                    Н.М. Разинкина
английского языка
:овло изучению английского HaList-English.ru

Н.М. Разинкина САМОУЧИТЕЛЬ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА для поступающих в вузы Учебное пособие Москва Астрель» ACT 2002 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на List-English.
УДК 811.11 1(075) ББК 81.2 Англ Р17 Компьютерный дизайн обложки студии «Дикобраз». Подписано в печать с готовых диапозитивов 07.02.2002. Формат 70x100716. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 15,6. Тираж 5100 экз. Заказ 797. Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК-005-93, том 2; 953005 — литература учебная. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение №П.002870.10.01 от 25.10.2001. Разинкина Н.М. Р17 Самоучитель английского языка .для поступающих в вузы: Учеб, пособие /Н.М. Разинкина. - М.: ООО«Издатель- ство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2002. — 192 с. ISBN 5-17-012820-7 (ООО «Издательство АСТ») ISBN 5-271-04100-Х (ООО «Издательство Астрель») Пособие содержит тексты с грамматическими и лексическими комментариями, заданиями на активизацию материала и тесты, по- зволяющие контролировать уровень знаний и умений. Рекомендуется всем, кто готовится к сдаче вступительного экза- мена по английскому языку в высшее учебное заведение. УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2 Англ ISBN 5-17-012820-7 (ООО «Издательство АСГ») ISBN 5-271-04100-Х (ООО «Издательство Астрель») © Н.М. Разинкина. 2002 © ООО «Издательство Астрель». 2002 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
ВМЕСТО ПРЕДИСЛОВИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕХ, КОМУ ПРЕДСТОИТ СДАВАТЬ ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЭКЗАМЕН ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Вы прочли слова «вступительный экзамен», и в Ваше сердце пробрался неприятный холодок: сдам ли? справлюсь ли? не окажусь ли хуже других? Конечно, экзамен есть экзамен, и сколько к нему не готовься, а избавиться полностью от волнения мало кому удается. Зато удается другое: с помощью регулярной и тщательной подготовки обрести большую уверенность в себе, ощутить под ногами более твердую почву. Прочтите это предисловие внимательно. Автор пособия берет на себя смелость сказать, что тщательная и последовательная работа над предла- гаемыми учебными материалами придаст Вам ту самую большую уверен- ность и поможет обрести ту самую более твердую почву, о которых было сказано выше. Предлагаемое пособие состоит из трех частей. Все разделы (Units) частей I и II пособия построены однотипно и начинаются с текста. Тематика тек- стов разнообразна. Это могут быть тексты по истории англоязычной страны, системе образования в ней, обычаям и традициям, особенностям использо- вания языка и др. Тех из Вас, кто собирается стать экономистом или финан- систом, могут заинтересовать такие тексты, как “The American Monetary Sys- tem of the 17th and 18th Centuries”, “The Federal Reserve System”; будущие историки прочтут текст “The Early History of the White House” и т.д. Тексты пособия расположены в порядке возрастания длины — от более коротких к более длинным и сложным. Автор выражает надежду на то, что из общего числа в 39 текстов всегда можно выбрать наиболее интересный и полезный материал. Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на List-tnglish.ru
Однако, какова бы ни была Ваша будущая специализация, самым надежным является такой подход, при котором изучаются все уроки и читаются все тексты в той последовательности, в которой они представ- лены в данном пособии. Культура страны включает самые разные сто- роны жизни населяющих ее людей, и если Вам небезынтересна эта куль- тура, то, следовательно, чем больше материала Вы имеете для изучения языка (а через него и культуры страны), тем плодотворнее будут Ваши занятия. На вопрос «Из каких источников взяты тексты?» автор мог бы ответить так: «Проще сказать, из каких источников тексты не брались». Любой мате- риал, который можно использовать в учебных целях и который освещает раз- личные стороны жизни людей в англоязычных странах, представлялся авто- ру полезным. Но вернемся к структуре пособия. К каждому тексту придан словарь (\bcabulary). В нем Вы найдете слова (и словосочетания), переведенные на русский язык в том значении, в котором они использованы в тексте. Далее Вы найдете раздел, обозначенный как Usage Notes. Это — важная часть пособия. Usage Notes включают моменты, связанные с типичны- ми ошибками учащихся, разъяснением оттенков значений синонимич- ных слов, использованием определенных предлогов с существительны- ми и т.п. Следующий раздел включает тесты на понимание прочитанного текста (Reading Comprehension). Помимо этой основной цели, данный раздел обла- дает еще одним привлекательным качеством: он способствует расширению и закреплению лексического материала, поскольку требует очень вниматель- ного и вдумчивого отношения к смыслу предложений, образующих тестовые задания. Далее следуют упражнения (грамматические и/или лексические), тесным образом связанные с прочитанным текстом. К сожалению, невозможно дать упражнения на все грамматические и все лексические явления, используе- мые в тексте. В этом случае пособие превратилось бы в огромный том, поэтому автор отобрал явления, особенно важные для человека, собираю- щегося сдавать вступительный экзамен по английскому языку. После того как Вы выполнили предлагаемые упражнения, рекомендуем Вам перевести текст на русский язык. Перевод должен быть близким к тек- сту оригинала и в то же время отвечать нормам русского литературного язы- ка, т.е. в нем не должно быть «корявых», нескладных предложений, коробя- щих ухо. Вы перевели текст? Отложите его в сторону, забудьте о нем дней на де- сять, а затем вновь вернитесь к своему переводу и сделайте обратный пере- вод на английский язык. Сравните оба текста и посмотрите: что запомни- лось, а что — нет, где у Вас получилось удачное отступление, а где — не очень 4 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
удачное. Не стремитесь к абсолютной точности в воспроизведении оригина- ла: язык не таблица умножения. Надо стараться сохранить смысл английско- го текста. В части I к каждому тексту дается следующее задание: «Суммируйте со- держание текста в 3—5 русских предложениях и попытайтесь перевести их на английский язык, используя лексику текста» (образец выполнения приво- дится в уроке 1 о Сэмюэле Морзе). Цель этого задания двоякая: одна — более узкая, другая — более широкая. Более узкая цель — активизация лексическо- го и грамматического материала, на основе которого строится текст данного урока. Очень важно то обстоятельство, что данное задание выполняется Ва- ми в письменной форме. Более широкая, но не менее важная цель — форми- рование и развитие навыка, связанного с умением логично и вместе с тем кратко и последовательно изложить содержание прочитанного текста. Этот навык очень пригодится Вам, когда Вы будете иметь дело с русскими текста- ми, содержание которых должно быть подвергнуто тому, что по-английски удачно называется словом “distillation”, т.е. “extracting the essence of...”, но дело не только в развитии определенного навыка, но и в совершенствовании * Вашей речи как таковой. К каждому уроку дается также тема для короткого сочинения. Там, где это было возможно, автор предлагал темы, которые позволили бы Вам сравнить две культуры — англоязычную и русскую. Обратите внимание на эпиграф к пособию: “It is by studying others that we learn about ourselves.” Часть II пособия включает тексты, лексические упражнения, задания на формулирование основного содержания текста на основе предлагаемых «подсказок» (hints), а также темы для короткого сочинения. Во второй час- ти, как и в первой, сделана попытка расположить тексты в порядке воз- растания их длины и сложности. Здесь нет раздела Vocabulary, связанного с переводом лексики урока на русский язык, так как предполагается, что Вы уже освоили приемы работы с текстом. Особое внимание обращено здесь на те лексические единицы, которые используются в составе устойчивых сло- восочетаний. Вам предлагается следующий прием работы над лексическим материалом пособия: сделайте (нарежьте) карточки размером « 5 см х 4 см, желательно из плотной бумаги (для этого хорошо подходит бумага из аль- бома для рисования). На одной стороне карточки напишите английское сло- во/словосочетание. Под ним — E.g:., т.е. короткий пример использования данного слова/словосочетания. На обороте — перевод. Ваша карточка бу- дет выглядеть так: to abandon E.g.: The dwellings were abandoned. Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на List-English.ru
На обороте: покидать, оставлять жилище. Пример переводить не нуж- но. Разложите на столе 20 (не больше!) карточек английской стороной вверх. По мере их запоминания переворачивайте карточки русской сто- роной вверх. Затем проделайте то же самое в обратном порядке, т.е. сде- лайте перевод с русского на английский. У Вас будет много карточек, по- скольку, если Вы последуете совету автора, Вы перенесете на них и лексику текстов, и лексику упражнений, и лексику раздела Usage Notes, и лексику тестовых заданий. Работать с карточками надо каждый день, обращая особое внимание на те из них, которые «не желают» запоми- наться. Эти слова надо выделить в отдельную группу и уделить им особое внимание. Кроме того, к каждому уроку дается упражнение, в котором Вам пред- лагается для выполнения задания использовать подсказки. Что это за под- сказки и какова их цель? Если в первой части пособия Вы суммировали содержание текста в нескольких русских предложениях и переводили эти предложения на английский язык, то во второй части задание усложняет- ся: Вы уже не будете видеть перед собой законченные, полносоставные предложения, Вам предлагаются лишь короткие подсказки (hints), исполь- зуя которые Вам надо восстановить содержание прочитанного текста. Представьте, что Вам надо попасть на другой берег речки. Через речку пе- рекинуты широкие прочные доски. Это — аналог заданий в первой части. А теперь представьте, что есть несколько камней, по которым, осторожно ступая, Вы тоже можете попасть на другой берег. Так вот: эти камешки и есть аналог подсказок. Образец выполнения задания приводится в уроке “Modern Life”. Часть III пособия включает тесты (с ключами) на лексический и грамма- тический материал, выполнение которых очень полезно для успешной под- готовки к вступительному экзамену по английскому языку. Особое внима- ние в тестовых заданиях уделяется так называемым «типичным ошибкам» учащихся. Все тесты разделены на три группы в соответствии с типом тестового за- дания: 1) Тесты на нахождение одной грамматической или лексической ошибки в четырех подчеркнутых частях предложения (А, В, С, D). 2) Тесты на восполнение пропущенной части предложения (filling in the gaps) из числа предложенных четырех вариантов (А, В, С, D — multiple choice); 3) Тесты на нахождение соответствующего синонима (из числа предло- женных четырех вариантов — А, В, С, D — multiple choice); 6 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Особенно полезны тесты, связанные с грамматическим материалом. Из- вестно, что «узнавание» и «знание» — это разные вещи. В тексте происходит узнавание грамматического явления. Это узнавание далеко не всегда перехо- дит в фазу знания, необходимого в том случае, когда человек пытается реа- лизовать свой навык говорения или письма. Иными словами, видение грам- матики — большее в отдельном предложении, вне связи с широким контек- стом, нежели в тексте, когда само его содержание подсказывает правильное осмысление грамматической формы. Из числа тестовых заданий на провер- ку степени усвоения грамматического материала особенно полезны задания на нахождение ошибки. Обдумывание четырех грамматических явлений (А), (В), (С) и (D), в одно из которых «встроена» ошибка, размышления по пово- ду того, что правильно, а что неправильно, необходимость мобилизовать при этом довольно большой запас своих собственных грамматических познаний — все это важно для закрепления и контроля пройденного грамматического ма- териала. Еще в XVII веке прекрасно сказал поэт: Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow, He who would search for pearls must dive below. (John Dryden) Одно общее замечание, точнее рекомендация. Прежде чем Вы решите, ка- кой из четырех предлагаемых в тесте вариантов ответа является правильным, убедитесь в том, что Вам абсолютно ясен смысл предложения, над которым Вы работаете. Только полная прозрачность этого смысла, понимание значе- ний всех лексических единиц, входящих в его состав, помогут Вам выбрать правильный ответ. В противном случае имеет место то, что принято назы- вать «гаданием на кофейной гуще». В пособии сохраняется правописание источника. Отсюда — некоторый раз- нобой в написании одних и тех же слов. Например, color и colour; center и centre и т.п. Автор приносит глубокую благодарность профессору Лили Сергеевне Гок- садзе за любезное разрешение воспользоваться материалами из пособия L. Goksadze et al. A Practical Course in Current English Grammar. Part I. Tbilisi, 1986. И, наконец, последнее. Вы, наверное, уже знаете, сколько у Вас осталось времени до вступительного экзамена. Разделите материал пособия на соот- ветствующее число месяцев, недель и дней. Работайте не спеша, но регуляр- но. Кавалерийским наскоком язык, как Вы, конечно, знаете, не возьмешь. Festina lente — спеши медленно. Эту поговорку римский император Август повторял особенно часто. Итак, в добрый час! В добрый путь! Ав тор Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на List-English.ru
* * * Глубокоуважаемые коллеги — преподаватели английского языка! Автор вы- ражает скромную надежду на то, что данное пособие, по крайней мере в его отдельных частях, можно использовать не только как самоучитель, но и на курсах или в группах, готовящих абитуриентов к вступительному экзамену по английскому языку. Автор будет искренне благодарен тем, кто, работая с пособием, найдет возможности его улучшения и возьмет на себя труд сделать это в письменной форме, написав в издательство: 129085, Москва, проезд Ольминского, д. За, «ООО Астрель». Доктор филологических наук, профессор Н.М. Разинкина Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
It is by studying others that we learn about ourselves. Part I REVISING GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Unit 1 SAMUEL FINLEY BREESE MORSE Samuel Morse (1791 —1872) accom- plished something that is rarely accom- plished: he achieved fame and success in two widely different areas. Throughout his youth he studied art and after gradu- ating from Yale University he went to London where his early artistic efforts met with enthusiastic approval. In Lon- don he was awarded the gold medal for figure of Hercules, and some of his paint- ings were selected for exhibit by the Royal Academy. Later in life, after returning to America, Morse became known for his portraits. His portraits of the Marquis de Lafayette today are on exhibit in the New York City Hall and the New York Public Library. In addition to his artistic accomplishments, Morse is also well-known today for his work developing the telegraph and what is known as Morse Code. He first had the idea of trying to develop the telegraph in 1832, on board a ship returning to America from Europe. It took eleven long years of ridicule by his associates, disinterest by the public, and a shortage of funds before Congress finally allocated $30,000 to Morse for his project. With these funds, Morse hung a telegraph line from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, and on May 24, 1844 a message in the dots and dashes of Morse Code was successfully trans- mitted. Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Vocabulary to accomplish (smth) — добиться (чего-л.); совершить (чпю~л.); ап accomplishment — дости- жение rarely — редко to achieve fame and success — добиться славы и успеха throughout one’s youth — всю (свою) молодость to graduate from — закончить высшее учебное заведение ап approval — одобрение to award — награждать (чем-л.) ап exhibit — экспозиция, выставка in addition to — помимо ridicule — осмеяние, насмешка shortage — нехватка to allocate — ассигновать; отводить какую-л. часть денег на что-л. a message in the dots and dashes — послание в виде точек и тире Usage Notes В прочитанном Вами тексте встречается глагол to select: some of his paint- ings were selected for... . В чем состоит разница между глаголами to select и to choose? То select означает «выбирать что-либо тщательно, осмотрительно, с тем чтобы в результате получить что-либо наилучшего качества или нечто наиболее приемлемое, подходящее». То choose означает «взять один из двух или более предметов» (в широком смысле этого последнего слова). Например: Of two evils, choose the lesser. — Из двух зол выбирай меньшее. Reading Comprehension 1. According to the passage, in his early life, Morse concentrated on preparing for which of the following careers? (A) A career as an inventor. (B) A career as an artist. (C) A career as a telegraph operator. (D) A career developing Morse Code. 2. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the develop- ment of the telegraph? (A) It was a long and difficult process. (B) It happened almost overnight. (C) Morse’s friends were highly supportive of his work. (D) Money was not a problem in the development of the telegraph. Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Exercises 1. В прочитанном Вами тексте пассивная конструкция встречается не- сколько раз. Translate into Russian. accomplished something that is rarely accomplished In London he was awarded the gold medal Some of his paintings were selected for __________________________ A message ... was successfully transmitted 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive. I. The printing press(invent) in the fifteenth century. 2. Last night I (invite) to a party by a friend from Scotland. 3. Spain and Portugal(visit) by millions of tourists every year. 4. Italy and Russia (invade) by Napoleon. 5. The menu in that restaurant(change) every month. 6. Many people(kill) in road accidents every year. 7. The United Nations (found) in 1945. 3. В тексте Вы столкнулись с существительным disinterest — отсутствие интереса. С помощью приставки dis- образуются слова, имеющие обратное значение тому, которое выражено корневой основой слова. Translate into Russian the following pairs of words: to appear — to disappear__________________________________________ to agree — to disagree____________________________________________ an advantage — disadvantage_______________________________________ an ability — disability __________________________________________ to satisfy - to dissatisfy________________________________________ to approve — to dzsapprove _______________________________________ to assemble - to disassemble order — disorder _________________________________________________ 4. Sum up the contents of the text in five Russian sentences and translate them into English. The first three sentences have been done for you. Model: After graduating from Yale University Morse worked in London as an artist and sculptor. His artistic efforts were enthusiastically approved there. 1. После окончания университета Морзе работал в Лондоне как ху- дожник и скульптор. 2. Его художественные произведения были оценены там очень высоко. _______________13 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
In 1832 he suddenly had the idea of de- veloping the telegraph. 3. В 1832 г. ему неожиданно пришла в голову мысль о создании телеграфа. 4. В течение 11 лет общество не мог- ло понять важности его изобрете- ния. 5. Наконец, Конгресс выделил ему деньги, и первая телеграфная ли- ния заработала в 1844 году. 5. What is your opinion? Write a short composition the first sentence of which is: “A talented man can achieve success if 6. Another question for a short composition: What factors help a talented man (if not a genius) gain fame and success in his own lifetime? Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Unit 2 THE INVENTION OF THE PHONOGRAPH The invention of the phonograph happened quite by acci- dent. Thomas Edison moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey, in 1876, where he established an industrial research laboratory. There Edison worked on a carbon telephone transmitter to im- prove the existing Bell system. In that laboratory a year later Edison invented the phonograph while trying to improve a tele- graph repeater. He attached a telephone diaphragm to the needle in the telegraph repeater to produce a recording that could be played back. After some improvements to the machine, he recited “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and played the recogniz- able reproduction of his voice to an astonished audience. Vocabulary a phonograph — фонограф, предшественник граммофона На фонографе можно было записывать и воспроизводить звук с помощью восковых ци- линдров. to happen by accident — произойти случайно, непредвиденно a research laboratory — научно-исследовательская лаборатория to attach — прикреплять, присоединять a needle — игла to recite — декламировать; читать что-л. вслух, по памяти, особенно в присутствии слу- шающей аудитории Usage Notes В самом начале текста о фонографе использовано существительное acci- dent: quite by accident. Полезно поставить в один ряд три существительных — an event, an incident и an accident — и разобраться в их значениях: 15 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
an event — это «важное событие» (an important happening); an incident — это «происшествие (событие), имеющее второстепенное значение, эпизод» (a happening of secondary importance, an episode); an accident — это «неожиданная беда, несчастный случай, который причиняет телесное повреждение, утрату, страдание или смерть». E.g.t Twenty people were killed in the railway accident. Обратите внимание на словосочетание by accident. Оно означает «случайно» (‘by chance’). E.g.: You might cut yourself (порезаться) by accident: you wouldn’t cut yourself on purpose. The invention happened quite by accident. Было бы полезно запомнить несколько предложений, в которых исполь- зуется глагол to happen. Переведите эти предложения. 1. Something very strange happened. 2. I was afraid that something terrible might happen to me. 3. What the teacher had predicted didn’t happen. 4. One day something very sad happened. 5. Then something happened that made me very angry. 6. I don’t know what’s happened to him. He should be here by now. Remember! Something happens to someone/something (NOT tyfh): What’s happened to the clock? It’s not working. Reading Comprehension 1. Which is the best title for the passage? (A) Thomas Edison’s Many Inventions (B) Improvements in the Telephone and Telegraph (C) The History of Menlo Park (D) A Surprise Invention 16 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
2. According to the passage, the invention of the phonograph (A) was quite unplanned. (B) was Edison’s principal project. (C) was surprising to no one. (D) took many years. 3. According to the passage, how was the phonograph made? (A) With a telephone needle and a recorder. (B) From a recording of a telegraph. (C) With only a telegraph repeater. (D) From a combination of telephone and telegraph parts. 4. According to the passage, how did Edison test his new invention? (A) He made improvements to the machine. (B) He used a carbon transmitter. (C) He read a children’s rhyme. (D) He reproduced the audience’s voice. Exercises 1. В тексте о фонографе использована форма герундия. Практический жиз- ненный и профессиональный (преподавательский) опыт автора данного по- собия говорит о том, что изучающие грамматический строй английского язы- ка почему-то считают эту неличную форму глагола очень трудной. Однажды, беседуя с ученицей десятого класса, я услышала следующее: «Моя подруга так хорошо, так хорошо знает английскую грамматику. Вот бы и мне так! Она знает даже герундий!!* На самом деле, герундий не сложнее и не проще дру- гих неличных форм глагола — причастия, инфинитива. При переводе на русский язык предложений, содержащих герундий, об- ращайте внимание на признаки, сближающие герундий с существительным: наличие предлога непосредственно перед герундиальной формой, наличие там же притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжатель- ном падеже, наличие детерминантов (определителей) типа — по, any, this, that, much и др.: Translate into Russian. 1. I’m thinking of buying an electric toothbrush. 2. My brother is talking about starting a pop group._ 17 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
3. We succeeded in finding the place. 4. On opening the cupboard we found a kitten inside. 5. We appreciate your inviting us. 6. John's staying away complicates the problem.________ 7. There is no telling what he thinks._____________________________ 8. Not much building is going on now.______________________________________ 9. This treating us all like children is a little offensive. 2. Среди признаков, сближающих герундий с глаголом, надо прежде всего указать на то, что герундий, образованный от переходного глаго- ла, имеет форму залога — активного или пассивного, а также перфект- ные формы. Translate into Russian. 1. Visiting people is nicer than being visited._______________________________ 2. No one enjoys being disturbed in the middle of the night. 3. He prided himself on having never been beaten at chess, (to beat — побеж- дать). In the following sentences you will find these forms of the Gerund: Simple Gerund Active — entertaining Simple Gerund Passive — being entertained Perfect Gerund Active — having entertained Perfect Gerund Passive — having been entertained 18 I Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Translate into Russian (the Russian for entertain is ‘принимать, оказывать гостеприимство’). 1. Marian is proud of entertaining important writers. 2. Marian is proud of having entertained important writers. 3. Marian is proud of being entertained by important writers. 4. Marian is proud of having been entertained by important writers. 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. Creative Work Do you happen to remember the story of any invention? Write a few sentences about it. If not, write a few sentences that could throw some light on the biography of a scientist, Russian or foreign. You could use a Russian encyclopedia for children or adults to obtain the necessary information. ________________________________________________________L2__________ Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Unit 3 NIAGARA FALLS Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North American natural wonders, has long been a popular tourist destination. Tourists today flock to see the two falls that actually comprise Niagara Falls: the 53-meter high Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of the Niagara River and the 55-meter high Ameri- can Falls on the U.S. side of the river. Most visitors come between April and October, and it is quite a popular activity to take a steamer out on to the river and right to the base of the falls for a close-up view. It is also possible to get a spectacular view of the falls from the strategic locations along the Niagara River such as Prospect Point or Table Rock, or from one of the four observation towers which have heights up to 500 feet. Tourists have been visiting Niagara Falls in large numbers since the 1800’s. Be- cause of concern that the large number of tourists would destroy the natural beauty of this scenic wonder, the State of New York in 1885 created Niagara Falls Park in order to protect the land surrounding American Falls. A year later Canada created Queen Victoria Park on the Canadian side of the Niagara, around Horseshoe Falls. Vocabulary a fall — водопад a natural wonder — чудо природы a popular tourist destination — зд. популярный туристский маршрут 20 ________________________________________________________________ I Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
tourists flock to see... — большое количество туристов стекается (сюда) для того, чтобы увидеть... to take a steamer — сесть на пароход a spectacular view — впечатляющее зрелище because of concern — в связи с беспокойством a scenic wonder — живописное чудо Usage Notes В прочитанном Вами тексте слово wonder встретилось два раза: a natural wonder и a scenic wonder. Полезно запомнить следующие выражения: no wonder — неудивительно it is little/small wonder that... — не приходится удивляться тому, что... a wonder lasts but nine days {proverb) — все приедается {букв. : чудо длится лишь девять дней) I wonder wby — интересно, почему... Reading Comprehension 1. According to the passage, which best describes Niagara Falls? (A) Niagara Falls consists of two rivers, one Canadian and the other Ameri- can. (B) American Falls is considerably higher than Horseshoe Falls. (C) The Niagara River has two falls, one in Canada and one in the U.S. (D) Although the Niagara river flows through the U.S. and Canada, the falls are only in the U.S. 2. The passage implies that tourists prefer (A) to visit Niagara Falls during warmer weather. (B) to see the falls from a great distance. (C) to take a ride over the falls. (D) to come to Niagara Falls for a winter vacation. 3. What is a “steamer” (see the second paragraph)? (A) a bus (B) a boat (C) a walkway (D) a park 4. According to the passage, why was Niagara Park created? (A) To encourage tourists to visit Niagara Falls. (B) To show off the natural beauty of Niagara Falls. (C) To protect the area around Niagara Falls. (D) To force Canada to open Queen Victoria Park. I Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на Li^t-English.ru
