turned Wbby in the Rocky film \hWdY^_i[$>e i^emed his Yomedy Y^efs as a ed[# handed ]ebf fho effei_je 7dam IWdZber in Happy Gilmore '//,"but when Wiaed jo fbWy a ^[_]^jened l[hsion e\ ^_ci[bf as an WYting Yeach on <ex’s iWhdonic i_jYom Arrested Development"he had his ewn _Z[a on ^ew jo be \kddo$ In a (&'3 Lkbjkh[ _dj[hl_[m"DevelopmentYh[Wjor C_jY^# [bl Hurwitz h[YWbb[Z M[Wj^[hs _di_ij_d] he Z_Zd’t mant jo Ze Rocky`ea[i"ik]# ][iting he fbWy W Y^[WfiaWje _dij[WZ$ Thus mas born W hunning ]ag e\ M[Wj^[hs WZl_i_d] mannabe WYjor Jobias :Wvid 9heii) on the `eoief j^h_\j$ M[Wj^[hs h[turned jo his WYtion heejs on the Star Warsif_de\f The Mandalorianas =h[[f AWh]W"m^o Wi the b[ader ef the 8ekdjy >kdj[hi’=k_bd ient the j_jb[ Y^WhWYjer on his `ekhd[y jo \[jch “Baby OeZW”=he]k$ M[Wj^[hs Z_h[Yjed jmo [f_ieZ[s and [arned his \_hij ;ccy win \or =k[it 7Yjor in a :hama) \or this bWij" Y^WhWYj[h_ij_YWbby Yeborful heb[$—Matt Roush “He was absolutely brilliant. His voice, his size, his power... more importantly, his heart, his soul. It’s a horrible loss.” —Sylvester Stallone M^en bed]j_ce Law & OrderYWit c[cXer Iam MWj[hijed ij[fs Zemn Wi:_ijh_Yt 7jjehd[y @WYk CY9eo"_jm_bl cWha j^e [dd e\Wn [ha—for Xeth jhe i^ew Wdd j^e WYjeh$MWj[h# ijon `e_d[d j^e fheY[Zkhal _n '//4 WdZ^_iYecfb[n"de# dedi[di[Y^WhWYjer gk_YaboX[YWc[a \Wd\Wleh_j[$>[ h[cW_d[Za i[h_[s h[]kbar kdj_bj^[[nd ef j^[fheY[ZkhWb’i eh_]_dWbhkd_n (&'&"ij[ff_ng XWYa_djo j^[hebe Zkh_dg j^[ ('it i[Wion _d(&(($ MWj[hijed^as [Whd[Zckbj_fbe ;cco" I7G WdZej^[r dec_dWj_ediel[h^is YW# h[[h"m_dd_ng W=ebZ[n =bebe _d'//*\ehI’ll Fly AwayWdZWI7G 7mWhZin '/99 \er Law & Order$7ff[Wh_dg in eler *&0 [f_ieZ[i e\jhe ZhWcW"jhe .)#o[Wh#ebd _s m[bl WmWh[ e\^is b[]WYy: “7n WYjer Ze[id’t mWdt je b[t ^_ci[bf ][jjoo Yec\ehjWXb["”^[ iW_d in a ijWj[c[dj$“I’m ceh[ ]hWj[ful jo oekj^an I YWn iWo$” >_s \_dWl [f_ieZe W_hi<[Xhk# Who ((. Scandal’s Jedy =ebZmod m_bl jWae edjhe :7cWdjbe ed j^[i[h_[i"m^_ch Wbio ijWhi 9Wchon CWd^[_c">k]^:Wd# Yo"C[^YWZ8heeai"H[_ZIYejj MWj[hijon as Jack MY9eo WdZEZ[boW>Wb[l_$—Andrea Towers SCOTT BAKULA ON STAGE IN NEW YORK E^"Xey! Quantum Leap’s IYejt 8Wakba X[bem) is Xack ed the D[w Oork ijW]e in The Connector"a d[w cki_Yal \hec Yecfei[h#boh_Y_it @Wion HeX[ht 8hewn The Last Five Years$8Wakba fbWos 9edhWZ"a cW]azine [Z_jor i[hl_d] as a c[djor jo a ooung `ekhdWb_it named Ethan Dear Evan Hansen’s Ben B[vi Heii)—who m_bl do `kit WXekj Wdything jo i[Ykhe his d[xt big iYeef$ Though 8Wakba is m[bb#adewn \or his heb[s on Quantum Leapand NCIS: New Orleans"j^[Wjer is \W# miliar j[hh_jory \or j^[ WYjeh"who ijWhjed ^_i YWh[er on 8heWZmWo and YWfjkhed a Jedo nomination \or j^[ cki_Yal Romance/ Romance in '/..$The Connector’s b_c_j[Z [d]W]ement m_bl hkd j^hough CWhch '-$—AT T V = U I D E C 7= A Z I N E 3
The Roush Review BY MATT ROUSH Feud: Capote vs. the Swans @TVGMMattRoush JhkcWd >ebbWdZ[h imanning with Babe (WWjji A famous writer pays for spilling his glamorous friends’ secrets 4 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  ]dec["“The edby f[hion who Yekbd [ler h[Wbby ^kht me is oek$” And that’s [nWYjby what ^Wfpens when 9Wfeje fkXb_i^[s W Y^Wfjer ef his unfinished del[bAnswered Prayersin Esquirein '/-+" [nfesing their dark i[Yh[js in j^_dby l[_bed YWh_YWjkh[i"\ooling de one and [dhaging [l[hoed[$=k[ij" who jh_[s jo ijWy beoal jo 9Wfej[" Z[iYh_X[s the f_[Ye as “a Yebb[Yj_ed ef Yhuel iYalpel Ykjs without j^[ X[d[fit ef WdW[ij^[i_W$”Aeith _i cehe l_dZ_Yj_l["_di_iting jhe iekh i_ijerhood shun him: “He m_bl ^Wl[ no eno]en and he m_bl Z_[$” A ibew Z[ath as it turns ekj" with FeudYedjhWiting 8WX[’s bed] and besing XWjjbe W]W_dit YWdYer with 9Wfej[’s i[b\#Z[ijhkYj_l[ if_hal _djo WbYe^eb_ic"Zhkg WXkie and kdm_ie i[xual b_W_iedi$ ;len at _js ZWha[ij"Feud\WiY_dWj[s with _js Z_ii[Ytion ef W maning iocial ehZ[h$“It’s Wbl a cWigk[hWZ["”9Wfeje [nfbW_di$“BeYWkie kdZ[hd[ath the ]bamour: fW_d$8Wbberina fW_d"]dWhbed \[[j$ 8[YWkie it is a ZWdYe h[gk_ring ijamina and [dZkhWdY[$”>e Yel[ji his WYY[is jo their mehbd but adems it’s YedZ_j_edWb$“I fbWy j^[ fWhj$It’s Wbl a f[h\ehcWdY[$”And what f[h\ehcWdY[i$ Capote drinks in every detail of each scandal as if it were a garnish in his martini B;<J: <N$H?=>J: >8E THE COLD SHOULDER is mightier j^Wd the pen in a dazzling and _cf[YYWXby YWij d[w edition ef Hoan Ckhf^o’s FeudWdj^eb# e]o$Capote vs. the Swans"mh_jjen Xy Jon Hobin 8W_tz Brothers and Sisters"jWa[s us Xack jo a ]eii_fy and hWh[fied mehbd e\ '/-0s D[w Oork high ieY_[jo"c[cehWXby ia[m[hed in Ij[f^[d IedZ^[_c’s Companyas “The BWZ_[s Who BkdY^$” J^[ie “Z_deiWkhs surviving jhe YhkdY^”Whe a ]bWcehous Xkj kdiWj_ified bej"[f_jec_p[d Xy Babe FWb[y (the ijknning DWec_ MWjji"a ijWjk[ique X[Wkjy kd^Wff_by med je98S cW]dWje 8_bb FWb[y Jh[at M_bb_Wci"jerrific in his final heb[$She Zej[s ed"Yed# \_Z[s in and m[[fs on the i^ekbder ef Y[b[XhWjed author JhkcWd 9Wfej["who Zh_das in [lery Z[jail ef [lery iYandal in FWb[o’s _dd[h Y_hYbe as if it m[he a ]arnish in his [l[h#fh[i[nt cWhj_d_$8WX[’i [djekhW]e ef ieY_Wb_j[s _dYbkZ[s 9^boë I[l_]dy as 9$P$=k[ij" 9Wb_ija <beYa^Wht as B[e HWZp_m_bl and Diane Lane as Slim A[_j^$ Jom >ebbander The White Lotus) cWij[h\kbby _cf[hiedWj[i 9Wfej["YWfturing his m_j^[h_dg m_j"simpering iocfWj^_[i and i_d]#iong le_Y[$>e \[eds on 8WX[’s Wjj[dj_ed"\eh[l[h b_ijening and eXi[hl_d]"fhe\[ising his bele \or j^[ie mec[d dWhYej_ped on their ewn fh_l_b[][$Babe is the Y[djer ef ^_i iocial kd_l[hi["and l_Ye l[hiW"and she Yed\[ii[s jo this eZZ Wednesdays, 10/9c, FX
Tracker IS REACHER TOO violent for you? Consider Tracker, also based on a series of thrillers (by Jeffery Deaver), also about a drifting loner with a dark past who risks his neck wherever he goes, with the scars to prove it. A few differences: Colter Shaw (the appealing Justin Hartley of This Is Us) leads with his heart, not his fists. He’s also in it for the money, a self-described “rewardist” whose catchphrase is “I collect only in success.” And succeed this skilled tracker invariably does, though not always guaranteeing a happy ending. Another key difference from Prime Video’s Reacher (from Lee Child’s novels), which spins its baroque capers over an entire season, is that Tracker fits snugly into the CBS model, with Shaw resolving each case in an hour. Then it’s off, payment in hand, with his Airstream bachelor pad to a new town, a new client, a new set of skeptical authorities to obstruct his mission, perhaps a new woman (a cop and a doctor in early episodes) to impress with his fearless resolve, his Sherlock-level perceptiveness, his earnest resourcefulness and his killer rakish grin. (It should be noted that in two of the three episodes made available for review, Shaw goes shirtless within the first minutes.) Among his team: a sexy lawyer frenemy (Fiona Rene) who says his problem is “You’re so damn interesting.” I’m not sure that’s entirely true, but he is good company. ★★★✩✩ Sundays, 9/8c, CBS Curb Your Enthusiasm THE LARRY DAVID e\Curb Your Enthusiasm d[ler c[t Wdoone he YekbZd’t Wddeo—and the \[[b_d] is Wbceit WbmWos ckjkWb$7\jer 12 i[Wions W_ring eler d[Whby 25 o[Whi"Larry ][js _j0 “I’ve X[en [nf[Yting cehe \hom coi[bf cy m^ebe b_\["and it’s `kit det j^[h[$”J^[ ceit _dif_hed jm_it in what :Wvid _di_ijs is Curb’s final i[Wion—jalk about det \W_h—is the \Wbbekj \hom him f[h\orming an kd[nf[Yjed WYt e\ ][d[hei_jo$It bands ^im in ^et mWj[h"Xkj Wbio lWkbjs him _djo the ifetlight as W ]ood IWcWh_jWd$ EXl_ekibo"this YWd’t bWij$Ikhe [dek]^" eler 10 [f_ieZ[s ef ekjhW][ous and WXikhZ_ij \WhY["Larry Ze[s his X[ij"c[aning his mehij"je jarnish his d[mby ]ebden h[fkjWj_ed$;len j^[ [f_iode j_jb[s feii[is a Yh_d]e \WYjor: “The BWwn @eYa[o"”“The 9ebeijecy 8W]$” The i[jkfs Whe e\jen h_Z_Ykbeki"m_j^ the X[it cec[djs _dlebving BWhho’s bei_d] XWjjbe with the mundane: iYh[aming Wj I_h_"][jting jhapped in a j[xt Y^W_d" Ybashing with a iWb[if[hion W\jer ki_d] a je_b[t _djended \or fWying Ykijec[hi edbo$Jo the [dZ"Larry is kdZWkdj[Z$ About jo \WYe Wdether h[\[hendum ed his Y^WhWYj[h"he gkej[s his cej^[h" “What’s det jo b_a[?” Larry David: Good B[t us Yount the mWoi$EdYe m[ to the last rant ijop bWk]^_d]$ Sundays, 10/9c, HBO
IYejt’i Nikki is a ieWfs iced BY STEPHANIE SLOANE i Amanda Kloots THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS M [body Thomas IYejt is Y[b[# Xhating 45 o[Whs as Nikki H[[Z on The Young and the Restless, a c_b[ijone she d[ler Yekbd ^Wle _cW]# ined h[aching when she h[fbWY[d ;h_YW >ope in <[Xhuary '/-/$“My ijepping _dje the hebe ef Nikki mas a h[ikbt ef an [c[h# ][dYy h[YWij"io the fheY[is mas \Wij and \kh_eki"”h[YWbls IYejj$“When j^[o e\\[hed me a j^h[[#o[ar YedjhWYj"I ^WZ jo cWae a Z[cision X[jm[en Y&Rand W i_jYom f_bet which I had Wbio X[en e\# \[hed the same m[[a$My W]ent m_i[bo WZl_ied me jo ]o with Y&Ras it e\\[h[Z cehe ijWX_b_jy than a f_bej"and the h[ij is ^_ijeho$By the mWo"the f_bet Z_Zd’t ][t f_Yaed up!” The WYjh[is has had her i^Whe e\ c[cehWXbe [f_ieZ[s eler j^[o[Whi and Wffh[Y_Wj[s that the i^ew is ij_bb a[eping her Xkiy jeZWo$“I’m bkYao enough jo iWy that cy jmo \Wleh_j[ ijehob_d[s Whe Wbio cec[djiin Nikki’i b_\e that I am Ykhh[djby fbWying—the bel[ ijory ef L_Yjor and D_aa_"as m[bl Wi Nikki’s Zh_da_d]"”IYejt i^Wh[i$“Boj^ ^Wle fhevided such monderful [nf[h_# [dY[s \or me jo fbWy as an WYjeh$Nikki’i itripping is \h[gk[djby mentioned Xoj^[ \Wdi$I mas det a \Wdef it at the j_c["Xkj booking XWYa"I Y[hjW_dby kdZ[hijand m^y _j h[iedWjed with the WkZ_[dY[$” O[t IYejt is the \_hit jo admit i^[ ^Wid’t fbWoed it Wbb$“I ^Wle WbmWos mWdj[Z Nikki jo ]o ijWha#hWl_ng mad and end kf in a hubber heec"”she h[l[Wbi$“I’ve Wbie “I’ve relished any time Nikki’s trials and tribulations allow me to sprinkle in some humor” mWdjed Nikki jo ^Wle an [vil jm_d$? adem—io ieWfy!” The [dehc_jy ef 45 o[Whs _n the iWc[ hebe _id’t beit on IYejj$“I’ve Y^[h_i^[Z [lery moment ef cy time on Y&R"”i^[ i^Wh[i$“Looking XWYa"it’s an kdX[b_[lWXb[ m^_hbwind ef ijehob_d[s and X[^_dZ#j^[# iY[d[s cec[djs with YWit and Yh[m$7dZ who Yan \eh][t Wbl e\j^eie ^W_hijob[i5” Have a question for your favorite soap star? Email us at letters@tvgm.com 6 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  JOP: IED@A <B;CC?D=%98I$8EJJOM: 97HA HE88?DI%GETTY ?C7=;I The Talk’i7cWdda Abeejs m_bb cWae ^er ieap ef[ha Z[Xkj M[Zd[iZWo"<[Xhkary ('"ed The Bold and the Beautiful,  fbWo_d]BkYo"a com \h_[dd e\ Ij[\\o’i$?t’iWZh[am Yome jhk[ \or Abeejs X[bem"m^o has W beng ^_ijehom_j^ZWoj_me ZhW# cWi$“M^[n I mWs a b_jjbe ]_hb"co cem WdZi_ij[hs WdZI mekbZ mWjY^ieWp ef[hWs on a ZW_bo XWi_i"”i^[iWoi$“It’s gk_j[ j^h_bb_ng jo be WfWhjef ed[$” <er ^[r Wff[WhWdYe edB&B, Abeejs ^Ws a l[ry if[# Y_al Yeijar: *#o[Wh# ebd ien ;bl_i 9ehZ[he$“Ell_s _i `kit a fhe"”i^[ hWl[i$“I Zed’tj^_da ^[kdZ[hijWdZi o[t j^at ^[’i WYj_d]$>[ adems ^_s b_d[i" ^e _cfheli$ >[’i^_bWh_eki$” Abeejs ^WZ a XWbl WdZ mekbZbel[ j^[Y^WdYe je Wff[Wr W]W_d$ “7Xiebkj[bo” i^[[dj^ki[i$ “It’s ikch Wd _dYh[Z_Xbe `eX$”
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CWh_ao (IWmai) is tehd X[jm[en her fW_j^" her smorn duty and her cWfj_lWjed heWhj Jarvis as 8bWYaj^ehd[ Behind the dazzling i\dXbe of Shogun, a kale of skeely drXdX# j\Ziet rfdXeZe and [\adly acZliXZp BY ZHANNA SLOR HOW CAN ONE X[it Z[icribe Shogun, the d[w '&#fWht WZWfjation ef @Wc[i 9bWl[bb’s epic '/-5 delel ef \eudal @WfWd5 It is _dZ[ed big"filmed WYheis jme cWii_le LWdYekler XWYabeji"a h[cej[ cekdjainside and a fair ef [nfWdi_l[ iekdZijW][i"upon which @Wfan in j^[ o[ar 1600 is h[#Yh[Wjed with WijekdZ_d] Z[jW_b$And it’s thrilling: the jWbe ef Oei^__ JehWdW]a an _dYecfWhWXbe >_heoka_ Ianada ef John Wick: Chapter 4"a Yec# manding b[ader who mehas jo X[at XWYa a YWZhe ef [d[c_[s and i[Ykhe his b[]WYo ef femer with the help ef YWfjkh[Z English iW_bor John 8bWYathorne 9eice @Whl_i"Peaky Blinders$ But IWdWZW"who Wbio i[hled as W fheZkYer \or the \_l[#o[Wh#bong fhe`[Yj" fh[\[hs a @WfWd[ie mehd—shosa—m^_Y^ he Z[\_d[s as “masjer ef ][ijkh[$”I^eiW Z_YjWjed the WYjehi’cel[c[djs: “^ew je mWba"^ew jo i_j"^ew jo a_bb"[l[hoj^_d]"” 8 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  he iWoi$“We ^_hed the @WfWd[ie Yh[m" History Speaks who had [nf[h_[dYe in iWckhai ZhWcW$ CWdy ef the Y^WhWYj[hs Whe XWied on h[Wb M_]i"Yeijkc[i"fhefi"[lerything: M[ f[efb["including 8bWYathorne—ceZ[b[Z tried jo do our X[it jo cWae it Wkj^[dj_Y$” W\jer M_bliam 7ZWci"the \_hit ;d]b_i^ The i[h_[i"airing m[[aby on <X [f_# dWl_]Wjor jo h[ach @WfWd"in 1600—and ieZ[s ijh[am the same ZWy on >kbk" JehWdW]a \amed 17th Yentury i^e]kd \ebbems JehWdW]W"a \ehc_ZWXbe @WfWd[i[ Jeak]Wma ?[oWik$The same is jhue \or j^[ mWhbehd in the bind ef a b_\[j_c[$His [d[# Y^WhWYjer ef CWh_ao Anna IWmW_"Monc_[s on the Council ef H[][djs ^Wl[ arch: Legacy of Monsters"the Z[lej[Z ]Wd]ed up W]W_dit ^_c"no ZekXj Catholic deXbe who jhWdibWj[s \or 8bWYa# booking jo i[_pe femer _n j^_i thorne and is [l[djkWbby ZhWwn jo ^_c$ ]kbf ef time X[\ehe the d[m “Initialbo"I think me Yame at j^[i[ hkber ef @Wfan has Yome e\ Y^WhWYj[hs thinking me Yekbd XheWZ[d W][$But the Xh_bb_Wdjbo what j^[y Z_Z"”iWos Hachel AedZe" ijhWj[gic JehWdW]a has W who Yh[Wjed this i[h_[s with her ^ki# i[Yh[t m[apon: 8bWYa# XWdZ"@kitin CWhai$“Butme had je j^ehd["who cWy ^ebd the a[o hemember that me m[h[ jo tipping the iYWb[s _d morking with \_]kh[i a mWy that cWa[i who ^Wle X[en ijkZ# JehWdW]a the ceij _[Z"\_]kh[s who [n_ij D_i^_eaa plWoi \ehc_ZWXbe i^e]kd in the YediY_ekid[ii JehWdW]W’s triedWdZ#jhue albo ef them Wbb$ ef a dWj_ed$Me ^WZ
COVER STORY Shogun SERIES PREMIERE Tuesday, February 27, 10/9c, FX 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP H?=>J: A7TIE OK%<X )); AKHT ?IM7H?;DAE%<N JehWdW]W Ianada) heWZi out to me[j the Council o\ H[][djs—and, f[h^Wfi" his fWj[ jo h[Wbby kdZ[hijand that me d[ed je mh_je jo the spirit ef the Y^WhWYj[h$” M^_be it is a ^_ijeh_Yal i[h_[s akin je D[tflix’s (&'5–22 The Last Kingdom" Shogun’s \ocus hemains igkWh[boed Y^WhWYjer and ijeho"cuch b_ae the X[# beled \_hit c_d_i[h_[s WZWfjation \hec 1980 that ijWhhed H_Y^Whd 9^WcX[hbW_d see page 12$It Yel[hs the \ehbidden bel[" shocking X[jhWoWb"i[Yh[t Wbb_WdY[s WdZ ether Xo#fheZkYjs ef fem[h$“It is a l[ho kd_l[hsal ZhWcW"”Ianada iWoi$“It’s dej `kit WYj_ed"l_eb[dY["][_i^W"ij[h[ejof[i$ It’s lery fe[j_Y$” J^hek]^ekj"JehWdW]a ckit Z[al m_j^ the Yecfb_YWjed ambitions ef [d[c_[i and \h_[dZi$That _dYbkZ[s X_jjer de \WYje Youncil b[ader Ishido JWa[^_ho >_hW"m^e m_i^[s jo d[kjhWb_pe his Yekdj[hfWhj"WdZ JehWdW]W’s beoal ][d[hWb">_hecWjsu Jeak# ma D_i^_eaW"who m_bl ijWdZXy his \h_[dZ jo the [dZ$Then j^[h[’s 8bWYaj^ehd["m^e h[]Whds the @WfWd[ie \_hit as iWlW][s WdZ bWjer as iW][i$Their ieY_[jo’s unique Yki# joms Whe Z[jW_bed in the cWii_le del[b$ “He mas h[Wbby a cWijer ijehoj[bb[h"” iWos CWhas ef 9bWl[bl and the '"'52 fW][i ef iekhYe cWjerial j^[y mehaed \hec$ “There Whe Wh[as in the bWjjer ^Wbf that m[ had jo YedZ[di["simplify or `kit ^[_]^j[d \or if[cific h[Wiedi$8ut [l[hoone Q^WZS Wi^Whed W\\[Ytion \ehthe Xeea$” That lery much _dYbkZ[s IWdWZW"m^e Yarried his ewn Ze]#[Whed Yefy with ^_c [l[hom^[h[$“It’s a ]h[at iYh_fj"but ? Xhought the delel on i[t [lery ZWo"”^[ iWoi$“And then it mas Xack and \ehj^0 h[ad iYh_fj"h[ad delel; h[ad iYh_fj"h[WZ del[b$It mas b_ae a 8_Xb[$” 9bWl[bb’s Z[iYh_fj_le fheie _dif_hed YWij and Yh[w jo a[ep Wkj^[dj_Y_jy \hont e\ c_dZ$“We had jo bring @WfWn jo 9WdWZW$ And in jerms ef gkWdj_jo"I \[el b_ae m[ Xhought ^Wbf the Yh[w ef jhe i^em"”iWoi CWhai"who YWbls YWiting the i[h_[s “j^[ i_d]kbar `ey ef cy YWh[[h$”The \h[e kie e\ the @WfWd[ie bWd]kW]e—m_th fW_dijWa_d]# by jhWdibWjed Z_Wbe]ue and ikXj_jb[s fbWY[Z ediYh[en \or maximum h[WZ_d]Yec\ehj— X[Yame an enormous fbki$“Meit ef ekh YWit did det if[ak ;d]b_i^"and j^[y m[h[ Wbbemed jo f[h\orm and _cfhel_ie in j^[_h ewn bWd]kW]["”he WZZi$ That i[die ef “i^eiW”[nj[dZ[Z j^hek]^ekj"\hom the '&"&&0 heef j_b[i that d[eded jo be h[fb_YWjed \or the h_]^j period book jo the 20 Z_\\[hent \WXh_Yi that ment _djo m[Wving the l[ijb_ae f_[Y[i JehWdW]a m[Whs el[r his kd_\ehc$ And Ianada mas WbmWos j^[he jo a[[f the fheZkYtion ij[[hed in the right Z_h[Y# j_ed$“Elery i_d]be Yeitume that Yame je the itudio I Y^[Yaed and I jWught Qj^[ WYjehi] ^ew jo m[Wh"”he h[YWbbi$“A <h[dY^ Z[signer Yh[ating the a_cedei"but ^[ Ze[id’t adew ^ew jo m[ar one!” T V = U I D E C 7= A Z I N E 9
9^WcX[hbW_d as TV’s original John BlWYaj^ehd[ in 1980’s Shogun K_\se 10 memorXYc\ d`e`j\i`\s from the (0.0s and ’80s bept us tuning in night after night 8khjon (l[\t) as Roots’ KkdjW A_dj[" with Lek_i =eii[jt Jr$ in his Xh[Waout reb[ as Fiddl[h BY MATT ROUSH THE THORN BIRDS ROOTS LONESOME DOVE ABC W_hed this bandmark i[h_[s el[h eight Yedi[Ykj_le d_]^js in '/--"meh# ried WkZ_[dY[s mekbZd’t [cXhWYe a ]hk[b# ing iW]a about the Yhk[bj_[s ef ibWl[ho$ The effei_je eYYkhh[Z"Xh[aking hWj_d]i h[Yehds at the time as 7c[h_Ya X[YWc[ h_l[jed jo the ckbj_][d[hational jWbe e\ kidnapped 7\h_Yan ibWle Akdja A_dj[ B[Lar 8khjon as a oekj^"John 7ces Wi an WZkbt) and his Z[iY[dZWdji"who d[l[h ijopped o[arning \or \h[[Zec$Tubi By the bWje '/.&i"the TV M[ij[hd mas Yedi_Z[hed Z[WZ$But eler \ekh [dj^hWbling d_]^js in '/./"a heXkit WZWf# jation ef Larry CYCkhjho’iFkb_jper Fh_pe– winning delel heminded l_[m[hs ef j^[ ][dh[’s Wff[Wb$As \ormer J[nas HWd][hi" HeX[ht :klWbl and Jeccy B[e @ed[s bed Wd [lentful and e\jen jhagic YWjjbe Zh_le \hec J[nas jo the fbains ef CedjWdW$The \_dWb[ is \amous \or making ]hewn men m[[f$ Freevee, Peacock, Pluto, Tubi, Roku, Plex 1 10 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  2 RICH MAN, POOR MAN 4 Fefkbarizing the “nolel \or TV”Yed# Y[ft and airing 12 m[[aby Y^Wfj[hi in '/-,"the ieWfy WZWfjation ef ?hm_d I^Wm’s delel YWjWfkbjed Nick Debje je ijWhdom as Xbk[#Yebbar Xback i^[ep Jec @ehZWY^["m^eie Xhether Hudy c_d_i[h_[i h[]kbar F[jer IjhWkii) heie jo YehfehWj[ and feb_j_Yal ^[_]^ji$Available on DVD B;<J: F7H7CEUNT F?9JKH;I%;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED$H?=>J: ;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED 3 The \ekh#fWht 1983 hecWdYe XWied ed 9ebb[en CY9kbbek]^’s X[iji[bber Yed# firmed H_Y^Whd 9^WcX[hbW_d’s YbWim Wi “King ef the C_d_i[h_[i”see page 12. >[ ijWhhed as WcX_j_eki"^WdZiece fh_[ij Halph de 8h_YWiiWhj"\eh[ler ^et under j^[ Yebbar \or 7kijhalian bWis C[ggie HWY^[b MWhd) as he heie j^hough Y^khch hWdai$ The j^_hd [f_ieZ["when <Wj^[r Halph WdZ C[ggie ikYcumb jo their fWii_ed"Zh[m the bWh][it WkZ_[dY[$The Kd_jed IjWj[i Catholic 9ed\[h[dYe mas det Wckied j^Wj the i[h_[s W_hed during >eby M[[a$ Purchase on Prime Video or Apple TV
HOLOCAUST 5 A ]hekdZXh[aking '/-8 Mehbd Mar ?? Zhama put a human \WYe on j^[ Nazi [njermination ef @[ms j^hough j^[ ^Whhewing ijory ef the M[_is \Wc_by \hec Berlin: :h$@ei[f <ritz M[Wl[h"m_\e 8[hjW Heiemary >Whh_i) and their e\\ifh_d]0 Aarl @Wc[s MeeZi"Hudi @eieph 8ej# jeci) and Anna 8banche 8Wa[h$C_Y^W[b Ceh_Whjy mas a Nazi IS e\\_Y[h"and h_i_d] ijar Ceryl Ijh[ep fbWoed AWhb’s 9^h_ij_Wd m_\["one ef the ;cco#winning i[h_[i’\[m ikhl_lehi$Available on DVD Rich Man, Poor Man: Nebje (l[\j" Iusan BlWa[bo and SjhWkii SHOGUN 6 ;netic and [djhWdY_d]"the '(#^ekh 1980 epic made ^_ijory as the \_hij 7c[h_Yan TV i[h_[s jo be filmed [dj_h[bo in @WfWd"with much ef the dWj_le YWij if[aking @WfWd[i["e\jen m_j^ekj ikXj_jb[i—all the X[jjer jo Z[f_Yt j^[ Z_ieh_[djation ef i^_fmh[Ya[Z;d]b_i^ dWl_]Wjor John 8bWYathorne 9^WcX[h# bain at his ceit ^[he_Y$Available on DVD YWit included the Z_h[Yjeh’s \ormer @kb_[j" Olivia >kii[o"as CWho"with Anne 8WdYhe\j as Mary CW]ZWb[d[$Freevee, Peacock CENTENNIAL 10 THE WINDS OF WAR/WAR AND REMEMBRANCE 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP: ;VERETT 9EBB;9TION 2); NBC; ;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED 7 It Ze[id’t ][t X_]]er than this ZekXb[ m^Wccy ef a ^_ijeh_Yal ZhWcW"Xh_d]# ing >erman Mouk’s Zeehijep WWII del[bi jo JL$Airing eler 48 ^ekhs—18 \or Winds id '/.)"and 30 \or Remembrancein 1988– .9—this ambitious fhe`[Yt \ebbemed j^[ \Wc_by ef dWlal e\\_Yer L_Yjor “Pug”>[dho HeX[ht C_jchum) j^hough the Yed\b_Yj" including Z[f_Ytions ef the >ebeYWkij (filmed in 7kiY^witz) and the Xembing e\ >_hei^_cW$The cWcceth XkZ][j and Yebeisal hunning time _i Yh[Z_jed with ^Wijening j^[ end ef the bed]#\orm d[jmeha c_d_i[h_[i$Available on DVD Lonesome Dove’s Jonei0 B[ading a YWjjbe driv[ mas this WXiorbing 1984–85"'*#Y^Wfj[h ]em WZWfjed \hom Faul IYejt’s Raj Quartet"Z[f_Yting the bWit o[Whs ef British eY# Ykfation ef ?dZ_W"with the hape ef Wd ;d]b_i^moman as a YWjWboit \or j^[ ZhWcW$PBS Passport JESUS OF NAZARETH 9 THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN 8 F8S Wdj_Y_fWj[Z the c_d_i[h_[i YhWpe with ckbj_fWhj British _cfehji" \hom '/-0’s The Six Wives of Henry VIII _djo the ’80s m_j^ the [ngk_i_j[ Brideshead Revisited$The ]h[Wj[ij Masterpiece o\ abb @Wc[s C_Y^[d[h’s ^_ijeh_Yal jec[i m[he made \or the c_d_i[h_[s \eh# cWj"none cehe ikYY[ii\kbby than ^_i epic ef the 7c[h_Yan M[ij"Yelering jme Y[djkh_[s ef 9ebehado behe eler 26 ^ekhi in '/-8–-/$;l[hoone who mas Wdoed[ i^emed kf"including who [bi[) H_Y^WhZ 9^WcX[hbain as a IYejtish jhWZ[h"one e\ the Wh[W’s \_hit m^_je i[jjb[hi$Starz C_jY^kc Xk\\[jed by the Winds of War The 8_Xbe and _js [hW ^Wle _dif_hed cWdy W c_d_i[h_[i"but Z_h[Yjeh <hWdYo P[\\_h[bli’i h[l[hent jh[Wjc[dj ef the b_\e ef @[iki HeX[ht Fem[bb WY^_[led _dijant _Yed ijatus in '/--"when WYkckbW# j_le K$I$WkZ_[dYe ef 90 c_bb_ed tuned in eler jmo m[[as j^[ i[Yond ^Wbf W_hed on ;Wij[h IkdZWo$The _dj[hdWj_edWb Fem[bl as Jesus of Nazareth T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  11
The unffi^\kkable skar of the original Shogun and The Thorn Birds ruled TV in the 1980s BY DIANE SNYDER J^h[e o\ the Tef '0  ceit wWjY^[Z TV episeZ[s o\ Wbl time are frec 9^WcX[hbW_d’i Thorn Birds HE BECAME A mehbdwide ^[Whjj^heX ,3 o[Whs W]o as the ijar ef Dr. Kildare"ed[ ef j[b[l_i_ed’s \_hit c[Z_Yal ZhWcWi$But _j mas during the ^[oZWy ef j^e c_d_i[h_[i in the 1980s that H_Y^Whd 9^WcX[hbW_d X[Yame TV heoWbjo"[arning ;ccy dec_# nations and =ebden =bobe 7mWhds \or jme epic ^_ijeh_Yal iW]as as m[bl as the j_jb[ “King ef the C_d_i[h_[i$”In 1980’s Shogun, 9^WcX[hbain fbWoed English dWl_]Wjeh John 8bWYaj^ehd["i^_fmh[Yaed in '-j^ Yentury @WfWd"and j^h[e o[Whs bWj[h in The Thorn Birds"he ijWhhed as ^ej Catholic fh_[it Halph de 8h_YWiiWhj"jehd X[jm[en Hachel MWhZ’s C[ggie 9b[Who and his [YYb[i_Wij_Yal lemi$On the Ykif ef turning 90 on CWhch )'"the dem#h[j_h[Z 9^WcX[hbain ifeae with TV =K?:; M7=7P?D; about his Y[b[XhWjed YWh[[h$ M^en oou beok XWYa"m^at Whe oek ceit fhekZe\5CWybe The Thorn Birds. It had a kind ef _djernational [\\[Yt ed the mehbd that mas WcWp_d]$7dZmeha_d] with 8WhXWha IjWdmoYa"ef Yekhi["mWi `kit Xh_bb_Wdj"and Hachel QMWhd] and Wbb j^eie \WXkbous f[efb[$But it’s an Wm\kbbo ^Whd Y^e_Y[$ M^at mas _jWXeut j^e Y^WhWYj[r e\ <Wj^er HWbf^j^Wt cWZe oeu io Z[j[h# c_d[Zjo ][t j^e heb[5His Z[ij_dy _d this b_\[time mas an Wbceit Yhuel ed[$>[ h[Wbby beled God—I think he had a i_dY[h[ YWbling—and he h[Wbby beled C[]]_["WdZ he beled the ]bamour ef j^[Y^khY^$>[ mas if_h_jkWbby jehd"which cWde him l[ho _dj[h[iting jo fbWo$
9BE9AWISE <HOM B;<J: J7OBOR >?BB%<?BCC7GIC; ABC F>EJO 7H9>?L;I%GETTY ?C7=;S; TV =K?:;%;VERETT 9EBB;9TION ) J[bbks WXekjjhe [nf[h_[dY[ef meha# _dg m_th 8WhXWhWIjWdmoYa"m^emed Wd;ccy \er ^[hheb[$7ijekdZ_d]$ When she h[Wbby XWh[s her ioul WXekj beving him and ^ew being ebd Ze[id’t cWae Wdy Z_\\[h[dY["she mas X[oedZ X[b_[f….Then j^[he mas a iYene m^[h[ Halph is ieaking m[j"j^_das ^[’s Wbed[ and ijh_fs jo ][t Zho$QIjWdmock’s Y^WhWY# j[h"Mary 9Whion] is mWjching ^_c"WdZ she mWbas out and fkjs her hands on co Y^[ij$She \eh]et her b_d[i"and the i[j mas WXiebkj[by i_b[dj$Dobody YekbZ X[b_[le that she had \eh]ejjen her b_d[i$ Then she iW_Z"“It’s X[en io bong i_dY[ I’ve ijood d[xt jo a dWaed cWd$”QLaughs] I mas io j^h_bbed that I WYjkWbby turned ed 8WhXWha IjWdmoYa$ MWiShogunas ]hk[b_dg f^oi_YWbby WdZ [cej_edWbby as _jbeeai? It mas l[ho ^Whd but gk_je [nciting jo mork with Wbb j^eie monderful @WfWd[ie WYjehi$Me ]ej m[[aends e\\$I had this @WfWd[ie ]_hb who mas cy _dj[hfh[j[h"and me kied je jhWlel Wbl WhekdZ$It mWi monderful being j^[h[$ Oeu h[Wbby ^Wd jeYWc# fW_]n jo ][t jhe hebe e\ 8bWYaj^ehde in Shogun. :e oeu j^_nk j^Wjoekr beeai cWy ^Wle bed f[efbe je kdZ[h[ij_cWj[oou WiWd WYjeh? CWoX[$Some m_i[ f[hion in >ebbomood in iec[ _dj[hl_[w mas jalking WXekj ^ew I ]et Wbl j^[ie medZ[h# ful fWhjs in c_d_i[h_[i$>[ iW_Z"“There Whe X[jj[h WYjehs in jemd"but iec[# ^ew H_Y^Whd cW_djW_di the WkZ_[dY[$”That mWi the d_Y[it thing Wdy ef j^[ ebd fhes had [ler iW_Z about c[$QLaughsS ?ijhe Shogunh[cWa[ iec[j^_dg oeu mekbZ mWjY^? I YWd’t mait je i[e _j"WYjkWbbo$That mWi one ef the ]h[at [nf[h_[dY[i ef cy b_\[$ Oeur Xig Xh[Waj^hek]^"e\ Yekhi["mas _dj^[j_jb[ hebe ef Dr. Kildare, YeijWh# h_ng HWocedZCWii[o"_d '/,'$M^Wt Zeoou h[c[c# X[r ceit WXekjj^Wt j_c[5 I mas WmWhe this mas the Wd# imer jo Wbl cy Zh[Wci$J^[d 9^WcX[hbain and IjWdmock on s[j1 X[bew: the acjeh on TVGM cel[hi \or Dr. Kildare, Shogun and The Thorn Birds “I’d just like to be remembered as a reasonably nice guy with a sense of humor” —Chamberlain the i^ew X[Yame W ^k]e ikYY[ii"and j^Wj mas `kit c[ic[h_p_d]$ Oeu m[he edj^[Yel[h e\ TL GK?:; M7=7P?D;i_n j_c[s Zkh_d]j^[\_l[# i[Wien hkn ef Dr. Kildare. TV =K?:;mas ]h[at jo c[$ The _dj[hl_[ms m[h["oek adem"ieht ef made kf.… Det b_a[j^_ied["e\ Yekhie! Lery kdb_a[ this ed[$ J^ei[_dj[hl_[ms Z_Z \eYkien oeur f[hiedWb b_\["m^_Y^mekbd ^Wl[ X[[d^WhZ\ehiec[ed[ m^e’s ]Wojo h[Wbbo jWbaWXekt j^[d$O[f" and I had jo do iec[ Yb[ler \eejmeha$8kj I had iome h[Wbby ]h[Wj Q\[cWb[] \h_[dZi"WdZ me mekbd Wff[ar at [l[djs and that iehj ef j^_d]$ M[h[oou ^[i_jWdt WXeut fbWo_dg ]Wo Y^WhWYj[hs [Whb_[h_n oeur YWh[[h5O[i$ I had jo be lery ]kWhded WXout Wbl j^Wj during cy YWh[er as a hecWdjic b[WZ_d] cWd$But I mas 68 when I e\\_Y_Wbby YWc[ ekj$I mheje this book YWbbed Shattered Loveand jWbaed about being ]Wo"WdZ then the fheXbem lWd_i^[Z$ >emis h[j_h[cent jh[Wj_ng oek? I ^Wle monderful friends and medZ[h\kb jhWl[bi$I b_le ceijby in >Wmaii dew m_j^ lery Z[ar \h_[dZi"and I’m a lery ^Wffo ]ko"knock on meeZ$ M^Wt mekbd oeu b_ae jo X[h[c[cX[h[Z \eh5Iec[one edYe Wiaed me j^Wj"and ? iW_Z"“That’s h[Wbby none ef cy Xki_d[ii$” If f[efbe mant jo hemember iome ef j^[ j^_d]s I’ve Zed["that mekbd be d_Y[$8kj the big ijk\f mas iome time W]e$?’Z`kij b_ae jo be h[c[cX[hed as a h[WiedWXbo d_Ye ]uy with a i[die ef ^kceh$ T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  13
=kh_ha dubs this fhe`[Yt “a j^h_bb ride of a shom” Years of separation have tested Rick and Michonne. A new Walking Dead spinoff captures their epic love—and reunion BY EMILY ASLANIAN RELATIONSHIPS ARE ONE j^_d]" but oou ^Wle jo h[Wbby mork at it jo iki# jain them during a pombie WfeYWbofi[$ The Walking Dead^[ho Rick =h_c[s 7d# Zh[w B_dYoln) and his Z[j[hmined mWhh_eh bel[Michonne :anai =kh_hWadew j^Wj X[jjer than Wdoed[$“They Whe i_c_bar _d mWoij^Wjno one [bie _i$J^[y Xeth ^Wl[ this \_he and this YhWp_d[ii"X[oond j^[_h ijh[d]j^"j^_d]s that j^[o’he WbmWos m_bb# ing jo Ze"”dej[s the \hWdY^_i[’s Y^_[\ Yedjent e\\_Y[h"IYejt C$=_cfb[$ The bWj[it TWDif_de\\"The Ones Who Live—the j_jbe is a cWdjha that ^Ws ]ed[ X[oond i_cfbe ikhl_lal jo i_]nify ^ef[" bele and f[hi[l[hWdY[—i^ems `kit ^em much Rick and Michonne Whe m_bling jo Ze jo ^ebd [ach ether W]W_d$The i_n#[f_ieZ[ 14 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  i[h_[s Xh_d]s the fhec_ie ef the ^ehheh ikf[hYekfb[’s heunion W\jer being WfWht \eh o[Whi"and \ans YekbZd’t be cehe [nY_j[Z$ But \_hij"b[t’s hemember the b[WZ#kf$ j^[y ^Wle a ion!) But as \ans b[arned _d TWD’s [dZ[h"Rick has X[en jhapped WdZ trying jo [iYape the fem[h\kb"eh]Wd_p[Z Civic Hepublic C_b_jWho$ Where We Left Off Where We Begin Again In the cej^[hship i[h_[i’I[Wion /"[n# i^[h_\\’s Z[fkjy Rick iWYh_\_Y[s ^_ci[b\" Xbewing up a Xh_Z]e jo iWle his \h_[dZi and \Wc_by \hom a pombie ^[hZ$The XbWij Ze[id’t a_bl ^_c"j^ek]^$?dij[WZ"the _d# `khed Rick is m^_iaed WmWy in a ^[b_Yefj[h Xy Jadis Ijea[s Febboanna CY?djei^" \ehc[hby the IYWl[d][hi’b[WZ[h"7dd[$?d I[Wion '&"Michonne finds Rick’s Xhea[d# in Xeejs and cehe _hh[\kjWXbe fheef j^Wj he ikhl_l[Z$So she ]e[s in i[Whch ef ^[h bed]#beit bel[$>e Ze[id’t [len adem “We ijWht at Xh[aking fe_dji"”j[Wi[i =_cfbe ef this d[w Y^Wfjer in Rick WdZ C_Y^edd[’s bele ijeho$“7t dark fbWY[i"_d dark i_jkWj_edi$” :[if_je the Xb[Wad[is ef their Y^WhWY# j[hi’impending `ekhd[os Xack jo [WY^ ej^[h"B_dYoln and =kh_ha Xeth Yh[Wjehs ed Livewith =_cfb[) [d`eoed their h[turn je Dead$“I’d c_iied QfbWo_dg H_Ya] and [l[ho# thing that Yame with the job Z[iYh_fj_ed"” B_dYoln iWoi$“It mas h[bWj_l[by fW_db[is je slip Xack _djo the YemXey Xeeji$”
“The sjeho fki^[s and fkbls Rick and Michonne apWhj"” B_dYoln saoi A MUSTHAVE FOR EVERY FAN! The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live SERIES PREMIERE Sunday, Feb. 25, 9/8c, AMC GENE F7=;%AMC ) <or =kh_hW"fehjhWying the aWjWdW# m_[bding XWZWis W]ain “\[bt lery Z_\\[h[dj and the same Wbl at edY[$”She YWbls j^_i Michonne the ($0 l[hsion: “[Michonne _iS ijepping _djo lery kdadewn j[hhW_d$” That’s det the edby d[w ]hound that’i Yel[h[Z$M[’ve i[en ]b_cfi[s ef the 9HC via Deadand _js if_de\\i"fWhj_YkbWhby j^[ 2020–21 oekd]#WZkbt i[h_[s The Walking Dead: World Beyond"but Live]e[s ckY^ Z[eper _djo the c_b_jWho’s coj^ei$“The E’Gk_dd CRM is a major fWht ef our ijeho"”=_cfb[ iWoi$“7dZ"o[i"me b[arn a ]h[at Z[al ceh[$” ;nf[Yt jo i[e a bet ef @WZ_i"the jh_Ya# ijer h[ifedi_Xbe \or Rick being ^[bd Xy j^[ 9HC$And d[mYec[hs b_ae Lucifer’s B[ib[o# Ann 8handt as hWpeh#sharp F[arl J^ehd[ [nfand the h[]_c[djed mehbZ$=_cfb[ YWbls Thorne “\ehc_ZWXbe b_ae H_Ya"WdZ j^[y wind up in the same Y_hYkcijWdY[ X[YWkie ef their fWhWbb[bi$” Me Wbio c[[t the hkj^b[is CRM b[WZ[h" Major =[d[hal 8[Wbe Lost’s Jerry E’Gk_dd" at the i[Yh[t Civic Hepublic i_j[$<Wdi ^Wle ]k[iied Rick is in F^_badelphia XWi[Z on the Z[Y_cWjed ediYh[en iaob_d[.) “Who Whe oou ^[h[?”he fe_dj[Zby Wias H_Ya$ Why"_dZ[ed? “This is a Rick me ^Wl[d’t i[en X[\eh["in no icWbl fWht X[YWkie ef ^_i time in the Civic H[fkXb_Y"”B_dYoln ^_dji$ And m^[ther or det Rick and C_Y^edd[ ^Wle Y^Wd]ed toomuch is an _cfehjWdj gk[ij_ed"iWos the WYjeh"who Wias: “Wilb their bele ikhl_le W\jer Wbl this time WfWhj?” It had X[jj[h—eif[Y_Wbby Yonsidering ^em bong l_[m[hs ^Wle mW_jed jo i[e a fWii_ed# Wje “Richonne”heunion a_ii! IWos =kh_hW0 “The ]eal is that Wbl the \[els Whe \[bj—and ? think me ][t allthe \[els in j^[h[$” VALUES Live by their rules, or perish. Their Western values are simple: Protect the land. Protect the family. And progress can go to hell. John is now the Montana governor, and the Duttons are the law. This 100-page special edition magazine delivers everything you need to know about Yellowstone: Every dramatic episode, every crazy fight, every body (and where it’s buried), every tragedy and every comeuppance of all five seasons are inside this ultimate show companion. ORDER ONLINE YELLOWSTONE MERCHANT.COM
Reigning Supreme Queens SEASON PREMIERE Monday, March 4, 8/7c, National Geographic Top: Elephants roam (filmed by cinematographer Erin Ran- ney, below, in Episode 4); left: Musembi and Hahn in Africa; right: lion love in Episode 1 “THIS IS AN kdkikWb i_]^j_d]"”m^_if[hs <aith Cki[cX_"a fhe# ZkYer and Z_h[Yjor on a d[w i[l[d#fWhj ZeYki[h_[s dWhhWjed Xy Black Panther’s 7d][ba 8Wii[jj$M[’he in a iW\ari jhuck m_j^ our X_deYkbWhs jhained on 50 [b[f^Wdjs ed JWdpWd_W’s I[h[d][ti fbW_d"one ef the beYW# tions TV =K?:; M7=7P?D;l_i_jed with j^[ \_bccWa[hs bWit o[Wh$In cWdy fWhjs e\ 7\h_YW"j^[ie cWccWbi"e\jen YWbbed “[b# b_[i"”Z_if[hie in icWbl ]hekfs ceit ef j^[ o[ar jo find \eeZ"bed Xy their ^[hZ’s cWjh_# WhY^$8[YWkie the :[Y[cXer hains ^Wl[ made \eb_W]e io fb[dj_\kb"^em[l[h"j^[ [njended \Wc_by Yan ]Wj^[h$The Xeis bWZo i^Wa[s her ^[ad and _cfh[ii_le jkiai) Wj us in a marning det jo ][t joo Ybei[$ This is `kit one ef the cW`[itic i_]^ji oou Yan i[e in Queens"which i^emYWi[i femerful i_ijerhoods within the Wd_cWb a_d]Zec$Fhemiering on National =[e# 16 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  ]haphic and :_id[y+ with j^h[e XWYa#je# Xack [f_ieZ[s \ebbem[d Xy \our cehe ed CWhch ''"the i[h_[i’l_ikWbby itunning ije# h_[s hWd]e \hom a j_dy ehchid X[e in 9[djhWb 7c[h_Ya bWying her lery \_hit [gg jo Wd ehYa m^Wbe ]hWdZcether b[ading a ^kdj$ The fhe`[Yt jook \our o[Whi"12 Yekdjh_[i and '"-56 ZWos in the \_[bd jo Yecfb[j[$J^[ h[ikbt is “the \_hit time m[’ve [ler \[Wjkh[Z and \eYkied on \[cWbe femer in the dWjk# hal mehbZ"”iWos [n[c fheZkYer LWd[iiW 8[hbem_jp"a m_bZb_\e \_bccWaer with ceh[ than 30 o[Whs ef [nf[h_[dY[$The i^em’i j[am is Wbie"gk_je _dj[dj_edWbbo"Wbceit Wbb mec[d"and a X[^_dZ#j^[#iY[d[s i[]# ment helmed Xy Ckiembi cWhas the \_hij time a 8back A[doan moman ^as Z_h[Yj[Z a bandmark dWjkhal ^_ijory \_bc$ The d[xt ijop on our iW\ari is )& c_b[s iouth ef A[doW"in the D]ehed]ehe 9hWj[h$Our l[^_Ybe winds Zewn j^[ ^W_hf_d#jkhn heWd Ykt _djo j^e ("&&&#\eej# high YhWjer mWbb$7t j^[Xejjec"m[ cWhlel at m_bZ[X[[iji"p[XhWi"]Wp[bb[i" ^_ffes and h^_des X[\ehe Yoming WYheii iec[thing cW]_YWb$ A b_ed[is is dkhsing her XWXo"and j^[ sight heminds 8[hbewitz ef an [cej_edWb night i^eet m^[he a cether Z[\[dZ[Z her ooung \hom one ef the heving XWY^[# bor cWb[s who m_bl a_bl a h_lWb’s e\\ifh_d]" then cWje with the \[cWbe jo fWis ed their ewn :D7$“Theie m[he YkXs j^Wj me beled X[YWkie m[’d i[en them \hec when j^[y m[he b_jjb["but this is dWjkh[" and me YWd’t _dj[hl[d["”8[hbem_jp [nfbW_di$“I mas i_jj_d]j^[he in j[Whi$” >[Whj-pounding cec[djs b_a[ j^[ie Whe a ijWfbe ef the i[h_[i"but j^[ mork behind YWfturing them h[gk_h[i fWj_[dY[$The j[am e\jen [dZkhed bed] ijh[jY^[s ef time in m^_Yh dething ^Wf# f[d[Z$>ew did the \_bccWa[hs a[[f j^[ci[bl[s Xkio? H[l[als 8[hbem_jp" “You ^Wle jo j[bl Z_hjy `ea[i$” 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP: D7TIONAL =;E=HAPHIC <OR :?ID;O%EI9AR :;M>KHIT 2); D7TIONAL =;E=HAPHIC <OR :?ID;O%HOBBIE HARMAN; 9EKHJ;IY OF A7TE >7>D National Geographic’s new documentXiy series jgfkc`^_ks the dXki`Xichs of the animal kingdom BY KATE HAHN
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Your guide to the very best streaming available now Damsel FRIDAY, MARCH 8 ORIGINAL MOVIE “IYWd\_]^j"”C_bb_e 8eXXo 8hemdedYe lem[Zas j[b[a_d[jic ^[he_de ;b[l[d _djhe iYi-fi ^ehher ^_jStranger ThingsX[\ehe \WY_d] a cedij[r at b[Wij'0 j_c[s ^[r i_p[$I^e Yed`kh[i j^[iWc[]kjiy if_rit _n j^_iWZh[dWb_d[#fkcf_d] \WdjWiy as Fh_dY[ii;beZ_e b[\j"XWjjb_d]if[YjWY# kbWhbojo [iYWfe a \_h[#Xh[Wj^_d]ZhW]ed’ibW_h$ ;beZ_e ][js _djo j^[YWl[hdeks c[is W\jer W]h[[# _dg jo cWrry ^WdZiome fh_dYe >[dry D_ck HeX_d# ied$8ut j^e m[ZZ_d]’s a hkie: Jhe heoal \Wc_bo mWdj[Z;beZ_[Ws WiWYh_\_Ye jo h[fWy Wn W][#ebZ Z[Xj"io _djo the X[Wij’s YWle i^e ]e[i"Z[if_je ^[h ij[fcej^er BWZy 8Wo\ehd 7d][ba 8Wii[jt) ]e_d] ^[WZ#je#^[ad mith Gk[[d?iWX[bbe HeXin Mh_]^j$ J^e _cfh_ieded ;beZie \_hijj^_daii^[’ll X[ h[iYk[ZXkj"WbWi"do ed[Yec[s \er j^e kd\W_hbo jh[Wj[ZcW_Z[d$:[j[hc_ded jo [iYWf["ihe h_fi ^[r heoWb]Whb _djo \_]^j_d]][Wh"Whcs ^[hi[b\ m_th m^Wjihe Yan \_nd _dYbkZ_d]"_djh_]k_d]bo" a cWii_l[imehZWnd \_]^js \_he m_j^\_[h_d[ii$ “[It’iW] j^h_bb_d]WZl[djkhe WXeut a oekng mec# an X[Yec_d]an [cfem[hed WZkbj"”iWos Z_h[Yjeh @kWn 9Whbei<h[idWZ_bbe$“EbeZie Ze[id’t ^Wle ikf# fehj$?j’s a h[al ikhl_lal [nf[h_[dY[$”—Kate Hahn Netflix offers up a huge slate of comic talent, including these recent premieres Jack Whitehall: Settle Down J>;J7B;DJM^_j[^Wbl h_\\s on Ze]i" Zh_da_d]"dining Wbone and being a ZWZ \or the \_hit j_c[$Available now =EED >KCEH“[Some d[w fWh[djiS jalk about it with Z[c[djed [dj^ki_# asm…like j^[o’he the edby f[efbe je ^Wle [ler done _j$‘Oh cy =eZ" oou’ve ]et jo ][t one; it’s ]eddW Y^Wd]e oour b_\[$’J^[o’he b_a[ j^eie \###[hs with air \ho[hi$” 98I’s After MidnightYhWYas m_ie WXekj the f[h\[Yt fWhtner and `eX"Wdn_[jy WdZ _diecd_W$Premieres Tuesday, Feb. 13 =EED >KCEH“N[w h[bWj_edi^_fs Wh[ WmamWhZ"’YWkie oou ]ejja j[bl a m^eb[ d[w f[hion what oou b_ae in X[Z"WdZ the edby h[Wion oou adew…is ’YWki[ iec[one [bie did it jo oek\_hij$” Taylor Tomlinson: Have It All JHE J7B;DJIn her j^_hZ D[tflix if[Y_Wb"the ^eit e\ M^_j[^Wbb" Tecb_died" Eppi 18  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mike Epps: Ready to Sell Out J>;J7B;DJ;ffs `ea[s about feeh ^o]_[d["his _iik[s with _d\_Z[b_jy WdZ m^y he edby WYjs b_ae he Ze[id’t b_a[ m^_je f[efbe in \hont ef 8back f[efb[$ Premieres Tuesday, Feb. 20 =EED >KCEH“F[bbWi"m^[d oou’he in a h[bWj_edi^_f"oou ]et je a[ep on heminding oour ]_hb ^ew i[ny she is and ^em X[autiful she _i.… ‘Good cehd# _d]"i[no$’‘Hale a ]h[at ZWo" i[no$’‘Hem’s oour X[Wkj_\kb i[bf doing jeZWo?’@kit ]ej jo a[ep iWying _j"’YWkie _\ oou Zed’t"her mork ^ki# XWdZ’s ]oing jo j[bb^[h$” 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP B;<J: JOHN M?BION/NETFLIX; NETFLIX; JODD HEI;D8;H=/NETFLIX; D;J<B?N Laugh Tracks: A Trio of Stand-Up Specials
Disney100: A Century of Dreams AVAILABLE NOW DOCUMENTARY ?n 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP B;<J: :?ID;Y+; <HANK E9A;D<;BI%GETTY ?C7=;S; PRIME L?:;E '/()"an Wif_h_d]YWh# jeed_it dWc[ZMWbj :_id[y X[]WdcWa_d] Wd_cWj[Z\_bms ekjef ^_i kdYb[’s ]WhW][$Ed[^kd# Zhed o[Whs bWj[h"j^Wt ZWh[# je#Zh[WcYh[Wj_l_jy h[cW_di j^e XWYaXed[ef ed[ef j^[ mehbZ’s ceij_d\bk[djial [dj[hjW_d# c[nt YecfWd_[i$In j^is (&23 if[Y_Wb" ijWhi"le_Y[WYjehiWnd YebbWXehWjehi ikYh Wi@kb_e 7dZh[mi":_Yk LWd:oa[" ?Z_da C[dpel Wnd ;bjon @e^d^[bf^edeh j^ei[mho fbWo[Z_cfehjWnt heb[s _d :_id[y ^_ijeho"\hecWd_cWjehs je Yecfei[hs je9;Ei$J^e i^ew is Wbie a h[c_dZ[hef j^e fem[h_n :_id[o’i dem#\Wceus cki_d]: “Iedbo^ef[ j^at me d[l[hbei[i_]^t e\ed[ j^_d]…that _t WbbijWhj[d m_th W ceki[$”—Andrea Towers Grey’s Anatomy FRIDAY, MARCH 8 ABC SERIES >[h[’s a trio ef the WZ# I[Wion 1 cWij Z_Yj_le c[Z_Yal ZhWcW’s ckij#i[e ^ekhi$ Deje: Hulu dew YWhh_[s them Wbb"plus d[m [f_ieZ[s ijWhting CWhch '+"the ZWy W\j[h j^[y air on 789$ “7>WhZ:Wo’s D_]ht”I[Wion '";f_# ieZe 'The \_hit i^_\t X[gins \or a d[m YbWis ef ikh]_Yal _dj[hdi"including C[h[# dith =h[y ;bben Fecf[e) and 9h_ij_dW Oang IWdZha E^$Fbki"C[hedith kdm_j# j_d]by beds her d[w Xeii"d[kheikh][ed :[hek I^[f^[hd Fatrick :[cfi[o$ “Fb_]^t”I[Wion .";f_ieZ[(*) A Y^Wh# j[hed fbane ]e[s Zewn _dZ[ep meeZi with six ef the ^eif_jWb’s ZeYjehi$As j^[o Wmait ^[bf"C[h[Z_j^’s ^Wbf i_ijer B[n_[ 9^ober Beigh) ][js her bWit “I bele oou”i \hom Mark Ibean (Eric :Wd[) X[\ehe Zo_d]$ “Hew jeIWl[a B_\[”I[Wion ''";f_# ieZe ('Cer and :[h’s ckY^#j[ijed bel[ Yec[s jo a ^[WhjXh[Waing [dZ$7\jer ^_i WYY_Z[dj"she Z_iYedd[Yjs her ^kiXWdZ \hom b_\e ikffehj"m^_if[h_d]"“It’s EA$Oek ]e$M[’ll be \_d[$”Sob! —Ileane Rudolph Lbam CWoa HkZebf^$“We ^Wle an [f_# iode m^[he Abak has Yedijant jo-do b_iji that Xbock her \hom making [cej_edWb Yedd[Yj_edi"”iWos Yh[Wjor 9_heYYo :kdbWf$ In the ef[d[h"the f^osicians [dYekd# jer an Wdn_[jo#[ating fWhWi_je that YekbZ Ykhe c[djal Z_iehZ[hi$The fheXb[c? Ed[ side [\\[Yt fei[s a j^h[at jo the [dj_h[ ]WbWno$“That \[bt \kddo"”:kdbap WZZi" “but Wbio jhue jo cy [nf[h_[dYe Qef Wdn_# [joS.”—Christopher Wallenberg The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy FRIDAY, FEB. 23 In this d[w Wd_cWjed Yec[Zo"the XedZ X[jm[en ZeYjehs Ib[[ch le_Yed Xo Ijephanie Hsu) and Abak A[ae FWbc[h Xh_d]s jo mind the enduring friendship e\ Grey’s Anatomy’s C[hedith =h[y and 9h_i# tina Oang—albeit with a fair ef alien fWbi$ In j^[ie eight [f_ieZ[i"Ib[[ch WdZ Abak XWjjbe Z_i[Wi[s and dWl_]Wje i[x Wi i_d]be bWZ_[s Wbed]side idWhay Dkhie Jkf DWjasha Boedd[) and [Whd[it heXet :h$ WANT MORE GREAT STREAMING GUIDANCE? Check out the all-new TV INSIDER magazine at tvinsider.com/stream
Your at-a-glance guide to what’s streaming soon NEW MOVIE RELEASES SERIES, SPECIALS & DOCUMENTARIES Killers of the Flower Moon Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) Michelle Yeoh plays a woman mysteriously connected to several universes in the inventive, Oscarwinning adventure. Newly Available The Holdovers (2023) In this winner, a cranky prep school teacher (Paul Giamatti) must babysit a troubled student during a 1970s Christmas break. Mea Culpa (2024) NETFLIX ORIGINAL What’s the ruling: duty or desire? In Tyler Perry’s thriller, a defense attorney (Kelly Rowland) must make that choice in a murder case. Saturday, Feb. 24 Marcel the Shell With Shoes On (2022) Charming to its core, this animated tale is about an inch-tall shell (voiced by Jenny Slate) who, after being discovered by a filmmaker, searches for his family. Friday, March 1 Spaceman (2024) NETFLIX ORIGINAL In this trippy drama, an astronaut (Adam Sandler)—in space for six months—gets vital counsel from an ancient spiderlike creature (voiced by Paul Dano). Newly Available Beau Is Afraid (2023) Joaquin Phoenix stars in the surreal dramedy as a man who faces every possible fear on the way to his mom’s funeral. Newly Available Avatar: The Last Airbender Las Vegas ORIGINAL DRAMA NBC DRAMA The animated Nickelodeon hit is now a live-action adventure as a 12-year-old boy who learns to master air, fire, water and earth must battle the Fire Nation leader. For five seasons (2003–08), you could find new love and good fortune at Sin City’s Montecito casino. Catch the full run of the Josh Duhamel–James Caan fave. Friday, Feb. 23 Friday, March 1 Formula 1: Drive to Survive Megamind Rules! ORIGINAL DOCUSERIES ORIGINAL ANIMATED SERIES In Season 6 of the popular motorsports series, drivers and teams battle it out for the 2023 championship—in other words, see who can best Max Verstappen (below). After taking on former colleagues in a special, the bigbrained alien returns for this eight-episode series to beat back threats all over Metro City. Saturday, Feb. 24 The 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Wednesday, Feb. 21 AWARD SHOW Messi’s World Cup: The Rise of a Legend SAG-AFTRA’s 122,000-plus members vote on the best in cinema and television, with drama film Oppenheimer and TV series Succession and The Bear all looking golden. Airs live at 8/7c. Monday, Feb. 26 FOX COMEDY The 1973 Yom Kippur War serves as the backdrop for the myriad struggles of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (Helen Mirren). Mission: Impossible— Dead Reckoning (2023) Master of outrageous stunts Tom Cruise is back as IMF superspy Ethan Hunt, battling another vicious enemy (Esai Morales). Newly Available Newly Available Foe (2023) Killers of the Flower Moon Saoirse Ronan and Paul Mescal’s marriage is on the rocks, but in this sci-fi thriller, set in 2065, AI makes things a ton worse. 20 T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ;  The fifth time was the charm as soccer great Lionel Messi finally lifted his sport’s premier trophy. This four-parter looks at his life, extraordinary career and finest hour on the pitch. Brooklyn Nine-Nine Golda (2023) Watch the first four seasons of the Andy Samberg cop comedy, which introduced NYC’s offbeat 99th Precinct and memorably costarred Andre Braugher, Terry Crews and Melissa Fumero. (2023) Leonardo DiCaprio and Lily Gladstone (above) star in Martin Scorsese’s searing 1920s drama. Monday, Feb. 26 Murdoch Mysteries CANADIAN DRAMA The cutting-edge Toronto detective (Yannick Bisson) returns for Season 17’s cases—including one where he’s the victim! Newly Available Kevin James: Irregardless ORIGINAL STAND-UP SPECIAL PRIME VIDEO ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DOCUSERIES The King of Queens star has lots of stories to tell in his first Prime Video comedy performance, with familyfriendly tales that include “the tricks that I use to appear smarter than I am.” Formula 1: Drive to Survive Newly Available The Dream Whisperer ORIGINAL DOCUMENTARY New York Knicks great Dick Barnett narrates the inspiring story of his yearslong quest to get his history-making college team inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. JOP: ;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED$8EJJOM: EDMUND IE%;KH7SIA IFEHT ?C7=;I%GETTY ?C7=;I Friday, Feb. 23 Thursday, Feb. 22
JL GUIDE MAGAZINEIkXiYh_X[hi>Wl[Ifea[dWdZ… “This is an amazing benefit. So easy to peruse and set my viewing. Thank you so much for this.” C.L., Springfield, IL “Thank you so much for making this new feature for the subscribers. I now look forward to Fridays to update my recordings. I really like the Channel Finder, as it was difficult to find the correct channel for some of the shows. Thank you again for coming up with a solution.” R.S. & G.S., Evergreen, CO “I love the TV GUIDE MAGAZINE Extra! We do a lot of traveling, and often don’t have the current issue when we’re out of town. It’s so nice to be able to see the updated grid on those occasions. Thanks so much for this added feature!” “Just received this newsletter EXTRA and used it right away. It’s going to be so helpful. Thank you!” B.B., Midland, MI S.M., Houston, TX “LOVE IT already! Got it minutes ago. Very easy to read and use. Also love the Channel Finder. I saw a movie just by scrolling that I thought we might like and found it through the Channel Finder, so I’m recording it tonight.” M.O. G.B., Lansdale, PA “Whoever came up with this is GENIUS!” B.B., PA “Love the Channel Finder tool! Really helps a lot for this 74-year-old who isn’t all that tech-savvy. Thanks, TVGM!” “Love the new EXTRA! I look forward to receiving it. Thank you! B.T. ?f oeu Wh[c_ii_dg ekj" i_]dkf\ehTV GUIDE MAGAZINE ;NJH7Wj ;NJH7$JL=C$9EC
Monday, Feb. 19–Sunday, Feb. 25 Pour [Xp$Yp$[Xy guide ko the neek’s Y\jt k\c\m`j`fe The Good Doctor 1 WEEK PICK OF THE WEEK! “WE’RE =OING JO ]_le j^[ie Y^WhWYj[hs a ]h[at i[dZ#e\\"”Wiikh[i The Good Doctor [n[Ykj_le fheZkYer Liz <h_[ZcWd"h[\erring jo j^[ kd[nf[Yj[Zby YWdY[bed ^eif_jal ZhWcW’s \Wh[m[bb$“J^[h[’iiWZ# d[is that it’s [dZ_d]"but m[’he ]bad jo ^Wl[had WZlWdYe dej_Y[ je\_]kh[ekj^ew me end this Y^Wfj[h$” >Wff_bo":h$Shaun Ckhf^y <heddie >_]^ceh[) and his Yeb# b[W]k[s ^Wle 10 [f_ieZ[s b[\j"per <h_[ZcWd"and I[Wion 7 ef[di as Shaun and B[a FW_]e IfWhW"WXel["with >_]^ceh[) Whe i[j# tling in as fWh[djs jo d[mborn Ij[l[$Shaun h[turns jo the EH" “moving j^hough the mehbd dew as a ZeYjor and a ZWZ"^Wl_d] WjjWY^c[djs jo fWj_[djs that he Z_Zd’t X[\eh["”<riedman iWoi$ The big c[Z_Yal YWie i[en _dthe fh[c_[he is Z[[fby f[hiedWb \or ether ZeYs at Ian @eie Ij$8edWl[djkhe >eif_jal: ;Z[d" the WZefjed ZWk]^jer ef Ceh]an (Fiona Gubelmann) m^e’s Wbie being hW_ied Xy Fark M_bl Oun B[["d[eds h_iay ^[Wht ikh][ho$ Shaun jWa[s it ed"but it i[js up an [j^_Yal Z_bemma \or the j[Wc$ 22  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; D[xt m[[a"Shaun turns his Wjjention jo jmo j^_hZ#o[ar c[Z ijkZ[djs ^[’s i^[f^[hding j^hough hekdZi$<ormer Yebb[]e \eej# XWbl fbWoer Dom MWloy Jonez) is \acing a jough ikh]_Yal hejW# j_ed—the sight ef Xbood cWa[s him \W_dj—m^_be Charlie AWobW 9hec[h) _Zeb_p[s I^Wkd"with whom she i^Wh[s a Z_W]desis e\ autism if[Yjhum Z_iehZ[h$“There Whe j^_d]s she finds lery Y^Wb# benging about being in this ^eif_jal and morking Whound f[efb["” the EP [nfbW_di$“It’s ^Whd \or Shaun jo be WYYecceZWj_d]$” 7YYommodation is Wbio d[eded jo hemedy the ^[WhjXh[Wa_d] hkfjkhe X[jm[en Shaun Wdd his ikhhe]Wje \Wj^[h":h$7Whed =bWisman H_Y^Whd IY^_\\—bWXy Ij[l[’s c_ZZbe name is 7Whed$ I^Wkd’s c[djor might be Z_ijhWYj[Z"^em[l[h"Xy a feii_Xb[ hkdjo h[turn jo his \ormer fesition as ^eif_jal fh[i_Z[dj$J^[ lWYWdYo"<riedman j[Wi[i"b[ads jo “a h[Wbby [dj[hjW_ding d[m Zonamic”X[jm[en =bWisman and ikh]_Yal Y^_[f Lim 9^h_ij_dW 9^Wd]$>ope their iYalpels Wh[d’t joo i^Whf$—Ileane Rudolph 789%JEFF M;::;BB SEASON PREMIERE Tuesday, Feb. 20, 10/9c, ABC
MONDAY, FEB. 19 MOVIES 7am/6c Spectre (2015) FXX 8am/7c and A Raisin in the 5:55/4:55c Sun (1961) HDNet Movies 9am/8c Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) AMC 10:15am/ The Umbrellas 9:15c of Cherbourg (1964) TCM Operation Arctic Cure 11:45am/ The Wedding 10:45c Singer (1998) TBS SERIES PREMIERE 10:08/9:08c, National Geographic In this inspiring ZeYkc[djWho"ABC D[ms mWh h[fehjer Bob MeeZhk\f WXele right) b[ads \ekh K$I$l[j[hans on an 7hYtic [xpedition jo j[ij m^[ther [xperiencing Wme in the dWjkhal mehbZ Yan Ykhe feij#jhaumatic ijh[is and Z[fh[ii_ed$ A ]hewing number ef icientific ijkZ_[s cWa[ that YWi["which \WiY_dWjed MeeZhk\\$The fhe`# [Yjis Wbio f[hiedWb$In (&&,"he mas on Wii_]d# ment in ?haq when an IED i^Wjj[hed the b[\t i_Z[ ef his iakbb$“It Y^Wd]ed cy b_\e in a mWy that mWi i^Whed Xy thousands ef ether l[j[hWdi"”he iWoi$ ?haq is Wbio m^[he one ef j^e ]hekf";bWdW :k\\o"a K$I$7hcy l[j"beit her b[g jo a heWZi_Z[ XecX$The i_n#ZWy `ekhd[y i^[and the ej^[hi 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP: D7TIONAL =;E=H7F>?9%F78BO :KHANA; ;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; CHRIS >7IJED%D89 America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League jWae via Yheii#Yountry skis is fWYaed m_j^ jhWdi\ormational cec[dji$“I m_bl d[ler \eh][j when me m[he about jo \Wbl Wib[ep in the j[dj and iec[one o[bbed that the Dehthern B_]^ji had [c[h][Z"”MeeZhk\f iWoi$“When me m_j# d[iied j^eie b_]^ji"our mood iaoheYa[j[Z$” IaoheYa[ting moods m[he YWfjkhed in ^WhZ ZWjW$The fWhj_Y_fWdji’^[Wht hWj[i"Yehj_ieb b[lels and ib[ep gkWb_jy m[he WdWboped Xy iY_[d# j_iji"who iWw _cfhel[c[dji$“This WZl[djkh[ jo the 7hYtic put us Xack je][j^[h"”MeeZhk\\ iWoi$“My hope is cehe f[efbe who Whe meha_d] j^hough ijhk]]b[s in b_\e ]_le it a jho$J^[y Zed’t ^Wle jo be [njheme WZl[djkh[i$”—Kate Hahn James Brown: Say It Loud SEASON FINALE 8/7c, NBC DOCUMENTARY PREMIERE 8/7c, A&E Jonight’s champ ][js a im[[j jhef^y and (+&"&&&$But it’i the `kZ][s b_ae >eidi Abkc" X[bem) who might Yedi_Z[h j^[ci[bl[s the h[al m_dd[hs _\ their Zh[Wc#j[am pick is j^[ one jo jWae it Wbl ^ec[$ This jme#fWhj"\ekh-hour ZeY beeas at the b_\e and b[]WYy e\ Yedjhel[hsial “=eZ\ather e\ Iekb”@Wc[s 8hemd"m^e"iWoi [n[c fheZkYer Mick @W]][h" “Wbceit i_d]b[#^WdZ[Zbo Yh[Wjed this ether ]heel[$” The Irrational SEASON FINALE 10/9c, NBC When the Yb[ler fheY[ZkhWb’i \_hit i[Wion mhWfi"X[^Wl_ehWb iY_[dYe ]khu 7b[c C[hYer @[ii[ B$CWhtin) \_dWbby ][js Ybeikh[ about who ehY^[ijhWjed j^[ Y^khch bombing he ikhl_l[Z 20 o[Whs W]e$“I’ve X[en bed]_d] \or the Wdim[hi"”e\\[hs CWhj_d" ec_dekiby WZZ_d]"“It `kij b[ads him jo cehe gk[ij_edi$” GOODBYE TO A WISE FRIEND NCIS The Daily Show 9/8c, CBS 11/10c, Comedy Central The ]h_[ving W][djs jWYabe W YWie their bWje Yebb[W]ue :h$ :edWbd “Ducko”CWbbWhd :Wl_Z CY9Wbbkc"who died in I[fj[c# X[hmas morking on in i[Yh[j$ Their h[Yebb[Ytions cWae j^[c Wia"“What mekbd :kYay Ze?” The Wdim[hs Yhack the YWi[$ It’s M[ek 2 \eh a fWit ^eit’i LateNight big h[turn! @ed Ij[mWhj"m^e Pick Xhought idWha and iWd_jy jo national [l[dji ^[he \hom 1999 jo (&'+"Yed# j_dk[s his CedZWo-night ]_]$ 12:25/ On Her 11:25am c Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) ActionMax 1/noon c Terms of Endearment (1983) Flix 1:20/12:20c Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) HBO Zone 5/4c and The Firm 2:30am/ (1993) Pop TV 1:30c 5/4c Goodfellas (1990) AMC 6:20/5:20c There Will Be Blood (2007) The Movie Channel 7:10/6:10c Brooklyn (2015) HBO Signature 8/7c Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) FX 10/9c Her (2013) HBO Zone 12:15am/ Fame (1980) TCM 11:15c 12:30am/ The Wolf of 11:30c Wall Street (2013) Showtime 2 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  23
TUESDAY, FEB. 20 MOVIES 8am/7c and The Godfather 11/10c (1972) Paramount+ With Showtime 8:48am/ Milk (2008) 7:48c MovieMax 9:30am/ The Last Duel 8:30c (2021) FXX 10:17am/ From Russia 9:17c With Love (1963) ActionMax 11am/10c Blades of Glory (2007) FX 12:41/ Revolutionary 11:41am c Road (2008) HBO Signature 1/noon c Of Mice and Men (1939) TCM 1:15/12:15c The Other (1972) FXM 1:40/ Philomena (2013) 12:40c HBO2 2:45/1:45c Mr. Malcolm’s List (2022) Showtime Family Zone 3:55/2:55c Aliens (1986) HBO Zone 6/5c Toy Story (1995) Freeform 6:15/5:15c On the Town (1949) TCM 8/7c Knives Out (2019) AMC Crime Nation The Rookie SERIES PREMIERE 8/7c, The CW SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, ABC :[Whby X[bel[Z"me Whe \_dWbby ]Wj^[hed ^[he jonight \or the ijh_a[# Z[bWoed h[turn ef this Yedi_ij[djby Yecf[bling LAPD ZhWcW$ I[Wion 6 a_Yas e\f with a jme#fWhjer that Ykbc_dWj[s in d[nj m[ek’s medding ef E\\_Yer John Deban (Nathan <_blion) and B7<: XWZWis 8W_b[y Nune Jenna :[mWd"X[bem$But \_hij"j^[h[’s j^[ cWjjer ef bWit CWo’s i[Wied#\_dWbe Yb_\\^Wd][h"when a YecWjei[ E\\_Yer 7Whon J^ehien Jhu LWb[dj_de) Yoded W\jer being ]kdd[Z Zewn Xy a ]houp ef cWiaed WjjWYa[hs jWh][ting jhe \ehY[$“H[’i being m^[[bed _djo the ef[hating hoom at the jop ef the [f_# ieZ["”iWos i^emhunner 7b[xi >Wmb[o"WZding that the i_jkWj_ed jWa[s a turn “I Zed’t d[Y[iiWh_by mant jo ife_b$” 7t the same j_c["j^[he is YWkie \or Y[b[XhWj_ed$Det edbo Ze[s FWht 2 airing <[Xhuary (-) Y[djer on Deban and 8W_b[o’s X_] ZWo"but it’s Wbio the i^em’s 100th [f_ieZ[$<_jj_d]bo">Wmb[y _i using the [lent jo ]_le the Rookie\Wc_bo—and their \ans—iec[ m[bb#[arned Wffh[Y_Wj_ed$“[M[] mWdjed jo ^Wle that cec[dj with the YWit and our Y^WhWYj[hs…to do iec[thing super he# mantic and X[Wkj_\kb"”he iWoi$ Of Yekhi["[len the X[ij#baid fbans \or what the [n[Ykj_l[ fheZkYer YWbls “a bel[\[it”Yan ]o Wwry when Z[aling with j^_i Yh[w…eif[Y_Wbby i_dYe j^e bride and ]hoom cWy be a[[f_d] i[Yh[js \hom [ach ej^[h$“E^"it’s det b_ae j^_d]s Zed’t ][t Yec# fb_YWjed at the h[Y[fj_ed"”>Wmb[y h[l[als with a bWk]^$“Ther[’i iome ^_`_dai$”—Damian Holbrook 10/9c The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Flix 10:30/ Spellbound 9:30c (1945) TCM 11/10c The Fugitive (1993) AMC 11:40/ The Exorcist 10:40c (1973) The Movie Channel 12:30am/ Mad Max: Fury 11:30c Road (2015) HBO <or jhue crime \ans: The ZeYk# i[h_[s Z_]s Z[ep _djo ^[WZb_d[# ]habbing YWi[i"ijWhting m_j^ the kdh[iebled 2017 ckhZ[hi ef jmo j[en girls in ?dZ_WdW$ Will Trent SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, ABC A Yar bomb i[js e\f Wd_djh_]k# ing YWie \or the =[ehgia 8kh[Wk e\?dl[ij_]Wj_ed’s M_bl Jh[dj Hamón HeZh‡]uez) in j^[ ZhWcW’s i[Yond i[Wied$>[ ][js help \hom Yalm [nfbe# i_l[s [nf[ht 9h_Ya[t IkiWd A[b[chi MWjied"This Is Us. Little People, Big World SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, TLC M^_be mom 7cy [d`eos cWh# ried b_\e with Chris in the h[Wb_jo i^em’s h[jkhd"an kd[nf[Yj[Z fhefesal fWl[s the mWy \or ZWZ CWjt jo `kcf#ijWht his \kjkh[ with 9Whod$But j^[h[’s d[l[h a Zkbl moment \or the Hebe\\i0 9ed\b_Yjs Wh_i["then ion PWY^ is hushed jo the ^eif_jWb Renovation Aloha SERIES PREMIERE 9/8c, HGTV WEDDING BELL BLU ES? Eahu Yekfbe Jh_ijyn and AWce# ^W_AWbama YWbl in c[cX[hs e\ their ^k]e YedijhkYtion \Wc_bo jo help h[delWje d[edy ^ec[i$ LOVE KNOWS NO LIMITS—EVEN TIME! Quantum Leap SEASON FINALE 10/9c, NBC Spellbound 24  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; In this jme#fWhj[h":h$Ben Ied] HWymond B[[) `kcfs _dje '/-4—and the body ef a 8Wbj_# cehe \_h[\_]^j[h—r[kd_j_d] with \ormer \bame >WddW^ ;b_pa JWobeh) and her ied @[\\h[y Connor ;ij[hied$
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21 MOVIES Dolly Parton’s Pet Gala 9/8c, CBS “They Wbl YWbl it fkffy bel[$”:ebby FWhjed opens this f[j#Yentric jmo-hour lWh_[jo if[Y_Wb s_d]_d] a new jWae on her \_hit i_d]be— h[YehZ[Zin '/+9 at W]e '3—“Pkffy Bel[$” In addition jo the Yountry b[][dZ’s f[h\eh# cWdY[s oou’ll Wbio ^[ar “9 jo 5”and “I M_bb 7bmWos Bele Oek”),[nf[Yt cki_Yal ]k[ijs b_a[ BW_d[y M_bion and Chris @Wdied"Yomedy X_ji and if[cial ]k[it Wff[WhWdY[s Xy :h[w 8Whho# ceh["Ah_ijen 8[bb"Deil Fatrick Harris and Ye^eij Jane BodY^"among ej^[hi$8[it ef Wbb"“j^[h[’i ]oing jo be Ze]s Wbl WhekdZ"everywhere,”iWoi FWhjon b[\j"m_th <hench XkbbZeg 8_bbo$ The main [l[dj? A Yanine \ashion i^em"m_j^ the feeY^[s in beeas \hom the :eggy FWhjed fheZkYt b_d[$“One ef the j^_d]s I’m ceit [nY_j[Z about is m[’he ]oing jo h[#Yh[Wje a bet e\co _Yonic ekj\_ji"”FWhjon iWoi"h[\[h[dY_ng ^[h Yeijkc[s \hom the 1982 cki_Yal The Best Little Whorehouse in Texasand the m^_je h^_d[ijed[# itudded `kcfsuit \hom =bWijedbury (&'*$ With io cWdy animals ^_jting the “Ze]mWba"” iec[ed[’s bound jo c_iX[^Wl[—but FWhjon _i fh[fWhed: “The Ze]s m_bbbe XWha_d’"the WkZ_# [dYe m_bl be ^emb_d’and I’ll be hough and h[WZo$” Ruff"_dZ[ed! —Emily Aslanian Antiques Roadshow 9BE9AWISE <HOM 8EJJOM B;<J: ;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; :?ID;O%H7YMOND B?K1 9EKHJ;IY :EBBY F7HJON; F7H7CEUNT+; 98I%GETTY ?C7=;I 8:30am/7:30c, BBC America ;d`ey a \kbb English Xh[Wa# Daytime \Wit m^_b[ Pick mWjching j^[ K$A$l[hsion e\ this l[d[hWXbe Wffhaisal i[h_[i1 BBC 7c[h_Ya is airing XbeYas ed Jk[iZWos and M[Zd[iZWos Wj -Wc%6c and IkdZWos at ,Wc% +Y$One WZlWdjW]e the 8h_ji ^Wl[? Veryantique XWYaZhefi" b_ae this [f_ieZ[’s ;b_pWX[j^Wd# [ha cWdeh"9^Whb[Yej[FWha$ The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion SEASON FINALE 8/7c, MTV 7t fh[is j_c["it mWid’t Yb[Wh m^e’d be hunning ^eit J$@$ 9:06am/ Rocky (1976) 8:06c HBO2 9:30am/ Aftersun (2022) 8:30c Showtime Next 9:30am/ Kill Bill: Vol. 1 8:30c (2003) AMC 11am/10c Four Days in November (1964) TCM 11:10am/ Rosemary’s 10:10c Baby (1968) Flix 12:30/ The Hate U 11:30am c Give (2018) FX 1/noon c and The Godfather, 11:45/ Part II (1974) 10:45c Showtime Showcase 2/1c Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Freeform 2:58/1:58c Déjà Vu (2006) Syfy 3:23/2:23c Cinderella (2015) and 10:09/ Starz Kids & 9:09c Family 5:25/4:25c Shaft (1971) HDNet Movies 6:12/5:12c Lonely Are the Brave (1962) Retroplex 7:30/6:30c Thor (2011) Syfy BWl_d’s final on this [nY_j_d] [njheme Yecf[j_j_ed—but [ler i_dYe the i^eYa_d] elimination ef \hedjhkdd[hi Aoband and >ehWY_e"j^[ winner Yekbd be anybody. 7:30/6:30c Toy Story 4 (2019) Freeform 8/7c The Great White Hope COOL SCIENCE (1970) Movies! Nova 9/8c, PBS (check local listings at pbs.org) “W[’he ij[aling ][d[tic i[# Yh[js ef the fWit ieme YWd h[icue the \kjkh["”iWos [lebk# tionary X_ebe]_it ;iae M_bb[h# ib[l$In this \Wicinating ^ekh" he and his j[am Z[cipher j^[ ebZ[it DNA [ler \ound WdZ h[l[al \or the \_hit time j^[ ][d[s ef bed]#[nj_dYt Yh[W# jkh[s that edYe j^h_led in W mWhc"lush 7hYj_Y$The hope _i that j^[ie h[cdWdjs \hom W beit mehbd m_bl help us WZWfj jo a changing fbWd[j$ The Family Stallone 9:30/8:30c and 10/9c, MTV If oou Zed’t ^Wle FWhWcekdj!" iWcfb[j^_iZekXbe i^et \hec the XhWdZ#d[w I[Wion 2 o\ t^[ h[Wb_jy i^ew Y[dj[hed on Ibo IjWbbone and m_\e @[dd_\[h <bWvin IjWbbone WXel[) WdZ their ZWk]^j[hs Ief^_W"I_ij_d[ and IYWhb[j$In the ef[d[h"j^[o cele [Wij"with FWbc8[WY^" <beh_ZW"their d[w home XWi[$ 8/7c and World War Z 1:30am/ (2013) Paramount 12:30c Network 10/9c Lamb (2021) The Movie Channel 12:40am/ Conrack (1974) 11:40c Movies! The Godfather, Part II T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  25
THURSDAY, FEB. 22 3/2c The Fabelmans (2022) Showtime 2 8:25/7:25c Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) Freeform 10:30/ The Perfect 9:30c Storm (2000) AMC 8/7c, CBS SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, Bravo GONE TOO SOON Genius: MLK/X SEASON FINALE 9/8c and 10:08/9:08c, National Geographic 10:55/ Creed (2015) USA 9:55c Jeopardy! Syndicated, check local listings The Perfect Storm Summer House The ^ehhor! That’s what I^[b# don (Iain 7hc_jW][) j^_dai when the ]enius h[Wb_p[s ^[’i the m[Wa[it itudent in ^_i YbWii$C[Wdm^_b["C[[cWm Annie Fejji) is on the hunt je ]hew her ]ambling Xki_d[ii$ 4/3c Saturday Night Fever (1977) Showtime Showcase 1am/ Airplane! (1980) midnight c IFC Young Sheldon 7\jer \_le m[[as and 54 Yed# j[ijWdji"^eit Aen @[dd_d]i WXel[) mhWfs up the 9^Wc# pions M_bZYWhd Yecf[j_j_ed with a i^emZewn ikhe jo ^Wl[ Xkpp[hs el[h^[ating! On j^[ line: YWi^"o[i"but Wbio a ibet _d the Journament ef 9^Wcf_edi$ In XWYa#je#Xack final [f_# ieZ[i"civil h_]^js _Yons CWhj_d Luther King @h$A[bvin >Whh_# ied @h.) and CWbYolm X 7Whed F_[hh[) WY^_[le d[w ^[_]^ji— :h$King wins the Dobel F[WY[ Fh_p["CWbYolm \orms jme influential eh]Wd_pWj_edi— and Whe ioon a_bbed \or j^[_h c[iiW][i"CWbYolm in '/,+ and King in ’68$ It cWy edby be <[XhkWho"Xkj j^_d]s Whe ][jting ^et \or I[W# ied8 ef the >Wcfjedi#i[j h[Wb_jy ieWf"which \_nds d[mbo [d]W]ed and kd[cfbeo[Z X[l[hW]e-line Yh[Wjor 9Whb HWZae mondering if \_WdYƒ[ B_dZiWy >kXXWhd is Wbl in ed their medding fbWdi$Ife_b[h Wb[ht: She is lery much dej$ Undercover: Caught on Tape 10/9c, A&E <or jonight’s j^h_bling jhk[#b_\[ jWb[s ef kdZ[hYeler meha"m[ jhWlel jo :[dcWha"m^[he Wd _dYe]d_jo FBI W][dj—hoping jo h[jh_[le what’s Z[iYh_X[Z as “one ef the mehbZ’s beij jh[Wikh[i”—i[js up a c[[j with ikif[Yji$Plus: a fej[d# tial ckhder \or ^_h[$ FRIDAY, FEB. 23 MOVIES 7:30am/ Snatch (2000) IFC 6:30c 12:15/ Heathers (1989) 11:15am c Retroplex 3/2c and A Few Good 10/9c Men (1992) BBC America 3:45/2:45c Dracula (1974) Movies! 5:30/4:30c Napoleon Dynamite (2004) IFC 6/5c Strangers on a Train (1951) TCM 9/8c Past Lives (2023) Showtime Women 11/10c Cast Away (2000) AMC 11:57/ Men in Black 10:57c (1997) TBS 1:30am/ The First Wives 12:30c Club (1996) Pop TV 26  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; George Jones: Still Playin’ Possum 9/8c, PBS (check local listings at pbs.org) Fire Country 9/8c, CBS Jed_]^j"a Xed\_he fWhjy X[Yec[s Wdy \_hit h[ifedZ[h’s mehit d_]^j# cWh[$The Ijation 42 Yh[m"\acing a ZWd][heki"Yecfb_YWj[ZYWl[ h[iYk["“^Wle jo Yome jo jerms m_j^"‘Where is that line X[jm[[d fkjting \_h[\_]^j[hs at risk l[hsus Wjj[cfting j^_i?’”[n[c fheZkY[h Jedy F^[ban iWoi$“It j[ijs [l[hoXeZo’s h[iebl[$EXl_ekiby their \_hij _dij_dYt is jo help f[efb[$”Ijar A[vin 7b[`WdZho WXel[) Z_h[Yj[Z and Xh_d]i"he WZZi"“a jhemendous visual ijob[$”—Meredith Jacobs <ans ^Wle d[ler ijeffed bel_d] =[eh]e @ed[i"the “Rebbi#HeoY[ ef Country Cki_Y$”This Great Performancesi^ew ^edehs j^[ bWj[\ekh#j_c[=hWccy m_dd[h with Wff[WhWdY[s and f[h\eh# cWdY[s Xy 8had FW_ib[o":_[hai 8[djb[o"ModeddW"JWdoa JkYa# [h"JhWvis Jh_jjand cWdy ceh[$ CrimeTime: Freefall MOVIE PREMIERE 9/8c, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries As i[en on TV! The ijar ef W crime i[h_[s Byndie =h[[d# mood) h[j_h[i"h[beYWj[i—and hkXs i^ekbZ[hs with a Z[j[Yj_l[ Bkae CWY\WhbWd[) on a YWi[$ 9BE9AWISE <HOM 8EJJOM B;<J: MARNER 8HEI$%;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; IONY F?9JKH;S J;B;VISION; IABRINA B7DJEI/© 7(*%;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; I;HGEI 879>B7AEL%98I MOVIES
