Автор: Geller Jakov  

Теги: шахматы  

ISBN: 978-5-6045607-4-7

Год: 2021

Title page
Part 1. Basic Skills
Chapter 1. Checkmate with One Piece
Chapter 2. Checkmate with More Than One Piece
Chapter 3. Captures
Part 2. Capabilities of Your Own Pieces
Chapter 4. Sacrifices
Chapter 5. Pawn Promotion
Chapter 6. Vacation
Chapter 7. Attraction
Chapter 8. Combinations
Part 3. Overpowering Your Opponent’s Pieces
Chapter 9. Elimination
Chapter 10. Combination: Attraction + Elimination
Chapter 11. Combinations
Chapter 12. Deflection
Chapter 13. Combination: Deflection + Elimination
Chapter 14. Combinations
Chapter 15. Blocking
Chapter 16. Combinations
Chapter 17. Seizing the Square
Chapter 18. Combinations
Part 4. Piece Opposition
Chapter 19. X-Ray
Chapter 20. Combinations
Chapter 21. Pins
Chapter 22. Combinations

Chapter 23. Discovered Check Chapter 24. Combinations Chapter 25. Double Check Chapter 26. Combinations Chapter 27. Windmill Chapter 28. Combinations Chapter 29. Interference Chapter 30. Combinations Part 5. Using Your Knowledge Chapter 31. Test Yourself! 3
1500 Forced Mates Jakov Geller 1500 Forced Mates Author: Jakov Geller Translated from the Russian by Alexei Zakharov Edited by Vladimir Barsky Typesetting by Andrei Elkov (www.elkov.ru) Front cover artwork by Maxim Borisov © LLC Elk and Ruby Publishing House, 2021 Follow us on Twitter: @ilan_ruby www.elkandruby.com ISBN 978-5-6045607-4-7 4
Introduction Tactics are an integral part of any chess game. During the game, even the most ingenious strategic ideas may not lead to a win without the clear calculations of lines. Any tactical line, in turn, may also be divided into component parts, each of them consisting of one tactical pattern or a standard combination of several techniques. Chess players should have good knowledge of all tactical blows and standard combinations as well as a good sense of timing for such tactical blows. Further, they should strive to make a minimal number of mistakes during calculation. Extensive tactics practice should involve a thorough analysis of many different topics. Mating combinations should be the first of them, for several reasons. First of all, checkmate is the ultimate tactical achievement. To give checkmate, chess players are ready to make any strategic concessions or sacrifices. Secondly, lines with continuous checks do not require any special chess training. They are simple even for beginners. Thirdly, this topic introduces players to the overwhelming majority of tactical themes. Through the prism of multiple checks, the reader will learn to checkmate the opponent’s king without error and gain a basic knowledge of other tactical patterns, which is necessary for further study of tactics. The book is divided into thirty-one chapters, most of which are dedicated to a single tactical method. Such methods include sacrifices, pawn promotion, vacation, attraction, elimination, deflection, blocking, seizing the square, x-rays, pins, discovered checks, double checks, windmill and interference. Every chapter includes a detailed description of the method, the solutions of several typical examples and a number of puzzles. The rest of the chapters are titled Combinations; they are used to consolidate the provided knowledge and test the acquired skills. They contain the theoretical basics of the combinations and cases studied, but to solve these puzzles the reader will also need to use techniques they studied in previous parts of the book, rather than in only the current chapter. Therefore, each new tactical method studied gradually increases the diversity of combinations used in the subsequent chapters. The puzzles in every chapter also gradually increase in difficulty. The last chapter makes the book useful even for top-level players, because it consists solely of difficult puzzles and can be used as a universal test to check forced mating skills. All the puzzles in this book have been thoroughly checked by computers for a lack of mistakes and alternative solutions. It’s highly unlikely that the reader will hence manage to solve the puzzle in a way not intended by the author! Methodological Recommendations Learning materials grow in abundance each year, and it becomes increasingly hard to navigate the information flows of the modern world. You often find yourself studying dozens of sources, sometimes of mixed quality, to get hold of genuinely useful and carefully selected material. Indeed, even a set of puzzles that was considered optimal just ten years ago may be obsolete and ineffectual now. Chess itself is becoming increasingly younger, and professional players have less and less time to learn. Thus, in my view, the effectiveness of methodical literature is very important now. One of the main goals of this work was to create a “perfect” tactical handbook for solving puzzles 5
on a given theme. To achieve that, the following ideas were implemented in this book: • A clearly developed system defining the sequence of study topics; • The possibility to check and re-check the extent to which the student has learned the material; • A gradual increase in difficulty of the puzzles; • The complete absence of unsolvable puzzles; • A minimum number of alternative solutions. The greatest value of this book is in the learning system that can be used as a foundation for young chess players to study tactics. I have used this system countless times when working with my pupils and it has proved to be highly successful. Together with the carefully crafted examples it turns this work into a universal textbook that can be used by both students and coaches. An experienced coach can add new examples to the present line-up of puzzles, constantly expanding the core material for each chapter. Tactical Vision Not all games can be won thanks to even a thorough study of core tactics. When you have limited time, there’s no point in searching for a complicated winning line on every move, because often no such line exists. Thus, during the game the player must instinctively sense when to stop and calculate concrete lines. It’s important to understand that none of the following conditions guarantees that the game will be won with an immediate tactic. Rather, it should prompt the player to ask whether he or she should search for a forced mate in the given position. You should start looking for a forced mate in the following situations: • A number of your pieces are in immediate proximity to the opposing king; • One of your long-range pieces (queen, rook or bishop) is X-raying the opposing king; • A battery of your pieces is directed towards the opposing king; • The opposing king is exposed (fully or partially lacking pawn cover); • There’s a weak square (or squares) in immediate proximity to the opposing king; • The back rank that hosts the opposing king is poorly defended; • The opposing king is blocked (it has only a few possible moves); • Most of the opposing pieces are positioned far away from their king. Finally, it’s important to understand that the list of conditions for carrying out other tactical blows would be quite different. 6
Show in Text Mode Part 1 Basic Skills The first part of this book focuses on the basics of forced checkmating. The reader learns to checkmate the opposing king with one, and then more than one piece. The black king’s defenders are unable to join the game with any effect. In the first two chapters, they watch their helpless monarch from afar, unable to stop the forced mating attack. In the third chapter, the significance of the black pieces increases somewhat: even though they are still unable to affect the unfolding events, they may occasionally block a check, only to be captured on the very next move. The ability to deliver a forced mate with your pieces, which is developed in this chapter, is essential for all further work. Before studying the more complicated tactics – various blows and combinations – it’s recommended that you learn to deliver such checkmates flawlessly. Chapter 1 Checkmate with One Piece In the first chapter, you’ll need to checkmate the opposing king with a series of moves made by one piece. Only a major piece can achieve that; most often it’s a queen, but in occasional cases a rook is enough. Minor pieces are usually unable to force the king into a mating net on their own. You won’t need to deliver any tactical blows to solve the puzzles in this chapter. Let’s look at the first example: 1 7
Show/Hide Solution As you calculate the lines, first check if the white rook can deliver checkmate on its own. Indeed, after 1.Re8+ Kd7 2.Rd8#, there’s a checkmate on the board, and there’s no need to calculate further. If there’s both a queen and a rook on the board, you should first check if the stronger piece can deliver checkmate: 2 8
Show/Hide Solution The white queen cannot give a check without being immediately captured, so white should calculate the possible checks with the rook. After 1.Rf1+, the black king can retreat both through f8- e7-d8-c7 and to g8. In both cases, it’s black who wins now. However, after the precise 1.Rh8+ Ke7 2.Re8#, the game immediately ends with a checkmate. The puzzle is solved! In the third puzzle, black can reply in two possible ways, which makes the calculations slightly more difficult: 3 9
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qh5+!, the king has two possible retreats: 1...Ke7 2.Qf7# or 1...Kf8 2.Qf7#. To solve the puzzle in the correct way, white has to calculate both possibilities. In the next puzzle, the number of alternatives for black is again minimal, but white will have to calculate three, rather than two moves ahead: 4 10
Show/Hide Solution White has a lot of possibilities for a direct attack on the king. You should start your calculations by checking if you can deliver mate with the queen alone. It’s easy to see that after 1.Qh5+ Kf6 2.Qf7+ Ke5, white has a pretty finish for the forced line – 3.Qg7#, and the calculations should be stopped at this point because it’s impossible to find anything better than forced mate. 5 11
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra8+ Kg7 2.Rg8#. 6 Show/Hide Solution 12
1.Rh4+ Kg7 2.Rh7#. 7 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd6+ Kc4 2.Rc6+ Kd5 3.Rc5#. 8 13
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc7+ Ke8 2.Rc8+ Kf7 (2...Kd7 3.Rd8#) 3.Rf8#. 9 Show/Hide Solution 14
1.Rc5+ Ka4 (1...Ka6 2.Ra5#) 2.Ra5+ Kb3 3.Ra3#. 10 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh4+ Kg7 2.Rh7+ Kf8 3.Rh8+ Ke7 (3...Kg7 4.Rg8#) 4.Re8#. 11 15
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kg5 2.Qh4#. 12 Show/Hide Solution 16
1.Qc5+ Ka6 2.Qa5#. 13 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kh7 2.Qh8#. 14 17
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kg5 2.Qh4+ Kf5 3.Qf4#. 15 Show/Hide Solution 18
1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qh8+ Ke7 3.Qf6#. 16 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Ke7 2.Qg7+ Ke6 (2...Ke8 3.Qf7#) 3.Qf7#. 17 19
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kh7 2.Qg8#. 18 Show/Hide Solution 20
1.Qb6+ Ka8 2.Qb7#. 19 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb7+ Ke8 2.Qe7#. 20 21
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg5+ Kf8 2.Qh6#. 21 Show/Hide Solution 22
1.Qh5+ Kg8 2.Qh7#. 22 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qh8#. 23 23
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd2+ Kc7 2.Qd8+ Kb7 3.Qb8#. 24 Show/Hide Solution 24
1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qh8+ Ke7 3.Qd8#. 25 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg4+ Kf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qg8#; 1...Kf8 2.Qg8+ Ke7 3.Qe8#) 2.Qg8+ Ke7 3.Qe8#. 26 25
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kg7 2.Qf7+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Qh7#) 3.Qh7#. 27 Show/Hide Solution 26
1.Qe7+ Kg6 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#; 1...Kh6 2.Qh7+ Kg5 3.Qh5#) 2.Qh7+ Kg5 3.Qh5#. 28 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kd7 2.Qe7+ Kc6 (2...Kc8 3.Qc7#) 3.Qe6+ Kb5 4.Qb6#. 29 27
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qf7#. 30 Show/Hide Solution 28
1.Qd8+ Kf7 2.Qf8#. 31 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Kg8 2.Qe8#. 32 29
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Ke4 2.Qg6#. 33 Show/Hide Solution 30
1.Qh4+ Kg6 2.Qh5+ Kf6 3.Qf5#. 34 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kc6 2.Qc7+ Kb5 3.Qb6+ Ka4 4.Qb4#. 35 31
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh3+ Kg7 2.Qh8#. 36 Show/Hide Solution 32
1.Qe5+ Kg8 2.Qg7#. 37 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe7+ Kg8 2.Qe8#. 38 33
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kg8 2.Qh8#. 39 Show/Hide Solution 34
1.Qd8+ Kg7 2.Qh8#. 40 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kh4 2.Qh6#. 41 35
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf3+ Kh4 2.Qh3#. 42 Show/Hide Solution 36
1.Qf7+ Kg4 2.Qf3+ Kh3 3.Qh5#. 43 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kf4 2.Qe4+ Kg5 3.Qf5#. 44 37
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Kg3 2.Qh3#. 45 Show/Hide Solution 38
1.Qf8+ Ke6 2.Qe7#. 46 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf5+ Kh4 2.Qh5+ Kg3 3.Qh3#. 39
Show in Text Mode Chapter 2 Checkmate with More Than One Piece In the second chapter, you will again need to checkmate the opposing king without using tactical techniques. This time, moving only one piece will not be enough, and white will have to coordinate his forces in some way. Standard mating patterns can be used for some of the piece combinations here. For instance, a rook, a knight and a pawn can often create a mating net around the king: 47 Show/Hide Solution White wins with 1.Rg8+ Kh6 2.g5#. Another example of a standard mating construction is the following typical cooperation between the queen and the rook. 40
48 Show/Hide Solution White carefully pushes back the king: 1.Rf5+ Kg6 2.Qh5+ Kg7 3.Rf7+ Kg8, and then checkmates with 4.Qh7#. Not all piece combinations and mating patterns can be learned earlier. Most often, chess players have to calculate lines without being totally sure that the mating attack will be successful: 49 41
Show/Hide Solution White can deliver a mate in three with the help of the queen, the bishop and the pawns: 1.Qf8+ Ke5 2.Qf4+ Kd5 3.Bc4#. The necessity of calculating all possible lines can’t be stressed enough: 50 42
Show/Hide Solution The full solution of this puzzle is as follows: 1.Bg7+ Kh5 (or 1...Kg5 2.Nf3+ Kh5 3.g4#) 2.g4+ Kh4 (or 2...Kg5 3.Nf3#) 3.Nf3#. The mating ideas in all the lines are similar. 51 43
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne6+ Kg8 2.Nh6#. 52 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kh7 2.Be4#. 53 44
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne5+ Ke8 2.Nc7#. 54 Show/Hide Solution 45
1.Bg5+ Kh5 2.Nf4#. 55 Show/Hide Solution 1.f3+ Kh5 2.Be8#. 56 46
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bc4+ Kf5 2.g4+ Kg6 (2...Ke4 3.Nd2#) 3.Nh4#. 57 Show/Hide Solution 47
1.Nf6+ Kh8 2.Rh7#. 58 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kh8 2.Rg8#. 59 48
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh8 (1...Kh7 2.Rh3#) 2.Rh3#. 60 Show/Hide Solution 49
1.Nf5+ Kh8 (1...Kg8 2.Rc8#; 1...Kf8 2.Rc8#) 2.Rc8#. 61 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne6+ Kb8 (1...Kc8 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd8#. 62 50
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne6+ Kg8 (1...Kh6 2.Rh4#) 2.Rf8#. 63 Show/Hide Solution 51
1.Rh7+ Kg5 2.Ne4#. 64 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf3+ Ke4 2.Re6#. 65 52
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng3+ Kh4 2.Rg4#. 66 Show/Hide Solution 53
1.Nc5+ Ka5 2.b4#. 67 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Kh6 2.Nf5+ Kh5 3.g4#. 68 54
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Kh7 2.Ng5+ Kh6 3.Nf7+ Kh7 (3...Kh5 4.Rh8#) 4.Rh8#. 69 Show/Hide Solution 55
1.Nd6+ Kd8 2.Ne6#. 70 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kh7 2.Nf8#. 71 56
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Kb7 2.Nc5#. 72 Show/Hide Solution 57
1.Nf4+ Kg5 2.Nf3#. 73 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Kf7 2.Nd6+ Ke7 3.Nc6#. 74 58
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kf8 2.Rh8+ Kg7 (2...Ke7 3.Re8#) 3.Rg8+ Kh6 4.g5#. 75 Show/Hide Solution 59
1.Rg8+ Kh7 2.g6#. 76 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re6+ Kf5 2.g4#. 77 60
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Kh7 2.Be4#. 78 Show/Hide Solution 61
1.Re8+ Kf7 2.e6+ Kg6 3.h5#. 79 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg1+ Kf8 2.Bb4+ Ke8 3.Rg8#. 80 62
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Kg7 2.f6+ Kg6 3.Rg8#. 81 Show/Hide Solution 63
1.Rc8+ Kg7 2.Nh5#. 82 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Kf8 2.Nd7#. 83 64
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf8+ Kh5 2.Rh7#. 84 Show/Hide Solution 65
1.Nh6+ Kf8 2.g7#. 85 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Kb7 2.Nc5#. 86 66
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bc5+ Kb7 2.Na5#. 87 Show/Hide Solution 67
1.Rh5+ Kg6 2.Nf4#. 88 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb8+ Kf7 2.Bh5#. 89 68
Show/Hide Solution 1.d5+ Kd6 2.Bf8#. 90 Show/Hide Solution 69
1.Bd5+ Kf8 2.Rf6#. 91 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh5 2.Rf5#. 92 70
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ Kf6 (1...Ke6 2.Rd6#; 1...Kf8 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd6#. 93 Show/Hide Solution 71
1.Bb4+ Kg8 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 94 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kg8 2.Nh6+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 95 72
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg8+ Kh6 2.Nf7+ Kh5 3.Rg5#. 96 Show/Hide Solution 73
1.Bd6+ Kg8 (1...Ke8 2.Nf6#) 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 97 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kg7 (1...Kf7 2.Bh5+ Kg7 3.Rg8#) 2.Rg8+ Kf7 3.Bh5#. 98 74
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg5+ Kh7 2.Nf6+ Kh6 3.Rg6#. 99 Show/Hide Solution 75
1.Rg1+ Kh5 (1...Kh4 2.Rh2#) 2.Rh2#. 100 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf2+ Kg6 (1...Kg8 2.Rg1+ Kh8 (2...Kh7 3.Rh2#) 3.Rh2#; 1...Kg7 2.Rg1+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Rh2#; 2...Kh7 3.Rh2#) 3.Rh2#) 2.Rg1+ Kh5 (2...Kh6 3.Rh2#; 2...Kh7 3.Rh2#) 3.Rh2#. 101 76
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg3+ Kf4 (1...Kf6 2.Rg6#) 2.Rh4#. 102 Show/Hide Solution 77
1.f5+ Kh5 (1...Kh6 2.Rh7#) 2.Rh7#. 103 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg7+ Kh6 (1...Kh5 2.Rh3#; 1...Kh4 2.Rh3#) 2.Rg6+ Kh7 (2...Kh5 3.Rh3#) 3.Rh3#. 104 78
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kg5 (1...Kg4 2.Rg6#) 2.Rg7+ Kh5 3.g4+ Kh4 4.Rh6#. 105 Show/Hide Solution 79
1.Rd8+ Kg7 2.Nh5#. 106 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rag7+ Kf8 2.Nd7#. 107 80
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg7+ Kf8 2.Rh8#. 108 Show/Hide Solution 81
1.Rh8+ Kd7 2.Rd6#. 109 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Kg7 2.Rg8+ Kf6 3.Nd5#. 110 82
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf5+ Ke8 (1...Ke7 2.Rf7+ Ke8 (2...Kd8 3.Rg8#) 3.Rg8#) 2.Re6+ Kd8 (2...Kd7 3.c6+ Kd8 4.Rf8#) 3.Rf8+ Kd7 4.c6#. 111 83
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bb4+ Ke8 2.Rg8#. 112 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kg5 2.Re5#. 113 84
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kh8 2.Rf8#. 114 Show/Hide Solution 85
1.Rf7+ Kh8 (1...Kh6 2.Bf4#) 2.Be5#. 115 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re4+ Kh5 2.Rh3#. 116 86
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re7+ Kf5 2.Rd5+ Kg4 3.Re4#. 117 Show/Hide Solution 87
1.f3+ Kf5 2.g4#. 118 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kf7 2.g6#. 119 88
Show/Hide Solution 1.e4+ Kd4 2.Rd6#. 120 Show/Hide Solution 89
1.Rh1+ Kg5 2.f4#. 121 Show/Hide Solution 1.f3+ Kh5 (1...Kh4 2.Rh7#) 2.Rh7#. 122 90
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Kh7 2.g6+ Kh6 3.Rh8#. 123 Show/Hide Solution 91
1.Ra7+ Kb5 2.Nd4#. 124 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf4+ Kg3 (1...Kg5 2.Nf7#) 2.Ne4#. 125 92
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf5+ Kh4 2.g3+ Kh3 3.Rh5#. 126 Show/Hide Solution 93
1.Rf7+ Ke8 (1...Kg8 2.Nh6+ Kh8 3.Rh7#) 2.Nd6+ Kd8 3.Rd7#. 127 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Ke6 2.f5+ Kd6 3.Rd7#. 128 94
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kg8 (1...Ke8 2.Ng7#) 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Ng6+ Kg8 4.Rg7#. 129 Show/Hide Solution 95
1.g5+ Kf5 2.Be4#. 130 Show/Hide Solution 1.c4+ Kb4 2.Ra4#. 131 96
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg7+ Kg8 2.h7#. 132 Show/Hide Solution 97
1.Rh7+ Kg6 2.Bf5#. 133 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh6+ Ke8 2.Rc8#. 134 98
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Kg7 2.Bf6+ Kh6 (2...Kh7 3.Rh8#) 3.Rh8#. 135 Show/Hide Solution 99
1.Rd6+ Ke4 2.Rf4#. 136 Show/Hide Solution 1.f3+ Kd5 2.Rc5#. 137 100
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg5+ Kf4 2.Be5+ Kf3 3.Rf5#. 138 Show/Hide Solution 101
1.Rh6+ Kf5 2.Rc5+ Kg4 3.f3#. 139 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd5+ Kf4 (1...Ke6 2.Bf5#) 2.Rf5+ Ke3 3.Rd3#. 140 102
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc5+ Ke4 2.Rb4+ Kd3 3.Rd4+ Ke2 4.Rc2#. 141 Show/Hide Solution 103
1.Nd6+ Kf8 2.Qf7#. 142 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Kg8 (1...Ke8 2.Qe7#) 2.Ne7#. 143 104
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe7+ Kg6 (1...Kg8 2.Qg7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qg7#) 2.Nf4#. 144 Show/Hide Solution 105
1.Qf8+ Kh7 2.Qf7+ Kh8 (2...Kh6 3.Qg6#) 3.Ng6#. 145 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kb7 2.Nd6+ Kb6 (2...Ka6 3.Qb5#) 3.Qb5#. 146 106
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Kg8 2.Ne7+ Kg7 3.Qg6+ Kh8 4.Qh6#. 147 Show/Hide Solution 107
1.Qf8+ Kh5 2.g4#. 148 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg4+ Kf6 2.Nd5#. 149 108
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf6 2.Ne4#. 150 Show/Hide Solution 109
1.Qe8+ Kg7 2.h6#. 151 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Ke7 (1...Kd7 2.Qe6#) 2.f6+ Kd7 3.Qe6#. 152 110
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf3+ Kg3 2.Qg1+ Kf4 (2...Kh3 3.Ng5#) 3.Qg5+ Ke4 4.d3#. 153 Show/Hide Solution 111
1.Bh6+ Ke8 2.Qg8#. 154 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bb4+ Ke8 2.Qe7#. 155 112
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Kd8 2.Ba5#. 156 Show/Hide Solution 113
1.Qf8+ Kh7 (1...Kg6 2.Be4#) 2.Be4#. 157 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kf7 2.Qg7+ Ke6 3.Qf6#. 158 114
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Ke6 (1...Ke8 2.Qg8#) 2.Qf6+ Kd5 3.c4#. 159 Show/Hide Solution 115
1.Qh6+ Kg8 2.Re8#. 160 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Kg7 2.Rf7#. 161 116
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd1+ Ke8 2.Qd7#. 162 Show/Hide Solution 117
1.Rh5+ Kg8 2.Qb3+ Kf8 3.Rh8#. 163 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re6+ Kg7 (1...Kf7 2.Qf6#) 2.Qh6+ Kf7 3.Qf6#. 164 118
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re6+ Kf8 2.Qe7+ Kg8 3.Rg6+ Kh8 4.Qg7#. 165 Show/Hide Solution 119
1.Qh8+ Kg5 2.Rf5#. 166 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kg5 2.Qc1#. 167 120
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh3+ Kg6 2.f5#. 168 Show/Hide Solution 121
1.Qf4+ Kh5 2.g4+ Kh4 3.Rh6#. 169 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf6 2.Rh6+ Kg5 3.Qg6+ Kf4 4.Rh4#. 170 122
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Kd5 (1...Kb6 2.Qc7#) 2.Rf5+ Kd4 3.e3+ Kd3 4.Rd5#. 171 Show/Hide Solution 123
1.Ne7+ Kf8 2.Qh8#. 172 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh5+ Kf7 2.Qh7#. 173 124
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kf8 2.Nh7#. 174 Show/Hide Solution 125
1.Qh6+ Kf5 2.Re5#. 175 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc7+ Kd5 2.Rd7+ Ke4 3.Qf4#. 176 126
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kg4 (1...Kg5 2.Rg3+ Kf4 3.Qh4#) 2.Rg3+ Kf4 3.Qh4#. 127
Show in Text Mode Chapter 3 Captures In the third chapter, the forced mate is again delivered without tactical techniques. This chapter stands out because white captures one or more black pieces during the checkmating sequence. All those pieces will be captured totally “for free”, meaning that white will not have to sacrifice or trade his attacking forces. Such capturing doesn’t change the essence of the mating combination – it only delays the inevitable. Let’s look at several standard examples: 177 Show/Hide Solution After 1.Ra8+!, checkmate is essentially already delivered, but black can still give away some of his pieces in various sequences: 1...Rb8 (1...Qe8 2.Rxe8#; 1...Bd8 2.Rxd8+ Qe8 3.Rxe8#) 2.Rxb8+ Bd8 (2...Qe8 3.Rxe8#) 3.Rxd8+ Qe8 4.Rxe8#. 128
178 Show/Hide Solution White plays 1.Re1+, and after 1...Kd6, checkmates with 2.Bf4#. The game ends similarly after 1...Kd4 2.Bf6+, but here, black can interpose with 2...Qe5, which, however, changes nothing: 3.Bxe5#. In some cases, the presence of an opposing piece on the board is not important at all: 179 129
Show/Hide Solution White wins with 1.Qf8+ Kc7 2.Bxe5#. It’s easy to prove that even if there were no e5 pawn on the board, the solution would still be the same! To conclude, let’s look at a puzzle where the captured piece is an important part of black’s position: 180 130
Show/Hide Solution The solution is not difficult: 1.Qxh5+! results in a quick mate. At first sight, it seems that white has just eliminated a defender of the black king, and that this example should hence be moved to chapter 9, where we study the respective tactical method. But in actuality, “elimination” constitutes capturing an enemy piece while sacrificing or trading your own piece, while in this case white just took a pawn “for free” and continued the mating attack: 1...Kg7 2.Qh7#. 181 131
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Rf8 2.Qxf8#. 182 Show/Hide Solution 132
1.Bxg7+ Kh7 2.Ng5#. 183 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg6+ Kd7 2.Qxd5#. 184 133
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Ke8 2.Nf6+ Kd8 3.Qd7#. 185 Show/Hide Solution 134
1.Qe6+ Kh5 2.g4+ Kh4 3.Qxh6#. 186 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg3+ Rg4 (1...Kf6 2.Rg6#) 2.Rxg4+ Kf6 3.Rg6#. 187 135
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bc7+ Ka6 (1...Ka7 2.Ra4+ Na5 3.Rxa5#) 2.Ra4+ Na5 3.Rxa5#. 188 Show/Hide Solution 136
1.Rxe4+ Kf7 (1...Kf6 2.Rf5+ Kg6 3.Re6#) 2.Rf5+ Kg8 (2...Kg6 3.Re6#) 3.Re8#. 189 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf2+ Kh3 (1...Kh2 2.Rh8+ Rh4 3.Rxh4#) 2.Rh8+ Rh4 3.Rxh4#. 190 137
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be5+ Kh6 (1...Kh7 2.Rh4+ Kg8 3.Rh8#; 1...Kg8 2.Ra8+ Kh7 3.Rh8#; 1...Kf8 2.Ra8+ Rb8 3.Rxb8#) 2.Rh4+ Kg5 3.Bf6#. 191 138
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ Kh3 (1...Kh5 2.Nxf4#) 2.Nf2+ Kh2 3.Bxf4#. 192 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Kf7 2.Re7+ Kg8 (2...Kf8 3.Qxg7#) 3.Qxg7#. 193 139
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kf6 2.Qh8+ Kg6 (2...Qg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Qg7#. 194 Show/Hide Solution 140
1.Qh6+ Kf7 (1...Qg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qe6+ Kf8 3.Qe8#. 195 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh5 2.Rxf5+ Kh4 3.Ng6+ Kh3 4.Rh5#. 196 141
Show/Hide Solution 1.R1a7+ Kc6 2.Rc8+ Kd5 3.Rd7+ Bd6 4.Rxd6#. 197 Show/Hide Solution 142
1.Nf3+ Kg6 2.Nh4+ Kg5 3.Rg7+ Rg6 4.Rxg6#. 198 Show/Hide Solution 1.f3+ Ke5 2.f4+ Ke4 3.Rc4+ Rd4 4.Rxd4#. 199 143
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qh8+ Ke7 3.Qg7+ Qf7 4.Qxf7#. 200 Show/Hide Solution 144
1.Rf8+ Ke7 (1...Kd7 2.e6+ Ke7 3.Bb4+ Bd6 4.Bxd6#) 2.Bb4+ Bd6 (2...Kd7 3.e6#) 3.Bxd6+ Kd7 4.e6#. 201 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Ke7 2.Qh7+ Ng7 (2...Ke8 3.Qf7#; 2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Qxg7+ Ke8 4.Qf7#. 202 145
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd4+ Kb8 2.Qb3+ Kc7 (2...Qb7 3.Qxb7#) 3.Qb6+ Kd6 4.Bc5#. 203 Show/Hide Solution 146
1.Ng8+ Kh5 (1...Kg5 2.Qxf4+ Kh5 3.Qh6#) 2.Qxh7+ Kg5 3.Qh6+ Kf5 4.Qxf4#. 204 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kg8 2.Rxg1+ Ng4 3.Rxg4+ Qg5+ 4.Rxg5#. 147
Show in Text Mode Part 2 Capabilities of Your Own Pieces The second part of this book is dedicated to the capabilities of your own pieces. The reader’s goal is studying the concept of sacrifice and tactical patterns of “pawn promotion”, “square vacation” and “attraction” and their use in various combinations. You should also note that after using any tactical patterns, both individually or as parts of combinations, there still occurs a position that requires you to use basic checkmating skills you’ve acquired in the first part of this book. Chapter 4 Sacrifices Before we start studying tactics, we should look at one of the most important tactical concepts, the sacrifice. A sacrifice in chess is defined as an unequal exchange or giving away material – a piece or a pawn. Neither a sacrifice of material nor a trade of pieces of equal value are considered a tactic on their own; rather, both these terms are a description of events happening on the board. Chess players sometimes sacrifice material to gain a positional or strategic advantage, but much more often they use sacrifices as a means of reaching a more short-term goal – delivering a decisive tactical blow or creating a strong attack on the king. Unlike all other tactical gains, a player is ready to sacrifice any amount of pieces to deliver a forced mate, so in this book sacrifices are an integral part of most tactics and combinations. In this fourth chapter, white again delivers forced mate without using tactical patterns, but to achieve his goal he will have to sacrifice at least one of his pieces: 205 148
