
УДК 811 111(075 3-1<>1 1) ББК 81 2Англ 922 4-77 I' ц • it в it i м кандидат финиши и'ин ки« ниуи днцын ».««»• дующий кафедрой английского языка с методикой ирпнодниянии <> 1| । ни । » удпр< iiioiuihb университет им Л I Нунжмих II А 1Ира< еачч учинчн» нннииччии И1Ы । *•• I»к пни I •1 Ниной Ы У» Н А Мудрак * Ионин И. willltl I |||Д||-|1НН> < И •« i.TMt'liy IHI tin пинскому Ч 77 titi.iiiy up ti'1икум дни у 11П|И»| и у'1|н *л> ииИ niHHnio । ридн'io |1Г||1Й1 НЧНИ11 Мн111|« I "III'll llnli || 011 4п, |2|г Г.НН............ UI иг I I' Л«11»<|Я III ' I Ш-1 lai И I абИ HI IMKI Н1П НМ1НИКВ которых соот- »• i|y.i i'i imiih <»ма1И<1»1 >">му । пд< ржинию учебной программы, i • >* нФ (•> । . .... in р "||Д 1||уднык ини незнакомых учащимся слов I . '«им iiaii* а Пюи" задкни' кратко выразить общее содержа- |. *<< ini «Hullin I tin in им "1Ш1Й этап содержит ряд вопросов, которые nil ним м на нрпп' риу Поила ионного понимания смысла текста. Ад)।а। у* и и учащим! я, учителям английского языка для использова- нии «in iin|iaiiiaHiniibHoio процесса в учреждениях образования. УДК 811.111(075.3=161.1) ББК 81.2Англ-922 Учебное издание ЧТЕНИЕ. READING Подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку Практикум для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образования Ответственный за выпуск А В Зуева Подписано в печать с оригинал-макета 24.01.2013 Формат 60x84 1/16 Бумага офсетная Печать цифровая Усл. печ. л. 2,79 Уч.-изд л 2,85 Тираж 2513 экз Заказ 63/5389546-1. Удостоверение о государственной гигиенической регистрации № 08 33-3 68371 от 03 03 2010 Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Издательский Дом «Белый Ветер». ЛИ № 02330/054В579 от 05 08.2009 247760, г Мозырь, ул Советская 198/4 Филиал 220007. г. Минск, ул. Володько, 30. оф 417. Тел (017) 224-68-89 298 50-26, 298-50-27. Отпечатано цифровым способом печати Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Издатель- ский Дом «Белый Ветер». 247760, г Мозырь, ул Советская. 198/4 Тел /факс (0236) 32-51-03, 32-51-22. booK.bfllYOter.by е mail ЬооК(ШЬе1У©1ег37у ISBN 978-985-538 954-6 © Оформление ООО ИД «Белый Ветер», 2013
Выпускной экзамен по иностранному языку призван оценить уровень практического владения выпускниками изучаемого ино- странного языка. Первый этап экзамена — собеседование с экза- менуемым. стимулом к которому является прочитанный текст. Цель настоящего пособия — развить навыки чтения, помочь учащимся подготовиться к первому этапу экзамена по англий- скому языку Пособие рассчитано на учащихся старших классов учреждений общего среднего образования, способствует раз- витию умения читать, понимать, комментировать прочитанное и высказывать суждения по поводу полученной информации. Материал пособия соответствует предметно-тематическому содержанию учебной программы характеризуется смысловой законченностью, связностью и целостностью, соответствует дей- ствующей учебной программе. Знания, полученные из содержания предложенных текстов, помогут при общении с носителями языка вести беседу по любой из изученных тем расширят кругозор и подготовят учащихся к вы- пускному экзамену
If XI FOR REAlWBW 1. Read Hu* lexl and lull ir, what it is about in 2—3 scnteiii h.indt< a|)|>'’d (liildri ii I'lt.i’tiihk.i'pl 'tfildren] — д<чи ипнлпи/и.1 < liprillliy ('кН pitilu| lltli1111И1 |t<H< p.U < >| l.l wt I IVI IN Ahl <>l I) I AHMIIOUSI W><v« iMinu tttfitti^il bn two У1 nt now I'm twenty-four and luy wih fiqtliui * i« Iwnniy nttii1 I don’t think age differences in -It i v< iy инн li in <i ... itself I think personality is more iiiipiiil ini I innaii If you can't get on with someone then age ib >*lll I J illy lu.llli ч I loin It in и special school for handicapped children. Teaching h uh In appt d children is a very demanding job and I get a lot of illnlai lion out of it. It’s not very well-paid really but Barbara works loo, so between us we have enough money. Barbara works for local radio. She’s a producer. She loves her job and says it’s really good fun. We live in the country. It’s very near the school where I work and it’s about an hour by car for Barbara to get to work. We lead a fairly quiet life. We both put a lot into our jobs and so in the evening we’re happy just to stay at home and relax — reading or watching TV. We like old films. Or we listen to music — classical mainly. We live in an old farmhouse. It still needs a lot of work on it to make everything nice. We do most of the painting and carpentry ourselves, partly to save money but also because we enjoy it. I also do most of the cooking Barbara sometimes cooks at weekends, especially if we have guests, but during the week I usua’iy do it. She loves gardening and that’s a lot of work because it’s quite a big garden.
I’m afraid the house is rather untidy. We have lots of books and things all over the place And we have a dog and two cats. It’s a big house with lots of rooms. That means we can have friends to stay at weekends, which is nice. In fact, most weekends we have guests. They’re usually friends of ours from London who want to get away for the weekend For holidays, we usually go abroad — somewhere by the sea where it’s hot and sunny We both love swimming and sailing. That’s how we met actually — on a sailing holiday. Apart from holidays, we don’t really spend a lot of money on ourselves We have reasonably smart clothes for work but at weekends we just wear jeans and sweaters. 2. Read aloud the extract that tells us about their oc- cupations. 3. How long does it take the author and his wife to get to work? 4. What do they do for holidays? 5. Why do they do most of the painting and carpentry themselves? j. . ' TEXT FOR READING 2 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. awareness [e'weenis] — осознание burden ['b3:dan] — бремя affair [e'fea] — дело
THE AMERICAN FAMILY: THEN AND NOW Whenever I talk to my grandfather, I always leave with a greater awareness of the differences between his family and mine. Thinking back to our many conversations and shared memories, there are several ideas about families that seem to have changed considerably between the days of his youth and mine. The first thing th.it come to mind is the difference in size of his family and mine I f w.i oik* of ton children I am one of three Anybody with ten children today would t> • viewed as strange A large number of childion an no longer ne ndwd to canyon the work of the family and am no I г»«н i ngoiiu . of wcuuty or pnde Today they are simply o< oiioiuk hiirdoir hi iuy <|r indl.ittu f limo, the meaning of «l.miily» in. Iii<|r->i | nix I. mnli con in । nd grandparents. lod.iy Нм* woid d.imlly» пн ins the nuclear family: parents Hid । hil.lmii Hi. ' c iiiul in i ol hange that has occurred between my tltiiiiill iilmr -»iim< ind mine is the role and status of the husband an I wit' llu man place was outside the home, earning a living In Hjpporl tin physical needs of his family. The woman’s place w<n .it home, giving birth to and raising children, caring for and lending the family Women are much more active in the affairs of politics, business and government now. Women are becoming equal partners in marriage The third area of difference which I have noticed is in the very practice of marriage itself. In the days of my grandfather’s, the word «marriage» meant only one thing: the union of one man and one woman, for good or for bad, until «death do they part». In comparison, marriage today can mean different things to different people. And to some people it doesn’t mean much at all. It seems that the very word «marriage» has changed in meaning. I told my grandfather that I was sure I would get married someday and have a family as he had. The question is what those words will mean when I come to that day. 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the role and status of the husband and wife.
