                    IOI\HSI BaHoBa, Jim Whalen
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'YtIK 373.167.1:811.111 ESK 81.2AInJ -  IIB.HOIIS 10. A. -21 Bingo! St....Elert.s book. Le-.e 2. 5MHro KHwra AJ1" '-Ie"Mm. YPDe"b 2. I tOn... VHOBII. Jim '''hBJen. Dt-K Ne-a 71me. :!013. 9J c. 18B 97B-966-2654-2....Q-5 :>HKllit IT ... nej:t!I:IiI1I1.e a 4-y]JDa-te&blit -DW11I1elT. eMlO'-QIOLIIMA IS c Dee COZlBJ1I1IO. HeaG:I'L1ANlRJIe Al1JI oD).1lPI IIHmNl1cmVj P'blF:J el1 "'9J5,Q--o WlDnb"DrO 18 CT'ZIpwero AOUIt:Cf2II1IJrO pllCT'ZI. K.-1i17 Af7. ).. CO C nNet!KBWI II CM.UF...sIA\ o:3l1 rtDDlTene.. nta'ZI. pam TeT):.J!Ab. noc:lJetfIe An" I&J} aKTMJcnJl"D a.,,.. wra,. a TBa:e n-Jlrj A-'1.PI )I\QITe,'\PI C no...PO"bI"M "e:"QAMNeCf1flllIl J:e ..... no eH"D lt3.Jt.AQro nt.II. nepe IIIIM" ,2-A )1JC8eHb. nl=-..e A-'1.PI a 7-9 neT B He.. ecTb Bee ,,, lIeCeJ1DrO II "'2iL4 earo npDADr;:eHMi't O&JLleHM ZlHr-ntaEXOWj' Ntay M"yepecl1l:11l1 Cto:«eT C pe:>!lPa3HtfrI4N np.IIU1HMlI" e mTOPtiia 'iweno en,eHIII1X'1I oD)\I nIIKI(HbI  It ClArJnbT........ t'fJTlM. neCeHnf , ZI"Tbl It CTMWnL tJlB.gd:ll HZlCblU,Je21 er.!:)l"" :l2UUlHM"MI IQ: teal rtJCCJ:OM ,..,:.IIe. It aIIHl:Jia.lM I=tlCJI9(..I- 1M. nrwu lJepa o&J"fe"Me no 3TO&rJ Y&O: &JAe- npHHDCltTb noIlI"11IDItse 3MDLlMM It ))1peO..'-':CTSNe ... J:eCets)'. TM " KOM'Ir.e«T 2-ro yp:) MDIOtD WCnDnblOea1b -ZlI: 1tiet'Me F.OM1r.etn'Z1 ..BVQo!. 1-rD PCIIH". II! T3C1e ItM nepllbiA )LleDI1M An" TeiI. MllJLlZlICWMX ZlHrnMADIMA 15 wt:O:Je.. HD MNetorJ.l;Kr D3ap:).3HeHHbie. ..-..ec MCTe ..l1be oSH IIH K". nlK 373.167.1:811.1" 6SK 81.2AtJrl1 - 822 uaoaHtie DnR MnaDwe20 IOJ1HR AHaTOltbeBHa &.1BAHOBA Jim WHALEN Bingo! Student's book. Level 2 5MHro! KHMra ,QnH Y"IeHMKa. YpoBeHb 2 It A. 1TtIJ'1aR. n--= IIHTNAD:OnJ  ... liT HZlLID-n )1tNIleS)CIfTeT,J ....:alJ,Mmta;It:"lIn lOt: wn Y.D WWeK& C13e8 t.'IAPDrQ,. .ZIt\Q. cttfnJII. . E. S AHlJIRta. n ,b 3rmIIlDro JlR:lir ADLtertT XaJ:t:IJiOD lU1b!1OR) r-ranNecxonJ JI1M NMet18 r: c. C«oIKCCAJ:Ii, InlHA  HB}J:: KcppemJp E. Gt.:.i Kow:tlP!1Oe MZlRTIlDOeZIHi4e.. Fa.lnZln r.er:-cre It  olt1o:ox o. A  -rJP WJZbinc "II C:>: E B.lJa'rwG Xy KMIOCTD H. A ED&:m, 1: A. , 3.. E. GJDOM OoaPIeT e.c:30 "I:.- Yi-I.-M\Q.. n. 13..5. Ya1. net(. n. 1 Q. TMJ:BM 1tJ[] ya. '931. ,. D5a09-13. 000 .Va.QII':'"en:CT'eO t-tt.o n,au. ClR\Qe-en:c'RIo cy31.et:TZI MIITUt:cnJro Ae"':S tlK HI []B OT Q2 06.[]11 r. 61 as-. r: JtKafDlt }In. Fbi..Zlp.:f:&'II. 19. "D. Ten. + 3 a57J 752-65-63. +38 IC5iJ) :![]1-19-73. E-mBJt revlEmeJJUblmr.alLcom C:l1IT Ma-:-en:C':!ID: w.1i..Ir-.e pro M"Wllr"H:.w.ne.b OTr..eIlaT'»-x) IS "11InlJrpllZS7I1H tJlI1IPIIH::.. 4-nn 3s..aeHI:O C.H. CllltAeTert:c-I!o Qep:rll MZI-e-a:aorD Ae" XI' Hl2SD OT 29..aS.2D11 r. r. 1:OOa 1'-". 4.6 ISBN 978-966-2654-29-5 e iIHOsa to.. A.. 201-3 e 000 d'.alIaT HbIO TaAM.. 2013 
..... AoporOM APyr! \](. Te6e y>l<e 3HaKOMbl HaWi'1 repoLt1 .Qawa  TOM. OHLt1 AaB- HO nepeni'1c blBaIOTCH C Heo6b14HblM Maflb4i'1KOM KeBHoM. A Heo6bl'-lHbl OH nOToMY1 "ITO )f(Lt1BeT B BOIlwe6HoM ropOAe Fairy-city. KeBH '-IaCTO paCCKa3b1BaIl APY3bS1M 0 CBoeM ropQl\e i'1 BOT 1 HaKOHe41 nprnacn i'1X K ce6e B roCTi'1. B BOIlWe6HOM ro- pQl\e APY3e >I\lJ.eT MHO>KeCTBO npi'1Kf1I04eH. npi'1C OHfICfI I( Hi'1M i'1 TbI Y3Haewb MHoro HOBoro  i'1HTepecHoro. ).r .... I .4 . , ..... 9#0 ... ..- ... :& "1£ r:r u r , ...,-\. --  II: . ') .. - . , C' "w I I I I · I · 4ItI . , I I. .. .. :, I II II I I. ..  \ .. I .... ,.  .. ' " . - - . ':'- :-. - 111 .... ,. rr. . :5 . I ....1 ,. ... I . . - '- - . .. .. . - 'II. - I ... "-II - - . t - .... \ I ""...  '- . . \ t \- .... ...., - .... t ... . It '  1.. .. - 
Co e H<aHMe np"'Knto4eH",e 1_ 1A Icome to Fairy-city! ()J.o6po nO)K8l10eaTb B Bonwe6HbiM ropO,D.) u_un_uu__ 6 np"'Knt04eH",e 2_ What's this? (lr() lr()) _________________________________________________________________ II np"'Kflt04eH",e 3_ Where are you from? «()rr lr) __________________________________________________________ 1() np"'Knt04eH",e 4_ In the magic park (B Bonwe6HoM napICe )__________ __ _ _ ________ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ _ _ 12 np"'Knt04eH",e 5. It's an old house (3lro CT8pbl AOU) _____ ___ _______ _ ___ _ ______ __ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ __ 14 np"'Kflt04eH",e 6_ How many stairs are there? (CKOflbKO 3Aec b CTYneHeK?) _ __ _ _ ________ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ __ 16 np"'Knt04eH",e 7_ It's Halloween! (:3rr() )(JlJlO"'H) _____________________________________________________ 111 np"'Knto4eH",e 8_ Review (nOBTopeHMe) __ _______ __ __ _________ __ _ _ ________ _ __ _______ _ ___ _______ __ 2() np"'Kflt04eH",e 9_ It's my cousin's bike (3To BenOC., £leA MOei1 KY3 ill Hbi ) - n _u u _ u _ nuu _ u _ u n_u u 22 np"'Knt04eH",e 10_ He's got big teeth (Y Hero 60flbWMe 3Y6) _ _____ _ ___ _________ _ __ _______ _ ___ _______ _ _ 24 np"'Knto4eH",e 11_ Who is the hero? (KTO repo?) _ _ _ __ un_u u u u_n_u_ u _ _ _n__u_ _ u _n_u _ _ on un_u u 26 np"'Knto4eH",e 12_ Let's go to Monster -land! ()J.aaaMTe nOMAeu B KBapTBfl MOHCTPOB)u__u_un_uu 211 np"'Knt04eH",e 13_ He's short and fat (OH HiII3J(}1 M TOnCTbtL1) un_u_ u_un_uu _u_nuu_ u_un_un 3() np"'Kflt04eH",e 14_ Where is the treasure? (rAe C OKpOBMllla)----- __ _________ __ _ _ ________ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ __ 32 np"'Knt04eH",e 15_ Don't turn left! (He OOBOp84MaaM Hane8o)__ __ _ _ ________ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ __ 34 np"'Knt04eH",e 16_ Meny Christmas! (Becenoro PO)IQJ.eclrB8) _____ _ _ ___ _ ______ __ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ _ _ 36 np"'Kflt04eH",e 17 _ Review (noBTopeH"'e) __ _________ ___________ __ _ _________ _ __ ________ ___ _______ __ 311 
npMKl1104eHMe 18_ What is she wearing? (Bo '-ITO OHa oAeTa?) _______ __ _ _ _ ______ __ __ ________ _ _ ___ ________ _. _ 40 npMIU1104eHMe 19_ Whose shoes are these? (YbH 3TO TY4JIlM?)-- _ ___ _______ __ _ _ _ ______ __ __ ________ _ _ ___ ________ _ __ 42 npMIU1104eHMe 20_ I am hungry (ft ronqqHbl) _ _n_u _ _ u_ un___ u _ u _nnu_ u u_n___u _ _ _ _n__u_ _ u 44 npMKl1104eHMe 21_ I like chocolate (ft nlO6nto wOKonSA) . _______ __ _ __ ______ __ __ _ _______ __ ___ ______ __ _ __ 46 npMKnlO4eHMe 22_ I don't like soup (ft He nlOfinlO cyn) _ _ ___ _______ __ _ __ ________ __ _ _______ __ ___ ______ __ _ __ 48 npMKl1104eHMe 23_ Tigers eat meat (TMrpbl e,£I,RT MJ:lC 0) _. __ _______ _ _ ___ ________ __ ________ _ _ ___ ________ _ __ 50 npiOOl104eHMe 24_ My favourite animal (M oe ntoCMMoe )fG1BOTHOe) ___ ________ __ __________ ___ ________ _ __ 52 npMKl1104eHMe 25_ What's up? (YTO cnY'-lMnoc b?) _ ___ _______ __ _ _ _ ______ __ __ ________ _ _ ___ ________ _ __ 54 npMIU1104eHMe 26_ Review (nOBTopeHi1e) _______ _ ___ _______ __ _ _ _ ______ __ __ ________ _ _ ___ ________ _ __ 56 npMKnlO4eHMe 27_ What's the time? (KOTOPblL1 ac?) __u _ _ u _ u n___ u _ u _ n___ u u _ u n___ u u _ _ n ___ u _ u 58 npMKfl104eHMe 28_ The prmcess IS busy (npMHLleC c a 3aHRTa) _ _______ __ _ __ ______ __ __ _ _______ __ ___ ______ __ _ __ 60 nplfK11104eHMe 29_ t gets up at 7 o'clock (OH nOJ].Hi1MBeTC s:I B C eMb '-lac 08) __ __ _________ _ _ _ _ ________ _ __ 62 npMIU1104eHMe 30_ Do you do sports? (T bI 3aHMuaeWbC s:I C n OpTOM?) _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 64 npMKl1104eHMe 31_ wn at IS he f (KTO OH no npocIJec CMi1?)__ __ _ _ _ ______ __ __ ________ _ _ ___ ________ _ __ 66 npMIU1104eHMe 32_ hen is ur birthday? (1<017\8 TBO AeHb poeH"'s:I?)__uu u u_n___u u_ _n__u_ _ u 68 npMKnlO4eHMe 33 I have a superpower! (Y MeH eCTb cynepcM.na) - --- -------- -- -------- - - --- -------- - -- 70 npMKnlO4eHMe 34_ Overall revision (nOBTopeHMe 38 ropj _______ __ _ __ ______ __ __ _ _______ __ ___ ______ __ _ __ 72 npMKfl104eHMe 35_ I-Inol meeUng (nOCnep.H BCTpe48) _____ __ _ __ ______ __ __ _ _______ __ ___ ______ __ _ __ 74 Becenble cKopOrOBOpl<i1 __ _ _ ________ _ __ ______ _ _ ___ _______ __ _ __ ________ __ _________ _ _ _ _ ________ _ __ 76 I1toC T'pM POBaHHblL1 c np8Bo4HK nn_ _ _ u _ u n__ u _ _ u n_nu _ u u _ n__ u _ u _ _n __ u _ _ u 78 
k .. -PM"K " - . - . - - . - - e co 06po no . e 0 alr-c osaTb B sonwe6HbiM rap . - '" .  1 nOSHBKOMbCH C HOBbiM.. .o.PYSbFlM"_ nocnywa... TO OH" roBOpRT. M ..... nOBTopn sa H.,MM. \? ,. I Hellol IomD !,-" I r .... - - .. . 2 Hi My name is Tom. What's your ncme? /1 - . . '" ill Hil I om Kevin. How are you? , i e Fine. thank you.  --; .... .., ..... iii. \ - " t I . .. - . L.. . rm UIy_  -Irt. A .... L- _ . ... J;:::::I I J . --.:...... - o  \ Welcome to I' \.Fairv-ci"M I 4 It's nice to I' ." meet you I ". I ):- JA . .. ... . . .... . I , . .....-.II -.,. . It's nice to meet you. too .. . . . -  . , 'II '!L X\  'It J- .  . i .-. -- .. 2 Sing with the friends. Cno.. BMeCTe C APY3bRU... .... ,31 It's nice to meet youl It's nice to meet you. too It's nice to meet yol,j It's nice to meet you. too 
3 HaSOB" Houepa 3TMX AOUO-S_ nocnywa.. KeB"Ha M nQAlIepKH." AOM. B ..... KOTOpOM OH >KBeT_ \ ::if ... a.. '\. 9" L , 10 . . - . . ... I . . - -   .... . ) .'1 !. r  " I I ...... - .. -  .. . t v ... I', -" I '\I - It . ill, ...... I - " .. .. .. . r c ; . -'    c, :) t::J;- J . 0 ( (  . CKOflbKO IleT APYSbRM? nocnYWaM " san"w... ..... How old are ? . \ 6 ( I I om ___ '"  .i' )'- . .. Iom___ I . . - - . ...., I BRI = 1 4 m What is = Whafs ........  I I om ___ . . . . , J- - .. I am __  ..- - .J ...... . .  . r .. - . .... I .-c > .. "- ..., J ... · . '3r 'II. .... _. I - .   - - ..-.---  ILl 1',. T .. .. !III I --- - 41'" .. ... e UtO a u la Ri Tom_ s::I TOM_ How are you? KalCAena? What.s your name? KBK Te6e sosyr? 11.5 nice to meet you npKRTHO n03H8ICouMTbCR too TOXe street yn14L18 number HOMep How old are you? CKonbKO Te6e neT? 