Show/Hide Solution One of the white knights is under attack, but does he have to waste time on its defense if he can try and checkmate black with the remaining pieces? In this case, no! White wins with 1.Qh6+! Kxg8 2.Nf6#. It’s not hard to find the sacrifice in the next example as well: 206 149
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Be4+!, white sacrifices a pawn with 1...Kxd4, but then gives a mate in one: 2.Bc3#. To be able to sacrifice one of your pieces in a timely fashion, you will need both precision in calculation and a good amount of imagination: 207 150
Show/Hide Solution The white queen and knight are trying to weave a mating net, but the obvious 1.Nf7+? loses to 1...Qxf7. To force mate in this position, you first need to see the opportunity for a knight sacrifice! 1.Qh8+! Kxg5, and white delivers an easy mate in two: 2.f4+ Kf5 3.Qe5#. 208 151
Show/Hide Solution White’s pieces are positioned in such a way that it seems that it’s up to the queen and bishop to attack the black king. After 1.Be6+ Ke8, they indeed do the job: 2.Qf7+ Kd8 3.Qd7#. But after 1...Kd6!, it suddenly turns out that no bishop moves leads to mate. White wins with a sudden sacrifice of that piece: 2.Qd8+! Kxe6 3.Ng5#. You should note that in every example shown in this chapter white sacrifices a piece by giving a check with another piece. In the subsequent parts of the book we will only refer to this situation as a “sacrifice”, whereas any other attempt to sacrifice material constitutes a tactical pattern, which we will study thoroughly in the following chapters. 209 152
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Kc7 2.Rc8+ Kxd6 3.Rc6#. 210 Show/Hide Solution 153
1.Nf3+ Kg4 2.h3+ Kxf5 3.Nh4#. 211 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh6#) 2.Qg8+ Kxe7 3.Nd5#. 212 154
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kh7 (1...Kg7 2.Qh8+ Kxg6 3.Qg8#) 2.Qh8+ Kxg6 3.Qg8#. 213 Show/Hide Solution 155
1.Qf7+ Kh6 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Qf8+ Kxg5 3.f4#. 214 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bb6+ Ke7 2.Rf7+ Kxd6 3.Bc7#. 215 156
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg7+ Kxh6 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6#) 2.R7g6+ Kh5 (2...Kh7 3.Rh1#) 3.Rh1#. 216 Show/Hide Solution 157
1.Qd6+ Kf5 2.Ng3+ Kg4 3.h3+ Kxh4 4.Qf4#. 217 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kf7 2.Ng5+ Kg6 3.Qd6+ Kxg5 4.h4#. 218 158
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kh5 2.Nf4+ Kxh4 3.Qh6+ Kg3 4.Qh3#. 219 Show/Hide Solution 159
1.Na4+ Kxc4 2.b3+ Kb5 3.c4+ Ka6 4.Nc5+ Kb6 5.Qb4#. 220 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd7+ Kg6 2.Nf8+ Kxh6 3.Qh7+ Kg5 4.Qf5+ Kh6 (4...Kh4 5.Ng6#) 5.Qg6#. 160
Show in Text Mode Chapter 5 Pawn Promotion The first tactic we are going to study is called pawn promotion. As soon as the pawn reaches the last rank, it turns into a piece, which radically changes the material balance on the board. This tactic is found in many combinations. If the pawn is promoted near the opposing king, it often leads to a forced mate. Most often, the pawn promotes with check to a queen, which quickly and confidently takes care of the opponent’s king: 221 Show/Hide Solution After 1.f8=Q+ black is immediately checkmated: 1...Kg6 2.Qf6#. The next position shows the standard finish of a pawn endgame: 161
222 Show/Hide Solution White wins with 1.g7+; after the forced 1...Kh7, white promotes the pawn: 2.g8=Q+! Kh6 3.Qg6#. Many games have finished in such a way. You can also promote the pawn by sacrificing material. For instance, if we add a white knight on h7 in the previous position, the same pawn-promoting tactic will lead to a win, and the winning line will also include a piece sacrifice. Let’s look at another example of a timely pawn promotion. This time, a pawn, a bishop and a knight will be involved in the mating attack: 223 162
Show/Hide Solution White promotes the pawn with checks and delivers checkmate: 1.Be6+ Kf8 (or 1...Kh8 2.g7+ Kh7 3.g8=Q#) 2.g7+ Ke8 3.g8=Q#. We should note that 3.g8=R# also wins in the main line, but there is no sense in promoting the pawn to a rook (or bishop) to checkmate a king by force, since the queen replaces both these pieces with ease. However, promoting the pawn to a knight is sometimes quite useful! A knight is, of course, weaker than a bishop, but the opportunity to continue the attack with a tempo is often much more important: 224 163
Show/Hide Solution White can’t play 1.f8=Q? due to 1...Qh2#, but after 1.f8=N+!, white has just enough pieces to create a mating net: 1...Kh8 2.Bf6#. 225 164
Show/Hide Solution 1.f8=Q+ Kg6 2.Rh6#. 226 Show/Hide Solution 1.g7+ Kh7 2.Nf6+ Kh6 3.g8=N#. 227 165
Show/Hide Solution 1.g7+ Kh7 2.g8=Q+ Kh6 3.Qh8#. 228 Show/Hide Solution 166
1.e7+ Kg8 2.e8=Q+ Kh7 3.g6#. 229 Show/Hide Solution 1.g7+ Kg8 2.Re8+ Kf7 (2...Bf8 3.Rxf8#) 3.g8=Q#. 230 167
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bc6+ Kd8 2.Bb6+ Kc8 3.d7+ Kb8 4.d8=Q#. 168
Show in Text Mode Chapter 6 Vacation There are times when one of your own pieces prevents you from delivering a combination. In this case, you can use the tactic called “vacation”. Its essence is simple: you need to get the interfering piece out of the way (by sacrificing it or moving it elsewhere) and then proceed with the combination. There are two kinds of vacation: vacating the line (rank, file or diagonal) and vacating a single square. In a forced mate, white has to get the “extra” piece away with a check. There are no examples of pawn promotion in this chapter. Let’s start with vacating a square: 231 Show/Hide Solution The black king is already trapped, and white only has to give a check. The knight can do that if it gets to the f7 square. The problem is, the square is already occupied by the white rook. White plays 1.Rf8+!, and after 1...Bxf8, the problem is solved – the square is now vacant: 2.Nf7#. The next example is solved in a similar way: 169
232 Show/Hide Solution White vacates the g7 square for the queen: 1.Rh7+! Nxh7 2.Qg7#. The tactics with vacating the lines aren’t much more difficult: 233 170
Show/Hide Solution The white queen wants to get to h8. After 1.Bd6+!, nothing will stop it from getting there: 1...Rxd6 (other moves lead to the same finish: 1...Nxd6 2.Qh8# or 1...Re7 2.Qh8#) 2.Qh8#. In this example, white vacated a diagonal. Line vacation is often executed without spectacular sacrifices, for instance, when two rooks play along a single rank: 234 171
Show/Hide Solution White plays 1.Rh7+, freeing up the passage to g7 for the other rook (vacating the rank), and after 1...Kg8 2.Rdg7+ (a single rook can’t do the trick: 2.Rhg7+ Kh8, and white has to go back – 3.Rh7+ Kg8) 2...Kf8, there’s a mate in two: 3.Ne6+ Ke8 4.Rh8#. 235 172
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd7+ Kd8 2.Ne6#. 236 Show/Hide Solution 173
1.Rh8+ Nxh8 2.Qh7#. 237 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Ka7 2.b6#. 238 174
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg5+ fxg5 2.Nh5#. 239 Show/Hide Solution 175
1.f7+ Nxf7 2.Nf6#. 240 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb8+ Ka7 2.Nb5#. 241 176
Show/Hide Solution 1.f5+ Nxf5 2.Nf4#. 242 Show/Hide Solution 177
1.Rf6+ Ke5 2.f4#. 243 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Bxh7 2.Qg7#. 244 178
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf7+ Kd8 (1...Kf8 2.Ne6#) 2.Ne6#. 245 Show/Hide Solution 179
1.Qxf8+ Rxf8 (1...Nxf8 2.Nh6#) 2.Nh6#. 246 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf4+ Kg5 (1...Kh3 2.Rh4#) 2.Nf7#. 247 180
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng7+ Ke7 2.Rf7#. 248 Show/Hide Solution 181
1.Be6+ Kh8 2.Rh4#. 249 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re7+ Kd8 2.Rad7#. 250 182
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Qxf8 2.Qxh7#. 251 Show/Hide Solution 183
1.Nh7+ Bxh7 2.Bh6#. 252 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh7+ Rxh7 2.Qg8#. 253 184
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Kg7 2.Qh7#) 2.Qh7#. 254 Show/Hide Solution 185
1.Ng5+ hxg5 (1...Kf8 2.Qe7#) 2.Qe7#. 255 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra6+ Rxa6 (1...Kxa6 2.Qb7#) 2.Qb7#. 256 186
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ gxf6 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Qh7#. 257 Show/Hide Solution 187
1.Nc6+ dxc6 (1...bxc6 2.Qe8#; 1...Nxc6 2.Qe8#; 1...Qxc6 2.Qe8#) 2.Qe8#. 258 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ hxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qxg7#. 259 188
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Kh7 2.g6+ Kh6 3.g5#. 260 Show/Hide Solution 189
1.Ng5+ hxg5 2.Be4+ Kh6 3.Qg6#. 261 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb8+ Kg7 2.f6+ Kg6 3.Be4#. 262 190
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kg8 2.Rcg7+ Kf8 3.Rh8#. 263 Show/Hide Solution 191
1.Ne7+ Nxe7 2.Qe8+ Qf8 3.Qxf8#. 264 Show/Hide Solution 1.f7+ Ke7 2.Bg5+ Kd6 3.Nb5#. 265 192
Show/Hide Solution 1.f6+ Kh6 2.Qh3+ Kg5 3.Qh4#. 266 Show/Hide Solution 193
1.Ng4+ Ke4 2.Nf2+ Ke5 3.Bf4#. 267 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Kg7 2.R1f7+ Kh6 3.Rxh7#. 268 194
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh7+ Kg8 (1...Ke8 2.Nf6+ Kf8 3.Rf7#) 2.Nf6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Rf7#) 3.Rh7#. 269 Show/Hide Solution 195
1.Rf8+ Kg7 (1...Kh7 2.R1f7+ Kh6 3.Rh8#) 2.R1f7+ Kh6 3.Rh8#. 270 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kf7 (1...Kg7 2.R1h7#) 2.Ng5+ Kg7 3.R1h7#. 271 196
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf3+ Kh5 (1...exf3 2.Rh1#; 1...Qxf3 2.Rh1#) 2.Rh1+ Qh4 3.Rxh4#. 272 Show/Hide Solution 197
1.Rf5+ gxf5 (1...Bxf5 2.Qh4#) 2.Qh4+ Kg6 3.Qh6#. 273 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd7+ Kh8 (1...Rg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qb2+ Rg7 3.Qxg7#. 274 198
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Rf7 (1...cxd5 2.Qh7#) 2.Qh7+ Kf8 3.Qh8#. 275 Show/Hide Solution 199
1.Bxd5+ Qxd5 (1...cxd5 2.f7#; 1...Nxd5 2.f7#; 1...Ne6 2.Bxe6#) 2.f7+ Qxf7 3.Rh8#. 276 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh6+ Bxh6 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6#) 2.Bh7+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Ng6#) 3.Ng6#. 277 200
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh8 2.Rf8+ Rxf8 3.Qxe5+ Rf6 4.Qxf6#. 278 Show/Hide Solution 201
1.Rf8+ Kb7 2.Rb8+ Ka6 3.b5+ Ka5 4.Be1#. 279 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd3+ Kh5 2.Rh3+ Kg4 3.f3+ Kf4 4.g3#. 280 202
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf6+ Kg8 (1...Ng7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Nh6+ Kf8 3.Qh8+ Ke7 4.Nf5#. 281 Show/Hide Solution 203
1.Nab6+ Kc6 2.Nb4+ Kc7 (2...Kc5 3.Na4#) 3.Nxa6+ Kc6 4.Qd5#. 282 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh5+ Kg8 (1...Kh8 2.Qf6+ Bg7 (2...Kg8 3.Ne7#) 3.Qxg7#; 1...gxh5 2.Qf6+ Kg8 3.Ne7#) 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Qf6+ Bg7 4.Qxg7#. 204
Show in Text Mode Chapter 7 Attraction The next tactic is called “attraction”. Essentially, it uses sacrifices or threats to force an opposing piece to occupy a certain square that will immediately make it vulnerable to tactics. In this chapter, we learn to attract the opposing king to squares where it gets checkmated by force. There are no examples of pawn promotion or vacation in this chapter. 283 Show/Hide Solution White gives up his queen to lure the black king to a dangerous square! After 1.Qg8+!, black is forced to capture, 1...Kxg8, and then white delivers checkmate: 2.Re8#. A great example of attraction! Still, it’s usually hard to checkmate the opponent without a queen, and so the attraction tactic is usually performed with less valuable pieces: 205
284 Show/Hide Solution White uses attraction: 1.Bh5+!, with the idea to give checkmate: 1...Kxh5 2.Qf7#. Black can decline the sacrifice, so you should necessarily check the reply 1...Kf6 as well; in this case, 2.Qf7# wins. Attraction is a very important and often-used tactic that can be implemented against any opposing piece. Still, the easiest way to learn to use it clearly and confidently is to use it against the king. 285 206
Show/Hide Solution This time, a pawn is used as a deflecting piece. White plays 1.h6+!, and now black loses both after capturing the pawn: 1...Kxh6 2.Qf8#, and retreating to the back rank: 1...Kg8 2.Qd8# or 1...Kh8 2.Qf8#. 286 207
Show/Hide Solution The white army is very scanty, black has a huge material advantage. A simple attempt to give checkmate loses; for instance, white can’t play 1.Qh5 due to 1...Bxg6. The winning move is attraction: 1.Rh8+!, and after 1...Kxh8, the single remaining white major piece delivers a mate in two: 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qh7#. 287 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kxe8 2.Rg8#. 288 208
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kxf8 2.Rxd8#. 289 Show/Hide Solution 209
1.Qh4+ Kxh4 2.Rh6#. 290 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rf8#. 291 210
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rf8#. 292 Show/Hide Solution 211
1.g5+ Kxg5 2.Qf4#. 293 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re6+ Kxe6 2.Qd6#. 294 212
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Kxf6 2.Bg7#. 295 Show/Hide Solution 213
1.Qc6+ Kxc6 2.Bd5#. 296 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh7#. 297 214
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Rf8#; 1...Kh8 2.Rf8#) 2.Nf8#. 298 Show/Hide Solution 215
1.g5+ Kxg5 (1...Kh7 2.Rh8#) 2.Qf4#. 299 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Nxf6+ Kh8 3.Rxg8#. 300 216
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Kxh5 2.Bf7+ Kg4 3.h3#. 301 Show/Hide Solution 217
1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh1+ Kg8 3.Qh7#. 302 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Qxg7#. 303 218
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kxh7 2.Qf7+ Kh8 3.Qg7#. 304 Show/Hide Solution 219
1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh3+ Kg8 3.Qh7#. 305 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Kxg8 2.Rb8+ Rd8 3.Rxd8#. 306 220
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra7+ Kxa7 2.Nc6+ Ka8 3.Rxb8#. 307 Show/Hide Solution 221
1.Bh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 308 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg8+ Kxg8 2.Rf8+ Kh7 3.Rh8#. 309 222
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Rg8#. 310 Show/Hide Solution 223
1.Bc4+ Kxc4 (1...Kd4 2.Qd3#) 2.Qb3+ Kd4 3.Qd3#. 311 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kxh7 2.Qd3+ Kg8 3.Qg6+ Bg7 4.Qxg7#. 312 224
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qh8#. 313 Show/Hide Solution 225
1.Ra8+ Kxa8 2.Qa2+ Kb8 3.Qa7+ Kc8 4.Qa8#. 314 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qh8#. 315 226
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qxf7+ Kh7 (3...Kh8 4.Qh5#) 4.Qh5#. 316 Show/Hide Solution 227
1.Rg8+ Kxg8 (1...Kh6 2.Nf7#) 2.Qe8+ Kg7 3.Qf7+ Kh6 (3...Kh8 4.Qf8#) 4.Qxh7#. 317 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb8+ Kxb8 2.Bxd6+ Kc8 (2...Ka8 3.Nb6#) 3.Nb6+ Kd8 4.Bc7#. 318 228
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Rb8+ Nd8 (2...Nf8+ 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rxd8+ Qe8+ 4.Rxe8#. 319 Show/Hide Solution 229
1.Bc5+ Ke6 (1...Kxc5 2.Qb4#) 2.Qe7+ Kf5 3.Qe5+ Kg4 4.Qg5#. 320 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra8+ Kb7 2.Ra7+ Kxa7 (2...Kb6 3.Qxc7#; 2...Kb8 3.Qxc7#) 3.Qxc7+ Ka6 (3...Ka8 4.Ra1#) 4.Ra1#. 321 230
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kf7 2.Qf8#) 2.Bf8+ Kg5 3.Nh7+ Kf5 4.e4#. 322 Show/Hide Solution 231
1.Qc4+ Kh7 (1...Kh8 2.Rf8+ Kh7 3.Qg8#; 1...Qe6 2.Qxe6+) 2.Qe4+ Kg8 (2...Qg6 3.hxg6+ Kh8 4.Qe8#; 2...g6 3.Rf7+ Kg8 4.Qe8#) 3.Rf8+ Kxf8 4.Qe8#. 232
Show in Text Mode Chapter 8 Combinations The time has come to introduce you to chess combinations – forcing lines that use various tactical blows. There can be almost any number of tactics in a single combination, but in this chapter you only need to use the capabilities of your own pieces already described in this book. Before moving forward, it’s necessary to learn to use the tactics you’ve studied both separately and in various mixtures. Also, take note that tactics can be used both sequentially and simultaneously as part of the same combination! In the first case, the tactics are used one at a time, but there can be any number of them in a single combination, so you may have to calculate quite deeply. When tactics are used simultaneously, the solution is usually quick, and the main difficulty is to notice the single winning move. 323 Show/Hide Solution White plays 1.Rh8+!, attracting the king and vacating a square for the queen at the same time: 1...Kxh8 2.Qh7#. 233
The solution to the next puzzle is similar, but the line is longer: 324 Show/Hide Solution White checkmates with 1.Rh1+ Kg4 2.Rh4+! – again, attraction and vacation are used at the same time. After the forced 2...Kxh4, an easy finish follows: 3.Qf4+ Kh5 4.Rh1#. In both of these positions, the combination was built on finding one winning move, and then you just had to carefully use your basic checkmating skills. In the puzzles that require you to use tactics sequentially, it’s much harder to find the correct solution. In this case, you often have to see a “combination within a combination”: 325 234
Show/Hide Solution White can only win with a combination of two sequential tactics: first attraction: 1.Qh8+! Kxh8, and then vacating the square: 2.Bf6+! Kg8 3.Rd8#. Before sacrificing the queen, white has to calculate the end of the combination as well. Let’s see what kind of tactics white uses in the next example: 326 235
Show/Hide Solution The combination starts with attraction: 1.Qh8+! Kxh8. White’s second move is 2.d8=Q+!, simultaneously promoting the pawn and vacating the d7 square for the rook, and after 2...Kg7 (black loses in an analogous fashion after 2...Kh7 3.Rd7+ etc.), white finishes the black king off: 3.Rd7+ Kh6 4.Qh8#. Thus, white first uses attraction, and then pawn promotion and square vacation simultaneously. Black can delay the checkmate by one move if he permits a capture: 3...Ne7 4.Rxe7+, and only now 4...Kh6 5.Qh8#. 327 236
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxf6 2.Bg5+ Kxg5 3.Qh4#. 328 Show/Hide Solution 237
1.Rd8+ Kg7 2.h8=Q+ Kxg6 3.Rg8#. 329 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kxf7 2.Qg6+ Ke7 3.Qe6#. 330 238
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf5+ Kf7 2.Qxf6+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Nh6#) 3.Nxc7#. 331 Show/Hide Solution 239
1.b8=N+ Ka7 2.Nc6+ Ka6 (2...Ka8 3.Qb8#) 3.Bc8#. 332 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg5+ Kxg5 (1...Kh6 2.Nf7#) 2.Nf7+ Kh5 3.g4#. 333 240
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Kxg7 2.Rxf7+ Kg8 3.Rf8+ Kg7 4.R1f7#. 334 Show/Hide Solution 241
1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qh8#. 335 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Rgxg7+ Kh8 3.Rh7+ Kg8 4.Reg7#. 336 242
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Rxf8 (1...Kh7 2.Qg6#) 2.Qd5+ Kh7 (2...Kh8 3.exf8=Q+ Kh7 4.Qfg8#; 2...Rf7 3.Qxf7+ Kh7 4.Qg6+ Kh8 5.e8=Q#) 3.exf8=N+ Kh8 4.Neg6#. 337 243
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa8+ Ke7 (1...Kc7 2.Ned5#) 2.Ned5+ Ke6 3.Qc8+ Bd7 4.Qxd7#. 338 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd5+ Qxd5 (1...Bxd5 2.Qxg4+ Kh6 3.Qh5#; 1...Kh6 2.Rh5#; 1...Kh4 2.Qxg4#; 1...Kxf4 2.Qxg4#; 1...f5 2.Qxf5+ Kh6 (2...Kh4 3.Qxg4#) 3.Qg6#) 2.Qxg4+ Kh6 3.Qh4+ Qh5 4.Qxh5#. 339 244
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc7+ Kxc7 2.Rd7+ Kc8 3.Ne7+ Kb8 4.N5c6+ Ka8 5.Ra7#. 340 Show/Hide Solution 245
1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rf8+ Kh7 3.Ng5+ Kh6 4.Nf7+ Kh7 5.Rh8#. 341 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Rh1+ Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kxh8 4.Qh1+ Kg8 5.Qh7#. 342 246
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Kxc8 2.Ra8+ Kd7 3.Nc5+ Kd6 4.Rd8+ Rd7 5.Rxd7#. 343 Show/Hide Solution 247
1.Rh5+ Kg8 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 3.Qh5+ Kg8 4.Qh7+ Kf8 5.Qh8#. 344 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kxg6 2.e8=Q+ Kh6 3.Re6+ Kh7 4.Qxh5+ Kg8 5.Re8#. 345 248
Show/Hide Solution 1.b7+ Ka7 2.b8=Q+ Ka6 3.Qb7+ Ka5 4.Qb4+ Ka6 5.Qa4#. 346 Show/Hide Solution 249
1.Nh6+ Kh7 2.g8=Q+ Kxh6 3.Qg7+ Kh5 4.Bf3+ Kh4 5.Qg4#. 347 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh3+ Nh4 2.Rxh4+ Kg6 3.Rh6+ Kg5 4.h4+ Kg4 5.Nde3#. 348 250
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh4+ Kxh4 2.Qh6+ Kg4 3.h3+ Kf5 4.g4+ Ke4 5.Qe3#. 349 Show/Hide Solution 251
1.Bh7+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Bf6#) 2.Bh6+ Ke8 3.Bg6+ Kd8 4.Bg5+ Be7 5.Bxe7#. 350 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra7+ Kg6 (1...Kh8 2.Rf8#; 1...Kg8 2.Rf8#) 2.Rg7+ Kh5 3.Rh4+ Kxh4 4.g3+ Kxh3 (4...Kh5 5.Nf4#) 5.Nf4#. 351 252
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Ke8 (1...Kg8 2.Qh8#) 2.Qf8+ Kd7 (2...Kxf8 3.Rh8#) 3.Qe7+ Kc8 4.Rh8+ Be8 5.Rxe8#. 352 Show/Hide Solution 253
1.Qg5+ Kf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qh6+ Rh7 3.Qxh7#; 1...Kf8 2.Qg8+ Ke7 3.Qg7+ Ke6 4.Bg4#) 2.Bh5+ Ke6 3.Qg4+ Kxf6 (3...Ke7 4.Qg7+ Ke6 5.Bg4#) 4.Qg6+ Ke7 5.Qf7#. 353 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh4+ Kg5 (2...Kg7 3.Rxh7#) 3.f4+ Kxh4 4.g3+ Kh3 5.Bf1#. 354 254
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kg7 (1...Kxh8 2.Qh5+ Kg7 (2...Kg8 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Qh7#) 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Qh7#) 2.f6+ Kxf6 (2...Kg6 3.Qh5+ Kxf6 4.Qf7+ Kxg5 5.Qf5#; 2...Kxh8 3.Qh5+ Kg8 4.Qf7+ Kh8 5.Qh7#) 3.Qf3+ Ke7 (3...Kxg5 4.Qf5#; 3...Kg6 4.Qf7+ Kxg5 5.Qf5#; 3...Kg7 4.Qf7+ Kxh8 5.Qh7#) 4.Qf7+ Kd8 5.Rxe8#. 355 255
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Rd7 (1...Kb8 2.Ra8+ Kxa8 3.Qxc6+ Kb8 4.Qb7#; 1...Kb6 2.Ra6+ Kxa6 3.Qxc6+ Ka5 4.Ra7#; 1...Kc8 2.Ra8#) 2.Rxd7+ Kb6 (2...Kc8 3.Qxc6+ Kb8 4.Qb7#; 2...Kb8 3.Ra8+ Kxa8 4.Qxc6+ Kb8 5.Qb7#) 3.Ra6+ Kxa6 4.Qxc6+ Ka5 5.Ra7#. 356 256
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kg8 (1...Kxh6 2.Rh1+ Qh2 3.Rxh2#) 2.Qxg6+ Kh8 (2...Rg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Rh1+ Qh2 (3...Rh7 4.Rxh7#) 4.Rxh2+ Rh7 5.Qxh7#. 357 257
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be3+ Ka5 (1...Kb5 2.Rb4+; 1...Ka6 2.Ra4+ Kb5 3.Rb4+) 2.Ra4+ Kb5 3.Rb4+ Ka5 (3...Ka6 4.Bxb7+ Ka5 5.Bb6#) 4.Bb6+ Ka6 5.Bc4#. 358 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kf6 (1...Kh6 2.Bf8+ Kg5 3.Qe7+ (3.Be7+ Kh6 4.Qf8+ Kg6 5.Qf6#) 3...Kg6 4.Qg7#; 1...Kg7 2.Bd4+ Be5 3.Bxe5+ Kh6 4.Qf8+ Kg5 (4...Kg6 5.Qg7#) 5.Qf6#; 1...Kg5 2.Be7+ Kh6 3.Qf8+ Kg6 4.Qf6#) 2.Bd4+ Be5 (2...Kg5 3.Qe7+ Kg6 (3...Kh6 4.Qg7#) 4.Qg7#) 3.Bxe5+ Kg5 4.Qe7+ Kg6 (4...Kh6 5.Qg7#) 5.Qf6#. 359 258
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc7+ Ka7 2.Bb6+ Kxb6 3.c5+ Kxc7 (3...Ka7 4.Ra2+ Qa3 5.Rxa3#) 4.Ne6+ Kc8 5.Rd8#. 360 Show/Hide Solution 259
1.Ne5+ Kf5 2.Qh7+ Ke6 (2...Kf6 3.Qg6#) 3.Qd7+ Kf6 4.Ng4+ Kg6 5.Qh7#. 361 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxf6+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Qe8+ Kg7 3.Nh5+ Kh7 4.Qf7+ Kh8 5.Qg7#. 362 260
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.b8=Q+ Kh7 (2...Kg7 3.Rd7+ Be7 4.Rxe7+ Kh6 5.Qh8#; 2...Qc8 3.Qxc8+; 2...Bf8 3.Qxf8+ Kh7 4.Rd7#) 3.Rd7+ Be7 (3...Kh6 4.Qh8#) 4.Rxe7+ Kh6 5.Qh8#. 363 261
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kb5 (1...Ka6 2.Nc5+ Kb5 3.a4+ Kxc5 4.Qd4#) 2.a4+ Kxa4 3.b3+ Kb5 4.c4+ Ka6 5.Nc5#. 364 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc5+ Kb7 (1...Kb8 2.Rb4+ Bb5 3.Rxb5+ Ka8 4.Qc6+ Ka7 5.Qb7#; 1...Bc6+ 2.Qxc6+ Kb8 3.Rb4+ Ka7 4.Qb7#) 2.Rb4+ Bb5 (2...Ka8 3.Qd5+ Bc6 (3...Ka7 4.Qb7#) 4.Qxc6+ Ka7 5.Qb7#; 2...Ka6 3.Qb6#) 3.Rxb5+ Ka8 (3...Ka6 4.Qb6#) 4.Qc6+ Ka7 5.Qb7#. 365 262
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc2+ Kc4 2.Ne3+ Kd4 3.Nf5+ Kc4 4.Nd6+ Kd4 5.Qe3+ Kxe3 6.Nf5#. 366 Show/Hide Solution 263
1.Nf8+ Kd8 2.Ne6+ Kd7 3.c6+ bxc6 4.Nc5+ Kd8 5.Nb7+ Kd7 6.e6#. 367 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh4+ Kg8 3.Qxd8+ Kh7 4.Ng5+ Kh6 5.Nxf7+ Kh7 (5...Kh5 6.Qg5#) 6.Qh8#. 368 264
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kf3 (1...Kh4 2.Qg5#) 2.Qg3+ Ke2 3.Qe1+ Kf3 (3...Kd3 4.Qf1#) 4.Qf1+ Kg4 5.Qe2+ Kh4 6.Be1#. 369 265
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kf7 2.Qxf8+ Ke6 3.Qe7+ Kd5 (3...Kf5 4.Qf6#) 4.Nf6#) 2.Bxf8+ Kh5 3.g4+ Kh4 4.Be7+ g5 (4...Kh3 5.Nf2#) 5.Bxg5+ Kh3 6.Nf2#. 370 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb8+ Ke7 2.Bf6+ Kxf6 3.Qd8+ Kg7 (3...Kf5 4.Qg5+ Ke4 5.Qe5#; 3...Kg6 4.Qg5#) 4.Rg3+ Ng4 5.Rxg4+ Kh6 6.Qg5#. 371 266
Show/Hide Solution 1.b5+ Kxb5 (1...Kd5 2.Qc5#) 2.Qc5+ Ka4 (2...Ka6 3.Qb6#) 3.Qa7+ Kb5 (3...Kb4 4.Qb6+ Ka4 (4...Kc4 5.Qb3#) 5.Qa6+ Kb4 6.c3#) 4.Qb6+ Ka4 (4...Kc4 5.Qc5#) 5.Qa6+ Kb4 6.c3#. 372 267
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc7+ Bxc7 (1...Nxc7 2.Qg7+ Ke8 3.Qf8+ Kd7 4.Qd8#; 1...Ke8 2.Qb5#) 2.Qg7+ Ke8 3.Qf8+ Kd7 4.Qf7+ Kc8 5.Qe8+ Bd8 6.Qxd8#. 373 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kf5 (1...Ke6 2.Bxd5+ Kf5 3.Qg5#; 1...Kg6 2.Qg5#) 2.Qg5+ Ke6 3.Qxd5+ Ke7 (3...Kf6 4.Qd6+ Kf5 5.Bd7#) 4.Qd7+ Kf6 (4...Kf8 5.Qd8#) 5.Qd6+ Kf5 6.Bd7#. 374 268
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc5+ Kg8 (1...Ke8 2.Qc8#) 2.Qc8+ Kh7 3.Qf5+ Kh8 (3...Kh6 4.Qh5#; 3...Kg8 4.Qg4+) 4.Qh5+ Kg8 5.Qg4+ Kf8 (5...Kh7 6.Qg7#; 5...Kh8 6.Qg7#) 6.Qc8#. 269
Show in Text Mode Part 3 Overpowering Your Opponent’s Pieces The third part of this book is dedicated to the king’s defenders and the various means of overpowering them. It describes the typical tactics of “elimination” and “deflection”, which, together with “attraction”, are often used to expose or weaken the opponent’s king or lure it to open space. This part also includes the techniques of “blocking” and “seizing the square”, specific cases of the three aforementioned tactics. You should also note that after using any tactical patterns, both individually or as parts of combinations, a position still occurs that requires you to use basic checkmating skills which you acquired in the first part of this book. Chapter 9 Elimination In the first two parts of the book, we learned to use our own pieces skillfully, but now, it’s time to turn our attention to the opponent’s pieces. The simplest way of overpowering them is their direct elimination – sacrificing or trading your own piece when capturing them. Elimination is the best way to forget about the opposing piece forever, so this tactic is often used in conjunction with other techniques, which we shall see in the following chapters. We should also take note of the difference between “elimination” and “capturing”, which was described in chapter 3. In this chapter, you will have to eliminate at least one of the king’s defenders with a check in the course of the forced mating combination. 375 270
Show/Hide Solution White could have delivered a checkmate with 1.Bb5+?, but black has a defense, 1...c6. In such situations, you first need to check if it’s possible to eliminate the interfering piece or pawn. The winning move is 1.Nxc7+!, and after 1...Bxc7, nothing stops white from delivering the checkmate: 2.Bb5#. 376 271
Show/Hide Solution To deliver the so-called “Arabian mate”, you need to eliminate the black knight. It’s actually easy to do: 1.Qxf8+!, and after the only possible reply 1...Bxf8, white plays 2.Rh7# without any further obstacles. 377 272
Show/Hide Solution This time, you need to eliminate the bishop to win: 1.Qxd8+!, and after any possible reply by black, white checkmates with 2.Rh4#. 378 Show/Hide Solution The white rooks are looking at the black king, but the black queen prevents the immediate checkmate. The first thing you should check is whether it’s possible to eliminate it: 1.Qxf8+! Bxf8 2.Rg8#. We should note that in the context of a forced mate, there’s essentially no difference between eliminating the defending piece with sacrificing material and without it (by trading off an identical piece). 379 273
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc3+ e5 2.dxe6#. 380 Show/Hide Solution 274
1.Rxf8+ Rxf8 2.Qh7#. 381 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Nxf8 2.Qg7#. 382 275
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Bxd8 2.Re8#. 383 Show/Hide Solution 276
1.Qxf8+ Bxf8 2.Re8#. 384 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Nxd8 2.Re8#. 385 277
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf6+ Rxf6 (1...Qxf6 2.Rh7#) 2.Rh7#. 386 Show/Hide Solution 278
1.Qxf6+ Qxf6 (1...Rxf6 2.Re8#; 1...Kg8 2.Re8#) 2.Re8#. 387 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh5+ gxh5 (1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.Qg7#. 388 279
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc8+ Rxc8 (1...Nxc8 2.Bxb7#; 1...Bb8 2.Bxb7#) 2.Bxb7#. 389 Show/Hide Solution 280
1.Qxf8+ Nxf8 2.Bxf6+ Qg7 3.Bxg7#. 390 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd4+ Qc5 (1...b6 2.Qxb6#; 1...Rxd4 2.b6#) 2.Qxc5+ b6 3.Qxb6#. 391 281
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Rxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh6#) 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Qxg7#. 392 Show/Hide Solution 282
