                    VC ■:
Книжка «Детские сказки» представляет собой nocd
бие для чтения на английском языке в VI классе семи-4*
летней и средней школы (в первом полугодии). Сказки ^ Д
адаптированы в основном в пределах словаря и граМ^зр^"*
матики для второго года обучения английскому языку1
и расположены в порядке нарастания языковых тру^-
Для облегчения чтения и понимания в книжке име;
ются постраничные примечания и алфавитный словарь.'
В примечаниях даются переводы более сложных выра;- .
жений и отмечается произношение тех слов, которые
могут вызвать затруднения при чтении.

The Hen and the Bag of Flour1 The Hen Finds a Bag of Flour The Hen finds a bag of flour.2 It is very big. She cannot carry it home herself. So she goes to the Duck, and says, “Please, Duck, help me to carry my bag of flour.” But the Duck says, “No.” Then she goes to the Goose, and says, “Please, Goose, help me to carry my bag of flour.” But the Goose says, “No.” 1 Обратите внимание на чтение следующих слов: find [faind] — находить goes [gouz] — идёт very ['veri] — очень says [sez] — говорит carry ['kseri] — нести please [pliiz] — пожалуйста herself [ha'self] — (она) сама goose [gu:s] —гусь 2 a 'bag of 'flour [flauo] — мешок с мукой. 3
Then she goes to the Turkey, and says, “Please, Turkey, help me to carry my bag of flour.” But the Turkey says, “No.” “Then I must carry it home myself,” says the Hen. And she carries it home herself. The Hen Wants to Make Some Bread Now the Hen wants to make some bread.1 But she cannot make the bread herself. So she says to the Duck, the Goose and the Turkey, “Who wants to help me to make my bread?” “Not I,” 2 says the Duck. “Not I,” says the Goose. “Not I,” says the Turkey. “Then I must make it myself,” says the Hen. And she makes the bread herself. The Hen Eats the Bread Herself When the bread is ready, the Hen goes to the Duck, and says, “Please, Duck, help me to eat my bread.” “Oh, yes!” 3 says the Duck. Then the Hen goes to the Goose, and says, turkey ['ta:ki] индюк want [want] — хотеть myself [mai'self] —• (я) сама who [hu:] — кто now [паи] — теперь ready ['redi] — готов 1 'make some 'bread [som 'bred] — испечь хлеба. 2 Not 'I — (Только) не я. 8 Oh, yes! ['ou 'jes] — О да! (то есть: с большим удовольствием помогу).
“Please, Goose, help me to eat my bread.” “Oh, yes!” says the Goose. Then the Hen goes to the Turkey, and says, “Please, Turkey, help me to eat my bread.” “Oh* yes!” says the Turkey. But the Hen says, “Oh, no!1 I cannot give you any bread.2 I want to eat it myself.” And she eats the bread herself. 1 Oh, no! — Ну, нет! 2 I cannot give [giv] you any ['em] bread — Я не могу дать вам хлеба.
The Sky is Falling The Grey Hen and the Duck The Grey Hen lives in a small house near a garden.1 She likes to eat apples, and she can find very many apples in the garden. One day 2 an apple falls on her head. “The sky is falling,” says the Grey Hen. “I must go and tell the Turkey.” So she' walks and walks. By and by 3 she meets a Duck. fall [fa:l] — падать many ['mem] — много live [liv] — жить head [hed] — голова small [sma:l] — небольшой walk [walk] идти (пешком) house [haus] — дом 1 'near [nia(r)] a 'garden — недалеко от одного сада. 2 One day ['wvn 'dei] ... — Однажды ... 8 By and by ['bai and 'bai] — Вскоре.
“Where are you going, Grey Hen?” asks the Duck. “The sky is falling,” says the Grey Hen. “I am going to tell the Turkey.” “May I go with you?” 1 asks the Duck. “Yes, you may,” says the Grey Hen. “Let us go 2 to the Turkey together.” The Grey Hen and the Goose So the Grey Hen and the Duck walk and walk. By and by they meet a Goose. “Where are you going, Grey Hen?” asks the Goose. “The sky is falling,” says the Grey Hen. “We are going to tell the Turkey.” “May I go with you?” asks the Goose. “Yes,, you may,” says the Grey Hen. “Let us go to the Turkey together.” The Grey Hen and the Fox So the Grey Hen, the Duck and the Goose walk and walk. By and by they meet a Fox. “Where are you going, Grey Hen?” asks the Fox. , “The sky. is falling,” says the Grey Hen. “We are going to tell the Turkey.” where Twen] — где, куда together [ta'geSo] — вместе ask [ct:sk] — спрашивать 1 May I go with you? ['wiS ju] — Можно мне пойти с тобой? - I.et us 'go — Пойдём. 7
“Come to my house,” 1 says the Fox, “the sky is not falling there.” “Very well!”2 says the Grey Hen. So the Grey Hen, the Duck, the Goose, and the Fox walk and walk. By and by they come to the Fox’s house.3 “This is my house,” 4 says the Fox. “Come in, please.” 5 They all go into the Fox’s house, but they never come out again.6 there [без] — там, туда all [ail] — все; весь, вся, всё 1 Come [клт] to ту 'hous'e — Идите ко мне (в мой дом). 2 Very well! — Хорошо! 3 the Fox’s ['foksiz] house — дом лисы. * 'This [Sis] is my 'house — Вот мой дом. 6 Come 'in, please — Входите, пожалуйста. 6 but they never ['neva] come out again — но из него (из дома) они уже (никогда) не вышли.
The Grey Cat and the Black Cat One day the Grey Cat says to the Black Cat, “We have nothing for dinner.”'1 “Let us go to the market and buy some meat,” 2 says the Black Cat. “Please help me to carry the basket.” “Very well!”3 says the Grey Cat. So they go to- the market and buy some meat. On the way home 4 they see a Fox. The Black Cat runs away.5 The Grey Cat goes on 6 with the basket. Soon she meets the Fox. The Grey Cat puts down 7 the basket and runs away. market ['mct:kit] — рынок basket ['bet:skit] — корзина I We have nothing [hasv 'пл011)] for dinner — У нас ничего нет на обед. - Let us ... 'buy [bai] some [som] 'meat — Давай ... купим мяса. :l Very well! — Хорошо! 4 On the way home — По дороге домой. r’ ... runs away [a'wei] — убегает. II ... goes on f'gouz 'on] — продолжает идти. 7 ...puts down ['puts 'daun] — здесь: ставит (на землю). 9
The Fox takes the basket. Fie 1 wants to carry it home. On the way he meets a Dog. The Fox puts down the basket and runs. The Dog runs after him.2 Then the Grey Cat and the Black Cat come back.3 They take the basket and carry it home. To Market, to Market To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Flome again, home again, dancing a jig.4 To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggety jog.5 1 He — здесь она (лиса). Так же и в других сказках: если слова fox — лиса, dog — собака, mouse — мышь (и названия других жи¬ вотных) заменяются местоимением he, это показывает, что эти жи¬ вотные мужского рода; местоимение she показывает, что они •— женского рода. 2 after ['cufto] him — за ней (за лисой). 3 ... come back ['клт 'Ьаек] — возвращаются 4 dancing a jig ['da:nsir| э 'djigj — танцуя джиг (название танца). 5 jiggety jog ['djigatx 'djog] — танцуя и подпрыгивая.