. k -PM"K" .. --- . - - - - a . IS. - "ITO 8TO? t.. Cero.c.HFI KeBMH nOBen TOMa M .Qawy Ha 3KCKYPCMto no BOnwe5HoMY ropo- AY. noc.nywan_ 'lTO OH paCCJCaSblBaeT llPYSbRM. npoH)'Mepyn Ha p"CYHKe 7 06aeKTbl B TO nOCJle.AOBaTenbHOCTM. B KOTDpOn 0 HH.X roBOpWl KeBMH. ... I ',- .. k . ,. - . palaca  - - .. . . #fIJ'" . . . . .. park . - - - - IUIII square .-. . ... -:--  - theatre . . ... -- I I . . I . .... .  . . . cinema . I . ... .. .. - " ... I' "' lit.  -4 . CircuS . .. ..- - fountain . &. (JJ . . .,. .., . . 2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocnywaM M cno.. BMeCTe c .apy3bRM... .... \ B ( This is oor Fairy-city. This is oor Fairy-city. We like it very much_ We like it very much_ The. theatre. the cinema.. the circus and nice pcrk2 Palaces and fountains. an nt park- a luck' 
3 Ha80BH 06heKTbI Bonwe6Horo .-opo.a.a. Q>parMeHTbJ KOTOpX SAeCb Mao6pa>KeHbI. .QononHM HaJ1f1" M COe.D.HHM KX C COOTBeTCTBytol..Ll.MUM pMcyH"KaMM. ,  ., . l 0  ".JL LI. P",. - f n c s -- c Q p e .. . \ i 4 "- . t e I.. . . KnIG'-l K STO" ABepH B STOM KpOCCBOPAe. Paara.a.a.; ere .. Bbln..WM cncr BO. KOTopoe TbI nonYLI't.n B >KeIlTbIX KneTKax. 1 2 _ t - 3  S. 6 J .  .. 1) ]:101"\  KOpOIl&1 a,t I<OpoI1e8. 2) Bono. 6bl-O()jI BB.ep>C .... B pa3HbIe CTOpOHbI. 3) MecTo. rl1e 14ellOBeK MOJKeT nepeBOnI10l1{QTbCJL 4) MecTo.. rne t11UI nOK030. a,tcnOI1b3YI-OT 6onbwoe. 6eJloe. nonOTHO 5) 6onbwo KfJyr ....nlA npSlMoyrOI1bHa,tK B ropone C nOMQM1.o1 no 6ot«1M. 6) .Qna,tHHOJI I1....J-BltJ:l B tKlCelletD10/A nYHKre C nOMOM.f,It no 601«11..... e (AO a u What a beautiful fountain! KalCoM "YAeCHhlH 4JOHTaH amusement park napK pSSBnet.leH .. city roPDA fairy BOI1W e6H bI... CKa3Ol.1HblM theatre Tecrrp . Cinema KMHOTeaTp . CircUS LlMPK squ are r1.nOU.Ia.Ab palace ABOpeLi I like it very much! MHe aTO oqeHh HpaBMTCH! 
" k -PM"K " - .. - . - - . . ere are OU KYAa Tbl? ro - '"  . t.. 1 rYIlFIFI no ropOJ1Y. l1PY3bR YBMAeI114 BecenbiM KapHaBaIl. Ha KOTOpbl" .... C"beXanMCb AeTM co Bcero unpa. nocnywaM M nOSTOp., KX 6eceAY. a ncr ,IC'I TOM paSbirpaM ee C TOBapMl4aM". . . . - .. _" -__ 1" . . . - . .. ...... .-- - . . . Who ore you? A pirate? . .- . . . . . - .[t ; ;.  dl  · 1 ..... "I ..  - .. Are you a boy. or 0 girl? I om a girl. " My name's SaJIy Yes. I om. . "- .J - . r . . - .. . '\.. "'lilt: .. - . . ., . ",  .. -." , I 'II ... . . . -- - \..  , . -- .. . --... . ...... ... . ... . .   . . . I, Where are ..L ''II you from?  ". AII . ...... . I . ... F :'\ -_ · . ., .. - . . . '" , . . , . II · ii-III  '?- . -  ...: - .' w W .- .- .11 .. . I .. And I am from Ukraine. '- . \. .... . .. .- . ... " . ." . -. , ...... I rim from the USA  . . .. """wI a  .!. ' ...-t ,.. . -  · rim from Great Britain.  ,.. .- . - r&::. 
2 Usten and chant with the friends. nOCIlywBM '" cno BMeCTe c APY3bFlM. ... 1]1 Where is he from? He is from Holland_ Where is she from? She is from Poland_ Where are you from? I am from Ukraine_ Where are they from? They ore from n. I CKa.>trn.. oncyAa STit AeT"- Holl . aiM Spain  .... . . - .. ... . . . I . Poland .<. . .. . . ..." .# .  --- -- -.. .. Tbi Mo_eWb CKasaTb ceoe "MR no 6YKsaM? C Tax"M BonpOCOM 06pan4- ...... n"Cb Ie Cannit ee HOBbie APVSbfl- nOCIlywa"  nOBTOp MX 6eceAY. 3aTeM '\ 11 06pamCb C Tax.... JKe BonpOCOM Ie CBO'" TOBapl4au. .. . . .. .. · !K'"'e. pl- .J ... .1,. . '::--. .... I Thank you. I. /" Yes. '. ,I it's S-a-I-I-y_ . . . .., .. .. - e CAO a u Who? KTO? or Knit from c.. K8 (qero-To) Where ___ from? OTtcyl1a? the USA CWA Britain 5pTaJiR Holand ronnBHA.uI SpBin L-1cnaHltR Poland nOJlbWa Ukrne YKpaitHa p-rale nMpsT Can you spell your name? Tbi UQ¥eWb CKB.3aTb csoe ItUH no 6yKB8.U? 
'"  1 ..... 1 . k -PM"K" - -- .. - - - - . - . n e 0 IC or B Bonwe6HOM napKe - {.a. 8b1UaAR Ha OKpa"HY ropona. Aawa  TOM YBMAen Heo6b1\.1HblM napK_ nocnywa" "X pa3.-0BOp c KeBitHOU. a saTeu pa3b1rpaM era C TOBap"- I l4 aM "'- . o. .. . . -- .. --.. . . . .. , I'fs a magic . ,.. . .. .. . ... pork. r . .\ .. ... ,. ..... .. , A magic park? ' . ... .. .. I . ... I . , .. .. .   , . I '- 4 .1/tt1< 1 .. J , Yes. There are  .. ... - - i d sand -- fairies there .. .. " .. -. . - - J , 1 "1 . .J I II' . . t , 2 Really? No kidding? - . .. , . t . , . .. I . .... -. .. - .' . .. .. "- '-  ...... - r "I " . . '" . - . I - . - - - - -, J.. _- - -. · -- No kidding_ A there 's on old house the.r£_ . . . 1 . - ... . - I . - .. ... .. . \ 2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocIlywai1 ., cnt:M BueCTe c APY3bf1MM- ...... ,1 . Wha'fs in the magic park? There. ore dworf There ore foiri There.s a talking mous There1s an old house' No kidding? No kidding Who'fs in the old house? ComeondseeJ 
3 nocIlywa. KTO .,3 )t(BOTHbiX .BeT B B011We6HOM napt:e_ nOCTaBb BOS- ne 3T"X MitBOTHbiX 3HaliOK V. --- , 17 1  .. . t" .". ... Jt. . I , . .., . ...... / -- There is = There-s ....-.-:  ' . . .. . &. ,i'- - t 'I  -I . '\ ;----..  xt. · oo I - f. I ........ , ., ..) ". -. #'.. " ... - rill" '- - 4 npoHYMepy pMcyHK" B TOM nOpHAI(e. B KaKOM OHM OnMCblBaIOTCfI. 3a- ..... TeM CKaJK" caM. liTO Ha HitX 806paJKeHO_ 'al t I In this pic1ure . IS ... In this pi ere ... I ,  u It. .. - .. - . 1....... ': \ , It ... -- .... -." ..... ..., ,   b I)...' "\ ..... ... . .. , ..  e tAO a II rl magic park BDnWe6H M napK Whatlrs in the msgic park? LITO ecTb B sonWe6HOU napKe? dwarf rHO" fairy eR Really? npSBA8? No kidding? Tbi He WYTMWb? No kidding! fI He wyqy! 
14 . k .. -PM"K " - - - - - . - I - an 0 0 3TO CTapblM AOM '"  1 {.a. cerDAHA APV3bAU D-.eHb 3aXOTenOCb DDDaCTb B CTilPbl" ADM. nDCllYWf3M MX fie- u ceAV. a 3aTeM pa3b1rpa" ee co C8DI1"'" APY3bRM ..... ,I<, o o Let's 0 to the 0 (f house.' It's s ,.- ,«t. Sh-shl Quie . , . .. . r: a , - ..-  1....... · .."A J . . "" . . ... II - , . III ... ... ... - . . , -" .... 0 , o .. Wha-rs in the .. \.  r I house? Are there any ghosts? ... . . .'J . II And there ore rots. mice and spiders here ,.... . .. ... . . - '- , . Yes. there ore_ But they ore kind .. .. , 1--- I , -c.. ... - ...... l1li.... ...., '""'" .. 