1.Bxg7+ Nxg7 (1...Kh7 2.Qxh6#) 2.Qxh6+ Bh7 3.Qxh7#. 393 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxe7+ Rxe7 (1...Kf8 2.Qg7#; 1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.Qf6+ Kg8 (2...Ke8 3.Qxe7#) 3.Nxe7#. 394 283
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh7+ Ke7 2.Qxe5+ Qxe5 (2...Bxe5 3.Rd7#) 3.Rd7#. 395 Show/Hide Solution 284
1.Qxc6+ Kf8 (1...bxc6 2.Rd8#; 1...Qd7 2.Qxd7+ Kf8 3.Qf7#; 1...Qxc6 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd8+ Qe8 3.Rxe8#. 396 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxc8+ Rxc8 (1...Kb7 2.Rc7+ Ka8 3.Bd5#) 2.Bd5+ Rc6 3.Bxc6#. 285
Show in Text Mode Chapter 10 Combination: Attraction + Elimination Chapter 10 is dedicated to the simultaneous execution of attraction and elimination tactics, which is very often used in practice. Indeed, if you get a chance to force the king to occupy a bad square and eliminate a defending piece at the same time, why not use it? 397 Show/Hide Solution White plays 1.Qxf8+!, simultaneously eliminating the only defender of the back rank and attracting the king for a simple mating finale: 1...Kxf8 2.Nd7+ Kg8 3.Re8#. In the next example, white has a choice between several tempting continuations, but, as usually happens in actual games, only one of them wins: 398 286
Show/Hide Solution With 1.Bxc6+!, white simultaneously eliminates a pawn and attracts the black king to the c6 square: 1...Kxc6 2.Qb7#. Other king moves can’t save black either: 1...Kc7 (or 1...Kc8), and 2.Qb7# still wins. In this case, white’s first move turns out to be a simple capture, as we have seen in chapter 3, rather than the attraction + elimination tactic. In the context of delivering a forced mate, the difference between elimination and capturing is often negligible. The same can be said of sacrifices and trades – it doesn’t matter how many pieces white has left when the combination ends with a checkmate! 399 287
Show/Hide Solution In the last chapter, we saw examples of elimination through trades rather than sacrifice of material. So the move 1.Qxg7+! also constitutes a tactic in question. 1...Kxg7 2.Ne6+ Kg8 3.Rf8# or 2...Kh6 3.Rh4#. To conclude, let’s look at a slightly longer combination: 400 288
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Rxg7+! (attraction + elimination) 1...Kxg7 2.Bf6+, black is checkmated in all lines: 2...Kh7 3.Qh8#, 2...Kh6 3.Qh8# or 2...Kf7 3.Qe7+ Kg8 4.Qg7#. 401 289
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3#. 402 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg5+ Kxg5 2.Be3#. 403 290
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh6#. 404 Show/Hide Solution 291
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh5#. 405 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3#. 406 292
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4#. 407 Show/Hide Solution 293
1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 2.Rf5#. 408 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8#. 409 294
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rh8#. 410 Show/Hide Solution 295
1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 2.Qd8#. 411 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 2.Re8#. 412 296
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Re7#. 413 Show/Hide Solution 297
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Bc4#. 414 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 2.Qh8#. 415 298
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Re8#. 416 Show/Hide Solution 299
1.Qxe6+ Kxe6 2.Rd6#. 417 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg4#. 418 300
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qg7#) 2.Bd5#. 419 Show/Hide Solution 301
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8#. 420 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxb8+ Kxb8 2.Rc8#. 421 302
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Re8#. 422 Show/Hide Solution 303
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8#. 423 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8#. 424 304
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh3#. 425 Show/Hide Solution 305
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Bc4#. 426 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Kxg6 (1...Kf8 2.Qf7#) 2.Rg3#. 427 306
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxg7#) 2.Bc4#. 428 Show/Hide Solution 307
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Be6+ Kf8 3.Nxg6#. 429 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh5+ Kg7 3.Qh6#. 430 308
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Bh5 3.Rxh5#. 431 Show/Hide Solution 309
1.Qh7+ Kf6 2.Bxg5+ Kxg5 3.Qh4#. 432 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.R1e7+ Kg6 3.Rg8#. 433 310
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Kg6 3.Ne7#. 434 Show/Hide Solution 311
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qg7#) 2.Be6+ Kf6 3.Ng4#. 435 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg6#) 2.Qxg6+ Kh8 3.Qh7#. 436 312
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qf7+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Qf6#) 3.Qf6#. 437 Show/Hide Solution 313
1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg3+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Bh6#) 3.Nf7#. 438 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Nh5+ Kh8 3.g7#. 439 314
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4+ Qh5 3.Rxh5#. 440 Show/Hide Solution 315
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Rg8#. 441 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Rd8+ Kf7 3.Rf8#. 442 316
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8+ Ke7 3.Re8#. 443 Show/Hide Solution 317
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qg7#) 2.Bxe6+ Kf6 3.g5#. 444 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg5 2.Qd5+ Kf6 (2...Re5 3.Qxe5#) 3.Rf7#) 2.Qf7+ Kh8 (2...Kh6 3.Qxg6#) 3.Nxg6#. 445 318
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6#) 2.Bc4+ Be6 3.Bxe6#. 446 Show/Hide Solution 319
1.Qxg5+ Kf7 (1...Kxg5 2.Rg4+ Kf5 (2...Kh5 3.Rh1#; 2...Kxh6 3.Rh1#) 3.Ne3#) 2.Rf4+ Ke8 3.Qxg8+ Ke7 (3...Bf8 4.Qxf8#) 4.Rf7#. 447 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxc7+ Kxc7 2.Qc5+ Kd7 3.Rb7+ Ke6 (3...Ke8 4.Qe7#) 4.Re7#. 448 320
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4+ Kg6 (2...Kg7 3.Rg1#; 2...Kg8 3.Rg1#) 3.Rg1+ Kf5 4.Rh5#. 449 Show/Hide Solution 321
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh3+ Rh4 (2...Kg7 3.Qh6#) 3.Qxh4+ Kg7 4.Qh6#. 450 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Nh5+ Kh7 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Qg7#. 451 322
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh8+ Kxh8 2.Bf6+ Kg8 3.Rd8+ Re8 4.Rxe8#. 452 Show/Hide Solution 323
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rh8+ Ke7 3.Rg7+ Kxe6 4.Rxh6#. 453 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4+ Qh5 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rxh5+ Kg8 4.Rh8#. 454 324
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rb8+ Bc8 (2...Ke7 3.Rc7#) 3.Rbxc8+ Ke7 4.R1c7#. 325
Show in Text Mode Chapter 11 Combinations In this chapter, we will look at the interplay between elimination and all other tactics we studied in the previous chapters. The first puzzle is solved with a combination of two tactics used simultaneously: elimination and vacation. 455 Show/Hide Solution With 1.Bxf7+!, white eliminates a defender and vacates a square for the queen: 1...Nxf7 2.Qe6#. The other move, 1...Kd7 2.Qe6#, is no better. We should point out that the simultaneous use of two, three, four or more tactical patterns actually doesn’t make the solution much more difficult, since you only have to find one precise move, and then just use your basic checkmating skills. 326
456 Show/Hide Solution At first glance, it might seem that 1.Rxf7+! is a familiar combination from the previous chapter: attraction + elimination. However, this time there are three tactics used simultaneously in one move, because it also frees up the a1-h8 diagonal for the queen. After that, black can play either 1...Kxf7 2.Qg7# or 1...Kg8 2.Qg7#. The sequential use of tactics is fraught with many more difficulties, since you have to calculate several tactical blows in a row: 457 327
Show/Hide Solution The move 1.Rxg8+! is an “attraction + elimination” combination. Now, 1...Kh7 loses to 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Qf8#. While after 1...Kxg8, white has to deliver another tactical blow – attraction: 2.Qf8+! Kxf8 3.Rb8#. Of course, you should also check 2...Kh7 3.Qg7#. 458 328
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+! (attraction + elimination) 1...Kxg7 2.Rxh7+ (capture) 2...Kf8 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8+! boils down to the main line) 3.Rh8+! (vacation) 3...Kg7 4.R1h7#. Other king moves change nothing: 3...Kf7 4.R1h7# or 3...Ke7 4.R1h7#. 459 329
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8#. 460 Show/Hide Solution 330
1.Qf3+ g4 2.hxg4+ fxg4 3.Qh1#. 461 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg1+ Kh7 3.Nf6#. 462 331
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh8 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 3.Rh1#. 463 Show/Hide Solution 332
1.Rh8+ Kf7 2.Rxg7+ Kxg7 3.Qh7#. 464 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bc5+ Kg8 3.Re8#. 465 333
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bh6+ Kg8 3.Re8#. 466 Show/Hide Solution 334
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8+ Kg7 3.h6#. 467 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bd6+ Kg8 3.Re8#. 468 335
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rxf7+ Kg8 3.Re8#. 469 Show/Hide Solution 336
1.Bxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qg5+ Kh8 3.Qf6#. 470 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd3+ Kf3 2.Rxf4+ Kxf4 3.Rf5#. 471 337
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Bf8 2.Rxf8+ Kxf8 3.Qd8#. 472 Show/Hide Solution 338
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5+ Kg6 3.Bf7#. 473 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxb8+ Kxb8 2.Rc8+ Ka7 3.Ra8#. 474 339
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Rh6 3.Rxh6#. 475 Show/Hide Solution 340
1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh3+ Kg7 3.Rh7#. 476 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh8 2.Qxh7+ Kxh7 3.Rh3#. 477 341
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Kg6 3.Bd3#. 478 Show/Hide Solution 342
1.Qxg4+ Kxg4 2.f3+ Kh5 (2...Kg3 3.Rh3#) 3.g4#. 479 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg4+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Rg8#) 3.Rg8#. 480 343
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8#) 2.Rh3+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 481 Show/Hide Solution 344
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rf7+ Kg8 (2...Ke8 3.Rb8#) 3.Rb8#. 482 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Bf6+ Kg6 (2...Kf8 3.Nh7#) 3.Bf7#. 483 345
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Kg8 (1...Kxg6 2.Be4#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxe8+ Kh7 (2...Bf8 3.Qxf8+ Kh7 4.Be4#) 3.Be4#) 2.Qxe8+ Kh7 (2...Bf8 3.Qxf8+ Kh7 4.Be4#) 3.Be4#. 484 346
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb7+ Kxb7 (1...Ka8 2.Qxa7#) 2.Rc7+ Ka8 (2...Kb8 3.Qxa7#) 3.Qxa7#. 485 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rxf7+ Kg8 (2...Kh8 3.Rb8#) 3.Rb8#. 486 347
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh3+ Kg6 (2...Kg7 3.Rg1#) 3.Rg1#. 487 Show/Hide Solution 348
1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Rh7+ Kg8 3.Qf7#) 2.Qf7+ Kh8 3.Qh7#. 488 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf6+ Kh6 (1...Kxf6 2.Bd4#) 2.Qg5+ Kg7 3.Bd4#. 489 349
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kh8 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 3.Rf7+ Kh8 4.Nxg6#. 490 Show/Hide Solution 350
1.Rxg6+ Kxg6 2.Rf6+ Kg5 3.Qg7+ Kh4 4.Qg3#. 491 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qg5+ Kf7 3.Rh7+ Ke8 4.Qe7#. 492 351
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 2.Qh7+ Kf8 3.Qg8+ Ke7 4.Qg7#. 493 Show/Hide Solution 352
1.Qc8+ Bb8 2.Qxb8+ Kxb8 3.Be5+ Ka8 4.Rc8#. 494 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kf6 2.Qxg6#) 2.Rh3+ Kg7 3.Rh7+ Kf6 4.Ne4#. 495 353
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 (1...Kh7 2.Rxf7#) 2.Rxf7+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Rf8+ Kg7 (3...Kh7 4.R1f7#) 4.R1f7#) 3.Rf8+ Kd7 (3...Ke7 4.R1f7#) 4.R1f7#. 496 354
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bh6+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Rd8#) 3.Ra8+ Qb8 4.Rxb8#. 497 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bg8 2.Rxg8+ Kxg8 (2...Kf7 3.Qg7#) 3.Nh6+ Kf8 4.Qh8#. 498 355
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg8 2.Ne7+ Kxh7 3.Qh4+ Kg7 4.Qh6#) 2.Qh4+ Kg8 (2...Kg7 3.Qh6+ Kg8 4.Ne7#) 3.Ne7+ Kg7 4.Qh6#. 499 356
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4+ Kg6 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rh6+ Kxg5 4.Bf4#. 500 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Qh4 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rxh4+ Kg8 4.Rh8#. 501 357
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Bh4 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rxh4+ Kg8 4.Rh8#. 502 Show/Hide Solution 358
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh2+ Bh3 (2...Kg7 3.Qh6#; 2...Bh6 3.Qxh6#) 3.Qxh3+ Kg7 (3...Bh6 4.Qxh6#) 4.Qh6#. 503 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh6#) 2.Qxh6+ Kxh6 3.Rh5+ Kg7 4.Rh7#. 504 359
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Re7+ Rf7 (2...Kg8 3.Qxh7#; 2...Kh8 3.Qxh7#; 2...Kh6 3.Rxh7#) 3.Rxf7+ Kh6 (3...Kg8 4.Qxh7#; 3...Kh8 4.Qxh7#) 4.Rxh7#. 505 360
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh6#) 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Qg5+ Kh8 (3...Kh7 4.Rh6#) 4.Rh6#. 506 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh5+ Kxh5 2.Be2+ Kh6 (2...Kh4 3.Rh1#; 2...Qf3 3.Rh1#) 3.Rh1+ Qh4 4.Rxh4#. 507 361
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4+ Kg6 3.Rh6+ Kg5 4.h4+ Kg4 5.Bd1#. 508 Show/Hide Solution 362
1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg3+ Kh6 3.Bc1+ Kh5 4.Be2+ Kxh4 5.Rh3#. 509 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Bc4+ Kf8 3.Rxd8+ Rxd8 4.Bc5+ Rd6 5.Bxd6#. 510 363
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh2+ Bh5 3.Rxh5+ Kg6 4.Rg5+ Kh7 (4...Kh6 5.Rh3#) 5.Rh3#. 511 Show/Hide Solution 364
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Bxf5+ Rxf5 (2...Kh6 3.Rh3+ Qh4 4.Rxh4#; 2...Kh8 3.Rh3+ Qh4 4.Rxh4#) 3.Rh3+ Qh4 (3...Rh5 4.Rxh5#) 4.Rxh4+ Rh5 5.Rxh5#. 512 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd6+ Kxd6 2.Bc5+ Kc7 3.Nb5+ Kb8 4.Bd6+ Qc7 5.Bxc7#. 513 365
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxg6+ Kxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Bh7+ Kxh7 (2...Kf7 3.Qh5#) 3.Qe4+ Kg8 4.Qg6+ Qg7 5.Qxg7#) 2.Qg4+ Kf7 (2...Kh7 3.Qe4+ Kg8 4.Qg6+ Qg7 5.Qxg7#) 3.Qh5+ Kg8 4.Qg6+ Qg7 5.Qxg7#. 514 366
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qg5+ Kh8 3.Qf6+ Kg8 4.Rg3+ Qg5 5.Rxg5#. 515 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Rf8+ Kxg7 3.Qf7#) 2.Rf7+ Kg6 (2...Kg8 3.Rf8+ Kg7 (3...Kh7 4.Qf7#) 4.Qf7#; 2...Kh8 3.Rf8+ Kg7 (3...Kh7 4.Qf7#) 4.Qf7#) 3.Qf6+ Kh5 4.Qe5+ Kg6 (4...Nf5+ 5.Qxf5#) 5.Rg7#. 516 367
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Qg6+ Kh8 3.Qxh6+ Kg8 4.Qg5+ Kf7 (4...Kh8 5.Rh6#; 4...Kh7 5.Rh6#) 5.Re7#. 517 368
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qxg5+ Kf7 (2...Kh7 3.Rh3#; 2...Kh8 3.Rh3#) 3.Qf6+ Kg8 (3...Ke8 4.Rd8#) 4.Qg6+ (4.Rg3+ Kh7 5.Qh4#) 4...Kh8 5.Rh3#. 518 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Rxf7+ Kxf7 (2...Kg8 3.Qh7#; 2...Ke8 3.Qxe6+ Kd8 4.Qd7#) 3.Qxe6+ Kf8 4.Qe7+ (4.Qf6+ Kg8 5.Qg7#) 4...Kg8 5.Qg7#. 519 369
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf5+ Kxf5 (1...Kh6 2.Rxh7#) 2.Bd3+ Kg5 3.Rg7+ Kh6 (3...Kh5 4.Rxh7+ Kg5 5.h4#; 3...Kh4 4.Rxh7+ Kg5 5.h4#) 4.Rxh7+ Kg5 5.h4#. 520 370
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd7+ Kh6 (1...Qe7 2.Qxe7+ Kh6 3.Qxh7+ Kxh7 4.R1d7+ Kh6 5.Rh8#) 2.Qxh7+ Kxh7 3.R1d7+ Qe7 (3...Kh6 4.Rh8#) 4.Rxe7+ Kh6 5.Rh8#. 521 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Bh6 3.Rxh6+ Kg7 4.Rg1+ Kf7 (4...Kf8 5.Rf6#) 5.Rf6#. 522 371
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg8+ Kxg8 2.Qg4+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Qg7#; 2...Kh7 3.Qg7#) 3.Qc8+ Bd8 (3...Re8 4.Qxe8#) 4.Qxd8+ Re8 5.Qxe8#. 523 372
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kf7 (1...Bxh8 2.Rxh8+ Kg7 (2...Kf7 3.R1h7#; 2...Ke7 3.R1h7#) 3.R1h7#; 1...Ke7 2.Qxg7+ Kd8 (2...Ke8 3.Rh8+ Qf8 4.Rxf8#) 3.Rh8+ Qf8 4.Rxf8#) 2.Qxg7+ Kxg7 (2...Ke8 3.Rh8+ Qf8 4.Rxf8#) 3.Rh7+ Kf8 (3...Kg8 4.Rh8+ Kg7 (4...Kf7 5.R1h7#) 5.R1h7#) 4.Rh8+ Ke7 (4...Kf7 5.R1h7#; 4...Kg7 5.R1h7#) 5.R1h7#. 524 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb8+ Kg7 (1...Re8 2.Qxe8+ Kg7 3.Qe5+ Kg8 (3...Kf8 4.Qxh8#) 4.Rd8#) 2.Qxh8+ Kxh8 3.Bf6+ Kg8 4.Rd8+ Re8 5.Rxe8#. 525 373
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Rxh7+ Kg8 (2...Kxh7 3.Rh1+ Kg7 4.Qg4#) 3.Qg4+ Kxh7 4.Rh1#) 2.Bh6+ Kxh6 (2...Kh8 3.Qf6+ Kg8 4.Qg7#; 2...Kg8 3.Qg4+ Kh8 4.Qg7#) 3.Qf6+ Kh5 4.Rh1+ Kg4 5.Rh4#. 526 374
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg8 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 3.Qh6+ Kg8 4.Qg7#) 2.Rh4+ Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kxh8 4.Qh6+ Kg8 5.Qg7#. 527 375
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qh8+ Ke7 3.Rxf7+ Kxf7 4.Bg6+ Kxg6 (4...Ke7 5.Qe8#) 5.Qh5#. 528 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh5+ Kxh5 (1...Kg7 2.Qh7+ Kf6 3.Rh6#) 2.Rh2+ Kg4 3.Rh4+ Kxh4 (3...Kg3 4.Qh2#) 4.Qh2+ Kg4 5.Qh3#. 529 376
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qh6+ Kxh6 (2...Kh8 3.g7#) 3.Ng4+ Kg7 4.Nh5+ Kh8 5.g7#. 530 Show/Hide Solution 377
1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh6#) 2.Rg1+ Qg3 (2...Kh7 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Qg7#; 2...Rg6 3.Qxg6+ Kh8 (3...Kf8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qh6#; 2...Kh8 3.Qxh6#; 2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Rxg3+ Rg6 (3...Kh7 4.Qf7+ Kh8 5.Qg7#; 3...Kf6 4.Qf7#; 3...Kf8 4.Qf7#; 3...Kh8 4.Qxh6#) 4.Qxg6+ Kf8 (4...Kh8 5.Rh3#) 5.Qf7#. 531 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Nxd8 2.Rd7+ Kb8 3.Rxd8+ Kc7 (3...Nc8 4.Rxc8+ Ka7 5.Ra8#; 3...Ka7 4.Ra8#) 4.Rd7+ Kb8 5.Rxb7#. 532 378
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb3+ Kxb3 2.Rc3+ Kb4 3.Qa3+ Kb5 4.Rc5+ Kb6 5.Qa5+ Kb7 6.Rc7#. 533 Show/Hide Solution 379
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4+ Kg6 3.Rh6+ Kg5 4.h4+ Kg4 5.Ne3+ Kg3 6.Rf3#. 534 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Rh5 (2...Kg6 3.Rh6#) 3.Rxh5+ Kg6 4.Rh6+ Kg5 5.Nf3+ Kg4 6.h3#. 535 380
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kh8 (1...Kxg7 2.Rg1+ Kh8 (2...Kh6 3.Qh3#) 3.Qf6#) 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (2...Kg8 3.Rg1+ Kxh7 4.Qh5#) 3.Qh5+ Kg7 (3...Kg8 4.Rg1#) 4.Qg5+ Kh7 (4...Kh8 5.Qh6+ Kg8 6.Rg1#) 5.Qh4+ Kg6 (5...Kg7 6.Rg1#; 5...Kg8 6.Rg1#) 6.Rg1#. 536 381
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Rh5 (2...Kg6 3.Rh6#) 3.Rxh5+ Kg6 4.Rh6+ Kg5 5.h4+ Kg4 6.Ne3#. 537 Show/Hide Solution 382
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Bh6 (2...Qh2 3.Rxh2+ Bh6 4.Rxh6+ Kg7 5.Bd4+ Kf8 6.Rh8#) 3.Rxh6+ Kg7 4.Bd4+ Qe5 (4...Kf8 5.Rh8#) 5.Bxe5+ Kf8 6.Rh8#. 538 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 (1...Kg7 2.Qxf7#) 2.Bh6+ Ke8 (2...Bg7 3.Qd8#; 2...Kg8 3.Qd8#) 3.Qc8+ Ke7 4.Bf8+ Kf6 5.Qd8+ Ke6 6.Qe7#. 539 383
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Ne6+ Kf6 (2...Kh7 3.Qd7+ Qe7 (3...Kg8 4.Qg7#; 3...Kg6 4.Qg7#; 3...Kh8 4.Qg7#) 4.Qxe7+ Kg6 (4...Kg8 5.Qg7#; 4...Kh8 5.Qg7#) 5.Qg7#; 2...Kg6 3.Qg8+ Kf6 4.Qg7#; 2...Kf7 3.Qf8+ Kg6 4.Qg7#) 3.Qh8+ Ke7 (3...Kg6 4.Qg7#; 3...Kf7 4.Qf8+ Kg6 5.Qg7#) 4.Qd8+ Kf7 5.Qf8+ Kg6 6.Qg7#. 540 384
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh8+ Kxh8 2.Rc8+ Re8 (2...Kh7 3.Bxg6+ Kh6 4.Rh8#; 2...Rf8 3.Rxf8+ Kh7 4.hxg6+ Kh6 5.Rh8#) 3.Rxe8+ Rf8 (3...Kh7 4.hxg6+ Kh6 5.Rh8#) 4.Rxf8+ Kh7 5.hxg6+ Kh6 6.Rh8#. 541 385
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc5+ Kb8 (1...Kd7 2.Bb5#) 2.Rxb7+ Kxb7 (2...Ka8 3.Qxa7#) 3.Ba6+ Kxa6 (3...Ka8 4.Qc6+ Kb8 5.Qb7#; 3...Kb8 4.Qb5+ Kc7 (4...Ka8 5.Qb7#) 5.Qb7#) 4.Qc6+ Ka5 5.Bd2+ Qb4 6.Bxb4#. 542 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 (1...Kg7 2.Qf8#) 2.Qf8+ Kh7 3.Qxf7+ Kh8 4.Qf8+ Kh7 5.Bxg6+ Kxg6 6.Qg8#. 386
Show in Text Mode Chapter 12 Deflection The tactic of deflection is used when the opposing piece that prevents your combination cannot be eliminated. The essence of this tactic is using sacrifices or threats to force the opponent’s piece to move to another square, from where it cannot prevent the combination anymore. 543 Show/Hide Solution The move 1.Rd1+! is a typical example of deflection. Now the bishop is forced to leave the g4 square, where it defended d7, and after 1...Bxd1, the combination ends with a mate in one: 2.Qd7#. In theory, any piece can be deflected, but in the context of a forced mate, you cannot deflect a king. If we try to imagine such a situation, it will boil down to attraction, which we studied in chapter 7. 544 387
Show/Hide Solution To distract the rook from defending the f7 pawn, you have to use deflection: 1.Qg8+! Rxg8 and then 2.Nxf7#. The reverse move order doesn’t work: white can deflect the rook with 1.Nxf7+? Rxf7, but the g8 square is still defended by other pieces. 545 388
Show/Hide Solution The black queen, which controls the a4 square in a somewhat unusual way, is hindering white slightly more than other black pieces. White gives checkmate with deflection: 1.Bd2+! Qxd2 2.Qa4#. Don’t forget to check the possible alternatives: 1...Bb4 is met with 2.Bxb4#, while after 1...Qc3, there’s 2.Qa4#. 546 389
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Be6+ Kh8, it seems that the black king is well-defended. But white plays 2.Ng6+!, and the black pawn is deflected from defending the king – 2...hxg6, which allows white to give an easy checkmate with 3.Qh3#. 547 390
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ hxg6 2.Rh2#. 548 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc6+ bxc6 2.Ba6#. 549 391
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng5+ hxg5 2.Qh3#. 550 Show/Hide Solution 392
1.Nf6+ gxf6 2.Qg8#. 551 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Qxh7 2.Ng3#. 552 393
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd6+ Nxd6 2.Ne7#. 553 Show/Hide Solution 394
1.Rh5+ gxh5 2.Qf6#. 554 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Nxh6 2.Nf6#. 555 395
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh3+ gxh3 2.Qh5#. 556 Show/Hide Solution 396
1.Rf4+ gxf4 2.Rh4#. 557 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng4+ hxg4 2.Qh1#. 558 397
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Nxh8 2.Rg8#. 559 Show/Hide Solution 398
1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 560 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 561 399
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Nxh8 2.Rxh4#. 562 Show/Hide Solution 400
1.Nf7+ Rxf7 2.Re8#. 563 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Nxe8 2.Qd7#. 564 401
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Nxf8 2.Rg8#. 565 Show/Hide Solution 402
1.Qc8+ Bxc8 2.Re8#. 566 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Bxe7 2.Qh8#. 567 403
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 2.Qg8#. 568 Show/Hide Solution 404
1.Qh5+ gxh5 2.Be4#. 569 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf5+ Nxf5 (1...Ne6 2.Qxe6#) 2.e6#. 570 405
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh5+ gxh5 (1...Kg8 2.Rh8#) 2.Qg7#. 571 Show/Hide Solution 406
1.Qe6+ fxe6 (1...Be7 2.Qxe7#) 2.d7#. 572 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf6+ gxf6 (1...g6 2.Bf8#) 2.Bf8#. 573 407
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Nxd8 (1...Rc8 2.Rxc8#) 2.Ba7#. 574 Show/Hide Solution 408
1.Rh4+ gxh4 (1...g4 2.Rhxg4#) 2.Rg4#. 575 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb8+ Nxb8 (1...Nd8 2.Qxd8#) 2.Rd8#. 576 409
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc6+ Bxc6 (1...Ka8 2.b7#) 2.Rxd8#. 577 Show/Hide Solution 410
1.Qh5+ gxh5 (1...Kg8 2.Qh7#) 2.Rh7#. 578 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Rxh5 (1...Rg6 2.Qxg6#) 2.Bg6#. 579 411
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd5+ Rxd5 (1...Kh8 2.Qxd8#; 1...Kf8 2.Qxd8#; 1...Re6 2.Qxd8#) 2.Re8#. 580 Show/Hide Solution 412
1.Qe5+ fxe5 (1...dxe5 2.Bc5#; 1...Be6 2.Qxe6#) 2.Bg5#. 581 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Bxd8 (1...Bf8 2.Rxf8#) 2.Qf8#. 582 413
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Bxg7 2.Rd8+ Bf8 3.Rxf8#. 583 Show/Hide Solution 414
1.Qg6+ Bxg6 2.Rg8+ Kh7 3.hxg6#. 584 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ hxg6 2.Rh1+ Bh3 3.Rxh3#. 585 415
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ fxg6 2.Bh6+ Qg7 3.Qxg7#. 586 Show/Hide Solution 416
1.R8h6+ gxh6 2.Qg8+ Kf6 3.Rxh6#. 587 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh6+ gxh6 2.Be5+ Rf6 3.Bxf6#. 588 417
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc7+ Qxc7 2.Qh5+ g6 3.Qxg6#. 589 Show/Hide Solution 418
1.Qa7+ Nxa7 (1...Kc8 2.Nb6#) 2.Rb7+ Kc8 3.Nb6#. 590 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Bxd8 (1...Kg7 2.h6#) 2.Re8+ Kg7 3.h6#. 591 419
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Rxe6 (1...Rf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qh7#; 1...Kh8 2.Rxf8+ Rg8 3.Rxg8#) 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Rxf8#. 592 Show/Hide Solution 420
1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Kg6 2.h5#) 2.Rh7+ Kg6 3.h5#. 593 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg5+ Kh6 2.Qf8+ Rxf8 (2...Rg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Bg7#. 594 421
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be6+ Kh8 (1...Qf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qg7#; 1...Qxe6 2.Qg7#) 2.Qe5+ Qg7 (2...Qf6 3.Qxf6#) 3.Qxg7#. 595 422
Show/Hide Solution 1.f4+ gxf3 (1...Kh5 2.Qh8#) 2.Qf4+ Kh5 3.Qh4#. 596 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Rxf6 (1...Qg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rxd8+ Rf8 3.Rxf8#. 597 423
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Qe8 (1...Kg7 2.Qh8#; 1...Rxd8 2.Rh8#) 2.Qxe8+ Kg7 3.Qh8#. 598 Show/Hide Solution 424
1.Rb1+ Qb4 (1...Qb2 2.Rxb2+ Kc8 (2...Ka7 3.Nxc6#) 3.Qg4+ Kd8 4.Qd7#; 1...Qb3 2.Rxb3+ Kc8 (2...Ka7 3.Nxc6#) 3.Qg4+ Kd8 4.Qd7#; 1...Ka7 2.Qe3+ Qxe3 (2...c5 3.Nc6#; 2...Qc5 3.Qxc5#; 2...Qd4 3.Nxc6#) 3.Nxc6#; 1...Kc8 2.Qg4+ Kd8 3.Qd7#) 2.Rxb4+ Kc8 (2...Ka7 3.Nxc6#) 3.Qg4+ Kd8 4.Qd7#. 599 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf7 2.Bg6+ Kf6 3.Rf4+ gxf4 (3...Qf5 4.Rxf5#) 4.Bh4#. 600 425
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg5+ fxg5 2.Rxa6+ Bc6 (2...Re6 3.Rxe6#) 3.Raxc6+ Re6 4.Rxe6#. 601 Show/Hide Solution 426
1.Ng5+ hxg5 (1...Kg8 2.Rd8+ Re8 3.Rxe8#; 1...Kh8 2.Rd8+ Re8 3.Rxe8#) 2.Qxh5+ Kg8 3.Rd8+ Re8 4.Rxe8#. 602 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd5+ Re6 (1...Kf8 2.Qf7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxh5+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qh8#; 1...Bxd5 2.Rxe8#) 2.Qxe6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Qc8+ Be8 4.Qxe8#. 603 427
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Rxg7 2.Re8+ Qf8 (2...Rg8 3.Rexg8#) 3.Rxf8+ Rg8 4.Rfxg8#. 604 Show/Hide Solution 428
1.Nc6+ Rxc6 (1...Kf8 2.Rd8#; 1...Ke8 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd7+ Kf8 (2...Ke8 3.Rg8#) 3.Rf7+ Ke8 4.Rg8#. 605 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg5+ Qxg5 (1...Re7 2.Qxe7#) 2.Rd1+ Qd2 (2...Qd5 3.Rxd5+ Bd7 4.Rfxd7#; 2...Bd7 3.Rdxd7#) 3.Rxd2+ Bd7 4.Rdxd7#. 606 429
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa8+ Bc8 (1...Kh7 2.Qh8#; 1...Ne8 2.Qxe8+ Kh7 3.Qh8#; 1...Nxa8 2.Re8+ Kh7 3.Rh8#) 2.Qxc8+ Ne8 (2...Kh7 3.Qh8#) 3.Qxe8+ Kh7 4.Qh8#. 430
Show in Text Mode Chapter 13 Combination: Deflection + Elimination In this chapter, we look at combinations that simultaneously use two tactics: deflection and elimination. This often occurs in actual games. Indeed, it’s no wonder that one of the king’s defenders gets deflected after another is eliminated! 607 Show/Hide Solution White sacrifices the queen: 1.Qxe6+!, eliminating one pawn and trying to deflect the other. Black doesn’t have much of a choice: either play 1...Be7 2.Qxe7# or accept the sacrifice with 1...fxe6 and get prettily checkmated: 2.Bg6#. Such deflection of the pawns from the king and their elimination, including the “deflection + elimination” combination, is often called “opening up the king’s position”. In the next example, there are no pawns near the black king, but it’s protected by other pieces: 431
608 Show/Hide Solution In the initial position, white is a piece down, and black threatens to trade queens. The active 1.Qe6? is met with 1...Rxh2+!, and black wins. In such positions, active play is often the only hope of saving the game; you should start your activity by considering possible forced checkmates. The direct 1.Qxe7+! wins here – the black knight is eliminated, and the bishop is forcibly deflected: 1...Bxe7 2.Rc8#. 609 432
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qb8+!, black has a choice between three replies. 1...Nf8 2.Qxf8# loses immediately, 1...Nd8 2.Re8# is no better – in this case, white’s first move works as a deflection. While after 1...Rd8, there follows 2.Qxd8+!, and after 2...Nxd8 it turns out that one of the king’s defenders is eliminated, and the other one is deflected: 3.Re8#. Don’t forget to check all of black’s possible replies: for the full solution, you should also consider 2...Nf8 3.Qxf8#. 610 433