SATURDAY, FEB. 24 MOVIES QUICK AND EASY COOKING The Pioneer Woman 7am/6c and King Richard 1am/ (2021) TNT midnight c 7:45am/ Conan the 6:45c Barbarian (1982) IFC 8:30am/ Barbie (2023) 7:30c HBO 11:45am/ Suspicion (1941) 10:45c TCM 2:15/1:15c Mad Max 10am/9c, Food Network H[e :hkccedZ is Z_i^_d’ekj Daytime Yec\eht \eeZi" Pick including a J[nC[x Y^_Ya[d# fried ij[ak and a f[ijeY^_Ya[d basagna entrée that ki[s edbo one fWd$And iWle hoom \eh m^_je Y^eYebWje ^et Y^eYebWj[ TODAY’S SPORTS PICKS COLLEGE BASKETBALL Noon/11am c, CBS Houston at Baylor 2/1c, CBS Washington at Arizona 4/3c, CBS Alabama at Kentucky 6/5c, ESPN Texas at Kansas 8/7c, Fox Villanova at UConn Beyond Thunderdome Priscilla Movie Pick 8/7c, HBO “Who do me ^Wle ^[h[?”With j^eie mehZi"(*#o[Wh#ebd ;bvis Fh[i# b[o@WYob ;behZ_) ]h[[js '*#o[Wh#ebd Fh_iY_bba 8[aulieu 9W_b[[ IfW[do"WXel[) \or the \_hit time and is [l[djkWbby Wbl shook kf enough jo Yonsider a b_\e with ^[r as his Xh_Z[$In mh_j[h#Z_h[Yjeh Iefia 9effebW’s ^WdZi"j^_i2023 biopic ]_l[s an inside l_[w e\ the jkhXkb[dj"Yecfb_YWjed bond X[jm[en the fW_h"m^eie bel[ ijeho"the ijk\f ef \WdjWio"mas undone Xy \Wc[$—Robert Edelstein (1985) Syfy 5/4c Selena (1997) Pop TV 5/4c The Shawshank Redemption (1994) AMC 9/8c and Roxanne 11:30/ (1987) AXS TV 10:30c 10/9c Funny Girl (1968) TCM 10/9c Joe Kidd (1972) Grit
SUNDAY, FEB. 25 MOVIES MYSTERY SOLVED? The Woman in the Wall 7:30am/ Wonder (2017) 6:30c Freeform 10am/9c Creed II (2018) TNT 10:30am/ Black Widow 9:30c (2021) FX 1/noon c The Tall Men (1955) Grit 1:10/12:10c Women Talking (2022) MGM+ SEASON FINALE 9/8c, Paramount+ With Showtime The i_n#fWht Y^_bber Yec[i jo _js itunning [dZ"as Wd Wdedymous deje b[ads j^[ [l[h#]h_[ving Borna 8hady W ]h[at Huth M_bion) jo X[b_[l[ i^[’ll \_dWbby find out m^Wj happened jo her ZWk]^j[h$ 4/3c Emma (1996) Showtime Family Zone 4/3c Far From Heaven (2002) TCM 4:55/3:55c The Pink Panther (1963) ActionMax 5:25/4:25c Amistad (1997) Flix 8/7c Coco (2017) Disney Channel 9/8c and Peggy Sue Got 11:15/10:15c Married (1986) AXS TV 10/9c Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) TNT 10:05/ Pretty Baby 9:05c (1978) The Movie Channel 11:02/ Shakespeare in 10:02c Love (1998) HBO2 Midnight/ Unforgiven 11c (1992) INSP 12:51am/ Se7en (1995) BBC 11:51c America 2:15am/ Who’s Afraid of 1:15c Virginia Woolf? (1966) TCM Naked and Afraid 8/7c, Discovery M^at Yan m[h[l[WbWXeut j^is [f_ieZ[ef j^e ikhl_lWb#_d# j^[#dkde ZeYki[h_[i? Cehe iain! J^e jme#f[hion WZl[djkh[ [nfWdZijo \ekh—IWha \hom >WmWii Wdd 7kii_e 8h_jjWXel[" \hom b[\jWs ene fW_h"Dehm[]_an A[n WXel[) WdZ9WdWZ_Wd 9^Wd as j^[ej^[h—fehWn _dj[hdWj_edWbjh_X[s Y^Wbb[d]e _d Iekj^7\h_YW$Ed:Wo''"j^[oc[h]e \or j^[_h\_dWl '&ZWoi$ J^[YkbjkhWl Z_\\[h[dY[s Wh[[l_Z[dj0“Being \hom DehmWo" L_a_dg _i_n coXbeeZ"io I’m ]eddWYedgk[h7\h_YWm_jh _j"” fheYbW_ms Wdel[hYed\_Z[dt A[d$7dd j^e memen YbWi^ m^en 8h_jt _di_ijs edjWa_d]it [Wiy m^_be ^Wl_dg ^[hf[h_eZ$ “We f[hY[_le 7c[h_YWdijo ^Wle l[hoijhed]\eYks on [n# j[hdWl ikYY[ii"”i^e iWoi"“Xkt I needjeh[it WdZ^Wle j^Wj XWbWdY[$”Dene ef jhat cWjj[hi"j^ek]^"m^en a cWd#[Wj_d] D_be YheYeZ_be i[[cs jo Xe on fWjhol Xy j^[_hi^[bj[h WWE Rivals SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, A&E Is j^[he a cehe \_[hYe \[kZ than The Hock li$Jh_fb[>5 A hekdZjWXbe ef mh[ijb_d] ]h[Wjs—K[vin Em[di"@e^ddo =Wh]Wde"John “BrWZi^Wm” BWo\_[bd—and ^eit <h[ZZ_[ Fh_dpe @h$Xh[ak it Zemd$ Tracker 9/8c, CBS Peggy Sue Got Married 28  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; On the d[m ZhWcW" h[mWhZ# i[[a[h 9ebjer I^Wm @kitin >Whj# b[o"h_]^j ]e[s in i[Whch ef iec[j^_d] lery fh[cious: the j[[dW]e ied ef his bWmoer H[enie =h[[d[’i (Fiona H[d[) ]ood \h_[dZ ]k[it ijar CWhb[y I^[bjed$ The Food That Built America SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, History B[arn the surprising eh_]_di ef a Yanned YbWii_Y$With j^[ _djheZkYtion ef this <hWdYe# 7c[h_Yan fheZkYt in '/,+"dej edby did :edWbd =e[ha[ cWae a jh_Yao#je#[at Z_i^ ifeedWXb["but he Wbie [arned ^_ci[bf a Yool d_Ya# name—“the :WZZo-O e\ IfW]^[jj_Ei”! Coming kf0 Ben & @[hho’i"Jeejsie Hebb$ Extreme Airport Africa SEASON FINALE 9/8c, Smithsonian Channel <bying the ia_[s eler iekj^[hd 7\h_Ya is d[ler a ho-hum [n# f[h_[dY["as this ZeYki[h_[i _bbkijhWj[i$In the \h[i^cWd i[Wion [dZ[h"a beit [b[f^Wdj fhecfjs a i[Whch Xy W_h"W c[Z_Yal ^[b_Yefjer if[eds el[h hush-hour jhW\\_Y"and me ][j a book at one ef the mehbZ’i ceit ZWd][hous hkdmWoi$ Biography: WWE Legends SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, A&E J^_hZ#][d[hation mh[ijb[h Handy Ehjon—also adewn Wi the B[]end A_bb[h—i^emi ^ew he el[hYame coh_WZ Z[cedi"including ikXijWdY[ WXki["jo X[Yome one ef j^[ WWE’s ]h[Wj[it ikf[hijWhi$ Vegas: The Story of Sin City SERIES PREMIERE 10/9c, CNN What happens in L[]as…w[bb" iec[j_c[s it winds up on JL$ This Ykbjkh[#\eYkied ZeYk# i[h_[s beeas at L[]Wi’fWit -& o[Whi"\hom [njhWlW]ant f[h# \ehcWdY[s jo Mafia _d\bk[dY[i$ I_d][hs Faul 7daa and MWod[ D[mjed"\ormer i^emgirls WdZ cehe Yedjh_Xkje Yecc[djWho$ 9BE9AWISE <HOM 8EJJOM B;<J: © JH?IJAR F?9JKH;I%;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; :?I9EL;HO; MICHAEL 9EKHJD;O%98I 3:30/2:30c The Silence of and 10:21/ the Lambs (1991) 9:21c BBC America
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PRIMETIME EASTERN MONDAY, FEB. 19 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming The Bachelor CBS Local Programming Neighbor THE CW Local Programming Ride When it Rains.... FOX Local Programming America’s Most Wanted NBC Local Programming America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League (Season Finale) PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM N N Bad Romance-20/20 N Bob Heart N NCIS N NCIS: Hawai’i Wild Cards N TMZ Investigates Antiques Roadshow LSU Rural M (5:30) Olympus Has Fallen James Brown: Say It Loud AMC M (5:00) ★★★★ Goodfellas M ANIMAL Flying Wild Alaska Blizzard BBQ. BBCA Law & Order Double Blind. BET M BRAVO Below Deck N N Local Programming N Antiques Roadshow Austin. Independent Lens Breaking the N James Brown: Say It Loud N Janet Jackson. Part 1. ★★★ My Cousin Vinny (1992): Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei, Ralph Macchio. M Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska The Jeffersons Barney Miller Johnny Carson The Jeffersons Law & Order Deadbeat. Barney Miller Law & Order Family Business. (6:00) ★★ Poetic Justice (1993): Janet Jackson, Tupac Shakur. Below Deck N Irrational (Season Finale) News. N A&E 3’s Company N Local Programming Life Museum Hour 1. N ANTENNA 3’s Company 10:30PM 9:30PM N M Days of .. Law & Order Entrapment. ★★ Harlem Nights (1989): Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor. N Below Deck Breaking Barbie. Watch What Below Deck CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY Seinfeld COMET Grimm Woman in Black. Grimm Bad Teeth. The X-Files Per Manum. The X-Files COOKING Food Paradise Best of the Fests. Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods COZI Bones Man in the Mansion. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne DISC Dirty Jobs Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized DISNEY Big City Big City Big City Big City Marvel’s Marvel’s Ladybug Ladybug E! Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ENCORE M Annie M ESPN S College Basketball Virginia at Virginia Tech ESPN2 S Women’s College Basketball Notre Dame at Duke FETV Quincy, M.E. FMC M FOOD Kids Baking Championship FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP Back to School FREEFM M (6:30) ★★★ Monsters, Inc. (2001) FX M (5:30) ★★ The Proposal FXM M Nightma... FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I. China Doll. The Rockford Files GRIT Fargo Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M HALLMV Crossword Mysteries Riddle Me Dead. M HBO M (6:10) ★★ Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) M (9:20) ★★★★ The Dark Knight (2008): The Joker (Heath Ledger) creates havoc in Gotham City. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. HBO2 (7:20) John Adams Part 7: Peacefield. H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Sanford & Son (6:25) ★★★ Source Code Mama’s Family All in Family M ★★ Victor Frankenstein (2015) Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank L Seinfeld Anderson Cooper 360 Seinfeld L Seinfeld ★★ Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) L L Perry Mason (6:00) ★★★ Cowboy (1958) L M M Mom Shark Tank The Source With Kaitlan Collins CNN NewsNight Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld (6:00) Hearts in the Game 30E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; N M ★★ Man of the Year (2006): Robin Williams, Laura Linney. S College Basketball Kansas State at Texas S College Basketball North Carolina Central at Norfolk State L N L Chopped Don’t Lose Heart. Hannity Gutfeld! N ★★★ Monsters University (2013): Voices of Billy Crystal, John Goodman. Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files Wheel Part 6. Anchorman 2: Legend Con... M Abraham Lincoln: Vampire... Family Guy Kojak The Trade-Off. M Wheel A Taste of Love (2024): Erin Cahill, Jesse Kove, Martin Kove. True Detective: Night Country M Family Guy ★★ Law and Order (1953): Ronald Reagan, Dorothy Malone. M Talk of t... 2024 Daytona 500 ★★★ Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) Family Guy M Chopped Fry of the Beholder. L S M L Emergency! The Convention. ★ Eight on the Lam (1967): Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller, Jonathan Winters. Jesse Watters Primetime M Seinfeld Contraband: Seized at the Border (7:50) ★ Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012): Benjamin Walker. Bob’s Burgers Mom Shark Tank The Perfect 10 M Mom Perry Mason Kids Baking Championship M (9:50) ★ Friday the 13th (2009) ★★ The Last Outpost Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango (2023): Lacey Chabert. ★★★ The Manchurian Candidate (2004): Denzel Washington. Star Trek The Way to Eden. Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M M Ides of .. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN MONDAY, FEB. 19 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Help! I Wrecked My House Battle on the Mountain Battle on the Mountain HISTORY History’s Greatest Mysteries History’s Greatest Mysteries History’s-Mysteries HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Brittany Murphy: An ID Mystery Death by Fame IFC Raymond Raymond ION FBI Gone Baby Gone. FBI Fire and Rain. FBI Unfinished Business. FBI Fostered. LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Take It Back. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy LMN M M MAGN Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (6:00) ★★ Kiss the Girls Belgravia: The Next Chapter MOVIES! M (5:55) ★★★ Broken Arrow M MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Stallone NATGEO Life Below Zero: First Alaskans Arctic Ascent With Alex Honnold N Operation Arctic Cure NGWLD Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Sweetie Swindle. 20/20 on OWN Secret Siblings. OXYGEN Selena and Yolanda Selena and Yolanda Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 6:30PM Forensic Files Raymond (6:00) My Best Friend the .. M*A*S*H L PARAMNT Yellowst. 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Forensic Files Death by Fame Raymond 9:30PM 8:30PM N Andy Griffith Forensic Files Yellowstone Raymond Raymond M N A Spy Among Friends Hand That Robs the Cradle Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes L M Ox-Bow .. Last Word With Lawrence Stallone N Yellowstone The Dream Is Not Me. REELZ Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Killer Performance REWIND NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me SCIENCE Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Halo Sword. Halo Visegrad. M Raymond A Spy Among Friends The Rachel Maddow Show M (5:00) ★★★ The Firm (1993): Tom Cruise. N Maine Cabin Masters Green Acres Yellowstone N Forensic Files The Playboy Murders ★★★ Sergeant Rutledge (1960): Jeffrey Hunter, Woody Strode. L 10:30PM 9:30PM History’s Greatest Mysteries N Raymond 10:00PM 9:00PM Lil Jon Wants to Do What? Forensic Files POP SHOW N The Baby Swindler (2023): Rhonda Dent, Emily Tennant. Inside With Jen Psaki N 9:00PM 8:00PM ★★★ Double Jeopardy (1999): Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd. N N Killer Performance Just Shoot Me Becker N Becker Dino Hunters Dino Hunters The Race Is On. Star Trek: Discovery Kobayashi Sexy Beast The Stag. Maru. SHOW2 M (6:00) ★★★ World War Z ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. The Woman in the Wall M SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Aboard Air Force One Obama Years STARTTV The Closer In Custody. Major Crimes Backfire. Major Crimes Poster Boy. Rizzoli & Isles Sailor Man. M (5:15) ★★ Tomorrowland STARZ M ★★ About My Father (2023): Sebastian Maniscalco. M ★★★ Casino (1995): A mob employee makes a play for power in 1970s Las Vegas. Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci. STORY TV (6:00) Presidents at War FDR’s Secret War A Biography of America WWII Lost Films SUND Blue Bloods Risk Management. Blue Bloods Your Six. Blue Bloods My Aim Is True. Blue Bloods Playing With Fire. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Snowbound. TLC 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life TMC M (6:20) ★★★★ There Will Be Blood (2007): Daniel Day-Lewis. TNT M White H... TRAVEL (6:00) Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Blue Bloods Framed. USA Law & Order: SVU WWE Monday Night RAW VH1 M Love & Hip Hop Miami VICE After the First 48 WEATH Storm Center WE TV Bones N = NEW M (6:00) ★★★ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Big Bang (6:00) The Gay Divorcee M L M Big Bang ★★★ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Pet Tricks N Pet Tricks ★★★★ The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956): James Stewart. N Storm of Suspicion Fiery Feud. 90 Day Diaries M N L = LIVE S N American Dad! M American Dad! Thomas Crown Affair Weather Gone Viral 90 Day: The Single Life N M Godzilla: King of the Mons... Mysteries of the Unknown ★ Big Momma’s House 2 Raymond L The Impact New York N Celebrity M Best Man After the First 48 After the First 48 Innocent Lost. After the First 48 Prime Suspect: Earth Prime Suspect: Earth Prime Suspect: Earth Bones Bones Bones = JGFIKJ N ★★★ The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996): Woody Harrelson. (7:45) ★★ Godzilla vs. Kong (2021): Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown. (5:30) Tyler Perry’s A Mad... = MOVIE Big Bang M T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  31
PRIMETIME EASTERN TUESDAY, FEB. 20 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Will Trent (Season Premiere) CBS Local Programming FBI: Remorse. THE CW Local Programming Crime Nation: A Town Torn Apart by Murder. FOX Local Programming Celebrity Name That Tune N The Floor NBC Local Programming Night Court N N Quantum Leap PBS 7:30PM 6:30PM PBS NewsHour N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N N Extended Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. N James Brown: Say It Loud James Brown: Say It Loud AMC M M ANIMAL Yellowstone Wardens (5:30) My Cousin Vinny 3’s Company BBCA Bones: The Donor in the Drink. BET M BRAVO Vanderpump Rules 9:30PM 8:30PM The Rookie (Season Premiere) FBI: International A&E ANTENNA 3’s Company 9:00PM 8:00PM N N N 10:00PM 9:00PM 10:30PM 9:30PM The Good Doctor N FBI: Most Wanted N N Local Programming N Local Programming N N Quantum Leap (Sn. Finale) American Experience: Fly With Me. A look at how the first female flight attendants were at the forefront of women’s rights. N James Brown: Say It Loud N James Brown: Say It Loud ★★★ Knives Out (2019): Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas. Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens The Jeffersons Barney Miller Johnny Carson The Jeffersons Bones Barney Miller Bones (6:00) ★★★ The Best Man (1999): Taye Diggs, Nia Long. Bones N Tyler Perry’s The Oval Vanderpump Rules: Dog Days of Summer. N Zatima N America Vanderpump Rules Watch N N CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: Quill. COOKING Man v. Food COZI Bones DISC Moonshiners DISNEY Big City Green E! M (6:30) ★★ Shallow Hal (2001): Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. M ★ Billy Madison (1995): Adam Sandler, Darren McGavin. ENCORE M ★★ Fall (2022): Grace Caroline Currey, Virginia Gardner. M ★★ The Lawnmower Man (1992): Jeff Fahey. ESPN S College Basketball: Arkansas at Texas A&M. S College Basketball: Teams TBA. ESPN2 S College Basketball: Syracuse at NC State. S College Basketball FETV Quincy, M.E. FMC M FOOD Chopped FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S (6:30) College Basketball L FREEFM M (6:00) ★★★★ Toy Story M ★★★★ Toy Story 2 (1999): Voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen. FX M (5:30) Captain America: Fir. M ★★ Captain Marvel (2019): Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn. FXM M ★★ The King’s Man (2021): Ralph Fiennes, Harris Dickinson, Rhys Ifans. FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I. GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) Love at First Glance HALLMV M Garage Sale Mysteries: The Beach Murder (2017) HBO M (5:55) ★★★ Trainwreck (2015): Amy Schumer. M ★★ Sex and the City (2008): Time brings many changes for Carrie and her gal pals. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Chris Noth. HBO2 True Detective: Night Country (8:20) Curb Your Enthusiasm Last Week To. H&I Walker, Texas Ranger: Faith. Star Trek: The Cloud Minders. Star Trek: The Next Generation Sanford & Son (6:10) ★★ Taken 3 (2014) Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★★★ Charlie Wilson’s War (2007) Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office Man v. Food N Anderson Cooper 360 The Office L Bob’s Burgers The Office The Office Mom Shark Tank L The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office The X-Files: Empedocles. The X-Files: Vienen. Man v. Food Man v. Food Amazing Eats Amazing Eats Bourdain: No Reservations Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne N Hailey’s On It! Moonshiners Hailey’s On It! L L M Ladybug & Cat N S Family Guy Hannity M N L Good Trouble S Basketball M Avengers N ★★ The King’s Man (2021): Ralph Fiennes. Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Kojak: I Want to Report a Dream. ★ Utah Blaine (1957): Rory Calhoun, Angela Stevens. M Wheel of Fort. Matching Hearts (2020): Taylor Cole, Ryan Paevey. M (10:15) ★★★ Cover Girl Gutfeld! The Rockford Files Wheel of Fort. Social Net. Tournament of Champions L Family Guy M L M College Basketball: Connecticut at Creighton. Family Guy Ladybug & Cat Emergency!: The Convention. Alex vs America L Ladybug & Cat L ★★ Paris Blues (1961): Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward. Jesse Watters Primetime M Moon Girl Roseanne Moonshiners Perry Mason The Rockford Files 32E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mom Grimm: The Good Shepherd. Chopped L Mom Source With Kaitlan Collins Perry Mason (5:45) ★★ Sabata (1970) ★★★ Beatriz at Dinner (2017): Salma Hayek. Shark Tank Moonshiners Big City Green M ★★ Young Fury (1965) Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Garage Sale Mysteries: Murder by Text (2017) M N Curb Your Enthusiasm ★★ Don’t Worry Darling (2022) = NEW M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
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PRIMETIME EASTERN TUESDAY, FEB. 20 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Fixer to Fabulous HISTORY The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Real Time Crime: Where’s Alissa. Real Time Crime Real Time Crime N Body Cam: On the Scene IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago Fire: Rattle Second City. Chicago Fire: That Kind of Heat. Chicago Fire: Smash Therapy. Chicago Fire LIFE Castle: And Justice for All. Castle: The G.D.S.. Castle: Fidelis Ad Mortem. Castle: Heartbreaker. LMN M M MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Lakefront Bargain Renovation Lakefront Bargain Renovation Lakefront Bargain Renovation METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes MGM M (6:20) The Passenger M Pet Sematary: Bloodlines (2023) MOVIES! M (6:10) ★ Bad Moon (1996) M ★ Werewolves on Wheels (1971): Stephen Oliver. MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta NATGEO Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN Dr. Phil Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered: Ransom. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 6:30PM N Forensic Files Two/Half Men (6:00) Nightmare Neighbor. M*A*S*H L 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Fixer to Fabulous N 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM Renovation Aloha Forensic Files Two/Half Men 10:00PM 9:00PM N Hunt Intl N M All In With Chris Hayes L N Green Acres M House Hunters N Oak Island: Drilling Down Nightmare Pageant Moms (2023): Brittney Q. Hill. Andy Griffith N 10:30PM 9:30PM Forensic Files N Two/Half Men Nightmare PTA Moms Hogan Heroes ★★ Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) M L Alex Wagner Tonight ★★★ Dog Soldiers (2002) Last Word With Lawrence Caught in the Act: Unfaithful N N L Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero N PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men M POP Criminal Minds: Date Night. NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans REELZ Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil REWIND NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Becker SCIENCE Strange Evidence Strange Evidence SHOW M (6:00) ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) The Woman in the Wall: Ex M Gratia. invasion. SHOW2 M ★★ Rampage (2018): Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman. Just Shoot Me Strange Evidence ★★★ Pearl (2022): Mia Goth, David Corenswet, Tandi Wright. M M Jumanji Becker Strange Evidence Superpower (2023): The events happening in Ukraine and Russia’s ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig. SMITHSO Mighty Cruise Ships: Marco Polo. Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships: Viking Star. Mighty Cruise Ships STARTTV The Closer: Heart Attack. Major Crimes: Pick Your Poison. Major Crimes: Jailbait. Rizzoli & Isles: Brown Eyed Girl. STARZ M (6:40) ★★★ Only the Brave (2017): Members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots battle wildfires. Josh Brolin, Miles Teller. M ★★ Ambulance (2022): Thieves must outrun the law after hijacking an ambulance. Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. STORY TV Trains Unlimited Trains Unlimited Trains Unlimited Trains Unlimited: Built for Speed. SUND NCIS: Requiem. NCIS: Designated Target. NCIS: Lost & Found. NCIS: Corporal Punishment. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell: Junior’s Job. Highway Thru Hell: Bumpy Ride. TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World TMC M (6:15) ★★ Shuttlecock M ★★ Machine Gun Preacher (2011): Gerard Butler. TNT M (5:30) ★★ Godzilla vs. Kong M ★★ Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019): Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga. TRAVEL Paranormal 911: The Voice. Paranormal 911 TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Raymond Raymond UP Last Man St. Last Man St. USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M VICE Secrets of Playboy WEATH Storm Center WE TV 9-1-1: What’s Next?. ★★ Tremors (1990): Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward, Finn Carter. Big Bang (6:15) ★★★★ On the Town (5:30) ★ Blue Streak (1999) L 34E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Big Bang M M Big Bang ★★ Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996): Fred Ward, Michael Gross. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ The Red Shoes (1948): Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook, Marius Goring. N Storm of Suspicion M Spellbound Weather Gone Viral Little People, Big World N Little People, Big World M N Wolves of War (2022) M The Meg Paranormal 911: Passenger. Paranormal 911 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Blue Bloods: Protest Too Much. S WWE NXT L M My True Crime Story Secrets of Playboy N My True Crime Story N Sex Before the Internet ★★★ Hitch (2005) Raymond ★★ Mechanic: Resurrection N Love You to Death N Sex Before the Internet Backroad Truckers Highway Thru Hell Timber Titans 9-1-1: The New Abnormal. 9-1-1: Alone Together. 9-1-1: Future Tense. N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
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PRIMETIME EASTERN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET Local Programming Conners Not Dead N Abbott Local Programming The Price Is Right at Night N Dolly Parton’s Pet Gala Local Program Wild Cards Dead of Night. Local Program I Can See Your Voice Local Programming Chicago Med BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I Real Housewives of Bev. Hills Real Housewives- Bev. Hills King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in Family All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke PBS NewsHour Court Cam M 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM Nature Court Cam 8:30PM 7:30PM N 9:00PM 8:00PM N N Court Cam 3’s Company The Jeffersons 3’s Company Bones M The Jeffersons Bones (5:45) ★★★ Walk the Line Mama’s Family Last Call Mama’s Family L Erin Burnett OutFront Seinfeld M Mom Mom Seinfeld N Local Programming N Chicago P.D. Split Second. N N Court Cam Seinfeld ★★ Red (2010): Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman. The Vet Life Hog House Call. The Vet Life Barney Miller Johnny Carson Barney Miller Bones The Fight in the Fixer. N M N Housewives ★★ Antitrust (2001): Ryan Phillippe. Mom Seinfeld N All the Queen’s Men The Real Housewives of Miami Mom Mom Shark Tank The Source With Seinfeld N Booked: First Day In Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 N Secrets of the Dead Mom L N Local Programming ★★★ Gemini (2017): Lola Kirke, Zoë Kravitz. Shark Tank L N Tyler Perry’s Sistas N 10:30PM 9:30PM Judge Steve Harvey Bones (6:00) BET Star Cinema M N N Court Cam (6:00) ★★★ The Fugitive (1993): Harrison Ford. 10:00PM 9:00PM N Chicago Fire On the Hook. NOVA The Vet Life Celebrity We Are Family N The Vet Life A Tale of Two Tails. N Family Law N Court Cam 9:30PM 8:30PM L King Charles Seinfeld N Seinfeld Seinfeld Grimm The Other Side. Grimm La Llorona. The X-Files Existence. The X-Files Food Paradise Sights and Bites. Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Man Fire Food Man Fire Food Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne Expedition X Expedition X Killer Sasquatch. Expedition X Death Island. N Ghost Adventures N Big City Green Big City Green Hailey’s on It! Hailey’s on It! Chibiverse Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family M (6:45) ★★★ All the Money in the World (2017) S College Basketball Duke at Miami S College Basketball Teams TBA Quincy, M.E. Crib Job. M L Perry Mason (6:00) ★★ Lust for Gold Guy’s Grocery Games The Ingraham Angle L M ★★ The Wedding Ringer (2015): Kevin Hart. S College Basketball Kentucky at LSU S College Basketball Ole Miss at Mississippi State Perry Mason Jesse Watters Primetime S M Toy Story 3 M (6:00) ★★★ Avengers: Endgame (2019): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. M (7:15) ★★ Black and Blue (2019): Naomie Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Frank Grillo. Bob’s Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Magnum, P.I. No Need to Know. The Rockford Files Fargo Fargo M Switch Split Second Press Your Luck N L Chrissy & Dave Dine Out (Season Finale) N Feud: Capote vs. The Swans M N ★★ Black and Blue (2019): Naomie Harris. Family Guy The Rockford Files Wheel Family Guy Family Guy Kojak A Question of Answers. M ★★ The Domino Kid (1957) Wheel Family Feud Family Feud Roadhouse Romance (2021): Lauren Alaina, Tyler Hynes. Golden Girls Golden Girls (6:00) From Friend to Fiancé M Matchmaker Mysteries: A Fatal Romance (2020) M (5:35) ★★★ Skyfall (2012) M M (6:15) ★★★ Rocky Balboa Enthusiasm 36E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Guy’s Grocery Games ★ Apache Territory (1958): Rory Calhoun, Barbara Bates. M Walker, Texas Ranger M Family Guy L Suddenly, Last Summer College Basketball DePaul at Marquette ★★★ Toy Story 4 (2019): Voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen. Hellboy L Gutfeld! College Basketball St. John’s at Georgetown Bob’s Burgers L Hannity N L S M M Guy’s Grocery Games L M Emergency! ★★★ Holiday (1938): Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant. Guy’s Grocery Games L M M Matchmaker Mysteries: The Art of the Kill (2021) ★★★ Midsommar (2019): Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, William Jackson Harper. (8:45) True Detective: Night Country Part 6. Star Trek The Savage Curtain. To Be Announced Star Trek: Next The Defector. N = NEW True Detective M Star Trek: DS9 Homefront. = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! No Demo Reno Tudor Is Cuter. Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV The ReidOut N = NEW M 7:30PM 6:30PM Forensic Files See No Evil 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM Forensic Files See No Evil Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Blue Bloods Erasing History. Castle Much Ado About Murder. Married at First Sight In Sickness & Suspicion. M M Fixer Upper M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Belgravia: The Next Chapter (6:00) The Temptations M L N Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies 10:30PM 9:30PM N House Hunters American Pickers Forensic Files Forensic Files N Murder-Friday Two Half Men Forensic Files N Two Half Men Two Half Men Blue Bloods Legacy. Prison Brides N Married M Fixer Upper Man With My Husband’s F... Fixer Upper Green Acres Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes ★★ Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022): James Marsden, Jim Carrey. Landscape With Invisible .. ★★★ The Great White Hope (1970): James Earl Jones. M Autobiography of Miss Jane The Challenge L Alex Wagner Tonight N L Stallone Last Word With Lawrence N N Stallone N To Catch a Smuggler Trafficked Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Dr. Phil Love It or List It Love It or List It First-Time Buy Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Two Half Men M N Catch Smuggler LA Undercover. First-Time Buy Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Blind Justice. ★★★ World War Z (2013): Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, James Badge Dale. Criminal Minds Outlaw. NCIS: New Orleans Into Thin Air. NCIS: New Orleans Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded On Patrol: Live Woman in Tree. NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Engineering Catastrophes Engineering Catastrophes M (6:00) ★★ Beau Is Afraid (2023): Joaquin Phoenix. M ★★★ The Italian Job (2003): Mark Wahlberg. M Shooter NCIS: New Orleans Stashed. Just Shoot Me Engineering Catastrophes M M Becker Becker Engineering Catastrophes ★★★ Michael Clayton (2007): George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson. (8:50) ★★ Shooter (2007): Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. Ice Airport Alaska Heavy Lifting. Ice Airport Alaska Ice Airport Alaska Extreme Airport Africa The Closer Jump the Gun. Major Crimes All In. Major Crimes Curve Ball. Rizzoli & Isles M M Rough N... M Motives 2: Retribution (2007): Brian White. ★★ Retribution (2023): Liam Neeson. M State of... Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Law & Order Mammon. Law & Order Ain’t No Love. Law & Order Fluency. Law & Order Obsession. M M (5:30) Salt Big Bang M ★★★ Thor (2011): Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins. Big Bang (6:15) Winged Migration All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite M L Ridiculousness To Catch a Smuggler Two Half Men N M All In With Chris Hayes Catfish: The TV Show N Blue Bloods N Andy Griffith M Hunters Woman With the Red Lipstick (2024): Rebecca Liddiard. In With the Old 10:00PM 9:00PM N See No Evil The Big Guy. Blue Bloods The Brave. (6:00) Her Fiancé’s Double .. 9:30PM 8:30PM L Resident Alien N Pet Tricks ★★★ The Man Who Skied Down Everest M Modern Family (9:45) ★★★ Harlan County, U.S.A. (1976) Highway Thru Hell Trapped. Highway Thru Hell Storm of Suspicion Weather Gone Viral Untold Stories of ER Oh, Deer!. My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life Chuck’s Story. M M (6:15) The Last Manhunt S NHL on TNT ★★ Beowulf (2007): Voices of Ray Winstone. NHL Hockey Philadelphia Flyers at Chicago Blackhawks L ★★★ Lamb (2021) S NHL Hockey L Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Blue Bloods The Bitter End. ★★★ The Wedding Singer (1998): Adam Sandler. Law & Order: SVU Perverted. Law & Order: SVU M M (5:30) Freedom Writers Dark Side of the 2000s Storm Center L NCIS Friends and Lovers. = MOVIE L = LIVE S Paranormal Caught on Camera M Paranormal Caught on Camera M Law & Order: SVU ★★★ The Wedding Singer Raymond Law & Order: SVU ★★★ A Simple Favor (2018): Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding. M Longshots Dark Side of the 2000s Nine Lives of Tiger Woods Nine Lives of Johnny Depp Heavy Rescue: 401 Heavy Rescue: 401 Pull ‘n Pray. Heavy Rescue: 401 NCIS Dead Man Walking. NCIS Skeletons. NCIS Iceman. = JGFIKJ N T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  37
PRIMETIME EASTERN THURSDAY, FEB. 22 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming To Be Announced CBS Local Programming Sheldon THE CW Local Programming The Conners The Conners Son/Critch FOX Local Programming Next Level Chef N Farmer Wants a Wife NBC Local Programming Law & Order: Last Dance. PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL I Was Prey: Alone in the Wild. N N Ask This Old House N The First 48 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM 10:30PM 9:30PM To Be Announced Ghosts This Old House N 9:00PM 8:00PM N So Help Me Todd N N Tracker: Springland. Children N Local Programming N Local Programming N Law & Order: SVU All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece Frontline: 20 Days in Mariupol. N Taking the Stand Undercover: Caught on Tape ★★ Armageddon (1998): Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. ANTENNA 3’s Company 3’s Company M I Was Prey: Close to Home. I Was Prey The Jeffersons Barney Miller The Jeffersons BBCA M (6:00) The Princess Bride BET M (6:00) ★★★ He Got Game (1998): Denzel Washington. BRAVO Summer House: Reunion Part 2. M N Law & Order: Organized Cr. N Perfect St. I Was Prey: Attacked in Alaska. Barney Miller Johnny Carson ★★★ Starship Troopers (1997): Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer, Denise Richards. Southern Hospitality ComicView N Summer House ComicView ComicView N ComicView Watch What Happens Live N CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm COOKING Best Thing Ate COZI Bones DISC Caught! DISNEY Sanford & Son (6:05) Bourne Ultimatum Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★★★ The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office M (9:55) ★★★ Ghost (1990): Patrick Swayze. Mom Mom Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 The Office L Shark Tank Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office Grimm: Face Off. The Office Mom L The Office The X-Files: 4-D. CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office The X-Files: Lord of the Flies. Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Big City Green Big City Green Hailey’s On It! Hailey’s On It! Moon Girl Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat E! M Pretty Wo. M ENCORE M ★★ Stealth (2005): Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx. ESPN S NHL Hockey: Washington Capitals at Tampa Bay Lightning. ESPN2 S College Basketball: SMU at Florida Atlantic. FETV Quincy, M.E. Perry Mason FMC M M FOOD Beat Bobby FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S College Basketball: Rutgers at Purdue. FREEFM M (5:45) ★★ How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days FX M (5:00) Spider-Man: No Way FXM M Yesterday FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I.: Skin Deep. The Rockford Files GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second The $100,000 Pyramid HALL M (6:00) A Tail of Love (2022) HALLMV M Curious Caterer Mysteries: Grilling Season (2023) HBO M (5:45) ★★★ X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) HBO2 M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger: 6 Hours. Best Thing Ate ★★★ Pretty Woman (1990): Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Ralph Bellamy. (6:15) Comanche Station Beat Bobby M L M L S College Basketball: Washington at Arizona State. Perry Mason Beat Bobby Jesse Watters Primetime L L Beat Bobby Hannity S M (5:50) ★★★★ Her (2013) M Emergency! M Beat Bobby ★★★ Affair in Trinidad Beat Bobby L Gutfeld! Beat Bobby N College Basketball: Michigan at Northwestern. L ★★★ Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986): Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara. Family Guy Family Guy M M Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files Wheel of Fort. Family Guy Kojak: A Question of Answers. M Wheel of Fort. An American in Austen (2024): Eliza Bennett, Nicholas Bishop. M Ghostbust. ★★ The Greatest Showman (2017) ★★★ True Grit (2010): Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin. Curb Your Enthusiasm M L ★★ Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021): Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace. Family Guy N L Women’s College Basketball ★★★★ His Girl Friday (1940): Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell. Beat Bobby M S L Botched: Med Spa Drama. ★★★ Courage Under Fire (1996): Denzel Washington. ★★ The Greatest Showman (2017): Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron. Bob’s Burgers 38E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; N Buck/Pre. Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Curious Caterer Mysteries: Fatal Vows (2023) M ★★ Godzilla (1998): A giant mutated lizard wreaks havoc in New York. Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo. ★★ Snowden (2016): Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley. Star Trek: All Our Yesterdays. M Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M (10:20) ★★ Machete (2010) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN THURSDAY, FEB. 22 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Farmhouse Fixer Married to Real Estate HISTORY Swamp People Swamp People: Curse of Graveyard Island. HLN Forensic Files ID Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: Now I’m God. Chicago P.D. LIFE Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising LMN M M MAGN Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Barnwood Builders METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (6:20) ★ Snake Eyes (1998) M ★★★★ The Untouchables (1987): Kevin Costner. M ★★★ Bugsy (1991) MOVIES! M (5:55) A Bullet Is Waiting M ★★ The Man I Love (1946): Ida Lupino, Robert Alda. M Strange Love of Martha Iv. MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore Family Vacat. NATGEO UFOs: Investigating UFOs: Investigating Genius: MLK/X NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN 20/20 on OWN: Family Business. 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable: Point Blank. 7:30PM 6:30PM Forensic Files Two/Half Men (6:00) Framed by Husband M*A*S*H L 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Forensic Files 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM Married to Real Estate Forensic Files Two/Half Men N All In With Chris Hayes L Forensic Files Forensic Files Two/Half Men N N Forensic Files 10:30PM 9:30PM Hunters Int’l Swamp People Forensic Files Two/Half Men Chicago P.D. N N N N Baby N Hiding From My Husband Maine Cabin Masters Green Acres Stallone Baby M Alex Wagner Tonight N Hunt Intl Swamp People: Serpent In. The Ex Obsession (2022): Chaley Rose, B.J. Britt. Andy Griffith N 10:00PM 9:00PM L Stallone N Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence N Dateline: Unforgettable PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men M POP Criminal Minds: Drive. NCIS: New Orleans: Choices. NCIS: New Orleans: Illusions. NCIS: New Orleans REELZ Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Cops Cops Cops REWIND NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Becker Becker SCIENCE Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned SHOW M (6:05) Organ Trail (2023): Zoé De Grand Maison. M ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): A disgraced journalist probes a 40-year-old murder. Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer. SHOW2 M (5:30) ★★★ Bridge of Spies M ★★ Shooter (2007): Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. Mysteries of the Abandoned ★★★ Road to Perdition (2002): Tom Hanks, Paul Newman. Mysteries of the Abandoned M (10:45) The Woman ★★★ The Terminal (2004) SMITHSO WWII’s Most Daring Raids Atomic Age Declassified Atomic Age Declassified Atomic Age Declassified STARTTV The Closer Major Crimes: Risk Assessment. Major Crimes: Year-End Blowout. Rizzoli & Isles M ★★ Retribution (2023): A driver must follow a series of twisted instructions. Liam Neeson. M (4:59) Independ. Day STARZ L Jersey Shore Family Vacation Genius: MLK/X N Hogan Heroes M How High 2 (2019): Two stoners seek funds for their munchies delivery business. Lil Yachty. M 3 Can Play That Game STORY TV (6:00) Washington: Loyal Subject. Washington: Rebel Commander. SUND Law & Order: Flaw. Law & Order: Ghosts. SYFY M M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell: Heavy Recall. Highway Thru Hell TLC 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?: Meet Me Halfway. TMC M M TNT NBA Tip-Off TRAVEL World’s Most Unexplained World’s Most Unexplained TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Lost and Found. Hudson & Rex USA Law & Order: SVU M ★★★ Creed (2015): Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson. VH1 M M ★★ Boomerang (1992): Eddie Murphy, Halle Berry, Robin Givens. VICE Intervention: Diana. WEATH Storm Center WE TV 9-1-1: Panic. N = NEW M (5:00) Enemy of the State Big Bang (6:00) King Solomon’s Mines (6:30) Inbetween Girl L S L Big Bang Big Bang L = LIVE S Big Bang ★★★ She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949): John Wayne. Storm of Suspicion ★★ The Love Letter (1999): Kate Capshaw. NBA Basketball: Phoenix Suns at Dallas Mavericks. (5:30) ★★ The Longshots = MOVIE Law & Order: Age of Innocence. Law & Order: Life Line. ★★ The Equalizer (2014): Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz. Big Bang M Washington N M Big Bang M Big Bang ★★★ The Black Swan Weather Gone Viral 90 Day Fiancé ★★ Everyone Says I Love You (1996) L S N NBA Basketball Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch Blue Bloods: Growing Boys. Blue Bloods: Drawing Dead. M Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Lords of the Ocean Lords of the Ocean Lords of the Ocean Bold & Bougie Bold & Bougie = JGFIKJ L N Harlem Bold & Bougie T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  39
FRIDAY, FEB. 23 PRIMETIME EASTERN Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Shark Tank CBS Local Programming S.W.A.T.: Peace Talks. THE CW Local Programming Penn & Teller: Fool Us FOX Local Programming S NBC Local Programming Password PBS 7:30PM 6:30PM PBS NewsHour 8:00PM 7:00PM N 8:30PM 7:30PM N 20/20 N N The First 48: Brothers Down. The First 48: The Invitation. AMC M M ANIMAL Homestead Rescue: Poisoned. 3’s Company N N Blue Bloods Animals N 10:30PM 9:30PM N Local Programming L Local Programming Dateline NBC Firing Line/ Hoover N 10:00PM 9:00PM N Funny Kids A&E ANTENNA 3’s Company 9:30PM 8:30PM Fire Country WWE Friday Night SmackDown Washington Week N (5:00) The Perfect Storm 9:00PM 8:00PM N Great Performances: George Jones: Still Playin’ NEXT at the Kennedy Possum. N The First 48 The First 48: Senior Year. ★★★★ The Shawshank Redemption (1994): Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton. Homestead Rescue: Fire & Gold. Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue The Jeffersons Barney Miller Johnny Carson The Jeffersons Barney Miller BBCA M (6:00) ★★ The Outsiders M ★★ Cocktail (1988): Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown, Elisabeth Shue. BET M (5:30) Daddy’s Little Girls M ★★ Bring It On (2000): Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku, Jesse Bradford. BRAVO M ★★★ The Blind Side (2009): Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron. M ★★★ A Few Good Men M ★★★ The Blind Side (2009) CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT King of Queen CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: Nameless. Grimm: One Angry Fuchsbau. The X-Files: Hellbound. The X-Files: Provenance. COOKING Cake Wars: Girl Scouts. Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship COZI Bones: Mummy in the Maze. Frasier Frasier Roseanne DISC Gold Rush: Rally Valley or Bust. Gold Rush DISNEY Big City Green M E! M (6:30) ★★ Central Intelligence (2016): Dwayne Johnson. ENCORE M Iron Man 3 M ★★ License to Drive (1988): Corey Haim. ESPN NBA Count. L S NBA Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers at Philadelphia 76ers. ESPN2 S FETV Quincy, M.E.: Passing. FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S FREEFM Family Guy FX M ★★ Cars 2 (2011): Voices of Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine. FXM M (5:15) ★★★ Logan (2017) FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I. GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) The Royal Nanny HALLMV M Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers (2024) Sanford & Son All in Family (6:35) ★ The Animal (2001) M King of Queen ★★ Body of Lies (2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. Mom L Mom Mom Super Heists L The Office Big City Green Women’s College Gymnastics (6:00) ★★ Relentless Diners, Drive L N Bob’s Burgers The Office N The Office Roseanne Kiff ★★ Ride Along (2014): Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, John Leguizamo. M ★ Annie (2014): Jamie Foxx, Quvenzhané Wallis, Rose Byrne. L S L NBA Basketball L S UFC Live Emergency!: Botulism. ★★★ The Alamo (1960): John Wayne, Richard Widmark, Laurence Harvey. Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Jesse Watters Primetime Family Guy L L Family Guy Diners N Hannity Diners, Drive Diners, Drive L Gutfeld! S Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy M Diners, Drive N PokerStars Caribbean Adventure College Basketball Family Guy ★★★ Deadpool 2 (2018): Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin. Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Deadpool 2 Bob’s Burgers Kojak: My Brother, My Enemy. ★★ Gun the Man Down (1956): James Arness. M Wheel of Fort. ★★ Red River (1988) Family Feud M Christmas With a Kiss (2023): Mishael Morgan, Ronnie Rowe. M M Bob’s Burgers The Rockford Files Wheel of Fort. L ★★ Cars 3 (2017): Voice of Owen Wilson. HBO2 M True Detective: Night Country M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: Turnabout Intruder. Star Trek: The Next Generation Family Feud The Sweetest Christmas CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood. M San Andreas (2015): Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, Ioan Gruffudd, Archie Panjabi, Paul Giamatti. 40E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; The Office M Perry Mason The Rockford Files (5:50) Good Will Hunting L Kiff (7:17) Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO CNN NewsNight Gold Rush: Mine Rescue (9:45) Kiff College Basketball: Duquesne at Fordham. Perry Mason M L Frasier ★★★ Up (2009): Voice of Ed Asner. N Super Heists: The Picasso Thief. Hustlers Gamblers Crooks S M The Office ★★ Taken 3 (2014) CMT Campfire Sessions Source With Kaitlan Collins Frasier Pickleball: PPA Tour: Mesa Arizona Cup Quarterfinal. Family Guy L The Office L M Mom Super Heists Anderson Cooper 360 The Office M N To Be Announced (9:20) ★★ RoboCop (2014): Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman. N = NEW M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN FRIDAY, FEB. 23 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HISTORY Ancient Aliens HLN Forensic Files ID The Murder Tapes IFC M ION Bull: The Exception to the Rule. Bull: No Good Deed. LIFE M (6:00) Keyshia Cole: Story M Wendy Williams: The Movie (2021): Ciera Payton. Wendy Williams: What a Mess! LMN M (6:00) Framed for Murder M He’s Not Worth Dying For (2022): Robin Givens, Hilda Martin. M MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beach Co. METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith MGM M (6:25) ★★★ Young Adult M ★★★ The Truman Show (1998): Jim Carrey. M (9:45) National Lampoon’s Animal House MOVIES! M (5:55) Night of the Demons M ★★★ Carnival of Souls (1962) M (9:45) ★ Messiah of Evil (1975) MSNBC The ReidOut MTV (6:30) RuPaul’s Drag Race RuPaul’s Drag Race NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Catch a Smuggler: Jungle Stash. To Catch a Smuggler NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol: Gallop Pol. The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN Ready to Love Ready to Love Ready to Love: Pajama Jam. Ready to Love OXYGEN Snapped: Theresa Tolliver. Buried in the Backyard Buried in the Backyard The Real Murders of Atlanta Ancient Aliens Forensic Files M Napoleon N Ancient Aliens 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM Dream Home Hunters N L Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Road Rage Road Rage Road Rage Road Rage Naked Crimes Naked Crimes N M Bull: The Devil, the Detail. Beach Co. N Andy Griffith L Bull: Thanksgiving. Black Girl Missing (2023) Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes Green Acres Alex Wagner Tonight N L N M ★★★ The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie. POP Law & Order: Open Season. M ★★★ Selena (1997): Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Olmos, Jon Seda. REELZ (5:00) On Patrol: Live On Patrol: First Shift REWIND NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch SCIENCE Unearthed: Egypt’s Buried City. SHOW M ★★★ Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022): An unlikely hero fights fearsome danger from the multiverse. Michelle Yeoh, Stephanie Hsu, Ke Huy Quan. SHOW2 M Sabrina, Witch Unearthed M On Patrol: Live N Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Abandoned Becker Becker Chernobyl M ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. ★★★ The Fighter (2010): Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale. M Freedom’s Path (2022) SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters: Terror in Paradise. Air Disasters: Out of Control. Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer: Old Money. Major Crimes: Return to Sender. Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles: Bloodlines. Hightown: Jackpot. Hightown: 29 Days Later. STORY TV Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels: Wiring America. Modern Marvels SUND NCIS: Recoil. NCIS: About Face. NCIS: Judgment Day. NCIS: Judgment Day. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell: Mudslide. TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: More to Love: You May Now Kiss the Bride. TMC M (6:20) Murina (2021) M TNT M ★★★ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983): Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. TRAVEL The Dead Files TRUTV Steam Room- EJ & Chuck TV LAND Raymond UP Last Man St. USA Chicago Fire VH1 M VICE Forged in Fire: Tabar. WEATH Storm Center WE TV Mama June: From Not to Hot M (6:15) ★★ The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) STARZ N = NEW M (6:00) ★★ Happy Death Day Big Bang (6:00) Strangers on a Train L N M ★★ Retribution (2023): Liam Neeson. M ★★ The Hunt (2020): Ike Barinholtz, Betty Gilpin. M ★★ Men in Black 2 (2002): Tommy Lee Jones. M ★★ Men in Black 3 (2012): Will Smith. M ★★★ Laura (1944): Gene Tierney. M (9:45) ★★★ The Defiant Ones (1958) M Storm of Suspicion Squealer (2023) Weather Gone Viral N 90 Day N ★★★ Silence (2016): Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Tadanobu Asano. 90 Day M S Exorcist All Elite Wrestling L The Dead Files: Driven to Kill. The Dead Files: Entangled. The Dead Files Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Blue Bloods: Ties That Bind. N Chicago Fire (5:30) ★★ Harlem Nights = MOVIE L ★★★★ Titanic (1997) M N Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Drag Race N ★★★ Meet the Parents PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men (5:50) ★★ Southpaw N Forensic Files All In With Chris Hayes NewsRadio House Hunters The Proof Is Out There (7:45) ★★★ Napoleon Dynamite (2004): Jon Heder, Jon Gries, Aaron Ruell. M*A*S*H N 10:30PM 9:30PM L = LIVE S Chicago Fire Chicago Fire The Temptations: Problems with drugs, alcohol and illness accompany the quintet’s rise to fame. Forged in Fire Forged in Fire: Fan Favorites. Forged in Fire: Butterfly Swords. Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: From Not = JGFIKJ N Mama June: From Not to Hot T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  41
PRIMETIME EASTERN SATURDAY, FEB. 24 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Local Programming NBA S CBS Local Programming So Help Me Todd THE CW S FOX FOX College Hoops Tip-Off NBC Local Programming The Wall Monet and Kevyn. Antiques Roadshow LSU Rural Gospel Take the Message Everywhere. Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates Jr. N The First 48 Bad Cinderella. PBS 7:30PM 6:30PM S Basketball 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at New York Knicks 48 Hours L S L Local Programming Weakest Link Saturday Night Live Life Museum Hour 1. The First 48 The First 48 AMC M M ANIMAL North Woods Law Moose Mania. (5:00) Shawshank Redempt. ANTENNA Barney Miller Barney Miller N Local Programming College Basketball Villanova at Connecticut A&E L 48 Hours (7:45) College Basketball Florida State at Clemson L 10:30PM 9:30PM The First 48 House of Cards. ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (2014): Jennifer Lawrence. M Hunger Ga. North Woods Law Off Roadin’. North Woods Law Gun Country. North Woods Law On Thin Ice. Maude Bunker The Jeffersons Maude Bunker BBCA (7:20) Planet Earth III N BET M ★★ Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009): Tyler Perry, Derek Luke, Keshia Knight Pulliam. BRAVO M (5:00) ★★★ Bridesmaids M M The Jeffersons (8:45) ★★★ Black Hawk Down (2001): Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. M Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big ★★★ Bridesmaids (2011): Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne. CARTOON Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show CINEMAX M (6:20) ★★★ Fargo (1996) CMT M ★★★ Urban Cowboy (1980): John Travolta, Debra Winger, Scott Glenn. CNBC American Greed CNN CNN Newsroom COMEDY (6:00) To Be Announced COMET M COOKING M ★★★ Green Room (2015): Anton Yelchin. ★★ Jennifer’s Body (2009): Megan Fox. M M ★★★ Pretty in Pink (1986) American Greed American Greed American Greed CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program Grimm Lycanthropia. Grimm The Taming of the Wu. The X-Files Shapes. Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef Battle Scallop. Iron Chef America COZI Monk Mr. Monk’s 100th Case. Columbo No Time to Die. Columbo A Bird in the Hand. DISC (6:00) Naked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid XL Careful What You Fish For. Naked and Afraid XL DISNEY Hailey’s on It! M ★★★ Encanto (2021) E! (6:00) Red Carpet M ★★ Men in Black II (2002): Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. ENCORE M (7:20) ★ Mallrats (1995): Shannen Doherty, Jeremy London. ESPN S (6:00) College Basketball L S College Basketball Teams to be announced. L S College Basketball L ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L S College Basketball Teams to be announced. L S College Basketball L FETV Quincy, M.E. FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N The Big Weekend Show FOX SP S NASCAR FREEFM M (6:20) ★★ Jumanji (1995): Robin Williams. FX M (5:00) Captain America: Wi. FXM M This Means FXX The Simpsons GETTV Walker, Texas Ranger Lucky. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Love & Jane (2024) HALLMV M Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar (2018): Eric Mabius. HBO M (6:09) ★★ Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) HBO2 M H&I Black Sheep Squadron N (6:00) ★ Bad Moon (1996) Hailey’s on It! (9:45) Moon M M (6:00) ★★★ The Alamo (1960): John Wayne, Richard Widmark, Laurence Harvey. S M L Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Life, Liberty & Levin PBA Bowling Indiana Classic M Diners, Drive One Nation ★ Eight on the Lam (1967): Bob Hope. M Diners, Drive N (6:00) ★★ Frenchie (1951) Split Second S Women’s College Basketball N L (8:50) ★★ Aladdin (2019): Voices of Will Smith, Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott. Family Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Family Guy M Family Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Pyramid Sense and Sensibility (2024): Bethany Antonia. M Tour of Duty M Guardians ★★ Shallow Hal (2001) Family Guy M Family Feud N Family Guy ★★★ Joe Kidd (1972) Family Feud M Family Feud Royally Ever After (2018) Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made (2021) M Priscilla (2023): Cailee Spaeny, Jacob Elordi. Follow the complicated relationship of Priscilla Beaulieu and Elvis Presley. ★★ Get Smart (2008): Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway. M The Rockford Files ★★★ The Outriders (1950): Joel McCrea, Arlene Dahl. The $100,000 Pyramid M Diners, Drive ★★★ Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista. Family Guy M Diners, Drive Saturday Night L M ★★ Men in Black 3 (2012) Emergency! Cook’s Tour. ★★ The Other Woman (2014): Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton. The Simpsons 42E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; N Moon Girl ★ Me, Myself & Irene (2000): Jim Carrey, Renée Zellweger. Lonesome Dove Return: Gus is injured during an Indian attack. Diners, Drive Moon Girl (9:57) True Detective: Night Country: Part 6. ★★ Get Hard (2015): Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart. Tour of Duty M Ted 2 Combat! Walking Wounded. N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN SATURDAY, FEB. 24 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters The UnXplained Lost Cities. The UnXplained Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Fear Thy Neighbor M Forensic Files Who the Bleep The Knockout. (6:00) ★★★ Die Hard 2 (1990): Bruce Willis. M Law & Order: SVU (6:00) Wendy Williams: What Wendy Williams Part 1. M M The UnXplained Evil Places. The UnXplained Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Fatal Vows Fatal Vows Law & Order: SVU N Svengoolie How to Make a Monster. M (5:10) Transformers: Age of (5:20) ★★ The Sicilian Clan M Ayman M L (5:30) ★★ Talladega Nights M Maine Cabin Masters Hillsdale Adoption Scam Maine Cabin Masters N Batman ★★★ Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) (10:15) Terminator Genisys ★★★ Titanic (1953): Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck. M Three Coins in the Fountain L The Rachel Maddow Show Ayman ★ The Waterboy (1998): Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates. N M To Catch a Smuggler: Colombia To Catch a Smuggler: Colombia Border The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC Cold Justice Digging for Justice. Cold Justice M (5:00) Indiana Jones/Last M M (5:00) ★★★ Selena (1997) NCIS: New Orleans (5:00) On Patrol: Live Wendy Williams Part 1. M Ayman M N Stolen in Her Sleep (2022): Alicia Leigh Willis, Morgan Bradley. Stooges M Law & Order: SVU Wendy Williams Part 2. Maine Cabin Masters M Forensic Files Who the Bleep Mark the Mark. Beachfront Bargain Hunt Stooges House Hunters (8:45) ★★★ Die Hard (1988): Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia. Law & Order: SVU (6:00) Beware the Night N 10:30PM 9:30PM N First-Time N Border N N To Catch a Smuggler: Colombia N Vet 9-1-1 First-Time Buy N Sin City Murders ★★ Step Brothers (2008) N Snapped Sonia Mitchell. NCIS: New Orleans N On Patrol: Live 30 $ M Crusade NCIS: New Orleans More Now. N 67% PLUS FREE STANDARD SHIPPING* N Love & Marriage: DC ★★★★ Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): Harrison Ford, Karen Allen. On Patrol: First Shift Vet 9-1-1 BELOW ESTIMATED RETAIL VALUE OF $91 1.40ctw amethyst and .38ctw white zircon earrings in rhodium over sterling silver USE CODE: WOW24 • 866-244-1760 • jtv.com/please One coupon code per customer; one coupon code per order. Offer valid through March 18, 2024 at 11:59p ET. While supplies last. *Restrictions apply. See jtv.com for details. Item: DOK2956 REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV N = NEW M Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Diff. Strokes Sabrina, Witch Diff. Strokes Diff. Strokes What on Earth? Diff. Strokes What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? M Kokomo City (2023) M (8:15) ★★★ The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie. M (6:20) Warrior Strong M ★★ Scream VI (2023): Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega. M Last Voyage of the Demeter Hell Below Hitler’s Revenge. Hell Below America Fights Back. Hell Below Atlantic Showdown. Hell Below Destroyer Killer. The Closer An Ugly Game. CSI: Cyber The Walking Dead. CSI: Cyber Fit-and-Run. Rizzoli & Isles Hightown 29 Days Later. M Mysteries of the Bible Mysteries of the Bible M (6:15) Crocodile Dundee M M (6:45) ★★★ Freaky (2020): Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Newton. M (5:45) ★★ Men in Black 3 M ★★★ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017): Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper. M (5:30) ★★★ Auntie Mame M ★★★★ Driving Miss Daisy (1989): Morgan Freeman. ★★★ Sabotage (2014): Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mysteries of the Bible (10:55) BMF Mysteries of the Bible (8:15) ★★ Overboard (1987): Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Edward Herrmann. Highway Thru Hell Weird Earth Love & Translation 90 Day: The Single Life M (6:00) Road to Perdition M (4:45) American Gangster S M BMF M ★★ I, Robot (2004): Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan. M Weird Earth N ★★★★ Funny Girl (1968) SOS: How to Survive 90 Day: The Single Life N 90 Day: The Single Life ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara. All Elite Wrestling: Collision L M M N Headhunt. ★★★ Black Panther (2018) NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond M Romance in Hawaii (2023): Kelley Alice Jakle, Ikaika Jonathan. (6:30) Chi. Fire M M Chicago Fire N Chicago Fire Sweet on You (2023): Haylie Duff, Rob Mayes, Chelsea Alden. N Chicago Fire ★★★ Barbershop: The Next Cut (2016): Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer. M Deep Water Salvage Backroad Truckers NCIS Chimera. NCIS Requiem. L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ N Fast: Home Rescue Chi. Fire N ★★★ The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) ★ Anaconda (1997): Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight. Nine Lives of Johnny Depp = MOVIE M N N NCIS Designated Target. M ★ Anaconda (1997) Highway Thru Hell NCIS Lost & Found. T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  43
