Л.Б. Бойко
Е.Л. Боярская
Учебно-методическое пособие
Российского государственного университета им. И. Канта

Бойко Л.Б., Боярская Е.Л. Лексико-грамматические трудности перевода с английского языка на русский: Учебно-методическое пособие. — Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И. Канта, 2005. — 62 с. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для курса письменного перевода с английского языка на русский. Курс читается на начальном этапе обучения студентов переводческого отделения и, будучи ограничен в объеме 32 аудиторными часами, позволяет охватить лишь некоторые лексико-грамматические трудности перевода. Пособие имеет своей целью не только предоставить материал для перевода с английского языка на русский в виде тренировочных упражнений, но и отразить аналитическую сторону переводческого процесса. С этой целью сборник включает в себя тексты для контрастив- ного анализа и тексты, содержащие переводные варианты. Печатается по решению Редакционно-издательского совета Российского государственного университета им. И. Канта. © Л.Б. Бойко, Е.Л. Боярская, 2005 © Издательство РГУ им. И. Канта, 2005
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Введение 4 I. Анализ содержания текста и вариантов перевода 6 II. Упражнения для закрепления переводческих навыков 18 III. Параллельные тексты для самоконтроля 35 IV. Тексты для самостоятельной работы 45 V. Библиография 61 VI. Источники оригинальных текстов 61 3
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Перевод есть деятельность по интерпретации смысла текста на одном языке (языке оригинала — ОЯ) и созданию нового, эквивалентного текста на другом языке (переводящем языке — ПЯ). Целью перевода является установление отношений эквивалентности между исходным и переводным текстом. В процесс перевода, вне зависимости от его формы (устной или письменной), можно выделить следующие базовые этапы: 1) декодирование смысла текста на исходном языке (ОЯ); 2) кодирование этого смысла на переводящем языке (ПЯ). Чтобы декодировать смысл текста, переводчик должен сначала определить единицу перевода, то есть сегмент текста (который может быть словом, фразой, одним или несколькими предложением), который будет рассматриваться как единица смысла. За этой простой, на первый взгляд, процедурой стоит комплексная мыслительная операция. Чтобы декодировать полный смысл исходного текста, переводчик должен сознательно и методично интерпретировать и анализировать все его особенности. Этот процесс требует глубоких знаний грамматики, семантики, синтаксиса, идиом и других тонкостей ОЯ и его культуры. Переводчик выделяет коммуникативно значимые, ядерные (с его точки зрения) и периферийные элементы и смыслы текста 1 (Т1). Побочным эффектом может оказаться то, что ядерными эти смыслы будут для переводчика, а в тексте 2 (Т2) они являются периферийными и наоборот. При переводе преобладают ситуативные/субъективные приоритетные стратегии в выборе и передаче смыслов и элементов Т1 над абсолютными/объективными стратегиями. Переводчик должен иметь глубокие познания в ПЯ для того, чтобы уметь правильно кодировать смысл. На практике знание ПЯ оказывается для переводчика более важным и должно быть более основательным, чем знание ИЯ. По этой причине большинство переводчиков переводят только на тот язык, носителями которого они являются. 4
Проблема часто состоит в неспособности отличить перевод от поиска словарных соответствий. Словарные соответствия можно найти в словаре, где даны краткие эквиваленты каждого слова. Как сказано выше, перевод представляет собой декодирование смысла и цели высказываний на уровне текста (не на уровне слов или предложений) и последующее кодирование смысла и цели текста в переводящем языке. Более того, важно знание предмета, о котором идет речь в тексте. Письменный перевод представляет собой лишь один из видов перевода и имеет ряд особенностей. Письменная речь не спонтанна, она не требует от переводчика немедленного принятия решения, что на первый взгляд делает письменный перевод менее трудным. Казалось бы, что может быть легче — прочесть, подумать и перевести. Однако фиксированность результата перевода налагает особые требования в плане достижения эквивалентности. Выполняя письменный перевод, переводчик не имеет права на ошибку, так как алгоритм выполнения письменного перевода позволяет взять своеобразный тайм- аут для осмысления оригинала, поиска вариантов, определения наиболее приемлемого из них с точки зрения всех видов содержания. Недаром говорят, что устный перевод — ремесло, а письменный перевод — искусство. Каков оке алгоритм действий переводчика при письменном переводе текста с иностранного языка на русский? Предпереводческий анализ текста предполагает: • усвоение общей информации и коммуникативной ситуации (автор, адресат, тема, проблема, основное содержание); • сегментацию текста: членение отрывка (предложения) на смысловые отрезки, выявление в сегментах текста смыслового ядра, компрессию сегмента в сжатое высказывание, содержащее основную информацию; • анализ полученной доминантной информации с точки зрения приемлемости различных вариантов перевода. Собственно процесс перевода не подвластен непосредственному наблюдению, однако внешний алгоритм его складывается из следующих этапов: • процедуры развёртывания доминантной информации каждого сегмента текста на элементы дополнительной информации; • поиск ближайших словарных соответствий; 5
• выявление семантических и структурных связей с доминантным элементом и другими элементами информации; • осуществление необходимых преобразований (трансформаций) для адекватного воспроизведения логико-семантической структуры текста в Г1Я; • построение чернового перевода; • редактирование текста перевода: восстановление непереданной информации, устранение избыточной, прибавленной переводчиком информации, восполнение утраченных стилистических оттенков, корректировка ненормативных и неузуальных слов и оборотов в тексте ПЯ. Важнейшей и неотъемлемой частью переводческого процесса является учет всех прагматических аспектов содержания текста ОЯ: национальной специфики значения языковых единиц, обусловленной различиями в материальной и культурной жизни этносов, системно- культурные различия в строе языков, релевантность той или иной культурологической информации для перевода, стилистические особенности текста. I. АНАЛИЗ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ ТЕКСТА И ВАРИАНТОВ ПЕРЕВОДА Первый вид работы предназначен для выполнения нескольких задач одновременно. Во-первых, ставится задача проанализировать расположенный в левой колонке представленной ниже таблице текст ОЯ с точки зрения его структуры и содержания. Вторым этапом предполагается аналитическое и критическое сравнение текста ОЯ и его перевода (правая колонка), содержащего возможные (или ошибочные) варианты. Метод контрастивного анализа, применяемый для этого вида работы, предполагает выделение релевантных единиц перевода в тексте ОЯ, анализ их семантического и прагматического аспектов и сравнение с вариантами перевода соответствующих отрезков в тексте ПЯ. Последним этапом должен стать выбор наиболее приемлемого варианта перевода и обоснование этого выбора. Приветствуются собственные решения. В тексте ОЯ подчеркнуты отрезки, представляющие трудности и/или допускающие вариативность перевода. Цифры в скобках отсылают к номеру упражнения, в котором закрепляется конкретный на- 6
вык перевода того или иного языкового явления. В правой колонке помещен перевод, содержащий возможные варианты трактовки текста. Цель упражнения состоит в обучении аналитическому подходу к переводу и умению обосновать выбор варианта перевода. Прочитайте английский оригинал, подберите наиболее адекватный, с Вашей точки зрения, вариант перевода. Обоснуйте свой выбор. Отметьте ошибки в предложенных вариантах, если таковые обнаружатся. Оригинал Перевод Environmental economics (10) Экологическая экономика Экономика и экология Экономика защиты окружающей среды Экономика и окружающая среда. Rescuing environmentalism 14} Есть ли будущее у движения в защиту окружающей среды? К вопросу о спасении движения в за- щиту окружающей среды Market forces could prove the environment's best friend (10) — if only greens (19) could /earn to love them Рыночные силы могут /могли бы стать лучшими друзьями экологии, если бы только ее зашитники/пойти на пользу экологическому движению, если только «зеленые» их признают/ли. THE environmental movement's foundational concepts. (10) its method for framing legislative proposals, and its very institutions are outmoded. Основополагающие принципы движения в защиту окружающей среды, методы выработки предложений по законодательству и сами институты этой организации устарели. / Понятия, которые легли в основу движения в защиту окружающей среды, его методы законодательного оформления своих предложений, да и сами организации выходят из моды. 7
«Today environmental ism is just another special interest.» (12) Сегодня защита окружающей среды стала еще одной сферой профессиональных интересов. / На сегодняшний день движение превратилось всего лишь в «клуб по интересам». Those damning words come not from any industry lobby or right-wing think-tank. (7) Эти обвинения выдвинуты / обвинительные слова принадлежат / отнюдь не представителю какого-нибудь промышленного лобби или команды правых / группы консерваторов. / Так движение изобличают даже не промышленные лоббисты или правые, а двое представителей «зеленых» с безупречной репутацией. They are drawn from «The Death of Environmental- ism»(12), an influential (9) essay published recently by two greens with impeccable credentials. Они взяты из взяты из одного нашумевшего эссе под названием «Смерть идеи защиты окружающей среды», опубликованного недавно двумя «зелеными» с безупречной репутацией. / Свои выводы они изложили в эссе «Смерть движения за окружающую среду», всколыхнувшем обшествен- ность. They claim that environmental groups arc politically adrift and dreadfully out of touch. (18) Авторы заявляют, что у экологических организаций I По их мнению, у групп, призванных защищать окружающую среду, нет четкой политической программы и они не имеют ни малейшего понятия о реальном положении дел/ и они совершенно потеряли связь с реальной действительностью. They are right. In America, greens have suffered a string of defeats (12) on high-profile issues. Они правы. В Америке «зеленые» потерпели ряд поражений/ терпят поражения одно за другим по очень важным вопросам. / И это правда. В США «зеленые» потерпели целый ряд поражений по основополагающим вопросам. 8
They are losing the battle to prevent oil drilling in Alaska's wild lands, and have failed to spark the public's imagination over global warming. (19) Им не удается предотвратить добычу нефти на Аляске. Они не смогли привлечь внимание общественности к проблемам глобального потепления. / Они проигрывают в битве против начала нефтяных разработок на Аляске и уже проиграли в попытке напугать народ глобальным потеплением. / Им не удается предотвратить начало нефтяных разработок на Аляске и уже не удалось напугать человечество глобальным потеплением. Even the (9) stridently ungreen (4) George Bush has failed to galvanise (19) the environmental movement. Даже позиция Джорджа Буша, явного противника «зеленых», не мобилизовала движение. / Даже агрессивно / воинствующе «незеленому» Джорджу Бушу не удалось распалить/ «раскочегарить» «зеленых». / Даже Джордж Буш со своими крайне «незелеными» взглядами не смог оживить движение. The solution, argue many elders of the sect, is to step back from day-to-day politics and policies and «energise» ordinary punters with talk of global-warming ca lamities and a radical «vision of the future commensurate with the magnitude of the crisis». (7) Многие ветераны организации видят ре- шение проблемы в том, чтобы отойти от ныне существующей практики принятия решений и включить в работу рядовых членов организации. / По мнению многих старейшин движения, решить проблему можно, отойдя / отказавшись от рутинного участия в политических дебатах и разработки стратегий. I Вместо этого следует «завести» обывателей, рассказывая им об ужасах глобального потепления и давая им представление о будущем, адекватное колоссальным масштабам кризиса». / Необходимо разъяснить общественности, в чем состоит опасность глобального потепления, нарисовать «картину глобальных изменений, вызванных масштабами кризиса». 9
Europe's green groups. (11) while politically stronger, are also starting to lose their way intellectually. (14) «Зеленые» в Европе, несмотря на более прочные позиции в политике, тоже теряют / В Европе «зеленые» занимают более прочные политические позиции, но и там они теряют под собой почву. / Хотя в Европе партия зеленых сильнее в политическом смысле, но она тоже постепенно теряет способность принимать обдуманные решения. Consider, for example, their invocation of the woolly «precautionary principled 12) to de- monise (12) any complex technology (next-generation nuclear plants, say, or genetically modified crops) that they do not like the look of. (16) Например, возьмем их призыв «проявлять осторожность» и противостоять любой технологии будущего, будь то новые атомные электростанции или генетически модифицированные продукты, к которым они относятся резко отрицательно. / Возьмите хотя бы их туманный «принцип предостережения», к которому они прибегают / обращаются, чтобы предать анафеме / чтобы запугать людей любые/ми не по- любившиеся/мися им сложные/ми тех- А (9) more sensible green analysis of nuclear power would weigh (6) its (very high) economic costs and (fairly low) safety risks against the important benefit of generating electricity with no greenhouse-gas emissions. (15) нологии/ями, будь то ядерные установки следующего поколения или генетически модифицированные растения. Если бы «зеленые» провели более взвешенный анализ ситуации, то стало бы понятно. I Более взвешенный анализ использования ядерной энергии мог бы показать, как соотносятся экономические затраты на ее производство (очень высокие) и риски (достаточно низкие) с той немаловажной выгодой от выработки электроэнергии без выбросов в атмосферу парниковых газов. Small victories and bigger defeats (4) Малые победы и крупные поражения Побед все меньше, поражений все больше 10
The coming into force (4) of the UN's Kyoto protocol on climate change might seem a victory for Europe's greens, (10) but it actually masks a larger failure. The most promising aspect of the treaty—its innovative use of market-based instruments such as carbon-emissions trading— was resisted tooth and nail (19) by Europe's greens. Вступающий в силу Киотский протокол об изменении климата может показаться «зеленым» в Европе победой, но на самом деле является большим поражением. IВступление в силу Киотского протокола ООН о климатических изменениях «зеленым» в Европе может показаться победой, но по сути лишь маскирует гораздо больший по сравнению с этой победой провал. Самый многообещающий пункт протокола — инновационное использование рыночных инструментов, таких как торговля квотами на выброс парникового и углекислого газов, — вызвал яростное сопротивление со стороны европейских партий «зеленых». / Зеленые насмерть стояли против самого многообещающего пункта договора — об инновационных подходах к использованию рыночных инструментов, таких как торговля углеродными выбросами в атмосферу. With (15) courageous excep- American green groups deeply suspicious tions also remain of market forces. В большинстве своем (за некоторым исключением) американские партии «зеленых» также относятся подозрительно к идее торговли квотами на выброс. / За исключением отдельных смельчаков, «зеленые» в Америке тоже относятся с большим подозрением к рыночным механизмам. If environmental groups continue to reject pragmatic solutions and instead drift toward Utopian (or dystopian) visions of the future, they will lose the battle of ideas. Если группы защитников окружающей среды будут продолжать противиться принятию разумных / практичных решений, вместо этого рисуя утопические (или, скорее, антиутопические) картины будущего, они точно проиграют эту битву идей / идейную борьбу. 11