Exercises 1. В самом начале текста Вы столкнулись с использованием грамматиче- ского времени Present Perfect has long been a popular tourist destination. Это вре- мя, как Вы, по-видимому, уже знаете, образуется с помощью вспомогательно- го глагола have/has и третьей формы смыслового глагола, в данном случае глагола to be — has (long) been. Почему здесь использовано время Present Per- fect? Потому, что туристы и раньше приезжали полюбоваться Ниагарским во- допадом, и сейчас продолжают делать то же самое. Отсюда и странное, на пер- вый взгляд, противоречивое название этого времени: Present (настоящее) Perfect (прошедшее, завершенное). Однако это не единственный случай употребления времени Present Perfect. Сделав упражнение 1, которое предлагается ниже, Вы увидите, что Present Perfect используется также для обозначения действия, ко- торое закончилось только что: «Где ты был?» (те. до настоящего момента), «Ты уже позавтракал?» (т.е. к данному моменту), «Почту уже принесли?» (те. к дан- ному моменту, когда я задаю этот вопрос). Обратите внимание на порядок слов вопросительного предложения, в ко- тором использовано время Present Perfect: Have you written your letter? Обратите также внимание на место отрицания not в отрицательном пред- ложении: I have not written my letter yet. Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect. 1. Where you (be)? — I (be) to the dentist. 2. You (have) breakfast? — Yes, I 3. The post (come)? — Yes, it 4. You (see) my watch anywhere? — No, I’m afraid 1 5. I (not finish) my letter yet. 6. He just (go) out. _________________________________________________ 2. В последнем абзаце текста Вы столкнулись с использованием времени Present Perfect Continuous: Tourists have been visiting... Позволю себе вспом- нить эпизод из своей педагогической практики, когда ученик, рассержен- ный трудностями употребления английских времен, в сердцах воскликнул: 22 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
«Ну вот, мало того, что Present Perfect, так еше и Continuous’” Интересно, что тем самым он дал довольно четкое определение этого времени: дейст- вительно, в Present Perfect Continuous сохраняется мысль о том, что какое- то действие происходило раньше, происходит и сейчас (об этом мы только что говорили выше), и к тому же на эту мысль накладывается еше один смысловой оттенок: действие (в данном случае visiting) представляется не как факт, а как процесс. Многие преподаватели, объясняя своим ученикам времена группы Continuous, говорят: это - живописующее время, т.е. вре- мя, рисующее перед глазами зрителя (читателя/слушателя) какой-либо про- цесс, действие. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Continuous and translate the sentences. 1. I (make) cakes. That is why my hands are all covered with flour (.мука).___________________________________________ 2. Her phone (ring) for ten minutes. 1 wonder why she doesn't answer it. 3. He(overwork). That is why he looks so tired. 4. Have you seen my bag anywhere? I(look) for it for ages.__ 5. He(study) Russian for two years and doesn't even know the alphabet yet._______________ 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. _________________________________________________________23_________ Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
4. What is your opinion? Write a short composition the first sentence of which could be the fol- lowing: In Russia there are quite a lot of natural wonders. Unfortunately, since some of them have been neglected _____________________________________________________________ S. One more suggestion for a short composition: What arguments can you offer in favour of protecting some of the natural won- ders in Russia? Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Unit 4 THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE WHITE HOUSE The White House, the official home of the United States President was not built in time for George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first inhabitants, President and Mrs. John Adams, in 1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was not yet completed and the Adamses suffered many inconveniences. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White House in many respects and added new architec- tural features such as the terraces on the east and west ends. When British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President Madi- son was forced to leave, and it was not until 1817 that then President James Monroe was able to return to a rebuilt residence. Since then, the White House has been occupied by each U.S. President. Vocabulary an inhabitant — обитатель to suffer many inconveniences — терпеть множество неудобств then President James Monroe — тогдашний президент Джеймс Монро Usage Notes Напоминание: глаголы to arrive, to go, to return с существительным home употребляются без предлога to или at; Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на Li^English
Let’s go home and have something to eat. We arrived home at six o’clock. Сравните: We arrived at their house at six o’clock. Shall we go home or shall we go to your house? James Monroe was able to return to a rebuilt residence. Reading Comprehension I. Why did George Washington NOT live in the White House? (A) It had been burned by the British. (B) He did not like the architectural features. (C) He did not want to suffer the inconvenience that the Adamses had suf- fered. (D) Construction had not yet been completed. 2. According to the passage, when James Monroe came back to the White House, it had been (A) repressed. (B) reconstructed. (C) relocated. (D) reserved. Exercises 1. В тексте этого урока Вы столкнулись с глагольной формой Present Perfect Passive: has been occupied. О времени Present Perfect мы уже говорили. Напомню Вам, что общая формула пассива такова: глагол to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе + смысловой глагол в форме причастия прошедшего времени (третья форма глагола). Глагол го be во времени Present Perfect, третье лицо, единственное число — has been; occupied — третья форма правильного глагола to occupy. Обратите особое внимание на орфографию to occupy — occupied: буква у, если она стоит после согласной, переходит в / и только затем прибавляется окон- чание -ed. Вы, наверное, уже заметили, что в случае пассива происходит, говоря метафорически, очень четкое разграничение «ветвей власти»: всю грамма- тику «берет на себя» глагол to be (время, лицо, число), а весь смысл — соот- ветствующий глагол в форме причастия прошедшего времени. Как все мы хорошо знаем, четкое разграничение ветвей власти позволяет успешно управлять государством. В области грамматики это приводит к функцио- 26 Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
нированию таких форм, которые понятны, прозрачны и поэтому легко ус- ваиваются изучающими язык. Translate the following sentences into Rusian paying attention to Present Perfect Passive. 1. This property has already been sold. 2. Her hair has been dyed (to dye — окрашивать, красить). 3. My attention has been held by a man with a scar (a scar — шрам). 4. New opinions have been opposed. 2. Write passive versions of the following sentences. 1. People have given George a lot of presents for his birthday. 2. Someone has told me that story before. 3. They have asked us that question many times. 4. No one has given me an answer.___________________________________________ 5. They have not asked me my opinion. 6. Someone has paid him $2,000 to remain silent. 7. Have they asked the director about that? 8. Have they taught you how to do it? Обратите внимание на то, что в данном уроке использована усилительная (эмфатическая) конструкция: it was not until... that... Соответствующее уп- ражнение приводится на с. 31. I Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. What is your opinion? What arguments could you offer in favour of (or against) naming the residence of the Russian Government in Moscow “The White House”? Your short composition could begin with the following sentence: “In my opinion, some of our attempts to imitate American traditions and cul- ture are ... ” Больше ресурсов по изучению английского HaList-English.ru
Unit 5 THE BEGINNING OF REFORM IN AMERICAN EDUCATION At the beginning of the nineteenth century, American educational system was desperately in need of reform. Pri- vate schools existed, but only for the very rich, and there were very few public schools because of the strong sentiment that a child who would grow up to be a laborer should not “waste” his time on education but should instead prepare himself for his life’s work. It was in the face of this public sentiment that edu- cational reformers set about their task. Horace Mann, probably the most famous of the reformers, felt that there was no excuse in a republic for any citizen to be uneducated. As Superintendent of Educa- tion in the state of Massachusetts from 1837 to 1848, he initiated various changes which were soon matched in other school districts around the country. He extended the school year from five to six months and improved the quality of teachers by instituting teacher education and raising teacher salaries. Although these changes did not bring about a sudden improvement in the edu- cational system, they at least increased public awareness to the need for a further strengthening of the system. Vocabulary to be in desperate need of smth — сильно (отчаянно) нуждаться в чем-л. a private school — частная школа for the very rich — для самых богатых Больше ресурсов по изучению английского на Lr^-English
a laborer — рабочий to waste one’s time — тратить время зря, попусту to set about smth — начать делать что-л. an excuse — оправдание to match — приводить в соответствие: these changes were soon matched in other school dis- tricts — подобные изменения были введены и в других местах to extend a school year — продлить учебный год to improve the quality of smth — улучшить качество чего-л. to institute smth — вводить, учреждать что-л. to bring about an improvement — привести к улучшению a salary — заработная плата public awareness — осознание обществом чего-л. Usage Notes В тексте Вы встретили существительное need: ...was desperately in need of reform. Это слово представляет определенную трудность при переводе на рус- ский язык. Обратите внимание на возможные варианты перевода: There is по need to tell the police about the accident. — Совсем не обяза- тельно сообщать полиции о случившемся (происшествии). There is a great need for international understanding. — Людям разных стран необходимо понимать друг друга. Are you in need of any assistance? — Вам нужна помощь? I don’t understand their need to sell the house. — Я не понимаю, почему им надо продавать свой дом. Reading Comprehension 1. It is implied in the passage that to go to a private school, a student needed... (A) a high level of intelligence. (B) a strong educational background. (C) good grades. (D) a lot of money. 2. Why is the word waste punctuated in quotation marks (кавычки)? (A) The author wants to emphasize how much time was wasted on educa- tion. (B) The author is quoting (цитирует) someone else who said that education was a waste of time. (C) The author thinks that education is not really a waste of time. (D)The author does not want students to waste their time on educa- tion. 30 Больше ресурсов no изучению английского HaList-English.ru
3. According to the passage, why did Horace Mann want a better educational system for Americans? (A) Education at the time was so cheap. (B) In a republic, all the citizens should be educated. (C) People had nothing else to do except go to school. (D) Massachusetts residents needed something to do with their spare time. Exercises 1. В прочитанном Вами тексте встретилась усилительная (эмфатическая) конструкция it is ... that; It was in the face of this public sentiment that educational reformers set about their task. В данном случае при переводе на русский язык все три служебных слова — it was ... that — заменяются наречием именно. Translate the following into Russian. Note that the emphatic construction it is ... that (who, which, when) apart from именно can also be rendered as только, как раз. 1. It is Tom who is in control of the situation. 2. It is Walter who tried to fix the broken table. 3. // is Marvin and Madge who don't seem to agree on anything. 4. It is the family budget that gives him a constant headache. 2. Remember the epigraph to this textbook: it is by studying others that we learn about ourselves. It contains the same emphatic construction. How would you translate it into Russian? 3. In the first sentence of the text above you have come across the numeral the nineteenth. Rewrite these sentences spelling the numerals. 1. Columbus landed in America at the end of the 15th century. 2. Neil Armstrong was the 1st man on the moon. ____________________________________ 31
3. A friend of mine’s 40th birthday is coming soon. 4. My grandparents just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. 5. I got a watch on my 21st birthday. _________________________________________ 6. My father’s 50th birthday is just round the comer. 4. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 5. What is your opinion? Write a short composition the first sentence of which is the following: I’m afraid, I don’t know much about private schools in Russia; what little I know shows that ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Wo more suggestions for a short composition: 1. I have a few friends who go to a private school. They tell me that 2. What is the difference (if any) between a private school and a public school in today’s Russia?__________________________________________________________________ 32
Unit 6 AN INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CULTURE Recently a British gentleman who was visiting the United States said, “I don’t think it’s possible to write a book about the Ameri- can character. The United States is too large; the people and their lifestyles are too differ- ent. The country is changing too rapidly, and the future is so uncertain.” Perhaps he is right. It may be impos- sible to describe the average American. For that matter, it may not be possible to describe the typical Japanese, or Swede, or Brazilian, or Nigerian. However, pos- sible or not, people are naturally curious about each other, and when they meet people from different countries, they want to know about them: What life is like in their country; What kind of homes they live in; What kind of food they eat; What their customs are? If we visit their country, we can observe the people and how they live, and we can answer some of these questions. But the most interesting questions are often the hardest to answer: What do people believe in? What do they value most in life? What motivates them? Why do they behave the way they do? In trying to answer these questions about Americans, we must remember two things: (1) the immense size of the United States; and (2) its enormous ethnic diversity. It is difficult to comprehend the size of the country until you have tried to travel from one city to another. If you got in a car in New York 2 Зак.797 33
and drove to Los Angeles, stopping only to get gas, eat, and sleep, it would take you four or five days. It takes two full days to drive from New York to Florida. On a typical day in November the national weather forecast might call for rain in New York and snow in Chicago, while it was warm enough to swim in Los Angeles. It is not difficult to imagine how different daily life might be in such different climates, or how lifestyles could vary in cities and towns so far apart. (to be continued) Vocabulary the average American — средний американец immense/enormous size — огромный, гигантский размер to comprehend — понять полностью, до конца to value smth — ценить что-л. for that matter — что касается этого, в этом отношении; в связи с этим ethnic diversity — этническое разнообразие to be far apart — находиться на большом расстоянии друг от друга Usage Notes Фразовый глагол to get in (...if you got in a car in New York...) может быть использован в нескольких значениях: a) to come in, enter: He got in before the train started. b) to be admitted: The child got in to the school after a special test. I think he will get in without too much trouble. с) разг:, to get home: She said she would get in late tonight. Exercises 1. Одна из серьезных трудностей в изучении английского языка — это так называемые многозначные фразовые глаголы, называемые также глагола- ми с послелогом, т.е. с наречием или предлогом. В тексте Вам встретился (помимо глагола to get in, упоминаемого в Usage Notes к этому уроку) фра- зовый глагол to call for. The national weather forecast might call for rain. Вот что написали авторы словаря ‘Dictionary of English Phrasal Vferbs and Their Idi- oms’: “The English phrasal verb has always been a headache to the foreign learner. Combinations of verb and adverb or preposition are among the first things the English-speaking child learns to say — Go away, Come along, Shut up. Such ex- pressions form the basis of much everyday communication.” (Tom McArthur, Beryl Atkins) 34
Translate into Russian the sentences below. To make your task easier, the corresponding meanings of call for are given in brackets. I. The customers called for more beer (the literary equivalent: demand). 2. I’ll call for you at seven o’clock and we can go there together {to collect)._____________________________________________________________________________ 3. She called for the books she had lent me {to collect). 4. This job calls for a man of considerable initiative {to demand, to re- quire). 5. The work calls for patience {to demand, to require). 6. The present situation calls for entirely new measures {to demand, to re- quire). 2. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 3. Questions for a short composition: 1. What effect does the geography of a country have on its people? 35
2. Does your country have different climates? 3. What effect does climate have on the lifestyles of the people in your country? 4. How is life in a small country different from life in a large one?
Unit 7 AN INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CULTURE (Continued) There is a second important factor influencing American life: ethnic di- versity. Aside from the native Ameri- can Indians who were living on the North American continent when the fust European settlers arrived, all Ameri- cans came from foreign countries — or their ancestors did. In some cases, Americans feel very strongly about their ethnic heritage. For example, in parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin some people still refer to each other as “Swedes” or “Danes” or “Norwe- gians”, even though their ancestors left their home countries and settled in the United States a hundred years ago. Even Americans with little knowledge of what countries their ancestors came from, and little sense of having a particular ethnic heritage, may carry on a family tradition without realizing what the origin of the tradition is. For example, one family may traditionally open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve while another always waits until Christmas morning. Neither family may realize that they are honoring a tradition brought to the United States from another country by a long- forgotten ancestor. (to be continued) 37
Vocabulary ethnic diversity — этническое разнообразие a settler — колонист ancestors — предки to feel strongly about smth — придавать чему-л. большое значение ethnic heritage — этническое наследие to refer to each other as Swedes... — зд. называть друг друга шведами to honor a tradition — отдавать дань традиции Usage Notes 1. Обратите внимание на то, что а(!) second (прилаг.) означает «другой, еще один»: There is a second important factor, тогда как the second (порядковое чис- лительное) означает «второй». 2. Обратите внимание на то, что глагол to influence (влиять), в отличие от русского языка, не требует после себя какого-либо предлога: ... another factor influencing American life ... Who influenced her to do that? Полезно запомнить следующие, часто встречающиеся словосочетания: to influence deeply, profoundly, strongly. Exercises 1. В тексте этого урока Вы столкнулись с глаголом did в роли слова-за- местителя: All Americans came from foreign countries — or their ancestors did. Обратите внимание на то, что в роли слова-заместителя to do может быть использован только после глаголов в активном залоге и никогда после глаго- лов в пассивном залоге. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the meanings of the verb to do: 1. as a notional verb — делать, действовать', 2. as an auxiliary verb; 3. as a substitute for another verb; 4. as an emphasizer of another verb. 1. The fire has done a great deal of damage.______________________________ 2. A woman’s work is never done.__________________________________________ 3. He does an enormous amount of good for the poor. 38
4. This steak is not properly done. 5. He suffers more than you do._______________________________________________ 6. He can cook as well as she does. 7. Shall I borrow this book from him? — Yes, do (или Do, please). 8. Who wants to play tennis this afternoon? — I do. 9. John does enjoy his food. (ср. c John enjoys his food. В чем Вы видите разницу?) 10. Не did try to learn, although you think he didn’t. 11. Do lend me your pen for a moment, please. 12. Do be quiet, children.____________________________________________________ 13. Seldom does he try to do his work.________________________________________ 14. Rarely does he come in time for the lesson. 15. Not only does he speak Russian, but he speaks three other foreign languages. 16. Only when you are here do I get practice in speaking French. 17. Only then did 1 understand that.__________________________________________ 2. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 39
3. What is your opinion? Write a short essay on the ethnic composition of your country’s population. The questions below will help you in your work. 1. What different ethnic groups are there in your country? 2. Where do they live? 3. How are they different from the majority of people in your country: language? clothing? food? music? customs? 4. What effect do different ethnic groups have on a country? *Обратите внимание на различие в значениях двух слов: ethnic ['ебшк] и national: ethnic (или ethnical) означает: имеющий отношение к или характер- ный для группы людей, обладающих общими расовыми, религиозными, языковы- ми, культурными и некоторыми другими чертами (особенностями); national име- ет более узкое значение: связанный с конгломератом людей одной или более культур, рас и т.д., организованых в единое государство. Например: The Aus- tralian nation. (Collins English Dictionary. Updated Edition)
Unit 8 AN INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CULTURE (Continued) In spite of these very important dif- ferences, however, a strong tie binds Americans together. That tie is a sense of national identity — of “being Ameri- can”. Incidentally, when citizens of the United States refer to themselves as “Americans”, they have no intention of excluding people from Latin American countries. There is no word such as “United Statesians” in the English lan- guage, so people call themselves Ameri- cans. Thus, what is really a language problem has sometimes caused misun- derstandings. Although citizens of Latin American countries may call the people in the United States “North Ameri- cans”, to people in the United States this makes no sense at all, because the term “North American” refers to Canadians as well as citizens of the United States. What, then, can we say about Americans? What holds them together and makes them feel “American”? Is it possible to make generalizations about what they be- lieve? It is, but we must be cautious about generalizations. As we talk about basic American beliefs, we must remember that not all Americans hold these beliefs, nor do all Americans believe these things to the same degree. The way in which some Americans carry out their beliefs may also differ, resulting in a great variety of lifestyles. However, even in these lifestyles we find some patterns. 41
For better understanding of basic American beliefs, values, and character traits we might refer to the wisdom of a famous observer of the American scene, Alexis de Tocqueville ['touk.vil] (1805—1859). Tocqueville came to the United States as a young Frenchman in 1831 to study the American form of democracy and what it might mean to the rest of the world. After a visit of only nine months he wrote a remarkable book called “Democracy in America”, which is a “classic study of the American way of life”. Tocqueville had remarkable powers of observation. He described not only the demo- cratic system of government and how it operated, but also its effect on how Americans think, feel, and act. Many scholars believe that he had a deeper understanding of basic American beliefs and values than anyone else who has ever written about the United States. What is so remarkable is that many of the traits of the American char- acter which he observed over 150 years ago are still visible and meaningful today. Another reason why Tocqueville’s observations of the American character are important is the time when he visited the United States. He came in the 1830’s, be- fore America was industrialized. This was the era of the small farmer, the small busi- nessman, and the settling of the western frontier. Americans look back at this period as the golden age of the pioneers. In hard times they speak of the moral character of the pioneers and they remember their frontier heritage with pride. To them, this era represents the best of the American character. The qualities and character traits Tocqueville describes are the same ones that Americans take pride in today. He, how- ever, was a neutral observer and saw both the good and the bad sides of these qualities. Vocabulary identity — тождественность, одинаковость, идентичность incidentally — между прочим citizens of the United States refer to themselves as... — граждане США говорят о себе как о... to cause misunderstandings — вызвать недоразумение (привести к неправильному пониманию) this makes no sense — это (совершенно) бессмысленно to make generalizations — делать обобщения cautious — осторожный to hold beliefs — придерживаться каких-л. убеждений to the same degree — в одинаковой степени a pattern — модель, устойчивая схема a characteristic trait — характерная черта, особенность the rest of the world — остальная часть мира a way of fife — образ жизни American values — американские ценности (во взглядах на жизнь) pioneers — первооткрыватели frontier heritage — зд. традиции времен покорения запада США Usage Notes Обратите внимание на то, что глагол to refer может быть использован как с to, так и с back to. В последнем случае этот глагол имеет значение 42
«упомянуть/сказать о чем-либо снова/вернуться к сказанному ранее». На- пример: I would like to refer back to the first of my three points. Ho: Citizens of the United States refer to themselves as “Americans”. Reading Comprehension Write T if the statement is true and /if it is false according to the information. 1. Because of the great size of the U nited States, there are many differ- ent climates. 2. All people in the United States have the same lifestyle. 3. All people living in the United Statestoday came from another coun- try, or their ancestors did. 4. Americans do not know or care where their ancestors came from. 5. Although Americans may be very different, there is still a strong feel- ing of what it means to be an American. 6. The English language has no adjective for United States and there- fore uses the term American to refer to its people. 7. It is not possible to make generalizations about what Americans be- lieve because they are so different. 8. Many of the characteristics of Americans which Alexis de Tocqueville observed 150 years ago are still true today. 9. Many Americans think of the time when Tocqueville came (1830s) as a time when Americans were at their best. Exercises 1. Interview two or three students in your group and ask them to complete the following: I. Americans are_______________________________________________________ 2. They like _________________________________________________________ 3. They don’t really _________________________________________________ 4. Most Americans feel________________________________________________ 5. They act____________________________________________________________ 6. Most Americans believe in__________________________________________ 7. The United States is a country where 8. The average American is 9. Americans today are worried about 10. The most important thing in life to most Americans is 43
Then sum up their answers and write a short essay “What my friends think Americans are like.' 2. В тексте этого урока Вы столкнулись с очень интересным синтаксическим явлением, а именно: в роли подлежащего выступает не одно какое-либо слово и не словосочетание, а целое самостоятельное предложение: What is really a lan- guage problem has sometimes caused misunderstandings; What is remarkable is that many of the traits of the American character... are still visible and meaningful today. Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. That you are unique is clear. 2. Whether we need it is a different matter. 3. What he is looking for is a wife.____________________________________________ 4. What you need is love._______________________________________________________ 5. How the book will sell depends on its author. 6. That Americans are different from people in my country leaves no doubt whatsoever. 3. Необходимо подчеркнуть, что использование целого самостоятельного предложения в роли подлежащего чаще встречается в письменной форме ре- чи. В устной разговорной речи мы сталкиваемся большей частью с использо- ванием предваряющего (anticipatory) it. Rewrite the sentences as in the model. Model: That the problems are immense is obvious. It is obvious that the problems are immense. 44