Show/Hide Solution The only way to win is 1.Rxe6+! White simultaneously eliminates the black bishop and deflects the f7 pawn. 1...fxe6 2.Qf8#. 611 434
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxg6+ hxg6 2.Qh6#. 612 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh5+ gxh5 2.Rh7#. 613 435
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxh5+ gxh5 2.Qg5#. 614 Show/Hide Solution 436
1.Rxf8+ Rxf8 2.Rh7#. 615 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Qxf7 2.Rh8#. 616 437
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Qxf8 2.Rxh7#. 617 Show/Hide Solution 438
1.Qxh5+ gxh5 2.Rh6#. 618 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ gxh6 2.Qg8#. 619 439
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxc6+ bxc6 2.Ba6#. 620 Show/Hide Solution 440
1.Qxg6+ hxg6 (1...Qg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rh8#. 621 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxe6+ fxe6 (1...Be7 2.Qxe7#) 2.Bg6#. 622 441
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg5+ Nxg5 (1...Qg6 2.Qxg6#; 1...Qg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rh8#. 623 Show/Hide Solution 442
1.Rxh7+ Bxh7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg6#) 2.Qg7#. 624 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Rxg7 (1...Kf8 2.Qxf7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qe8#. 625 443
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxd6+ cxd6 (1...Qd7 2.Qxd7#) 2.Rc8#. 626 Show/Hide Solution 444
1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Ra8+ Rg8 3.Rxg8#. 627 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Bxf7 2.Ra8+ Be8 3.Rxe8#. 628 445
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf7+ Kh8 2.Rxh6+ gxh6 3.Qh7#. 629 Show/Hide Solution 446
1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Rf8+ Rg8 3.Rfxg8#. 630 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf6+ Rxf6 (1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.Re8+ Rf8 3.Rxf8#. 631 447
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Rd8+ Rg8 3.Rdxg8#. 632 Show/Hide Solution 448
1.Qxd7+ Rxd7 (1...Kb8 2.Qxd8#) 2.Re8+ Rd8 3.Rdxd8#. 633 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxe5+ Rf6 (1...Qxe5 2.Rf8#; 1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.Qxf6+ Kg8 3.Qg7#. 634 449
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxe6+ fxe6 (1...Kf8 2.Rd8#; 1...Qe7 2.Rxe7+ Kf8 3.Rd8#) 2.Qg6+ Kf8 3.Rd8#. 635 Show/Hide Solution 450
1.Qxf6+ Rxf6 (1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.Rc8+ Rf8 3.Rxf8#. 636 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ gxh6 2.Bxd4+ Be5 (2...Rf6 3.Bxf6#) 3.Bxe5+ Rf6 4.Bxf6#. 637 451
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Re8+ Rf8 3.Rg7+ Kh8 4.Rxf8#. 638 Show/Hide Solution 452
1.Qxg7+ Bxg7 2.Rxd8+ Qe8 (2...Bf8 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rxe8+ Bf8 4.Rxf8#. 639 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Rb8+ Rf8 (2...Rg8 3.Rbxg8#) 3.Rxf8+ Rg8 4.Rgxg8#. 640 453
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Rc8+ Qd8 (2...Rf8 3.Rcxf8#) 3.Rxd8+ Rf8 4.Rdxf8#. 454
Show in Text Mode Chapter 14 Combinations In this chapter, we look at the deflection tactic in conjunction with all the other tactics that we studied in the previous chapters. The first puzzle is solved with a combination of two tactics, deflection and pawn promotion, used simultaneously. 641 Show/Hide Solution After the pretty 1.e8=N+! the black rook is forced to abandon its defense of the f7 square: 1...Rxe8 2.Qf7#. The next example is also solved in two moves. White simultaneously uses three tactics in one move: elimination, deflection and attraction. 455
642 Show/Hide Solution White checkmates with 1.Qxh6+!, and now, after 1...Kxh6 2.Rh8#, it turns out that white used attraction + elimination, while 1...gxh6 2.Rh8# involves elimination + deflection. To be fair, three tactics in a single move is not a record; there are quite a few puzzles that simultaneously use four or even five tactics! Finding such “simultaneous” moves in an actual game often brings both good results and aesthetic pleasure. 643 456
Show/Hide Solution The move 1.Rh8+! attracts the black king to a mating square after 1...Kxh8 2.Qh7# and deflects the black bishop in the line 1...Bxh8 2.Qh7+ Kf8 3.Qf7#. 644 457
Show/Hide Solution White wins with elimination: 1.Qxg7+! Rxg7, followed by deflection: 2.Nf7+! Rxf7 3.Rg8#. 645 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.exf8=Q#. 646 458
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Bxf8 2.Rh7#. 647 Show/Hide Solution 459
1.Qxh6+ gxh6 2.Rh7#. 648 Show/Hide Solution 1.g4+ hxg3+ 2.Nxg3#. 649 460
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc6+ bxc6 2.Ba6#. 650 Show/Hide Solution 461
1.Qxg6+ hxg6 (1...Bg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.h7#. 651 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh5+ gxh5 2.Nf5+ Kg6 3.Nf4#. 652 462
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf8 2.Qh8+ Bxh8 3.Nh7#. 653 Show/Hide Solution 463
1.Rxh6+ Bxh6 2.Qg6+ Kh8 3.Qxh6#. 654 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Kh7 2.Nf8+ Rxf8 3.R1g7#. 655 464
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Bxg7 2.f8=Q+ Bxf8 3.Rg8#. 656 Show/Hide Solution 465
1.Rf5+ Bxf5 (1...g5 2.Bf7#; 1...gxf5 2.Bf7#) 2.Be2+ Bg4 3.Bxg4#. 657 Show/Hide Solution 1.g4+ fxg3 (1...Ke5 2.Qd5#) 2.Qg4+ Ke5 3.Qe4#. 658 466
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd6+ Bxd6 2.Qg8+ Bf8 (2...Nf8 3.Qxf7#) 3.Qxf7#. 659 Show/Hide Solution 467
1.Rxg6+ fxg6 (1...hxg6 2.Qg7#) 2.Qh8+ Kxh8 3.Rxf8#. 660 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxe5+ Ne6 (1...fxe5 2.Qd6#) 2.Rxe6+ fxe6 3.Qg7#. 661 468
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Ng8 (1...Ne8 2.Rxe8#) 2.Rxg8+ Kxg8 3.Qf8#. 662 Show/Hide Solution 469
1.Qxc6+ Qxc6 (1...Nd6 2.Re7#; 1...Qd6 2.Qxd6+ Nxd6 3.Re7#) 2.Nd4+ Nxd4 3.Re7#. 663 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg8+ Kxg8 2.Qxd5+ cxd5 (2...Kh8 3.Qd8#; 2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Rc8#. 664 470
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8+ Ke7 3.Rxg7#) 2.Nxf6+ gxf6 (2...Kh6 3.Rh3#; 2...Kh8 3.Rh3#) 3.Rh3#. 665 471
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Nf8 (1...Nxd8 2.Re8#) 2.Qxf8+ Kxf8 3.Re8#. 666 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kh7 2.Rxh6+ Kxh6 (2...gxh6 3.Qg8#) 3.Qh8#. 667 472
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne6+ Qxe6 (1...fxe6 2.Qf8#; 1...Kg8 2.Qb8+ Qd8 3.Qxd8#; 1...Kh8 2.Qb8+ Qd8 3.Qxd8#) 2.Qh6+ Kxh6 (2...Kg8 3.Qf8#; 2...Kh8 3.Qf8#) 3.Bf8#. 668 473
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ fxe6 (1...Be7 2.Qxe7#) 2.f7+ Bxf7 3.Nf6#. 669 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kh8 2.Nf7+ Rxf7 3.Re8+ Rf8 4.Rxf8#. 670 474
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kf7 2.Bg6+ Rxg6 3.R1h7+ Rg7 4.Rxg7#. 671 Show/Hide Solution 475
1.Bxc7+ Rxc7 2.Qe8+ Kxe8 3.Rb8+ Rc8 4.Rxc8#. 672 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf7+ Kg5 (1...g6 2.Qxh7+ Kg4 (2...Kg5 3.Qh4#) 3.Qh4#; 1...Kg4 2.Qxg7+ Kf4 (2...Kh5 3.g4#) 3.Qg3+ Ke4 4.Qf3#) 2.Qxg7+ Kf4 (2...Kh5 3.g4#) 3.Qg3+ Ke4 4.Qf3#. 673 476
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh6+ Kxh6 (1...gxh6 2.Qh8+ Kg6 3.Qg7+ Kf5 (3...Kh5 4.Qg4#) 4.Qg4#) 2.Qh8+ Kg6 3.Qxg7+ Kf5 (3...Kh5 4.Qh7#) 4.Qg4#. 674 477
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ Kg8 (1...gxh6 2.Qh7#) 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 3.Qh1+ Kg8 4.Qh7#. 675 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8+ Rg8 3.Qxg8#) 2.Rh4+ Rh6 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rg7+ Kh8 4.Rxh6#. 676 478
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ gxf6 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Rg1+ Kh8 3.Qxh7+ Kxh7 4.Rh5#. 677 Show/Hide Solution 479
1.Nb6+ cxb6 2.Qxd7+ Rxd7 3.Rf8+ Kc7 (3...Rd8 4.Bxb7#) 4.Bb8#. 678 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Nxh7 2.Qg7#; 1...Kg8 2.Qxg5+ Kxh7 (2...Kf8 3.Qg7#) 3.Qg7#) 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qxg5+ Kf8 (3...Kh8 4.Qg7#; 3...Kh7 4.Qg7#) 4.Qg7#. 679 480
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg5+ Bxg5 (1...Kh8 2.Rxh7#; 1...Bg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Rxh7+ Kg8 4.Rag7#. 680 Show/Hide Solution 481
1.Qxg6+ fxg6 (1...Kh8 2.Qg7#) 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Rh7+ Kg8 4.Rbg7#. 681 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kg7 2.Bh6+ Kxh6 3.Qf8+ Kg5 4.Rf5+ gxf5 5.Qg7#. 682 482
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kg7 2.Rxg5+ hxg5 3.h6+ Kxh6 4.Qh8+ Rh7 5.Qxh7#. 683 Show/Hide Solution 483
1.Qe6+ Kxc7 (1...Kd8 2.Qe8+ Kxc7 3.Rb7#) 2.Rb7+ Kd8 3.Nc6+ Rxc6 (3...Nxc6 4.Rd7#) 4.Rb8+ Rc8 (4...Kc7 5.Qc8#) 5.Rxc8#. 684 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Rg7 (1...hxg6 2.Rh8+ Kg7 3.R1h7#; 1...Kh8 2.Rxh7+ Rxh7 3.Rxh7#) 2.Qxg7+ Kxg7 3.Rxh7+ Kg8 4.Rh8+ Kg7 5.R1h7#. 685 484
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf8 (1...Kf7 2.Bg6+ Kf8 3.Qh8+ Ke7 4.Qxg7#) 2.Qh8+ Kf7 3.Ng5+ hxg5 (3...Ke7 4.Qxg7+ Ke8 5.Bg6#) 4.Bg6+ Kxg6 (4...Ke7 5.Qxg7#) 5.Qh5#. 686 485
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ gxf6 (1...Kh8 2.Nxf7+ Rxf7 3.Rd8+ Rf8 4.Rxf8#) 2.Rg3+ Kh8 3.Nxf7+ Rxf7 4.Rd8+ Rf8 5.Rxf8#. 687 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Rxg6 (1...Kd8 2.Qxg8+ Bf8 (2...Be8 3.Qxe8#) 3.Qxf8+ Be8 4.Qxe8#) 2.Rh8+ Rg8 (2...Bf8 3.Rhxf8+ Ke7 4.R2f7#) 3.Rxg8+ Bf8 4.Rgxf8+ Ke7 5.R2f7#. 688 486
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Rc8+ Rd8 (2...Rf8 3.Rcxf8#; 2...Qe8 3.Rxe8+ Rf8 4.Rfxf8#) 3.Rxd8+ Qe8 (3...Rf8 4.Rdxf8#) 4.Rxe8+ Rf8 5.Rexf8#. 689 487
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 2.Rb8+ Qd8 (2...Kh7 3.Rh8#; 2...Rf8 3.Rbxf8+ Kh7 4.Rh8#) 3.Rxd8+ Rf8 (3...Kh7 4.Rh8#) 4.Rdxf8+ Kh7 5.Rh8#. 690 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Nxh6 2.Rh7+ Kg8 3.Rg1+ Ng4 (3...Qg5+ 4.Rxg5#) 4.Rxg4+ Qg5+ 5.Rxg5#. 691 488
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc4+ Qxc4 (1...d5 2.Qxd5#) 2.Rxd6+ Kf7 3.Rxf6+ Kg8 4.Nh6+ Kg7 5.Nh5#. 692 Show/Hide Solution 489
1.Rf8+ Bxf8 2.Bg5+ Be7 (2...Ke8 3.Qf7#) 3.Bxe7+ Kxe7 (3...Ke8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qf7+ Kd8 5.Qf8#. 693 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg3+ Rg4 (1...Kxh6 2.Rh1+ Rh4 3.Rxh4#) 2.Rg6+ Kxg6 (2...Kh5 3.Qxg4#) 3.Qxg4+ Kh7 4.Rh1+ Kg8 5.Qe6+ Kf8 6.Rh8#. 694 490
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Nxh8 2.Bh7+ Kxh7 3.Rh1+ Bh3 (3...Kg8 4.Rxh8#; 3...Kg6 4.Nf4+ Kg5 (4...Kf5 5.Rh5#) 5.Rh5#) 4.Rxh3+ Kg6 (4...Kg8 5.Rxh8#) 5.Nf4+ Kg5 (5...Kf5 6.Rh5#) 6.Rh5#. 695 491
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kh8 (1...gxf6 2.Qg4+ Kh8 3.Qg7#) 2.hxg7+ Kxg7 3.Qg4+ Kh8 (3...Kh6 4.Qg5#; 3...Kxf6 4.Qg5#) 4.Qh5+ Kg7 5.Qg5+ Kh8 6.Qh6#. 696 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxa7+ Bxa7 (1...Kxa7 2.Qa1+ Ba3 (2...Qa4 3.Qxa4#) 3.Qxa3+ Qa4 4.Qxa4#) 2.Nb6+ Bxb6 3.Qa1+ Ba7 (3...Qa4 4.Qxa4+ Ba7 (4...Ba5 5.Qxa5#) 5.Qxa7+ Kxa7 6.Ra1#; 3...Ba5 4.Qxa5#) 4.Qxa7+ Kxa7 5.Ra1+ Qa4 6.Rxa4#. 697 492
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Kh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qxf7#; 1...Kh8 2.Rxh6+ gxh6 3.Qf6+ Kh7 4.Qxf7+ Kh8 5.Ng6#) 2.Qf5+ Kh8 (2...g6 3.Qxf7+ Kh8 4.Nxg6#) 3.Rxh6+ gxh6 4.Qf6+ Kh7 5.Qxf7+ Kh8 6.Ng6#. 698 493
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ gxf5 (1...Kf8 2.Qb8+ Bd8 3.Qxd8#; 1...Kg8 2.Qe8#; 1...Kh8 2.Qe8#) 2.Rg1+ Kf8 (2...Kh6 3.Qxf6#; 2...Kh8 3.Qe8#) 3.Rg8+ Kxg8 4.Qe8+ Kg7 5.Qxf7+ Kh6 (5...Kh8 6.Qg8#) 6.Qxf6#. 494
Show in Text Mode Chapter 15 Blocking The next tactic we study is called “blocking”. In essence, you’re using sacrifices or threats to force one opposing piece to block the escape squares for another, more valuable piece that gets immediately attacked. In other words, blocking is a special case of deflection; the difference is that you deflect one piece and then attack another. In this chapter, we use blocking to deliver a forced checkmate to the king blocked by its own pieces. 699 Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qd8+? Kf7, the black king runs away, and white has no win. To prevent the black king from reaching f7, white has to play 1.Bh5+!, and after the forced 1...Rf7, he can give checkmate – 2.Qd8#. In this example, the black king was blocked by its own rook. 495
700 Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qe8+? Kg7 2.Qg8+ Kf6, white will have to fight for a draw. To win, he needs to use blocking: 1.Qe5+! Rg7, and now 2.Qe8+ with a quick checkmate – 2...Rg8 3.Qxg8#. Positions where you have to make sacrifices to get the opponent’s pieces to blocking squares are a good example of this tactic: 701 496
Show/Hide Solution The only winning move is 1.Rh4+! (not the immediate 1.g4+? due to 1...Kh4) 1.Rh4+! Bxh4 2.g4#. The h4 square was “fortunately” occupied by a black bishop. 702 497
Show/Hide Solution One of the most famous examples of blocking is smothered mate. In the initial position, 1.Nf7+ Kg8 gives nothing, and the only good move is to head back: 2.Nh6+ Kh8. White has a pretty win: 1.Qg8+!, and black gets checkmated by the knight from the f7 square next move: 1...Nxg8 2.Nf7# or 1...Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 703 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh5+ Bxh5 2.g5#. 704 498
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra3+ bxa3 2.b3#. 705 Show/Hide Solution 499
1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 706 Show/Hide Solution 1.e7+ Rxe7 2.Qh8#. 707 500
Show/Hide Solution 1.g5+ Rxg5 2.Qh8#. 708 Show/Hide Solution 501
1.Ra7+ Kh6 (1...Qe7 2.Rxe7+; 1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.g5+ Qxg5 (2...Kh5 3.Rh7#) 3.Qh8#. 709 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe7+ g5 2.Qe1#. 710 502
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bb5+ c6 2.Re7#. 711 Show/Hide Solution 503
1.Qd6+ Re7 2.Qh6+ Ke8 3.Rg8#. 712 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Bf8 (1...Ke7 2.Bxh4#) 2.Qg6+ Ke7 3.Bxh4#. 713 504
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb6+ Ka8 2.Qa6+ Qa7 3.Qc6+ Qb7 4.Qxb7#. 714 Show/Hide Solution 505
1.Qe5+ Bg7 2.Qb8+ Qd8 (2...Qc8 3.Qxc8+ Bf8 4.Qxf8#; 2...Qe8 3.Qxe8+ Bf8 4.Qxf8#; 2...Bf8 3.Qxf8#) 3.Qxd8+ Bf8 4.Qxf8#. 506
Show in Text Mode Chapter 16 Combinations In this chapter, we use the blocking tactic in conjunction with all other tactics that we studied in the previous chapters. 715 Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qg8+!, white simultaneously blocks the g8 square and vacates the h7 square for the knight: 1...Nxg8 2.Nh7#. 716 507
Show/Hide Solution The winning move is 1.Qxf8+!, and now black has a choice between 1...Kxf8 2.Rh8# and 1...Rxf8 2.Rag7#. In the first case, white uses elimination together with attraction, while in the second case, it’s elimination with blocking. 717 508
Show/Hide Solution White checkmates quickly with 1.Qxh7+!, with the following lines: 1...Kxh7 2.Rh3# or 1...Rxh7 2.Rxg8#. Interestingly, white’s first move combines five tactical patterns: elimination, attraction, deflection, blocking and vacating. The solution to the puzzle is very short and not that difficult. It’s usually much harder to calculate when you use even just two tactics in sequence: 718 Show/Hide Solution To win, white first uses deflection: 1.Rh5+! gxh5 2.Qg8+ Kh6, and then blocking: 3.Qh8+! Qh7 4.Qf8+ Qg7 5.Qxg7#. 719 509
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Bxf7 2.Nd7#. 720 Show/Hide Solution 510
1.h7+ Nxh7 2.Be6#. 721 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa7+ Bxa7 2.Nc7#. 722 511
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 723 Show/Hide Solution 512
1.Rc7+ Bxc7 2.Na7#. 724 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Bxh8 2.Nh6#. 725 513
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Nxf8 2.Nf6#. 726 Show/Hide Solution 514
1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 727 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 2.Ng6#. 728 515
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Rxh7 2.Ng6#. 729 Show/Hide Solution 516
1.Qxf7+ Nxf7 2.Ng6#. 730 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 731 517
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Nxg7 2.Nh6#. 732 Show/Hide Solution 518
1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Nf7#. 733 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb7+ Nxb7 2.Na6#. 734 519
Show/Hide Solution 1.g5+ Bxg5 (1...Kxg5 2.Qf4#) 2.Qh8#. 735 Show/Hide Solution 520
1.Rf8+ Kxf8 (1...Qxf8 2.Qe6#) 2.Qe8#. 736 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Nxh7 (1...Kxh7 2.Rh3#) 2.Ng6#. 737 521
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa6+ bxa6 2.Rxb8+ Ka7 3.R1b7#. 738 Show/Hide Solution 522
1.g4+ Kxh4 2.Qxg5+ Qxg5 3.Bf2#. 739 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Kh7 2.Rxh6+ gxh6 3.Qf7#. 740 523
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ gxh6 2.Qf7+ Bg7 3.Qxg7#. 741 Show/Hide Solution 524
1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 3.Rh1#. 742 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh6+ Kf5 2.Rf6+ Qxf6 3.Qe4#. 743 525
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc7+ Bxc7 2.Nd4+ Kc5 3.Rb5#. 744 Show/Hide Solution 526
1.Rh8+ Bxh8 2.Ne6+ Kg8 3.Nh6#. 745 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Nxg8 2.Rxh7+ Nxh7 3.g7#. 746 527
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng4+ Rxg4 2.Rf5+ Kxf5 3.Rd5#. 747 Show/Hide Solution 528
1.Ng5+ Rxg5 2.Rf6+ Kxf6 3.Rd6#. 748 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh4+ Bxh4 2.Bg7+ Kh5 3.g4#. 749 529
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kh8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 3.Nf7#. 750 Show/Hide Solution 530
1.Qg7+ Nxg7 2.Nh6+ Kh8 3.Ngxf7#. 751 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh5+ Rxh5 2.Rg6+ Kxg6 3.Re6#. 752 531
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kf8 2.Bc5+ Re7 3.Qh8#. 753 Show/Hide Solution 532
1.Rg6+ fxg6 (1...Nxg6 2.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (2...Kxf7 3.Rh7#) 3.Ne6#; 1...Kxg6 2.Qg2+ Kf5 3.Rh5#) 2.Qf7+ Kxf7 (2...Rxf7 3.Ne6#) 3.Rh7#. 754 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Qxh8 (1...Kxh8 2.Qxf8#; 1...Kg7 2.Qxf8#) 2.Qe6+ Kg7 3.Qf7#. 755 533
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ fxg6 (1...Kh8 2.Re8#; 1...Kf8 2.Re8#) 2.Re8+ Kg7 (2...Kf7 3.R1e7#; 2...Kh7 3.R1e7#) 3.R1e7#. 756 534
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Kf7 (1...Rxd8 2.Nc7+ Kf7 3.Qe6#) 2.Ng5+ Kg8 (2...Kf6 3.Qe6#) 3.Qe6#. 757 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Nxf8 (1...Qxf8 2.Qh7#; 1...Kg7 2.Qh8#) 2.Rxf8+ Qxf8 (2...Kg7 3.Qh8#; 2...Kxf8 3.Qh8#) 3.Qh7#. 758 535
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh6+ Kxh6 (1...gxh6 2.Qg8#) 2.Qh8+ Kg6 3.Qh5#. 759 Show/Hide Solution 536
1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Re8+ Rf8 3.Rxf8#. 760 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb8+ Qxb8 2.Qxc6+ Kd8 (2...Qc7 3.Qxc7#) 3.Qd7#. 761 537
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Bxf8 (1...Kxf8 2.Rd8#; 1...Kh7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 762 Show/Hide Solution 538
1.Qg7+ Kh5 2.Qxg6+ hxg6 (2...Kh4 3.Qxg5#) 3.Rh8#. 763 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kh8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 (2...Nxg8 3.Nf7#) 3.Nf7#. 764 539
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ hxg6 (1...Qg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.h7+ Kf7 3.Ng5#. 765 Show/Hide Solution 540
1.Rxc8+ Kb6 (1...Bxc8 2.Qd6#) 2.Qc5+ Ka6 3.Ra8#. 766 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kh8 (1...Kxh6 2.Bf8#; 1...Kg8 2.Qf8#; 1...Kf7 2.Qf8#) 2.Qf8+ Bg8 3.Qxf6#. 767 541
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Bf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qc8+ Be8 3.Qxe8#; 1...Kf8 2.Bc5#) 2.Qc8+ Be8 3.Qxe8#. 768 Show/Hide Solution 542
1.Bg8+ Kxg8 (1...Qxg8 2.Qh3+ Bh5 3.Qxh5#; 1...Kh6 2.Qxg5#) 2.Qxg6+ Qg7 3.Qxg7#. 769 Show/Hide Solution 1.g6+ Kh8 2.g7+ Kh7 3.Rxh6+ Rxh6 4.Ng5#. 770 543
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Rxg7 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Rd8+ Rg8 4.Rxg8#. 771 Show/Hide Solution 544
1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Nh6+ Kh8 3.Rxf8+ Rg8 4.Rxg8#. 772 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ gxh6 2.Qe8+ Bg6 3.Qe5+ Bf5 4.Qxf5#. 773 545
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe5+ Kxe5 (1...fxe5 2.Rg6#) 2.Re7+ Qe6 3.f4+ Ke4 4.Rxe6#. 774 Show/Hide Solution 546
1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1...Rxg8 2.Nf7#) 2.Rbxg7+ Kh8 3.Rg8+ Rxg8 4.Nf7#. 775 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nb6+ Kxc7 2.Rxc6+ bxc6 (2...Kxc6 3.Qc5#; 2...Kd8 3.Qa8#; 2...Kb8 3.Qa8#) 3.Qa7+ Kd8 4.Qb8#. 776 547
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Kh7 (1...Qxd8 2.Qe6+ Kh7 3.Rh6+ gxh6 4.Qf7#) 2.Qe4+ Qf5 (2...g6 3.Qxg6#) 3.Qxf5+ g6 4.Qxg6#. 777 548
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Nxg7 (1...Kf8 2.Qxf6+ Qf7 3.Qxf7#) 2.Nh6+ Kf8 3.Qxf6+ Qf7 4.Qxf7#. 778 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf7+ Rxf7 (1...Qe6 2.Bxe6+ Rd5 3.Bxd5#; 1...Rd5 2.Bxd5#) 2.Nd6+ Bxd6 3.Rd4+ Nxd4 4.Na5#. 779 549
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb7+ Rxb7 (1...Ka8 2.Rg8+ Rd8 3.Rxd8#) 2.Nxc6+ Ka8 3.Rg8+ Rb8 4.Rxb8#. 780 Show/Hide Solution 550
1.f6+ Kg8 (1...Bxf6 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Qh7#; 1...Nxf6 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Qh8#; 1...Qxf6 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Qh7#) 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 3.Qh6+ Kg8 4.Qg7#. 781 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bh6+ Kg8 (2...Bg7 3.Re8#) 3.Re8+ Qf8 4.Rxf8#. 782 551
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh4+ g5 (1...Ke6 2.Qe7#) 2.Qh6+ Rg6 3.Qxg6+ Kxg6 4.R1h6#. 783 Show/Hide Solution 552
1.Qf8+ Rxf8 (1...Kh7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Ne7+ Kh7 3.Rh4+ Qh5 4.Rxh5#. 784 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne7+ Bxe7 2.Rc5+ Bxc5 3.Be4+ Nxe4 (3...Nd5 4.Bxd5#) 4.d5#. 785 553
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Qxg8 (1...Rxg8 2.Qxd4+ Qxd4 (2...Qe5 3.Nf7#; 2...Rg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Nf7#) 2.Qxd4+ Rf6 (2...Qg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Qxf6+ Qg7 4.Qxg7#. 786 554
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxc6+ Nxc6 (1...Kxc6 2.Rb6#) 2.Qc5+ Ke6 3.Qxc6+ Rd6 4.Qxe8#. 787 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe5+ f6 (1...Kh7 2.Rh8#) 2.Qc7+ Rd7 (2...Qe7 3.Qxe7#) 3.Qxd7+ Qe7 4.Qxe7#. 788 555
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kh7 2.Rh6+ gxh6 3.g6+ Kg7 4.Qf7+ Kh8 5.Qh7#. 789 Show/Hide Solution 556
1.f5+ Nxf5 2.Qf7+ Kd6 3.Qxd5+ Kxd5 4.Bc4+ Kd6 5.Nxe4#. 790 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxb7+ Rxb7 2.Qe8+ Rb8 3.Qc6+ Rb7 4.Qc8+ Rb8 5.Qxa6#. 791 557
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kg8 2.Nf6+ Kf8 3.e7+ Nxe7 4.Rf7+ Nxf7 5.Ne6#. 792 Show/Hide Solution 558
1.Rg2+ Qg3 (1...Kh7 2.Rh1+ Qh3 3.Rxh3#; 1...Kf8 2.Nd7+ Rxd7 3.Re8+ Kxe8 4.Rg8#; 1...Kh8 2.Rh1+ Qh3 3.Rxh3#) 2.Rxg3+ Kf8 (2...Kh7 3.Rh1#; 2...Kh8 3.Rh1#) 3.Nd7+ Rxd7 4.Re8+ Kxe8 5.Rg8#. 793 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Bd6+ Rae7 (4...Ree7 5.Qh8#) 5.Qh8#. 794 559
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Bxc8 (1...Nb8 2.Nc7#) 2.Nc7+ Kb8 (2...Kb7 3.a6+ Kb8 4.Nc6#) 3.Nc6+ Kb7 4.a6+ Kxc6 5.b5#. 795 560
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re7+ Qxe7 (1...Kf8 2.Qxd8+ Ne8 3.Qxe8#) 2.Qb8+ Kd7 (2...Qd8 3.Qxd8#) 3.Qc7+ Ke8 4.Qc8+ Qd8 5.Qxd8#. 796 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1...Rxg8 2.Nf7#) 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Nf7+ Rxf7 4.Rc8+ Rf8 5.Rxf8#. 797 561
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng5+ hxg5 2.Bg6+ Rxg6 (2...Kh6 3.Rh1#) 3.Rh1+ Rh6 4.Rxh6+ gxh6 (4...Kxh6 5.Rh1#) 5.Qf7#. 798 562
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Bxc8 (1...Rf8 2.Qxg7#; 1...Kf7 2.Qc7+ Bd7 3.Qxd7#) 2.Qe8+ Rf8 3.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (3...Kh8 4.Rh7+ Kg8 5.Qg6#) 4.Qg6+ Kh8 5.Qh7#. 799 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd5+ Qe6 2.Qb7+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Qg7#) 3.f7+ Kd8 (3...Qxf7 4.Qc8#) 4.f8=Q+ Qe8 5.Bb6#. 800 563
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qg5+ Qg6 3.Qe5+ Qf6 (3...Kg8 4.Qh8#) 4.Qxf6+ Kg8 5.Qh8#. 801 Show/Hide Solution 564
1.Qxg7+ Nxg7 2.Nf6+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Rxh7#) 3.Nxh7+ Ke8 (3...Kg8 4.Nf6+ Kf8 5.Rh8#) 4.Nf6+ Kf8 5.Rh8#. 802 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re7+ Kf6 (1...Kf8 2.Qd8+ Qe8 3.Qxe8#; 1...Kh8 2.Qh7#; 1...Rf7 2.Rxf7+ Kh8 3.Qh7#) 2.Rf7+ Ke5 3.Qe3+ Qe4 (3...Kd6 4.Qe7#) 4.Qc5+ Qd5 5.Qxd5#. 803 565
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa8+ Nb8 2.Rxd8+ Kxd8 (2...Rxd8 3.Qxb7+ Kxb7 4.Ra7+ Kc8 5.Rc7#) 3.Qxb8+ Kd7 (3...Ke7 4.Qd6#) 4.Qd6+ Kc8 5.Ra8#. 804 566
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Rc8 (1...Qd8 2.Qxd8+ Rc8 3.Qd6+ Ka8 (3...Rc7 4.Qxc7+ Ka8 5.Qc8#) 4.Qa3+ Kb8 5.Qa7#) 2.Qd6+ Ka8 (2...Rc7 3.Qxc7+ Ka8 4.Qc8#) 3.Qa3+ Qa4 (3...Kb8 4.Qa7#) 4.Qxa4+ Kb8 5.Qa7#. 805 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ gxf6 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qxh7+ (2.Rg1+ Kh8 3.Qxh7+) 2...Kxh7 3.Rh1+ Kg6 (3...Kg7 4.Rag1#; 3...Kg8 4.Rag1#) 4.Rag1+ Kf5 5.Rh5#. 806 567
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg6#) 2.Qf6+ Kg8 3.Qxg6+ Kf8 4.Be7+ Kxe7 (4...Rxe7 5.Rc8+ Re8 6.Rxe8#) 5.Qg7+ Kd8 6.Rc8#. 807 568
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ hxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Rxf8#) 2.Rxf8+ Kh7 3.Qh6+ gxh6 (3...Kxh6 4.Rh8#) 4.Rxb7+ Bd7 (4...Ne7 5.Rxe7#) 5.Rxd7+ Ne7 6.Rxe7#. 808 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd5+ Kxd5 (1...Bxd5 2.Bb5+ Kc5 3.b4#) 2.Bxc4+ Kc6 (2...Kc5 3.b4+ Kc6 4.Bb5+ Kd5 5.e4+ Ke6 6.Bc4#) 3.Bb5+ Kc5 (3...Kd5 4.e4+ Kc5 (4...Ke6 5.Bc4#) 5.b4#) 4.b4+ Kd5 5.e4+ Ke6 6.Bc4#. 809 569
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra1+ Kb6 2.Nd5+ Kc5 3.Rc1+ Kxd5 4.Re5+ dxe5 5.Rc5+ Rxc5 6.Qd7#. 810 Show/Hide Solution 570
1.Rh7+ Kxh7 (1...Qxh7 2.Qf6+ Qg7 3.Qxg7#) 2.Qxa7+ Qb7 (2...Kh8 3.Qg7#; 2...Rd7 3.Qxd7+ Bf7 (3...Kh8 4.Qg7#) 4.Qxf7+ Kh8 5.Qg7#; 2...Bf7 3.Qxf7+ Kh8 4.Qg7#) 3.Qxb7+ Rd7 (3...Bf7 4.Qxf7+ Kh8 5.Qg7#; 3...Kh8 4.Qg7#) 4.Qxd7+ Bf7 (4...Kh8 5.Qg7#) 5.Qxf7+ Kh8 6.Qg7#. 811 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc7+ Rxc7 (1...Ke8 2.Bxd7+ Kf7 (2...Kf8 3.Qxc8+ Kf7 4.Be6#) 3.Be6+ Kf8 (3...Ke8 4.Qxc8#) 4.Qxc8#) 2.Ra8+ Rc8 (2...Nb8 3.Rxb8+ Rc8 4.Ne6#) 3.Ne6+ Ke8 4.Rxc8+ Kf7 5.Rf8+ Nxf8 6.Nd8#. 812 571
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh4+ Kg7 2.Qd4+ Kg8 (2...Kh6 3.Qf4+ Kg7 (3...g5 4 .Qxg5#) 4.Qe5+ Kh6 (4...Kg8 5.Qxb8+ Kg7 6.Qf8#) 5.Rh5+ gxh5 6.Qf6#) 3.Qd5+ Kg7 (3...Kh8 4.Qe5+ Kg8 5.Qxb8+ Kg7 6.Qf8#) 4.Qe5+ Kh6 (4...Kg8 5.Qxb8+ Kg7 6.Qf8#) 5.Rh5+ gxh5 6.Qf6#. 813 572
Show/Hide Solution 1.b8=Q+ Qf8 2.Qb3+ Kh8 (2...Qf7+ 3.Qxf7+ Kh8 4.Qh7#) 3.Qh3+ Qh6+ (3...Kg8 4.Qh7#) 4.Qxh6+ Kg8 5.Qh7+ Kf8 6.Qf7#. 814 573
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Qh7 2.Qxf6+ Kxh5 3.Be2+ g4 (3...Kh4 4.g3+ Kh3 5.Qe6+ g4 (5...Qf5 6.Qh6#) 6.Bxg4#) 4.Bxg4+ Kxg4 5.f3+ Kh5 (5...Kg3 6.Qg5#) 6.g4#. 574
Show in Text Mode Chapter 17 Seizing the square Chapter 17 is concerned with the tactic called “seizing the square”, which can be considered a special case of elimination, which we covered in chapter 9. The essence of this tactic is getting one of your pieces to a desired square despite the opponent’s defensive efforts. One of the pieces usually gets sacrificed on the key square, and another one then seizes it with a decisive effect. 815 Show/Hide Solution In the first example, the key h6 square is defended by the g7 pawn. But this cannot stop white from seizing it: 1.Rxh6+! gxh6 2.Qxh6#. The g7 pawn was essentially eliminated by the rook, and then the white queen delivered the checkmate. Seizing the square is a standard way to make your pawns more useful. Pawns capture pieces diagonally, which, in favorable circumstances, allows you to seize an important square 575
816 Show/Hide Solution It seems that the black king is well-defended, but there follows 1.Qf5+! Nxf5 2.exf5#. Declining the sacrifice doesn’t prolong the struggle: 1...Kh6 2.Qxf6#. In practice, seizing the square is most often used when one side had already built a battery out of a pair of their pieces: 817 576
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qg7+! Bxg7 2.fxg7#, black gets checkmated by a pawn. The win was brought by a battery built along the g-file and the timely seizing of the g7 square. The black bishop got eliminated in the process. 818 577
Show/Hide Solution Seizing the square can work diagonally as well. White delivers a quick checkmate with 1.Qh6+! Rxh6 2.Bxh6#. In this position, a diagonal battery allowed white to seize the h6 square despite the presence of a black rook. 819 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ fxg6 2.fxg6#. 820 578
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ hxg6 2.Bxg6#. 821 Show/Hide Solution 579
1.Qg5+ Nxg5 2.hxg5#. 822 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ fxg6 2.hxg6#. 823 580
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf5+ gxf5 2.Rxf5#. 824 Show/Hide Solution 581
1.Qf8+ Rxf8 2.Rxf8#. 825 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 2.Rxe8#. 826 582