2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocnywait it cno." BMeCTe c APY3bflU". .... '2 1  I le'fs go to the old hou.se le'fs go to the old house' Wha'fs there inside? let's find out! Are there any spidus? Are there any bats? Are there any mice? Are thue any rots? Let's go inside le'fs find outl 3 CKaJK". teTO Haxo.c.UTCR B KOMHaTax CTapOro llOMa. There is a bat on the balcony.. bathroom balcony - room l . \t r ' .. I \ . I . . . _ LI <.. &. - .......L- ....... .1 t .1. '.J. I .,. ---- .. . . . ., . - ... I I .. y F1 . II . . ;J ':T I - I · -8>.\ (\- " - , .. - f' I dining room . kit -- living room ... - e tAO a II Let-s find out AaBaM BbiRCH.-. ..., SCBry CTpawH" kitchen tcyXHfI dining room CTonOBaR Jiving room rocTMHafi bedroom cnanbHfl bathroom BaHHaR balcony 6anKOH inside BJ-IytpM. BHYTpb ghost np..tBMAeHe bat J1aR UblWb .-at KpblCS spider nayw: mouse (mice) MbilDb (U'bIIUM) 
k -PM"K" . .. - -- - - - - - . - - . 01 CKOnbKO aAecb - '"  . neHeK? {.a. ... 1 APYSbfI npDAOn>KatoT itCcne.a.OBaTb cTapblH AOM. nocnywai; KX 6ece.QY. a .... saTeM pa3b1rpaM ee c APYSORU". I Let's go downstairs_ 1 '1 , - .. . I Ii, \. \. ,.. f  , - ... , - . . .. How many stairs are there? - I There ore big spiders on the WQII  II · -It- .. . . .. . . - .; .. sa . . - -  J . a a ... . don't know. Let's counfi 1. 2. 3 ___ 20 There ore 20 sto..irsl It's O They are not dange.rous_ -.... " I a . . . look There is Q magic box on the ! o 4 - There's a l)1Cl9ic " . .. . wand here' What's in  - there? . ... .... '" "" '" 'a .. ,. . I . , ., rfI ... . . '- .. I II  & '" '" let's look ..-. . I t insi II of .. .  
2 Listen and chant with the friends_ nocIlywa,", ., CllO,", BMeCTe C llPYSbRM"'- ..... 2 How stairs ore there in the house? How many stars are there in the sky? How fishes ore there in the river? How many raisins ore there in the. pie? . .. .. .. ... . . . . . let's countl let's countl let's countl let's countl There ere 20 stairs in the hOU5£_ There are lots of stars in the sky_ There ore lots of fishes in the river_ There ore very few raisins in the pie. 3 nOCMOTpI1 Ha pMcyHK " CJ:a)IQII. lJeM OHM OTIlM..,aJOTCR APyr OT APyra. In Picture 1 but in Pic are "two s, 2 there is OM pen. . C J.. I ,-t:\ C  -I I rJ . .:-. '\ .. . . .I  . .L -3 . -  .. - " .., . --::C " I .. -.,...-'" - ..... ..- - .... . ... . .. - - . - ..J - .. - e tAO a u stairs CT)'T1eHbKM I don.t mow. s:I He SHalO_ let-s counH AaBBMTe nOCLI"Taeu box cyHAytIOK n\Sgic wand B01DJJe6HaR naJ1KS - . raISin it310M dangerous onaCHblM . pIe nupor wal CTeHa loor non flower 4BeTOK . , . . 2 
- '"  1 .... -  .. " k -PM"K" - .. - - - . Q 0 een. 3TO XennOYMH! - - {.a. CefUAHH B Bonwe6HoM .-oPDAe npS3AHYfOT X3nnOYH. nocnywai:16ece- .... ...... AY AeTeM. a saTeM pasrpaM ee C APYSbflMM- -- It's I-iolloween to let's have fu  Who om D Guess! J ,- .l .... -  . .... - . . . I . . I '. '" ., t . .. f.. .. . .,. "I - J You ore o wizard' . , - - -. . ......  . . . . .  . You ore 0 batl i I -" Ri9h I  .. ."", - .. ..... . . . I . .. . ,. '.' , .. . of I 1   ..' I i/fJ J "  -: - . .... (.1. . .. . . And yolfre I , .... 0 wi tch ) " -  . Absolutely ri9ht .... ,e  " - I' · · . ,. " .. .... I . - .,. - ,. - o 
2 listen and chant with the friends_ nocIlywa,", ., CllOM BMeCTe C APYSbRM"'- ...... ,- I' I'fs Halloween toni9ht le'fs have funl le'fs play and run le'fs have fun' Wizards and witches. Monsters and bat They ore so s But we ore not afraidl 3 nocIlywaH  npoHyuepyM p.,CYHI01 B TOM nopRAKe. B KaKOM 3Tt't npMeTbl HaSbiBaIOTCR. COe.AHit pitCYHK C COOTBeTCTBYJOlL1itM CIlcr BaM_ .--. ,2 Ie \  .". broom , pumpkin I 'III. l... . I I . .... .....J wizard  .. . . witch wizard monster pumpkin candle candy broonJ BeAbMa BOnWe6.... "YAOBML1.Le TbIICBa CBelIS IleAeHe4 MeTna You WI! = You.re ....-  -., witch t e 'AO a u lef5 have fun AaaaMTe "M! Righ np.aslU1bHO! Gues5 AOraAaM! besfraid iIIIII 50 TBJ(. TaxO" 
 "{'\'P\4K I\  - &f.EHHI! - , - - -- \11 -- - f I '-.-' . eVle nOBTOpeHMe - -  " ... .. - .- - fill- I ...,.. t I CelUAH:fI B Fairy-city AeHb Mrpbl. M .apysbR MrpSfOT B MHTepecHYJO Mrpy-6po- AiU1It)'- npMCOeAMH:fIMcflK HMM! Eipocsii Ae.nBM CTBYlOllIee Dlf1M- w w qeCTBa XQAOB  Bb:InonHfIM Sa..CJ.a..HMe B TOM ICl1eTOlIKe. tcyAa Tbi nonan. "" ( " 1 START , nocqMTaii R6.nOCM_ \ '""'It. . lit . . - ..- - CnpOCM. CXOflbKO I cryneHeK B CTS- ... pOM AOMe. MASH OTBeT_ 9' .. ........ ..... ... CKaxit. KSK Teful 2 3Osyr. OTK)'Aa Tbi it CXOflbKO Te6e lleT_ HaSOBM rtRTepbIX 4 06MTaTeneM BOfl- we6HOn) nspKS. C, .. 3 CnpoCM y He3HB- KOUqa. 1(811: eft) .. soayr M M3 ICBKOM OH CTpaHbI_ I .. _e -- .... .. - . rI 
... .. ... , OnMWM. KaKMe KOMHBTbI ecTb B TBoeu AOile Knit lCB8pT"pe . . . . . BcnOUH". KilKMe ItOUHaTbI eCTb B CTSpoM AOile. . 10 .., Ctc.SXOl. M3 K.8KOM Tbi crpSHbI_ . ) .. e. - . . . npHnlaCM APY- , sew nOUTM B .. B011UJe6H... nspK.. . e ... Haso M 5 BeU.leM. KOTOpbfe Malo.nbSYIOT II np.. npS3JJ,HOBBH.... XannoyKHa . . - . . . HSsoaM 5 MeCT. KOTopble KeBMH nOKBSblBan Apy3bRU BO BpeuR 3KC no sonwe6HOUY '-0POAY- . II ..... - . .. nonpocM CBoeTO TO- II BSpMlqa ero MMR no 6yKBa.... e . . .11 t - .  .II .,. II 14 CItBXM. CKOnbKO .. KSKMX JKHBOTHbIX 8.&QeCb MS06paJKeHO_ ANISH ,  "< '-:?  I.  - . '-,. aM 6 ..... -.J .... . ..   ... . " LI' .   ." 
- . k ."K" " - .. iJ.I£HJ4E - - - - . - . COUS I . Ie '" 31"0 BenOCMneA MOeM -) 1 Cero.AHfI KeBMH paccKasan apYSbRM D ceDeM ceMbe. nOCMOTp Ha PM- CYHJGII. noc.nywa 6ece.AY l1eTei4 " HaSOBI4 poACTBeHH1KOB KeBI4Ha.. -n's rei MHbl t.. ...... , .. °1. :.- ..".. . . . .. "'- .  .... " -J  ..,. .. .. - I .. -» P... Kevin's mother ..... Kev;n.s ather - y.. Kevin's m "IIr.  -  . ... Kevin.s father ..... _ iIIIIIII. . ..... - , ,-..  - .. .  " .  . - 1 . . , . . . .. ;.,.. . ... \ ..} - .. " .. . II ...:- .  J · I  II "- I Kevin.s Kevin.s   ,g"- uncle Kevin- s Kevin.s . sister COUSins 
2 Usten and chant wilh the friends.. noc.nywa  cnOM BUecTe c APY3bRMM.. .... 3 Have you got a mother? Have you got a father? Have you got a sister? Have you got a brother? rve got a mother_ rve got a father_ rye got a sister. rye got a brother. 3 nOCIlYWBM  AononH npeA11o)t(eH1:R cnoaaMM nQA pCYHKa"M- ....... \3?( , .........   r """ ....... - ........-. -0 c - .  . car -i-- dress house helicopter It's my fa 's It's my cousin's It's my aunt's It's my It's my uncle's bike . .  I have got = rve got It is = Irs ...-. - ,-.- 1 . . . , e CltO a u mother .,sua father nana g andrnother 6 Ka grandfather- aeAYWK.8 aunt TeTH uncle AHAH - cous... K)'3e H MJlM KY3HH a helicopter BepTOI1eT Thafs cool! :fio 3AOpoBO friendly ApyxcelU06HbIM 
k .. -PM"K " - . - - . --- . - I es o . I ee - '"  1 KyaMHa KeBMHa BblMrpana WKonbHbI KOHKYPC KpaCOTbI. nOCMOTpM Ha .... ___ pCytiK" M nOC1lyt!.laM. KaK ApySbR onMCblBaJOT AeBOliKY  ee qeTBepOHD- , t. r or o .A pyra. Pa3b1rp a" 6ece..qy AeTeM.  This is  cousin '. Alice. She's got long blond hair and big blue eyes. Y Hero 60nbWMe ay6bl t.. -  i She is  'I ,I be.autiful I . "-- ( II I . I She hss got = She.s got That is = Thars c- --.:: -----  " . ... -  - - ..'\ . ., '- " I """  -GI\  t7 L . I I I I  .t .  , . . . ". . . . . -- , I t's Fibbie. --=_ ..  A hce's dog. ".--- '"  .,J · I I . . ',.;,. -=:. What's that? I . I . ..... ../ Yes. but it is kind and cleverJ It's 0 good friend . look ot its face' It's ot bi tuth. 0 bi mout. a i nose and ig ears. A its head is (jIg. too. It is ugl)A I .. - 
2 nOCIlywaM., HapcyM .'OHCTpUXOB. ... t', Q) (i) CD @ 3 Describe B clown. OnMw M Kn0YHa. 8bl6epM KaKoro-HM6YAb K3 3TKX ICnoYHoB M onMWM ere csoeMY TOBapy TaK.. lLlTo61:J1 01-1 aorananCfl. 0 KOM eT pe-.lb. <D l <V g (i) o . . -. , . - . . . ""IIIIIIII .v. .. - 'W' .... - t · · tl ... . .. . I . .1'1 J .. tL - .. . e CAO . . , oil u face 111440 eye rDB3 tooth , teeth sy6 I sy61:J1 mouth par eBr yxo head runoBa nose HOC hair BOIlOCbl ugly OTBpaTMTenbHbfM beautifu I KpSCMSB.fI kind Ao6pblM cleve,. YMHblM friend Apyr blond 6enDKYPbIM g -@ 
k ."K" - . .. - - - . . . o IS e ero. - '"  KTO repOM? Cu. 1 8l1epa B OllHOM  ACMOS B Fairy-city BOSHMIC no>Kap. CUeJlblM IOHowa ..... cnac pe6eHKa. nOCJ1ywa. KaK era onCblBalOT CBeTeJl"l .. nOCTaBb '\} SHOK V BOMe CODTB-eTCTBYIOero nopTpeTa BHY.  . of - fa .. .....  e . (  ( 1 ) I - 0 ... , ;I" I? I - __ .a. ",''''..,t... -..;... . ...  ..d , .  -  ... J L . -L... I .0. 5'  ,-- .., I I  .T _' '" - . . . -  - ... ,. ....  - .-T L  I  ...r- .t 1'.. .. ... .. "'"""'" ... . . . ,. - - I \! ...... - '- , ....J   ......  .- .... 
