
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ Профессионально-ориентированное обучение Учебное пособие Допущено Учебно-методическим объединением по направлениям педагогического образования Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия по направлению «Педагогическое образование» для студентов высших педагогических учебных заведений Санкт-Петербург 2012
УДК 378 А 64 Рецензент: Г. Р. Доброва, доктор филологических наук, профессор (РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена) А 64 Английский язык для учителей. Профессионально-ориентирован- ное обучение / В. Л. Погосян, Т. Г. Васильева, И. В. Вронская, М. Г. Ма- цибора: учеб, пособие. - СПб.: ООО «Книжный Дом», 2012. - 76 с. ISBN 978-5-94777-270-8 Учебное пособие предназначено для профессионально-ориентированного обучения английскому языку студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Педа- гогическое образование», разработано с учетом Государственного образователь- ного стандарта подготовки бакалавров по дисциплине «Иностранный язык». Пособие состоит из 15 уроков, включающих базовую лексику, оригинальные тексты о проблемах образования и развития детей, а также из системы заданий на развитие умений в письменной и устной речи на английском языке. Может быть полезно, студентам педагогических колледжей, аспирантам, слу- шателям факультетов повышения квалификации и переподготовки, обуча- ющимся по различным направлениям педагогического образования, препода- вателям и специалистам, работающим в различных психолого-педагогических областях, при подготовке выступлений, докладов на семинарах, конференциях, а также при подготовке к вступительным экзаменам по английскому языку в аспирантуру. ISBN 978-5-94777-270-8 © Авторы, 2012 © Оформление ООО «Книжный Дом», 2012
Содержание Методические рекомендации................................4 Урок 1...................................................7 Урок 2...................................................И Урок 3..................................................17 Урок 4................................................ 20 Урок 5................................................ 26 Урок 6..................................................33 Урок 7..................................................38 Урок 8..................................................43 Урок 9..................................................46 Урок 10.................................................50 Урок 11.................................................54 Урок 12.................................................58 Урок 13.................................................62 Урок 14.................................................67 Урок 15.................................................71 Литература...............................................75 3
Методические рекомендации Учебное пособие предназначено для профессионально-ориентиро- ванного обучения английскому языку студентов, обучающихся по направлениям педагогического образования. Пособие включает 15 уроков, объединенных единой тематикой. Тематика всех уроков взаимосвязана и касается педагогических про- блем, что создает возможность на протяжении всего периода обуче- ния обращаться к уже освоенному материалу, активизируя и закре- пляя его. Работа над языковым материалом в уроках проводится в контексте тематики профессионального общения. Кроме того, языковой мате- риал в уроках распределен таким образом, что каждый последующий урок предусматривает обращение к учебному материалу, освоенному ранее, обеспечивая повторение и закрепление языковых навыков в коммуникативной деятельности. Структура урока строится вокруг определенного текста. Отбор текстов осуществлен на основе их профессиональной значимости для будущих педагогов: тексты взяты из англоязычных периодических изданий, публикаций органов управления образованием, научных и учебных публикаций. Их содержание отражает проблемы, обсуж- даемые учителями, родителями, сотрудниками управления образо- ванием. Таким образом, отобранные для изучения тексты знакомят студентов с актуальными проблемами современного образования, с зарубежными подходами к обучению и воспитанию детей, с тем, что волнует и беспокоит педагогов и родителей, с тем, какие предлагают- ся пути решения проблем, с 1 ем опытом, которым делятся учителя со страниц периодических англоязычных изданий. Студенты получают возможность нс только ознакомиться с этими проблемами, но и срав- нить их с положением дел в российском образовании и в педагогике, выявить общность и различия не только в обсуждаемых вопросах, но и в предлагаемых способах их решения, оценить их с позиций отече- ственной педагогической теории и практики, высказать собственное 4
мнение, предложить собственные пути решения проблем. Все это спо- собствует тому, что содержание текстов пособия расширяет профессио- нальный кругозор студентов, развивает критическое мышление. Аутентичность отобранных текстов и тот факт, что они носят не ис- ключительно дескриптивный, а проблемный характер, вызывает у сту- дентов познавательный интерес и создает мотивацию для их обсуждения, что, с одной стороны, создает условия для активной коммуникативной практики в английском языке, способствуя развитию иноязычной ком- муникативной компетенции, с другой стороны, эти обсуждения модели- руют ситуации профессионального межкультурного общения, подготов- ка к которому является основной целью обучения иностранному языку в вузе. Кроме того, тематическая направленность отобранных текстов способствует созданию взаимосвязи дисциплины «Иностранный язык» с дисциплинами общепрофильной подготовки, тем самым играет опре- деленную роль в развитии их профессиональной компетенции, а также развивает ключевую информационную компетенцию. В связи с тем, что структура каждого урока строится вокруг текстов, в ней выделяются предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания, а занятие, соответственно, состоит из предтекстового, текстового и послетектово- го этапов. Предтекстовые задания направлены на подготовку к чтению текста, они содержат лексический материал урока, который планируется для активного или пассивного усвоения на данном занятии и необходим для понимания текста. Введение новой лексики максимально облегче- но для восприятия и понимания: слова даются с транскрипцией и пере- водом па русский язык, кроме того, рекомендуется прочитать их вслух хором вслед за преподавателем. Такой прием позволяет предупредить одну из типичных ошибок, которая заключается в том, что специалисты, владеющие навыками использования профессионального вокабуляра в чтении и письме, овладевают лишь графическим образом слов и не рас- познают их на слух или неверно произносят в устной речи. Предлагаемый в пособии способ введения новой лексики имеет еще одну особенность: отказ от типичного домашнего задания, предваряю- щего чтение нового текста, - найти в словаре новые слова, записать и выучить их значение. Мы полагаем, что подобные задания развивают умение работать со словарем, однако мало способствуют его активиза- ции и усвоению, в то же время они предполагают, что неподготовив- шийся студент (то есть не ознакомившийся с новой лексикой) не смо- жет активно принимать участие в аудиторной работе. 5
Работа с текстом направлена на развитие умений в различных видах чтения - ознакомительного, поискового, выборочного, чтения с пол- ным пониманием содержания прочитанного. Овладев данными видами чтения, студент будет способен ориентироваться в англоязычной про- фессиональной информационной среде, осуществлять поиск, выбирать нужную ему профессионально-значимую информацию на английском языке. Помимо формирования умений в различных видах чтения, после- текстовые задания направлены на развитие следующих умений в чте- нии: определять основную идею текста и замысел автора, отличать факты от мнений, понимать, как взаимосвязаны части текста. Кроме того, послетекстовые упражнения направлены на развитие лексико- грамматических навыков и умений, в частности, на расширение профес- сионального вокабуляра, на развитие умения понимать значения незна- комых слов по контексту и на основе словообразования, на активизацию грамматического материала в речи. Основной целью аудиторной работы является активизация исполь- зования языковых средств, необходимых для осуществления професси- онального общения по теме модуля, в связи с этим большая значимость на послетекстовом этапе придается развитию иноязычных коммуника- тивных умений, поэтому используются задания, направленные на раз- витие умений в устной речи, а письменные задания имеют творческий характер. Настоящее пособие содержит компоненты, необходимые для учебно- методического обеспечения овладения студентами английским языком, а также способствует такой организации учебного процесса, которая гарантирует эффективную аудиторную и самостоятельную работу сту- дента. Пособие реализует личностно ориентированный подход к обу- чению, базирующийся на гуманитарных технологиях, подразумевает самые разнообразные формы управления учебной деятельностью, в то же время развивает самостоятельность студента, его ответственность за учение, создавая тем самым условия для его личностного роста. Посо- бие может быть рекомендовано для использования в подготовке бака- лавров по направлению «Педагогическое образование» по дисциплине «Английский язык». 6
Урок 1 1. Прочитаете слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: attribute [' xtrlbjHt] - характерный признак, атрибут belong to [bi' loN] - принадлежать code [' kqud] - кодекс, законы чести; моральные нормы educator ['edju(:)keltq] - педагог, воспитатель ethics [' eTIks] - этика introduction ['Intrq'dAkSqn] - введение, нововведение leadership [' UdqSIp] - руководство provide [prq'vaid] - обеспечивать regulatory ["regjuleitqrl] - регулирующий skill [' skil] - навык, умение socialize ['squSqlalz] - подготавливать к жизни в коллективе, обществе vocabulary [vq' kxbjulqri] - словарь, запас слов 2. Прочитайте следующие слова и догадайтесь об их значении: profession, professional, program, train, training, regular, regulate, concept, group, focus 3. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания: professional attributes, public school programs, to be soc lalized into profes- sion, to become a professional, to be a babysitter, an early childhood profes- sional, to provide someone with the concepts, to belong to a group of profes- sionals, to have strong leadership, a code of ethics, a regulatory organization, to work in child care programs for young children 4. Прочитайте предложения, обращая внимание на употребление стра- дательного залога: 1. It is very important for every early childhood educator to be soc'alized into profession. 7
2. A code of ethics, regulatory organizations and a proud history are taken up by all early childhood professionals. 3. Different child care programs are offered in the field of early childhood education. 4. Necessary skills, vocabulary and concepts are provided by special educa- tion and training. 5. A training program for future teachers is focused on professional skills and a code of ethics. 5. Прочитайте и переведите текст, определите основную идею текста: Text 1 (by Janet Gonzales-Mena) The early childhood educator belongs to a group of professionals that has strong leadership, a proud history, a code of ethics, regulatory organizations, and other professional attributes. “I'm not a babysitter” is the proud cry of early childhood educators, whether they work in child care programs for young children, public school programs, or other kinds of programs. To become an early childhood professional, you will need education and training to provide you with the necessary skills, vocabulary, and concepts, but to enter the field of early childhood education, you will also need to know something about its history. Because history is an important part of being socialized into profession. (from Foundations. Early Childhood Education in a Diverse Society) The main idea of the text is that a) the early childhood educator belongs to a group of professionals. b) it is very important for the early childhood educator to be socialized into profession. c) it is necessary to know something about a proud history of early childhood education. 6. Закончите следующие высказывания: 1. The early childhood educator belongs... 2. A group of professionals has strong leadership ... 3. To become an early childhood professional.. 4. To enter the field of early childhood education... 5. History is an important part... 8
7. Вставьте в пропуски слова из рамочки, подходящие по смыслу: provide attributes socialized саге education babysitters 1. In early education there are different kinds programs, for example, child... programs for young children, public school programs and others. 2. These are the professional... of early childhood educators: strong leader- ship, a proud history, a code of ethics and some regulatory organizations. 3. Education and training... the teacher with the necessary skill, vocabulary, and concepts. 4. Educators are proud of being not... but professionals in the field of early childhood education. 5. To be... into profession every educator will need to know its history. 8. Прочитайте предложения и догадайтесь по контексту, о чем идет речь: 1. We use this word to name a small boy or a girl. 2. It is the time when you are a child. 3. It is a person who gives lessons, especially in school. 4. It’s a person who is paid to care for a child when the child’s parents are away. 5. It’s a specialist in education; a person who educates. 6. It means to care for a child while his or her parents are away. 7. It’s a special document that provides the teacher with the necessary infor- mation on educational concepts. 8. It means the study of things that happened in the past. 9. It means all the words you know in a language. 10. It is a person who belongs to one of the professions. 9. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What will you need to become an early childhood professional? 2. What kinds of programs do early childhood educators work in? 3. What group does an early childhood educator belong to? 4. Do you agree that an early childhood educator is not a babysitter? Prove it. 5. What does the group of early childhood professionals have? 6. What is a person who is paid to care for a child when the child’s parents are away? 7. What do you need to become a good professional? 8. Is history or psychology an important part of being socialized into pro- fession? 9
9. What is an important part of being socialized into profession? 10. What do you need to know to enter the field of early childhood edu- cation? 10. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. Many theories or philosophies, such as those of Socrates, St. Augustine, Rousseau, and Dewey, have influenced education. Кто оказал влияние на образование? 2. Piaget’s theory is a psychological theory. Чья теория является психологической теорией? 3. Empiricists (such as Locke, Berkeley, and Hume) in essence argued that knowledge has its source outside the individual. Что доказали эмпирики? 4. When a teacher plans to use a game in class she must realize its cognitive value well. Какую ценность игры должен осознавать учитель, когда планирует за- нятие? 5. Adult power must be reduced because the child can construct moral rules and knowledge only when he is free to come to his own decision autono- mously. Власть взрослого должна быть сокращена, не так ли? 11. Ситуация «I am an early childhood educator»: • Вы представляете педагогический университет на ярмарке професси- онального образования. Подготовьте презентацию о профессии препо- давателя и расскажите о том, что необходимо для того, чтобы стать про- фессионалом в этой области, и какими чертами обладают специалисты- педагоги. • Вы - студент педагогического университета и принимаете участие в международной конференции, посвященной вопросам дошкольного и школьного образования и воспитания. Расспросите зарубежного колле- гу о том, что требуется для того, чтобы стать специалистом в области раннего обучения детей. 10
Урок 2 1. Прочитайте слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: array [q' rel] - ряд define [di' fain] - давать определение increase [In' kri:s] - увеличивать, поднимать issue L'ISH] - вопрос, проблема motivate [' mqutlvelt] - побуждать nap [nxp] - короткий сон observe [qb' zWv] - наблюдать, замечать origin ['OrIGIn] - происхождение please [plJz] - доставлять удовольствие pursue [pq'sjH] - заниматься reassure [rjq' Suq] - заверять space [' Spels] - пространство, место term [tWm] - термин vary [' vFqrl] - разнообразить, различаться 2. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания: health-improvement exercises, to remain unchanged, a regular classroom, to reassure parents, to be created for children, to design lessons, to bring children to school, to introduce children to the world, an array of organized activities, to observe nature, to be greeted with a smile, to pursue music lessons 3. Прочитайте предложения вслух, обращая внимание на употребле- ние страдательного залога: 1. Musical skills are developed throughout a school year. 2. This space will be created for the baby. 3. A child is brought to school by a parent or a grandparent. 4. Each class is grouped together by age. 5. The lessons were designed to develop math and communication skills. 6. The lessons are designed to introduce the children to nature and the world. 7. The teacher was greeted with a smile. 8. The array of organized activities was not changed. 9. These health-improvement exercises are being designed by the teacher who organizes all the sport activities in the kindergarten. 10. They will be given advice on their children-raising issue. 11