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 2.Rxf7#. 827 Show/Hide Solution 583
1.Qg3+ Nxg3 2.hxg3#. 828 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe5+ Rxe5 2.fxe5#. 829 584
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Bxg6 2.fxg6#. 830 Show/Hide Solution 585
1.Bg5+ hxg5 2.hxg5#. 831 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kf6 2.Rf8+ Bxf8 3.Qxf8#. 832 586
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa7+ Kc8 2.Qa8+ Bxa8 3.Rxa8#. 833 Show/Hide Solution 587
1.Qd8+ Kh7 2.g6+ fxg6 3.hxg6#. 834 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kh6 2.Qh8+ Nxh8 3.Rxh8#. 835 588
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb7+ Bxb7 2.cxb7+ Kb8 3.Nd7#. 836 Show/Hide Solution 589
1.Qf7+ Bxf7 2.exf7+ Kf8 3.Bc5#. 837 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Bxh8 2.Rxh8+ Kg7 3.Bf6#. 838 590
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Rxg7 2.fxg7+ Kg8 3.Re8#. 839 Show/Hide Solution 591
1.Rf8+ Bxf8 (1...Ke6 2.Qe7#) 2.Qxf8+ Ke6 3.Qe7#. 840 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Bxe8 (1...Kh7 2.Qh8#) 2.Rxe8+ Kh7 3.Rh8#. 841 592
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb5+ axb5 (1...Kc7 2.Nd5#) 2.Bxb5+ Kc7 3.Nd5#. 842 Show/Hide Solution 593
1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Kh7 2.g6#) 2.Rxe8+ Kh7 3.g6#. 843 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Kg7 2.h6#) 2.Rxe8+ Kg7 3.h6#. 844 594
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Ng5#) 2.Qxh8+ Kf7 3.Ng5#. 845 Show/Hide Solution 595
1.Qxf7+ Nxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Bf6#) 2.Rxf7+ Kh8 3.Bf6#. 846 Show/Hide Solution 1.f5+ gxf5 (1...Kd6 2.Rd7#) 2.exf5+ Kd6 3.Rd7#. 847 596
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Bxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6#) 2.Rxf7+ Kh8 3.Ng6#. 848 Show/Hide Solution 597
1.Rg6+ Bxg6 2.Rxg6+ Kh7 3.Ng5+ Kh8 4.Bc3#. 849 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf7+ Kh8 2.Qxf8+ Bxf8 3.Rxf8+ Kg7 4.Nxe6#. 850 598
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Rxh7 (1...Ke8 2.Nf6+ Kf8 3.Nxe6#; 1...Kf8 2.Nxe6+ Ke8 3.Nf6#) 2.Rxh7+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Nf6+ Kf8 4.Nxe6#; 2...Kf8 3.Nxe6+ Kg8 4.Nf6#) 3.Nf6+ Kd8 (3...Kf8 4.Nxe6#) 4.Nxe6#. 851 599
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Bxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Bh5#) 2.Rxh8+ Kg7 (2...Kf7 3.Bh5+ Kg7 4.Rg8#) 3.Rg8+ Kf7 4.Bh5#. 852 Show/Hide Solution 600
1.Re8+ Rxe8 2.Qxe8+ Kg7 (2...Kh7 3.Qg6#) 3.Nf5+ Kh7 4.Qf7#. 853 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh6+ Kh8 (1...Kg7 2.Qf6#) 2.Qf8+ Rxf8 3.Rxf8+ Kg7 4.Rg8#. 854 601
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg6+ Kg7 (1...Kf8 2.Qe8+ Rxe8 (2...Kg7 3.Nf5#) 3.Rxe8+ Kg7 4.Nf5#; 1...Kg8 2.Qe8+ Rxe8 (2...Kg7 3.Nf5#) 3.Rxe8+ Kg7 4.Nf5#) 2.Nf5+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qe8+ Rxe8 4.Rxe8#; 2...Kg8 3.Qe8+ Rxe8 4.Rxe8#) 3.Qe8+ Rxe8 4.Rxe8#. 602
Show in Text Mode Chapter 18 Combinations In this chapter, we use the seizing-the-square tactic in conjunction with the other tactics that we studied in the previous chapters. 855 Show/Hide Solution The decisive blow consists of elimination + deflection: 1.Qxh6+! Black is forced to capture with 1...Bxh6 and gets checkmated after 2.Rg8+! Qxg8 3.Rxg8#. 856 603
Show/Hide Solution White’s first move is 1.Nxf5+! Now, after 1...exf5, white checkmates with 2.Be5+ Ke6 3.Nc5#, or after 1...Rxf5, he seizes the square: 2.Be5+! Rxe5 3.fxe5#. 857 604
Show/Hide Solution In the third example, white uses “attraction + elimination”: 1.Qxa7+! Kxa7 2.Ra5+ Kb8, and then “seizing the square + pawn promotion”: 3.Ra8+! Nxa8 4.bxa8=Q#. The last combination of tactics should attract particular attention, because it’s often used when a pawn reaches the penultimate rank. 858 Show/Hide Solution In the final example, seizing the square is the first tactic used: 1.Qe8+! Rxe8 2.Rxe8+ Kg7, and then the last part of the combination follows: 3.Bh6+! Kxh6 4.g5+ Kg7 5.f6#. 3...Kf6 4.Bg5+ Kg7 5.f6# is no better. After 1...Kg7, play is analogous to the main line: 2.Bh6+! Kxh6 3.g5+ Kg7 4.f6#. 859 605
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ fxg6 2.fxg6#. 860 Show/Hide Solution 606
1.Bh7+ Nxh7 (1...Kh8 2.Nxf7#) 2.Qxh7#. 861 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 2.Rd7+ Qxd7 3.Rxd7#. 862 607
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Nxg8 2.Bg7+ Bxg7 3.hxg7#. 863 Show/Hide Solution 608
1.Qxf8+ Rxf8 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Rxf8#. 864 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb6+ Bxb6 2.axb6+ Kxb6 3.Be3#. 865 609
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Rxh7 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 3.Qh6#. 866 Show/Hide Solution 610
1.Qf6+ Rxf6 2.exf6+ Kg6 3.Rg8#. 867 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Nxh7 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 3.Rh1#. 868 611
Show/Hide Solution 1.f4+ Qxf4 (1...Kh6 2.Qh8#; 1...gxf3 2.Qh4#; 1...Kh5 2.Qh8#) 2.gxf4+ Kf5 (2...Kh6 3.Qh8#; 2...Kh5 3.Qh8#; 2...Kh4 3.Qh8#) 3.Qe5#. 869 612
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ exf6 (1...Kg8 2.Qg7#) 2.Rxe8+ Bxe8 3.Rxe8#. 870 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Rxg8 2.Rxg8+ Kxg8 3.Rc8#. 871 613
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxc6+ Ka8 (1...bxc6 2.Qxa6#) 2.Rxa6+ bxa6 3.Qxa6#. 872 Show/Hide Solution 614
1.Qxe5+ dxe5 (1...f6 2.Bxf6+ Rxf6 3.Qxf6#; 1...Kg8 2.Nh6#) 2.Bf6+ Kg8 3.Nh6#. 873 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd5+ Qxd5 (1...Rxd5 2.Rc8+ Qxc8 3.Rxc8#; 1...Kb8 2.Qb7#; 1...Qc6 2.Qxd8#) 2.Rc8+ Rxc8 3.Rxc8#. 874 615
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Rxg8 (1...Nxg8 2.Qxg8+ Rxg8 3.Rxg8#) 2.Qxg8+ Nxg8 3.Rxg8#. 875 Show/Hide Solution 616
1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Ng8 2.Nf7#) 2.Rxe8+ Ng8 3.Nf7#. 876 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Bxd8 (1...Qe8 2.Qxe8#; 1...Nxd8 2.Rf8#) 2.Rxd8+ Nxd8 (2...Qe8 3.Rxe8#) 3.Rf8#. 877 617
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg6+ Kg5 2.h4+ gxh3 3.f4+ Qxf4+ 4.exf4#. 878 Show/Hide Solution 618
1.Rg8+ Qxg8 2.Qg7+ Qxg7 3.fxg7+ Kg8 4.Ne7#. 879 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Rxg7 2.fxg7+ Kg8 3.Rf8+ Qxf8 4.gxf8=Q#. 880 619
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc7+ Bxc7 2.Rxc7+ Kb8 3.Bxa7+ Ka8 4.Nb6#. 881 Show/Hide Solution 620
1.Rg8+ Rxg8 2.Rxg8+ Kxg8 3.Qa8+ Re8 4.Qxe8#. 882 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg5+ Kxg5 2.Qg7+ Kh5 3.g4+ fxg4+ 4.Qxg4#. 883 621
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Nxf6 (1...Kf8 2.Rh8#) 2.Bc5+ Qxc5 3.gxf6+ Kf8 4.Rh8#. 884 Show/Hide Solution 622
1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Ng8 2.Rxg8+ Kxg8 3.Qh8+ Bxh8 4.Rxh8#) 2.Qxh8+ Ng8 3.Qxg8+ Kxg8 4.Rh8#. 885 Show/Hide Solution 1.Be6+ Rxe6 (1...Kh8 2.Qf8+ Nxf8 3.Rxf8#; 1...Rf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qg8#) 2.Qf7+ Kh8 3.Qf8+ Nxf8 4.Rxf8#. 886 623
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Nxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6#; 1...Rxf7 2.Qxf7+ Nxf7 3.Rxf7+ Kh8 4.Ng6#) 2.Qxf7+ Rxf7 3.Rxf7+ Kh8 4.Ng6#. 887 624
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Kf8 2.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (2...Nxf7 3.Rxf7+ Rxf7 4.Rxf7#) 3.Rxf7+ Nxf7 4.Rxf7#. 888 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Nf7 (1...Rxe6 2.Rf8#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxe8+ Bxe8 3.Rf8#) 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qf8+ Rxf8 4.Rxf8#. 889 625
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#; 1...Kf8 2.Rxf7+ Qxf7 (2...Kg8 3.Qxh7#) 3.Qxf7#) 2.Bh6+ Kxh6 (2...Kh8 3.Qf6+ Kg8 4.Qg7#; 2...Kg8 3.Qg5+ Kh8 4.Qg7#) 3.Qf6+ Kh5 4.g4#. 890 626
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg6+ Bxg6 (1...Kh8 2.Rxh6+ gxh6 3.Qxh6#) 2.fxg6+ Kh8 3.Rxh6+ gxh6 4.Qxh6#. 891 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kh8 2.Qf8+ Rxf8 (2...Kh7 3.Rf7#) 3.Rxf8+ Kg7 (3...Kh7 4.R1f7#) 4.R1f7#. 892 627
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Qxh8 (1...Kg7 2.Qh7#) 2.Rxh8+ Kg7 (2...Kxh8 3.Qh7#; 2...Bxh8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qxh8#) 3.Qh7+ Kf6 4.Qh6#. 893 628
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Bxe8 (1...Rxe8 2.Rxe8+ Bxe8 3.Qxe8#) 2.Rxe8+ Kf7 (2...Rxe8 3.Qxe8#) 3.Bg6+ Kf6 4.Qf5#. 894 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Kb7 2.Nd6+ Ka6 3.Qa4+ Na5 4.Qb5+ Nxb5 5.cxb5#. 895 629
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf6+ Kxf6 (1...Ke8 2.Rg8#; 1...Kf8 2.Rg8#) 2.Rg6+ fxg6 (2...Ke7 3.f6+ Kf8 (3...Ke8 4.Rg8#) 4.Rg8#) 3.Rxg6+ Ke7 4.f6+ Kf8 (4...Ke8 5.Rg8#) 5.Rg8#. 896 630
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc7+ Ka5 2.Rb5+ Ka4 3.Ra3+ Nxa3 4.b3+ Bxb3 5.axb3#. 897 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb7+ Ka8 (1...Nxb7 2.Nba6+ Ka8 3.cxb7#) 2.Rb8+ Kxb8 3.Nba6+ (3.Nca6+ Ka8 4.Nc7+ Kb8 5.Nba6#) 3...Ka8 4.Nc7+ Kb8 5.N5a6#. 898 631
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kg8 2.Bxh7+ Nxh7 3.Qg6+ Kf8 4.Nxh7+ Ke7 5.Qxf6#. 899 Show/Hide Solution 632
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Rd8+ Ke7 (2...Kg7 3.Rg8#; 2...Ne8 3.Rxe8+ Kg7 4.Rg8#) 3.Ng8+ Ke6 4.R8d6+ Rxd6 5.Rxd6#. 900 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Kf7 (1...Qe8 2.Rdxe8+ Kf7 3.Bg6+ hxg6 4.hxg6#) 2.Re7+ Rxe7 (2...Kf6 3.Rf8#) 3.Bd5+ Kf6 (3...Re6 4.Rf8#) 4.Rf8+ Rf7 5.Rxf7#. 901 633
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Bxd8 (1...Qe8 2.Qxe8+ Kh7 3.Qxf7#; 1...Kh7 2.Qh8+ Kg6 3.Qg7#) 2.Rxd8+ Qe8 (2...Kh7 3.Rh8+ Kg6 4.h5#) 3.Rxe8+ Kh7 4.Rh8+ Kg6 5.h5#. 902 634
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kg8 (1...Bxg6 2.fxg6+ Kg8 3.Rb8+ Qxb8 (3...Qc8 4.Rxc8#; 3...Qd8 4.Rxd8#) 4.Rxb8#) 2.Qxe8+ Kh7 3.Qg6+ Kg8 4.Rb8+ Qxb8 (4...Qd8 5.Rxd8#; 4...Qc8 5.Rxc8#) 5.Rxb8#. 903 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kh5 2.Re5+ f5 (2...g5 3.Rxg5#) 3.Rxf5+ gxf5 (3...g5 4 .Rxg5#) 4.Qxf5+ Kh6 5.Qg5#. 904 635
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd5+ Kf6 2.Bg5+ Nxg5 (2...Kg6 3.Bf7+ Kh7 4.Qf5#) 3.hxg5+ Kg6 (3...Ke7 4.Qd7+ Kf8 5.Qf7#) 4.Bf7+ Kh7 5.Qf5#. 905 636
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf4+ e5 (1...Ne5 2.Bxe5#) 2.Bxe5+ Nxe5 (2...Ke6 3.Rxc6+ Bd6 4.Rxd6#) 3.dxe5+ Ke6 4.Rc6+ Bd6 5.Rxd6#. 906 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne5+ Kb5 2.Bc4+ Ka4 (2...Ka5 3.Bb4+ Ka4 4.b3+ Bxb3 5.axb3#) 3.b3+ Bxb3 (3...Ka5 4.Bb4#) 4.axb3+ Ka5 5.Bb4#. 907 637
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb7+ Rxb7 2.cxb7+ Kxb7 (2...Ka7 3.b8=Q+ Kxb8 4.Rc8+ Ka7 (4...Kb7 5.R2c7#) 5.R2c7#; 2...Kb8 3.Rc8+ Kxb7 (3...Ka7 4.b8=Q#) 4.R2c7#) 3.Rc7+ Kb8 (3...Ka8 4.Rc8+ Kb7 (4...Ka7 5.R2c7#) 5.R2c7#) 4.Rc8+ Ka7 (4...Kb7 5.R2c7#) 5.R2c7#. 908 638
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Bxd8 2.Rxd8+ Kxd8 (2...Ke7 3.Bd6+ Kxd8 4.Qxf8+ Kd7 5.Qe7#) 3.Qxf8+ Kd7 4.Qxf7+ Kd8 5.Bc7#. 909 639
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Rxg8 2.Rxg8+ Kxg8 3.Qa8+ Bd8 (3...Kf7 4.Qf8#) 4.Qxd8+ Kf7 5.Qf8#. 910 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe5+ Kxe5 (1...Bxe5 2.e4+ dxe4 3.g4+ hxg4+ 4.fxg4#) 2.d4+ Kf5 3.e4+ dxe4 4.g4+ hxg4+ 5.fxg4#. 911 640
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Kxh7 (1...Rxg8 2.hxg8=Q#) 2.Qh6+ Kxh6 3.Rh1+ Rh3 (3...Qh4 4.Rxh4#) 4.Rxh3+ Qh4 5.Rxh4#. 912 641
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxa6+ bxa6 2.Qb8+ Ka5 3.b4+ Ka4 (3...Qxb4 4.Qxb4#) 4.Bb3+ Rxb3 5.cxb3#. 913 Show/Hide Solution 1.g6+ Kh8 2.g7+ Kh7 3.Nf8+ Rxf8+ 4.gxf8=N+ Kh8 5.Bc3+ Qxc3 (5...e5 6.Bxe5#) 6.Rxh6#. 914 642
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ gxh6 2.Rxh6+ Kg7 3.Rh7+ Kf8 4.Rh8+ Kg7 5.Rg8+ Kh6 6.g5#. 915 Show/Hide Solution 643
1.Qh6+ Kxh6 2.Nhf5+ Bxf5 3.Nxf5+ Kh5 4.Rh3+ Kg4 (4...Nh4 5.Rxh4+ Kg6 6.Rh6#) 5.Rg3+ Kh5 6.Bd1#. 916 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxe6+ Rxe6 (1...Kh8 2.Qxg7+ Nxg7 3.Bxg7#; 1...Kf8 2.Qxg7+ Nxg7 3.Bxg7#) 2.Qxe6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Bxg7+ Nxg7 4.Rxd8+ Ne8 (4...Nf8 5.Rxf8#) 5.Rxe8+ Nf8 6.Rxf8#. 917 644
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc6+ Ke8 (1...Kc8 2.Nb6+ Kb7 3.Qa7#; 1...Kd7 2.Nb6+ Ke8 3.Qa8+ Nxa8 4.Rxa8#) 2.Qa8+ Nxa8 (2...Kd7 3.Nb6#) 3.Rxa8+ Kd7 4.Ra7+ Ke8 (4...Kc8 5.Nxd6#) 5.Nxd6+ Kf8 6.Rxf7#. 918 645
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qxh8+ Kf7 3.Rxg7#; 1...Kf7 2.Qxg7+ Ke8 3.Nf6#) 2.Rxg7+ Rxg7 3.Nf6+ Kg6 4.Bh5+ Kf5 5.g4+ Rxg4 6.hxg4#. 646
Show in Text Mode Part 4 Piece Opposition The fourth part of this book describes the opposition of black and white pieces along the same line, which gives rise to additional opportunities. For instance, when two long-range pieces oppose each other, a comparatively rare situation occurs, which is called “X-ray”. The opposition of a long-range piece with a king occurs much more often, and it’s covered in the remaining chapters. This includes such tactics as “pin”, “discovered check” and “interference”. This part also covers double checks and windmills, which are special cases of discovered check. These tactics don’t usually occur in games on their own, but they often arise as parts of combinations. You should also note that after using any tactical pattern, both individually or as parts of combinations, a position still occurs that requires you to use the basic checkmating skills which you acquired in the first part of this book. Chapter 19 X-Ray The next tactic is called “X-ray”. X -ray in chess occurs when a long-range piece attacks any square straight through an opposing piece. This tactic can only be used along the line of opposition of long- range pieces – queens, rooks and bishops. We should also point out that in the context of our topic, X- ray is a special case of seizing the square, which we covered in chapter 17. The only difference between them is the position of one of the defenders of the seized square. 919 647
Show/Hide Solution The opposition of the g3 rook and black queen makes the use of an X-ray tactic possible in this puzzle. Indeed, white plays 1.Rxg7+! and gives checkmate after 1...Qxg7 2.Rxg7#. 920 648
Show/Hide Solution It seems that the black rook fully controls the corner square near its king, but, since the rooks on the 8th rank are in opposition, white has to search for some kind of X-ray. Indeed, he can play 1.Qh8+!, and black might as well resign: 1...Rxh8 2.Rxh8#. 921 Show/Hide Solution Careful readers of this book have already seen many examples of a back-rank mate. It’s often delivered with X-ray tactics. In this example, the simple 1.Qe8+! Rxe8 2.Rxe8# wins. 922 649
Show/Hide Solution The opposition of the bishops along the long diagonal creates good conditions for an X-ray tactic. 1.Qxb7+! Bxb7 2.Bxb7# is rather easy to spot. 923 650
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Rxf8 2.Rxf8#. 924 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf7+ Rxf7 2.Rxf7#. 925 651
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Qxh8 2.Rxh8#. 926 Show/Hide Solution 652
1.Qf6+ Bxf6 2.Bxf6#. 927 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 2.Rxf7#. 928 653
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 2.Rxe8#. 929 Show/Hide Solution 654
1.Qf8+ Rxf8 2.Rxf8#. 930 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Rxc8 2.Rxc8+ Qd8 3.Rxd8#. 931 655
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg5+ Kf5 2.g4+ Bxg4 3.Bxg4#. 932 Show/Hide Solution 656
1.Qf8+ Rxf8 2.Rxf8+ Kg7 3.Rg8#. 933 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Nf8 (1...Rf8 2.Rxf8+ Nxf8) 2.Qxf8+ Rxf8 3.Rxf8#. 934 657
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd4+ Bxd4+ (1...Qe5 2.Qxe5+ Bxe5 3.Bxe5#) 2.Bxd4+ Qe5 3.Bxe5#. 935 Show/Hide Solution 658
1.Qh8+ Rxh8 (1...Kg4 2.Qh4#) 2.Rxh8+ Kg4 3.Rh4#. 936 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Rxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Qg7#) 2.Rxh8+ Kf7 3.Ng5#. 937 659
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be5+ Qxe5 (1...Rf6 2.Qxf6+ Qxf6 3.Bxf6#; 1...Qf6 2.Qxf6+ Rxf6 3.Bxf6#) 2.Qxe5+ Rf6 3.Qxf6#. 938 660
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf4+ Rxf4 (1...Kh3 2.Qh4#) 2.Rxf4+ Kh3 (2...Kg5 3.h4#) 3.Rh4#. 939 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Nf8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Rxe8+ Nf8 3.Rxf8#. 940 661
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra8+ Bxa8 (1...Qd8 2.Rxd8#; 1...Bc8 2.Rxc8+ Qd8 3.Rxd8#) 2.Qxa8+ Rb8 (2...Qd8 3.Qxd8#) 3.Qxb8+ Qd8 4.Qxd8#. 662
Show in Text Mode Chapter 20 Combinations In this chapter, we use the X-ray tactic in conjunction with all other tactics that we studied in the previous chapters. 941 Show/Hide Solution White checkmates with 1.Qg8+! Rxg8 2.hxg8=Q#. In this combination, white used X-ray together with promoting the pawn. 942 663
Show/Hide Solution The opposition of the bishops along the long diagonal can be exploited. First, you should use blocking – 1.Qf8+! Bg8, and then the X-ray: 2.Qf6+! Bxf6 3.Bxf6#. 943 664
Show/Hide Solution The move 1.Rh7+! both vacates the square for the queen and deflects the black knight. After the forced 1...Nxh7, white gives a mate in two: 2.Qg7+! Bxg7 3.hxg7#. 944 Show/Hide Solution White wins with 1.Qxe6+!, which either deflects the rook: 1...Rxe6 2.Rxd8+ Re8 3.Rxe8#, or forces the black king to retreat: 1...Kf8 2.Qf7# or 1...Kh8 2.Qe8+! (X-ray) 2...Rxe8 3.Rxe8#. 945 665
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Rxh8 2.gxh8=Q#. 946 Show/Hide Solution 666
1.Rc8+ Re8 2.Qf8+ Rxf8 3.Rxf8#. 947 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Rxg6 (1...Kf8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 3.Rxg8#; 1...Kh8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 3.Rxg8#) 2.Rxg6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Rg8#) 3.Rg8#. 948 667
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Kh7 2.g6#) 2.Rxe8+ Kh7 3.g6#. 949 Show/Hide Solution 668
1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Kh7 2.Bf5+ g6 3.Qh8#) 2.Rxe8+ Kh7 3.Bf5+ g6 4.Rh8#. 950 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Bxg7 2.Rd8+ Rxd8 (2...Bf8 3.Rxf8+ Rxf8 4.Rxf8#) 3.Rxd8+ Bf8 4.Rxf8#. 951 669
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Kh7 2.Qg6+ fxg6 (2...Bxg6 3.hxg6+ fxg6 4.Bxg6#) 3.hxg6+ Bxg6 4.Bxg6#. 952 Show/Hide Solution 670
1.Qh8+ Bxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Nd6+ Ke6 3.Ng5#) 2.Rxh8+ Kf7 3.Nd6+ Ke6 4.Ng5#. 953 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Qh5+ Ke6 3.Qf5#) 2.Qxh8+ Kf7 3.Qg7+ Ke6 4.Qf6#. 954 671
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Rxh7 2.Rxh7+ Kg8 3.Rg7+ Kf8 (3...Kh8 4.Nf7#) 4.Nh7+ Ke8 5.Re7#. 955 Show/Hide Solution 672
1.Qxd8+ Rxd8 (1...Kh7 2.Ng5+ Kh6 3.Nxf7+ Kh7 (3...Kh5 4.Qh8#) 4.Qh8#) 2.Rxd8+ Kh7 3.Ng5+ Kh6 4.Nxf7+ Kh5 (4...Kh7 5.Rh8#) 5.Rh8#. 956 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb8+ Rxb8 (1...Kg7 2.h6+ Kg6 3.Nf4#; 1...Bc8 2.Qxc8+ Kg7 3.h6+ Kg6 4.Nf4#) 2.Rxb8+ Bc8 3.Rxc8+ Kg7 4.h6+ Kg6 5.Nf4#. 673
Show in Text Mode Chapter 21 Pins Chapter 21 covers yet another tactical pattern, pinning. A pin is an attack by a long-range piece on an opposing piece when another, more valuable piece or a key square is placed behind the first piece in the line of attack. In the context of a forced mate, this tactic can only occur when a king is standing on the attacking line behind the first piece. 957 Show/Hide Solution White checkmates with 1.Nf6+! Kh8 2.Ng6#. The black g7 pawn is pinned and cannot take part in the game, which allows white to deliver a quick checkmate. We should note that the opposition of white rook and black king was the main prerequisite for this tactical blow. If you see such an opposition, there’s a reason to look for a pinned piece and think how to exploit it. 958 674
Show/Hide Solution The opposition of the white b2 bishop and the black king is easy to notice. The piece that protects the king from the check, the g7 pawn, is pinned and cannot move. White can immediately exploit this: 1.Qh6+! Kg8 2.Qxg7#. 959 675
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Rg7+!, the pinned g7 bishop cannot help its king. Therefore, 1...Kh8 2.Rxh6#. 960 Show/Hide Solution 676
There are no pieces in direct opposition to the black king in this example. However, after 1.Rc8+ Kg7, the situation changes: the black queen is pinned, and after 2.Nxf5#, it cannot capture the checkmating knight. 961 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh5+ Kg8 2.Nf6#. 962 677
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Kf8 2.Qxf7#. 963 Show/Hide Solution 678
1.Ng6+ Kg8 2.Nh6#. 964 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Kh8 2.Qg7#. 965 679
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Qe8#. 966 Show/Hide Solution 680
1.Bxd5+ Kf6 (1...Kf8 2.Rf5#) 2.Bg5#. 967 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa8+ Rb8 2.Qxb8+ Kd7 3.Nc5#. 968 681
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Kg8 2.Qd5+ Re6 3.Qxe6#. 969 Show/Hide Solution 682
1.Ne6+ Kg8 (1...Kh8 2.Rb8+ Rd8 3.Rxd8#) 2.Rb8+ Rd8 3.Rxd8#. 970 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh4+ Kg8 (1...Kg7 2.Rg1#; 1...Kg6 2.Rg1#) 2.Rg1+ Qg7 3.Nf6#. 971 683
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ Kg8 (1...Kh7 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Ne7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Ne7#) 2.Ne7+ Kg7 (2...Kh8 3.Qh6#; 2...Kh7 3.Qh6#) 3.Qh6#. 972 684
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re4+ Kg5 2.Nf3+ Kf5 3.Rh5+ Bg5 (3...Rg5 4.Nh4#) 4.Nh4#. 685
Show in Text Mode Chapter 22 Combinations In this chapter, the pinning tactic is used in conjunction with all other tactics that we studied in the previous chapters. 973 Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qh5+!, black has a choice between 1...Nxh5 2.Bxh5# and 1...Ke7 2.Qe8#. In the first line, white seized a square, while in the second one, he exploited a pin. 974 686
Show/Hide Solution The decisive move is 1.Rf8+! Kxf8 and 2.Qf7#. Black couldn’t capture the white rook with the bishop because of the pin. 975 687
Show/Hide Solution White plays 1.Rxh7+! Rxh7 2.Qf6#, and it’s checkmate because the black rook is pinned. 976 Show/Hide Solution The black rook is pinned, so white plays 1.Rxh6+! Kxh6 2.Qh3# or 1...Kg8 2.Rh8#. 977 688
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxc7+ Kxc7 2.Qc6#. 978 Show/Hide Solution 689
1.Qxg7+ Qxg7 2.Rxf8#. 979 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qg6#. 980 690
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Rxg8 2.Rxg8#. 981 Show/Hide Solution 691
1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 2.Qd8#. 982 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5#. 983 692
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Rxf8 2.Rxf8#. 984 Show/Hide Solution 693
1.Qg3+ Qxg3 2.Be3#. 985 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh5#. 986 694
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc6+ bxc6 2.Rb8#. 987 Show/Hide Solution 695
1.Rxh5+ Kxh5 2.Qh4#. 988 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh7#. 989 696
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh7#. 990 Show/Hide Solution 697
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Qxh7 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qh5#. 991 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ cxd5 (1...Qf7 2.Qxg7#; 1...Bf7 2.Qxg7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxg7#; 1...Kh7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qxg7#. 992 698
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc4+ Kxc4 (1...Kd6 2.Qd8#) 2.Qc3#. 993 Show/Hide Solution 699
1.Bf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Qe6#. 994 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Rd8#. 995 700
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Ke8 2.Qxg8+ Bxg8 3.Rf8#. 996 Show/Hide Solution 701
1.Ra6+ Kxa6 2.Qa8+ Kb6 3.Qa5#. 997 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rfxg6+ hxg6 2.Rxg6+ Kh7 3.Qg7#. 998 702
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qxg6+ Kh8 3.Qh6#. 999 Show/Hide Solution 703
1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Ng6#. 1000 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Rg8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 3.Qh6#. 1001 704
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Qe7 2.Rd8+ Kxd8 3.Qc8#. 1002 Show/Hide Solution 705
1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rxf8+ Qg8 3.Nf7#. 1003 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Qxg7#. 1004 706
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Rxg7+ Kh8 3.Rxf8#. 1005 Show/Hide Solution 707
1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Rf8+ Rg8 3.Bf6#. 1006 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1007 708
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ gxh6 2.Qd4+ Bg7 3.f8=Q#. 1008 Show/Hide Solution 709
1.Qxd6+ Qxd6 2.Bc4+ Qd5 3.Bxd5#. 1009 Show/Hide Solution 1.Be6+ Kxe6 2.Qe8+ Nge7 (2...Qe7 3.d5#; 2...Nce7 3.d5#) 3.d5#. 1010 710
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa6+ Nxa6 (1...Kb8 2.Qxb7#) 2.Bxb7+ Ka7 (2...Kb8 3.Nc6#) 3.Nc6#. 1011 Show/Hide Solution 711
1.Qf5+ Rxf5 (1...Re6 2.Qxe6+ Kb8 3.Rxd8#; 1...Kb8 2.Rxd8#) 2.Be6+ Kb8 3.Rxd8#. 1012 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Qxh7 (1...Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Qh6 3.Qxh6#) 2.Qf6+ Qg7 3.Rh1#. 1013 712
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Qg8 2.Rxf5+ Bf6 3.Qxf6#) 2.Qxh8+ Qg8 3.Rxf5#. 1014 Show/Hide Solution 713
1.Bd5+ Bf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#; 1...Rf7 2.Qe8#) 2.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (2...Kh8 3.Qxf8#) 3.Re8#. 1015 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd5+ Rf7 (1...Kh8 2.Rxf8#) 2.Rxf8+ Kxf8 3.Qa8#. 1016 714
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kh8 2.Qxh6+ gxh6 (2...Qh7 3.Qxh7#) 3.Rg8#. 1017 Show/Hide Solution 715
1.Bg7+ Rxg7 (1...Kxg7 2.Qxh7+ Bxh7 3.Rxh7#) 2.Qxh7+ Rxh7 3.Rxh7#. 1018 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Rf7 (1...Re6 2.Bxe6#) 2.Rxf8+ Kxf8 3.Qd8#. 1019 716
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxb8+ Rxb8 (1...Bc8 2.Bb5#; 1...Bd8 2.Rxd8#) 2.Bb5+ Bd7 3.Bxd7#. 1020 Show/Hide Solution 717
1.Bxg7+ Qxg7 (1...Rxg7 2.Qxe8+ Rg8 3.Rhxh7#) 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (2...Qxh7 3.Qxh7#) 3.Qh5#. 1021 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh1+ Rh2 (1...Nh7 2.Rbxh7#; 1...Nh5 2.Rh7#; 1...Nh6 2.Rxh6+ Nh7 (2...Kg8 3.Rg7#) 3.Rb8#) 2.Rh7+ Nxh7 (2...Rxh7 3.g7#) 3.g7#. 1022 718
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Qxf6 (1...Rg7 2.Qxf8+ Rg8 3.Rxg8#; 1...Qg7 2.Re8#) 2.Re8+ Qf8 3.Rxf8#. 1023 Show/Hide Solution 719
1.Bxe5+ Rf6 (1...Qxe5 2.Qxh7#; 1...Qf6 2.Qxh7#; 1...Qg7 2.Qxh7#) 2.Bxf6+ Qxf6 (2...Qg7 3.Qxh7#) 3.Qxh7#. 1024 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg6+ hxg6 (1...Kh8 2.Bf6#) 2.Qxg6+ Kh8 3.Bf6#. 1025 720
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Qf8 (1...Qd8 2.Qxd8#) 2.Bf7+ Kxf7 (2...Kh8 3.Qxf8#) 3.Qe6#. 1026 Show/Hide Solution 721
1.Rg8+ Kxg8 (1...Rxg8 2.Rh7#) 2.Qg3+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qg7#) 3.Qg7#. 1027 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Qxf6 2.Ba4+ Nxa4 (2...Ke7 3.Qd6#; 2...Nd7 3.Qxd7#) 3.Qd7#. 1028 722
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kf7 2.Ne5+ Ke7 3.Qxg7+ Bxg7 4.Rf7#. 1029 Show/Hide Solution 723
1.Ng6+ Kg8 2.Qxh7+ Kxh7 3.Rh3+ Kg8 4.Rh8#. 1030 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf7 2.Bg6+ Ke7 3.Bxf6+ Kxf6 4.Qh4#. 1031 724
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh4+ Kg6 3.Qg5+ Kh7 4.Qh5#. 1032 Show/Hide Solution 725
1.Qg4+ Kh8 2.Qg7+ Rxg7 3.Rxf8+ Rg8 4.Rxg8#. 1033 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh5+ Kxh5 2.Rh1+ Bh4 3.Rg5+ Kh6 4.Rxh4#. 1034 726
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg7+ Rxg7 2.Qf8+ Rg8 3.Ng6+ hxg6 4.Qh6#. 1035 Show/Hide Solution 727
1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Rd8+ Re8 4.Rxe8#. 1036 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg6+ Kxg6 (1...Kh7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qg8#; 1...Kh8 2.Qh4#) 2.Qg5+ Kh7 3.Rh1+ Bh2 4.Rxh2#. 1037 728
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be4+ Rb7 (1...Rc6 2.Qb8#) 2.Qb8+ Rcxb8 3.Rxa7+ Bxa7 4.Nc7#. 1038 Show/Hide Solution 729
1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rc8+ Qd8 (2...Bf8 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rxd8+ Bf8 4.Rxf8#. 1039 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa4+ b5 (1...Kf8 2.Qxa8+ Bc8 3.Qxc8#; 1...Rxa4 2.c8=Q#) 2.cxb6+ Kf8 (2...Rxa4 3.c8=Q#) 3.Qxa8+ Bc8 4.Qxc8#. 1040 730
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Qxd8 (1...Kf7 2.Qf6#) 2.Qxe6+ Kf8 (2...Kg7 3.Bh6#) 3.Bh6+ Ke8 4.Bh5#. 1041 Show/Hide Solution 731
1.Nxf6+ Kf8 (1...Rxf6 2.Qxg7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qh7#) 2.Qxf7+ Nxf7 3.Re8+ Qxe8 4.Rxe8#. 1042 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Qxg6 (1...Kf8 2.Qg7+ Ke8 3.Qg8#) 2.Rd8+ Re8 (2...Kh7 3.Rh8#) 3.Rxe8+ Kh7 4.Rh8#. 1043 732
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra8+ Qd8 (1...Rf8 2.Qf6+ Bxf6 (2...Kg8 3.Qg7#) 3.Rxf8#; 1...Bf8 2.Qxf6+ Kg8 (2...Qg7 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rxf8#) 2.Rxd8+ Rf8 (2...Bxd8 3.Qe8+ Rf8 4.Qxf8#) 3.Qf6+ Bxf6 (3...Kg8 4.Qg7#) 4.Rxf8#. 1044 733
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Rxg7 2.Rc8+ Qe8 (2...Rf8 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rxe8+ Rf8 4.Rxf8#. 1045 Show/Hide Solution 734
1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Re8+ Rf8 3.Be6+ Kh8 4.Rxf8#. 1046 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Nf8 2.Nh6+ Qxh6 (2...Kh8 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rxf8+ Kxf8 4.Qd8#. 1047 735