3. How many children were there in grandfather's family? 4. What did the word «marriage» mean in grandfather's time? 5. Why did people need a large number of children in the past? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. assistance [e'sist(e)ns] — помощь housing shortage ['havzirj 'Jolids] — нехватка жилья RUSSIAN FAMILY: WHAT IS IT LIKE? So what is it like, the family tradition? Whose descendants are we? What are the stories your granny used to tell? What can family albums, letters and diaries reveal? What is your grandfather’s name? What is the name of your great-grandfather? Many of the Russians are not able to answer these simple questions. The family tradition is lost for them. And it is one of the reasons why most people have no sense of family honour and pride. A group of people who have the same name and sit together in front of a TV set is not yet a family. Here are some family statistics in Russia. Over 80 per cent of women and 70 per cent of men marry by the age of 25. At present, more than 40 out of every 100 marriages end in divorce. Every year about one million families break up. About 50 per cent of divorcees do not want to remarry. Men remarry more often than women. Over 50 percent of divorced men remarry within a period of ten years, while only 25 per cent of such women do so. 7 «
Many young families have material difficulties. As a result, young couples often have to rely on the assistance of their parents The housing shortage is another problem of many young families. Most young people don’t wish to live together with their parents after they get married but about half of them have to do this. As a result these young people have no necessary experience in family life. They don’t know 1) how to run a household; 2) how to manage the family budget, 3) how to bring up children. 2. Read aloud the exlrar I Dial describes the problem of ma- ny yoiUK| families 3 What is the in.'iiriarje .lair.Ik s in Russia? И I low many lainilios break up every year? '• Why don't yoiiii<| man led people' have the necessary expel lent < III I. III Illy Illi.'? ‘ ГЬХТ • OR PEADIKG 4 - \ 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. utmost ['Atmevst] — предельный endorsed [m'dD:st] — одобрил smoothly ['smu:6li] — плавно jerk [d33:k] — рывок CHOOSING THE RIGHT PROFESSION Starting with a right profession at the right time can bring you good results in the long run The longer yc stay with a profession, the more experience you will earn. But f you find your present profession boring or doesn’t give you the expected returns, you may want to pause before switching to a new MB 8 «***
profession. Decision for switching your profession line should be taken with utmost care. If you are selecting a new profession without analyzing the pros and cons, you may land up in trouble. Later you may find the new profession you endorsed is not contributing to your monitory and professional satisfaction. Switching a profession is like a train taking a new track while running You must have observed how smoothly it takes the new track, without even a jerk When you switch your profession you have to plan well in advance for a smooth track changing in your career. Before switching to a new profession, consider the following points a. Take time to think about the impact a new profession selection will have on your professional life. Analyze all the aspects of the new profession. b. Talk about it with your friends who are into that profes- sion already. Asking them about an opinion about your decision is also worth. They can give you more inputs for your decision making process c. Consult a good career consultant and explore the poten- tial of the new profession. d. See if your present skills are adequate for the new profession. Take necessary steps to enhance the skills to do the new kind of job. e. Discuss this in online forums. Online forums can help you a lot as you are receiving a lot of useful information from around the world. In today’s fast paced world, there are lots of new professions emerging and some professions are disappearing too. So if you find your profession is going to extinct, you must consider switching the profession seriously. 2 Read aloud the extract that describes one’s steps before changing profession. 3. What do you need to do if you find your profession is going to extinct? 4. Who can help you to make the right decision? 5. Why do you need to analyze the pros and cons before changing your profession? ии 9 im
1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. circuit ['S3:kit] — кругооборот force of gravity [fa s ov 'graeviti] — сила притяже- ния spherical ['sfenk(e)l] — сферический weightlessness ['weitlisnis] — невесомость YURI GAGARIN II w.r. on the 12lh of April, 1961, when the first flight by man into cosmic space took place Yun Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the world, was a 27-year-old Air Force pilot at that time The spaceship flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute. That’s six times faster than man ever travelled before His flight lasted 108 minutes, but a circuit round the Earth took 89 minutes It was a brilliant achievement on the part of our scientists and technologists, and on the part of Yuri Gagarin who risked his life to achieve a victory for his country and mankind. This is what Yun Gagarin said at his press conference «On my flight the ‘day’ side of the Earth was clearly seen the continents, islands, seas, and big rivers. Flying over the land I could clearly see the big squares of fields, and it was possible to distinguish which was meadow and which was forest I could not see as well as from an airplane, but very, very well though. I saw for the first time with my own eyes the Earth’s spherical shape. I must say that the view of the horizon is very beautiful. You can see the noticeable change from the light blue surface of the Earth to the completely black sky in which you can see the stars This transition, from light blue to dark, is very gradual and lovely. I did not see the Moon. In space the sun shines ten times more brightly than on the Earth
I felt excellent as I entered space. When weightlessness develo- ped, everything was easier to do. My legs and arms weighed not- hing Objects swam in the cabin. During this state of weightlessness, I ate and drank, and everything was the same as on the Earth My handwriting did not change, though my hand was weightless. But I had to hold my notebook or it would have floated away. The passage back from weightlessness to the force of gravity happened smoothly. Arms and legs feel the same as during weightlessness, but now they have weight. When I returned to the Earth I was full of joy». 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the changes when weightlessness developed 3. What did Yuri Gagarin see flying over the land7 4. When did the first flight by man into cosmic space take place? 5. Why was it a brilliant achievement on the part of our scientists and technologists? TEXT FOR READING 6 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. A BABYSITTER I m Betty and I’m sixteen I’m still at school I often go babysitting but only on Saturdays. I want to have my own money for summer holidays. Every Saturday I go to Mrs. Smith is one of Mummy's friends I don’t know her very well, but I know her children better She has two children. George is seven and Tom is eight
Once Mrs. Smith and her husband were going to the theatre and they wanted me to babysit their boys. It was Saturday night and the time was six o’clock. Mr and Mrs Smith were getting dressed for the theatre. They wanted to see Mr. Smith’s younger brother who was an actor and played the role of Romeo in «Romeo and Juliet». I came at six sharp At half past six the Smiths left home. The boys played and I watched TV. At 8.30 I asked the boys to get ready for bed, but they didn't want to sleep It took me half an hour to put them to bed Then I watched a big TV set in the sitting room and they showed «Hamlet». The program was very good When it was over, it was ten o’clock I decided to check the boys I went upstairs The house was very big. There were many doors in the corridor. Here was the boys' bedroom. I opened the door. It was dark inside, but I could see that the beds were empty. «Where are the boys?» I thought. I thought they were hiding under the beds, but they were not. I ran to the kitchen thinking they were eating something, but there was nobody in there. I was sitting downstairs thinking what to do. «Hello, Betty! Are George and Tom sleeping? I’m going upstairs to see them», said Mrs. Smith. When we came to the boys’ bedroom I stopped. Mrs. Smith opened the door and walked into the room. «They зге sleeping like angels», she said 2. Read aloud the extract that gives us information about Betty 3. Who did they want to see in the theatre that day? 4. How often does she go to Mr. and Mrs. Smith? 5. Why did Mrs. Smith and her hus> >i want Betty to babysit their boys? e 12