4. Ознакомьтесь с описаниями типов детских дошкольных учреждешш: creche, day nursery, kindergarten, nursery school, play group creche - this word of French origin, is defined in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (SOED) as follows: “a public nursery for infants, where they are taken care of while their mothers are at work, etc.” In modern English, how- ever, it more often denotes something temporary, arranged to fulfill a specific need. For example, a creche is sometimes organized while a meeting is being held, to enable both parents to attend. day nursery - day nurseries take children from two months to five years, and are run by the local health authority. Day nurseries are normally open for longer then nursery schools, and remain open virtually all the year round. A day nursery meets a social need: it minds children while their parents are at work. kindergarten - this term of German origin is defined by the SOED as fol- lows:" a school for developing the intelligence of young children by ob- ject-lessons, toys, games, singing, etc., according to the method devised by Friedrich Froebel”. It is now used in England only of certain private schools, nursery school being the usual term. It is sometimes used by English people in a wider sense than given in the SOED, to mean any school for young chil- dren. In this case, it often refers to foreign countries, for example, the USA or Australia, where there are establishments called kindergartens. nursery school - this is a school for children under five, mainly, from three to five. The children spend most of their time in some sort of play activ- ity, as far as possible of an educational kind. Most nursery schools are state institutions provided by the local education authority, but there are also some independent nursery schools. Nursery schools operate during normal school hours (approx. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) and observe normal school holidays. A nursery school is an educational establishment and is concerned with the children's development. play group - this is a small group organized on a voluntary basis, usually by the parents themselves, for children under five who cannot get into a nursery school or day nursery. (from An English Teacher’s Handbook of Educational Terms') Какое из приведенных определений детских дошкольных учреждений наилучшим образом соответствует понятию «детский сад» в русском языке? 12
5. Прочитайте текст и выберите суждения, соответствующие его со- держанию: DAILY LIFE IN A REGULAR RUSSIAN KINDERGARTEN (by O. Melnik and O. Sidlovskaya) This kindergarten is known as “The Sun.” Almost 160 children, ages 2 to 7, make up eight classes of children. Each class is grouped together by age. In the kindergarten, there are spaces created just for children: an art room, a gym, a music room, a game room, and a “museum” for professionals’ and children’s paintings. In addition to the regular classrooms, there are bed- rooms, cloakrooms, and bathrooms for each group. The kindergarten opens at 7:00 a.m.; however, the majority of the young children are brought to school by their parents anywhere from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Whenever the child arrives, she or he is always greeted with a smile. From 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m., the children do their morning exercises, then wash their faces and brush their teeth. Next, they cat their breakfast. Around 9:00 in the morning, the game activities begin. These activities vary - young children have one lesson a day, while older children have two to three lessons. The lessons are designed to develop math and communication skills, and to introduce the children to nature and the world. In addition, the children might pursue ecology, music, theater, drawing, modeling, appli- que work, design, sports, and English lessons. During the winter, children as young as 5 skate and ski. In summer, they ride their bicycles. As soon as the lessons, which vary during the week, are over, the children go for a walk. They observe nature, play, and go on excursions to theaters, museums, and expositions. Young children have a lunch break at noon; an hour later, the older children have their lunch. The children take a nap af- ter lunch, which usually lasts 2-1/2 to 3 hours for the young children and 1-1/2 hours for the older children. After the nap, the children do breathing and health-improvement exercis- es, as well as gymnastics. After these health-improvement exercises, children have their midday meal. They drink milk or juice, and eat stewed fruit. Then, the children play. They can choose from an array of organized activities, such as art class, crafts club, and so on. 13
Children also eat dinner in the kindergarten. While parents can take the children home at any time, the majority of the children go home between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The kindergarten is open until 6:30 p.m. The following specialists work in the kindergarten: kindergarten teach- ers, two for each group; kindergarten teachers’ helpers, who are responsible for making all the meals, keeping everything clean, and helping the teachers in the classroom; a psychologist; a teacher who organizes all the sport ac- tivities; teachers who develop aesthetic and musical skills; and the English teacher. Once a week, the psychologist gives advice to the parents on child- raising issues. Each Russian kindergarten has its own unique features and differenc- es, and each day differs from the previous one. But one thing remains un- changed: all the people who work in the kindergarten do their best to help develop healthy, creative, smart, and happy children and to reassure parents that their children are in good hands. (from Childhood Education, International Focus Issue, 2002, Vol. 78, N 6, p. 341) 1) In the kindergarten there are spaces created just for: / a) parents b) children c) teachers 2) The games activities include: a) making meals b) helping the teachers c) drawing pictures 3) Older children have a lunch break at: a) half past twelve b) noon c) one o’clock 4) The children have their midday meal after: a) their nap b) their gymnastics c) their health-improvement and breathing exercises 5) The game activities lessons are designed: a) to help children to become better b) to help parents to bring up their children c) to help children to develop communication skills 14
6) The following specialists work in the kindergarten: a) two psychologists for each group b) two epistemologists for each group c) two kindergarten teachers for each group 7) Each Russian kindergarten has its own: a) building b) playground c) unique features 6. Закончите предложения: 1. Each class is grouped together... 2. There are spaces created just for children... 3. The majority of the young children are brought to school by... 4. They observe nature... 5. The children take a nap after... 6. After these health-improvement exercises.... 7. They can choose from an array ... 8. The majority of the children go home... 9. The psychologist gives advice to ... 10. One thing remains unchanged... 7. Вставьте в пропуски словосочетания из рамочки, подходящие по смыслу: are being designed, are grouped, are made, are developed, are given, were greeted, will be designed, was brought, is being kept, was helped 1 All the classes... by age. 2. The children ... with smiles. 3. These game activities... by our new colleague. 4. Sue... to school yesterday? 5. Willy ... by his older friend. 6. What purposes the lessons... for? 7. All the meals... by kindergarten teachers’ helpers? 8 Musical or aesthetic skills... by kindergarten teachers? 9. Everything always... clean by kindergarten teachers’ helpers. 10. Their parents... good advice once a week. 15
8. Прочитайте предложения и догадайтесь по контексту, о чем идет речь: 1. It is a suggestion about what someone should do. 2. This is a large room that is used for doing exercises or training. 3 It is the pleasant sounds made by voices oi by nstruments. 4. It is a time when you learn things in school. 5. It is something you learn to do. 6. It is an activity in which you follow certain rules in order to get points and defeat another person or team. 7 It is a game or competition where you use your body. 8. It is the world and everything in it which people have not made, for ex- ample weather, plants, etc. 9 It is the Earth on which we live. 10. It is a father or a mother. 9. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How long does a kindergarten day last? 2. Why are the children greeted with a smile at the beginning of each day? 3. What is the main puipose of working in the kindergarten? 4. What way should kindergarten specialists use in their everyday work? 5. What thing remains unchanged in each Russian kindergarten? What for? 6. What activities are used m the kindergarten? 7. What skills are developed by the kmdergaiten teachers? 8. What lessons can be pursued by children? 9 Why do the children do breathing and health-improvement exercises? 10. What meals are given to the children? 11. Who are kindergarten teachers helped by? What are their duties? 12. What time do the children have their midday meal? 13. What time are children taken home? What time can children be taken home? What time should children be taken home? 14. What forms of organized activities can be chosen? 15. Why do children have a nap in kindergartens? How long does the nap last? 10. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. This kindergarten is based on Christian traditions and beliefs. Этот детский сад основан па христианских традициях? 16
2. This child care center is attended by children daily. Кто посещает этот детский центр ежедневно? 3. Making rules contributes to the development of logical thinking. Что вносит вклад в развитие логического мышления? 4. In the teacher’s presence the child remained meek and inactive. В чьем присутствии ребенок остается пассивным? 5. A teacher must be always ready to help children and encourage them to be alert and confident. Что всегда должен быть готов сделать учитель? 11. Составьте развернутый план текста и подготовьте на его основе презентацию для родителей о детском саде. УрокЗ 1. Прочитайте слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык. assault [q'sO:lt] - нападение, атака; нападать barb [bQ:b] - колкость, колкое замечание defense (defence) [dT fFns] - защита, оборона destructive [dis'trAktlv] - разрушительный, губительный, сокруши- тельный divert dal' vWt] (to) - отводить, отвлекать devise [di' valz] - разрабатывать failure [' felljq] - провал, неудача frustration [frAs'treISqn] - досада insulate ['Insjulelt] - изолировать, отгородиться insult [In'suit] - оскорблять; ['Insult] - оскорбление intimidating [In' tlmldeltlN] - устрашающий, пугающий profess [prq' fEs] - открыто признавать, претендовать на shrink [SrINk] - садиться, сокращаться sling [slIN] - швырять tease [tlz] - дразнить, поддразнивать verba [vWbl] - устный 2. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания: to insulate oneself from stress, to determine the degree, to experience success in school, to rate each item, to provide opportunity, to demonstrate knowl- edge, to accommodate a variety of interests, to maintain an appropriate level, to build resistance of failure 17
3. Прочитайте и переведите текст, определите цель автора: CREATE A CARING CLASSROOM (by Jane Bluestein) Part 1 On my very first day as a teacher, one of my new students approached me, looked me squarely in the eye, and announced: “I don’t do reading.” Only a few hours into my career, and here was a child telling me that I need not bother teaching her reading - she’s tried it and had enough. Like this child, all of my students had experienced various degrees of failure and frustration m their school careers, and all devised a variety of techniques to insulate themselves from further stress and discomfort. Some shrank into seats in the back, making themselves as small as possible. Oth- ers appeared unapproachable and intimidating. I had students who already knew everything, and others who professed helplessness in the face of even the most uncomplicated tasks. For each, the goal was the same: safety. So much energy and instructional time are diverted to dealing with these “sur- vival” behaviors in the course of a teaching day. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to establish classrooms that are caring and emotionally safe places, where these self-protective measures are unnecessary? (from The Scholastic Instructor, September2000, p. 35) The purpose of the author is a) to describe his first day as a teacher b) to give recommendations on teaching reading c) to describe failure and frustration experienced by children at school d) to list the techniques devised by children to insulate themselves from stress and discomfort e) to suggest a solution to the problem of children’s failure and frustration 4. Задайте вопросы к выделенным в тексте словам. 5. Закончите следующие высказывания: 1. She doesn’t do reading because she has tried it... 2. All her students devised ... 3. This boy professes helplessness ... 4. For each student the goal was ... 5. A lot of instructional time is diverted to... 6. It is more efficient to establish safe classrooms where... 7. As a teacher you will deal with the “survival”... 18
6. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Who had experienced various degrees of failure and frustration in school careers? 2. What is more efficient: to establish classrooms that are caring and emo- tionally safe places or to use self-protective measures? 3. Why do some students make themselves as small as possible, but others appear unapproachable and intim dating? What is the reason for that? 4. Why do children devise a variety of self-protective techniques? 5. Who professed helplessness in the face of even the most uncomplicated tasks? 6. What techniques can students devise as self-protective measures? 7. What is the goal of the “survival” behaviors? 7. Вставьте в пропуски слова из рамочки, подходящие по смыслу: careers measures caring through care prevent 1. A preschool teacher spends plenty of energy and instructional time to ... “survival” behaviors in the classroom. 2. Children learn.. their own daily experiences. 3. Some teachers profess helplessness in the face of these self-protective ... of their students. 4. To become a good professional in the field of early childhood education means to be able to establish .. and emotionally safe classrooms. 5. She teaches her students not to be afraid of failure and frustration in their school.... 8. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: разнообразие приемов, отгораживаться от стресса, определять степень чего-либо, различные степени неудачи, казаться недоступным, быть бо- лее эффективным, меры самозащиты, отводить учебное время, неслож- ные задания, взглянуть прямо в глаза, в течение учебного дня, знать все, самый первый день 9. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. Two main currents developed over the centuries in answer to these ques- tions: the empiricist and rationalist currents. Какие течения развились на протяжении столетий? v 19
2. For young children there is no distinction between work and play. Какое различие существует для детей между работой и игрой? 3. The game should provide a stimulating context for children’s mental ability. Что должна обеспечивать игра? 4. Russian preschool education is concerned with balancing young children’s physical and intellectual development. Какой проблемой обеспокоено дошкольное образование? 5. Some readers were surprised by the description of a typical day in a Japa- nese 3rd-grade classroom. Описанием чего были удивлены читатели? 10. Составьте резюме прочитанного текста (5-7 предложений). 11. Используя тексты уроков 1-5, составьте развернутый план беседы с родителями о правильном выстраивании отношений между: а) учителем и учениками б) детьми Урок 4 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: nature [' neiCq] - природа, сущность knowledge [' nOUG] - знание to develop [di' velqp]- развивать source ['sLs] - источник sense [' sens] - чувство experience [iks' piqrlqns] - опыт study [' stAdl] - изучение, исследование to find out [faind] - узнавать, выяснять, понимать relationship [ri'leiSqnSIp] - отношение, взаимосвязь same [seim] - тот же самый, одинаковый different [' dlfrqnt] - различный, другой, не такой to exist [ig'.zlst] - существовать environment [In'vaiqrqnmqnt] - окружающая среда interaction [' Intqr' xkSn] - взаимодействие framework [' frelmwWk] - каркас, рамки, структура 20
2. Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и догадайтесь об их значении: theory, physical, objects, materially, mentally, reality, person, construct, situ- ation, result, creation, organize. 3. Назовите суффикс, с помощью которого следующие существитель- ные образованы от глаголов. Поясните значение данных слов, учиты- вая, какими частями речи они являются: to educate - education to express - expression to observe - observation to convince - conviction to distinct - distinction to demonstrate - demonstration to interact - interaction to act - action 4. Прочитайте текст и выберите суждения, соответствующие его со- держанию: PIAGET’S THEORY (by Kamii C., DeVries R) Many theories or philosophies, such as those of Socrates, St. Augustine, Rousseau, and Dewey, have influenced education. Piaget’s theory is a psy- chological theory which helps to understand the nature of intellectual and moral development of children. Piaget is often believed to be a psychologist, but he actually was an epis- temologist. Epistemology is the study of the nature and origins of knowledge expressed in questions such as How do we know what we think we know and How do we know that what we think we know is true? Two main currents de- veloped over the centuries in answer to these questions: the empiricist and rationalist currents. Empiricists (such as Locke, Berkeley, and Hume) in essence argued that knowledge has its source outside the individual and that it is internalized through the senses. They further argued that the individual at birth is like a clean slate on which experiences are “written” as he grows up. Rationalists such as Descartes, Spinoza, and Kant did not deny the impor- tance of sensory experience, but they insisted that the reason is more pow- 21
