
 Для средних профессиональных учебных заведени v

А.Л. Лvrова


для студенто]


Учебное пособие

Издание пятое, стереотипно

Министерством образования и наук
Российской Федерации в качестве учебноrо пособи
для студентов средних профессиональ"
учебных заведеНИI


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Москва «Высшая школа» 2001

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2Анrл Л 83 р е Ц с н з е н т: се Большакова, преподаватель OCKOBcKoro электромсханическоrо техникума Луrовая А.Л. Л 83 Анrлийский язык для студентов энерrетичееких специаль ностей: Учеб. пособие/АЛ. Луrовая.  5e изд., стер.  М.: Высш. шк., 2009.  150 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5060058239 Цель пособия  обучение студентов энерrетических специальностей устной речи, чтению и переводу по специальности. Тексты пособия, подобранные из ориrинальной литературы, расположе ны в определенной лоrической последовательности: от описания отдельных деталей к объяснению работы приборов и далее  к описанию COBpeMeH ных энерreтических установок и электростанций, в том числе атомных. По собие содержит серию тренировочных и контрольных упражнений (тестов), краткий rpамматический раздел по rpамматическим темам пособия с упраж неl/ИЯМИ, а также материалы для чтения и обсуждения прочитаНl/оrо. Пред//uз//uчаетС1l дЛJI студе//тов э//ер2етuческux спецuалы/Остей вузов и тех//икумов. УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2Лнrл ISBN 9785060058239 \!::) ОЛО «Издательство «Высшая школа», 2009 Ориrиналмакст данноro издания является собственностью издательства «Bы сшая школа», и ero репродуцирование (воспроизведение) любым способом без co rласия издательства запрешено. 
Предисловие Вашему вниманию предЛаraется пособие для учебных заведений энерreтическоrо профиля. Пособие соответствует требованиям проrpаммы по анrлийскому языку дЛЯ учебных заведений данноrо npoфЮIЯ и рассчи- тано на обучаемых, имеющих начальную языковую подroтовку. В число учебных целей пособия входят формирование умений бесе- довать на профессиональную тематику и развитие умения читать специ- альную литературу средней трудности и извлекать из нее нужную дЛЯ практики информацию. Для достижения поставленных целей в пособии предусмотрена реryлярная, от урока к уроку, учебная деятельность по соз- данию словаря активной лексики, включающеro наиболее употребитель- ные дЛЯ данной специальности термины и слова общетехническоrо значе- ния. Кроме тoro, предусмотрена учебная деятельность, направленная на формирование основ потенциальноro .словаря. Специальный раздел посо- бия посвящен повторению и тренировке rpамматических явлений и син- таксичесих структур, типичных дЛЯ современной научно-технической ли- тературы. Материалы, составJIЯl9щие пособие, отобраны из ориrинальной и пе- реводной литературы по данной отрасли. Последовательность текстовых материалов пособия имеет лоrическую направленность, соответствующую лоrике структуры данной специальности, а именно: от описаний отдель- ных деталей и элементов оборудования  к описанию действующих уст- ройств разноro назначения, построенных из этих деталей. Пособие состоит из трех частей: 1. Основной курс (Essential Course); 2. Повторение и тренировка rpамматики (Grammar Revision); 3. Материалы дЛЯ чтения и обсуждения (Material for Reading and Discussing). Основной курс состоит из 34 уроков, имеющих аналоrичную структу- ру. Цель этой части  формирование у обучаемых навыков устной речи по npoфессиональной тематике. этим определяется подбор учебных материа- лов, их расположение и характер тренировочных заданий. В начале каждо- ro урока предЛаraется задание на тренировку новых слов в их анrлийском и русском вариантах. Следует отметить, что при переводе этих слов мы, rлавным образом, придерживались их терминолоrических значений. Вы- полняя первое задание, следует добиваться уровня владения словарем, ука- занноro в задании. Показателем тoro, что искомый уровень достиrнут, служит roТOBHOCТb обучаемых свободно, в нормальном речевом темпе вос- произвести каждое слово в ero анrлийском и русском вариантах. Только после этоro рекомендуется переходить к активизации слов в контексте и к работе над текстом. 3акmoчительные задания, построенные в вопросо- ответной форме, служат для контроля и самоконтроля степени усвоения лексики и структур данноro урока. Неспособность обучаемоrо выполнить - 3 - 
эти задания в требуемом речевом темпе указывает на то, что материал уро- ка не усвоен и цель урока не достиrнута. А так как это создает преnятствия для дальнейшей деятельности, рекомендуем сделать шаr назад и ликвиди- ровать выявленный пробел. Следует отметить, что в первой части пособия реализована полная, от урока к уроку, преемственность слов и их мноroкратная повторяемость в разных контекстах. Число новых слов в уроках cтporo дозировано и опре- делено закономерностями памяти человека. Формируемый на этой основе словарный запас используется для достижения учебной цели первой части пособия  развития умений yCTHoro общения. Кроме тoro, OIJ nOMoraeт и в создании потенциальноro словаря, что составляет одну из задач второй части, содержащей материал и задания по словообразованию. Лексический минимум является основой чтения и активноro обсуждения материалов третьей части пособия. Во вторую часть пособия вкmoчены упражнения на повторение и тре- нировку rpамматики. Выполнение этих упражнений nOMoraeт активизиро- вать знание rpамматических форм и синтаксических оборотов, употреби- тельных в специальной литературе. Кроме тoro, приводятся серии заданий на запоминание разных способов словообразования, что помоraет расши- рению словарноro запаса и образованию основ потенциальноro словаря. тесты по основным темам rpaмматики позволяют преподавателю прокон- тролировать, усвоена ли тема учащимися ми необходимы дополнитель- ные пояснения и упражнения для закрепления знаний по rpамматике. Содержание третьей части составляют текстовые материалы для чте- ния и задания на извлечение информации из них и устное обсуждение. По уровню языковой и понятийной сложности материалы третьей части посо- бия можно условно разделить на две rpуппы. В первую входят краткие ста- тьи описательноrо характера, несложные по содержанию и по характеру синтаксических построений. Статьи построены на широко употребитель- ной лексике  популярной отраслевой терминолоrии и частотных словах общетехническоrо значения. Преподаватель, по своему усмотрению, мо- жет использовать эти статьи уже на ранней ступени обучения. Во вторую rpуппу входят материалы более сложные как по содержанию, так и по язы- ковым характеристикам. К работе с этими статьями целесообразно присту- пать после выполнения заданий, представленных во второй части'пособия. Кроме чтения и перевода текстовых материалов разной понятийной и языковой сложности, в число задач закmoчительноro раздела входит раз- витие и уrлубление навыко!\. устной речи по темам специальности. для этоro предлаraются вопросо-ответные задания, выступления с сообщения- ми по темам текстов и их последующее обсуждение. Специальные задания направлены на активизацию мыслительной деятельности учащихея. 
1. Essential Course ОСНОВНОЙ КУРС 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the leCt column and translate the Russian words back into English. addition subtraction plus minus to add to subtract to equal to Ье equal [a'dIlnJ [sab'trklnJ [рlлsl ['mашаs] [dJ [sab'trkt] ['i:kwal] сложение вычитание ПЛЮС минус склцдывать,прибавлять вычитать равняться, быть равным Addition and Subtraction 5 + 7 = 12  five plus seven equals twelve 66 + 13 = 79  sixtysix plus thirteen is equal to seventynine а + Ь = с  а plus Ь is equal to с 15  6 = 9  fifteen minus six equals nine 81  33 = 48  eightyone minus thirtythree is equal to fortyeight с  Ь = а  с minus Ь equals а 2. Solve these probIems and read them: 99 + 77 = 61  50 = 114+316= b+d= 83= 47  18 = 1,203+419= dc= 315+145= 859  600 = 4,444+7,777=  ab= 3. Pair work. Think оС six probIems оС your own. Put them down. Ask your groupmate to solve them.  s  
1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the lert column and translate the Russian words back into English. multiplication to multiply multiplied Ьу once twice three times four times division to divide divided Ьу [,mлltlрll'kеllп] ['mлltlрlаl] умножение умножать умноженное на один раз дважды, два раза три раза четыре раза деление делить деленное на [WЛnS] [twals] [d1' vI 3 n ! [dl'vald] Multiplication and Division 1 х 1 = 1  опсе опе is опе 2 х 2 = 4  twice two is four 3 х 3 = 9  three times three equals nine 4 х 4 = 16  four times four is equal to sixteen 12 х 10 = 120  twelve multiplied Ьу ten (Ьу) is equal to опе Ьип- dred and twenty a-Ь=аЬ 35 : 7 = 5  thirtyfive divided Ьу seven equals five 1000 : 25 = 40  опе thousand divided Ьу twenty-five is equal to forty d: Ь=с 2. Soive these probIems and read them: 10 х 7 = 100 х 100 = 234 х 6 = Ь. с = 49: 7= 175:25= 12 х 12 = 13 х 3 = 618: 6 = 33 : 33 = 1. k = 749 : 7 = 3,5S0x5=  10,660: 10 =  1 х 1 = n:m= 3. Pair work. Think о' nve probIems о' your own. Put them down. Ask your groupmate to solve them. -'б 
1. а) Cover the right eolumn and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and eheck your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. fractions decimal fractions common fractions numerator denominator nought zero О point ['frcekIanz] [.deslmal 'frcekIanz] [,k;>man 'frcekIanz] ['nju:marelta] [d1'n;>mlnelta] [n;>:t] ['zlarou] [ои] [р;>шt] дроби десятичные дроби простые дроби числитель знаменатель нуль нуль нуль точка Сошшоп and Decimal Fractions (see page 98) { О point seven 0.7 nought oint seven zero роюt seven 1   опе half (а half) 2 .!.  опе third (а third) 3 2   two sevenths 7 1 3   three and а half 2 1 5  five and а seventh 7 . 6  six and five sevenths 7 0.002  zero point two zeros two 1.1  опе point опе 5.36  five point three six 65.57  sixtyfive point five seven 2. Read these сошшоп and decimal fractions: 1/3 0.23 2/5 0.009 5/8 10.01 7112 205.35 ,  9 5/8 79.31 158/9 0.0003 . 
1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. сuпent resistance v01tage to suppose law ['kлrапt] [rl'zlstans) ['vоultldз] [sa'pouz] [1;,:] электрический ток сопротивление воль,напр.жение предполaraть закон Obm's Law V R =  Resistance equals voltage divided Ьу current. 1 1 = V Current equals voltage divided Ьу resistance. R V = IR V oltage eqиals current times resstance. V=IV 1=1 аmр R=? Problem Sиppose that resistance eqиals one volt and силепt eqиals one ampere. How mисЬ is the resistance? 2. Solve the following probIems and read them. Model:  How much is 10 times 41  1 О times 4 equa1s 40. 1)7 х 7 = 2) 2.5 х 3 =: 3) 10,050 х 2 = 4)I00хО.5= 5) 350 х 2 = 6) 3.5 х 10 = 7) 2,000 х 5 = 8)О.12х2= 9) 49 : 7 = 10)75: 2S = 11) 3,500: 3S = 12) 10.25 : 10 = 8 Solution R= V 1 =10hm lamр 13) 20.25 х 30 = 14) 7.5 : S = 1 S) 40.8 : 4 = 16) 15.5 : 3= 
3. Solve the following probIems using the formulas ofOhm's Law. Mode/:  Сuпепt equals 5 атр; resistance equals 1 О ohms. How much is the voltage?  Voltage equals сuпепt times resistance. 5 х 10:0 50 V 1) R:o 80 ohms V = 55 V I=? 4) 1 = 10,500 атр V = 2,000 V R=? 2) R = 10.25 ohms 1 = 35 атр у=? 5) V = 20.05 V R = 0.015 оhm I=? 3) V = 50.05 V 1 = 120 атр R=? 6) 1 = 0.24 атр R :о 1.36 ohms у:о ? 4. Pair work. Make up similar probIems о! your own. Ask your group mate to solve them. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the EngIish words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into EngIish. circuit conductor function difference open short troubIe по to reduce to supply to connect to сотрме (with) to pass through to result in to result ftom ['sa:kit) [kап'dлktа] ['fл!)kIп) ['difrans] ['trлЫ) [пои] [ri'dju:s) [sa'plai] [ka'nekt] [kam'pea) ['pa:s 'eru:] цепь, контур проводник назначение разница обрыв короткое замыкание повреждение никакой,НИСКОЛЬКО сокращать снабжать связывать сравнивать (с) npоходить через приводить к, иметь результатом следовать, npоистекать из 2. Translate into Russian: 1. An open and а short ме troubIes in а circuit. 2. А trouble in а circuit results in по сuпепt in it.  9  
3. What does an ореп in а circuit result in? 4. What does а short in а circuit result in? 5. What does а trouble in а circuit result from? R а) R Electric Circuit This is а circuit. Its elements are а voltage source, а resistor and а conductor. ТЬе circuit consists of а voltage source, а resistor and а conductor. А voltage source supplies curтent. А resistor reduces current. А conductor connects the elements of the circuit. Compare circuit а with circuit Ь. What is the difference between them? Current passes through circuit а while по current passes through circuit Ь. Circuit Ь has ап ореп. No cur- rent through circuit Ь results поm an ореп. Ап ореп and а short are troubles in а circuit. А trouble in а circuit тау result in по current in it. r-- +   Ь) Fig.l 3. Complete these sentences, using the correct variant: 1. Circuit а consists of а) resistors and conductors. Ь) а voltage source and resistors. . с) а voltage source, а resistor and а conductor. 2. А voltage source а) conducts current. Ь) reduces current. с) supplies current. 3. А conductor а) connects the 'elements. Ь) supplies voltage. с) conducts current. 4. А resistor а) connects the elements. Ь) supplies current. с) reduces current. 5. No current results from а) an ореп. Ь) а short.  10- 
4. Answer the following questions: 1. What elements does.a circuit consist оп 2. What is the function of а voltage source? 3. What is the function о! а conductor? 4. What is the function of а resistor? 5. When is there по сuпепt in а circuit? 6. What does an ореп or а short result in? 7. What does по сuпепt in а circuit result from? 5. Solve these problems: 1. How тисЬ is the сuпепt in the circuit if а 60volt source is connected to а resistance of 1,600 ohms? 2. How much is the voltage in а circuit having а сuпепt equal to 25 атр, if а 25obт resistance is connected to it? 3. . А 70.35-0Ьт resistance is connected to the circuit. How much is the voltage ifthe сuпепt equals 4.5 атр? 6. Pair work. Ask your groupmate to compare circuits а aod Ь (see Fig. 1). 1. What do they Ьауе in соттоп? 2. Which ofthe circuits has а trouble? 3. What does the trouble result from? 4. What does it result in? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian aod check your traoslatioo. Ь) Cover the left column aod translate the Russian words back ioto English. branch Нпе value voltage drop series parallel main to use in order (to) [bra:ntI] ['Slзri:z] ['pceralal] [теш] Uu:z] отвод линия величина падение напряжения последовательное парwшельное rлавный,ОСНОВНОЙ использовать для тoro чтобы ['vcelju]  11 - 
Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit Сотpзre circuits а and Ь. Circuit а consists of а voltage source and two resistors. ТЬе resistors are connected in series. Circuit а is а series circuit. Circuit Ь consists of а voltage source and two resistors. ТЬе resistors are connected in parallel. Circuit Ь is а parallel circuit. А parallel circuit has the main line and parallel branches. In circuit Ь the value of voltage in R/ equals the value of voltage in R 2 . ТЬе value of voltage is the same in аН the ele- ments of а parallel circuit while the value of сuпeпt is different. А parallel circuit is used in order to have the same value of voltage. In circuit а the value of сuпent in R/ equals the value of сuпeпt in R 2 . ТЬе value of сuпeпt is the same in аН the ele ments of а series circuit while the value of voltage is different. А series circuit is used in order to have the sшnе value of сuпent. In R\, V/==IR/ is the voltage drop in R\. In R 2 the voltage equals IxR 2 ; IR 2 is the volt age drop in R 2 . In circuit с а trouble in опе element results in по сuпeпt in the whole circuit. In circuit d а trouble in опе branch results in по сuпeпt in that branch only, а trouble in the main line results in по cur rent in the whole circuit. a  ! R ь R? +  с C] d R , +  Fig.2  1. А ратllеl circuit has 2. Complete these sentences using the correct variant: 2. А ратllеl circuit is used in order а) ратНеl branches опlу. Ь) the main Нпе and parallel branches. а) to have the same value of сuпепt in аН the elements. Ь) to have the same value ofvoltage in аН the elements.  12  
3. lп а parallel circuit а trouble in опе branch 4. No current in а parallel cir- cuit 5. The sum oflR voltage drops а) results in по current in that branch опlу. Ь) results in по trouble in the whole cir- cuit. а) results from а trouble in опе branch. Ь) results from а trouble in the main line. а) equals the value of voltage in the cir- cuit. Ь) is less than the smallest voltage drop. с) is more than the value ofvoltage in the circuit. 3. Complete the sentences using while. Follow the model: Mode/: Resistors connected in series have the same value of current ... Resistors connected 'п series have the same value of current whi/e resistors connected in parallel have the same value ofvoltage. 1. Resistors connected in series Ьауе diПеrепt values of voltage while ... . 2. А trouble in опе element of а series circuit results in по current in the whole circuit while ... . 3. lп order to have the same value of current in аН (Ье elements, а series circuit is used while ... . 4. No current in а parallel circuit results from а trouble in the main line while ... . 4. Answer the following questions: 1. What (уре of circuit has the main Нпе and paraHel branches? 2. What (уре of circuit is used in order to Ьауе the same value of current in аН the elements? 3. What (уре of circuit is used in order to have the same value of voltage in а11 (Ье elements? 4. What does а troubIe in the main Нпе result in? 5. What does а troubIe in а branch result in? 6. What does по current in а series circuit result from? 7. How much does the sum oflR voltage drops equal? 8. What is the difference between series and paraHel circuits? S. Pair work. Ask your groupmate to draw and describe а series-parallel circuit.  13  
1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. meter battery scale readings tenninal positive negative to measure to tзkе into consideration in this way [wel] ['mi:t] [Ъёеtrl} [skel!) измерительный прибор батарея шкала показания на шкале (прибора) клемма положительный отрицательный измерять принимать во внимание ['t:mlПl] ['p:3ZltlV ] [Inegtlv ] ['mез] таким путем, таким образом 2. Translate into Russian (see page 98): 1. Опе should tзkе into consideration the difference Ьемееп these cir- cuits. 2. Опе should take into consideration that the ammeter is connected to the circuit in series. 3. What should опе tзkе into consideration using the ohmmeter? Meters Among the most соттоп meters used there are the ohmmeter, the ammeter and the voltme- ter. ТЬе ohmmeter is used to measure the value of resistance. It consists of а mШiammеtеr саН- brated to read in ohms, а battery and resistors. ТЬе meter is connected in parallel and the circuit is not opened when its resistance is measured. ТЬе readings оп the scale show the measured value. ТЬе ammeter is used to measure the value of curтent. When the ammeter is used the circuit Fig. 3 should Ье opened at опе point and the tenninals - lЧ- 
+ '1  of the meter should ье connected to it. Опе should take into consideration that the positive terminal of the meter is connected to the posi- tive terminal of the source; the negative termi- nal  to the negative terminal of the source. Тhe ammeter should Ье connected in series. Тhe readings оп the scale show the measured value. 1 Fiя.4 3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. ТЬе ammeter is а) а соmmоп meter. Ь) an unсоmmоп meter. 2. In order to measure the value of сuпепt а) the ohmmeter is used. . Ь) the voltmeter is used. с) the ammeter is used. а) positive tenninals only. Ь) negative tenninals only. с) positive and negative terminals. 4. When the ammeter is used а) the circuit should ье opened. Ь) the circuit should not ье opened. 5. Тhe ammeter should Ье con- а) in series. nected Ь) in parallel. 3. А meter has 6. Опе should take into consid- а) the positive tenninal should Ье con- eration that nected to the negative terminal. Ь) the positive tenninal should ье can- nected to the positive terminal of the source. 4. Complete these sentences using while. Follow the model. Model: Тhe ammeter is used to measure the value of current ... . Тhe ammeter is used to measure the value of current while the ohmmeter is used 10 measure the value of resistance. 1. Тhe ohmmeter is used to measure the value of resistance ... .,. . 2. Тhe ammeter is connected in series ... .., . 3. When the ammeter is used to measure the value of current the circuit should Ье opened ... ... . - lS- 
5. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate. Let himlher answer them. 1. What is the ammeter used for? 2. What is the voltmeter used for? 3. What is the ohmmeter used for? 4. What tenninals does а meter have? 5. Should the measured circuit ье opened when the voltmeter is used? 6. Should the measured circuit ье opened when the ammeter is used? 7. lп what way should the voltmeter ье connected to the circuit? 8. ln what way should the ammeter ье eonneeted to the eireuit? 9. What is the differenee between а voltmeter and an ammeter? 10. What еоттоп meters are used to measure the values in а eircuit? 6. Solve the following probIems: 1. Suppose the ammeter scale reads 1.9 атр, the voltmeter scale reads 2.4 У; how mueh is the value ofresistanee in the measured eireuit? 2. Suppose the ohmmeter scale reads 7S ohms, the voltmeter scale reads 220 У; how mueh is the va1ue оfеuпепt in the measured eircuit? 3. Suppose that уои have а series eircuit eonsisting ofthree resistors and а voltage souree. R\=O.l8 оьт, R 2 =I.lS ohms, R,=2 ohrns, 1 = 1 О атр. Find the voltage drop aeross еасЬ resistor; find the value of voltage in the cireuit. Suppose R\ gets ореп. What does it result in? 4. Two resistors зrе eonneeted in series. R\ = 7,000, R 2 = 2,200, 1 = II О атр. Find the voltage drop aeross еасЬ resistor. Suppose по сuпeпt passes through the eircuit, what does it result from? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. eapaeity power heat rate to produee (k'pёesltl] ['paи ] [prldju:s] емкость МОЩНОСТЬ теплота, HarpeB СКОРОСТЬ, степень Dpoизводить  16,,:,, 
2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: ['tempratIa) temperature ['enad31) energy [W;)t) watt ['k;)nstant) constant [pou'tenIal) potential [tIеlПdз) ['vearl) [Iou) [hal) [flkst) to change to vary low high fixed anу variable ['vearlabl) the (more) ... the (more) менять(СJl) варьировать( СJl) низкий высокий ПОСТОJlННЫЙ (зд.) любой переменный чем (больше)... тем (больше) 3. Translate into Russian using чем ... тем: 1. Тhe more опе studies паtше, the better опе knows its laws. 2. ТЬе 10nger опе learns, the more опе knows. 3. Тhe higher the atmosphere, the less is its pressure. 4. The heavier the object, the more work опе has to do in order to lift it. 5. Тhe greater the number of free electrons in anу metal, the higher is its conductivity. 4. Translate into Russian. Mind по. . 1. There is по energy in this тасЫпе. 2. No charges тоуе through ап ореп circuit. 3. No material is а perfect conductor of electricity. 4. No electric тасЫпету is used without protection. 5. No special material is needed in this case. Resistors А resistor is опе of the most соттоп elements of anу circuit. Re sistors are used: 1. to reduce the value of сuпепt in' the circuit; 2. to produce IR voltage drop and in this way to change the value of the voltage. When сuпепt is passing through а resistor its temperature rises high. ТЬе higher the value of сuпепt the higher is the temperatute of а resis 
tor. Басh resistor has а maximum temperature to which it тау Ье heated without а troubIe. If the temperature rises higher the resistor gets ореп and opens the circuit. Resistors are rated in watts. ТЬе watt is the rate at which electric en ergy is supplied when а current of one ampere is passing at а potential difference of one volt. А resistor is rated as а 1 W resistor if its resis tance equals 1,000,000 ohms and its currentcarrying capacity equals 1/1,000,000 атр, since Р = Е х 1 = IR х 1 = I 2 R where Р  power is given in watts, R  resistance is given in ohms and 1  current is given in amperes. If а resistor has а resistance of only 2 ohms but its currentarrying capacity equals 2,000 атр, it is rated as а 8,000,000W resistor. Some resistors have а constant value  these are fixed resistors, the value of other resistors тау ье varied  these are variabIe resistors. S. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А resistor is used а) to measure the resistance. Ь) to reduce the сuпепt. с) to change the resistance. d) to produce IR voltage drop. 2. When сuпепt passes through а re- а) its temperature drops. sistor Ь) its temperature rises. 3. Resistors are rated а) in ohms. Ь) in volts. с) in watts. 4. Power is given а) in amperes. Ь) in watts. S. Fixed resistors have а) а constant value. Ь) а variable value. 6. ТЬе value of а variable resistor 7. А то-оЬт resistor rated as-a 8,000,000- W resistor а) is fixed. Ь) is varied. а) has а сuпепt-сarrying capac ity equal to 2,000 атр. Ь) has а сuпепt-сarryiпg capac ity equal to 200 атр. - 18  
8. ТЬе higher the value оС cun-ent, а) the lower is Ше temperature ofa resistor. Ь) Ше higher is the temperature of а resistor. 6. Complete the sentences using whUe. Follow the modtl оп page 13. 1. Тhe value оС а nxed resistor is constant ... ... .., . 2. Currentcarrying capacity is given in arnperes ... ... ... . 3. ТЬе lower the value оС cun-ent, Ше lower is the temperature оС а resis- tor... ... ... . 4. Ап electric source produces energy '" ... ... . 7. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and let himlher ап- swer them. 1. What is а resistor used for? 2. When does the temperature оС а resistor rise? 3. What element is used to change Ше value oCvoltage? 4. How are resistors rated? 5. What types оС resistors do you know? 6. When does а resistor get ореп? 7. What does an ореп resistor result in? 8. What is the difference ЬеМееп а fixed resistor and а variable resistor? 9. How much is Ше cun-ent-carrying capacity ofa Moobт resistor? 10. What resistors Ьауе а variable value? 8. Solve the probIem: What is the maximum cun-ent for а resistor having а 5-watt capacity and а resistance of20,000 ohms? 9. Pair work. Think of three simiiar probIems of your own. Ask your groupmate to solve them. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. . Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. сеll output [seH ['autputl элемент емкость, мощность - 19  
2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: [('lektroudJ electrode [I'lektralaltJ electrolyte (sta:tJ to start (':>parelt) to operate ('alsa!elt) to isolate 3. Translate into Russian and put down the Russian equivaleDts. ТЬеп translate the Russian equivalents back into English (orally). а. current capacity resistor temperature voltage output current value bulb to Iight to increase to substitute ... and so оп [ЬлlЬ) (lalt] [In'kri:s] Ь. to start supplying energy to stop operating to start lightening to stop lightening the bulbs с. to operate well to operate badly to increase the voltage output to substitute the resistor электричесК8JI лампа зажиraть, освещать увеличивать( СJl), возрастать заменять и так далее 4. Read and translate into RuSSiaD. Mind опе: 1. Тhe element has а trouble. It operates badly. It should Ье substituted Ьу а new опе. 2. Тhe element with а trouble was substituted with а new опе and the сеll started operating. Electric Cells Ап electric сеll is used to produce and supply electric energy. 1t consists of ап electrolyte and two electrodes. Electrodes ие used as tenninals, they connect the сеll to the circuit  current passes through the tenninals and the bulb lights. . ё'C 
Cells can Ье connected in series, in parallel and in seriesparallel. In order to increase the current capacity cells should 'Ье connected in parallel. In order to increase the voltage out put cells should Ье connected in se ries. In case а battery has а large current capacity and .а large voltage output, its cells ате connected in se riesparallel. When cells are connected in series the positive terminal of one сеll is connected to the negative terminal of the second сеll, the positive terminal of the second сеll  to the negative terminal of the third ... and so оп. When cells are connected in parallel their negative terminals are connected together and their positive terminals are also connected. ВУ Fig.6  / Fig.5 zv 2V Fig.7 In case а сеll has а troubIe it stops operating or operates badly. Тhis сеВ should Ье substituted Ьу another one. S. Compiete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А сеВ is used а) to increase the voltage output. Ь) to reduce the current capacity. с) to supply electric energy. 2. ТЬе tenninals of а сеВ are used  21  а) to conduct current. Ь) to increase voltage. с) to connect the battery to а cir cuit. 