PRIMETIME EASTERN SUNDAY, FEB. 25 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I Funniest Home Videos 60 Minutes M 7:30PM 6:30PM N N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM American Idol 702 (Auditions). The Equalizer Full Throttle. 9:30PM 8:30PM N N Simpsons N N Tracker Mt. Shasta. Krapopolis N Great North Hotel Portofino Hotel Portofino Lessons. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals (Season Premiere) Wardens of the North Wardens of the North Drew Carey Drew Carey Family Ties (6:00) ★★★ A Few Good Men (1992): Tom Cruise. M ★★ Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005): Kimberly Elise, Steve Harris. N Real Housewives of Potomac Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank M Lone Star Law Hunter Games. Family Ties N M King of Queens Married to Medicine King of Queens Family Ties (10:20) Silence of the Lambs BET Star Cinema N Watch What Housewives American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show ★★★ A Most Violent Year (2014): Oscar Isaac. King of Queens M King of Queens The Bourne Ultimatum King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank CNN Newsroom N CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office M (6:00) ★ Destroy All Planets Yum-Yummer Yum-Yummer The Office The Office The X-Files Improbable. The X-Files Scary Monsters. Yum-Yummer Yum-Yummer Man v. Food Yum-Yummer Yum-Yummer Monk (6:00) Naked and Afraid N Naked and Afraid There Will Be Blood. Kiff M ★★★ Coco (2017): Voices of Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal. (10:20) Kiff Monk Mr. Monk Goes to Jail. M ★★★ Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004): Vince Vaughn. M M (6:00) Billy Madison (1995) M (7:15) ★★ A Walk in the Clouds (1995): Keanu Reeves. S NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Golden State Warriors S (6:00) College Basketball L Quincy, M.E. Ashes to Ashes. M E60 M Shorts Perry Mason The Big Weekend Show Life, Liberty & Levin S Liga MX Soccer Santos Laguna vs. Mazatlán FC. M (5:40) ★★ National Treasure (2004) M (4:30) ★★ Eternals (2021) M Shallow The Simpsons M Naked and Afraid M N L S NBA Basketball Red Bull Heavy Metal Perry Mason Emergency! Brushfire. M N ★★ The Big Heat (1953): Glenn Ford, Gloria Grahame. Sunday Night N Bobby’s Triple Threat N The Big Weekend Show Women’s College Basketball Illinois at Iowa. (8:50) ★★ National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007): Nicolas Cage, Jon Voight. ★★ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022): Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen. (7:45) ★★ The Proposal (2009): Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds. The Simpsons L World of X Games S M ★ Mr. Deeds (2002) ★★★ Speed (1994): Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper. Tournament of Champions First Round Battles Heat Up. L Man v. Food Monk Mr. Monk and the TV Star. N L ★★★ Cowboy (1958): Glenn Ford, Jack Lemmon, Anna Kashfi. Guy’s Grocery Games The Office The X-Files Underneath. Bones Woman at the Airport. Kiff N The Walking Dead: The Ones N The Walking Dead: The Ones Real Housewives of Potomac N Family Ties M (6:25) ★★★ Source Code Hotel Portofino Invitations. The Walking Dead: The Ones Drew Carey Local Programming Biography: WWE Legends Randy Orton. (Season Premiere) Lone Star Law Rattled. M N Grimsburg Antiques Roadshow Drew Carey N Local Programming N Dateline NBC (5:55) ★★★ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) N CSI: Vegas Scar Tissue. America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League Finale Results. N 10:30PM 9:30PM What Would You Do? ★★★ Hidden Figures (2016): Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe. Next Level Chef M 10:00PM 9:00PM Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers The Simpsons M The Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Last Hope. Walker, Texas Ranger (6:00) Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove The Plains: Gus reunites with an old flame. Lonesome Dove Return. Switch The $100,000 Pyramid Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Split Second Walker, Texas Ranger ★★ The Proposal (2009) Pyramid M A Picture of Her (2023): Rhiannon Fish, Tyler Hynes. The Way Home M CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood, Luke Macfarlane. M M (4:40) Avatar: Way of Water M (7:15) ★★★ The Ides of March (2011): Ryan Gosling. Sarah Connor Chronicles 44E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M The Rockford Files Family Feud N Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major (2023) ★★ San Andreas (2015): Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. Star Trek The Man Trap. M Enthusiasm Enthusiasm ★★★ The King’s Speech (2010): Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush. Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN SUNDAY, FEB. 25 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Home Town Homecoming. Home Town Tickled Pink. HISTORY The Food That Built America The Food That Built America The Food That Built America HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Evil Lives Here IFC M ION NCIS Incognito. NCIS Double Trouble. LIFE Where Is Wendy Williams? Where Is Wendy Williams? LMN M M MAGN Fixer Upper METV M*A*S*H MGM M MOVIES! (5:50) Tin Man Part Three. MSNBC Ayman MTV Stallone NATGEO Wicked Tuna Chatham or Bust. Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Tuna Overload. Wicked Tuna Makin’ the Bite. NGWLD Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Operation: Pet Rescue OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Sin City Murders Snapped Angelina O’Mara. Cold Justice Beloved Veteran. Sin City Murders PARAMNT Bar Rescue Loveless in Loveland. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (Season Premiere) POP Criminal Minds The Sandman. Criminal Minds Tribute. Criminal Minds Inner Beauty. REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live World’s Worst Drivers 1 World’s Worst Drivers 2 REWIND My Two Dads Hogan Family Hogan Family SCIENCE Unearthed Unearthed World’s First Battlefield: Within a valley lies an ancient battlefield. SHOW (7:20) The Woman in the Wall Ex Gratia. (8:15) Mayor of Kingstown Drones. N (Season Finale) N SHOW2 M 7:30PM 6:30PM Forensic Files 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N Forensic Files (6:00) ★★★ Die Hard (1988): Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman. All in Family (7:20) ★★ 80 for Brady (2023): Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda. L N My Two Dads (6:05) ★★★ Past Lives L Ridiculousness Criminal Minds My Two Dads My Two Dads STARTTV The Closer CSI: Cyber Python’s Revenge. N (7:50) BMF New Beginnings. STORY TV Biography Rudyard Kipling. House Hunters The Food That Built America Forensic Files Forensic Files Signs of a Psychopath N M N (10:20) ★ Gods of Egypt NCIS Viral. Where Is Wendy Williams? (Series Finale) M N Fixer Upper All in Family Ed Sullivan All in Family Belgravia: The Next Chapter M N W. Williams Betrayed by My Bridesmaid Fixer Upper: Welcome Home Ridiculousness 10:30PM 9:30PM Carol Burnett Belgravia: The Next Chapter ★★ Tension (1949): Richard Basehart. Inside With Jen Psaki Ridiculousness Hogan Family Ridiculousness Ridiculousness N M ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. The Woman in the Wall Extreme Airport Africa N Hogan Family ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara. Air Disasters BMF High Treason. N Prime: Weekend Ridiculousness M Forensic Files ★★★ The Set-Up (1949): Robert Ryan. Ayman Stallone N NCIS Lockdown. N N Hunters My Husband’s Worst Mistake (2023): Matt Wells. All in Family M 10:00PM 9:00PM N The Walking Dead: The Ones Fixer Upper M*A*S*H 9:30PM 8:30PM Evil Lives Here SMITHSO Air Disasters Bomb on Board. STARZ Home Town Evil Lives Here Trapped With My Husband 9:00PM 8:00PM N M J. Reacher Air Disasters CSI: Cyber 5 Deadly Sins. Rizzoli & Isles Gone Daddy Gone. M (8:45) ★ Bulletproof (1996): Damon Wayans, Adam Sandler, James Caan. M (10:15) ★★★ The Black Phone (2021): Ethan Hawke. Biography Ernest Hemingway: Wrestling With Life. T.S. Eliot: Search- Happiness SUND M (6:00) ★★★★ Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) SYFY M I, Robot TBS M (5:00) Capt. America: Civil Big Bang TCM M (6:00) ★★★ Gaslight M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Junior’s Job. Weird Earth Weird Earth SOS: How to Survive TLC (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever Afters. N Love & Translation TMC M (5:30) ★★★ Into the Wild TNT M ★★★ Black Panther (2018): Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o. TRAVEL Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes TV LAND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men UP M USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M (6:00) ★★★ The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) VICE M (6:00) ★★ White House Down (2013): Channing Tatum. WEATH Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Head On. Timber Titans WE TV S.W.A.T. Buried. S.W.A.T. Positive Thinking. The Walking Dead: The Ones N = NEW M M The Walking Dead: The Ones M Big Bang L = LIVE = JGFIKJ Big Bang M M (10:20) The Running Man Big Bang M ★★★ A River Runs Through It (1992): Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt. Law & Order: SVU S Big Bang M ★★★ 300 (2006): Gerard Butler. ★★★★ A Streetcar Named Desire (1951): Marlon Brando. The Soulmate Search (2023): Alexandra Harris. = MOVIE M Braven (2018): Jason Momoa, Jill Wagner, Zahn McClarnon. N N Big Bang (10:15) ★★★ Moonstruck N M ★★★ Pretty Baby (1978) M Rogue One: Star Wars Story Lost Kingdom of the Yeti N Love by Accident (2020): Henderson Wade, Getenesh Berhe. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ★★★★ Forrest Gump (1994): Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. Dark Side of the Ring Dark Side of the Ring N Deadman’s Curse N N (10:20) S.W.A.T. U-Turn. T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  45
Monday, Feb. 26–Sunday, March 3 Pour [Xp$Yp$[Xy guide ko the neek’s Y\jt k\c\m`j`fe WHAT’S WORTH The Voice 2 WEEK PICK OF THE WEEK! THE BLIND 7UDITIONS m_bl be [l[dcehe fun jo mWjch Zkh_d] The Voice’s 25th i[Wied"when Yountry Y^Whj#jeff[hs :an + I^Wo join John B[][dZ"H[Xa CY;dj_he and 9^WdYe the Happer as j^[ K$I$Yedj[it’s \_hij#[ler Yeaching Zke$Sharing one Xkjjed":Wd Ico[hs and I^Wy Ceed[y WXel["\hom b[\t) ^Wle jo W]h[e ed which i_d][hs Whe mehth jkhd_ng their ZekXb[#wide chair \eh—or ]o he]k[$“W[’ve ]et enough ^_ijory that m[’he kikWbby fh[jjo Wb_]d[Z"”:an iWoi"“but j^[he Whe cec[djs m^[he oou’he b_a[" ‘I ]k[is I’m Wbong \or the h_Z[$’ ’’The =hWccy m_dd[hs Z_i^$ M^at Whe oeur d[]ej_Wj_ens b_a[5 :Wd0M[’he doing this i[Yh[t m^_if[h"book el[h"jap on the ad[[ ieht ef j^_d]$It’s ]oing jo be ]ood \or JL"but it might put us Wj a bit ef a Z_iWZlWdjW][$[The ether YeWY^[s mekbd j[bl Yedj[i# jWdji,] “I turned Whound \_hij$”I mas b_a["“W[bb"oour chair jkhdi Whound \Wijer X[YWkie _t’s icWbb[h$” 46  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; I^Wo0:an and I did \_]khe out a mWy jo Wb[ht [ach ej^[r that I’c Wbl-in on this f[hied$I YWd’t iWy what the signal mWi$QLaughsS ?iH[Xa oeur X_]][ijh_lWb"Ws \Wns mekbZ[nf[Yj5 I^Wy: Me ^Wle a ^[Wbj^y Wcekdjef Yecf[tition with [l[hoXeZo$ Ce and John h[Wbby ][t W\jer _j"cW_dby X[YWkie cy ^Wbf ef j^[ chair is Ybei[it jo @e^n when me turn WhekdZ$ :Wn: Me ][t YhWpo"Zed’tm["I^Wo5 I^Wo0M[bb"oou e\\[h[d iomebody oour ^eki["which I j^ek]^j mas super ][d[heki$ :Wn: One girl mas b_a["“I kied oour iong [‘Fhom the =hound Kf’] in cy m[ZZ_d]$”Me ]habbed the ]k_jar and sang it with ^[h$ >ew Z_d oeu Z[Y_Ze m^Wt YeWY^’s ]_\jje]_l[oekhj[Wc5 :Wn: Me m[h[d’t ]oing jo ekj#[Z_Xbe H[XW$QThe country legend serves chicken fingers this season.] Me did Ykijom `[hi[oi"b_ae j^[ NFL :hW\j"m^[he j^[y fh[is the f[hied’s bWit name on the Xack _d h[al j_c[$This is b_ae Wifeht jo us: Me mant jo m_d$—Mandi Bierly 7HT IJH;?8;H%D89 SEASON PREMIERE Monday, Feb. 26, 8/7c, NBC
MOVIES Deal or No Deal Island SERIES PREMIERE 9:30/8:30c, NBC 10:25am/ Lilies of the 9:25c Field (1963) HDNet Movies 9BE9AWISE <HOM 8EJJOM B;<J: CLIFF >7MA?DI%GETTY ?C7=;S; F7TRICK ;99B;SINE/NBC; KD?L;HIAL F?9JKH;I%;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED IT’S NO MONDER that “Boijed”Hob CWh_Wde _ifbWying this kfZWjed l[hsion ef the >em_[ Mandel–hoijed ]ame i^em$The \_l[#j_c[ SurvivorYecf[j_jor m_bl be a jek]^Y^Wbb[d][h \or the 12 ether Yedj[ijWdjijo X[at edj^[ 8Wda[h’s fh_lWje _iband as j^[y Wbl h[jh_[le Xh_[\# YWi[s \_bbed with cehe j^an $200 c_blion _d YWi^$CWh_Wde"who Y[b[XhWj[s his 20th m[ZZ_d] Wdd_l[hsary jo Survivorim[[j^[Wht 7cX[h Brkich in (&(+"h[l[als his ijhWj[]o$ M^at mas oeur WffheWYh jo m_dd_d]? It’s W d[w ]Wc["a d[w \ehcWj$Oou’ll i[e m[’he Wbb \_]uring it out as m[’he fbWo_d]$In cy ijhWj[]_Y c_dZ"I mWdjed jo QademS"“Hew Yan I ][t Wd WZlWdjW][? What Yan I ki[in cy \Wleh?” I think the WkZ_[dYe is ]oing jo bele i[eing c[ Z_ii[Yting it in h[al j_c[$ Oeu WdZ\ehc[hDeal or No Deal Xh_[\YWi[ ceZ[b9bWkZ_a @ehZWdWh[fbWo_dg W]W_dij'' kdademdi$:_d j^at h[ikbt _dWdokdmWdj[Z Wjj[dj_on \er oeu on jhe _ibWdd? I ^Wle W h[fkjWj_ed"and oou adem"it fh[Y[Z[s c[$Ie" I’m ]oing jo ^Wle a ^k]e jWh][t on coi[b\$Oek YWd’t leje f[efbe ekj$But j^[he Whe Z_\\[h[dj [nYkhsions m^[he oou Yan try jo a[ep oekhi[b\ iW\[$J^[h[’s a Z[]h[e ef kdY[hjW_djy j^Wj cWa[s it super [nY_j_d]$ 7he oeu ^Wffom_jh ^emoou \Wh[d? I WbmWoi fbWy jo m_d$That is WXiebkj[by jhue ^[h[$ TODAY’S SPORTS PICK GOLF 6:30/5:30c, TNT, truTV and HLN Capital One’s The Match BF=A Jour fhes B[xi J^ecfied X[bem) and Heie P^Wdg `e_d F=A Jour ijWhs Hory CY?bheo and Max >oma jo fbWy 12 ^eb[i in M[it Falm 8[WY^"<beh_ZW$ 10:30am/ Marcel the Shell 9:30c With Shoes On (2022) Showtime Family Zone 12:11/ Ghost (1990) 11:11am c Cinemax 2:45/1:45c Forbidden Planet (1956) TCM 4/3c and Rudy (1993) TNT 10/9c 6/5c Arrival (2016) Showtime Extreme IKHL?LEH’S ! BOSTON ROB 6/5c Die Hard (1988) AMC 6/5c Ratatouille (2007) Freeform 8/7c Mission: Impossible— Fallout (2018) FX 7dd ^emWhe j^_d]s m_j^7cX[r WdZj^[ \Wc_bo? ;lerybody is ]h[at! M[’he in <borida WdZ ^Wle \our ZWk]^j[hi"W][s 9 jo '*$Me `kit ]ej a X_]]er QfbWY[S$>ef[\kbby that m_bl ieble j^[ fheXbem ef \_le momen in ene ^ekie with dej enough XWj^heeci$QLaughsS —Mara Reinstein America’s Most Wanted SEASON FINALE 8/7c, Fox A final YWie Ybei[s out j^_i hound ef the Yh_c[#Xkij_d] h[Xeet ijarring original ^eij John Malsh and his ied"9WbbW# ^Wd$When j^[y X[]an j^_i i[Wied"d[Whby '"200 f[hfi had X[en Xhought jo `kij_Y[$ What m_bl the final jWbby X[5 COMBUSTIBLE CAKES! Kids Baking Championship SEASON FINALE 8/7c and 9/8c, Food Network 8WYa#je#Xack XWa[#e\\s [dZ the i[Wied"but X[\eh[j^[ champ is Yhemd[Z"the bWij \our Yedj[ijWdjs ckit m^_f kfj_[#Zoed Zek]^dkjs WdZ ZekXb[#\bWlehed _Ye Yh[ams \eh a i^et at the \_dWb[’s lebYWde# YWae Y^Wbb[d][$8eec Highlander 1am/midnight c, H&I 8Wied on j^[ 1986 \_bc"j^_i Retro i[h_[s \Wbls _dje Pick that fun YWj[# ]ory ef iodZ_# YWjed WYtion i^ems that hkb[Z the ’90s Xena: Warrior Princess, Tarzan, Time Trax…).7drian FWkb is fedojW_bed ?ccehjal :kdYWd CWYB[eZ"\Wjed jo XWjjbe WdZ X[^[ad!) ether ?ccehjals WdZ WXiorb their fem[h$9eeb$ 9/8c Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Syfy 10:55/ White Men 9:55c Can’t Jump (1992) HBO 11:11/ The Breakfast 10:11c Club (1985) HBO Comedy 11:30/ Gremlins (1984) 10:30c Syfy 11:45/ Serpico (1973) Flix 10:45c 11:45/ 2001: A Space 10:45c Odyssey (1968) TCM 1am/ Friday Night midnight c Lights (2004) MGM+ 2:36am/ The Northman 1:36c (2022) Starz Edge The Breakfast Club T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  47
TUESDAY, FEB. 27 MOVIES 9am/8c The Cabin in the Woods (2012) Syfy 9:20am/ The Best of 8:20c Everything (1959) FXM 9:30am/ BlacK8:30c kKlansman (2018) FXX 10am/9c Tombstone (1993) AMC 11am/10c Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Showtime Showcase 11:20am/ Bill & Ted’s 10:20c Excellent Adventure (1989) HBO Zone 12:45/ The Fabulous 11:45am c Baker Boys (1989) Retroplex 1:25/12:25c Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) Flix 3:35/2:35c Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) Movies! 5:30/4:30c To Sir, With Love (1967) HDNet Movies 6:10/5:10c The Menu (2022) HBO2 8/7c 8½ (1963) TCM Lost U-Boats of WWII SERIES PREMIERE 10/9c, History Six ^kdZhed jons ef ]ebZ$Thousands ef Whj# mehai$C_blions ef fh_Y[b[is Whj_\WYji$M^e Ze[id’t bele a jh[Wikhe ^kdj5 7YYehding jo :Whh[bbC_abei"a jh[Wikhe i[[a[h i_dYe W]e -"Xy '/*+"7Zebf >_jber h[Wb_ped he mWi besing the mar and thus Z[cided jo ick]]b[ Nazi m[Wbth out ef ;khef[$8Wied on a hWh[ Xbk[fh_dj"“I X[b_[le he jook iome ef j^[i[ jh[Wikh[s and beaded them edjo if[Y_Wbby ekj# S.W.A.T. 9am/8c, SundanceTV 48  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; A TRINITY OF LONE STAR FILMS! Live With Kelly and Mark Syndicated, check local listings Chopped Good Trouble SEASON FINALE 8/7c, Food Network 10/9c, Freeform 11:45/ Don’t Look 10:45c Now (1973) Flix The Menu X_jjer turn X[\ehe one ^ef[\kb wins a lery im[[t f_be ef YWi^$ The feb_Y[ fheY[Zkhal dem Daytime W_hs [dYeh[s _d Pick CedZWy WdZ Jk[iZWy XbeYai /Wc%.Y$JeZWo’s [f_ieZ[i X[gin with the m[bb#h[Y[_l[Z “School.”J[am b[ader >edZe Shemar Ceeh[) and his Yh[m \bash Xack jo a ichool i^eej_d] W\jer a marning that a YefoYWj fbans jo h[[dWYt the Yh_c[$ 9:55/8:55c Blockers (2018) FXM 10:50/ Moonlight (2016) 9:50c HBO Signature 12:30am/ Indochine (1992) 11:30c TCM 1:45am/ Barb & Star Go 12:45c to Vista Del Mar (2021) FXM \_jjed K#XeWji"”C_abes j^[eh_p[i"“and I j^_da that I adew m^[he j^[y Wh[$” C_abes has WYgk_hed a h[l[bWjory Y^Wht Yh[Wj[Z XoW\ehc[hK$I$DWvy f_bej—and “N”cWhai sevenifejs in the 9Wh_XX[an I[a m^[he K# XeWjs might ^Wle sunk WXele: he [nWc_d[s W mound with a c[jal Z[j[Yjeh$With ^khh_YWd[ i[Wion WffheWY^_d]"it’s a hWYe W]W_dit Cej^[h DWjkhe jo hit Wbl the Z_le jWh][js in j_c[$ Me X[t this m_bl be a ]ood j_c[ The jalk i^ew is \bying ^eiji A[bby H_fa and Mark 9edik[bei WXel[) jo the L[]as itrip \eh \our i^ems airing this m[[a" Jk[iZWy j^hough <h_ZWo"at j^[ 8b[WkB_le J^[Wjer inside j^[ <edjW_d[Xb[au YWi_de$ It Wbl boils Zewn jo j^h[e Y^[\i as the “Spin It jo Win It” Journament [dZi$;nf[Yt Wd Wff[j_per XWia[t facking W \ehc_ZWXbe _d]hedient and Wd entrée hound that jWa[s W God Save Texas SERIES PREMIERE 9/8c, HBO Airing eler jmo d_]^ji"j^_i Wdj^ebegy _dYbkZ[s j^h[e \_bci [nfboring J[nWi’jhekXb[i$<_hij up: H_Y^Whd B_dabWj[h’s “>ec[# jewn Fh_ied"”m^[he the \Wc[Z Z_h[Yjor h[turns jo his >kdji# l_bbe ZIP Yode jo jalk WXekt j^[ jemd’s i[len fh_iedi$ In the f[dkbj_cWje hour X[\eh[ the \_l[#i[Wion Zhama i_]di e\\"Mariana and `ekhdWb_ij @eaquin 9_[hha HWc_hez WdZ 8hoan 9haig) ]o jo the Yefi with [l_Z[dYe ef criminal I_bWi’ =haham I_Xb[o) mhed]Ze_d]i$
MOVIES Survivor 8:33am/ Hannah and 7:33c Her Sisters (1986) 5StarMax SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, CBS 9BE9AWISE <HOM 8EJJOM B;<J: I;7HCHLIGHT F?9JKH;I%;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; ABC; THE >?IJEHY 9>7DD;B; HE8;HT LE;JI%98I; THE :;B797IJHEI This o[Wh’s SurvivorYWit _id’t fbWo_d] WhekdZ$But j^[y Whe fbWying—jo m_d ' c_bb_ed"and iome ierious XhW]ging h_]^js Wi the “Sole Ikhl_leh"”Xy ekjbWiting ej^[hs in (, ZWos ef _iband [dZkhWdY[$>eij–en[Ykj_l[ fheZkYer @[\f FheXit (right) fh[l_[ms j^Wj the \[Whb[is Yecf[j_jehs on the Fiji ?ibWdZ e\CWcWdkYa Whe [if[Y_Wbby hkj^b[is in I[W# ied *,$“I mas i^eYaed at ^ew [\\_Y_[djby j^_i ]hekfYekbd Yarry out a Xb_dZi_Z["”the ;cco m_dd[hiWoi$“With [lery fWising i[Wied"j^[ fbWo[hs X[Yome icWhj[h"and as a h[ikbj"j^[ ]Wc[fbWy X[Yec[s cehe Z_\\_Ykbj$” But this o[ar is Wbio much cehe \kd$M_j^ /&#c_dkje [f_ieZ[s Wbl i[Wion \ebbem_d] ikf[hi_ped jmo-hour _dijWbbc[djs \or j^[ fh[c_[he and d[xt m[[a’s CWhch 6 [f_ieZ[" m[’ll ][t jo adew this o[Wh’s fack ef fbWo[hs “in a much Z[eper mWo"”FheXit iWoi$ <hom ^_]^#[d[hgy heYa[hs jo ]eefy oe]_i" and a YWYaber who cWy lery m[bl ^Wle the X[ij baugh in Survivor^_ijeho"“j^[he m_bl be iec[ \an \Wleh_j[s [Whboon in the i[Wied"”FheXij Friends 3/2c, TBS The [cej_edWb Yhux ef j^_i Retro 1998 [f_iode _i Pick F^e[X[’s B_iW AkZhem) ikhhe# ]Wje fh[]dWdYo"but me bele _j \or this ]ag: I[ems 9^WdZb[h’i CWjj^[w F[hho) _iik[s ef JL =UIDE MAGAZINE Whe WZZh[iied je “Miss 9^WdWdZber 8ed]$”9ekbZ m[beWdy cehe Wfebe][j_Y5 Married at First Sight 8/7c, Lifetime :[cision :Wy _i on the ^eh_ped With \kjkh[i on the b_d[ \or Wbl Yek# fb[s h_]^j0 9^boe WdZ Michael ][j# ting ^_jY^[Z" j^_d]s ][t Z_Y[o0 8:45am/ Gremlins 2: The 7:45c New Batch (1990) Syfy 9am/8c Naughty Marietta (1935) TCM 9:28am/ Dr. Strangelove 8:28c Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) HBO Family fhec_i[i$“Sjhaight eut ef the ]Wj["Survivor 4, has a lery \kddy \[el with a jhkby [Yb[Ytic ]hekf ef fbWo[hi$” >[’s h[Wbby det a_ZZ_d]$“In h[al b_\["f[efb[ think I’m a dkj"”iWos one Z[jermined Yedj[i# jant in the jhW_b[h$“Butout ^[h[? I’m about je a_bl _j$”—Christine Champagne A XecXi^[bl is Zhopped on ed[ m_\["and Wdether _dl[ij_]Wj[i d[w Y^WdY[s \or _dj_cWYo$ Trafficked: Underworlds With Mariana van Zeller 9/8c, National Geographic 8back cWha[js Yh[Wje a ]beXWb ckbj_jh_bb_ed#Zebbar i^WZem [Yedeco"and WmWhZ#m_dd_d] `ekhdWb_it Mariana lan P[bb[h _dl[ij_]Wj[s j^[i[ZWd][heki kdZ[hmehbds in this ]h_ff_d] i[h_[i$In jonight’s _cc[hi_l[ h[feht on ;khef[’s \Wleh_j[ Zhk]"^Wi^"she \ebbems j^[ ick]]b[hi’jhail \hom j^[ CeheYYan cekdjains je 9edj_d[djWb Xko[hi$It’s W c_d[\_[bZ ef Z[Wb[hi" Zhk]# hkdd_d] XeWjs WdZ _dYh[Wi_d] l_eb[dY[$ FBI True 10/9c, CBS One man had a ]h[at i[die e\ ^kceh$7dether beled jo Xemb$ J^[ie i[d_ehs m[he Wced] i[len kd[nf[Yjed Z[Wjhs Wj a 9bWhaiXkh]"M[it L_h]_d_W" LA ^eif_jal X[jm[en (&'-WdZ (&'.$With no ikhl[_bbWdY[ l_Z[e"^ew m_bl the FBI ikii out what happened? 7 cekdjain ef c[Z_Yal Y^Whji and time YWhZi"\or ed[$ ROAD TRIP! Resident Alien 10/9c, Syfy <or a c_iWdj^hopic ;$J$#_d# hiding who ^Wj[s cWda_dZ" Harry 7ban Judyk) is Wm\kbbo [nY_jed about joining CWoeh Ben B[vi <_[^b[h) and ^_i \Wc_by on an outing jo O[bbem# ijed[$FheXWXby X[YWkie _j ][js him Ybeier jo the beYWj_ed ef the [vil =h[oi’i[Yh[t bW_h$ Hint: Oou YWd’t if[bl “][oi[h” with ="H";"Y and I$ 10am/9c Green Book (2018) FXX 10:35am/ Heaven Knows, 9:35c Mr. Allison (1957) FXM 1:27/12:27c I’ll See You in My Dreams (2015) MovieMax 2/1c Fences (2016) Showtime Showcase 2:30/1:30c The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007) Flix 3/2c Avengers: Endgame (2019) FX 3:05/2:05c The Untouchables (1987) MGM+ 4:23/3:23c The King’s Speech (2010) HBO Zone 4:33/3:33c San Andreas (2015) HBO 6:30/5:30c The Lion King (1994) Freeform 8/7c Grand Prix (1966) TCM 8:05/7:05c Hidden Figures (2016) FXM 10/9c RoboCop (1987) HBO Zone 11:15/10:15c The Hurricane (1937) TCM Midnight/ No Time to Die 11c (2021) MGM+ 12:44am/ Speed (1994) 11:44c Starz Encore T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  49
THURSDAY, FEB. 29 MOVIES Lonely Crime Fanatic 8:05am/ Mean Girls 7:05c (2004) Showtime 2 9:35am/ Crash Dive (1943) 8:35c FXM 10am/9c First Man (2018) FXX 10:10am/ Beyond the 9:10c and Lights (2014) 9:55/8:55c Indieplex 12:05/ Murder, My 11:05am c Sweet (1944) Movies! 1/noon c District 9 (2009) AMC 2:15/1:15c Never on Sunday (1960) TCM 2:30/1:30c Free Guy (2021) FX 4:30/3:30c The Goonies and 9/8c (1985) BBC America MOVIE PREMIERE 8/7c, Lifetime Movie Network This one might cWae oou mWdj jo ijep WmWy \hom that '(#fWhj ckhder doc i_jting in oekh m^Wj#je#mWjch gk[k[$M^[d a bed[iome jhue crime `kda_[ c[[jiher \Wleh_je feZYWij[h" j^[jmehit it e\\$But iec[# thing’s det gk_je right WXekj this ]ko"and ioon the ikf[h# \an finds ^[hi[bf the ikX`[Yt e\ his el[h#j^[#jop eXi[ii_ed$ TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Elsbeth SERIES PREMIERE 10/9c, CBS 5:15/4:15c Spider-Man (2002) Freeform 8/7c The Avengers (2012) USA 8/7c National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978) MGM+ 8:25/7:25c The Help (2011) FXM 11:45/ 1917 (2019) 10:45c Showtime Next 11:50/ Evil Dead Rise 10:50c (2023) HBO Zone 1am/ Full Metal midnight c Jacket (1987) IFC 1:05am/ Tropic Thunder 12:05c (2008) Paramount+ With Showtime 2am/1c All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) TCM Murder, My Sweet 50  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; D[w Oerk 9_jy _idet h[Wdy \or 9Whh_[Fh[ijed’s ;biX[j^ JWiY_ed_$Jhe [dZ[Wh_d]by Yebehful Z[\[die bWmo[h" m^om cWdy TV mWjY^[hiadew Wdd bele \hom The Good WifeWnd The Good Fight"^WiX[[n ^_h[d jo b_dakfm_j^ j^e DOF:W\jer “iome Xad Whh[ijs cWZe _d^_]^#fhe\_b[ YWi[i"”iWos i^emhkdd[r @edWj^Wn Jeb_di$“As a bWmo[h" i^[’iX[[dWia[d jo cWae ikhe [l[hoj^_dg is Zene Xoj^[ Xeea$”Sure"Xkt ;biX[jh mekbd ckch hWj^[hfbWo9ebkc# Xo WdZieble Yh_c[i_dij[WZ 7j\_hij"jhe h[l[h[d 9Wfj$9$M$MW]d[r M[dZ[bb F_[hY[, Suits) h[i[djs ;biX[j^"Xkt Jeb_dii[[s j^[_r h[bW# j_edi^_p Wi“a XkZZ_dg CWhoH_Y^Whds Wnd Bou =hWdj" Qm^e^Wl[SWa_nd ef ]hkZ]_dg h[if[Yt \er [WY^ej^[h$” 7dZjo cWae ikhe i^e ijWos on jWia";biX[j^^as W c_dZ[h: E\\_Yer AWoa 8bWdae 9Whha FWjj[hied$8kj “j^[oX[Yec[fWhjd[hs _d_dl[ij_]Wj_ed"”Jeb_ds j[Wi[i e\;biX[j^’s i[Yh[jideef_d]"m^ich X[]_ds in j^[ef[d[h m^en Wn WYj_d]ijkZ[dj_ickhZ[h[Z$;biX[jh j^_das j^[ ideXXy j^[Wjer Z_h[Yjor Ij[f^[n Ceo[h) Z_d _j$Eh YekbZhe `kit Xe fbWo_ng a heb[? —Ileane Rudolph The First 48 Presents Critical Minutes SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, A&E J^h[e YWi[s kick j^_d]s e\f _d this book at b_\e as a ^ec_Y_Z[ Z[j[Yj_le: a ^ec[b[is Z[Wb[h in Julsa is ambushed; an [bZ[hbo man is WjjWYaed in his emd WfWhtment; and a Zhug Z[Wb turned i^eej-out ]e[s Zewn _d an 7jbWdja farking bej$ Farmer Wants a Wife 9/8c, Fox Jy <[hh[bl _dl_j[s ^_i\[bbem \Whc[hs and the h[cW_d_d] bWZ_[s jo his C_iiouri hWdY^ \or a ^e[Zewn and Xkbb#hef_d] Yecf[j_j_ed$But when _j Yec[s time \or iebo ZWj[i" iec[one cWy “adet”X[\[[b# ing the bel[$ Broken Trail So Help Me Todd 1:50/12:50c and 3:30/2:30c, HDNet Movies 9/8c, CBS In this (&&, i[h_[i"YemXeo Daytime Fh[dj_Ye H_jj[h Pick HeX[ht :klWbb and his d[f^[m Jom >Whj[’s (Thomas >WZ[d 9^khY^"right) ^ehie Zh_le jkhdi _djo a b_\[#eh#Z[ath Y^Wi[$ Com and ion Yh_c[#iebl_d] j[am CWh]Wh[t and JeZZ CWhcia =Wy >Whden WdZ Iaobar 7itin) try jo fhej[Yj kd[j^_Yal f[hional injury bWm# oer Belinda ]k[it ijar IWdZhW 8[hd^WhZ"Pose"m^ec Wjjehd[y CWh]Wh[t Ze[s not fWhj_YkbWhby b_a[$K^#e^
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Gold Rush BMF SEASON FINALE 8/7c, Discovery SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, Starz It’s Wbl mine! The ]ebd c_d[hi fh[fWhe jo cWae their bWij haul X[\ehe m_dj[h$FheZ_]o FWhaer Schnabel aims jo Xh[Wa h[Yehds and igk[[pe ceh[ ehe out ef his d[w YbW_c"m^_b[ Yec[Xack “a_Z”Rick D[ii XWjjb[s \hepen ][Wh$ It’s dew the ’90s on the Yh_c[ ZhWcW’s j^_hd i[Wied"WdZ Z[Wb[h:[c[trius “Big C[[Y^” <b[dery :[c[trius <b[dory @h$" Euphoria) is ceving jo 7jbWdjW with ^ef[s ef ifh[ading j^[ 8back Mafia <Wc_bo’s h[ach je the Iekj^$ CMT Campfire Sessions SEASON FINALE 10/9c, CMT ;l[hoed[’s singing Yekdjho YbWii_Ys in this i[Wion [dZ[h$ ;nf[Yt f[h\ehcWdY[s \hec rising ijar 8h_jjd[y If[dY[h" >eetie & the 8bem\_i^’i :arius HkYa[h"IWha ;lWdi" H_b[y =h[en and ceh[$ MOVIES 10:55am/ The Public 9:55c Enemy (1931) Movies! 3:48/2:48c Elvis (2022) HBO 7/6c Lethal Weapon (1987) AMC 10/9c and The River Wild 12:30am/ (1994) Outdoor 11:30c Channel SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Single Black Female 2: Simone’s Revenge MOVIES 8:15am/ The Thin Man 7:15c (1934) TCM MOVIE PREMIERE 8/7c, Lifetime 10:30am/ Fiddler on the 9:30c Roof (1971) HDNet Movies In this iequel jo bWit o[Wh’s ^_j j^h_bb[h"Ced_Ya HWlen =eeZ# win) is ijWhting Wd[w in I[Wj# jb["m^_be her ckhZ[hous ^Wb\ i_ijer Simone Amber H_b[o" Glee) has Wcd[sia! What Wh[ the Y^WdY[s thatbWiji? I_d][h A$C_Y^[bbe Wbio h[turns Wi Ced_YW’s 8<<$ 10:30am/ First Blood 9:30c (1982) AMC 4:55/3:55c Inside Man (2006) Starz 7:58/6:58c If Beale Street Could Talk (2018) Starz in Black 8:45/7:45c The Last OH, BUFFALO! Rocky Rapids Vet 9-1-1 9BE9AWISE <HOM 8EJJOM B;<J: ;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; ELIZABETH <?I>;H%98S; :?I9EL;HO1 MARNER 8HEJ>;HI%;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; CHRIS B7HGE/© 7C9%;L;H;TT 9EBB;9J?ED 10/9c and 10:30/9:30c, Nat Geo Wild Artfully Designed 1/noon c, Magnolia Network What this ifWYe d[eds is cehe X[_]e…are mehZi oou m_bl d[ler ^[ar on j^_s home i^ew \or j^[ Daytime Yh[Wj_l[by XebZ$“The m^ebe hoom is a YWdlas \eh Pick ki"”iWos 9^Whbejj["Dehth 9Wheb_dW"_djerior Z[# signer DWjalie FWf_[h"m^ei[_dif_hed _Z[as Wh[ cWjched Xy Yontributions \hom ckhWb_it HWY^[al @WYaion WdZ WXijhWYt Whj_it <hWdaie Pombie WXel["\hom b[\j"with FWf_[h$ JeZWo"j^[y jWYabe j^e living heec"dining hoom and a_jchen ef W modern ^ec[$Their `kcf_d]#e\f fe_dj: the emd[hi’D[w Ehb[Wdi m[ZZ_d]"which if_bbed out edjo the ijh[[js with a XhWis XWdZ$ <hankie YhW\js 3-D mWbl Wht \hom cki_Yal _dijhkc[dji"but j^[ Yeeb[it jhWdi\ormation _ithe \_h[fbWY["which ][js Xback WdZ m^_je j_b[s in a itripe fWjj[hd$It’s a f_[Ye ef Whj In this ZeYki[h_[s i[t in 9WdW# ZW":h$IWlannah c[[js ^[h bWj[it c[dj[["HeYay HWf_Zi’ d[w ?dZ_]enous l[j[h_dWh_Wd" :Wobe Fe_jhWi$In the i[YedZ ^Wb\#^ekh"IWlannah jhWlels je b[arn about her Métis ^[h_jW][ m^_be Y^[cking on a X_ion ^[hZ$ Samurai (2003) BBC America 9/8c The Big Sky (1952) INSP 10:45/ A Man for All 9:45c Seasons (1966) TCM 11:39/ Meg 2: The 10:39c Trench (2023) HBO 1:45am/ The Three 12:45c Faces of Eve (1957) Movies! TODAY’S SPORTS PICK FORMULA 1 RACING 9:55am/8:55c, ESPN Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix The F1 i[Wion h[ls up on W IWjkhZWy due jo HWcWZWd with this )&.$238km hWY[$ The Last Samurai T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  51
MOVIES Belgravia: The Next Chapter 8:30am/ 1408 (2007) 7:30c Indieplex 9:15am/ Star Trek 8:15c and Into Darkness 11:32/ (2013) AMC 10:32c Noon/11am c The Trouble 9/8c, MGM+ On tonight’s episode o\ the British recWdY[" hkcehs of ClWhW’s (Harriej IbWj[h) suppoied infidelito Yekbd thr[Wjen her shako cWhh_W]e to Lehd Fh[Z[h_Ya (Benjamin WW_dmh_]^j" X[bem" with SlWj[h" who has been disjhWYjed bo h_iay inl[ijc[dji$ With Angels (1966) Movies! 12:45/ Antwone Fisher 11:45am c (2002) Starz in Black 1/noon c The Professionals (1966) Grit 2/1c A Midnight Clear (1992) Retroplex 2:20/1:20c John Wick: and 11/10c Chapter 4 (2023) Starz Encore 3/2c Mission: Impossible— Ghost Protocol 3:50/2:50c Hustle & Flow (2005) Cinemax 4/3c The Lost Weekend (1945) TCM 8/7c Lawman (1971) Grit 9/8c The Man From Snowy River (1982) INSP 10/9c To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) TCM 10:05/ Flamingo Road 9:05c (1949) Movies! 11/10c Armageddon (1998) FX The Regime THERE’S NO CONTINGENCY FOR THIS! SERIES PREMIERE 9/8c, HBO CSI: Vegas Oeu’ve d[l[r i[en AWj[M_dib[jWXel[) _da hebe b_a[j^_i$ 7i9^WdY[bber ;bena L[hd^Wc"j^e ;ccy m_dd[hhkb[s Wd kddWced Yedj[cfehWhy 9[djhal ;khef[Wn dWj_edm_jh Wd Wkj^eh_jWh_an X[dj\ehiix ZWhaby \kddy [f_ieZ[i$ L_[m[hs \ebbem;b[dW’s Z[iY[nt \hecWY^Wh_icWj_c Z[c# eYhWjic b[WZer _djo Wn kd^_d]ed WkjeYhWjic Z[ifej$I^[’ied a gk[it je[Whd^[hi[bf WdZ^[hXWYamWj[r dWj_ed_dj[hdW# j_edWl h[if[YjWnd “a i[Wt Wjj^[]hemd#kfi’jWXb[ef ceZ# [hn ][efeb_j_Yi"”Yh[Wjer M_bl JhWYy Succession) iWoi$ Je][t j^[h["i^[’ll put Zewn Wbl Z_ii[dj"[len `W_b_ng j^[ b[WZ[r ef j^e effei_j_ed>k]h =hWdt) WdZWdy c_d_ij[hi e\^er emn YWX_d[jikif[Yjed e\\eh[ign _d\bk[dY[$The Regime’s Xb[ak WdZm^_ci_Yal jede is a c_x j^WjYWc[\hec JhWYo’s h[Wb#b_\e h[i[WhY^$“The \_]kh[s I QijkZ_[Z] m[he ie [njh[me _n a mWy j^Wt _cc[Z_Wj[bob[dds _ji[bf jo Yec[Zo$ M[’h[jWba_d]WXekt Wn [dj_h[Yekdjry deZZ_dg Wbeng m_j^ j^e m^_ms ef a i[b\#Z[bkZed johWdt m^o is j[bb_d]j^[m j^[ iay is ]h[[d$The WXikhZ_im _s XWa[Zh_]^jin!”—Dylan Ford The Hill Sunday With Chris Stirewalt SERIES PREMIERE 10am/9c, NewsNation Daytime Pick Star Trek Into Darkness 52  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Meet the Press, Face the Nation, This Week With George Stephanopoulosand the b_ae ^Wle a d[m member ef the club: This public W\\W_hs i[h_[i bWkdY^[s `kit in time jo Yeler the ]eeZ"the XWZ and the k]by Wif[Yjs ef the fh[sidential [b[Yj_ed$ 10/9c, CBS Is ;bvis Xack in the Xk_bZ_d]? 7 Yehfie is \ound ijashed X[^_dZ a ^ec[’s ZhomWbl during Yed# ijhkYtion—and L[]as _cf[h# iedWjehs cWy ^ebd l_jal Ybk[i$ TODAY’S SPORTS PICKS NBA BASKETBALL 1/noon c, ABC Philadelphia 76ers at Dallas Mavericks 3:30/2:30c, ABC Golden State Warriors at Boston Celtics 7/6c, ESPN New York Knicks at Cleveland Cavaliers 9:30/8:30c, ESPN Oklahoma City Thunder at Phoenix Suns NASCAR 3:30/2:30c, Fox Pennzoil 400 Cup I[h_[s ijWhs ]WcXbe \eh (,7 bWfs Whound Las L[]Wi Cejor If[[ZmWo$ 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP B;<J: HBO; MGM+; F7H7CEUNT F?9JKH;I%;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED (2011) AMC 3:30/2:30c Gandhi (1982) HDNet Movies
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PRIMETIME EASTERN MONDAY, FEB. 26 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC Local Programming The Bachelor Local Programming Neighbor Local Program Ride Local Program Wanted (Season Finale) Local Programming The Voice (Season Premiere) PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I PBS NewsHour 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM N N 10:30PM 9:30PM Bad Romance-20/20 N Bob Heart NCIS Lifeline. N N Local Programming TMZ Invest (Season Finale) N N Local Programming Deal or No Deal Island Antiques Roadshow Hoarders David & Elizabeth. N Craft in America Quilts. N Secrets of Polygamy (6:00) ★★★ Die Hard (1988): Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman. M The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans 3’s Company The Jeffersons Barney Miller Johnny Carson Law & Order Matrimony. The Jeffersons Law & Order Working Mom. M N King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in Family All in Family Night Court Mama’s Family Last Call Mama’s Family L ★★ Hot Summer Nights (2017) Mom Mom L The Office Below Deck Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke (9:50) ★★★ Ingrid Goes West (2017) Mom Mom Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 The Office Watch What M Mom Shark Tank Erin Burnett OutFront The Office M Below Deck N Below Deck (6:05) ★★★ Appaloosa Law & Order Turnaround. ★★ Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion (2006): Tyler Perry. Below Deck Pier Pressure. M Barney Miller Law & Order D-Girl. (6:00) BET Star Cinema L The Office Mom Shark Tank L The Source With The Office N ★★★ Tombstone (1993): Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. The Last Alaskans 3’s Company N N NCIS: Hawai’i Wild Cards Antiques Roadshow The First 48 M 8:00PM 7:00PM The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office Grimm Kiss of the Muse. Grimm The Waking Dead. The X-Files Release. The X-Files Sunshine Days. Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bones The Knight on the Grid. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized Big City Hailey’s on It! Marvel’s Bizarre Foods Big City Hailey’s on It! M ★★★ Shrek (2001): Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. M (6:20) The Social Network S College Basketball Miami at North Carolina S College Basketball West Virginia at Kansas State M L Perry Mason M M Kids Baking Championship The Ingraham Angle L Ladybug L S Women’s College Basketball Colorado at UCLA Perry Mason Darkest .. Bob’s Burgers Jesse Watters Primetime L Hannity N M Magnum, P.I. L Gutfeld! Family Guy Family Guy M Switch Split Second Press Your Luck M NASCAR Xfinity Wheel ★★★ X2 (2003) Family Guy The Rockford Files Family Guy Kojak Sweeter Than Life. M Wheel The Fastest Gun Alive Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Hannah Swensen Mysteries A Zest for Death. M ★★★ Furious 7 (2015): Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (6:05) To Be Announced M ★★ Legally Blonde (2001) Walker, Texas Ranger Bounty. Star Trek Charlie X. 54E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Family Guy The 27-Hour Day (2021): Autumn Reeser, Andrew Walker. Hannah Swensen Mysteries Carrot Cake Murder. (5:30) ★★ Sex and the City Family Guy M ★★ The Sheepman (1958): Glenn Ford, Shirley MacLaine. Fargo M S N ★★★ Moana (2016): Voices of Dwayne Johnson, Auli’i Cravalho, Rachel House. The Rockford Files (6:00) The Presence of Love The Chase ★★★ Mission: Impossible -- Fallout (2018): Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames. Fargo M M Chopped Here to Persevere!. (7:45) ★★★ X-Men (2000): Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen. Bob’s Burgers L (8:15) ★★ Paris Blues (1961): Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Sidney Poitier. (6:00) ★★★ Ratatouille (2007) M L Emergency! Dealer’s Wild. M (5:00) Mission: Impossible .. BMF Family Dinner. College Basketball Baylor at TCU NASCAR Cup Series Ambetter Health 400: From Atlanta Motor Speedway in Hampton, Ga. M Ladybug S Kids Baking Championship Bake to School: Spirit Day. M Ladybug ★★★ Shrek 2 (2004): Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. S M Contraband: Seized at the Border (8:25) Catch 44 (2011): Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis. Quincy, M.E. (6:30) Buchanan Rides Alone M N (10:20) Curb Your Enthusiasm M ★★ Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN MONDAY, FEB. 26 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC Battle on the Mountain Battle on the Mountain (6:00) History’s-Mysteries History’s Greatest Mysteries Hunting Hitler’s U-Boats. History’s Greatest Mysteries How It Really Happened Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Forensic Files Death by Fame To Tell the Truth. Death by Fame Day in Court. Raymond Raymond ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV FBI Ambition. FBI Scar Tissue. FBI Protective Details. FBI One Night Stand. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy M M N = NEW M 7:30PM 6:30PM People Magazine Raymond N Raymond (6:00) Movie 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM Battle-Mountn Champions of the Mountain. Raymond N Raymond N M N Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Green Acres A Spy (9:50) A Spy Among Friends M (5:45) ★★★★ Rain Man Belgravia: The Next Chapter M (5:55) ★ Cell (2016) The Colour of Magic Part 1: The Colour of Magic. The ReidOut L Inside With Jen Psaki L Forensic Files N Movie Maine Cabin Masters Andy Griffith N Raymond Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H Lil Jon The Playboy Murders Raymond Movie 10:30PM 9:30PM Maine Cabin Masters Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes M A Good .. The Colour of Magic The Rachel Maddow Show L Last Word With Lawrence L Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN The Wolfpack. 20/20 on OWN The Hustlers. 20/20 on ID Snapped Cynthia Mueller. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Two Half Men M Movie M Movie Two Half Men Law & Order M Movie Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Killer Performance Killer Performance NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Becker Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Just Shoot Me Becker Dino Hunters Dino Hunters Star Trek: Discovery Anomaly. Sexy Beast You and Me. M (6:00) ★★★ Collateral Halo Reach. M (6:10) ★★★ End of Watch The Woman in the Wall M Air Disasters Flying Blind. Air Disasters Extreme Airport Africa Black in Space The Closer Repeat Offender. Major Crimes Flight Risk. Major Crimes Personal Day. Rizzoli & Isles Remember Me. M N ★★ Marry Me (2022): Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson. M ★★★ Michael Clayton (2007): George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson. ★★ Fighting (2009): Channing Tatum. M Night B... Spy Web The KGB. Spy Web MI 5. Spy Web MI 6. Spy Web Mossad. Blue Bloods Stirring the Pot. Blue Bloods Handcuffs. Blue Bloods Authority Figures. Blue Bloods Disrupted. M (6:30) ★★★ 300 (2006): Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. Big Bang M Big Bang (6:15) ★★★ Them! (1954) Highway Thru Hell Bridge Battle. Big Bang M Big Bang M M N Pet Tricks Storm of Suspicion N 90 Day Diaries ★★ Shall We Dance? (2004): Richard Gere. Mysteries of the Unknown American Dad! M American Dad! ★★★ Blithe Spirit (1945) Weather Gone Viral N 90 Day: The Single Life M Capital One’s The Match: A mixed skins format competition. From West Palm Beach, Fla. (6:00) Mysteries of the Unknown S Pet Tricks Highway Thru Hell 90 Day: The Single Life S ★★★ Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011): James Franco. ★★★ Fantastic Voyage (1966): Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch. 90 Day: The Single Life (6:15) Rumba Love (2021) M N (9:50) ★★★ Hope Springs (2012) L M N ★★★ Rudy (1993) Mysteries of the Unknown M Capital One’s The Match: A mixed skins format competition. From West Palm Beach, Fla. ★★ Ride Along 2 (2016) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Blue Bloods Insult to Injury. M (5:30) ★★ Bad News Bears WWE Monday Night RAW M (5:30) ★★ Bring It On Love & Hip Hop Miami The First 48 Storm Center L Bones = MOVIE L = LIVE S N Raymond L The Impact New York N Celebrity N M Reasona... After the First 48 Blackout. After the First 48 After the First 48 Lester Street. Secrets of the Earth Secrets of the Earth Secrets of the Earth Bones Bones Bones = JGFIKJ T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  55
PRIMETIME EASTERN TUESDAY, FEB. 27 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Will Trent CBS Local Programming FBI THE CW Local Programming Crime Nation FOX Local Programming The Floor N NBC Local Programming The Voice N PBS PBS NewsHour A&E Road Wars AMC M ANIMAL Too Cute! 7:30PM 6:30PM N Road Wars 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N 9:00PM 8:00PM The Rookie N 9:30PM 8:30PM N FBI: International N N BBCA Bones BET M BRAVO Vanderpump Rules The Good Doctor N N Local Programming Local Programming Deal or No Deal Island The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family: Ambition. The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family: Desire. Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Too Cute! 3’s Company 10:30PM 9:30PM FBI: Most Wanted N Road Wars N The Jeffersons Bones Barney Miller M Vanderpump Rules Barney Miller Hunger Games: Catching Fi. Johnny Carson Bones Tyler Perry’s The Oval N Customer War Too Cute! Bones (6:00) ★★ Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion (2006) N Customer Too Cute! The Jeffersons N The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family: The Fall. ★★★ The Hunger Games (2012): Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth. ANTENNA 3’s Company 10:00PM 9:00PM N Zatima N The Oval Watch What Vanderpump Rules Watch What CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: PTZD. COOKING Man v. Food COZI Sanford & Son (6:05) Thomas Crown Affair Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★★ Wonderland (2003): Val Kilmer. Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office (9:45) ★★★ Ex Machina (2014) Mom Mom Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 The Office M L Shark Tank Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office Mom L The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office Grimm: A Dish Best Served Cold. The X-Files: Pilot. The X-Files: Deep Throat. Man v. Food Man v. Food Amazing Eats Amazing Eats Bourdain: No Reservations Bones: Player Under Pressure. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne DISC Moonshiners Moonshiners DISNEY Big City Green E! M ★★★ Shrek 2 (2004): Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. ENCORE M (6:35) ★★ 50 First Dates ESPN S College Basketball: Kentucky at Mississippi State. ESPN2 S College Basketball: Teams TBA. FETV Quincy, M.E.: Double Death. FMC M FOOD Chopped FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S (6:30) College Basketball L FREEFM M (6:00) Despicable Me 2 FX M (6:00) ★★★ Avengers: Endgame (2019): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. FXM M 27 Dresses FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I.: Missing in Action. The Rockford Files GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) Fourth Down & Love HALLMV M Garage Sale Mysteries: A Case of Murder (2017) HBO M ★★★ Barbie (2023): Barbie and Ken learn the joys and perils of the real world. Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera. HBO2 M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Man v. Food Big City Green (5:45) ★★ Sabata (1970) Hailey’s On It! M M Moon Girl M Ladybug & Cat College Basketball: Texas at Texas Tech. L S College Basketball: NC State at Florida State. Perry Mason Perry Mason N (6:10) ★★★ The Menu L Emergency!: Nurses Wild. Alex vs America S L Hannity L Gutfeld! Women’s College Basketball: St. John’s at Marquette. Family Guy Family Guy M His Girl Fr. Tournament of Champions ★★ Despicable Me 3 (2017): Voice of Steve Carell. Family Guy M L ★★★ Suddenly, Last Summer (1959): Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift. Jesse Watters Primetime M Ladybug & Cat BMF: Devil’s Night. S M L Ladybug & Cat ★★★ How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) N L S Good Trouble M Family Guy N ★★★ Blockers (2018) Family Guy The Rockford Files Basketball N Shogun: Anjin. ★★ Shallow Hal (2001): Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jason Alexander. Bob’s Burgers 56E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Hailey’s On It! Moonshiners: The Real McCoy. (8:20) ★★ Money Monster (2016): George Clooney. Chopped L Moonshiners Roseanne Family Guy Kojak ★★ Cimarron (1960): Glenn Ford, Maria Schell, Anne Baxter. Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. A Harvest Wedding (2017): Jill Wagner, Victor Webster. Enthusiasm Star Trek M Last Week To. Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Garage Sale Mysteries: The Pandora’s Box Murders (2018) God Save Texas: Hometown Prison. N M Priscilla (2023) M ★ Fantastic Four (2015): Miles Teller. Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M M Get Smart Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN TUESDAY, FEB. 27 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Fixer to Fabulous HISTORY The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island HLN Forensic Files Very Scary People Forensic Files ID The Murder Tapes Body Cam: Baby Driver. Body Cam: Season Premiere. IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago Fire: No Survivors. Chicago Fire: Mayday. Chicago Fire: Head Count. Chicago Fire LIFE Castle Castle Castle Castle LMN To Be Announced To Be Announced MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes MGM M (6:00) ★★★ Smile (2022) M ★★ Bones and All (2022): Taylor Russell, Timothée Chalamet. M (10:15) ★ Jigsaw (2017) MOVIES! M (5:55) Day of the Dead M ★★ Rabid (1977): Marilyn Chambers, Frank Moore, Joe Silver. M Night of the Living Dead MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta NATGEO Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN Dr. Phil Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Fixer to Fabulous Two/Half Men M*A*S*H L N 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM Renovation Aloha Two/Half Men 10:00PM 9:00PM N Hunt Intl N N 10:30PM 9:30PM House Hunters N The Lost U-Boats of WWII Forensic Files N Two/Half Men Forensic Files Forensic Files N Body Cam: On the Scene Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced Andy Griffith All In With Chris Hayes L N Green Acres Alex Wagner Tonight L Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Caught in the Act: Unfaithful N N L Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero: First Alas. PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced N To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds REELZ Cops Reloaded REWIND 227 SCIENCE Strange Evidence Strange Evidence Strange Evidence SHOW M (6:00) ★★★ End of Watch (2012): Jake Gyllenhaal. The Woman in the Wall: A Little Resurrection. M ★★★ Past Lives (2023): Two childhood friends reunite for one fateful week. Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro. SHOW2 M NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil 227 227 227 227 227 (6:25) ★★★ Enough Said M ★★★ You Hurt My Feelings (2023) 227 227 Strange Evidence M Kokomo City (2023) SMITHSO Mighty Cruise Ships: Viking Sea. Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships STARTTV The Closer: Under Control. Major Crimes: Frozen Assets. Major Crimes: Letting It Go. Rizzoli & Isles M ★★ Retribution (2023): A driver must follow a series of twisted instructions. Liam Neeson. M (5:40) ★★★ 50/50 STARZ M ★★★ Django Unchained (2012): An ex-slave and a German bounty hunter roam America’s South. Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz. STORY TV Mega Disasters: Oil Apocalypse. The Great Ships The Great Ships The Great Ships SUND NCIS: Cracked. NCIS: Broken Arrow. NCIS: Enemies Foreign. NCIS: Enemies Domestic. SYFY M M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell: Cold Gold. Highway Thru Hell TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World TMC M M TNT NBA Tip-Off TRAVEL Paranormal 911 TRUTV Imp. Jokers TV LAND (6:00) Rise of the Planet of Big Bang (6:00) Au Revoir, Les Enfan. (6:10) Friedkin Uncut L S (8:15) ★★ 2012 (2009): John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet. Big Bang M Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ 8 1/2 (1963): Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale, Anouk Aimée. Storm of Suspicion N Babette’s Weather Gone Viral Little People, Big World N ★★★ The Italian Job (2003): Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron. NBA Basketball: Philadelphia 76ers at Boston Celtics. M L Little People, Big World N M ★★ Lucky Number Slevin S NBA Basketball L Paranormal 911: Fearful Fed. Paranormal 911: Dark Christmas. Paranormal 911 Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes M Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Blue Bloods: Above and Beyond. USA Law & Order: SVU S VH1 M My True Crime Story VICE Secrets of Playboy: The Circus. WEATH Storm Center WE TV 9-1-1: Outside Looking In. N = NEW M (5:30) Reasonable Doubt = MOVIE L L = LIVE S WWE NXT L Secrets of Playboy M N My True Crime Story N Sex Before the Internet ★ What Happens in Vegas Raymond ★★★ Thor (2011) Love You to Death N N Sex Before the Internet Deep Water Salvage Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral 9-1-1: Boston. 9-1-1: Fear-o-Phobia. 9-1-1: Dumb Luck. = JGFIKJ T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  57
PRIMETIME EASTERN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Conners Not Dead N CBS Local Programming Survivor (Season Premiere) N THE CW Local Programming Wild Cards FOX Local Programming We Are Family NBC Local Programming Chicago Med PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N 9:00PM 8:00PM N Abbott N 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM 10:30PM 9:30PM Celebrity Fam Judge Steve Harvey N FBI True Angel of Death. N Family Law N Local Programming N Local Programming N N Chicago Fire Nature Australian Bushfire Chicago P.D. NOVA Reef Rescue. N Operation Maneater Polar Bear. Rescue. A&E Court Cam AMC M ANIMAL Dogs 101 Court Cam (5:00) Hunger Games: Catc... Court Cam M Court Cam Court Cam 3’s Company BBCA Bones Pilot. BET (6:00) BET Star Cinema BRAVO Real Housewives of Bev. Hills N Court Cam Dogs 101 The Jeffersons The Jeffersons Bones The Man in the SUV. Barney Miller Barney Miller Tyler Perry’s Sistas N M Hunger .. Dogs 101 Johnny Carson Bones A Boy in a Tree. Real Housewives- Bev. Hills N Booked: First Day In ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (2014): Jennifer Lawrence. Dogs 101 ANTENNA 3’s Company N Bones The Man in the Bear. N N Celebrity Real Housewives of Miami N Queen-Men Watch What Housewives CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY Seinfeld COMET Grimm Grimm Cold Blooded. The X-Files The Jersey Devil. The X-Files Shadows. COOKING Food Paradise Viva Las Vegas. Food Paradise Dipped. Food Paradise Off the Beaten Q. Man Fire Food Man Fire Food COZI Bones Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne DISC Expedition X Killer Sasquatch. Expedition X Death Island. Expedition X DISNEY Miraculous World (8:15) Miraculous World (9:15) Moon E! Modern Family Modern Family M ENCORE M ESPN NBA ESPN2 S FETV Quincy, M.E. FMC M FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S College Basketball Providence at Marquette FREEFM M (6:30) ★★★ The Lion King (1994) FX M ★★★ Black Widow (2021): Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, David Harbour. FXM M (5:20) A Journal for Jordan FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I. Lest We Forget. The Rockford Files GRIT Fargo Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) The Sweetest Heart HALLMV M CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood. HBO Sanford & Son (6:10) ★★ Taken 3 (2014) Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★★★ The Witch (2015): Anya Taylor-Joy. Mom Mom Shark Tank L Seinfeld Modern Family (5:55) ★★★ Wall Street S Anderson Cooper 360 Seinfeld M L Seinfeld Frasier Modern Family Mom Mom L Shark Tank The Source With Kaitlan Collins CNN NewsNight Seinfeld Seinfeld S Perry Mason Seinfeld Frasier N Moon Girl Ladybug Bob’s Burgers Jesse Watters Primetime M L S M M Emergency! Publicity Hound. M N Guy’s Grocery Games L Gutfeld! H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Manchurian L Feud: Capote vs. The Swans Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files Wheel M Wheel Star Trek The Naked Time. M Hate U ... Family Guy ★★ The Trackers (1971) Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major (2023) God Save Texas The Price of N N Kojak One Summer (2021): Sam Page, Sarah Drew, Amanda Schull. M M Family Guy ★★★ Hannie Caulder (1971): Raquel Welch, Robert Culp. God Save Texas Hometown Prison. 58E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; N College Basketball Seton Hall at Creighton God Save Texas La Frontera. (Series Finale) N Oil. N M (10:15) The Quiet American ★★★ Coco (2017): Voices of Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal. To Be Announced: Programming to be announced. HBO2 L ★★★ Hidden Figures (2016): Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe. Family Guy L NBA Basketball College Basketball Alabama at Ole Miss Hannity S Ladybug BMF Moment of Truth. L Guy’s Grocery Games L N ★★★ Neighbors (2014): Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne. (7:45) ★★★ Cover Girl (1944): Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly, Eve Arden. L Seinfeld Ghost Adventures Perry Mason Guy’s Grocery Games Mom Shark Tank NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Minnesota Timberwolves M ★★ The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 ★★ White Boy Rick (2018): Matthew McConaughey. College Basketball Auburn at Tennessee Relentless Mom M ★★ Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010): Michael Douglas. Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue HISTORY American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers HLN Vengeance: Killer Lovers Vengeance: Killer Lovers Forensic Files ID See No Evil The Other Man. See No Evil The Big Guy. See No Evil Too Much Video. IFC Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men ION Blue Bloods Thicker Than Water. Blue Bloods Trust. LIFE Castle Married at First Sight LMN (6:00) Movie M MAGN Fixer Upper In With the Old METV M*A*S*H MGM Belgravia: The Next Chapter M Ambush (2023): Jonathan Rhys Meyers. M (9:45) Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation MOVIES! M M ★ Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974) M (9:50) ★ Earth vs. the Spider (1958) MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Catfish: The TV Show The Challenge Battle for a New Champion. NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru Trafficked NGWLD Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo OWN Dr. Phil Love It or List It Love It or List It First-Time Buy OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 6:30PM Two Half Men M*A*S*H (6:10) Godzilla vs. Megalon L PARAMNT Two Half Men 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Two Half Men 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM N Hunters N N Forensic Files Forensic Files N Two Half Men N Bev. Hillbillies L N Two Half Men Married Green Acres Hogan Heroes L Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness To Catch a Smuggler First-Time Buy Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Movie Movie POP Criminal Minds REELZ Cops Reloaded REWIND NewsRadio SCIENCE If We Built It Today If We Built It Today SHOW M (5:40) ★★★ Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) M ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): A disgraced journalist probes a 40-year-old murder. Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer. SHOW2 M NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded On Patrol: Live Burglary in Progress at Officer’s Home. NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Becker Just Shoot Me If We Built It Today N Becker Engineering Catastrophes ★★★★ Titanic (1997): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane. M M ★ Alex Cross (2012) (10:15) ★★ Golda (2023) SMITHSO Ice Airport Alaska Ice Airport Alaska Pararescue. Ice Airport Alaska Lifelines. Extreme Airport Africa STARTTV The Closer Home Improvement. Major Crimes Do Not Disturb. Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles M ★★★ You Won’t Be Alone (2022): A 19th-century witch takes the shape of a dead peasant. Noomi Rapace, Anamaria Marinca. STARZ N Fixer Upper Alex Wagner Tonight N M ★★★ Sabotage (2014): Arnold Schwarzenegger. M (10:55) ★ Firestarter STORY TV Nazi Hunters Erich Priebke. Nazi Hunters Josef Mengele. Nazi Hunters Kurt Lischka. Nazi Hunters Paul Touvier. SUND Law & Order Cost of Capital. Law & Order America, Inc.. Law & Order Law & Order Positive. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell TLC My Deadly Appetite My 600-lb Life: Dr. Now’s Most Memorable Cases Janine’s Story. TMC M (6:30) Wolves of War M TNT M (6:00) ★★ Assassin’s Creed NHL on TNT TRAVEL Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Blue Bloods Excessive Force. USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M VICE Dark Side of the Ring WEATH Storm Center WE TV NCIS Agent Afloat. N = NEW M ★★★ Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo. Big Bang (5:00) It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad... L L = LIVE S M Resident Alien 141 Seconds. L Modern Family Modern Family Storm of Suspicion ★★ Captive State (2019): John Goodman. S M Weather Gone Viral My 600-lb Life (9:50) Immanence (2022): Michael Beach. NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Edmonton Oilers Paranormal Caught on Camera ★★ Pineapple Express (2008): Seth Rogen, James Franco. Law & Order: SVU L Paranormal Caught on Camera M (10:15) Pineapple Express Raymond Law & Order: SVU ★★★ American Pie (1999): Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan. M Happy Gil. Dark Side of the Ring Nine Lives of Johnny Depp Nine Lives of Hulk Hogan Heavy Rescue: 401 Heavy Rescue: 401 Heavy Rescue: 401 NCIS Capitol Offense. NCIS Heartland. NCIS Nine Lives. = JGFIKJ N ★★★ Grand Prix (1966): James Garner, Eva Marie Saint, Yves Montand. Law & Order: SVU (5:30) ★★★ Knocked Up = MOVIE All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite M N Movie Fixer Upper Andy Griffith Forensic Files Blue Bloods Stirring the Pot. You’re Not Supposed to Be Here (2023): Chrishell Stause. Andy Griffith House Hunters Murder Under Friday Lights Two Half Men Prison Brides N N 10:30PM 9:30PM American Pickers Blue Bloods By Hook or by Crook. All In With Chris Hayes Two Half Men 9:00PM 8:00PM N T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  59