erful than sensory experience because it enables us to know with certainty many truths which sensory observation can never ascertain. Piaget saw the elements of truth and untruth in both camps. As a scientist trained in biology, he was convinced that the only way to resolve epistemo- logical problems was to study them scientifically and decided that the best way to study the nature of empirical knowledge and reason in man was to study the development of knowledge in children. Piaget makes a fundamental distinction between physical knowledge and logico-mathematical knowledge. Physical knowledge refers to knowledge of objects which are out there and observable in external reality. The source of physical knowledge is mainly in objects. The only way the child can find out the physical property of objects is by acting on them mate- rially and mentally and finding out how objects react to his action. For example, by dropping a ball and a glass on the floor, the child finds out how the objects react differently to the same action. While the source of physical knowledge is partly in objects, the source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in the child. This can be clarified by the example of the simplest relationship between two objects, such as a red bead and a green one of the same size, both made of wood. The two beads can be considered “different”. This relationship “dif- ferent” exists neither in the red bead nor in the green one, nor anywhere else in external reality. This relationship exists in the head of the person who puts the objects into relationship, and if she did not put the objects into this relationship, the difference would not exist for that person. Thus, the source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in each child. The same beads can be also considered “the same”. In this case, the same- ness exists neither in one bead nor in the other, but in the head of the person who puts the objects into this relationship. A third example of a relationship created by the child is “two”. Logico-mathematical knowledge is constructed by coordinating these relationships that have their origins in the mental ac- tions of the child. Piaget’s theory can be called interactionist because, according to him, knowledge comes not directly from the environment as claimed by empiri- cists but, rather, through the interaction between the objects in the environ- ment and the knowledge that the subject brings to the situation. His theory can also be called constructivist. By demonstrating that each child constructs the basic framework of knowledge in interaction with the environment, he proved that reason is not innate* in man but the result of his creation. The better these frameworks are structured, the more accurate 22
and elaborate the information is that a person can get from reality. More accurate, elaborate and well organized information in turn constitutes better structured logico-mathematical frameworks. (*reason - разум, рассудок, соображение; здесь — знание innate - врожденный, природный) (from Group Games in Early Education. Implications of Piaget’s Theory. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington D.C., 1996} 1) Psychology helps to understand a) nature b) biology c) intellect d) philosophy 2) Epistemology is a part of a) philosophy b) psychology c) biology d) knowledge 3) Empiricists claim that a) people learn through experience b) people “write” their experience on slates c) the origin of knowledge is in the brain d) knowledge is internalized by reason 4) Rationalists assume that a) sensory experience is not important b) sensory experience enables us to learn the truth c) sensory experience is less powerful than reason d) empiricists are absolutely wrong 5) Piaget believed that a) empiricists were light b) rationalists were right c) both empiricists and rationalists were right d) both empiricists and rationalists were wrong 6) According to Piaget, a) physical and logico-mathematical knowledge have the same source b) the source of physical knowledge is in the child c) the source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in the objects ) the source of physical knowledge is mainly in objects 23
5. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is this text about? 2. What does Piaget’s theory help us to understand? 3. What is epistemology? 4. What is the difference between empiricists and rationalists? 5. How does the child get physical knowledge? 6. If the child compares two objects and considers their difference and their sameness what kind of knowledge does he construct? 7. What actions are the most important in creating logico-mathematical knowledge? 8. Why is it important for a teacher to select and structure the information that a person can get from reality? 6. Подтвердите правильность предложений или исправьте ошибочные утверждения, используя следующие выражения согласия/несогласия: I agree... -1 disagree... I think it’s true. - I don’t think it’s true. /1 think it’s false. 1. We cannot say exactly what influences education. 2. Psychology is the study of the nature and origins of knowledge. 3. Empiricists Locke, Berkeley, and Hume argued that knowledge has its source outside the individual and that it is internalized through the senses. 4. Rationalists such as Descartes, Spinoza, and Kant denied the importance of sensory experience 5. The only way the child can find out the physical property of objects is by acting on them materially and mentally and finding out how objects react to his action. 6. The source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in every object. 7. Mental actions of the child help him to coordinate relationships between different objects and develop logico-mathematical knowledge. 8. Each child constructs the basic framework of knowledge in interaction with the environment. 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя словосочетания в рамочке: of intellectual and moral development // a psychologist // knowledge of objects// relationship between two objects // well organized infor- mation // a fundamental distinction // the result of his creation // the interaction between the objects 24 J
1. Piaget’s theory is a psychological theory which helps to understand the nature... of children. 2. Piaget is often believed to be..., but he actually was an epistemologist. 3. Piaget makes ... between physical knowledge and logico-mathematical knowledge. 4. Physical knowledge refers to ... which are out there and observable in ex- ternal reality. 5. The examples of the simplest... (a red bead and a green one of the same size, both made of wood) are as follows: 1) the two beads can be considered “different”; 2) The same beads can be considered “the same”. 3) A third ex- ample of a i elationship created by the child is “two”. 6. Knowledge comes through .. in the environment and the knowledge that the subject brings to the situation. 7. The basic framework of knowledge is constructed in interaction with the environment, he proved that reason is not innate in man but.... 8. More accurate, elaborate and ... in turn constitutes better structured log- ico-mathematical frameworks 8. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. All of my students devised a variety of techniques to insulate themselves from further stress and discomfort. Для чего дети разработали эти техники? 2. So much instructional time is diverted to dealing with these “survival” behaviors in the course of a teaching day. На что отводится столько много учебного времени? 3. The theory helps to understand the nature of intellectual and moral devel- opment of children. Что помогает понять его теория? 4. Piaget was an epistemolog st. Пиаже был эпистемологом, не так ли? 5. Epistemology is the study of the nature and origins of knowledge expressed in questions such as How do we know what we think we know and How do we know that what we think we know is true? Эпистемология - это паука о природе знания? 9. Прочитайте пример, объясняющий, как ребенок осмысливает ре- зультаты опыта по определению того, какие объекты тонут, а какие остаются на поверхности воды. К какому выводу приходит ребенок? 25
Какой вид знания, согласно теории Пиаже, формируется у ребенка в ходе данного опыта? Обоснуйте свою точку зрения, используя слова и выражения, изученные в ходе занятия. Изначальное убеждение ребенка: Большие объекты более тяжелые, а маленькие более легкие. Сравниваемые объекты: большой деревянный шар и железный ключ помещаются в воду. - (The teacher:) Tell me about that ball - (The child:) It stays on top. It’s wood. Its light (легкий). - (T) And this key? - (Ch) Goes down. It’s iron. It’s heavy. - (T) Which is heavier, the key or the ball? - (Ch) The ball - (T) Then why does the ball float and the key sink? - (Ch) The key is heavy. It’s heavier. It’s iron, and iron always goes under. Урок 5 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: ability [q'bllltl] - способность, умение to intervene [Intq(:)'vjn] - вмешиваться, вступаться objective [qb' Gektlv] - цель adult [' xdAIt] - взрослый peers [plqz] - сверстники alert [q' IWt] - живой (проворный, активный) curious [' kjuqrlqs] - любопытный, любознательный confident [' kOnfldqnt] - уверенный to figure out [' flgq aut] - понимать (постигать, разгадывать) recreation [rekrF eSqn] - развлечение, отдых budding [' bAdIN] - подающий надежды, многообещающий to foster [' fUstq] - воспитывать, поощрять, благоприятствовать negotiation [пГ gquST eISqn] - переговоры, обсуждение условий to contribute to [kqn' trlbjHt] - содействовать, способствовать to convince [kqn' vlns] - убеждать, уверять voluntarily [' vOlqntqrlll] - добровольно 26
2. а) Прочитайте слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: insight - проницательность, понимание relation - отношение, связь, зависимость amusement - развлечение significance - значение desire - желание decision - решение (принятое человеком) solution - решение (проблемы, вопроса) rule - правило circumstances - обстоятельства respect - уважение б) Составьте словосочетания, установив соответствие между данны- ми словами и выражениями, в которых они могут употребляться: 1. 2. a deep... to lose smb’s... insight relation 3. to make a... amusement 4. an ..park significance 5. to be of great... to desire 6. an intense... decision 7. to formulate a... solution 8. a... between rule 9. to find a... circumstances 10. difficult... respect 3. Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и догадайтесь об их значении: unique, to stimulate, autonomy, critical, initiative, function, special, regula- tion, to characterize, intellectual, emotional, seriously 4. а) Образуйте по цепочке от следующих существительных прилага- тельные при помощи суффикса “-al” и от прилагательных - наречия с помощью суффикса “-1у”, объясните их значение. Объясните, в ка- ких случаях в наречиях пишется одно “1”, а в каких - два. Model:politics - political -politically nature - physics - mathematics - 27
emotion - origin - intellect - б) Образуйте от следующих прилагательных наречия с помощью суф- фикса “-1у”, объясните их значение: fundamental, material, mental, actual, special 5. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы can/could. Прочитайте и переведите предложения: 1. At the previous lesson you... learn some new statements of Piaget’s theory. 2. How ... teachers of young children use ... Piaget’s theory in the class- room? 3. The most significant question is how we ... help children to become alert, curious, initiative, and confident. 4. Every teacher., increase children’s activity at her lessons by using group games. 5 The autonomous individual ... regulate his or her desires, negotiations, and work out decisions... that seem right to everyone. 6. Children... develop autonomy in group games if these... games correspond to the three objectives for early education 7. In the beginning of the previous century objectives for early education ... were different and group games... be hardly used at the lessons. 8. When the child only... obeys the rules made by someone else, he or she ... not become completely autonomous. 9. The game broke down and the teacher asked the group what... be done about the problem, and the children... made a series of suggestions. 10. The teacher didn’t... propose the solution of the problem from the begin- ning, and the children ... have these experiences that contributed to their emotional development. 6. Переведите следующие словосочетания: to develop autonomy through relationships, to have a different significance, a complete freedom to do anything, to participate in the decision-making process, to obey the rules made by someone else, to make a series of sugges- tions, to suggest the solution, to give up the desire voluntarily or under or- der, to be necessary and desirable, to be carefully considered, to be capable of coping with the problem, to propose the solution, to contribute to emotional development 28
7. Прочитайте текст и определите его основную идею: WHY USE GROUP GAMES? (Kamii C., DeVries R) Part 1 How can teachers of young children use Piaget’s theory in the classroom? Group games stimulate children’s development in unique ways if used with the insights gained from Piaget’s theory. Children can learn in group games and the teacher can intervene in ways that maximize children’s learning if these games correspond to the following three objectives for early education: 1. In relation to adults, we would like children to develop their auton- omy through secure relationships in which adult power is reduced as much as possible. 2. In relation to peers, we would like children to develop their ability to dccenter and coordinate different points of view. 3. In relation to learning, we would like children to be alert, curious, critical, and confident in their ability to figure thing out and say what they honestly think. We would also like them to have initiative; come up with in- teresting ideas, problems, and questions; and put thing into relationships. Many parents and school administrators object to group games and other types of classroom play. Some parents say “Why should I send my child to school if all he does there is play?” These parents are often more pleased when their children bring worksheets home as evidence of work and learning. To people who believe that learning is proved by reading tests, play seems to be only for amusement and recreation. Group games have a different signifi- cance for young children then for older children and adults, and that young children often learn more in group games than in lessons and in exercises. Games have a special function for young children for whom group games are a new form of activity never possible before. The budding ability to play group games is a major cognitive and social achievement of 5-year-olds which must be fostered before age 5 and further promoted after this age. The pur- pose of using group games is to foster the development of autonomy, not to teach children how to play these games. Autonomy was originally a political term which meant self-governing. Autonomy is not the same thing as a complete freedom to do anything one 29
pleases. It involves the mutual regulation of desires, or negotiations, to work out decisions that seem right to all concerned. Autonomy is sometimes confused with independence as the ability to hold a job, pay one’s bills, and live in society as a responsible citizen. The au- tonomous individual goes beyond conventions as a set of rules among many other possibilities, and adopts conventional rules only under certain circum- stances when they make sense to him. In homes characterized by high adult power, the child cannot develop autonomy. In homes in which the child can participate in the decision-making process, his autonomy has a chance of de- veloping. Autonomy has not only intellectual, moral aspects but also an emotional aspect. Without a strong self, there can be no autonomous individual. When the child only obeys the rules made by someone else, he or she became un- differentiated from that person. The child’s will is only an extension of that person’s will In conflicts involving rules, if the teacher intervenes in ways that foster the development of autonomy she also contributes to the child’s development of a strong sense of self. This can be clarified by the following example: the game broke down because two players wanted to be “It”. The teacher asked the group what could be done about the problem, and the children made a series of sugges- tions. Each one was considered seriously, and the search for a solution took so much time that the children did not have much time to play the game. The solution came in the end when one of the two children decided to give up wanting to be “It”. The teacher could have suggested the same solution from the beginning, but that would have helped neither the development of autonomy nor the emotional development of the children From the child’s viewpoint, a large difference exists between giving up a desire voluntarily and giving it up under order. The child’s ego was not violated because she gave up her desire voluntarily. She could convince herself that this was nec- essary and desirable to do under the circumstances All the other children had an experience in which they were respected as indiv duals Every idea suggested by individual children was carefully considered, and each child’s idea was respected. Above all, the teacher communicated to the children that she believed they were capable of coping with the problem. If the teacher had proposed the solution from the beginning, the children would not have had these experiences that contributed to their emotional development. (from Croup Games in Early Education. Implications of Piaget’s Theory. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington D C., 1996) 30