The Fox’s Breakfast1 The Fox and the Hen The Fox lives in a house in the wood. One morning2 he says, “I have nothing for breakfast. I must go out3 and find something for breakfast.” So he goes out to find something for breakfast. On the way he meets a Hen. When Ihe Hen sees the Fox, she wants to run away. “Don’t run away,” 4 says the Fox. “I don’t eat liens. Come and talk to me.” 5 wood [wud] — лес something ['SAmGir)] — что-нибудь 1 The Fox’s Breakfast [So 'foksiz 'brekfost] — Завтрак лисы. One morning — Однажды утром. :l go out — выходить (из дому). 1 Don’t [dount] run away •— He убегай. Come [клт] and talk [to:k] to me — Подойди и поговори со
“Where are you going?” asks the Hen. “I am going for a walk and back home again,” 1 says the Fox. “You may come with me. I can take you on my back.” “Thank you,” says the Hen. The Fox and the Bird So the Fox takes the Hen on his back and runs along the road.2 On the way he meets a Bird. When the Bird sees the Fox, she wants to fly away. “Don’t fly away,” says the Fox. “I don’t eat birds. Come and talk to me.” “Where are you going?” asks the Bird. “I am going for a walk and back home again,” says the Fox. “You may come with me. I can take you on my back.” “Thank you,” says the Bird. The Fox and the Mouse So the Fox takes the Bird on his back and runs along the road. On the way he meets a Mouse. When the Mouse sees the Fox, she wants to hide in the grass. where [wea] — куда mouse [maus] — мышка bird [ba:d] — птичка grass [gra:s] — трава 1 I am going for a walk [wa:kl and back home again — Я иду по гулять (на прогулку), а потом обратно домой. 2 ...runs along the road [roud] — ...бежит no дороге. 12
“Don’t hide in the grass,” says the Fox. “I don’t eat mice. Come and talk to me.” “Where are you going?” asks the Mouse. “I am going for a walk and back home again,” says the Fox. “You may come with me. I can take you on my back.” “Thank you,” says the Mouse. At the Fox’s House So the Fox takes the Mouse on his back and runs along the road. Soon he comes to his house. “This is my house,” says the Fox. “Now let us have breakfast.” 1 When they are all in the house, the Fox closes the door and says, “Now I can have my breakfast. Come here,2 lien. I want to eat you up.” “Why do you want to eat me up?” asks the 1 Ien. “Because you run in the garden all day long 3 and never, never work.” And the Fox eats the Hen up. “Come here, Bird,” he says. “I want to eat you up.” “Why do you want to eat me up?” asks the Bird. mice [mais] — мыши because [bi'ko:z] — потому что closes ['klouziz] — закрывает never ['neva] — никогда door [do:] — дверь work [wa:k] — работать why [wai] — почему 1 Now [nau] let us have breakfast — Теперь давайте завтракать. " Come here ['клт 'hio] — Иди сюда. :l all day long — целый день (весь день). 1-3
“Because you sit on the roof all day long and never, never work.” And the Fox eats the Bird up. “Come here, Mouse.” But the Mouse is not there.1 Soon she comes in with a Man, and the Man kills the Fox. The Mouse sits down and laughs, “Ha, ha!” laugh [lcuf] — смеяться Ha, ha! ['hci:'ha:] — Ха-ха! 1 But the Mouse is not there! [без] — здесь: А мышка исчезла! (А мышки там и нет!)
The Three Pigs The Three Brothers Three Pigs live in a house near a wood. The Ihree Pigs are brothers. One is a big pig, and his name is Big Pig. 1 One is a middle-sized pig, 2 and his name is Pig — just Pig.3 One is a little pig, and his name is Little Pig. brother ['Ьглбэ] •— брат one [wAn] — один 1 IIis name is Big Pig — Его зовут (его имя) Большой Поро¬ сенок. " a middle-sized ['midlsaizd] pig — поросёнок среднего раз- М ери, :l just Pig — просто Поросёнок. 15
The three pigs dance all day long and sing: “We are happy brother pigs, We are happy piggy-wigs, We have time to dance and play, We are happy all the day.” One day they go out for a walk.1 They walk and walk, and by and by they come to a big wood. Big Pig says, “I cannot see our house.” Pig says, “I cannot see our house.” Little Pig says, “I cannot see our house.” “Then let us build a little house,” says Big Pig- “Build a house yourself! I am tired,” 2 says Pig. “I want to rest. I don’t want to build a house.” “Build a house yourself! I am tired. I want to go to bed,” 3 says Little Pig. “I don’t want to build a house.” So Big Pig goes along one road. Pig goes along another road. And Little Pig goes along another road. Little Pig wants to go to bed, but he cannot go to bed, because he has no house. He goes along 1 they go out for a walk [wo:k] — они выходят погулять. 2 I am tired [taiad] — Я устал. 3 go to bed — лечь спать. In the Big Wood Little Pig dance [dcuns] — танцевать cannot [ksenot] — не могу our [aua] — наш build [bild] — строить yourself [jo'self] — (ты) сам another [э'плбэ] — другой 16
the road and meets a Man with some hay 1 on his back. “Oh, I can build 2 a house of hay,” he says to himself.3 So he says to the Man, “Please, Man, give me some hay,4 I want to build a house.” The Man gives him some hay, and Little Pig builds a house of hay. When the house is ready, he dances and sings: “I have a little house of hay, I have a little house of hay, I have time to dance and sing, I have time to play.” Little Pig and the Wolf When night comes, Little Pig goes to bed. By and by 5 the Big Bad Wolf comes, knocks at the door and says, "Little Pig, Little Pig,‘let me in,” 6 But Little Pig does not let him in. He laughs, and dances, and sings: (five [giv] — дать knock [пак] — стучать ready ['redr] — готов door [do:] — дверь wolf [wulf] — волк laugh [la:f] — смеяться night [nait] — ночь 1 with some [wiS sam] hay с сеном. Oh [ou], I can build ... — Я же могу построить ... he says to him'self — он говорит (самому себе). л some hay — немного сена. г' 'Ну and 'by — Через некоторое время. '■ let me 'in — впусти меня. Нпч-кне сктки 17
“Who’s afraid of1 the Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf? Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? La, la, la, la, la!” Then the Big Bad Wolf says, “Let me in, Little Pig. I can blow your house down 2 and eat you up.” Then Little Pig is afraid. He jumps out3 of the window and runs away. And the Big Bad Wolf puffs and puffs and blows the house down. But Little Pig is not there! Pig Pig is very tired, but he cannot rest, because he has no house. He goes along the road and meets a Man with some sticks 4 on his back. “Oh, I can build a house of sticks,” he says to himself. 1 Who’s [hufz] (who is) afraid of... — Нам не страшен (Кто боится). .. 2 I can blow [blou] your house down [daun] — Я могу сдуть твой дом. 3 jump out — выскакивать 4 with some [som] sticks — с хворостом. 18
•Ч1Г So he says to the Man, “Please, Man, give me some sticks. 1 I want to build a house.” The Man gives him some sticks, and Pig builds' a house of sticks. When the house is ready, he dances and sings: “I have a little house of sticks, I have a little house of sticks, I have time to dance and sing, I have time for tricks.” Pig and the Wolf When night comes, Pig goes to bed. By and by the Big Bad Wolf comes, knocks at the door, and says, “Pig, Pig, let me in.” But Pig does not let him in. He laughs, and dances, and sings: “Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf? Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? La, la, la, la, la!” Then the Big Bad Wolf says, “Let me in, Pig. I can blow your house down and eat you up.” 1 nlvc me some sticks — дай мне немного хпороста. 19
Then Pig is afraid. He jumps out of the win¬ dow and runs away. And the Big Bad Wolf puffs and puffs and blows the house down. But Pig is not there! Big Pig Big Pig wants to build a house. He goes along the road and meets a Man with some bricks on his back. “Oh, I can build a house of bricks,” he says to himself. So he says to the Man, “Please, Man, give me some bricks.1 I want to build a house.” The Man gives him some bricks, and Big Pig builds a house of bricks. When the house is ready, he dances and sings: 1 give me some bricks — дай мне немного кирпичей. 20,
“I have a little house of bricks, 1 have a little house of bricks, I have time to dance and sing, 1 have time for tricks.” Big Pig and the Wolf By and by the Big Bad Wolf comes, knocks at the door, and says, “Big Pig, Big Pig, let me in.” But Big Pig does not let him in. “Let me in, Big Pig,” says the Big Bad Wolf “1 can blow your house down and eat you up.” But Big Pig does not let him in. The Big Bad Wolf puffs and puffs, but he- can¬ not blow the house down. The Wolf is very angry,1 and he says, “Gr-r! I can eat you up. I can climb up on the roof and come down through the chimney.” 2 So he climbs up on the roof and comes down through the chimney and — falls into a big pot of hot water 3 on the stove. Little Pig and Pig at the Big Pig’s House .lust then 4 Little Pig and Pig knock at the door. “Who is there?” asks Big Pig. climb up ['klaim 'лр] — влезть who [hu:] — кто 1 The Wolf is very angry ['seijgrij — Волк очень сердится. " I can ... come down through the chimney [0ru: йэ 'tj’imni] — И могу .. . спуститься по трубе. and falls into [intu] a big pot of hot water ['wo:ta] — и падает и большой горшок с горячей водой. 4 .lust then Как раз в это время.
“It’s I,” 1 says Little Pig. “It’s I,” says Pig. “Come in, please,” says Big Pig, and he opens the door. Then Little Pig and Pig see that the Big Bad Wolf is dead. They laugh, and dance, and sing: “Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf? Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? The Big Bad Wolf is dead!” open ['oupn] — открывать dead [ded] — мёртв (ый) i It’s I (= It is I) — Это я.