3. When cells асе connected in series а) аН the positive tenninals асе connected together. Ь) аН the negative tenninals асе connected together. с) the positive tenninal of опе сеll is connected to the negative tenninal of the second. 4. Сеll! асе connected in series in order а) to increase the current capacity. Ь) to increase the voltage output. 5. In order to increase the current са- pacity а) cells асе connected in series. Ь) cells асе connected in parallel. 6. Answer the (ollowing questions: 1. What is а сеВ used for? 2. What does а сеВ consist оО 3. What is the function ofthe tenninals? 4. In what way асе ceBs connected in order to increase the voltage output? 5. In what way асе ceBs connected in order to increase the current capacity? 6. In what way are the tenninals of series ceBs connected? 7. In what case does а сеВ stop operating? 8. What sbould ье done in case it stops operating? 7. Solve these probIems: 1. Suppose that you Ьауе four electric ceHs. Тhe current capacity of еасЬ сеll equals 1.5 атр, the voltage output equals 2 У. а) Connect the cells in series. In wbat way should it Ье done? Ь} Connect the battery to а circuit whose resistance value equals' 15 obms. What is the value of currentin the circuit? 2. Suppose that you Ьауе three ceBs ofthe same value. а} СоппеС! theт in расаllеl. In wbat way should it Ье done? Ь) Connect the second battery to the same circuit: wbat will it result in? Suppose that опе of the cells stops operating. What sbould Ье done in this case?  се  
: 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. 1. Translate into Russian and write down the Russian equivalents. ТЬеп translate the Russian variants back into English (orally). а. paper insulators air insulators electrolyte capacitors advantages of electrolyte capacitors disadvantages of air insulators capacitor insulator frequency distance advantage disadvantage plate part to apply to тоуе to prevent reason for this reason besides provided that [klp;eslt ) ['lOsjulelt) ['fri:kwnsl) ['dlstns) [d'vа:пtldз) [pa:t) [Iplal) [rnu:v) Ь. cells under test capacitors in common use nowadays radio sets under test Ре in common use nowadays с. а radioman radio work radio parts telephone and radio work  23  конденсатор изолятор частота расстояние преимущество недостаток анод (лампы) часть прилаraТЬ,применять двиraть(ся) предотвращать причина по этой причине кроме тoro при условии что 
3. Transiate into Russian. Mind provlded that. 1. А circuit operates well provided that it does not have anу trouble. 2. ТЬе bulb lights provided that the circuit is connected to the сеН. 3. А сеll supplic;s energy provided that its electrodes are of different mate rials. Capacitors А capacitor is опе of the main elements of а circuit. It is used to store electric energy. А capacitor stores electric energy provided that а voltage source is applied to it. tL .4 I +а I a T в ,,!, # I Т \ , ,___ .,1 Fig.8 Fig.9 ТЬе main parts of а capacitor are metal plates and insulators. ТЬе function of insulators is to isolate the metal plates and in this way to prevent а short. In the diagram опе сап see two соmmоп types of capacitors in use nowadays: а fixed capacitor and а variable опе. Тhe plates of а fixed capacitor cannot Ье moved; for this reason its capacity does not change. Тhe plates of а variable capacitor move; its capacity changes. Тhe greater the distance between the plates, the less is the capacity of а ca pacitor. Variable capacitors are commonly used Ьу radiomen; their function is to vary the frequency in the circuit. Fixed capacitors are used in telephone and radio work. Fixed capacitors have insulators produced of paper, ceramics and other materials; variable capacitors have air insulators. Paper capacitors are commonly used in radio and electronics; their advantage is their high capacity: it mау Ье higher than 1,000 picofarad. Besides, electrolyte capacitors are highly in use. ТЬеу also have а very high capacity: it varies from 0.5 to 2,000 microfarad. Their disad  сч  
vantage is that they change their capacity when the temperature changes. ТЬеу can operate without а change only at temperatures not lower than ---40. С. Соmmоп troubles in capacitors are ап ореп and а short. А capacitor stops operating and does not store energy in case it has а trouble. А ca pacitor with а trouble should Ье substituted Ьу а new опе. 4. Complete these sentences using the correet variant: 1. А capacitor is used а) to supply voltage. Ь) to increase the voltage output. с) to store energy. 2. Тhe main рзrts of а capacitor are а) insulators only. Ь) metal plates only. с) metal plates and insulators be tween them. 3. ТЬе function of insulators is 4. ТЬе capacity of а capacitor de pends оп 5. Тhe capacity of а tixed capacitor 6. Тhe plates of а variable capaci tor 7. In order to charge а capacitor а voltage source is applied 8. Тhe greater the distance between the plates, а) to store energy. Ь) to isoiate the metal plates. с) to prevent а short between the metal plates. а) the size ofthe plates. Ь) the distance between the plates. с) the material of the insulators. а) is constant. Ь) is varied. а) сan Ье moved. Ь) caмot Ье moved. а) to the metal plates. Ь) to the insulators. а) the greater is the capacity of а capacitor. Ь) the less is the capacity.  2S  
9. УаПаЫе capacitors Ьауе а) air insulators. Ь) paper insulators. с) ceramic insulators. 10. Electrolyte capacitors have а) а very low capacity. Ь) а very high capacity. 11. In case а capacitor has а trouble а) it operates. Ь) it stops operating. 5. Complete these sentences using whUe. Follow the model оп раке 13: 1. Тhe plates of а nxed capacitor canBot Ье moved to узry the capacity ... 2. ТЬе capacity of а variabIe capacitor is varied ... .., . З. Electrolyte capacitors сЬапке their capacity when the temperature changes ... ... . 4. Тhe less the distance between the plates, the greater is the capacity .:. 5. When а capacitor has по trouble it stores energy ... ... . 6. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask himlher to answer them. 1. What is а capacitor used for? 2. What are the main parts of а capacitor? З. What is the function ofinsulators? 4. What does the capacity of а capacitor depend оп? 5. What is the difference between а tixed capacitor and а уаПаЫе опе? 6. What should Ье done in order to change а capacitor? 7. What is the relation between the value of capacity and the distance of plates? 8. What type of insulators Ьауе variable capacitors? 9. What should Ье done in case а capacitor has а trouble? 7. Solve these probIems: Draw а diagram of а circuit consisting of two resistors and two capaci- tors connected in paral1el. А battery of four cells is applied to the circuit. Two ammeters are used: опе is connected to the main line, the other  to а parallel branch. What is the function of еасЬ element? In what way сan опе increase the value of resistance in the circuit? Suppose опе of the branches stops operating. What does it result ftom? -26- 
1. а) Cover the right column and read the EngUsh words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words baek into English. сЬеар 'copper decrease load make smb (smth) do smth . thus difficulty 'rubber since to decrease increase 2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: ['datagraem] diagram [.kout'ftIant] coefficient ['fлоkIаn] function [traens'f:>ma] transformer [traens'fa:] to transfer 3. Form adverbs. Follow the model. Model: wide  widely сЬеар  high ['dlkri:s] дешевый MeДJ. уменьшение нarpузка заставить коro-л. (л.) де- лать что-л. таким образом, так трудность резина так как уменьшать увеличение [dt'kri:s] ('t!)kri:s ] positive  negative  4. Put down the Russian for: load resistance wire conductors silverwire conductors temperature 'decrease temperature 'ncrease  21- 
5. Translate into Russian. Mind siпce. 1. Copper conductors are wideIy used siпce they are mисЬ cheaper than silver ones. 2. А minimum voltage drop is produced in copper wire conductors siпce they Ьауе а 10w resistance. 3. А bulb connected to ап ореп circuit does not light siпce ап ореп circuit has по current. Conductors and Insulators Conductors are materials having а 10w resistance so that current easily passes through them. ТЬе lower the resistance of the material, the more current сап pass through it. ТЬе most соmmоп conductors are metals. Silver and copper are the best of them. ТЬе advantage of copper is that it is mисЬ cheaper than silver. Thus copper is widely used to produce wire conductors. Опе of the соmmоп functions of wire conductors is to connect а voltage source to а load resistance. Since copper wire conductors have а very low re- sistance а minimum voltage drop is produced in them. Thus, аll of the applied voltage can produce current in the load resistance. It should Ье taken into consideration that most materials change the value of resistance when their temperature changes. Metals increase their resistance when the temperature increases while carbon decreases its resistance when the temperature increases. Thus metals have а positive temperature coefficient of resistance while carbon has а negative temperature coefficient. ТЬе smaller is the tem- perature coefficient or the less the change of resistance with the change of temperature, the more perfect is the resistance material. Materials having а very high resistance are called insulators. Cur rent passes through insuJators with great difficulty. ТЬе most соmmоп insulators are air, paper, rubber, plastics. Апу insulator сап conduct current when а high enough voltage is applied to it. Currents of great value must Ье applied to insulators in or- der to make them conduct. ТЬе higher the resistance of an insulator, the greater the applied voltage must Ье. When ап insulator is connected to а voltage source, it stores electric charge and а potential is produced оп the insuJator. Thus, insulators have the two main functions:  28  
1. to isolate conducting wires and thus to prevent а short between them and 2. to store electric charge when а voltage source is applied. 6. Find answers to these questions 'п the text аЬоуе: 1. What materials are called conductors? 2. What is те advantage of copper compared with silver? З. What is те most соmmоп functiori of wire conductors? 4. Why is а minimum voltage drop produced in copper conductors? 5. What is the relation Ьемееп те value of resistance and the temperature in carbon? 6. What materials are called insulators? 7. What are те most common insu1ators? 8. What are те мо main functions of insulators? 7. Complete the sentences using the eorrect variant: 1. Insulators are materials having а) 10w resistance. Ь) high resistance. 2. Сuпeпt passes through conductors а) easily. Ь) with great difficulty. З. Copper and silver are а) common conductors. Ь) common insulators. 4. Air, paper and plastics are а) 'commoninsulators. Ь) common conductors. 5. In case а high voltage is applied to an insulator а) it does not conduct сuпeпt. Ь) it conducts current. 6. Insulators are used а) to store electric charge. Ь) to reduce voltage. с) to prevent а short between conducting wires. 7. Metals increase their resistance а) when те temperature de- creases. Ь) when те temperature in creases. - 29- 
8. Carbon decreases its resistance а) when the temperature in creases. Ь) when the temperature de creases. 9. Metals have а) а positive temperature coeC ficient оС resistance. Ь) а negative temperature соеС- ficient оС resistance. 8. Complete the sentences using while. Follow the model оп page 13. 1. Conductors have а low resistance ... ... . 2. Current passes through insulators with great difnculty .., ... . 3. Metals are соттоп conductors ... '" . 4. То make insuiators conduct, currents of great value must Ье applied 5. Carbon decreases its resistance when the temperature increases ... . 6. Metals ЬаУе а positive temperature coefficient ofresistance ... . 9. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate, and ask him/her to answer them: 1. What is the difference between conductors and insulators? 2. How does current pass through insulators? 3. What materials are commonly used to produce insulators? 4. What materials are соттопlу used to produce conductors? 5. In what case do insulators conduct current? 6. How does resistance change when the temperature decreases? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. core winding turn to step up l'wa 1nd l!JI сердечник обмотка виток повышать  зе  
to step down frequency due to ['fri:kw"nsl] ['dju: t,,1 понижать частота блаroдаря, из-за 2. Put down the Russian for: iron core closed core input voltage output voltage primary winding secondary winding step-up transformer step-down transformer Transformers А transformer is used to transfer energy. Due to Ше transformer eleetrie power тау Ье transferred at а high voltage and redueed at Ше point where it must Ье used to anу value. Besides, а transformer is used to ehange the voltage and eurrent value in а eireuit. :ФW иzur :J :  >и, :JIC: FiJO FiJJ А tw<rwinding transformer eonsists of а elosed eore and two eoils (windings). ТЬе primary winding is conneeted to Ше voltage souree. It reeeives energy. ТЬе seeondary winding is eonnected to the load resis- tanее and supplies energy to Ше load. ТЬе value of voltage aeross Ше seeondary terminal depends оп Ше number of turns in it. In case it is equal to the number of turns in Ше primary winding the voltage in Ше secondary winding is the same as in the primary.  31  
In case the secondary has more turns than the primary the output voltage is greater than the input voltage. ТЬе voltage in the secondary is greater than the voltage in the primary Ьу as тапу times as the number ofturns in the secondary is greater than the number ofturns in the pri mary. А transformer ofthis type increases or steps ир the voltage and is called а stepup transformer. In case the secondary has fewer turns than the primary the output voltage is lower than the input. Such а trans former decreases or steps down the voltage, it is called а step-down transformer. Compare ТI and Т 2 in the diagram. ТI has an iron core. For this rea- son it is used for lowfrequency currents. Т 2 has an air core and is used for high frequencies. Соттоп troubles in transfonners are an ореп in the winding, а short. between the primary and the secondary, and а short between turns. In case а transformer has а поиЫе it stops operating or operates badly. А transformer with а trouble should ье substituted. 3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А transformer is used 2. Electric power is trans ferred at а high voltage and reduced to any value 3. А transformer consists of 4. Тhe function of the pri тму is а) to store charge. Ь) to prevent the change of energy. с) to transfer energy. d) to change the voltage and current value in а circuit. а) due to resistors. Ь) due to capacitors. с) due to transformers. а) cores only. Ь) the primary and the secondary windings. с) а core and the primary and the secon- dary windings. а) to prevent the change of voltage. Ь) to supply energy. с) to receive energy. зe 
S. Тhe function ofthe sec- ondary is 6. А step-up transformer is used а) to receive energy. Ь) to supp1y energy. с) to transfer energy. d) to decrease the value of charge. а) to step down or decrease the secondary voltage. Ь) to step up or increase the рrirпму volt- age. 7. А step-down transformer а) to step down the secondary voltage. is used Ь) to step down the primary voltage. 8. А transformer with an iron core а) is used for high-frequency currents. Ь) is used for low-frequency currents. 9. А transformer with an air а) for high-frequency currents and for low- core is used frequency currents. Ь) for high-frequency сuпeпts only. 10. In а step-up transformer 11. А transformer should Ье substituted а) the number of tums of the secondary winding is greater than the number of tums ofthe primary. Ь) the number of tums of the рrirпму winding is greater than the number of tums ofthe secondary. а) in case it has an ореп in the winding. Ь) in case it has а short between the pri- тму and the secondary. с) in case it has а short between turns. 4. Complete these sentences using whlle. Follow the mщlеl оп page 13. 1. ТЬе secondary winding of а transformer is connected to the load re- sistance ... . 2. Тhe primary winding receives energy '" . 3. А step-down transformer decreases the primary voltage ... . 4. Ап air core transformer is used for high-frequency currents ... ... . S. In а step-up transformer the number oftums ofthe secondary windng is greater than the number of tums of the primary winding ... ... . - 33 - 
5. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask himlher to answer them. 1. What is а transformer used for? 2. What does а transformer consist оп З. What is the function ofthe primary winding? 4. What is the function ofthe secondary winding? 5. What type oftransformer is called а step-up transformer? 6. What type oftransformer is used for high-frequency currents? 7. What type oftransformer is called а step-down transformer? 8. What type oftransformer is used for 10w-frequency currents? 9. What is the relation between the number of turns in the windings and the value of current? 10. What ие common troubles in а transformer? 11. What should Ье done in case а transformer has а trouble? 6. Read about current transformen. Answer the questions that follow. Current Transformers Current transformers ие used for operating ammeters, wattmeters. and other measuring devices. Тhey produce in the meters а current lower than the measured current but proportional to it. Current transformers also insulate the instrument from the circuit which is being measured. Тhis is necessary for high voltage circuits. 1. What is а current transformer used for? 2. What type о! current does it produce? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the RussiaD words back into English. altemating di'rect di'rection flow necessary to con'sider use [,;)1t,,'nel t ll)] uu:s] переменный прямой направление течение необходимый рассматривать использование [Поu] ['ness"rl]  зч  
2. Read the words and write down their Russian equivalents: ['sa1kl] сусlе [p"'sek,,nd] per second [tЗIР] type 3. Put down the Russian for: direct voltage source altemating voltage source direction of flow опе time five times sixty times Types о' Current Current is а flow of electricity through а circuit. Let us consider two main types of current: direct and alternating. А direct current (d.c.) flows through а conducting circuit in опе direction only. It flows pro vided а direct voltage source is applied to the circuit. Ап alternating current (а.с.) is а current that changes its direction of flow through а circuit. It flows provided an alternating voltage source is applied to the circuit. Alternating current flows in cycles. Thе number of cycles per second is called the frequency ofthe current. In а 60cycle alternating current circuit the current flows in опе direction 60 times and in the other direction 60 times per second. It is easy to transform а.С. power from опе voltage to another Ьу а transformer. Transformers are also used to step down the voltage at the receiving point ofthe line to the low values that are necessary for use. When necessary а.С. сan Ье changed into d.c. but this is seldom nec essary. 4. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. О.с. is a.current that а) changes its direction offlow. Ь) t10ws in опе direction. 4. А.с. а) а direct voltage source is applied. Ь) an altemating voltage source is applied. а) current flows in опе direction 60 times per second. Ь) current flows in опе direction 60 times and in the other direction 60 times per second. а) сan Ье changed into d.c. Ь) cannot Ье changed into d.c. 2. А.с. flows provided 3. In an altemating cur- rent circuit  35  
S. Complete these sentences using whUe. Follow the model оп page 13. 1. An alternating current changes its direction offlow '" ... . 2. А direct current flows provided а direct voltage source is applied ... 6. Answer the following questions: 1. What is current? 2. What types о! current do уои know? 3. When does а direct current flow? 4. What type of current is called an altemating current? 5. What type of current is called а direct current? 6. What is called the frequency of current? 7. What device is used to transfопn а.с. power &От ОПе voltage to another? 8. Is it often necessary to change а.С. into d.c.? 7. Read about frequency, answer the question that follows. Frequency Тhe number of cycles per second is the frequency of an altemating cur- rent. Тhere are two frequencies: the standard for Europe is 50 cycles per second while the standard for the USA is 60 cycles per second. А standard frequency Ьа! а great advantage since different systems сan ье intercon- nected. What is the advantage о! а standard frequeDcy? -=UU :: i:; !п iН-= iH-= iП 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. TraDslate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. in'ductance coil size unit fast тишаl to induce (k;>11] (saIZ] ('ju:шt] (fQ:S] ['mju:tlu"l] (lП'dju:s) индуктивиость катушка размер единица быстрый . взаимный индуктировать - 3б  
to provide to touch to bring that is defmite [pr'vald] [tлtJ] ('dеflшt] обеспечить касаться ПРИНОСИТЬ,подносить то есть определенный 2. Translate into Russian and put down the Russian equivalents. ТЬеп translate them back into English (orally). а. defmite value primary соН wire coil П1utuаliпduсtanсе varying current one ampere per second Ь. 1. Coils о! wire are cal1ed inductors. 2. Two coHs are brought close together. 3. А source ofcurrent is applied to one ofthe coils. 4. Mutual inductance is measured in henries. 3. Which ofthe words are nouns and which are verbs? resistor, resist, resistance; induce, induction, inductor, inductance; conductor, conduct. conductance; compute, computer Inductance and Mutuallnductance Any conductor has some definite value of inductance. Тhe induc tanсе of а conductor shows how well it сan provide induced voltage. Elements of а circuit with а defmite value of inductance ате coils of wire called inductors. ТЬе inductance of а соН depends upon its size and material. Тhe greater the number of turns of а coil, the higher is its inductance. Ап iron core also increases the value of inductance. Coils of this type are used for lowfrequency currents while coils with ап air core are used for highfrequency currents. Two coils А and В are brought close together and а source of vary ing current is applied to соН А. If а measuring device is connected across the terminals of coil В it will Ье found that а voltage is induced in this соН though the мо coils do not touch. ТЬе secondary voltage, that is the voltage in соН В, is called induced voltage and energy from опе соН to the other transfers Ьу induction. Тhe coil across which the  31  
current is applied is called 'м pri тату; that in which voltage is in duced is called the secoпdaтy. Тhe primary and the secondary coils have mutual inductance. Mutual induc- tance is measured in the same units as inductance, that is in henries. Тhus, when а rate of change of опе ampere per second in the primary coil will produce опе volt in the sec Fig./2 ondary соН, the two coHs have опе henry of mutual inductance. It should Ье шkеп into consideration that induction Ьу а varying cur rent results from the change in current not in the current value. Тhe faster the current changes, the higher the induced voltage. 4. Complete the sentences using the correct variaDt: 1. Апу conductor has а) some definite value ofresistance. Ь) some definite value ofinductance. 2. Апу conductor сап provide а) electric power. Ь) induced voltage. 3. Elements with а definite value а) are called inductors. of inductance Ь) are called coHs. с) are called sources. 4. Тhe inductance of а соН de pends ироп 5. Ап iron core 6. Тhe value of тишаl induc tance is measured 7. Induction Ьу а varying сопепt 8. Тhe faster the current changes, а) its size. Ь) its core. с) its material. d) its number of tums. а) increases the value of inductance. Ь) decreases the value of inductance. а) in watts. Ь) in henries. а) results from the chaпge in current. Ь) results from the change in the cur rent value. а) the lower is the induced voltage. Ь) the Ыр is the induced voltage.  38  
5. Complete these sentences using while. Follow the model оп page 13. 1. Ап air core decreases the value of inductance ... ... . 2. Ап iron core is used for lowfrequency сuпепts ... ... . З. Тhe соН in which voltage is induced is called the secondary ... ... . 6. Answer the following questions: 1. What value of inductance do conductors Ьауе? 2. What is the function of inductors? З. What ие elements with а defmite value ofinductance called? 4. What does the inductance of а соН depend upon? 5. How does the inductance of а соН depend upon the material of its core? 6. In what units is the value of mutual inductance measured? 7. What does induction Ьу а varying сuпепt result from? 8. What is the relation between the сuпепt changes and the value of in duced voltage? 9. What is the unit ofresistance? 10. What is the unit of potential difference? 11. For what type of current is ап air core used? 12. What is the relation between the number of turns of а соН and its in- ductance value? 7. Pair work. Tell your groupmate about mutual inductance. Let himlher put the questions о! Exercise 6 to уоо and answer them. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. device field loose . tight self-inductance to couple to separate to transfer therefore (dI'v alS] [fj:ld] [lu:s] [tЗlt] ['kлрl] ['sep"relt] [trns'f,,:] ['3E"f;>:] прибор поле свободный, нежесткий lШотный самоиндукция соеДИИЯТЬ,сцеnлять отделять перенQCИТЬ поэтому  39  
2. Put down the words with the opposite meaning aDd traDslate them into RussiaD. Mode/: inconstant  constant incompetent  incorrect  indirect  indefinite  inactive  inconsisteDt  unаЫе  inability  3. Put dOWD Russian equivalents оС tbese word combinations. ТЬеп traDslate them back iDtO EDglish. loose coupling  tight coup1ing  transformer COUp1iDg  electromagnetic fields  Coupling When circuits are indirectinductively coupled energy is transfеп-ed from one circuit to another using electromagnetic field of the induc tance through which а varying сuп-еnt is flowing. Тhe coupling device is а transformer. It is not in series with the elements of the circuit, therefore the coupling is indirect. The transformer consists of two windings: the primary and the secondary. The primary circuit is con- nected to the voltage source, the secondary  to the load circuit. The coupling тау Ье tight and loose. In case the coils of the cou ling element are close together, the coupling is tight. In case the coils are separated the coupling is loose. In the loose coupling the mutual in ductance is small compared with the self-inductance. 4. Complete the senteDces using the correct variant: 1. Тhe circuit connected to the а) the SecODdary circuit. voltage source is called Ь) the рrirпасу circuit. 2. ТЬе circuit receiving its en- а) the рпmасу circuit. ergy through а coupling is Ь) the secondary circuit. З. Тhe function ofa coup1ing а) to separate the circuits. element is Ь) to transfer energy. с) to preveDt а short between the circuits. 4. When the coupling is tight а) the coils асе separated. Ь) the coils are close together. - ча  
5. When the coils are close to- gether 6. Thе circuits are indirectly coupled when а) the coupling is loose. Ь) the coupling is tight. а) the coupling element is соттоп to both circuits and is in series with their other elements. Ь) the coupling element is not соттоп to the circuits and is not in series with their other elements. S. Complete these sentences using while. Follow the Шodе' оп page 13. 1. The circuit receiving energy is the secondary circuit ... . 2. The coupling is loose when the coils are separated ... ... . 3. When the coupling element is not сошшоп to the circuits and not in se- ries with their elements, the circuits are indirectly coupled ... ... . 6. Answer the Collowing questions: 1. What type of circuit is called the primary? 2. What type of circuit is called the secondary? З. What is the function ofa coupling element? 4. What type of coupling is called loose? 5. What type of coupling is called tight? 6. In what case асе the circuits directly coupled? 7. In what case асе the circuits indirectly coupled? 8. What is the difference between а tight and 100se coupling? 9. ln what case should а coupling element Ье substituted? 7. Pair work. Draw а зсЬеше о( 1) а loose coupling, 2) а tight coupling. Describe the зсЬеше! to your groupmate. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the leCt column and translate the Russian words back into English. filter bypass choke ('f1lt ] (ЪаIра:s) [tJouk] фильтр шунт дроссель  Чl  