PRIMETIME EASTERN THURSDAY, FEB. 29 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming To Be Announced CBS Local Programming Sheldon THE CW Local Programming The Conners The Conners Son/Critch FOX Local Programming Next Level Chef N Farmer Wants a Wife NBC Local Programming Law & Order PBS PBS NewsHour A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL I Was Prey 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N 9:00PM 8:00PM N So Help Me Todd N Ask This Old House The First 48 Critical Minutes N I Was Prey 3’s Company N N N The Jeffersons N Local Programming N Law & Order: Organized Cr. Planet California: Rivers of Gold. N Planet California: Close Encounters. N Taking the Stand M Undercover: Caught on Tape N ★★ Rampage (2018): Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris. I Was Prey Barney Miller Barney Miller BBCA M ★★ Caddyshack (1980): Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield. M BET M (6:00) ★ Acrimony (2018): Taraji P. Henson, Lyriq Bent. Tyler Perry’s Sistas BRAVO Summer House Summer House N Local Programming I Was Prey The Jeffersons 10:30PM 9:30PM Elsbeth: Series Premiere. Children Law & Order: SVU (6:00) ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 (2015) ANTENNA 3’s Company 10:00PM 9:00PM To Be Announced Ghosts This Old House 9:30PM 8:30PM Johnny Carson ★★★ The Goonies (1985): Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen. Summer House Tyler Perry’s The Oval N Watch What Summer CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: Eyes of the Beholder. Grimm: The Good Soldier. The X-Files: Space. The X-Files: Fallen Angel. COOKING Best Thing Ate Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods COZI Bones: Yanks in the U.K.. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne DISC Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! DISNEY Big City Green Big City Green Hailey’s On It! Hailey’s On It! Moon Girl Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat E! M (6:00) Dodgeball: A True Un. M ★★★ Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004): Vince Vaughn. Botched: You’re So Vein. ENCORE M (5:40) Broadcast News M ★★★ Talk to Me (2007): Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor. BMF ESPN S Women’s College Basketball: Virginia Tech at Notre Dame. ESPN2 S College Basketball: Memphis at East Carolina. FETV Quincy, M.E.: The Last Six Hours. Perry Mason FMC (6:15) Lonesome Dove: Leaving. M FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S (6:30) College Basketball L FREEFM M (5:15) ★★★ Spider-Man FX M ★★★ Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021): Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch. FXM M (5:45) ★★★ Hidden Figures (2016) FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I. GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second The $100,000 Pyramid HALL M (6:00) Paging Mr. Darcy HALLMV M Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries: Riddled With Deceit (2020) HBO M (6:05) ★★★ Up in the Air (2009): George Clooney. Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO2 (7:20) Last Week Tonight M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: The Enemy Within. Sanford & Son (6:15) ★★ Jennifer’s Body Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★ Scary Movie 2 (2001) Mom M Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office Best Thing Ate Beat Bobby L Bob’s Burgers The Office L The Office L The Office N S L Mom CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office NHL Hockey: Colorado Avalanche at Chicago Blackhawks. S Women’s College Basketball: LSU at Georgia. Beat Bobby Hannity N N (10:55) BMF S L L Emergency!: Weird Wednesday. (8:15) ★★★ Affair in Trinidad (1952): Rita Hayworth. M Beat Bobby (10:15) ★★ Black Magic Beat Bobby L Gutfeld! College Basketball: Michigan at Rutgers. Beat Bobby N L S Basketball ★★★ Spider-Man 2 (2004): Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco. Family Guy M M Spider-Man: No Way Home ★★★ The Help (2011): Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Bryce Dallas Howard. Family Guy The Rockford Files 60E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; L Perry Mason Beat Bobby Dumb 2 Shark Tank The Office L M Mom Source With Kaitlan Collins Jesse Watters Primetime M Mom Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 M (9:25) ★★ Scary Movie 3 (2003): Anna Faris. Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files Kojak ★★ The Quick and the Dead (1987): Sam Elliott, Tom Conti. Wheel of Fort. M Wheel of Fort. Sense and Sensibility (2024): Bethany Antonia. M Family Guy ★★ Stagecoach (1966) Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries: Ships in the Night (2021) To Be Announced ★★ Now You See Me (2013): Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. M Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M ★★ Now You See Me 2 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN THURSDAY, FEB. 29 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Married to Real Estate Married to Real Estate HISTORY Swamp People Swamp People: Gator Stakes. HLN Lies, Crimes & Video Lies, Crimes & Video Forensic Files ID Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago P.D.: The Silos. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: All Cylinders Firing. LIFE Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising LMN To Be Announced M MAGN Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Barnwood Builders METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (6:10) ★★★ Private Parts M ★★★ National Lampoon’s Animal House MOVIES! M (6:10) Bad for Each Other M ★★ The House on Telegraph Hill (1951): Richard Basehart. MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore Family Vacat. NATGEO Lost Treasures of Rome Lost Treasures of Rome Rise and Fall of the Maya NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN 20/20 on OWN: Bad Blood. 20/20 on OWN: Gypsy Blanchard. 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans 7:30PM 6:30PM Two/Half Men M*A*S*H L 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM Married to Real Estate N Two/Half Men Andy Griffith L N Hunt Intl Forensic Files Two/Half Men N N N N Forensic Files 10:30PM 9:30PM Hunters Int’l Swamp People Forensic Files Two/Half Men Chicago P.D. Baby N Baby N To Be Announced N Building Off the Grid Green Acres M Ridiculousness Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes (9:50) ★★ Class (1983): Jacqueline Bisset. Alex Wagner Tonight N N 10:00PM 9:00PM Swamp People: Serpent In. Lonely Crime Fanatic (2024): Brenna Skalski. All In With Chris Hayes 9:30PM 8:30PM M L ★★ Shock (1946) Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness L Ridiculousness Uncovering the Ancient World PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds REELZ Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Cops Cops Cops REWIND NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Becker Becker SCIENCE Mysteries of the Abandoned SHOW M (6:35) ★★ Last Holiday (2006): A terminally ill woman lives it up on vacation. Queen Latifah. SHOW2 M Mysteries of the Abandoned M Mysteries of the Abandoned Kokomo City (2023) Mysteries of the Abandoned (9:45) The Woman in the Wall: A Little Resurrection. ★★★★ The Godfather (1972): Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan. M The Godfather, Part II SMITHSO Apocalypse Apocalypse Apocalypse Apocalypse STARTTV The Closer: Death Warrant. Major Crimes: Two Options. Major Crimes: Cutting Loose. Rizzoli & Isles M (7:45) ★★ Ambulance (2022): Thieves must outrun the law after hijacking an ambulance. Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Eiza González. M Django Unchained STARZ M American Hustle M ★★★ The Black Phone (2022): Ethan Hawke. STORY TV Conspiracy? The Hunt for John Wilkes Booth SUND Law & Order: Release. Law & Order: Deadlock. Law & Order: Corner Office. Law & Order SYFY Quantum Leap Quantum Leap Quantum Leap Quantum Leap TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell: Road to Ruin. Highway Thru Hell: Heartburn. Storm of Suspicion Weather Gone Viral TLC Little People, Big World My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life TMC M M TNT NBA Tip-Off TRAVEL World’s Most Unexplained World’s Most Unexplained: Don’t Look Away. TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Sins of the Father. Hudson & Rex USA Law & Order: SVU M ★★★ The Avengers (2012): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. VH1 M M ★★ Happy Gilmore (1996): Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald, Julie Bowen. VICE Nine Lives of Hulk Hogan WEATH Storm Center WE TV 9-1-1: Red Flag. N = NEW M Big Bang (6:15) Midnight in Paris (6:35) V for Vengeance L S L M Big Bang Big Bang L = LIVE S Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ The Quiet Man (1952): John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, Barry Fitzgerald. ★★★ Miller’s Crossing (1990): Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney. NBA Basketball: Golden State Warriors at New York Knicks. (5:30) ★★★ American Pie = MOVIE Big Bang Found: Lincoln’s Letter. N L N M M ★★★ Bad Lieutenant S NBA Basketball L Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch Blue Bloods: Baggage. Blue Bloods: Home Sweet Home. Naked and Afraid: Alligator Alley. Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Search Party Search Party Search Party Bold & Bougie Bold & Bougie = JGFIKJ Giant N M Simple Fav. Bold & Bougie T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  61
PRIMETIME EASTERN FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Shark Tank CBS Local Programming S.W.A.T.: Good for Nothing. THE CW Local Programming Penn & Teller: Fool Us FOX Local Programming S NBC Local Programming Password PBS 7:30PM 6:30PM PBS NewsHour A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL Tanked N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 20/20 N N 9:30PM 8:30PM Funny Kids N N Firing Line/ Hoover N The First 48 Animals ANTENNA 3’s Company 3’s Company BBCA M BET To Be Announced BRAVO M N Local Programming N Craft in America: Music. Craft in America: Harmony. The First 48 The First 48 M ★★★ Lethal Weapon 2 (1989): Mel Gibson. Tanked The Jeffersons The Jeffersons ★★ The Three Musketeers (1993): Charlie Sheen. Tanked Barney Miller M M Barney Miller Johnny Carson ★★ Highlander (1986): Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery. Fresh Prince (5:15) ★★★ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire N Local Programming ★★★ Lethal Weapon (1987): Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey. Tanked Blue Bloods: Fear No Evil. L Dateline NBC Washington Week N 10:30PM 9:30PM N Fire Country WWE Friday Night SmackDown 10:00PM 9:00PM Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (2014): Jennifer Lawrence. CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT King of Queen CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: Mommy Dearest. Grimm: Once We Were Gods. The X-Files: Beyond the Sea. The X-Files: Genderbender. COOKING Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship COZI Bones Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne DISC Gold Rush: White Water Gold Rush DISNEY Jessie Jessie M Disney’s Magi Raven’s Home E! M Creed M ★★ Con Air (1997): Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, John Malkovich. ENCORE M Rundown M ★ Bulletproof (1996): Damon Wayans. ESPN NBA Count. L S NBA Basketball: Dallas Mavericks at Boston Celtics: From TD Garden in Boston. ESPN2 S L S Women’s College Gymnastics FETV Quincy, M.E. Perry Mason FMC (6:00) Lonesome Dove M FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S FREEFM Family Guy FX M FXM To Be Announced To Be Announced FXX Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I. GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) Hearts Down Under HALLMV M Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Honeymoon, Honeymurder HBO M (6:30) ★★ Date Night (2010): Steve Carell, Tina Fey. M ★★ San Andreas (2015): A rescue pilot must save his family after an earthquake. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. HBO2 (7:25) Last Week Tonight M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: Mudd’s Women. Sanford & Son (6:15) ★ Paranoia (2013) King of Queen L Gymnast. All in Family M ★★ XXX (2002): Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, Marton Csokas. Mom Mom Mom American Greed L The Office Diners, Drive L (6:30) NASCAR Xfinity Family Guy (5:30) Thor: The Dark World Bob’s Burgers L Frasier The Office N L The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office N The Jungle Book (2016): Neel Sethi, voice of Bill Murray. M L S M ★★★ Creed (2015) ★★ Happy Gilmore (1996): Adam Sandler. L S M Perry Mason L Emergency!: Dilemma. ★★ Big Jake (1971): John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O’Hara. Diners, Drive Diners N Hannity NASCAR RaceDay - NCTS L S Family Guy Family Guy Diners, Drive M Diners, Drive L Gutfeld! Happened Diners, Drive N NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy ★★ Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021): Tom Hardy. Bob’s Burgers Billy Mad. L NBA Basketball College Basketball: Dayton at Loyola-Chicago. L M CMT Campfire Sessions Frasier Jesse Watters Primetime M ★★ XXX: State of the Union American Greed Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Rockford Files 62E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mom American Greed Anderson Cooper 360 The Office M M Family Guy Venom: Let There Be Carn. To Be Announced Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers The Rockford Files Kojak: Out of the Frying Pan. ★★★ The Guns of Fort Petticoat (1957): Audie Murphy. Wheel of Fort. M Wheel of Fort. Christmas Island (2023): Rachel Skarsten, Andrew Walker. M Bob’s Burgers ★★★ Colorado Territory Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted by Murder (2022) Real Time With Bill Maher ★★★ Trainwreck (2015): Amy Schumer, Bill Hader. M Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M L ★★★ The Skeleton Twins Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream N 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM Dream Home Hunters N Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens How It Really Happened How It Really Happened Forensic Files To Be Announced Very Scary People Very Scary People M (7:15) ★★★ Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982): Sean Penn. M N Forensic Files Forensic Files Bull: Absolution. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy To Be Announced To Be Announced Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beach Cott. M*A*S*H Andy Griffith M (6:20) ★ Snake Eyes (1998) M (5:55) ★★ St. Ives (1976) M The ReidOut L Forensic Files (9:15) ★★ Sixteen Candles (1984): Molly Ringwald. Bull M*A*S*H N Very Scary People Bull: Keep Your Friends Close. M House Hunters The Proof Is Out There Bull: Kill Shot. N 10:30PM 9:30PM To Be Announced Beach Cott. N Andy Griffith Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes Green Acres Hogan Heroes ★★★ Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015): Tom Cruise. M (10:15) Terminator Genisys ★★ The Evil (1978): Richard Crenna, Joanna Pettet. M The Ninth Configuration All In With Chris Hayes L Alex Wagner Tonight N L Last Word With Lawrence N (6:30) RuPaul’s Drag Race RuPaul’s Drag Race To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Ready to Love: Meet the Friends. Ready to Love Ready to Love Ready to Love: Meet the Friends. Sin City Murders Buried in the Backyard Buried in the Backyard To Be Announced Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Untucked L N To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Law & Order To Be Announced (5:00) On Patrol: Live On Patrol: First Shift N On Patrol: Live 19 $ N 64% PLUS FREE STANDARD SHIPPING* BELOW ESTIMATED RETAIL VALUE OF $53 “She Believed She Could, So She Did” adjustable bar bracelet in sterling silver USE CODE: BELIEVE24 • 866-244-1760 • jtv.com/gentle Item: SPA033 REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV N = NEW M NewsRadio NewsRadio Hunting Atlantis Sabrina, Witch One coupon code per customer; one coupon code per order. Offer valid through March 18, 2024 at 11:59p ET. While supplies last. *Restrictions apply. See jtv.com for details. Sabrina, Witch Hunting Atlantis Just Shoot Me Hunting Atlantis M (7:15) ★★ Golda (2023): Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber. M (6:00) ★★ The Whale (2022) M Just Shoot Me M Becker Becker Hunting Atlantis ★★★ Gladiator (2000): Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. ★★★ Past Lives (2023): Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro. M ★★ Indecent Proposal Air Disasters Air Disasters Air Disasters: Steep Impact. Air Disasters The Closer: Fresh Pursuit. Major Crimes: Sweet Revenge. Major Crimes: Zoo Story. Rizzoli & Isles M BMF: Detroit vs Everybody. (6:15) Honk for Jesus. Save N Hightown: Chekhov’s Gun. N BMF Hightown Modern Marvels: Built by Hand. Modern Marvels: Start to Finish. Modern Marvels: Grease. Modern Marvels NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS To Be Announced Big Bang M Big Bang (6:00) Guess Who’s Coming Highway Thru Hell ★★ White House Down (2013): Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx. M ★★★★ Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936): Gary Cooper. Highway Thru Hell Love & Translation: Amor Song. M M (6:30) ★★ Snow Day M M Storm of Suspicion 90 Day Fiancé: More to Love: Happily Ever Afters. ★★★ Clueless (1995): Alicia Silverstone. M 90 Day N 90 Day ★★ The DUFF (2015): Mae Whitman. S To Be Announced The Dead Files A Letter to Three Wives Weather Gone Viral N M Angel Has All Elite Wrestling L The Dead Files: The Gateway. The Dead Files: Deadly Intruder. The Dead Files: Dark Soul. Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Blue Bloods: In the Box. M ★★★ Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003): Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush. M (5:30) ★★ Boomerang Forged in Fire: The Boar Spear. Storm Center L Law & Order: Whiplash. = MOVIE L = LIVE S M M ★★★ Friends With Benefits (2011): Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. Pirates of Caribbean: Dead M The Wash ★★★★ Stand by Me (1986) Forged in Fire: Xiphos Sword. Forged in Fire: Cavalry Saber. M Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: Not to Hot = JGFIKJ N Mama June: From Not to Hot T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  63
PRIMETIME EASTERN SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Local Programming NBA S CBS Local Programming FBI: International THE CW S FOX FOX College Hoops Tip-Off NBC Local Programming The Wall Antiques Roadshow Bismarck American Masters Marian Anderson: The Whole World in Her Hands. NOVA Reef Rescue. The First 48 Killer Cases PBS 7:30PM 6:30PM S Basketball 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Los Angeles Lakers FBI: Most Wanted L S L 48 Hours (7:45) College Basketball Clemson at Notre Dame L 10:30PM 9:30PM N Local Programming College Basketball Michigan State at Purdue L Local Programming Weakest Link Saturday Night Live Hour 1. A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL My Cat From Hell (5:30) ★★ Mr. & Mrs. Smith ANTENNA Barney Miller Barney Miller BBCA (7:20) Planet Earth III N BET M (5:00) Tyler Perry’s Why Did BRAVO M Hunger .. M M The First 48 ★★★ Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol (2011): Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg. My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Maude Bunker The Jeffersons Maude M M Bunker The Jeffersons (8:45) ★★★ The Last Samurai (2003): Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe. ★★ Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010): Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson. ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 (2015): Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. M Con Air CARTOON Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family CINEMAX M CMT (5:30) Movie CNBC Undercover Boss CNN CNN Newsroom N COMEDY (5:00) Movie Movie COMET Grimm Mr. Sandman. Grimm Thanks for the Memories. Grimm Skin Deep. The 51st Annual Saturn Awards COOKING Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America COZI Emergency! Columbo DISC Expedition X Expedition X Killer Sasquatch. DISNEY (6:15) Movie Movie E! M (6:30) ★★★ Pretty Woman (1990): Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. ENCORE M Billy Mad. ESPN S (6:00) College Basketball L S College Basketball Tennessee at Alabama. ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L S College Basketball Houston at Oklahoma. FETV Quincy, M.E. FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N The Big Weekend Show FOX SP S NASCAR FREEFM M (6:10) ★★ The Proposal (2009) FX M ★★ Father Stu (2022): Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, Jacki Weaver. FXM (6:00) Movie FXX The Simpsons GETTV Walker, Texas Ranger Days Past. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) The Wedding Cottage HALLMV M True Justice: Family Ties (2024): Katherine McNamara. HBO M (5:45) ★★ Blue Beetle (2023): Xolo Maridueña. HBO2 M H&I Black Sheep Squadron (6:25) ★★ Poltergeist M ★★★ Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014): Colin Firth. M ★★ Paycheck (2003) Movie M Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program South Park Columbo Perry Mason Diners, Drive S L Diners, Drive Expedition X Death Island. Expedition X Amphibia ★★ Happy Gilmore (1996): Adam Sandler. (6:00) ★★ Big Jake (1971): John Wayne. Gabby Duran M ★★★ My Cousin Vinny (1992): Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei. M ★★★ Grind House: Planet Terror (2007) L L M N Diners, Drive One Nation Diners, Drive (5:00) ★★★ Tombstone Split Second Family Guy S College Basketball L M Saturday Night S Angels Diners, Drive N L NRL Rugby M ★★ Father Stu (2022) Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Family Guy The Rockford Files ★★★ Conagher (1991): Sam Elliott, Katharine Ross, Barry Corbin. Pyramid Family Feud M Tour of Duty The Raid. Family Feud True Grit Family Feud Taking the Reins (2021) CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood. To Be Announced: Programming to be announced. M M M Guiding Emily (2023): Sarah Drew, Eric McCormack. ★★★ Everest (2015): Jason Clarke, Josh Brolin, John Hawkes. 64E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; L Movie The $100,000 Pyramid M College Basketball (8:50) ★★ Footloose (1984): Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, John Lithgow. Walker, Texas Ranger M S Diners, Drive N L Grindhouse Emergency! Hangup. Movie Family Guy M ★★ Johnny Cool (1963): Henry Silva, Elizabeth Montgomery. Diners, Drive Life, Liberty & Levin Big City Green M Perry Mason College Basketball Xavier at Georgetown The Simpsons South Park Real Time With Bill Maher ★★★ I, Tonya (2017): Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan. Tour of Duty Payback. N = NEW Combat! M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM HGTV House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters HISTORY The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained HLN Sex & Murder Sex & Murder Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Vengeance: Killer Coworkers ID To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Fatal Vows IFC M ION Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU LIFE (6:00) Movie M LMN (6:00) Movie Movie MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Maine Cabin Masters METV Stooges Svengoolie The Invisible Man’s Revenge. MGM M (6:20) ★★ 80 for Brady M ★★★ Bottoms (2023): Rachel Sennott. MOVIES! M (5:45) ★★ Eyewitness M ★★★ Ocean’s Eleven (1960): Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. MSNBC Ayman MTV M NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid Border NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC OXYGEN Cold Justice Beloved Veteran. Cold Justice Silenced. (7:15) ★★ Sixteen Candles (1984): Molly Ringwald. Stooges L M House Hunters Fatal Vows (9:15) ★★ Caddyshack (1980): Chevy Chase. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Single Black Female 2: Simone’s Revenge (2024): Amber Riley. Ayman (5:30) ★★ The Heat (2013) M N 10:30PM 9:30PM N Movie Movie Maine Cabin Masters L Maine Cabin Masters N Batman M ★★ Dog (2022): Channing Tatum. The Rachel Maddow Show N N Border N N Love & Marriage: DC Kill or Be Killed N Hustler M Daddy’s Ayman ★ Baywatch (2017): Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, Priyanka Chopra. N M Trafficked w/ Mariana van Vet 9-1-1 N Vet 9-1-1 N N Love & Marriage: DC Snapped Liz Golyar. PARAMNT Movie Movie POP (6:00) Movie NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans REELZ (5:00) On Patrol: Live On Patrol: First Shift On Patrol: Live REWIND Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Diff. Strokes SCIENCE What on Earth? SHOW M (5:45) ★★★★ Titanic (1997): Oscar-winning account of the doomed 1912 ocean liner. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. SHOW2 M Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch What on Earth? (6:00) ★★★ Collateral M NCIS: New Orleans Diff. Strokes What on Earth? Diff. Strokes Diff. Strokes What on Earth? M War Pony (2022): Two young Oglala Lakota men navigate their paths to manhood. Jojo Bapteise Whiting, LaDainian Crazy Thunder. ★★★ Minority Report (2002): Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton. M Tropic Thu. SMITHSO To Be Announced STARTTV The Closer CSI: Cyber Flash Squad. BMF Detroit vs Everybody. STARZ STORY TV Digging for the Truth CSI: Cyber Legacy. Rizzoli & Isles M ★★ Jurassic World Dominion (2022): Dinosaurs now live and hunt alongside humans. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern. Digging for the Truth Digging for the Truth BMF Detroit vs Everybody. Digging for the Truth SUND M ★★ The Magnificent Seven (2016): Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke. M ★★★ The Last Samurai SYFY M (2:00) ★★ Nerve (2016): Emma Roberts, Dave Franco, Juliette Lewis. M ★★ Nerve (2016) TBS M (5:15) White House Down Big Bang M ★★★ Transformers (2007) TCM M (5:45) ★★★★ East of Eden M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Weird Earth Weird Earth SOS: How to Survive TLC 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day Diaries S.O.S. 90 Day Diaries Dancing Queen. 90 Day Diaries I Have a Dream. TMC M (6:00) ★★ The Yards M ★★ Footloose (2011): Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough. M ★★★ Saturday Night Fever TNT M (4:45) ★★★ Dune (2021) S All Elite Wrestling: Collision M ★★ Jason Bourne (2016) TRAVEL NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP M Baked With a Kiss (2022): Jonathan Stoddard, Ansley Gordon. USA M (7:15) ★★ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007): Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley. VH1 M (6:00) ★★★ Boyz N the Hood (1991) VICE M ★★★★ Stand by Me (1986): Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix. WEATH Deep Water Salvage Highway Thru Hell Fast: Home Rescue WE TV NCIS Bounce. NCIS South by Southwest. NCIS Knockout. N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★ Lincoln (2012): Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn. M M M Man for... When Duty Calls (2016): Daniella Monet, Kelly Blatz. M Pirates ★★ Red (2010): Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich. M ★★★ Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003): Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. N Highway Thru Hell NCIS Hide and Seek. T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  65
PRIMETIME EASTERN SUNDAY, MARCH 3 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I Funniest Home Videos 60 Minutes 7:30PM 6:30PM N N I Am Jackie O 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM American Idol N The Equalizer N Night Court 9:30PM 8:30PM N Tracker CSI: Vegas The Conners The Simpsons M Krapopolis Hotel Portofino Returns. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals N Great North The Conners N Lone Star Law N Grimsburg WWE Legends N Local Programming Drew Carey M Young Gun M M Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Hotel Portofino N The Walking Dead: The Ones Lone Star Law Drew Carey Wardens of the North Drew Carey Drew Carey Family Ties N The Walking Dead: The Ones N Wardens of the North Family Ties Family Ties ★★ Young Guns II (1990): Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. N Real Housewives of Potomac Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family (5:45) ★★ The Promise King of Queens Shark Tank M Family Ties ★★ The Magnificent Seven BET Star Cinema Real Housewives of Potomac M Married to Medicine N Watch What Housewives American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family ★★ Body of Lies (2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens M King of Queens ★★ Predators (2010) King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank CNN Newsroom L CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park M (6:00) ★ Crocodile (2000) Carnival Eats Carnival Eats South Park The X-Files Shapes. Carnival Eats Yum-Yummer Man v. Food Carnival Eats (6:00) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Colombian Cave Women. Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green M Pitch Perf. Movie M ★★★ Grindhouse: Death Proof (2007): Kurt Russell. S NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Cleveland Cavaliers. S Basket. Quincy, M.E. Speed Trap. Big City Green S Naked and Afraid The Monster. Big City Green L Life, Liberty & Levin Women’s College Basketball Purdue at Michigan M (6:10) ★★ Footloose (1984): Kevin Bacon. M (4:30) Pirates of Caribbean Movie (7:45) Movie The Simpsons The Simpsons Walker, Texas Ranger S (6:00) ★★ Yuma (1971) Split Second M N L M NBA Basketball Oklahoma City at Phoenix. Perry Mason Emergency! Crash. M Sunday Night S L ★★ Man in the Saddle (1951): Randolph Scott, Joan Leslie. N Bobby’s Triple Threat N The Big Weekend Show College Basketball Stanford at Colorado L (8:45) ★★★ The Parent Trap (1998): Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. ★★ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011): Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz. Movie Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Walker, Texas Ranger M The Simpsons The Simpsons Walker, Texas Ranger Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files ★★★ Lawman (1971): Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, Lee J. Cobb. The $100,000 Pyramid Pyramid The Way Home M Garage Sale Mysteries: Searched & Seized (2020): Lori Loughlin. M (6:45) To Be Announced Star Trek M M Family Feud N Dakota Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers (2024) The Regime: Series premiere. ★★★ Up in the Air (2009): George Clooney, Vera Farmiga. 66E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; ★★★ Pitch Perfect (2012) World of X Games Winter in Vail (2020): Lacey Chabert, Tyler Hynes. Sarah Connor Chronicles Big City Green World of X Games M M Big City Green ★★ The Bone Collector (1999): Denzel Washington. Tournament of Champions The Stakes Have Never Been Higher. S Switch N L UFC Archival Man v. Food Monk Big City Green M Perry Mason Guy’s Grocery Games M Monk ★★★ Gunfighters (1947): Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton. The Big Weekend Show Yum-Yummer M Bad Beats South Park The X-Files Miracle Man. Monk M South Park The X-Files E.B.E. Bones L N Local Programming N Hotel Portofino Alliances. (6:00) ★★★ Iron Man (2008): Robert Downey Jr. King of Queens 10:30PM 9:30PM ★★★ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001): Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. Antiques Roadshow M 10:00PM 9:00PM What Would You Do? N Next Level Chef M 9:00PM 8:00PM N Enthusiasm Enthusiasm ★★★ The Informant! (2009): Matt Damon. Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M M Greenland Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN SUNDAY, MARCH 3 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Home Town Tickled Pink. Home Town HISTORY The Food That Built America The Food That Built America The Food That Built America HLN Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People ID To Be Announced To Be Announced Evil Lives Here IFC Raymond Raymond Raymond ION NCIS Reasonable Doubts. NCIS Charade. LIFE (6:00) Movie M Alone in the Dark (2022): Novi Brown, Terrell Carter. Movie LMN (6:00) Movie M Lonely Crime Fanatic (2024): Brenna Skalski. Movie MAGN Fixer Upper Fixer Upper METV M*A*S*H MGM M (6:50) ★★ A Good Person (2023): Florence Pugh. MOVIES! M (6:25) ★★ Desperate (1947) MSNBC Ayman MTV Ridiculousness NATGEO Wicked Tuna NGWLD Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo: Down OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Deadly Business. OXYGEN Sin City Murders Kill or Be Killed Snapped Kelly Cochran. Snapped Marie Strickland. PARAMNT Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue POP Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live REWIND My Two Dads SCIENCE Unearthed Unearthed Lost Cities of the Jungle SHOW M (5:00) ★★★★ The Godfather (1972): Marlon Brando. Mayor of Kingstown Santa M ★★ Beau Is Afraid (2023): A paranoid man embarks on an odyssey to get home to his mom. Joaquin Phoenix, Patti LuPone. SHOW2 The Woman in the Wall M 7:30PM 6:30PM Raymond M*A*S*H L 8:00PM 7:00PM N N M My Two Dads 9:30PM 8:30PM Raymond 10:00PM 9:00PM N Hunters N N Raymond NCIS Return to Sender. All in Family Ridiculousness N My Two Dads My Two Dads Jesus. N Psychopath Psychopath Raymond Raymond Fixer Upper Space to Thrive. All in Family Ed Sullivan All in Family Ridiculousness Wicked Tuna N The Food That Built America Fixer Upper: Welcome Home N Carol Burnett Belgravia: The Next Chapter M Prime: Weekend Ridiculousness House Hunters NCIS Homefront. Belgravia: The Next Chapter L N ★★★ Flamingo Road (1949) Inside With Jen Psaki Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Secrets of the Zoo: Down N N N Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Hogan Family Hogan Family Hogan Family Hogan Family M War Pony (2022): Jojo Bapteise Whiting. Freedom’s Path (2022) Extreme Airport Africa Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer Road Block. CSI: Cyber Kidnapping 2.0. CSI: Cyber CMND:/Crash. Rizzoli & Isles BMF Detroit vs Everybody. Hightown Biography Eleanor Roosevelt. Biography Jacqueline Kennedy. STORY TV Biography Molly Brown. N Operation: Pet Rescue Air Disasters M (6:15) ★★ Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul (2022) Ridiculousness Last of the Giants SMITHSO Air Disasters STARZ 10:30PM 9:30PM Very Scary People ★★ This Woman Is Dangerous (1952): Joan Crawford. Wicked Tuna N 9:00PM 8:00PM Small Town Potential All in Family Ayman Ridiculousness 8:30PM 7:30PM M (9:50) ★★ Robin Hood (2010): Marauders confront corruption in a local village. Russell Crowe. Biography Queen Noor. SUND M (6:30) ★★★ The Last Samurai (2003): Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, Timothy Spall. M ★★★★ The Terminator SYFY M ★★ Battleship (2012): Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna. M ★★ Moonfall (2022) TBS M (5:00) ★★★ Transformers Big Bang TCM M (6:00) ★★★ The Goodbye Girl M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Cold Gold. Weird Earth TLC (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé TMC M (5:55) ★★ Southpaw (2015) TNT M ★★★ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983): Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. TRAVEL Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men UP M USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M (6:00) ★★ Red (2010): Bruce Willis. VICE M (6:30) ★★★ Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003): Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. WEATH Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Timber Titans WE TV S.W.A.T. Vagabundo. S.W.A.T. Madrugada. S.W.A.T. 27 David. N = NEW M M Big Bang L = LIVE Weird Earth = JGFIKJ Big Bang M Big Bang ★★★★ To Kill a Mockingbird SOS: How to Survive N Love & Translation N ★★★ The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie. Law & Order: SVU Disrobed. S Big Bang ★★★ A Double Life (1947): Ronald Colman, Signe Hasso. The Single’s Guidebook (2022): Meggan Kaiser, Philip Boyd. = MOVIE Big Bang M M M N Rogue One: Star Wars Story Jack Osbourne’s Night of Terror The Wedding Do Over (2018): Nicole Gale Anderson. Law & Order: SVU Smoked. Law & Order: SVU ★★ Red 2 (2013): Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker. M ★★★ Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004): Uma Thurman, David Carradine. N The Earth Unlocked N S.W.A.T. Sentinel. T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  67
SEASON PREMIERE Wednesday, March 6, 8/7c, Fox 8H?J?I>I?D=;HH?J7EhWhas big i^e[s or is that ^_]^ ^[[bi?) jo \_bl as she ij[fs in \or D_Yebe IY^[hp_d]er ed the hit Y[b[Xh_jo#_d#Z_i]k_ie ]k[ising ]Wc[$(The h[]# kbar fWd[b_it is WmWy j^_s i[Wion jo ijar in jhe BedZed fheZkYtion ef Sunset Boulevard.) But Eha (right) is kf jo the jask X[YWkie i^[’s done this X[\ehe…on j^[ K$A$l[hsion ef The Masked Singer$ “She’s a Zh[Wc"”iWos [n[Ykj_le fheZkY[r @Wc[i 8h[[d$“She Xh_d]s a i_d][h’s [Wh"but i^[’s Wbio l[ho icWht on the Ybk[i$It mWi^Whd jo ikhfh_ie ^[h"Xkjm[ Z_Z$One ef her idols turned out jo be under the cWia this i[Wied"and it mas Wh[Wbby _dYh[Z_Xbe moment je i[e her \WYe when it Yame e\\$” Eha m_bl be Z[ciphering Ybk[s Wbong with h[jkhd_d] fWd[b_ijs Hobin J^_Ya["Aen @[ong and @[ddy CY9Whj^o# MW^bX[hg (plus ^eit Nick 9Wdded$“RitW’s Xhought W d[w [d[h]o"”8h[en dej[i$“SkYY[iiful fanels Whe b_a[ lightning in a Xejjb[$Within ^Wbf an ^ekh"me m[h[ b_a["‘This is WcWp_d]$It’s b_ae j^[o’he ebd \h_[dZi$’ ” The \hWdY^_ie is fkbling out Wbl the ijefs \or the ', Yecf[j_jehs in I[Wion 11: Themed d_]^js Y[b[XhWj[ The Wizard of Oz"8_bby @e[b"Gk[en and ]_hl ]hekfi$Fbki" j^[he Whe [dYeh[s ef TV Theme Night and “SoundtrWYa ef My B_\["”with ied]s h[fh[ienting a[y cec[dji \hom [ach f[h\ehc[h’s fWij$ But b[t’s jalk about j^eie [bWXehWje and Yebeh\kb Yeijkc[s! On Z[ck this i[Wion: =kcXWbb"IjWh\_i^" B_pWhd and one book adewn i_cfby as K]by Im[Wj[h$ “U]by Im[Wjer is \kd"”8h[en h[l[Wbi$“Until oou i[[ _j"oou Zed’t h[Wbby adew what it’s ]oing jo book b_a[$ =kcXWbl mas a Z[sign m[’ve WbmWos mWdjed jo cWa[" but m[’d d[ler gk_je YhWYaed ^ew jo YedijhkYt _j$M[ \_dWbby did _j$And then =ebdfish is one ef the ceij X[Wkj_\kb"]bWcehous Yeijkc[s m[’ve done in a m^_b[$” On a i^ew that’s included big and laried) dWc[i b_ae =bWZos Ad_]^j">Wdied"Dick Lan :oa["9^h_ij_[ 8h_dab[o"J#FW_d"Hob =hedaemski and ceh["m^e’s ed Z[ck dem? “I mekbd iWy j^_i"”8h[en j[Wi[i$“No ed[ i^ekbd c_is the \_hit [f_ieZ["and no one i^ekbd c_ii the \_hit h[l[Wb"Xeth X[YWkie ef ^ew it ^Wff[ns WdZ who it _i$”=[t oour ]k[ii[s h[ady! —John Hogan 68  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; PICK OF THE WEEK! <EN The Masked Singer
MOVIES 8:06am/ The Unbearable 7:06c and Weight of 7:11/6:11c Massive Talent (2022) Starz Edge 9:55am/ Bugsy (1991) 8:55c HDNet Movies 10am/9c The Little Foxes (1941) TCM 12:25/ Down in the 11:25am c Valley (2006) Indieplex 3/2c Demolition Man (1993) AMC MasterChef Junior 6/5c Seven Brides SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, Fox ;len with Juniorin _js j_jb["j^[he is dething icWbb about the Wbb#W][s Wff[al ef =ehdon HWciWo’i f_dj#i_pe culinary Yecf[j_j_ed"dew in _js d_dj^ i[Wied$“The i[Yh[t _d]h[Z_[djs Whe h[Wbby l[ho i_cfbe: ^kceh"Wif_hation and \eeZ"”dej[i [n[Ykj_le fheZkYer :J Dkhh[$ The jWXbe is i[t \or Wdether hound ef okcco fbWj[s and fbWo\kbd[is [n hekje jo a $100K ]hWdZ fh_p[$@kZ][s =ehdon HWciWo":aphne Ez WdZ Bob Abishola 8/7c and 8:30/7:30c, CBS 9BE9AWISE <HOM JOP: <EX; ;VERETT 9EBB;9TION; :?I9EL;HO In XWYa#je#Xack [f_ieZ[i"8eX 8_bby =WhZ[bl) and 7X_i^ebW <ebWae Ebeme\eo[au) h[Yed# sider fWhenthood W\jer his i_i 9^h_itina CWh_X[th Cedhe[ h[l[als her iebo XWXy fbWdi" and 7X_i^ebW’s [x JWoo :Woe 7Z[) Yec[s jo :[jheit on W Xki_d[is jh_f"Yausing j^[ Yekfbe jo \[ar ^[’iabout je ]_le themthe Xki_d[ii$ LAST SEEN IN 2022 So You Think You Can Dance 7arón Sánchez h[jkhd"with =ehZed’s ZWk]^j[h J_bby WXel["i[Yond \hom b[\j"m_jh her ZWZ"Ep and Sánchez) joining them jo put \b[Z]b_d] \eeZ_[s W][s 8 jo '3 jo the j[ij$M^_be ceij Y^Wbb[d][s Yome with a side ef i_bbo"b_ae \[[Z_d] the >Whbem =beX[jhejj[hs or whipping kf [Wjs at Bes 7d][b[i’Magic 9Wijb["it’s WbmWoi _cfh[ii_le jo i[e ^ew i[h_ekiby j^[ie c_d_# CWij[hs jWae their Yeea_d]$—Damian Holbrook Seeking Sister Wife Rock the Block SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, TLC SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, HGTV <hom i[jXWYas jo ikYY[ii[i" the ZeYki[h_[s \ebbems \_l[ febo]amous \Wc_b_[i—jme h[turning Xeth \hom 9ebehW# do: Garrick and :Wdd_[bb[" X[bem"and D_Ya"7fh_b"@[dd_\[h and :Wd_[bb[) and j^h[e d[m ed[s—who Whe on the ^kdj jo add d[w c[cX[hs jo j^[_h hWdai$Bele is bel[ It’s ]hkZ]e cWjY^[s m_j^ XWYaifbWi^[s! <our h[jkhd_d] j[ams ef >=TV fhei"_dYbkZ_d] Unsellable Housesjwins BodZ# iWy Lamb and B[slie :Wl_i" ^Wle six m[[as and (+&"&&& jo hedo a gkWhj[t ef ^ec[i on the <borida mWj[h\hedj$J^[ ]hand fh_pe _dYbkZ[s ^Wl_d] a ijh[[t named in their ^edeh" but h[Wbbo"X[ating j^eir emd _dZkitry Yebb[W]k[s has ]ejjW be the X_]][it m_d$ SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, Fox Death by Fame The Wme-inspiring Yecf[j_j_ed a_Yas e\f I[Wion 18 with `kZ][i JoJo I_ma io ]h[at f[h\ehc_d] on Dick Lan :oa[’s X_hj^ZWo if[Y_Wb"CWasim 9^c[haelia_o Dancing With the Stars) WdZ SYTYCD7bb#Ijar 7bb_ion >eba[h$ @eieph Son ifee\ed a 8edZ l_bbain in '//7’s Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, but this [f_iode ef the jhk[ crime i^ew h[l[als a j[hh_\o_d] dark side hWf["cWdibWk]^j[h that [c[h]ed bWj[h$ for Seven Brothers (1954) TCM 6:07/5:07c Planet of and the Apes (1968) 12:43am/ Retroplex 11:43c 7:20/6:20c The Treasure and 11:30/ of the Sierra 10:30c Madre (1948) HDNet Movies 9:35/8:35c The Harvey and 1:45am/ Girls (1946) 12:45c HDNet Movies 9:56/8:56c Office Space (1999) Cinemax 10/9c Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) AMC 10:20/ Easter Parade 9:20c (1948) Movies! 11:28/ Only the Lonely 10:28c (1991) Starz Comedy 1:20am/ Never Goin’ 12:20c Back (2018) Cinemax 2:30am/ The Keys of the 1:30c Kingdom (1944) Movies! 9/8c, Investigation Discovery The Harvey Girls T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  69
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 MOVIES Alert: Missing Persons Unit SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, Fox Logan 9:30am/ Hell or High 8:30c Water (2016) AMC 10:20am/ Only the Brave 9:20c (2017) Starz Encore 2:25/1:25c The Hustler (1961) Movies! 4:35/3:35c Reds (1981) HDNet and 10/9c Movies 5:45/4:45c Citizen Kane (1941) TCM 6/5c Unstoppable (2010) AMC Finding out `kit X[\ehe “K[_j^”died that the bed]#beit ied j^[y thought had h[turned mas Wd_cfeijor d[Whby Xhea[ Nikki 8Wj_ija and [n#^kiXand @Wion =hant :ania HWc_hez WdZ IYejt 9WWd"X[bem$A \[w months bWj[h"j^ek]^"the F^_bWZ[b# phia C_ising F[hions Knit Z[j[Yj_l[s ^Wle “^Wd time jo ^[al WdZ Whe h[ady jo cele on with their b_l[i"”iWos I[Wion 2’s d[m i^emhunner 9Whba A[jjd[h$ >em’s this \or WmamWhd? Nikki’s fiancé C_ae Hoan 8hekiiWhZ and @Wion Whe fWhjd[hed in the \_[bZ"and ]_\jed ^WYaer and CFK d[wbie MWyne FWiYal Alisha-Marie Ahamed) ifWhas hecWdj_# YWbby with @Wied$ 7bie"A[jtner iWoi"d[w CFU Xeis >ebbis 8haun Gil 8[bbemi “bel[s their Ybeikhe hWje but has gk[itions about @Wied’i YemXey c[j^eZi$”The ensuing jk]#e\#mar YWhh_[s j^hough je a \_dWbe i^eYa[h$—Jim Halterman 7:19/6:19c The Farewell (2019) HBO 8/7c The Cowboys (1972) Grit 9:20/8:20c Tell Them Willie Rhoda 1:30/12:30c, Catchy Comedy Me HIVP m_j^ an [dj^ki_Wij_Y Retro o[s jo “Rhoda’i Pick M[ZZ_d]"”_d which Ci$Ceh# ][dijern LWberie >Whf[h— m[aring her bridal \_d[ho—is \ehYed jo hop a ikXmWy jo ^[h lemi$The jme#fWhjer \hec '/-4 YedYbkZ[s jecehhem$ The Cleaning Lady SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, Fox H_ias [iYWbWje in I[Wion 3 \eh X[b[W]k[hed _cc_]hant J^edo xbodie Oung) as her edby Wbbo" 7hcWd"Z_iWff[Whi$7Yjeh 7dan 9Wdjo died in @WdkWho$ Jo fhej[Yt her \Wc_bo"i^[’i \ehYed jo Z[epen her WiieY_W# tion with a ZWd][hous YWhj[b$ IWdj_W]o 9WXh[hWStar Trek: PicardWdZAWje Del 9Wij_bbe Weeds) join the YWit as h_Y^ i_Xb_d]s @eh]e and HWcedW$ Boy Is Here (1969) Retroplex ON THE WAY TO JAIL… Bail Jumpers 10/9c Platoon (1986) TCM 11/10c Logan (2017) FX SERIES PREMIERE 10/9c and 10:30/9:30c, Investigation Discovery 1:10am/ Blue Valentine 12:10c (2010) Cinemax WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 MOVIES 1:45/12:45c The Father (2021) Starz 4:10/3:10c Fruitvale Station (2013) HBO 5/4c True Lies (1994) AMC 12:45am/ Going My Way 11:45c (1944) TCM 70  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; My 600-Lb. Life SEASON PREMIERE 8/7c, TLC Ahoijal has \_dWbby c[t the cWd ef her Zh[Wci$But fkjj_dg W ring on it has jo mait until i^[ \[els Yec\ehjWXbe enough je malk Zewn the W_ibe Wbed]i_Z[ ^_c$Coming up on the ZeYk# i[h_[s: a h[Yelering WZZ_Yt m_j^ a Yecfkbi_le [ating Z_iehZ[h$ ALSO: DRUNK RACCOONS! Family Guy Animal Control 9:30/8:30c, Fox SEASON PREMIERE 9/8c, Fox The Joel CY>Wbe–led Yec[Zo about I[Wjjbe Wd_cWb#Yedjheb e\\_Y[hs h[turns with ^_i ]hkcfy <hank I^Ww Yheii_d] faths with an [x ]k[it ijWh IWhah 9^Wba["Scrubs) m^e ]^eijed him in the fWij$ Com Bois le_Yed Xy 7b[n 8ehijein) ijWhjs ikXij_jkj[ j[aching at 7dam M[it >_]^ IY^eeb"which iends j[en ied Chris I[th =h[en) jo j^[Yeeb kid ]houp on the Wd_cWj[Z Yec[Zo’s d[w d_]^j$I^[ ckit’ve f_Yaed a h[Wbby ]eeZ cevie jo i^ew the YbWii JOP: BEN HEJ>IJ;?D%<EN%;L;RETT 9EBB;9J?ED$8EJJOM: 8H;D:AN C;7:EMI%<EN H[Wb#b_\e Xekdjy ^kdj[hs WdZ `kij#Yaught \k]_j_l[s jalk fh[]# dWdYo"aliens and much ceh[$
THURSDAY, MARCH 7 MOVIES 11:15am/ Crocodile 10:15c Dundee (1986) AMC 11:21am/ Night of the 10:21c and Living Dead 11:36/ (1968) Retroplex 10:36c 12:17/ Downton 11:17am c Abbey: A New Era (2022) Starz 1:01/12:01c Spotlight (2015) and 10/9c Starz Cinema Impractical Jokers 6:07/5:07c The Devil Wears Prada (2006) HBO 10/9c, truTV ?j’s dejb_ae j^[f[hf[jkWbby hWl[deks 7BF je i^Whe \eeZ"Xut j^e m_i[YhWYa_ng 7bien B_\[ <erm e\’80s JLWXel[) h[b[djs on his l_i_j jejhe fhWdai^ew jed_]^j$“I ^efe oou ^Wl[ a h[\_d[d fWbWj["”he YWkj_edi$“J^[h[’s ]eddW X[Wbet ef Z_\\[hent \bWlehs ^Wff[d_d]in co cej^[h’s \WcekiIb_c[XWbbiFWhc[iWd$” J^[@ea[hi—abel["\hom b[\j08h_Wd“G” Gk_dd"@Wc[s CkhhWy Wdd IWbLkbYWde—hal[ Z[Y_Zed j^at j^e bei[r ef a Y^Wbb[d]e ckij Noir to Die For Presents: Gene Tierney JOP: :?I9EL;HO$8EJJOM: BEN 8B7CKALL/© <E9US <;7JKH;I%;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED 1:35/12:35c, Movies! A trio ef j_jb[i ijarring Xh[Wj^# Movie jaking Xhk# Picks d[jje =[d[ J_[hd[y ijWhji with her edby EiYWh#dec_dWj[Z f[h\ehcWdY["\or 1945’s Leave iWcfb[fbWd[jC[bcWc’i\_d[it Yk_i_d["WdZ j^[m_i[YhWYa_ng ;$J$_i^Wffy jo eXb_]["i[hl# _dg up f_ppW"a iceej^_e WdZ“Z_i^[l[b[Z” []]ij^WjWh[bWYed m_th jeej^fWij["\_i^ \eeZ"]hWis and ceh[$B[j’s `kit iWoj^Wj Gk_dd"the Z[i_]dWjed Z_d[h"is det a \Wd$ H[Wbbo"jhe Z_i^[ii^ekbd ^Wle ]ede Zemd [Wio$“J^[om[h[Wbl j[ijed _dWj[ija_jY^[d"” 7B<dej[i$“H[h["j^ek]^"edjhis fbWd[j" I j^_dk oeu YWbl _jWfe_ion YedjhebY[dj[h$” Her to Heaven$She fbWos j^[ ^ec_Y_ZWbby `[Wbous m_\e ef W del[b_it Cornel M_bZ[) in W film CWhtin IYehi[ie Yekdjs Wi a \Wleh_j[$It’s \ebbemed Xy Ejje Fh[c_d][h’s Y^_bling 1944 coi# jery Laura+0+&%*0+&Y"m_j^ J_[hd[y as the ckhder l_Yj_c m^e’d X[en the eXi[iiion e\ her c[djor 9b_\jon M[XX) and the Z[j[Yj_le _dl[ij_]ating ^[h Z[ath :ana 7dZh[mi$ 7/6c Dog Day Afternoon (1975) HDNet Movies 8/7c Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Cinemax 9:15/8:15c Dead Man and 1:45am/ Walking (1995) 12:45c HDNet Movies 12:30am/ Elysium (2013) 11:30c BBC America State of the Union Address 8/7c, major networks Fh[sident Biden Z[b_l[hs ^_i final such WZZh[is X[\ehe j^[ (&(4 [b[Ytion in \hont ef W joint i[ision ef 9ed]h[ii" giving him a Y^WdYe jo if[Wa jo his W][dZW$;nf[Yt j^[ [Yedecy and the C_ZZbe ;Wij jo be among the jef_Yi$ 1am/ My Fair Lady midnight c (1964) TCM Downton Abbey: A New Era FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Hightown SERIES FINALE 9/8c, Starz As a XWjjbe \or Yedjhol ef 9Wf[ 9eZ’s Zhug jhade beeci"]Wd] Xeis Shane <hWmb[y =Whh[j :_bbahunt) ]Wj^[hs Wbb_[i" :[j[Yj_le HWy @Wc[s 8WZ][ :Wb[) and his beler H[d[[ H_b[y Le[bael) jWae jhe X[ij Z[al e\\[h[Z"and d[mby ieX[h Yop Jackie Ced_Ya HWockdZ f_Yas a side in the \_]^j$ Ms. Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1am/midnight c, SundanceTV 1am/midnight c, Comet Retro Pick <hom '//-: C[[j 8k\fy Ikcc[hi IWhah C_Y^[bb[ =[bbWh"j^[ 9^eien Ed[$ ;dYeh[s ef j^[ light 7Yorn JL LateNight i[h_[s Yedj_dk[ with ’60s ib[kj^ Pick F[h[grine <_i^[h =[hWbdine >Wa[m_bl) ]e_d] kdZ[hYeler as an air ^eij[ii$ MOVIES 8am/7c Jojo Rabbit (2019) FX 5:15/4:15c Annie Hall (1977) and 10:25/ HDNet Movies 9:25c 9:40/8:40c Election (1999) Cinemax 12:15am/ The Apartment 11:15c (1960) TCM T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  71
SATURDAY, MARCH 9 MOVIES Cold Justice 11am/10c Bohemian 8/7c, Oxygen Rhapsody (2018) Can a moman m^e"at W]e ''" `kit c_iied i[eing her cec’i a_bber at the \hont door h[YWbb ether Ybk[i? A[bby I_[]ber l_i_ji ?blinois jo mork the YWie Wd[m$ FX 12:05/ Chinatown (1974) 11:05am c HDNet Movies 4/3c Lawrence of Arabia (1962) TCM 9/8c Westward the Women (1951) INSP 9:15/8:15c Dances With Wolves (1990) BBC America 10/9c Ghostbusters (2016) AMC 10:39/ Pulp Fiction 9:39c (1994) HBO 10:49/ The Hurricane 9:49c (1999) Starz Encore 11:30/ Deadfall (1968) 10:30c Movies! Deadfall TODAY’S SPORTS PICKS FORMULA 1 RACING 11:55am/10:55c, ESPN2 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Hunting Housewives MOVIE PREMIERE 8/7c, Lifetime Some fWcf[hed ^eki[m_l[i jWae e\f \or a ^_]^by Wdj_Y_fWj# ed ifa m[[a[dZ—no a_Zi"de ^kiXWdZi"no iY^[Zkb["`kij fb[djy ef YeYajails and h[bWn# ation—but _dij[ad find j^[c# i[bl[s ijhanded W\j[hj^[_h fh_lWje `[t YhWi^[i$M_j^ekj [len the ceit Xasic ikhl_lWb ia_bbi"j^[o’he Wbh[ady in `[ef# Whdy…and then the mec[d h[Wb_pe j^[o’he det Wbone _d the moods! Can j^[y ekjm_j m^e[ler is trying jo ^kdj them Zemd5 Among j^[ie ^eki[m_l[i Whe jmo alums ef the Real Housewives \hWdY^_ie: Atlanta’s D[De B[Wa[s WXel[) and Beverly Hills’ :[d_ie H_Y^WhZi$Aoc @e^dion >[h`Wl[c Dancing With the Stars) and C[boiiW <ehd hound out the gkWhj[j$ “There is a f[hY[ftion e\ our Y^WhWYj[hs that me Wh[ ^_]^#cW_dj[dWdYe and Wh[d’t i[b\#ik\\_Y_[dj"”H_Y^WhZi iWoi.“But me Whe ijhed] mec[d"and the WkZ_[dYe m_bb i[e what me Whe made e\!” J^h[[#time F1 Zh_l[hi’Y^Wc# pion Max L[hijappen is one e\ the dWc[s XWjtling \or 50 bWfi Whound the Jeddah 9ehd_Y^[ 9_hcuit’s (-#turn ijh[[t Yekhi[$ COLLEGE BASKETBALL Noon/11am c, CBS Memphis at Florida Atlantic 2/1c, CBS Texas A&M at Ole Miss 2/1c, ESPN Oklahoma at Texas 4/3c, CBS Kentucky at Tennessee 4/3c, ESPN Kansas at Houston 6/5c, ESPN2 Baylor at Texas Tech SUNDAY, MARCH 10 8am/7c and One Flew Over 5:15/4:15c the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) HDNet Movies 9:02am/ Cyrus (2010) 8:02c Cinemax 11:30am/ Ghostbusters 10:30c (1984) AMC 3:30/2:30c The Patriot (2000) BBC America 9/8c Johnny Guitar (1954) INSP 9:50/8:50c Sophie’s Choice (1982) HDNet Movies 72  T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Gone With the Wind 4/3c, TCM Me lery ckY^ ij_bl ]_le a ZWcd Movie about this '/)/ Pick epic if_dd_d] out the bel[ W\\air X[jm[en H^[jt 8kjb[h 9bark =WXb[) and IYWhb[jj E’Hara (Vivien Beigh) W]W_dij the XWYaZhop ef the Civil MWh$ The Oscars 7/6c/4p, ABC It’s a Barbenheimer i^em# Zewn \or the ]ebden ijWjue— and m_bl B_by =bWZijone cWa[ ^_ijory with a 8[it 7Yjh[ii m_d? @_ccy Kimmel ^eijs j^[ 96th annual WmWhds i^ew \eh the X[it ef the big iYh[[d$ NIGHT SCHOOL IS IN SESSION Abbott Elementary 10:30/9:30c, ABC M[’d b_ae jo thank the 7YWZ# [cy…for this ]h[at h[Wion je a[ep our JLs on! The ;cco# winning i[h_[s Yh[Wjed Xy WdZ ijarring Gk_dja 8hkdion _i bound jo fkbl out Wbl the ijefi \or this if[cial feij–7YWZ[co 7mWhds [f_ieZ[$ TODAY’S SPORTS PICKS INDYCAR RACING 12:30/11:30am c, NBC Grand Prix of St. Petersburg The NTT IndyCar I[h_[s Yhk_i[i j^hough the '$.#c_b["'*#jkhd Y_hcuit in Zemdjewn Ij$F[j[ and 7bX[ht M^_jjed 7_hfehj$ NASCAR 3:30/2:30c, Fox Shriners Children’s 500 Jop Cup I[h_[s Zh_l[hs p_f )'( bWfs Whound the ed[#c_b[ elal at Phoenix HWY[mWo$ JOP: B?<;J?C;$8EJJOM: ž(&J>9;DJ<EN%;VERETT 9EBB;9J?ED MOVIES
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PRIMETIME EASTERN MONDAY, MARCH 4 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC Local Programming The Bachelor Local Programming Bob Heart Local Program Ride Wild Cards Local Program MasterChef (Season Premiere) Dance (Season Premiere) Local Programming The Voice PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I PBS NewsHour 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM N N 10:30PM 9:30PM Bad Romance-20/20 N Bob Heart NCIS N NCIS: Hawai’i N N Local Programming Deal or No Deal Island Antiques Roadshow Movie (5:30) ★★★ Déjà Vu (2006) M ★★★ Unstoppable (2010): Denzel Washington, Chris Pine. M ★★ Lethal Weapon 4 The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans 3’s Company The Jeffersons Barney Miller Johnny Carson 3’s Company The Jeffersons Barney Miller Law & Order We Like Mike. Law & Order Passion. Law & Order Past Imperfect. (5:30) The Neighborhood Neighbor M Below Deck Mediterranean Below Deck Mediterranean King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in Family All in Family Night Court (6:20) I Love You, Beth Co... Mama’s Family Last Call Mama’s Family L M Neighbor N L The Office Law & Order Terminal. Movie Below Deck N WatchWhat CouchTalk American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke ★ I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007): Adam Sandler. Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Erin Burnett OutFront The Office N Craft in America Jewelry. The Last Alaskans M N Local Programming N Antiques Roadshow (5:30) Movie M 8:00PM 7:00PM Mom L The Office Mom Shark Tank The Source With The Office ★★ Office Space (1999) Mom Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 The Office M L The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office Grimm The Law of Sacrifice. Grimm Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bones Frasier Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized (6:30) Jessie (8:15) Raven Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Big City Big City Bunk’d Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Bizarre Foods Modern Family The X-Files Born Again. The X-Files Roland. Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne M (7:20) ★ The House Next Door: Meet the Blacks 2 (2021) S College Basketball Duke at NC State L ★★★ Nightcrawler (2014): Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo. S College Basketball Texas at Baylor ESPN Films ESPN Films Quincy, M.E. Perry Mason Perry Mason (6:15) ★★ Face of a Fugitive Beat Bobby Beat Bobby The Ingraham Angle L M Jesse Watters Primetime L Hannity NASCAR Cup Series Pennzoil 400: From Las Vegas Motor Speedway in Las Vegas. M (6:30) ★★★★ Finding Nemo (2003) M (5:30) ★★★ Hitch (2005) M Movie Family Guy M M N Chopped Flamin’ Hot. Gutfeld! S (6:00) Mickey Spillane’s Mi... M Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files M Switch Split Second Press Your Luck M NASCAR Xfinity Family Guy Family Guy M Family Guy The Rockford Files Wheel Night Sc... Movie Family Guy Kojak Over the Water. ★★ Big Jake (1971): John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O’Hara. Fargo (6:00) The Perfect Catch N ★★★ Finding Dory (2016): Voices of Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O’Neill. (7:45) Movie Family Guy (10:15) All the King’s Men ★★ The Proposal (2009): Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Mary Steenburgen. Fargo M M M L S L Emergency! Problem. ★★★ The Best Man (1964): Henry Fonda, Cliff Robertson. Spring Baking Spring Break: Tropical Fun in the Sun. M Contraband: Seized at the Border M NFL Live M N Wheel Romance in Style (2022): Jaicy Elliot, Benjamin Hollingsworth. M Cahill U.... Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Aurora Teagarden Mysteries How to Con a Con. M Family History Mysteries: Buried Past (2023): Janel Parrish. M M ★★ Get Hard (2015): Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart. (6:10) X-Men Origins: Wol... The Regime ★★★ Moonlight (2016): Mahershala Ali. (7:15) Curb Your Enthusiasm N M Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek Miri. 74E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M (9:55) ★★ San Andreas (2015) Star Trek: Next Tin Man. N Enthusiasm = NEW Star Trek: DS9 The Muse. M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN MONDAY, MARCH 4 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC Dream Home Dream Home Battle on the Mountain ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV FBI Kayla. FBI Hero’s Journey. FBI Love Is Blind. FBI Prodigal Son. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy M M N = NEW M 8:30PM 7:30PM N 9:00PM 8:00PM Rock the Block 9:30PM 8:30PM N History’s Greatest Mysteries History’s-Mysteries How It Really Happened Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Vengeance: Killer Coworkers To Be Announced Death by Fame Day in Court. Death by Fame Evil Villain. Raymond Raymond Raymond (6:00) Movie Raymond History’s Greatest Mysteries N Raymond Forensic Files Raymond M Movie N Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Green Acres A Spy (9:50) A Spy Among Friends M (6:05) ★★★ True Grit Belgravia: The Next Chapter M (6:00) ★ Let’s Get Harry M The ReidOut L Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness L Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Hogan Heroes M The Rachel Maddow Show L Ridiculousness N Hogan Heroes M Top Gun... (10:20) ★★★ Easter Parade Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness L Ridiculousness Queens African Queens. Secrets of the Zoo Flock Star. Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Snapped Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Two Half Men Law & Order M Movie M Movie Queens Tiny Jungle Queens. N Secrets Savanna. Two Half Men Queens Rainforest Queens. Raymond Maine Cabin Masters ★★★ Brigadoon (1954): Gene Kelly, Van Johnson. Inside With Jen Psaki N Movie Maine Cabin Masters Andy Griffith Forensic Files The Playboy Murders Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H 10:30PM 9:30PM N History’s Greatest Mysteries Raymond 10:00PM 9:00PM M Movie Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Prisoners Out of Control Red Handed Red Handed NewsRadio NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Becker Becker Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown M (4:30) The Godfather, Part II Halo Aleria. M Superpower (2023) N Just Shoot Me Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Star Trek: Discovery Sexy Beast M M Kokomo City (2023) N (10:15) ★★ The Aggressives Mighty Ships America’s Hidden Stories Memphis Belle in Color The Day the Bomb Dropped The Closer Hostile Witness. Major Crimes Down the Drain. Major Crimes Party Foul. Rizzoli & Isles M M Transpo... ★★ Act of Valor (2012): Roselyn Sánchez, Jason Cottle. M Civil War Journal Civil War Journal Civil War Journal Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods M ★★★ Wanted (2008): James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie. Big Bang M Big Bang (6:00) Seven Brides for Se... Highway Thru Hell Entombed. Big Bang M Big Bang Blue Bloods ★ Wrath of the Titans (2012) Pet Tricks ★★★★ An American in Paris (1951): Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron. Highway Thru Hell Rockslide. 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life M (6:25) Paradise Hills (2019) M M Pitch Pe... M Pet Tricks Civil War Journal M N The Plus One (2023): Ashanti, Michelle Hurd. N Storm of Suspicion Snow Job. N Seeking Sister Wife ★★ Triple 9 (2016): Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor. ★★ The Greatest Showman (2017): Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron. M American Dad! M American Dad! It Happened One Night Weather Gone Viral 90 Day: The Single Life M Dangerous Game: Legacy .. (9:45) ★★★ Beauty and the Beast (2017) N (6:00) Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Blue Bloods New Rules. Law & Order: SVU Bulls Eye. WWE Monday Night RAW M Love & Hip Hop Miami (5:30) Tyler Perry’s Diary o... After the First 48 Storm Center L Bones = MOVIE L = LIVE S N Mysteries of the Unknown Movie Raymond L The Impact New York N M How Stella Got Her Groov... After the First 48 After the First 48 After the First 48 Secrets of the Earth Secrets of the Earth Secrets of the Earth Bones Bones Bones = JGFIKJ N T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  75