1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. sulphur dioxide ['sAlfe dai'oks(a)id] — сернистый газ shroud [fraud] — пелена taint [teint] — заражать EEC [ii.si] — European Economic Community AIR POLLUTION Without air there can be no life. Without air of good quality there cannot be a healthy life. Air pollution is an old problem, which has in this century assumed wide economic and social significance Perhaps the first general realization of the new dangers came with the great London smog of 1952. For five days the capital of England was enveloped in a grey shroud, and over 4 thousand people had died and incalculable numbers had suffered a worsening of bronchitis and heart disease. An average person requires over thirty pounds of air a day or about six pints every minute. Daily the individual draws 26,000 breaths, between 18 and 22 each minute, many of which are filthy air. The lungs of town inhabitants are usually greyish in colour, those of country people are normally pale pink. The air is being polluted by acid gases, dust, petrol and diesel fumes and poisonous chemicals. These come from cars, factories and power plants. Of all the pollutants, that taint the air, sulphur dioxide and ozone pose are the most widespread. However, airborne lead pollution, coming from car exhausts, is a critical concern in many cities as well. British towns are no longer noticeably choked by smoke and sulphur dioxide But acid rain is leaving its mark on the environment, HM№ 13 «
especially in lakes and streams. On the Continent, forests are declining, with air pollution a major cause And, further into the future, pollution may upset the balance of the earth’s climate. In the 1950s, thousands of extra deaths occurred as a result of bad air in urban areas. Clean air legislation gave rise to smoke- control zones, and power stations were built outside towns, with taller chimneys dispersing emissions over wide areas. Health and visibility in towns improved as a result. But, even before the last problem areas have met EEC standards for smoke and sulphur dioxide, some more worrying problems are looming. 2. Road aloud the extract that describes the great London smog of 1952. 3 What colour are the lungs of country people? 4. Where do we need to build power stations? 5 What can happen to the earth's climate? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. extinct [ik'stirjkt] — вымерший aware [e'wea] — знать ample ['aemp(a)l] — достаточный GREEN LIVING Every day we hear a bout the disasters that face us on this planet. Animals and plants are dying, becoming extinct at the rate of one species a day. Seas and rivers are being filled with rubbish. The air is being poisoned with chemicals and smoke. And these are only SB 1 4
a few examples of the way we have lived until now — damaging our world But lifestyles are already beginning to change as people are becoming aware of what is going on and make choices to live in a way that is less damaging to the planet Group campaigns are saving seals, rainforests, and countryside. Governments and world leaders claim they have the environment at the top of their lists Many people call themselves «green» and their lifestyles «green living». «Green» is becoming a household world It is exciting time to be green and every person’s help is crucial The word «green» means different things to different people Politicians, general public will all have their own definition. But generally it is based on four principles: conversation, finding alternatives, choosing, caring. To put these principles into practice it means to take some kind of action The stating point is personal action, which is about changing your habits. You can make a personal choice about the food you can eat, the products you buy and the books and newspapers you read. Here are some examples of personal action Ride a bike whenever you can and use public transport instead of cars Build a pond or grow a wild flower garden, creating places where insects and birds can live. Try to avoid over packaged goods when shopping One layer of packaging like a bag — should be ample Choose paper bags over plastic ones. Refuse plastic carrier bags Take your own shopping bag or basket instead Try to recycle bottles and cans — this saves money, too Buy refillable containers when you can Buy things in large quantities if you have room to store them Bulk buying means less packaging 2. Read aloud the extract that describes personal action to protect the environment. 3. What does the word «green» mean? 4. What are the examples of personal action? 5. Why do many people become «green»? 15
" TEXT FOR READING Ns^ 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. charge [tfaids] — заряд expand [ik'spaend] — расширять IS THUNDER DANGEROUS? There are many people who actually tremble with fear at the sound of a clap of thunder during a thunderstorm. There is absolutely no reason to have any fear of thunder. By the time the sound of thunder reaches you, the bolt of electricity which caused it has already done its work You hear the thunder after the lightning flash simply because sound travels much more slowly than light. During a thunderstorm you can tell how far away the center of the storm is in this way Light travels very quickly. It can go round the world seven times in one second, so lightning reaches your eyes instantly. Should you be afraid of lightning? It is electricity in the air Well, there is no question that lightning can cause damage, and in some rare cases it has even been known to kill people. Be- your chances of being struck by lightning are quite small. Lightning, of course, is a form of electricity, and tins what can make it dangerous. It is a giant spark of electricity that we oe as a bright flash of light. Electricity in the air has no wires co t jumps from one place to another. It may jump across the space ween two clouds or from cloud to earth or even from earth to ci ud- During a storm, different electrical charges (positive or. c native) are built up by the clouds and the earth. When the citft 'rce between the charges becomes great enough, a spark — wh J is lightning —jumps the space between. MB 16 BB
During and after an electrical discharge, currents of air expand and the noise we call «thunder». 2. Read aloud the extract that describes lightning. 3. What charges are built up during a storm? 4. How fast does light travel? 5. Why do we hear the thunder after the lightning? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. surface ['S3 fis] — поверхность barge (bmds] — баржа THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND The United Kingdom is situated on the north-west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean in the north and north-west and the North Sea in the east. The UK includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, contains England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom has an area of 94,249 square miles. The capital of the country is London. English is the official language. The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. The British Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. The main political parties of Great Britain are the Labour Party, the Liberal Party, and the Conservative Party
The climate is mild. It is not too hot in summer or too cold in winter. It often rains in England. Rain falls in summer and in winter, in autumn and in spring. Snow falls only in the North and West of the country The surface of England and Ireland is flat, but Scotland and Wales are mountainous. Many parts of the country have beautiful villages. There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. Many ships and barges go up and down the river. The longest river is the Severn. It is 350 kilometers long There are a lot of many universities, colleges, libraries, museums and theatres in the country The most famous universities are Cambridge University, Oxford University, and Glasgow University. The United Kingdom has few mineral resources. Coal and oil are the most important of them. The United Kingdom is one of the world’s most industrialized countries. The main industrial centres are Sheffield, Birmingham and Manchester. The largest cities of the country are London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast, and Dublin 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the climate of Great Britain. 3. How many rivers are there in Great Britain? 4. What are the main political parties in Great Britain? 5. What are the most famous universities in the UK? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. the Cordilleras [,ko:dirje(a)ra s] — Кордильеры copper ['корэ] — медь
