
ББК 81.2 Англ, я 87 В 25 Рецензента: доц., канд. ф!лол. наук Козланюк Т. П. (Льв1в. ун-т), доц., канд. пед. наук Сухорський С. Ф. (Дрогоб. пед. 1н-т) Художник Дацюк Е. 6. Вдовенко С. С. В25 Англшська мова для молодших школяр!в: Навч. пособ- ник.— Льв1в: МП «Слово», 1993.— 224 с.: 1л. ISBN 5-8326-0003-7. Експериментальннй поДбник призначений для штенсивно-прискорено- го вивчення англшсько! мови дпъми молодшого в1ку в шюльних та поза- шюльних гуртках, на курсах англшсько! мови, а також у с!м’Т. Може бути внкористаний як альтернативннй шдручник у початковш школ!. Лексич- ннй запас поДбника становить близько 1100 сл!в, словосполучень та сло- воформ. 4602020102(4306021600)—004 „ В-----------84—93----------- °е3 °голошення ББК 81.2. Англ, я 87 ISBN 5-8326-0003-7 © Вдовенко С. С., 1993
LESSON 1 DIALOGUE 1 What is this? It is a park. Is the park large or small? It is large. What are these? They are trees. What are these? They are bushes. What are these? They are benches. What are these? They are flowers. What colour are the trees? They are green. What colour are the bu- shes? They are green, too. What colour are the flowers? They are red. What colour are the benches? They are green. Is there a man in the park? Yes, there is. There is a man in the park. Is there a woman in the park? Yes, there is. There is a woman in the park. Is there a boy in the park? Yes, there is. There is a boy in the park. What is the man doing? He is standing. What is the woman doing? She is sitting. And what is the boy doing? He is running. DIALOGUE 2 What is this? It is a sitting-room. Is the sitting-room large or small? It is large. What is this? It is a sofa. What is this? It is a bookcase. 3
What is this? It is a flowerstand. What is this? It is a piano. What is this? It is a table. And what are these? They are chairs. What colour is the so- fa? It is red. What colour is the bookcase? It is brown. What colour is the flo- werstand? It is brown, too. What colour is the pia- no. It is black. What colour is the table? It is brown. And what colour are the chairs? They are brown, too. Where is the sofa? It is near the wall. Where is the bookcase? It is in the corner. Where is the flowerstand? It is in front of the window. Where is the piano? It is in the other corner. Where is the table? It is in the middle of the room. And where are the chairs? They are near the table. IN THE BEDROOM This is a bedroom. The bedroom is small. There is a wardrobe and a mirror in the bedroom. The wardrobe is in one corner of the bedroom, and the mirror is in the other corner. There is a table, two chairs and a clock in the bedroom. The tab- le is in front of the win- dow, the chairs are near the table and the clock is on the table. There are two beds in the bedroom. The beds are near the walls. In the beds there are two boys. Their names are Vadik and Vic- tor. Vadik is seven years old. He is in the first form. Victor is nine years old. He is in the third form. It is morning. The boys are sleeping.
IN THE BATHROOM Now Vadik and Victor are in the bathroom. There is a mirror and a wash- basin in the bathroom. The mirror is above the wash-basin. Vadik is standing at the wash-basin. He is washing his hands. He is washing his hands with soap and water. Victor is standing at the wash-basin, too, but he is not washing. He is looking in the mirror and combing his hair. He is combing his hair with a comb. LESSON 2 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Aunt | [a:nt] тггка badminton ['basdmintan] бадмштон chess I [tfes] шахи classmate ['klcrsmeit] однокласннк cousin [клгп] кузен, кузина dialogue | ['daiabg] д1алог draughts [drafts] шашки 2. Football | ['futbal] футбол friend [ frend] друг, товарищ game , [geim] гра hide-and-seek 1 '!iaidand'si:k] хованки hopscotch ['hopskotf] класн (гра) uncle [лОк1] дядько vocabulary [va'kasbjulari] слова, словник DIALOGUE 1 What game is Yurko playing? He is playing hide-and-seek. With whom is he playing hide-and-seek? He is playing hide-and- seek with his friends. What game is Tanya playing? She is playing hopscotch. With whom is she playing hopscotch? She is playing hopscotch with her cousin. 5
What game is Roman playing? He is playing chess. With whom is he playing chess? He is playing chess with his uncle. What game is Sonya playing? She is playing draughts. With whom is she playing draughts? She is playing draughts with her aunt. What game is Igor playing? He is playing football. With whom is he playing football? He is playing football with his classmates. What game is Oxana playing? She is playing badminton. With whom is she playing badminton? She is playing badminton with her cousin. DIALOGUE 2 What is your name? My name is Olenka. What is his name? His name is Nazar. What is her name? Her name is Dana.
And what are their names? Their names are Volodya and Ulyana. What is Nazar doing? He is painting. What is Dana doing? She is reading. And what are Volodya and Ulyana doing? They are eating. What is Nazar painting? He is painting a picture. What is Dana reading? She is reading a book. What are Volodya and Ulyana eating? They are eating cakes. Where is Nazar painting? He is painting in the sitting-room. Where is Dana reading? She is reading in the park. Where are V< lodya and Ulyana eating? They are eating in the kitchen. DIALOGUE 3 What is this? It is a kitchen. Is the kitchen large or small? It is small. Is there a cupboard in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a cupboard in the kitchen. Is there a table in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a tabk in the kit- chen. Is there a plate in the ki- tchen? Yes, there is. There is a plate in the kitchen. Is there a cake in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a cake in the kit- chen. 7
Is there a gas-stove in the kitchen? Yes, there is. There is a gas- stove in the kitchen. Are there any stools in the kitchen? Yes, there are. There are some stools in the kitchen. Were is the cupboard? It is in the corner. Where is the table? It is in front of the window. Where is the plate? It is on the table. Where is the cake? It is on the plate. Where is the gas-stove? It is near the wall. And where are the stools? They are near the table. IN THE DINING-ROOM Now Vadik and Victor are in the dining-room. They are sitting at the table. They are having breakfast. There are cups, plates and saucers on the table. There is bread, cheese and butter on the plates. Vadik is eating bread and butter and drinking tea. Vic- tor is eating bread and cheese and drinking coffee with milk. The brothers are wearing white shirt, blue trousers, grey socks and black shoes. The dining-room is small. There is a table, some chairs, a sideboard, a flower-stand and some window-plants in the dining-room. The side- board is near the wall. The flower-stand is in front of the window. The window-plants are on the flower-stand. On the wall there is a large picture. The picture is beautiful. IN THE STREET Now Vadik and Victor are in the street. Are they running? No, they are not running. They are walking. Have they baskets in their hands? No, they have not. They have no baskets in their hands. They have bags. In their bags they have books, notebooks and pencil-box- es. In their pencil-boxes they have pens and pencils. The street is long, wide and very beautiful. There are cars, buses and trolley-buses in the street. Are there any trams or lorries in the 8
street? No, there are not. Are there any trees in the street? Yes, there are. There are many trees in the street and there are many people in the street, too. LESSON 3 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Bad [bred] поганий either ['aids] та кож good [gud] добрнй high [haij високий lesson [lesn] урок like [laik] любнти, подобатись low [Ion] низький narrow ['nasrou] вузький new [njir] новий old [ould] старий 2. See [si:] бачити 9
short fp:t] 1. короткий; 2. низький so sou] отже stout staut] огрядНИЙ tall to:!] високий thin ein] тонкий, худий we wi:] ми young jADl молодий DIALOGUE 1 What are these? They are streets. Are they old streets or new streets? One street is new, and the other street is old. Is the new street wide or narrow? It is wide. Is the new street long or short? It is long. Is the new street beautiful or not beautiful? It is beautiful. What are these? They are houses. 10
Are they old houses or new houses? One house is old and the other house is new. Is the new house big or small? It is big. Is the new house high or low? It is high. Is the new house good or bad? It is good. Is the old house big or small? It is small. Is the old house high or low? It is low. Is the old house good or bad? It is bad. What are these? They are women. Are they old women or young women? One woman is old and the other woman is young. Is the old woman tall or short? She is short. Is the old woman thin or stout? She is stout. Is the young woman tall or short? She is tall. Is the young woman thin or stout? She is thin. DIALOGUE 2 Is this a dining-room or a bedroom? It is a bedroom. Do we see a wardrobe in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see a wardrobe in the bedroom. Do we see a mirror in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see a mirror in the bedroom. Do we see a carpet in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see a carpet in the bedroom. Do we see any beds in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see some beds in the bedroom. Do we see any pictures in the bedroom? Yes, we do. We see some pictures in the bedroom. Do we see a boy in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see a boy in the bed- room. Do we see a girl in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see a girl in the bed- room. Do we see a cat in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see a cat in the bed- room. Do we see any kittens in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see any kittens in the bedroom. 11
Do we see any puppies in the bedroom? No, we do not. We do not see any puppies in the bedroom. So what do we see in the bedroom? We see a wardrobe, a mirror and a carpet. We see some beds and pictures in the bedroom, too. And what do we not see in the bedroom? We do not see a boy, a girl or a cat. We do not see any kittens or puppies in the bedroom, either. IN THE CLASSROOM This is a classroom. The classroom is large. There is a long blackboard in the classroom. There are two large windows in the classroom. There are some window-plants on the window-sills. The leaves of the window-plants are green, and the flowers are red. The teacher and the children are in the classroom. They are ha- ving a lesson. It is a lesson in English. The teacher is sitting at the table. He is looking at the black- board. Victor is standing at the blackboard. He is writing on it. He is writing English. The other children are sitting at their desks. They are writing in their notebooks. They are writing an exercise. They have notebooks and English books on their desks. 12
IN THE CLASSROOM hand. She is sweeping the floor with it. Now Victor and his class- mates Oleg and Ira are cleaning the classroom. Vic- tor is standing at the win- dow. He has a duster in his hands. He is dusting the win- dow-sill with the duster. Oleg is standing at the blackboard. He has a duster in his hand, too. He is cleaning the blackboard with the duster. Ira is in the middle of the classroom. She has a broom in her OLENKA AND PAVLUS In this picture we see a small boy and a big girl. Their names are Olenka and Pavlus. Olenka and Pavlus are walking in the street. The street is long, wide and very beautiful. There are many 13
people in the street: men, women and children. There are cars, buses and trolley-buses in the street but there are no trams or lorries in it. There are trees in the street, too, but there are no bushes or flo- wers in it. The leaves on the trees are green. Olenka and Pavlus are schoolchildren. Olenka is thirteen years old, and Pavlus is eight years old. Olenka is in the sixth form, and Pavlus is in the second form. We see bags in the children’s hands. Olenka’s bag is brown, and Pavlus’s bag is black. Olenka is wearing a blue blouse, a blue skirt, brown stockings and black shoes. Pavlus is wearing a white shirt, a blue coat, blue trousers, grey socks and brown shoes. Pavlus is looking at Olenka and speaking to her. Olenka is look- ing at Pavlus and listening to him. Olenka and Pavlus are cousins and very good friends. Olenka can speak three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. She can read and write English. Pavlus cannot speak English, but he can count in English. He can count from one to twenty and he can count by tens from ten to one hundred. LESSON 4 1. Afternoon book-keeper evening have dinner have lunch have supper half past three minute morning neither . nor 2. Night past a quarter past two a quarter to four seven o’clock time THE NEW VOCABULARY [/ufta'nu’n] [,bukyki:pa] [Tvnig] fhav 'dina] [hav 'Ixntf] (hav 'sxpaj ['ha:f past '0ri:] f'minit] j'manir)] j'naiSa 'пэ:] (nait) [pcust] ['kwata past 'tu:] ['kwata ta 'fa:] [sevn] [taim] друга половина дня бухгалтер веч!р общати сшдати другим раз вечеряти шв на четверту хвилина ранок Hi ... Hi шч теля чверть на третю без чверт! чотири сьома година час 14
WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? It is seven o’clock. It is five minutes past seven. It is ten minutes past seven. It is a quarter past seven. It is twenty minutes past seven. It is twenty-five minutes past seven It is half past seven. It is twenty-five minutes to eight 15
it is twenty minutes to eight. It is a quarter to eight. It is five minutes to eight. It is ten minutes to eight It is eight o’clock. It is eight o’clock in the morning. Lida is having breakfast. It is eleven o’c- lock in the morning. Lida is having lunch. It is three o’clock in the afternoon. Li- da is having dinner. 16
It is eight o’clock in the evening. Lida is having supper. It is night. Lida is sleeping. DIALOGUE 1 Is this a wood or a garden? It is neither a wood nor a garden. Is this a yard or a field? It is neither a yard nor a field. What is this? It is a park. Do we see any trees in the park? Yes, we do. We see some trees in the park. Do we see any bushes is the park? Yes, we do. We see some bush- es in the park. Do we see any benches in the park? Yes, we do. We see some benches in the park. Do we see any flowers in the park? Yes, we do. We see some flowers in the park. Do we see any people in the park? Yes, we do. We see some people in the park. Do we see any trams in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any trams in the park. Do we see any lorries in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any lorries in the park. Do we see any cars in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any cars in the park. 17
Do we see any buses in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any buses in the park. Do we see any trolley-buses in the park? No, we do not. We do not see any trolley-buses in the park. So what do we see in the park? We see some trees, bushes, ben- ches and flowers in the park. We see some people in the park, too. And what do we not see in the park? We do not see any trams, lorries or cars in the park. We do not see any buses or trolley-buses in the park, either. DIALOGUE 2 What is your name? My name is Oxana Kravchenko. How old are you? I am ten years old. What are you? I am a schoolgirl. What form are you in? I am in the fourth form. Have you a father and a mother? Yes, I have. I have a father and a mother. What are they? My father is a driver, and my mother is a book- keeper. Have you any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have. I have a brother and a sister. What are they? My brother is a schoolboy, and my sister is a student. Have you a grandfather and a grandmother? I have a grand- mother but I have no grandfather. Have you any aunts or uncles? Yes, I have. I have two aunts and three uncles. Have you any cousins? Yes, I have. I have some cousins. How many cousins have you? I have five cousins. DIALOGUE 3 How much is four plus fourteen? Four plus fourteen is eighteen. How much is thirteen plus seventeen? Thirteen plus seventeen is thirty. How much is twelve plus sixteen? Twelve plus sixteen is twenty- eight. How much is ninety-six minus forty? Ninety-six minus forty is fifty-six. How much is one hundred minus fifteen? One hundred minus fifteen is eighty-five. 18
How much is sixty plus nineteen? Sixty plus nineteen is seventy- nine 4+14=18 96—40 = 56 13+17 = 30 100—15 = 85 12+16 = 28 60 + 19 = 79 IN THE KITCHEN In this picture we see a kitchen. Oxana is in the kitchen. Is she in the kitchen alone? No, she is not. She is not alone in the kitchen. With whom is she in the kitchen? She is in the kitchen together with her cousin Ta- ras. Taras and Oxana are schoolchildren. Oxana is in the second form, and Taras is in the third form Oxana and Taras are sitting at the table. They are sitting on the stools. What else are they doing? They are eating bread and mushrooms. There is a saucer on the table We can see two apples and a pear on the saucer. Oxana is wearing a yel- low blouse, a red skirt, brown stockings and brown shoes. Taras is wearing a white shirt, blue trousers, brown socks and black shoes. The kitchen is small. We see a cupboard in the corner and a gas-stove near the wall. A grey kitten is sitting under the table. LESSON 5 n. THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. At at seven o’clock city aet] st 'sevn o'khk] 'siti] 0 O CbOMiii ГОДИН! Micro (велике) 15 come back 'клт T;a+] повертатися day dei] день IS J ° du:] робити dress dres] одягатися 19
every 'evri] КОЖНИЙ get up 'get'Ap] вставати 2. Go gou] йти go to bed bed] лягати спати go for a walk- wo:k] ходити на прогулянку help help] допомагати home houm] додому into 'inta] в lesson 'lesn] урок 3. Make a bed 'meik] застеляти л!жко put put] класти school skirl] школа from school 3i школи to school до школи take teik] брати wash up 'waj 'лр] мити посуд WHAT DO NADYA AND GALYA DO EVERY DAY? They get up at seven o’clock in the morning. They make their beds. They do their morning exer- cises. They wash. 20
They dress. They have breakfast. They take their bags and go to school. At two o’clock in the after- noon they come back home from school. They have dinner. They play in the garden. 21
They do their lessons. They put their books and notebooks into their bags. They have supper. They help their mother to wash up. They go for a walk. They go to bed. DIALOGUE 1 What have I? You have a bag and a book. What have you? I have a pen and a pencil. What has he? He has a gun and a ball.
What has she? She has a doll, a toy-bed and a Teddy bear. What have they? They have an apple and a pear. What colour are my bag and my book? Your bag is black, and your book is grey. What colour are your pen and your pencil? My pen is grey, and my pencil is pink. What colour are his gun and his ball? His gun is black, and his ball is red and green. What colour are her Teddy bear and her toy-bed? Her toy-bed is brown, and her Teddy bear is yellow. What colour are their apple and their pear? Their apple is red and yellow, and their pear is green. Where are my bag and my book? Your bag is in the desk, and your book is on the desk. Where are your pen and your pencil? My pen is in the pencil- box, and my pencil is on the notebook. Where are his gun and his ball? His gun is on the chair, and his ball is on the floor. 23
Where are her doll and her Teddy bear? Her doll is on the toy-bed, and her Teddy bear is on the sofa. Where are their apple and their pear? They on the plate. DIALOGUE 2 What is this? It is a boy. What is his name? His name is Mikola. What is this? It is a girl. What is her name? Her name is Sonya. What is this? It is a boy. What is his name? His name is Sashko. What is this? It is a girl. What is her name? Her name is Valya. What is this? It is a boy. What is his name? His name is Roman. How old is Mikola? He is seven years old. How old is Sonya? She is eight years old. How old is Sashko? He is nine years old. How old is Valya? She is ten years old. How old is Roman? He is eleven years old. What form is Mikola in? He is in the first form. What form is Sonya in? She is in the second form. 24
What form is Sashko in? He is in the third form. What form is Valya in? She is in the fourth form. What form is Roman in? He is in the fifth form. IN THE PARK This is a park. The park is large and very beautiful. We see trees, bushes, flowers and benches in the park. We see a pond in the park, too. Two men, two women and two children are walking in the park. A black puppy is running in front of the children. The children’s names are Olenka and Yurko. The two men and the two women are their father, mother, grandfather and grandmother. Olenka is a schoolgirl. She is in the first form. Yurko is not a schoolboy. He is five years old. We see a toy-gun in his hand. The children’s father and mother are doctors, their grandfather is a worker and their grandmother is a housewife. Two other men are sitting on the bench. One man in reading a Russian magazine, and the other man is reading a Ukrainian newspaper. 25
IN THE SITTING-ROOM In this picture we see a young woman and a young man. Their names are Nina and Roman. Nina and Ro- man are a sister and a bro- ther. Nina is a student. She can speak three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and En- glish. Roman is a driver. He cannot speak English. He can speak Ukrainian and Russian. Is Nina wearing a dress or a blouse and a skirt? She is wearing a dress. Is Roman wearing a coat or an overcoat? He is wearing a coat. What else is he wearing? He is wearing a shirt, trousers, socks and shoes. Nina is playing the piano. Roman is sitting on the sofa. He is looking at Nina and listening to her. We see a very beautiful vase on the piano. There are some flowers in the vase. We see a bookcase and a sideboard in the room, too. LESSON 6 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Bath take a bath at the circus clown concert at a concert dance face flat forest gather at him 2. Laugh little live neck one of pick [ba:6] ['sa:kas] [klaun] ['kasnsat] [dams] [feis] [flffit] j'farist] ['дге&э] [him] [la:f] [litl] [liv] [nek] |WAn SV] I'pik] ванна приймати ванну у цирку клоун концерт на концерт! 1. танок, 2. танцювати обличчя квартира л!с збирати над ним см1ятися малин жити шия один i3 рвати 26
plum [р!лт] слива (шпд) sing fsir)] ствати song [sjd] шсня 3. Teeth [ti:6] зуби television f'telivisn] телебачення watch television [wotf] дивитися телепередачу them [Sem] Гм, lx there [Sea] там, туди tooth-brush [Чи:6Ьгл{] зубна нитка tooth-paste ['tu:6peist] зубна паста towel I'taual] рушник winter 1'winto] зима wipe [waip] витирати DIALOGUE 1 What is the little girl doing? She is cleaning her teeth. With what is she cleaning them? She is cleaning them with a tooth-brush and tooth-paste. What is the woman doing? She is washing her face. With what is she washing it? She is washing is with soap and water. 27
What is the man doing? He is wiping his neck. With what is he wiping it? He is wiping it with a towel. What is the little boy doing? He is taking a bath. Where is he taking a bath? He is taking a bath in the bathroom. What is the woman doing? She is picking plums. Where is she picking them? She is picking them in the garden. What is the man doing? He is gathering mushrooms. Where is he gathering them? He is gathering them in the forest. What are the people doing? They are laughing at the clown. Where are they laughing at him? They are laughing at him at the circus. What are the boys doing? They are watching television. Where are they watching it? They are watching it in the sitting- room. What are the children doing? They are singing a song. Where are they singing it? They are singing it in the classroom. What are the boy and the girl doing? They are dancing a dance. Where are they dancing it? They are dancing it at a concert. 28
DIALOGUE 2 What do we see in this picture? We see a classroom. Is the classroom large or small? It is large. What do we see on the wall? We see a blackboard and a portrait of Shevchenko. What do we see in the corner? We see a bookcase. What do we see in the bookcase? We see many books. What else do we see in the classroom? We see a chair, a table, a flowerstand, some window-plants and many desks. Is the blackboard green or brown? It is neither green nor brown. What colour is it? It is black. Who is in the classroom? The boy and the girl are. What are their names? Their names are Yulya and Orest. Are Yulya and Orest classmates? Yes, they are. They are class- mates. Are they cleaning the classroom? Yes, they are. They are clean- ing it. What is Orest doing? He is standing at the window and dusting the window sill. With what is he dusting it? He is dusting it with a duster. And what is Yulya doing? She is standing in the middle of the classroom and sweeping the floor. With what is sne sweeping it? She is sweeping it with a brush. DIALOGUE 3 Is this a bedroom or a bathroom? It is neither a bedroom nor a bathroom. What room is this? It is a dining-room. Do we see a piano and a sofa in the dining-room? No, we do not. We see neither a piano nor a sofa in it. What do we see in the dining-room? We see a table, some chairs and a sideboard. Do we see any apples or pears in the sideboard? No, we do not. We see neither apples nor pears in it. What do we see in the sideboard? We see some plates and cups in it. 29
г Do we see any children in the dining-room? Yes, we do. We see some children in it. How many children do we see? We see three children. What are they doing? They are sitting at the table. What else are they doing? They are eating and drink- ing. What is the small girl eating? She is eating a cake. What is she drinking? She is drinking milk. What is the big girl eating? She is eating bread and cheese. What is she drinking? She is drinking tea. What is the big boy eating? He is eating bread and butter. And what is he drinking? He is drinking coffee. AT THE RIVER In this picture we see a river. Igor is at the river. Is he at the river alone? No, he is not. He is at the river together with his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother and sister. Igor’s grandfather and grandmother are sitting under a tree. The grandfather is reading a newspaper, and the grandmother is reading a magazine. The grandfather is a worker, and the grandmother is a housewife. The grandfather is thin, and the grandmother is stout. We see a basket near them. There is bread, butter, cheese, milk and cakes in the basket. There is a bush near the tree. A big dog is under the bush. Igor’s father and mother are walking in the field They are pick- ing flowers. The father is a teacher. He is a tall man. The mother is a doctor. She is a short woman. Igor’s brother Sergiy and Igor’s sister Alla are in the river. Is the river wide or narrow? It is wide. Sergiy is swimming. Alla is not swimming. She is bathing and playing with a big pink ball. Sergiy is a student, and Alla is a schoolgirl. She is in the third form. Igor is sitting on a stool and painting a picture. He has a brush in his hand. He is wearing a white cap. Igor is a schoolboy. He 30
is in the fifth form. He can speak three languages: Ukrainian, Rus- sian and English. He can sing some English songs, too. VOLODYA’S HOUSE AND FLAT In this picture we see a very big and very beautiful house. Is the house high or low? It is high. Is it new or old? It is new. Is it good or bad? It is good. Volodya lives in this house. He lives there together with his fa- their, mother, brother and sister. They have a kitchen and four rooms: a dining-room, a sitting-room, a bedroom and a bathroom. In their kitchen there is a gas-stove, a cupboard, a table and three stools. In the dining-room there is a table, some chairs, a side- board, a flowerstand, some window-plants and two pictures. The pictures are on one of the walls. In the sitting-room they have a table, some chairs, a bookcase, a sofa and a piano. In their bookcase they have many Russian and Ukrainian books. There is a large carpet on the floor. Volodya’s little sister Katya plays with her toys on the carpet. She has a doll, 31
a toy-bed, a Teddy bear and some other toys. In the bedroom there are two beds, a wardrobe and a mirror. In the bathroom there is a wash-basin and a bath. We can see a large yard near the house. Children play their games in the yard. They play hide-and-seek, hopscotch and badminton there. They play chess or draughts there, too. Some people do their morning exercices in the yard. In winter Volodya and his friends skate, ski and sledge in the yard. They play snowballs and make snowmen there, too. LESSON 7 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. After ['a:fta] ГПСЛЯ always i ['o:lwaz] завжди at all [at 'o:l] ЗОВС1М also | ['o:lsou] теж breakfast | ['brekfast] сшданок at breakfast за сшданком dinner । ['dina] общ drink up | ['drirjk 'др] ВИНИТИ eat up | [i:t] з’Гсти empty | ['emti] порожшй finish ['finij] закшчувати 2. Go to see [si:] вщвщувати grandparents ['graenpearants] дщусь та бабуся just | [d3Ast] титьки, лише little | [litl] мало a little трохи much | [rnAtJ] багато only I'ounli] лише our [aua] наш parents ! ['pearants] батьки 3. Put on । ['put 'on] одягати schoolbag 1 ['skuJbaeg] шюльиий портфель slice ; [slais] скибка study I ['stAdi] вчитися sums [sAmz] приклади then [Sen] тодь noTiM uniform ['ju:nifo:m] форма (шкьльна) very much j'veri'mAtj] дуже well [wel] добре when | [wen] коли 32
DIALOGUE 1 Does Lesya speak English? Yes, she does. She speaks English. Does she speak English well? No, she does not. She speaks English just a little. Does Lesya like to study English? Yes, she does. She likes to study it very much. Do Lesya’s grandparents also speak English a little? No, they do not. They do not speak English at all. Do Lesya’s parents speak English? No, they do not. They do not speak English, either. What languages do they speak? They speak Ukrainian and Rus- sian. Does Lesya eat much at breakfast? No, she does not. She does not eat much at breakfast. She eats little. How many cups of tea does she drink up? She drinks up only one cup of tea. And how many slices of bread does Lesya eat up? She eats up two slices of bread. Are Lesya’s plate and cup always empty when Lesya finishes her breakfast? Yes, they are. They are always empty. What does Lesya do after breakfast? She puts on her school uni- form, her shoes, her hat and overcoat, takes her schoolbag and goes to school. DIALOGUE 2 Can you count in English? Yes, I can. I can count in English. Can you count by tens? Yes, I can. I can count by tens. Can you do sums? Yes, 1 can. 1 can do sums. How much is forty plus fifty? Forty plus fifty is ninety. How much is eighty minus seventy? Eighty minus seventy is ten. How much is seventeen plus thirteen? Seventeen plus thirteen is thirty. How much is nineteen minus fourteen? Nineteen minus fourteen is five. How much is sixteen minus four? Sixteen minus four is twelve. How much is one hundred minus eighteen? One hundred minus eighteen is eighty-two. How much is seven plus eight? Seven plus eight is fifteen. How much is nine plus eleven? Nine plus eleven is twenty. 40 + 50 = 90 80—70=10 17+13 = 30 19—14= 5 16— 4 = 12 100—18 = 82 7+ 8=15 9+11 = 20 2 2-607 33
DIALOGUE 3 With whom do you have breakfast? I have breakfast together with my father, mother and sister. With whom do you have lunch? I have lunch together with my classmates. With whom do you have dinner? I have dinner alone. With whom do you have supper? I have supper together with my father, mother and sister. Do you go for a walk in the evening? Yes, I do. I go for a walk in the evening. With whom do you go for a walk? I go for a walk together with my brother. With what do you wash your hands and face? I wash them with soap and water. With what do you comb your hair? I comb it with a comb. With what do you dust the desks and the window-sills? I dust them with a duster. With what do you sweep the floor? I sweep it with a broom. With what do you write? I write with a pen. With what do you draw? I draw with a pencil. With what do you paint? I paint with a brush. DIALOGUE 4 Where is the mirror? It is above the wash-basin. Where is the cupboard? It is near the gas-stove. Where are the kittens? They are on the mat. Where is the cat? It is under the stool Where is the dog-house? It is in the yard. Where are the dresses and the coats? They are in the wardrooe. 34
DIALOGUE 5 Are you in the first form or in the second form? I am neither in the first nor in the second form. What form are you in? I am in the fourth form. How' old are you? I am ten. When do you get up in the morning? I get up at half past seven. Do you make your bed'-* Yes, I do. I make my bed. Do you do morning exercises? No, I do not. I do not do morning exercises. Where do you wash: in the kitchen or in the bathroom? I wash in the bathroom. Do you clean your teeth? Yes, I do. I clean my teeth. With what do you clean them? I clean them with a tooth-brush and tooth-paste. With what do you wipe your hands, face and neck? I wipe them with a towel. When do you have your breakfast? I have it at eight o’clock. When do you go to school? I go to school at a quarter past eight. How many lessons do you have every day? I have four of five lessons. When do you come back home from school? I come back home from school at half past one or at half past two in the afternoon. What do you do after dinner? I play games in the yard near my house and then I do my lessons. With whom do you play games? 1 play games with my friends. What games do you play? We play football, badminton, chess or draughts. Do you play hopscotch or hide-and-seek? No, we do not. We play neither hopscotch nor hide-and-seek. 2* 35
What do you do in the evening? In the evening I help my moth- er to wash up and then I draw or read a book or magazine. I watch television. I go for a walk or else I go to see my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. At what time do you go to bed? I go to bed at half past nine. DIALOGUE 6 Has Mariyka a father? Yes, she has. What is her father? He is a worker. Has Mariyka a mother? Yes, she has. She has a mother. What is her mother? She is a shop-assistant. Has Mariyka a grandfather? Yes, she has. She has a grandfather. What is her grandfather? He is a book-keeper. Has Mariyka a grandmother? Yes, she has. She has a grand- mother. What is her grandmother? She is a housewife. Has Mariyka a brother? Yes, she has. She has a brother. What is her brother? He is a driver. Has Mariyka a sister? Yes, she has. She has a sister. What is her sister? She is a student. 36
DIALOGUE 7 Where can we take a bath? We can take a bath in our bathroom. Where can we bathe and swim? We can bathe and swim in the ponds and in the rivers. Where can we see benches? We can see them in the gardens and in the parks. What can children do in the parks in winter? They can ski, skate, sledge, play snowballs and make snowmen. Where can we gather mushrooms? We can gather them in the woods and in the forests. Where can we pick flowers? We can pick them in the gardens and in the fields. Where can we pick apples, pears and plums? We can pick them in the gardens. Where can we see beautiful dances and listen to beautiful songs? We can see beautiful dances and listen to beautiful songs at a con- cert. Where can we see lorries? We can see them in the streets. Where can children play with their dolls, balls, Teddy bears and other toys? They can play with them in their rooms. Where can we laugh at clowns? We can laugh at them at the circus. DIALOGUE 8 What is this? It is a girl. What is her name? Her name is Galya. Is Galya tall or short? She is tall. Is she thin or stout? She is thin. Does Galya go to school by car? No, she does not. She does not go to school by car. Does Galya go to school by bus? No, she does not. She does not go to school by bus. Does Galya go to school by trolley-bus? No, she does not. She does not go to school by trolley-bus. Does Galya go to school by tram? No, she does not. She does not go to school by tram. Does Galya walk to school? Yes, she does. She walks to school. 37
LESSON 8 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Another [э'плбэ] ще один ask tusk] просити but bAt] KpiM buy bai] купувати by car bai 'ко:] легковою автомашиною clothes klouSz] од я г come клт] приходити door do:] двер! each of them i:tf] кожен з них each other 'л&э] один одного enough i'nAf] досить for [fo] 1. для; 2. протягом for some time taim] деякий час get on get] заходити (у трамвай) get off виходити (з трамваю) 2. Go out [g°u] виходити (з будинку) interesting ['intristirj] щкавий if [if] якщо more ]тэ:] б!льше nearest f'niarist] иайближчий open ['oupan] вщкривати(ся) ride up ['raid 'др] шдЧхати seat fsi:t] Micue empty seat I'emti] незайняте Micue give a seat [giv] уступити Micue take a seat [teik] с1сти, зайняти Micue 3. So [sou] отже, i, тому sometimes i'sAmtaimz] школи soon [su.n] незабаром stand up ['staend 'лр] вставати stop (stop] зупинятися story f'stori] оповщаиня Sunday pSAndi] нед{ля take [teik] вщнести on television ['teli'vigan] по телебаченню tram stop ['traemstop] трамвайна зупиика wait [weit] чекати wife [waif] дружина A BROTHER AND A SISTER Nazar and Nadiyka are a brother and a sister. They are school- children. Nazar is in the fifth form, and Nadiyka is in the third form. Nazar can speak English a little. Nadiyka cannot speak English at all. Nazar and Nadiyka like each other. They are very good friends. They get up at a quarter to eight in the morning. They wash, dress and have their breakfast. At breakfast they do not eat much. They eat little. Each of them drinks up only one cup of tea. Their father 38
eats and drinks more at breakfast. One cup of tea is not enough for him so he asks his wife for another cup of tea. Nazar and Nadiyka go to school together. When they go out of their house, they go to the nearest tram stop. For some time they wait for their tram. Soon their tram rides up and stops in front of them. When the doors open, the children get on the tram and take their seats if there are some empty seats in the tram. When an old man or an old woman get on the tram, Nazar and Nadiyka stand up and give their seats to them. The children get off the tram in front of their school. DIALOGUE 1 Is this a dining-room or a bedroom? It is neither a dining-room nor a bedroom. What room is this? It is a sitting-room. Is there a sofa in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a sofa in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is near the wall. Is there a picture in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a picture in the sitting-room. 39
Where is it? It is above the sofa. Is there a flowerstand in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a flowerstand in the sitting-room. Where is the flowerstand? It is in front of the window. Is there a bookcase in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a bookcase in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is in the corner. Is there a clock in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a clock in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is on the bookcase. Is there a piano in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a piano in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is in the other corner. Is there a table in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a table in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is in the middle of the room. Is there a vase in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a vase in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is on the table. Are there any chairs in the sitting-room? Yes, there are. There are some chairs in the sitting-room. Where are they? They are near the table. Are there any window-plants in the sitting-room? Yes, there are. There are some window-plants in the sitting-room. Where are they? They are on the flowerstand. Are there any books, magazines or newspapers in the sitting- room? Yes, there are. There are some books, magazines and news- papers in the sitting-room. Where are they? They are in the bookcase. Is there a boy in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a boy in the sitting-room. Where is he? He is at the table. Is there a cat in the sitting-room? Yes, there is. There is a cat in the sitting-room. Where is it? It is under one of the chairs. DIALOGUE 2 Can you count in English? Yes, I can. I can count in English. Can you do sums? Yes, I can. I can do sums. How much is eleven plus nineteen? Eleven plus nineteen is thirty. How much is seventeen minus thirteen? Seventeen minus thirteen is four. How much is ninety minus seventy? Ninety minus seventy is twenty. 40
How much is eighteen minus twelve? Eighteen minus twelve is six. How much is forty plus fourteen? Forty plus fourteen is fifty- four. How much is fifteen plus eighty-five? Fifteen plus eighty-five is one hundred. 11 + 19 = 30 18—12= 6 17—13= 4 40 + 14= 54 90—70 = 20 15 + 85=100 DIALOGUE 3 What is the boy wearing? He is wearing a shirt, trousers, socks and shoes. What colour are the boy’s clothes? His shirt is white, his trousers are grey, his socks are green and his shoes are black. What is the girl wea- ring? She is wearing a blouse, a skirt, stockings and shoes. What colour are the girl’s clothes? Her blouse is pink, her skirt is red, her stockings are brown and her shoes are black. What is the woman wearing? She is wearing a hat, a dress, stockings and shoes. What colour are the woman’s clothes? Her hat is green, her dress is grey, her sctockings are brown and her shoes are black. What is the man wearing? He is wearing a cap, a shirt, a coat, an overcoat, trousers, socks and shoes. What colour are the man’s clothes? His cap is blue, his shirt is white, his coat is brown, his overcoat is grey, his trousers are brown, his socks are red and his shoes are black. DIALOGUE 4 Is Ulyana a big girl or a small girl? She is a big girl. What is she? She is a schoolgirl. How old is she? She is sixteen. Is her brother a schoolboy? No, he is not. He is not a schoolboy. What is he? He is just a little boy. 4J
With whom does Ulyana live? She lives with her parents, grand- parents and her little brother. Is Ulyana’s flat good or bad? It is good. Is there a sideboard and a wardrobe in her sitting-room? There is a S'deboard but there is no wardrobe in it. Is Ulyana's house high or low? It is low. Is Ulyana’s street wide or narrow? It is narrow. Key-words 1. Big ... small. 2. What. 3. How old. 4. Brother. 5. What. 6. With whom. 7. Flat. 8 Sideboard ... wardrobe. 9. House. 10. Street. AT A LESSON This is a classroom The classroom is large. There are three large windows in it. There are some window-plants on the window- sills. The leaves of the window-plants are green, and the flowers are red. On the wall we can see a long blackboard and in the corner we can see a bookcase 42
There are a teacher and many schoolchildren in the classroom. They are having a lesson. The teacher is standing at her table. She has a book in her hand. She is reading an interesting story. The schoolchildren are sitting at their desks. They are listening to the story. AFTER THE LESSONS Look at the picture of the classroom now. Are the schoolchildren having a lesson? No, they are not having a lesson. They are cleaning the classroom. We can see two boys and one girl in the classroom. Their names are Bogdan, Oxana and Igor. What is Bogdan doing? He is dust- ing the window-sill. He is dusting the window-sill with a duster. What is Oxana doing? She is sweeping the floor. She is sweeping it with a broom. And what is Igor doing? He is cleaning the black- board. He is cleaning it with a duster. DIALOGUE 5 Has Rostik tea for his breakfast? Yes, he has. He has tea for his breakfast. Has Rostik coffee with milk for his breakfast? Yes, he has. He has coffee with milk for his breakfast. Has Rostik cakes for his coffee? No, he has not. He has no cakes for his coffee. What has Rostik for his coffee? He has bread and butter or bread and cheese. How many cups of coffee does Rostik drink up? He drinks up only one cup of coffee. How many slices of bread does he eat up? He eats up two slices of bread. On what does Rostik put his cup when he drinks his coffee? He puts it on a saucer. 43