PRIMETIME EASTERN TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Will Trent CBS Local Programming FBI THE CW Local Programming Crime Nation FOX Local Programming The Cleaning Lady NBC Local Programming Night Court PBS PBS NewsHour A&E Road Wars AMC M ANIMAL Too Cute! 7:30PM 6:30PM N Road Wars 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N The Rookie N N FBI: International N N 10:30PM 9:30PM The Good Doctor N N Local Programming N N Alert: Missing Persons Unit Extended N The Voice Decision 2024 Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Local Programming N Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents M 10:00PM 9:00PM FBI: Most Wanted N N L Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents Road Wars N Customer War Customer War ★★★ True Lies (1994): Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold. Too Cute! 3’s Company 9:30PM 8:30PM Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents (6:00) ★★★ Unstoppable ANTENNA 3’s Company 9:00PM 8:00PM Too Cute! The Jeffersons The Jeffersons Barney Miller Too Cute! Barney Miller Johnny Carson BBCA Bones: Two Bodies in the Lab. Bones: The Woman in the Tunnel. Bones: The Skull in the Desert. Bones: The Man With the Bone. BET To Be Announced Neighborhood Tyler Perry’s The Oval Zatima BRAVO Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Neighborhood N Watch What (9:45) Vanderpump Rules The Oval CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: Blond Ambition. Grimm: Thanks for the Memories. The X-Files: The Host. The X-Files: Blood. COOKING Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Amazing Eats Amazing Eats Bourdain: No Reservations COZI Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne DISC Moonshiners Moonshiners DISNEY Jessie Jessie Big City Green E! Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ENCORE M (7:20) ★★ Take Me Home Tonight (2011): Topher Grace. ESPN S College Basketball: Teams TBA. ESPN2 S College Basketball: Teams TBA. FETV Quincy, M.E. FMC M FOOD Chopped FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S College Basketball: Providence at Georgetown. FREEFM M Bride Wars FX M ★★★ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021): Simu Liu, Awkwafina, Meng’er Zhang. FXM TBA To Be Announced FXX Family Guy Family Guy GETTV M GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) Wedding Bells (2016) HALLMV M Garage Sale Mystery: All That Glitters (2014): Lori Loughlin. HBO M (7:20) ★★★ The Farewell (2019): A family stages a fake wedding to visit their grandmother. Awkwafina, Tzi Ma, Diana Lin. HBO2 M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger: Branded. Sanford & Son All in Family (6:15) ★★★ Election (1999) Mama’s Family L M ★★ Beauty Shop (2005): Queen Latifah. Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office Man v. Food The Office Mom L Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office (6:00) ★★★ I, Tonya (2017) Mom Shark Tank L The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office Roseanne Moonshiners: Master Distiller Moonshiners: Master Distiller Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Bunk’d Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ★★ Marry Me (2022): Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson. L S College Basketball: Teams TBA. L L S College Basketball: Teams TBA. L Perry Mason Perry Mason M Emergency!: Kids. (8:15) ★★ The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960): Peter Finch, Yvonne Mitchell, James Mason. N Alex vs America: Alex vs Pastry. Jesse Watters Primetime L L Hannity S L Tournament of Champions N Gutfeld! College Basketball: St. John’s at DePaul. ★★★ Enchanted (2007): Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden. (6:00) Mickey Spillane’s Mi. 76E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mom M Chopped M (9:45) ★ Taxi (2004): Queen Latifah. Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 (6:15) ★★★ 3:10 to Yuma L M L Good Trouble (Series Finale) Shogun N N To Be Announced Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files M Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files Family Guy Kojak ★★★ The Cowboys (1972): John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne, Bruce Dern. Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. Pearl in Paradise (2018): Jill Wagner, Kristoffer Polaha. Enthusiasm Last Week Star Trek: Dagger of the Mind. M Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Garage Sale Mystery: The Deadly Room (2015): Lori Loughlin. To Be Announced Curb Your Enthusiasm (10:15) ★★★ Priscilla (9:20) The Regime M Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
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PRIMETIME EASTERN TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Fixer to Fabulous HISTORY The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island HLN Very Scary People Very Scary People Forensic Files ID To Be Announced To Be Announced Body Cam IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago Fire: The Missing Piece. Chicago Fire: Hot and Fast. Chicago Fire: Keep You Safe. Chicago Fire: What’s Inside You. LIFE Castle Castle Castle Castle LMN To Be Announced To Be Announced MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes MGM M (6:00) ★★★ Smile (2022) M Dark Harvest (2022): Jeremy Davies. MOVIES! M (5:25) Long, Hot Summer M ★★★ From the Terrace (1960): Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Myrna Loy. MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta NATGEO Port Protection Alaska Port Protection Alaska Port Protection Alaska NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN Dr. Phil Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Fixer to Fabulous Two/Half Men M*A*S*H L N 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM Renovation Aloha Two/Half Men 10:00PM 9:00PM N Hunt Intl N The Lost U-Boats of WWII Forensic Files Forensic Files N Bail Jum. Two/Half Men Andy Griffith L N Green Acres M REELZ Cops Reloaded REWIND NewsRadio SCIENCE Strange Evidence SHOW 40 Alex Wagner Tonight L SHOW2 M Two/Half Men Caught in the Act: Unfaithful N Bail Jum. N Two/Half Men Hogan Heroes N L Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero N To Be Announced NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Becker Strange Evidence Just Shoot Me Strange Evidence (6:05) ★★ Lizzie (2018) M Becker Strange Evidence ★★★ The Gift (2015): Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall. M ★★ The Aggressives (2005) M ★★★ End of Watch (2012) SMITHSO Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Trains STARTTV The Closer: Drug Fiend. Major Crimes: Acting Out. Major Crimes: Trial by Fire. Rizzoli & Isles Minx Minx STARZ Forensic Files Last Word With Lawrence M (7:50) ★★★ Dreamgirls (2006): Three singers learn that fame has a high price. Jamie Foxx, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Eddie Murphy. (6:20) Thriller N N ★★ Bones and All (2022): Taylor Russell. PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced Criminal Minds House Hunters To Be Announced All In With Chris Hayes POP N 10:30PM 9:30PM M (6:30) ★★ Jurassic World Dominion (2022): Dinosaurs now live and hunt alongside humans. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard. Minx Minx STORY TV Top 10 The Art of Architecture Top 10 The Art of Architecture Top 10 The Art of Architecture Top 10 The Art of Architecture SUND NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell: The General. Highway Thru Hell TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World TMC M TNT NBA Tip-Off TRAVEL Paranormal Emergency Paranormal Emergency Paranormal Emergency Paranormal Emergency TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers To Be Announced TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Blue Bloods USA Law & Order: SVU S VH1 M My True Crime Story VICE Dark Side of the Ring WEATH Storm Center WE TV 9-1-1: A Whole New You. ★ Mortal Kombat Annihilation (1997): Robin Shou, Talisa Soto. Big Bang (5:45) ★★★★ Citizen Kane (6:00) ★★★ The Fighter L S M M Big Bang L ★★ Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012): Dwayne Johnson. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ In the Heat of the Night (1967): Sidney Poitier. M Storm of Suspicion N N L L Secrets of Playboy N N Sex Before the Internet (10:20) ★★ Nostalgia S NBA Basketball L Raymond ★★ S.W.A.T. (2003) Love You to Death N N M M My True Crime Story ★★★★ Platoon (1986) 7 Little Johnstons ★★★ Fences (2016): Denzel Washington, Viola Davis. WWE NXT Big Bang Weather Gone Viral Little People, Big World NBA Basketball: Atlanta Hawks at New York Knicks. (5:30) How Stella Got Her 78E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Big Bang M N Dark Side of the Ring N Deep Water Salvage Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral 9-1-1: Under Pressure. 9-1-1 7.1. 9-1-1: Help Is Not Coming. N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
Dona Gelsinger Springtime Songbirds Choose from Sleep Sound Machine 24 sounds, including: It Lights UP White noise Enhance Your Sleep Graced by Dona Gelsinger’s charming artwork of a Cardinal pair among apple blossoms, this device serves as both a soothing nightlight and a sound therapy machine. Illuminate it to provide a gentle glow in one of six soothing colors or leave the illumination off. The 24 gentle sounds include birdsong, white noise, fan, stream, ocean, rain, crackling fire, forest at night and more, and you can adjust the volume to suit you. It includes a timer so you can set your machine to 30, 60 or 90 minutes of continuous use. Just plug in to any outlet. Rain Waterfall Birdsong Make the Springtime Songbirds Sleep Sound Machine yours for three payments of $39.99, totaling $119.99*, the first due before shipment. You need send no money now. Your purchase is backed by our 365day money-back guarantee. Don’t wait, return the Reservation Application today! Scan here Crackling fire, and more! Features sound and light therapy Includes a timer to set for 30, 60 or 90 minutes Charming songbird artwork by Dona Gelsinger Shown smaller than actual size of 6" H x 5" diam. AVAILABLE AT BRADFORDEXCHANGE.COM/SONGBIRDSLEEP © Dona Gelsinger. All Rights Reserved. ©2024 The Bradford Exchange 01-40290-001-NIQR Where Passion Becomes Art The Bradford Exchange RESERVATION APPLICATION SEND NO MONEY NOW 9345 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, IL 60714-1393 YES. Please accept my order for the Dona Mrs. Mr. Ms. Name (Please Print Clearly) Gelsinger Springtime Songbirds Sleep Sound Address Machine for me as described in this announcement. Please Respond Promptly City *Plus a total of $17.99 shipping and service; see bradfordexchange.com. Please allow 4-6 weeks after initial payment for shipment. All sales are subject to product availability and order acceptance. State Zip Email (optional) (
PRIMETIME EASTERN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Conners N CBS Local Programming Survivor N THE CW Local Programming Wild Cards FOX Local Programming Masked Singer (Seas. Prem.) NBC Local Programming Chicago Med PBS PBS NewsHour A&E Court Cam AMC M ANIMAL Dogs 101 7:30PM 6:30PM N Court Cam (5:00) ★★★ True Lies 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Not Dead 9:00PM 8:00PM N Abbott 3’s Company BBCA Bones BET Browns BRAVO Real Housewives of OC Browns N 10:00PM 9:00PM Celebrity Fam Judge Steve Harvey N N N Family Law N Animal Cntl N Chicago Fire Family Guy Chicago P.D. NOVA Butterfly Blueprints. Court Cam Court Cam M Local Programming N N N Court Cam N Booked: First Day In ★★ Men in Black II (2002) M Dogs 101 The Jeffersons N Impossible Builds Ice World. ★★★ Men in Black (1997): Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. The Jeffersons N Local Programming Nature Sharks of Hawaii. Court Cam 10:30PM 9:30PM N FBI True Dogs 101 ANTENNA 3’s Company N 9:30PM 8:30PM Dogs 101 Barney Miller Barney Miller Johnny Carson Bones The Boy in the Shroud. Bones The Blonde in the Game. Bones The Truth in the Lye. Neighbor Tyler Perry’s Sistas All the Queen’s Men Neighbor Real Housewives of OC N Watch What Real Housewives of Miami N Housewives CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY South Park COMET Grimm Dyin’ on a Prayer. COOKING Sanford & Son (5:50) ★★ Body of Lies Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★★ Freedomland (2006): Samuel L. Jackson. Mom Mom M Mom Shark Tank (9:55) ★★ American Heist (2014) Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Shark Tank The Source With Kaitlan Collins King Charles South Park Reno 911! Grimm Cry Luison. The X-Files Ascension. The X-Files 3. Food Paradise All Wrapped Up. Food Paradise Food Paradise Man Fire Food Man Fire Food COZI Bones Frasier Roseanne Roseanne DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition X DISNEY Jessie Jessie Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green The Owl House Amphibia E! Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ENCORE M ESPN NBA ESPN2 S FETV Quincy, M.E. Images. FMC M FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S (6:30) College Basketball Villanova at Seton Hall L FREEFM M (6:00) ★★ The Other Woman (2014) FX M (6:30) ★★ Eternals (2021): Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kit Harington. FXM (5:20) Movie FXX Family Guy GETTV Magnum, P.I. GRIT Fargo Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second Press Your Luck HALL M (6:00) Secrets of Bella Vista HALLMV M Curious Caterer Mysteries: Fatal Vows (2023) HBO M (6:25) ★★★ My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) To Be Announced: Programming to be announced. HBO2 The Regime To Be Announced H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek L South Park Anderson Cooper 360 South Park L South Park Frasier Frasier ★★ The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009): Denzel Washington. S M L S Perry Mason M L S College Basketball Teams TBA M Jesse Watters Primetime Family Guy L Emergency! Show Biz. Guy’s Grocery Games L Hannity S N Guy’s Grocery Games Spiciest!. L Gutfeld! College Basketball UConn at Marquette N L ★★★ Hitch (2005): Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. Feud: Capote vs. The Swans 80E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; N Movie Family Guy The Rockford Files M Pixels L NBA Basketball Movie Family Guy N ★★★★ You Can’t Take It With You (1938): Jean Arthur, Lionel Barrymore. Guy’s Grocery Games M South Park Ghost Adventures Perry Mason (5:45) ★★★ Major Dundee (1965) L N N ★★★ 50/50 (2011): Joseph Gordon-Levitt. NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Philadelphia 76ers College Basketball Tennessee at South Carolina Frasier N Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files Family Guy Kojak No Immunity for Murder. ★★★ The War Wagon (1967): John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Howard Keel. Wheel Wheel A Scottish Love Scheme (2024): Erica Durance, Jordan Young. M M Man With Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls The Jane Mysteries: Inheritance Lost (2023): Jodie Sweetin. The Regime M Enthusiasm Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M (10:20) ★★★ Midsommar Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
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PRIMETIME EASTERN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Love It or List It Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue HISTORY American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers HLN Vengeance: Killer Lovers Vengeance: Killer Lovers Forensic Files ID To Be Announced See No Evil Too Much Video. See No Evil IFC Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men ION Blue Bloods Strange Bedfellows. Blue Bloods Identity. LIFE Castle Married at First Sight LMN (6:00) Movie M MAGN Fixer Upper In With the Old METV M*A*S*H MGM Belgravia: The Next Chapter M ★★★ Donnie Brasco (1997): Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Michael Madsen. MOVIES! M M ★★★ The Razor’s Edge (1946): Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, Anne Baxter. MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Catfish: The TV Show The Challenge NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Trafficked NGWLD Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet OWN Dr. Phil Love It or List It Elbow Room. Love It or List It Love It or List It OXYGEN To Be Announced Dateline: Secrets Uncovered To Be Announced To Be Announced 7:30PM 6:30PM Two Half Men M*A*S*H (5:30) Nightmare Alley L PARAMNT Two Half Men 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Two Half Men 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM N Hunters N Forensic Files Two Half Men Bev. Hillbillies L N Movie Fixer Upper Green Acres Alex Wagner Tonight Hogan Heroes L Hogan Heroes M Profession. Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Ridiculousness To Catch a Smuggler N Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet Movie Movie Criminal Minds REELZ Cops Reloaded REWIND NewsRadio SCIENCE If We Built It Today If We Built It Today SHOW M (5:30) ★★★ Noah (2014): Russell Crowe. M ★★★ Gladiator (2000): A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. SHOW2 M NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded On Patrol: Live Probation Pursuit. NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me M N Married POP (5:30) ★★★ Bridge of Spies Two Half Men Blue Bloods The Real Deal. Fixer Upper Andy Griffith Forensic Files Two Half Men Kidnapping in the Grand Canyon (2023): Gina Vitori. Andy Griffith House Hunters To Be Announced Prison Brides N N Forensic Files N N 10:30PM 9:30PM American Pickers Blue Bloods Something Blue. All In With Chris Hayes Two Half Men 9:00PM 8:00PM NCIS: New Orleans Just Shoot Me N If We Built It Today ★★ Golda (2023): Helen Mirren. M Becker Becker Engineering Catastrophes M Guns Akimbo (2019) ★★★ Tigerland (2000): Colin Farrell. SMITHSO Air Disasters Into the Wild New Zealand Into the Wild New Zealand Into the Wild New Zealand STARTTV The Closer Armed Response. Major Crimes Chain Reaction. Major Crimes Leap of Faith. Rizzoli & Isles Minx Minx STARZ M (7:20) ★★★ Joy Ride (2023): Four friends embark on an epic, noholds-barred journey. Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Hsu. Minx Minx STORY TV How the Nazis Lost the War How the Nazis Lost the War How the Nazis Lost the War Third Reich The Rise. SUND Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order SYFY (6:00) Movie TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Chain Saw. Storm of Suspicion TLC 600-Lb. Life 600-Lb. Life Dr. Pimple Popper TMC M (5:50) ★★ Jennifer Eight TNT S NHL Hockey Buffalo Sabres at Toronto Maple Leafs TRAVEL Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Movie TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Blue Bloods Hold Outs. USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M VICE Dark Side of the 90s WEATH Storm Center WE TV NCIS Outlaws and In-Laws. Resident Alien Big Bang (5:00) America, America (5:30) ★★ Harlem Nights L 82E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite M M Modern Family Modern Family ★★★★ All About Eve (1950): Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Celeste Holm. L N S M Gentlemen Weather Gone Viral My 600-Lb. Life ★★ American Gigolo (1980): Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton. Law & Order: SVU M L N M ★ Basic Instinct 2 (2006) NHL Hockey Detroit at Colorado Law & Order: SVU L Raymond Law & Order: SVU ★★ Soul Plane (2004): Kevin Hart, Tom Arnold, Method Man. M National... Dark Side of the 90s Nine Lives of Hulk Hogan Nine Lives of South Park Heavy Rescue: 401 Heavy Rescue: 401 Heavy Rescue: 401 NCIS Endgame. NCIS Power Down. NCIS Child’s Play. N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S N = JGFIKJ
Granddaughters Light Up Your Life Personalized Illuminated Glass Keepsake Free Personalization! illuminates to create a glowing display • Your granddaughter’s name, heartfelt words of encouragement, and etched designs enhance the clear glass • Mahogany-finished wooden base conceals long-lasting built-in LEDs • Also available for Daughters What a beautiful way to remind your granddaughter that she’s the light of your life! Personalized FREE with her name, this custommade tabletop keepsake is crafted of solid, sparkling glass that illuminates with a loving message of support from you. The brilliant glass glows via built-in LEDs with just a flip of the switch on the custom base. This personalized gift is available now for $69.99*, payable in two installments of $34.99, backed by our 365-day money-back guarantee. Send no money now. Just mail the coupon today and indicate the name(s) for free personalization. Daughter version also available. Scan here ORDER TODAY AT BRADFORDEXCHANGE.COM/40979 Actual size is 5½" W. Requires 3 “AAA” batteries, not included. ©2024 BGE 01-40979-001-NDUPQR Where Passion Becomes Art The Bradford Exchange P.O. Box 806, Morton Grove, IL 60053-0806 YES. Please accept my order for the Granddaughter (or Daughter), Light of My Life PLEASE RESPOND PROMPTLY Mrs. Mr. Ms. Name (Please Print Clearly) Illuminated Glass Keepsake as described. I need send no money now. I will be billed with shipment. Need more than one? Print the name for personalization, maximum 10 letters per name. Address Granddaughter 01-40979-001 Daughter 01-41675-001 1. ________________________________ 1. _________________________________ City 2. ________________________________ 2. _________________________________ *Plus $11.99 shipping and service per keepsake; see bradfordexchange.com. Limited-edition presentation restricted to 95 firing days. Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipment. Sales subject to product availability and order acceptance. SEND NO MONEY NOW State Zip Email (optional) (
PRIMETIME EASTERN THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC Local Programming Celebrity Wheel of Fortune CBS Local Programming Sheldon THE CW Local Programming The Conners The Conners Son/Critch FOX Local Programming Next Level Chef N FOX News Special: State of the Union Address NBC Local Programming Law & Order PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM N Ghosts N This Old House Ask This Old House The First 48 First 48 Presents Critical AMC M M ANIMAL I Was Prey N 10:00PM 9:00PM 10:30PM 9:30PM ANTENNA 3’s Company 3’s Company BBCA M M BET To Be Announced Neighborhood BRAVO Southern Charm Southern Charm The Jeffersons L The State of the Union and the Republican Response CBS News: State of the Union 2024 N Children N L Local Programming L Local Program N Taking the Stand M Bad Boys II I Was Prey Barney Miller Barney Miller (7:45) ★★ Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001): Angelina Jolie. Neighborhood N Undercover: Caught on Tape I Was Prey The Jeffersons L PBS NewsHour (Special Report): Coverage of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, followed by the Republican response. L ★★ Bad Boys (1995): Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Téa Leoni. I Was Prey Warcraft 9:30PM 8:30PM State of the Union: President Joe Biden addresses the nation. A&E (6:00) Police Academy 2 N 9:00PM 8:00PM M Johnny Carson (9:45) ★★ Warcraft (2016): Travis Fimmel. Tyler Perry’s Sistas Tyler Perry’s The Oval Southern Hospitality N Watch What South. Charm CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Sanford & Son All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Last Call CNN Erin Burnett OutFront COMEDY The Office COMET Grimm: Chupacabra. Grimm: Wesenrein. The X-Files: Red Museum. The X-Files: Excelsius Dei. COOKING Best Thing Ate Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods COZI Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne DISC Hustlers Gamblers Crooks Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! DISNEY Holly Hobbie Jessie Jessie Jessie Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d E! To Be Announced ENCORE M Br. Hearts ESPN S NHL Hockey: St. Louis Blues at New Jersey Devils. ESPN2 S College Basketball: Alabama-Birmingham at Temple. FETV Quincy, M.E.: Even Odds. FMC M FOOD Beat Bobby FOX N The Ingraham Angle FOX SP S (6:30) College Basketball: Rutgers at Wisc. L FREEFM M (5:40) ★★★ Hitch (2005) M (8:20) ★★ The Proposal (2009): Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Mary Steenburgen. FX M (5:30) ★★ The Equalizer 2 M ★ Gone in 60 Seconds (2000): Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Vonni Ribisi. FXM To Be Announced FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Magnum, P.I.: Adelaide. The Rockford Files GRIT Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M GSN Switch Split Second The $100,000 Pyramid HALL M (6:00) A Valentine’s Match HALLMV M Fixer Upper Mysteries: Concrete Evidence (2017): Jewel. HBO M (6:05) ★★★ The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO2 (7:20) Last Week Tonight God Save Texas: Hometown Prison. H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: The Menagerie. Sanford & Son (6:15) ★★ Yes Man (2008) Mama’s Family L All in Family M ★★ Fifty Shades of Grey (2015): Dakota Johnson. Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office Best Thing Ate Holly Hobbie Mom L The Office L The Office N Resident Alien M ★★ Horsemen (2009): Dennis Quaid. (6:00) ★★ The Texican Beat Bobby L Bob’s Burgers 84E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M Perry Mason M College Basketball: Teams TBA. Perry Mason Beat Bobby Jesse Watters Primetime S L The Office The Office N Beat Bobby Hannity N M Speed 2 L College Basketball: Teams TBA. L Emergency!: Virus. ★★ The Bedford Incident (1965): Richard Widmark. Beat Bobby L Botched S S CNN NewsNight ★★ Blue Crush (2002): Kate Bosworth. L L Mom Shark Tank Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office ★ Fifty Shades Freed (2018) Mom Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 The Office M M Beat Bobby (10:15) The Lady Vanishes Beat Bobby L Gutfeld! Beat Bobby N L College Basketball: Washington at Washington State. S Basket. L M Gone in 60 To Be Announced Family Guy M Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Rockford Files: Claire. Kojak ★★ Gunsmoke (1953): Audie Murphy, Susan Cabot, Paul Kelly. Wheel of Fort. M Wheel of Fort. Groundswell (2022): Lacey Chabert, Ektor Rivera. M Family Guy ★★ The Quick Gun (1964) Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Fixer Upper Mysteries: Deadly Deed (2018): Jewel. M (8:45) ★★★ Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008): A musician encounters his ex and her new lover in Hawaii. Jason Segel. God Save (10:25) God Save Texas Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW The Regime M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV (6:00) Rock the Block Married to Real Estate HISTORY Swamp People Swamp People HLN Lies, Crimes & Video Lies, Crimes & Video Forensic Files ID To Be Announced Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: Little Bit of Light. LIFE Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising LMN To Be Announced M MAGN Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Barnwood Builders METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (5:00) A Bridge Too Far M ★★★★ Glory (1989): Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington. M ★★★★ Platoon (1986) MOVIES! M (5:50) ★★ Whirlpool (1949) M ★★ Born to Kill (1947): Lawrence Tierney, Claire Trevor. M ★★★ Little Caesar (1930) MSNBC The ReidOut MTV Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore Family Vac. NATGEO Vikings: The Rise and Fall Vikings: The Rise and Fall Rise and Fall of the Maya NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 6:30PM Two/Half Men M*A*S*H L 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM Married to Real Estate N N Hunt Intl Swamp People: Serpent In. Two/Half Men Forensic Files Two/Half Men N Blackmail, Lies, and Murder (2024): Kelsey McKean. Andy Griffith All In With Chris Hayes 10:00PM 9:00PM L N Forensic Files Swamp People Forensic Files Two/Half Men Chicago P.D. Baby N Baby N Building Off the Grid Green Acres Ridiculousness N Hunters Int’l To Be Announced Alex Wagner Tonight N N 10:30PM 9:30PM L Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness L Ridiculousness Lost Tomb- Alexander the Great PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds REELZ Cops Reloaded REWIND NewsRadio SCIENCE Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned M (6:00) Superpower (2023) M ★★★ The Drop (2014): A bartender finds himself at the center of a heist gone bad. Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Gandolfini. M (5:45) Freedom’s Path M SHOW SHOW2 NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Cops Cops Cops NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Becker Becker Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned M ★★★★ The Godfather (1972): Marlon Brando. ★★★ Coach Carter (2005): Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Ri’chard, Rob Brown. M Warrior St. SMITHSO Air Disasters Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships STARTTV The Closer: Pilot. Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles M (5:55) ★ Big Daddy STARZ M ★ Billy Madison (1995): Adam Sandler. M ★ Me, Myself & Irene (2000): A mild-mannered police officer has a vile alter ego. Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, Chris Cooper. STORY TV The Real West The Real West The Real West The Real West SUND Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order SYFY To Be Announced TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Storm of Suspicion Weather Gone Viral TLC The Culpo Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters TMC M M TNT NBA Tip-Off TRAVEL World’s Most Unexplained World’s Most Unexplained: Power of Objects. TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Fresh Start. Hudson & Rex USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 To Be Announced Big Bang (6:00) ★★★★ Ninotchka (6:15) 2 Days in the Valley L S Big Bang M Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ Casablanca (1942): Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman. ★★★ Coming to America (1988): Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall. NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at Dallas Mavericks. N L N Big Bang M Big Bang ★★★ Out of Africa (1985) M ★★★ School of Rock S NBA Basketball L Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch Blue Bloods: Help Me Help You. Blue Bloods: Friends in Need. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced VICE Dark Side of the Ring Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid WEATH Storm Center Search Party Search Party Search Party WE TV 9-1-1: Ocean’s 9-1-1. Bold & Bougie Bold & Bougie N = NEW M = MOVIE L L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ N Bold & Bougie T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  85
PRIMETIME EASTERN FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM OFF ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I FREE SHIPPING with code CACPB1 Local Programming Shark Tank Local Programming S.W.A.T. Local Programming Penn & Teller: Fool Us Local Programming S Local Programming PBS NewsHour N N M N Hoover 3’s Company (5:45) ★★ Young Guns II M To Be Announced N Animals N Local Programming L Local Programming N Icon: Music Through the Lens Icon: Music Through: On the Net. The First 48 The First 48 ★★★ Beverly Hills Cop (1984): Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold. The Jeffersons M Tanked The Jeffersons N Blue Bloods Dateline NBC N Tanked 3’s Company N Funny Kids The First 48 (5:30) ★★★ Trading Places N S.W.A.T. WWE Friday Night SmackDown Was. Week Tanked M 20/20 Deal or No Deal Island N The First 48 M 10:30PM 9:30PM NOW $16.99 WAS $56.99 70% Call 1-800-489-3616 or go to CATHERINES.COM 10:00PM 9:00PM POSTURE SUPPORT BRA SAVE UP TO The TRUSTED EXPERTS in SIZES 16W TO 38W Available in 9 colors. 9:30PM 8:30PM (10:15) Beverly Hills Cop II Tanked Barney Miller Barney Miller Johnny Carson (8:15) ★★ Young Guns (1988): Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. M Young Gun To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in Family All in Family Night Court Night Court Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke M (6:15) ★★ Beauty Shop Mama’s Family Last Call M Mama’s Family L ★★ Baby Mama (2008): Tina Fey. Erin Burnett OutFront The Office To Be Announced American Greed Anderson Cooper 360 The Office ★★★ Election (1999): Matthew Broderick. To Be Announced American Greed L M The Office L American Greed Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office L The Office CNN NewsNight L The Office The Office Grimm: Marechaussee. Grimm: Trial by Fire. The X-Files The X-Files: Fresh Bones. Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Bones Frasier Frasier Roseanne Gold Rush Gold Rush Jessie Shorts Sp. N M Frasier Frasier Gold Rush M S L S College Basketball: VCU at Dayton. (6:00) ★★★ Gunfighters Diners, Drive Diners, Drive The Ingraham Angle L L M Diners, Drive Family Guy M Diners, Drive Family Guy Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers The Rockford Files Wells Fargo M Switch Split Second Press Your Luck M (6:00) The Blessing Bracelet M Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit, Stage Death (2020) M Priscilla M (5:30) ★★ Sex and the City Enthusiasm Walker, Texas Ranger 86E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M L Emergency!: Peace Pipe. Diners Hannity Diners, Drive Diners, Drive L Gutfeld! L S Family Guy Family Guy M Canterbury Diners, Drive N College Basketball Family Guy L Family Guy To Be Announced Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers The Rockford Files Wheel of Fort. M Wheel of Fort. A Veteran’s Christmas (2018): Eloise Mumford, Sean Faris. M Bob’s Burgers Kojak: Money Back Guarantee. ★★ Forty Guns (1957): Barbara Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan. Wells Fargo M College Basketball: Wichita State at Tulane. N L NBA Basketball ★★★ Avatar (2009): Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver. To Be Announced Magnum, P.I. L ARCA Racing: General Tire 150. To Be Announced Bob’s Burgers S Perry Mason Jesse Watters Primetime Family Guy (5:00) Bohemian Rhapsody L ★★★ The Wings of Eagles (1957): John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, Dan Dailey Jr. NASCAR Race Hub Family Guy S Perry Mason S M Raven’s Home ★★★ Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008): Ron Perlman. M NBA Basketball: Atlanta Hawks at Memphis Grizzlies. Quincy, M.E.: Dead and Alive. M Disney’s Magi To Be Announced (7:20) ★★ Maleficent (2014): Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning. NBA Count. Gold Rush Moana (2016): Voices of Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson. To Be Announced Roseanne Beautiful Blonde From Bash. Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Picture Perfect Mysteries: Newlywed and Dead (2019) ★★ The Last Witch Hunter (2015): Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood. Real Time With Bill Maher ★★★ Up in the Air (2009): George Clooney. The Regime M Star Trek: The Menagerie. Star Trek: The Next Generation N = NEW M M L Assistant Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HISTORY Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens HLN How It Really Happened How It Really Happened Forensic Files ID To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced IFC M ION Bull: Justified. Bull: Reckless. Bull: Death Sentence. Bull LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy LMN To Be Announced To Be Announced MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beach Co. METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith MGM M (5:10) Transformers: Age M ★★ Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023): Anthony Ramos. M ★★★ Interstellar (2014) MOVIES! M (5:50) ★★ Breakout (1975) M ★★ The Last Exorcism (2010): Patrick Fabian, Ashley Bell. M ★ Lisa and the Devil (1973) MSNBC The ReidOut MTV (6:30) RuPaul’s Drag Race RuPaul’s Drag Race: Werq the World. NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol OWN Ready to Love Ready to Love Ready to Love: Meet the Friends. Ready to Love OXYGEN Snapped Snapped The Real Murders of Atlanta The Real Murders of Atlanta (6:45) ★★ Bloodsport (1988): Jean-Claude Van Damme. M*A*S*H L N N 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM Dream Home Hunters N Forensic Files Forensic Files N Forensic Files To Be Announced ★★ Out for Justice (1991): Steven Seagal, William Forsythe. M Beach Cottage Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes L Green Acres Alex Wagner Tonight N L Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Untucked N Ridiculous. N L Ridiculous. Law & Order To Be Announced REELZ (5:00) On Patrol: Live On Patrol: First Shift REWIND NewsRadio Sabrina, Witch SCIENCE Hunting Atlantis SHOW M (6:45) Freedom’s Path (2022): A Union soldier is rescued by a free Black man. Gerran Howell, RJ Cyler, Ewen Bremner. SHOW2 M N Sabrina, Witch Hunting Atlantis On Patrol: Live N Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Hunting Atlantis Becker Becker Hunting Atlantis M War Pony (2022): Two young Oglala Lakota men navigate their paths to manhood. Jojo Bapteise Whiting, LaDainian Crazy Thunder. ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. M The Wolf of Wall Street SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Air Disasters Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer: The Big Picture. Major Crimes: Internal Affairs. Major Crimes: A Rose Is a Rose. Rizzoli & Isles: Money Maker. Hightown: Big Fish. The case is BMF: Magic Makers. BMF: Detroit vs Everybody. STARZ BMF: Magic Makers. N To Be Announced POP M House Hunters The Proof Is Out There PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced (5:30) Minority Report N To Be Announced All In With Chris Hayes NewsRadio 10:30PM 9:30PM N coming to a close. N STORY TV Modern Marvels: Home Tech. Modern Marvels Modern Marvels: The Basement. Modern Marvels: Yard Tech. SUND NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS SYFY To Be Announced To Be Announced TBS M (5:30) ★★★ Girls Trip M ★★ Ride Along 2 (2016): Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter. TCM M (5:45) ★★★ Mister Roberts M ★★★★ Rain Man (1988): Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino. THISTV Highway Thru Hell: Thin Ice. Highway Thru Hell TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? TMC M TNT To Be Announced TRAVEL The Dead Files: Nowhere to Hide. The Dead Files: Imprisoned. The Dead Files: Burning Hatred. The Dead Files: Isolated. TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Blue Bloods: The Extra Mile. USA M VH1 To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced VICE Forged in Fire: The Pandat. Forged in Fire: The Naginata. Forged in Fire: Zulu Iklwa. Forged in Fire: The Haladie. WEATH Storm Center Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Storm Stories: The Next Chapter WE TV Law & Order Slaughter. Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: Not to Hot N = NEW M (6:00) ★★★ Emma (1996) M To Be Announced Storm of Suspicion: Icy Ending. N = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ ★★ Fist Fight (2017) M ★★★ The Duchess (2008): Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes. N M ★★ Jane Eyre (1996) S All Elite Wrestling M N Annie Hall Weather Gone Viral: In a Flash. 90 Day Fiancé ★★ The Equalizer (2014): Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz. L M L ★★ The Equalizer (2014) Mama June: From Not to Hot T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  87
PRIMETIME EASTERN SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM Local Programming NBA S Local Programming Tracker S Basket. 7:30PM 6:30PM L S 9:00PM 8:00PM NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Phoenix Suns CSI: Vegas L S College Basketball Teams to be announced. The Wall Antiques Roadshow American Masters How It Feels to Be Free. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals M L 48 Hours L N Local Programming Weakest Link N 10:30PM 9:30PM Local Programming Local Programming Ghostbust. 10:00PM 9:00PM (7:45) College Basketball NC State at Pittsburgh. L FOX College Hoops Tip-Off M 9:30PM 8:30PM Saturday Night Live Icon: Music Through the Lens Biography: WWE Legends N ★★ Ghostbusters II (1989): Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver. M ★★ Ghostbusters (2016) My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Barney Miller Maude Bunker The Jeffersons M Barney Miller Maude (7:15) ★★ Christine (1983): Keith Gordon, John Stockwell. (5:00) Movie M Bunker The Jeffersons (9:15) ★★★★ Dances With Wolves (1990): Kevin Costner. Movie Movie Movie Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch M (6:05) ★★ Leatherheads M ★★ Carrie (2013): Chloë Grace Moretz. M (5:30) Movie Undercover Boss CNN Newsroom N Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program M (6:00) ★★ Spiders 3D Come and Find Me (2016): Aaron Paul. Double Jeopardy (1999): Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Bruce Greenwood. Movie M M M Movie ★★ Prom Night (1980): Leslie Nielsen, Jamie Lee Curtis. M Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Emergency! Columbo Columbo Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (6:15) Movie Movie (6:00) Movie Movie S (6:30) College Basketball L S (6:00) College Basketball L M Diners, Drive L M UFC 299: O’Malley vs. Vera 2 - Prelims M (5:00) Star Wars: Empire S... Diners, Drive Diners, Drive L S (6:00) Movie N One Nation Diners, Drive The Simpsons The Simpsons M M (6:00) Hearts in the Game M Mystery 101: An Education in Murder (2020) M (6:05) Devil Wears Prada M ★★★ The Informant! (2009): Matt Damon, Scott Bakula. Black Sheep Squadron 88E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; S College Basketball L M Saturday Night M L Trials of Diners, Drive N Hoops Extra ★★★ Zootopia (2016) The Simpsons The Simpsons Walker, Texas Ranger Pyramid Family Feud Family Feud M Family Feud Summer Villa (2016) Mystery 101: Killer Timing (2021) To Be Announced Tour of Duty Pilot. The Simpsons Local Sheriff! Come Fly With Me (2023): Heather Hemmens, Niall Matter. M The Simpsons The Rockford Files ★★ Return of the Seven (1966): Yul Brynner, Robert Fuller. The $100,000 Pyramid M L Movie M Split Second College Basketball ★★★ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983): Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. Walker, Texas Ranger (5:00) Magnificent Seven S Diners, Drive N College Basketball DePaul at Seton Hall Walker, Texas Ranger Rookie. Switch Diners, Drive Hurricane Emergency! Saddled. Movie The Simpsons M ★★★ Pal Joey (1957): Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra. M Life, Liberty & Levin M L Perry Mason ★★★ Encanto (2021): Voice of Stephanie Beatriz. Beauty ... Big City ★★ The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) College Basketball OVC Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA NHRA Racing Top Fuel All-Star Callout. M The Simpsons M Perry Mason The Big Weekend Show S S (6:00) ★★★ The Wings of Eagles (1957) Diners, Drive Gabby Duran Movie ★★ The Bone Collector (1999): Denzel Washington. Quincy, M.E. Iron Chef America Amphibia M S Iron Chef America ★ Prom Night II (1987) (9:45) The Regime M ★★★ Brooklyn (2015): Saoirse Ronan. Tour of Duty M Pulp Fiction M Pootie Tang Combat! Bridgehead. N = NEW M = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 8:00PM 7:00PM 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV N = NEW M 10:30PM 9:30PM N House Hunters The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained Sex & Murder Sex & Murder Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Vengeance: Killer Coworkers To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Fatal Vows M (6:45) ★★ Demolition Man (1993): Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. M ★★★ The Last Samurai (2003): Tom Cruise. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU (6:00) Movie M Hunting Housewives (2024): Denise Richards, NeNe Leakes. (6:00) Movie M Movie Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. Stooges Svengoolie 13 Ghosts. M M Stooges Law & Order: SVU Movie Batman ★★★ American Fiction (2023): Jeffrey Wright. (5:50) Coward of the County ★★★ The Public Enemy (1931) L M M ★★★ Do the Right Thing (9:50) ★★★ Little Caesar (1930) The Rachel Maddow Show (6:00) MTV Special Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. N M Ayman N Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. (5:45) ★★★ The Big Short Ayman Law & Order: SVU Movie M L Fatal Vows Ayman MTV Special N To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid Border The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC Cold Justice Cold Justice N Border N N N Blood & Money Trafficked w/ Mariana van Vet 9-1-1 N Vet 9-1-1 N N Love & Marriage: DC Cold Justice Movie Movie (6:00) Movie NCIS: New Orleans (5:00) On Patrol: Live On Patrol: First Shift Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch Sabrina, Witch What on Earth? NCIS: New Orleans N On Patrol: Live N Diff. Strokes Sabrina, Witch What on Earth? NCIS: New Orleans Diff. Strokes What on Earth? Diff. Strokes Diff. Strokes What on Earth? M (7:15) ★★★ Past Lives (2023): Greta Lee, Teo Yoo. M Raging Grace (2023): Max Eigenmann. M (6:30) ★★★ Noah (2014): Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly. M ★★★ Gladiator (2000): Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. Secrets Secrets Secrets Secrets M Last Voy. Pompeii: The Dead Speak The Closer Flashpoint. CSI: Cyber Killer En Route. CSI: Cyber Fire Code. Rizzoli & Isles Crazy for You. BMF Magic Makers. Hightown Big Fish. BMF Magic Makers. M Ancient Mysteries Ancient Mysteries Ancient Mysteries Ancient Mysteries Camelot. M (6:45) ★★★ Back to School (1986) M (8:45) ★★ Caddyshack (1980): Chevy Chase. Movie M Back- Sch. Movie Big Bang M ★★ All Eyez on Me (2017) Big Bang (4:00) Lawrence of Arabia Highway Thru Hell Entombed. 90 Days 90 Days M Big Bang M Big Bang ★★★ Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018) ★★★★ Ben-Hur (1959): Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd. Weird Earth Sister Wives Weird Earth N Sister Wives SOS: How to Survive N Sister Wives N M ★★ In Too Deep (1999): Omar Epps. (5:30) Movie S All Elite Wrestling: Collision NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men M (6:10) ★★ Captive State Big Bang Blue Bloods The Job. M Blue Bloods Leap of Faith. (5:00) ★★★ Creed (2015) VH1 Special M M M L Movie Blue Bloods Parenthood. VH1 Special VH1 Special M Highway Thru Hell Fast: Home Rescue NCIS Obsession. NCIS Borderland. NCIS Patriot Down. = LIVE S = JGFIKJ M Creed VH1 Special Top Ten Worst Flash Floods L Blue Bloods The Life We Chose. ★★ Criminal (2016): Kevin Costner, Gal Gadot, Gary Oldman. ★★★ The Other Guys (2010): Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes. = MOVIE ★★ Slow Burn (2005): Ray Liotta, LL Cool J. ★★★ The Other Guys (2010): Will Ferrell. N Highway Thru Hell NCIS Rule Fifty-One. T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  89
PRIMETIME EASTERN SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I The Oscars: Honors for achievements in film take place in Los Angeles. Jimmy Kimmel hosts. 60 Minutes 7:30PM 6:30PM N 8:00PM 7:00PM 60 Minutes 8:30PM 7:30PM 9:00PM 8:00PM N Tracker To Be Announced The Simpsons Burgers N Hotel Portofino Contortions. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Great No. Abbott CSI: Vegas The Conners N Grimsburg N N Local Programming N Local Programming Hotel Portofino Subterfuges. N WWE Legends (6:00) ★★ Iron Man 2 (2010): Robert Downey Jr. Lone Star Law Drew Carey M L 10:30PM 9:30PM ★★★ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002): A malevolent force threatens the students at Hogwarts. Daniel Radcliffe. Antiques Roadshow M 10:00PM 9:00PM N The Conners Next Level Chef M 9:30PM 8:30PM Drew Carey Drew Carey N The Walking Dead: The Ones Lone Star Law Wardens of the North Drew Carey Hotel Portofino Farewells. Family Ties N Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon N Wardens of the North Family Ties ★★★ Hoosiers (1986): Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey, Dennis Hopper. N Family Ties Family Ties ★★★ Moneyball (2011): Brad Pitt. M Movie Movie Real Housewives of NYC Real Housewives of Potomac Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers N Bob’s Burgers Married to Medicine American Dad! N American Dad! Watch What Housewives American Dad! Rick and Morty To Be Announced M Kingsman: Secret Service King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank M ★ Paranoia (2013): Liam Hemsworth. King of Queens King of Queens M King of Queens (9:45) ★★ XXX (2002): Vin Diesel. King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank CNN Newsroom N CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office M (6:00) Mega Shark v. Kolos. Carnival Eats Carnival Eats The Office The Office The Office The X-Files Fearful Symmetry. The X-Files Dod Kalm. The X-Files Humbug. Carnival Eats Yum-Yummer Man v. Food Carnival Eats Yum-Yummer Monk Man v. Food Bones Monk Monk (6:00) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family N Naked and Afraid M (6:50) ★★★ The Karate Kid (1984): Ralph Macchio. S NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Cleveland Cavaliers L S (6:00) Wm. Basketball L College Wrestling Big 12 Championships: From BOK Center in Tulsa, Okla. Quincy, M.E. M S Perry Mason The Big Weekend Show S M L NBA Basketball Life, Liberty & Levin N L N Bobby’s Triple Threat N The Big Weekend Show NHRA Racing Amalie Motor Oil Gatornationals ★★★ Despicable Me (2010): Voice of Steve Carell. M Incredibles M ★★★ Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021): Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch. Movie (7:45) Movie Family Guy Family Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Lucas. M (5:30) ★★★ Conagher Switch Split Second M M Venom: Let There- Carnage Movie Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Walker, Texas Ranger M Futurama Futurama Family Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Family Guy The Rockford Files ★★★ Tombstone (1993): Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn. The $100,000 Pyramid Pyramid Family Feud Two Tickets to Paradise (2022): Ashley Williams, Ryan Paevey. The Way Home M Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Heist and Seek (2020) M M ★★★ Sleepless in Seattle (1993): Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan. The Regime M (6:10) ★★ San Andreas The Regime M Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation 90E T V = U I D E C 7 = 7 P ? D ; NHRA (9:45) ★★★ Despicable Me 2 (2013) M Sarah Connor Chronicles L (9:15) ★★★★ On Golden Pond (1981): Katharine Hepburn. Sunday Night S L Emergency! Fuzz Lady. Tournament The Good, the Bad and the Randomizer. College Basketball Illinois at Iowa M ★★ The Karate Kid Part II (1986): Ralph Macchio. Perry Mason ★★★ The Best Man (1964): Henry Fonda, Cliff Robertson. Guy’s Grocery Games S SC Featured M N Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Something New (2023) N Enthusiasm Enthusiasm ★★★ American Gangster (2007): Denzel Washington. N = NEW M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine = MOVIE L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME EASTERN SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Eastern Central 7:00PM 6:00PM HGTV Home Town Home Town HISTORY The Food That Built America The Food That Built America The Food That Built America HLN Very Scary People Very Scary People Very Scary People ID To Be Announced To Be Announced Evil Lives Here IFC Raymond Raymond Raymond ION NCIS Willoughby. NCIS Off the Grid. LIFE (6:00) Movie M Smart Home Killer (2023): Natalie Brown, Anwen O’Driscoll. Movie LMN (6:00) Movie M Blackmail, Lies, and Murder (2024): Kelsey McKean. Movie MAGN Fixer Upper Fixer Upper METV M*A*S*H MGM M ★★ Mean Girls (2024): Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp. MOVIES! M (5:20) A Handful of Dust MSNBC Ayman MTV MTV Special MTV Special NATGEO Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna NGWLD Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa Operation: Pet Rescue OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Final Moments The Real Murders of Atlanta The Real Murders of Atlanta Final Moments PARAMNT Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue POP Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live REWIND My Two Dads SCIENCE Engineering Catastrophes Engineering Catastrophes Brink of Disaster SHOW M (5:45) ★★ 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (8:15) Mayor of Kingstown Peace in the Valley. N M ★★★ Gladiator (2000): A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. SHOW2 M 7:30PM 6:30PM Raymond M*A*S*H L 8:00PM 7:00PM M My Two Dads (6:10) ★★★ The Drop 9:30PM 8:30PM 10:00PM 9:00PM Small Town Potential Raymond Hunters N Raymond NCIS Keep Going. All in Family N The Food That Built America Psychopath Psychopath Raymond Raymond Fixer Upper: Welcome Home Fixer Upper Stately in White. All in Family Ed Sullivan All in Family M N Carol Burnett Belgravia: The Next Chapter (9:45) ★★ Screaming Mimi (1958) Prime: Weekend Inside With Jen Psaki MTV Special MTV Special Wicked Tuna My Two Dads House Hunters NCIS Nonstop. Belgravia: The Next Chapter L N 10:30PM 9:30PM Very Scary People N ★★ Women’s Prison (1955): Ida Lupino. My Two Dads M 9:00PM 8:00PM N All in Family Ayman N 8:30PM 7:30PM N Last of the Giants: Wild Fish N N N Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Hogan Family Hogan Family Hogan Family Hogan Family M Raging Grace (2023): Max Eigenmann. ★★★★ Once Upon a Time in America (1984) SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Extreme Airport Africa Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer You Are Here. CSI: Cyber Crowd Sourced. CSI: Cyber The Evil Twin. Rizzoli & Isles Cuts Like a Knife. BMF Magic Makers. Hightown Big Fish.: The case is coming to a close. M ★★★ Yellow Rose (2019): Eva Noblezada. Biography Thomas Watson Jr. Biography Bill Gates. M (5:35) ★★ Jurassic World Dominion (2022): Chris Pratt. STARZ STORY TV Biography Albert Einstein. Biography Dow and Jones. SUND M SYFY (6:00) Movie TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Highway Thru Hell The General. Weird Earth TLC (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days TMC M TNT Movie TRAVEL Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men UP M USA Law & Order: SVU Shadow. Law & Order: SVU Bedtime. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 Wild ‘n Out VH1 Special VH1 Special VH1 Special VICE M Dark Side of the Ring Dark Side of the Ring WEATH Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Timber Titans WE TV S.W.A.T. Old School Cool. S.W.A.T. Provenance. S.W.A.T. Short Fuse. N = NEW M (6:30) ★★★★ When Harry Met Sally... M ★★★ City Slickers (1991): Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern. Harry Met Movie Big Bang (4:00) Gone With the Wind (6:05) ★★★ The Fighter Big Bang M M Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ Around the World in 80 Days (1956): David Niven, Mario Moreno, Shirley MacLaine. Weird Earth SOS: How to Survive Love & Translation ★★ Allied (2016): Brad Pitt, Marion Cotillard, Jared Harris. M N Resistance: 1942 (2021) Movie A Royal Makeover (2023): Veronica Long, Ricky Martinez. Wild ‘n Out ★★★★ Stand by Me (1986): Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix. = MOVIE M L = LIVE S = JGFIKJ M N Bigfoot: Fear in the Woods Tomboy (2017): Makenzie Vega, Sal Stowers, Tom Maden. N The Earth Unlocked N S.W.A.T. Albatross. T V = U I D E C 7 = A Z I N E  91
FEBRUARY 19, 2024 | PUZZLE #1478 ACROSS ' Olivia’s last name,on Scandal + Factory / Serling of The Twilight Zone '( Batmanstar West or Eight Is Enoughstar Rich ') Former Bachelorette star Luyendyk Jr. '* ____-Wan Kenobi '+ True____ '- Matlock’s \_ st name '. Exclamation from Charlie Brown '/ 1983 series ____ and Son (' John Cleese’s roleon Fawlty Towers (* Hinged entrance (+ Edgar Buchanan,on Petticoat Junction (2 wds.) (. Kind of torch seen on Survivor )' Single-helix structure (abbr.) )( Boss on The Simpsons, Mr.____ )* The Peach Pit owner,on Beverly Hills, 90210 )+ Twin Peaks’____ Flynn Boyle )- Brand known for Hands Free Footwear )/ Revise *' ____ Edition *( Felix’s roommate on The Odd Couple ** My Little ____: Friendship Is Magic *, The Civil____ *- The Untouchableshero (2 wds.) +( Stand-up comedian Philips +) Person,place,or thing +* And Just Like That… actor Handler ++ ____ Girl +, Georgina Haig,on Once Upon a Time +- Vend 1234~5678~90=```~q```~w`` e```r````~t`` ~~~y```~ui``` op[``~~]```~~ \````as`~d`fg h``~j```k~l`` ;``'~z```x``` ~~c`v`~~b```` nm```~,.``~~~ /``~!@````#$% ^``~&```~*``` (``~)```~_``` DOWN ' Cushion ( Flowery verse ) Celebrity Wheel of Fortunehost Sajak * TV chef Lagasse + ____ Houston , Barry’s wife on The Flash - Actress Tyler . Former Entertainment Tonighthost Gibbons / He played Mike Stivic on All in the Family(2 wds.) '& Remote Controlhost Ken '' The Flintstones pet ', McLaughlin of Stranger Things (& Baseball Hall of Famer Mel (' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeernarrator Ives (( True Bloodactress Paquin () ____ and Mrs. King (* Match Gamehost Rayburn (, ____ Shoot Me! (- Planet that Mork came from (/ The Streets of San Franciscostar Malden )& “The ____ Bitsy Spider” )) Aroma ), Cynthia Nixon on The Gilded Age ). Teen Wolfstar Colton *& The Beverly Hillbillies actress Ryan *( Clive of A Murder at the End of the World *) Identical ** Name used by 12 popes *+ Game of Thrones actress Chaplin *. Online laugh (abbr.) */ Killing____ +& Vulcano of Impractical Jokers +' Ego Nwodim’s show (abbr.) Answers to puzzle of Jan.29 MOE~APSE~WHOS ODD~POLE~HOWE SON~OPAL~ELLE TROLLEY~PRESS ~~RIO~EDIE~~~ ARTS~FRAN~ALE COOPER~YELLOW EON~ROSS~EASE ~~~MIMI~BON~~ MUSIC~CAESARS ORAL~MILL~LEE SIRE~ALOT~DEL SEAS~EYES~ALA

BY O7ICIN 8EB7D: B;O @kby ()–7k]$(( PISCES <[X$'/–MahY^(&) Anything worth having doesn’t come easily.It takes hard work and sacrifice.You’ll have the chance to decide what you’re willing to compromise on and what you are not. 7H?;ICWhYh ('–7fh_b'/ Seeing eye to eye with a friend or colleague may be possible.Not that that in and of itself is such a big deal.However,events could really transform the nature of your social circles.If friends are not moving in your direction,adjust accordingly. L?H=O 7k]$(3–I[fj$(( It may not seem terribly romantic to schedule time to talk to someone you love or go over details.However,sometimes that is the practical reality of a busy life. Make an \\ ort to communicate,connect and organize logistics. J7KHKI7fhil (0–MWy (& Breakthroughs and progress are possible in your career or with choices regarding big life decisions.You may garner support from an unlikely source or finally get on the same page as your partner.Strike a balance between your home and work life. B?8HA I[fj$(3–EYj$(( Whether you’ve been indulging in a personal passion,a creative project or a romantic pursuit,chances are it’s lifechanging.So,what have you been pouring your energy into? Step outside your comfort zone if you want things to change. =;C?DI CWo('–@kde (& I9EHF?EEYj$()–Nel$(' A[bi[y GrWcc[h (%('%'/++ 97D9;R @kd[(1–@kby (( A full moon may clarify issues of confidence and finance.In orderto do this,you need to get super serious about what you want.When you can do that,everything you don’t want won’t even register on your radar! Confidence arrives by being clear about what you desire. I7=?JJ7H?KIDel$22–:[Y$(' A full moon across your travel and adventure zones can renew a hunger for living life that provides you with a sense of meaning. Even if travel isn’t likely,exploring your local area may be a possibility.Searching for and finding meaning may happen closer to home. SUDOKU & 5 2 1 , + & 5 6 2 & + 7 < 6 + , 1 2 1 & 7 , < 6 94  T V G U I D E M A G A Z I N E It’s early in the year,but it’s not too late to tweak your home-life balance.Things may have changed for you on the home front.As a result,new priorities may have emerged for you, and things will feel different.As things shift, you need to change along with them. 97FH?9EHD:[Y$22–@Wd$'/ The star of Prime Video’s Reacher appears in this issue’s puzzle at left.?jYedjW_ds j^[ b[jj[hiC H I N O HIT WdZ O$ E R S B U I Y NG Y I GS E NR B U N B UGR Y E I S S E R I NUGY B GY NR B S U E I I U B YGE N S R U S I E YGB RN BGY N I R S U E RN E U S B I GY LAST ISSUE’S SOLUTION Daily habits compounded over time generate success.Figure out the most efficient and constructive way to use your time.Focus onthe top priorities and let anything else fade into the background.The mountain you wish to climb begins with your \_ st step. 7GK7H?KI@Wd$20–<[X$'. The topic of relationships may feel a little bit fraught right now.You’re dealing with a lot,and you may not have the space for others.That being said,someone is making space for you.Open up just a bit! Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. BRYAN STEFFY/GETTY IMAGES FOR KEEP MEMORY ALIVE Big career choices may berequired from you soon.Deciding what the priority is will take up a big portion of your time,but avoid biting \\ more than you can chew.Pace yourself. Figure out what’s most important,and everything else will be secondary. Are you prepared to face the changes that are happening in your relationship? Or do you want to stay in denial? If you’re being honest,some of the problems you’re experiencing are actually yours and yours alone.Being honest with yourself is your key to happiness.