And that would be a pity, for the world would benefit from having a thoughtful green movement. (11) А это было бы прискорбно, потому что мир бы только выиграл от разумного движения «зеленых». It would also be ironic.(6) because far-reaching advances are already under way in the management of the world's natural resources^—changes that add up to a different kind of green revolution. Это было бы не только прискорбно, но и нелепо, потому что уже сейчас делаются серьезные шаги в области управления мировыми природными ресурсами — происходят изменения, ведущие к новому типу «зеленой революции». This could yet save the greens (as well as doing the planet a world of good). Она могла бы спасти движение, да и всей планете принести огромную пользу. «Mandate, regulate, litigate.» That has been the green mantra. (4, 19, 16) «Зеленые» повторяют, как заведенные: / Принцип «зеленых» — Узаконить, урегулировать, упечь. I «Полномочия / мандат. контроль, тяжба/суд» — так звучит сегодня мантра (молитва) партии «зеленых». And it explains the world's top- down, command-and-control approach to environmental policymaking. Slowly, this is changing. В целом это объясняет командно-административный подход мирового сообщества к охране окружающей среды, где все основные решения принимаются «сверху». Сегодня ситуация, хотя и медленно, но меняется. / Этим и объясняется командно-административный принцип формирования политики по защите окружающей среды во всем мире. В наши дни подход постепенно меняется. Yesterday's failed hopes, today's heavy costs and tomorrow's (6. 19) demanding ambitions have been driving public policy (16) quietly towards market-based approaches. Мечты, которые не сбылись вчера, затраты, которые мы несем сегодня, и задачи, которые ставит перед нами завтра, постепенно подводят государства к принятию рыночных принципов./ Разбитые надежды вчера, высокие затраты сегодня и рост потребления завтра постепенно приводят к изменению политики государств в сторону рыночной экономики. 12
One example lies (2) in the assignment of property rights over «commons», such as fisheries, that are abused because they belong at once to everyone and no one. (12) Примером может послужить наделение правом собственности на «ничейные» владения, такие как зоны рыболовства, в которых постоянно совершаются нарушения, потому что эти зоны одно- временно принадлежат всем и никому конкретно. Where tradable fishing quotas have been issued, the result has been a drop in over-fishing. (12) Там, где были выделены продаваемые квоты на лов рыбы, снизился избыточный вылов. / Результатом выдачи квот на лов рыбы, которые в дальнейшем могут перепродаваться другим странам, стало заметное сокращение перелова / чрезмерного вылова рыбы. Emissions trading is also taking off. (12, 17) В настоящее время началась продажа квот на выбросы в атмосферу. / Растут темпы торговли квотами на выброс. America led the way (17) with its sulphur-dioxide trading scheme, and today the EU is pioneering carbon-dioxide trading with the (albeit still controversial) goal of slowing down climate change. (7) Америка первая определила схему торговли квотами, сначала на выброс двуокиси серы. ЕС начинает с разработки такой схемы на выброс углекислого газа. Основной целью этих программ является замедление процесса изменения климата. / Начала проводить эту политику Америка, введя схему продажи квот на выброс двуокиси серы. Теперь уже и Европейский союз инициирует продажу квот на выброс двуокиси углерода с целью (хоть и спорной) замедлить процесс климатических изменений. These, however, targets. (6) are obvious Однако это лишь те задачи, которые лежат на поверхности. / Эти цели, однако, самоочевидны. 13
What is really intriguing are efforts to value previously ignored «ecological services», both basic ones such as water filtration and flood prevention, and luxuries such as preserving wildlife. (7) At the same time, advances in environmental science are making those valuation studies more accurate. (16) Гораздо больший интерес представляют попытки оценить так называемые экологические услуги, которым ранее не уделялось внимание. Среди них есть как жизненно важные, такие как фильтрация воды и предотвращение наводнений, так и такая роскошь, как сохранение дикой природы. / Что действительно вызывает интерес, так это попытки оценить стоимость тех мер по защите окружающей среды, которые раньше не принимались во внимание. Например, такие как очистка воды, предотвращение угрозы наводнения и в целом (в перспективе) сохранение дикой природы. К тому же научные достижения в Ы> ласти экологии позволяют с большей точностью определить стоимость этих затрат. Market mechanisms can then be employed (17) to achieve these goals at the lowest cost. В дальнейшем можно привлечь I стоит использовать рыночные механизмы для достижения поставленных целей с наименьшими затратами. Today, countries from Panama to Papua New Guinea are investigating ways to price nature in this way. Сегодня во всех странах мира от Панамы до Папуа Новая Гвинея пытаются таким образом «оценить» природу. Rachel Carson meets Adam Smith (4) If this new green revolution is to succeed. (15) however, three things must happen. (17) Встреча Рейчел Карсои с Адамом Смитом / Рейчел Карсон протягивает руку Адаму Смиту Даже если эта новая «зеленая» революция и случится./ Если этой новой зеленой революции и суждено произойти. потребуется соблюдение трех условий. 14
The most important is that prices must be set correctly. (8) Наиболее важным из них является установление правильной цены. / Самое главное то, что должны быть установлены правильные цены. The best way to do this is through liquid markets, as in the case of emissions trading. (6) Лучше всего это делать через ликвидные рынки, как в случае с торговлей квотами на выбросы./ Наиболее эффективный способ достичь этого — создать рынки ликвидных средств, как в случае с торговлей квотами на выбросы в атмосферу. Here, politics merely sets (2) the goal. How that goal is achieved is up to the traders. Здесь, однако, политики всего лишь задают цель. То, как она будет достигнута, должны решать участники торговых операций /сделок. В этом случае политики только ставят цель, а как ее достигать — проблема трейдеров. А (9) proper price, however, requires proper information. The second goal must be to provide iLl8} Однако определение цены потребует соответствующей информации, обеспечение (предоставление) которой является следующей задачей. / Однако для определения точной цены потребуется точная / соответствующая информация. Следовательно, следующей целью должно стать обеспечение информацией. The tendency to regard the environment as a «free good» must be tempered with an understanding of what it does for humanity and how. (6) Тенденцию рассматривать природу как товар в свободном обращении необходимо соразмерить с пониманием того, что и как она делает для человечества. / На наше отношение к окружающей среде как к бесплатному благу должно повлиять осознание того, что (какие возможности) природа дает человеку. 15
Thanks to the recent Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the World Bank's annual «Little Green Data Book» (released this week), that is happening. (7) Этому способствуют программа оценки экосистем нового тысячелетия и ежегодный отчет по экологии, выпущенный на этой неделе Всемирным банком. / Благодаря недавно проведенной оцен- ке состояния экосистем в новом тысячелетии/ /проведенному исследованию, отраженному в издании «Опенка состояния экосистем нового тысячелетии», а также в ежегодной публикации Всемирного банка «Малая книга экологического состояния планеты», это происходит уже сейчас. More work (16) is needed, but thanks to technologies such as satellite observation, computing and the internet, green accounting (19) is getting cheaper and easier. Еще многое предстоит сделать, но благодаря современным технологиям, таким как спутниковое наблюдение, компьютерные системы и Интернет, работать в сфере экологии стало / «зеленая бухгалтерия» стала проще и дешевле. Which leads naturally to the third goal, the embrace of cost- benefit analysis. Это естественно приводит нас к третьей цели — анализу соотношения затрат и прибыли. / Естественно, что все вышеперечисленное ставит третью задачу — анализ рентабельности. At this, greens roll their eyes, complaining that it reduces nature to dollars and cents. (19, 17) «Зеленые» считают, что в этом случае мы будем измерять природу в долларах. В этом месте зеленые закатывают вверх глаза, причитая, что всю природу свели к долларам и центам / пересчитали на доллары и центы. In one sense, they are right. Some things in nature are irreplaceable—literally priceless.^) В каком-то смысле они правы — кое- что в природе незаменимо и не имеет цены. / С одной стороны, они правы — некоторые природные блага (ресурсы) незаменимы (невосстановимы) и бесценны в буквальном смысле. 16
Even so, it is essential to consider trade-offs (5) when analysing almost all green problems. Но даже в этом случае при анализе практически всех экологических проблем важно попытаться найти компромисс. /Решая экологические проблемы, необходимо достичь компромисса. The marginal cost of removing the last 5 % of a given pollutant is often far higher than removing the first 5 % or even 50 %: for public policy to ignore such facts would be inexcusable. (7,12) Невысокие / сравнительно небольшие расходы на уничтожение (оставшихся) последних 5% конкретного загрязнителя зачастую намного выше тех, которые требуются на уничтожение его большей части или тех же 5% на начальном этапе). Государству непростительно игнорировать такие факты. / Затраты на то, чтобы справиться с последними 5% какого-нибудь загрязнителя часто бывают гораздо выше, чем на расходы на борьбу с его первыми 5 или даже 50 %, и государствам игнорировать этот факт было бы непростительно. If governments invest seriously in green data acquisition and co-ordination, they will no longer be flying blind. (1) Если правительства всерьез инвестируют в сбор данных и координацию усилий, им уже не придется действовать вслепую. And by advocating data-based, analytically rigorous policies (11) rather than pious appeals to «save the planet», the green movement could overcome the scepticism of the ordinary voter. «Зеленые» же, поддержав строго аналитическую линию поведения, основанную на конкретных данных, а не на пустых призывах/ воззваниях спасти планету/ проповедях о спасении планеты, могли бы преодолеть скептическое отношение к себе рядового избирателя. It (17) might even move from the fringes of politics to the middle ground where most voters reside^ (12, 19) Движение защитников окружающей среды, таким образом, могло бы даже передвинуться / переехать с политической окраины поближе к центру, где обитает большинство избирателей. 17
Whether the big environmental groups join or not, the next green revolution is already under way. Rachel Carson, the crusading journalist (10) who inspired greens in the 1950s and 60s, is joining hands with Adam Smith, the hero of free-marketeers. (\2) The world may yet leapfrog from the dark ages of clumsv. costlv, command-and-control regulations to an enlightened age of informed, innovative, incentive-based greenery. Π 9) Следующая «зеленая революция» уже на подходе, независимо от того, присоединятся к ней крупные группы движения защитников окружающей среды или нет. Рейчел Карсон. воинствующая журналистка, вдохновлявшая «зеленых» в 50—60-х годах, теперь протягивает ру- κν / идет DVKa об dvkv с / Адаму Смиту. идеологу / кумиру приверженцев свободного рынка. Мир еще может сделать скачок из средневековья администрирования в просвещенный «зеленый» век. в царство информации, инноваций и мотивации. /У планеты еще есть возможность/шанс сделать скачок из средневекового мрака, где процветают командно-административные методы управления экологией, в новую эру знаний, новых технологий и материального стимулирования. II. УПРАЖНЕНИЯ ДЛЯ ЗАКРЕПЛЕНИЯ ПЕРЕВОДЧЕСКИХ НАВЫКОВ Представленные в этой части пособия упражнения для перевода снабжены кратким комментарием и объединены общей системой заданий: • выделить искомую единицу перевода, подлежащую преобразованию; • перевести предложения в соответствии с правилами, изложенными в комментарии; • рассмотреть возможность альтернативных вариантов перевода; • найти пять собственных примеров из аутентичных источников на каждую трансформацию. 7*
Упражнение 1. Перенос отрицания К переносу отрицания мы вынуждены прибегать в связи с различиями в строе двух языков: в английском отрицание синтаксическое и тяготеет к сказуемому (и даже к целому предложению), тогда как в русском у отрицания морфологическая природа — оно относится к слову. 1. This does not seem to be the case. 2. The partner who is your soulmate is no longer enough, and nor is one lifelong best friend. 3. But no amount of tackiness can be worse than a plain white wedding 4. Obviously not all experiments are as successful. 5. Racehorses don't race for themselves but for their owners and jockeys. 6. But experts who have examined the case of Lord Carnarvon believe that tomb toxins played no role in his not-so-untimely demise. 7. Washington also appears to be unsympathetic towards the plight of Africa, the other priority singled out by Blair for the G8 Summit in Gleneagles. 8. The capital saw the best of the sunshine and the parks were packed with people soaking up the rays or lounging in the shade. 9. Some south coastal areas saw temperatures rise no higher than 18 °C (64.4F). Breezes and overcast skies were to blame for the relative coolness there. 10. Terrific stories broken in one publication are often no longer followed up in others. Упражнение 2. Персонификация В английском языке подлежащее, выраженное существительным, обозначающим неодушевлённый предмет, часто употребляется с глаголом-сказуемым, семантика которого предполагает описание действий, типичных только для живых существ. При переводе на русский язык такое подлежащее становится тем членом предложения, функцию которого оно «имитировало» в английском. Так, русским клише «В коммюнике сообщается ...», «В статье говорится...» соответствуют английские «The article says...» и «The communique says...». Это явление можно рассматривать как персонификацию. 1. My protests were silenced with a dismissive «You'll learn.» 2. A new study has found that all 40 hospitals with the worst infection rates passed cleanliness tests with flying colours. 3. The clean hospital programme covers 19 different standards, of which only one is about cleanliness and none are about the control of infection. 19