I. That Columbus was an Italian is sometimes disputed. 2. The fact that a depression occurred was attributable partly to psychological factors. 3. That the computer revolution is in its infancy frequently escapes comment. 4. That a tenth planet may exist is suggested by discrepancies in the motions of Uranus and Neptune.________________________________________________________ 5. That undercapitalization is the cause of most small-business failures is virtu- ally an economic truism. 4. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 5. What is your opinion? Write a short composition as an answer to one (two, three, or ail four) of the following questions: I. Do you think it is possible to describe an average person in your country and what he or she believes? 2. How would you describe the traits of the people in your country? 3. Do you think people all over the world are basically the same or basically very different? 4. How are Americans different from people in your country? You could begin your composition with this: That the average person in my country is not at all ‘average’ seems to be obvious. This becomes evident when we ______________________________________________________ 45
Unit 9 INCREASE IN U.S. MEDICAL BILLS Medical Bills in the United States have risen outrageously since the beginning of the 1960s, and steps need to be taken to reverse this trend or the average American will not be able to afford medical care. The major factor in increasing the cost of medical care has been the dramatic increase in the cost of hospital services. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can be only partly blamed on inflation since hospital bills in the last two decades have risen at a considerably higher rate than inflation. Another factor cited by doctors as a ma- jor cause for the increase in the cost of medical care is malpractice. Increasingly large awards for malpractice have caused doctors to increase their rates to cover the higher malpractice insurance premiums. Because of the large malpractice awards, doctors are also prescribing more conser- vative and more extensive and therefore more costly — treatment for patients as a defense against malpractice claims. Whatever the causes of the wild increases in the cost of medical care, the government needs to take strong action before it is too late for Americans. Vocabulary a medical bill — счет, подлежащий оплате, за оказание медицинских услуг bills have risen outrageously — счета возросли неимоверно to take steps — принимать меры; делать шаги в направлении ... to reverse a trend — полностью изменить тенденцию 46
the average American — средний американец to afford medical care — иметь достаточно денег для того, чтобы оплатить лечение a dramatic increase — резкое увеличение to blame (smth) on inflation — обвинять инфляцию в чем-л. to cite — ссылаться, приводить (в качестве доказательства) malpractice — (преступная) небрежность врача; врачебная ошибка a malpractice claim — заявление о небрежности врача (врачебной ошибке) increasingly large awards — все более возрастающие суммы вознаграждений insurance premium — ежегодный взнос владельца страхового полиса в фонд страховой ком- пании a wild increase in the cost of medical care — безумный рост стоимости лечения Usage Notes В тексте Вы столкнулись с существительным a cause'. ...as a major cause for the increase in ... . Значение этого существительного можно определить как «нечто, что про- изводит какое-либо воздействие или является причиной, вызывает какое-то действие». Существительное cause нередко отождествляют с существительным reason, что неправильно. Значение ‘reason’ можно определить как факт, который при- водится в качестве мотива или объяснения чего-либо или же для того, чтобы оправдать свой вывод, умозаключение. Полезно запомнить следующие устойчивые словосочетания с существи- тельным reason: with reason, not without reason — не без основания to give a reason for — объяснить причину чего-л. by reason of — по причине Если Вы прочтете приведенную ниже шутку, Вы хорошо запомните зна- чение существительного ‘reason’: Young man to his beloved: You are so clever and so beautiful! Why do you refuse to marry me? She: My friend, you have given the reasons yourself! Reading Comprehension 1. What is the subject of this passage? (A) The increasing costs of malpractice insurance. (B) Factors causing the increase in US medical bills. (C) Steps for Americans to take to obtain medical care. (D) The outrageous medical profession. 47
2. The passage implies that a slowing in inflation would have what kind of effect on medical costs? (A) Tremendous. (B) Nonexistent. (C) Slight. (D) Maximum. 3. What does the paragraph that might follow this passage most likely contain? (A) A discussion of why the average American will soon be unable to afford medical care. (B) Forecasts of how inflation will influence medical care in the future. (C) The tremendous increases in malpractice insurance. (D) The steps the government could take to keep under control medical costs. Exercises 1. В тексте Вам встретилось существительное practice с приставкой mal-. Эта приставка встречается в словах, принадлежащих различным частям ре- чи, и имеет значения: 1. плохой, плохо; 2. неправильный, неправильно; 3. не- подходящий. Add mat- to the following words and translate them into Russian (in writing): nutrition — ______________________________________________________________ adjustment — administration — function — treatment — formation — ______________________________________________________________ 2. Во втором абзаце текста Вам встретилось наречие increasingly: increas ingly large awards for... На это наречие, наряду с другими, приводимыми ни- же, следует обратить особое внимание: increasing — возрастающий, увеличи- вающийся increasingly — все более и более bad — плохой badly — 1. сильно, 2. плохо hard — тяжелый, упорный hardly — едва ли, вряд ли large — большой largely — главным образом, в основ- ном late — поздний lately — недавно, в последнее время near — близко nearly — почти 48
heavy — тяжелый necessary — необходимый heavily — сильно, усиленно necessarily — обязательно high — высокий ready — готовый highly — очень, весьма, сильно, чрез- readily — легко вычайно Запомните еще два внешне сходных, но совершенно различных по значе- нию наречия: successfully — успешно successively — последовательно Внешнее сходство этих слов стало причиной того, что их неправильное употребление превратилось в типичную ошибку. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to -Iу adverbs. 1. It is nearly time to start.___________________________________________ 2. It is nearly ten o’clock._____________________________________________ 3. He was nearly drowned. 4. The team was badly beaten at football. 5. I want your assistance badly._________________________________________ 6. He recognized me readily._____________________________________________ 7. I could hardly understand him.________________________________________ 8. We hardly ever go to the theatre._____________________________________ 9. Hardly anybody believes that._________________________________________ 10. Our team has won six successive games. 11. That’s hardly to be wondered at.______________________________________ 49
3. Sum up tbe contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. What is your opinion? Write a short composition (6 to 8 sentences) about the quality of private medical service in today's Russia. The beginning of your composition might be as follows: 4’11 begin with the opinion of my family. My granny is strongly against any pri- vate medical service. She thinks it all unreliable and unprofessional. My father says he rather likes it because ______________________________________________________________ As to me, I______________________________________________________________________ _ 5. Questions for a short composition: I. What are some of the factors that would account for the recent deterioration of medical service in Russia? 2. What relation (if any) do you see between privatization and quality of medical service in Russia? 50
Unit 10 THE FIRST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS I hate the first twenty-four hours of a bad cold. Anyone who has said, “Oh, you just have a little cold” must never have suffered from it. To sum it up, when I have a bad cold, I feel pain. Even though I am buried under four or five heavy blankets, my feet feel like ice. Moving in small waves up and down my legs, stomach, and arms are hundreds of little goose bumps. They cause me to shake and feel cold even though inside I feel as if I am burning up. Every muscle in my body, from my feet to my head, aches. It is that terrible dull pain that is constantly there even if I don’t move a finger. If I try to ignore my body aches, I am then reminded of my cold by a very sharp pain I feel in my throat when I swallow. The most unpleasant part of the cold, however, occurs from my neck up. My head hurts. I am always sneezing, coughing, blowing my nose, and wiping my wa- tery eyes. It seems as if the pain is to keep a person so busy blowing and wiping that he or she will forget being sick. It doesn’t work. So there I lie feeling too sick to move. My doctor doesn’t want to see me because what I have “isn’t serious”. My coworkers and friends don’t want to see me because I “might be catching”. Who can blame them? I’d give anything not to be around myself during those first twenty- four hours! 51
Vocabulary to be buried — (зд.) в переносном смысле быть «похороненным» под одеялами a catching disease — заразная болезнь a cold — простуда goose bumps — мурашки to swallow — глотать to sneeze — чихать to cough [kof] — кашлять Usage Notes 1. Обратите внимание на то, что глагол to feel + infinitive используется без частицы to. Не говорите'. I could feel his heartbeat. Говорите: I could feel his heart beat или: I could feel his heart beating. Помните: если глаголы feel, make (заставлять/ see, watch, hear использу- ются в пассиве, частица ‘to’ должна быть использована. E.g.: Не was seen to leave the house.; He was heard to speak English. But: I saw him □ leave the house; I heard him □ speak English. 2. Запомните, что следует говорить: to remind a person of something, но не: to remind a person something. He говорите: Please remind me that later. Говорите: Please remind me of that later. Exercises 1. Make up your own sentences using infinitives after the following verbs: 1. see; 2. hear; 3.fed; 4. can; 5. could; 6. may; 7. might; 8. must; 9. let; 10. make, 2. В тексте урока Вы столкнулись с использованием модального глагола must, после которого следует не обычный, а перфектный инфинитив (конеч- но, без частицы to): ... must never have suffered from it. Translate into Russian paying attention to different meanings of must + perfect infinitive. a) must+ perfect infinitive means necessity in the past («необходимостьв прошлом»): You must have lived here for five years in order to apply for a residence per- mit. — Вам надо было прожить здесь пять лет для того, чтобы получить вид на жительство. То become a professor, you must have published several books. To get a full pension, an employee must have contributed to the fund for at least twenty years. 52
b) must+ perfect infinitive means probability or certainty («вероятность или уве- ренность»): A: They quarrelled quite often and whenever they quarrelled they threw chairs at each other. B: They must have broken a lot of chairs. — Должно быть, они сломали много стульев. Не must have left his umbrella on the bus (meaning: he can’t have left it any- where else). John must have missed his train; the train leaves at 10.15 and he left the house as late as five past ten. When they returned from their holidays they looked very refreshed; they must have had a good time while they were away. When I first met my new neighbour he said he was George Washington; he must have been crazy or drunk. c) must not + perfect infinitive often means a deduced decision or judgement («ло- гический вывод, являющийся разумным объяснением»): Mr. Green mustn't have received my letter, otherwise he would have replied before now. — Мистер Грин, скорее всего, не получил мое письмо. В про- тивном случае он уже прислал бы ответ. George must not have been consulted, or else we wouldn’t have such a weak scheme in front of us now. 3. Sum up tbe contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. What is your opinion? 1) Does the writer describe the cold in a logical order that is easy to follow? Explain. 53
2) Do you agree with the writer’s description of a cold? What would you add to or change about the description? Обратите внимание на то, что для ответа на первый вопрос Вам понадо- бятся различные соединительные слова: first, then, at that time, over that period of time; in that case; that being so, besides, after that; from then on и др. 5. Fili in the blanks with one of the following linking words: because of; for example; however; in the first place; as a result. There are a number of possible explanations for the decline in service standards in the United States. , many people in the 1970’s insisted on buying everything at the lowest possible price high inflation., stores and other businesses which offered extra services either changed their ap- proach, _________by reducing sales personnel, or, in many cases, went out of business., as inflation declined in the 1980s, some customers began to complain that they could no longer get good service when they wanted it.
Unit 11 EDUCATION Life in the twenty-first century demands preparation. Today, indi- viduals in any country must have adequate schooling to prepare them for their work as well as their respon- sibilities as citizens. With this in mind, national leaders everywhere are plac- ing more emphasis on the education of the young. All over the world, government officials, teachers and parents are working hard to give children the best possible preparation for their own future and for that of their country. Although the basic aims may be the same, the actual organization of educational systems varies from country to country. For instance, in Great Britain children normally begin their primary schooling at the age of five, and go on to a secondary school at the age of eleven. At present, they are required by law to stay at school until they are sixteen. Those boys and girls intending to continue their education at universities or colleges will remain at school until they are seventeen or eighteen. The normal course for a BA or BSc degree lasts for three years, although some universities may demand an extra year; some subjects, for example, architecture and medicine, traditionally have a much longer course. Many young people who leave school early will continue their education at tech- nical colleges, and this is particularly true of those who study engineering and com- mercial subjects. These students may well be working already in business or indus- try, and they combine part-time studies with paid employment. 55
Vocabulary schooling — образование to place emphasis on smth — придавать чему-л. особое значение primary schooling — начальное образование a degree — зд. ученая степень an extra year — дополнительный год employment — работа, служба (по найму) part-time — неполная ставка (частичная занятость) Usage Notes 1. It would be useful to know that to go on might be used in a number of mean- ings: a) ‘to proceed’: They went on to the next item on the agenda. b) ‘to continue talkings’: Some people just go on and on. c) ‘to happen’: Just what’s going on here? d) ‘to pass’: Time goes on. e) ‘to behave’: What a silly way to go on! 2. BA is an abbreviation for Bachelor of Arts, a degree conferred on a person who has successfully completed his undergraduate studies, usually in a branch of the liberal arts or humanities. BSc is an abbreviation for Bachelor of Science, it is a degree conferred on a person who has successfully completed his undergraduate studies in some branch of the sciences. Exercises 1. В последнем предложении текста Вы нашли сложное слово part-time. Полезно обратить внимание на устойчивые выражения и словосочетания, в которые входит многозначное (!) part. Translate into Russian. The greater part of his time is devoted to For the most part she stays at home after 9 p.m. This book is good in parts. __________________________________________________ 56
The glass was three parts full. The journal comes out in weekly parts. Nouns and verbs are parts of speech. I’ll have no part in it._________________________________________________________ I have done my part in the business. There are no objections on my part.______________________________________________ I’m a stranger in these parts.___________________________________________________ The wall is part brick and part stone. __________________________________________ They parted friends. He hates to part with his money._________________________________________________ 2. Insert prepositions of time: at, on, in, fa1, during, after, before, from, until, by, up to. 1. The museum is closed Mondays. Otherwise, it opens every day of the week 9 hours, and remains open to the public 17.00. All the visitors must be out of the building 17.05. 2. the summer month, the reading room will only be open the mornings,four hours, namely 8 a.m.12. 3. A: How long have these regulations been in force? B:about six months,last January. 4. Jackson was born New Year’s Day,the morning of Janu- ary 1st, 1912. 5. ________two hours we waited at Z for further instructions. At last, a signal came, shortly_______dawn. 6. We’re open 10 o’clock 6 o’clock the week and then Saturdays 10 o’clock 2 o’clock. 57
3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. Questions for a short composition: 1. Is education important to people in today’s Russia? 2. Which subjects, besides architecture and medicine, traditionally require much longer study? Why? 3. Do you think part-time studies motivate students to study hard? 58
Unit 12 PERSONAL SPACE Different countries have different rules for personal space — that is, when people touch; how close they stand when they are speaking to one another; how close strangers sit; how people be- have on elevators, etc. People are usually not consciously aware of these rules, but they become very uncomfortable if the rules are broken and “their space’ is en- tered without permission. Rule: Americans have a bubble of space around their bodies which is about an inch thick. This bubble of space must not be broken by a stranger. If American strangers touch each other acciden- tally, they mutter an apology such as “Pardon me”, “Excuse me”, “Oh, I’m sorry”, or just “Sorry”. Rule: When standing in elevators, Americans usually face the door, speak quietly, and try to avoid touching one another. If a stranger enters an elevator where there is only one other person, he or she will stand on the opposite side of the elevator. As more people get on the elevator, they occupy the comers first and then try to dis- perse themselves evenly throughout the available space. \bcabulary space — пространство the available space — имеющееся в наличии пространство to be consciously aware of smth — отдавать себе отчет в чем-л. accidentally — случайно 59
to mutter an apology — принести извинение (тихим голосом, скороговоркой) try to avoid touching one another — стараются не дотрагиваться до другого человека try to disperse themselves evenly — пытаются распределиться равномерно Usage Notes 1. Different means ‘not the same, unlike’ (oppos. — like, similar): Different coun- tries have different rules. Various means ‘several, many’; it stresses the number of things, more than their unlikeness: Do you understand this joke? “Have you much variety at your canteen?” “Yes, we have three different names for one and the same dish.” 2. Remember! Something comfortable gives comfort, oppos. — uncomfortable: People become very uncomfortable if... Something convenient suits one’s time and needs, oppos. — inconvenient. Translate into English. удобное время —_____________________________________________________________ удобное место — ____________________________________________________________ неудобное кресло — _________________________________________________________ удобная обувь — ____________________________________________________________ удобное расписание (time-table) — Reading Comprehension 1. In what meaning is the word consciously used in the passage: People are usually not consciously aware of... ? (A) being awake, not sleeping (B) giving emphasis to a particular fact or phenomenon (C) carefully (D) knowingly 2. In what meaning is the word bubble used in the passage: Americans have a bubble of space around their bodies ? (A) something lacking stability (B) an unreliable scheme (C) a very thin ball of liquid filled with air or gas (D) a thin film 60
3. In what meaning is the word mutter used in the passage: They mutter an apology such as... ? (A) to say something in a low tone (B) to make a continuous low sound (C) to express sympathy (D) to express displeasure Exercises 1. Вероятно, Вам уже известно, что в английском языке пассивная конст- рукция может использоваться со значительно большим числом глаголов и в значительно большем числе случаев, нежели в русском языке (например, в тексте: their space is entered without permission). Fill in the blanks using tbe verb in bold type in its passive form. Translate the sentences. 1. Most British people do not drink a lot of coffee, but a lot of tea everywhere in the country. 2. Most English housewives make Christmas puddings (the famous ‘plum pud- dings’). These puddings several months before Christmas. 3. Englishmen love to eat roast beef. However, a lot of lamb in En- gland, too. 4. Women sometimes wear a colourful tartan (шотландка — клетчатая шер- стяная ткань) skirt called a ‘kilt’. In Scotland, kilts by men, too, sometimes. 5. In Galicia in Spain people play an instrument called the ‘gaita’. Similar in- struments, bagpipes,in Scotland. 6. In North Wales many people speak Wfelsh. In the West of Scotland, Gaelic 7. In the USA sportsmen hunt animals with guns. In Britain some animals (es- pecially foxes)with dogs but without guns. 8. People in Britain keep cage birds, such as canaries, as pets, but pigeons only as racing birds. 9. On New Year’s Eve in Britain, people often have parties and sing songs, and at midnight the famous Scottish song ‘Auld Lang Syne’by people everywhere {Auld Lang Syne — old times, times past, esp. those remembered with affection or nostalgia; букв.: old long since). 2. Use the verbs in brackets in the passive. Translate the sentences into Russian. Don’t forget that sometimes passive forms are often translated into Russian by active forms. 1. Ask no questions and you {tell) no lies. 61
2. If you are punctual, you (spare) a great deal of work and worry. 3. I (tell) that Bill (offer) quite a good job but wouldn’t take it. He was a fool to refuse, he (not give) such a chance again. 4. It (talk) about a great deal at the time. 5. We (not make) such a fuss of when I was young. 6. The bed (not sleep) in. ___________________________________________________ 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. Answer the following questions. Question 7 is a suggestion for a short composition. 1. If you are alone in an elevator and someone comes in, where does he or she stand? 2. As more people enter the elevator, where do they stand? 3. Do people talk to one another? 4. How loudly do they speak? 5. Do strangers touch? 6. What happens in a crowded elevator when someone in the back has to get off? 7. How does it all compare with the space rules in your country? 62
Unit 13 INDIAN CLIFF DWELLINGS The Indian cliff dwellings of the southwestern United States are a source of interest and mystery for archaeologists. Located in the Four Comers area of the U.S., where Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico meet, the cliff dwellings were constructed from approximately 1050 to 1300 AC. The cliff dwellings are whole series of neigh- bouring rooms built in layers into the sides of cliffs. The sleeping rooms of the cliff dwellings were very small, often only one to two meters wide and little more than one meter high, and they were built in complexes of up to several hundred rooms together. The front rooms of the complexes were considerably larger. These larger rooms were apparently the rooms where daily life took place. When the cliff dwellings were first found by explorers, they had been abandoned. Archaeologists today are uncertain as to when or why they were abandoned and where the inhabitants went. There is some evidence, however, that the inhabitants left the cliff dwellings near the end of the thirteenth century because of a serious drought that is known to have occurred in the area from 1276 to 1299. Archaeolo- gists believe that the inhabitants could have left the cliff dwellings to move south- west and southeast. Today the descendants of the cliff dwellers are probably mem- bers of the Indian tribes of that area. Vocabulary a cliff dwelling — жилище в отвесной скале an explorer — исследователь; путешественник по неисследованным местам built in layers into — встроенные рядами в 63
to abandon — покинуть, оставить то или иное место без каких-л. намерений вернуться назад an inhabitant — обитатель (какого-л.) места; см. также с. 25 evidence — доказательства; данные a drought Jdraut] — засуха to occur — иметь место, происходить descendants — потомки a tribe — племя Usage Notes 1. А.С. — ante Christum {лат.: до Христа) Сравните: A.D. или AD — обозначает годы, отсчитываемые вперед от пред- полагаемого года рождения Христа. Это — аббревиатура для anno domini. Так, 70 A.D. означает «В лето Господне», т.е. в 70 году от Рождества Христова. В.С. или ВС — аббревиатура, обозначающая годы, которые отсчитываются назад от предполагаемого года рождения Христа, т.е. до Христа. Например: годы жизни Цезаря: Caesar was born in 100 and died in 44 B.C. 2. N.B. Обратите внимание на то, что в словах типа to occur, to refer в фор- ме прошедшего времени буква г удваивается: occurred, referred. 3. В тексте урока встречается слово room. a room — это часть дома или здания, ограниченная стенами: neighbouring rooms — соседние комнаты. room — это пространство, которое занято или может быть занято кем-л. или чем-л.: Is there room for me in the car? This table takes up too much room. a seat — это какой-то предмет, на который можно сесть: стул, скамейка. place — это какая-то часть пространства: I can’t be in two places at once. Reading Comprehension 1. According to the passage, what were the cliff dwellings like when the explor- ers first found them? (A) Heavily decorated. (B) Full of daily life. (C) Empty. (D) Attractive. 2. According to the passage, what do archaeologists believe caused the cliff dwellers to abandon their homes? (A) A lack of food. (B) Warfare with neighbouring tribes. 64
(C) A desire to find a safer location. (D) A shortage of water. 3. According to the passage, which of the following are the archaeologists cer- tain about? (A) Why the cliff dwellers abandoned their homes. (B) That a drought occurred in the Four Corners area from 1276 to 1299. (C) Where the inhabitants of the cliff dwellings went. (D) When the cliff dwellers abandoned their homes. Exercises 1. В тексте этого урока Вы столкнулись с формой перфектного инфи- нитива: ... the inhabitants could have left the cliff dwellings... ... a serious drought that is known to have occurred in the area... В следующих примерах обратите внимание на то, что перфектный инфи- нитив указывает на действие, предшествующее тому, которое выражено гла- голом в личной форме. Translate into Russian. 1. She is said to have married early. _ _____ _________________________ 2. She was said to have married early. 3. If Kitty marries at the age of 16, she will be said to have married early. _ 2. Различие между простым и перфектным инфинитивом отчетливо вид- но в следующих двух примерах: Muriel believes Bob to be a thief. Muriel believes Bob to have been a thief. Простой инфинитив показывает, что суждение Мюриел остается в силе и сейчас (Bob is a thief at present), тогда как перфектный инфинитив указывает на следующее: то, что Мюриел думает (полагает) сейчас, было справедливо в отношении Боба только в какой-то момент в прошлом: может быть, сейчас он уже больше не вор. 3 Зак. 797 65
Translate into English. 1. I’m sorry not to have come on Thursday. 2. It’s good to have finished work for the day. __ 3. To have lived all one’s life in a small village gives one a rather limited outlook. 4. He seems to have missed the train.________________________________________ 5. I appear to have made a small mistake. 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. What is your opinion? When a child did you read books about American Indians? Unfortunately, at present most children prefer watching TV to reading fiction. What solution to the problem could you offer?