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The area of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean and by the Atlantic Ocean. The USA is a federal republic, consisting of fifty states. Each of these states has its own government. The Congress is the American parliament which consists of two Chambers. The president is the head of the state and the government. The population of the United States is nearly 315 million people; most of them live in towns. People of different nationali- ties live in the USA The official language of the country is English. The capital of the country is Washington. It was named in honour of the first President, George Washington As the USA is a large country, the climate is different in different coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers, but the eastern continental region is watered with rainfall. The region around the Great Lakes has changeable weather. There are many mountains in the USA. For example, the highest peak of the Cordilleras in the USA is 4,418 meters. The main river of the country is the Mississippi. But there are many other great rivers in the USA: the Colorado in the south and the Columbia in the north-west. There are five Great Lakes between the USA and Canada There are many big cities in the country. They are Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Detroit. The USA has an Academy of Sciences. There are many scientific institutions, museums, libraries, theatres and other interesting places in the country. The USA is a highly developed industrial country The USA is rich in mineral resources, such as aluminum, salt, zinc, copper, cement and others. The country is rich in coal, natural gas, gold and silver. It holds the first place in the capitalist world for the production of coal, iron, oil, natural gas 19
2. Read aloud the extract that explains the name of the capital. 3. How many states are there in the USA? 4. What big cities do you know in the USA? 5. Why does the USA hold the first place in the capitalist world? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. to trace {treis] — прослеживать courteous['k3:tias] — вежливый superficial [/s(j)u:pa'fif(e)l] — поверхностный artificial [,a:ti'fij(a)l] — искусственный TYPICALLY AMERICAN Many of the most stable features of American life — those mentioned again and again by generations of foreign visitors — can be traced to the frontier experience, to the settlement of a vast, raw land by succeeding waves of people moving westward Three American «national characteristics» which are most frecuently mentioned do indeed recall the frontier experience. These are friendliness to strangers, a strong sense of community and neighborliness, and a general informality. A report consistently brought back by visitors to the U.S. is how friendly, courteous, and helpful most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course, exceptions. Small — minded officials, rude waiters ЯМВ 20 8ИЯИ
and ill-mannered taxicab drivers are hardly unknown in the U.S. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserved comment. The old tradition of hospitality to strangers is very strong in the U.S., especially in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist trails. «I was just traveling through, got talking with this American, and pretty soon he’s invited me home for dinner — amazing». Such observations reported by visitors to the U.S. are not uncommon, but are not always understood properly. The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition. 2. Read aloud the extract that shows us the old tradition of hospitality to strangers. 3. What are three American national characteristics? 4. Where do people have similar national characteristics? 5. Why are the Americans so friendly? Г.....7 TEXT FOR READING U '' <' •• 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. victim ['viktim] — жертва influx ['inflAks] — приток, наплыв FROM THE MAIN LANGUAGES TO THE NATIONAL DRESS The people of Belarus are a kind, friendly and good humoured nation. The patience and peacefulness of the Belarusian people has been determined by the nation’s history that has been darkened by endless wars which the Belarusians did not start,
but fell victim to. Belarus is welcoming to all visitors and interested in sharing its culture, traditions and sense of community with them Ethnic Belarusians make up more than 80% of the population But because of the history of Belarus, many other nationalities have also settled in the country, many of whom have been established for several generations. Here are the main minority groups that make up the people of Belarus: Russians (8.3%) have always lived in the region, with a large influx into the country after the Second World War; Poles (3.1%) have lived in the western side ofthe country for centuries; Ukrainians (1.7%) — the largest influx came in the 18th and 19th centuries; Jews (0,1%): the first Jews settled in Belarus in the 15th century, but emigration to Israel and other states since the 1980s means that the Jewish population of Belarus is now less than 30,000 Other significant minority groups in Belarus include Tatars, Roma, Lithuanians and Letts. Belarusian and Russian are the official languages of Belarus. Other languages such as Polish, Ukrainian and Hebrew are spoken within local communities. National costume is still popular in Belarus but usually worn only on festival days and for celebrations. There’s a long and rich history of traditional arts and crafts in Belarus, and many of these skills are alive and well today. The main crafts include weaving, woodworking, glass blowing Traditional folk dancing remains popular, with a number of folk theatres around Belarus. Music and art also play an important part in the national life of Belarus, with national and international festivals held regularly across the country. The best known of these is the Slavyanskiy Bazaar (Slavonic Bazaar) in Vitebsk. 2. Read aloud the extract that tells us about the population of Belarus. 3. What are the official languages of Belarus? 4. What are the main crafts in Belarus? 5. Why is the Jewish population of Belarus less than 30,000? se» 22 ww
1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. by correspondence [,kori'spDnd(e)ns] — заочно due to ['dju.tu:] — из-за, по причине EDUCATION IN BELARUS Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus but around 70% of children attend nursery or kindergarten before they start school. Most children in Belarus start school at the age of 6. All pupils must follow the basic education curriculum up to the age of 15, and the vast majority of pupils stay at school until they finish their high school education at 18. At the age of 15, pupils that have successfully completed basic education can attend college or professional technical institutions where they can focus on completing their h gh school education and work toward a professional certificate Completion of a high school or professional certificate allows students to apply to continue their education at the university level. The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. There are four main types of higher education establishments to choose from, which can be either private or state operated: classical university, profile university or academy higher college. Most courses run for 5 years and students can choose to study full time, at evening classes or by correspondence. Grants are available for full-time students and scholarships are awarded to very gifted students. All higher education establishments are governed by the Ministry of Education in Belarus «жж 23
More than 6,000 foreign students study at higher education institutions and universities in Belarus every year. Higher education fees for foreign nationals range from 700—3500 USD depending on the subject and the institution. Once you have decided to continue your education at a university in Belarus, you will need to contact the university in order to receive an invitation to apply to study there. To do this you will need to provide the following documents: completed application form, copy of your certificate of education showing your subjects and grades, copy of your passport and birth certificate, copy of your medical certificate. Most students live in student hostels, which cost around 15—30 USD per month. There are more than 50 higher education establishments in Belarus. 2. Read aloud the extract that tells about higher education in Belarus. 3. How many higher education establishments are there in Belarus? 4. Where do children go at the age of 4? 5. Why do you need to contact the university you've chosen? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. to estimate ['estimit] — подсчитывать badge [baedj] — значок MM 24 MHK