high-pass 10w-pass to oppose оп the other hand ehoke coil bypass соП bypass condenser high-pass filter low-pass filter opposing eoils opposed eurrent ['halpa:s] [10upa:s] [iI'pOUZ] выеокопроходной низкопроходной оказывать сопротивление с дрyroй стороны дроссельная катушка шунтовая катушка шунтирующий конденсатор фильтр верхних частот фильтр низких частот противодействующие витки противоток Filters This filter is used to separate direct cur- rent from altemating current. It consists of а capacitor and а choke соН. Direct current cannot flow through the capacitor since its insulators oppose the flow of direct cur- rent. Тherefore, it flows through the choke соН. Its windings eэsНу pass direct current through them. Alternating current, оп the other hand, passes through the capacitor, since it cannot easHy pass through the choke соН. In this way the direct and the altemating сuпепts are separated. 1. А high-pass tilter is used to pass high frequencies and to prevent the flow of 10w frequencies. It consists of а condenser and an inductance соН. ТЬе condenser passes сuпепts of high frequencies and opposes the flow of 10w frequency currents. Low frequencies must ье retumed to the source and the inductance соН is used for а bypass. 11. А low-pass filter is used to pass 10w frequencies and to prevent the flow of high frequencies. It consists of an inductance соН and а соп- denser. ТЬе inductance соН passes 10w frequencies and opposes the flow ofhigh frequencies. То retum the high frequencies back to the source, а condenser is used for а bypass. Its capacity opposes the flow of 10w Пе- quencies through it. с, G AC. ..... D t. . Я, D с........ Fig.13 2. Complete the sentences using the correct variant. 1. А filter is used in order а) to separate d.e. from а.е. Ь) to transfer energy from the primary to the secondary. - Ч2- 
2. А fiher consists of З. Direct current езsilу passes 4. Altemating current езsilу passes S. А 10wpass fi1ter is used 6. In а 10wpass fi1ter 7. In а highpass fi1ter с) to separate low ftequencies ftom high ftequencies. а) а resistor and а transformer. Ь) а choke соН and а capacitor. с) an inductance соН and а capacitor. а) through а choke соН. Ь) through а capacitor. а) through а capacitor. Ь) through а choke соН. а) to pass high ftequencies and to prevent the t10w of 10w ftequencies. Ь) to pass 10w ftequencies and to prevent the t10w ofhigh ftequencies. а) а capacitor is used as а bypass. Ь) an inductance соН is used as а Ьурaзs. а) an inductance соН is used as а bypass. Ь) а capacitor is used as а bypass. 3. Complete these seDtences USiDg оп the other haпd. Follow the modeL Model: Direct current passes through the choke соН of а filter; altemating сuпeпt, оп the other haпd, passes through the capacitor. 1. А low-pass filter is used to pass low ftequencies '" ... . 2. In а high-pass filter an iDductance coil is used as а bypass '" . З. А highpass fi1ter is used to prevent the Oow oflow ftequencies ... ... . 4. AltematiDg current passes through а capacitor '" ... . 4. Answer the Collowing questions: 1. What is а fi1ter used for? 2. What does а fi1ter consist of? З. What is the function of а lowpass fi1ter? 4. What is the function of а high-pass fi1ter? 5. What is the difference between а 10wpass filter and а highpass filter? 6. What elements are used as а bypass? 7. What is the function of а choke соН? 8. What is the function of an inductance соН? S. Draw schemes оС а choke input nlter and а capacity input nlter. De-- scribe the schemes and the Cunction оС the nlten.  Ч3  
6. Read the text and answer the question that follows it. Choke Input Filter and Capacity Input Filter rectify ['rektlfal] выпрямить eliminate [I1lmlnelt] устранить А choke input filter and а capacity input filter are used in rectifiers. Filters of this kind are connected to rectifiers in order to eliminate pulsa tions produced in rectified current. 1) Choke input nlter is а low-pass filter. А choke соН is in series with the rectifier output. 2) Capacity input filter is а high-pass filter. А capacitor is connected directly across or in parallel with the rectifier output. What is the difference between а choke input nlter and а capacity in- put filter? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your traDslation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. tube bulb grid screen to contain to collect to emit to suppress control circuit control grid screen grid screen grid tube suppressor grid counter flow oscillatory circuit [tju:b] [ЬлlЬ] [kan'teIn] [ka1ekt] [I'mlt) [sa'pres) электронная лампа баллон сетка экран вмещать собирать излучать rлушить, подавлять контрольная цепь управляющая сетка экранирующая сетка экранированная лампа защитная сетка противоток колебательный контур - чч  
1. Form nouns adding e, and translate them. . Mode/: to heat  heater to emit  to control  to suppress  3. Distribute the words below into the three columns. Model: action process doer emit emission emitter collector, heat, collection, suppress, collect, suppressor, suppression, con tain, reaction, container, react, heater, reactor, computer, compute, oscil- late, osci11ating, osci11ator 4. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents. ТЬеп trans- late them back into English. diode [daIad] triode [traIad] tetrode [tet'roud] pentode [pen'toud] cathode ['kёe8oud] metal ['metl] glass [gla:s] osci11ator [';)SIleIta] Electron Tubes Let us consider electron tubes. Among the electron tubes in use nowadays there are а diode, а triode, а tetrode and а pentode. Тhe main parts of electron tubes are electrodes. Electrodes are placed into а glass or metal bulb. Fig.J4 А diode contains the cathode and the plate. When а diode operates the cathode emits electrons, the plate collects them. А triode contains the cathode, the plate and the control grid. When the tube operates the cathode emits electrons, the plate collects them  чs  
and the grid controls the flow of electrons. Therefore, the grid is called а coпtro/ grid. А tetrode contains the cathode. the plate, the control grid and the screen grid. When а tube operates it тау оsсШаtе. ТЬе function of the screen grid is to eliminate оsсШаtiопs. Therefore it is called а screeп grid. А pentode contains two electrodes and three grids: the control grid, the screen grid and the suppressor grid. When а pentode operates the suppressor grid eliminates the secondary emission. Соmmоп troubles in tubes are an ореп heater and low emission. These troubles result from constant use or from some other reason. In case а tube has а trouble it stops operating or operates badly. А tube with а trouble should Ье replaced Ьу another опе. 5. Complete the sentences USiDg the correct variaDt: 1. А pentode contains а) the cathode, the plate, two'screen grids and the suppressor grid. Ь) the cathode, the plate, the control grids, the screen grid and the suppressor grid. 2. А tetrode contains а) the cathode, the plate, the suppressor grid and the screen grid. Ь) the cathode, the plate, the screen grid and the control grid. З. А triode contains а) the cathode, the plate and the screen grid. Ь) the cathode, the plate and the control grid. 4. Тhe function ofthe cathode is 5. Тhe function ofthe plate is 6. Тhe function of the control grid is 7. Тhe function of the screen grid is а) to collect electrons. Ь) to eliminate the secondary emission. с) to emit electrons. а) to eliminate osciIlations. Ь) to emit electrons. с) to collect electrons. а) to emit electrons. Ь) to control the electron flow. с) to eliminate secondary emission. а) to collect electrons. Ь) to reduce the capacity. , с) to eliminate osciIlations.  чб  
8. The function ofthe suppressor grid is а) to control the electron flow. Ь) to eliminate secondary emission. с) to eliminate osci1lations. а) high emission. Ь) lowemission. с) an ореп heater. 6. Answer the following questions: 1. What types of electron tubes are used nowadays? 2. How тanу electrodes does а diode (а triode, а tetrode, а pentode) contain? 3. What is the function of the cathode (the plate, the control grid, the screen grid, the suppressor grid)? 4. What does the constant use of а tube result in? 5. What does low emission result поm? . 6. When must а tube Ье replaced? 9. Constant use of а tube results in 7. Pair work. Think о! nve questions covering the article given below. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask himlher to answer them. Pentode When in an operating tube the screen-grid voltage is high, secondary emission does not retum to the plate and passes to the screen grid. This re- sults in а counter flow of electrons. То eliminate this counter flow, а third grid was placed between the plate and the screen grid and connected to the cathode. This grid is called а suppressor grid. Since the suppressor grid has а negative potential it retums the secondary emission back to the plate and thus eliminates it in the tube. The tube containing electrodes  the cathode, the plate, the control grid, the screen grid and the suppressor grid  is called а pentode. ТЬе cathode emits electrons, the plate collects them, the control grid controls the flow of electrons, the screen grid helps the plate to collect electrons and reduces the capacity between the control grid and the plate, the suppressor grid eliminates the secondary emission. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. half to rectify [ha:f] ['rektIfal] половина выпрямлять  Чl- 
['cempl1fal] [kan'va:t] to amplify to convert Ьу means of that is why to put into operation усиливать npeобразовываТЬ,обрашщть посредством, с помощью вот почему npиводить в действие, запускать 2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: pulse [рлlsl electron [I1ektrnl cycle ['salkll radio ['reldlOu] 3. Distribute the words below into the three columns: action process doer Uu:sl use, Uu:zl use, rectifier, rectification, amplifier, amplify, convert, user, converter, application, аррlу, pulse, pulsation, operate, operator 4. Translate these word combinations into Russian: а. half-wave half-cycle half-wave rectifier positive half-cycles electron tube application negative half-cycles Ьу means of а filter Ь. Ьу means of the suppressor grid tubes used as rectifiers tubes used as oscillators Use оС Electron Tubes Let us consider some cases of electron tube application. Tubes are соmmоп elements of radio and electronic devices. Tubes are used as rectifiers  to convert а.С. into d.c., as oscillators  to produce oscillating waves and as amplifiers  to amplify the input voltage and current. Half-Wave Rectiner Altemating current is converted into direct current Ьу means of а rectifier. А half-wave rectifier consists of а diode in series with а resistance. In order to put а rectifier into operation, а source of а.С. should ье ар- - чв- 
plied to it. When an а.С. source is applied the diode begins to conduct. Тhe rectifier passes сuпепts during positive halfycles of the applied voltage. That is why it is called а half-wave rectifier. When the device operates d.c. 'f1ows in the same direction. It is а pulsating сuпепt. Since pulsations should ье eliminated, а filter is applied. Pulsations are elimi- nated Ьу means ofthis filter. S. Complete the sentences using the correct ,:ariant: 1. Electron tubes are used а) as amplifiers опlу. Ь) as osci1lators опlу. с) as rectifiers, amplifiers and osci1lators. 2. А.с. is converted into d.c. 3. А halfwave rectifier consists of 4. In order to put а rectifier into operation 5. А half-wave rectifier passes сuпeпts 6. Rectified сuпепt is 7. Pulsations are eliminated а) Ьу means ofa rectifier. Ь) Ьу means ofan amplifier. а) а diode in series with а transformer. Ь) а diode in series with а resistor. а) d. с. is applied. Ь) а.С. is applied. а) during positive and negative half-cycles. Ь) during positive half-cycles of the ар- plied voltage. а) direct oscil1ating сuпепt. Ь) direct pulsating сuпепt. а) Ьу means of а choke соН. Ь) Ьу means ofa fi1ter. 6. Answer the Collowing questions: 1. How are electron tubes used? 2. What type of device is called а rectifier? 3. Ву what means is altemating сuпепt rectified into direct сuпепt? 4. What elements does а half-wave rectifier consist оп 5. What сuпепt should Ье applied to put а half-wave rectifier into opera- tion? 6. When does а half-wave rectifier pass сuпепt? 7. Ву what means are pulsations eliminated? 7. Draw а scheme оС а halC-wаvе rectifier and describe its operation.  Ч9  
1. а) Cover tbe rigbt column and read tbe English words. TraDslate tbem into Russian and cbeck your translation. Ь) Cover tbe 'е" column and translate tbe Russian words back into Englisb. end tap filament lower upper secondary end capacity end coils filament battery filament current secondary circuit secondary resistance secondary battery ftequency waves ('fIlamant] [10иа] ['лра] ['sekandarlJ конец, конечный отвод, ответвление нить накала нижний верхний вторичный конечная емкость концевые ВИТlCи батареи накала ток накала вторичный контур дополнительное сопротивление аккумуляторная батареи длинные волны 2. Read tbe words and put down tbeir Russian equivalents. Translate tbem back iDto Englisb (orally). [kam'pounant] component ['sentaJ centre ['maekslmamJ maximum '('mIПlmаm] minimum [sлmJ sum 3. Put dOWD tbe Russian for: centre tap low voltage winding tube plate filament winding Fullwave Rectifier In а fullwave rectifier two diodes are used. ТЬеу are connected 10 а соmmоп load resistance. ТЬе secondary ofthe transformers has а centre tap to which the load is connected. Current flows through the tubes  50  
from their plates to their cathodes. When the upper end of the high voltage winding is positive, current flows through the upper.tube. During the opposite half cycle the lower end of the high voltage winding becomes positive. ТЬе plate of the lower tube becomes posi tive and the plate of the upper tube  negative. Thus now the lower tube conducts current. Cur rent flows through the filament winding to its centre tap, then through the load to the centre tap of the highvoltage winding and to the tube plate which is positive. :]1 R Fig. J 5 4. Complete tbe sentences using tbe correct variant: 1. А full-wave rectifier contains а) one diode. Ь) two diodes. 2. Тhe load is connected to 3. Current t10ws through the tubes 4. When the upper end ofthe high voltage winding is positive S. During the negative balC-сусlе 6. During the positive half-cycle а) the centre tap ofthe primary. Ь) the centre tap ofthe secondary. а) ftom the plates to the cathodes. Ь) ftom the cathodes to the plates. а) current t10ws through the upper шЬе. Ь) current t10ws through the iower шЬе. а) the plate ofthe 10wer шЬе Ье- comes positive. Ь) the plate ofthe lower tube be comes negative. а) the 10wer шЬе conducts current. Ь) the upper шЬе conducts current. 5. Complete the sentences using while. Follow the model оп page 13. 1. А balf-wave rectifier contains опе diode ... ... . 2. When the upper end of the high-voltage winding is positive, current t10ws through the upper шЬе ... ... . 3. During the negative half-cycle the lower шЬе conducts current ... ... .  51  
6. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and let bim!her ап- swer tbem. 1. How many diodes does а full-wave rectifier contain1 2. What element is ше 10ad connected t01 3. What is the direction of current in the tubes? 4. During which сусlе does Ше plate Ьесоте negative? 5. When does the lower шЬе conduct current? 6. When does ше upper шЬе conduct current? 7. What is the difference between а half-wave and а full-wave rectifier? 8. What is the difference in their construction? 9. In what way does а full-wave rectifier operate? 10. 1" what way does а half-wave rectifier operate? 1 1. What are Ше main parts of а half-wave rectifier? 12. What are Ше main parts ofa full-wave rectifier? 1. а) Cover the right column and read tbe Englisb words. Translate tbem into RussiaD aDd cbeck your traDslation. Ь) Cover tbe lеа columD and translate the Russian words back into Englisb. to feed (fed) to include to remain to push to pull push-рuIl push-pull amplifier push-pull circuit push-рulI transformer feedback feedback amplifier feedback соН feeding transformer (ш'klu:d] (rl'mеIП) (puJ) (pul) 2. Put down tbe RussiaD for: plate current supply altemating силепt components maximum grid voltage transformer secondary winding питать содержать, заключать (в себе) оставаться толкать тянуть пушпул, пушпульный двухтактный усилитель двухтактная схема пушпульный трансформатор обратная связь реreнеративный усилитель катушка обратной связи силовой трансформатор - sc  
Pushpull Amplifier Ап amplifier is used to produce the output voltage greater than the input voltage. А push-pull amplifier includes two tubes. Their contro\ grids are connected to the opposite ends of the input transformer secon- dary winding. ТЬе centre of this winding is connected to the tube cath- odes. When maximum grid voltage is produced in опе tube, minimum grid voltage is produced in the other tube. Тhus, the sum of the plate t сuпепts remains constant. ТЬе plate сuпепts are fed into the opposite ends of the output transformer or а choke соН. It has its centre connected through the plate сuпепt sup- ply to the cathodes. Thus direct current plate components are eliminated but altemating cur- rent components add in the cir- cuit. Tr, Tr, Ef-- mJWJt )  +  + Fig./6 1. An amplifier is used 3. Complete tbese sentences, using tbe correct variant: 2. Тhe input voltage is increased 3. А push-pull amplifier includes 4. When maximum grid vo\tage is produced in опе tube 5. ТЬе sum ofthe plate currents а) to separate а.С. поm d.c. Ь) to change the value ofthe input voltage. а) Ьу means of а rectifier. Ь) Ьу means of ап amplifier. а) only one tube. Ь) two tubes. а) maximum grid voltage is produced in the other tube. Ь) minimum grid voltage is produced in the other tube. а) changes. Ь) remains constant. - 53 - 
6. D.c. components 7. А.с. components а) ате eliminated. Ь) add in the circuit. а) add in the circuit. Ь) ате eliminated. 4. Complete tbe sentences using whlle. Follow tbe model оп page 13: 1. Ап ampliner is used to increase ше value of the input voltage ... ... . 2. When maximum grid voltage is produced in опе шЬе ... ... . 3. Direct current plate components ате eliminated... ... . 5. Answer tbe following questions: 1. What is an amplifier used for? 2. Ву what means is а greater output voltage produced? 3. What ате the main parts of а push-pull amplifier? 4. In what way ате the tubes and the transfonner connected? S. Why does Ше sum of the plate currents remain constant? 6. Where ате the plate currents fed? 7. What type of current is amplified Ьу а push-pull amplifier? 8. What is Ше difference between а rectifier and an amplifier? 6. Say а few words about ап amplifier and а rectiner. Wbat do tbey Ьауе 'п сомшоп? Wbat '! tbe main diПеrепсе between tbem? 1. а) Cover tbe rigbt column and read tbe Englisb words. Translate tbem into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover tbe left column and translate tbe Russian words back iDtO Englisb. bias ['ЬаlЭS] stage to follow ['f;>lou] stage of amplification grid bias grid bias battery grid plate capacitance дополнителl>ное (смещающее) напряжение каскад, ступень следовать (за) ступень (каскад) усиленИJI напряжение смещенИJI сеточная батарея еМКОСТЬ анодной сетки  sч  
2. Put down the Russian for: the main'parts ofthe device the following change of voltage the main components ofthe plate voltage the following stage plate voltage supply grid Ыаз voltage variations Amplifier Stages in Series Amplifiers in use nowadays contain several stages. Sometimes their number is very great. Let us consider an amplifier including three stages. Its circuit uses three triodes connected in series. Тhe circuit has а resistance as the plate load. А соmmоп plate voltage supply and а соmmоп grid bias are employed. ТЬе grid of еасЬ tube is insulated from the direct current component of the plate voltage Ьу means of а capacitor. When the amplifier operates the voltage operation ofthe load of опе tube is applied to the grid of the next tube. ТЬе voltage variation is transferred to the grid ofthe following tube through а capacito. +[ и iприt иoиtpи! -=- Fig./7 А change of voltage оп the first grid circuit results in ап amplified plate current in the third stage. 3. Complete these sentences, using the correct variant: 1. Amplifiers in use nowa- а) include only опе stage. days Ь) include several stages.  ss  
2. А three-stage amplifier uses З. Тhe grid of еасЬ tube is in- sulated 4. Тhe voltage variation is transferred S. 1ье circuit uses а) three triodes connected in parallel. Ь) three triodes connected in series. а) Ьу тeans of а соН. Ь) Ьу means ofa capacitor. а) through а шЬе. Ь) through а capacitor. а) а different grid bias. Ь) а common grid bias. 4. Answer tbe followiDg questions: 1. How тanу stage9 do amplifiers include? 2. What are the main parts of а three-stage amplifier? З. Ву what means are the grids ofthe tubes insulated? 4. What type of grid bias is employed? S. ln what way is the voltage variation transferred? 1. а) Cover tbe rigbt column and read tbe Englisb words. Translate them into RussiaD and cbeck your translatioD. Ь) Cover tbe left column and translate _Ье Russian words back into Englisb. 2. Read tbe words aDd put down tbeir Russian equivalents. ТЬеп tran late them back into English (orally). [rI1el) relay [I,Iеktrоu'mаеgПlt) electromagnet ['a:matIa) aлnаtше ['k:>пtаеkt) contact spring cross-section to close close to to move to switch оп to switch off various [klouz) ['klous ta] ['vearlas) пружина поперечное сечение замыкать, захрывать близко к (от) двиraть(ся), прнводить в движение включать выключать различй,разнообразй  56  
['slstlm] [,;>:ta'maetlk] ['paenl] system automatic panel 3. Change the adjectives into adverbs Ьу adding ly. Put down their Rus sian equivaleDts. Mode/: automatic  automatically wide  economical  unprogressive  unnecessary  uneconomical  4. Put down the Russian for: а. to start flowing to start moving to start operating to start powering the motor Ь. various branches of industry small cross-section relay's primary circuit Electromagnetic Relay Electromagnetic devices called re/ays are widely used in various branches of industry. ТЬе main parts of а relay are an electromagnet, а spring and ап ar mature. When а current starts flowing in the electromagnet winding, the armature moves and the spring closes the contacts. ТЬе primary circuit of а relay is its electromagnet circuit and the secondary circuit is the опе closed Ьу the contacts. When there is по current in the relay's primary circuit, the spring puHs the armature and the contacts ореп. Fig. 18 shows how а relay is used to control the work of an electric motor. ТЬе relay is placed close to the motor which is connected to its secondary circuit. ТЬе armature closes the contacts of the secondary circuit, and the motor starts operating; it will stop when the relay opens. Without а relay, conductors with а large crosssection would have to Ье brought to the motor. Тhis would Ье very uneconomical. ТЬе current  51  
in а relay is tens and еуеп thousands of times smaller than that used to power the motor. Therefore, the connecting wires сan Ьауе small cross sections. !Coп trot S/l1itch  ffiiПt L " , LvY  + Pr[птa'!l circ(Jit SedmiJnп/ . r(ir:,;n Fig.18 In тanу systems the relay primary circuit operates automatically. Every evening and moming street lights are switched оп and off from the main control panel Ьу means of а great number of relays. s. Complete tbe sentences using tbe correct variant: 1. Тhe main parts of а re- а) an electromagnet, а capacitor, and а spring. lау are Ь) an electromagnet, an annаtшe, and а spring. 2. When current starts а) the spring opens the contacts. flowing Ь) the spring closes the contacts. 3. Тhe spring puHs the а) when there is current in the рrirпму circuit. armature Ь) when there is по current in the рrirпму cir- cuit. 4. Тhe wires connecting the рanеl with the relay s. Street lights are switched оп and off а) have а large cross-section. Ь) have а small crosssection. а) Ьу means ofrelays. Ь) ьу means о! electric motors. 6. Complete tbese sentences using whl/e. Follow tbe model оп page 13: 1. Тhe primary circuit of а relay is its electromagnetic circuit ... ... . 2. When there is по current in the relay's primary circuit the contacts ореп ... .... . 3. Witbout а relay conductors with а large cross-section should Ье used 4. Every evening street lights are switched оп ... ... . 7. Answer tbe following questions: 1. What are the main parts of а relay? 2. How is а relay put into operation? 3. When does the spring puH the annature?  58  
4. What wires connect the panel with the relay? S. Ву what means are street lights switched оп and ofl'l 8. Pair work. а) Match the questions and tbe answen. Ь) Ask the ques- tions and let your groupmate answer them. 1. In what position does а) Switches are used to ореп and close the circuits. the switch have high Ь) Closed is the on-position; оpen is the off-posi- (Iow) resistance? tion. 2. What are the funс с) Тhe switch is connected in series with the 'oad. tions ofthe switch? d) In фе on-position the closed switch has а very 3. In what position is the 10w resistance, which results in maximum cur- switch оpen? сl0зed? rent in the load with zero voltage loss across the 4. In what way is the switch. When the switch is offit has а very high switch connected to resistance and по сuпeпt flows through the cir- the circuit? cuit. 1. а) Cover tbe right column and read the English words. Translate tbem iDto Russian and check your traDslation. Ь) Cover the lеп column and traDslate tbe Russian words back into Englisb. fuse link fault faulty equipment installation to protect to utilize to equip to serve to melt upto [fju:z] [IIOk] [f;>1t] [I'kwlpmant] [,lПstа'lеIIп] [pra'tekt] ['jU :tllaIZ] [I'I<Wlp] мавкий предохраниТель звено, СВJlЗЬ дефект, неисправность неисправный оборудование установка; р/. сооруженИJI защищать,предохрaюrrь использовать оборудовать,снаРJlжать служить мавить вмоть до 2. Read tbe words and put down tbeir RUSSiaD equivaleDts. ТЬеп trans-, late tbem back into Englisb (orally). чuзrtz [kw;>:ts] quartz-sand fuse base [beIS] fusibIe link  S9  
principle stress faulty protection device faulty fusible link 3. Form the words according to the model and translate them. Mode/: charge  overcharge  переrpузка соnnес!  disconnect  разъеДИНJIТЬ 4. Form the nouns from the given verbs according to the model. Translate them. Mode/: to protect  protection  защита to utilize to install to reduce to соnnес!  pressure beat stress current 10ad organize  place stress use 5. Distribute tbe words below into the three columns: action   utilizer, utilize, installation, displace, overheater, displacement, overpro- duction, starter, equip, protection, disorganize 6. Translate into Russian. Mind 60th ... tlпd, Iп сие, ир to: 1. Both solid and gaseous insulators are highly in use. 2. Iп сзsе а fuse gets faulty it should ье replaced Ьу а new ОПе. 3. Capacitors ofvery high capacity  up to 1000 and more mF  зrе util- ized in modem installations. Fuses Fuses are widely used nowadays as protection devices. Тhey are utilized in various circuits, electrical equipment and installations. .Fuses serve to protect them against оvеrcuпeпts and short-circuits. - Б- 
There are different types of fuses in use nowadays. Of them, quartz sand fuses serve for voltages ир to 500 volts; fuses of this kind are pro duced with сuпепt ratings of 15 to 60 атр and of 100 to 350 атр. Fuses are commonly used in lowvoltage industrial installations rated ир to 1,000 У. Fuse protection is based оп а very simple principle: in case of а shortcircuit or оvеrсuпепt, when the maximum value of сuпепt has been exceeded, the fusible link of а fuse is heated to its melting point. This opens the circuit and disconnects the circuit from the power source. In case of а fault, one should replace the faulty fusible element Ьу а new one. Fuses are used both in direct сuпепt (d.c.) and altemating силепt (а.с.) circuits. 7. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А fuse serves а) as а 10ad. Ь) as а protection. 2. Fuses are used а) for d.c. only. Ь) for both а.С. and d.c. 3. In case of а fault а) the whole fuse should Ье replaced. Ь) the faulty \ink should Ье replaced. 4. Fuse protection is based оп а) а simple principle. Ь) а complex principle. 8. Memorize the questions. Use tbem 'п а talk with your g'roupmate: 1. What does а fuse serve for? 2. For what type of current are fuses used? 3. What should Ье done in case of а faulty fuse? 4. What principle is fuse protection based оп? '1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and cbeck your translation. Ь) Cover tbe left column and translate the Russian words back into English. incandescence [Jпkаю'dеsпsl накал, накаливание incandescent lamp [,IПkп'dеsпt lmp] лампа накаливания  61  