Unit 14 THE AMERICAN MONETARY SYSTEM OF THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and it did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massa- chusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England as it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used vari- ous goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French coins were all in use in the American colonies. During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the war, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war it was virtually worthless. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period. By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed only Congress to issue money. The individual states could no longer have their own money supply. 67
A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one. Vocabulary monentary system — денежная система a means — средство, способ to be forced to do smth — быть вынужденным (с)делать что-л. goods — товары beaver pelts — шкурки бобров a wampum ['womparn]— ожерелье из раковин (у индейцев) a substitute for smtb — заменитель чего-л. Dutch — голландский (не путать с Danish — датский!) virtually — фактически, на самом деле worthless (was virtually worthless) — ничего не стоящий; не имеющий никакой ценности to flourish — процветать to be in a state of total disarray — находиться в состоянии полного беспорядка (расстрой- ства) to remedy smth — исправить (положение вещей) to issue money — пускать деньги в обращение money supply — количество денег, находящихся в обращении в любой данный момент вре- мени. (Один из основных принципов монетаризма состоит в том, что рост количества денег, превышающий скорость экономического роста, является основной причиной инфляции.) Usage Notes 1. Обратите внимание на то, что существительное money имеет форму единственного числа и всегда сочетается с глаголом в единственном чис- ле и местоимением в единственном числе {money — it; ни в коем случае не they). Не говорите: All his money kept in the bank. Говорите: All his money is kept in the bank. 2. Обратите внимание на то, что to supply a person with smth имеет в качест- ве синонима to provide a person with smth: England did not supply the colonies with coins. 3. Обратите внимание на то, что to allow близко по значению и использо- ванию к глаголу to permit. Например: Не allowed/permitted him to stay here. England did not allow the colonies to make their own coins. 68
4. Несколько слов о происхождении слова доллар'. XVI век — из нижненемецкого (Low German) daler, далее — из немецкого Taler, Thaler. Последние два слова являются сокращенной формой от ‘JoachimsfAa/er coin’. Эта монета чеканилась из металла, производимого в ‘Joachimsthal Jachymov — городе, который сейчас находится на территории Чешской Республики. Reading Comprehension 1. The passage indicates that during the colonial period, money was (A) supplied by England. (B) coined freely by the colonists. (C) scarce. (D) used extensively for trade. 2. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was allowed to make coins (A) continuously from the inception of the colony. (B) throughout the seventeenth century. (C) from 1652 until the Revolutionary War. (D) for a short time during one year. 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a substitute for money during the colonial period? (A) Wampum. (B) Cotton. (C) Tobacco. (D) Beaver furs. 4. According to the passage, what happened to the American monetary system during the Revolutionary War? (A) The Continental Congress issued gold and silver coins. (B) Individual states were not allowed to issue money. (C) So much paper money was circulated that it lost its value. (D) American money replaced trade in goods and foreign coins. Exercises 1. В этом уроке Вы встретились с глагольной формой Past Perfect {had + 3-я форма смыслового глагола) Passive: ‘By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists...’. Когда употребляется Past 69
Perfect? Здесь мы сталкиваемся с одним из наиболее распространенных случаев употребления данного времени, а именно с тем случаем, когда действие завершено (закончено) к определенному моменту в прошлом. Этот момент может обозначаться конструкцией типа by 10 o’clock (к 10 часам) или, как в нашем случае, 'By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by Другим характерным случаем употребления времени Past Perfect яв- ляется следующая ситуация: описываются какие-либо происшествия (со- бытия, действия) в прошлом. Причем одно из этих действий произош- ло раньше другого; то действие, которое произошло раньше, передается с помощью формы Past Perfect, а то, которое позже, — с помощью формы Simple Past. Например: I came home at six and found she had done all her work. В примере ‘By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by ...’ мы имеем дело с пассивной формой времени Past Perfect. Напомню Вам о метафоре, о «разделении ветвей власти» (см. предыдущие уроки): всю грамматику «берет на себя» вспомогательный глагол to be, это он принимает форму времени Past Perfect, а весь смысл передается глаголом to win в третьей форме (т.е. в форме причастия прошедшего времени). Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Past Perfect Tense. 1. When I got home, the others already(finish) eating. 2. Peter never(speak) to the girl before he spoke to her on the plane. 3. By the time she got back to the shop the next day, someone else (buy) the coat she wanted. 4. Tom and Susan(not get married) when we first met them. 5. By the time we reached the station, the train already (leave). 6. It(begin) to rain before she took a taxi. 7. When all the guests (leave), Derek arrived. 2. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form — Simple Past or Past Perfect. 1. After a long forced march, Caesar(enter) the town only to find that the enemy(flee)'. he(make) the long march in vain. 2. Columbus(gaze) at the land that he_(come) so far to seek: he(see) nothing but the ocean for five long weeks. 70
3. When Queen Victoria (die) in 1901, she (reign) for over 60 years. 4. We all (realize) what a lucky escape we (have). 5. None of his teachers (understand) how he (man- age) to fail at the examination. 6. I{call) at the manager’s office, but_(discover) I just_______(miss) him. He(go out) for lunch. 7. A search party (set out) to look for the two climbers (альпини- сты), who(leave) their hotel early that morning and who still __________(not return). 8. The scientist suddenly(see) the answer to the problem that __________(occupy) his mind for the last two months. 9. The Company(decide) to continue with a design that (stand) the test of time. 3. Rewrite in the passive. I. Someone had told me that story before. 2. People had given George a lot of presents for his birthday. 3. They had taught Jane’s daughter Latin and Greek. 4. They had offered that writer the Nobel Prize. 5. They had not offered Clara any money for her painting. 4. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 71
5. Questions for a short composition: I. What is the meaning of the word wooden in the idiom wooden money! 2. What definition could you suggest for the term hyperinflation! NOTE: Russian idioms смотрите, чтобы вас не надули, не давайте водить себя за нос, старайтесь не попасться на удочку аге often translated as don’t take any wooden money (или nickels), амер. разг.
Unit 15 THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Ц RESERVE 'L Ж BANK Jj Vtl -АлдJgI ’ ' •w?7r. \Д It is the role of the Federal Reserve, known simply as the Fed, to control the supply of money in the U.S. through its system of twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks. Many commercial banks belong to the Federal Reserve System and as members must follow the Fed’s reserve requirements, a ruling by the Fed on the per- centage of deposits that a member bank must keep ei- ther in its own vaults or on deposit at the Fed. If the Fed wants to change the money supply, it can change reserve requirements to member banks; for example, an increase in the percentage of deposits required to be kept on hand would reduce the available money supply. Member banks can also borrow money from the Fed, and an additional way that the Fed can control the money supply is to raise or lower the discount rate, the interest rate at which commercial banks borrow from the Fed. An increase in the discount rate would reduce the funds available to commercial banks and thus shrink the money supply. In addition to using reserve requirements and the discount rate to control the money supply, the Fed has an additional powerful tool: open-market operations. Vocabulary on hand — имеющийся в наличии; to keep (money) on hand — располагать наличными средствами a deposit — вклад клиента в кредитном учреждении (в виде денег или ценных бумаг) a vault — хранилище: большой сейф или сейфовая комната банка money supply — денежная масса the discount rate — учетная ставка: ставка, по которой центральный банк готов предостав- лять кредиты банкам (инструмент денежно-кредитной политики) interest rate — процентная ставка: плата за кредит в процентном выражении в расчете на один год 73
to borrow money — брать деньги взаймы a ruling — постановление, решение, принимаемое кем-то, кто обладает властью to shrink — уменьшаться, становиться меньше Usage Notes 1. to keep (the percentage of deposits that a member bank must keep...) means ‘to possess’, ‘to have in one’s possession’, while to hold means ‘to have in the hands’, ‘to support with the hand’. E.g.: You may keep this', I don’t want it back, but The girl was holding her father’s hand. 2. It would be useful to remember the following collocations (fixed non-idiom- atic phrases and constructions) with the adjective available: to be easily available to be readily available the information is available to anyone to make something available Are you available for a meeting tomorrow? 3. The definition of money to bum is: ‘very much money; more money than is needed’. Illustrative sentences: My uncle is so rich that he has money to burn. (= He is extremely rich.) My friend buys anything he wants. He acts as if he has money to burn. (— He acts as if he has a lot of money.) Related expression: made of money = very rich Reading Comprehension I. According to the passage, the main purpose of the Federal Reserve System is to... (A) increase reserve requirements. (B) increase or decrease the amount of money available. (C) increase the number of Federal Reserve Banks. (D) increase the money kept on deposit by member banks. 2. The passage implies that a lowering of the discount rate would lead to... (A) an increase in the money supply. (B) a decrease in borrowing from the Fed by commercial banks. (C) a decrease in the money available. (D) an increase in the reserve requirement. 74
Exercises 1. В тексте Вы столкнулись с глаголом to raise (это — правильный глагол): to raise or lower the discount rate. Преподавательский опыт показывает, что нередки случаи, когда учащиеся не разграничивают два глагола: переходный глагол to raise и непе- реходный глагол to rise, который является неправильным: to rise — rose — risen. Use one of these verbs in the sentences below. 1. What time did you get up from bed? — I at 6 a.m. 2. The party was long and a bit tiresome. We from the table at half past 11 p.m. 3. What was the matter with him? He barely______________his eyes. 4. He to his full height. 5. The chairman said, “Will all in favour their hand.” 6. “Of course he recognized me. He his hat.” 7. “You should above petty (мелкий, ничтожный) jealousy.” 8. A new picture____________in my mind. 9. The lab assistant__________the temperature to 70°C . 10. The news_____________my hopes. 11. A rage (гряда) of hills on our left. 12. Don’t you your voice! 13. The carriage (карета) a cloud of dust. 2. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 3. Write a short composition the first sentence of which is: “If I had money to burn, I’d(mention at least three things you’d do if you were made of money)____________________ 75
Unit 16 THE FORGOTTEN LETTER We Americans have forgotten how to write letters as a means of keeping in touch over long distances with people we care about. This is sad but not at all surprising. The principle cause for our shift away from letter writing can be summed up in two words: the telephone. The telephone has caused us to put away our pens and paper because it is generally more con- venient and immediate for both the sender and the receiver. The end result has been that we are now reaching each other more quickly but not necessarily more effectively. Most people prefer calling to writing because it takes less time. The American culture places a great deal of emphasis on accomplishing things as quickly and efficiently as possible. So, it is not surprising that we would place a ten-minute phone call to let a loved one know what is going on in our lives rather than spend an hour explaining details in a three- page letter. In addition, telephoning is more convenient because there is less work involved. When using the phone, we merely dial and begin to talk. At the end of the conver- sation, we hang up the receiver and the task is completed. When writing a letter, however, we must first find a pen, writing paper, an envelope, then write the letter, address it, get a stamp for it, mail it, and after that wait who knows how long for a reply. Left to choose between the more expensive one-step telephone call and the cheaper multistep letter, the majority of us are willing to pay for the convenience of talking on the phone. (to be continued) 76
Vocabulary to keep in touch with someone — поддерживать связь с кем-л. to care about someone — интересоваться кем-л.; испытывать интерес к кому-л. sad — печальный a shift away from — отход от not necessarily — не обязательно to call — звонить по телефону to place a great deal of emphasis on smth — придавать особое значение чему-л. to accomplish things — добиваться чего-л. rather than — скорее, чем; а не there is less work involved — это связано с меньшими усилиями merely — только, лишь to dial — набрать номер телефона to hang up the receiver — повесить трубку a stamp — марка Usage Notes 1. Don’t say. Would you please check whether I have fo rotten a black handbag in Room 21. Say Would you please check whether I have left a black handbag in Room 21, Don’t use forget if you mention a place. E.g.: If the keys aren’t in your jacket, you must have left them somewhere. I’ve left all my money at home. 2. Prefer to, not prefer to prefer (doing) smth to (doing) smth else E.g.: I prefer drawing to painting. Why do you prefer the theatre to the cinema? He normally prefers classical music to rock. Most women prefer breast feeding to bottle feeding. Compare: I’d rather live in the North than in the South. Most women would rather go out to work than stay at home all day. Reading Comprehension 1. In what meaning is the word calling used in the text? (see the second para- graph) Many people prefer calling to writing letters. (A) giving a name to (B) speaking loudly in order to make someone hear (C) going to another man’s house (D) telephoning 77
2. In what meaning is the verb to reach used in the text? (see the first paragraph) We are now reaching each other more quickly. (A) to arrive at or get to a person, place, etc. (B) to extend as far as (E.g.: mould (плесень) has reached the ceiling) (C) to come to a certain condition (E.g.: to reach the point of starvation) (D) to extend in influence (E.g.: the Roman conquest reached throughout England) 3. In what meaning is the noun means used in the text? (see the first paragraph) ...As a means of keeping in touch over long distances. (A) method or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end (B) measure (C) considerable wealth (D) income Exercises 1. В тексте урока Вы столкнулись с использованием прилагательных, на- речий и их степеней сравнения: it is generally more convenient and immediate; we are now reaching each other more quickly; not necessarily more effectively; it takes less time', telephoning is more convenient; there is less work involved; the more expen- sive one-step telephone call; the cheaper multistep letter. Put the right form of the adjective in brackets into each of these sentences. I. John is a good violinist but he’s not_____________as James (good). 2. Fortunately the news was not as we expected (bad). 3. That TV programme was even than the one we saw yesterday, which was bad enough (nasty). 4. Niagara Falls is one of sights in the world (fantastic). 5. He was________________man I have ever met (wise). 6. Young Mary is becoming every day (pretty). 7. You got zero in that test, Billy; that was result in the whole class (bad). 8. Your blue skirt is much than the one you’ve got on, Mary; why don’t you change into it? (nice) 9. I think Swiss chocolate is in the world (tasty). 10. Germany is not as Switzerland (mountainous). 2. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model. Model: A cat is faster than a mause. — A mouse is not as fast as a cat. The garden is more attractive than the house. - The house is not as attractive as the garden. 78
1. I think football is more exciting than chess. ________________________ 2. The plane is more expensive than the train. 3. The climate in Europe is more temperate than the climate in North Africa. 4. Moscow is colder than London. ________________________________________ 5. The Rhine is longer than the Thames. 6. Paris is really more interesting than Manchester. 7. Diamonds are harder than pearls.______________________________________ 8. Athens is older than Rome.____________________________________________ 9. A humming-bird is smaller than a sparrow. 10. My handwriting is more legible than Susan’s. 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. A question for discussion or a short composition: What effect (if any) does the telephone have on your life? 79
Unit 17 THE FORGOTTEN LETTER (Continued) A less obvious but equally important reason why people prefer using the telephone is that it is more immediately satisfying than a letter. A phone call gives a more complete picture of how each person is doing. During a telephone call one can, for example, tell whether the other person is angry, nervous, or reserved. This kind of information might be totally lost in a letter. Communicating over the telephone also feels more complete because it is spontaneous. A two-way con- versation is occurring. The speakers can discuss until they feel that they have under- stood each other. When I was in college, my parents would call me every Sunday afternoon so that my mother could hear for herself that I was “really OK”. For her, my letters were informative, but she didn’t feel we had truly made contact with each other until she could talk to me and hear my voice in the receiver. Because a telephone call is quicker and gives immediate pleasure, I’m afraid that we are beginning to forget the benefits of letter writing as a means of communica- tion. A letter offers some advantages that a phone call does not. The writer can, for example, think carefully about what he wants to say. It gives him the chance to remember things he might forget in a spontaneous conversation. It also provides him with the time to organize his thoughts into a logical and comprehensible order. In other words, he has the luxury of saying exactly what he wants, the way he wants. In addition, a letter can be kept and enjoyed several times. Once a phone call is finished, however, you are left only with its memories. On lonely nights far away from home, reading a few letters from family and friends can be very comforting. 80
Vocabulary a reserved person — сдержанный человек a receiver — телефонная трубка gives immediate pleasure — сразу же доставляет удовольствие the benefits (of letter writing) — преимущества a means of communication — средство общения a comprehensible order — понятный (вразумительный) порядок luxury — роскошь to enjoy smth - получать от чего-л. удовольствие Usage Notes 1. comprehensible is ‘that can be understood’. Its synonyms are: understandable, clear, coherent, intelligible. comprehensive is 1. ‘including a great deal’. Its synonyms are: extensive, full, in- clusive, all-embracing; 2. ‘able to understand a great deal’. E.g.: A comprehensive account or description is one that is full and complete. If a person has a comprehensive mind, he is able to understand many different things. 2. It would be useful to remember that every is mostly used when the members of a group or class have something in common, and are thought of together. Each is used when the members of a group or class are thought of separately, as individuals. E.g.: A phone call gives a more complete picture of how each person is doing. Complete the following sentences in English paying special attention to the use of each and every. 1. Каждая роза of the bouquet is of a different colour. Каждая роза has thorns.____________________________________________________ 2. Каждая книга that is published should be worth reading. Каждая книга on the shelf is worth reading. 3. Каждая комната in this building has two windows. Каждая комната is furnished in its own way. 81
Remember: each of — каждый из (every is never used in this phrase) at every step — на каждом шагу every now and then — время от времени each other — друг друга Reading Comprehension 1. In what meaning is the word reserved used in the text: ... the other person is reserved (see the first paragraph) (A) kept for future use by a particular person (B) cool or formal in manner (C) silent 2. In what meaning is the word benefits used in the text: ... to forget the benefits of letter writing (see the third paragraph) (A) something that stands in the way (B) advantages (C) payments or series of payments 3. In what meaning is the word to enjoy used in the text: A letter can be enjoyed several times (see the third paragraph): (A) to receive pleasure from (B) to maintain (C) to offer Exercises 1. В тексте урока Вы встретили слово whether. One can tell whether the other person is angry... Этот союз, вернее, его употребление и перевод, ино- гда кажутся учащимся очень сложными. На самом деле это не так. Как Вы можете убедиться, основные способы перевода союза whether сводятся к трем основным случаям. Переведите следующие предложения на рус- ский язык: а) частица «ли» 1. Не asked whether he could help. 2. I wonder whether he will do it himself or whether he will ask you. 82
3. 1 don’t know whether it is true or not. 4. He is in doubt whether he should wait. b) будь она (ситуация); будь то (случай) и т.п. 1. In any situation, whether it is simple or complex, one must make a decision. 2. ... whether by accident or design (будь то случайность или нет) с) независимо от 1. This is what 1 think, whether right or wrong. 2. I will go there whether the day is fine or not. 2. Обратите внимание на то, что союз whether может быть заменен союзом if в таком предложении, как: Ask him whether (if) he can come. Whether используется после многих прилагательных и ряда существитель- ных. Например: to be doubtful (anxious, uncertain) whether ... to be in doubt whether ... the question whether ... Translate into English. 1. Я спросил, пойдет ли он с нами (whether или if). 2. Я не знаю, придет ли она (whether или if). 3. Вопрос в том — идти или оставаться (whether). 4. Это зависит от того, буду ли я свободен сегодня вечером (whether). _ 5. Меня не интересует, согласны Вы или нет (whether). 83
3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. What is your opinion? 1. What would you consider to be the primary characteristics of the telephone as one of the means of communication? 2. Enumerate and discuss a variety of pragmatic functions of the telephone (book- ing tickets, for example). 3. Are you satisfied with the telephone service in your country/city/town/district? 84
Unit 18 JUST WHAT IS A VACATION ANYWAY? A vacation is generally seen as a very positive experience. In fact, when a person says, “I’m on vacation” or “I’m leaving for my vacation,” we all smile and offer our congratulations to the lucky guy. It’s as if we collectively agree upon what this man is about to experience. It is my argument, however, that we do not agree upon what makes up a vacation. In fact, I believe that most of us don’t even understand what a vacation truly is. Many people seem to think that a vacation is merely a two-week holiday from their place of employment. Well, a vacation cannot be defined in terms of “two weeks off”. First of all, some people get a four-week vacation while others get only one. Some people get no days off from work but still manage to take a very nice vacation from time to time. What about the people who don’t “go to work” such as mothers at home? Their idea of a vacation may be a weekend break from their chil- dren. The break may be a short time, but this makes it no less of a vacation for the person taking it. Other people consider a vacation to be a period of rest. While a vacation is often a time of relaxation and quiet thoughts, it certainly doesn’t have to be so. How many times have you gone back to work or school from a vacation more exhausted than when you left? For many people, taking a vacation means action — swimming, hiking, boating, running, driving. If they are not moving, then it really isn’t a vaca- tion to them. (to be continued) 85
Vocabulary anyway — в любом случае, во всяком случае to offer one’s congratulations — поздравить кого-л. a lucky guy — зд. счастливчик to be about to do smth — собираться сделать что-л. merely — только, лишь exhausted — измученный, изможденный hiking — длительная прогулка за городом для удовольствия или тренировки Usage Notes It would be useful to remember that: vacation — is a regular period of freedom from work or duty, while vocation — is the form of life to which one is called Reading Comprehension 1. What choice, (А), (В), (C) or (D), is closest in meaning to the adverb merely! (see the second paragraph) (A) nothing more than (B) very early (C) quietly (D) peculiarly 2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the noun employment! (see the second paragraph) (A) the services (of) (B) high position (C) one’s usual work, business or profession (D) superiority Exercises 1. В тексте этого урока использован фразовый глагол to make up: ... we do not agree upon what makes up a vacation. Как отмечалось выше, фразовые глаголы лруд- ны для учащихся по двум причинам: во-первых, фразовый глагол сам по себе, как правило, идиоматичен. Во-вторых, он, тоже как правило, многозначен. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the meanings of the verb. 1. «вновь установить хорошие отношения»: They have made up._______________________________________________________ 86
Let’s kiss and make up. 2. «использовать косметику»: The actors were making up when we arrived._____________________________ (сущ. make-up = cosmetics) 3. «уравновешивать; служить противовесом; нейтрализовать действие»: The government says it will make up your loss in profits this year. He gave us £10 to make up the deficit. 4. «выдумать, сочинить»: He made the story up. _________________________________________________ It’s a made-up story from beginning to end. 5. «шить (одежду)»: They make up clothes as well as sell materials. Notice: “Customers’ own material made up here.” ' 6. «образовывать; составлять» (в этом значении глагол to make up исполь- зован в тексте урока): The various parts make up a coherent whole. The book will be made up by expert printers. 7. «компенсировать»: I’ll make it up to you for all you have suffered. (Обратите внимание на наличие it между таке и up.) 87
8. «улаживать»: They have made up their quarrel at last. 9. «стелить постель» {без (!) послелога up) As you make your bed, so you must lie on it {a proverb). Hornby (with a little smile): Well, are you enjoying the land of promise as much as you said I should? ______________________________________________ Norah: Wfe’ve both made our bed and we must lie in it. 2. Английские предлоги требуют к себе постоянного внимания со сторо- ны учащегося. Объяснения в употреблении предлогов мало что дают, здесь просто нужна постоянная практика и контроль со стороны преподавателя. Choose the right preposition out of the given alternatives to complete the following: 1. Who is she looking{on, at, to)! 2. This is a nice piece{of, off, from) cheese. 3. Our holidays are{in, at, on) June. 4. They’re listening{at, to, — ) the news. 5. We came here{on, at, in) 1965. 6. What’s the matter{by, with, from) him? 7. Your glasses are{in, of, into) the bathroom. 8. Stop him! He’s going to jump{on, onto, into) the river! 9. No large ships can go{over, across, under) that bridge. 10. It’s time for coffee. All the students are coming{off, out of, out) their lessons. 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 88
4. What is your opinion? Write a short essay on the topic “In my opinion a true vacation is ... ”. The following questions may serve as an outline of your essay: 1. What is truly a vacation in your opinion? In the opinion of your friends? 2. How long is your vacation? 3. Do you agree that vacation is always a positive experience? 4. What is the difference between days off and a vacation*
Unit 19 JUST WHAT IS A VACATION ANYWAY? (Continued) Some people think that vacation isn’t a vacation unless they have gone away somewhere. To support this, invariably the first question we ask someone after his or her vacation is, “Oh, where did you go on your vacation?”My parents fall into this category of vaca- tioners. Not only do they tend to go somewhere on their vacation, but they often plan up to a year in ad- vance where they’ll be going next. Not all people like to “get away”, though. Many like to stay home during their holiday, yet they have no less of a vacation than my wandering parents. The last group of vacationers feel that the vacation is a time to catch up on all the things they normally don’t have time to do. This, to me, seems like work, but to others it is truly a vacation. These are the people who will tell you, “I had the most wonderful vacation. I got the house painted, cleaned out the garage, and fixed the broken fan and vacuum cleaner!” I know that this cannot be the true definition of a vacation because I take a vacation every year, and I would never paint my house during one. Well, then, just what is a vacation? A vacation is a time to leave (to vacate). In other words, it is an indeterminate amount of time in which a person departs from his or her ordinary routine to do something out of the ordinary. So, a vacation is not a two-week break from the office, a ride down a river, or a trip to a new city al- though any of these things could be included in one. Vacations are simply a chance to change for a while. That is why, regardless of their form, we like them so much. 90
Vocabulary unless — если не Обратите особое внимание на отрицание не. В процессе перевода на русский язык о нем нередко забывают. invariably — неизменно to fall into a category — попасть в категорию to plan in advance — планировать заранее to wander — передвигаться с места на место без какой-либо определенной цели или пунк- та назначения routine — заведенный порядок; определенный режим; установившаяся практика regardless of — независимо от Usage Notes to catch up (on/with something) means ‘to do the things that you should have done before, so that your work is up to date’ E.g.: Why don’t you stay at home tonight and catch up on some of your homework? Compare: Don’t get too far behind with your homework or you’ll never be able to catch up. Exercises 1. В тексте урока слово one использовано два раза. Первый раз в роли сло- ва-заместителя, когда оно заменяет существительное vacation, для того чтобы данное существительное не повторять дважды в одном и том же предложении: I know that this cannot be the true definition of a vacation because 1 take a vacation every year, and I would never paint my house during one. И второй раз one — в той же функции: ... although any of these things could be included in one. Insert one or ones in the following sentences: I. I want a dictionary, not an expensive. A small will do. 2. Do you know Mark’s new address? I’ve only got the old. 3. This is a compromise, not a very satisfactory. 4. A strong mind sees things in their true proportions; a weak views them through a magnifying medium, which, like the microscope, makes an elephant of a flea, magnifies all little objects, but cannot receive the great 5. There were only hard chocolates left; we’ve eaten all the soft. 91
6. He keeps his postage-stamps in a fireproof safe. He has some very rare 7. It’s been a long and hard winter, the worst I can remember. 2. В тексте урока Вы столкнулись с прилагательным indeterminate, имеющим от- рицательную приставку in-. Другие отрицательные приставки: im-, il-, ir~, ип-, поп-. Translate the following: ability — /«ability __________________________________________ accuracy — /«accuracy_____________________________________________________________ action — /«action active — /'«active __ __________________________ __________________ adequate — /«adequate advisable — /«advisable___________________________________________________________ appropriate — /'«appropriate artistic — /«artistic_____________________________________________________________ attentive — /'«attentive__________________________________________________________ calculable - /'«calculable ________________________ capable — /'«capable _________________________ ___________________________________ competent - /'«competent__________________________________________________________ 3. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 4. Questions for a short composition: 1. What vacations are not vacations in your opinion? 92
2. What is your own definition of a vacation? 3. Do you agree with the writer’s definition of a vacation? Why? Why not? When giving your own interpretation of the term vacation some expressions might be useful: To me the term is ... What I mean by the term is that it means ... In this context the term signifies ... In this situation the term refers to ... For this purpose the term is considered to be ...