Are his plates and cups always empty when he finishes his break- fast? Yes, they are. They are always empty. What does Rostik put on when he dresses after breakfast? He puts on his school uniform. Key-words 1. Tea 2. Coffee with milk. 3. Cakes. 4. For his coffee. 5. How many cups. 6. Slices of bread. 7. Put his cup. 8. Empty. 9. Put on. DIALOGUE 6 Is this a field or a forest? It is neither a field nor a forest. What is this? It is a street. Is the street beautiful? Yes, it is beautiful. Is the street long or short? It is long. Is it wide or narrow? It is wide. Is it new or old? It is new. Are the houses high or low? Some houses are high, and the other houses are low. Can we see any trams in the street? No, we cannot. We cannot see any trams in the street. 44
Can we see any lorries in the street? No, we cannot. We cannot see any lorries in the street. Can we see a circus in the street? Yes, we can. We can see a circus in the street. What else can we see in the street? We can see cars, buses and trolley-buses in it. Can we see any trees or flowers in the street? We can see many trees but we cannot see any flowers in it. What colour are the leaves on the trees? They are green. Can we see any people in the street? Yes, we can. We can see some people in the street. How many people can we see in the street? We can see many people in it. What people can we see in the street? We can see young people and old people, tall people and short people, thin people and stout people. DIALOGUE 7 How old is Petrik? He is eight. What form is he in? He is in the second form. Does he go to school every day? He goes to school every day but Sunday. What does he take with him when he goes to school? He takes his schoolbag. What does he put into his schoolbag? He puts his books, note- books and pencil-box. At what time does he come to school? He comes to school at a quarter to nine in the morning. At what time does he come back home from school? He comes back home from school at a quarter past two in the afternoon. What does Petrik do after dinner? He plays games in the yard near his house. With whom does he play games? He plays games with his class- mates. What games do the children play? They play ball, football or oadminton. Do they play hopscotch or hide-and-seek? No, they do not. They play neither hopscotch nor hide-and-seek. Key-words 1. How old. 2 Form 3. Go to school. 4. Take with him. 5. Put into. 6. Come to school. 7. Come back home. 8. After dinner. 9. With whom. 10. What games 11. Hopscotch or hide-and-seek. 45
LESSON 9 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. After that ['ciiftal теля цього animal 'animal] тварина as ... as 'az 'azj такий ... як badly 'badli] погано bear bea] ведмщь begin bi'gin] почииати(ся) bird bad] птах more beautiful mo ] красив!ший most beautiful moust] найкрасив!ший bigger 'biga] больший Biggest 'bigist] найбЁлъший 2. Call ka:l] називати chick Vik] курча cock kok] швень come to see клт] вщвщувати corridor 'korido:] коридор cow kau] корова crow krou] ворона domestic da'mestik] домашней duck dftk] качка donkey 'dorjki] осел egg eg] яйце elephant 'elifant] слон 3. Family 'faemilij С1М’Я fox faks] ЛИСИЦЯ full ful] повний funny 'Uni] кумедний give giv] давати goose gu.s] гуска hare hea] заець hen hen] курка at home houm] вдома horse ha:s] кшь lion laian] лев 4. Monkey 'тлг;к1] мавпа mouse maus] миша at night nait] 1 ВНОЧ1 parrot 'paerat] папуга pig 1 Pig] СВИИЯ peacock 'pi:kol 1 павич rabbit 'raebit] крьль smaller 'smala] мент ий smallest 'smo list] наймеиший squirrel 'skwiral] ( 61’лка sheep Ji-Pl в!вця swan v swan] леб1дь 5. Slipper 1 'slips] капця take a tram tram] с1дат и в трамвай than Seen] Н1Ж thing 6ir)l pin tiger 'taiga] тигр to-morrow ta'marou] завтра too [tu;] занадто 46
turkey wild wolf work f'tarki] [waild] jwulfj [wa:k] 1НДИК дикий ВОВК працювати Assignment 1 BIRDS AND ANIMALS In this picture we see six domestic birds. We call them a chick, a hen, a cock, a duck, a goose and a turkey. The chick is the smallest of the six domestic birds. The hen is bigger than the chick. The cock is bigger than the hen. The duck is as big as the cock. The goose is bigger than the duck. The turkey is bigger than the goose. It is the biggest of the six domestic birds. In this picture we see four wild birds We call them a crow, a parrot, a swan and a peacock. The crow is not a beautiful bird. 47

The parrot and the swan are more beautiful than the crow. The pea- cock is more beautiful than the parrot and the swan. It is the most beautiful of the four wild birds. In this picture we see six domestic animals. We call them a horse, a cow, a donkey, a pig, a sheep and a rabbit. The horse is the biggest of the six domestic animals. The cow is smaller than the horse. The donkey is smaller than the cow. The pig is smaller than the donkey. The sheep is smaller than the pig, and the rabbit is smaller than the sheep. It is the smallest of the six domestic animals. In this picture we see ten wild animals. We call them a mouse, a squirrel, a hare, a fox, a monkey, a wolf, a bear, a tiger, a lion and an elephant. The mouse and the squirrel are small animals. The hare and the fox are bigger than the mouse and the squirrel. The monkey and the wolf are bigger than the hare and the fox. The bear is bigger than the monkey and the wolf. The tiger is as big as the bear. The lion is as big as the tiger. The elephant is bigger than the lion. It is the biggest of the ten wild animals. A DIALOGUE What is Ostap’s grandfather? He is a book-keeper. How old is he? He is sixty. What is Ostap’s grandmother? She is a housewife. How old is she? She is fifty-six. What is Ostap’s father? He is a driver. What is Ostap’s mother? She is a shop-assistant. Can Ostap speak, read and write English a little? Yes, he can. He can speak, read and write English a little. Can his parents speak English a little? No, they cannot. They cannot speak English at all. Does Ostap like to draw and to paint? Yes, he does. He likes to draw and to paint. With what does he draw and paint? He draws with a pencil and paints with a brush. Does he like to paint alone or together with his friends? He likes to paint alone. Can Ostap sing songs and dance? He can sing some songs but he cannot dance. Key-words 1. Grandfather. 2. How old. 3. Grandmother. 4. How’ old. 5. Father. 6. Mother. 7. Can Ostap. 8. Can his parents. 9. Does Ostap like. 10. With what. 11. To paint alone. 12. Sing songs. 50
Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 Is Galya a Russian girl or a Ukrainian girl? She is a Ukrainian girl- How old is she? She is eleven years old. What form is she in? She is in the fourth form. With whom does Galya live? She lives together with her parents. In what street does she live? She lives in Grushevsky Street. Is her street short and narrow? It is neither short nor narrow. It is long and wide. Are the houses in Galya’s street high or low? Some houses are high, and the other houses are low. Are they new or old? Some houses are new, and the other houses are old. When does Galya get up in the morning? She gets up at seven o’clock. Does she do her morning exercises? Yes, she does. She does her morning exercises. Does she make her bed? Yes, she does. She makes her bed. Where does she wash? She washes at the wash-basin in her bathroom. With what does she wash? She washes with soap and water. What does she wash? She washes her hands, face and neck. Does she clean her teeth? Yes, she does. She cleans her teeth. With what does she clean them? She cleans them with a tooth- brush and tooth-paste. With what does she wipe her hands, face and neck? She wipes them with a towel. What does she do after that? She combs her hair. With what does she comb it? She combs it with a comb. What does Galya do then? She has breakfast. With whom does she have breakfast? She has breakfast together with her parents. What does Galya do after that? She puts on her school uniform, her shoes and her overcoat, takes her schoolbag and goes to school. DIALOGUE 2 Where can we take a bath? We can take a bath in our bathroom. Where can we bathe and swim? We can bathe and swim in the ponds and in the rivers. Where can we gather mushrooms? We can gather them in the woods and in the forests. Where can we pick flowers? We can pick them in the gardens and in the fields. 51
Where can children ski, skate and sledge in winter? They can ski, skate and sledge in the parks. Where can they play snowballs and make snowmen? They can play snowballs and make snowmen in their gardens or in their yards. Where can we see trees, bushes, flowers and benches? We can see them in the parks and in the gardens. Where can we see carpets? We can see them on the walls or ©n the floors. Where can we see chairs and stools? We can see chairs in our rooms and stools in our kitchen. Where can we see cups, plates and saucers? We can see them in our cupboards. Key-words 1. Take a bath. 2. Bathe and swim. 3. Gather mushrooms. 4. Pick flowers. 5. Ski, skate and sledge. 6. Play snowballs and make snowmen. 7. See trees, bushes, flowers and benches. 8. Carpets. 9. Chairs and stools. 10. Cups, plates and saucers. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 When does Solomiyka come to school? She comes to school at a quarter past eight. When do her lessons begin? They begin at half past eight. How many lessons has Solomiyka every day? She has four or five lessons. Where does Solomiyka go after the second lesson? She goes to the school dining-room. What does she do in the dining-room? She has her lunch there. With whom does she have lunch? She has lunch together with her classmates. What do the children do at their lessons? They read, write, speak, do sums, draw, paint and sing songs. When does Solomiyka come home from school? She comes home at one or at two o’clock in the afternoon. With whom does she have dinner? She has dinner alone. What does Solomiyka do after dinner? She plays games in the yard near her house. With whom does she play games? She plays them with her frie- nds. What games do the children play? They play ball, badminton and other games. Do they play hopscotch or hide-and-seek? No, they do not. They play neither hopscotch nor hide-and-seek. What does Solomiyka do then? She does her lessons. Does she read and write? Yes, she does. She reads and writes. 52
What does she do when she finishes her lessons? She helps her mother to wash up after supper, she watches television, reads a book or paints a picture. When does Solomiyka go to bed? She goes to bed at ten o’clock in the evening. DIALOGUE 2 What can we see in Dana’s room? We can see a table, a chair, a flower-stand, two window-plants, a bookcase and a bed. What can we see on Dana’s table? We can see a vase and a clock. Are there any flowers in the vase? Yes, there are. There are some flowers in it. Where is the flower-stand? It is in front of the window. Is Dana a schoolgirl’ Yes, she is. She is a schoolgirl. Is she in the first or in the third form? She is neither in the first nor in the third form. What form is she in? She is in the fifth form. Has Dana a dog and a puppy? No, she has not. She has neither a dog nor a puppy. Has she a cat and a kitten? Yes, she has. She has a cat and a kitten. What is the name of Dana’s little sister? Her name is Sonya. What toys has Sonya? She has a ball, two dolls, a Teddy bear, a toy-sofa and a toy-piano. Where does she put her toys when she goes to bed? She puts them into a big basket. Where does the basket stand? It stands in the corner of the bedroom. Key-words 1 In Dana’s room. 2. On Dana’s table. 3. Flowers. 4. Flower-stand. 5. A school- girl. 6. Is she in the. 7. Form. 8. A dog and a puppy. 9. A cat and a kitten. 10. The name. 11. Toys. 12. Put her toys. 12. Basket. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 In what street do you live? I live in Ivan Franko street. Is your flat large or small? It is large. Is it good or bad? It is good. When will you get up to-morrow? I shall get up at a quarter to eight. Will you take a bath when you get up? No, I shall not. I shall not take a bath. 53
What will you do when you get up? I shall open the window and make my bed. Will you always make your bed in the morning? Yes, I shall. I shall always make my bed in the morning. What will you do when you finish to make your bed? I shall wash my face, hands and neck and clean my teeth. With what will you wipe your face, hands and neck? I shall wipe them with a towel. What will you do after that? I shall dress and have my break- fast. With whom will you have your breakfast? I shall have it with my parents. What are your parents? My father is a driver and my mother is a shop-assistant. What are your grandparents? My grandfather is an engineer and my grandmother is a housewife. Is your brother a schoolboy? No, he is not. He is not a schoolboy. What is he? He is just a little boy. Can he speak English a little? No, he cannot. He cannot speak English at all. Will you drink milk at breakfast? No, I shall not. I shall not drink milk at breakfast. What will you drink? I shall drink tea. Will you drink much tea? No, I shall not. I shall not drink much tea. Is one cup of tea enough for you? Yes, it is enough for me. Can you count in English? Yes, I can. I can count in English. Can you do sums? Yes, I can do sums. How much is twelve plus thirteen? Twelve plus thirteen is twen- ty-five. How much is ten plus fifty? Ten plus fifty is sixty. How much is sixteen plus eighteen? Sixteen plus eighteen is thir- ty-four. How much is seventeen minus fifteen? Seventeen minus fifteen is two. How much is eighty minus seventy? Eighty minus seventy is ten. 12+13 = 25 17—15= 2 10-i- 50 = 60 80—70=10 16+18 = 34 DIALOGUE 2 Has Natalka an aunt and an uncle? Yes, she has. She has an aunt and an uncle. What are they? The uncle is a doctor and the aunt is a student. Has Natalka any cousins? No, she has not. She has no cousins. 54
How many languages does Natalka’s aunt speak? She speaks three languages; Ukrainian, Russian and English. Does Natalka go to see her uncle and aunt? Yes, she does. She goes to see them. Does Natalka walk to their house or does she go there by tram? She goes there by tram. Where does she get on her tram? She gets on it at the nearest tram stop in her street. Does Natalka wait for her tram for a long time? No, she does not. Her tram soon comes. Where does Natalka get off the tram? She gets off it in Ivan Franko Street. Do Natalka’s uncle and aunt like Natalka? Yes, they do. They like her very much. What do they give her when she comes to see them? They give her apples, pears, plums or a cup of tea and a cake. Key-words 1. An aunt and an uncle. 2. What. 3. Cousins. 4. Languages. 5. Go to see. 6. Walk ... go by tram. 7. Get. 8. Wait. 9. Get off. 10. Like Natalka. 11. Give her. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 At what time will Volodya come home from school? He will come home from school at a quarter past two in the afternoon. At what time will he have dinner? He will have dinner at half past two. What will he do after the dinner? He will go to the park. Will he play snowballs or make a snowman in the park? He will neither play snowballs nor make a snowman. Will he skate or sledge? He will neither skate nor sledge. What will he do there? He will ski. With whom will he ski? He will ski together with his cousins. At what time will Volodya begin to do his lessons? He will begin to do his lessons at four o’clock in the afternoon. When will he finish them? He will finish them at six o’clock in the evening. When will Volodya have supper? He will have supper at eight o’clock in the evening. Will Volodya have mushrooms or cheese for his supper? He will have neither mushrooms nor cheese for his supper. What will Volodya have for his supper? He will have two eggs and a slice of bread and butter. After that he will have a cup of milk. 55
What will he have for his milk? He will have a cake. What will Volodya do after the supper? He will help his mother to wash up. What things will he wash up? He will wash up plates, saucers, cups and some other things. When will Volodya go to bed? He will go to bed at ten o’clock in the evening. What will he do at night? He will sleep. DIALOGUE 2 What room can we see in this picture? We can see a bedroom. What can we see in the bedroom? We can see a mirror in one corner, a wardrobe in the other corner, two window-plants on the window-sill, a bed near the wall and a carpet on the floor. What else can we see in the bedroom? We can see a little boy and a kitten. What is the boy’s name? His name is Sashko. What has Sashko in his hands? He has a toy-gun in one hand and a toy-lorry in the other. What is Sashko doing? He is standing, looking at the kitten and laughing at it. What is the kitten doing? It is playing with a ball. Is the kitten funny? Yes, it is. It is funny. What colour is it? It is grey and white. What is Sashko wearing? He is wearing a shirt, trousers, socks and slippers. What colour are his clothes? His shirt is pink, his trousers are blue, his socks are black and his slippers are green. Are his clothes too large for him? No, they are not. They are just right. What are Sashko’s parents? His father is a book-keeper and his mother is a teacher. Key-words 1. What room 2. Can we see. 3. What else. 4. Name. 5. In his hands. 6. Sashko. 7. Kitten. 8. Funny. 9. Colour. 10. Wearing. 11. Colour. 12. Too large. 13. Parents. 56
LESSON 10 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1 Acrobat 'aekrabset] акробат (№ agree o'gri:] погоджуватись all right rait] добре, гаразд angrily 'aerjgrili] сердито angry 'aerjgri] сердитий bring brirj] принести continue kon'tinju:] продовжувати 2. Glad glad] радий geese grz гуси Urn» hard 1 timd. наполегливо №0f head hed голова llUft homework 'houmwaik] домашш завдання on fc how long hau'brj] як довго ar Ik И 3. Hockey 'hoki] хокей know nou зиати living-room 'livirjrum] загальна юмната listen lisn] слухатися seen is lying W, , лежить seei make tea 4. Naughty 1 meik ti:J 'nodi] готувати чай пустотливий nearby 'niabai] поблизу lame* noise noiz] шум, галас make noise 'meik'noiz] галасуватн, зшмати шум Й out-of-doors 'autav'doiz] надвор! promise 'promis] общяти problem 'problom] задача M 5. Ring riD арена shout 'jautj галасувати И? sit down 'sit'daun] адати sweet swid] цу керка gal says sez каже alii solve solv 1 розв’язувати (задачу) stop stop] переставати sheep fi:p' в!вц! think 0ink думати its its] його, и лк 6. One WAn] слово, що замшяе 1мен- ник think hard [6ir)k] наполегливо думати are tights [taits] колготки town [taunj м!сто (невелике) яге village ['vilids] село cl v which [witf] який, котрий whom [hu:m] кого, кому № wolves [wulvz] ВОВКИ yet [jet] однак 57
Assignment 1 STEPAN AND HIS BROTHERS Stepan is sitting at the table in his living-room. He is doing his homework. He is solving a problem. He is thinking hard but he can- not solve the problem. Stepan’s little brothers Yurko and Mirosik are playing nearby. They are shouting and laughing and making much noise. Stepan is angry with his brothers. “Stop shouting!” he says angrily to them. “Go and play in the garden!”. But the brothers are naughty. They do not listen to Stepan. Then Stepan promises to give the boys some sweets if they go and play in the garden. Now the boys agree to go out and play out-of-doors. “All right!” says Mirosik. “Give us the sweets”. Stepan stands up and goes to the kitchen. Soon he comes back and brings some sweets for the boys. The boys take the sweets and their toys and go out to play in the garden. Stepan takes his seat at the table. He continues his homework. He thinks hard and soon he solves the problem. He is glad to have solved it *. A DIALOGUE What is this? It is a classroom. Is the classroom empty? No, it is not empty. There are two schoolchildren in it: a boy and a girl. Are they cleaning the classroom? Yes, they are. They are clean- ing it. What is the boy doing? He is sweeping the floor. With what is he sweeping it? He is sweeping it with a broom. Is the girl also sweeping the floor? No, she is not. She is not sweeping the floor. What is she doing? She is dusting a desk. With what is she dusting it? She is dusting it with a duster. What is each of the schoolchildren wearing? Each of them is wearing a school uniform. Is the boy bigger or smaller than the girl? He is neither bigger nor smaller. He is as big as the girl. Are the schoolchildren thin or stout? They are thin. What can we see over the blackboard? We can see a portrait of Shevchenko. * He is glad to have solved it — Bia радий, що И розв'язав. 58
What can we see in the corner near the door? We can see a bookcase. What is there in the bookcase? There are Russian and Ukrainian books, magazines and newspapers in it. Key-words I. What. 2. Empty. 3. Cleaning 4. Boy doing. 5. With what. 6. Also 7. She doing 8. With what. 9 Wearing 10 Bigger or smaller. 11. Thin or stout 12 Over the blackboard 13. In the corner. 14. In the bookcase. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 Are Mikola and Katrusya a brother and a sister? Yes, they are. They are a brother and a sister. Do they like each other? Yes, they do. They like each other. What are Mikola and Katrusya? They are schoolchildren. How old are they? Mikola is fourteen years old, and Katrusya is eight years old. What forms are they in? Mikola is in the eighth form, and Kat- rusya is in the third form. What colour is the children’s hair? Mikola’s hair is brown, and Katrusya’s hair is yellow. Where do the children sleep? Mikola sleeps on the sofa which stands in the living-room, and Katrusya sleeps in the bed which stands in the bedroom. What can we see above the sofa and above Katrusya’s bed? We can see a beautiful picture above the sofa and a portrait of the child- ren’s mother above Katrusya’s bed. Do Mikola and Katrusya do morning exercises? Yes, they do. They do morning exercises. How long do they do them? They do them for five minutes. Do the children like tea for their breakfast? No, they do not. They do not like tea for their breakfast. What do they like for their breakfast? Mik la likes coffee, and Katrusya likes milk. How many slices of bread and butter do the children eat up at breakfast? Mikola eats up two slices of bread and butter, and Kat- rusya eats up only one slice of bread and butter. When do the children go to school? They go to school at half past eight in the morning. What do they wear on their heads? Mikola wears a cap, and Kat- rusya wears a hat. How do the children study? They study well. 59
How many languages can they speak? They can speak three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. When do the children come back home from school? Mikola co- mes back home from school at three o’clock in the afternoon, and Katrusya comes back home from school at two o’clock in the after- noon. Does Mikola help Katrusya to do her homework? No, he does not. Katrusya can do her homework herself *. What games do the children like to play? Mikola likes to play football, chess and hockey, and Katrusya likes to play badminton and draughts. What do the children like to do in winter? Mikola likes to ski, to skate and to play hockey, and Katrusya likes to sledge. Do the children like to draw or to paint? Mikola likes to draw, and Katrusya likes to paint. What does Mikola like to draw? He likes to draw people. What does Katrusya like to paint? She likes to paint dogs, puppi- es, cats, kittens and other domestic animals. Do the children go for a walk in the evening? No, they do not. They do not go for a walk in the evening. When do they go to bed? Katrusya goes to bed at nine o’clock in the evening, and Mikola goes to bed at ten o’clock in the evening. DIALOGUE 2 Is this a dining-room or a bathroom? It is neither a dining-room nor a bathroom. What room is this? It is a sitting-room. Whom can we see in the sitting-room? We can see two men, two women and two boys. Are the two boys brothers? No, they are not. They are not brothers. They are cousins. What are their names? Their names are Victor and Igor. How old are the boys? Victor is eleven, and Igor is six. What forms are they in? Victor is in the fourth form, and Igor is in the first form. Who are the two men? One of them is Victor’s father, and the other man is the father’s friend. Who are the two women? One woman is Victor’s mother, and the other woman is the wife of the father’s friend. What can we see on the table? We can see two plates with some apples, pears and plums on them. Is it Sunday? Yes, it is. It is Sunday. * Katrusya can do her homework herself [ha’self] — Катруся BMie робити уроки сама. 60
What are the two men, the two women and the two boys doing? They are watching television. Are they watching a beautiful dance? No, they are not. They are listening to a beautiful song. Key-words 1. Dining-room ... bathroom. 2. What room. 3. Whom. 4. Brothers. 5. Names. 6. How old. 7. Forms. 8. The two men. 9. The two women. 10. On the table. 11. Sunday. 12. Doing. 13. A beautiful dance. Assignment 3 TEXT My name is Ruslan. I am a schoolboy. I am in the fifth form. I live in a city. My family is large. I have a father, a mother, a grandmother, a brother and a sister. My father is a driver, my mother is a book-keeper and my grandmother is a housewife. My father is thirty-eight, my mother is thirty-six and my grandmother is sixty-four. My brother is seven years old. He is in the second form. My 61
sister is only five. She is the smallest in our family. She does not go to school yet. I study English at school so I can speak English a little. 1 can read and write English, too. I have some English books but I cannot read them yet. My little sister can speak Ukrainian and Russian but she cannot speak English at all. There is a park near our house. It is the most beautiful park in our city. But now the park is not very beautiful. It is winter, and there are no leaves on its trees and bushes. There are no flowers in it, either. When I come home Irom school, I have my dinner. After that 1 go to the park to ski. I ski together with my friends. There are many children in the park. They ski, and sledge and skate there. They also play snowballs and make snowmen. When I come home from the park, I sit down at my table to do my lessons. I fi- nish them in the evening. Then I put my pen into my pencil-box. Then I put my books, my notebooks and my pencil-box into my bag. After that I watch television or read an interesting book. Sometimes I take my brush and paint a picture. At ten o’clock I go to bed. A DIALOGUE Where does Nina live? She lives in a small town. Have Nina’s parents any domestic animals or birds? No, they have not. They have neither domestic animals nor domestic birds. Who has some domestic animals and birds? Nina’s grandparents have. Nina’s grandparents have some domestic animals and birds. Where do her grandparents live? They live in a large village. Have they any sheep? No, they have not. They have no sheep. Have they any donkeys or horses? No, they have not. They have neither donkeys nor horses. What domestic animals do they have? They have a cow, a pig and some rabbits. Have they any turkeys, geese or ducks? No, they have not. They have neither turkeys, nor geese, nor ducks. What domestic birds have they? They have a cock and some hens and chicks. What names of wild birds do you know? I know a crow, a parrot, a swan and a peacock. Key-words 1. Live. 2. Parents. 3. Who has. 4. Where ... live. 5 Sheep. 6 Donkeys or horses. 7. Domestic animals. 8. Have they any. 9. Domestic birds. 10. What names. 62
Assignment 4 In this picture we see a beautiful sitting-room. There is a flower- stand, a bookcase, a table, some chairs, a piano and a sofa in the sitting-room. The flower-stand is in front of the window. The book- case is in the corner. There is a clock on the book-case. The table and the chairs are in the middle of the room. The piano is in the other corner. The sofa is near the wall. On the floor there is a large car- pet. A big cat is lying under the table. Little Solomiyka is sitting on the carpet and playing with her toys. She has a ball, two dolls, a bas- ket and a Teddy bear. Solo- miyka is wearing a blouse, a skirt, tights and shoes. Solomiyka’s uncle and aunt are sitting on the sofa and looking at Solomiyka. They have come * to see Solomiyka and Solomiyka’s parents. Solomiyka’s mother is in the kitchen now. She is making tea for Solomiyka’s uncle and aunt. Solomiyka’s father is not at home yet. He will come very soon. Solomiyka’s uncle is an engineer. He is a young, tall and thin man. Solomiyka’s aunt is a teacher. She is young, tall and thin, too. A DIALOGUE What day will it be to-morrow? It will be Sunday. When will Nazar get up to-morrow? He will get up at nine o’clock. With whom will Nazar have breakfast? He will have breakfast together with his parents. What are his parents? His father is a worker, and his mother is a shop-assistant. When will Nazar have lunch? He will have lunch at twelve o’clock. When will Nazar have dinner? He will have dinner at three o’clock in the afternoon. Where will he go after the dinner? He will go to the circus. * They have come — вони прийшли. 63
Will he go to the circus by bus? No, he will not. He will not go to the circus by bus. Will he go to the circus by trolley-bus? Yes, he will. He will go to the circus by trolley-bus. What will Nazar see at the circus? He will see acrobats, clowns and wild animals. Will he also see horses at the circus? Yes, he will. He will also see horses at the circus. Are the horses beautiful? Yes, they are. They are very beautiful. What will the horses do? They will run and dance in the ring. What wild animals will Nazar see? He will see bears, monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants. Will he see squirrels, hares, foxes or wolves? No, he will not. He will see neither squirrels, nor hares, nor foxes, nor wolves. Key-words 1. To-morrow. 2. Get up. 3. Have breakfast. 4. Parents. 5. Have lunch. 6. Have dinner. 7. After dinner. 8. By bus. 9. By trolley-bus. 10. See. 11. Horses. 12. Beau- tiful. 13. Do. 14. Wild animals. 15. Will he see. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 Will you take a bath to-morrow? No, I shall not. I shall not take a bath to-morrow. Will you clean your teeth? Yes, I shall. I shall clean my teeth. With what will you clean them? I shall clean them with a tooth- brush and tooth-paste. Will you wash after that? Yes, I shall. 1 shall wash after that. With what will you wash? I shall wash with soap and water. With what will you wipe your hands, face and neck? I shall wipe them with a towel. Will you comb your hair after that? Yes, I shall. I shall comb my hair. Will you look into a mirror when you comb your hair? Yes, I shall. I shall look into a mirror. Will your mother give you an apple when you go to school? Yes, she will. She will give me an apple. What will you take with you when you go to school? I shall take my bag. When will you go out of your house? I shall go out of my house at half past eight. What streets will you see when you go to school? I shall see wide streets and narrow streets, long streets and short ones. Will you see any people in the streets? Yes, 1 shall. I shall see many people in the streets. 64
What people will you see? 1 shall see old people and young peop- le, tall people and short people, thin people and stout ones. And what houses will you see? I shall see big houses and small houses, low houses and high houses, good houses and bad ones. What else will you see in the streets? I shall see cars, lorries, trams, buses and trolley-buses. Will you go to the nearest tram stop? Yes, I shall. I shall go to the nearest tram stop. What will you do when your tram rides up and stops in front of you? I shall get on the tram. What will you do if an old man or an old woman gets on the tram? I shall stand up and give my seat to them. Where will you get off the tram? I shall get off the tram in front of my school. When will your lessons begin? They will begin at nine o’clock. DIALOGUE 2 What do we see in this picture? We see a river, a field and a wood. Whom do we see at the river? We see a father, a mother and their three children. 3 2-607 65
What are the children’s names? Their names are Mariyka, Ruslan and Taras. What is Taras doing? He is bathing and swimming in the river. Is he glad to bathe and swim? Yes, he is very glad to bathe and swim. Is the water just right? Yes, it is. It is just right. What is Ruslan doing? He is reading a story. Is he glad to read the story? Yes, he is. He is very glad to read it. What is little Mariyka doing? She is beginning her dinner. What has she in her hand? She has an egg. What is her father giving her? He is giving her a slice of bread and butter. And what is the mother doing? She is walking in the field and picking flowers. Key-words 1. In this picture. 2. At the river. 3. The children’s names. 4. Taras. 5. Glad. 6. Just right. 7. Ruslan. 8. Glad. 9. Little Mariyka. 10. In her hand. 11. Giving. 12 Mother. LESSON 11 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Along [a'brj] ВЗД0ВЖ baby ['beibij дитина because [bi'ko:z] тому що bicycle ( 'baisikll велосипед brick [brik] цеглина, цегляний build [bild] будувати carry f'kaeri] иести corner ['кэ:пэ] pir (будинку) cottage f'kotids] особняк, хата cottage cheese [tffcz] домашнш сир country ['kAntri| краТна cross [kros] переходити (вулицю) crossing ['krosioJ переход director [di'rekta] директор 2. Fish ffifl риба flowerbed [ 'flauabadl клумба fly away ['flai a'wei] вдоптати fry [frail смажити gay [gei] веселий glade [gleid] галявина granny ['gram] бабуся hot [hot] гарячий, гаряче 66
ice-cream kiosk hour letter meat meeting 3. Plant potato road sad sell sugar take a walk tent put up a tent ticket warm why writing-table 'aiskri:m] ki'ask] aua] 'lets] mi:t] 'mi: tirj] plaint] pa'teitou] roud] saed] sei] 'ju:ga] wa:k] tent] put] 'tikit] wo:m] wai] 'raitirj] морозиво KiocK година лист м’ясо збори, ш’тинг садити картопля дорога сумний продавати цукор прогулюватись намет ставите намет квиток теплий, тепло чому пнсьмовий спл Assignment 1 The workers are building a house. They are building it in a village street. The man is riding a bicycle. He is riding it along the road. The woman is buying some tickets She is buying them at a ticket kiosk. The director of the school is speaking. He is speaking at a class meeting. 3* 67
The schoolgirls are planting flowers. They are planting them on a flowerbed. The children and their tea- cher are putting up a tent. They are putting it up in a glade. The man is crossing the street. He is crossing it at a crossing. The woman is selling ice-cream. She is selling it on the corner of the house. The baby is taking a walk. It is taking a walk in the park. It is taking a walk with its granny. It is carrying a toy in its hand. The boy is writing a letter. He is writing it at his writing- table. The wild geese are flying away. They are flying away to warm countries. 68
Assignment 2 A DIALOGUE What is this? It is a clown. Where is the clown? He is at the circus. Is the clown very funny? Yes, he is. He is very funny. Is he sad or gay? He is gay. What is he doing? He is laughing. Are the people laughing, too? Yes, they are. They are laughing, too. What are these? They are a boy and a girl. Are they tall or short? The boy is tall, and the girl is short. Where are the boy and the girl? They are at a concert. What are they doing? They are dancing. Is their dance beautiful? Yes, it is. It is beautiful. Key-words 1 This. 2. Where. 3. Funny. 4. Sad or gay. 5. Doing. 6. People. 7. These. 8. Tall or short. 9. Where. 10. Doing. 11. Beautiful. IN THE BATHROOM Do we see two women or two men in this picture? We see neither two women nor two men. We see two girls in it. The girls’ names are Tanya and Raya. Is it evening or night? It is neither evening nor night. It is morning. It is a quarter to eight. Tanya and Raya are in the bathroom. Tanya is standing at the wash-basin. She is cleaning her teeth. She is cleaning them with a tooth-brush and tooth- paste. Raya is standing at the wash-basin, too, but she is not clean- ing her teeth. She is wiping her neck. She is wiping her neck with 69
a towel. We see a mirror above the wash-basin and a bath near the wall. Tanya is a little girl. She is seven years old. She is in the first form. Raya is a big girl. She is eleven years old. She is in the fourth form. Raya can speak three lan- guages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. She can read, write and count in English. She can count from one to twenty and she can count by tens from ten to one hundred. She can sing some English songs, too. Little Tanya cannot speak English but she can count in English from one to ten. The girls’ father and mother cannot speak English, either. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 What is the girl doing? She is having supper. Where is she having supper? She is having supper in the dining- room. With whom is she having supper? She is having supper alone. Where is the girl sitting? She is sitting at the table. Where is the table? It is in the middle of the dining- room. What is the girl eating? She is eating bread, butter and cheese. And what is she drinking? She is drinking tea. Is there a clock in the dining-room? Yes, there is. Where is it? It is on the sideboard. What time is it now? It is a quarter past eight in the evening. 70
Key-words 1. Doing. 2. Where. 3. With whom. 4. Sitting. 5. Table. 6. Eating. 7. Drinking. 8 Clock. 9. Where. 10. Time. DIALOGUE 2 Are Yurko and Galya a brother and a sister? Yes, they are. They are a brother and a sister. What are they? They are schoolchildren. What forms are they in? Yurko is in the seventh form, and Galya is in the fourth form. Do they take any bread and butter for their lunch at school? No, they do not. They do not take any bread and butter for their lunch at school. Why do they not take any bread and butter to school? It is be- cause there is a dining-room in their schoolhouse. When do the children have their lunch at school? Galya has her lunch after the second lesson, and Yurko has his lunch after the third lesson. Are there any wash-basins in their dining-room? Yes, there are. There are three wash-basins there. What do the schoolchildren do at the wash-basins? They wash their hands there. Do they wash their hands with soap and water? Yes, they do. They wash their hands with soap and water. What does Galya like for her lunch? She likes cottage cheese with some sugar and a cup of hot milk for her lunch. And what does Yurko like for his lunch? He likes potatoes with fried meat or fried fish and a cup of coffee with milk. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 What is this? It is a kitchen. What do we see in the kitchen? We see a gas-stove, a cupboard, a clock, a table and a stool in it. Where is the gas-stove? It is near the wall. Where is the cupboard? It is in the corner. Where is the clock? It is on the cupboard. Where is the table? It is near the window. And where is the stool? It is under the table. What is this? It is a sitting-room. What do we see in the sitting-room? We see a sofa, a mat, a table and some chairs. Where is the sofa? It is near the wall. 71
Where is the mat? It is near the sofa. Where is the table? It is in the middle of the sitting-room. And where are the chairs? They are near the table. What is this? It is a bedroom. What do we see in the bed- room? We see a mirror, a bed, a wardrobe and some dresses in it. Where is the mirror? It is near the wall. Where is the bed? It is in the corner. Where is the wardrobe? It is near the other wall. And where are the dresses? They are in the wardrobe. DIALOGUE 2 Is this a field or a wood? It is neither a field nor a wood. What is this? It is a park. Is the park large or small? It is large. Are there any trees in the park? Yes, there are. There are some trees in the park. How many trees are there in the park? There are many. Are there any bushes in the park? Yes, there are. There are some bushes in the park. How many bushes are there in the park? There are many. Are there any benches in the park? Yes, there are. There are some benches in the park. How many benches are there in the park? There are many. Are there any children in the park? Yes, there are. There are some children in the park. How many children are there in the park? There are many. Is there a pond in the park? Yes, there is. There is a pond in the park. 72
Is there a man in the park? Yes, there is. There is a man in the park. Is there a woman in the park? Yes, there is. There is a woman in the park. What are the children doing? Some children are skating. Some children are skiing. Some children are sledging. Some children are playing snowballs. Some children are making a snowman. And what are the man and the woman doing? They are standing and looking at the children. What is the man wearing? He is wearing a cap, a shirt, a coat, an overcoat, trousers, socks and shoes. And what is the woman wearing? She is wearing a hat, a dress, an overcoat, stockings and shoes. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 Do Galya’s parents promise Galya to take her to the circus? Yes, they do. They promise Galya to take her to the circus. 73
Will they take her to the circus to-morrow? No, they will not. They will not take her to the circus to-morrow. When will they take her to the circus? They will take her to the circus on Sunday afternoon. Will Galya see acrobats and clowns at the circus? Yes, she will. She will see acrobats and clowns there. Will she see any wild animals at the circus? Yes, she will. She will see some wild animals. What wild animals will she see? She will see monkeys, bears, lions, tigers and elephants. Will she see foxes, hares or wolves? No, she will not. She will see neither foxes, nor hares, nor wolves. Will she see any domestic animals? Yes, she will. She will see some domestic animals. What domestic animals will she see? She will see cats, dogs and horses. What will the horses do in the ring? They will run and dance. Key-words 1. Promise. 2. To-morrow. 3. When. 4. Acrobats and clowns. 5. Any wild ani- mals. 6. What wild animals. 7. Foxes, hares or wolves. 8. Any domestic animals. 9. What domestic animals. 10. The horses. DIALOGUE 2 Does Oleg live in a village or in a little town? He lives neither in a village nor in a little town. Where does he live? He lives in a big city. Is his city as beautiful as Lviv? No, it is not. It is less beautiful then Lviv. Is Lviv much more beautiful than Oleg’s city? Yes, it is. It is much more beautiful. Is Oleg’s flat very large? No, it is not. It is not very large. It is middle-sized. Is Oleg’s family large? Yes, it is. It is large. Has Oleg any brothers? Yes, he has. He has two little brothers. Does Oleg’s mother sometimes speak angrily to Oleg’s brothers? Yes, she does. Sometimes she speaks angrily to them. Why is she sometimes angry with them? She is angry with them because they are sometimes naughty. They make much noise when they play and do not listen to their mother. Where do the boys play? Sometimes they play out-of-doors and sometimes they play at home, in their living-room. Does Oleg go to school every day? Yes, he does. He goes to school every day but Sunday. What form is he in? He is in the fifth form. 74
How old is he? He is twelve. Is Oleg the biggest or the smallest boy in his class? He is neither the biggest nor the smallest. He is a middle-sized boy. Does he study well or badly? He studies well. How long does he do his homework? He does it for two hours. Does he think hard when he solves his problems? Yes, he does. He thinks hard. Who knows more and who knows less: Oleg or his brothers? Oleg knows more and his brothers know less. What games does Oleg like to play? He likes to play draughts and football. Can Oleg speak English a little? No, he cannot. He cannot speak English at all. What does Oleg wear in winter: a hat or a cap? He wears a cap. Is his cap blue or brown? It is neither blue nor brown. What colour is it? It is grey. LESSON 12 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. About o'baut] про absent 'aebsant] вщсутшй all [a:l] Bci all of them бэт] Bci вони already □rl'redi] вже any more тэ:| бьлыпе berry 'beri] ягода boiled 'boild] варений 2. Class teacher 'klms'ti.tj’a] класний Kepi вник cloak-room 'kloukrum] гардероб collective farm ka'lektiv'fccm] КОЛРОСП collective farmer [ ka'lektiv'fcumal КОЛГОСПНИК country 'kAntri| сйльська м1сцев1сть cucumber 'kju:kamba] oripoK cutlet 'kAtlit] котлета diligent 'dilidjant] старанний ever 'evo] будь-коли 3. Factory 'faektari] фабрика fly flai] л!тати fruit frurt] фрукти go back baek] повертатися, шти назад grow grou] вирощувати have a good time taim] добре провести час hospital 'haspitl] л!карня ill ill хворий jam dsaem] варения, джем be late for leit] зашзнюватися lay the table lei] накривати на спл 75