The Wolf and the Three Kittens Big Cat and Her Children The Cat lives in a house near a wood. Her name is Big Cat. She has three children. One kitten is black, and her name is Black Cat. One kitten is white, and her name is White Cat. One kitten is grey, and her name is Grey Cat. One day Big Cat says, “Children, we have nothing for lunch. I am going to the market to buy something for lunch. You must be good and sit still,1 or the Bad Wolf may hear you 2 and come here.” kitten ['kitn] — котёнок hear [hia] — (у) слышать children ['tjildran] — дети here [hia] — сюда 1 You must ... sit still — Вы должны ... сидеть тихо. • .. may hear you — может услышать вас. 23
The kittens say, “Yes, Mother.” Big Cat puts on her hat1 and coat, takes her basket and goes away. ^ And the three kittens sit still and try to be very good. Blacl^ Cat takes a book and begins to read a story. Grey Cat takes a piece of paper and begins to write a letter. White Cat sits down on the window-sill and looks out of the window.2 And they all sit still and are very good. The Bad Wolf lives in the wood near Big Cat’s house. He has sharp, white teeth and four big black paws, and he is always hungry.3 He sees Big Cat on the road to the market and says to himself, 4 “Big Cat is not at home, I can go into her house and eat up all her kittens.” So he goes to Big Cat’s house and knocks at the door. “Who is knocking at the door?” ask the kittens. 1 ... puts on ['puts 'on] her hat — ... надевает шляпу. 2 ... looks out of the window ['windou] — смотрит в окно. 3 he is always hungry ['o:lwiz 'fiAijgri] — он всегда голодный (хочет есть). 4 ... says to him'self — говорит самому себе (думает про Your Paw is Black” mother ['гпайэ] — мать try [trai] — стараться begin [bi'gin] — начинать piece [pi:s] — кусочек write [rait] — писать teeth [ti:9] — зубы four [fo:] четыре paw [pa:] — лапа себя). 24
“It is Mother,” says the Wolf. “Let me in at once.” White Cat opens the door a little bit1 and looks out. 2 “Show us your paw,” she says. The Bad Wolf puts out his big, black paw.3 “That is not Mother’s paw,” says White Cat. “Mother’s paw is white, and your paw is black.” And she closes the door. “Your Voice is not Sweet” The Bad Wolf goes away to his house in the wood. Me says to himself, “I must make my paw white.” And he puts his paw in some water, but it does not come out white. I Ie blows and blows on his paw, but it is still not white. Then he puts his paw in a bag of flour, and it mines out all white. 4 Again the Bad Wolf goes to Big Cat’s house and knocks at the door. “Who is knocking at the door?” ask the kittens. “It is Mother,” says the Bad Wolf. “Let me in i! once.” at once [at 'waiis] — немедлен- show [Jou] — показывать по, сейчас же 1 a little bit — немножко. ,J ...'looks 'out — выглядывает (из двери). 1 ... puts out ['puts 'aut] his big, black paw — протягивает i и Гюлмиую чёрную лапу. 4 шul it comes out all white — и она (лапа) выходит совсем ЛглоП 25
Black Cat opens the door a little bit and looks out. “Show us your paw,” she says. The Bad Wolf puts out his white paw. “Your paw looks very white,”1 says Black Cat, “but your voice is not sweet.2 You are not Mother.” And she closes the door. “That is Mother” The Bad Wolf goes away to his house in the wood. He says to himself, “I must make my voice sweet.” And he eats some sugar. He eats very much sugar. He eats as much sugar as he can,3 and his voice is sweet. Again he goes to Big Cat’s house and knocks at the door. “Who is knocking at the door?” ask the kittens. “It is Mother,” says the Bad Wolf. “Let me in at once.” The kittens hear the sweet voice, and they say, “That is Mother.” So they open the door. The hungry Bad Wolfj comes in. “Ha, ha!” he laughs, “I am going to eat you up.”41 sugar ['Juga] — сахар hear [hio] — слышать 1 Your paw looks very white — Твоя лапа кажется (выглядит)' очень белой. 2 your voice [vois] is not sweet [swi:t] — голос у тебя не неж¬ ный (не сладкий). 3 Не eats as much sugar as he can — Он ест очень много сахару] (так много сахару, как только может). 4 I am going to eat you up — я собираюсь (намереваюсь) ] съесть вас. 26
The Kittens Run to Hide The three kittens are afraid and run to hide. Black Cat climbs up the chimney.1 White Cat hides in the clock. Grey Cat climbs up on a shelf. The Bad Wolf is very angry, he wants his lunch. He tries to get Black Cat out of2 the chimney, but he cannot, his arm is not long enough. 3 1 le tries to get White Cat out of the clock, but In' cannot, his arm is not long enough. I Ie tries to get Grey Cat from the shelf, but he cannot, his arm is not long enough. Grey Cat dances on the shelf and laughs, “You cannot get us, Mr. Wolf!4 You cannot get us, Mr. Wolf!” The Bad Wolf is very angry. He shows his sharp white teeth5 and says, “I am going to eat you up. I am going to eat you up.” The Bad Wolf Cannot Get the Kittens But the angry Bad Wolf cannot get the kittens and eat them up. So he goes away without any lunch.6 Ijct [get] — достать angry ['aerjgri] — сердитый 1 ... climbs up the chimney ['tjimni] — влезает в каминную ■ i* \ v 1 lie tries [traiz] to get [get] Black Cat out of ... — он пытается щи I .ii i. Чёрную кошку из . .. 1 his arm is not long enough [Сплр — рука у него недостаточно I л 111111.1 1 Mr. Wolf ['misto 'wulf] — мистер (господин) Волк. '■ Не shows his sharp white teeth — Он оскаливает свои острые Or'll.lr lyfilj " w i It 11 * u t [wiS'aut] any lunch — без завтрака 27
"I Can Show you How to Dance” So the Mouse goes away and sits on the garden wall. She looks at the Cat and at her supper. By and by she says, “Do you see the moon, Mrs. Cat? Don’t you want to dance?” 1 “Yes, I see the moon,” says the Cat, “and I want to dance. I want to dance all night long.” 2 “Then why don’t you dance?” asks the Mouse. “I don’t know how to dance,” 3 says the Cat. Then the Mouse thinks of4 the little red boots. “I can show you how to dance,” she says. “Wait for me here.” 5 “Give me the Magic Red Boots” And the Mouse gets off the wall6 and runs away. The Mouse runs to the village where the shoemaker lives. She takes off her hat, makes a bow and says to the shoemaker, “I am very, very hungry, and the Cat has a big supper. But she does not want to give me show [Jou] — показывать magic ['maed3ik] — волшебный wall [wo:l] — стена village ['vilid.^J — деревня why [wai] — почему shoemaker ['Ju:meiko] — ca- know [nou] — знать пожник 1 Don’t ['dount] you want to dance [da:ns]? — Разве тебе не хо¬ чется танцевать? 2 all night [пай] long — всю ночь. 3 I don’t know how [hau] to dance — Я не умею (не знаю, как) танцевать. 4 ... thinks of... — ... вспоминает о 5 Wait for me here [hia] — Подожди меня здесь. e ...gets off [o:f] the wall — слезает со стены. 30
any of her supper.1 Please give me the magic red hoots. I want to give them to the Cat.” The shoemaker gives the Mouse the magic red hoots, and she carries them to the Cat. “You Can Dance All Night Long” "Here, Mrs. Cat, put on these little red boots. You can dance in them. You can dance all night long.” “Give them to me,” says the Cat. “I want to dance first. I can have my supper afterwards.” The Cat puts the boots on and begins to dance. She dances up the garden. She dances down the garden. She dances around the garden. At last she is tired.2 "Mouse, stop me,” she cries. “Please stop me. I am very tired.” But the Mouse only laughs, and sits on the garden wall. "You Cannot Take Those Boots Off” “You cannot take those boots off. They are magic boots. You must dance all night long,” says Ilic Mouse. "Please'stop me, Mouse,” cries the Cat. “I am very, very tired.” carry ['koeri] — нести these [5i:z] — эти afterwards f'aUtawodz] после; потом begin [bi' gin] начинать 1 ... any of her supper — ничего из её ужина. * At last [at 'lci:st] she is tired ['taiod] — Наконец она устаёт. only ['oimli] — только laugh [la:f] — смеяться those — [fiouz] — те, эти cries [kraiz] — кричит 3!
“Dance, Mrs. Cat! Dance!” says the Mouse. "‘Now I can eat your supper.” The Cat dances and dances all night long. And the Mouse laughs, and the moon laughs. That night the Mouse has a big supper of meat, bread and milk. The Moon Oh! look at the moon, It is shining so high; Oh Mother, it looks Like a lamp 1 in the sky. Sometimes it is small And just like a bow;2 But now it is big, And round like an O.:s laugh [la:f] — смеяться high [hai] — здесь высоко oh! [ou] — axl (восклицание) sometimes ('SAmtaimz] — иногда 1 it looks like a lamp — она (луна) похожа на лампу. 2 ... and just like a bow fbou] — и как раз как (похожа на) лук со стрелами. 3 ... round like ап О fouj — круглая, как буква О.