Unit 20 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS Two words are essential to understand the meaning of business to Americans: “private” and “profit”. Business institutions are directly or indirectly owned by private persons. Pri- vate ownership distinguishes them from gov- ernment-owned and operated institutions. The statement by President Coolidge seven decades ago, “The business of America is business,” still points to an important truth today — that business institutions have more prestige in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Americans believe, for example, that businesses are more efficient and well-run than the federal government. Why do business institutions possess this great prestige? One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideas of competition than other institutions in society. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are pro- tected. Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly of power. In contrast to one all-powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. Theoretically, if one busi- ness tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to a compet- ing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers’ dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors. 94
Vocabulary to own — владеть (имуществом, фирмой и т.д.) to distinguish smth from smth — отличать что-л. от чего-л. a decade — десятилетие (это слово — так называемый «ложный друг переводчика». К со- жалению, многие учащиеся переводят его как декада.) to possess — иметь, обладать a competition — конкуренция basic American values — основные (базовые) американские ценности equality of opportunity — равенство возможностей to ensure — обеспечивать, гарантировать fair — честный, справедливый to afford to do smth — позволить себе сделать что-л. inferiors — зд. люди второго сорта (люди, занимающие низкое положение) Usage Notes Прилагательное own имеет значение ‘belonging to you’ или ‘only to be used by you’. Это прилагательное используется либо перед каким-либо существи- тельным, либо в словосочетании of your/my/his, etc. own. E.g.: I wish I had my own car. I wish I had a car of my own. Другие примеры: I didn’t have a room of my own but had to share one. Timothy has decided that he wants a bicycle of his own. I now have enough money to buy my own car. Exercises 1. Do you agree or disagree with each of the statements below? Write the number (from +2 to —2) that indicates how you feel: + 2 = Strongly agree + 1 = Agree 0 = No opinion or don’t know —1 — Disagree —2 = Strongly disagree 1. Business people who start a successful business from scratch are heroes (from scratch — с нуля; на голом, пустом месте). 2. I admire a person who is a boss more than a man who must answer to others. 3. I would like to own my own business. 95
4. A medical doctor has more prestige than a businessperson. 5. Women and men make equally good bosses. 6. I would rather have a man for a boss than a woman. 7. The place where I live is more important to me personally than where I work. 8. I would take a job I liked for less pay over a job I didn’t like for more pay. 9. I would work on an assembly line in a factory if the pay were good. 10. All things considered, socialism is better for a country and its people than capitalism. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Fill in the blanks with some or any. 1. We wanted to make sandwiches but we found we hadn’t got _______________bread. 2. I left meat on the table and the dog ate it while I was out. 3. He got out his pen to sign the cheque but there wasn’t ink in it. 4. Please fetch me dry wood to get the fire started. 5. The expansion plans sounded wonderful, but unfortunately the company didn’t have__________________money to pay for them. 6. Don’t leave______________food in the fridge when you go away on holiday. 7. At the concert last night they played________music I had never heard before. 8. To try to save money, the firm bought second-hand machinery at a sale. 9. You haven’t done work so you can’t expect pay. 10. French wine is quite sweet. 3. В тексте урока Вы нашли сложное слово all-powerful «всемогущий». По- лезно обратить внимание на другие сложные слова, первым компонентом ко- торых является местоимение all. Translate. all-(a)round (the world) - ___________________________________________________ All Fools’ Day (April the 1st) — _____________________________________________ all fours (we found him on his all fours) — 96
all-important (crucial, vital) —___________________________________________________ all-inclusive (including everything) —_____________________________________________ all-over (the surface) —___________________________________________________________ all right —________________________________________________________________________ 4. Sum up the contents of the text in several Russian sentences and try to translate them into English. See Model on p. 13. 5. Questions for a short essay: 1. Do you think people are motivated to work harder when they will increase personal profit, or when they are working together toward a common goal under a socialist system? 2. Is the economy of your country basically capitalist or socialist? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both? 4 Зак. 797 97
3. What kind of respect do busineses and business people have in your country? Why is this so? 4. If you were looking for a job with a business in your country, how would you go about it? How important are family reputation and connections? 5. What is the best way to get rich in your country? 6. What qualities should a good business person have, in your opinion? 7. What personal qualities would you like your boss to have? 98
8. How would you feel about having a woman as your boss? 6. Some further suggestions for writing. 1. Americans believe in “upward mobility,” that is, in moving up the ladder of success within a business or changing jobs in order to move up. What Ameri- can values do you see in this philosophy: self-reliance, optimism, a belief in progress, competition? Discuss the concept of upward mobility and compare it with the system in this country. 2. How do you believe upward mobility affects the way employers treat their employees? Do you think there would be a difference in the attitudes employ- ers have about employees if they knew that these employees would work for them all their lives? Compare and contrast these two systems: a system where employees are guaranteed lifetime employment versus one in which employ- ees change jobs in order to advance to a higher position. 99
7. What is your opinion? Most businesses in America require those applying for a job to submit a resume, that is, a summary of their work experience, education and qualifications. Jerrold G. Simon, psychologist and career development specialist at Harvard Business School, who has counseled over a thousand people in their search for jobs, has written an article to tell you how to go after the job you really want. The article, “ How to Write a Resume”, was printed as an advertisement in a news magazine. Throughout the article is the implied message, ‘ You must sell yourself. That is, you must assert yourself and convince a prospective employer that you are the best person for the job. ‘Who am I? What do I want to do?’ Writing your resume forces you to think about yourself. The most qualified people don’t always get the job. It goes to the person who presents himself most persuasively in person and on paper. So just don’t list where you were and what you did. This is your chance to tell how well you did. Give num- bers, statistics, percentages, increases in profits. Would following this advice get you a good job in your country? What American values do you see at work here? If you were trying to ‘sell yourself in a resume, what points would you make? 1. 2.________ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Text 1 MODERN LIFE Is life really better than it was 100 years ago? It is certainly true that people live longer than they used to, travel faster than they could, and own more things than they did. We have made great progress in industry, science and medicine. But we still have to put up with noise, overcrowding and bad air. They are still a basic part of modern life. But industry and modern life do not have to be enemies of beauty. Progress needn’t be ugly. We can have beauty and open countryside just as much as people did 100 years ago. Perhaps, in some ways, we need them even more. However, things like open land, clean water, and good air are getting scarcer and scarcer. ♦ Вы, конечно, знаете, что слово прогресс является в русском языке за- имствованным (из латинского языка — progressus). Надо помнить, что это слово может переводиться также с помощью языковых средств незаимст- вованного характера. Например: успех, продвижение вперед, удача, хорошие результаты. Полезно знать, что умение пользоваться родным языком — это необходимое (возможно, главное) условие овладения иностранным языком. Translate paying special attention to phrases with the word progress. I. He is making good progress in his studies. — 2. Is there any way to facilitate your progress in English? — 3. Our progress in business is not as rapid as we would like it to be. — 103
4. Some aspects of the technological progress were discussed at the conference. — 5. They have made progress in solving the problems of air pollution. — 6. Negotiations are in progress. —____________________________________________ Ф Write several English sentences which sum up the contents of the text. The first three are done for you as a model. Use the hints in Russian. Model: 1. People live longer, they travel faster and own more things 2. People have to put up with noise , bad air and overcrowding 3. People should learn how to preserve na- ture. О преимуществах современной жизни. О недостатках современной жизни. Задачи современной экологии. Чистый воздух и чистая вода нужны нам сейчас, как и раньше. ♦ A question for a short composition: What enemies of beauty, besides those mentioned in the passage, do you know and would like to discuss?
Text 2 HYGIENE Hygiene has always been a touchy subject in hospitals. Rules of cleanliness must be kept here more than in any other public place. Not so long ago, an attack was made against long-haired surgeons by a doctor writing in the ‘ British Medical Jour- nal’. He accused them of wearing caps “which perch inadequately on hairy heads.” The trouble is that hair, even when washed regularly, contains particles of Staphy- lococcus and these carry bacteria. And what about these other places, such as restaurants, where rules of hygiene can affect the public? Chefs wear tall hats, though no one would suggest waiters should do so. It is a pity that hair, the crowning glory of so many beautiful women and the envy of the bald man, should also be the happy home of Staphylococcus. ♦ На первый взгляд, слово attack кажется простым для перевода. На са- мом деле, это не так. Вы в этом убедитесь, если попробуете перевести сле- дующие предложения: Translate into Russian, paying special attention to the word attack. 1. An attack was made at dawn. — 2. Who is leading the attack? —__________________________________________ 3. A full-scale attack started at midnight. — 4. The attack was unprovoked. — 5. The enemy’s attack failed/succeeded. — 6. He made a violent attack on his opponent. — 7. It was a fatal heart attack. —________________________________________ I Информация для тех, кто интересуется происхождением слов: в англий- ский язык слово attack пришло из французского языка в XVI в. 105
♦ Write three sentences which sum up the contents of the text. The first sentence is done for you. 1. Rules of hygiene must be kept in hospitals more than in any other public place. 2. 3. О необходимости соблюдения правил гигиены в больницах. О необходимости соблюдения правил гигиены в ресторанах и кафе. Волосы человека являются местом оби- тания стафилококковых бактерий. ♦ A question for a short composition: What rules of personal hygiene do you consider most important?
Text 3 A POLITE REQUEST If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Swe- den, I found this note on my car: “Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a ‘No Parking’ area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.” If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! ♦ Справедливо считается, что знание устойчивых словосочетаний (конеч- но, помимо знания грамматического строя языка) является краеугольным камнем процесса овладения иностранным языком. В приведенном выше ко- ротком тексте автор выделил глагол to fail (соответствующее существитель- ное — failure)'. You cannot fail to obey it! — для того, чтобы Вы запомнили и по возможности чаще использовали устойчивые словосочетания, включающие данный глагол и существительное. Translate. 1. Не failed in business. —_____________________________________________ 2. Не failed to see the seriousness of the problem. — 3. They experienced a failure. —________________________________________ 4. The whole project was a hopeless failure. — 107
5. The student failed at an examination. — 6. The patient’s failure to respond to treatment was discouraging. — ♦ A question for a short composition: Discuss the proverb: Politeness (civility, courtesy) costs nothing. — Ничто не стоит так дешево (и не ценится так высоко), как вежливость. ♦ Write four English sentences which sum up the contents of the text. Use the hints in Russian. 1 • О штрафах (fines) в случае направиль- ной парковки вашей машины. 2 - О различном поведении при этом по- лицейских в разных странах. 3 - О полицейских, отвечающих за прави- ла уличного движения в Швеции. 4 — — Вежливость может быть сильнее штра- фов.
Text 4 FASTER THAN SOUND Once a year a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour — much faster than any of its rivals, ft sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure, ft was very different from mod- ern car races but no less exciting. ♦ Pay attention to phrases with the word trouble. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He has caused us much trouble. —____________________________________________ 2. What is he doing?! He is just asking for trouble. — 3. She has a lot of trouble with her back. — 4. We got into trouble during our trip. — 5. She got herself into serious trouble with the police. — ______ _ 109
6. I took the trouble to check on her story. — 7. I managed to get out of trouble. — 8. We had trouble with neighbours over the noise they were making. — 9. Try to keep out of trouble. —____________________________________________ 10. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. — ♦ Write three Russian sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Об очень старых машинах, которые тем не менее принимают участие в автогонках. 2. О «судьбе» старых машин, которые при- нимают участие в гонках. 3- ' О чувствах, которые возникают у лю- дей, наблюдающих за гонками очень старых машин. ♦ A question for a short composition: Why do most people feel a kind of tenderness to old cars?
Text 5 THE WORLD OF PERCEPTION The world of perception presents a surprisingly rich experience of stimulation. It has been estimated that vision alone confronts the human eye with 7,500,000 dis- tinguishable colors. If to colors are added other dimensions of vision such as per- ception of form, lightness and space, the perceptual world emerges as a potential collection of a lot of stimulations. Although vision may be the richest of the senses, hearing itself has been esti- mated to provide approximately 340,000 discriminable tones. Smell, touch, pain, taste, and other remaining senses contribute to a richness of perception that lies beyond the province of understanding as well as imagination. It can be shown that the ability to discriminate colors improves with possession of the vocabulary for labeling the color perceived. In the absence of labels, discrimi- nation is poorer. To an extent not usually recognized, perception resides in the per- ceiver and not in the external world. ♦ Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to phrases with to provide. 1. What are you going to do to provide for your family? - 2. Blankets were provided for the refugees. — 3. They were provided with proper equipment. — 4. Students must provide their own textbooks. — 5. She had three children to provide for. —
Тем из вас, кто интересуется происхождением слов, будет полезно знать, что глагол to provide заимствован в английский язык из латыни. ♦ Questions for a short composition: 1. Develop the author’s idea stated in the last sentence of the passage that per- ception resides rather in the perceiver than in the external world. 2. Discuss the proverb ‘Beauty is in the eye of the gazer’. ♦ Write three sentences summing up the contents of the text 1. О богатстве ощущений, передаваемых нашими органами чувств. 2. Некоторые цифры, показывающие остроту наших органов чувств. 3- Связь остроты того или иного органа чувств с размером словаря, кото- рым владеет человек.
Text 6 THE WORLD’S LANGUAGE - UNEXPECTED TRAPS English is full of unexpected traps for the foreigner. Any language where the unassuming word ‘fly’ signifies an insect, a means of travel, and a critical part of a gentleman’s clothing is clearly asking to be spoiled by making bad mistakes. Imagine being a foreigner and having to learn that in English one tells a lie but the truth, that an American who says ‘ I could care less’ means the same thing as someone who says ‘ 1 couldn’t care less’, that a sign in a shop saying ‘All items not on sale’ doesn’t mean literally what it says (that every item is not on sale) but rather that only some of them are on sale, that when a person says to you, “How do you do?” he will be taken aback if you reply, with perfect logic, “How do I do what?” The complexities of the English language are such that even native speakers cannot always communicate effectively, as almost every Briton learns on his first day in America. Indeed, Robert Burchfield, editor of the “Oxford English Diction- ary”, created a stir in linguistic circles on both sides of the Atlantic when he an- nounced his belief that American English and British English are “drifting apart so mercilessly that one day the two nations may not be able to understand each other at all.” ♦ Обратите внимание на существительное a means. Как это ни странно, но в единственном числе оно имеет форму множественного числа с оконча- нием -5: one means — five means. В тексте мы находим: a means of travel. Translate into Russian. 1. The means was fair (foul). —_______________________________________ 2. It was an effective means. — ______________________________________ 113
3. The end does not justify the means. — 4. Do they have the means to buy such a large house? — 5. She lives beyond her means. — ♦ Write three English sentences which sum up the contents of the text. 1. Некоторые трудности английского язы- ка, с которыми сталкивается ино- странец. 2. Конкретные примеры ошибок. 3. Различия между британским и амери- канским вариантами английского языка. ♦ A question for a short composition: The title of the passage has the word trap in it. Use the idiom to walk into a trap (попасть в ловушку) to describe some of the difficulties you might have had in your everyday activities.
Text 7 ENGLISH PUBS Pubs are supposed to be the Englishman’s favourite meeting place, where he can get together with a few friends over a pint of beer and talk about football, or horse racing, or business or whatever else occupies his thoughts. You notice that the pub is the Englishman’s meeting place, not the English- woman’s. Even in our liberated times it is still not quite respectable for a woman to go into a pub alone: she must have a man to escort and protect her. Pubs are in- tended mainly to provide for male interests, which are often pretty narrow. However, most Englishmen have their local where they can escape from the pres- sures of family life or work, and if they are lucky, tell their troubles to a pretty barmaid. Indeed, many men dream of retiring from their 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. jobs and buying a little country pub, where they imagine they will be the host of a seven nights a week party. This dream usually dies with cleaning up spilled beer at one o’clock in the morning. Still, there is a pub for every type of man, from the city sophisticate to the rural primitive, and a man for every type of pub. ♦ Давайте обратим внимание на существительное dream и соответствую- щий глагол to dream. Эти слова не принадлежат к числу так называемых труд- ных слов, усвоение которых требует усилий. Однако и в этом случае знание устойчивых словосочетаний весьма полезно. Translate into Russian. 1. Do you remember Martin Luther King’s famous words: “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” (Washington, 27 Aug. 1963) 115
2. He can interpret dreams. —___________________________________________________ 3. It was a bad dream. —________________________________________________________ 4. Her dreams have been achieved. —_____________________________________________ 5. It was his dream to become a teacher. -______________________________________ 6. It was only a dream that he might be elected. — 7. It was beyond her wildest dreams. — ♦ Write four English sentences which sum up the contents of the text. Пивная (или бар) — излюбленное ме- сто отдыха англичан. Пивные (бары) посещаются, в основ- ном, мужчинами (не женщинами). Беседа с друзьями в пивной помогает снять усталость и стресс. Мечта многих англичан. • Questions for a short composition: I. Camus (a French novelist, dramatist, and essayist) said, “Without work all life goes rotten. But when work is soulless, life stifles and dies.” What kind of work is soulless? When does work stifle and kill? 2. When and how do people in Russia escape from the pressures of family life and work? Draw an analogy with Englishmen and their pubs. 116
Text 8 ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES Off the northwest coast of Europe lie two large islands. The larger one, an irregu- lar triangle about 1,200 kilometres in length is called ‘Great Britain’, the other, to the west, which is roughly rectangular is ‘Ireland’. Since 1922 most of Ireland has been an independent republic which took the name Eire’ ['aira] in 1937. Eire has a separate (Roman Catholic) history and culture, although the two countries are very close. The northeast corner of Ireland, sometimes known as ‘Northern Ireland’, sometimes as ‘Ulster’, is a part of ‘The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’. Officially it is not a country, but a province. Great Britain is divided into three countries: ‘England’, ‘Scotland’, and ‘Wales’. Citizens of the United Kingdom are known as ‘British’, and a useful short form for the United Kingdom is ‘Britain’, but the people who live in these islands tend to think of themselves as ‘English’ or ‘Scottish’ or ‘Welsh’. (In Northern Ireland defi- nitions are more complicated — ‘British’ would be a very politically-loaded self- description.) You can often hear remarks like, ‘I’m half English, half Welsh’, or ‘my parents were both Scots but I’ve lived in England almost all my life, so I suppose I’m English’. ♦ Обратимся к существительному half, употребление которого требует не- которого пояснения. Read the explanation in English. The use of the preposition of is necessary when a pronoun follows. When a noun follows, the of may be omitted, e.g. half (of) the audience; half (of) the students. However, compare: she spent half (of) the money; she spent her half of the money, half of it (of the room) was occupied by a grand-piano. Note the constructions: a half how, half an hour, it is half past four (in telling time). 117
♦ Questions for a short composition: 1. What do you happen to know about the kind of violence caused by the reli- gious conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland? 2. What do you happen to know about a similar dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh? 3. What in your opinion are the roots of religious antagonism? ♦ Write three English sentences which sum up the contents of the text. Британия и Северная Ирландия — части Объединенного Королевства Вели- кобритании и Северной Ирландии. Великобритания, в свою очередь, имеет в своем составе Англию, Шотландию и Уэльс. Англичане (остро) чувствуют свою на- циональную принадлежность к Анг- лии, Шотландии или Уэльсу. 118
Text 9 SCOTLAND Scotland has a long history of independence. When Romans marched north- wards across the country in 55 A.D. they found it impossible (or impractical) to subdue the tribes who lived in the north. Eventually they built a wall (some of which still stands today) right across the country, separating Roman Britain from an area which roughly corresponds to present-day Scotland. The kingdom of Scotland has existed for many centuries (Think of “ Macbeth”, based on an historical character in eleventh century Scotland!) and despite repeated attempts by the English at conquest, the two countries were eventually united peacefully. In the early sixteenth century an English princess married a Scottish king, and a century later after the death of Queen Elizabeth of England, the Scottish James inherited the English throne as well. He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots about whom Russians, like Germans, are absurdly sentimental. Mary Queen of Scots was a menace to everyone including herself (this was the view of her son as well as almost everyone around her), capable of treason, murder and sheer stupidity. After James united the thrones in 1603, the two countries continued to be inde- pendent and sometimes at war with each other until they were united in an Act of Union in 1708. ♦ Существительное view (this was the view of her son) интересно с точки зрения прилагательных, которые оно к себе «притягивает». Translate: cheerful view________________________ optimistic view _____________________ grave view____________________________ modern view_______________________ old-fashioned view outdated view_____________________ 119
pessimistic view philosophical view advanced view popular view contrary view political view conservative view radical view liberal view reactionary view progressive view unpopular view ♦ A question for a short composition: What does the author of the passage mean by being ‘absurdly sentimental about Mary Queen of Scots’? Have you read any fiction portraying her as an indisputable heroine and sufferer? ♦ Write four English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Римляне не смогли покорить Шотлан- дию. 2. Шотландия имеет древнюю и запутан- ную историю. 3. После смерти бездетной (childless) коро- левы Елизаветы 1 английский пре- стол перешел к шотландцу Джеймсу, сыну шотландской королевы Мэри. 4. Mary, Queen of Scots — спорная (disput- able) фигура в оценке историков.