The main idea of the text is that a) autonomy has many aspects b) group games foster children’s development c) there are three objectives for using group games d) many parents object to group games 8. Найдите в тексте предложения со словом will. Какой частью речи является это слово в данном контексте? 9. Закончите следующие высказывания: 1. Group games stimulate... 2. Group games should correspond to... 3. Adult power should... 4. Children should be able to... 5. Children should have ... 6. Many parents are pleased when... 7. The major cognitive and social achievement of 5-year-olds is ... 8. The purpose of using group games is not... 9. The purpose of using group games is... 10. In politics autonomy means 11. Autonomy involves... 12. Independence means... 13. Autonomy should not be confused with... 14. The child cannot develop autonomy in homes with... 15. The child can develop autonomy in homes in which... 16. An autonomous individual is ... 17. Independence is the ability... 10. Вставьте в пропуски слова, подходящие по смыслу: purpose // points of view // to foster // significance // objectives // decision-making // adults // different // intervene // contributed to // respected // decisions The following 1)... for early education are to develop children’s autonomy through secure relationships with 2) ..., to develop their ability to decenter and coordinate different 3) ... in relation with peers, and to have initiative; come up with interesting ideas, problems, and questions. 31
Group games have a different 4) ... for young children then for older children and adults, and that young children often learn more in group games than in lessons and in exercises. Games have a special function for young children. The 5)... of using group games is 6) ... the development of autonomy. Autonomy means self-govern- ing. It is neither a complete freedom nor independence. It involves the mu- tual regulation of desires, or negotiations, to work out 7) ... that seem right to all concerned. Autonomy can be developed only if adult power is reduced as much as possible. Besides if in homes the child can participate in the 8) ... pro- cess, his autonomy has a chance of developing. Autonomy has many 9) ... aspects but only with a strong self, there can be autonomous individual. The teacher should 10) ... in ways that foster the development of autonomy and a strong sense of self. If children have experiences in which they are 11)... as individuals, their ideas are carefully considered, and the teacher believes children to be ca- pable of coping with problems the children will not have experiences that 12) ... their intellectual, moral and emotional development. 11. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What are the main objectives for early education? 2. In what relations are these objectives considered? 3. Why are parents often more pleased when their children bring worksheets and tests from school? 4. How would you explain what the budding ability is? 5. What is the purpose of using group games? 6. What are the aspects of autonomy? 7. What is the significance of autonomy for young children? 8. How can we characterize the autonomous individual? 9. Describe the teacher’s actions in the example in the text. 10. What experiences that contributed to emotional development did the children in the example in the text have? 12. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. The child must be free when he is making his own decision. Кто должен быть свободен, когда принимает решение? 2. Rationalists such as Descartes, Spinoza, and Kant insisted that the reason is more powerful than sensory experience. На чем настаивали рационалисты? 32
3. Piaget saw the elements of truth and untruth in both camps. Что увидел Пиаже? 4. He was convinced that the only way to resolve epistemological problems was to study them scientifically. Как Пиаже решил эти проблемы? 5. Не decided to study the development of knowledge in children. Что он решил изучить? Урок 6 1. Прочитайте предложенные слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: to impose [Im' pquz] - налагать (обязательства, правила) to involve [In' vOlv] - включать в себя, повлечь за собой to acquire [q' kwaiq] - приобретать, овладевать (навыком и т. д.) attitude [' xtltjHd] - отношение responsibility [rls' pOnsq' bllltl] - ответственность to remain [гГ mein] - оставаться to encourage [In' kArIG] - поощрять, поддерживать to invent [In' vent] - изобретать, придумывать turn [tWn] - очередь advantage [qd'vRntIG] - преимущество value ['vxljl l] - ценность to achieve [q' CJv] - достигать to cheat [CJt] - обманывать meek [mjk] - кроткий, мягкий feedback ['fjdbxk] - обратная связь judge [GAG] - судья, судить 2. Прочитайте и догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональ- ных слов. Переведите их на русский язык: to cooperate, to motivate, a context, cognitive, opposite, sanction, modify, version, potential 3. При помощи суффикса “-ly” от следующих прилагательных обра- зуйте наречия и переведите их: previous (предыдущий), cognitive (познавательный), usual (обычный), social (общественный), final (конечный), probable (вероятный), honest 33
(честный), sharp (резкий, отчетливый), blind (слепой), correct (правиль- ный), incorrect (неправильный), serious (серьезный), careful (осторож- ный, заботливый) 4. При помощи суффикса “-ty” образуйте существительные от сле- дующих прилагательных и переведите их: passive, active, able, responsible 5. Прочитайте следующие предложения и определите, в каких из них модальный глагол выражает значение «разрешения/запрещения», а в каких - «предположения»: 1. “Here we have some sticks. Now you may pick up anyone you like. When picking it up try your best not to move the others”, - the teacher explained to the child. 2. Children may not leave the classroom without permission. 3. The game is interesting but the players may wish to change the rules. 4. The children may argue a great deal, but finally they may accept each other’s ideas and invent another game. 5. The rule is: you may not cheat anyone. 6. If the child is passive and showing no initiative and sense of responsibility he may wait for the teacher to take care of the situation. 7. Go on, now you may say honestly what you think! 8. Working only on worksheets children may start thinking that truth can come only out of the teacher’s head and that the learner’s task is to give the “right” answer the teacher wants. 9. The result of common education may prevent the child from developing autonomy and in the teacher’s presence he may remain meek and inactive. 10. We are playing Pick-Up Sticksl Now you may take your turn! 6. Прочитайте текст и па его основе подтвердите или опровергните приведенные после текста высказывания: WHY USE GROUP GAMES? (Kamii C., DeVries R) Part 2 Children develop not only socially, morally, and cognitively but also politically, emotionally through games involving rules. A game cannot be- gin unless the players agree on the rules. Once it begins, it cannot continue 34
unless the players agree on how to interpret the rules. Because young children usually want to play group games, games constitute a natural context in which children are motivated to cooperate to make rules and live by them. If the teacher proposes rules rather than imposing them, children have the possibility of making rules. Making rules is a political activity, involving making decisions. The coordination of points of view is a cognitive process that contributes to the development of logical thinking. In this cooperation, children use previously acquired knowledge to contrast new rules. The chil- dren may argue a great deal, but finally they may accept each other’s ideas and invent one game after another, together. Let us go on to the enforcement of rules. Once while playing the card game of War with to 6-year-olds the teacher observed the following inci- dent: she noticed that one of the children was getting away with taking the cards, even though he knew that he had the smaller of the two numbers. The teacher turned to the other child and asked, “ Are YOU going to let so-and-so cheat you like That?” The child sat there looking at her as if to say, “Of course, because YOU are the adult, and YOU are in charge.” The teacher understood this attitude as the result of an education that hadn’t made him autonomous. The child showed no initiative and no sense of re- sponsibility. He was passive and waited for the teacher to take care of the situation. He was probably quite tough outside the classroom, but inside, in the teacher’s presence he remained meek and inactive. This passivity is the opposite of what we would like children to learn by playing group games. The responsibility of enforcing rules encourages the development of ini- tiative, alertness, and confidence to say what one honestly thinks. The re- sponsibility of enforcing rules also leads to the invention of sanctions, chil- dren become more inventive. , Sometimes children decide to modify a rule rather than enforce it. In a room of 5-year-olds, for example, the teacher introduced Pick-Up Sticks in the usual way, demonstrating how each player was to pick up one stick after another, trying not to make any other stick move. If a player made another stick move, that ended his turn. The person who picked up more sticks than anybody else would be the winner. After playing this game for a while, the teacher left the room for a few minutes, and when she returned, she found the children playing by different rules. They were taking short turns, each child picking up only one stick each time. When a player made another stick move, he put that one down and picked up another one. 35
This example contrasts sharply with the previous one. Instead of blindly obeying the teacher, the 5-year-olds initiated a modification of the game. They had cooperated among themselves because otherwise there would not have been such agreement about this modification. Their veision maximized the potential of the game for their development. Short turns permitted each player to be more active, and the token penalty made better sense to the chil- dren, for whom winning was irrelevant. Aside from the advantage of involving rules, group games also have the advantage of involv ng physical actions that encourage children to be men- tally active. Young children can often learn more in group games than in les- sons and worksheets. Furthermore, in a game, the players are mentally more active than when they are working on worksheets. They are motivated to supervise what others are doing from one moment to the next With work- sheets the child works alone, and the feedback comes from the teacher much later. For example, when a child is missing his action or doing it incorrectly, and the others are aware of the right variant they can hardly keep quiet, they often yell, “We can do it!” In lessons and exercises, the teacher knows everything and is the only judge of right and wrong. In games, by contrast, truth comes from the children. Piaget’s theory shows that in logico-mathematical knowledge truth does not to come out of the teacher’s head. Lessons and worksheets give to children the message that truth can come only out of the teacher’s head and that the learner’s task is to give the “right" answer the teacher wants. This message undermines children’s confidence in their own ability to figure thing out So, if a game is taught to teach children how to play it “correctly,” its value will disappear completely. If, in contrast, the game is used to achieve three broad objectives of early education discussed earlier, it can contribute to children’s social, political, moral, cognitive, and emotional development. (from Group Games in Early Education. Implications of Piaget's Theory. National Association for the Education of Young Children, WashingtonD.C., 1996) 1. A game can easily begin if the players do not agree on the rules. 2. To play group games it is necessary for children to cooperate, to make rules and interpret them the same way. 3. If the teacher imposes rules rather than proposing them, children have the possibility of making rules. 36
4. Arguing a cognitive process that contributes to the development of logi- cal thinking. 5. Passivity is what we would like children to learn by playing group games. 6. Autonomy, initiative, and responsibility encourage the development of initiative, alertness, and confidence to say what one honestly thinks. 7. In the example in the text 5-year-old childien were playing Pick-up sticks. The teacher left the room for a few minutes, and when she returned, she found that the children had modified the rules. 8. These children (in the example) hadn’t cooperated among themselves and decided to obey the teacher blindly. 9. Involving niles and physical actions group games encourage children to be mentally active and learn more than in lessons. 10. The message that truth can come only out of the teacher’s head and that the learner’s task is to give the “right” answer the teacher wants develops children’s confidence in their ability to figure thing out. 7. Прочитайте 3-й абзац и догадайтесь о значении термина the enforce- ment of rules, исходя из контекста. 8. Составьте предложения: подберите к началу подходящее по смыс- лу окончание предложения: 1. Children develop socially, cognitively and emotionally 2. Games constitute a natural context in which 3. In this cooperation, children use 4. Making rules is an activity 5. The child was passive and waited for 6. The responsibility of enforcing rules 7. Enforcing rules helps children 8. Involving physical actions encourage 9. Children are motivated to supervise 10- If a game is taught to teach children how to play it “correctly” a) encourages the development of initiative b) through games involving rules c) for the teacher to take care of the situation d) children to be mentally active e) its value will disappear completely f) to become more inventive g) children are motivated to cooperate h) involving making decisions i) previously acquired knowledge k) what others are doing from one moment to the next 37
9. Обоснуйте следующие утверждения, опираясь на содержание про- читанного текста: 1. Games constitute a natural context in which children are motivated to cooperate to make rules. 2. Making rules contributes to the development of logical thinking. 3. Inside, in the teacher’s presence the child remained meek and inactive. 4. Group games also have the advantage of involving physical actions that encourage children to be mentally active. 5. In lessons and exercises, the teacher knows everything and is the only judge of right and wrong. 10. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. Piaget makes a fundamental distinction between physical knowledge and logico-mathematical knowledge. Между чем делает Пиаже фундаментальное различие? 2. The source of physical knowledge is mainly in objects. Где находится источник физического знания? 3. The source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in each child. Источник логико-математического знания находится в ребенке? 4. Не proved that reason is not innate in man but the result of his creation. Результатом чего является знание? 5. Each Russian kindergarten has its own unique features and differences, and each day differs from the previous one. Почему каждый день отличается от предыдущего? 11. Составьте развернутый план текста и подготовьте на его основе и на основе предыдущего текста презентацию для учителей и родителей о пользе групповых игр. Урок 7 1. Прочитайте слова и ознакомьтесь с их переводом на русский язык: approach [q'prouC] - подход appropriate [q' prouprllt] - подходящий, соответствующий available [q' vellqbl] - доступный care [kFq] - забота, попечение, уход emerge [Г mWG] - появляться 38
emphasize ['emfqsalz]- придавать особое значение, подчеркивать facility [fq~ sllltl] - оборудование, средства обслуживания major [' melGq] - больший, более важный nurture [' nWCq] - воспитание, обучение physical [' flzlkl] - физический, материальный quality [' kwOUtl] - качество 2. Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание на словообразо- вательные суффиксы и приставки: a) child, childhood, childless, childlike, childish b) educate, education, educational, educator, educationist c) develop, development, developmental, developmentally d) appropriate, appropriateness, appropriately, inappropriate, inappropri- ately e) secondary, postsecondary f) emphasize, emphasis 3. Приставка “mis-” имеет значение «неверное действие». Переведи- те следующие слова: misuse, misunderstand, misinterpret, misconception 4. Переведите следующие словосочетания: early childhood education, early childhood programme, high quality early childhood programme, developmentally appropriate programme, develop- mental needs of children, part-day group programme, full-day group pro- gramme, early childhood center, child care center, child development, play- oriented approach 5. Прочитайте текст 1 и определите поставленную в нем проблему: Text 1 (1 ) The quality of childhood education has come under intense public attention. While much of the attention has been directed at secondary and postsecondary education, the field of early childhood education must also examine its practices in light of current knowledge of child development and learning. (2 ) An early childhood programme is any part-day or full-day group Programme in a centre, school or other facility that serves children from 39