The Three Bears The Father-Bear, the Mother-Bear, and the Baby-Bear Three Bears live in a house in a big green wood. One of the bears is the Father-Bear. One of the bears is the Mother-Bear. One of the bears is the Baby-Bear.1 In the Bears’ kitchen there are three plates." There is a big plate 3 for the Father-Bear. hear [Ьеэ] — медведь mother ['тлбэ] — мать wood [wud] — лес kitchen ['kitjm] — кухня father ['fa:Sa] — отец 1 the Baby-Bear ,['beibi,bea] — медвежонок. • .. . there are [Sear a:] three plates — есть три тарелки. ; there is [Sear iz] a big plate — Есть одна большая тарелка. * Детские сказки 33
There is a middle-sized plate for the Mother- Bear. There is a little plate for the Baby-Bear. In the Bears’ sitting-room there are three chairs. There is a big chair for the Father-Bear. There is a middle-sized chair for the Mother- Bear. There is a little chair for the Baby-Bear. In the Bears’ bedroom there are three beds. There is a big bed for the Father-Bear. There is a middle-sized bed for the Mother- Bear. There is a little bed for the Baby-Bear. “Let us Go for a Walk” These Bears always have soup for dinner. One day the Father-Bear says, “My soup is too hot.” 'And the Mother-Bear says, “My soup is too hot.” And the Baby-Bear says, “My soup is too hot.” And all the Bears say, “Let us go for a walk first,1 and we can have our dinner afterwards.” 2 So all the Bears go for a walk. middle-sized ['midlsaizd] — сред- these [6i:z] — эти него размера always ['o:lwiz] — всегда sitting-room ['sitirjrum] — soup [su:p] — суп гостиная our [аиэ] наш chair [tjea] — стул 1 Let us go for a walk [wo:k] first — Пойдём сначала погуляем. 2 we can have our dinner afterwards ['a.ftawodz] — мы можем пообедать после. 34
Ну and by a Little Girl comes to the Bears’ lmnse. She knocks at the door, but nobody says, "Lome in, please.” She knocks again, but nobody •avs, “Come in, please.” In the Bears’ Kitchen No the Little Girl opens the door and goes in. 1 She sees three plates of soup on the table. She lakes a spoon and eats a little of the soup in the lug plate. “This soup is too hot for me,” says the Little Girl. Then she eats a little of the soup in the middle- si/.ed plate. “This soup is too cold for me,” says the Little < iirl. Then she eats a little of the soup in the little "laic. “This soup is just right for me,” 2 says the Little Girl, and she eats it all up. In the Bears’ Sitting-Room Then the Little Girl goes into the sitting-room and sits down in the big chair. “This chair is too hard for me,” says the Little Girl. Then she sits down in the middle-sized chair. “This chair is too soft for me,” says the Little Girl. knock [nok] — стучать nobody ['noubadi] — никто door [do:] дверь cold [kould] — холодный 1 ... and goes in — и входит (в дом). " Ibis soup is just right [rait] for me — Этот суп как раз хорош (подходящий) для ме-ня. 35
Т-то *г /"TO'. v The Country Mouse and the City Mouse In the Country The Country Mouse lives in the country.1 One day her friend comes to see her. 2 Her friend lives' in the city. The Country Mouse is glad to see 3 the City Mouse, and says, “Let us have‘dinner 4 together.” “Thank you,” says the City Mouse. And she takes off her hat and coat, and helps to put the dinner things 5 on the table. When dinner is ready, the City Mouse looks at the corn and says to herself,6 country ['kAntri] — деревня city ['siti] — город friend [frend] — друг, подруга together [ta'geSa] — вместе 1 in the country — в деревне (не в городе). 2 ... comes to see her — ... приходит к ней (в гости). 8 ...is glad to see... — ... рада, что видит... 4 Let us have dinner — Давай пообедаем 5 to put [put] the dinnej things [Onjz] — ставить (на стол) обе¬ денную посуду. 8 ... says to her'self — говорит сама себе. 38 S
i [ “What a funny dinner! Not a bit of cake or choose.” 1 "Come to my house,”2 says the City Mouse. "I have cheese every day for dinner.” "Thank you very much,” 3 says the Country Mouse. “I can come with you.” So the two mice 4 go to the city. In the City When the mice get to the city house, they are very hungry. "Come to the kitchen,” says the City Mouse. "There are many good things to eat there.” 5 So the two mice run to the kitchen. “There is a cake- here,” says the City Mouse. "I must find it.” She looks around, 6 till she finds the cake. “Here it is,” 7 says the City Mouse. “It is a very good cake.” They are just going to eat it,8 when they hear a imise in the kitchen. "What is that?” 9 asks the Country Mouse. "That is the Cat,” says the City Mouse. “We iiiiisI run.” When they are safe,10 the Country Mouse asks, every ['evri] — каждый get [get] — добираться 1 Not a bit of cake or cheese [tjnz] — Ни кусочка пирога или сыра. Come to my house — Идём ко мне (в мой дом). Thank you very much — Большое спасибо (очень благодарю пТш) 1 the two [tiJ:] mice — обе мыши. '• Ilierc are many good things to eat there [5еэ] — Там много hkv пых пешей. " She looks a'round — Она оглядывается кругом. v Неге it is — Вот он. " They arc just going to eat it — Они как раз собираются есть Шм (ill есть штрог). " What Is that? — Что там такое? When they are safe ... — Когда они в безопасности . . 39
The Gingerbread Boy1 A Little Boy of Gingerbread A Little Girl and a Little Boy live in a small house with their father and mother. They have m> little brothers or sisters, and they want to have a little brother or a little sister. So one day they make a little boy of ginger¬ bread. They make little red sugar boots, and a little yellow sugar hat, and a brown sugar coat for him. Then they put him in a big pan, and put the pan in the oven. They shut the oven door and say, their [беэ] — их, свой brown [braun] — коричневый brother ['ЬглЗэ] — брат put [put] — ставить; класть sugar ['juga] — сахар oven ['ауп] — духовая печь yellow j'jelou] — жёлтый door [do:] — дверь • 1 The Gingerbread ['d^ind.^o.brcd] Boy — Мальчик из имбирного пряника.
“Bake, oven! Bake! We want to have a little brother, we want to play with him.” When they think that the Gingerbread Boy is ready, they open the oven door. The Gingerbread Boy jumps out1 and runs down the street as fast as he can. 2. The Little Boy and the Little Girl rim after him as fast as they can, but the Gingerbread Boy only laughs and cries, “Run, run after me, As fast as you can! You can never catch The Gingerbread Man!” And they cannot catch him. The Gingerbread Boy and the Bear So the Gingerbread Boy runs on and on,3 till he meets a Bear.4 “Stop, Gingerbread Boy!” says the Bear. “Come here. I want to eat you up.” But he only laughs and says, “No, no! Nobody can catch me. The Little Boy and the Little Girl cannot catch me, and I can run away from you too.” think [0ir)k] — думать bear [bea] — медведь only f'ounli] — только nobody ['noubadi] — никто 1 ... jumps out — выскакивает. 2 .. . as fast [fci:st] as he can — изо всех сил. 3 ... runs on and on — .. .всё бежит и бежит (вперёд). * till he meets a Bear — пока не встречает медведя. 47
He runs away, and the Bear runs after him. He looks back at him 1 and cries, * “Run, run after me, As fast as you can! You can never catch The Gingerbread Man!” The Bear runs as fast as he can, but he cannot catch him. The Gingerbread Boy and the Wolf So the Gingerbread Boy runs on and on, till he meets a Wolf. “Come here, Little Gingerbread Boy,” says the Wolf. “I want to eat you up.” But the Gingerbread Boy only laughs again and says, “No, no! Nobody can catch me. The Little Boy and.the Little Girl cannot catch me, and the Bear cannot catch me, and I can run away from you too.” He runs away, and the Wolf runs after him. The Gingerbread Boy looks back at him and cries: “Run, run after me, As fast as you can! You can never catch The Gingerbread Man!” The Wolf runs as fast as he can, but he cannot catch him. wolf [wulf] — волк 1 He looks back at him — Он оглядывается на него. 48
The Gingerbread Boy and the Young Man and the Girl So the Gingerbread Boy runs on and on, till he meets a Young Man and a Girl.1 “Stop, stop, Little Gingerbread Boy,” they say. “What a pretty little sugar hat you have! Come with us! We want to eat you up!” But he only laughs and says, “No, no! Nobody can catch me. The Little Boy and the Little Girl cannot catch me, the Bear can¬ not catch me, and the Wolf cannot catch me, and I can run away from you too.” He runs away, and the Young Man and the Girl run after him. He looks back at them and cries, “Run, run after me, As fast as you can! You can never catch The Gingerbread Man!” And they run as fast as they can, but they cannot catch him. So he says to himself, “Nobody can catch me.” The Gingerbread Boy in the Duck Pond By and by the Gingerbread Boy comes to a duck pond. “Ho, ho!” says the Big Duck. “I want to eat you up, Little Gingerbread Boy.” “You can’t catch me,” cries the Gingerbread Boy. “I can swim across the pond.” pretty ['priti] — хорошенький 1 a Young [jЛГ)] Man and a Girl 4 Детские скидки ho, ho ['hou'houl эй, эй! — молодой человек и девушка. 49
He jumps into the water and begins to swim. He looks back at the Duck and says, “Nobody can catch me.” Then he says to himself, “Dear me, I am growing soft.1 There go my red boots.” 2 By and by he says, “There goes my brown coat.” Soon he says, “There goes my yellow hat.” Then he grows very, very soft and he never says anything after that. after ['a:fta] — после 1 Dear me ['dio mi], I am growing ['grouwir)] soft — Ай-ай-ай! я делаюсь мягким. 2 There [без] go my red boots — Пропали (уходят) мои красные сапожки.