Text 10 AMERICAN PATTERN OF THINKING Foreign students are frequently described by American instructors as lacking ‘analytical thinking’. In writing papers, theses and dissertations, the students tend to be subjective and descriptive. They avoid analysis and, when compelled to do so, make inappropriate generalizations. A less frequent complaint — usually made about some European students, is that they are too theoretical and ignore methods for collecting data. These two observa- tions suggest that the preferred American pattern of thinking — that which is domi- nant in the academic world and, to a great extent, represents the cultural norm — lies in-between theoretical speculation and empirical description. Americans are distrustful of theories which seem remote from some kind of ap- plication. The role of concepts and ideas in American life is to provide direction for instrumental activity. Ways of thought are judged and tested by their ability to be put into practice. The role of the American intellectual over the span of American history has been uncer- tain. He has been consistently pressed to show the utility of his ideas and theories — unlike the intellectual in many countries of Europe who earns respect for his work separate from its practicality. ♦ Существительное lack и глагол to lack входят в ряд устойчивых словосо- четаний. Ввиду того что lack/to lack являются частотными словами как в пись- менной, так и в устной речи, полезно потренироваться в их переводе на рус- ский язык. Translate into Russian. 1. Не couldn’t come for lack of money. — 2. He was not imprisoned for lack of evidence. - 121
3. There was no lack of water. —________________________________________________ 4. He lacks foresight. —________________________________________________________ 5. This is a subject on which information is lacking. - 6. Information is badly lacking. —____________________________________________ ♦ Write three English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1- Мнение американских преподавате- лей: иностранные учащиеся недос- таточно аналитичны в своем мыш- лении. 2- Еще одно мнение американских пре- подавателей: учащиеся из Европы слишком теоретичны в своем мыш- лении. 3- Типичное американское мышление — обязательная связь с практикой. ♦ A question for a short composition: Give some illustrations showing that the value of a theory cannot always be es- timated by its practicality.
Text 11 THE OYSTER’S TEAR “The pearl”, an old saying used to go, “is the oyster’s tear”. This is more poetic than accurate. The pearl is formed in oysters (or other shellfish) when a foreign body or a grain of sand is introduced. It is made of exactly the same substance as the lining of the shell, or mother-of-pearl. First this grain of sand accidentally lodges itself in a weak place in the lining. The lining, as a matter of course, grows over it. In most cases, when this happens, you will merely find a lump in the lining, but when a second accident takes place the lump is dislodged, and it begins to roll about in the shell. The rolling rounds and polishes it. When the little ball assumes its final spherical form we have a true pearl. But this does not happen too often. The crew of one boat opened a week’s catch — 35,000 pearl oysters. Out of all these, how many pearls? Twenty-one. And of these twenty-one — only three were good enough to be sold as gems. At the beginning of the 20th century a man named Nishikawa, produced a truly spherical cultured pearl, but at great effort and expense, which excluded his using the process commercially. Nishikawa’s work, however, contributed greatly to the mounting knowledge of pearl production. ♦ Для этого текста сделаем исключение и займемся не различными ус- тойчивыми словосочетаниями, а только одной конструкцией used to, которая имеет значение «иметь обыкновение, в прошлом». E.g.: I used to take the bus. — Я обычно ездил на автобусе. It used to be said that ... — Бывало говорили, что ... He used to say that ... — Он говаривал, что ... (Он нередко говорил, что ...) Make up sentences with the given word combinations + used to... . Model: going to school When I was a child I used to go to a school in Rome. 123
I. going on holiday____________________________________________________________ 2. liking sweet cakes _________________________________________________________ 3. visiting National Gallery in London 4. riding a bicycle ___________________________________________________________ 5. having a bad cold every winter _____________________________________________ 6. going to the movie twice a week_____________________________________________ 7. working in a factory 8. being late for work 9. having English lessons every day____________________________________________ ♦ Write four English sentences summing up the contents of the text. I. Образование жемчужины начинается co случайного попадания песчин- ки в устрицу. 2. Второй этап в образовании жемчужи- ны — маленький шарик перекаты- вается (to roll) в устрице и, таким образом, округляется и полируется. 3- Естественная жемчужина — большая ________________________________________ редкость. 4. В настоящее время жемчуг может про- изводиться искусственным образом. ♦ Questions for a short composition: I. Is there any pragmatic aspect, besides decorating oneself, of wearing gems? 2. What are your favourite gems? 124
Text 12 COMMUNICATION PHASES When learning a new language, learners appear to pass through at least three kinds of communication phases: one-way, partial two-way, and full two-way. In one-way communication, the learner listens to or reads the target language but does not communicate back. The communication is one-way, toward the learner, not from the learner. Listening to speeches and radio programs, watching films and most television programs and reading books and magazines are examples of one- way communication. In partial two-way communication, the learner may respond orally to someone, but the communication is not in the target language. The response may be in the learner’s first language or may be nonverbal, such as a nod or other physical re- sponse. In full two-way communication the learner speaks the target language, acting as both recipient and sender of the message in the target language. Learners appear to tend toward these types of communication at different times during the learning process. ♦ В первом предложении текста использован глагол to pass: to pass through ... communication phases. Обратите внимание на то, как резко меняет- ся значение этого глагола в зависимости от того, в какое лексическое окру- жение он попадает. Translate into Russian. I. At the table: ‘Pass me the sugar’ or ‘Pass the sugar to me’ (значение: to hand). 2. He can pass for a Frenchman (значение: to be accepted as). 125
3. A significant look passed between them (значение: to be exchanged). 4. They passed from one subject to another (значение: to shift). 5. The judge passed sentence on the accused (значение: to deliver). ____ 6. They passed over her when promotions were handed out (значение: to disre- gard). _____________ ♦ Write three English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Односторонняя коммуникация: чтение, слушание радио, просмотр фильмов и телевизионных программ. 2.____________________________________________ Частичная двусторонняя коммуника- ______________________________________________ ция: реакция в виде, например, кивка, ответа на родном языке, знака рукой и т.п. (так называемая невербальная коммуникация). 3. Полная двусторонняя коммуникация: учашийся говорит/пишет на ино- странном языке, воспринимает ин- формацию и передает ее. ♦ A question for a short composition: You are a student of English, aren’t you? What communication phase are you passing through at the moment? What challenges do you meet?
Text 13 LANGUAGE LEARNING Language learning is a two-way street. Learners, and all the mental machinery they come with, comprise one dimension. The environment, including the teacher, the classroom, and the surrounding community, is the other. During the last IO years the focus was mostly on the learner. In the last few years, the pendulum has begun to swing in the other direction; researchers are paying attention to the environment surrounding the learner. A natural language environment exists whenever the focus of the speakers is on the content of the communication rather than on language itself . An ordinary con- versation between two people is natural, and so are natural verbal exchanges at a store, a bank, or a party. The participants in these exchanges care about giving and receiving information or opinions, and although they use language structures, they do so with virtually no conscious awareness of the structures used. Likewise, reading for information or entertainment, or film or television viewing are also natural uses of language. All these activities provide the participants with natural exposure to the language. (to be continued) ♦ В приведенном выше тексте использовано существительное awareness: with virtually no conscious awareness of ... . Прилагательное aware и соответст- вующее существительное awareness принадлежат к числу слов, которые не счи- таются легкими для перевода на русский язык. В этом вы сможете убедиться сами, когда начнете переводить следующие предложения. Translate into Russian. I. He was painfully aware of his recent failure. 127
2. They were aware of the difficulties. 3. He was aware that the deadline had passed. 4. There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful. 5. I am well aware of the dangers.____________________________________________ 6. He became aware of someone following him. 7. I passed him without being aware of it. ♦ Write three English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1 • В преподавании языка последние 10 лет упор делался на учителя. 2 . В последнее время акцент сместился ____________________________________________ н а учащегося. 3 - Ученые считают, что учащийся нужда- ется в естественном «погружении» в изучаемый язык.
Text 14 LANGUAGE LEARNING (Continued) Students who report a year’s study abroad usually perform best; those who report a summer or a tour abroad perform next best; and both of these groups outperform those who have never studied in a host country but only in a formal foreign lan- guage learning environment (such as learning French in the United States). The host language environment (such as French in France or English in the United States) is one which permits learners to talk about issues relating to their lives in the new environment. It provides maximum opportunities for natural lan- guage exposure. With careful planning, natural language exposure can also be made available within a foreign language environment. When it is, language learning results improve no- ticeably. For example, students learning English in Egypt and Lebanon improved differently over time: students who had experienced learning academic subjects in English (such as biology, chemistry or physics) improved steadily over time, while those who studied English only in a formal language classroom situation did not improve as steadily. Using a content subject, such as biology, to expose students to a new language is a way of providing natural exposure to the language. The focus of the participants is on the content — biology — and this is the necessary ingredient for a natural lan- guage environment. ♦ В этом тексте использовано существительное opportunity: ...maximum op- portunities for ... . Трудность в использовании этого слова состоит в том, что изучающие язык не всегда четко разграничивают значения слов opportunity и possibility. Opportunity — это «шанс, благоприятное, подходящее, выгодное стечение (комбинация) обстоятельств». 5 Зак. 797 129
Possibility — это «возможность сделать, осуществить что-либо». Между тем оба слова могут переводиться на русский язык одним и тем же существи- тельным возможность. Translate into Russian paying attention to phrases with opportunity. 1. He was smart enough to seize the opportunity. — 2. He has found new opportunities there. — 3. He has lost a wonderful opportunity. — 4. It was a lost opportunity. — _________________________________________________ 5. No opportunity should be missed. — 6. It is the government policy to give all citizens an equal opportunity (chance). — 7. We had an opportunity to visit our parents. — 8. 1 had no opportunity to thank him. — 9. Ring me up if you get the opportunity. — 10. He let slip a golden opportunity. — ♦ Write four English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Ранее основное внимание в обучении языкам уделялось учащемуся. 2. В настоящее время внимание препо- давателей сосредоточено на языко- вой среде, в которую входит ряд факторов, например ... 3. Изучение языка в естественных усло- виях. 4. Роль пребывания в стране изучае- мого языка. 130
♦ Questions for a short composition: 1. What would you consider to be the primary characteristics of “natural expo- sure”? 2. Why would students studying academic content (in chemistry, physics, biol- ogy, etc.) improve more steadily in English skills than students studying En- glish as a foreign language only? 3. Discuss the proverb: “The tongue alone is enough to kill a man”.
Text 15 ‘EIN IMAGE PROBLEM’ AND ‘DAS CASH FLOW’ Nowadays the world continues expropriating words and phrases from the English language. Already Germans talk about ‘ein Image Problem’ and ‘das Cash-Flow’, Italians program their computers with ‘il software’, French motorists going away for a ‘weekend break’ pause for ‘les refuelling stops’, Spaniards have a ‘flirt’, and the Japanese go on a ‘pikunikku’. For better or worse, English has become the most global of languages, the lan- guage of business, science, education, politics, and pop music. For the airlines of 157 nations (out of 168 in the world), it is the agreed international language of discourse. In India, there are more than 3,000 newspapers in English. The six member nations of the European Free Trade Association conduct all their business in English, even though not one of them is an English-speaking country. When companies from four European countries — France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland formed a joint truck-making venture called Ivecco in 1977, they chose English as their working language because, as one of the founders sardonically ob- served, ‘It puts us all at an equal disadvantage.’ ♦ Обратите внимание на сочетаемость существительного advantage. Об от- рицательной приставке dis- (disadvantage) мы говорили выше, см. с. 92. Translate into Russian. I. Our team had the advantage of experience. — 2. Her connections gave her an advantage over the others. — 3. It was to a mutual advantage. — _____________________________________ 132
4. His wealth was an obvious advantage to us. — 5. This method has the advantage that... — _ 6. She managed to turn the whole situation to her advantage. — 7. Let’s take advantage of favourable conditions! — 8. The picture can be seen to better advantage from here. — ♦ Write three English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Английский — язык международного общения. 2. Примеры проникновения отдельных английских слов в другие языки Европы и Азии. 3. Примеры областей жизни (политика, бизнес, образование и др.), в кото- рые прочно вошел английский язык. ♦ Уважаемый абитуриент! Приведите Ваши собственные примеры проникновения английского в русский язык. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ♦ A question for a short composition: How does the situation described in the passage compare with that in the Rus- sian language? Give examples. 133
Text 16 WHAT TO DO? A major problem at the office is that workers who do not smoke must share offices with people who do. Of course, it is not possible to assume that my coworker will quit her job just because I don’t like the fact she smokes. I am not prepared to quit my job either. I am certainly not going to take up smoking, since I am an asthmatic. So, let’s look now at the more workable solutions. I could ask my coworker not to smoke. This does not seem to be the best solution. It would probably make her angry. Even if she agreed to try, there is no guarantee that she would be successful. We work in a high-pressure job, and she says that she smokes to help relieve tension. I considered moving my desk to a different corner in the room so that I was no longer facing my coworker’s desk. This doesn’t seem like a very good solution be- cause I will still be able to inhale the smoke no matter where I am in the room. This would also probably make my coworker angry because I would constantly be re- minding her that I don’t like her smoking. So, what to do? What would be a pos- sible solution? Do you think the following could solve the problem: I feel that the best one is to ask if I can move to another room to work. If my coworker is forced to quit smok- ing, her ability to work will be hurt. If I have to continue to smell smoke, my ability to work will be lessened. We can agree to meet at a “neutral location” for short periods of time when we need to work together. My coworker will not smoke during those times. In this way we can both do our jobs and be happy in our working en- vironment. ♦ В этом уроке мы обратимся не к устойчивым словосочетаниям, а к грам- матическому явлению, а именно к косвенной речи: she says that she smokes to help relieve tension. Давайте сделаем следующее упражнение, в котором кос- венная речь, как и в тексте ‘What to Do’, вводится глаголом to say в настоя- 134
щем (Simple Present) времени. Следовательно, в придаточном предложении нет необходимости в каком-либо сдвиге времен: Alan is coming to spend a few days with the Smiths. He phones from the station. Betty Smith answers. She reports Alan’s remarks to her husband while the conversation is still going on. Model: Alan: I’m phoning from the station. Betty: He says he’s phoning from the station. 1. I’ve just arrived.__________________________________________________________ 2. We were delayed two hours by a blocked line. 3. The station is packed with football fans from my home town. 4. I can hardly hear you; they are making such a noise. 5. I’ll try to get a taxi._____________________________________________________ 6. But this may take some time as all the football fans seem to want taxis too. (Use it for this.) __________________________________________________________ 7. I may have to leave my luggage in the station and get a bus. 8. I hope to be with you in about an hour. (Use us.) 9. I have a French girl with me called Marie. 10. Her brother asked me to look after her. ♦ Write three English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Проблема: Курящим и некурящим со- трудникам приходится находиться во время работы в одной и той же комнате. 2. Существует несколько способов реше- ния этой проблемы, но все они ока- зываются недостаточными. Почему? 135
3. Имеется один радикальный способ ре- шения проблемы, при котором ни- чьи интересы не ущемляются. Ка- ков этот способ? ♦ Questions for a short composition: 1. Do you share your office with people who smoke? 2. How does smoking relate to the frequency of lung cancer?
Text 17 ANOTHER PROBLEM TO SOLVE My neighbor lives in an older, energy-inefficient home. He is retired and has a limited income. This year the gas company increased its rates for heating by 9 per cent. It has been a very cold winter this year. Yesterday Mr. Larson told me that he can’t afford to pay his last bill. He is very worried that the gas company is just going to shut off his gas with no warning. He doesn’t know what to do. I do not recommend that my neighbor just ignore the bill and wait to see what happens. The gas company is a business. If the customer doesn’t pay, the business will stop providing the gas. There will be no communication between the company and the customer. It is also not a very wise idea to take out a loan to pay for the heating bills. My neighbor has a limited income because he is retired. He probably couldn’t get a loan even if he tried. If by chance he got the loan, my neighbor would have to pay back the loan with interest. This means that he would be responsible for paying out even more money than now, which he doesn’t have. Using the fireplace and electric heaters is a better idea than the first two. For some people, it might even be the best solution. For my neighbor, however, it just isn’t practical. He is an older man and isn’t able to cut, stack, and carry large amounts of wood to keep the fireplace working. Also, his house is not well built. For this reason the fireplace and heaters might keep some areas warm, but the house would still be chilly and drafty, which is not healthy for an older person. This leaves, then, the solution where my neighbor contacts the gas company, explains the situation, and tries to work out a payment plan that is agreeable to him and to the company. ♦ В последнем предложении этого текста Вы столкнулись с фразовым гла- голом to work out: ... my neighbor ... tries to work out a payment plan ... Данный фразовый глагол (впрочем, как и большинство других фразовых глаголов) 137
довольно сложен для понимания и, следовательно, перевода на русский язык. Давайте разберемся в значении глагола to work out. В тексте, который Вы только что прочли, этот фразовый глагол использо- ван в значении «выполнить надлежащие действия с тем, чтобы прийти к пра- вильному решению, найти правильное решение» (to find smth by performing the proper actions). lYanslate these two examples into Russian. I just can’t work out on the map where we are. — He worked out all the answers. —_______________________________________ Кроме того, to work out может быть использовано в значении « преуспеть» (to succeed и to come right). Translate into Russian. The plan worked out. — ________________________________________________ The crossword puzzle does work out after all. (Используйте здесь разговорное слово получается.) — __________________________________________________ То work out в значении «решить» мы находим в следующем примере: Не worked out all the equations. —_____________________________________ В значении «исчерпывать», «истощать», «опустошать» и тому подобных находим этот глагол в следующих двух примерах: The old man is completely worked out. — They worked out that stratum of oil long ago. — Полезно также запомнить, что to work in может быть использовано: 1) в значении «сотрудничать», «кооперироваться с кем-л.»: She works in with the team as much as possible. — 2) в значении «включать»: When he wrote his essay, he worked in several quotations. — Фразовый глагол to work on полезно запомнить в следующих значениях: 1) «продолжать работать» (сравните с to go on): They worked on into the night. — 2) «быть занятым какой-л. работой»: Не is working on a new book. — The child was working on a jigsaw puzzle. — 138
♦ Write four English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Мистер Ларсон — старый человек, жи- вет на небольшую пенсию. 2. Проблемы, с которыми он столкнул- ся: в каком доме он живет; какова была прошедшая зима; какова пла- та за газ, которым мистер Л. обог- ревает свой дом. 3. Возможные пути решения проблемы. Почему все они неэффективны? 4. Эффективный путь решения пробле- мы — сотрудничество с газовой компанией. ♦ A question for discussion or a short composition: What problems do retired people face in your country?
Text 18 MELATONIN An advertisement in the check-out counter of a large drug store in Chicago runs: “You have seen it on TV and read about it in major national publications. Buy a bottle today and see for yourself why melatonin has everyone talking.” Why are they talking? By some accounts, a single melatonin pill will cure or prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, cataracts, AIDS, depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and influenza. It will improve your sex life, reverse the ageing process and help you to sleep better and lose weight. Clearly, this ‘natural’ compound is no less than the fountain of youth. Such wild claims have been made in the past for other compounds, and will no doubt be made in the future. They are similar to those made by salesmen who rode their covered wagons from town to town in the Wild West of nineteenth-century America selling ‘snake oil’ as a miracle cure. How did a great deal of serious and medically important research turn into the ‘melatonin craze’? The short answer is simple: scientists went public writing books and articles for a general audience and giving interviews on radio and television. This of course is precisely what scientists should be doing in the current climate of ‘distrust of science’ and at a time when public and government support of science is diminishing. Indeed, it is clearly the duty of the many scientists whose careers are heavily dependent on taxpayers’ money to inform the public of the possible benefits of their work and the importance of scientific research in general. But in spreading this message, scientists must be careful not to cross the ‘truth-in-advertisement line’ by exaggerating the significance of a few selected studies to the point where the public receives an unbalanced and potentially dangerous view of the present state of knowledge. ♦ В тексте ‘Melatonin’ мы находим фразовый глагол to turn into в значении «превратиться во что-л.»: “How did a great deal of serious and medically impor- 140
tant research turn into the melatonin craze?” По сравнению с другими фразовы- ми глаголами с послелогами turn с различными послелогами представляется довольно простым для осмысления и перевода на русский язык. Вам не со- ставит труда перевести и запомнить следующее: 1) turn down — в значении «отказать»: The committee has turned down his application. — I’m afraid we must turn down your kind offer of help. — He was turned down by several publishers. — 2) turn down — в значении «уменьшить, сократить» (по силе, в количе- стве): She turned the gas down. —______________________________________________ 3) turn in — в значении «ложиться спать» (разг.)'. We usually turn in about midnight. — 4) turn inside out — «вывернуть наизнанку», «перевернуть вверх дном»: Не turned his coat inside out. —________________________________________ The detectives turned the place inside out. — 5) turn off — в значении «закрыть кран», «выключить (воду, свет)»: She turned the tap off — _________________________ They turned off the water supply. — Turn off the gas, please. — 6) turn on — «включить», «открыть кран»: Turn on the water, please. —____________________________________________ They have turned the supply of electricity on. — 7) turn on — в значении «зависеть от»: The whole project turns on one man. — The deal turns on a matter of timing. — 8) turn out — в значении «оказаться»: It turned out that she had known him for years. — 9) turn out — в значении «выключить», (ср. выше turn off): Turn out the lights when you leave. — 141
10) turn out — в значении «производить»: The factory turns out cars. — 11) turn out — в значении «исключить (из клуба, университета и пр.)»: They turned him out of the club. — 12) turn out — в значении «сделать тщательную уборку»: They turned the room out completely. — 13) turn over — в значении «передать; выдать (полиции)»: She turned him over to the police. — Обратите внимание на идиоматические выражения: to turn something over in one’s mind, которое означает “to think something over carefully”; to turn over a new leaf, которое означает «перевернуть страницу», «начать новую жизнь» (“to begin again, to start afresh”). 14) turn up — в значении «появиться, обнаружиться (часто неожиданно)»: Oh, that lost paper will turn up somewhere. — These things always turn up eventually, don’t worry. — 15) turn upside down — в значении «перевернуть вверх дном» (ср. также вы- ше to turn inside out): The police have turned the place upside down in an effort to find him. — ♦ Write four English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1. Что говорит реклама о лекарстве «ме- латонин»? 2. Почему серьезное медицинское иссле- дование превращается в «мелато- ниновое безумие»? 3. Долг ученых — не преступать порог, за которым таится потенциальная опасность обмана. 142
Насколько вообще реклама может быть правдивой? ♦ A question for a short composition: What does the author of the passage mean by ‘"wild'1 claims (for cure-all drugs)? See the third paragraph.