copper steel to convert to deliver according to etc. = et cetera [k,тv<J:t] [d1'IIV<J] [<J'k:>:dID t<J 1 [.et 'set<Jr<J 1 медь сталь преобразовывать питать, подавать соrласно и тах далее 1. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: Llju'mIШ<Jm] aluminium ['kemlk<JI] chemical ['dзеП<Jrеlt<J] generator {m<J'tl<Jrlэll material (ml'knlk<J1] mechanical ['Э<J:mI] thermal {'mout<J] motor 3. Translate into Russian: а. convertibJe values, protected power source, various fпsеs, variable re- sistors, chemical cells Ь. ceHs delivering electric power generator converting mechanical energy circuits utilizing common fuses с. Primary cells deliver electric power. Different kinds of energy can ье converted into electric energy. Protection devices зrе utilized in any circuit. Components of Electric Circuits ТЬе main components of апу circuit are devices that produce and utilize electric energy. ТЬеу асе: 1. power sources, 2. utilizing loads, 3. connecting conductors. ТЬе most соттоп power sources are electric generators and primary cells. Electric generators convert chemical energy into electric energy. Loads include electric heaters, electric motors, incandescent lamps, etc. Motors convert electric епетЮ' into mechanical, incandescent lamps and heaters convert electric energy into light and heat. Utilizing devices or loads convert electric energy into thermal, mechanical or chemical energy. Electric power is delivered пот power sources to loads Ьу electric wires. Ассоrdiпg to their material, wires сап ье aluminium, copper, steel, etc.  6с  
Besides, electric circuits use different types of switches, protection devices (relays and fuses), and meters (ammeters, voltmeters, wattme ters, etc.). 4. Complete the sentences using the correct v8ri8nt: 1. ТЬе main components of electric а) loads and wires. circuits are Ь) power sources, 10ad and wires. 2. Power sources are used а) to produce electric energy. Ь) to deliver it to the loads. 3. Electric conductors are used 4. Protection devices are utilized 5. А switch is utilized а) to connect the circuit elements. Ь) to deliver electric power. а) in some circuits. Ь) in any circuit. а) in some circuits. Ь) in any circuit. S. Answer these questions: 1. What are the main components of an electric cirl;uit? 2. What is the function ofan electric source? 3. What is the function of а load? 4. What is the function ofwire conductors? S. What other devices are utilized in а circuit? 6. S8Y 8 few words 8bout your electrical engineering 18bor8tory. S8Y wh8t power sources 8nd wh8t I08ds 8re utilized there. H8ve 8 t81k with your groupm8te 8bout their types 8nd their oper8tion. 1. 8) Cover tbe rigbt column 8nd re8d the English words. Tr8nsl8te them into Russi8n 8nd check your tr8nsl8tion. Ь) Cover tbe left column 8nd tr8nsl8te the Russi8n words b8Ck into English. efficiency ignorance dependence cost [I'fфтSI) отдача, эффективность незнание, неведение зависимость стоимость  63  
1055 length to ignore to depend (оп) to exceed long exceedingly per cent [,k'5i:d] потеря длина не принимать во внимание зависеть (ОТ) npeвышать длинный чрезвычайно, очень процент 2. Read tbe words and put down tbeir Russian equivalents: Нат] line ['stellan] 5tation [,епdз,'шаl engineer [,епdз,'шаrJU] engineering 3. Put down the пооп! corresponding to these verbs. FoUow the model. Model: to act action to produce  to и5е to 105е to ignore to depend  to C05t 4. Translate into Russian: а. liпе efficiency voltage 1055 power 5tation Ь. interdependent values interconnected sources сhапgiпg power efficiency со exceedingly high power I05se5 exceedingly inefficient energy sources d. Onе сап ignore these exceedingly low power losse5. Onе should tзkе into consideration the interdependence ofthese value5. Onе should not ignore the high C05t ofthese installations. Electric Lines and Their Emciency Wires are used to deliver electric power and to interconnect different components of electrical installations. Conductors used for electric  БЧ  
wiring are commonly produced of copper and aluminium. Aluminium is widely used nowadays due to its low cost. Copper is also widely used in electrical engineering but its cost is much higher. Wires connecting the components of various installations mау Ье in sulated. Тhey mау also Ье used without insulation. Since in short lengths of wire power loss is exceedingly low опе сап ignore it. In long wires (longer than 1 О m), power loss cannot ье ignored since it is rather high. Power loss in а line should not exceed а definite value. If this value is exceeded the line becomes inefficient. One should know that the efficiency of а Нпе is not constant  it тау change. The value of the Нпе efficiency depends оп the load: the greater the load the lower is the line efficiency. At voltage losses of 2 to 5 per cent the efficiency of а Нпе is 99S per cent. Protecting devices, fuses and relays are used to protect the circuit against overcurrents and shortircuits. 5. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. Aluminium is used due to its а) high cost. Ь) low cost and high efficiency. 2. Cross-section of different conductors а) varies. Ь) is the same. 3. Power loss сап ье ignored а) in short wires. Ь) in long wires. а) сап Ье exceeded. Ь) should not ье exceeded. а) efficient. Ь) inefficient. а) Ьу switches. Ь) Ьу fuses. 4. А definite value ofloss 5. Electric Iines nowadays are 6. Installations are protected 6. Complete these sentences using whl/e. Follow the model оп page 13: 1. The cost of aluminium is comparatively low while .,. . 2. In а short length of wire power loss is extremely low while ... . 3. The greater the load the lower is the efficiency of the line ... . 7. Answer these questions: 1. Why is aluminium widely used nowadays? 2. Is its cost very low or comparatively low? - БS  
3. What is the cross-section of copper conductors? 4. Мау опе ignore power 10ss in short wire? Why? 5. What does the efficiency ofa Нпе depend оп? 6. What are fuses used for? 7. When does а Нпе Ьесоmе inefficient? 8. Think о! tbree questions about this extract апд put tbem to your groupmate. c:on'sumer  потребкrель; relation  отношение When electric energy is produced at Ше power station, it is to ье trans- mitted over electric wires to Ше consumer. Wire conductors offer resis- tзпсе to Ше current flow; the 10nger Ше wire, the greater is its resistance to the current flow. Accordingly, Ше higher Ше offered resistance, the greater are the heating 10sses in the wire. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. area distance network support cord bus el1terprise to tenn to divide to support to distribute accordingly as to long distance 1ength oftransmission lines power consumption distribution centre city area ('ei}rli}) 1UI0щадь, область расстояние сеть электролиний опора,мачта провод шина ('enti}pralzl предприятие называть, именовать (dl'vald] делить, разделять поддерживать распределять соответственно ... что касаетс,,; ... что до большое расстояние дnина линий передачи потреблениеэнерrии распределительный центр район rородской застройки - Бб - 
2. Put down the Russian for: interdependent city areas interacting underground Hnes interconnected overhead lines transmitting power Hnes transmission and distribution Iines overhead lines step-down transfonner indoor Hnes underground lines Transmission Lines А power system is an interconnection of electric power stations Ьу high voltage power transmission lines. Nowadays the electricity is trans- mitted over long distances and the length of transmitting power Hnes varies from area to area. А wire system is tenned а power line in case it has по parallel branches and а power network in case it h parallel branches. . According to their functions, power liries and networks are subdivided into transmission and distribution Hnes. Transmission lines serve to deliver power from а station to distribu- tion centres. Distribution lines deliver power from distribution centres to the loads. Lines are also classed into: 1) overhead; 2) indoor; 3) cable (under- ground). Overhead lines include line conductors, insulators, and supports. The conductors are connected to the insulators, and these are connected to the supports. The greater the resistance, the higher are the heating losses in the conducting wires. In order to reduce the losses, а step-down trans- fonner сап ье used. Indoor Hnes include conductors, cords, and buses. Тhe conductor mау include опе wire or а combination of wires not insulated from опе an- other. Тhey deHver electric current to the consumers. As to underground lines, they are used in city areas. Accordingly, they are used in cities and towns, and in the areas of industrial enterprises. 3. Complete these sentences using the correct variant. 1. Electric power is transmitted а) Ьу electric Hnes. Ь) Ьу power networks.  61  
2. Lines are divided into а) overhead and underground. Ь) overhead, indoor and underground. З. Ап overhead line includes а) conductors and supports. Ь) conductors, insulators and supports. 4. Thе insulators are connected а) to the Ьшез. Ь) to the supports. S. Conductors consist оС а) Ьате wire. Ь) insulated wire. 6. Underground lines are used а) in cities. Ь) in areas оС enterprises. с) in agricultural areas. 4. Complete the sentences using whUe or as 10. Follow the model оп page 13. 1. Thе system is tenned а power line in cзsе it has по parallel branches 2. Transmission lines deliver power from а station to distribution сеп- tres ... . З. Low current results in decreased heating losses ... . 4. Overhead lines are used in ореп areas ... . 5. Answer these qUestioDS: 1. Ву what means is еlеctПс power system transmitted? 2. Which system has по рзrallеl branches? 3. lnto what groups are а11 the transmitting НпеВ classed? 4. What соmpoпепtз does an overhead line have? S. What еlетепtз do conductors consist ofl 6. In what areas are overhead (underground) lines used? 1. а) Соуе, tbe rigbt columD and read the English words. Translate tbem 'пto Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column аиd translate the Russian words back into Enllish. ше safety безопасный безопасность; предохранительный - 6В- 
2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents. ТЬеп trans late them baek into English (orally). ['tmasflal atmosphere [,pa:sa'nell personnel ['k;)ntkt] contact ['regjula] reguiar [kan'troull control [d1'tekt] detect danger strength earth ground dead dangerous strong to save to disappear to аррезr Iiуе dry wet ['dеIПdз а ) [streoG) [а:е] [ded) ['dеlПdз rаs ) [IЗIV] опасность сила заземление, земля земля, почва выключенный опасный сильный, яркий (о свете) спасать исчезать появляться под напряжением сухой сырой, мокрый 3. Put down the corresponding nouns. Form nouns from these adjeetives and translate them into Russian. Mode/: strong  long wide  width broad  high 4. Put down the Russian for: under voltage under 20 V over 30 V the power is оп the power is off great strength . dry air dead conductor Iiуе conductors  69  
5. Choose the suitabIe words and translate the sentences: 1. The danger of electric shock (appears, disappears) when the conductor becomes (/ive, dead). 2. Current passes through faulty (earthed, ипearthed) part of installations when the power is оп. 3. Low accuracy ofmeasurement is (ап advaпtage, а disadvaпtage) ofthe measuring device. 4. The danger of electric shock (iпcreases, decreases) in the wet and hot atmosphere. 5. No current flows through а (dead,/ive) conductor. 6. Fi1I 'п using the verbs 10 delecl. 10 appear, 10 dlsappear. 10 decrease: 1. When resistance increases, the risk of electric shock ... . 2. Faults in electric installations ате ... Ьу means of special devices. 3. Electric power '" only оп live conductors with power оп. 4. When the device is switched off electric power ... . Safety Earthing System. Electric Shock ТЬе strength of current depends оп both the voltage and the resis tance in а circuit. А current of SO тА is dangerous for а man and а cur- rent of 100 тА and higher is lethal.  а) Coпtact with ап ипgroипded motor frame Ь) Coпtact with а groипded molor frame Fig.J9 Earthing system serves to protect attending personnel from electric shocks when voltage appears оп parts that are попnаllу dead. Тhe risk of ап electric shock decreases with decreasing voltage. In wet and hot atmosphere the risk of electric shock increases. Safe voltage for circuits used in dry atmosphere is under 36 V. When the po\\:,er is оп, contact:s with live conductors are dangerous for life. Thus, measures are еп to  lО  
protect attending personnel from contacts with Iive parts of installations under voltage. ТЬе danger of an electric shock disappears provided the metal parts of installations under voltage are connected with ground Ьу means of safety earthing. Connecting to ground is made Ьу means of earthing electrodes which are connected directly with ground. ТЬе insulation resistance of апу installation should Ье regularly controlled Ьу means of measuring devices. ТЬе faulty parts should Ье detected, eliminated, and replaced Ьу new ones. 1. Earthing system serves 7. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 2. Voltage аррезrs оп З. Contact with live conductors is 4. Connection to ground is made 5. Danger of an еlесtПс shock disappears if the frame а) as protection from an electric shock. Ь) as connection with ground. а) dead parts. Ь) liуе parts. а) dangerous. Ь) safe. а) Ьу means of wire conductors. Ь) Ьу means of earthing electrodes. а) is earthed. Ь) is unearthed. 8. Complete the sentences using whUe. Follow the model оп page 13. 1. Тhe insulation resistance of а faulty unearthed Паmе is extremely low  2. Danger of an electric shock disappears when the faulty parts ате earthed ... . З. One should work оп the circuit when the power is оП. Опе should not work оп the circuit when the power is ... . 4. Contact with dead conductors is safe ... . 5. In dry airthe risk ofan electric shock decreases ... . 9. Answer these questions: 1. What does an earthing system serve for? 2. What parts are tenned dead (Jive)? З. Iп what аи does the risk of an electric shock decrease?  11  
4. Ву what means is connection to ground made? 5. What does an electric shock result поm? 6. 15 а сuпeпt of 50 тА dangerous for а man? 7. Is wet and hot atmosphere dangerous for the attending personnel? 8. Does the risk of an electric shock decrease with increasing current? 10. Read the text and write four questions about ,.. Ask your groupmates to aDswer them. А man can get an electric shock when Ье comes into contact with the electric tish. Опе of this kind is found in the tropical waters of South America: it is the electric eel. Small electтic eels, опе inсЬ 10ng, give а small shock. When the fish is 6 inches long its intemal battery gives as much аз 200 volts. А very Ы! tish can generate 600 volts! When it is short circuited, а current of опе ampere can Ье obtained. А two-meter long ее! can light a'dozen 50 watt lamps. Тhe eel's head is positively charged and the opposite end is negatively charged. 1. а) Cover -Ье "IМ columD aDd read the Enllish words. TraDslate tbem into RUSSiaD aDd check your translatioD. Ь) Cover tbe left column and translate the RussiaD words back into EDllisb. 2. Read the words and put dOWD their Russian equivaleDts. ТЬеп trans- late them back into EDllish. ('lndtrl] industry ('sa:Vls] service ('traensp;>:t) transport (mouta] motor condition plant pole torque poor nameplate (kan'dIIn] [pla:nt] (t;>:k) [риа) ['nelmplelt] условие завод полюс вращение,моментвращенИR бедный, Мохой (заводсlWl) табличка  1е  
('praekt[kIJ (pou'tenII] practical potential 3. Give tbe RussiaD for: magnet роlе different conduit machine ratings rated torque service Hfe poor operation 4. Form adjectives and adverbs. Translate them into RussiaD. а. care  careful use power  Ь. care  careless use power  wire  с. normal  normally practical  potential  abnormal  poor  S. Answer these questions: 1. What types of magnets are used in heavy industry? 2. How 10ng is motors' service Hfe under normal conditions? 3. Are motors used in every branch of industry? 4. What are the main types of motors in use nowadays? Electric Motors Motors are used for converting different forms of energy into те- chanical energy. Тhe main part of а motor is а соil or armature. ТЬе armature is placed between the poles of а powerful magnet. When а motor is put  13- 
into operation current starts flowing through the соil (aлnаture) and the armature starts rotating. Electric motors are used practically in every branch of industry, transport, and agriculture. Naturally, they are рroфlсеd in тanу dif- ferent designs. ТЬеу are used in industrial plants, aIid operate under dif- ferent conditions. ЕасЬ motor is supplied with а nameplate which bears machine ratings: output power, voltage, the rated current, the starting current, the power factor, the efficiency, and the rated torque. These motor ratings should ье taken into consideration since they are necessary for the users. Оп them depends the length of motors' service life, which is попnаllу equal to about 1 О years, provided that the operating conditions are normal. Naturally, under abnormal condi- tions the service Hfe becomes much shorter: motors operate poorly and тау have different faults. 6. Complete the sentences using the correct variaDt: 1. Motors are used а) for transmitting energy. Ь) for converting energy. а) the fraтe. Ь) the annature. с) the stator. а) between the poles ofthe magnet. Ь) about the poles ofthe magnet. а) under normal conditions. Ь) under abnormal conditions. 2. Motor's main part is 3. ТЬе annature is placed 4. Motors' service Hfe becomes shorter 5. Faulty motors operate а) normally. Ь) poorly. 7. Answer these questions. Use them 'п а talk with your groupmate: 1. What are motors used for? 2. What is the motor's main part? 3. Where is the annature placed? 4. What ratings does the naтeplate of а motor bear? 5. Under what conditions does а motor operate normally (poorly)?  lЧ- 
8. Read about energy resources of today. Write three questions about the text and ask your groupmate to answer them. Energy Resources о! Today People are energy-rich today. Solar energy is considered to Ье а poten- tially limitless source of clean energy. Тhe waters of the world contain ро- tential fuel  in the form of а special isotope of hydrogen  deuterium. It is sufficient to power fusion reactors for thousands of years. 1. а) Cover the right column aDd read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column aDd traDslate the RussiaD words back iDto English. 2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: ['k;>mju:telt] commutator ['stelt] stator ['routJ rotor ['k;>ntaekt] contact [kn'tcekt] to contact ['prousesJ process to repair ЬrшЬ gap spark speed noise slow excessive check to adjust [r1'pE ] [ЬrлIJ ремонтировать щетка зазор, moфт искра СКорость шум медленный избыточный проверка реryлировать, подroнять [n;>IZ] [lk'seSIV J 3. Put down the verbs corresponding to the given nouns and translate them: check spark brush to check проверять -15 - 
repair slow (a4f) 4. Put down the Russian equivalents of tbese word combiDations. Trans late them back into English (orally). air gap brush sparks slow speed excessive speed safety devices S. Answer these questions: 1. What do motors' faults result поm? 2. Are there anу faults that сan Ье ignored? 3. What makes motors' service Hfe shorter? 4. What does voltage supply stop result in? 5. What processes show the (dis)advantages of devices? 6. Are the words: spark, short, slow, brиsh, faиlt, load, test nouDs? Are they verbs? Translate the sentences iDtO RussiaD: 1. New motors are given а no-load and under а load tests. 2. When the motor is tested it should produce по abnonnal noise. 3. In case this noise appears the motor must Ье disconnected. 4. This generator must Ье checked; one should give it а test. 5. Thе motor's brushes seem to Ье sparking. Сan you see the sparks? 6. Thе windings of the соН are shorted. 1 have detected а short in the windings. 7. Thе annаtшe rotates slowly; let's check it up! 8. Thе speed ofrotation is too excessive; it must Ье slowed down. 9. In case the rotor brushes against the stator, the motor operates slowly. Thе faulty brushes should Ье replaced. Faults of Motors and Ways of Their Repair Motors тау have different faults. А faulty motor does not start, or, when it is started, it operates at an excessive speed. Its brushes тау spark and its windings and the commutator тау Ье overheated and burnt. Besides, а motor тау produce an abnonnal noise, etc. АН these and other faults should ье detected and repaired. In case the motor does not start it тау have different faults (see the ta ble):  16  
ТаЫе Possible eauses offau/ts Ways ofrepair 1. Fuses ате faulty. 1. Replace the fuses. 2. Motor is overloaded. 2. Reduce motor load. 3. Circuit in armature winding has an 3. Repair the armature open. winding. ln еше the motor, when slarled, slops: 1. Rheostat is shorted. 1. Check the rheostat and re pair it. 2. Rheostat switches пот one position to 2. Slow down operation of another. rheostat handle. Brushes тау spark in case: 1. Motor is overloaded. 1. Reduce the load and re- move overload. 2. Brushes are in poor condition. 2. Replace the brushes. 3. Pressure is low. 3. Adjust the pressure. 4. Pressure is excessive. 4. Adjust the pressure. ln еше Ihe arтalure winding ;s overhealed: 1. Motor is overloaded. 1. Remove the overload. 2. Ventilation fails to operate properly. 2. Check for slowing down the speed ofthe motor. ln еше о! abnorтa/ тolor speed: 1. Motor is overloaded. 1. Reduce the load. 2. Rotor circuit has poor contact. 2. Repair the shorting mechanism. ln еше rolor brushes aga;nSl stalor: Rotor brushes against stator. Adjust air gap. 7. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А motor with а fault а) operates nonnally. Ь) operates poorly. 2. Motor brushes spark in cзsе а) they are in nonnal conditions. Ь) they ате in poor conditions.  11  
3. Burnt commutator should Ье а) replaced. Ь) repaired. 4. Brushes тау spark in case а) pressure is low. Ь) pressure is excessive. S. Аи gap is adjusted in case а) the rotor brushes against the stator. Ь) the stator brushes against the rotor. 8. Answer these questions: 1. тen does а motor operate poorly? 2. What should Ье done in case the motor is overloaded? 3. What should Ье done in case the fuses are faulty? 4. What should ье done in case the rheostat is shorted? S. What should ье d6ne in case the brushes spark? 6. What should ье done in case the pressure is 10w? 7. What should Ье done in case the ventilation does not operate? 8. What should Ье done in case the rotor brushes against stator7 9. Say а few words about your electrical engineering laboratory. Are there апу faulty devices in it? Науе а talk with your groupmate about the faults and the ways to repair them. 10. Уоо know that а" electrical devices and installations are constructed о' а certain потЬе.. of сотропепЬ. То tbese сотропепЬ belong elec- tric power sources, wires, саЫн, buses, Iwitches, fUlel, resiston, rheo- stats, capaciton, transformerl, moton and otben. Let us Ьауе а talk about these componentl. Speak witb your group- mates about their types, their use, operation, possibIe faults and ways о' their repair. Use the tabIe below: Circиit compoпeпts Symbols Е Electric energy source  D.c. generator --0-- D.c. motor  Chemical power source (primary or storage сеll) .....=.tf-:t---  18- 
Circuit coтpoпeпts Syтbols Electric lamp  Electric connection, removable and permanent . о . I  Switches, single and doublepole switches  Fuse I I 7' Load, resistor  Safety earthing system Ь Rheostat, or variable resistor  Transformer, aircore Т, :J[C iron-core Т :JI f!: Capacitor, fixed С, variable С ,1:,  'f 11. Draw schemes of circuits and devices constructed from these сотро-- nents. Науе а talk with your groupmates about them: 1. Connect four resistors, two voltage sources and а switch in series. Speak about the construction and the operation ofthe circuit. 2. Connect several resistors and cells in series-parallel. Suppose that опе of the resistors gets ореп; what does it result in? Suppose that а whole set gets ореп. What does it result in? 3. Measure the value of current (voltage, power, resistance) in the circuit. Use proper meters. Speak about the way you connect the meters to the circuit. 4. Take the proper components and construct an earthing protection sys tem. Draw its scheme. Speak about its operation. 5. Draw а scheme ofa thermal relay. What components are necessary for it?  19  
6. Draw а scheme of an overhead transmission Нпе. Speak about its ор- eration. What are its possible faults? 7. Draw а scheme of а substation. Speak about its operation and about its possible faults. What are the ways of their repair? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the leCt column aDd translate the RussiaD words back iDto Englisb. to асЫеуе to belong (to) to feed to detennine to relate predominant graph паиоnal есопоту [a'tli:v] достиraть принадлежать, относиться (к) снабжать, питать [dl'tа:mш] определять относиться (к), быть связанным (с) [рrl'd:>mшапt] преобладающий [gra:f] кривая, rpафик народное ХО3JIйство 1. Read tbe words and put down their Russian equivalents. ТЬеп trans- late them back iDto English (orally). [,kашktа'rlstlk] characteristic  ImjUПlSlрl] municipal  !i1ektrlfal] to electrify  [['haldrou] hydro  ['plarlad] period  3. Distribute the words below into three columns: action   utilizer, protect, distribution, utilize, protection, distributor, consumption, consume, utilization, consumer 4. Put down the Russian equivalents оС these word combinations. Trans- late them back into English (orally). а. .load graph lighting 10ad power load  80 
Ь. power utilizing devices parallelly operating plants ' enterprises utilizing power 5. Complete the sentences translating-the words 'п brackets: 1. Waterturbine (заводы) are called hydroturbines. 2. Load graph (определяет) the operating load (условия). 3. Economical (потребление) of electric роwеr'(достиrается) Ьу inter- connected operation of power plants. Electric Power Consumers and Power Systems Ап electric power consumer is an enterprise utilizing electric power. lts operating characteristics vary during the hours of day, days and nights, days of week and seasons. АН electric power consumers are divided into groups with соттоп load characteristics. То the first group belong municipaJ consumers with а predominant Jighting load: dwelling houses, hospitals, theatres, street lighting systems, mines, etc. То the second group belong industrial consumers with а predomi nant power load (electric motors): industrial plants, mines, etc. То the third group belongs transport, for example, electrified rail. ways. ТЬе fourth consists of agricultural consumers, for example, elec trotractors. ТЬе operating Joad conditions of еасЬ group are determined Ьу the load graph. ТЬе load graph shows the consumption of power during dif. ferent periods of day, month, and year. Оп the load graph the time of the maximum loads and minimum loads is given. Large industrial areas with cities are supplied from electric networks fed Ьу electric power plants. These рlапts are interconnected for opera tion in parallel and located iп different parts of the givеп area. ТЬеу тау iпсludе some large thermal and hydroelectric power plants. ТЬе sum total of the electric power pJants, the networks that inter connect them апd the power utilizing devices of the consumers, is called а power system. АIl the components of а power system ате inter- related Ьу the соттоп processes of protection, distribution, and соп. sumption ofboth electric апd heat power. ln а power system, аН the paraHelly operating plants сапу the total load of аН the consumers supplied Ьу the given system.  81 . 