BELARUSIAN REPUBLICAN YOUTH UNION The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is a youth organiza- tion in Belarus. Its goals are to promote patriotism and to instill moral values into the youth of Belarus, using activities such as camping, sporting events and visiting memorials. The organization was created after a merger of other youth groups in 2002 and is the successor of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Belorussian SSR. The BRSM is the largest youth group in Belarus and is supported by the Belarusian government. The BRSM national headquarters is located in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Each region of Belarus — Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, and Mogilev — has its own branches of the BRSM The BRSM has estimated that it has 6,803 bran- ches located inside Belarus. The BRSM has two official symbols: an emblem and a flag. The emblem, which is based on the Komsomol badge and modeled on the Belarusian national flag, has a red bar bearing the initials of the BRSM, written in gold in Cyrillic, over a green bar bearing a golden olive branch. In order to join the BRSM, the applicant must be between the ages of 14 and 31 and must send a photo of him or her. If the applicant is between the ages of 14 and 16 written permission from a parent or legal guardian must be granted Most of the BRSM’s activities are similar to those that were performed by the Soviet Komsomol. The main activities of the BRSM involve the promotion of Belarusian patriotism This is accompli- shed by participating in wreath-laying ceremonies at various memorials around the country. BRSM members also pass out flowers to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (World War II) to honor their service during the national holiday Victory Day. During other national holidays, the BRSM passes out a ribbon that resembles the national flag of Belarus, to be worn on a shirt or jacket. This program, along with other events, is part of its «For Belarus1» The BRSM participates in outdoor activities and sports, including football, running, swimming and hockey. Some of these athletic events involve different groups from inside Belarus
or from neighboring countries, such as Russia, Ukraine or Latvia. The BRSM members also participate in competitions amongst themselves or with other foreign groups that are similar to the BRSM. 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the BRSM's activities. 3. How many branches of the BRSM are there in Belarus? 4. What are official symbols of the BRSM? 5. Why do the BRSM members pass out flowers to veterans? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. patronage ['paetranids] — покровительство launch [b:ntf] — начинать THE INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL SLAVONIC BAZAAR (SLAVYANSKIY BAZAAR) IN VITEBSK The International Arts Festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk has become a trademark of the Republic of Belarus. For years, the music forum has been promoting cross-cultural dialogue between nations and countries. Organized by Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, the first festival was held in Vitebsk on July 18th, 1992. It was designed to introduce city residents and guests to Slavonic song folMcire In 1993, the Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk became a member of the International Federation of Festival Organizations (FIDOF). дуднамк /7» 38M8SS№
The same year the geography of the festival broadened to include participants from Slovakia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Since 1995 the festival has been held under the patronage of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka. The same year the Slavonic Bazaar became to be known as the International Festival of Arts. The first satellite broadcast of the festival was launched in 1996, which made it possible to show the forum all over the world. In 2009 an alley was unveiled in Vitebsk to honor the winners of the Prize of Belarusian President «Towards peace and mutual understanding through art». The 20th International Arts Festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk was held in 2011. For 20 years, Vitebsk welcomed more than 55,000 participants from 68 countries The Summer Amphitheater, the main stage of Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk, hosted 316 concerts which were attended by about 3 million people. The International Song Contest in Vitebsk has been the highlight of the festival since 1992. The International Children’s Song Contest as well as fascinating cinema and theater shows is also held within the framework of the music forum. In 2000 the Slavonic Bazaar set a record, bringing together representatives of all Slavonic nations. The FIDOF awarded the festival with the diploma «Festival of the Year» in 2000 and 2004. In 2005 Vitebsk played host to the Assembly of the International Federation of Festival Organizations (FIDOF), which meant the high level recognition of the festival. 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the connection of the festival to the FIDOF. 3. When was the first festival held? 4. How many participants has Vitebsk welcomed for 20 years? 5. Why was the festival organized? ЙИ* 27
1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. satellite ['saet(i)lait] — спутник observance [ab'zs v(a)ns] — соблюдение MASS MEDIA IN BELARUS A variety of print media and electronic media of different forms of ownership is operating in Belarus. As of January 1th, 2012,678 newspapers and 676 magazines were published in Belarus. More than two thirds of them are private. Printed press is available mainly in the Belarusian and Russian languages, though there are some newspapers in English, Polish, Ukrainian and German. The most influential newspapers include Belarus Segodnya and the Respublika. More than 4,000 print media outlets are distributed throughout the country, including those from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the USA, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, because people in Belarus are eager to know the latest news from these countries. As of January 1th, 2012, there were 162 radio broadcast stations and 81 television broadcast stations in Belarus 23 radio stations and 50 TV broadcast stations are private. Many public radio stations are run by the local authorities. There are 30 FM radio stations in Belarus, including Radius FM, Radio Unistar (Belarusian—German media project), Europe plus and others. The target audiences of the Belarus radio station are foreigners interested in local events. The radio station airs programs not only in Belarusian and Russian, but also in English, German, Polish, French and Spanish. шж 28 «я
There are 5 national TV broadcasters in Belarus: Belarus 1 TV Channel, Belarus 2 TV Channel, ONT TV Channel, CTV and international satellite channel Belarus TV The broadcasting of International satellite channel Belarus-TV was launched in 2005. The programs of the channel are transmitted via Express- AM22 and Galaxy 19 satellites. Today the broadcasting covers more than 60 countries The channel is available to viewers from Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and North America. The programs are aired 24/7 in Russian and Belarusian languages. The channel also provides online broadcasting on the Internet. The Law «On Mass Media» formulates the basic principles of mass media’s activity accuracy, equality, respect for human rights and freedoms, diversity of views; protection of morals; observance of the norms of journalist's professional ethics. 2. Read aloud the extract that describes print media in Belarus. 3. How many radio broadcast stations are there in Belarus? 4. What are the main newspapers? 5. Why are there 4,000 print media from abroad? I'' TEXT FOR READING W 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. slightly ['slaitli] — слегка to deliver [di'liva] — доставлять 29
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE NATIONAL PRESS British people watch a lot of television They are also reported to be the world’s most dedicated home-video users. But this does not mean that they have given up reading. They are the world’s third biggest newspaper buyers, only the Japanese and the Swedes buy more Newspaper publication is dominated by the national press, which is an indication of the comparative weakness of regional identity in Britain Nearly 80 % of all households buy a copy of the main national papers every day. There are more than eighty local and regional daily papers. Most local papers do not appear on Sundays, so on that day the dominance of the national press is absolute. They are so-called because Sunday is the only day on which they appear Some of them are sisters of a daily (published by the same company) but employing separate editors and journalists. The morning newspaper is a British household institution; such an important one that, until the laws were relaxed in the early 1990s, newsagents were the only shops that were allowed to open on Sundays. People could not be expected to do without their newspapers for even one day, especially a day when there was free time to read them. The Sunday papers sell slightly more copies than the national dailies and are thicker. Some of them have six or more sections making up a total of wen over 200 pages. Another indication of the importance of pacers is the morning «paper round». Most newsagents organize these and more than half of the country’s readers get their morning pa er delivered to their door by a teenager who gets up at around half-j. st five every day in order to earn a bit of extra pocket money. 2. Read aloud the extract that explains the ’paper ,T 3. What paper appears on Sunday? 4. How many sections and pages can some nev r doers have? 5. Why can't British people imagine their life nout the Sunday papers? MB 30