2 aM M nOCTaBb V B03I1e ycnblWaHHbIX C1l0B. HasOBi'l OCTaJlbHl:»e Cf1oaa. ...... <D - - ,\3 I I .... - '- -- (!) g c; -.. - - .... - .. V I. .y '.. (j) \ \... - 3 Whose heir is this? b STO BOIlOCbI? CKaJK1t1 KOMY np'tHne>KaT 3TH "aCTM KOCTIOMa.. '\ It.s Sam.s hair. o g . . . .., "- .w. . .... . - - \'. .. .  Tod Rod * ..... w -... CD @ Ci) g . . I .. Pat e tAO a u 'W' young IIOIlQAOM o1d CTSpb1M beard 6opo.c.a moustache YCbI ..  
. k -PM"K" " - .. iJ.IEHJ4E I,,;. - - - - o '"  AaBaM'-re nOMAeM B KBapTan MOHCTpOB! Cu. - . - 1 Cero.AHfI Ha nporynKe ApySbR s.awn1 B KBapTan. rlle JKMayr Heo6b1"Hble .... 06aTeJlM MOHCTpMtG'1.. noc.nywa 6eCe.QY. saTeM pasblrpaM ee C TO- \3 ( Bapr.1aM1. ),. ...,,. 11  ,.J4h ._', Wow, This monster is i scory_ He's ot three - "three 95" three. I feet and four arms. II . I r - 1 1 ( I ...... --.. ,... - t .. That's Rom. He is not scory" he's kind;J n Ir  - ... ,. ... .. - ........ .... . .. II .. .. - :1 i' :- . I " }t' ,. !.., . ..... .. - I. .1 I. ..  .. . , '-- lIP . ... .. ...... " - I J \;-, . ... "'  (:":i . .J  "  :a ... I ;& '-  ...  .. . .. ... '" - "a':..., ___ n J,. And that monster IS ... f  He's got a very 4- .. long neck" long fingers I 'iii tf) , · and big toes. C:J .. -J 9 .. ." ... II I . - II  - ..  .. . tr ... . .. I .. , . , r .. ".. J 1 I r , I I I- .. .J..I......, .. .. r' ... ... II "- ... .......... t '" II .. II . ..  J - ,a.. .._ I . . . . 
2 Usten and chant with the friends. nOCJlYWaM ., cno BMeCTe c ApyabR". ....... ,\3,' Ears to listen. Eyes to look. Head to think. Hands to cook. Hands to clap. legs to waJ k. Mouth to sing And to tolkl 3 nocIlywaM. KaK HaSbiBalOTCR "acnI Tella.. '\ ( .............. ... -.. .- -. - . . . - . . --- ".......,., ...' .... ,.- ....... .. ...... Ide,- head ...... .. .- . . . ,. . . . . - .............. ..- .. .. .... '"  ... -- arm . . . . . .. . . . . . - .. .,.. ......... . . . - .- .. ..- .- .- . . . . fi r .. .. .-.. ............  knee foot . . ..... ..... .. . -, - -.. -. .........,..... leg e CltO a u arm pyxa OT n.neqa AD IC"CTM shoulder nl1D hand pyK8 (IOICTb) finger nane4 PYKM leg Hora OT 6eapa AD CTynHM knee KOneHO tioot I feet Hora (CT)'rnu:J); HOnt IDe nane4 HOnt think A)'MSTb. paaMblWI1RTb cook rOTOBMTb eAY 
k -PM"K" - . - .. iJ.IEHJ4E - - . I e s s or Q . '" ..;) Q - OH HM3KMM M TonCTblM t.. 1 8 Fairy-city CHMUaJOT KMHD Ha rnaBHYIO ponb Tpe6yeTcR IOHDwa. . PeJKMccep  ero nouHM4a paccMaTpMBaJOT uonQQblX J1lQC.eM B napKe. ,1f nocnywaM ux 6eceAY. a saTeM pasblrpa" ee c TOBapuaM_ . . r f  i W . We. need a youn 1A" ...... --...:..  tall thin wit black hair. Loo That boy . ... is tall and thin. . . ..,.,. . . He is handsome-' . " I -  ... ,..  II ...  -- .1 TI I .. I  "\f , . t . ---  II' .. , I   -. ..J - - Yes. but he I . I is blond l _ J r f . ..  " " t-. ..  ". That b has L . Ii Yes. but he is not toll. He is fot and shortl look there' That boy is slim. tall., handsome, and he.s got black hair. Just what we needl  .... - - . . II \ - . II · t I , I ...&..I - . tn  .7 ........ II '- _, : I   . .. . -1 .  . .. . . ..... . . . .. , ,. ...  - I . ....   I  .6..J I  --.J -a..t. .. - . \ \ 
2 nOCMOTpM H.a PCYHtG'I M AOfa,AaMCfI. '-ITO 03HaIOT cnoBa nQA HHJ&M. .... nOCflyuJaM M n01Ca)l( COOTBeTcTeylOl..LI.Me PMCYHtm. '1 4 ,. ... .. · -01-  I <{4 3 y hair red hair ,..,. .1SJ . , ... :'9 r ,. a. . , . fat thin  - some pre old . . - . . - . 'L,j , y P air work. napHarI pa60Ta. OnMwM OAHCJrO MS STKX IIIOAeM CBoeMY TOBapl1IY TaK. lIT06bl OH Aora- AaIlCR. 0 KOM M.,[leT pb. pretty CMMnaTMlIHaR black hair "epHbIe BDnOCbl grey ha. ce.a.bIe SD.nOCbl red hair pbJJKMe BOI10Cbl Just what VIe need! MeHHo TO. 'lTO Hall H .  (j)  .., . -- .. - ... '} ff':. (j) ,.. JI.. ... .,   '"'I } . , . .. -  1 ,. ,... . -  1 I - \': . .. J .. .  I I t\ I J _ - ......  rl short HeBblCOI01 tal scoam fat TDnCTblM thin XYAoit slim CTpOMHblM handsome KpacBhlK ....  (, i' u' G> ,  l I "tA I.  ..  III h\  .. II . I  .  .. , I I I I I 
I 52 . . k .. -PM"K " - - - -  . - '" . ere IS e reasure. rAe COKPOBMW. a ? t.. -  1 nOCMOTPM Ha pMcyHKH. nocnyw.a 6ece.a.y llPyset1 M CKBJKM. lITO. no- ... TBOeMY. OH" c06MpalOTCfI AeIlaTb. PasbJrpaVI STY 6eceAY C TOB.apLL.La,.,.,. \41 a " It's a ure map_ II t - II . . .. -...- \. . .. L ... J ) . .'  .. - . -- .. wi II . 1 J . \  , !' ", .. I "  , ..... - - .  Where is the  I e? .J ...-J 'to . I.. .. ... .... II I ( - .....,w .,. I . - - ...... ... liliiii &» - \ it'  , . It's in a cave ! ---  nder 0 big ston E;: - - )  ( . ) .... - - . , , re is the cave.? - A It's between 1 .1 the mountains. \ II ....... II . - I. ,.. ..... -------  .. .,..  ... . ... - . I \ Where are the '\ '- mountains? , They are on a - treasur£ island_ o - , . 0, ..t 'III - ,.. .. ....- .... , ..  Where IS the treasure island ... It's near here. let's go there I  I  .. I .. " 
2 Usten and chant with the friends. nOc.nywaM M cnoM BMecTe c APYSbRM. .... \ 1 Where is the treasure? Is it near? Is it for? Whu£ is the treasur£? Is it in the sea? Is it in the river? Or under the tru? let's go and see 3 nOCUOTpM  nocl1ywai1. rlle lle)KaT COKpOBML.LLa. ...... . , g o \4  -. , f ·  JaI-  The treasure. is under The treasure. is in the The treasure is between the tree. cove. the f; - cnJ the tree. o o "\ - .. t :0 - ..- " -- The treasure is on the The treasure is behind The treasure is near pumpkin. the stone. the house. e 00 a u , treasure CO KpOBM 1.11 B map KSpTa island OCTpOB on HB - 111 B under I10A between Me>KAY near PfI.AOU c_..  fa,. J1aneKO to J: (HSI1pBBneHMe .IlB\U(eHR) behind SB. C8aAM cave nel.1lepa mountain rupa stone KaMeHb Where? rJ1e? 
k -PM"K" . .. - - - - -  . . I on urn e - '"  He nOBopa"'MBaM HaneBo! t.. 1 nOCMOTpM Ha pMcyHKM. nocnywaM M CKaMM. KTO nOMor AeTRM HaMTM CDKpOBMLL.La Ha OCTpoae COKpOBMI.1I- PaSbJrpaM cqeHtcy C TOBapMLL.LauM.. .-.. , I "'\.. " J Where are we? And where is the cave? \ You ore not lost. I can hel _ Go stroi ht ahead_ . don't urn left" turn righ11 2  , ..  ta. RI &" -. - - I don't know_ I , .. "III. - . -  - . IIIr  - -  . --- - - We1re lostl " -, ..  t - - - .. "!.. I '- .....J , f I I . tl .. -" . It.. ..  ----- , , -  Now turn left. Go 0 Turn left again ... .  . .\ to the big tru. It's II Don't stop_ .... \. . I - . 1 . .,J I r\ . - -  ... I I \ ." . ".-..;  .. . - I . "." - " - . .. --- ..  rr . ... . ,. II .. r iii -1f' · '- - ... ( 
2 Listen and chant with the friends. nOCJlywaM M cno BMeCTe C APY3bRM. ..... \ ,. Don't turn righ"H Don turn leftl Go straight oheo.d Don't sto Don't hop Go straight oheo.d 3 nocnywa" .. npoHyr..,epYM PCYHIC" B TOM nOpR.Q.JCe. B KaKOM OH BCTpe- qalOTCfI B AManorax. PaSb!rpaM A" an or.. CO CSOM TOBapMl1Iar..'M.  '\ ", - .  '"' - :, . )   .... r ( .  , ...  .. ..\ \ ., ..  . . . . . . II . . II .. . . . . III .. \. L ..I  p. " ..... . ...... .  .. l . Il\ . "'1IIo .. -..I I . ,t . 't ,' I I " . ... AltA! I II ... . .. fir" .. -   :;:"II . ..., .  II .N '" .. . I "" . . . 'I .. .. " · oil" ",,'- . ..I . . , rJ. right npas.HanpaBO left neBhlM. HaneBO go "ATM Go straight ahead I.1l1M npRMO! Donltt go ... He XQAM ___ turn I1OBOpaJUBBTb slop OCTaHSenMBBTbCH hop nQAnpb!r"BaTb I don.t know. s:I He SHBIO_ be lost noTepRTbCR 
\ . \.'   . " . k ."K" " - .. iJ.I£HJ4E I,,;. -- - - - - - . rls - err as. '"  Becenoro POHCAeCTBa! t.. 1 Ha PO>K,AeCTBO KeBMH no.c.rarOBWl CBOMU APYSbRM ClOpnp.,3. C nOMOUlbK) .. BDIlWe6HO" nanOtlI01 Apy3bR oqyr..n"Cb B IlannaHJ1MM. B l1or..,e CaHTa 5 Knayca.. nocnywa 6ece.AY l1eTe M CKaJlrn. KOro OHM BCTpeTWlM B 3TOM o o re ore we? lookl That is Santo Clousl And who is that? .\ - II Hello.. my little ' fn . Come It's Rudolf.. into my hOllSe ·  Santo's '-. .JJ I reindeer. He's · ot 0 red no · In the North. - .. - .. tr .. · I,..s very .. cold here .  II .l . . 1 - .   . . .  " Q ... e5. it's ,winter and trs Christmas tomorrowl  , s - .. -  ,,1 i . -. tiful- J, .. . · t t ... .. I . ,,4 ..- tl J j . I,..s so in here .. . . .. - , I ... ., ..,.,. . t t.  e. . .. - I . . . - ,. . II - 1  ", ... (, . I .. :,-- - .,. . . I . . t . . II Il1o , . .0.... ..... ............ . ..... -Q;: .- ...... .. , II  , . I' . . ........ I I. . {I 
2 nOCIlywaM. nOCMOTpM .. CKa»:M. liTO YB.ulen.. AeT B AOMe Y CaHTbI. ...... ,\5 CD @ CD 0ge- 00 - -. . - , -- -rr Q star lights cookies m ... (!) ti) -; - Q turk ey - m Q snowman - , C!) Q sack (!) -.. -.. -- ')  '\ Q Christmas tree presen.!s bell s 3 COCTaBb cnMCOK JKellaH" Ha HOBbI.. reA. ... . . ....... . "" '- 1 wont... .... . -- .  - .  - - w - .  .. , " e  . "" . . :.., \-J;r ,., .... , . .. L...!Sr . . - ..  e tAO a u Merry Christmas! HBPPY New YeBr1 winter SItUS t0f110rrow SaBTpB snow aier s CHeroBMK C Po)IfJJ.ecTBOM! C HOBbJM rQAOM cookie turkey sack lights bells star cnBJ].Koe cyxoe neueHbe ..... HAettKa MewOK naMI"JOLItOII. OfDHbDt 1C011 OKDIl bLi..1G1 3aea.A8 
  .. - Ip,,--I\ - -- -  '- . eVle nOBTOpeHMe :.) , .. ""' I. It , ,  1.j2¥ - .- . ta. I '" , . ..t -- -- . CerQAHR B Fairy-city CHOBa AeHb Mrpbl. ... ApysbR rpa.lOT B yze SHaKOMYIO ye6e Mrpy-6polU1l1q. npMcoeAKHRMCR K HM,.! 6poca..M K)'6M1E. J1ella COOTSeT- w w CTBYlOl.lIee KQJlM'JeCTBO XQAOB  BblnoIlHRM 3a.A8KHe B TOM KJleTc:J'.IlCe. KYAS TbI nORan. 1 START I Ha8OB aCT" I1M4B. ...... '"""'" .... 4 CnJM>CM y He3H&- ICOM48. KalC npo- WIll MYM B KKHOTeBTp. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . e . . e e -- . l-  ..... ........ t v ,. , 1. .- . . . . . . . Cnpocw.. rAe H&- XQAMTC$I caUOI1eT. Aai DTBel: . . . . . 3 . . . . . . I -.  . . . - 2 \ -.. I . . OnWM 3T0fD 1U10YHS. .,. -- a, .. ......  .. . ..... 