ТЬе building up of а power system is of great importance for the na tional есопоmу. Ап economical utilization of the power p)ant iпstаПа tions and of the sources of power is achieved Ьу interconnected operation of а series of power plants in а соmmоп power distribution system. 6. Answer these questions: 1. What enterprises ате called electric power consumers? 2. When do their operating characteristics vary? 3. What consumers belong to the four different groups? 4. What conditions does the load graph detennine? 5. What type ofsystem is cal\ed а power system? 6. What processes interconnect the components of а power system? 7. Iп what way is ап economical utilization of power installations achieved? 7. Describe а power system and its operation. 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. auxiliary breaker busbar feeder flexibIe to comprise to distribute as ... to as well as [;):g'z.lll;Ш] [kam'pralz.1 [d1'strlbj:tl вспомоraтельный, добавочный ВЫКJ1ючатель, прерыватель собирательная шина фидер rибкий ВКJ1ючать в себя распределять что касается так же, как и 2. Put down the Russian equivalents of these word combinations. Trans late them back into English (orally). circuit breaker auxiliary units distribution centre 8.? 
flexible construction re\iable operation switch gear bus hydrau\ic as well as solar sources of energy as to phase-word motors 3. FiII in as well ш, as 10 and translate the sentences: 1. Excessive starting сuпепt тау result in fluctuations in the voltage ... in other faults ofthe motor. 2. '" А.С. motors they are subdivided into single- and threephase motors. Substations А substation is designed to receive energy from а power system, convert it and distribute it to the feeders. Тhus а substation serves as а distribution centre. Substations feed (supply) various consumers pro- vided that their basic load characteristics are similar. Therefore the еп- ergy is distributed without transformation ofthe voltage supplied. Соттоп substations comprise isolators, switchgear buses, оН cir- cuit breakers, fuses, power and instrument transformers and reactors. Substations are classed into step ир and step down ones. ТЬе step ир substation includes transformers that increase the voltage. Connected to the busbars of the substation are the power transmission lines of power plants ofthe system. As to step down substations, they reduce the voltage to 10 or 6 kV. At this voltage the power is supplied to thedistribution centres and to the transformer substations of power consumers. А transformer substation serves for transmitting and distributing electric power. It comprises а storage battery, control devices and аих- Шаry structures. Transformer substations are classed into indoor and outdoor; both types зrе used for feeding industrial enterprises. Compared to other types of substations, transformer substations Ьауе certain advantages. ТЬеу Ьауе f1exible construction and easy and reliable operation. In case of а fault in the lefthand section, the main circuit breaker opens while the normally ореп section circuit breaker closes and puts the voltage of the section to normal. Power from а substation is delivered to distribu tion centres.  83 - 
4. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А substation serves а) to consume energy. Ь) to distribute energy. с) to convert energy. а) with various load characteristics. Ь) with similar load characteristics. а) to the busbars. Ь) to the switchgear. а) the main elements. Ь) the main and auxiliary elements. а) an advantage. Ь) а disadvantage. 2. А substation feeds consumers З. ТЬе linеs ofpower plants are connected 4. А substation comprises 5. FlexibIe construction is 5. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate, and ask himlher to answer them. 1. What does а substation serve for? 2. What type of consumers does а substation feed? З. What parts are the power transmission lines connected to? 4. What components does а substation comprise? 5. What types are substations classed into? 6. What ате advantages of а transfonner substation? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the leCt соlотn and translatethe Russian words back into English. bIade level magnitude head plant runner shaft to rotate to influence to fluctuate ('flлkt!uеlt) ['mgпJtjч:dJ [hed] [pla:nt] (Ja:ft] [rou'telt] лопасть уровень величина (зд.) верх, верхушка стаНЦИJI, завод ротор привод, вал врашать( ся) влиять колебаться - ач  
2. Put down the Russian equivalents о! these word combinations. ТЬеп translate them back into English (orally). runner blade turbine runner turbine shaft water level water head large capacity power plant rnagnitude ofthe water head daily inflow of water turbine runner shaft Hydroelectric Power Plants Hydroelectric power plants are built оп rivers. Largecapacity by droelectric power plants are commonly located at considerabIe dis tances fi'om the consumers of electric power. ТЬе production process at these plants is rather simple: the water flows into the hydroturbine runner, acts ироп the runner bIades and ro tates the runner and the turbine shaft. ТЬе generator shaft is connected to the turbine runner shaft. ТЬе dif ference in the water level influences the power capacity of а plant, i.e. the magnitude of the water head and the daily inflow of water fluctuates considerabIy according to the season. ТЬе production process is different at power plants of different con structions and of different kinds. In atomic power plants, for example, it is not so simple as in hydroelectric plants. 3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. Hydroelectric а) оп rivers. power plants Ь) оп waterfalls. are built 2. Large-capacity power plants are located 3. The production process at the plants а) at а short distance frorn consurners ofpower. Ь) at а considerable distance frorn consurners of power. а) is very cornplex. Ь) is rather sirnple.  8S  
4. Тhe power са- pacity of а plant 5. Тhe daily in flow of water 6. Тhe production process а) remains constant. Ь) changes considerably. с) is influenced Ьу the difference in the water lеуеl. а) fluctuates according to the consumption. Ь) fluctuates according to the season. а) depends upon the construction ofthe plant. Ь) is the same at power plants of different construc- tions. 4. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask bimlber to answer them: 1. on what sites are hydroelectric power plants built? 2. Are large-capacity plants 10cated far from consumers ofpower? 3. Is the production process at the plants simple or is it соmрlех? 4. What influences the power capacity of а plant? 5. According to what factors does the daily inflow ofwater fluctuate? 6. Does the production process at the plant depend оп its construction? 7. Do you know that а thermal power plant seldom has an efficiency more than 40%? 1. а) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation', . Ь) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. exchanger steam tube dust attending personnel [,pa:sa'J1el] to deliver to pol1ute to shield [Iks'tf ешdза] теплообменник пар труба, лампа пыль обслуживающий персонал поставлять зarpJl3НИТЬ защищать [Ji:ld] 2. Put down the Russian equivalents оС these word combinations. ТЬеп translate them back into English (orally). а. аuxШary units steam generator  8б  
heat exchanger fuel consumption Ь. water to Ье heated in the reactor water to Ье converted into steam steam to Ье fed into the turbogenerator с. the poIluted atmosphere utilized nuclear fuel shielded concrete waIls Atomic Power Plant Atomic power plants are modem installations. ТЬеу consist of sev eral main units and а great number of auxiliary ones. In а nuclear reactor uranium is utilized as а fuel. During operation process powerful heat and radioactive radiation are produced. ТЬе nи clear reactor is cooled Ьу water circulation. Cooling water circulates through а system of tubes, in which the water is heated to а temperature of 2S0-ЗОО О С. In order to prevent boiling of water, it passes into the re- actor at а pressure ир to 1 SO atmospheres. А steam generator includes а series of heat exchangers comprising tubes. ТЬе water heated in the reactor is delivered into the heat ex changer tubes. ТЬе water to Ье converted into steam flows outside these tubes. ТЬе steam produced is fed into the turbogenerator. Besides, ап atomic power plant comprises а соттоп turbogenera tor, а steam condenser with circulating water and а switchboard. Atomic power plants Ьауе their advantages as well as disadvantages. ТЬе reactors and steam generators operate in them noiselessly; the at- mosphere is not polluted Ьу dust and smoke. As to the fuel consump- tion, it is of по special importance and there is по problem of fuel transportation. ТЬе disadvantage of power plants utilizing nuclear fuel is their ra diation. Radioactive radiation produced in the reactors is dangerous for attending personnel. Therefore, the reactors and steam generators are installed underground. ТЬеу are also shielded Ьу thick (ир to I.S пi) concrete walls. Аll their controls are operated Ьу means of automatic devices. These measures serve to protect people from radioactive ra- diation. - 81- 
3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А nuclear reactor is used in а) windpower plants. Ь) atornic power plants. а) water circulating in tubes. Ь) oil circulating in tubes. а) at а low pressure. Ь) at а high pressure. а) activates ЬоШпg ofwater. Ь) prevents boiling ofwater. а) pollute the air with dust and srnoke. Ь) do not pollute the air with dust and srnoke. 2. А nuclear reactor is cooled Ьу 3. Water is passed into the re actor 4. High pressurc 5. Atornic power plants 6. Circulating water flows 7. Attending personnel is shielded Ьу а) inside the heat exchangers. Ь) outside the heat exchangers. а) thick concrete walls. Ь) thick rnetal walls. 4. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask himlher to answer them: 1. What are the rnain units of an atornic power plant? 2. Ву what rneans is the nuclear reactor cOoled? 3. At what pressure does the water разs into the reactor? 4. What types of power plants pollute the air with dust and srnoke? 5. Why is it necessary to protect attending personnel? 6. Ву what rneans is it done? 1. а) Cover the right column. and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Ь) Cover the left colurnn and translate the Russian words back iDto English. concrete environrnent ['k:>!)kri:t ] (ш'vаlаrапmапt) бетон окружающu среда  88  
fission (stainless) steel vessel waste to confine to release to withstand to dispose ['fфю] [kаn'fаш] [п'li:z] расщепление (нержавеющая) сталь сосуд отходы заключать выпускать, освобождать противостоять устранять, убирать 2. Put down the Russian equivalents of these word combinations. ТЬеn translate them back into English (orally): nuclear fuel nuclear fission steel vessel reactor vessel fission release sealed tubes concrete housing waste products nuclear waste shielded cylinders Protection Against Environmental Pollution Аnу operating nuclear power plant releases fission products into the environment, which causes environmental pollution. То prevent the harmful effects of nuclear power release, the nuclear power plants are supplied with protective installations that serve as' bar riers to the pollution. First, the nuclear fuel and the fission products are confined within sealed tubes made of stainless steel or zirconium. Then the assembly of tubes is placed in а steel reactor vessel. And finally the steel reactor vessel is placed in а large steel and concrete housing. As to the hot radioactive waste products they are disposed in heavily shielded cylinders. ТЬе cylinders are buried 305 to 61 О metres under ground. 3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. А nuclear power plant releases а) liquid products. Ь) fission products.  89  
2. Operating nuclear power plants 3. Тhe protective power plant installations 4. Тhe seaied tubes ме made of 5. Тhe tission products are contined 6. ТЬе steel reactor vessel is placed 7. Тhe waste products ме disposed а) pollute the environment. Ь) prevent the pollution. а) produce the release of tission products. Ь) prevent the release of tission products. а) bronze. Ь) stainless steel. а) within sealed tubes. Ь) within open tubes. а) in а concrete housing. Ь) in а zirconium housing. а) in an open vesse). Ь) in shielded cylinders. 4. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and let himlher ап swer them: 1. What kind ofproducts does the operating nuclear power plant release? 2. What installations ме used to prevent the harmful effects of а nuclea power plant operation? 3. What materia) ме the tubes made ofl 4. Where ме the tission products contined? 5. In what part ofthe installation is the reactor vesse) placed? 6. In what way ме Ше hot radioactive waste products disposed? 
2. Grammar Revision Повторение rрамматики ШDrd FDrmвtiDП Словообразованив Чтобы различать части речи, надо знать суффиксы, с помощью которых они образуются. Суффиксы -асу -age -ancel-ence -апсу/-епсу -ation -dom -er/-or -ics -ion/-tion -ment -пеп -ship -th -tude -ty/-ity -ure -1st Suff1X8S О( Ноиn. Суффикс... СУЩ8СТВИТ8n..НЫХ Who? What? Лримеры supremacy advantage; damage resistance; existence discrepancy; efficiency foundation fteedom consurner;conductor electronics installation; direction equipment; requirement lness; usefUb1ess leadership length rnagnitude capacity; conductivity measure; nature scientist . Леревод rлавенство преимущество; повреждение сопротивление; существование разноrласие; эффективность основание свобода потребитель;npoводник электроника установка; направление оборудование; требование roтoBHocть; полезность (польза) руководство ДlIина величина емкость; npoводимость мера;природа ученый 1. Underline the stems 'п the following words: leader, ability, contribution, carrier, cornpactness, development, a1titude, width, mechanics, pessimist, relation, ftiendship, storage, boredom, quantity Суффиксы -ate -ute Suff1X8S о( V8rbS Суффиксы rnarOnOB What 'О do? Леревод Лрu.меры to generate to contribute reнерировать содействовать - 91 - 
en ш ify to shorten to magnetize to simplify укорачивать намаrничивать упрощать 2. Which of the given words are nouns, verbs? Why? practice, wide, wildemess, practise, electrifier, compute, amplitude, elec trify, pretence, organize Суффиксы iy -ward(s) wise Суффиксы -аbIе/ibIе al (an)eous ous antlent -ate -que iclical ior ive rul Iess -Iike ory -у Sиff1X8S о( Adverbs Суффиксы наречий How? Примеры mainly afterward(s) clockwise Перевод rлавным образом впоследствии, ПОТОМ по часовой стрелке Sиff1X8S о( AdJ.ctlv8S Суффикс... прилаraтеn"н",х What kind of? Примеры considerable, possible fundamental simultaneous; advantageous various;dangeus important, efficient aggregate unique basic superior positive useful useless humanlike compulsory noisy п еревод значительный, возможный основной одновременный; блаrоприятный различный; опасный важный, действенный общий, совокупный уникальный основной высший, лучший положительный полезный бесполезный человечный обязательный шумный 3. Which of the words are adjectives? adverbs? Why? easily, equal, noisy, numerous, faulty, anticlockwise, eastwards, well, carelessly, powerful, traceable, good, simply, comfortabIe, useful, north- ward,dangerous, businesslike, naturally, inferior, bad -9c? 
4. Distribute the words into four columns. Model: what? what kind оП what to do? how? use useful to use usefully insulator, faHure, faH, addition, additional, overestimate, equal, equalize, equality, equally, different, differ, difference, resist, resistance, resistivity, resistant, соттоnlу, consumer, faulty, imроssiЬШty, carelessly, number, numerous, possibIe, clockwise S. а) How тапу раrП does еасЬ word consist of? What are the stems? Model: unoubt-ed-ly faHure, indifferent, uncommonly, unequality, numerously, uselessly, noiseless, advantageous Ь) Translate the words and their stems. 6. Form nouns Ьу adding the sufrlXes r, r: to work, to invent, to compose, to calculate, to operate, to act, to react, to emit, to transmit, to uзе, to сомЬinе 7. Form adverbs from adjectives Ьу adding the surnx (v: easy, reasonabIe, usual, special, physical, functional, real, regular, magneti- саl, different, logical, mathematical, subsequent, consequent 8. а) Choose the proper surnxes and add them to the stems. stems: equal-. CaH-, add-, differ-, success-, соттоn-, resist- surnxes: -иre, -ly, -епсе, itioп, -.fиl, less, aпce, -пess Ь) Translate the new words. 9. Form adjectives. Choose the proper surnxes and add them to the stems. stems: differ, advantage, metal, structure, resist, uзе, reason, control, base suf'fixes: -ош. -ic. -less, -.fиl, -аЫе, eпt, -aпt 10. Translate into Russian 'п writing: 1. Oxygen combines directly with nearly аН elements. 2. Plasticmaterials зrе relatively new insulating materials. 3. Polythene cabIes Ьауе numerous advantages. 4. Тhe importance of semiconductors for modem science cannot Ье under- estimated.  93  
5. Semiconductors conduct electricity less efficiently than metals. 6. Thе method proved to ье efficient. 7. Wbat resistance materia1s are in соттоп use today? Preflxes Приставки Л еревод Лриставки Лримеры a/a anti- со--/соп- counter- de- dis- еп- ех- im-/in-/ir inter- mis- поп- out- over- re- semi- su super- оп- uDder- aperiodic; аЬпоnnаl antiaircraft coaxial; convergent to counteract to desalt disadvantage to enlarge expresident impossibIe; insignifi- cant; irregular interconnection; inter- dependence mislead non-conductor output to overestimate to reconstruct semiconductor submarine superconductor unequal to underestimate непериодичный; ненормальный противовоздушный имеющий общую ось; СХОДJIщийси противодействовать обессолить недостаток увеличивать( си) бывший президент невозможный; незначнтельный; нереryлярный ВЗОСВlЗь; взаимозависимость вводить в заблуждение непроводник мощность; выпуск переоценивать перестраивать полупроводник подводный; подводН8JI лодка сверхпроводник Неравный иедооценивать 11. Read tbe followiDg words. Wbat are their prenxes? stems? sumxes? Translate the words into Russian: generate, inefficient, аЬпоnnаllу, underproduction, anticlockwise, counter action, demagnetize, superconductor, unequality, misunderstand, un equally, equality, interrelation, nonconductor, input, simplify, waterless, irregularity, redden, enlargement, unreadabIe, southward, clockwise, fully, noisy, typically, impossibIe, superconductor 12. Translate the following commands: 1. Leam the rule, please. 2. Use additiona1 resistors, please. - 9Ч- 
3. Include the data into the common Hst. 4. Оо not underestimate the advantages ofthe new resistors! 5. Оо not use the instrument. 13. Learn the following commands: 1. Heat the magnet, please! 2. Switch ofТthe power, will you? 3. Use the superconductor! 14. Translate into Russian in writing: Energy is the capacity for doing work. The various fonns of energy, interconvertible Ьу suitable means, include potential, kinetic, electrical, heat, chemical, nuclear, and radiant energy. Interconversion between these fonns of energy occurs опlу in the presence of matter. In the absence of matter energy can only exist in the fonn of radiant еп- ergy. Test Choose the correct form: 1. ТЬе aluminium plant is а (coпsиmer, coпsиmptioп) of the (local, lrr саПу) generated electric power. 2. The (пew, пewly) built shops ме (importaпce, importaпt) for the future ofthe power plant. 3. Nuclear energy is energy released during а nuclear (reactor, reactioп) as а result of(coпvertible, coпversioп) ofmass into energy. 4. Uranium is а (comparisoп, comparable, comparatively) rare element. 5. The most (importaпce, importaпt) problems in (atom, atomic) power (geпerator, geпeratioп) are connected with the reactor. Reactor (tech- п%gist, techпology) is still in (progressive, progress). The Hght-water reactor types seem most (иsefиlпess, иsеfиПу, иsefи/). Converslon Конверсия В отличие от pyccKoro языка, в анrлийском языке одно и то же слово может выступать в преДlIожении в качестве разных частей речи. Так, в данных ниже преДlIоженИJIX слово water является существительным (1), rлаroлом (2), иrpает роль прилаraтельноro (определения) (3), ЯВJIJIется ча- стью сложноro слова (4). 1. Water is necessary for Hfe.  Вода необходима ДЛJI жизни. 2. Water the flower-bed, please.  Полей(те), пожалуйста, клумбу.  9S- 
3. Water mШs served а source of energy.  Водяные мелЬНИЦЫ СЛУЖИЛИ источником энерrии. 4. water-supply system  система водоснабженИJI water-proof watch  водонепроницаемые часы ЗначеНИJI подобных слов И их перевод на рУССКИЙ язык зависит от то- ro, каким членом npеДlIоженИJI они JlВJUlЮТСJl. Они MOryт быть ПОДlIежа- ЩИМ, сказуемым (или ero частью), определением, обстоятельством. Функцию слова nOMoraeT определить твердый порядок слов в анrлиRском npеДlIожении и контекст. 15. Look ор the meanings о! these words in а dictionary, " neeessary. How are they translated in the sentences below? Mind tbe word order. а) place, /,.оп, 11ft, hoиse, I/ght, Ьеа!, иse,forт, сЬапке, w;re 1. Тhe conductor wires are placed high ир. 2. Electromagnets lift iron weights. 3. Тhe plastic Ьох houses (Ье conducting and the insulating elements of the apparatus. 4. Тhe house is lighted and heated Ьу solar energy. 5. Тhe light went out. Light the candle, please. 6. After the тешl was heated it changed its colour to а red heat. 7. Numerous changes are taking рlасе in the uses of atomic energy. 8. Electric power is used universally. 9. Тhe newly made invention has а great number ofuses. 10. Тhe wire and the source form а circuit. Ь) balaпce, aтoипt, water,fиel, coпtrol, measиre, саше, lпcrease 1. Тhe fuel-aпd-energy balance is important for industry. 2. Conductivity increases with heating. 3. Тhe mасЫпе should ье re-fuelled. 4. Тhe amount of power used in the world in а year amounts to 12,000 miШоп tons of equivalent fueJ. 5. Water barriers are crossed Ьу submarine cables. 6. Тhe instrument is foot-controlled Ьу а pedal. 7. Force aпd motion go together; опе is а cause, the other, а result. 8. Ап electromotive force causes the electrons to тоуе. 9. ControJ ofthe apparatus is placed оп the paпel. 10. Тhe volt is а measure ofelectromotive force. - 96- 
numEAALS Числительные ; О zero ['zi:rou], (ои] 11 eleven !J1evn] , 1 опе (wлп] 12 twelve (twelv] 2 two [tu:] 13 thirteen ['ea:'ti:n] 3 three (Эri:] 14 fourteen ('f;:>:'ti:n] 4 four (f;:>:] 15 nfteen ('fIf'ti:n] 5 Пуе (faIv] 16 sixteen ('sIks'ti:n] 6 six (sIks] 17 seventeen ('sevn'ti:n] 7 seven ('sevn] 18 eighteen ('eI'ti:n] 8 eight (eIt] 19 nineteen ('паш'ti:n] 9 nine (паш] 20 twenty ('twentI] 1 О ten (ten] 30 thirty ('ea:tI] 80 eighty ['eItI] 40 forty ['f;:>:tI] 90 ninety ['nашtI] , 50 nny ['fIftI] 100 hundred ['hлпdrad] , 60 sixty ('sIkstI] 1000 thousand ('eauzand] . 70 seventy ('sevntI] 27 twenty-seven 51 fifty-one 118 опе hundred and eighteen 365 three hundred and sixty-five 1,674 опе thousand six hundred and seventy-four 5,803 five thousand eight hundred and three 75,000 seventy-five thousand \ .: . '16. Read the following extracts aloud: 1. Thе initia1 world supply of minable соаl amounted to 7.64 х 1012 тетс tons, of which 65 percent occur in Asia, 27 percent in North Amer- ica, 5 percent in Westem Europe, and опlу 2.4 percent in the three coun- . , tries of Africa, South America and Australia. . 2. There has Ьееп а continuous trend toward higher transmission volt- 1', ages ever since the fIrst ас power plant was Ьиil! in 1886. Ву 1900 trans- mission lines а! 40,000 volts were carrying power for distances up to 75 miles (120 km). In 1916 а 132,000-volt Нпе was built to carry power for а distance of 55 miles (90 km). In 1948 the record was held Ьу а 220,000 volt Нпе. In 1948 the Hoover Dam's hydroelectric plant was sending power " over а 287,000-volt line to Los Angeles, about 275 miles (440 km) away. Ву 1959 maximum transmission voltages had increased to 345,000 volts. :  - 91- 
ln that year, in the United States there were 320,000 miles (515,000 km) of transmission lines carrying power at voltages аЬоуе 23,000 volts and more than 3 mШiоп miles (4.8 mШiоп km) ofdistribution lines at 22,000 volts or less. Ву 1970,560 miles (900 km) oftransmission lines carrying power at 765,000 volts had been constructed. А transmission liпе operating at such а high voltage has the capability to сапу enough power to meet the needs of а city with а population of опе mШiоп people. Ву 1990 10,200 miles (16,400 km) of 765,000-volt transmission lines had been built in the US. простые и десятичные дроби В проСТЫХ дробях числкreль выражается количественным числитель- НЫМ, а знаменатель  порядковым. Если числитель больше единицы, то знаменатель имеет окончание -5: two tifths  две пятых. В смешанном числе целое число читается как количественные числительные, а дробь присоеДИНJIется при помощи союза and: tive and two бfthз  пять и две пятых. В десllТИЧНЫХ дробях «нуль» произносится zero или о, за ним следует слово point (точка) и затем дробь: о point five ноль челых и пять десятых. Между целым числом и десllТИЧной дробью в анrлийском Jl3ыке ставится точка, а не запятая, как в русском Jl3ыке. РrDПDUП ОПЕ Местоимение опе Значения опе Примеры ПеРetlод ... один из ... Nuclear energy is ЯдерН8JI энерТИJI  опе оС the forms of одна из форм энерrии. energy. Заменкreль ранее Тhe old tшЬinе was Старая турбина бы- упомянутоro сущест- а water tшbinе and the ла водной турбиной, а вкreльноro new опе i5 а steam иоВ8JI  П8рОВ8JI тур- tшЬinе бина. Неопределенно- Опе should control Следует 1C0нтроли- личное подлежащее the chain reaction. ровать цепную реак- ЦIUO. 17. TraDslate the senteDces. Mind опе. 1. Тhe second sputnik was launched about а month after the first one. 2. Тhere are тапу insulating materials пот which one тву choose. 3. Some substances are efficient conductors, others, poor ones. - 9В- 
4. One uses special devices to measure current, voltage, and resistance. 5. ТЬе new method proved to Ье much more efficient than the old опе. 6. One knows that these installations do not operate оп nuclear power. 7. One must choose only опе of those variants. The Uerb rлааол The Engllah Тепа88 Времена алавола Actlve Volce Дейстеительный (актиеный) запоа i ВРЕМЯ Preseпt Past Fиture !! supply qMI} с! supplied supply  supplies will  от} wu} dwU} .Е! is supplying supplying Ье supplying :с  д 8п were will i:> have} 'ЬО''}  supplied had supplied Ьауе supplied а:; has wШ i:>  МУО} 'bOIl} . Ьееп supplying had Ьееп supplying Ьауе Ьееп supplying i! д has wШ 18. State the tense forms of the following verbs. Model: Нnk  Present Indefinite (active voice) does not link  Present Indetinite (negative fonn) is circulating, have not moved, transmits, emitted, did not emit, has burnt, will not operate, act  99- 
19. Put down the tense forms о! the verbs. Model: to lower  Pres. Perj Ьауе (haз) lowered to heat  to discharge  to remove  to Ьurn  to waste  to demand  to тоуе  Past Iпdej Pres. Coпt;п. Pres. Perj Pres. Perj Coпt;п.  Future Iпd Past Perj Futиre Ре! 20. Translate these negative sentences into Russian. What is the difference between the Englisb constructions and the Russian ones? 1. No charges can тоуе in an ореп circuit. 2. Nothing less than а тар ofthe Universe is planned Ьу the research. 3. No special equipment is necessary to сапу out the experiment. 4. А cwтent which does not change its polarity is caJled а direct cwтent. 5. А dry battery is а type ofa small battery containing по free liquid. 6. ТЬе efficiency of а тасЫпе can never ье greater than unity; it is often given as а percentage. 7. А fast reactor is а reactor in which little or по moderator is used and in which, therefore, the nuclear fissions are caused Ьу fast neutrons. 8. Electrically safe locatioos are those where conditions causing extremely high danger of electric shock do oot exist. 9. No electric device has опlу advantages. АJI of them Ьауе also disad- vantages. 21. Put down the negative form о! the following verbs. Model: moved  did not тоуе required was operating links has demanded wШ Ьауе Ьееп replaced  release is transmitting fissiooed  100  
Passlve Volce Страдательный (пассивный) залоа В ВРЕМЯ И Preseпt Раа! Д Fиtиre  ам} wu} 'ЬаП} .  is supplied supplied Ье supplied  are were will  ам} wu} .i! is being supplied being supplied  ;:: 10: d are were i:i bave} sbaJ'} Ьауе heeп юр-  Ьееп supplied had Ьееп supplied  has will plied 22. State the voice and the tense Corm оС the following verbs. Model: was removed  Past Indefinite Passive is discharged was being discharged has discharged had not Ьееп attached is circulating will not ье heated extends does not maintain is not maintained will ье linked will release will have Ьееп removed  23. Cbange tbe sentences into questions: 1. Тhere ме various types оС nuclear reactors. 2. ТЬе use ofunderground transmission linesmust Ье increased. 3. Тhe fuel сап ье enriched uranium. 4. Тhe fission heat is used to generate steam, which drives а turbine gen erator.  1D1  
24. Think оС three questions оС your own about еасЬ оС the given sen- tences. Put them down. 1. E1ectric charges are acted upon Ьу forces when they move in the mag- netic field. 2. Copper has Ьееп used as а conductor since the beginning о! the indus- try. 3. Nuclear reactors decrease air апd lапd pollution but they increase thermal and radiation pollution. 25. Use the required tense form. What ar-e the meanings of the word '/те in the sentences? 1. Тhe experiment (repeat) mапу times. 2. Тhe power which (radiate) as light is almost tШее times as great as that radiated as heat. З. It (kпow) that iron molecules ме magnets at аН times. 4. Under ordinary 100т lightning the resistance of transistors (decrease) millions oftimes. 5. Ruby crystals about ten centimetres long сап (iпteпsify) light ten times. 6. Тhe density of а semiconductor laser radiation (Ье) hundreds of times as great as that ofthe ruby iaser. 7. ТЬе power which (traпsтit) along а wire is the product ofthe voltage times the amperage. Рекомендации по пере80ДУ Перевод анrлийскоrо предложенИJI не следует начинать с nepBoro слова. Любое предложение надо дочитать до конца и лишь после этоro осмыслить ero и оформить средствами PYCCKOro языка. Если понимание (перевод) предложенИJI вызывает затруднение, рекомендуется прежде Bcero определить в нем сказуемое. Сказуемое составляет смысловой центр предложенИJI, занимает относительно постоянное место и обычно имеет формальные признаки. Формальные признаки сквзуемоао -3 ... makes ... ... make ... ... made ... dried .., played .., is (ме) making... .... was (were) тшiе .., ... have (has, Ьад) тшiе '" - ed (или особаи форма унеправильных rnaronOB) ат. is. are was. were have. has. had - llJc? - 