lie middle-sized 4. Never next nice nurse office often be over 5. Pensioner plant is present pretty pupil rather for school seldom 6. Shop still summer tell tram card talk tomato usually vegetables year lai] 'midl'saizd] 'neva] nekst] nais] na:s] 'afis] 'ofn] 'ouva] 'penjana] plaint] preznt] 'priti] 'pju:pl] 'ra:6a] 'sku:l] 'seldom] Jap] stilj 'злгпэ] tel] 'traem'kaid] ta:k] tar'ma.tou] 'ju^uali] 'vedsitablz] ja:; jia] лежати середнього розм1'ру школи наступний гарний медсестра установа часто закшчуватися пенсюнер завод присутшй гарний, краснвий учень досить до школи рщко магазин все ще л!то велгги, сказати трамвайна картка розмовляти помцюр звичайно овоч! piK Assignment 1 A DIALOGUE Can you tell me about Taras? Yes, I can. I can tell you about him. Is Taras a diligent pupil? Yes, he is. He is a diligent pupil. Is he ever late for school? No, he is not. He is never late for school. Is Taras always present at his lessons? No, he is not. He is not always present at his lessons. Is he sometimes absent from school? Yes, he is. He is sometimes absent from school. Why is he sometimes absent from school? It is because he is sometimes ill. Can you tell me about Taras’s family? Yes, I can I can tell you about them. What are Taras’s parents? His father is a shop-assistant and his mother is a nurse. Where do they work? The father works at a shop and the mother works at a hospital. Does Taras’s brother work at a plant or at a factory? He works neither at a plant nor at a factory. Where does he work? He works at an office. 76
What are Taras’s grandparents? They are collective farmers. Do they still work on a collective farm? No, they do not. They do not work any more. Are they pensioners yet? Yes, they are. They are already pensio- ners. In what house do they live? They live in a pretty cottage. Is their cottage very big of very small? It is neither very big nor very small. It is middle-sized. What is there near their cottage? There is a nice garden near it. What do Taras’s grandparents grow in their garden? They grow fruit, berries and potatoes. They also grow cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. Does Taras go to see his grandparents? Yes, he does. He goes to see them. Does he go to see them often or seldom? He goes to see them rather seldom. When does he usually go to see them? He usually goes to see them in summer. Does Taras have a good time at his grandparents’? Yes, he does. He has a very good time there. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 What is the boy doing? He is playing. With what is he playing? He is playing with a gun. What is the girl doing? She is playing, too. With what is she playing? She is playing with a ball. What is the woman do- ing? She is drawing. With what is she draw- ing? She is drawing with a pencil. What is the man doing? He is writing. With what is he writing? He is writing with a pen. 77
DIALOGUE 2 How old is Katya? She is sixteen years old. How does she study at school? She studies well. How old is Katya’s granny? She is sixty. Is Katya’s father a driver? No, he is not. He is not a driver. What is he? He is a worker. What does he do? He builds big brick houses. Who is the smallest in Katya’s family? Her sister Nadiyka is the smallest. What is Nadiyka? She is just a baby. Has Nadiyka any toys? Yes, she has. She has some toys. Has she a lorry or a gun? No, she has not. She has neither a lorry nor a gun. What toys has she? She has a toy-donkey, a toy-wolf, a toy-fox, a toy-piano and some other toys. Is her toy-donkey funny? Yes, it is. It is funny. Does Katya take Nadiyka for a walk? Yes, she does. She takes her for a walk. Where do they take a walk? They take a walk in the nearby park. Do they pick flowers in the park? No, they do not. They do not pick flowers there. Key-words 1. How old. 2. Study. 3. Granny. 4. Father. 5. What. 6. Go. 7. Smallest. 8. What. 9. Toys. 10. A lorry or a gun. 11. What toys. 12. Funny. 13. For a walk. 14. Where. 15. Pick flowers. DIALOGUE 3 What languages can you read? I can read Ukrainian, Russian and English. What languages can you write? I can write Ukrainian and Rus- sian. What languages can you speak? I can speak Ukrainian, Russian and English. Can you count in English? Yes, I can. I can count in English. Count from one to twenty, please. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Can you count by tens? Yes, I can. I can count by tens. Count by tens from ten to one hundred, please. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Can you do sums? Yes, I can. 1 can do sums. How much is four plus eleven? Four plus eleven is fifteen. 7b
How much is forty minus fourteen? Forty minus fourteen is twenty-six. How much is fifty plus thirteen? Fifty plus thirteen is sixty- three. How much is seventy plus seventeen? Seventy plus seventeen is eighty-seven. How much is thirty minus twelve? Thirty minus twelve is eigh- teen. How much is sixteen plus nineteen? Sixteen plus nineteen is thirty-five. How much is one hundred minus one? One hundred minus one is ninety-nine. How much is ten minus eight? Ten minus eight is two. 4+11 = 15 30—12=18 40—14 = 26 16+19 = 35 50 + 13 = 63 100— 1=99 70 + 17 = 87 10— 8= 2 Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 What are the men doing? They are playing chess. Where are they playing chess? They are playing chess in the room. 79
What are the women doing? They are reading newspapers. Where are they reading newspapers? They are reading them in the park. What are the girls doing? They are washing up. Where are they washing up? They are washing up in the kitchen. What are the boys doing? They are gathering apples. Where are they gathering apples? They are gathering them in the garden. DIALOGUE 2 What is this? It is a girl. What is her name? Her name is Mariyka. Is A-lariyka thin or stout? She is a little stout. What is Mariyka’s father? He is a driver. What is Mariyka’s mother? She is a book-keeper. What is Mariyka’s grandmother? She is a housewife. What is Mariyka’s brother? He is a student. 80
What is Mariyka’s sister? She is a shop-assistant. In what street does Mariyka live? She lives in Shevchenko Street. Is her street wide or narrow? It is wide. Is it long or short? It is long. Is Mariyka’s house good or bad? It is good. TEXT Mariyka is a Ukrainian schoolgirl. She lives in Lviv. Lviv is one of the most beautiful cities in our country. Mariyka has a father and a mother. Each of them is a doctor. Mariyka has a nice little room. There is a bed, a writing-table, a chair and a bookcase in her room. The writing-table stands in front of the window. The chair stands under the writing-table. The bed stands near a wall. There is a beautiful carpet on the wall above the bed. The bookcase stands in the corner near the window. It is full of books. There are four bookshelves in it. Mariyka likes to read books if they are interesting. In the evening she often takes a book from a bookshelf, sits down at her writing- table and continues to read an interesting story. Mariyka’s lessons at school begin at half past eight in the mor- ning, so Mariyka gets up at half past seven. She puts on her slippers and begins to do her morning exercises. Then she goes to wash. She washes her hands and face and cleans her teeth. She wipes her hands and face with a towel and combs her hair with a comb. After that she goes back to her room and puts on her white blouse and her blue skirt. Then she helps her mother to lay the table. She brings bread, butter, cups, saucers, plates and other things and puts them on the table. Her mother brings hot potatoes, hot cutlets or boiled eggs. Then the family sit down to table to have breakfast. Mariyka does not eat much at breakfast. She eats little. Some- times she eats up some potatoes and a cutlet and sometimes she eats up a slice of bread and butter and two boiled eggs. Then she drinks up a cup of tea or coffee with milk. For her tea and coffee she likes a small cake or two sweets. After breakfast Mariyka dresses for school. Then she takes her bag and goes out of her house into the street. Mariyka goes to school by trolley-bus so she goes to a trolley- bus stop. For some time she waits for her trolley-bus. Her trolley- bus soon comes up and stops. The doors of the trolley-bus open, and the people get off and get on. Mariyka gets on the trolley-bus toge- ther with some other people. 81
Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 With what does Lida wash? She washes with soap and water. With what does Lida clean her teeth? She cleans them with a tooth-brush and tooth-paste. With what does Lida comb her hair? She combs it with a comb. With what does Lida write? She writes with a pen. With what does Lida draw? She draws with a pencil. With what does Lida paint? She paints with a brush. With what does Lida dust the window-sills? She dusts them with a duster. With what does Lida sweep the floor? She sweeps it with a broom. Key-words 1. Wash. 2. Clean. 3. Comb. 4. Write. 5. Draw. 6. Paint. 7. Dust. 8. Sweep. DIALOGUE 2 With whom does Ustya play ball? She plays ball together with her friends. With whom does Ustya do her lessons? She does them alone. With whom does Ustya go to see her grandparents? She goes to see them together with her sister. With whom does Ustya have supper? She has supper together with her family. With whom does Ustya go for a walk? She goes for a walk to- gether with her father and sister. With whom does Ustya sleep in her bed? She sleeps in it alone. Key-words 1. Play ball. 2. Do her lessons. 3. Go to see. 4. Have supper. 5. Go for a walk. 6. Sleep. DIALOGUE 3 Are you in the first or in the second form? I am neither in the first nor in the second form. Are you in the third or in the fourth form? I am in the fourth form. Do you go to school in the afternoon? No, I do not. I do not go to school in the afternoon. At what time do you go to school? I go to school at half past eight in the morning. What do you wear on your head when you go to school? I wear a cap. What else do you wear when you go to school? I wear a shirt, a coat, an overcoat, trousers, socks and shoes. 82
And what do you carry in your hand? I carry my schoolbag. Do you walk to school or do you take a tram? I take a tram. Are trams empty in the morning or are they always full of people? They are always full of people. Do you take a seat when you get on your tram? No, I do not. I do not take a seat. I stand in the tram. Are there any empty seats in your tram in the morning? No, there are not. There are no empty seats in it. Do young people give their seats to old men and women? Yes, they do. They give their seats to old men and women. They also give their seats to little children. How long do you ride in your tram to your school? I ride in it for ten minutes. Where do you get off your tram? I get off it at the tram stop near my school. Do you cross a street after that? Yes, I do. I cross a street Where do you cross it? I cross it at a crossing on the corner of a very big house. At what time do you come to school? I come to school at a quar- ter to nine. Is your schoolhouse high or low? It is high. Is it new or old? It is new. Are its corridors long or short? They are long. Is your classroom too large or too small for your class? It is neither too large nor too small. It is just right for our class. How many desks are there in your classroom? There are 16. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 What is this? It is a girl. What is her name? Her name is Galya. What is Galya wearing? She is wearing a hat, a dress, tights and shoes. Is Galya tall or short? She is short. Is Galya a good pupil or a bad pupil? She is a good pupil. Can she speak English? Yes, she can. She can speak English. Can she count in English from one to twenty? Yes, she can. She can count in En- glish from one to twenty. Can she count by tens? Yes, she can. She can count by tens. Where does Galya’s mother work? She works at an office. Where does Galya’s father work? He works at a plant. 83
Where does Galya’s grandfather work? He does not work any more. He is a pensioner. Where does Galya’s grandmother work? She does not work, eith- er. She is a pensioner, too. Key-wo rds 1. This. 2. Name 3. Wearing. 4. Tall or short. 5. Good or bad. 6. Speak. 7. From 1 to 20. 8. By tens. 9. Mother. 10. Father. 11. Grandfather. 12. Grand- mother. DIALOGUE 2 Where are the girls dancing the dance? They are dancing it at a concert. Where are the people laughing at the clown? They are laughing at him at the circus. Where are the men reading newspapers? They are reading them in the sitting-room. 84
Where are the boys making a snowman’ They are making him in the garden. Where are the children skiing, skating and sledging? They are skiing, skating and sledging in the park. DIALOGUE 3 Do you ever have your class meetings? Yes, we do. From time to time we have our class meetings. Does your class teacher always speak at your class meetings? Yes, she does. She always speaks at our class meetings. Do you always speak at your class meetings, too? No, I do not. I speak at our class meetings not always. Is your class teacher sometimes angry with you? Yes, she is. She is sometimes angry with us. Does the director of your school come to your class meetings? Yes, he does. He comes to our class meetings. Does he come to your class meetings often or seldom? He comes to our class meetings rather seldom. Do all your classmates study well? No, not all of them study well. Some of them study badly. How many lessons do you have every day? We have five lessons. What do you usually do at your lessons? At our lessons we usu- ally read, write, speak, solve problems, draw, paint and sing songs. Do you speak about animals or birds at your English lessons? Yes, we do. We speak about animals and birds. What English names of domestic animals do you know? I know a horse, a donkey, a cow, a pig, a sheep, a dog, a puppy, a cat and a kitten. What English names of domestic birds do you know? I know a turkey, a goose, a duck, a cock, a hen and a chick. What English names of wild animals do you know? I know an elephant, a lion, a tiger, a bear, a wolf, a monkey, a fox, a hare, a squirrel and a mouse. And what names of wild birds do you know? I know a peacock, a swan, a wild goose, a wild duck, a parrot and a crow. What do you do when a lesson is over? We go out into the cor- ridor. What do you do in the corridor? We walk along the corridor and talk. Are any schoolchildren naughty? Yes, they are. Some of them are naughty. What do naughty schoolchildren often do in the corridor? They often run in the corridor, shout and make much noise. When are your lessons over? They are over at a quarter to two in the afternoon. 85
LESSON 13 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. About [a'baut] приблизно after ['ci:fta] ШСЛЯ ТОГО ЯК air [ еэ] 1. повиря; 2. проверю- ваты anybody [ 'eni'bodi] хтось asleep: be asleep p'slrpj спати attentively [a'tentivli] уважно become [Ы'клт] ставати before [bi'fa ] перед тим як better ['beta] краще 2. Cold [kould] холодный, холодно come up [ 'клт 'др] 'ПЩХОДИТИ cool [ku:l] прохолодний, прохолодно cream [kri:m] вершки daddy I 'dasdij тато dirty [ 'da:ti] брудний ear I is] вухо fall asleep [ 'foil a'sltp] засинати finish I 'fin® закшчувати a five 1 fa.v] п’япрка 3. Forget 1 fa'get] забувати fork 1 fo:k] виделка fresh 1 frej] СВ1ЖИЙ half 1 Emf] половина happy 1 ['haepi] щасливий, задоволений hungry 1 ['hArjgri] голодный jump out knife 1 I'djAmp'aut] [naif] вискакувати Н1Ж knock 1 [nok] стукати 4. Later 1 ['leita] nisnime a lot of 1 [lot] багато meet 1 [m i:t] зустр!чати mummy ['тлгт] мама myself [mai'self] сам, сама nobody f'noubadi] H1XTO older ['oulda] старший open f'oupan] в 1д крытый piece porridge [pi:s] ['poridsl шматок каша 5. Relative [ 'relativ] родич rest [rest] вгдпочивати right [rait] правильно shut [Mt] закривати so [sou] так, такий somebody i'sAmbadi] хтось soup [su:p] суп spoon [spu:n] ложка square [skwea] площа stewed fruit ['stju:d 'fru:t] компот 6. That [Saet] той through [Gru:] кр!зь tired [taiad] втомлений get tired [taiad] втомитися 86
go up [лр] ГПДХОДИТИ be up вже не спати, бути на ногах wake up I'weik] 1. прокинутись; 2. будити what for’ ffo:] навщо? with which [witf] яким yourself [jo/self] 1. сам; 2. себе Assignment 1 A DIALOGUE When do you go to bed, Bogdan? I go to bed at ten o’clock in the * evening. When do you fall asleep? I fall asleep about ten minutes later. How long do you sleep? I sleep for about nine and a half hours. When do you get up? I get up at a quarter to eight in the mor- ning. Does anybody wake you up or do you wake up yourself? My mummy or my daddy wake me up. Do your parents knock at the door before they come into your room? No, they do not. They do not knock at the door. Is your granny still asleep at that time? No, she is not. She is already up at that time. What do you do after your mummy or daddy wake you up? I jump out of bed, go up to the window and open it. What do you open it for? I open it to air the room. Do you do morning exercises with the window open? Yes, I do. I do them with the window open. Does the air in your room soon become cool and fresh? Yes, it does. It soon becomes cool and fresh. Why does it become cool and fresh? It is because a lot of cool and fresh air comes into the room through the open window. Do you shut the window after you finish your morning exercises? Yes, I do. I shut the window after I finish my morning exercises. Are you tired after that? Yes, I am but just a little. Does anybody help you to dress? No, nobody helps me to dress. I dress myself. Somebody helps you to wash. Is it right? No, it is not right. Nobody helps me to wash. Do you ever forget to wash your ears when you wash yourself? No, I do not. I never forget to wash my ears. Are your ears very dirty before you wash them in the morning? No, they are not. They are not very dirty. Are you very hungry in the morning? No, I am not. I am not very hungry in the morning. Do you ever have soup or stewed fruit for your breakfast? No, I do not. I never have soup or stewed fruit for my breakfast. 87
What do you usually have for your breakfast? I usually have potatoes, porridge or boiled eggs for my breakfast. What do you usually have for your potatoes? I usually have cutlets or fried meat for my potatoes. With what do you eat your porridge? I eat it with a spoon. And with what do you eat your piece of meat? I eat it with a knife and a fork. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 Where do doctors usually work? They usually work at hospitals. W’here do workers and engineers usually work? They usually work at factories and plants. Where do shop-assistants usually work? They usually work at shops. Where do book-keepers usually work? They usually work at offi- ces. Where do collective farmers usually work? They usually work on collective farms. W’here do collective farmers usually live? They usually live in villages. And where do workers and engineers usually live? They usually live in towns and cities. Key-words 1. Doctors. 2. Workers and engineers. 3. Shop-assistants. 4. Book-keepers. 5 Collective farmers. 6. Live. 7. Live. DIALOGUE 2 Is Lesya a Russian girl or a Ukrainian girl? She is a Ukrainian girl. Does she live in Medova Street or in Rynok Square? She lives in Medova Street. Does she live in a middle-sized house or in a big house? She lives in a middle-sized house. Is she a student yet? No, she is not. She is not yet a student. Is her brother a student? No, he is not. He is not a student, either. What does Lesya think about her brother? She thinks that he is a good brother. At what time does Lesya get up in the morning? She gets up at a quarter to eight. 88
At what time does she sit down to breakfast? She sits down to breakfast at eight o’clock. At what time does Lesya dress for school? She dresses for school after breakfast. Key-words 1. Russian ... Ukrainian. 2. Street ... Square. 3. House. 4. Student. 5. Brother. 6. Think. 7. Get up. 8. Breakfast. 9. Dress. DIALOGUE 3 What do children like to do when they are tired of their lessons? They like to rest. They like to play. With what do little children usually play? They usually play with their toys. With what toys do they usually play? They usually play with dolls, Teddy bears, toy-cars, toy-lorries, toy-buses, toy-guns, balls and other toys. What games do little children like to play? They like to play hide-and-seek and hopscotch. And what games do big boys and girls like to play? They like to play football, badminton, draughts, chess and other games. What games do children like to play in winter? They like to play snowballs and hockey. What else do they like to do in winter? They like to ski, to sledge, to skate and to make snowmen. Do children like to watch television? Yes, they do. They like to watch television. Do they often watch television? Yes, they do. They watch televi- sion rather often. They usually watch it every day. Do children sometimes go to a concert? Yes, they do. They so- metimes go to a concert. What can they see or hear at a concert? They can see beautiful dances and hear beautiful music and songs. Do children like to go to the circus? Yes, they do. They like to go to the circus. Do they go to the circus every day? No, they do not. They do not go to the circus every day. Do they go to the circus often or seldom? They go to the circus rather seldom. Do children like clowns? Yes, they do. They like clowns. Why do they like them? They like them because they are very funny. Do clowns usually wear very funny clothes? Yes, they do. They usually wear very funny clothes. 89
Are you gay and happy when you go to the circus? Yes, I am. I am very gay and happy when I go to the circus. With whom do you usually go to the circus? I usually go to the circus together with my uncle, aunt and cousins. Why do you not go to the circus together with your parents? It is because my parents do not like circus. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 With what do we sweep the floor? We sweep it with a broom. With what do we draw? We draw with a pencil. With what do we paint? We paint with a brush. With what do we dust the desks and the window-sills? We dust them with a duster. With what do we clean our teeth? We clean them with a tooth- brush and tooth-paste. With what do we wash? We wash with soap and water. With what do we comb our hair? We comb it with a comb. Key-words 1. Sweep 2. Draw. 3. Paint. 4. Dust. 5. Clean. 6. Wash. 7. Comb. DIALOGUE 2 At what time does Natalka get up? She gets up at a quarter to eight in the morning. At what time does Natalka begin to do her morning exercises? She begins to do them at ten minutes to eight. At what time does Natalka begin to wash? She begins to wash at eight o’clock. At what time does Natalka begin her breakfast? She begins it at a quarter past eight. At what time does Natalka go to school? She goes to school at half past eight. Key-words 1. Get up. 2. Morning exercises. 3. To wash. 4. Her breakfast. 5. Go to school. DIALOGUE 3 What languages do you study at school? I study Ukrainian, Rus- sian and English. Can you speak English as well as Ukrainian? No, I cannot. I cannot speak English as well as Ukrainian. 90
Can your granny speak English a little? No, she cannot. She cannot speak English at all. What can we see in your classroom? We can see a bookcase, a flowerstand, a blackboard, a portrait of Shevchenko over the black- board, a table, a chair and many desks. Is your blackboard black or brown? It is black. What can we see in your bookcase? In our bookcase we can see books, magazines, newspapers and some notebooks. How many pupils are there in your class? There are twenty-six. Are all your classmates your good friends? Yes, they are. All of them are my good friends. Are all of them diligent? No, not all of them are diligent. Are any of your classmates naughty? Yes, they are. Some of them are naughty. Do your naughty classmates make much noise at your lessons? No, they do not but they make much noise in the corridors when a lessont is over. Do any of them shout and run along the corridor? Yes, they do. Some of them shout and run along the corridor. Is there a garden near your schoolhouse? Yes, there is. There is a garden near our schoolhouse. What can we see in your garden? We can see trees, bushes and flowers in it. Do you plant beautiful flowers on your flowerbeds? Yes, we do. We plant and grow very beautiful flowers on our flowerbeds. Is your schoolhouse old or new? It is new. Is it high or low? It is high. How do you listen to your teachers at your lessons? I listen to them attentively. Is there a dancing room in your school? Yes, there is. There is a dancing room in our school. Is there a piano in it? Yes, there is. There is a piano in it. Does it stand in the middle of the dancing room? No, it does not. Is stands in one of the corners. Is your dancing room more beautiful than your classroom? No, it is not. It is not more beautiful than our classroom. What do you do in your dancing room? We dance there at our dancing lessons. What is the name of your class teacher? Her name is Katerina Petrivna. Is Katerina Petrivna sometimes angry with you? Yes, she is. Sometimes she is angry with us. Does she speak angrily to you often or seldom? She speaks to us angrily rather seldom. When does she speak angrily to you? She speaks to us angrily when we are naughty. 91
When do your lessons begin and when are they over? They begin at nine o’clock in the morning and they are over at a quarter to two in the afternoon. What do you do when your lessons are over? We go to the cloak-room. What do you do in the cloak-room? We put on our caps, hats and overcoats. Do you go home after that? Yes, we do. We go home after that. Do you buy ice-cream when you go home from school? No, I do not. I do not buy ice-cream when I go home from school. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 Are Rostik and Galya a brother and a sister? Yes, they are. They are a brother and a sister. What are they? They are schoolchildren. What forms are they in? Rostik is in the seventh form, and Galya is in the fourth form. Do they take any bread and butter to school? No, they do not. They do not take any bread and butter to school. Why do they not take any bread and butter to school? It is because there is a dining-room in their schoolhouse. When do the children have their lunch at school? Galya has her lunch after the second lesson, and Rostik has his lunch after the third lesson. Are there any wash-basins in their dining-room? Yes, there are. There are three wash-basins there. What do the schoolchildren do at the wash-basins? They wash their hands. Do they wash their hands with soap and water? Yes, they do. They wash their hands with soap and water. Do they clean their teeth there? No, they do not. They do not clean their teeth. What does Galya like for her lunch? She likes cottage cheese with cream and sugar and a cup of hot milk for her lunch. And what does Rostik like for his lunch? He likes potatoes and fried meat or fried fish and a cup of coffee with milk. Key-words 1. A brother and a sister. 2. What. 3. Forms. 4. Bread and butter. 5. Why. 6. When. 7. Any wash-basins. 8. At the wash-basins. 9. Wash. 10. Teeth. 11. Galya like 12. Rostik like. 92
DIALOGUE 2 Where does Vadik live? He lives in a big city. Where does Sveta live? She lives in a small town. Where does Igor live? He lives in a large village. What are Vadik’s parents? His father is a worker and his mother is a shop-assistant. Where do they work? His father works at a big plant, and his mother works at a shop. What are Vadik’s grandparents? His grandfather is a book-keeper and his grandmother is a pensioner. Where do they work? His grandfather works at an office, and his grandmother works at home. What are Sveta’s parents? Her father is an engineer and her mother is a doctor. Where do they work? Her father works at a factory, and her mother works at a hospital. What are Sveta’s grandparents? They are teachers. Where do they work? They work at school. What are Igor’s parents and grandparents and where do they work? His parents and grandparents are collective farmers so they work on a collective farm. In what house does Vadik live? He lives in a very big house. What can we see near his house? We can see a very large yard near it. In what house does Sveta live? She lives in a middle-sized house. What can we see near her house? We can see a very nice square near it. In what house does Igor live? He lives in a pretty little cottage. What can we see near his cottage? We can see a garden near it. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 Why is the girl washing her face? Because it is dirty. Why is the boy eating? Because he is hungry. Why is the girl never late for school? Because she is a diligent pupil. Why is the boy so glad to meet his teacher? Because he likes her. Why are the schoolchildren listening to the story so attentively? Because it is very interesting. Why are the children so gay and happy? Because they are ha- ving a very good time. 93
Why is the girl so sad? Because her mother is ill. Why is the boy resting? Because he is tired. Why is the girl laughing at the kitten? Because it is very funny. 94
DIALOGUE 2 Do you sleep in a living-room or in a bedroom? I sleep in a bedroom. Do you sleep there alone? No, I do not. I do not sleep there alone. I sleep there together with my sister. What is there above your beds? There are small carpets above them. Is there a bookshelf above your writing-table? No, there is not. There is no bookshelf above my writing-table. Do you live in the country or in a big city? I live in a big city. Do you live in a small cottage or in a big house? I live in a very big brick house. Is your house the biggest in your street? Yes, it is. It is the biggest. Do any workers build another big house in your street? Yes, they do They build another big brick house in our street. Will that house be smaller or bigger than your house? It will be as big as our house. Who will live in that house? Many people will live in it. Does your street become more and more beautiful? Yes, it docs. It becomes more and more beautiful. Do you always cross your street at a crossing? Yes, I do. I al- ways cross it at a crossing. Are there any kiosks in your street? Yes, there are. There are two kiosks in it, and my aunt works in one of them. What does she sell there? She sells tram, bus and trolley-bus tickets and cards. And where do your grandparents live? They live in the country. Are they collective farmers? Yes, they are. They are collective farmers. Do they still work on their collective farm? No, they do not. They do not work any more. They are already pensioners. Have you any other relatives in the country? Yes, I have. I have an uncle, an aunt and two cousins there. Do your cousins write you letters? Yes, they do. They write me letters. Do you also write letters to them? Yes, I do. I also write letters to them. Do your uncle and aunt have any domestic animals or birds? Yes, they do. They have a cat, a dog, a cock, some hens, a pig and a cow. Do they have any ducks or geese? No, they do not. They have neither ducks nor geese. Do they have any rabbits or sheep? No, they do not. They have neither rabbits nor sheep. 95
Do you ever go to see your relatives in the country? Yes, I do. I go to see them every summer. Do your relatives come to see you? Yes, they do. They also come to see us. Do you like to live in the country in summer? Yes, I do. I like to live there in summer very much. Why do you like to live there? It is because the country is very beautiful in summer. There are beautiful fields there and a forest nearby with its beautiful glades and a river where we like to bathe. Are there any berries or mushrooms in the forest? Yes, there are. There are many berries and mushrooms there. LESSON 14 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Be afraid a'freid] боятися, злякатися again a'gein] знову answer 'amsa] вщповщати apron 'eipran] фартух attentive a'tentiv] уважний average 'aevarids] середнш bank 1 'baerjk] берег best of all best] бьлыие всього, над усе break breik] перерва brightly 'braitli] яскраво brush brAj] ццтка 2. Cherry ['tferij вишня (плщ) chicken 'tfikin] курча cinema 'sinama] Kino cut kAt] р1зати during 'djuarir)] шд час excellent 'eksalant] В1ДМШНИЙ fine fain] гарний, хороший food fud] Тжа on foot fut] шшки for fa:] за a four fa:] четверка 3. Fruit-tree Tru:ttri:] фруктове дерево get get] одержати, дютати get hungry 'hArjgri] зголодшти grass gro:s| трава herself ha'self] сама how often 'afn] як часто keep ki:p] тримати kind kaind] вид longest 'larjgist] найдовший mark ma:k] ошнка money 'niAni] rponii month тлпб] м1сяць 96
Yes.lt if 4. Mostly once ourselves 'moustli] wAns] aua'selvz] переважно один раз себе У also cor pay pet] платити question kwestjan] питания r 1 do 1 lii; ask questions a:sk] ставити запитання answer questions 'a:nsa] вщповщати на запитання quite kwait] ЗОВС1М, шлком try is и ready 'redij готовий d a ioresi refrigerator ri'fridsoreita] холодильник 6 to halb be right rait] мати рац1ю 5. Sausage 'sosida] ковбаса mere ж several 'sevral] дек1лька shine fain] св!тити, сяяти sour cream saua Jkrkm] сметана spring sprirj] весна sun SAn] сонце teaspoon spun] чайна ложка theatre 'Sista] театр till til] до time taim] раз true tru:] Bl’pHO twice twais] дв1ч! 6. Weather 'weda] погода иг я week wi:k] тиждень what is the 'weds] яка погода? weather like? where else wea] де ще wooden 'wudan] дерев’яний work wa:k] робота wrong гэг)] нев1рно be wrong помилятися A jLC younger ['jAgga] молодший Assignment 1 A DIALOGUE Does Sonya live in a brick house or in a wooden house? She li- ves in a brick house. Where does her house stand? It stands on the bank of a river. How often does Sonya air her room? She airs it several times a day. She airs it in the morn'ng and she airs it in the afternoon. In the evening she airs it again. Does the air become resh and cool after that? Yes, it does. It becomes fresh and cool. Does Sonya clean her room herself? Yes, she does. She cleans it herself. With what does Sonya cut bread and sausage? She cuts them with a knife. With what docs she cat sausage? She eats it with a fork. With what does she eat sour cream? She eats it with a tea-spoon. 4 2-607 97
Where do Sonya’s father and mother keep sausage, cream, sour cream and other kinds of food? They keep them in a refrigerator. What kinds of soups does Sonya like best of all? Best of all she likes chicken soup, fish soup and mushroom soup. Does Sonya like stewed fruit for her dinner? Yes, she does. She likes stewed fruit for her dinner. Does Sonya’s mother sometimes make stewed fruit of cherries? Yes, she does. Sometimes she makes it of cherries. Does Sonya go to school on foot? Yes, she does. She goes to school on foot. Does Sonya’s mother give Sonya any money before Sonya goes to school? Yes, she does. She gives her some money. What does Sonya do with the money? She pays for her lunch. When does Sonya have her lunch? She has her lunch during the long break. Is Sonya always attentive at her lessons? Yes, she is. She is always attentive at her lessons. Is she an average pupil or an excellent pupil? She is an excellent pupil. Is she ever afraid to get a low mark? No, she is not. She is never afraid to get a low mark. Why is she never afraid to get a low mark? It is because she is always ready to answer the teacher’s questions. Can she also ask questions in English? Yes, she can. She can also ask questions in English. What marks does Sonya get? She gets mostly fives. What does Sonya want to be? She wants to be a teacher. Why does she want to be a teacher? It is because she likes teachers’ work. How often does Sonya go to the cinema? She goes to the cinema once or twice a week. How often does she go to the theatre? She goes to the theatre once a month. How often does she go to the circus? She goes to the circus three or four times a year. When does Sonya like to go to the park? She likes to go to the park in spring when the weather is fine, when the sun shines brightly and the leaves and the grass are green and nice. Is Sonya a happy girl? Yes, she is. She is quite happy. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 What is Orest doing? He is eating fried meat. With what is he eating it? He is eating it with a fork and a knife. 98
What is Ivanka doing? She is playing chess. With whom is she playing chess? She is playing chess with her cousin. What is Olenka doing? She is cutting a fish. With what is she cutting it? She is cutting it with a knife. What is Olenka’s mother doing? She is laying the table for supper. With whom is she laying the table? She is laying the table with Olenka’s sister. What is Taras doing? He is cleaning his coat. With what is he cleaning it? He is cleaning it with a brush. What is Nadiyka doing? She is washing up. With whom is she washing up? She is washing up together with her little brother. 4* 99
DIALOGUE 2 Has Victor enough money to buy an ice-cream? Yes, he has. He has enough money to buy an ice-cream. Has he enough money to buy another ice-cream? No, he ha not. He has not enough money to buy another ice-cream. Has Victor enough time to do his homework? Yes, he has. He has enough time to do his homework. Has he enough time to play out-of-doors? No, he has not. He has not enough time to play out-of-doors. How long does Victor play out-of-doors? He plays out-of-doors for about one hour. How long does Victor do his homework? He does it for about three hours. Does Victor do his homework in the afternoon? Yes, he does. He does it in the afternoon. Does he continue his homework in the evening? Yes, he does. He continues it in the evening. What does Victor do when he finishes his homework? He helps his mother to do some housework. Key-words 1. An ice-cream. 2. Another ice-cream. 3 Homework. 4. Out-of-doors. 5. How long. 6 How long. 7. In the afternoon. 8. Continue. 9 Finishes. DIALOGUE 3 Is Victor eleven or fourteen years old? He is neither eleven nor fourteen. How old is he? He is fifteen years old. Is he younger or older than his sister? He is younger. How old is his sister? She is eighteen. Does Victor live in Kiev? No, he does not. He does not live in Kiev. Where does he live? He lives in Lviv. Is Lviv more beautiful or less beautiful than Kiev? I think that Lviv is as beautiful as Kiev. Is Victor’s street wide or narrow? It is wide. Is it new or old? It is old. Is Victor’s house high or low? It is high. What colour is it? It is grey. Does anybody in Victor’s family speak English? No, nobody does. Nobody speaks English in Victor’s family but Victor. Key-words 1 Eleven or fourteen. 2. How old 3 Younger or older. 4 How old. 5. In Kiev. 6 Where 7. More beautiful or less beautiful 8. Wide or narrow. 9. New or old 10 High or low. II. Colour. 12. Anybody. JOO
OLENKA’S DAY Olenka lives in a small town. She lives in a middle-sized house. Her house is old but it is rather pretty. It stands in a nice square. Olenka’s father is a doctor. He works at a hospital. Olenka’s mother is a book-keeper. She works at an office. Olenka is a schoolgirl. She is ten years old and in the fourth form. Olenka gets up at half past seven in the morning. She airs her room and does morning exercises. After the exercises she makes her bed, washes and dresses. She has breakfast. For her breakfast she likes potatoes and cutlets with a cucumber or a tomato or two eggs and a cup of tea. After breakfast Olenka goes to school. She is never late for school She usually comes to school at a quarter to nine. At school Olenka has five lessons every day. She is a diligent pupil so she is always attentive at her lessons. At a quarter past two in the afternoon Olenka comes back home from school. She is alone at home in the afternoon. When she comes home, she is hungry. She washes her hands and has dinner. She often has soup, porridge and stewed fruit for her dinner. After dinner she rests a little and then she does her lessons. At eight o’clock in the evening she has supper. After supper she goes for a walk. She goes for a walk when the weather is not bad. When the weather is bad, she sits down at her writing-table and begins to paint or to draw. At ten o’clock in the evening Olenka goes to bed. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 Where do Tanya’s grandparents live? They live in the country. Do they keep any domestic animals? Yes, they do. They keep so- me domestic animals. Do they keep a donkey and a horse? No, they do not. They keep neither a donkey nor a horse. Do they keep any sheep? No, they do not. They do not keep any sheep. Do they keep any rabbits? Yes, they do. They keep some rabbits. What other domestic animals do they keep? They keep a cow, a pig, a dog and a cat. Has their dog any puppies? No, it has not. It has no puppies. Has their cat any kittens? Yes, it has. It has two kittens. Key-words 1. Live. 2. Keep. 3. A donkey or a horse. 4. Any sheep. 5. Any rabbits. 6. What other. 7. Any puppies. 8. Any kittens. 101
DIALOGUE 2 Do Tanya’s grandparents keep any domestic birds’ Yes, they do. They keep some domestic birds. Do they keep any ducks or geese? No, they do not. They keep neither ducks nor geese. Do they keep any turkeys? No, they do not. They do not keep any turkeys. What domestic birds do they keep? They keep a cock, some hens and some chickens. Do you know any English names of wild birds? Yes, I do. 1 know several English names of wild birds. Can you tell me their English names? Yes, I can. They are a crow, a swan, a parrot and a peacock. Do you known any English names of wild animals? Yes, I do. I know several English names of wild animals. Can you tell me their English names? Yes, I can. They are a mouse, a squirrel, a hare, a fox, a monkey, a wolf, a bear, a tiger, a lion and an elephant. Key-words 1. Any domestic birds. 2. Ducks or geese. 3. Turkeys. 4. What. 5. Wild birds. 6 Tell me. 7. Wild animals. 8. Tell me. DIALOGUE 3 What does Oxana carry in her hand when she goes to school? She carries her schoolbag. Is her schoolbag full of books and notebooks? Yes, it is. It is full of books and notebooks. And what is there in her pencil-box? There is a pen and a pencil in it. Does Oxana sometimes forget to take her pencil-box to school? No, she does not. She never forgets to take her pencil-box to school. Does Oxana see anybody in the streets when she goes to school? Yes, she does. She sees many people. How do the people get to their work? Some of them ride in trams, buses or trolley-buses, some of them ride in their cars, some of them ride on their bicycles and some of them go to their work on foot. Is Oxana ever late for school? No, she is not. She is never late for school. Key-words I. Carry 2. Full. 3. In her pencil-box. 4. Forget. 5. See anybody. 6. Get to their work. 7. Late for school. 102
DIALOGUE 4 The teacher. Ira, your father is the director of a school, your mother is a nurse, your brother is a clown and your sister is an acrobat. Ira. That is not right. My father is a driver, my mother is a worker, my brother is a student and my sister is a shop-assistant. The teacher. In your kitchen we can see a gas-stove, a cupboard, a refrigerator, a table and four stools. Ira. That is right. In our kitchen you can see a gas-stove, a cup- board, a refrigerator, a table and four stools. The teacher. Your stools stand in the middle of the kitchen Ira. That is wrong. Our stools stand under the kitchen table. The teacher. In your sitting-room we can see a table, four chairs, a sofa, a sideboard and a bookcase. Ira. That is true. In our sitting-room you can see a table, four chairs, a sofa, a sideboard and a bookcase. The teacher. We can see a mat near your sofa and a picture abo- ve the sofa. Ira. That is also true. There is a mat near our sofa and a picture above the sofa. The teacher. There are two flowerstands in front of your sitting- room windows and there are some window-plants on each of them. Ira. That is not true. There are neither flowerstands nor window- plants in our sitting-room. The teacher. There is a clock and a vase on your sitting-room table and there are some flowers in the vase. Ira. You are not quite right. There is a vase on our sitting-room table and there are some flowers in the vase but there is no clock on the table. The teacher. Your bedroom is smaller than your bathroom. Ira. Wrong. Our bedroom is much larger than our bathroom. The teacher. There are two wardrobes in your bedroom. Ira. You are wrong again. There is only one wardrobe in our bedroom. The teacher. You are wearing a blouse, a skirt, socks and slippers now. Ira. That is not true. I am wearing my sch ol uniform now: a dress, an apron, tights and shoes. The teacher. You are neither tall nor stout. Ira. That is right. I am neither tall nor stout. I am rather thin and short. The teacher. You like fruit, berries and vegetables. Ira. That is true. I like fruit, berries and vegetables. 103