4. Professor Hugh Pennington, a senior bacteriology expert, believes that hospital-acquired infections kill around 5,500 patients a year and contribute to the deaths of another 11,000. 5. The new allocation, in general, distributes money away from the South and the shire counties to deprived areas in the North and the Midlands. 6. Blackaby's evidence — reported here for the first time — underlined the extraordinary scale of his operation, and painted a disturbing picture of the murky realities of touting. 7. The work itself does show some degree of promise — he obviously hasn't just picked up a brush and started painting. 8. The documents obtained by The Observer represent an attempt by the Bush administration to undermine completely the science of climate change and show that the US position has hardened during the G8 negotiations. They also reveal that the White House has withdrawn from a crucial United Nations commitment to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions. 9. In the UK, the 2003 energy white paper called for urgent efforts to investigate the technology and the Commons select committee on science and technology also endorsed the idea. 10. Solar sails, as the name suggests, harness the power of the sun. Упражнение 3. Антонимический перевод Сущность приёма антонимического перевода заключается в том, что утвердительная конструкция заменяется отрицательной и наоборот, что сопровождается заменой соответствующей лексической единицы исходного языка её антонимом в языке перевода. Ср.: «не забыть» и «помнить», «запрещено всё, кроме этого» и «разрешено только это». 1. Those from ethnic minorities didn't hesitate with their answers — black, Pakistani Muslim, Muslim, Asian — while the white majority were left stumbling. 2. Many Americans seem to care little about the international consequences of American policy, indulging instead in a rhetoric of good and evil. 3. He hadn't quite caught up with social trends in the past decade or two, let alone the legislation that permits women to return to work after childbirth. 4. The answer, in part, according to Layard, is to discourage excessive work by increasing taxes. 20
5. Even lad mags such as Loaded, supposedly aimed at boys who couldn't care less, are heavy with adverts for designer wear which suggest that they do in fact care rather a lot. 6. « Things had, said Tony Blair, «changed dramatically since I was a child. It [has become] far more part of the man's job as well as the woman's to look after the children.» 7. It suggests that genuine antiques (the antiques sold in salerooms, not warehouses) are running short, and scarcity is driving prices beyond what even yuppies will pay. 8. And remember to give milk and crackers afterwards. 9. Home can be in more than one country 10. Interestingly, the political traditions come lower down his list. Упражнение 4, Преобразования частей речи Данная широко распространенная трансформация вызвана необходимостью привести текст ПЯ в соответствие с нормами узуса ПЯ. Так, предикатные структуры зачастую требуют номинализации и наоборот: номинативные должны быть выражены глагольными формами; прилагательные — существительными и т.д. Структурные преобразования такого типа обычно требуют дополнительных трансформаций, добавления либо опущения некоторых элементов текста оригинала. 1. The implication behind the question was that it was somehow unfair for the employers of fathers to be expected to give dads time off just because their partners had had babies. 2. As though some employers had effectively contracted for loss of baby time when hiring women, but that those who took on men had done so in the reasonable expectation of getting 25 solid, unbroken years out of them. 3. This would include, he explained, the non-replacement of those who retired and of «women going to have babies». 4. The trip is a routine courtesy for any leader taking over the presidency. But Mr Blair may face a rough ride from those Euro MPs who blame his intransigence for the current crisis. 5. After years of being stuck on the tarmac, «Blair Force One» is finally being cleared for take-off. 6. The chosen couples were selected on the basis of the solidity of their marriages, rather than their vulnerability, so that the viewer is faced with nothing more shocking than the exhausting daily grind of give and take, nag and evade, attack and retreat, that is the average marriage in action. 21
7. Our mothers were never so self-indulgent, but then nor were they attempting to live the multi-tasker's existence, which requires you to be pert, milky and motherly, sharp as a knife, and as efficient as Bill Gates's PA. 8. No one said it was going to be easy and that's because difficult is what keeps us going. 9. Any good fountain pen is a pleasure to hold because if it's not, if it lacks a satisfactory balance, it is not a good fountain pen. 10. «A good hard spanking is sometimes necessary.» 11. It also reflects our sense that we don't make things beautifully or solidly any more (well, perhaps petrol pumps we do). 12. We don't even know if the food is any good. It seems an excessively showy, very nearly butler-ish display of reticence on everyone's part. 13. Europe's green groups, while politically stronger, are also starting to lose their way intellectually 14. BBC2 is devoting a series to the architectural salvage business. It goes out at prime time on Thursday nights and is highly watchable. 15. Girls are displaying far more aggression to one another, not just because telephoning and tcxting has added immediacy to gossiping and bitching, but because there's also apeing of male behaviour — physical threats, settling disputes by threats, revenge for disrespect and, at the extreme end, girls copying male gangs. In the 60s this style would have been a joke. Упражнение 5. Конверсия Конверсия представляет собой приём перевода, при котором одно и то же слово может быть употреблено в качестве различных частей речи, а следовательно, может выступать в разных функциях. По своей природе это преобразование очень близко описанному выше (упр. 4). В явлении конверсии наиболее ярко отражено преобладание синтаксиса над морфологией. В английском языке по сравнению с русским не наблюдается чёткого разграничении между формами глагола и существительного. Конверсия в английском языке содействует образности речи и предоставляет определённую семантическую свободу 1. «We have to hold something in common, there has to be a glue for people to want to contribute to the wcllbeing of others. I'm certainly glad Chicago didn't have a huge sweep of awards. 2. «That film was widely hailed as a 'shoo-in' (definite winner) for the prize, or at least for a nomination. It was a very skilful piece of film-making 3. Since the Columbia disaster in February, NASA has put a freeze on shuttle flights 22
4. Environmental groups have urged councils to commit to non-geneti- cally modified food in the run-up to the elections on May 1. 5. More than 1,000 items pertaining to the Iraqi leader are for sale, including now-worthless banknotes featuring his moustachioed face and a fork supposedly from one of his many palaces. But a chunk of his statue torn down in Baghdad is no longer up for grabs 6. If given the go-ahead, GM crops risk contaminating local food, farmland and wildlife and threaten the viability of organic food 7. President George W. Bush voiced his support for a new programme of building nuclear power plants in the US. 8. The UK's largest gas supplier's first-half trading update was broadly positive. 9. The number of operating units at Generaal Electric will be cut from 11 to 6 in the group's biggest shake-up since 2001. 10. Environmental groups have urged councils to commit to non-ge- netically modified food in the run-up to the elections on May 1.. Упражнение 6. Синтаксическое усложнение Иногда переводчику необходимо объединить синтаксические структуры, тесно связанные смыслом между собой. Для этого выявляются логические связи, «запрятанные» в лаконичных английских конструкциях, с целью распространить их, развернуть в придаточные предложения и эксплицировать в ПЯ. 1. The sweltering weekend is predicted to get even hotter as Britons bask in what forecasters believe will be the hottest day of the year so far. 2. The old-fashioned reasons why men should not spend more than a fiver on a haircut were as ill-judged as the new reasons why they should. 3. But here's a conundrum. We have, in living memory, been a society with narrower differentials, greater social solidarity and conformity, lower divorce and separation rates, lower mobility and much more widespread religious practice. It was called the 50s. 4. Most of everything cultural that is worthwhile — film, TV, music, theatre, literature, newspapers — is nowadays pressure-cooked in cities for city dwellers 5. We all work too hard to get more money in order to compete with each other, because we find falling behind in the social status that only money provides too painful. 6. Both organisations give help and advice to pregnant women seeking abortions, as well as providing sex-education material to schools, parents and youth organizations. 23
7. The environmental movement's foundational concepts, its method for framing legislative proposals, and its very institutions are outmoded 8. Europe's green groups, while politically stronger, are also starting to lose their way intellectually. 9. Questions of identity are not just abstract concepts, but act as organising principles for a gamut of domestic and foreign policies, from levels of taxation to community cohesion and Europe 10. One of many projects funded by a big Economic and Social Research Council programme on identities, to be launched next month, is looking at Englishness in predominantly white housing estates in Plymouth and Bristol Упражнение 7. Членение предложений Русский, будучи языком синтетическим, более детален в описании по сравнению с английским. Там, где в английском языке можно передать смысловое содержание одной фразой, русский язык требует два ли более высказывания. Разрешением данной ситуации при переводе является приём членения предложений. Членение предложений бывает внешним и внутренним. Внутреннее членение представляет собой замену простого предложения сложноподчинённым/-сочинен- ным; при внешнем членении одно высказывание преобразовывается в два или более. 1. These «better the devil you know» revelations are encouraging on one level but the fact that staying together can prove less painful than divorce says more about the stresses of separating than the strength of marriage as an institution. 2. The prospect of swapping the house for a couple of basement flats, of him having to look after the children every other weekend on his own, of working on new relationships without upsetting friends and family, is currently keeping several couples I can think of as safe as houses. 3. And so friendship has become like a second career, at the same time requiring the sort of emotional investment that used to be reserved for lovers and relatives. 4. You could say that this was inevitable. It was certainly an uncharacteristic oversight by capitalism to allow the notion that real men don't go shopping to prevail for as long as it did, for the profits to be made from male narcissism would spark a gleam in even Bill Gates's eye — but they clearly represent more than business waking up to a gap in the market 24
5. Among the events organised for the week is a pilot of something called «Shopping Girlfriend», which means that a man who doesn't have a girlfriend can ring up an Austin Reed store and order a «Shopping Girlfriend» to go round the shop with him, advising on what he should wear. 6. The fragrant-implied threat is that if you do not buy this entirely bogus anti-wrinkle cream you will be left behind in the great race of feminity — and these are the terms on which the female beauty industry has operated, with great success, for several centuries. 7. The solution, argue many elders of the sect, is to step back from day- to-day politics and policies and «energise» ordinary punters with talk of global-warming calamities and a radical «vision of the future commensurate with the magnitude of the crisis». 8. Former Hollywood actress and former wife of the famous American actor Marlon Brando, Anna Kashfi is living on the poverty line, all the money gone into the thin air, along with the luxurious life and family happiness. 9. They did not even pretend to like the lad, and their generosity towards him showed itself chiefly in providing him with lavish supplies of pocket money and allowing him to go his own way. 10. Not only is there a delightful buzz of shared goodness to be had from such exchanges, the whole subject presents irresistible challenges to inventive ethical consumers, whom one can almost imagine competing — if this were not a distinctly unethical sort of activity — to come up with the most creative proposal for footprint-lightening. Упражнение 8, Объединение предложений Трансформация, противоположная по направленности описанной выше (упр. 7). Ни та ни другая не являются безусловно обязательными при переводе, однако применение обеих трансформаций объясняется различием в степени детализации описания. Так, английский язык обладает ресурсами для более детального членения временного отрезка, тогда как его абсолютные конструкции разворачиваются в русском в целые предложения, и наоборот: русские отглагольные существительные способны выразить значение целого высказывания в английском. 1. Mr Brown, speaking on ITV's Dimblcby programme, said: «There were two ways of looking at the issue. Either setting targets to reduce carbon emissions or examining alternative energy sources and improving energy efficiency. 2. He was a well set-up, normal, high-spirited fellow, with a ready smile and a hearty laugh. He was well suited to drawing-room comedy. 25
3. It is a strange union of the formal and informal. Most of all, it is a true partnership. 4. Soon half the world will live in cities. That means better jobs, personal freedom and increasingly exotic pets. 5. Save the Tiger. But clog, harass, and penalise the urban automobile into extinction. It doesn't belong there. Упражнение Я Артикль Перевод артикля представляет трудность уже потому, что в русском языке данная часть речи отсутствует. Основным условием для принятия правильного решения по переводу артикля является анализ тема-рематических отношений внутри предложения. 1. A man I know has a simple solution to the problem of what to wear. 2. Hikers in the Los Angeles forest which surrounds the city were alarmed over the last few weeks by reports of a full-grown tiger roaming their trails. The rangers did the American thing, loaded their cannon, and shot the beast. 3. If ever one wanted proof that religion is dead in this country, the vast quantity of church furniture on sale in the reclaimer's warehouse confirms that we are a seriously rich and wholly godless people. 4. It now seems to me that the England I came upon, and which I believe to be sinking out of sight, was bound together by a set of assumptions held so deeply that the English themselves were largely unconscious of them. 5. They are drawn from «The Death of Environmentalism», an influential essay published recently by two greens with impeccable credentials. 6. A definition in cultural terms excludes as many as it includes. 7. An ambulance was said to have been waiting outside 8. A suit is the last thing she would wear to work. 9. The £577,000 left in the budget after teachers' salaries was not enough to pay for books, equipment, and heating and lighting bills, 10. No wonder the off-screen Grant, the perceptive grown-up, speaks with increasing contempt of screen icon Grant. Упражнение 10, Перевод определения В данном упражнении представлены предложения, содержащие различные виды определений в препозитивной и постпозитивной позиции. Для английского языка в целом характерно наличие детерминатива перед существительным. Английский язык стремится к лаконизму, компрессии, что характерно для языков аналитического 26