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc5+ bxc5 (1...Qd6 2.Qxd6+ Re7 3.Qd8+ Re8 4.e7#; 1...Re7 2.Rd8#) 2.e7+ Rxe7 3.Rd8+ Re8 4.Rdxe8#. 1048 736
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rhxh6+ gxh6 (1...Kg8 2.Rh8#) 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Rg6+ Qg7 4.Rxg7#. 1049 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qxf7+ Kh7 (3...Kh8 4.Qh5#) 4.Qh5#. 1050 737
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxg6+ Nxg6 (1...Rxg6 2.Qxf8+ Rxf8 (2...Rg8 3.Qxg8#) 3.Rxh7#) 2.Qxh7+ Rxh7 3.Rxh7+ Rxh7 4.Rxh7#. 1051 738
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Qg6+ Ke7 3.Qe8#) 2.Qh5+ Kg8 (2...Bh6 3.Qxh6+ Kg8 4.Be6#) 3.Be6+ Kf8 4.Qf7#. 1052 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 (1...Bf8 2.Qh5+ Rf7 3.Qxf7#; 1...Rf8 2.Qh5#) 2.Qh5+ Rg6 (2...Kf8 3.Qxh8#; 2...Rf7 3.Qxf7#) 3.Qxg6+ Kf8 4.Qf7#. 1053 739
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh5+ Kxh5 (1...Kg6 2.Qxf5#) 2.Qxf5+ exf5 (2...Ng5 3.Nf4#) 3.Nf4+ Kg5 4.Rg6#. 1054 Show/Hide Solution 740
1.Bf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh7 2.Qg6+ Kh8 3.Rxf8#; 1...Kh8 2.Rxf8+ Kh7 3.Qg6#) 2.Rc7+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Qxg7#; 2...Kf6 3.Qxg7#) 3.Qg6+ Kd8 (3...Rf7 4.Qxf7+ Kd8 5.Qd7#) 4.Qd6+ Ke8 5.Re7#. 1055 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Bxf7 (1...Ke8 2.Qxg8+ Bf8 3.Qxf8#) 2.Bh6+ Ke8 3.gxf7+ Kxf7 4.Qg7+ Ke8 5.Qg6#. 1056 741
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Rf8 (1...Qe8 2.Rxe8+ Rf8 3.Rxf8#) 2.f7+ Kxf7 (2...Kh8 3.Qxf8#) 3.Re7+ Kg6 (3...Kg8 4.Rxg7+ Kh8 5.Qxf8#) 4.Rxg7+ Kh5 (4...Kh6 5.Qg5#) 5.Qg5#. 1057 742
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Bxf7 2.Rb8+ Bd8 (2...Bg8 3.Rxg8+ Kxg8 4.Qe8#; 2...Be8 3.Rxe8#) 3.Rxd8+ Bg8 (3...Be8 4.Rxe8#) 4.Rxg8+ Kxg8 5.Qe8#. 1058 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Qxh7 2.Be5+ Qg7 3.Rh3#) 2.Rh3+ Qh6 3.Rxh6+ Kg7 4.Be5+ Kf8 5.Rh8#. 1059 743
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Ra8+ Bd8 (2...Rf8 3.Bc4+ Kh8 4.Rxf8#) 3.Rxd8+ Rf8 4.Bc4+ Kh8 5.Rxf8#. 1060 744
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Qxh7+ Kf6 (2...Qg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Rxf8#) 2.Rxf8+ Ng8 (2...Qg8 3.Be5+ Rf6 4.Bxf6#) 3.Be5+ Rf6 (3...Qg7 4.hxg7#) 4.Bxf6+ Qg7 5.Bxg7#. 1061 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd5+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Qa8+ Qd8 (2...Qf8 3.Qxf8#) 3.Qxd8#; 1...Qe6 2.Qxe6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qe8#) 3.Qe8#; 1...Qf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qe8#) 2.Qc5+ Kg8 (2...Qe7 3.Qc8+ Qe8 (3...Qd8 4.Qxd8#) 4.Qxe8#; 2...Qd6 3.Qxd6+ Kg8 4.Qd8#) 3.Qc8+ Qf8 (3...Qd8 4.Qxd8#) 4.Bf7+ Kxf7 (4...Kh8 5.Qxf8#) 5.Qe6#. 1062 745
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne6+ Kh8 (1...Kg8 2.Rxd8+ Ne8 (2...Qf8 3.Rxf8#) 3.Rdxe8+ Qf8 4.Rxf8#) 2.Rxd8+ Ng8 (2...Ne8 3.Rdxe8+ Qf8 4.Rxf8#; 2...Qf8 3.Rxf8+ Ng8 4.Rxg8+ Kxg8 5.Re8#) 3.Rxg8+ Kxg8 4.Re8+ Qf8 5.Rxf8#. 1063 746
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Rd8+ Rf8 3.Be6+ Kh8 4.Rxf8+ Qg8 5.Rxg8#. 1064 Show/Hide Solution 747
1.Rc8+ Nf8 (1...Bf8 2.Nh6#; 1...Nd8 2.Rxd8+ Bf8 3.Nh6#) 2.Qxg7+ Kxg7 3.h6+ Kg8 (3...Kh8 4.Rxf8#) 4.Nf6+ Kh8 5.Rxf8#. 1065 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Qxh7 2.Re8+ Qg8 3.Rh1#) 2.Rh1+ Kg6 3.f5+ Kf7 4.g6+ Kf6 5.Nh5#. 1066 748
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5+ Nh6 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rxh6+ Kxh6 (3...Kg8 4.Rh8#) 4.Rh3+ Bh4 5.Rxh4#. 1067 749
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Bxf8 2.Bf6+ Bg7 3.Ra8+ Nb8 (3...Bc8 4.Rxc8+ Nd8 5.Rxd8#; 3...Nd8 4.Rxd8+ Be8 5.Rxe8#; 3...Be8 4.Rxe8#) 4.Rxb8+ Bc8 (4...Be8 5.Rxe8#) 5.Rxc8#. 1068 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxg7#; 1...Kh7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Be6+ Kf6 (2...Kf8 3.Rf3#) 3.Rf3+ Ke5 4.Bxg7+ Ke4 5.Re3#. 1069 750
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8#) 2.Re8+ Rf8 3.Bc4+ Rd5 (3...Kh8 4.Rxf8#; 3...Re6 4.Bxe6+ Kh8 5.Rxf8#) 4.Bxd5+ Kh8 5.Rxf8#. 1070 751
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be5+ Rc7 (1...Nxe5 2.Qd6+ Rc7 (2...Ka7 3.Nc4+ Kb7 4.Qxb6#) 3.Qd8+ Rc8 (3...Ka7 4.Qxc7#) 4.Qxb6#) 2.Nc6+ Kc8 (2...Kb7 3.Qxa8#) 3.Qxa8+ Nb8 4.Qxb8+ Kd7 5.Qd8#. 1071 Show/Hide Solution 1.Be4+ Kxf7 2.Qh5+ Kf8 (2...Kg8 3.Qxe8+ Bf8 4.Qg6+ Bg7 5.Rd8#) 3.Qxe8+ Kxe8 4.Bg6+ Kf8 5.Rd8#. 1072 752
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxe7+ Rxe7 (1...Kg8 2.Bc4+ Rf7 3.Qxf7#; 1...Rf7 2.Ne6+ Kg8 3.Qxe8+ Rf8 4.Qxf8#) 2.Rxe7+ Kg8 (2...Rf7 3.Ne6+ Kg8 4.Re8+ Rf8 5.Rxf8#) 3.Bc4+ Rf7 4.Re8+ Kg7 5.Ne6#. 1073 753
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Kg8 2.Qe6+ Rf7 3.Qe8+ Rf8 (3...Rxe8 4.Rxe8+ Rf8 5.Rxf8#) 4.Ne7+ Kh8 5.Rxh7+ Kxh7 6.Qh5#. 1074 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Kg8 2.Bc4+ Rf7 (2...Re6 3.Qxf8#) 3.Qf8+ Rexf8 4.Ne7+ Kh8 5.Rxh7+ Kxh7 6.Rh1#. 1075 754
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#; 1...Kf7 2.Qxh7#) 2.Bf8+ Kg5 (2...Rg7 3.Ng8+ Kg5 4.h4+ Kf5 5.e4#) 3.Ne4+ Kf5 4.g4+ Kf4 5.Bh6+ g5 6.Bxg5#. 1076 755
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Nce6 (1...Be6 2.Rd5#; 1...Nde6 2.Rxd5#) 2.Ng4+ Kf5 3.Rxd5+ Rxd5 4.e4+ Kg5 5.h4+ Kh5 6.Rh8#. 1077 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.h8=Q+ Kf7 3.Rh7+ Ke6 4.Qg8+ Kf6 5.Qg7+ Kg5 (5...Ke6 6.Qf7#) 6.Rh5#. 1078 756
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Nxh7 2.Rd8+ Be8 (2...Nf8 3.Bh7+ Kh8 4.Rxf8+ Ng8 5.Rxg8#) 3.Rxe8+ Nf8 4.Bh7+ Kh8 5.Rxf8+ Ng8 6.Rxg8#. 757
Show in Text Mode Chapter 23 Discovered Check The next tactic is discovered check, which, like pinning, can only be used when a long-range piece opposes the king on a line. The check is called “discovered” if the king is attacked by a piece different from the one that made the last move. In other words, to give a discovered check, you should free up the line for one of your pieces, which allows us to consider the discovered check a special case of the vacation tactic we covered in chapter 6. We should also note that the exact square to move the “interfering” piece to is almost always crucially important for the combination. 1079 Show/Hide Solution White’s dark-squared bishop has a lot of squares to move to, but the only mating move is 1.Be7+!, preventing the black king from reaching f8. 1...Kh6 2.Qg5#. 1080 758
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Nc5+!, white hasn’t just delivered a discovered check: he has put his knight onto a good square as well! 1...Kf8 2.Nd7#. Discovered check is a formidable weapon that works in the majority of cases. Thus, beginner players are advised to watch the safety of their king closely – either avoiding the opposition with the opponent’s long-range pieces completely, or defending with their own pieces in a timely fashion. 1081 759
Show/Hide Solution The opposition of the white rook and the black king gives an opportunity to give a discovered check. To choose the correct square for the white knight, you should calculate the following lines precisely – 1.Nf5+!, and white delivers a checkmate next move: 1...Kg8 2.Qg7#. Both 1...Qh5 2.Qg7# and 1...Bh5 2.Qg7# change nothing. 1082 760
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qf6+ Kh6, white gives a discovered check 2.g7+! and then checkmates on the next move: 2...Kh7 3.Ng5# or 2...Kh5 3.Qg5#. 1083 761
Show/Hide Solution 1.f7+ Kh7 2.Ng5#. 1084 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ Kg6 2.Rh6#. 1085 762
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng5+ Kg8 2.Qh7+ Kf8 3.Qh8#. 1086 Show/Hide Solution 763
1.Bf6+ hxg2 (1...Bg3 2.Qg6+ Qg7 3.Qxg7#; 1...Bg5 2.Qg6+ Qg7 3.Qxg7#; 1...Qg7 2.Rxg7#) 2.Qg6+ Qg7 3.Qxg7#. 1087 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng5+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Rxh7#) 2.Nxh7+ Ke8 3.Nf6+ Kf8 4.Rf7#. 1088 764
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be4+ Kg4 (1...Kh6 2.Qf6+ Kh5 3.Qg6#) 2.Qf5+ Kg3 3.Qf3+ Kh2 4.Qg2#. 765
Show in Text Mode Chapter 24 Combinations In this chapter, we use the discovered check tactic in conjunction with all other tactics studied in the previous chapters. 1089 Show/Hide Solution To deliver checkmate, white first has to use deflection 1.Qg5+!, and after 1...fxg5 he finishes the game with a discovered check: 2.Bg8#. 1...Kh7 2.Qxh5# is no better. 1090 766
Show/Hide Solution The “attraction + elimination” combination is decisive: 1.Qxh7+!, and after 1...Kxh7, the discovered check 2.Rxf8# is checkmate. 1091 767
Show/Hide Solution The move 1.d8=Q+! combines discovered check with pawn promotion: 1...Rxf7 2.a6#. 1092 Show/Hide Solution The only winning move is the precise 1.Re7+! Kg8 2.f7+! (“blocking”) 2...Rxf7 3.Re8+ Rf8 4.Rxf8#. 1093 768
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Qxh7 2.f7#. 1094 Show/Hide Solution 769
1.gxh7+ Nxh5 2.Bg6#. 1095 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Bf8#. 1096 770
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg8+ Bh4 (1...Kxg8 2.Qh7#; 1...gxh3 2.Qh7#) 2.Qh7#. 1097 Show/Hide Solution 771
1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.hxg7+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1098 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 3.Bf7#. 1099 772
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Bxd8 (1...Bf8 2.e7+ Kh8 3.exf8=Q#) 2.e7+ Kh8 3.e8=Q#. 1100 Show/Hide Solution 773
1.Bc4+ Kc6 (1...Kxc4 2.b3#; 1...Kd6 2.Qd5#) 2.Qb5+ Kd6 3.Qd5#. 1101 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg6+ fxg6 (1...Qg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.d6+ Qe6 (2...Qd5+ 3.Bxd5#) 3.Bxe6#. 1102 774
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg6+ Qh6 (1...Kg8 2.Qh8#; 1...Kg7 2.Qh8+ Kxg6 3.Qg8#; 1...Nh7 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 (2...Nh7 3.Qxh7#) 3.Qh8#. 1103 775
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxg6+ Kg8 (1...Nxg6 2.Qxh5+ Kg8 3.Qxg6#) 2.Be8+ (2.Bxh5+) 2...Ng6 (2...Kh7 3.Qg7#) 3.Qxg6#. 1104 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ Kg8 2.Qf8+ Kxf8 (2...Kh7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Rc8#. 1105 776
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be6+ Kh5 2.g4+ Kh4 3.Ng6+ Kh3 4.g5#. 1106 Show/Hide Solution 777
1.Rxc8+ Kb7 (1...Rxc8 2.e5+ Rc6 3.Bxc6#) 2.Rc7+ Ka8 3.e5+ Rd5 4.Bxd5#. 1107 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Kg8 (1...Kg7 2.f6+ Kxg6 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rh6#) 2.Rh8+ Kg7 3.f6+ Kxg6 4.Rh6#. 1108 778
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Nc8 2.Rxc8+ Kxc8 3.Ra8+ Nb8 4.f6+ Kd8 5.Rxb8#. 1109 Show/Hide Solution 779
1.Bxa7+ Kxa7 2.Bc8+ Kb8 3.Qa8+ Kxc7 4.Qb7+ Kd8 5.Qd7#. 1110 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1...Ke7 2.Ng6+ Kd6 (2...Rfxg6 3.Qe8+ Kf6 4.Qf8#; 2...Kd7 3.Qe8+ Kd6 4.Rc6#; 2...Rgxg6 3.Qe8+ Kd6 4.Rc6#) 3.c5+ Kd7 (3...Qxc5 4.Qd8#) 4.Qe8#) 2.Ng6+ Qd8 (2...Kf7 3.Rf8#; 2...Kh7 3.Rh8#; 2...Rf8 3.Rxf8+ Kh7 4.Rh8#) 3.Rxd8+ Rf8 (3...Kf7 4.Rf8#; 3...Kh7 4.Rh8#) 4.Rxf8+ Kh7 5.Rh8#. 1111 780
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ Kh5 (1...Kh6 2.Rh4+ Rh5 3.Bf8#) 2.Rh4+ Kxh4 3.Be7+ Rg5 (3...Kh5 4.g4+ Kh6 5.Bf8#) 4.Bxg5+ Kh5 (4...Kg3 5.Bf6#) 5.g4#. 1112 781
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re5+ Qxe5 2.Nf6+ Qxf6+ 3.Kc7+ Qc6+ (3...Rd7+ 4.Bxd7#) 4.Bxc6+ Rd7+ 5.Bxd7#. 1113 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh5+ Kg8 (1...gxh5 2.Rg7+ Kh6 3.f5#) 2.Rxg6+ fxg6 (2...Kf8 3.Qxh8#) 3.Qxg6+ Kf8 4.Qg7+ Ke8 5.Qe7#. 1114 782
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Rxh7+ Kg8 (2...Kxh7 3.Bf7+ Kg7 4.Qh6#) 3.Bf7+ Kf8 4.Qh6+ Ke7 5.Bg6+ Kd8 6.Qf8#; 1...Kf8 2.Qxf6#) 2.Bh6+ Kxh6 (2...Kg8 3.Qg4+ Kh8 4.Qg7#; 2...Kh8 3.Qxf6+ Kg8 4.Qg7#) 3.Bg6+ Kg7 4.Qxh7+ Kf8 5.Qf7#. 1115 783
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re4+ dxe4 2.Ng4+ Nxh8 (2...Nge5 3.Rd1+ Qd2+ 4.Rxd2+ exd2 5.e3#; 2...Nf6 3.Bxf6+ Ne5 4.Bxe5#; 2...Nde5 3.Rd1+ Qd2+ 4.Rxd2+ exd2 5.e3#) 3.Rd1+ Qd2+ 4.Rxd2+ exd2 5.e3#. 1116 784
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Bxf8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 (2...Kg8 3.Bd5+ Ne6 4.Bxe6#) 3.hxg6+ Kg8 4.Bd5+ Ne6 5.Bxe6#. 1117 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg6+ Rg7 (1...Qxe5 2.Rxh6#; 1...Kh7 2.Rxh6#; 1...f6 2.Rxh6#) 2.Rxh6+ Kg8 3.Ne7+ Kf8 4.Rh8+ Rg8 5.Rxg8#. 1118 785
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Kxg6 2.Bh5+ Kh7 (2...Kh6 3.Be8#) 3.Bf7+ Bh6 4.Rxh6+ Kxh6 5.Rh1#. 1119 Show/Hide Solution 786
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qh5+ Kg7 (2...Rh6 3.Qxh6#) 3.Bh6+ Rxh6 (3...Kh8 4.Bf8+ Rh6 5.Qxh6#; 3...Kh7 4.Bf8+ Rh6 5.Qxh6#) 4.Rxf7+ Kh8 5.Qxh6#. 1120 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Kg2+ Qh3+ (2...Bh6 3.Rhxh6+ Kg7 4.Rfg6#) 3.Rxh3+ Bh6 4.Rhxh6+ Kg7 5.Rfg6#. 1121 787
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Kxd8 2.Ne4+ Kc8 (2...Ke8 3.Rb8#) 3.Rd8+ Kxd8 4.Rb8+ Kd7 5.Nc5#. 1122 Show/Hide Solution 788
1.Qxc7+ Ka7 (1...Ka8 2.Nb6+ Nxb6 (2...Ka7 3.Qxb7#) 3.Qxb7#) 2.Qxb7+ Kxb7 3.Nb6+ Kb8 (3...Ka7 4.Rc7+ Kb8 5.Rb7#) 4.Nd7+ Ka7 5.Rc7#. 1123 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Ng4+ Bd4 (2...Kg8 3.Nh6#; 2...Qe5 3.Bxe5+ Kg8 4.Nh6#) 3.Bxd4+ Qe5 (3...Kg8 4.Nh6#) 4.Bxe5+ Kg8 5.Nh6#. 1124 789
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ gxh6 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg7#) 2.g7+ Kg8 3.Bh7+ Kxh7 4.gxf8=Q+ Kg6 (4...Nf7 5.Qxf7+ Kh8 6.Qg7#) 5.Rg7+ Kh5 6.Qf5#. 1125 790
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc6+ Kc5 2.Be2+ Kxd5 (2...Nc4 3.Qxc4#) 3.Bf3+ Ke6 4.Qf5+ Kxf5 5.Nd4+ Kxf4 6.Bxd6#. 1126 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe4+ Kb6 2.a5+ Ka6 3.Qxe6+ b6 (3...Bxe6 4.Nc7#; 3...Qxe6 4.Nc7#; 3...Bc6 4.Nc7#) 4.axb6+ Kb7 5.Qxd7+ Kxb6 (5...Kb8 6.Qc7#) 6.Qc7#. 1127 791
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb7+ Kxb7 (1...Kc8 2.Ne7+ Kd8 3.Qb6+ Ke8 (3...Nc7 4.Qxc7+ Ke8 5.Qc8#) 4.Rb8+ Kxe7 (4...Kd7 5.Qd6#; 4...Nd8 5.Qxd8#) 5.Qd6#; 1...Ka8 2.Qa7#) 2.Qb6+ Kc8 (2...Ka8 3.Nc7#) 3.Ne7+ Kd7 4.Qd6+ Ke8 5.Bc6+ Kf8 6.Nf5#. 1128 792
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ hxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Qxb3+ Re6 (2...Rc4 3.Qxc4+; 2...Rd5 3.Qxd5+; 2...Qe6 3.Qxe6+ Rxe6 4.Rxf8#; 2...Qf7 3.Qxf7#) 3.Qxe6+ Qxe6 (3...Qf7 4.Qxf7#) 4.Rxf8#; 1...Qxg6 2.Qxf8+ Rxf8 3.Rxf8#) 2.hxg6+ Rh4 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kxh8 4.Qh5+ Kg8 5.Qh7#) 3.Rxh4+ Kg8 (3...Qxh4 4.Qxf8+ Rxf8 5.Rxf8#) 4.Rh8+ Kxh8 5.Qh5+ Kg8 6.Qh7#. 793
Show in Text Mode Chapter 25 Double Check The next tactical pattern is a special case of a discovered check; it’s called a double check. Double check is a simultaneous attack on the king by two pieces. Such a position can occur only with a discovered check. A king in double check has no defense other than to run away. If the king has no moves after a double check, it’s checkmate! 1129 Show/Hide Solution In the line 1.Nh6+!, the black king is attacked both by the queen and the knight. After the only possible move 1...Kh8, white checkmates with 2.Qg8#. In the next example, the decisive factor is the opposition of the black king and the white rook along the f-file, which allows white to give a double check: 794
1130 Show/Hide Solution After the double check 1.Nh5+!, the black king has only one escape square – 1...Ke6, and this allows white to give checkmate: 2.Bd7#. We should note that white has other discovered checks at his disposal, including another double check – 1.Nxd5+, but all of them lead to a poor position for white. Let’s look at another couple of examples: 1131 795
Show/Hide Solution There are several possible ways to reach the black king, but the only way to win is: 1.Nf6+!, and after either king retreat, white checkmates with 2.Bxe7#. 1132 796
Show/Hide Solution The decisive move is 1.R1c6+ Ke5 2.Re7#. It’s impossible to interpose against a double check, and the black king has nowhere to go – that’s checkmate! 1133 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kg8 2.Nh6#. 1134 797
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxd6+ Ke7 2.Nf5#. 1135 Show/Hide Solution 798
1.Nf6+ Kf8 2.Qe8#. 1136 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kh8 2.Rh7#. 1137 799
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd5+ Ke8 2.Nc7#. 1138 Show/Hide Solution 800
1.Nc7+ Kb8 2.Na6#. 1139 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kg8 2.Qh8#. 1140 801
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Kf7 2.Nxh8#. 1141 Show/Hide Solution 802
1.Nf6+ Kh6 (1...Kh8 2.Rh1#) 2.Rh1#. 1142 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ba5+ Kc8 (1...Ke8 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd8#. 1143 803
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kg8 2.Rh8#. 1144 Show/Hide Solution 804
1.Rd7+ Ke8 (1...Kf8 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd8#. 1145 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bg8+ Kh8 (1...Kh6 2.Rh7#) 2.Rh7#. 1146 805
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Ke8 2.Bf7+ Kf8 3.Ne6#. 1147 Show/Hide Solution 806
1.Re5+ Kh4 (1...Kf6 2.Bg5#) 2.Bg5+ Kh5 3.Bg4#. 1148 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne5+ Kg7 (1...Kh6 2.Qg6#; 1...Kh5 2.Qh7#) 2.Qg6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Nf7#. 1149 807
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne8+ Kh6 (1...Kg8 2.Qg7#; 1...Kf8 2.Qh8#) 2.Qg7+ Kh5 3.Nf6#. 1150 Show/Hide Solution 808
1.Nc6+ Kc8 (1...Ka8 2.Qb8#) 2.Qb8+ Kd7 3.Qd8#. 809
Show in Text Mode Chapter 26 Combinations In this chapter, we use the double check tactic in conjunction with all other tactics we studied in the previous chapter. 1151 Show/Hide Solution The decisive move is attraction with 1.Qg7+! Kxg7, followed by a double check: 2.Rxg6#. 1152 810
Show/Hide Solution White promotes the pawn to a knight with a double check and delivers an elegant finish: 1.c8=N+! Ka8 2.Ra7#. 1153 811
Show/Hide Solution After seizing the square with 1.Qg5+! Rxg5 2.hxg5#, the double check becomes a checkmate. 1154 Show/Hide Solution White gives a discovered check 1.Nxd7+! to finish the game with double check after 1...Nxe2 2.Nf6# or 1...Ne6 2.Nf6#. Black can’t save the game after 1...Qe7 2.Qxe7# either. 1155 812
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Nxf5#. 1156 Show/Hide Solution 813
1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Bxd5#. 1157 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.g8=Q#. 1158 814
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Rd8#. 1159 Show/Hide Solution 815
1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Nxf6#. 1160 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3#. 1161 816
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg6#. 1162 Show/Hide Solution 817
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.hxg6#. 1163 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg5#. 1164 818
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc6+ Kxc6 2.Ne5#. 1165 Show/Hide Solution 819
1.Bxg7+ Kxg7 2.Qh7#. 1166 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd6+ Kxd6 2.Bb4#. 1167 820
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg5#. 1168 Show/Hide Solution 821
1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Bf6#. 1169 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh4#. 1170 822
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra8+ Rxa8 2.Nc8#. 1171 Show/Hide Solution 823
1.Nf5+ Kg8 2.Nh6#. 1172 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Kxf8 (1...Kg7 2.Qf7#) 2.Bh6#. 1173 824
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kf6 2.Qg5#; 1...Kh7 2.Qg7#) 2.Rh1#. 1174 Show/Hide Solution 825
1.Bf6+ Kxf6 (1...Kxh6 2.Qg5#) 2.Ng8#. 1175 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxf6+ Kf7 2.Rxd7+ Kxf6 3.Bg5#. 1176 826
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Nxf7+ Kg8 3.Nh6#. 1177 Show/Hide Solution 827
1.Qe8+ Rxe8 2.Rxe8+ Kg7 3.Nf5#. 1178 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Rxg6 2.hxg6+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1179 828
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Ng6+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1180 Show/Hide Solution 829
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5+ Kg7 3.Rh7#. 1181 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 2.Bg5+ Ke8 3.Rd8#. 1182 830
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 2.Nc6+ Ke8 3.Rd8#. 1183 Show/Hide Solution 831
1.Nf8+ Kh8 2.Qh7+ Nxh7 3.Nfg6#. 1184 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rd8+ Kh7 3.Rh8#. 1185 832
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kxf8 2.Bd6+ Ke8 3.Rf8#. 1186 Show/Hide Solution 833
1.Nxf6+ Kh8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 3.Nf7#. 1187 Show/Hide Solution 1.hxg6+ Kxg6 2.Be4+ Kf7 3.Rh7#. 1188 834
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 2.Ba5+ Kc8 3.Rd8#. 1189 Show/Hide Solution 835
1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Rxh6+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1190 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg6+ Kh8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 3.Nf7#. 1191 836
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh8 3.Ng6#. 1192 Show/Hide Solution 837
1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Re7+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 1193 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf8+ Kh8 2.Qh7+ Nxh7 3.Ng6#. 1194 838
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kxf8 2.Ne6+ Kg8 3.Rf8#. 1195 Show/Hide Solution 839
1.Qg7+ Kxg7 2.Nf5+ Kg8 3.Ne7#. 1196 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qa8+ Kxa8 2.Nb6+ Kb8 3.Ra8#. 1197 840
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg5+ Kh6 3.Bg7#. 1198 Show/Hide Solution 841
1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Ng6+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1199 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Ne6+ Ke8 3.Nxg7#. 1200 842
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg5+ Kh6 3.Bg7#. 1201 Show/Hide Solution 843
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Bg8+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 1202 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 2.Be6+ Kh8 3.Rg8#. 1203 844
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh6+ Kh8 2.Qg8+ Rxg8 3.Nf7#. 1204 Show/Hide Solution 845
1.Qh8+ Kxh8 2.Bf6+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1205 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Bxh8 2.Ne7+ Kf8 3.Rg8#. 1206 846
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 2.Bg5+ Ke8 3.Rd8#. 1207 Show/Hide Solution 847
1.Nf8+ Kg8 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6+ Kh7 3.Rh8#) 2.Ng6+ Kf7 3.Rf8#. 1208 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Kh7 (1...Kxf8 2.Ng6#) 2.Bg8+ Kh8 3.Ng6#. 1209 848
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxa6+ bxa6 (1...Na7 2.Rxa7#) 2.b7+ Ka7 3.b8=Q#. 1210 Show/Hide Solution 849
1.Qg7+ Ke7 (1...Kxg7 2.f8=Q#) 2.f8=Q+ Ke6 3.Bxc4#. 1211 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg6+ Kh8 (1...Qxg6 2.hxg6#; 1...fxg6 2.hxg6#) 2.fxg7+ Rxg7 3.Qxg7#. 1212 850
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf6+ Kh6 (1...Kf8 2.Rd8#) 2.Bg7+ Kh5 3.Rh6#. 1213 Show/Hide Solution 851
1.Qxb7+ Kxb7 2.Nc5+ Kc7 (2...Kb8 3.Na6#) 3.Na6#. 1214 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxh6+ Kh8 (1...Kxf8 2.Qf7#) 2.Qg8+ Nxg8 3.Nf7#. 1215 852
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 2.Bg5+ Kc7 (2...Ke8 3.Rd8#) 3.Bd8#. 1216 Show/Hide Solution 853
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bd6+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Rxd8#) 3.Bc6#. 1217 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8#) 2.Nf6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Nf7#) 3.Nf7#. 1218 854
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kh8 (1...Kxf7 2.Rf5#) 2.Qxe8+ Bf8 3.Qxf8#. 1219 Show/Hide Solution 855
1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bd6+ Kg8 (2...Ke8 3.Rf8#) 3.Rf8#. 1220 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kxe8 2.Bb5+ Kf7 (2...Kd8 3.Re8#) 3.Be8#. 1221 856
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kxe8 2.Bb5+ Kd8 (2...Kf8 3.Re8#) 3.Re8#. 1222 Show/Hide Solution 857
1.Qg7+ Kxg7 2.Nf5+ Kf7 (2...Kg8 3.Nh6#) 3.Nh6#. 1223 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg4+ Kh5 (1...Kxg4 2.Be2#) 2.Bf7+ Kxg4 (2...Bg6 3.Rh4#; 2...g6 3.Rh4#) 3.h3#. 1224 858
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8#) 2.hxg6+ Kg8 3.Rh8#. 1225 Show/Hide Solution 859
1.Qh6+ Bxh6 (1...Kg8 2.Qh8+ Bxh8 3.Nh6#) 2.Ng5+ Kh8 3.Rh7#. 1226 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg3+ Kf6 (2...Kh8 3.Nxf7#) 3.Nd7#. 1227 860
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Ka7 (1...Kxc8 2.Nb6#) 2.Bb8+ Ka8 3.Nb6#. 1228 Show/Hide Solution 861
1.Qxc7+ Kxc7 2.Bxe5+ Kb6 (2...Kd7 3.Rc7#) 3.Bc7#. 1229 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Rh3#) 3.Rh3#. 1230 862
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rf7+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Rh7#) 3.Rh7#. 1231 Show/Hide Solution 863
1.Qxg5+ fxg5 (1...Kf7 2.Bh5#) 2.Rh8+ Kf7 3.Bh5#. 1232 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kd7 2.Qxg4+ f5 3.Qxf5#) 2.Nxe5+ Ke6 (2...Ke7 3.Qf7#; 2...Kg7 3.Qxg4#) 3.Qf7#. 1233 864
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kh8 (1...Kh6 2.Qh7+ Rxh7 3.Ng8#) 2.Qh7+ Rxh7 3.Rg8#. 1234 Show/Hide Solution 865
1.Qxc8+ Kxc8 2.Be6+ Kb8 (2...Kd8 3.Rc8#) 3.Rc8#. 1235 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Kxg8 2.Ne7+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Rh1#; 2...Kh7 3.Rh1#) 3.Ng6#. 1236 866
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxg6+ Bxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Ne7+ Kf7 (2...Kh8 3.Qg7#) 3.Qg6#) 2.Rxh7+ Bxh7 (2...Kxh7 3.Qxg6+ Kh8 4.Qg7#) 3.Qg7#. 1237 867
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg4+ Kxf6 (1...Nxg4 2.Rd6#) 2.Bxe5+ Ke7 (2...Kxe5 3.Qf5#) 3.Qd7#. 1238 Show/Hide Solution 1.gxf6+ Kh8 (1...Kxh6 2.Be3#) 2.Rg8+ Rxg8 3.Nxf7#. 1239 868
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qh6#) 2.Rxg5+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Qh6#; 2...Kh7 3.Qh3#) 3.Rg8#. 1240 Show/Hide Solution 869
1.Qxe6+ Qxe6 (1...Re7 2.Qg8#; 1...Kf8 2.Rd8#) 2.Rd8+ Kf7 3.Rf8#. 1241 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf8+ Kxf8 2.Bh6+ Kg8 (2...Ke8 3.Rf8#) 3.Rf8#. 1242 870
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Rxf8 2.Nd6+ Ke7 3.Nf5+ Ke8 4.Nxg7#. 1243 Show/Hide Solution 871
1.Rg6+ Kh7 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Rh7+ Kg8 4.Rh8#. 1244 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nb6+ Ka7 2.Nc8+ Ka8 3.Qa7+ Nxa7 4.Nb6#. 1245 872
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb7+ Ka8 2.Rb8+ Kxb8 3.Bf4+ Rd6 4.Bxd6#. 1246 Show/Hide Solution 873
1.Ng6+ Kh7 2.Nf8+ Kh8 3.Qh7+ Nxh7 4.Ng6#. 1247 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Kxf8 2.Nd7+ Rxd7 3.Rc8+ Rd8 4.Rxd8#. 1248 874
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be7+ Ke8 2.Rf8+ Kd7 3.Bf6+ Qe7 4.Rxe7#. 1249 Show/Hide Solution 875
1.Rxg7+ Kh8 (1...Kxg7 2.Ne6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Qg7#) 3.Qg5#) 2.Rxh7+ Kg8 3.Ne6+ Kxh7 (3...Ng6 4.Qxg6#) 4.Qg7#. 1250 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Nxh7 2.gxh7+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.h8=Q#) 3.Nf7+ Kxh7 4.Nxf6#. 1251 876
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1...Rxg8 2.Nf7#) 2.Ne7+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Nf7#) 3.N7g6+ hxg6 4.Nxg6#. 1252 Show/Hide Solution 877
1.Qxh6+ Rxh6 (1...Kxh6 2.Rh3#; 1...Kg8 2.Qh8#) 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Rg8+ Kh7 4.R1g7#. 1253 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf8+ Kh8 (1...Kg8 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Nfg6+ Kh7 4.Rh8#) 2.Ng6+ Kh7 3.Rh8+ Kxg6 4.Ne7#. 1254 878
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8#) 2.Nf6+ Kg7 3.Nxe8+ Kg8 (3...Kf8 4.Rh8#) 4.Rh8#. 1255 Show/Hide Solution 879
1.Qxe6+ Qxe6 (1...Bxe6 2.Rxg7+ Kh8 3.Rh7+ Kg8 4.Rh8#; 1...Kh8 2.Bxg7#; 1...Rf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qxg7#) 2.Rxg7+ Kh8 3.Rh7+ Kg8 4.Rh8#. 1256 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe7+ Kxe7 2.Nxg6+ Kd8 (2...Kd6 3.Nf7#) 3.Nf7+ Kc8 4.Ne7#. 1257 880
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Rh3+ Qh5 4.Rxh5#) 3.Rh3+ Qh5 4.Rxh5#. 1258 Show/Hide Solution 881
1.Rc8+ Kb7 (1...Kxc8 2.Bxa6+ Kd8 (2...Kb8 3.Qc8#) 3.Qc8#) 2.Bd5+ Rxd5 (2...Nxd5 3.Rb8+ Kxb8 4.Qc8#; 2...Qc6 3.Qxc6#) 3.Rb8+ Kxb8 4.Qc8#. 1259 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5+ Kg8 (2...Kg6 3.Nf4#) 3.Ne7+ Kf8 4.Ng6#. 1260 882
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kd7 2.Qf5+ Kd6 3.Qe6#) 2.Ne5+ Ke6 (2...Kg7 3.Qf7#; 2...Kg8 3.Qf7#; 2...Ke7 3.Qf7+ Kd6 4.Nc4#) 3.Qf7+ Kd6 (3...Kf5 4.g4#) 4.Nc4#. 1261 883
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nhg6+ Kh7 2.Nf8+ Kh8 (2...Kh6 3.Qg6#) 3.Qh7+ Ngxh7 (3...Nfxh7 4.Nfg6#) 4.Nfg6#. 1262 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.hxg6+ Kxg6 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rh6+ Kg5 4.R1h5#. 1263 884
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Ng6#) 3.Neg4+ Kg5 4.h4#. 1264 Show/Hide Solution 885
1.Bxe5+ Rxe5 (1...Kg8 2.Rg7+ Kh8 3.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (3...Kg8 4.Qxg6#) 4.Qxg6#; 1...Bf6 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (2...Kg8 3.Qxg6+ Bg7 4.Qxg7#) 3.Qxg6+ Kh8 4.Qh7#; 1...Rf6 2.Bxf6+ Bxf6 (2...Kg8 3.Qe8#) 3.Qe8#) 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (2...Kg8 3.Qxg6#) 3.Qxg6+ Kh8 4.Qh7#. 1265 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd7+ Bxd7 2.Nd6+ Kd8 3.Nf7+ Kc8 4.Re8+ Bxe8 5.Rd8#. 1266 886