The teacher. You like apples, pears and plums but you do not like cherries. Ira. You are not quite right. I like apples, pears, plums and cherries. The teacher. You play badminton, chess and draughts but you do not play hopscotch, hide-and-seek, hockey and football. Ira. You are right. I play badminton, draughts and chess but I do not play hopscotch, hide-and-seek, hockey or footbal. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 What is the little girl eating? She is eating white bread and sour cream with' sugar. What is her brother eat- ing? He is eating potatoes and fried sausage. What else do we see on his plate? We see a red to- mato on it. Do we see a green cucum- ber on his plate, too? No, we do not. We do not see a green cucumber on his plate. Is the father eating, too? No, he is not. He is not eating. What is he doing? He is drinking. What is he drinking? He is drinking stewed fruit. Key-words 1. The little girl. 2. Her brother. 3. What else. 4. A green cucumber. 5. The father. 6. Doing. 7. Drinking. DIALOGUE 2 Where do doctors usually work? They usually work at hospitals. Where do workers and engineers usually work? They usually work at factories and plants. Where do shop-assistants usually work? They usually work at shops. Where do book-keepers usually work? They usually work at offi- ces. 104
Where do collective farmers usually work? They usually work on collective farms. Where do collective farmers usually live'* They usually live in villages. And where do workers and engineers usually live? They usually live in towns and cities. Key-words 1. Doctors 2 Workers and engineers. 3. Shop-assistants. 4. Book-keepers. 5. Collective farmers. 6—7. Usually live. DIALOGUE 3 When does Nazar fall asleep in the evening? He falls asleep at about a quarter to ten. Does he always fall asleep at that time? No, he does not. So- metimes he falls asleep a little later. Does Nazar sleep well or badly at night? He sleeps well. Is Nazar still asleep at six o’clock in the morning? Yes, he is. He is still asleep at that time. Somebody wakes Nazar up in the morning. Who wakes him up? His granny does. His granny wakes him up. Does the granny speak to Nazar angrily? No, she does not. She does not speak to him angrily. Is Nazar angry with his granny when she wakes him up? No, he is not. He is not angry with her at all. Does Nazar agree to get up? Yes, he does. He agrees to get up. Somebody makes coffee for Nazar. Who makes coffee for him? His mother does. His mother makes coffee for him. Key-words 1. Fall asleep. 2. Always. 3 Well or badly. 4. Still asleep, 5. Somebody. 6. An- grily. 7. Angry. 8. Agree. 9. Makes coffee. DIALOGUE 4 When does Orest get up on Sunday? On Sunday he gets up at about ten o’clock in the morning. What does he do after he gets up? He airs the room and does morning exercises. What does he do then? He makes his bed, washes, dresses and has his breakfast. What does he do after breakfast? He goes out to play. With whom does he play? He plays with his friends. Where do the children play? They play in the yard near their houses. 105
What does Orest do in the afternoon? In the afternoon he often goes to the cinema. With whom does he go to the cinema? He goes to the cinema with his parents or with his friends. How often does Orest go to the cinema? He goes to the cinema once or twice a week. Where else does he go on Sunday? Sometimes he goes to the theatre or to the circus. How often does he go to the theatre? He goes to the theatre once a month. Does he go to the circus often or seldom? He goes there rather seldom. How often does he go to the circus? He goes to the circus three or four times a year. Does Orest like circus? Yes, he does. He likes it very much. Is he gay and happy when he goes to the circus? Yes, he is. He is gay and happy. With whom does Orest go to the circus? He goes to the circus with his parents or with his aunt, uncle and cousins. What does Orest usually do on Sunday evenings? He usually reads an interesting book, watches television or plays chess. With whom does he play chess? He plays chess with his father. When does Orest go to bed on Sunday? He goes to bed at about ten o’clock. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 What do we call a thing we sweep the floor with? We call it a broom. What do we call a thing we wipe the blackboard with? We call it a duster. What do we call a thing we paint with? We call it a brush. What do we call a thing in which we wash ourselves? We call it a bath. What do we call things on which people sit in the parks? We call them benches. What do we call rooms in which schoolchildren have their les- sons? We call them classrooms. What do we call boys who go to school? We call them school- boys. What do we call girls who go to school? We call them school- girls. 106
What do we call things which we wear on our heads? We call them caps and hats. What do we call a hen’s children? We call them chicks. Key-words 1. Sweep the floor. 2 Wipe the blackboard. 3. Paint. 4. We wash ourselves. 5. In the parks. 6 Rooms. 7. Boys. 8. Girls. 9. Wear. 10. A hen’s children. DIALOGUE 2 Is Solomiyka in the second or in the third form? She is in the third form. Is she a good pupil? Yes, she is. She is a good pupil. What marks does she get? She gets only fours and fives. What languages can she read and speak? She can read and speak Ukrainian, Russian and English. Can she write English yet? No, she cannot. She cannot write English. Does Solomiyka solve her problems herself? Yes, she does. She solves them herself. What does Solomiyka do during the breaks? She walks along the corridor and talks with her friends. Are any boys of Solomiyka’s class naughty? Yes, they are. Some of them are naughty. What do they do during the breaks? They run along the corri- dor, shout and make much noise. Is the corridor long or short? It is long. Is it wide or narrow? It is narrow. Key-words 1. Form. 2. Pupil. 3. Marks. 4 Languages. 5. Write 6. Problems. 7. During the breaks. 8. Naughty. 9. Do. 10. Long or short. 11. Wide or narrow. DIALOGUE 3 When will Ulyana have her dinner to-morrow? She will have it at half past two in the afternoon. How many plates of soup will she eat up? She will eat up one little plate of soup. With what will she eat it? She will eat it with a spoon. Will she also have porridge for her dinner? No, she will not. She will have no porridge for her dinner. Will she have potatoes and cutlets for her dinner? Yes, she will. She will have potatoes and cutlets for her dinner. With what will she eat them? She will eat them with a fork. 107
How many slices of bread will Ulyana eat up? She will eat up two slices of bread. What else will Ulyana have for her dinner? She will have some milk. How many cups of wilk will she drink up? She will drink up one little cup of milk. Will Ulyana have sweets for her milk? No, she will not. She will have no sweets for her milk. What will she have for her milk? She will have a piece of a cake. Key-words 1. Have dinner. 2. Plates of soup. 3. With what. 4. Porridge. 5. Potatoes and cutlets. 6. With what. 7. Slices of bread. 8. What else. 9. How many 10. Sweets. 11. What. DIALOGUE 4 Where do Natalka’s grandfather and grandmother live? They live in the country. Do they still work? The grandfather still works but the grand- mother does not work any more. She is already a pensioner. Is Natalka’s grandfather a very old man? No, he is not. He is only fifty-nine years old. What does he do? He builds houses for his collective farmers. What do we call the small houses in which collective farmers usually live? We call them cottages. Do Natalka’s grandparents live in a cottage? Yes, they do. They live in a cottage, and their cottage is very pretty. There is a nice garden near it. Do Natalka’s grandparents live in a wooden cottage or in a brick one? They live in a wooden cottage. What can we see in their garden? We can see bushes and fruit- trees in it. What do Natalka’s grandparents grow in their garden? They grow berries, fruit, vegetables, potatoes and flowers. Is the grandparents’ village the most beautiful in our country? It is beautiful, but I cannot say that it is the most beautiful village in our country. What can we see near the village? We can see beautiful fields, a large pond, a wide river and a large forest nearby. Is there a road to the forest? Yes, there is. There is a road there. What can we gather in the forest? We can gather berries and mushrooms. And what can we see in its glades? We can see tall grass and many flowers. 108
Will Natalka go to see her grandparents next summer? Yes. she will. She will go to see them next summer. Will Natalka’s grandparents be glad to see Natalka? Yes, they will. They will be glad to see her. Will Natalka have a good time in the country? Yes, she will. She will have a good time there. Will she be happy there? Yes, she will. She will be happy. Will she go to the forest? Yes, she will. She will go to the forest. What will she gather in the forest? She will gather berries and mushrooms. What will she take with her when she goes to the forest? She will take a basket. Will Natalka eat a lot of berries, fruit and vegetables in the country? Yes, she will. She will eat a lot a berries, fruit and vege- tables there. Will she drink much fresh milk? Yes, she will. She will drink much fresh milk. Will she bathe and swim in the pond? No, she will not. She will neither bathe nor swim in the pond. Where will she bathe and swim? She will bathe and swim in the river. With whom will she bathe and swim there? She will bathe and swim together with some other boys and girls. Will the children lie in the sun on the bank of the river? Yes, they will. They will lie in the sun. Will Natalka read any newspapers or magazines in the country? No, she will not. She will read neither newspapers nor magazines but she will read interesting books. Is the air in the country better than in a big city? Yes, it is. It is much better. What is the weather like in summer? Sometimes it is cool, some- times it is warm and sometimes it is hot. Is it ever cold? No, it is not. It is never cold in summer. Will Natalka’s parents come to see Natalka in the country? No, they will not. They will not come to see Natalka there. Will Natalka write any letters to her parents from the country? Yes, she will. She will write several letters to them. When will Natalka come back home from the country? She will come back home when the summer is over. 109
LESSON 15 1. Alarm-clock appear April August autumn best box breakfast things bright clean clear 2. Cloud consist cover is covered dark December early everything everywhere February Friday 3. Fun get ready grow himself holidays ice January July June kiosk minder lake 4. Late leave light look make up March May melt away Monday month name 5. November ones part pilot pleasant it rains rest Saturday THE NEW VOCABULARY o'lccm 'klok] будильник a'pia] з’являтися 'eipril] кв^тень 'o:gast] серпень 'o:tam] ociHb best] найкращий boks] коробка, ящик 'brekfast'Oirjs] посуд до сшданку brait] яскравий kli:n] чистий klia] ясний, прозорий klaud] хмара kan'sist] складатися 'kAva] покривати 'kAvad] покритий [dcuk] темннй, темно [di'semba] грудень f'aili] рано ['evriOirj] все i'evriwea] скр!зь f'februari] лютий f'fraidi] п’ятниця li4n] розваги f'redi] готуватися [grou] рости [him'self] себе f'haladiz] кашкули [ais] лщ ['dsasnjuari] с1чень [dsu'lai] липень [dsum] червень [ki'ask'mainda] гаоскер [leik] озеро [leit] ni3HO, тзнш [li:v] залишатн [lait] св!тло, св!тлий fluk] виглядати, мати вигляд ['meik'Ap] утворювати, складати [mci:tf] березень [mei] травень ['melt a'wei] розтанути ['mAndi] понед1лок [тлпО] мгсяць [neim] називати [nou'vemba] листопад [wAnz] слово, що замшюе смен- ник у множин! [pci:t] частика ['pailat] П1ЛОТ f'pleznt] приемний, приемно [reinz] ще дощ [rest] В1ДПОЧИНОК f'sastadi] субота 110
season 'si:znj пора року second 'sekand] секунда September sep'temba] вересень 6. Shelf [Jelf] полиця sky skai] небо snow snoul СН1Г it snows [snouz] 1‘де cHir it takes you teiks] це займае у тебе Thursday '0a:zdi] четвер till til] до Tuesday 'tju:zdi] в1второк unpleasant "xn'pleznt] неприемний, неприемно Wednesday 'wenzdi] середа Assignment 1 TIME There are twelve months in a year. Three months make up a sea- son, so there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The spring months are March, April and May. The summer months are June, July and August. The autumn months are Septem- ber, October and November, and the winter months are December, January and February. Seven days make up a week. The names of the days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A day has four parts or twenty-four hours. The parts of the day are: the morning, the afternoon, the evening and the night. It is light in the day time and it is dark at night. An hour consists of sixty minutes, and a minute consists of sixty seconds. Winter is the coldest season of the year. It often snows in win- ter, and we can see white snow everywhere. The snow covers the ground, the houses and the trees. The ice covers the water in the ponds, in the rivers and in the lakes. In spring the snow and the ice melt away. Green leaves appear on the trees and on the bushes, and green grass begins to grow everywhere. The sky is often clear and the sun is very bright. Summer is the best season of the year. It is very warm in sum- mer. Sometimes it is hot. When it is hot, the water in the ponds, in the rivers and in the lakes is warm, and it is very pleasant to bathe and swim in it. We can see many flowers in summer, and they are so bright and beautiful in the sun. Schoolchildren do not go to school in summer. They have their summer holidays at this time. They have a good rest and a lot of fun in summer. Autumn begins in September. Early autumn is rather nice. The leaves on the trees become red, yellow and brown, and the trees Hi
look very beautiful. It is still warm but sometimes it becomes cool. Late autumn is often unpleasant. The sky is often covered with grey clouds, it often rains, a cold wind blows and everything is grey: the sky, the ground and the trees. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 Does Sashko study very well or very badly? He studies very well. Why does he study so well? It is because he is a very diligent pupil. He is very attentive at the lessons and works hard at home. Does he always get excellent marks? No, he does not. Sometimes he gets fours but he gets them very seldom. Is Sashko always present at his lessons or is he sometimes ab- sent from school? He is sometimes absent from school. Is Sashko in the fifth form yet? Yes, he is. He is already in the fifth form. Does Sashko go to school every day? He goes to school every day but Sunday. What does Sashko want to be? He wants to be a pilot and fly above the clouds. Key-words 1. Well ... badly. 2. Why. 3. Excellent marks. 4. Present ... absent. 5. Form. 6. Every day. 7. Want to be. DIALOGUE 2 Does Katrusya study as well as Volodya? No, she does not. She does not study as well as Volodya. She is just an average pupil. Why does she not study as well as Volodya? It is because she does not work as hard as Volodya. How long does she do her homework? She does it for about two hours. And how long does Volodya do his homework? He does it for about two and a half hours. What does Katrusya like to do after she finishes her homework? She likes to draw, to paint and to watch television. Can Katrusya dance any dances? Yes, she can. She can dance several dances. What does Katrusya want to be? She wants to be a doctor and work at a hospital. Do Katrusya and Volodya like each other? Yes, they do. They like each other. 112
Does Katrusya ever speak angrily to Volodya? Yes, she does. Sometimes she speaks angrily to him. Why is she sometimes angry with Volodya? It is because Volo- dya is sometimes naughty. Key-words 1. As well as. 2. Why. 3. Her homework. 4. His homework. 5. Like to do. 6. Any dances. 7. Want to be. 8. Like each other. 9. Speak angrily. 10. Angry. TEXT Volodya wakes up at half past seven in the morning. His alarm- clock wakes him up at that time. Volodya does not like to lie in bed after that. He jumps out of bed, puts on his slippers, goes up to the window and opens it. What does he open it for? He opens it to air his room, to make the air cool and fresh. Then Volodya makes his bed and then he begins to do his morning exercises. He does eleven morning evercises. When he gets tired of an exercise, he stops doing it and rests. Does Volodya take a bath after the exercises? No, he does not. He does not take a bath. He just cleans his teeth 113
and washes his hands, face, ears and neck. He cleans his teeth with a tooth-brush and tooth-paste and washes himself with cold water and soap. After that he wipes himself with a towel and combs his hair with a comb. Then he goes back to his loom, shuts the win- dow and puts on his socks, his shirt and trousers. Volodya does not help his mother to lay the table. His sister Katrusya does it every morning. She brings the breakfast things: plates, saucers, cups, spoons, forks and knives. She also brings bread, butter, jam and cream. The mother brings the other food, and the family take their seats at the table and have breakfast. Some- times they have porridge for their breakfast and sometimes they have hot potatoes or boiled eggs. Volodya and Katrusya like tea for their breakfast. For their tea they have cream or jam. Their parents like black coffee for their breakfast. In this picture we see Volodya and his family. We see them at their breakfast. All of them are eating now. Each of them is eating hot potatoes and fried fish. Volodya’s father is a big, tall man. He is much bigger than Volodya. Is he wearing a coat? No, he is not. He is not wearing a coat. He is wearing a blue shirt, brown trou- sers, grey socks and brown slippers. Volodya’s mother is short and a little stout. She is wearing a pink dress, a red apron, brown sto- ckings and red slippers. Katrusya is thin and rather tall. She is wearing a white blouse, a blue skirt, a green apron, white tights and green slippers. Kat- rusya is a beautiful girl. She is more beautiful than her mother. Volodya is short and stout. He is wearing a grey shirt, black trou- sers, grey socks and blue slippers. Volodya’s father is a driver. He works at a factory. Volodya’s mother is a book-keeper. She works at a big plant. Volodya and Katrusya are schoolchildren. Volodya is in the third form, and Kat- rusya is in the fifth form. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 How old is Yurko? He is eleven years old. What form is he in? He is in the fourth form. How does he study? He studies very well. Is he an excellent pupil? Yes, he is. He is an excellent pupil. How does he listen to his teachers? He listens to them attenti- vely. What languages can Yurko speak? He can speak Ukrainian, Rus- sian and English Can he ask questions in English? No, he cannot. He cannot ask questions in English. He can only answer them. 114
Does Yurko walk to school or does he go to school by tram? He goes to school by tram. What does Yurko do when he goes out of his house? He goes to the nearest tram stop. Where is the tram stop? It is on the corner of his house. Are trams full of people in the morning? Yes, they are. They are full of people. Where does Yurko cross the streets? He crosses them at cros- sings. What does Yurko do when a lesson is over? He goes out into the corridor. What does he do in the corridor? He walks along the corridor and talks with his classmates. Do any of the children shout and make much noise? Yes, they do. Some of them shout and make much noise. Key-words 1. How old. 2. Form. 3. Study. 4. An excellent pupil. 5. Listen to. 6. Languages 7. Ask questions. 8. Walk to school. 9. When he goes out. 10. Tram stop. 11 Full of people. 12. Cross the streets 13. A lesson is over. 14. In the corridor. 15. Shout. DIALOGUE 2 Can you count in English? Yes, I сап. I can count in English. Can you count by tens? Yes, I can. I can count by tens. Can you do sums in English? Yes, I can. 1 can do sums in English. Can you solve problems? Yes, I can. I can solve problems. When do you think hard: when you do sums or when you solve problems? I think hard when I solve problems. How much is eighteen minus eight? Eighteen minus eight is ten. How much is twenty plus eighty? Twenty plus eighty is one hundred. How much is fifteen minus fourteen? Fifteen minus fourteen is one. How much is ninety minus thirty? Ninety minus thirty is sixty. How much is six plus thirteen? Six plus thirteen is nineteen. How much is four plus twelve? Four plus twelve is sixteen. How much is seventy plus three? Seventy plus three is seventy- three. How much is г ineteen minus seventeen? Nineteen minus seven- teen is two. Key-words 1 Count. 2. By tens. 3. Sums. 4. Problems. 5. Think hard. 18— 8= 10 20+80=100 15—14= 1 90—30= 60 6+13=19 4+12=16 70+ 3 = 73 19—17= 2 115
DIALOGUE 3 With what do we sweep the floor? We sweep it with a broom or a brush. With what do we cut bread into slices? We cut it into slices with a knife. With what do we eat cutlets? We eat them with a fork and a knife. With what do we paint pictures? We paint them with a brush. With what do we usually write? We usually write with a pen. With what do we dust the desks and the window-sills? We dust them with dusters. With what toys do little boys and girls like to play? They like to play with balls, dolls, Teddy bears, guns and other toys. Key-words 1. Sweep. 2. Cut bread. 3. Eat cutlets. 4. Paint pictures. 5. Write. 6. Dust. 7. Toys. DIALOGUE 4 Where can we see a bath and a wash-basin? We can see them in a bathroom. Where can we see a cupboard? We can see it in a kitchen. What can we see in a refrigerator? We can see milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, butter, meat, sausage and other kinds of food. Where can we see books and magazines? We can see them in a bookcase. On what do books or magazines stand or lie? They stand or lie on the shelves. Where do flowerstands usually stand? They usually stand in front of the windows. Where can we see carpets? We can see them on the walls or on the floors. Where can we see a lot of clothes? We can see them in a ward- robe. Where do wardrobes usually stand? They usually stand in bedrooms. On what can we sit? We can sit on stools, on chairs, on sofas and on benches. Where can we see benches? We can see them in the gardens and in the parks. What do we usually grow in our gardens? We usually grow po- tatoes, vegetables, berries, fruit and flowers. What kinds of fruit can you name in English? I can name apples, pears, plums and cherries. 116
And what kinds of vegetables can you name? I can name cucum- bers and tomatoes. Where can we have a good time? We can have a good time at a concert, at the cinema, at the theatre and at the circus. Do we ever laugh at acrobats? No, we do not. We never laugh at acrobats. At whom do we always laugh at the circus? We always laugh at clowns. What wild animals can we see in a circus ring? We can see monkeys, bears, lions, tigers, elephants and other wild animals. And where can we see a lot of domestic animals? We can see them in the country. What domestic animals can we see there? We can see sheep, rabbits, pigs, cows, donkeys, horses and other animals. What domestic birds can we see in the country? We can see chickens, hens, cocks, ducks, geese and turkeys. What English names of wild birds do you know? I know a crow, a parrot, a swan and a peacock. Where do many wild birds fly away in autumn? They fly away to warm countries. Where do wolves, foxes, hares and squirrels live? They usually live in the woods and in the forests. Are wolves afraid of foxes, hares and squirrels? No, they are not. Foxes, hares and squirrels are afraid of wolves. What do we call a room where you leave your caps, hats and overcoats when you come to school? We call it a cloak-room. What can we see on a wall of each classroom? We can see a blackboard. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 Does Mariyka get up at five o’clock in the morning? No, she does not. She does not get up at five o’clock in the morning? When does she get up? She gets up at a quarter to eight. Does Mariyka go to school at eight o’clock in the morning? No, she does not. She does not go to school at eight o’clock in the morning. When does she go to school? She goes to school at half past eight. Does Mariyka come to school at a quarter to nine? No, she does not. She does not come to school at a quarter to nine. When does she come to school? She comes to school at twenty minutes to nine. Does Mariyka come back home from school at one o’clock in the 117
afternoon? No, she does not. She does not come back home from school at one o’clock in the afternoon. When does she come back home from school? She comes back home from school at ten minutes past two... Does Mariyka do her lessons in the evening? No, she does not. She does not do her lessons in the evening. When does she do her lessons? She does them in the afternoon. Does she watch television in the afternoon, too? No, she does not. She does not watch television in the afternoon. When does she watch television? She watches television in the evening. Does Mariyka sleep after dinner? No, she does not. She does not sleep after dinner. When does she sleep? She sleeps at night. Does Mariyka go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening? No, she does not. She does not go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening. When does she go to bed? She goes to bed at ten o’clock in the evening. Key-words 1—2. Get up. 3—4. Go to school. 5—6. Come to school. 7—8. Come back home. 9—10 Do her lessons. 11—12. Watch television. 13—14 Sleep. 15—16. Go to bed. DIALOGUE 2 In what can we see ourselves? We can see ourselves in a mirror. In what do we usually carry mushrooms? We usually carry them in baskets. In what do you carry your books and notebooks? I carry them in my schoolbag. In what houses do dogs live? They live in dog-houses. In what room do you have your lunch at school? We have it in our school dinning-room. In what do kiosk minders sell tram, bus and trolley-bus tickets? They sell them in ticket kiosks. In what do you keep your pens and pencils? We keep them in our pencil-boxes. In what can we put flowers5 We can put them in vases. In what room do families gather in the evening to watch tele- vision? They gather to watch television in their living-rooms. Key-words 1. See ourselves. 2. Carry mushrooms. 3. Books and notebooks 4. Dogs live. 5. Room. 6. Tickets. 7. Pens and pencils. 8. Put flowers. 9. Gather in the evening. 118
DIALOGUE 3 Does Ustya live in a village, in a small town or in a big city? She lives in a big city. Is her city the biggest in our country? No, it is not. It is not the biggest in our country. Which is the biggest city in our country? Kiev is. Kiev is the biggest city in our country. Is Ustya’s street wide or narrow? It is wide. Is Ustya’s house new or old? It is new. Is it very high or very low? It is neither very high nor very low. Is it the biggest or the smallest house in Ustya’s street? It is neither the biggest nor the smallest. It is a middle-sized house. Is it a brick house or a wooden one? It is a brick one. What can we see near Ustya’s house? We can see several nushes and several fruit-trees near it. What can we see under the windows of Ustya’s flat in summer? We can see beautiful flowers which grow on beautiful flower- beds. With whom does Ustya live? She lives together with her father, mother and brother. What are Ustya’s parents? Her father is an engineer and her mother is a nurse. Which of them is older and which is younger? The father is older, and the mother is younger. Is Ustya’s brother a shop-assistant? No, he is not. He is not a shop-assistant. He is a student. Is Ustya’s uniform too large or too small for her? It is neither too large nor too small. It is just right. Is it clean or dirty? It is always clean. Does Ustya play hide-and-seek and hopscotch? No, she does not. She plays neither hide-and-seek nor hopscotch. What games does she play? She plays draughts and badminton. And what games does Ustya like to watch on television? She li- kes to watch football and hockey. Does Ustya keep any domestic animals? Yes, she does. She keeps some domestic animals. What domestic animals does she keep? She keeps a cat, a kitten and a puppy. Are her kitten and her puppy funny? Yes, they are. They are very funny, and Ustya likes them very much. What are Ustya’s grandparents and where do they work? They are collective farmers so they work on a collective farm. What do they do for their collective farm? The grandfather builds cottages for the collective farmers, and the grandmother works in the fields. 119
Has Ustya any other relatives in the country? Yes, she has. She has two uncles, two aunts and five cousins there. Will Ustya go to see her grandparents in summer? Yes, she will. She will go to see them in summer. Will they be glad to see Ustya? Yes, they will. They will be very glad to see her. What fun will Ustya have in the country? She will bathe and swim in the nearby river, she will ride a bicycle along a road, she will go to the nearby forest to gather berries and mushrooms, she will pick flowers in the forest glades, she will read interesting books. Will she go to the forest alone? No, she will not. She will not go to the forest alone. With whom will she go there? She will go there together with her friends. Will Ustya be gay and happy in the country? Yes, she will. She will be gay and happy. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 What does Dana like for breakfast? For breakfast she likes eggs, bread and butter and a cup of tea. What does Dana like for lunch? For lunch she likes potatoes and cutlets and a cup of coffee or milk. What does Dana like for dinner? For dinner she likes soup, porridge and a cup of stewed fruit. What does Dana like for supper? For supper she likes cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar and a cup of tea. With what does Dana eat soup? She eats it with a spoon. With what does Dana put sugar into her tea? She puts it into her tea with a tea-spoon. With what does Dana eat meat, sausage and cutlets? She eats them with a knife and a fork. With what does Dana cut bread? She cuts it with a knife. Where does Dana have breakfast? She has breakfast at home. Where does Dana have lunch? She has lunch at school. Where does Dana have dinner and supper? She has dinner and supper at home. Key-words 1. For breakfast 2. For lunch. 3. For dinner 4. For supper. 5. Eat soup. 6. Put sugar. 7. Eat meat, sausage and cutlets. 8. Cut bread. 9. Have breakfast. 10. Have lunch. 11. Have dinner and supper. 120
DIALOGUE 2 Is Yarinka up yet at a quarter to seven in the morning? No, she is not. She is not yet up at a quarter to seven in the morning. She is still asleep at that time. Is her mother also still asleep at that time? No, she is not. She is not asleep. She is already up. Does Yarinka sleep longer than her mother? Yes, she does. She sleeps much longer. Is Yarinka still asleep at eight o’clock in the morning? No, she is not. She is not asleep any more. At what time does she get up? She gets up at a quarter past seven. Has Yarinka enough time to get ready for school when she gets up at a quarter past seven? Yes, she has. She has quite enough time to get ready for school. Is anybody in Yarinka’s family still asleep at eight o’clock in the morning? Yes, somebody is still asleep at that time. Who is still asleep at eight o’clock in the morning? The baby, Yarinka’s little sister, is still asleep at that time. What can we see on the floor near Yarinka’s bed? We can see a mat. Is Yarinka very tired when she gets up in the morning? No, she is not. She is not tired at all. What does Yarinka do before she washes? She does morning exercises. Does she do them with the window open? Yes, she does. She does them with the window open. What does Yarinka do after she washes? She goes back to her room to dress. Which is the largest and the most beautiful room in Yarinka’s flat? The sitting-room is. The sitting-room is the largest and the most beautiful room in her flat. Can we see any portraits on the walls of the sitting-room? No, we cannot. We cannot see any portraits there but we can see some beautiful pictures. What else can we see in Yarinka’s sitting-room? We can see a sofa near one of the walls, a bookcase and a sideboard near the other walls, a table in the middle of the room, a beautiful vase on the table with some flowers in it, a beautiful clock on the bookcase and some chairs under the table. How many chairs can we see in the sitting-room? We can see four chairs. Is Yarinka’s bedroom smaller and less beautiful than her sitting- room? Yes, it is. It is smaller and less beautiful. 121
DIALOGUE 3 Do Yarinka’s parents work at offices? No, they do not. They do not work at offices. What are they and where do they work? Yarinka’s mother is a shop-assistant so she works at a shop. Yarinka’s father is a worker. He works at a shoe factory. What does Yarinka say to her father, mother and grandmother when she meets them in the morning? She says “Good morning, Mummy!”, “Good morning, Daddy!” or “Good morning, Granny!”. Does Yarinka agree to help her mother when her mother asks her for it? Yes, she does. She always agrees to help her mother. What is Yarinka’s granny? She is a housewife. Does Yarinka eat much at breakfast? No, she does not. She eats rather little. Do Yarinka’s parents eat up more or less than Yarinka? They eat up more. How many pieces of bread does Yarinka eat up? She eats up two small pieces of bread. How many cups of tea does she drink up? She drinks up only one cup of tea. What does Yarinka like for her tea best of all? Best of all she likes sweets for her tea. Is Yarinka’s bag full of books and notebooks? Yes, it is. It is full of books and notebooks. Does Yarinka ever forget to take her book, her notebook or some other thing to school? No, she does not. She never forgets to take her book, her notebook or some other thing to school. What does Yarinka wear on her head when she goes to school? She wears her cap. Does Yarinka go to school on foot or does she go to school by tram? She goes to school by tram. Does she buy tram tickets? No, she does not. She does not buy tram tickets. Why does she not buy them? She does not buy them because she has a pupil’s tram card. Does she pay much money when she buys a tram card? No, she does not. She pays little money for her tram card. Does Yarinka wait for her tram for a long time? No, she does not. She waits for it for a short time because her tram soon comes up, stops and opens its doors for the people. Does Yarinka soon come to her school? Yes, she does. She soon comes to her school. In what schoolhouse does she study? She studies in a big and rather pretty schoolhouse. What colour is it? It is grey. 122
What is the weather like when Yarinka goes to school? Someti- mes it is fine and sometimes it is bad. Does Yarinka like the weather when the sky is blue, the sun is shining and it is not cold at all? Yes, she does. She likes the weather when the sky is blue, the sun is shining and it is not cold at all. What does Yarinka take off when she comes into the school cloak-room? She takes off her overcoat and her cap. When do Yarinka’s lessons begin? They begin at nine o’clock. Is Yarinka always ready for her lessons? Yes, she is. She is a diligent pupil so she is always ready for her lessons. Can Yarinka sing any English songs? Yes, she can. She can sing some English songs. How many English songs can she sing? She can sing ten English songs. What does Yarinka do when she gets hungry? She goes to the school dining-room to have lunch. When does Yarinka go home from school? She goes home when all her lessons are over. Does Yarinka sometimes go to the cinema or to the theatre? Yes, she does. She sometimes goes to the cinema or to the theatre. How often does she go to the cinema? She goes to the cinema once or twice a week. Does she go to the theatre as often as she goes to the cinema? No, she does not. She goes to the theatre more seldom than to the cinema. LESSON 16 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. After 'cr.fta] за answer 'cirnsaj вщповщь ask 'a:sk) питати attention a'tenjan] увага bell bel] дзвшок go boating 'boutirj] кататися на човн1 bought bo:t] купив by bai] за by and by keim] незабаром 2. Came прийшов, приТхав catch kaetf] ловити, шймати clever 'kleva] розумний cook [kuk] варити correct [ka'rekt] правильний, правильно 123
did | [did] 1. робив; 2. допом1жне дкслово dinner things ['dins'flirjs] посуд до общу excellent pupil ('eksalantl вщмшник explain | [iks'plein] пояснювати eye | ai] око 3. Fall [fo:l] падати far | [fa:] далеко few [fju:] мало first of all | [fa:st] перш за все go fishing ['fiJiDl ловити рибу fishing-rod f'fij’irjrod] вудка gave Igeiv] дав 4 Good bye ['gud'bai] до побачення got [got] одержав great [greit] великий help | [help] допомога inattentive [,ina tentiv] неуважний jacket | ['djaekit] куртка, жакет jump | [dsAmp] стрибати kindergarten | ['kinds'ga:tn] дитсадок lamp | [leemp] лампа lazy | f'leizi] Л1НИВИЙ love | [Iav] любити 5 Meals [ mi:lz] прийом 1Ж1 (сшданок, общ, вечеря) mitten | ['mitn] рукавичка myself [mai self] себе pupil on duty I ['djurti] черговий учень rain [rein] дош rang | [raen] дзвешв, продзвешв ran out [,rasn ,aut] вибшли, вибт said [sed] сказав saw [so:] бачив, побачив silly 1 ['sili] дурненький skate [skeit] ковзан 6. Ski [ski:] лижа skating-rink । ['skeitiprirjk] каток sledge [sleds] сани, санчата study material [ma'tiarial] навчальний матер!ал supper things ['влрэ '6irjz] посуд до вечер! swept [swept] П1ДМ1В taught [to:t] навчав, учив thank [0aenk] дякувати the day before yesterday позавчера in time [taim] вчасно told [tould] сказав, вел1в was [woz] був went [went] nimoB, поТхав went away ['went a'wei] шшов геть were [wea] були wore [wo] носив, мав на co6i yesterday ['jestadi] вчора 124
Assignment 1 A DIALOGUE Who bought a sledge for Oxana? Her mother did. Her mother bought a sledge for Oxana. Who bought skis and skates for Stepan? His father did. His father bought skis and skates for Stepan. Who played hockey at the skating-rink in winter? Stepan did. Stepan played hockey at the skating-rink in winter. Who sometimes took a fishing-rod and went fishing last sum- mer? Stepan’s father did. Stepan’s father took a fishing-rod and went fishing last summer. Who wore a red cap, a red jacket and red mittens last winter? Oxana did Oxana wore a red cap, a red jacket and red mittens last winter. Who cooked the meals for Stepan and Oxana yesterday? Their granny did. Their granny cooked the meals for them yesterday. Who had breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning yesterday? All the family did. All the family had breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning yesterday. Who told Stepan to take Oxana to the kindergarten the day before yesterday? Stepan’s mother did. Stepan’s mother told Stepan to take Oxana to the kindergarten the day before yesterday. Who saw many little children in the kindergarten the day before yesterday? Stepan and Oxana did. Stepan and Oxana saw many litt- le children in the kindergarten the day before yesterday. Who went to school from the kindergarten the day before yester- day? Stepan did. Stepan went to school from the kindergarten the day before yesterday. Who came to school in time the day before yesterday? Stepan and many other pupils did Stepan and many other pupils came to school in time the day before yesterday. Who was on duty yesterday? Stepan’s friend Igor was. Stepan’s friend Igor was on duty yesterday. Who spoke English yesterday? The teacher, Stepan and his class- mates did. The teacher, Stepan and his classmates spoke English yesterday. Who asked questions at the lessons? The teacher and the pupils did. The teacher and the pupils asked questions at the lessons. Who gave correct answers to the teacher’s questions? Many pu- pils did. Many pupils gave correct answers to the teacher’s questions. Who gave wrong answers to the teacher’s questions? Few pupils did. Few pupils gave wrong answers to the teacher’s questions. Who got high marks and who got low marks for their answers? Clever pupils got high marks and silly pupils got low marks. 125
Who explained some new study material? The teacher did. The teacher explained some new study material. Who listened to the teacher with great attention? The diligent pupils did. The diligent pupils listened to the teacher with great attention. Who was inattentive at the lesson? Some lazy pupils were. Some lazy pupils were inattentive at the lesson. Who said “Good-bye!” to the pupils and went away when the bell rang for a break? The teacher did. The teacher said “Good-bye” to the pupils and went away when the bell rang for a break. Who ran out of the classroom when the lesson was over? The pupils did. The pupils ran out of the classroom when the lesson was over. Who opened the windows and aiied the classroom during the break? The pupils on duty did. The pupils on duty opened the win- dows and aired the classroom during the break. Who helped the mother to wash up the supper-things in the evening? The children’s granny did. The children’s granny helped the mother to wash up the supper-things in the evening. Who swept the floor in the dining-room yesterday evening? Ste- pan did. Stepan swept the floor in the dining-room yesterday eve- ning. Who thanked Stepan for his help? Stepan’s mother did. Stepan’s wother thanked Stepan for his help. Who saw an interesting film on television yesterday evening? All the family did. All the family saw an interesting film on television yesterday evening. Who went to bed at nine o’clock in the evening? Oxana did. Oxana went to bed at nine o’clock in the evening. Who went to bed at ten o’clock in the evening? Stepan did. Ste- pan went to bed at ten o’clock in the evening. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 What do we see in this picture? We see a beautiful garden. What do we see in the garden? We see a bench, some fruit-trees and many flowers. Whom do we see in the garden? We see Mariyka and her grandfather. What is Mariyka doing? She is picking flowers. What is her grandfather doing? He is sitting on the bench and reading a Ukrainian magazine. What is Mariyka wearing? She is wearing a pink dress, white tights and brown shoes. 126
What is her grandfather wearing? He is wearing a white hat, a white shirt, blue trousers, grey socks and black shoes. Can we see Mariyka’s toys in the picture? Yes, we can. We can see her toys in the picture. Where are her toys? Her Teddy bear is sitting in the basket, and her doll is sitting on the bench. Is the weather fine? Yes, it is. It is fine. What can we see in the sky? We can see some clouds and some birds. What are the birds doing? They are flying. Key-words 1. In this picture. 2. In the garden. 3. Whom. 4. Doing. 5. Doing. 6. Wearing. 7. Wearing. 8. Toys. 9. Where. 10. Weather. 11. In the sky. 12. Birds. IN THE CLASSROOM What do we see in this picture? We see a classroom. Is the classroom large and light? Yes, it is. It is large and light. Why is it light? It is light because it has three large windows. What can we see in the classroom? We can see a blackboard on the wall, a bookcase in the corner, a flowerstand in front of the window, a table near the desks, a chair under the tab- le and some desks. How many boys can we see in the classroom? We can see two boys. What are their names? Their names are Miroslav and Roman. Are the boys cleaning the classroom? Yes, they are. They are cleaning it. What is Miroslav doing? He is dusting the window- sill. 127