birth through age 8. Early childhood programmes include child care cen- tres, private and public preschools, kindergartens, and primary grade schools. (3 ) Tn recent years, a trend toward increased emphasis on formal in- struction in academic skills has emerged in early childhood programmes. This trend toward formal academic instruction for younger children is based on misconception about early learning. Despite the trend among some edu- cators to formalise instruction, there has been no evidence of change in what young children need for optimal development or how they learn. In fact, children learn most effectively through a concrete, play-oriented approach. (4 ) Programmes have changed in response to social, economic, and politi- cal forces; however, these changes have not always taken into account the ba- sic developmental needs of young children, which have remained constant. (5 ) A high quality early childhood programme provides a safe and nurtur- ing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cogni- tive development of young children while responding to the needs of fami- lies. Although the quality of an early childhood programme may be affected by many factors, a major determinant of programme quality is the extent to which knowledge of child development is applied in programme practices - the degree to which the programme is developmentally appropriate. High quality, developmentally appropriate programmes should be available to all children and their families. (from NAEYC Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programmes Sewing Children. From Birth through Age 8, p. 1) The text raises the following problem: a) the quality of childhood education is very high. b) formal academic instruction is necessary for children. c) early childhood programmes include child care centres, public and pri- vate preschools, kindergartens, and primary grade schools. d) there are many factors influencing the quality of early childhood educa- tion programmes. e) early childhood education programmes have changed. f) a high quality early childhood education programme should be based on the developmental needs of children. g) the basic developmental needs of children have not changed. 40
6. На основе содержания текста выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями: 1 At present the quality of education is in the focus of public attention. 2 The quality of early childhood education does not get so much attention as the quality of secondary and post secondary education. 3 . Formal instruction of young children has become very popular 4 Social, economic, and political factors influence educational programmes. 5 A developmentally appropriate programme should respond to the desires of parents. 6 A high quality developmentally appropr ate programme should take into account child development. 7 High quality developmentally appropriate programmes should be avail- able at any facilities serving children from birth through primary grade schools. 8 . Formal academic instruction does not take into account developmental needs of young children. 9 Not all educators support training children in academic skills. 10 . Children learn most effectively when they play. 7. Текст 1 содержит 3 основные части: введение (Introduction), рас- суждение (Rationale), формулировка позиции (Position statement). Определите, какие абзацы относятся к данным частям текста: Introduction: paragraphs N Rationale paragraphs N Position statement: paragraphs N 8. Ознакомьтесь co значениями следующих слов. Найдите эти слова в тексте, выберите перевод, соответствующий контексту: a) current: 1. п. 1) струя; поток; 2) течение, ход (событий и т. д.); 3) электрический ток; 4) течение, поток; 2. adj. 1) ходячий, находящийся в обращении; 2) текущий; 3) скоро- писный. Определите, какой частью речи является это слово в тексте, выберите перевод, соответствующий контексту: b) grade: п- 1) градус; 2) степень, ранг, класс; 3) качество, сорт; 4) (амер.) класс (в школе); 5) (амер.) отметка, оценка. 41
c) degree: п. 1) ступень, степень; 2) уровень; 3) положение, ранг; 4) звание, ученая степень; 5) градус; 6) качество, достоинство, сорт. Найдите в тексте синоним этого слова. 9. а) Найдите в тексте и переведите все словосочетания со словами: 1) education 2) programme 3) quality b) Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены в страдательном залоге. с) Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены в Present Perfect. d) Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых содержится противопо- ставление, определите слова, указывающие на противопоставление, а также факты, идеи, явления или события, которые противопоставля- ются в тексте. 10. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. Children develop their ability to decenter and coordinate different points of view. Зачем дети развивает свою способность децентрироватъея? 2. Children can figure thing out and say what they honestly think. Дети могут честно говорить, что они думают, не так ли? 3. Many school administrators object to group games. Против чего возражают многие школьные руководители? 4. The purpose of using group games is to foster the development of au- tonomy. В чем заключается цель использования групповых игр? 5. Autonomy involves the mutual regulation of desires, or negotiations, to work out decisions that seem right to all concerned. Что включает в себя самостоятельность? 11. На основе текста заполните пропуски (от 1 до 3 слов в каждом про- пуске): Early childhood ... programmes are offered at.... These programmes serve .... These programmes have recently changed in ... to ...,..., and ... factors. There has... a tendency to formal... in skills in early childhood .... This trend is... on misconception about.... The emphasis on formal instruction does not take ... 42
current knowledge of child ... and learning. Formal instruction is not.. ap- propriate for young children because children learn most effectively through a... approach. The quality of early childhood programmes is determined by the... to which the programme is.... A ... quality early childhood programme promotes the...,..., and ... development of children. Урок 8 1. Прочитайте следующие слова: challenge ['CxlinG] - вызов, вызывать, бросать вызов comprehend [.kOmprFhend] - понимать, постигать, охватывать conventional [kqn'venSqnl] - общепринятый, традиционный explore - исследовать, изучать multiply [' niAltlplai] - увеличивать(ся), умножать penalize [' pjnqlaiz] - наказывать 2. Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание на словообразо- вательные суффиксы и приставки: a) comprehend, comprehensive, comprehendible, incomprehensible b) mean, meaning, meaningless c) relevant, irrelevant, relevance d) solve, solution, solvable, unsolvablc e) long, length, lengthen, prolong f) penalize, penalty g) agree, agreement, disagreement h) explore, exploration, explorer i) convene, convention, conventional, unconventional 3. Прочитайте текст и выберите предложение, которое выражает основную цель автора: WE LOVE MATH! Innovative, multiple-intelligence math practices (by Jennifer O. Prescott) All students can and should learn math - every good teacher of math- ematics believes this. But how individual students learn, and what fires their imaginations, is a complex and challenging question. 43
Angela Andrews, a multi-grade teacher at the Scott Elementary School in Naperville, Illinois, proves that it is possible for someone who hated math as a student to become an excellent math teacher. Andrews had always found math irrelevant and incomprehensible. “My whole school career was filled with meaningless mathematics,” she says Andrews compares one of her favourite classroom activities to the Japa- nese “open approach” to problem solving. “At the beginning of the year, I ask my students to fill out a card with information about their families, hobbies, sports, talents, pets, and so on,” she explains. “Then I use this information to design challenging math problems which arc open-ended and solvable through a variety of methods.” One example of such a problem: “Bobby got a $1.00 birthday check from his grandma. Before his mom would cash it, he had to tell her all the different ways she could give him $1.00 if she only had coins. How many ways can you think of?” Students and teacher come to an agreement: The students will not ask for any help from parents or peers, and the teacher will not penalize them in any way for incorrect answers. “This arrangement builds an atmosphere of safety, and allows students the freedom to solve the problem in an unconventional manner,” says Andrews. On “Challenge Day”, when the students must present their ideas, students and teacher spend the class hour discussing the problem and its possible so- lutions. Students commonly present several different strategies, including charts, drawings, or “guess and check” method. Andrews sits back and allows the class to respond to the presentation. If they agree, they must offer a posi- tive comment about the student’s solution method. If they see an error, they must phrase their disagreement in the form of a question, such as, “Why did you multiply the length by 4 when you wanted to find the area?” Since Andrews has told the class that mistakes are avenues for under- standing, any mistakes are welcomed and explored as much as correct solu- tions. Students often ask their teacher: “Can I share my mistake? It’s really interesting”. (from The Scholastic Instructor, April2001, USA p. 25-26} 1. The purpose of the author is to prove that all students should love mathematics. 2. The author’s purpose is to give an example of appropriate instruction of children 3. The author wants to describe how to handle students’ mistakes. 44
4. Найдите в тексте словосочетания со словом method и переведите их. 5. Ознакомьтесь со значениями слова area. Найдите это слово в тек- сте 4 и переведите его. area - 1) площадь пространство; 2) район, зона край, область; 3) раз мах, сфера. 6. Найдите в тексте предложения с модальными глаголами и переве- дите их. 7. Найдите в тексте предложения в прямой речи, переведите их в кос- венную речь. 8. На основе текста а) дайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. What does every good teacher of mathematics believe? 2 Did Angela Andrews like math when she was a student? 3. What does Angela Andrews do at the beginning of the academic year? 4. Why does she do it? 5. Which problem did she design about Bobby’s birthday check? 6. What agreement do students and teacher come to? 7. What is the purpose of this agreement? 8. What presentation strategies do students use? 9 Hoe do students respond to the presentations when they agree and disa- gree? 10. What does Angela Andrews think of students’ mistakes? 11. What do students often ask their teacher? б) передайте даш!ые вопросы и ответы на них в косвенной речи, ис- пользуя следующие вводные фразы: We were asked .... and N. said .... The lecturer asked..., and T. replied.... 9. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1- But one thing remains unchanged: all the people who work in the k n- dergarten do their best to reassure parents that their children are in good hands. Что остается неизменным в детском саду? 45
2. The children had developed the atmosphere of mutual respect. Кто развил атмосферу взаимного уважения? 3. The other kids crowded around Butch. Вокруг кого столпились дети? 4. Over the summer, Butch abandoned his aggressive behavior. Когда мальчик отказался от своего агрессивного поведения? 5. Children develop their autonomy through secure relationships in which adult power is reduced as much as possible. Что развивают дети посредством надежных взаимоотношений? 10. а) Представьте, что вы Анжела Эндрюс. Подготовьте выступление с докладом, в котором вы описываете свою методику. б) Представьте, что вы участник конференции. Задайте вопросы Ан- желе Эндрюс. в) В качестве корреспондента студенческой газеты опишите высту- пление Анжелы Эндрюс и последующую дискуссию. Урок 9 1. Прочитайте следующие слова: amaze - изумлять, поражать к board [' bLd] - доска bulletin [' bulltln] - бюллетень chatter - болтать circle [' sWkl] - круг, окружность inspire [In' spalq] - внушать, вдохновлять, воодушевлять mural [' mjuqrql] - стенной quadrant [' kwOdrqnt] - четверть круга roll - катить soccer ['sOkq] - футбол thumb ['TAm] - большой палец руки 2. Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание на словообразо- вательные суффиксы: a) space, spatial b) innovate, innovation, innovative 46
c) add, addition d) subtract, subtraction e) multiply, multiplication f) amaze, amazement g) colour, colourful, colourless 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания: bulletin board, price tag, hotel price, airline fees, back and forth, addition and subtraction questions, Chinese dragon, geometric shape, soccer ball, to calculate costs, to share the results, to break the class into groups 4. Прочитайте текст и определите, какое утверждение выражает цель автора: MATH ALL DAY AND EVERYWHERE (by Jennifer O. Prescott) Everywhere you look in Jackie Howes’s second-grade classroom, you see math. Howes’s classroom emphasizes the visual and spatial aspects of math - a tactic that inspires her students to think about math all days in innovative ways. Bulletin boards show objects grouped and labelled with price tags. Colourful math murals run up and down the hallways. Geometric shapes decorate any available wall space. Howes, who has been teaching at the F.M. Kearns School in Granby, Connecticut for 15 years, begins the day with a math-oriented greeting, Children pair up to ask addition and subtraction questions, then share their results. With the kids in a circle, Howes rolls out a “math ball” - a soccer ball with a math problem taped to each quadrant. The ball is rolled from one child to another, back and forth across the circle. When your thumb touches a problem, you must solve it, then pass the ball to someone else. Says Howes, “Over the years many children have made comments such as, ‘We didn’t do any work this morning.’ They are amazed when T remind them that they did math and reading all morning long!” Outside classroom there are four math murals. They provide more than 85 different activities for the students. Howes will break up the class into groups, sending some kids to the murals with worksheets, while others turn to the Multicultural Stockroom - an interactive, holiday-themed bulletin board showing groups of objects such as Chinese dragons. These objects can 47
be moved to present different mathematical challenges. At each station, chil- dren puzzle over solutions and interact with each other. “I have a great strat- egy for this!” one child offers. Later, children head to different centers around the room. Inside the “Kearns Travel Agency” - really a tent decorated with photos from around the world - a group of four plans excursions to Egypt and China, they calculate costs for food, hotel prices, and airline fees. They chat- ter like kids playing on the playground, but the conversation is all about mathematics. After work is complete at the centers, children relax for some free time to do... more math. "Our teacher,” says one girl, “wants us to think that math is fun - like a special treat.” (from Instructor, April2001, Scholastic, USA, p. 26-27) The purpose of the author is a) to inspire the reader to think about math. b) to share appropriate practices for teaching math. c) to describe a game with a “math ball”. d) to describe math murals. e) to explain how to emphasize visual and spatial aspects of math. 5. Найдите в тексте предложения со словами puzzle и head, разберите их по членам предложения, определите, какими частями речи являют- ся данные слова в этих предложениях, переведите предложения. 6. Ознакомьтесь со следующими значениями существительного treat. Найдите это слово в тексте. Какое его значение реализуется в данном контексте? treat - 1) угощение; 2) удовольствие, наслаждение; 3) (школ.) пикник, экскурсия. 7. Найдите в тексте предложения в прямой речи, переведите их в кос- венную речь. 8. Закончите предложения на основе содержания текста: 1. Bulletin boards in Howes’s second-grade classroom ... 2. Colourful math murals... 3. Geometric shapes... 48