, Ha30B "BCT" TenS P06OT8 ..,. i ' \ . AB "HCTpY MJJ:fM no crpeJ1K8M wC' I , OnwlM 3Toru , MOHCTpHKS.... e e e e HasOB" POA- - _ . 10 CTBeH1-IMKOB .- _ TOMB. H8308 10 poA- . -. · -  'II . .... ... I Q\r 4 .1.. t  J.  .-.. . . . -. CTBeHHKKOB. . . . . . . . .. e- e- . CKSXH. '-lle HaXo- II llMTCfI cyHAOK c coKpoBl.1IaMIM- - "  .. II Cnpocw.. LITO w 3TO.  A8M OTBeT. . ..., T .. . . ...... ..... . . . . . . . 14 OnMWM CaHTB Knayca. . -. 11 . . HasoBM 5 cnOB. IMMelO- I.1IMX OTHOWeH e K npas,a- HDBSHMJO PO»rAecTBa .. Hoeoro rDAB.  1. FINISH . I. nOJKenSM CLlBCTJ1 BO- ro HOBOro r'OAa .. Be- cenoro PO)I(A . . . . . .. .  ----  ... 
. k ."K " - .. - -  - . - - a . IS S e . earln - '"  . 80 "ITa aHa OAeTa? t.. 1 CeaHR AeTM nonanM Ha npaMH Bep"HKY B KOpDneBC .-. ABOpe4 the Kinglts Palace. PaCCMOTp" P"CYHOJC. nocnywa 6ece.tJ.y \ 1 AeTeM M o600Ha....b KoponR (king) 6yxBO K.. KOpD11esy (queen) 6yKBOM C.. npHqeccy(princes5)6YKBO" P ----- , .. . I " . I . "'""- ,   . " . .. e- . 1 "'" ..,  ... II'  I to  C' " .,. . .. -:.. .  . "-"  . \  11 '-- \I I t.. _ I , l., . ..  - ""- .. ., , , j . '"  . . . --  (Y 1f..J ,.,  r .. ... 311 rY "' )  . II - \.. '-..:; I ,.....  , .." 
2 nOCIlywaM M npoHYMepyu pMcyHI( B TOM nOpR.QXe. B KaKOM Tbt MX _ cnblWMWb. 06081-1b SHal.4KOM X TOT npe.AMeT D,C.eKJlbl. KOTOpbt He 6btn - I HasBaH. HaaoBU ero. -  -.... t 1.1 G \ , , \. .... .......  .......  .... "- .., \   ......... J nOCMOTpM &-II CKa>KU. BO "lTO OAeTbt .Qawa M TOM. .... - .... IIIIG( . . - 5 /. .. . . ., ... .... I ...., . . - IS .ng ... . ... ..,.. Tom is wearing ._ . e tAO a u Whaf is she wearing? Bo I.ITO OHa QIleTs? He is wearing__. OH D,C.eT B.__ blouse 6nysKa shoes TYtJ>nM dress nn8Tbe trousers fiplOKM shirt py6awKS skirt I06Ks jacket shorts sweater sneakers socks I-shirt cap hat lUanKa . Jeans tpCMHChI nMJVKax. tcypTKa wopTbl CBKTep ICpOCCOBICK HOCICM yr60nKa Kel1K8 
k -PM"K" . .. iJ.JEHJ4E - . - - -  . - - ,- '" ose s oes are ese.  bM aTO TV nM? Cu. 1 CerOl1Hf1 B Fairy-cit)' npOXOAMT napaDa acaSOlJHblX nepCOHa>KeM_ nocn)'wai4 u ..., ... M npot-l)'Mep)'14 nepCOHeM B TOM nOPJlAKe. B KaKOU 0$-11-'1 OnMCb!BatoTC:R_ '\ Ii. ( 3aTeM OIlMWM ana nepCOHaJKeM caMocToRTenbHO. . "- '""9 ... h . .1 . --.. I' It \. .....  :':t 1 . . "'It. ,... :- :;; :'\ , . ... .. .. J &If I 'i: . ifl'l ..... · r... . I ... -I" \.Y' $ . j. \  ,,..- V  · 'I . _Ln.l.' \. - - Uttlcz Red Riding H Ci la Pifer Pan II a . -"W .. . T --.  - . r..:.. r. ... -t: . ...6' u .-'!,: \ -.... fI ... cloak .. . - rI' - .# "-- II.. Pinocchio Su Poppins 
2 nOCMOTpU 8HMMaTenbJ-IO Ha CKa30HblX repoeB M Hanuw... !KO"'Y npMHatJ.- ....... ne>KaT 3TM npeLIMeTbI O,[Le)KJlbl. 3aTeM BKJ1lOlIM AMCK" nposepb ce6H. '57 ( I ose skirt is this? This is Ie Red Riding s skirt. . . . . . .. II. . Whose hat is this? Whose Whose i: thi:? This i: . '"' Whose the::e? shoe:: arc I Whose arc these? Who::e: .. . The:c arc J PaSblrpaM C ToaapMULaM" AHafloru us npblA)'1.1\ero saAaH"R, Mcnonb- aYFI 3T" pMcyHKM. V' . ,.... - ,. w . . . . -..,.. ... , . .- . .. 7. -. .. -. ..... - .. e CAO a II r). Whose umbrella is this? 4eM aTO SOHTMK? Whose shorts Bre these? 4bH aTO WOpTbl? c10ak nn8.U.l6es pyKasOB. MBHTMR KanlOWOH hood 
 ,- '"  - un r . k .. ."K" - . a - . . - t.. 1 nOCMOTpM Ha PUCYHJGII. noc.nywaM 6ece.Qy AeTet; M CKaJtrn. KaxaR y H"X .... B03HI4Kfla npo6JleMa. PasbtrpaM eHKY C TOBapML4aUM- '\ ( . - .... . II .. .. . . . What's in the '. back.. k?  , I  r.J' ."" . - . - .... . . .. .. ....... ... ... . L ,  I .. l · I I · · , . . I  - t A ronOAHblM , .. - . '\ \ . I am tired and rm hu . let's stop -:l":.i. \.and eat somethin9L- .. ..... . -' .1 .. ,. .. ., .1 '- .. I - .. . I . -.. \-- . .. . . I .. .I .-. . I; .... .. . . - r"... · '\. .... , ,- . . .  ..,.,. - ..... - "  . .. ... - . . -  o 2 r I s there "- any bread?1 . I 'Jr:. '-- Is there  water? - rm very thl _ . :). .  1- There.s some cheese. cokes. . gs. potatoes and tomatoes. ere. are. some OOOOOOS_ Yes. there. is. And there's some milk. . . Water? Woops. Sorry. there:s no water. ,... -\ " . ,. -..., -. !A" Ohl .. ... - I . . ,  , --  -. o . .  '" , t.I "  
2 Listen and chant wilh the friends. noc.nywai4 " cnOM BUecTe C .Qpy3bRM". ..... 5" · I ow are you? How are you? rm hapl¥ How are you? How ore you? rm happy.. too How are you? How are you? rm hun9ry How are you? How ore. you? rm hungry. too How ore. you? How are you? I'm thir How ore. you? How are you? rm thi . tool How ore. you? How ore you? rm tired! How ore. you? How are you? rm tired. tool J Find the differences. Ha"AM OTJ1MUFl Ha pcYHKax  onWM ux. ucnonb- aYR Bee 3TM npeAflor". on in under between near behind - are bananas on the chair in PicttrC2 1. There's an Ie on the chair in Picture 2. "I. "- - ... . ... .. 'J 'J j- ..  -. .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - I a I \ a. · . . . .'.. It .   .-- . .. r Jl;i &., e tAO a u rl cheese CbJp cakes n"poJKHbJe u egg R"LtO potato K8pTowKa Iornato nol8t.AOp banana 6aHSH .." bread xIle6 milk IID.nO«O water BQ.O.a I am hungry.  "Ol1OAHb"- I am thirsty. s:I xoqy IlMTb. I am lIed. s:I ycran. 
k -PM"K" - . - .. iJ.JEHJ4E v a, . -- - ,- . lee oco a e A nlO6nlO wOKonaA '"  t.. 1 K HaillUM LlPYSbRM Ha nKHMK sa.-nRHynu raCTM BOnwe6Hbie SBepu. .... KOTopble YMelOT paarOeap"BaTb. noc.nywau " npoHYMepyi4 pMcyHiC" B , ( TOM nopRoAKe. B KaKOU roaopRT ST" nepCOHaJtrn. \ (  f · J 6 ".    l .. I I like fish. I I ike meat but I hate biscuits. . . x . , -t " I I I ike cheese. I like but I hate "' --,  ..... . .p  lit " ).. . .- - - - I like carrots. I like chocolate but I hate onions. 