TEXT FOR READJ.NC 1S 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. advantage [ad'vamtids] — преимущество to rent [rent] — арендовать mountaineering [zmavnti'ni(a)rir)] — альпинизм TRAVELLING Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country. As for me, I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You needn’t reserve tour tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish, and spend at any place as much time as you like. Every year, my friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays. The Black Sea is the most wonderful place which attracts holiday-makers all over the world. There are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. But it is also possible to rent a room or a furnished house for a couple of weeks there. Sometimes, we can place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long. в 31
As a rule, I make new friends there. In the day-time we play volleyball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe. In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset. I’m fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my friends Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. We return home sunburnt and full of impressions. 2. Read aloud the extract that tells about the advantages of trains and planes. 3. What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling? 4. Where does the author go every year? 5. Why is travelling by sea very popular? L . " TEXT FOffPfAQING 20 1 . Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. jumbo jet ['d^Ambav d^et] — гигантский аэробус, реактивный лайнер to load [laud] — загружать a luxury hotel ['1лк[(э)п] — роскошный отель IS YOUR PILOT NECESSARY? Sixty years ago the flight from London to Sidney took over two weeks. Today it takes about 24 hours. Flight BA009 on Boeing 747 jumbo jet is nearly ready to leave London for Bangkok and Sydney Before taking off Captain Deacon and his crew study the weather 32 шо
reports. The forecast is good except for some storms over India. Then they walk around the plane and check it. At the same time, the passengers board the plane and take their seats. The baggage is loaded, and today some very special cargo is put in the hold: 30 dogs and 2 cats. At 10.30, after starting its engines, the plane moves back from the departure gate. There are 327 passengers on board and 14 tons of cargo. Flight BA 009 takes off about 20 minutes late. 8 minutes after leaving Heathrow, Captain Deacon switches on the autopilot. He will switch it off just before landing in Bangkok. From now on, the captain’s main job is to check the instruments and to contact the different air traffic controls in the countries the plane passes over, to make sure they know where the plane is 12 seconds before landing, Captain Deacon switches off the autopilot and lands the plane himself. They have flown 5,936 miles from London in 11 hours four minutes. The only problem is that they can’t find anywhere to park the plane. There’s a new crew waiting in Bangkok to fly the plane to Sydney. Captain Deacon and his crew leave the plane and go to a luxury hotel. They relax for two days and then fly back. While the passengers wait inside the airport building, Captain Richards and his crew check the plane and the weather reports. As the plane flies over Sydney, Captain Richards decides to land the plane manually. He has to do it every few flights to make sure he does not get out of practice. 24 hours after leaving Heathrow, flight BA 009 lands in Sydney. 2 Read aloud the extract that describes captain Deacon's actions during the flight. 3 When does Captain Deacon switch on the autopilot? 4 . How long does it take to get from Heathrow to Sidney? 5 Why does Captain Richard land the plane manually? - 33 < ’
TEXT FOR READING 21 1 Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. device [di'vais] — устройство source [zso:s] — источник SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY We live in the fascinating and challenging world of science. It is a world that more and more over the ages, and especially in the 20th century, has come to affect so much of our lives. It is involved with the way we travel, the homes we live in and the clothes we wear, how we become ill and how medicine can make us better, and has given us fantastic means of communicating and exploring. The list of the inventions is rather long. We are on-lookers of great scientific achievements such as television and a computer We can’t imagine our life without a notebook or a radio. I’d like to speak about computers in details. What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that stores information nd allows changes in it through the use of instructions. A mcc. . computer is capable of doing various tasks, like word processi. and accounting. Personal computers are widely used but working on the. requires some techniques. A computer gives a lot of advantages to a user The list of the advantages is rather long _ iputers give us access to the Internet — an international co iter network. You can spread a lot of your free time surfing th In ernet and get all sorts of information from it. You can enter thu J at room with other Internet users and debate urgent prob'e- on line. If you are connectable by e-mail, you can correspc, । viti your own web page and place there information about youi. '
Today computers help people to do many things. Bankers use them to keep track of money. Telephone operators use them to put calls through. Without computers, weather forecasters would make more mistakes. Computers also help scientists to solve their problems. More than that computers help the police to keep order in shops. But computers have some disadvantages Computers can make people lazy. People waste their time when they play different games on a computer People forget to go to the libraries, they often find information on the Internet. Wicked games can make people, especially children aggressive and stupid. Because science will be around us even more in the future, I think we-tomorrow’s adults, must start learning today to be ready to take our places in this computerized, transistorized, antibiotic, nuclear and supersonic age! 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the advantages of computers. 3. What is a computer? 4. How do computers help people? 5. Why do we need to start learning how to use computers properly? U TEXT FOR READING 22- 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. pursuit [pa'sjurt] — преследование overall ['avvara:!] — полностью asm 35 ae
DARYA DOMRACHEVA Darya Domracheva is the leader of the Belarussian national women’s biathlon team. She was awarded the title of Honoured Master of Sports in 2010. Darya Domracheva was the winner of the Biathlon Award 2010. She was named female athlete of the year. She started her sports career with cross-country skiing in 1992 but switched to biathlon in 1999. In 2005 she joined Belarusian national junior biathlon team. Darya won sprint and pursuit at the 2005 IBU Youth and Junior World Championships in Kontiolahti (Finland). But she finished the 40th in the individual race (the diopter fell off, and she missed 5 targets at the third shooting stage.) Darya Domracheva took the 3rd place in the pursuit and the 4th place in the individual at the 2006 Junior World Championships in Presque Isle (the USA). In 2007 she picked up two silver medals in sprint and pursuit at the Junior World Championships in Vail Martello (Italy). Darya Domracheva made her World Cup debut in 2006. She took the 16th place in the sprint at the season-opening biathlon World Cup meet in Ostersund. It was the 2nd best result of the Belarusian national team. Career Highlights: • bronze medalist in the women's 15km individual race at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. • world champion (gold medal in the pursuit at the 2012 IBU World Championship in Ruhpolding, Germany) • silver medalist of the Biathlon World Championships 2008 in Ostersund (Sweden, mixed relay), the Biathlon World Championships 2011 in Khanty—Mansiysk (Russia, mass start) and the Biathlon World Championships 2012 in Ruhpolding (Germany, sprint) • bronze medalist at the Biathlon World Championships 2011 (Khanty—Mansiysk, relay). • winner of Small Crystal Cup in the mass start in the 2010/11 season. ив 36 м»
Darya Domracheva clinched two medals at the 2012 IBU World Championships in Ruhpolding (Germany), gold in the 10 km pursuit and silver in the sprint. In the 2011/12 season, Darya Domracheva finished second overall in the World Cup rankings with 1188 points after Magdalena Neunercf Germany who had 1216 points Darya Domracheva won Small Crystal Globe of the 2011/12 season overall twice in the mass start and pursuit. 2. Read aloud the extract that tells about her World Cup debut in 2006. 3. When was she awarded the title of Honoured Master of Sports? 4. What place did she take in the World Cup in 2011/2012? 5 Why was she the 40th in the individual race at the 2005 IBU Youth and Junior World Championships in Kontiolahti (Finland)? TEXT FOR READING 23 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. nuclear weapon ['nju klio 'wepsn] — ядерное оружие sincere [sm'sia] — честный I JOINED A POLITICAL PARTY The day after his 15th birthday David joined a political party. «I’m the youngest possible member», he announces proudly. «I’ve been going on Peace Marches and protests for years I want the government to spend money on people. Not on nuclear weapons. 37 *• '?:
Politicians are, most of them, too worried about what the public think and about what they, themselves, think. Only a few politicians are sincere and speak their minds and don’t care if they are unpopular with the tabloid newspapers». «If I were an MP I’d try to be sincere. If referendums were cheaper I’d have more referenda in all sorts of things. I’d shout in Parliament pointing out how fatally flawed the policies are. I mean, look at the country. What a mess it’s in!» «The other kids at school don’t care about politics. They’re ignorant. We have the School Council of pupils who we vote for. But it’s got no real power. It’s not properly political. If it were we’d vote to abolish the school uniform. We’d change the law that means we can’t be in our classrooms at lunchtime. We’d abolish having school assemblies with prayers at the end». «I joined the party because my mum and dad are members. I don’t agree with them on many things, but in politics they’re right». 2. Read aloud the extract that tells about David's opinion about politics. 3. What would David like to abolish at school? 4. What are David's parents? 5. Why did he decide to join the party? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. wage [weidj] — заработная плата, еженедель- ный заработок prejudice ['pred^edis] — ущерб, предрассуд jk to reinforce [ri:m*b:s] — укреплять № s 38 »
WOMEN IN SOCIETY Women are a «mistake». They are silly and not interested in «serious» matters. They are homemakers, men are wage earners Women are the property of their husbands. At the start of the 20th century this kind of prejudice was very common. Women would learn to cook, sew, and do the housework. The only jobs they could do were to look after other people’s children, clean, or perhaps teach. In Britain, the First World War (1914—1918) marked a great change for women. For the first time they worked in offices and factories to fill the places of men at war. They were just as good, if not better, than men at all jobs. However, when the war was over, the women went back to their homes. The same thing happened during the Second World War. «Women’s Lib» did not grow until the 1960s. As women fought for equality with men «feminism» became part of the language. Women finally began to be accepted in traditionally male areas. Today many women choose to work. However, there are not many women in the top jobs. In some jobs they still receive less pay than men for the same work and even if they work, they usually have more responsibility for the children than the father. But things are changing What will things be like in the future? Some people argue that men and women are going to become more and more equal. They say that recent advertisements that show men taking care of the children and doing the housework reflect what is happening in society and they feel this trend will continue. Others think that things are not going to change that much For example, many women’s magazines still reinforce the idea that women’s interests are home, family, cooking, fashion, beauty and, of course, men. They also argue women will be happy to stay at home just like their mothers and grandmothers did in the past 2. Read aloud the extract that tells about women's position at the start of the 20th century. 3. When did «Women's Lib» grow? es 39 иж
4. What will things be like in the future? 5. Why did women work in offices and factories during the First World War? 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. Microsoft Company — Компания Microsoft to access ['aekses] — иметь доступ REAL BILL GATES It’s hard to believe that the first personal computer, the proto- type of the computer now found in homes and offices around the world, was developed less than thirty years ago. The software for that machine was developed by William Henry Gates. Bill was born in 1955 in Seattle He became interested in computers when he was 13. His parents send him to the elite, private school, where he learned computer language He’s placed within the top ten in the nation at the exam Then Gates went to Harvard. Later William returned to Seattle where he established the Microsoft Company in 1975. It employed only three workers at first. Microsoft developed software for established American companies like General Electric, City Bank and IBM. In 1981, IBM began selling a personal computer that used Microsoft products as part of its operating system. By then Microsoft had 129 workers. Gates married Melinda French, in 1994. She graduated from Duke University with computer science and business degrees. Like Gates, she is smart and independent. Their daughter, 40 W
Jennifer, was born in April 1996. «I used to think I wouldn’t be all that interested in the baby until she could talk», says Gates «But I’m totally into it now». Gates runs his company mainly through three methods Day and night he looks through e-mail messages; every month or so he meets with the top management group; and the most important — 70 percent of his schedule, he holds two or three small meetings a day with the teams working on company products. For him the competition is sport. Thanks to the success of his company, William Gates has earned a personal fortune of about 7 billion dollars. He is planning to give away 95 per cent of his wealth on charity. Gates has already given lots of money on some projects. Today four out of five of the world’s personal computers run on Microsoft software, on what is now called Windows. Windows system makes it much easier to use a computer. It’s through the Windows system that we may access the Internet, the global computer network. 2 Read aloud the extract that describes the establishment of the Microsoft Company. 3 Where did Bill Gates receive his education? 4. What are his rules by which he runs his company? 5. Why is William Gates very popular all over the world? TEXT FOR READING 20 1 Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. suspense [sa'spens] — неизвестность, беспокой- ство anxiety [agg'zaiati] — тревога
ON NOT ANSWERING THE PHONE Why don’t I have a telephone? Not because I pretend to be wise or pose as unusual. There are two chief reasons because I don’t really like the telephone, and because I find I can still work and play, eat, sleep, and breathe without it Why don’t I like the telephone? Because I think it’s a time-waster. It may create unnecessary suspense and anxiety, as when you wait for an expected call that doesn’t come; or irritating delay, as when you keep ringing a number that is always engaged If you have a telephone in your house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring — when you are asleep, or in the middle of the meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out, or when you are in your bath. Are you strong minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, «Ah, well, it will all be the same in a hundred years time»? You are not You think there may be some important news or message for you. Have you never rushed dnppmg from the bath, or chewing from the table, dazed from bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number? You were told the truth. In my opinion all telephone numbers are wrong numbers If, of course, your telephone rings and you decide not to answer it, then you will have to listen to an idiotic bell ringing in what is supposed to be the privacy of your own home You might as well buy a bicycle bell and ring it yourself... Well, sometimes I call from a pay telephone. Local calls usually cost 35 cents The specific amount will be posted on the telephone Use coins. To make a long distance call, dir: .he number as if you were calling from a normal phone and the jarator will get on the line and tell you how much money to depo or the first 3 minutes of your call. Dialing instructions will usudi -s printed on the telephone. 2. Read aloud the extract that describes a pay pl ae. 3. When does the phone usually ring? 4. Where will dialing instructions be printed? 5 Why doesn't the author like the telephones? » 42