4. The “math ball” is ... 5. Math murals outside classroom... 6. Multicultural Stockroom is... 7. “Kearns Travel Agency” is ... 9. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы, обращая внимание на видо-времен- ные формы и залог: Ms. Howes’s presentation I... at the F.M. Kearns School for 15 years. In my classroom I... the visual and spatial aspects of math. I am sure that this tactic... my second-grade stu- dents to think about math all day long in innovative ways. There. bullet boards that... various objects with price tags. One of the bul- letin boards is called Multicultural Stockroom. This bulletin board ... groups of objects. When these objects..., different mathematical challenges.... I... the class into groups, and children ... with each other when they... over solutions. There ... also many geometrical shapes in my classroom, they ... all the available wall space. Besides, there . many colourful murals in the hallways. These murals ... many different activiti ss for children. One of the learning centers in my classroom, “Kearns Travel Agency”,... really a tent which I... with photos from around the world. Here a group of four children often ... excursions to different countries. For instance, they ... costs for food, hotel prices and airline fees. The favourite game of my children is that of “math ball ’. I... math prob- lems to each quadrant of a soccer ball. The ball... from one child to another. When a child ... a quadrant, he ... to solve the problem, then he... the ball to someone else. All day long children ... like kids on the playground. They think they ... any work They... when I tell them that they... math and reading all the time. They believe that math... fun. One girl... it... like a special treat. 10. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Did you like math as a primary-grade student? 2. Do you like it now? 3. What do you think of Angela Andrew’s and Jackie Howes’s practices of teaching math to primary grade children*? Are they age and developmentally appropriate? 4. What do you think of the way you were taught math in primary school? Was it age and developmentally appropriate? 49
11. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1. Autonomy has not only intellectual, moral aspects but also an emotional aspect. Самостоятельность имеет только эмоциональный и моральный аспекты? 2. The purpose of using group games is not to teach children how to play these games. Цель использования групповых игр заключается в том, чтобы научить детей, как играть в эти игры, не так ли? 3. In this cooperation, children use previously acquired knowledge to con- trast new rules. Зачем дети используют ранее приобретенные знания? 4. Children may not leave the classroom without permission. Дети могут покидать класс без разрешения? 5. The game is interesting but the players may wish to change the rules. Что можно изменять детям? 12. а) Составьте перечень игр, упоминаемых в тексте; б) опишите эти игры; в) расскажите о наглядно-методических пособиях, которые Джеки Хауз использует для обучения детей математике. Урок 10 1. Прочитайте слова и переведите их на русский язык: easily, eventually, finally, hardly, naturally, importantly, sufficiently, verbally 2. Образуйте прилагательные, используя наречия из упражнения 1. 3. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных: unusual, typical, clear, direct, frequent, direct, certain 4. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык: mother tongue, the acquisition of the mother tongue, a natural learning at- mosphere, a typical foreign language classroom, to perceive language, recep- tive skills, productive skills, to facilitate the development, a new-born child, constant repetition, stress-free play-like learning atmosphere, frequent posi- tive reinforcement, repetitive reading, to encourage sb to do sth 50
5. Прочитайте и подтвердите или опровергните высказывания, приве- денные после текста: HOW DO CHILDREN LEARN TO TALK IN THE MOTHER TONGUE? (by Herbert Puchta) It is not unusual for children who live in areas (or homes) where two or more languages are spoken to learn each of these languages easily. Such a natural learning atmosphere can hardly be compared with that of the typical foreign language classroom... The acquisition of the mother tongue begins at birth, with the develop- ment of receptive language skills (listening) coming before productive skills (speaking). Children can understand words long before they begin to speak. The new-born child first perceives language as a torrent of sounds. He/ she then learns to filter words and their meaning out of this torrent. It is only then, when the listening skills are sufficiently developed, that the child will begin to express himself/herself verbally. Adults naturally behave with young children in a way that facilitates the development of listening skills Most importantly, we speak with them in such a way that they can understand what we are saying. The language we use must be clear and concrete and have a direct connection to the child s world. No one would even think of talking about abstract topics with a young child Constant repetition, a stress-free, play-like learning atmosphere and fre- quent positive reinforcement are the most significant characteristics of this early phase of receptive learning. Picture books, stories, rhymes and songs also play an important part in the acquisition of language. For example, the mother or father through a pic- ture book with the child and reads the words while the child points at the corresponding pictures. Eventually children start to repeat words, phrases and then whole sentences. The repetitive reading of the same stories encour- ages the child (with the help of the pictures m the book) to learn the text with the parent, and finally, to recite parts of the text or the whole text by heart. The result is that, even adults can still remember certain stories, which they heard over and over again in their childhood. (from Gemgross, G, Puchta, H: Do and Understand. Longman, 2000, p. 4) 1- Children usually can speak two or more languages. 2. Learning mother tongue can be compared with learning a typical foreign language. 3- Speaking is a receptive language skill. 51
4. Adults usually help children to develop their listening skills. 5. Speaking about abstract topics help children to develop their listening skills. 6 Stress-free atmosphere is necessary in early childhood education 7. Books, stories and rhymes play an important role in language acquisi- tion. 8 When children listen to new words they immediately can repeat them. 9. The repetitive reading is a part of language acquisition. 10. Adults can remember stories and rhymes they heard in their childhood. 6. Подберите синонимы или близкие по смыслу слова и фразы: area, home,... usual,... mother language,... a new-born child,... to express verbally,... phase,... eventually,... to recite by heart,... 7. Составьте предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из упражнений 4 и 6: 1. begins at birth / the acquisition / with the development of receptive lan- guage skills (listening) / of the mother tongue. 2 perceives language / as a torrent of sounds / the new-born child. 3. when the listening skills / the child will begin to / are sufficiently devel- oped / express himself verbally. 4. adults naturally behave / in a way that facilitates / with young ch Idren / the development of listening skills. 5. frequent positive reinforcement / of the early phase of receptive learning/ play-like learning atmosphere/ are the most significant characteristics/ con- stant repetition. 6. reads/ while/ book/ the mother or father / with the child/ the child points at / and/ the corresponding pictures/ the words/ a picture/ through. 7. eventually children / phrases and then / whole sentences / start to repeat words. 8. of the same stories / the repetitive reading /encourages the child / to re- cite the whole text by heart / to learn the text and. 52
8. Какие абзацы текста относятся к введению, основной части, заклю- чению? - introduction (paragraph N ) - main body (paragraph N ) - conclusion (paragraph N ) 9. Найдите предложения в каждом абзаце, передающие его основной смысл. 10. Ответьте на вопросы: 1 Is it usual in Russia for children to speak two or more languages? 2. Have you ever had a nurse speaking foreign language? 3. Have you ever lived in an area where two or more languages are spoken? 4. When does the acquisition of the mother tongue begin? 5 Receptive language skills are: 6. Productive language skills are: 7. Can children understand before they begin speak? 8. Can you understand English better than speak? 9. How can adults behave with their children to develop their listening skills? 10. What are the most significant characteristics of the early phase of lan- guage learning? 11 What plays an important part in the acquisition of language? 12 How can repetitive reading help children to memorize texts and rhymes? 13. Can you still remember stories or rhymes you heard in your childhood? Tell us one of them. И. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения: 1- The children may argue a great deal, but finally they may accept each oth- er’s ideas and invent another game. Детям разрешается спорить? 2. If a game is taught to teach children how to play it “correctly,” its value will disappear completely.- Когда исчезает ценность игры? 3. A healthy classroom is set up and maintained by a preschool teacher. Кем поддерживается класс? 53
4. Daily opportunities for young children will be provided by their pre- school teacher. Чьи ежедневные возможности будут обеспечиваться учителем? 5. All of my students had experienced various degrees of failure and frustra- tion in their school careers. Что испытали ее ученики в своих школьных карьерах? 12. На основе прочитанного текста выделите этапы освоения ребен- ком языка. Составьте презентацию для родителей об освоении ребен- ком языка. Урок 11 1. Прочитайте и переведите слова на русский язык: ability, achievement, attempt, behavior, challenge, checklist, commitment, cooperation, dignity, goal, humiliation, improvement, intelligence, opportu- nity, prejudice, responsibility, ridicule, to accommodate, to adjust, to assess to avoid, to contribute, to eliminate, to encounter, to improve, to increase, to rate, to strive. 2. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и прилагатель- ных. Переведите их на русский язык: to determine, to contribute, to achieve, possible, able, to demonstrate, to en- courage, to accommodate, to move, to eliminate 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания: on-task behavior, emotionally safe community, student responsibility, learning preferences, a sense of self-worth, to avoid using humiliation, to eliminate double standards, to set the bar at just the right level, to maintain an appro- priate level of, to build interpersonal skills, a range of abilities, dimension of safety, a variety of ways, resistance of failure. 4. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Is it important to be successful at school? 2. Do teachers have to encourage students? 3. How can students demonstrate their knowledge? 4. Should teachers always help students? 5. What does ‘double standards’ mean? 54
5. Прочитайте текст и выберите предложения, соответствующие или не соответствующие его содержанию. Если вы не согласны с мнением автора текста, выскажите свое мнение: CREATE A CARING CLASSROOM (by Jane Bluestcin) Part 2 Following checklist can help you determine the degree to which your classroom (or school) practices the kinds of beliefs and behavior that con- tribute to an emotionally safe community. Increase the level of agreement with any item and you are likely to see improvements in achievement, learn- ing, on-task behavior, commitment, cooperation, and student responsibility The Need for Success Eveiy child has the right to experience success in school. And yet, given the range of abilities, intelligences, and learning preferences we encounter with any group of children, this goal can become quite a challenge. The “success” dimen- sion of safety means that we assess the students that come to us and reach out to them, wherever they are, instructionally. We set the bar at just the right height to challenge each student at a level at which success is, indeed, a possibility. Use the following scale to rate each item: 1 - Always Do 2 - Sometimes Do 3 - Rarely Do 4 - Never Do • I provide opportunities for success to each child in the classroom, encour- aging growth from wherever they start. • I assess student ability and adjust instruction to maintain an appropriate level of challenge for each. • I offer students a variety of ways to demonstrate their knowledge, intel- ligence, and mastery. • I attempt to build interpersonal skills, positive social behaviors, character skills, and resistance of failure. • I attempt to accommodate a variety of interests, motivators, modality strengths, and learning preferences in my directions, instructions, and as- signments. • I attempt to accommodate tactile, kinesthetic, visual, verbal, and auditory Earners. 55
• I make sure kids have ample opportunities to move around and help them learn to maintain an appropriate level of alertness without disturbing others. The Need for Belonging, Dignity, and Respect How many conflicts and outbursts that we see in school are the result of our students’ inability to meet their needs for identity, belonging, respect, or dignity m healthy ways? This component means eliminating double standards, being conscious of how our students are treated, and holding kids accountable for their behavior without violating their dignity or sense of self-worth. • I avoid using humiliation, sarcasm, ridicule, anger, impatience, or mani- festations of disappointment in dealing with students. • I honor students’ needs for respect, dignity, purpose, success, accep- tance, attention, and motivation. • I model standards of behavior, language, and tone of voice that I expect from my students. • I work to eliminate prejudice toward students based on racial or cultural background; physical appearance; academic, artistic, or athletic competence. • I strive to stay aware of put-downs or slurs expressed by students or staff, responding immediately. (from Scholastic Instructor, September, 2002, p. 36) 1. Every child has to feel success at school. 2. Teachers have to encourage students. 3. We can rate the success of the classroom using this test. 4. If students want to feel success they shouldn’t demonstrate their knowl- edge, intelligence, and mastery. 5. If the teacher wants to create a caring classroom he/she has to know how to approach to tactile, kinesthetic, visual, verbal, and auditory learners. 6. Students don’t have to interact with each other. 7. Students are usually unable to meet other students needs. 8. Teachers can’t be angry and impatient. 6. Найдите в тексте слова с отрицательными приставками и переве- дите их. 7. Закончите предложения: 1. If you want to determine the degree of your classroom as an emotionally safe community, you can... 2. If you want to increase the level of agreement in you class, you can... 3. Every child will get success in school, if... 56
4. If you want to rate success level of each student, you have to... 5. If you encourage every student in your class,... 6. Students can demonstrate their knowledge, if... 7. If the teacher moves around and helps students, they ... 8 If there is a conflict in a class, the teacher can ... 9. If the teachers don’t respect their students, they... 10 If somebody is prejudiced toward students based on racial or cultural background, it... 8. На основе текста составьте 10 высказываний о том, как следует по- ступать учителю (используйте модальные глаголы, выражающие со- вет, рекомендацию). 9. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How can you determine the degree of your classroom as an emotionally safe community? 2. I low can you encourage your students? 3. Is it. easy to rate the success of the classroom? 4. How can you provide opportunities for success to each child in the class- room? 5 Were you successful m school? 6. What ways can you suggest to demonstrate knowledge, intelligence, and mastery? 7. What are your learning preferences? 8 Do teachers have to avoid using humiliation, sarcasm, ridicule, anger and impatience in class? 9. Did teachers in your schoo always avoid using humiliation, sarcasm, ridi- cule, anger and impatience in class? 10. Поставьте письменно вопросы к выделенным словам: 1 The game broke down because two players wanted to be “It”. 2. The solution came in the end when one of the two children decided to give up wanting to be “It”. 3. From the child’s viewpo nt, a large difference exists between giving up a desire voluntarily and giving it up under order. 4- The child showed initiative and sense of respons bility. 5. He was passive and waited for the teacher to take care of the situation. И. Как вы относитесь к обсуждаемой в тексте проблеме? Подготовьте эссе, опираясь на собственный опыт и мнение автора статьи. 57
Урок 12 1. Прочитайте и переведите слова на русский язык: access, anticipate, assignment, benefit, bulling, collaborate, conscious, con- sequence, defiance, feedback, harassment, immense, inaugurate, outcome, re- belliousness, reinforce, renegotiate, threat upset, violate, warning, win-win approach 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания: to struggle to survive, to set limits and offer choices, to violate limits, to allow sb to renegotiate assignments, to be personally meaningful, through access to positive outcomes, avoidance of negative outcomes, positive consequences of cooperation, to anticipate consciously, to avoid warnings and threats, to reinforce positive behavior, to respond to incidents, to inaugurate a dramatic and positive change 3. Прочитайте текст и определите, какие высказывания соответствуют или не соответствуют его содержанию. Если вы не согласны с мнением автора текста, выскажите свое мнение: CREATE A CARING CLASSROOM (by Jane Bluestein) Part 3 The Need for Power, Structure, and Positivity We all need a combination of structure (limits) and autonomy (power and control) in our lives. Much of the defiance, rebelliousness, and acting out I see in the classroom reflects our students’ struggle to survive. When teach- ers use their authority to set limits and offer choices, and follow through consistently and immediately when limits have been violated, this win-win approach can reduce conflict and increase commitment and cooperation. • I sometimes allow and encourage students to make decisions about their learning (what, where, with whom, how, or how much). • I sometimes allow students to create, design, or renegotiate assign- ments to make them personally meaningful. • I motivate through access to positive outcomes, rather than avoid- ance or fear of negative outcomes. I emphasize the positive consequences of cooperation. • I consciously anticipate what students, teachers, and parents will need in various situations in order to prevent problems from occurring. 58