What is Roman doing? He is sweeping the floor. With what is Miroslav dusting the window-sill? He is dusting it with a duster. With what is Roman sweeping the floor? He is sweeping it with a brush. What are the boys wearing? They are wearing shirts, coats, trousers, socks and shoes. Key-words 1. In this picture. 2. Large and light. 3. Why. 4. In the classroom. 5. How many. 6. Names. 7. Cleaning. 8—9. Doing. 10—11. With what. 12. Wearing. AT SCHOOL Igor is never late for school. He always comes to school in time. He usually comes to school at a quarter to nine. First of all he goes to the cloak-room and leaves his cap and overcoat there. After that he walks along a corridor and goes into his classroom. He puts his bag into his desk and goes out. For some time he talks with his friends in the corridor. By and by the bell rings for the first lesson. The schoolchildren go into their classroom and sit down at their desks. Soon the door opens, and the teacher comes in. All the pupils stand up. The tea- cher comes up to his table and says, “Good morning, children!” The pupils answer, “Good morning, Boris Ivanovich!” Then the pupils and the teacher sit down and begin to work. The teacher asks the pupils questions, and the pupils answer them. The pupils get marks for their answers. Many of them get fours and fives. After that the teacher explains some new material. He tells the pupils some inte- resting things, so the pupils listen to him with great attention. By and by the lesson is over. All the pupils stand up again. The teacher says, “The lesson is over. Good-bye, children!” The pupils say, “Goog-bye, Boris Ivanovich!” After that the teacher goes away. Igor has four or five lessons every day. When a lesson is over, the pupils have a break. They have short breaks and long breaks. During the long break they go to the school dining-room and have their lunch. When all the lessons are over, they go home. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 How old is Petrik? He is eleven years old. Is he an excellent pupil? No, he is not. He is just an average pupil. 128
Why is he not an excellent pupil? It is because he is not always diligent and not always attentive at his lessons. Does Petrik’s mother sometimes speak angrily to Petrik? Yes, she does. Sometimes she speaks angrily to him. Why is she sometimes angry with Petrik? It is because Petrik is sometimes naughty. How many languages does Petrik know? He knows only two languages: Ukrainian and Russian. What does Petrik like to do after school? He likes to ride his bicycle in the yard near his house. How long does he do his homework? He does it for two and a half hours. How often does Petrik go to the circus? He goes to the circus three times a year. What does Petrik like to eat best of all? Best of all he likes to eat ice-cream. Does he eat much ice-cream? No, he does not. He does not eat much ice-cream. Why does he not eat much ice-cream? It is because his parents do not give him enough money to buy much ice-cream. Key-words 1. How old. 2. Excellent pupil. 3. Why. 4. Speak angrily. 5. Why. 6. Languages. 7. After school. 8. Homework. 9. To the circus. 10. To eat. 11. Much ice-cream. 12. Why. JANE, BETTY AND BEN Jane is a little girl. She has neither brothers nor sisters. But she has two friends: Ben and Betty. Ben is a big dog. Betty is a big doll. Every day Jane plays with Betty and Ben. They play in the house, they play in the yard, they play in the field near a river. One day Jane sees many red and white flowers near the river. She wants to give them to her mother. But she falls into the river. Ben jumps after her. He catches Jane by the dress. Then he puts Jane under a big tree. Jane opens her “Oh! Ben!” she says. “Betty! Where is Betty?” Ben jumps into the river again. Then he comes back and puts Bet- ty under the big tree, too. 5 2-607 129
DIALOGUE 2 Rostik. We go to school on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday and Saturday but we do not go to school on Sunday. Lida. Correct. We go to school every day of the week but Sunday. Rostik. A minute consists of sixty seconds. Lida. You are right again, Rostik. There are sixty seconds in a minute. Rostik. Thirty minutes make up a quarter of an hour, and fifteen minutes make up half an hour. Lida. Wrong. Thirty minutes make up half an hour, and fifteen minutes make up a quarter of an hour. Rostik. The year consists of twelve months. Lida. You are right. The year consists of twelve months. Rostik. You cannot name all the months of the year. Lida. You are not right. I can name all the months of the year. They are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Rostik. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons of the year. Lida. Correct. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Rostik. I think that summer is the best season of the year. And what do you think about it? Lida. I think so, too. Rostik. In summer we can ski, skate, sledge, play snowballs and make snowmen. Lida. Oh, that is quite wrong. In summer we cannot ski, skate or sledge. We cannot play snowballs or make snowmen, either. We can bathe and swim in summer. We can also go boating and fishing. Rostik. It is unpleasant to bathe in warm water. Lida. You are not right. It is pleasant to bathe in warm water. Rostik. In summer it is usually warm or hot, in spring and in autumn it is often cool and in winter it is usually cold. Lida. I agree with you. Rostik. In winter the ground is covered with snow and in summer it is covered with green grass and flowers. Lida. I agree with you again. Rostik. In summer young leaves appear on the trees and on the bushes. Lida. That is nut right. Young leaves appear on the trees and on rhe bushes in spring. Rostik. In summer it sometimes rains, and in winter it often snows. 130
Lida. That is true. It sometimes rains in summer and it often snows in winter. Rostik. Everything becomes fresh and nice after a cool summer rain. Lida. Yes, everything becomes fresh and nice after a cool summer rain. Rostik. In June the nights are as long as days. Lida. That is not true. In June the days are the longest and the nights are the shortest. Rostik. And when are the days as long as nights? Lida. The days are as long as nights in March and in September. Rostik. People sleep only at night. Nobody sleeps in the day time. Lida. That is not correct. Some people work at night so they sleep in the day time. Rostik. In winter the ice covers the ponds, the rivers and the lakes. Lida. Not always. Sometimes it is not very cold in winter, and the ice does not cover the ponds, the rivers and the lakes. Rostik. Mushrooms and berries grow only in the woods and in the forests. Lida. You are not quite right. Mushrooms usually grow in the woods and in the forests, but berries grow not only in the woods and in the forests. They also grow in the gardens and in the fields. Rostik. The snow melts away only in spring. Lida. I cannot agree with you. Sometimes it becomes so warm in winter that all the snow melts away. Rostik. In summer there is a lot of sunshine. Lida. Correct. In summer there is usually very much sunshine. Rostik. When the sun shines, the flowers are very bright and beautiful. Lida. Right, Rostik. Flowers are very bright and beautiful in the summer sunshine. Rostik. In autumn we eat cucumbers and tomatoes. We also eat a lot of fruit: apples, pears and plums. Lida. Yes, but not only in autumn. We can eat a lot of cucum- bers, tomatoes and fruit in summer, too. Besides that we can eat a lot of cherries in summer. Rostik. In summer schoolchildren have their summer holidays. They have a long and good rest and a lot of fun. They rest all summer. Lida. You are not quite right. Many schoolchildren do not rest all summer. Some of them help their parents to work in their gar- dens or in the fields. Rostik. When we go to the woods in summer, we see monkeys, bears, wolves, tigers, lions and elephants there. 5* 131
Lida. That is quite wrong. Monkeys, wolves, bears, tigers, lions and elephants do not live in our woods. In our woods we can only see squirrels or hares. Sometimes we can meet a fox. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 What do we usually keep on our tables? We usually keep a lamp and a clock on them. What do we keep in a wardrobe? We keep clothes in it. What do we keep in a refrigerator? We keep cheese, cottage cheese, meat, sausage, butter, milk, cream, sour cream and other kinds of food. What do we keep in a cupboard or in a sideboard? We keep plates, saucers, cups, spoons, forks, knives and other things in them. What do we call a thing in which we can see ourselves? We call it a mirror. What do we call a thing in which we can wash ourselves? We call it a bath. What do we call the part of a flat in which we cook meals? We call it a kitchen. What do we call a room in which we leave our caps, hats and overcoats when we come to school? We call it a cloak-room. What do we call our mother’s or farther’s brother? We call him our uncle. What do we call our mother’s or father’s sister? We call her our aunt. What do we call our uncle’s or aunt’s children? We call them our cousins. Key-words 1. On our tables. 2. In a wardrobe. 3. In a refrigerator. 4. In a cupboard or in a sideboard. 5. See ourselves. 6. Wash ourselves. 7. Cook meals. 8. Leave. 9. Bro- ther. 10. Sister. II. Children. BOBBY’S NEW SKATES Bobby wants to skate but he has no skates. On day he gets up and sees new skates near his bed. After breakfast he puts on his cap, his jacket and his mittens, takes his new skates and runs to the skating-rink. When he comes there, he sits down on a bench and puts on his new skates. The ice is very good. Bobby stands up and begins to skate. But he falls and falls. 132
Big boys begin to come to the skating- rink. They see Bobby. A big schoolboy in a red cap wants to help him. He takes Bobby by the hand, and they begin to skate. Now Bobby does not fall. By and by the boys begin to play hockey. Bobby does not play. He watches the game. The game is interesting. The boys run after a little ball. They run after it with their hockey sticks. Bobby runs after the little ball, too. When the ball is far from the boys, he takes it and gives it to them. When Bobby comes home, he says to his mother, “Oh, Mother, now I can skate and I can play hockey!” DIALOGUE 2 What is your name? My name is Ostap. What are you? I am a schoolboy. Are you in the first form or in the second form? I am neither in the first nor in the second form. Are you in the third form or in the fourth form? I am in the fourth form. How old are you? I am ten years old. Do your parents work on a collective farm? No, they do not. They do not work on a collective farm. What are they and where do they work? My father is a driver. He works at a factory. My mother is a book-keeper. She works at an office. Do you live in a village or in a big city? I live neither in a village nor in a big city. I live in a small town. Do you live in a big house or in a small cottage? I live in a small cottage. Can we see any flowers in front of your cottage in summer? Yes, you can. You can see many beautiful flowers in front of our cott- age. Is there a garden near your cottage? Yes, there is. There is a garden near it. How many fruit-trees are there in your garden? There are twenty fruit-trees in it. Are there any bushes in your garden? Yes, there are. There are some bushes in it. Are there many bushes or few bushes in your garden? There are few. 123
Are there any benches in your garden? Yes, there are. There are some benches in our garden. Are there many benches or few benches in your garden? There are few benches in it. Is your sitting-room large or small? It is neither large nor small. It is middle-sized. Can we see a piano in your sitting-room? Yes, you can. You can see a piano in it. Is your piano in the middle of your sitting-room? No, it is not. It is not in the middle of our sitting-room. Where is it? It is near one of the wails. Can we see a vase on your piano? No, you cannot. There is no vase on our piano, but there is a vase on the table which stands in the middle of our sitting-room. Can we see a sideboard or a wardrobe in your sitting-room? No, you cannot. You can see neither a sideboard nor a wardrobe in our sitting-room. Can we see any window-plants in your sitting-room? Yes, you can. You can see some window-plants in it. Where are they? They are on a flowerstand. Can we see a bookcase in your sitting-room? Yes, you can. You can see a bookcase in our sitting-room. What do you keep in it? We keep books, magazines and newspa- pers in it. What books can we see in your bookcase? You can see Russian, Ukrainian and English books there. And what can we see in your kitchen? You can see a gas-stove, a cupboard, a refrigerator, a table and some stools. Is your kitchen large or small? It is rather large, so we have our meals there. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 What do you like to do better: to do sums or to solve problems? I like to solve problems better than to do sums. Can you count in English? Yes, I can. I can count in English. Can you count by tens in English? Yes, I can. I can count by tens in English. Can you do sums in English? Yes, I can do sums in English. How much is twenty plus twelve? Twenty plus twelve is thirty- two. How much is thirty plus thirteen? Thirty plus thirteen is forty- three. 134
How much is forty plus fourteen? Forty plus fourteen is fifty- four. How much is fifty plus fifteen? Fifty plus fifteen is sixty-five. How much is sixty plus sixteen? Sixty plus sixteen is seventy- six. How much is seventy plus seventeen? Seventy plus seventeen is eighty-seven. How much is eighty plus eighteen? Eighty plus eighteen is nine- ty-eight. How much is ninety plus nineteen? Ninety plus nineteen is one hundred and nine. Key-words 1. To do better. 2. Count. 3. By tens. 4. Do sums. 20+12 = 32 50+15=65 80+18= 98 30+13=43 60+16=76 90+19=109 40+14=54 70+17=87 DIALOGUE 2 Does Tarasik finish his homework in the afternoon or does he continue it in the evening? Sometimes he finishes it in the afternoon and sometimes he continues it in the evening. What does he do in the evening when he finishes his homework in the afternoon? When the weather is fine, he rides his bicycle in the yard near his house or plays games there with his friends. Do the boys play hopscotch or hide-and-seek? They play neither hopscotch nor hide-and-seek. What games do they play? They play badminton or football. Do they shout and make much noise when they play football? Yes, they do. They shout and make much noise. And what does Tarasik do when the weather is bad? He reads an interesting story, plays chess or draughts with his sister, draws, paints or watches television. What does he often do before he goes to bed? He often goes for a walk. With whom does he go for a walk? He usually goes for a walk together with his father and sister. Is Tarasik’s sister older or younger than Tarasik? She is a little younger. What is Tarasik’s father and where does he work? He is a wor- ker and he works at a big plant. What does Tarasik take off when he goes to bed? He takes off his shirt, his slippers, his trousers and his socks. Does he sleep in his living-room or in his bedroom? He sleeps in his bedroom. 135
Is he tired when he goes to bed? Yes, he is. He is tired. Does he fall asleep very soon? Yes, he does. He falls asleep very soon. Key-words 1. Finish. 2. In the evening. 3. Hopscotch or hide-and-seek. 4. Games. 5. Shout. 6. The weather is bad. 7. Before he goes to bed. 8. With whom. 9. Older or youn- ger. 10. Father. 11. Take off. 12. Sleep. 13. Tired. 14. Fall asleep. DIALOGUE 3 Is Victor’s family large? No, it is not. It is not large. What is Victor’s granny? She is a housewife. What does she do in Victor’s flat? She does a lot of housework. What is Victor’s mother and where does she work? She is a doctor so she works at a hospital. Is Victor’s father a pilot or an engineer? He is neither a pilot nor an engineer. What is he? He is the director of a circus. Do people pay much money if they want to go to the circus? No, they do not. They do not pay much money. What do we like to watch in a circus ring? We like to watch acrobats, clowns and animals: domestic and wild ones. At whom do we always laugh? We always laugh at clowns. What animals can dance in a circus ring? Horses, dogs, bears and other animals can. Are bears very funny when they dance? Yes, they are. They are very funny. Can we see swans, crows, geese or turkeys in a circus ring? No, we cannot. We can see neither swans, nor crows, nor geese, nor turkeys in a circus ring. What birds can we see in a circus ring? We can see cocks, hens and parrots. Can we see wolves, horses or squirrels in a circus ring? We can see squirrels but we cannot see wolves or hares. Is anybody afraid of the circus animals? No, nobody is afraid of them. With what is the circus ring usually covered? It is usually cove- red with a large red carpet. Key-words 1. Family. 2. Granny. 3. In Victor’s flat. 4. Mother. 5. Father. 6. What. 7. Much money. 8. To watch. 9. Laugh. 10. Dance. 11. Funny. 12. Swans, crows. 13. What birds. 14. Wolves, hares or squirrels. 15. Afraid. 16. Covered. 136
DIALOGUE 4 Rostik. Our granny loves us very much. Lida. That is true. Our granny loves us very much. Rostik. At a quarter to seven in the morning we are still asleep in our beds. Lida. That is also true. At a quarter to seven in the morning we are still asleep in our beds. Rostik. Mother wakes us up at about seven o’clock in the morning. Lida. That is wrong. Mother wakes us up at about half past se- ven in the morning. Rostik. After that we lie in our beds for a long time before we get up. Lida. That is also wrong. We lie in our beds after that only for a few minutes. Rostik. You clean your teeth with a tooth-brush and tooth-paste and wash yourself with cold water and soap. Lida. That is true. I clean my teeth with a tooth-brush and tooth- paste and wash myself with cold water and soap. Rostik. The colour of our wash-basin is white. Lida. Correct. The colour of our wash-basin is white. Rostik. You wipe your neck and face with a towel. Lida. That is also correct. I wipe my face and neck with a towel. Rostik. You do not comb your hair after washing. Lida. That is not correct. I always comb my hair after washing. Rostik. We do not lay the table for breakfast. Lida. That is not correct, either. We lay the table for breakfast. Rostik. You are not hungry in the morning. Lida. I cannot agree with you. I am a little hungry in the mor- ning. Rostik. We often have soup and porridge for our breakfast. Lida. You are not quite right. We sometimes have porridge for our breakfast but we never have soup. Rostik. You like boiled eggs and coffee with milk for your break- fast. Lida. Correct. I like boiled eggs and coffee with milk for my breakfast. Rostik. You go to school alone. Lida. Wrong. I usually go to school together with you. Rostik. When we go to school, we take a tram, a bus or a trolley- bus. Lida. You are wrong again, Rostik. When we go to school, we take neither a tram, nor a bus, nor a trolley-bus. We go to school on foot. Rostik. When you go to school, you wear an overcoat, a blouse, a skirt, tights and shoes. 137
Lida. That is not quite right. When I go to school, I wear an overcoat, a dress, an apron, stockings and shoes. Rostik. Your school uniform is just right for you. Lida. Quite correct. My school uniform is just right for me. Rostik. You do not always cross the streets at crossings. Lida. That is not true. I always cross the streets at crossings. Rostik. There is a crossing on the corner of our schoolhouse. Lida. That is not true, either. There is no crossing on the corner of our schoolhouse. Rostik. Sometimes you forget to take one of your notebooks to school. Lida. You are wrong again, Rostik. I never forget to take my notebooks when I go to school. Rostik. There are many clever and diligent pupils in your class. Lida. Quite right. There are many clever and diligent pupils in our class. Rostik. You want to be a kiosk minder and sell tram, bus and trolley-bus tickets and cards. Lida. Quite wrong. I do not want to be a kiosk minder and sell tram, bus or trolley-bus tickets or cards. Rostik. What do you want to be? Lida. I want to be a shop-assistant and work at a big and beauti- ful shop. Rostik. Our grandparents are collective farmers so they live and work in the country. Lida. Correct. Our grandparents are collective farmers so they live and work in the country. Rostik. Our grandfather is older than our grandmother. Lida. That is also correct. Our grandfather is older than our grandmother. Rostik. Our grandparents live in a brick house. Lida. That is not true. Our grandparents do not live in a brick house. They live in a wooden house. Rostik. Our grandparents have some domestic animals. They have a horse, a donkey and a sheep. Lida. Wrong. Our grandparents have neither a horse, nor a don- key, nor a sheep. They have a cow, a pig and some rabbits. Rostik. They also have a cat, a kitten and two puppies. Lida. That is not quite true. They have a cat but they have neith- er a kitten nor puppies. Rostik. We like to go to see our grandparents in summer. Lida. True. We like to go to see our grandparents in summer. Rostik. Our grandparents are always glad to see us. Lida. That is also true. Our grandparents are always glad to see us. 138
LESSON 17 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Among э'тлг)] серед, Miw ate et] з’1в beginning bi'ginir)] початок boating 'boutir)] катания на човш both 3OU0] обидва brighter 'braita] яскрав1ший brought 'bro:t] пригпс came back 'keim 'baek] повернувся came to see провщав camera 'каетэгэ] фотоапарат camp 1 kaemp] Ta6ip make a camp розташуватися табором, стати табором captain 'kaeptin] каштан Carpathian ka:'pei0jan] карпатський Carpathians ka:'pei0janz] Карпати climb klaim] вилазити of course av'k3:s] звичайно 2. Deep di:p] глибокий difficult 'dif ikalt ] тяжкий, важкий end end] кшець everybody 'evribadi] кожний fire faia] вогонь, вогнище make a fire розпалювати вогнище fishing ['fijiril ловля риби float [flout] плисти fly back 'flai 'baek] прилепти назад get get] дщтатися 3. Got tired taiad] стомився highest i'haiast] найвищий hike [haik] noxifl himself fhim'self] сам learn [lam] вчити, вчитися left [left] л!вий many of them ['meni] багато з иих may [mei] можу mice [mais] миш! most of all [moust] б1льше всього, над усе mountain f'mauntin] гора 4. Need [ni:d] потребувати one another [э'плбэ] один одного, один одно- му paid fpeid] заплатив picturesque (piktfa'rask] мальовничий playground ['pleigraund] майданчик для irop pot [pat] казанок put on ['put 'an] одягнув quickly ['kwikli] швидко reluctently [ri'lAktantli] неохоче return [ri'tam] повертатися right [rait] правий ring (rang) [rirj, raerj] дзвонити rouble [ru:bl] карбованець 139
5. Run out (ran out) schoolmate sea shallow ship slowly something spend (spent) stay stood stream strong 6. Sight be situated slept take photo teach to-day top valley waterfall weak week-day went up whose willingly wonderful ['глп 'aut, 'raen 'aut] ['skuJmeit] [si:] ['JffilowJ [Jip] f'slouli] ['sAmOirj] [spend, spent] [stei] [stud] [strfm] [strap] [sait] f'sitjueitid] [slept] f'foutou] [ti:tf] [ta'dei] [top] f'vasli] f'wotafo:!] [wi.k] [wi:k] ['went 'лр] [hu:z] f'wilirjgli] ['wAndaful] виб1‘гати товарищ по школ? море М1лкий пароплав, корабель ПОВЁПЬНО щось проводите (час) залишатися, перебувати стояв струмок сильний вид бути розташованим спав фотографувати вчити, навчати сьогодш вершина долина водоспад слабкий буденний день шдшшов чий охоче чудовий Assignment 1 A DIALOGUE Who loves Orest: his father or his mother? Both of them do. Both of them love him. What is Orest’s father? He is the captain of a ship. Does Orest want to be the captain of a ship? No, he does not. He does not want to be the captain of a ship. What does he want to be? He wants to be a pilot. Does Orest live far from school or near to school? He lives far from school. Is Orest a weak pupil or a strong pupil? He is a strong pupil. He is one of the strongest pupils among his classmates. Does he learn willingly or reluctently? He learns willingly. Does everybody in his class like him? Yes, everybody in his class likes him. Why does everybody like him? It is because he is always ready to help his classmates. Where did Orest spend his last summer holidays? He spent them in the Carpathians. When did he go to the Carpathians? He went there at the end of June. 140
With whom did he go there? He went there together with his elder brother Nazar. How much did they pay for the tickets? They paid eight roubles for them. In whose house did they stay there? They stayed there in the house of their uncle and aunt. Where do their uncle and aunt live? They live in a village. Where is their village situated? It is situated in a picturesque valley on the bank of a small river. Did Orest and Nazar go boating? No, they did not. They did not go boating. Why did they not go boating? It is because the river was not deep enough for boating. It was too shallow. What did the brothers like to do most of all when they stayed in the Carpathians? Most of all they liked to go on hikes. In what did they carry their things when they went on hikes? They carried them in their rucksacks. Did the boys take their camera with them? Yes, they did. They took their camera with them. What did they take photos of? They took photos of the most beautiful sights: picturesque valleys, beautiful mountain rivers and waterfalls. Who taught them to take photos? Their father did. Their father taught them to take photos. Did the boys sleep in their tent at night? Yes, they did. They slept in their tent. Do they know how to put up a tent? Yes, they do. They know how to do it very well. Where did they make their camps? They usually made them near small rivers because they needed water to cook their meals. How did they cook their meals? They made a fire and cooked their porridge on that fire in a pot. Did they also make tea? Yes, they did. They made tea in another pot. Did the boys climb any of the mountains? Yes, they did. They clim- bed some of the highest Carpathian Mountains. Did they go up the mountains quickly or slowly? They went up the mountains rather slowly. Why did they go up the mountains slowly? They went up slowly because it was difficult to go up a mountain with a rucksack on. Are the Carpathians a beautiful sight from a top of a high moun- tain? Oh, yes, they are a wonderful sight. When did Orest and Nazar return home from the Carpathians? They returned home at the beginning of August. 141
Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 Where can we see a gas-stove? We can see it in a kitchen. Where can we see a wash-basin and a bath? We can see them in a bathroom. Where can we see beds and a wardrobe? We can see them in a bedroom. Where can we see window-plants? We can see them on window- sills and on flowerstands. Where can we see benches? We can see them in the yards, in the gardens and in the parks. Where can we see cars, lorries, trams, buses and trolley-buses? We can see them in city streets. Where can we have a very good time? We can have a very good time at the cinema, at the theatre, at the circus or at a concert. Where can we play hopscotch, badminton or football? We can play these games on a playground. Where can we take a bath? We can take a bath in a bathroom. Where can we bathe and swim? We can bathe and swim in the ponds, in the rivers, in the lakes and in the seas. Where can we gather mushrooms and berries? We can gather them in the woods and in the forests. Where can we pick apples, pears, plums and cherries? We can pick them in the gardens. Key-words 1. A gas-stove. 2. A wash basin and a bath. 3. Beds and a wardrobe. 3 Win- dow-plants. 5. Benches. 6. Cars, lorries, trams, buses and trolley-buses. 7. A very good time. 8. Play. 9. Take a bath. 10. Bathe and swim. 11. Gather mushrooms and berries. 12. Pick. FRISK AND TOM Frisk is a little dog. He is black and white. He has no dog-house, he has no bed. He has only one friend. His friend is little Tom. Tom is a schoolboy. He goes to school every day but Sunday. Every morning Frisk sees Tom. Frisk is happy when he sees Tom. He says, “Bow- wow! Bow-wow!” And Tom says, “Good mor- ning, Frisk!” One morning Tom’s book falls down to the ground. Frisk sees the book and runs to take is. He takes the book and gives it to Tom. Tom is happy. He says, “Oh, Frisk, you 142
are a very good dog. Come with me. I have a good dog-house for you”. Frisk is very, very happy. He jumps and jumps near Tom and says, “Bow-wow! Bow-wow!” DIALOGUE 2 Does Igor make his bed in the morning? Yes, he does. He makes his bed in the morning. Does he do morning exercises? Yes, he does. He does morning exercises. Does he do them every morning? Yes, he does. He does them eve- ry morning. What does he take with him whep he goes to school? He takes his bag. Whom does he meet when he goes to school? He meets his tea- chers and his classmates. When do his lessons begin? They begin at nine o’clock. Is Igor always present at his lessons? No, he is not. He is not always present at his lessons. Is he sometimes absent from school? Yes, he is. He is sometimes absent from school. Why is he sometimes absent from school? He is usually absent from school because he is ill. Is Igor always attentive at his lessons? Yes, he is. He is always attentive at his lessons. Are his classmates always attentive at their lessons, too? Many of them are but some of them are not. Some of them are sometimes inattentive. Does Igor sometimes clean his classroom? Yes, he does. He some- time cleans it. With whom does he clean it? He cleans it with some other pupils on duty. How do they do it? They clean the blackboard, sweep the floor and dust the table, the desks and the window-sills. With what do they sweep the floor? They sweep it with brooms. With what do they dust the table, the desks and the window- sills? They dust them with dusters. When does Igor come back home from school? He usually comes back home from school at a quarter past two in the afternoon. Is he tired when he comes home? Yes, he is. He is a little tired. Does he rest after dinner or does he do his lessons? He rests a little. Does he go for a walk or does he go to bed? He neither goes for a walk nor goes to bed. 143
What does he do? He runs and plays with his friends in the yard near his house. How long does he play there? He plays there for about an hour. Does he do his homework after that? Yes, he does. He does his homework after that. Does he watch television in the evening? Yes, he does. He watches television in the evening. And what does he do at night? At night he sleeps. How long does he sleep? He sleeps for nine hours. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 Is Ivanka twelve years old or thirteen years old? She is neither twelve nor thirteen. ' How old is she? She is nine. Is she in the first form or in the second form? She is neither in the first nor in the second form. What form is she in? She is in the third form. Is it true that Ivanka learns very well at school? Yes, it is. It is true. Can Ivanka sing any English songs? No, she cannot. She cannot sing any English songs. Can she dance any dances? Yes, she can. She can dance some dances. Has Ivanka any brothers or sisters? Yes, she has. She has one brother and one sister. What are their names? Their names are Sergiyko and Ustya. Are Sergiyko and Ustya older or younger than Ivanka? Ustya is older and Sergiyko is younger. What are Ustya and Sergiyko? Ustya is a student and Sergiyko is just a funny little boy. Will Sergiyko become a schoolboy next year? Yes, he will. He will become a schoolboy next year. What does Ivanka want to be? She wants to be a teacher. Key-words 1. Years old. 2. How old. 3. First .. second. 4. Form 5. True. 6. Songs. 7. Dan- ces. 8. Brothers or sisters. 9. Names. 10. Older or younger. 11. What are. 12. Be- come. 13. Want to be. DIALOGUE 2 Where did Ivanka go last summer? She went to the country. With whom did she go there? She went there together with Ustya and Sergiyko. 144
In what month did they go to the country? They went there in July. Whom did they go to see? They went to see their grandparents, their uncle, their aunt and their cousins. Do Ivanka’s relatives live in a village? Yes, they do. They live in a village. Does their village look beautiful? Yes, it does. It looks rather beautiful. Are there any woods near the village? Yes, there are. There are beautiful green woods there. Are there beautiful glades in the woods? Yes, there are. There are beautiful glades in the woods. What did Sergiyko like to do in the country? He liked to take a fishing-rod and to go fishing. With whom did he go fishing? He went fishing with one of his -cousins. And what did Ivanka like to do? She liked to paint, to read an interesting book or a magazine, to ride a bicycle or to play games with her village friends. Key-words 1. Last summer 2. With whom. 3. Month. 4. Whom. 5. Live. 6. Look beautiful. 7. Any woods. 8. Glades. 9. Sergiyko. 10. With whom. 11. Ivanka. DIALOGUE 3 Is Katya’s street the longest or the shortest in her town? It is neither the longest nor the shortest. Is Katya’s house the biggest or the smallest in her street? It is neither the biggest nor the smallest. It is bigger than some other houses but it is smaller than the biggest ones. Are the other houses in Katya’s street more beautiful or less beautiful than Katya’s house? Some of them are more beautiful and the others are less beautiful. Can we see any flowerbeds near Katya’s house? Yes, we can. We can see some flowerbeds there. fourth Is Katya in the fourth or in the fifth form? She is in the form. How old is she? She is eleven. Does Katya study hard? Yes, she does. She studies hard. Is Katya an average pupil or an excellent pupil? She excellent pupil. What marks does she get? She usually gets fives. Does she ever get fours? Yes, she does but she gets them seldom. is an rather 145
What languages can Katya speak? She can speak Ukrainian, Russian and English. What are Katya’s parents and where do they work? Katya’s fath- er is a worker. He works at a factory. Katya’s mother is a nurse so she works at a hospital. And what is Katya’s granny? She is a pensioner. Has Katya any other relatives? Yes, she has. She has three uncles and two aunts. Has she any cousins? Yes, she has. She has six cousins. Will Katya get up early or late in the morning to-morrow? She will get up early. At what time will she wake up to-morrow? She will wake up at about a quarter past seven. Will she sleep after that again? No, she will not. She will not sleep any more. At what time will Katya’s little sister Olenka get up? She will get up half an hour later. Will Olenka wake up herself or will Katya’s mother wake her up? Katya’s mother will wake her up. What will Katya do first of all when she gets up to-morrow? She will open the window to air the room. How long will the window be open? It will be open for about a quarter of an hour. Will the air in the room become fresh by and by? Yes, it will. It will become fresh by and by. Will the fresh air come into the room through the door or through the window? It will come into the room through the window. Is Katya’s room light or dark? It is light. What can we see on Katya’s writing-table? We can see a lamp, a clock and Katya’s schoolbag. Where does Katya’s chair stand? It stands under her writting- table. Where will Katya go after she opens the window? She will go to the bathroom. What will she do in the bathroom? She will clean her teeth and wash her hands, face, cars and neck. With what will Katya wipe herself? She will wipe herself with a towel. With what will she comb her hair? She will comb it with a comb. What is the colour of Katya’s hair? It is yellow. And what is the colour of Katya’s eyes? It is blue. Where will Katya go from the bathroom? She will go back to her room to dress. Will she put on her skirt and blouse? No, she will not. She will put on her dress and apron. Are Katya’s clothes clean or dirty? They are clean. 146
Where will Katya go after she dresses? She will go to the dining- room. What will she go there for? She will go there to lay the table for breakfast. She will bring the breakfast things and put them on the table. What breakfast things will she bring and put on the table? She will bring plates, saucers, cups, knives, forks and spoons and put them on the table. What does Katya often have for her breakfast? She often has potatoes for her breakfast. What does she like for her potatoes? For her potatoes she likes a piece of fried meat, a piece of fried sausage or some fried fish. What does Katya like for her tea? For her tea she likes a slice of white bread and butter, cakes, sweets and jam. Does Katya like sour cream? Yes, she does. She likes sour cream very much. What does Katya like to put into her sour cream? She likes to put some sugar into it. Who takes little Olenka to her kindergarten? Sometimes Katya’s mother and sometimes Katya does it. When does Katya take little Olenka to her kindergarten? She takes Olenka to her kindergarten when Katya’s mother asks Katya for it. Is Katya angry when her mother asks her to take Olenka to the kindergarten? No, she in not. She is not angry at all. Does Katya always agree to take Olenka to the kindergarten? Yes, she does. She always agrees to do it. Does Katya always listen to her mother? Yes, she does. She always listens to her. Does Katya like her little sister? Yes, she does. She likes her very much. Is Olenka a silly girl or a clever girl? She is a clever girl, so Katya likes to talk with her. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 What do you see in these pictures? I see many birds and ani- mals in them. What birds and animals do you see? I see domestic birds and animals and wild ones. Can you name these domestic birds in English? Yes, I can. I can name all of them in English. They are a chick, a hen, a cock, a duck, a goose and a turkey. 147
Can you name these wild birds? Yes, of course. I can name them all. They are a crow, a parrot, a swan and a peacock. Do you know the names of these domestic animals? Yes, I do. I know the names of all these domestic animals. They are a horse, a cow, a donkey, a pig, a sheep and a rabbit. 148
And now name these wild animals, please. All right. They are a mouse, a squirrel, a hare, a fox, a monkey, a wolf, a bear, a lion, a tiger and an elephant. TWO BROTHERS AND THEIR PUPPIES One morning Fred sees only one of his shoes. Ted sees only one of his shoes, too. “Where is my shoe?” asks Fred. “Where is my shoe?” aksk Ted. Ted looks under his bed. He sees Snip under the bed. Snip has Ted’s shoe in his mouth. Fred looks under his bed. He sees Snap under the bed. Snap has Fred’s shoe in his mouth. “Oh, Snip, you are not a good dog. I do not like you!” says Ted. “Oh, Snap, you are not a good dog. I do not like you!” says Fred. “No, Ted! No, Fred!” says their mother. “Snip and Snap are good puppies but they are little. They have no mother to teach them. And they want to eat. Give them some bread and milk.” The boys give their puppies some bread anw milk. Now the pup- pies do not take their shoes, and the boys and the puppies are friends again. 149
DIALOGUE 2 Is the weather good or bad now? It is good. Is it raining or snowing now? It is neither raining nor snowing. What colour is the sky? It is blue. Is the sun shining brightly? Yes, it is. It is shining brightly. Are there any clouds in the sky? Yes, there are. There are some clouds in the sky. What colour are they? They are white. Are they floating? No, they are not. They are not floating. Why are they not floating? They are not floating because the wind is not blowing. Is the ground covered with snow? No, it is not. It is not covered with snow. Is the water covered with ice now? No, it is not. It is not covered with ice. Is there much water in the streets? No, there is not. There is no water in the streets. Is there much water in the ponds, in the rivers and in the lakes? Yes, there is. There is much water in the ponds, in the rivers and in the lakes. Is it hot or warm now? It is neither hot nor warm. Is it cool or cold? It is cool. What season of the year is it now? It is spring. Which are the other seasons of the year? They are summer, autumn and winter. What do children like to have in winter? They like to have ska- tes, skis and sledges. And what do they like to do when the weather is fine? They like- to skate, to ski and to sledge. Where do they usually skate? They usually skate at the ska- ting-rinks. What game do boys like to play at the skating-rinks? They like to play hockey. What other winter game do they like to play? They like to play snowballs. And what do they like to make? They like to make snowmen. Is a snowman usually thin or stout? He is usually stout. Is he tall or short? He may be tall and he may be short. Which are the winter wonths? They are December, January and February. Which are the spring months? They are March, April and May. Which are the summer months? They are June, July and August. And which are the autumn months? They are September, October and November. 151
Of how many days does a week consist? It consists of seven days. What are their names? Their names are Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Of how many hours does a day consist? It consists of twenty-four hours. Of how many minutes does an hour consist? It consists of sixty minutes. How many minutes make up half an hour? Thirty minutes do. Thirty minutes make up half an hour. How many minutes make up a quarter of an hour? Fifteen minu- tes do. Fifteen minutes make up a quarter of an hour. How many seconds make up a minute? Sixty seconds do. Sixty seconds make up a minute. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 Where does Nadiyka leave her hat and overcoat when she comes to school? She leaves them in the cloak-room. Is Nadiyka sometimes late for school? Yes, she is. She is some- times late for school. Does she knock at the door of her classroom when she is late for a lesson? No, she does not. She does not knock at the door. What does she do when she is late for a lesson? She opens the door, comes in, shuts the door and asks the teacher, “May I co- me in?” Does the teacher usually ask Nadiyka why she is late? Yes, she does. She usually asks Nadiyka about it. Does Nadiyka explain why she in late? Yes, she does. She ex- plains why she is late. What does the teacher usually say after that? She usually says, “Go to your seat and sit down”. Does Nadiyka go to her seat quickly or slowly? She goes to her seat quickly. How does Nadiyka listen to her teacher? She listens to her atten- tively. Is she always ready to answer the teacher’s questions? Yes, she is. She is always ready to answer her questions. When is the first lesson over? It is over at a quarter to ten. Do Nadiyka’s classmates go out into the corridor when the bell rings for a break? Yes, they do. They go out into the corridor. Do any of them stay in the classroom? Yes, some of them do. The pupils on duty stay in the classroom. 152
Key-words I. Leave. 2. Late for school. 3. Knock at the door. 4. Does she do. 50. The teacher. 6. Explain. 7. After that. 8. Quickly or slowly. 9. Listen. 10. Ready. 11. First lesson. 12. Go out. 13. Stay. DIALOGUE 2 What do we call a woman who does only housework? We call her a housewife. What do we call a thing with which we clean our coats, over- coats and trousers? We call it a brush. What do we call a thing with which we wash ourselves? We call it a piece of soap. What do we call things we use at breakfast, at dinner and at supper? We call them breakfast things, dinner things and supper things. What do we call things which we wear on our heads? We call them hats and caps. What do we call the part of the day when it is dark? We call it a night. What do we call a box in which schoolchildren keep their pens and pencils? We call it a pencil-box. Where do we grow flowers? We grow them on flowerbeds. Where do many birds fly in autumn? They fly to warm countries. What do schoolchildren solve at their lessons? They solve prob- lems. Do they also do sums? Yes, they do. They also do sums. When do we get hungry? We get hungry when we do not eat for a long time. For what do we buy ice-cream and cakes? We buy them for money. Key-words 1. A woman. 2. Clean. 3. Wash ourselves. 4. Use at breakfast. 5. Wear. 6. Part of the day. 7. A box. 8. Grow. 9. Birds. 10. Solve. 11. Sums. 12. Get hungry. 13. Buy. DIALOGUE 3 Does Lesya live in Stefanik Street or in Shevchenko Street? She lives in Shevchenko Street. Is her street wide or narrow? It is narrow. Is it longer than Stefanik Street? Yes, it is. It is much longer. How many tram stops are there in Shevchenko Street? There are five tram stops in it. And how many ticket kiosks are there in it? There are two ticket kiosks there. 153