mUSI, shoи/d have (has, had) 10 ат (is, ауе) 10 was (were) 10 do, does, did сап, cou/d тау, mighl wш. woи/d shall. shoи/d oughl 10 ... must (should) make ... .., have to make ... ... are to Ье made ... ... was to make ... ... does not make ... can (cou1d) make тау (might) have made wil1 (would) make shall (should) make ought to make 26. Сору the following sentences. Underline the predicates (опе! in the Passive Voice with two Hnes). Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. А gascooled reactor is а nuclear reactor in which the coolant is а gas. 2. ТЬе 10west temperature theoretically possibIe is called the absolute zero. 3. What do substation power supply circuits depend оп? 4. ТЬе transmission Hnes are interconnected in switching stations. These network interconnections are referred to as buses. 5. In а power network the 1arge bIocks of e1ectric power are transmitted оп the grid of transmission Hnes. From the grid, power is being subdi vided into smaller bIocks and fed into the subtransmission parts of the power network. Finally, the consumers are being serviced fi'om the distribution network. 6. ТЬе energy industry is undergoing considerabIe deve10pment. 7. ТЬе world power capacity is doubIing about per decade. 8. Deve10pment of nuc1ear power p1ants for civiJ use began in the mid- 1950s. 9. In order to meet demands for power during the day, uti1ities have Ьееп tuming to other forms of hydroelectric systems. 10. In the e1ectric generating fie1d as well as in the electric transmission and storage-techno10gy areas considerabIe attention is concentrated оп the use ofsuperconducting conductors because oftheir ability oflosing their resistance under certain conditions, патеlу at temperatures close to abso1ute zero (2730C). 11. Тhe maximum vo1tage applied to а dielectric materia1 without causing it to break down and expressed in volts per тт is termed its die1ectric strength. 12. Electrica110ads or consumers in power installations are the various ar- rangements and installations that are used to transform electric power into mechanica1, heat and chemical power, or energy.  103 - 
27. Give negative answers to the following questions. Follow the model. Model: WШ the circuit ье powered Ьу the ОС supply? No, it will not. Тhe circuit will not Ье powered Ьу the ОС supply. It wi1l Ье powered Ьу the АС supply. 1. Is Ше energy industry decreasing its activity? 2. 00 nuclear power stations produce smoke? 3. Ooes the radioactive pollution ftom а reactor have only one fonn? 4. Is the result ofpollution measurabIe Ьу weight and volume? 28. Think оС questions about the following sentences: 1. Тhe first central electric power station was installed in 1882. VVhen ? VVhat station ? 2. Radioactive wastes damage man and his generation. VVhщm) ? VVhat wastes ? 3. The use ofwater power and wind power began more than 2,000 years ago. Тhe use of what kind of power ? VVhen ? 4. Тhe cooling water is drawn ftom а source and passed through the con denser. VVhat kind оС water VVhat VVhat ? ftom? tbrough? 29. Translate and compare. Mind variants оС the predicate. 1. Тhe device is faulty; you cannot/should not rely оп its readings. 2. Тhe саЫе is tо/wШ Ье used to test the transmission Hne. 3. Тhe electric field can be/may ье thought of as consisting of а number of lines оС force. 4. Nowadays оnе must/can connect power stations into power grids. 5. Onе has to/should take safety precautions. б. Oeserts are to/may Ье turned into gardens Ьу solar energy. 7. Тhe сuпent must/should Ье as small as possibIe not to melt Ше wires. 8. А fast reactor has to/is to/must Ье designed to produce more fuel than it consumes. 9. Тhe heat ftom the nuclear chain reactor canlis to Ье removed Ьу the coolant.  lОЧ  
Test Choose the correct form: 1. Опе сап (redиce, Ье redиced) heat 10sses in а trапsmissiоп line. 2. Heat losses should (redиce, Ье redиced) constantly апd effectively. 3. Тhe output ofmachinery is steadily being (iпcreasiпg, iпcreased). 4. Мап has Ьееп constantly (iпcreasiпg, iпcreased) the output of тасЫп- ery. 5. Тhe main principles of energy production has (beiпg, Ьееп) known to science for а long time. 6. Тhe energy industry (ипdergoes, is ипdergoiпg) considerable develop- ment. 7. Development of nuclear power рlапts for civil use (begaп, has begaп) in the mid-1950s. Полнозначные и служебные слова Все слова в языке подраздеЛJIЮТСЯ на полнозначные и служебные. К полнозначным относятся существительные, смысловые rлаrолы, прила- raтельные, наречия, числительные. Служебные слова не обозначают кон- кретных предметов, действий, качеств. В предложениях они связывают полнозначные слова и помоraют обратить их в связную речь. К числу служебных (их называют и «короткие слова»  "small words") относятся артикли, предлоrи, служебные и модальные rлаroлы, их заменители, союзы, послелоrи. Знание служебных слов и понимание их роли необхо- димы для rpaмoTHoro осмысления анrлийскоro текста. Не следует, выпи- сав из словаря полнозначные слова, пытаться связывать их «по смыслу». Перевод следует осуществлять только с опорой на значения «коротких слов». 30.ln the following examples the verb 'о Ье Ьаа different meanings. What are they? 1. Тhese stations сап Ье linked up into а network. 2. It is advisable to link up these stations into а single network. 3. These stations are to Ье linked up into а single network. 4. Will the stations Ье linked up into а single network? 5. Тhey ме linking up the stations into а network. 31. Complete the sentences using the required prepositions: accordlпg 'о, becaиse о!, throиgh, о!, at,!or, Ьу, dиrlпg, iп, lп case о!, iпto: 1. ТЬе power trапsmittеd ... а wire is the product '" the voltage times the amperage. ... resistive losses, it is desirable to transmit power ... low  lCS  
amperage and high voltage. ... doubling the voltage, the capability ... а given circuit can Ье quadrupled. 2. Devices are classed ... the operation they are intended '" . 3. Тhis type ... aerial is useful and popular ... its small size. 4. ... а faulty device its readings are not to ье relied ... 5. Соаl and оil contain sulfur ... concentrations ... а few percent. 6. As these fuels are burned, the sulfur is converted ... sulfur-dioxide gas. ... the operation .,. а plant, the sulfur-dioxide and other products are discharged ... the air stacks, some ... which are about 305 metres high. 32. Complete the sentences using the required conjunctions (both ... aпd, thaп, ипtil, siпce, provlded, before). 1. Some devices work equally well .., оп direct ... altemating current. 2. Тhe set is used in regions without electricity '" it operates without а battery . 3. Опе should tum the knоЬ ... а click is heard. 4. ... опе flies to other planets опе should collect as тисЬ infonnation as possible about them. 5. Glass becomes а conductor ... it is heated to а red hot. 6. А small current is cheaper ... great because the wires need not ье so thick. 33. Give the English equivalents оС the prepositions and conjunctions in brackets and translate the sentences. 1. Тhe energy (ддя) а nuclear power plant comes (из) the heat released (во время) fissioning ofuranium (В) а nuclear reactor. 2. Тhere are мо main differences (между) а nuclear power plant and а steamelectric power plant. Тhe nuclear power plant uses а nuclear fuel (вместо) а fossil fuel, and it uses а reactor (вместо) а boiler. 3. (Из-за) their high fuel consumption gas turbines are more expensive to operate than steam turbines. 4. ТЬе radioactive pollution produced (в) а reactor has аll three fonns: gaseous, liquid and solid. 5. ТЬе beta particles are dangerous for man (так как) they penetrate deep (в) the matter. 6. РитрtшЫпе units are used (как для) pumping the water (так и для) driving electric generators.  l  
The Uerbais Неличные формы елаеола The Infinltive Инфинитив (неопределенная форма елаеола) В анrлийском языке имеется шесть форм инфинитива: Active Passive /пdefiпite to emit to Ье emitted Coпtiпиoиs to Ье emitting  Perfect to have emitted to have Ьееп emitted Perfect Coпtiпиous t o have Ьееп emittin g  Перевод инфинитива на русский язык зависит от ero функции в предложении и от ero формы. 34. Underline the innnitives in the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. То magnetize а body requires some energy. 2. In order to build the power рlапt пем Northfield (USA), three miles of tunnels were drilled. 3. Тhe distance to Ье covered was equal to (еп mHes. 4. То reduce the power 10sses, thick wires should Ье used. 5. No additional components were used since (Ьеу were not needed to ас- tuate (Ье relay. 6. Various installations were used in order to trапsfоnn electric power into mесhапiсаl, heat, апd chemical power. 7. At least 90 per cent of electric energy to Ье generated at present is а.С. 8. А.с. сап Ье increased, or decreased to meet industrial requirements. 9. Gas turbines сап Ье started within minutes, while steam plants тау re- quire hours (о Ье put into operation. 35. What forms о! innnitives are used in the Innnitive Complexes given below  Complex Subject or Complex Object? 1. communication is supposed (о have по limits nowadays. 2. ТЬе Нпе appeared (о Ье demagnetized. 3. Every battery is knоwn (о possess two tenninals. 4. Тhe output of machinery is known to Ье steadily increasing аН over the world. - 101 - 
5. In some countries, the nuclear power plants are believed to produce about 80 per cent ofthe whole amount ofenergy. 6. Тhe capacity of generating units was said to have Ьееп doubIed. 7. What two conditions are necessary to cause ап electric сuпепt to f10w? 8. Ebonite, rubber, and glass are considered to ье good insulators. 9. Nuclear plants are expected to ье 10cated away from urban areas. 10. Тhe use of underground transmission lines is known to have Ьееп in- creased. 11. Ву 1959, maximum transmission voltages were proclaimed to have Ьееп increased to 345,000 volts. 12. Тhe most important probIems in atomic power generation are known to Ье concemed with the reactor. Тhe light-water reactor types seem to Ье most promising. The Partlclple Причастие В анrлийском языке имеется ПЯТЬ форм причастия: Active Passive Participle 1 иШ1g be iп  иse d Participle II  иsed Perfect Participle haviп  иs e d haviп V Ьее п иsed 36. Сору the sentences below and underline participles. Say what fonns оС participles are used. Translate the examples into Russian in writing. 1. Тhe energy lost in the capacitor appears in the form of heat being ge- nerated in the dielectric. 2. Тhe probIem being discussed is ofno great importance for practice. 3. Тhe generators constructed at the plant have по commutators. 4. Тhe Сodе widely used is called Morse code. 5. Whi1e passing through the conductor, resistance results in the produc- tion ofheat. 6. Having Ьееп insulated with роlуШепе, the Нпе was tested under unfa- vourable conditions. 7. Having made а number of tests, the researcher got some useful results. 8. Having Ьееп tested under different conditions, the motors were put to use. 9. When being rubbed, some substances produce electric charges. 10. Decelerating trains and descending elevators use negative, or braking, torque. 11. In what way is the transmitter controlled in an amplitude-modulated system?  100 - 
37. Say wbich -lпg and -ed forms are parts о' tbe predicates and wbich are participles. 1. Water-turbine plants зrе called hydroturbines. 2. Тhe measures discussed are to ье used for detennining the faults in the conducting wires. 3. Тhe transmission system selected for everyday use is based оп the coт bined activity oftelecommunication and computers. 4. Being а semiconductor, germanium is widely used in transistors. 5. Switch board is an assemblage of controlling and indicating devices mounted upon а frame. 6. Тhe data obtained formed the basis for further activity. 7. Gas coolants used to remove heat losses help to increase the current- carrying capacity of the motor' s таin parts. 8. Water power is Ьеinв used to drive а dynamo. 9. Nuclear fuel is undergoing nuclear fission. 38. Which о' the examples contain tbe Nominative Absolute Construction? Underline "the doer" in the constructions. 1. Тhe reflected signal having Ьееп received, the distance to the object was counted. 2. Having Ьееп impregnated, paper is used as resistor. 3. What is an electric зrс? It is а discharge accompanied Ьу а temperature оС over 3,ООООС, produced when an electric current flows through а вар between two electrodes, the current being carried Ьу the vapour of the electrode. 4. Various kinds of windings used depend оп the type of building and 10- cation. Тhe supplies required include тешl conduits, boxes, fuses, and other elements. 5. Other factors being constant, the current is known to ье directly pro- portional1o conductivity. The.Gerund repYHaии rерундий имеет четыре формы: Active Passive /пdefiпite sUDj)lvin!! bein'J sUnDlied Perfect havin !! s u pn lied havin g Ь ее п s uppli e d - Ш9- 
39. What are tbe Corms ос tbe gerund 'п the examples given below? Translate tbe sentences into Russian. 1. Programming is the process of preparing, testing and correcting in- structions for а computer. 2. Is anу тетl capable ofbeing drawn out into а wire? З. After having Ьееп subjected to severe testing the material was recom- mended for use. 4. А motor-starter is а device for starting motors from rest Ьу the simple act of closing the switch. 5. А constant speed of the device is maintained Ьу supplying it with еп- ergy. 6. Steam is an important factor in producing usable energy because of the power being created Ьу its expansion. 7. Опе of the problems modem research laboratories are working at is the problem of fmding materials that сan serve as electrical conductors in fusion reactors . 8. оп having 10st some of i15 electrons, the atom has а positive charge. 40. Use Participle 1, Participle 11 or tbe Gerund о! tbe verb 'п brackets and translate tbe sentences. / 1. (Соо/) an electric conductor results in its reduced resistance to electric current. 2. What is the пате of ап (iпsulate) material (ше) to prevent an еlесtПс shock? З. Тhe (apply) technique brought about quite unexpected resul15. 4. Mica is used as а dielectric due to (have) high voltage strength. 5. Тhe world's first tidal power station, а plant оп the Ranсе River in France, began (operate) in 1966. 6. Solar energy has Ьееп converted to electricity Ьу (use) solar cells, which are semiconductor devices (produce) from thin slices of silicon. The 8ubjunctiue mDDd Сослааательное наклонение 41. Read the Collowing sentences, containing tbe Subjunctive Mood forms. Which оС tbe sentences reCer to tbe Present (the Future) and whicb to the Past? 1. Zero-resistance transmission lines would Ье very economical! 2. Without these means of communication the scientis15 would Ьауе great difficulties in observing man-made satellites. 110 
3. Ifthin wires had Ьееп used in this device the wires would Ьауе melted. 4. Ifthe operators had used some additional components they would Ьауе Ьееп аЫе to actuate the relay. 5. We know а moving magnet to induce а current in а wire, the effect being stronger ifthe wire were in the form ofa соН. 6. It was ajob опе could Ьауе done much better. 7. Without the Sun there would Ье по light, по heat, по energy of апу kind. 8. Oxygen is an element of greatest importance to the Earth as allliving things would die without it. 9. If it were not for lasers а great number oftechnological developments would not Ьауе taken рlасе. 10. In some hot countries the use of only опе percent of the solar energy would serve an enormOUs source ofenergy. 11. No subject is more surprising than magnetism; what would you think if you found that оп mixing ebonite and bakelite in some detinite pro- portions а goo conductor is formed or that а mixture of copper and iron forms а good insulator? The Emphatic (JDпstruсtiDП Эмфатическая конструкция 42. Translate tbe sentences into Russian. 1. It is from the Greek word electroп that the word e/ectricity is formed. 2. It is the force of gravitation that makes the sate\lites тоуе round the Earth. 3. It was the need for large-scale ballistic computations which gave rise to the development of electronic computers. 4. It was in 1882 that Р. chebyshev invented the arithmometer performing multiplication and division. 43. Change tbe following sentences into the emphatic опе! in writing. Model: В. Pascal invented the mechanical computer. It was В. Pascal that invented the mechanical computer. 1. N. Wiener is considered to Ье the father of cybemetics. 2. ТЬе special terrns in anу subject serve the keys to understanding it. 3. Oil, natural gas and nuclear power еасЬ Ьауе important roles to play in the energy industry. 4. ТЬе most precise clocks are being produced due to the invention of ra- dio frequency quantum generators. -111 
РuпсtuвtiDП marks Знаки препинания Правила постановки заrurтых в анrлийском языке отличаются от этих правил в русском языке. Заrurтая ставится: 1) ДЛJI выделения вводных элементов предложения: Вig power statioпs, "р to 4,800,000 kW, were beiпg coпstructed 2) ДЛJI отделения CaMOCТOJlТeJlbHOrO причастноro оборота: Measuriпg devices beiпg widely used, their characteristics are coп staпt/y iтproved. З) ДЛJI выделения придаточlПdX предложений, если они сообщают дополнительные сведения или служат пояснением к rлавной мысли: The iпsulatioп, that тау Ье о/ air or о/ а solid dielectric, separates the coпductor froт the axis. 4) после обстоятельственноro причастноrо оборота в начале предло- жения: Wheп tested, the тotor broke dowп. 5) запятая ставится перед словом which, если оно относится не к одному слову, а к предыдущей части предложения: New plastic тaterials had Ьееп produced, which led to produciпg пew types о/ isolators. 6) однородные члены предложения отделJlЮТСЯ дрyr от дpyra заrurтой. Перед завершающим перечисление союзом and часто также ставится заl1JlТliJl: Frequeпcy is kпowп to Ье the nuтber о/ cycles, oscillatioпs, aпd vibra- tioпs о/ а wave тotion or oscillatioпs in ипи tiтe, usиаllу опе second Соттоп /aults in а traпs/orтer are ап ореп in the winding, а short between the priтary and the secondary. and а short between turпs. Запятая не ставится: 1) перед придаточными предложениями: Devices are classed according to the usе they are designed/or. Fijitsu traпsтission systeтs (Japan) сап carry in/orтation very effec- tively. /! is done Ьу traпsтission systeтs which get it across the city and into the hoтe.  11.?  
2) перед союзами but, Ьесаusе, provided, ш, since ... : The discharge о/ heated water into natura/ water systeтs has not deve/ oped апу big probleтs as yet but continued growth in e/ectrica/ power production тау resu/t in damaging eпvironтenta/ processes. 44.lnsert сотта! where necessary: 1. Wattrneter is an instrument for the direct measurement of the power in watts of а circuit. 2. If two conductors are placed in contact or joined Ьу а conductor of тисЬ lower resistance than the rest of the circuit most of the силепt will flow direct between these conductors which are then said to Ье shortcircuited or 'shorted'. З. Altemating current is а flow of electricity which after reaching а maximum in ОПе direction decreases, finally reversing and reaching а maximum in the opposite direction. 4. А few pounds of uranium сап supply а medium-sized town with power it needs for а year. 5. Since the energy sources of the world are decreasing it is necessary to tum to atomic energy. 6. Тhe engine cannot Ье restarted until its оН level is brought ир 10 the correct level. 7. Pierre curie examined properties of crystals which led Ыт to the dis- covery of piezoelectric properties. 8. Тhe capacity of the generating units Ьм Ьееп increased which made it possible to build super-high-capacity power stations. 9. ЕасЬ transformer has а nameplate attached to the tank. It bears the transformer's ratings its type its capacity number of phases group of winding frequency method of cooling indoor or outdoor mass the пате ofthe plant and some other data. 10. Тhe instrument should Ье packed in а Ьох which will prevent dust and dirt from getting inside its mechanism. 11. Тhe article the speaker referred to is known to Ье published in the magazine "Modem Means of Communication". 12. Тhe amount ofheat depends оп the силепt and the time it flows. 13. New plastic materials were invented which led to producing new types of isolators. 14. ТЬе device was connected to the саЫе under test which made it possi- Ые to detect the fault. 
3. Materials for Reading and Discussing Материалы для чтения и обсуждения ШDrk w.th а D.сtiDпаry Работа со словарем Engll.h Alphabet Аналийский алфавит Аа [ell нh [eltf) 00 [ои] Уу [vi:] ВЬ [Ы:] Ii [ЭlI Рр [pi:) . Ww ['dAblju:] Сс [si:] Jj [dз еl ] Qq [kju:1 хх [eks) Dd [di:) кk [kel] Rr [а:] Уу [wall Ее [i:) LI [el] S5 [es)' Zz [zed) Ff [efl Мт [ет] Tt [ti:] Gg [dз i :) Nn [еп) Uu Uu:) Engllsh Sounds Звуки аналиiiско'о языка rласные: [ell. [;el. [а:). [;}). Н:). Ы. [е). [;}:). [:>:]. [:>]. Uu:). [и:]. [и], [л]. [al]. [аи). [:>1). [ои). [,;}]. [Е;}]. [и;}). Соrласные: [Ь]. [d). [f). [g). [dз]. Ы. [h]. Ш. [k]. (1). [т]. [п). [о]. [е). [I. [pl. [r]. Ш. [5]. [t]. Щ], [у). [w]. [z]. для успешиой работы с анrлорусским словарем необходимо твердое знание последовательности расположении букв в анrлийском алфавите. Выполняя приведенные ниже упражнении, проверьте свое знание aнr лийскоro алфавита. Сделайте выводы! . Rewrite the vowels and tbe consonants 'п the alpbabetical order: 1. 1, Е, У, А, О, U 2. F, В, H,J, M,L, О, G, К, С · Wbat two letters follow the following letters? В, ..., ..., G, н., ..., F, 'н' ..., Н, ..., ..., L, ..., ..., S, ..., ..., Т, н., н., W, ..., н.  llЧ  
. Name tbe last Пуе letters оС tbe alpbabet. Слова J! словаре даются в их исходной форме: ДJIJI имени существи- тельноro  общий падеж; ДJIJI прилaraтельноro и наречия  положитель- ная степень (сравнения); ДJIJI rлаroла  инфинитив (неопределенная фор- ма). Исходную форму слова мы устанавливаем, отбрасывая ero rpаммати- ческое окончание. Это MOryт быть словоизменительные суффиксы (e)s, -(e)r, (e)st, (e)d, iпg. Как и русское, анrлийское слово мноroзначно. В словарях обычно ПРИВОДJIтся несколько значений слова. Иноrда их колнчество весьма ве- лико (см., к примеру, такие мноroзначные слова, как take, set, get, pиt). Наша задача  выбрать из данных значений то, которое соответствует контексту. Однако среди значений, данных в словаре, тaкoBoro может и не быть! В этом случае надо самому найти нужное русское слово, осмыс- лив ero значение в контексте. Если в словаре отсутствует производиое слово, надо выбрать ero корневую основу, отбросив суффихсы и при- ставки. К примеру, слово uselessness имеет три компонента: корень use (польза), отрицательный суффикс прилаraтельноro -Ies. и суффикс суще- ствительноro -ness, имеющий абстрактное значение. При переводе полу- чаем существительное бесполезность, ненужность, заметим, что значе- ние отрицания в русском слове часто передается приставкой бес-. Texts and Assignments Тексты и задания 1. Read tbe text and nnd in it tbe answers to tbe questions tbat follow ,.. Ап electric сеН supplies electric епеrgy provided its electrodes are of different materials. Iп case the electrodes are of the same material they Ьесоте charged but there is по difference of potential across the tепniпаls. Iron and zinc plates are commonly used for producing nega- tive electrodes since these materials produce а high charge. Carbon is commonly used to produce positive electrodes. ТЬе voltage output of ceHs in use nowadays is from 1 to 2 V. Тhe value of the output depends only оп the materials used for the elec- trodes. Besides, it depends оп the electrolyte of а сеН. It does not de pend оп the size of а сеll and its construction, while the сuпепt сарас- ity of а сеll depends оп the size of the electrodes. Тhe larger the size of the electrodes, the more сuпепt capacity they сап supply. When the - 115  
size of the electrodes is increased the current capacity also increases whBe the voltage output does not increase. Such is the relation between the size of the electrodes and the current capacity. 1. What element is described in the text? 1. In what case does а се\\ supply energy? 3. What materials are commonly used for producing negative electrodes? 4. Explaln why iron and zinc are used. S. What is the voltage output of ce"s in use nowadays? 6. What does the value ofthe output depend оп? 7. What is the relation between the slze оС the electrodes and the current са- pacity? , 8. Give the title to the text. 2. Read tbe text and nnd in it the ,nswers to tbe questions tbat Collow it. Тhe capacity of а capacitor is measured in farads. А capacitor has а capacity of опе farad when а charge of опе coulomb increases the ро- tential between its plates Ьу опе volt. ТЬе capacity depends оп four things: first, the higher the voltage used to charge the capacitor the more energy it wil1 store; second, the larger the size of plates and the greater their number the more energy wШ Ье stored; third, the closer are the positive and negative plates the greater is the charge; fourth, some insulators store greater charge than others. 1. What does the capacity оС а capacitor depend оп? 1. Give the title to the text. 3. Read tbe text and nnd in it tbe answers to the questions tbat Collow it. Wattmeter А wattmeter is used to measure the value of power. It is connected to the circuit directly. А wattmeter consists of coils: two fixed coils and а соП which moves in the magnetic field produced Ьу the fixed coils. Wire used for the coils must Ьауе а high resistance; the fixed соПs are in series with the load, the moving соВ is connected across the Нпе in series with а resistance. When а wattmeter is used, the readings оп its scale show the value of power being used. 1. What is the wattmeter used for? 1. What does it consist of? 3. In what way are the elements connected? 4. What do the readings оп the scale show? - 116 - 
4. Read tbe text and nnd in it tbe answers to the questions tbat Collow it. Rheostat А rheostat is а resistor whose resistance value тау Ье varied. Тhus, а rheostat is а variabIe resistor. It is used to ch80ge the resistance of circuits, 80d in this way to vary the value of current. А rheostat consists of а соН 80d а switch. Take into consideration that wire used for the соН must have а very high resistance. When а rheostat is used its tепniпаls are connected in series with the load. Тhe switch is used to ch80ge the length of the wire through which the meas- ured current passes. ТЬе resistance тау Ье ch80ged to 8Оу value from zero to maximum. ТЬе longer the rheostat wire used in the circuit, the greater is the re- sistance. 1. What type orresistor is а rheostat? 1. What is а rheostat used {or? 3. In what way does а rheostat vary the value о{ current? 4. What elements does а rheostat consist оп 5. In what way are the terminals connected with the load? 6. What is the {unction o{the switch? 5. Read tbe text and nnd in it tbe answer to tbe question that Collows it. Voltage Values Voltages up to about 250 V are called low. Тhe common electric Iighting circuit operates either at about 127 or 200 V, 80d the voltage used оп the main circuit of large houses is usua1ly the saIПе. Onе С8о get 80 electric shock, when опе touches 80 uninsulated wire of such а circuit. Voltages above 250 V are high voltages. ТЬеу are used in industry. Mediumpowered motors are usually operated at 3 80 V. Large motors are supplied Ьу voltages offrom about 500 up to 6,000 V. What Ьауе уоо read about? 6. Read tbe text and nnd in it tbe answer to the question tbat Collows it. High-Frequency Current Altemating current with frequency of 50 c/s is widely used in in- dustry. Therefore this frequency is called 80 industrial frequency 804' the current, 80 industrial frequency current. - 111 - 
During sound transmission, сuпепt flowing in telephone wires ehanges with the пеquепсу of sound oscillations, which ranges поm 50 to 10,000 c/s. ТЬе currents of such frequencies зrе called audio- or low- frequency сuпепts. Radio transmission is based оп the use of altemating сuпепts with пеquепсiеs of hundreds, thousands, millions and even tens of million eycles per second. Тhese сuпепts called high-пеquепсу еuпепts are produced Ьу means of an оsсШаtоry circuit consisting of а соН and а eapacitor. Moving along the turns now in опе direction now in another, the electrie charges оsсШаtе in an oscillatory circuit. Ву what шеап! are high-frequency currents obtained? 7. Read the text and nnd 'п it tbe answers to tbe questions that follow it. нv Power Transmission А high--capacity hydrogenerator produces an а.С. current at 22,000 V. Тhe current with the potential difference of 220,000 V is produced Ьу means of the transfonners at а step-up station and then transmitted over the power Hnes. ТЬе current potential difference is lowered to medium 6,600 V at the main step-down substation at the end of the Нпе. From here the power is transmitted to the next substations. Transfonners stepping the voltage down from 6,600 V are installed at those substations. Оие to voltage conversion, altemating СUПепt is used widely in in- dustry. Direet сuпепt for battery charging for trams, trolJeybuses and eleetrie locomotives is changed поm altemating сuпепt Ьу means of rectifiers. 1. Where is the current potential difference lowered? 1. Where is the main stepdown substation installed? 8. Read tbe text and nnd in it tbe answers to the questions that follow it. Meters Опе of the important things that an engineer should tзkе into соп- sideration is "how тисЬ?" How much сuпепt is this circuit carrying? What is the value of voltage in the cireuit? What is the value of resis- tзпее? In fact, to measure the сuпепt and the voltage is not difficult at аН. Опе should connect an ammeter or а voltmeter to the eircuit and read offthe amperes and the volts. - 118 - 
. Соmmоп ammeters for d. с. measurements are the ammeters of the magnetoelectric system. In an ammeter of this type an armature соН rotates between the poles of а permanent magnet; but the соН turns only through а smaH angle. Тhe greater the current in the соН, the greater the force, and, therefore, the greater the angle of rotation of the armature. ТЬе def1ection is measured Ьу means of а pointer connected to the ar mature and the scale of the meter reads directly in amperes. When the currents to Ье measured are very smaH, опе should use а galvanometer. Some galvanometers detect and measure currents as smaH as 1 0-11 of an ampere per 1 mm of the scale. А voltmeter is а device to Ье used for measuring the potential differ епсе between anу two points in а circuit. А voltmeter has armatures that move when ап electric current is sent through their coHs. Тhe de- f1ection, like that of an ammeter, is proportional to the current f10wing through the armature coil. А voltmeter must have а very high resistance since it passes only very smaH currents which will not disturb the rest of the circuit. Ап ammeter, оп the other hand, must have а low resistance, since аН the current must pass through it. In actual use the ammeter is placed in se- ries with the circuit, while the voltmeter is placed in paraHel with that part ofthe circuit where the voltage is to Ье measured. In addition to instruments for measuring current and voltage, there are also devices for measuring electric power and energy. 1. What is the аЬоуе article about? 1. What is а voltmeter used for? 9. Read tbe text and nnd in it the answers to tbe questions tbat Collow it. Negative Transconductance Oscillator А negative transconductance oscillator consists of а pentode with the screen and suppressor grids coupled together. Тhe screen is more positive than the plate. Тhe cathode supplies electrons to both the screen and the plate. If the screen voltage rises, this increase is transferred over to the suppressor. It becomes more positive than before. А large quantity of electrons passes to the plate and а smaH quantity of electrons passes to the screen. Тhus, the screen current is reduced. А negative resistance characteristic is produced in the screen circuit at the terminals. А tuned circuit is connected to the terminals and in this way oscilla tions are produced. . 1. In what way is the screen current reduced? 1. What does negative transconductance oscillator consist of?  119  