Text 19 INTERESTING TRAITS In England everything is the other way round. On Sundays on the Continent even the poorest person puts on his best suit, tries to look respectable, and at the same time the life of the country becomes gay and cheerful; in England even the richest peer or a motor-manufacturer dresses in some peculiar rags, does not shave, and the country becomes dull and dreary. On the Continent there is one topic which should be avoided — the weather; in England, if you do not repeat ‘Lovely day, isn’t it?’ at least two hundred times a day, you are considered a bit dull. On the Continent Sunday papers appear on Monday; in England — a country of exotic oddities — they appear on Sunday. On the Continent people use a fork as though a fork were a shovel; in England they turn it upside down and push every- thing — including peas — on top of it. On a continental bus approaching a request stop the conductor rings the bell if he wants his bus to go on without stopping; in England you ring the bell if you want the bus to stop. On the Continent stray cats are judged individually on their merit — some are loved, some are respected; in England they are universally worshipped as in an- cient Egypt. On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners. On the Continent public orators try to learn to speak fluently and smoothly, in England they take a special course in Oxonian stuttering (‘Oxonian’ means ‘of or relating to Oxford or Oxford University’). On the Continent learned persons love to quote Aristotle, Horace, Montaigne and show off their ‘knowledge’; in England nobody quotes Latin and Greek authors in the course of a conversation, unless he has never read them. On the Continent almost every nation, whether little or great, has openly de- clared at one time or another that it is superior to all other nations; the English fight 144
heroic wars to combat these dangerous ideas without ever mentioning which is re- ally the most superior race in the world. Continental people are sensitive and touchy; the English take everything with an exquisite sense of humour — they are only offended if you tell them that they have no sense of humour. On the Continent the population consists of a small percentage of criminals, a small percentage of honest people and the rest are a vague transition between the two; in England you find a small percentage of criminals and the rest are honest people. On the other hand, people on the continent either tell you the truth or lie; in England they hardly ever lie, but they would not dream of telling you the truth. Many continentals think life is a game; the English think cricket is a game. ♦ В этом последнем тексте давайте еще раз вернемся к грамматике и об- ратим наше внимание на тот тип вопросительного предложения, который в русской грамматической традиции называют по-разному; расчлененные во- просы, разделительные вопросы, дизъюнктивные вопросы, — а в английской грамматической традиции — disjunctive questions, tag-questions. В приводимом выше тексте мы находим: Lovely day, isn’t it? — Прекрасный день, не правда дм .’Обратите внимание на то, что в разговорной речи начало предложе- ния It is a (lovely day) — может опускаться. Например, Horrible weather, isn’t it? Complete the following tag-questions adding the tags required. 1. It’s cold, ? 2. Tom has a car,? 3. I may take it,__? 4. You can come,? 5. He should drive slowly,? 6. You knew that,? 7. He plays well,? 8. She used to live here,? 9. I was right,? 10. He likes it,? 11. You won't be long,? 12. She didn’t find it, ? 13. They aren’t allowed to play cards here,? 14. She doesn’t know you, ? ♦ Write seven English sentences summing up the contents of the text. 1- Воскресенье на континенте и в Анг- лии. 2- Обсуждение погоды на континенте и в Англии. 145
3. Отношение к кошкам — на континен- те и в Англии. 4. Отношение к цитированию латинских и древнегреческих авторов на кон- тиненте и в Англии. 5. Английское чувство юмора. 6. Как англичане относятся к идее о пре- восходстве одной расы над другой. 7. Знаменитый английский здравый смысл — common sense (см. послед- нюю строчку текста). ♦ A question for discussion or a short composition: Compare interesting traits discussed in the passage above with some of those typical of Russia.
Test A Each sentence below has four underlined words or phrases marked (А), (В), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 1.1. Americans tend to see the world in simple terms, especial in matters involv- (A) (B) (C) (D) ing action. 2. Preventive medical measures requires the individual to anticipate a future (A) (B) event and connect it with present conditions and actions. (C) (D) 3. The fact is that when we travel abroad, most of us becomes more patriotic. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. The book is a collection of articles published between 1970 and 1995 in (A) (B) “Science” and many another magazines. (C) (D) 5. Nobody having no more to sav. the meeting was closed. (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. His coming is of no use no longer. (А) (В) (C) (D) 7. It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. 1. There was no possibility of take a walk that dav. (А) (В) (C) (D) 2. In its common usage, the word chaos mean utter confusion. (A) (B) (C) (D) 149
3. The news I have received are good. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. I am waiting for more informations about this matter. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. He cannot afford a better apartment as he has few money left. (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. I am interesting in English and French. (А) (В) (C) (D) 7. My little brother will go to the school next year. (A) (B) (C) (D) 8. One should to mind his own business. (A) (B) (C) (D) 9. This is the bov which is always late. (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. 1. Peoples say “um” and “er” when hesitating in their speech. (A ) (B) (C) (D) 2. Religion and politics interests him equally. (А) (В) (C) (D) 3. The Thailander is a member of a culture which is usual described as rural (A) (B) (C) and traditional. (D) 4. Our neighbours asked Kathy and me to look after her children. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. I don’t dance much now, but I use to a lot. (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. Not long apo, it occurred a sudden revolution in public taste. (А) (В) (C) (D) 7. Over the next few years various telescope surveys are expected find more (A) (B) (C) than a million new galaxies. (D) 8. Ten thousands Englishmen lived on this island. (А) (В) (C) (D) 150
9. All children should start learning a language other then their own at pri- (A) (В) (C) (D) mary school. 10. He has written a book the name of which 1 have completely forgot. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. 1. This diamonds are more valuable than those. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. Man have always been a thinker. (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. The room was fill with smoke. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. Some metals are magnetic and anothers are not. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. A lot things will be changed while I am away from my native country. (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. It will be summer three month from now. (A) (B) (C) (D) 7. There were thousands of peoples at the football match. (A) (B) (C) (D) 8. The streets of London are full of white, black and brown people who (A) (B) originates from all over the world. (C) (D) 5. 1. No subject appears to be more widely discussed in Europe these days than (A) (B) (C) those of national identity. (D) 2. Ifyou watch scenes of British life on television, or if you stand in a street in (A) (B) central London you will be instantly aware of British mix population. (C) (D) 3. Forty years agp seeing a black man on a London bus was a rarely (A) (B) (C) (D) excitement. 151
4. The influx of non-white people into Britain have had very striking effects (A) (B) (C) (D) on British attitudes, culture and values. 5. Irish Catholics emigrated in hundreds of thousand to Britain bringingwith them (A) (B) (C) (D) a Catholic culture which is quite different from English Protestantism. 6. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Britain build up a powerful (A) (B) (C) Empire which was ruled from London. (D) 7. \fery few of the colonise peoples had an opportunity to settle in Britain (А) (В) (C) until after the Second World War. (D) 8. Thousand of people left Britain to work in the Empire as administrators, (A) (B) civil engineers, teachers, farmers, missionaries and traders. (C) (D) 6. 1. In 1786 George Washington write that he wished some plan might be adopted (A) (B) (C) “by which slavery may be abolished by slow, sure and imperceptible degrees”. (D) 2. Gefferson, Madison and Monroe, all Virginians, and other leading Southern statesman, made similar statements. (A) (В) (C) (D) 3. As late as 1808. when the international slave trade was abolished, there was (A) (B) many Southerners who thought that slavery would soon end. (C) (D) 4. Most Americans assume that nature is material and exploitable and this (A) (B) assumption.is relate to the fact that Americans usually desire material com- (C) fort and possessions. (D) 5. People should have shelter, clothing, warmth and all of the other means (A) (B) (C) that makes the individual materially comfortable. (D) 152
6. Progress rest on the belief that there is something better than our own way (A) (B) (C) (D) of life. 7. The human body contains hundred of thousands of different types of protein. (A) (B) (C) (D) 7. 1. About seven thousand vgarsago, at the beginning of what was to became known (A) (B) as the Neolithic age, England was occupied by hunters who lived on wild animals. (C) (D) 2. Then, about six thousand years ago, these Stone Age hunters were joined by (A) other people immigrants from the Continent, small men and women rarely (B) more then 5ft in height who brought with them a different way of life. (C) (D) 3. The population of England remained small and it’s settlements were (A) widely scattered until for reasons not vet understood, in about 1600 BC, (В) (C) (D) thousands more people appeared. 4. The population, it has been estimated, rise to about one million by 1500 BC. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. At the beginning of the late Bronze Age, yet another immigrants arrived, (A) bringing with them skills and ornaments of a quality which had never been seen (В) (C) (D) in England before. 6. In about 800 BC, at the beginning of the Iron Age, other settlers arrived (A) (B) from the Continent, at the first in small groups, then in larger bands. (C) (D) 8. 1. Scotland has it’s own legal and educational systems, and there is an autono- (A) (B) (C) (D) mous Scottish Parliament. 2. From the Scottish point of view London is a long wav awav, and the small (A) (B) group of Scottish MP’s were able to do few to advance Scottish interests. (C) (D) 153
3. Recgntlythe Scottish Nationalist Party have been very successful at elections. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. At the end of the century the Scottish Nationalist Party demands a separate (A) Parliament for Scotland and more greater independence in economic affairs. (B) (C) (D) 5. The Scots can certain claim that they take education more seriously than (A) (B) (C) the English: more of their pupils stay on at school, more go to University. (D) 6. The cities of Scotland, a relatively poor country, show great official respect (A) (B) for traditions of learning. Edinburgh and Glasgow js both cultured cities. (C) (D) 7. For the last quarter of a century, Northern Ireland have been synonymous (A) (B) (C) with ‘the Troubles’. (D) 8. After centuries of struggle, Ireland finally win the right to independence in 1922. (A) (B) (C) (D) 9. The minority of Catholics were badly treat politically and legally for many years. (A) (B) (C) (D) 9. 1. The success Marie Curie has achieved was the isolation of radioactive elements (A) of polonium and radium. It was her brilliant insight that radioactivity were (B) (C) a property of individual atoms. (D) 2. The distance between what we know and what we wish to know is too great. (A) (B) (C) for us, and we fill them with believing. (D) 3. For Americans, the world is composed of facts — not ideas. Their process of (A) thinking is generally inductive, beginning with facts and then preceding to (B) (C) (D) ideas. 154
4. In the United States the practice followed requires that a sign announcing (A) (B) the road repairs be placed at the last point at which the motorist may chose (C) (D) an alternative route. 5. It is not the road repair that is announce, but the last choice available to (А) (В) (C) the motorist because of the repairs. (D) 6.1 n other parts of the world the sign is placed so that it accurate indicates the (A) (B) (C) site of the repairs, thus ignoring the motorist’s ability to make choices. (D) 10. 1. Soon after the United States’ entrance into the war, the major hotels in (А) (В) (C) Atlantic City was transformed into military barracks. (D) 2. The value of preciousgems is determined by its hardness, color, and brilliance. (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. The colour blue gradually merges into green. The difference between (A) (B) the two is continuous since no boundary does not exist which clearly sepa- (C) (D) rates them. 4. The dog is surely both an animal and more then an animal; he is a pet and (А) (В) (C) (D) companion of man. 5. Astronomers do not know how much galaxies there are, but it is thought (A) (B) (C) that there are millions or perhaps billions. (D) 6. A water molecule consists from two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. (A) (B) (C) (D) 7. The amount of copper sulfate used in the experiment depends from the (A) (B) (C) intensity of the heat. (D) 155
8. There exists more than 2,600 different varieties of palm trees, with varying (А) (В) (C) (D) flowers, leaves, and fruits. 11.1. Jane is in the habit of take walks before breakfast. (А) (В) (C) (D) 2. When question, she denied being a member of the group. (А) (В) (C) (D) 3. John think that the wisest policy is not to interfere. (А) (В) (C) (D) 4. In the seventeen century private teachers instructed the daughters of rich (A) Philadelphians in French, music, dancing, painting, singing, grammar and (B) (C) sometimes even book keeping. (D) 5. In Philadelphia, numerous private schools taught languages, mathematic (А) (В) (C) and natural science, there were also night schools for adults. (D) 6. Forests in Kenya are not been conserved and are under threat. (А) (В) (C) (D) 7. Anybody who read the literature of the British Empire knows that the (A) colonised black peoples were regarded as less capable, less intelligent than (B) (C) (D) the white people. 8. More than forty percents of blacks and Asians were born in London and (A) (B) SIS as much Londoners as their white neighbours. (C) (D) 12. 1. The state of New Mexico is not densely population, withan average of only (А) (В) (C) (D) four people per square kilometer. 2. Plant cuttings who are placed in water will develop roots and can then be (А) (В) (C) planted in soil. (D) 156
3. Lead poisoning can result if to much lead builds up in the bodv. (А) (В) (C) (D) 4. The average salt content of seawater is more than three percents. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. By the middle of the third century AD, London had become the administra- (A) (В) (C) tive as well commercial capital of the Roman province of Britain. (D) 6. Latin was the official language; and most well-educate people spoke it (A) as well as Celtic which remained the language of the poor, though many (B) (C) Latin words were incorporated into it. (D) 7. Whether or not King Arthur lived it is impossible now to say. But that (A) there came at this time a British leader of extraordinary power there seem (B) (C) to be little doubt. No other name in Britain is encountered so often, except that of the Devil. (D) 8. When King Alfred died in the 900, England was united as never before. His (A) (B) (C) successors did what they could to continue his work. (D) 13. 1. In quantum mechanics a physical quantity has no reality, or ‘being’ until an (А) (В) (C) experimenter measures it’s value. (D) 2. Einstein insisted that unmeasured quantities must exist in some definite state, (A) even though we might not to know what that state is. (B) (C) (D) 3. To control behaviour, the central nervous system employs approximate one (A) (B) (C) trillion (1022) neurons, all connected in networks too complex to be understood (D) fully. 157
4. Small birds increase their fat reserves in winter as insurance against reduced (A) (B) or unpredictable food supplies: fat is accumulated daily from feeding and utilize (C) (D) overnight. 5. It is in the troposphere, the lowest part of the atmosphere, that wind, stormy. (A) (B) and other kinds of weather take place. (C) (D) 6. The isotopes of one element can have different weighs. (А) (В) (C) (D) 7. Do you think the new tax changes will effect you much? (A) (B) (C) (D) 8. The difference in performance between the two computers is negligent (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. 1. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean are hundred of flat-topped mountains (А) (В) (C) more than a mile beneath sea level. (D) 2. Sirius is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about (A) (B) twenty-three times that of the sun. (C) (D) 3. Some of the most useful resistor material are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. Alloys of gold and copper has been widely used in various types of coins. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. Wales is less than half the size of Estonia but it has twice the population (A) (B) (C) (nearly 3 millions people). (D) 6. The polite word for describing people whose ancestors came from Africa (A) (B) used to be ‘Negro’. This is no long so. The standard polite word is ‘black’. (C) (D) It exists as both noun and adjective. 158
7. You can travel through the southwest of England and believe that everyone (A) in the country are white, whereas in some districts of London you will think (B) (C) that well over half the population is black. (D) 8. G.H. Pratt used special therapy early in the 20th century when he brought (А) (В) (C) tuberculosis patients together to discuss its disease. (D) 15. 1. One of the requirements for foreign students whose native language is not (A) English and who wish to enter American universities are to take the (B) (C) (D) TOEFL. 2. One ofthe world’s best-known conductors, he have performed in public since (А) (В) (C) the age of five. (D) 3. There are no known society in which left-handed people predominate. (А) (В) (C) (D) 4. The recession which has been attributed to a variety of factors, have resulted (А) (В) (C) (D) in the highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression. 5. One of the key factors in improving golf scores are concentration. (А) (В) (C) (D) 6. Only one of all the states in the United States are larger than Texas. (А) (В) (C) (D) 16. LA very high proportion of British homes have small gardens attached and (A) those people without much space but many enthusiasm can rent allotments (B) (C) (land for private cultivation) quite cheaply. (D) 2. About 44 per cent of the British population claims to spend time gardening. (А) (В) (C) (D) 159
3. Until recently, the British enioved less holiday time then most European (А) (В) (C) (D) nations. 4. Nowadays, virtually every full-time employee are entitled to four weeks or (А) (В) (C) more of paid holiday (excluding Sundays and any half or full free days (D) included in the contract). 5. Much of this free time will be spend at home or visiting relatives, especially (А) (В) (C) (D) at Christmas. 6. ‘Taking a holiciny' means go away from home for at least a few days. (А) (В) (C) (D) 7. Group holidays, whether in holiday camps in Britain or in hotels in Spain, (A) (B) are not expensive, and therefore offer the possibility of a proper holiday to (C) people with fewer money. (D) 8. The nearest term for the Russian word ‘dacha’ would be ‘country cottage’. (A) (B) But country cottages are owned in Britain by a small minority, and most of (C) them are to far away to be visited more than three or four times a year. (D) 17. 1. There.is a stvle of thinking, referred as associative or relational. (А) (В) (C) (D) 2. Members of different cultures possesses various ideas of reality. (А) (В) (C) (D) 3. Man is just another form of life and do not possess unique attributes which (A) (B) set him apart from other forms of life. (C) (D) 4. The middle-class American usually thinks of himself as an individual, (A) (B) success as his goal, and doing as his prefer activity. (C) (D) 160
5. People should have shelter, clothing, warmth and all of the other means (A) that makes the individual materially comfortable. (В) (C) (D) 6. In India, on the other hand, the stress on spiritual grace rather than on (А) (В) (C) material comfort is ready observed. (D) 18. 1. Because business is competitive, many American believe that it is more (A) (B) supportive of freedom than government, even though government leaders (C) are elected by the people and business leaders are not. (D) 2. Many Americans believe that competition is as important, or even more important. (A) (B) then democracy in preserving freedom. (C) (D) 3. So closely is competitive business associate with freedom in the minds of (А) (В) (C) most Americans that the term “free enterprise” rather than the term “capi- (D) talism” is most often used to describe the American business system. 4. Competition in business is believed to strength the ideal of equality of opportunity. (M (В) (C) (D) 5. Competition is seen as an open contest of speed where success goes to (A) the fastest person regardful of his or her social class background. (В) (C) (D) 6. Business is viewed as an expression of the idea of eaualitv of opportunity (A) (B) rather than the aristocratic idea of inherit privilege. (C) (D) 7. Competition is seen by most Americans as encouraging hard work. If two (A) businessman are competing against each other, the one who works harder is (B) (C) (D) likely to win. The one who is lazy is likely to lose. 6 Зак. 797 161
8. Because businessmen must continually compete against each another, they (A) (B) must develop the habit of hard work in order not to fail. (C) (D) 19. 1. Parents who smoke risk rising sickly children who make slower progress in (A) (B) (C) reading, writing and other learning. (D) 2. Margaret Thatcher was sixth Prime Minister the country had had since Eden (А) (В) (C) resigned in 1957. (D) 3. Irving Berlin wrote his famous “Oh How 1 Hate to Get Up in the Morning” (A) while served in the U.S. Army during World War I. (В) (C) (D) 4. Temperatures that are to high to be measured on a mercury thermometer (A) (B) (C) (D) can be measured on a pyrometer. 5. Alike snakes, lizards can be found on all continents except Antarctica. (А) (В) (C) (D) 6. The United States imports all carpet wools because of domestic wools are (А) (В) (C) too fine and soft for carpets. (D) 7. In his “Autobiography”, Benjamin Franklin presents the American hero, (A) who devote his life to the pursuit of happiness. (В) (C) (D)
Test В The sentences below are incomplete. Choose the one word or phrase, marked (А), (В), (C), and (D), that best completes each sentence. 1. 1. Rarely located near city lights or at lower elevations. (A) observatories are (B) are (C) in the observatories (D) are observatories 2. There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons why around the world. (A) diets differ (B) do diets differ (C) are diets different (D) to differ a diet 3. Located behind the two lacrimal glands (a lacrimal gland secretes tears and lubricates the surface of the eye). (A) each eyelid (B) in each eyelid (C) each eyelid are (D) each eyelid which is 4. In the U.S.approximately four million miles of roads, streets, and highways. (A) there (B) is (C) because of (D) there are 163
5. Potassium has a valence of positive one because it usually loses one electron when with other elements. (A) does it combine (B) it combines (C) in combining (D) combination 2. 1. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours, once every ten hours. (A) the rotation of Jupiter (B) the occurrence of Jupiter’s rotation (C) Jupiter rotates (D) Jupiter’s rotating 2 . Many economists argue that to avoid an economic depression the govern- ment spending and lower interest rates. (A) is (B) higher (C) increase (D) should increase 3 .were fi rst viewed through a telescope by Galileo. (A) Jupiter has four moons (B) Jupiter’s four moons (C) Jupiter surrounded by four moons (D) Surrounded by four moons, Jupiter 4 .New Jersey’s proximity to New York, it is an important link in the nation’s transportation system. (A) Since (B) Resulting (C) However (D) Because of 5 . When of impulses from many of the neurons in one part of the brain, an epileptic seizure occurs. (A) the simultaneous bursts (B) simultaneously burst (C) there are simultaneous bursts (D) simultaneously bursting 164
3. 1.united effort is needed if the problem of the “underground economy” is to be resolved. (A) It is a (B) A (C) There is a (D) An 2 . Located in Florida,is the oldest city in the United States. (A) is St. Augustine (B) the city of St. Augustine (C) St. Augustine it (D) Where St. Augustine 3 .a tenth planet may exist is suggested by discrepancies in the motions of Uranus and Neptune. (A) It is the fact that (B) In fact (C) That (D) The fact 4 .the predicted “W” particles do exist was proved in the par- ticle accelerator. (A) The fact is (B) In fact (C) That is (D) The fact that 5.is sometimes disputed. (A) Columbus was an Italian (B) That Columbus was an Italian (C) An Italian that was Columbus (D) That Columbus an Italian was attributed partly to psychological fac- tors 4. l.The green house effect occurs_____________heat radiated from the sun. (A) when does the earth’s atmosphere trap (B) does the earth’s atmosphere trap (C) when the earth’s atmosphere traps (D) the earth’s atmosphere traps 165
2. It is possible for a microscope' one or two lenses. (A) has (B) have (C) to have (D) that has 3. appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does over- head is merely an optical illusion. (A) The moon (B) That the moon (C) When the moon (D) The moon which 4. February normally has twenty-eight days, but every fourth year, , has twenty-nine. (A) there (B) its (C) is a leap year (D) a leap year 5. Aspirin from the bark of willow trees. (A) was first extracted (B) it was first extracted (C) extracted (D) first extracted 6. A scientific process to turn natural gas into animal feed. (A) have been developed (B) it has been developed (C) have developed (D) has been developed 7. there, the southwest desert contains a remarkable variety of flora and fauna. (A) Although rarely rains (B) It rarely rains (C) Although it rarely rains (D) Sometimes it rains 8., litmus paper turns blue. (A) If in an alkali it is dipped (B) If is dipped in an alkali 166