The Fox and the Sheep The Old Woman and the Bear An Old Woman lives all alone.1 One day she goes to the market and buys some sheep. “Now,” says the Old Woman, “I must find some¬ body to look after my sheep.” 2 So she walks and walks through the wood,3 but she cannot find anybody4 to look after her sheep. At last she meets a Bear. “Good morning,” says the Bear. “Where are you going, Old Woman?” “I’m looking for a boy5 to look after my sheep,” says the Old Woman. “I can look after your sheep,” says the Bear. 1 ... lives all a'lone — ... живёт совсем одна. 2 to look after ['o.:fto] my sheep — (чтобы) стеречь моих овец. 3 ... walks [wo:ks] through f9ru:] the wood — ... идёт no лесу. 4 she cannot find anybody ['enibodi] ... — она не может никого найти .. . 6 I’m looking for a boy — Я ищу мальчика. old [ould] — старый woman [wumsn] — женщина buy [bai] — покупать нибудь at last [at 'la:st] — наконец bear [Ьеэ] — медведь somebody ['sAmbodi] — kto- 51
"Can you be good to them?”1 asks the Old Woman. “Can you talk softly to them?2 “I can talk very softly,” says the Bear. And he begins, “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” All bears talk like that.3 “No, no, no!” cries the Old Woman. “You can¬ not talk like that to my sheep. They may run away.”4 The Old Woman and the Wolf So the Old Woman leaves the Bear in the wood, and she walks and walks, till she meets a Wolf. “Good morning,” says the Wolf. “Where are you going, Old Woman?” “I’m looking for a boy to look after my sheep," says the Old Woman. “I can look after your sheep,” says the Wolf. “Can you be good to them?” asks the Old Woman. “Can you talk softly to them?” “I can talk very softly,” says the Wolf. And he begins, “Wow! Wow! Wow!” Wolves always talk like that. “No, no, no!” cries the Old Woman. “You can¬ not talk like that to my sheep. They may run away.” ugh! [uh] — yx! wow! [wau] — yayl wolf [wulf] — волк wolves [wulvz] — волки 1 Can you be good to them? — Можешь ты хорошо относиться к ним? 2 Can you talk [to:k] softly to them? — Можешь ты мягко раз¬ говаривать с ними? 3 All bears talk like that — Все медведи так разговаривают. 4 They may run away — Они могут убежать (они, может быть, убегут). -52
The Old Woman and the Fox So the Old Woman leaves the Wolf in the wood, and she walks and walks, till she meets a Fox. “Good morning,” says the Fox. “Where are you going, Old Woman?” “I’m looking for a boy to look after my sheep,” says the Old Woman. “I can look after your sheep,” says the Fox. “Can you be good to them?” asks the Old Woman. “Can you talk softly to them?” “I can talk very softly,” says the Fox. And he begins, “O-oo! O-oo! O-op!” Foxes always talk like that. “You talk very softly,” says the Old Woman. "You may look after 1 my sheep.” So the Fox goes home with the Old Woman and she takes him to the field.2 In the field the sheep are eating grass. All day long the Fox looks after the sheep. At night he brings them safely home. But the next night one of the sheep is missing. * “Where is my sheep?” asks the Old Woman. “I don’t know,” says the Fox. The next night another sheep is missing. “Where is my sheep?” cries the Old Woman. “I don’t know,” says the Fox. The next morning the Old Woman goes to the field to give the Fox some milk. And ‘ there the o-oo! ['ou'u:] — oy-y! foxes ['foksiz] — лисы 1 You may look after ... — Ты можешь сторожить... 2 she takes him to the field [fi:ld] — она (женщина) ведёт её (лису,) в поле. 8 one of the sheep is missing — одной овцы не хватает 53
One day her Mother says to her, “Please, Little Red Riding Hood, take this pot of butter and this cake to your Grandmother. She is always very glad to see you.” “Yes, Mother,” says Little Red Riding Hood. She puts the cake and the pot of butter and some eggs in a basket and walks to her Grandmother’s house. On the Way she Meets a Wolf On the way she meets a Wolf. She does not know how bad the Wolf is, so she is not. afraid of him. “Good morning,” says the Wolf. “Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?” “Good morning, Mr. Wolf,” says Little Red Riding Hood. “I’m going to see 1 my Grandmother. I’m taking her a pot of butter and a cake and some eggs.” “Where does she live?” asks the Wolf. “She lives far away in the wood,” says the child. “I must go to see her some day,”2 says the Wolf. And he thinks, “I want to eat you now, but I’m afraid of the wood-cutters.” The Wolf walks with the Little Red Riding Hood grandmother [ graend,mA6a] — far away ['fct:r a'wei] — далеко бабушка child [tj'aild] — ребёнок wolf [wulf] — волк now [паи] — теперь know [nou] — знать wood-cutter f'wudkAto] — how [hau] — как дровосек 1 I’m going to see ... — я иду к ... (навестить...). 2 I must go to see her some [som] day — Я должен пойти к ней (в гости) как-нибудь (на-днях). 56
"Look at those pretty flowers,” he says. “Pick some flowers 1 for your Grandmother.” “Dear Grandmother is always glad to have some flowers," says the girl to herself. 2 The Wolf Eats Up the Old Grandmother So she stops to pick some flowers. But the Wolf does not stop. He goes to the Grandmother’s house,, and knocks at the door. The Grandmother says, “Who is there?” The Wolf makes his voice soft and says, “It’s Little Red Riding Hood.” “Open the door, dear, and come in,” says the Grandmother. Then the Wolf goes in and eats up the old- Grandmother. He puts on the Grandmother’s dress and bonnet and lies down in her bed. Little Red Riding Hood at her Grandmother's House By and by Little Red Riding Hood comes to her Grandmother’s house. She, too, knocks at the door. “Who is there?” asks the Wolf, and he tries to speak like 3 the Grandmother. But his voice is not so soft, his voice is not like4 the Grandmother’s voice. those [Koi-zj — те; эти knock [пак] — стучать pretty ['priti] — хорошенький door [da:] — дверь flower ['flaua] — цветок who [hu:] — кто 1 Pick some [sam] flowers — Нарви цветов. 2 says ... to herself [ha'self] — говорит... (сама) себе. 3 he tries ftraiz] to speak like ... — он старается говорить как . . * his voice is not like ... — его голос не похож на . 57
“I’m afraid 1 my Grandmother has a very bad cold,” 2 thinks Little Red Riding Hood. And she says, “It’s me,3 Little Red Riding Hood. Mother sends you a cake and a pot of butter and some eggs.” “Open the door, dear, and come in,” cries the Wolf. Little Red Riding Hood goes in. She thinks it is her Grandmother in bed. “What Big Eyes you Have” She takes off4 her red riding hood, puts the basket on the table, and goes to the bed. “Oh, Grandmother!” she says. “What big eyes you have!” “The better to see you,5 my dear,” says the Wolf. “Oh, Grandmother!” she says. “What big ears you have!” “The better to hear you, my dear,” says the Wolf. “Oh, Grandmother!” she says. “What sharp teeth you have!” “The better to eat you up,” says the Wolf, and he jumps out of the bed. dear [dia] —• дорогая eye [ax] — глаз put [put] ставить ear [хэ] — yxo oh! [ou] — ax! hear [hia] — слышать teeth [ti:9] — зубы 1 I’m afraid ... — (Я) боюсь ... 2 ... has a very bad cold [kould] — ... сильно простудилась. 8 It’s me — Это я. 4 She takes off [o:f] ... — она снимает... 5 The better to see you — Чтобы лучше тебя видеть. 58
He is just going to eat her up,1 when the wood- iliters hear Little Red Riding Hood’s cries. One of the wood-cutters runs into the house, and kills '.lie Wolf. Then the wood-cutters open him up,2 and the : irandmother comes out quite safe.3 Little Red Riding Hood thanks the wood-cutters. And now she never stops to talk to a wolf. cries {kraiz] — здесь: крики never ['neva] — никогда 1 He is just going to eat her up ... — Он как раз собирается съесть её ... 2 ... open him up — ... распарывают его (волка). 3 ... comes out quite [kwait] safe — ... выходит совершенно невредимая.