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Nxg7 2.Rxg7+ Kh8 3.Rg8+ Kxg8 4.Rg1+ Qg5 5.Rxg5#. 1267 Show/Hide Solution 887
1.Nd7+ Kxb7 2.Qb8+ Ka6 3.Qb6+ Rxb6 4.Nxc5+ Ka5 5.b4#. 1268 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rg6+ Kh7 3.Rg7+ Kh8 4.Rh7+ Kg8 5.Rh8#. 1269 888
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Rxh7 2.Ne7+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.Rg8#) 3.Rg8+ Kxe7 4.Re8#; 1...Kf7 2.Nxe5+ Ke7 (2...Kf8 3.Qh8+ Ke7 4.Qe8#) 3.Rxg7+ Kd8 (3...Qxg7 4.Qxg7+ Kd8 5.Qf8#; 3...Qf7 4.Rxf7+ Ke8 5.Qg8#; 3...Kf8 4.Qh8#) 4.Qg8+ Qf8 5.Qxf8#) 2.Bg4+ Qh4 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kf7 4.Rf8#) 3.Rxh4+ Kg8 4.Rh8+ Kf7 5.Rf8#. 1270 889
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Bxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Nf7+ Bxf7 3.Rg8+ Kh7 4.Rh8#) 2.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (2...Kh8 3.Ng6+ Bxg6 4.Rg8+ Kh7 5.hxg6#) 3.Nd7+ Nf6 (3...Kh7 4.Nf8#) 4.Bxf6+ Kh7 5.Nf8#. 1271 890
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.Qh2+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kxh7 4.Nf6+ Kh6 (4...Kh8 5.Rh1#) 5.Rh1#. 1272 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf5+ Kh8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nxh6+ Kh8 (3...Kf8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qg8+ Nxg8 5.Nf7#. 1273 891
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng5+ Kh8 (1...Kh6 2.Nf7+ Kh7 3.Qh6+ Bxh6 4.Ng5+ Kh8 5.Rh7#) 2.Nf7+ Kh7 3.Qh6+ Bxh6 4.Ng5+ Kh8 5.Rh7#. 1274 892
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kb7 (1...Nb8 2.Qxb8#) 2.Na5+ Kb6 3.Nd5+ Kxa5 4.Qb4+ Naxb4 (4...Rxb4 5.axb4#; 4...Ncxb4 5.axb4#; 4...Qxb4 5.axb4#) 5.axb4#. 1275 Show/Hide Solution 1.gxf7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Rg8+ Ke7 3.f8=Q+ Ke6 4.Rg6#) 2.Qh1+ Nh6 (2...Nh4 3.Qxh4#) 3.Qe4+ Nf5 (3...Kh8 4.Qe5+ Kh7 5.Qg7#) 4.Qxf5+ Kh6 (4...Kh8 5.Qh5#) 5.Qg6#. 1276 893
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rd7+ Kg6 3.Rg7+ Kf5 4.Rf1+ Qf4 (4...Qf2+ 5.Rxf2#) 5.Rxf4#. 1277 Show/Hide Solution 894
1.Qxg8+ Ke7 (1...Kxg8 2.Nf6#) 2.Rxd7+ Kxd7 3.Qxf7+ Kd8 (3...Kc8 4.Qc7#) 4.Qc7+ Kxe8 5.Rh8#. 1278 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kf8 2.Qh8#) 2.Nf6+ Kxh6 (2...Kh8 3.Bxg7+ Kxg7 (3...Rxg7 4.Rh3+ Rh7 5.Rxh7#) 4.Rg3+ Kxf6 (4...Kh6 5.Rg6#; 4...Kh8 5.Rg8#; 4...Kf8 5.Rg8#) 5.Rg6#) 3.Rh3+ Kg5 4.Rg3+ Kxf6 (4...Kf4 5.Rg4#; 4...Kh4 5.Rg4#; 4...Kh6 5.Rg6#) 5.Rg6#. 1279 895
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxg6+ Kg7 (1...fxg6 2.Qe7#) 2.Ne8+ Kxg6 (2...Kh7 3.Qg7#; 2...Kg8 3.Qg7#) 3.Qf6+ Kh5 (3...Kh7 4.Qg7#) 4.Ng7+ Kg4 5.Qf5#. 1280 896
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kh8 2.Qg8+ Kxg8 (2...Rxg8 3.Nf7#) 3.Ne7+ Kf8 (3...Kh8 4.Nf7#) 4.N5g6+ hxg6 5.Nxg6#. 1281 Show/Hide Solution 1.dxc7+ Kb6 (1...Kb5 2.Qb4#; 1...Kd5 2.Nf6#) 2.Qb4+ Ka7 3.Nc6+ Qxc6 4.Qb8+ Rxb8 5.c8=N#. 1282 897
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.hxg6+ Kg7 (2...Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kg7 4.R1h7#) 3.Rh7+ Kg8 4.Rh8+ Kg7 5.R1h7#. 1283 Show/Hide Solution 898
1.Qf6+ Kg8 (1...Rg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qg7+ Rxg7 3.Nf6+ Kh8 4.hxg7+ Kxg7 5.Rh7#. 1284 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 2.Nxe6+ Ke7 (2...Kc8 3.Rd8#; 2...Ke8 3.Nxg7+ Bxg7 4.Bg5+ Qe6 5.Rd8#) 3.Bg5+ f6 (3...Ke8 4.Rd8#) 4.Nd8+ Re3 (4...Qe2 5.Rxe2+ Re3 6.Rxe3#; 4...Qe6 5.Rxe6#) 5.Rxe3+ Qe6 6.Rxe6#. 1285 899
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re5+ Kd7 (1...Bxe5 2.Qe6+ Qe7 3.Qxe7#; 1...Nxe5 2.Qe6+ Qe7 3.Qxe7#; 1...fxe5 2.Qe6+ Qe7 3.Qxe7#; 1...Qe7 2.Rxe7+ Kf8 3.Qxf7#) 2.Qe6+ Kc6 3.Rc5+ Kb6 4.Bc7+ Ka7 (4...Kxc5 5.Qc4#) 5.Ra5+ Qa6 6.Qxa6#. 1286 900
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Kxd8 (1...Kf7 2.e6+ Kg6 (2...Kxe6 3.Nf4+ Kf7 4.Ne5#; 2...Bxe6 3.Ne5#) 3.Nf4+ Kh6 4.Qh4#) 2.Bg5+ Ke8 3.Rd8+ Kf7 4.e6+ Kxe6 (4...Bxe6 5.Ne5#; 4...Kg6 5.Nf4#) 5.Nf4+ Kf7 6.Ne5#. 1287 901
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kh8 2.Nxf7+ Rxf7 3.Ng6+ Kxh7 4.Nf8+ Kg8 (4...Kh8 5.Qh7#) 5.Qh7+ Kxf8 6.Qh8#. 1288 Show/Hide Solution 902
1.Bb4+ Ke6 2.exd5+ Kxd5 (2...Kf5 3.Bd7#) 3.Bb3+ Kxd4 4.Bc5+ Kd3 5.Bc4+ Kd2 6.Bb4#. 1289 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kg8 (1...Kg7 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Qh8+ Bxh8 4.Nh6#; 1...Rxf7 2.Re8+ Rf8 (2...Kg7 3.Qxh6#; 2...Kh7 3.Qxh6#) 3.Rxf8+ Kg7 (3...Kh7 4.Qxh6#) 4.Qxh6#; 1...Kh7 2.Qxh6+ Kg8 3.Qh8+ Bxh8 4.Nh6#) 2.Nxh6+ Kh8 3.Nf7+ Kg7 (3...Kg8 4.Qh8+ Bxh8 5.Nh6#) 4.Qh6+ Kg8 5.Qh8+ Bxh8 6.Nh6#. 1290 903
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne5+ Rxe5 (1...fxe5 2.Bxe4+ Kh5 (2...Kh6 3.Rh7#; 2...Kf6 3.Rg6#) 3.Bg6+ Kh4 (3...Kh6 4.Rh7#) 4.Rh7+ Qh6 5.Rxh6#; 1...Kf5 2.Bh3#; 1...Kh5 2.Rh1#; 1...Kh6 2.Rh1#) 2.Bxe4+ Kh5 (2...Kh6 3.Rh7#) 3.Bg6+ (3.Rh7+ Qh6 4.Bg6+ Kh4 5.Rxh6+ Rh5 6.Rxh5#) 3...Kh4 (3...Kh6 4.Rh7#) 4.Rh7+ Qh6 (4...Rh5 5.Rxh5#) 5.Rxh6+ Rh5 6.Rxh5#. 1291 904
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxg6+ Kxg6 (1...Kg8 2.Qf7#) 2.Qe8+ Kh7 (2...Kg7 3.Ra7+ Kg8 4.Qf7#; 2...Kg7 3.Ra7+ Kg8 (3...Nd7 4.Rxd7#) 4.Qf7#) 3.Ra7+ Bg7 (3...Nd7 4.Qxd7+ Kg6 (4...Kg8 5.Qf7#; 4...Bg7 5.Qxg7#) 5.Qf7#; 3...Kg8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qxh5+ Kg8 (4...Nh6 5.Qxh6+ Kg8 6.Rxg7#) 5.Qf7+ Kh7 (5...Kh8 6.Qxg7#) 6.Qxg7#. 1292 905
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be6+ Kh7 (1...Kh8 2.Be5+ Kh7 3.Rf7+ Kg8 4.Rf8+ Kh7 5.Bg8#; 1...Kg7 2.Be5+ Kh7 3.Rf7+ Kg8 4.Rf8+ Kh7 5.Bg8#) 2.Rf7+ Kg8 (2...Kh8 3.Be5+ Kg8 4.Rf8+ Kh7 5.Bg8#) 3.Rf8+ Kh7 (3...Kg7 4.Be5+ Kh7 5.Bg8#) 4.Bg8+ Kg7 (4...Kh8 5.Be5+ Qf6 6.Bxf6#) 5.Be5+ Qf6 6.Bxf6#. 906
Show in Text Mode Chapter 27 Windmill Another special case of a discovered check has an unusual name: the “windmill”. A windmill in chess is a typical combination with alternating ordinary and discovered checks, which is used to win material and improve the position of pieces without losing time. 1293 Show/Hide Solution Here, we see one of the most popular windmill patterns. The white bishop can go to any square along the b1-h7 diagonal without wasting a move! To solve the puzzle, you have to get it to the g6 square: 1.Bh7+! Kh8 2.Bg6+! Kg8. The position has only slightly changed in comparison with the diagram, but now white can deliver a mate in two: 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qxf7#. The windmill can be built with many different pairs of pieces, for instance, a queen and knight: 907
1294 Show/Hide Solution After 1.Qg5+ Kc8, white can improve the position of his knight: 2.Ne7+! Kd8 3.Nc6+! Kc8. From the c6 square, the knight can finish the combination: 4.Na7#. We should note that other discovered knight checks don’t lead to a win, for instance, 3.Ng6+ is met with 3...Kc8, and white can’t play 4.Nxh8? due to 4...Nf3+ 5.Kh3 Nxg5+, and black soon wins. Still, even if white plays the wrong discovered check on the third move, he can still retreat with 4.Ne7+!, and then, after 4...Kd8, finish the combination in the correct way. In the next position, the windmill is performed by a rook and knight: 1295 908
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Rc8+ Kh7, white uses the windmill pattern to get the knight to g6 and deliver checkmate: 2.Nf8+! Kg8 3.Ng6+ Kh7 4.Rh8#. 2...Kh8 changes nothing: 3.Ng6+ Kh7 4.Rh8#. The most famous windmill is probably the construction built with a rook and a bishop: 1296 909
Show/Hide Solution The white rook can visit all the squares on the seventh rank with checks: 1.Rg7+! Kf8 2.Rxd7+! Kg8 3.Rg7+! Kf8 4.Rb7+! Kg8, and now it delivers checkmate: 5.Rxb8+ Nf8 6.Rxf8#. 1297 910
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Kh7 2.Bg8+ Kh8 3.Bf7+ Kh7 4.Bg6#. 1298 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kh8 (1...Kf7 2.Bg6+ (2.Qg6+ Kf8 3.Qg8#) 2...Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qh8#) 2.Bg6+ Kg8 3.Qh7+ Kf8 4.Qh8#. 1299 911
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf6+ Kc8 (1...Ke8 2.Qe7#) 2.Ne7+ Kd8 3.Nc6+ Kc8 (3...Ke8 4.Qe7#) 4.Na7#. 1300 Show/Hide Solution 912
1.Bf5+ Kh5 2.Bxd3+ Kg4 3.Bf5+ Kh5 4.Be4+ Kg4 5.Bf3#. 1301 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf8+ Kg8 (1...Kh8 2.Ng6+ Kh7 3.Rh8#) 2.Nxd7+ Rc8 (2...Kh7 3.Nf8+ Kg8 (3...Kh8 4.Ng6+ Kh7 5.Rh8#) 4.Ng6+ Kh7 5.Rh8#) 3.Rxc8+ Kh7 4.Nf8+ Kg8 (4...Kh8 5.Ng6+ Kh7 6.Rh8#) 5.Ng6+ Kh7 6.Rh8#. 1302 913
Show/Hide Solution 1.Be4+ Kh8 (1...Rf5 2.Bxf5+ Kh8 3.Ng6+ Kh7 4.Ne5+ Kh8 5.Nf7#) 2.Ng6+ Kh7 3.Nxf8+ Kh8 4.Ng6+ Kh7 5.Ne5+ Kh8 6.Nf7#. 914
Show in Text Mode Chapter 28 Combinations In this chapter, we use the windmill tactic in conjunction with all other tactics we studied in the previous chapters. Actually, it’s almost impossible to assemble a “pure” windmill without using additional tactical patterns. The windmill is used much more often as part of a combination, to eliminate the opponent’s pieces with checks or to improve the position of a piece without losing the right to move. 1303 Show/Hide Solution Smothered mate is one of the most famous checkmating patterns. White plays 1.Nc7+! Kb8 2.Nxa6+! Ka8 3.Qb8+! Rxb8 4.Nc7#. After 1...Rxc7, white checkmates with 2.Qe8+ Rc8 3.Qxc8#. In addition to a short windmill, white used deflection, double check and blocking in this puzzle. The ending of the next puzzle is also standard: 915
1304 Show/Hide Solution After landing an “attraction + elimination” blow with 1.Qxh7+! Kxh7, white plays 2.Rh4+ Kg7 and checkmates the black king with a windmill on the h-file – 3.Bh6+! Kh7 4.Bf8#. 3...Kh8 4.Bf8# changes nothing. Most combinations that include a windmill are fairly complicated. Let’s look at two more examples: 1305 916
Show/Hide Solution White needs only a couple of pieces to deliver checkmate. After carefully calculating the lines, he should play 1.Qh5+ Kg8. Then he uses “vacation” to get rid of his own knight: 2.Ne7+! Rxe7. And, finally, he delivers a checkmate with the windmill: 3.Bh7+! Kh8 4.Bg6+! Kg8 5.Qh7#. 1306 917
Show/Hide Solution The decisive move is 1.Qe8+! Bd8 – the black bishop is forced to block the escape square for the king. Then 2.Qxd7+! follows (the standard “attraction + elimination” idea) 2...Kxd7 3.Bg4+ Kd6. And only now the windmill makes a sudden appearance: 4.Re6+! Kd7 5.Re5+! Kd6 6.c5#. Of course, black loses even more quickly after 2...Kb8 3.Qxd8#. 1307 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh4+ Kg8 2.Bh7+ Kh8 3.Bg8+ Kxg8 4.Qh7#. 1308 918
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Rxg8 (1...Kxg8 2.Rxg7+ Kh8 3.Rg4#) 2.Bxg7+ Rxg7 3.Rf8+ Rg8 4.Rgxg8#. (4.Rfxg8#) 1309 Show/Hide Solution 919
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh5+ Kg7 3.Bh6+ Kh7 (3...Kh8 4.Bf8#) 4.Bf8#. 1310 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf6+ Qxf6 (1...Bxf6 2.Rxh5+ Kg7 3.Bh6+ Kh8 4.Bf8#) 2.Rxh5+ Kg7 3.Bh6+ Kh8 4.Bf8#. 1311 920
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Bxh6 2.Bxh6+ Kh7 (2...Kh8 3.Bf8+ Qh4 4.Rxh4#) 3.Bf8+ Qh4 4.Rxh4#. 1312 Show/Hide Solution 921
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Kg6 3.Bh5+ Kh6 (3...Kh7 4.Bxf7#) 4.Bxf7#. 1313 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kg8 2.Nh6+ Kh8 (2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Qg8+ Rxg8 4.Nf7#. 1314 922
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc7+ Kb8 2.Na6+ Ka8 (2...Kc8 3.Qc7#) 3.Qb8+ Rxb8 4.Nc7#. 1315 Show/Hide Solution 923
1.Nd7+ Kc8 2.Nb6+ Kb8 (2...Kd8 3.Qd7#) 3.Qc8+ Rxc8 4.Nd7#. 1316 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kg8 (1...Rxf7 2.Qd8+ Rf8 3.Qxf8#) 2.Nh6+ Kh8 3.Qg8+ Bxg8 (3...Rxg8 4.Nf7#) 4.Nf7#. 1317 924
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc7+ Kd8 2.Ne6+ Ke8 (2...Kc8 3.Qc7#) 3.Qd8+ Nxd8 4.Nc7#. 1318 Show/Hide Solution 925
1.Ng7+ Kf8 2.Nxe6+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Qg7#) 3.Qf8+ Bxf8 4.Ng7#. 1319 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kf6 2.Qd8+ Kf7 (2...Kg6 3.Be8+ Kh6 4.Qg5#) 3.Be8+ Kf8 (3...Kg8 4.Bg6#) 4.Bg6#. 1320 926
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Rxh8 2.Nf6+ Kg7 3.Nxd7+ Kg8 (3...Kh7 4.Rf7+ Kg8 5.Rg7#) 4.Rf8+ Kh7 5.Rxh8#. 1321 Show/Hide Solution 927
1.Qh5+ Kd8 2.Nf7+ Ke8 3.Nd6+ Kd8 4.Qe8+ Rxe8 5.Nf7#. 1322 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Bxg7 2.Bxg7+ Kg8 3.Be5+ Kf8 4.Bd6+ Ke8 5.Rg8#. 1323 928
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe6+ Kh8 (1...Rf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qf8#) 2.Nf7+ Kg8 (2...Rxf7 3.Qc8+ Qe8 (3...Rf8 4.Qxf8#) 4.Qxe8+ Rf8 5.Qxf8#) 3.Nh6+ Kh8 4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#. 1324 929
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd5+ Kh8 (1...Kf8 2.Qf7#) 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nh6+ Kh8 (3...Kf8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#. 1325 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Kg8 3.Nh6+ Kh7 (3...Kh8 4.Nf5+ Kg8 5.Ne7#) 4.Nf5+ Kg8 5.Ne7#. 1326 930
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Nf5+ Kg6 3.Ne7+ Kg7 4.Bh6+ Kh8 (4...Kh7 5.Bf8#) 5.Bf8#. 1327 Show/Hide Solution 931
1.Qxh7+ Rxh7 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 3.Rh3+ Kg7 4.Bh6+ Kh7 (4...Kh8 5.Bf8#) 5.Bf8#. 1328 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh3+ Kg6 (2...Bh6 3.Rxh6#) 3.Bh5+ Kh7 (3...Kf5 4.Rf3#) 4.Bxf7+ Bh6 5.Rxh6#. 1329 932
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Rxg7 2.Bg6+ Kg8 (2...Rh7 3.Rxh7+ Kg8 4.Nh6#) 3.Nh6+ Kh8 4.Nxf7+ Kg8 5.Rh8#. 1330 Show/Hide Solution 933
1.Qe6+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Bf6+ Kh7 3.Qf7#; 1...Kg7 2.Bf6+ Kf8 (2...Kh7 3.Qf7#) 3.Qe7+ Kg8 4.Qg7#; 1...Kh7 2.Qf7+ Kh8 3.Bf6#) 2.Be7+ Kg7 (2...Ke8 3.Bxd6+ (3.Bf6+ Kf8 4.Qe7+ Kg8 5.Qg7#) 3...Kd8 4.Qe7#) 3.Bf6+ Kf8 (3...Kh7 4.Qf7#) 4.Qe7+ Kg8 5.Qg7#. 1331 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Bxc8 (1...Be8 2.Rxe8+ Kg7 3.Bf8+ Kg8 4.Bh6#) 2.Rxc8+ Kg7 3.Bf8+ Kg8 4.Bh6+ Bd8 5.Rxd8#. 1332 934
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 (1...Kf7 2.Qh5+ Ng6 (2...Kf6 3.g5#) 3.Qxg6#) 2.Qh5+ (2.Qh4+) 2...Kg8 3.Bh7+ Kh8 4.Bg6+ Kg8 (4...Bh6 5.Qxh6+ Kg8 6.Qh7#) 5.Qh7#. 1333 935
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc4+ Kh8 (1...Rd5 2.Qxd5+; 1...Rf7 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qf8#; 1...Re6 2.Qxe6+) 2.Nf7+ Kg8 (2...Rxf7 3.Qc8+ Rd8 4.Rxd8+ Rf8 5.Rxf8+ Qxf8 6.Qxf8#) 3.Nxh6+ Kh8 4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#. 1334 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh6+ Kh8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Qxg7+ Kxg7 4.Rh7+ Kg8 5.Nh6#. 1335 936
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa6+ bxa6 2.Bf3+ Ka7 3.Rb7+ Ka8 4.Rd7+ Kb8 5.Rd8+ Ka7 6.Ra8#. 1336 Show/Hide Solution 937
1.Qxb7+ Kxb7 2.Nc5+ Kb8 (2...Kc8 3.Bb7+ Kb8 4.Nc6#) 3.Rb1+ Bb3 (3...Kc8 4.Bb7+ Kb8 5.Nc6#) 4.Rxb3+ Kc8 5.Bb7+ Kb8 6.Nc6#. 1337 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bc8+ Kb5 (1...Rxc8 2.Qxa7+ Kb5 3.a4#; 1...Ka5 2.Qxa7+ Rxa7 (2...Kb5 3.a4#) 3.Rxa7+ Kb5 4.a4#) 2.a4+ Kxa4 (2...Ka5 3.Qxa7+ Rxa7 4.Rxa7#) 3.Qxa7+ Rxa7 (3...Kb5 4.Ba6+ Ka4 (4...Ka5 5.Bxc4+ Rxa7 6.Rxa7#) 5.Bxc4+ Rxa7 6.Rxa7#) 4.Rxa7+ Kb5 5.Ba6+ Ka4 (5...Ka5 6.Bxc4#) 6.Bxc4#. 1338 938
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Bxf6 (1...gxf6 2.Qg4+ Kh8 3.Rxh7#; 1...Kh8 2.Rxh7#) 2.Bxh7+ Kh8 3.Bb1+ Kg8 4.Rh8+ Kxh8 5.Qh5+ Kg8 6.Qh7#. 1339 939
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf6+ Qxf6 (1...Qe7 2.Bxe7#) 2.Qd6+ Kc8 3.Bd7+ Kd8 4.Bc6+ Kc8 5.Qd7+ Kb8 6.Qxb7#. 1340 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh4+ Kg1 2.Rg4+ Kh2 3.Rg2+ Kxh1 (3...Kh3 4.Ng5+ Kh4 5.Rh2#) 4.Rg4+ Kh2 5.Rh4+ Kg1 6.Rh1#. 1341 940
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd8+ Be8 (1...Re8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nh6+ Kh8 (3...Kf8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#) 2.Rxe8+ Rxe8 (2...Nf8 3.Rxf8#) 3.Nf7+ Kg8 4.Nh6+ Kh8 (4...Kf8 5.Qf7#) 5.Qg8+ Rxg8 6.Nf7#. 1342 941
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ (1.Qh8+ Bh7 2.Qf8+ Kg6=) 1.Qf8+ Kh7 (1...Kg6 2.Bf7+ Kh7 3.Qg8+ Kh6 4.Qh8+ Bh7 5.Qf8#; 1...Kh5 2.Bf7+ Bg6 3.Qh8#) 2.Bg8+ Kg6 (2...Kh8 3.Bf7+ Kh7 4.Qg8+ Kh6 5.Qh8+ Bh7 6.Qf8#) 3.Bf7+ Kh7 4.Qg8+ Kh6 5.Qh8+ Bh7 6.Qf8#. 942
Show in Text Mode Chapter 29 Interference To conclude, we study the tactical pattern of interference. Interference is placing a piece along the attacking line of the opposing long-range piece to disrupt its attacking or defending activity. In the context of forced checkmating, “pure” interference only occurs when one of the pieces of the mating side is pinned and cannot take part in the game. 1343 Show/Hide Solution The white knight is pinned and cannot move, but after 1.Qg4+! it regains freedom of movement and quickly checkmates the black king: 1...Kf7 2.Nh6#. The other reply doesn’t work either 1...Ng7 2.Nh6#. In the next example, interference is used in a similar way: 1344 943
Show/Hide Solution To get rid of the pin, the white queen should get to the g4 square. It’s rather easy to do: 1.Qxh5+ Kg7 2.Qg4+!, and after any king’s retreat, for instance, 2...Kh7, white checkmates with 3.Rh5#. 1...Kg8 2.Qg4+ Kh7 3.Rh5# changes nothing. Opposing pieces can also be used for interference if you can force the opponent to put them onto the opposing line: 1345 944
Show/Hide Solution The white knight cannot move, but after 1.Qe7+! Kd5 the black king is forced to block the long diagonal and gets white out of the pin: 2.Nb4#. 1346 945
Show/Hide Solution After 1.g5+ Kf5 2.e4+! Nxe4, white blocks the pin along the long diagonal with the help of the black knight, which allows him to get his only minor piece into the game – 3.Ne7#. 1347 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh4+ Kg6 2.Ne5#. 1348 946
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg3+ Kf8 (1...Kf6 2.Qg5#) 2.Bh6#. 1349 Show/Hide Solution 947
1.Rg2+ Kh5 (1...Kh7 2.Rh3#; 1...Kh6 2.Rh3#) 2.Rh3#. 1350 Show/Hide Solution 1.h4+ Kf5 2.Bg4+ Ke5 3.Rd5#. 1351 948
Show/Hide Solution 1.h5+ Kg5 2.f4+ Rxf4 3.Rg7#. 1352 Show/Hide Solution 949
1.Qg4+ Kh7 (1...Kh8 2.Qh3+ Kg7 3.Qg2+ Kh8 4.Rh3#; 1...Kh6 2.Qh3+ Kg5 3.Qg2+ Kh4 4.Rh3#) 2.Qh3+ Kg6 3.Qg2+ Kh7 4.Rh3#. 950
Show in Text Mode Chapter 30 Combinations In this chapter, the interference tactic is used in conjunction with all the tactics we studied in the previous chapters. As part of a combination, interference can be used both to break a pin, like in the previous chapter, or to protect an attacked piece. 1353 Show/Hide Solution In the span of a two-move combination, white manages to use four different tactics: 1.Qxh6+! (“attraction + elimination”) 1...Kxh6 2.Nf6#. This move is both a discovered check and an interference. It interferes with the black queen, which could capture the h4 rook in case of any other knight move. Similar ideas lead to checkmate in the following position: 951
1354 Show/Hide Solution The combination starts with blocking 1.Qh7+! Nxh7, then windmill and interference are used: 2.Nf7+! Kg8 3.Ne5+! This move blocks the e-file for the queen, preventing it from capturing the bishop: 3...Kh8 4.Ng6# or 3...Kf8 4.Ng6#. The next example demonstrates that interference, like all other tactics from Part 3 of this book, can be used to overpower the king’s defenders. 1355 952
Show/Hide Solution The back rank is defended by only one black rook. White can’t eliminate or deflect it, so he has to resort to interference! 1.Nd8+! Qxd5 2.Qe8#. Otherwise, 1...Kh8 2.Qe8#. 1356 953
Show/Hide Solution After 1.Rd8+!, black has a choice between white interfering with the black queen 1...Bxd8 2.Qe8# or its deflection 1...Qxd8 2.Ne6+ Kg8 3.Qxg7#. 1357 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Bxe8 (1...Qxe8 2.Qf6#) 2.Qf8#. 1358 954
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd8+ Kg7 2.e8=N#. 1359 Show/Hide Solution 955
1.Qxg7+ Nxg7 2.Bxg7+ Kg8 3.Bc3#. 1360 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg8+ Rxg8 2.Bg6+ Kf8 3.Re8#. 1361 956
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Rxe8 (1...Bxe8 2.Qf8#) 2.Rxe8+ Bxe8 3.Qf8#. 1362 Show/Hide Solution 957
1.Bxf7+ Kf8 (1...Qxf7 2.Nh6+ Kf8 3.Qxf7#) 2.Be6+ Qf7 3.Qxf7#. 1363 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Rxf8 (1...Bxf8 2.Qg8#) 2.Rxf8+ Bxf8 3.Qg8#. 1364 958
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd5+ Kb7 (1...Kb8 2.Qc7#; 1...Kd7 2.Qc7+ Ke8 3.Qe7#; 1...Kd8 2.Qc7+ Ke8 3.Qe7#) 2.Qc7+ Ka6 3.Qb6#. 1365 959
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Rxc8 (1...Nxc8 2.Qd8#) 2.Rxc8+ Nxc8 3.Qd8#. 1366 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ne8+ Kg8 (1...Qf6 2.Qxf6+ Kg8 (2...Bg7 3.Qxg7#) 3.Qxf8#; 1...Bg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Qh8+ Kxh8 3.Rxf8#. 1367 960
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Rxe8 (1...Bxe8 2.c7+ gxf3 3.c8=Q#; 1...Qd8 2.c7+ gxf3 3.Qc6#) 2.Rxe8+ Bxe8 3.c7+ gxf3 4.c8=Q#. 1368 961
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kg8 (1...Qxf7 2.Qxf7#) 2.Rd7+ Kf8 (2...Qf7 3.Qxf7#) 3.Rf1+ Qf7 4.Qxf7#. 1369 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd8+ Qf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qe8+ Bf8 3.Qxf8#; 1...Kf8 2.Qe8#) 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 3.Qe8+ Bf8 4.Qxf8#. 1370 962
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh6+ Kh8 2.Nf7+ Kh7 (2...Kg8 3.Rb8+ Kh7 4.Rh8#) 3.Ng5+ Kh8 (3...Kg8 4.Rb8#; 3...Kh6 4.Rh7#) 4.Rb8#. 1371 963
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Ke8 2.Nf6+ Bxf6 3.Rg7+ Bxg6 (3...Kf8 4.h8=Q#) 4.h8=Q#. 1372 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kh8 2.Bg6+ Kg8 3.Rh8+ Kxh8 4.Qh5+ Kg8 5.Qh7#. 1373 964
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf5+ b6 (1...Ka8 2.c8=Q+ Rxc8 3.Rxc8#) 2.axb6+ Ka8 (2...Kb7 3.Nd6+ Ka8 4.b7#) 3.c8=Q+ Rxc8 4.Rxc8+ Kb7 5.Nd6#. 1374 965
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kf7 (1...Bxh8 2.Rxh8+ Kf7 (2...Kg7 3.R1h7#) 3.R1h7#) 2.Qxg7+ Kxg7 (2...Ke8 3.Rh8#) 3.Rh7+ Kf8 (3...Kg8 4.Rh8+ Kf7 (4...Kg7 5.R1h7#) 5.R1h7#) 4.Rh8+ Kf7 (4...Kg7 5.R1h7#) 5.R1h7#. 1375 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Ng6+ Kg8 3.d6+ (3.Rh8+ Kf7 4.d6+) 3...Rxb3 (3...Qc4 4.Bxc4+ Bf7 5.Rh8#; 3...Qd5 4.Bxd5+ Bf7 5.Rh8#; 3...Bf7 4.Rh8#) 4.Rh8+ Kf7 5.Rf8#. 1376 966
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Kh8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nxd6+ Kh8 4.Nf7+ Kg8 5.Nd8+ Kh8 6.Rf8#. 1377 Show/Hide Solution 967
1.Qxg6+ hxg6 2.Rh8+ Kf7 3.Rh7+ Kg8 (3...Ke6 4.Rb6+ Qc6 (4...Bd6 5.Rxd6#) 5.Rxc6+ Bd6 6.Rxd6#; 3...Bg7 4.Rxg7+ Ke6 5.Rb6+ Qc6 6.Rxc6#) 4.Rg7+ Kh8 5.Rf7+ Kg8 (5...Rxe5 6.Rbxf8#; 5...Rf6 6.Rbxf8#) 6.Rbxf8#. 1378 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ hxg6 (1...Kd8 2.Nxe6+ Kc8 3.Qe8#) 2.Bxg6+ Kd8 3.Nxe6+ Kc8 4.Rxc7+ Kb8 5.Rc2+ Ne5 6.Bxe5#. 1379 968
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd6+ Qxd6 (1...Ka8 2.Ra6#; 1...Qc7 2.Qxc7+ Ka7 (2...Ka8 3.Qxb7#) 3.Qxb7#; 1...Ka7 2.Ra3+ Qa4 (2...Ba6 3.Raxa6#) 3.Rxa4+ Ba6 4.Raxa6#) 2.Rxb7+ Ka8 3.Rb4+ Ka7 (3...Qc6 4.Ra3#; 3...Ne4 4.Ra3+ Qa6 5.Rxa6#; 3...Nd5 4.Ra3+ Qa6 5.Rxa6#; 3...Qd5 4.Ra3#) 4.Ra3+ Qa6 5.Rb7+ Ka8 6.Rxa6#. 1380 969
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rxf7+ Kg8 (2...Kh8 3.Ng6+ Kg8 4.Re7+ Qd5 (4...Be6 5.Bxe6#) 5.Bxd5+ Be6 6.Bxe6#) 3.Re7+ Qd5 (3...Kh8 4.Ng6#; 3...Kf8 4.Ng6#; 3...Be6 4.Bxe6+ Kf8 (4...Kh8 5.Ng6#) 5.Ng6#) 4.Bxd5+ Be6 (4...Kh8 5.Ng6#; 4...Kf8 5.Ng6#) 5.Bxe6+ Kf8 (5...Kh8 6.Ng6#) 6.Ng6#. 970
Show in Text Mode Part 5 Using Your Knowledge The first four parts of this book contained a review of all the tactics that can be used in forced-mate combinations, as well as puzzles to test the knowledge of every individual tactic. The main goal of the previous parts of the book was studying the tactical patterns, so there was no need to calculate further than six moves ahead to solve any puzzle. The final part requires both skillful use of all the tactical patterns and calculation of much longer lines! There are 120 forced-mate puzzles that require you to calculate lines six to eleven moves long. The fifth part is a universal test of any player’s capability to deliver a forced mate; it also indicates their possible weaknesses – for instance, a tactical pattern they keep missing or mistakes in calculating simple but long lines. Chapter 31 Test Yourself! 1381 971
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxg5+ Kh6 (1...Kh8 2.Qh7#; 1...Kg8 2.Qh7#; 1...Kg7 2.Qh7+ Kf6 3.Ne4#) 2.Qh7+ Kxg5 3.Qg7+ Kf5 (3...Kh4 4.Qg4#; 3...Kh5 4.g4+ Kh4 5.Qh6#; 3...Kf4 4.Qg4#) 4.Re5+ dxe5 (4...Kf4 5.Qg4#) 5.g4+ Ke4 (5...Kf4 6.Qxe5#) 6.Qxe5#. 1382 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf8+ Kg5 (1...Kh7 2.Bg8+ Kh8 3.Bf7+ Kh7 4.Qg8+ Kh6 5.Qxg6#) 2.Rxf5+ Kg4 (2...gxf5 3.Qg7#) 3.Rg5+ Kh3 (3...Kxg5 4.Qf4#; 3...Rxg5 4.Qf4+ Kh5 5.Qh4#) 4.Be6+ Qxe6 (4...Qg4 5.Qf1+ Kxg3 (5...Rg2+ 6.Qxg2#) 6.Rxg4#) 5.Qf1+ Rg2+ 6.Qxg2#. 1383 972
Show/Hide Solution 1.axb7+ Rxb7 (1...Kxb7 2.Qxa7+ Kc8 3.Qb8#) 2.Qxa7+ Rxa7 3.Rxa7+ Kxa7 4.Ra1+ Kb7 5.Ba6+ Ka7 6.Bc8#. 1384 973
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.f6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.fxg7#) 3.Bd2+ Kh5 4.Bf3+ Kh4 5.Bg5+ Kh3 6.Bg4#. 1385 Show/Hide Solution 1.h4+ Kf6 (1...Qxh4 2.Qxh4#) 2.Qf7+ Ke5 3.Qd5+ Kf6 4.Qe6+ Kg7 5.Qf7+ Kh6 (5...Kh8 6.Qh7#) 6.Qh7#. 1386 974
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf5+ Bxf5 2.gxf5+ Kh5 3.Ng3+ Kh4 (3...Kg4 4.Rf4+ Kxg5 5.h4#) 4.Rf4+ Nfg4 (4...Neg4 5.Nf3#; 4...Kxg5 5.h4#) 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 (5...Nxg4 6.Nf3#) 6.Rd4#. 1387 975
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1...Rxg8 2.Nf7#) 2.f7+ Kf8 (2...Kh8 3.f8=Q+ Rxf8 4.Rxf8#) 3.Ba3+ Rxa3 4.Nxh7+ Ke7 5.f8=Q+ Kd7 6.Rf7#. 1388 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kh8 (1...Kf8 2.Qxf7#) 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (2...Kg8 3.Qxf7#) 3.Qxf7+ Kh6 (3...Kh8 4.Qg7#) 4.Qg7+ Kh5 5.Be2+ Kh4 6.Qg4#. 1389 976
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxc6+ Kb7 2.Rc7+ Kb6 (2...Kb8 3.Qxd8#) 3.Rb7+ Kxb7 (3...Ka5 4.Qe1+ Qd2 (4...Ka4 5.Qb4#) 5.Qxd2+ Ka4 6.Qb4#) 4.Qe4+ Kb6 (4...Qd5 5.Qxd5+ Kb6 6.Qc6+ Ka5 7.Qa6#; 4...Kc8 5.Qc6#) 5.Qc6+ Ka5 6.Qa6#. 1390 977
Show/Hide Solution 1.e8=N+ Kf7 (1...Kg6 2.Bh5+ Kh7 3.Re7+ Kh8 (3...Kg8 4.Nf6+ Kh8 5.Rh7#) 4.Be5+ Kg8 5.Nf6+ Kf8 (5...Kh8 6.Rh7#) 6.Rf7#) 2.Bh5+ Kg8 (2...Kf8 3.Bh6+ Kg8 4.Nf6+ Kh8 5.Re8#) 3.Rg5+ Kh8 (3...Kh7 4.Nf6+ Kh8 5.Rg8#; 3...Kf8 4.Bd6#) 4.Be5+ Kh7 5.Nf6+ Kh6 (5...Kh8 6.Rg8#) 6.Rg6#. 1391 978
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc8+ Bxc8 (1...Bf8 2.Qxf8#; 1...Kf7 2.Qc7+; 1...Qe8 2.Qxe8+ Bf8 3.Qxf8#) 2.Rxc8+ Kf7 (2...Qe8 3.Rxe8+ Kf7 (3...Bf8 4.Rxf8#) 4.Re7+ Kg8 (4...Kg6 5.Rxg7#) 5.Rxg7+ Kh8 6.Rg6#) 3.Rc7+ Qd7 (3...Kg8 4.Rxg7+ Kh8 5.Rg6#; 3...Ke8 4.Re7#; 3...Kg6 4.Rxg7#) 4.Rxd7+ Kg8 (4...Kg6 5.Rxg7#; 4...Ke8 5.Re7#) 5.Rxg7+ Kh8 6.Rg6#. 1392 979
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Kg6 (2...Kg7 3.Qg4+; 2...Qh5 3.Qxh5+ Kg7 4.Qh7#) 3.Qg4+ Kf7 (3...Qg5 4.Qxg5+ Kf7 5.Qf5+ Ke8 (5...Ke7 6.Qd7#; 5...Kg7 6.Rh7#) 6.Qd7#) 4.Rh7+ Rg7 (4...Qg7 5.Qe6#; 4...Ke8 5.Qd7#) 5.Rxg7+ Qxg7 (5...Ke8 6.Qd7#) 6.Qe6#. 1393 980
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf6+ gxf6 (1...Kg8 2.Qe8+ Kh7 (2...Bf8 3.Rxf8+ Kh7 4.Rxh8#) 3.Qg6+ Kg8 4.Re8+ Bf8 5.Rfxf8#) 2.Qe6+ Kg7 (2...Kg6 3.Qxf6+ Kh7 (3...Kh5 4.Qg5#) 4.Qxh8+ Kg6 5.Re6+ Kf7 6.Qg7#; 2...Kf8 3.Qxf6+ Kg8 (3...Rf7 4.Qd8#) 4.Qg6+ Rg7 (4...Kf8 5.Re8#) 5.Qxg7#) 3.Qxf6+ Kh7 (3...Kg8 4.Qg6+ Kf8 5.Re8#) 4.Qxh8+ (4.Re7+) 4...Kg6 5.Re6+ Kf7 6.Qe8#. 1394 981
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc1+ Kb8 (1...Rc3 2.Rxc3+; 1...Rc7 2.Qxc7#) 2.Qb4+ Ka8 (2...Rb7 3.Qxb7#) 3.Bf3+ Rxf3 (3...Re4 4.Bxe4+ Qxe4 5.Rc8#; 3...Rb7 4.Qxb7#; 3...Rd5 4.Qb7#; 3...Qe4 4.Rc8#) 4.Qe4+ Kb8 (4...Qxe4 5.Rc8#; 4...Rd5 5.Qxe8+ Rd8 6.Qxd8#; 4...Rb7 5.Qxb7#) 5.Qxe8+ Rd8 6.Qxd8#. 1395 982
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Rxe8 2.Qg8+ Ke7 (2...Kxg8 3.dxe8=Q#) 3.dxe8=Q+ Kd6 (3...Kf6 4.Qgf7#) 4.Qee6+ (4.Qgf8+) 4...Kc5 (4...Kc7 5.Qgc8#) 5.Qxc4+ Kd6 6.Qge6#. 1396 983
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#; 1...Kf8 2.Qe7#) 2.Qe7+ Kg6 (2...Kg8 3.gxf4+ Bg4 (3...Qg3 4.Rxg3+; 3...Kh8 4.Qf6#) 4.Rxg4+ Kh8 5.Qf6#; 2...Kh8 3.Qf6+ Kg8 4.gxf4+ Qg3 (4...Bg4 5.Rxg4#) 5.Rxg3+ Bg4 6.Rxg4#; 2...Kh6 3.Qf6+ Kh5 4.g4+ Bxg4 5.fxg4#; 2...Bf7 3.gxf4+ Kh6 (3...Qg3 4.Rxg3+; 3...Kh8 4.Qf6#) 4.Qg5#) 3.gxf4+ Qg3 (3...Kh6 4.Qg5#; 3...Kh5 4.Qg5#; 3...Bg4 4.Rxg4+ Kh5 (4...Kh6 5.Qg5#) 5.Qg5#) 4.Rxg3+ Bg4 (4...Kh5 5.Qg5#; 4...Kh6 5.Qg5#) 5.Rxg4+ Kh6 (5...Kh5 6.Qxh7#) 6.Qg5#. 1397 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Qxf8 2.Bxg7+ Qxg7 3.Rd8+ Bf8 (3...Qg8 4.Rxg8#; 3...Qf8 4.Qxe5#) 4.Rxf8+ Qxf8 (4...Qg8 5.Rxg8#) 5.Qxe5+ Qg7 (5...Qf6 6.Qxf6#) 6.Qe8+ Qf8 7.Qxf8#. 1398 984
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb3+ Rxb3+ 2.axb3+ Kb4 3.bxa4+ Ka5 4.axb5+ Kb6 5.bxa6+ Ka7 6.axb7+ Kb8 7.bxa8=Q#. 1399 Show/Hide Solution 985
1.Qxa7+ Kxa7 2.Ra1+ Kb8 3.Ra8+ Kxa8 4.Rxc8+ Ka7 5.b6+ Ka6 6.Bd3+ Ka5 7.Ra8#. 1400 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf8+ Rxf8 2.Qd5+ Rf7 3.Qxa8+ Rf8 4.Qxa2+ Rf7 5.Qa8+ Rf8 6.Qd5+ Rf7 7.Ra8#. 1401 986
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh5+ Ke7 2.d6+ Kxd6 (2...Kf6 3.Qf7+ Kxe5 (3...Kg5 4.h4#) 4.f4+ Kxd6 5.Rd4+ Kc5 6.Qd5#; 2...cxd6 3.Qf7#; 2...Kf8 3.Qf7#; 2...Ke6 3.Qf7+ Kxe5 4.f4+ Kxd6 5.Rd4+ Kc5 6.Qd5#) 3.Rd4+ Kc5 (3...Ke7 4.Qf7#; 3...Ke6 4.Qf7+ Kxe5 5.Rd5+ Ke4 6.Qf5#) 4.Nd3+ Kxd4 (4...Kc6 5.Qd5#) 5.Qe5+ Kc4 6.Nxb2+ Kb4 7.c3#. 1402 987
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg5+ Kg7 (1...Bxg5 2.Nf5#) 2.Qxf6+ Kxf6 (2...Kg8 3.Qxf7+ Kh8 4.Qf8#; 2...Kf8 3.Qxf7#; 2...Kh6 3.Nxf7#) 3.Nf5+ Ke5 4.cxd4+ Kd5 5.Ne3+ Kxd4 6.Rd6+ Ke5 7.Nc4#. 1403 988