строя. Это является одной из причин употребления существительного (группы существительных) в функции определения. При переводе необходимо установить тип отношений между определением и определяемым, который и обусловит выбор стратегии. Так, в словосочетании female MPs выражен пол определяемого слова, а в female clothes определение описывает принадлежность (или типичность признака). В русском языке эти отношения выражены различными типами управления. 1. Britain's official food safety watchdog — which prides itself on its «openness» — is embroiled in a row over the blanking-out of large sections of a document relating to a banned GM maize illegally imported into the country. 2. We have friends who are our surrogate family, but who we can rarely face seeing because they have three children under five, a no-smoking- in-the-house policy, and have started to talk in Daily Mail headlines. 3. The middle-aged corporate bod who comes home, takes off the suit and goes to play with his model railway — or, these days, his PlayStation — is regarded as a mild-mannered rebel who has kept a precious part of his life pure and unsullied by humdrum adult drudgery. 4. Ticket touts, who specialise in obtaining 'hard-to-get' seats for fans desperate to attend sold-out events, love the summer's big sporting and musical occasions too. 5. First-time winner Brody, who played a Polish pianist who survived the Holocaust, beat four previous Oscar winners. 6. And aside from Michael Moore's excellent anti-war acceptance speech, the rest of Hollywood was uncharacteristically subdued — even the normally outspoken activist Sarandon Miles Smojo, Canada. 7. This shows up clearly in the new research on female bullying and girls' relationships. 8. Our members have reported that many school toilets are in a poor and often smelly condition. 9. Not only did she have the pressure of working on a fast-moving, news-driven morning show after the decidedly more relaxed late-night programme she used to present, but she also had to endure tabloid scrutiny of the breakdown of her marriage to the Radio 5 executive Mark Sandell, involving a fellow presenter, Victoria Derbyshire. 10. Angry heads, many from the North, confronted Charles Clarke, the Education Secretary, last month to complain that they were making staff redundant in the face of six-figure deficits. 27
Упражнение 11. Атрибутивные группы Многочленные атрибутивные группы и группы с латентной предикацией в английском языке органично вписываются в его лаконичную аналитическую структуру. В переводе недопустимо калькировать эту не характерную для русского языка структуру: она разворачивается в придаточные или даже самостоятельные предложения либо разбивается на пре- и постпозитивные определительные группы. Чтение такой структуры в оригинале начинается с определяемого слова, и установление логических отношений внутри ее происходит справа налево. 1. It's a convenient, simple to use once-daily therapy which offers effective relief of acute symptoms but with a significant reduction of side-effects. 2. Their house was even more elaborate than I expected, a cheerful read-and-white Georgian colonial mansion, overlooking the bay. 3. In today's what-have-you-done-for-me-lately environment, nothing is more valuable than innovative ideas. 4. The uniquely valuable talents of a businessman are immeasurably higher than those of a rank-and-file-blue-or-white-collar-worker. 5. New resource-saving and non-polluting technologies have been discovered. 6. A forward-looking international scientific-and-technological policy would enable us to establish partnership. 7. The supporters of the join-at-all-costs-movement failed to explain that. 8. During the last month's Paris shows for ready-to-wear fall clothing, director Robert Airman appeared with such stars as Sophia Loren and Julia Roberts to shoot scenes for his new film. 9. He was acquitted the all-black jury. 10.1 was fed up with the day-of-the-child program when different fathers turned up to catch a glimpse of their children. 11. My sense of their relationships came from a few family get-together remembrances. 12. It seems I lost myself when I lost this where-you-come-from feeling. 13. She was standing by the door with the more-time-to-myself expression on her face and seemed rather decisive. 14. Superficially these are sexually relaxed, anything goes, times. 15. A poll last week revealed that 47% of British 18-to-30-year-olds favour the return of the cane (for those under 18). 28
Упражнение 12. Добавление Иногда нормы русского языка требуют от переводчика добавления одной или несколько лексических единиц в связи с тем, что лаконичные английские структуры требуют детализации в русском языке, такие, например, как эллиптические придаточные; глаголы, которые могут употребляться без дополнения, но выступать в русском как глаголы сильного управления, и т. д. 1. The Russians signed up to the Kyoto treaty on climate change last year so allowing it to come into force — but they remain the world's third largest polluters. 2. On the same programme a few months ago, I heard the Conservative front-bencher David Davis explain how his party would get rid of most of the civil service by natural wastage. 3. Every cobbled street that is paved over, every old pillar box that is rooted up, every Victorian gin-palace which is gutted, jokily renamed («The Gherkin and Condom») and thematised along some multinational brewers' notion of ye olde English pubworld represents not progress, but amnesia. 4. Today environmental ism is just another special interest. 5. They claim that environmental groups are politically adrift and dreadfully out of touch. 6. They're «part of the same tribe: the doers and the believers». 7. He might have added that the visionaries have their own playground patois, all but incomprehensible to outsiders. 8. Paid maternity leave will be extended from six to nine months, the statutory right to request flexible working from employers will be extended to parents of all children of school age and also to those who look after sick or disabled relatives. 9. Traditionally, you slacked for eight terms and worked like stink through the ninth, «revising» for the nightmare of finals week. Now you are examined from your first undergraduate essay onward. 10. When Layard writes that, «One secret of happiness is to ignore comparisons with people who are more successful than you are: always compare downwards, not upwards», one wonders who he thinks this has been a secret from. Упражнение 13. Опущение В противоположность предыдущей, эта трансформация борется с тенденцией в английском языке уточнять пространственные и временные указатели, повторять предикацию в придаточном предложении с помощью вспомогательного глагола. 29
1. Sir Richard says he doesn't much care what he investigates, as long as his name is heard at regular intervals. 2. It seems to me that far too many liberals believe that once you've ticked the Brotherhood Of Man box on your spiritual census, this gives you the right to be as big a bastard as you choose to be in your private life. 3. Maybe, in New Labour circles, this sort of thing passes for high style. 4. And yet, as Hyman points out, doing his bit to build bridges before the election, school teachers and visionaries do have some things in common. 5. Because England has dominated Britain, it has never had to explain itself in the way that Scottish or Welsh identity has had to, or that black people and Muslims are continually being asked to do. 6. It may be a cliche, but it's true — the build-up to Christmas is so much more pleasurable than the actual day itself. 7. What makes me happy, though? A combination of birdsong in the early morning, a child's smile, mere absence of pain, that kind of thing. 8. One secret of happiness is to ignore comparisons with people who are more successful than you are. 9. Then there won't be the same catch-up pressure and we will all have time for other things. 10. Every once in a while, whenever the outfit he has on is looking the worse for wear, he walks into the nearest branch of Next. Упражнение 14. Перевод обстоятельства, выраженного наречием Особенность перевода этого вида обстоятельства образа действия обусловлена тем, что место наречий в английском языке не фиксировано. Оно может стоять в начале, середине и конце предложения, до и после сказуемого. Как и характерная для английского языка препозитивная атрибуция, такие обстоятельства отражают стремление к лаконизму и на русский язык зачастую переводятся распространенными оборотами. 1. Technically, alcohol served in hotel bars can be consumed only by guests staying at the hotel. 2. Incidentally, I support the action he spoke out against. 3. This issue is quite delightfully simple. 4. He also points out that excessive job and home mobility threatens security and that, depressingly, happiness forfeited affects us twice as much as happiness gained. 5. And aside from Michael Moore's excellent anti-war acceptance speech, the rest of Hollywood was uncharacteristically subdued. 30
6. Then I applied for this job and hoped there would be a fairly small field of applicants because it was only advertised internally. Elizabeth Phillips, the headmistress, has written to parents saying that the money will be used specifically to pay teachers' salaries. 7. Interestingly, the political traditions come lower down his list. 8. Professionally she is at the lucrative top of the tree, uniquely able to invite clients to consultations inside her Downing Street Home. Domestically, at 47, she has 4 fine children, the youngest of whom is almost two, and a good marriage. Astonishingly, she referred to 'we in the British government 'taking measures to improve the Afgan women's lot. 9. The actor was more than fashionably late for the party. 10. Gerard Lemos warns that the markers of difference among the schoolchildren he was interviewing are increasingly around culture, not race. Упражнение 15. Перевод конструкций с with Предлог with является достаточно частотным в английском языке. Конструкции с with обладают значительной смысловой самостоятельностью и часто могут быть приравнены к самостоятельному предложению, что и отражается в переводе на русский язык. Для того чтобы избежать калькирования в переводе, необходимо точно установить тип отношений между отрезком, вводимым with, и остальным предложением. Эти отношения могут быть причинно-следственными, объектно-субъектными, временными и т. д. 1. Yet yesterday EBay was selling almost 200 pairs of Wimbledon tickets, including 10 for the men's final, with some priced at £1,800, while dozens of online firms such as Sold Out Event Tickets and London Ticket Shop were advertising many more. 2. Temperatures are predicted to rise to 33C (9IF) in London with many Britons expected to seek relief from the mini heatwave at beaches and parks. 3. With the increasing opportunities for education and career success that the twentieth century brought women, we might expect that the daughter's need for the father would diminish. 4. The awards began with host comic Steve Martin joking about the glamour at this year's event, and making jokes at the expense of several stars at the ceremony, including Jack Nicholson and Nicole Kidman. 5. With developments in technology, they can keep in contact with the office. 31
6. However, most of Britain was bathed in sunshine, with Yorkshire soaring to 27C, Birmingham 28C (82.4F) and Aberdeenshire reaching 24 °C (75.2F). 7. When I arrived here fifty-four years ago I found it hard to reconcile my impression of the English en masse — quiet, insular, clannish; resistant to foreigners; proud of the idiosyncrasy and age of their institutions; devoted to titles, distinctions, ceremonials and fancy dress — with the fact that their ancestors had launched themselves head-on at the world, and had managed to spread all over it not just their language and their skills, but also a notion of themselves as uniquely brave and incorruptible, and therefore uniquely gifted to rule over others. 8. The hunting tactic was almost wholly confined to a small group of females and their daughters among the Shark Bay population, with just a single male (dolphin) showing the same behavior. 9. The Oscars had been toned down due to the Iraq conflict, with scaled-down red carpet entrances amid the ceremony's tightest security. 10. Sunday's sombre Oscars ceremony was a departure from the traditional glitzy event, with special measures taken as a result of the conflict in Iraq. 11. A growing number of councils have already voted to become GM- free areas, with those in the south west of England taking the lead. 12. With a price tag of nearly £600 for the jacket and skirt, there is little chance that any of us will ever possess it. 13. With some creative thinking, the most unpromising activities might be susceptible to improvement. 14. The awards began with host comic Steve Martin joking about the glamour at this year's event, and making jokes at the expense of several stars at the ceremony, including Jack Nicholson and Nicole Kidman. 15. With developments in technology, they can keep in contact with the office.» Упражнение 16. Генерализация значения Замена более узкого значения слова на его гипероним осуществляется при отсутствии соответствующей лексемы более широкого значения в ПЯ; при необходимости снять неприемлемую в ПЯ мста- форизацию лексемы ОЯ или нивелировать культурологические различия и т. д. 1. The truth loves nothing more than to stand naked. 2. Yet far more will be done than would be if those voices that kept saying «30,000 children die every day» had not won the public argument. 32
3. The old-fashioned reasons why men should not spend more than a fiver on a haircut were as ill-judged as the new reasons why they should. 4. The idea that original sin was left behind in the Old World weds the Christian story of origin to a national Creed. 5. Modern women rigorously edit and categorise their friends, allocating them specific roles in their lives, picking and mixing to create their own tailor-made support networks, geared to providing them with exactly what they need to stay afloat. Упражнение 17. Конкретизации значения В английском языке существует значительное количество частотных слов с общим широким значением, которое должно конкретизироваться при переводе. Особую роль при применении конкретизации играет контекст. Thing 1. On every page that they opened there was a thing about Barings. 2. His recent Fifth Symphony drew an admiring ovation because every laconic paragraph had a tough, palpably musical sense. Nobody doubted that it was the real thing. 3. There's only one Tina Turner, and she'll be doing her thing in London this summer at Wembley Stadium, which is sure to be sold out. 4. «There's nothing worse than being with people that haven't taken any time or put any thought into how they present themselves to you. It's a respect thing. 5. Beginners tend to fade when things start to hot up. Flexible 1. The relationship works because Johnson is flexible. 2. About two-thirds of BT's 103,000 employees work flexible hours. 3. Waters believes that people allowed to work flexibly are more productive and have a higher retention rate. 4. Flexible working can help you to achieve a good work-life balance, but it's up to you to make a good case to your employers. 5. Flexible arrangements work for small companies — at Victoria Wall there are 11 staff and flexible working is accepted. Упражнение 18, Глагол to be Глагол to be, формируя составные именные и глагольные сказуемые, обретает конкретное значение в каждой отдельной ситуации. Это лишь один пример широкозначного глагола в английском языке, 33