10. Read the text and nnd in it the answer to the question that rollows it. What are the Names of Oscillators? Мanу types of оsсШаtоr circuits are used nowadays. Тheir tube types, tank circuits, and feedbacks are different. Examine the diagrams given below. What are the names ofthe os cillators? То answer this question read the following texts. 1. ТЬе Electroricoupled Oscillator uses а multigrid vacuum tube with а cathode and two grids operating in соmmоn. In this device the plate circuit load is coupled to the oscillator through the electron stream. ТЬе diagram shows а tetrode variant using а serjesfed oscilla tor. 2. ТЬе Dynatron Oscillator uses the negative resistance charac- teristic of а tetrode tube to eliminate the resistance of its tank circuit in order to keep oscillations. 3. ТЬе Blocking Oscillator uses а plate transformer to provide the feedback voltage. 4. А Multivibrator is а form of oscillator using two RC-controlled triodes. 5. ТЬе Tuned Plate  Tuned Grid oscillator has parallel or reso nant circuits in bothplate and grid circuits. Тhe nесезsзry feedback is supplied Ьу the plate-togrid interelectrode capacitance. Name the five oscillators in Fig.10. а) . d) ':' Ь) с) е) Fig.20  lс"  
11. Read the text and nnd in it the answer to the question that Collows it. Solar Епеrп ТЬе Sun radiates to our planet great amounts of energy. This energy input fuels аН our biological processes and is the original source for hydropower, wind power, and fossil fuel resources. EnvironmentaHy , and economicaHy, the Sun is our greatest energy source. Why then is the direct use of solar energy so limited for industrial, domestic, coт mercial, and transportation purposes? First, solar energy arrives in smaH quantities  only about опе kW per square meter; second, it does not arrive at аН during night hours. Third, it is very difficult to transform it into useful energy forms except lowgrade heat. Why is the direct use о! solar energy limited nowadays? 12. Read the text and find in it the answer to the question that Collows it. Superconductivity In the electric generating field, as weH as in the electrictransmission and storagetechnology areas, considerable attention is focused оп the use of superconductivity conductors. Cooling an electric conductor to temperatures close to absolute zero (27зас) results in the conductors' losing their resistance to electric current. Accordingly, their ohmic losses also drop greatly. Current densities of tens of millions amperes per sq ст сan Ье tolerated in such conductors. Cryogenic technology being now mastered, опе сan foresee the pos sibility of supercooling not only generators but also underground transmission lines and storage coils. Are these statements true or false? а) Conductors сап never lose their resistance to те f10w of electric current. Ь) Generators апd underground trапsmissiоп Hnes сап Ье supercooled. 13. Read the text and find in it the answer to the question that Collows it. Metals Used а! Conducton ТЬе use of electricity depends ироп а means of conducting it from its source to the point where it is to Ье used. Copper has Ьееп used as а conductor since the beginning of the industry and по proper substitute has Ьееп found. Only опе metal, silver, is more efficient, but it has too high cost to Ье extensively used.  121 - 
Aluminium, because of its lightness, is used in common practice for transmission lines where long spans are necessary. It has, compared to other metals, а conducting capacity of about 60 per cent ofthat of copper. Why cannot silver Ье extensively used? 14. Read the text and nnd in it the answers to the questions that Collow it. Switchboard Switchboard is ап assemblage of switches, controlling or indicating devices mounted upon а frame for the purpose of control or an inspec- tion of an electric path, circuit or system of circuits. Usually it is а metal frame carrying verticalslabs with switches, controlling handles and indicating or controlling instruments mounted thereon in an electric central station or distributing centre. 1. What is described 'п the text? 2. Where is the device used? 15. Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that Collow it. Dynamo Dynаmо is а соmmоп device for converting mechanical energy into electric energy. This process depends оп the fact that if ап electrical conductor moves across а magnetic field, an electric curтent flows in the conductor. Usually а dynamo includes an electromagnet, called the field mag net, between th poles of which а suitable conductor, usually in the form of а соН, called the armature,is rotated. ТЬе mechanical energy of the rotation, in the form of а curтent in the armature, is thus converted into electric energy. 1. What device is described in the text? 2. What types оС the device do уоо know? 16. Read the text and nnd in it the answers to the questions that Collow it. Test Blocks Турев В4 and В-6 ТЬе types В-4 and B6 test blocks with test plugs зrе designed as multipole connectors in the circuits of protective relays and measuring instruments. - 122 - 
ТЬе test bIocks provide ап easy апd safe checking апd replacement of relays апd instruments during operation without breaking connec tions in wiring апd оп terminal bIocks. Тhe test ЫосЬ are made in several versions which differ in the number of poles and in the way of wire connection. Design. Тhe test bIocks consist of two units: the base апd the re- movabIe cover. While testing, the cover is removed апd is replaced Ьу the test plug which is inserted into the base апd is electrically connected to the cir- cuit for testing purposes. Teehnical data. Rated voltage: 250 У; rated current: 5 А. Test volt- age: 2 kV, а.С. 50 c.p.s. Transient stability: 300 А. Тhe insulation re sistance at ambient temperatures of 20:i:5°C should Ье not less thап 2 megohms at relative humidity up to 80%, and not less thап 2 meg- ohms at relative humidity of 95%. Mounting. Test bIocks are mounted оп the поnt рапеl. Before mounting, bIocks should ье provided with currentarrying pins. Operating conditions. Тhe bIocks are designed for indoor use in stationary installations at ambient temperature апd relative air humidity which are indicated. Тhe bIocks are produced in three types of designs: 1. conventional; 2. export; 3. tropicalized. Ambient temperatures for the bIocks ofthe first type of design are поm 20 up to +35; for ЫосЬ of the second type  поm 10 up to +35, апd for the third type  поm 10 up to +55. As to relative air humidity, it is also different for different types of devices. For the first type it is 80% at 20*5°С; for the second .. type it is also ир to 80% in the same rапgе of temperatures, апd for the , third type it is 95% at 40°С. ТЬе test blocks are not to Ье used а) in ап atmosphere containing currentconducting dust or gases which damage metals and insulation; Ь) where shock апd vibration сап take place; с) in ап explosion hazardous atmosphere. Тhe delivery set includes а) base; Ь) cover; с) fastenings for mount ing blocks and connections of wires. Order form. When ordering, state the type of the bIock, kind of wire connection апd number of units. For еxamрlе, ORDER: Test bIock type В-б for back connection  3 pcs (=pieces). 1. What are the main eharacteristics oftest ЫосЬ types В-4 and В-6? 1. When are the test ЫоеЬ deseribed not to Ье used? - 123 - 
17. Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it. Compressedgasinsulated Transmission Transmission lines in which compressed gas is used as insulator have а number of аdvапtagеs. ТЬе main advапtagеs are simplicity of construction апd low cost. What is the construction of compressedgasinsulated transmission lines? lt is rather simple. ТЬеу comprise а number of рhзse conductors; еасЬ phase conductor is placed inside а tube апd centered Ьу means of cir cular spacers. Thе tube space is filled with compressed gas  usпаllу sul phur hexofluoride. ЕасЬ tube in а 345kV line has а diameter about 50 ст. Thе system including compressedgas-insulated transmission has the following аdvапtagеs: its losses are rather low, they are considerably lower thап those of саЫе transmission. Unlike cables, compressedgas insulated transmission system сап Ье designed for ultra high frequencies. No extemal electric field appears in the system. Thе shunt capacitance is considerably less for а gasinsulated Нпе than for а саЫе. А gasinsulated Нпе сап thus transmit power over larger distances than саЫе lines. Thе system should Ье protected against metallic particles. lп case metallic particles get into the system, they cause а fault  а dielectric breakdown. 1. Does the system described Ьауе апу advantages? What are they? 2. What gas is the арасе filled with? 3. Why should the system Ье protected? 18. Read tbe text and find 'п it the answers to the questions tbat follow it. Starting Resistors Types 5051 Thе electrical block resistors are generally used in starting апd regulating installations for motors of апу type and power. Starting resistors have the capacity to support very high temperature variations, to which they are subjected due to their operating duty, without alteration or distortion. 'Resistors consist of silicon sheeHteel or of special cast iron ele ments. Said elements are grouped in ап assembly Ьу means of steel rods interlocked Ьу bolts in order to obtain rigid assemblies. These units are suitable for use in апу type of mасЫпе апd operate under high vibration conditions. For protection purposes, the resistor units are assembled in sheetsteel cases supplied with ventilation slits.  12Ч  
Starting resistors have а number of advantages; they are unbreak аЫе, light, rigid; they сan withstand, without variation, vibration and shocks. ТЬеу are also easily detachabIe; their elements are interchange аЫе. Resistors are intended for operation in an ambient temperature of ир to зоо о с. 1. What device is described in the article? 1. What is the device used lor? 3. What elements does it consist 011 4. What are the advantages olthe device? 19. Study Fig. 21 and complete the sentences stating what metals are used for producing the devices ae. What Metals Are Used in Making Electrical Devices? 1. Alпico is ап аllоу of iron, aluminium, nickel, and cobalt used in making ... . 2. Phosphor broпze springs are used to produce ." . 3. Tuпgsteп is used in ... . 4. Nickel and cadтiuт are used in ... rechargeabIe. 5. Nichroтe is highresistance аllоу of nickel and chromium used for ... .  /) а) тeter pointer Ь) perтanent тagnet с) battery се//    .., , , '" .; . d) lатр е) heater eleтent Fig.21  125  
10. Arrange the paragrapbs of tbe text 'п tbe logical order. А viation 8ignal А glass tube filled with пеоп gas was found to Ье suitable for this kind of work. lnstead of а пеоп lamp, in some cases, а low current filament lamp тау also Ье used as asignalling source. lп order to assist the aviator in locating the transmission Нпе, а sig паl marking its position is provided; this signal is а luminous lamp at tached to the conductors of the transmission line; the lamp is lighted Ьу the potential оп the line and serves to indicate its position. This signal also makes а safety device. If the Нпе is under tension, the attending personnel working оп it will know that potential is оп the Нпе. А high tension transmission Нпе leading from опе city to another makes а guideway for aviators during the day time, since it is visible from great distances. However, at night the high tension transmission Нпе becomes а danger for the aviator, rather than а help. 11. Read the text and nnd in it the answers to the questions that Collow it. Thermal Steamturbine Power Plants Large steamturbine plants have two forms: condensing plants or electric power plants. ТЬе great masses of hot steam, having accomplished the mechanical work in the turbines of condensing steamturbine plants, are condensed, i.e. are cooled down and turned back into distilled water, and returned to the boiler for production of steam to activate the turbine. Condensation of steam takes place in condensers where the hot steam is cooled whn it comes in contact with tubes through which cold water, supplied from а water reservoir (river or lake), is circulated. This cooling water, after it takes the heat from the spent steam, is returned to the water source carrying along with it the unutilized heat energy. This water is called the circulating water. ТЬе importance of the distilled water for feeding steam boilers is extremely great since chemically clean water decreases the formation of scale in the boiler tubes, and, thus, makes their service life longer. Condensing plants of large generating capacity are built close to sources of fuel, in order not to transport large quantities of fuel over considerable distances. ТЬе electric power generated in such plants is transmitted over long distances for the supply of large industrial regions. So these plants are called regional thermal power plants.  126  
Heat and electric power plants, in addition to electric power genera  tion, also supply heat to closely located consumers (within а radius of 50 km), i.e. serve as district heat plants. То such heat consumers belong а11 kinds of industrial enterprises that require heat for production pur poses, and also municipal consumers such as baths, laundries and the heating systems of dwelling houses and other buildings. Тhe electric power developed Ьу the generators is fed to the switch board of the plant, whence it is delivered Ьу overhead transmission and саЫе lines to the consumers. 1. In what part оНЬе power plant does condensation of steam take place? 2. Why is distilled water used for feeding steam boilers? 11. Arrange the paragraphs оС the text below in the logical order. Testing Motors and Generators It is of great importance, therefore, to make regular tests of insula tion resistance of аН machinery so as to detect possible faults. Different conditions mау influence the value of the insulation resistance. It is advisable, therefore, to make the test of the mасЫпе as soon after it has Ьееп shut down as possible, when the insulation resistance is likely to ье lowest. If, after the motor has just Ьееп shut down, the in sulation resistance is found to Ье satisfactory, it mау ье assumed that it will Ье better at апу other time provided that the mасЫпе does not stand idle for long in а humid atmosphere. Faults оп electrical machinery must Ье due to опе of two causes. Опе is the absence of continuity in the conductor which is supposed to Ье carrying the current. ТЬе other is the absence, or partial absence, of insulation. ТЬе latter is Ьу far the more соmmоп and the more da8ger ous of the two. А burnt out armature, for example, is usua11y due to in sulation failure. А drop in insulation resistance mау often Ье accounted for, for ex ample, Ьу damp weather. As regards the effect of temperature it should Ье noted that the in sulation resistance of motors and generators is genera11y lower when they are hot than when they are cold as the insulating vamishes used in the building of the machines have а lower resistance when hot than when cold.  121  
13. Read the text and find 'п it the answer to the question that follows it. How to Make Tests оп Installations а) Insulation tests to earth. Disconnect tbe supply Ьу opening the main switch and withdrawing the main fuses. lnsert аН fuses at tbe distribution board (see Fig. 22). lnsert aHlamps. Close аН singlepole switches. Join togetber the two contacts оп the installation side оп the main switch, and connect them to опе terminal oftbe lnsulation Tester used. Connect the otber terminal of tbe Tester to tbe conduit in which tbe wiring is run or, if leadcovered саЫе is used, to the lead sheatbing. А second connection should also ье made to tbe consumer's main езrth. This second connection is, however, unnecessary if the continuity and earthing oftbe conduit had Ьееп previously tested. Тит the handle ofthe Tester at about 160 r.p.m. and take а reading. lп case the result of .the test is considered satisfactory the instal lation is in proper order so far as resistance to earth is concerned. If, however, the values obtained are not sufficiently high, withdraw аН fuses at the distribution fuse board and test again. This test should include only the portion of the in staHation between tbe main switch and the busbars oftbe fuse board. If the fault is not detected, опе should proceed to the distribution fuse board and test еасЬ branch circuit in turn tШ the faulty circuit or circuits are discovered. These should Ье subjected to further tests till tbe actual fault is detected. &oпtJиctlJrl tD other branch ci.rcиits Аll fиses ,n Ll1тр'л pas,t'Dn Fig.22. /пsиlatioп test to earth Ь) Insulation test between conductors. Remove alllamps. ТЬе main switch should Ье opened, аН fuses inserted at tbe distribu tion board, and аН singlepole switches in the closed or "оп" position.  128  
Connect опе tenninal of the Insulation Tester to fuse contact and the other to another contact and make а test. Two readings should ье taken оп an insulation containing two--way switches, опе with both switches оп the "оп" position and the other with both switches in the "off" pOsition. If the result of the test between conductors is also satisfactory, по further insulation tests are necessary and the insulation тау Ье consid ered to ье in order. If, however, the results of the tests асе unsatisfac1ory, proceed 10 the distribution board, withdraw аН fuses and test еасЬ ЬranсЬ circuit individu аНу between conductors until the faulty circuit or circuits асе located. What elements should Ье disconnected, inserted, closed, joined together, con- nected, etc. 16r making test оп installations? 14. Read the text and nnd in it the answers to the questions that follow it. Contacton Туре 370 These contactors consist ofthe following main parts: . опе fixed bar . опе magnetic circuit which тау Ье either а.С. or d.c. . опе or more auxiliary contacts (the maximum number of aиxH iary contacts is 4) . опе or more poles for use with а.С. or d.c. loads. These components are to ье in- stalled. Their functions are as follows: fixed bar has the function of sup- porting аll the stationary parts of the contactor. At both ends it is provided with holes for mounting the contac . tor. Moving shaft is made of steel. It is insulated for the installation. of both main pole and auxiliary moving contacts. QfШ , ' [,' L * ' !! :J Fig.2З. Schematic positioп- iпg ofthe differeпt coпtactor compoпeпts: 1  flXed bar; 2  magпetic circиit; 3  aиxi/iary coпtacts; 4  poles 1. What are the main parts 01 the contactors? 1. Which are the functions 01 еасЬ ofthese parts? 3. Describe Fig. 13.  129  
25. Read the text and nnd in it the answers to the questions that follow it. Disconnecting Switches AppUcation. Indoor disconnecting switches are devices that are in tended to rnake and break electric circuits rated at 610 10 kV, а.с. with по load сuпеnts. ТЬе singlepole disconnecting switches are controlled rnanu ally, Ьу rneans of an insulated rod. ТЬе triplepole disconnecting switches are controlled Ьу rneans of rnanuallevertype operating rnechanisrns. Mounting Instructions. 1. Clean the switch &оrn dust and dirt. 2. In- spect it оп the outside. 3. When insulating the switch, see that the bolts and switch terrninals are reliabIy protected. 1. Wbat are indoor disconnecting switcbes intended for? 2. Wbat means are tbe singlpole switcbes controlled Ьу? 3. Wbat means are tbe triplpole switches controlled Ьу? 4. Wbat recommendations do tbe mounting instructions include? 26. Think о! 8-10 questions covering the contents о! the text below. Use them in а talk with your groupmate. Electric Power Electric power is generated Ьу converting heat, light, chernical еn- ergy, or rnechanical energy to electrical energy. Most electrical energy is produced in large power stations Ьу the conversion of rnechanical en ergy or heat. ТЬе rnechanical energy of falJing water is used to drive turbine generators in hydroelectric stations, and the heat derived Ьу buming coal, oil, or other fossil fuels is used 10 operate stearn turbines or intemalcornbustion engines that drive electric generators. Also, the heat frorn the tissioning of uraniurn or plutoniurn is used to generate stearn for the turbine generator in а nuclear power plant. Electricity generated Ьу the conversion of Iight or chernical energy is used rnainly for portabIe power sources. For exarnple, а photoelectric сеll converts the energy frorn Iight to electrical energy for operating the exposure rneter in а carnera, and а leadacid battery converts chernical energy to electrical energy for starting an autornobile engine. Electric power produced in large power stations generally is trans rnitted Ьу using an altemating сuпеnt that reverses direction 25, 50, or 60 tirnes per second. ТЬе basic unit for rneasuring electric power is the watt  the rate at which work is being done in an electric circuit in which the сuпеnt is one arnpere and the electrornotive force is оnе volt.  130  
Ratings for power plants are expressed in kilowatts (1,000 watts) or megawatts (1 mШiоn watts). Electric energy consumption nоnnаНу is given in ki1owatthours  that is, the number of kilowatts used times the number of hours of use. Electricity is clean, inexpensive, and easily transmitted over long distances. Slnce the 1880's, electricity has had an everincreasing role in improving the standard of Iiving. It now is used to operate lights, pumps, elevators, power tools, furnaces, refrigerators, airconditioners, radios, television sets, industria1 machinery, and тanу other kinds of equipment. It has Ьееn counted that in developed coun tries about 43% of the electric power is generally used for industrial purposes, 32% in homes, and 21 % in commercial enterprises. 27. Read the text and nnd 'п it the answer to the question that follows it. Electric Power Interruptions Оп November 9, 1965, at 5:16 р.т., а backup relay failed at оnе of the five main transmission Iines at No. 2 station near Toronto, Canada. As the load had shifted to the other four lines, they Ьесarnе overloaded, and as а result the relays failed in аН four lines. ТЬе failure resulted in the load being shifted to the other plants in the system. ТЬе plants got overloaded, which caused them to shut down. Within minutes, power plants in Canada, New У ork, and the New England states got out of service. ТЬе blackout affected 30 mШiоn people and covered an area of 306,000 sq т. In some areas, such as New York City, power was not restored for about 1 3 hours. This massive power blackout resulted in the construction of the na tional Electric Reliability Counci1 in June 1958. This council sets stan dards for the design, operation, and maintenance of generating and transmission systems. These standards serve to prevent а failure in оnе power system from spreading to other systems. У et local system fail ures cannot Ье avoided. Nowadays in some European countries and in the US there are from 60 to 80 power intеП1lрtiоns per year, in which there is а loss of service for customers for more than 15 minutes. Mostly these inteП1lрtiоns are caused Ьу weather conditions  ice, freezing snow, Iightning or stonns. There сап Ье also failures of equipment  transfonners, relays, insulators and so оп. However, the reliability of electric service is extremely high. Have you Ьеео а witoess to ао electric service failure? Describe it, please.  131  
28. Read and transiate the text. What do уоо think '! meant Ьу "Member countries"? Give the new units for the following: rбпtgеп, rad, rem, curie. Quantities and Units For таnу years, special measurement units for quantities of interest in radiation protection were used, which were not coherent with the In temational System ofUnits (SI). Тhese old units (roпtgeп, rad, reт and curie) Ьауе Ьееn superseded in the last few years Ьу а new set of units which are coherent with the SI system. These new units, the gray for absorbed dose, the sievert for dose equivalent, and the becquerel for activity of radioactive materials, Ьауе Ьееn progressively adopted in Member countries, although some resid ual cases of use of the old units are still being observed. ТЬе relation ships between the new SI units and those previously used are shown in the following table: Qиaпtity S/ New Name ам Old Vпit aпd Coпversioп Factors Vпit Symbol Symbol Exposure kg'\  rOntgen (R) 1 С kg. 1 = 3876 R 1 R = 2.5 х 10"" С kg. 1 Absorbed dose ] kg. 1 gray (Оу) rad (rad) 1 Gy=l00rad 1 rad = 10.2 Оу Dose equivalent ] kg. 1 sievert (Sv) rem (rem) 1 Sv = 100 rem 1 rem = 10.2 Sv Activity S'I becquerel (Bq) curie (Ci) 1 Bq = 2.7 х 10.11 Ci 1 Сi=З.7х IO IO Bq 29. Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it. Electric Power Plants ТЬе two main types of power plants traditionally Ьауе Ьееn the fos sil-fuel steam-electric plant and the hydroelectric plant. Other types, in cluding intemal--combustionengine plants and nuclear plants also Ьауе Ьееn built. Тhe selection of а particular type of generating plant and its location involves consideration of а number of factors such as plant, fuel, and transmission Нnе costs; availability of cooling water; and en vironmental considerations.  132  
Fig.24. Crosssectioп through the maiп structures aпd uпits о[ hydroe/ectric power p/aпt For several reasons, the relative irnportance of the various types of power plants has Ьееn shifting. Good sites for new hydroelectric plants have Ьесоrnе scarce in rnanу countries. Distribution networks have Ьееn extended so that less expensive power frorn large stearn-electric stations has Ьееn replacing power frorn srnaller dieselgenerator units. Nuclear electric power plants have Ьееn built instead of fоssiИuеl stearn-electric plants because the cost of соаl and оН has Ьееn increasing. In the United States in 1970, fossilfuel stearnelectric plants ac counted for 76% of the power generated, hydroelectric plants for 16%, and nuclear plants for 2%. In 2000 45% of the electric power in the United States is generated frorn fossilfuel stearnelectric plants, 45% frorn nuclear plants, and 10% frorn hydroelectric plants. 1. What kinds of power plants are in use nowadays? 2. What does the selection of а type of generating plant depend оп? 3. For what reason are nuclear-electric power plants being built instead of fоssiИuеl steam-electric plants? 30. Study Fig. 2S and read the text. Describe а nuclear power plant. Nuclear Power Plants ТЬе energy for operating а nuclear power plant cornes frorn the heat released during the fissioning of uraniurn or plutoniurn atorns in а nu  133  
clear reactor. This fission heat is used to generate steam, which drives а turbine generator. Thus, there are two main differences between а nu- clear power plant and а steam-electric power plant: Ше nuclear plant uses а nuclear fuel instead of а fossil fuel, and it uses а nuclear reactor instead of а boiler. R Workin яеат    Eltctric powtr .' Eltctric pawtr $иpplg ltnt$ Circиlatiпg wattr Fig.25. Siтplifled productioп process diagraт ofпиclear power plaпt: R  пиc/ear reaclor; SG  sleam geпeralor; Т  $team tиrbiпe; G  e/ectric power geпerator; С  steam coпdensor; S  switchboard ТЬе fissioning of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 atoms  the pri- mary nuclear fuels  is caused Ьу the impacts of neutrons оп these at- oms. ТЬе fission process not only produces heat but also several addi- tional neutrons that сan cause fissioning of other uranium-235 or pluto- nium-239 atoms. Thus, Ьу proper arrangement of the atoms of the fuel, а sustained chain reaction сan Ье maintained to provide а steady source of heat for operating а power plant. This chain reaction is controlled Ьу regulating the nuinber and the energy of the neutrons as they proceed from оnе fission reaction to another. There are various types of nuclear reactors. ТЬе major differences between them are the form of the fuel, the methods for controlling the number and energy of the neutrons, and the type of liquid or gas used to remove the heat from the reactor core. 31. Read the texts and nnd in them the answers to the questions that 101- low. а) Windscale Accident Throughout the years, accidents causing а release of radioactive material to the environment have occurred. Since World War 11 аН over -13ч- 
the world large scale nuclear facilities have Ьееn built and operated both for civil and defense purposes. Sorne of the sites оп which these facilities were located are heavily contarninated with radioactive sulr stances. Оnе of the fU'st nuclear reactor accidents of environrnental соnсеm was the Windscale accident in October 1957. During the accident the rnilitary aircooled graphiternoderated naturaluraniurn reactor used for plutoniurn production caught fire during the liberation of energy in the graphite. Ernission frorn the Windscale lasted for 18 hours. Radioactive rnaterial was detectable in rnany parts of Westem Europe but the rna jority of it was deposited in the United Kingdorn. 1. How long did the emission from the Windscale reactor last? 2. What did the emission result in? Ь) Chernobyl Accident ТЬе accident, which was of global соnсеm was the accident in Ukraine in the СЬеmоЬуl power plant located in Polesye оп the River Pripyat. Оп 26 April, 1986, Unit 4 of the СЬеmоЬуl nuclear plant suffered а rnajor accident. Тhe Chemobyl4 reactor was а graphirnoderated, light waterled systern. Тhe installed electrical generating capacity was 1 GW. Тhe accident followed sorne engineering tests ofa generator. During the tests, basic operating safety rules were being violated. Most control rods were withdrawn frorn the core and the safety systerns were switched off. Two explosions and а fire that followed thern darn aged the reactor and the containrnent building. Тhe graphite started to bum. Explosive energy was released, which resulted in the 1000 ton cover plate ofthe reactor being lifted up. А prolonged release of large quantities of radioactive products transported Ьу the cloud frorn СЬеmоЬуl was detected not only in northem and southem Europe but also in Canada, Japan, and the US. ТЬе rnajor part of the release took place over the period о( about ten days. There were two peaks in release rate (26th Армl and 5th Мау). Later оп, the release continued for rnany weeks at а lower rate before the destroyed reactor was finally sealed, which took place sorne five rnonths later. Initially the cloud of radioactive rnaterial was сапiеd over the ВаШс Sea into Scandinavia. After а few days the wind direction rotated clockwise and the cloud travelled eastwards across the USSR and southwards to Turkey. 135 
__..- 30 AprIIt_ lf;. e... lI8IUrd8r ,_t_ Mond8r 28 AprIIt_ Frtd8r2_t_ ... Мond8rSМ8rt_ '4Х ., Fig.26. Areas covered Ьу the тain body ofthe c/oud оп varioиs days during the release. 136- 
ТЬе total mass of the radioactive particles released in the accident was about 60008.000 Kg. More than half of it was deposited near the plant but the rest travelled thousands ofkilometres (see Fig. 26). There is по doubt that the nuclear plant accidents offer а number of lessons to Ье learnt. At present, over 200 nuclear power reactors for commercial elec- tricity production operate in Europe. Тhe accident at the Chemobyl nuclear plant has shown that large- scale accidents in nuclear power plants сan lead to contamination of the entire continent. 1. What was the cause оНЬе chernobyl accident? 2. What was the path of the radioactive material released in the accident? 3. What сап accidents at the nuclear plants lead to? 4. Make а talk оп the chernobyl accidents (use Fig. 26). 