Is Lesya’s house high or low? It is high. What do we see in this picture? We see a nice sitting-room. Whose sitting-room is this? It is Lesya’s sitting-room. Is Lesya’s sitting-room larger than her bedroom? Yes, it is. It is the largest room in Lesya’s flat. And which of Lesya’s rooms is the smallest? The bathroom is. The bathroom is the smallest. Can we see all Lesya’s family in the sitting-room? We can see all Lesya’s family but her granny who is in the kitchen now. What is Lesya’s granny doing in the kitchen? She is doing some housework. Does Lesya’s granny love Lesya? Yes, she does. She loves her very much. Can we see a piano and a mirror in the sitting-room? No, we cannot. We can see neither a piano nor a mirror in it. What can we see in the sitting-room? We can see a sofa near the door, a bookcase in the corner, a sideboard near one of the walls and a table with some chairs in the middle of the room. What can we see above the sofa? We can see a nice picture abo- ve it. 154
Whom can we see on the sofa? We can see Lesya and her youn- ger brother Petrik. Lesya is sitting, and Petrik is lying. What else are the children doing? Lesya is reading an interes- ting story and Petrik is listening to her. How is Petrik listening to Lesya? He is listening to her with great attention. Does Petrik usually ask Lesya any questions when he listens to a story? Yes, he does. He usually asks her questions. Are his questions clever or silly? They are clever. Does Lesya like to answer his questions? Yes, she does. She likes to answer them. Is Petrik a naughty and lazy boy? No, he is not. He is neither naughty nor lazy. Is Lesya wearing her school uniform? No, she is not. She is not wearing her school uniform. Is she wearing socks or stockings? She is wearing neither socks nor stockings. She is wearing tights. What else is the wearing? She is wearing a blouse, a skirt and slippers. And what is Petrik wearing? He is wearing a shirt, trousers and socks. - Who is playing nearby? A baby is. A baby is playing nearby. Is the baby Lesya’s little sister Valya? Yes, it is. It is Lesya’s little sister Valya. What has Valya? She has a basket and several toys. Has she a Teddy bear and a gun? She has a Teddy bear but she has no gun. Is her Teddy bear grey or green? It is neither grey nor green. It is brown. Is the basket full of toys now? No, it is not. It is emply now. Is little Valya sitting on the floor? No, she is not. She is not sitting on the floor. On what is she sitting? She is sitting on the carpet. Does the carpet cover all the floor? No, it does not. It covers only a part of the floor. And who is sitting at the table? Lesya’s father, mother and her elder brother Taras are sitting at the table. Are the father and Taras playing draughts? No, they are not. They are not playing draughts. What game are they playing? They are playing chess. Is Taras thinking hard? Yes, he is. He is thinking hard. Who taught him to play chess? His father did. His father taught him to play chess. And what is the mother doing? She is writing a letter to her friend. 155
Is the writing the letter with a pen or with a pencil? She is writing it with a pen. What is Lesya’s mother and where does she work? She is a shop-assistant so she works at a shop. What does she sell at her shop? She sells potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables. Is Lesya’s father as old as his wife? No, he is not. He is a little older than his wife. LESSON 18 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. About ago anything ate up back at the back be better become Black Sea boat bottom 2. Built calm came down could crooked cry dead die Dnieper down drank up 3. Easy fall down fall ill (fell ill) a few fishing-rod floor following get back hang high up last 4. Learn melt away monitor [a'baut] [e'gou] ['eniOirj] ['et 'лр] [baek] ['beta] [Ы'клгп] ['blaek 'si:] [buut] ['batam] [bilt] [ka:m] ['keim 'daun] fkud] ['krukid] [krai] [ded] [dai] ['dnrpaj [daun] ['drserjk 'лр] ['i:zi] F'fo:l 'daun] [Чэ:1 'il, 'fel 'il] [fju:] ['fijigrod] [Ho:] ['folouirj] ['get 'bask] haeg] 'hai 'лр] Jcirst] 1э:п] 'melt a'wei] ['rronita]. no тому назад щось з’1В назад позаду, за краще себе почувати статися Чорне море човен дно збудували тихий, спокшний зшшов униз, спустився Mir кривий плаката 1. мертвий; 2. сухий помирати Дшпро вниз випив легкий впасти захворай деюлька вудка поверх наступний повернута ВИС1ТИ високо тривати вивчати розтанути староста 156
most [moust] бьпышсть nice [nais] смачний nothing i'nA0irj] ШЧОГО out door game [geim] гра на вщкритому повгг- pi (надвор!) plane [plein] Л1*так rainy 1 I'reiniJ дощовий run away ['глп a'wei) т!кати schoolmate ['sktrlmeitl товарищ по школ! 5. Shore [Jo:] берег (моря, озера) slowly j ['slouli] повьпьно something ['sAmOirj] щось son [SAn] СИН soup-spoon ['su:pspu:n] столов а ложка still [stil] тихий, тихо storey ['stozri] поверх straight [streit] прямим sunny ['sAni] сонячний themselves [Sam'selvz] себе thick [Oik] товстий a three [0ri:] тржка 6 Throw [0rou] кидати at a time 1 [taim] за один раз try [trai] намагатися, пробувати a two [tu:J двшка undress ['An'dres] роздягатися up [лр] вверх warmer ['warns] теплшшй, тепл!ше windy | ['windi] в!тряиий without [wi'&aut] без Zoo I [zu:] зоопарк Assignment 1 VICTOR AND HIS FAMILY Victor lives in a big town. His town is situated on the shore of the Black Sea. Is Victor’s street straight or crooked? It is straight and wide. Victor’s house has four storeys. Victor’s flat is on the third floor. The number of his house is thirty-five, and the number of his flat is thirteen. Victor’s room is small. Is there anything on his table? Yes, there is. There is something on it. There is a lamp and an alarm-clock on his table. Is there anything on his window-sill? No, there is not. There is nothing on his window-sill. Can we see anything on the walls of his room? Yes, we can. We can see something on them. A shelf and two pictures hang on the walls of his room. Victor’s father is a pilot. He likes his work very much. He likes to fly in his plane high up above the clouds. Victor’s mother is a teacher. She teaches English at school. Victor has two brothers. His elder brother is the captain of a small ship. His ship goes up and down the Dnieper. Victor’s younger brother is a little boy. He likes to run about the rooms. Sometimes 157
he falls down and begins to cry. But very soon he is calm and conti- nues running about the rooms. Victor is a schoolboy. He is a clever pupil. He never gets ones» twos or threes at school. He gets only fours and fives. Besides that he is the monitor of his class. Are all his schoolmates clever pupils? No, they are not. Most of them are clever but some of them are silly. They are silly because they are lazy. They do not want to study hard. In summer, when Victor’s father rests after his work, he likes to take a boat and his fishing-rods and to go fishing. Victor often goes fishing together with his father. They like to fish when the weather is still and the sea is calm. They never go fishing when it is windy. The sea is just wonderful in calm and sunny weather with the blue sky and white clouds over it. When the father and the son catch big fishes, they throw them down on the bottom of the boat. But when they catch little fishes, they throw them back into the sea. What becomes of the fishes which they throw down on the bottom of the boat? At first they jump trying to get back into the water but soon all of them die because they cannot live without water. When Victor and his father come home, all their fishes are dead. What do Victor and his father do with the fish which they catch? Sometimes they take it all home and sometimes they make a fire on the shore of the sea and cook fish soup in a little pot. Their fish soup is always very nice. How many plates of fish soup can Victor eat up at a time? He can eat up only one plate of fish soup at a time. Do Victor and his father always catch much fish? No, not always. Sometimes they bring home just a few fishes and sometimes they come home with- out any fish. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE 1 When do the leaves on the trees become red, yellow and brown? They become red, yellow and brown in early autumn. When do all the leaves fall down to the ground? They all fall down to the ground in late autumn. When does it rain? It rains is spring, in summer and in autumn. When does it snow? It snows in winter. When are the ponds, the rivers and the lakes full of water? They are full of water in spring when all the snow melts away. When else are they full of water? They are also full of water when it rains for a long time. When is the weather sometimes hot? It is sometimes hot in summer. 158
When do children ski, skate and sledge? They ski, skate and sledge in winter. When do children bathe and swim in the rivers, in the lakes and in the seas? They bathe and swim in the rivers, in the lakes and in the seas in summer. When are the nights very long and the days very short? The nights are very long and the days are very short in winter. Key-words 1. Leaves. 2. All the leaves. 3. Rain. 4. Snow. 5. Full of water. 6. When else. 7 Hot. 8. Ski, skate and sledge. 8. Bathe and swim. 10. Nights ... days. REX AND THE PICTURE Boris likes to draw. He can draw people, animals and birds. Every day after school Boris sits down at his easel * and begins to draw. One day the door opens and Boris’s dog comes into the room. The dog’s name is Rex. Rex and Boris are good friends. Rex comes up to Boris and sees a pic- ture. In the picture he sees a big black cat. Rex does not like cats. He says “Bow-wow-wow! Gr-r-r!” Boris looks at the dog, then he looks at the picture and begins to laugh. “Ha-ha-ha! You silly dog!” he says. “It is not a cat. It is only a picture of a cat”. DIALOGUE 2 Nina, do you like soup for your breakfast? No, I do not. I do not like soup for my breakfast. Do you like porridge for your breakfast? No, I do not. I do not like porridge for my breakfast, either. What do you like for your breakfast? I like potatoes for my break- fast. What do you like for your potatoes? For my potatoes I like cut- lets, fried meat, fried fish and fried sausage. * Easel ['i:zl] — мольберт. 159
Do you ever have porridge for your breakfast? Yes, I do but I have it rather seldom. What else do you like to have for your breakfast? I like to have a cup of tea or a cup of coffee with milk. What do you like to have for your tea and coffee? For my tea and coffee I like to have a slice of bread and butter or cheese. When do you drink stewed fruit? I drink it when I have my dinner. And what do you like for your supper? For my supper I like some cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar and a cup of tea. With what do you cut bread? I cut it with a knife. With what do you eat porridge? I eat it with a soup-spoon. And with what spoon do you put sugar into your tea? I put sugar into my tea with a tea-spoon. Do you eat quickly or slowly? I eat slowly. Do you take a bath after breakfast? No, I do not. I never take a bath after breakfast. When do you take a bath? I usually take a bath on Saturday evenings. How often do you take a bath? In summer, when it is hot, I take a bath twice a week but in winter I take a bath once a week. How often do you go to school? I go to school six times a week. How often do you go to the cinema? I go to the cinema once or twice a week. How often do you go to the theatre? I go to the theatre once a month. How often do you go to the circus? I go to the circus two or three times a year. Have you a puppy? Yes, I have. I have a puppy. Is your puppy funny? Yes, it is. It is very funny. Do you like to play with it? Yes, I do. I like to play with it. Where do you play with your puppy? I play with it in my room or in our garden. Where does your puppy like to sleep? It likes to sleep on the mat which lies near my bed. What is your puppy’s name? Its name is Rex. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 How many seconds make up a minute? Sixty seconds do. Sixty seconds make up a minute. How many days make up a week? Seven days do, Seven days make up a week. On what days do schoolchildren go to school and on what days 160
do they not go to school? They go to school on week-days and do not go to school on Sundays. What do we call the six week-days? We call them Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. How many months make up a year? Twelve months do. Twelve months make up a year. How many seasons make up a year? Four seasons do. Four sea- sons make up a year. Of what months do the four seasons of the year consist? Spring consists of March, April and May. Summer consists of June, July and August. Autumn consists of September, October and November and winter consists of December, January and February. Which of the four seasons of the year is the warmest and which of them is the coldest? Summer is the warmest season, and winter is the coldest one. In what season do many birds fly away to warm countries? They fly away to warm countries in autumn. And when do they fly back to our part of the country? They fly back to our part of the country in spring. Do many birds stay for winter in our part of the country? No, not many of them do. Very few birds stay for winter in our part of the country. Do any of them die in winter? Yes, they do. Some of them die in winter. Why do they die? They die because sometimes it is very cold for them and because they have very little food in winter. Key-words 1. A minute. 2. A week. 3. Go to school. 4. Week-days. 5. Months. 6. Seasons. 7. Four seasons of the year 8. Warmest ... coldest. 9 Fly away. 10. Fly back. 11. Stay for winter. 12. Die. 13. Why. DIALOGUE 2 How old is Lida? She is fourteen years old. Is it true that Lida is a Russian girl? No, it is not. It is not true. It is wrong. Lida is a Ukrainian girl. Does Lida learn willingly or reluctently? She learns willingly. Is she a strong pupil or a weak pupil? She is a strong pupil. Is she the strongest pupil among her classmates? No, she is not. She is not the strongest pupil among her classmates. Is Lida thin or stout? She is a little stout. Is she tall or short? She is rather short. Is she the smallest in her family? Yes, she is. She is the smallest. Can Lida play the piano? Yes, she can. She can play the piano. How does she play it? She plays it quite well. 6 2-607 161
What are Lida’s parents and where do they work? Her father is a driver and he works at a factory. Her mother is a shop-assistant so she works at a shop. What does she sell? She sells cakes, sweets, jam and other things. Do Lida and her mother love each other? Yes, they do. They love each other very much. is Lida’s brother married? Yes, he is. He is married. What is he and what is his wife? He is an engineer, and his wife is a student. Key-words 1. How old. 2. Russian girl. 3. Learn. 4. Pupil. 5. The strongest. 6. Thin or stout. 7. Tall or short. 8. The smallest. 9. The piano. 10. How. 11. Parents. 12. Sell. 13. Love. 14 Brother. 15. What. DIALOGUE 3 Where did Lida spend her last summer holidays? She spent them in the Carpathians. Are the Carpathians far from her city? No, they are not. They are not far. Did Lida go to the Carpathians on foot? No, she did not. She did not go there on foot. She went there by bus. Did she go to the Carpathians together with her parents? No, she did not. She did not go to the Carpathians together with her parents. She went there without them. Did she go there alone? Yes, she did. She went there alone. With whom did she live in the Carpathians? She lived there to- gether with her relatives. What relatives has Lida in the Carpathians? She has her grand- parents, her aunt, her uncle and her cousins there. How long did Lida stay in the Carpathians? She stayed there for two months. What months did she spend there? She spent there a part of June, all July and a part of August. What are Lida’s aunt and uncle and where do they work? Both of them are collective farmers so they work on their collective farm. Do Lida’s grandparents still work? No, they do not. They do not work any more. They are pensioners. What can you tell me about Lida’s cousins? Their names are Boris and Nina and both of them are schoolchildren. What did Lida see in the Carpathians? She saw beautiful moun- tains, valleys, roads, rivers, lakes and waterfalls. What was the weather like there last summer? It was usually 162
fine but sometimes the sky was covered with grey clouds, it rained and it was cool. Do the clouds float in the sky when the wind blows? Of course, they do. They always float when the wind blows. When are the Carpathians more beautiful and when are they less beautiful? They are more beautiful on bright, sunny days and they are less beautiful in rainy weather. What covers the Carpathian Mountains? Grass, trees and bushes do. Grass, trees and bushes cover the Carpathian Mountains. What did Lida like to do most of all when she stayed in the Carpathians? Most of all she liked to lie in the sun on the bank of a river and to read a book, a magazine or a newspaper, to play outdoor games together with her friends, to climb high mountains and to watch wonderful sights from their tops. She also liked to take photos of the most picturesque sights. Who bought a camera for Lida? Her father did. Her father bought a camera for her. How much money did he pay for the camera? He paid 500 roub- les for it. Did Lida climb the highest Carpathian mountain? Yes, she did. She climbed it. What is the name of that mountain? Its name is Goverla. With whom did Lida climb that mountain? She climbed it toge- ther with her cousins and some of her friends. Did the children take rucksacks and tents with them? They took rucksacks but they did not take any tents. Why did they not take any tents with them? It is because they did not need to make a camp on the top of the mountain. What did the children do when they came down? They bathed in a river. When is it pleasant and when is it unpleasant to bathe in a river or in a lake? It is pleasant to bathe when the water is warm enough, and it is unpleasant to bathe when the water is too cold. Is it easy or difficult to cross Carpathian rivers? It is easy to cross them because they are usually neither deep nor wide. They are usually shallow and narrow. In what house do Lida’s relatives live? They live in a pretty middle-sized cottage. Is it a wooden cottage or a brick one? It is a brick one. When did Lida’s relatives build their cottage? They built it ten years ago. What domestic animals or birds do they keep? They keep a cock, some hens, some geese, some rabbits, a pig and a cow. Do they keep any sheep or ducks? No, they do not. They keep neither sheep nor ducks. 6* 163
Did Lida see any horses or donkeys in the Carpathians? She saw some horses but she did not see any donkeys. What game did Lida learn to play last summer? She learned to play chess. Who taught her to play this game? Her cousin Nina did. Her cousin Nina taught her to play this game. Did Lida return home from the Carpathians at the beginning of August or at the end of it? She returned home neither at the be- ginning of August nor at the end of it. She returned home in the middle of the month. Will Lida go to the Carpathians again next summer? Yes, she will. She will go there again. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 With what do we clean our teeth? We clean them with a tooth- brush and tooth-paste. With what do we wash our face, hands and neck? We wash them with soap and water. With what do we wipe them? We wipe them with a towel. With what do we comb our hair? We comb it with a comb. With what do we write? We write with a pen or a pencil With what do we paint? We paint with a brush. With what do we sweep the floor? We sweep it with a broom. With what do little children like to play? They like to play with toys. With what toys do they usually play? They usually play with dolls, balls, Teddy bears, toy-guns, toy-cars, toy-buses, toy-lorries, toy-animals and other toys. Ksy-words 1. Clean. 2. Wash. 3. Wipe. 4. Comb. 5. Write. 6. Paint. 7. Sweep. 8. To play. 9. Toys. DIALOGUE 2 Do people like to have a good time when they rest? Yes, they do. They like to have a good time when they rest. What do they like to do in the woods and in the forests? They like to gather mushrooms or berries. What do they like to do in the fields? They like to walk in the fields and to pick field flowers. What else do people like to do when they rest? They like to watch television, to go to the cinema, to the theatre or to the circus. 164
They also read interesting stories. Young people like to dance, to sing songs and to play games. Do people sometimes go to the Zoo? Yes, they do. They someti- mes go to the Zoo. With whom do they usually go to the Zoo? They usually go to the Zoo together with their children. What wild animals can they see in the Zoo? They can see ele- phants, lions, tigers, bears, wolves, monkeys, foxes, hares, squirrels and other animals. Can they see any domestic animals in the Zoo? No, they cannot. They cannot see any domestic animals in the Zoo. Key-words 1. To have a good time. 2. In the woods and in the forests. 3. In the fields. 4. What else. 5. To the Zoo. 6 With whom. 7. Wild animals. 8. Domestic animals. DIALOGUE 3 What do we see in this picture? We see a classroom. Is the classroom nice? Yes, it is. It is rather nice. Is it clean or dirty? It is clean. Is it light or dark? It is light. Can we see anything over the blackboard? Yes, we can. We can see something over the blackboard. What can we see over the blackboard? We can see a portrait of Shevchenko. Can we see anything under the blackboard? No, we cannot. We can see nothing under the blackboard. Can we see anything under the table? Yes, we can. We can see something under the table. What can we see under the table? We can see a chair under it. Can we see anything in the corner? Yes, we can. We can see something in the cor- ner. What can we see in the corner? We can see a book- case there. Can we see anything in the other corner? No, we cannot. We can see nothing in the other corner. Can we see anybody in the classroom? Yes, we can. We can see somebody in the classroom. 165
Whom can we see in the classroom? We can see a schoolgirl and a schoolboy. What are their names? Their names, are Sonya and Roman. What are Sonya and Roman doing? They are standing near the blackboard and talking. Who is speaking now? Roman is. Roman is speaking now. How is Sonya listening to Roman? She is listening to him atten- tively. Is Sonya as tall as Roman? No, she is not. She is shorter than Roman. Is Sonya the shortest girl in her class?. No, she is not. She is not the shortest girl in her class. Are Sonya and Roman diligent pupils or lazy ones? They are diligent pupils. What marks do they get? They get only fours and fives. Is Roman the monitor of his class? Yes, he is. He is the monitor of his class. What are the schoolchildren wearing? They are wearing their school uniforms. Of what does Roman’s uniform consist? It consists of a brown coat and brown trousers. Of what does Sonya’s uniform consist? It consists of a brown dress and a black apron. And what are the schoolchildren wearing besides that? Roman is wearing a white shirt, socks and shoes, and Sonya is wearing tights and shoes. Are the schoolchildren’s clothes clean or dirty? They are clean. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 Is Nazar in the second form or m the third form? He is neither in the second nor in the third form. Is he in the fourth form or in the fifth form? He is in the fourth form. Does Nazar live in a town or in the country? He lives in the country. What can you say about his village? It is rather large and beau- tiful. Has Nazar a sister? Yes, he has. He has a sister. Is his sister older or younger than her brother? She is much younger so she goes to a kindergarten. What languages does Nazar study at his school? He studies Uk- rainian, Russian and English. 166
Is Nazar a clever pupil? Yes, he is. He is rather clever, so his answers are usually quite right. Does Nazar help the weaker pupils to solve problems? Yes, he does. He helps them to solve problems. How does Nazar listen to his teachers when they explain the pupils some new material? He listens to them with great attention. Do the teachers ever speak angrily to Nazar? No, they do not. They never speak angrily to him. Key-words 1. Second ... third. 2. Fouth ... fifth. 3. Town ... country. 4. Village. 5. Sister. 6. Older or younger. 7. Languages. 8. Clever. 9. Help. 10. Listen. 11. Speak angrily. DIALOGUE 2 Was Nazar on duty yesterday? Yes, he was. He was on duty. When did he get up yesterday morning? He got up at half past seven. What did he do when he got up? He quickly made his bed, wa- shed and dressed himself and then he helped his mother to lay the table. What did he do after that? He had his breakfast. Does Nazar ever speak with his mouth full of food? No, he does not. He never speaks with his mouth full of food. What did Nazar’s father give Nazar after breakfast? He gave him some money. Did Nazar buy an ice-cream when he was going to school? No, he did not. He did not buy an ice-cream. Did Nazar see anybody in the corridor when he came to school? Yes, he did. He saw several of his schoolmates in the corridor. Did he see anybody in his classroom? No, he did not. He saw nobody in the classroom. His classroom was still empty. What did Nazar do when he came into his classroom? He put his bag into his desk and then he opened one of the windows to air the classroom. Were any of his classmates ill yesterday? No, nobody was ill and nobody was absent from school. Was anybody late for the first lesson? No, nobody was late for the first lesson. Everybody came to school in time. Key-words 1. On duty. 2. Get up. 3. Got up. 4. After that. 5. Speak. 6. Give Nazar. 7. Buy an ice-cream. 8. In the corridor. 9. In his classroom. 10. Do. 11. Ill. 12. Late. 167
DIALOGUE 3 What do little English children call their father, mother and grandmother? They call them daddy, mummy and granny. What do we call the smallest children? We call them babies. Of what rooms do large flats usually consist? They consist of a kitchen, of a dining-room, of a sitting-room, of one or two bed- rooms and of a bathroom. With what do we often cover the floors and the walls of our li- ving-rooms and bedrooms? We often cover them with carpets. Where do we usually keep our cups, plates, saucers, forks and knives? We usually keep them in our cupboards or sideboards. And what do we keep in refrigerators? We keep different kinds of food in them. What do schoolchildren usually do first of all when they get up in the morning? Some of them put on their slippers and make their beds, some of them air their rooms first of all and do morning exer- cises, some of them begin to dress if it is cold in their flats and some of them run to the bathroom to wash themselves. Do children always wash their necks and ears in the morning? No, they do not. Some of them wash only their hands and faces. Do they shut their eyes when they wash their faces? Of course, they do. When they wash their faces with soap and water, they al- ways shut their eyes. Why do they shut their eyes when they wash their faces with soap? It is because they are afraid that soap may get into their eyes. Where can we see ourselves when we wash at a wash-basin? We can see ourselves in a mirror which is above the wash-basin. How many meals do we usually have every day? We usually have four meals every day. What do we call things which we use at breakfast, at dinner and at supper? We call them breakfast things, dinner things and supper things. What do we like to have for our potatoes? We like to have cutlets or a piece of fried meat or sausage. Do we often have boiled eggs for our breakfast? Of course, we do. We often have boiled eggs for our breakfast. What do schoolchildren carry in their bags when they go to school? They carry books, notebooks and pencil-boxes. Where do they usually cross the streets? They usually cross them at crossings. Where are many crossings situated? They are situated on the cor- ners of the streets. What may streets look like? They may be long or short, wide or narrow, straight or crooked, more beautiful or less beautiful. 168
How do city people get to their work? Many of them get to their work by trams, by buses or by trolley-buses. Some people ride to their offices, plants and factories in their cars or on their bicycles and some people get to their work on foot. Where do many doctors and nurses work? Many of them work at hospitals. Do all schoolchidren come to school in time? Most of them co- me to school in time but very few pupils are sometimes late for school. What do we call the room where schoolchildren leave their caps, hats, jackets and overcoats when they come to school? We call it a cloak-room. What do we wear on our hands when it is very cold? We wear mittens. At what time do lessons at school begin? In some of the schools they begin at half past eight and in the other schools they begin at nine o’clock in the morning. How long does each school lesson last? It lasts 45 minutes. How many minutes make up a quarter of an hour? 15 minutes do. 15 minutes make up a quarter of an hour. Is everybody attentive at the lessons? No, not everybody is. Some pupils are sometimes inattentive at the lessons. Who learns better: average pupils or excellent ones? Excellent pupils do Excellent pupils learn better. Do excellent pupils usually work hard? Yes, they do. They usual- ly work hard. Do any of the pupils study badly? Yes, they do. Some of them study badly. Who airs the classrom during the breaks? The pupils on duty do. The pupils on duty air the classroom. With what hand do we usually write: with a left hand or with a right one? We usually write with a right hand. Do you learn any English names of birds, fruit, vegetables and games at your English lessons? Of course, we do. We learn some English names of birds, fruit, vegetables and games at our English lessons. What English names of wild birds do you know? I know the fol- lowing English names of wild birds: crows, parrots, swans, peacocks, wild ducks and wild geese. What kinds of fruit can you name in English? I can name the following kinds of fruit: apples, pears, plums and cherries. What do we call the trees on which fruit grows? We call them fruit-trees. What kinds of vegetables can you name in English? I can name only two kinds of vegetables: cucumbers and tomatoes. 169
And what names of games do you know? I know the following names of games: badminton, draughts, chess, hide-and-seek, hops- cotch, football, hockey and snowballs. Do you know any English names of flowers? No, I do not. I do not know any English names of flowers. Where do we usually plant flowers? We usually plant them on flowerbeds. What do children like to have in winter? They like to have skis, skates and sledges. Where do they skate? They skate at the skating-rinks. What do they sometimes make of snow? They sometimes make snowmen. What other fun do children like to have? They like to go to the cinema, to the theatre, to the circus or to a concert. They also like to watch television. What do they like to watch at the circus? They like to watch acrobats, clowns and animals. On what do they usually sit when they watch television? They usually sit on chairs and on sofas. Sometimes they sit on stools. Do schoolchildren sometimes help their mothers to do some house work? Yes, they do. They sometimes help their mothers to do some housework. With what do they sweep the floor? They sweep it with a broom or with a brush. With what do they dust things? They dust them with dusters. LESSON 19 1. Against be alike began behave birthday both ... and be called capital cartoon film caught 2. Copeck correspond daughter department store do the cooking THE NEW VOCABULARY [a'geinst] [a'laik] [bi'gaen] [bi'heiv] ['b?’0dei J jbou0] [ka:ld] ['kaepitl] fka:'tu:n] [ko:t] f'koupak] bkori'spond] ['dola] [di'pci:tmant] ['kukin] проти, напроти бути схожим почав поводити себе день народження i ... i називатися столица мультфильм пшмав котйка листуватися донька ушвермаг варити 1сти 170
England ! ['irjgland] Англ i я even ['i.van] навить fell asleep ['fel a'skp] заснув 3. Happiness ['hsepinis] щастя hard ' fhci:d] тяжкий, тяжко health ['heiej здоров’я hear 1 [hia| чути holiday I 'haladi] свято if [if] чи indoor games ['nda:J юмнатн! 1гри instrument ['instrument] шструмент interest ['intrist] интерес 4. Order ['a:da] порядок London 1 ['MndanJ Лондон look after ['luk 'crfta] доглядати music ['mju:zikj музика, музичний musical ['mjurzikal] музичний party ['parti] свято peace I [pi:s] мир live at peace жити в мир! 5. Present [preznt] подарунок receive [ri'sirv] одержати rich [ritfl багатий the same [seim] той самий go shopping №P4)] ходити за покупками stood up ['stud 'лр] встав success [sak'ses] ycnix take out f'teik 'aut] виймати themselves [dam'selvz] сам! 6. Took off ['tuk 'of] зняв translate [tran'sleit] перекладати twins I twinz] близнята understand [ .Anda'stand] розум!ти the Ukraine [ju'krein] Укра!'на wish [wifi бажати, бажання word [wa:d] слово work as a shop-assistant ['fapa^sistant] працювати продавцем world [wa:Id] св!т writer f'raita] письмениик wrote [rout] написав Assignment 1 PEN-FRIENDS Olenka is a Ukrainian schoolgirl. Jane is an English schoolgirl. Olenka lives in Kiev. Jane lives in London. Kiev is the capital of the Ukraine. London is the capital of England. England is a small country. It is much smaller than the Ukraine but there are as many people in England as in the Ukraine. Jane’s father works at a factory, and her mother works at a big department store. She works there as a shop-assistant. How many children have Jane’s parents? They have three children: one daugh- ter and two sons. Jane is their daughter. She is twelve years old. The sons are just little boys. They are three years old. They are twins 171
and they are very much alike. They wear clothes of the same kind, so it is difficult to say which is which.* Jane’s grandmother is a housewife. She does much of the house- work and looks after the twins. She goes shopping and does the cooking. Of course, Jane’s mother helps her to do the housework when she comes home from her department store. Olenka’s father is a children’s writer. He writes funny stories for children. Children like his stories very much so they read them with great interest. Olenka’s mother is a music teacher. She teaches mu- sic at a music school. Both the Ukrainian and the English people want to live at peace with one another and to be friends. Olenka and Jane are pen-friends. They correspond for a long time. Olenka writes her letters in En- glish. Jane writes her letters in English, too, because she does not know Ukrainian. She does not know Russian, either. Sometimes Olen- ka does not understand some words in Jane’s letter. Then she asks her father to translate them for her. In her last letter Olenka wrote Jane about her last birthday party. At her last birthday party she received some presents from her parents, relatives and friends. When the girls finish their letters, they wish each other good health, happiness and all success in their lives. When they begin their next letters, they thank each other for their good wishes. A DIALOGUE When does Ruslan wake up in the morning? He wakes up at a quarter to eight. Does he lie in bed for some time after that? Yes. he does. He lies in bed for some time. And what does he do then? He jumps out of bed, puts on his slippers, goes up to the window and opens it to air the room. Does he do morning exercises after that? No, he does not. He does not do morning exercises. What does he do? He makes his bed, washes and dresses. Does Ruslan help his mother to lay the table? Yes, he does. He helps her to lay the table. What does he put on the table? He puts plates, saucers, cups, spoons, forks and knives. With whom does Ruslan have breakfast? He has breakfast with all his family. Is Ruslan very hungry in the morning? No, he is not. He is not very hungry. * Which is which [witj] — хто e xto. 172
Does he eat much or little? He eats little. What does Ruslan’s mother give Ruslan after breakfast? She gives him some money. What does Ruslan buy at school for the money? He buys a cake. Key-words 1. Wake up. 2. Lie in bed. 3. Then. 4. Morning exercises. 5. What. 6. Lay the table. 7. Put. 8. With whom. 9. Hungry. 10. Eat much. 11. Give Ruslan. 12. Buy at school. THE DOG AND THE KITTENS A dog lives in a yard. It has two little puppies. The puppies are in a box. A cat lives in the yard, too. It has three little kittens. The kittens are in a basket. One day the cat goes out of the yard and does not come back. “Where is our mother?” ask the little kittens. And they begin to cry. The dog goes up to their basket. “Don’t cry”, says the dog. “I want to help you”. And the dog takes one of the little kittens and puts it into the box. The little kitten looks at the puppies, and the puppies look at the little kitten. The dog goes to the basket again, takes the second little kitten and puts in into the box. Now two puppies and two little kittens are in the box. The dog goes to the basket again, takes the third little kitten and puts in into the box. “Now you are my children”, says the dog. ”1 am your mother, and these puppies are your brothers. Play with them**. And the kittens do not cry. Now they have a mother and two brothers. AT THE RIVER In this picture we see a river and a field. We see a forest in the picture, too, but it is rather far away. What else do we see in the picture? We see a tent on the bank of the river and a boat on the water near the bank. 173
Two men and two women are at the river. They are at the river together with their children. Their children’s names are Taras, Mi- roslav, Orest, Igor and Solomiyka. One of the men and the two wo- men are sitting on the grass and talking. There is a basket near them. It is full of food. The other man is at the fire. He is cooking fish soup in the pot. Taras and his brother Miroslav are in the water. Taras is a big boy. He can swim. Miroslav is a little boy. He cannot swim. Taras is teaching his little brother to swim. Igor is standing on the bank of the river. He is throwing a stick into the water. His dog Rex is going to jump into the water and to bring the stick to Igor Is Rex a silly dog? No, he is not. He is clever. He likes Igor because Igor is his best friend. Orest is far from the other childern. He is sitting on the bank of the river. He has a fishing-rod in bis hand He is fishing. He likes to fish very much. Solomiyka is walking in the field. She is picking flowers. Is she picking flowers with her left hand or with her right hand? She is picking them with her right hand. In her left hand she has a small bunch of field flowers. 174
Are the children and their parents having a very good time at the river? Yes, they are. They are having a very good time. The weather is wonderful. The sun is shining brightly. The sky is blue. It is very warm. We can see some clouds and some birds in the sky. The birds are flying over the fields. Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 What do we call things with which we sweep the floor? We call them a broom and a brush. What do we call things which pupils carry in their bags? We call them books, notebooks, pens, pencils and pencil-boxes. What do we call the smallest children? We call them babies. What do we call a hen’s children? We call them chicks or chi- ckens. What do we usually wear on our heads? We usually wear hats or caps. What do we wear on our hands when it is very cold? We wear mittens. We can see many books on the shelves of a bookcase. What can we see in a bookcase besides that? We can see magazines and news- papers. What can we see in a wide city street? We can see cars, buses, trolley-buses, lorries, trams and many people. Are city streets straight or crooked? Some of them are straight and the others are crooked. In what can people fly? They can fly in planes. In what can people bathe? They can bathe in a pond, in a river, in a lake or in a sea. What can we see in a circus ring besides acrobats and clowns?' We can see different animals: monkeys, bears, lions, tigers and even elephants. Can we see hares in a circus ring? No, we cannot. We cannot see hares in a circus ring. Can we see squirrels there? Yes, we can. We can see squirrels there. Where else can we see squirrels? We can see them in the parks, in the woods and in the forests. Key-words 1. Sweep the floor 2. Carry in their bags. 3. The smallest children. 4. A hen’s children. 5. On our heads. 6. On our hands. 7. In a bookcase. 8. Street. 9. Straight or crooked 10. Fly. 11. Bathe 12. In a circus ring. 13. Hares. 14. Squirrels. 15. Where else. 175
DIALOGUE 2 The teacher. You cannot do your homework yourself. You cannot do it without your father’s help. Oxana. That is wrong. I can do my homework myself. 1 can do it without my father’s help. The teacher. Nina can count by tens. Oxana. She could count by tens when she was five years old. The teacher. Nina learns three languages now. Oxana. She began to learn the three languages in the first form. The teacher. Nina’s cat catches mice. Oxana. Yesterday it caught two mice. The teacher. Nina wears her pink cap to-day. Oxana. She wore her pink cap yesterday, too. The teacher. Nina’s green blouse is just right for her. Oxana. A year ago it was too large for her. The teacher. Nina’s father tells Nina interesting stories. Oxana. Yesterday he told Nina two interesting stories. The teacher. Does anybody in Nina’s family like fish? Oxana. All of them like it. The teacher. Sometimes Nina’s father goes fishing. Oxana. He went fishing last Sunday. The teacher. When he catches some fish, he makes a fire and cooks fish soup. Oxana. Last Sunday he caught some fish, made a fire and cooked fish soup, too. The teacher. Sometimes Nina falls ill. Oxana. Last time she fell ill two weeks ago. The teacher. When the bell rings for a lesson, the pupils go to their classrooms. Oxana. When the bell rang for a lesson yesterday, we went to our classroom. The teacher. When the teacher comes in, the pupils stand up. Oxana. When the teacher came in yesterday, we all stood up. The teacher. When the teacher sits down, the pupils also take their seats. Oxana. When our teacher sat down, we also took our seats. The teacher. Nina comes back home from school at two o’clock in the afternoon. Oxana. Yesterday she came back home from school at three o’clock in the afternoon. The teacher. Why did she come back home at three o’clock? Oxana. It is because she had a class meeting after the lessons. The teacher. Nina usually falls asleep at about a quarter past ten in the evening. Oxana. Yesterday she fell asleep at about half past ten. 176
DIALOGUE 3 Do your teachers give you any homework for your holidays, Le- sya? No, they do not. They do not give us any homework for our holidays. We rest during our holidays. Are your teachers sometimes angry with you? Yes, they are. They are sometimes angry with us. Why are they angry with you? It is because we are sometimes naughty and do not listen to them. Are your schoolmates very much alike or are they different? Of course, they are different. Why do you say that they are different? I say so because some of them are tall and the others are short, some of them are thin and the others are stout. Some of them are strong and the others are weak. Some of them are diligent and the others are lazy. Some of them behave well and the others are naughty. Some of them are good at learning and the others are bad at learning. What kinds of pupils are there among your classmates? Most of them are average pupils, a few of them are excellent ones and seve- ral pupils are rather weak. How many desks are there in your classroom? There are 16. Are there any empty seats in your classroom during the lessons? There are usually no empty seats when everybody is present at the lessons. But if somebody is ill and is absent from school, then, of course, his seat is empty. Do you study willingly or reluctently? I study willingly. Is it easy or difficult to study at school? For me it is rather dif- ficult. If I want to be an excellent pupil, I must work hard. Are you sometimes afraid to get a one, a two or a three for your answers? No, I am not. 1 try to be a diligent pupil. I listen to my teachers very attentively. I always do my homework so I know everything what 1 must know at a lesson. How many languages do you study at your school? I study three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. Can you sing any English songs? Yes, I can. I can sing seve- ral English songs. Who taught you to sing them? Our English teacher did. Our English teacher taught us to sing several English songs. What is her name? Her name is Irina Fedorivna. Is Irina Fedorivna married? No, she is not. She is not yet mar- ried. Are you still in the fourth form? No, I am not. I am not in the fourth form any more. I am already in the fifth form. Do you wear tights or stockings? When it is warm, 1 wear stock- ings but when it is cold, I wear tights. Do you ever wear trousers? No, I do not. I never wear trousers. 177