• I follow through immediately, avoiding warnings and threats. • I make students and their parents aware of changes in behavior or per- formance that could affect grades or promotion. • I utilize parents, administration, and staff for feedback and support (not for punishing students). Need for Recognition, Attention, and Emotional Safety Are your students unable to function effectively when they get angry, frustrated, or sad? Have you ever had a student explode after holding in feelings about an upsetting experience? In an emotionally safe environment, teachers stay on top of the emotional energy in the classroom. They listen to (or refer) students in need and support kids in their ability to solve their problems peacefully. • I attempt to meet students’ needs for attention in positive, construc- tive, and proactive ways. • I reinforce positive behavior with positive outcomes. • I communicate with parents, regularly and frequently, about what their children are doing well • I respect, students’ affective needs and am committed to listening and supporting their feelings and problem-solving skills in positive ways. • I respect confidentiality to the degree that doing so will not put any- one in danger. • I immediately respond to incidents involving any form of bulling, ha- rassment, or threat to safety. Each goal statement has immense implications for how we structure our classrooms, our relationships, and our priorities. One hopes this checklist will challenge us all to collaborate in new ways and avail ourselves of re- sources, disciplines, technologies, and strategics we may previously have not considered, or which may not have been available to us in the past. So many people in the education community stand to benefit when we keep the big picture in mind, working our way through the smaller goals to inaugurate a dramatic and positive change. (from Scholastic Instructor, September2002, p. 37) E Students’ bad behavior is a sign of struggle for survival. 2. Using authority in classroom can increase commitment and cooperation. 3. Sometimes students can make decisions about their education. 4. Preventing problems is impossible that’s why teachers shouldn’t try to anticipate them. 59
5. Warnings and threats are necessary in class. 6. Changes in behavior can help students to get promotion. 7. Parents’ feedback and support is necessary for students and teachers. 8. Students can function effectively when they angry or sad. 9 Only parents have to protect their children from bulling and harassment. 10. Most of teachers stand to benefit when they keep the big picture in mind, working their way through the smaller goals. 4. К словам из первой колонки подберите синонимы или близкие по смыслу слова из второй колонки. Составьте с ними предложения: to respond collaboration struggle to anticipate sad benefit to reinforce regularly to fight to answer, to react unhappy cooperation positive outcome to predict, to expect consistently to support 5. Укажите, какие из следующих словосочетаний определяют про- блемное поведение детей (negative behavior), а какие - действия учи- теля, направленные на создание благоприятной атмосферы в детском коллективе (win-win approach): 1 to explode after holding sb’s feeling about an upsetting experience. 2. to violate limits. 3. to respond immediately to incidents involving any form of bulling, harass- ment, or threat to safety. 4. to set limits and offer choices, and follow through consistently. 5. much of defiance, rebelliousness, and acting out reflects students’ struggle to survive. 6. to make assignments personally meaningful. 7. to emphasize the positive consequences of cooperation. 8 to be unable to function effectively. 9. to listen and support feelings and problem-solving skills in positive ways. 10. to utilize parents, administration and staff for feedback and support. 11. to be angry, sad, or frustrated. 12. to create an emotionally safe environment and meet students’ needs for attention in positive ways. 60
6. Закончите предложения: 1. If a teacher uses his/her authority in class,... 2 When students struggle to survive, they... 3. If a teacher wants to reduce conflict and increase cooperation in class, he/she... 4. If a teacher allows the students to create, they... 5. If a teacher tries to anticipate what students and parents need, he/she... 6 If you try to prevent other people pioblcms, you .. 7. If a teacher wants to have feedback, he/she ... 8. If your students are angry, frustrated, or sad, you ... 9. If a teacher observes incidents involving any form of bulling, harassment, or threat to safety, he/she... 7. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Did your teachers use authority in class when you were in school? 2. Did you struggle to survive when you were in school9 3. Did your teachers try to reduce conflict and increase cooperation in your class when you were in school? 4 Did your teachers encourage you to make decisions about your learning (what, where, with whom, how, or how much) when you were in school? 5 Did your teachers allow you to create when you were in school? 6. Have you ever tried to anticipate your students’ or classmates’ problems? 7. What does feedback mean? 8. Can you work effectively when you are angry, frustrated, or sad? 9. Did you teachers protect you from bulling when you were in school? 10. Can the checklist from the text help you in your future profession? 8. Вставьте в пропуски слова или словосочетания, подходящие по смыслу: acting out // reduce conflict // positive behavior // get angry // an upsetting experience // to prevent problems their feelings // motivate through access // threats // an emotionally safe environment Much of the defiance, rebelliousness, and 1) ... reflects our students’ struggle to survive. Students are unable to function effectively when they 2)..., frustrated, or sad. A student may explode after holding in feelings about 3) .... To meet students’ need for. recognition, attention, and safety teachers should use their authority to set limits and offer choices and create 4) .... v 61
To 5) . and increase commitment and cooperation the teacher can en- courage students to make decisions about their learning, 6) ... to positive out- comes, and emphasize the positive consequences of cooperation It is also impor- tant that the teacher consciously anticipate students’ needs m various situations in order 7)... and follow through immediately, avoiding warnings and 8).... To create an emotionally safe environment the teacher can use such strat- egics as the following: reinforce 9) ... with positive outcomes, communicate with parents regularly and frequently, respect students’ affective needs and support 10).... Most of teachers will stand to benefit and inaugurate positive change if they keep the big picture in mind, working their way through the smaller goals. 9. Поставьте письменно вопросы к выделенным словам: 1. This passivity is the opposite of what we would like ch Idren to learn by playing group games. 2. This example contrasts sharply with the previous one. 3. Their version maximized the potential of the game for their development. 4. Piaget’s theory shows that in logico-mathematical knowledge truth does not to come out of the teacher’s head. 5. The game is used to achieve three broad objectives of early education and contributes to children’s social, political, moral, cognitive, and emotion- al development 10. Выразите свое отношение к обсуждаемой проблеме. Приведите примеры из собственного опыта. Расскажите, испытывали ли вы по- требность в признании, внимании и эмоциональной безопасности, когда учились в школе. Какие действия в связи с возникшими пробле- мами предпринимал учитель (классный руководитель). Урок 13 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания: a quick wit - сообразительность affection [q fekSqn] - привязанность, любовь apparent [q pxrqnt] confidence - явное/очевидное доверие outburst ['autbq:st] of temper - вспышка гнева, раздражительность reassuranace [,ri:q'Suqrqns] - уверение, заверение sibling ['slbllN] - брат/сестра (дети одних родителей) statement f 'steltmqnt] - заявление 62
to affirm [q'f q;m] - утверждать, подтверждать to overestimate ['quvqr'estlmlt] - переоценивать vulnerable ['vAlnqrqbl] - ранимый, уязвимый 2. Догадайтесь о значении следующих слов: proclamation, overaggressive, protective, regular, secure, temper, to criticize, to reply 3. Выберите правильный суффикс (“-al” или “-ive”) и образуйте при- лагательные от следующих слов. Помните, что суффикс “-al” добав- ляется к существительным, а суффикс “-ive” - к глаголам. Составьте словосочетания с полученными прилагательными: 1) to create; 2) emotion; 3) herb; 4) to communicate; 5) physics; 6) experi- ment; 7) electric; 8) to communicate. 4. Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните те из них, в которых со- держится инфинитив. Определите, какие функции выполняет инфи- нитив в предложениях: 1. Mother is the center of the child’ world. He not only wants to please her, he wants to be near her. 2. Five-year old isn’t smug, but he is secure. This means that he uses much less energy than earlier in resisting others in order to prove to himself that he is own boss. 3. Fives, in spite of all their, do need quite a bit of reassurance from mother. They like her to tell them, and frequently, how much she loves them. 4. Five often gets on best with children outside his immediate family, es- pecially children his own age. But even a five-year-old can have trouble at times, and two children tend to play together better than do three. 5. The child usually likes his teacher very much. But the relationship tends to be less intimate than it was when he was in nursery school, or than it will be later. 5. Прочитайте текст и выпишите из него слова, выражающие различ- ные чувства и эмоции, сгруппируйте эти слова по категориям: любовь, радость, гнев: THE CHILD AND OTHERS (by Louise Bates Ames, Frances L. Ilg) Person number one m the life of any Five-year-old is his mother. He loves her best. He wants to please her most. “My own best mummy’’ is what he often calls her. 63 I
Fives, in spite of all their, do need quite a bit of reassurance from mother The}? like her to tell them, and frequently, how much she loves them. So, though they can affirm “I like you and you like me,” they still often question, “Do you love me?” What mother says is as good as law to them. One kindergartner we know, when criticized by his teacher, replied calmly, “I’m not a bad boy. My Mum- my says I’m a good boy.” It is very important to him that his mother should make such a statement. Fives feel so close to their mothers that they sometimes overestimate her ability to read their minds They are often quick and a little impatient and don’t always give all the necessary clues as to what they are talking about. Then they tend to be quite angry if she doesn’t pick up on their story at once. It takes a quick wit to be a mother. And, admittedly, as they move toward Five-and-a- half, if things go wrong, children will sometimes take things out on mother. So, when Beth’s mother came to pick her up one day at kindergarten, Beth greeted her not with her usual shout of joy but with a frown and the proclamation, “I don’t like you.” Mother, wisely, asked her daughter calmly, “What happened?” “There was a birthday party and all the other girls were dressed and you made me wear my overalls,” Beth replied. The fact that Five adores his mother by no means implies that Father is out in the cold. Most Fives are very fond of their fathers, proud of them, and love their company. Fathers do not as a rule receive as much affection from their children but, on the other hand, if the child does have an outburst of temper, it is more likely to be against his mother than his father. And in the insecurity of the night, it is Mother whom he wants most. Grandparents are extremely important to the Five-year-old We know how warm and responsive the relationship can be. However, when you ask a Five-year-old about his or her grandparents, he often sounds as if he is more interested in what they give him than in how they feel about him. So, when asked what the best thing about their grandmother is, Fives often say, “She makes us good food and gives us things.” A Five-year-old’s relationship to his siblings is apt to improve somewhat now. Many Fives play reasonably well with older siblings and tend to be ex- tremely kind and protective to those who are younger. Some girls are regular little mothers to their younger siblings and especially to any baby in the fam- ily. It is important to appreciate that their instinct for mothering may exceed their ability to take responsibility. So, a Five-year-old needs to be supervised when holding or caring for a baby. 64
Five often gets on best with children outside his immediate family, es- pecially children his own age. With his natural desire to please and to have things go smoothly, he is a much easier playmate than he was at Four or than he may be at Six. But even a five-year-old can have trouble at times, and two children tend to play together better than do three. With older children, the Five-year-old may be quite docile and may for instance even be willing to play the role of a baby when children are playing house. However, even the friendly Five-yeai-old sometimes runs into a child with whom he just cannot get along. Whose fault this is not the question. Since Five, with his gentleness and good will, tends to be quite vulnerable socially, he should be protected from the company of an overaggressive or incompatible child. With strangers or when visiting, a Five-year-old can be a polite and friendly little person If he is not tired it can be a real pleasure to have him along. In many cases his manners and his stamina are now adequate so that he is no longer a menace on a train or plane, in restaurant or downtown shop- ping If plans are made with his tender age in mind, it can often be more fun to have him with you than not. The child usually likes his teacher very much. But the relationship tends to be less intimate than it was when he was in nursery school, or than it will be later. He does depend on her, when he wants something or for atten- tion, but sometimes complains at home, “The teacher makes me do things.” In general, however, the relationship is a pleasant one. If it is not going well, often having the teacher visit the child’s home helps out a lot. Parents should realize how much this could mean to the child. The visit doesn’t have to be long or formal. We have seen a child’s whole attitude toward school and his teacher improve after even one short visit. (from “Your Five-year-Old. Sunny and Serene”. Chapter II, p. 12-17) 6. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Выпишите слова и словосочетания, ха- рактеризующие отношения между людьми. 7. Найдите в тексте предложения в прямой речи, передайте их содер- жание в косвенной речи. 8. Основываясь на содержании текста, докажите, что следующие утверждения верны: 1. Person number one in the life of any Five-year-old is his mother. 65
2. Most Fives are very fond of their fathers, proud of them, and love their company 3. Many Fives play reasonably well with older siblings and tend to be ex- tremely kind and protective to those who are younger. 4. With strangers or when visiting, a Five-year-old can be a polite and friend- ly little person 5. Most Fives usually like their teachers very much. 6. Grandparents are extremely important to the Five-year-old. 9. Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски словами и словосо- четаниями из рамки: siblings, a statement, less intimate, responsive, impatient, supervised, much affection, demands, runs into, a nursery-school experience 1. It is very important to Five that his mother should make such ... 2. Fives are often quick and a little... 3. Fathers do not as a rule receive as... from their children. 4. Wc know how warm and ... the relationship can be. 5. Some girls are regular little mothers to their younger... and especially to any baby in the family. 6. A Five-year-old needs to be... when holding or caring for a baby. 7. The friendly Five-year-old sometimes ... a child with whom he just cannot get along 8 Nowadays many children have already had... by Five 9. Most Fives are quite up to the... made, and most Five-year-olds like their teacher. 10. The relationship tends to be ... than it was when he was in nursery school. 10. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и словосо- четания: 1. birth/ the/ а/ slate/ individual/ at/ clean/like/ is 2. like/ to/critical/ be/ we/ also/ would/ them 3. often/ with/ autonomy/ confused/ independence/ is 4. following/ example/ it/ by/ clarified/ the/ is 5 In/ teacher/ the/ j udge/ only/ the/ and/ right/ wrong/ lessons/is/of 66