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg6+ Nd5 (1...Kh7 2.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (2...Kh6 3.Nf5#) 3.Qf7+ Kh6 4.Nf5+ Kg5 5.h4#; 1...Ne6 2.Qxe6+ Kh7 (2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Rh6+ Bxh6 4.Qf5+ Kg7 (4...Kg8 5.Qf7#) 5.Qf7#; 1...Kf8 2.Qf7#) 2.Qxd5+ Kh7 (2...Kf8 3.Qf7#) 3.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (3...Kh6 4.Nf5#) 4.Qf7+ Kh6 5.Nf5+ Kg5 6.Bd2+ Nf4 7.h4#. 1404 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc7+ Rxc7 (1...Ka8 2.Qxc8#) 2.Rd8+ Rc8 3.Nd7+ Kc7 (3...Ka8 4.Rxc8#) 4.Ne6+ Kd6 5.Nb6+ Rxd8 6.Rd7+ Rxd7 7.Nc8#. 1405 989
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kg8 (1...Kxh7 2.Qh6+ Kg8 3.Ne7+ Kf7 4.Qh7+ Qg7 (4...Ke8 5.Nc6+ Qe4 6.Rxe4#) 5.Qh5+ Qg6 6.Qxg6#) 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 (2...Kf7 3.Re7+ Kg6 4.Nh4#) 3.Qh6+ Kg8 4.Ne7+ Kf7 5.Qh7+ Qg7 (5...Ke8 6.Nc6+ Qe4 7.Rxe4#) 6.Qh5+ Qg6 7.Qxg6#. 1406 990
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc6+ bxc6 (1...Kc8 2.Bf5+ Rd7 3.Nde7#; 1...Ka8 2.Nxc7#) 2.Rb1+ Kc8 (2...Ka8 3.Nxc7#) 3.Bf5+ Rd7 4.Ne7+ Kd8 5.Nxc6+ Ke8 (5...Kc8 6.Rb8#) 6.Rb8+ Rd8 7.Rxd8#. 1407 991
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh8+ Kf7 2.Ne5+ Ke7 3.Qxg7+ Bxg7 (3...Kd6 4.Nb5+ Kd5 5.c4+ Ke4 6.Rae1#) 4.Rf7+ Kd6 5.Nb5+ Kd5 6.c4+ Ke4 7.Re1#. 1408 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc7+ Ka8 2.Qb8+ Kxb8 (2...Rxb8 3.Nc7#) 3.d7+ Re5 (3...Ka8 4.Nc7+ Kb8 5.Nxe8+ Ka8 6.d8=Q#) 4.Bxe5+ Ka8 5.Nc7+ Kb8 6.Ne8+ Ka8 7.d8=Q#. 1409 992
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Ng6+ Qh6 (2...Kg7 3.Bh6+ Kh7 4.Bxf8#) 3.Rxh6+ Kg7 4.Rh7+ Kxh7 5.Rh1+ Kg7 6.Bh6+ Kh7 7.Bf8#. 1410 993
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh4+ Kh7 2.Qd3+ Bf5 (2...Ne4 3.Qxe4+ Bf5 4.Qxf5+ Kh8 5.Ng6+ Kh7 6.Nf8+ Kh8 7.Qh7#; 2...Kh8 3.Ng6+ Kh7 4.Nf8+ Kh8 5.Qh7+ Nxh7 6.Ng6#; 2...g6 3.Qxg6+ Kh8 4.Qxh6+ Nh7 5.Ng6#) 3.Qxf5+ Kh8 (3...g6 4.Qxg6+ Kh8 5.Qxh6+ Nh7 6.Ng6#) 4.Ng6+ Kh7 5.Nf8+ Kh8 6.Qh7+ Nxh7 7.Ng6#. 1411 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rc8+ Kxc8 2.Qe8+ Kc7 (2...Rd8 3.Qc6+ Bc7 4.Rb8+ Kxb8 5.Qb7#) 3.Qb8+ Kc6 4.Qa8+ Kc7 (4...Rb7 5.Qxb7#) 5.Rb7+ Kc6 6.Rb8+ Kc7 (6...Rb7 7.Qxb7#) 7.Qb7#. 1412 994
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Rxf7 (1...Kh8 2.Qxf8+ Bg8 3.Nf7+ Kh7 4.Be4+ g6 (4...Rf5 5.Bxf5+ g6 6.Bxg6#; 4...Rg6 5.hxg6#) 5.Qh6#) 2.Rc8+ Rf8 3.Bd5+ Kh8 4.Nf7+ Kg8 5.Nxg5+ Kh8 6.Rxf8+ Bg8 7.Rxg8#. 1413 995
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf8+ Kxf8 (1...Qxf8 2.Bh7+ Kh8 3.Bg6+ Kg8 4.Qh7#) 2.Qh8+ Kf7 3.Bg6+ Ke6 (3...Kxg6 4.Qh5#) 4.Qg8+ Kd7 (4...Qf7 5.Qxf7#) 5.Bf5+ Qe6 6.Qxe6+ Kd8 7.Qd7#. 1414 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Rh4+ Kg5 (2...Kg7 3.Rxh7#) 3.Bc1+ Rd2 (3...Kxh4 4.Rf4+ Kg5 5.Rg4+ Kf5 6.Rg5#) 4.Bxd2+ Kxh4 5.Rf4+ Kg5 6.Rf3+ (6.Rg4+ Kf5 7.Rg5#; 6.Re4+ Kf5 7.g4#) 6...Kh4 7.Rh3#. 1415 996
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb8+ Kxb8 2.Bd6+ Kc8 (2...Ka8 3.Nc7+ Kb8 4.Nd5+ Ka8 (4...Kc8 5.Nb6#) 5.Nb6#) 3.Rc7+ Kb8 4.Rc6+ Ka8 5.Nc7+ Kb8 6.Nd5+ Ka8 7.Nb6#. 1416 997
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe5+ Ka8 (1...Kc8 2.Qc7#) 2.Nc7+ Kb8 3.Nxe8+ Ka8 (3...Kc8 4.Qc7#) 4.Nc7+ Kb8 5.Na6+ Ka8 (5...Kc8 6.Qc7#) 6.Qb8+ Rxb8 7.Nc7#. 1417 Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Kb7 2.Qa6+ Kxa6 (2...Kc6 3.Nb4+ Kc5 (3...Kd6 4.Qd3+ Kc5 5.Qd5#) 4.Qc4+ Kd6 5.Qd5#) 3.Nxc7+ Ka5 4.b4+ Ka4 5.Bd1+ Qc2+ (5...Ka3 6.Nb5#) 6.Bxc2+ Ka3 7.Nb5#. 1418 998
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kxh7 2.Rxg7+ Kh8 (2...Kh6 3.R1g6#) 3.Rg8+ Kh7 4.R1g7+ Kh6 5.Rg6+ Kh7 6.R8g7+ Kh8 7.Rh6#. 1419 999
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Nxg8 2.fxg8=Q+ Kxg8 3.Ne7+ Kg7 (3...Kh8 4.Rf8+ Kg7 5.Rg8+ Kh6 6.Bg5#) 4.Rf7+ Kh6 (4...Kh8 5.Rf8+ Kg7 6.Rg8+ Kh6 7.Bg5#) 5.Rf6+ Kg7 6.Rg6+ Kh8 (6...Kf8 7.Rg8#) 7.Rg8#. 1420 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxe6+ Qxe6 (1...dxe6 2.Rd8#; 1...Kf8 2.Bh6+ Rg7 3.Qxg7#) 2.Qxe6+ Kf8 (2...Re7 3.Qxe7#; 2...dxe6 3.Rd8#) 3.Bh6+ Rg7 (3...Kg8 4.Qe8+ Kh7 (4...Rf8 5.Qxf8+ Kh7 6.Qg7#) 5.Qxf7+ Kxh6 (5...Kh8 6.Qg7#) 6.Rd6#) 4.Qf6+ Ke8 (4...Kg8 5.Qxg7#) 5.Re1+ Re5 (5...Re7 6.Qxe7#) 6.Rxe5+ Re7 7.Qxe7#. 1421 1000
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh6+ gxh6 2.Qe5+ Rg7 (2...Kh7 3.Rf7+ Kg6 (3...Rg7 4.Qxg7#) 4.Qf5#) 3.Rf8+ Kh7 4.Qf5+ Rg6 5.Rf7+ Kh8 (5...Kg8 6.Qxg6+ Kh8 7.Rh7#) 6.Qe5+ Kg8 (6...Rf6 7.Qe8#; 6...Rg7 7.Qxg7#) 7.Qe8#. 1422 1001
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Kg7 3.Bh6+ Kf6 4.Qxd6+ Kf7 5.Qd7+ Kf6 (5...Kg8 6.Qg7#) 6.Bg7+ Kg5 7.Qg4#. 1423 1002
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxa5+ bxa5 2.Qxc5+ Kb8 (2...Ka6 3.Qxa5+ Kxa5 4.Ra2#; 2...Ka8 3.Qc8+ Rb8 4.Qxb8#; 2...Rb6 3.Qxb6+ Ka8 4.Qb8#) 3.Qa7+ Kc8 (3...Kc7 4.Rxb7+ Kd6 (4...Kd8 5.Qa8#; 4...Kc8 5.Qa8#) 5.Qc5+ Ke5 6.Qxe7#) 4.Qa8+ Kc7 (4...Kd7 5.Rxb7+ Kd6 6.Qa6+ Ke5 7.Rxe7#; 4...Rb8 5.Qxb8+ Kd7 6.Rb7#) 5.Rxb7+ Kd6 6.Qa6+ Ke5 7.Rxe7#. 1424 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg8+ Kxg8 (1...Bxg8 2.Ng6+ Kh7 3.Rxh4#) 2.Bd5+ Rf7 (2...Kh8 3.Ng6+ Bxg6 (3...Nxg6 4.Rxh7+ Kxh7 5.Rh1+ Nh4 6.Rxh4#) 4.Rxh4+ Bh7 (4...Bh5 5.Rxh5#) 5.Rxh7+ Kxh7 6.Rh1#) 3.Bxf7+ Kh8 4.Ng6+ Bxg6 (4...Nxg6 5.Rxh7+ Kxh7 6.Rh1+ Nh4 7.Rxh4#) 5.Rxh4+ Bh7 (5...Bh5 6.Rxh5#) 6.Rxh7+ Kxh7 7.Rh1#. 1425 1003
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ gxh6 (1...Kg8 2.Qh7#) 2.Rxh6+ Kg7 (2...Kg8 3.Rg3#) 3.Rh7+ Kxh7 (3...Kg8 4.Nf6#; 3...Kg6 4.Rg3+ Kxh7 (4...Kf5 5.Rh5+ Kxf4 6.Rf3+ Kg4 7.Nf6#) 5.Nf6+ Kh8 (5...Kh6 6.Rh3+ Kg7 7.Rh7#) 6.Rh3+ Kg7 7.Rh7#) 4.Nf6+ Kg7 (4...Kh8 5.Rh3+ Kg7 6.Rh7#; 4...Kh6 5.Rh3+ Kg7 6.Rh7#) 5.Rg3+ Kh6 (5...Kh8 6.Rh3+ Kg7 7.Rh7#) 6.Rh3+ Kg7 7.Rh7#. 1426 1004
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh6+ Bxh6 (1...Rh7 2.Qxh7#) 2.Rxh6+ Kg7 (2...Rh7 3.Rxh7#) 3.Rh7+ Kf8 4.Rh8+ Kg7 5.Rg8+ Kh6 6.Nf7+ Rxf7 7.g5#. 1427 1005
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxb6+ Kxb6 (1...Kc8 2.Ra8#) 2.Rb3+ Kc5 (2...Kc7 3.d6+ Qxd6 (3...Kc8 4.Ra8#) 4.Ra7+ Kc8 5.Nxd6#) 3.Ra5+ Kc4 4.Rb4+ Kxb4 5.Bd2+ Qc3 (5...Kc4 6.b3#) 6.Bxc3+ Kc4 7.Nd6#. 1428 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qg7+ Rxg7+ 2.hxg7+ Kg8 3.Bxh7+ Kxh7 4.Rh1+ Qh3+ (4...Kg6 5.g8=Q+ Kxf6 (5...Kf5 6.Qg5#) 6.Qg5#; 4...Kg8 5.Rh8#) 5.Rxh3+ Kg6 (5...Kg8 6.Rh8#) 6.g8=Q+ Kxf6 (6...Kf5 7.Qg5#) 7.Qg5#. 1429 1006
Show/Hide Solution 1.Re8+ Rxe8 2.Qxc7+ Kxc7 3.Nd5+ Kb8 (3...Kd8 4.Nxb7#) 4.Nc6+ bxc6 (4...Ka8 5.Nc7#) 5.Rb1+ Bb2 6.Rxb2+ Ka8 7.Nc7#. 1430 1007
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxg5+ Kf8 3.Rh8#; 1...Nxh7 2.Qg7#) 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qxg5+ Kf8 4.Qg7+ Ke8 5.Qg8+ Kd7 6.Qxf7+ Kd6 (6...Kd8 7.Qe7#) 7.Qe7#. 1431 Show/Hide Solution 1.a7+ Kxa7 2.b8=Q+ Bxb8 (2...Ka6 3.Qa8#) 3.Qxd4+ Ka6 4.Qc4+ Ka7 (4...Kb6 5.a5+ Ka7 6.Qc5+ Ka6 7.Qb6#; 4...Ka5 5.Qb5#) 5.Qc5+ Ka6 6.Qb5+ Ka7 7.Qa5#. 1432 1008
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Kh7 2.Ng5+ Kg6 (2...hxg5 3.Rh3+ Kg6 4.Rh6+ Kxh6 (4...gxh6 5.Qg8#) 5.Qh8+ Kg6 6.Qh5#) 3.Qxf7+ Kxg5 4.Qxg7+ Kf4 (4...Kh4 5.Rh3#) 5.Qxh6+ Kxg4 6.h3+ Kf5 7.Qf6#. 1433 1009
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd7+ Be7 (1...Kg6 2.Rg7+ Kh5 3.Rh4+ Kxh4 (3...Bxh4 4.Nf4#) 4.Nf5+ Bxf5 (4...Nxf5 5.Rg4+ Kh5 6.Nf4#; 4...Kh5 5.Nf4#) 5.g3+ Kxh3 (5...Kh5 6.Nf4#) 6.Nf4#) 2.Rxe7+ Kg6 (2...Kh8 3.Rf8#; 2...Kg8 3.Rf8#) 3.Rg7+ Kh5 4.Rh4+ Kxh4 5.Nf5+ Bxf5 (5...Kh5 6.Nf4#; 5...Nxf5 6.Rg4+ Kh5 7.Nf4#) 6.g3+ Kxh3 (6...Kh5 7.Nf4#) 7.Nf4#. 1434 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nh5+ Kh6 (1...Kf8 2.Qf7#; 1...Kh8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nh6+ Kh8 (3...Kf8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#) 2.Qe6+ Ng6 (2...Kxh5 3.Qg4+ Kh6 4.Nf7#) 3.Nf7+ Kxh5 4.Qxe2+ Kh4 5.Qf2+ Kg4 6.Qf3+ Kh4 7.Qh3#. 1435 1010
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rh1+ Kg6 3.Bh5+ Kf6 (3...Kf5 4.g4+ Kf6 5.g5+ Kf5 6.Qh3#; 3...Kh7 4.Bf7#) 4.Bg5+ Kxg5 (4...Kf5 5.Qh3+ Kxg5 6.Qg4+ Kf6 (6...Kh6 7.Qg6#) 7.Qg6#) 5.Qg3+ Kf5 (5...Kh6 6.Qg6#; 5...Kf6 6.Qg6#) 6.Qg4+ Kf6 7.Qg6#. 1436 1011
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rxh7+ Kg6 3.Rh6+ Kg7 (3...Kg5 4.Qh5+ Kf4 5.Qg4#; 3...Kxh6 4.Qh5+ Kg7 5.Qg5+ Kh8 6.Qh6#) 4.Qg4+ Kxh6 5.Qh5+ Kg7 6.Qg5+ Kh8 7.Qh6#. 1437 1012
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Kxf7 2.Ng5+ Kf6 (2...Kg8 3.Be6#) 3.e5+ Kxe5 (3...dxe5 4.Nde4#; 3...Nxe5 4.Nde4#) 4.Ndf3+ (4.Ngf3+ Kf6 5.Ne4+ Kf7 6.Nfg5+ Kg8 7.Be6#) 4...Kf6 5.Nxh7+ (5.Ne4+ Kf7 6.Nfg5+ Kg8 7.Be6#) 5...Kf7 6.Nfg5+ Kg8 7.Be6#. 1438 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kg6 2.e8=Q+ Kf5 (2...Kg5 3.Qe5+ Kg6 4.Rg8+ Kh7 5.Rg7+ Kh8 6.Qe8#) 3.Qe4+ Kxf6 4.Rf8+ Kg7 5.Qe7+ Kg6 6.Qf6+ Kh7 7.Rh8#. 1439 1013
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kxh8 2.f8=Q+ Kh7 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Qf6+ Kh7 (4...Kg8 5.Bxe6+ Kh7 6.Qg6+ Kh8 7.Qxh6#) 5.Qg6+ Kh8 6.Qxh6+ Kg8 7.Bxe6#. 1440 1014
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qe8+ Bf8 2.Nf6+ Kg7 (2...Kh8 3.Qxf8#) 3.Nh5+ Kg8 (3...Kh8 4.Qxf8#) 4.Bh7+ Kxh7 (4...Kh8 5.Qxf8+ Kxh7 6.Qg7#) 5.Qxf7+ Kh8 (5...Bg7 6.Qxg7#) 6.Qxf8+ Kh7 7.Qg7#. 1441 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh7+ Kxh7 (1...Kg5 2.h4#) 2.Qg8+ Kh6 3.Qh8+ Kg5 4.h4+ Kf4 5.Qh6+ g5 (5...Ke4 6.Qe3#; 5...Kf3 6.Qe3#) 6.Qxg5+ Ke4 (6...Kf3 7.Qe3#; 6...Ke5 7.Qe3#) 7.Qe3#. 1442 1015
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg6+ fxg6 (1...Kh7 2.Qxh5+ Bh6 3.Qxh6#; 1...Bg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rxf8+ Kxf8 (2...Kh7 3.Rh8#) 3.Qh8+ Ke7 4.Qg7+ Ke6 (4...Kd8 5.Qf8#) 5.Qxg6+ Ke7 (5...Ke5 6.Qf5+ Kd4 7.Qd5#) 6.Qf7+ Kd8 7.Qf8#. 1443 1016
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf6+ Kxg7 (1...Kg6 2.Rg3+ Qg4 3.Rxg4#) 2.Ne8+ Kh7 (2...Kh8 3.Rf8+ Kh7 4.Nf6+ Kg6 5.Rg8#; 2...Kg6 3.Rg3+ Kh5 4.Ng7+ Kh4 5.Rf4+ Qg4 6.Rgxg4#) 3.Rf7+ Kg6 4.Rg7+ Kh5 5.Nf6+ Kh4 6.Rf4+ Qg4 7.Rfxg4#. 1444 1017
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxf6+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Qe8+ Kg7 3.Nh5+) 2.Qe8+ Kg7 3.Nh5+ Kh6 4.Qxe6+ Kxh5 (4...Kg5 5.Qf6+ Kxh5 6.g4#) 5.Qf5+ Kh6 6.Qf6+ Kh5 7.g4#. 1445 1018
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kf7 (1...Kxh8 2.Qxf6+ Kh7 (2...Kg8 3.Rxg6+ Kh7 4.Qg7#) 3.Qxg6+ Kh8 4.Qg8#; 1...Kg7 2.Qh6+ Kf7 3.Qf8#) 2.Rf8+ Kxf8 (2...Kg7 3.Qxf6+ Kh7 (3...Kh6 4.Qxg6#) 4.Qxg6#; 2...Ke7 3.Qxf6+ Kd7 4.Qd8#) 3.Qxf6+ Ke8 (3...Kg8 4.Rxg6+ Kh7 5.Qg7#) 4.Qxg6+ Kd8 (4...Kd7 5.Qf7+ Kd8 (5...Kc8 6.Rg8#) 6.Rg8#; 4...Ke7 5.Qh7+ Kf6 (5...Kf8 6.Rg8#; 5...Ke8 6.Rg8#; 5...Kd8 6.Rg8#) 6.Rg6#; 4...Kf8 5.Qf6+ Ke8 6.Rg8+ Kd7 7.Qd8#) 5.Qxd6+ Ke8 (5...Kc8 6.Rg8#) 6.Rg8+ Kf7 7.Qe6#. 1446 Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng6+ Kh7 2.Ne5+ (2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Qg8+ Rxg8 4.Ng6+ Kh7 5.Nf8+=) 2...Ne4 (2...Kh8 3.Nf7+ Kg8 4.Nxh6+ Kh8 (4...Kf8 5.Qf7#) 5.Qg8+ Rxg8 (5...Nxg8 6.Nf7#) 6.Nf7#; 2...g6 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Nxg6#) 3.Bxe4+ Kh8 (3...g6 4.Qxg6+ Kh8 5.Qh7#) 4.Nf7+ Kg8 5.Nxh6+ Kh8 (5...Kf8 6.Qf7#) 6.Qg8+ Rxg8 7.Nf7#. 1447 1019
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb8+ Kxb8 (1...Kd7 2.Rxf7+ Ke6 (2...Ke8 3.Qe7#) 3.Re7#) 2.Rb3+ Kc8 (2...Bxb3 3.Qb5+ Kc8 4.Bb7+ Kb8 5.Bc6+ Kc8 6.Qb7#; 2...Bb4 3.Qb5+ Kc8 4.Bb7+ Kb8 5.Bc6+ Kc8 6.Qb7#) 3.Bb7+ (3.Rb8+? Kd7 4.Bc6+ Ke6 5.Qe3+ Kf6=) 3...Kb8 (3...Kd7 4.Bc6+ Kc8 (4...Ke6 5.Re3#) 5.Rb8+ Kxb8 6.Qb5+ Kc8 7.Qb7#) 4.Bc6+ Kc8 (4...Bxb3 5.Qb5+ Kc8 6.Qb7#; 4...Bb4 5.Qb5+ Kc8 6.Qb7#) 5.Rb8+ Kxb8 6.Qb5+ Kc8 7.Qb7#. 1448 1020
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd7+ Kxd7 2.Nbxc5+ (2.Naxc5+ dxc5 3.Nxc5+) 2...dxc5 (2...Kd8 3.Ne6+ Kd7 4.Nac5+ dxc5 5.Ba4+ Bc6 6.Bxc6+ Kxe6 7.d5#) 3.Nxc5+ Kd8 4.Ne6+ Kd7 5.Ba4+ Bc6 6.Bxc6+ Kxe6 7.d5#. 1449 1021
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxc6+ Rxc6 (1...Kc7 2.Qa7+ Rxa7 (2...Kd6 3.e5+ Nxe5 4.dxe5+ Kd5 5.c4#) 3.Rxa7+ Kd6 4.e5+ Nxe5 (4...Kd5 5.c4#) 5.dxe5+ Kd5 6.c4#; 1...Kb7 2.Qa7+ Rxa7 3.Rxa7#) 2.Qxa8+ Kc7 3.Ra7+ Kd6 4.Qf8+ Nxf8 5.e5+ Kd5 6.c4+ Rxc4 7.Be4#. 1450 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxh7+ Ka6 (1...Bc7 2.Nd6+ Ka6 (2...Kc6 3.Qd5#; 2...Kb8 3.Qc8#) 3.Qb5#; 1...Kb8 2.Qf8+ Re8 3.Qxe8#; 1...Re7 2.Rxe7+) 2.Qc8+ Nb7 (2...Rxc8 3.Rxa7#) 3.Qxb7+ Ka5 4.b4+ Kxb4 5.a3+ Ka5 (5...Ka4 6.Qa6#; 5...Kc5 6.Qd5#) 6.Qxa7+ Rxa7 7.Rxa7#. 1451 1022
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd8+ Ka7 2.Rxa6+ bxa6 (2...Kxa6 3.Qa5#; 2...Kb8 3.Qf4+ Qe5 (3...Rd6 4.Qxd6+ Kc8 5.Qc7#; 3...Kc8 4.Qc7#) 4.Qxe5+ Rd6 (4...Kc8 5.Qc7#) 5.Qxd6+ Kc8 6.Qc7#) 3.Qd7+ Kb8 (3...Ka8 4.Qc8+ Ka7 5.Bb6+ Kxb6 6.Qb8#) 4.Qc7+ (4.Bc7+) 4...Ka8 5.Qc8+ Ka7 6.Bb6+ Kxb6 7.Qb8#. 1452 1023
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nf7+ Kh7 (1...Kg8 2.e8=Q+ Kh7 3.Ng5+ (3.Qh8+) 3...hxg5 4.Rh2#) 2.Ng5+ hxg5 (2...Kg6 3.e8=Q+ Kf6 4.Qe6#; 2...Kh8 3.e8=Q#; 2...Kg8 3.e8=Q#) 3.Rh2+ Kg6 (3...Kg8 4.e8=Q#) 4.e8=Q+ Kf6 5.fxg5+ Kxg5 6.Qe5+ Kg6 (6...Kg4 7.Qf4#) 7.Qf5#. 1453 1024
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxc6+ Kf8 (1...Rxc6 2.Rd8#; 1...Nd7 2.Qxc8#) 2.Bh6+ Ke7 (2...Kg8 3.Qxc8+ Nxc8 (3...Bf8 4.Qxf8#) 4.Rd8+ Bf8 5.Rxf8#) 3.Qf6+ Ke8 4.Qh8+ Ke7 (4...Bf8 5.Qxf8#) 5.Bf8+ (5.Qf6+ Ke8) 5...Rxf8 (5...Ke6 6.Qf6#; 5...Ke8 6.Bxc5#) 6.Qf6+ Ke8 7.Rd8#. 1454 1025
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxh7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qxh7+ Kf6 (2...Kf8 3.Bh6+ Ke8 4.Qg8+ Ke7 5.Bg5#; 2...Ke8 3.Qg8+ Ke7 4.Bg5#) 3.e5+ dxe5 (3...Kxe5 4.Qg7+ Kd5 5.Be4+ Kxe4 (5...Kc4 6.Qd4#) 6.Qd4+ Kf5 7.g4#) 4.Bg5+ Kxg5 5.Qxg6+ Kh4 (5...Kf4 6.Qg3#) 6.Qf6+ Kg4 (6...Kh5 7.Be2#) 7.Be2#. 1455 1026
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Nd5+ Kg8 (2...Kh7 3.Nf6+) 3.Nf6+ Kh8 (3...Kg7 4.Ng4+) 4.Ng4+ Rd4 (4...Kh7 5.Ng5+ Kg8 6.Nxh6#; 4...Kg8 5.Nxh6+ Kh7 6.Ng5#) 5.Bxd4+ Kh7 (5...Kg8 6.Nxh6+ Kh7 7.Ng5#) 6.Ng5+ Kg8 7.Nxh6#. 1456 1027
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ Kxg6 2.R1f6+ Kh5 (2...Kg5 3.Rf5+ Kh6 (3...Kg6 4.R7f6+) 4.R7f6+) 3.Rf5+ Kh6 (3...Kg6 4.R7f6+ Kh7 (4...Kg7 5.Rg5+ Kh7 6.Bf5#) 5.Rh5+ Kg7 (5...Kg8 6.Rg5+ Kh7 7.Bf5#) 6.Rg5+ Kh7 7.Bf5#) 4.R7f6+ Kh7 (4...Kg7 5.Rg5+ Kh7 6.Bf5#) 5.Rh5+ Kg7 (5...Kg8 6.Rg5+ Kh7 7.Bf5#) 6.Rg5+ Kh7 7.Bf5#. 1457 1028
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kf7 (1...Kg7 2.R3h7+; 1...Ke7 2.R3h7+) 2.R3h7+ Kf6 3.Rf8+ Ke5 (3...Kg5 4.Rg8+ Kf6 5.Rg6+ Ke5 6.Re6#) 4.Re8+ Ne7 (4...Kf6 5.Re6+ Kg5 6.Rg6#) 5.Rexe7+ Kf6 6.Re6+ Kg5 7.Rg6#. 1458 1029
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rg8+ (1.Rxf7+ Kxf7=) 1.Rg8+ Kxg8 2.Nh6+ Kg7 (2...Kh8 3.Qf6#) 3.Qxf7+ Kxh6 4.Qf6+ Kh5 5.g4+ Kxg4 6.Rg1+ Kh5 (6...Kh3 7.Qh6#) 7.Qg5#. 1459 Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf5+ Bxf5 (1...Ke7 2.Qxg7+ Kd8 (2...Ke8 3.Qf8#; 2...Bf7 3.Qxf7+ Kd8 4.Qf8#) 3.Rf8+ Be8 4.Rxe8+ Kxe8 5.Qg8+ Ke7 6.Qf7+ Kd8 7.Qf8#) 2.Qxf5+ Ke7 3.Qf7+ Kd8 4.Qg8+ Ke7 (4...Bf8 5.Qxf8#) 5.Qxg7+ Ke8 (5...Kd8 6.Qf8#) 6.Qg8+ Ke7 7.Qf7+ Kd8 8.Qf8#. 1460 1030
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rd3+ Kc8 2.Rc3+ Kb8 (2...Kd8 3.Qc7#) 3.Qc7+ Ka8 4.Qa5+ Kb7 (4...Kb8 5.Qb4+ Ka7 6.Qa3+ Kb6 7.Qb2+ Ka5 8.Ra3#) 5.Qb4+ Ka7 (5...Ka6 6.Qa3+ Kb5 7.Qb2+ Ka4 8.Ra3#) 6.Qa3+ Kb6 7.Qb2+ Ka7 8.Ra3#. 1461 1031
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Bf6+ Kh6 3.Bg7+ Kh5 4.Be2+ Kh4 5.Rg4+ Kh5 6.Rf5+ Bg5 (6...Ng5 7.Rgxg5+ Kh4 8.Rg4#) 7.Rgxg5+ Kh4 8.Rg4#. 1462 1032
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxh7+ Kxh7 2.Nxf6+ Kh6 (2...Kh8 3.Ng6#) 3.Neg4+ Kg5 4.h4+ Kf4 5.Bd2+ Kg3 6.Rh3+ Kxg2 7.Bf1+ Kg1 8.Be3#. 1463 Show/Hide Solution 1.Nxb5+ Nxe7 (1...Kb8 2.Be5+ Nd6 (2...Rc7 3.Re8+ Kb7 4.Ra7#) 3.Bxd6+ Rc7 4.Re8+ Kb7 5.Ra7#) 2.Ra7+ Kb8 3.Be5+ Rc7 4.Bxc7+ Kc8 5.Ra8+ Kd7 (5...Kb7 6.Rb8+ Ka6 7.Rb6#) 6.Rd8+ Ke6 7.Rd6+ Kf5 8.Nd4#. 1464 1033
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Nxh7 2.Bxh7+ Kg7 3.Rf7+ Kh6 4.Ne6+ Kh5 (4...Qf4 5.Bxf4+ Kh5 6.Rf5+ Kg4 (6...Kh4 7.Bg3+ Kg4 8.Rg5#) 7.Rg5+ Kh4 8.Bg3#) 5.Rf5+ Kg4 (5...Kh4 6.Bf2+ Qg3 (6...Kg4 7.Rg5#) 7.Bxg3+ Kg4 8.Rg5#) 6.Rg5+ Kh4 7.Bf2+ Qg3 8.Bxg3#. 1465 1034
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxd8+ Rxd8 (1...Kf7 2.Bc4+ Re6 3.Bxe6#) 2.Bc4+ Rd5 (2...Kh8 3.Ng6+ hxg6 4.hxg6+ Nh6 5.Rxh6+ gxh6 6.Bf6#; 2...Re6 3.Bxe6+ Kh8 4.Ng6+ hxg6 5.hxg6+ Nh6 6.Rxh6+ gxh6 7.Bf6#) 3.Bxd5+ Re6 (3...Kh8 4.Ng6+ hxg6 5.hxg6+ Nh6 6.Rxh6+ gxh6 7.Bf6#) 4.Bxe6+ Kh8 5.Ng6+ hxg6 6.hxg6+ Nh6 7.Rxh6+ gxh6 8.Bf6#. 1466 1035
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qd8+ Ka7 (1...Bc8 2.Qxc8+ Ka7 3.Nb5#) 2.Nb5+ Ka6 3.Nxc7+ Ka7 4.Nc8+ Bxc8 (4...Kb8 5.Nd6+ Bc8 (5...Ka7 6.Ndb5#) 6.Qxc8+ Ka7 7.Qb7#) 5.Nb5+ Kb7 (5...Ka6 6.Qxc8+ Kxb5 7.Qc4#; 5...Kb8 6.Qc7+ Ka8 7.Qa7#; 5...Ka8 6.Qxc8#) 6.Qc7+ Ka6 (6...Ka8 7.Qa7#) 7.Qxc8+ Kxb5 8.Qc4#. 1467 1036
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh7+ Kf6 2.e5+ Kxe5 (2...dxe5 3.Nce4#; 2...Kxg5 3.Qh4#; 2...Bxe5 3.Nce4#) 3.Qg7+ f6 4.Qxe7+ (4.Re1+ Be3 5.Rxe3+ Kd4 6.Rd3+ Ke5 7.Qxe7+ Qxe7 8.Rd5#) 4...Qxe7 (4...Be6 5.Qxe6#) 5.Re1+ Be3 6.Rxe3+ Kd4 7.Rd3+ Ke5 8.Rd5#. 1468 1037
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg6+ fxg6 (1...Kh8 2.Qh6#; 1...Kh7 2.Qh6#) 2.Qe7+ Kh6 (2...Rf7 3.Rxf7+ Kh6 (3...Kg8 4.Rf8#; 3...Kh8 4.Rf8#) 4.Rh7#) 3.Qxf8+ Kg5 (3...Kh7 4.Rf7#; 3...Kh5 4.Qh8+ Kg5 5.h4+ gxh3 6.Rg3+ Kf4 7.Qh4#) 4.Qf6+ Kh5 (4...Kh6 5.Qh8+ Kg5 6.h4+ gxh3 7.Rg3+ Kf4 8.Qh4#) 5.Qh8+ Kg5 6.h4+ gxh3 7.Rg3+ Kf4 8.Qh4#. 1469 1038
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bxc7+ Rxc7 (1...Ka8 2.Nb6#) 2.Qxa7+ Kxa7 (2...Kc8 3.Nb6#) 3.Ra1+ Kb8 4.Ra8+ Kxa8 5.Nb6+ Kb8 (5...Ka7 6.Ra2+ Kb8 7.Ra8#) 6.Rd8+ Rc8 (6...Ka7 7.Ra8#) 7.Rxc8+ Ka7 8.Ra8#. 1470 1039
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Qxd5 (1...Kb6 2.Qc6#) 2.Ra7+ Kxa7 (2...Kb6 3.Qc7+ Kb5 4.Ra5#; 2...Kb8 3.Qc7#) 3.Qc7+ Ka6 (3...Ka8 4.Ra1+ Ra4 (4...Qa5 5.Rxa5#; 4...Qa2 5.Rxa2+ Ra4 6.Rxa4#) 5.Rxa4+ Qa5 6.Rxa5#; 3...Rb7 4.Ra1+ Qa2 (4...Qa5 5.Rxa5#) 5.Rxa2#; 3...Qb7 4.Ra1+ Ra4 5.Rxa4#) 4.Ra1+ Qa2 (4...Ra4 5.Rxa4+ Kb5 (5...Qa5 6.Rxa5#) 6.Ra5+ Kb4 7.Qc3#; 4...Kb5 5.Ra5#; 4...Qa5 5.Rxa5#) 5.Rxa2+ Ra4 (5...Kb5 6.Ra5#) 6.Rxa4+ Kb5 7.Ra5+ Kb4 8.Qc3#. 1471 Show/Hide Solution 1.Bf6+ Rxf6 (1...Kc8 2.f8=Q#; 1...Bxf6 2.f8=Q#) 2.e7+ Kd7 (2...Kc8 3.e8=Q#) 3.e8=Q+ Kxd6 4.Nc4+ Kc7 (4...Kd5 5.Qd7+ Rd6 6.Qxd6#) 5.Qe7+ Kc8 (5...Kc6 6.Qb7#; 5...Kb8 6.Qd8#) 6.Nd6+ Rxd6 (6...Kb8 7.Qd8#) 7.f8=Q+ Rd8 8.Qfxd8#. 1472 1040
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bd5+ Kf8 2.Rf7+ Ke8 (2...Kg8 3.Re7+ Kf8 4.Ng6#) 3.Bc6+ Kd8 4.Rd7+ Ke8 (4...Kc8 5.Bb7+ Kb8 6.Nc6#) 5.Rb7+ Kd8 (5...Kf8 6.Ng6+ Kg8 7.Bd5#) 6.Nf7+ Kc8 7.Nd6+ Kd8 8.Rd7#. 1473 1041
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ra8+ Rxa8 2.Qg4+ Kb8 (2...Nf5 3.Qxf5+; 2...Ne6 3.Qxe6+; 2...Kd8 3.Qd7#) 3.Nd7+ Kc8 (3...Ka7 4.Ra1+ Qa5 5.Rxa5#) 4.Nb6+ Kb8 (4...Kd8 5.Qd7#) 5.Qc8+ Rxc8 (5...Ka7 6.Ra1+ Qa5 7.Rxa5#) 6.Nd7+ Ka7 7.Ra1+ Qa3 (7...Qa5 8.Rxa5#; 7...Qa4 8.Rxa4#) 8.Rxa3#. 1474 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qc5+ Kd7 (1...Ke8 2.Re6+; 1...Qd6 2.Qxd6+ Ke8 3.Qxb8+ Kd7 (3...Ke7 4.Qd6+ Ke8 5.Rc8#) 4.Qd6+ Ke8 5.Rc8#) 2.Rd6+ Ke8 (2...Ke7 3.Re6+ Kd7 4.Qc6#) 3.Re6+ fxe6 (3...Qe7 4.Qxe7#; 3...Kd7 4.Qc6#) 4.Bh5+ Rg6 (4...Kd7 5.Qc6+ Ke7 6.Qxe6+ Kf8 7.Qf7#) 5.Bxg6+ Kd7 6.Qc6+ Ke7 7.Qxe6+ Kf8 8.Qf7#. 1475 1042
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf4+ gxf4 (1...Ka8 2.Nb6+ axb6 3.axb6+ Na6 (3...Na4 4.Rxa4#) 4.Rxa6+ bxa6 5.Rxc8+ Rxc8 (5...Kb7 6.Qc7#) 6.Bg2+ Rc6 7.Bxc6#; 1...Ne5 2.Qxe5+ Ka8 3.Nb6+; 1...Rd6 2.Qxd6+ Ka8 3.Nb6+) 2.Bxf4+ Ka8 (2...Ne5 3.Bxe5+ Ka8 4.Nb6+; 2...Rd6 3.Bxd6+ Ka8 4.Nb6+) 3.Nb6+ axb6 4.axb6+ Na6 (4...Na4 5.Rxa4#) 5.Rxc8+ Rxc8 6.Rxa6+ bxa6 7.Bg2+ Rc6 8.Bxc6#. 1476 1043
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb8+ Rxb8 2.Bd5+ Nxd5 (2...Rhb7 3.axb7+ Rxb7 4.Bxb7+ Kxb7 5.Rb1+ Kc8 (5...Ka8 6.Qb8#; 5...Ka6 6.Qb5#) 6.Qb8+ Kd7 7.Rb7#; 2...Rbb7 3.axb7+ Rxb7 4.Bxb7+ Kxb7 5.Rb1+) 3.Qxd5+ Rhb7 (3...Rbb7 4.axb7+ Kb8 (4...Rxb7 5.Rxa7+) 5.Qd8+ Kxb7 6.Rb1+ Ka6 7.Qd6+ Ka5 8.Qa3#) 4.axb7+ Rxb7 5.Rxa7+ Kxa7 (5...Kb8 6.Qxb7#) 6.Qa5+ Kb8 7.Nc6+ (7.Qd8+ Ka7 8.Nc6+ Ka6 9.Qa5#) 7...Kc8 8.Qd8#. 1477 1044
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rh8+ Kf7 (1...Kxh8 2.Qh5+ Kg8 3.Qxe8+ Kh7 4.Qh5+ Kg8 5.e8=Q#) 2.Qh5+ Kxe7 (2...Ng6 3.Qxg6+ Kxe7 4.Qxe8+ Kd6 5.Qe6+ Kc7 6.Qxc6#; 2...g6 3.Qh7#) 3.Qxe8+ Kd6 4.Qe6+ Kc7 5.Rc8+ (5.Qc8+ Kd6 6.Qe6+ Kc7) 5...Kb6 6.Rxc6+ Nxc6 (6...Kxa5 7.Ra6#; 6...Ka7 7.Rc7+ Kb8 (7...Ka8 8.Qc8#) 8.Qc8#) 7.Qxc6+ Kxa5 (7...Ka7 8.Qb7#) 8.Qb5#. 1478 1045
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd7+ e5 (1...Kh7 2.Nf6+; 1...Kg8 2.Nf6+ Kg7 (2...Kf8 3.Qd8+ Kg7 4.Qg8#; 2...Kh8 3.Qd8+ Kg7 4.Qg8#) 3.Nh5+ Kf8 (3...Kg8 4.Qg7#; 3...Kh7 4.Qg7#) 4.Qd8#; 1...f6 2.Qxf6+ Kh7 (2...Kg8 3.Qf8+ Kh7 4.Nf6#) 3.Qf7+ Kh8 4.Qf8+ Kh7 5.Nf6#) 2.Qxe5+ Kh7 (2...f6 3 .Qe7+ Kh8 (3...Kg8 4.Nxf6+ Kh8 5.Qf8#) 4.Qf8+ Kh7 5.Nxf6#; 2...Kg8 3.Qe8+ Kg7 (3...Kh7 4.Nf6+ Kg7 5.Qg8#) 4.Qf8+ Kh7 5.Nf6#) 3.Nf6+ Kg7 (3...Kh8 4.Qe8+ Kg7 5.Qg8#) 4.Nh5+ Kf8 (4...Kh7 5.Qg7#; 4...Kg8 5.Qg7#) 5.Qd6+ Kg8 (5...Ke8 6.Nf6#) 6.Qd8+ Kh7 7.Nf6+ Kg7 8.Qg8#. 1479 1046
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rb7+ Ka8 2.Rb8+ Kxb8 (2...Rxb8 3.Be4+ Nd5 (3...Rb7 4.Rg8#) 4.Bxd5+ Rb7 5.Rg8#) 3.Nd7+ Kc7 (3...Kb7 4.Nc5+ Kc6 (4...Kb8 5.Na6+; 4...Ka8 5.Be4+ Nd5 6.Bxd5+ Rc6 7.Rg8+ Re8 8.Rxe8#) 5.Be4+ Nd5 (5...Kd6 6.Rd7#) 6.cxd5+ Kd6 7.Rd7#; 3...Ka8 4.Be4+ Nd5 (4...Rc6 5.Bxc6#) 5.Bxd5+ Rc6 6.Bxc6#) 4.Nc5+ Kb8 (4...Kd8 5.Ne6+ Ke8 6.Bg6#; 4...Kc6 5.Be4+ Nd5 (5...Kd6 6.Rd7#) 6.cxd5+ Kd6 7.Rd7#; 4...Kd6 5.Rd7+ Kc6 6.Be4+ Nd5 7.cxd5#) 5.Na6+ Ka8 6.Be4+ Nd5 (6...Rc6 7.Bxc6#) 7.Bxd5+ Rc6 8.Bxc6#. 1480 1047
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qb6+ Kxd3 (1...Ke5 2.Re1#) 2.Rf3+ Kc2 (2...Kxc4 3.b3+ (3.Rc1+) 3...Kd5 (3...Kb4 4.Qd4#) 4.Rd1+ Ke5 5.Qe3#; 2...Kd2 3.Qe3+ Kc2 4.Qc3#; 2...Ke2 3.Qe3#) 3.Rc1+ Kxc1 (3...Kd2 4.Qe3#; 3...Kxb2 4.Qd4+ Kxc1 (4...Ka2 5.Ra1#) 5.Qc3+ Kb1 6.Rf1+ Ka2 7.Ra1#) 4.Qe3+ Kb1 (4...Kc2 5.Qc3+ Kb1 (5...Kd1 6.Rf1+ Ke2 7.Re1#) 6.Rf1+ Ka2 7.Qa3#; 4...Kxb2 5.Qd2+ Kb1 (5...Ka1 6.Rf1#) 6.Rf1#; 4...Kd1 5.Rf1+ Kc2 6.Qc3#) 5.Qe1+ (5.Qd3+) 5...Kc2 (5...Ka2 6.Ra3+ Kxb2 7.Qc3+ Kb1 8.Ra1#; 5...Kxb2 6.Qd2+ Kb1 (6...Ka1 7.Rf1#) 7.Rf1#) 6.Qc3+ Kb1 (6...Kd1 7.Rf1+ Ke2 8.Re1#) 7.Rf1+ Ka2 8.Qa3#. 1481 1048
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qf4+ Kg6 (1...Nf5 2.Nge4+ Kg6 3.Qg5+ Kf7 (3...Kh7 4.Qxf5+) 4.Qxf5+ Kg8 5.Qe6+ Kh7 6.Ng5#) 2.Qf7+ Kxg5 (2...Kh6 3.Rxh2+ Kxg5 4.Ne4+ Kg4 5.f3#) 3.Ne4+ Kg4 (3...Kh6 4.Rxh2#; 3...Kh4 4.Rxh2+ Kg4 5.f3#) 4.f3+ Kh3 (4...Kh4 5.Rxh2#) 5.Qe6+ Nf5 (5...Kg2 6.Qg4+ Kxh1 7.Nf2#; 5...Kh4 6.Rxh2#) 6.Qxf5+ Kg2 (6...Kh4 7.Rxh2#) 7.Qg4+ Kxh1 8.Nf2#. 1482 1049
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nc6+ Bxc6 (1...Kc8 2.Rd8#; 1...Ka8 2.Rd8+ Bc8 3.Rxc8+ Kb7 4.Rb8+ Ka6 5.Qc4+ b5 6.axb5#) 2.Rd8+ Kb7 3.Qxc6+ Kxc6 (3...Ka6 4.Qb5+ Kb7 5.Be4+ Nd5 (5...c6 6.Qxc6+ Ka6 7.Qb5#) 6.Qxd5+ c6 (6...Ka6 7.Qb5#) 7.Qxc6+ Ka6 8.Qb5#) 4.Be4+ Kc5 (4...Nd5 5.Bxd5+ Kc5 6.Ne4+ Kd4 7.Bc3#) 5.Nd3+ Nxd3 6.Rd5+ Kc6 7.Rxd3+ Kc5 8.b4+ Kc4 9.Bd5#. 1483 1050
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxf7+ Nxf7 (1...Rg7 2.Qxg7#) 2.Rxf7+ Rg7 3.Rxg7+ Kh8 4.Rxg6+ Kh7 (4...Bf6 5.Bxf6+ Kh7 6.Rg7+ Kh8 7.Rxg4+ Kh7 8.Rd7#) 5.Rg7+ Kh8 6.Rxg5+ Kh7 7.Rg7+ Kh8 8.Rxg4+ Kh7 9.Rd7#. 1484 1051
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa7+ Kxa7 (1...Kc8 2.Qxc7#) 2.axb6+ Kb7 (2...Kb8 3.bxc7+ Kc8 4.Ra8+ Nb8 5.cxb8=Q+ Kd7 6.Qb7#) 3.Ra7+ Kb8 (3...Kc6 4.Rxc7+ Kd5 5.Rb5+ Nc5 (5...Qc5 6.Rcxc5+ Nxc5 7.Rxc5#) 6.Rbxc5+ Qxc5 7.Rxc5#; 3...Kc8 4.b7+ Kd8 (4...Kb8 5.Ra8#) 5.b8=Q+ Nxb8 6.Rxb8+ Kd7 7.Rxc7#) 4.Bxc7+ Kc8 5.b7+ Kxc7 6.b8=Q+ Kc6 7.Qb7+ Kd6 8.Ra6+ Nb6 9.Raxb6#. 1485 Show/Hide Solution 1.Be5+ Ka8 (1...Rc7 2.Qe8#) 2.Nb6+ axb6 3.Ra1+ Na6 (3...Na2 4.Rxa2#) 4.Rxa6+ bxa6 5.Bg2+ Ka7 (5...Ne4 6.Qxe4+ Rc6 (6...Ka7 7.Qb7#) 7.Qxc6+ Ka7 8.Qb7#; 5...Rc6 6.Qxc6+ Ka7 7.Qb7#) 6.Qxb6+ Kxb6 7.Nd7+ Ka7 (7...Ka5 8.Bc3#) 8.Bd4+ Rc5 9.Bxc5#. 1486 1052
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Qe7 (1...Kxc8 2.Be6+ Kb8 (2...Kd8 3.Qf8+ Kc7 4.Qc8+ Kd6 5.Bc5#) 3.Qf8+ Kc7 (3...Be8 4.Qxe8+ Kc7 5.Qd7+ Kb8 6.Qc8#) 4.Qc8+ Kd6 5.Bc5#; 1...Kd6 2.Bc5#) 2.Be6+ (2.Rc7+? Kxc7 3.Qxe7+ Bd7 4.Qe5+ Kc8 5.Qxb2 Nxe3–+) 2...Kxe6 3.Qe5+ Kf7 (3...Kd7 4.Rc7+ Ke8 5.Qxe7#) 4.Qxf5+ Qf6 (4...Kg7 5.Bd4+) 5.Rc7+ Kg8 (5...Kf8 6.Qxf6+ Kg8 7.Qg7#; 5...Ke8 6.Qc8+ Qd8 7.Qe6+ Kf8 8.Qf7#; 5...Bd7 6.Qxd7+ Kg6 7.Qg4+ Kh6 8.Qxh3+ Kg6 9.Qh7#) 6.Qc8+ Qf8 7.Qg4+ Kh8 8.Bd4+ Qf6 9.Bxf6#. 1487 1053
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa7+ Kxa7 2.Ra1+ Kb8 (2...Ra2 3.Rxa2+ Kb8 4.Bf4+) 3.Bf4+ Rc7 (3...Ne5 4.Bxe5+ Rc7 5.Bxc7+) 4.Bxc7+ Kc8 5.Ra8+ Kd7 6.Rd8+ Ke6 7.Re8+ Kd7 8.Re7+ Kc8 9.Nb6#. 1488 1054
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rf7+ Kxf7 (1...Kg8 2.Qxh7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Qxh7+ Kf8 (2...Kf6 3.Qxg6#; 2...Ke6 3.Qxg6#) 3.Qh6+ Kg8 (3...Kf7 4.Bxg6+ Kg8 (4...Ke6 5.Bxe8+ Kf5 6.Qg6#; 4...Kf6 5.Bxe8+ Kf5 6.Qg6#) 5.Qh7+ Kf8 6.Qf7#) 4.Qxg6+ Kf8 (4...Kh8 5.Qh7#) 5.Qh6+ Kg8 (5...Kf7 6.Bg6+) 6.Bh7+ Kh8 (6...Kf7 7.Qg6+) 7.Bg6+ Kg8 8.Qh7+ Kf8 9.Qf7#. 1489 Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa7+ Kxa7 2.Ra1+ Kb8 (2...Qa2 3.Rxa2+) 3.Ra8+ Kc7 4.Ra7+ Kb8 5.Rb7+ Ka8 6.Rbxg7+ Kb8 (6...Nxe4 7.Ra7+ Kb8 8.Rhb7#; 6...Qd5 7.Bxd5+; 6...d5 7.Ra7+ Kb8 8.Rhb7#) 7.Rb7+ Ka8 8.Ra7+ Kb8 9.Rhb7#. 1490 1055
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kf8 (1...Kh8 2.Rxh7+ Kg8 3.Rh8#) 2.Rg8+ Kxg8 3.Rg1+ Kf8 (3...Qg5 4.Rxg5+) 4.Bg7+ Kg8 5.Bf6+ Kf8 (5...Qg5 6.Rxg5+) 6.Rg8+ Kxg8 7.Qg2+ Qg5 (7...Kf8 8.Qg7#) 8.Qxg5+ Kf8 9.Qg7#. 1491 1056
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg7+ Kxg7 2.Rxf7+ Kh6 (2...Kg6 3.R1f6+; 2...Kg8 3.Rxf8+ Kh7 4.Rh8+ Kg6 5.Be4+ Kg5 6.Bf6+ Kg4 7.Rh4#) 3.R1f6+ Kg5 (3...Kh5 4.Bf3+ Kg5 5.h4#) 4.h4+ Kg4 (4...Kh5 5.Bf3#) 5.Rg6+ Kh5 6.Rg5+ Kh6 7.Bg7+ Kh7 8.Be4+ Kg8 9.Rxf8#. 1492 1057
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxg6+ fxg6 (1...Kf8 2.Qxf7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qg7#) 2.f7+ Kf8 (2...Kh7 3.f8=Q+ Re7 (3...Nc7 4.Rf7#; 3...Ne7 4.Rf7#) 4.Rf7+ Rxf7 5.Rxf7#; 2...Kh8 3.f8=Q#; 2...Kg7 3.f8=Q#) 3.Ra8+ Ke7 (3...Re8 4.fxe8=Q+ Kg7 5.Qh8#; 3...Kg7 4.f8=Q+ Kh7 5.Qh8#) 4.f8=Q+ Ke6 (4...Kd7 5.Rd8+ Kc7 (5...Ke6 6.Qd6#) 6.Qd6+ Kb7 7.Qb8+ Ka6 8.Qa8#) 5.Re8+ Kd7 (5...Ne7 6.Qxe7+ Kd5 7.Rd8#) 6.Rd8+ Kc7 (6...Ke6 7.Qd6#) 7.Qd6+ Kb7 8.Qb8+ (8.Rf7+) 8...Ka6 9.Qa8#. 1493 1058
Show/Hide Solution 1.Nd7+ Ka7 (1...Ka8 2.Qxb7+ Kxb7 3.Be4+) 2.Qxb7+ Kxb7 3.Be4+ Ka6 (3...Ka7 4.Rc7+ Ka6 5.Nb8+? (5.b5+ Kxb5 6.Bd3+) 5...Kb5 6.Bd3+ Ka4 (6...Kxb4 7.Rc4+ Kb5 8.a4#) 7.Bc2+ Kxb4 8.a3+ Kb5 9.a4+ Kb4 10.Na6#) 4.b5+ Kxb5 5.Bd3+ Kb4 (5...Ka4 6.Rc4+ Kb5 7.a4+ Ka6 8.Rc7+ b5 9.axb5#) 6.Rc4+ Kb5 7.a4+ (7.Rc3+ Ka4 8.Ra3+ Kb4 9.Rb3+ Ka4 10.Bb5#) 7...Ka6 8.Rc7+ b5 9.axb5#. 1494 1059
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxb7+ Kxb7 2.Bc6+ Kc7 3.Ra7+ Kb8 (3...Kc8 4.Nxd6+ Kb8 5.Rb7+ Ka8 6.Rb6+ Ka7 7.Nc8#) 4.Rb7+ Ka8 (4...Kc8 5.Nxd6#) 5.Rd7+ Kb8 6.Rxd8+ Kc7 (6...Ka7 7.Ra8#) 7.Rd7+ Kb8 (7...Kc8 8.Nb6+ Kb8 9.Rb7#) 8.Rb7+ Kc8 (8...Ka8 9.Nb6#) 9.Nxd6+ Kd8 10.Rd7#. 1495 1060
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh6+ Kxh6 (1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Rh4+ Kg5 (2...Kg7 3.Rxh7#) 3.Nxh7+ Kxh4 4.Rd4+ f4 (4...Kh3 5.Ng5+ Kxh2 6.Rh4+ Kg1 7.Nh3+ Kh2 8.Nf4+ Kg1 9.Ne2#) 5.Rxf4+ Kh3 6.Ng5+ Kxh2 7.Rh4+ Kg1 8.Nh3+ Kh2 9.Nf4+ Kg1 10.Ne2#. 1496 1061
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qh3+ Kg8 2.Rxg7+ Kxg7 (2...Kf8 3.Qh8#) 3.Qh6+ Kg8 4.Qxg6+ Kh8 (4...Kf8 5.Qf7#) 5.Qxe8+ Kg7 (5...Kh7 6.g6+ Kg7 (6...Kh6 7.Qf8+ Kxg6 8.Qf7+ Kh6 9.g5#) 7.Qf7+ Kh8 (7...Kh6 8.Qh7#) 8.Qh7#) 6.Qf7+ Kh8 7.Qf8+ Kh7 8.g6+ Kxg6 9.Qf7+ Kh6 10.g5#. 1497 1062
Show/Hide Solution 1.Qxa7+ Kxa7 2.Ra1+ Kb8 (2...Qa2 3.Rxa2+) 3.Ra8+ Kc7 4.Nb5+ Kd7 5.Ra7+ Rc7 (5...Ke8 6.Bxg6+ Kf8 7.Rh8+ Bxh8 8.Nxe6+ Kg8 9.Bh7#) 6.Rxc7+ Ke8 7.Bxg6+ Kf8 8.Rh8+ Bxh8 9.Nxe6+ Kg8 10.Bh7#. 1498 1063
Show/Hide Solution 1.Rxg7+ Kf8 (1...Kxg7 2.Qh6+ Kf7 (2...Kg8 3.Qe6+ Kg7 4.Bh6+ Kh8 5.Qf6+ Kg8 6.Qg7#) 3.Qf6+ Kg8 4.Qe6+ Kg7 5.Bh6+ Kh8 6.Qf6+ Kg8 7.Qg7#; 1...Kh8 2.Qxh7#) 2.Be7+ Kxg7 (2...Ke8 3.Rg8+ Kf7 4.Qxh7+ Ke6 5.Rg6#) 3.Qf6+ Kg8 4.Qe6+ Kg7 (4...Kh8 5.Bf6#) 5.Bf6+ Kg6 (5...Kh6 6.Bxd8+ Kg7 7.Bf6+ Kh6 8.Be7+; 5...Kf8 6.Qe7+ Kg8 7.Qg7#) 6.Bxd8+ Kg7 (6...Kh5 7.Qf7+ Kh6 8.Qf6+ Kh5 9.Qg5#) 7.Bf6+ Kh6 (7...Kf8 8.Qe7+ Kg8 9.Qg7#) 8.Be7+ Kh5 (8...Kg7 9.Qf6+ Kg8 10.Qf8#) 9.Qf7+ Kh6 10.Qf6+ Kh5 11.Qg5#. 1499 1064
Show/Hide Solution 1.Ng5+ Ke8 (1...Kg8 2.Qe6+ Kh8 (2...Rf7 3.Qxc8+ Rf8 4.Qe6+) 3.Nf7+ Kg8 (3...Rxf7 4.Qxc8+ Rf8 5.Qxf8#) 4.Nh6+ Kh8 5.Qg8+ Rxg8 6.Nf7#) 2.Qe6+ Kd8 3.Qxd5+ Kc7 (3...Ke7 4.Qe6+ Kd8 5.Rd1+ Kc7 6.Qd6#; 3...Ke8 4.Qe6+ Kd8 5.Rd1+ Kc7 6.Qd6#) 4.Ne6+ Kb8 5.Qd6+ Rc7 (5...Ka8 6.Nc7+ Kb8 (6...Rxc7 7.Qxf8+ Rc8 8.Qxc8#) 7.Nxa6+ Ka8 8.Qb8+ Rxb8 9.Nc7#) 6.Qxf8+ Rc8 7.Qd6+ Ka8 (7...Rc7 8.Qxc7+ Ka8 9.Qc8#) 8.Nc7+ Kb8 (8...Rxc7 9.Qd8+ Rc8 10.Qxc8#) 9.Nxa6+ Ka8 10.Qb8+ Rxb8 11.Nc7#. 1500 1065
Show/Hide Solution 1.Bh7+ Kh8 2.Bxe4+ Kg8 3.Bh7+ Kh8 4.Bxd3+ Kg8 5.Bh7+ Kh8 6.Bc2+ Kg8 7.Rg2+ Bxg2 8.Bh7+ Kh8 9.Bg6+ Kg8 10.Qh7+ Kf8 11.Qxf7#. 1066
Table of Contents Title page 4 Introduction 5 Chapter 1. Checkmate with One Piece 7 Chapter 2. Checkmate with More Than One Piece 40 Chapter 3. Captures 128 Chapter 4. Sacrifices 148 Chapter 5. Pawn Promotion 161 Chapter 6. Vacation 169 Chapter 7. Attraction 205 Chapter 8. Combinations 233 Chapter 9. Elimination 270 Chapter 10. Combination: Attraction + Elimination 286 Chapter 11. Combinations 326 Chapter 12. Deflection 387 Chapter 13. Combination: Deflection + Elimination 431 Chapter 14. Combinations 455 Chapter 15. Blocking 495 Chapter 16. Combinations 507 Chapter 17. Seizing the Square 575 Chapter 18. Combinations 603 Chapter 19. X-Ray 647 Chapter 20. Combinations 663 Chapter 21. Pins 674 Chapter 22. Combinations 686 Chapter 23. Discovered Check 758 Chapter 24. Combinations 766 Chapter 25. Double Check 794 Chapter 26. Combinations 810 Chapter 27. Windmill 907 Chapter 28. Combinations 915 Chapter 29. Interference 943 1067
Chapter 30. Combinations 951 Chapter 31. Test Yourself! 971 1068