The Fisherman and the Little Gold Fish The Fisherman Catches a Little Gold Fish An Old Man 1 and an Old Woman 2 live in a little old hut near the sea. The Old Man is a fisher¬ man. He has a boat and goes to the sea every day. One day he is on the sea in his boat. It is a beautiful day.3 The sea is still and blue. Soon the Fisherman catches a Little Gold Fish. fisherman ['fijaman] — рыбак blue [blu:] — синий old [ould] —старый gold [gould]—здесь: золотой every ['evn] — каждый 1 An Old Man [an 'ould 'maenj — Старик. 2 an Old Woman ['wuman] — Старуха. 3 It is a beautiful ['bju:tiful] day — Прекрасный день
“Please let me go,” 1 says the Little Gold Fish. '1 can give you anything you like.” 2 “Very well. Swim away. Swim away,” says the Fisherman. “I don’t want a fish that can talk.” 3 He puts the Little Gold Fish into the water.4 and it swims away. "I Want!to Have a Pretty Liitle Cottage” The Old Man comes home to the Old Woman in the little hut. He tells her about the Little Gold Fish that can talk. “We must ask this Little Gold Fish for some¬ thing,” 6 says the Old Woman. “We live in a little old hut. I want to have a pretty little cottage. Go back and ask the Little Gold Fish to give us a pretty little cottage.” The Old Man does not like to go, but still he goes back to the sea. W’hen he comes to the sea, the water is all yellow and green. He looks down and says, want [wont] — хотеть cottage ['kotid3] — неболь- pretty ['priti] — хорошенький шой домик yellow ['jelou] — жёлтый 1 Please let me go — Пожалуйста, отпусти меня. 2 anything ['em0ii)] you like — всё, что ты хочешь (что тебе нравится). 3 I don’t want a fish that can talk [to:kj — Мне не нужна рыбка, которая умеет говорить. 4 he puts [puts] ... into the water ,'wo:t9] — он пускает •3 воду. 5 We must ask... for something f'sxmGir)] — Мы должны попр.» сить ... что-нибудь. 6 Не looks down [daun] ... — Он смотрит вниз . 61
“Oh Fish of the Sea, Come listen to me! 1 My wife wants to ask A favour of thee.” 2 The Little Gold Fish swims up to him, and asks, “What does she want?” “A cottage,” says the Old Man. “She says she does not like to live in a little old hut.” “You can go home,” says the Little Gold Fish. “She is in the cottage already.” “I Want to Have a Castle” So the Old Man goes home, and there is his wife at the door of a pretty little cottage. “Come in! Come in!” she says. “Isn’t this a beautiful cottage?” 3 There is a pretty sitting-room and a bedroom, and a kitchen in the cottage, and there is a little garden behind the cottage. “Now you are happy,” says the Old Man. The Old Woman is happy for some time,4 and then she says, “I don’t like this cottage. I want to have a castle. Ask the Little Gold Fish to give us a castle.” already [э:l'redi] — уже behind [bi'haind] — за, позади door [do:] — дверь castle [ka:sl] — замок 1 Come listen to me! ['клт 'lisn to mi] — Приди послушай меня. 2 to ask a favour ['feivo] of thee [Si:] — попросить у тебя милости. 3 Isn’t ['iznt] this a beautiful ['bjuitiful] cottage? — Разве это не прекрасный домик? 4 for some [sam] time — некоторое время. 62
“I don’t like to ask the Little Gold Fish,” says the Old Man. “The Little Gold Fish may be very angry.1 I don’t think it can do that.” “Oh, yes!” says the Old Woman. “The Little Gold Fish can do it.” So the Old Man goes to the sea once more. 2 This time 3 the water is dark blue. 4 The Old Man looks down and says, “Oh Fish of the Sea, Come listen to me! My wife wants to ask A favour of thee.” “What does she want now?” asks the Little Gold Fish. “She does not like the cottage,” says the Old Man. “She wants a beautiful castle.” “Go home,” says the Little Gold Fish. “She is at the door of the castle already.” “I Want to Be Queen of All the Land” 5 The Old Man goes away, and there is the Old Woman at the door of a beautiful castle. “Come in! Come in!” she says. Isn’t this a beautiful castle?” They go into the castle, and he sees many rooms and gold chairs and tables. Behind the castle there is a garden, and around it there is a beautiful park. 1 ... may be very angry ['aerjgn] — может очень рассердиться. 2 once more ['wxns 'mo:] — опять (ещё раз). 3 This time — Па этот раз. 4 dark blue — темносиняя. s be queen [kwi:n] of all the land — быть королевой всей земли.
“Now you are happy,” says the Old Man. The next morning the Old Woman says, 'Go to the Little Gold Fish, and tell it to make me queen of all the land.” “You can’t be queen,” says the Old Man. “The Little Gold Fish may be angry. It can’t make you queen.” “Yes, the Little Gold Fish can do it,” says the Old Woman. “Go and ask the Little Gold Fish to make me queen of all the land.” So the Old Man goes down to the sea. This time the water is dark grey. He looks down and cries, “Oh Fish of the Sea, Come listen to me! My wife wants to ask A favour of thee.” “What does she want now?” asks the Little Gold Fish. “She does not like the beautiful castle,” says the Old Man, “she wants to be queen of all the land.” “Go home,” says the Little Gold Fish “She is queen already.” “I Want to Be Queen of the Sea” So the Old Man goes home. The Old Woman is sitting in a chair of gold.1 “Are you queen now?” asks the Old Man “Yes,” says she, “I am queen.” “What a good thing it is to be 2 queen,” say^ the Old Man. “You are very happy now.” 1 in a chair of gold [gould] - в золотом кресле. 2 What a good thing it is to be ... ^- Как хорошо быть
The next day the Old Woman says to the Old Man, “Go to the Little Gold Fish and tell the Fish to make me queen of the sea.” “The Little Gold Fish can’t make you queen of the sea,” says the Old Man. “It may be angry.” “Yes, the Little Gold Fish can do it,” says the Old Woman. The Old Woman is very angry,1 and at last the Old Man goes away. “I don’t like this,” he says, “the Little Gold Fish may be angry.” When he comes to the sea, the water is quite black, and the Old Man is afraid. 2 But still he looks down and cries, “Oh Fish of the Sea, Come listen to me! My wife wants to ask A favour of thee.” “What does she want now?” asks the Little Gold Fish. “She wants to be queen of the sea,” says the Old Man. “Go home,” says the Little Gold Fish, “to your old hut again.” So the Old Man goes home, and there is the Old Woman at the door of the little old hut. at last {at 'lcr.st] — наконец 1 She is very angry ['aepgri] — Она очень сердится. 2 The Old Man is a'fraid — Старик испугался. 5 Детские сказки
АЛФАВИТНЫЙ СЛО НАВЬ А a'bout о, об; по, кругом, вокруг across [э'кгээ] через • a'fraid [a'freid] испуганный be afraid of бояться (ко¬ го-либо); испугаться after ['a:fta] после; за afterwards ['ccftawadz] по¬ сле, потом a'gain снова, опять all [э:1] весь, вся, всё, все; совсем a'lone один, одинокий a'iong по, вдоль along the road [э'Ьр Зэ 'roud] по дороге already [o:l'redi] уже always ['d:1wiz] всегда and и, а, но angry ['aepgri] сердитый, рассерженный be angry сердиться another [э'плЗэ] другой, ещё один any ['em] какой-нибудь (в вопросит, и отрицат. пред¬ ложениях) not... any никакой anybody r'embodi] кто-ни¬ будь (в вопросит, и отри¬ цат. предложениях) not... anybody никого anything ['ешЭп?] что-ни¬ будь (в вопросит, и отри¬ цат. предложениях)-, всё; всё что угодно (в утверд. предложениях) apple яблоко arm рука {от плеча до кисти) a'round кругом, вокруг look around оглядываться as как as ... as так же . .. как as fast as так быстро как as much (many) ... as столько . .., сколько ask [a:sk] спрашивать, про¬ сить, попросить