Do you get tired at the end of your lessons at school? Yes, I do but not very much. Is there a garden near your schoolhouse? Yes, there is. There is a small garden near it. What can we see in it in spring, in summer and in autumn besi- des trees and bushes? We can see flowers and benches there. Is everything in good order in your school garden? Yes, every- thing is in good order there. Does anybody work in your school garden? Of course. We, the pupils of the school, work there together with our teachers. What becomes of the leaves in autumn? At first they become red, yellow and brown and then they begin to fall down to the ground. In October there are many dead leaves under the trees and under the bushes. Do you play your outdoor games in your school garden? No, we do not. We play our outdoor games in the yard which is at the back of our schoolhouse. And where is your school garden situated? It is situated in front of our schoolhouse. Does anybody ride a bicycle in your school yard during the breaks? No, nobody rides a bicycle there. Can you see your school garden through the windows of your classroom? Yes, we can. We can see it through the windows of our classroom. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 How many months are there in а уеагэ There are twelve. What are their names? Their names are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. How many days are there in a week? There are seven. What are their names? Their names are Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. What do w'e call the parts of a day? We call them the morning, the afternoon, the evening and the night. Of how many hours does a day consist? It consists of twenty- four hours. Of how many minutes does an hour consist? It consists of sixty minutes. Of how many seconds does a minute consist? It consists of sixty seconds. How many minutes make up a quarter of an hour? Fifteen minu- tes do. Fifteen minutes make up a quarter of an hour. 178
How many minutes make up half an hour? Thirty minutes do. Thirty minutes make up half an hour. Key-words 1. Months. 2. Names. 3. In a week. 4. Names. 5. The parts of a day. 6. Hours. 7. Minutes. 8 Seconds. 9. A quarter of an hour. 10. Half an hour. LITTLE DOG SNIP ”Bow-wow!“ he says ’’This is run from me". Little Dog Snip lives in a little house. This little house is a dog- house. One morning Snip says, “I want to run. I want to play”. And Snip runs out of his house. He runs about the street and meets two little kittens. “Bow-wow!” he says. The little kittens run from him. Snip runs after them. good. I am big. The little kittens Snip runs and runs. He meets five little chicks. ”Bow-wow!“ he says. The little chicks run from him. Snip runs after them. ”Bow-wow!“ he says. ’’This is good. I am big. The little chicks run from me“. And Snip runs and runs. He meets Mother Hen.* ”Bow-wow!“ he says. But Mother Hen does not run from him. She runs after Snip. ”Bow-wow!“ says Snip. ’’This is not good. I am not very big. Mother Hen does not run from me". DIALOGUE 2 Is your street wide or narrow? It is narrow. Is your house big or small? It is neither big nor small. It is mid- dle-sized. Is it pretty? Yes, it is. It is rather pretty. What is the number of your house? It is eighty-four. What is the number of your flat? It is eleven. On what floor is it? It is on the second floor. Is your bathroom big or small? It is small. Are there two wash-basins in your bathroom? No, there are not. There is only one wash-basin in our bathroom. * Mother Hen — квочка. 179
Are there two pictures above your sofa? No, there are not. There is only one. How old are you? I am nine. What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot and fly high up in the sky. What does your elder brother want to be? He wants to be an engineer. What does your younger brother want to be? He wants to be the captain of a ship. Have you a dog? Yes, I have. I have a dog. Is your dog clever or silly? It is clever. What is your father and where does he work? He is an engineer so he works at a factory. Do you like to lie in bed a little after you wake up in the mor- ning? Yes, I do. I like to lie in bed a little after I wake up in the morning. What do you do first of all when you get up? First of all I put on my slippers and open the window to air the room. With what do you wash in the morning? I wash with cold water and soap. With what do you clean your teeth? I clean them with a tooth- brush and tooth-paste. With what do you comb your hair? I comb it with a comb. With what do you wipe your hands and face? I wipe them with a towel. Who cooks the meals in your family? My granny does. My granny cooks the meals. Do you help your granny to lay the table for breakfast? Yes, I do. I help her to lay the table for breakfast. What do you bring? I bring the breakfast things: plates, spoons, cups, saucers, forks and knives. Do you like eggs for breakfast? Yes, I do. I like eggs for break- fast. How many eggs can you eat up at a time? I can eat up two eggs at a time. How many cups of tea can you drink up at a time? I can drink up only one cup of tea at a time. Do you help your granny to take the breakfast things to the kitchen after breakfast? No, I do not. I do not help my granny to take the breakfast things to the kitchen. Do you get ready for school after breakfast? Yes, I do. I get rea- dy for school. What do you put on after breakfast? I put on my school uniform. How often do you go to school? I go to school six times a week. Do you live far from school or near to school? I live near to school. 180
Do you go to school on foot? Yes, I do. I go to school on foot. Are you ever late for school? No, I am not. I am never late for school. I always come to school in time. Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 What do we call a thing which tells us the time? We call it a clock. What do we call a thing we paint with? We call it a brush. What do we call a thing with which we can take photos? We call it a camera. What do we call a small grey animal which cats like to catch? We call it a mouse. What do we call things of which we build houses? We call them bricks. What domestic animals can you name? I can name the following domestic animals: horses, donkeys, cows, pigs, sheep, dogs and cats. What names of wild birds do you know? I know the following wild birds: crows, parrots, swans and peacocks. Are ducks and geese wild birds or domestic ones? There are do mestic ducks and geese and there are wild ducks and geese. What kinds of food can we make of milk? We can make the fol- lowing kinds of food: cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese and butter. What can we make of cream and sugar? We can make ice-cream. Key-words 1. Tells us the time. 2 We paint with. 3 Take photos. 4. A small grey animal. 5. Build houses. 6. Domestic animals. 7. Wild birds. 8. Ducks and geese. 9. Make of milk. 10 Of cream and sugar. DIALOGUE 2 The teacher. I shall ask you some questions, and you will answer them. The pupil. All right. The teacher. Which of domestic birds is the biggest? The pupil. A turkey is. A turkey is the biggest domestic bird. The teacher. Do turkeys fly away in autumn and fly back in spring? The pupil. No, they do not. They do not fly away in autumn so they do not fly back. The teacher. Which of the two animals is weaker: a wolf or a sheep? The pupil. A sheep is weaker and a wolf is stronger. 181
The teacher. Which is the biggest land animal? The pupil. An elephant is. An elephant is the biggest land animal. The teacher. Do you speak about animals and birds at school? The pupil. Yes, we do. We speak about animals and birds at school. The teacher. Do you go to the nearest school? The pupil. Yes, I do. I go to the nearest school. The teacher. What do your teachers say after they come into your classroom and what do they say before they go away? The pupil. After they come into the classroom they say ’’Good morning!" or ’’Good afternoon!" and before they go away they say “Good-bye" to us. The teacher. Are all your lessons interesting? The pupil. No, not all of them are. Some of them are more intere- sting and some of them are less interesting. The teacher. Are your teachers’ questions easy or difficult? The pupil. Some of them are easy and some of them are difficult. The teacher. Are you always right when you answer your tea- chers’ questions? The pupil. No, I am not. I am not always right. Sometimes I am wrong. The teacher. Are you glad when you get a four? The pupil. Yes, I am but I am gladder when I get a five. The teacher. What can we hear in your corridor during the breaks? The pupil. We can hear a lot of noise. The teacher. Why is there a lot of noise in the corridor during the breaks? The pupil. It is because some of the pupils shout. The teacher. What do we need most of all to be happy? The pupil. I think that most of all we need good health. The teacher. Do you go for a walk in the evening? The pupil. Yes, I do. I go for a walk in the evening. The teacher. With whom do you usually go for a walk? The pupil. I usually go for a walk together with my father. The teacher. How long does it take you to take a walk3 The pupil. It takes us about half an hour. The teacher. Do you ever take a walk in the rain? The pupil. No, we do not. We never take a walk in the rain. The teacher. Do you ever take a walk when it snows? The pupil. Yes, we do. Sometimes we take a walk when it snows. The teacher. Are you as tall as your father? The pupil. No, I am not I am much shorter than my father. The teacher. When do you fall asleep after you lie down in your bed? 182
The pupil. I fall asleep in about a quarter of an hour. The teacher. Whose bed is longer: your bed or your father’s bed? The pupil. My father’s bed is longer, and my bed is shorter. DIALOGUE 3 What do we call a grandfather and a grandmother in one word? We call them grandparents. What do we call our mother’s or father’s sisters? We call them our aunts. What do we call our father’s or mother’s brothers? We call them our uncles. What do we call our aunt’s and uncle’s children? We call them our cousins. Where do many doctors work? They work at hospitals. Where do book-keepers usually work? They usually work at of- fices. What do we call a woman or a man who sell tickets at a ticket kiosk? We call them kiosk minders. Of what rooms may a flat consist? It may consist of a kitchen, of a dining-room, of a living-room, of a bedroom and of a bath- room. Is your living-room light or dark? It is rather light. Is your bathroom larger than your kitchen? No, it is not. Both our bathroom and our kitchen are small. What can we see in your kitchen? We can see a cupboard, a gas- stove, a table and three stools. Where do your sideboard, your piano and your wardrobe stand? Our sibeboard and our piano stand in our living-room, and our wardrobe stands in our bedroom. What can we see on your writing-table? We can see an alarm- clock, a vase and a lamp on it. Does your granny do the cooking herself or does your mummy help her to do it? Of course, my mummy helps her to do the cooking. Where do people usually keep their window-plants? They usual- ly keep them on window-sills or on flowerstands. What can we grow in our gardens? We can grow fruit, berries, vegetables and potatoes. What kinds of fruit can you name in English? I can name the following kinds of fruit: apples, pears, plums and cherries. Where do your grandparents live? Two of my grandparents live together with us and two of them live in the country and work on a collective farm. Where did you go last summer? I went to a summer camp. Where was the camp situated? It was situated in the Carpathians. How much time did you spend there? I spent three weeks there. 183
What is the name of the highest Carpathian mountain? Its name is Goverla. With what are most of the Carpathian Mountains covered? They are covered with woods and forests. Did you go on hikes when you were in the camp? Yes, we did. We went on hikes. Did you go on hikes once, twice or three times? We went on hikes three times. What did each of you carry when you went on hikes? Each of us carried a rucksack. What kinds of food did you carry in your rucksacks? We carried bread, butter, cheese, sausage, fried meat, boiled eggs and other kinds of food. What did you cook for your meals when you went on hikes? We usually cooked porridge and also made tea. Did you climb any mountains? Yes, we did. We climbed some mountains. Did you go up the mountains quickly or slowly? We went up rather slowly. What did you see from the tops of the mountains? We saw many other mountains, forests and glades, picturesque valleys, villages and roads. Was it a beautiful sight? Oh, yes, it was just a wonderful sight. Where did you make camps? We made camps near rivers or streams. Where did you sleep at nigth? We slept in tents. Did you wash yourselves in the rivers and in the streams? Yes, we did. We washed ourselves in the rivers or in the streams. Did you see beautiful waterfalls in the Carpathians? Yes, we did. We saw beautiful waterfalls there. Where you rather tired when you returned from your hike? Yes, we were. We were rather tired. Did you have a good rest after that? Yes, we did. We had a good rest. Did you go boating or fishing? We went neither boating nor fi- shing. Why did you not go boating? It is because most of the Carpathi- an rivers are not deep enough. They are shallow. Did you bathe often or seldom when you stayed in your camp.-’ We bathed rather often. When is it pleasant and when is it unpleasant to bathe? It is plea- sant to bathe when the water is warm and it is unpleasant to ba- the when the water is cold. Will you go to the Carpathains again next summer? Yes, I shall. I shall go there again. 184
LESSON 20 THE NEW VOCABULARY 1. Alive 1 a'laiv] ЖИВИЙ apple-tree 'repltri:] яблуня articles of clothing | 'artiklz av 'kloudir)] види одягу as aez] як belong 1 bi'hrj] належати body 'bsdi] Т1ло branch brcuntf] пл к а busy 'bizij зайнятий by whom hu:m] КИМ carnation kcr'neifan] гвоздика cheek tfrk) шока cherry-tree 'tferitri:] вишня (дерево) come here hia] 1ди сюди dishes 'difiz] посуд 2. Done dAn] зроблений, виконаний drawn dra:n] намальований drank draerjk] пив either ... or 'ai&a'a:] або ... або enjoy in'djai] одержувати задоволення fast fci:st] швидко, швидкий favourite 'feivarit] улюблений finger floor-polisher 'fiOga] 'palifa] палець натирач шдлоги forgot fa'gat] забув 3. Go down 'gou 'daun] сходнти вниз got off gat] вийшов (i3 автобуса) not on зайшов (у автобус) greater 1'greita] больший he was given ,givn] йому дали hurt [hast] пошкодити, поранити be idle faidl] байдикувати it took you |tuk] це зайняло у тебе kind [kaind] лапдний last time [la:st] мннулого разу let in [let] впустити like [laik] як lip [HP] губа 4. Look up I'luk 'лр] дивитися вгору linen ['linin] белизна make friends f'meik 'trends] подружитися market ['markit] базар merry I'meri] веселий nose fnouz] Hie office worker ]'afis'wa:ka] службовець once more f'wAns 'ma:] ще раз paw [pa:] лапа pear-tree pet name ['peatri:] [pet] груша (дерево) лапдне 1м’я photo f'foutou] фотограф!я 5. Place [pleis] мшце plum-tree j'plAmtri:] слива (дерево) polish f'pahf] натирати present [pri'zent] дарувати 185
be read remember rode up rose run up sat down school year side 6. Sleepy stone study material suddenly tea is drunk they are grown they are sold the soup was eaten thought tulip vacuum cleaner voice watch woke up be well went out wonderfully wood red] ri'memba] 'roud 'лр] rouz] 'глп 'лр] 'sset 'daun] 'sku:l 'jia] 'said] 'sli:pi] stoun] 'stAdi] 'SAdanlil drAijk] groun] sould] 'i:tn] 6a:t] ['tjudip] [ vaskjuam, klrna] [vois] [waff] ['wouk 'лр] fwel] [went] ['wAndafuli] fwud] бутн прочитаним пам’ятати шдЧхав троянда тдбтти ciB навчальннй piK 6iK, сторона сонний камшь навчальннй матер!ал раптом чай п’ють lx вирощують lx продають суп бу в з’Тденин думав тюльпан пнлосос голос годинник (ручннй, ки- шеньковнй) прокинувся добре себе почувати вийшов чудово дерево (матер!ал) Assignment 1 A DIALOGUE In what place do Anya and her family have their garden? They have it behind their house. What fruit-trees grow in their garden? Apple-trees, pear-trees, plum-trees and cherry-trees do. When can we see a lot of fruit on the branches of their fruit- trees? We can see a lot of cherries in summer and a lot of apples, pears and plums in summer and in autumn. What flowers are grown in the garden? Mostly roses, tulips and carnations are grown there. Are roses, tulips and carnations Anya’s favourite flowers? Yes, they are. They are her favourite flowers, What can we see on Anya’s sitting-room table in spring, in sum- mer and in autumn? We can see either a bunch of tulips, or a bunch of carnations or a bunch of roses in a beautiful vase. Are any of the flowers sold by Anya’s mother at a market? No, they are not. They are not sold by Anya’s mother at a market. What is done with some of the flowers? They are given to the family’s friends and relatives as presents. What are Anya’s parents? They are office workers. 186
Are all Anya’s grandparents still alive? Yes, they are They are still alive. Are they all well? Yes, all of them are well. Are any of Anya’s uncles or aunts dead? Yes, one of her uncles is dead. Do Anya’s parents ever speak to Anya in an angry voice? No, they do not. They never speak to her in an angry voice. Are they kind to her? Yes, they are. They are kind to her. Why are they kind to her? It is because she is a very good daugh- ter. She listens to her parents, works hard at her study material. She is an excellent pupil at school and besides that she learns to play the piano. How does she play it? She plays it wonderfully. Do Anya’s friends enjoy Anya’s music? Yes, they do. They enjoy it. Do many of Anya’s classmates try to make friends with Anya? Yes, they do. They try to make friends with her. What does Anya look like? She is a middle-sized girl with black hair, brown eyes, pink cheeks, a small straight nose, a little mouth and thin, red lips. She wears bright clothing which is always very clean. Does Anya like to be busy or does she like to be idle? She likes to be busy. What was done by Anya when she sat down at her writing-table to do her homework the day before yesterday? Two exercises were written, two problems were solved, a Ukrainian text was translated into English and a lot of other study material was read. Did Anya think hard when she solved the problems? Yes, she did. She thought hard. What does Anya do when she does not remember well some stu- dy material after reading it only once? She reads it once more. With what was Anya presented by her parehts on her last birth- day? She was presented with a pretty watch. What was received by Anya from her pen-friends the day before yesterday? A letter and a post-card were received by her. What housework was done by Anya and her parents when Anya’s homework was finished? The supper was cooked, the dishes and some linen were washed, the floors were polished and the carpets were cleaned. By whom was the supper cooked? It was cooked by Anya’s mother. By whom were the dishes washed up? They were washed up by Anya. By whom were they wiped? They were wiped by Anya’s brother. By whom was the linen washed? It was washed by Anya’s mother. 187
By whom were the floors pilished? They were polished by Anya’s father. By whom were the carpets cleaned? They were cleaned by Anya’s brother. With what were the dishes wiped? They were wiped with a towel. With what were the floors polished? They were polished with a floor-polisher. With what were the carpets cleaned? They were cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. With what was bread cut for supper? It was cut with a knife. By whom was it cut? It was cut by Anya’s brother. Was one of the brother’s fingers hurt with the knife? No, it was not. It was not hurt. What was eaten by Anya at supper? Some fried eggs and a slice of bread were eaten by her. What was drunk by Anya at supper? A cup of milk was drunk by her. Were any pictures drawn or painted by Anya after the supper? No, they were not. No pictures were drawn or painted by her after the supper. What was watched by the family on television after the supper? An interesting film was watched. Was Anya sleepy when she was going to bed? Yes, she was. She was sleepy. When did Anya wake up next morning? She woke up at twenty minutes to eight. Assignment 2 DIALOGUE What do we see in this picture? We see a room. Is the room nice? Yes, it is. It is nice. Whose room is this? It is Vadik’s room. What do we see in the room? We see a bed. a table and a chair. What do we see above the bed? We see a picture. What do we see on the wall on the other side of the window? We see a bookshelf. 188
And what do we see on the table? We see a lamp and a clock. Can we see Vadik in his room? Yes, we can We can see him in his room. What is he doing? He is reading an interesting book. What are Vadik’s parents? His father is a pilot, and his mother is a teacher. Does Vadik want to be a pilot or a teacher? He wants to be neither a pilot nor a teacher. What does he want to be? He wants to be the captain of a ship. Key-words 1. In this picture 2. Nice. 3. Whose. 4. In the room. 5. Above the bed. 6 On the wall. 7. On the table. 8. Vadik. 9. Doing. 10. Parents. 11. A pilot or a teacher. 12. Want to be. AT THE CIRCUS One day Sashko and his father go to the circus. At the circus they see many interesting things. But most of all they like a man with three little dogs. Their names are Rex, Jack and Jumble. Rex is a black dog. Jack and Jumble are white dogs. 189
The man and the dogs play school. The man is a teacher. The dogs are his pupils. The man is at the blackboard. He asks the dogs, ’’What do pupils do when lessons begin?" Two dogs run to the desk and sit down. One dog runs up to the blackboard. The teacher says, ”Ah, you are on duty, Jumble! Clean the blackboard, please". Then the teacher asks, ’’Jack, what do pupils take with them when they go to school?” Jack takes a bag out of his desk and gives it to the man. ’’And now, Jumble, tell me, please, what mark a pupil gets when he does not know his lesson", says the man. Jumble says, ’’Wow- wow!" Then the man says to Rex, ’’And what mark does a pupil get when he knows his lesson very well?” Rex says, “Wow-wow-wow- wow-wow!” SUMMER At the end of the school year schoolchildren get tired of their lessons and of their homework. They are very glad when the school bell rings for the last time, and their holidays begin. During their summer holidays they have a long and good rest and a lot of fun. Summer is a wonderful season. The weather is usually fine in sum- mer. The sun shines brightly, the sky is blue and it is very warm. Sometimes it is hot. A warm wind blows, and white clouds slowly float in the clear air. The grass, the bushes and the trees are so green and beautiful, and the flowers are so bright. Most of the children who live in towns and cities go to the coun- try in summer. Many of them go to summer camps. They have a very good time there. They get up early in the morning, do morning exercises in the open air, dress and have their breakfast. After that they play games, go boating or fishing, bathe and swim in the warm water of the rivers, lakes and seas. In the evening they sometimes make a fire. They sing merry songs at the fire and tell one another interesting stories. Big boys and girls like to go on hikes. They put on their ruck- sacks, take their cameras and go to see high mountains, picturesque valleys and beautiful waterfalls. They take photos of the most inte- resting things. In August all the schoolchildren come back home and get ready for the next school year. They get books, notebooks, pens, pencils and other things. When the next school year begins, they study willingly again. 190
Assignment 3 DIALOGUE 1 Will Mike have breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning to-mor- row? Yes, he will. He will have breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning to-morrow. Will Mike have eggs for breakfast? Yes, he will. He will have eggs for breakfast. Will he have bread and butter for his eggs? Yes, he will. He will have bread and butter for his eggs. Will Mike have a cup of tea for his breakfast? Yes, he will. He will have a cup of tea for his breakfast. Will he have cakes for his tea? Yes, he will. He will have cakes for his tea. Will Mike have coffee for his breakfast to-morrow? No, he will not. He will have no coffee for his breakfast to-morrow. Will Mike have milk for his breakfast to-morrow? No, he will not. He will have no milk for his breakfast to-morrow. Will Mike have stewed fruit for his breakfast to-morrow? No, he will not. He will have no stewed fruit for his breakfast to-morrow. Will Mike have soup for his breakfast to-morrow? No, he will not. He will have no soup for his breakfast to-morrow. Will he have porridge for his breakfast to-morrow? No, he will not. He will have no porridge for his breakfast to-morrow. Key-words 1. At eight o’clock. 2. Eggs. 3. Bread and butter. 4. A cup of tea. 5. Cakes. 6 Coffee. 7. Milk. 8. Stewed fruit. 9. Soup. 10. Porridge. DIALOGUE 2 What will Mike put on after breakfast? He will put on his school uniform. What will he take after that? He will take his bag. Where will he go to? He will go to school. Will he go to school by tram? No, he will not. He will not go to school by tram. Will he go to school by bus? No, he will not. He will not go to school by bus. Will he go to school by trolley-bus? No, he will not. He will not go to school by trolley-bus. Will he go to school on foot? Yes, he will. He will go to school on foot. What will Mike see in the streets? He will see houses, trees and flowers. 101
Will he see cars and lorries in the streets? Yes, he will. He will see cars and lorries in the streets. What else will he see in the streets? He will see many people. Will Mike be late for school to-morrow? No, he will not. He will not be late for school to-morrow. Will he come to school in time? Yes, he will. He will come to school in time. When will the bell ring for the first lesson? It will ring at nine o’clock. What will Mike and his schoolmates do at their lessons? They will read, write, speak, do sums, solve problems, draw, paint and sing songs. Will they dance at their lessons to-morrow? No, they will not. They will not dance at their lessons to-morrow. Key-words 1 Put on 2. Take. 3. Go to. 4. By tram. 5. By bus. 6. By trolley-bus 7. On foot. 8. See. 9. Cars and lorries. 10. What else. 11. Be late. 12 In time. 13, The bell. 14, At their lessons. 15. Dance. DIALOGUE 3 What do we call a place where children usually play their games? We call it a playground. What games do children usually play on their playgrounds? They play badminton, hopscotch, hide-and-seek, football and other games. What do we call the games which children play out-of-doors? We call them outdoor games. And what do we call the games which children play in their rooms? We call them indoor games. What indoor games do they often play? They often play chess, draughts and other games. Where do boys play hockey? They play hockey on the ice of the skating-rinks. What do children like to have in winter? They like to have skis, skates and sledges. With what do little children play when they are at home or at their kindergartens? They play with their toys. Which are favourite toys of little girls? Their favourite toys are dolls and Teddy bears. And which are favourite toys of little boys? Their favourite toys are guns, cars and lorries. Key-words 1. A place. 2. What games. 3. Out-of doors. 4 In their rooms 5 Indoor games. 6. Hockey. 7. Like to have. 8. With what. 9. Of little girls. 10. Of little boys. 192
DIALOGUE 4 Does Natalka wear a jacket or an overcoat? She wears a jacket. Does she wear a dress and an apron or a blouse and a skirt? At school she wears a dress and an apron and at home she wears a blouse and a skirt. What other articles of clothing does she wear at school? She wears socks, stockings or tights. Where do we buy clothes and shoes? We buy them at shops. Can we buy a goose or a turkey at a shop? Yes, we can. We can buy a goose or a turkey at a shop. Can we buy a sheep there? No, we cannot. We cannot buy a sheep there. What does Natalka like to drink at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner and at supper? At breakfast she likes to drink tea, at lunch she likes to drink coffee with milk, at dinner she likes to drink stewed fruit and at supper she likes to drink milk. What does she like for her tea? For her tea she likes a slice of white bread and butter, a piece of a cake and sweets. And what does Natalka like for her fried potatoes? She likes cucumbers and tomatoes. Does Natalka help her mother to lay the table? Yes, she does. She usually helps her mother to lay the table. Does Natalka’s mother thank Natalka for her help? Yes, she does. She thanks her. Does Natalka help her mother to wash up the breakfast things, the dinner things or the supper things? She helps her to wash up the supper things but she does not help her to wash up the break- fast things. And who washes up the dinner things? Natalka does. Natalka washes up the dinner things herself because she is alone at home in the afternoon. Has Natalka any sisters? Yes, she has. She has two little twin- sisters. Do her twin-sisters look alike? Yes, they do. They look very much alike. How do they behave? They are often gay and happy when they play so they laugh and shout and make much noise. Do they always cry when they fall down? No, they do not. The cry not always. When do they cry and when do they not cry? They cry when they hurt themselves and they do not cry when they do not hurt themselves. Are the twins’ hands always clean? No, they are not. They are sometimes dirty. 7 2-607 193
Do Natalka’s twin-sisters go to a kindergarten? Yes, they do. They go to a kindergarten. Assignment 4 DIALOGUE 1 Was Oleg in the country last summer? Yes, he was. He was in the country last summer. Was his mother in the country, too? Yes, she was. She was in the country, too. Was Oleg’s father in the country last summer? No, he was not. He was not in the country last summer. Was Oleg’s sister in the country last summer? No, she was not. She was not in the country last summer. Was Oleg’s brother in the country last summer? No, he was not. He was not in the country, either. Was the weather fine last summer? Yes, it was. It was fine. Was it sometimes hot? Yes, it was. It was sometimes hot. Was it sometimes warm? Yes, it was. It was sometimes warm. Was it sometimes cool? Yes, it was. It was sometimes cool. Were the days long in the summer? Yes, they were. They were long. Were the nights short in the summer? Yes, they were. They were short. Were the trees green in the summer? Yes, they were. They were green. Were the flowers bright in the summer? Yes, they were. They were bright. Key-words 1. In the country. 2. Mother. 3. Father. 4. Sister. 5. Brother 6. Weather. 7. Hot. 8. Warm. 9 Cool. 10. Days. 11. Nights. 12. Trees. 13. Flowers. DIALOGUE 2 Was there a river in the country? Yes, there was. There was a river in the country. Was there a pond in the country? Yes, there was. There was a pond in the country. Was there a forest in the country? Yes, there was. There was a forest in the country. Was there a lake in the country? No, there was not. There was no lake in the country. Was there a park in the country? No, there was not. There was no park in the counrty. 194
Were there any flowers in the gardens? Yes, there were. There were many flowers in the gardens. Were there any flowers in the fields? Yes, there were. There were many flowers in the fields. Were there any flowers in the forest? No, there were not. There were no flowers in the forest. Were there any berries in the forest? Yes, there were. There were many berries in the forest. Were there any mushrooms in the forest? Yes, there were. There were many mushrooms in the forest. Were there any mushrooms in the fields? No, there were not. There were no mushrooms in the fields. Were there any mushrooms in the gardens? No, there were not. There were no mushrooms in the gardens. Key-words 1. A river. 2. A pond. 3. A forest. 4. A lake. 5. A park. 6. Any gardens. 7. Any flowers. 8. In the fields. 9 In the forest. 10. Berries. 11. Mushrooms. 12. In the fields. 13. In the gardens. DIALOGUE 3 Taras, from what city did you come to Lviv? I came to Lviv from Uzhgorod. Is Uzhgorod a beautiful city? Yes, it is. It is rather beautiful. How long did your parents live in Uzhgorod? They lived there for twelve years. Did you live in a little cottage there? No, we did not. We lived in a middle-sized house which had two storeys. Was there a garden near your house? Yes, there was. There was a garden there. Were there any fruit-trees in the garden? Yes, there were. There were some fruit-trees in the garden. There were apph-trees, pear- trees, plum-trees and cherry-trees there. Who was your best friend when you lived in Uzhgorod? When I lived in Uzhgorod, my best friend was Mikola Chernenko. He lived in our house above our flat and was my classmate. Can you tell us about Mikola? Yes, I can. I can tell you about him. Mikola Chernenko is a tall boy with black hair, brown eyes and pink cheeks. He has a middle-sized nose and a middle-sized mouth. He is a little bigger and taller than I. Was he the tallest and the biggest boy in your class? No, he was not. There were some boys in our class who were bigger and taller than Mikola. Was Mikola thin or stout? He was a little stout. 7* 195
Was he a diligent pupil? Yes, he was. Besides our school he studied at a music school. What musical instrument did he play? He played the piano. Did Mikola love music? Oh, yes, he loved it very much. What music did he love? He loved merry music. How did he play the piano? I think that he played it wonder- fully. With whom did Mikola live? He lived with his parents, his elder sister Nina and his younger brother Ruslanchik who did not go to school yet. What were Mikola’s parents? His father was the captain of a ship, and his mother was an office worker. What did you like to do together with Mikola during your winter holidays? We liked to go to the cinema, to the theatre or to a con- cert. Besides that we liked to skate and to ski together. Will you go to see Mikola during the next summer holidays? Yes, I shall. I shall go to see Mikola and my granny, my uncle and my aunt who still live in Uzhgorod. What will you do together with Mikola when you come to see him? We shall have a lot of fun. There are beautiful Carpathian Mountains near Uzhgorod, so we shall go on hikes and climb some of the mountains. We shall take a camera with us and take photos of the most picturesque sights. We shall make a camp on the bank of some river or a stream. We shall put up a tent, make a fire, cook porridge in a pot and make tea in another pot We shall go bathing in the river Uzh. After bathing we shall lie on the bank, read an interesting book, play chess, draw or paint. Will you also go boating? No, we shall not. We shall not go boating because the river Uzh is not deep enough for boating. It is too shallow. IN THE MORNING It is half past seven in the morning. Yurko is still asleep in his bed. His mother is already up. She is making a nice breakfast in the kitchen. By and by she comes into Yurko’s room and says “Wake up, Yurko. It is time for you to get up. You must not be late for school”. “All right, A'lummy!” answers Yurko. The mother goes away. But Yurko cannot wake up. He is very sleepy. He wants to lie in bed a little longer but soon he falls asleep. By and by Yurko hears his mother’s voice again. His mother is angry with him. “Get up, you lazy boy!” she says. “It is already a quarter to eight!” 196
Yurko wakes up. He is still very sleepy but he jumps out of bed and goes up to the window. He opens the window to let some fresh air into the room. Then Yurko looks through the window. The mor- ning is still and sunny. There is a large yard near Yurko’s house. Everything looks nice and fresh in the morning sun. An old man is taking a walk in the yard. He has a stick in his hand. A little dog is running behind him. Suddenly the dog sees a cat. It runs after the cat. The cat is afraid of the dog so it runs away. It runs up to a tree and quickly gets into it. Then it sits on one of its branches and looks down at the dog. The dog barks * angrily at the cat but in cannot get it in the tree. “Come here, you silly dog!” says the old man. The dog barks at the cat once more and then runs after the old man. The cat comes down from the tree and runs into a house. Yurko looks up. The sky is blue and clear. There is not a cloud in it. Yurko shuts the window and goes to wash and to have his breakfast. Soon he is ready to go to school. THE LITTLE KITTEN One day a little kitten says to its mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my four little paws! One, two, three, four! What can I do with my four little paws?” And Mother Cat says: “Oh, you little kitten, you can run with your paws”. The little kitten says: “Yes, yes, I can run with my paws!” So it runs, and runs, and runs. The next day the little kitten says to its mother: “Oh, Mother, look at my two little eyes! One, two! What can I do with my two little eyes!” And Mother Cat says: “Oh, you little kitten, you can see with your eyes”. And the little kitten says: “Yes, yes, I can see with my eyes! I see you, Mother, I see little chicks, I see a big dog”. The next day the little kitten says to its mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my two little ears! One, two! What can I do with my two lit- tle ears?” And Mother Cat says: “Oh, you little kitten, you can hear with your ears!” And the little kitten says: “Yes, yes, I can hear with my ears! 1 hear you, Mother, I hear little chicks, I hear a big dog”. * Barks — гавкае. 197
The next day the little kitten says to its mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my little mouth! What can 1 do with my little mouth?” And Mother Cat says: “Oh, you little kitten, you can eat a mouse with your little mouth”. And the little kitten says, “Yes, yes, I can eat a mouse with my little mouth!” Assignment 5 DIALOGUE 1 When are the nights the shortest? They are the shortest in June. When are the nights the longest? They are the longest in De- cember. When are the days as long as nights? They are as long as nights in March and in September. When is the sun higher in the sky and the sunshine brighter than in autumn? The sun is higher in the sky and the sunshine is brighter in summer. When do the leaves appear on the trees? In our part of the coun- try they appear at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of April. Is May warmer or colder than April? It is warmer. Which season of the year is the warmest? Summer is. Summer is the warmest. And which season is the coldest? Winter is. Winter is the coldest. Is the weather always fine in late autumn? No, it is not. It is not always fine. Sometimes it is rainy and windy. Does it sometimes rain for several days? Yes, it does. Sometimes it rains for several days. Key-words 1 The shortest. 2. The longest. 3. As long as 4 Higher ... brighter. 5. Leaves. 6. Warmer or colder. 7. The warmest. 8. The coldest. 9. In late autumn. 10. Rain. DIALOGUE 2 Does Lesya live in England? No, she does not. She does not live in England. Where does she live? She lives in the Ukraine. Does she live in Poltava or in Uzhgorod? She lives neither in Poltava nor in Uzhgorod. In what city does she live? She lives in Kiev. Is Kiev the capital of the Ukraine? Yes, it is. It is the capital of the Ukraine. 198
Does Kiev belong to the oldest Ukrainian cities? Yes, it does. It belongs to the oldest Ukrainian cities. Is Kiev younger or older than Moscow? It is much older than Moscow. Is it true that Lesya lives in a wooden house? No, it is not true. She does not live in a wooden house. In what house does she live? She lives in a brick house. Is her house high or low? It is high. What are Lesya’s grandparents? They are pensioners. What are her parents? They are workers. And what is Lesya? She is a schoolgirl. What form is she in? She is in the third form. Key-words 1. In England. 2. Where. 3. Poltava ... Uzhgorod. 4. City. 5. Capital. 6. Belong 7. Younger or older. 8 Wooden house. 9. In what house. 10. High or low. 11. Grand- parents. 12. Parents. 13. Lesya. 14. Form. DIALOGUE 3 When did Lesya go to bed the day before yesterday? She went to bed at a quarter to ten in the evening. When did she fall asleep? She fell asleep at about ten o’clock. Was she still asleep at seven o’clock yesterday? Yes, she was. She was still asleep at that time. When did Lesya get up yesterday? She got up at a quarter past seven. Could she sleep till eight o’clock? No, she could not. She could not sleep till eight o’clock. Who was up yet when Lesya got up: her father or her mother? Both of them were already up. Do Lesya’s parents live at peace? Yes, they do. They live at peace. They never speak angrily to each other. Did Lesya go up to the window after she got up? Yes, she did. She went up to the window. What did she do when she came up to the window? She opened it. What did she open it for? She opened it to air the room. What was the weather like at that time? It was cool. Did Lesya forget to do her morning exercises? No, she did not. She did not forget to do them. Where did she do the exercises? She did them in the middle of her sitting-room. Did Lesya get a little tired of an exercise when she did it for a long time? Yes, sh< did. She got a little tired. 199
Did she stop doing it and rest? Yes, she did. She stopped doing it and rested a little. And what did she do then? She continued to do her morning exercises. How long did it take Lesya to do her morning exercises? It took her about ten minutes. What did Lesya say when she saw her mother? She said “Good morning” to her. Did Lesya’s mother wish Lesya a good day? Yes, she did. She wished her a good day. Did she wish her a good success at school? Yes, she did. She wished her a good success at school. How many eggs did Lesya eat up at breakfast? She ate up two eggs. How many cups of tea did she drink up? She drank up only one cup of tea. Was the tea too cold or too hot? It was neither too cold nor too hot. It was just right. What did Lesya’s father give Lesya after breakfast? He gave her some money. Where did Lesya go after she went out of her house? She went to the nearest tram stop. How long did she wait for her tram? She waited for it for about three minutes. What did the people do when the tram rode up to the stop and opened its doors? Some people got off the tram and the other people got on it. Did Lesya get on the tram, too? Yes, she did. She got on the tram, too. Were there any empty seats in the tram? No, there were not. There were no empty seats in it. Did Lesya sit or stand in the tram? She stood. Where did Lesya get off the tram? She got off it on the corner of a street not far from her school. Was Lesya attentive at the lessons? Yes, she was. She was at- tentive. How did she listen to the teachers when they explained some new study material? She listened to them with interest. Did Lesya do sums? No, she did not. She did not do sums. Did she solve problems? Yes, she did. She solved problems. Did she think hard when she solved them? Yes, she did. She thought hard. Did she speak Ukrainian, Russian and English? She spoke Ukrai- nian and English but she did not speak Russian. What marks did Lesya get yesterday? She got a four and a five. 200
What did Lesya do with her money at school? She bought a cake and two apples during the long break. What did Lesya do when she finished her homework? She wrote a letter to her pen-friend. Did she watch television in the evening? Yes, she did. She wa- tched television in the evening. What film did she see on television? She saw a very funny car- toon film.