Assignments ,п Шritiпg Письменные 3IIдl1ния Put down the title corresponding thematically to еасЬ оС the given d scriptions. J) Titles: Two-phase System; Single-phase System, Тhree-рЬазе Sys- tem; Poly-phase System. 1. Ав а.С. distributing system employing а single рЬазе at а.с: supplied Ьу the generator; 2. Ап а.С. distributing system utilizing а number of altemating currents differing in рhaзе; 3. Ап а.С. system employing three alternating cur- rents of equal strength, differing in рЬазе Ьу one-third of а cycle; 4. Ав а.С. system employing two altemating cur- rents of equal strength, differing in рЬазе Ьу а quarter cycle, or such that опе current Ьаз maximum strength when the other is passing through zero. 2) Tit/es: Electric current; Direct current; Altemating current; Соп- tinuous current. 1. А current which always flows in опе and the same direction; 2. А flow of passage of electricity along an elec- tric circuit, usually measured in amperes; 3. А current which periodically altemates or re- verses in direction; 4. А current uniform both in strength and in di- rection. А steady direct current. З) Titles: circuit Breaker; controller; control Power Switch; Line Switch. 1. А disconnecting or isolating switch in an а.С. or d.c. circuit; - 138 - 
4) Tit/es: Voltage Balance Relay; Emergency Direct Current Relay; Сш- rent Balance Relay; Impedance Relay. 1. А relay which functions when the circuit im- pedance increases or decreases to pre- determined value; 2. А relay which operates оп а difference in сш- rent output or output oftwo circuits; З. А device used to interrupt а direct-current power circuit under emergency conditions; 4. А relay which operates оп а difference of volt- age between мо circuits. 5) Tit/es: Electric Motor; Synchronous Motor; Asynchronous Motor; In- duction Motor. 1. An а.С. motor in which the rotation takes рlасе in synchronism with the rotating element of the generator supplying the operating current; 2. А machine for transforming electric power into utilizable mechapical power; З. An а.С. motor in which the rotation is not syn- chronous with the rotating element of the gen- erator supplying Ше driving сuпепt; 4. An asynchronous а.С. motor in which the cur- rent t10wing in thewinding of Ше secondary wii1ding is induced electromagnetically Ьу the current t10wing in the primary one. 6) Tit/es: Control Power Т; Airblast Т; Oil-cooled Т. 1. А Twhich is cooled, when operating, Ьу а t10w of оil through its framework; 2. А switch used for connecting or disconnecting the source or control power to and иот the control bus or equipment; З. А device for controlling an electric machine or а circuit (а controlling device); 4. А device for opening or closing а circuit, either Ьу hand or automatically, in the case of an overload. - 139  
2. А Т which is cooled, when operating, Ьу а bIast о! air delivered through its ftamework; З. А Т which serves as the source for а.С. control power for operating а.С. devices. 7) Titles: Feeder; Commutator; Converter. 1. А тасЬinе which operates Ьу means of а ro- tating commutator to convert а.С. into d.c. for distribution; 2. In an electric distributing system, а supply соn- ductor carrying сuпent пот а power-house to main conductors, and not itself connected to motors, lamps, or translating devices; З. А device for changing the direction of а cur- rent. 8) Titles: Series Generator; Shunt Generator; Turbo-altemator; Сот- pound Motor. 1. А тасЬinе which generates an electric сuпent (usually а dynamo electric generator, both а shunt winding and а series winding are оп its field magnets); 2. А machine consisting о! an а.С. generator mounted ороn the shaft of а steam turbine; З. А generator whose field-magnet winding is connected in series with or in succession to its armature; 4. А generator whose field-magnet winding is connected in shunt to, or in parallel with its ar- mature. 9) Titles: Conduction; Conductor; Conductivity; Sound; Circuit; Copper; Silver; Engine. 1. А device for converting оnе Соrm of energy into another especially for converting other forms of energy into mechanical (i.e. kinetic) energy . 2. Тhe transmission of heat пот places о! higher to places oflower temperature in а substance.  lЧС - 
З. ТЬе reciprocal of the resistivity or specific re- sistance о! а conductor. 4. А body сараЫе of carrying an electric сuпеnt. 5. А red metal. It is unaffected Ьу water or steam. 6. Тhe complete part with an electric сuпеnt across it. 7. White, rather soft metal. ТЬе best-known соn- ductor о! electricity. 8. А physiological sensation received Ьу the ear. It is caused Ьу а vibrating source and transmit- ted as а wave motion through air. 10) Tit/es: Electric Field; Direct Сuпеnt; Altemating Сuпеnt; Electro- magnetic Radiation; Continuous Waye; Electromagnetic Spectrum. 1. Radiation consisting of waves of energy asso- ciated with electric and magnetic fields. Тhis radiation is emitted Ьу matter in units called photons. 2. Тhe range о! frequencies over which еlесtю- magnetic radiations are propagated. Тhe lowest frequencies are radio waves, increases of fre- quency produce infrared radiation, light, ultra- violet radiation, X-rays, gamma-rays and fi- nаllу the radiation associated with cosmic rays. З. Radio or radar transmissions which are gener- ated continuo\Jsly and not in short pulses. 4. Аn electric сuпеnt flowing always in the same direction. 5. А flow of electricity which, after ..eaching а max.imum in оnе direction, decreases, finally reaching а maximum in the opposite direction, the cycle being repeated continuously. Тhe number of such cycles per second is the fre- quency. 6. ТЬе region near an electric charge, in which а force is acting оп а charged particle.  lЧl . 
J J) Titles: Energy; Electrical Energy; Chemical Energy; Radiant Energy; Kinetic Energy; Potential Energy. 1. The capacity for doing work. 2. That part ofthe energy stored within an atom or molecule which сan ье released Ьу а chemical reaction. 3. The energy which а body possesses Ьу virtue of its position. It is measured Ьу the amount of work the body performs in passing from that position to а standard position in which the еп- ergy is considered to ье zero. 4. The energy which а body possesses Ьу yirtue of its motion. S. The energy that is transmitted in the Сопn of radiation. 6. The energy associated with electric charges and their movements. It is measured in watt sec- onds Goules) or kilowatt-hours. 12) Titles: Accumulator; Cell; Primary Cell; Solar Cell. 1. Device for producing an electric сuпепt Ьу chemical reaction. 2. А storage battery. А device for 'storing' elec- tricity. Ап electric current is passed between two plates in а liquid; this causes chemical changes in the plates and the liquid. When the changes are complete, the device is charged. 3. Semiconductor devices which are made from thin slices о! silicon. Almost all Russian and American sаteШtеs have used such cells to supply on-board electrical power. Although the efficiency о! these cells is по more than 10%, they provide а reliable electric power source that lasts for years оп а sаtеШtе. 4. А device for producing ап electromotive force and delivering an electric сuпепt as the result о! а chemical reaction. - lЧс? - 
/3) Titles: Nuclear Fuel; Nuclear Power; Nuclear Reaction. 1. А substance which undergoes nuclear fission or nuclear fusion in а nuclear reactor, а nuclear weapon, or а star. 2. Аnу reaction which involves а change in the nucleus of an atom, as distinct поm а chemical reaction which only involves the orbital еlес- trons. 8осЬ reactions occur naturally  оп the Earth, in radioactive elements, and in the stars, as thermonuclear reactions. ТЬеу are also рю- duced in nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons. 3. Electric or motive power produced from а unit in which the primary energy source is а nuclear reactor. 14) Titles: Pressured-Water Reactor (PWR); Boiling-Water Reactor (BWR). 1. This is а pressure-vessel reactor fuelled with enriched uranium. Тhe reactor is а thermal оnе, moderated and cooled with ordinary (light) water. Тhe heat in the reactor is extracted Ьу the boiling water as it passes through the core, and the steam is passed directly to the turbine ofthe energy conversion сусlе. 2. Тhe primary reactor vessel of this reactor is ор- erated at considerable overpressure, which sup- presses boiling ofthe cooling water. /5) Titles: Nuclear Fusion; Nuclear Fission; Nuclear Charge; Nuclear Еn- ergy. 1. Energy released during а nuclear reaction as the result of the conversion of mass into energy. Energy of this kind is released in nuclear reac- tors and nuclear weapons. 2. А reaction between light atomic nuclei as а re- sult of which а heavier nucleus is formed and а large quantity of nuclear energy is released. - lЧ3  
16) Tit/es: Analog Computer; Computer; Digital Computer; Central Processing Unit. 1. Тhe central electronic unit in а computer which processes input infonnation, and infonnation from the store, and produces the output infor- mation. This unit andthe store fonn the centra] part ofthe computer. 2. А computer in which numerical magnitudes are represented Ьу physical quantities such as electric сuпеnt, voltage, or resistance. З. Аn electronic device which accents data, ар- plies а series of 10gical processes to it, and sup- plies the results of these processes as infor- mation. Тhe device is used to perfonn mathe- matical calculations at а very high speed. This makes them useful for various purposes, such as office calculations, control of industrial processes, and the control о! t1ight paths. 4. А computer which operates оп data in the fonn of digits rather than the physica] quantities. Тhe temperatures necessary for fusion reactions are extremely high. Reactions of this kind are believed to Ье the source of the energy of the stars (including the Sun). З. А nuclear reaction in which а ЬеауУ atomic nо- cleus (e.g. uranium) splits into two approxim- ately equal parts, at the same time emitting neutrons and releasing very large amounts о! nuclear energy. 4. Thе positive electric charge оп the nucleus о! an atom. NumericaHy it is equaJ to the atomic number of the element, to the number of pro-- tons in the nucleus, and to the number of elec- trons surrounding the nucleus in the neutral atom. - lЧЧ - 
прuложенuе lrregu'ar Uerbs Непрввильные алваолы Внимание! Форма /пfiпitive отвечает на вопрос: Что делать? Форма Рш! Teпse отвечает на вопрос: Что сделал? Причастие 11 (ДЛЯ переходных rлаroлов)  на вопрос Какой? Причастие 1 отвечает на вопросы: Какой? Как? /пfiпitive Перевод Рш! Teпse Particip/e II Particio/e 1 to Ье [Ы:) БЬП'ь was/were [w:Jz, been [bi:nl being wa:) to beat (bi:t) бить beat {bi:t} beaten (Ъi:tп) beatina to Ьесоте становиться Ьесате Ьесоте [bI'kлml becoming [ыkлm)) (bI'kelm) to bel!:in [bl'oln) начинать( ся) Ьее:an (bl'oaen) bellUn (bt'олп) beainnina to break [brelk} ломать broke [brouk] broken [Ъrоukапl breakina to Ьппе: (ЬrIПI приносить brou2ht (br:>:t) brou2ht [br:>:t) brinaina to build [bJId} Icroоить built [bllt) built [bJIt} buildina to Ьиу [bal] покупать bought [b:>:t] bou2ht (b:>:t] buvina to catch (kзаtr) ловить cau2ht (k:>:t) cau2ht (k:>:t) catching to choose [tIu:z] выбирать chose [tIouz] chosen ['tlouznl choosina to соте [kлm) npиходить сате [kelm] соте (kлm) comina to cost (k:>st) стоить cost (k:>st) cost {k:>st} costin2 to cut [kлt} резать cut [kл t) cut Ikлt] cutting to do [du:1 делать did (dld) done [dлп) doina to draw [dr:>:) рисовать drew (dru:) drawn (dr:>:n) drawing to drink (drlПk) пить drank [drзапk) drunk [drлn!<) drinkina to drive (dralV) ехать drove [drouv) driven {'drlVn} drivina to eat (i:t) есть ate [elt). [et) езteп ('i:tn) eating to faH (! :>:1) падать. feIl (fel) faHen ('Ып) fallina to feel [Н:I) чувствовать felt (felt) felt [felt} feeHna to fi2ht [falt) бороться fought (f:>:t) fOUJl;ht (f:>:t) fighting to find Ifашd) находить found (faund) found Ifaundl findina to t1y [Паl} летать t1ew [пu:1 t10wn {Поuп} t1vina to for2et (fa'oet) забывать forgot (fa'a:>t) foraotten [fa'a:>tn] foraetting to get [aet) получать ао! (o:>t) 20t (o:>t] aettina to aive (QIV) давать аауе (oelV] , given ('OIVnl giving to 20 [оои) идти went (went) aone(Q;)nl aoina to 2I"ow (orои) , расти grew [gru:} I grown (orоип) growing to Ьауе (hзаv) иметь Ьшl [hзаd) had (hзаd) havina to hear (hla] слышать heard (ha:d) heard Iha:d) Ьeзriпа to hide [hald} прятать hid [hld} . hidden ['hldnl hidina  lЧS  
to ho1d [houldI деDжать he1d rheld) he1d [held) ho1din2 to hurt (ha:t) ПОВDедить Ьшt ha:t) hurt (ha:t/ hurtin2 to know (поu) знать knew lniu:/ known поuп) knowing to lead (li:dТ вести led lIed) 1ed Oed) 1cadin2 to leave (li:v] оставлять 1eft (Ieftl left (Ieft) 1eavin2 to 'е! (1et) позволять let (Iet] 1et [1et] 1ettin2 to Не (1al] лежать lav Hel) 1ain lIeln] 1yin2 to lose (Iu:z) теDЯТЬ lost (J;>stl 10st (J;>st) losin2 to make (melk) делать тшlе (meld/ made lmeld) makin2 to теan (mi:n) значить meant (mentl meant ment] тeanin& to meet (mi:t) вcmечать met Imet) те! [met/ meetin2 to Dut (Dut) класть Dut ( ut] Dut IDut] puttin2 to read (ri:d] читать read red] read (red) readin2 to ride (rald) ехать rode roudl ridden ('rldn 1 ridin2 to ring (rJU] звонить, rang r<e!)] rung (r Л!)] ringing звенеть to rise [ralz] подниматься rose Irouzl risen I'тn] risin2 to run [rлп\ бежать ran (r<en) run Irлпl running to say (sel] roворить, said [sed] sed[sed] saying сказать to see (si:l видеть saw s;>:) seen (si:nl seein2 to sell (seI) ПDодавать sold [sould\ sold (sould] se\lin2 to send [send] посылать sent (sent) sent (sent) sendin2 to shake ( elk) lrnясти shook {ruk\ shaken I'relkanl shakin2 to shine ( аlП] светить shone (f;>n] shone Н;>п) shinin2 to shoot ( u:t] I cmепять shot [f;>t) shot I Ы} shootin2 to show ( ои) показывать showed (foudl shown Ноип) showin2 to shut Нлt] закрывать shut (rлt) shut (fлt J shuttin2 to sitTslt) сидеть sat (s<et \ sat Is<et\ sittin2 to SDeak (sDi:kl roВОDИТЬ sooke [sDOuk\ spoken ('spoukan) I speaking to sDend (sDend] IТDатить sDent Isoent) soent IsoentJ I soendin2 to stand (st<end) стоять stood (stud] stood stud) stanщпа to steal (sti:l) I украсть stole (stouI) sto)en 'stoulan] stealin2 to take (teIIJ взять, брать took (tukl tзkеп 'telkan 1 takin2 to teach (ti:tr) I vчить tau2ht It;>;t) tau2ht (t;):tl teaching to tell (teJ) сказать, told (tould) told [tould) te\ling I Dассказать 10 think (8Jnk) лvмать thou2ht (1b:t1 thou2ht Ib:t) thinkin2 10 throw (8rou) БDосать . threw (eru:\ thrown leroun] throwin2 to wake (welk] просыпаться, woke (wouk) woken ('woukan) waking будить to win IwlП) победить won [wлп) won Iwлn/ winnin2 to write Iralt) писать wrote {routl written ('rrtn) writin2 
Contents Предисловие 1. Essential Course (Основной курс) Unit 1 ...................................... 3 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 .................................................................. ........................................................................ Addition and Subtraction .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . Unit 2 Multiplication and Division ...... ...... ............... .......... Unit 3 Соmmоп and Decimal Fractions ................................ Unit 4 Ohm' s Law ......................................................... Unit 5 9 Electric Circuit . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 О Unit 6 ............ .................. ...... ............ ...... ...... ...... ...... 11 Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit .............................. 12 Unit 7 .................................................................. ...... 14 Meters ............................................................. 14 Unit 8 ........................................................................ 16 Resistors ........................................... ........... ...... 17 Unit 9 ............................................................ ............ 19 Electric Cells .................................................. ..... 20 U nit 1 О .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. 23 Capacitors ... ... ... ... ... ...... ......... ......... .............. ..... 24 Unit 11 .......................;.................. ............ ......... ....... 27 Conductors and Insulators ........................ ... ... ........ 28 Unit 12 ................................................................. ..... 30 Transfonners .................................... ................... 31 Unit 13 ........................... ...... ......... ,.............. ...... ....... 34 Тypes of Current ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 35 Unit 14 ............................................................... ....... 36 Inductance and Mutua1 Iпductaпсе .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..... .. .. .. .. 37  lЧl  
Unit 1 S ...... ... '" .. . .. . . . . ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... . .. .. . ." ...... . 39 Coupling ............................................................ 40 Unit 16 ...................................................................... 41 Filters ............................................................... 42 Unit 17 ... ... ... '" ... .. . ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 44 Electron Tubes ... ... ... ... ...... '" ... ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... .... 45 Unit 18 ...................................................................... 47 Use of Еlеспоп Tubes ...... ...... ......... ... ... ... ...... ...... 48 Unit 19 ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... . ..... . .. . .... . ... .... 50' Full-wave Rectifier ... ... ... ." '" ...... .. . '" ... .. . ... ... '" .... 50 U nit 20 . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. 52 Push-pull Amplifier ... ... ... ... ...... ... .. . .. . ... . .... . .., . .. ... 53 Unit 21 ............ ........................... ......... ......... ... ...... .... 54 Amplifier Stages in Series ...... ...... ... ..... .......... ... ..... 55 Unit 22 ... ......... ......... .................. ......... .................. .... 56 Electromagnetic Relay .......................................... 57 Unit 23 ... '" . .. . .. ... . .. ... ... . .... . ... ... . .. ... ... ... '" .. . . .. ... ... '" .... 59 Fuses .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . 60 Unit 24 ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '" .... 61 Components ofElectric Circuits ............................... 62 Unit 25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '" .... 63 Electric Lines and Their Efficiency . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 64 Unit 26 ... ... ...... ... . .. ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 66 Transmission Lines ............................................... 67 Unit 27 ... ... ... '" .., ... ... ... ...... ......... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... .. . .... 68 Safety Earthing System. Electric Shock ....................... 70 Unit 28 ... ... .. . ... ... . ..... '" ." ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 72 Electric Motors .... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . 73 Unit 29 ............ .................. ............ ...... .................. .... 75 Faults ofMotors and Ways ofТheir Repair ................... 76 Unit 30 ........................... ............ ...... ............ ...... ....... 80 Electric Power Consumers and Power Systems ............... 81  lЧ8  
Unit 31 ...... ... ... ............ ...... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 82 Substations ...................................................:..... 83 Unit 32 ................................. .................. ................... 84 Hydroelectric Power Plants ...................................... 85 Unit 33 ...................................................................... 86 Atomic Power Plant ............................................... 87 Unit 34 .......................................... ...... ...................... 88 Protection Against Environmental Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89 1. Grammar Revision (Повторение rpамматики) ............ ......... .... 91 Word Formation (Словообразование) ... .......... ......... ..... .... 91 sumxes ofNouns (СУФФИkСЫ существительных) ............ 91 sumxes о! Verbs (СУффИkСЫ rлaroлов) ......................... 91 Sumxes о! Adverbs (СУффИkСЫ наречий) ... ......... ......... 92 Sumxes о! Adjectives (СУффИКСЫ npилaraтельных) ......... 92 Prenxes (ПристаВКИ) ... ... ................................. ........ 94 Conversion (Конверсия) .................................... ........ 95 Numerals (Числительные) ............................................. 97 Pronoun Опе (Местоимение опе) .............................. ..... 98 ТЬе Verb (rлаrол) ...................................................... 99 ТЬе English Tenses (Времена rлaroла) ......................... 99 Active Voice (Действительный (активный) залоr) ............ 99 Passive V oice (Страдательный (пассивный) З8Лоr) .......... 1 О 1 Рекомендации по переводу .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 102 Полнозначные и служебиые слова 105 107 ТЬе Verbals (Неличные формы rлaroла)  lЧ9  
ТЬе Innnitive (Инфинитив (неопределенная форма rлаroла» 107 ТЬе Participle (Причастие) ........................................ 108 ТЬе Gerund (rерундий) ........................................... 109 ТЬе Subjunctive Mood (Сослaraтельное намонение) ............ 110 ТЬе Emphatic Construction (Эмфатическая конструкЦЮl) ...... 111 Punctuation Marks (Знаки препинания) 112 3. Materials for Reading and Discussing (Материалы ДJ]Я чтения и обсуждения) 114 Work with а Dictionary (Работа со словарем) ..................... 114 ТехЬ and Assignments (Тексты и задания) ...... ...... ...... ... ..... 115 Assignments in Writing (Письменные задания) 138 Приложение. Irregular Verbs (Неправильные rлaroлы) 145 
Учебное издание Луrовая Алина Леонидовна АНrлийский язык для студентов энерrетических специальностей Редактор л.и Кравцова Корректор З. Ф. Юрескул Компьютерная верстка А.и. Мамаев Иц. N2 АА 76. Подп. в печать 10.11.08. Формат 60х88 1 /н,. Бум. офсетная. fарнитура «Ньютон». Печать офсетная. Объем 9,31 усл. llеч. Л., 9,81 УСЛ. Kp.oТТ. Тираж 3 000 ЭКЗ. Заказ 1256. ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школю>, 127994, Москва, Неrлинная ул., Д. 29/14, стр. 1. Тел.: (495) 69404-56. http://www.vshkola.ru. Email: infovshkola@mail.ru Отдел реализации: (495) 6940769, 694-3147; факс: (495) 69434-86. Email: salesvshkola@mail.ru Отпечатано в rп Псковской области «Псковская областная типоrpафия» 180004, r. Псков, ул. Ротная, 34. 
В издательстве «Высшая школю> имеются в продаже следующие учебники и учебные пособия для средних профессиональных учебных заведений 1. Кравцова л.и. Аllrлийский язык для спуз. Учебник. 2e ИЗД., испр.  463 С., пер. 2. Луroвая АЛ. Аllrлийский язык для строителыIхх Сllециа лыIстейй спуз. Учеб. пособие.  166 С., обл. 3. Луrовая АЛ. Совремеllllые средства связи. Учебllое IIOCO бие 110 аllrлийскому языку.  2e ИЗД., испр.  213 С., обл. 4. Мамичева В.Т. ФраllЦУЗСКИЙ язык. Пособие 110 lIереводу технических текстов с фраllцузскоrо языка lIа русский: Учеб. пособие.  4e ИЗД., испр. и доп.  181 С., обл. 5. Пенина ил., Емельянова и.С. АнrлИЙСКIIЙ язык ДЛЯ MOp ских училищ. Учеб. пособие.  4e ИЗД., испр.  239 С., обл. 6. Шляхова В.А. Аllrлийский язык для студеllТОВ автомоби лестроителыIхx сllециалыIстейй СПУЗ. Учеб. пособие.  2e ИЗД., испр. и доп.  120 с., обл. 
tтj ::::s (JQ  . r./J   .... ... о) = о (1) ...  о 8... ... о) := .  о 11I .  11III = ...  11 О t . i r-  t:J \\Ьr'.. t :: . 2  <   "l'/Jля\'t-\";      f"_ ); ,,/:Ь . ). ,ж . "'-..' " \ . , f/4 Ifl ll ' . /  ............\.;... /" .. ..... 11 L  . " ' .. ....... '-O '" -1 ..'- \ \ ...,,! I '- , . _. ...:... ..:!P . .... ...  \ ..\, ........ ..... .   ..  .:s .............. ti -;..,:"", . .... Учебное пособие ля с е них п о ессиональных учебных заведений 11 .,}. ... ...... .. .1:i JIIIIIIIII