(C) Is dipped in an alkali (D) If it is dipped in an alkali 9. Peas lose much of their flavor. (A) which overcooked (B) have been overcooked (C) which they have been overcooked (D) which have been overcooked 10., nitroglycerine is extremely volatile. (A) It is highly effective (В) H ighly effective it is (C) While highly effective (D) H ighly while effective 11. The doctor,, apologized. (A) his mistake realizing (B) he realized his mistake (C) realizing his mistake (D) realized his mistake 5. 1.twelve million immigrants entered the U.S. via Ellis Is- land. (A) More than (B) There were more than (C) Of more than (D) The report 2 .variety of flowers in the show, from simple carnations to the most exquisite roses. (A) A wide (B) There was a wide (C) Was there (D) Many 3 .that Emily Dickinson (a famous U.S. poet, 1830—86) wrote, only twenty-four were given titles and only seven were published during her lifetime. (A) Of the 1,800 poems (B) There were 1,800 poems (C) Because the 1,800 poems (D) The 1,800 poems 167
4. The Decimal System, currently used in libraries throughout the world, all written works into ten classes according to subject. (A) dividing (B) divides (C) it would divide (D) was divided 5. Among bees a highly elaborate form of communication. (A) occur (B) occurs (C) it occurs (D) they occur 6.heated by solar energy have special collectors on the roofs to trap sunlight. (A) A home is (B) Homes are (C) A home (D) Homes 6. 1.Hale Telescope, at the Palomar Observatory in Southern Cali- fornia, can photograph objects several billion light years away. (A) Through the (B) With the (C) Using the (D) The 2. Without the proper card installed inside the computer,im- possible to run a graphical program. (A) is definitely (B) because of (C) it is (D) is 3. At the end of the nineteenth century, Alfred Binet developed a test for mea- suring intelligence served us the basis of modern IQ (intel- ligence quotient). (A) has (B) it has (C) whose (D) which has 168
4. The benefit the study is that it provides necessary informa- tion to anyone who needs it (A) of (B) which (C)that (D) because 7. 1. The algebra of sets Boolean algebra. (A) is called (B) which is called (C) known as (D) called 2., William Shakespeare is the most widely known. (A) With all writers in English (B) All writers in English (C) All of the writers in English (D) Of all writers in English 3 . The Cathedral of Seville enjoys the distinction the largest medieval cathedral in the world. (A) of being (B) to be (C) being (D) it being 4 .to develop immunity to rheumatism fever. (A) It not being possible (B) It is not possible (C) Not possible (D) Is not possible 5. The fuel used in nuclear-powered ships is usually uranium in either the me- tallic . (A) as well as the oxide form (B) but also the oxide form (C) or the oxide form (D) and the oxide form 6. The rhinoceros (носорог) has a rather poor sense of smell, nor. (A) can it see well (B) it well can see 169
(C) it can see well (D) well can it see 8. 1. To achieve independence the goal of many nations since the end of the Second World Whr. (A) it has been (B) which has been (C) has been (D) is 2 .from San Diego to the Mexican border. (A) Few miles (B) It’s not far (C) Not far (D) There is not far 3 .people in Scotland and Wales to be called English. (A) It offends (B) There offends (C) They offend (D) Offends 4 .the match had to be postponed. (A) Because snowing (B) Because was snowing (C) Because there was snowing (D) Because it was snowing 5.in Florida in the winter. (A) There is usually warm (B) Is usually warm (C) It is usually warm (D) Though it is usually warm 6.in the 1970’s that America’s steel industry was suffering from a number of structural disadvantages. (A) It became obvious (B) There was obvious (C) It became be obvious (D) An obvious problem 170
7 .no type of plant immune to attack by insects. (A) It exists (B) There exist (C) Because there exists (D) There exists 8 .penguins in the Arctic. (A) There are no (B) No (C) There are not (D) Are not 9 . Probably little oil left under the North Sea by the year 2000. (A) will be (B) there will be (C) it will be (D) there will have 10 . Many doctors believe cures for many forms of cancer soon. (A) will discover (B) they will be discovered (C) will be discovered (D) have been discovered soon. 9. 1. Overexposure to the sun causes health problems. (A) various (B) among (C) over (D)of 2. Birds head south to warmer climates when. (A) is cold weather (B) does cold weather come (C) cold weather comes (D) comes cold weather 3. Drying of meats and vegetables is no longer considered one of of preserving food. (A) the ways are useful (B) the ways most useful (C) the most useful ways (D) most are useful ways 171
4. Aspirin is used constriction of the blood vessels. (A) the counteraction (B) to counteract (C) counteract (D) counteracting 5. Composing more than forty percent of the diet, fats are by the body for energy. (A) using specifically (B) used specifically (C) specific use (D) the use specific 10. 1. , London Bridge was then rebuilt as part of a tourist attrac- tion. (A) It was sold to an Arizona manager (B) To an Arizona manager selling (C) Sold to an Arizona manager (D) Selling to an Arizona manager 2. Presbyterian minister, college professor, and, James Naismith is best remembered as the inventor of basketball. (A) he was athletic director (B) directing athletics (C) athletic director (D) directed athletics 3. Exceeding speed limits and safety belts are two common causes of automobile death. (A) not to wear (B) failing to wear (C) don’t wear (D) not having worn 4. In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and is the automobile. (A) most affected its culture (B) most affecting its culture (C) with most effect on its culture (D) most to effect its culture 172
5.a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become. (A) When (B) The longest (C) The longer (D) If 11. 1. In an internal combustion engine,and air are heated inside a cylinder. (A) and gasoline vapor (B) both gasoline vapor (C) gasoline vapor additional (D) besides gasoline vapor 2. In November of 1863, the city of Atlanta during Sherman’s famous “March to the Sea”. (A) was completely burned (B) completely was burned (C) it was burned completely (D) completely burned it 3.have captured the spirit of the conquest of America as well as James Fenimore Cooper. (A) Few writers (B) The few writers (C) The writers are few (D) Few are the writers 4. Prospectors rushed to Nevada in 1859 was discovered there. (A) after gold soon (B) soon after gold (C) gold was soon after (D) they found gold 5.heat from the sun is trapped near the earth’s surface, the greenhouse effect occurs. (A) Not (B) When (C) That (D) What 173
12. 1. The growth of hair cyclical process, with phases of activity and inactivity. (A) it is (B) is a (C) which is (D) a regular 2. The fire to have started in the furnace under the house. (A) is believed (B) that is believed (C) they believe (D) that they believe 3. In Roman numerals,symbols for numeric values. (A) are letters of the alphabet (B) letters of the alphabet are (C) which uses letters of the alphabet (D) in which letters of the alphabet are 4. The legal systems of most countries can be classified com- mon law or civil law. (A) as either (B) either from (C) either to (D) to either 5. One difference between mathematics and language is that mathematics is precise. (A) language is not (B) while language is not (C) but language not (D) while is language 13. 1. The sea fish ‘medusa’ is often popularly called a jellyfish because it ___________________jelly. (A) looks rather like (B) looks like rather (C) which looks rather like (D) which looks like rather 174
2. Therapists are currently using mental imagery in the hope that it might prove in the treatment of cancer. (A) helpful (B) for help (C) helpfully (D) with the help 3. Somerset Maugham, a novelist,about a restless man seeking inner understanding in “The Razor’s Edge”. (A) who wrote this (B) who wrote (C) when he wrote (D) wrote 4.cockroach (таракан) is the pest in need of eradication is generally agreed upon by housing authorities everywhere. (A) When the (B) It is the (C) That the (D) The 5., the jaguar used to roam (бродить) freely in the southwest- ern United States. (A) It is now found only in Central and South America (B) Now finding in Central and South America (C) To be found in Central and South America (D) Now found only in Central and South America
Test С Each sentence below has an underlined word or pbrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases marked (А), (В), (C), and (D). You are to choose the one word or pbrase tbat best keeps the meaning of tbe original sentence if it is substituted for tbe underlined word or phrase. 1. I. The new accounts offered by the bank are compounded semi-annually. (A) every year (B) every six months (C) every two years (D) every half month 2. The conference is governed by its newly elected board. (A) ruled (B) chosen (C) advised (D) watched 3. According to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon us. (A) some day (B) now (C) in the near future (D) undoubtedly 4. Although salamanders are sometimes mistaken for lizards, the two are not related. (A) from the same family (B) the same size (C) of similar appearance (D) attached 176
5. The members of the committee were assembled quickly. (A) advised (B) informed (C) gathered (D) confused 6. No one knows exactly how many Pacific islands there are, but geographers estimate that there are up to 30,000. (A) to the point (B) precisely (C) approximately (D) appropriately 7. The largest cactus in the United States is the saguaro cactus found in the areas surrounding the Gulf of California. (A) around (B) across (C) within (D) near 8. The first recognized Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. (A) celebrated (B) viewed (C) acknowledged (D) cheered 9. The barometer is used by weather forecasters to detect changes in air pressure. (A) determine (B) mystify (C) announce (D)reduce 10. From Pavlov’s work on conditioned responses in dogs came the stimulus* response theory of behavior. (A) thought (B) philosophy (C) feelings (D) conduct 2.1. Quality control is an essential aspect of the manufacturing process. (A) an alternative (B) an introspective 177
(C) an encompassing (D) a necessary 2. Frank Borman was the commander of the Apollo 8 space flight when it circled the moon in 1968. (A) travelled to (B) went round (C) reached (D)spanned 3. When Benjamin Franklin became the first American postmaster general in 1775, he worked to improve the frequency and reliability of mail delivery. (A) satisfaction (B) opportunity (C) dependability (D) extent 4. A human body requires more nutrients in cold weather because more en- ergy is necessary to maintain body temperature. (A) surpass (B) preserve (C) equip (D) reach 5. Some economists are proposing that the United States institute a consump- tion tax rather than an income tax. (A) in addition to (B) in place of (C) at the expense of (D) alongside 3. 1. Scientists measure the microscopic distances between atoms in microns. (A) visible (B) tiny (C) machine-like (D) unmeasured 2. The Lewis and Clark expedition left St. Louis in 1804 and travelled 7,700 miles enroute to the Pacific Coast. (A) away from (B) returning to 178
(C) on the way to (D) leaving 3. The three main kinds of tea differ in the method used to process the leaves. (A) instructions (B) procedure (C) development (D) variety 4. The speed of light is considered by scientists to be a fundamental constant (A) basic (B) contradictory (C) bright (D) well-known 5. A chameleon is a kind of lizard known for its ability to change color. (A)scope (B) magnitude (C) span (D) hue 6. The ostrich (страус) egg is the largest egg of any nonextinct bird, while the smallest egg is the egg of the hummingbird (колибри). (A) living (B) dead (C) flying (D) vanished 7. Henry Ford is known for mass producing the Model T, thus making it avail- able to the average American. (A) known to (B) desired by (C) obtainable by (D) constructed for 4. 1. In the United States, election campaign spending and contributions are regu- lated by the Government. (A) buying (B) taxation (C) donations (D) charities 179
2. There are three key elements in Darwin’s theory of natural selection. (A) crucial (B) intangible (C) stated (D) retractable 3. Three major United States television networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, are headquartered in New York City. (A) in competition in (B) centered in (C) moving to (D) broadcast from 4. Many desert animals have made adaptations that are strikingly similar to those of desert plants. (A) predominantly (B) precipitously (C) forcefully (D) remarkably 5. Oats (овес) were often harvested with a machine called a combine. (A) ground (B) packaged (C) gathered (D) planted 5. 1. Practitioners of behavioral medicine encourage patients to be responsible for their own health. (A) urge (B) enlighten (C) allow (D) adhere 2. Heterogeneous catalysts are widely used in petroleum production. (A) strongly (B) extensively (C) weightily (D) narrowly 180
3. In some countries, nuclear power produces up to two-thirds of the neces- sary electricity. (A) makes (B) receives (C) dissipates (D) manages 4. Diffusion occurs at a slower rate in liquids than in gases. (A) percentage (B) speed (C) time (D) amount 5. A two-thirds majority in Congress is required if a bill is to become law. (A) necessary (B) desirable (C) acquired (D) optional 6. 1. While endeavoring to find a new route to India, Columbus discovered America by accident. (A) sailing (B) failing (C) trying (D) hoping 2. Many countries nowadays restrict the exportation of genuine archaeologi- cal artifacts (an artifact is smth made or given shape by man, such as a tool or work of art, esp. an object of archaeological interest). (A) particular (B) rare (C) authentic (D) costly 3. Aside from its reproduction on the one-dollar bill, the reverse (обратная сторона) of the Great Seal of the United States has hardly been used. (A) Except for (B) Since (C) As a result of (D) In addition to 181
4. After the tremendous improvements of recent years, the hugeness of the first computers is almost shocking to us today. (A) slowness (B) primitive appearance (C) ugliness (D) vast size 5. After attempting to join a religious order in 1862, Auguste Rodin finally yielded to his inclination to pursue an artistic career. (A) resisted (B) understood (C) gave in to (D) returned to
TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION OR COMPOSITION Topic 1: You never had a weight problem. In the past few months, however, you have put on a lot of weight that you can’t seem to lose. Write a short composition in which you offer the best solution to losing unwanted pounds. Ibpic 2: Over the past year the number of crimes has risen dramatically in your neighborhood. Write a short composition in which you offer the best solution to decrease the number of crimes where you live. 183
Topic 3: Imagine that you have a friend who has a very low opinion of himself or herself due to an unhappy childhood. Write a short composition in which you offer the best solution to help your friend get a strong self-image. Topic 4: Imagine that you have an abnormal fear of heights (dark places, flying, or whatever). Write a short composition in which you offer the best solution to get rid of this problem. Topic 5: Imagine that you received a bill from a furniture company that says you owe them 500 dollars for some furniture that you bought last month. Your name is on the bill, but you have never even been inside that store. You have never bought any furniture there. Write a short composition in which you offer the best solution to this problem. 184
Topic 6: Interview at least three of your friends and ask them about their work. Ask each one the following questions, record their answers and after that write a short composition in which you offer your personal point of view about some com- mon features characteristic of present-day employment in your country: 1. What is your present employment? 2. How long have you worked there? 3. What other jobs have you had? 4. Did you work to earn money as a child, teenager, or college student? 5. Would you consider the job you now have to be a permanent job? 6. Do you have a college/university degree or vocational training for the job you hold now? 7. How useful is a college/university degree in your line of work? 8. Have you ever changed careers? Wbuld you ever consider doing so? 9. Is it good to change jobs? 10. When should people change jobs — under what circumstances and for what reasons?
ANSWER KEY Part I. Revising Grammar and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Unit 1. S.F.B. Morse - IB; 2A Unit 2. The Invention of the Phonograph — ID; 2A; 3D; 4C Unit 3. Niagara Falls — 1C; 2А; ЗВ; 4C Unit 4. The Early History of the White House — ID; 2B Unit 5. The Beginning of Reform in American Education — ID; 2C; 3B Unit 8. An Introduction to American Culture — 1 — T; 2 — F; 3 — T; 4 — T; 5 — T; 6 — T;7 — T;8 — T;9 — T Unit 9. Increase in U.S. Medical Bills — IB; 2C; 3D Unit 12. Personal Space — ID; 2D; ЗА Unit 13. Indian Cliff Dwellings — 1C; 2D; 3B Unit 14. The American Monetary System of the 17th and 18th Centuries — IC; 2D; ЗВ; 4C Unit 15. The Federal Reserve System — I В; 2A Unit 16. The Forgotten Letter — ID; 2А; ЗА Unit 17. The Forgotten Letter (continued) — IB; 2B; ЗА Unit 18. Just What Is a Vacation Anyway — 1A; 2C Part III. Grammar and Vocabulary Tests Test A 1. 1. (C) — especially 2. (A) — require 3. (D) — become 4. (D) — other 5. (B) — any more 6. (C) — any 7. (C) — than 2. I. (C) — taking 2. (C) — means 3. (C) — is 4. (C) — information 5. (C) — little 6. (B) — interested 7. (C) — to school 8. (C) — mind 9. (C) — who 3. 1. (A) — people 2. (B) — interest 3. (B) — usually 4. (D) — their 5. (C) — used to 6. (B) — there 7. (C) — are expected to find 8. (B) — thousand 9. (B) — other than 10. (D) — forgotten 186
4. 1. (A) — these 2. (В) — has 3. (C) — filled 4. (C) — others 5. (A) — a lot of 6. (C) months 7. (C) — people 8. (C) — originate 5. 1. (D) — that 2. (D) — mixed 3. (D) — rare 4. (C) — has had 5. (B) — hundreds of thousands 6. (B) — built up 7. (B) — colonised 8. (A) — thou- sands 6. 1. (A) — wrote 2. (B) - statesmen 3. (B) — there were 4. (C) — is related 5. (D) — make 6. (A) — rests 7. (B) — hundreds 7. 1. (B) — to become known 2. (C) — than 3. (A) — its 4. (B) — rose 5. (A) — other 6. (C) — at first 8. 1. (B) — its 2. (C) — little 3. (B) — has been 4. (B) — much greater 5. (A) — certainly 6. (D) - are 7. (B) — has 8. (C) — won 9. (C) — treated 9. 1. (C) — was 2. (D) — it 3. (D) — proceeding 4. (D) — choose 5. (A) — an- nounced 6. (C) — accurately 10. 1. (D) — were 2. (B) — their 3. (D) — exists 4. (D) — than 5. (A) — how many 6. (C) — consists of 7. (C) — on 8. (A) — exist 11. 1. (C) — taking 2. (A) — questioned 3. (A) — thinks 4. (A) — seventeenth 5. (C) — mathematics 6. (A) — being 7. (A) — reads 8. (A) — per cent 12. 1. (B) — populated 2. (A) — which 3. (B) — too 4. (D) — percent 5. (D) — as well as 6. (A) — well-educated 7. (C) — seems 8. (A) — (died) in 900 13. 1. (D) — its 2. (C) — know 3. (C) — approximately 4. (D) — utilized 5. (B) — storm 6. (D) — weights 7. (C) — affect 8. (D) — negligible 14. 1. (B) — hundreds 2. (A) — the brightest 3. (C) — materials 4. (A) — have 5. (D) — million 6. (D) — no longer 7. (B) — is 8. (D) — their 15. 1. (C) — is 2. (B) — has performed 3. (A) — there is 4. (D) — has resulted 5. (C) - is 6. (C) - is 16. 1. (C) — much 2. (C) — claim 3. (C) — than 4. (B) — is 5. (B) — will be spent 6. (C) — going away 7. (D) — less 8. (D) — too far away 17. 1. (C) — referred to 2. (B) — possess 3. (B) — does not possess 4. (D) — pref- erable or preferred 5. (B) — make 6. (D) — readily 18. 1. (B) — Americans 2. (C) — than 3. (B) — associated 4. (C) — to strengthen 5. (C) — regardless 6. (D) — inherited 7. (B) — businessmen 8. (B) — one another 19. 1. (B) — raising 2. (A) — the sixth 3. (C) — serving 4. (C) — too 5. (A) — like 6. (C) — because 7. (C) — devotes Test В 1. 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (B) 2. 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (C) 3. 1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (B) 4. 1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (D) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (D) 10. (С) II. (C) 5. 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (B) 6. (D) 187
6. 1. (D) 2. (С) 3. (D) 4. (A) 7. 1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (A) 8. 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (C) 9. 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (B) 10. 1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 11. 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (B) 12. 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B) 13. 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (D) Test C 1. 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (D) 2. 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (B) 3. 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (C) 4. 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (C) 5. 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. 1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C)
BIBLIOGRAPHY Dictionaries 1. Collins English Dictionary. Updated Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. 2. Collins Paperback Thesaurus. Harper Collins Publishers, 1998. 3. Collins Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs and their fdioms. By T. McArthur and Beryl Atkins. Collins, LLT, 1992. 4. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors. New Edition, Longman, 1996. 5. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. By A.S. Hornby, E.V. Gatenby, H. Wakefield. London. Oxford University Press. 6. The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English. By M. Benson, E. Benson, R. Ilson. 7. The Penguin Dictionary of English Synonyms and Antonyms. Penguin Books, 1992. 8. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, 1991. 9. Большой англо-русский словарь в двух томах. Под общим руководством профессора И.Р. Гальперина. М.,1972. 10. Русско-английский словарь. Под общим руководством профессора А.И. Смирницкого. М.: Русский язык, 1985. 11. Русско-английский словарь. Под ред. Р.С. Даглиша. Издание десятое. М.: Русский язык, 1997. 12. А.В. Кунин. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. Изд. 4-е, переработанное и до- полненное. 13. Словарь-минимум для чтения научной литературы на английском языке. Сост.: А.В. Ми- хеева, Е.С. Савинова, Е.С. Смирнова, А.И. Черная. Изд. 6-е. М., 1985. Textbooks 1. Bryson, В. Mother Tongue. The English Language. Penguin Books, 1990. 2. Coffey, M.P. Communication through Writing. Prentice Hall, Inc. 1987. 3. Curry, D. Illustrated American Idioms. Washington, D.C., 1994. 4. Fitikides, T.J. Common Mistakes in English (with exercises). Longman, 1996. 5. Goksadze L., et al. A Practical Course in Current English Grammar. Tbilisi University Press, 1989. 6. Hewitt, K. Understanding Britain. M., «Высшая школа», 1994. 7. Kearny, E.N., Keamy, M.A., Crandall, J.A. The American Way. An Introduction to American Culture. New Jersey, 1984. 8. Levine, D.R., Adelman, M.B. Beyond Language. New Jersey, 1982. 9. Phillips, D. Longman Practice Tests for the TOEFL. Longman, 1988. 10. Stewart, E.C. American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Intercultural Press, 1985. 11. M. Рубцова. Полный курс английского языка. Учебник-самоучитель. Изд. второе. М.: Канон, 1996. 189
CONTENTS Part I. Revising Grammar and Vocabulary....;...............9 Unit 1. Samuel Finley Breese Morse...................... 11 Un it 2. The Invention of the Phonograph................ 15 Unit 3. Niagara Falls...................................20 Unit 4. The Early History of the White House............25 Unit 5. The Beginning of Reform in American Education...29 Unit 6. An Introduction to American Culture.............33 Unit 7. An Introduction to American Culture (cont.)..... 37 Unit 8. An Introduction to American Culture (cont.).....41 Unit 9. Increase in U.S. Medical Bills..................46 Unit 10. The First Twenty-Four Hours.................... 51 Unit 11. Education.......................................55 Unit 12. Personal Space..................................59 Unit 13. Indian Cliff Dwellings..........................63 Unit 14. The American Monetary System of the 17th and 18th Centuries.........................................67 Unit 15. The Federal Reserve System.......................73 Unit 16. The Forgotten Letter........................... 76 Unit 17. The Forgotten Letter (cont.).....................80 Un it 18. Just What Is a Vacation Anyway?.................85 Unit 19. Just What Is a Vacation Anyway? (cont.).........90 Unit 20. The Characteristics of Business..................94 Part II. Summing Up......................................101 Text 1. Modern Life.....................................103 Text 2. Hygiene.........................................105 Text 3. A Polite Request................................107 Text 4. Faster Than Sound...............................109 190
Text 5. The Wjrld of Perception........................Ill Text 6. The War Id’s Language — Unexpected Traps.......113 Text 7. English Pubs...................................115 Text 8. England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales..............117 Text 9. Scotland.......................................119 Text 10. American Pattern of Thinking...................121 Text 11. The Oyster’s Tear..............................123 Text 12. Communication Phases...........................125 Text 13. Language Learning..............................127 Text 14. Language Learning (cont.)......................129 Text 15. ‘Ein Image Problem’ and ‘das Cash-Flow’........132 Text 16. What to Do?....................................134 Text 17. Another Problem to Solve.......................137 Text 18. Melatonin.................................... 140 Text 19. Interesting Traits.............................144 Part III. Grammar and Vocabulary Tests..................147 Test A..................................................149 Test В..................................................163 Test C..................................................176 Topics for Discussion or Composition....................183 Answer Key..............................................186 Bibliography............................................189
Учебное издание Разинкина Нина Марковна САМОУЧИТЕЛЬ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА для поступающих в вузы Редактор Л. И. Кравцова Технический редактор Э.С. Соболевская Корректор З.Ф Юрескул Компьютерная верстка С.А. Соколов ООО «Издательство Астрель». 143900, Московская область, г. Балашиха, проспект Ленина, 81. ООО «Издательство АСТ». 368560, Республика Дагестан, Каякентский район, сел. Новокаякент, ул. Новая, д. 20. Наши электронные адреса: www.ast.ru E-mail: astpub@aha.ru При участии ООО «Харвест». Лицензия ЛВ № 32 от 10.01.01. РБ, 220013, Минск, ул Кульман, д. 1, корп. 3, эт. 4, к. 42. Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Издательство «Белорусский Дом печати». 220013, Минск, пр. Ф. Скорины, 79.
Пособие, написанное специально для абитуриентов д-ром филол. наук, проф. Н.М. Разинкиной, содержит разнообразные по тематике тексты, сходные с теми, которые предлагаются на вступительных экзаменах в вузы различного профиля, задания, консолидирующие знания, полученные в школе, и развивающие навыки письменной и устной речи, тесты с ключами, позволяющие проверить приобретенные знания и навыки в грамматике и лексике. Если вы самостоятельно готовитесь к сдаче вступительного экзамена по английскому языку, это пособие гарантируег вам успех! П 11 h' to п шесь sue i irlhred ioi „г paratives and