но он показателен в плане радикальности требуемых переосмыслений и перестроений предложения, особенно в комбинации с другими гиперонимами. Для перевода нижеприведенных предложений необходима спецификация значения, и не только глагола to be, иногда замена или опущение. 1. His voice was dripping with sarcasm. 2. There was a nervous edge to his voice. 3. Her voice was flat, with no question or hope in it. 4. What's with this guy?' demanded an American voice in the row in front. 5. His voice was husky with grief. 6. His jaw was set, but his voice sounded thin and unsure. 7. When he spoke his voice was jumpy. 8. Her voice is child-like, with a West Country lilt. 9. Her voice was full of melody. 10. There was mounting concern in her voice. 11. According to Johnson, however, you have to be very organised and focused. 12. She is also curvaceous, so accentuating her shape looks good. 13. Booing Michael Moore was unbelievable. 14. My face was hot, and the taste of him and of the raindrops was in my mouth. 15. Blanket wrap skirts with leather riding boots are hot news for legs this season. Упражнение 19. Стилистические трудности: передача образности, устойчивых высказываний, инверсии, игры слов, окказиональных образований 1. Last month I had my first shag do — an inspired solution to the tiresome obligation of stag and hen dos, which nobody ever wants to go on any more, but can't think of how to get out of. A shag do is a combined stag and hen party, and I would recommend it to anyone. 2. But there is growing evidence to suggest that its time may have finally come, for fashion magazines for men have ballooned in circulation and titles, and this year men spent £557m on toiletries, almost three times the figure in 1985. 3. The heroin (of the movie) exists for her husband and children, is a natural-born nest-maker, and is therefore crying out for extra chicks to feed and coo over. 4. This insecurity is the elephant in the room in the identity debate. 34
5. It cannot be unrelated to the fact that masculinity is said to be in crisis, and that men, having been judged to be faulty, are being urged to take a leaf out of the girls' book, specifically their beauty manual. 6. And while no corporate leader was closer to the Bush operation than Enron Corp.'s former CEO, K.L. Lay, the Democrats have been unable to exploit the Enron scandal because too many fingers have been in the same corporate cookie jars and too many Democrats were complicit in the corrupted regulatory climate. 7. But never mind the walk, for the moment, some people don't even talk the talk. 8. Do as you would be done to; pot, kettle, black. 9. On a night when we can be reminded of the better things in life, somebody always has to put their oar in. 10. Chicago is a good movie, but doesn't hold a candle to The Two Towers'. 11. Sckimpily dressed britons rub shoulders with women head to toe in abayas — the traditional dress — and the mosques call locals to prayer at dawn as the clubs start emptying. 12. We're all aware that Dubai is a "dry' state, but people assume police turn a blind eye to the tourists drinking and taking drugs. 13. «And Mr. Paul Mc-you-know-yourself-who did his best to ruin the group», — said John. 14. Some things are meant to be together — fish and chips, knives and forks, home phones and mobiles. 15. Alan Bradley, from Westminster where two academies are planned, said: «Academies are the Trojan horse aimed at the citadel and the heart of comprehensive education.» III. ПАРАЛЛЕЛЬНЫЕ ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ САМОКОНТРОЛЯ Предлагаемые задания для самоконтроля представляют собой параллельные тексты — английские оригиналы и переводы, выполненные профессиональными переводчиками. Перевод является ключом для студента, работающего самостоятельно. Кроме того, параллельные тексты обеспечивают широкое поле деятельности, предполагая выполнение целого ряда заданий: • самостоятельно перевести текст с английского на русский и сверить перевод с ключом; 35
• выделить отрезки текста, подлежащие преобразованиям в ПЯ, и отыскать решения в тексте ПЯ; • предложить свои решения и обосновать их; • провести целостный контрастивный анализ текста; • дать оценку переводу. Текст 1 King's death An angry wind stirred up ghostly dust devils as King Tut was taken from his resting place in the ancient Egyptian cemetery known as the Valley of the Kings. Dark-bellied clouds had scudded across the desert sky all day and now were veiling the stars in casket gray. It was 6 p.m. on January 5, 2005. In a few moments the world's most famous mummy would glide headfirst into a CT scanner brought here to probe the lingering medical mysteries of this little understood young ruler who died more than 3,300 years ago. All afternoon the usual line of tourists from around the world had descended into the cramped, rock-cut tomb some 26 feet (eight meters) underground to pay their respects. They gazed at the murals on the walls of the burial chamber and peered at Tut's gilded face, the most striking feature of his mummy-shaped outer coffin lid. Some visitors read from guidebooks in a whisper. Others stood silently, perhaps pondering Tut's untimely death in his late teens, or wondering with a shiver if the pharaoh's curse—death or misfortune falling upon those who disturbed him—was really true. When the valley closed to the public at dusk, Egyptologists in jeans and laborers in long robes and turbans got to work. Shouting directions and encouragements over the roar of fresh air being pumped into the tomb, they quickly attached ropes to the head and foot of the coffin lid and lifted it out of the sarcophagus. After a pause to reposition the ropes, they slowly pulled up a plain wooden box. Inside, cradled by cotton batting and yellowed muslin, lay the mortal remains of King Tutankhamun: a serene face with a scarred left cheek, a barrel chest, skeletal arms and legs, all blackened by resins poured on during his burial rites. «The mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s,» said Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, as he leaned over the body for a long first look. Carter— Howard Carter, that is—was the British archaeologist who in 1922 discov- 36
ered Tut's tomb after years of futile searching. Its contents, though hastily ransacked in antiquity, were surprisingly complete. They remain the richest royal collection ever found and have become part of the pharaoh's legend. Stunning artifacts in gold, their eternal brilliance meant to guarantee resurrection, caused a sensation at the time of the discovery—and still get the most attention. But Tut was also buried with everyday things he'd want in the afterlife: board games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments, cases of food and wine. After months of carefully recording the pharaoh's funerary treasures, Carter began investigating his three nested coffins. Opening the first, he found a shroud adorned with garlands of willow and olive leaves, wild celery, lotus petals, and cornflowers, the faded evidence of a burial in March or April. When he finally reached the mummy, though, he ran into trouble. The ritual resins had hardened, cementing Tut to the bottom of his solid gold coffin. «No amount of legitimate force could move them,» Carter wrote later. «What was to be done?» Смерть фараона Ветер с яростью вздымал песок; темные тучи, словно саваном, покрыли беззвездное небо. Мумию Тутанхамона вынесли из гробницы, где она покоилась в Долине царей, древнем египетском некрополе. Через несколько минут самую известную в мире мумию должны были поместить в томограф, чтобы попытаться раскрыть тайну смерти этого загадочного юного правителя, скончавшегося около 3300 лет назад. Уже с полудня приехавшие из разных стран туристы толпились у гробницы. Они спускались в тесный, вырубленный в скале на глубине около восьми метров склеп, рассматривали росписи на стенах погребальной камеры, с удивлением вглядывались в изображение Тутанхамона — самую поразительную деталь золотой крышки антропоморфного гроба (то есть сделанного в форме человеческого тела). Некоторые шепотом читали путеводители. Другие стояли молча, возможно, думая о загадочной смерти Тутанхамона или со страхом размышляя, существует ли на самом деле проклятие фараона, якобы насылающего смерть и несчастья на тех, кто посмеет нарушить его покой. В сумерках, когда вход для посетителей был закрыт, египтологи и рабочие в длинных одеждах и тюрбанах приступили к делу. Они сняли крышку внутреннего гроба, затем медленно подняли деревянный ящик. В нем лежали покрытые пожелтевшим полотном останки фа- 37
раона Тутанхамона. Спокойное выражение лица, шрам на левой щеке; выпуклая грудная клетка, кости рук и ног, туго обтянутые кожей, — всё чёрное от смолистого вещества, которым пропитывали тело при бальзамировании. «Мумия в очень плохом состоянии по вине Картера, который извлек её из гроба в 1920-х годах», — сказал, наклонившись, чтобы лучше рассмотреть её, Захи Хавасс, генеральный секретарь Высшего совета по древностям Египта. Говард Картер — британский археолог, обнаруживший в 1922 году после многих лет безуспешных поисков гробницу Тутанхамона. Воры побывали в ней столетия назад, но не успели разграбить. Это и по сей день одно из богатейших нетронутых царских захоронений, множество найденных в нём памятников искусства Древнего Египта, сделанных из золота, до сих пор вызывает всеобщее восхищение. В гробнице также были обнаружены и предметы повседневного обихода, которые могли понадобиться фараону в загробном мире: бронзовая бритва, льняное нательное белье, настольные игры, пища и вино. Несколько месяцев ушло на составление описи найденных сокровищ, затем Картер приступил к исследованию трёх вставленных один в другой гробов. Открыв первый, он нашел погребальные покровы, украшенные гирляндами из листьев оливы и ивы, перемежающихся лепестками лотосов и васильков. Следовательно, похороны состоялись в марте или апреле. Когда же Картер наконец добрался до мумии, то столкнулся с неожиданным препятствием. Смолы, которыми пропитывали мумию во время погребения, затвердели, прикрепив её к основанию массивного золотого гроба. «Я перепробовал множество способов, но так и не смог удалить смолистое вещество, — писал Картер. — Что было делать?» Текст 2 Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All In September 2005, world leaders will come together at a summit in New York to review progress since the Millennium Declaration, adopted by all Member States in 2000. The Secretary-General's report proposes an agenda to be taken up, and acted upon, at the summit. These are policy decisions and reforms that are actionable if the necessary political will can be garnered. 38
Events since the Millennium Declaration demand that consensus be revitalized on key challenges and priorities and converted into collective action. The guiding light in doing so must be the needs and hopes of people everywhere. The world must advance the causes of security, development and human rights together, otherwise none will succeed. Humanity will not enjoy security without development, it will not enjoy development without security, and it will not enjoy either without respect for human rights. In a world of inter-connected threats and opportunities, it is in each country's self-interest that all of these challenges are addressed effectively. Hence, the cause of larger freedom can only be advanced by broad, deep and sustained global cooperation among States. The world needs strong and capable States, effective partnerships with civil society and the private sector, and agile and effective regional and global intergovernmental institutions to mobilize and coordinate collective action. The United Nations must be reshaped in ways not previously imagined, and with a boldness and speed not previously shown. I. Freedom from want The last 25 years have seen the most dramatic reduction in extreme poverty the world has ever experienced. Yet dozens of countries have become poorer. More than a billion people still live on less than a dollar a day. Each year, 3 million people die from HIV/AIDS and 11 million children die before reaching their fifth birthday. Today's is the first generation with the resources and technology to make the right to development a reality for everyone and to free the entire human race from want. There is a shared vision of development. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which range from halving extreme poverty to putting all children into primary school and stemming the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, all by 2015, have become globally accepted benchmarks of broader progress, embraced by donors, developing countries, civil society and major development institutions alike. The MDGs can be met by 2015 — but only if all involved break with business as usual and dramatically accelerate and scale up action now. In 2005, a «global partnership for development» - one of the MDGs reaffirmed in 2002 at the International Conference on Financing for Development at Monterrey, Mexico and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa -- needs to be fully implemented. 39
That partnership is grounded in mutual responsibility and accountability — developing countries must strengthen governance, combat corruption, promote private sector-led growth and maximize domestic resources to fund national development strategies, while developed countries must support these efforts through increased development assistance, a new development-oriented trade round and wider and deeper debt relief. The following are priority areas for action in 2005: • National strategies: Each developing country with extreme poverty should by 2006 adopt and begin to implement a national development strategy bold enough to meet the MDG targets for 2015. Each strategy needs to take into account seven broad «clusters» of public investments and policies: gender equality, the environment, rural development, urban development, health systems, education, and science, technology and innovation. • Financing for development: Global development assistance must be more than doubled over the next few years. This does not require new pledges from donor countries, but meeting pledges already made. Each developed country that has not already done so should establish a timetable to achieve the 0.7 % target of gross national income for official development assistance no later than 2015, starting with significant increases no later than 2006, and reaching 0.5% by 2009. The increase should be front- loaded through an International Finance Facility, and other innovative sources of financing should be considered for the longer term. The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria must be fully funded and the resources provided for an expanded comprehensive strategy of prevention and treatment to fight HIV/AIDS. These steps should be supplemented by immediate action to support a series of «Quick Wins» — relatively inexpensive, high-impact initiatives with the potential to generate major short-term gains and save millions of lives, such as free distribution of anti-malarial bed nets. • Trade: The Doha round of trade negotiations should fulfil its development promise and be completed no later than 2006. As a first step, Member States should provide duty-free and quota-free market access for all exports from the Least Developed Countries. • Debt relief: Debt sustainability should be redefined as the level of debt that allows a country to achieve the MDGs and to reach 2015 without an increase in debt ratios. New action is also needed to ensure environmental sustainability. Scientific advances and technological innovation must be mobilized now 40