2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocnywa " cnoM B.UecTe c .c.py3bRM". --. I like carrots. too. I like biscuits. I like meat. I like eggs. and you? I hate chocokrte. I hate pies. I like fish. I dol I hate biscuits. I hate .sweets. I like fruit. and you? J CO"H" Ha.An"C c COOTBeTCTBYtoMM" p"CYHKa""... CKaJK". KBK"E! npOA)'1CTbI Te6e HpaBflTCR (1Iike._.). a KaKl4e He HpaBRTCfI (I hate...). potatoes . pizza .JI - - ..... bread tomatoes . I milk . , I I cheese . onion ..-". ' . - .. -. e tAO a LJ rJ. Ilike._. s:I nlO6nto_. I hate__. s:I HeHaBlUKY-_- meat MRCO chocolate wOKonaa fruit clJPYKT.4J.pyxTbi sweets CRSAOCTM biscujl cyxoe net.leHbe fish pbl6a carrot MOpKOSb - onIOn nyx vegetables OBO" 
k ."K" . .. - - . -- . . - ,- '"  1 I on . e sou II He nlO6nlO cyn t.. ....... Be.iepOM HaW" llPYSbR CHOBa nporoIloAaIlMCb" saWflM B necHoe Kac:pe. nocnywaM M nOCTaBb X B03Ile e.D.bt. KOTOpylO Aawa He flI06MT. " V , Bosne eAbi. KOTopaR eM HpaBWfCR. Pasblrpau 6ecel1Y C llPYSbRMM. ... ,-, III - - ,  -- - --...... - .... .. t-. .  -..:  lilt . , ... .. -   - o , . , .'111 I . Iomh Let's go to the cofe' . . - - . - -, ..  - . ..... - ., I\. IIiI .u t." .. till .. .. r c  to." . ......... . . . ... .,., J....... I , . .. .0 "L '- .. . L, ,. t- -I " ... - I . 1 II. - ... t , " I , . --.. \ I - . '- " '\ , -- - .1:'- fill - ..  ... - - - t . .... - . - - ......... . I - ... . .... -- . """ "\, 
2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocnywa " cnoM B.UecTe c .c.py3bRM". --. ,\6-( Do you like it? No. I dorttl Do you like it? No. I don'ft I don't like itl I really hate i J COe.a."HU cnoBa c pMCYHKaM.,. a saTeM cnpOCM Y CBoero TOBap"L4a. HpaBKTCR nl4 euy 3Ta eLla- Do yoU like ? . V Yes. I do. - X No. I don't. plum chicken orange "',.  - - \.J'"   1. 1 ,..... '- -- r:. sausages grapes soup  - cucwnber peas . pear -, . .. ... " . e tAO . . , LJ I don-t like ___ s:I He I1lOfinlO ___ soup cyn sausages COCMCKM vegetable salad oBOUlHOti caJlaT pea '-0POWMH8 pear rpywa ge anenbCl4H grapes BMHOrp8.A plum en BB cucumber orype4 chicken LLbIfll1eHDK 
. k ",-PM"K " - .. - . -- . . - ,- '"  . I ers eo eo TMrpble T MAca t.. 1 X 311 ,ARAR KeBMHa npMrnaCKn LlPyse)1 B soonapK. B KOTOpOM OH ... pa60TaeT. noc.nywau ..x 6eceay. nDCMOTpH Ha P"CYHIC" H nOCTaBb \1-7( SHaLlOK V Boane Taro. liTO 3'1"M JKMOTHbte e..w:rr. X BOsne TOf"O. lITO He el1f1T. MIl.. OCTaBb KneTOlitcy' nYCToH. ecnH 3TOT npOAYKT He ynoMHanCR. uI, . ... . - I I l1li . I . ...... J. _ .)  l. · (  . r , _ J ... '..... J , .. - - - r t I - . ......  , . .- .. . ,.. 1t .. 2 CKa>K.M. lITO 3TH JKMBOTHbte eAflT. a '-left) He e.D.RT. -- .r"::.:  , . .-. . · :..J  e7 , " . , I I  .:J . "'- ", It. .. - . .,  . '" 
npOBepb ce6H. CMO>KeWb 11M Tbl npaBKI1bHO OTBeTMTb Ha Bee 3TH BOnpo- CbI. 3a Ka>KAbIH n.paBMIlbHblH OTBeT A06aB.nflH ce6e OaHH 6ann. sa He- npaBMnbHblH OTHMaH D,[lMH 6a.nn. lJ..n.-  -- " ,.-- --- c.. grass TpSBa hedgehog eJK ryceHMLIS rnJsIvoorn rpM6 insect H8CeKOMoe honey Men crpayc crocodie KpOKQAWl cabbage KSnycra v tM)' do. I - I. J · .,,1 t". 11 ., mil. h r -...   . 1;t,. . I 1 1. [\D w, "'I gr.",ss I" 3 '\ STA I ,. . e I .. r4u Iy cSoe'l - - ..  .I. -1....... ....... Vp 11.... V do. - . s e · · Do crocodiles I!lt cabbag DI 0 0 Ve'l ,,.,a" tJ 0. I Ny do-1 1 1. 6. DD C-Slrl[hes cet ADlllr'  '. . h... Ilnll Y!1r ther d ., lt1ttt  1tO. .. I .. II : -  , . ... .... '-. e UtO a u · c:;:a. .. Jo r:at-bll s ..1t. If J= III? dffi'. No. U\II ".". · r'J. v dD. J .. · .:.....QIV@4oat m. 'a ,.. cc I Yell thI1 ckt. I y .... - "" . If 110 I ..1  60. .... ,hc  dm 1. ..,...... \tI81 
. k ."K " - .. - - - . - . . avourl e ani a - '" ..;) Mae nlO6MMoe )l(MBOTHOe t.. 1 noc.nywait_ KaK AeT" paCCKa3b1BalOT 0 CBOX nlO6MUbiX >KMBOTHbIX. .. Pasblrpait 3TY 6eceAY C TOBapMaM. a 3aTeU on"w CBoe nE06MMoe \g JKMBOTHOe . Dasha.. what is your -; aVOlrite animal? ... My favourite - . Why? - . . ... . . 1 , . .... - . . - (I \ k ..L Because dogs are kind and clever_ -- . I . I  I I .  I My favounte arumal is the ele.phant. o Kevin.. what is yolr favourite animal? -  ... . I - .. ,.,... , - A .. Why? - .I -,-r Because ele.phants are big and strong. - - - fIJ..4 - 2 Listen and chant with the friends. nOCJlywiiM  cno BMeCTe c APYSbHMH. .., ...... My favoorite onimal is the horse.. Is strong.. and fast.. and clevu.. of COUl"'S£. My favourite animal is the bear.. Is soft and dear: it is on my chair. .. \ ()( 
3 Y STKX AeTei1 paSHble AO-YaillHMe nE06HM4b1 (a favourite pet) nOCJlywiiM _ H 0600Hat.lb B Ta6IlM4e. Y Horn KaHoM nE06uueq. 3a-reM CKaJKH STD. '\ 1 I think Kate' s fovourite animal is . . l1li fish Ie t hamster Kate Bob I - - Uly Ted 4 nOCMOTpM Ha 3TH pMC)'HKH H BnHWH HaSBaHHFI STMX rpyweK HS aH...n"- CKOM HSbIKe. CnpoCM Y CBOerQ TOBapl..4.atl KaKaH ere nlO6MMaFI rpywKa_ -- .. . , j..... .1 I . .. ..31.. ·  - . . . . b b d c - ). II. '" -"f. _0 QI W) fit .,. b ....... ...... 0° I .. p on a () . -- .. .... k b e CAO a u  - t What is your favounle Bnimal? KaKoe TBOe nlO6.-.oe JDtBOTHoe? friend APY" clever fast 6b1CTpblM Why? noqewy? because nDTOMY lITO blocks KYfiMat v 
k .. -PM"K " - . - -  - . - I S U - '" ..;) . I.fTO cnY'" MnOCb ? t.. 1 ManeHbKaR ceCTpMlIKa KeBHa OtIeHb K.anpMaH. OHa BcerAa lIeM-TO ... HeAOBOnbHa. nocnywau AHanor KeBHHa c He. a 3aTeU paSblrpaM 3TH '\ "7( C4 eHtrn c TOBap..L1taM- . CD II "'" " What's u with ou. l- What's u with you. a.. , .... .. .. .   om thi I Have some 1 .I ;. water' .. ...  rJ .. - I om hungry. , ", . . .. .. . 11 _ Have a sandwichr .... I don want . water .. .. I don want a sandwich. #' ... . .. "-i o . .. - '\ ..... - . . . . . ... . -  I' II · t's with o I Oh. I om tirecn - f r I I I . I  ... . - . -  om bored. let's lay - "" 01'. ).. some hi · III ... I dortt want to play. I - '. . . . ... 
2 8H.1( He CNeHb XopOWO BblrnS\AKT. Ee Apyr X0"4eT YSHaTb. t.lTO C He ..... cnYlfMnoCb. nocnytU MX AManor.. nporoBop" eru BMeCTe C HMUM. 7  Are you sad? Yes. I am. Are you tired? Yes. I am_ Are you angry? Yes. I am_ Are you py? ttJo. I om not' I am not happy at oIl # ..  ;a.... L 1-. - . - .. 1). I . . - . - 3 nocnywa.. npoHYMepYM ,AeTe" B TOM nOpRAKe. B KaKOM OH." Ha3blsa- ...... IOTCH. ,74( II. l1li'. . ..., '" . 'I t=. 1'" . I)tc- II - Kate t , Alice - I '-b Jim Sam 08- .. . -L: . . II ... .4 t;j . tJ L-.. - ..  , ... I - - .. .. I Bob I, I ,,- .. e tAO aU Nick Helen HBve... 8osbM" , C"beWb I BblneM.__ 1-rn cold. s=I _ cold XonQllHblM hot ropH'-I" angry sad rpyCTHblH bored BIOIlIM" happy cqBCTJ1MBbIH 'W wet MOKpbIM tired ycyanblM sick 60I1bl-lOti .. blM 
- -  - p"1KA  - - -- . eVle ..-  " ... nOBTOpeHMe . .- . .. , '" t , , -...1 ... ....... , CefOAHli B Fairy-city CHOBB AeHb HrpbI. M llPY8bJ1 MrpalOT B yxe SHBKOUYIO Te6e Mrpy-6POAMnKY. npMCOeAMHRi1Cf1 K HMM EtpOCBU KY6MIr. AeI1BM COOTBeT- w "-" CTBytOUlee Dln......eCTBO XOA,OB H BblnoJlHRM saABHHe B TOM KJleTOLIKe. KYAa Tbi nonan. 1 I START  .. ,., ... ... ,'r"" , ... \r:.... ". I   .. . . .J  I , 1 '" ... ..... CKSJKM. liTO eART I I 8TH XHBOTHbie. B \.Iero He eAHl: I . . . . . ..... -.-,. . 1 I - 2 OnHWM 3onyuDCy. .- II . · eTa STB AesOllKS. II H Aau OTBeT. .... - . . -  . ... ... r:. l '\ _ \.' ..4  ... ." I'. .".I.I I ". . I- . . , .. - ..., . . .- . CKiaC... lITO .,3 3TOro TbI nI06..Wb. B \.Iero He nE06MWb. . . .. I I I .   ""II 
, , e j ..t ... ee e_ -. e_ . . . - . '1 . , . . . CnPOCMI. KOMY np.... HBAI1eJfCKT 8OHTMK. 1M u ASH OTBeT. Ha30BM 5 OB0L1.LeW . . . . . CnpOCM. KSKDro LpIe- 10 TB 3TH set1I M . .. .Claw OTBeT_ e  I " I HB30SH3TMX >KKBDTHbiX.  - , e e e e II Cc.a:«H. 'lTO e.ART nbSbI. B lIero He eAflT. . . II , "  - HasOBM 3TH npo,ayxTbi. CKS.... lraKMe. BOTHye ItX eAflT  - CIt8XM. lITO cnyt..llf- II nOCb C STMMM AeTbUH. . . . . . CKSJKM. Ksxoe TBDe nE06"Moe JKMBOTHDe · · · 1M  ,.  iJ  II '-  - . I . I I I - - - -.- --- -  , lJ . II1II I)' .. 14 H T - L . . . , 44. . e 
k -PM"K" . - .. iJ.J£HJ4E v 27 - - - -  - e. - '" ..;) e . KOTOPblM ac? t.. 1 Cero.AH.fI KeB"H nprnaC"Il APYseu B MY3eU BpEMeHH. noc.nywau 6ece- .... .... .. - AY AeTes-'l. a 3aTeM paSblrpatt ee c l1PY3bRM- ,7 4 ..-.. 1 t's that? ,. '" It's a time rnachine_ ..... - - " . . ., . . . . .. .. liliiii' ......... ... -- .. . II \. . I 1 .. You must be kiddi"9 . No. I'm not_ I II 2 I'fs quarter --. . I to ten_ /'. 'It.. 'IIi. What's the - - - .. .. . time now? .... - r I I  - . . r . I ..., -c' J - - II . " Look' Now it's midni9ht . . I . \. -  .. . ...-- 