11. Прочитайте высказывания детей о своих бабушках и дедушках. Выразите свое мнение о том, какую роль играют бабушки и дедушки в воспитании пятилеток: 1. “She’s nice, gives us candy.” 2. “They are nice to me.” 3. “They take me to get ice cream.” 4. “Give us lots of presents.” 5. “Lets us stay up late.” 6. “Nice - gives me good presents at Christmas.” 7. “The treat me nice.” 12. Каковы были ваши суждения в дошкольном возрасте об отношении к вам ваших родственников? Опишите, каково было ваше отношение к ва- шим ближайшим родственникам, когда вы были в дошкольном возрасте. Урок 14 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания: bib - детский нагрудник chicken pox [' Cikqn pOks] - ветряная оспа disease [dl'zi:z] - болезнь gravy ['grelvl] -подливка, соус intake flntelk] - потребление measles ['mi:zlz] - корь perseverance [.pqzsl'vlrqns] - настойчивость, упорство prevalent [’prevqlqnt] - преобладающий whooping cough [' hurpINkOf] - коклюш wriggles [TIgl] - изгибаться, извиваться 2. Догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональных слов: assistance, comfort, cooperative, enthusiastic, food preferences, hyperactivity, mattress, polished, poor diet, toileting routines 3. Прочитайте предложения. Найдите в них формы причастия I и II. Определите, какие функции в предложениях они выполняют: L Some Fives will still wear a bib though most prefer a napkin tucked in at the neck. 2. The typical five-year-old is pretty good about washing his hands before meals, especially if reminded. 3. Bath for many can be a pleasant, relaxing occasion. 4. If a household has exacting standards, the child of this age may still fall short. 5. Food preferences of Fives arc still rather marked. 6. Five really likes to do what is expected of him. 67
4. Прочитайте текст и определите, из каких частей он состоит. Под- берите соответствующие заголовки к каждой части текста: ROUTINES AND HEALTH (by Louise Bates Ames, Frances L. Ilg) (1) By the time a child is five, one might suppose that he should know how to eat. And of course he does, as far as actually getting food into himself goes. But if a household has exacting standards, the child of this age may still fall short. He dawdles, talks too much, may even toward the end of a meal ask to be fed. He wriggles in his chair, though he doesn’t as a rule have to leave the table to go to the bathroom as he did at Four. And most do not fall out of their chairs as they may at Six. (2) Appetite has usually improved. In fact it is usually quite adequate, though some meals may be better than others. Not all eat three “good” meals a day. But with their interest in finishing things, their normal perseverance, and their wish to do what other people want them to, Fives often manage to clean up their plates, even though it may seem to you as if it is taking forever. (3) Food preferences are still rather marked. Five likes plain, simple cook- ing, and may thus like best meat, potatoes, a raw vegetable, milk, and fruit. Gravies, casseroles, puddings, cooked root vegetables, anything complicated or with a strong taste, may be refused. The child especially dislikes stringy and lumpy foods. (4) Most Fives need little help, unless they are tired or it is the end of a long meal. Most can use a knife for spreading even though they are not yet ready to cut their meat. (5) Five’s table manners are not yet too polished, but fortunately many parents still do not expect as much as they may in another year. So, often a meal with the whole family can go quite happily. Five still does tend to talk too much and also to talk with his mouth full. There is some spilling. Some at this age will still wear a bib though most prefer a napkin tucked in at the neck. But in general, mealtimes go reasonably well. Five really likes to do what is expected of him, at the table as well as everywhere else. (6) The typical five-year-old is pretty good about washing his hands be- fore meals, especially if reminded. That is, he does not as a rule think of it himself; on the other hand, he makes no major objection and even does a pretty good job. (7) A total bath is something else again. He likes his bath and will partici- pate as much as he can, but his abilities are limited. 68
(8) In fact, the child may be best at cleaning his hands and knees, and he will probably need quite a bit of help with other parts of his body. He may get stuck on one knee, washing it over and over and needing encouragement to shift even to his second knee. Of course, mother still needs to draw the bath water. (9) So it cannot be said that Five is an accomplished bather, but he is co- operative and enthusiastic, and bath for many can be a pleasant, relaxing oc- casion. (10) Mothers of Five-year-olds tend to report, “He can but doesn’t.” That is, he has most of the abilities needed, expect for tying shoelaces or but- toning difficult buttons, but he often fails to use even the abilities he has. (11) Some mothers find that it helps if clothes are laid out singly, in the right order, or on the floor. Otherwise the child is apt to get them on backward. (12) How much help the mother gives depends, of course, on how skillful the child is, and some Fives do take on quite a bit of responsibility. Some are able to choose two or three days of the week when they will be (mostly) re- sponsible for dress ng. Others really prefer to leave much of it up to Mother Undressing is still easier than dressing. (13) Regardless of how much responsibility they themselves show about getting garments on and off, few take very good care of their clothes. Even those girls who are clothes-conscious and want to look nice do not yet take good care of their dresses. (14) For the most part, assuming that your child is of a relatively healthy temperament, his health at this age will be pretty good, except for the com- municable diseases he or she may catch. Whooping cough and chicken pox take the lead. Measles, once very prevalent, is now under better control. (15) Some Fives have only one or two colds a winter in contrast to their greater prevalence at Four and especially at Six. Stomachaches, which are fairly common, may be related to either the too-speedy intake diseases a bib of food or to the need to have a bowel movement, a need that may have been put off too long. (from “Your Five-year- Old. Sunny and Serene”. Chapter III, p. 18-26) HEALTH (paragraphs N________) BATH (paragraphs N________) EATING (paragraphs N________) DRESSING (paragraphs N ) SPEAPING (paragraphs N) 69
5. Выделите в каждом разделе текста предложения, выражающие его основную идею. 6. Найдите в тексте абзацы, которые позволяют ответить на следую- щие вопросы: 1. What kind of cooking does Five like? 2. What foods do children especially dislike? 3. Can Fives use a knife for spreading and cutting their meat? 4. Why will some children at this age still wear a bib? 5. Are Fives good at cleaning their hands and other parts of their bodies? 6. Fives like their bath, don’t they? 7. Shall we remind our five-year-olds to wash their hands before meals? 8 What is easier for Fives dressing or undressing? 9. Do girls of this age take good care of their dresses? 10 What communicable diseases may Fives catch? 7. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения: 1. Fives often manage to clean up their plates, even though it may seem to you as if it is taking forever. 2. Five does tend to talk too much and also to talk with his mouth full. 3. Five doesn’t like plain, simple cooking. 4. Most Fives need little help, unless they are tired or it is the end of a long meal 5. In general, mealtimes go reasonably well. 6. It can be said that Five is an accomplished bather 7. The typical five-year-old is pretty good about washing his hands before meals, especially if reminded 8. Some Fives have only one or two colds a winter. 8. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и словосоче- тания: 1. years/ through/ programs/ school/ should/ the/ continue/ the/ elemen- tary. 2. you/ were/ at/ also/ the/ number/ of/ parents/ surprised/ who/ had/ been/ involved. 3. that/ develop/ teachers/ effective/ programs/ encourage/ participation/ parent. 70
4. all/ programs/ must/ families/ include. 5. not/ between/ parents/ relationships/ teachers/ and/ arc/ simple. 9. Подготовьте презентацию выступления на родительском собрании в детском саду о том, с какими проблемами могут столкнуться роди- тели пятилетних детей. Начните с развернутого плана презентации. 10. Напишите заметку для журнала «Parents», выражая свое мнение о том, как должны вести себя родители в случае, если их ребенок от- казывается самостоятельно есть и одеваться. Объем заметки не дол- жен превышать 100 слов. Урок 15 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания: accomplishments [q' kOmplISmqnts] - достоинства, воспитание accustomed [q kAstqmd] - приученный anxious [’xNkSqs] - озабоченный, беспокойный application [.xplI'kelSqn] - заявление carpentry ['kRpIntrlj - плотничное дело carriage [ kxrIG] - коляска clutter [' klAtq] - суматоха, беспорядок gross ['grqus] - большой, крупный sewing [squINl - шитье snip [snip] - обрезок, кусок to swing [swIN] - качаться на качелях tracing ['trelsIN] - обводка по контуру 2. Объясните значение следующих слов: occasion, chances, repertoire, balance, control, tunnel, tent houses, acrobat- ics, trapeze, tricks, magnet, roller-skate 3. Объясните, в соответствии с какими правилами образованы следу- ющие группы слов: to sleep - sleeping, to greet - greeted, to arrive - an iving, to adopt - adopted, to relate - related, to accustom - accustomed, to pick - picking, to require - required, to solve - solved, to play - playing 71
4. Прочитайте текст и сформулируйте его основную идею: GENERAL INTERESTS (by Louise Bates Aines, Frances L. Ilg) When your child is an infant, each new accomplishment or ability can be the occasion for excitement and rejoicing. That first word, that irst step, that first tooth tend to be greeted as if no such thing had ever happened before. By the time he is five, chances are you have become more accustomed to the fact that he has continued to do remarkable things and add new abilities to his repertoire. You enjoy his enjoyment in these new abilities, but you are a little less anxious if they are late, a little less proud if they are early. By five the usual boy or girl has arrived at a good balance between what he would like to do and what he can do. And what he likes most of all to do is play. Most Fives play very well indeed. The body is now under a more smooth and skillful control, and therefore most Fives can play without too much adult help or guidance. Five fits well into the usual kindergarten because he loves the usual kin- dergarten activities. Cutting, tracing, drawing, pasting stringing beads, mak- ing things with small pieces of paper and cloth - all activities that leave quite a clutter of little snips and pieces - give the Five-year-old a chance to prac- tice his increasing constructive and creative abilities. Both girls and boys love blocks - little blocks and big blocks - though they tend to use them in somewhat different ways. Girls build houses for their dolls, whereas boys are more likely to build roads, tracks, bridges, tun- nels, trucks, planes, and fire engines. However, both sexes like to build big houses with big blocks, or tent houses made of chairs draped with blankets, and then they love to snuggle inside these structures. Often they do not do much once inside, except perhaps talk about how they are now “nice and safe” from whatever they may imagine threatens them on outside. Dolls, too, are of great interest to Fives. Naturally they pretend these dolls arc babies, and both boys and girls like to play house with their dolls, dressing them, feeding them, putting them to bed or taking them for rides in their carriage. All of this fits into their general love of playing “house,” with one or the other of the supposed parents going out to work, the other staying at home to take care of the “housework.” Hospital or doctor play is not as strong as it was at Four, and playing school usually waits till Six. 72
Both boys and girls enjoy all sorts of gross motor play, with tricycle-riding a general favorite. And five loves to swing, climb, skip, roller-skate, and jump from heights. If climbable trees are available, he loves to climb. Jump rope is coming in as well as attempted acrobatics, trapeze tricks, or even walking on stilts. Roller skates and ice skates are favorites with many. Most play activities are enjoyed by both boys and girls, though girls are likely to prefer sewing, boys, and carpentry. Jigsaw puzzles arc fun for both, and those children who are spatially well oriented can sometimes master rather complicated patterns. Others enjoy use of such simple science materials as the magnet, magnify- ing glass, flashlight, and stethoscope. And still others spend a lot of time with games in which they match pictures or forms, or greatly enjoy copying letters and numbers. Imaginative play, especially playing house, as mentioned, is still very strong but Five is a factual age and many Five-year-olds like best of all to work with materials, to actually make things, solve puzzles, play games that require a certain application of the intellect. Five is growing up. (from “Кшг Five-year-Old. Sunny and Serene”. Chapter V, p. 32-35) 5. а) Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие глаголы в страда- тельном залоге, и переведите их. б) Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие конструкции с инфи- нитивом, переведите их. в) Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых глаголы заканчиваются на “-ing”. Разберите их по членам предложения, переведите. 6. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What do Five-year-olds like most of all to do? 2. Why does Five fit well into the usual kindergarten? 3. What sorts of motor play do boys and girls enjoy? 4. What activities give Five-year-olds a chance to practice his increasing constructive and creative abilities? 5. What materials do Five-year-olds like best of all to work with? 7. Выполш1те перевод следующих предложений на английский язык: 1 . Дети развивают свою автономию через взаимоотношения, (to develop) 2. Кто предложил это решение? (to suggest the solution) 3 . Что вносит вклад в эмоциональное развитие ребенка? (to contribute to) 73
4 Учителя используют теорию Пиаже в классе? (Piaget’s theory) 5 Что стимулируют групповые игры*? (to stimulate) 8. Опровершите данные утверждения: 1. By Five the usual boy or girl has never arrived at a good balance between what he would like to do and what he can do. 2. Most Fives cannot play without too much adult help or guidance. 3 Neither girls noi boys love to play with blocks very much. 4 Girls don’t like to build houses for their dolls; they are more likely to build roads, tracks, bridges, tunnels, trucks, planes, and fire engines 5. Boys like to play house with dolls, dressing them, feeding them, putting them to bed or taking them for rides in their carriage. 6. Doll is not of great interest to Fives. 7. Hospital or doctor play is as strong as it was at four. 8 Fives also like best of all playing school. 9 Most play activities are enjoyed by both boys and girls, though girls are likely to prefer carpentry, boys, and sewing. 10. Fives enjoy matching pictures and copying letters but they don’t like to swing or skip. 9. Составьте 10 вопросов анкеты для родителей детей 5-летнего воз- раста о том, в какие игры любят играть их дети.
Литература 1. Ames, L. В., Ilg, F. L. Your Five-year-Old. Sunny and Serene. The Gesell Instutute of Child Development. New York, 1999. 2. Beaty, J J Skills for Preschool Teachers. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000. 3. Childhood Education. International Focus Issue 2002. Vol. 78. N 6. 4. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children From Birth Through Age 8. Expanded Edition. NAYAC: Washington, D.C. 1990. 5. Foundations. Early Childhood Education in a Diverse Society, 2003. 6. Fuchs, M, Bonner, M. Focus on Grammar: A high-intermediate Course for Reference and Practice. Longman, 1995. 7. Gemgross, G, Puchta, H. Do and Understand. Longman, 2000. 8. Hornby A 5. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current Eng- lish. OUP, Oxford, 1989. 9. Journal of the Association for Childhood Education International. Child Education. Infancy Through Early Adolescence. International Focus Issue, 2002. 10. Kamii C., DeVries R. Group Games in Early Education. Implications of Piaget’s Theory. National Association for the Education of Young Chil- dren, Washington D C., 1996. 11. NAEYC Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Prac- tice in Early Childhood Programmes Serving Children From Birth Through Age 8. NAYAC: Washington, D.C. 2005. 12. Povey,J Walshe, I. An English Teacher’s Handbook of Educational Terms, 2nd Edition, “VYSSHAJA SIIKOLA”, Moscow, 1982. 13. The Collins Concise Dictionary The Authority on Cui rent English. New-Revised Edition (3rd edition), Harper Collins Publishers, The UK, 1995. 14. The Scholastic Instructor, April, USA, 2001. 15. The Scholastic Instructor, September, USA, 2000. 16. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd edition, London, 1970. 17. Мюллер В.К Англо-русский словарь. 23-е изд., стер. М.: Рус. яз., 1990. 848 с. 18. Щукин АЛ. Обучение иностранным языкам: Теория и практика: учеб, пособие для преподавателей и студентов. М.: Филоматис, 2006. 480 с. 75
Учебное издание Погосян Виктория Акоповна, Васильева Татьяна Геннадьевна, Вронская Ирина Владимировна, Мацибора Марианна Георгиевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ Профессионально-ориентированное обучение Учебное пособие Выпускающий редактор А. С Балуева Корректор Н. Э. Тимофеева Дизайн Т. В. Житкевич Верстка Е. Е. Зимина ООО «Книжный Дом», лицензия ИД № 05377 от 16.07.2001. 191186, Санкт-Петербург, ул. М Конюшенная, д. 5. Подписано в печать 27.02.2012. Формат 60 х 84/16. Бумага офсетная. Объем 4,75 печ. л. Тираж 120 экз. Заказ № 238 Отпечатано в типографии ООО «Инжиниринг-Сервис» 190020, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Циолковского,д. 13.