ИМ TEXT FtOR REABING 27 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. disappointment — разочарование to wrap [rasp] — заворачивать CHRISTMAS DAY A friend of my brother’s called Andrew was going to spend Christmas with his girlfriend and her parents. Now, he hadn't met her parents before, so you can imagine how really nervous he was. He was going to arrive very late on the Christmas Eve. So his girlfriend said that she would leave the back door open. Andrew promised to do as she had told him. Anyway, he arrived at the house at about two o'clock, two o'clock in the morning. His girlfriend lived in number 31 Forest Avenue, but the street lights were off and it was too dark to read the numbers on the front door. Finally he managed to see number 29 on the door of one of the houses and worked out that number 31 must be next door to number 29. He stopped and went round to the back of the house. To his disappointment the back door was locked. Luckily he noticed that one of the windows was open. He was able to climb through the window and open the back door in order to get his things into the house. After the drive he was very tired and hungry, so he went into the kitchen and helped himself to some food from the fridge. He went upstairs. And the first door he opened was the guest room. He got undressed and went to sleep. The next morning, Christmas Day, he woke up quite late. He put on his dressing gown and went down to say hello to his girl- hiend, meet her parents, give them all their presents He opened Ihe kitchen door and stood there with his arms full of wrapped presents calling out, Merry Christmas, everyone! But there was « 43 8»»
no one in that room that he knew. There was a man and a woman and two little kids sitting at the kitchen table It turned out that he was at number 27 Forest Avenue! 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the morning of Christmas day. 3 When was Andrew going to arrive at his girlfriend's house? 4. How did Andrew get inside the house? 5. Why did Andrew feel nervous before his visit to his girlfriend's family? 1 Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. surgeon [zs3.d5(a)n] — хирург to beg — умолять TURNER AND HIS DOG The famous English artist Joseph Turner lived in the 19th century His paintings were a great success. He had a hobby: he was fond of dogs One day his dog which he loved very much broke his leg. The artist was very sorry for the dog and as he was rich enough he sent for the best surgeon in London instead of taking a veterinary. The surgeon arrived and asked the famous artist what the matter was. JTurner realized that the famous surgeon might get offended if he learned that the patient was a dog. So the artist decided to praise the surgeon He told the surgeon that he was a great and famous doctor. He begged the surgeon to help his dog because it was very important for him. The surgeon felt annoyed but he didn’t show it He treated the dog carefully and soon it was quite well ЯИ 44 ««в
The next week the surgeon asked Turner to come to his place. The artist believed that the surgeon wanted to see him in connection with his dog He arrived at the appointed time and was shown into the sitting-room The surgeon met him very warmly and said: «Mr. Turner, I am so glad you've come. My door needs painting. I know you are too great a painter for this work, but I beg you to do it. It is so important for me». 2. Read aloud the extract where the surgeon invited Turner to his place. 3. Who did Joseph Turner send for when his dog broke its leg? 4. How did the surgeon teach Turner a lesson? 5. Why did Joseph Turner send for the doctor? TEXT FOR READING 29 1. Read the text and tell us what it is about in 2—3 sentences. chimney ['tfimm] — камин to stuck [stAk] — застрять, прикрепить THE STORY OF THE THREE WISHES This is a story about a man and his wife who lived in a little house in the country. They were very poor. One evening they were sitting by the fire when the woman said: «If I could have everything I wanted, I’d be very happy» Then a beautiful fairy suddenly . ippeared. She said «You can have three wishes Be careful After you have had three wishes, you can’t have any more». Then the l.nry disappeared «What shall we wish for?» said the man and Ins wife The woman said: «I would like to be rich, beautiful and l.iinous. What could be better than that?» But her husband said: * 45
«It would be better to wish for good health, cheerfulness and a long life». His wife said: «I don’t like that idea very much». And the man said. «I can’t decide. Let’s think about it». But the woman made a mistake. She said: «I wish I had a string of sausages». And a string of sausages came down the chimney. And then the woman said: «I’m sorry. I made a mistake. I spoke without thinking». Her husband was angry about the sausages. He made another mistake. He said: «I wish they were stuck to the end of your nose». And the sausages were stuck to the end of his wife’s nose. And the woman said: «Look what you’ve done!» They had wasted two wishes and now they had only one wish left. The wife thought there was only one thing to do. Her husband had a better idea. He said: «If I wish for a gold case to hide the sausages, then we’ll have some money». But his wife didn’t like that idea. Even with a gold case, the sausages would still be stuck on the end of her nose! Her husband said: «You must have the last wish — wish for whatever you want». So she did — and the sausages fell off the end of her nose. But their three wishes had all gone. And all they had left were the sausages. The wife said: «Let’s cook the sausages and eat them». And that is what they did. 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the woman's and her husband’s mistakes. 3. What did they wish at first? 4. What was the last woman's wish? 5. Why didn't the woman want to have a gold case? 1. Read the text and tell us w t it is about in 2—3 sentences. craze [kreiz] — мания remarkable [гГта:кэЬ(э)1] выдающийся за ^нательный, ЖШ 46 «№&
THE EXERCISE CRAZE Everybody’s doing it old and young. They’re running, dancing, jumping up and down, bending and stretching. Exercise is in fashion. Everybody wants to be fit, feel good, look slim and stay young. It started with running. Millions of Americans put on their white «trainer» shoes and fashionable tracksuits and ran through the parks or along the streets for half an hour a day. Then the runner got the marathon craze. Popular marathons are now held everywhere. Lots of people want to see if they can run 42 km and do it faster than everyone else. The big city marathons, in London and New York, are important sporting events. Television cameras and newspapers report them in detail. Some remarkable people take part in the marathons: seventy-five-year-old grandfathers and nine-year-old grandchildren, and even disable people in wheelchairs. But marathons are not for everyone. Some prefer to get fit at home. Forthem, there’s a big choice of books, cassettes and video programs with music and instructions. One of the most popular of these home exercises programs is called aerobics. Bend down and touch your toes. You can do it too. Taking exercises is only one part of keeping fit. You’ve got to get slim, too. Books and magazines about slimming are bestsellers these days. Some people eat nothing but fruit for two or three days a week. It sounds terrible. Why not forget about keeping fit, sit down and have another chocolate biscuit? 2. Read aloud the extract that describes the marathon craze. 3. What is the most popular exercise program? 4. What do people eat to be slim? 5. Why do people do exercises?
1. Андреасян, И. М. Читай думай, говори пособие для учащихся старших классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, гимназий, лицеев, колледжей / И. М. Андреасян, А. М. Венгринович, В В Дармоян. Мн.. 2002 2. Денисова. Л. Г Английский язык: интенсивный курс : учеб, для 10 кл общеобразоват. учреждений / Л. Г Денисова, С. М. Мезенин М., 1997. 3. Дзюба, Н. В. Практикум по устной и письменной речи английского языка / Н В Дзюба, Н. В. Сигай. Мозырь, 2006 4. Карневская, Е. Б. Учимся слушать и понимать английскую речь / Е. Б. Карневская, Н. А. Павлович, В В Лопатько Мн., 2002 5. Карницкая, Г В. Английский язык. 5—9 классы. Тесты : пособие для учи- телей учреждений, обеспечивающих получение общего среднего образова- ния / Г. В. Карницкая. Мн., 200В. 6. Роеоеа, Г В. Английский язык за два года учеб пособие для учащихся Ю—11 кл. сред. шк. / Г. В. Рогова, Ф М Рожкова М , 1993. Предисловие. ... 3 We live in an old farmhouse . 4 The American family: then and now 6 Russian family: what is it like? 7 Choosing the right profession 8 Yuri Gagarin............ . 10 A babysitter. .11 Air pollution . . 13 Green living........ 14 Is thunder dangerous? ... . . .16 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.............17 The United States of America . .19 Typically american. . 20 From the main languages to the na- tional dress... .21 Education in Belarus....... .23 Belarusian Republican youth union .25 The international art festival Slavo- nic Bazaar (Slavyanskiy Bazaar) in Vitebsk. ... 26 Mass media in Belarus . 28 The importance ofthenational press... 29 Travelling. .... .31 Is your pilot necessery? 32 Science and technology 34 Darya Domracheva . 36 I joined a political party 37 Women in society . 39 Real Bill Gates.................. 40 On not answering the phone . . 42 Christmas Day . . 43 Turner and his dog............... 44 The story of the three wishes . . 45 The exercise craze . . . 47 Литература............ . . .......48