2 Usten and chant with the friends. nocnYWaM u enon ByeCTe c APY3bH- ...... M"_ ,7 L , What's the time? It's ten to nine. What's the time? It's midday. Do you know the time? It's five three.. Do you know the. time? It's hoIf past five. Do you know the. time? Again! It's midrU9ht It's midni9ht It's midni9ht 3 nocnywa  HapucYM npaBMIlbHoe BpeMFI Ha t.lacax  (f) @ ,7 or . I · . . . I . ",. 11 .,. ... 1:1 .,- . 11 . .. II I ..1' . . "'- ...... D 1 '. ...., D 1":- . . . . . . . . .:.. D ].: :.. . J': . . .. - . . - . . 4 .- . ... . . ;. r .... . . . , Co ... " .. , 5 .. . - .... '- .. ., . ,. . - - I I.... . I . . .. I _. .,- .... II 11 I .,. ... ....., It .J ":. - . . . (!) :.. . - . J':' . . - 4 : ,. .... · " .., . !o ... ., ,. - . - - I .. @ @) (!) _ t I _ I - II' I _ . .. 1'1'. ,- .' I .- IJ .,. ,. .,. II.. II .. I.. . II I . ...11 II I . . ,. - -" - ...... D ) '. ."'.0 ,) '. ....'0 ,) '. . . . . . . . . . . . - .:.. - ).:. -. . )- . J- -. . - . . . . . . . . . 4 : . 4 .... . 4 -- . . .,1 .,. r "" ... ... . . . . . , 5 or , 5- .. JI 1 c .. . . " . .. . - . . ,- '. ,- I.I ., .. . - - - . - . I · · · . . I I . e tAO u s time machine uaWMHS B M You must be kickfng Tbl. HBBepHoe. WYTMWb What.s the time? KaropblM LlSC? 'WI' now ceMLlBC midnight nonHOilb midday l1Ol\AeHb quarter IleTBepTb half nonOBHHa 
. k .. -PM"K " - - -  . . . . rlncess IS - e US '" ..;) npMHL\ecCa aaHATa t.. 1 APYSbRM CTaJlO MHTepecHO. t.leM 06b1t.1HO saHMMaeTCR np HH 4 ecca B Fairyity. nocnywaM ee paCCKa.s  COCTaBb TaKO" >Ke paCCKas 0 ce6e. .... , "7QIMonday Tuc::day Wcdnc::day Thursday ... . .... '{ .  0 I ,...... . ,...4 I . 1 .It  I .  )\ :0  1<j JjJ I I ..... - cl '" . l } Friday Saturday Sunday ""  - I  ,. Q/ I '-. --0 4 oJ  I . , ..---- -.... ( - 1.1 -"IIrt  - -- II - -- - . ... 2 listen and chant with the friends_ noc.nywa" M cncM BueCTe c APYSbJ=lM- ......... \ I am busy. busy. busy. I am busy e.very day. On Man :5 I go swimming_ On Tues I donee and sing. On Wednes I play tennis. On Thurs s I learn Chinese. On Fri I go fishing_ On Satur I play and run. And on S s. on Su . On Sundays I have fun - 
I noc.nywa paCCKa3 KeBHa  COe.AH JleCTBR. KOTOpe OH BnOn- ....... HfleT,. C COOTBeTCTBYJOl..qitMi4 l1HflMI4 HeAeIlM. '1 -,' . . .. ,.. " . . . . . ' " - II \.a ._ I - .. - iI1\\ ..   J on Monday I on Mondays B nOHeJ].enbt-U.: I no llOHe.AenhH1fKi1M Tuesday BTopHWC Wednesday cpe.na ThursdBY IIeTBep'" Friday I1J1THK48 Saturday cy660TS Sunday BDCKpeceHbe I am busy fI S8HRT every day KlDKAblM l1eHb have fun passnexaTbCR play computer games MrpaTb B KOllilblOTepHbIe MrpbI play the piano itrpSTb HB nKBHWHO play football MrpBTb B have a party MMeTb Bec.JepMHIC)' go fishing XQAMTb Ha pbl . sing neTb dance TBHqeBBTb go to school XQAHTb B wxony read books 'IKTSTb KHMI14 1eam Y\.IHTbCfI _ 'tI S\Jnday -..r IJ. II . . - Monday r ..,.. . Tuesday Wednesday - Thursday . . Friday I Saturday r). 
k ,-M"K " - . - .. I-IEH14E - - . - e esu Q I OC OC - '"  1 OH nOAHMMaeTCA B ceMb "taCOB t.. Ha nporyIlKe 11en1 YBMl1enit B napKe O\.leHb rpYCTHoro Ma.nMKa_  nocnywaM 6eceAY AeTeM  Y3HaeWb. no OH  nO\.leMY OH rpycnn. .. . .. )0 '" ,  Who is that?1 ... tI lit .. I(. '-.' - . TI1at's our prince Lu - t , a ,  1 , - ... .. . .. ,. t - 11 .. 'I' .. .. -. .. - Because he thinks his life is very boringl Why is he so sOd? . ., .. ... ,4 . 'IW " g  . I .. . - -- . '" . I I .... . 'IIIIto. I - I . , .  I.J I , \  . .. . 1. I I I. - - --- II I \ I' .. II ,.. ... - - . . "::I 2 - . . . \ - . I &. ,  J .,. - it \ .....  . ----- I , . . ,..- . ," 4'  " -  J .. I .  - ... ... .. III " '- \. ....  - .. . I . L .. . c--. I  I"Ittt. ...' .;. -: J3 I I 'tI - .. ---- \ , .. . .. . - _ 1:. - I II -- "It.. . .  :a "'  ;e y I t\ ... ....  ,  .-- \:. . 62 - 
2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocnywa  cnoM B.UecTe c APY3bRloU1. ....... '1 " I'm happy.. My life is fun. I watch TV. I play and run. I read books. I do sports.. I go to school. life is cool' I noc.nywa '" 3anw..,. B KOTOpOU \lacy JleT 06\lHO BnonHRIOT 3Tt't ..., -- AeMCTBMfI. '1 I ....  . ,. .... 'ik-. Iii ,.; II -Jo V - .".. - "'- - - -r  [ >... - - " lit> _ gct up I go to school have breakfa:t have lunch have dinner go to bed e CAO a u get up nQAHKII8TbCf1 (c KpOBaTH) have breakfast aBBTpSK8Tb have lunch o6ellSTb have dinnec HSTb go to bed 1l0:lDlTbCR cnaTb go for a walk XQAMTb H.a nporynxy clean teeth itCTKTb ay6b1 do sports SBHituaTbCR cnOpTOM watch TV CMOTpeTb TefleBM30p 
. k ."K " - .. - - - . - o ou o s or s. - '"  Tbl aaHMMaeWbCA cnopTOM? t.. 1 Y KeS"Ha ecTb pOL\HaFi eR a fairy. OHa JtGo'IBeT S BOIlwe6HOM sa"'Ke. .... BXOA B ICOTOpblM OXpaHReT APaKaH. Bee.. rueTRM OH Sa.AaeT BonpocbI 14 , 87 1 nponYCKae-r B saMOK TonbKO Tex. \lb OTBeTbi euy HpaBRTCfL nDCnywa 6ece.AY JJ.aw e APaKoHoM. a serreM pasb,rpai4 ee e Apy3bRM. o 1  ... I .. I -.. I ... I -. I I I I I I . Do you do ur I homework I .. ... . I · .r'"\ - . Yes. I do_ "" .. , ,. , . ... ..- , I . Irt.r "r.. 1"'- r '\ . Do ou clean tee h every ,Yes" I do. 'r \ . .. .... J .. ... . . - ..II  II . II t. ..  - 't--- :- 1 . . . '" . II " - '. .A I 1- " h I I '11\  I II - . -'\.r- . - ... ' "- - \-  till ..... o . 0, , ') t A \ . " .... I .... - .IV ... I Do you play computer  e day. -  ..- " "' e1 t-Jo. I don'1 -- I .... I -. . - -....... . Do you oDed , I  1Ii!. 1 I l No. I don1t '\0. '"""- ..... - II ... .,.  . ,... .-.. . I 6" .. ... -.. I- · I" , I ..... I I · :.- . , 1 \ - Well done, . come IrL w  II I I  -.   - - - -.   - -= --   - - 
2 XOlJeWb YSHaTb. \.ITO 06b1\.1HO KeBMH l1enae-r B BOCKpeCeHbe? Listen and chant with the friends. noc.nywait M cnoM BUecTe C ApysbRMM. ...... \ Do you do sports? Yes. I do_ Do you watch TV? No. I don't. Do you read books? Y£s I do_ Do you go to school? t-Jo. I dontt_ I noc.nywa. \leM 06\lHO SaHMaeTCR TOM Ha npoTRlKeHM HeAenM_ 06Be..QM l1ei4cTBitR. KOTope OH Bb!nOIlHReT. ..... ..... I () I do..- He does - day - ....-.- ...- ---, - -- I ....J - ... .  ay Friday ... III .. , W esday ..... -  . y y  :) 't "  5 e CAO a u r). play the guitar MrpSTb Ha .....TBpe II ride B bike swimming pool 6acceMH KST8TbCH Ha BeI1DCWJle.Qe roller-skate KSTBTbCfI HB poI1MKBX 
- '"  . k .. -PM"K" - - - - e. - KTO OH no npo eCCMM? t.. po ,.'  . 1 CerO,llHR Aen1 nOWIlM Ha nporyIlKY 8 KsapTa.n MacTepOB. nOCMOTpM M u u .... __ nOCI1ywa. IllOaei4 KaKMX npocl>ecCi1M OHit TaM BCTpeTKnit. \ 0 1 '1 I . . II ....,. I II I .M . . . I .. '" l I . ......a...- I - 1 .. II - I r - - \ =t . . . (- . .. ti . :.. - II . Q . IS Bus drivers drive buses. Teachers work in a schooJ_ - Doctors and nurses work In a hospital. .. - ......  ... ...1'i!I.. . W' .. . . .-. . .. - .. I . , . Clowns work . . In a circus. 2 listen and chant with the friends. noc.nywai1 M cno6:1 BueCTe c APY3b$1MM. .- \O? I -     .. .. - --:) '-- . .'" . .,- -.  Cooks cook t cakes.  Builders build houses. What does a driver do? What does a teacher do? What does a cook do? What does a builder do? Do you know? Yes.. I do. A driver drives. A builder builds. A cook cooks. A teacher teaches. TItat l s what they do. 
I noc.nywa  COeAH'" HaSBaHMR npOct>eCartM C MeCTaU". rAe pa60TaJOT 3TM nIOAM. HanitWM 0 HitX npeAno}t(eHI1:R no 06pa34Y.  ,\Q ( bus driver ... . .... . -.- 1 .' "'- ..I II . - o teacher ....1 · - ,.J iil .... clown -..... . . cook , " - ... - II .. .. a 4-.) ,0 - Ad ¥JIOrk in Q hospital. 1) 2) S) 4) e tAO U doctor Bpat.l MeACeCTpa YMTenb BQAKTenb aaTo6yc roTOBKTb eAY. noaap , buikter enb buikt CTpOlfTb u tasty Bi<yCHbiM work pa60TSTb hospital 6onbH4a - arcus 4Hpl[ nurse teacher driver bus cook 
. k -PM"K" - .. -  . - . Ir . en IS our '"  Q . KorAa TBOM AeHb p0)l(AeHMA? 1 nocl1ywaiH  Hanw'" nepsytO 6yKBY MeH HaW.,x .-epees soane MeCJ:U-I.a. ... B KOTOpOM OHM POAKnMCb. - ..... . . .  .. ..... "..... -  «;. \. ....:u..'\..-:. When IS Y our ... -- ,... '-r\ .. ..... I . 'tr.;c. ' .,. :a.... -,..-...... · - ..- r!' - - T ..... 4- - -- -   I It's in r," t February . "-   ... 1 II . .. . . . F - . ..  . :. . _I  . .. .... When is your I I bir " Tom? I. ...... ./ In June. I ... ..... .  I .. - " .... . - - . - .. And my birthday is in October_ ""'--- -'"  J - ...., 9" o . .--. . r - .... ",. . ...... .LI ..,. r  --  - . .. - - "  -- .. "..  -......   - ...... - January February March April May June July August September October November December - - t.. 