VOCABULARY about [a'baut] 1 про; 2. приблиз- но; 3. no to run about the yard — б!гати по подв!р’ю above [э'Ьлу] над absent f'aebsant] вщсутшй acrobat ['aekrabaet] акробат afraid (a'freid] переляканий; is afraid — бо‘1ться, злякався after ['a:fta] 1. теля; 2. теля того як; after that — теля цього afternoon f'a:fta'nu n] друга поло- вина дня, час в!д полудня до вечора again [a'gein] знову against [a'geinst] проти, напроти ago [a'gou] тому назад; three months ago — три Micnui то- му agree [a'gri:] погоджуватись air [еэ] 1. пов!тря; 2. пров!трю- вати alarm-clock [a'la.mklok] будильник alike fa'laik] под1бпо, так само; to be alike — бути схожим alive [a'laivj живий all J'ol ] весь, Bci; all of them — Bci вони; at all — зовам all right [rait] добре, гаразд alone [a'loun] сам, один along (a'lot)] вздовж, по already foJ'redi] вже also f'odsou] також always ['o.lwaz] завжди among (э'тлг)] серед, м!ж A angrily ['aeqgrili] сердито angry ['aeggri] сердитий animal f'aenimal] тварина another [э'плйэ] шший, ще один answer ['a:nsa] 1. вщловщь; 2. вщповгдати answer questions f'kwestfanz] В1Д- пов1дати на питания any more ['eni 'тэ:] б1льше anybody ['eni'bodi] хтось anything ['aeniOir)] щось appear [a'pia] з’являтися apple f'aepl] яблуко (шпд) apple-tree ['aepltri:] яблуня (де- рево) April ['eiprilj кв!тень apron ['eipran] фартух articles of food f'crtiklz av 'fudj види 1Ж1 as faez] як; to work as a tea- cher — працювати вчителем as ... as ['aez 'aez] такий як ask [ask] 1. питати; 2. просити ask questions f'kwestfanz] ставите питания asleep fa'skp] —сплячий, be asleep — спати; fall asleep (fell asleep) — заснути, засинати attention [a'tenjan] увага attentive [a'tentiv] уважний August f'o.gast] серпень aunt [a.nt] тггка autum ['otam] ociHb average |'aevarid3] середнш baby [beibi] дитина, номовля. ма- леча back [Ьак] назад; at the back — за, позаду В bad, badly [baed, 'baedli:] поганий, погано; to be bad at (some- thing) — погано (щось) po- бити 202
badminton ['basdmintan] бадмш- тон bag [baeg] портфель, сумка ball [Ьэ:1] м’яч bank ['baspk] берег basket ['brnskit] кошик bath [ba:0] ванна; take a bath — приймати ванну bathe [bei6] купатися go bathing ['bei5ig] ходити купа- тися bathroom ['ba:0rum] ванна к!мната be [bi:] бути bear [bca] ведм!дь beautiful [zbju:taful] красивий; less beautiful — менш красивий; mo- re beautiful — красивший; most beautiful — найкрасивпдий because [bi'kcrz] тому що become (became) [ЬГклт, bi'keim] 1. ставати; 2. статися bed [bed] л!жко; go to bed — йти до л!жка, лягати спати; make a bed — застеляти л1жко bedroom ['bedrum] спальня before [bi'fa:] 1. до, перед; 2. пе- ред ТИМ як begin (began) [bi'gin, bi'gaen] по- чинати, починатися beginning [bi'ginirj] початок behave [bi'heiv] поводитися, пово- дите себе behind [bi'haind] за, позаду bell (be)] дзвшок belong [bi'lor)] належати bench [bentf] лавка berry ['beri] ягода besides [bi'saidz] KpiM; besides that — KpiM того best [best] найкращий; best of all — б!льше всього, над усе better ['beta] кращий, краще; be better — краще себе почувати bicycle ['baisikl] велосипед big [big] великий bigger ['bigs] бьлыиий biggest ['bigist] найбьпьший bird f'ba:d] птах birthday ['be:0dei] день народ- ження black ['black] чорний; Black Sea — Чорне море blackboard ['blaekbxd] класна дошка blouse [blauz] блузка blow [blou] дути blue [blu:] сишй boat [bout] човен boating ['boutip] катания на чов- Hi; go boating — кататися на 4OBHi body f'badi] two boiled [baild] варений book [buk] книжка bookcase f'bukkeis] книжкова ша- фа book-keeper ['buk'kr.po] бухгалтер bookshelf ['bukjelf] книжкова no- лиця both [bou6] обидва; both ... and — i ... i bottom ['batom] дно boy [boij хлопець branch [brazntf] плка bread [bred] хл!б break [breik] перерва breakfast ['brekfast] сшдаиок; at breakfast — за сшданком; breakfast things — посуд для снщанку; have breakfast — cHi- дати brick [brik] цеглина, цегла bright [brait] яскравий brighter [braita] яскравший brightly ['braitli] яскраво bring (brought) [brig, brat] при- нести broom [brum] вжик, Miwia brother ['Ьглбэ] брат brown [braun] коричневий brush [brAj] 1. ицтка; 2. пензлик build (built) [bild, bilt] будувати bunch [bnntf] букет bus [Ьлэ] автобус bush [buj] кущ busy ['bizi] зайнятий but [bAt] 1. але; 2. KpiM butter ['bAta] масло buy (bought) [bai, ba:t] купувати by [bai] 1. to go by tram — 1хати трамваем; 2. за; to take by the hand — брати за руку; 3. the picture was drawn by the boy — картина була намальована хлопцем; by whom — ким; By whom was the picture drawn? — ким була намальова- иа картина? 4. by and by — незабаром’ 203
с cake [keik| пстечко call [koi] називати; be called — називатися calm [kci:m] тихий, споктний camera ['kasmara] фотоапарат camp [kasmp] Ta6ip; make a camp — стати табором can [kaen] можу cannot ['kaen at] не можу cap [каер] кепка, шапочка capital ['kaepitl] столиця captain ['kaeptin] каштан car [km] легкова автомашина card [kci:d] картка carnation [ka'neijan] гвоздика Carpathian [kci:'pei0jan] карпат- ський Carpathians [kar'peiGjanz] Карпати carpet ['ka:pit] килим carry ['kaeri] нести, везти cat [kaet] гат, кийка catch (caught) [kaetf, ka:t] ловити, шймати chair [tfea] сплець cheek [tji:k] щока cheese [tfi:z] сир cherry ['tjerij вишня (пл!д) cherry-tree J'tferitri:] вишня (де- рево) chess [tfes] шахи chick(en) [tfik, 'tfikin] курча children f'tfildran] д!ти cinema ['sinama] kiho, кшотеатр circus ['sarkas] цирк city psiti] Micro (велике) class [klcirs] клас classmate ['klcr.smeit] однокласник classroom ['kla:srum] класна KiM- ната clean fkli:n] 1. чистий; 2. приби- рати clear [klia] чистий, прозорий clever f'kleva] розумний climb [klaim] вил1’зти, вилазити cloak-room f'kloukrum] гардероб clock [klak] годинник; at (seven) o’clock — о (cbOMifl) годин! clothes [kloudz] одяг; articles of clothing ['klouSig] предмета одягу cloud [klaud] хмара clown [klaun] клоун coat [kout] шджак cock [kak] твень coffee ['kafi] кава cold [kould] холодний, холодно colder f'koulda] холодшше coldest ['kouldist] найхолодш- ший, найхолоднппе collective farm [ka'lektiv 'fci:m] колгосп collective farmer [ka'lektiv 'fcr.ma] колгоспник colour ['кл1э] кол1р comb [koum] 1. гребшець; 2. зачь сувати come (came) [клт, keim] прихо- дити, приТжджати; came down — з1йшов униз; come back — повернутися; came back — повернувся; come he- re йти сюди; come in — захо- дите, зайти; came in — зайшов; come to see — вщвщувати; ca- me to see — вдадав; come up — тдходити, шдшти; came up — пщйшов, шд’Тхав concert ['kansat] концерт consist [kan'sist] складатися continue [kan'tinju] продовжувати cook fkuk] варити; do the cook- ing — готу вата !жу cool [ku:I] прохолодний copeck ['koupak] котйка corner ['ka:na] 1. куток; 2. pir (будинку, вулищ) correct [ka'rekt] правильний correspond [„karis'pand] листува- тися corridor f'karida:] коридор cottage f'katidj] особняк, хата; cottage cheese — домашиш сир could [kud] Mir count [kaunt] рахувати country ['kAntri] 1. краГна; 2. сьль- ська мюцевкть of course [av 'ka:s] звичайно cousin [клгп] кузен, кузина cover f'kAva] покривати be covered ['kAvad] бути покри- тим cow [kau] корова cream [kri:m] вершки; sour cream — сметана crooked ['krukid] кривий cross, crossig [kras, 'krasig] пе- реходите, переход crow [krou] ворона cry [krai] плаката cucumber ['kjuikamba] oripoK 204
cup [клр] чашка cupboard ['kAbad] буфет (кухон- ний) cut [kAt] р!зати, рубати cutlet ['kAtlit] котлета D daddy ['daedi] тато dance [dams] 1. танок; 2. танцю- вати dark [da:k] темний, темно daugther ['da:ta] донька day [dei] день; the day before yesterday — позавчера dead [ded] 1. мертвий; 2. сухий (про листя) December [di'semba] грудень deep [di:p] глибокий department store [di'pa:tmant 'sta:] ушвермаг desk [desk] парта die [dai] померти different ['difarant] р!зний difficult f'difikalt] важкий, тяж- кий diligent ['dilid^ant] старанний dining-room ['dainiprum] Тдальня dinner ['dina] об!д; at dinner — за общом; dinner things — по- суд для общу; have dinner — общати director [di'rekta] директор dirty ['da:ti] брудний dishes ['dijiz] посуд Dnieper ['dni:pa] Дшпро do (did) [du:, did] робити be done [dAn] бути зробленим doctor ['dakta] л (кар dog [dag] собака dog-house f'daghaus] собача буд- ка doll [dal] лялька domestic [da'mestik] домапппй donkey ['darjki] осел door [da:] двер! down [daun] униз draughts ['dra:fts] шашки draw [dm:] малювати dress [dres] 1. плаття, сукня; 2. одягатися drink [drirjk] випити пити; drink up — drank [dragk] випив пив; drank up — driver ['draiva] шофер duck [dAk] качка during ['djuarir)] шд час dust [dAst] 1. пил; 2. витирати пил duster ['dASta] ганч!рка duty ['dju:ti] чергуваиня; be on duty — чергувати, бути черго- вим; pupil on duty — черговий (учень) ate [et] — ib, ate up — з’Тв, noiB each [iztf] кожний; each of them — кожей з них; each other — один одного, один одному ear [ia] вухо early ['a:li] 1. рано; 2. раншй easy ['i:zi] легкий, легко eat [i:t] !сти; eat up — з’Гсти, no- 1СТИ egg [eg] яйце eight [eit] BiciM eighteen ['ei'tim] вклмнадцять eighty ['eiti] вк!мдесят either ['aiSa] також; either ... or — або ... або E elder ['elda] старший elephant ['elifant] слои eleven [i'levn] одинадцять else [els] ще empty ['emti] порожнш; empty seat — незайняте мкце end [end] кшець engineer [yend3i'nia] шженер England ['ipgland] Англ1я English ['igglif] 1. англгёська мо- ва; 2. англшський; in En- glish — по-англшськи enjoy [in'djai] одержувати задо- волення enough [i'nAf] досить 205
even ['i van] навггь evening ['fcvnin] веч1р ever ['eva] будь-коли every f'evri] кожний; every day — кожний день everybody ['evribadi] кожний; everybody was present — кож- ний був присутшй everything ['evriOirj] усе everywhere f'evriwea] скр!зь excellent ['eksalant] вщмшний; excellent pupil — в1дмшник, вщмжниця exercise ['eksasaiz] вправа explain [iks'plein] пояснювати eye [ai] око face [feis] обличчя factory ['faektari] фабрика fall [fail] падати fall down J'fa.l 'daun] власти, па- дати fall asleep ['fa:l a'sli:p] засинати fall ill f'fail 'll] saxBopira family ['faemili] с!м’я, родина far (away) ['fa:r a'wei] далеко (на великш вщсташ) farmer ['fa:ma] фермер fast ffc.st] швидко father ['fci:5a] батько February ['februari] лютий few [fju.] мало; a few — деюлька field [fild] поле fifteen f'fif'tfcn] п’ятнадцять fifth ['fifO] п’ятий fifty ['fifti] п’ятдесят fight (fait] битися, боротися fine (fain] гарпий, хороший finger ['fiijga| палець finish ['finif] закшчувати fire [faia] вогонь, вогнище; ma- ke a fire — розпалювати вог- нище first [fast] перший; at first — спочатку; first of all — перш за все fish [fif] 1. риба; 2 ловити рибу; fishing ['fijirj] ловля риби; fishing-rod f'fifirjrad] вудка five [faiv] п’ять; a five — п’япрка flat [flaet] квартира float [flout] плисти floor [fla:] 1. шдлога; 2. поверх floor-polisher ['fla: 'polija] натирач П1ДЛОГИ flower [flaua] кнггка flowerbed f'flauabed] клумба flowerstand ['flaua'staend] тдстав- ка для вазошв fly (away) ['flai a'wei] л!тати (вцуптати) fly back ['flai 'baek] прилети (назад) following ['falawitj] наступннй food [fud] 1жа foot [fut] нога; on foot — тшки football ['futba:l] футбол for [fa:] 1. протягом; 2. для; 3. на, до; 4. за forest f'farist] лк forget (forgot) [fa'get, fa'gat] за- бувати fork [fa:k] виделка form [fa:m] клас forty ['fa:ti[ сорок four [fa:] чотири; a four — четв!р- ка fourteen ['fa:'trn[ чотирнадцять fourth [fa:0] четвертей fox [faks] лисиця fresh [fref] св!жий Friday ['fraidi] п’ятниця fried [fraid] смажений friend [frend] друг, товарищ in front of [frftnt] напроти fruit [fru:t] фрукта fruit-tree ['fnrttri] фруктове дере- во full [ful] повний fun [fAn] розваги funny ['fftni] кумедний 206
G game [geim] rpa; indoor game — KiMHaTHa rpa; outdoor game — rpa на вщкритому noBirpi garden ['ga:dn] сад gas-stove ['gaesstouv] газова плит- ка gather ['gaeSa] збирати gay [gei] веселий geese [gi:z] гуси get (got) (get, gat] 1. одержати; 2. дкггатися; 3. вилгзти, за- Л13ТИ get hungry ['get 'hArjgri] зголод- гпти get ready ['get 'redi] готуватися get tired ['get 'taiad] стомитися get well ['get 'wel] одужати get back ['get 'bask] повернутися, дштатися get off ['get 'of] вийти (i3 автобуса) get on ['get 'an] зайти (в авто- бус) girl [ga:l] д!вчина give (gave) [giv, geiv] давати glad [glad] радий glade [gleid] галявина go (went) [gou, went] йти, Тхати; be going to — збиратися (щось робити); go away — шти; go back — повернутися (назад); go bathing—ходити купатнся; go boating — кататися на човш; do down — сходити, спускати- ся вниз; go fishing — ловити рибу; go to see — в!дв!дувати; go shopping — ходити за по- купками; go up — шдходити, шдшти; go for a walk — ходи- ти на прогулянку; go out — виходити, вийти; go to bed — йти до Л1‘жка, лягати спати; be going to — збиратись good [gud] добрий, хороший; be good at something — добре щось робити; good afternoon — добрий день good-bye [gud'bai] до побачення; good evening — добрий Benip, good morning — добрий ранок goose [gus] гуска grandfather ['granfada] дддусь grandmother, granny ['graenmABa, 'grani] бабуся grandparents ['graenpcarants] дь дусь та бабуся grass (gras] трава great [greit] великий greater part ['greita 'pent] 61'льша частина green [grim] зелений grey [grei] cipuft ground [graund] земля grow [grou] 1. рости; 2. виро- щувати gun [gAn] рушниця н had [haed] мав hair [hca] волосся half [ha:f] половина: half past (three)—niB на (четверту) hand [hand] рука hang [haerj] виати happiness ['haepinis] щастя happy f'hapi] щасливий hard [ha:d] тяжко, наполегливо hare [hca] заець hat [hat] капелюх have [hav] мати he [hi:] Bin head [hed] голова health [helO] здоров’я hear [his] чутн help [help] 1. допомога; 2. допо- магати hen [hen] курка her [ha:] и, 1й herself [ha'self] сама hide and-seek f'haidand'srk] xo- ванки high [hai] високий higher f'haia] вищий highest ['haiast] найвищий high up ['hai 'лр] високо hike [haik] похщ; go on a hike — ходити в noxifl him [him] його, йому 207
himself [him'self] 1. сам; 2. себе hockey f'haki] хокей holiday ['haladi] свято holidays ['haladiz] кажкули home [houm] додому; at home — вдома homework f'houmwa:k] уроки, до- машне завдання hopscotch ['hapskaij"] дитяча гра «класи» horse [ha:s] кшь hospital ['haspitl] лшарня hot [hat] гарячий, гаряче hour [аиэ] година house [haus] будинок housewife f'hauswaif] домашня господарка housework [hauswaik] домашня робота how [hau] як; how many — силь- ки; how often — як часто; how long — як довго; how much — сшльки; how old — сюльки (тоб!) роюв? hundred ['hAndrid] сто hungry ['hArjgri] голодний; get hungry — зголод|йти ice [ais] лщ ice-cream ['ais'krirm] морозиво be idle [aidl] байдикувати if [if] 1. якщо; 2. чи ill [il] хворий; fall ill — захво- рай inattentive [Jna'tentiv] неуважний indoor game ['inda:J шмнатна гра instrument ['instrumant] шстру- мент interest ['intrist] iHTepec interesting ['intristir)] щкавий; more interesting — цшавший; most interesting — найщкавь ший into ('inta] в its [its] його, ii jacket ['(feaekit] куртка jam [dsaem] варения January ['(feaenjuari] с!чень July [dsu'lai] липень jump [d3Amp] стрибати jump out ['dsAmp'aut] вискакува- ти June [бзи:п] червень just [d3Ast] лише, просто just right ['d3Ast 'rait] якраз доб- рий 208
к keep [kip] тримати kind jkaind] вид kindergarten ['kinds,ga:tn] чий садок kiosk [ki'ssk] kiock kiosk minder [kibsk'mainds] кер дитя- Kioc- kitchen ['kitfin] kitten [kitn] knife [naif] knock [nsk] know [nou] кухня кошен я н!ж стукати знати lake [leik] озеро lamp [lasmp] лампа land [lasnd] земля language ['laerjgwids] мова large [Irnds] великий larger ['lerdss] бкпьший largest ['Imdjist] найбьпьший last [la:st] 1. минулий, останшй; 2. тривати late [leit] тзшй, тзно later ['leits] ni3Hime be late for [leit] зашзнюватися laugh [Ici.f] сллятися lay the table [lei] накривати на СТ1Л lazy ['leizi] лшивий learn [b:n] 1. вчити; 2. вчитися leave [liv] залишати leaves [livz] листя left [left] л!вий less [les] менше lesson ['lesn] урок let in ['let 'in] впустити letter ['lets] лист lie [lai] лежати; is lying — ле- жить; lie down — лягати life [laif] життя light [lait] св!тлий like [laik] 1. любити, подобатись; 2. як lion [laisn] лев L lip [lip] губа listen ['lisn] 1. слухати; 2. слу- хатися little [litl] 1. малий; 2. мало; a little — трохи live [liv] жити; live at peace — жити в мир! living-room ['livirjrum] загальна юмната; впальня London ['lAndsn] Лондон long [brj] довгий longer ['brjgs] 1. довший; 2. дов- ше longest ['brjgist] найдовший look [luk] мати вигляд, вигляда- ти; what does (it) look like? — як (воно) виглядае? look at [luk] дивитись на look down ['luk 'daun] дивитись униз look up ['luk 'up] дивитися вгору look after ['luk 'a:fts] доглядати lorry ['bri] вантажиа автомаши- на a lot of [bt] багато love [Iav] ллбити low [lou] иизький lunch [lAntf] другий сшданок; at lunch — за сшданком; to have lunch — сшдати другий раз м magazine [,maegs'zi:n] журнал make (made) [meik, maid] роби- ти; make a camp — стати табо- ром; make up — складати, утворювати; make a bed — за- стеляти л!жко; make a fire — розпалювати вогнище; make noise—галасувати, здшмати шум man [гпагп] мужчина many ['meni] багато; how ma- ny — сюльки 209
March [ma:tf] березень mark [ma:k] оцшка married ['maerid] одружений mat [maet] маленький килимок material [ma'tiarial] матер!ал; stu- dy material — навчальннй мате- р!ал May [mei] траьень may [mei] можу me [mi:] мене, меш meal [mi:l] прийом Тж! (снщанок, общ, вечеря) meat [mrt] м’ясо meet [mi:t] зустр!чати meeting ['miitig] мггинг, збори melt (away) ['melt a'wei] танути, розтанути men [men] мужчини merry ['meii] веселий mice [mais] мини middle [midi] середина middle-sized ['midl'saizd] серед- нього posMipy milk [milk] молоко minus ['mainas] мшус minute ['minit] хвилина mirror ['mira] mitten ['mitn] Monday ['mftndi] money ['mftni] monitor ['manita] monkey ['mArjki] month [тлп0] дзеркало рукавичка понедток rpomi староста мавпа мюяць more [та:] бглыпе morning ['mamirj] ранок Moscow ['maskou] Москва most [moust] бмышсть; most of all — биьше всього, над усе mostly f'moustli] переважно mother ['тлбэ] мати mountain ['mauntin] гора mouse [maus] миша mouth [mau0] рот much [mAtf] багато mummy ['тлил] мама, мамуся mushroom ['тл/rum] гриб music ['mju:zik] музика musical ['mju:zikal] музичний must [mAst] мусиш, мушу my [mai] мт myself [mai'self] 1. сам; 2. себе name [neim] 1. ш’я; 2. назива- ти narrow ['naerou] вузький naughty ['na:ti] неслухняний, пус- тотливий near [nia] 1. б!ля; 2. близько nearest ['niarist] найближчай nearby f'niabai] поблизу neck [nek] шия need [m:d] потребувати ne.ther ... nor ['naida ... 'no:] ... Hi .. Hi never ['neva] школи new [nju ] новий newspaper ['nju:s,peipa] газета next [nekst] наступний nice [nais] хороший, гарний N night [nait] шч; at night — вноч! nine [nain] дев’ять nineteen f'nain'tim] дев’ятнадцять ninety ['nainti] дев’яносто no [nou] Hi nobody ['noubadi] hIxto noise [naiz] шум, галас, make noise — здшмати шум, галас, галасувати nose [nouz] Hie not [not] не notebook ['noutbuk] зошит nothing ['nA0irj] шщо November [nou'vemba] листопад now [паи] тепер, зараз number ['плтЬэ] номер nurse [na:s] медсестра О October [ak'touba] жовтень office ['afis] установа; office wor- ker — службовепь, прац1вник установи often [afn] часто old [ould] старий older f'oulda] старший oldest ['ouldisi] найстарший 210
on [on] 1. на; 2. on Sunday — у нед!лю once [wAns] один раз one [wau] один; a one — одиниця; one of — один i3 one another ['wah э'пдбэ] один одного, один одному only ['ounli] лише open ['оирэп] 1. в!дкритий; 2. в!д- кривати, В1'дкриватися ог [э:] або other ['лбэ] 1’нший our [аиэ] наш ourselves [,aua'selvz] себе, сам! outdoor games f'autdo:] !гри на вщкритому пов!тр! out-of-doors f'autev'doiz] надвор! over [ouva] над; be over — закш- чуватися overcoat f'ouvakout] пальто P parents ['pearants] батьки park [pcuk] парк parrot f'paerat] nanyra part [pci.t] частика; greater part — б!лыиа частика party ['patij прийом гостей, свят кування past [past] теля; a quarter past (three) — чверть на (четверту) pay (paid) [pei, peid] платити peace [pi:s] мир; live at peace — жити в Mitpi peacock f'piikok] павич pear [реэ] груша (плщ) pear tree ['peatri:] груша (дерево) pen [pen] ручка pencil [pensl] ол!вець pencil-box ['pensl,boks] pen-friend f'penfrend] листуванню pensioner ['penjane] people [pi:pl] люди pet-name ['pet 'neim] photo ['foutou] фотограф!я; take photos — фотографувати piano ['pjaenou] nianiHO pick f'pik] рвати picture ['piktfa] картина, малюнок picturesque [ypiktje'resk] мальовни- чий piece [pi:s] pilot ['pailat] pink [piQk] пенал товариш по nencionep ласкаве !м’я шматок шлот рожевий place [pleis] м!сце plane [plein] л!так plant [plant] 1. завод; 2. садити plate [pleit] тар!лка play [plei] грати, гратися playground ['pleigraund] майдан чик для irop pleasant ['pleznt] приемний please [pli:z] будь-ласка plum [р1лт] слива (пл!д) plum-tree ['plAmtri:] слива (дере во) plus [plAs] плюс be polished f'polijt] бути начище ним pond [pond] ставок porridge ['poridg] каша portrait ['po:trit| портрет post-card ['poustkad] лиспвка (поштова) pot [pot] казанок, горщик potato [pe'teitou] картопля present f'preznt] подарунок; be present—бути присутшм pretty ['priti] гарний, красивий problem ['problem] задача promise ['promis] общяти pupil ['pju:pl] учень; pupil on du- ty—черговий учень puppy ['pApi] щеня put [put] класти, ставити put on ['put 'on] одягати; put up a tent — ставити намет quarter ('kwo:te] чверть; quarter past — чверть на; quarter to — без чверт! question ['kwestfan] питания; ask questions — ставити питания; Q answer questions — вщповьдати на питания quickly ('kwikli] швидко quite [kwait] зовс!м, щлком 211
R rabbit ['reebit] кркпь rain [rein] дощ; it rains — йде дощ rainy ['reini] дощовий rather ['rci:Sa] досить read [ri:d] читати ready ['redi] готовий; get ready — готуватися receive [ri'sfcv] одержувати red [red] червоний refrigerator [ri'fridsareita] холо- дильник relative ['relativ] родич reluctently [ri'lAktantli] неохоче remember [ri'memba] пам’ятати rest [rest] 1. вщпочинок; 2. в!дпо- чивати return [ri'ta.n] повернутися rich [ritj] багатий ride ride right [raid] 1хати up (rode up) ['raid 'лр, 'roud 'лр] [rait] но; just right — якраз добрий (rang) ['riva [roud [rum шд’гхати 1 правий; 2. правиль- be right — мати ращю; ring river road room rose [rouz] rouble [ru:bl] rucksack ['ruksaekj run [глп] [rig, ггед] дзвонити р1чка дорога юмната троянда карбованець рюкзак б1гти; run away — пка- ти; run out — вибшти, виб1‘гати; run up — шдбшти Russian ['гл]п] 1. росшська мова; 2. росшський S sad [saed] сумний same [seim] той самий Saturday ['saetadi] субота saucer ['so:sa] блюдце sausage ['so:sid3] ковбаса say (said) [sei, sed] казати school [sku.l] школа schoolbag ['skuilbaeg] шк!льна сумка, портфель schoolboy ['sku:lboi] школяр schoolchildren ['sku.ltjildran] шко- ляр! schoolgirl ['sku:lga:l] школярка schoolhouse ['sku:lhaus] школа (будннок) schoolmate ['skurlmeit] шюльний товарищ sea [si:] море season ['si:zn] пора року seat [si:t] Micue; empty seat — незайняте Micue; give a seat — поступатися М1сцем; take a se- at — cicTH, зайняти Micue second J'sekand] 1. секунда; 2. другий see (saw) [si:, so:] бачнти seldom ['seldam] рщко sell [sei] продавати September [sap'temba] вересень seven ['sevn] ciM seventeen ['sevn'tkn] шмнадцять seventy ['sevnti] Нмдесят several ['sevral] деюлька shall [Jael] допом!жне д!еслово, утворюе майбутшй час shallow ['Jselou] мелкий she [Ji:] вона sheep [Ji:p] 1. в!вця; 2. BiBui shelf [Jelf] полиця shine [Jain] св!тнти, сяяти ship [Jip] корабель, пароплав shirt [Jal] сорочка shoe [Ju:] туфля shop [Jop] магазин; go shopping — ходити за покупками shop-assistant ['Jopa.sistant] npo- давець shore [Jo:] берег (озера, моря) short [Jo:t] 1 короткий; 2. низь- кнй shorter ['Jo:ta] 1. коротшнй; 2, нижчий shortest ['Jo:tist] 1. найкоротшнй; 2. найнижчий shout [Jaut] кричати, галасувати shut [jAt] закривати side ['said] 61k sideboard ['saidbo:d] сервант sight [sait] вид silly [ sili] дурненький 212
sing [sir)] ствати sister ['sista] сестра sit [sit] сид! та sit down ['sit 'daun] ci дата sitting-room f'sitiprum] в!тальня be situated ['sitjueitid] бути роз- ташованим six [siks] плеть sixteen ['siks'ttn] гшстнадцять sixty ['siksti] ппстдесят skate [skeit] 1. ковзан; 2. ката- тися на ковзанах skating-rink f'skeitirjrigk] каток ski [ski:] 1. лижа; 2. кататися на лижах skirt [ska:t] спщниця sky [skai] небо sledge [sleds] 1. санчата; 2. ка- татися на санчатах sleep (slept) [sli:p, slept] спати sleepy ['slizpij slice [slais] slipper ['slips] slowly ['slouli] small [sma:l] smaller ['sma:la] smallest ['smadist] snow [snou] CHir; CHir сонний скибка капця повкльно малин менший найменший it snows — йде snowball ['snoubarl] сижка snowman f'snouman] сшгова баба so [sou] отже, i, тому soap [soup] мило sock [sak] шкарпетка sofa ['soufal диван solve [salv] разв’язувати (зада- чу) some [saiti] деюлька; some of them — деяю з них somebody ['SAmbadi] хтось something ['SAin6ir)] щось sometimes f'sAmtaimz] тколи son [sAn] син song [sag] шсня soon [sum] незабаром soup [su:p] cyn sour cream ['saua 'kri:m] сметана speak (spoke) f'spirk, spouk] гово- рити, розмовляти spend (spent) [spend, spent] прово- дите spoon [spurn] ложка; soup-spoon — столова ложка spring [sprip] весна square [skwea] площа squirrel f'skwiral] бтка stand (stood) [staend, stud] стоите stand up (stood up) ['staend 'лр, 'stud 'лр] вставати stay [stei] лишатися, перебувати stewed fruit f'stjurd 'fru.t] компот stick [stik] палиця still [stil] 1. тихий, тахо; 2 все ще stocking ['stakip] панчоха stone [stoun] камжь stool [stu:l] табуретка stop [stop] 1. зупинка; 2. зупиия- ти(ся) storey ['sta:ri] поверх story ['sta:ri] оповщання stout [staut] огрядний stouter ['stauta] огрядшший straight [streit] прямий stream [strirni] струмок, попк street [strut] вулиця strong [strop] сильний stronger ['strange] силыпшнй strongest ['strategist] найсильнь ший student ['stjuidant] студент study ['stAdi] вчитися, вивчати; study material — навчальннй матер!ал success [sak'ses] ycnix suddenly ['sAdanli] раптом sugar ['fu:ga] цукор sums [sAmz] приклади summer ['sAma] л!то sun [sau] сонце Sunday ['sAndi] недьпя sunny ['SAni] сонячннй sunshine ['sAnfain] сонячне свйгло supper ['SApa] вечеря; at supper — за вечерею; have supper — ве- черяти; supper things — посуд до вечер! swan [swan] лебщь sweep (swept) [swi:p, swept] шд- MiTaTii, гид мести sweet [swi.t] цукерка swim [swim] плавати 213
т table ['teibl] ctui take (took) [teik, tuk] 1. брати; 2. вгдвести; Bi двести, take a (tram) — С)дати в (трамвай); it takes (you) — це займае у (тебе); take a bath — приймати ванну; take off — зшмати; took off — зияв; take photo — фото- графувати; take out—вийма- ти; take a seat — срдати, зайня- ти Micue; took a seat — ciB, зайняв Micue; take a walk — прогулюватнся talk [ta:k] розмовляти tall [to:!] високий taller [Чэ:1э] вшций tallest f'taJist] найвищий tea [ti:] чай; have tea — нити чай; tea-spoon — чайна ложка teach (taught) [tirtf, ta:t] вчити, навчати teacher f'trtfa] вчитель Teddy bear ['tedi 'bea] irpawKO- вий ведмедик teeth [ti:0] зуби television ['teli.vijan] телебачен- ня; on television — по телеба- ченню; watch television — диви- тися телепередач! tell (told) [tel, tould] розповгдати ten [ten] десять; by tens — десят- ками tent [tent] text [tekst] than [Seen] thank [Oaerjk] that [&aet] theatre ['0iata] намет текст Н1Ж дякувати 1. той, то; 2 що, якнй театр their [без] them [Sem] themselves then [дэп] there [деэ] there there these [di.z] they [dei] thick [6ik] thin [flin] thing [Oig] ixnift im, ix [Sam'selvz] себе тодк пот1м там, туди; there are, is — e; there was — був; were — були це, ui вони товстий тонкий, худий pin think (thought) [flirjk, 0a:t] дума- ти; think hard — наполеглнво думати third [0a:d] третш thirteen ['0a:'ti:n] тринадцать thirty [z0e:ti] тридцать this [Sis] 1. це; 2. цей three [0ri:] трн; a three — тршка through [Gru ] Kpi3b throw [flrou] кидати Thursday ['0a:zdi] четвер ticket ['tikit] kbhtok tiger ['taiga] тигр tights [taits] колготки till [til] до time [taim] 1. час; 2. раз; in ti- me — вчасно; at a time — за один раз tired [taiad] втомлений; get ti- red — стомнтися to [tu:] до to-day [ta'dei] сьогодш together [ta'ge&a] разом tomato [ta'mcrtou] помтор to-morrow [ta'marou] завтра too [tu.] 1. теж; 2. занадто tooth-brush ['tuflbrftj] зубна щ!т- ка tooth-paste f'tuiflpeist] зубна пас- та top [tap] вершина towel [taual] рушник town [taun] Micro (невелике) toy [tai] шрашка tram [traem] трамвай translate [traens'leit] переклада ги tree [tri:] дерево trolley-bus f'tralibAs] тролейбус trousers ['trauzaz] штани true [tru:] eipHO try ftrai] пробувати, намагатися Tuesday ['tju:zdi] в!второк tulip ['tju:lip] тюльпан turkey ['ta.kil шдик twelve [twelv] дванадцять tw’enty ['twenti] двадцять twice [twais] дв1ч! twins [twinz] близнята two [tu:] два; a two — двшка 214
и Ukrainian [ju'kreinjan] 1. украГн- ська мова; 2. украТнський uncle ['Arjkl] дядько under ['Anda] гид understand [/mda'staend] розуиптн undress ['An'dres] роздягатися uniform j'ju.nifarn] форма unpleasant [An'pleznt] неприемний up [лр] вверх; be up — вже не спати, бути на ногах us [as] нам, нас use [ju:z] вживати, користуватися usually ['ju.guali] звичайно vacuum cleaner ['vaekjuam 'kli.na] пилосос valley ['vaeli] долина vase [vci:z] ваза V vegetable ['ved3itabl] овоч very much ['veri] дуже village ['vilids] село voice [vaisj голос W wait [weit] чекатн wake up (woke up) ['weik 'лр, w'ouk 'лр] 1. прокинутись; 2. бу- ДИТИ walk [walk] ходити, йтн; go for a walk — ходити на прогулян- ку; take a walk — прогулюва- тися wall [wad] спна want [wont] хопти war [wo:] в!йна wardrobe f'woidroub] шафа для одягу warm [wo:m] теплий, тепло warmer ['wo:ma] тешите, тепль ший warmest ['woimist] найтеплше, найтешпший was [waz] бу в wash [wof] мити, вмиватися; wash up — мити посуд wash-basin ['wajzbeisn] умивальна раковина watch [watf] годиннпк (ручний, кишеньковий); watch televisi- on — дивитися телепередач! water ['wataj вода waterfall ['watafad] водоспад we [wi:] ми weak [wi:k] слабкий weaker ['wi:ka] слабший weakest ['wfckist] найслабший wear (wore) [wea, wa:] носити, мати на co6i weather ['we&a] погода; what is the weather like? — яка погода? Wednesday f'w’enzdi] середа W’eek [wi-.k] тиждень week-day ['wi:kdei] буденний день будень well [wel] добре; be well—добре себе почувати; get w'ell — оду- жати, одужувати were [wea] були W’hat [wat] 1. що; 2. який; 3. хто; what for? — нав1ш.о? для чого? w’hen [wren] коли where Jwea] де, куди; where el- se — де ще which [witj] котрнй white [wait] б!лий who [hu:] 1. хто? 2. який whom [hu:m] кого, кому; by wrhom — ким w’hose [hu:z] чий why [wai] чому w’ide [w’aid] широкий w’ife [waif] дружнна wild [waild] днкий will [wil] допом!жне д!еслово, утворюе майбутнш час willingly ['wilirjgli] охоче wind [wind] BiTep window ['windou] bIkho window'-plant ['windou, plcunt] ва- зон window'-sill ['windousil] шдвпсон- ня 215
windy ['windi] в!тряннй winter ('winta] зима wipe [waip] витирати wish [wij] 1. бажання; 2. бажа- ти with what [wid] чим; with which—котрим; with whom — з ким without [wi'daut] без wolf [wulf] BOBK wolves wulvz] вовки woman 'wuman] жшка women ['wimin] жшки wonderful ['wAndaful] чудовий wonderfully ['wAndafuli] чудово wood [wud] 1. лк; 2. дерево (матер!ал) wooden f'wudan] дерев’яний word [wa:d] слово work [wa:k] 1. робота; 2. працю- ватн; work as a (doctor) — працювати (лшарем); work hard — працювати наполегливо, тяжко worker [we:ka] роб!тник world ]wa:ld] cbIt write (wrote) [rait, rout] писати writer f'raita] пнсьменник writing-table ['raitirj.teibl] письмо- вий сил wrong [год] нев!рний, невгрно; be wrong — помилятися yard fja:d] подв!р’я year [ja:] pik; he is (five) years old — йому (п ять) роюв; school year — навчальннй piK yellow ['jelou] жовтий yes [jes] так yesterday f'jestadi] вчора yet (jet] 1. ще; 2. вже young [jAg] мелодий younger ]'jAr;ga] молодший you [ju:] ти, ви your [jo:] TBift, ваш yourself [joz'self] 1. сам; 2. себе
МЕТ0ДИЧН1 ВКА31ВКИ ЗАГАЛЬН! ЗАУВАЖЕННЯ Пропонований навчальний пошбник е експериментальним. BiH розрахований на вивчення англшсько! мови як у школ!, так i поза школою (у с!м’!, у шюльних та позашюльних гуртках, а та- кож на курсах англшсько! мови). В умовах школи вш може бути опрацьований за 200 годин. Лексичний запас навчального мате- р!алу пособника становить близько 1100 сл!в, словоформ та сло- восполучень. Методика робота за пос!бником мае так! особливост!. 1. Навчання англшсько! мови мае практичне спрямування. Це означае, що учн! навчаються говорити англшською мовою на ос- нов! шдсвщомого розумшня закошв шоземно! мови, яке у них поступово виробляеться в процес! розмовно! практики. Щодо гра- матичних правил англшсько! мови, то !х учн! мають опановува- ти на шзшших етапах навчання. 2. Весь навчальний час выводиться для читання та розвитку усного мовлення, що дае можливють досягнути значно кращих ycnixiB у вир!шенн! цих головних проблем. 3. Усна мова подЫяеться на репродуктивну та продуктивну, або, шакше кажучи, усну мову комунжативного р!вня. Навчаль- ним матер!алом для розвитку усно! репродуктивно! мови е текста та д!алоги пос!бника. Навчальним матер!алом для розвитку усно! мови комунжативного р!вня повинш стати додатков! питания за розмовними темами в межах опрацьованих на даний час сл!в та граматичних структур. Разом з тим сл!д використовувати не лише запитання до учшв, а й правильш та неправильш твердження, на як! учн! повинш в!дпов!дним чином реагувати: погоджуватися чи не погоджуватися з учителем i спростовувати неправильш твер- дження. Це можна робити як на основ! тексту чи д!алогу, як! опра- цьовуються на уроц!, так i поза ними. Так, наприклад, працюючи над текстом «Olenka’s Day» (урок 14, завдання 2), слЫ спочатку поставити питания до тексту, а по- т!м сформулювати аналопчш питания стосовно учня, який вЫпо- в!дае: Olenka lives in a small town. Do you live in a small town, too? 217
Olenka’s father is a doctor, and what is your father? Olenka gets up at half past seven in the morning. You also get up at half past seven o’clock in the morning. Am I right? Olenka is never late for school, and you are late for school eve- ry day, etc. Для тако! беОди можна використовувати й запитання з попе- редшх д!алопв. Це змушуе учшв самостшно мислити i висловлю- вати при цьому сво! власш думки. 4. У пошбнику немэе письмових вправ, що, як i вщсутшсть граматичних правил, сприяе кращому виршенню проблеми питан- ия та усного мовлення. Отже, зпдно пропонованоТ методики навчання основними зав- даннями е: а) прискорене виршення проблеми усного мовлення; б) прискорене вир!шення проблеми читання; в) забезпечення при- скорених темтв вивчення шоземно! лексики. 5. Ознайомлення учтв i3 новими словами здтснюеться за до- помогою поурочного словничка. Працюючи, скаж!мо, протягом юлькох годин над матер!алом уроку 5, учш одночасно знайомлять- ся з новими словами до уроку 6. При цьому досить навчити учтв правильно читати нов! слова та перекладати i'x на ртну мову. За- вдання щодо ознайомлення з новими словами дощльно давати на кожному заняттк Пошбник призначений для вивчення англшсько! мови у р1зних навчальних умовах. Тому залежно вщ того, за сюльки занять опановуеться матер!ал уроку, поурочний словничок подыяеться на «порцп», ят задаються учням додому для запам’я- товування теля ознайомлення з ними з допомогою вчителя. Якщо, наприклад, урок поабника опрацьовуеться протягом 10 занять, а в поурочному словничку до наступного уроку е, скаж!мо, 60 сл!в, то Тх можна розбити на так! 10 завдань: а) завдання 1—6: навчи- тись читати та перекладати Bci 60 сл!в (по 10 сл!в на завдання); б) завдання 7—9: повторити вс! 60 сл!в (по 20 сл!в на завдання); в) завдання 10: повторити Bci слова. При такому тдход! до ознайомлення з новою лексикою вона набагато краще запам’ятовуеться. На гурткоьих чи курсових за- няттях, як! тривають 2 години, кьльккть лексики для домашнього завдання подвоюеться. Перш шж задати учням вивчити вдома «порщю» нових сл!в, учитель навчае учтв читати нов! слова на урощ. Для економп часу можна вдаьатися до хорового повторения сл!в за вчителем. Перед тим як перев!ряти знания нових сл!в на оцшку на наступ- ному ypoui, вчитель ще раз читае нов! слова, шеля чого учш ще раз можуть повторити ix хором за вчителем. I лише шеля цього учш виходять вщповщати на оцшку. Особлива увага при цьому прщцляеться вмшню читати слова в записи фонетичною тран- скрипщею. 6. Важливою особливктю послбника е те, що в ньому забезпе- 218
чена така повторювашсть лексики та граматичних структур, яка е достатньою для !х активного засвоення та для тривалого збережен- ня в пам’ят! при пор!вняно досить високих темпах навчання шо- земно! лексики. 7. Головним принципом орган1защ'1 навчального матер!алу у пропонованому пос!бнику е лексико-модельний, або лексико-гра- матичний, принцип, що означав планом!рне ! системне введения граматичних структур та лексики i забезпечення !х якомога кра- що! повторюваност! у наступному навчальному матер!алк Тради- цшний тематичний принцип тут вщходить на другий план. ПОУРОЧШ ЗАУВАЖЕННЯ Дан! поурочш зауваження стосуються особливостей роботи з пошбником у школ!. Урок 1 м!стить 2 д!алоги та 2 коротеньк! текста. Цей матер!ал може бута опрацьований за 4 години. Одночасно учн! знайомлять- ся з новими словами до уроку 2. Вони навчаються правильно чи- тати щ слова та перекладати !х на р!дну мову. Окремо перев!ря- еться вмшня читати слова в !х запису фонетичною транскрипщею. Що ж стосуеться уроюв 2—8, то на кожен !з них можна вы- вести по 6 годин. У зв’язку з тим, що перший текст (д!алог) м!с- тить ус! (або майже вс!) нов! слова, на його опрацювання дощль- но вщвести 2 одногодинн! заняття. На першому з них учн! навча- ються читати та перекладати текст (д!алог), а на другому — вщповщати на запитання до нього. Решту д!алопв та текст!в, як! побудован! переважно !з вже вщомо! учням лексики, можна опа- нувати за 4 заняття. До вправ на розвиток усно! мови комушкативного р!вня сл!д переходити тод!, коли ш читання текст!в та д!алог!в пос!бника, н! бесща на !х основ! вже не становлять для учшв значних трудно- щдв i на ц! види роботи витрачаеться не б!льше 35—37 хвилин. Тод! решту часу (8—10 хвилин) можна буде вщводити на розви- ток усно! мови комушкативного р!вня. ГПсля опрацювання 10—12 уроюв пос!бника читання та усне мовлення набувають такого розвитку, що тренувальне читання текст!в та д!алог!в, побудованих !з вщомо! учням лексики, може стати зайвим. Тод! вчителю досить буде прочитати учням новий текст (д!алог) ! запитати !х, чи все !м зрозум!ло. Незрозум!ле пояснюеться, теля чого текст (д!алог) задаеться додому для до- опрацювання. Через деякий час нав!ть таке введения нового текс- ту (д!алогу) може бути зайвим: на певному етат навчання учн! зможуть сам! готувати новий текст (д!алог) для читання та 6eci- ди, якщо в!н побудований !з вже добре вщомо! Тм лексики, що за- знала на цей час велико! шлькост! повторень. На такому етат на- 219
вчання час для розвитку усно! мови комушкативного р!вня можна буде збЫьшити до 12—15 хвилин на кожному занятть 3 уроку 7 починають вводитися невелик! д!алоги, призначеш для 1х в!дтворення двома учнями: один учень ставить запитання, !нший — на них в!дпов!дае. Це д!алоги 2, 4, 6 та 8. Вони мають дуже просту схематичну будову, тому учн! легко запам’ятовують порядок постановки запитань. Якщо ж проста схема побудови та- кого д!алогу вщсутня, тод! шд таким д!алогом подаються ключов! слова, як! допомагають учням пригадати порядок постановки за- питань. Вперше ключов! слова подаються до д!алогу 4 уроку 8. Так! д!алоги, призначен! для в!дтворення двома учнями,— не единий спос!б навчання учн!в ставити запитання !ноземною мо- вою. Другим способом е фронтальна постановка питань учнями. Перед цим учням даеться завдання запам’ятати одне-два запитан- ня !з щойно прочитаного д!алогу з тим, щоби поставити ix своему товаришев!, викликаному для в!дпов!д!. ТреНм способом навчан- ня е перетворення учнями непрямих запитань учителя на прям!. На певному етат навчання, зам!сть того, щоби ставити учням прям! питания до прочитаного тексту (д!алогу), вчитель може вда- тися до непрямих, наприклад: The teacher. Oxana, ask Galya if Oleg is a schoolboy. Oxana. Is Oleg a schoolboy? Galya. Yes, he is. He is a schoolboy. The teacher. Galya, ask Victor when Oleg gets up in the morning. Galya. When does Oleg get up in the morning? Victor. He gets up at a quarter to eight, etc. Звичайно, робити так! перетворення учн! вчаться поступово, причому граматичш структури опрацьовуються одна за одною. Починаючи з уроку 7, учн! одержують як домашне завдання два д!алоги, або один д!алог та один текст. За одним !з д!алог!в вони лише вщповщають на запитання, а один is д!алопв в!дтво- рюють у парах. Другим завданням за текстом «Birds and Animals» (урок 9) може бути подготовка розповщ! про тварин та птах!в за поданими в пошбнику малюнками. У граматичному план! цей текст вперше м1стить ступеш пор!вняння прикметнишв. Щоб якомога ширше запровадити опитування учшв, дошльно значш за розм!ром текста (друга половина пошбника) та д!алоги д!лити на 2, 3 чи навДь на 4 частини. Тод! перший учень читае першу частину тексту (д!алогу), другий — вщповщае на запитан- ня до ц!е! частини, третш — читае другу частину тексту (д!алогу), четвертий — в!дпов!дае на запитання до не!. Велик! тексти та д!а- логи читаються в клас! лише один раз. Винятком е лише перший, •основний текст (д!алог), де м!ститься бЫышсть нових сл!в. На такий текст (д!алог), як уже зазначалося, выводиться 2 заняття (по 45 хвилин), що дае можливють прочитати його 2—3 рази. На 220
оцшку перекладаеться лише пей текст (д!алог). Що ж стосуеться текст1в та д!алопв, побудованих !з уже в!домо! учням лексики, то тут переклад на ощнку дощльний лише на самому початку роботи за пошбником, осюльки вш передбачае деяку попередню подго- товку в галуз! усного мовлення та читання в межах близько 300 сл!в. Надал! переклад таких текстов та д!алопв стае зайвим. Про Ох розумшня можуть свщчити швидк! та правильна вщповии учшв на запитання вчителя. Швидюсть усно! репродуктивно! мо- ви на основ! текспв та д!алопв, побудованих на добре ведомому учням лексичному матер!ал! (в!дпов!д! на питания до пщготовле- ного д!алогу чи тексту), може доходити до 120—150 сл!в за хви- лину. При робот! за пообником у школ! уроки 1—8 можуть бути опрацьоваш за 46 годин. На решту урошв може бути выведено в!д 9 до 14 занять, чого, на нашу думку, щлком досить для грун- товного засвоення навчального матер!алу. Майбутшй час вперше вводиться в yponi 10 (завдання 4 та 5), а минулий час — в урощ 16. Починаючи is уроку 16, у навчаль- ний матер!ал пос!бника включаються також невеличк! оповщання для переказу: «Jane, Betty and Веп» та «Bobby’s New Skates» (урок 16). «Frisk and Тош» та «Two Brothers and their Puppies» (урок 17) тощо. He сл!д вимагати в!д учшв переказу таких текс- пв своТми словами. Вмшня переказувати !ноземш тексти сво!ми словами здобуваеться поступово, на шзшших етапах навчання, без особливого тиску на учшв з боку вчителя. Таким чином, методика роботи за поПбником дуже проста i схематизована. Нами в!д!бран! найпроспш! прийоми та методи, як!, на нашу думку, разом !з вщповщною системою навчального матер!алу забезпечують високу навчальну результатившсть. Основною вимогою до вчителя е вимога вести урок у ч!ткому, енергшному темп!, залучаючи до активно! учасп у навчальшй робот! BCix учшв. I, нарешт!, щодо опитування учшв. Воно повинно бути поаспект- ним. У класному журнал! чи в спещальному зошит! вчитель по- винен мати напроти списку пр!звищ учшв так! графи: а) слова, б) читання, в) переклад, г) в!дпов!д! на запитання, д) постановка запитань, е) переказ (у к!нщ роботи за пошбником). Такий шдх!д до опитування дае можливкть учням брати участь у вс!х видах навчально! роботи, а вчителю — ор!ентуватись, як встигають учш з р!зних мовних аспектов. Осюльки пос!бник мае експериментальний характер, ми зац!- кавлеш в одержанн! зауважень та пропозицш щодо його подаль- шого вдосконалення. 1х можна надсилати на адресу: 290000 м. Льв!в, вул. Ушверситетська, 1. МП «Слово».
CONTENTS Lesson 1................................................................3 Lesson 2................................................................5 Lesson 3................................................................9 Lesson 4...............................................................14 Lesson 5...............................................................19 Lesson 6.......................................................... .... 26 Lesson 7...............................................................32 Lesson 8...............................................................38 Lesson 9...............................................................46 Lesson 10...............................................................57 Lesson 11...............................................................66 Lesson 12...............................................................75 Lesson 13...............................................................86 Lesson 14...............................................................96 Lesson 15..............................................................110 Lesson 16..............................................................123 Lesson 17..............................................................139 Lesson 18..............................................................156 Lesson 19..............................................................170 Lesson 20..............................................................185 Vocabulary...............................................................202 Методичн! вказ!вки ......................................................217