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 Cheers to Chicago P.D. for putting a Jeers to the Super Bowl’s false start. ring on it! After two failed proposals,Windy City cop Ruzek (Patrick Flueger) popped the question to on-again,offagain love Burgess (Marina Squerciati),and she said yes! Third time’s the charm,and we are charmed by this couple. Cheers to Wild Cards’ winning pair. Me Wh[ Wbl in edJhe 9M’s ifWhab_dg Yed#WdZ#YefZuo e\ Riverdale’iLWd[iiWCeh]an Wdd Grey’s Anatomy Wbkm =_WYece=_Wdd_ejj_WXel["m_th Ceh]Wd$ Cheers to Genius: MLK/X for honoring the equality behind the icons.As Betty Shabazz and Coretta Scott King,Jayme Lawson and Weruche Opia are more than just the wives of the civil rights leaders in National Geographic’s bioseries.They are watchable forces of nature befitting the women who also helped change history. We say this every year,and we’ll say it again: Half the fun of watching the big game is being surprised by the equally big-budget commercials.So whydoes it feel like we saw most of them (like Patrick Stewart’s Paramount+ ad,left) days before kickoff? Jeers to the Vallejo police. Netflix should do a docuseries on their absolute bungling of the Denise Huskins kidnapping,as seen in American Nightmare. CHEERS BY DAMIAN HOLBROOK Cheers to Resident Alien’s Grey area. The Syfy fave has always been a perfect comedydrama hybrid,but now that the show is digging into the torturous abductions of Mayor Ben and wife Kate (Levi Fiehler and Meredith Garretson) and a potential invasion led by the E.T.s known as the Greys,Season 3 suddenly feels darker and deeper. & JEERS 6ZWc_Wd^ebXheea Jeers to the Daytime Emmy Awards for wasting its youth.The annual kudo-fest has axed the category for Outstanding Younger Performer in a Daytime Drama Series, which has,in the past, given trophies to the likes of then–soap newbies Julianne Moore,Anne Heche and Sarah Michelle Gellar (right). TV Guide Magazine (ISSN 0039-8543) is published 18 times a year (every three weeks)by TV Guide Magazine,LLC,2002 Sproul Road, Suite 200,Broomall,PA 19008-3510.Periodical postage paid at Newtown Square,PA and at additional mailing \\_ es.POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS.(See DMM 507.1.5.2); NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY FACILITIES: Send address corrections to PO Box 37358,Boone, IA 50037-0358. Subscription rates: 1 year $56.68, domestic only. Send subscription orders and/or change of address requests to TV Guide Magazine,PO Box 37360,Boone,IA50099-0360.If possible,include the mailing label from your latest TV Guide.Allow \_ e weeks forarrival of \_ stcopy andaddresschanges.SendLetters tothe Editor and othereditorialcorrespondence toTVGuide Magazine,565 5th Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017. Copyright 2024 by TV Guide Magazine, LLC. All rights reserved. No material in TV Guide, including program information, may be reprinted without permission of the copyright owner. TV Guide Magazine is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations.SUBSCRIBERS: If the Post \\_ e alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable,we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within one year. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: ED ARAQUEL/THE CW; PARAMOUNT+; ANN LIMONGELLO/GETTY IMAGES; SYFY 96 T V G U I D E M A G A Z I N E 
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PRIMETIMEPACIFIC MONDAY, FEB. 19 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming The Bachelor CBS Local Programming Neighbor THE CW Local Program Ride When it Rains.... FOX Local Program America’s Most Wanted NBC Local Program America’s Got Talent Finale Results. (Season Finale) PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM N N 10:30PM Bad Romance-20/20 N Bob Heart N NCIS N N Local Programming TMZ Investigates Antiques Roadshow LSU Rural N Local Programming N Irrational (Season Finale) Antiques Roadshow Austin. M (5:30) Olympus Has Fallen James Brown: Say It Loud AMC M (5:00) ★★★★ Goodfellas M ANIMAL Flying Wild Alaska Blizzard BBQ. News. N N James Brown: Say It Loud N Janet Jackson. Part 1. ★★★ My Cousin Vinny (1992): Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei, Ralph Macchio. M Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing Becker Drew Carey BBCA Law & Order Double Blind. Law & Order Deadbeat. BET M BRAVO Below Deck Designing Becker Law & Order Family Business. (6:00) ★★ Poetic Justice (1993): Janet Jackson, Tupac Shakur. Below Deck N Independent Lens Breaking the Life Museum Hour 1. N A&E N NCIS: Hawai’i Wild Cards N N M Days of .. Drew Carey Law & Order Entrapment. ★★ Harlem Nights (1989): Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor. N Below Deck Breaking Barbie. Watch What Below Deck CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Newhart Newhart Honeymoon. CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld COMET Grimm Woman in Black. Grimm Bad Teeth. The X-Files Per Manum. The X-Files COOKING Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Zimmern Zimmern Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods COZI Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny DISC Dirty Jobs DISNEY Big City E! Dick Van Dyke (6:25) ★★★ Source Code Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★ Victor Frankenstein (2015) Mom Mom M Mom Shark Tank L Seinfeld (9:50) ★ Friday the 13th (2009) Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld N Seinfeld Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized Big City Big City Big City Marvel’s Marvel’s Ladybug Ladybug Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ENCORE M Annie M ESPN S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L NFL Live FETV Emergency! The Convention. FMC M FOOD Kids Baking Championship FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S (6:30) 2024 Daytona 500 FREEFM M (6:30) ★★★ Monsters, Inc. (2001) FX M (5:30) ★★ The Proposal FXM M ★ Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012): Benjamin Walker. FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak The Trade-Off. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M HALLMV Crossword Mysteries Riddle Me Dead. M HBO M (6:10) ★★ Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) M (9:20) ★★★★ The Dark Knight (2008): The Joker (Heath Ledger) creates havoc in Gotham City. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. HBO2 (7:20) John Adams Part 7: Peacefield. H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Eight on... M ★★ Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) M L Adam-12 ★★ Man of the Year (2006): Robin Williams, Laura Linney. SportsCenter L SportsCenter Adam-12 Kids Baking Championship Fox News at Night Barney Miller NFL Live Barney Miller Bob’s Burgers N L M (6:00) Hearts in the Game Chopped Fry of the Beholder. The Five Jesse Watters Primetime Family Guy Quincy, M.E. M M Family Guy M Family Guy Wheel A Taste of Love (2024): Erin Cahill, Jesse Kove, Martin Kove. True Detective: Night Country Part 6. Anchorman 2: Legend Con... Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ Revolt at Fort Laramie (1957): John Dehner, Gregg Palmer. Wheel M PBA Bowling ★★★ Nightmare Alley (2021): Bradley Cooper, Rooney Mara. Quincy, M.E. Press Your Luck M S ★★★ Monsters University (2013): Voices of Billy Crystal, John Goodman. ★★ The Last Outpost (1951): Ronald Reagan, Rhonda Fleming. Split Second ★★ Raw Deal (1948) Chopped Don’t Lose Heart. ★★★ Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) Family Guy Quincy, M.E. M TMZ Sports M L E60 ★★★ The Talk of the Town (1942): Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Ronald Colman. N 98P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Contraband: Seized at the Border Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango (2023): Lacey Chabert. ★★★ The Manchurian Candidate (2004): Denzel Washington. Star Trek The Way to Eden. Star Trek: Next The Price. N 4E<N M Ides of .. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine M 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC MONDAY, FEB. 19 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Help! I Wrecked My House Battle on the Mountain Battle on the Mountain HISTORY History’s Greatest Mysteries History’s Greatest Mysteries History’s-Mysteries HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID The Playboy Murders IFC Raymond ION FBI Gone Baby Gone. FBI Fire and Rain. FBI Unfinished Business. FBI Fostered. LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Take It Back. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy LMN M M MAGN Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (6:00) ★★ Kiss the Girls MOVIES! M Sergean... MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Catfish: The TV Show NATGEO 7:30PM Forensic Files N Raymond (6:00) My Best Friend the .. M*A*S*H 8:00PM 8:30PM Forensic Files L 9:30PM N N 10:00PM 10:30PM Lil Jon Wants to Do What? Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Death by Fame To Tell the Truth. The Playboy Murders Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond The Baby Swindler (2023): Rhonda Dent, Emily Tennant. Andy Griffith Belgravia: The Next Chapter L Green Acres M Raymond Hand That Robs the Cradle Maine Cabin Masters Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes A Spy Among Friends ★★★★ Stagecoach (1939): John Wayne, Claire Trevor. The Rachel Maddow Show Last Word With Lawrence Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Stallone Life Below Ze Death Stroll. Arctic Ascent With Alex Honnold N Operation Arctic Cure NGWLD Secrets-Zoo Bunny Boo Boo. Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under Secrets-Zoo Meat the Butcher. Secrets-Zoo Penguin SOS. OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Sweetie Swindle. 20/20 on OWN Secret Siblings. OXYGEN Selena and Yolanda Selena and Yolanda Room 158. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered PARAMNT Yellowst. N 11th Hour N A Spy Among Friends M N History’s Greatest Mysteries People Magazine Final Rodeo. ★★★★ The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) M 9:00PM Yellowstone Yellowstone POP M REELZ Killer Performance REWIND Becker SCIENCE Dino Hunters The Race Is On. Dino Hunters Rex Revealed. Halo Sword. Halo Visegrad. SHOW (5:00) ★★★ The Firm (1993): Tom Cruise. N Becker M Stallone N Yellowstone The Dream Is Not Me. ★★★ Double Jeopardy (1999): Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd. Autopsy: The Last Hours Of .. Killer Performance Chris Watts. Killer Performance Murphy Brown Mad About Caroline Murphy Brown N Mad About Caroline Dino Hunters Dino Hunters The Race Is On. Star Trek: Discovery Kobayashi Sexy Beast The Stag. Maru. SHOW2 M (6:00) ★★★ World War Z ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. The Woman Ex Gratia. M SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Aboard Air Force One Obama Years STARTTV The Closer In Custody. Major Crimes Backfire. Major Crimes Poster Boy. Rizzoli & Isles Sailor Man. M (5:15) ★★ Tomorrowland STARZ M ★★ About My Father (2023): Sebastian Maniscalco. M ★★★ Casino (1995): A mob employee makes a play for power in 1970s Las Vegas. Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci. STORY TV WWII Lost Films WWII Lost Films End Game. Presidents at War A Call to Valor. SUND Blue Bloods Risk Management. Blue Bloods Your Six. Blue Bloods My Aim Is True. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 Top Ten Record Setters. TLC 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life TMC M (6:20) ★★★★ There Will Be Blood (2007): Daniel Day-Lewis. TNT M White H... TRAVEL (6:00) Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods Framed. Blue Bloods Inside Jobs. USA Law & Order: SVU WWE Monday Night RAW VH1 M Love & Hip Hop Miami VICE After the First 48 After the First 48 After the First 48 Innocent Lost. After the First 48 WEATH Prime Suspect: Earth Fast: Home Rescue Wanderlust. The Earth Unlocked The Earth Unlocked Lakes. WE TV Bones Bones Bones Bones N 4E<N M (6:00) ★★★ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Big Bang Big Bang M Big Bang M L N M N Pet Tricks World’s 90 Day Diaries M 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ American Dad! American Dad! (9:15) ★★★ Fame (1980): Irene Cara, Eddie Barth, Lee Curreri. World’s N ES.TV ES.TV 90 Day: The Single Life N ★★★ The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996): Woody Harrelson. (7:45) ★★ Godzilla vs. Kong (2021): Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown. (5:30) Tyler Perry’s A Mad... 4DFM@< ★★★ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Pet Tricks (7:15) ★★★ The Thomas Crown Affair (1968): Steve McQueen. Blue Bloods Playing With Fire. N M Godzilla: King of the Mons... Mysteries of the Unknown Blue Bloods Men in Black. ★ Big Momma’s House 2 Raymond Blue Bloods Warriors. N N The Impact New York N Celebrity M Best Man J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   99
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC TUESDAY, FEB. 20 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Will Trent (Season Premiere) CBS Local Programming FBI: Remorse. THE CW Local Programming Crime Nation: A Town Torn Apart by Murder. FOX Local Programming Celebrity Name That Tune N The Floor NBC Local Programming Night Court N N Quantum Leap PBS 7:30PM PBS NewsHour N 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM N N The Rookie (Season Premiere) FBI: International Extended Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. N A&E James Brown: Say It Loud James Brown: Say It Loud AMC M M ANIMAL Yellowstone Wardens (5:30) My Cousin Vinny 9:30PM N N N 10:00PM 10:30PM The Good Doctor N FBI: Most Wanted N N Local Programming N Local Programming N N Quantum Leap (Sn. Finale) American Experience: Fly With Me. A look at how the first female flight attendants were at the forefront of women’s rights. N James Brown: Say It Loud N James Brown: Say It Loud ★★★ Knives Out (2019): Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas. Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing Wo. Becker Drew Carey BBCA Bones: The Donor in the Drink. Bones BET M BRAVO Vanderpump Rules Designing Wo. Becker Bones (6:00) ★★★ The Best Man (1999): Taye Diggs, Nia Long. Bones Tyler Perry’s The Oval Vanderpump Rules: Dog Days of Summer. Drew Carey N N Zatima N America Vanderpump Rules Watch N N CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: Quill. Grimm: The Good Shepherd. The X-Files: Empedocles. The X-Files: Vienen. COOKING Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Man v. Food Man v. Food Amazing Eats Amazing Eats COZI Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny DISC Moonshiners DISNEY Big City Green E! M (6:30) ★★ Shallow Hal (2001): Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. M ★ Billy Madison (1995): Adam Sandler, Darren McGavin. ENCORE M ★★ Fall (2022): Grace Caroline Currey, Virginia Gardner. M ★★ The Lawnmower Man (1992): Jeff Fahey. ESPN S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L S FETV Emergency!: The Convention. FMC M FOOD Chopped FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S Basketball FREEFM M (6:00) ★★★★ Toy Story M ★★★★ Toy Story 2 (1999): Voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen. FX M (5:30) Captain America: Fir. M ★★ Captain Marvel (2019): Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn. FXM M (6:35) ★★ The King’s Man (2021): Ralph Fiennes. FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak: I Want to Report a Dream. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Love at First Glance HALLMV M Garage Sale Mysteries: The Beach Murder (2017) HBO M (5:55) ★★★ Trainwreck (2015): Amy Schumer. M ★★ Sex and the City (2008): Time brings many changes for Carrie and her gal pals. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Chris Noth. HBO2 True Detective Part 6. (8:20) Curb Your Enthusiasm Last Week To. H&I Walker, Texas Ranger: Faith. Star Trek: The Cloud Minders. Star Trek: The Next Generation Dick Van Dyke (6:10) ★★ Taken 3 (2014) Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★★ Charlie Wilson’s War (2007) Mom Mom Shark Tank Roseanne N Moonshiners Big City Green L The Office Roseanne N Hailey’s On It! M Mom Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office Moonshiners Hailey’s On It! L Adam-12 Moon Girl Ladybug & Cat L Barney Miller N N Fox News at Night S L College Basketball: San Jose State at Boise State. Bob’s Burgers Family Guy L DC & RC Barney Miller Quincy, M.E. Quincy, M.E. ★★ Young Fury (1965): Rory Calhoun, Virginia Mayo. Split Second 100P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Press Your Luck M M Ladybug & Cat M Social Net. L N Around/Horn (9:45) ★★★★ I Know Where I’m Going! Alex vs America Tournament of Champions The Five Jesse Watters Primetime L M Family Guy Ladybug & Cat SportsCenter (7:15) ★★★ Cover Girl (1944): Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly, Eve Arden. Chopped The Office Moonshiners College Basketball: San Francisco at Saint Mary’s. Adam-12 ★★★ Beatriz at Dinner (2017): Salma Hayek. S TMZ Sports Good Trouble Family Guy Quincy, M.E. M Avengers Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★ Cole Younger, Gunfighter (1958): Frank Lovejoy, James Best. Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. Matching Hearts (2020): Taylor Cole, Ryan Paevey. M N (9:15) ★★ Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018): Benicio Del Toro. Family Guy M College Basketball Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Garage Sale Mysteries: Murder by Text (2017) M N Curb Your Enthusiasm ★★ Don’t Worry Darling (2022) 4E<N M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC TUESDAY, FEB. 20 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Fixer to Fabulous HISTORY The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Body Cam: On the Scene IFC Two/Half Men ION Chicago Fire: Rattle Second City. Chicago Fire: That Kind of Heat. Chicago Fire: Smash Therapy. Chicago Fire LIFE Castle: And Justice for All. Castle: The G.D.S.. Castle: Fidelis Ad Mortem. Castle: Heartbreaker. LMN M M MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Lakefront Bargain Renovation Lakefront Bargain Renovation Lakefront Bargain Renovation METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes MGM M (6:20) The Passenger MOVIES! M ★★★ Dog Soldiers (2002): Sean Pertwee, Kevin McKidd. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta NATGEO Life Below Zero Life Below Zero: In Her Blood. Life Below Zero NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN Dr. Phil Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered: Ransom. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM Fixer to Fabulous Forensic Files N Two/Half Men (6:00) Nightmare Neighbor. M*A*S*H 9:30PM Renovation Aloha Forensic Files Body Cam: Reckless. Real Time Crime Two/Half Men Two/Half Men M L N 9:00PM Two/Half Men 10:00PM N Hunt Intl N Forensic Files 11th Hour L Two/Half Men Green Acres M Two/Half Men M Forensic Files Two/Half Men Nightmare PTA Moms Hogan Heroes ★★ Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) ★ Cell (2016): John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson. Alex Wagner Tonight N Forensic Files N Body Cam: On the Scene Pet Sematary: Bloodlines (2023) M House Hunters Oak Island: Drilling Down Nightmare Pageant Moms (2023): Brittney Q. Hill. Andy Griffith N 10:30PM Last Word With Lawrence Caught in the Act: Unfaithful N N Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero N PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men M POP Criminal Minds: Date Night. NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans REELZ Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil REWIND Becker Murphy Brown Mad About Caroline/City SCIENCE Strange Evidence Strange Evidence SHOW M (6:00) ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) The Woman in the Wall: Ex M Gratia. invasion. SHOW2 M Becker ★★ Rampage (2018): Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman. Murphy Brown Mad About Strange Evidence ★★★ Pearl (2022): Mia Goth, David Corenswet, Tandi Wright. M M Jumanji Caroline/City Strange Evidence Superpower (2023): The events happening in Ukraine and Russia’s ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig. SMITHSO Mighty Cruise Ships: Marco Polo. Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships: Viking Star. Mighty Cruise Ships STARTTV The Closer: Heart Attack. Major Crimes: Pick Your Poison. Major Crimes: Jailbait. Rizzoli & Isles: Brown Eyed Girl. M (6:40) ★★★ Only the Brave (2017): Members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots battle wildfires. Josh Brolin, Miles Teller. STARZ M ★★ Ambulance (2022): Thieves must outrun the law after hijacking an ambulance. Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. STORY TV Trains Unlimited: Built for Speed. Trains Unlimited Trains Unlimited Trains Unlimited: The Caboose. SUND NCIS: Requiem. NCIS: Designated Target. NCIS: Lost & Found. NCIS: Corporal Punishment. SYFY M TBS Big Bang Big Bang TCM M M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World TMC M (6:15) ★★ Shuttlecock M ★★ Machine Gun Preacher (2011): Gerard Butler. TNT M (5:30) ★★ Godzilla vs. Kong M ★★ Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019): Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga. TRAVEL Paranormal 911: The Voice. Paranormal 911 TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Protest Too Much. Blue Bloods: No Regrets. USA Law & Order: SVU S VH1 M VICE Secrets of Playboy Secrets of Playboy WEATH Timber Titans Deadman’s Curse Weird Earth Weird Earth WE TV 9-1-1: What’s Next?. 9-1-1: The New Abnormal. 9-1-1: Alone Together. 9-1-1: Future Tense. N 4E<N M ★★ Tremors (1990): Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward, Finn Carter. Red Shoes L Big Bang ★★ Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996): Fred Ward, Michael Gross. Big Bang ★★★ Spellbound (1945): Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck. (5:30) ★ Blue Streak (1999) 4DFM@< Big Bang M 4C@M< S WWE NXT World’s Funn. N M Big Bang World’s Funn. Little People, Big World N ES.TV M Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond N N Sex Before the Internet M ★★★ Hitch (2005) Raymond ★★ Mechanic: Resurrection Love You to Death N The Meg Blue Bloods: Ends and Means. M My True Crime Story N Wolves of War (2022) Imp. Jokers Blue Bloods: Loss of Faith. ES.TV Little People, Big World Paranormal 911 N Big Bang ★★★ Now, Voyager (1942): Bette Davis. Paranormal 911: Passenger. My True Crime Story 4JGFIKJ Big Bang N Sex Before the Internet J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   101
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21 Pacific 7:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET Local Programming Conners Not Dead N Abbott Local Programming The Price Is Right at Night N Dolly Parton’s Pet Gala Local Program Wild Cards Dead of Night. Local Program I Can See Your Voice Local Program Chicago Med BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I 7:30PM PBS NewsHour Court Cam M 8:00PM N Nature Court Cam 8:30PM N 9:00PM N N Court Cam (6:00) ★★★ The Fugitive (1993): Harrison Ford. The Vet Life Johnny Carson Designing Bones Bones M Designing N Local Programming N Local Programming N Chicago P.D. Split Second. N N Court Cam N Booked: First Day In ★★ Red (2010): Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman. The Vet Life Hog House Call. The Vet Life Becker Drew Carey Becker Drew Carey Bones The Fight in the Fixer. Tyler Perry’s Sistas N N Secrets of the Dead Bones (6:00) BET Star Cinema N Judge Steve Harvey N Court Cam 10:30PM N Chicago Fire On the Hook. NOVA 10:00PM N Celebrity We Are Family N The Vet Life A Tale of Two Tails. N Family Law N Court Cam 9:30PM N N All the Queen’s Men Real Housewives- Bev. Hills King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke Cheers Cheers Taxi Newhart Newhart Honeymoon. M (5:45) ★★★ Walk the Line Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Shark Tank King Charles M ★★★ Gemini (2017): Lola Kirke, Zoë Kravitz. Mom Mom Shark Tank N Seinfeld Laura Coates Live Seinfeld The Real Housewives of Miami N Real Housewives of Bev. Hills Seinfeld L Seinfeld M Mom Housewives ★★ Antitrust (2001): Ryan Phillippe. Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Grimm The Other Side. Grimm La Llorona. The X-Files Existence. The X-Files Man Fire Food Man Fire Food Zimmern Zimmern Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Expedition X Expedition X Killer Sasquatch. Expedition X Death Island. N Ghost Adventures N Big City Green Big City Green Hailey’s on It! Hailey’s on It! Chibiverse Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family M (6:45) ★★★ All the Money in the World (2017) M S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter SportsCenter S (6:00) College Basketball L Basketball NFL Live Adam-12 Adam-12 Emergency! M Gutfeld! Guy’s Grocery Games N Fox News at Night (6:00) College Basketball S SportsCenter Barney Miller M M (6:30) ★★ Black and Blue (2019) M Split Second Family Guy Quincy, M.E. N Feud: Capote vs. The Swans N Family Guy M Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969): Robert Mitchum. Wheel Family Feud Family Feud Roadhouse Romance (2021): Lauren Alaina, Tyler Hynes. Golden Girls Golden Girls (6:00) From Friend to Fiancé M Matchmaker Mysteries: A Fatal Romance (2020) M (5:35) ★★★ Skyfall (2012) M M (6:15) ★★★ Rocky Balboa Enthusiasm 102P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Family Guy Wheel M Walker, Texas Ranger TMZ Sports Chrissy & Dave Dine Out (Season Finale) Quincy, M.E. Valleyview. Press Your Luck M Guy’s Grocery Games (8:45) ★★ Red Sparrow (2018): Jennifer Lawrence, Joel Edgerton. ★★ The Domino Kid (1957): Rory Calhoun, Kristine Miller. Switch Quincy, M.E. Crib Job. NFL Films (6:00) ★★★ Avengers: Endgame (2019): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. Kojak A Question of Answers. Pardon Jesse Watters Primetime M Family Guy N L Toy Story 3 Bob’s Burgers Hellboy L Around The Five ★★★ Toy Story 4 (2019): Voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen. M ★★★ You Only Live Once (1937) Guy’s Grocery Games College Basketball UNLV at Air Force M UFC Barney Miller M Bob’s Burgers M L L L S ★★★ Suddenly, Last Summer (1959): Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift. Guy’s Grocery Games S L ★★ The Wedding Ringer (2015): Kevin Hart. M Matchmaker Mysteries: The Art of the Kill (2021) ★★★ Midsommar (2019): Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, William Jackson Harper. (8:45) True Detective: Night Country Part 6. Star Trek The Savage Curtain. To Be Announced Star Trek: Next The Defector. N 4E<N True Detective M Star Trek: DS9 Homefront. 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! No Demo Reno Tudor Is Cuter. Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV Last Word With Lawrence N 4E<N M 7:30PM Murder-Friday Two Half Men Forensic Files N 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM Forensic Files Murder-Friday Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men M M Belgravia: The Next Chapter M N Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Catfish: The TV Show L The Challenge Forensic Files Prison Brides N Married M Green Acres Man With My Husband’s F... Hogan Heroes M Hogan Heroes Landscape With Invisible .. ★★★ Conrack (1974): Jon Voight. Alex Wagner Tonight Stallone Last Word With Lawrence N N Stallone N Ridiculousness To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Trafficked Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo America’s Funniest America’s Funniest Dr. Phil Love It or List It Love It or List It First-Time Buy Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Two Half Men M Two Half Men Criminal Minds Outlaw. N Becker M Shooter NCIS: New Orleans Stashed. On Patrol: Live Machete Attack. Murphy Brown Engineering Catastrophes First-Time Buy Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Blind Justice. NCIS: New Orleans (6:00) On Patrol: Live Woman in Tree. Becker Catch Smuggler LA Undercover. ★★★ World War Z (2013): Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, James Badge Dale. NCIS: New Orleans Into Thin Air. Murphy Brown Engineering Catastrophes M (6:00) ★★ Beau Is Afraid (2023): Joaquin Phoenix. M ★★★ The Italian Job (2003): Mark Wahlberg. M Mad About Mad About Engineering Catastrophes M Caroline Caroline Engineering Catastrophes ★★★ Michael Clayton (2007): George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson. (8:50) ★★ Shooter (2007): Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. Ice Airport Alaska Heavy Lifting. Ice Airport Alaska Ice Airport Alaska Extreme Airport Africa The Closer Jump the Gun. Major Crimes All In. Major Crimes Curve Ball. Rizzoli & Isles M Rough N... M M Motives 2: Retribution (2007): Brian White. ★★ Retribution (2023): Liam Neeson. M State of... Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Ancient Discoveries Law & Order Mammon. Law & Order Ain’t No Love. Law & Order Fluency. Law & Order Obsession. M (5:30) Salt Big Bang M M ★★★ Thor (2011): Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins. Big Bang All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (6:45) ★★★ Harlan County, U.S.A. (1976) M N Resident Alien Pet Tricks N Modern Family (8:45) ★★★ Anne Frank Remembered (1995): Glenn Close, Anne Frank. Weather Gone Viral Top 10 World’s Untold Stories of ER Oh, Deer!. My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life M (6:15) The Last Manhunt M S NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Edmonton Oilers: From Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta. World’s Paranormal Caught on Camera Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Raymond Raymond Raymond M L Paranormal Caught on Camera ★★★ The Wedding Singer (1998): Adam Sandler. Raymond Raymond ES.TV ES.TV My 600-lb Life Chuck’s Story. ★★ Beowulf (2007): Voices of Ray Winstone. Paranormal Caught on Camera Post-Game Imp. Jokers Paranormal Caught on Camera M Raymond ★★★ Lamb (2021) ★★★ The Wedding Singer Raymond Raymond Blue Bloods The Bitter End. Blue Bloods This Way Out. Blue Bloods Unwritten Rules. Blue Bloods Law & Order: SVU Perverted. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU M M (5:30) Freedom Writers N Fixer Upper M N Two Half Men Blue Bloods Legacy. ★★ Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022): James Marsden, Jim Carrey. 11th Hour Forensic Files Two Half Men Fixer Upper (7:15) ★★★ The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (1974): Cicely Tyson. L Forensic Files Blue Bloods N House Hunters American Pickers Woman With the Red Lipstick (2024): Rebecca Liddiard. In With the Old M N N Two Half Men Married at First Sight In Sickness & Suspicion. M*A*S*H Hunters Two Half Men Castle Much Ado About Murder. M*A*S*H N 10:30PM Murder-Friday Breaking Bonds. Blue Bloods Erasing History. Fixer Upper 10:00PM See No Evil The Big Guy. Blue Bloods The Brave. (6:00) Her Fiancé’s Double .. 9:30PM ★★★ A Simple Favor (2018): Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding. M Longshots N Dark Side of the 2000s Dark Side of the 2000s Nine Lives of Tiger Woods Nine Lives of Johnny Depp Heavy Rescue: 401 Weather Gone Viral Top Ten Record Setters So You Think You’d Survive? NCIS Friends and Lovers. NCIS Dead Man Walking. NCIS Skeletons. NCIS Iceman. 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   103
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC THURSDAY, FEB. 22 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming To Be Announced CBS Local Programming Sheldon THE CW Local Programming The Conners The Conners Son/Critch FOX Local Programming Next Level Chef N Farmer Wants a Wife NBC Local Programming Law & Order: Last Dance. PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM N A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL I Was Prey: Alone in the Wild. The First 48 9:30PM 10:00PM 10:30PM To Be Announced Ghosts This Old House N 9:00PM N N Ask This Old House N N N So Help Me Todd N Tracker: Springland. Children N Local Programming N Local Programming N Law & Order: SVU All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece Frontline: 20 Days in Mariupol. N Taking the Stand Undercover: Caught on Tape ★★ Armageddon (1998): Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. M I Was Prey: Close to Home. I Was Prey ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing Wo. Becker BBCA M (6:00) The Princess Bride M BET M (6:00) ★★★ He Got Game (1998): Denzel Washington. BRAVO Summer House: Reunion Part 2. Designing Wo. N Law & Order: Organized Cr. N Perfect St. I Was Prey: Attacked in Alaska. Becker Drew Carey Drew Carey ★★★ Starship Troopers (1997): Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer, Denise Richards. Southern Hospitality ComicView N Summer House ComicView ComicView N ComicView Watch What Happens Live N CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm COOKING Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats COZI Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny DISC Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! DISNEY Big City Green Big City Green Hailey’s On It! Hailey’s On It! Moon Girl Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat E! M Pretty Wo. M ENCORE M ★★ Stealth (2005): Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx. ESPN S (6:30) Women’s College Basketball L ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L FETV Emergency! FMC M FOOD Beat Bobby FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S (6:00) College Basketball L FREEFM M (5:45) ★★ How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days FX M (5:00) Spider-Man: No Way FXM M (6:35) ★★ The Greatest Showman (2017) FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak: A Question of Answers. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) A Tail of Love (2022) HALLMV M Curious Caterer Mysteries: Grilling Season (2023) HBO M (5:45) ★★★ X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) HBO2 M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger: 6 Hours. Dick Van Dyke (6:05) Bourne Ultimatum Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★★ The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) Mom Mom Shark Tank L The Office Grimm: Face Off. Beat Bobby N Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office S N Adam-12 Beat Bobby Bob’s Burgers M L SportsCenter Around/Horn Barney Miller Family Guy Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby The Five Jesse Watters Primetime L S (5:50) ★★★★ Her (2013) M College Basketball ★★ Ma (2019): Octavia Spencer, Diana Silvers, Juliette Lewis. Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E.: No Deadly Secret. The $100,000 Pyramid Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. M M Ghostbust. M ★★ Ma Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son M An American in Austen (2024): Eliza Bennett, Nicholas Bishop. Curb Your Enthusiasm Beat Bobby ★★★ Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986): Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara. Quincy, M.E. M Interruption Quincy, M.E. ★★★ Buck and the Preacher (1972): Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Ruby Dee. Split Second L ★★ Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021): Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace. M N ★★★★ Hamlet (1948): Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons. College Basketball: Washington State at Arizona. M L L Barney Miller M Botched: Med Spa Drama. ★★★ Courage Under Fire (1996): Denzel Washington. College Basketball: Oregon at Stanford. Beat Bobby S M The Office The X-Files: Lord of the Flies. SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt Fox News at Night 104P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mom ★★★ Pretty Woman (1990): Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Ralph Bellamy. Adam-12 M Mom (9:55) ★★★ Ghost (1990): Patrick Swayze. The X-Files: 4-D. ★★★ Affair in Trinidad (1952): Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford. True Grit M ★★ Dirty Dingus Magee Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Curious Caterer Mysteries: Fatal Vows (2023) M ★★ Godzilla (1998): A giant mutated lizard wreaks havoc in New York. Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo. ★★ Snowden (2016): Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley. Star Trek: All Our Yesterdays. M Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M (10:20) ★★ Machete (2010) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC THURSDAY, FEB. 22 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Farmhouse Fixer Married to Real Estate HISTORY Swamp People Swamp People: Curse of Graveyard Island. HLN Forensic Files ID Very Scary People 48 Hours on ID: Please Don’t Tell. Very Scary People Very Scary People IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: Now I’m God. Chicago P.D. LIFE Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising LMN M M MAGN Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Barnwood Builders METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (6:20) ★ Snake Eyes (1998) MOVIES! M ★★★ The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946): Barbara Stanwyck, Van Heflin. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore Family Vacat. NATGEO UFOs: Investigating UFOs: Investigating Genius: MLK/X NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol Pol Farm Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN 20/20 on OWN: Family Business. 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable: Point Blank. 7:30PM Forensic Files Two/Half Men (6:00) Framed by Husband M*A*S*H L 8:00PM Forensic Files M 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM Married to Real Estate Forensic Files Two/Half Men N Hunt Intl Forensic Files Forensic Files Two/Half Men L N Pol Farm N Forensic Files 10:30PM Hunters Int’l Swamp People Forensic Files Two/Half Men Chicago P.D. N Baby N M N Green Acres Baby N Hiding From My Husband Hogan Heroes M M N Maine Cabin Masters ★★★★ The Untouchables (1987): Kevin Costner. 11th Hour N Swamp People: Serpent In. The Ex Obsession (2022): Chaley Rose, B.J. Britt. Andy Griffith N 10:00PM Hogan Heroes ★★★ Bugsy (1991) ★★ Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) Alex Wagner Tonight Last Word With Lawrence Stallone Jersey Shore Family Vacation Stallone N Genius: MLK/X N N Dateline: Unforgettable PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men M POP Criminal Minds: Drive. NCIS: New Orleans: Choices. NCIS: New Orleans: Illusions. NCIS: New Orleans REELZ Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops REWIND Becker Becker Murphy Brown Murphy Brown Mad About Mad About Caroline/City Caroline/City SCIENCE Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned SHOW M (6:05) Organ Trail (2023): Zoé De Grand Maison. M ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): A disgraced journalist probes a 40-year-old murder. Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer. SHOW2 M (5:30) ★★★ Bridge of Spies M ★★ Shooter (2007): Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned ★★★ Road to Perdition (2002): Tom Hanks, Paul Newman. M (10:45) The Woman ★★★ The Terminal (2004) SMITHSO WWII’s Most Daring Raids Atomic Age Declassified Atomic Age: Spies in Space. Atomic Age: Filming the Bomb. STARTTV The Closer Major Crimes: Risk Assessment. Major Crimes: Year-End Blowout. Rizzoli & Isles M (4:59) Independ. Day STARZ M ★★ Retribution (2023): A driver must follow a series of twisted instructions. Liam Neeson. STORY TV Washington: Father of His Country. M How High 2 (2019): Two stoners seek funds for their munchies delivery business. Lil Yachty. M 3 Can Play That Game Washington the Warrior SUND Law & Order: Flaw. Law & Order: Ghosts. SYFY M M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10: Severe Outbreaks. TLC 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?: Meet Me Halfway. TMC M (6:30) Inbetween Girl M TNT S NBA Basketball: Los Angeles Lakers at Golden State Warriors. TRAVEL World’s Most Unexplained World’s Most Unexplained TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Drawing Dead. Hudson & Rex: Rexpert Witness. USA Law & Order: SVU: Diss. M ★★★ Creed (2015): Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson. VH1 M M ★★ Boomerang (1992): Eddie Murphy, Halle Berry, Robin Givens. VICE Intervention: Diana. Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid WEATH Lords of the Ocean Weather Gone Viral Lords of the Ocean: It’s My Party. Lords of the Ocean WE TV 9-1-1: Panic. Bold & Bougie Bold & Bougie N 4E<N M (5:00) Enemy of the State Big Bang Law & Order: Age of Innocence. ★★ The Equalizer (2014): Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★ The Black Swan (1942): Tyrone Power, Maureen O’Hara. (5:30) ★★ The Longshots 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ Law & Order: Life Line. M Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★ Phantom of the Opera (1943): Claude Rains. World’s Funn. World’s Funn. ★★ The Love Letter (1999): Kate Capshaw. M L ES.TV ES.TV 90 Day Fiancé: Isn’t She Lovely. ★★ Everyone Says I Love You (1996) Inside the NBA N L S Basketball Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch Blue Bloods: Justice Served. N Blue Bloods: Bad Blood. M Harlem Bold & Bougie J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   105
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC FRIDAY, FEB. 23 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Shark Tank CBS Local Programming S.W.A.T.: Peace Talks. THE CW Local Programming Penn & Teller: Fool Us FOX Local Programming S NBC Local Programming Password PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM N 20/20 N N 9:30PM Funny Kids N N A&E The First 48: Brothers Down. The First 48: The Invitation. AMC M M ANIMAL Homestead Rescue: Poisoned. Blue Bloods Animals N 10:30PM N Local Programming N Local Programming Dateline NBC Firing Line/ Hoover N 10:00PM N Fire Country WWE Friday Night SmackDown Washington Week N (5:00) The Perfect Storm 9:00PM N Great Performances: George Jones: Still Playin’ NEXT at the Kennedy Possum. N The First 48 The First 48: Senior Year. ★★★★ The Shawshank Redemption (1994): Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton. Homestead Rescue: Fire & Gold. Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing Wo. Becker Drew Carey BBCA M (6:00) ★★ The Outsiders M ★★ Cocktail (1988): Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown, Elisabeth Shue. BET M (5:30) Daddy’s Little Girls M ★★ Bring It On (2000): Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku, Jesse Bradford. BRAVO M ★★★ The Blind Side (2009): Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron. Designing Wo. Becker Drew Carey M ★★★ A Few Good Men M ★★★ The Blind Side (2009) CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT King of Queen CNBC Super Heists: The Picasso Thief. CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: Nameless. Grimm: One Angry Fuchsbau. The X-Files: Hellbound. The X-Files: Provenance. COOKING Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship COZI Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny DISC Gold Rush: Rally Valley or Bust. Gold Rush DISNEY Big City Green M E! M (6:30) ★★ Central Intelligence (2016): Dwayne Johnson. ENCORE M Iron Man 3 ESPN S NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at New Orleans Pelicans. ESPN2 S Basketball FETV Emergency!: Botulism. FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S FREEFM Family Guy FX M ★★ Cars 2 (2011): Voices of Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine. FXM M Deadpool 2 FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak: My Brother, My Enemy. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) The Royal Nanny HALLMV M Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers (2024) Dick Van Dyke (6:35) ★ The Animal (2001) King of Queen Roseanne Big City Green M ★★ Body of Lies (2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. Mom Mom Super Heists L The Office Roseanne N UFC Live Adam-12 Adam-12 N M Diners, Drive College Basketball: Nevada at San Jose State. Family Guy M L L Family Guy Bob’s Burgers Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Nanny N Kiff M ★ Annie (2014): Jamie Foxx, Quvenzhané Wallis, Rose Byrne. L SportsCenter SportsCenter NFL Live Barney Miller Barney Miller SportsCenter Interruption Quincy, M.E.: Passing. Diners N Diners, Drive Family Guy Bob’s Burgers Press Your Luck Diners, Drive The Five Family Guy Bob’s Burgers N Family Guy TMZ Sports Family Guy Family Guy ★★ Cars 3 (2017): Voice of Owen Wilson. M (9:45) ★★ X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Bob’s Burgers M Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ The White Buffalo (1977) Wheel of Fort. Family Feud M Christmas With a Kiss (2023): Mishael Morgan, Ronnie Rowe. M TMZ Sports M Quincy, M.E. Wheel of Fort. Diners, Drive Jesse Watters Primetime M True Detective: Night Country M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: Turnabout Intruder. Star Trek: The Next Generation Family Feud The Sweetest Christmas CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood. HBO2 106P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Kiff ★★ Ride Along (2014): Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, John Leguizamo. M San Andreas (2015): Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, Ioan Gruffudd, Archie Panjabi, Paul Giamatti. (5:50) Good Will Hunting The Nanny Gold Rush: Mine Rescue (7:17) Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO The Office M PokerStars Caribbean Quincy, M.E. M The Office (9:45) Kiff ★★ Red River (1988): James Arness, Bruce Boxleitner, Gregory Harrison. Split Second N Super Heists ★★★ Deadpool 2 (2018): Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin. Bob’s Burgers CMT Campfire Sessions ★★★ 49th Parallel (1941): Eric Portman, Laurence Olivier, Anton Walbrook. Diners, Drive Fox News at Night ★★ Taken 3 (2014) Super Heists: The Inside Job. L L SportsCenter M Mom ★★★ Up (2009): Voice of Ed Asner. (5:00) ★★★ The Alamo (1960): John Wayne. Diners, Drive Mom Hustlers Gamblers Crooks ★★ License to Drive (1988): Corey Haim. M S Cheers N To Be Announced (9:20) ★★ RoboCop (2014): Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman. N 4E<N M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC FRIDAY, FEB. 23 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HISTORY Ancient Aliens HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Naked Crimes Naked Crimes Naked Crimes Naked Crimes Road Rage Road Rage Naked Crimes Naked Crimes IFC M M ION Bull: The Exception to the Rule. Bull: No Good Deed. LIFE M (6:00) Keyshia Cole: Story M Wendy Williams: The Movie (2021): Ciera Payton. Wendy Williams: What a Mess! LMN M (6:00) Framed for Murder M He’s Not Worth Dying For (2022): Robin Givens, Hilda Martin. M MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beach Co. METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith MGM M (6:25) ★★★ Young Adult MOVIES! M (6:45) ★ Messiah of Evil (1975) MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV (6:30) RuPaul’s Drag Race RuPaul’s Drag Race NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN Ready to Love Ready to Love Ready to Love: Pajama Jam. Ready to Love OXYGEN Snapped: Theresa Tolliver. Buried in the Backyard Buried in the Backyard The Real Murders of Atlanta Napoleon Ancient Aliens N Ancient Aliens 9:30PM 10:00PM Dream Home Hunters N M*A*S*H L M N Andy Griffith 11th Hour ★★★ Meet the Parents Bull: Thanksgiving. Black Girl Missing (2023) Beachfront Bargain Hunt Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes Green Acres M Alex Wagner Tonight N N Hogan Heroes (9:45) National Lampoon’s Animal House (8:45) ★★ Night Tide (1961): Dennis Hopper, Linda Lawson. L N Beachfront Bargain Hunt ★★★ The Truman Show (1998): Jim Carrey. M M Bull: The Devil, the Detail. Beach Co. House Hunters The Proof Is Out There (7:45) ★★★ Napoleon Dynamite (2004): Jon Heder, Jon Gries, Aaron Ruell. N N 10:30PM M Ghost of Last Word With Lawrence Drag Race N M ★★★★ Titanic (1997) PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men M ★★★ The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie. POP Law & Order: Open Season. M ★★★ Selena (1997): Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Olmos, Jon Seda. REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live N REWIND Becker SCIENCE Chernobyl: Uncovering the true story behind the nuclear disaster. SHOW M ★★★ Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022): An unlikely hero fights fearsome danger from the multiverse. Michelle Yeoh, Stephanie Hsu, Ke Huy Quan. SHOW2 M On Patrol: Live Becker Murphy Brown (5:50) ★★ Southpaw M Murphy Brown Mad About Mad About Abandoned Caroline/City Caroline/City Chernobyl M ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. ★★★ The Fighter (2010): Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale. M Freedom’s Path (2022) SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters: Terror in Paradise. Air Disasters: Out of Control. Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer: Old Money. Major Crimes: Return to Sender. Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles: Bloodlines. Hightown Jackpot. Hightown 29 Days Later. STORY TV Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels SUND NCIS: Recoil. NCIS: About Face. NCIS: Judgment Day. NCIS: Judgment Day. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: More to Love: You May Now Kiss the Bride. TMC M (6:20) Murina (2021) M TNT M ★★★ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983): Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. TRAVEL The Dead Files TRUTV Steam Room- EJ & Chuck TV LAND Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Ties That Bind. Blue Bloods: The Bogeyman. Blue Bloods Blue Bloods: Manhattan Queens. USA Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire VH1 M VICE Forged in Fire: Tabar. Forged in Fire Forged in Fire: Fan Favorites. Forged in Fire: Butterfly Swords. WEATH Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral: Ships A’Hoy. Uncharted Adventure: Costa Rica. Uncharted Adventure: Peru. WE TV Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: From Not M (6:15) ★★ The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) STARZ N 4E<N M (6:00) ★★ Happy Death Day Big Bang M ★★ The Hunt (2020): Ike Barinholtz, Betty Gilpin. M ★★ Men in Black 2 (2002): Tommy Lee Jones. (6:45) ★★★ The Defiant Ones (1958) N Raymond (5:30) ★★ Harlem Nights 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S M N M ★★ Retribution (2023): Liam Neeson. M M Squealer (2023) ★★ Men in Black 3 (2012): Will Smith. ★★★ Mississippi Burning (1988): Gene Hackman. World’s Funn. World’s Funn. N M ES.TV 90 Day ES.TV N ★★★ Silence (2016): Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Tadanobu Asano. S Ryan’s Da. 90 Day M Exorcist All Elite Wrestling N The Dead Files: Driven to Kill. The Dead Files: Entangled. The Dead Files Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond The Temptations: Problems with drugs, alcohol and illness accompany the quintet’s rise to fame. 4JGFIKJ N Mama June: From Not to Hot J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   107
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SATURDAY, FEB. 24 Pacific 7:00PM ABC S CBS Local Programming So Help Me Todd THE CW Local Programming Local Programming FOX Local Programming Local Programming NBC Local Program PBS 7:30PM (5:30) NBA Basketball L 8:00PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM 48 Hours 48 Hours Saturday Night Live L Saturday Night Live Gospel Take the Message Everywhere. Finding Your Roots Mean Streets. N A&E The First 48 The First 48 AMC M M ANIMAL North Woods Law Moose Mania. ANTENNA The Jeffersons The Jeffersons N Local Programming Life Museum Hour 1. (5:00) Shawshank Redempt. 10:30PM Local Programming The Wall Monet and Kevyn. Antiques Roadshow LSU Rural 8:30PM The First 48 House of Cards. ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (2014): Jennifer Lawrence. North Woods Law Off Roadin’. North Woods Law Gun Country. Johnny Carson (7:20) Planet Earth III N BET M ★★ Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009): Tyler Perry, Derek Luke, Keshia Knight Pulliam. BRAVO M (5:00) ★★★ Bridesmaids M Hunger Ga. North Woods Law On Thin Ice. Benny Hill BBCA Benny Hill Benny Hill (8:45) ★★★ Black Hawk Down (2001): Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. M M The First 48 Bad Cinderella. M Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big .. ★★★ Bridesmaids (2011): Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne. CARTOON Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show CINEMAX M (6:20) ★★★ Fargo (1996) CMT M ★★★ Urban Cowboy (1980): John Travolta, Debra Winger, Scott Glenn. CNBC American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed CNN CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Newsroom Live COMEDY (6:00) To Be Announced COMET M Grimm Lycanthropia. Grimm The Taming of the Wu. The X-Files Shapes. COOKING Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef Battle Scallop. COZI Columbo A Bird in the Hand. Las Vegas Urban Legends. Las Vegas Coyote Ugly. DISC (6:00) Naked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid XL Careful What You Fish For. DISNEY Hailey’s on It! M ★★★ Encanto (2021) E! (6:00) Red Carpet M ★★ Men in Black II (2002): Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. ENCORE M (7:20) ★ Mallrats (1995): Shannen Doherty, Jeremy London. ESPN S College Basketball Teams to be announced. L SportsCenter ESPN2 S College Basketball Teams to be announced. L Basketball Live E60 FETV Emergency! Cook’s Tour. Barney Miller Barney Miller FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N Saturday Night FOX SP S (6:30) Women’s College Basketball L S Horse Racing FREEFM M (6:20) ★★ Jumanji (1995): Robin Williams. M (8:50) ★★ Aladdin (2019): Will Smith, Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott. FX M (5:00) Captain America/Win. FXM M ★★ Shallow Hal (2001): Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. FXX The Simpsons GETTV The Rockford Files GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Love & Jane (2024) HALLMV M Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar (2018): Eric Mabius. HBO M (6:09) ★★ Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) HBO2 M H&I Black Sheep Squadron (6:00) ★ Bad Moon (1996) Hailey’s on It! M ★★★ Green Room (2015): Anton Yelchin. Adam-12 Adam-12 (6:30) ★ Eight on the Lam (1967): Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller. Diners, Drive N The Simpsons Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Gutfeld! M Family Guy Magnum, P.I. Tigers Fan. The $100,000 Pyramid (9:45) Moon M M ★★★ Pretty in Pink (1986) Moon Girl M Moon Girl ★★ Men in Black 3 (2012) ★ Me, Myself & Irene (2000): Jim Carrey, Renée Zellweger. L SportsCenter Diners, Drive S Quincy, M.E. Diners, Drive Life, Liberty & Levin College Basketball Family Guy Magnum, P.I. Forever in Time. L Family Feud N Tour of Duty Family Guy Guardians Family Guy Kojak Letters of Death. Family Feud M Family Feud Royally Ever After (2018) Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made (2021) M Priscilla (2023): Cailee Spaeny, Jacob Elordi. Follow the complicated relationship of Priscilla Beaulieu and Elvis Presley. M M ★★★ Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970): Shirley MacLaine. Pyramid M Diners, Drive FXM Presents /(9:15) ★★ Le Divorce (2003): Kate Hudson. Family Guy M L ★★★ Life With Father (1947): William Powell, Irene Dunne. Diners, Drive M N Naked and Afraid XL Sense and Sensibility (2024): Bethany Antonia. ★★ Get Smart (2008): Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway. 108P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M ★★★ Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista. Family Guy M ★★ Jennifer’s Body (2009): Megan Fox. The Big Weekend Show ★★★ Joe Kidd (1972): Clint Eastwood, Robert Duvall. Split Second M (9:57) True Detective: Night Country Part 6. ★★ Get Hard (2015): Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart. Tour of Duty M Ted 2 Combat! Walking Wounded. N 4E<N M 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SATURDAY, FEB. 24 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters The UnXplained Lost Cities. The UnXplained Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Fatal Vows Fatal Vows Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry? M (6:00) ★★★ Die Hard 2 (1990): Bruce Willis. Forensic Files M Law & Order: SVU (6:00) Wendy Williams: What Wendy Williams Part 1. M M The UnXplained Evil Places. The UnXplained Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Fatal Vows Fatal Vows Law & Order: SVU N Svengoolie How to Make a Monster. ★★★ Three Coins in the Fountain (1954): Clifton Webb. To Catch a Smuggler: Colombia Vet 9-1-1 N Vet 9-1-1 N Maine Cabin Masters Batman M Dateline Under the Desert Sky. ★ The Waterboy (1998): Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates. N M To Catch a Smuggler: Colombia Border The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Love & Marriage: DC Cold Justice Digging for Justice. Cold Justice M (5:00) Indiana Jones/Last M M (5:00) ★★★ Selena (1997) NCIS: New Orleans N First-Time N (10:15) Terminator Genisys (9:20) ★★★ Soldier of Fortune (1955): Clark Gable. The Saturday Show Love & Marriage: DC Hillsdale Adoption Scam N M 11th Hour (5:30) ★★ Talladega Nights M ★★★ Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) (5:10) Transformers: Age M M Wendy Williams Part 1. Maine Cabin Masters M M N Stolen in Her Sleep (2022): Alicia Leigh Willis, Morgan Bradley. Stooges Ayman Law & Order: SVU Wendy Williams Part 2. Maine Cabin Masters M Forensic Files Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry? Beachfront Bargain Hunt Stooges House Hunters (8:45) ★★★ Die Hard (1988): Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia. Law & Order: SVU (6:00) Beware the Night N 10:30PM Border N Sin City Murders N ★★ Step Brothers (2008) To Catch a Smuggler: Colombia Vet 9-1-1 First-Time Buy N Love & Marriage: DC Snapped Sonia Mitchell. ★★★★ Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): Harrison Ford, Karen Allen. NCIS: New Orleans (6:00) On Patrol: Live N Vet 9-1-1 M Crusade NCIS: New Orleans More Now. On Patrol: Live 30 $ 67% PLUS FREE STANDARD SHIPPING* BELOW ESTIMATED RETAIL VALUE OF $91 1.40ctw amethyst and .38ctw white zircon earrings in rhodium over sterling silver USE CODE: WOW24 • 866-244-1760 • jtv.com/please One coupon code per customer; one coupon code per order. Offer valid through March 18, 2024 at 11:59p ET. While supplies last. *Restrictions apply. See jtv.com for details. Item: DOK2956 REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV N 4E<N M Diff. Strokes Diff. Strokes Kotter Kotter Kotter Kotter Family Ties What on Earth? Family Ties What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? M Kokomo City (2023) M (8:15) ★★★ The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie. M (6:20) Warrior Strong M ★★ Scream VI (2023): Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega. M Last Voyage of the Demeter Hell Below Hitler’s Revenge. Hell Below America Fights Back. Hell Below Atlantic Showdown. Hell Below Destroyer Killer. The Closer An Ugly Game. CSI: Cyber The Walking Dead. CSI: Cyber Fit-and-Run. Rizzoli & Isles Hightown 29 Days Later. M Mysteries of the Bible Mysteries of the Bible M (6:15) Crocodile Dundee M M (6:45) ★★★ Freaky (2020): Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Newton. M (5:45) ★★ Men in Black 3 M ★★★★ Funny Girl (1968): Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif, Walter Pidgeon. M SOS: How to Survive ★★★ Sabotage (2014): Arnold Schwarzenegger. BMF Mysteries of the Bible (10:55) BMF Mysteries of the Bible (8:15) ★★ Overboard (1987): Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Edward Herrmann. M ★★ I, Robot (2004): Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan. ★★★ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017): Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper. SOS: How to Survive M (9:45) ★★★ Mildred Pierce (1945) Deadline to Disaster N 90 Day: The Single Life Deadline to Disaster N Love & Translation 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life M (6:00) Road to Perdition M ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara. M (4:45) American Gangster S All Elite Wrestling: Collision L M M N Headhunt. ★★★ Black Panther (2018) NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond M (6:00) Sweet on You (2023) (6:30) Chi. Fire M Chicago Fire Blue Bloods Friendly Fire. N Chicago Fire Blue Bloods Critical Condition. N Chicago Fire ★★★ Barbershop: The Next Cut (2016): Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer. M Blue Bloods Innocence. N Chi. Fire ★★★ The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) ★ Anaconda (1997): Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight. M Highway Thru Hell Backroad Truckers Fast: Home Rescue Search Party NCIS Chimera. NCIS Requiem. NCIS Designated Target. NCIS Lost & Found. L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ M ★ Anaconda (1997) Nine Lives of Johnny Depp 4DFM@< N J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   109