ask for просить что-ли¬ бо, о чём-либо a'sleep: fall asleep заснуть at в, у, при, к, на away [a'wei] прочь; вы¬ ражает расстояние от данного места, движе¬ ние, удаление fly away улетать run away убегать В baby ребёнок, младенец, маленький Baby-Bear ['beibi.bea] мед¬ вежонок back спина; назад, обратно bad дурной, плохой, злой bag мешок bake печь, испечь bank [Ьзецк] берег (реки) basket ['bccskit] корзина, корзинка be быть, находиться, су¬ ществовать; глагол-связ¬ ка; вспомогат. глагол в Present Continuous be going to ... (с инфи¬ нитивом) собираться что-либо делать bear [Ьеэ] медведь beat бить beautiful ['bju:tiful] краси¬ вый, прекрасный Б* because [bi'ka:z] потому что bed кровать, постель go to bed ложиться спать bedroom спальня begin [bi'gin] начинать behind [bi'haind] позади, за, сзади better ['beta] лучше big большой bird птица, птичка bit кусочек a little bit немножко, чуть-чуть not a bit ни кусочка black чёрный blow [blou] дуть blow down ['blou 'daun) сдувать, сдуть blue [blu:] синий, голубой 'dark 'blue темросиний boat [bout] лодка bonnet ['banitj чепчик book книга boot сапог, сапожок bow 1 [bau] поклон make a bow ['meik э 'bau] поклониться, кланяться bow2 [bou] лук (со стре¬ лами) boy мальчик bread [bred] хлеб break [brexk] ломать (ся) breakfast ['brekfast] зав¬ трак have breakfast завтра¬ кать 67
brick [brik] кирпич bring приносить, приводить broken to pieces ['broukn ta 'pi:siz] сломан на ку¬ сочки brother ['ЬглЗэ] брат brown [braun] коричневый build [bild] строить butter ['bAta] масло but но, a buy [bax] купить, покупать by and by ['bai and 'bai] вскоре, скоро, через не¬ которое время С саке пирог (сладкий) call [кэ:1]называть, звать camel ['kaeml] верблюд сап могу, можешь, может, можем, можете, могут сапе тростник sugar сапе ['jug3 'kern] сахарный тростник cannot ['kaenat] не могу (от- риц. форма от глагола сап) can’t [ka:nt] = cannot carries ['кэгга] несёт (3-е лицо единств, числа от глагола carry) carry ['кжп] относить, не¬ сти castle ['kcc:sl] замок cat кошка, кот catch поймать, ловить chair [t/sa] стул; кресло cheese {t/i:z] сыр child [t/aild] ребёнок, дитя children ['t/ildran] дети, ребята chimney ['t/imm] (дымо¬ вая) труба, камин city ['siti] город a city mouse городская мышь climb (up) ['klaim 'лр] вле¬ зать, взбираться clock часы (стенные или на¬ стольные) close [klouz] закрывать coat [kout] пальто cold [kould] холодный; хо¬ лод have a bad cold силь¬ но простудиться come [клш] приходить, хо¬ дить, идти, пойти come back возвращаться come down спускаться come in входить come out выходить come to see somebody навещать кого-либо, приходить к кому-либо corn зерно cottage ['katidg] небольшой домик, коттэдж country ['kAntri] деревня a country mouse поле¬ вая мышь in the country в деревне 68
crab краб cream сливки cries [kraiz] крики; кричит (3-е лицо ед. числа от глагола cry) cry [krai] кричать, воскли¬ цать; крик D dance [dccns] танцевать dark тёмный 'dark 'blue темносиний day день all day long целый день by day днём one day однажды some day когда-нибудь dead [ded] мёртвый be dead быть мёртвым dear [dis] дорогой, милый dear me ['dia mi] ай-ай-ай, боже мой (восклицание удивления) dinner обед dinner things ['dina 0ipz] обеденная посуда for dinner на обед have dinner обедать do [du:] (с) делать; вспомог, глагол в вопросит, и отрицат. форме Present Indefinite и в отрица¬ тельной форме повели¬ тельного наклонения dog собака done [блп]: the feast is done пир окончен don’t ['dount] = do not door [da:] дверь down [daun] вниз, внизу dress [dres] платье drink пить drowned [draund]утонувший be drowned тонуть, уто¬ нуть duck утка E ear [ia] yxo eat есть eat up съесть, съедать egg яйцо enough fi'nxf] довольно, достаточно every ['evri] каждый everybody ['evribadi] каж¬ дый, все eye [ai] глаз F fall [fa:l] падать fall asleep ['fo:l a'sli:p] заснуть far away ['fa:r a'wei] дале¬ ко, вдали fast [fa:st] быстро as fast as she can изо всех сил fat упитанный, жирный father ['faiSa] отец 09
favour ['feiva] милость feast [fi:st] пир few [fju:] мало a few несколько, немного field [fi:ld] поле ’ find [faind] находить first [fa:st] сперва, сначала fish рыба fisherman ['fi/этэп] рыбак flour ['flaua] мука flower ['flaua] цветок fly [flai] летать fly away улетать for для, за, на, в течение four [fo:] четыре fox лиса, лисица foxes ['foksiz] лисы, лисицы friend [frend] друг, подруга from от, из, с full [ful] полный fun веселье, забава, шутка make fun (of...) смеяться над кем-нибудь funny ['Глш] забавный, странный G garden сад get [get] достать, доста¬ вать; приходить, доби¬ раться get off сходить, спускать¬ ся get up вставать, подни¬ маться gingerbread ['бзтбзэ,Ьгеб] имбирный пряник a 'gingerbread 'boy маль¬ чик из имбирного пря¬ ника girl [ga:l] девочка; девушка give [giv] давать, дать glad радостный, доволь¬ ный, доволен be glad радоваться, быть довольным go идти, пойти go a'way уходить go back возвращаться, идти обратно go down спускаться go for a walk идти по¬ гулять go in (into) входить (в дом) go on идти дальше, про¬ должать идти go out (of...) выходить (из дома) go out for a walk выхо¬ дить гулять go to bed ложиться спать go to see somebody идти к кому-нибудь, навестить go to sleep заснуть let go отпустить goes [gouz] идёт (3-е лицо ед. числа от глагола go) going: be going to (с инфи¬ нитивом) собираться (что- либо сделать) 70
gold [gould] золото, золотой good [gud] хороший good morning доброе утро goose [gu:s] гусь grandmother [^гаепй,тлЗэ] бабушка grass [grccs] трава green зелёный grey [grei] серый Gr-r! [grr] rpp! grow [grou] делаться, ста¬ новиться 'grow 'soft становиться мягким н ha, ha! ['ha:'ha:J ха-ха! happy счастливый, доволь¬ ный hard жёсткий, твёрдый hat шляпа have [haev] иметь. have a bad cold сильно простудиться have breakfast завтракать have dinner обедать hay сено lie он (про мальчиков и мужчин); он, она, оно (про животных) head 11нч!] голова lieai |1п.>| слышать help iiiiMin a lb hen 11 111111, i hri Hi, ri , ciiuii (на no- ii I it n ч. к ’), fit i here [hia] здесь, сюда; вот herself [ha'self] (она) сама to herself себе самой hide прятаться, спрятаться high [hai] высокий, высоко him ему; его (на вопрос кого?); им (на вопрос кем?) himself [him'self] (он) сам to himself себе самому his его, свой (на вопрос чей?) ho-ho! ['hou'hou] эй! (вос¬ клицание) hog боров, свинья hole отверстие, дыра home дом, домой at home дома hood [hud] капюшон a red riding hood крас¬ ный капюшон; крас¬ ная шапочка Little Red Riding Hood Красная Шапочка hot горячий house [haus] дом how [hau] как hungry ['hApgri] голодный hut избушка, хижина, ша¬ лаш I I я if если I’m [aim] = I am in в, во (на вопрос где?) into ['intu, 'inta] в, внутрь (на вопрос: куда?) 71
isn’t ['iznt] = is not it это; он, она, оно; его, её (для неодушевл. пред¬ метов — на вопрос: что?); им, ею its его, её, свой (для не¬ одушевл. предметов — на вопрос: чей?) it’s [its] = it is J jackal ['бзгекэ:1] шакал jig джиг (танец) jog подпрыгивать jump прыгать, скакать jump out выскакивать jump up вскакивать just [d3Ast] как раз; просто just then как раз в это время К kill убивать kitchen ['kit/in] кухня kitten ['kitn] котёнок knock (at) [пэк]стучать know [пои] знать; уметь- I don’t know how я не умею (не знаю как) L lamp лампа land земля, суша large [la:d3] большой last: at last [at 'lccst] на¬ конец laugh [lct:f] смеяться leave [li:v] оставлять, по¬ кидать let позволять, пускать, раз¬ решать let in впустить кого-либо let go отпустить кого- либо let us go пойдём (те) letter ['lets] письмо lie [lai] лежать 'lie 'down лечь, ложиться like1 любить, нравиться; хотеть like2 похожий; подобно, как be like, look like быть похожим, походить like that так listen (to) ['hsn] слушать, послушать кого-либо little маленький; мало a little немного live [liv] жить long длинный, долгий 'all 'day 'long целый день 'all 'night 'long всю ночь for a 'long 'time долго look смотреть; выглядеть look after... стеречь кого- либо; заботиться о ком-либо look a'round оглядываться (вокруг) look at... смотреть вн что-либо 72