to develop tools for mitigating climate change, and a more inclusive international framework must be developed for stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions beyond the expiry of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012, with broader participation by all major emitters and both developed and developing countries. Concrete steps are also required on desertification and biodiversity. Other priorities for global action include stronger mechanisms for infectious disease surveillance and monitoring, a world-wide early warning system on natural disasters, support for science and technology for development, support for regional infrastructure and institutions, reform of international financial institutions, and more effective cooperation to manage migration for the benefit of all. Введение: 2005 год — историческая возможность В сентябре 2005 года мировые лидеры соберутся на встречу на высшем уровне в Нью-Йорке для оценки прогресса, достигнутого со времени принятия всеми государствами-членами в 2000 году Декларации тысячелетия. В докладе Генерального секретаря предлагается повестка дня для рассмотрения и принятия по ней решения на этой встрече на высшем уровне. Это директивные решения и реформы, которые осуществимы при мобилизации необходимой политической воли. Произошедшие со времени принятия Декларации тысячелетия события требуют вдохнуть новую жизнь в консенсус относительно ключевых вызовов и приоритетов и воплотить этот консенсус в коллективные действия. Ориентиром в этой деятельности должны служить нужды и чаяния людей во всех уголках планеты. Мир должен двигать вперед дело развития, дело безопасности и дело прав человека в их совокупности, иначе ни одному из них не будет сопутствовать успех. У человечества не будет безопасности без развития, оно не будет пользоваться благами развития без безопасности, и оно будет лишено и того и другого без уважения прав человека. В мире взаимосвязанных угроз и возможностей эффективный ответ на все эти вызовы соответствует собственным интересам каждой страны. Ввиду этого дело большей свободы можно продвигать вперед лишь посредством широкого, глубокого и устойчивого глобального сотрудничества между государствами. Миру нужны сильные и работоспособные государства, эффективное партнерство с гражданским 41
обществом и частным сектором и динамичные и эффективные региональные и глобальные межправительственные организации для мобилизации на коллективные действия и для их координации. Облик Организации Объединенных Наций необходимо преобразить так, как об этом никто ранее и не мыслил, и с невиданными прежде смелостью и оперативностью. I. Избавление от нужды За последние 25 лет произошло беспрецедентное за всю мировую историю сокращение масштабов крайней нищеты. И все-таки десятки стран стали беднее. Свыше миллиарда человека все еще живут на менее чем один доллар в день. Ежегодно от ВИЧ/СПИДа гибнут 3 миллиона человек, а 11 миллионов детей умирают, так и не отметив свой пятый день рождения. Сегодняшнее поколение является первым поколением, располагающим ресурсами и технологиями для того, чтобы превратить право на развитие в реальность для всех и избавить от нужды весь род человеческий. Существует единый взгляд на развитие. Поставленные в Декларации тысячелетия цели в области развития в своем диапазоне от сокращения наполовину крайней нищеты до охвата всех детей начальным школьным образованием и прекращения распространения инфекционных заболеваний, таких как ВИЧ/СПИД, все из которых намечено достигнуть к 2015 году, стали глобально признанными нормативами более существенного прогресса, взятыми на вооружение в равной мере донорами, развивающимися странами, гражданским обществом и основными учреждениями в области развития. Содержащихся в Декларации тысячелетия целей развития можно достичь к 2015 году, но лишь при том условии, что все, кто вовлечен в эту деятельность, теперь же откажутся от рутинного подхода и резко ускорят темпы и увеличат масштабы своей работы. В 2005 году необходимо в полной мере сделать реальностью «глобальное партнерство в целях развития», являющееся одной из сформулированных в Декларации тысячелетия целей в области развития, которая была подтверждена в 2002 году на Международной конференции по финансированию развития, состоявшейся в Монтеррее, Мексика, и на Всемирной встрече на высшем уровне по ус- 42
тойчивому развитию в Йоханнесбурге, Южная Африка. Это партнерство основывается на взаимной ответственности и подотчетности: развивающиеся страны должны укреплять управление, бороться с коррупцией, содействовать росту посредством опережающего развития частного сектора и максимально увеличить внутренние ресурсы, имеющиеся для финансирования национальных стратегий развития, в то время как развитые страны должны поддерживать эти усилия посредством увеличения объема помощи в целях развития, проведения нового ориентированного на развитие раунда торговых переговоров и более широкого и глубокого сокращения бремени задолженности. Приоритетными для деятельности в 2005 году являются следующие области. • Национальные стратегии: каждой развивающейся стране, где люди живут в крайней нищете, следует к 2006 году принять и начать осуществлять национальную стратегию развития, которая была бы достаточно смелой для достижения к 2015 году показателей реализации целей в области развития, сформулированных в Декларации тысячелетия. Каждая стратегия должна учитывать семь общих приоритетных областей государственной инвестиционной деятельности и направлений политики: равенство женщин и мужчин, окружающая среда, развитие сельских районов, развитие городов, системы здравоохранения, образование и наука, техника и инновационная деятельность. • Финансирование в целях развития: объем глобальной помощи в целях развития должен в течение нескольких последующих лет быть более чем удвоен. Для этого не требуются новые обещания от стран-доноров, а требуется выполнение уже сделанных. Каждой развитой стране, которая еще не сделала этого, следует разработать графики достижения не позднее 2015 года целевого показателя выделения 0,7 процента валового национального дохода на оказание официальной помощи в целях развития, начав с существенного увеличения не позднее 2006 года объемов предоставляемой помощи и достигнув к 2009 году показателя в 0,5 процента. Такое увеличение следует обеспечить путем немедленной мобилизации ресурсов в счет будущих поступлений, используя для этого международный финансовый механизм, и следует рассмотреть возможность использования в более долгосрочной перспективе других нетрадиционных источников. Следует полностью профи- 43
нансировать Глобальный фонд борьбы с ВИЧ/СПИДом, туберкулезом и малярией и предоставить ресурсы для расширенной всеобъемлющей стратегии профилактики и лечения в целях борьбы с ВИЧ/СПИДом. Эти шаги следует дополнить немедленными мерами в поддержку серии проектов «быстрый выигрыш» — относительно недорогостоящих инициатив с высокой отдачей, реализация которых сулит существенные краткосрочные результаты и спасение миллионов жизней благодаря, например, бесплатному снабжению антималярийными сетками. • Торговля: следует выполнить взятые в рамках Дохинского раунда многосторонних торговых переговоров обязательства в области развития и завершить этот раунд не позднее 2006 года. В качестве первого шага государствам-членам следует предоставить беспошлинный и неквотируемый доступ на рынки всей продукции, экспортируемой наименее развитыми странами. • Облегчение бремени задолженности: следует пересмотреть определение приемлемого уровня задолженности, который позволяет стране достичь целей в области развития, сформулированных в Декларации тысячелетия, и вступить в 2015 год, избежав увеличения показателей задолженности. Новые меры требуются и для обеспечения экологической устойчивости. В настоящее время необходимо использовать научные достижения и технические новшества для выработки инструментов для смягчения последствий изменения климата, и необходимо разработать на период после 2012 года, когда истечет срок действия Киотско- го протокола, более открытый для участия международный рамочный механизм для стабилизации эмиссии парниковых газов при более широком участии всех стран, на долю которых приходится основная часть выбросов, а также развитых и развивающихся стран. Требуются также конкретные шаги в отношении опустынивания и в области биоразнообразия. Другие приоритеты глобальных действий включают в себя укрепление механизмов отслеживания и мониторинга инфекционных заболеваний, создание всемирной системы раннего предупреждения о стихийных бедствиях, поддержку науки и техники в целях развития, поддержку региональной инфраструктуры и учреждений, реформу международных финансовых организаций и повышение эффективности сотрудничества в целях управления миграцией на благо всех. 44
IV. ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Текст 1 A3 gets an Ά' when it's underway By James R. Healey Probably not what Audi and its profit-tenders had in mind, but it seems that Audis get better, more fun and more desirable as they get smaller, less complicated, less expensive and less profitable. Loosely based on Volkswagen Jetta underpinnings, it is bold and satisfying evidence that sharing unseen hardware needn't water down a vehicle's personality. VW and Audi are units of Volkswagen. The test car, a pricey $30,560, had a 200-horsepower turborcharged four-cylinder engine and automatic transmission that Audi calls DSG, for direct-shift gearbox. The powertrain was terrific, the engine's strong power output well-matched by the transmission's shifting, except for a little sluggishness under full throttle from a dead stop. DSG is a manual transmission without a driver-operated clutch. Instead, two clutches inside the transmission handle the gears. In most circumstances that means the transmission snaps from the gear you're in to the one you want next almost imperceptibly. No need to lift your gas foot for smooth shifts, as in some «manu-matic» gearboxes. Using a solid clutch coupling instead of the fluid-filled torque converter of a conventional automatic means DSG can roll a little when starting on hills. In the test car, that always happened in reverse, almost never in drive. Underway, it's a joy. It shifts crisply and blips the gas when downshifting, as you'd do if double-clutching a manual transmission to match engine revs with the lower gear you'd just chosen. That keeps power flowing smoothly to avoid upsetting the car's balance in fast corners. A3 is the kind of car that will pretty much turn every easy bend into a fast corner, because you'll want the extra fun. There's an «S» setting, for sport, that holds lower gears longer and downshifts sooner for better response and control but with greater fuel consumption. The only minor drawback: The exhaust note has an amusing and unfortunate resemblance to flatulence on the 1—2 and 2—3 shifts with modest acceleration. 45
You can manipulate the gears manually, via fingertip paddles on the steering wheel or the gear lever. DSG accelerates faster than the manual transmission and gets better fuel economy, according to Audi's figures. One of the finest features inside the car is what's not there — MMI, or multi-media interface. That's Audi's version of the joystick control system. Though well-meant to eliminate the proliferation of buttons and controls bristling overwhelmingly from the dashboard, systems such as MMI and BMW's notorious iDrive nevertheless complicate operations. They force the driver to dig through menus to handle simple tasks, such as setting the clock or changing the stereo. It's worth paying extra to avoid them. And here's A3 doing you that favor for free. A3 is a small car, so there's not generous space inside. In front, the tightness unfortunately is emphasized by Audi's intrusive floor console and protruding door handles. If you're of narrow build, or like to drive with legs straight ahead, you won't notice. Otherwise, you'll always be trying, unsuccessfully, to find accommodating surfaces against which to lean your legs. Back-seat room is adult-size, surprisingly, because there's good toe space under the front seats and scooped-out knee indentations in the backs. But getting into and out of the rear is tough, because door openings are modest. Parents will praise A3 for the easily found, easily connected child-seat latch hooks, and for the generous 13 cubic feet of cargo space behind the rear seat, enough for a stroller and other kid-related detritus. Despite its modest dimensions, A3 can serve as a family car until there are more than four of you, or the back-seat crew gets basketball tall. Text 2 Business etiquette Washington is a political town. Dinner parties and social gatherings brim with political gossip and strong opinions on everything from international policymaking to an arcane section of an energy bill. Do not be intimidated, and do not expect wit, repartee or real laughs either. Expect to be stunned by how conservative the town is in its outward manners, no matter how fierce the partisan debates. Anything other than a white or pale blue shirt on a man is a bold statement; among women, the boxy, primary- 46
colour power suits have, mercifully, gone the way of the dodo, but this city blazes no stylistic trails. • Hometowns matter. Most of Washington's political flacks would bristle at being called a Washingtonian (or worse, a «Washington insider»), even if that is what they are. Certainly, many national campaigns — including the presidential race of 2000 — are won by candidates that best distance themselves from Capitol Hill. Asking acquaintances where they are from is sure to spark off conversation —just be prepared for a ten-minute rhapsody on the virtues of east Kansas. • This is a nerd-friendly town. Admiration, not mockery, will greet those who know each line of the 1996 Telecommunications Act or have memorised the Geneva Conventions. Scorn or condescension will greet bluffers: if you're out of your depth, be honest — your companion is probably an expert. • Local license plates don't read «Taxation Without Representation» for nothing. Many residents of DC are sensitive about the city's status as a non-state and will happily give you an earful about the meaninglessness of their vote. Many more resent the high local income tax (though services are improving). This partly explains the grumbling when suburbanites (who have full Congressional representation from Maryland or Virginia) claim to be from Washington. • Dress-down Fridays never got off the ground in Washington. Both men and women will be safest in dark, conservative suits. • In bars and restaurants around Capitol Hill, do not be surprised if you are asked who you work for, instead of what you do. These hangouts are filled with researchers, press assistants and legislative aides who size each other up according to the prestige of their political bosses. One taste of this scene is usually enough. • Washington is a small town. People remember slights and gossip, and are not above revenge. John Breaux, a senator from Louisiana, when slighted by John Sununu, the elder George Bush's chief of staff, thundered, «He just stuck the wrong pig.» Avoid disparaging anyone behind his back: the city's dense social, business, and political networks are likely to carry offensive or excessively candid comments back. • If you arrive at a social gathering to find that the other guests support politics you detest, avoid charging into a heated debate. Ask questions politely and remain circumspect. Remember: it's always best to know the enemy. 47