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SUNDAY, FEB. 25 Pacific 7:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I Funniest Home Videos 60 Minutes M 7:30PM N N 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM American Idol 702 (Auditions). The Equalizer Full Throttle. 9:30PM N N Simpsons N N Tracker Mt. Shasta. Krapopolis N Great North Hotel Portofino Hotel Portofino Lessons. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals (Season Premiere) Wardens of the North Wardens of the North Family Ties Wings Wings M (6:00) ★★★ A Few Good Men (1992): Tom Cruise. M ★★ Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005): Kimberly Elise, Steve Harris. N Real Housewives of Potomac Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show King of Queens King of Queens M N Lone Star Law Hunter Games. Wings Becker N M King of Queens Married to Medicine King of Queens Becker (10:20) Silence of the Lambs BET Star Cinema N Watch What Housewives American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! The Lucy Show The Lucy Show The Lucy Show ★★★ A Most Violent Year (2014): Oscar Isaac. King of Queens M King of Queens The Bourne Ultimatum King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank S CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program The Office The Office The Office The Office M The Office (6:00) ★ Destroy All Planets Man v. Food Man v. Food The Office The Office AMA Supercross The X-Files Improbable. The X-Files Scary Monsters. Man v. Food Yum-Yummer Yum-Yummer Man v. Food Yum-Yummer Las Vegas Cash Springs Eternal. (6:00) Naked and Afraid N Naked and Afraid There Will Be Blood. Kiff M ★★★ Coco (2017): Voices of Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal. (10:20) Kiff Las Vegas M ★★★ Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004): Vince Vaughn. M N Naked and Afraid (6:00) Billy Madison (1995) M (7:15) ★★ A Walk in the Clouds (1995): Keanu Reeves. M S (6:30) NBA Basketball Sacramento Kings at Los Angeles Clippers SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt N Emergency! Brushfire. M (6:00) ★★ The Big Heat SportsCenter Adam-12 M Adam-12 Barney Miller Quincy, M.E. Ashes to Ashes. Barney Miller ★★★ The Talk of the Town (1942): Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Ronald Colman. Life, Liberty & Levin S (6:00) Wm. Basketball S M (5:40) ★★ National Treasure (2004) M (4:30) ★★ Eternals (2021) M ★★ The Proposal (2009): Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds. The Rockford Files M Bobby’s Triple Threat The Big Weekend Show ★★ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022): Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen. Bob’s Burgers Magnum, P.I. M (9:15) ★★★ Pretty Woman (1990): Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. The Simpsons M A Picture of Her (2023): Rhiannon Fish, Tyler Hynes. The Way Home M CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood, Luke Macfarlane. M M (4:40) Avatar: Way of Water M (7:15) ★★★ The Ides of March (2011): Ryan Gosling. Star Trek The Man Trap. Family Guy Kojak Family Feud N Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major (2023) ★★ San Andreas (2015): Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. M Family Guy ★★ Good Day for a Hanging (1958): Fred MacMurray. Pyramid The $100,000 Pyramid The Simpsons Magnum, P.I. A Girl Named Sue. Switch 110P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Meet John (8:50) ★★ National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007): Nicolas Cage, Jon Voight. M Sarah Connor Chronicles M NASCAR Cup Series Ambetter Health 400: From Atlanta Motor Speedway in Hampton, Ga. Bob’s Burgers M N Sunday Night Lonesome Dove Return: Gus is injured during an Indian attack. Split Second SportsCenter World of X Games The Big Weekend Show The Simpsons L World of X Games Tournament of Champions First Round Battles Heat Up. The Simpsons ★ Mr. Deeds (2002) ★★★ Speed (1994): Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper. Guy’s Grocery Games M Yum-Yummer Las Vegas Chaos Theory. M Red Bull Heavy Metal The Office The X-Files Underneath. Monk Mr. Monk and the TV Star. Kiff N The Walking Dead: The Ones N The Walking Dead: The Ones Real Housewives of Potomac (6:25) ★★★ Source Code Hotel Portofino Invitations. The Walking Dead: The Ones Wings Local Programming Biography: WWE Legends Randy Orton. (Season Premiere) Lone Star Law Rattled. M N Grimsburg Antiques Roadshow Family Ties N Local Programming N Dateline NBC (5:55) ★★★ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) N CSI: Vegas Scar Tissue. America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League Finale Results. N 10:30PM What Would You Do? ★★★ Hidden Figures (2016): Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe. Next Level Chef M 10:00PM Enthusiasm Enthusiasm ★★★ The King’s Speech (2010): Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush. Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SUNDAY, FEB. 25 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Home Town Homecoming. Home Town Tickled Pink. HISTORY The Food That Built America The Food That Built America The Food That Built America HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Signs of a Psychopath IFC M ION NCIS Incognito. NCIS Double Trouble. LIFE Where Is Wendy Williams? Where Is Wendy Williams? LMN M M MAGN Fixer Upper METV M*A*S*H MGM M (7:20) ★★ 80 for Brady (2023): Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda. MOVIES! M (6:35) ★★ Tension (1949): Richard Basehart. MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki Ayman MTV Stallone Ridiculousness NATGEO Wicked Tuna Chatham or Bust. NGWLD Operation: Pet Rescue OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Sin City Murders 7:30PM Forensic Files N 8:00PM 8:30PM N Home Town Forensic Files Evil Lives Here Stallone 10:00PM N N Forensic Files N All in Family M House Hunters The Food That Built America Forensic Files Forensic Files M (10:20) ★ Gods of Egypt NCIS Viral. Where Is Wendy Williams? (Series Finale) M My Husband’s Worst Mistake (2023): Matt Wells. All in Family 10:30PM Signs of a Psychopath NCIS Lockdown. N N Hunters The Walking Dead: The Ones Fixer Upper M*A*S*H 9:30PM Evil Lives Here (6:00) ★★★ Die Hard (1988): Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman. Trapped With My Husband 9:00PM N Betrayed by My Bridesmaid Fixer Upper: Welcome Home Fixer Upper All in Family Ed Sullivan All in Family N Belgravia: The Next Chapter W. Williams Carol Burnett Belgravia: The Next Chapter ★★ The House on Telegraph Hill (1951): Richard Basehart. Ridiculousness M Scarlet St. The Sunday Show Dateline Deep in the Woods. Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Tuna Overload. Wicked Tuna Makin’ the Bite. Jungle Animal Rescue Jungle Animal Rescue Operation: Pet Rescue 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Snapped Angelina O’Mara. Cold Justice Beloved Veteran. Sin City Murders PARAMNT Bar Rescue Loveless in Loveland. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (Season Premiere) POP Criminal Minds The Sandman. Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Tribute. Criminal Minds Inner Beauty. REELZ World’s Worst Drivers 2 World’s Worst Drivers 3 World’s Worst Drivers 1 World’s Worst Drivers 2 REWIND Hogan Family Growing Pains Growing Pains Who’s Boss? SCIENCE (6:00) World’s First Battlefield Unearthed Lost City of Troy. World’s First Battlefield: Within a valley lies an ancient battlefield. SHOW (7:20) The Woman in the Wall Ex Gratia. (8:15) Mayor of Kingstown Drones. N (Season Finale) N SHOW2 M N N Hogan Family (6:05) ★★★ Past Lives M Growing Pains Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer CSI: Cyber Python’s Revenge. BMF High Treason. (7:50) BMF New Beginnings. STORY TV T.S. Eliot: Search- Happiness Who’s Boss? M ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. The Woman in the Wall ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara. SMITHSO Air Disasters Bomb on Board. STARZ Growing Pains N Extreme Airport Africa N M J. Reacher Air Disasters CSI: Cyber 5 Deadly Sins. Rizzoli & Isles Gone Daddy Gone. M (8:45) ★ Bulletproof (1996): Damon Wayans, Adam Sandler, James Caan. Biography Anne Rice. N M (10:15) ★★★ The Black Phone (2021): Ethan Hawke. Biography Edgar Allan Poe. Biography Charles Dickens. SUND M (6:00) ★★★★ Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) SYFY M I, Robot TBS M (5:00) Capt. America: Civil TCM M (7:15) ★★★ Moonstruck (1987): Cher, Nicolas Cage. THISTV SOS: How to Survive SOS: How to Survive Deadline to Disaster Deadline to Disaster TLC (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever Afters. N Love & Translation TMC M (5:30) ★★★ Into the Wild TNT M ★★★ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016): Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk. TRAVEL Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes TV LAND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men UP M USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M (6:00) ★★★ The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) VICE M (6:00) ★★ White House Down (2013): Channing Tatum. WEATH Deadman’s Curse WE TV S.W.A.T. Buried. N 4E<N M M Braven (2018): Jason Momoa, Jill Wagner, Zahn McClarnon. (6:00) Love by Accident 4DFM@< L The Walking Dead: The Ones Big Bang M M Big Bang M 4C@M< S Big Bang (10:20) The Running Man Big Bang Big Bang (9:15) ★★★ The Country Girl (1954): Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly. N N M ★★★ Pretty Baby (1978) M Solo: A Star Wars Story Lost Kingdom of the Yeti M Star-Crossed Romance (2022): Aliyah O’Brien, Andrew Zachar. M M ★★★ 300 (2006): Gerard Butler. ★★★ A River Runs Through It (1992): Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt. Law & Order: SVU N Big Bang M N Law & Order: SVU Twist of Fate (2016) Law & Order: SVU ★★★★ Forrest Gump (1994): Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. Dark Side of the Ring Dark Side of the Ring Highway Thru Hell Head On. Timber Titans Deadman’s Curse S.W.A.T. Positive Thinking. The Walking Dead: The Ones 4JGFIKJ N N (10:20) S.W.A.T. U-Turn. J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   111
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC MONDAY, FEB. 26 Pacific 7:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC Local Programming The Bachelor Local Programming Neighbor Local Program Ride Local Program Wanted (Season Finale) Local Program The Voice (Season Premiere) PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I PBS NewsHour 7:30PM N 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM N N 10:30PM Bad Romance-20/20 N Bob Heart NCIS Lifeline. N N Hoarders David & Elizabeth. Local Programming TMZ Invest (Season Finale) N N N Local Programming Deal or No Deal Island Antiques Roadshow N Craft in America Quilts. N Secrets of Polygamy (6:00) ★★★ Die Hard (1988): Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman. M The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans Johnny Carson Designing Becker Drew Carey Law & Order Matrimony. Law & Order Working Mom. M N Becker Law & Order D-Girl. (6:00) BET Star Cinema King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke Cheers Cheers Taxi Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Shark Tank M Below Deck ★★ Hot Summer Nights (2017) Mom Mom Shark Tank CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live The Office The Office The Office L The Office Law & Order Turnaround. N Below Deck (6:05) ★★★ Appaloosa Drew Carey ★★ Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion (2006): Tyler Perry. Below Deck Pier Pressure. M N ★★★ Tombstone (1993): Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. The Last Alaskans Designing N N NCIS: Hawai’i Wild Cards Antiques Roadshow The First 48 M 8:00PM Watch What Below Deck Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! Newhart Newhart Honeymoon. (9:50) ★★★ Ingrid Goes West (2017) M Mom Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office The Office Grimm Kiss of the Muse. Grimm The Waking Dead. The X-Files Release. The X-Files Sunshine Days. Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Zimmern Zimmern Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized Big City Hailey’s on It! Marvel’s Big City Hailey’s on It! M ★★★ Shrek (2001): Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. M (6:20) The Social Network M S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter S (6:00) Wm. Basketball L Basketball NFL Live Adam-12 Adam-12 Emergency! Dealer’s Wild. M Paris Bl... M N L Fox News at Night L (6:00) ★★★ Ratatouille (2007) M (5:00) Mission: Impossible .. M ★★★ X2 (2003): Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen. Bob’s Burgers Kojak Sweeter Than Life. M M M S Barney Miller L UFC Archival Barney Miller Pardon Quincy, M.E. Split Second (6:00) The Presence of Love Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E. A Question of Time. Press Your Luck M (5:30) ★★ Sex and the City M N Sabotage Chopped Here to Persevere!. The Five Jesse Watters Primetime I Am Kevin Harvick TMZ Sports S Extreme E ★★★ Mission: Impossible -- Fallout (2018): Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames. ★★★ The Fastest Gun Alive (1956): Glenn Ford, Jeanne Crain. M Family Guy (9:45) ★★ X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Family Guy Quincy, M.E. Death Casts a Vote. M Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ There Was a Crooked Man (1970): Kirk Douglas. Wheel Wheel The 27-Hour Day (2021): Autumn Reeser, Andrew Walker. Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Hannah Swensen Mysteries A Zest for Death. M ★★★ Furious 7 (2015): Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (6:05) To Be Announced M ★★ Legally Blonde (2001) Walker, Texas Ranger Bounty. Star Trek Charlie X. 112P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; SportsCenter ★★★ Moana (2016): Voices of Dwayne Johnson, Auli’i Cravalho, Rachel House. Hannah Swensen Mysteries Carrot Cake Murder. M Ladybug BMF Family Dinner. L Kids Baking Championship Bake to School: Spirit Day. M Switch Ladybug ★★★ Shrek 2 (2004): Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. SportsCenter NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series RAPTOR King of Tough 250 M Ladybug (8:25) Catch 44 (2011): Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis. S Bob’s Burgers Contraband: Seized at the Border ★★★ The Chase (1966): Marlon Brando, Jane Fonda, Robert Redford. Kids Baking Championship Gutfeld! M N (10:20) Curb Your Enthusiasm M ★★ Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC MONDAY, FEB. 26 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC Battle on the Mountain Battle on the Mountain (6:00) History’s-Mysteries History’s Greatest Mysteries Hunting Hitler’s U-Boats. History’s Greatest Mysteries Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV FBI Ambition. FBI Scar Tissue. FBI Protective Details. FBI One Night Stand. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy M M N 4E<N M 7:30PM Forensic Files The Playboy Murders Raymond N Raymond (6:00) Movie 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM Battle-Mountn Champions of the Mountain. Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files N The Playboy Murders Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond M Movie N Raymond Movie Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Green Acres A Spy (9:50) A Spy Among Friends (5:45) ★★★★ Rain Man Andy Griffith Belgravia: The Next Chapter M The Colour of Magic Part 2: The Light Fantastic. Last Word With Lawrence L 11th Hour L N Forensic Files Death by Fame Day in Court. Maine Cabin Masters M Lil Jon People Magazine Investigates Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H 10:30PM Maine Cabin Masters Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes M A Good .. (9:15) ★★★ The Company of Wolves (1985): Angela Lansbury. The Rachel Maddow Show Last Word With Lawrence Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Grumpy Cat. 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN The Wolfpack. 20/20 on OWN The Hustlers. 20/20 on ID Snapped Cynthia Mueller. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Two Half Men M Movie Law & Order M Movie Killer Performance Autopsy: The Last Hours Of .. Killer Performance Killer Performance Becker Murphy Brown Mad About Caroline Two Half Men Becker Dino Hunters M Murphy Brown Dino Hunters Mad About Movie Caroline Dino Hunters Dino Hunters Star Trek: Discovery Anomaly. Sexy Beast You and Me. M (6:00) ★★★ Collateral Halo Reach. M (6:10) ★★★ End of Watch The Woman in the Wall M Air Disasters Flying Blind. Air Disasters Extreme Airport Africa Black in Space The Closer Repeat Offender. Major Crimes Flight Risk. Major Crimes Personal Day. Rizzoli & Isles Remember Me. M N ★★ Marry Me (2022): Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson. M ★★★ Michael Clayton (2007): George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson. ★★ Fighting (2009): Channing Tatum. M Night B... Spy Web Mossad. Spy Web OSS. Spy Web SOE. Spy Web Atom Spies. Blue Bloods Stirring the Pot. Blue Bloods Handcuffs. Blue Bloods Authority Figures. Blue Bloods Disrupted. M (6:30) ★★★ 300 (2006): Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. Big Bang M Big Bang Big Bang ★★★ Blithe Spirit (1945): Rex Harrison. M Big Bang M ★★★ Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011): James Franco. Pet Tricks N Pet Tricks American Dad! (8:45) ★★★★ 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968): Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood. Weather Gone Viral Top 10 Winter Storms. 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life M (6:15) Rumba Love (2021) M M ★★★ Rudy (1993): Sean Astin, Ned Beatty, Charles S. Dutton. World’s N 90 Day Diaries ★★ Shall We Dance? (2004): Richard Gere. World’s N ES.TV (9:50) ★★★ Hope Springs (2012) M ★★★ Creed II (2018): Michael B. Jordan. Mysteries of the Unknown Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond M (5:30) ★★ Bad News Bears WWE Monday Night RAW M (5:30) ★★ Bring It On Love & Hip Hop Miami N N M N Blue Bloods Knockout Game. ES.TV 90 Day: The Single Life (6:00) Mysteries of the Unknown Blue Bloods Insult to Injury. American Dad! Mysteries of the Unknown Blue Bloods Righting Wrongs. ★★ Ride Along 2 (2016) Raymond Blue Bloods N The Impact New York N Celebrity N M Reasona... The First 48 After the First 48 Blackout. After the First 48 After the First 48 Lester Street. Secrets of the Earth Weather Gone Viral So You Think You’d Survive? So You Think You’d Survive? Bones Bones Bones Bones 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   113
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC TUESDAY, FEB. 27 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Will Trent CBS Local Programming FBI THE CW Local Programming Crime Nation FOX Local Programming The Floor N NBC Local Programming The Voice N PBS PBS NewsHour A&E Road Wars AMC M ANIMAL Too Cute! 7:30PM N Road Wars 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM N 9:30PM N The Rookie N FBI: International N 10:00PM 10:30PM The Good Doctor N FBI: Most Wanted N N Local Programming Local Programming Deal or No Deal Island The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family: Ambition. The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family: Desire. Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars N The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family: The Fall. Road Wars N M Too Cute! ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing Wo. BBCA Bones Bones BET M BRAVO Vanderpump Rules Designing Wo. Vanderpump Rules Becker Becker Hunger Games: Catching Fi. Drew Carey Drew Carey Bones Tyler Perry’s The Oval N Customer War Too Cute! Bones (6:00) ★★ Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion (2006) N Customer ★★★ The Hunger Games (2012): Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth. Too Cute! N N Zatima N The Oval Watch What Vanderpump Rules Watch What CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: PTZD. Grimm: A Dish Best Served Cold. The X-Files: Pilot. The X-Files: Deep Throat. COOKING Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Man v. Food Man v. Food Amazing Eats Amazing Eats COZI Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny DISC Moonshiners DISNEY Big City Green E! M ★★★ Shrek 2 (2004): Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. ENCORE M (6:35) ★★ 50 First Dates M ESPN S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L NFL Live FETV Emergency!: Nurses Wild. FMC M FOOD Chopped FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S Basketball FREEFM M (6:00) Despicable Me 2 FX M (6:00) ★★★ Avengers: Endgame (2019): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. FXM M ★★★ Blockers (2018): Leslie Mann. FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Fourth Down & Love HALLMV M Garage Sale Mysteries: A Case of Murder (2017) HBO M ★★★ Barbie (2023): Barbie and Ken learn the joys and perils of the real world. Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera. HBO2 M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Dick Van Dyke (6:05) Thomas Crown Affair Suddenly Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★ Wonderland (2003): Val Kilmer. Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Roseanne L The Office Roseanne Moonshiners Big City Green M Hailey’s On It! Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office Moon Girl M L Adam-12 Ladybug & Cat N L College Basketball: Nevada at Colorado State. Bob’s Burgers M Family Guy L DC & RC S Barney Miller Barney Miller Split Second (6:10) ★★★ The Menu M M Around/Horn ★★★ The Passionate Friends (1949) Alex vs America Tournament of Champions The Five Jesse Watters Primetime S College Basketball Good Trouble Star Trek N Shogun: Anjin. Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E.: Holding Pattern. Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. A Harvest Wedding (2017): Jill Wagner, Victor Webster. Enthusiasm Interruption Quincy, M.E.: Double Death. M Last Week To. N M Barb & St. Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ The Redhead and the Cowboy (1950): Glenn Ford. Press Your Luck M UFC Live (8:50) ★★★ Blockers (2018): Leslie Mann, Ike Barinholtz. Quincy, M.E.: Tissue of Truth. (5:00) ★★ Cimarron (1960): Glenn Ford. L SportsCenter L Family Guy Ladybug & Cat BMF: Devil’s Night. ★★ Despicable Me 3 (2017): Voice of Steve Carell. M Ladybug & Cat ★★★ How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) SportsCenter Adam-12 The Office Moonshiners: The Real McCoy. (8:20) ★★ Money Monster (2016): George Clooney. Fox News at Night 114P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mom ★★★★ His Girl Friday (1940): Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell. N (9:45) ★★★ Ex Machina (2014) Moonshiners Hailey’s On It! Chopped S M M Comanche Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Garage Sale Mysteries: The Pandora’s Box Murders (2018) God Save Texas: Hometown Prison. N M Priscilla (2023) M ★ Fantastic Four (2015): Miles Teller. Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M M Get Smart Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC TUESDAY, FEB. 27 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Fixer to Fabulous HISTORY The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Body Cam: On the Loose. IFC Two/Half Men ION Chicago Fire: No Survivors. Chicago Fire: Mayday. Chicago Fire: Head Count. Chicago Fire LIFE Castle Castle Castle Castle LMN To Be Announced To Be Announced MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes MGM M (6:00) ★★★ Smile (2022) MOVIES! M ★★★ Night of the Living Dead (1968): Duane Jones. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta NATGEO Life Below Zero: In Her Blood. Life Below Zero: The Messenger. Life Below Zero NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN Dr. Phil Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM Fixer to Fabulous Forensic Files N N Forensic Files M*A*S*H L Two/Half Men M 9:30PM Renovation Aloha Real Time Crime Two/Half Men 9:00PM 10:00PM N Hunt Intl N Two/Half Men Forensic Files House Hunters Forensic Files N Forensic Files Body Cam: On the Loose. Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced Andy Griffith Green Acres ★★ Bones and All (2022): Taylor Russell, Timothée Chalamet. 11th Hour N The Lost U-Boats of WWII Body Cam Two/Half Men 10:30PM M L M (10:15) ★ Jigsaw (2017) ★★ Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971): Ralph Bates. Alex Wagner Tonight N Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Caught in the Act: Unfaithful N N Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero: First Alas. PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced N To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans REELZ Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil REWIND 227 227 227 227 SCIENCE Strange Evidence Strange Evidence Strange Evidence SHOW M (6:00) ★★★ End of Watch (2012): Jake Gyllenhaal. The Woman in the Wall: A Little Resurrection. M ★★★ Past Lives (2023): Two childhood friends reunite for one fateful week. Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro. SHOW2 M 227 (6:25) ★★★ Enough Said M 227 ★★★ You Hurt My Feelings (2023) 227 227 Strange Evidence M Kokomo City (2023) SMITHSO Mighty Cruise Ships: Viking Sea. Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships STARTTV The Closer: Under Control. Major Crimes: Frozen Assets. Major Crimes: Letting It Go. Rizzoli & Isles M ★★ Retribution (2023): A driver must follow a series of twisted instructions. Liam Neeson. M (5:40) ★★★ 50/50 STARZ M ★★★ Django Unchained (2012): An ex-slave and a German bounty hunter roam America’s South. Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz. STORY TV The Great Ships The Great Ships Mega Disasters Mega Disasters: Super Swarms. SUND NCIS: Cracked. NCIS: Broken Arrow. NCIS: Enemies Foreign. NCIS: Enemies Domestic. SYFY M M TBS Big Bang Big Bang TCM M M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10: Worst Weather Years. TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World TMC M (6:10) Friedkin Uncut M TNT S NBA Basketball: Houston Rockets at Oklahoma City Thunder. TRAVEL Paranormal 911 TRUTV Imp. Jokers TV LAND Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Above and Beyond. Blue Bloods: Exiles. USA Law & Order: SVU: End Game. S VH1 M My True Crime Story VICE Secrets of Playboy: The Circus. Secrets of Playboy WEATH Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral Weird Earth Weird Earth WE TV 9-1-1: Outside Looking In. 9-1-1: Boston. 9-1-1: Fear-o-Phobia. 9-1-1: Dumb Luck. N 4E<N M (6:00) Rise of the Planet of 8 1/ 2 L Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ Babette’s Feast (1987): Stéphane Audran. N World’s Funn. Big Bang M Big Bang ★★★ Indochine (1992): Catherine Deneuve. World’s Funn. Little People, Big World N ★★★ The Italian Job (2003): Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron. L Big Bang ES.TV ES.TV Little People, Big World M NBA on TNT Postgame Show L Paranormal 911: Dark Christmas. Paranormal 911 Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes M Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ WWE NXT Blue Bloods: Partners. M N S Basketball ★ What Happens in Vegas Raymond Blue Bloods: Forgive and Forget. N My True Crime Story N ★★ Lucky Number Slevin Paranormal 911: Fearful Fed. (5:30) Reasonable Doubt 4DFM@< (8:15) ★★ 2012 (2009): John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet. N Sex Before the Internet ★★★ Thor (2011) Love You to Death N N Sex Before the Internet J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   115
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Conners Not Dead N CBS Local Programming Survivor (Season Premiere) N THE CW Local Program Wild Cards FOX Local Program We Are Family NBC Local Program Chicago Med PBS PBS NewsHour 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM N 9:00PM N Abbott N 9:30PM 10:00PM 10:30PM Celebrity Fam Judge Steve Harvey N FBI True Angel of Death. N Family Law N Local Programming N Local Programming N Chicago Fire Nature Australian Bushfire N Chicago P.D. NOVA Reef Rescue. N Operation Maneater Polar Bear. Rescue. A&E Court Cam AMC M ANIMAL Dogs 101 Court Cam (5:00) Hunger Games: Catc... Court Cam M Court Cam N Court Cam N Court Cam ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (2014): Jennifer Lawrence. Dogs 101 Dogs 101 ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing BBCA Bones Pilot. Bones The Man in the SUV. BET (6:00) BET Star Cinema BRAVO Real Housewives of Bev. Hills Designing Becker Becker Tyler Perry’s Sistas N M Hunger .. Dogs 101 Drew Carey Bones A Boy in a Tree. Real Housewives- Bev. Hills N Booked: First Day In Drew Carey Bones The Man in the Bear. N Celebrity Real Housewives of Miami N N Queen-Men Watch What Housewives CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Newhart Newhart Honeymoon. CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld COMET Grimm COOKING Man Fire Food COZI Roseanne DISC Expedition X Killer Sasquatch. Expedition X Death Island. Expedition X DISNEY Miraculous World (8:15) Miraculous World (9:15) Moon E! Modern Family Modern Family M ENCORE M (5:55) ★★★ Wall Street ESPN S NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Los Angeles Clippers ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L FETV Emergency! Publicity Hound. FMC M FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S (6:00) College Basketball L FREEFM M (6:30) ★★★ The Lion King (1994) FX M ★★★ Black Widow (2021): Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, David Harbour. FXM M Hidden Fig. FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) The Sweetest Heart HALLMV M CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood. HBO Dick Van Dyke (6:10) ★★ Taken 3 (2014) Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★★ The Witch (2015): Anya Taylor-Joy. Mom Mom M Mom Shark Tank L Seinfeld ★★ The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Grimm Cold Blooded. The X-Files The Jersey Devil. The X-Files Shadows. Man Fire Food Zimmern Zimmern Food Paradise Dipped. Food Paradise Off the Beaten Q. Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny Modern Family M Modern Family The Nanny N Moon Girl Ladybug L L Adam-12 Adam-12 N Guy’s Grocery Games Fox News at Night M S L SportsCenter NFL Live Barney Miller Barney Miller L SportsCenter Pardon Quincy, M.E. Guy’s Grocery Games M N ★★★ Sapphire (1959) Guy’s Grocery Games The Five Jesse Watters Primetime L The Perfect 10 ★★★ Coco (2017): Voices of Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal. Feud: Capote vs. The Swans (7:45) ★★★ The Hate U Give (2018): Amandla Stenberg, Regina Hall, Russell Hornsby. Bob’s Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E. Main Man. ★★ The Trackers (1971): Sammy Davis Jr., Ernest Borgnine. Split Second Press Your Luck M Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E. M Wheel One Summer (2021): Sam Page, Sarah Drew, Amanda Schull. M M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger God Save Texas Hometown Prison. God Save Texas The Price of N Star Trek The Naked Time. M Breaking In Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major (2023) God Save Texas La Frontera. (Series Finale) N Oil. N HBO2 M N ★★ Guns of the Timberland (1960): Alan Ladd, Jeanne Crain. Wheel To Be Announced: Programming to be announced. 116P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Ladybug BMF Moment of Truth. SportsCenter College Basketball Oregon State at Oregon M N ★★★ Neighbors (2014): Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne. ★★ White Boy Rick (2018): Matthew McConaughey. SportsCenter The Nanny Ghost Adventures (7:15) ★★★ The Quiet American (1958): Audie Murphy, Michael Redgrave, Claude Dauphin. Manchurian Seinfeld ★★ Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010): Michael Douglas. Star Trek: Next The Offspring. N 4E<N M Star Trek: DS9 Accession. 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue HISTORY American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Murder-Friday Final Whistle. IFC Two Half Men ION Blue Bloods Thicker Than Water. Blue Bloods Trust. LIFE Castle Married at First Sight LMN (6:00) Movie M MAGN Fixer Upper In With the Old METV M*A*S*H MGM Belgravia: The Next Chapter MOVIES! M MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Catfish: The TV Show The Challenge Battle for a New Champion. NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru Trafficked Hash Smugglers. NGWLD Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo America’s Funniest America’s Funniest OWN Dr. Phil Love It or List It Love It or List It First-Time Buy OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM 8:00PM Forensic Files N Two Half Men M*A*S*H PARAMNT Two Half Men Two Half Men 9:00PM Forensic Files Murder-Friday Two Half Men Andy Griffith M Two Half Men 9:30PM 10:00PM N Hunters N Forensic Files Forensic Files Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Prison Brides Bev. Hillbillies 11th Hour N Green Acres Hogan Heroes M Attack of the Giant Leeches Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness First-Time Buy Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Movie Movie Criminal Minds REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live Burglary in Progress at Officer’s Home. On Patrol: Live Street Fight. REWIND Becker Mad About SCIENCE Engineering Catastrophes Engineering Catastrophes SHOW M (5:40) ★★★ Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) M ★★★ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): A disgraced journalist probes a 40-year-old murder. Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer. SHOW2 M NCIS: New Orleans Murphy Brown Ridiculousness Catch Smuggler Young Suspects. POP Becker Hogan Heroes (9:45) Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Alex Wagner Tonight N NCIS: New Orleans Murphy Brown NCIS: New Orleans Mad About If We Built It Today Caroline Caroline Engineering Catastrophes ★★★★ Titanic (1997): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane. M M ★ Alex Cross (2012) (10:15) ★★ Golda (2023) SMITHSO Ice Airport Alaska Ice Airport Alaska Pararescue. Ice Airport Alaska Lifelines. Extreme Airport Africa STARTTV The Closer Home Improvement. Major Crimes Do Not Disturb. Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles M ★★★ You Won’t Be Alone (2022): A 19th-century witch takes the shape of a dead peasant. Noomi Rapace, Anamaria Marinca. STARZ N Fixer Upper M N Married Movie ★ The Giant Gila Monster (1959) L Two Half Men Blue Bloods Stirring the Pot. Fixer Upper Ambush (2023): Jonathan Rhys Meyers. M Forensic Files Murder-Friday Final Whistle. N Andy Griffith House Hunters See No Evil Too Much Video. Blue Bloods By Hook or by Crook. N N 10:30PM American Pickers You’re Not Supposed to Be Here (2023): Chrishell Stause. (6:50) ★ Earth vs. the Spider (1958) L 8:30PM M ★★★ Sabotage (2014): Arnold Schwarzenegger. M (10:55) ★ Firestarter STORY TV Nazi Hunters Paul Touvier. Nazi Hunters Nazi Hunters Herbert Cukurs. Nazi Hunters Adolf Eichmann. SUND Law & Order Cost of Capital. Law & Order America, Inc.. Law & Order Law & Order Positive. SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 Worst Wildfires. TLC My Deadly Appetite My 600-lb Life: Dr. Now’s Most Memorable Cases Janine’s Story. TMC M (6:30) Wolves of War M TNT S (5:30) NHL Hockey St. Louis at Edmonton L TRAVEL Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods Excessive Force. Blue Bloods Loose Lips. Blue Bloods Most Wanted. Blue Bloods USA Law & Order: SVU Serendipity. Law & Order: SVU Outsider. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 M VICE Dark Side of the Ring Dark Side of the Ring Nine Lives of Johnny Depp Nine Lives of Hulk Hogan WEATH Heavy Rescue: 401 Weather Gone Viral Uncharted Adventure So You Think You’d Survive? WE TV NCIS Agent Afloat. NCIS Capitol Offense. NCIS Heartland. NCIS Nine Lives. N 4E<N M ★★★ Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo. Big Bang (5:00) ★★★ Grand Prix (5:30) ★★★ Knocked Up 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite M M 4JGFIKJ N Modern Family (8:15) ★★★ The Hurricane (1937): Dorothy Lamour, Jon Hall. World’s ★★ Captive State (2019): John Goodman. Post-Game M World’s M M N Modern Family (10:15) Strike Up the Band ES.TV ES.TV My 600-lb Life (9:50) Immanence (2022): Michael Beach. ★★ 300: Rise of an Empire (2014): Sullivan Stapleton. Paranormal Caught on Camera ★★ Pineapple Express (2008): Seth Rogen, James Franco. Raymond Resident Alien 141 Seconds. Raymond Raymond Paranormal Caught on Camera M (10:15) Pineapple Express Raymond ★★★ American Pie (1999): Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan. Raymond M Happy Gil. N J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   117
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC THURSDAY, FEB. 29 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming To Be Announced CBS Local Programming Sheldon THE CW Local Programming The Conners The Conners Son/Critch FOX Local Programming Next Level Chef N Farmer Wants a Wife NBC Local Programming Law & Order PBS 7:30PM PBS NewsHour A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL I Was Prey N 8:00PM 8:30PM N 9:00PM N So Help Me Todd N Ask This Old House 10:30PM N I Was Prey Children N Local Programming N Local Programming N Law & Order: Organized Cr. N Taking the Stand M Planet California: Close Undercover: Caught on Tape N ★★ Rampage (2018): Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris. I Was Prey Becker Becker BBCA M ★★ Caddyshack (1980): Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield. M BET M (6:00) ★ Acrimony (2018): Taraji P. Henson, Lyriq Bent. Tyler Perry’s Sistas BRAVO Summer House Summer House N Encounters. I Was Prey Designing Wo. N Elsbeth: Series Premiere. Planet California: Rivers of Gold. (6:00) ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 (2015) Designing Wo. N N Law & Order: SVU The First 48 Critical Minutes ANTENNA Johnny Carson 10:00PM To Be Announced Ghosts This Old House 9:30PM Drew Carey Drew Carey ★★★ The Goonies (1985): Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen. Summer House Tyler Perry’s The Oval N Watch What Summer CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: Eyes of the Beholder. Grimm: The Good Soldier. The X-Files: Space. The X-Files: Fallen Angel. COOKING Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats COZI Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny DISC Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! DISNEY Big City Green Big City Green Hailey’s On It! Hailey’s On It! Moon Girl Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat Ladybug & Cat E! M (6:00) Dodgeball: A True Un. M ★★★ Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004): Vince Vaughn. Botched: You’re So Vein. ENCORE M (5:40) Broadcast News M ★★★ Talk to Me (2007): Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor. BMF ESPN S (6:00) NHL Hockey: Colorado at Chicago L ESPN2 S (6:00) Wm. Basketball L FETV Emergency!: Weird Wednesday. FMC M FOOD Beat Bobby FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S Basket. FREEFM M (5:15) ★★★ Spider-Man FX M ★★★ Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021): Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch. FXM M (5:25) ★★★ The Help (2011): Viola Davis. FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Paging Mr. Darcy HALLMV M Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries: Riddled With Deceit (2020) HBO M (6:05) ★★★ Up in the Air (2009): George Clooney. Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO2 (7:20) Last Week Tonight M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: The Enemy Within. Dick Van Dyke (6:15) ★★ Jennifer’s Body Mama’s Family Cheers M ★ Scary Movie 2 (2001) Mom Mom (9:25) ★★ Scary Movie 3 (2003): Anna Faris. Mom Shark Tank S M L The Office Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office N SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt Adam-12 N Beat Bobby Barney Miller Beat Bobby Fox News at Night L S L College Basketball: UCLA at Washington. Bob’s Burgers M Beat Bobby L Barney Miller Quincy, M.E.: The Last Six Hours. ★★ The Green Glove (1952): Glenn Ford. Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Jesse Watters Primetime Back to School M TMZ Sports M Spider-Man: No Way Home ★★ The Secret Life of Bees (2008): Queen Latifah. Family Guy Family Guy The $100,000 Pyramid Family Guy Quincy, M.E. ★★ Stagecoach (1966): Ann-Margret, Alex Cord, Bing Crosby. 118P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; L ★★★ Spider-Man 2 (2004): Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco. Family Guy M N NFL Live M N The Office (10:55) BMF SportsCenter The Five Quincy, M.E.: Touch of Death. Split Second L L (7:15) ★★ Black Magic (1949): Orson Welles, Nancy Guild, Akim Tamiroff. Beat Bobby Dumb 2 Mom College Basketball: Gonzaga at San Francisco. Adam-12 M M Wheel of Fort. Love, Sim. Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ Streets of Laredo (1949): William Holden. Wheel of Fort. Sense and Sensibility (2024): Bethany Antonia. M M Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries: Ships in the Night (2021) To Be Announced ★★ Now You See Me (2013): Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. M Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M ★★ Now You See Me 2 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC THURSDAY, FEB. 29 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Married to Real Estate Married to Real Estate HISTORY Swamp People Swamp People: Gator Stakes. HLN Forensic Files ID Very Scary People 48 Hours IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago P.D.: The Silos. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: All Cylinders Firing. LIFE Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising LMN To Be Announced M MAGN Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Barnwood Builders METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (6:10) ★★★ Private Parts MOVIES! M ★★ Shock (1946): Vincent Price, Lynn Bari. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore Family Vacat. NATGEO Lost Treasures of Rome Lost Treasures of Rome Rise and Fall of the Maya NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN 20/20 on OWN: Bad Blood. 20/20 on OWN: Gypsy Blanchard. 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans 7:30PM Forensic Files Two/Half Men M*A*S*H L 8:00PM Forensic Files M 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM Married to Real Estate N Forensic Files Two/Half Men Forensic Files Forensic Files 11th Hour N N Forensic Files 10:30PM Hunters Int’l Swamp People Forensic Files Very Scary People Very Scary People Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men N N Two/Half Men Chicago P.D. Baby N Baby N Building Off the Grid Green Acres M Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes (9:50) ★★ Class (1983): Jacqueline Bisset. ★★ The Man I Love (1946): Ida Lupino, Robert Alda. L N N N To Be Announced ★★★ National Lampoon’s Animal House M Hunt Intl Swamp People: Serpent In. Lonely Crime Fanatic (2024): Brenna Skalski. Andy Griffith N 10:00PM M Moontide Alex Wagner Tonight Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Uncovering the Ancient World PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds REELZ Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops REWIND Becker Becker Murphy Brown Murphy Brown Mad About Mad About Caroline/City Caroline/City SCIENCE Mysteries of the Abandoned SHOW M (6:35) ★★ Last Holiday (2006): A terminally ill woman lives it up on vacation. Queen Latifah. SHOW2 M Mysteries of the Abandoned M Mysteries of the Abandoned Kokomo City (2023) Mysteries of the Abandoned (9:45) The Woman in the Wall: A Little Resurrection. ★★★★ The Godfather (1972): Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan. M M American Hustle The Godfather, Part II SMITHSO Apocalypse: Shock. Apocalypse: World Ablaze. Apocalypse: The Noose. Apocalypse: Inferno. STARTTV The Closer: Death Warrant. Major Crimes: Two Options. Major Crimes: Cutting Loose. Rizzoli & Isles M (7:45) ★★ Ambulance (2022): Thieves must outrun the law after hijacking an ambulance. Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Eiza González. M Django Unchained STARZ M ★★★ The Black Phone (2022): Ethan Hawke. STORY TV Found: Lincoln’s Letter. Assassinations That Changed 10 Things You Don’t Know About Brad Meltzer’s Decoded SUND Law & Order: Release. Law & Order: Deadlock. Law & Order: Corner Office. Law & Order SYFY Quantum Leap Quantum Leap Quantum Leap Quantum Leap TBS Big Bang Big Bang TCM M M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10: Weather What Ifs. World’s Funn. TLC Little People, Big World My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life TMC M (6:35) V for Vengeance M TNT S NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at Denver Nuggets: From Ball Arena in Denver. TRAVEL World’s Most Unexplained World’s Most Unexplained: Don’t Look Away. TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Home Sweet Home. Hudson & Rex: One Wild Night. USA Law & Order: SVU M ★★★ The Avengers (2012): Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. VH1 M M ★★ Happy Gilmore (1996): Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald, Julie Bowen. VICE Nine Lives of Hulk Hogan Naked and Afraid: Alligator Alley. Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid WEATH Search Party Weather Gone Viral Lords of the Ocean Lords of the Ocean WE TV 9-1-1: Red Flag. Bold & Bougie Bold & Bougie N 4E<N M Quiet Man L Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang World’s Funn. ES.TV ES.TV ★★★★ Giant (1956): Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean. (5:30) ★★★ American Pie 4DFM@< Big Bang 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ My 600-lb Life ★★★ Miller’s Crossing (1990): Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney. L Inside the NBA N M ★★★ Bad Lieutenant L S Basketball Blind Frog Ranch Trespassers. Blue Bloods: Love Stories. N Blue Bloods: The Poor Door. M Simple Fav. Bold & Bougie J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   119
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Shark Tank CBS Local Programming S.W.A.T.: Good for Nothing. THE CW Local Programming Penn & Teller: Fool Us FOX Local Programming S NBC Local Programming Password PBS PBS NewsHour A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL Tanked 7:30PM N 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 20/20 N N 9:30PM Funny Kids N N Firing Line/ Hoover N The First 48 Blue Bloods: Fear No Evil. Animals ANTENNA Johnny Carson BBCA M BET To Be Announced BRAVO M Local Programming N Craft in America: Music. Craft in America: Harmony. The First 48 The First 48 M ★★★ Lethal Weapon 2 (1989): Mel Gibson. Tanked Designing Wo. Designing Wo. ★★ The Three Musketeers (1993): Charlie Sheen. Tanked Becker M Becker Drew Carey Drew Carey ★★ Highlander (1986): Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery. Fresh Prince (5:15) ★★★ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire N Local Programming ★★★ Lethal Weapon (1987): Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey. Tanked N N Dateline NBC Washington Week N 10:30PM N Fire Country WWE Friday Night SmackDown 10:00PM Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (2014): Jennifer Lawrence. M CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT King of Queen CNBC American Greed CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: Mommy Dearest. Grimm: Once We Were Gods. The X-Files: Beyond the Sea. The X-Files: Genderbender. COOKING Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship COZI Roseanne The Nanny The Munsters Roseanne Roseanne DISC Gold Rush: White Water Gold Rush DISNEY Jessie Jessie M Disney’s Magi Raven’s Home E! M Creed M ★★ Con Air (1997): Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, John Malkovich. ENCORE M Rundown M ★ Bulletproof (1996): Damon Wayans. ESPN S NBA Basketball: Milwaukee Bucks at Chicago Bulls. ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L FETV Emergency!: Dilemma. FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S FREEFM Family Guy FX M FXM To Be Announced FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak: Out of the Frying Pan. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Hearts Down Under HALLMV M Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Honeymoon, Honeymurder HBO M (6:30) ★★ Date Night (2010): Steve Carell, Tina Fey. M ★★ San Andreas (2015): A rescue pilot must save his family after an earthquake. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. HBO2 (7:25) Last Week Tonight M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: Mudd’s Women. Dick Van Dyke (6:15) ★ Paranoia (2013) King of Queen Cheers M ★★ XXX (2002): Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, Marton Csokas. Mom Mom American Greed Roseanne M Big Jake L The Office The Nanny Mom Mom N Family Guy (5:30) Thor: The Dark World Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office M Bob’s Burgers Adam-12 M Split Second The Office Diners, Drive Diners, Drive L SportsCenter NFL Live Barney Miller Barney Miller Diners Family Guy M N M Billy Mad. SportsCenter Interruption Quincy, M.E. (9:45) ★ A Shriek in the Night (1933) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive The Five College Basketball: Air Force at Utah State. Family Guy ★★★ Creed (2015) L SportsCenter Diners, Drive Jesse Watters Primetime L Family Guy PokerStars Caribbean Family Guy Family Guy ★★ Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021): Tom Hardy. M N Family Guy Venom: Let There Be Carn. To Be Announced Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Quincy, M.E. Bob’s Burgers Press Your Luck M Bob’s Burgers Quincy, M.E.: Crib Job. ★★★ Colorado Territory (1949): Joel McCrea, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Malone. 120P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; The Munsters ★★ Happy Gilmore (1996): Adam Sandler. L L Adam-12 M N American Greed The Jungle Book (2016): Neel Sethi, voice of Bill Murray. SportsCenter S CMT Campfire Sessions N Fox News at Night (6:00) NASCAR Truck Series ★★ XXX: State of the Union American Greed ★★★★ It Happened One Night (1934): Claudette Colbert. Diners, Drive M Wheel of Fort. M Bob’s Burgers Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ Belle Starr (1941): Gene Tierney. Wheel of Fort. Christmas Island (2023): Rachel Skarsten, Andrew Walker. M Bob’s Burgers Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted by Murder (2022) Real Time With Bill Maher ★★★ Trainwreck (2015): Amy Schumer, Bill Hader. M Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M N ★★★ The Skeleton Twins Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Ancient Aliens Forensic Files Ancient Aliens Forensic Files Very Scary People M N Ancient Aliens Forensic Files Forensic Files Very Scary People 9:30PM 10:00PM Dream Home Hunters N Forensic Files M Forensic Files Forensic Files Bull Bull: Absolution. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy To Be Announced To Be Announced Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beach Cott. M*A*S*H Andy Griffith To Be Announced Beach Cott. N Andy Griffith Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes M (6:20) ★ Snake Eyes (1998) M ★★★ The Ninth Configuration (1980): Stacy Keach, Scott Wilson, Ed Flanders. Last Word With Lawrence L M Green Acres ★★★ Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015): Tom Cruise. 11th Hour Forensic Files (9:15) ★★ Sixteen Candles (1984): Molly Ringwald. Bull: Keep Your Friends Close. M*A*S*H N Very Scary People Bull: Kill Shot. N House Hunters The Proof Is Out There Very Scary People (7:15) ★★★ Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982): Sean Penn. N 10:30PM L M Hogan Heroes (10:15) Terminator Genisys ★★★ The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) Alex Wagner Tonight N M Last Word With Lawrence (6:30) RuPaul’s Drag Race RuPaul’s Drag Race To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets Ready to Love: Meet the Friends. Ready to Love Ready to Love Ready to Love: Meet the Friends. Sin City Murders Buried in the Backyard Buried in the Backyard To Be Announced Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Law & Order Untucked N N To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced (6:00) On Patrol: Live N On Patrol: Live 19 $ 64% PLUS FREE STANDARD SHIPPING* BELOW ESTIMATED RETAIL VALUE OF $53 “She Believed She Could, So She Did” adjustable bar bracelet in sterling silver USE CODE: BELIEVE24 • 866-244-1760 • jtv.com/gentle Item: SPA033 REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV N 4E<N M Becker Becker Murphy Brown Hunting Atlantis One coupon code per customer; one coupon code per order. Offer valid through March 18, 2024 at 11:59p ET. While supplies last. *Restrictions apply. See jtv.com for details. Murphy Brown Hunting Atlantis Mad About Hunting Atlantis M (7:15) ★★ Golda (2023): Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber. M (6:00) ★★ The Whale (2022) M Mad About M Caroline/City Hunting Atlantis ★★★ Gladiator (2000): Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. ★★★ Past Lives (2023): Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro. M ★★ Indecent Proposal Air Disasters Air Disasters Air Disasters: Steep Impact. Air Disasters The Closer: Fresh Pursuit. Major Crimes: Sweet Revenge. Major Crimes: Zoo Story. Rizzoli & Isles M BMF: Detroit vs Everybody. (6:15) Honk for Jesus. Save N Modern Marvels NCIS NCIS Caroline/City Hightown: Chekhov’s Gun. N BMF Hightown Modern Marvels Modern Marvels NCIS NCIS To Be Announced Big Bang M Big Bang ★★ White House Down (2013): Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx. (7:15) ★★★★ A Letter to Three Wives (1949): Jeanne Crain. Weather Gone Viral Top 10 Love & Translation: Amor Song. M M (6:30) ★★ Snow Day M World’s Funn. ★★★ Clueless (1995): Alicia Silverstone. World’s Funn. N ES.TV 90 Day M ES.TV N 90 Day ★★ The DUFF (2015): Mae Whitman. S To Be Announced The Dead Files Angel Has (9:15) ★★★★ Marty (1955): Ernest Borgnine, Betsy Blair. 90 Day Fiancé: More to Love: Happily Ever Afters. M M All Elite Wrestling N The Dead Files: The Gateway. The Dead Files: Deadly Intruder. The Dead Files: Dark Soul. Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Blue Bloods: In the Box. Blue Bloods Blue Bloods: Bad Company. M ★★★ Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003): Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush. M (5:30) ★★ Boomerang M Blue Bloods M ★★★ Friends With Benefits (2011): Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. Pirates of Caribbean: Dead M The Wash ★★★★ Stand by Me (1986) Forged in Fire: The Boar Spear. Forged in Fire: Xiphos Sword. Forged in Fire: Cavalry Saber. M Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Weather Gone Viral Uncharted Adventure Uncharted Adventure Law & Order: Whiplash. Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: Not to Hot 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ N Mama June: From Not to Hot J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   121
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Pacific 7:00PM ABC S CBS Local Programming FBI: International THE CW Local Programming Local Programming FOX Local Programming Local Programming NBC Local Program PBS 7:30PM (5:30) NBA Basketball L 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:30PM 10:00PM 10:30PM Local Programming The Wall Antiques Roadshow Bismarck 9:00PM FBI: Most Wanted 48 Hours N Local Programming Saturday Night Live L Saturday Night Live American Masters Marian Anderson: The Whole World in Her Hands. NOVA Reef Rescue. The First 48 Killer Cases Hour 1. A&E The First 48 AMC M ANIMAL My Cat From Hell (5:30) ★★ Mr. & Mrs. Smith ANTENNA The Jeffersons M The First 48 ★★★ Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol (2011): Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg. My Cat From Hell The Jeffersons BBCA (7:20) Planet Earth III N BET M (5:00) Tyler Perry’s Why Did BRAVO M Hunger G. M My Cat From Hell Johnny Carson Benny Hill M M My Cat From Hell Benny Hill Benny Hill (8:45) ★★★ The Last Samurai (2003): Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe. ★★ Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010): Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson. ★★★ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 (2015): Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. M Con Air CARTOON Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family CINEMAX M CMT (5:30) Movie CNBC Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss CNN CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program COMEDY (5:00) Movie COMET Grimm Mr. Sandman. Grimm Thanks for the Memories. Grimm Skin Deep. The 51st Annual Saturn Awards COOKING Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America Iron Chef America COZI Columbo Las Vegas Las Vegas DISC Expedition X Expedition X Killer Sasquatch. Expedition X Death Island. Expedition X DISNEY (6:15) Movie M E! M (6:30) ★★★ Pretty Woman (1990): Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. ENCORE M Billy Mad. ESPN S College Basketball Gonzaga at Saint Mary’s. ESPN2 S College Basketball Long Beach State at UC Irvine. FETV Emergency! Hangup. FMC M FOOD Diners, Drive FOX N Saturday Night FOX SP S (6:30) NRL Rugby L S NRL Rugby Sydney Roosters vs. Brisbane Broncos FREEFM M (6:10) ★★ The Proposal (2009) M (8:50) ★★ Footloose (1984): Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, John Lithgow. FX M ★★ Father Stu (2022): Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, Jacki Weaver. FXM Movie FXX The Simpsons GETTV The Rockford Files GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) The Wedding Cottage HALLMV M True Justice: Family Ties (2024): Katherine McNamara. HBO M (5:45) ★★ Blue Beetle (2023): Xolo Maridueña. HBO2 M H&I Black Sheep Squadron (6:25) ★★ Poltergeist Johnny Conagher M ★★★ Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014): Colin Firth. M ★★ Paycheck (2003) Movie Movie M M South Park Movie Amphibia ★★ Happy Gilmore (1996): Adam Sandler. L Adam-12 N Diners, Drive Gabby Duran ★★★ My Cousin Vinny (1992): Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei. M ★★★ Grind House: Planet Terror (2007) SportsCenter L Basketball World of X Games Adam-12 Barney Miller Barney Miller Gutfeld! Diners, Drive M SportsCenter L Diners, Drive Big City Green M (7:45) ★★ Angels Over Broadway (1940): Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Diners, Drive South Park M Grindhouse L World of X Quincy, M.E. ★★★★ Oliver Twist (1948): Robert Newton. Diners, Drive Diners, Drive The Big Weekend Show Diners, Drive Life, Liberty & Levin L M S MLSSoccer ★★ Father Stu (2022) Movie The Simpsons M Family Guy Family Guy Magnum, P.I. Family Guy Magnum, P.I. The $100,000 Pyramid M Pyramid M Family Feud Tour of Duty The Raid. Family Feud Taking the Reins (2021) CrimeTime: Freefall (2024): Lyndie Greenwood. To Be Announced ★★★ Everest (2015): Jason Clarke, Josh Brolin, John Hawkes. Family Guy ★ Branded (1950) Family Feud M Guiding Emily (2023): Sarah Drew, Eric McCormack. M Family Guy Kojak The Summer of ‘69. ★★★ True Grit (2010): Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin. Split Second 122P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Family Guy Real Time With Bill Maher M ★★★ I, Tonya (2017): Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan. Tour of Duty Payback. N 4E<N Combat! M 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM HGTV House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters HISTORY The UnXplained The UnXplained HLN Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Forensic Files ID Fatal Vows To Be Announced IFC M ION Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU LIFE (6:00) Movie M LMN (6:00) Movie Movie MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Maine Cabin Masters METV Stooges Svengoolie The Invisible Man’s Revenge. MGM M (6:20) ★★ 80 for Brady MOVIES! M Ocean’s 11 MSNBC Ayman MTV M NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid NGWLD Vet 9-1-1 OWN Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC OXYGEN Cold Justice Beloved Veteran. Cold Justice Silenced. Fatal Vows The UnXplained Forensic Files M M M Forensic Files Forensic Files Fatal Vows Fatal Vows (9:15) ★★ Caddyshack (1980): Chevy Chase. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Single Black Female 2: Simone’s Revenge (2024): Amber Riley. N Movie Movie Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters N Batman ★★★ Bottoms (2023): Rachel Sennott. 11th Hour N Forensic Files M ★★ Dog (2022): Channing Tatum. (7:45) ★★★★ The Hustler (1961): Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, George C. Scott. (5:30) ★★ The Heat (2013) Vet 9-1-1 N M House Hunters The UnXplained To Be Announced (7:15) ★★ Sixteen Candles (1984): Molly Ringwald. Stooges Forensic Files N 10:30PM The Saturday Show M Daddy’s N Catch a Smuggler Cocaine Cop. Border The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible At Foal Throttle. Vet 9-1-1 Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC N N Kill or Be Killed Border 3 Faces Dateline ★ Baywatch (2017): Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, Priyanka Chopra. N M N PARAMNT Movie Trafficked w/ Mariana van N Vet 9-1-1 Snapped Liz Golyar. Movie POP (6:00) Movie REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live REWIND Diff. Strokes SCIENCE What on Earth? SHOW M (5:45) ★★★★ Titanic (1997): Oscar-winning account of the doomed 1912 ocean liner. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. SHOW2 M NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans On Patrol: Live Diff. Strokes Kotter Kotter What on Earth? (6:00) ★★★ Collateral M Kotter Kotter What on Earth? Family Ties Family Ties What on Earth? M War Pony (2022): Two young Oglala Lakota men navigate their paths to manhood. Jojo Bapteise Whiting, LaDainian Crazy Thunder. ★★★ Minority Report (2002): Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton. M Tropic Thu. SMITHSO (6:00) To Be Announced STARTTV The Closer CSI: Cyber Flash Squad. BMF Detroit vs Everybody. STARZ STORY TV Digging for the Truth CSI: Cyber Legacy. Rizzoli & Isles M ★★ Jurassic World Dominion (2022): Dinosaurs now live and hunt alongside humans. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern. Digging for the Truth Digging for the Truth BMF Detroit vs Everybody. Digging for the Truth SUND M ★★ The Magnificent Seven (2016): Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke. M ★★★ The Last Samurai SYFY M (2:00) ★★ Nerve (2016): Emma Roberts, Dave Franco, Juliette Lewis. M ★★ Nerve (2016) TBS M (5:15) White House Down M ★★★ Transformers (2007) TCM M Lincoln M ★★★★ Sergeant York THISTV SOS: How to Survive SOS: How to Survive Deadline to Disaster Deadline to Disaster TLC 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day Diaries S.O.S. 90 Day Diaries Dancing Queen. 90 Day Diaries I Have a Dream. TMC M (6:00) ★★ The Yards M ★★ Footloose (2011): Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough. M ★★★ Saturday Night Fever TNT M (4:45) ★★★ Dune (2021) S All Elite Wrestling: Collision M ★★ Jason Bourne (2016) TRAVEL Unexplained Files Life in Hell. NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP M (6:00) When Duty Calls USA M (7:15) ★★ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007): Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley. VH1 M (6:00) ★★★ Boyz N the Hood (1991) VICE M ★★★★ Stand by Me (1986): Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix. WEATH Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Fast: Home Rescue Search Party WE TV NCIS Bounce. NCIS South by Southwest. NCIS Knockout. NCIS Hide and Seek. N 4E<N M 4DFM@< M L Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang (7:45) ★★★★ A Man for All Seasons (1966): Paul Scofield, Robert Shaw. 4C@M< S Blue Bloods 4JGFIKJ Blue Bloods Black and Blue. M Blue Bloods Lonely Hearts Club. M Pirates ★★ Red (2010): Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich. M ★★★ Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003): Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   123
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SUNDAY, MARCH 3 Pacific 7:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I Funniest Home Videos 60 Minutes 7:30PM 8:00PM N N I Am Jackie O American Idol N The Equalizer N 9:30PM N Tracker CSI: Vegas The Conners The Simpsons M N Krapopolis WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Great North The Conners N Lone Star Law N Grimsburg WWE Legends N Local Programming Family Ties M Young Gun M M Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Wings Hotel Portofino N The Walking Dead: The Ones Lone Star Law Family Ties Wardens of the North Wings Wings N The Walking Dead: The Ones N Wardens of the North Wings Becker ★★ Young Guns II (1990): Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. N Real Housewives/Potomac Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family (5:45) ★★ The Promise M King of Queens M Becker ★★ The Magnificent Seven BET Star Cinema Real Housewives of Potomac Married to Medicine N Watch What Housewives American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family ★★ Body of Lies (2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens M King of Queens ★★ Predators (2010) King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank S CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program South Park South Park South Park South Park M South Park (6:00) ★ Crocodile (2000) Man v. Food Man v. Food South Park The X-Files Shapes. Man v. Food Carnival Eats Yum-Yummer Man v. Food (6:00) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Colombian Cave Women. Big City Big City Big City M Pitch Perf. M M ★★★ Grindhouse: Death Proof (2007): Kurt Russell. M S (6:30) NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Phoenix Suns. SportsCenter Las Vegas Big City SportsCenter Emergency! Crash. Adam-12 M M Guy’s Grocery Games L Adam-12 Naked and Afraid The Monster. Big City Big City Life, Liberty & Levin (6:00) College Basketball M (6:10) ★★ Footloose (1984): Kevin Bacon. M (4:30) Pirates of Caribbean L Big East M Big City ★★★ Pitch Perfect (2012) ★★ The Bone Collector (1999): Denzel Washington. L SportsCenter World of X Games S Barney Miller Quincy, M.E. Speed Trap. Barney Miller M N N NBA Basketball (10:15) ★★ Road Show Bobby’s Triple Threat Sunday Night The Big Weekend Show S Women’s College Basketball Ohio State at Iowa M (8:45) ★★★ The Parent Trap (1998): Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. N Presents ★★ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011): Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz. Movie (9:15) Movie The Simpsons The Rockford Files M Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Magnum, P.I. The Simpsons ★★ Dakota Incident (1956): Linda Darnell, Dale Robertson. Split Second The $100,000 Pyramid Pyramid Winter in Vail (2020): Lacey Chabert, Tyler Hynes. The Way Home M Garage Sale Mysteries: Searched & Seized (2020): Lori Loughlin. M (6:45) To Be Announced 124P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M Star Trek M Family Guy Family Guy Kojak The Summer of ‘69. ★★★ Apache (1954): Burt Lancaster. Family Feud N Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers (2024) The Regime: Series premiere. ★★★ Up in the Air (2009): George Clooney, Vera Farmiga. Sarah Connor Chronicles The Simpsons Magnum, P.I. Transitions. M M Big City ★★★ Pal Joey (1957): Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra. S Switch N Tournament of Champions The Stakes Have Never Been Higher. The Big Weekend Show Yum-Yummer Las Vegas M World of X Games Lawman Carnival Eats Movie (6:00) Man in the Saddle South Park The X-Files Miracle Man. Monk M South Park AMA Supercross The X-Files E.B.E. Monk The Simpsons N Local Programming N Hotel Portofino Alliances. (6:00) ★★★ Iron Man (2008): Robert Downey Jr. King of Queens 10:30PM ★★★ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001): Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. Hotel Portofino Returns. M 10:00PM What Would You Do? Antiques Roadshow M 9:00PM N Next Level Chef Night Court 8:30PM N Enthusiasm ★★★ The Informant! (2009): Matt Damon. Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M Enthusiasm M Greenland Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SUNDAY, MARCH 3 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Home Town Tickled Pink. Home Town HISTORY The Food That Built America The Food That Built America The Food That Built America HLN Very Scary People Very Scary People Forensic Files ID Psychopath Psychopath To Be Announced Evil Lives Here IFC Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond ION NCIS Reasonable Doubts. NCIS Charade. LIFE (6:00) Movie M Alone in the Dark (2022): Novi Brown, Terrell Carter. Movie LMN (6:00) Movie M Lonely Crime Fanatic (2024): Brenna Skalski. Movie MAGN Fixer Upper Fixer Upper METV M*A*S*H MGM M (6:50) ★★ A Good Person (2023): Florence Pugh. Belgravia: The Next Chapter MOVIES! M ★★★ Flamingo Road (1949): Joan Crawford, Zachary Scott. M MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki Ayman MTV Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NATGEO Wicked Tuna NGWLD Operation: Pet Rescue OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Sin City Murders 7:30PM M*A*S*H Ridiculousness N 8:00PM 8:30PM N N 9:30PM Small Town Potential Raymond 10:00PM N Hunters N Forensic Files Raymond NCIS Return to Sender. All in Family Wicked Tuna 9:00PM All in Family Ridiculousness N N 10:30PM House Hunters The Food That Built America Forensic Files Forensic Files Psychopath Psychopath Raymond Raymond NCIS Homefront. Fixer Upper: Welcome Home Fixer Upper Space to Thrive. All in Family Ed Sullivan All in Family N Carol Burnett Belgravia: The Next Chapter ★★ I Was a Communist for the F.B.I. (1951): Frank Lovejoy. The Sunday Show Dateline Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Wicked Tuna Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Last of the Giants N Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under Operation: Pet Rescue 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Deadly Business. Kill or Be Killed Snapped Kelly Cochran. Snapped Marie Strickland. PARAMNT Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue POP Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds REELZ Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas REWIND Hogan Family Hogan Family Growing Pains Growing Pains Growing Pains Growing Pains Who’s Boss? Who’s Boss? SCIENCE (6:00) Lost Cities of the Jungle Unearthed Lost City of Babylon. Lost Cities of the Jungle SHOW M (5:00) ★★★★ The Godfather (1972): Marlon Brando. Mayor of Kingstown Santa M ★★ Beau Is Afraid (2023): A paranoid man embarks on an odyssey to get home to his mom. Joaquin Phoenix, Patti LuPone. SHOW2 The Woman in the Wall M N Jesus. N M War Pony (2022): Jojo Bapteise Whiting. N Freedom’s Path (2022) SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Extreme Airport Africa Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer Road Block. CSI: Cyber Kidnapping 2.0. CSI: Cyber CMND:/Crash. Rizzoli & Isles BMF Detroit vs Everybody. Hightown Biography Meredith Vieira. Biography Cleopatra. M (6:15) ★★ Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul (2022) STARZ STORY TV Biography Queen Noor. (9:50) ★★ Robin Hood (2010): Russell Crowe. M Biography Pocahontas. SUND M (6:30) ★★★ The Last Samurai (2003): Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, Timothy Spall. M ★★★★ The Terminator SYFY M ★★ Battleship (2012): Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna. M ★★ Moonfall (2022) TBS M (5:00) ★★★ Transformers TCM M ★★★★ To Kill a Mockingbird (1962): Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford. THISTV SOS: How to Survive SOS: How to Survive TLC (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé TMC M (5:55) ★★ Southpaw TNT M ★★★ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016): Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk. TRAVEL Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men UP M USA Law & Order: SVU VH1 M (6:00) ★★ Red (2010): Bruce Willis. VICE M (6:30) ★★★ Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003): Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. WEATH The Earth Unlocked WE TV S.W.A.T. Vagabundo. N 4E<N M M (6:00) The Wedding Do Over 4DFM@< L Big Bang Big Bang 4C@M< S Big Bang M Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ On Golden Pond (1981) Deadline to Disaster N Deadline to Disaster Love & Translation M M N Once Upon a Date (2019): Katrina Bowden, Dean Geyer. M Law & Order: SVU Smoked. Star Wars: Return of Jedi Jack Osbourne’s Night of Terror M Can’t Buy My Love (2017) Law & Order: SVU ★★ Red 2 (2013): Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker. M ★★★ Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004): Uma Thurman, David Carradine. Highway Thru Hell Timber Titans The Earth Unlocked S.W.A.T. Madrugada. S.W.A.T. 27 David. S.W.A.T. Sentinel. 4JGFIKJ N ★★★ The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie. Law & Order: SVU Disrobed. N Big Bang J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   125