look back оглядываться look down посмотреть вниз look for... искать что- либо или кого-либо look in (into) загляды¬ вать (внутрь помеще¬ ния) look like быть похожим, походить look out (of) выгляды¬ вать, смотреть (из) lot: a lot of масса, очень много low [lou] низкий lunch второй завтрак М magic ['таебзхк] волшеб¬ ный, магический таке делать, сделать make a bow кланяться, поклониться make a noise шуметь, производить шум make fun of... смеяться над кем-либо man человек, мужчина an old man старик many I'iih'iii] много, многие tltllllnl I Illfг:kIi | рынок ninth i | in-' l.>| дело in i"‘ 4m случилось? wlint h Hu in.liter? и чём may можно; можешь, мо¬ жет, можете, могут; мо¬ жет быть те мне; меня; мною meat мясо meet встречать mice мыши middle середина in the middle в середине middle-sized ['midlsaizd] средний, среднего раз¬ мера milk молоко missing: one of the sheep is missing одной овцы не¬ достаёт (the) moon луна more [гпэ:] больше once more ещё раз, опять morning утро good morning доброе утро one morning однажды утром mother ['тлЗэ) мать, мама mouse [mans] мышь Mr. ['т^э] мистер (госпо¬ дин) (сокращ. от Mister) Mrs. ['misiz] миссис (гос¬ пожа) (сокращ. от Mis¬ tress) much много as much ... as столь¬ ко..., сколько very much очень много; очень к. 73
must должен, должна, дол¬ жно, должны ту мой, моя, моё, мои; свой myself [mai'self] (я) сам, сама, само N пате имя his name is ... его зовут ... naughty ['nD:ti] шаловли¬ вый; капризный; дурной near [шэ] вблизи (от), не¬ далеко never ['neva] никогда next следующий, ближай¬ ший the next night на следу¬ ющий вечер night [nait] ночь; вечер 'all 'night 'long всю ночь at night вечером; ночью по нет; никакой nobody ['noubadi] никто noise шум make a noise шуметь, производить шум not не, ни not a bit of.. .ни кусочка nothing ['плвц?] ничего, ни¬ что now [паи] теперь, сейчас О of из, с, от; соответствует функции русского роди¬ тельного падежа a bag of flour мешок муки (с мукой) off [o:f] прочь; имеет зна¬ чение удаления, отделе¬ ния, расстояния run off убежать, отбе¬ жать take off снимать (одеж- ду) oh! [ou] о!; ах!; ну! (вос¬ клицание) old [ould] старый an 'old 'man старик an 'old 'woman старуха on на, вперёд on the way по дороге once [wAns] однажды, один раз at once сразу, сейчас же 'once 'more ещё раз, сно¬ ва, опять one [шлп] один one day однажды only ['ounli] только o-oo ['ou'u:] oy-y (крик ли¬ сицы) open ['oupn] открывать open up вскрывать or или; иначе; а то other ['лбэ] другой our [аиэ] наш, свой out (of) из, вон, вне (дома) come out выходить oven ['луп] печь (духо¬ вая) over ['ouva] над, через, по 74
р R pan сковорода pantry ['paentri] кладовая paper ['peipa] бумага park парк paw [рэ:] лапа people Tpi:pl] люди; народ pick рвать (цветы) piece [pi:s] кусочек pig свинья, поросёнок piggy-wig ['pigiwig] поро¬ сёночек (прозвище) place [pleis] место plate тарелка play играть please 1 [pli:z] пожалуйста; please2 [pli.z] нравиться, хотеть anything they please всё, что им нравится poem ['poium] стихотворе¬ ние, поэма pond пруд pot котёл; горшок pretty ['priti] хорошенький puff [рл-f] дуть put [put] класть, ставить 'put 'down поставить, положить (на землю) 'put 'on надевать Q фи гп | kwi:11] королева |k" .1111 совсем, совер- illi ими. nun "lie read читать ready ['redi] готовый, готов red красный Little Red Riding Hood Красная Шапочка rest отдыхать rhyme [raim] стишок, риф- • ма right [rait] хороший, пра¬ вильный, подходящий river ['riva] река road [roud] дорога roll [roul] кататься roll out of the bed ска¬ титься (вскочить) с кровати roll over перевернуться roof крыша room комната round круглый run бежать, бегать run away убегать run in вбегать run off отбегать, убе¬ га" ij run on бежать дальше, продолжать бежать run up подбегать S safe невредимый be safe быть в. безопас¬ ности safely ['serfii] благополучно 75
say сказать, говорить says [sez] говорит (3-е ли¬ цо ед. числа от глагола say) sea море see видеть, увидеть send посылать, послать sharp острый she она (про девочек и женщин); он, она, оно (про животных) sheep овца, овцы shelf полка shine блестеть, светить shoemaker ['/uimeika] са¬ пожник show [/ou] показывать shut закрывать side сторона sing петь sister сестра sit сидеть, садиться sit down сесть, садиться sitting-room ['sitip.ruim] го¬ стиная; общая комната в квартире (the) sky небо sleep спать go to sleep заснуть small [smo:l] маленький, небольшой smell чувствовать запах so так, поэтому, таким обра¬ зом, итак so ... that так . . . что soft мягкий, тихий, нежный softly мягко, тихо, нежно some [sAm] несколько, не¬ который, некоторые; часть some 'day когда-нибудь somebody ['sAmbodi] кто- то; кто-нибудь something ['элшвщ]' что- нибудь; что-то sometimes ['sAmtaimz] иногда soon скоро, вскоре soup [su:p] суп speak говорить spoon ложка stand стоять stay оставаться stick палка; прут; ветка still 1 всё ещё; ещё still 2 тихий; спокойный; тихо stone камень stop остановить, остано¬ виться story ['stoni] рассказ, по¬ весть, сказка stove печка street улица such такой sugar ГЛщэ] сахар supper ужин sweet сладкий, нежный, мягкий swim плыть, плавать swim away уплывать swim up подплывать 76
т table стол tail хвост take брать, взять;' нести, вести take off снимать (одеж- ду) talk [Ъ:к] разговаривать, беседовать, говорить teeth [ti:9] зубы tell рассказывать; говорить thank [Ээгрк] благодарить thank you (very much) ['Эаерк ju ('veri 'тл!/)] (очень) благодарю вас; (большое) спасибо that тот; это; вот; который; что that is why вот почему thee [Si:] тебя, тебе (упот¬ ребляется только в поэ¬ зии) themselves [Sam'selvz] (они) сами their [Зеэ] их, свой (па во¬ прос: чей?) them им; их (на вопрос: кого? что?); ими then тогда, потом, затем there [Зеэ] там, туда; вот there are [Зэг а:] находят¬ ся, имеются there is [Зэг iz] находится; имеется these |3i:/,] ЭТИ they mill thing- [0и?] вещь, предмет think [9ii?k] думать think (of...) думать (о чём-нибудь), вспоми¬ нать this [3is] это; этот, эта, это; вот those [Souz] те three [9ri:] три through [0ru:] через, по throw(at...) [0rou] бросать, выплёскивать till (до тех пор) пока не ... time время; раз for a 'long 'time долго tip кончик tired ['taiad] усталый, утом¬ лённый be tired устать, уставать to [tu, 1э] к, в, на; соответ¬ ствует функции русского дательного падежа; ча¬ стица инфинитива together [ta'geSa] вместе too также; слишком trap ловушка tree дерево trick шутка, проказа tries [traiz] старается, пи¬ тается (3-е лицо ед. числа от глагола try) try [trai] стараться, пытать- ся turkey ['ta:ki] индюк, индю¬ шка two [tu:] два, две 77
V ugh [uh] ух (крик медведя) 'under под up вверх, вверху upon [э'роп] на us [as] нас; нам; нами V very ['veri] очень very much очень very well хорошо; ладно village ['vilid3] деревня, селение voice [vdis] голос W wait (for ...) ждать кого- либо walk [wo:k] ходить пешком; прогулка 'go for a 'walk идти по¬ гулять (на прогулку) 'walk 'on идти дальше, продолжать идти wall [wd:1] стена want [wont] хотеть; нуж¬ даться water ['wo:ta] вода way дорога, путь on the way по дороге we мы well хорошо; ну (воскли¬ цание) what [wot] что; какой when когда where [wea] где, куда white белый who [hu:] кто who’s [hu:z] = who is why [wai] почему 'that is 'why вот почему wife жена window ['windou] окно 'window-sill подоконник with [wiS] с without [wi'Saut] без wolf [wulf] волк wolves [wulvz] волки woman ['wuman] женщина an 'old 'woman старуха wood [wud] лес wood-cutter ['wud'kAta] дро¬ восек word [wa:d] слово work [wa:k] работать wow[wau]yay (крик волка) write [rait] писать Y yellow ['jelou] жёлтый yes [jes] да you [ju] вы, ты; вас, тебя; вам, тебе; вами, тобой young []Ар] молодой, юный a 'young 'boy юноша your [jo:] ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши; твой, твоя, твоё, твои; свой, своя, своё, свои yourself [joi'self] (ты) сам; (вы) сами
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Page The Hen and the Bag of Flour 3 The Sky is Falling 6 The Grey Cat and the Black Cat 9 To Market, to Market (A rhyme) 10 The Fox’s Breakfast П The Three Pigs 15 The Wolf and the Three Kittens 23 The Cat and the Mouse 29 The Moon (A poem) 32 The Three Bears 33 The Country Mouse and the City Mouse 38 Mice (Л poem) 40 The Camel and the Jackal 42 The Gingerbread Boy 46 The Fox and the Sheep 51 Little Red Riding Hood 55 The Fisherman and the Little Gold Fish 60 Алфавитный словарь 66