Text3 Londinium The Thames valley may have been inhabited as far back as the Ice Age, but the Romans built the first significant settlement in the London area. Following in the footsteps of Julius Caesar, Claudius sent 40,000 troops to Kent in 43 AD; he arrived shortly thereafter. Moving west, Claudius established a military camp at a site where two low hills (Ludgate Hill and Cornhill) made for a convenient place to bridge the Thames: the genesis of present-day London Bridge. In 60 AD, the timber and mud-brick settlement (called Londinium, a Romanisation of the native Briton name) was burned on the order of Queen Boudicca, head of a native tribe. Tacitus, a Roman historian, implied that revenge for years of displacement and abuse at Roman hands motivated Boudicca. But the Romans soon rebuilt the town. The scale of Londinium suggests that it was conceived as an important northern trading centre of the Roman Empire. At its most populous, over 10,000 people lived there. In about 200 AD the Romans surrounded their settlement with a defensive wall (traces of which remain near the Barbican and on Tower Hill), but they had already started to relocate troops to other hotspots in their empire. All remaining garrisons were summoned back to Rome around 410 AD, and Londinium was left virtually deserted. • When the Romans arrived, the Thames was much wider than it is today. At low tide it was probably 300 metres wide (compared with 100 metres today), and 1,000 metres wide at high tide (compared with 200 metres today). It was also substantially more tidal. Saxon success In the late 6th century, Saxon farmers from Germany established their own settlement, «Lundewic», just west of the old Roman walls. Though Winchester was the larger town at the time, the Saxon king, Ethelbert of Kent, founded St Paul's in Lundewic in 604, and the city became an important trading centre. In 865, a Viking invasion resulted in a brief period of Danish rule. Alfred the Great of Wessex soon re-captured the city, rebuilding the Roman walls and moving Lundewic back inside. But the Danes bounced back in the 11th century, seizing the city once more. Indeed, London owes much to 48
Canute, who as king of England (1016—1035) shifted the capital from Winchester to London. Canute's Saxon successor, the pious Edward the Confessor (1042— 1066), built Westminster Abbey and established Westminster as the centre of government. This status was affirmed by William the Conqueror, duke of Normandy—he was crowned king at the Abbey on Christmas Day, 1066, having seized the city after his victory at Hastings. His main London legacy is the White Tower, the heart of the Tower of London. Mayor for London During Saxon times Lundewic had become England's largest and wealthiest city. This was a result of thriving trade with Europe («wic» meant «trading town» in Anglo Saxon). Merchants exported raw materials (wool, wood, leather, horn) and imported luxury ones (silks and spices). Medieval Londoners developed a taste for French wine, and must have rejoiced when Bordeaux was handed over to the English in 1154 as part of Eleanor of Aquitaine's inheritance (the French did not retake it until 1453). As the silver piled up, London's merchants grew increasingly confident and began to protest against taxes and royal control of finance. The city's aldermen (the dominant elite) managed to squeeze some power from the king in exchange for money or favours. But real progress towards self- government arrived with King John, who in the late 12th century approved the creation of a London commune. The city got its first mayor, Henry Fitz Ailwyn, around 1189. Prosperity's pitfalls In 1348 the Black Death struck. Carried by rats, the disease claimed the lives of 15,000—35,000 Londoners—a third of the city's population. Another crisis occurred in 1381, when peasants, enraged at high poll taxes, armed themselves with crude weaponry and stormed the city streets. The riots ended dramatically when the mayor fatally wounded Wat Tyler, the peasants' leader. When Tudor rule dawned in 1485, London's population had just about reached 200,000, including, for the first time, a sprinkling of blacks as a result of the burgeoning slave trade. But growth brought overcrowding and serious sanitation problems. Out with the monks Henry VIII (1509—47), outraged that the Pope refused to allow him to annul his marriage, broke with the Catholic Church in 1534. Perhaps be- 49
cause the need for land and property was so acute in the mid-1500s, Londoners bore the Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries with little complaint. Under Henry's son, Edward VI, the Crown seized dozens of religious estates in the city. Some of the properties went to aristocrats or court favourites, but many more were converted into tenements, storehouses, inns, taverns and even theatres. A handful of monastic hospitals were saved, but scarcely enough for a city with no secular system of caring for the sick and elderly. • In 1533, women in London who were caught declaring their support of Henry VIII's divorced wife, Catherine of Aragon, were nailed by their ears to a fountain on Cheapside. Rising status In between religious wranglings, London was having run. Playhouses spring up during the 1570s, and the first wave of literary luminaries — William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson—made its appearance. The city's influence on tastes and fashions grew to such an extent that landed families from the provinces began buying property in areas such as Covent Garden. They were soon spending their winters in the city—a practice that would lead to an annual «season» in London. By 1600, when the East India Company was established, London had become a fast-growing hub for trade with British colonies in America (the New World), Africa and the Far East. Prized goods, such as spices, wine, silk and tobacco, flooded into the capital and influenced consumer habits throughout the country. Tobacco, dubbed «precious stink» by James I, accounted for one-third of the city's imports. Leading merchants, such as the Levant Company, made fortunes selling woollen cloth to Spain and Turkey, and shipbuilding in the newly important ports flourished. Civil war London found itself at the heart of the political ferment sweeping England during the Civil War (1642—49). This crisis of government pitted Parliamentarians against royalists, who sought to secure power (respectively) for the parliament and the king. As England's wealthiest city, London's support for the Parliamentarians was critical to the outcome. Londoners put money and military expertise into the fight against Charles I. SO
But as the decade wore on, grumblings against the drawn-out contest grew louder. The struggle for power ended with the public execution of Charles I at Whitehall in 1649 and the establishment of a Commonwealth by the Puritan Oliver Cromwell. Up in smoke «The only plagues of London...are the immoderate drinking of fools and the frequency of fires.» William Fitz Stephen, the chronicler of St Thomas Becket (archbishop of Canterbury) had penned these words around 1173, but Londoners living here in 1666 would have found them particularly apt. Having barely recovered from yet another round of plague, some 100,000 were rendered homeless by the Great Fire. Embers from the king's baker's oven sparked off the four-day burning, reducing St Paul's and over 13,000 houses and churches to ashes. Incredibly, only nine deaths were recorded. • Sir Thomas Bludworth, Lord Mayor of London, did not take the Great Fire seriously when it first started, claiming that «a woman might piss it out». London was rebuilt with astonishing speed, this time with stone and brick houses and slightly wider streets. At the behest of Charles II, religious reconstruction fell to Christopher Wren, a gifted Oxford astronomy professor who had turned his talents to architecture. Wren designed 52 new parish churches and the fifth and final version of St Paul's. The Great Fire also resulted in an insurance boom: by 1710, more than 25,000 Londoners owned fire insurance. Rich and poor Insurance against misfortunes at sea proved another gold mine. Lloyd's Bank had its beginnings in 1688 when Edward Lloyd opened a coffee-shop on Tower Street. This evolved into a formal insurance service for the shipping industry. Charter companies grew up in the area—the Hudson Bay Company was incorporated in 1670. The Bank of England was founded in 1694, initially to aid the King's effort against the French in the War of the Grand Alliance. The London Stock Exchange also arose from coffee-shop origins, officially opening in 1773 just behind the Royal Exchange. Manufacturing reached its zenith in the 18th and 19th centuries, with consumer goods (especially clothing and furniture) produced in workshops in the City. Publishing was another rising business. Long a centre for print- 57
ing houses, Fleet Street got its first newspaper offices in the early 18th century, when England's first daily, the one-page Daily Courant, rolled its presses in 1702. (The paper lasted only until 1735). London society, now flush with people who had made fortunes from stocks and insurance, quickly gentrified. Fashionable shops in the West End fed the new taste for Venetian lace, stockings and perfume. This was the London referred to by Samuel Johnson in his famous remark: «A man who is tired of London is tired of life». Johnson formed a literary club, in which leading intellectuals of the age met over a weekly dinner: Edmund Burke, Oliver Goldsmith, Sir Joshua Reynolds and Adam Smith were among the regulars. • According to Oliver Goldsmith, author of «The Vicar of Wakefield», Londoner's new breed of journalists left much to be desired. «You must not imagine that they who compile these papers have any actual knowledge of the politics or government of the State», he reportedly complained. «They only collect their materials from the oracle of some coffee-houses, which oracle has himself gathered them the night before from a beau at a gaming table, who has pillaged his knowledge from a great man's porter, who has had his information from the great man's gentleman, who has invented the whole story for his own amusement the night preceding.» Across town in the East End, however, poverty grew desperate with the dawning of the Industrial Revolution and an influx of immigrants from the countryside. Charles Dickens recorded the predicament of the 19th-century poor. Describing Smithfield in East London, young Oliver Twist observes that «the shameful place, being all asmear with filth and fat and blood and foam, seemed to stick to me.» Traffic congestion and petty crime were also worsening. The construction of a handful of docks and the creation of a police force, the Marine Police in 1798, went some way to alleviating these problems. But the real coup came in 1863, when the world's first underground railway system opened. The first line was the Metropolitan, which ran from Paddington to Farringdon. Its unanticipated success (12m passengers in the first year) assured the opening of other lines in rapid succession. Architectural landmarks sprouted in the 19th century. The Houses of Parliament were completed in 1835; Big Ben in 1858; Royal Albert Hall in 1871; and Tower Bridge in 1894. The Economist was founded in 1843, and in 1853 Harrods was transformed from a grocery shop to a luxury department store. University College, London's answer to Oxford and Cambridge (though it was open to non-Anglicans) was founded in 1826. 52
• Rampant gin consumption, particularly among the working classes, prompted authorities to eliminate the beer tax in 1830. Soon beer-only public houses («pubs») had eclipsed the «gin palaces». The First World War and recovery London lost some 124,000 young men on the battlefields of the first world war. Despite the tragic loss of life, the regular air raids and the food shortages, the city's infrastructure emerged unscathed. With peace came population growth. From 1921, London's population swelled by 17% to reach 8.6 million in 1938. This in turn led to housing shortages and soaring unemployment, particularly in the East End. In 1926, a nine-day General Strike brought London to a complete standstill. To address the twin crises of housing and poverty, the London City Council set about clearing slums, building housing estates and encouraging migration out to the suburbs by extending public transport and constructing homes outside London. Given that the inter-war years were almost universally turbulent, London fared reasonably well. A trade-oriented British Empire exhibition, held in 1924 in Wembley stadium, attracted 27m visitors. London weathered the Great Depression better than other English cities, thanks partly to heavy employment in the service sector, which tends to persevere through economic crises better than manufacturing and industry. The 1930s were the heyday of the Bloomsbury group, with writers such as John Maynard Keynes, Virginia Woolf and Bertrand Russell adding new dimensions to London's rich intellectual life. Politically, times were tense. Influenced by events in Italy and Germany, Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists held rallies in central London. Anti-Fascist legislation, spearheaded by Herbert Morrison, proved effective, and by 1940 the movement had temporarily dissolved. Текст 4 Beyond Englishness Monday March 14, 2005 Guardian Our national identity has always been taken for granted, but now it is being sidelined by new local bonds, says Madeleine Bunting. Six hundred S3
kids in schools in four English towns were asked about their identity in a Joseph Rowntree Foundation study to be published on Wednesday. Those from ethnic minorities didn't hesitate with their answers — black, Pakistani Muslim, Muslim, Asian — while the white majority were left stumbling. «I'm sort of tanned,» said one. «I've aquamarine eyes,» said another. Some of the white kids could describe their heritage — «I'm a quarter Scottish» or «I'm an eighth Japanese» — but they couldn't label the identity it gave them. Being «English» meant nothing to them. Does it matter that Englishness has so little pull on these children? Ask yourself, when was the last time you described yourself as English? One school of thought argues that the whole discussion of identity is so much navel fluff — vague and pointless. That position usually reflects a secure, unchallenged sense of identity, and it is the fate that has afflicted Englishness. Because England has dominated Britain, it has never had to explain itself in the way that Scottish or Welsh identity has had to, or that black people and Muslims are continually being asked to do. The hard graft of developing and interrogating a collective identity is something the English have historically shrugged off, imperiously assuming recognition without ever believing it required explanation. But there is a growing school which argues that questions of identity are critical, and the «doughnut» problem — the absence of a strong, meaningful sense of Englishness — is a real handicap. This is the starting point for David Blunkett's attempts, in a major speech today, to formulate a progressive definition of Englishness. He argues that the left's historic ambivalence about nationalism is in danger of leaving open a territory that can be captured by rightwing opinion, which can mould it to fit a narrowly defined, introverted, racialised agenda with dangerous consequences for communal harmony and foreign policy. Questions of identity are not just abstract concepts, but act as organising principles for a gamut of domestic and foreign policies, from levels of taxation to community cohesion and Europe. Blunkett is right in his analysis, and the political danger this issue presents for the left is evident. Anxieties about identity get swiftly projected on to issues such as immigration and asylum seekers. Neal Lawson in the recent Compass pamphlet, Dare More Democracy, quotes focus-group participants who again and again insisted on returning to the subject of immigration and asylum and complained about «foreigners» benefiting from health, welfare and education resources that «should be going to the people who paid into the system». They said that Blair is «anti-English and sup- 54