2 listen and chant with the friends. noc.nywa M CilOM BMeCTe c APYSbHM. -- ..9 1 January, February" March" April. May.. June" July " August" tember. October. t-Jo er. Oecember When is your birthday? Is it in June? Is it in April or in May? Oh. nol PI£O.Se remember_ My birth 's in t-Jovember. I CnpoCM Y CBOX TOBapll.\e B Knacce. B KaKOM MeC:R4 e Y HMX lleHb po}t(- AeHi_3anoflHTa6nM4Y- is yofl bi o? It's in July. . Mecu Meu HaCTA July e CAO a u r). birthday AeHD pDJKAeHKR -n January B HHBilpe February teBpanD March MapY April anpenb u May MaN June 'JOHb July NlOnD August aBrycr September ceHTR6pD October 0K11I6pD November HOA6pD Decentber AeKa6pD 
. k -PM"K" .. - - - -  . - ave a su er 0 ere '"  Y MeHA eCTb cynepCMna! t.. 1 CerWlHH APY3bR BepHYIl"'Cb B CTapb!i1 .QOM. Ha \lepAaKe (in the attic) ..... ApysbR HaWIlM Bonwe6Hb!K nna (8 magic cloak). KOTOpblM l1ae-r cy- \n t nepCl1Y (8 superpower). nOCI1ywa. "TO MOryT AenaTb Haw", repo. KorAa HaAeBalOT 3TOT nna. Pa8rpait itX 6eC:eJ:\y c T08apitaUM. , .,.. LooklThat's a magic do ,  A W ". " J It ,. r.. . " ic cloak? is it for? I can '"'f 1-" ""'- . . . - .. . . ... . ill" · . . . .. - - .... - - . . .... . It gives 0 superpower_I Let me . . . , '" .j , . . .. ... - - . . . -  . .- .. .- - - " . .. ....... " - ,...  0 c - \ .. ...,..... . -I I can run like - t . :. ... . li g htni . I) 1-::r: -"F  I::'':.-J ... I .1" lilli' L\. r... '- """"\   . l · ,[.. - - :-\1 r .. .. E: . , II I ' .. .. .. ,.. .. I · I . .....  '- 4 I .,4 .. . "I ... . .... --JI - ... Wow1 You can . - . -  . . speak foreign iii I I d long  I - . .... I . C '- .I .- . .fIr -..- --  <.. -- - -c- - "  - ..- " 
2 Listen and chant with the friends. nocnywa.. ., cnoi1 BMeCTe Cn,pYSbFlM"'. - ,\9')' Can you hop like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog? Can you waJk like a duckling? Can you run like a dog? Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish? Can you roar like a tiger? Now be still like a good child. I Cnpoc" Y CBOW< TOBap"l..l.I.e.. B Knacce. UoryT n", OHM ,AenaTb TO, 'lTO "306paJKeHO Ha P"CYHKax. ., SanOJ1H" Ta6mu-lY, (Can you ro1lczr-sSurta? - Yes, I can. M I No. I cant. (X)  I ..,....\ '"':'w.". HAM .  0 , e'a'rJ\e tAOBO U 1'1... \}.'4) 'Y Let me try! - Jl,aM-Ka MHe nonpo60Binb! what is itfOf"? - AJI. ..ern 3TO? attic - "eJWIk duckling - yreHD« roar - pDMaTb walk - xop.KTb like - Kax (B Cp.ilBHeHMRXJ lightning - MOJItUlS child - pe6eHOI( e 
 _-=- 71- 4[\'P M 1( "'2 "'f .£ HJ4E a. --- ---  l"'} '- .;) Overall . . revIsion nOBTopeHMe aa rOA  1 npKI1lO\.1eHW'I ,[law" " Toua B BOJ1We6HOU ropoAe nQAxo,a,RT k KOH4Y. M APYSb:R peW"Im npo- Bepm"b. euy ,Qawa Ha)NWlaCb sa ro.A. A 'lTO nOUHb TbI? Pasblrpa A"al1()f" ABYX AeTa1. BCTP€T"BW,",XC:FI BnepBble. . . . "' '" . ' .. .-... h --,;t _.:.a. ,.k ? - 'f\ I . 2 HaaoB" no-aHmMClm ....aCT" Tens,", 11'"'4a po6OTB. ..... . '\: I nOC\.l,",Ta.. no-aHrIl,",CI(" AO aA4aT". . HaaoB" no-aHmCI(" ol1ey. KOropYK> B"A'1Wb   ,  - I ___ - L... - 0 '-- t '- .,  'l\ \ ..  5 CKa)l!(,",. lITO 3TI4 1110.0." no npo4>ecc" " r,Ae OI-n1 pa60TalOT wm o l1enalOT..  ...., . ..... ,.. LI'.: ..  t.T  , ..)\ II!jI , .IJ .. ....... Pf  .' .J . , . - . ,  1 \. I..... e , .. ... 
6 HaSOB" no-aHrmuac 3TY eJJ.y. ., , II ...... .  . ...." 1 HaSOB" 3TI'1X )I!("'BOTHbIX '" CKaJlm, LITO OH" eJJ.T. a \lera He e.tUIT. '. T,- .. , , . .,  r '"  .. I ' J ., .... 1 '''', , .) ...1' . ..  " 1>0>,.. _ ... '" . n ) . " . CkaJlm no-aHmMMac, ICalGte np06neubi y 311/1X J:l,eTei4. - ... 'I III _I f'J .-... t!!1 - L....  --- . .. I OO . . :' , PaCCUOTp" P"'CYHK" M cxa*", 'lTO M B ICOTOpOU \lacy J:l,enalOT THU" n",s. t, "I   "'i 1 t '-- -, 1   ., - ;' ) - - " /, ---r-  t-  ..{ !.t-IJ.  \ r - . - -' ,  r .. "'"' ,.... ..J e 
___']J _ ----- 1' ""1K I\  E .H Hr= -  - a.  Q Final meeting nocneAHJIJI BCTpe'tii - .- - .- , ,"  . ..   , HsCTal10 BpeUR Aawe It TOMY B03BpBUlSTbCR nOMO". Hs np0utaHwe APY3b pewW1 norpaTb B YJlCe xopowo SHaKOUYIO Te6e Mrpy. npMCOe.clMHRHCR II: H u! (Join in) 6pOCaM KY6WK, Aena C OuJ T CTBYlOl..LI.ee lCO.I1......eCTBO XQI10B .. - - BbU1OI1HAM 38,ABHMe B TOM UleTOLUCe, JCYAS TbI nonan. :£ . 4) \. '\ ...' ? \ (rl\( · 1Ie(j v W I .J, I I I START .... .  . ... . ,. . , CnpOCM Y csoero - 2 .ca,pyrll, ICQTOpbl" - .  .... ceMUac usc. CKa:JOl. ICTO 3TM moJ1M no npeCCM" It f",Ae OH pa6OTa lO"T :t .. .. . · CKaJICM. B ICBICOU Me- · . 4e TeaM .Q.eHb po:c- l1eHR. . ...... .. .  3 CJCS)IIC, DrTOPblM LlSC nOlCa3bIBaIOT 3TM LlaCbl. -- . \. e I \ I ) 
. . . .11 .- . CICB:III:M, 'lTO YMee-r ... ",era He )'MeeT At:!- naTb 3TO JICOTHoe. . . . . 7 Ha308 uecR4b' rQAa , . . . . .  10 HSSOB'" 3 Aens, KOTopble TbI 06b1"'HO He AenaeWb B BOCKpeceHbe. . . . . . . . r . . . 7 4 ..... --- , Cnpoc Y TO BapM 1.q8, YMee-r 11t'I OH neTb. II BcnOMHM 5 Aen. KOTOpble  1tS AeHb BbinonH:ReT npH4 M3 Fairy-city, HaSOBM lUi HeAen. . . . II CKa>KM, B ICOTOpOU Llacy TbI J)Q)lQtWbCft cnaTb.. . HasoBM 5 Aen, ICOTOpblX TbI He YMe- eWb ,AenaTb. - ..,. 14 HB30B 5 ,Aen, KOTDpble Tbi yueewa AenSTb. . . . ,\ J ANlSH ", ..  Q ... ,'"  .... .. II - e 
. ...... BeCenble CKOpOrOBOpKH .. , '. I A black cat sat on a mat eating a fst rat. - 4epHDlU Kom cuden Ha tjuH06Ke.. rweaaR .MJpHYIO KpDlcy. - \11 1 2 Tam, don.t fill the tin. please! - - \1 Tuu, He HanonHRu KOHcepSHYJO 6aHf<Y.. nOManyiicma I Please pick up this Swiss pin! - - nOManyijcma. nodHUUU 3I1JY ,1OJ.,t , . " WBeUL.{apcH}'1O 6ynaBKy. . Good cook. look at the book! - - \1" Xopowuii noeap, rrocuompu Ha ICHUi2y! 5 A green toad took soap _ and made a Jot of foam, - ..1 1 I " 3eneHiHf JKa6a B3Rr1a MDlno U cdenana foIH neHbI. 6 Red rocks crack in the ..ain. - - \ trY-" e KpaCHble CKanbl mpeCKafOmcR .. nOO ooweu. . ...:- I .... j .....4 :t.. .  .  - , l " fr9 " " ' \ , . " . 0. .. (10 0 0 . '0 0 ." . "\ . .' , . r tt 4 a ...,.... <t) c -:;- I I' . /:./. ....., f I, / / I.' .  I '.  D " ,. .\ 
'I Peter Piper picked a peck _ of pickled peppers. - 'l. 1C1 1. ( w I numep naunep co6pan 02pOUHoe KOnU "Ccm SO MapuHoeSHH020 nept{a. . Two tiny tigers took two tiny toads and put them on a tiny tree. - IJsa IlpOWe<iHIJ'X mua 83RJJU &yx It:pOUJ f?'fHbJX Jfra6 u nonOJfrunu ux Ha Kpowe<moe CJepeso. - \1" , A jolly giant had some jellyfish. _ jam and juice for breakfast. - 11'£1 \ ( BecenDlu eenUKaH CheIJ HeMH020 ue- CJ.Y3, il»(eM U BbUJU/l COf( Ha 3aempaK. 10 Why do you cry Willie? - Why do you cry? 'i t Why, Willie? Why. Willie? Why, Willie? Why?   i , .. ) ( , " " .t: . t, { 1 c£  . "I  ( , , , ..4; -" . I . I nOCieMY mb' nniJ"feWb, Bunnu?  nOCie",y mb' n/JiJ"feWb? nOCieMY.. Bunnu? nOCiet.lY, Bunnu? nOCieMy, Bunnu? nOCiet.ly? 11 As you sow you shall mow. - - f"f 4mo nOGeeulb J mo u nOJKHewD. II The ear1y bird catches the wonn. - - ,11' PaHHRR nmaWKa lTOeum &fepeRKa. 'f- 9,\;1 I  ':-.   .  .... -- " .. - ), ., , e 
MnnlOCTpMpOBaHHblM cnpaaO"lHMK  \ rm a pirate. I' '. He's a wizard.: I (_ '. ..'D t -, . ) i-: . _ ..\ ,; . - lam=l'm He is = He's We an! = We're ( She is = She's You an! = You're.  is = Irs  0If'e = They're . \ ") '- 1 - ( There are fojries  I and dwarfs. There I'-.!S an old house.. - ........ .........:. . ; . Are there any II \ -... .: monsters? .... .... . '.".!  fN o. there aren't-  2 \ What's in tne l " magic pork? ./  ./ , ' . .. There is... There are. _  . I  ...... I've got a si5tu. L  I haven"t got a brother r- I P \ \ I've. Bot.. I J:lave1 got,.. -- --  -/"""" -., , ... . e 
. - - U He'S got a lot of toys. But tie hasn"t got any blocks. / - 4 ..-  He"s got... ?1' \ . . I  !t"-. ,1 .'  :} <1 I  6 5 Hanpasn .-;... ] ,.,.-r--1A - opium an apple left straight right x grapes 'I  Whose shirt " I...... i s this? I .  . It"s KeVinlS j "  shirt. _ _ . 4 Whose... 15 this? ...... h ......... t\ ' Whose... are these? .. W ose trousers I . ..... are these? · .- - - .... -, ./1   " These are I t l ......m Y father"s 1._.. I trousers. .- --' -4. t I. e 
. ',. - . e . , (rlike meat but I do n7t( : like vegetables. }  lJ Ii f \ ......- -- - , , (W hen do you get up .....  .o  I I get up an,-  '!:' I JY °1 )-:<  , , 10 l Can you play football) ,r  ) Yes. I can. . I '- I can play footb all) "I r --.... > Can you speok II "'-J French? I r _ (A \!'Jo, I can"t. 1 l. can't speok French. j , , .  - 4 - - .,- llike_.; I don'tlike... He likes... He doesn't like... .1 L ..a 4 ./ When do yotL.? When does he ..? -. - Can you...? I can... I csn"l.. ..- .