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC MONDAY, MARCH 4 Pacific 7:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC Local Programming The Bachelor Local Programming Bob Heart Local Program Ride Wild Cards Local Program MasterChef (Season Premiere) Dance (Season Premiere) Local Program The Voice PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I PBS NewsHour 7:30PM N 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM N N 10:30PM Bad Romance-20/20 N Bob Heart NCIS N Local Programming N Local Programming Deal or No Deal Island N Antiques Roadshow Movie (5:30) ★★★ Déjà Vu (2006) M ★★★ Unstoppable (2010): Denzel Washington, Chris Pine. M ★★ Lethal Weapon 4 The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans Johnny Carson Designing Becker Drew Carey Law & Order We Like Mike. Law & Order Passion. Law & Order Past Imperfect. (5:30) The Neighborhood Neighbor M Below Deck Mediterranean Below Deck Mediterranean King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke Cheers Cheers Taxi (6:20) I Love You, Beth Co... Mama’s Family N Craft in America Jewelry. The Last Alaskans M N N NCIS: Hawai’i N Antiques Roadshow (5:30) Movie M 8:00PM Mama’s Family Shark Tank M Designing Neighbor N Becker Law & Order Terminal. Movie Below Deck N WatchWhat CouchTalk American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Newhart Newhart Honeymoon. ★ I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007): Adam Sandler. Mom Mom Shark Tank CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live The Office The Office The Office Grimm The Law of Sacrifice. Grimm Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Zimmern Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny L The Office Drew Carey Mom M Mom ★★ Office Space (1999) Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office The Office The X-Files Born Again. The X-Files Roland. Zimmern Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Roseanne Roseanne N Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized at the Border Contraband: Seized (6:30) Jessie (8:15) Raven Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Big City Big City Bunk’d Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family M (7:20) ★ The House Next Door: Meet the Blacks 2 (2021) M S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter SportsCenter (6:00) ESPN Films 30 for 30 Emergency! Problem. Adam-12 M Gutfeld! Beat Bobby N L Adam-12 Fox News at Night NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series The LiUNA! M (6:30) ★★★★ Finding Nemo (2003) M (5:30) ★★★ Hitch (2005) M Movie Family Guy Barney Miller Family Guy Switch M L (6:00) The Perfect Catch (9:45) ★★★ Young and Innocent (1937) N Chopped Flamin’ Hot. Jesse Watters Primetime PBA Bowling Delaware Classic ★★★ Finding Dory (2016): Voices of Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O’Neill. ★★ The Proposal (2009): Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Mary Steenburgen. Family Guy Quincy, M.E. Press Your Luck M Quincy, M.E. The Five S M M Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E. Passing. Wheel M Night Sc... (9:45) Movie ★★ Cahill U.S. Marshall (1973): John Wayne, George Kennedy, Gary Grimes. Split Second L Around Barney Miller M Kojak Over the Water. Big Jake M SportsCenter ACC Legends Spring Baking Spring Break: Tropical Fun in the Sun. S M ★★★ Nightcrawler (2014): Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo. (7:15) ★★★ All the King’s Men (1949): Broderick Crawford, Joanne Dru. Beat Bobby M L Contraband: Seized at the Border Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son M Wheel Romance in Style (2022): Jaicy Elliot, Benjamin Hollingsworth. Plunderers of Painted Flats Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Aurora Teagarden Mysteries How to Con a Con. M Family History Mysteries: Buried Past (2023): Janel Parrish. M M ★★ Get Hard (2015): Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart. (6:10) X-Men Origins: Wol... The Regime ★★★ Moonlight (2016): Mahershala Ali. (7:15) Curb Your Enthusiasm N M Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek Miri. 126P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M (9:55) ★★ San Andreas (2015) Star Trek: Next Tin Man. N Enthusiasm 4E<N Star Trek: DS9 The Muse. M 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC MONDAY, MARCH 4 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC Dream Home Dream Home Battle on the Mountain ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV FBI Kayla. FBI Hero’s Journey. FBI Love Is Blind. FBI Prodigal Son. Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy M M N 4E<N M 8:30PM N 9:00PM Rock the Block 9:30PM History’s Greatest Mysteries History’s-Mysteries Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files The Playboy Murders Raymond N Raymond (6:00) Movie Forensic Files N History’s Greatest Mysteries Forensic Files Forensic Files Death by Fame Evil Villain. The Playboy Murders Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond M Movie N Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Green Acres A Spy (9:50) A Spy Among Friends Andy Griffith M (6:05) ★★★ True Grit M (7:20) ★★★ Easter Parade (1948): Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Peter Lawford. Ridiculousness Belgravia: The Next Chapter L Ridiculousness 11th Hour L M Maine Cabin Masters Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes M Top Gun... ★★ Second Chorus (1940): Fred Astaire. The Rachel Maddow Show Ridiculousness Raymond Movie Maine Cabin Masters Last Word With Lawrence Forensic Files To Be Announced Maine Cabin Masters M*A*S*H 10:30PM N History’s Greatest Mysteries Forensic Files 10:00PM Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Queens African Queens. Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Snapped Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Two Half Men Law & Order M Movie M Movie Queens Tiny Jungle Queens. N Secrets Savanna. Two Half Men Queens Rainforest Queens. N M Movie Red Handed Red Handed Red Handed Red Handed Prisoners Out of Control Red Handed Red Handed Becker Becker Murphy Brown Murphy Brown Mad About Caroline Caroline Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown M (4:30) The Godfather, Part II Halo Aleria. M Superpower (2023) N Mad About Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Star Trek: Discovery Sexy Beast M M Kokomo City (2023) N (10:15) ★★ The Aggressives Mighty Ships America’s Hidden Stories Memphis Belle in Color The Day the Bomb Dropped The Closer Hostile Witness. Major Crimes Down the Drain. Major Crimes Party Foul. Rizzoli & Isles M M Transpo... ★★ Act of Valor (2012): Roselyn Sánchez, Jason Cottle. M Civil War Journal Civil War Journal Zouaves!. Civil War Journal Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods M ★★★ Wanted (2008): James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie. Big Bang M Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Pet Tricks ★★★★ It Happened One Night (1934): Claudette Colbert. Weather Gone Viral Top 10 90 Day: The Single Life M (6:25) Paradise Hills (2019) M M Pitch Pe... N Blue Bloods ★ Wrath of the Titans (2012) Pet Tricks American Dad! World’s Seeking Sister Wife N ★★ Triple 9 (2016): Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor. ★★ The Greatest Showman (2017): Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron. M ES.TV M (9:45) ★★★ Beauty and the Beast (2017) N Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers M Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Law & Order: SVU Bulls Eye. WWE Monday Night RAW M Love & Hip Hop Miami (5:30) Tyler Perry’s Diary o... N N Dangerous Game: Legacy .. Mysteries of the Unknown Blue Bloods The Art of War. ES.TV 90 Day: The Single Life (6:00) Mysteries of the Unknown Blue Bloods New Rules. American Dad! ★★★★ Mrs. Miniver (1942): Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon. World’s 90 Day: The Single Life M M Civil War Journal M N The Plus One (2023): Ashanti, Michelle Hurd. Mysteries of the Unknown Blue Bloods Movie Raymond Blue Bloods Absolute Power. N The Impact New York N M How Stella Got Her Groov... After the First 48 After the First 48 After the First 48 After the First 48 Secrets of the Earth Weather Gone Viral So You Think You’d Survive? So You Think You’d Survive? Bones Bones Bones Bones 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   127
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Will Trent CBS Local Programming FBI THE CW Local Programming Crime Nation FOX Local Programming The Cleaning Lady NBC Decision 2024 PBS 7:30PM L PBS NewsHour A&E Road Wars AMC M ANIMAL Too Cute! 8:00PM 8:30PM N Road Wars (6:00) ★★★ Unstoppable 9:30PM N The Rookie N FBI: International Night Court N 9:00PM N The Good Doctor N N Local Programming N Extended N Alert: Missing Persons Unit N The Voice Local Programming Queen Elizabeth: Robert Cecil battles for his spy network. Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Local Programming N Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents M 10:30PM FBI: Most Wanted N N 10:00PM N Road Wars Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Agents N Customer War Customer War ★★★ True Lies (1994): Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold. Too Cute! Too Cute! Too Cute! ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing Wo. BBCA Bones: Two Bodies in the Lab. Bones: The Woman in the Tunnel. Bones: The Skull in the Desert. Bones: The Man With the Bone. BET To Be Announced Neighborhood Tyler Perry’s The Oval Zatima BRAVO Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Designing Wo. Neighborhood N Becker Becker Drew Carey Watch What (9:45) Vanderpump Rules Drew Carey The Oval CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: Blond Ambition. Grimm: Thanks for the Memories. The X-Files: The Host. The X-Files: Blood. COOKING Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Man v. Food Man v. Food Amazing Eats Amazing Eats COZI Roseanne The Nanny The Munsters The Munsters Roseanne Roseanne DISC Moonshiners DISNEY Jessie Jessie Big City Green E! Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ENCORE M (7:20) ★★ Take Me Home Tonight (2011): Topher Grace. M ESPN S (6:00) College Basketball L SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L Basketball FETV Emergency!: Kids. Adam-12 FMC M M FOOD Chopped FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S (6:00) College Basketball L FREEFM M Bride Wars FX M ★★★ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021): Simu Liu, Awkwafina, Meng’er Zhang. FXM To Be Announced FXX Family Guy GETTV Kojak GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Wedding Bells (2016) HALLMV M Garage Sale Mystery: All That Glitters (2014): Lori Loughlin. HBO M (7:20) ★★★ The Farewell (2019): A family stages a fake wedding to visit their grandmother. Awkwafina, Tzi Ma, Diana Lin. HBO2 M H&I Walker, Texas Ranger: Branded. Dick Van Dyke (6:15) ★★★ Election (1999) Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★ Beauty Shop (2005): Queen Latifah. Mom Mom Shark Tank Roseanne L The Office The Nanny Moonshiners (5:15) Trials of Oscar Wilde M Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Bunk’d Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ★★ Marry Me (2022): Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson. L NFL Live Adam-12 N L Barney Miller SportsCenter DC & RC Around/Horn Barney Miller Quincy, M.E. Split Second (6:00) ★★★ I, Tonya (2017) L Tournament of Champions The Five Jesse Watters Primetime L S WWE Friday Night Smack. Good Trouble (Series Finale) Shogun Family Guy Family Guy M TBA Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E.: Ashes to Ashes. ★★ Gun Glory (1957): Stewart Granger, Rhonda Fleming. Press Your Luck Wheel of Fort. Last Week Star Trek: Dagger of the Mind. M Family Guy Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son M Wheel of Fort. Pearl in Paradise (2018): Jill Wagner, Kristoffer Polaha. Enthusiasm N N To Be Announced M Interruption Alex vs America: Alex vs Pastry. College Basketball: Nevada at Boise State. Quincy, M.E. (5:00) ★★★ The Cowboys The Office Big City Green ★★★ Enchanted (2007): Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden. Family Guy 128P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Mom Moonshiners: Master Distiller Fox News at Night S Mom The Scarlet and the Black (1993): Ewan McGregor, Alice Krige, Stratford Johns. Chopped N Mom (9:45) ★ Taxi (2004): Queen Latifah. Moonshiners: Master Distiller L L M ★★ Many Rivers to Cross Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Garage Sale Mystery: The Deadly Room (2015): Lori Loughlin. To Be Announced Curb Your Enthusiasm (10:15) ★★★ Priscilla (9:20) The Regime M Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine N 4E<N M 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Fixer to Fabulous HISTORY The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID Bail Jum. IFC Two/Half Men ION Chicago Fire: The Missing Piece. Chicago Fire: Hot and Fast. Chicago Fire: Keep You Safe. Chicago Fire: What’s Inside You. LIFE Castle Castle Castle Castle LMN To Be Announced To Be Announced MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes MGM M (6:00) ★★★ Smile (2022) M Dark Harvest (2022): Jeremy Davies. MOVIES! M (5:00) From the Terrace M ★★★ Brothers (2009): Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta NATGEO Port Protection Alaska Port Protection Alaska Port Protection Alaska NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN Dr. Phil Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron Deadline: Crime With Tamron OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM N N 8:00PM 8:30PM Fixer to Fabulous Forensic Files N Bail Jum. Two/Half Men M*A*S*H L N 9:00PM Renovation Aloha Forensic Files To Be Announced Body Cam Two/Half Men Two/Half Men 11th Hour 9:30PM Two/Half Men 10:00PM N Hunt Intl N 10:30PM N House Hunters The Lost U-Boats of WWII Forensic Files Two/Half Men N Forensic Files Forensic Files Bail Jumpers Bail Jumpers Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced Andy Griffith L Green Acres M ★★ Bones and All (2022): Taylor Russell. Alex Wagner Tonight N Hogan Heroes Last Word With Lawrence Caught in the Act: Unfaithful N N PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced Caught in the Act: Unfaithful Life Below Zero N To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans REELZ Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil Gangsters: America’s Most Evil REWIND Becker Murphy Brown Mad About Caroline/City SCIENCE Strange Evidence SHOW 40 SHOW2 M Becker (6:20) Thriller Murphy Brown Strange Evidence Mad About Strange Evidence Strange Evidence M (7:50) ★★★ Dreamgirls (2006): Three singers learn that fame has a high price. Jamie Foxx, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Eddie Murphy. (6:05) ★★ Lizzie (2018) M ★★★ The Gift (2015): Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall. M ★★ The Aggressives (2005) M ★★★ End of Watch (2012) SMITHSO Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Trains STARTTV The Closer: Drug Fiend. Major Crimes: Acting Out. Major Crimes: Trial by Fire. Rizzoli & Isles Minx Minx M (6:30) ★★ Jurassic World Dominion (2022): Dinosaurs now live and hunt alongside humans. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard. STARZ Caroline/City Minx Minx STORY TV Top 10 The Art of Architecture Top 10 The Art of Architecture Top 10 The Art of Architecture Top 10 The Art of Architecture SUND NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS SYFY M TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World TMC M (6:00) ★★★ The Fighter TNT S NBA Basketball: Phoenix Suns at Denver Nuggets: From Ball Arena in Denver. TRAVEL Paranormal Emergency Paranormal Emergency Paranormal Emergency Paranormal Emergency TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers To Be Announced TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods Blue Bloods: Backstabbers. USA Law & Order: SVU: Entitled. S VH1 M My True Crime Story VICE Dark Side of the Ring Secrets of Playboy WEATH Weather Gone Viral Weather Gone Viral Weird Earth Weird Earth WE TV 9-1-1: A Whole New You. 9-1-1: Under Pressure. 9-1-1 7.1. 9-1-1: Help Is Not Coming. N 4E<N M ★ Mortal Kombat Annihilation (1997): Robin Shou, Talisa Soto. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★★ Platoon (1986): Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe. (5:30) How Stella Got Her 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S M 4JGFIKJ M ★★ Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012): Dwayne Johnson. Big Bang M Big Bang World’s Funn. Little People, Big World N ★★★ Fences (2016): Denzel Washington, Viola Davis. WWE NXT L ES.TV N Sex Before the Internet L S Raymond ★★ S.W.A.T. (2003) Love You to Death N Basketball Blue Bloods: The Bullitt Mustang. M My True Crime Story N (10:20) ★★ Nostalgia NBA on TNT Postgame Show Blue Bloods: Rush to Judgment. ES.TV 7 Little Johnstons M N N Big Bang (9:15) ★★★ No Country for Old Men (2007): Tommy Lee Jones. World’s Funn. N Big Bang N Dark Side of the Ring N J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   129
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Pacific 7:00PM ABC Local Programming Conners N CBS Local Programming Survivor N THE CW Local Programming Wild Cards FOX Local Programming Masked Singer (Seas. Prem.) NBC Local Programming Chicago Med PBS 7:30PM PBS NewsHour A&E Court Cam AMC M ANIMAL Dogs 101 N Court Cam (5:00) ★★★ True Lies 8:00PM 8:30PM Not Dead 9:00PM N Abbott N 9:30PM 10:00PM Celebrity Fam Judge Steve Harvey FBI True N N N Family Law N Animal Cntl N Chicago Fire Family Guy Chicago P.D. NOVA Butterfly Blueprints. Court Cam Court Cam M N Impossible Builds Ice World. N Court Cam N Booked: First Day In ★★★ Men in Black (1997): Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. Dogs 101 N Local Programming N N N Local Programming Nature Sharks of Hawaii. Court Cam 10:30PM M Dogs 101 ★★ Men in Black II (2002) Dogs 101 ANTENNA Johnny Carson Designing BBCA Bones Bones The Boy in the Shroud. Bones The Blonde in the Game. Bones The Truth in the Lye. BET Browns Neighbor Tyler Perry’s Sistas All the Queen’s Men BRAVO Real Housewives of OC Browns N Designing Neighbor Real Housewives of OC N Becker Becker Drew Carey Watch What Real Housewives of Miami N Drew Carey Housewives CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Newhart Newhart Honeymoon. CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN King Charles COMEDY South Park COMET Grimm Dyin’ on a Prayer. COOKING Man Fire Food COZI Roseanne DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition X DISNEY Jessie Jessie Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green The Owl House Amphibia E! Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family ENCORE M ★★ The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009): Denzel Washington. ESPN S NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Golden State Warriors ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L FETV Emergency! Show Biz. Adam-12 FMC M M FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S (6:00) College Basketball L FREEFM M (6:00) ★★ The Other Woman (2014) FX M (6:30) ★★ Eternals (2021): Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kit Harington. FXM Movie (7:45) Movie FXX Family Guy Family Guy GETTV Kojak No Immunity for Murder. GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) Secrets of Bella Vista HALLMV M Curious Caterer Mysteries: Fatal Vows (2023) HBO M (6:25) ★★★ My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) To Be Announced: Programming to be announced. HBO2 The Regime To Be Announced H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek Dick Van Dyke (5:50) ★★ Body of Lies Mama’s Family M ★★ Freedomland (2006): Samuel L. Jackson. Mom Mom M Mom (9:55) ★★ American Heist (2014) Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins South Park Reno 911! Grimm Cry Luison. The X-Files Ascension. The X-Files 3. Man Fire Food Zimmern Zimmern Food Paradise Food Paradise Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Munsters Shark Tank N Laura Coates Live South Park (5:30) You Can’t Take It With N War Wag. Cheers South Park SportsCenter L South Park Adam-12 130P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; N L SportsCenter NFL Live Roseanne Barney Miller Barney Miller Guy’s Grocery Games N M L Pixels SportsCenter Pardon N Quincy, M.E. Images. M Royal W... Guy’s Grocery Games Spiciest!. The Five Jesse Watters Primetime Rodeo TMZ Sports M South Park Ghost Adventures SportsCenter NFL Films ★★★ Hitch (2005): Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. Feud: Capote Beautiful Babe. N Movie Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E. Family Guy Press Your Luck M Family Guy Quincy, M.E. Double Death. ★★★ Man Without a Star (1955): Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain. Split Second Roseanne (8:15) ★★★ Bye Bye Birdie (1963): Dick Van Dyke, Janet Leigh, Ann-Margret. Guy’s Grocery Games S The Munsters N ★★★ 50/50 (2011): Joseph Gordon-Levitt. L L Fox News at Night M M Mom Wheel M Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ Chato’s Land (1972): Charles Bronson. Wheel A Scottish Love Scheme (2024): Erica Durance, Jordan Young. M Family Guy Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls The Jane Mysteries: Inheritance Lost (2023): Jodie Sweetin. The Regime Enthusiasm Star Trek: Next The Most Toys. N 4E<N M M (10:20) ★★★ Midsommar Star Trek: DS9 To the Death. 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Love It or List It Rico to the Rescue Rico to the Rescue HISTORY American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files ID To Be Announced To Be Announced See No Evil Not a Social Person. To Be Announced IFC Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men ION Blue Bloods Strange Bedfellows. Blue Bloods Identity. LIFE Castle Married at First Sight LMN (6:00) Movie M MAGN Fixer Upper In With the Old METV M*A*S*H MGM Belgravia: The Next Chapter M ★★★ Donnie Brasco (1997): Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Michael Madsen. MOVIES! M M ★★★ The Luck of the Irish (1948): Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Catfish: The TV Show The Challenge NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler Trafficked Illegal Gambling. NGWLD Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet Dr. Oakley, Vet Mush Madness. Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet Dr. Oakley, Vet Flying Caribou. OWN Dr. Phil Love It or List It Elbow Room. Love It or List It Love It or List It OXYGEN To Be Announced Dateline: Secrets Uncovered To Be Announced To Be Announced 7:30PM Forensic Files Two Half Men M*A*S*H (5:00) The Razor’s Edge PARAMNT Two Half Men L Two Half Men 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM Forensic Files Two Half Men 9:30PM N Hunters N Forensic Files Two Half Men Prison Brides 11th Hour N Bev. Hillbillies L Two Half Men N Fixer Upper Green Acres Alex Wagner Tonight Hogan Heroes M Hogan Heroes M Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Ridiculousness To Catch a Smuggler Movie REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live Probation Pursuit. REWIND Becker SCIENCE Engineering Catastrophes Engineering Catastrophes SHOW M (5:30) ★★★ Noah (2014): Russell Crowe. M ★★★ Gladiator (2000): A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. SHOW2 M NCIS: New Orleans M Profession. (10:20) Monkey Business Movie Murphy Brown N Married Criminal Minds (5:30) ★★★ Bridge of Spies Forensic Files Blue Bloods The Real Deal. POP Becker House Hunters Movie Fixer Upper Andy Griffith N Forensic Files Blue Bloods Something Blue. N 10:30PM American Pickers Kidnapping in the Grand Canyon (2023): Gina Vitori. Andy Griffith 10:00PM NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans On Patrol: Live Backyard Fight. Murphy Brown Mad About Mad About If We Built It Today ★★ Golda (2023): Helen Mirren. M Caroline Caroline Engineering Catastrophes M Guns Akimbo (2019) ★★★ Tigerland (2000): Colin Farrell. SMITHSO Air Disasters Into the Wild New Zealand Into the Wild New Zealand Into the Wild New Zealand STARTTV The Closer Armed Response. Major Crimes Chain Reaction. Major Crimes Leap of Faith. Rizzoli & Isles Minx Minx M (7:20) ★★★ Joy Ride (2023): Four friends embark on an epic, noholds-barred journey. Ashley Park, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Hsu. STARZ STORY TV Third Reich The Rise. Minx Minx/(10:55) Minx How the Nazis Lost the War How the Nazis Lost the War Law & Order Law & Order SUND Law & Order SYFY (6:00) Movie TBS Big Bang Big Bang TCM M M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 Severe Outbreaks. World’s TLC 600-Lb. Life 600-Lb. Life Dr. Pimple Popper TMC M (5:50) ★★ Jennifer Eight M TNT S (6:30) NHL Hockey L Post-Game TRAVEL Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Movie TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods Hold Outs. Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Back in the Day. Blue Bloods Cursed. USA Law & Order: SVU Secrets. Law & Order: SVU Victims. Law & Order: SVU Paranoia. Law & Order: SVU Countdown. VH1 M VICE Dark Side of the 90s Dark Side of the 90s Nine Lives of Hulk Hogan Nine Lives of South Park WEATH Heavy Rescue: 401 Weather Gone Viral Uncharted Adventure So You Think You’d Survive? WE TV NCIS Outlaws and In-Laws. NCIS Endgame. NCIS Power Down. NCIS Child’s Play. N 4E<N M Law & Order Resident Alien All About... L N Modern Family ★★★★ Gentleman’s Agreement (1947): Gregory Peck. (5:30) ★★ Harlem Nights 4DFM@< All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 4C@M< S M 4JGFIKJ N M Modern Family (9:45) ★★★★ Going My Way (1944) World’s N ★★ American Gigolo (1980): Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton. ES.TV ES.TV My 600-Lb. Life M ★ Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Movie ★★ Soul Plane (2004): Kevin Hart, Tom Arnold, Method Man. Raymond M National... N J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   131
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Pacific 7:00PM ABC (6:00) State of the Union L Celebrity Wheel of Fortune CBS (6:00) State of the Union L Sheldon THE CW Local Programming The Conners The Conners Son/Critch FOX FOX News Next Level Chef N Local Programming NBC (6:00) State of the Union L Law & Order PBS (6:00) PBS NewsHour (Special Report) L This Old House A&E The First 48 First 48 Presents Critical AMC M M ANIMAL I Was Prey 7:30PM L Local Program (6:00) Police Academy 2 8:00PM 8:30PM N Ghosts N N BBCA M BET To Be Announced Neighborhood BRAVO Southern Charm Southern Charm M 10:00PM 10:30PM Local Programming Local Programming N Children N Local Programming Local Program Ask This Old House N Craft in America: Music. Craft in America: Harmony. N Taking the Stand Undercover: Caught on Tape ★★ Bad Boys (1995): Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Téa Leoni. Designing Wo. Warcraft 9:30PM Local Programming I Was Prey ANTENNA Johnny Carson 9:00PM M I Was Prey Designing Wo. Bad Boys II I Was Prey Becker Becker (7:45) ★★ Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001): Angelina Jolie. Neighborhood N M Drew Carey Drew Carey (9:45) ★★ Warcraft (2016): Travis Fimmel. Tyler Perry’s Sistas Tyler Perry’s The Oval Southern Hospitality N Watch What South. Charm CARTOON King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! CATCHYC Dick Van Dyke Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners CINEMAX M CMT Mama’s Family CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live COMEDY The Office The Office The Office COMET Grimm: Chupacabra. Grimm: Wesenrein. The X-Files: Red Museum. The X-Files: Excelsius Dei. COOKING Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats Carnival Eats COZI Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny The Munsters The Munsters Roseanne Roseanne DISC Hustlers Gamblers Crooks Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! DISNEY Holly Hobbie Jessie Jessie Jessie Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d E! To Be Announced ENCORE M Br. Hearts ESPN S (6:30) College Basketball: Teams TBA. L ESPN2 S (6:00) College Basketball L FETV Emergency!: Virus. FMC M FOOD Beat Bobby FOX N Gutfeld! FOX SP S Basket. FREEFM M (5:40) ★★★ Hitch (2005) M (8:20) ★★ The Proposal (2009): Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Mary Steenburgen. FX M (5:30) ★★ The Equalizer 2 M ★ Gone in 60 Seconds (2000): Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Vonni Ribisi. FXM To Be Announced FXX Bob’s Burgers GETTV Kojak GRIT M GSN Switch HALL M (6:00) A Valentine’s Match HALLMV M Fixer Upper Mysteries: Concrete Evidence (2017): Jewel. HBO M (6:05) ★★★ The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO2 (7:20) Last Week Tonight God Save Texas: Hometown Prison. H&I Walker, Texas Ranger Star Trek: The Menagerie. Dick Van Dyke (6:15) ★★ Yes Man (2008) Mama’s Family Cheers M ★★ Fifty Shades of Grey (2015): Dakota Johnson. Mom Mom Shark Tank Holly Hobbie L The Office Mom Mom Mom Shark Tank Car Chase Car Chase Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office ★★ Horsemen (2009): Dennis Quaid. S SportsCenter M The Office N Adam-12 N Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Fox News at Night S L Family Guy Family Guy SportsCenter Barney Miller The $100,000 Pyramid M Speed 2 L Interruption Quincy, M.E.: Even Odds. (9:15) ★★ Raw Deal (1948): Dennis O’Keefe, Claire Trevor. Beat Bobby N Beat Bobby Beat Bobby The Five L Beat Bobby Jesse Watters Primetime S College Basketball: Arizona State at USC. M L Gone in 60 TBA Family Guy Family Guy Quincy, M.E.: The Last Six Hours. ★★ The Quick Gun (1964): Audie Murphy, Merry Anders. Split Second M To Be Announced Quincy, M.E. 132P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M N Around/Horn Barney Miller College Basketball: Washington at Washington State. Bob’s Burgers L L (7:15) ★★★★ The Lady Vanishes (1938): Margaret Lockwood. Beat Bobby Botched The Office ★★ Blue Crush (2002): Kate Bosworth. SportsCenter College Basketball: Teams TBA. Adam-12 ★ Fifty Shades Freed (2018) Mom Resident Alien M L M M Family Guy Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ The Boy From Oklahoma (1954): Will Rogers Jr.. Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. Groundswell (2022): Lacey Chabert, Ektor Rivera. M Family Guy Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Fixer Upper Mysteries: Deadly Deed (2018): Jewel. M (8:45) ★★★ Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008): A musician encounters his ex and her new lover in Hawaii. Jason Segel. God Save (10:25) God Save Texas Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N The Regime M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV (6:00) Rock the Block Married to Real Estate HISTORY Swamp People Swamp People HLN Forensic Files ID Very Scary People 48 Hours on ID: Death on Safari. Very Scary People Very Scary People IFC Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ION Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: Little Bit of Light. LIFE Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits Theresa Caputo: Raising LMN To Be Announced M MAGN Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Barnwood Builders METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies MGM M (5:00) A Bridge Too Far MOVIES! M ★★★ Little Caesar (1930) MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore Family Vac. NATGEO Vikings: The Rise and Fall Vikings: The Rise and Fall Rise and Fall of the Maya NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 7:30PM Forensic Files Two/Half Men M*A*S*H 8:00PM 9:00PM 9:30PM Married to Real Estate N Forensic Files M L 8:30PM N Hunt Intl Swamp People: Serpent In. Forensic Files Two/Half Men Forensic Files Forensic Files Two/Half Men N Blackmail, Lies, and Murder (2024): Kelsey McKean. Andy Griffith M N N Forensic Files 10:30PM Hunters Int’l Swamp People Forensic Files Two/Half Men Chicago P.D. Baby N Baby N To Be Announced N Building Off the Grid Green Acres ★★★★ Glory (1989): Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington. 11th Hour 10:00PM Hogan Heroes M Hogan Heroes ★★★★ Platoon (1986) ★★★ Deception (1946): Bette Davis, Claude Rains, Paul Henreid. L N Alex Wagner Tonight Last Word With Lawrence Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Lost Tomb- Alexander the Great PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced POP Criminal Minds REELZ Cops REWIND Becker SCIENCE Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned M (6:00) Superpower (2023) M ★★★ The Drop (2014): A bartender finds himself at the center of a heist gone bad. Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Gandolfini. M (5:45) Freedom’s Path M SHOW SHOW2 NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Becker Murphy Brown Murphy Brown Mad About Mad About Caroline/City Caroline/City Mysteries of the Abandoned Mysteries of the Abandoned M ★★★★ The Godfather (1972): Marlon Brando. ★★★ Coach Carter (2005): Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Ri’chard, Rob Brown. M SMITHSO Air Disasters Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships Mighty Cruise Ships STARTTV The Closer: Pilot. Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles M (5:55) ★ Big Daddy STARZ M ★ Billy Madison (1995): Adam Sandler. Warrior St. M ★ Me, Myself & Irene (2000): A mild-mannered police officer has a vile alter ego. Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, Chris Cooper. STORY TV The Real West The Real West: San Francisco. The Real West The Real West SUND Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order SYFY To Be Announced TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV Weather Gone Viral Top 10 World’s Funn. TLC The Culpo Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters TMC M (6:15) 2 Days in the Valley M TNT S NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Denver Nuggets. TRAVEL World’s Most Unexplained World’s Most Unexplained: Power of Objects. TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: Friends in Need. Hudson & Rex Blue Bloods: Town Without Pity. Blue Bloods: Blast From the Past. USA Law & Order: SVU: Prodigy. Law & Order: SVU: Execution. Law & Order: SVU: Popular. Law & Order: SVU: Justice. VH1 To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced VICE Dark Side of the Ring Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid WEATH Search Party Weather Gone Viral Lords of the Ocean Lords of the Ocean WE TV 9-1-1: Ocean’s 9-1-1. Bold & Bougie Bold & Bougie N 4E<N M To Be Announced Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ★★★ Out of Africa (1985): Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Brandauer. 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ Big Bang M World’s Funn. Big Bang ★★★★ My Fair Lady ES.TV ES.TV 1000-Lb. Sisters ★★★ Coming to America (1988): Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall. L M ★★★ School of Rock To Be Announced N Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch N Bold & Bougie J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   133
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM OFF ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I FREE SHIPPING with code CACPB1 Local Programming Shark Tank Local Programming S.W.A.T. Local Programming Penn & Teller: Fool Us Local Programming S Local Programming PBS NewsHour 20/20 N N M Johnny Carson Designing Wo. M To Be Announced N Animals N Local Programming N Icon: Music Through the Lens Icon: Music Through: On the Net. The First 48 The First 48 M Tanked Designing Wo. N Local Programming N ★★★ Beverly Hills Cop (1984): Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold. Tanked (5:45) ★★ Young Guns II Blue Bloods Dateline NBC The First 48 (5:30) ★★★ Trading Places N Funny Kids N Hoover Tanked M N WWE Friday Night SmackDown Was. Week N S.W.A.T. Deal or No Deal Island N The First 48 M 10:30PM NOW $16.99 WAS $56.99 70% Call 1-800-489-3616 or go to CATHERINES.COM 10:00PM POSTURE SUPPORT BRA SAVE UP TO The TRUSTED EXPERTS in SIZES 16W TO 38W Available in 9 colors. 9:30PM (10:15) Beverly Hills Cop II Tanked Becker Becker Drew Carey Drew Carey (8:15) ★★ Young Guns (1988): Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. M Young Gun To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke Cheers Cheers Taxi Bob Newhart Newhart Honeymooners M (6:15) ★★ Beauty Shop Mama’s Family M Mama’s Family American Greed ★★ Baby Mama (2008): Tina Fey. M ★★★ Election (1999): Matthew Broderick. To Be Announced To Be Announced American Greed CNN NewsNight L Laura Coates Live The Office The Office The Office L The Office American Greed American Greed Anderson Cooper 360 The Source With Kaitlan Collins The Office The Office The Office The Office Grimm: Marechaussee. Grimm: Trial by Fire. The X-Files The X-Files: Fresh Bones. Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Roseanne The Nanny The Munsters Roseanne Roseanne Gold Rush Jessie The Nanny Gold Rush Shorts Sp. N M Gold Rush (7:20) ★★ Maleficent (2014): Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning. S NBA Basketball: Milwaukee Bucks at Los Angeles Lakers. S (6:00) College Basketball L Emergency!: Peace Pipe. Diners, Drive Gutfeld! S M M SportsCenter Adam-12 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Fox News at Night College Basketball: Boise State at San Diego State. Family Guy (5:00) Bohemian Rhapsody Family Guy M L L Family Guy Bob’s Burgers Kojak: Money Back Guarantee. M Split Second Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Quincy, M.E.: Speed Trap. Press Your Luck M (6:00) The Blessing Bracelet M Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit, Stage Death (2020) M Priscilla M (5:30) ★★ Sex and the City Enthusiasm Walker, Texas Ranger 134P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; SportsCenter S Barney Miller Barney Miller UFC Diners N SportsCenter Around/Horn Interruption Quincy, M.E.: Dead and Alive. M Diners, Drive (10:15) In Which We Serve Diners, Drive Diners, Drive The Five Jesse Watters Primetime Pokerstars Caribbean Advent. TMZ Sports S Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy ARCA Race To Be Announced ★★ The Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend (1949) Switch L SportsCenter ★★★ Avatar (2009): Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver. To Be Announced Bob’s Burgers Raven’s Home ★★★ Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008): Ron Perlman. L L Adam-12 M ★★ A Canterbury Tale (1944): Eric Portman, Sheila Sim, John Sweet. N Family Guy Disney’s Magi To Be Announced M Wings of Roseanne Gold Rush Moana (2016): Voices of Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson. To Be Announced M The Munsters M M Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Quincy, M.E. M Bob’s Burgers Sanford & Son Sanford & Son ★★ The Redhead From Wyoming (1952): Maureen O’Hara. Wheel of Fort. Wheel of Fort. A Veteran’s Christmas (2018): Eloise Mumford, Sean Faris. M Bob’s Burgers Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Picture Perfect Mysteries: Newlywed and Dead (2019) ★★ The Last Witch Hunter (2015): Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood. Real Time With Bill Maher ★★★ Up in the Air (2009): George Clooney. The Regime M Star Trek: The Menagerie. Star Trek: The Next Generation N 4E<N M M N Assistant Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HISTORY Ancient Aliens HLN Forensic Files ID To Be Announced IFC M ION Bull: Justified. Bull: Reckless. Bull: Death Sentence. Bull LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy LMN To Be Announced To Be Announced MAGN Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beach Co. METV M*A*S*H Andy Griffith MGM M (5:10) Transformers: Age MOVIES! M ★ Lisa and the Devil (1973): Telly Savalas, Elke Sommer. MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence MTV (6:30) RuPaul’s Drag Race RuPaul’s Drag Race: Werq the World. NATGEO To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru To Catch a Smuggler: Peru NGWLD The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Dr. Pol Critter Fixers: Country Vets Critter Fixers: Country Vets OWN Ready to Love Ready to Love Ready to Love: Meet the Friends. Ready to Love OXYGEN Snapped Snapped The Real Murders of Atlanta The Real Murders of Atlanta Ancient Aliens Forensic Files Forensic Files Ancient Aliens Forensic Files To Be Announced M*A*S*H L M 10:00PM Dream Home Hunters N Forensic Files Forensic Files N House Hunters Forensic Files N Forensic Files To Be Announced ★★ Out for Justice (1991): Steven Seagal, William Forsythe. M To Be Announced Beach Cottage Beachfront Bargain Hunt Beachfront Bargain Hunt Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Hogan Heroes Green Acres ★★ Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023): Anthony Ramos. 11th Hour 10:30PM The Proof Is Out There To Be Announced (6:45) ★★ Bloodsport (1988): Jean-Claude Van Damme. N N 9:30PM L M Hogan Heroes ★★★ Interstellar (2014) ★★ St. Ives (1976): Charles Bronson, John Houseman. M Alex Wagner Tonight N Last Word With Lawrence Untucked N PARAMNT Two/Half Men Two/Half Men To Be Announced Ridiculous. N Ridiculous. To Be Announced POP Law & Order REELZ (6:00) On Patrol: Live N REWIND Becker SCIENCE Hunting Atlantis SHOW M (6:45) Freedom’s Path (2022): A Union soldier is rescued by a free Black man. Gerran Howell, RJ Cyler, Ewen Bremner. SHOW2 M To Be Announced On Patrol: Live Becker Murphy Brown Murphy Brown Hunting Atlantis (5:30) Minority Report M Mad About Mad About Hunting Atlantis Caroline/City Caroline/City Hunting Atlantis M War Pony (2022): Two young Oglala Lakota men navigate their paths to manhood. Jojo Bapteise Whiting, LaDainian Crazy Thunder. ★★ The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023): Corey Hawkins. M The Wolf of Wall Street SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Air Disasters Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer: The Big Picture. Major Crimes: Internal Affairs. Major Crimes: A Rose Is a Rose. Rizzoli & Isles: Money Maker. Hightown: Big Fish. The case is BMF: Magic Makers. BMF: Detroit vs Everybody. STARZ BMF: Magic Makers. N coming to a close. N STORY TV Modern Marvels: Yard Tech. Modern Marvels: Doors. Modern Marvels: Bathroom Tech. Modern Marvels SUND NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS SYFY To Be Announced To Be Announced TBS M (5:30) ★★★ Girls Trip TCM M Rain Man THISTV Weather Gone Viral: In a Flash. Top 10: Winter Storms. TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? TMC M TNT To Be Announced TRAVEL The Dead Files: Nowhere to Hide. The Dead Files: Imprisoned. The Dead Files: Burning Hatred. The Dead Files: Isolated. TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond UP Blue Bloods: The Extra Mile. USA M VH1 To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced VICE Forged in Fire: The Pandat. Forged in Fire: The Naginata. Forged in Fire: Zulu Iklwa. Forged in Fire: The Haladie. WEATH Storm Stories: The Next Chapter Weather Gone Viral Uncharted Adventure Uncharted Adventure WE TV Law & Order Slaughter. Mama June: From Not to Hot Mama June: Not to Hot N 4E<N N M M M ★★ Ride Along 2 (2016): Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter. ★★★★ Annie Hall (1977): Woody Allen. (6:00) ★★★ Emma (1996) M To Be Announced M World’s Funn. World’s Funn. N L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ ES.TV 90 Day Fiancé Blue Bloods: The Greater Good. ★★ The Equalizer (2014): Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz. 4DFM@< ★★ Fist Fight (2017) (9:15) ★★★★ The Apartment (1960): Jack Lemmon. ★★★ The Duchess (2008): Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes. Blue Bloods: Blowback. M N M ★★ Jane Eyre (1996) S All Elite Wrestling N Blue Bloods: Good Cop, Bad Cop. M N ES.TV ★★ The Equalizer (2014) Mama June: From Not to Hot J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   135
PRIMETIME PACIFIC SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Pacific 7:00PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC S CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I 7:30PM (5:30) NBA Basketball L 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM Local Programming Local Programming Tracker Local Programming Local Programming CSI: Vegas 48 Hours Local Programming The Wall Saturday Night Live L Antiques Roadshow American Masters How It Feels to Be Free. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals M M Ghostbust. N Saturday Night Live Icon: Music Through the Lens Biography: WWE Legends N ★★ Ghostbusters II (1989): Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver. My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell The Jeffersons Johnny Carson M N Local Programming Local Programming Local Program 10:30PM The Jeffersons My Cat From Hell (5:00) Movie My Cat From Hell Benny Hill (7:15) ★★ Christine (1983): Keith Gordon, John Stockwell. M ★★ Ghostbusters (2016) M Benny Hill Benny Hill (9:15) ★★★★ Dances With Wolves (1990): Kevin Costner. Movie Movie Movie Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch M (6:05) ★★ Leatherheads M ★★ Carrie (2013): Chloë Grace Moretz. M (5:30) Movie M Come and Find Me (2016): Aaron Paul. Double Jeopardy (1999): Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Bruce Greenwood. Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program M Movie M (6:00) ★★ Spiders 3D Iron Chef America M ★★ Prom Night (1980): Leslie Nielsen, Jamie Lee Curtis. Iron Chef America Columbo Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (6:15) Movie Movie (6:00) Movie Movie S College Basketball Arizona at USC. S College Basketball WCC Tournament, First Quarterfinal. M Pal Joey Diners, Drive Saturday Night S Basket. L M Diners, Drive Las Vegas Las Vegas Naked and Afraid M L Gabby Duran Big City Green ★★ The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) SportsCenter L Adam-12 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Gutfeld! Hoops Extra L SportsCenter Basketball S Barney Miller Barney Miller S Diners, Drive College Basketball College Basketball Arizona State at UCLA. Beauty M (5:00) Star Wars: Empire M Diners, Drive Hurricane M Scarlet L L Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Life, Liberty & Levin L S M M Quincy, M.E. The Big Weekend Show ★★★ Encanto (2021): Voice of Stephanie Beatriz. M NASCAR Xfinity Series ★★★ Zootopia (2016) ★★★ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983): Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. Movie The Simpsons Iron Chef America (7:45) ★★ The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960): Peter Finch, Yvonne Mitchell, James Mason. N M Iron Chef America Movie ★★ The Bone Collector (1999): Denzel Washington. Adam-12 ★ Prom Night II (1987) M Amphibia M Emergency! Saddled. Movie Movie The Simpsons The Rockford Files The Simpsons The Simpsons Magnum, P.I. Resolutions. The Simpsons The Simpsons Magnum, P.I. Resolutions. The Simpsons Kojak Case Without a File. Local Sheriff! (1969): James Garner. Local Gunfighter (1971): James Garner. Switch Pyramid Split Second The $100,000 Pyramid M (6:00) Hearts in the Game M Mystery 101: An Education in Murder (2020) M (6:05) Devil Wears Prada M ★★★ The Informant! (2009): Matt Damon, Scott Bakula. Black Sheep Squadron 136P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; M Family Feud Summer Villa (2016) (9:45) The Regime M Family Feud Mystery 101: Killer Timing (2021) To Be Announced Tour of Duty Pilot. Family Feud M Come Fly With Me (2023): Heather Hemmens, Niall Matter. M The Simpsons ★★★ Brooklyn (2015): Saoirse Ronan. Tour of Duty M Pulp Fiction M Pootie Tang Combat! Bridgehead. N 4E<N M 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIME PACIFIC SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 9:30PM 10:00PM HGTV HISTORY HLN ID IFC ION LIFE LMN MAGN METV MGM MOVIES! MSNBC MTV NATGEO House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters NGWLD OWN OXYGEN PARAMNT POP REELZ REWIND SCIENCE SHOW SHOW2 SMITHSO STARTTV STARZ STORY TV SUND SYFY TBS TCM THISTV TLC TMC TNT TRAVEL TRUTV TV LAND UP USA VH1 VICE WEATH WE TV Vet 9-1-1 N 4E<N M The UnXplained The UnXplained Vengeance: Killer Coworkers Forensic Files Fatal Vows To Be Announced M Fatal Vows The UnXplained Forensic Files Forensic Files To Be Announced M Law & Order: SVU (6:00) Movie M Hunting Housewives (2024): Denise Richards, NeNe Leakes. (6:00) Movie M Movie Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. Stooges Svengoolie 13 Ghosts. M (5:45) ★★★ The Big Short M (6:50) ★★★ Little Caesar (1930) Ayman Law & Order: SVU Forensic Files Fatal Vows Fatal Vows N Movie Movie Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. M Batman M ★★★ Do the Right Thing ★★★ Deadfall (1968): Michael Caine, Giovanna Ralli, Eric Portman. The Saturday Show (6:00) MTV Special Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Reno. N 11th Hour Dateline MTV Special To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid N Forensic Files Law & Order: SVU ★★★ American Fiction (2023): Jeffrey Wright. M House Hunters ★★★ The Last Samurai (2003): Tom Cruise. Law & Order: SVU Stooges N The UnXplained Forensic Files (6:45) ★★ Demolition Man (1993): Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. 10:30PM Vet 9-1-1 N Love & Marriage: DC Cold Justice N Border The Incredible Dr. Pol The Incredible Once Upon a Fair. Vet 9-1-1 Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC Love & Marriage: DC Cold Justice N Border N To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid Blood & Money N Trafficked w/ Mariana van N Vet 9-1-1 Cold Justice Movie Movie (6:00) Movie NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans (6:00) On Patrol: Live N Diff. Strokes NCIS: New Orleans On Patrol: Live Diff. Strokes What on Earth? Kotter Kotter What on Earth? Kotter Kotter What on Earth? Family Ties Family Ties What on Earth? M (7:15) ★★★ Past Lives (2023): Greta Lee, Teo Yoo. M Raging Grace (2023): Max Eigenmann. M (6:30) ★★★ Noah (2014): Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly. M ★★★ Gladiator (2000): Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. Secrets Secrets Secrets Secrets M Last Voy. Pompeii: The Dead Speak The Closer Flashpoint. CSI: Cyber Killer En Route. CSI: Cyber Fire Code. Rizzoli & Isles Crazy for You. BMF Magic Makers. Hightown Big Fish. BMF Magic Makers. M Ancient Mysteries Camelot. Ancient Mysteries Ancient Mysteries Ancient Mysteries M (6:45) ★★★ Back to School (1986) M (8:45) ★★ Caddyshack (1980): Chevy Chase. Movie M Back- Sch. Movie Big Bang M ★★ All Eyez on Me (2017) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang (5:00) ★★★★ Ben-Hur (1959): Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins. SOS: How to Survive 90 Days SOS: How to Survive 90 Days M ★★★ Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018) ★★★★ The Best Years of Our Lives (1946): Fredric March. Deadline to Disaster Sister Wives N Deadline to Disaster Sister Wives N M ★★ In Too Deep (1999): Omar Epps. (5:30) Movie S All Elite Wrestling: Collision NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files NASA’s Unexplained Files Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men M (6:10) ★★ Captive State Sister Wives N M Big Bang Blue Bloods The Life We Chose. M (5:00) ★★★ Creed (2015) VH1 Special M Blue Bloods Women With Guns. M M ★★ Slow Burn (2005): Ray Liotta, LL Cool J. Movie Blue Bloods Reagan V. Reagan. Blue Bloods ★★ Criminal (2016): Kevin Costner, Gal Gadot, Gary Oldman. VH1 Special VH1 Special ★★★ The Other Guys (2010): Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes. M VH1 Special M ★★★ The Other Guys (2010): Will Ferrell. Highway Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Ice Pilots Search Party NCIS Obsession. NCIS Borderland. NCIS Patriot Down. NCIS Rule Fifty-One. 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ Creed J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   137
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Pacific 7:00PM 7:30PM ABC CBS THE CW FOX NBC PBS A&E AMC ANIMAL ANTENNA BBCA BET BRAVO CARTOON CATCHYC CINEMAX CMT CNBC CNN COMEDY COMET COOKING COZI DISC DISNEY E! ENCORE ESPN ESPN2 FETV FMC FOOD FOX N FOX SP FREEFM FX FXM FXX GETTV GRIT GSN HALL HALLMV HBO HBO2 H&I (4:00) Oscar L Abbott 60 Minutes N N 8:00PM 8:30PM 9:00PM 60 Minutes N Tracker The Simpsons Burgers N Hotel Portofino Contortions. WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Great No. CSI: Vegas The Conners N Grimsburg N Local Programming N Local Programming Hotel Portofino Subterfuges. N WWE Legends (6:00) ★★ Iron Man 2 (2010): Robert Downey Jr. Lone Star Law Family Ties M 10:30PM ★★★ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002): A malevolent force threatens the students at Hogwarts. Daniel Radcliffe. Antiques Roadshow M N The Conners Next Level Chef 10:00PM The Oscars: Honors for achievements in film take place in Los Angeles. Hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. To Be Announced M 9:30PM Family Ties Wings N The Walking Dead: The Ones Lone Star Law Wardens of the North Wings Wings Hotel Portofino Farewells. N Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon N Wardens of the North Wings ★★★ Hoosiers (1986): Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey, Dennis Hopper. M Becker Becker ★★★ Moneyball (2011): Brad Pitt. Movie Movie Real Housewives of NYC Real Housewives of Potomac Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers To Be Announced M M Kingsman: Secret Service King of Queens N Bob’s Burgers (4:00) To Be Announced King of Queens Married to Medicine American Dad! ★ Paranoia (2013): Liam Hemsworth. King of Queens King of Queens American Dad! M King of Queens N Watch What Housewives American Dad! Rick and Morty (9:45) ★★ XXX (2002): Vin Diesel. King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank S CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program CNN Special Program The Office The Office The Office The Office M The Office (6:00) Mega Shark v. Kolos. Man v. Food N Man v. Food The Office The Office AMA Supercross The Office The X-Files Fearful Symmetry. The X-Files Dod Kalm. The X-Files Humbug. Man v. Food Carnival Eats Yum-Yummer Man v. Food Carnival Eats Las Vegas Yum-Yummer Monk Monk Las Vegas (6:00) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Big City Green Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family N Naked and Afraid M (6:50) ★★★ The Karate Kid (1984): Ralph Macchio. M S (6:30) NBA Basketball Minnesota Timberwolves at L.A. Lakers L SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt L S (5:30) College Wrestling L ACC Legends S Emergency! Fuzz Lady. M SportsCenter Adam-12 (6:15) ★★★★ On Golden Pond (1981) Adam-12 M ★★ The Karate Kid Part II (1986): Ralph Macchio. Barney Miller Barney Miller Tournament The Good, the Bad and the Randomizer. The Big Weekend Show Life, Liberty & Levin S S Sunday Night S M Incredibles M M ★★★ Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021): Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch. ★★★ Despicable Me (2010): Voice of Steve Carell. Little The Big Weekend Show Rodeo The American Rodeo: Contender Round. Movie M Bobby’s Triple Threat NHRA in 30 M College Basketball (9:45) ★★★ Despicable Me 2 (2013) M Venom: Let There- Carnage (9:15) Movie Family Guy The Rockford Files (5:00) ★★★ Tombstone Switch Quincy, M.E. N NHRA M UFC Archival ★★ Miss Annie Rooney (1942): Shirley Temple. Guy’s Grocery Games Family Guy SportsCenter Split Second Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Magnum, P.I. M Futurama Futurama Family Guy Magnum, P.I. Kojak ★★ Big Jake (1971): John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O’Hara. The $100,000 Pyramid Pyramid Family Feud M Two Tickets to Paradise (2022): Ashley Williams, Ryan Paevey. The Way Home M Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Heist and Seek (2020) M M ★★★ Sleepless in Seattle (1993): Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan. The Regime M (6:10) ★★ San Andreas The Regime M Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Sarah Connor Chronicles 138P J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ; Family Guy N M Hot Lead Family Feud Family Feud Golden Girls Golden Girls Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Something New (2023) N Enthusiasm Enthusiasm ★★★ American Gangster (2007): Denzel Washington. N 4E<N M Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4DFM@< L 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ
PRIMETIMEPACIFIC SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Pacific 7:00PM HGTV Home Town Home Town HISTORY The Food That Built America The Food That Built America The Food That Built America HLN Very Scary People Very Scary People Forensic Files ID Psychopath Psychopath To Be Announced Evil Lives Here IFC Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond ION NCIS Willoughby. NCIS Off the Grid. LIFE (6:00) Movie M Smart Home Killer (2023): Natalie Brown, Anwen O’Driscoll. Movie LMN (6:00) Movie M Blackmail, Lies, and Murder (2024): Kelsey McKean. Movie MAGN Fixer Upper Fixer Upper METV M*A*S*H MGM M ★★ Mean Girls (2024): Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp. MOVIES! M (6:45) ★★ Screaming Mimi (1958) MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki Ayman MTV Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NATGEO Wicked Tuna NGWLD Operation: Pet Rescue OWN 20/20 on OWN OXYGEN Final Moments 7:30PM M*A*S*H Ridiculousness 8:00PM 8:30PM N 9:30PM 10:00PM Small Town Potential Raymond All in Family Hunters N Forensic Files Raymond NCIS Keep Going. All in Family M Wicked Tuna N 9:00PM The Food That Built America Forensic Files Forensic Files Psychopath Psychopath Raymond Raymond Fixer Upper: Welcome Home Fixer Upper Stately in White. All in Family Ed Sullivan All in Family N ★★ The Tattooed Stranger (1950) N House Hunters NCIS Nonstop. Belgravia: The Next Chapter Ridiculousness N 10:30PM Carol Burnett Belgravia: The Next Chapter M ★★★ Nightmare Alley The Sunday Show Dateline Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Wicked Tuna Ridiculousness N Ridiculousness Last of the Giants: Wild Fish N Secrets of the Zoo Secrets of the Zoo Operation: Pet Rescue 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN The Real Murders of Atlanta The Real Murders of Atlanta Final Moments PARAMNT Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue POP Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds REELZ Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas Jail: Las Vegas REWIND Hogan Family Hogan Family Growing Pains Growing Pains Growing Pains Growing Pains Who’s Boss? Who’s Boss? SCIENCE (6:00) Brink of Disaster Engineering Catastrophes Brink of Disaster SHOW M (5:45) ★★ 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (8:15) Mayor of Kingstown Peace in the Valley. N M ★★★ Gladiator (2000): A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. SHOW2 M N (6:10) ★★★ The Drop M Raging Grace (2023): Max Eigenmann. M N ★★★★ Once Upon a Time in America (1984) SMITHSO Air Disasters Air Disasters Extreme Airport Africa Air Disasters STARTTV The Closer You Are Here. CSI: Cyber Crowd Sourced. CSI: Cyber The Evil Twin. Rizzoli & Isles Cuts Like a Knife. BMF Magic Makers. Hightown Big Fish.: The case is coming to a close. M ★★★ Yellow Rose (2019): Eva Noblezada. Biography Sir Isaac Netwon. Biography Charles Darwin. M (5:35) ★★ Jurassic World Dominion (2022): Chris Pratt. STARZ STORY TV Biography Bill Gates. Biography Christa McAuliffe. SUND M SYFY (6:00) Movie TBS Big Bang TCM M THISTV SOS: How to Survive SOS: How to Survive TLC (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days TMC M TNT Movie TRAVEL Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TV LAND Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men UP M USA Law & Order: SVU Shadow. Law & Order: SVU Bedtime. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 Wild ‘n Out VH1 Special VH1 Special VH1 Special VICE M Dark Side of the Ring Dark Side of the Ring WEATH The Earth Unlocked Highway Thru Hell Timber Titans The Earth Unlocked WE TV S.W.A.T. Old School Cool. S.W.A.T. Provenance. S.W.A.T. Short Fuse. S.W.A.T. Albatross. N 4E<N M (6:30) ★★★★ When Harry Met Sally... M ★★★ City Slickers (1991): Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern. Harry Met Movie Big Bang (5:00) Around World in 80 (6:05) ★★★ The Fighter Big Bang M M Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang (8:15) ★★★ Wings (1927): Clara Bow, Buddy Rogers, Richard Arlen. Deadline to Disaster Big Bang M Deadline to Disaster Love & Translation ★★ Allied (2016): Brad Pitt, Marion Cotillard, Jared Harris. You Can’t M N Resistance: 1942 (2021) Movie M (6:00) Tomboy (2017) Wild ‘n Out L N 4C@M< S 4JGFIKJ N Baked With a Kiss (2022): Jonathan Stoddard, Ansley Gordon. ★★★★ Stand by Me (1986): Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix. 4DFM@< M Bigfoot: Fear in the Woods M Time Capsule (2018) J L  = K ? : ;  C 7 = 7 P ? D ;   139