ports any country and religion except the English... and is ruining our country — England». Lawson concluded that this issue animated the focus groups more than any other. What is driving this defensive sense of Englishness? One of many projects funded by a big Economic and Social Research Council programme on identities, to be launched next month, is looking at Englishness in predominantly white housing estates in Plymouth and Bristol. The sociologist Steve Garner has found in both cities, in these relatively well-off middle England neighbourhoods, a profound sense of insecurity and loss. The latter was described as the loss of a sense of village-scale community where people knew and helped each other. The causes could be the kind of economic change that kills off small independent shops and closes local post offices, but there are rarely faces and names on which to pin the blame. It's easy to see how that loss of Englishness could use a visible minority as a scapegoat. This insecurity is the elephant in the room in the identity debate. It is driven at the macro level by an intensely competitive globalisation that has put most of the country's economic life beyond the power of the nation state, and at a micro level by individual economic welfare built on debt and a precarious jobs lottery. The insecurity gives politicians an opportunity — express it effectively and you can connect with your voters — and a heavy responsibility — what kind of reassurance can be offered? The urge to assuage this insecurity often makes Englishness so nostalgic — cricket on the village green stuff — and racialised that it becomes conflated with white. Blunkctt tries to counter both by defining Englishness in predominantly cultural terms — as landscapes, the sea, cities, poetry, music and humour. Interestingly, the political traditions come lower down his list. His definition reflects how the debate about identity is shifting from the unfertile ground of political citizenship (he hasn't given up on that, but at a time of falling political participation it's hard to see how it could be strong enough to pull people together), to a cultural territory usually summed up as «our way of life». But would these characteristics meet the test he set himself when he told me: «We have to hold something in common, there has to be a glue for people to want to contribute to the wellbeing of others. That 'something' has to be an entity which is understood.» I would argue not. A definition in cultural terms excludes as many as it includes. Commenting on his Joseph Rowntree Foundation study, The 55
Search for Tolerance, Gerard Lemos warns that the markers of difference among the schoolchildren he was interviewing are increasingly around culture, not race. An earlier generation defined difference by skin colour; now it is the way people dress or their behaviour around socialising and intermarriage that mark them out as different, and are likely to arouse hostility. Muslims, in particular, suffer. If «our way of life» is defined as having a pint or clubbing, in what sense can most Muslims be English? So Englishness, despite Blunkett's honourable efforts, remains elusive. Perhaps all attempts to construct a strong sense of English identity now — that kind of nationalism was a 19th-century European invention — are doomed to failure. Collective identities are unravelling, from political party to class and religion. Their hold is loosening or becoming redundant. Complex, hybrid identities are facilitated by patterns of migration never experienced before — easy air travel and communications ensure that few have to cut the ties. National citizenship can be decoupled from a sense of belonging. Home can be in more than one country. As all kinds of identity fragment with no commonly agreed definitions, individuals are left to piece together their own combinations — which is what Blunkett has done, but it offers no compelling collective identity. The best we can hope for is several, possibly even conflicting, accounts of English identity around our ways of life. The sense of solidarity and belonging at a national level can only occur intermittently — football matches, the Olympics, royal funerals — although it is never fully inclusive. For the rest of the time, local identities around cities and regions are a more powerful connection point, more vivid in people's everyday lives. They have more impact on that elephant in the room — their deep sense of insecurity. Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005 Текст 5 How do American parents punish their naughty children? John Sutherland Monday September 20,2004 A poll last week revealed that 47 % of British 18-to-30-year-olds favour the return of the cane (for those under 18). In America over the past month there has been headline-making controversy over «hotsaucing» — 56
dabbing the naughty child's tongue with stinging Tabasco. «Tongue spanking» is recommended to parents and teachers in the current bestseller Creative Correction: Extraordinary Ideas for Everyday Discipline. The book's author, Lisa Whelchel, is two-times famous: she played teenager Blair in the 1980s TV sitcom Facts of Life. She's now the mother of three teens herself and an enthusiastic «saucer». Her kids all got a dab of the hot stuff when they cussed, talked back, or lied. Whclchel's title is carefully chosen. Its «Creative» because «Correction» is sanctioned by the Creator. «For those whom the Lord loves He punishes.» Hotsaucing is nothing compared to what Job undergoes, simply because God has made an idle bet with Satan about how much punishment one of his true believers can take (what a bastard He is, sometimes). A poll by the TV network ABC discovered that 35 % of those sampled approved of hotsaucing; 65 % didn't. Broken down, the figures were less reassuring. Tongue spanking is much more prevalent in the south (which also laps up most of the country's hot sauce) and in rural America. Many playcentres, kindergartens and junior schools specifically ban it, along with the dunce's cap, standing in the corner, kneeling on gravel, washing the mouth with soap, the coal hole, and all forms of chastisement. In Virginia, hotsaucing is legally actionable and defined as «bizarre behaviour». The president of the Tabasco company, Paul Mcllhenny, calls it «strange and scary» — an abuse both of children and of his product. None the less, hotsaucing is becoming respectable, especially among conservative Christians. Whelchel, before she wrote her national bestseller, regularly advocated it in the magazine Today's Christian Woman, of which she is a superb example. It is parental affection, not cruelty, which makes her reach for the punitive bottle. As she says, «I prefer my child receive a small amount of pain from my hand of love than to encounter a lot more pain in life.» For those with less stern hands of love she allows that vinegar or lemon juice may be substituted. And remember to give milk and crackers afterwards. God loves you. Stripped of its religious baggage, hotsaucing may seem an unobjectionable punishment for juvenile sins of the mouth. It's only mildly painful, quickly over, and memorably symbolic. Symbolic punishment is preferable to corporal. What adulterer would not rather wear the scarlet letter than face what the Turkish legislature has in mind. I daresay that poor sod at the end of Lynndie England's dog lead would prefer being womanhandled that way to being hung on a meat hook, like the luckless captives of Jack Ide- ma, the American bounty-hunter jailed this week for torturing Afghan prisoners. 57
If it becomes universally acceptable, hotsaucing might even reduce, rather than increase, violence against children. According to one 1998 poll, 55 % of American parents agreed with the statement, «A good hard spanking is sometimes necessary.» Even domestic pacifists will think the Tabasco bottle preferable to battery. Hotsaucing, saucers will argue, is no worse than putting bitter aloe on fingernails to stop children biting them. Opponents will retort that hotsaucing, like all ritualised punishment, infringes George Bernard Shaw's golden rule: «If you strike a child, take care that you strike it in anger.» Hotsaucing is cold, calculated punishment. For Europeans, it has odious associations with Mussolini's thuggish squadristi forcing castor oil down their opponents' throats — then waiting gleefully for the involuntary defecation. Punishing crimes of the mouth by pain and humiliation has an ignoble history in this country, from the scold's bridle to nose-slitting for obstreperous journalists. There is more than one kind of symbolism invoked. Mcllhenny is right. Tabasco belongs on the tacos and the refried beans, not the child's tongue. Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005 Текст 6 King Tut's New Face: Behind the Forensic Reconstruction Brian Handwerk for National Geographic News The world's most famous pharaoh has a brand-new look, thanks to forensic techniques that wouldn't be out of place on a CSI TV crime drama. Scientists have created the first ever bust of the ancient Egyptian King Tu- tankhamun based on 3-D CT scans of his 3,300-year-old mummy. Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, led the effort, joined by forensic artists and physical anthropologists from Egypt, France, and the United States. Three independent teams created busts of Tut. «In my opinion, the shape of the face and skull are remarkably similar to a famous image of Tutankhamun as a child, where he is shown as the sun god at dawn rising from a lotus blossom,» Hawass said. The study will be featured in the June issue of National Geographic magazine. 58
Police Techniques Researchers CT-scanned Tutankhamun's mummy Egypt's Valley of the Kings in January, moving the remains to a nearby mobile CT scanner. Some 1,700 digital cross-sectional images captured the mummy from head to toe. The National Geographic Society then chose and sponsored a French team to use the scans to create the first and most lifelike likeness. First a CT-scan-based skull model was made for forensic anthropologist Jean- Noel Vignal of the Centre Technique de la Gendarmerie Nationale. Vignal typically works with police to reconstruct victims of violent crime. He identified the skull as that of a male, 18 to 20 years old, with Caucasoid features. «Caucasoid» describes a major group of peoples of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and India. The scan data allowed Vignal and colleagues to determine the basic measurements and features of Tut's face. Vignal positioned and shaped the king's mouth and receding chin. Nasal openings in Tut's skull indicated a specific size range for his nose. The team was even able to infer the thickness of the skin that covered the living pharaoh's face. Vignal created a rough plastic skull, which was then passed along to a leading forensic sculptor, Paris-based Elisabeth Daynes. She applied an artistic touch and created a lifelike clay face meant to depict Tut on the day of his death. «The bony skull is a very strong indicator of what the outer face is going to look like,» said forensic artist Michael Anderson of Yale's Peabody Museum, who did a second bust of the king. «In fact, after you look at so many skulls over a long time period, you can begin to almost picture the face.» In addition to Vignal's scientific survey, Daynes referred to two wooden sculptures of Tutankhamun, which had been created during his lifetime. The combined sources allowed her to flesh out details such as eyebrow thickness, nose and lip shape, and the approximate shape of Tut's ears. From the finished clay model, Daynes created a plaster mold with a silicone «skin.» She then added a flesh color, based on an average shade for modern Egyptians. Glass eyes, hair, and even historically accurate makeup completed the most lifelike portrayal ever of the long dead ruler. Recreating an Unknown Pharaoh To test the process's accuracy, National Geographic commissioned a second, U.S.-based group of experts to conduct a similar exercise. In this case, however, the experts weren't told the identity of their famous subject. 59
Working «blind,» Susan Anton, an associate professor of anthropology at New York University, studied the CT scan data with Bradley Adams of New York City's Chief Medical Examiner's office. At first glance Anton noted that the unusual-looking skull could have been that of a female—an observation also later made by Yale University's Anderson. Tut's skull exhibited several characteristics more commonly found on females: a cranium that is elongated toward the back, a receding chin, and an almost nonexistant browridge (the bony ridge under the eyebrows). But with further analysis, Anton and her team determined that their subject was an 18- to 19-year-old-male most likely of North African origin. Dental clues, particularly Tut's wisdom teeth, allowed her to deduce the age. The uncannily accurate geographical classification involved a bit of luck. «There are different features in the cranium you can use to get an idea of the ancestral origin of an individual, features of the face and skull vault [the dome covering the top of the brain],» Anton said. Using the CT scans and Anton's data, Yale's Anderson created and cast his own reconstruction of the mystery subject's head. The plastic skull model provided to Anderson depicted a skull that was in better condition than the fossil skulls he typically studies. «With [an intact] nasal spine, which is typically broken off in a [fossil] skull, you can get very close to the shape of the nose,» he said. «That is preserved in this mummified skull, so it was very useful.» Finally, Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities selected an Egyptian team to make a third recreation. Like the French team, and unlike the U.S. team, the Egyptians knew the identity of their famous subject. The Egyptian team used the same CT scan data to construct a plastic skull model, and later overlaid it with clay features inspired in part by ancient portraits of Tut. To the excitement of all involved, the researchers say, the three likenesses closely resembled one another and largely validated the scientific processes used in their construction. «There are some [ancient] Egyptian renderings of Tut that I thought were fairly accurate,» when compared to the reconstructions, Anderson said. Tutankhamun's gold burial mask is an international icon, but we may never have more accurate portraits of the pharaoh than the new reconstructions. Some aspects of the king's appearance, however, are destined to remain mysterious. The shape of the top of his nose and of his ears, as well as the color of his eyes and skin, cannot be determined by CT scan skull data. These features are likely to remain forever unknown. 60
СПИСОК РЕКОМЕНДУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ Х.Аполлова М.А. (Грамматические трудности перевода). М., 1977. 136 с. 2. Бреус Е.Б. Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский: учебное пособие. М.: У РАО, 2003. 104 с. 3. Крупное В.Н. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский: Учеб. пособие для вузов. М.: Высшая школа, 2005. 279 с. 4. Романова СП., Коралова А.Л. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский. М.: КДУб, 2004. 176 с. Источники оригинальных текстов http://www.guardian.co.uk/Columnists http://observer.guardian.co.uk/ http://www.economist.com/ http://www.independent.co.uk/ http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ http://news.ft.com/home/us 61
Учебное издание Людмила Борисовна Бойко Елена Леонидовна Боярская ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТРУДНОСТИ ПЕРЕВОДА С АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА НА РУССКИЙ Учебно-методическое пособие Корректор Л.Г. Ванцева Оригинал-макет подготовлен О.М. Хрусталевой Подписано в печать 23.08.2005 г. Бумага для множительных аппаратов. Ризограф. Формат 60x90 7|6. Гарнитура «Тайме». Усл. печ. л. 3,9. Уч.-изд. л. 3,1. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ Издательство Российского государственного университета им. И. Канта, 236041, г. Калининград, ул. А. Невского, 14